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April 4, 2018 | Author: Nidheesh Raj | Category: Newspapers, Newspaper And Magazine, Business, Advertising, Business (General)



KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTDORGANIZATIONAL CHART OF KERALA KAUMUDI Chairman/ Editor in Chief Board of Directors Managing Director or Joint Managing Director Chief General Manager Company secretary Managing Editor General Manager Editorial Department Corporate Administration Business Units Administration Associate Editor Unit Chief Corporate Heads Unit Manager Chief News Editor General Editor Human Resource Management Production Head AGM (Marketing) Chief Manager (Finance & Accounts) Chief Manager (Special Projects) Chart No: 4.1 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA, VARKALA 16 KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD The above organization chart provides a bird‘s eye-view of relationships between different departments or divisions of Kerala Kaumudi (P) Ltd. As far as Kerala Kaumudi (P) Ltd is concerned Chairman/ Managing Director is at the top of the Organization structure. Mr. M S Mani is the Chairman of the company. He also holds the position of the Chief Editor of the company. Kerala Kaumudi (P) Ltd is a private sector company which is registered under Indian Companies Act, 1913. The functional departments are Human Resource Management, Production department, Marketing Department, Finance and Accounts Department and Special Projects. Assistant General Manager (Marketing) controls Space Marketing Department, New Product Marketing department and Debtors Collection Management Department. INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA, VARKALA 17 KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD 5.1 EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT STRUCTURE OF EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT-DAILY Chief Editor Managing Editor Executive Editor Associate Editor Chief News Editor Special correspondent Bureau Chief Editorial Section Chief Sub Editor Chief Reporter Chief Photographer Senior Sub Editor Senior Reporter Senior Photographer Sub Editor Reporter Photographer Chart No: 5.1 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA, VARKALA 18 KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD The editorial department is responsible for pretty much everything that appears in a publication that isn't advertising. Its main goal is to report the news accurately and in a reader-friendly way. The editorial department develops, writes, edits and oversees all the editorial content published in Kerala Kaumudi daily, flash and magazine. The person responsible for content is usually referred to as the ‗editor‘. All articles submitted for publication are reviewed by the editors to ensure they meet their professional standards. They ensure that the articles and information published are original and newsworthy. Newspapers often refine distribution of ads and news through zoning and editioning. Zoning occurs when advertising and editorial content change to reflect the location to which the product is delivered. The editorial content often may change merely to reflect changes in advertising — the quantity and layout of which affects the space available for editorial — or may contain region-specific news. As the content can vary widely, zoned editions are often produced in parallel. Editioning occurs in the main sections as news is updated throughout the night. The advertising is usually the same in each edition (with the exception section of local news that undergoes advertising changes). In the case of news paper 60% of space in it is meant for news and 40% of space is meant for advertisement. The editorial department then writes (or cuts) more copy to fit within that ratio. EDITORIAL POLICY OF KERALA KAUMUDI “Stress on credibility and unbiased reporting” is the motto of the Kerala Kaumudi since 1911. INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA, VARKALA 19 KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE OF EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Company has an efficient news team. And its wide network is spread throughout the country. It has 9 editions spreads over Kerala, Bangalore. The newspaper stresses on credibility and that is the only reason why Kaumudi is still a major player in the market. The Editorial Department is headed by the Chief Editor. Under him come Managing Editor, Executive Editor, Associate Editor, Deputy Editor and Chief News Editor. Under them come the News Editors, Deputy News Editor, Chief Sub Editor, and Senior Sub Editors and Sub Editors. STRUCTURE OF EDITORIAL WING - FLASH Managing Editor General Editor Editor in-charge Chief Sub Editor Special correspondent Bureau Chief Senior Sub Editor Sub Editor Chief Reporter Chief Photographer Senior Reporter Senior Photographer Reporter Photographer ChartNo:5.2 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA, VARKALA 20 ASSOCIATE EDITOR Monitors both national and international news CHIEF NEWS EDITOR ► ► ► ► Working according to the policy of the management Giving orientation Giving suggestions for improvement to the Department Giving overall guidance NEWS EDITORS Edits general news / monitors television channels and internet. INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA. He controls the functions of the editing and reporting sections. administration and implementation of the policies in consultation with the Chief Editor. EXECUTIVE EDITOR Executive editor is responsible for the execution of the policies formulated by the Chief Editor. VARKALA 21 . He undertakes planning. SUB EDITORS Engage in news translation and editing activities.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES CHIEF EDITOR Editorial Policies of News paper are formulated by the Chief Editor. It works in connection with DTP section and Circulation Department. From DTP section it is send to proof reading section then again to the DTP section then to the News Editor. The news editor also decides upon the different size of caption used for different news. He decides the intensity of the matter and he sets news in different pages. mechanical engineer Asst.3 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA. VARKALA 22 . After the page transfer is done. Edited news from the editorial department reaches the DTP section through news editors. electrician Production superintendent Supervisors Fitters Foremen Chart No: 5.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD 5.2 PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT The hierarchy of production department starts from editorial department. STRUCTURE OF PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT Editorial department Production Head Mechanical section Electrical section Print production Mechanical engineer Electrician in charge Production manager Asst. VARKALA 23 . ELECTRICAL SECTION Electrical section deals with repairing all electrical equipments.00 p. Printing of Flash begins at 11. preventive maintenance and shut down maintenance for machines. PRINT PRODUCTION The basic function of production department in Kerala Kaumudi is printing newspapers.m.m. MECHANICAL ENGINEER ► ► Always maintain the press in good condition. For this minimum numbers of persons employed. INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA. ASSISTANT ENGINEER Assists the Mechanical Engineer for maintenance works. Fitters help the Assistant Engineer for doing maintenance work. Printing of news paper is after 12.00a. Always make ready the press for printing. It is the duty of electrical engineers and electricians to make sure the uninterrupted power supply in the department. They check and maintain the press in good condition.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES MECHANICAL SECTION Mechanical wing deals with the repair maintenance. maintenance of motors in order to avoid any break down during production. Ravi Printers and Publishers Private Limited. Raw materials for printing are issued by the Materials Department. The printing of Kerala Kaumudi newspaper is undertaken by M/s. They will try to solve any problem relating to the machines.45 and Magazine printing is on every Monday 3. Printing is done in accordance with the print order given to the foreman by the Circulation Department. To attend all the problems related to production. To conduct the meeting prior to the start of work on daily basis. To check whether the dispatch is on time. To check the production activities and number of pages. A member in Task force To cross check the quality of printing. To check the proportion of ink-water. VARKALA 24 . DISPATCH FOREMAN ► ► ► ► To work in connection to Circulation Department.