Overhead Line Design Standard Transmission Distribution System
Overhead Line Design Standard Transmission Distribution System
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TS-107 - Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution SystemsTechnical Standard - TS-107 Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems Published: 7 December 2012 SA Power Networks www.sapowernetworks.com.au TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 1 of 38 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the Intranet/Internet TS-107 - Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems Please Note: Appendix F and Appendix G are not included in this document but can be found in a separate file on the SA Power Networks intranet site. Revision Notice: Date September 2010 3 September 2012 Explanation Interim update to TS107. Appendix-B table: “WB Sub-Transmission Poles” on pages 25, 26, & 27 updated only. Company name change only. No other content of this Technical Standard has been altered. Any revision markings are from the September 2010 edition. Amended Format and Enhanced Appendix-A only. No other content of this Technical Standard has been altered. Changes to be followed as of September 2010 edition. 7 December 2012 SA Power Networks: SA Power Networks means Distribution Lessor Corporation subject to a two hundred year lease to the partnership of companies trading as SA Power Networks or SA Power Networks in its own right. SA Power Networks, ABN 13 332 330 749, a partnership of: Spark Infrastructure SA (No.1) Pty Ltd, ABN 54 091 142 380 Spark Infrastructure SA (No.2) Pty Ltd, ABN 19 091 143 038 Spark Infrastructure SA (No.3) Pty Ltd, ABN 50 091 142 362 each incorporated in Australia. CKI Utilities Development Limited, ABN 65 090 718 880 PAI Utilities Development Limited, ABN 82 090 718 951 each incorporated in The Bahamas. 1 Anzac Highway, Keswick, South Australia, 5035. SA Power Networks Disclaimer: 1. The use of the information contained in this Technical Standard is at your sole risk. 2. The information in this Technical Standard is subject to change without notice. 3. SA Power Networks, its agents, instrumentalities, officers and employees: a) Make no representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information contained in this Technical Standard; b) Accept no liability for any use of the said information or reliance placed on it; and c) Make no representations, either expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the said information for any particular purpose. 4. SA Power Networks and its agencies and instrumentalities do not endorse or in any respect warrant any third party products or services by virtue of any information, material or content referred to or included on, or linked from or to this Technical Standard. SA Power Networks Copyright 2012: This publication is copyright. SA Power Networks reserves to itself all rights in such material. You must not reproduce any content of this Technical Standard by any process without first obtaining SA Power Networks permission, except as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968. All rights reserved © TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document. Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 2 of 38 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the Intranet/Internet TS-107 - Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems Contents 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SCOPE............................................................................................................. 6 REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 6 DEFINITIONS................................................................................................... 6 LAND CATEGORY ............................................................................................ 6 POLES ............................................................................................................. 7 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 General.......................................................................................................................................... 7 Design Information ....................................................................................................................... 7 Pole Selection ................................................................................................................................ 7 Loading Parameters on Poles........................................................................................................ 8 Longitudinal Wind ......................................................................................................................... 8 Standard Location of Poles ........................................................................................................... 9 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the Intranet/Internet 1. PURPOSE ........................................................................................................ 6 7. FOOTINGS ...................................................................................................... 9 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 General.......................................................................................................................................... 9 Soil Types ...................................................................................................................................... 9 Footing Types ................................................................................................................................ 9 Materials ..................................................................................................................................... 10 Formers ....................................................................................................................................... 10 Footing Orientation..................................................................................................................... 10 8. CONDUCTORS............................................................................................... 10 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Definitions for Conductor Tensions ............................................................................................ 10 General........................................................................................................................................ 11 Tension ........................................................................................................................................ 11 Side Swing ................................................................................................................................... 11 Measurements of As-Built Condition .......................................................................................... 11 9. POLE TOP CONSTRUCTIONS .......................................................................... 11 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 Pole top Assemblies .................................................................................................................... 11 Line Hardware ............................................................................................................................. 11 Network Directive ND J4 ............................................................................................................. 12 Bushfire and Non-Bushfire Risk Areas ........................................................................................ 12 Corrosion Zones and High Pollution Zones ................................................................................. 12 High Load Corridors .................................................................................................................... 12 TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document. Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 3 of 38 ................................................................................................................................. 22 A-9: All Aluminium Alloy Conductors .....................................................................................................3 I2t Rating......................... 15 A-2: All Aluminium Conductors (AAC) .............................................................................................................. 26 B-4: Transformer Details .....................................4 Electrical Clearances ....................................Imperial ............ The most up-to-date version is located on the Intranet/Internet 11..... 14 12......................................................................Imperial.....................................................................................................1 Rated Voltage .................................................. 14 Appendix A: Conductor Design Constants ..4 Pin (11kV) ........................................................3 Post (66kV only) .. Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 4 of 38 ....................................Metric ...................................Metric ...1 Ferro-resonance ........... 14 12................................................................... 19 A-6: All Galvanised Steel Conductors (SC/GZ) .................................... 14 11....... 13 10................................................... 17 A-4: All Aluminium Conductors (ACSR/GZ & ACSR/AZ) ........................................................................................2 Tension ...................................................................... OTHER CONSIDERATIONS .............................................. 