Oxalate Spreadsheet With Tabs Dated 2 Mar 2013
Category Calc Level Item Total Oxalate (mg) per 100g Total Soluble Oxalate (mg) per 100g Serving Size Serving (g) Calc Oxalate per serving Calc Soluble (mg) Oxalate per serving % Soluble Oxalate Baking Items Baking Items Baking Items Baking Items VL VL L L Baking Products, Baking Powder Baking Products, Baking Soda Baking Products, Cream of Tartar Baking Products, Yeast, active dry, Fleishmann's Gelatin, Unflavored, Knox Gelatin, Unflavored, Knox, 1 tbsp (envelope)= 4 servings Guar Gum, 1/2 cup Guar Gum, tbsp Guar Gum, tsp Malt, Powder 2.20 0.00 35.00 32.50 32.50 1 tsp 5.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 0 0 0 100 1 tsp 1 tbsp 3.00 1.05 12.30 4.00 Baking Items Baking Items VL VL 6.00 6.00 5.40 5.40 1 tsp 1 tbsp 1.50 0.09 7.00 0.42 0.08 0.38 90 90 Baking Items Baking Items Baking Items Baking Items Baking Items Baking Items M L VL L VL VL 15.40 15.40 15.40 20.00 6.40 5.50 1/2 cup 1 tbsp 1 tsp 1 tbsp 1 tsp 1 tsp 60.00 9.24 7.50 1.16 2.50 0.39 12.30 2.46 3.30 0.25 5.20 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.29 0 0 0 0 85 85 Salt, Artesian, Oz Tukka 7.50 Salt, Celtic, Light Grey, Selina Naturally Salt, Celtic, Light Grey, Selina Naturally Salt, Iodized, Hain Salt, Iodized, Hain 6.50 Baking Items VL 6.50 5.50 1/4 tsp 1.30 0.08 0.07 85 Baking Items Baking Items VL VL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 tsp 1/4 tsp 6.00 0.00 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 Reference Notes Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 Autism Oxalate Project, Mar 2009 Autism Oxalate Project, Mar 2009 Autism Oxalate Project, Mar 2009 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2009 Diamond Interest Coffee.80 1. Vanilla. Real.00 7. bottled Ale.00 0. draught. sweet.00 0.Category Calc Level Item Total Oxalate (mg) per 100g 0.80 1.00 1. Robinsons Beer. brown . Apple Cider.50 2. Black Coffee.05 1 cup 12 oz 12 oz 1 cup Beverages Beverages VL VL Gin Ginger Ale.00 0. Pale Ale.50 12 oz 12 ounces 1.50 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 cup Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages VL VL VL M 0. Budweiser Beer. Coffee with Ganoderma lucidum. Nescafe Coke.00 1 oz 12 oz . Hefe-Weizen Beer.50 Total Soluble Oxalate (mg) per 100g Serving Size Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages VL VL VL VL VL VL VL L L L M L VL 7 Up Ale. Ruddles Barley Water. Kolsch Bitters. Instant. Boost 0.80 1. Schweppes 0.00 0.02 0. bottled.00 1.00 0.50 0.10 0. bottled.00 12 oz 12 oz 12 oz 1.00 0. Double Diamond Beer.30 0.60 1.2 tsp 12 oz 0.10 0. Angostura.60 1. Double Diamond Beer. 1. per 100 ml Beer.2 tsp Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages VL VL M L L Cider. canned and bottled Coke. Taunton Coconut Water Coffee.05 0.10 2. Diet Energy Drink.00 0. bottled. Coors Light. draught Ale. draught.00 0.05 0.50 0. 50 0. Lakewood Organic Juice. per 100 ml Juice. Apple.10 0.00 2. bottled Juice. Carrot. Grape. Cranberry.20 Orchard Juice.80 0. Apricot Nectar. Lemon. tbsp Juice. Bolthouse Farms 1.00 1.90 1 cup 1 can Beverages Beverages Beverages L M VH Juice. Lemon. cup 0.20 0. Old 0.80 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup Beverages Beverages Beverages L L EH 0.40 2.90 0. Wild. Lime.20 0.60 1.30 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 tsp 1 tbsp 1 cup Beverages VL Juice.20 0.60 1.20 12. Ocean Spray Juice. Lime.30 0. Carrot Juice.30 0.50 10 oz Bottle Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages VL L M L VL VL L Juice.90 1.90 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup Beverages Beverages Beverages M L L Juice. 100%.Beverages Beverages L VL Juice.90 12. 20% Juice. Apple 0. Concord.40 1. Walnut Acres. Copella Juice.50 2.80 1. Kerns 0. Green Grape Juice.90 Beverages Beverages Beverages VL L L 0.20 1 cup 1 cup Juice. cup Juice. Apricot Juice. tbsp 1.88 0.20 0.90 0. Carrot.30 1. Lemon.80 2. Apple from Concentrate.00 1.88 1 tbsp .60 1. Bottled. Welchs 4.10 1.40 1 cup 1 cup 4. Cranberry. Red Grape Juice. Cherry Juice.00 16.10 1. Cranberry Juice. Black Currant Juice. Grapefruit. 20 Synergy Lager.80 34. Pineapple.00 3. Knudsen's Just Pomegranate Juice. 5. bottled.40 4. Cosmic Cranberry. bottled 0.80 7.60 1 cup Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages L M M L M Kombucha.30 2 tbsp 1 cup 1 cup Beverages VL 0.20 1 cup Beverages Beverages Beverages M M M Juice.80 0.Beverages Beverages Beverages L VL VL Juice. Dole 11.60 1. salted. Plum Juice.00 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup Beverages Beverages Beverages L M VH Juice. Tuborg Pilsner 4. 1. Simply Orange Juice. V8 V.30 4.10 0. Tomato. Pineapple Juice. Irish Cream. pulp free. concentrated.90 3.20 8 oz 8 oz 12 oz 12 oz 1 cup Beverages L Limeaide.90 0.90 100 ml Lucozade. pulp free.00 2. Potters 0.10 1 cup Beverages Beverages Beverages L VL L 1.10 9. Orange.00 1 oz . Albertsons Juice.00 Lemon Squash. Noni Juice. Campbell's 1.00 1 oz Beverages Beverages L VL Liqueur.00 4. Original. 4.00 0. from concentrate.30 Synergy Kombucha.40 0. Organic Raw.60 3. Albertsons. Orange.00 1. Schweppes Juice.30 8. Orange Juice. litre 1. Red Currant Juice. St Brendans.60 1 cup Beverages VL Liqueur. draught.40 4.20 0.40 1 cup 1. per litre 3. V-8.20 1.80 1 cup 1 cup 1 can Beverages VH 8. Pomegranate. Pomegranate Bluberry 100% Juice Juice. filtered Juice. Pineapple. Albertsons.10 0. litre 1.Fusion. Amaretto.60 1. Pomegranate. undiluted Lemonaide. Vegetable. Bigelow. Bigelow. Black. English Teatime (Brewed 1 min) Tea.20 0. Bigelow. canned and bottled Pepsi. Bigelow. bottled Schweppes Orange Soda. draught. English Breakfast (Brewed 1 min) Tea. Bigelow.00 1 cup 12 oz 12 oz 12 oz 12 oz 12 oz 12 oz Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages VL VH M M M M M Stout. Chinese Fortune (Brewed 1 min) Tea. Bigelow. Egg ogg'n (Brewed 1 min) Tea. Bigelow. Darjeeling Blend (Brewed 1 min) Tea. Black. American Classic (Brewed 1 min) Tea. Cinnamon Stick (Brewed 1 min) Tea. Bigelow.50 0. Bigelow.10 0. Guinness 0. Bigelow.50 Stick (Brewed 5 min) Tea. Black. Bigelow. Black. concentrated. Black. Black.20 0.50 0. Black. Bigelow. Kenilworth Ceylon (Brewed 1 min) Tea.24 2. Black. undiluted Pepsi. Raspberry Royale (Brewed 1 min) Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages VH H VH L H VH M H VH H VH 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz . Black. Borgs and A&W Sprite 0. Bigelow. Bigelow. Bigelow. Lemon Lift (Brewed 1 min) Tea. Cherry Vanilla (Brewed 1 min) Tea.20 12 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 1 cup Tea. Bigelow. Cinnamon 45. Diet Ribena concentrate Rootbeer. Black. Black. Black.Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages L VL M VL VL VL VL VL Orange Juice. Black. Plantation Mint (Brewed 1 min) Tea. Black. Earl Gray (Brewed 1 min) Tea. Black. Constant Comment (Brewed 1 min) Tea. Bigelow Premium (Brewed 1 min) Tea. French Vanilla (Brewed 1 min) Tea. Minute Maid Orange Squash. Black. Black.10 0. Bigelow. Bigelow. Vanilla Caramel (Brewed 5 min) Tea. Bigelow. Black. Decaf. Raspberry Royal Decaf (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Bigelow. Bigelow. Black.Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages H H M M M Tea. Vanilla Chai (Brewed 1 min) Tea. Constant Comment (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Decaf. Decaf. Bigelow. Dragonwell (Brewed 2 min) Tea. Bigelow. Bigelow. Bigelow. Bigelow. Vanilla Caramel (Brewed 1 min) Tea. Bigelow. Green with Peach (Brewed 2 min) Tea. Green. Green with Lemon Decaf (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Bigelow. Bigelow. Earl Gray Decaf (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Plantation Mint Decaf (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Vanilla Hazelnut (Brewed 1 min) Tea. Green. Black. Decaf. Green. Bigelow. Lemon Lift Decaf (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Vanilla Almond (Brewed 1 min) Tea. Berri Good 0. Bigelow. Bigelow. Bigelow. English Teatime Decaf (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Green. Green with Lemon (Brewed 2 min) Tea. Herbal. Spiced Chai Decaf (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Herbal. Blueberry Harvest (Brewed 4 min) 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 1 cup Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages M M M M 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages M M M M M M M M H M M M L L VL VL VL 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz . Bigelow. Orange and Spice(Brewed 4 min) Tea. Bigelow. Herbal. Black. Black.00 (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Decaf. Bigelow. Spiced Chai (Brewed 1 min) Tea. Green. Bigelow. Decaf. Bigelow. Sapphire Earl Gray (Brewed 1 min) Tea. Decaf. Green. Decaf. Bigelow. Green. Cinnamon Stick Decaf (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Green Decaf (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Bigelow. Black. Bigelow. Green with Mint (Brewed 2 min) Tea. Constant Comment Decaf (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Green (Brewed 2 min) Tea. Black. Bigelow. Bigelow. Pomegranate 0. Herbal. Herbal. Premium Blend Iced (Brewed 10 min) Tea. Herbal. Egyptian 0.00 8 oz Beverages L 8 oz Beverages L 8 oz Beverages Beverages VL VL 8 oz 8 oz Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages VL VL L L L L L L L Tea. Bigelow.70 1 cup 1 cup . Bigelow. Bigelow. Peach Iced (Brewed 10 min) Tea. Hibiscus and Rose Hips (Brewed 4 min) Tea.75g per 200 ml water. Herbal. Bigelow. Peppermint (Brewed 4 min) Tea.00 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 1. 1. Herbal. White. steeped 5 min) Tea. Bigelow. Red Raspberry (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Iced. Bigelow. Herbal. Herbal. Bigelow.70 56. Bigelow. Perfect Peach (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Herbal. Iced. Herbal. Herbal. Bigelow. Bigelow. Black.00 Mint (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Bigelow. Bigelow. Herbal. Herbal. Iced. Mint Medley (Brewed 4 min) Tea. White Tangerine (Brewed 10 min) Tea.Beverages VL Tea. Black (Chinese. Herbal. Bigelow. Herbal. Sweet Dreams (Brewed 4 min) Tea.60 1. Tasty Tangerine (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Herbal. Chamomile/Cozy Chamomile (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Celestial Seasonings (Steeped 5 min) 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz 8 oz Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages VL L VL VL M M L H L M 8 oz 8 oz 0. Fruit and Almond (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Bigelow. Herbal. Herbal. Bigelow. Citrus Chamomile (Brewed 4 min) Tea.00 Pizzazz (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Bigelow. Devonshire English Breakfast. Bigelow. Taste of the Tropics (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Bigelow. I love Lemon (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Bigelow. Ginger Snappish (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Bigelow. Cranberry Apple (Brewed 4 min) 0. Bigelow. Cinnamon Spice (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Herbal. Chamomile Mango (Brewed 4 min) Tea.00 0. Pai Mu Tan (Brewed 4 min) Tea. Bigelow. Herbal. Black.10 5 min) Tea.60 0. Lipton (Steeped 5 min. Decaf.00 1 cup 1 cup Beverages H 1 cup Beverages Beverages Beverages M M M Tea.43 1.60 1. Black. Indian (1 g.00 min boiled in 100 ml water) Tea.30 773. Stash.25 g 2.00 loose tea Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages L L VL L L L 0. Chamomile. steeped 5 min 0.50 1 cup Beverages H 68.Beverages M Tea. Decaf. 1 72. Black. Green. Black. Celestial Seasonings (Steeped 5 min) Tea. English Breakfast. Green (1.30 water. 1 bag/100 ml hot water) Tea. Herbal. brewed 5 min 3. 1. Black. (Brewed 5 min) Tea. Lipton (Steeped 2.30 1 cup 1 cup .60 TAZO Tea. Green. Twinings of London (Steeped 5 min) 4. (Brewed 5 min) Tea.30 1 cup 1 cup Beverages M 1 cup Beverages Beverages M H 1 cup loose tea Beverages H 675.30 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup Tea. 1. Darjeeling. 1 bag/100 ml hot water) Tea.30 0. Dandelion Tea. Fennel.58 1. Green.30 Tea. Lipton (Steeped 2 min) 3.90 1 cup Beverages Beverages M M Tea. Teahouse Chai. Sencha.70 Tea. Green.90 min. 1. Infused 2 55. Indian (Brewed 4 min.75g per 200 ml 6.00 6. Herbal.60 0. Herbal. Carrington (Steeped 5 2. Teahouse Chai with caffeine. Herbal Peppermint.00 4.75g per 200 ml water. Celestial Seasonings (Steeped 5 min) Tea. 1 g tea boiled in 100 ml water) 78. Ginseng Energy. steeped 5 min) Tea. Black. Organic Japanese.00 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup Beverages M 29. Rishi. Green.00 37.5 g 0. Hibiki-an. African Red Bush Tea. Premium Japanese.00 g tea boiled in 100 ml water) Tea.70 1 teabag Beverages Beverages M H Tea.5 g Tea. Herbal. steeped 5 min) Tea. Indian (Brewed 6 min. Sencha. Celestial Seasonings. 3. Black (1. Black. 00 1 cup Tea.00 8 oz 0. Organic. Herbal.80 2.. Yerba Mate 263. Organic.30 0. Berry Pomegranate.10 0.90 Bags. Honeybush. Organic.. Roobios.94 Tea. Herbal. Stinging Nettle. Mate.90 1 cup Beverages VL 1 cup Beverages Beverages L VL 3/4 cup 1 cup Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages M M L VL VL L VL 3.00 1 tea bag Beverages Beverages Beverages VL VL VL 0. Celestial Seasonings. Mate.10 0. Kraft Foods 0.00 Beverages VL 1 tea bag Beverages L 40. Herbal. Kukicha (Twig).20 1. Raw Dandelion Root 29. brew time 1 minute Tea. Herbal. Filtered Water.00 in 8 oz boiling water for 4 min Tea.50 Cut Tea. Herbal.40 Seasonings. Seedless.30 Seasonings. Herbal. ORG Rose Hips. Herbal. Valerian Root Cut Tea. Celestial 0.8 g 3. Herbal. Ojibwa Tea. Herbal. Green (1. Roasted Tea. 1 bag steeped 2. Herbal.10 Seasonings Tea.20 1. Roastaroma. P'au D'arco 3.20 1 cup 1 cup 1 tsp 1 cup 2.30 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 2 tsp 1 cup Tea. Licorice Root. Celestial 0.Beverages VL Tea. Sleepy Time. Flavored. Vanilla 0. Herbal. Herbal. Strand Tea Co. steeped 5 min Tea. Herbal. (Brewed 5 min) Water Water. brew time 5 min Tea. Herbal.60 Tea.40 Tea. Traditional Medicinals (Brewed 5 min) Tea. Organic.11 94. Senna 0.11 1128. Strand Tea Co.40 244. brew time 10 min Tea. Celestial 1.00 1 cup . Herbal. 2 g 0.37 Red. Horsetail Grass Tea 1.5 tbsp 1 cup Beverages L 0. Herbal.60 3.49 21. Crystal Light. Herbal. Roastaroma. Honeybush. brew time 4 minutes Tea.30 1.40 1 cup Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages L L VL L M L 1 cup 1. Madagascar. ALVITA Tea. Cut Tea. Strand. 00 1 cup Beverages Beverages VL VL 0. per 100 ml Wine. Rose. bottled 0. Crystal Light. Kraft Foods Water.00 0. Bourbon 0. Fortified. Hirondelle Wine. Vermouth. Port. Vermouth.00 0.00 1 oz Beverages VL 0.00 1 oz Beverages VL Wine. dry. extra dry.Beverages VL Water.00 4 oz Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages Beverages VL VL VL VL VL VL Wine. 0. Fortified. Flavored. Holland House 0. per litre Wine. ruby Wine.00 0.20 0.5 oz 0.00 Lemonade. Sherry. Martini & Rossi 0. bottled.50 0. White Wine.00 Martini & Rossi Wine. Red. bottled. Spring Whiskey. Marsala. Beaujolais Wine.20 1 oz Beverages Beverages Beverages VL VL VL Whiskey.30 1.00 0. sweet. Rose. homemade Wine. Pink 0. Old No 7.00 5 oz . Jack Daniels.00 1.00 0. . 00 5.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.Serving (g) Calc Oxalate per serving 356.00 0.00 3.00 6.01 Calc Soluble (mg) % Soluble Oxalate Oxalate per serving 0.00 0.60 0.35 224.00 0.00 0.00 366. Winter 2010 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 28.00 6. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.00 5.00 0.41 3.00 3.00 236. April 2007 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.60 0 100 0 100 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.91 356.00 0.60 0.00 7.00 0. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.00 0.07 0.00 100. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.71 370. Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.00 1.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 92 100 Reference Notes 0.00 0 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 3.90 2.60 0 0 0 100 100 236.00 0.00 0. Addendum Fall 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.00 355.00 0.85 356.00 1.00 0.50 0.00 2. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.42 240.41 356.42 3.56 356.00 0.18 0.19 354. 00 240. Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.61 3. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.50 0. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.84 240. Sub with May 2011 Cranberry or Green Grape Juice (low) VP Newsletter.00 4.23 240.00 6. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 5.00 0 . Addendum Spring 2007 247.74 315.00 1.25 3.08 0.00 2. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.00 14. Addendum Fall 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Autism Oxalate Project.50 236.50 2. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.48 22 100 0. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.09 240.00 30.92 61 100 100 253.00 3.06 0 28 100 250.96 100 41 100 236.00 2.24 1. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.05 0. Jan-Feb 2011 VP Newsletter.83 30.00 3.51 0.00 1.00 0.50 340. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.18 100 0 27 VP Newsletter.00 4. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.00 1.248.08 15.25 244.86 250.00 1.00 0.00 3.73 0.00 1.00 53.00 10.06 0.75 250.92 6.46 6.00 4. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.50 3.00 250.28 0.25 3.00 0.00 0.00 100 93 57 50 100 50 0 15. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.96 2.01 0.48 0.25 0.25 250.00 0.01 237. 00 3.00 0.00 2.08 356.26 100 88 40 240.77 0.00 8.24 86 239.08 0. Nov 2009 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2010 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 250.18 24.56 240.00 0.00 3. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.96 243.11 240. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 3.00 2.25 0.12 18.00 0 28. Addendum Fall 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.00 0.00 100 100 0 0 0 240.50 0.00 100 83 0 Autism Oxalate Project.50 0.50 240.00 10.00 6.00 2. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter.50 243.00 21. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter.72 2.11 10.00 3.60 23.84 0.00 240.38 8.55 0.29.88 100 0 100 252.50 8. Addendum Summer 2012 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.57 10. Addendum Fall 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.72 74 50 100 240.24 0. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter.00 8.75 9.00 0.70 12.45 249.57 253.15 0. May 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.00 0. Mar 2011 VP Newsletter.39 2.50 3.00 14.00 0 0 .00 0.24 356.24 3. Addendum Fall 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.00 9.00 0.88 3.24 100 250. Jan-Feb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. Mar 2011 VP Newsletter.00 0.00 0 30.00 0.00 1. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240.00 10.00 0.00 0.70 240.00 12.00 11.90 370.36 356.00 0.71 370.00 0.20 240. Addendum Spring 2007 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.20 240.40 240.00 240.40 0.00 0.90 0.00 26.00 0.00 15.00 24.00 11.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 240.89 356.00 18.00 0.00 26.00 16.71 240.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 23.00 3.00 0.00 240.00 0.00 240.74 240.10 240.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.00 19.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 240.00 0.00 26.00 0.40 240.00 240.40 240.80 240.00 0.00 10.00 0.37 356.00 26.00 0.00 0.25 372. Addendum Spring 2007 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 356.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 11.00 0.00 0.30 240.00 0.00 0.00 0.249.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0.10 0.40 240.50 240.00 240.00 1.00 240.00 11.00 240.00 0.00 9.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 3.00 240.00 9.00 8.00 240.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.60 240.00 0.40 240.00 9.00 0.40 240.00 0. Addendum Spring 2007 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 240.00 0.00 0.50 240.00 11.00 9.00 0.00 14.00 10.90 0.240.00 9.40 240.40 240.00 0.00 240.00 2.00 0.60 240.00 0.00 18.00 18.00 7.00 1.00 0.00 11.00 11.00 12.00 12.00 9.00 0.00 0.90 240.00 0 0 0 0 240.20 240.00 0.00 0.00 240.00 13.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.60 240.00 18.80 240.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 240.00 0.10 240.00 240. 00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 240.00 1.00 0.00 0.40 240.30 0.00 1. Addendum Spring 2007 240.50 240.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 .00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0 0 240.00 13.00 240.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 240.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 240.00 240.00 8.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240.00 0. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.00 0.90 240.00 0.50 240.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.00 240.40 240.00 1.00 237.00 0.00 0 240.00 240.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.50 240.00 18.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 240.00 0.00 0.00 240.00 0.00 2.240.80 240.80 240.20 240.70 0.00 1.00 9.00 0.60 0.00 2. 00 13.90 14. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter. Aug 2010 VP Newsletter.00 1.00 0 100 0 240.50 240.00 0. May 2011 VP Newsletter.50 19.00 0 237.00 0.00 237.00 9.93 0.00 100 0 240.00 9.90 237.50 0.00 3.10 0.30 0.00 0 240.00 17.50 0.10 240.60 237.90 100 VP Newsletter.60 0. Addendum Winter 2010 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.90 0.10 0.00 16. Addendum Fall 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.30 237.70 1.40 240.00 19.00 8.00 5.90 13. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter.00 1.00 1. Addendum Spring 2007 237. Addendum Spring 2007 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.50 2.50 16.70 224.33 13.00 14. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.00 5.00 1. Addendum Fall 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.10 0.30 0 100 2.00 0 0 237.00 0 237. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.00 7.00 102 100 100 100 100 0 .42 1.00 6.30 3.00 18. Addendum Fall 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.90 16.90 100 237.00 0.00 8. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.80 237.50 0. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter.00 1.00 0 237.2. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter. 00 1.76 2.10 100 0.50 0.10 100.00 224.90 237.60 100 2. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.00 100 224.70 8.00 236.00 0. April 2007 VP Newsletter.70 100 100 100 98 100 100 100 237.60 224.60 240. Addendum Winter 2010 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.00 0.00 0.00 100 0 VP Newsletter.40 224.50 0. Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.10 1. Addendum Spring 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter.00 1. Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Summer 2009 237.90 0.00 2. Aug 2010 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Summer 2010 Autism Oxalate Project.60 0. Mar 2011 VP Newsletter.50 100 224.50 237.00 0.90 2.00 0 0 0 .00 0.90 0.00 0. Addendum Fall 2012 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Fall 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.40 0.00 7.00 0.50 7. Aug 2010 Autism Oxalate Project.00 6.224.00 1. May 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.00 1.60 4.10 1.00 0.00 6. Feb 2012 VP Newsletter.10 0.80 100 100 100 100 100 100 1.90 0.68 0.00 4.80 1.00 0.90 4. Aug 2010 Autism Oxalate Project.00 0.39 0.90 1.50 4.90 1.00 1.00 8.73 0.90 240.58 2.50 0. May 2011 VP Newsletter.10 237. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.40 100 100.00 1. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.64 1. Aug 2010 Autism Oxalate Project. 00 0 0.00 0.20 0.06 0 100 VP Newsletter.00 0.00 0. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.00 13.236.13 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.00 28.50 0. Addendum Winter 2010 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.00 0.00 0 112.00 0.00 0. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. Addendum Summer 2010 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 44.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 28.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter. April 2007 VP Newsletter.60 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . White Chocolate Bar.00 cup Chips.00 95. Chocolate. Hershey's Candies. Chocolate.50 73.00 107. Chocolate Bar.00 2 candies VH 140.70 31. Milk Chocolate Candies. Mars Candies.20 29. Chocolate Bar. Nestle. 1/2 462.10 Callebaut Chips. Dark Chocolate Chip Truffle.80 20 pieces L 17.90 1 tbsp . Chatfield's.50 34.70 1/2 cup Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates VH Carob Powder.30 1 bar 1 bar EH 328. 8. Laramie Coop 4.70 4. See's Carob Chips.60 1 candy VH 152.70 1/2 cup Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates L VL Chips.90 58.50 5. 20 pieces Candies.20 1 tbsp EH Carob Powder.10 Ghirardelli Candies.40 Premier. Hershey. 1 tbsp 1 oz 1. 1 tbsp 462. See's Candies. 2. See's Total Oxalate Total Soluble (mg) per 100g Oxalate (mg) per 100g 48. White Chocolate Key Lime Truffle. Cadbury. Dark Almond.00 1 candy L Candies.50 7 blocks EH VH 57. Mars.20 3 sections VL 1. Dark Chocolate Truffle.10 1 candy EH 145. White Morsels. Hershey's Milk Chocolate (real milk) 107. 3 Musketeers.00 22. White Chocolate Apple Pie Truffle.00 29. Chocolate. See's Candies. Chocolate Bar. M&Ms. See's Candies. Chocolate.50 Serving Size 1 bar VH 52. Chocolate Bar.00 29. 6. Chatfield's. Milk Chocolate.00 1 candy M 72.20 1/2 cup EH 51.8 oz) Candies.Category Calc Level Item Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates VH Candies. large size (2. Hershey.00 127. White Chocolate chunks. powder. cocoa processed w/alkali and carob powder. Sugar Free.00 w/alkali. Dutch Process 170. French Vanilla Cocoa Powder. Safeway Dark Chocolate.60 48.00 . Nestle. 2.50 1 brownie (2 in. Droste Cocoa Cocoa Powder.00 1/2 cup EH 529. Dark Chocolate 213.60 56. canned 68.00 1 pkt uncalculated 567.00 H Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates H Fudge Brownie Mix. mix only Fudge Brownie Mix. White Morsels. Hot.50 43. Dutch Process with alkali. 1 tbsp Cocoa Powder. Droste Cocoa Cocoa Powder. Betty Crocker. 3 tbsp Cocoa Powder.40 1.60 1 brownie (2 in. Dutch Process 796. Safeway Select Cocoa Powder. 1/2 cup 2.80 103.Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates Carob and Chocolates L Chips. oil removed 796.00 1 tbsp EH 170.10 Torani Chocolate. Safeway Dark Chocolate. mix only Ovaltine. Betty Crocker.90 1/2 cup L EH Chocolate Syrup.00 3 tbsp M 24.00 Cocoa Mix. Dutch Process w/alkali. Premier. Dutch Process w/alkali.00 0. sq) 75.00 1/4 cup 3 tbsp VH 1 tbsp EH 529.00 w/alkali. sq) 2 tbsp M 88. 00 28. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 2.22 23 80.00 0.00 29 43.50 34.61 70 14.00 44.50 1.00 2. Addendum Sub with White Summer 2012 Chocolate Chips (low) Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.81 69 20.65 2.28 8.00 34. Addendum Sub with White Summer 2012 Chocolate Chips (low) VP Newsletter.21 39 20.44 29.12 68 23.69 0.20 17.85 43.00 0.27 14. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.52 6 60. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2009 39. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.96 24. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 19.Serving (g) Calc Oxalate per serving 60.02 48 28. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 10.87 48 20. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.46 0 42 23.96 40 7.00 13. Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.00 64.78 43 78.00 277. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 116. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.62 1. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 75.00 31.00 0.00 20.34 0.99 Calc Soluble (mg) % Soluble Oxalate per serving Oxalate 17.94 0.72 46.15 4.32 31.00 3.82 61 Reference Notes VP Newsletter.19 6 60.27 0 79 .40 28. Addendum Summer 2012 24.00 342.53 21. Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 5.28 227.14 38 48 12.00 0.40 42.94 0.00 80.00 0 35.44 64 VP Newsletter.57 66 37. Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 60.26 38.00 0 24.00 16.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 0.40 0. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter.00 0 43.00 8. Addendum Summer 2012 11.65 79 VP Newsletter.30 0.16 63 . Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.44 10.47 66 VP Newsletter.48 39.00 2.14 11.00 9.00 18.75 6.00 1.75 0.66 64 VP Newsletter.09 1.87.98 28. Addendum Weight and Fall 2012 serving size unknown VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.50 63. 10 L M 12. Peanut butter. Crispbread.80 .10 13.00 19.10 M 42.20 3.20 3. Tostitos. Hazelnut Cookies.00 2. brand unspecified Crackers and Snack Foods. Shake N Bake. French Vanilla Coffee Mate.50 19.90 55. Wasa. Nestle.60 M 60. Crackers. Crunchy.50 M M 5. with Beans. Saltines. Multi Grain 35. 23. Chicken Coating Mix. original.20 Cheeze-it. Clif 102. Keeblers Crackers and Snack Foods. Glutino Crackers and Snack Foods. No Beans. Pamela's Chocolate Chip Cookies Crackers and Snack Foods.90 14.00 32.00 49. Nestle.10 21. Sunshine Crackers and Snack Foods.10 14. Original Premium.00 2. Very Berry Crackers and Snack Foods.30 Chocolate Chip Cookies.90 7. 37. Clif 105.10 23. Cookies. EnviroKids Crispy Rice Bars. Fig Newton's Crackers and Saltines.70 Buttercrisp Crackers.80 10. Keeblers Crackers and Snack Foods. Saltines. Banana Nut.40 Ians (GF/CF) Bars.90 Total Soluble Oxalate (mg) per 100g 3.60 20.70 Corn Tortilla Chips.Category Calc Level Item Total Oxalate (mg) per 100g Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products M EH EH VH VH L L VL VL L L L Allergy Friendly Chicken Nuggets. seasoned. Shake N Bake.00 M M 9.70 35.00 16. seasoned. Pork Coffee Mate. 7.50 Chili. Hormel Coating Mix. Mothers Crackers and Snack Foods. Cinnamon Graham.70 6.40 90.40 7.70 Bars. Crispbread. original. Restaurant Style Crackers and Snack Foods.60 36.40 2.90 28. Hormel Chili. White 38. Nabisco 18.00 14. Nabisco. 20.00 17. Albertsons Crackers and Saltines.70 M L Crackers and Snack Foods. Cookies. 90 38. Ryvita Crackers and Snack Foods.70 GLUTINO Pretzel Twists (equals 1/2 cup) Crackers and Snack Foods.70 Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products VH 53.70 11. Milano.40 M 42.40 77.40 40.00 51.10 VH 128. Rye and Oat bran Crispbread.00 104. Pistachio Crisps Crackers and Snack Foods.50 M M H VH 35.30 30. Ritz. whole grain. Pepperidge Farms Crackers and Snack Foods. Quaker Crackers and Snack Foods. Pamela's Simple Bites Extreme Chocolate Mini Cookies Crackers and Snack Foods. Sesame Crackers.80 70.90 .90 17. Rye.00 Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products M M 30. Milano. Ak-Mak Crackers and Snack Foods.00 133. Rold Gold Crackers and Snack Foods. Rice Cakes. Keeblers. original.Natural Rye Krisp Crackers and Snack Foods. 31. Garlic Butter Crackers and Snack Foods.50 29. Cheddar Cheese. Seasoned Rye Krisp Crackers and Snack Foods.70 H 27. Keeblers Toasteds Crackers and Snack Foods.00 20. 8. Wasa Crackers and Snack Foods.Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products L M Crackers and Snack Foods.90 Graham. 2 full cracker sheets (8 crackers Crackers and Snack Foods.00 34.70 M Crackers and Snack Foods.90 21. Double Chocolate.10 L H 7. Hearty. Pepperidge Farms Crackers and Snack Foods.70 20.60 M 54.70 Snacks.60 6. Pretzels. Rye. Wasa Crackers and Snack Foods. Sesame Crackers.40 40. Rye Crispbread.10 22.80 37. Quaker 79.70 8. Light.70 M 48.90 M 45. Wasa 20. Rye Crispbread. Sesame Crispbread. Rye. Nabisco Crackers and Snack Foods. Mint Cookies. Premium Saltines with Multi Grain. Rice 46.60 VH 208. Rye.70 19. 1 oz (12 chips). Soybean.80 Pretzels (equal 1/2 cup) Crackers and Snack Foods. Jell-O.50 Kinnikinnick Live Pumpkin Bar.60 63.90 42. Zesta Saltines.00 3. Ryvita Crackers and Snack Foods. Keeblers Fruit Pectin. Mission.90 Gelatin.60 54.80 384. Nabisco Crackers and Snack Foods. Wheat Crackers.40 9.80 M M Crackers and Snack Foods.50 M 23.00 M 20.00 Gelatin. Vanilla Wafers.00 11.00 37. Sesmark Sesame Thins Crackers and Snack Foods. Lime Flavor 3. Jell-O.Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products EH M EH H M EH Crackers and Snack Foods. 100% Organic. Safeway Select Crackers and Snack Foods.00 22. Whole 47.50 17.30 M 32. Wheat Crackers.80 33.60 270.40 1.10 Wheat. Triscuit Original. Whole 86.30 34. GF Crackers and Snack Foods.50 20. Sun Dried Tomato Basil.60 Thins. Albertsons Crackers and Snack Foods. Reduced Fat Crackers.70 M VL VL VL L M 6. Keeblers Toasteds 155. 20. Sesmark Savory Thins Crackers and Snack Foods.30 8. Tortilla Strips. Sesame Wheat Crackers.00 19. Whole grain Rye. Stoneground 7 Grain Crackers.80 Thins. 6. Wheat 42. Kraft Foods Crackers and Snack Foods. Sure-Jell 6.70 free K Kritters Animal Cookies.30 M M M 24. Nabisco Crackers and Snack Foods. sugar 3. Kashi Crackers and Snack Foods. Sesame Rice Crackers.00 15. Nabisco Crackers and Snack Foods. Sesame Rye Crispbread. Wylde 20. Original. Red Oval Farms.20 22. Stoned Wheat Thins. Wheat 48. unspecified brand Crackers and Snack Foods.90 Go Raw . Nabisco Crackers and Snack Foods.90 Grain Wheat Crackers.00 3.50 VH 32. Lime Flavor. Meatless Breakfast Patties.90 . 1 meal Meals. Lean Cuisine dinners. No brand identified. 3 oz Potato Chips.90 Pie Crust. Lays BBQ. Cold Mountain 28.30 74. Boca Meat Substitutes. Boca Meat Substitutes. Morningstar Farms Miso Paste.30 52.60 22. Pacific 0. Lays Regular.20 21.60 48. Lays BBQ.30 15.00 85.50 16. 1 oz Potato Chips. Wild Rice. Stouffers.40 74. Bisquick Original Pancake Mix.20 77.40 48. 1 oz Potato Chips. 3 oz bag 23. Italian Potato Chips.00 15.30 52.40 9. Baby Kosher Dills.80 77.00 45. No brand identified. Nabisco 23. 8 oz Potato Chips. Boca Meat Substitutes. Black Bean Patty. Nilla Pie Crust. Ruffles Natural.40 Pancake and Baking Mix.90 48.30 9. 1 meal Meat Substitutes.90 70.Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products VH VH EH VH EH VH M Meals.00 3. Meatless Burgers.10 0. Chicken and Vegetables. Bisquick Heart Smart Pancake and Baking Mix.00 H L L M M L L M L M M EH VH EH M 24. Vegetable. 1 oz (14 chips) Potato Chips.90 18.60 15.90 77. Ruffles Natural.30 36. Lean Cuisine dinners. Boboli.10 9. Glazed Chicken . 8 oz Potato Chips.20 13. Wallenfangs Pickles.20 Mushroom Stock.40 47.50 69.80 11. Pillsbury.60 7.Grillers.30 12. frozen Pizza Crust.40 13. Red.20 45. Morningstar Farms Meat Substitutes.00 Pie Crust.80 105.30 8. Morning Star Farms Meat Substitutes. Sausage Links. Meatless Chicken Patties.60 27.60 15.20 70.80 10.80 EH VH EH 47. Lays Regular. Stouffers. Organic. Vlasic 20. 1 oz Potato Chips.90 60. Fray Bentos.30 Soup.70 6.00 6. Chicken 0.00 7. Kinnikinnick 1.50 2.60 1.10 3.80 1. Albertsons Soup.00 12. Ranch.20 0.90 Salad Dressing. Jell-O. Campbell's Soup.30 4.50 Chocolate. Chicken with Rice. Chef Boyardee Salad Dressing. Ranch.50 3. Campbell's. Italian.50 VL VH VH L L VL L M L 0. Chicken Vegetable.Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products EH H VH Potato Chips.70 Chocolate. instant. Campbell's Soup.20 17. Vegetable Beef Soup. Campbell's Soup. Chicken with White and Wild Rice. Wishbone 7. Manwich.00 2.10 10. Lemon Flavor Ravioli.40 10. Wishbone Sauce.00 L M M M L VL VL M M M M H VL L Snapea crisps. Jell-O Pudding and Pie filling.10 6. Campbell's Soup.80 8. Regular.00 oz bag Pudding and Pie filling. instant. Ruffles Natural. Healthy Request. instant. 8 69.10 5. Chicken Noodle. Fat Free. unspecified brand 8. Beef with Vegetables and 5. Beef Barley.70 18. Cream of Potato. Dry. 15. reduced calorie. Original Smoreables "Graham Cracker" Cookies. Beef. Sloppy Joe. Chicken Noodle Soup.00 0. Beef Broth.30 8.90 Barley.60 Soup.40 3.60 1.30 3.20 0.40 1.10 5.30 .70 8.70 13.00 3. Overstuffed.80 11. Thousand Island. Progresso Soup.40 Salad Dressing. Jell-O Pudding and Pie Filling. Swanson 100% Natural Soup. Chef Boyardee Ravioli. Wishbone 0. Hidden Valley Salad Dressing. Campbell's Soup. Campbell's Soup. Chicken Broth. Chicken Broth.90 3.10 5. Knorr.80 0.50 1. 21. Progresso 4. Beef. Rice 5. dried Soup. Bob's Red Mill 219. Onion. Thai Garlic and Vegetable. Split Pea with Ham and Bacon.90 1. Campbell's Soup.60 4. Campbell's Soup. canned Soup.10 3. Healthy Request.90 26. Terra Tempeh.40 .00 60.20 45. Minestrone. St Pauls Kitchen. Organic. Thai Kitchen Soup. Campbell's Soup. Vegetarian Vegetable. Healthy Request. Healthy Request. Old Fashioned Tomato Rice. Kraft Sweet Potato Chips. Noodle.60 Chicken.50 41. Tomato. Fray Bentos. Campbell's Spring Roll Skins. Lipton.60 2. Vegetable Beef.50 4. thick Soup.90 7. 17. Onion Mushroom. per directions.50 6. Lipton Soup.80 2. Lightlife Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP).90 20.50 Stuffing.80 3.Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products L M VH M M M M L L M M L M M H H M M Soup.70 4.00 2.20 3.70 224. Chicken Broth.60 1.80 7.20 6.00 9. Stovetop Stuffing Mix. Campbell's Soup. Heinz.30 1. Vegetable. Organic Soup.00 4. Onion. Lipton Soup. Tomato Bisque. Oxtail Soup. cooked with margarine.80 3.10 4. Tomato. Campbell's Soup.00 1.00 Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products Commercial Food Products VH EH EH 79. Campbell's Soup. Lipton Soup.10 2. Pacific.90 4.90 2.30 3. 00 0.35 2.Serving Size 5 nuggets 1 bar 1 bar 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/8 packet 1/8 packet 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 cookie 5 crackers 5 crackers Serving (g) Calc Oxalate per Calc Soluble % Soluble serving (mg) Oxalate per Oxalate serving 5 nuggets = 84 6.00 69.20 32 27 crackers 5 cookies 30.00 2.96 15.84 68.53 7.61 15.33 0.36 25 62 8 crackers 1 bar 28.66 54 47 43 32 40 39 100 100 0 0 61 7 chips 28.79 1.00 3.89 36 5 crackers 16.34 37.00 3.00 5.56 1.46 0.66 3.00 3.94 1.45 14.06 85 23 1 cracker 14.00 6.70 38 8 Crackers 1 cracker 30.18 2.72 10.00 11.00 71.08 3.00 4.00 9.00 8.91 10.84 3.40 33.00 9.00 26.00 10.94 28.54 0.00 0.00 0.30 53 68.00 21.09 8.39 5 .00 9.20 3.06 32.56 11.41 1.52 5.74 118.45 0.06 14.70 2.00 3.33 15.36 124.59 9.00 4.35 25 100 1 cookie 23. 14 0 66 58 15 1 slice 14.60 14.91 51 9 mini cakes 15.00 5.60 16.39 37 2 cookies 27.00 4.61 2.00 3.00 7.28 69 2 slices 17.40 3.19 63 5 crackers 2 crackers 5 crackers 5 crackers 16.92 13 5 crackers 2 slices 16.00 19.18 8.24 pretzels 30.26 13.26 20.00 8.00 16.38 7.00 9.00 7.28 0.00 29.52 14.48 68 46 10 pretzels 60.25 28.67 5.00 5.12 36 52 1 slice 14.28 64 4 cookies 28.44 83 2 cakes 18.82 11.12 2.65 14.01 0.00 21.21 5.00 11.61 100 8 crackers 29.00 21.55 68 2 cookies 25.85 2.72 3.00 7.93 10 .00 35.42 5.00 2.00 15.52 1.00 8.00 7.12 81 1 oz (15 crisps) 5 crackers 28.84 29.25 3. 60 6.30 10.00 10.00 0.00 2 crackers 14.09 20.16 0 42 4 crackers 28.10 37 3 crackers 15.59 0.50 5.00 0.00 6.20 11.50 0.66 2.45 24 16 crackers 31.50 2.00 3.00 14.47 29.66 0 100 100 92 23 100 .76 53 8 crackers 30.21 100 0.76 6.00 2.45 49 40 pretzels 30.53 36 0 46 15 crackers 30.04 2.00 46.09 0.88 13 2 slices 20.15 crackers 30.00 7.24 6.24 22.70 0.33 9.00 75.00 13.28 10 0.07 3.66 0.00 1.00 24.24 8 1 oz 28.66 0.00 1 tsp 1/4 pkg (makes 1/2 cup) 1/4 pkg (makes 1/2 cup) 8 cookies 1 Bar 4.58 3.32 26 8 cookies 16 crackers 5 crackers 30.00 0.00 7.00 12.24 0.00 7.27 16.27 5.00 5.30 51.00 9.00 12.43 41 6 crackers 28.00 115. 00 20.97 12.57 1.33 38.76 71.00 25.00 6.66 58.54 19.50 28.97 21.30 6.74 7.81 65.70 1.66 5.00 2.20 2.1 meal 28.30 8.59 0.00 10.50 0.00 3.93 0.00 10.00 4.14 71.40 18.52 21.93 10.41 13.64 224. dry 1 pancake 1 pickle 1/8 slice 1/8 crust 1/2 of an 8 in shell 1 oz 8 oz 1 oz 3 oz 1 oz (approximately 14 chips 8 oz 1 oz 8 oz 64. dry 1/4 cup.82 42 17 0 67 69 54 79 38 0 22 93 93 94 94 97 30.24 30.96 103.00 5.94 84.00 29.42 1.00 74.00 14.00 15.99 45.00 57.00 40.21 5.00 23.00 62.61 28.85 25 20 15 33 58 1 burger 1 tsp 1 cup 1/4 cup.00 117.00 2.69 109.17 10.24 12.56 71.44 97 91 113 .00 30.86 28.42 1 cup =240 1.83 84.81 62 1 burger 1 patty 1 burger 1 patty 2 links 67.15 28.00 4.02 18.99 1.00 106.86 8.00 0 1 meal 190.16 227.00 13.69 28.25 5. 8 oz 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 227.00 156.63 127.00 19.69 127.00 27.56 0.00 16.76 22.23 0 85 81 1/4 pkg (makes 1/2 cup) 1 cup 1 cup 2 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbsp 1/4 cup 1 cookie 145.00 0.00 260.00 31.46 244.00 24.64 30.00 2.01 32.00 2.37 32.00 0.42 30.00 2.64 64.00 7.49 12.00 2.16 0.00 20.02 19.76 0.99 1.47 0.35 1.62 6.46 0.71 0 64 80 49 62 85 61 86 33 1 oz 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 pkt 1 cup 28.00 2.32 242.00 11.86 240.00 9.12 240.00 14.16 0.00 245.00 0.49 120.00 0.00 240.00 14.64 240.00 12.72 240.00 8.16 240.00 8.88 240.00 15.84 11.10 0.11 0.00 2.24 8.23 3.60 3.84 0.00 0.49 0.00 6.00 6.72 1.92 3.60 7.92 0.00 0.00 96 69 39 27 0 100 0 41 53 24 41 50 0 0 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 tbsp 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 3.5 oz 1/2 cup 0.00 253.00 12.65 240.00 23.28 240.00 11.76 240.00 9.84 240.00 6.72 240.00 8.40 7.00 2.93 240.00 4.80 240.00 10.32 265.00 7.95 2.10 240.00 10.80 240.00 10.80 240.00 16.56 240.00 17.28 100.00 6.60 55.00 9.68 0.00 0.00 9.36 6.24 4.56 3.12 4.56 1.83 0.00 4.32 0.00 0.00 4.80 5.04 7.68 8.64 4.80 4.13 0 0 40 53 46 46 54 62 0 42 0 0 44 47 46 50 73 43 1 oz 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 17.00 37.23 83.00 50.38 24.00 53.76 13.58 16.77 10.90 36 33 20 Reference Notes Autism Oxalate Project, Feb 2012 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2008 Autism Oxalate Project, Mar 2011 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2008 Autism Oxalate Project, Nov 2009 Autism Oxalate Project, Aug 2010 Autism Oxalate Project, May 2011 VP Newsletter, Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 Autism Oxalate Project, Mar 2011 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2008 Autism Oxalate Project, Aug 2010 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 Sub with Glutino Pretzel twists (low) or Wylde Pretzel Rings (medium) VP Newsletter, Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter, Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2008 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2008 Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter. Aug 2010 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2008 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 Autism Oxalate Project. May 2011 . Addendum Spring 2008 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter. Mar 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2008 Autism Oxalate Project.VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2010 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter. Feb 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 . Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2007 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2007 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 . Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter. Aug 2010 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter.Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2009 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter. Aug 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2010 Sub with Tofu (medium) Sub with Tofu (medium) . Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter. Nov 2009 VP Newsletter.Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2007 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2007 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Autism Oxalate Project. Jan 2010 TLO Post. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter. #33709 VP Newsletter. Spring 2008 VP Newsletter. Msg. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter. . . . . . . . . . . . . Bacon.00 20.30 10.30 vegetables 1 entrée 83. Latte. Egg and Cheese Biscuit McDonalds.60 Watchers Entrees.87 119.10 12.40 1 entrée 328. Egg McMuffin McDonalds.86 Fast Food Items VH 13.30 55.30 Total Soluble Oxalate (mg) per 100g 2.00 3.90 10.00 23.50 Watchers Entrees. Coffee Cake. Weight 7.00 34. Sausage Biscuit McDonalds. Weight 10. Weight Watchers Entrees.40 18. Weight 15.00 5. Weight Watchers Entrees.15 4.50 10.00 11.30 1 biscuit 1 McMuffin 1 biscuit 1 McMuffin 1 slice 1 cup 1 cup 126. Dark Chocolate Mocha.87 224. Weight Watchers Entrees. Sausage McMuffin Starbucks.90 90. Seasonal Vegetables (broccoli and zucchini) Applebees Menu Items.70 6.10 Fast Food Items VH Fast Food Items VH 27.60 9.Garlic Herbed Chicken without herbed potatoes Applebees Menu Items.60 1 entrée 41.44 Fast Food Items VH 2.01 108. Steak& Portobellos Applebees Menu Items. Classic Starbucks.00 17. skim milk Starbucks.40 1 entrée 294.00 13.00 44.63 . Weight Watchers Entrees.50 18.Category Calc Level Item Total Oxalate (mg) per 100g Fast Food Items VH Fast Food Items M Fast Food Items VH Applebees Menu Items.80 224.30 Fast Food Items H Fast Food Items M Fast Food Items H Fast Food Items VH Fast Food Items M Fast Food Items EH Fast Food Items M 13.49 171.30 20.Italian Chicken and Portobello Sandwich without fresh fruit (varies with season) Applebees Menu Items.98 1 entrée 5.50 4.40 0.00 9.00 39.00 21.60 13. Latte.00 22. skim milk 13.00 12. Cajun Lime Tilapia without seasonal vegetables at Applebees Applebees Menu Items.40 Watchers Entrees.34 108.20 16.00 vegetables 33.Herbed potatoes Applebees Menu Items.00 19.00 4.50 Serving Size Serving (g) Calc Oxalate per serving 324. White Chocolate Mocha.Paradise Chicken Salad McDonalds.40 14. 20 croutons Wendy's.46 100. Cesar Salad.00 25.43 68. no 3.20 225.00 3. Side order. Chili 11. Side order.30 Wendy's. garlic 21. plain 11.00 12.48 . Cesar Salad. Hamburger.50 1.00 7.40 8.60 croutons Wendy's.10 1 pkg croutons 1 side salad 1 small chili 1 burger 16.Fast Food Items L Fast Food Items L Fast Food Items VH Fast Food Items M Wendy's.00 3.10 1. Junior. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.14 29. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2010 13.50 4.06 18 13.10 34 Reference Notes VP Newsletter.90 61 76 0. Addendum Spring 2011 1.39 79 57 76 57 32 65 77 Not CF Not CF .Calc Soluble (mg) % Soluble Oxalate per Oxalate serving 8. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.48 6.01 12. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.12 7. Addendum Spring 2011 14.43 42 7. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.25 0 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.65 32 VP Newsletter.48 15.78 15. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.94 1.1. Addendum Summer 2010 .50 3.15 5. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.51 56 47 12 74 VP Newsletter. Alberstson Oils.00 0.50 17. Smart Balance.00 0. Canola. Extra Virgin. Canola Shortening. Liquid.00 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 Tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 Tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 Tbsp 5. per 100 ml Margarine.50 9.00 2. Spectrum Oils. Take Control Oils.00 1 tbsp . All Natural.00 0. Mac Nut Oils.70 0. Land O' Lakes Lecithin. Hain Oils. unbleached. Crisco Total Soluble Oxalate (mg) per 100g 1.60 Fats and Oils Fats and Oils Fats and Oils Fats and Oils Fats and Oils L VL VL VL VL 2. Albertson Oils.Category Calc Level Item Total Oxalate (mg) per 100g 1.00 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 0.80 12.00 1.60 0.00 9. Safflower Oils. Red Palm Oil. Benecol.00 4. Vegetable Shortening.40 0.00 4. Sesame Seed. Wilderness Family Naturals Oils.10 Serving Size 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 0.90 Fats and Oils Fats and Oils Fats and Oils Fats and Oils Fats and Oils Fats and Oils Fats and Oils Fats and Oils Fats and Oils Fats and Oils Fats and Oils Fats and Oils VL L VL VL VL VL VL VL L VL VL L Butter. Spectrum Organic Oils.40 6. Vegetable Oils. Albertsons Oils.00 6.00 0.60 15. Buttery Spread Margarine.00 0.50 0.70 0. Imperial Dragon Oils.70 0. Light Spread Margarine. Soy. Coconut. Olive. Macadamia Nut Oil. Peanut. 00 0.00 0.00 14.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 0 0 0 0 82 0 40 88 0 83 74 Reference Notes VP Newsletter.00 0.12 15.50 0.00 0. Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.00 12. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter. April 2007 VP Newsletter.00 13.36 0.36 14.00 14.00 13.00 0 100 0 0 0 . Addendum Summer 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.65 14.00 0.81 0.00 2.15 73 15.86 0.00 14. May 2011 VP Newsletter.00 0.00 0. Addendum Summer 2009 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.00 0.Serving (g) Calc Oxalate per Calc Soluble (mg) % Soluble serving Oxalate per Oxalate serving 14.00 1.08 1.79 14. Addendum Summer 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.35 14.54 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.50 0.00 0. May 2011 VP Newsletter.00 0.21 0.00 0. Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Autism Oxalate Project.00 0.65 0.00 0. Addendum Summer 2012 0.00 0.90 12. May 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.00 0.21 12. Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter. 80 2.60 2. Eden Organic M Apple.90 91.10 1/2 cup mashed 1/2 cup 1/2 cup unk unk Berries.90 Berries. Gala. Golden Delicious Apple.50 3. raw.80 5.20 91.90 3. raw 18.10 14. Bilberry or whortleberry Berries.80 1.30 1.00 3. 1 medium Bananas. Mariani Ultimate Apricots.70 2.60 1. mostly yellow) Apple. 1/2 cup halves Avocado Bananas. Medium (3inch in diameter) Apple. Gala.20 1.10 1. Fuji Apple.90 1. diameter) 1 medium 1 medium (3-in.60 2. Dried.30 2. Apple Puree. unsweetened. Granny Smith. Red Apricot.20 14.90 Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits uncalculat Apple. Bilberry or whortleberry 1. Green Apple.60 1. (reddish yellow.50 1. dried. Raspberries.00 1. Blueberries Total Soluble Oxalate (mg) per 100g 1. with ed ascorbic acid L Apple.90 0. MacIntosh Apple.80 3.50 2. Medium Apple. 1/2 cup Berries.20 6. Braeburn L L VL L L L L M L L L L L L EH M L M M L M uncalculat ed uncalculat ed Apple. Mariani Ultimate Apricots.00 1.70 1.30 6.40 0.40 2.90 Serving Size unk 1/2 cup 3.00 1. Bramleys Apple. (reddish yellow.70 0. Gala.60 0. mostly red) Apple.60 1.30 1/2 apricot 1/2 cup halves 1/2 cup halves 1 medium 1 medium 0.20 . Gala.10 1 small 1 small 1 medium 1/2 cup sliced 1 small 1 small 1 medium (3-in.20 3.30 1.40 1. Cox Kent Apple. Granny Smith. Medium 1/2 cup sliced Apple.80 6.Category Calc Level Item Total Oxalate (mg) per 100g 4.20 1. diameter) 1 medium 1 medium 1 medium 1/2 cup sliced 1 medium 2.50 8. Apple Sauce. Medium 1/2 cup sliced Apple. raw Cherries. Strawberries.90 137. Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits M L M L L VL M M M 8.Fruits VH Berries. Brambleberries. Oregon Fruit Products Cherries. Ocean Spray. Elderberries.40 VL Berries. Whole Berry Sauce L Berries. canned Berries.00 1/2 cup. sliced 1/2 cup. 1 leaf Cactus. Fresh Berries.00 5.10 48.90 13. Cranberries.00 4. cooked.50 canned. or Nopal.50 3.90 0.30 1/2 cup 1/2 cup Fruits H Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits uncalculat Berries. Red. chopped. 9.70 8.00 M M L L EH Berries. boiled 30 min. Sunsweet Dates.00 0.00 1/2 cup.70 unk 1 tbsp 1/2 cup halves 3.00 9.90 3.70 1/2 cup Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits uncalculat Berries.20 1/2 cup 1 cherry 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup Fruits M 8.90 2.20 1/2 cup .40 1.80 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/3 cup 1.00 137. dried 2. boiled 30 min.80 8.90 348.00 0.90 unk 1/2 cup 1. Dewberries 1. halves Berries. dried 131. 1 medium Cactus. raw. or Nopal. Strawberries.50 17. raw Dates. raw Currants.10 ed black M Berries. 1 cherry w/out seed Currants. Sweet.40 2. Sour Cherries. halves 1 medium 1 leaf Fruits EH 348. Albertson's 2. Cranberries. Ocean Spray Berries. 72.90 4. pitted.00 5. 29.80 0.00 19. Sweet. Strawberry. boiled 15 min Cherries. pitted. Cranberries. Blackberries.40 2. 1/2 cup Chayote or Mirliton. canned. whole. Bing. Black. chopped. raw. fresh 51. California.80 15.40 19. Medjool.00 2. fresh.00 7. dried Cherries.50 1. Strawberries. Goji.20 ed raw M Berries. single Dates.90 1 fig 1/2 cup (about 8 figs) 1 fig Figs. fresh.10 fig Fruits EH Figs. 3 1/4 in diameter 1/2 grapefruit.30 79. Pakistan. dark.00 Gooseberries. red Grapefruit. whole.70 7.40 free.60 14. dried. Medjool.50 3. raw (2 1/4 in diameter). 1/2 cup. mixed 18.20 2. chopped.30 3. 3 1/4 in diameter 1/2 cup. Sun-Maid 21.90 1/2 cup Fruits M Figs.60 1/2 cup.50 1. raw. raisins.60 . Amport Foods Fig. Albertson's Dates. Pink Grapefruit. chemical 19.70 4. not packed 1/2 cup. White Grapes. golden. halved Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits VH M H H M M M 3.20 7. green 27. Medjool. common fig 95.50 1.10 8. chopped.50 11. raisins. dried.20 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 grapefruit.10 4.50 9. raw.Fruits Fruits Fruits VL M M Dates. fresh.10 9. Organics Grapes. 1 fig. raw. not packed Gooseberries. common 95. dried. variety unspecified Gooseberries. variety unspecified Fig. small.20 7.00 9. California 4.30 1 date 1/2 cup 1/2 cup Fruits Fruits Fruits VL EH M 2.10 10.00 3.common fig 20.30 1/2 cup Fruits H Figs.00 5. mission.00 10. pitted.70 12. dried. 50 2.70 1. Jams or Preserves. 10. Jams or Preserves.50 1 tbsp Fruits L 1 tbsp Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits VH H VL L 6.10 diameter). 1/2 cup Guava. slice Lime. Concord Grapes. 1 medium 7. Thompson Seedless.40 1 tbsp 49.60 0. Seedless 1 grape Grapes. Red Plum. per 1/8 in. (green).50 3. raw (2 1/4 in diameter)* 37. 6. fresh.00 6.50 1 lime .00 3. Thompson Seedless. Green (Sultana). Jams or Preserves. Smuckers Jellies. Seedless 1/2 cup Grapes.60 1 medium Fruits EH Guava.10 5.50 8.30 Pineapple.40 23. Red.00 3.20 1 tbsp 8. All fruit Kiwi. 1/2 cup sliced Kiwi. 1.50 1 slice Fruits M 0.30 1 tbsp 8. (green).10 5. 1/2 cup 56. Orange Marmalade.20 2.40 0. Grape. Gooseberry Preserves. Swiss Hero Jellies.80 Lingonberry Syrup Jellies. dried. raisins Grapes.90 Strawberry. 1 cup Grapes.50 1/2 cup sliced 1 medium w/out skin 1 kumquat 1 lemon Fruits VL Lemon. Smuckers 28. Jams.50 1 tbsp Fruits L Jellies. or Preserves. Red. not packed 1 grape 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 cup Fruits EH 56.80 0.50 1.00 1 tbsp Fruits VL 1.60 1/2 cup Fruits M Fruits L Fruits M Fruits L Jellies. Jams or Preserves. raw (2 1/4 in 3.Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits L M VL L VL VL Grapes.50 0. Jams or Preserves. or Preserves. Concord.50 22.70 1.60 2. raw Kumquat Lemon.80 16.50 2. raw (2 in diameter) 7. Albertsons Jellies.30 0. Jams.60 1/2 cup 1/2 cup.50 2.30 2.10 5. Albertsons Jellies. dried.70 2.60 1. Spanish. Albertsons Olives.90 1 medium 1/2 cup.80 3. canned. pitted (approx 19 olives) 1/2 cup pitted Fruits M 13. 