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD PRODUCTION MANAGER ► ► ► ► ► Accountable to General Manager. To check the collection/bundles of copies printed. To make sure that printing is on time. FOREMAN ► ► ► ► ► In charge of printing. To check the vehicles are on right route at right time INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA. To check the plates available from the plate making section. KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD ACTIVITIES OF PRINT PRODUCTION Print Production Proof Editorial Editorial Desk Foreman DTP Manager DTP Advertisement scheduling Production Manager Plate Making Proof Advertisement Printing Circulation Department Dispatch Foreman Collecting Bundles Chart No: 5.4 The Print Production section mainly handles the following functions. VARKALA 25 . INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA. Much emphasis has been placed upon the accuracy and fairness of the journalist. Making of newspapers is called journalism.     Pasting Plate making Printing and Dispatching AN OVERVIEW OF NEWS PRODUCTION PROCESS NEWS PRODUCTION PROCESS Newspapers are usually printed on an off-white paper known as newsprint. INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA. VARKALA 26 . In addition. Chief Reporters. These technologies have enabled newspapers to publish color photographs and graphics. four-color process.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD Since the 1980s. graphics software. The Bureau is connected to the desk of editing section. the newspaper industry has largely moved away from lowerquality letterpress printing to higher-quality. offset printing. Reporters and the Trainees. photos. REPORTING Reporting comprises a wide network and an efficient team of reporters. desktop computers. Photographers. I. Under him comes the Special Correspondents. The actual content of publications comes from two separate departments. Everything else--the news. word processing software. columns. whether they be what many refer to as "display" ads (the ones with the borders around them) or "line" ads (the categorized listings of text ads usually found in the classified section) are sold and often produced by the Space Marketing Department. SOURCES      Agencies like PTI (Press Trust of India). They report the news in an unbiased manner. The reporting section is headed by Bureau Chief. The ads. Senior Photographers. and stock quotes--all of that comes from the editorial department and is referred to as "editorial content" or simply "editorial". The company has 42 local Bureaus. features. as well as innovative layouts and better design. digital cameras and digital prepress and typesetting technologies have revolutionized the newspaper production process. UNI (United News India). Public Relations Department Political leaders Television/Internet Police Stations II. Senior Reporters. SPORTS DESK: Edits all sports news . page layout. EDITING This section comprises of various desks: Local desk. with an eighth-inch blank space between the columns.It comprises of News Editor and Trainees. Main desk. the stories will run down columns two-and-a-sixteenth inches wide. Here the selection. although it would make sense that the column width that editorial uses always matches up with what advertising defines as a column. And since ads often appear on the same pages as the editorial content. and coordination is carried out. Headed by Chief Sub Editor. editing of news. FEATURE DESK: Feature desk edits the editorial page. INTERNATIONAL DESK: Edits all international news. under him comes Sub editor and Trainees. Senior Sub Editor. and under him comes the Senior Subeditor. INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD III. It is headed by the Chief main desk and under him comes the News Editor. IV. NEWS STORY Usually. Sub Editors. Subeditors and Trainees. and trainees. The desk is headed by Chief Sub Editor. Sub Editors and Trainees. selection of photographers. occasionally there are exceptions. Chief Editor. MAIN DESK: Main desk edits all general news. national news etc. VARKALA 27 . It is headed by Resident Editor and under him comes Senior Sub Editor. science news. political news. FUNCTIONS OF VARIOUS DESKS LOCAL DESK: Local desk edits all local news. Sports desk and International desk. Feature desk. DTP manager is the head of the DTP section. Pre press activities are under taken in this section. The functions performed in the DTP section can be listed as follows: ► Firstly. the advertisement layout is setup with the requirements of advertisement coordinator by the operator. ► ► The remaining space on the newspaper is devoted for news. the editing and pagination is done in the DTP section. this is done in press section of Flash. VARKALA 28 . The data supplied from the desk is scanned and entered into the computers by the operators. Kochi Local/General Desk Feature Desk Main Desk Local/General Desk Space Marketing Space Marketing/Main desk Main Desk Feature Desk Sports Desk Main desk Table No: 5. In the case of dailies and magazines.0 is the software used for pagination. In the case of Flash.1 IV. ► Advertisement in the PDF format from the agencies and the photographers are entered into computers through scanners. Adobe Page Maker 7. INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA. DTP SECTION DTP is a part of the Editorial Department (See the next chapter).KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD PAGE DETAILS OF KERALA KAUMUDI MORNING DAILY Page 1 2 &3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Contents General News Local News Business News Local Editorial page General news Obituary Classifieds Classifieds and News National/International/Science News Special News Sports News General News Page setup by Main Desk Local Desk Business Desk. data entry of the matter handed over by the editorial section is undertaken. rotating shifts. Almost eighteen staffs are working in this section in 4 LAYOUT Then each page is made by the concerned desk chiefs with the support of operators. LASER PRINT OUTPUT Black and white pages are printing in laser printer. All the input materials such as photographic reflections. INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA. Matter is sorted again and page order is checked. PROOF SECTION A miniature printout of A4 size will be send to editorial proof and advertisement proof section. VARKALA 29 .5 COMPOSING In DTP section. usually inches or centimeters. Layout sheets are marked with vertical lines that correspond to the column widths of your publication. non-photographic pictures are converted into digital files and resized as per requirement.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD ACTIVITIES OF DTP SECTION The main activities carried out in the DTP section are shown in the following diagram. Corrections are carried out after proof reading by the operators. originals. as well as horizontal markers that correspond to the units your newspaper uses to measure the height of the ad. Transmission Section transfers General pages to all editions through ISDN broadband lines. ACTIVITIES OF DTP SECTION Editorial Composing Proof section Page Layout Laser Print/ film Film pasting Plate making Chart No: 5. 0 SP3 software. ‗Scan text Othello‘. these will be handed over to the Production department. These files are transferred to Graphic Art films using an imported Image setter machine. Developer and water is used in the ratio 1:3. The following parameters have to be checked before exposing.2 After taking final full sized printout of each page on LP/ film. VARKALA 30 . yellow – and black) composed in ‗PageMaker‘ are converted to Post script files or pdf (portable document format) using Torrent v6. These graphic art films are processed in the machine ‗Image Line‘. INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA. fixers and water. NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Parameters Mast Head Date Line Price and Edition Page size Page Number Screen Angle Screen Frequency Resolution Color Code Registration Marks Non –Emulsion Perfect matching of fonts Non –Creasing Table No: 5. PARAMETERS CHECKED BEFORE EXPOSING Sl.