Order Management Functional Document

March 25, 2018 | Author: kumar_amit_99 | Category: Oracle Database, Inventory, Debits And Credits, Business Economics, Technology



Order Management FunctionalDocument Order Management 1) Oracle Order Management Recommended Setup Setup involves several phases, including setting up other integrated applications, which include Oracle General Ledger, Oracle Receivables, and Oracle Inventory. Some setup steps are optional, depending on whether you have the integrating applications installed and whether you use the associated feature. For example, if your business supports drop shipments, you should also setup Oracle Purchasing. If you are using a multiple organization structure, your system administrator must change the OM: Item Validation Organization parameter to be visible and updatable at the responsibility level. This change allows Order Management to default code and revenue account information accurately. Step 1 Flexfields Define key and descriptive flexfields to capture additional information about orders and transactions. Accounting (Oracle General Ledger) Defining your Accounting key flexfield is part of setting up your sets of books. Item Catalogs (Oracle Inventory) If you make entries for items in a standard industry catalog or if you want to group items according to certain descriptive elements, you need to configure this flexfield. Even if you do not use item cataloguing, you must enable at least one segment of this flexfield and compile it before you define your items. Item Categories (Oracle Inventory) You must set up this flexfield before you define items because all items must be assigned to categories. Sales Orders (Oracle Inventory) Use the Sales Orders key flexfield to differentiate sales order transactions that Order Management interfaces to Oracle Inventory. You must define this flexfield before placing demand or reservations in Order Management. The profile option OM:Source Code defaults the source code you use in the third flexfield segment. Stock Locators (Oracle Inventory) If you want to track items by a specific aisle or row, use this key flexfield to capture additional information about inventory stock locators. If you use this flexfield, you must set theOM: Inventory Stock Location profile option. System Items (Oracle Inventory) Before you define items, set up this flexfield in order to record and report item information. The OM: Item Flexfield profile option needs to be set. Sales Tax Location (Oracle Receivables) Use this flexfield to charge your customers for tax based on their shipping addresses. Territory (Oracle Receivables) The Territory flexfield can be associated with salespeople, invoices, and customer site addresses. Use it to record and report territory information. Descriptive Flexfields Additional Line Detail Information (Oracle Order Management) This descriptive flexfield displays any additional line detail information at the time of order entry. Industry Attribute (Oracle Order Management) This descriptive flexfield records industry-specific information for items in your order. Pricing Attributes (Oracle Order Management and Oracle Advanced Pricing) Pricing attributes modify an item’s price without requiring that you create a new item. For example, you sell computer software and the price of the software is different depending on the number of users. You define a pricing attribute called Number Of Users. When you enter an order line, the Pricing Attributes flexfield opens a window to capture the number of users. Order Management uses this information along with the item and unit of measure to derive the item list price. The Pricing Attributes descriptive flexfield contains 15 user-definable flexfield segments to be used as pricing attributes. Once defined, the attributes can be used in the lines block of the Sales Orders window, the Line Options window, the Shipment Schedules window, the lines block of the Price Lists window, and the Item Groups window in Order Management; and in the Services and Renew Service windows in Oracle Service. Step 2 Multiple Organizations Define multiple organizations in Oracle Inventory. Step 3 Inventory Organizations Define inventory organizations (warehouses), organization parameters, sub-inventories, and picking rules in Oracle Inventory. You must define at least one item validation organization and at least one organization that acts as an inventory source for orders fulfilled internally. If you plan to drop ship some orders, you must also define at least one logical organization for receiving purposes. Your item validation organization can be the same as your inventory source or your logical receiving organization, but you cannot use one organization for all three purposes. Step 4 Profile Options Define profile options to specify certain implementation parameters, processing options, and system options. Some of the profile options are OM: Allow Negative Pricing OM: Apply Automatic Attachments OM: Auto schedule OM: Customer Step 6 Invoicing Define invoicing information, including payment terms, invoicing and accounting rules, Auto Accounting parameters, territories, and invoice sources. See the following topics in the Oracle Receivables User’s Guide for more information: Payment terms, Invoice with Rules, Transaction Types, Auto Accounting, Territories, and Invoice Batch Sources. Step 7 Salespersons Define information on your sales representatives. Step 8 Tax Define tax features, such as codes, rates, exceptions, and exemptions. Step 9 QuickCodes Define QuickCodes that provide custom values for many lists of values throughout Order Management Some of the quick codes are, - Cancellation Codes  Credit Cards  Freight Terms including item attribute controls. Hold Types  Note Usage Formats  Release Reasons  Sales Channels  Shipment Priorities Step 10 Workflow Define order and line processing flows to meet different order and line type requirements. Step 11 Document Sequences (Order Numbering) Define Document Sequences for automatic or manual numbering of orders. Defining Item Attribute Controls. See: Creating a Bill of Material. Step 14 Item Information Define item information. Step 17 Customer Classes Define customer profile classes. See: Defining Customer Profile Classes: page. Oracle Bills of Material User’s Guide. Step 16 Configurations Define the configurations that you sell. Defining Categories. and statuses. Step 13 Units of Measure Define the units of measure in which you supply items. categories. and Defining Item Status Codes. Step 12 Order Import Sources Define sources for importing orders into Order Management. Oracle Receivables User’s Guide . Step 18 Customers Define information on your customers. Step 21 Transaction Types (Order and Line Types) Define transaction types to classify orders and returns. defaulting rules. Step 20 Sourcing Define your sourcing rules for scheduling supply chain ATP functions. line types. and Defining Record Sets Step 24 Defaulting Rules Define defaulting rules to determine the source and prioritization for defaulting order information to reduce the amount of information you must enter manually in the Sales Orders window. Defining Validation Templates. and cancelling order or return information beyond certain points in your order cycles. splitting