OT Bibliography

March 27, 2018 | Author: Andy Espinoza | Category: Bible, Hebrew Language, Syntax, Religious Texts, Linguistics



1BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR OLD TESTAMENT STUDY (REVISED 1/6/2014) E. RAY CLENDENEN 2 3 PREFACE Te primary purpose of this monograph is to aid the student of the Older Testament or Hebrew Bible in exegetical research in preparation for exposition. Te choices of categories as well as the works to include have been subjective, but should prove useful to users of the bibliography. Since exposure to diversifed viewpoints can only enhance the teacher’s ministry of proclaiming the Word of God, books and articles from various theological viewpoints have been included, if they are believed to make a positive contribution to the teaching ministry of the church. Te works included are on diferent levels. Some assume a knowledge of Hebrew, and some do not. Others are of greatest value to the student with advanced knowledge of biblical languages and literature. Foreign language works have largely been avoided to maintain the list’s manageable size. Te vastness of the literature that could have been included is suggested by Hupper’s work listed under Bibliography and by the ongoing publication Old Testament Abstracts. It is inevitable that some worthwhile contributions have been overlooked. Tis list is ofered only as a place to begin and is intended for theological students and others engaged in the teaching ministry of the church. I hope that it will be of special value to the busy pastor/teacher. Te nature of a bibliography is that it is a work in progress. Some of the topics are more up-to-date than others, but it will continue to grow. 4 5 TOPICS SECTION ONE: GENERAL 15 Aramaic 15 Archaeology 17 Bibliography 20 Computers and Biblical Studies 22 Discourse Analysis & Text Linguistics 22 Feminism & OT Studies 25 Festschrifen and Collected Works 27 Geography 30 Hebrew Grammar & Syntax 31 Hebrew Lexicology and Semantics 44 Hermeneutics: General Biblical 48 Hermeneutics: Literary Teory 53 Hermeneutics: Narrative 55 Hermeneutics: O.T. & Biblical Criticism 59 Historiography 67 History and Culture 73 Inner-Biblical Exegesis 95 Inscriptions 101 Intertestamental Literature & History 103 Introductions and Surveys 107 Legal Literature, O.T. Law & Ethics 112 Linguistics, Translation, & Related Fields 118 Messianism 126 Poetry, Hebrew 126 Preaching the Old Testament 131 Rabbinics and Jewish Studies 133 Semantics 136 Semitics 137 Textual Criticism, LXX, Dead Sea Scrolls, & Canon 139 Teology 149 6 SECTION TWO: BIBLE BOOK STUDIES 167 Collections 167 Pentateuch 168 Genesis 170 Exodus 180 Leviticus 186 Numbers 190 Deuteronomistic History 195 Deuteronomy 196 Historical Books 205 Joshua 205 Judges 208 Ruth 212 Samuel 215 Kings 221 Chronicles 226 Ezra 232 Nehemiah 234 Esther 235 Wisdom Literature 237 Job 239 Psalms 245 Proverbs 263 Ecclesiastes 266 Song of Songs 270 Prophets and Prophecy 272 Isaiah 282 Jeremiah 307 Lamentations 314 Ezekiel 315 Apocalyptic Literature 319 Daniel 321 Minor Prophets 326 Hosea 331 Joel 334 Amos 337 Obadiah 342 Jonah 343 7 Micah 348 Nahum 350 Habakkuk 354 Zephaniah 359 Haggai 363 Zechariah 369 Malachi 377 8 9 ABBREVIATIONS AAL Afoasiatic Linguistics AB Anchor Bible Commentary ABR Australian Biblical Review ACEBT Amsterdamse Cahiers voor Exegese en Bijbelse Teologie AfO Archiv Für Orientforschung AJBA Australian Journal of Biblical Archaeology AJSL American Journal of Semitic Languages ASTI Annual of the Swedish Teological Institute ATJ Ashland Teological Journal ATR Anglican Teological Review AusBR Australian Biblical Review AUSS Andrews University Seminary Studies BA Biblical Archaeologist BASOR Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research BBR Bulletin for Biblical Research BETS Bulletin of the Evangelical Teological Society BHHE Bulletin of Higher Hebrew Education Bib Biblica BibIll Biblical Illustrator BibInt Biblical Interpretation BiOr Bibliotheca Orientalia BIOSCS Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies BJRL Bulletin of the John Rylands Library BN Biblische Notizen BR Bible and Religion BRes Biblical Research BRev Bible Review BSac Bibliotheca Sacra BSC Bible Student’s Commentary BT Te Bible Translator BTB Biblical Teology Bulletin BurH Buried History BZ Biblische Zeitschrif BZAW Beihefe zur Zeitschrif f_r die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaf 10 C&AH Catastrophism and Ancient History CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly CC Te Communicator’s Commentary CJ Concordia Journal CR:BS Currents in Research: Biblical Studies CT Christianity Today CTJ Calvin Teological Journal CTM Concordia Teological Monthly CTQ Concordia Teological Quarterly CTR Criswell Teological Review CurTM Currents in Teology and Mission DBI Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation, eds. R. J. Coggins and J. L. Houlden. London: SCM, 1990. DD Dor le Dor DSBOT Daily Study Bible, Old Testament EAJT East Asian Journal of Teology EBC Everyman’s Bible Commentary EI Eretz-Israel EncJud Encyclopedia Judaica. 16 vols. Edited by Cecil Roth. New York: Te Macmillan Co., 1971. EQ Evangelical Quarterly ET Expository Times EvJ Evangelical Journal EvT Evangelische Teologie ExAud Ex Auditu FOTL Forms of O.T. Literature GBS Guides to Biblical Scholarship GJ Grace Journal GTJ Grace Teological Journal HAR Hebrew Annual Review HistRel History of Religions HorBT Horizons in Biblical Teology HS Hebrew Studies HTR Harvard Teological Review HUCA Hebrew Union College Annual IB Te Interpreter’s Bible ICC International Critical Commentary IDB Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible. Edited by G. A. Buttrick. 11 IDBSup IDB, Supplementary Volume. Edited by Keith Crim. Nashville: Abingdon, 1962. IEJ Israel Exploration Journal Int Interpretation IR Te Ilif Review ITC International Teological Commentary ITQ Irish Teological Quarterly JAAR Journal of the American Academy of Religion JANES Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Studies JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society JBL Journal of Biblical Literature JBR Journal of Bible and Religion JBQ Te Jewish Bible Quarterly JCS Journal of Cuneiform Studies JETS Journal of the Evangelical Teological Society JJS Journal of Jewish Studies JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies JNSL Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages JOTT Journal of Translation and Textlinguistics JQR Jewish Quarterly Review JQRS Jewish Quarterly Review, Supplement JR Journal of Religion JRH Journal of Religious History JSem Journal for Semitics JSOT Journal for the Study of Old Testament JSS Journal of Semitic Studies JTS Journal of Teological Studies Ker Kerux LASBF Liber Annuus--Studium Biblicum Franciscanum LTJ Lutheran Teological Journal MAJT Mid-America Journal of Teology MelT Melita Teologica MSJ Master’s Seminary Journal NCBC New Century Bible Commentary NEASBul Near East Archaeological Society Bulletin NICOT New International Commentary on the O.T. NOT Notes on Translation NTT Nederlands Teologisch Tijdschrif 12 OBT Overtures to Biblical Teology OPTAT Occasional Papers in Translation and Textlinguistics OTA Old Testament Abstracts OTE Old Testament Essays OTG Old Testament Guides OTL Old Testament Library OTS Oudtestamentische Studien OTWSA Die Outestamentiese Werkgemeenskap in Suid-Afika PEQ Palestine Exploration Quarterly Persp Perspectives PIBA Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association Presb Presbyterion Proof Proofexts: A Journal of Jewish Literary History PTR Princeton Teological Review RB Revue Biblique RelSRev Religious Studies Review ResQ Restoration Quarterly RevExp Review and Expositor RTR Reformed Teological Review SBL Society of Biblical Literature SBT Studies in Biblical Teology SEA Svensk Exegetisk Arsbok Sem Semeia SeTR Southeastern Teological Review SJOT Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament SJT Scottish Journal of Teology SR Studies in Religion ST Studia Teologica STA Svensk teologisk _rsskrif StudBT Studia Biblica et Teologica START Selected Technical Articles Related to Translation SWJT Southwestern Journal of Teology TynBul Tyndale Bulletin TD Teology Digest TE Teologica Evangelica Ter Teresianum Tem Temelios TJ Trinity Journal 13 TOTC Tyndale O.T. Commentaries TSFBul TSF Bulletin TTod Teology Today TZ Teologische Zeitschrif USQR Union Seminary Quarterly Review VE Vox Evangelica VR Vox Reformata VT Vetus Testamentum VTS Vetus Testamentum, Supplements W&W Word and World WBC Word Biblical Commentary WEC Wyclife Exegetical Commentary WTJ Westminster Teological Journal ZAH Zeitschrif für Althebraistik ZAW Zeitschrif für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaf 14 15 SECTION ONE: GENERAL Aramaic Archer, G. L. “The Aramaic of the ‘Genesis Apocryphon’ Compared with the Aramaic of Daniel.” In New Perspectives on the O.T. (see Festschriften). Bergsträsser, G. Introduction to the Semitic Languages. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1983. Cohen, D. R. “Subject and Object in Biblical Aramaic: A Functional Approach Based on Form-content Analysis.” Afroasiatic Linguistics 2/1 (Apr 1975): 1-23. Cowley, A. Aramaic Papyri of the Fifth Century B.C. Reprint. Oxford: Clarendon, 1967. Driver, G. R. Aramaic Documents of the Fifth Century B.C. Oxford: Clarendon, 1954. Fitzmyer, Joseph A. A Wandering Aramean: Collected Aramaic Essays. Missoula, Mont.: Scholars Press, 1979. ——— and S. A. Kaufman. An Aramaic Bibliography, Part 1: Old, Offcial, and Biblical Aramaic. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1992. Folmer, Margaretha L. The Aramaic Language in the Achaemenid Period. A Study in Linguistic Variation, Leuven 1995 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 68) Garr, W. R. “On the Alternation Between Construct and di Phrases in BA.” JSS 35 (1990): 213-31. Gibson, J. C. L. Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions, Vol. II Aramaic Inscriptions. Oxford: Clarendon, 1975. Greenfeld, J. C. “Aramaic.” In IDBSup. Greenspahn, Frederick E. An Introduction to Aramaic, Second Edition. SBL, 2003. Jastrow, Marcus. A Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature. 2 vols. 2d ed. New York: Pardes, 1950. Jerusalmi, Isaac. The Aramaic Sections of Ezra and Daniel: A Philological Commentary with Frequent References to Talmudic Aramaic Parallels and a Synopsis of the Regular Verb. 2d ed. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College- 16 Jewish Institute of Religion, 1978. Kitchen, K. A. “The Aramaic of Daniel.” In Notes on Some Problems in the Book of Daniel. London: Tyndale, 1965. Kraeling, E. G. The Brooklyn Museum Aramaic Papyri. New Haven: Yale UP, 1953. Kutscher, E. Y. “Aramaic.” In Current Trends in Linguistics, vol. 6, ed. T. A. Sebeok, 347-412. The Hague: Mouton, 1970. Layton, Scott C. and Dennis Pardee. “Old Aramaic Inscriptions.” BA 51 (1988): 172-89. Millard, A. R. “Please Speak Aramaic.” BurH 25 (1989): 67-73. Porten, Bezalel. Archives from Elephantine: the Life of an Ancient Jewish Military Colony. Berkeley: University of California, 1968. ———. “Aramaic Papyri and Parchments: A New Look.” BA 42 (1979): 74-104. ——— et al. The Elephantine Papyri in English: Three Millennia of Cross-Cultural Continuity and Change. 2nd, rev. ed.; Atlanta: SBL, 2011. Porten, B. and J. C. Greenfeld. Jews of Elephantine and Arameans of Syene. Department of the history of the Jewish people, texts and studies for students. Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 1976. Porten, Bezalel and Ada Yardeni, eds. Aramaic Documents from Ancient Egypt Newly Copied, Edited and Translated into Hebrew and English: Vol. 1. Letters. Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 1986. ———. Textbook of Aramaic Documents from Ancient Egypt: Vol. 2. Contracts. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 1989. Rosenthal, F. Grammar of Biblical Aramaic. 7th ed. Harrassowitz Verlag, 2006. Rowley, H. H. The Aramaic of the O.T. London: Oxford UP, 1929. Schuele, Andreas. An Introduction to Biblical Aramaic. Louisville: WJK, 2012. Segert, Stanislav. Altaramäische Grammatik. Leipzig: Verlag Enzyklopädie, VEB, 1975. Snell, Daniel C. “Why Is There Aramaic in the Bible?” JSOT 18 (1980): 32-51. 17 Stefanovic, Z. The Aramaic of Daniel in the light of Old Aramaic. JSOTSup 129. Sheffeld: JSOT, 1992. Review CBQ 55.776-77. Van Pelt, Miles V. Basics of Biblical Aramaic: Complete Grammar, Lexicon, and Annotated Text. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2011. Archaeology Aharoni, Yohanan. The Archaeology of the Land of Israel. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1982. Albenda, Pauline. “The Gateway and Portal Stone Reliefs from Arslan Tash.” BASOR 269 (1988): 5-30. Albright, W. F. Archaeology and the Religion of Israel. 5th ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1968. ———. The Archaeology of Palestine. Revised. Baltimore: Penguin, 1960. Amitai, Janet, ed. Biblical Archaeology Today. Proceedings of the International Congress on Biblical Archaeology, Jerusalem, April, 1984. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1985. Avi-Yonah, Michael and Ephraim Stern, eds. Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land. 4 vols. Jerusalem: Massada Press, 1975-78. Ben-Tor, Amnon. The Archaeology of Ancient Israel. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1992. Blaiklock, E. and R. K. Harrison, eds. The New International Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology. Revised. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1983. Crocker, P.T. “Joshua and Jericho--Again.” BurH 27 (1991): 5-11. Davis, Thomas W. “Faith and Archaeology: A Brief History to the Present.” BAR 18.2 (1993): 54-59. Dever, W. G. “The Chronology of Syria-Palestine in the Second Millenium B.C.E.: A Review of Current Issues.” BASOR 288 (1992): 1-25. ———. The Lives of Ordinary People in Ancient Israel: Where Archaeology and the Bible Intersect. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2012. 18 ———. Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From? Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003. ———. Recent Archaeological Discoveries and Biblical Research. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1990. ———. What Did the Biblical Writers Know and When Did They Know it? What Archaeology and the Bible Can Tell Us about Ancient Israel. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2001. Drinkard, Joel F. et al., eds. Benchmarks in Time and Culture: An Introduction to Palestinian Archaeology. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1988. Faust, Abraham. The Archaeology of Israelite Society in Iron Age II. Trans. Ruth Ludlum. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2012. Finkelstein, Israel. The Archaeology of the Israelite Settlement. Jerusalem: Israelite Exploration Society, 1988. ———, and David Ussishkin, “Chapter 24: Archeological and Historical Conclusions,” Meggido III, 576-605 [see #681]. ———. “Searching for Israelite Origins.” BAR 14 (1988): 34-45. Garner, Gordon G. “Archaeology as a Tool.” VR 50 (1988): 39- 47. Gnuse, Robert. “Israelite Settlement on Canaan: A Peoceful Internal Process.” BTB 21 (1991): 56-66, 109-17. Hoerth, Alfred. Archaeology and the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1998. Kenyon, Kathleen M. Archaeology of the Holy Land. 4th ed. New York: W. W. Norton, 1979. King, Philip J. “Contributions of Archaeology to Biblical Studies.” CBQ 45 (1983): 1-16. Kitchen, K. A. “New Directions in Biblical Archaeology: Historical and Biblical Aspects,” in Biblical Archaeology Today, 1990: Proceedings of the Second International Congress on biblical Archaeology, Jerusalem, June-July 1990, ed. A. Biran and J. Aviram, pp. 34–52. Jerusalem: Keterpress, 1993. Lance, H. Darrell. The O.T. and the Archaeologist. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1981. Mazar, A. Archaeology of the Land of the Bible: 10,000-586 19 B.C.E. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1990. Moorey, Roger. A Century of Biblical Archaeology. Cambridge: Lutterworth, 1991. Paul, S. and W. Dever, eds. Biblical Archaeology. Jerusalem: Keter, 1973. Perdue, Leo G. et al., eds. Archaeology and Biblical Interpretations. Atlanta: John Knox, 1987. Pfeiffer, Charles, ed. The Biblical World: A Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1966. Schoville, Keith N. Biblical Archaeology in Focus. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1978. Shanks, Hershel. “Destruction of Judean Fortress Portrayed in Dramatic Eighth-Century B. C. Pictures.” BAR 10 (1984): 48-65. Shea, William H. “Some New Factors Bearing Upon the Date of the Exodus.” C&AH (May, 1986): 29-35. Stager, L. E. “When Canaanites and Philistines Ruled Ashkelon.” BAR 17.2 (1991): 24-37, 40-43; 17.3 (1991): 26-39, 42. Stern, Ephraim. “Archaeological Research on the Period of the Return to Zion.” In Recent Archaeology in the Land of Israel, eds. Hershel Shanks and Benjamin Mazar, 69-74. Translated by Aryeh Finklestein. Washington/Jerusalem: Biblical Archaeology Society/Israel Exploration Society, 1984. ———. Archaeology of the Land of the Bible. Vol. 2, The Assyrian, Babyulonian, and Persian Periods, 732–332 BCE. AB Reference Library. N.Y.: Doubleday, 2001. ———. “The Dor Province in the Persian Period in the Light of the Recent Excavations at Dor.” Transeuphraténe 2 (1990): 147-55. ———. “Israel at the Close of the Period of the Monarchy.” BA 38 (1975): 26-54. ———. “The Many Masters of Dor--Part 2: How Bad Was Ahab?” BAR 19.2 (1993): 18-29. ———. “Material Culture of the Land of the Bible in the Persian Period 538-322 B. C.” Warminster, England: Aris & Phillips, 1982. 