13 11..............Imperial ................................. 29 B-7: “WB” Sub-Transmission Poles (Design Strength & Supply Item Numbers) .................... 15 A-1: All Aluminium Conductors (AAC) ...................................Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems 10............................ 27 B-5: Transformer Details ................................................. 13 10.......................................Metric & Imperial ................................... 13 11...................................................................... 24 B-2: Transformer Poles Data ........................................................................... 12 10......................................2 Lightning Withstand Voltage................................................................... 28 B-6: “WB” Sub-Transmission Poles (Design Strength & Supply Item Numbers) .... 12 10.............. 31 TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document.............................................1 Suspension .................................................................................... INSULATORS ..............................................TS-107 ........................................... 18 A-5: All Galvanised Steel Conductors (SC/GZ) ...................... 25 B-3: Distribution Poles Construction Details ........1120 (AAAC/1120) Metric & 6201A (AAAC/6201) ...............................Continued ................Imperial ................ 13 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED......................... 14 11................................................ 16 A-3: All Aluminium Conductors (ACSR/GZ & ACSR/AZ) ..Continued ........................... 21 A-8: All Aluminium Clad Steel Conductors (SC/AC) ...................................................................Metric ..Metric .....................................................................................Continued .............................................................................................................. 24 B-1: Distribution Poles Data ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Appendix B: Pole Design Data ...... 30 B-8: “WB” Sub-Transmission Poles (Design Strength & Supply Item Numbers) .................................................................. 20 A-7: Hard Drawn Copper Conductors ...................... ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS.. ..................... 32 DEFINITIONS.................... 3........................................................ 34 1. 34 SCOPE........... 5.............TS-107 ................................................................................... 6...............................Standard Location of Poles . 37 Refer to a Separate Document for following TS-107..... 2.............................................................. 32 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED.... 32 RESPONSIBILITIES ........................... 34 DEFINITIONS........................................ PURPOSE ............................................................................................ PURPOSE ................ SCOPE..................................................... 4.................................................. 35 DIRECTIVE .................................................... 6.................. 32 APPENDIX D: Network Directive-ND J4-Construction of New Power Lines ................. 5............. The most up-to-date version is located on the Intranet/Internet 1........................................... Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 5 of 38 ................................................................................................................................................................. 3.. 38 TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document....................................... 38 APPENDIX F: Atmospheric Corrosion Maps of South Australia ..................Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems APPENDIX C: Network Directive-ND P1 ...................... 32 REFERENCES .. 38 APPENDIX G: DPTI’s Maps of High Load Corridor ........................................................................................ 34 RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................ 32 2........Appendix F & G........................................................................................................................................................ 34 REFERENCES ....................................... 35 APPENDIX E: Conductor Measurement Sheet ......................................... 4........................ 32 DIRECTIVE ...... The general design requirements are specified in the General Standard TS-103. The categories are: LC1 LC2 LC3 Valleys.Insulated Unscreened Conductor.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems 1. TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document. Bare .Aerial Bundled Cable CCT . REFERENCES Line design parameters for conductors and poles (structures) shall comply with the requirements of the following: ESAA document “Guidelines for Design and Maintenance of Distribution and Transmission Lines” Code HB C(b) 1 – 1999 The Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 The Electricity (Vegetation Clearance) Regulations 1996 SA Distribution Code 4. SCOPE This standard is applicable to overhead lines up to and including 66kV. 5. Built up suburbs and townships.as defined in the Regulations associated with the Electricity Act 1996 ie “the part of the state shown in the maps in schedule 3 as the non-bushfire risk area excluding the areas shown in those maps as bushfire risk areas”. The designs must meet all appropriate regulations.electricity distribution & transmission mains of voltage greater than 1000 Volts.TS-107 . scattered trees or undulating ground and rural coastal regions. PURPOSE WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. Normal rural conditions adjacent to crops. the appropriate land category shall be selected for the conditions when applying wind loads in calculations. The most up-to-date version is located on the Intranet/Internet The purpose of this Technical Standard is to define the design requirements of new lines in the SA Power Networks overhead distribution network. LAND CATEGORY In determining the wind loading on structures and cables.Bare Conductor ABC . IUC) LV (Low Voltage Mains) . 3. guidelines and standards. not ultimate stress.Covered Conductor Thick (equivalent to SA Power Networks . escarpments and suburban coastal regions or any line where Increased security is required. All mechanical loads and strengths used in this technical standard are based on working stress. ridges.electricity distribution mains of voltage less than 1000 Volts HV (High Voltage Mains) . 2. level wooded country. Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 6 of 38 . DEFINITIONS NBFRA (Non Bushfire Risk Area) . Designations are: Tapered Flange Beams (TFB) Universal Beams (UB) Universal Columns (UC) Top of footing level is nominally 150mm below ground level. 6. The Stobie Pole consists of two rolled steel sections tapered from a closed spacing at the top to a maximum spacing just below the top of the footing and reducing to a minimum spacing at the bottom. The bolts also serve to transmit shear loads from the steel to the concrete. cables and poles are outlined in table 1: All wind loads in Pa.2 Design Information Strength in the strong direction is limited to a maximum of 4. TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document. If the wind load exceeds the weak direction strength by more than 50% then these poles shall be temporarily guyed if the conductors are not strung. 6. Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 7 of 38 .TS-107 .3 Pole Selection Poles are commonly described by the duty they perform.1 POLES General Poles shall be selected such that the static (permanent) and dynamic (wind) load combination is within safe limits.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems Calculation of wind load is based on a nominal working wind speed of 41m/s. but less than 20m For conductor heights less than 20m Poles (steel edge) Poles (concrete face) Poles (steel edge) Poles (concrete face) Conductors (all) Broad Band Cable Where span length exceeds 150m. angle. the footing level may be 300mm below ground level. working load LAND CATEGORY LC 1 LC 2 LC 3 1500 1200 800 2000 1500 800 1500 1200 800 2200 1800 1300 650 500 400 650 500 400 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. 6. Steel sections used are current production structural shapes to AS3678 and the steel rolled to AS3679 . The concrete and bolts provide restraint against buckling of the steel section under compressive load. They can be termed line. In built up areas and in underground work. The most up-to-date version is located on the Intranet/Internet Table . This must be determined in accordance with HB C(b)1. a span reduction factor (SRF) shall be applied. 6. The space between the sections is filled with concrete and the steel sections are tied together through concrete with bolts spaced at suitable intervals.Grade 250 (Corresponding to 250Mpa ultimate yield stress). Each individual pole must be examined in relation to its duty to determine that a pole of adequate strength in strong and weak directions is used without the use of guy wires. Wind forces shall be selected accordingly to the worst terrain category likely during the design life of the pole. For the permissible method the wind load on overhead conductors. brace and transformer poles.5 times the weak direction strength. deadend. The steel sections are considered to carry the full bending and compressive loads.1 Conductor/pole heights less than 11m Conductor/pole heights more than 11m. Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems 6.5 Where conductors provide constraint for a “dead-end” pole.2 Condition Sustained load conditions.1 At 15 deg C plus wind 2. The significance of the along line wind will depend on the location of the pole.0 3. ie at tee-off positions. As a minimum. All poles 1 deg C with no wind 1. Experience gained on transmission lines built throughout South Australia over a 50 year period has demonstrated good performance for wind along the line using the standard methods of design provided the crossarms and extension pieces are capable of resisting some basic longitudinal loads generated by wind on the pole. without wind Maintenance or erection condition (allow 20% of maximum wind loadings) K Factor 1. TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document. The combination loading (K) is expressed as: K Where. this does not guarantee that the same level of security has been achieved in the transverse and longitudinal direction for all poles. 6.0 Short Duration Load conditions 1. should not exceed the strength of the pole in either direction. the wind on the pole concrete face and ½ tee-off conductor span may be reduced by up to 50% (depending on the level of constraint) when calculating fw.5 Longitudinal Wind The assessment of the pole strength for wind blowing along the line is a difficult assessment and generally beyond the scope of a basic design process. Table . it is recommended that for poles over 12 m total length where the wind on the pole exceeds the capacity.TS-107 . Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 8 of 38 . The most up-to-date version is located on the Intranet/Internet In addition to the above. = + fs = applied load in strong direction Fs = pole’s design strength in strong direction fw = applied load in weak direction Fw = pole’s design strength in weak direction K Factors shall be selected from the following table-2. the combined loading (K) of the pole should not exceed the factor given in the table below. Line or angle pole 1. Dead-end pole (Temporary or permanent) 1.0 1. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. the size of the pole and along line stiffness of the poles and conductor. Many Stobie poles will not be self-supporting and will require the interaction with the conductor to be structurally adequate.4 Loading Parameters on Poles The design loadings reflected to the pole top in both strong and weak direction. a longitudinal load equivalent to 50% of the published SA Power Networks load (working) on the pole is a minimum design load to be resisted by any component connecting the pole to the conductors. Strengths of commonly used poles are listed in Appendix B. However. ie clay. the hole should be just large enough to take the pole at the recommended depth. An unformed footing may NOT be used when for a terminal pole.5 for terminal pole equates to 0. Soils which offer little cohesion.5 to 1. Low bearing soil. 7. TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document. Examples are swamps.2 Soil Types Soils are grouped into three classes. Full strength a. The footing selection shall also be based on the correct assessment of the soil type. 6. Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 9 of 38 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. Alternative footing arrangements may be used if certified by an appropriately qualified civil engineer. The designer should give individual consideration to every pole and make some assessment on the effect of wind in the direction along the line and how the pole is supported. Class B Class C Soils subject to large variations in volume with changing moisture content. 7.1 FOOTINGS General Poles shall be selected such that they can withstand loads without the assistance of guy wires. The most up-to-date version is located on the Intranet/Internet . Note: If the excavation is in rock. exceed half the design factor. B.TS-107 . 7. Two Block c. A.3 Footing Types The footing type shall be selected from the SA Power Networks Construction Manual (Drawing E1800 series). Deep Type 2. or b.6 Standard Location of Poles Poles shall be located in positions which meet the requirements of Network Directive ND-P1 (re-printed in Appendix C) 7.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems This load should be shared between each of the conductors. For poles where the conductor does not deviate. compacted sand and rock soils not subject to large variations in volume with moisture content. Unformed Footings The “Unformed” footing is acceptable where it can be certified by an appropriately qualified civil engineer that loads on the pole will not exceed the strength of the pole and cause movement. Class A Gravel. Cylindrical d. In Situ b. Requires caisson to support sides during excavation. a pole is not to be loaded at more than 50% of its strong direction strength. and no reinforcement is necessary in the concrete. saturated soil and drift sands. Use of a previous successful standard pole/conductor/crossarm/span length arrangement is considered a reasonable assessment criterion for a basic line design. which offer appreciable resistance to boring and which remain stable after boring. and C as follows. SA Power Networks may request that the design is given a more sophisticated assessment by an independent designer. the pole capacity need only be checked against strength in the transverse (strong) direction provided the ratio of strong to weak strength does not exceed 4.75. An unformed footing may be used when : a. This along line load is not required to be applied to the pole to determine adequacy in the direction along the line. ie 1. The types are: 1. Minimum Sag occurs in the conductor at a temperature of 1 deg C in still air. Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 10 of 38 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. or b.1 CONDUCTORS Definitions for Conductor Tensions Sustained Load means the tension in the conductor and applied to the pole at a temperature which is the mean of the winter season. Table .4 Materials Concrete for footings shall have a minimum compressive strength of 12 MPa at 7 days and 20 MPa at 28 days.Metro Areas) Zone 3 (Northern) Everyday Load means the tension in the conductor at a temperature which is the mean of the twelve month period. 7. A conductor temperature equal to the average minimum winter temperature in still air conditions (+ 1 deg C). .5 Formers Formers shall be used for cored footings.Metro Areas) Zone 3 (Northern) Short Duration Load means the tension in the conductor and applied to the pole in the most severe of the following conditions: a. A conductor temperature of +15 deg C with the maximum wind pressure on the projected area of the conductor. 7. 33kV in rural and metropolitan areas.TS-107 . 100°C - TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document.4 Yearly Mean Temperature (Everyday Loads) 13 deg C 16 deg C 20 deg C EDT T 13 T 16 T 20 Zone 1 (South East) Zone 2 (Central . Refer to SA Power Networks WC series drawings for former dimensions. Maximum Sag occurs in the conductor at a temperature of: 50°C 80°C 11kV radial lines in rural areas only 11kV backbone feeder sections.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems 7. Formers are numbered on size order from 0 to U5. The most up-to-date version is located on the Intranet/Internet A reinforcing cage must be used for all transmission poles.3 Winter Mean Temperature (Sustained Loads) 9 deg C 11 deg C 14 deg C ST T9 T 11 T 14 Zone 1 (South East) Zone 2 (Central . where 0 is the smallest. unless otherwise specified. 8.6 Footing Orientation All pole footings shall be orientated correctly in relation to the centre line of the mains. This load is considered to be applied with no wind. This Load is considered to be applied with no wind. Table . and shall be positioned so that the pole will have the direction of the resultant forces acting along the strong direction of the pole. 8. all 66kV lines. This design shall be checked at the conditions stated in clause 2 and 3. outside the requirements of the Electricity Act and Regulations. eg for rural application in terrain category 2. The most up-to-date version is located on the Intranet/Internet . 9. Only arrangements including combination arrangements illustrated in the E-Drawings are acceptable.4 Side Swing All designs must include a check to ensure that the conductor will not swing. Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 11 of 38 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. under the influence of wind. Measurement Sheets shall be in accordance with Appendix E. Where tests are performed i. they shall be recorded in accordance with the Testing Standard (TS 105) and submitted with the Certificate of Practical Completion.2 General Vibration induced into the line shall be limited by careful selection of a tension at which the conductor operates for the majority of its design life to ensure that the fatigue endurance limit of the conductor wires is not reached.3 Tension The design conductor tension under the everyday load condition is that the horizontal tension shall be no greater than the percentage of its calculated breaking load as derived from HB C(b)1. The Measurement Sheets shall be submitted with the Certificate of Practical Completion.5 Measurements of As-Built Condition SA Power Networks’ Compliance Inspector shall have at all reasonable times access to the work site. Under the short duration load. Lesser tensions may be used accordingly to pole capacities or other considerations. It must be stressed that this is a maximum tension which should be used to avoid damage to the conductor over its expected service life. and shall have the power at all reasonable times. . to inspect. LV 33kV 66kV 70kN per string as per AS1154 Armour grip suspension style clamps to be used at all post and suspension positions.e.