52.70 1/2 cup pieces 6 slices 1 mango 1/2 cup. Lindasy Orange. Lindasy Olives. raw 0. pitted (approx 19 olives) 1 medium Melons.30 4.00 2.50 2.90 5 olives Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits H M M L 3. canned.20 12. diced 1/2 cup. Honeydew Melons.70 medium Olives.Fruits VL Lychee or Litchee.80 3. canned.90 0.70 cup. 6 olives. green. pitted Fruits M 18.00 8.70 2. brand not specified Olives. 1/2 45. Albertsons Olives. 1 13. Clementine Orange. Del Monte Orange.70 20.70 2.30 Fruits VH Olives.60 Manzanilla. pitted Olives.50 6 olives Fruits Fruits Fruits L VH VH 1.40 1. green.60 Manzanilla. Mariani Philippine Mango.90 medium. stuffed with pimento. Cantaloupe Melons.30 1 medium 1 medium .20 1. cubed 1 cup. Mandarin. Honeydew 7. 52. Cantaloupe Melons. raw 0. Spanish. Watermelon. black. canned.10 unk Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits M M L L M L L L VL VL M M VL Mango.50 2. 1 45. canned. fresh Melons.50 0.90 brand not specified Olives. green. 1/2 cup pieces Mango. diced 1/2 cup pieces 1/2 cup diced 1 medium (2 1/2 in diameter 1/2 cup. 5 olives. canned. 13. Mandarin.30 Nectarines 5.00 0.20 18. black.20 13.60 1 cup. black.60 cup. pitted. Navel 28. Muskmelon. 1/2 cup.10 23. black.10 1 medium 1/2 cup 0.00 Melons. 1/2 51.10 0.50 1/2 cup. canned. raw. cubed 2. Casaba Melons. 51.40 1. raw Orange. stuffed with pimento.60 3. green. raw 1.60 pitted. variety not spiecified* Papaya.50 1 medium Fruits Fruits M H Pears.Fruits Fruits L L Orange.10 3. Hachiya 23. cored and sliced Fruits H Pears.70 3. wild. Pureed Pears. canned.80 1 jar 1/2 cup 1 medium 1 medium 1 medium Fruits Fruits M M Persimmons. peeled Pears. Dole. Bartlett. Sweet (also called 1.10 5. unpeeled Persimmons. raw. chunks.40 1 medium (3 in diameter) 1 passion fruit 1/2 cup 1 peach Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits VL M L H Passion Fruit or Granadilla 1.90 2. Del 6.50 diameter) Pears.70 2. crushed or sliced.10 0. raw.90 1 small Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits VH L M L H Pears. Magness 20. raw (2 1/2 in 2. Bartlett.90 0.60 5.20 0.70 3.50 4.70 9. Bosc Pears.10 Monte Peaches. mashed Fruits VH 12.70 20. cubed Fruits L 0.90 1 medium 1/2 cup.80 5.70 0.30 specified* Papaya. 1 medium. Southern. peeled Pears.00 Peaches.10 9. variety 1.40 4. lite. Anjou. raw Papaya.50 1 medium 1/2 cup.80 Persian).90 4.40 4. Bartlett.50 3.50 1 medium Fruits M 2. fresh 11.30 not specified* Papaya. peeled. variety not spiecified* 12. pulp Pineapple. Earth Best Organic Pears.40 3. canned 11.40 1/2 cup 1/2 cup . Magness 5. variety not 1. raw.40 1/2 cup.90 9. pitted. 1 plum L Plums. Cherry.70 3. 1/2 cup uncalculat Plums.2 in 8. Fresh.90 w/out sugar Plums. Giant/Common plum (2 1/8 in diameter).90 1/2 cup. Raw. raw (1. fresh 3. raw (1. variety unspecified L Plums.70 19. 1/2 cup sliced Plums.10 diameter). Cherry.30 0. Yellow.70 Fruits Fruits Fruits M L Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits Plums.70 0. 1 plum M 1. Victoria ed VL Plums. 1 plum L Plums. raw (3 5/8 in long) Tangelo. sliced 8.20 11.5 oz 1 medium fruit Fruits Fruits Fruits EH 38. raw (2 8. raw (2 1/8 1. chunks 1 tbsp 1 plum 1/2 cup sliced Pineapple. Mirabelle.Fruits L Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits M L M M Pineapple.40 in diameter). chunks.40 1/2 cup.10 1/2 cup 13.2 in 8.10 0. Greengage ed M Plums. Mirabelle. preserved 4. sliced Fruits Fruits Fruits Fruits EH VH M EH 16.50 1/2 cup.90 1 medium (4 in diameter) 1/2 cup seed and juice sacs 1. 1/2 cup seed and juice sacs Prunes. Yellow.40 8.20 1/2 cup.20 1 medium Fruits Fruits Fruits Plums.40 1 medium Fruits 0. 1/2 cup Pomegranate.40 in diameter). Golden gage ed uncalculat Plums. Sunsweet Star Fruit or Carambola. sliced 1 medium 1. Giant/Common plum (2 1/8 in diameter).20 16. raw (2 1/8 in diameter). Medium 35. 1/2 cup sliced uncalculat Plums.20 138.90 6.70 1 medium fruit unk uncalculat Tamarillo (tree tomato) ed raw M Tangerines . sliced 0.10 1/8 in diameter).50 1/2 cup. raw (2 1/8 1.10 31. 1 plum Plums. canned Pineapple.70 295. 1 medium Pomegranate. Sainsbury.40 0.60 0.10 diameter). crushed or sliced.10 1.10 35. Damson 2. . 00 5. Feb 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter Addendm. Jan-Feb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. Fall 2012 149. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter Addendm.28 77.00 4. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm. Jan-Feb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.00 4. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm.00 1. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm.62 0.10 100 Reference Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Autism Oxalate Project. Fall 2011 VP Newsletter Addendm. Fall 2011 VP Newsletter Addendm.10 1.50 5.00 0. Jan-Feb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.21 182.47 1.00 8.00 0.83 55.62 3.00 0. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm.02 114.27 120.00 2.00 3.28 138. Feb 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Aug 2004 VP Newsletter Addendm. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm.50 9.94 182.07 149.00 59.87 3.50 3.00 0.18 0.00 0.00 2.80 2.47 149.00 3.00 1.83 149.00 7.87 182.23 1.00 1. Fall 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter Addendm.13 2. Fall 2011 VP Newsletter Addendm.28 0.00 2.14 138.87 2.56 0.50 11. Jan-Feb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.00 1.00 76 100 80 80 100 100 69 0 100 0 0 51 72 0 16 16 28 0 0 0 53 18 0 0 .55 2.00 5.50 1.19 65.Serving (g) Calc Oxalate per Calc Soluble % Soluble serving (mg) Oxalate per Oxalate serving 0.00 4.00 5.16 0.94 2.00 1.38 138.75 76.56 118.00 0.48 1.73 55. Fall 2012 VP newsletter.00 2.09 0. Jan-Feb 2011 VP Newsletter Addendm. Fall 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.00 0 122.03 61.60 138.00 0.91 138.66 4.00 4. 49 0.00 10. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm.14 42 17 0. Fall 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.32 2. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter Addendm.38 3.52 0.60 0.20 12.74 0.11 39.00 7.25 83.74 3.00 11.00 0.92 4.10 1. Summer 2012 75.10 56.00 7.00 11. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter.00 37. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm.68 2.90 0. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm.00 2.00 4.86 0.00 13.00 261. Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 0. Summer 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm.00 0.68 65 .08 12.44 47.68 0.00 6.64 56.00 8.00 49.75 39 80.00 5.74 34 VP Newsletter.00 2.40 140.80 76. Nov 2009 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter Addendm. Aug 2010 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP newsletter. Fall 2011 VP Newsletter Addendm.72.80 0. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter Addendm.20 0. Fall 2011 VP Newsletter Addendm.00 10.00 0 0. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm.00 140.30 0. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.00 7.00 100.18 4.00 0. Addendum Summer 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.92 3.50 0.00 0.20 4.09 90.00 1.06 40.35 29.48 75.46 0 41 60. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm.78 68 59 68 0 63 100 16 25 48 90.73 0 37 0 32 31 31 39 VP Newsletter Addendm.00 5.00 102.00 1. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.77 74.95 19 VP Newsletter.99 0. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter. Summer 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm.33 3. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter Addendm.25 75.00 0.14.00 12.00 10.00 13.00 7.85 7.00 8. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.38 10 VP Newsletter.00 16. Addendum Fall 2012 27.23 2.40 3.60 8.40 90. Fall 2011 VP Newsletter Addendm.09 5.40 7.57 98 65 75 VP Newsletter Addendm.62 80.57 80. Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter.00 17.91 2.50 70. Addendum Fall 2012 50.33 11 24 15 18 17 69 62 .56 4.20 123.73 0.00 20.22 123. Fall 2011 VP Newsletter Addendm. Addendum Fall 2012 82. Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.08 2.83 74 16 10 74.65 16 VP Newsletter.00 0. Fall 2011 75.42 74.46 10.00 8. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter Addendm.33 5.25 1.00 15.00 0.58 2.00 6.00 63.16 6.50 75. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter.13 80.70 4.03 0.00 0.46.04 16 VP Newsletter Addendm. Fall 2011 VP Newsletter Addendm.00 17.00 0.00 5.68 0.62 10 20.15 0. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter.00 5.13 0.00 1.00 6.45 74.82 0. Fall 2012 7.24 13 38 92 92 35 35 VP newsletter.94 1.72 10 82.00 46 15. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm.00 1.37 0.34 7 .28 18 10 23 16 VP Newsletter Addendm. Addendum Winter 2010 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 120.27 0. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm.00 2. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm.67 56.48 19.23 83 18.00 0.70 0. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter.22 0.84 0.00 1.28 4.29 5.50 46.60 1.46 78 20.00 0. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter.00 1.00 1. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.48 28 20.96 3.12 1. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter Addendm.00 3.32 6.48 0. Fall 2012 67.74 5. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter.00 67.36 40.00 33.00 9.00 0.18 1. Fall 2011 VP Newsletter Addendm.24 33 20.30 81 20.00 2.66 76.00 80.00 0 90.46 2. Fall 2011 VP Newsletter Addendm. Mar 2011 VP Newsletter Addendm.80 0.95 36 15. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter Addendm. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter Addendm.74 57.59 85.00 6.12 12. Fall 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Winter 2010 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter Addendm.31 80.00 9.23 142.00 3. Addendum Fall 2011 70.00 7.78 36 3.69 10.36 207.00 18.00 3. Fall 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 .50 14.00 11 0 4 0 VP Newsletter.00 0 VP Newsletter Addendm.19 75.00 3.16 4.80 76.0.89 2.40 1. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.00 0.25 0. Fall 2012 82.00 3.53 57.00 2. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.23 6.00 170.00 5.00 7.80 1.82 40. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm. Addendum Summer 2009 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter.94 84.09 26 VP Newsletter.30 80.05 0.05 0.61 124.25 0.08 0. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter.00 7.00 39.20 1. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter Addendm. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.04 160.00 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.30 7.06 52 88 31 71 71 0 74 74 90 100 83 12 12 VP Newsletter Addendm. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm.00 0.53 3.04 2.72 0. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.30 26.00 7.00 4.14 140. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.43 3 3 26 15.70 0.96 3.08 2.00 36.74 2.45 0.03 8. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm.92 0. Addendum Fall 2011 66. 18 124.83 0.00 4.00 7.00 10.52 38 115.71 11 38 VP Newsletter Addendm.00 1.05 6.45 178.14 166.00 18.05 166.00 6.82 0. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.00 19. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.29 6. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.08 4.00 39. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.33 125.28 0.00 15.76 19 304. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm.30 19 18.00 17.11 6.95 1.48 200.00 8.60 19 0 0 0 51 Autism Oxalate Project.00 3.43 29 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2011 112. Addendum Spring 2011 75.141. Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.15 86.00 11.80 4.07 67 29 VP Newsletter.00 2. Mar 2011 VP Newsletter.00 13.84 2. Addendum Summer 2010 304.49 9.97 3.59 11.76 0.75 34 100 .76 5. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter Addendm.75 4.56 98. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2011 113.00 14. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.22 7. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.14 1.00 0.54 141.00 26.00 2. Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendm.56 82.01 61 90 0 41 178.50 3. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.16 0.00 268.13 0 0 2 82. Addendum Fall 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 .50 1.00 1.00 66.98 87.125. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.12 0. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.00 62 18 0 0 VP Newsletter.68 14.00 66.41 29 0.35 82.33 0 76 29 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.18 0.00 5.74 0.00 0.50 6.50 1.00 12.00 3.00 11. Addendum Fall 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.00 0.89 0.26 0 29 82.09 4.00 83. Addendum Fall 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 0.00 1.00 0.33 29 282.00 98.48 126.17 2 0.68 6. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.00 0.00 0. Addendum Summer 2009 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 82.68 0.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 83.12 20.40 46 46 35 47 205.00 17 0 0 VP Newsletter.81 45.00 0.88 0.33 0.98 66.74 66.35 0.00 1.40 0.00 13.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 79. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.50 6. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.00 0.92 0.00 5.68 91.00 30.54 40. Addendum Fall 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter. . Notes weight and serving size unknown Substitute with Cox Kent variety Sub with dried apple or cranberries (low) weight and serving size unknown weight and serving size unknown . Watermelon or Honey dew Melon (low) .Sub with Blueberries or Strawberries (low to medium) weight and serving size unknown Sub with Blueberries or Strawberries (low to medium) weight and serving size unknown Sub with Asparagus (med) or Roma Green Beans (medium) Sub with Canteloupe. Celeste. Zidi. Brown Turkey. Marabout. Brunswick.Common fig varieties include Calimyrna. Black Mission. Brunswick. Lampeira. Zidi. and San Pedro. Black Mission. Black Mission. Sub with Raisins (low) or Dates (low to medium) Common fig varieties include Calimyrna. Zidi. and San Pedro. Lampeira. Sub with Raisins (low) or Dates (low to medium) Sub with Apricot (low) Sub with White Grapefruit (medium) . Marabout. King. Adriatic. Marabout. Brown Turkey. Brown Turkey. Brunswick. Celeste. King. Lampeira. King. Adriatic. Adriatic. Sub with Raisins (low) or Dates (low to medium) Common fig varieties include Calimyrna. and San Pedro. Celeste. 4 mg total per serving and 1.Sub with canned Pineapple (low) or Strawberries (medium) Sub with canned Pineapple (low) or Strawberries (medium) Sub with Strawberries (low to medium) Sub with Strawberries (low to medium) VP newsletter shows lemon at 14.7 mg soluble. . Sub with Capers (low) Sub with Capers (low) or use 1/4 cup (medium) Sub with Navel Oranges (low) .Weight and serving size unknown. Oxalate levels were below the detectable limits. Cox Kent. Bramleys or Granny Smith Apples (low) or Breaburn (medium). use with caution *due to conflicting numbers. Sub with Apple Sauce (low) Sub with Plums (low) or Pumpkin puree (med) or applesauce (low) . Fuji. Bramleys or Granny Smith Apples (low) or Breaburn (medium). use with caution *due to conflicting numbers. Fuji. Cox Kent. use with caution Sub with Gala. Cox Kent.*due to conflicting numbers. Bramleys or Granny Smith Apples (low) or Breaburn (medium). Sub with Gala. Fuji. use with caution *due to conflicting numbers. Sub with Gala. .Sub with Honeydew Melon (low) Weight and serving size unknown. . Thomas. Bagel. Arnold 28.70 41.90 12. Blueberry.00 8.20 31.90 Barley. Arnold 41. pearl. Country White. Thomas Bread.Category Calc Level Item Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Total Oxalate (mg) Total Soluble per 100g Oxalate (mg) per 100g "Say Cheeze" Pasta. Sara Lee Bread. Country (made with whole grain white). 100% Multi-Grain. Sourdough.40 17.90 17.40 10.10 Bread. Sara Lee 34.60 Barley.80 14. nonorganic 7.90 8. Bagel. plain.60 12. Bagel.30 8. Sara Lee Bread. pearl. organic 6.10 Bread. English Muffin. Sara Lee 28. Country Oatmeal.20 14. Classic White (soft and smooth). Thomas Bread.60 Bread.60 11. boiled 60 min. plain. Sara Lee Soft & Smooth Bread.40 6. Cinnamon Raisin. Bagel.30 18. English Muffin. 100% Natural (made with whole grain white). Arnold Bread.70 . Cinnamon Raisin.10 Bread. Sara Lee 42. Namaste Foods 12. Cinnamon with Raisins. Sara Lee Bread. Thomas Bread. Whole Grain.50 Bread. boiled 60 min. English Muffin.60 14.90 27.10 Bread.70 1.00 9.70 21.10 17. Original 31.90 17. 90 14. Hotdog Bun.80 11. Organics Bread. Organic Harvest. Sara Lee Soft and Smooth Bread. Wonder Bread.90 8.10 12. Earth Grains Bread. Health Nut. Hotdog Bun.00 6. Oatmeal.Grains and L Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and EH Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and EH Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Bread. Wonder 45.90 15. Light Wheat. Enriched White Sandwich. Rambo 22. Whole Wheat 100%.70 Bread. Old Fashioned (made with whole grain potato). Orowheat 19. Pepperidge Farm 20. Sara Lee Soft and Smooth Bread. Pumpernickel.40 111.60 Bread.50 9.80 32.90 24.90 Bread. Farmhouse (made with whole 26.00 Bread. Pumpernickel Rye. Pepperidge Farms 33. Smart and Delicious. Light White Wheat.50 21. LaTortilla Factory Bread.10 Bread.20 8. Hearty 100% Whole Wheat with Honey. Organic Seeds and Grains. Whole grain White.30 Bread. Wonder 62. Pepperidge Farm Bread.90 40.40 19. White. Hamburger Bun.00 28.10 18.70 61. Hamburger Bun.20 29. Sara Lee Bread.90 10.70 18.40 Bread. Ivory Teff Wrap.50 16.60 29.20 9. Sara Lee Bread.40 42.70 22. Oats and Honey Bread. Pepperidge Farm 18. Hotdog Bun.30 .50 grain white).20 30. Wonder 26. 40 Bread. organic. Kinnikinnick 43. Sprouted whole grain.30 8. Pepperidge Farm Bread.80 15.40 Bread. Rye. Crescent.10 10. Mission 17.30 23. Udi's white sandwich bread 49.60 14.00 Bread.90 8. Sprouted whole grain. Rye-Ola.80 22. Natures Own 25. Stone Ground 100% Whole Wheat. Rye. 100% Rye Sunflower.10 Bread. Ezekiel Bread.60 16. Round Sourdough. Very Thin Sliced (made with 100% whole wheat).40 Bread.40 9. Pillsbury 13.20 18. Pepperidge Farm Bread.20 25.50 32.80 Bread. Butter flake.10 11. Manna Bread. Very Thin Sliced.10 19. Rubschlager Bread.80 25. Seedless. Mission Bread.60 Bread. White Wheat. Tortilla. Rubschlager Bread. Tortilla. Tapioca Rice Hamburger Bun.20 36.90 14.30 41.10 10. White Enriched. White Flour.10 31.40 International Bread. Pepperidge Farm Bread. Whole Wheat. Sprouted 7 grain. organic. Good Day 36. Rye. organic 39.60 64. Rolls.40 .80 15. Udi's white sandwich bread 25. Cocktail Rye. Francisco 26.10 12.30 8.Grains and L Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Bread. Orowheat 34.00 Bread. Enriched White. All-Bran.70 15. Whole Grain & Oat.90 Cereal.00 22.50 15. 7 Whole Grain Puffs.10 28. 1 tbsp. Manna Mills.50 Cereal. Unspecified Brand 38. Quaker 79. Oatmeal. Grape-Nuts Flakes. Post 57. Whole Grain 100% Whole Wheat.50 8. General Mills 62. Instant.40 Cereal.00 18. Whole Grain White. Gorilla Munch.50 28. Golden Grahams.00 Cereal.00 84. GF Cereal.80 15.Grains and H Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and EH Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Bread. Orowheat 44.10 55. Gluten Free.50 15. Orowheat Bread.00 Cereal. Oats. General Mills Cereal.70 Cereal.00 79. Kashi 10. Kashi 63.20 11.50 40.20 24.30 Brown Rice Spaghetti. 1/2 cup.60 Cereal.30 Bread. Oat Bran. GF Cereal.40 45. Wonder 31. Gorilla Munch. Tinkyada.70 Cereal.10 32.50 19.40 45. Manna Mills. Envirokids 33. Fiber One.60 32.20 15.30 . Honey Toasted Oats. Kashi 68. cooked 15 min Cereal. Oat Bran.00 17.50 Cereal. Envirokids 15. 7 Whole Grain Flakes. Kellogg's 234. Nutty Rice 25.00 Cereal. 37.90 Cereals. General Mills 22.40 10.70 7. Oats.40 34.30 14.50 6.50 15. Cornflakes. General Mills Cereals. Barley.70 Grains and L Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and VL Grain Products Grains and VL Grain Products Cereals. Cornflakes with real bananas. Cornflakes.20 15.70 Cereals. unspecified brand Cereal. Post 26. Kellogg's Cereals.Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and EH Grain Products Cereal.00 25. Chex.00 .50 8. Post 12. Chex.00 Cereals. Corn. Bran Flakes. boiled for 50 min. Frosties 32.90 141. Oats. Quaker Old Fashioned Cereal.90 82.00 2.30 3.70 Cereals. Rolled. Steel Cut. McCanns Cereal.70 Cereals. Rolled. Rye Flakes.80 9.50 12. Organic. Buckwheat (GF) 133. brand unspecified Cereals.30 34. Irish. Multibran. Rolled.60 General Mills Cereals.40 16. Oats.20 9.70 5. Laramie Food Coop Cereal. Shredded Wheat.00 56. Whole Grain Oat. Cheerios 20. Oats. Kellogg's 2. General Mills 70. Cheerios.90 11.10 Cereals. Rice. Chex.30 32. Old Mill of Guilford Cereal. Argo. dry.00 Cereals. Arrowhead Mills. Millet.60 12.00 67.10 21. Special K. Cornstarch.80 Corn.10 21.10 28.1 tsp. Popcorn. Homeland Creamery Corn.10 46. Nabisco 11.80 40.20 1.20 1. Corn Meal. Cornstarch.40 Cereals. Protein Plus. GF 29. Quaker (GF). Argo.10 Grains and L Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and VL Grain Products Grains and VL Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Cereals. Cream of Rice. 1/2 cup Corn.60 18.00 84.1 tbsp. GF. Special K. original (GF) 28. lightly toasted rice 29.20 12. GF 3. 1/4 cup Corn. GF 37.90 42.30 20.00 42. Honey Bunches of Oats.70 42. Bob's Red Mill.30 Corn. Dry. Whole. Argo. General Mills Cereals. Bob's Red Mill. Grits. GF. Fritos. Dry.30 20. GF 3. Self Rising.10 28.20 1. popcorn.00 101. Cornstarch.50 . Weetabix 189.30 31. Kix Crispy Corn Puffs.90 Corn. Quaker (GF).90 3.80 40. Cornmeal. Grits.90 Corn. Chips. 1/2 cup. Cornmeal. Cream of Wheat. Arrowhead Mills Organic 21. dry. 1/4 cup Corn. Nabisco Cereals. formerly Low Carb Cereals. dry. Post Cereals.90 11.00 2. 1/2 cup Corn.30 2.90 Corn.00 17.Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Cereals. fresh.00 52. Bobs Red Mill 26. GF Corn.60 .70 22.50 Flour. Mission. 1 ear 0. GF Corn. yellow.00 145. Barley Malted. Arrowroot 57.90 4. Amaranth 149. fresh. yellow.60 13. Sweet. GF Corn. 1 Tortilla. Almond Meal.60 Corn. Bob's Red Mill 283.Grains and M Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and VL Grain Products Grains and VL Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and EH Grain Products Corn. Popcorn.30 34.90 44.20 Grains and M Grain Products Flour. 2 Tortillas.90 5.00 9.90 Flour. Sweet. Tortilla.00 145. White Hominy.80 Corn. canned 25. Amaranth. Silver Queen 44.30 Flour. Orville Redenbacher's. Almond Meal.70 22.90 0. 1/2 cup 0.90 Corn.90 0. GF Corn.80 1.00 Grains and EH Grain Products Grains and EH Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Flour.30 34. Trader Joes 519.30 25. Sweet. canned 1. Tortilla.90 5.90 Corn. Trader Joes 519. Popcorn. Orville Redenbacher's.00 Grains and EH Grain Products Flour. Mission. Coconut. Bob's 8.70 54.60 Flour.00 30. yellow.60 13.20 Flour. ground.10 Flour.00 6. Barley Malted. Cowpea Bean Flour (BlackEyed Pea Flour) 30. Bobs Red Mill 54.70 Flour. Cornmeal flour.20 8.90 7.70 54. Bobs Red Mill 26. Bob's Red Mill 8. unspecified brand 40.00 10. Barley. Fermented Corn 5.00 30.Grains and H Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and EH Grain Products Grains and EH Grain Products Grains and EH Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and VL Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and VL Grain Products Flour.20 Red Mill 8. ground. Chestnut.00 Flour.20 Flour.20 11. Flax seed.70 Flour. Buckwheat. unspecified brand 23.70 brand (GF) Flour.70 5. yellow.50 19. Flaxseed meal. Buckwheat. unspecified brand 12. Laramie Food Co-op Flour. Corn Grits. Bob's Red Mill 8. Fava Bean.00 260.00 30.50 Flour.00 Flour. Bob's 8. Laramie Food Co-op Flour.20 Red Mill Flour.50 7. Barley. Cornmeal flour.60 29. Coconut.60 Flour.60 9.50 7.20 . unspecified brand 27.70 Flour. Arrowhead Mills 280. Flaxseed meal. Flax.00 Flour. unspecified 7. Arrowhead Mills 280.00 260. Bobs Red Mill 54. ground.40 Flour. ground. Mung Bean. Green Pea Flour. Green Bean Starch. Oat.) Flour. Kamut 6. unspecified brand 6. Irwin Valley 29.50 Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Flour.00 29.20 2. unspecified brand 25. Garbanzo Bean Flour (chickpea.40 Grains and VH Grain Products Flour.80 Grains and H Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Flour. Bob's Red Mill 73.50 20.70 20. unspecified brand Flour.30 11.00 Flour.10 Flour. Bob's Red Mill 15. unspecified variety. Potato Starch. Millet. Montina 31. Lupin or Lupine. unspecified brand 33. Flour.30 3. Pecan Meal.20 9.60 Flour.Grains and M Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Flour.70 12.30 2.80 Flour.90 11.10 19.70 Flour. Maca.90 20.80 1.10 13.50 Grains and L Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and EH Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Flour.10 28. unspecified brand 46. unspecified brand 22.70 .30 77. Gluten Free.50 8. unspecified brand Flour.80 48. Potato Starch. All Purpose Baking Flour. unspecified brand 194.10 29. Rice Starch.30 Flour. Brown. Laramie Food Co-op 20. Barry Farm 32. Rice. Bob's Red Mill 55. Dark. Rye. Bobs Red Mill Stone Ground 28. Bob's Red Mill 29. Rice.90 15. unspecified brand 5. Brown. Rice.10 29. unspecified brand 10. Rye. unspecified brand 108. Quinoa. unspecified brand 28.60 .80 Flour.00 33.00 Flour.10 22.80 Flour.00 Flour.30 Flour.00 110. Potato. Bob's Red Mill 29. Rice Bran.00 33.50 10.Grains and EH Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and EH Grain Products Grains and EH Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Flour.00 Flour.50 10.00 96.80 Flour. Rye. Dark Bob's Red Mill 55.00 Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Flour.10 22. White. Pumpkin Powder.30 5. Pumpkin Seed Flour.40 3. Barry Farm 32. White.00 131.00 Flour. unspecified brand Flour. Pumpkin Powder.60 140.10 Grains and VH Grain Products Flour. Rice.10 Grains and VH Grain Products Flour. 90 Flour. Tapioca Flour.00 73.00 90. Rye. Sorghum. Bob's Red Mill. Sweet Rice (Mochi). unspecified brand Flour.30 8. 1/2 cup. 1/4 cup. Lets Do Organic Flour. Bob's Red Mill 14.30 Flour.00 GF Flour. Semolina. Semolina. White. Arrowhead Mills. 144. GF 42. Soy.50 32. Laramie Food Co-op 45. Laramie Food Co-op 45.50 Grains and M Grain Products Flour.50 6. Brown.90 Flour.90 25.50 30.50 30.90 15. Soy.60 Flour.50 32. Tapioca Starch.20 . Teff.40 GF Flour.30 Flour. 113. 1/2 cup. 1/4 cup.Grains and M Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Flour.20 40. White. Maskal Teff 222. Arrowhead Mills. Bob's Red Mill. Spelt 60. Laramie Food Co-op 20. GF 42. Sorghum.20 40.50 Grains and EH Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and EH Grain Products Flour. 30 37. White Bean.52 19.30 37. unspecified brand Flour.00 156. unbleached. unbleached.00 90. Bob's Red Mill 19. Maskal Teff 193. Arrowhead Mills Flour. Laramie Food Co-op Flour. Yellow Pea . Amaranth. Ivory.40 brand Flour.00 24. White Wheat.50 Flour.00 Grain.00 Flour.10 Grains and L Grain Products Grains and EH Grain Products Grains and EH Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and EH Grain Products Flour. Wild Rice. unspecified brand 214.90 11.00 8.30 Flour. Wheat Bran 4.60 16.20 269. Yellow Pea . American Spice Company Flour. White Wheat.30 25.90 . Whole Wheat.44 10. unspecified 32. Laramie Food Co-op Flour.40 62. Teff. Whole Wheat. Water Chestnut. American Spice Company GarFava Flour.80 16.80 62.44 10.Grains and EH Grain Products Flour. unspecified brand 27. White Corn Masa. unspecified brand 151.40 27.52 25.80 3. Arrowhead Mills Flour.60 19.80 16. Wheat. Whole Wheat Blend.60 7. Bulgar. Chow Mein Pasta.70 overnight. Egg Noodles. boiled for 20 min) Grains.20 12. Creamette. Wheat. Medium. 