Osciloscopio GDS-820C



GDS-840C/820C/810C/806C( 250/150/100/60MHz) GDS-800 Series DSO is designed for and built to meet the demands of a modern Digital Storage Oscilloscope in today's mainstream market. Featuring color or monochrome LCD displays, with 125k points of memory and 25GSa/s equivalent-time (ET) sampling rate per channel, the GDS-800 Series provides a good balance of memory depth and sampling speed. With RS-232C, USB, No/NoGo and a printer port as standard (excluding GDS-806/810) with options for a GPIB interface, the GDS-800 Series is remarkably adaptable. The easy-to-remember menu tree, the analog-scope like front panel design, the advanced trigger functions including Pulse Width, TV Line, Event and Time-Delay make the GDS800 Series general purpose DSO able to meet the rigors of most signal measurement requirements in the market. GDS-806S FREQUENCY COUNTER ADJUSTABLE PROBE COMPENSATION SIGNAL EXTERNAL TRIGGER FEATURES * 250/150/100/60MHz Bandwidth With Either Color or Monochrome LCD Display * 125k Points Long Memory and 12 Division Horizontal Display * 25GSa/s Sampling Rate for Repetitive Waveforms * Advanced Trigger : Pulse Width, TV Line, Event Delay And Time Delay GDS-840S/820S/810S/806S ( 250/150/100/60MHz) SPECIFICATIONS * Go/NoGo Testing and Auto Setup Sequence * FFT Function * Built-In Help Manual, Multi-Language and PC Software * Standard Interface : RS-232C (for GDS-806/810 Series) USB, Printer Port, Go/NoGo Output ( for GDS-820/840 Series ) * Option 01: GPIB interface * Option 11: USB interface, Printer Port and Go/NoGo Output (for GDS-806/810 Series) Input Impedance Maximum Input CONTROL PANEL FUNCTION AutoSet Save/Recall Waveform Trace Save/Recall INTERFACE Standard Optional Opt. 01 Optional Opt. 11 GDS-806S GDS-806C GDS-810S GDS-810C GDS-820S GDS-820C GDS-840S GDS-840C Display Device Mono (320 x 240) 5.7 LCD Color (320 x 240) 5.7 LCD Display Contrast Waveform Display Graticule Display Mode Adjustable 8 10 divisions ( 8 x 12 div, when menu off ) Dot, Vector, Accumulate Bandwidth Channels Vertical Resolution Vertical Sensitivity Vertical Accuracy 60MHz ( -3dB ) 2 8-Bit 2mV/div ~ 5V/div 3% Rise Time Color (320 x 240) 5.7 LCD 100MHz ( -3dB ) 3.5ns Mono (320 x 240) 5.7 LCD Color (320 x 240) 5.7 LCD DC ~ 25MHz ~50mV 25MHz ~ 100MHz ~100mV DC ~ 30MHz ~50mV 30MHz ~ 150MHz ~100mV 1M 2% , ~22pF 300V( DC+ AC peak) , CATII 1M 2% , ~18pF 300V( DC+ AC peak) , CATII DC ~ 30MHz ~50mV 30MHz ~ 150MHz ~100mV 150MHz ~ 250MHz ~150mV 1M 2% , ~18pF " Autoset " can adjust vertical ( Volt/div ) , Horizontal ( Sec/div ) and Trigger level automatically Up to 15 sets of measurement conditions can be saved and recalled 2 sets of waveform can be saved and recalled RS-232C RS-232C, USB, Printer Port, Go/NoGo Output GPIB (Factory Instaled) GPIB (Factory Instaled) USB, Printer Port, Go/NoGo Output (Factory Installed) 100V ~ 240V AC , 47Hz ~ 63Hz , Auto selection DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT 310W x 142H x 254D (mm) , Approx. 4.1kg 150MHz ( -3dB ) HORIZONTAL SYSTEM Time Base Range Time Base Mode Time Base Accuracy Delay Range 1ns/div ~ 10s/div (1-2-5 increments) ; Roll : 250ms/div ~ 10s/div Main , Window , Window Zoom , Roll , X-Y 0.01% Pre-trigger : 20 div maximum ; Post-trigger : 1000 div SIGNAL ACQUISITION SYSTEM Real-Time Sample Rate Equivalent-Time Sample Rate Record Length Peak Detection Acquisition Mode Average 100MSa/s maximum on each channel 25GSa/s E.T. maximum on each channel 125k Points/CH 10ns (500ns/div ~ 10s/div) Sample , Peak Detect , Average 2 , 4 , 8 , 16 , 32 , 64 , 128 , 256 TRIGGER Trigger Source Mode Coupling CH1 , CH2 , Line , Ext Auto Level , Auto , Normal , Single , TV , Edge , Pulse Width , Time Delay , Event Delay AC , DC , HF , LF , Noise Reject Sensitivity DC ~ 25MHz 0.5div or 5mV 25MHz~60MHz Approx. 