Order Scheduling

March 23, 2018 | Author: abhishek_s_gupta4753 | Category: Scheduling (Computing), Debugging, Workflow, Application Programming Interface, Inventory



1/26/2014R12 Scheduling In Order Management (Doc ID 1551848.1) Modified: 29-May-2013 Type: BULLETIN Document 1551848.1 In this Document Purpose Scope Details Functional Overview Manual Scheduling Upon Entry Scheduling during Booking Scheduling after Booking Deferred Scheduling Manual Scheduling Scheduling Groups of Lines Business Scenarios (Test Flows) Calculation of Latest Acceptable Date (LAD) Calculation of Schedule Arrival Date References APPLIES TO: Oracle Order Management - Version 12.0 and later Information in this document applies to any platform. PURPOSE The purpose of this bulletin is to provide Oracle Customers with a good understanding of the Scheduling process and the profiles and setup steps required to obtain the desired scheduling results. SCOPE This document helps the Support Engineers and Oracle Customers to understand basic scheduling concepts within Order Management and also addresses the functionality of scheduling in detail along with business scenarios. This page describes in detail about the various profile options and setups which affect Scheduling. Screen shots and testing of sample insert scripts in this page were done in a 12.1.2 Oracle Vision Instance. DETAILS Introduction: Scheduling is a concept, which helps to place the demand in the inventory based on the availability. Scheduling helps with the following: * * * * * Find the availability of the items Populate the Schedule ship date, arrival date and last acceptable date based on the calculated ATP Date Performs the reservation based on Scheduled Ship Date Calculates the delivery lead time based on as ship method Prevents over demand by setting the items attribute Check ATP Scheduling also allows you to check ATP (Available to Promise), and display availability automatically as soon as the line is entered. Setup is required to perform ATP on an item. A sample scenario is provided in the testflow for ATP item below. From the availability window, ATP availability button guides to APS's Global ATP window to view availability across the global supply chain. This page describes in detail about the various profile options and setups, which affect the scheduling. Functional Overview Sales order line would be scheduled for both the ATP as well non-ATP items based on the availability of the item. When scheduling is not performed during sales order entry (either manually or automatically), then as part of standard functionality, scheduling will be done by the workflow process. Scheduling is done by the workflow process associated with the order line (OEOL). For example: Considering the Line Flow – Generic work flow Once the order is Booked, the workflow completes the Booking activity and proceed to the next stage i.e. Scheduling. This is when Scheduling is performed. Open the process 'Line Flow - Generic' in the Workflow Builder. The 'Line Flow - Generic' process looks as below * 'Line Flow – Generic' Process https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848.1 1/26 1/26/2014 Document 1551848.1 Double click on the 'Enter - Line'subprocess, it will open the subprocess which looks as below * 'Enter - Line' Subprocess Order will wait at "Wait for Booking" till booking action is performed. The work flow will progress to next stage. Double click on the 'Schedule - Line' subprocess in 'Line Flow - Generic' process. Double clicking opens 'Schedule - Line' subprocess which looks as below * 'Schedule - Line' Subprocess Once the line is scheduled, SCHEDULE_SHIP_DATE is populated into the OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL. The SCHEDULE_SHIP_DATE should be a value between the REQUEST_DATE and the LATEST_ACCEPTABLE_DATE. Table Level Changes Scheduling sets the VISIBLE_DEMAND_FLAG, SCHEDULE_STATUS_CODE as soon as the lines are scheduled. The two columns are independent and are not based on the setups Scheduling controls following sets of data along with the above. SCHEDULE_ARRIVAL_DATE SCHEDULE_SHIP_DATE LATEST_ACCEPTABLE_DATE SHIPPING_METHOD, if the shipping network is set up DELIVERY_LEAD_TIME, if the shipping network is set up SHIP_FROM_ORG_ID (Warehouse) VISIBLE_DEMAND_FLAG is set to yes when the line is scheduled. Demand is visible to the planning applications when the line is scheduled. SCHEDULE_STATUS_CODE is set to the SCHEDULED Events Controlling Scheduling Scheduling happens during any one of the following events 1. 2. 3. 