OTM Servlets - OTM Wiki

April 3, 2018 | Author: kartheekbeeramjula | Category: Java Servlet, Oracle Database, Technology, World Wide Web, Computer Engineering



11/5/13OTM Servlets - OTM Wiki OTM Servlets From OTM Wiki OTM Servlets Contents 1 Introduction 2 Usage 3 Terminology 4 Servlets 4.1 Bean Cache 4.2 Cache Clear 4.3 Cache Diagnostics 4.4 Connection Pool Diagnostics 4.5 Data Dictionary 4.6 Event Diagnostics 4.7 Log Viewer (System) 4.8 Mediator Diagnostics 4.9 Monitored Solver Diagnostics 4.10 Object Lock Diagnostics 4.11 Producer Diagnostics 4.12 Properties (Application Server) 4.13 Properties (Web Server) 4.14 Remote Topic Diagnostics 4.15 Security 4.16 Servlet Diagnostics 4.17 Session Diagnostics 4.18 Solver Diagnostics 4.19 SQL 4.20 Topic Queue Assignments 4.21 User Access 4.22 XSL Processor Introduction OTM Servlets are technical tools that enable you to take a look under the hood. Oracle does not support the servlets (you won't find them in the ADMIN or DBA menu), so take care when using them. Usage www.otmwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=OTM_Servlets 1/6 FrameGC3Servlet then you have to change it to http://www.com/GC3/glog.PropertiesServlet to access the servlet.the number of processes queued up awaiting processing (the system can only process one per thread at a time). orders. d a t a s o u r c e . b e a n c a c h e . c a c h e . s e r v l e t . w e b s e r v e r . If the URL of your OTM system is http://www.com/GC3/glog. etc.OTM Wiki To activate a servlet. w e b s e r v e r . It is advised to run this servlet after oploading rates using CSV upload or to troubleshoot other caching issues. B e a n C a c h e S e r v l e t Shows the objects that are stored in cache and enables to clear these cached objects.PropertiesServlet. w e b s e r v e r . For example. C P D i a g S e r v l e t www. Cache Diagnostics g l o g . Queue Size --.webserver.webserver. C a c h e C l e a r S e r v l e t This servlet can be used to clear all of the rate cache within the system.how long the process took to complete once it got assigned to a thread.properties.php?title=OTM_Servlets 2/6 .otm-system. the path of the Application Properties Servlet is glog. w e b s e r v e r .properties.util.11/5/13 OTM Servlets . displayed when there is no value yet. Process Time --. The two values are Average / Longest in seconds. you have to enter the path of the servlet in the URL of your browser.otmwiki. Cache Clear g l o g . c a c h e c l e a r .webserver.com/wiki/index. Wait Time --. C a c h e D i a g S e r v l e t Connection Pool Diagnostics g l o g . Servlets Bean Cache g l o g .the amount of time processes wait in the queue. Terminology Most servlets use cryptic header texts: this list will help you understand them: NaN --.otm-system. Shows data that is stored in cache for shipments.means "Not a Number". otm-system. w e b s e r v e r . w e b s e r v e r . execution. you must close out of your browser before viewing the servlet again. L o g V i e w e r S e r v l e t This servlet is also accessible through the normal OTM Menu Mediator Diagnostics g l o g . Use "Kill" with extreme prejudice. Click on the "Show Threads" button to view the individual threads for each queue.youtube. meaning that no other activity can be processed by that thread until the next restart. e v e n t . Description on Youtube (http://www. Queue Size and Throughput All details are since the last restart and do not provide historical data Notation for most of the columns is: <average> / <high_water_mark>. l o g v i e w .com/watch?v=n2C_JEblwCo&feature=player_embedded) . m e d i a t o r . unit is seconds Backlogs aren't always bad (sometimes you need/want single-threaded queues) and adding threads isn't always a good thing (switching contexts. E v e n t D i a g S e r v l e t Within this servlet you have the ability to monitor system processing in a variety of queues that are used to handle many of the different activities within the system. These activities include integration inbound and outbound processing.php?title=OTM_Servlets 3/6 . w e b s e r v e r . M e d i a t o r D i a g S e r v l e t Monitored Solver Diagnostics www. it will keep adding an additional threads. FTP and HTTP communications. memory usage. as you can't see exactly what process is running on that thread and the screen doesn't refresh in real-time. Killing a thread will kill the process of that thread but will leave the thread in a hung state. Log Viewer (System) g l o g . mail.com/wiki/index. You will need to add a thread to get around the kill. batch