20 ———. The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land. 4 vols. New York/London: Simon & Schuster, 1992. ———. “The Province of Yehud: the Vision and the Reality.” In The Jerusalem Cathedra, 1: 9-21. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1981. Thomas, D. Winton, ed. Archaeology and O.T. Study. New York and London: Oxford UP, 1967. Thompson, J. A. Biblical Archaeology. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1981. Ussishkin, David. “Answers at Lachish.” BAR 5 (1979): 16-38. ———. “Lachish: Key to the Israelite Conquest of Canaan.” BAR 13.1 (1987): 18-39. Wood, Bryant G. “Dating Jericho’s Destruction: Bienkowski is Wrong on All Counts.” BAR 16 (1990): 45, 47-49, 68-69. ———. “Did the Israelites Conquer Jericho? A New Look at the Archaeological Evidence.” BAR 16 (1990): 44-59. ———. The Sociology of Pottery in Ancient Palestine: The Ceramic Industry and the Diffusion of Ceramic Style in the Bronze and Iron Ages. Sheffeld: JSOT, 1990. Young, G. D. Mari in Retrospect: Fifty Years of Mari and Mari Studies. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 1992. Zertal, A. “The Pahwah of Samaria (Northern Israel) during the Persian Period: Types of Settlement, Economy, History and New Discoveries.” Transeuphraténe 3 (1990): 9-30. See also Exodus, and History and Culture. Bibliography Ackroyd, P. R., ed. Bible Bibliography 1967 - 1973: O.T. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1974. Anderson, G. W., ed. A Decade of Bible Bibliography (1957 -1966). Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1967. Bulletin de Bibliographie Biblique 11. Lausanne: Université de Lausanne, 1994. Fitzmyer, Joseph A. Introductory Bibliography for the Study of Scripture. 3d ed. Rome: Pontifcal Biblical Institute, 1990. 21 Goldingay, John. O.T. Commentary Survey. 2d ed. Madison: Theological Students Fellowship, 1981. Gorman, G. E. Theological and Religious Reference Materials. Vol. 1: General Resources and Biblical Studies. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1984-86. Grabb, L. L., ed. The Society for OT Study: Book List 1993. Leeds: W.S. Maney & Son, 1993. ———. The Society for OT Study: Book List 1994. Leeds: W.S. Maney & Son, 1994. Hospers, J. H., ed. A Basic Bibliography for the Study of the Semitic Languages. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1973. Hupper, William G. An Index to English Periodical Literature on the Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Vol. I. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 1987. ———, ed. An Index to English Periodical Literature on the Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Vol. II. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 1988. Lang, B., ed. Internationale Zeitshriftenschau für Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete. Düsseldorf: Patmos, 1992. Langevin, Paul Emile, ed. Bibliographie biblique. Quebec: Presses de l’Universite Laval, 1972-. Longman, Tremper III. O.T. Commentary Survey. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2013. Montalvo, David E. Index of Subject Indices, Old Testament. 1975-1983. Philadelphia: Aloyo Press, 1984. O.T. Abstracts. Washington: Catholic Biblical Association of America, 1978-. Pontifcal Biblical Institute. Elenchus bibliographicus biblicus. Rome: Biblical Institute Press, 1968-. Rowley, H. H., ed. Eleven Years of Bible Bibliography (1946 -1956). Falcon’s Wing Press, 1957. Society for O.T. Study. Book List. Leeds: W. S. Maney & Sons, 1974-. Zannoni, A. E. The OT: A Bibliography. Collegeville: Liturgical, 1992. 22 Computers and Biblical Studies Association Internationale Bible et Informatique, ed. Proceedings of the Second International Colloquium: Bible and Computer: Methods, Tools, Results. Travaux de Linguistique Quantitative 43. Genéve: Slatkine, 1989. Bothma, T. J. D. “The Use of Information Technology in Studying Biblical Languges,” JSem 6 (1994): 201–30. Claasen, W. T. “Bible Information Systems,” JNSL 16 (1990): 1-11. Deyo, S. “From the Good Book to the Good Disk,” BAR 21.6 (1995): 70-74,76-77. Groves, J. Alan. “Westminster Scholars Complete Computerized Hebrew Bible Project.” BRev 4 (1988): 4. Hsu, J. Computer Bible Study: Up-to-Date Information on the Best Software and Techniques. Dallas/London: Word, 1993. Hughes, J. J. “Computers and the Bible.” BRev 7.3 (1991): 38- 41. Kren, George M. and G. Christlake. Scholars and Personal Computers: Microcomputing in the Humanities and Social Sciences. New York: Human Sciences Press, 1988. Naef, Thomas, Holy Bits: A Guide for Using Computers in Biblical Scholarship (Bible in Technology 3; Piscataway, N.J.: Gorgias Press, 2009). Tov, Emanuel. “Computers and the Bible.” BRev 4 (1988): 38- 43. Discourse Analysis & Text Linguistics Beaugrande, R.-A. de and W. U. Dressler. Introduction to Text- Linguistics. London: Longman, 1981. Bergen, R. D., ed. Biblical Hebrew and Discourse Linguistics. Dallas: SIL, 1994. Bodine, W. R., ed. Discourse Analysis of Biblical Literature: What It Is and What It Offers. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995. Bowling, A. C. “Another Brief Overview of the Hebrew Verb.” JOTT 9 (1997): 48–69. Brown, G. and G. Yule. Discourse Analysis. Cambridge: 23 Cambridge University Press, 1983. Bybee, Joan and Suzanne Fleischman, eds. Modality in Grammar and Discourse. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1995. Clendenen, E. R. “The Interpretation of Biblical Hebrew Hortatory Texts: A Textlinguistic Approach to the Book of Malachi.” PhD. dissertation, University of Texas at Arlington, 1989. ———. “The Structure of Malachi: A Textlinguistic Study,” CTR 2 (1987): 3-17 ———. “Textlinguistics and the Book of the Twelve,” JETS (2003): 385–99. Coultard, M. An Introduction to Discourse Analysis. London: Longman, 1977. Dawson, D. A. Text-Linguistics and Biblical Hebrew. Sheffeld: Sheffeld Academic Press, 1994. DeRouchie, Jason. A Call to Covenant Love: Text Grammar and Literary Structure in Deuteronomy 5-11. Piscataway: Gorgias, 2007. Endo, Y. The Verbal System of Classical Hebrew in the Joseph Story: An Approach from Discourse Analysis. Assen: van Gorcum, 1996. Eskhult, M. Studies in Verbal Aspect and Narrative Technique in Biblical Hebrew Prose. Uppsala: Uppsala University Press, 1990. Exter Blokland, A. F. den. In Search of Text Syntax: Towards a Syntactic Text-Segmentation Model for BH. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit Press, 1995. Follingstad, C. M. Deictic Viewpoint in Biblical Hebrew Text: A Sytagmatic and Paradigmatic Analytsis of the Particle ki. Dallas: SIL, 2001. Gee, J. P. An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method. London: Routledge, 1999. Geiger, Gregor and Massimo Pazzini, eds. Saggi di linguistica ebraica. Jerusalem: Franciscan Printing Press, 2011. Grimes, J. E. The Thread of Discourse. The Hague: Mouton, 1975. Halliday, M. A. K. and C. M. I. M. Matthiessen. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. 3rd ed. London: 24 Hodder Arnold, 2004. Heimerdinger, J.-M. Topic, Focus and Foreground in Ancient Hebrew Narratives. Sheffeld: Sheffeld Academic Press, 1999. Heller, R. L. Narrative Structure and Discourse Constellations: An Analysis of Clause Function in Biblical Hebrew Prose. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2004. Hopper, Paul J. and Sandrea A. Thompson. “Transitivity in Grammar and Discourse.” Language 56 (1980): 251–99. Johnstone, B. Discourse Analysis. Oxford: Blackwell, 2002. Jørgensen, M. and L. Phillips. Discourse Analysis as Theory and Method. London: Sage, 2002. Levinson, S. C. Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. Longacre, R. E. “The Discourse Structure of the Flood Narrative.” JAARSup 47 (1979): 89–133. ———. The Grammar of Discourse. 2nd ed. New York: Plenum, 1996. ———. Joseph: A Story of Divine Providence. A Text Theoretical and Textlinguistic Analysis of Genesis 37 and 39–48. 2nd ed. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2003. ———. “Sentences as Combinations of Clauses.” Pp. 235–86 in Language Typology and Syntactic Description, vol. 2: Complex Constructions. Ed. Timothy Shopen. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985. Merwe, C. H. J. van der. “An Overview of Recent Developments in the Description of Biblical Hebrew Relevant to Bible Translation.” Pages 228–45 in Contemporary Translation Studies and Bible Translation: A South African Perspective. Bloemfontein: University of the Free State, 2002. Miller, C. L., ed. The Verbless Clause in Biblical Hebrew: Linguistic Approaches. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 1999. Nicacci, A. The Syntax of the Verb in Classical Hebrew Prose. Sheffeld JSOT Press, 1990. O’Connor, M. “Discourse Linguistics and the Study of BH. Pp. 17–42 in Congress Volume: Basel, 2001. Edited by A. Lemaire. VTSup. Leiden: Brill, 2002. 