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems 8. Measurement Sheets are to be completed by the Contractor throughout the progress of the works. 8.2 Line Hardware Table . 9. 8. Conductor protection None None Vibration dampers Warning markers As per HB C(b)1 Aircraft warning markers to be installed on river crossings and adjacent spans and as otherwise directed by AS3891. the tangential tension in the conductor should not exceed 50% of its calculated breaking load. Design constants for bare conductors are contained in Appendix A 8.TS-107 .5 Item Minimum failing load 11kV. 9. and test materials and workmanship of the works during its manufacture or installation. earth stake resistance readings. examine.T50 + 500pa wind.1 POLE TOP CONSTRUCTIONS Pole top Assemblies Pole top assemblies shall be selected and constructed in accordance with the relevant E-Drawings. TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document. 9. Bushfire Risk Areas (BFRA) and High Bushfire Risk Areas (HBFRA). George Hudson. All designs of overhead constructions for corrosion or high pollution zones must specify the appropriate standards. lines constructed near the coast* and any area subject to heavy atmospheric contamination. * The depth of the pollution zone from the coast varies (refer to the E drawings). plus. Note. in the Overhead Construction E drawing manual. 33 & 66 kV constructions in corrosion zone areas and high pollution areas may vary from those standards that generally apply. ND J4. The pollution zones of the State are the same as the corrosion zones. The most up-to-date version is located on the Intranet/Internet . This map is intended to illustrate general areas that may be prone to corrosion or pollutants.3 Network Directive ND J4 All new power lines constructed must conform to the Network Directive. Refer to the Transport SA maps in Appendix G for the location of ‘Principle Routes for Over dimensional Loads’ and contact the High Load Officer. Refer to Section 4 of this standard for definitions. Table . specifies the construction requirements for Non-Bushfire Risk Areas (NBFRA). the areas defined as ‘Very Severe Zones’ are regarded as the SA Power Networks Corrosion Zone Areas. 9. ND J4: ‘Construction of New Power Lines’. eg E1017. appropriate construction standards must be specified. HV Insulators.7 Type Minimum strength Corona Ring Cap and pin Standard profile refer line hardware No TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document. The following table reiterates and expands on these requirements for 11 kV applications.6 High Load Corridors New overhead road crossings (including services) must be erected so as not to compromise existing clearances along high load corridors.5 Corrosion Zones and High Pollution Zones Standards for 11. SA Power Networks Standard insulators are to be used. Suspension Table .TS-107 . Other construction drawings show alternatives for high corrosion/pollution. for further details. 10. but the minimum depth is 1 km. Where additional areas are known to be corrosive or have high pollution due to local conditions. Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 12 of 38 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The locations of the States’ corrosion zones are shown in Appendix F. A copy of ND J4 can be found in Appendix D.6 APPLICATION OF 11 kV OVERHEAD CONSTRUCTION TYPES * NBFRA’s of Adelaide Rural Backbones & Rural Spurs Metro Area Feeder Ties Standard Construction Open wire Open wire Open wire Alternative Construction CCT (IUC) CCT (IUC) ABC or CCT (IUC) * Table to be read in conjunction with Network Directive ND J4.4 Bushfire and Non-Bushfire Risk Areas The Network Directive. the ‘Atmospheric Corrosion Map of South Australia’.1 INSULATORS In all cases. 9. These variations of standards can be found throughout the E drawings.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems 9. 10. 8 Minimum strength Corona Ring refer line hardware No WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. Aerodynamic profile mm (mm for large conductors & heavy spans) kN vertical mount. kN horizontal mount 11.4 Pin (11kV) Table .10 Type Material Minimum leakage distance Minimum strength Line Pin.2 Tension Table . The most up-to-date version is located on the Intranet/Internet Type Cap and pin Standard profile 10. Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 13 of 38 .1 ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS Rated Voltage The maximum continuous rated voltage shall be: Table .11 11kV lines 33kV lines 66kV lines 11kV + 10 % = 12kV 33kV + 10 % = 36kV 66kV + 10% = 72. 19kN horizontal mount No 10.6kV TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document. Aerodynamic profile 1780mm (2080mm for large conductors & heavy spans) 12.9 Type Material Minimum leakage distance Minimum strength Corona Ring Line Post AS Clamp top.5kN vertical mount.TS-107 .Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems 10. 11.3 Post (66kV only) Table . 13 11kV lines 33kV lines 66kV lines Max 20kA for 1 second (400M A2.sec) Maximum fault current at the maximum backup protection clearing times.4 Electrical Clearances The following minimum clearances shall be maintained to supporting structures. 11. under all conditions.1 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Ferro-resonance On 33kV be aware of the potential for Ferro-resonance and consider the availability of appropriate three phase switching devices to isolate transformers that are supplied by short lengths of 33kV cable.2 Lightning Withstand Voltage The lightning impulse withstands voltage under full wave dry conditions using the standard 1.sec). will be advised. 12. when required Maximum fault current at the maximum backup protection clearing times will be advised.14 Clearance 11kV 33kV 66kV Phase to Earth 255mm 350mm 690mm Phase to Phase 255mm 400mm 800mm The minimum clearances defined in the Electricity (General) Regulations 1997 and associated schedules shall be maintained. TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems 11. 11. under all conditions: Table . Average 8kA for 1 second (64M A2.2/50 microsecond impulse shall be: 11kV lines 33kV lines 66kV lines 95kV 170kV 325kV WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. when required. The most up-to-date version is located on the Intranet/Internet Table . 12. Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 14 of 38 .TS-107 .3 I2t Rating Table .12 The wave shape for switching impulses is 250/2500 microseconds. 25 61/3.845 8.1570 0. Conductor Loads in Column 9 and 10 are the result of conductor load + wind load on projected area.247 18.5 Notes: 1. W100 for 100 pascal wind and W500 for 500 pascal wind 2.0 C2 56.2 3.2 1067.8 29.6890 0.367 6.211 2.226 10. E = Final modulus of Elasticity.80 18.0 23.0 23.70 48.400 12 Coefficient of Expansion (a) per °C x 10-6 23. Table 3. The most up-to-date version is lo 13 14 Constants C1 319.0 182.0940 0.1 650.72 11.041 0.20 75.20 4 Resistance at 20°C Ohms/km 0.293 0.7 436. A = Cross sectional area and a = Coefficient of Linear Expansion TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document.021 0.594 14.0 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 15 of 38 . Alum Area mm2 41.0 23.289 8.1 Mass Conductor Load N/m 1 Equiv. C1 = and C2 = .3700 0.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems Appendix A: Conductor Design Constants A-1: All Aluminium Conductors (AAC) .3 10 11 Modulus of Elasticity (E) kPa 59 x 106 59 x 106 59 x 106 56 x 106 56 x 106 54 x 106 kg/m W W100 W500 0.0572 5 Total Diameter mm 8.0 552.75 7/4.400 18.9 395.Metric ALL ALUMINIUM CONDUCTOR (AAC) (Metric) 6 7 8 9 Cross Sectional Area (A) mm2 41.335 3.00 495. Where.2320 0.9 168.925 5.6 77.50 37/3. Values taken from AS1531 1991.00 180.0 23.3 17.099 1.080 2.113 1.629 7.9 846.8 307.3 628.3 11.75 7/3.3 14.3 124.00 2 Stranding and Wire Diameter mm 7/2.3 233.10 76.4 104.377 4.25 3 UTS kN 6.890 0. are conductor constants used in temperature change calculations.90 28.339 3.480 23.0 506.30 122.503 4.TS-107 .055 1.5 22.0 23.75 19/3.00 301. 9685 4. Where.0 39.1 195.9 261.037 C1 191.497 .24 518.3 566.1052 7/.57 2 Equiv Alum Area mm2 14.817 10.0641 6.8 102.014 .0 605.589 5.75 72.0970 22.7273 8.63 11.346 16.0477 32. The most up-to-date version is lo 13 Constants C2 20.1 .253 8.298 5.9 171.Imperial ALL ALUMINIUM CONDUCTOR (AAC) (Imperial) 5 6 7 8 Cross Resistance Total Sectional Mass Diameter at 20°C Area (A) Ohms/km mm mm2 kg/m 1.8 .168 61/.117 .183 .8271 0.392 4.970 3.2 263.1261 37/.07 .064 7/.3362 0.1487 18.149 5.052 1.4 297.79 18.3 37.470 3.2008 0.59 77. Conductor Loads in Column 10 and 11 are the result of conductor load + wind load on projected area.6 26.418 14.843 W500 2.76 6.9 529.2 1.829 7.4624 0.0546 29.1 1136.60 121.3 430.1073 0.977 1.2 807.653 16. are conductor constants used in temperature change calculations.1 W 0.024 .8 1206.114 14.144 7/.625 0.71 595.6855 1 Equiv Copper Area in2 .50 38.323 2.254 3.842 20.6 54.25 3 Stranding and Wire Diameter inches 7/.86 31.391 0.102 37/.2 122.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems A-2: All Aluminium Conductors (AAC) .8 14.63 9 10 Conductor Load N/m 11 12 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED.28 .3882 11.13 191.7 .709 23.186 37/.5 .TS-107 . Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 16 of 38 .5 314.2329 14.5385 0.7 .0733 0.719 1.557 8. E = Final modulus of Elasticity.58 45.4 402.4 Notes: 1. Design figures in column 4 to 13 are direct conversions for values shown on SA Power Networks drawing P-30750 3. C1 = and C2 = .18 91.34 26.0 73.037 .8 691.21 292.495 13. W100 for 100 pascal wind and W500 for 500 pascal wind 2.7 714.535 W100 0. A = Cross sectional area and a = Coefficient of Linear Expansion TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document.087 7/.8 852.0399 1.62 4.1403 4 UTS kN 2.8 1.5 .0 . 