Oral Communication Syllabus

May 25, 2018 | Author: Rebekah Mambiar | Category: Speech, Communication, Cybernetics, Learning, Neuropsychology



FEU CaviteSenior High School Department 1st Semester, S.Y. 2018-2019 Course Code: EN11/12OC Course Title: Oral Communication in Context Course Prerequisite: N/A Course Description: The development of listening and speaking skills and strategies for effective communicat General Course Objectives: Course Content: Week Specific Objectives Topic Competencies Course Introduction Nature and elements of ● Discuss orally the communication nature and process of • Definition communication using a • Process of graphic organizer communication ● Compare and contrast • Models of orally the various communication models and process of • Effective communication communication skills ● Evaluate orally and in The learner understands • Intercultural written the causes of communication the nature and elements communication Week 1-3 breakdown at home, of oral communication in Functions of school, and/or work context. Communication ● Appraise orally the • Buhler’s Three significant features of Functions of intercultural Communication communication • Jacobson’s 6 ● Discuss orally and in Functions of written the functions of Communication communication to convey appropriate • Halliday’s 7 message to appropriate Functions of the context of the situation Language ● Distinguish orally the speaker’s purpose(s) ● Utilize verbal and nonverbal cues that each speaker uses to achieve his/her purpose through a • Verbal and non- dramatization The learner understands verbal communication ● Point out orally the the nature and elements Week 4-5 • Causes of different types of oral of oral communication in communication texts context. breakdown ● Demonstrate the strategies to convey ideas effectively through a skit ● Assess orally the factors to achieve effective oral communication through class sharing ● Apply orally appropriate response to various types of speech context ● Distinguish orally social situations in which each ● Types of speech style is appropriate to The learner recognizes use Communicative that communicative ● Assess orally the appropriate Strategy language forms to use in a competence requires o Nomination particular speech style understanding of speech ● Demonstrate orally an o Restriction context, speech style, appropriate and effective o Turn-taking response to a speech act speech act and o Topic control ● Exhibit orally an acceptable, communicative strategy. polite and meaningful Week 6-8 o Topic shifting communicative strategies in o Repair different communicative The learner demonstrates situations o Termination effective use of ● Determine in written the role • Types of Speech Act and responsibilities of the communicative strategy o Locution (Utterance) speaker in a variety of speech ● Evaluate orally how the o Illocution (Intention) situations. changes/shifts in speech o Perlocution context, speech style, speech (Response) act and communicative strategy affects language form, duration of interaction, relationship of speaker, role and responsibilities of the speaker, message and delivery. Week 9 Midterm Examination ● Utilize in written the Types of Speeches principles of effective A. According to purpose speech writing focusing ● Expository on: Audience profile, /Informative Speech Logical organization, The learner... ● Persuasive Speech Duration, Word choice, realizes the rigors of ● Entertainment Speech and Grammatical crafting one’s speech B. According to delivery correctness ● Reading from a ● Determine the types of Week 10-12 proficiently delivers manuscript speeches visually through ● Memorized Speech watching various various speeches using ● Impromptu Speech speeches the principles of effective ● Demonstrate ● Extemporaneous speech delivery kinesthetically and orally Speech C. Principles of Speech the principles of effective Writing speech delivery in ● Choosing the Topic different situations ● Analyzing the ● Exhibit orally and kinesthetically the Audience principles of effective ● Sourcing the speech delivery focusing Information on: Articulation, ● Outlining and Modulation, Stage Organizing the Speech Presence, Facial Contents Expressions, Gestures and D. Principles of Speech Movements, and Rapport Delivery with the audience ● Utilize in written the principles of effective speech writing focusing on: Audience profile, Logical organization, Duration, Word choice, The learner... and Grammatical realizes the rigors of Persuasive correctness crafting one’s speech argumentation: debate ● Determine the types of • Principles of speeches visually through watching various Week 13-15 proficiently delivers argumentation speeches various speeches using • Critical thinking ● Demonstrate the principles of effective through analyzing kinesthetically and orally speech delivery social issues the principles of effective speech delivery in different situations ● Exhibit orally and kinesthetically the principles of effective speech delivery focusing on: Articulation, Modulation, Stage Presence, Facial Expressions, Gestures and Movements, and Rapport with the audience Week 16 Final Examination (Debate Tournament) References: Books Flores, R. (2016). Oral Communication in Context. Manila, Philippines: Rex Book Store, Inc. Sipacio, P. J.F. & Balgos, A.R.G., (2016). Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School. Quezon City, P Sonnreich, T. (2012). Monash Association of Debaters Guide to Debating: Tips, Tactics and First Principles. Victo Redoblado, S. (2016). Exploring Literature and Grammar: Oral Communication in Context. Quezon City, Philipp Electronics Griffith Graduate Project Griffith Institute for Higher Education. (2004). Oral Communication toolkit. Retrieved fro http://communicationtheory.org/functions-of-mass-communication/ http://www.helpguide.org/articles/relationships/nonverbal-communication.htm Monash Association of Debaters Member Training Handbook. Retrieved from http://www.monashdebaters.co Course Requirements: Prepared by: Noted by: MS. REBEKAH C. MAMBIAR MS. AUMI MANANSALA Subject Teacher HUMSS Coordinator r, S.Y. 2018-2019 s for effective communication in various situations. Teaching Strategies FEU Core Values Evaluative Measures Performance Task/s Graphic Organizer Lecture-Discussion; Excellence presentation; Short quiz Brainstorming Infographic video on Lecture-Discussion; Communication Compassion communication breakdown Brainstorming Breakdown Simulation and ways to avoid it Peer-Group Discussion; Oral quiz (scenario Uprightness Promotional vlog Workshop analysis) Speech Performance Speech Writing Excellence (for each speech type); Mini Symposium Workshop Rubric graded Debate Seminar- Debate matches (rubric- Fortitude; Excellence Mini Symposium Workshop graded) ation (Debate Tournament) gh School. Quezon City, Philippines: C & E Publishing, Inc. and First Principles. Victoria, Australia: Monash University Publications. ntext. Quezon City, Philippines: Brilliant Creations Publishing Inc. cation toolkit. Retrieved from https://www.griffith.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/162720/oral.pdf /www.monashdebaters.com/downloads/MAD%20Training%20Handbook%202010.pdf Approved by: MANANSALA MR. MATTHEW M. NEPOMUCENO Director
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