1.5div or 15mV X-Axis Input / Y-Axis Input Phase Shift Auto Voltage Measurement Auto Time Measurement Cursor Measurement Channel 1 / Channel 2 3 at 100kHz DC ~ 25MHz 0.5div or 5mV 25MHz~100MHz : Approx. 1.5div or 15mV 250MHz ( -3dB ) 2.3ns AC, DC, & Ground Normal & Invert 300V ( DC+AC peak ), CATII CH1+CH2 , CH1-CH2 , FFT 2mV/div ~ 50mV/div 0.5V ; 100mV/div ~ 500mV/div 20MHz ( -3dB ) Color (320 x 240) 5.7 LCD GDS-820C GDS-820S GDS-840C GDS-840S 150MHz, 2-channel, Color LCD Display DSO 150MHz, 2-channel, Mono LCD Display DSO 250MHz, 2-channel, Color LCD Display DSO 250MHz, 2-channel, Mono LCD Display DSO ACCESSORIES : User manual x 1, Power Cord x 1 Probe-GTP-060A-2 : 60MHz ( 10 : 1/1 :1 ) Switchable Passive Probe for GDS-806S/806C (one per channel) Probe-GTP-100A-2 : 100MHz ( 10 : 1/1 :1 ) Switchable Passive Probe for GDS-810S/810C (one per channel) Probe-GTP-150A : 150MHz ( 10 : 1/1 :1 ) Switchable Passive Probe for GDS-820S/820C (one per channel) Probe-GTP-250A : 250MHz ( 10 : 1/1 :1 ) Switchable Passive Probe for GDS-840S/840C (one per channel) Opt.01 : GPIB Interface (Factory Installed) Input Coupling Polarity Maximum Voltage Between Signal & Common at Input BNC Waveform Signal Process Offset Range BW Limit 2% , ~18pF Mono (320 x 240) 5.7 LCD 60MHz, 2-channel, Color LCD Display DSO 60MHz, 2-channel, Mono LCD Display DSO 100MHz, 2-channel, Color LCD Display DSO 100MHz, 2-channel, Mono LCD Display DSO OPTION 1M CURSOR & MEASUREMENT A17 5.8ns Mono (320 x 240) 5.7 LCD Input Impedance X-Y MODE DC ~ 25MHz ~50mV 25MHz ~ 60MHz ~100mV 1kHz (Approx. 3% ) 50% ORDERING INFORMATION SPECIFICATIONS VERTICAL SYSTEM GDS-806C GDS-810S GDS-810C GDS-820S GDS-820C GDS-840S GDS-840C 6 digits AC Coupled , 20Hz ~ bandwidth ; Resolution : 10Hz All available trigger source except the Video Trigger mode 1kHz ~ 100kHz , 1kHz/STEP 5% ~ 95%; 5%/STEP 15V POWER SOURCE GDS-806C GDS-806S GDS-810C GDS-810S DISPLAY SYSTEM Readout Resolution Frequency Range Signal Source Frequency Range Duty Cycle Range Range Sensitivity OSCILLOSCOPES OSCILLOSCOPES 250/150/100/60MHz DIGITAL STORAGE OSCILLOSCOPE 1M 2% , ~22pF 5V ; 1V/div ~ 5V/div GRA-405 GSC-005 GTC-001 GTC-002 Rack Mounting (19", 4U) Soft Carrying Case Instrument Cart, 450(W) x 430(D) mm (120V Input Socket) Instrument Cart, 330(W) x 430(D) mm (120V Input Socket) GTL-110 Test Lead, BNC-BNC Heads GTL-232 RS-232C Cable, 9-pin Female to 9-pin, Null Modem for Computer GTL-242 USB2.0 A-B Type Cable FREE DOWNLOAD 1.4ns 1M Opt.11 : USB Interface, Printer Port, Go/NoGo Output (Factory Installed) (for GDS-806/810 Series Only) OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 2% , ~18pF PC Software FreeCapture Software (RS-232) FreeView software (USB) Driver LabView Driver 50V DC ~ 30MHz Approx. 0.5div or 5mV; 30MHz~150MHz : Approx. 1.5div or 15mV Rear Panel DC ~ 30MHz Approx. 0.5div or 5mV; 30MHz~150MHz : Approx. 1.5div or 15mV 150MHz ~ 250MHz : Approx. 