lines. workflow assignments. and freight terms. Step 23 Processing Constraints Define processing constraints to prevent users from adding updating. Oracle Receivables User’s Guide. which prevent data integrity violations. See: Oracle Inventory’s User’s Guide. or create your own. See: Defining Processing Constraints. payment terms. Use the constraints Order Management provides. deleting. For each order type. order lines. or any generic item number. See: Oracle Inventory User’s Guide.. See: Defining Defaulting Rules Step 25 . See: OracleAdvanced Supply Chain Planning User’s Guide. return lines. you can assign a default price list. See: Entering Customers. Step 19 Item Cross References Define item cross references for ordering by customer part number. See: Defining Transaction Types Step 22 Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) Set up your Cost of Goods Sold Accounting Flexfield combination (COGS Account) in Oracle Inventory. UPC. and Defining Sales Credit Types Step 26 Holds Define automatic holds to apply to orders and returns. See: Automatic Credit Checking of Orders. as well as container items. Oracle Shipping Execution User’s Guide. See: Defining Holds Step 27 Attachments Define standard documents to attach automatically to orders and returns. Step 15 Items Define the items that you sell. you can define pricing rules and parameters to add flexibility. See: Defining Freight Costs and Defining Freight Carriers. You can view and customize Account Generator processes through the Oracle Workflow Builder. 2) Definitions Account Generator The Account Generator in Oracle Order Management utilizes Oracle Workflow. Step 30 Shipping Define shipping preferences in Oracle Shipping Execution. See: Oracle Shipping Execution User’s Guide. Step 28 Freight Charges and Carriers Define freight charges and freight carriers to specify on orders.Credit Checking Define your credit checking rules. Defining Credit Check Rules. Order Management and Oracle Shipping Execution insert a Cost of Goods Sold Accounting Flexfield combination (COGS Account) for each inventory transaction line into Oracle Inventory via the Inventory . Optionally. Step 29 Pricing Define price lists for each combination of item and unit of measure that you sell. category Code used to group items with similar characteristics. you can define a fixed duration accounting rule with monthly revenue recognition for a period of 12 months. bill of lading A carrier’s contract and receipt of goods transported from one location to another. You can customize the default process to make your cost of goods sold analysis more meaningful. and on account credits from other systems to Oracle Receivables. credit memos. Accounting rules Auto Invoice uses to specify revenue recognition schedules for transactions. and planning. You can use the COGS Account as a basis for cost of goods sold analysis in Oracle Inventory. metals. materials. costing. bill of material A list of component items associated with a parent item and information about how each item relates to the parent item. . or glass items. such as plastics. For example. the price before any price adjustments are applied.Interface program. outstanding receipts and planned production which has not been committed through a reservation or placing demand. You can define an accounting rule where revenue is recognized over a fixed or variable period of time. Oracle Order Management allows you to create backorders automatically or manually from released order lines. category set A feature in Inventory where users may define their own group of categories. AutoInvoice A program that imports invoices. Base Price The original price for an item obtained from the Price List. Available To Promise (ATP) The quantity of current on-hand stock. Also known as List Price. carriers code (SCAC) The Standard Carrier Alpha Code is required on carrier supplied bills of lading. The Account Generator dynamically creates a COGS Account to transfer from Order Management and Oracle Shipping Execution to Oracle Inventory for each order and return line when it completes the Inventory Interface cycle action. backorder An unfulfilled customer order or commitment. Typical category sets include purchasing. If however. customer profile A method used to categorize customers based on credit information. The customer profile class when assigned to a customer provides the default values for this information. You can include or exclude components in the equation to derive credit balances consistent with your company’s credit policies. demand class A demand class may represent a particular grouping of customers. the discount amount for that same 20% discount now becomes $4. size. Oracle Order Management uses the order and total order limits when performing credit checking. statement cycles. If the discount was specified as an “amount” discount. the discount was not a percentage and was an “amount” discount of $2. salespersons. then whether the list price for the associated price list is $10. Components include open receivables. you could group them by their business type. and payment cycles. discounts . then this value will not change even if the price list changes. or $5. then the discount amount is $2. and collectors to your customers. and we have a 20% discount. and orders on hold. and Item A will cost $20 on the new price list.credit check rule A rule that defines the components used to calculate a customer’s outstanding credit balance. the discount amount will always be $2. Demand classes may also represent different sources of demand. You can also decide whether you want to charge your customers interest. such as retail. customer profile class These allow for grouping of customers with similar credit worthiness. customer class A method to classify and group your customers. uninvoiced orders. $20. if Item A’s list price is $10. dunning letter cycles. or location. such as government and commercial customers. discount amount This is the difference between the list price and the selling price for the item. credit memo A document that partially or fully reverses an original invoice amount. For example. and discount information. payment terms. For example. business volume. mail order. For each profile class you can define information such as credit limits. If we then change price lists. invoicing. and wholesale. You can create an unlimited number of customer classes. defaulting rules Information Oracle Order Management automatically enters depending on other information you enter. cumulative discounts Discounts whose percentages are summed up before applying the discount are referred to as Cumulative Discounts. Oracle Receivables uses credit profiles to assign statement cycles. as is the case with GSA prices. the extended price is $20. a fixed price discount specifying a selling price of $90 results in a selling price of $90 even if the list price later increases to $110. freight terms An agreement indicating who pays the freight costs of an order and when they are to be paid. or group of lines. dropship item An item which is going to be sourced externally from the vendor directly to our customer. fixed price discount A discount that fixes the final selling price of the item so it is not affected by changes to the list price of the item. For