4. Automatic scheduling upon entry Manual Scheduling upon entry Scheduling during booking Scheduling after Booking Automatic scheduling upon entry OM: Auto Schedule If the profile OM: Auto Schedule is set to Yes, then line is scheduled at the time of saving. i.e. Scheduling is done at the moment if cursor is moved from current line or Block, to next line or Block, manual save. Ship Sets and Arrival Sets You can include lines in Ship Sets or Arrival Sets depending on how you want to group them. Ship Sets and Arrival Sets are based on similar dates: Ship Set (Schedule Ship Date) and Arrival Set (Schedule Arrival Date). Refer to the documentation for further details. Go to the Shipping tab of the order lines and notice the Ship Set and Arrival Set fields. The following methods can be used to set a value in these fields. 1) Enter a value directly in one of these fields. 2) Right click on the order line and go to Sets > New > Ship Set to create a new ship set, or Sets > Add to Set > Ship Sets to add to an existing set. 3) When entering the order header, enter either Ship or Arrival in the Line Sets field (Others tab). This will set the ship set or arrival set field in the order lines by default. 4) To set a default value in the Line Sets field from the Others tab, set up Defaulting Rules for the entity 'Order Header', Attribute 'Line Sets'. Following screen shot shows one of the places the default value can be set up Customer Level. Navigation is Customers > Standard Customers > Query Customer > Click on Customer link > https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848.1 2/26 b." Order Management will automatically determine the earliest Scheduled Ship Date.1/26/2014 Following screen shot shows one of the places the default value can be set up Customer Level.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf. shipment priority.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848. Why does the scheduling happen while using the Ship Set or Arrival Set? All of the lines in the set would have the same value for Schedule Ship Date. However we do have option to include lines of same order in different ship set / Arrival set. the lines will get scheduled when they are saved." is set to "Y. based upon your setup. and shipment method for scheduling If the default Order Header value for sets is set to Ship. if the profile "OM: Assign new set for each line. ship to location." Order Management will automatically determine the earliest Scheduled Ship Date. and a. and create a unique ship set for each line in an order.1 3/26 . The Auto Schedule set flag can be set by following ways: 1) Setting the profile OM: Auto Schedule to Yes 2) Setting the Transaction Type > Shipping Tab > Auto Schedule flag Verify the Scheduling Levels on Transaction Types: https://support. Order entry processing uses the warehouse. if the profile option.1 When lines are entered into a Ship Set or Arrival Set. "OM: Assign new set for each line. and create a common ship set for all order lines in that order. based upon your setup. Tools > Auto Schedule If the Auto Schedule flag is set from the sales order line. Navigation is Customers > Standard Customers > Query Customer > Click on Customer link > Order Management Tab Document 1551848. the scheduling would be done on saving the lines.oracle." is set to "N. No Reservations . 3) Manual checking If profile OM: Auto Schedule is set to No and the Transactin Type Auto Schedule is not checked. This functionality is only for standard items. Double click on the 'Schedule .Line' subprocess. then Auto Schedule needs to be manually checked. The possible values for this are: ATP Only .1/26/2014 Document 1551848.You can manually enter any schedule date. Open the process 'Line Flow . The schedule date is not visible to MRP / APS. Scheduling. and it does not support ship or arrival sets. Workflow will progress to the next stage. Inactive Demand Without Reservations . Inactive Demand With Reservations . No reservation can be placed on the line. Workflow completes the Booking activity and proceed to the next stage i. For example: Consider the Line Flow – Generic work flow.All scheduling actions can be performed.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf. Allow All Scheduling Actions .You can manually enter any schedule date. This is when Scheduling is performed.e. Once the order is Booked.oracle.