2.0div or 20mV GRA-405 Rack Adapter Panel GSC-005 Soft Carrying Case Rack Mounting (19", 4U) Vpp , Vamp , Vavg , Vrms , Vhi , Vlo , Vmax , Vmin Freq , Period , Rise Time , Fall Time , Positive Width , Negative Width , Duty Cycle Voltage difference between cursors ( V) Time difference between cursors ( T) Frequency difference between cursors ( 1/ T ) Made to Measure. Good Will Instrument Co., Ltd. A18 Duty Cycle Voltage difference between cursors ( V) Time difference between cursors ( T) Frequency difference between cursors ( 1/ T ) Made to Measure. Multi-Language and PC Software * Standard Interface : RS-232C (for GDS-806/810 Series) USB. 30MHz~150MHz : Approx.7 LCD 100MHz ( -3dB ) 3.5div or 5mV. 01 Optional Opt. No/NoGo and a printer port as standard (excluding GDS-806/810) with options for a GPIB interface.7 LCD Input Impedance X-Y MODE DC ~ 25MHz ~50mV 25MHz ~ 60MHz ~100mV 1kHz (Approx. Vector. 100mV/div ~ 500mV/div 20MHz ( -3dB ) Color (320 x 240) 5. Event and Time-Delay make the GDS800 Series general purpose DSO able to meet the rigors of most signal measurement requirements in the market. Color LCD Display DSO 250MHz. X-Y 0. GDS-806S FREQUENCY COUNTER ADJUSTABLE PROBE COMPENSATION SIGNAL EXTERNAL TRIGGER FEATURES * 250/150/100/60MHz Bandwidth With Either Color or Monochrome LCD Display * 125k Points Long Memory and 12 Division Horizontal Display * 25GSa/s Sampling Rate for Repetitive Waveforms * Advanced Trigger : Pulse Width. 8 . 30MHz~150MHz : Approx. Normal . 1.0div or 20mV GRA-405 Rack Adapter Panel GSC-005 Soft Carrying Case Rack Mounting (19". Edge . Line . Mono LCD Display DSO 250MHz. 2-channel. Peak Detect . Approx.7 LCD 60MHz.5div or 5mV. Color LCD Display DSO 100MHz. 47Hz ~ 63Hz . Average 2 . 2-channel. the GDS-800 Series provides a good balance of memory depth and sampling speed. Noise Reject Sensitivity DC ~ 25MHz 0. 3% ) 50% ORDERING INFORMATION SPECIFICATIONS VERTICAL SYSTEM GDS-806C GDS-810S GDS-810C GDS-820S GDS-820C GDS-840S GDS-840C 6 digits AC Coupled . 330(W) x 430(D) mm (120V Input Socket) GTL-110 Test Lead. 2. ~18pF PC Software FreeCapture Software (RS-232) FreeView software (USB) Driver LabView Driver 50V DC ~ 30MHz Approx. the advanced trigger functions including Pulse Width. 9-pin Female to 9-pin.5div or 5mV 25MHz~100MHz : Approx. 2-channel. CATII DC ~ 30MHz ~50mV 30MHz ~ 150MHz ~100mV 150MHz ~ 250MHz ~150mV 1M 2% . With RS-232C. ~22pF 5V . The easy-to-remember menu tree. Power Cord x 1 Probe-GTP-060A-2 : 60MHz ( 10 : 1/1 :1 ) Switchable Passive Probe for GDS-806S/806C (one per channel) Probe-GTP-100A-2 : 100MHz ( 10 : 1/1 :1 ) Switchable Passive Probe for GDS-810S/810C (one per channel) Probe-GTP-150A : 150MHz ( 10 : 1/1 :1 ) Switchable Passive Probe for GDS-820S/820C (one per channel) Probe-GTP-250A : 250MHz ( 10 : 1/1 :1 ) Switchable Passive Probe for GDS-840S/840C (one per channel) Opt. Vlo . USB. Mono LCD Display DSO OPTION 1M CURSOR & MEASUREMENT A17 5. 0. 64 . 2-channel. Printer Port. 16 . Single . CATII CH1+CH2 . 1.5div or 15mV 150MHz ~ 250MHz : Approx. Horizontal ( Sec/div ) and Trigger level automatically Up to 15 sets of measurement conditions can be saved and recalled 2 sets of waveform can be saved and recalled RS-232C RS-232C. 128 . Color LCD Display DSO 60MHz.7 LCD DC ~ 25MHz ~50mV 25MHz ~ 100MHz ~100mV DC ~ 30MHz ~50mV 30MHz ~ 150MHz ~100mV 1M 2% .5ns Mono (320 x 240) 5.8ns Mono (320 x 240) 5. 20Hz ~ bandwidth . 4. ~18pF 300V( DC+ AC peak) . Event Delay And Time Delay GDS-840S/820S/810S/806S ( 250/150/100/60MHz) SPECIFICATIONS * Go/NoGo Testing and Auto Setup Sequence * FFT Function * Built-In Help Manual. 