Origin of Kundalini in Journal Jan2013 Copy

March 22, 2018 | Author: nappygorby | Category: Photon, Electron, Light, Applied And Interdisciplinary Physics, Nature



f o H a o.f to,1 7 5 yg, v q; ; id -o !o o.o X'a S.X I ;.6 sXsHf;lr=H r'4!J-;. lv.A +[E u rE e-B EE Fd .*3 r sa XIE < !r;i-A = o FJfn !i.r^H-* -PAUV=6 The |ournal for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies Vol.36, Ntrmber ,_.1 e'= &t [1+i !q E'H-t x.>tr d aIql &s I * c 6'; * s !E g eba il6q Xa']P< E 1 |anuary 2013 Q v6 FEg' H tEx 30{ :hx [d o chh n.{ po 54 Qu) 3F6 (fD 6\ MEET OUR UTRITERS EDITORIAL: WAS WILLIAM IAMES A WIIVIP? ''5r:Fr i^* Tft '.d' ARTICLES MENTAL HEALTHCARE IN BRAZIUS SPIRITIST PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALS BELIEVERS MISTAKEN OR FAII]H.FUL? bv Emrna Bragdon, Ph.D.....6 by Coyd Walker....l7 9D) CL CL Y5. POST-DEATH EXPERIENCES AND THE EMOTION OF HOPE by Callum E. Cooper, M.Res.....24 G o o o o o o *. o J tn irO itsI IN SEAITCH OF THE ORIC]IN OF KUNDALINI by Jeanne Lim, M8A...29 THE FIFTHDIMENSION OII GOD WITHOUTRELICION rr (n o (o ID (,J bv Howard Jones, Ph.D......40 BOOK REVIEWS Cotrsciousness anil the llniaerse: Quantum Physics, Eoolution, Brain &Minil by Sir Roger U] cn Penrose Dr. ]ames Paul Pandarakalam .....46 o lt tr o o o .L 5 E o' o (r: !'r Ditrine Manents: Otdbrary People haaing STtirttuolitq kansformafioe Expefiences by Nancy Clark This Book is Fron the Future by Marie D. |ones & Larry Flaxman The Lnst Frontier bv Iulia Assante, l'h.D Telt Ca}lum E. Cooper.....49 (]lenda Harvley, Ph.D.....51 Michael E. Tymn......53 Michael E. Tymn......S4 Michael E. Trlmn.....55 My Mother l'm Nat Dend by Trevor Hamilton Proaf of Heazten, by Eben Alexander, M.D.' Science and the Afterlife Experience: Eaidence for the lrumortality of Colsciouvtess Michael E. Tvmn.....S7 Michael E. Tymn.....58 by Chris Carter Tzoin Teleyathy by Guy L.l']layfair P.O. 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Subscriptior"rs for libraries $20 per annum.9. lrastor.'*li...i-i*ilia ..-.$f. .rnd other aci. y.inary ' She is also Kaidec's Spiritism and.vith.:Ti.'. points of vicrv and intcrch"rngt' of idcas irr thc.-iqli'oiili'it"at the editor Hooli"nv Extraord.tft]ffi eafifornia..'. Cl' 06002-0614 USA Phone (860) 242-4593. The ACADEMY rvili ende'avor to sponsor con-ferences and iymposi.i:fr E U.chical rcscnrl:hcl's.. ru says there seems to be a link to the pineal gland from the retina. adocumentary about the practice of sun gazing. InEat the Sun. which is a neurotransmitter that is iesponsible for making us relaxed and putting us to sleep by enabling us to sense light and darkness. eaen though some of the'lrypotheses made and references used in this paper may be outside of the paradigms of mainstream science. They se6m to point to the possibility that"the pineai gland directly senses light energy and absorbs photons. in additioru recent researches into the pineal gland may hold the key as to how we can absorb energy dir-ectly fiom the sun. The pineal gland is a pea--sized gland that produces melatonin. MBA Ener gy Medicine Uniaersi$ Abstract: The purpose of tlds paper is to explore Kundalini as an energetic phenornenon and deaelop a theoretical model to explain its origin.INC. Russian scientists studying embryology discoverdd-that a two-month old human fetus develops a third ei6 with photoreceptots. Wilcock also says many subYma"mmals. suih as fistu frogs and birds. He also quotes A. Furthermore. an article in Russian online media Praada. we has staited to emerge ihat we may be able to receive energy from the sun by directly taking in the_sun's electromagnetic waves. director Peter' Sorcher portrays individuals who fasted for long periods of time and may have been nourished only by direct sunlight.THE JOURNAL FOR SPIRITUAL AND CONSCIOUSNESS STUDIES. This happens when oirtual phototts at the same frequency manifest from the l unirtersal enerw source and interact wiith the electrons in our body. alr-eady detectli!. F. Th-e pineal gland is chlled the thirdive in spiritual-traditions. Text6irok science says we receive energy from the sun indirectly by eating plants. In order to trace back causation to find the origin of Kundalini would first need to ask where all energy comes from. Weichmann as saying that "the presence of proteins