example. extended price The extended price is the cost of the line.Is a Modifier type in Oracle Pricing that creates Pricing Adjustments which allows Pricing Engine to extend a reduced price for an order. stocking. a user exchange rate or a corporate exchange rate.00 for the line. Thus. specific line item. freight on board (FOB) The point or location where the ownership title of goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer. freight charges A shipment-related charge added during ship confirmation and billed to your customer. It is a method of implementing discounts to the list price where the final price is contractually fixed regardless of changes to the list price. The selling company buys a product from a supplier and has the supplier ship the product directly to customers. exchange rate type A specification of the source of an exchange rate. if two of item A cost $10. Freight terms do not affect accounting freight charges. For example. This is computed by multiplying the selling price per unit by the number of units ordered on that line.00 each. FIFO costing Costing method where it is assumed that items that were received earliest are transacted first. dunning letters A letter you send to your customers to inform them of past due debit items. spot exchange rate. see corporate exchange rate. You can choose to include unapplied and on-account payments. if Item A has a list price of $100. or delivering them. drop shipment A method of fulfilling sales orders by selling products without handling. GRN (Goods Received Note) . Oracle Receivables lets you specify the text and format of each letter. or they are ALL inbound. ‘ORDER’ (all outbound). In other terms. gross weight The weight of the fully loaded vehicle.Goods Received Note. or item. GSA (General Services Administration) GSA (General Services Administration): a customer classification that indicates the customer is a U. Inbound/Outbound Lines In the Order Management schema. Synonym for receipt or material receipt. invoicing rules .S. it cannot be sold to commercial customers for the same or less price than the government customer. GSA Discounts Discounts that can be specifically defined for giving the lowest selling price to some or all of the GSA customers. meaning sales order lines. Inbound Purchase Order Inbound Purchase Order refers to the action of receiving purchasing information from customers and creating valid sales orders within Oracle Order Management. Intangible items are nonshippable and do not appear on pick slips and pack slips. defined on the GSA contract. and/or that manufactures or distributes products. guarantee A contractual obligation to purchase a specified amount of goods or services over a predefined period of time. headers can be ‘RETURN’ (all inbound). intermediate ship-to The delivery point for a shipment prior to an ultimate destination.S. container. in which material on the header is leaving the warehouse to go to a customer. government customer and pricing for products on the GSA price sheet should reflect the fixed pricing of the GSA contract. In Order Management. government customer. intangible item A non-physical item sold to your customers such as consulting services or a warranty. meaning return lines. The items contained on the GSA price list cannot be sold to commercial customers for the same or less price than the government price. or ‘MIXED’ (both inbound and outbound lines). a fixed price must be used. inventory organization An organization that tracks inventory transactions and balances. in which material on the header is arriving at the warehouse to be credited back to the customer. the price offered to the government must be the minimum in the market. including packed items and packaging material. For products on the GSA price list. lines on a header are either ALL outbound. A customer classification that indicates the customer is a U. Whenever a product is on the GSA price sheet. The loading order can be forward. You control the application of modifiers by the pricing engine by also setting up rules that specify qualifiers and attributes governing their use. locator Physical area within a subinventory where you store material. You can bill In Advance or In Arrears.Rules that Oracle Receivables uses to determine when you bill your invoices. A lockbox operation can process millions of transactions a month. order category An Order Transaction Type can be for any of the following Order Categories: ‘ORDER’. For example. Lockbox processors set up special postal codes to receive payments. or surcharges. LIFO costing Costing method where it is assumed that items that were received most recently are transacted first. such as a row. lookup code The internal name of a value defined in an Oracle Workflow lookup type. you define the adjustments your customers may receive. aisle. The lookup code is stored in the attribute. In Oracle Pricing. LOOKUP Attributes are validated by a lookup type. a modifier can take the form of: discounts. Each value in a lookup type has an internal and a display name. but the code’s translated meaning will be displayed whenever the attribute value is viewed by an end user. When an Order is . Line Transaction Types can be for any of the categories: ‘ORDER’ or ‘RETURN’. lookup type An Oracle Workflow predefined list of values. deposit funds and provide electronic account receivable input to corporate customers. bin. or shelf. ‘RETURN’ or ‘MIXED’. loading order Determines the order in which items are loaded on a truck for delivery in the requested production sequence. lockbox A service commercial banks offer corporate customers to enable them to outsource their accounts receivable payment processing. logical organization A business unit that tracks items for accounting purposes but does not physically exist. reverse . modifier Defines the terms of how Oracle Pricing will make adjustments.inverted. modifier list A grouping of modifiers in Oracle Pricing. when you setup modifiers. or non-inverted. The rule dictates how the Pick Slip Report program groups released lines into different pick slips. Alternative to manufacturing the parent item on a work order and then shipping it. the Order Category code determines which lines are permitted for that order. If the category code is ‘MIXED’. pick-to-order A configure-to-order environment where the options and included items in a model appear on pick slips and order pickers gather the options when they ship the order. Oracle or Non-Oracle system. pick slip Internal shipping document pickers use to locate items to ship for an order. then the order can have only regular Lines. the pick slip contains all orders released in that picking batch. An order cycle lets you define the activity an order follows from initial entry through closing. line type (standard. transactable. model. model. and option class items. Pick-to-order is also an item attribute that you can apply to standard. Net 30’ lets a customer take a two percent discount if payment is received within 10 days. pick slip grouping rule Criterion for grouping together various types of pick slips. If the category code is ‘RETURN’. pick release An order cycle action to notify warehouse personnel that orders are ready for picking. return or internal) and item type (standard. picking