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD IMAGE SETTING The matter pages containing four colours (primary colors-cyan. each containing developer. magenta. This machine has three racks. PLATE MAKING The plate is produced by a photo chemical procedure. VARKALA 31 . Each of the primary colors -. the presses do not stop rolling. one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of high quality INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA. This results in the transfer of the image from the negative to the plate.light of 3000 W for 85 seconds.v.black. Almost every commercial printer does it. After this process it is exposed to a u. a chemical reaction occurs that allows an ink-receptive coating to be activated. PRINTING Offset lithography is the workhorse of printing. Each roll can weigh as much as 2. Even when a 1-ton roll of paper runs out.Perfect Rotary Offset (p) Ltd. When the plates are exposed to light. The machine used in Kerala Kaumudi is WEBKING (manufactured by M/s.000 pounds (1 ton) Web presses print at very high speeds and use very large sheets of paper. The astronel sheet is placed on an Aluminum sheet with a chemical coating and vacuum is applied on it.has a separate plate. The light passes through the non-image area and it is developed by using a developer. cyan (blue). PASTING The prints are pasted on the astronel sheet. The paper is fed through the press as one continuous stream pulled from rolls of paper. and yellow . A blue-line print is made from "stripped-up" negatives and is used to check image position before printing. Then gum is applied on the plate to avoid oxidation. The press has to maintain a constant balance between the force required to move the paper forward and the amount of backpressure (resistance) that allows the paper to remain tight and flat while traveling through the equipment.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD STRIPPING Color negatives are "stripped" together for each page. magenta (red). The next step after plate making is the printing. This process is shown in the following figure. then by ink rollers. The water rollers keep the ink off of the non-image areas of the plate. The huge rolls of now-printed paper are cut and put together so that the pages fall in the correct order. BINDERY The bindery is where the printed product is completed. The plate itself does not actually touch the paper -. The speed of the machine is 35. the plates are dampened. the newspaper bundles are collected by the concerned agents at the dropping points.000 copies. VARKALA 32 .000copies/hour. The rollers distribute the ink from the ink fountain onto the plates. On the press.this is the underlying principle of offset lithography. Each plate then transfers its image to a rubber blanket that in turn transfers the image to the paper. number of news papers enclosed etc. These printed news papers are manually collected. INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA. OFFSET PROCESS Ink and water do not mix -. first by water rollers.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD web offset printing press). counted and packed into bundles as per the requirement of the agents and attaches a slip containing number. DISPATCHING These bundles are sent through different routes to various destinations or dropping points. The image area of the plate picks up ink from the ink rollers. Just before reaching the ultimate consumers or readers. The ink is distributed to the plates through a series of rollers. All of this occurs at an extremely high speed.thus the term "offset" lithography. And the average number of copies that can be printed from 1 reel is 23. They in turn take the newspaper to the readers. have been a major source of revenue for the newspapers and periodicals. ► Coordinating the activities of the field executives both inside and outside Kerala.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD 5. Usually in the case of news paper 60% of space in it is meant for news and 40% of space is meant for advertisement. ► Conducting periodical training programs for Marketing Executives. The portion of the newspaper that is not advertising is called editorial content. ► ► Research and development activities to update with changes in the industry. INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA. Monitoring advertisement collection activities. Arranging periodical get together of advertisement agencies and regular clients. VARKALA 33 .3 MARKETING DEPRTMENT SPACE MARKETING DEPARTMENT Advertisements. Coordinating the activities relate with publication of regular and periodical supplements. Most newspapers make nearly all their money from advertising. FUNCTIONS OF SPACE MARKETING ► ► ► Planning. analyzing and implementation of advertising activities. for long. The width of every newspaper page can be broken down into columns of equal size. How wide a column can be seen by looking at how the editorial copy flows on a page. Every ad the Company sell will need to conform to the column widths of the newspaper. Manager Flash Corporate and Manager Debtors Management are reporting to him. Manger corporate operation.FLASH & MORNING DAILY Assistant General Manager Manager Corporate Operations Manager Debtors Mgmt Manager Flash Corporate Asst Manager – Debtors Mgmt A/c’s Executive Bill wise Posting A/c’s Officer Receivables team Marketing Executives Asst Manager Corporate Comm.8 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA. STRUCTURE OF SPACE MARKETING DEPARTMENT. Customer care executives AAM – DTP Office Asst.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE OF SPACE MARKETING DEPARTMENT Assistant General Manager (Marketing) is the head of Space Marketing.Voucher Billing Dispatch Proof Reader 1 Proof Reader 2 Proof Reader 3 DTP Staff 1 DTP Staff 2 Chart No: 5.Cross Checking Office Asst. VARKALA 34 . collection and office administration) ► ► ► ► ► ► Planning meetings. Weekly and monthly evaluation of all units‘ advertisement head. Follow-up units of customer along with executives. Collection monitoring. Bureau monitoring. ► ► Unit wise communications Dealing with corporate clients and agencies ASSISTANT MANAGER – DAILY ► ► Looks after all the activities connecting to advertisement department. Monitoring the executives . MANAGER – CORPORATE OPERATIONS ► ► ► ► Coordinating the Billing Activities of all units. Coordinates the entire department. Member of corporate task force. analyses and implement the entire activities in these departments. Head of Space Marketing Department & Product Marketing Department Plans.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER ► ► ► ► ► Directly accountable to General Manager. Settlement of requirements of all unit advertisement departments Involved in the work of corporate advertisement materials like rate cards proposals etc. Conducting evaluation meeting on daily basis 35 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . Controls the space marketing activities of Trivandrum unit (billing. They set the layout and print outs are sent to proof section. ASSISTANT ADVERTISEMENT MANAGER – DTP The composing and scanning of advertisement are carried out in the DTP section.-Cross Checking carries out the cross verification of advertisements before dispatch. Advertisement Manager-DTP are: ► ► ► ► Act as liaison between DTP and Advertisement Ensuring of scheduled ads to be carried in daily basis Ensuring timely settlement of ad matters to be present in Daily Coordinating the entire activity for ad placing in Daily Customer care executives handle the clients and explain the schemes and services to them. Proof readers make necessary corrections before printing. Settlement of requirements of all unit advertisement departments. Weekly and monthly evaluation all units advertisement head.-Voucher Billing bills the advertisements as per the prescribed rates (see appendix) and sends these to the clients. Office Asst. Office Asst. Unit wise communications. Dealing with corporate clients and agencies.