in the pineal which are normally involved in 29 . Howeve4 evidence energy. and is believed to 6e comected with spiritdal and psychic abilities. In Search of the Origin of Kundalini leanne Lim. lens and nerve cells that are simiiar to the r6tinas. This paper will explore the hypothesis that Kundalini energy originates from the combination of light energy from uniaersal enirgy iource ind our biopltotons at the quantum leael. This exploratioi includes the latest theories and studies deritsed from logical contemplation of quantum and energy thearies. or eating animals that eat plants.Daiid Wilcock cites research that says the cells of the pineal giand closely resemble the photoreceptor ganglion cells (nerve cells) of the retina. In his book The Source Field lnaestigations.htwith their pineal glands. He posits that this is for a specific purpose . the other tfuough a non-iod.' Exposure of animals to magnetic fields of various intensities alters the secretion of melatonin. tiss-ues.Zaidi and team conclude that there ar-e two parallel and anatomicallv distinct photoreceptor pathways: One thrbugh the classic photorecLptor Iocated in the outer retina of the eye. 2005. while those with incoherent-l incoherent-fieart energy cannot do so. whilh entrains'the light even in the absence of the DNX. Dale (2009) cites Leonard Horowitz's research that demonstrates DNA 31 .p. luminescence.All matter js frozen light" (MiCartney. thev are lrig. It also appears that the pineal gland has other inte-resiing but not well-known functions.Fqrthermole. to org_anize 1nattgr.such as ang6r. Un[ike otHer retinal ganglion cells. Emotions . Even more interesting.2001. scie*ntist FarhanZaidiQA}T) andhis research team found anon-rod non-cone photoreceptor in humans.277).. through a broad speitnim of frequencies and polarizations and in close interplay with all material structures.oy. p. How does DNA store light? Wilcock discusses'findines by Russian scientist Peter Gariaevthat DNA absorbs all light in its vicinity by apparently creating a vortex that attracts the li-eht. gratitude. eirotions such as j. gnd much 1nore" (Bischofl 2005. 2077.a weak glow iir-the form of ultraviolet light. and feaq. MaAnna Stephenson states: "This was an astounding disco'iery. 2011. Wilcock believes that the DNA moleculb creates a duplicate energy field of itself within the universal energy source.pineal gland is the primary mignetoreieptor.ture" (Oschm'an.08t p-53). it would send it back out-. p. Popp identifies DNA ai the source of biophoton emissions and calls DNA the "master tuning fork in the body" (McTaggart . p. he believes pulsations of the geomagnetic field. Rein also fg"l4 that people-with re wrrn conerent coherent neart heart energy energ can wrnd wind or unwind unwrnd the DNA at will. From these disiovEries.. so-they have a liser-li(e fight and quality. popp caTIs these biophotons. Wilc6ck interprets Weichmann is sayifig that the cells in the pineal gJand are deteiting photons and sending"them to the brain through phototransduction. The DNA Phantom Effect means a perfect hologram of our physical body can be created.as if the change is made by flist energetically changi"s +e D-NA phantom. these photosensitive gansiion cells are intrinsically pfioto--sensitive. in some manner. (Wilcock. Between 20 and 307i of pineal cells are magnetically-sensitive. . can contract or compress DNA. 30 44). to transmit signals with the speed of light to any place in the organism and to actiizate or to inhibit biocheriical pro'cdsses.opp believes biophoton emis_sion connects cell. the biophotons create a biophoton field that is desiribedas "a holosrapfuc field of standing waves which is able.. This phenomenon is-kn6wn as "The DNA phanto'm Effect. Even more interesting..'2000. 