rule . Order Import Order Import is an Oracle Order Management’s Open Interface that imports orders from an internal or external source. You can define as many order cycles as your business requires. payment terms The due date and discount date for payment of an invoice. Order Processing Cycle A sequence of actions you or Order Management performs on an order to complete the order. then the order can have only return lines. etc. with the balance due within 30 days of the invoice date. Order cycles are assigned to order types. then the order can have both kinds of lines. If you use standard pick slips. For example. pick release rule A user-defined set of criteria to define what order lines should be selected during pick release. If you use the consolidated pick slip. Each order line goes through a cycle appropriate to the order type. each order will have its own pick slip within each picking batch. the payment term ’2% 10.) of that line. An order cycle lets you define the activity an order follows from initial entry through closing. order cycle A sequence of actions you or Order Management perform on an order to complete the order. which performs all the validations before importing the order. If the category code is ‘ORDER’. shippable.created with a particular Transaction Type. Oracle Order Management automatically creates list prices based on formulas you define. price breaks Discounts for buying large quantities or values of a particular item of a particular UOM. effective dates and price breaks for that item. profile option . their price. There may be more than one pending change order request in the process for a given purchase order. Accepted PO Change Request result in an updated Sales Order in the base Oracle Order Management tables. Price adjustments that lower the list price are also commonly aknown as discounts. All prices in a price list are for the same currency. You create a pricing rule by combining pricing components and assigning a value to the components. PO Change Request Vs. pricing rule A mathematical formula used to define item pricing. pricing components Combinations of pricing parameters you use when defining pricing rules. Sales Order The term ‘sales order’ refers to the sales order data as stored in the base Oracle Order Entry tables. Using the contract lines users will be able to setup items . price list A list containing the base selling price per unit for a group of items. Picking rules are defined in Oracle Inventory. Valid pricing parameters include segments of your item flexfield or Pricing Attributes descriptive flexfield. item categories or service offered. item category or any enabled pricing attribute. price adjustment The difference between the list price of an item and its actual selling price. The term ‘PO Change Request’ or ‘PO Change Request process’ refers to the pending sales order data as stored and processed in this new change order process. pricing contracts Used to setup a contract with associated contract lines which specifies the items that customer will purchase. Pricing components can be made up of one or multiple pricing parameters. pricing information Information that pricing calculation is based on such as pricing date. Users will be able to have multiple versions of the contract and contract lines with different effective dates. Price adjustments can be for an order line or the entire order. pricing parameters A parameter you use to create components to be used in a pricing rule. Price adjustments can have a positive or negative impact on the list price.A user-defined set of criteria to define the priorities Order Management uses when picking items out of finished goods inventory to ship to a customer. price list and unit price. as long as the items are part of your item master and price list. Receivables allows you to authorize the return of your sales orders as well as sales made by other dealers or suppliers. . You can define QuickCodes for sales channels so that you can specify the various sales channels used for different kinds of orders. and Mass Additions Queue Names. trip stop A location at which the trip is due for a pick-up or drop-off. if two of item A cost $10. shipment dates. territory flexfield A key flexfield you can use to categorize customers and salespersons. It may be used as the basis of billing by a haulage company. proof of delivery A document that the customers receiving dock signs to show how much they received. responsibility. Vehicle Load Sheet Summary.00 for each unit. Thus. the selling price is $10. Pack Slip. QuickCodes Codes that you define for the activities and terminology you use in your business. In general. such as the Bill of Lading. (for example. and lots or subinventories to an order line. you can define QuickCodes for personal titles. and Waybill. shippable item An item with the Shippable inventory item attribute set to Yes. For example. warehouses. Journal Entries. selling price The selling price is the unit cost for a particular item. ‘Sales Manager’) so you can refer to people using these titles. Asset Descriptions. shipping documents Shipping related reports. Mailing Label. indicating that this item will appear on pick slips and pack slips. and accounting calendar.00 each. Retirement Types. and user. application. This concept is the same whether or not the Multi-organization support feature is implemented. An Oracle Assets feature that allows you to enter standard descriptions for your business. scheduling Order scheduling includes assigning demand or reservations. Commercial Invoice. return material authorization (RMA) Permission for a customer to return items.A set of changeable options that affect the way your applications run. functional currency. set of books A financial reporting entity that partitions General Ledger information and uses a particular chart of accounts. You can enter QuickCode values for your Property Types. profile options can be set at one or more of the following levels: site. See Account Generator. activity. The Workflow Engine manages the state of all activities. function. item type. Workflow Engine The Oracle Workflow component that implements a workflow process definition. Back ordered Ship Transaction Status – Staged. All. Shipped. not staged. and detects error conditions and starts error processes. automatically executes functions. The Workflow Engine is implemented in server PL/SQL and activated when a call to an engine API is made. picked Pick Release Order status – Unreleased. awaiting status. Item Type combinations. There can be only one header flow associated with an Order Transaction Type but a line Transaction Type can be coupled with different Order Types and Item Types and there can be different flow couplings for the permitted Transaction Type. Booked Order Line status – Entered. back ordered. Standard Order Flow Create sales order Schedule it Book it Pick release Ship confirm Scheduling – Auto/Manual. Cancel Public Table List Table Name Description AK_FOREIGN_KEYS Foreign keys for an object AK_FOREIGN_KEY_COLUMNS Links an attribute to a foreign key AK_OBJECTS Defines an object and the application id of the owner of the object . maintains a history of completed activities.Workflow This determines the header flow for an order transaction type or line flows