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848.Line' subprocess in 'Line Flow . The 'Line Flow .Line' subprocess which looks as below * 'Schedule – Line' Subprocess https://support. then line is not scheduled at the time of order entry. Manual Scheduling Upon Entry If the profile OM: Auto Schedule is set to No.1 4/26 . but the system does not schedule. Scheduling is done by the work flow process associated with the order line.Generic' process. Double clicking opens 'Schedule . The line can be reserved.You will not be able to schedule or reserve lines on the order.Generic' in the Workflow Builder. or possibly for quoting scenarios. Three ways to do manual scheduling 1) Tools > Scheduling > Schedule 2) Enter the Schedule Ship Date (or the Schedule Arrival Date if the Order Date Type in order header is 'Arrival') 3) Keep the cursor on the line > Right Click > Scheduling > Schedule Scheduling during Booking When scheduling is not performed during sales order entry (either manually or automatically). Navigate to Tools > Auto Schedule from the Sales Order forms. but the system does not schedule. scheduling will be done by the workflow process at the time of booking.Generic' process looks as below * 'Line Flow – Generic' Process Double click on the 'Enter . This could be used for Bill-Only or Bill-Only with Inventory Interface flows. The schedule date is not visible to MRP/APS.1 The scheduling level on the order transaction type determines what type of scheduling is allowed. then as part of standard functionality. and it does not support ship or arrival sets. it will open the subprocess which looks as below * 'Enter – Line' Subprocess Order will wait at “Wait for Booking” until Booking action is performed. This would require manual scheduling or this is postponed till booking activity.You can perform all scheduling functions except for reserving inventory. This functionality is only for standard items. If scheduling has not yet been completed. An activity to determine whether the line is scheduled. lines are blocked at the 'Schedule . Manual Scheduling From Release 12.Eligible.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf.1 5/26 .SCHEDULE_LINE which performs the scheduling. If scheduling is complete or if the line is not eligible for scheduling. If the Schedule activity returns a result of Incomplete or On Hold. the process moves to the Schedule .Eligible' activity the lines can be progressed from Sales Orders window or the Schedule Orders concurrent program can be used to schedule the lines. then the process ends and the work flow moves to next activity in the parent flow. scheduling and reservations happens for different types of item. Scheduling after Booking Scheduling after Booking can be achieved by two different work flow process. Deferred Scheduling 'Schedule . This activity moves scheduling to the background engine. If the new sub-process is used in the line workflow. 'Schedule' activity has the function OE_OEOL_SCH.Line' activity. Deferred subprocess begins with the Start activity. Manual' is introduced to control scheduling manually after the order is booked.Deferred' activity.oracle. activity. the process moves to the 'Schedule . From there the process must be manually progressed to return to the Schedule activity. except two new activities. The 'Schedule .1/26/2014 Document 1551848. which has deferred activity before 'Schedule . https://support. From 'Schedule . and a defer activity. Deferred' subprocess is identical to the 'Schedule .Eligible' activity.Line. then after booking the order. Scheduling Groups of Lines The following table explains how does the ATP calculation. a new scheduling sub-process named 'Schedule-Line.1 The Schedule activity attempts to schedule the order line. The 'Is Line Scheduled' activity checks whether the line is scheduled or not.Line.Line'. 1.1 6/26 .ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848. a. Deferred” should be used in place of “Schedule – Line” in the Line work flow.Line. How does one control Scheduling after booking an Order? As we have already seen either the lines get automatically scheduled or these are scheduled when the order is booked.Line' activity. https://support. 2. One of the above sub-process can be copied and customized to the generic line process.Line Deferred” sub process into the new work flow process XX Line Flow -Generic. But if you want to postpone scheduling still further… This can be achieved by two ways.1/26/2014 Document 1551848. For example let us consider “Schedule . Manual' is introduced. Applying hold at the time of order entry Changing of work flow definition Along with 'Schedule . Deferred' a new sub process 'Schedule . Copy “Schedule .Line.Line. Deferred” here The process “Schedule .1 Business Scenarios (Test Flows) This section includes testflows to understand some common business scenarios around scheduling.Line. 3.oracle. Replace this with the new one. Deferred scheduling work flow process to be used in place of the default 'Schedule .com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf. Changing of workflow definition b. Copy “Line Flow – Generic” to some other name for example XX Line Flow -Generic. Workflow status diagram shows: https://support. Book the Order following error message pops up: See the Order is Booked but Schedule Ship Date is not populated (Scheduling not done) and Order Line is on Hold. 2.1 7/26 . Deferred Once booking is done then the workflow stops at “Schedule – Deferred” status and this would remain at “Schedule – Deferred” activity.1/26/2014 The new workflow would look as below: Document 1551848. we need manual intervention to push this further and this is done using the Workflow Background process request. Line on Hold” processing message pops up.