processing and other activities within the system.OTM Wiki Data Dictionary h t m l / d a t a _ d i c t / This is not really a servlet. If you simply refresh the screen. etc).com/GC3/html/data_dict/ Event Diagnostics g l o g . but it is a very useful trick to always have the most up-to-date version of the data dictionary handy Example URL: http://www.11/5/13 OTM Servlets . If you add a thread on this screen.otmwiki. Very important for performance tuning The most important columns are the Backlog (current processing backlog). and not in the physical properties file on the application server.otmwiki.com/wiki/index. If making changes to properties. P r o d u c e r D i a g S e r v l e t Properties (Application Server) g l o g . s y n c h . Properties (Web Server) g l o g .11/5/13 OTM Servlets . they do not always come into effect immediately. so running a blank search may take a while for the properties to show in your browser. w e b s e r v e r . o p t i m i z a t i o n . These changes cannot be made using this servlet. M o n i t o r e d S o l v e r D i a g S e r v l e t Object Lock Diagnostics g l o g . p r o p e r t i e s . You can use this servlet to verify and change information on the fly for testing purposes. S e c u r i t y F i x u p S e r v l e t www. w e b s e r v e r . w e b s e r v e r . within the system so you should know what you are looking for before accessing this screen. W e b P r o p e r t i e s S e r v l e t The Web server properties servlet can be used to verify the property settings on the web server. w e b s e r v e r . w e b s e r v e r . w e b s e r v e r . For some property changes. There are a huge number of properties defined. R e m o t e T o p i c D i a g S e r v l e t Security g l o g . p r o p e r t i e s . The changes made in this servlet are only stored in memory and are lost when the system is restarted. There are a huge number of properties defined within the system so you should know what you are looking for before accessing this screen.php?title=OTM_Servlets 4/6 . as it only changes the values in the memory. f i x u p . o b j e c t . O b j e c t L o c k D i a g S e r v l e t Producer Diagnostics g l o g . Remote Topic Diagnostics g l o g . the OTM system needs to be restarted. w e b s e r v e r . P r o p e r t i e s S e r v l e t The application server properties servlet is used to lookup and change the property settings on the application server.OTM Wiki g l o g . s e c u r i t y . p r o c e s s c o n t r o l . s e s s i o n . com/wiki/index. IMPORTANT! SQL statements are committed automatically so no rollback is possible You can disable this servlet in the Access Control List by unchecking "Granted" for "SQL .otmfaq. XSL Processor www. s q l . w e b s e r v e r . s e s s i o n . S o l v e r D i a g S e r v l e t SQL g l o g . w e b s e r v e r .OTM Wiki Servlet to fix the groupmembers table. V i e w U s e r A c c e s s S e r v l e t View User Access details. If you run the servlet it will run a check against this table and if it finds problems it will present you with a list of the issues that it finds and give you the option to fix them individually or en masse.1 Topic Queue Assignments g l o g .com/forums/f29/need-info-security-servlet-2957/#post9407) ) Servlet Diagnostics g l o g . t e s t . S q l S e r v l e t This servlet allows running of SQL statements and exporting data from the OTM database. like User Preferences. w e b s e r v e r .php?title=OTM_Servlets 5/6 .php?t=5499&p=17789&viewfull=1#post17789) ) or check Metalink Note 850970. w e b s e r v e r . S e s s i o n D i a g S e r v l e t Solver Diagnostics g l o g . (Source (http://www.View" (source (http://www. levels roles and domains.otmwiki. s e s s i o n . e v e n t . which contains security information relating to users. o p t i m i z a t i o n . w e b s e r v e r . S e r v l e t D i a g S e r v l e t Session Diagnostics g l o g . w e b s e r v e r .11/5/13 OTM Servlets . User Access g l o g . T o p i c Q u e u e A s s i g n m e n t s S e r v l e t Shows thread queues and mapped functions.com/forums/forums/showthread.otmfaq. u s e r a c c e s s . X S L P r o c e s s o r S e r v l e t This Servlet is used clear the cache after making changes to any existing xsl files to get effect.php?title=OTM_Servlets" This page was last modified on 28 March 2013.com/wiki/index. w e b s e r v e r .otmwiki.com/wiki/index.otmwiki.php?title=OTM_Servlets 6/6 .OTM Wiki g l o g .11/5/13 OTM Servlets . Retrieved from "http://www. at 11:57. www. x a l a n .
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