possible for a line transaction type. Not Shipped. Available – is the actual available Qty on Hand – is the actual available + Reserved Items + unreserved Items Reservable – is the reserved items Order header Status – Entered. Contain API packages AK_UNIQUE_KEYS Unique keys for an object AK_UNIQUE_KEY_COLUMNS Links an attribute to a unique key BOM_INVENTORY_COMPONENTS Bill of material components FND_APPLICATION Applications registered with Oracle Application Object Library FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS Concurrent requests information FND_CURRENCIES Currencies enabled for use at your site FND_DOCUMENTS Documents FND_DOCUMENT_SEQUENCES Document sequences registered with Oracle Application Object Library FND_DOC_SEQUENCE_ASSIGNMENTS Assigns a sequence to a document FND_LANGUAGES National dialects FND_LOOKUP_VALUES Quick Code values FND_RESPONSIBILITY Responsibilities FND_USER Application users GL_DAILY_CONVERSION_TYPES Foreign currency daily conversion rate HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS Organization unit definitions HR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION Additional attributes of an organization.) open interface. OE_AGREEMENTS_B stores all information about pricing agreements. dependent on class or organization information type MTL_CUSTOMER_ITEMS Customer item Information MTL_CUSTOMER_ITEM_XREFS Relationships between customer items and inventory items MTL_LOT_NUMBERS Lot number definitions MTL_RELATED_ITEMS Item relationships MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B Inventory item definitions MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE_TL Unit of measure definitions OE_ACTIONS_IFACE_ALL This is a multi–org table for sales order actions (holds. .AK_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Links an attribute to an object . OE_ACTION_PRE_REQS A temporary table used during the WF upgrade into R11i. booking etc. – Retrofitted OE_HOLD_DEFINITIONS This table stores information about hold name and its validity period.e. . when modified. defined at the entity level . i. OE_HOLD_RELEASES This tables stores information about all the holds that has been released. OE_LOTSERIAL_ACKS This table stores information about the acknowledgements for lot serials OE_LOT_SERIAL_NUMBERS This table stores customer reported lot serial numbers for lot and / or serial number controlled return lines. to a specific attribute OE_DEF_ATTR_DEF_RULES Defaulting rules for an attribute for a defaulting condition. at various pricing events. in each of the available languages in the database. OE_LINES_IFACE_ALL This is a multi–org table for sales order lines open interface. OE_ITEM_CUST_VOLS_ALL This table stores accumulated order quantity and value for an item of a customer over three periods. OE_LINE_ACKS This table stores information about the acknowledgements for Order Lines. OE_CUST_ITEM_SETTINGS OE_CUST_ITEM_SETTINGS stores the shipment and return tolerances for customer–item. OE_EVENT_ATTRIBUTES This table stores order header and line attributes which trigger repricing. OE_LOTSERIALS_IFACE_ALL This is a multi–org table for return line lot serials open interface. OE_HEADERS_IFACE_ALL This is a multi–org table for sales order headers open interface. name of the agreement. OE_INVOICE_NUMBERS This table is used for generating invoice numbers based on the delivery name. OE_HEADER_ACKS This tables stores information about the acknowledgements for Order Headers. OE_DEF_CONDITIONS This table stores defaulting conditions for an entity OE_DROP_SHIP_SOURCES This table stores relationship between Order Lines in oe_order_lines_all table and associated oracle purchasing requisitions in PO_REQUISITIONS_ALL and Oracle purchasing purchase orders in PO_LINES_ALL. OE_HOLD_AUTHORIZATIONS Stores information about who has the authority to apply and release holds.OE_AGREEMENTS_TL stores the translatable column. OE_ATTACHMENT_RULE_ELEMENTS stores the attributes and attribute values that make up the attachment rule. OE_CREDITS_IFACE_ALL This is a multi–org table for sales order/line credits open interface OE_CREDIT_CHECK_RULES This table stores information about the credit check rules. OE_LINE_SETS This table stores information about Sets. OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL stores header information for orders in Order Management. item–site and item combinations OE_CUST_TOTAL_AMTS_ALL Stores the accumulated order value for a customer over three periods OE_DEF_ATTR_CONDNS Associates the defaulting condition. OE_ORDER_LINES_HISTORY stores history of quantity changes on order lines. purchase agreements. OE_ORDER_PRICE_ATTRIBS This table stores pricing attributes and asked for promotions. ONT_PRT_MARGIN_ANALYSIS contains margin analysis information grouped by customer. OE_PRICE_ADJUSTMENTS This table is used to store price adjustments that have been applied to an order or a line. OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL stores information for all order lines in Oracle Order Management. OE_PRICE_ATTS_IFACE_ALL This is a multi–org Interface table to populate OE_ORDER_PRICE_ATTRIBS. last 30 days. purchase agreements. RFQs) PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL Document shipment schedules (for purchase orders. territory. deals and coupon number entered by the user. and sales person for three different time periods. RFQs) . OE_PRICE_ADJ_ASSOCS This table stores the association between Order lines and price adjustments and also between price adjustments OE_PRICE_ADJ_ATTRIBS This table stores information on qualifiers and pricing attributes. last week. item. OE_RESERVTNS_IFACE_ALL This is a multi–org table for inventory reservations open interface. quotations. OE_SALES_CREDITS This table stores information about sales credits. OE_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL This table is used for storing all system parameter information. quotations.OE_ORDER_HOLDS_ALL This table stores information of all the orders and lines that are on hold and the link to hold sources and hold releases. OE_TRANSACTION_TYPES_ALL This table stores information about the order and line transaction types OE_TRANSACTION_TYPES_TL This is a mult–lingual table for OE_TRANSACTION_TYPES_ALL table. OE_SALES_CREDIT_TYPES This table stores information about sales credit types. which the corresponding price adjustment line qualified for. OE_PURGE_ORDERS stores the order details for orders included in a purge set. quotations. OE_ORDER_SOURCES Feeder System Names that create orders in Order Management tables. and last 90 days PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL Purchase order distributions PO_HEADERS_ALL Document headers (for purchase orders. OE_WORKFLOW_ASSIGNMENTS This table associates assignments to order types and line types. OE_SETS OE_SETS stores information on line sets. RFQs) PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS Requisition import interface errors PO_LINES_ALL Purchase document lines (for purchase orders. purchase agreements. OE_PRICE_ADJS_IFACE_ALL This is a multi–org open interface table for sales order/line price adjustments. name and description of the list. QP_LIST_HEADERS_B QP_LIST_HEADERS_B stores the header information for all lists. Discount QP_LIST_HEADERS_TL QP_LIST_HEADERS_TL