256 TRIGGER Trigger Source Mode Coupling CH1 .3ns AC.01% Pre-trigger : 20 div maximum . Pulse Width . Vmin Freq . Good Will Instrument Co. Color LCD Display DSO 150MHz. Window . ~18pF Mono (320 x 240) 5.11 : USB Interface.0 A-B Type Cable FREE DOWNLOAD 1. 11 GDS-806S GDS-806C GDS-810S GDS-810C GDS-820S GDS-820C GDS-840S GDS-840C Display Device Mono (320 x 240) 5. Resolution : 10Hz All available trigger source except the Video Trigger mode 1kHz ~ 100kHz .7 LCD Display Contrast Waveform Display Graticule Display Mode Adjustable 8 10 divisions ( 8 x 12 div. Go/NoGo Output ( for GDS-820/840 Series ) * Option 01: GPIB interface * Option 11: USB interface. Accumulate Bandwidth Channels Vertical Resolution Vertical Sensitivity Vertical Accuracy 60MHz ( -3dB ) 2 8-Bit 2mV/div ~ 5V/div 3% Rise Time Color (320 x 240) 5. Ext Auto Level . Fall Time . BNC-BNC Heads GTL-232 RS-232C Cable. Vamp . Vrms . 2-channel. 4 .5div or 15mV X-Axis Input / Y-Axis Input Phase Shift Auto Voltage Measurement Auto Time Measurement Cursor Measurement Channel 1 / Channel 2 3 at 100kHz DC ~ 25MHz 0. DC . Negative Width . the GDS-800 Series is remarkably adaptable.5div or 5mV 25MHz~60MHz Approx.1kg 150MHz ( -3dB ) HORIZONTAL SYSTEM Time Base Range Time Base Mode Time Base Accuracy Delay Range 1ns/div ~ 10s/div (1-2-5 increments) .4ns 1M Opt.5V . Positive Width . ~18pF " Autoset " can adjust vertical ( Volt/div ) .5div or 15mV Rear Panel DC ~ 30MHz Approx.01 : GPIB Interface (Factory Installed) Input Coupling Polarity Maximum Voltage Between Signal & Common at Input BNC Waveform Signal Process Offset Range BW Limit 2% . CATII 1M 2% . Go/NoGo Output GPIB (Factory Instaled) GPIB (Factory Instaled) USB. DC. 1V/div ~ 5V/div GRA-405 GSC-005 GTC-001 GTC-002 Rack Mounting (19". Printer Port and Go/NoGo Output (for GDS-806/810 Series) Input Impedance Maximum Input CONTROL PANEL FUNCTION AutoSet Save/Recall Waveform Trace Save/Recall INTERFACE Standard Optional Opt.GDS-840C/820C/810C/806C ( 250/150/100/60MHz) GDS-800 Series DSO is designed for and built to meet the demands of a modern Digital Storage Oscilloscope in today's mainstream market. 1kHz/STEP 5% ~ 95%. 2-channel. 1. 0. Time Delay .5div or 15mV 250MHz ( -3dB ) 2. Featuring color or monochrome LCD displays. Vhi . Mono LCD Display DSO 100MHz. TV Line. 1. Rise Time . TV . & Ground Normal & Invert 300V ( DC+AC peak ). A18 . Vmax . HF . 450(W) x 430(D) mm (120V Input Socket) Instrument Cart. Event Delay AC . Printer Port. Auto . 4U) Vpp . the analog-scope like front panel design.7 LCD GDS-820C GDS-820S GDS-840C GDS-840S 150MHz. Period . 2-channel..T. 2-channel. when menu off ) Dot. FFT 2mV/div ~ 50mV/div 0. CH2 . CH1-CH2 . with 125k points of memory and 25GSa/s equivalent-time (ET) sampling rate per channel. Roll . Printer Port. Auto selection DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT 310W x 142H x 254D (mm) . USB. 4U) Soft Carrying Case Instrument Cart. Roll : 250ms/div ~ 10s/div Main . Post-trigger : 1000 div SIGNAL ACQUISITION SYSTEM Real-Time Sample Rate Equivalent-Time Sample Rate Record Length Peak Detection Acquisition Mode Average 100MSa/s maximum on each channel 25GSa/s E. Vavg . Printer Port. Window Zoom . 32 . Go/NoGo Output (Factory Installed) 100V ~ 240V AC . Ltd. Null Modem for Computer GTL-242 USB2. maximum on each channel 125k Points/CH 10ns (500ns/div ~ 10s/div) Sample .7 LCD Color (320 x 240) 5. TV Line. LF . Mono LCD Display DSO ACCESSORIES : User manual x 1. 