OS Deployment of Windows XP Using WinPE - Best Known Method

March 30, 2018 | Author: Gokila Sivaguru | Category: Booting, Microsoft Windows, Operating System, Windows Xp, Installation (Computer Programs)



LANDesk® Management Suite 8.7 SP2 OS Deployment of Windows XP Using WinPE Best Known Method Revision 1.0 Jared Barneck February 26, 2007 Information in this document is provided in connection with LANDesk® products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in terms and conditions for such products, LANDesk Software, Inc. and its affiliated entities (“LANDesk”) assume no liability whatsoever, and LANDesk disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of LANDesk products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. LANDesk products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. The reader is advised that third parties can have intellectual property rights that can be relevant to this document and the technologies discussed herein, and is advised to seek the advice of competent legal counsel, without obligation of LANDesk. LANDesk retains the right to make changes to this document or related product specifications and descriptions, at any time, without notice. LANDesk makes no warranty for the use of this document and assumes no responsibility for any errors that can appear in the document nor does it make a commitment to update the information contained herein. Copyright © 2007 LANDesk Software, Ltd. All rights reserved. LANDesk, Peer Download, Targeted Multicast, and Trusted Access are registered trademarks or trademarks of LANDesk Software, Ltd. or its affiliated entities in the United States and/or other countries. Avocent is a registered trademark of Avocent Corporation. Other brands and names may be claimed as the property of others. 2 Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................ 5 Scope ........................................................................................ 5 Assumptions ................................................................................ 5 Step 1 – Creating a Source Image ...................................................... 6 Sector by Sector Imaging ............................................................. 6 Common Mistakes When Imaging Windows XP with WinPE ...................... 6 Mistake 1 - Using the Wrong Version of Windows XP ......................... 6 Mistake 2 – Building the Image on a Partition that Fills the Entire Drive . 7 Mistake 3 – Installing Applications that Change or Upgrade Often ......... 7 Mistake 4 – Installing the LANDesk® Agent on the Source Image........... 7 Mistake 5 – Deploying Images without Using Sysprep ........................ 7 Basic Process for Building a Windows XP Image................................... 7 Step 2 - Creating a WinPE Capture Script ............................................ 9 Step 3 - Configuring the PXE Boot Menu............................................ 12 Step 4 – Configuring and Installing the PXE Representative.................... 13 Pre-configuration of the PXE Representative.....................................13 Pre-configuration Step 1 – Changing the F8 Menu Prompt and Timeout .13 Pre-configuration Step 2 - Configuring Name Resolution in the WinPE Image ...........................................................................14 Post-configuration Step 3 – Adding Drivers to the WinPE Image ..........15 Installing the PXE Representative ..................................................19 Post-configuration of the PXE Representative ...................................24 Post-configuration - Configuring the Firewall ................................24 Step 5 - PXE Booting to WinPE and Capturing an Image......................... 24 Step 6 - Creating a WinPE OS Deployment Script................................. 30 Step 7 – Adding the OS Deployment Script to the LANDesk® Boot Menu .... 38 Step 8 – Preparing a Workstation to Be Imaged ................................... 39 BIOS Configuration ....................................................................39 Naming the Workstation in the Inventory Database .............................39 Step 9 - PXE Booting to WinPE and Deploying the Sysprepped XP Image.... 40 Summary .................................................................................. 42 Appendix A – Troubleshooting the PXE Representative Deployment Script 43 Appendix B – WinPE Troubleshooting ............................................... 44 Troubleshoot Boot Failures ..........................................................44 Opening a Command Prompt and Using Available Tools ........................44 Adding a driver to WinPE ............................................................45 3 ............Appendix C – Troubleshooting a WinPE OS Deployment Script ..................... 46 OS Deployment Scripts Explained ................46 [VALUES] Section.................................47 WinPE Capture Script Dissected .......... 56 New Requirement for Making a Custom Modification to an OS Deployment Script.... 58 Appendix F .....................ImageW.........................................48 Sample WinPE Deployment Script from 8.................................................................................................52 Reading Logs Results of an OS Deployment Script ..46 [OWNER] Section ......................7 SP2....................................................................................................................exe Command Line Switches ..............................7 SP2........................56 Appendix D – Custom Modifications to an OS Deployment Script .............56 Adding Commands to the End of an OS Deployment Script .............................................................46 [JOBPARAMS] Section................46 [MACHINES] Section..........................................47 Sample WinPE Capture Script from 8........57 Appendix E ................................... 59 4 .................49 WinPE Deploy Script Dissected.......................................................................WinPE and ImageW Feature Matrix . Introduction WinPE is a new PXE boot option with LANDesk Management Suite 8. It will cover the following topics. It is possible that Vista drivers will be valid as well. For best results. Drivers built for Windows XP should be valid for WinPE. it is an operating system and still requires drivers. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the process of installing the necessary operating system and preparing it to be imaged. it requires a license. WinPE is not XP and it is not Vista. however. read and complete each section in the order listed: • • • • • • • • • Creating a Source Image Creating a WinPE Capture Script Configuring the Boot Menu Installing the PXE Representative PXE Booting to the WinPE Menu and Capturing an Image Creating a WinPE OS Deployment Script Adding the Deployment Script to the LANDesk Boot Menu Preparing a Workstation to Be Imaged PXE Booting to the WinPE Menu and Deploying the Image Assumptions This document discusses basic administrative tasks involving Management Suite process used for OS Deployment. Contact your LANDesk Sales Engineer to obtain Licensing for WinPE. Scope This document discusses the use of WinPE for OS Deployment of Windows XP.7. It assumes that a Core Server is already installed and that a DHCP server is already working in the current environment. Because it is based on Microsoft technology. this document assumes the need for two more machines: 5 . The minimum equipment needed is the following three computers: • • • • Core Server PXE Representative Test machine: for capturing and deploying an image Separate file server: Machine on which the captured images are written to and stored However. it will only have 14GB of sectors so the image can be deployed to any drive with 14GB of sectors or more. For this document. other administrative tasks are minimized if the correct Volume License version of Windows XP is used. and Volume License versions. Because it is sector by sector. it captures data from 40GB of sectors and knows in which sector each bit of data goes.com/licensing/resources/vol/default. Microsoft only supports imaging when using the Volume License version of Windows.Using the Wrong Version of Windows XP Windows XP has retail versions. as is most commonly desired. Management Suite automatically expands the partition to fill the whole drive. among others. both physical workstations and VMWare 5 virtual machines were tested. it is important to understand how the imaging tool works. it is assumed that a single partition Windows XP Sysprepped image is captured and deployed. if the source image is captured on a 40GB drive. so even if the image was captured on a 14GB partition and deployed to a 40GB drive.• Second test machine: Machine on which the image is deployed Note: For testing and writing this document. If the image is then deployed to a 20GB drive.mspx While deploying any version can be done with Management Suite.microsoft.exe. The imaging tool for WinPE is called Image and the file name for the WinPE (32 bit Windows) version of Image is ImageW. 