stores the translatable columns. for example. QP_EVENT_PHASES QP_EVENT_PHASES stores the mapping between pricing events and pricing phases. RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL Sources of invoice. QP_COUPONS QP_COUPONS stores any Coupons which have been issued. debit memo. credit memo and commitment lines RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ALL Transaction type for invoices. It is used for the entity and attribute definiton in attribute sourcing. List types can be.PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL Requisition Import interface table PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL Requisition headers PO_REQUISITION_LINES_ALL Requisition lines PO_REQ_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL Requisition distributions QP_LIST_HEADERS_B QP_LIST_HEADERS_B stores the header information for all lists. in each of the available languages in the database. Discount Lists or Promotions. commitments and credit memos RA_RULES Invoicing and accounting rules RA_SALESREPS_ALL Information about salespeople RA_TERMS_B Payment Term information RA_TERMS_TL Multi–lingual support (MLS) for Payment Terms RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES Receiving shipment line information WF_ITEM_TYPES Item type definition WSH_FREIGHT_COSTS  WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES  Pricing QP_ATTRIBUTE_DEFNS QP_ATTRIBUTE_DEFNS is the table on which the Qualifier and Pricing Attribute Descriptive Flexfields are based. chargeback. List types can be. Price Lists. QP_LIST_LINES QP_LIST_LINES stores all list lines for lists in QP_LIST_HEADERS_B. QP_PRICE_FORMULAS_B QP_PRICE_FORMULAS_B stores the pricing formula header information. for example. . Price Lists. credit memo and commitments RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL Invoice. OM: Included Item Freeze Method. QP_QUALIFIER_RULES QP_QUALIFIER_RULES stores the header information for all qualifier rules QP_RLTD_MODIFIERS QP_RLTD_MODIFIERS stores the relationship between modifier lines. QP_UPGRADE_ERRORS QP_UPGRADE_ERRORS holds details of the errors which occured in upgrading pricing data. OM: Copy Model DFF to child lines. The following table displays the profile categories and the profile options that belong to each one. QP_PRICE_REQ_SOURCES QP_PRICE_REQ_SOURCES stores the mapping between Pricing Request Types and Source Systems. . Profile Categories Profiles have been categorized so that they can be easily classified or grouped. Some profile options belong to more than one category and are indicated in the table below. RA_RULES Invoicing and accounting rules RA_SALESREPS_ALL Information about salespeople RA_TERMS_B Payment Term information Order Management: Profile Options During implementation. QP_PRICE_FORMULA_LINES QP_PRICE_FORMULA_LINES stores each component that makes up the formula. QP_QUALIFIERS QP_QUALIFIERS stores qualifier attribute information. name & description of the pricing formulas. QP_PRICING_ATTRIBUTES QP_PRICING_ATTRIBUTES stores product information and pricing attributes. in each of the available languages in the database. OM: Configuration Quick Save. you set a value for each user profile option to specify how Order Management controls access to and processes data.QP_PRICE_FORMULAS_TL This table stores the translatable columns. Profile Category Name Profile Option(s) Configurations OM: Allow model fulfilment without configuration. QP_PRICING_PHASES QP_PRICING_PHASES stores all pricing phases. OM: Administer Public Queries. OM: Display Actions Button vs. OM: Sales Order Form: Restrict Customers OM: Debug Log Directory. Debug OM: Debug Level. OM: Change SO Response Required. Poplist. OM: Add Customer (Order Import). OM: Send Acknowledgment for Change PO Response. Customer Usage OM: Create Account Information. Forms UI OM: Add Customer. OM: DBI Installation. OM: E-Mail Required on New Customers. OM: Automatically Open Related Items Window. OM: Order Accept State for XML. OM: Add Customer. OM: Party Totals Currency. OM: Display Current Selections in . OM: Contact Center Actions Menu Name. OM: Generate Diagnostics for Error Activities. OM: Run Order Import for XML. OM: Use Configurator. OM: Printed Document Extension Class Name. OM: Use Configurator. OM: Orders Purge Per Commit. Deployment OM: New EDI Acknowledgment Framework. OM: Electronic Message Integration Event Sources Electronic Messaging OM: New EDI Acknowledgment Framework.OM: Party Totals Currency. OM: Cust Item Shows Matches. Pricing/Availability. OM: Sales Orders Form preference. OM: Over Return Tolerance. OM: Item View Method. OM: Use Configurator. OM: View Closed Lines. Fulfillment OM: Population Of Buyer Code For Dropship Lines. OM: Quick Sales Order Form: Defer Pricing. OM: Allow model fulfillment without configuration. . OM: Scheduling Role. OM: Show Process Messages Flag. OM: Source Code. OM: View Cancel Lines. OM: Sales Order navigation from Pricing/Availability form. OM: Sales Order Form: Cascade Header Changes to Line. OM: Included Item Freeze Method. OM: View Pricing & Availability Information in Related Items. OM: Automatically Interface Lines to IB on Fulfillment Holds OM: Modify Seeded Holds. OM: Under Shipment Tolerance. OM: Under Return Tolerance. OM: Over Shipment Tolerance. OM: Quick Sales Order Form: Auto Refresh. OM: Show Line Details. OM: Sales Order Form: Restrict Customers. OM: Enable Related Items and Manual Substitutions. OM: Sales Order Form: Refresh Method (Query Coordination). OM: Add Customer (Order Import). OM: Enable Group pricing for DSP lines. Item Usage OM: Enable Related Items and Manual Substitutions. Pricing OM: Charges For Backorders. OM: Commitment Sequencing. OM: Records On Summary Page For External Users. OM: Invoice Numbering Method. . OM: Source for TP Early Ship/Deliver Date. OM: View Intercompany AR Invoice OM: Customer Item Shows Matches. OM: Discounting Privileges. OM: Unique Order Source. OM: Restrict Customer Items for Line Level Ship To Address. Order Import OM: Import Multiple Shipments. OM: Preserve External Credit Balances OM: Customer Service Feedback. OM: Charging Privilege. Payments OM: Credit Card Privileges. OM: Item Flexfield. Invoicing OM: Set Receivables Transaction Date as Current Date for Non-Shippable Lines. OM: Charges for included item. OM: Item Change Honors Frozen Price. Logistics OM: Sequence for TP Ship/Deliver Deadline. Orig Sys Document Ref Combination For Each Customer.OM: Prevent Booking for Line Generic Holds. OM: Interface freight tax code from line. OM: List Price Override Privilege. Portal UI OM: Customer Service Report Defect. OM:Unit Price Precision Type. Security OM: Charging Privilege. OM: Modify Seeded Holds. OM: Send Changed Lines to Pricing. Returns OM: Notification Approver. OM: Return Unfulfilled Referenced Line Action. OM: Add Customer. OM: Return Item Mismatch Action. OM: Add Customer (Order Import). OM: Administer Public Queries. OM: Credit Card Privileges. OM: UOM Class for Charge Periodicity. OM: Scheduling Role. OM: Discounting Privileges. OM: Under Return Tolerance.OM: Negative Pricing. OM: Authorized To Override ATP. OM: Authorized To Override ATP. OM: Cascade Service. OM: Customer Service Report Defect. OM: Price Adjustment Modifier for AIA Order Lines OM: Customer Service