Ownersmanual Astrea-prima en 07122014-1714
Ownersmanual Astrea-prima en 07122014-1714
June 3, 2018 | Author: Johan Lau | Category:
Transmission (Mechanics)
Motor Oil
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OWNER’S MANUALPREFACE Astrea. n n M /1 This booklet is your guide to the basic operation and maintenance of your new Honda motorcycle. Please take the time to read it carefully. As with any fine machine, proper care and maintenance are essential for trouble free operation and optimum performance. Your authorized Honda dealer will be glad to provide further information or assistance and is equipped to handle your future service needs. Thank you for selecting a Honda. We wish you many miles of continued riding pleasure in the years ahead. ALL INFORMATION, ILLUSTRATIONS, DIRECTIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS INCLUDED IN THIS PUBLICATION ARE BASED ON THE LATEST PRODUCT INFORMATION AVAILABLE AT THE TIME OF APPROVAL FOR PRINTING. P.T. FEDERAL MOTOR RESERVES THF RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE AND WITHOUT INCURRING ANY OBLIGATION WHATEVER. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRIT TEN PERMISSION. i CONTENTS Introducing Your Astrea Prima — Parts Location ............. ............... — Parts Function ............................. — Speedometer ............................... — Ignition key/Steering lock .......... — Seat Lock .................................... — Items located under the s e a t----— Fuel gauge/Fuel valve ............... — Rear shockabsorber ................... Pre-ride Inspection ................................... Starting the Engine — Preparation................................... — Cold Engine Starting Procedure — Warm Engine Starting Procedure — Flooded Engine ........................... Riding Motorcycle — Motorcycle S a fe ty ..................... — Shifting Pattern of G e a rs .......... — Gear Changing Procedure ........ — Running-In ................................. Maintenance — Maintenance Schedule.............. — Engine Oil ................................... — Spark Plug ................................. — Air C leaner................................. — Fuel Strainer and Fuel Line — Carburetor ................................. — Drive Chain ............................... — Front Brake .............................. — Rear Brake ............................... — Stoplight Switch ..................... — Headlight Aim ......................... — Battery ..................................... — Fuse Replace ........................... — Front Wheel Rem oval............. — Rear Wheel Removal .......... — Clutch ....................................... — Valve Clearance....................... — Tires ........................................ — Tool K i t ..................................... Specification ........................................ ii 4 6 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 20 20 22 22 MOTORCYCLE SAFETY Astrea PRlvf/1. PROTECTIVE APPAREL 1. Most motorcycle accident fatalities are due to head injuries: ALWAYS wear a helmet. You should also wear a face shield or goggles as well as boots, gloves and protective clothing. 2. The exhaust system becomes very hot during operation, and it remains hot after operation. Never touch any part of the hot exhaust system. Wear clothing that fully covers your legs. 3. Do not wear loose clothing which could catch on the control levers, kickstarter, footpegs or wheels. MODIFICATIONS ^ W A R N IN G M odification o f the motorcycle, or removal o f original equipment may render the vehicle unsafe o r illegal. Obey a ll federal, state and local equipment regu lations. LOADING AND ACCESSORIES WARNING * A m otorcycle is sensitive to changes in w eight distribution. Im proper loading o f cargo and m ounting o f accessories can im pair the m otorcycle's stability and performance. To prevent an accident, use extreme care when m ounting acces sories and riding w ith cargo. 