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD MANAGER – FLASH CORPORATE ► ► ► ► ► Coordinating the Billing Activities of all units. The duties and responsibilities of Asst. 36 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . etc. discounts and tariffs available to them from Kerala Kaumudi. GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION: Government advertisements are usually in the form of notice of tenders. Society constantly endeavors to enforce the Accreditation Rules. STRINGERS: Stringers are sources of advertisements to the newspaper. 2.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD SOURCES OF ADVERTISEMENTS 1. schemes. which are accredited by the Indian Newspaper Society. They are given a commission of 10%. 4. so that payments are made within the credit period allowed. MARKETING EXECUTIVES: Marketing Executives are persons recruited for convincing advertisers and collecting advertisement from them by telling them about the features. Social programmes. 37 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . They are given a commission of 15%. 3. Society monitors payments to publications from the advertising agencies. Government advertisements are through Director of Public Relations. b) NON-ACCREDITED AGENCIES. a) ACCREDITED AGENCIES: Accredited agencies are the advertising agencies. The so collected amount will be brought to the advertising department. ADVERTISING AGENCIES: There are two types of agencies viz. This is also a high income source for the daily. Display Advertisement: Display advertisement will be shown with in a box on any page of the news paper. Classified Advertisements: Classified advertisements will be shown in one line or three like accommodation wanted or available. There are special position advertisements on the newspaper. The advertisement is usually given in two or more lines or quarter page or half page or full page . B. They are E. Matrimonial Advertisements: It is a kind of classified advertisement. Ads like bride. thanks giving etc. This is an important source of income for the newspaper. change of name. C.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD DIFFERENT TYPES OF ADVERTISEMENTS IN KERALA KAUMUDI A. the customer has to pay a high charge for covering opportunity cost. Strip advertisement: In the lower half of the front page there is only one advertisement is allowed. Solus advertisement: In the case of solus advertisement only particular advertisement is shown on the front page and all other advertisements are avoided. groom wanted etc are matrimonial advertisements. Here also the advertiser compensates the opportunity cost. Ear panel Advertisement: The advertisement is shown on the top position in the front page on the left or both sides. 38 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . D. For this advertisement. F. is called the newspaper‘s circulation and is one of the principal factors used to set advertising rates. It is mainly concerned with distribution and collection of amounts from the agents.5 million strong readerships. Today Kerala Kaumudi has 2. This department is responsible for encouraging people to start or keep reading the publication Kerala Kaumudi is having fourth position in circulation. second and third positions are held by Malayala Manorama.5 lakhs. Product Marketing Department is concerned with promoting the news paper thereby increasing its circulation. either on an average day or on particular days (typically Sunday). The Product Marketing Department takes care of everything after the newspaper is printed. although this is offset by the number of copies distributed but not read (especially for those distributed free).5 lakhs and flash around 2. Total circulation of Kerala Kaumudi daily comes around 1.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD PRODUCT MARKETING DEPARTMENT The number of copies distributed. since some copies or newspapers are distributed without cost. It is a source of revenue for the newspaper. FUNCTIONS OF THE PRODUCT MARKETING DEPARTMENT ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Boost up circulation Strengthening agency network Creating awareness Increase in demand Supply Market research Product Improvement 39 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . Mathrubhumi and Deshabhimani. Circulation is not necessarily the same as copies sold. Readership figures may be higher than circulation figures because many copies are read by more than one person. The first. KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD STRUCTURE OF PRODUCT MARKETING DEPARTMENT.FLASH & MORNING DAILY Asst General Manager Chief Circulation Manager DAILY Manager – Corporate Operations Regional Managers Circulation Managers Asst: Circulation Managers Circulation Executives FLASH Manager – Corporate Operations Regional Managers Circulation Managers Asst: Circulation Managers Circulation Executives Circulation Inspectors Sales Promoters Circulation Inspectors Sales Promoters Chart No: 5.9 40 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . He is directly accountable to AGM. The Assistant Manager is directly accountable to the circulation manager.75% is given as commission to agents which are a higher percentage than competitors. Circulation inspector inspects the promoters and enhances the circulation activity. Under them come the Sales officer. - 41 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . - 27. His main duties are Collection of cash . Morning daily and Flash Circulation Manager is assisted by Assistant Circulation Manager of all units. from agents using field promoters. Field Inspector.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD Chief Circulation Manger is the head of Circulation department both for Morning daily and Flash. Circulation Manager checks the circulation figures. Provides scholarship for agent‘s children. Giving back page color photos of agents or their daughter/son on their marriage. collect from agents and resolves issue between agents and subscribers. He identifies the weak areas of circulation and formulates competitive promotional techniques. Promoters canvas the potential buyers. MOTIVATION FACTORS FOR COMPETITIVE SPIRIT - Reward and recognition given to promoters for those who achieves collection targets and copy targets. He should coordinate Assistant circulation managers of all units. Promoters and Agents. mid and south. They resolve agents issue. He plans and implements the circulation strategies for daily and flash. Managers–Corporate Operations of daily and flash coordinates directs and controls the circulation activities of all the three zones via: North. Customer has to pay Rs. Amount to pay is Rs. DISCOUNT ALLOWED - 2% discount for payment on or before 10th of next month 1. 1303 In addition to these Kerala Kaumudi (P) Ltd offers first one year free insurance protection (for 2 lakhs) or for Business firms 5x2/10x1 size Black & white free advertisement 3 year plan: As per this plan the actual subscription amount is Rs. 6803. In addition to this first one year free insurance protection for Rs.50 Flash: Price is Rs.3 SCHEMES FOR SUBSCRIPTION 5 year plan: As per this plan the actual subscription amount is Rs. allowing the newspaper to attract more advertisers and to charge more for the service. 782.1 lakhs or for business firms 5x2/10x1 size Black & white free advertisement Publishers of commercial newspapers strive for higher circulation. Saving is Rs. 42 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA .00 and on Sundays the price is Rs.3300 only and he can save Rs. 4082.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD CREDIT PERIOD The credit period allowed to the agents is 30 days.5.5% discount for payment on or before 20th of next month 1% discount for payment on or before 25th of next month PRICE OF KERALA KAUMUDI DAILIES Morning daily: Price is Rs.5. so that advertising in their newspaper becomes more effective.5500. 