Feedback. OM: Schedule ATO Item Without BOM. OM: Promotion Limit Violation Action. OM: List Price Override Privilege. OM: Auto Push Group Date. OM: Assign New Set For Each Line. Scheduling OM: AutoSchedule. . OM: Enforce Shipping Method for Ship Sets. OM: Over Return Tolerance. OM: Create Account Information. OM: Display New Order After Copy OM:Enforce check for duplicate Purchase Orders.OM: Scheduling Role. OM: Copy Model dff to child lines. OM: Generic Update Constraints Apply to DFF?. OM: Default Blanket Transaction Phase. Service OM: Cascade Service. OM: Authorized To Override ATP. • Booked (OM): Order is booked. OM: Default Salesrep. OM: Configuration Quick Save. This activity will make a process Shipping . OM: Return Unfulfilled Referenced Line Action. OM: Prevent Booking for Line Generic Holds. OM: Default Blanket Agreement Type. OM: Notification Approver. • Scheduled (OM): You can customize the workflow to show the Scheduled statuswhich indicates that the order line has been successfully scheduled by adding acustomized activity after the Schedule activity. OM: Return Item Mismatch Action. OM: Cascade Service. Upgrade OM: Context Responsibility for Upgraded Orders. Navigate to System Administrator Responsibility Profiles  System Flow of Order Management Begin by placing the order in Order Management (OM): • Entered (OM): Order is saved but not booked. Transaction Entry OM: Default Sales Transaction Phase. OM: Apply Automatic Attachments. is not scheduled. The delivery linesplits into two delivery lines and therefore represents two order lines in OrderManagement. • Not Ready to Release (SE): A delivery line might be in this status when it is interfacedmanually into Shipping Execution. • Awaiting Shipping (OM): Awaiting information from shipping. if a delivery line has a quantity of100. • Awaiting Fulfillment (OM): Not all shippable lines in a fulfillment set or aconfiguration are fulfilled. This status willremain until the Order Management interface is run. acustomer orders quantity 50. This is a synchronization step within theworkflow process. TheDelivery status is set to In transit. • Fulfilled (OM): All lines in a fulfillment set are fulfilled. This status is also displayed after the line has been ship confirmed but beforethe Order Management interface has been run.Fulfillment Sets are defined as a group of order lines that are fulfilled together. • Canceled (SE): This status indicates that the delivery line was cancelled. the original delivery linesplits to create a new line (quantity of 75) for the unallocated portion with a status ofBackordered. As an example. Whenlines are imported automatically from Order Management this status is not used. The second order line with a quantity of 30 has statusof Awaiting Shipping. As an example. There are 20 on hand in inventory. theorder line status changes to Awaiting Shipping.Note: Both Backordered and Staged/Pick Confirmed statusesprovide the ability to perform opportunistic cross-docking forwarehouse organizations with Oracle Warehouse Management(WMS) installed. but can belong to multiple fulfillmentsets. and has no reservations. . • Staged/Pick Confirmed (SE): The delivery line is successfully pick released. • Open (OM): This status of a delivery on the Additional Line Information formindicates that none of the delivery lines associated with that delivery have beenship confirmed.Navigate back to Order Management and query the order which results in OM pullingupdated Pick Release information from Shipping Execution: • Picked (OM): Pick release has completed normally (both allocation and pickconfirm). The current line is waiting for other lines in the fulfillmentset or the configuration to be fulfilled. A linecan belong to either a ship set or an arrival set. the Delivery set intransit. and at pick release only 25 are available for allocation. Itis now a delivery line that is eligible for Pick Release. Lines remain staged until they are ship confirmed. and then willnot be fulfilled (and therefore invoiced) until the shippable items are fulfilled. The order line splits toreflect the changes that occurred during the Shipping process. • Picked (OM): Order is booked and lines are picked. The quantity on the original delivery line changes to 25 to reflect theallocated portion with a status of Staged/Pick Confirmed.The delivery line splits during Ship Confirm and the information passes toOrder Management through the Process Order API. The order line with quantity 20 has the status of Picked or Shippeddepending on whether or not the delivery line is Ship Confirmed. It occursafter pick confirm to indicate subinventory transfer from source location to staginglocation is complete. If delivery was sourced from an Oracle Application other thanOM: The delivery line is shipped and the Inventory Interface concurrent processhas completed. When the ship line logic starts. This status appears at the line level as well as inthe Additional Line Information at the Pick Status field. Either noallocations were created or allocations have not been Pick Confirmed. • Backordered (SE): The delivery line is pick released but no allocations were createdor partial allocations occurred. • Awaiting Shipping (OM): Order is booked and scheduled but lines have not beenpicked. • Released to Warehouse (SE): Pick Release has started but not completed. The delivery associated with the delivery line(s) may have also been ShipConfirmed but the Delivery may not be set in transit and the Trip may not be closed.14-31order API call to update the status to Scheduled.Navigating to Shipping Execution. and the Trip closed.Shipping Execution passes the status information to Order Management when ShipConfirm is complete: • Shipped (OM): The delivery associated with the line is Ship Confirmed. • Shipped (SE): This line status indicates that the delivery associated with the deliverylines is ship confirmed.14-32 Oracle Order Management Implementation Manual • Picked Partial (OM): This status occurs when a delivery line is not allocated the fullquantity during Pick Release and Ship Confirm has not occurred. • Interfaced (SE): If delivery was sourced from Oracle OM: The delivery line isshipped and the OM Interface and Inventory Interface concurrent processeshave completed. Itemsthat are not shippable can be in fulfillment sets with shippable items. the delivery line status flow is: • Ready to Release (SE): Order line is booked and passed to Shipping Execution. and optional if you plan on using the functionality surrounding Descriptive Flexfields. Several defaulting values are provided. If you plan to drop ship some orders. This step is required. It does not necessarily indicatethat the line is interfaced to Accounts Receivable (AR) since you must close lineactivity in a no-bill flow. See Step 5 for setting your item validation organization. • Partially Interfaced to Receivables (OM): This status is used in a PTO flow andindicates that the particular PTO item is required for revenue. You should run Auto Invoice (from Receivables)to generate the Invoice. This step is required for Key Flexfields. You must define at least one item validation organization and at least one organization that acts as an inventory source for orders fulfilled internally. This step is required. subinventories. Your item validation organization can be the same as your inventory source or your logical receiving organization. No further processing will occur for this line. but you cannot use one organization for all three purposes. Step 3: Flexfields Define key and descriptive flexfields to capture additional information about orders and transactions. and picking rules in Oracle Inventory. Please refer to the Oracle Applications Multiple Organizations Implementation Guide for more information. you must also define at least one logical organization for receiving purposes (Since for Drop ship orders virtual receipts are created against the logical organizations). • Closed (OM): Closed indicates that the line is closed. • Canceled (OM): Indicates that the line is completely canceled. Step 4: Inventory Organizations Define inventory organizations (warehouses). Step 2: Multi-Org Access Control The Multi-Org Access Control (MOAC) feature enables users to access to one or more Operating Units within one user responsibility. parameters.