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf. Create an Order and apply the hold at the time of order entry.1 Understanding Schedule – Line. then the Workflow Activity attached should be 'Line Scheduling' for Workflow Item 'OM Order Line' or Workflow Activity attached should be 'Book Order' for Workflow Item 'OM Order Header' Sample Test case showing the above 1.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848. Please apply the hold which is not an workflow activity-specific hold. Applying hold at the time of order entry Apply hold once the line is saved and when booking “Could not Schedule. Since this is a deferred activity. Note: If the hold is specific to workflow activity.oracle. 1 8/26 . Latest Schedule Limit is defaulted from the site level or customer level based on defaulting rules. Set Defaulting Rules: https://support.oracle. Set the Latest Schedule Limit At Customer level: b. one would need to select Actions > Progress Order on the line.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848. If the profile is Yes.1 Once the hold is released.1/26/2014 Document 1551848. Note: “OM: Schedule Line on Hold” should be set to No. Latest Acceptable Date (LAD) = Request Date + Latest Schedule Limit (LSL) a.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf. then the workflow would complete the scheduling activity. or run the Schedule Order concurrent request to schedule the order. Calculation of Latest Acceptable Date (LAD) LAD is populated only when the Latest Schedule Limit (LSL) is provided at the time of order creation. Create an Order with the setups mentioned above.1 Test Case The following test flow is created to demonstrate how to calculate the Latest Acceptable Date.1 9/26 . In Others Tab latest Schedule Limit defaulted from Customer Level which has higher precedence in Defaulting Rules https://support.1/26/2014 Document 1551848.oracle.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf. Internal Location Assigned to the Customer Step 1 Identify the “Ship To” Address for which Delivery Lead time is to be specified https://support.1 10/26 . The LSL in this case is 10. Delivery Lead Time is the Transit time taken.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf.1/26/2014 Document 1551848.1 i. There are two possible ways to set this: Internal Location Assigned to the Customer or by setting up Regions and Zones.e. Request date + Latest Schedule Limit = Latest Acceptable Date Calculation of Schedule Arrival Date Schedule Arrival Date = Schedule Ship Date + Delivery Lead Time Delivery Lead Time needs to be calculated in order to calculate the Schedule Arrival Date.oracle. 1 Step 3 11/26 .ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf. Navigation: Inventory responsibility > Set up > Organizations > Locations Click Address tab https://support.1/26/2014 Document 1551848.1 Step 2 Create a Location for the ship to Address in Inventory Module. ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848. Navigation: Inventory responsibility > Set up > Organizations > Inter-Location transit times Step 4 Associate this internal location to the customer ship to location on customer standard Form Navigation: Customers > Standard > Query the Customer > Click on Customer hyperlink Click on the primary ship-to site > Details > Order Management tab > Enter the 'Internal Location' Click the Ship To Location https://support.1/26/2014 Step 3 Document 1551848.oracle.1 Inter-location transit time needs to be defined for the specific ship method.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf.1 12/26 . to be used for the transit from Source Location to Destination Location. 1 Open the Ship to address at site level Define the Internal Location in Ship to Location Step 5 Run ATP Data collections. https://support.1/26/2014 Document 1551848.oracle. Navigation: Order Management > Scheduling > ATP Data Collection Run it as "Complete Refresh" Every time that a static setup is changed a Complete Refresh is needed.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf. Step 6 Add the 'Request Date type' as Arrival on the Customer Standard Form.1 13/26 . Navigation: Order Management > Set up > Shipping > Regions and Zones > Regions and Zones Define Regions or Zones.1 14/26 .1 Regions and Zones Step 1 Setup regions and zones.