1. Keep cargo and accessory weight low and close to the center of the motor cycle. Load weight equally on both sides to minimize imbalance. As weight is located farther from the motorcycle's center of gravity, handling is pro portionally affected. 2. All cargo and accessories must be secure for stable handling. Re-check secu rity frequently. 3. Do not attach large or heavy items to the handlebars, front forks, or fender. Unstable handling or slow steering response may result. 1 Many accidents involve inexperienced riders. Your size and maneuver ability can surprise other motorists. parking lot entrances and exits. Obey all national and local laws and regulations. NEVER lend your motorcycle to an inexperienced rider. Most states require a special motorcycle riding test or license. The luggage rack is primarily for light weight items. SAFE RIDING RULES 1. 7.MOTORCYCLE SAFETY Astrea p f u v i/ ]. 5. See Loading and Accessories. 3. Keep both hands on the handlebars and both feet on the footpegs while riding. Know these requirements before you ride. Always make a pre-ride inspection before you start the engine. WARNING * M otorcycle riding requires special efforts on your p a rt to ensure your safety. Obey the speed limits. 2. Make sure cargo is secure and will not shift while riding. • Excessive speed is a factor in many accidents. • Don't ride in another motorist's "blind spot." • Don't ride on the roadway shoulder. Don't let other motorists surprise you. Many automobile/motorcycle accidents happen because the automobile driver does not "see" the motorcyclist. You may prevent an accident or equipment damage. 4. and NEVER travel faster than conditions warrant. Use extra caution at intersections. 2 . • Signal before you make a turn or lane change. 6. Make yourself conspicuous to help avoid the accident that wasn't your fault: • Wear bright or reflective clothing. and drive-ways. Make sure you are qualified before you ride. 3 . INTRODUCING YOUR ASTREA PRIMA . Astrca 5 . INTRODUCING YOUR ASTREA PRIMA PARTS FUNCTION HEADLIGHT SW ITCH POSITION: OFF (•) Position light. instrument illumination light. and rear light on Headlight. instrument illumi nation light and rear light on 6 . position light. should be in "H L " position HORN BUTTON 7 . INTRODUCING YOUR ASTREA PRIMA TURN SIGNAL SW ITCH 8 . 9 .Asfrea. ■SPRJVI/1 SPEEDOMETER TOP GEAR INDICATOR INDICATOR DESCRIPTION FUNCTION Top gear indicator Lights when the transmission is the top or fourth gear Economical speed indicator Indicates speeds with better fuel con sumption when riding in top gear Odometer Shows accumulated kilometers. INTRODUCING YOUR ASTREA PRIMA IGNITION KEY POSITION: ON The engine can be started. Key cannot be removed. Key can be moved. be re STEERING LOCK POSITION: LOCK The steering is locked. POSITION: OFF The engine cannot started. Key can removed. The engine cannot be started. 10 . Astrea. PRivi/li 1 .1 SEAT LOCK TO OPEN 11 . . Do not operate the mo torcycle with a helmet attached to the holder.INTRODUCING YOUR ASTREA PRIMA — — — ITEM S LOCATED UNDER THE SEAT 1. HELMET HOLDER 2. TOOLS BOX 12 W A R N IN G : The helmet holder is designed for use while parking. After refueling. 13 . FUEL TA NK CAP WARNING: Do not overfill the tank (there should be no fuel in the filler neck).Astrca. wp r iv i/ i . there is about 0. W hen the gauge needle first points to "E" (red zone). FUEL GAUGE The fuel gauge shows how much fuel is in the tank. F (FULL): Fuel tank ca pacity is about 4 liters. 3. Refill the tank as soon as possible.8 liter left. make sure the fuel tank cap is closed securely. POSITION: ON Fuel will flow from the main fuel supply to the carburetor.INTRODUCING YOUR ASTREA PRIMA FUEL VALVE POSITION: OFF Fuel cannot flow from the tank to the carburetor. Turn the valve off whenever the motorcycle is not in use. 14 . Astrea. n n i^ /1 REAR SHOCKABSORBER Each rear shockabsorber has two adjustment positions for different load or riding conditions. Normal condition Heavy load condition • M NORMAL CONDITION Driver Driver + Light load weight Driver + Passenger Driver + Heavy load weight HEAVY LOAD CONDITION 15 . Adjusment position must be the same for right and left shockabsorber. 