2017.58). These photoreceptors can synchronize circadian rhythms to the twenty-four-hour Iiiaht/dark cycle as well as enable. Also. and says that although thev are"ultra-w'elk. (Wilcock. Physicist David Bohm says: . they would . and brgans wlthlh the body and serves as the main communication networ[ and regulator foi all of life's processes. non-cone photoreceptor that seems to be activated by"light ffst.162). a1d love'can unwind or decompress DNA. j02). i. the"re seems to be a force that holds the spiraling light in the_same place for up to thirty days. He demonstrates that DNA gives off a large range of light frequencies that would cause a varie{r of frequenciEs in oilrer mdiecules of the body. which means they arE ex"cited bv lieht even in the absence of classic photoreceptors.161). may be detected by the pineal gland. and concludes ihat"wave resonance"is used to communicate between living things. and thei. Gariaev's experiments show that acoustic waves radiated by DNA can also cr-eate The DNA Phantom Effect. *as responsible for life'.The retina in the back part of our eye contains two types of specialized cells called photoreceptors thit respond to lighi. Rein and McCraty (2001) say that coherent brain wave patterns suclr as those produced bv iirtention can change the structure of DNA. p. raises thc possibility that direct photic events may ocdur in the mammalian pin'eal gland"" (Wlcock.hty coherent.In Search of the Origin of Kundalini phototransduction (light sensing) in the retina. p.. ln a landmark discovery in2007. non-cone pho"toreceptor'is a special type of photosensitive ganglion cell that iesponds directly td fisht byincreasing the ratc aiwhlch it fires nervc ihpulses.to transmit information thit heals and establishes order in the body. Rgrlsial embryologist Alexander Gurwitsch and German physicist Fritz-Albert Popp discovered that the cells of all living beings emit..r microscopic struc. He also found tfiat Hving organisms exch'ange light emitted fiom each other. it seems. (St-ephenson. ln Wilcock's view. if there is too much light. This non-rod.one of the most signilsant scientific discoveries in modern history. p.171)."What popp suggested was that light. p. the electrical properties of pineal cells. Wilcock bdlieves that the DNA has_ a light energy store with a given capacity. Wlcoqf glrg reports of a phenomenon cilled delayed. Hence. When light is shone on living cells. In Energy Medicine: A Scientific Basi's. which then changes the phylical DNA molecule itself.' These are called rods and con'es.drst absorb it and then release an intense burst"of new light after a brief period of time" (Wilcock.20. He calls thi's . he postulafes that frifferent functions of DNA are performed bascd on different frequencieg and that cells mav use light to self-repair. From this. In her book The Sage Age. In addition. fames Oschman^says "the. 3). 2011. after the DNA molecule is removed. caused by Schumann resonance. On the other hand.sight. Rods hnd cores url known is classic phol toreceptors that convert light into signals that stimulate biololical processes and enable sight. Furthermore. zero-point aacuum. Other researcfiers say so[nd stimulates the DNAto Cfeate information signals that spread fhrough the body. and that any imbalance will create a disturbance that will eventuallv manifest as matter. p. What exactly is this universal energy? There is some evidence that ultravioletiight at a specific freque-ncy may be an energy carrier of the universal energy source. quite simply. Other names have also been used by contemporary theorists'and researchers to describe the universal energy sorirce. even tiny fluctuations of energy can disfurb the field.p.Research conducted by Richard Miil. like an antennae. Citine researih by physicist Hal Puthoff. terra incognita. stated: " Ali matter originates and exists_only by virtue of a force which brings the particl"e of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute-solar s-vstem of the atom together.INC. says: "theenergy in a single cubic meter of space is enough to boil all the oceans o1-the world" (McTaggart.{r scientist Daniel Dzimano-(2003) sheds tight into how this process may_ occur. Researi. Quantum scientistjalso hold that there is a pervasive sea oi q'uanfum en"rgy in the universe. if-{he electron is brbiting too far iru it i. timeless primordial reality" $ahn & Du. These includ eThe Fieldby Ly. as well as can transmit sound.eceives mo. This is also likely to be the collectiae unconscious described by Carl |ung and the moyphogenetic field of Rupert Sheldrake. it radiates more energy than it receives from the universal energy enerqy source and spirals inw inwaids to the position of stability. It is likely this energy that has been known for thousands of years in many incient spiiitual traditions. which are ultra stablE \taves. They. The Source Field by David Wilcock. but to perform bio-acoustic and bio-electrical signaling" (Dale. qi.or. She also believes this field is the basis of the intbiconnectedness of all things. archetypalfield. which transmit radio and light waves to bodily structures" (Dalq 2070.me. undiuided The universal energy source is believed to have virtually unlimited en_ergy. affirmations. in a 1944 speech given in Florence.hidden order. 