7.00 Grains and M Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products 17.50 Grains and EH Grain Products Grains and EH Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and VL Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and VL Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grain.60 6. DeBoles. Oats. dry 67.70 West Soy Grains.10 unspecified Pasta. unspecified brand 43. Wheat. Albertsons. Seitan (wheat gluten). cooked 13 min Pasta. rinsed. boiled 30 min. Extra Wide Style.60 3. unspecified brand.70 6.40 23. Rolled.90 27.50 9. Rice. unspecified brand Pasta.20 5.70 5.00 140. boiled for 20 min) Grains.20 Grain.00 Grain. Couscous. dry.10 9. boiled.00 12. Golden Grain Mission.60 .00 27. cooked 10 min Pasta. 17. dry 242. Cooked 7 min Pasta. boiled. Elbow Macaroni. drained. Millet. rinsed.20 9. Cooked 10 min Pasta. dried.80 32. boiled 30 min. boiled 5 min Pasta.40 9. Millet. Bran. Egg Noodles. Cellophane Noodles. unspecified brand Grains.Grains and EH Grain Products Grain. drained. Egg Noodles.70 overnight.80 20. Elbow Macaroni. Angel Hair. Quinoa.00 unspecified brand Grains. uncooked. Millet organic (soaked 9. Ronzoni Healthy Harvest. Millet organic (soaked 9. brand 17.50 32. cooked 16 min 1. Quinoa. Penne. Eden Pasta. boiled. Cooked 10 min Pasta.20 8. Organic Spinach 103.40 11.60 Pasta. Barilla.80 min Pasta.90 5.00 11 min Pasta. Ancient Harvest Pasta. Salad Macaroni.20 27.20 12. cooked soft.50 6. Macaroni and Cheese. Golden Grain Mission. Semolina. DeBoles. Rye Spirals.Grains and H Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Pasta. Penne Rigate. Albertsons. Mueller's.40 5.60 Pasta.50 .70 9. cooked 17 min 28.30 Cooked 17 min Pasta.20 Pasta. Macaroni. Albertsons. Elbow.80 13.70 Pasta. Cooked 18. Spelt. Ancient Harvest 6. Spaghetti. 15. Orzo.90 Pasta. 7. Linguine.60 Fettuccine. cooked 16 min 19. Barilla. Cooked 27.10 5.50 4. Rice.50 4. Quinoa.60 3. cooked 13 min 6.40 50. Elbow Macaroni. Whole Grain.10 14 min Pasta. Cooked 19 min 23. DaVinci.40 Sainsbury Pasta. Fettuccine.70 5. Lasagne. Brown Rice. Cooked 20 min 4.20 6. Cooked 18 min 28.60 8. Cooked 16 19. 5. Eden Foods Pasta. Penne Plus. Ribbons.30 12. Organic Rigatoni.20 Pasta.00 Harris Teeter Pasta. Garden Time. Elbows. Eden.70 3. Tinkyada.90 26. 100% Durum. Kuzu & Sweet Potato Pasta (cooked for 20 min). Annie's Homegrown Pasta. Barilla.90 4. Organic Kamut. Barilla 4.90 4. House Foods Tofu (cooked. 22. Tapioca Shreds. cooked 12 min 26. 14. drained according to pkg instructions) Pasta. Thin Spaghetti Plus.60 4. Whole Wheat Elbow Macaroni.30 8.80 24.40 Ronzoni Healthy Harvest.60 18. Barilla Pasta. Eden. 23. Garden Time. House Foods Tofu (cooked. Thin Spaghetti. Shirataki Noodles. Cooked 10 min Pasta. Veggie Rotini. drained according to pkg instructions) Pasta. Spirals.30 4. 38.70 Cooked 13 min Pasta.10 Pasta.10 13. Shirataki Noodles.Grains and H Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Pasta. cooked 16 min 18. Spaghetti. House Foods Tofu (cooked. Cooked 10 min.20 9. Hodgson Mill. Mueller's.70 . drained according to pkg instructions) Pasta. Heinz ** Pasta. Thin Whole Wheat Spaghetti.60 3. Spaghetti in Tomato Sauce. Cooked 11 min Pasta. Wheat.00 19.50 6. Miracle Noodle (cooked according to pkg instructions) Pasta.60 Pasta. Spaghetti. Spaghetti. boiled 5 min Pasta.30 4.00 Pasta. Semolina 20. Cooked 10 min. Sainsbury Pasta.70 10.40 1.10 3.50 Cooked 15 min Pasta.30 2. Cooked 12 min.30 4.30 18. Shirataki. dried.60 Annie's Homegrown Pasta.90 4. Macaroni and Cheese.80 4. Shirataki Noodles. 90 10. Parboiled. brand.50 7.40 Grains and L Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and VL Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Rice. Long Grain&Wild. boiled. Rice Select 3.60 11. Long Grain&Wild. brand unspecified.60 0.60 8. Chicken Flavored.00 unspecified.30 1. cooked 61.Grains and EH Grain Products Quinoa. boiled. Uncle Ben's Rice.70 13. boiled.40 Rice. cooked. Uncle Ben's Rice.70 Rice.80 12. cooked.80 9.60 Rice.40 1.80 14. GF Rice. Long Grain&Wild. GF Rice.80 11.80 13. Wild. Herb Roasted. boiled 1. Herb Roasted. Original Recipe. Long Grain. Brown. 8. Uncle Ben's Rice. GF 18. Lundberg. GF Rice. Uncle Ben's Rice.00 48. cooked 15. unspecified. Jasmine. Brown Basmati. Thai Jasmine.90 2. White.10 Rice. Asian. brand. Chicken Flavored.30 12.00 0. Wild blend.90 10. S&W 3.00 Rice. raw 12. S&W 3. Brown.60 29. boiled. Arborio.30 10. Uncle Bens 12. brand unspecified Rice.70 14.80 Rice.00 9.70 Rice. Asian.60 .80 0. Long Grain&Wild.20 11. Original Recipe. Ready Cooked.60 19. boiled for 20 min Rice.40 Flavor with Carrots and Herbs. boiled for 20 min 17.30 17. Whole Grain 8.80 2.Ready Cooked. Uncle Ben's Rice.Ready Cooked.Ready Cooked.30 17. cooked 15 min 35.80 15. Wild.60 63. Uncle 6. Lundberg (soaked 12 hrs and cooked) 5. Spanish Style.40 Flavor with Carrots and Herbs. Uncle Ben's Rice.30 17.Grains and M Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and H Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and EH Grain Products Rice. Uncle Ben's Rice. Kretschmer. 8. toasted. toasted.10 4.40 Uncle Ben's Rice.10 2.10 80.60 Ben's (soaked overnight. Tinkyada.00 7. Spanish Style. Roasted Chicken 6. Mueller's. rinsed and cooked like pasta) Whole Wheat Bread 27.60 63. Kretschmer.70 21.Ready Cooked.Ready Cooked. Roasted Chicken 6. Chicken Uncle Ben's Rice. Whole Grain Medley.60 63.40 4. Lundberg Quick Wild Rice. Kretschmer. cooked.40 7. toasted.00 21.30 Rice. Cooked 11 min Wheat Germ.70 Whole Grain Brown Rice.40 Wild Rice. 1/2 cup Wheat Germ.10 80. cooked. Wild. Chicken Uncle Ben's Teff.70 64.60 19. Whole Grain Medley.60 .40 4.70 80.50 17. 1/4 cup Wheat Germ. tbsp White Rice Spaghetti.50 1. Lundberg Quick Wild Rice.20 Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and EH Grain Products Grains and VH Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Grains and M Grain Products Grains and L Grain Products Tri Color Rotini. 35 41 1 slice 43.00 26. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 9.34 0.10 7.95 3.08 1.Serving Size Serving (g) Calc Oxalate per Calc Soluble (mg) % Soluble serving Oxalate per serving Oxalate 69.00 8.00 0 1 muffin 57.00 6.00 18.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1 muffin 57.69 39 1 slice 28.40 95 1 bagel 55.35 41 1 muffin 61. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.54 47 1 slice 43.53 36 1 bagel 95.74 32 1 slice 43.39 2. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.50 5. Addendum Fall 2008 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 79.00 18.00 18.82 47 VP Newsletter.06 13. Fall 2007 VP Newsletter.34 0.73 6. Feb 2012 VP Newsletter.00 15.15 9.61 3.16 39 1 slice 30.50 6. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter. Fall 2007 VP Newsletter.35 41 1 slice 28. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.00 0 1 slice 43.89 8.00 8.00 16. Addendum.00 11. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.02 7.50 25 1/2 cup 97.00 19. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.00 14. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.12 56 1 bagel 95. Addendum.56 7.48 3.00 12.31 85 Reference 1/2 cup cooked 1/2 cup Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Fall 2011 .17 30 1 bagel 95.21 3.50 9.08 0.02 7. 51 5. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.74 6.25 7.37 8.50 6. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.21 6.53 41 VP Newsletter.00 42.00 8.00 19.00 9.00 24. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.08 56 1 slice 38.28 32 1 bun 43.03 2. Addendum Fall 2008 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1 slice 25.63 2.00 7.00 14.50 4. Addendum Fall 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.96 3.00 0 1 bun 43. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.61 35 1 bun 43.39 34 1 slice 22.56 3.63 44 1 slice 25.00 6.00 12. Addendum Spring 2011 1 slice 38.32 20 1 slice 35.1 slice 22. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.52 9.33 43 1 bun 57.00 14. Mar 2011 VP Newsletter.03 40 1 slice 43.95 56 1 slice 32.05 1.23 56 1 slice 43. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.37 60 1 slice 38. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.00 12.00 41.31 7.55 0.05 2. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.95 2.49 8.00 19. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.87 49 1 wrap 66. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.45 8.00 11.00 5.51 15.50 6.97 38 1 slice 22.55 38 VP Newsletter.33 35 1 bun 43.06 46 . 28 55 1 slice 41.13 38 1 slice 15.00 2.15 2. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.62 2.58 2.03 3.40 36 1 slice 28.30 6.67 3.45 31 57.70 4.30 3.00 14.16 64 1 slice 34. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.00 15. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter. Msg.00 17.31 5. Addendum Fall 2008 1 slice 43. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.50 7.43 70 1 slice 25. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter. #23959 VP Newsletter.00 4.41 52 49.00 5.93 41 1 slice 28.91 74 2 oz 56.22 44 1 slice 25.35 6.20 35 8.1 roll 28.54 2.79 10.81 12.96 41 1 slice 15. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.81 48 1 slice 10.00 11.00 11.00 14.00 14. Addendum Fall 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.00 9.00 3.00 8.20 36 1 slice 40.53 4.11 85 VP Newsletter.00 24.30 40 1 medium tortilla 1 mediun tortilla 2 slices 49.40 7. Jun 2008 TLO Post.00 6. Mar 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2008 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.92 10.18 33 . Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.19 6.98 2. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter.75 1. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.15 43 1 slice 26. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter. 74 5.00 0 1/2 cup 54.22 36 1/2 cup 56.00 15.98 32 1/2 cup 21.1 slice 38. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.87 42 1/2 cup 31.30 11. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.00 58 1/2 cup 10.87 2. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.81 38 1 slice 28.00 6.56 3. Nov 2009 VP Newsletter. Mar 2009 .28 74 Autism Oxalate Project.50 2.63 4. Addendum Summer 2010 Autism Oxalate Project.00 5. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 5. Feb 2012 VP Newsletter.93 36 3/4 cup 55.31 55 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2008 Autism Oxalate Project.28 5.02 6. Mar 2011 VP Newsletter.87 100 1 cup 37.15 57 1/2 cup 40.54 77 1/2 cup 25. Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1 slice 38.00 7.88 4.15 57 1/2 cup 47.00 20.81 2.79 15.50 8.90 8. Addendum Summer 2010 Autism Oxalate Project.74 100 1/2 cup 19. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.80 9.68 70 1 tbsp 7.31 57 1/2 cup 22. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.00 5.86 4.54 26.00 7.00 16. Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.00 72.00 13.00 13.08 3.20 0.32 21.00 13.75 9.04 36 1/2 cup 25.89 3.00 15.00 37.32 47 1/2 cup 18. Addendum Fall 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1/2 cup 16.20 40 VP Newsletter. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 1/2 cup 15.40 5.17 41 VP Newsletter.20 0.11 0.28 0. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 9.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1/2 cup 14.00 16.52 4. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.56 4.18 5.56 9.00 3.61 1.00 8.00 0. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.03 57 1/2 cup 32.60 8.73 42 1/2 cup 74. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.00 12. dry 144.00 16. Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1/4 cup dry 82.1/2 cup 40.00 3.89 95 1/4 cup dry 94.55 2. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.55 68 1/4 cup.00 28.00 10.85 62 1/2 cup 20. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.20 43 VP Newsletter.00 0.10 61 1/2 cup 25.50 10.52 10.00 20.00 0 .00 5.42 0.05 48.00 22.00 0 1/2 cup 85.52 100 1/2 cup 14.55 11.00 4.36 38 1/2 cup 14.88 48 1/2 cup 14. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.22 56 1/4 cup dry 102.26 2.29 70 1/2 cup 14. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.00 113. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.00 3. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.88 7.22 59 1 tbsp 8. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.82 100 1/2 cup 16.30 36.00 6. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.00 7.00 7.19 91 . Addendum Summer 2012 1/4 cup 44.00 2.97 96 1/4 cup 29.12 13.60 0.00 24.60 25. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.95 94 1/4 cup 37. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 27. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.52 57 1/2 cup 12.78 10 1/2 cup 65.00 2.33 59 1/2 cup 99.08 0.56 67 1 oz (32 chips) 28.96 18 VP Newsletter.50 3.05 59 1/2 cup 74.80 5.1/4 cup 47.00 12.30 12.74 1.98 42 VP Newsletter.50 3.82 27.20 3.00 35.08 23.27 1.92 0.26 0.05 1. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.48 16.15 59 1 tsp 2.21 44 2 biscuits 35.65 57 1/2 cup 58. airpopped 7. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.26 0. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.41 42 1/2 cup 20.35 23.85 5.00 0.85 14.98 96 1/2 cup 64. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.44 94 1 cup. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 4. Addendum Spring 2007 VP Newsletter.40 15.54 11. Feb 2012 1/2 cup 19. Addendum Summer 2012 Autism Oxalate Project. 05 7 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Fall 2011 . Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.94 81 1/2 cup 82.00 34.60 28 1/2 cup 76. Msg.69 0. Fall 2011 4 cups 50.57 100 1/2 cup 77.48 1.00 0 1/4 cup 28.16 27.00 13.31 89 1 ear 63. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.44 110.84 3. Addendum.20 28 VP Newsletter. Addendum. Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 394. Summer 2012 Autism Oxalate Project. Fall 2011 1/2 cup 51.12 9 1/4 cup 33.40 22.99 5.00 51. Jan 2010 TLO Post.00 0.30 19 1/2 cup 60. Addendum Summer 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.00 0.00 75. Addendum.69 87 2.11 11. #33709 VP Newsletter.00 1.60 5.57 0.37 87 1/2 cup 6.78 4.32 40. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.59 79 1/2 cup 82.69 100 1. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.40 79 VP Newsletter.1 cup 12.49 51 VP Newsletter.00 8. Addendum.33 17. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.50 6.00 25.00 4.00 147. Mar 2009 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.00 145.74 3.10 0.58 4.55 5. Mar 2009 1/2 cup 52. Mar 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.1/2 cup 66.60 100 1/2 cup 38.98 51 VP Newsletter.50 17. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.48 40.76 35 1/2 cup 50.00 2.00 40.40 0.00 84.21 1.52 0.05 1.00 156.80 10. Addendum Fall 2011 1/4 cup 37.00 93 1/2 cup 60. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.50 0.87 89 2 tbsp 12.27 13. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.50 0. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.85 2.00 93 1/2 cup 52.50 100 1/2 cup 51.00 3.55 67 1/2 cup 60.00 20.74 85 1/2 cup 73.00 21.05 100 1 tbsp 6. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.00 4.80 100 1/2 cup 72.00 17.42 3.56 5.80 1.00 168.97 81 1/4 cup 36. Addendum Fall 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.24 20. Nov 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.87 85 1/2 cup 52.56 8.00 78.00 10.58 5. Mar 2009 VP Newsletter.00 21. Addendum Fall 2012 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Fall 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.80 2. Mar 2009 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter. Mar 2009 VP Newsletter.24 100 1/2 cup 74. Nov 2009 VP Newsletter.00 2.00 6.13 72 1/4 cup 26.70 95 1 tbsp 6.11 15.00 16.52 100 .48 100 1/4 cup 30.60 21. Addendum Fall 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. 36 25 .02 89 1/2 cup 61.00 30.00 16.72 9. Mar 2009 1/4 cup 42.70 9.17 5. Addendum Winter 2010 1/2 cup 74.00 1.18 88 1/2 cup 80.80 65 Autism Oxalate Project.44 1.00 20. Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.19 17.48 12. Mar 2009 Autism Oxalate Project. Mar 2009 VP Newsletter. Addendum Winter 2010 Autism Oxalate Project.40 22.57 87 1/2 cup 51.00 12.00 8. Nov 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.34 1. Mar 2009 VP Newsletter.84 1.89 72 1/2 cup 69.00 5.25 63 Autism Oxalate Project.26 19.00 15.1/2 cup 57.32 9.17 10.12 44 1/2 cup 48.00 13. Nov 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.04 37 Autism Oxalate Project. Mar 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.50 53. Nov 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.00 2. Mar 2009 1/2 cup 71.00 8.70 89 Autism Oxalate Project.92 44 Autism Oxalate Project.18 100 1/2 cup 61. Mar 2009 1/2 cup 80. Mar 2009 1/2 cup 41.00 20.61 7.67 12 1/2 cup 42.18 12.65 6.25 60 1/2 cup 45. 90 35 Autism Oxalate Project.00 50.00 22. Nov 2009 VP Newsletter.70 1.00 0 1/2 cup 52.00 2.52 7.88 57.46 69 1/2 cup 53.00 22.20 21.56 78.00 6.99 75 . Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter. Mar 2009 VP Newsletter.00 0.1/2 cup 82. Addendum Fall 2011 1/2 cup 79.51 3.50 5.00 22.20 57 50.18 69 1/2 cup 42.63 61 1/4 cup 32. May 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. Mar 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.49 11. Mar 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.49 100 1/2 cup 79.52 7. Mar 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.69 4.90 35 VP Newsletter.30 1.00 17. Addendum Fall 2007 1/2 cup 79.40 13.60 10.72 89 Autism Oxalate Project.82 61 1/2 cup 64.70 1. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.00 54 140.00 35.50 11. Mar 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.00 88. Addendum Fall 2011 1 Tbsp 5.99 22.61 9.00 100. May 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.99 100 VP Newsletter.90 70 1/4 cup 39. Addendum Fall 2011 1/4 cup 32. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter. Msg.80 19.52 51 1/2 cup 59. Mar 2009 VP Newsletter.98 75 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.44 6. Addendum Summer 2009 1/4 cup 21.30 96 1/4 cup 30. #23959 VP Newsletter.04 25.33 67 1/2 cup 60.28 43 1/2 cup 73.00 47.00 13. Addendum Summer 2012 1/2 cup 42.43 2.24 15. Jun 2008 TLO Post.60 38.32 24. Addendum Winter 2010 Autism Oxalate Project.00 9.34 41 .44 28 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 1/4 cup 41. Mar 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.1/2 cup 64.67 67 1/2 cup 83.00 150.15 96 VP Newsletter.96 61.70 15.21 59 1/4 cup 29.00 25.38 9. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 12.00 21 1/2 cup 24. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.00 35.00 30.00 10.00 0 1/2 cup 68.66 12.02 12.63 13. 13 59 1/4 cup 30.24 16. Nov 2009 VP Newsletter.00 18.38 22.00 15.64 5.00 131. Mar 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.65 2. Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.60 17.00 3.00 9.24 58 1/2 cup 66.28 10. Addendum Summer 2009 1/2 cup 76. Mar 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.00 2.27 47 VP Newsletter.24 61.27 9.68 61 1/2 cup 78.43 67 Autism Oxalate Project.69 11.1/2 cup 68.11 9.01 45.03 68 1/2 cup 88.00 37.50 13.40 5.00 17.47 8. Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1/2 cup 29. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Winter 2010 1 tbsp 11. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.25 54 Autism Oxalate Project.00 146.18 15. Mar 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.04 11 1/2 cup 29.00 78.16 54 1/2 Cup 60.74 61 1/2 cup 62.14 1.00 141.00 99 1/2 cup 97.30 8.63 6 .27 59 1/4 cup 31.34 61 1/2 cup 60. May 2011 VP Newsletter. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.41 5.12 41 1/2 cup 48. Addendum Summer 2010 Autism Oxalate Project.70 0.50 4. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.09 5.22 22 1/2 cup 61.00 15.90 75 VP Newsletter. Addendum 2006 1/2 cup 70.00 8.00 70. Addendum 2006 VP Newsletter.00 0 1/2 cup 38.02 29.70 2. #33709 VP Newsletter.74 2. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.05 6. JanFeb 2011 VP Newsletter.70 6.42 9.1/2 cup 92. Addendum Aug 2004 VP Newsletter.00 10. Msg.53 19. Addendum 2006 1/2 cup 37. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.18 40.42 39 VP Newsletter. Jan 2010 TLO Post.53 59 1/2 cup 87.00 47.50 13.00 6.04 40 1 piece 85.00 0 1/2 cup 68. Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1/2 cup 70.10 0.26 72 1/2 cup 0. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.30 4.76 59 1 cup 97.21 2.60 58 VP Newsletter.00 0.72 30 .00 10.00 22. Addendum Summer 2010 1/2 cup 29.73 73 1/2 cup 80. Addendum 2006 Autism Oxalate Project.54 6.00 0 1/2 cup 78.32 22 VP Newsletter.78 3.80 0.75 46 1/2 cup 11.00 10.57 91 1/4 cup 50.00 40.00 8. Addendum 2006 VP Newsletter.00 9. 92 46 1/2 cup 100.78 0.73 31 1/2 cup 56. Addendum 2006 Autism Oxalate Project.62 3.00 4.69 79 1/2 cup 70.90 2.53 7.1/2 cup 67.44 44 .00 58.57 46 1/2 cup 70.50 0.5 oz 71.00 18.55 5.89 2.00 12. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.28 7.28 49 1/2 Cup 114.00 9.03 3.00 0 1/2 cup 65.00 4.00 14.00 4. Aug 2010 VP Newsletter.00 3. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.30 21 1/2 cup 68.60 61 1/2 cup 55. Addendum 2006 VP Newsletter. Addendum 2006 VP Newsletter. Addendum 2006 VP Newsletter. Aug 2010 Autism Oxalate Project.79 100 1/2 cup 56. Addendum 2006 VP Newsletter. May 2011 VP Newsletter.89 2.79 4.02 28. Addendum 2006 Autism Oxalate Project.10 88 1/2 cup 56.55 3.04 21 2.22 71 1/2 cup 55.00 0 1/2 cup 70. Addendum 2006 1/2 cup 83.32 4.00 10. Addendum 2006 VP Newsletter.69 3. Addendum 2006 VP Newsletter.86 26 1/2 cup 52.00 4.75 20 VP Newsletter.66 45 VP Newsletter.00 15.67 4.50 12.00 6.00 8.00 19.78 6.00 17.26 35 1/2 cup 60.00 12.43 8. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum 2006 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1/2 cup 64. Addendum 2006 VP Newsletter. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.46 38 1/2 cup 65. Addendum 2006 VP Newsletter.70 0.00 11.00 8.15 90 1/2 cup 79.14 1.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1/2 cup 59.43 88 Autism Oxalate Project. Msg. Addendum 2006 1/2 cup 54.00 13.82 22 1/2 cup 70.00 0.00 16.00 10.21 88 4 oz 113. Addendum 2006 VP Newsletter.60 0.00 3.15 0.00 14.65 5 1/2 cup 4.34 52 1/2 cup 56.50 2.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1 cup 250.00 25. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.69 45 1/2 cup 61.26 14 .02 71 VP Newsletter.20 1.38 1.49 3.16 15.37 4.00 12.00 10.51 5.54 4.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 2 oz 56.00 5. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.1/2 cup 83.5 oz 71.00 10.42 2. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum 2006 VP Newsletter.86 88 3 oz 85.50 16.00 0 1/2 cup 66.00 12. Addendum 2006 VP Newsletter.16 0. Addendum 2006 Autism Oxalate Project. JanFeb 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1 oz 28. Addendum 2006 VP Newsletter.77 2.27 8.14 6.93 63 2.30 22 1/2 cup 62. Jan 2010 TLO Post. #33709 VP Newsletter.04 2. 05 67 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.09 9. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.73 76 1/2 cup 85.02 15.16 89 .00 15.76 0. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter.90 43. Addendum Spring 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1/2 cup 97. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.73 88 1/2 cup 97.48 91 1/2 cup cooked (1/8 cup dry) 1 cup cooked (1/4 cup dry) 1/2 cup cooked (1/8 cup dry) 1 cup cooked (1/4 cup dry) 1/2 cup 72.02 90 1/2 cup 97.58 52 82.00 0 1/2 cup 79. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 1/2 cup.50 1. Nov 2009 VP Newsletter.00 10. Addendum Spring 2008 Autism Oxalate Project.33 11.16 1.00 10.00 0.36 8.35 78 72.55 78 72. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Nov 2009 VP Newsletter.78 78 144.80 100 1/2 cup 97.66 8.50 12.58 50 100.1/2 cup.00 12. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. cooked 90.19 10.00 12.01 7.00 3.18 8.08 2.31 8.50 9. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter.07 1.00 54.00 0. cooked 1/2 cup 93.00 3.00 9.00 3.56 79 VP Newsletter.39 22 1/2 cup.00 21.00 20. Addendum Spring 2008 1/2 cup 79. cooked 1/2 cup 93. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.50 7.80 12.80 7.56 79 Autism Oxalate Project.35 39 185. 00 14.00 4. Feb 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.35 36.19 14. Addendum Spring 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.00 12.62 44 VP Newsletter.08 83 1/2 cup cooked 1/2 cup cooked 1 cup cooked 72.00 15.05 5.85 38 1/2 cup 58.00 0 1/2 cup 82. Addendum 2006 VP Newsletter. Mar 2009 1 cup 164.18 91 144. JanFeb 2011 VP Newsletter.00 3.75 23.34 69 1 cup cooked 144.55 14.05 4. Addendum 2006 VP Newsletter.22 6.10 28.1/2 cup 82. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.17 18. Addendum 2006 VP Newsletter.76 2. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.04 83 72.00 31.37 28.10 10.17 69 144.00 26.86 27 1/2 cup 74.61 3.19 100 Autism Oxalate Project.49 11.50 46.00 28.28 78 1/4 cup 28. Feb 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1/2 cup 57.00 6.00 2.00 63. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.00 9. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.50 6.59 0.00 4.13 45 Autism Oxalate Project.39 36 1 slice 28.00 7.37 91 1/2 cup 98.83 1. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. Feb 2012 .25 0.73 78 1/2 cup 50.37 100 1/2 cup cooked 1 cup cooked 72.21 16. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.14 78 1 tbsp 7. Addendum 2006 Autism Oxalate Project. Notes . . . . rinsed.Sub with Rolled Oats (medium) Sub with Millet (soaked overnight. boiled for 20 min) (low to medium) Sub with Rice or Corn Chex (low) .drained. Soak overnight. drain. and boil for 20 min (low to medium) . rinse. Sub with 1/2 chestnut flour. great for breading applications . for a medium oxalate option Sub with 1/2 chestnut flour. potato starch (low) or tapioca starch (medium). Can also use water chestnut flour (low). 