6 . The following common mistakes should be avoided. OEM versions. it may fail because the destination drive does not have all of the 40GB of sectors needed to deploy the image. Mistake 1 . the image is laid down initially as a 14GB partition but the partition then is extended to fill the drive and use all free space. This issue is easily resolved by simply creating a smaller partition on the source drive and leaving the rest of the drive unpartitioned. there are many common mistakes. For example. Common Mistakes When Imaging Windows XP with WinPE When creating an image for Windows XP. Step 1 – Creating a Source Image When building a source image. if the source drive is 40GB and the smallest drive that the image will be deployed to is 15 GB. Sector by Sector Imaging Image is a sector-by-sector hard drive cloning tool. See the following web site for more information: http://www. then create a partition on the 40GB drive that is 10GB to 14GB and leave the rest of the drive unpartitioned. When the image is captured. Mistake 5 – Deploying Images without Using Sysprep Microsoft does not support imaging any of their Operating Systems unless Sysprep is used. Mistake 3 – Installing Applications that Change or Upgrade Often Many applications change or upgrade often and installing such applications on the source image can make the image outdated sooner than desired. 3. Image is a sector by sector imaging tool.com/?kbid=162001 For this reason LANDesk recommends that when imaging Microsoft Operating Systems.dim file. Sysprep should always be used. Do not attempt to rename a multi-partition image and do not delete the .asp?article=2502&p=5 Basic Process for Building a Windows XP Image The following steps are a general outline of creating a Windows XP source image. remove all existing partitions. http://kb. These steps are the minimal steps needed and are not all inclusive. http://support.microsoft.landesk. Including the LANDesk Agent in the source image can result in problems with duplicate devices and disappearing devices in the database. 7 . Obtain the Volume License version of Windows XP from Microsoft. LANDesk does not support including the LANDesk Agent on a Windows image. It can only be deployed to a hard drive with the same amount of sectors as the source partition had when the image was captured. including the vendor partition. Installing Windows XP on a partition that fills the entire drive limits the images ability to deploy drives that may be smaller. Warning: When creating an Image in WinPE.com/article. Mistake 4 – Installing the LANDesk® Agent on the Source Image The LANDesk® Agent is an application that changes and upgrades often. See the following Microsoft KB Article.LANDesk Sysprep Whitepaper. During the Windows XP install process. Warning: Do not use an OEM or Retail version of Windows. For more information see the LANDesk KB Article 2502 . 2. the vendor partition may be left on the hard drive but doing so requires additional configuration changes. 1. Also installation and upgrade issues may occur if the agent is already installed.Mistake 2 – Building the Image on a Partition that Fills the Entire Drive As mentioned earlier. Both partitions are captured and it is important to remember that the C: drive is partition two as the OEM partition is partition one. The image should be created on a partition that is smaller than the smallest hard drive the image will be deployed to. The OS Deployment process integrates with Sysprep to automatically install the LANDesk Agent. Begin the Windows XP install. LANDesk Sysprep Whitepaper. If software is installed manually on the image. 8. Microsoft Office is an example of such software. Use the default networking components. be aware that some software requires access to the installation source during normal runtime or when a new user first logs on. Warning: If the volume license version of Windows XP was used. http://kb. 7. Each step should be completed in order. Leave the machine turned off.) 5. Do not join a Domain during the installation. stop building the image and obtain the volume license version of Windows XP and reinstall.4. make the device a member of a workgroup.com/?kbid=162001 10. Finish the installation of Windows XP.landesk. For more information see the LANDesk KB Article 2502 . For best result. Warning: Joining that domain could result in undesired policies included in the image. the installation does not prompt for activation. The Machine is now ready to be captured but the actual capture process will not occur until Step 5 .com/article. Installing such software from a CD is not recommended. 9. Make any changes to the Image. Download the correct version of Sysprep and run it. Leave the rest of the disk unpartitioned. 6. 11. Warning: It is recommended that most software be installed after the imaging process using Management Suite’s Software Distribution. Log on as the local administrator. Such policies may prevent the automation of the imaging process or result in an unstable image.Creating a WinPE Capture Script before moving on.asp?article=2502&p=5 Warning: Failure to use Sysprep may result in a windows environment not supported by Microsoft. 8 . If the installation prompts for activation. Check the Mini-Setup checkbox and choose to shut down the machine when Sysprep finishes. Please continue with Step 2 . http://support.microsoft.PXE Booting to WinPE and Capturing an Image. (Usually 10 GB to 15 GB is sufficient. Any software that requires access to the installation source should be installed from a network resource that will be available after the image is deployed. Create a partition that is smaller than the smallest drive to which the image will be deployed. including driver installation and software installation of any application that has been chosen to be included in the image. Click the Capture Image radio button (in this case it is already selected) and click OK. 4. Type WinPE Capture in the Name field. The Capture Windows PE Image window appears. Open the Management Suite Console and click Tools | Distribution | OS Deployment. 2. 3. 5.Creating a WinPE Capture Script How to create a WinPE Capture Script: 1. Type This captures all partitions on the first drive in the Description field. Right-click My Scripts and click New Windows PE Configuration. 9 .Step 2 . The Create Windows PE Image window appears. FQDN. Click to highlight Image Information. 13. Click to highlight Credentials.6. 9. Note: This account must have write access to both shares used during the OS Deployment processes. Access 10 . 8. Verify that LANDesk is displayed in the Image type field. Retype the password in the Confirm password field. 12. Type the password in the Password field. On this server. only the LANDesk imaging tool is demonstrated. Note: This user account entered on the Credentials windows must have write access to this share. or IP Address can be used here. The Credentials window appears. Type the domain name\user account in the Domain and user name field. Type the path to the share where the image will be captured to in the Enter the UNC path directory to store the image file field. 10. 7. Note: Other options are available but for this document. Verify that the server name uses a value that can be resolved to an IP address in WinPE. The server’s hostname. 11. The Image information window appears. go to Properties of this shared folder and verify access is given to this user account. and ImageW. Type the path to the ImageW.exe Note: Write access is needed to this share. The server’s hostname. or IP Address can be used here. \\CoreServer\ldmain\osd\imaging\imagew. 16. Notice the command line actually calls backall.exe.bat and not ImageW. FQDN. Click Save.exe directly.should be given on the Sharing tab by clicking Permissions and also under the Security tab. 11 . Note: The process for capturing and image using Image requires backall. Verify that the server name uses a value that can be resolved to an IP address in WinPE.exe.bat.exe file and include the file name in the Enter the UNC path to the imaging application field. The command line for the imaging tool appears in the LANDesk Management Suite window. ImageAll. 15. 14. From the Network View. and click and drag scripts to these folders. Name the folder WinPE. 12 . For this example. Click OK. Right-click PXE Boot Menu and click New. 5. The desired switches are preconfigured to capture the all partitions on the first drive.17. 3. Click and drag the script to the PXE Boot Menu window and drop the script on top of the new WinPE folder. 2. From the Network View. click Tools | Distribution | PXE Boot Menu. click Tools| Distribution | OS Deployment. The Script is now created. do not make any changes. The PXE Boot Menu is now configured. The PXE Boot Menu should now look as depicted in the following figure: 6. Step 3 .Configuring the PXE Boot Menu The LANDesk PXE Boot Menu is a list of scripts that are available for imaging after a PXE boot. 4. Click the Update toolbar icon (the last icon on the right) to commit the changes. add folders to the menu. How to configure the PXE Boot Menu: 1. To configure the PXE Boot Menu. For this quick start guide. click Configure | Services. the DHCP request from a workstation must reach both the PXE Representative and the DHCP server.Step 4 – Configuring and Installing the PXE Representative A PXE Representative is a bootp server. Click the OS Deployment tab. Windows 2000 Server.ietf. Pre-configuration of the PXE Representative Pre-configuration Step 1 – Changing the F8 Menu Prompt and Timeout How to make pre-configuration changes to the PXE Representative: 1. http://www. choose a computer that is on the same subnet as the machine being captured. 3. Note: These modifications do not take place until the PXE Representative is installed. From the Network View. 13 . If modifications are made after the PXE Representative is installed. which is similar to a DHCP server except it returns instructions for network booting instead of IP Address information.txt In order for a device to PXE boot. the PXE Representative must be reinstalled. See RFC 951 for more information on the bootp protocol.org/rfc/rfc951. Make any changes to the PXE boot options by changing the Timeout and/or the Message fields. Windows 2003 Server. Usually the PXE Representative is a workstation on the same subnet as the workstation that is to be PXE booted. 