175 76 x 106 .4 617.6 104.1960 17.193 11.75 6/4.4 18.440 14.0 144.6 7/2.963 4.0 2 3 Stranding and Wire Diameter mm Alum 6/2.4 0. C1 = and C2 = .2 105.3 120.675 6.5 7/3.5 21. E = Final modulus of Elasticity.0557 31.421 15.5 778.1160 22.0758 27.413 1.849 10.232 79 x 106 .3 19.381 19.360 79 x 106 .0 244.2 1.268 2. Conductor Loads in Column 10 and 11 are the result of conductor load + wind load on projected area.636 4.228 19.0 7/3.0 431.3 77.9 1.3 1289.9 182.75 7/1.484 24.960 19. Values taken from AS1220.5 181.8 583.9 1.0 504.Metric ALL ALUMINIUM CONDUCTOR .404 3.4 117.540 68 x 106 .4 19.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems A-3: All Aluminium Conductors (ACSR/GZ & ACSR/AZ) .TS-107 .5 C2 63.3 19.9 19.5 31.75 1/3. are conductor constants used in temperature change calculations.959 80 x 106 . Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 17 of 38 .3 451.25 7/3.126 14.2710 14.5 Steel 1 /2.5 794.0 C1 370.4330 11.5 586.141 11.0 153. Part 1 and 2.0 54/3.5 30/3. The most up-to-date version is lo 14 15 Constants kN 12.1 267.75 6/3.0 1011.0 373.75 306.861 6.0 508.9 61.213 8.9 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED.8050 8.973 80 x 106 . W100 for 100 pascal wind and W500 for 500 pascal wind 2.3 0.25 54/3. Where. A = Cross sectional area and a = Coefficient of Linear Expansion TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document.25 41.9 18.GALVANISED STEEL REINFORCED (ACSR/GZ) ALL ALUMINIUM CONDUCTOR .5 4 UTS 13 Coefficient of Expansion (a) per °C x 10-6 19.2 65.622 6.2 Notes: 1.6 0.4 1105.855 68 x 106 1 Equiv Alum Area mm2 35.0 115.ALUMINISED STEEL REINFORCED (ACSR/AZ) (Metric) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Resistance Total Cross Mass Conductor Load Modulus Diameter Sectional N/m of at 20°C Area (A) Elasticity (E) 2 Ohms/km mm mm kg/m W W100 W500 kPa .629 2. 1973 except for conductor marked * 3.75 30/2.6 0.144 1. A = Cross sectional area and a = Coefficient of Linear Expansion TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document. E = Final modulus of Elasticity.4 793.58 0.136 7.139 159.225 .902 11. Conductor Loads in Column 11 and 12 are the result of conductor load + wind load on projected area.080 30/.102 67.726 6.1113 10.093 7/. Where.4430 14. Design figures in column 5 to 14 are direct conversions for values shown on SA Power Networks drawing P-30750 3.1261 101.15 .186 7/.6040 5.553 54/.172 30/.67 236.228 6/.2723 14.5 C1 360.2544 2.144 1/. W100 for 100 pascal wind and W500 for 500 pascal wind 2.5 596.Imperial ALL ALUMINIUM CONDUCTOR .0548 31.330 1.2198 16.3 167.8 1292.9 0.2 118.8 2.9 Notes: 1.3 221.78 0.253 1 Equiv Copper Area in2 .882 4.54 0.151 10.4 298.410 19.3957 3.093 56.118 116.GALVANISED STEEL REINFORCED (ACSR/GZ) ALL ALUMINIUM CONDUCTOR .1052 1/.156 14.1 194.1052 11.03 .83 0.7275 7.14 62.7 1098.4 0.58 154.144 21.10 .553 4.0 980.3 1.5808 8.ALUMINISED STEEL REINFORCED (ACSR/AZ) (Imperial) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Stranding and Wire Cross Conductor Load Resistanc Total Diameter UTS Sectional Mass N/m e at 20°C Diameter mm Area Alum Steel kN Ohms/km mm mm2 kg/m W W100 W500 6/.925 6.640 54/.60 128.6 408.47 0.539 30/1261 7/. are conductor constants used in temperature change calculations.027 6/.132 8.3 560.062 32.TS-107 .62 0.0009 19.7 0.4538 11. Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 18 of 38 .8 596.0 430.496 2.1355 1.125 .5 2 Equiv Alum Area mm2 33.40 372.06 .9 723.130 15.884 25.35 516.48 0.10 103.118 7/.8 266.139 7/.362 11.1 111.7 493.5 161.51 0.8 0.629 19.0760 27.0 39.1826 18.92 13 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems A-4: All Aluminium Conductors (ACSR/GZ & ACSR/AZ) .102 7/.5 777. C1 = and C2 = .1 1.35 .0 7305 0. The most up-to-date version is lo 14 Constants C2 59.1203 22. 309 0. The most up-to-date version is lo 13 14 Constants C2 39. Where.5 11.4 4. are conductor constants used in temperature change calculations.487 1.2 59. A = Cross sectional area and a = Coefficient of Linear Expansion TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document.5 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED.031 4.2 84.1 38.00 10 11 Modulus of Elasticity (E) kPa 193 x 106 193 x 106 193 x 106 193 x 106 12 Coefficient of Expansion (a) per °C x 10-6 11.483 Conductor Load N/m W 1.644 5.2 692.109 3.6 31. C1 = and C2 = .TS-107 .738 W100 1.5 C1 378.208 3.6 74.2 17.75 7/1.5 47. Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 19 of 38 .888 1 Equiv Alum Area mm2 2.139 0.Metric GALVANISED STEEL CONDUCTOR (SC/GZ) (Metric) 6 7 8 9 Cross Sectional Area (A) mm2 17.6 336.80 8.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems A-5: All Galvanised Steel Conductors (SC/GZ) .4 554.00 10.264 2.5 2.8 Notes: 1.8 132.32 6.135 4.60 19/1. W100 for 100 pascal wind and W500 for 500 pascal wind 2.00 3 UTS kN 22.364 1.4 4 Resistance at 20°C Ohms/km 9.7 Mass kg/m 0.93 4.5 11. Values taken from AS1220.113 0.79 2 Stranding and Wire Diameter mm 3/2. Conductor Loads in Column 9 and 10 are the result of conductor load + wind load on projected area.26 9.019 6.9 5 Total Diameter mm 5.842 W500 3.60 19/2.95 2.7 12. E = Final modulus of Elasticity. Part 1 1973 except for conductor marked * 3.8 14.5 11. Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 20 of 38 .Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems A-6: All Galvanised Steel Conductors (SC/GZ) .1 0.0026 0.57 10. Conductor Loads in Column 10 and 11 are the result of conductor load + wind load on projected area.TS-107 .270 4.5 0. Where.51 76.834 7.0 58.28 10.10 3 Stranding and Wire Diameter inches 3/.95 9 10 Conductor Load N/m 11 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED.Imperial GALVANISED STEEL CONDUCTOR (SC/GZ) (Imperial) 5 6 7 8 Cross Resistance Total Sectional Mass Diameter at 20°C Area (A) Ohms/km mm mm2 kg/m 10.392 4.51 72.0096 2 Equiv Alum Area mm2 2.080 4 UTS kN 20. are conductor constants used in temperature change calculations.1 131.030 C1 362.5 689.860 W100 1.4880 3.0090 0.128 19/.885 4.3 W 1.7 16.4 128. A = Cross sectional area and a = Coefficient of Linear Expansion TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document.7 Notes: 1. C1 = and C2 = .2 61.965 W500 3.06 10.31 5.8 685.1294 3.787 4.115 6.104 7/. W100 for 100 pascal wind and W500 for 500 pascal wind 2. Design figures in column 4 to 13 are direct conversions for values shown on SA Power Networks drawing P-30750 3. E = Final modulus of Elasticity. The most up-to-date version is lo 12 13 Constants C2 36.72 9.4954 1 Equiv Copper Area in2 0.6 0. 830 13.2 Notes: 1.974 2.328 36.4673 0.3 W 0.40 80.5 0.1905 3. .442 14. A = Cross sectional area and a = Coefficient of Linear Expansion TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 21 of 38 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document.1 130.9 265.1 0.3 1.1 3.662 C1 199.5 393.1086 16.09 9.7 1.7 0.765 8.0902 18.277 2.723 18.6 1377.035 .857 8. Conductor Loads in Column 10 and 11 are the result of conductor load + wind load on projected area.5 322.2 434.7 127.25 . C1 = and C2 = .0225 .751 10.3438 0.7 333.608 16.093 19/.1 984.0 0.4659 7.22 150.60 64.6 161.653 5.101 19/.44 6.9 1.7977 0.829 1.104 7/.994 29.6 2.9 654.06 .10 .2 797.7 45.30 .5031 1 Equiv Copper Area in2 .0 321.8349 0.673 17.3 1.136 34.629 17.820 11.860 20.014 3.5 198.1302 0.103 19/.0453 25.5878 0.20 .144 4 UTS kN 3.048 7/.0899 18.25 .786 19.449 W500 1.462 5.0 898.8 97.TS-107 .43 15.3 700.579 17.75 26.30 .536 14.202 7.15 .231 31.354 W100 0.2 774.185 37/.60 2 Equiv Alum Area mm2 3 Stranding and Wire Diameter inches 7/.753 3.6 387.2314 4.2723 10.080 7/.1389 14.104 3.50 .390 14.0 76.4867 0.484 14.35 9 10 Conductor Load N/m 11 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED.9614 0.596 16.94 77. The most up-to-date version is lo 12 13 Constants C2 16.6 257.5 160.0544 23.59 51.064 7/.136 19/.727 11.5 567.51 123.1 327.1 22. W100 for 100 pascal wind and W500 for 500 pascal wind 2.1667 0. Design figures in column 4 to 13 are direct conversions for values shown on SA Power Networks drawing P-30750 3.088 29.3 193.9 1267.4 0.5 1.116 37/.7 8.9 14.0759 1.4 64.366 2.8899 0.1105 16.5 196.042 34.144 37/.11 39. E = Final modulus of Elasticity.131 19/. are conductor constants used in temperature change calculations.2 890.371 5.9 38.Imperial HARD DRAWN COPPER CONDUCTOR (Imperial) 5 6 7 8 Cross Resistance Total Sectional Mass Diameter at 20°C Area (A) Ohms/km mm mm2 kg/m 2.05 64.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems A-7: Hard Drawn Copper Conductors .1783 12. Where.744 1.0125 .1 0.7874 6.2054 0.5 987.5 395.3 28. Design figures in column 4 to 13 are direct conversions for values shown on SA Power Networks drawing P-30750 3.69 0.1973 11 Modulus of Elasticity (E) kPa 162 x 106 12 Coefficient of Expansion (a) per °C x 10-6 12. .82 0.2 C1 325.8 76.975 7/.9 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED.104 1. Part 2 .Metric & Imperial ALUMINIUM CLAD STEEL CONDUCTOR (SC/AC) (Metric) 6 7 8 9 Mass Conductor Load N/m W500 3. E = Final modulus of Elasticity.570 Design figures in column 4 to 13 are direct conversions for values shown on SA Power Networks drawing P-30736 12 13 Constants C2 32. A = Cross sectional area and a = Coefficient of Linear Expansion TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 22 of 38 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document.7 4 5 10 Cross Resistance Total Sectional Diameter at 20°C Area (A) Ohms/km 4. Where.44 0.59 15.407 2.42 5.57 2.93 mm2 kg/m W W100 17.91 2 Stranding and Wire Diameter mm 3/2.2 C1 346. C1 = and C2 = .157 1.8 1 Equiv Copper Area in2 .529 4.TS-107 .3 Values taken from AS1222.8 mm 5. are conductor constants used in temperature change calculations.246 2.022 1.005 .1019 44.16 5.0 Notes: 1. W100 for 100 pascal wind and W500 for 500 pascal wind 2.75 3 UTS kN 22.161 2.77 36.24 12. Conductor Loads in Column 10 and 11 are the result of conductor load + wind load on projected area.