Our Prayers
Our Prayers
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Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of FijiVedic Sanskars Our Prayers Philosophy of the Vedas OUR PRAYERS Maharishi Dayanand Book Shop Site Map The Gayatri Mantra Ishwar Stuti Prarthana Upasana Prayer for General Happiness Samarpan Mantra (Salutation and Surrender) Prayer for Health Prayer for Family Welfare Meal Time Prayer Shanti Path (Hymn of Peace) Also see: Family Prayers - Pictorial (PDF) Prayer for Unity (English) Prayer for Unity (Hindi) Prayer is the path that takes us to God. During prayer a person thinks of God with devotion and faith and tries to feel His presence. Prayer is the call from the heart of the devotee. One wants to open one’s heart and place it before God. One feels that one is weak, makes mistakes and has needs, therefore surrenders to God and asks for His help and guidance for which one prays and sings in praise of Him. God gives protection and comfort to those who pray to Him daily. Prayer helps people to get away from evil actions and to raise themselves to become better persons. They find mental and spiritual peace. During prayer we must take a serious vow not to repeat our mistakes, to get rid of bad habits and make our life good. Many times we, knowingly, do not give up wrong habits. This is due to the weakness of the mind. By prayer we develop strength of the soul and decide firmly to improve our lives. By prayer we are able to conquer our weaknesses. The effect of prayer is seen in the character of a person. The prayer can only be regarded as useful if it has been able to bring about good changes in the devotee. Prayer is essential to every individual person in happiness or in sorrow, in hope or hopelessness, in strength or weakness. Prayer is necessary for one to follow the path of truth. We must pray daily. If possible the whole family should join in prayer at a set time every day. Learn the correct pronunciation of the mantras and recite the mantras paying attention to their meaning. Their meaning is noble, purifying and brings peace and strength to the mind. Repeating of the mantras like a parrot without understanding will not give full benefit. During prayer there should be complete concentration. Give up all other thoughts. Think that God is present within your heart and pray with devotion. THE GAYATRI MANTRA Aum Bhur bhuvah swah. Tatsavitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi. Dhio yo nah prachodayat. (Yajurveda 36/3) God, the Giver of life, Remover of pains and sorrows, the Bestower (giver) of happiness, and Creator of the Universe, You are most luminous (brilliant), pure and adorable (lovable). We meditate on You. May You inspire (encourage) and guide our intellect in the right direction. Hiranyagarbhah samavartatagre bhutasya jatah patireka asit. You are Paramount. Aspirant of whatsoever we offer our worship to You. Va ishe asya dwipadashchatushpadah kasmai devaya havisha vidhema. please grant them. Yasya chhaya mritam yasya mrityuh kasmai devaya havisha vidhema. Yo antarikshe rajaso vimanah kasmai devaya havisha vidhema. whose disfavour and disobedience is the cause of pains like death etc. bad habits and pains and make us attain whatever be beneficial to us 2. who has measured. (Yajurveda 25/23) He who is the giver of spiritual inspiration and physical. who has held under His possession the pleasure and the bliss of salvation. whose governance and order is carried out by all luminous bodies and enlightened. spiritual and social vigour. Aum vishwani deva savitar duritani parasuva. (Yajurveda 13/4) The Divine Power who is refulgent (brilliant) by nature and who possesses all the luminous worlds within Himself and existed before creation of this world and from the very eternity (endless time) is the only one conspicuous and animate Lord of all the created objects. Prajapate na twadetanyanyo vishwa jataniparita babhuva. there is no other entity besides You who can maintain command over and surpass all these created animate and inanimate objects. (Yajurveda 30/3) 0 All-creating. Yad bhadram tanna asuva. Almighty. Yah pranato nimishato mahitwaika idraja jagato babhuva. 