2. Windows XP. and Windows Vista. The LANDesk Agent must already be installed to the device. Note: The PXE Rep can be installed on Windows 2000 Professional. 4. The WinPE image located on the Core Server here: C:\Program Files\LANDesk\ManagementSuite\LANDesk\Vboot\LDVPE1.img It can also be accessed via the ldmain share. Pre-configuration Step 2 . as these servers cannot always be accessed for configuration changes. however. Click OK when finished. WINs.img 14 . the name resolution issues can be resolved with a hosts file inside the WinPE boot image. skip this step. To make sure that the Core Server name (and any other server name) can be resolved. and DHCP servers are properly configured. If DNS. Pre-configuration of the PXE Representative is complete.Configuring Name Resolution in the WinPE Image Name resolution issues can be resolved by properly configuring the DNS and WINs servers as well as properly configuring the DHCP server options. \\CoreServer\ldmain\LANDesk\vboot\LDVPE1.img) before the PXE Representative is installed. a hosts file can be created and added to WinPE image (LDVPE1. A separate backup file should be created. 9.img.original. cd C:\Program Files\LANDesk\ManagementSuite\LANDesk\VBoot 6. Copy the hosts file to the ManagementSuite\LANDesk\Vboot directory on the Core Server.img called LDVPE1. Post-configuration Step 3 – Adding Drivers to the WinPE Image WinPE is an operating system similar to Windows XP and Windows Vista. In the command prompt.img file and close WinImage. 192. always back it up.img.Domain.img called LDVPE1. Before making any changes to the LDVPE1. 4.Domain. When prompted to inject the file. Warning: Do not overwrite the LDVPE1. The WinPE image located on the Core Server here: C:\Program Files\LANDesk\ManagementSuite\LANDesk\Vboot\LDVPE1. All operating systems need drivers to interact with hardware. In order to properly interact with drive controllers and network cards.1 CoreServer CoreServer.0. LANDesk 8. 5.img It can also be accessed via the ldmain share.img hosts i386\system32\drivers\etc\hosts 7.168.img. Save the modified LDVPE1. open a command prompt.0.img.7 Management Suite Service Pack 2 or later is required to add drivers to the WinPE image using the LANDesk Console.exe ldvpe1.Feb21-2007. Create a hosts file using a text editor.img. Make a copy of LDVPE1. It is a 15 . copyfile. From the Vboot directory type the following command to copy the hosts file into the LDVPE1. A sample two line hosts is demonstrated below. 2. On the Core Server.168. Make a copy of LDVPE1. \\CoreServer\ldmain\LANDesk\vboot\LDVPE1. 8.1 192. additional drivers may need to be added to the WinPE image. Drag the created hosts file into this folder inside WinImage. always back it up.com 3. click Yes. Make sure it is named hosts with no file extension.img. change to the ManagementSuite\LANDesk\VBoot directory.com ImageServer ImageServer.img How to add a driver to the WinPE image: 1.original created in the previous step. Before making any changes to the LDVPE1.How to add a hosts file to the WinPE image: 1. 16 . Use the direct path if working on the Core Server: C:\Program Files\LANDesk\ManagementSuite\LANDesk\Vboot\LDVPE1. 3.good idea to add the date each time this file is backed up and maintain multiple backups at different stages of modification. 2. From the Network View.img file can be entered. The Add a driver to Windows PE image window appears.img or use the UNC path if using a Remote Console: \\CoreServer\ldmain\LANDesk\vboot\LDVPE1. click the first radio button: OEM driver for SCSI or SATA hard drive. such as a SCSI or SATA controller. click Tools | Distribution | OS Deployment.img If adding a driver for a drive controller. The path should already appear or a new patch to the LDVPE1. 4. Click the Add Driver toolbar icon. If adding a driver for a network card, or any hardware other than a driver controller, select the second radio button: Non-OEM driver. 5. For this example, the Marvell Yukon network card is added. Click to select Non-OEM driver. 6. Click Next. 7. Enter the Path to the driver’s .inf file or browse to it. 8. Enter the Path to the driver’s .sys file or browse to it. 9. If the driver depends on other files, click Add. 10. Browse to the additional files that the driver depends on. Select all the additional files that are needed. Use Ctrl + click to highlight multiple files. 11. Once the files are highlighted, click Open. The files are added to the Files this driver depends on list. 12. Click Next. 17 The following window prompts for Free space to leave in image after adding this driver. The LDVPE1.img file must contain free space in order to function properly. 13. For the Free space to leave in image after adding this driver, enter 10. 14. Click Finish. 18 15. Repeat this process for each driver that must be added. Pre-configuration of the PXE Representative is complete. Installing the PXE Representative The PXE Representative provides the needed information for a device to PXE boot. By booting from PXE instead of from the hard drive, the hard drive will not be in use allowing the imaging tool to access it without having to encounter files that are in use or locked. The PXE Representative software should be installed on a LANDesk Agent that can be a workstation or server that is on the same subnet as the workstation that is to be PXE booted. The PXE Representative is made to install on the following version of Windows: XP Pro, 2000 Pro, 2000 Server with SP4, 2003 Server. Warning: Do not install the PXE Representative on the Core Server or a DHCP server. Installing the PXE Representative on the Core Server is not recommended. It can be done for lab and training environments but is not supported in a production environment. Installing the PXE Representative on a DHCP server can be done but requires advanced configuration not documented here. How to install the LANDesk PXE Representative: 1. From the Network View, click Tools | Distribution | OS Deployment. 2. Click to highlight All Other Scripts. 3. Right-click PXE Representative Deployment and click Schedule. This automatically creates a Scheduled Task to deploy the PXE Representative. 19 Click and drag the LANDesk Agent workstation from All Devices in the Network View and drop it on the PXE Representative Deployment task. 20 .4. The device now shows up as a target for the task with a status of Waiting and a result of Not Specified. 5. Right-click the PXE Representative Deployment task and click Start now. 21 . Note: On the Core Server.6. LANDesk installs the PXE Representative software on the device. a Custom Job Processing window displays the target device and the current status of each line in the script. The following window is displayed.If the task was started from a Remote Console. 22 . similar information can be seen by right clicking on the PXE Representative Deployment task and clicking Current Status. Once completed successfully the task displays the status of Done and a result of Successfully completed installation of package. Note: If an error occurs. go to Appendix A – Troubleshooting the PXE Representative Deployment.7. 23 . The PXE Representative is now installed. see the following table: UDP Port 67 UDP Port 68 UDP Port 69 UDP Port 1758 UDP Port 1759 UDP Port 4011 Client PXE Rep Client Bootp Bootp response TFTP (Not MTFTP) PXE MFTP Client port PXE MFTP Server Port Unicast bootp.Configuring the Firewall If the PXE Representative is installed to an operating system with a firewall running. automatically allows the ports used by those services: • • C:\Program Files\LANDesk\PXE\System\PXEMFTP. Previous versions do not automatically register with the firewall. Note: When ordering new workstations from a hardware vendor. For a complete list of UDP ports used. these files are registered with the firewall when the PXE Representative is installed. however.) PXE Rep Client PXE Rep Client PXE Rep Client Client PXE Rep PXE Rep Step 5 . (such as Windows XP Service Pack 2) then the firewall must be opened to allow certain UDP ports. It is required that the BIOS be altered to enable PXE booting and it is recommended that PXE booting be first in the boot order.exe Note: As of 8. (Only used if the DHCP server tells the client to use it. Post-configuration .7 SP2.PXE Booting to WinPE and Capturing an Image The first step to PXE boot to WinPE is to configure the BIOS of a workstation that supports PXE. request that the BIOS come preconfigured with these settings on all newly arriving computers. 24 . PXE booting is not always enabled in the BIOS.exe C:\Program Files\LANDesk\PXE\System\PXESvc. the following post-configuration steps may need to be performed. By registering the following two files associated with the PXE Representative services with the Windows firewall. Most but not all computers manufactured in the past few years support PXE booting.Post-configuration of the PXE Representative Once the PXE Representative is deployed. Note: This menu is called the PXE Menu or F8 Menu and should not to be confused with the LANDesk Boot Menu which appears later. 4. Configure the BIOS to have PXE booting enabled. The PXE Representative must be installed on a device other than the device that is to be PXE booted. By default this prompt is displayed for the optimal setting of four seconds. 2.Do not try to PXE boot the PXE Representative. If the PXE Representative was correctly installed on the same subnet as this device and a DHCP server is available. Note: Different network cards may have a slightly different output than that shown below. a prompt to press F8 is displayed. 