1/2 pumpkin seed meal. 1/2 pumpkin seed meal. for a medium oxalate option Sub with Chickpea flour (medium) or Cowpea flour (low) Sub with Chickpea flour (medium) or Cowpea flour (low) Sub with cornstarch (medium). Sub with Montina Flour (lower-high) Sub with Montina Flour (lower-high) Sub with Chickpea flour (medium) or Cowpea flour (low) . Use 1/4 cup (medium) with 1/4 cup Coconut flour (low) or a combination of potato and corn starch (low) .Use 1/4 cup (medium) with 1/4 cup coconut flour (low) Use 1/4 cup (medium) with 1/4 cup Coconut flour (low) or use 1/4 cup Montina flour (medium) with 1/4 cup Coconut flour (low) Sub with cornstarch (medium). potato starch (low) or tapioca starch (medium). Sub with Chickpea flour (medium) or Cowpea flour (low) Sub with Chickpea flour (medium) or Cowpea flour (low) Sub with Oat Bran (medium) Use 1/4 cup (medium) with 1/4 cup Coconut flour (low) or a combination of potato and corn starch (low) Use 1/4 cup (medium) with 1/4 cup Coconut flour (low) or a combination of potato and corn starch (low) Use 1/4 cup (medium) with 1/4 cup Coconut flour (low) or a combination of potato and corn starch (low) . Use 1/4 cup (medium) with 1/4 cup Coconut flour (low) or a combination of potato and corn starch (low) Use 1/4 cup (medium) with 1/4 cup Coconut flour (low) or a combination of potato and corn starch (low) Sub with Chickpea flour (medium) or Cowpea flour (low) Sub with Chickpea flour (medium) or Cowpea flour (low) Use 1/4 cup Montina Flour (medium) with 1/4 cup Coconut flour (low) or a combination of potato and corn starch (low) . Use 1/4 cup Montina Flour (medium) with 1/4 cup Coconut flour (low) or a combination of potato and corn starch (low) Sub with Chickpea flour (medium) or Cowpea flour (low) Sub with Chickpea flour (medium) or Cowpea flour (low) Use 1/4 cup Montina Flour (medium) with 1/4 cup Coconut flour (low) or a combination of potato and corn starch (low) Sub with Millet (soaked overnight,drained, rinsed, boiled for 20 min) (low to medium) Sub with 1/2 cup Millet (soaked overnight. rinsed.drained. boiled for 20 min) (low) . Sub with Millet (soaked overnight. boiled for 20 min) (medium) Sub with Oat bran (medium) or Flax meal (low) . rinsed.drained. Spices. M and Condiments Herbs. VL and Condiments Herbs. Spices.60 1 tbsp Condiments.30 1 tbsp Condiments. Beaver Total Soluble Oxalate (mg) per 100g 13. VL and Condiments Herbs. Spices.80 Herbs. Seasoned Salt.90 3.60 1 tbsp . Lawry's Condiments. Ketchup 7. L and Condiments Herbs. L and Condiments Herbs.30 9. VL and Condiments Herbs. Spices. Spices. Crosse&Blackwell Condiment.30 4. Best Foods Condiments.00 0. VL and Condiments Herbs. Braggs (Called Soy Seasoning in Canada) Condiments.00 1 tbsp 12. French's 19. Spices. Spices. Heinz 0. Major Grey's. Spices.60 1 tbsp Condiments.70 3. Chiles.60 1 tsp Condiments. Mustard. Spices.60 1 tsp Condiments. Hot sauce. VL and Condiments Herbs.30 1 tsp Condiments. Mayonnaise. (Called Soy Seasoning in Canada) Condiments.Category Calc Level Item Total Oxalate (mg) per 100g 31.60 1/4 tsp 7.50 1 tsp Condiments. Green. Soy.00 1 tbsp 6. Horseradish. Chopped.80 8. Liquid Smoke 1/2 cup 1 tbsp 3. Dijon 0. Yellow. Tabasco 10. Old El Paso Condiment. Coconut Secret Condiment. Spices. Canola. Spices. Soy Sauce Substitute. VL and Condiments Herbs. L and Condiments Herbs.30 1 tsp/5 ml 32. Dijon 6. VL and Condiments Chutney. Liquid Aminos.80 16.30 Serving Size 1 tbsp 14.00 0. Liquid Aminos. Best Foods Condiments. Spices. Mayonnaise. VL and Condiments Herbs. Mayonnaise. L and Condiments Herbs. Mustard.30 9. L and Condiments Herbs. Braggs. Spices. Spices. VL and Condiments Herbs. extra hot. VL and Condiments Herbs. M and Condiments Herbs. Hot sauce. Spices. Raw Coconut Aminos.20 2. Tabasco 10. Spices.40 2 tbsp 4. Spices.00 6. Mustard.00 1 tbsp Condiments. L and Condiments Herbs. Spices.60 1 tsp 8. Red Wine 0. Vinegar.20 1 tsp 1. No Fat. Spices. Spices. M and Condiments Condiments. 1 tbsp Condiments. VL and Condiments Herbs.20 1. Mustard. SAN'J Tamari Condiments. Kraft 7. Joyva. L and Condiments Herbs.50 4. Apple Cider. Balsamic. Spices.80 1 tbsp Condiments. Spices. 1 tsp Condiments.00 6.50 36.40 16. 1 tbsp Condiments.50 1 tbsp 0. Spices. VL and Condiments 0. Spices. L and Condiments Herbs. L and Condiments Herbs. Apple Cider. Vinegar. Vinegar. VL and Condiments Herbs. Organics Condiments. Worcestershire Sauce. Rice Wine Condiments. Steak Sauce. Great Value. French's' 1. Spices. Great Value. Wine. made from 154.20 1 tsp . VL and Condiments Herbs. VL and Condiments Herbs.00 dry roasted sesame seeds. Tahini.50 1 tbsp Condiments. French's' Condiments. made from 154. tarragon Condiments. L and Condiments Herbs. Soy Sauce.00 dry roasted sesame seeds. White Wine Condiments. L and Condiments Herbs.80 8. L and Condiments Herbs.40 1 tbsp Condiments. VL and Condiments Herbs. Spices. Spices. Spices.50 1 tsp 2. Wine.20 1 tbsp 6. Spices. Vinegar. L and Condiments Herbs. VL and Condiments Herbs.20 1 tbsp 6.50 1 tbsp 36. Spices. Vinegar. Marzettis Condiments. Ranch Dressing. Spices. Vinegar. Worcestershire Sauce. Soy Sauce 19.20 1.10 1 tbsp 18. Spices. Spices.00 5. L and Condiments Herbs. 1 tsp Condiments. Vinegar.50 0. A-1. tarragon sprig. Reese Condiments. VH and Condiments Herbs.80 1 tbsp 10.10 10.40 2. French's Condiments. Spices. Tahini. Yellow. Spices. Joyva.50 4. Vinegar.50 1 tsp Herbs. Kikkoman Condiments.Herbs. Soy sauce. 10 2 tbsp 307. dried. Spices.00 107.00 125. Spices. Spices. Sweet. Spices.10 2 tbsp. Fresh. L and Condiments Herbs. Chives. VL and Condiments Herbs.20 2 tbsp. 2 tbsp Herbs and Spices. Chili Powder.80 1 tsp 6. McCormick Herbs and Spices. Basil. Chili. Fresh. Bay leaves 202. Spices. fire roasted. chopped . Spices. Sweet. 1/4 cup Herbs and Spices.00 1 tbsp. green. Spices. VH and Condiments Herbs. H and Condiments Herbs. Cardamom. fresh 5. M and Condiments Herbs. fire roasted. Ortega Herbs and Spices.00 38. Spices. L and Condiments Herbs. M and Condiments Herbs. 2 tbsp Herbs and Spices. green. Spices. McCormick Herbs and Spices.10 3. M and Condiments Herbs.70 47.60 1 tbsp Herbs and Spices. ground. Almond Extract. Capers.70 1 tsp Herbs and Spices.60 1 tsp 980. Sweet.Herbs. whole. Fresh. chopped 3 leaves. Spices.00 1 tsp 115. Basil. Spices. Spices.60 1 tsp Herbs and Spices.00 40. McCormick Herbs and Spices. whole.80 1 tsp 9. whole 202. Spices. VL and Condiments Herbs. Allspice. chopped 2 tbsp. VL and Condiments Granulated Garlic.20 Herbs.00 1 tsp 1274.00 40. McCormick Herbs and Spices.00 4. Mezzetta Herbs and Spices. boiled in 2 cups water for 30 min and removed 202. L and Condiments Herbs.30 3. Spices.00 79. VL and Condiments Herbs and Spices. chopped 10. L and Condiments Herbs. Spices. VH and Condiments Herbs. Chili. McCormick Herbs and Spices.60 7.00 1 chili 4. M and Condiments Herbs. Frontier 47.20 1/4 cup. Anise. Basil 1050.00 312. Basil. M and Condiments Herbs. Celery Seeds.70 1 tsp 312. M and Condiments Herbs. Basil 115. McCormick Herbs and Spices.00 40. Ortega Herbs and Spices. Spices. Spices. Spices. EH and Condiments Herbs and Spices. ground McCormick 1675. ground. L and Condiments Herbs. Cress 0. Curry Powder. 1200. Cinnamon.00 tsp 1 tbsp 1 tsp Herbs.00 McCormick Herbs and Spices. Cumin Seed. 1031. fresh 159.40 9 sprigs Herbs and Spices. Spices. Clove. VH and Condiments Herbs and Spices.Herbs. H and Condiments Herbs and Spices. Spices. VL and Condiments Herbs and Spices.00 dried 79.00 1 tsp Herbs and Spices. tsp 996.00 1 tsp Herbs and Spices. 1200. Coriander seed. Schilling. fresh 159. EH and Condiments Herbs. Spices. fresh 35. Cumin. Spices.00 tbsp Herbs and Spices. Dill. VH and Condiments Herbs. EH and Condiments Herbs. VH and Condiments Herbs and Spices. 2001. Dill.00 unk Herbs. 996. Spices.00 60. Spices. Cinnamon. EH and Condiments Herbs.00 1 tsp 60. L and Condiments Herbs.00 1 tbsp Herbs. Spices. ground. M and Condiments Herbs and Spices. Cilantro. ground.00 1 tsp Herbs. Curry Powder. Spices. Spices. Spices. Cilantro 9. Spices.00 1 tbsp 1100. tbsp Herbs and Spices.00 1 tsp Herbs.20 32.00 1 tbsp 509. EH and Condiments Herbs. ground McCormick 1675. Schilling. Spices.80 1/4 cup Herbs and Spices. Cumin Seed. Cumin.80 1 tsp 191. Spices.00 127.00 202. Spices. VH and Condiments Herbs.00 127. 996.00 1 tbsp .00 509.00 McCormick Herbs and Spices.00 McCormick Herbs and Spices. L and Condiments Herbs. Herbs. Great Value Herbs and Spices.70 21. fresh 115. Fennel seed. Spices. Mesquite Seasoning. Nutmeg. Spices. Safeway Herbs and Spices. dried. dried.00 1. VL and Condiments Herbs. sliced Herbs and Spices. VL and Condiments Herbs. Spices.00 1 tsp 634. Spice Island Herbs and Spices. H and Condiments Herbs. dried.20 43.00 1 tbsp .00 109. Spice Island 17.00 109.00 1 tsp.80 1 tsp 27. Imitation. Maple Flavoring. Lemon Extract. VL and Condiments Herbs. Spices. McCormick Herbs and Spices. Lemon Peel.00 unk Herbs and Spices. Spices. Spices.00 35.20 8. Ginger. VL and Condiments Herbs. Lemon balm. VL and Condiments Herbs.90 1 tsp 8.00 724. Spices.00 1 tsp 3. ground. H and Condiments Herbs. Spices. Ginger. Mace. 2. Ground. ground. M and Condiments Herbs. sliced Herbs and Spices. Spices. McCormick's Herbs and Spices. ground. VL and Condiments Herbs. powdered. L and Condiments Herbs.00 26. organic herbs.00 48. ground. Ginger. McCormick Herbs and Spices. Mustard 8. M and Condiments Herbs.40 1 tsp 37. McCormick 784.00 64. Marjoram.00 1 tsp 425. M and Condiments Herbs. McCormick Herbs and Spices. leaves 964. Spices. English. L and Condiments Herbs. Spices. Spices. Colman's Herbs and Spices. Spices. Marjoram. Italian Seasoning. McCormick Herbs and Spices. VH and Condiments Herbs and Spices. Spices.00 1 tbsp 164. Spices. Crystallized.50 1.00 1 tsp 409. Spices. M and Condiments Herbs.50 1 tsp 425.20 1 tsp 409. Spices.90 1 tsp 115.00 pure. L and Condiments Herbs. ground. VH and Condiments Herbs. 72. McCormick Herbs and Spices. Ginger. L and Condiments Herbs. fresh 1293.00 1 tbsp. Mustard. Spices.20 1 tsp Herbs and Spices.00 200. Nutmeg.10 McCormick Herbs and Spices.00 200. McCormick Herbs and Spices.00 1 tsp Herbs and Spices.00 1 tsp 111. Spices. Great Value Herbs and Spices. McCormick 716.00 1 tbsp Herbs. Orange Extract. dried.00 77. Parsley. Parsley.00 1 tbsp 598. McCormick Herbs and Spices.50 McCormick Herbs and Spices.00 1 tsp 623. Rosemary. Parsley. M and Condiments Herbs. Orange Peel. ground.00 1. Pepper. McCormick Herbs and Spices. Spices. Spices. Spices. VL and Condiments Herbs.80 1 tsp 623. Spices. Pepper. Spices. dried. Pepper. Oregano. M and Condiments Herbs.00 1 tsp 103. Raw. Spices. Safeway Herbs and Spices.00 162.00 1 tsp 1056. dried. L and Condiments Herbs and Spices. Spices. ground. M and Condiments Herbs.80 2 leaves 465.40 1 tbsp 26.60 1 tsp 114. Black 284. L and Condiments Herbs. Spices. M and Condiments Herbs. 4. Spices.40 1 tsp 2. VH and Condiments Herbs.00 136. Oregano. Rosemary leaves Herbs and Spices. L and Condiments Herbs. White. Red Chili Powder.00 90.50 McCormick Herbs and Spices. L and Condiments Herbs.70 2. No brand specified Herbs and Spices. L and Condiments Herbs.00 90. VL and Condiments Herbs. M and Condiments Herbs.00 76. Spices. Black Peppercorn. White. Leaves only Herbs and Spices. M and Condiments Herbs.00 1 tsp .00 107.80 pure. ground. Hatch Mild Herbs and Spices. Pepper. 28.00 89.00 1 tsp 428. M and Condiments Herbs. Spices.80 1 tbsp Herbs and Spices. dried (Massachusetts) 55. Paprika.00 1 tbsp 136. Black Herbs and Spices. ground. No brand specified Herbs and Spices.Herbs. M and Condiments Herbs.00 1 tsp 1056. Spice Island Herbs and Spices. Spices. Spices. Spices.00 107.00 299.20 1 tsp 46. VH and Condiments Herbs and Spices.00 136. Peppermint Leaves Herbs and Spices. Spices.20 1 tbsp 301. Spices.00 1 tsp 428. 28. Poultry Seasoning. McCormick Herbs and Spices. Spices. Pepper.00 43. VL and Condiments Herbs. ground. 90 1 tsp Herbs and Spices. Sage.00 1 tbsp 249.80 1 tsp 191. Carolina) Herbs and Spices.00 119. ground. Rosemary.20 41. Spices. Spices. Spices. dried 182. Red. Spices. Spices. Vanilla Extract. Vanilla Extract.00 124. Spices. Mrs.00 0. dried. dried (N. L and Condiments Herbs. Pepper. Spices. 1 tbsp. McCormick Herbs and Spices.00 12. Cayenne. Spices.00 1 tbsp 85. L and Condiments Herbs. VL and Condiments Herbs. Mrs. M and Condiments Herbs. Spices. L and Condiments Herbs. ground. Saffron. H and Condiments Herbs and Spices. McCormick Herbs and Spices.00 119.00 83. Spices.00 22. dried.00 89. Rosemary. Dash Herbs and Spices.40 1 tsp 182.00 2063. Spices. Spices.00 1 tsp 614. fresh 55. L and Condiments Herbs. leaves.20 unk Herbs and Spices. and Spices. L and Condiments Herbs. fresh (Massachusetts) Herbs and Spices. Tarragon. Seasoning Blend.00 124. M and Condiments Herbs. McCormick 2184.00 1 tsp 103.00 1 tsp 142. Spices.40 imitation Herbs and Spices. Thyme. L and Condiments Herbs.80 1 tbsp 118. 0. Carolina) Herbs and Spices. uncalculated and Condiments Herbs. EH and Condiments Herbs. leaves 249. Spices. 0. Spices. Thyme.00 83.00 pure.00 1 tsp 614. Spices. Dash Herbs and Spices.Herbs. McCormick Herbs and Spices. Spices. Seasoning Blend.00 1 tbsp . M and Condiments Herbs.30 1 tsp Herbs and Spices.00 70. Turmeric.00 1 tbsp 230.00 1 tsp Herbs and Spices. ground Herbs and Spices. Sage. L and Condiments Herbs.00 1 tsp 1 tsp 218. L and Condiments Herbs. L and Condiments Herbs. VL and Condiments Herbs. Tarragon. McCormick 332. Spices. fresh (N. dried 191. Sage. McCormick Herbs and Spices.00 22. McCormick Herbs. Savory. Rosemary.30 1 tbsp Herbs and Spices. VL and Condiments Herbs. VH and Condiments Herbs. Oz 2853.Herbs. Spices. with seeds.30 126. Picante - 25. L and Condiments Herbs. Tasmanian. with seeds. Spices. EH and Condiments Herbs.60 2 small peppers 6. VL and Condiments Herbs.20 sautéed 10 min in 1 tsp safflower oil Peppers. L and Condiments Herbs. M and Condiments Herbs. Spices. Cayenne. sautéed 10 min in 1 tsp safflower oil Peppers.70 1 tsp Onion Powder. M and Condiments Herbs. Oz Tukka Mountain Pepper Leaf.70 1 tbsp Peppers.00 1 tsp Lemon Myrtle. with seeds. Spices. Spices.90 41. raw 30.00 1 tsp 732. Spices. ground.60 19. Oz 104. New Mexican or Anaheim. 20. with seeds. Jalapeno.80 sautéed 10 min in 1 tsp safflower oil Salsa.00 1 tsp 51. Cayenne. 30.00 Tukka 34. L and Condiments Herbs. roasted.00 8. M and Condiments Herbs.30 19.10 6 small peppers 11.80 16. ground. H and Condiments Herbs. Oz Tukka Onion Powder. bulk 84. and Spices. L and Condiments Herbs. Spices. sautéed 10 min in 1 tsp safflower oil Peppers. Spices. L and Condiments Herbs. Spices. Spices.80 1 tsp . sautéed 10 min in 1 tsp safflower oil Peppers.00 218.30 126.40 7. sautéed 10 min in 1 tsp safflower oil Peppers.90 2 small peppers 25.50 1 tsp 51. Red. EH and Condiments Herbs. Cayenne. dried. Serrano. Spices. L and Condiments Herbs.80 4 small peppers 28. bulk 732.10 115. dried.00 40. Pepper. Tabasco.10 1/2 cup. Habanero.90 2 small peppers 2 tbsp Wattle seed. L and Condiments Herbs. sliced Peppers.20 5 small peppers 48. raw 20. M and Condiments Herbs. Spices. Spices.00 Tukka Mountain Pepper berry. Spices.70 1 medium Peppers. McCormick 332. Lemon. Spices. with seeds. 1 tsp. dried. ground. whole. Spices. with seeds. 68 0.00 0.24 100 1. Mar 2011 VP Newsletter.52 57 5.53 42 Reference Notes VP Newsletter. Jan 2009 TLO Post. Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 15. Addendum Fall 2012 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.00 6.16 90 14.18 0.99 0.00 0 14.00 1. Nov 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.50 43 14.00 0 1. Nov 2009 VP Newsletter.50 0.00 0.00 0. Nov 2009 VP Newsletter.00 0 14.12 32 15.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 5. Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 30.20 51 5. Jan 2009 TLO Post.80 0.52 0.Serving (g) Calc Oxalate per serving 19.50 0. Addendum Winter 2010 . Msg.33 35 VP Newsletter.20 0.80 0.00 1.48 93 15.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. Msg.55 1.24 0.44 93 5.44 2.00 0 5.00 0. #26740 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter.00 1.33 0. Addendum Fall 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.00 4.00 0 VP Newsletter.16 0. #26740 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Winter 2010 Autism Oxalate Project.00 0 4.04 Calc Soluble (mg) % Soluble Oxalate per serving Oxalate 2.39 0.00 0.00 0.36 0. 07 100 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 0.00 1.72 100 17.08 100 VP Newsletter. Nov 2009 VP Newsletter.00 0.60 0.07 0.00 0.00 0 15.10 5.00 7. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.03 0. April 2007 5. Addendum Spring 2008 Autism Oxalate Project.36 0. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 0.03 100 17. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.83 24 15.20 0. Addendum Summer 2012 Sub with Sunflower butter.32 1.00 1.71 65 5. April 2007 0. can also add 1/2 tsp sesame oil (medium) 15.70 1. JanFeb 2011 VP Newsletter.11 35 VP Newsletter.00 0.00 0 0. April 2007 5.24 65 .00 0.00 1.48 24 5.81 90 15. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.72 1.11 0.00 3. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.60 0.00 0 VP Newsletter.05 0.13 2.1.60 0.00 23.08 0. Addendum Winter 2010 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 0.00 1.00 0 VP Newsletter.41 0.00 0. Addendum Summer 2012 17.30 0.00 0.32 100 Autism Oxalate Project.41 100 0.20 100 17.87 83 17. 70 5.83 0. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.55 32 2.00 0.31 0.45 1.17 20 1.90 19.04 66 3. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter.58 6. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.91 2.09 20 5. Addendum Winter 2010 2. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.05 10 5.50 41 2.00 100 30.00 1. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.3.00 1. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.00 6.00 0.43 1.41 20 VP Newsletter.14 2.50 2. Addendum Fall 2012 Sub with Dill (low) 2.00 7. Addendum Fall 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Sub with chopped.00 12. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.00 0 72.93 58 VP Newsletter.97 3 2.07 26 25. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter. May 2011 VP Newsletter.12 2.63 5.59 0. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.00 2.60 8. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.12 100 .43 100 Autism Oxalate Project.89 0.11 2.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 6.00 1.50 31. fresh Tarragon (low) Sub with Cinnamon (medium) 1.85 0.18 59 2.00 0 0.95 2.96 0.12 0.40 10.28 0.10 20. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter. 18 42 2.56 3.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 6. Addendum Summer 2010 1.34 1.10 4.30 75.75 0.92 0.10 20.30 10.07 42 VP Newsletter.00 1.10 42.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 4.44 19 0.41 1.92 8 6.26 38 6.00 0 2.30 38.10 23. Addendum Fall 2012 2. Addendum Fall 2011 Use a 1/4 tsp of cinnamon (medium)and a mix of nutmeg (low) and cardamom (medium) Use a 1/4 tsp of cinnamon (medium)and a mix of nutmeg (low) and cardamom (medium) Sub with nutmeg or mace (low) Sub with a 1/2 tsp of sage (low) and lemon or orange peel (medium) Weight and serving size unknown.68 4 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.02 1.78 38 . Oxalate levels were below the detectable limits. Sub with Nigella (aka black cumin) seeds (low) Sub with Nigella (aka black cumin) seeds (low) Sub with Nigella (aka black cumin) seeds (low) Sub with ground Nigella (aka black cumin) seed (low) or use a smaller amount of cumin (medium)and add chili powder (medium) 2. Addendum Fall 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 2. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.31 93 VP Newsletter.60 32.20. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.00 24.30 62.58 8.90 115.00 0 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.00 0.00 0 VP Newsletter.02 3.30 62. Addendum Fall 2012 6.53 2. Addendum Fall 2011 2.10 3.00 1.80 18.00 10.24 18 6. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.75 0.88 0.76 8 VP Newsletter. 41 0.20 9. Addendum Fall 2011 Sub with fresh Ginger (low) 0.41 100 0.68 2.00 0. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.00 0 Weight and serving size unknown.36 1.07 0.60 28.00 15. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.40 47 6.80 5.05 50 2.06 34 1.60 2.20 47 . Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.39 58 1.22 14 Sub 1 1/2 tsp lemon extract per tbsp lemon zest (low) 1.14 49 2.23 0.43 1.75 61 5. Addendum Summer 2009 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Sub with chopped.10 0. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.80 23. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.07 0.03 75 VP Newsletter.96 27 2.70 4.73 39 5.70 1.00 0.65 27 1.39 8 0.00 0. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.40 6.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.00 0 5.80 0.35 4.45 0.05 13. fresh Tarragon (low) 1.1.00 0.28 0.35 13.60 0.80 17.21 0.64 3 VP Newsletter.18 0.80 7.80 2. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter. 5.27 0. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.68 0. 10 0.10 2.80 7.00 14.10 5.00 0.08 1.82 13 3. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.11 5.65 9 3. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2011 Use a tsp of oregano (low) and add marjoram and/or sage (low) Sub 1 1/2 tsp orange extract per tbsp orange zest (low) 2.91 15 6. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.17 8 0.92 6 1.06 25 VP Newsletter.5.32 68 1.10 13.07 86 VP Newsletter.10 12. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.42 2.34 0.40 57 VP Newsletter.17 0. Feb 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Sub with White Pepper (low) Sub with White Pepper (low) 0.81 15 2. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.87 5.56 6.40 23.60 6. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.93 25 5. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.28 50 2.40 39.24 0.61 0.70 1.06 0. Addendum Summer 2010 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.30 3.40 0.03 48 1.96 3.00 3.89 56 2.20 3.32 0.00 0 1.80 5.06 8 7.98 0.78 25 2.20 1. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.68 0.24 1.02 0.41 13 0.17 2. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2008 .50 6. 00 0 1.10 12.40 2.18 23 1.70 4.91 0.00 0 0.99 1.30 17.23 2.55 66 .13 50 VP Newsletter.60 1. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.55 0.11 50 0.70 1.51 44 1.1. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.00 0 VP Newsletter.61 0. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.20 2. 2.39 94 5.73 2. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.05 45.50 19 0.51 86 1. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2008 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1.27 1.60 11.00 0.83 19 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Use Enhansa or Jarrow Formula Curcumin Supplement (low) 1.70 4.60 2.00 1.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 0 5.20 48.00 0 1.84 44 3.89 2. Addendum Fall 2011 5.49 50 VP Newsletter.89 0.75 1.31 12 4.77 0. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2009 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Weight and serving size unknown.20 7.70 1. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.00 0.30 0.40 0. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.02 0.64 0.94 12 2. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter. 28 33 30. Msg.60 0.45 84 18. Addendum Spring 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.70 1.50 1.96 4 2. #33709 VP Newsletter.00 3. May 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.08 18.13 68 35. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2011 VP Newsletter.60 4. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.14 17 3.91 6.10 0. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.00 0 2. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter.87 33 .50 0. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter.00 22.02 1.48 3.58 10.85 1. Addendum Spring 2011 Sub with Lemon Peel (medium) 1.44 4.70 48.45 79 2.92 66 VP Newsletter.00 58. May 2011 VP Newsletter.20 2.98 3.65 1.50 2.24 61 1.40 2. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.57 0. Addendum Fall 2007 Autism Oxalate Project.1.66 19.37 17 8.50 3. Jan 2010 TLO Post.97 70 12.00 9.80 5.61 85 18.50 3.00 5.93 52 14.20 44 12. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter.40 75 46.50 9.50 1.00 4. 40 47. boiled Legumes. Red.40 13. Beans. Beans. dried. boiled Legumes. boiled 20. Nuts. and EH Seeds Legumes.70 12.00 5. Beans. Nuts. Beans. Nuts. Black (boiled 3 hrs) Legumes. boiled 13.00 84. and VH Seeds Legumes. Garbanzo or Chickpeas. Navy. Nuts.60 29. Beans. Nuts. Fava 89.80 3. dried.80 57.30 75. Nuts.Category Calc Level Item Total Oxalate (mg) per 100g Legumes. dried. Nuts. and M Seeds Legumes. Anasazi.80 57. dried. Nuts. Sainsbury Legumes. Nuts. boiled Legumes. Beans. Beans. and EH Seeds Legumes. and VH Seeds Legumes. Garbanzo or Chickpeas. boiled Legumes. boiled Legumes. dried.20 4. October.70 6. and Seeds Legumes. and Seeds Legumes. Beans. Beans. Cannellini Legumes.00 1. Mung. boiled. Beans. small. Beans. Kidney. dried.50 3. Albertson's Legumes.50 Legumes. Nuts. Pink.80 2. Nuts. dried. Nuts. and Seeds Legumes.90 3.90 76. Canned.50 . and EH Seeds Legumes.80 19.00 72.50 Legumes. dried. Black or Turtle. Anasazi. boiled Legumes. boiled. Red. boiled Legumes. Arrowhead Mills Legumes. Beans.30 8.50 2. Nuts. dried. Pinto. dried. Nuts. boiled. and H Seeds Legumes. Beans. and VH Seeds Legumes.70 ½ hr) Legumes.00 7. Beans. and L Seeds Legumes. and Seeds EH M L L EH VH EH EH VH VH Legumes. Beans. and Seeds Legumes. dried. Lima. and Seeds Legumes. Nuts. large.30 16. Red. and uncalculated Seeds French green lentils (boiled 1 25.40 4.20 6.10 32. dried. boiled Legumes. Adzuki or Azuki. Beans.60 2. and Seeds Legumes. Chili. Nuts. dried.70 1. Nuts.30 Total Soluble Oxalate (mg) per 100g 13. boiled Legumes. Beans. Beans. Beans. Baked in tomato sauce. Nuts. Nuts. Great Northern. Arrowhead Mills Legumes.60 26. Nuts.20 5. and Seeds Legumes. small. Arrowhead Mills Legumes. Blue.20 21.30 10. and Seeds Legumes.00 7. and Seeds Legumes.25 8. White.70 5. canned.70 4.00 7. and L Seeds Legumes. Nuts. and H Seeds 4. Safeway Legumes. Lentils. dried. Beans. Soybean Curd (Tofu).90 2. Beans.30 Legumes. preserved Legumes. and L Seeds Legumes. Nuts. Beans. 1 cup Legumes.90 Legumes. boiled 30 min Legumes.20 54. Lentils.20 2. Nuts. and M Seeds Legumes. Nuts. Beans. Nuts. Nuts. boiled 5 min. and M Seeds 7.10 10. Lentils. Ivory white 21. and Seeds Legumes.20 3. Peas.20 6.20 20. dried. and Seeds EH M M EH EH L H Legumes. Beans.60 2. and Seeds Legumes. small. Nuts. Soybean Curd (Tofu). Nuts. Nuts.70 lentils (cooked for 40 min) 14. White. Paradina (brown) lentils (cooked. Black Beluga. Nuts. dried. 1/2 cup Legumes. and Seeds Legumes.50 15.10 15. and VH Seeds Legumes.20 10.80 0.80 Legumes. and Seeds Legumes. Nuts. Lentils. Peas.80 7. boiled for 40 min). and H Seeds 17.60 Legumes.90 7. dried 13. and VL Seeds Legumes. Lentils. Nuts.20 6. Green Peas. boiled Legumes. Nuts. Lentils. Sprouted green lentils (boiled 1 ½ hr) 7. 8. boiled Legumes. firm Legumes. Azumaya Legumes. Nuts. variety unspecified. Nuts.50 Organic Green Peas. Green lentils (boiled 1 ½ hr) 51. Lentils Red. Lentils. boiled Legumes. and H Seeds Legumes. and M Seeds Legumes.60 Legumes. canned 0.40 Legumes.80 1.30 5. Frozen. boiled for 40 min). Lentils. Albertson's 3.00 2. and M Seeds Legumes.30 1. and Seeds Legumes.80 Legumes. Nuts. raw. Green Peas. and Seeds Legumes. Paradina (brown) lentils (cooked.80 70.20 .Legumes. Peas. Soy.00 Legumes. Black-eyed Peas.80 7. Trader Joes Legumes. Nuts. Nuts. Brown. Peas. boiled Legumes. dry roasted. Yellow.20 Peas. and Seeds Legumes. and Seeds Legumes.60 Legumes. and Seeds Legumes. and Seeds M M M L L VH EH VH VH Legumes.20 35. Almond. 1 oz (12 nuts.60 21.60 57.10 24. and Seeds Legumes. 2die4 Nuts. (12 nuts. and VH Seeds Legumes. Split Peas. dry roasted. slightly more than 3 tbsp) Nuts. Peas. Nuts. Green Peas. Nuts. Peas. 2die4 Nuts.70 24. Nuts. Nuts. Peas.20 34.00 Legumes.30 Legumes. and EH Seeds Nuts. and VH Seeds Legumes. raw Macadamia Nuts. Green Pigeon 36.80 3. Nuts. Nuts.30 40. and Seeds Legumes. and Seeds Legumes. and Seeds Legumes. Green.10 35.00 406. 2die4 Nuts. Peas. Activated Walnuts. dry roasted.60 2. Nuts. 1/2 cup Macadamia Nuts.40 21. fresh Legumes. Nuts.00 . Nuts. Nuts.Legumes. Peas.20 71. Nuts.00 50. Purple hull 7.00 Legumes. Peas.40 40.10 40. Albertsons. and Seeds Legumes. dry roasted. Nuts. and VH Seeds Legumes. Almond.30 Legumes. 1 oz 465. Sugar Snap Macadamia Nuts (soaked 8 hrs and dried) Macadamia Nuts (soaked 8 hrs and dried) Macadamia Nuts.60 32.80 3. Nuts.50 34. raw. Nuts. Split Peas. Nuts. boiled Legumes.90 3. canned Legumes. Albertsons. Nuts. raw.70 39. and Seeds Legumes. dried 0.80 3.00 175. Snow. Peas. 1/2 cup 406. 