2007. Nobcl Prize winner and father of quantum theory Max Planck. 2b10. is not empty at all. p. In an article entitled "The DNA-wave Biocomputer.r shows that su. perhaps it is the universal enEigy source that keeps the structure ind ttie very existence of the at"om intact. Hence. In her book The Field.3).and sec-ondly through light" (Dale." Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunne postulate the existence of a source of reality that they call source buf which has been eiven different labels in different cirltures.ilrd" thut DNA can convert laser light into radio *al by producing soli"r tons. 2004. p. p. aborigirwl sensible muchness.p. unkntiwable substratum. implicate order. Filteis. He cites Puthoff as saying that if an electron is orbiting too far out from the nucleus. Micha6i Talbot.143). This mind is the matrix of all matter. Lynne McTaggart says the universal energy source connects all matter in the universe bv waves.4). M*y scientists believe the vacuum of the universe. Dzimano believes that the stability of matter itself is medihted by the universal energy _ source.51). uniaersal consciousn_essby quantum physicist Amit Goswami. McTaggart. It is believed that the universal energy source is in a state of perfect balance so that it appears as a vacuum. inThe Holographic L)niaerse." This universal eiergy provides a scientific basis and validation of the belief in many spliitual traditions that we are connected to each other and to a uniirersal consciousness. p. in attempting to give some idea of the magnitude of the energy within the universal energy source. In fum this activation modifies the hurnan bioenerg_y. For the purpose of thii paper. p. it meant. or other meaningful sounds.re energy from the universal energy source than it is radiating and so it moves outwards to a stable position. 2001." Gariaev and his associates postulate that the DNA-wave iunctions as abiocomputer. including the vacuum within our cells.nn THE JOURNAL FOR SPIRITUAL AND CONSCIOUSNESS STUDIES.fields. ontic (or ontoTogical) leoel. unus muidi. Nobel Prize physicist Richard Feynman. and that the primary function of DNA is "not to synthesiZe proteins. Many others call it tlieLero point field. MgTaggart describes the univerial energy source as a "repository of all fields and all ground energy states and all virhral particles . It may even be the unified field thatAlbert Einstein hid long postulated btit had not been ible"to prove. which enables the traislation between a_coustical and optical holograms. They identifu these labtiis as: " tao.1. 200I. quotes David Bohm as saying: "Every cubic centimeter of empty space contains more energy than the total energy of all the ma[ter in the known universe" (Talbo! 1992. such as mantras. uoid. .143). Gariaev also shows that sound in the form of langLage{requ6ncies such as words can repair chromosomes damaged by X-rays.25).ln Search of the Origin of Kundalini actually emits and receives both photons (the energy from light) and phonons (the energy from sound). 201. quantum plenum by Mark Comings. that all matter wasinterconnected and potentially entangled throughout the cosmos through quantum waves" (McTaggart. since all the energies cancel each other out. prana. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. Wilcock (2011) reports of experiments by Gurwitsch which demonstrate that ultraiziolet light may JJ JZ . to fonn diffraiti6n patter#s first in the acoustic domain and then in the electromagnetic domain to create a quantum hologram.. all matter in the universe was interacting with the zero point field.pe_rposed coherent waves in the celi"interact and form patternsfirs! through sound. He concludes: "DNA canbe activated with Iinguistic expressions. However. Itaiy. Gariaev's research also showd that DNA ian be activated by sound. "If. 24). and Sou?ces of Reality. akashic record. In an article entitled: "Senses.0.a field of fields" (McTaggart. 