3. Press F8 before the prompt times out. The following PXE menu appears. Set the boot order to attempt to boot using PXE first. 25 . How to PXE boot a workstation and run the WinPE Capture script: 1. The next time the machine boots it will attempt to PXE boot as shown below. contact LANDesk support.img will begin downloading. 26 .Note: If this menu does not appear. 6. Scroll down and select LANDesk(R) WinPE Menu. PXE troubleshooting should be done. 5. If needed. Press Enter. LDVPE1. 27 .Once downloaded the device begins to boot to WinPE. WinPE then loads and starts running through the Factory Preinstallation process. The IP address is obtained from DHCP and connection to the Core Server is verified. When the booting process completes. 7. The WinPE Capture script appears in the list. Note: If the previous menu does not appear go to Appendix B – WinPE Troubleshooting. Click to expand WinPE. 28 . the PxeMenu screen appears. Click to expand PXE Boot Menu. 8. com/article. The PxeMenu closes and WinPE enters a state where it is waiting for commands to be sent to it from the Core Server. the imaging process begins. see the LANDesk KB Article 1889 – Troubleshooting the PXE Boot Menu hanging at "Waiting for Command". 29 . Note: If the imaging process does not begin. http://kb. Immediately after the DOS box. The following DOS box appears.landesk.63) window appears and the image begins to capture.asp?article=1889&p=5 If no errors occur. Double click WinPE Capture. Nothing more is displayed to the screen until the imaging process begins.9. the LANDesk® OS Deployment (1. The progress bar displays the progress until the capture is successful. The Create Windows OS Deployment Script window appears. The computer is rebooted and the image is successfully captured. From the Network View. Right-click My Scripts and click New Windows PE Configuration.Creating a WinPE OS Deployment Script How to create a WinPE OS Deployment script: 1. This step to PXE boot a workstation and run the WinPE Capture script is now complete. click Tools | Distribution | OS Deployment. Step 6 . 2. 30 . Type WinPE Deploy Sysprepped XP in the Name field. Type This script deploys a Sysprepped Windows XP image in the Description field. The Deploy Windows Image window appears. 31 . 4. 6. Click the Deploy Image radio button.3. 5. Click OK. The Methods and credentials window appears. Enter the credentials for the UNC authentication to the shares.7. Click to highlight Methods and credentials. 9. 32 . 8. Click to place a checkmark in the Image uses Sysprep checkbox. FQDN. Make sure the server name uses a value that can be resolved to an IP Address in WinPE. By default the selected Windows product is Windows XP and the Sysprep. or IP Address can be used here. 33 . The Sysprep Options window appears. Enter the path to the imaging tool. 12. The server’s hostname. The Image type and path window appears.inf file is in the correct location: c:\Sysprep\Sysprep. Include the name of the image in the path.inf. Enter the UNC path to the image that was just captured. 13. Make sure the server name uses a value that can be resolved to an IP Address in WinPE. The server’s hostname.10. Click to highlight Image type and path. or IP Address can be used here. 11. FQDN. Click to expand Sysprep Options. In this example advanced multiprocessor options are not used. enter that password where indicated. in the Organization field. Type a valid volume license key in the Volume license key field. 17. 15. Note: The depicted key is not a valid Volume license key. 18. Type LANDesk Software. click to highlight Image settings. Inc. Note: The Name value is not the computer name and cannot be the same as the computer name. If the administrator password was blank on the source image. Type Sales Team in the Name field. 14. If a password was set for the administrator account of the captured image. 16. 34 . Under Sysprep options. leave this field blank. No changes need to be made on this window. The Image settings window appears. If workstation should join the domain. 20. If a workstation should join a specific Organization Unit in Active Directory. Click to highlight Naming convention. By default the First attempt to get and use existing computer names from the Inventory database checkbox is checked. Otherwise leave this box unchecked. 35 . The Network credentials window appears. 21. 23. This field is not used in this example. Click to highlight Network credentials. Only uncheck this if the workstation exists in the LANDesk inventory database but is to receive a different name. The Naming convention window appears.19. click the Domain radio button and enter the Domain user name and Domain password. 22. check the Add device to an Active Directory OU check box and enter the OU name. This is based on the MAC Address. The LANDesk agent window appears. 25. This causes each machine to be named Sales-001. Note: In the example. 36 .EXE field. Enter the appropriate domain and user name in the Domain and user name field. Type \\CoreServer\LDLOGON in the UNC patch to directory containing WSCFG32. Sales-002. 27. The registry key is HKLM\Software\Intel\LANDesk\LDWN\CustJob\Sales-nnn and the DWORD name is ComputerNameRuleCount. This number value is stored on the Core Server in the registry and can be manually changed. Sales-nnn is used. Click to highlight LANDesk agent. 26. Sales-003.24. Type the naming convention to use if the device is not in inventory or if the inventory is not going to be used. etc. Click Save.inf. 37 . 28. 29. Retype the password in the Confirm password field. These commands process using the workstations local administrative account not an Active Directory account. so the share may not be accessible without credentials. Type the password that has access to the LDLOGON share in the Password field. The auto-generated command line to deploy the image is displayed. 30.The LDLOGON share will be accessed by the commands in the GUIRunOnce section of the Sysprep. Click and drag the new WinPE Deploy Sysprepped XP script to the PXE Boot Menu window and drop the script on top of the WinPE folder in the PXE Boot Menu.bat would be called instead of ImageW. 2. 38 . The PXE Boot Menu is now configured. From the Network View. The PXE Boot Menu should look similar to the following figure.bat.exe. Restall. 3.Note: Notice that ImageW. The Deploy script is now created and should be displayed in the Operating system deployment window under My Scripts. click Tools | Distribution | OS Deployment. 31. Click OK. Click the Update toolbar icon (the last icon on the right) to commit the changes.exe is called in this example instead of Restall. Step 7 – Adding the OS Deployment Script to the LANDesk® Boot Menu How to add the OS Deployment script to the PXE Boot Menu: 1. If a multi-partition image were being deployed. The second step is optional. For more information. A . The workstation is named according to the configuration provided on the Naming Convention window of the Sysprep section when creating a script to deploy and image. http://kb. but the BIOS may already be configured.csv file can be created with the MAC address. the MAC addresses can be requested prior to receiving the new workstations. This first is required.Step 8 – Preparing a Workstation to Be Imaged Preparing a workstation to be imaged involved the following two steps. • • Configuring the workstation’s BIOS to enable PXE booting (BIOS may already be configured). but recommended as it saves a lot of man hours used to rename computers if the computers are named correctly by the imaging process. it is required that the BIOS be configured to enable PXE booting. If the computer is not in the database. matching the desired computer name with the MAC address. Manually entering devices in the Management Suite Inventory database can be done quickly using csvImport. (Optional) Importing the workstation’s MAC Address and computer name into the Inventory database.csv file and allow these devices to be entered into the LANDesk database. This integration is done based on the MAC address.com/article. See Step 6 Creating a WinPE Deployment Script. If the workstation is coming from a third party vendor. see the LANDesk KB Article 2770 – Using the CSVImport Utility. and it is recommended that PXE booting be first in the boot order. csvImport.exe can read this . or a pre-configured workstation from a vendor. Whether the workstation is bare-bones. BIOS Configuration If the workstation is bare-bones.landesk. that is ok. Naming the Workstation in the Inventory Database Management Suite integrates with Sysprep to provide the option to name the workstation the same name that it already has in the Inventory database. the computer name. and any other desired value. 39 . a request can be made to the vendor to set the BIOS settings so that PXE is enabled and that PXE is first in the boot order. specifically sub-steps 20-22.exe.asp?article=2770&p=5 When purchasing new workstations from a vendor. the workstation can be manually entered into the database. PXE Booting to WinPE and Deploying the Sysprepped XP Image How to deploy the Sysprepped XP image: Note: Since in Step 5 . click to expand PXE Boot Menu. From the PxeMenu in WinPE. see the LANDesk KB Article 1889 – Troubleshooting the PXE Boot Menu hanging at "Waiting for Command". The PxeMenu closes and WinPE enters a state where it is waiting for commands to be sent to it from the Core Server. Click to highlight the WinPE Deploy Sysprepped XP script and press Enter. After the device boot to WinPE. 4. the PxeMenu is deplayed. 2. The imaging process should begin. 