5%/STEP 15V POWER SOURCE GDS-806C GDS-806S GDS-810C GDS-810S DISPLAY SYSTEM Readout Resolution Frequency Range Signal Source Frequency Range Duty Cycle Range Range Sensitivity OSCILLOSCOPES OSCILLOSCOPES 250/150/100/60MHz DIGITAL STORAGE OSCILLOSCOPE 1M 2% . Go/NoGo Output (Factory Installed) (for GDS-806/810 Series Only) OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 2% .7 LCD Color (320 x 240) 5. ~22pF 300V( DC+ AC peak) . OSCILLOSCOPES OSCILLOSCOPES 250MHz/150MHz/100MHz/60MHz DIGITAL STORAGE OSCILLOSCOPE By simply pressing a button.. With a software made specially for USB communication. pulse width trigger. the GDS-800 Series can easily transform the signal display from time domain into frequency domain. Video signal trigger The GDS-800 Series provides advanced trigger features such as TV line trigger. the GDS-800 Series starts performing the measurements step by step according to the sequence of front until completion. event delay trigger and time delay trigger. All these measurement readings can be simultaneously shown in the display. Duty Cycle at 50% Frequency at 1kHz. the GDS-800 Series vive higher or equal sampling rate and longer record length for the signals being observed. with superior sampling rate up to 25GSa/s. I. then press any other function key on the front panel. provide 40ps point to point resolution for displaying repetitive waveforms. The same signal is acquired at a total 125000 points record length screen for two channels at the same time. E. The Auto Set-Up Sequence enables testing engineers to carry out ATE tests without complex software programming. the longer memory a DSO has. but it also limits the space for waveform display. The probe calibration A19 enables users to view nearly synchronous Frequency at 1kHz. ADVANCED TRIGGER FUNCTIONS Pulse Width Trigger The same signal is acquired at 2500 points record length only T/ V Cursors The 15 Auto Measurement functions in the GDS-800 Series enable users to easily measure the most frequently tested parameters . the GDS-800 Series is able to display a signal in the time domain and frequency domain at the same time. 25GSa/s ET SAMPLING RATE AND 125k MEMORY The encoded signal from a car-door remote controller C. under the same time base setting. but is also adequate to be used as a signal source for education and basic testing purpose. Press the button again. Waveform Captured via RS-232C or GPIB Interface 125000 Points Acquisition Memory can be Transferred to a Personal Computer Made to Measure. which could only be found in a higher-end GDS-800 G. After users program a sequence from the front panel.. The ATE test cycle can be programmed to repeat for a number of time.0 Full Speed The GDS-800 Series provide various kinds of USB Interface for Video Output Real-Time Waveform Monitoring via USB Interface interface including RS-232C. the higher sampling rate it performs. H. FFT FUNCTION 15 Auto Measurements and Simultaneous FFT Function for AM Signal Displaying 10 Auto-Measurement data simultaneously FFT Function for Square Waveform With the FFT function. ON-SCREEN HELP MANUAL Series. and duty cycle adjustable from 5% to 95% in 5% step. and the display goes back to normal. Operating vertical and horizontal Cursor measurements simultaneously The GDS-806/810/820/840 Series. D. Press the "Help" key first. the On-Screen Help contents for that specific function key will appear in the display. GPIB. This is a very useful feature when expecting to view a longer portion of the signal under test. The GDS-800 Series are able to display 10 auto measurement data on the F. video trigger. Users will be able to get all their measurements results at a glance. The cursors under B. The advanced trigger capability of the GDS-800 Series makes the waveform capture in a broad range of applications possible. With 125k points long memory. This is one of the reasons the GDS-800 Series can always give a better waveform display than oscilloscopes with short memory.(This function is only available in GDS-806/810 Series) waveform displays on both PC screen and the GDS-800 Series. the display becomes available for 12division waveform.A. Good Will Instrument Co. "Real-Time" On-Screen Help Manual Auto Set-Up Sequence The On-Screen Help Manual allows users to get a real-time help whenever they need to know the details of any function key. the FFT mode can indicate the frequency and voltage values as well as the relative values of frequency and voltage. the GDS-800 Series Frequency at 1kHz. Most remarkably. Duty Cycle at 80% (for GDS-806/810 Series only) signal is provided mainly for accurately running probe compensation. USB. A20 . and printer port. Ltd. Duty Cycle at 30% (for GDS-806/810 Series only) The probe calibration signal in the GDS-806/810 is frequency adjustable from1kHz to 100kHz in 1kHz step. The GDS-800 Series offers users with an alternative to view the waveform in 12 divisions by hiding the on-screen menu when not used. In general. AUTO SET-UP SEQUENCE 12 DIVISION HORIZONTAL DISPLAY The conventional 10 division horizontal display The extra 12 division horizontal display The on-screen menu of a DSO makes the operation easier. VERSATILE INTERFACE External VGA Projector Monitor FREQUENCY ADJUSTABLE PROBE CALIBRATION SIGNAL USB 2. USB. GPIB. All these measurement readings can be simultaneously shown in the display. AUTO SET-UP SEQUENCE 12 DIVISION HORIZONTAL DISPLAY The conventional 10 division horizontal display The extra 12 division horizontal display The on-screen menu of a DSO makes the operation easier. the display becomes available for 12division waveform. The probe calibration A19 enables users to view nearly synchronous Frequency at 1kHz. pulse width trigger. Most remarkably. but it also limits the space for waveform display. This is a very useful feature when expecting to view a longer portion of the signal under test. Duty Cycle at 30% (for GDS-806/810 Series only) The probe calibration signal in the GDS-806/810 is frequency adjustable from1kHz to 100kHz in 1kHz step. ON-SCREEN HELP MANUAL Series.. E. FFT FUNCTION 15 Auto Measurements and Simultaneous FFT Function for AM Signal Displaying 10 Auto-Measurement data simultaneously FFT Function for Square Waveform With the FFT function.. then press any other function key on the front panel. "Real-Time" On-Screen Help Manual Auto Set-Up Sequence The On-Screen Help Manual allows users to get a real-time help whenever they need to know the details of any function key. under the same time base setting. With a software made specially for USB communication. Press the button again. A20 . the On-Screen Help contents for that specific function key will appear in the display. With 125k points long memory. and duty cycle