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems A-8: All Aluminium Clad Steel Conductors (SC/AC) .012 2 Equiv Alum Area mm2 5.118 1.1019 20.16 ALUMINIUM CLAD STEEL CONDUCTOR (SC/AC) (Imperial) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Stranding Cross Resistance Total Conductor Load and Wire UTS Sectional Mass Diameter N/m at 20°C Diameter Area (A) inches kN Ohms/km mm mm2 kg/m W W100 W500 3/.4 496. The most up-to-date version is lo 13 14 Constants C2 37.33 7.183 1 Equiv Alum Area mm2 5. E = Final modulus of Elasticity.TS-107 .211 2. Conductor Loads in Column 9 and 10 are the result of conductor load + wind load on projected area. are conductor constants used in temperature change calculations.75 34.28 0.3 Notes: 1.629 W500 4.75 7/3.3 124.0 0.268 14.290 6.8 7/3.629 7.383 0. Values taken from AS1531 .Metric 1 Equiv Alum Area mm2 39.377 4.080 3.0 552.430 11.7 73. .9 168.1 168.4 7/2.3 mm2 41.8 0.(Metric) 5 6 7 8 9 10 Conductor Load N/m W 1.021 23 x 10-6 436.7 118 2 Stranding and Wire Diameter mm 7/2.7 56.58 0. W100 for 100 pascal wind and W500 for 500 pascal wind 3.799 8.339 3. The most up-to-date version is lo 13 14 Cross Resistance Conductor Sectional Diameter at 20°C Area (A) Ohms/km 0.1991.377 2.28 124.335 W100 1.339 C1 319. C1 = and C2 = .7 436.021 7.(Metric) 1 Equiv Alum Area 2 Stranding and Wire Diameter 3 UTS (CBL) 4 5 6 Resistance Conductor Cross Diameter Sectional at 20°C Area (A) 7 Mass 8 9 Conductor Load N/m 10 11 Final Modulus of Elasticity (E) kPa 59 x 106 59 x 106 59 x 106 12 Coefficient of Linear Expansion (a) 13 14 Constants mm2 mm kN Ohms/km mm mm2 kg/m W W100 W500 C1 C2 per °C 35.3 ALL ALUMINIUM ALLOY 6201A (AAAC / 6201) .2 2.113 1. Where.25 11.890 11 Final Modulus of Elasticity (E) kPa 59 x 106 59 x 106 59 x 106 12 Coefficient of Linear Expansion (a) per °C 23 x 10-6 23 x 10-6 23 x 10-6 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED.6 27.9 -6 106 7/4.91 17.335 3.75 21.58 77.4 65.099 2.290 23 x 10-6 319.1120 (AAAC/1120) Metric & 6201A (AAAC/6201) . A = Cross sectional area and a = Coefficient of Linear Expansion TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 23 of 38 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document.099 1.080 2.75 7/4.713 0.25 41.211 0.3 77.3 14.75 11.4 104.1 C2 56.890 23 x 10 552.0 Mass Constants kg/m 0.7 0.367 3.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems A-9: All Aluminium Alloy Conductors .239 mm 8.113 0.367 6. Table 3.75 3 UTS (CBL) kN 9.6 0.1 4 ALL ALUMINIUM ALLOY 1120 (AAAC / 1120) .0 104. 2 150 UC 37 125x65x13 TFB 150 UB 18.2 TFB 125x65x13 TFB 150 UB 18.0 100x45x7.0 180 UB 22.2 TFB 125x65x13 TFB 150 UB 18. Extra 100x45x7.288 where 9 is the overall length to the nearest metre 100 is steel section depth in millimetres and 288 is the steel section centreline separation at the bend in metres TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document.100 . Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 24 of 38 . The most up-to-date version is lo Distribution Poles WB 0905 WB 0910 WB 0915 WA 1105 WA 1110 WA 1115 WB 1205 WB 1210 WB 1214 WB 1215 WB 1220 WB 1227 WB 1310 WB 1315 WB 1320 WB 1327 WB 1330 9-100-288 9-125-308 9-155-318 11-100-325 11-125-345T 11-155-355T 12-100-299 12-125-319T R12-155-355 Strong Direction 4700 10500 14800 3900 8600 12150 3500 7700 14900 11000 17300 26000 7300 10600 15000 27000 31000 Weak Direction 1300 3200 5400 870 2070 3490 900 2300 4030 3800 5800 7550 2100 3500 5200 6850 12800 Depth of Pole in Footing mm Steel Former Number Std.2 TFB 125x65x13 TFB 150 UB 18.2 150 UC 37 200 UC 52 1450 1450 1450 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1750 1450 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 2000 2000 1750 1750 2000 2000 2000 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 3 3A 1 1 3 3A U1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 3A U2 2 2 3A U2 U3 12-155-329T 12-179-417T 12-162-434 13-125-338 13-155-348T 13-179-396T 13-162-459T 13-206-405 Distribution Pole Designation 9 .TS-107 .Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems Appendix B: Pole Design Data B-1: Distribution Poles Data Pole Designation Stock Number Pole Size Strength In Newtons Wind Force on Poles (Newtons) Steel Face TC1 1500 Pa 560 670 830 690 860 1060 760 950 1180 1180 1330 1200 1050 1290 1460 1320 1680 TC2 1200 Pa 450 540 660 550 690 850 610 760 940 940 1060 960 840 1040 1170 1060 1350 TC3 800 Pa 300 360 440 370 460 570 410 510 630 630 710 640 560 690 780 710 900 Concrete Face TC1 2000 Pa 1560 1760 1900 1950 2310 2500 2170 2570 2770 2770 3210 4240 2920 3140 3480 4760 5500 TC2 1500 Pa 1170 1320 1430 1460 1740 1870 1630 1930 2080 2080 2410 3180 2190 2360 2610 3570 4130 TC3 800 Pa 630 710 760 780 930 1000 870 1030 1110 1110 1290 1700 1170 1260 1390 1910 2200 Steel Section Designation mm-mm-kg/m Bend Position from Bottom mm Lifting Details Centre of Gravity From Bottom mm 4169 4222 4240 5003 5132 5158 5474 5556 5419 5548 5504 5703 5966 5997 5925 6136 6318 Total Mass of Pole kg 535 797 1053 681 1011 1332 731 1084 1548 1432 1949 2305 1213 1599 2056 2560 3364 Nominal Ground Line From Bottom mm 1600 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 2150 2150 1900 1900 2150 2150 2150 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED.0 100x45x7.0 150 UB 18.0 180 UB 22. Allowable Force (N) Strong Dir. The most up-to-date version is lo . Fs’ + Fw’ = k Fs Fw h M p W X Y Height above Footing (mm) T/F Cof G to Pole C/line (mm) T/F load application point from pole top (mm) T/F mass (kg) T/F height (mm) T/F breadth (mm) Z Fs Fw Fs’ Fw’ T/F Depth (mm) Strong dir.0 for normal operating loading without wind. TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 25 of 38 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document. where k = 1.(p .5 for full loading under maximum wind.(p . WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED.81 / h Conductor Tension Loading as an Equivalent Force at top of Pole Strong Direction FSC Weak Direction FWC Allowable Combined Loading on Pole The combined loading on the pole in both directions calculated from the appropriate combination of the above loads must be within the limit set by the following equation. and 1.X/2)] x Wind Pressure W h Wind Loading on Pole as an Equivalent Force at Top of Pole (1) Steel Face: PSF (2) Concrete Face: PCF (refer to Table) Transformer Loading as a Force at Top of Pole for Conductor Loadings etc PT/F = W M x 9.TS-107 . S Applied Forces (N) See table pages 26 & 27 for transformer details. S Applied Forces (N) Weak Dir. Allowable Force (N) Weak Dir.X/2)] x Wind Pressure (1) Weak Direction FT/F = X Z/h [h .Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems B-2: Transformer Poles Data Wind Pressures: Exposed Situations Z M X Y p Rectangular T/F 1200 Pa Cylindrical T/F 750 Pa Sheltered Situations Rectangular T/F 720 Pa Cylindrical T/F 450 Pa Wind Loadings on T/F as an Equivalent Force at the Top of Pole (Newtons) (1) Strong Direction FT/F = X Y/h [h . The most up-to-date version is lo . Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 26 of 38 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED.TS-107 .Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems B-3: Distribution Poles Construction Details TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document. 6kV) 50 LA5119 335 50 LA5182 335 25 LA5316 265 30 345 50 410 63 LA5327 485 Three Phase 11 kV (11/7.TS-107 . The most up-to-date version is lo Depth * mm 510 580 510 710 710 580 610 640 630 950 750 905 TBA 945 1130 1020 960 1030 1200 1190 1150 1200 1250 1340 1320 950 1000 1230 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document. Capacity Mass Voltage Description Supply Item Number Current Contract kVA kg 10 150 16 LA5116 155 Single Phase 11 kV 20 185 (11/7. Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 27 of 38 .6kV) 100 LA5336 740 (Wilson T/F) 150 1100 200 LA5346 1220 200 1011348 1175 315 LA5356 1450 10 265 20 300 33 kV Single Phase 25 LA6116 260 50 LA6117 400 25 LA6499 600 30 710 50 830 33 kV Three Phase 63 LA6503 830 100 LA6504 1255 150 1555 200 LA6508 1725 10 LA0110 135 Single Phase 19 kV SWER SWER Dist 25 1012328 200 11 / 19 kV Single Phase SWER Isol 150 LA5196 1090 TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali Shape Cylindrical Cylindrical Cylindrical Cylindrical Cylindrical Rectangular Cylindrical Cylindrical Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Cylindrical Cylindrical Cylindrical Cylindrical Rectangular Cylindrical Cylindrical Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Cylindrical Cylindrical Rectangular Height * mm 900 840 900 1090 1040 1075 1250 1420 1175 1240 1400 1410 TBA 1290 950 950 1050 1070 1030 960 1060 1030 1225 1425 1425 840 840 1500 Width * mm 520 570 520 725 725 960 720 620 960 1180 1230 1210 TBA 1290 800 845 630 700 1210 1110 1110 1210 1145 1105 1185 570 570 970 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems B-4: Transformer Details The figures below (which have been provided by Tyree) apply to Tyree Transformers supplied after 1995. Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 28 of 38 . The most up-to-date version is lo Depth * mm 1300 1250 1250 Single Phase 200 LA5197 1265 Rectangular SWER Isol 33 / 19 kV Single Phase 150 LA6196 1120 Rectangular SWER Isol 200 LA6197 1270 Rectangular * The dimensions quoted for the sizes of the transformers are overall dimensions. lifting lugs etc.TS-107 .Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems B-5: Transformer Details . TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document.Continued Voltage 11 / 19 kV Description Capacity kVA Supply Item Number Current Contract Mass kg Shape Height * mm 1430 1400 1430 Width * mm 1070 1040 1070 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. which include bushings. 