40 .landesk.Once the workstation’s MAC address and computer name are entered into the Inventory database. http://kb. select the LANDesk® WinPE Menu and press Enter to PXE boot to WinPE. the imaging process begins. The following DOS box appears.com/article. Click to expand WinPE.PXE Booting to the WinPE Menu and Capturing an Image a PXE boot to the WinPE Menu has been demonstrated. the steps and screenshots are not be repeated. Step 9 . 5. From the F8 Menu. PXE boot the workstation. 3.asp?article=1889&p=5 If no errors occur. 6. Note: If the imaging process does not begin. the workstation is automatically given the proper name after deploying a Sysprepped image. 1. Nothing more is displayed to the screen until the imaging process begins. inf file into the newly imaged hard drive. injecting the Sysprep. 41 . and expanding the partition to fill the entire drive.inf. but before the device is rebooted.The imaging process continues and displays a progress bar until it completes. Any tasks that must occur after the image is deployed. occur now. This screen may flash as each command completes. WinPE returns to the state where it is waiting for commands from the Core Server. These tasks include dynamically setting the computer name in the Sysprep. • • • • • • The imaging process is now complete. This uses the Sysprep. and reboot again. it will do the following automatically: • Run through mini-setup. and sets the device to reboot. − The first of these commands runs an ldsleep. − The fourth command disconnects the mapped drive. LANDesk adds four commands to the GUIRunOnce by default. As the machine boots back up. • • • • • Creating a Source Image Creating a WinPE Capture Script Configuring the Boot Menu Installing the PXE Representative PXE Booting to the WinPE Menu and Capturing an Image 42 . enable autologon. Boot up and load the LANDesk services.inf file to automatically name the computer. without starting any LANDesk services. and/or a Security Scan. This reboot is important for security to prevent the machine from remaining logged in as the local administrator. Run the GUIRunOnce commands. including and inventory scan. − The third command installs the LANDesk Agent. The Sysprep folder is deleted by the Sysprep process which is important as the Sysprep. − The second commands maps a drive the LDOGON share on the Core Server. • Reboot (caused by the LANDesk Agent installation). Policy-based delivery (Software Distribution). the following steps should have been completed in order. configure the GUIRunOnce commands. Run any task configured to run in the LANDesk Agent using the Local Scheduler services. the device reboots. join it to the correct domain and OU. Run any extra commands added to the end of the OSD Script. it is important to note that while these commands run. the machine is not accessible.exe command to allow the services to finish loading. Automatically logon as the local administrator. For security. Summary In this quick start guide.Once these tasks are complete.inf contains usernames and password in clear text. exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/ldlinux. and Vista are considered NT machines. REMEXEC0 uninstalls a previously installed PXE Representative.sif" REMEXEC5=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.cfg" REMEXEC6=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient. . ERR [OWNER] TYPE=OSDOTHERS The [Machines_NT] Section contains the remote execute (REMEXEC) commands.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/ldvpe1.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/ldlogon/provisioning/windows/prov_star tnet. The following is an example script. 2000. 43 . This file was generated by Desktop Manager [MACHINES_NT] REMEXEC0=MsiExec.• • • • Creating a WinPE OS Deployment Script Adding the Deployment Script to the LANDesk Boot Menu Preparing a Workstation to Be Imaged PXE Booting to the WinPE Menu and Deploying the Image Appendix A – Troubleshooting the PXE Representative Deployment Script In order to troubleshoot the WinPE Capture script an understanding of the script is needed.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/ldlogon/provisioning/linux/WinPE.msi" /msi /N /An /Ac /g="{F238CE99-6614-4072-9D20-1D2FA7ED951A}" REMEXEC7=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\LDISCN32.exe<qt/> /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/files/osdrep.exe /q /X{F238CE99-6614-4072-9D20-1D2FA7ED951A} REMEXEC1=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.cmd" REMEXEC4=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.defau lt.img" REMEXEC3=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient. 2003. The remote executes are skipped on other operating systems. XP.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/ldlogon/provisioning/windows/prov_winn t.img" REMEXEC2=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient. Only Windows NT.EXE<qt/> /NTT=%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%:5007 /S="%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%" /F /SYNC /NOUI [MACHINES_95] SETSTATUS=1240. memory can be allocated to the video card. use the Resize the Windows PE image toolbar icon in the LANDesk Console. fails to boot. Appendix B – WinPE Troubleshooting WinPE is an environment similar to Windows XP but stripped down to only include essential functionality. Some workstations may require more than 256 MB of RAM. Opening a Command Prompt and Using Available Tools The following is a list of possible troubleshooting steps. REMEXEC6 downloads and runs the OSDRep. 2. To do this. then only 192 MB is available.msi. The [OWNER] section is used by the LANDesk Console and is not explained here. Verify that the latest service pack has been applied to the Core Server and the PXE Representative has been reinstalled since applying the service pack. The workstation has the minimum of 256 MB of RAM available. The [MACHINES_95] section is only processed if the workstation’s OS is Windows 95/98/ME. 3. which is the PXE Representative installer. The PXE Representative is not supported on such operating systems and the deployment is forced to fail using SETSTATUS. To verify that the network card was detected. type the following in the command prompt: 44 . Verify that at least 4 MB of space is available in the WinPE image. Many of the processes used to troubleshoot Windows XP can be used when troubleshooting WinPE. verify the following: 1. Almost all troubleshooting begins with opening a command prompt and running tools that are available to WinPE. Troubleshoot Boot Failures If WinPE fails to download. If a workstation has 256 MB of RAM but 64 MB is allocated to the video card. 1. or reboot during the boot up process. Common failures may occur if the PXE Representative does not properly get uninstalled by the first line.REMEXEC1 through REMEXEC5 downloads the boot image files needed for the PXE Representative installation. REMEXEC7 runs and inventory scan. To open a command prompt click Go | New Console 2. Note: Be aware that some BIOSes. To verify that the drive was detected. This issue is 45 . Adding a driver to WinPE If WinPE boots but does not load the driver for the drive controller or network card. type the following in a command prompt: ping CoreServer 7.asp?article=3469&p=5 Be aware that LANDesk uses a Microsoft’s WinPE environment based off of Windows 2003 SP1 Server. Some workstations have been seen to hang after booting when loading the network card due to an IRQ conflict. http://kb. In some rare cases the video adapter driver is needed. To see what ports are open. To open Task Manager type the following in a command prompt: taskmgr. To add a driver to WinPE. type the following in the command prompt: diskpart This enters the DISKPART> prompt. the hardware vendor need to be contacted. To map a drive. If adding a new network card driver does not resolve this issue. a driver may need to be added.ipconfig 3. LANDesk does not build or develop WinPE. LANDesk does not build or develop drivers for WinPE.How to Add Drivers to the WinPE boot image. To test connectivity to the Core Server.landesk.exe 5. type the following in a command prompt: netstat –a Other tools are available by default and even more can be added or launched from a network share. see Post-configuration Step 3 – Adding Drivers to the WinPE Image earlier in the document or see KB Article 3469 . The drivers are developed by the hardware vendor and usually are the same drivers for Windows XP/2003. type the following in a command prompt: net use * \\server\share /user:Domain\user password 6. At the DISKPART> prompt type the following: list disk 4.com/article. [JOBPARAMS] Section This section is for settings that are global for the entire custom script. add CREATEMANUALLY=TRUE to this section. In this script there are four sections: • • • • [VALUES] [OWNER] [JOBPARAMS] [MACHINES] Under each section is a property with a value. It means that if any line in the script fails. Commenting this line out allows the script to process but leaves the workstation in the WinPE environment.related to the way IRQs are used when booting WinPE over the network. For example. ABORT_ON_CMD_FAILURE=1 affects all lines not just one. The command prompt can be accessed and the failing command can be entered manually and tested. When a script is edited. If the script is to be edited manually. the values in the Console are derived from those in the [VALUES] section. Each value corresponds to a field in the GUI. []. 