25 Petöf, J. S. and H. Rieser. Studies in Text Grammar. Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1973. Pickering, W. A Framework for Discourse Analysis. Dallas: SIL, 1978. Regt, L. J. de. “Genre Feature in Biblical Prophecy and the Translator: Person Shift in Hosea. Pages 230–50 in Past, Present, Future: The Deuteronomistic History and the Prophets. Leiden: Brill, 2000. ———. Participants in OT Texts and the Translator: Reference Devices and their Rhetorical Impact. Assen: van Gorcum, 1999. ———. “Person Shift in Prophetic Texts: Its Function and its Rendering in Ancient and Modern Translations.” Pages 214–31 in The Elusive Prophet: The Prophet as a Historical Person, Literary Character and Anonymous Artist. Leiden: Brill, 2001. ——— et al., eds. Literary Structure and Rhetorical Strategies in the Hebrew Bible. Assen: van Gorcum, 1996. Schiffrin, D. et al. The Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Oxford: Blackwell, 2001. Shimasaki, K. Focus Structure in Biblical Hebrew: A Study of Word Order and Information Structure. Bethesda: CDL, 2002. Talstra, Eep, ed. Narrative and Comment: Contributions to Discourse Grammar of Biblical Hebrew. Amsterdam: Societas Hebraica Amstelodamensis, 1995. van Dijk, Teun A. Text and Context. Explorations in the Semantics and Pragmatics of Discourse. New York: Longman, 1977. Wendland, E. R. The discourse analysis of Hebrew prophetic literature: Determining the larger textual units of Hosea and Joel. Lewiston: Mellon, 1995. Feminism & OT Studies Achtemeier, Elizabeth. “The Impossible Possibility: Evaluating the Feminist Approach to Bible and Theology.” Int 42 (1988): 45-57. Bird, Phyllis A. Missing Persons and Mistaken Identities: 26 Women and Gender in Ancient Israel. OBT. Fortress, 1997. Brenner, A., ed. Exodus to Deuteronomy. The Feminist Companion to the Bible 5. Sheffeld: Academic, 2000. Brenner, Athalya, and Carole Fontaine, eds. A Feminist Companion to Reading the Bible: Approaches, Methods and Strategies. Sheffeld, 1997. Copeland, E. Clark. “The Status of Women in the OT.” RTJ 6 (1990): 5-16. Day, Peggy L., ed. Gender and Difference in Ancient Israel. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1989. Foh, Susan T. Women and the Word of God. Reprint. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1980. Frye, Roland Mushat. “Language for God and Feminist Language: A Literary and Rhetorical Analysis.” Int 43 (1989): 45-57. Gruber, Mayer I. “Women in the Cult According to the Priestly Code.” In Judaic Perspectives on Ancient Israel, 35-48 (see Festschriften). Heine, Susanne. Matriarchs, Goddesses, and Images of God: A Critique of a Feminist Theology. Translated by J. Bowden. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1989. Jeansonne, Sharon Pace. The Women of Genesis. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1990. Laffey, Alice L. An Introduction to the O.T.: A Feminist Perspective. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1988. Meyers, Carol M. “The Roots of Restriction: Women in Early Israel.” BA 41 (1978): 91-103. ———. Discovering Eve: Ancient Israelite Women in Context. London: Oxford UP, 1988. Mickelsen, A. Berkeley, ed. Women, Authority and the Bible. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 1986. Miller, John W. “Depatriarchalizing God in Biblical Interpretation: A Critique.” CBQ 48 (1986): 609-16. Milne, Pamela J. “Eve and Adam--Is a Feminist Reading Possible?” BRev 4 (1988): 12-21, 39. Newsom, Carol A. and Sharon H. Ringe (eds). The Women’s Bible Commentary. Revised edition. Westminster John 27 Knox, 1998. Otwell, John H. And Sarah Laughed. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1977. Piper, John and Wayne Grudem, eds. Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 1991. Stroup, George W. “Between Echo and Narcissus: The Role of the Bible in Feminist Theology.” Int 42 (1988): 19-32. Terrien, Samuel, Forward by Phyllis Trible. 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R. “The Former Prophets: Reading the Books of Kings,” in OT Interpretation, 83–96 (see “Festschriften”). Wiseman, D. J. 1 & 2 Kings. TOTC. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1993. Wolde, E. van. “Who Guides Whom? Embeddedness and Perspective in Biblical Hebrew and in 1 Kings 3:16–28,” JBL 114 (1995): 623–42. See also Samuel (Cook), Chronicles. Chronicles Ackroyd, Peter R. I and II Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah. London: SCM, 1973. 227 ———. “The Chronicler as Exegete.” JSOT 2 (1977): 2-32. ———. The Chronicler in His Age. JSOTSup 101. Sheffeld: JSOT, 1991. Begg, Christopher T. “The Death of Josiah in Chronicles: Another View.” VT 37 (1987): 1–8. Boda, Mark. “Identity and Empire, Reality and Hope in the Chronicler’s Perspective,” in Community Identity in Judean Historiography: Biblical and Comparative Perspectives [ed. G. Knoppers and K. Ristau; Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2009], 249-72. ———. 1-2 Chronicles. Cornerstone Biblical Commentary 5a. Carol Stream, Ill.: Tyndale House Publishers, 2010. Braun, Roddy. 1 Chronicles. WBC. Waco: Word, 1986. ———. “Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah: Theology and Literary History.” VTS 30 (1979): 42-64. ———. “The Message of Chronicles: Rally Round the Temple.” CTM 42 (1971): 502-13. Curtis, Edward I. and A. A. Madsen. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Books of Chronicles. ICC. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1910. Davies, P. R. “Defending the Boundaries of Israel in the Second Temple Period: 2 Chronicles 20 and the ‘Salvation Army,’” in Priests, Prophets, and Scribes, 43-54 (see Festschriften). Deboys, David G. “History and Theology in the Chronicler’s Portrayal of Abijah.” Bib 71 (1990): 48-62. De Vries, Simon J. 1 and 2 Chronicles. FOTL. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1989. ———. “Moses and David as Cult Founders in Chronicles.” JBL 107 (1988): 619–39. Dillard, Raymond B. “The Chronicler’s Jehoshaphat.” TJ 7 (1986): 17-22. ———. “The Chronicler’s Solomon.” WTJ 43 (1981): 289-300. ———. “David’s Census: Perspectives on 2 Samuel 24 and 1 Chronicles 21.” In Through Christ’s Word, ed. Robert Godfrey and Jesse Boyd III, 94-107. Phillipsburg, N.J.: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1985. ———. “The Literary Structure of the Chronicler’s Solomon 228 Narrative.” JSOT 30 (1984): 85-93. ———. “The Reign of Asa (2 Chronicles 14– 16): An Example of the Chronicler’s Theological Method.” JETS 23 (1980): 207-18. ———. “Rewards and Punishment in Chronicles: The Theology of Immediate Retribution.” WTJ 46 (1984): 164-72. ———. 2 Chronicles. WBC. Waco: Word, 1987. Dion, P. E. “The Civic-and-Temple Community of Persian Period Judaea: Neglected Insights from Eastern Europe.” JNES 50 (1991): 281-87. Examines J.P. Weinberg’s work. Dirksen, Peter B. 1 Chronicles. HCOT. Leuven-Dudley: Peeters, 2005. Duke, Rodney K. The Persuasive Appeal of the Chronicler. JSOTSup 88. Sheffeld: Almond, 1990. Dumbrell, William J. “The Purpose of the Book of Chronicles.” JETS 27 (1984): 257-266. Eskenazi, Tamara C. “The Chronicler and the Composition of 1 Esdras.” CBQ 48 (1986): 39-61. Goldingay, John. “The Chronicler as a Theologian.” BTB 5 (1975): 99-126. Graham, M. P. K. G. Hoglund, S. I. McKenzie, ed. The Chronicler as Historian. Sheffeld. Hahn, Scott W. The Kingdom of God as Liturgical Empire: A Theological Commentary on 1-2 Chronicles. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2012. Hanson, P. D. “1 Chronicles 15-16 and the Chronicler’s Views on the Levities.” Fishbane, Studies, 69-77 (see Festschriften). Hill, Andrew E. 1, 2 Chronicles. NIVAC. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003. Japhet, Sara. “The Historical Reliability of Chronicles.” JSOT 33 (1985): 436-42. ———. 1 & 2 Chronicles. OTL. Louisville: WJK, 1993. ———. The Ideology of the Book of Chronicles and its Place in Biblical Thought. Frankfurt/M., Bern, N.Y., Paris: Peter Lang, 1989. 229 ———. “Conquest and Settlement in Chronicles.” JBL 98 (1979): 205–18. ———. “The Israelite Legal and Social Reality as Refected in Chronicles: A Case Study.” Fishbane, Studies, 79-91 (see Festschriften). ———. “The Relationship between Chronicles and Ezra– Nehemiah.” Congress Volume: Leuven, 1989, 298-313, ed. J. A. Emerton. (see Festschriften). ———. “The Supposed Common Authorship of Chronicles and Ezra-Nehemiah Investigated Anew. “ VT 18 (1968): 330-71. Johnston, W. “Which is the Best Commentary? 11. The Chronicler’s Work.” ET 102 (1990/91): 6-11. ———. 1 and 2 Chronicles, vols. 1 and 2. JSOTSup 253, 254. Sheffeld: Academic Press, 1998. Jones, G. H. “From Abijam to Abijah.” ZAW 106 (1994): 420- 34. Kalimi, Isaac. The Books of Chronicles: A Classifed Bibliography. Jerusalem: Simor, 1990. ———. “Literary-Chronological Proximity in the Chronicler’s Historiography.” VT 43 (1993): 318–38. Kelly, Brian E. 