70* 30.0m 18.0m 18. WB1510 WB1515 WB1520 WB1526 WB1532 WB1536 WB1540 WB1550 WB1555 WB1565 WB1615 WB1640 WB1645 WB1660 WB1815 WB1820 WB1826 WB1830 WB1840 WB1845 WB1850 Supply Item No.5m 16.50 3.0m 15.92 9.5-260x89-575 18-155x18-450 Compound Section 18-179x22-465 18-207x30-510 18-256x37-550Compound Section 18-203x46-500 18-206x52-585 18-210x60-610 Compound Section 18-254x73-580 Steel Section 125x65x13TFB 150UB18 180UB22 200UB30 150UC37 200UC52 200UC46 200UC60 250UC73 250UC89 150UB18/14 200UC46 200UC52 250UC89 150UB18/14 180UB22 200UB30 250UB37/25 200UC46 200UC52 200UC60/46 250UC73 Overall Length 15.0m 18.00 25.00 9.50 41.40 11.50 59.TS-107 .50 29.0m 18.30 12.0m 15.50 21.0m 16.0m 18.0m Former 1 2 3 U1 3A U1 U4 U4 U4 U4 2 U3 5 U4 2 3 U1 U2 U3 5 U4 U4 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED.0m 15.0m 15.30 7.80* 10.63 5.0m 15. Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 29 of 38 . The most up-to-date version is lo Final Design Complete Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No WB1855 1011264 47.98 4.20 10.0m 15.0m 15.00 Fw (kN) 1.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems B-6: “WB” Sub-Transmission Poles (Design Strength & Supply Item Numbers) Pole Drg No.00 31.60 10.90 38.50 * = Ultimate Strength Values TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document.10 11.0m 15.90 4.50 10.00 Pole Designation 15-125x13-415 15-155x18-425 15-179x22-440 15-207x30-460 15-162x37-430 15-206x52-397 15-203x46-645 15-205x60-640 15-254x73-580 15-260x89-575 16.60 12.10 23.50 45.80 2. 1011246 1011247 1011248 1011249 1011250 1011251 1011252 1011253 1011254 1011255 1011256 1011465 1011466 1011467 1011257 1011258 1011259 1011260 1011261 1011262 1011263 Fs (kN) 6.80 15.10 7.5-155x18-415 Compound Section 16.47 2.5m 16.80 13.0m 18.90 19.30 23.5m 18.90 18.00 71.00 13.5m 16.00 64.50 28.5-206x52-585 16.5-203x46-535 16.60 17.0m 15.50 16.0m 18.50 53.00 34. 5m 19.00 17. The most up-to-date version is lo Final Design Complete Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document.50 36.0m 19.70 8.5m 19.Continued Pole Drg No.00 12.50 60.60 19.30 3. Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 30 of 38 .0m 21.30 5.0m 21.5m 19.00 77.00 112.5-260x89-575 Compound Section 19.50 19.30 63. WB1860 WB1862 WB2020 WB2025 WB2040 WB2045 WB2055 WB2060 WB2062 WB2070 WB2075 WB2120 WB2125 WB2130 WB2140 WB2150 WB2155 WB2160 WB2162 WB2170 WB2172 Supply Item No.00 25.5-320x137-700 Compound Section 21-179x22-465 Compound Section 21-207x30-500 21-256x37-525 Compound Section 21-203x46-500 21-210x 60-508 21-254x73-580 21-260x89-575 Compound Section 21-260x89-700 Compound Section 21-315x118-700 Compound Section 21-321x137-700 Compound Section Steel Section 250UC89/73 250UC89/73 180UB22 200UB30/22 200UC46 200UC52/46 250UC73 250UC89/73 250UC89/73 310UC118/97 310UC137/97 180UB22/18 200UB30 250UB37/31 200UC46 200UC60 250UC73 250UC89/73 250UC89/73 310UC118/97 310UC137/97 Overall Length 18.0m 21.00 19.5m 19.TS-107 .20 21.50 59.0m 21.00 18.00 10.50 8.50 26. 1011265 1011266 1011267 1011268 1011269 1011270 1011271 1011272 1011273 1011274 1011275 1011276 1011277 1011278 1011279 1011280 1011281 1011282 1011283 1011292 1011293 Fs (kN) 58.5-203x46-535 19.75 16.30 6.30 23.00 64.30 34.00 48.5m 19.00 70.5m 19.5m 19.5m 19.5-314x118-700 Compound Section 19.5-207x30-500 Compound Section 19.40 22.50 3.5-179x22-465 19.75 7.75 40.0m 21.3m 21.70 11.5-254x73-580 19.5-206x52-575 Compound Section 19.10 41.0m 21.80 9.00 43.5-260x89-700 Compound Section 19.4* Fw (kN) 23.3* Pole Designation 18-260x89-580 Compound Section 18-260x89-700 Compound Section 19.0m 21.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems B-7: “WB” Sub-Transmission Poles (Design Strength & Supply Item Numbers) .0m Former U4 U5 3 U1 U3 5 U4 U4 U5 U5 U5 3 U1 U2 U3 U3 U4 U4 U5 U5 U5 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED.0m 18.60 31.5m 21.00 31.00 17.50 168.0m 21.00 84. 60 6.5m 25.5m 250UB37/31 200UC46 200UB30/22 250UB37/31 200UC46 Overall Length 22.5-210x60-520 Compound Section 22.50 45.203 x 46 .5m 24.5-254x73-590 22.00 Fw (kN) 4.00 21.00 21.5-203x46-535 22. Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 31 of 38 .5-327x158-700 Compound Section 24-256x37-525 Compound Section 24-203x46-535 25.5m 22.50 27.90 13.400 Steel Section 200UBx10.00 19.60 14.00 6.60 4.5m 200UB30x12m 150UC37 250UB37/31 200UC46 200UC60/46 250UC73 250UC89/73 310UC97x12m 310UC118x10.40 9.10 96.5m 22.20 7.0m 24.50 39.40 13.5-320x137-700 Compound Section 22.80 14.10 29.90 4. WB2325 WB2326 WB2330 WB2340 WB2350 WB2355 WB2360 WB2370 WB2371 WB2375 WB2376 WB2430 WB2440 WB2625 WB2630 WB2641 Supply Item No.5-315x118-700 Compound Section 22.0m 25.5m 22.00 10.80 33.00 6.5m 22.5m 22.5m 22.80 18. The most up-to-date version is lo Final Design Complete Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes * = Ultimate Strength Values TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document.00 37.90 20.00 6.00 10.TS-107 .5m 22.5-260x89-575 Compound Section 22.5m 22.5 Former U1 2 U2 U3 U3 U4 U4 U5 4 U5 U5 U2 U3 U1 U2 U1 WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED.50 7.5-307x46-470 22.5-256x37-525 Compound Section 22.5-256x37-525 Compound Section 26 . 1011294 1011295 1011297 1011299 1011300 1011301 1011302 1011303 1010386 1011304 1011305 1011306 1011307 1011308 1011309 1011537 Fs (kN) 12.5m 22.60 15.5m 25.5-207x30-475 Compound Section 22.5m 22.5-207x30-475 Compound Section 25.5m 310UB46 310UC97x10.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems B-8: “WB” Sub-Transmission Poles (Design Strength & Supply Item Numbers) .Continued Pole Drg No.5m 310UC137x12m 310UC118x12m 310UC158x10.5-162x37-400 22.00 84.00 72.00 Pole Designation 22. The most up-to-date version is located on the Intranet/Internet SA Power Networks NETWORK DIRECTIVE .1 5. REFERENCES 3. 5. 6.1 3. SCOPE 2.TS-107 . a Public Utilities Advisory Committee (PUACC) publication. 3.2 6.Standard Location of Poles NETWORK MANAGEMENT GROUP RESPONSIBLE MANAGER: Stephen Jolly Issued: June 2009 Review By: April 2012 Issue: 1/99 Richard Twisk GM Demand & Network Management AUTHORISING OFFICER: Page 32 of 38 STANDARD LOCATION FOR POLES 1.1 2. Position of Poles in Relation to Boundary Line Poles shall be placed : At a distance from the property boundary which has been negotiated with the appropriate Council. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. For new installations.2 4. PURPOSE This Directive defines the position of SA Power Networks poles installed in streets. Position of Poles in Relation to Fence Line Poles will be placed on the extension of the fence line dividing two properties when : There will be driveways on both properties which will be adjoining the dividing fence.“Technical Standard for Line Design”. The Code for the Placement of Infrastructure Service in New and Existing Streets.1 6. Nil Executive Manager Network is responsible for the application of this Directive Manager Performance and Risk is responsible for the content of this Directive The number of poles in any street will be kept to a minimum.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems APPENDIX C: Network Directive-ND P1 .2 This Directive is applicable to locating the position of SA Power Networks poles installed in streets.2 6.1 5. On an alignment parallel to the property boundary. 2. For new installations.3 6.5 TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 32 of 38 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document.4 RESPONSIBILITIES DIRECTIVE 6. Where SA Power Networks installs poles in a street they should be placed in accordance with the details outlined below. It is not applicable to public lighting columns. DEFINITIONS 4. poles will be located in accordance with the Code for the Placement of Infrastructure Service in New and Existing Streets. poles will be located in accordance with the Code for the Placement of Infrastructure Service in New and Existing Streets. TS 107 .ND P1 . the customer must agree to a service line to an adjoining property crossing their property. Otherwise replace in a similar position.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems Neither property will have a driveway adjoining the dividing fence. it will be placed in an agreed position in front of that customer’s property. only Manager Customer Supply can approve a non-standard pole location. They will be erected so that the strong direction of the pole will be at right angles to the route of the roadway.8 Position of Service Poles The location of service poles will be determined by the above requirements. 6. the location must ensure that access to two sides of the pole is maintained to replace the transformer. The most up-to-date version is located on the Intranet/Internet . poles will be located as near as practicable to 0.6m from the extension of the fence line dividing the two properties and on the side of the property in which there will not be a driveway adjoining the dividing fence. 6. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. 6. Also.7 Position of Poles at Street Intersections The location of poles erected at street intersections will be determined by the above requirements and : Giving due consideration to traffic requirements Considering the needs of the property owner adjacent to the pole Consideration of public lighting requirements.TS-107 . Where no land subdivision has taken place.9 New poles will be placed in a standard location where practical. Where appropriate.6 Position of Transformer Poles In addition to the above. transformer poles are to be located to minimise the visual impact where practical. 