46 . Property=Value [VALUES] Section The [VALUES] section is for use when editing the script in the Management Suite Console. OS Deployment Scripts Explained Capture scripts are in the standard INI file format in that they have sections that begin with headers in square brackets. Appendix C – Troubleshooting a WinPE OS Deployment Script The best method to troubleshoot a failing WinPE OS Deployment script is to comment out the last line that reboots the workstation. the entire task fails and the task aborts. Such issues cannot be resolved by LANDesk. [OWNER] Section The [OWNER] section is mostly for use by Management Suite Core Server as well as the LANDesk Boot Menu. Workarounds include disabling the problematic network card and using a different network card or using the BIOS to force the network card to use a different IRQ. exe" REMEXEC7=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/tlibr16.dll" REMEXEC3=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.exe" REMEXEC1=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient. SYNC [OWNER] GUID=7bb9cd9d-bb3a-4f45-8a1e-b1fbdd088625 OSDPLUG=TRUE DESCRIPTION=This captures all partitions on the first drive NAME=WinPE Capture TYPE=WinPE [JOBPARAM] ABORT_ON_CMD_FAILURE=1 TASK_COMPLETION_ENABLED=FALSE [MACHINES] REMEXEC0=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/lddefrag.7 SP2 [VALUES] Task=7 ScriptName=WinPE Capture ScriptDescription=This captures all partitions on the first drive FallBackNIC= UseFallBackNIC=FALSE ImageUserName=admin ImageDomain=Domain. Sample WinPE Capture Script from 8.[MACHINES] Section This section contains the tasks that are to be run on the Machine.exe" REMEXEC4=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient. Before troubleshooting either an OS Deployment capture or a deploy script.exe ImageToolCmd=RunBatch -1 H:\osd\imaging backall.bat 0 i:\%Computer .exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/cicfgmgr.Device Name{6}%.dll" REMEXEC2=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.com ImagePassword=1053C9FC81E60EEC3DF260F1E5A ImageToolType=5 ImageUNC=\\ImageServer\images ToolUNC=\\CoreServer\ldmain\osd\imaging\imagew.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/copyfile.ini" REMEXEC8=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/ldvpe0.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/bootfile.vxd" REMEXEC5=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/tlibr32. STATUS FACILITY=3510.vxd" REMEXEC6=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient. an understanding of the script is necessary.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/cindis.img" 47 .exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/winbom. img <qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\winbom.sif.exe" REMEXEC17=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\diskinfo.exe<qt/> /f /o /dest="%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\diskinfo.txt REMEXEC25=diskpart /s X:\LDClient\assvol.cfg<qt/> \ldclient\ldiscan. 48 .exe" /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/files/diskinfo.txt REMEXEC26=cmd /c del /f /q C:\ldvpe1. STATUS FACILITY=3513 REMEXEC23=drvmap.exe Domain\admin 1053C9FC81E60EEC3DF260F1E5A H: <qt/>\\CoreServer\ldmain<qt/>. TIMEOUT=3600 REMEXEC28=reboot. This document describes using PXE boot and only lines after BEGINWINPE=TRUE are processed.cfg REMEXEC15=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\copyfile.sif REMEXEC19=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\lddefrag.ini REMEXEC16=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient. STATUS FACILITY=3510. timeout=2 WinPE Capture Script Dissected Only the [MACHINES] section is dissected here.exe<qt/> <qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\winbom.exe Domain\admin 1053C9FC81E60EEC3DF260F1E5A I: <qt/>\\ImageServer\images<qt/>.cfg" /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/guid. The first part of the [MACHINES] section that includes REMEXEC0 through REMEXEC20 is not discussed here.new<qt/> \winnt.pds" REMEXEC12=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\tokreplw.img" REMEXEC10=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.img<qt/>.exe" REMEXEC11=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.exe<qt/> %LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\ldvpe0.img /keep /bootunsafe. TIMEOUT=1800 REMEXEC22=drvmap.bat 0 i:\%Computer Device Name{6}%.exe<qt/> <qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\ldiscan.sif.img REMEXEC27=RunBatch -1 H:\osd\imaging backall. STATUS FACILITY=3513 REMEXEC24=diskpart /s X:\LDClient\rmvol.cfg<qt/> DEVICEID=%Computer Device ID% REMEXEC13=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\tokreplw.img" /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/ldvpe1.exe<qt/> <qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\ldvpe0. As explained previously.ini<qt/> \winbom.exe<qt/> update_winnt_sif <qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\winnt. SYNC. the other sections are for the LANDesk Console or simply settings.exe<qt/> <qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\ldvpe0.img<qt/> <qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\winnt. ASYNC BEGINWINPE=TRUE REMPING21=WINPE.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/tokreplw.ini<qt/> COMPUTERNAME=%Computer Device Name% REMEXEC14=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\copyfile.new<qt/> REMEXEC18=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\copyfile.exe<qt/> c:\ldvpe1. STATUS REMEXEC20=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\bootfile.REMEXEC9=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.img <qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\ldiscan.exe<qt/> c:\ldvpe1.exe<qt/> /f /o /dest="C:\ldvpe1.exe<qt/> /f /o /dest="%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\ldiscan. exe Domain\admin 1053C9FC81E60EEC3DF260F1E5A I: <qt/>\\ImageServer\images<qt/>.exe resides.txt This line uses Microsoft’s diskpart. Drvmap. STATUS FACILITY=3513 This line is used to map a drive to the share where the image tool ImageW. REMEXEC27=RunBatch -1 H:\osd\imaging backall.txt This line uses Microsoft’s diskpart. TIMEOUT=1800 This line performs a CBA ping that queries the workstation for the WinPE version of the LANDesk Agent.exe Domain\admin 1053C9FC81E60EEC3DF260F1E5A H: <qt/>\\CoreServer\ldmain<qt/>. Backall. REMEXEC22=drvmap. or others.exe tool to reassign volumes. SYNC.exe to remove any volumes that may possibly already exist. STATUS FACILITY=3510. Sample WinPE Deployment Script from 8. REMEXEC24=diskpart /s X:\LDClient\rmvol.img file that from the hard drive after a LANDesk vboot.7 SP2 [VALUES] Task=8 ScriptName=WinPE Deploy Sysprepped XP 49 .bat 0 i:\%Computer Device Name{6}%. USB drives.exe to capture an image of all the partitions on the first drive.exe is a simple executable that decrypts the hashed password before mapping a drive. CD or DVD drives. REMPING21=WINPE. this line fails. REMEXEC26=cmd /c del /f /q C:\ldvpe1. These are cleared so that they can be reassigned in the following line.bat calls ImageAlw. It is used to delete the LDVPE1. STATUS FACILITY=3513 This line is used to map a drive to the share where the image is to be stored.exe is a simple executable that decrypts the hashed password before mapping a drive.exe and ImageW. Drvmap. REMEXEC25=diskpart /s X:\LDClient\assvol. timeout=2 This line is reboots the device once the image has been captured. TIMEOUT=3600 This line calls RunBatch.bat. If the LANDesk Agent is not detected within 1800 seconds. REMEXEC28=reboot. Volumes may point to hard drives. REMEXEC23=drvmap. a tool that runs batch files.BEGINWINPE=TRUE This line is used to determine the point in the script where commands that are to run only in WinPE begin.img This line is not necessary during a PXE boot. which calls Backall. ScriptDescription=This script deploys a Sysprepped Windows XP image MCast=0 FallBackNIC= UseFallBackNIC=FALSE ImageUserName=admin ImageDomain=Domain.img ToolUNC=\\CoreServer\ldmain\osd\imaging\imagew.com ClientInstallUsername=admin ClientInstallPassword=1053C9FC81E60EEC3DF260F1E5A ClientInstallUNC=\\CoreServer\ldlogon ConfigProcessors=0 ImageHWType=0 ImageOSType=0 ImageProcessorType=0 RemoteProcessorPath=%windir%\inf\hal.inf SysPrepTargetedType=0 UseInventoryName=1 ComputerNameTemplate=Sales-nnn ClientInstallDomain=Domain.inf RemoteSysPrepCopyPath=c:\sysprep\sysprep. SYNC ImageToolCmdsFile=\\CoreServer\LDMAIN\LANDESK\FILES\WinPE Deploy Sysprepped XP. STATUS FACILITY=3510.com ImagePassword=1053C9FC81E60EEC3DF260F1E5A ImageToolType=5 ImageUNC=\\ImageServer\images\31FC4A00.img.exe ImageToolCmd=RunBatch -1 h:\osd\imaging imagew.txt IsSysPrepImage=1 IsVistaSysPrep=0 UseExistingSysPrep=0 ExistingSysPrepFile= SysPrepFile=\\CoreServer\LDMAIN\LANDESK\FILES\WinPE Deploy Sysprepped XP.inf ConfigAdvancedMCast=0 UseWOL=FALSE WOLSeconds=120 DiscoveryType=0 MaxTMCThreads=5 MinTMCSleep=1 MaxTMCSleep=200 SubrepTTL=14 TargetTTL=2 [OWNER] GUID=eeff8fb7-8ea1-4fe8-9385-9a950f687b69 OSDPLUG=TRUE DESCRIPTION=This script deploys a Sysprepped Windows XP image NAME=WinPE Deploy Sysprepped XP TYPE=WinPE [JOBPARAM] ABORT_ON_CMD_FAILURE=1 TASK_COMPLETION_ENABLED=FALSE 50 .exe /RN /O i:\31FC4A00. cfg<qt/> \ldclient\ldiscan.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/cindis.new<qt/> REMEXEC18=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\copyfile.ini" REMEXEC8=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.exe<qt/> /f /o /dest="%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\diskinfo.img<qt/> <qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\winnt.ini<qt/> COMPUTERNAME=%Computer Device Name% REMEXEC14=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\copyfile. ASYNC BEGINWINPE=TRUE REMPING21=WINPE.img <qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\ldiscan.pds" REMEXEC12=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\tokreplw.exe<qt/> /f /o /dest="C:\ldvpe1.cfg" /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/guid.