4. . Sa dadhara prithivim dyamutemam kasmai devaya havisha vidhema. He is sustaining this earth and the sun etc. ISHWAR STUTI PRARTHANA UPASANA MANTRA 1. 3. 121. To that All-blissful Divinity who is the giver of all knowledge we offer our humble worship with conscience and spirit and be ready to obey His commandments. We may by Your grace be possessors of all kinds of wealth and high possessions. (Yajurveda 25/11) He who by His sublimity (glory) is the sole ruler of the living and non-living beings existing in this world. Pure. Yena dyau rugra prithivi cha dridha yena swah stabhitam yena nakah. i. to that All-blissful Divinity we offer our humble homage dedicating to Him all that belongs to us in obeying His command. Yat kamaste juhumastanno astu vayam syama patayo rayinam. 10) Lord of entire creatures. to That All-blissful Divinity we offer our worship with our full devotion. whose shelter (grace) is immortality . Ya atmada balada yasya vishwa upasate prashisham yasya devah. 6. He who is worshipped by all. He who governs the bipeds and quadrupeds. 5.e. please keep far from us all evils. (Yajurveda 32/6) He by whom the resplendent Sun and the earth have been made firm. To that All-blissful Divinity we offer our humble worship with attainable yogic concentration and devotion.natured God You are the giver of all pleasures. (Rigveda 10.guide our intellect in the right direction. created and gave motion to all the worlds in the unbounded space moving in the manner as birds fly in it. sarve bhadrani pashyantu. Yuyo dhyasmajjuhurana meno bhuyishthante nama uktim vidhema. (Yajurveda 10/16) O Self-refulgent Divinity You have All-knowledge and illuminator of all the universe. PRAYER FOR HEALTH We should say this prayer daily for our health and also offer this prayer at the bed-side of a patient. Twameva mata cha pita twameva. Twameva bandhuscha sakha twameva. 0 Lord! May all be happy. Yatra deva amritamana shanastritiye dhamannadhyai rayanta. localities and created objects of this universe. 0 Lord! You are our Mother and Father. May all realise goodness and may no one suffer pain. Twameva sarvam mama deva deva. Twameva vidya dravinam twameva.of wealth and high possessions. . it is in Him where the person of wisdom obtaining salvation move freely after having been free from worldly pleasures and pains in the third stage of their divine life. PRAYER FOR GENERAL HAPPINESS 1. We with all devotion offer our worship to Him. Let us provide service to others and let our studies be beneficial and effective. Let there be no hatred among us. You know all the procedures of works and wisdom underlying therein and please grant all this to us leading us on the path of righteousness. Agne naya supatha raye asman vishwani deva vayunani vidwan. (Taitiriye Arnayak 8/1) 3. You are our Brother and Friend. (Yajurveda 32/10) He is giver of all prosperity to us like brother. May all be free from misery. You are our knowledge and wealth. ruler and administrator of justice. Tejaswi navadhitamastu ma vidwisha vahai. Kingdom etc. Please lead us on the path of virtue for the acquirement of physical and spiritual wealth inclusive of science. He is our preceptor. all the names. Aum sahanavavatu sahanau bhunaktu saha viryam karva vahai. Aum sarve bhavantu sukhinah. We may remain ever-engaged in uttering Your praises in various ways. Sa no bandhurjanita sa vidhata dhamani veda bhuvanani vishwa. 8.. 0 God! Let us all unite and protect ourselves. SAMARPAN MANTRA (Salutation and Surrender) 2. He is our procreator and He fulfills all of our aspirations. He knows all the worlds . teacher. Please keep us immune from sinful acts which violate nature and its law. 7. sarve santu niramayah. You are everything to us. ma kashchit dukha bhagbhavete. (Yajurveda 3/60) O Supporter of all the three worlds. long life. Anuvratah pituh putro matra bhavatu sammanah. 