1 oz 5. and EH Seeds Nuts. slightly more than 3 tbsp) Macadamia Nuts. and Seeds H M VH EH 47. Nuts. whole. and VL Seeds Legumes. Activated Pistachios. Almond.20 2. Nuts. Nuts. and Seeds Legumes. boiled Legumes.60 56. and Seeds Legumes.50 47. Activated Pecans. 00 71. Almond. raw. Nuts.00 Legumes. Nuts. and EH Seeds Nuts. and EH Seeds Nuts.00 Legumes.00 89.00 Legumes.90 Legumes. 1 oz 262.80 Legumes. Cashew.00 . Almond. and EH Seeds Nuts. honey roasted. Cashew. Nuts.90 Legumes. 1/2 cup 262. and EH Seeds Nuts. Nuts. sliced. Nuts. Nuts. honey roasted.00 175. Nuts. 1/2 cup 383.00 Legumes.00 33. and EH Seeds Nuts. and EH Seeds Nuts. Cashew. 1 oz 383.Legumes. and EH Seeds Nuts. Almond. Nuts. Brazil Nuts.00 89. roasted 262. Brazil Nuts.10 Legumes.00 193. Cashew. and EH Seeds Nuts. 1/2 cup 465. raw 264.00 198. whole. and EH Seeds Nuts. raw 192. roasted 170. Nuts. Skippy.00 Legumes.00 Legumes. roasted Nuts. Macadamia. and Seeds EH EH EH EH VH Nuts.00 168. and M Seeds Legumes. chopped. and Seeds Legumes.40 35.00 140.Legumes. and L Seeds Legumes. Peanuts.00 160. Nuts. 1 167. Peanut Butter. Nuts.00 166. Skippy. and Seeds Legumes. dry roasted. canned 0. 1 oz 142. Nuts.30 103. 1/2 cup* 167. Nuts. Hazelnut or filberts.00 133. Chestnut.00 73. and VL Seeds Nuts. Hazelnut or filberts. Nuts.00 53. and EH Seeds Nuts.00 134. Nuts. Peanuts. raw 209. Super Chunk Nuts.40 oz 35. Hazelnut or Filberts. Nuts. Nuts. Nuts. Creamy Nuts. Albertsons Nuts. dry roasted. Hazelnut or filberts.90 Legumes.90 Legumes. 1/2 cup 140.60 Nuts. Peanut Butter.20 Legumes. Chestnut. and EH Seeds Nuts. and Seeds Legumes. and EH Seeds Nuts.00 32. Nuts. Nuts. raw Nuts. Chestnut. Nuts. roasted 206. Peanut Butter.40 Legumes. Creamy. roasted 15. and EH Seeds Nuts. and Seeds Legumes. Nuts.00 .00 41. and EH Seeds Nuts.50 12. Pistachio. Pistachio. 1/2 cup 187. Nuts.30 . shelled Nuts.50 56. Nuts. Pine. roasted. and VH Seeds Legumes. Spanish Peanuts. and EH Seeds Nuts. Pistachio. 1 oz 187. Nuts. Nuts. and EH Seeds Nuts. Nuts. and Seeds Legumes. roasted. Nuts. Pecans. Nuts. roasted 164.60 48.00 111.50 - 27.60 214.00 Legumes.80 166. and H Seeds Legumes.60 Legumes. Nuts. Nuts.00 Legumes. and EH Seeds Nuts.50 48.40 28. shelled Nuts.80 Nuts. Pistachio. raw Nuts. Peanuts.00 Legumes.Legumes. and VH Seeds Legumes. raw 142. Pecans. Pine.00 73. and Seeds Legumes. and Seeds VH M VH EH Nuts. Nuts. Nuts. and EH Seeds Nuts. Soynuts 36. roasted Nuts.80 36.90 51. raw 46. chopped Nuts. and VH Seeds Legumes.00 Legumes. Nuts. roasted Nuts.50 36. Nuts. chopped 56.00 28. Peanuts. Pistachio. and Seeds Legumes. and EH Seeds Nuts. Marantha Seeds. and EH Seeds Legumes. and M Seeds Legumes. Sesame.00 73. and M Seeds Legumes. Nuts.00 108.40 Seeds.00 27. and Seeds Legumes. Sunflower seed Butter. and Seeds VH VL L L VH EH VH EH VL EH Nuts. Hemp 686. Nuts. Nuts.30 Nuts. roasted 140. McCormick 28. and Seeds Legumes.6 260.80 24. and L Seeds Legumes.00 Seeds. Nuts. whole dried 26. Nuts. unsprouted 52. Nuts. and M Seeds Legumes. Broccoli.60 24. Sunflower seed Spread. Once Again Nut Butter Seeds. Nuts. Nuts.60 24.20 11. and VH Seeds Legumes. and M Seeds Legumes.80 19.20 3800. and L Seeds Seeds.00 45. Poppy. Sunflower seed Butter. Nuts.10 2. flesh Seeds.90 Seeds.00 Seeds. Nuts.00 686. Walnuts. and Seeds Legumes. Nuts. McCormick 994.00 Legumes.2 25.40 . Coconut. Pumpkin 19. Nuts. and Seeds Legumes.Legumes. Caraway. and L Seeds Legumes. 146. Once Again Nut Butter Seeds. McCormick 2157.20 123. roasted Palms.80 56. Sunflower Butter. Pumpkin Seed Butter.70 63. Sunbutter Natural 24. and Seeds Legumes. Chia. Nuts.90 15. Walnuts. raw 73. Bob's Red Mill Seeds.00 15. Mustard. and EH Seeds Nuts. Pumpkin Seeds (soaked 8 hrs & dried) Seeds.80 45. and Seeds Legumes. Nuts. Nuts. Nuts.70 14. Sesame. and Seeds Legumes. Omega Nutrition Seeds. and Seeds Legumes. whole dried. Nuts. and M Seeds Legumes.90 14.10 26.00 Seeds.00 23. unsprouted Seeds. Nuts.80 27. Spanish Peanuts.10 Legumes. Nuts.20 organic. Nuts.00 hulled Seeds.70 Seeds. 11. Bob's Red Mill Seeds. Alfalfa. Sunflower Butter. Nuts. Nuts. and L Seeds Legumes. Marantha Seeds. and Seeds Legumes. Chia. Sunflower. Nuts.20 44.50 11.30 Seeds.Legumes.10 Legumes. hulled. 17. Nuts. and Seeds Legumes. sprouted. Nuts. Nuts.40 22. and Seeds M M VH L M M Seeds.30 6.30 soaked and dehydrated Sprouts.90 44.90 24. Nuts. roasted Seeds. peeled 19.80 13. and Seeds Legumes. and Seeds Legumes.40 11. and M Seeds Legumes. Nuts. Sunflower seed Spread.40 22. Sunflower. Nuts. Sunflower. sprouted. Nuts. Sunflower. Sunflower. Sunflower. roasted Seeds.80 11. peeled Seeds.50 24.30 soaked and dehydrated Seeds. and Seeds Legumes. Sunbutter Natural Seeds.80 . hulled. 17. Mung Bean 15. and M Seeds 13. and Seeds Legumes. 00 11.00 12.00 40.37 19 1/2 cup 127.00 23.42 85.67 91.00 29.34 2.00 0 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 89.44 1/2 cup Calc Soluble % Soluble (mg) Oxalate per Oxalate serving 13.83 91.45 5.00 3.75 3.51 8.00 0 1/2 cup 89.04 91.Serving Size Serving (g) Calc Oxalate per serving 99.00 3.00 25. Aug 2010 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2010 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1/2 cup 115.76 6.11 89.00 18.39 85.00 79.94 85.23 1.38 101.14 10 unk 0.00 25.00 67.66 6.00 2.92 33 1/2 cup 82.37 53 Reference Autism Oxalate Project.00 0.35 4.00 52.71 69 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 89.37 94.10 11.38 9 11 78 100 99 18 13 17 21 48 .00 24.52 4.83 51.63 2.87 4.68 7 25 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2010 1/2 cup 89.00 64.00 72.42 85.46 7.13 0.00 23.94 2.00 64.97 6.23 10 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter Addendum Fall 2012 1/2 cup 86.08 6. 44 100 Autism Oxalate Project.00 0.00 4.96 100 99 . Mar 2011 1 cup 198. Aug 2010 1/2 cup 99.00 0.00 15.00 5.32 126.49 49 68 VP Newsletter.16 80.09 8 0 46 11 4 95 74 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2010 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter Addendum Fall 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.00 5.48 14.58 1.72 7. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.61 90.00 12.82 14 VP Newsletter.00 6.46 124.44 2.00 2.70 2. May 2011 VP Newsletter.18 10.44 15. cubed 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup. Aug 2010 1/2 cup 96.00 13.60 3.00 15. Addendum Fall 2012 1/2 cup 67. cubed 1/2 cup.71 2. Addendum Fall 2012 1/2 cup 86.72 67 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Summer 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.00 17.70 0.16 4.72 7.00 21.14 13. Jan-Feb 2011 1/2 cup 99.24 85.00 7. Addendum Fall 2008 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 99.78 102.00 6.46 99. Aug 2010 VP Newsletter.00 17.72 100 Autism Oxalate Project.55 45 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 80.00 2.18 90.00 48.00 63.77 1.1/2 cup 1/2 cup.02 1.00 44. precooked 86.16 66 Autism Oxalate Project. Jan-Feb 2011 1/2 cup 99.30 7.52 42 Autism Oxalate Project. 30 15.00 31.00 272.00 3.03 0 37 0 100 100 8 70 70 75 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.13 30.40 13.00 46.85 50.30 28.00 25.16 32.00 0.47 14.41 0.40 115.76 134.75 38 VP Newsletter.00 0 VP Newsletter.00 89 99 79 0 1/2 cup.21 11.72 98.47 6.78 98.50 11. Addendum Fall 2012 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1/2 cup 1 oz 31. Mar 2011 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2012 1/2 cup 67.unk 0. May 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1/2 cup 1 oz 67.00 3. May 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Fall 2007 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.65 75 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.54 98.00 23.00 12.02 0.40 86.06 30.72 3. Addendum Winter 2010 .23 67.00 27.13 53 53 1 oz 1 oz 1 oz 1 oz 30.07 28.40 11. Addendum Winter 2010 1 oz 29.62 23. chopped 67.00 0 VP Newsletter.00 134.00 6.00 2.00 3.53 80.89 0. May 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.29 16.88 16.00 21. Addendum Fall 2007 Autism Oxalate Project.00 17.53 2.40 0.15 10. Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.12 28.00 5. 65 20 VP Newsletter. Addendum Winter 2010 1/2 cup 69. chopped 72.00 334.40 108.80 126.64 47.41 0. Addendum Fall 2012 1/2 cup.16 136.85 64. Addendum Winter 2010 1 oz (22 nuts) 28.00 113. whole 71.64 37 VP Newsletter.00 182.90 22.00 180. Addendum Fall 2012 1/2 cup 67.1/2 cup.62 75 VP Newsletter.00 38 VP Newsletter.77 25.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1/2 cup.53 23 VP Newsletter.17 74 VP Newsletter.47 0.28 23 VP Newsletter.00 128.40 74. Addendum Winter 2010 .00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1/2 cup 69. Addendum Winter 2010 1 oz 28.50 179.50 273. Addendum Winter 2010 1/2 cup 67.78 133. chopped 68. 00 10.00 53.40 11.12 36.20 0. Addendum Winter 2010 1/2 cup 2 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbsp 1 oz 73.51 32.00 0. Addendum Winter 2010 1/2 cup 68. Addendum Fall 2012 3 kernels 1 oz 1 oz (21 nuts) 28.88 0.unk 0. chopped 61. Addendum Fall 2012 1/2 cup 68.56 42.08 22.66 32.76 28.03 16 VP Newsletter. chopped 73.00 142. Addendum Fall 2012 1/2 cup.40 47.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 .59 0.08 21 VP Newsletter.00 51.20 84 0 21 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2009 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.00 140.95 22.00 0 VP Newsletter.76 53.00 103. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2009 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1/2 cup.54 3.20 32.18 25 VP Newsletter.00 102.96 42.28 28.40 39.50 4.79 28.50 102.00 53.12 32.00 52 64 80 80 0 VP Newsletter. 69 28.00 111. Addendum Winter 2010 .92 14.40 16.45 22. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Winter 2010 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter Fall 2001/Winter 2002 1/2 cup 1 oz 1/2 cup 1/4 cup 62.63 65 65 VP Newsletter.50 34.75 10.00 145.11 0. halves 1/2 cup 49.40 13.88 61 56 78 VP Newsletter.50 29. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.00 0.52 75.77 61.52 13.11 0.00 136.00 17.05 61.28 68. Addendum Winter 2010 1 oz (47 nuts) 1/2 cup 28.1 oz 28.11 112.66 53.00 25.98 49.00 22. chopped 73.00 22.00 0. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.48 68 VP Newsletter. halves 1/2 cup.00 103.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1/2 cup. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Winter 2010 1/2 cup 68.40 53.51 0.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1/2 cup.51 52 VP Newsletter.83 392.00 75 0 0 0 1/2 cup 73. 21 82.84 2.62 9.95 2.00 0.46 7.00 0.54 5.00 0 0 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 10. halves 50.80 2.40 13.00 26.80 60.89 45.90 28.00 2.00 0. shredded 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tsp 1oz 1 tsp 1/2 cup 1 tsp 1 tsp 50.00 0. Jan 2010 TLO Post.00 36.00 342.12 5.00 3.00 7.78 0.09 2.00 2.22 65 65 60 2 tbsp 30. Addendum Winter 2010 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Spring 2011 1 tbsp 8.23 43 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 1 tbsp 16. Msg.18 0.1/2 cup 73.00 7.00 9.92 32 VP Newsletter.07 1.00 2.15 76 VP Newsletter.10 20.30 12.32 11.82 59 .30 0. Mar 2009 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1/2 cup.35 0.83 3. Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.05 40.00 6.60 100 73.20 32.41 4.02 51 0 0 0 26 4 3 61 87 5 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 32. #33709 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter Addendum Summer 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.00 5.87 28. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter. Msg. Jan 2010 TLO Post. Addendum Winter 2010 1/2 cup.00 3. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.07 89 3 Autism Oxalate Project.20 0.94 32. Addendum Winter 2010 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Autism Oxalate Project.08 3.87 15.00 3. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.20 31.60 3.71 2. Mar 2011 VP Newsletter. halves 1/2 cup. #33709 Autism Oxalate Project.00 192. May 2011 VP Newsletter.44 60 1 tbsp 16.00 102. 00 11.65 7.2 tbsp 1/4 cup 1/2 cup 1/4 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 32.00 28.00 7.92 32. Addendum Summer 2010 1/4 cup 32.00 14. Addendum Fall 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.78 8. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.85 3. Nov 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.34 1.54 45 .54 4. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.26 77 1/2 cup 52. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.37 64.00 3.00 7. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.00 6.89 3.17 14.14 32.51 59 50 50 48 48 77 VP Newsletter.07 3.00 5.84 64. Nov 2009 VP Newsletter.74 16. Pigeon Peas (medium) or Cowpea (low) Sub with Cowpeas (low) Sub with Cowpeas (low) Sub with Lima beans (medium) Sub with Red Kidney Beans (medium) Sub with Red Kidney Beans (medium) Sub with Red Kidney Beans (medium) Sub with Red Kidney Beans (medium) . Pigeon Peas (medium) or Cowpea (low) Sub with Red Kidney Beans (medium) Sub with Chickpeas. Sub with Chickpeas. Pigeon Peas (medium) or Cowpea (low) Sub with Chickpeas.Notes Sub with Red Lentils (low) or 1/2 cup Paradina Brown Lentils (medium) Sub with Red Kidney Beans (medium) Sub with Red Kidney Beans (medium) Sub with Chickpeas. Pigeon Peas (medium) or Cowpea (low) Weight and serving size unknown. Sub with Chickpeas (medium) Sub with baby lima beans (medium) Sub with baby lima beans (medium) Sub with Red Lentils or Yellow Split Peas (low) or Paradina Brown Lentils or Green Split Peas (medium) Sub with Red Lentils or Yellow Split Peas (low) or Paradina Brown Lentils or Green Split Peas (medium) Sub with Red Lentils or Yellow Split Peas (low) or Paradina Brown Lentils or Green Split Peas (medium) Use 1/2 cup (medium) or sub with Red Lentils (low) Sub with Red Lentils or Yellow Split Peas (low) or Paradina Brown Lentils or Green Split Peas (medium) Sub with Red Lentils or Yellow Split Peas (low) or Paradina Brown Lentils or Green Split Peas (medium) . Weight and serving size unknown. Oxalate levels were below the detectable limits. Sub with Snow Peas (low) Use smaller amount, 1 oz is medium oxalate Use smaller amount, 1 oz is medium oxalate Use smaller amount, 1/4 cup is medium oxalate Use smaller amount, 1/4 cup is medium oxalate Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Sub with 1 oz or less of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium) Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Weight and serving size unknown. Oxalate levels were below the detectable limits. Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Sub with Sunflower Seed Butter (medium) Sub with Sunflower Seed Butter (medium) Sub with Sunflower Seed Butter (medium) Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Use smaller amount, 1/4 cup is medium oxalate Use smaller amount, 1/4 cup is medium oxalate Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Use smaller amount, 1 oz or less (medium to lower high) Use smaller amount, 1/4 cup or less (medium) Use smaller amount, 1/4 cup or less (medium) Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans, Roasted Walnuts, Macadamia nuts, Pistachios (medium to lower high) finely chopped Sub with equal amount of Pumpkin Seeds (low). Macadamia nuts. finely chopped . finely chopped Sub with equal amount of Pumpkin Seeds (low). Pistachios (medium to lower high) Use 1/4 cup or less of Roasted Walnuts (medium) Use 1/4 cup or less (medium) Sub with Dill (low) Sub with Flax Seed (low) Sub with Flax Seed (low) Sub with Flax Seed (low) Sub with equal amount of Pumpkin Seeds (low).Sub with smaller amounts (1/4 cup or less) of Pecans. Roasted Walnuts. Sub with equal amount of Pumpkin Seeds (low) Sub with equal amount of Pumpkin Seeds (low) . Poultry. Poultry. 13. Ham. Neese's Southern Style Meats.30 Fish. cooked VL VL 0. Turkey. Liver Meats. King Oscar 2. Poultry. and Fish L VL VL VL VL VL VL VL M VL L Beef. and Fish Meats. Corned Beef. and Fish Meats. Poultry. Poultry. Poultry. Beef.00 Oscar Fish. and Fish Meats. and Fish Meats. Chunk light. and Fish Meats. Plaice Fish. and Fish Meats. Poultry.00 Meats.00 3. canned. and Fish Meats. and Fish Meats. Country 5.70 Serving Size 1 hot dog 6 fillets 1 tbsp 0.80 2 oz . and Fish Meats. Tuna. Beef. Poultry. Stadlers Select Meats. Uncured. Bacon. and Fish Meats. cooked 1 slice 11. and Fish Meats.20 Sliced. Kidney Meats. Reese 2. cooked VL VL VL VL VL L VL VL L M VL VL 0. and Fish Meats. King 1.00 Dog.00 0.70 2 slices. Beef. and Fish Meats. and Fish Meats. Lamb 0. Poultry. Poultry. Poultry.10 2 Sardines 2 oz 14. 40% less fat Meats.00 2 slices. Poultry. Tuna. Poultry. Mutton Meats.80 Cut.00 2 oz.70 Fish. and Fish Meats. Honey glazed.00 Meats. Beef. Applegate Fish. Center 15.00 2. Woodstown All Natural Meats. Beef. Gwaltney. Poultry. Flounder Fish. Uncured Beef Hot 4. Pork. Fresh or Frozen Meats. Roast 0.20 Total Soluble Oxalate (mg) per 100g 4. Poultry. Pork 13.40 StarKist Fish. Poultry. Liver Pudding.00 0. Fresh or Frozen Fish. Salmon.00 Dietz Watson Meats. Haddock Fish.60 5. Fresh or Frozen Meats. and Fish Meats. and Fish Meats. Bacon.Category Calc Level Item Total Oxalate (mg) per 100g Meats. Streaky Meats. Poultry. Poultry.70 1. Poultry. Poultry. Sardines.60 1. and Fish Meats. Ham. Poultry. Poultry. and Fish Meats. 0. canned Meats. and Fish Meats. Anchovies. and Fish Meats. Anchovy Paste. Poultry. Poultry. ground Meats. Poultry. Bacon. and Fish Meats. and Fish Meats. Topside. and Fish Meats. Fresh or Frozen Poultry. and Fish Meats. cooked 11. Chicken Breast. Applegate Organics Seafood.70 2 oz.70 3 slices VL L 0. Poultry. and Fish Meats.00 19. boiled. cooked 11. Pork. and Fish Meats. Sausage.50 1 tbsp VL VL . Bob Evans Meats. ground. Pork. ground. and Fish Meats.10 2 oz. Poultry. oven roasted. and Fish Meats. Poultry. Pork. Poultry. Poultry.80 4. Sausage. roast. breast.40 10. Roasted. Original Recipe.70 4. meat only Poultry. cooked.40 4. Chicken. Roasted Turkey Breast. Pork. Applegate Organics Poultry. Poultry. Johnsonville Poultry. Turkey. Poultry.00 0. ground. and Fish Meats.Meats. and Fish Meats. cooked. and Fish Meats. Poultry. Sausage. Poultry. Sweet Italian.70 2 oz 0. Oscar Meyer Poultry. Pork. Mild Italian. Turkey. 3 eggs. Bob Evans Meats. Eggs.50 2 oz. and Fish Meats.50 6. Fresh or Frozen Poultry. cooked 10. Turkey. sliced. Poultry. Sausage. Johnsonville Meats. English Poultry. and Fish Meats. cooked 5. and Fish Meats.00 6.00 6.80 2 oz. cooked. Chicken. Hot. Fresh or Frozen Meats. Poultry.00 3. ground. Scallops Seafood. cooked. Poultry. and Fish Meats. Shrimp 9. and Fish VL M M M M L VL VL VL L Meats. Poultry. and Fish Meats. Poultry. 00 0.50 0.00 0. April 2007 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.39 0.00 56.00 0.68 15.00 0.00 0.00 24. Addendum Fall 2008 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.00 0. Addendum Fall 2008 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.68 0.00 2.00 0.00 1.14 2.41 14. April 2007 VP Newsletter.00 1.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.00 7. April 2007 VP Newsletter.00 0.91 28.24 56.00 14.00 2.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 58 0 0 0 86 0 0 .00 0. Addendum Winter 2010 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.00 0. Mar 2011 VP Newsletter.00 0.67 0.24 0.00 0. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.00 0.06 % Soluble Oxalate 100 96 74 0 0 0 0 60 38 0 93 Reference Notes Autism Oxalate Project.00 0.00 0.86 0. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.61 0.00 0.00 0. Addendum Fall 2008 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 0.00 0.67 0.00 56. Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.00 7.00 2.00 0. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter.68 0.00 56.21 Calc Soluble (mg) Oxalate per serving 1.Serving (g) Calc Oxalate per serving 42.00 0.00 0. 00 6.63 44 56.00 11.05 2.00 0.00 0.43 0.00 2.16 3. JanFeb 2011 VP Newsletter.00 0 0 .00 56.00 6.42 53 56. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.00 0. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter. April 2007 56. April 2007 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 2. April 2007 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.00 2.00 0. April 2007 VP Newsletter.07 74 0.80 2.69 0 49 VP Newsletter.00 6.00 63. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.03 0.00 1.00 0.64 59 56.0.44 3. Mar 2011 VP Newsletter.00 4.00 5. April 2007 Autism Oxalate Project.00 2. Addendum Fall 2008 Autism Oxalate Project.96 0 0 0 73 0.16 0 54 0. 00 Nancy's Milk Products. Cheese. 3.60 1/2 cup 2. Farmer.80 6 oz 1 container L 2. Chapel Hill Creamery Cottage Cheese. Cheese.30 1/2 cup shredded 2. Cream.60 sticks. Cheddar. Velveeta.60 0. Yogurt.10 1 oz VL VL VL VL VL Milk Products. Organic Valley Milk Products. Organic. Yogurt. Cheese.80 0.00 1/2 cup crumbled 2. Parmesan. Blackberry. Swiss.60 1/4 cup 1 oz L L VL VL L M 2. Stonyfield. Kefir. Yogurt. Blueberry. Plain.00 1/2 cup shredded 0. Dannon Milk Products.90 4 oz M Milk Products. Sour Cream Milk Products. Low Fat 1. Yogurt.90 2. Cheshire Total Soluble Serving Size Oxalate (mg) per 100g 0. Yogurt. Organic. Cheese.60 L 1. Kraft 3.60 1.30 Albertson's Milk Products. 0. Frigo Milk Products.90 0. Lucerne Milk Products.00 1 oz 1 oz 1/2 cup 1 oz 1.20 1. Feta. 3. Organic. Cheese.90 2. Mozzarella. Cheese. Tillamook (approx 1/4 cup) Milk Products. Cheddar. Natural.40 Kraft Milk Products.10 6 oz M L 2.60 Ricotta.00 4. Small Curd. Blueberry Mountain. 6 oz Milk Products. Cheese. Chapel Hill Creamery Cheese.00 1 Tbsp 1.10 Dannon Fruit on the Bottom Milk Products.60 0. Albertson's 4. 4.00 soft. 4. Goats Cheeses Milk Products. Mozzarella 0. Yogurt.40 Dannon Fruit on the Bottom Milk Products. Chapel Hill Creamery Cheese. Cheese.80 4. Cheese. Coffee. Yoplait Original 2.80 2.Category Calc Level Item Total Oxalate (mg) per 100g 3.40 4.10 6 oz Milk Products.30 Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products L L L L VL L Cheese.10 2.20 1 cup . Fat Free French Vanilla. Organic 0. Non-fat. Organic Valley Milk Products. Irish Milk Products. 1.00 1 cup 2 tbsp 10.10 6 oz 6 oz 1 container Milk.16 0. Yogurt. Dannon Milk Products.20 Milk.20 0.60 Meadow Gold.40 2 tbsp L 3. Yogurt. Dannon Milk Products.60 6 oz L 1. Cows. Goats. Myenberg Milk.70 1C Non Dairy Milk Products.00 1 can L VL VL L VL VL 1. Tofutti (GFCF) Non Dairy Milk Products. Yogurt. VIVA Milk.10 Dannon Fruit on the Bottom Milk Products.70 Kiwi. Yogurt. canned.70 4 oz 6 oz M 0. Raspberry 3.40 Cheese Substitute.60 Red.40 homogenized Milk. Yobaby Vanilla. Dannon Fruit on the Bottom Milk Products. Cows. Eagle Brand Milk. Yogurt. Skim. Evaporated.50 Banana. Cows.5% fat. Strawberry. pasteurized 0.00 6 oz L M L VL M VL VL L VL VL 2.50 4. Cows. Sweetened Condensed. fresh.70 2. 1.00 3. Stonyfield Milk. Cream 2. Raspberry.70 4 oz L 2. Daiya cheddar-style non-dairy cheese (GFCF) 11. Strawberry 2. Goats.40 6.00 6 oz M 1.10 Milk. 0. Borden. Albertson's Milk. 2%.00 3. Whole 0.20 0. Cows.60 1.80 1/4 cup .00 1.70 1. Buttermilk 3. Low Fat Milk. Whole. Strawberry 2. Cows.Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products L M Milk Products. Activia. Sterilized Milk. 3. Albertson 1. Yoplait Original Milk Products.20 4. Dannon Milk Products.10 1. Yogurt. 3.50 2. Activia. Yoplait Original Milk Products. 2. Meyenberg Milk. Yogurt.40 0. Vanilla. Peach.60 Activia. Vanilla. Yogurt. Goats. Dannon Milk Products. Goats.40 0.20 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 0.10 1. Milk Powder. Yogurt. Chocolate milk.5% fat. 50 Milk.70 1 cup VH 8. Kraft Non-Dairy Product. Coconut 0.40 1 tbsp 1 tsp M 1/2 cup L 2. Potato Milk Powder. Tropical Traditions (GFCF) Non-Dairy Milk Products. Coconut Powder (aka Coconut milk Powder (GF.00 19. check brands) Non-Dairy Milk Products.00 1/2 cup 1 cup 6 oz 2 tbsp H 7.80 0.60 1 cup/240 ml H 7. So Delicious (GFCF) Non-Dairy Milk Products Coconut 0.80 0.50 7.54 3.00 1/2 cup VL VL 5. canned.60 1 tbsp M L M VL 19. Vanilla flavor. Original Flavor.70 4. (GFCF) Non-Dairy Products. Whipped Topping. Soy Milk.40 8. Silk.20 Chestnut Milk. Thai Kitchen.40 1 cup H 8.80 0. Blue Diamond. Chocolate flavor. 5. Soy Yogurt.60 1. Almond Milk. Soy Milk.00 0.70 5. (GFCF) Non-Dairy Products. Wild Harvest Non-Dairy Milk Products. Silk.50 Cultured Coconut Milk Yogurt. Rice Beverage.00 Milk. (GFCF) Non-Dairy Products.Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products L VL Non Dairy Milk Products.(GFCF) Non-Dairy Milk Products. Vance's Dari-Free (GFCF) Non-Dairy Milk Products. Eco Mil. Rice Milk. (GFCF) 3.90 1 cup VH 10. (GFCF) Non-Dairy Products.40 cream concentrate. Hemp Bliss Hemp Milk.50 1 cup M 4. 2. Vanilla flavor. Almond Breeze. (GFCF) Non-Dairy Milk Products.(GFCF) Non-Dairy Milk Products.30 6 oz 0. but not always CF.80 1/2 cup Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products Milk and Milk Products L 10. Chaokoh (CF) Non-Dairy Milk Products. Yogurt.60 0. (GFCF) Non-Dairy Milk Products. Cool Whip.60 10. Powdered. Coconut 6. Vanilla. Carob flavor. Rice.00 1 cup . Rice Milk.00 8. (GFCF) Non-Dairy Products. Serving (g) Calc Oxalate per serving 57.00 2.17 75.00 3.30 57.00 2.34 110.00 2.86 0.00 28.00 1.20 Calc Soluble (mg) % Soluble Oxalate Reference Oxalate per serving 0.00 0 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2011 0.00 0 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2011 1.31 56 VP Newsletter, Addendum Spring 2011 2.86 100 Autism Oxalate Project, May 2011 0.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 0.59 49 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter, April 2007 Autism Oxalate Project, JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project, JanFeb 2011 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter, Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter, April 2007 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2009 Autism Oxalate Project, Mar 2011 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 0.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 62.00 0.99 28.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.17 0 0 0 100 100 28.00 1.23 28.00 1.20 120.00 0.00 0.00 28.00 1.09 170.00 5.78 0.73 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.87 59 42 0 0 0 32 113.00 2.94 2.15 73 170.00 5.27 3.57 68 170.00 8.33 130.00 3.64 4.93 3.64 59 100 170.00 3.74 2.04 55 113.00 2.94 170.00 6.12 1.70 4.59 58 75 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2009 Autism Oxalate Project, Mar 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Autism Oxalate Project, Mar 2011 VP Newsletter, Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter, Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter, April 2007 Autism Oxalate Project, May 2011 VP Newsletter, April 2007 Autism Oxalate Project, JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project, JanFeb 2011 170.00 5.27 1.02 19 113.00 2.83 1.92 68 170.00 4.59 3.40 74 170.00 6.12 1.70 28 170.00 3.40 170.00 5.95 113.00 4.63 0.00 240.00 8.64 245.00 0.98 245.00 0.25 240.00 2.88 245.00 0.40 390.00 0.00 2.89 2.04 4.63 0.00 8.16 0.98 0.25 2.88 0.00 0.00 85 34 100 0 94 100 100 100 0 0 240.00 2.88 30.00 0.00 0.00 30.00 3.12 0.00 30.00 0.72 2.88 0.00 0.00 2.01 0.00 0.72 100 0 0 64 0 100 28.00 3.28 1.06 32 170.00 4.25 2.21 52 Autism Oxalate Project, May 2011 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2010 Autism Oxalate Project, Aug 2010 Autism Oxalate Project, JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project, Jan 2009 TLO Post. Msg. #26740 Autism Oxalate Project, Nov 2009 113.00 0.00 0.00 0 8.50 0.44 4.50 0.02 0.43 0.02 96 100 100.00 6.50 0.00 0 56.50 2.03 1.58 78 21.00 2.23 2.23 100 Autism Oxalate Project, JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project, Nov 2009 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter, Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 Autism Oxalate Project, Mar 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 63.00 12.47 240.00 1.68 170.00 9.52 9.00 0.00 12.47 1.68 8.16 0.00 100 100 86 0 240.00 18.00 18.00 100 244.80 11.11 8.81 79 237.00 18.72 0.00 0 237.00 25.36 0.