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/tlibr16.img" /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/ldvpe1.exe" /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/files/diskinfo.sif. STATUS REMEXEC20=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\bootfile.exe<qt/> <qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\winbom.exe<qt/> c:\ldvpe1.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/winbom.AUTOCOMPUTERNAME=Sales-nnn [MACHINES] REMEXEC0=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/bootfile.vxd" REMEXEC6=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/ldvpe0.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/tokreplw.exe" REMEXEC17=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\diskinfo.exe<qt/> c:\ldvpe1.vxd" REMEXEC5=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.sif REMEXEC19=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\lddefrag.ini<qt/> \winbom.exe<qt/> /f /o /dest="%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\ldiscan.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/cicfgmgr.exe" REMEXEC4=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.exe<qt/> <qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\ldiscan.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/lddefrag.exe<qt/> %LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\ldvpe0.ini REMEXEC16=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.exe" REMEXEC7=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.exe" REMEXEC1=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/tlibr32.dll" REMEXEC2=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.img" REMEXEC9=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.exe<qt/> /f /o /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/vboot/copyfile.img" REMEXEC10=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.cfg<qt/> DEVICEID=%Computer Device ID% REMEXEC13=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\tokreplw.new<qt/> \winnt.dll" REMEXEC3=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.exe<qt/> update_winnt_sif <qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\winnt. TIMEOUT=1800 51 .cfg REMEXEC15=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\copyfile.img <qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\winbom.exe<qt/> <qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\ldvpe0.sif.exe<qt/> <qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\ldvpe0.img /keep /bootunsafe.exe" REMEXEC11=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\sdclient.img<qt/>. timeout=2 WinPE Deploy Script Dissected As the lines from REMEXEC0 through REMXEC20 are identical to those of a capture script. these lines are not repeated here.exe" /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/files/ldsleep.REMEXEC22=drvmap. the other sections are for the LANDesk Console or simply settings.Device ID% REMEXEC36=tokreplw C:\LDISCAN.CFG REMEXEC35=tokreplw C:\LDISCAN.exe Domain\admin 1053C9FC81E60EEC3DF260F1E5A H: <qt/>\\CoreServer\ldmain<qt/>. STATUS FACILITY=3513 REMEXEC23=drvmap.exe" /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/files/diskinfo. SYNC REMEXEC27=sdclient /f /o /dest="X:\LDClient\diskinfo.txt" /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/files/assvol. As explained previously.exe<qt/> /f /o /dest="x:\ldclient\fixntfs. This document describes using PXE boot and only lines after BEGINWINPE=TRUE are processed. STATUS REMEXEC32=sdclient /f /o /dest="C:\ldsleep. STATUS FACILITY=3510.bat" REMEXEC38=sdclient.exe<qt/> /f /o /dest="x:\ldclient\fixvista.Device Name% REMEXEC34=cmd /c copy /y X:\LDClient\guid.CFG IMAGEPATH=\\ImageServer\images\31FC4A00.exe Domain\admin 1053C9FC81E60EEC3DF260F1E5A I: <qt/>\\ImageServer\images<qt/>.txt REMEXEC25=cmd /c format /Y /FS:NTFS /Q /V:C-DRIVE c: REMEXEC26=RunBatch -1 h:\osd\imaging imagew.exe" REMEXEC39=sdclient. The first part of the [MACHINES] section that includes REMEXEC0 through REMEXEC20 is not discussed here.pds C:\LDISCAN.CFG DEVICEID=%Computer . STATUS REMEXEC29=tokreplw X:\LDClient\assvol.exe". 52 . Only the [MACHINES] section is dissected here.txt partition=1 REMEXEC30=diskpart /s X:\LDClient\assvol. STATUS REMEXEC33=tokreplw C:\sysprep\sysprep.bat REMEXEC41=diskinfo extend_last_partition REMEXEC42=reboot.exe /RN /O i:\31FC4A00. STATUS REMEXEC28=sdclient /f /o /dest="X:\LDClient\assvol.txt REMEXEC31=sdclient /f /o /dest="C:\sysprep\sysprep.exe" /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/files/bcdedit.inf".inf" /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/files/WinPE%20Deploy%20Sysprep ped%20XP.exe<qt/> /f /o /dest="x:\ldclient\bcdedit.exe". STATUS FACILITY=3513 REMEXEC24=diskpart /s X:\LDClient\wipeDisk0.exe" /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/files/fixntfs.txt".bat" /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/files/FixVista. BEGINWINPE=TRUE This line is used to determine the point in the script where commands that are to run only in WinPE begin.img.inf COMPUTERNAME=%Computer .exe" REMEXEC40=RunBatch -1 X:\LDCLient x:\ldclient\FixVista.img REMEXEC37=sdclient. REMEXEC24=diskpart /s X:\LDClient\wipeDisk0. Drvmap. SYNC This line calls RunBatch. STATUS FACILITY=3510. instead of directly calling ImageW. STATUS FACILITY=3513 This line is used to map a drive to the share where the image tool ImageW. 53 .exe is a simple executable that decrypts the hashed password before mapping a drive.exe and is included for another imaging utility that may need it. REMEXEC27=sdclient /f /o /dest="X:\LDClient\diskinfo.exe resides.exe.exe Domain\admin 1053C9FC81E60EEC3DF260F1E5A H: <qt/>\\CoreServer\ldmain<qt/>. If the LANDesk Agent is not detected within 1800 seconds.exe to deploy a single partition image to the first drive.exe". Diskinfo.exe.REMPING21=WINPE. Drvmap. REMEXEC23=drvmap.exe. RunBatch would have called Restall.exe with these parameters: /f (file transfer). which uses ImageAlw. This command in not necessary for ImageW.exe is used to expand a partition to fill the entire drive. The image is written to the hard drive here. /dest (destination path). STATUS This line calls sdclient. TIMEOUT=1800 This line performs a CBA ping that queries the workstation for the WinPE version of the LANDesk Agent. and /p (source path).exe" /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/files/diskinfo. a tool that runs batch files. This line is used to download diskinfo. Note: If the image being deployed was a multi-partition image.exe tool to wipe all partition from the drive. /o (overwrite). REMEXEC25=cmd /c format /Y /FS:NTFS /Q /V:C-DRIVE c: This line is uses Microsoft’s format. STATUS FACILITY=3513 This line is used to map a drive to the share where the image is to be stored. which calls ImageW.exe tool to format the drive using NTFS.bat.exe /RN /O i:\31FC4A00.exe Domain\admin 1053C9FC81E60EEC3DF260F1E5A I: <qt/>\\ImageServer\images<qt/>. The file is downloaded from the source to the destination. REMEXEC22=drvmap.img.txt This line is uses Microsoft’s diskpart. this line fails.exe is a simple executable that decrypts the hashed password before mapping a drive. REMEXEC26=RunBatch -1 h:\osd\imaging imagew. it is placed on the C drive in the Sysprep folder and named Sysprep.exe" /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/files/ldsleep. On the source. and /p (source path).exe with the assvol.exe. LDSleep. STATUS This line calls sdclient.exe with these parameters: /f (file transfer).exe with these parameters: /f (file transfer).inf is named after the script. The file is downloaded from the source to the destination. /o (overwrite). but when downloaded. This setting is configured when created the OS Deployment script on the Image type and path screen. STATUS This line calls sdclient. the C drive is partition=1. REMEXEC29=tokreplw X:\LDClient\assvol. and /p (source path).txt partition=1 This line uses tokreplw.txt This line calls diskpart.txt is a script used with diskpart. however if the system had a vendor partition as the first partition. /dest (destination path).exe is used as the first command in the GUIRunOnce section of Sysprep to wait 30 seconds to allow other services to start on the workstation before starting to run other GUIRunOnce commands. REMEXEC30=diskpart /s X:\LDClient\assvol. /dest (destination path). a tool used to replace tokens in a text file. causing the LANDesk Agent to not install. and /p (source path). REMEXEC31=sdclient /f /o /dest="C:\sysprep\sysprep.txt" /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/files/assvol. STATUS This line calls sdclient. 54 . to modify the assvol. /o (overwrite).exe file.txt". the C drive should be set to partition=2.exe.inf file.exe". In this example.REMEXEC28=sdclient /f /o /dest="X:\LDClient\assvol. /dest (destination path).inf.exe to assign the correct volumes. This line is used to download sysprep.txt. the net use command in the GUIRunOnce section of Sysprep may fail. Assvol. This executes the script to assign the C drive to the correct partition on the correct volume. The file is downloaded from the source to the destination.inf".inf" /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/files/WinPE%20Deploy%20Sysprep ped%20XP. Without ldsleep.txt script. /o (overwrite).exe with these parameters: /f (file transfer). which causes the workstation to remain logged in as a local administrator. This line is used to download assvol.txt so that the correct partition is set to be the C drive. the sysprep. This line is used to download ldsleep. REMEXEC32=sdclient /f /o /dest="C:\ldsleep. The file is downloaded from the source to the destination. CFG DEVICEID=%Computer .REMEXEC33=tokreplw C:\sysprep\sysprep.exe<qt/> /f /o /dest="x:\ldclient\fixntfs.inf COMPUTERNAME=%Computer Device Name% This line uses tokreplw. 