16 .PRE-RIDE INSPECTION Inspect your motorcycle every day before you start the engine. and in the long run they can save time. expense and possibly your life. The items listed here will only take a few minutes. PRJV1Z1. 17 .Astrea. turn signals. tail/stoplight.PRE-RIDE INSPECTION 5 Drive chain — check condition and slack -------------. Adjust and lubricate if necessary. .^ m 18 Lights and horn: Check that headlight. indicators and horn function properly. Contact your authorized Honda Dealer for assistance if you cannot correct the problem.Astrea^ S K — pr m Correct any discrepancy before you ride. 19 . . STARTING THE ENGINE PREPARATION COLD ENGINE STARTING PROCEDURE 20 . SI Warm up the engine by opening and closing the throttle slightly. Never run the engine in a closed area. Warm up the engine until engine RPM is smooth and move the choke lever all the way to fully open.Astrea • rP i mR j^ /l. WARNING: Never open the throttle fully when starting engine. Immediately after engine starts move choke lever to midway position. 21 . The exhaust contains poi sonous carbon monoxide gas. FLOODED ENGINE If the engine fails to start after repeated attempts. it may be flooded with excess fuel. 22 . Turn ignition switch "o n " and try again starting engine without choke. To clear a flooded engine. W A R M ENGINE STARTING PROCEDURE Open the throttle grip slightly approximately 1/8 turn. Open the throttle fully and crank the engine several times with kickstarter.STARTING THE ENGINE Astrea PRKl>9. turn the ignition switch off and push the choke lever down to fully open. Astrea. Do not bend to either side or move forward or backward. FOOTPEG: Put both your feet on the footpegs SHIFTING PATTERN OF GEARS \ l & & I * - ____ — ( ft Shifting up 23 . RIDING MOTORCYCLE — -RRlVfXI. MOTORCYCLE SAFETY BUTTOCKS: Put your buttocks on the middle of the driver side in the seat. Also. — -« -o ■ clutch is engaged : clutch is released Therefore. every time after changing gears. 24 . by releasing the gear change pedal from this position. and the clutch will be released.RIDING THE MOTORCYCLE RELEASING THE GEAR CHANGE PEDAL Midway during the gear change pedal movement there is a position where the clutch is fully released. the effect is similar to pressing the clutch handle lever on a conventionally clutched motorcycle. the effect will be similar to releasing a conventional clutch handle lever. slowly release the gear change pedal so shifting will be done smoothly. By lightly pressing the gear change pedal to wards this position. Astrca ----GEAR CHANGING PROCEDURE Close the throttle Depress front of the gearshift pedal Gradually increase engine speed by opening the throttle SHIFTING DOW N II Close the throttle Depress rear of the gearshift pedal 25 . RIDING THE MOTORCYCLE ROTARY SYSTEM T R A N S M IS S IO N The rotary system transmission enables shifting gears directly fronr 4th gear to neutral and vice versa if the m otorcycle is at t standstill. This feature cannot operate if the motorcycle is moving 26 . Do not operate the motorcycle at more than 80% of the maximum speed in any gear. GEAR 1 St 2 nd 3 th 4 th Speed (K M /H ) 0 15 25 30 -2 0 . Rocommended safe riding upeeds during running in. Avoid full throttle operation and do not operate for a long time at one speed.45 .35 .60 27 .RUNNING-IN During the first 1000 km. R: Replace.L E V E R Y 5 0 0 k m D R IV E C H A IN BATTERY REPLACE EVERY 2 0 0 0 km c 1 C A R B U R E T O R ID L E S P E E D 33 i c S P A R K PLUG • Page 1 c CARBURETOR CHOKE A IR C L E A N E R 1 i 1 1 1 38 1 1 1 3 6 -3 7 BRAKE SYSTEM 1 1 1 ' 3 6 -3 7 • B R A K E L I G H T S W IT C H 1 i 1 1 