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 240.00 20.16 20.16 100 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter, Addendum Summer 2012 240.00 19.20 19.20 100 Notes . Sub with Coconut milk (low to medium) or Hemp milk (medium) Sub with Coconut milk (low to medium) or Hemp milk (medium) Sub with Coconut milk (low to medium) or Hemp milk (medium) Sub with Coconut milk (low to medium) or Hemp milk (medium) Sub with Coconut milk (low to medium) or Hemp milk (medium) . 2 mg Astragalus Root.00 15.00 56. Solaray 396.00 54. 3 capsules Blood Pressure Support Capsules.20 Bio Tears Oral Gel Caps 0. Nature's Way. Source Naturals. Swanson (GFCF) Acai Berry Powder. Healthy Life Harvest.80 68.20 358.10 57.50 66.70 1. Capryl. Traditional Tibeten Healing.00 164.Category Calc Level Item Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements M L VL uncalculated VL L VL L VL 100% Pure Pea Protein. Healthy Life Harvest.00 58.10 27.20 43. 1 capsule Bladder Ease.20 164.40 Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements L VL VL L 277. 3 capsules Barley Life.00 29. Simply Acai. dried Alimentum Infant Formula. Natures Plus 34.30 56.00 29. Weaver Street Market Caprylic Acid.30 19. 2 tsp 1355. Northern Colorado 330.90 108. AIM.80 10.50 Nigella seed). 3 capsules Apple Pectin Total Oxalate (mg) Total Soluble per 100g Oxalate (mg) per 100g 27.20 29.50 1.60 74.80 Ashwagandha.20 54. Madre Labs AdvaClear. Amazing Herbs Black Walnut Hull Capsules. Inc Borage Oil.10 10. 1 capsule Aloe Vera.40 19.80 265.80 Bee Pollen. NOW Bladder Ease.00 Supplements Supplements VL VL 6.00 0. Similac Aloe Vera Juice Aloe Vera. 1 tsp Barley Life. Metagenics Algae.50 Black seed (aka Black Cumin or 64.00 42.00 34.20 58.60 5.30 68. 670 mg Astaxanthin.20 29. Himalaya Organic.60 264. AIM.70 .80 Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements VL M VL VL VL L M M VL VL Artichoke Extract.40 14.00 78. Nature's Way.20 74. 1 capsule Astragalus Root. 75 mg Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements VL VL VL L Estroven.20 48. 300 mg Supplements VL Enhansa. 6 tablets Cholest-Off. Nature Made.90 15.00 0. Estroven Evening Primrose Oil Fermented Superfood Complex. Swanson Chicory Extract.60 7. 2 caplets Cinnamon Extract. 1 tablet Chlorella. Lee Silsby.80 Supplements VL Enhansa. Jarrow Curcumin 95. 150 mg 142. 500 mg. NOW.70 246.60 65.90 0. 1 caplet Cholest-Off. EcoBloom Chlorella.00 7.00 9.70 967.40 48.20 0. Regular strength.00 5.10 7.70 42.00 100. powder EleCare Infant Formula Enhansa. Green Superfood.10 10.20 65.20 652.20 . Jarrow 88. 300 mg Supplements VL Enhansa. Doctors' Best Curcumin 95.Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements VL M VL VL L M M L Caprylic Acid.90 Supplements Supplements VL VL Cysta Q Complex D-Ribose 100.00 88. Lee Silsby.80 5.20 Supplements Supplements Supplements VL VL VL Cinnamon Extract. Green Superfood. Capryl. Doctors' Best 10. Lee Silsby. Solaray Chanca Piedra.40 100.30 28.00 Supplements Supplements Supplements L L VL Echinacea.80 6.20 42. Swanson Ultra Feverfew 11. Nature Made. Lee Silsby. NOW. Solaray.00 Supplements VL Ginkgo Biloba.20 Supplements VL 0.00 200.H (Liver support). 1 capsule Juice PLUS +.00 Supplements Supplements Supplements VL L M 0.30 42.00 Treatment. Solaray Ginger Root Extract.10 241.00 8. Pure Synergy Hawthorn Berries.20 809. Thorne Ginger Root Extract.00 582.40 652.00 594. 300 mg.00 31. Tetra Corporation Formula SF 722 Supplement.10 307.00 Supplements Supplements L VL Goldenseal Root. The 0.00 9.90 72. 31.20 Supplements VL 31.00 103.90 42.80 .00 594. Humaworm HydroEye Soft Gels Immune punch supplement (Madre Labs) Juice PLUS +. 2 capsules Juniper Berries Kelp. 1 capsule Hawthorn Berries.20 179. Solaray 0.20 72. 2 capsules Hemp Powder.20 0.00 495. Powder L.20 Grape Seed Extract. 300 mg. Manitoba Harvest Hemp Powder. 1 capsule Grape Seed Extract. Thorne 31.90 0.40 489.00 652.C.00 1309.00 179. Garden Blend.20 243.20 NutriCology. NutriCology.00 809.00 495. Solaray. Spring Valley Standardized Extract.20 10. 3 capsules Grapefruit Seed Extract Green Powder. Manitoba Harvest Humaworm for Children.20 Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements VL VH M M M EH L VL H L M M M VL 11.40 41. 120 mg Glycerin 10.00 53. Garden Blend. powder 211.Supplements Supplements L VL Floradix Floravital Iron + Herbs 27.70 154.00 154.80 68.80 Formula 3 Antifungal. 70 106.00 8.30 1. Bioray Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements L VL VL L VL Neem Leaf.80 35.39 3.20 Standardized.00 1 tablet Nutritional Yeast Tablets.30 1517. Natural Factors Liverlife.20 0. Wholefoods 11. Organix South. Source 14.40 . KAL. 35. Bioray Supplements Supplements VL EH L-Theanine Marshmallow Root 0.00 0. 2 capsules N-Acetyl Glucosamine.00 8.00 Nutritional Yeast Tablets. TheraNeem Organix Neocate Infant Formula 809.00 Shop Licorice DGL.00 Supplements M Marshmallow Root Supplements VH Marshmallow Root.30 Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements VL VL EH VL Supplements VL Supplements Supplements VL VL Milk Thistle.10 Supplements VL Liverlife.00 35.00 6 tablets Oil of oregano. 200 mg.10 0. Vitamin 0. Bioray 11. 200 mg.10 22. Powder. 20 drops Licorice DGL.70 0. NOW 0.00 0.20 12.60 Naturals NDF Plus.Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements VL VL VL VL VL L-Glutamine. Wholefoods 11.00 11. Seed 0. 35.20 Standardized.70 13. Bioray 7. 1 drop 7. KAL. 1 capsule Milk Thistle. Jarrow Formulas Milk Thistle.20 Supplements VL NDF Plus. unspecified brand Milk Thistle Oil Milk Thistle. 150 mg.10 Licorice DGL.00 0. 10. Gaia Herbs.60 Supplements EH 100.90 Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements VL VL VH VL VL Supplements M Psyllium husks 100.40 81.00 Supplements VH Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements VL VL VL L VL 0. 95% Rhodiola Extract. Vanilla Seditol.30 5.80 11. Vanilla 24. 1 tablet Spirulina.80 Rice Protein.00 33.00 brand Slippery Elm Bark. NOW Protandim Psyllium husks 0.50 0.90 33.00 Supplements VL Olive Leaf Extract.90 0. 6 tablets SR-Curcumin Phytosome.30 7.80 8.90 . Source Naturals 100.90 15.80 105.50 17. unspecified 100.70 8.50 155. Nature's Way Slippery Elm Bark 24. Thorne-Meriva St.40 5041.00 Supplements EH Slippery Elm Bark. 10.Supplements H Olive Leaf Extract.30 87.00 1 ml Oregon Grape Root Herbal Extract.30 11.00 Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements VL VL VL VL M VL VL VL M Quercetin.00 0.10 19. 17. John's Wort Theanine Serene with Relora. Solaray 6.90 3. Eclectic Institute Passionflower liquid herbal extract P'au D’Arco.unspecified brand Spirulina. capsules.00 18.30 7. 2 capsules Rice Protein.90 102. 1 capsule Rhodiola rosea Liquid extract.50 120mg.40 Rhodiola rosea Liquid extract. Pure Encapsulations Senekot Siberian Eleuthero Root (aka Siberian Ginseng). Gaia Herbs 17.30 899.60 8.50 120mg. Source Naturals TheraLife Eye Capsules TheraTears Soft Gels Vitex. unspecified brand Yucca.30 91.40 3395.30 773.40 10.00 15. Fruit.30 70.Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements Supplements VL L VL L L VL EH Theanine Serene with Relora. unspecified brand Whey Protein.00 0. Nature's Way Whey Protein.90 100.00 .90 10. powder 18. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.20 1.00 0. Addendum Fall 2012 Autism Oxalate Project. Feb 2012 VP Newsletter.40 Calc Soluble (mg) Oxalate per serving 5.50 0. Aug 2010 Autism Oxalate Project.00 0.45 1.29 1.00 0.13 0. May 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 0.00 5.50 0.73 7.50 1. Feb 2012 VP Newsletter.98 1.50 0.21 100 20 100 93 93 45 45 80 0 66 1 capsule 1 capsules 3 capsules 2 pills 0.50 0. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.87 3.14 0.32 0. #28257 Autism Oxalate Project.29 0.35 0.64 0.83 0.28 0. JanFeb 2011 VP Newsletter.70 0.50 4.32 30 100 .34 0.00 1.49 70 101 100 12 1 capsule 6 Vcaps 1.55 2.31 0. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.32 0. Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.10 5. May 2011 1 capsule 1 caplet 1 softgel 1 capsules 3 capsules 1 tsp 2 tsp 1 tsp 1 gel cap 1 capsule 0. JanFeb 2010 Autism Oxalate Project.80 0.92 0.60 0. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.10 0.42 0.14 4.00 9.00 2.94 0. Feb 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.88 0.00 0.00 % Soluble Oxalate 100 27 18 0 36 0 82 82 0 Reference 1 Scoop 1 Scoop 1 capsule unk 4 oz 1 cup 1 capsules 3 capsules 1 capsule Autism Oxalate Project.02 0.73 0.88 1.00 15.93 2.40 0.00 0.29 3.40 1.54 0.91 0.00 8. Mar 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Autism Oxalate Project.87 1.69 9.39 0.Serving Size Serving (g) Calc Oxalate per serving 20. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Spring 2008 Autism Oxalate Project. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.20 0.06 3.58 0.42 2. Mar 2009 TLO Post Msg.27 0.10 0. Addendum Summer 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.00 0.20 3.77 250.08 1. May 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Autism Oxalate Project.00 0. Jan 2010 TLO Post.00 0.08 0.10 0 100 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Autism Oxalate Project.98 0. Msg.18 0. Aug 2010 Autism Oxalate Project.60 5.27 19.00 0 Autism Oxalate Project.1Vcap 1 Vcap 1 tsp 1 tablets 6 tablets 1 caplet 2 caplet 13 capsules 0.00 0.24 3. Mar 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Autism Oxalate Project. Feb 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.13 0.60 2.15 0.00 1.40 12.00 3.45 6. May 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.50 0.05 1.40 0.13 0.10 0.80 0.14 150.40 0.20 12.50 0. #28257 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Autism Oxalate Project.50 0.00 0. Mar 2011 1 capsule 1 tsp 0. Mar 2009 TLO Post Msg.00 0 100 0 1 300 mg capsule 300. Jan 2010 TLO Post.11 0.61 3.06 2.28 0. Addendum Summer 2009 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter. #33709 VP Newsletter. May 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.02 74 12 12 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Fall 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 1 caplet capsule 1 capsule 1 tsp 1.10 0. Jan 2010 TLO Post. 1.12 0.00 1. #33709 Autism Oxalate Project.30 1. Feb 2012 1 capsule 1 capsule 3 500 mg capsules 0.00 0.30 0.11 100 26 73 87 87 0 0 74 Autism Oxalate Project. #33709 Autism Oxalate Project. Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.80 2.18 0. Msg.09 0.00 0. Jan 2010 TLO Post.00 0. #33709 1 tsp 2.00 0 8 300 mg capsules 2400.20 0.70 1.20 6.20 0.40 1.00 1. Msg.27 0.70 1.30 0.00 0.05 0. May 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.00 0.50 0. Msg.48 0.10 0.00 72 0 54 0 .21 1.14 0.01 0.00 0 1 150 mg capsule 150.5 tbsp 1 150 mg capsule. 50 13. Mar 2011 VP Newsletter.00 0.78 1.06 12. Feb 2012 Autism Oxalate Project. Aug 2010 Autism Oxalate Project.05 0. #23959 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Autism Oxalate Project. Msg.96 0.58 0.35 2. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.81 0.43 30. Feb 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.70 0.07 0.05 0. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.28 0.20 6.93 0 83 75 1 capsule 0.78 5. Feb 2012 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.08 1.40 9.00 0.05 100 Autism Oxalate Project.92 3.16 2.00 0.66 0. JanFeb 2011 VP Newsletter.45 0.21 0. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.79 0. Feb 2012 0.33 88 22 5 5 40 40 19 0 49 24 24 9 0 41 .00 9. Addendum Fall 2008 Autism Oxalate Project. Mar 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Autism Oxalate Project.06 0.20 100 1 capsule 1 tbsp 1 capsules 2 capsules 1 tbsp 1/4 cup 1 Capsule 1 capsule 1 packet 2 capsules 2 capsules 0.56 0.98 2.00 53.00 0 1 tsp 1 capsules 1.00 0. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.31 0. Addendum Summer 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.56 0.20 0.63 3.84 0.29 10.67 1.5 tsp 1 tsp 1 capsule 0.64 0.00 32 0 Autism Oxalate Project.05 8.00 1.75 4.00 0.55 5.36 0.00 36.42 21.65 5.00 1.50 9.20 0.00 19. Jun 2008 TLO Post.20 0.40 0. Feb 2012 Autism Oxalate Project. Feb 2012 1 capsule 1 capsule 4 capsule 0. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.15 1.07 0 100 3 capsules 0.73 6.10 ml N/A 11.31 0. May 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Autism Oxalate Project.22 1.89 1.64 0. Mar 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.40 4.44 0.44 7. 81 0. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.50 4.13 0.08 0. Msg. JanFeb 2011 0.01 0.60 0.40 0. #12581 Autism Oxalate Project. #12581 Autism Oxalate Project.01 0. Aug 2010 Autism Oxalate Project.61 1.00 13 49 100 100 0 .10 0.60 0 0.00 0. Jun 2008 TLO Post.21 0.00 1.00 0 10 10 59 0 VP Newsletter. Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.35 0.00 84 0 0.00 0. Msg. Addendum Summer 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.08 0.00 1/2 cup 237.00 0. Jun 2008 TLO Post.30 0.29 1.05 0.00 0.70 0.05 22. Msg. Aug 2010 Autism Oxalate Project.50 0. #12581 Autism Oxalate Project. May 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Spring 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. Jun 2008 TLO Post.43 0. #28257 Autism Oxalate Project. #28257 Autism Oxalate Project. Mar 2009 TLO Post Msg.36 0.50 0.25 1.02 0.00 0 0.90 0.00 0.00 0 0. Nov 2009 Autism Oxalate Project. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.00 0.16 0.12 0.00 500.25 4.00 0 23 1 tsp 9.53 0. Mar 2009 TLO Post Msg.00 0. Jun 2008 TLO Post.07 1.1 tsp 1 drops 20 drops 1 tablet 1/8 tsp (dropperful) 1 drop 4.12 100 1 tablet 1/8 tsp (dropperful) 1/8 tsp (dropperful) 1 capsule 3 tbsp 1 tablet 6 tablets 1 ml 1.00 0. Msg.80 0 1 tbsp 29.12 0.02 33.12 0 100 0 100 2 capsules 1. Aug 2010 VP Newsletter.50 0.00 54.00 0. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. #28257 Autism Oxalate Project.02 0. JanFeb 2011 VP Newsletter. Mar 2009 TLO Post Msg. #12581 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Summer 2009 Autism Oxalate Project. May 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.00 1 Capsule 1 tsp 2 capsules 0. 01 0.21 1.04 0. May 2011 1 ml 1.09 26.94 0. #23959 Autism Oxalate Project.81 0. Jan 2010 TLO Post.00 0.62 0.40 3. Feb 2012 Autism Oxalate Project. Mar 2009 TLO Post Msg. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.25 0.06 0.50 32.17 0.70 0.03 0.00 1.37 0.00 0.83 0.00 0 30 drops 1 ml 1 capsule 1 Caplet 1 tbsp 0.50 0. Feb 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Autism Oxalate Project. #33709 Autism Oxalate Project. Jan 2010 TLO Post.37 0.45 3.85 0. #33709 Autism Oxalate Project. Aug 2010 Autism Oxalate Project. Feb 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Autism Oxalate Project.00 0 6 tablets 6 tablets 1 capsule 1 tsp 2 Tablets 0. Msg. Nov 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.00 0.50 0.50 13.42 0.00 0.50 25.00 0.60 0.50 0.30 0. Mar 2009 TLO Post Msg.70 0.11 0.00 1.00 0.15 0.07 2.60 97.37 0.50 0. #28257 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Autism Oxalate Project. May 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.100 ml 100. Msg.00 100 100 2 100 0 1/2 cup 6.41 0.30 0. #28257 Autism Oxalate Project.00 17.00 0 1 tsp 32.66 0.00 0. Msg.02 1.60 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 Autism Oxalate Project. Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.80 0.00 0. Jun 2008 TLO Post.06 0. Msg. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.00 781.10 0. Jun 2008 TLO Post. Aug 2010 VP Newsletter.17 0.00 0.00 0. Addendum Summer 2012 Autism Oxalate Project. #23959 Autism Oxalate Project.00 6. #28257 Autism Oxalate Project.90 1.50 0 0 34 0 81 .00 0 1 tbsp 97.50 0.54 61 43 84 84 46 46 83 0 11 1/2 cup 781.00 6.48 0. Mar 2009 TLO Post Msg. Nov 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.05 0.00 0 1 tsp 1 capsule 2 capsules 1 capsule 1/2 cup 1 tbsp 1 capsule 1 tablet 3 capsules 0. Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. 90 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.39 2.50 0.2 Tablets 1 capsule 1 capsule 1 capsule 1/2 cup 1 tbsp 3. Nov 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.80 0.00 3395.00 0.50 3. Aug 2010 .46 0.50 81 0 0 12 0 0 70 Autism Oxalate Project. Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.80 1.00 2.87 23. Nov 2009 Autism Oxalate Project. May 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Autism Oxalate Project.00 2376.30 3395.62 1. .Notes Weight and serving size unknown. 13 Capsules equals 1 tsp. Cinnamon Extract can be used in place of ground cinnamon in recipes 3 Capsules equals 1 tsp. Enhansa can be used in place of ground turmeric in recipes . Jarrows curcumin can be used in place of ground turmeric in recipes 8 Capsules equals 1 tsp. 4 Capsules equals 1 tsp. Ginger Extract can be used in place of ground ginger in recipes . . . . Sweet-N-Low Artificial Sweeteners. Great Value Sugar.50 5. Powder.60 0.90 3. Splenda.70 3.00 2. liquid. Stevia Clear.90 6.30 14. liquid.70 0.00 1 tsp 1 tsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 13.Category Calc Level Item Total Oxalate (mg) per 100g Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners VL VL VL VL L 100% Pure Birch Xylitol. Stevia Clear. The 14. liquid. Aspartame Artificial Sweeteners.30 3. Laramie Coop Molasses.00 0. Blancmange Powder with Milk Artificial Sweeteners.90 1 scoop 1 pkt L VL 11. Zero Calorie Sweetener made with stevia extract. Clover.40 5.50 21. 1 tbsp Sugar. Sweet Leaf. 1 tsp 2. Chocolate Flavored. Brown. Albertson's Corn Syrup. Sweet Leaf.80 1. 100 ml Stevia. Saccharin. 1 tsp Stevia.60 2. 1 drop Stevia. light. Coconut Secret Stevia. Orange Blue Artificial Sweeteners.00 Total Soluble Oxalate (mg) per 100g 5.90 2. Full flavor. 1 tsp Corn Syrup.70 1 tsp 1 tbsp 1 tsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp/5 ml 8 Drops 1 drop VL 1 tsp M 100 ml VL VL 2.40 10. Sweet Leaf.00 Agave Nectar.00 0.50 16.70 3.00 1 tbsp 1 tsp . Brer Rabbit Raw Coconut Nectar. Madhava 3.70 0. Madhava Mountain Gold Lakanto Maple Syrup.10 1. Stevia Clear.60 Serving Size 1 tsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tsp VL VL VL VL VL L VL VL M VL VL VL 2.60 3. NOW Stevia.60 4. Liquid.00 11. pure.30 43.48 1. Karo Erythrol 100% Pure Natural Sweetener. NOW Honey. SweetLeaf Stevia. Brown.80 0.30 Ultimate Sweetener Agave Nectar.48 2. 90 3. White.10 3. NOW 4.Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners Sweets and Sweeteners VL VL VL Sugar. 1 tbsp Sugar.10 4. White. 1 tsp Xylitol.50 1 tbsp 1 tsp 1 tsp . Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Autism Oxalate Project.06 4.90 0.00 0 5. #23959 VP Newsletter.11 20.13 0.10 100 Autism Oxalate Project. Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.30 0. Msg.80 1. #23959 Autism Oxalate Project. Jun 2008 TLO Post.30 0.00 0.19 21. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.51 0.08 64 VP Newsletter.00 0. Jun 2008 TLO Post. Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 0.00 Calc Soluble (mg) % Soluble Reference Notes Oxalate per Oxalate serving 0.00 0.52 4. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 0 0.14 5.60 0.21 33 VP Newsletter.10 5.09 0.17 0.30 0. Msg.07 0.66 15.50 0.00 0.00 0.14 0. Jun 2008 TLO Post.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 5.00 0. Can convert to oxalate May 2011 0.50 21.00 0 0 .00 0.Serving (g) Calc Oxalate per serving 3.00 0.00 0. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 21. Addendum Can convert to oxalate Fall 2011 0.50 21.00 100 95 0 0 90 86 0 76 39 40 49 0 VP Newsletter.60 21. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.63 21.52 0.30 0.00 0. Addendum Summer 2012 0.00 0.54 1.18 36 Autism Oxalate Project.18 0.20 0.50 2.05 0. Mar 2009 0.00 0.75 0. Addendum Winter 2010 Autism Oxalate Project.00 2. #23959 Autism Oxalate Project.03 0.39 3. May 2011 VP Newsletter.00 0.00 0. May 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.00 1. Mar 2009 VP Newsletter. Msg.00 0.00 6.05 0.08 100 83 13. 11 0 0 90 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.17 3.00 0.20 0.00 0. Addendum Can convert to oxalate Summer 2009 .12 0.12.20 0.52 4.60 0. canned in water.80 1. 30 min Artichoke Hearts. Lima or Butter. pickled. Roma.40 26. Green.90 51.00 7. boiled.40 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 8.10 Beans.60 8. Half-runner. boiled 30 minutes Beans.00 15. sliced. boiled 30 min Beans. Roma.90 0.50 19. leaves Bok Choy. cut and boiled for 20 min Beans. steamed 10 minutes Brussel Sprouts. 30 min Artichoke hearts.90 Monte Beans.40 11.00 39.60 10. canned. boiled Broccolini. Green. steamed.90 4.40 0.40 1.40 14.00 3.80 11.90 3.70 11.10 0.20 8.80 32. Safeway Bok Choy. Snap Beans. raw Broccoli. stalks. Kroger Asparagus.10 1/2 cup 1/2 cup.90 43.10 2. steamed for 30 min Beans.70 10. tops. boiled Asparagus.70 29. steamed 10 minutes Broccoli. boiled 12 minutes 30.80 10. Del 18. Runner.40 Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Artichoke. Green Beans cut.10 1. boiled 8 min Broccoli.Category Calc Level M VH VH M M M M H M M M VH M H M M EH EH L VL L L M VL M M Item Total Oxalate (mg) per 100g 6.00 10. boiled for 30 min Beans.20 Serving Size 1 med 1/2 cup 4 Pieces 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup Beans.50 1/2 cup.80 10. Green. boiled 12 min 0. Green. chopped 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 5.20 36. String Beetroot or beets. Pole. 10 min Total Soluble Oxalate (mg) per 100g 6. raw Asparagus. boiled Beets. boiled.00 14.00 13. sliced 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup. boiled 30 minutes Beans. diced Broccoli.10 11.80 18. chopped 1/2 cup . 30 1. shredded. steamed Cauliflower.00 4. chopped 1/2 cup shredded 1 cup shredded 1/2 cup shredded 1/2 cup. sliced.00 6.90 17. stem only.40 3. shredded.80 10 minutes Cabbage.10 2.50 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup or 1 piece 1 cup Cabbage. steamed 12 min Cabbage.40 3. diced Cucumbers.10 11. chopped 1/2 cup.80 0.90 2. Pickles. Green. Napa Cabbage.00 1.10 minutes Cabbage.20 0. Kosher dill. raw.30 7.30 2. Great Value 7. raw 3. Bubbies 22. Purple Cabbage.70 0.20 2. Green. raw Brussel Sprouts. raw Cauliflower.10 8. boiled 10 2. raw.20 3. whole Sauerkraut. canned. grated 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 0. canned Celery Water (1/2 cup celery boiled in 2 cups water for 30 min and removed) Celery Water (1/2 cup celery boiled in 2 cups water for 30 min and removed) Celery.50 4.90 3.40 8.40 17. Albertsons Cucumbers.10 4.40 7.00 3. boiled Carrots.60 5.80 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup.00 5.70 Vegetables M - 2 cups Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables M L VL VL M M 19. green. sliced 1/2 cup 1/2 cup .70 1/2 cup.40 3. Natur Cultured Sauerkraut.30 2. Purple Cabbage. raw Cucumbers.80 Carrots.10 8.Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables M M L L L L L L M L L M M H L L L M L Brussel Sprouts. chopped 0.10 Cabbage.70 0. shredded 5. lemon.00 Carrots. Napa 3.80 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup.30 9. boiled 10 min Cauliflower. steamed 4. sliced 1/2 cup. steamed 10 min Celeriac. raw. Savoy Carrots. Runner.50 min Vegetables VH Green Beans.10 unk 1/2 cup. raw Gold Beets. Cloud Nine. French.30 17.20 44.10 2.60 daikon. boiled 6 min 6.00 4. in vinegar 135.20 4. boiled Eggplant.50 1/2 cup Vegetables H Green Beans.40 1/2 cup.80 15. Mont d' Or Vegetables L Greens Turnip. boiled 30 31.80 16. cooked. drained Gold beets. steamed 33. Blue Lake Vegetables H Green Beans. Krinos Green Beans.50 82.70 3.40 163.70 1/2 cup Vegetables H Green Beans. cubed 1/2 cup sliced 1/2 cup Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables H M M L Escarole Fennel.40 100.80 30 min 15. 5. French Fillet. canned. raw Eggplant.00 brine.60 3. French Fillet.10 Beans (Batch 1) 10.Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables M M VH M Eggplant. cubed 1/2 cup. raw 5.00 97. chopped Vegetables VL Greens. Guernsey Runner Vegetables H Green Beans.70 131.30 1/2 cup . Lactofermented Green 29. White.10 33. Arugula 7. & seasonings) (Batch 2) Garlic. Baked for 30 min at 350 Endive. sliced 1/2 cup Fermented Kim Chee (napa cabbage.50 1/2 cup.70 33. raw 9. Belgian 12. boiled Fennel.70 1 clove 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1 leaf 1/2 cup Grape leaves.30 19. French.70 Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables VL EH EH M H 3. boiled 40 min.60 15. 50 4. sliced 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup.00 8.70 2) Lactofermented Kim Chee (napa 4. Collard.80 17.70 2.30 26.70 Kohlrabi.50 17.30 10.30 61.10 10. chopped 1/2 cup. sliced 1/2 cup.Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables L M M M L L Greens.50 13. chopped. Broccoli Raab (Rabe or Rapini).40 drained Kohlrabi 0.50 5.80 17. chopped.60 Vegetables M Lactofermented Green Beans (Batch 30.70 5. chopped 1/2 cup. chopped Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables M M L M L M L M EH VH M H Greens. daikon.20 8.70 winter or American cress). red rib. whole.50 3. chopped 1/2 cup.20 4. chopped 1/2 cup 1/2 cup. Pea Greens Greens.50 1/2 cup. boiled Greens.40 min Greens. Haddon House Hearts of Palm.50 8.90 14.60 9. sliced 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup Kale. whole. Broccoli Raab (Rabe or Rapini).20 61. chopped 1/2 cup 1 stick 1/2 cup. Mustard Greens. steamed Hearts of Palm.70 5. boiled 20 min Greens.00 9. 1 cup 7. boiled 10 min Greens. chopped 9.80 9.40 1/2 cup . Kale. raw Kale. sliced 1 cup.20 18.70 27. raw Greens. raw. Turnip.90 5. chopped 1/2 cup 1/2 cup. steamed Greens.30 Greens. 1/2 cup 27.30 5.60 1/2 cup.40 12.30 3. Dandelion. Dandelion. steamed 10 min Greens. chopped 1/2 cup.70 3. steamed 8 minutes Greens. raw 28.50 6. Kale. Collard. Creasy (also known as early 8.90 0.80 1/2 cup. boiled 6 min Greens. steamed 6 min Greens. Collard.70 4. red rib.70 5. chopped 1/2 cup. chopped Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables M L VL L H L Kale. peeled. Lacinato (aka Dino) cooked and 5. Curly.50 4. & seasonings) (Batch 1) Leeks.80 cabbage. Haddon House Jicama. Mustard.70 3. Leaves and stems 9. Curly. boiled 15 15.30 2.50 6. raw 17. Red. Bibb. Portobella. Iceberg. 1 mushroom Mushrooms.10 327.Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables L L Lettuce.00 Colorado Grown.30 1/2 cup 1/2 cup unk Lettuce. boiled Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables 1.50 4.50 0. Cap 0. sliced 1 medium .60 11. Red.80 2. Corn Salad. ulated canned EH Okra Vegetables 61. button (fresh). Green Onion.50 1 piece unk uncalc Mushrooms.30 1. Iceberg.00 3. 5 mushrooms Mushrooms. shredded Lettuce.50 2.30 2.00 3. button (fresh). Romaine. RAKHRA 4. 