2. (Paraskar grihasutra (2. (Atharvaveda 111. Make me strong. tongue and the other organs function in a strong and healthy way for a hundred years. May we live for more than a hundred years in happiness. Aum tryambakam yajamahe sugandhim pushti vardhanam.30. (Yajurveda 11/83) O Lord. Give me perfect health. Give me a happy. destroyer of illness and helper of all! As a ripe mango breaks away from its stalk. You are the giver of peace. in a similar way. 2.6) O Family Members! May you partake of the same food and drink in this family. Aum tanupa agne si tanvam me pahi. May the wife and husband speak with each other lovingly and in sweet tones. make me well.bed-side of a patient. Remove from my body whatever illness and weaknesses that may be present in it. 4.4.7)) O God ! Make my body healthy. By your mercy may the germ. the Giver of Food! May you provide us with healthy and energy producing . make progress towards your common goals. Aum apah shivah shivatamah shantah. Aum ayurda agne syayurme dehi. united and equal. 3. Pasheyma sharadah shatam jivema sharadah shatam shrinuyama sharadah shatam prabravama sharadah shatam adinah syama sharadah shatam bhuyashcha sharadah shatat. Samayanchognim saparyatara nabhi mivabhitah.30. May I not be poor and dependent during this time.8) God! You are kind. ears. (Atharvaveda 111.8. Aum varchoda agne si varcho me dehi. (Paraskar griha sutra 1. May the consumer goods and services be enjoyed equally by all. Jaya patye madhu matim vacham vadatu shantivam. Aum agne yanme tanva unam tanma aprina. PRAYER FOR FAMILY WELFARE This prayer should be made a part of daily prayer of the family. Prapradataram tarisha urjam no dhehi dvipade chatushpade.2) May the son be obedient to his father and may his relationship with his mother be full of love and sweetness. (Yajurveda 36/24) O Protector of devotees: I concentrate on your pure energy. Samani prapa saha vonnabhagah samaneyoktre saha vo yunajmi. 1. MEAL TIME PRAYER Aum annapate annasya no dehyanamivasya shushminah. cure me of my illness. Aum tachchakshur devahitam purastach chhukram uchcharat. Urvaruk miva bandhanan mrityor mukshiya ma amritat. Shantastama staste krinavantu bheshajam. Just as the spokes of the wheel are equal and meet at the centre to give it motion.destroying medicines prove effective in curing me speedily. 1. so free us from disease and give us long life. May my eyes. O Lord. peace. there is coolness in the water. madness. cyclones. (b) Suffering caused by agents outside the body: Such as snake bites. the Giver of Food! May you provide us with healthy and energy producing food. the plants are peace giving. hearing problems. attack by a dog. the medicinal herbs are healing. like worry. floods. etc. drought. there is perfection in the eternal knowledge. SHANTI PATH (Hymn of Peace) Aum dyauh shantirantariksham shantih prithivi shanti rapah shantiroshadhayah shantih. there is peace in the atmosphere. peace pervades everywhere. The Shanti Path (Hymn of Peace) is recited at the conclusion of a function or at the end of a school day.Pictorial (PDF) Prayer for Unity (English) Prayer for Unity (Hindi) back to top Copyright © 2010 Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji Updated 30 April 2010 . There is peace in the planetary region. sorrows. May that peace come to me. May this food give us strength. (Yajurveda 36 / 17) Aum shantih shantih shantih. May there be peace. poor eyesight. smallpox. Grant happiness to those that give food in kindness. hatred. Why do we say Shanti three times? The hymn of peace is concluded with the word Shanti recited three times. wickedness and suffering of the mind. Also see: Family Prayers . They are: (a) Spiritual Suffering: Suffering of the soul. Vanaspatayah shantir vishwedevah shantir brahma shantih sarvam shantih shantireva shantih sa ma shantiredhi. there is peace on earth. a robber or an enemy. There are three kinds of suffering in this world and we wish to be freed of them. illness such as fever. etc. peace. (c) Suffering by natural causes: Such as earth-quake. evil thoughts. fire. everything in the universe is peaceful. jealousy. there is peace in the planets.
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