55 . a tool used to replace tokens in a text file. it uses the same Device ID that is listed in this file.inf so that the correct computer name is used. and /p (source path).exe" REMEXEC39=sdclient.pds C:\LDISCAN.img The above two lines uses tokreplw. /o (overwrite). This allows an existing workstation to have the same Device ID after it is re-imaged.exe to extend the last partition to fill the entire drive.exe" /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/files/bcdedit.CFG to contain the correct Device ID and the IMAGEPATH.exe<qt/> /f /o /dest="x:\ldclient\fixvista. REMEXEC37=sdclient.Device Name% uses the current name if the workstation exists in the LANDesk inventory database or it uses the alternate naming scheme configured when creating the OS Deployment script.exe" /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/files/fixntfs.Device ID% REMEXEC36=tokreplw C:\LDISCAN. The file is downloaded from the source to the destination. REMEXEC35=tokreplw C:\LDISCAN. When the agent installs. The database token %Computer . to dynamically modify sysprep.exe. REMEXEC41=diskinfo extend_last_partition This line calls diskinfo.CFG IMAGEPATH=\\ImageServer\images\31FC4A00. /dest (destination path).bat This line calls RunBatch to launch a FixVista.CFG This line copies a file to the C drive called LDISCAN.exe<qt/> /f /o /dest="x:\ldclient\bcdedit. a tool used to replace tokens in a text file. REMEXEC34=cmd /c copy /y X:\LDClient\guid. and if it is there.CFG. These lines are used to download tools needed to make images for Windows Vista work and are not necessary unless imaging Vista. This line is not necessary unless imaging Windows Vista.bat which in turn calls the tools needed to make images for Windows Vista work. to dynamically modify LDISCAN.bat" /p="http://%CUSTJOBHOSTIP%/landesk/files/FixVista. REMEXEC40=RunBatch -1 X:\LDCLient x:\ldclient\FixVista.exe with these parameters: /f (file transfer).exe. These values will be visible in the LANDesk inventory database after the device installs the LANDesk Agent and send in a scan.bat" REMEXEC38=sdclient. it looks for this file.exe" The above three lines call sdclient. the following line must be created in the [OWNER] section of the script. The information for the script is stored in the database and the script may be recreated from this information when the task is scheduled. the Core Server writes the result to a log file. this log file is in the following directory: • • C:\Program Files\LANDesk\ManagementSuite\Log cj-OSD-[Name of Script]-[MMDDYYYY]-[HHMMSS]. this log should show the result of each command. the script will not be overwritten.log The file name looks as follows: As of Management Suite 8. timeout=2 This line calls reboots the workstation as the imaging process is now complete and the device is ready to reboot and run through mini-setup.com/support/download/mgtsuite6. However.7 and later.landesk. This document describes many powerful features.62/docs/using custom scripts 1. [OWNER] CREATEMANUALLY=TRUE Without this line. http://www. Appendix D – Custom Modifications to an OS Deployment Script Script can be modified as text files by right-clicking the script in the Management Suite Console and clicking Advanced edit. if this line exists. whether launched from the Management Suite Console or from the LANDesk Boot Menu after PXE booting. By default. The best method for troubleshooting is to comment out the reboot line at the end of the script and access the command prompt when the script finishes.0.inf in c:\sysprep. download and review the Using Custom Scripts whitepaper.7 SP2. For more information on custom modifications of scripts.pdf New Requirement for Making a Custom Modification to an OS Deployment Script In Management Suite 8. which is automated because of the presence of the sysprep.REMEXEC42=reboot. when manually modifying an OS Deployment script. the script may be overwritten when the task is scheduled. Reading Logs Results of an OS Deployment Script When an OS Deployment script runs. 56 . The example contains many comments. Note: The scheduled task must be targeted to a query and the workstation must be included in that query once it send inventory to the LANDesk database.Adding Commands to the End of an OS Deployment Script Commands can be added manually to the end of an OS Deployment script. LOCEXEC30="C:\Program Files\LANDesk\ManagementSuite\schedqry. comments be added to explain why the line was added. It is recommended that when adding lines. run the GUIRunOnce commands. inventory scan has been processes by the Core Server. Comments can be added.This is a comment. If adding commands afterwards. This Task ID is in the name of the Software Distribution task’s log file. The scan must have . and reboot again before the LANDesk Agent can be detected. Instead of the /allqueries switch. one time. Sleep again to make sure the query has time to evaluate and . . This means the device must reboot. Warning: This causes processing on the Core Server for each . Remember. this section will only describe how to add lines to the end of the script. SLEEP29=300 . runs a command on the core to update a query for the task so . the query includes the newly imaged device. the LANDesk Agent is installed by the GUIRunOnce section of the Sysprep. The last line reboots the workstation.inf. the following line must check for the LANDesk Agent. update the task. A commented line is any line that begins with a semicolon (.exe" /allqueries . allow 5 more minutes just to make . Lines that are not comments are in bold. This line may not . run through Sysprep. Launch Policy-based delivery (amclient. . SLEEP31=60 . . more time . The timeout needs to be set long enough to allow all this to occur. REMEXEC27=reboot . a /policy=<TaskID>) switch . be needed if amclient. This only resolves the queries for one task which . The Task ID must be obtained. This is an example of how to have a Scheduled Task execute to deploy software via a policy on the workstation after it is fully booted up and ready. sure all services are started with a SLEEP line and that the . This . processed by now. can be added if needed. device that runs this script. This next line waits for the reboots and the LANDesk Agent REMPING28=WIN TIMEOUT=900 . Do not run on too many devices at . Runing a LOCEXEC runs the command on the Core server.exe). Once the Agent is detected. can be used.exe is configured to run with Local 57 .). uses less overhead. While lines can be added to any place inside the script for numerous reasons. . Scheduler. and Vista) Command Prompt Access A A A A A A A A A A A A* A* A M 58 .elf Managed PXE Boot PXE Menu Managed VBoot Capture Single Partition Deploy Single Partition Capture Multiple Partitions Deploy Multiple Partitions Multicast Single Partition Multicast Multiple Partitions Expand partition to fill drive Capture/Deploy partitions from/to IDE Drives Capture/Deploy partitions from/to SCSI Drives Capture/Deploy partitions from/to SATA Drives Sysprep Integration (2000. . other policy tasks happened to evaluate their queries as well. . as does WinPE and DOS PE.6 kernel and supports all the hardware supported by that kernel. If . then other .exe<qt/> /apm /s /ro . ASYNC runs that task without waiting for a status. Capturing Windows bases operating systems is part of the primary design. Status can . While WinPE does not require extra licensing. it does not support the full range of OS Deployment features. WinPE can capture and deploy images of any operating system. The following is a support matrix for OS Deployment using WinPE. Imaging Features with WinPE and Imagel.elf provides a fast and cost effective method for quickly capturing and deploying images in a Linux environment. ASYNC . End of Custom Edits to the script Appendix E .WinPE and ImageW Feature Matrix WinPE is based on the Linux 2. 2003. XP. policies may be applied by this process. . ImageL. REMEXEC32=<qt/>%LDMS_CLIENT_DIR%\amclient. now be obtained by watching the Scheduled Task for software. not just Linux. as this device resolved as a target of the query. M (Manual) or U (Untested) Manual means that this process is possible but manual modifications will need to be made to the scripts to make this process work.exe can be seen by running it manually in a command prompt with a “/?” switch. in fact. A U A A A M A (Automated) This means that this process is supported and the Management Suite Console will automatically configure the scripts to do this process.ImageW. NS (Not Supported) This means that this process is not supported. remove it. it is recommended that the source partition be smaller in size than the smallest hard drive to which the image will be deployed.exe Command line parameters for ImageX. Untested means that this process is untested and though it may be possible. 59 .exe Command line parameters for other Imaging tools * Drivers may need to be added to support drive controllers. the partition on the source image does not have to fill the entire drive.Capture/Deploy to/from UNC Share Capture/Deploy to/from CD Command line parameters for ImageW. build a source image with only one partition. If the drive includes an OEM partition.exe Command Line Switches The command line switches for ImageW. Also. it is not supported.exe Command line parameters for Ghost32. Appendix F . Important: For best results when capturing and deploying and image. 60 .
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