• Interfaced to Receivables (OM): Order Management has written information tothe Receivables Interface tables. Oracle Order Management Setup Steps Oracle Order Management Setup Steps The following list displays all the implementation setups training for Oracle Order Management Step 1: Multiple Organizations Define multiple organizations in Oracle Inventory. Step 5: Profile Options . This step is required. invoicing and accounting rules. Step 10: QuickCodes Define QuickCodes that provide custom values for many lists of values throughout Order Management. This step is required. This step is required if you plan on creating user defined Quick codes for utilization within Order Management.Define profile options to specify certain implementation parameters. such as codes. exceptions. Step 6: Parameters Set your Order Management System Parameters to validate items. This step is required if you plan on importing orders or returns into Order Management. including payment terms. Step 13: Order Import Sources Define sources for importing orders into Order Management. enable customer relationships. Auto accounting parameters. and operating unit defaults. This step is required. territories. Step 14: Units of Measure Define the units of measure in which you supply items. and invoice sources. Step 9: Tax Define tax features. This step is required. Defaulting values are provided. Several defaulting values are provided. processing options. This step is optional. Step 8: Salespersons Define information on your sales representatives. and system options. and exemptions. Step 11: Workflow Define header and line processing flows to meet different header and line type requirements. This step is required if you plan on transferring invoicing information to Oracle Receivables. This step is required. This step is required. Step 7: Invoicing Define invoicing information. . Step 12: Document Sequences (Order Numbering) Define Document Sequences for automatic or manual numbering of orders. rates. Step 17: Configurations Define the configurations that you sell. defaulting rules. Step 23: Order Management Transaction Types (Sales Documents) Define Order Management transaction types to classify sales documents. Step 20: Customers Define information on your customers. return lines. This step is required. refer to the Oracle Advanced Pricing Implementation Manual. This step is optional. including item attribute controls. This step is required if you plan on using the functionality surrounding Customer Profiles. Step 21: Item Cross References Define item cross references for ordering by customer part number. UPC. This step is required if you plan on generating orders or returns for configured items. . as well as container items. This step is required. Several defaulting values are provided. Step 19: Customer Classes Define customer profile classes. Several defaulting values are provided. For each order type. workflow assignments. Optionally. categories. Step 22: Sourcing Define your sourcing rules for scheduling supply chain ATP functions. and statuses. This step is required. Several defaulting values have been provided. This step is required if you plan on using the functionality surrounding item cross referencing. or any generic item number. you can define pricing rules and parameters to add flexibility. This step is required. and freight terms. line types. payment terms. For more information about pricing setup and implementation. Step 16: Items Define the items that you sell.Step 15: Item Information Define item information. Step 18: Pricing Define price lists for each combination of item and unit of measure that you sell. order lines. you can assign a default price list. Step 26: Defaulting Rules Define defaulting rules to determine the source and prioritization for defaulting order information to reduce the amount of information you must enter manually in the Sales Orders window. Step 30: Freight Charges and Carriers Define freight charges and freight carriers to specify on orders. Step 27: Credit Checking Define your credit checking rules. This step is required if you plan on performing automatic hold for orders or returns. or create your own. Several Defaulting rules and corresponding values for have been defined.This step is required if you plan on utilizing the functionality surrounding COGS. Step 24: Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) Set up your Cost of Goods Sold Accounting Flexfield combination (COGS Account) in Oracle Inventory. This step is optional. This step is required. Order Management will update existing Order Types to OM transaction type during the upgrade process. This step is required. This step is optional. splitting lines. Several default values for processing constraints have been defined. Step 28: Holds Define automatic holds to apply to orders and returns. This step is optional. Step 25: Processing Constraints Define processing constraints to prevent users from adding updating. For existing Oracle Order Entry customers. Step 29: Attachments Define standard documents to attach automatically to sales documents. which prevent data integrity violations.Note: Order Management provides NO seeded OM transaction types. and cancelling sales documents information beyond certain points in your business flows. Use the constraints Order Management provides. deleting. Step 31: Shipping Define shipping parameters in Oracle Shipping Execution. This step is required if you plan on performing any type of order credit checking. This step is required if you plan on charging customers for freight or additional order charges. Check out the Sample OM configuration guide for XYZ organization . Document Sequence Order Management Setups .Quick Codes Order Management Setups .Transaction Type Definition Order Management Setups .Profile Options .Following is the detailed information of some of the important setups: Scheduling in Oracle Order Management Setup Available to Promise in Order Management Defaulting rules in Order Management Validation Template for Processing Constraints in Oracle OM Processing Constraints in Oracle Order management Oracle Order Management workflow background process setup Oracle Workflows in Order Management Order Management Setups .
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