38 • H E A D L IG H T A IM i i 1 1 38 CLUTCH i 1 1 1 42 1 1 i - S ID E S T A N D 28 . C: Clean. F U E L L IN E S . Lubricate or Replace. F U E L S T R A IN E R * T H R O T T L E O P E R A T IO N • EVERY O D O M E T E R (N O T E 2 ) // I l ii i /#T c c 33 • i i 1 - i i 1 - c c c 33 R R R 32 i 1 1 42 NOTE 1 * VA LVE CLEARANCE i E N G IN E O IL YEAR E N G IN E O IL F IL T E R S C R E E N YEAR R M O NTH i BRAKE SHOE W EAR 3 0 -3 1 1 1 - i 34 34 l .MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Perform the Pre-ride Inspection at each scheduled maintenance period. L: Lubricate. FREQ UENCY W H IC H E V E R COMES _ F IR S T IT E M . if necessary. A: Adjust. I : Inspect and Clean. Adjust. PRJVI/1. JOTE: (1) Service more frequently when riding in dusty areas. ■ IN THE INTEREST OF SAFETY. WE RECOMMEND THESE ITEMS BE SER VICED ONLY BY AN AUTHORIZED HONDA DEALER.Astrea. 29 . FREQUENCY W H IC H E V E R COMES O D O M E T E R (N O T E 2) _ F IR S T / / / / i /# / / 1 M IT E M • S U S P E N S IO N • N U TS. (2) For higher odometer readings. BO LTS. FASTENERS EVERY / Page i 1 i i i - i 1 4 0 -4 1 1 - i 1 •• W H E E L S /S P O K E S i 1 •• S T E E R IN G H E A D B E A R IN G i - SHOULD BE SERVICED BY AN AUTHORIZED HONDA DEALER. UNLESS THE OWNER HAS PROPER TOOLS AND SERVICE DATA AND IS MECHA NICALLY QUALIFIED. REFER TO THE OFFICIAL HONDA SHOP MANUAL. repeat at the frequency interval es tablished here. 30 . Reinsert the dipstick without screwing it in and check the oil level. o r castor based racing oils. 2. Engine Oil Level Check Check engine oil level each day before operating the motorcycle. Non-detergent. 1. CAUTION: * Engine oil is a major factor affecting the performance and service life o f the engine. With the motorcycle standing upright on level ground. vegetable. remove the oil filler cap/dipstick and wipe it clean. The use of special oil additives is unnecessary and will only increase operating expenses. Use only high detergent. I Recommended Oil Viscosity: SAE 20W-40 or SAE 20W-50 Other viscosities shown in the chart below may be used when the average temperature in your riding area is within the indicated range. premium quality motor oil certified to meet or exceed US automobile manufacturers' requirements for Service Classification SE or SF. Oil level must be maintained between the upper (2) and lower (3) level marks on the dipstick.MAINTENANCE ENGINE OIL Engine Oil Recommendation USE PREMIUM QUALITY 4-STROKE ENGINE OIL. Motor oils intended for Service SE or SF will show this designation on the container. are n o t recom mended. The oil filler cap (1) is on the right crankcase cover and contains a dipstick for measuring oil level. Change the engine oil when specified by the Maintenance Schedule. 4 Reinstall the oil filler cap/dipstick.i II required. Do not overfill. i Fill the crankcase through the oil filler opening with approximately 0. remove the oil filler cap/dipstick and drain plug (1). —*• FRONT (1) Drain plug 31 . and check for oil leaks. 4 Replace the filler cap/dipstick. NOTE: Change engine oil with the engine warm and the motorcycle on its center stand or held upright to assure complete and rapid draining. CAUTION: Running the engine w ith insufficient o il can cause serious engine damage. (1) Oil filler cap/dipstick (2) Upper level mark (3) Lower level mark I NGINE OIL CHANGE 11 mine oil quality is the chief factor affecting engine service life. add the specified oil up to the upper level mark. After the oil has completely drained. I) Start the engine and allow it to idle for a few minutes. tl Stop the engine. / Make sure that the oil level is at the upper level mark with the motorcycle in an upright position.8 I of the recommended grade oil. make sure that the sealing washer is in good condition and reinstall the drain plug. I To drain the oil. and that there are no oil leaks. bend the side electrode (2) carefully. 