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848.oracle.1/26/2014 Document 1551848. https://support. Set the "From Location" to the Shipping Org b.1/26/2014 Document 1551848. c.1 Step 2 Set up region level and zone level in-transit times in the “Transit Times” form Navigation: Order Management > Setup > Regions and Zones > Transit Times a. Set the "Destination Type" to [Region] or [Zone] as appropriate. Enter the Ship Methods for that Region or Zone and the Intransit Times https://support.oracle.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848. Set the "Destination" to the appropriate Region or Zone (ship to location) d.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf.1 15/26 . Region Interface (WSHRGINT) (no parameters) Step 4 Run ATP collections. Enter a sales order for that specific 'customer' and 'ship to' https://support. Test case created by using General Setup process The following test flow is created to demonstrate how lead time is used to calculate the schedule arrival date.1 16/26 .oracle.1/26/2014 Document 1551848.1 Step 3 Run the following programs OM > Shipping > Interfaces > Run a.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf. 1.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848. Location to Region Mapping (WSHLRMA) Parameters: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Insert Flag : Yes Location Start Date : as required Location End Date : as required c. Import Shipping Locations (WSHMLOCR) Parameters: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Map Regions : Yes Location Type : Both (Process both Internal and External Locations) Start Date : as required End Date : as required b. Nav > Order Mangement > Scheduling > ATP Data Collection It needs to be a "Complete Refresh" Every time that a static setup is changed a Complete Refresh is needed. Book the Order https://support.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848.1 17/26 .1 2. Enter the lines details 4.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf.1/26/2014 Document 1551848. In Others tab the values would be defaulted as below 3. 3. Create an ATP item ATP item needs to be created i. It is based on the material availability.1/26/2014 Document 1551848. 2. When the order date type is Arrival then Schedule Ship Date cannot be changed.oracle.1 18/26 . For ATP items. Scenario explains how to Schedule Ship Date / Available date for the ATP item is Request date + 1 day.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf. Enter a sales order for that specific 'customer' and 'ship to' In Others tab the values would be defaulted as below Enter the lines details Book the Order Test flow for ATP Item (calculation of Schedule Ship Date/ Available Date) Available Date / Schedule Ship Date = Request date + Use defined time fence in ATP Rule i.1 For the particular 'In-transit Delivery' Delivery lead-time and Schedule Ship Date on the order lines under shipping alternative region would be populated. The following error occurs Test case created by using Regions or Zone Setup process 1. https://support.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848. Schedule Ship Date is the date on which the item can be shipped. 4. Check ATP and ATP Rules needs to be set in Order Management.e.e. 1 19/26 .com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf.1/26/2014 Document 1551848.1 Assign the item to Organization Check the availability Create an Order and click the availability button.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848. Resolve the Error Message https://support.oracle. Available Date would be blank and an Error “The requested item or one of its components is not collected” displayed on availability window as mentioned below. oracle.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848.1 To resolve the error “The requested item or one of its components is not collected” ATP data collection needs to be run. Navigation -> Scheduling -> ATP Data Collection Note the ATP Rule in Order Management. Query the Rule used in the Items Attributes (Order Management tab).com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf. Run the ATP Data collection for complete refresh.1 20/26 .1/26/2014 Document 1551848. Navigate to Inventory > Setup > Rules > Available to promise https://support. Define infinite Supply To define the number of days required to manufacture the material is defined in ATP Rules. For example make changes to the workday calendar for a period 01-Jan-1990 to 31-DEC-2015 to show infinite supply date is +1 (no weekends to consider).oracle.1 In infinite Supply. To reflect the changes rebuild the calendar.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848.1/26/2014 Document 1551848.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf. select the option as User-defined time fence and days as 1.1 21/26 . Once the setups are completed Usage of Calendars Available date in the availability window would be populated based on the ATP Rule and Calendar. Tools > Rebuild https://support. oracle.1 22/26 . Navigation > Scheduling > ATP Data Collection https://support. Run the ATP Data collection for complete refresh.1 On Booking the order the order lines will be scheduled based on next available date.1/26/2014 Document 1551848.