4 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Kerala Kaumudi has 11 editions spread over Kerala. Cheque sanctioning process is carried out at corporate office at Thiruvananthapuram with the approval and signature of MD & Director STRUCTURE OF FINANCE/ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT Chart No: 5.A/c Supervisor All units Accounts Assistant Clerks Circulation A/c Supervisor All units Accounts Assistant A/c Supervisor General A/c All units Accounts Asst.A/c Supervisor All units Accounts Asst. Circulation A/c Supervisor All units Accounts Asst. Advt. Mumbai and Gulf. A/c Supervisor (Corporate) Circulation A/c Supervisor (Corporate) ) Head of Finance/Account Flash Morning daily Advt. The generated funds are deposited to their respective bank account (Federal Bank) because the units have no authority to utilize these funds. Kerala Kaumudi has a centralized accounting system. Clerks Clerks Clerks Clerks 43 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA .KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD 5. Bangalore.8 Finance Manager Accounts Manager/Officer Corporate Accounts Head Flash Morning daily Advt. advertisement and other sources. A/c Supervisor (Corporate) Circulation A/c Supervisor (Corporate) A/c Supervisor General A/c (Corporate) Advt. All these units have to generate their own funds through circulation. KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD FINANCE FUNCTION OF KERALA KAUMUDI In every month. 20. Cost control is comparing of actual performance with the standards or targets and taking corrective action if any deviation is occurred. budgetary control and standard costing are computerized. Flexible budget is one which is designed to change in accordance with the level of activity actually attained. Budget preparation and Project evaluation.000 in advance as an imprested to all units for meeting their day-to-day expenses. 44 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . To give overall guidance to the functioning of the department. semi variable and variable because the usefulness of such a budget depends upon the accuracy with which the expenses can be classified. production planning and control through linear programming.000 to Rs. At the end of the month each unit will be sending their petty vouchers to corporate office for availing credit to their imprested account. BUDGETS Kerala Kaumudi is following flexible budget. Now a days in Kerala Kaumudi most of the accounting and technical matters are such as inventory control. the corporate office will sanction Rs.. DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES FINANCE MANAGER ► ► ► ► Member of corporate task force. sales accounting. It is prepared after making an intelligent classification of all expense between fixed. Cost control aims at reducing inefficiencies and wastage and setting up pre determined cost and in achieving them. To maintain the finance information system like Financial Analysis. It provides budgeted cost at different levels of activities. Profit and loss account analysis. Inventory management. Accountable to GM. 10. Cash flow analysis. pay roll accounting. COST CONTROL Kerala Kaumudi is following different cost control measures. ► ► ► To monitor the collection of debts to ensure 100% collection. EXECUTIVE FUNCTION ► ► To advice the unit chief unit manager and task force in financial matters. To fulfill statutory requirements like TDS return filing. To forecast and estimate the financial requirements of units and to formulate short term and long term plans. raise funds from appropriate outside sources and schedule the repayment. 45 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . RNI return filing HEAD OF THE FINANCE /ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTION ► ► To perform the functions and duties of unit chief in the absence of unit chief. Fringe benefits tax.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD ACCOUNTS MANAGER ► ► ► To coordinate all functions of Accounts department. budgets. Record keeping and reporting.  INCIDENTAL FINANCE FUNCTION ► ► ► ► ► Supervision of cash receipts and disbursement. targets. Assist internal auditors/inspectors assigned by CTF members/corporate finance head. ► To prepare monthly profit & loss A/c and to compare the actual with the financial plans/target and to take control measures. ► ► Verify documentary evidence in support of a transaction. Advance tax payments. Cash management and credit management. To perform such other functions as may be prescribed by the corporate finance head/top management. To ensure optimum use of resources to reduce cost of production. To exercise the role of chief executive officer of a unit. Sales tax return filing. Proper custody and safeguarding important and valuable papers. journal etc. To supervise maintenance of cash books. Exercise reasonable care and skill performing duties. ledger. ► To meet the financial requirements in time. standards etc. next to unit chief. ADVERTISEMENT ACCOUNTS SUPERVISOR ► ► ► Book adjustments entry Monitoring billing and payment activities. Awareness of financial position as on date. Attend training and learning programmes and keep up to date in the area of accountancy. Prepare MRV (Monthly Return Verification) statement. Sanctioning of credit adjustments. CIRCULATION ACCOUNTS SUPERVISOR ► ► ► ► Monitoring billing and collection activities. Monthly closing of ledgers. Dispatch of bills 46 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . Preparation of monthly Profit & loss accounts. CLERKS ► ► ► ► ► Voucher entry preparation Filing vouchers and its cross verification Preparation of receipts Prepare all working papers and notes made. Ledger scrutiny on monthly basis.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD ► ► ► ► Disclose full and fair information to the UTF and CTF. To ensure proper sequence of work to detect errors and frauds. Preparation of agents control accounts. ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT ► ► ► Undertake various reconciliation works. finance and general business conditions. KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD 5.5 HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT The management of Man is a very important and challenging job. STRUCTURE OF HUMAN RESORUCE DEPARTMENT General Manager Human Resource Manager Executive (HR) Clerk/Typist Front Office Executive Office Assistants Drivers Canteen Telephone Operators Security Officer House Keeping Dispatch Supervisor Chart No: 5. social and organizational goals.9 47 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . DEPARTMENT POLICY The policy of Human Resource Department is to render effective administrative support to the organization both at corporate level and unit level in a systematic and scientific manner with special emphasis on human resource development and training with the laid down quality policy of the organization. not of managing ‗men‘. important because it is job. but of administering a social system. Human Resource Management involves procedures and practices through which human resources are organized and directed towards the attainment of the individual. The training programmes for employees include induction.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD FUNCTIONS OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT HR manger is responsible for the management of the employees of both Kerala Kaumudi and Ravi Printers and publishers. As a part of streamlining the training programme. EMPLOYMENT AND PLACEMENT Recruitment. The following recruitment process chart gives an overview of the overall recruitment process of Kerala Kaumudi. Identifying the training requirements of corporate as well all units 2. efforts are continuing to make it function on line. selection and placement as per the manpower requirements of the company are the most important functions of HR Department. Planning and scheduling training programmes for the required units For planning and scheduling the training and development programmes. 3. The main functions of HR department include: I. 48 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . Every month in advance this training calendar is sent to all units. TRAINING It is the responsibility of HR Department to impart Training and development to employees both at corporate and Units whenever required. HR Dept. The units require training programmes mark the convenient dates by specifying the objectives and topics on which training is needed and return to the HR department. makes necessary arrangements for the programmes. Kerala Kaumudi HR department is using a Training Calendar. off the job training for managerial staffs. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the training programmes. on the job training for non managerial staffs. TRAINING PROCEDURE 1. Statutory welfare schemes consists ESI. Profession tax and labor welfare fund. PROPER ALLOCATION OF WORK IV. Kerala Kaumudi employee‘s welfare forum. III. Non Statutory schemes includes Canteen facility (subsidized rate). Apart from granting award to the high achievers. Conveyance allowance. SAFETY AND WELFARE SERVICES Kerala Kaumudi has a hazard free working environment. Mobile allowance. No accident has been reported in the past years.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD II. Kerala Kaumudi recreation club. PF. For maintaining the morale and team spirit among employees every year HR Department is conducting a WELFARE FORUM. this programme involves lots of cultural activities too. DEVELOPING AND MAINTAINING MOTIVATION FOR WORK V. Kerala Kaumudi employee‘s cooperative society. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL Employee performance at work is evaluated in terms of pre-determined standards with a view to develop a sense of belonging to the organization and also to retain them. The welfare schemes include both Statutory and Non statutory schemes. EDLI. VI. EMPLOYEE HEALTH. 49 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . Medical allowance and City compensatory allowance. Vehicle allowance. WAGE AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION Compensation to employees is fixed as per the Wage rates fixed by the wage boards. LTA (leave travel allowance). This includes grievance handling. 50 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . ADMINISTERING EMPLOYEE TURNOVER AND CONDUCTING EXIT INTERVIEWS Employee turnover rate in the previous year was 7%.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD VII. . Drivers. TRADE UNION The existing trade union in the company is AITUC. House Keeping. maintenance of discipline etc. employee linked insurance etc. VIII. In some cases exit interviews are conducted. IX. termination. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES HR Manager is responsible for the overall administration of front office. INDUSTRY RELATIONS Maintenance of healthy and peaceful labor-management relations is the responsibility of the HR Dept. ► ► House Keeping staffs are responsible for the good maintenance of office Dispatch section staffs are assigned to send courier from the corporate office and prompt maintenance of dispatch register. Telephone operators and security officers ► Front Office Executive attends visitors and informs the concerned person. Trade union is given management participation mainly in the areas of recruitment. Dispatch. She keeps attendance register of head office staff. 10 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES PURCHASE MANAGER ► ► ► ► To develop and maintain good supplier relationships Duties according to the order of Managing Director Planning purchase orders.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD 5. To handle insurance formalities of raw materials 51 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . Other functions include: ► ► ► ► Finding out the details regarding the requisition of Raw materials receiving and warehousing of raw materials Collection of details about the consumption of raw materials on a regular basis Issue of raw materials as per requirements STRUCTURE OF MATERIALS DEPARTMENT Joint Managing Director Deputy General Manger Purchase Manager Asst.6 MATERIALS DEPARTMENT Purchasing is the important function of materials department. Purchase Manager Storekeeper Clerical staff Godown staff Chart No: 5. Verification of raw materials consumption and stock statements which is daily submitted by the materials managers of all units ► ► To control abnormal wastage. 52 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA .. Ensuring that the inventory do not exceed the maximum level nor go below the minimum level at any time. inspection note and goods received note. purchase order. Keeping every item of stores in the allotted bin. Stock ledger. The documents maintained by the materials department are Purchase order. ► Receiving the store correctly i. Maintenance of purchase order files. Maintaining and supervising the duties of the different staffs under his charge. ► ► ► ► ► Entering all receipts in the bin card. Stock inward book. Preventing unauthorized persons from entering into the stores.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD ► ► To verify the quality of materials received Inventory valuation INVENTORY ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR ► ► ► ► ► Inventory accounting Checks and verifies the purchase bills Checks bin card and stores ledger Purchase analysis Order placing figures are given to the departments STORE KEEPER ► The store keeper should have technical knowledge and wide experience in stores routine and ability of operation of the stores.e. News print ledger. Godown staffs are assigned to load/unload materials to required places on time. Entering the details of the goods supplied in the stocks ledger. Transfer slip. CLERKS ► ► ► ► Issuing goods according to the daily requisition slip. Helping materials manager in updating the books maintained in the department. ensuring that every item of stores received by the storekeeper is duly supported by an indent. The main supplier of newsprint Hindustan News print Ltd. A. GRAPHIC ART FILM: Usually films produced by Kodak and Agfa are used. Calicut.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD RAW MATERIALS I. Kalyan Marketing. Cochin and Agfa films are supplied by Krishna Agencies. New Delhi. News Graphics. Long run plates are used for producing main pages in all editions. As the GSM increases copies decreases and vice versa. NEWS PRINT The size of newsprint is 70cm and 45 GSM (Gramage per square meter). II. TOPAZ.Paper and Boards Ltd. Kozhikode B. Chemicals for film development-developer and fixer.R. III. Low quality. These plates are procured from the dealers of TECHNOVA. recycled news print is supplied by V. Kodak films are supplied by Trade Links Ltd. Black ink: Suppliers of black ink are Shalimar Inks and Chemicals.G. CHEMICALS consumed are developers. universal wash. Sarvalekshmi Paper and Boards Ltd. Chennai. 53 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . Colour Ink: Suppliers of colour ink are Galilia Chemicals. Cochin. Aluva and Orient Inks. Standard Missionary Sales Company. The imported plate dealers are IV. Kottayam. Cochin. High quality ink which is used for printing advertisement columns are supplied by Coats Ink. From a short-run plate 10.000 copies can be printed. Industries. Patoor. fountain solution. Imported deluxe quality news print are Supplied by Pondar Global Ltd. medium and short run. INK Two types of inks are used for printing. remover and plate cleaner. Coimbatore and Vishnupriya Papers. Udumalpet. These newsprints are used for the printing of inner pages.000 to 15. V. PLATES Aluminum Plates are of three types: long. Kottayam. Cochin M. Thiruvananthapuram and dealers of NIRAJ. The average consumption of newsprint is about 300 metric tons per month and that of printing ink is 6000 kg/month (black ink) & 1000kg/month (color ink). Each unit has to meet the cost of raw materials purchased. The quantity and price mentioned in the invoices are checked with reference to stores received note and purchase order respectively. rates etc.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD PURCHASING BASIC OBJECTIVES OF PURCHASING 1. 5. orders are placed with them. 4. The intimation is sent by all units regarding the items purchased. Usually purchases are made for one month. To receive and deliver materials at right place at right time. But usually domestic sellers are preferred as they provide more credit period of 30-50 days. Now the materials department has decentralized. PURCHASE FUNCTION Purchases are made according to the receipt and analysis of purchase requisition. If there found any defect. it is send to the inventory accounting section to check both the authenticity as well as the arithmetical accuracy. To procure material economically. QUALITY CHECKING Materials are checked on trial basis. A minimum level of inventory (for one month) is always tried to be maintained. To procure right materials in right quantities. 2. 