143). I wifl use the term the uniae'rsal eirrgy source to denote this energy. "much like the ripple in the surface of a lake.430). 2011. p. but not the actual source itself. Many researchers use the term virtual particles to describe particles th-at come and go from the universal energy source and do not stay permanently in the physical world. p. unlike electromasnetii waves that dissioate aird lose energv w-ith distance. many theorists andiesearchers believe there is an input of energy or an energy exchange with the universal en35 . Furthermore. the cells can almost completely recover in a process known asphoto repair. Jan Wicherink says: "Randomly virtual photons jump back and forth between the universal energy-source and our physical world. His experiments show that scalar waves propagate over long distances with virtually no loss in strength. 44). scalar energy. Hence. Rollin McCraty (2003) from the Instibute of HeartMath suggests that information is enfolded outside the space/time world in the energy waveforms of the universal energy source. In addition. Eugenie Samuel Reich reports t-hat physiCisti found that the subatomic particles called niutrinos s""* io travel faster than light and postuiate. sort of a quasi-state of matte[. there seems to be some support within the scientific community that they are indeed real entities. It exidts at the interface of as "a energy and matter" (Cousens. which can he describes 34 slightly contracted form of anergy. gravitational waves.. 2004. Cousens ltidOt cites physics philosopher Tom Bearden as saying that anergy is a fundamental componeht of universal energy. Uit if thty are then given a very weak puise of the same wavelength.that neutrinos are the particles responsible for energy exchange with the universal enersv source. which says that it is impossible to kngw both a particle's position and its m-omentum exactly because the more precisely we determine one. undiminished by distance" (p. including: "Non-Hertzianenergy. McTaggaft^(2001) reports of an experiment where DNA ian absorb andscramble ultraviolet light and send it back out at a different freouencv. or of the virtual state trying to become aparticle. Although there is still much debate asto whether virtual particles are real or j'ust a hypothetical concept. p. In a2006 Scientific America a*icle Virtrlal photoni are said to be a med"ium of light energy exchange entitled: "Are virtual p_articles really constantly popping in and out of existence? Or are they merely a mathematical bookkeeping device for quantum mechanics?" physicist Gordon Kane gives credence to the existence of virtual particles. Dale (2069) describes scalar wa'Jes as standing *aii.'the photon cxchanse is merelv the force of the interaction. Referring to Popp's biophoton research. Oschman (2000) says scalar waves "propagate instantaneously everywhere in space. "we now have verv stfohs evidence that all life-forms on earth must continually absoi'b phot"ons of light. Popp postulates that energy from the universal energy source is strongest lnd mosthealing at fhe 380-nanomcter wavelength.108). is thought to be made of quisi-particles.s that can go through matter and run at one and a half times the speed of light. motional fields.high-energy particles that exist only momentarily in the p-hysical world. p. Wilcock (2011) says. This providLs a basis for the existence of virtual particles . 159). 206). detected ii'uny way.. a i{umber of scientists and researchers believe there is a medium of energy exchangebetween the physical world and the universal energy . longitudinal waves. and store them in their DNA in order to suivive. time-reversed waves. as a matter of fact. It is only irsed in the energy exchange betiareen the zero point field and the-material world" (Wincherink 2008. ln her book Souls of Distortion Awakening. between the universal energy source and the physical world. Tlie Source Fie"ld apparently creates these virtual photons when there is rotating. In anhrticle entitled "Neutrino Experiment Replicates Fastei-Than-Light Finding" published in Nature. 