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848. 1 23/26 .oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf.1 The following test case shows how the Available date and Schedule Ship Date are calculated Create an Order and enter the order line Order Details Line Details In this case Available Date / Schedule Ship Date = Request date + 1 day(s) (Use defined time fence in ATP Rule).1/26/2014 Document 1551848.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848. Timestamp Calculation https://support. The exception for the above scenario is Request Date and Ship Method. When this profile option is 'Yes'. which governs display of timestamps for only Non ATPable items only.1 In scheduling time stamp is not considered. the profile 'MSC: Retain Time for Non-ATPable Items’. Note: At the time of rescheduling it would consider the first scheduling time stamp In case if the profile option is 'No' then for both ATPable and Non ATPable items. then Rescheduling will not happen even if the Request Date and Ship Method are changed and vise versa Profiles and System Parameters related to Scheduling 1. Requests > Run Requests https://support. Refer to the documentation for further details.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848.1 . The time fence is the system date plus the number of days specified in the profile. System Parameters Navigate to OM > System Parameters > Values and select your Operating Unit and the category Scheduling Parameters. Notice the following system parameters.Scheduling Across Orders in Order Management 2. Returns > Schedule Order 2) Reserve Orders Navigation: OM > Reports.1 . resources will be considered till end of day and always SSD will be end of the day i. The reservation is created once the line is scheduled either by manually or automatically. To view the reservation details Click Tools > Scheduling > Reservation Details Attributes Related to Scheduling The following is a list of line attributes related to scheduling. 23:59:00.oracle. Testflow for Reservations If OM: Reservation Time Fence is set to a number greater than zero. normally it would be 23:59:00 i. Request Date Schedule Ship Date Schedule arrival date Warehouse Ordered Quantity Ordered Quantity UOM Shipping Method Delivery Lead Time Demand Class Customer Inventory Item Ship Set Arrival Set If there is a change in any of the above attributes rescheduling would happen.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf.e. One exception to this is for Non ATPable items.Scheduling Flexibility Concurrent Programs 1) Schedule Order Navigation: Orders. For example. Allow Partial Reservation Firm Demand Events Latest Acceptable Date Promise Date Setup Reschedule with Request Date Change Reschedule with Ship Method Change To know more about that please refer to: Note: 296230.1 24/26 . EOD. then the reservation is created for the item as soon as the order is scheduled. OM: Schedule Lines on Hold OM: Autoschedule OM: Reservation Time Fence OM: Auto Push Group Date OM: Authorized to Override ATP OM: Scheduling Rule MRP: ATP Assignment Set INV: Capable to Promise Scheduling profiles related to OM are explained in: Note:396960. if the schedule date is within the reservation time fence window. since they are dependent on each other. Refer to the documentation for further information. then as long as the Schedule Ship Date for the order is within the system date plus 30 days. then reservation is created. then time stamp is copied from Requested Date. Profiles Following are profile options related to Scheduling.1/26/2014 Document 1551848.e. if the profile is set to 30 days. The Request Date and Ship Method can be controlled by two system parameters: Reschedule with Request Date Change Reschedule with Ship Method Change If the above mentioned parameters are set to No. ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848. Unable to Find Calendar Date in the calendar Scheduling failed: unable to meet requested quantity Unable To Enter Schedule Ship Date In Future Greater Than 'DD-MON-YYYY 23:59:59' Scheduling failed: Cannot meet request date or latest acceptable date. Scheduling Failed. Use Tools > Debug and check the box to enable debug and get the file name returned in the popup. Set APS instance and run collections Please refer the Note 473072.enter the log file name (lnumber. use View >Requests > Submit a new request Diagnostics: OM Debug log file Retrieval . the file name found in the system would be session-2320482 To find the location of the session files at the Unix level. How to override the Schedule Ship Date on