54 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . Reordering is according to requirements. After verifying the invoice in all respects. quantity. Purchases are made from domestic as well as foreign sellers. the inventory accounting section certifies and passes the invoice for payment to the finance departments. BILLS FOR PAYMENT When the invoice received from the supplier. 3. To ensure uninterrupted flow of materials for smooth production. To develop and maintain good and healthy supplier relationships. After trial run only suppliers are selected. it would be communicated to the suppliers and if they were willing to rectify the defects. Since 2006 they have been developing their own ERP (Enterprises Resource Planning) package. accounts inventory & HR are in progress. STRUCTURE OF SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT System engineer Asst. Customization of circulation module is completed and the works on the advertisement. System Department handles maintenance of hardware and development and maintenance Software. System Engineer Programmer System executives Hardware Chart No: 5.11 55 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . the works on developing systems technologies is improving.7 SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT Kerala Kaumudi started to implement computerization from 1998 onwards.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD 5. As a part of boosting the implementation of MIS. Network administration. The operating system used in servers is Linux and in client system is Windows. 56 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . one is for all periodicals and other one is for software. Hardware & system software maintenance. System assembling. Trouble shooting and upgrading installed application packages. ASSISTANT SYSTEM ENGINEER ► ► ► Developing. The computer network system of Kerala Kaumudi includes around 100 machines and 3 servers. accounting. Maintenance of network connectivity and data communication. The recent achievements of systems departments include: ► ► ► Decentralized work Fast collection and payment of bills Fast and comprehensive generation of MIS reports as per the requirements of top management. The works on the customization of advertisement. The customization of circulation module has already completed.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES SYSTEM ENGINEER ► ► ► ► ► He is directly accountable to General Manager. inventory and HR are in progress. One server is for newspaper and for flash. testing and implementing required application package. Since 2006 system department has been engaging in the development of in house ERP package (in Visual Basic) which is named as PRESS SOFT. Provide training to staffs on the newly installing packages. Financial stability 4. Good reputation 3. 8. 5. OPPORTUNITIES 1.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD SWOT ANALYSIS OF KERALA KAUMUDI To achieve proper firm-environment fitness. 4. Opportunities and threats are external factors. TABLE NO: 6. teenage. 3. Lacks a strong mission and fails to establish time bound goals for each department clearly. Company‘s Strengths. 3. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors. Competitor‘s strong sales and marketing strategies. Diversification of business into TV channels and mobile portals. 4. dedicated and specialized workforce. 9. The younger age groups‘ preference changing to Internet.1 57 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . Print outsourcing. 2. Good Brand image 8. Weak societal marketing. Fast changing printing technology. 1. Opportunities and Threats should be understood. 7. Fast changing life style of people. Credibility of news and unbiased reporting style 2. Resistance to change. Group harmony 6. A potential market of literate but unsubscribed to any newspaper. This analysis is commonly known as ‗SWOT Analysis’. job seekers. 2. Lacks anticipative marketing. 5. farmers. Able. weaknesses. Penetration of Internet media. Fast growing Cable and satellite TV. Unstable newsprint cost. STRENGTHS 1. Units spread all over Kerala with adequate printing facilities 6. 4. with no restriction of subscription charges. or their mobile telephones to learn of news that interests them. Narrow product line. Untapped market segments like children. THREATS 1. unemployed youth. 3. Approach of investigative journalism 5. Children etc. 2. 7. 6. WEAKNESSES Falling circulation lead Administration lacks a professional touch. Absence of some core departments like R&D and Advertisement Absence of effective sales promotion and advertisement strategies. 7. and how innovative is the presentation Coverage of the news. Comparing to competitors‘ products Kerala Kaumudi‘s coverage of national. The prime factors which influence the readership and publicity of a newspaper are:     How soon the "news" is put out. 58 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . the position came down to fourth. The main feature which distinguishes the print from other media is that it presents news in more analytical manner which enables the reader to think critically. At present Kerala Kaumudi is facing a tough competition.1 mid day daily in the market. and in 2007 it is going down to fifth position. Catchy captions with valuable information. 2. How far these headlines give maximum information to the reader at a glance. Financial statements from 2007-011 shows that. In 2006. How attractively and effectively critical incidents are reported with headlines with colored photographs which attract the attention of readers.  How efficiently summarize the news item with catchy captions that enable the readers with quick reading and easy comprehension. Comparing to previous years newspaper revenue has declined. daily newspaper‘s position in the market is fluctuating. it was the third largest circulated daily.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD FINDINGS 1. Till 2005. Flash continues as No.   Coverage of international news with a local perspective and Clarity of reporting. It calls for the attention of top management to formulate more competitive marketing strategies for the daily. international. business and sports news is less. Its main publication. 5. Company lacks a good research and development team.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD 3. Though the company is facing tough competition. Company has to frame more Marketing and sales promotion strategies. 4. 59 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . The company management fails to harmonize the organization‘s objectives. There are more potential markets to tap. it has more scope in the market. capabilities and resources with the market opportunities. The literacy rate of Kerala is higher than any other states. but these departments‘ activities are not well coordinated to a time bound mission. Each department performs their routine work well. comparing to its production facilities of all units and its strong public image. As far as print media is concerned. as the rural areas are largely untapped. What makes newspaper different from other media is that presents news in more analytical manner. it is remarkable that the press in print continues to be the media of preference for the majority of readers who want to remain informed. As the digital tide gathers strength. Kerala Kaumudi has always worked for the development of society with its Forth right news and fearless views. life style and quality of life are changing. Newspapers have to address all sections of the readership to stay in the business. Customer‘s tastes and preference. circulation is mostly considered as the yardstick of victory. but it should be packaged well according to the changing needs of the society. Competitors are coming up with more products and increased sales promotion strategies. It can influence and change people‘s lives and their societies. Today‘s communication is more complex.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD CONCLUSION Media has a strong role in nation-building. In a literate state like Kerala. “Stress on credibility and unbiased reporting” which is the motto of the Kerala Kaumudi since 1911. To compete with fast emerging TV channels and internet journalism and with the competitor‘s strong sales and promotion strategies. Kerala Kaumudi spearheaded with a missionary zeal to enlighten the underprivileged and downtrodden masses in the society. 