5. If you are reusing a plug. Make sure the plug washer is in good condition. Clean any dirt from around the spark plug base.6 -0 . Dis card the spark plug if there is apparent wear or if the insulator is cracked or chipped. 3. 1. The center electrode should have square edges and the side electrode should not be eroded.7 mm using a wire-type feeler gauge. With the plug washer attached. If adjustment is necessary. the spark plug should be changed to a colder heat range number. Visually inspect the spark plug electrodes for wear. Disconnect the spark plug cap and remove the spark plug with the wrench provided in the tool bag. it should only take 1 /8 —1/4 turn after the plug seats. 6. Make sure that the spark plug gap (1) is 0 . ND: U22FS-U For most riding conditions this spark plug heat range number is satisfactory. 2.4. if the motorcycle is going to be operated for extended periods at high speeds or near maximum power in hot climates.MAINTENANCE SPARK PLUG Recommended plugs: Standard: NGK: C7HSA. However. Tighten a new spark plug 1/2 turn with a spark plug wrench to compress the washer. thread the spark plug in by hand to prevent cross-threading. © (1) Spark plug gap (2) Side electrode 32 . 33 . the fuel strainer should be serviced periodically.Astrea. I I urn the steering handle all the way to the right. reinstall the fuel strainer into the fuel line. iliuining the gasoline into a suitable container. n Install the removed parts in the reverse order of removal. damage or leakage. I Turn the fuel valve to the off position.5 kg-m. p r a j^ y j. Replace if necessary. Install a new O-ring into fuel valve body. O-Ring (2). Soak the element in gear oil (SAEij'80—90) and squeeze out excess. I Pull out the air cleaner element case together with the air cleaner element (3) and fire screen (4). When riding in dusty until*. I Reinstall the screen. ■ Wash the element in non-flammable or high flash point solvent and let it dry. making sure the new O-ring is in place. ’ Remove the fuel cup (1). \ Chock the fuel line for deterioration. aligning the index marks on the fuel. Accumulations of dirt in the strainer will restrict the flow of fuel and heiufore. filter screen and fuel strainer in clean non-flammable or high (lash point solvent.3—0. Hand tighten the fuel cup then torque to 0. (1) (2) (3) (4) Screw Air cleaner cover Air cleaner element Fire screen net strainer and fuel line I he fuel strainer is incorporated in the fuel valve and fuel line leading to the mlniretor. more frequent service may be necessary. I Loosen the connecting tube band screw (1). Reinstall the fuel cup. filter screen (3) and fuel strainer (4). AIR CLEANER Ihe air cleaner should be serviced at regular intervals. i Wash the cup. I Remove the air cleaner cover (2). valve body and tiller screen. 400 +_ 100 rpm. Adjust idle speed with the throttle stop screw (1). Poor maintenance can cause premature wear or damage to the drive chain and sprockets. (1) Throttle stop screw (A) Increase rpm (B) Decrease rpm DRIVE CHAIN The service life of the drive chain is dependent upon proper lubrication and adjustment. See your authorized Honda dealer for regularly scheduled carburetor adjustments. 2. place the motorcycle on its center stand and shift the transmission into neutral. IDLE SPEED: 1. Under severe usage. or when the motorcycle is ridden in unusually dusty areas. more frequent maintenance will be necessary. Ten minutes of stop and-go riding is sufficient. The drive chain should be checked and lubricated as part of the Pre-ride Inspection. • Remove the inspection hole cap (1) on the lower chain case. 34 . Inspection: • Turn the engine off.MAINTENANCE 1) 2) (3) (4) ( ( Fuel cup O-ring Filter screen Fuel strainer CARBURETOR Idle speed NOTE * Do not attempt to compensate for faults in other systems by adjusting idle speed. • Drive chain slack should be adjusted to allow approximately 10—20 mm ver tical movement by hand. Warm up the engine and rest the motorcycle by the main stand. 