1986. ancl. from a stone you iust dropped in. free energy and cosmic ertergy" (Benol.the photon is called a virtual ph-oton since it comes and goes from the 2ero point field and is no[ here to stay in the material world. especially at 380 nanonmeters. -He believes universal eneriry manifests as tachyon fielcls.". In the early 20th century. She also says some scientists consider scalar waves the originating fields of thil universe and the energy basis of the universal energy source. 2011."u"n o. p. Benor claims that a nrlmber of scientists have researched scalar energy and have given it many names. p. 7986. Cousens also cites entomdlogist Philip Callahan as saying that the tachyon field energy is manifested as "whirling. in that thev cannot be . is not the stone itself" (Wilcock. vertical forms of energy that precipitate near the speed of light as a particle of matter called a photon" (Cousens. ' As d iscussed above. Others focus on particles as the energy carrier of the universal energy source. and that this eirergy has no mass but hirs a limitless charge. uortex mov'ement within the fiel8 itself" (Wilcock.709). the Quantum Electrodynamics (QED)-theory says charged particles like electrons interact by emittins and absorbine ohotons that are airtual. alth"ough different pe6ple call it different names and the-re are different hypotheses a6ou[ what enables the energy exchange.olir. Nikola Tesla discovered the scalar wave. saying that they ire indeecl real and have observable effects that physicists have devised ways of measuring. A tachyon field. Benor (2004) quotes Rein as saying that scalar energy (which Rein calls nonHertzian energy) can profoundly influence biological systems.243). Popp found thaicells can be destroved with ultraviolet U[trt. radiant eneigy. Virtual particle is a concept derived from the Heisenberg's lJncertainty Principle. the less we know ibout the other.In Search of the Origin of Kundalini be a signature of the universal energy source. Kundalini may have long-term. He maiirtains that biophotons are constantly being emitted from our cells. 57). provided that they disappear promptly again. phenson. 2S)."Igy excit6d. Howeveq this does not necessarily mean that Kundalini energy remains constant throughout our lives. coherenl. why it needs to gb through an integration process after activation. transformational effects. says that Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle holds that subatomic particles or photons can appear spontaneously in empty space. Perhaps this symbol refers to light stored in the double helix of the DNA molecule. have the same polarization. in a 2010 article published in Nizu Scientist. As a matter of fact. Being a scientific exploratiorl this research attempts to discover and understand Kundalini in energetic rather than in metaphysical JI .t"d that the 6ody's living matrix'w'ould produce laser-like -oscillations.3). in a 2003 article in N atu re. and travel in the same direction. The proless integrates universal energy that spans time and space. and may be considered the potential form of Kundalini energy prior to activation. Oschman (2000) reports that as early as the late 1960s. but also occur in lesser degree to meditators. p. Since both the triggering virtual photons and emitted biophotons are in phase. THE JOURNAL FOR SPTRTTUAL AND CONSCTOUSNESS STUDTES. a quantum leap in Iight energy is produced. Edgar Cayce and Jblin Van Auken say: "Virtual photirn cloud is the eleEtric fi6ta of energy and light thaf the mystic's describe and correlate to their chakras and Kundalini energy" (Cayce & VanAuken. Earliec we discussed the delayed luminescence phenomenor. p.cesses" (Greenwell. states that physicists predicted in the 1950s that "a very skong electric field would transfonn virtual particles into real on6s that ire can observe. Stephenson (2008)-describes an experiment in which Fr<ihlich applied energy to excite molecules. Iaser-like light that is Kundalini. I surmise this is the reason why Kundalini energy seems to lie dormant in us prior to activation. resulting in the release of a large number of biophotons from our cells. p. this is the amplification piocess that pioduces laser lieht.81). Bonnie Greenwell says "experiences of light are commonly reported by mystics during extremely heightened states of consciousness. "qii'ilibrirm and biophotons at the same