a weekend or non working day calendar? https://support. So for this example. execute the following query in SQL*Plus: S E L E C Tl t r i m ( r t r i m ( v a l u e ) )V a l u e F R O M ( s e l e c tv a l u ef r o mv $ p a r a m e t e r 2w h e r en a m e = ' u t l _ f i l e _ d i r 'o r d e rb yr o w n u md e s c ) W H E R Er o w n u m< 2 . The common errors faced by customer The following errors are the common errors faced by the customer.VALUE Going to get the value for MASTER_ORGANIZATION_ID ENTERING OE_SYS_PARAMETERS_PVT.1 Troubleshooting How to link the OM debug file with ATP session debug? a.VALUE Parameter Value from the cache : 204 ENTERING ORDERED_ITEM IN OEXSIDVB ITEM IDENTIFIER IS INT ORDERED_ITEM_DSP: ATP Test Case ORDERED_ITEM_DSP: ATP Test Case ENTERING ORDERED_ITEM IN OEXSIDVB ITEM IDENTIFIER IS INT ORDERED_ITEM_DSP: ATP Test Case ORDERED_ITEM_DSP: ATP Test Case ERROR FROM MRP: 53 SCHEDULING FAILED 53 e. b.1/26/2014 Document 1551848.1 25/26 .oracle. Try ATP Again Later No APS instance defined.dbg) c.1 for generating ATP Debug and Trace file. > 0 COUNT SESSION ID IN CALL_MRP 2320482 calling mrps atp api: 29-APR-08 18:21:19 After MRPs ATP API: S: 29-APR-08 18:21:28 CALLING LOAD_RESULTS ENTERING LOAD_RESULTS_FROM_TBL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Loading MRP Result From Tbl Loading mrp results Mrp count is 1 Line count is 1 Scheduling action SCHEDULE Load results line_id 284025 Index 1 ENTERING LOAD_RESULTS_FROM_REC Loading MRP Result MRP COUNT IS 1 SCHEDULE ACTION CODE SCHEDULE ENTERING OE_SYS_PARAMETERS.1 for the above mentioned errors. The line should appear like the following in this example from an OM Debug log file: NEED TO CALL MRP . For More details please refer Note 122372. If you are currently using a decentralized instance. After the request completes open the OUTPUT File and search using CTRL-F to find MRP API d. then the profile should be set at the User level on the source (ERP) instance and the Site level on the destination (Planning) instance.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf. Set the OM debug level and MSC: ATP Debug Mode to 'Debug and Database Trace' or 'Debug Only'. After performing the ATP Scheduling or Availability check. Arrival Date Is Not Considering Shipping Calendar Assigned To The Customer: NOTE 211603. REFERENCES https://support.1 . Set profile option OM: Authorized to Override ATP = Yes 2. Note: 436771.1 Solution: 1. Select Send Rating. Let us know your feedback! We hope you find this information useful.1 26/26 . To provide feedback on this note: 1.1 .OEXOEORD Cannot Schedule Sales Orders On A Weekend Or Non Work Day Calendar Date Note 268406.1 .ORDER MANAGEMENT SUITE . Please refer to the following notes: Note 264209. This is a hidden field on the Shipping tab.FAQ .SCHEDULING LIBRARY d.R12 ORDER MANAGEMENT SUITE .Understanding the ATP Results and the Availability Window of the Sales Order Form This last note (d. Set ‘Override ATP’ flag on the sales order line. In the resulting pop-up box. 2. How can I fix this? Where can I get more information about the error messages displayed in the ATP Availability window? How can I view ATP Supply/Demand results easily? Still Have Questions? To discuss this information further with Oracle experts and industry peers.1 .oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf. Enter the desired Schedule Ship Date on the line. Our desire is to provide the right information when you need it.1 .Schedule Ship Date Does Not Save On Work Day Saturday NOTE 461879.1 .1 .) provides helpful screen shots and answers the questions: Why can’t I ship my sales order today when I have enough on hand now? How can I ship it today. b) upper right when viewing the note in the My Oracle Support window. NOTE 428310. Select the "Rate this document" link.1 R12 Scheduling Enhancements – FAQs b. Note 396089.1 . 3.1/26/2014 Document 1551848.ctrl-state=82kauqk93_78&id=1551848. we encourage you to review. enter your comments and ratings for the document. Note: 418846. Please let us know how we are doing. join or start a discussion in the My Oracle Support Order Management EBS Community.SCHEDULING ENHANCEMENTS LIBRARY c. when I cannot schedule the order? How are the results calculated for On-Hand and Reservable in the ATP Availability Window? Closed (or Canceled) orders show up in ATP Supply/Demand and keep me from scheduling orders. you will find the link on the: a) bottom left when viewing the note in a separate window.ATP Does Not Honor Shipping Calendar .ATP Override – Cannot Override the Schedule Ship Date Usages of calendars in Scheduling: NOTE 456786. 3.OEXOEORD . Depending on how you are viewing the note.Receive "Unable to Find Calendar Date" Error When Running ATP from OM Other Sources: a.
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