1. * The engine must be warm for accurate idle adjustment. the drive chain is worn and must be replaced. Loosen the sprocket carrier nut (3).5 — 4. Check rear brake pedal free play and adjust as necesrniiy. Turn the adjusting nut (4) on both the right and left chain adjusters (6) to increase or decrease chain slack. lorque for sprocket carrier nut: 3. (1) Inspection hole cap (2) Drive chain Moll the motorcycle and check drive chain slack as the wheel rotates. lorque for rear axle nut: 4. Binding can lnH|iiently be eliminated by lubrication. Align the chain adjuster index marks (5) with corresponding scale (7) graduations on both sides of the swing arm.5 kg-m. some links are kinked and binding. h Uncheck drive chain slack.0 kg-m. bIik A djustm ent: In adjust the drive chain: I Remove the cotter pin (1) and loosen the rear axle nut (2). I lighten the sprocket carrier nut and rear axle nut. < AUTION: Mwrtys replace used coder pins w ith new ones.i Asfrea. If the chain is slack in one •hn lion and taut in another. Drive chain k should remain constant as the wheel rotates. 35 . Secure the axle nut with a new cotter pin. o llnar brake pedal free play is affected when repositioning the rear wheel to ndjust drive chain slack. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Cotter pin Rear axle nut Sprocket carrier nut Adjusting nut Adjuster index mark Chain adjuster Scale NOTE: * If drive chain slack is excessive when the rear axle is moved to the furthest limit of adjustment.0 — 5. 4 I Ighten the adjusting nuts. P R I^/J. Front Brake Adjustment: 1. Make sure the cut-out on the adjusting nut is seated on the brake arm pin (4) after making final free play adjustment. Free play should be 10—20 mm at the tip of the brake lever.MAINTENANCE Lubrication 1. 2. Measure the distance the front brake lever (1) moves before the brake starts to take hold. 3. NOTE: * If proper adjustment cannot be obtained by this method. Apply the brake several times and check for free wheel rotation when re leased. 2. Make free play adjustments by turning the adjusting nut (2) at the front brake arm (3). (1) (2) (3) (4) (A) (B) 36 Front brake lever Adjusting nut Front brake arm Brake arm pin Increase play Decrease play . place the motorcycle on its center stand and shift the transmission into neutral. see your authorized Honda dealer. Lubricate the drive chain by applying a liberal amount of engine oil or chain lubricant. Turn the engine off. (1) (2) (3) (4) Brake panel Reference mark Arrow Brake arm 37 . Haar Brake Adjustment: I Place the motorcycle on its side stand. Free play should be 20—30 mm. ' Measure the distance the rear brake pedal (1) moves before the brake starts lo take hold. attached to the brake arm (4) moves toward a reference mark (2) on the brake panel (1). an arrow (3).Astrea. H Hut arrow aligns with the reference mark on full application o f the brake the i'inkn shoes must be replaced. turn the rear brake adjusting nut (2).nn the brake is applied. NOTE: Make sure that the cut-out on the adjusting nut is seated on the brake arm pin after the final adjustment has been made. (1) (2) (A) (B) Rear brake pedal Adjusting nut Increase play Decrease play Wear Indicator: Wl. -I Apply the brake several times and check for free wheel rotation when reImated. i II adjustment is necessary. HEAD LIGHT AIM Head light aim can be adjusted by turning adjustment screw (1). Rear brake free by play should be adjusted before performing the stoplight switch adjustment. 