6. When there will be only one driveway adjoining the fence-line. The position of the driveways on either property is not known. When a customer requests that a pole be located in a position other than those set out above. TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 33 of 38 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document. poles will be located in the most suitable positions from local and technical considerations.10 Where practicable poles that are located in non-standard positions should be replaced in a standard location as defined in this directive. 6. NICC-252 – Application to Cross Railways. PURPOSE To define the standard for construction of new electricity supply lines SCOPE To define the standard construction types for overhead and underground electricity supply lines. TransAdelaide. NGQP 620 .3 3. The most up-to-date version is located on the Intranet/Internet SA Power Networks NETWORK DIRECTIVE .ND J4 .“Trenching & Conduit Standard”. NGQP 663 . 4.“Procurement of Easements”.as defined by maps issued by SA Power Networks from time to time (subset of the BFRA). Annex D.11 3. TS 102 .10 3.8 3. TS100 .“Line design standard for overhead distribution systems”. TS107 .14 3. See BFRMM .19 The Electricity Act 1996 and amended Regulations (ie Technical and Vegetation Clearance) Manual 10 The Development Act 1993 and amended Development Regulations.TS-107 . Distribution Handbook for CPO’s. DEFINITIONS 4. HBFRA (High Bushfire Risk Area) .1 BFRA (Bushfire Risk Area) . Authorised: Jehad Ali Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 34 of 38 4.6 3. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED.Sub transmission Lines. Electricity Supply Association of Australia (ESAA) HB C(b) 1 .4 3. 2.33kV Line Connections/Alterations. TS085 . ND F2 .15 3.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems APPENDIX D: Network Directive-ND J4-Construction of New Power Lines NETWORK GROUP RESPONSIBLE MANAGER: Jehad Ali Issued: April 2012 Review By: February 2015 Doug Schmidt GM Network Management AUTHORISING OFFICER: Page 34 of 38 CONSTRUCTION OF NEW POWER LINES 1. ND X1 .1 3.“Guidelines for Design and Maintenance of Distribution and Transmission Lines”.13 3.17 3.“Electrical design standard for underground cable networks”.2 3.“Easements for the Distribution Network”. NGQP 315 . 3. REFERENCES 3.“Construction standards for underground cable networks”.Manual 8.as defined in the Regulations associated with the Electricity Act 1996 ie “the part of the state shown in the maps in schedule 3 as the bushfire risk area excluding the areas shown in those maps as non-bushfire risk areas”. Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC).18 3.12 3. TS087 .7 3.9 3.16 3. SA Power Networks-Drawings”.“Disconnection for Bushfire Risk Mitigation”.5 3.Customer Response Procedure. The South Australian Distribution Code.2 TS-107 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document. design. They will be designed and installed in accordance with TS085. and the mean wind speed equal to or exceed 63 kph (ie gale force winds).7 CCT .Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems 4. SA Power Networks preferred construction method is Bare overhead for HV throughout South Australia.Aerial Bundled Cable 4. Triangulated construction should be used for HV in the BFRA and HBFRA of the State.as defined in the Regulations associated with the Electricity Act 1996 ie “the part of the state shown in the maps in schedule 3 as the nonbushfire risk area excluding the areas shown in those maps as bushfire risk areas”.8 LV (Low Voltage Mains) . is greater than 50.6 ABC .9 HV (High Voltage Mains) . The benefits to be considered are Customer funding of additional cost and operation and maintenance costs (eg vegetation clearance). Other standard overhead construction methods that SA Power Networks employ will be CC. 4.2 6. RESPONSIBILITIES 5. Electricity Supply lines that supply strategic loads (eg major communities.8 TS-107 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document.1 5. The construction method chosen must provide the lowest possible “whole of life” costs after considering.4 Bare . Future costs will be Net Present Valued using the current SA Power Networks practice.2 6.3 NBFRA (Non Bushfire Risk Area) .Bare Conductor 4.1 The General Manager Networks is responsible for the application of this Directive. The Manager Customer Supply is responsible for the content.7 6.electricity distribution mains of voltage less than 1000 Volts. TS087 and TS100.10 FDL 3 (Fire Danger Level 3) . These lines will be designed and constructed in accordance with TS107. 6. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED.000 Volts (nominal).5 CC . 4. SA Power Networks preferred construction method is ABC overhead for LV throughout South Australia. CCT & ABC for HV in the HBFRA’s and BFRA’s.3 6.6 6. The most up-to-date version is located on the Intranet/Internet . 5. It must be demonstrated that the benefits exceed the initial higher cost to use these construction methods. and a Total Fire Ban or Special Fire Ban has been declared by the Bureau of Meteorology.5 6. vegetation clearance. Authorised: Jehad Ali Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 35 of 38 DIRECTIVE 6.Covered Conductor 4. emergency services and essential services) in the HBFRA which require electricity during FDL 3 conditions and satisfy following criteria can be left energised: constructed to transmission voltage design standards eg bare 11kV constructed to 33kV separation and clearances.electricity distribution mains of voltage greater than 1000 Volts and less than 33.Covered Conductor Thick (equivalent to SA Power Networks. These lines will be designed and constructed in accordance with TS107. and/or fully covered electricity distribution systems o insulated underground services. as calculated by the Bureau of Meteorology. 4. Underground HV and LV mains will be installed in Local Council designated underground mains areas.4 6. amended Regulations and the South Australian Distribution Code. construction.TS-107 . o LV ABC with covered LV isolators. operation and maintenance costs of the supply line.Insulated Unscreened Conductor) 4. All distribution lines erected for SA Power Networks must be designed and constructed in accordance with the Electricity Act.FDL 3 conditions within a CFS Fire Ban District exist when: the Fire Danger Index. Refer to Procedures NGQP 315 and NGQP 663. Refer to NICC-252 for the form” Application to Cross Railways with Power Cables”.9 The construction of a new transmission line that will operate at 33kV or greater is subject to the provisions of the Development Act 1993 and the amended Development Regulations.10 6. to be left energised under FDL 3 conditions. Major Loads will be supplied in accordance with Annex D of NGQP 620. showing the combination. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. requires the approval of General Manager Networks or nominee.14 6. consultation with and approval from the relevant Rail Authority is required.11 6.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems neutral screen LV services or other insulated LV lines. o o 6. The most up-to-date version is located on the Intranet/Internet . Approval is required from the Network Standards Manager before any of the following are specified and erected on the same structure: same voltage HV arrangements are combined and a single E-Drawing.TS-107 . or E-Drawings do not exist for the proposed arrangement(s). on or under private property must be protected by a registered easement in accordance with TS 102 “Easement Standard for the Distribution Networks”. All lines over. Clearance to Railway Lines. 11kV CCT or ABC conductor with no exposed live parts (The CMEN conductor of a CCT system and the Current Limiting Arcing Horns will for this purpose not be considered a live part). The preferred method of crossing railway lines is with the use of underground construction methods. 6. however overhead construction is an option. The approval of this new transmission line may require the preparation of an environmental impact statement. In instance.12 6. For an electricity supply line to be constructed or reconstructed. does not exist.13 6.15 TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 36 of 38 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document. All HV & LV constructions arrangements must be in accordance with SA Power Networks E-Drawings. High Load Corridors (designated roads and highways to facilitate the movement of high loads through out the State) will have a minimum clearance between the carriageway and conductors of 9 metres. .. ..TS-107 .. Project Name SA Power Networks Reference Location FEATURES TO BE MEASURED Conductor tie-off tension RESULT REMARKS Conductor Stringing tension Conductor finished clearance from SA Power Networks designated point Contractor's Company Name Contractor's Name Contractor's Signature Date TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document. of....Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems APPENDIX E: Conductor Measurement Sheet WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED.... The most up-to-date version is located on the Intranet/Internet Page 37 of 38 CONDUCTOR MEASUREMENT SHEET Page . The most up-to-date version is located on the Intranet/Internet APPENDIX F: Atmospheric Corrosion Maps of South Australia APPENDIX G: DPTI’s Maps of High Load Corridor Please Note: Appendix F and Appendix G are not included in this document but can be found in a separate file on the SA Power Networks intranet. TS-107 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date of Publication: 07 December 2012 Page 38 of 38 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer in front of this document. .TS-107 .Appendix F & G WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED.Overhead Line Design Standard for Transmission & Distribution Systems Refer to a Separate Document for following TS-107.
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