60 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . Kerala Kaumudi (P) Ltd has to come up with new plans and strategies. People would always want news. there is more room for the newspaper companies to grow. Increase the number of pages through value added news but without any increase in product price. The essence of marketing is to create customers-customers will follow.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD SUGGESTIONS 1. More market penetration strategies are also to be framed. Include other writers‘ column opposite to editorial page. business and sports news must be included.  Direction is more important than speed. A well worked out mission statement provides units and departments a sense of direction. products.  The firm should estimate its competitors cost and performance as benchmarks. The effectiveness of advertisement must be conducted periodically. The additional cost would be compensated by operational efficiency and increase in the ratio of advertisement to editorial.  Implement Total Qaulity Management strategy-Improve the quality of the organization‘s processes. When the daily‘s circulation lead is falling. Space Marketing Department must include advertorials. services through continuous improvement in all senses. I recommend to implement the following strategies:  Family administration of the company has to bring forth a professional and unconventional approach. Give Display advertisements in close circuit TVs. To establish circulation lead. which advertise new products or techniques. Usage of several fast moving consumer goods in Kerala is higher than all India usage. international. Company has to frame more Market Communication Strategies. for which third-parties pay a fee. 3. Advertising moves people to products. 2. more innovative and analytic approach is needed. More national. 61 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . it is the time to analyze where the marketing efforts has failed. Increase the coverage of news. Give advertisements in media having highest reach to the target market. So it is suggested to implement Management by Objectives (MBO). introduce short-term and flexible subscription plans. Peoples‘ topics of interest are different. Absence of clear cut objectives leaves unclear standards by which to evaluate the individual as well as organizational achievements. For example. some are crazy in sports. This source must be well utilized while framing marketing strategies. In addition to the existing subscription plans. ► ‗Establish and maintain circulation lead by satisfying customer needs better than the competitors through value added products‘. Periodically customer‘s feedback and responses can be collected through agents. So plan pull-outs on the basis of customer‘s special interest and introduce flexible and short term subscription plans.that would be the motto of product marketing department. 5. ► Agents are good source of information. jobseekers focuses on employment opportunities. Establish challenging yet realistic goals in accordance with the overall company mission. For example some people are interested in health related news. or may be working days subscription. ► Offer a variety of subscription plans. Some may need a Sunday paper only or perhaps only Sunday and Saturday.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD 4. someone wants only on that day newspaper with supplement which meets his interest. 62 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . All departments are to translate it into time bound goals and to implement it. 7. 63 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . HR department must encourage and develop an organization culture where innovative ideas are freely exchanged.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD 6. a process known as computer to plate printing. Kerala Kaumudi (P) Ltd has to go at a fast pace towards the implementation of modern production technologies. Now plates are available that do not require chemical processing The development of the digital plate setter in the late twentieth century eliminated film negatives altogether by exposing printing plates directly from digital input. com 64 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . WEBSITES   www.  Prasanna Chandra. Kerala Kaumudi Publications. (2004).kaumudi. 4th Edition.Flash and Daily.keralakaumudi.k (2005). JOURNALS   Kerala Kaumudi Financial Statements. 4th Edition. Tata McGraw Hill publishing company limited. ―Financial Management Theory and Practices‖.com www.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD BIBILIOGRAPHY BOOKS  Aswathappa. Tata MC Graw Hill publishing company limited.‖Human Resource and Personnel Management‖. 389 112.856.317.062.907.227 29.070.500.403) 2.578. APPROPRIATIONS Provision for taxation Provision for dividend Provision for Corporate Dividend tax provision for deferred tax Provision for Fringe Benefit Tax Transferred to General Reserve Provision for Bonus Balance carried to Balance Sheet 7.482 75.367 89.917.000 3. EXPENDITURE Newsprint consumed Printing and other charges Interest paid Depreciation Total III.378 1.108 (23.775.300 7.157 121.084 203.023 5.357.214 117.600 2.429.096 11.718 16.626.551.602 1.713.225.987 7.273 9.737.295.192.000 2.000 26.379 199.340.335 4.000 900.367 199.669.259.045.675 10.545.199.095 Add: Profit brought forward Profit before tax 9.182.095 1.500.250 9.677 10.876 Total 209.741 5.366 10.439.608.822.608.262.781.137 101.522 22.763 8.770 5.605. Thiruvananthapuram Profit and Loss Account For the years from 2007-2011 2007 2008 2009 112.296.505 4.851.851.678.838 6.285 11.072 217.585 85.989 2010 2011 Newspaper Advertisement Income Other income 112.907 10.089.976.741 5578367 22.522 10.285 11. INCOME News paper Sales The Kerala Kaumudi Private Ltd.062.992.604 TOTAL The Kerala Kaumudi Private Ltd.553.000 800.295.081.377 25.402.944.781.482 83.944 2.367 725.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD APPENDIX-I Particulars I.834.928 12.857 97.380 10.119 1.000 900.373.803 111.048.632.020 125.414.225.404 1.907 115.382.466.380 11.216 8.528.418.631.716 6.000.254 230.959 2.514.770 88.108 8.071.367 11.470.630.102 2.822 207.519 1.000 8.906.472 84.192.480 520.000 214.822.751.529.415.285.125 79.955 15.166 229.817 209.462.870.684.182 93.708.402.045.924.195. Thiruvananthapuram 65 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA .817.753 11.408 126.062 93.511.790 2.637 74. Profit for the year Add: Prior period adjustments 101.000 81.631 II.180 1.000 115.157 VI.023 1.944.313 430. 427. Loan Funds a.835.289 103.Investments 72.016 1.770.000 72.995 - 90.000 50.132 17.389 110.807. Secured Loans 49.376.178 430.837 TOTAL 90.875. Reserves and surplus Balance Sheet For the years from 2007-2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2.991.116 28.000 3.984 732.745 54. Shareholders' Fund a.071 34.356 9. Deferred tax liability 10.706.179 89.478.487.178.330 b.427. Less: Depreciation 26.745 61.000 38. Gross Block 34.208 92.518 199.081 95.000 72.140 8.763.764.989.822 101.538.000.131 79.391 110.293.522 1.236.615 17.960.930.297.000 52.180 62.578.507 - B.640 45.230.902.385.033.332 578.000.922 - 50.368.000 72. Loans and Advances 58.062.837 66 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA . Current Liabilities 65.146 II.261 89.719 48.493.209.957.797.267. Less: Current Liabilities and Provisions A.976 40.838 8.168 33.000.575.382.266 2.220.651 107. Loans & Advances A.948 551. Current Assets. Net Block 8.KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD Particulars I Source of Funds 1.461 41.206.817.063 13.273 75.388.663.578. Capital b.767.072.381 2.562.150.115 74.688 - NET CURRENT ASSETS Miscellaneous Expenses to the extent not written off TOTAL 81.289 103.907 1.638 190.223. Unsecured Loans 111.478.949.677 2.161 b.243.915.699 157.477 6.528 77.822.388 17.000 39.492 172.685 27.333.170 89.787.281 896.817 31.987 92..108.583 95.322. Provisions C.406.000 72.585 B.365.897.692.406 181.706.407 76.863.672 115.484.146 101.490 53.090 4.473.095 89.367 2.554.591 82.357.753 92. Current Assets 99.753. Fixed Assets a.805 c. Application of Funds 1.753 106.078 101.261 89.052. KERALA KAUMUDI (P) LTD 67 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN KERALA VARKALA .
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