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Louisville: WJK, 1984. ———. “I Chronicles 28: 9: Yahweh ‘Seeks Out’Solomon.” JTS 37.1 (1986): 105-108. McFall, L. “Some Missing Coregencies in Thiele’s Chronology.” AUSS 30 (1992): 35-58. ———. “A Translation Guide to the Chronological Data in Kings and Chronicles.” BSac 148 (1991): 3-45. Mason, R. Preaching the Tradition: Homily and Hermeneutics after the Exile. Cambridge: UP, 1990. Merrill, Eugene H. 1, 2 Chronicles. Bible Study Commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1988. Myers, Jacob M. 1 and 2 Chronicles: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary. AB. 2 vols. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1965. Newsome, James D., Jr. A Synoptic Harmony of Samuel, Kings, & Chronicles. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1986. ———. “Toward a New Understanding of the Chronicler and His Purpose.” JBL 94 (1975): 201-17. North, Robert. “Theology of the Chronicler.” JBL 82 (1963): 369-91. Payne, J. 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Wright, John W. “Guarding the Gates: 1 Chronicles 26:1-19 and the Roles of Gatekeepers in Chronicles.” JSOT 48 (1990): 69-81. ———. “The Legacy of David in Chronicles: The Narrative Function of 1 Chronicles 23-27.” JBL 110 (1991): 229- 42. Young, Robb A. Hezekiah in History and Tradition. VTSup. 232 Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2012. See also Ezra. Ezra Allen, L. and T. Laniak. Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther. NIBC. Hendrickson - Paternoster, 2003. Blenkinsopp, Joseph. Ezra-Nehemiah. OTL. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1988. ———. “The Mission of Udjahorresnet and Those of Ezra and Nehemiah.” JBL 106 (1987): 409-21. ———. “A Theological Reading of Ezra-Nehemiah.” PIBA 13 (1990): 26-36. Boda, Mark J. and Paul L. Redditt, eds. Unity and Disunity in Ezra-Nehemiah: Redaction, Rhetoric, and Reader. Sheffeld: Sheffeld Phoenix, 2008. Bossman, D. “Ezra’s Marriage Reform: Israel Redefned.” BTB 9 (1979): 32-38. Breneman, Mervin. Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther. NAC. Nashville: B&H, 1993. Clines, D. J. A. Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther. NCBC. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1984. Eskenazi, Tamara C. In An Age of Prose: A Literary Approach to Ezra-Nehemiah. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1988. ———. “Out from the Shadows: Biblical Women in the Postexilic Era.” JSOT 54 (1992): 25-43. ———. “The Structure of Ezra-Nehemiah and the Integrity of the Book.” JBL 107 (1988): 641-56. Eybers, I. H. “Chronological Problems in Ezra-Nehemiah.” OTWSA 19 (ND): 10-29. Fensham, F. Charles. The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1982. Grabbe, Lester L. Ezra-Nehemiah. N.Y.: Routledge, 1998. Hogland, Kenneth G. Achaemenid Imperial Administration in Syria-Palestine and the Missions of Ezra and Nehemiah. SBLDS. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1992. Holmgren, Fredrick Carlson. Israel Alive Again: A Commentary on the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987. 233 Japhet, S. “Sheshbazzar and Zerubbabel--Against the Background of the Historical and Religious Tendencies of Ezra-Nehemiah.” ZAW 94 (1982): 66-98. ———. “The Supposed Common Authorship of Chronicles and Ezra-Nehemiah Investigated Anew.” VT 18 (1968): 330-71. Kalimi, Isaac, ed. New Perspectives on Ezra-Nehemiah: History and Historiography, Text, Literature, and Interpretation. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 2012. Kaufmann, Yehezkel. History of the Religion of Israel. Volume IV: From the Babylonian Captivity to the End of Prophecy. Translated by C. W. Efroymson. New York: Ktav, 1977. Kidner, Derek. Ezra and Nehemiah: An Introduction and Commentary. TOTC. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 1979. Klein, Ralph. “Ezra and Nehemiah in Recent Studies.” In Magnalia Dei: the Mighty Acts of God, eds. Frank M. Cross et al., 361-76. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1976. Koch, K. “Ezra and the Origins of Judaism.” JSS 19 (1974): 173-97. Kuhrt, Am_lie. “The Cyrus Cylinder and the Achaemenid Imperial Policy.” JSOT 25 (1983): 83-97. Leeseberg, M. W. “Ezra and Nehemiah: A Review of the Return and Reform.” CTM 33 (1962): 79-90. McConville, J. G. “Ezra-Nehemiah and the Fulfllment of Prophecy.” VT 36 (1986): 205-24. ———. Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1985. McEvenue, Sean E. “The Political Structure in Judah from Cyrus to Nehemiah.” CBQ 44 (1981): 353-64. McFall, Leslie. “Was Nehemiah Contemporary with Ezra in 458 BC?” WTJ 53 (1991): 263-93. Margalith, Othniel. “The Political Background of Zerubbabel’s Mission and the Samaritan Schism.” VT 41 (1991): 312- 23. ———. “The Political Role of Ezra as Persian Governor.” 234 ZAW 99 (1987): 110-12. Myers, Jacob M. Ezra, Nehemiah. AB. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1965. Saebo, Magne, “The Relation of Sheshbazzar and Zerubbabel-- Reconsidered.” STA 54 (1989): 168-77. Shaver, J. R. “Ezra and Nehemiah: On the Theological Signifcance of Making them Contemporaries,” in Priests, Prophets, and Scribes, 76-86 (see Festschriften). Steinmann, Andrew E. Ezra and Nehemiah. Concordia Commentary. Saint Louis: Concordia, 2010. Talmon, S. “Esra und Nehemia: Historiographie oder Theologie?” Daniels, Ernten was man sät:, 311-28. (see Festschriften). Eng. summary OTA 16.81. Throntveit, Mark A. Ezra-Nehemiah. Interpretation. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox, 1992. VanderKam, J. C. “Ezra-Nehemiah or Ezra and Nehemiah?” in Priests, Prophets, and Scribes, 55-75 (see Festschriften). Williamson, H. G. M. Ezra, Nehemiah. WBC. Waco: Word, 1985. ———. “Ezra and Nehemiah in the Light of the Texts from Persepolis.” BBR 1 (1991): 41-61. Yamauchi, E. “The Archaeological Background of Ezra.” BSac 137 (1980): 195-211. ———. “Postbiblical Traditions about Ezra and Nehemiah.” In A Tribute to Gleason Archer, 167-78 (see Festschriften). ———. “The Reverse Order of Ezra/Nehemiah Reconsidered.” Them 5 (1980): 7-13. Nehemiah Bailey, N. A. “Nehemiah 3:1-32: An Intersection of the Text and the Topography.” JOTT 5 (1992): 1-12 (also PEQ 122 [1990]: 34-40). Barber, Cyril. Nehemiah and the Dynamics of Effective Leadership. Neptune, N.J.: Loizeaux, 1976. Campbell, Donald K. Nehemiah: Man in Charge. Wheaton: Victor, 1979. Clines, D. J. A. “The Nehemiah Memoir: The Perils of Autobiography.” See Clines, Eve (see Festschriften). 235 Duguid, Iain. “Nehemiah—The Best King Judah Never Had.” In Let Us Go Up to Zion. Pp. 261–71. Edited by Iain Provan and Mark J. Boda. VTSup 153. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2012. Koch, K. “Ezra and Meremoth: Remarks on the History of the High Priesthood.” Fishbane, Studies, 105-10 (see Festschriften). On Neh 12:10. See OTA 16.82. McFall, Leslie. “Was Nehemiah Contemporary with Ezra in 458 B.C.?” WTJ 53 (1991): 263-93. Swindoll, Charles R. Hand Me Another Brick. Nashville: Nelson, 1978. Yamauchi, E. “The Archaeological Background of Nehemiah.” BSac 137 (1980): 291-309. ———__. “Two Reformers Compared: Solon of Athens and Nehemiah of Jerusalem.” In The Bible world, ed. by Gary Rendsburg et al., 269-92. New York: Ktav, 1980. ———. “Was Nehemiah the Cupbearer a Eunuch?” ZAW 92 (1980): 132-42. See also Ezra. Esther Baldwin, J. G. Esther. TOTC. Leicester: Inter-Varsity, 1984. Berg, Sandra. The Book of Esther: Motifs, Themes, and Structure. SBLDS 44. Missoula, MT: Scholars Press, 1979. Bergey, Ronald L. “Post-Exilic Hebrew Linguistic Developments in Esther: A Diachronic Approach.” JETS 31 (1988): 161-68. Berlin, A. Esther rtsa. JPS Bible Commentary. Philadelphia: JPS, 2001. Clines, D. J. A. “In Quest of the Historical Mordecai.” VT 41 (1991): 129-36. Concordia Journal 13.3 (1987): Several articles on Esther. Day, Linda M. Esther. Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries. Nashville: Abingdon, 2005. Fox, M. V. Character and Ideology in the Book of Esther. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina, 1991. Fox, Nili S. “The Hidden Hand of God.” DD 18 (1989-90): 236 183-87. Gordis, Robert. “Religion, Wisdom and History in the Book of Esther--A New Solution to an Ancient Crux.” JBL 100 (1981): 359-88. Greenstein, Edward L. “A Jewish Reading of Esther.” In Judaic Perspectives on Ancient Israel, 225-44. Harrelson, Walter. “Textual and Translation Problems in the Book of Esther.” Persp 17 (1990): 197-208. Jobes, Karen. Esther. NIVAC. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1999. Jones, Bruce W. “Two Misconceptions about the Book of Esther.” CBQ 39 (1977): 171-81. Levenson, Jon D. Esther. OTL. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1997. Loader, J. A. “Synchronous and Diachronous Perspectives on an Analysis of the Book of Esther.” OTWSA 20-21 (1977-78): 95-109. Millard, A. R. “The Persian Names in Esther and the Reliability of the Hebrew Text.” JBL 96 (1977): 481-88. Moore, Carey A. “Archaeology and the Book of Esther.” BA 38 (1975): 62-72. ———. Esther. AB. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1971. ———. “Esther Revisited Again.” HAR 7 (1983): 169-86. ———. Studies in the Book of Esther. New York: Ktav, 1982. Patton, Lewis B. Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Esther. ICC. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1908. Pierce, R. W. “The Politics of Esther and Mordecai: Courage or Compromise?” BBR 2 (1992): 75-90. Shea, W. H. “Esther and History.” AUSS 14 (1976): 227-46. Whitcomb, John C., Jr. Esther: Triumph of God’s Sovereignty. Chicago: Moody, 1979. Wright, J. Stafford. “The Historicity of the Book of Esther.” In New Perspectives on the O. T., 37-47 (see Festschriften). Yamauchi, Edwin. “The Archaeological Background of Esther.” BSac 137 (1980): 99-117. ———. “Mordecai, the Persepolis Tablets, and the Susa Excavations.” VT 42 (1992): 272-75. Zadok, Ran. “On the Historical Background of the Book of Esther.” BN 24 (1984): 18-23. 237 Wisdom Literature Bergant, D. What Are They Saying about Wisdom Literature? New York: Paulist Press, 1984. Blenkinsopp, Joseph. Wisdom and Law in the Old Testament. New York: Oxford UP, 1983. Brown, W. P. Character in Crisis: A Fresh Approach to the Wisdom Literature of the OT. Grand Rapids/Cambridge: Eerdmans, 1996. Bullock, C. Hassell. An Introduction to the Poetic Books of the O.T.: The Wisdom and Songs of Israel. Chicago: Moody, 1979. Clements, Ronald E. “Solomon and the Origins of Wisdom in Israel.” Persp 15 (1988): 23-35. Crenshaw, J. L. “Education in Ancient Israel.” JBL 104 (1985): 601-15. ———. “Method in Determining Wisdom Infuence upon ‘Historical’ Literature.” JBL 88 (1969): 129-42. ———. O.T. Wisdom: An Introduction. Atlanta: John Knox, 1981. ———. Studies in Ancient Israelite Wisdom. New York: Ktav, 1976. ———. “The Wisdom Literature.” In The Hebrew Bible and Its Modern Interpreters, eds. D. A. Knight and G. M. Tucker, 369-407. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1985. Davidson, Robert. Wisdom and Worship. London: SCM, 1990. Emerton, J. A. “Wisdom.” In Tradition and Interpretation, ed. G. W. Anderson, 214-37. Oxford: Clarendon, 1979. Fischer, James A. “Ethics and Wisdom.” CBQ 40 (1978): 293- 310. Gammie, John G. and Leo G. Perdue, eds. The Sage in Israel and the Ancient Near East. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1990. Gammie, John G. et al., eds. Israelite Wisdom: Theological and Literary Essays in Honor of Samuel Terrien. Missoula, MT: Scholars Press, 1978. Goldsworthy, Graeme. Gospel and wisdom: Israel’s wisdom literature in the Christian life. Paternoster, 1987. Gordis, Robert. Poets, Prophets, and Sages. Bloomington: 238 Indiana UP, 1971. Hoglund, Kenneth G.; Huwiler, Elizabeth F.; Glass, Jonathan T. and Lee, Roger W., eds. 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Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1987. See also Isaiah (Anderson); Amos. Joel Ahlström, G. W. Joel and the Temple Cult of Jerusalem. VTS 21. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1971. Allen, Leslie C. The Books of Joel, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah. NICOT. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1976. Andin≈ach, P. R. “The Locusts in the Message of Joel.” VT 42 (1992): 433-41. Assis, Elie, The Book of Joel: A Prophet between Calamity and Hope. LBHOTS, 581; New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. Baker, David W. Joel, Obadiah, Malachi. NIVAC. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006. Barton, John. Joel and Obadiah. OTL. Westminster John Knox, 2001. Bewer, J. A. et al. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on 335 Micah, Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Obadiah, Joel, and Jonah. ICC. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1912. Burger, J. A. “Amos: A Historical-geographical View,” JSem 4 (1992): 130-50. Coggins, Richard James. Joel and Amos. NCB. Sheffeld Academic Press, 2000. Crenshaw, James L. Joel. AB. Garden City: Doubleday, 1995. Dozeman, Thomas B. “Inner-Biblical Interpretation of Yahweh’s Gracious and Compassionate Character.” JBL 108 (1989): 207-23. Driver, S. R. The Books of Joel and Amos. The Cambridge Bible. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1915. Everson, A. J. “The Days of Yahweh.” JBL 93 (1974): 329-37. Finley, Thomas J. Joel, Amos, Obadiah. WEC. Chicago: Moody, 1990. Garrett, Duane A. “The Structure of Joel.” JETS 28 (1985): 289-97. Hosch, H. “The Concept of Prophetic Time in the Book of Joel.” JETS 15 (1972): 31-38. Hubbard, David Allan. Joel & Amos: An Introduction and Commentary. TOTC. Leicester: Inter-Varsity, 1989. Kaiser, W. C. Jr. “The Promise of God and the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit: Joel 2:28-32 and Acts 2:16-21.” In The Living and Active Word of God, 109-22 (see Festschriften). Kapelrud, Arvid S. Joel Studies. Uppsala: A.B. Lundequistska Bokhandeln, 1948. McQueen, L. R. Joel and the Spirit: The Cry of a Prophetic Hermeneutic. CPT Press, 2009. Marcus, D. “Nonrecurring Doublets in Joel,” CBQ 56 (1994): 56-67. Mason, R. Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Joel. OTG 27. Sheffeld: Academic Press, 1994. Ogden, Graham S. “Joel 4 and Prophetic Responses to National Laments.” JSOT 26 (1983): 97-106. Ogden, G. S. and Richard R. Deutsch. Joel and Malachi: A Promise of Hope--a Call to Obedience. ITC. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987. 336 Price, Walter K. The Prophet Joel and the Day of the Lord. Chicago: Moody, 1976. Prinsloo, W. S. The Theology of the Book of Joel. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1985. ———. “The Unity of the Book of Joel.” ZAW 104 (1992): 66- 81. Sellers, O. R. “Stages of Locust in Joel.” AJSL 52 (1936): 81- 85. Smith, P. J. “A Discourse-Analytical Discussion of Joel 1.1- 2.17.” OTWSA 25-26 (1982-83): 150-62. Stuart, Douglas. “The Sovereign’s Day of Conquest.” BASOR 221 (1976): 159-64. Thompson, John A. “The Date of Joel.” In A Light unto My Path: O.T. Studies in Honor of Jacob M. Myers. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1974. ———. Joel. IB. New York: Abingdon, 1956. ———. “Joel’s Locusts in the Light of Near Eastern Parallels.” JNES 14 (1955): 52-55. ———. “The Use of Repetition in the Prophecy of Joel.” In On Language, Culture and Religion: In Honor of E. A. Nida, eds. M. Black and W. A. Smalley, 101-110. The Hague: Mouton, 1974. van der Merwe, C. H. J. and E. R. Wendland, “Marked word order in the Book of Joel.” JNSL 36(2): 109-130. VanGemeren, Willem. “The Spirit of Restoration.” WTJ 50 (1988): 81-102. Watts, John D. W. The Books of Joel, Obadiah, Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah. The Cambridge Bible Commentary. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1975. Weiss, Meir. “The Origin of the ‘Day of the Lord’-- Reconsidered.” HUCA 37 (1966): 29-60. Wendland, Ernst R. “Dramatic rhetoric, metaphoric imagery, and discourse structure in Joel.” Journal for Semitics/ tydskrif Vir Semitistiek 18(1), 205-239. Wolff, Hans Walter. Joel and Amos. Hermeneia. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1977. See also Hosea; Amos; Malachi. 337 Amos Abela, Anthony. “Suggestions for a Discourse Analysis of Amos 5:1–6:14.” JOTT 16 (2003): 67–85. Allen, L. C. “Amos, Prophet of Solidarity.” VE 6 (1969): 42-53. Andersen, Francis I. and D. N. Freedman. Amos. AB. New York: Doubleday, 1989. Anderson, Bernard W. The Eighth Century Prophets: Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1978. Assen, B. A. “No, Yes, and Perhaps in Amos and the Yahwist.” VT 43 (1993): 433-41. Auld, A. G. Amos. OTG 26. Sheffeld: Academic Press, 1987. Barackman, Paul F. “Preaching from Amos.” Int 13 (1959): 296-315. Barstad, Hans M. The Religious Polemics of Amos. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1984. Barton, J. Amos’ Oracles Against the Nations. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1980. ———. The Theology of the Book of Amos. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2012. Boyle, M. “The Covenant Lawsuit of the Prophet Amos: III 1– IV 13.” VT 21 (1971): 362-88. Braun, M. A. “James’ Use of Amos at the Jerusalem Council: Steps Toward a Possible Solution of the Textual and Theological Problems.” JETS 20 (1977): 113-21. Brueggemann, W. “Amos 4:4-13 and Israel’s Covenant Worship.” VT 15 (1965): 1-15. Bulkeley, Tim. “The Long and the Short of It: Two Recent Commentaries on the Book of Amos.” JSOT 51 (1991): 119-21. Carroll, M. D. Contexts for Amos: Prophetic Poetics in Latin American Perspective. Sheffeld: JSOT, 1992. ———. Amos–the Prophet and His Oracles: Research on the Book of Amos. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2002. Chisholm, Robert B. Jr. “‘For Three Sins . . . Even for Four’: Numerical Sayings in Amos.” BSac 147 (1990): Christensen, D. “The Prosodic Structure of Amos 1–2.” HTR 67 (1974): 427-36. 338 Coote, Robert B. Amos Among the Prophets: Composition and Theology. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1981. Cotterell, Peter. “A Question of Peak.” The Bible Translator 49.1 (1998): 139–48. Cripps, R. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Amos. 2d ed. London: SPCK, 1955. Daniel, J. L. “Sermon: At Ease in a Placed of Action: Amos 6:1-7,” ResQ 34 (1992): 170-72. Dempster, S. “The Lord Is His Name: A Study of the Distribution of the Names and Titles of God in the Book of Amos.” RB 98 (1991): 170-89. Dewaard, J. and William A. Smalley. A Translator’s Handbook on the Book of Amos. Stuttgart: United Bible Societies, 1979. Dorsey, D. A. “Literary Architecture and Aural Structuring Techniques in Amos,” Bib 73 (1992): 305-30. Eslinger, Lyle. “The Education of Amos.” HAR 11 (1987): 35- 57. Fensham, F. C. “A Possible Origin of the Concept of the Day of the Lord.” OTWSA 7-8 (1966): 90-97. ———. “Common Trends in Curses of the Near Eastern Treaties and kudurru-Inscriptions Compared with Maledictions of Amos and Isaiah.” ZAW 75 (1963): 155-75. ———. “Widow, Orphan and Poor in Ancient Near Eastern Legal and Wisdom Literature.” JNES 21 (1962): 129-39. Finley, T. J. “An Evangelical Response to the Preaching of Amos.” JETS 28 (1985): 411-20. ———. “The WAW-Consecutive with ‘Imperfect’ in Biblical Hebrew: Theoretical Studies and Its Use in Amos.” In Tradition and Testament, 241-64 (see Festschriften). ———. Joel, Amos, Obadiah. WEC. Chicago: Moody Press, 1990. Garland, D. David. Amos. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1966. Garrett, Duane A. “The Structure of Amos as a Testimony to Its Integrity.” JETS 27 (1984): 275-76. ———. Amos: A Handbook on the Hebrew Text. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2008. 339 Gevirtz, Stanley. “A New Look at an Old Crux: Amos 5:26.” JBL 87 (1968): 267-76. Giles, T. “The Dual Occurrences of qum in the Book of Amos.” IBS 12 (1990): 106-16. Gitay, Yehoshua. “A Study of Amos’s Art of Speech: A Rhetorical Analysis of Amos 3:1-15.” CBQ 42 (1980): 293-309. Goswell, Gregory R. “David in the Prophecy of Amos.” VT 61 (2011): . Hammershaimb, E. The Book of Amos, A Commentary. Translated by J. Sturdy. New York: Schocken, 1970. Hartley, John E. and William Yarchin. “Structure and Coherence in Amos 4.” Pp. 170–84 in Reading the Hebrew Bible for a New Millinnium: Form, Concept, and Theological Perspective, Volume Two. Edited by Wonil Kim et al. Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press International, 2000. Hasel, Gerhard F. Understanding the Book of Amos. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1991. Hayes, John H. Amos: The Eighth-Century Prophet. Nashville, Abingdon, 1988. Heicksen, M. “Tekoa: Historical and Cultural Profle.” JETS 13 (1970): 81-89. Honeycutt, Roy L. Amos and His Message. Nashville: Broadman, 1963. Howie, Carl G. “Expressly for Our Time: The Theology of Amos.” Int 13 (1959): 273-85. Huey, F. “The Ethical Teaching of Amos: Its Content and Relevance.” SWJT 9 (1966): 57-67. Huffmon, H. B. “The Social Role of Amos’ Message.” In The Quest for the Kingdom of God, 109-16 (see Festschriften). Isbell, Charles D. “Another Look at Amos 5:26.” JBL 97 (1978): 97-99. Jeremias, Jörg. The Book of Amos. OTL. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1998. Johnson, A. “Amos--The Prophet of Reunion.” ET 92 (1981): 196-200. Kaiser, W. C. Jr. “The Davidic Promise and the Inclusion of 340 the Gentiles (Amos 9:9-15 and Acts 15:13-18): A Test Passage for Theological Systems.” JETS 20 (1977): 97- 111. Kelley, Page H. The Book of Amos. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1966. Laato, A. “History and Ideology in the OT Prophetic Books,” SJOT 8 (1994): 267-97. Leewen, C. van. “The Prophecy of the yom YHWH in Amos 5:18-20.” Language and Meaning: Studies in Hebrew Language and Biblical Exegesis. OTS 19. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1974. Limburg, James. “Sevenfold Structures in the Book of Amos.” JBL 106 (1987): 217-22. Mays, James L. Amos. OTL. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1969. McComiskey, Thomas E. “The Hymnic Elements of the Prophecy of Amos: A Study of Form-Critical Methodology.” JETS 30 (1987): 139-58. McKeating, H. The Books of Amos, Hosea and Micah. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1971. Martin-Achard, Robert and S. Paul R_emi. Amos and Lamentations: God’s People in Crisis. ITC. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1984. Mays, James L. Amos. OTL. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1969. Möller, Karl. A Prophet in Debate: The Rhetoric of Persuasion in the Book of Amos. London: Sheffeld, 2003. Motyer, J. A. The Message of Amos: The Day of the Lion. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 1974. Niehaus, Jeffrey. “Amos,” in The Minor Prophets: An Exegetical and Expository Commentary, Vol. 1, ed. T. E. McComiskey. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1992. Noble, P. R. “‘I Will Not Bring It Back’ (Amos 1:3): A Deliberately Ambiguous Oracle?” ExpTim 106 (1995): 105-9. Nogalski, J. D. “The Problematic suffxes of Amos 9:11,” VT 43 (1993): 411-18. Paul, Shalom. Amos. Hermeneia. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1991. Polley, Max E. Amos and the Davidic Empire: A Socio- Historical Approach. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1989. 341 Schoville, K. N. “A Note on the Oracles of Amos Against Gaza, Tyre, and Edom.” Studies in Prophecy, 55-63. VTS 26. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1974. Seilhamer, Frank H. “The Role of Covenant in the Mission and Message of Amos.” In A Light Unto My Path, ed. H. N. Bream, et al., 435-51. Philadelphia: Temple University, 1974. Smith, Billy K. and Frank Page. Amos, Obadiah, Jonah. NAC. Nashville: B&H, 1995. Smith, Gary V. Amos: A Commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1988. ———. “Amos 5:13--The Deadly Silence of the Prosperous.” JBL 107 (1988): 289-91. ———. “Continuity and Discontinuity in Amos’ Use of Tradition.” JETS 34 (1991): 33-42. Soggin, J. Alberto. The Prophet Amos. Translated by John Bowden. London: SCM, 1987. Steinmann, A. E. “The Order of Amos’s Oracles Against the Nations: 1:3–2:16.” JBL 111 (1992): 683-89. Tatford, F. Prophet of Social Injustice: An Exposition of Amos. Eastbourne: Prophetic Witness, 1974. Thompson, M. E. W. “Amos—A Prophet of Hope?” ExpTim 104 (1992): 71-76. Thorogood, Bernard. A Guide to the Book of Amos. London: SPCK, 1971. van der Wal, Adri. Amos: A Classifed Bibliography. Amsterdam: Free University, 1986. ———. “The Structure of Amos.” JSOT 26 (1983): 107-13. Ward, J. M. Amos and Isaiah: Prophets of the Word of God. Nashville: Abingdon, 1969. Watts, John D. W. Studying the Book of Amos. Nashville: Broadman, 1966. Wendland, E. R. “The ‘word of the Lord’ and the Organization of Amos.” OPTAT 2 (1988): 1-51. Williamson, H. G. M. “The Prophet and the Plumb-Line. A Redaction-Critical Study of Amos 7.” In In Quest of the Past, 101-21 (see festschriften). Wolff, Hans Walter. Amos the Prophet: The Man and His 342 Background. Translated by Foster R. McCurley. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1973. Wolters, Al. “Wordplay and Dialect in Amos 8:1-2.” JETS 31 (1988): 407-10. Zogbo, Lynell. “Rhetorical Devices and Structure ‘at the Service’ of the Message: The Final Vision in the Book of Amos.” JOTT 16 (2003): 45–66. See also Isaiah (Anderson); Hosea; Joel. Obadiah Baker, David W., T. Desmond Alexander, and Bruce K. Waltke. Obadiah, Jonah, Micah: An Introduction and Commentary. TOTC. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 1988. Bartlett, J. R. “The Brotherhood of Edom.” JSOT 2 (1977): 2-27. ———. “From Edomites to Nabataeans: A Study in Continuity.” PEQ 111 (1979): 53-66. ———. “The Land of Seir and the Brotherhood of Edom.” JTS 20 (1969): 1-20. ———. “The Moabites and Edomites.” In Peoples of O.T. Times, 229-58 (see History and Geography). ———. “The Rise and Fall of the Kingdom of Edom.” PEQ 104 (1972): 26-37. Bliese, Loren F. “Chiastic and Homogeneous Metrical Structures Enhanced by Word Patterns in Obadiah.” JOTT 6 (1993): 210–27. Clark, David J. “Obadiah Reconsidered.” BT 42 (1991): 326-36. Coggins, R. J. and S. Paul Re’emi. Nahum, Obadiah, Esther. ITC. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1985. Cresson, Bruce C. “The Condemnation of Edom in Postexilic Judaism.” In The Use of the Old Testament in the New and Other Essays, 125-48 (see Inner-Biblical Exegesis). Dick, Michael B. “A Syntactic Study of the Book of Obadiah.” Semitics 9 (1984): 1-29. Gaebelein, Frank E. Four Minor Prophets: Obadiah, Jonah, Habakkuk, and Haggai. Chicago: Moody, 1977. Gordis, Robert. “Edom, Israel and Amos--An Unrecognized 343 Source for Edomite History.” In Essays on the Occasion of the Seventieth Anniversary of the Dropsie University (1909-1979), ed. Abraham I. Katsh and Leon Nemoy, 109-32. Philadelphia: Dropsie, 1979. Lillie, J. R. “Obadiah--A Celebration of God’s Kingdom.” CurTM 6 (1979): 18-22. Lindsay, J. “Babylonian Kings and Edom, 605-550.” PEQ 108 (1976): 23-39. Luria, B. Z. The Book of Obadiah and the Prophecies Concerning Edom. Publications of the Israeli Society for Biblical Research, 26. Jerusalem: Kiriath-Sefer, 1972. McCarter, P. “Obadiah 7 and the Fall of Edom.” BASOR 221 (1976): 87-91. Myers, Jacob M. “Edom and Judah in the 6th– 5th Centuries B.C.” In Near Eastern Studies in Honor of W. F. Albright, 377-92 (see Festschriften). Raabe, P. R. Obadiah: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary. AB. N.Y.: Doubleday, 1996. Robinson, Theodore H. “The Structure of the Book of Obadiah.” JTS 17 (1916): 402-8. Thompson, J. A. Obadiah. IB. Nashville: Abingdon, 1956. Watts, John D. W. Obadiah: A Critical Exegetical Commentary. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1969. Wendland, E. “Obadiah’s Vision of ‘The Day of the Lord”: On the Importance of Rhetoric in the Biblical Text and in Bible Translation.” JOTT 7.4 (1996): 54-86. Wolff, Hans Walter. Obadiah and Jonah. Translated by Margaret Kohl. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1986. See also Joel; Micah, Nahum. Jonah Aalders, G. Ch. The Problem of the Book of Jonah. London: Tyndale, 1948. Alexander, T. Desmond. “Jonah and Genre.” TynBul 36 (1985): 35-59. Alonso-Schökel, Luis. The Inspired Word, Scripture in the Light of Language and Literature. New York: Herder and Herder, 1965. 344 Barré, M. L. “Jonah 2:9 and the Structure of Jonah’s Prayer.” Biblica 72 (1991): 237-48. Bickerman, Elias. Four Strange Books of the Bible. New York: Schocken, 1967. Blank, S. H. “’Doest thou well to be angry?’ A Study in Self- pity.” HUCA 26 (1955): 29-41. Bolin, T. M. Freedom beyond Forgiveness: The Book of Jonah Re-examined. JSOTSup 236. Sheffeld Academic Press, 1998. Brenner, Athalya, “Jonah’s Poem out of and Within its Context.” In Davies and Clines eds., Among the Prophets, 183–192. Burrows, Millar. “The Literary Category of the Book of Jonah.” In Translating and Understanding the O.T., 80- 107 (see Festschriften). Childs, Brevard S. “The Canonical Shape of the Book of Jonah.” In Biblical and Near Eastern Studies: Essays in Honor of William Sanford LaSor, 122-28 (see Festschriften). ———. “Jonah: A Study in O.T. Hermeneutics.” SJT 11 (1958): 53-61. Christensen, Duane L. “Jonah and the Sabbath Rest in the Pentateuch.” In Biblische Theologie und gesellschaftlicher Wandel: Festschrift für Norbert Lohfnk, 48-60. Ed. G. Braulik, et al. Freibert: Herder, 1993. ———. “Narrative Poetics and the Interpretation of the Book of Jonah.” In Directions in Biblical Hebrew Poetry, 29-48 (see Poetry, Hebrew). ———. “The Song of Jonah: A Metrical Analysis.” JBL 104 (1985): 217-31. Clements, R. E. “The Purpose of the Book of Jonah.” VTS 28 (1975): 16-28. Craig, Kenneth M. Jr. “Jonah and the Reading Process.” JSOT 47 (1990): 103-14. ———. A Poetics of Jonah: Art in the Service of Ideology. Columbia: University of South Carolina, 1993. Crenshaw, J. L. “The Expression mi yodea` in the Hebrew Bible.” VT 36 (1986): 274-88. 345 Cummings, C. “Jonah and the Ninevites.” TBT 21 (1983): 369- 75. Day, J. “Problems in the Interpretation of the Book of Jonah.” In In Quest of the Past, 32-47, (see Festschriften). Deeley, Mary Katherine. “The Shaping of Jonah.” TTod 34 (1977): 305-10. Dozeman, Thomas B. “Inner-Biblical Interpretation of Yahweh’s Gracious and Compassionate Character.” JBL 108 (1989): 207-23. Draper, James R. Jr. Jonah: Living in Rebellion. Wheaton: Tyndale, 1971. Dyck, Elmer. “Jonah among the Prophets: A Study in Canonical Context.” JETS 33 (1990): 63-73. Dyk, Janet (ed.), Give Ear to My Words: Psalms and other Poetry in and around the Hebrew Bible. Kampen, Kok Pharos, 1996. Ellul, J. The Judgment of Jonah. Translated by G. W. Bromiley. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1971. Emmerson, G. I. “Another Look at the Book of Jonah.” ET 88 (1976): 86-88. Eybers, J. H. “The Purpose of the Book of Jonah.” TE 4 (1971): 211-22. Fairbairn, P. Jonah: His Life, Character and Mission. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1964 [1849]. Fretheim, Terence. The Message of Jonah: A Theological Commentary. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1977. Gaines, Janet Howe. Forgiveness in a Wounded World: Jonah’s Dilemma. Atlanta: SBL, 2003. Good, E. M. Irony in the OT. Reprint. Sheffeld: Almond, 1981. Gordis, R. The Word and the Book: Studies in Biblical Language and Literature. New York: Ktav, 1976. Gruber, M. “Was Cain Angry or Depressed? Background of a Biblical Murder.” BAR 6 (1980): 34-36. Hasel, Gerhard F. Jonah: Messenger of the Eleventh Hour. Mt. View, CA: Pacifc, 1976. Hauser, Alan Jon. “Jonah: In Pursuit of the Dove.” JBL 104 (1985): 21-37. Holbert, J. C. “Deliverance Belongs to Yahweh! Satire in the 346 Book of Jonah.” JSOT 21 (1981): 57-81. Jackson, Jared, ed. Rhetorical Criticism: Essays in Honor of James Muilenberg. Pittsburgh: Pickwick, 1974. Kidner, D. “The Distribution of Divine Names in Jonah.” TynBul 21 (1970): 126-28. Knight, G. A. F. Ruth and Jonah: The Gospel in the O.T. London: SCM, 1966. ——— and Friedemann W. Golka. The Song of Songs and Jonah: Revelation of God. ITC. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1988. Kohlenberger, John R. III. Jonah-Nahum. EBC. Chicago: Moody, 1984. Landes, George M. “The Canonical Approach to Introducing the O.T.: Prodigy and Problems.” JSOT 16 (1980): 32-39. ———. “The Kerygma of the Book of Jonah.” Int 21 (1967): 3-31. Lawrence, Paul J. N. “Assyrian Nobles and the Book of Jonah.” TynBul 37 (1986): 121-32. Limburg, J. Jonah: A Commentary. OTL. Louisville: WJKP, 1993. Magonet, J. Form and Meaning: Studies in Literary Techniques in the Book of Jonah. Bern/Frankfurt: Herbert Lang/ Peter Lang, 1976. Merrill, Eugene H. “The Sign of Jonah.” JETS 23 (1980): 23- 30. Miles, John A. “Laughing at the Bible, Jonah as Parody.” JQR 65 (1975): 168-81. Payne, D. P. “Jonah from the Perspective of Its Audience.” JSOT 13 (1979): 3-12. Peifer, C. “Sackcloth and Ashes: Jonah 3:6-8.” TBT 21 (1983): 386-87. Person, R. F. Jr. In Conversation with Jonah: Conversation Analysis, Literary Criticism, and the Book of Jonah. JSOTSup 220. Sheffeld: Academic Press, 1998. Prout, E. “Beyond Jonah to God.” ResQ 25 (1982): 139-42. Roffey, John W. “God’s Truth, Jonah’s Fish: Structure and Existence in the Book of Jonah.” AusBR 36 (1988): 1-18. Salters, R. B. Jonah and Lamentations. OTG 29. Sheffeld : 347 Academic Press, 1994. Sasson, Jack M. Jonah. AB. New York: Doubleday, 1990. Segert, S. “Syntax and Style in the Book of Jonah: Six Simple Approaches to Their Analysis.” In Prophecy: Essays Presented to Georg Fohrer, 121-30 (see Prophets and Prophecy). Simon, Uriel. Jonah. JPS Bible Commentary. The Jewish Publication Society, 1999. Smelik, K.A.D. “The Literary Function of Poetical Passages in Biblical Narrative.” In Janet Dyk, ed., Give Ear to My Words: Psalms and other Poetry in and around the Hebrew Bible: Essays in Honour of Professor N.A. van Uchelen, 147–151. Kampen: Kok Pharos, 1996. Stek, J. H. “The Message of the Book of Jonah.” CTJ 4 (1969): 23-50. Stewart, Roy A. “The Parable Form in the O.T. and the Rabbinic Literature.” EQ 36 (1964): 133-47. Tatford, F. A. A Prophet Who Deserted: An Exposition of the Book of Jonah. Eastbourne: Prophetic Witness, 1974. Timmer, Daniel C. A Gracious and Compassionate God: Mission, Salvation, and Spirituality in the Book of Jonah. NSBT. Downers Grove: IVP, 2011. Trible, Phyllis. Rhetorical Criticism: Context, Method and the Book of Jonah. Fortress, 1995. Tucker, W. Dennis Jr. Jonah: A Handbook on the Hebrew Text. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2006. Walsh, J. “Jonah 2:3-10: A Rhetorical Critical Study.” Bib 63 (1982): 219-29. Walton, John. Jonah. Bible Study Commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1982. ———. “The Object Lesson of Jonah 4:5-7 and the Purpose of the Book of Jonah.” BBR 2 (1992): 47-58. Wendland, E. “Recursion and Variation in the ‘Prophecy’ of Jonah : On the Rhetorical Impact of Stylistic Technique in Hebrew Narrative Discourse, with Special Reference to Irony and Enigma.” AUSS 35 (1997):68–98. ———. “Text Analysis and the Genre of Jonah.” JETS 39 (1996): 191–206. 348 West, M. “Irony in the Book of Jonah: Audience Identifcation with the Hero.” Persp 11 (1984): 233-42. Wilson, M. R. “Nineveh.” In Major Cities of the Biblical World, 180-89 (see History and Geography). Wilson, R. D. “The Authenticity of Jonah.” PTR 16 (1918): 280-98. T. L. 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