resonant frequency produces an intense. The vibratioi of virtual photons achieve ur. rihich is energizdd by vibratory thiugHts and sound. induces virtual photons to stay in the physical world permanentlv and interact with the electrons in our cells. and how this light is believed to contain information for healing and balancing the body. 36 I believe this coherent laser-like light energy is stored in our DNA from birth. In her book Energies of Transformation. causing them to emit light in the ?orm of phttons. One of the bases for this postulation is Popp's assertion that unstable atoms in our body caube the release of light energy in the form of photons.In Search of the Origin of Kundalini ergy source at the quantum level. InToward a Deeper Meditatiott.1007. 1992. then release it as an intense burst of new light. As a coherent. makirig it highly coherent.ems tobe an energy that leads to permanent changes in our psychophysiological states. It has always fascinated me as to why the symbol of Kundalini is often presentcd as two coiled serpents. laser-like Iight.2008. Can this be the process by which Kundalini energy is stored and released from our DNA? Interestingly. This happens when virtual photons at the same frequency manifest from the universal energy source and interact with the 6lectrons in our body. McTaggart (2001) postulates-that our electrons may be constantly "refueling by tapping into these fluctuations of empty space" (p. and spontaneously to those in Kundalini pro. including Kundalini awakening. David Shiga. ' The input from virtual photons causes our electrons to become "r. which iadically arfiplifies the signal. 1988. 25) may also hold true for Kundalini-energy-that itis replenished through constant interaction with virtual photons from the universal energy source. 'Furthermore. TNC. which may be why Kundalini awakening often generate immense force through the body as well as produce a nonlocal. when the photons are coiled in the double helix of our DNA.227). The field pushes them in opposite directions because they have opposite eleCtric charges. Philip Ball. When he increased thJenergy input. Perlaps our biofield. the sensing of light is often reported during spiritual experiences.11. it may be strong and focused enough to change the very structure of ouiDN& causing it to unwind and replicate. 20i0). before it is released as a burst of Kundalini energy to heal and elevate our entire system in order that we can reach oui highest potential? I call Kundalini energy the combined light from indiaidual and uniuersal cottsciousness as it arises from the integration of our individual energy with the universal energy. an8 why-it se. pfiysicist Herbert Frohlich prLai. but says th-at energy from an extemal energy source causes us to emit more biophotons in order to energy state. p. McTaggart's postulation that our electrons may be constantTy "refueling by tapping into these fluctuations of enipty space" (McTaggart. Some of this coherent light beam is fed back into the system making it even more coherent and thus more powerful" (p. unitive exoerience. where the cells first absorb light. that is. effecting permanent changes to our cells and our collective evolutionary path. Stephenson (2008) says "a laser broduces lisht waves that are"all in pliase with one another. the molecules began to vibrate in unison and eventually became so coherent that "they transmitted light as one unified anlenna" (Ste- I hypothesize that Kundalini energy originates from the combination of light energy from universal energy source and ourbiophotons at the quantum level. seoarhtine them so that thev cannot destrov one another" (Shiea. MediciniP l)nioer: (i603). February). AtriaBooks/Beyond Words Publishing. Shakti River Press: Saratoga. and visual awareness in humans lacking an outer retina. (2005). lntuition Medicin@: The Science of Energy. Y.2011. Pravdivtsev.mechanics? .html Mary (2006). Energy Science & Materialism "Many scientists are unaware that materialism is an assumption: they simply think of it as science. Wicherink. Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basls. Sensors. schman. Pennsvlvania. Pennsylvania. (2004. Francesca (2001). They are not actually taught about it. 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