38 .MAINTENANCE STOPLIGHT SWITCH: (1) Stoplight switch (2) Adjusting nut The stoplight switch (1) must be adjusted so that the stoplight will come on when a rear brake is applied. Turn the adjusting nut (2) to position the stoplight switch at a point where the stoplight will come on slightly before the brake pedal is depressed to the limit of its free play. sulfation an< battery plate damage will occur. (1) Adjustment screw BATTERY If the motorcycle is operated with insufficient battery electrolyte. Turn the adjusting nut in direction (A) to advance switch timing or in direction (B) to retard switch timing. The procedure for adjusting the stoplight switch is as follows: Turn the ignition switch to the "O N " position. see your authorized Hondi dealer. If rapid loss of electrolyte is experienced. or if your battery seems to be weak causing slow starting or other electrical problems. on the side of the battery. NO 111 • i<ih only distilled water in the battery. Check the battery electrolyte. remove the bolt i d >md mmove the bracket (5) for access to the battery. 39 .. Tap water may shorten the service life of (lie battery. The holyte level must be maintained between the upper (2) and lower (3) level nwiik. make sure ilw hmnther tube is connected to the battery breather outlet. PRIVM. Iln ttn ry iile c tro ly te : llm battery (1) is behind the right side cover. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Battery Upper level mark Lower level mark Bolt Bracket C A U T IO N : Whon checking battery electrolyte level o r adding distilled water. Remove the battery filler 'D* Carefully add distilled water to the upper level mark using a small plastic funnel.Astrea. It the electrolyte level is low. Raise the front wheel off the ground by placing a support block under the engine. * CAUTION. 2. 4. Remove the wheel. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 40 Speedometer cable Front brake adjusting nut Front brake cable Brake arm Brake panel . ^W A R N IN G Never use a fuse with a different rating from that specified. Remove the axle. Serious damage to the electrical system o r a fire may result. See your authorized Honda dealer for repair. Remove the front brake adjusting nut (2). A loose fuse could cause damage to the electrical system and even start a fire. Unscrew the nut and remove the speedometer cable (1).MAINTENANCE Fuse Replacement The fuse holder (1) is by the battery. then disconnect the brake cable (3) from the brake arm (4) and the brake panel (5). causing a dangerous loss o f lights or engine pow er a t night o r in traffic. * Do no t pry the dip s open to get a fuse out: you could bend them and cause poor contact w ith the new fuse. When frequent fuse failure occurs. * Turn the ignition sw itch OFF before checking or replacing the fuse to prevent| accidental short-circuiting. 5. The specified fuse is 1C A. 3. Pull out the cotter pin and remove the axle nut. it usually indicates a short circuit or an over load in the electrical system. (1) Fuse holder Front Wheel Removal 1. WARNING 1/ n torque wrench was n o t used fo r installation. wP R ivia.0—5. i Remove the axle nut (8). A. Ail|u«l the brake. Remove the wheel. see your dealer as soon as I Humble to verify proper assembly. and pull out the axle (6). I AUTION: • Always replace used cotter pins w ith new ones. apply the brake several times and check for free wheel inintinn when released. ihII the front wheel between the fork legs.0—4.0 kg-m.Astrea. Km i Wheel Removal I f'Inm « support block under the motorcycle to raise the rear wheel o ff the ground. Remove the rear brake adjusting nut (1) and disconnect the brake rod (2) from •lie brake arm (3) by pushing down on the brake pedal. I Remove the cotter pin (7) from the rear axle nut. aiiim inntnlling the wheel.0 kg-m. Disconnect the •'upper arm (4) from the brake panel (5). Inatnllntlon Notes: Mnvniso the removal procedure. Im.5 kg-m. '•(upper arm nut torque: 1.In nut torque: 3. Make sure the tang on the right f<>il< log Is located in the brake panel. ' A»li* nut torque: 4. i II limn brake adjusting nut 11/1 Rout brake rod I II Riakn arm 141 Mtuppor arm mi Minke panel l#l Rear exle I / 1 I mint pin INI Rear nxln nut 41 .8—2. — h i*m lin tlo n Notes: Httunma the removal procedure. I iiihtnn the axle nut and install a new cotter pin. Do not turn excessively. 