adjustable from 5% to 95% in 5% step. the FFT mode can indicate the frequency and voltage values as well as the relative values of frequency and voltage. Good Will Instrument Co. Duty Cycle at 80% (for GDS-806/810 Series only) signal is provided mainly for accurately running probe compensation. Press the "Help" key first. This is one of the reasons the GDS-800 Series can always give a better waveform display than oscilloscopes with short memory. The cursors under B. provide 40ps point to point resolution for displaying repetitive waveforms. The GDS-800 Series are able to display 10 auto measurement data on the F. the GDS-800 Series vive higher or equal sampling rate and longer record length for the signals being observed. VERSATILE INTERFACE External VGA Projector Monitor FREQUENCY ADJUSTABLE PROBE CALIBRATION SIGNAL USB 2. The Auto Set-Up Sequence enables testing engineers to carry out ATE tests without complex software programming.A. The GDS-800 Series offers users with an alternative to view the waveform in 12 divisions by hiding the on-screen menu when not used. but is also adequate to be used as a signal source for education and basic testing purpose. The ATE test cycle can be programmed to repeat for a number of time. Operating vertical and horizontal Cursor measurements simultaneously The GDS-806/810/820/840 Series. In general. event delay trigger and time delay trigger. The same signal is acquired at a total 125000 points record length screen for two channels at the same time. Video signal trigger The GDS-800 Series provides advanced trigger features such as TV line trigger. the longer memory a DSO has. The advanced trigger capability of the GDS-800 Series makes the waveform capture in a broad range of applications possible. Duty Cycle at 50% Frequency at 1kHz. which could only be found in a higher-end GDS-800 G. video trigger. the GDS-800 Series Frequency at 1kHz. D. the GDS-800 Series can easily transform the signal display from time domain into frequency domain. Users will be able to get all their measurements results at a glance. the GDS-800 Series is able to display a signal in the time domain and frequency domain at the same time. the higher sampling rate it performs. the GDS-800 Series starts performing the measurements step by step according to the sequence of front until completion. with superior sampling rate up to 25GSa/s. ADVANCED TRIGGER FUNCTIONS Pulse Width Trigger The same signal is acquired at 2500 points record length only T/ V Cursors The 15 Auto Measurement functions in the GDS-800 Series enable users to easily measure the most frequently tested parameters . OSCILLOSCOPES OSCILLOSCOPES 250MHz/150MHz/100MHz/60MHz DIGITAL STORAGE OSCILLOSCOPE By simply pressing a button. After users program a sequence from the front panel. I.0 Full Speed The GDS-800 Series provide various kinds of USB Interface for Video Output Real-Time Waveform Monitoring via USB Interface interface including RS-232C. Waveform Captured via RS-232C or GPIB Interface 125000 Points Acquisition Memory can be Transferred to a Personal Computer Made to Measure. and printer port. and the display goes back to normal. Ltd.(This function is only available in GDS-806/810 Series) waveform displays on both PC screen and the GDS-800 Series. H. 25GSa/s ET SAMPLING RATE AND 125k MEMORY The encoded signal from a car-door remote controller C.
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