1 medium 21.00 5 medium Vegetables Vegetables VL L 0. sautéed 5 min in 1 tsp safflower oil Onion.90 874. Yellow. sliced Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables M M M L L VL VH Onion.40 0. fresh 3. wild.90 1.00 4.80 2.40 3. Boston.60 4. or chanterelles.50 1/2 cup. shredded or ulated chopped L L L VL EH VL VL VL Lettuce.00 Colorado Grown.30 0.40 1/2 cup 1/2 cup Vegetables Vegetables VL Mushrooms.80 0.80 5. chopped 9.20 0. Butter.80 1. chopped.50 1. raw. Yellow. raw Lettuce.30 8. Porcini (dry).70 1/2 cup. chopped Onion. chopped 1 medium (2 1/2 in diameter) 1 medium (2 1/2 in diameter) 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup.00 7. shredded or chopped Mangold or Spinach beet Mushrooms. Oregon Mushrooms. boiled 10 min Onion.00 17.80 1.50 0. shredded Lettuce. shredded or chopped uncalc Lettuce. raw.90 0.90 2.00 unk 1 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup unk 1 serving 1/2 cup 1 medium Mushrooms. sliced Onion.70 100. White. RAKHRA 4.60 1.30 2. White.90 5. canned Mushrooms.00 11.00 Vegetables L 4. raw Onion. Shiitake.70 13. 50 Potato. New with skin. Sweet. Miniature. Seedless. flesh only Potato. 1/2 cup Pepper. Sweet.20 15. Sweet. Miniature.60 354.80 2.20 9.40 7.60 8. Miniature.00 49. 1 pepper sautéed 10 min in 1 tbsp safflower oil Pepper.70 2.10 5. 1 small pepper Pepper.80 218. Yellow Plantain 4.10 5.60 7. boiled 30 min 20.80 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1 large 1 medium 1 large 1 medium 1/2 cup .50 3. Miniature. Russet Burbank or Idaho. Baked. Russet Burbank or Idaho. 1/2 cup sautéed 10 min in 1 tbsp safflower oil Pepper. chopped Onion.50 1/2 cup Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables L L M EH 11. Sweet. Baked. skin only Potato. Orange Pepper. Banana. Russet.40 30. Russet Burbank or Idaho. Seedless.70 18.40 49. sliced Pepper. chopped Pepper. raw.60 16.10 181.80 16. new. flesh only Potato. boiled 10 min Parsnips Pepper. Green.60 26.10 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup. raw Pepper. sliced 1 small pepper 1/2 cup 10 strips 1/2 cup 5. Yellow. skin only Potato.30 17. Baked.50 1/2 cup 1 small pepper Vegetables L 8. Sweet.60 24.90 11.40 3.60 1 small pepper 1/2 cup 10 strips 1 medium Vegetables H Pokeweed Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables H M EH EH EH VH H Potato. Sweet.70 37. Sweet. sliced Pepper. Sweet. raw. Seedless. Red.60 11. Sweet.20 2.70 18. Yellow. Sweet.10 0. Red.20 Potato.10 18. Russet Burbank or Idaho. Red. Seedless. boiled w/out skin 13. boiled w/out skin 49.30 196. chopped. Baked.Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables L L M L M M L L VL Onion.50 7.00 30. 70 1. raw Rhubarb. Russet. boiled. boiled with skin for 30 min 27. piece (2" D × 1.30 0. 25 30 min 24.40 1.40 37. raw. Red.70 1/2 cup Vegetables Vegetables M VL Pumpkin. leaves Radicchio. Fingerling.50 1/2 cup unk Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables EH H L EH VL VL Purslane.00 1.90 17.50 1/2 cup Vegetables H Potato. stewed without sugar 600. diced 1/2 cup 1/2 cup . White. boiled 30 min 37.00 1.50 21. boiled 30 min 26. instant.00 30.00 626. Daikon.70 1/2 cup 2 Med potatoes 1/2 cup Vegetables VH Potatoes.40 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1.00 860. Daikon. White 824. mashed. Sainsbury Rhubarb. canned.70 0.30 12.Vegetables VH Potato.00 45.00 380.00 505. steamed Rhubarb.70 10.10 5. White.00 1/2 cup 1/2 cup. White. Albertson's Pumpkin. deep fried ulated VH M VH Potato. Fingerling.75" H) Radish.50 85. canned.00 19. Whole New Potatoes. raw 5.50 11.00 2. canned. Red. Albertsons Potato.20 1.00 unk Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables 98. medium (3/4 -1 inch in diameter) Radish. raw.40 12. White.80 1/2 cup Vegetables uncalc Potato. shredded Radish.10 0. Del Monte Potatoes.00 1235.1 radish (7 inches long) Radish.00 unk Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables EH EH EH EH Rhubarb. 00 97. Green Giant Spinach.00 779.00 package instructions) Seaweed.00 123.10 2. pressure cooked 10 min Seaweed.50 1. raw 544. chopped.80 1.20 1/ 2 cup 1/2 cup.10 235.00 4. organic (baked) Squash. 8 min 364. baked Squash. Baby.50 One 1x4 inch piece 1 sheet 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 2. Nori Sheets Seaweed.35 oz Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables VL L M VL L EH EH EH 80. cubed 1 Tbsp Seaweed. frozen.70 1. Alfalfa Squash.20 97.90 1 cup mashed 1/2 cup mashed 1/2 cup mashed .10 2.90 582. Butternut. chopped 1/2 cup. chopped 1/2 cup.00 unk Vegetables EH Spinach.00 0.00 1.00 1/2 cup.00 1/2 cup Vegetables EH Spinach. baked 1 hr 5.60 1.00 1/2 cup Vegetables EH 1145.00 2.70 4.00 1063. dry roasted Seaweed.00 1/2 cup Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables VL L L Sprouts.00 28. cubed 1/2 cup.00 768.10 2.00 1/2 cup Vegetables EH Spinach. steamed for 15 min.00 101. Dulse flakes 4. Wakame Shallots Sorrel. Kombu Seaweed.00 542. Hijiki (soaked according to 28.90 1/2 cup. organic (baked) Squash. Hubbard 2. chopped 1/2 cup Vegetables EH Spinach.40 126. Acorn. Nori.10 6. boiled with cream 412. raw 5. Delicata. raw Spinach.00 304. cubed 1/2 cup Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables L L M Squash. boiled. boiled 50 min Rutabaga.Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables L L M L Rutabaga. Delicata.10 4. steamed 8 min 797. boiled 15 min Sorrel.80 4.90 3. sliced 1/2 cup 1/2 cup. boiled. mashed 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup chopped Vegetables EH Swiss Chard. Orange. Hunt's Tomato Paste. Red. Hunt's 19.20 1/2 cup. Spaghetti. Green. Zucchini. steamed 556. chopped Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables M M L L M Tomatillo.90 74.00 1/2 cup chopped Vegetables EH Swiss Chard.60 82. sliced 1/2 cup.30 24. Red.10 20.30 19.Vegetables L Squash. boiled 428.60 19.00 1/2 cup Vegetables EH Swiss Chard.10 3.80 2.10 58.00 335.60 1/2 cup Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables L L L L EH EH EH EH EH Squash. boiled 10 min Squash.00 19. canned. chopped Vegetables EH Swiss Chard. raw 964.70 58.60 3.50 5. Green. baked Sweet Potato.30 24.70 4. boiled 4. 1 medium Tomatillo. fresh. fresh Squash.00 20. sliced 1/2 cup. sliced 1 tbsp 1 tsp 2 tbsp . baked Swiss Chard. Yellow or summer. Purple.00 1/2 cup Vegetables EH Swiss Chard. sliced.00 1/2 cup. 30 min Sweet Potato.00 1/2 cup. Zucchini.00 16. Kabocha 2.10 20.10 1/2 cup Vegetables L Squash. Red.20 5. raw 1167. Orange. boiled 10 min Squash. 1/2 cup Tomato Paste. raw.10 1 medium tomatillo 1/2 cup.30 3. Yellow or summer.30 278. baked for 1 hr 5. Hunt's Tomato Paste. raw Sweet Potato. raw.60 24. Green. Princella Sweet Potato.10 33. fresh. steamed 1052. 50 wedge Tomato. Pink.80 1/2 cup.80 1 medium (2 3/5 in diameter) 1/2 cup.60 13.50 7. Pink Girl 11. canned.90 4.10 6. sliced Vegetables L Tomato. sliced 1/2 cup. Carolina Gold Tomato. sliced 1/2 cup. 1 medium Tomato. sliced or chopped 1/2 cup.Vegetables H Tomato Sauce. Garden Peach 3. sliced 1/2 cup.40 3.40 1.50 11.20 6.20 4. Pink. Momotaro Tomato. Big Beef 12.90 4.70 1/2 cup. sliced 1/2 cup. sliced . fresh. Heartland Tomato. Razzleberry Tomato.30 3. 1 8. Red Sun 10.80 1/2 cup.30 10.40 Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables M M M L Tomato. sliced 1/2 cup. Kellogg's Breakfast Tomato. Better Boy Tomato.30 5. sliced Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables M M M M L M L Tomato. 1/2 cup Tomato.50 8.60 1.70 15. sliced 1 wedge of medium tomato 1/2 cup. sliced 1/2 cup sliced 1/2 cup.40 3. sliced Tomato.70 1/2 cup sliced 1/2 cup.80 4.00 8.20 4. unspecified 8.30 1/4 cup Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables M M L Tomato.60 3.60 10. German Johnson Tomato.30 3. Hunt's 24. sliced Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables M M M L Tomato.60 3. Japanese Black Trifle 5. sliced 1/2 cup. Orange Blossom Tomato. Early Girl 13.30 9.60 12.20 5.20 8. unspecified variety.90 10.80 5. Celebrity Tomato.40 6.00 1/2 cup. sliced Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables M M M M Tomato. Brandywine 5.10 6.60 6.50 variety1/2 cup Tomato.70 10. Beefmaster Tomato.40 7.90 4. Cherokee Purple Tomato. sliced 1/2 cup sliced 1/2 cup sliced 1/2 cup. Hawaiian Tomato.10 8. fresh. sliced 1/2 cup.50 6. 90 5.90 100.20 8.90 1 medium (2 3/5 in diameter) 1/2 cup.50 6. Whopper Tomato. Valencia Tomato.20 3.00 7.20 31.90 14.70 5.00 6. Yellow Pear Tomatoes. Hunt's Turnip root. Roma. unspecified brand Tomatoes.60 7.80 4.60 5.10 4.80 14. baked 12.50 7. Whole. Red. raw Yam. 1/2 cup Tomato.00 100. 1/2 cup 14. Organic Tomato. flesh only.90 3. steamed 15 min Vipergrass or salsify Water Chestnuts.00 3. Green.10 3. canned.00 100. Sungold Cherry 11.80 12. 1 medium Tomato.60 8. sliced 1 medium (2 3/5 in diameter 1/2 cup. Sungold Cherry Tomato. boiled 15 min Turnip root. raw Turnip root.90 7.00 9.20 12.50 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup . sliced or chopped 1/2 cup diced 1/2 cup sliced 1 tomato Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables M M M M H Tomato. boiled for 6 minutes Watercress. Red.50 105.80 1/2 cup. Green.00 13. Stupice Tomato.80 11. 1 medium 12. sliced 1/2 cup.60 6. chopped or sliced 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup Vegetables M Tomatoes. sliced.00 4. peeled. sliced 1/2 cup sliced 1/2 cup. Dynasty Watercress.30 5.80 Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables H M L L L M L L L EH Tomatoes. canned.50 2.80 16. canned.20 4.Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables M M H M L Tomato. 50 4. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 6. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter.00 27.00 34.00 8.66 78. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter.38 60.01 2.00 .00 7. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.00 78.60 Calc Soluble (mg) % Soluble Oxalate per serving Oxalate 8.16 84.40 62. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter.36 67. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.00 1.50 9. Addendum Aug 2004 VP Newsletter.00 2. Addendum Aug 2004 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter. Addendum Aug 2004 Sub with Chayote or Kohlrabi (low) Sub with Chayote or Kohlrabi (low) Sub with Asparagus (med) Sub with Asparagus (med) Sub with Asparagus (med) Sub with Asparagus (med) 0.06 60.00 18.84 0. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.40 60.12 5.37 85.00 9. Addendum Fall 2007 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.00 0. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 10.00 100 57 39 35 28 29 41 34 63 80 0 27 78 44 0 42 2 85 43 73 78 0 0 0 41 0 Reference Notes VP Newsletter.00 11. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2008 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.27 6.48 0.00 31.16 15.68 0. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.00 43.00 60.86 0.88 0.61 6.60 0.70 5.53 8.71 13.69 18.00 8.10 6.28 6. May 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.72 0.00 2.00 15.00 8.50 12.05 60.76 60.24 90.00 23.36 7.81 2.78 60.00 0.86 0.00 9.47 120.29 0.Serving (g) Calc Oxalate per serving 120.77 37.34 67.32 0.00 4.00 0. Addendum Summer 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.92 90.10 4.82 94.52 85. 38 35. Mar 2011 VP Newsletter.98 1.18 91 66 0 75 100 76 . Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 1.50 3.76 44.00 71.80 0. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.09 10.79 5.00 1. May 2011 5.72 1. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.05 2.50 0.00 3. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.74 1.00 2. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.24 78.18 5.76 6.00 8.40 78. Addendum Fall 2008 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.94 70.00 0.08 1.00 1.76 52.63 78.36 50.20 12.43 0.00 3.00 11. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Aug 2004 VP Newsletter.71 2.00 0.87 2.98 0.80 75.80 64. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.50 0.00 1.88 75.50 59.98 1. Addendum Aug 2004 VP Newsletter.60 75. Addendum Fall 2012 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 11. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 2.70 35.96 0.80 0 0 95 94 85 71 71 36 36 37 47 51 83 0 32 75 47 52 100 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.39 120.00 8.00 2. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.50 1.00 5.00 0. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.60 5.7. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.19 2. Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.00 5.00 6.86 77.10 0. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Sub with Turnips (low) Aug 2004 VP Newsletter.00 0.00 17.60 100 60.96 0.50 5.60 89.00 3.15 0.00 1.20 62.39 62.02 71. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Mar 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.00 0.20 6.48 3.44 1.49.20 2.15 5.73 39 85 80 25 50 VP Newsletter.00 43.00 18.00 0.57 75. Msg.52 53 VP Foundation Newsletter.20 0.51 36 Autism Oxalate Project.34 41. Addendum Sub with Zucchini (low) Spring 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.73 46 0.96 9.00 38 97 75 0 VP Newsletter. cut green beans (medium) Sub with Roma variety or use Del Monte canned.00 0 72.53 0.38 0.00 31. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.50 8.38 6. cut green beans (medium) VP Newsletter. cut green beans (medium) Sub with Roma variety or use Del Monte canned.00 82.08 6.00 19. Sub with half Bok Choy stems (low) 0. May Sub with Roma variety or 2011 use Del Monte canned. #26740 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2007 Autism Oxalate Project.75 2. Jan 2009 TLO Post.08 0 0 87 73 3.00 139.11 70.00 0. Addendum Sub with Roma variety or Fall 2008 use Del Monte canned.04 6. cut green beans (medium) 0. Addendum Fall 2008 Sub with Roma variety or use Del Monte canned.00 0. May 2011 Weight and serving size unknown.00 7.27 85.23 32 . cut green beans (medium) Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Sub with Roma variety or use Del Monte canned.50 6.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 0.00 6.71 0.00 20.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 62.68 9.00 4.79 85.00 0. Addendum Fall 2007 10.00 4. cut green beans (medium) 62. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.44 23.00 0.00 0. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter. Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.75 62.64 70.30 111.00 6. May 2011 VP Newsletter.66 11.49 2.00 25.10 63 72 100 54 61 58 Autism Oxalate Project.00 4.19 2.76 1.00 2.50 7.58 32.00 4. Addendum Summer 2009 Autism Oxalate Project.13 60. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter.50 9.00 5.78 80.00 6.76 62.55 4.75 1.27 95. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.04 41.00 5.57 4.19 6. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.50 0.59 2.16 36.42 67. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.81 82. Addendum Fall 2012 Sub with Shallots (low)green (medium) or sweet onions (low) 44.00 9. Addendum Spring 2008 VP Newsletter.73 64 61 55 76 60 47 21 53 8 8 51 63 Sub with Asparagus (medium) Sub with Asparagus (medium) Sub with Dino Kale cooked and drained (low) 33.70 1.19 65.31 33. May 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.30 11. Feb 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.07 62.00 6. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.18 55 .68 3.35 1.00 8.64 72. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.89 2.00 8.78 70. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.67 6. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.30.73 0.29 3.81 10.00 2.86 1.00 2. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 3.00 10. May 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.00 3.65 50. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.88 65.80 58 44 53 51 56 64 VP Newsletter.03 75.63 5.60 5. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Fall 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.27 95.00 8.00 18. JanFeb 2011 53.33 4.59 2.93 3.15 70.00 49.00 3.31 0.00 19.50 1.41 18.58 1. 10 3.28.00 6.00 4.20 0 0 36.01 23.34 1. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.18 0.04 2.66 0.00 2. JanFeb 2011 VP Newsletter.00 7.00 0.55 2. 80.52 27.16 110. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.00 0. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter.00 0. Jan 2009 TLO Post.00 1.80 0. use LO Roux. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.00 49. Weight and serving size unknown.00 105. Addendum Fall 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.59 6.43 81 27 20 76 72 94 90 VP Newsletter.50 0. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter.10 57. Addendum Fall 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.50 0. JanFeb 2011 VP Newsletter.98 243.92 28.36 100 78.94 0.00 7. 0.39 0.74 0.26 0 0. Sub with Asparagus (med). Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 3. Addendum Fall 2012 . Msg.00 4.30 0.48 0 64 0 Autism Oxalate Project.00 2.45 0. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter. JanFeb 2011 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.83 0.50 1.00 0.00 72.31 0 57 0 19.00 2. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.39 80. #26740 Weight and serving size unknown. JanFeb 2011 VP Newsletter.85 110. For thickening.00 31. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.50 16. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.94 0 93 79 0 VP Newsletter.35 0. Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 For texture. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter.83 78.36 3.30 2.67 0 1. 84. Addendum Weight and serving size Fall 2012 unknown.67 0 82 82 58 0 61 78 100 Weight and serving size unknown.02 36.00 5.50 0.00 0.65 1. 93 74.37 46.74 9. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.26 78. boiled w/out skin (med) or Del Monte Canned Whole New Potatoes (medium) 41.50 1.06 44 44 0 93 0.50 10.00 3.00 13.00 19.00 120. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.94 12.00 4.13 118.14 52.68 179.76 52.00 157.85 3. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter. boiled w/out skin (med) for green plantains and green Bananas for ripe.70 48. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2010 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.75 86 90 89 63 94 12 0 74 88 VP Newsletter.00 0.00 15.53 13.51 2.80.00 3. Addendum Spring 2011 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Sub with Red.46 74.50 79.09 0. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 3.00 14.04 2.11 7.49 3.68 1. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter.00 0 0 78.00 10.08 88 10. black plantains (medium) Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Sub with Kale (medium).30 318.00 3.09 0 2.Sub with Red. or Turnip greens (low) VP Newsletter.00 39.20 22. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.52 105. Jan.02 0.84 29.33 0 92 89 76 62 62 62 0 .00 3.58 0.16 41.18 78.64 2. New Potatoes.00 1. Addendum Summer 2010 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.00 9. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 8.87 24. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.99 78. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter. New Feb 2011 Potatoes.27 14.09 243.79 46.00 351.05 325. Arugula. 00 18. New Potatoes. Addendum Summer 2010 Sub with Red.91 4.47 37.98 53 VP Newsletter.32 29. Addendum Winter 2010 Autism Oxalate Project. Oxalate levels below detectable limits 120.00 0.00 720.53 4.00 231.00 0.00 21.00 15.20 9.00 753. boiled w/out skin (med) or Del Monte Canned Whole New Potatoes (medium) Weight and serving size unknown.00 0 31 0 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.95 9.00 0 0 VP Newsletter. New Potatoes.00 29.86 0.46 0.35 120. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.00 125.06 0. Oxalate levels below detectable limits Sub with Watercress (low) Sub with Belgian Endive (medium) 20.32 338. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.00 76 63 36 90 82 0 VP Newsletter.50 0. JanFeb 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 Sub with Red.00 3.00 35. Sub with mashed Cauliflower (low) 30.00 1032.00 120.93 58 VP Newsletter.00 78. New Potatoes.61 80. Addendum Fall 2012 Weight and serving size unknown.00 29. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter. boiled w/out skin (med) or Del Monte Canned Whole New Potatoes (medium) Weight and serving size unknown.00 1. Addendum Summer 2012 Autism Oxalate Project.78.00 0.08 0. boiled w/out skin (med) or Del Monte Canned Whole New Potatoes (medium) Sub with Red. boiled w/out skin (med) or Del Monte Canned Whole New Potatoes (medium) Sub with Red.04 94. May 2011 VP Newsletter.00 49 0 VP Newsletter.00 164.00 0.00 41.49 25.80 0.00 8.00 61.25 16. Addendum Fall 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 Sub with Cranberries (low) Sub with Cranberries (low) Sub with Cranberries (low) .41 86 54 83 78.45 0 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 78.12 0.80 49.00 606. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2012 0. New Potatoes.00 0.00 6. Addendum Summer 2010 120. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter.00 302. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter. Feb 2012 VP Newsletter.97 103.54 15. Addendum Winter 2010 Autism Oxalate Project. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.20 140. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter.80 3.00 2.80 1. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.00 0. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.55 75.00 8.00 3.20 0 64 0 0 72 40 70 72 Sub with Arugula (low) Sub with Arugula (low) Sub with Kale (medium).00 2.68 1.70 10.48 130. or Turnip greens (low) Sub with Kale (medium).00 4.80 56 6.84 122.22 2.09 102.45 4.68 2. Arugula.90 0.70 10. or Turnip greens (low) Weight and serving size unknown.45 0. Arugula.49 85.00 516.00 4.00 2. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.00 0.01 2.00 0. Arugula. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.01 6.60 90.53 1.85.00 0 45.37 81 81 75 Autism Oxalate Project.22 69 87 25 236.92 115. Feb Use pumpkin (lower) or 2012 butternut squash (low) . Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter.00 202. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Foundation Newsletter.80 44 45 0 100 VP Newsletter.00 0.53 10. or Turnip greens (low) 0.00 0.00 3.80 365.64 26. Mar 2011 VP Newsletter.90 28 VP Newsletter.00 159.50 0.00 9. or Turnip greens (low) Sub with Kale (medium). Addendum Fall 2012 4.16 52.00 9.00 3. Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.57 10. Addendum Fall 2007 95. Arugula. Addendum Aug 2004 VP Newsletter.00 327.80 288. Mar 2011 Autism Oxalate Project.00 0 90. Addendum Winter 2010 Autism Oxalate Project.62 0. Arugula.96 118. Addendum Aug 2004 VP Newsletter. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 0.21 40. or Turnip greens (low) Sub with Kale (medium).00 2.00 1.03 0.00 0 16.00 0. Oxalate levels below detectable limits Sub with Kale (medium).25 0. 89 5.52 2. Addendum Fall 2007 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter.176.50 1.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 87.13 0.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 18.60 0.50 486.00 12. Msg.00 4.05 57. Bok Choy (low) or Mustard Greens (medium) 18.90 74.00 95.25 164.00 0 84 71 91 0 27 41 27 0 Sub with Butternut Squash (low) Sub with Butternut Squash (low) Sub with Butternut Squash (low) Sub with Turnip Greens. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter.34 33.87 90. Bok Choy (low) or Mustard Greens (medium) Sub with Turnip Greens.00 278. Bok Choy (low) or Mustard Greens (medium) Sub with Turnip Greens. Jun 2008 TLO Post.50 0.88 2.50 0.03 45 90.00 6.96 0. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 8.00 3.54 3.00 3.00 19.00 2.52 0.50 920. Addendum Summer 2010 VP Newsletter. Bok Choy (low) or Mustard Greens (medium) Sub with Turnip Greens.22 1.63 97 97 83 83 83 VP Newsletter.00 70. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 87.33 90.00 173.00 4.28 121.00 3.50 0.00 3.00 0 Autism Oxalate Project.46 12.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 87.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 34.30 100.00 0 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 87. Bok Choy (low) or Mustard Greens (medium) Sub with Turnip Greens.48 33.79 2.00 3.91 100. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 78.00 82.00 210. Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter. Bok Choy (low) or Mustard Greens (medium) Sub with Turnip Greens.50 374.02 6.66 66. Addendum Summer 2010 Low Oxalate Cookbook 2 VP Newsletter. #23959 VP Foundation Newsletter.06 0.70 0.11 6. Addendum Summer 2009 . Addendum Summer 2009 VP Newsletter. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.94 16.50 293. Addendum Fall 2008 90.00 4.14 3.00 15. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Foundation Newsletter.85 31. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Foundation Newsletter.06 1.51 90.05 7.87 1.24 1. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.00 13.16 90.64 90.17 4.62. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter.65 90.09 7.19 7. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.00 7.31 90.97 90.38 5.44 90.42 70 90. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Foundation Newsletter.00 10. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.82 4.77 8.53 45 84 82 66 42 42 50 90.01 46 VP Newsletter.00 11.04 90. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.00 7.00 9. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.18 90.49 7. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.00 7.00 2.63 90.56 90. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Foundation Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2008 Use 1/8 cup (medium) and combine with Butternut Squash or Pumpkin puree (lower) 90. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Foundation Newsletter.42 66 80 84 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter.67 3.00 3.40 7.34 90. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.50 5.16 90.11 90.00 12. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.33 61 10 39 80 90.86 3.32 57 57 52 48 . Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.06 5.00 4.38 4.00 5.12 3.00 14.74 6.86 3.68 4.00 11.00 5.00 4.00 4.48 90.21 3.45 90.60 84 50 67 75 123.00 9.00 6.00 11.32 3. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.00 9.00 9. 12 47 120.11 2.30 2.00 13. Addendum Aug 2004 VP Newsletter.80 90.45 29.40 12. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Foundation Newsletter.14 70.50 8.00 15.50 6.51 50.25 1.14 6.70 67.50 24 76 0 0 0 71 63 61 69 30 Use Hunt's Whole Tomatoes (medium) .03 29.00 15.00 105. Addendum Aug 2004 VP Newsletter.20 2. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.04 5. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2007 Autism Oxalate Project.88 7.70 2.51 31.54 1.51 1.00 4. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter.36 66 24 97 85 47 Sub with tomatillo (medium).39 1.00 5.123.00 0.00 10.00 0. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter.30 2.24 90.12 90.14 2.00 12.34 41 41 85 32 66 VP Newsletter.78 3.90 90. Addendum Spring 2011 VP Newsletter.20 2.00 3.00 2.24 121. Addendum Summer 2012 Use Big Beef or Garden Peach tomatoes (Low) 90.45 0.00 2. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter.00 14. Feb 2012 VP Newsletter.90 2.00 17.72 5. Addendum Winter 2010 VP Newsletter. but has more tart flavor 90.18 100.96 7.00 5. Addendum Fall 2007 VP Newsletter. Addendum Aug 2004 VP Newsletter.31 123.00 10. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.00 2. Addendum Summer 2012 VP Newsletter.00 7. Addendum Fall 2012 VP Newsletter.74 4.00 8.98 17.01 90. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter. Addendum Fall 2008 VP Newsletter.00 2.
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