2. VALVE CLEARANCE NOTE: Inspect and adjust valve clearance while the engine is cold (below 35°C). Loosen the lock nut (1). 3.MAINTENANCE CLUTCH Adjustment 1. Adjustment: 1. From this point. Turn the crankshaft counter clockwise more than two turns and align the " T " mark zone with the index mark on the left crankcase cover. Remove the valve inspection hole cap. 4. Slowly turn the adjusting bolt (2) counterclockwise and stop when resistance is felt. 42 . (1) Lock nut (2) Adjusting bolt NOTE: Hold the adjusting screw while tightening the lock nut check that the clutch is not slipping and is properly disengaging. turn the adjusting bolt clockwise 1/8 turns and tighten the locknut. Stop the engine. 2. and turn the clutch adjusting bolt clockwise one turn. 05 mm. Check the valve inspection hole cap O-ring. Holding the adjusting screw. 43 . h p r d v iz i. Valve clearance Intake : 0. Check the valve clearance by inserting a feeler gauge between the adjusting screw and valve stem.D. Tighten the lock nut. — ^ W A R N IN G Do not rotate the crankshaft clockwise. Recheck the valve clearance. Install the timing mark hole cap and crankshaft hole cap. Install the valve inspection hole caps. on the compression stroke. Adjust by loosening the lock nut and turning the adjusting screw until there is a slight drag on the feeler gauge. Make sure the piston is at T.7—1.Astrea.C.1 kg-m. Torque: 0.05 mm Exhaust: 0. * Replace tires before tread depth a t the center o f the tires reaches the follow ing lim it: * Minimum tread depth Front: Rear: * 1. NOTE: * Tire pressure should be checked when the tires are "c o ld .000 km spokes w ill loosen more rapidly due to in itia l seating o f parts.MAINTENANCE TIRES Proper air pressure will provide maximum traction. During the firs t 1. imbedded nails.50—17—4PR Check the tires for cuts.0 mm Maintenance o f spoke tension and wheel trueness are critical to safe m otor cycle operation. o r coming o ff o f the rim.00 2. Check tire pressures frequently and adjust if necessary. Driver only Cold tire Pressures kg/cm2 Tire size Driver and Passenger Front 1.75 Rear: 2.75 1.25—17—4PR Rear: 2. See your autho rized Honda dealer for replacement of damaged tires or punctured inner tubes. stability.25 Front 2." before your ride. * Do n o t attem pt to patch a damaged tire or inner tube. Underinflation may result in the tire slipping on. Excessively loose spokes may result in high speed instability and possible loss o f control.5 mm 2. * Operation w ith excessively worn tires is hazardous and w ill adversely affect traction and handling. 44 . Wheel balance and tire reliability may be impaired. or other sharp objects. ^ W A R N IN G Improper tire inflation w ill cause abnormal tread wear and create a safety hazard. riding comfort and tire life. minor adjustment and parts replacement can be per formed with tools contained in the kit.Asfrea. * Plus/minus driver * Grip * 23 mm box wrench * 10 x 12 mm spanner * 14 x 17 mm spanner * 17 mm box Et spark plug wrench * Handle bar B * Tool bag 45 . _ J S P R 1 « /1 . TOOL KIT Some road side repairs. 400 + 100 rpm CHASSIS AND SUSPENSION Caster Trail Tire size.5 mm ft .6—0.571 2.058 2.833 1. 4th.: cm3 7 ^ H P NGK: C7HSA. 4.9 0. 88 kg (C100M) CAPACITIES Engine oil Fuel tank Fuel reserve tank 46 0. ND: U 22FS -U 0.238 0.05 mm EX: 0. front Tire size. 3rd. SPECIFICATIONS w P R J ^ / l» ITEM DIMENSIONS Overall length Overall width Overall height Wheel base 1835 mm 670 mm 1035 mm 1180 mm WIGHT Dry weight 86 kg (C100K). 2nd.05 mm 1.8 liter liter at draining liters liters ENGINE Bore and stroke Compression ratio Displacement Spark plug Spark plug gap Valve clearance Idle speed |VS. 1st.25—17—4PR 2. rear 63°30' 75 mm 2.705 1.Astrea.958 ELECTRICAL B a tt^y Generator Fuse 12V -5A H Flywheel A C generator 10 A 50 x 49.7 mm IN: 0.0 0.50—17—4PR POWER TRANSMISSION Primary reduction Final reduction Gear ratio.75 4.
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