Oracle Reports Messages and Codes Manual



Reports Messages and Codes ManualRelease 2.5 Reports Messages and Codes Manual Release 2.5 Part No. A32490–1 Oracle Reportst Messages and Codes Manual, Release 2.5 Part No. A32490–1, April 1995 Copyright E Oracle Corporation 1984, 1988, 1995 All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Contributing Authors: Anne Bers and Lori Ann White Contributors: Per Brondum, Karen Denchfield–Masterson, Alex Hsieh, Yueh–Hong Lin, Ashok Natesan, Boris Protasov, Greg Rogalski, Frank Rovitto, Yuri Sharonin, Jerry Sherman, Gene Sohn, Atul Suklikar, Marco Tilli, Simon Wong This software was not developed for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently dangerous applications. It is the customer’s responsibility to take all appropriate measures to ensure the safe use of such applications if the programs are used for such purposes. This software/documentation contains proprietary information of Oracle Corporation; it is provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and is also protected by copyright law. Reverse engineering of the software is prohibited. If this software/documentation is delivered to a U.S. Government Agency of the Department of Defense, then it is delivered with Restricted Rights and the following legend is applicable: Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227–7013, Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software (October 1988). Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065. If this software/documentation is delivered to a U.S. Government Agency not within the Department of Defense, then it is delivered with “Restricted Rights”, as defined in FAR 52.227–14, Rights in Data – General, including Alternate III (June 1987). The information in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. Oracle Corporation does not warrant that this document is error–free. ORACLE, Pro*COBOL, Pro*FORTRAN, Pro*Pascal, Pro*PL/I, SQL*Connect, SQL*Net, SQL*Plus, and SQL*ReportWriter are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation. Developer/2000, ORACLE7, Oracle Book, Oracle Forms, Oracle Graphics, Oracle Help, Oracle*Mail, Oracle Reports, PL/SQL, and Pro*C are trademarks of Oracle Corporation. All other products or company names are used for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks of their respective owners. you should be familiar with the following topics: • • • • T audience Oracle Reports documentation how to use this book how to contact Oracle about documentation and product comments Before you use this book. we recommend that you become familiar with the Building Reports Manual.Read This First he Reports Messages and Codes Manual is one of six documents in the Oracle Reports Version 2. Read This First i . Before you use it.5 documentation set. ii Reports Messages and Codes Manual . such as the ORACLE server. PL/SQL. Readers should have a working knowledge of SQL. Oracle Reports Documentation and Related Information Oracle Reports has the capability to interact with a variety of products. Sometimes.Audience The information in this manual is intended for application developers who want to create reports. and several programming languages. The following map is provided to help you determine any additional documentation you may need. and ORACLE server concepts. knowledge of these other products is necessary. various networking tools. 5. Reports Enhancements Manual Version 2. Read This First iii .5. Reports Reference Manual Version 2. It contains a tutorial and reference information about the Oracle Reports runtime executable. A32487.5. those who only run reports). • Developer/2000 Installation Guide or System Release Bulletin. Graphical and Character Mode Interfaces. Reports Runtime Manual. contains all information that you need to convert SQL*ReportWriter Version 1. A32491. Part No. Building Reports Manual Version 2.5. Version 2. Part No. Please see the document in question for information on its specific purpose and usage. you may need to refer to some or all of the documents listed below. • • • • • • Each Oracle Reports manual is also shipped as an Oracle Book document.Oracle Reports Documentation The following books are included in the Oracle Reports documentation set: • • Oracle Reports Documentation Set Version 2.5.5. It is intended primarily to answer specific questions that you might have about using Oracle Reports. The online help system consists of the Reports Reference Manual. Part No. contains a tutorial and a rich discussion of Oracle Reports concepts as well as many example reports. Ask your sales representative for the appropriate part number.e. and procedural information in online format. Reports Runtime Manual. is a collection of all Oracle Reports manuals. A32489. A32488. Part No. A32493. Related Information As an application designer using Oracle Reports Version 2. For the names and locations of the document files. contains detailed reference information about all aspects of Oracle Reports. This document is different for each hardware/software platform. A32486.5.1 reports and printer definitions to Oracle Reports Version 2. Reports Messages and Codes Manual. Part No. see your Developer/2000 Installation Guide. contains information about features new to Oracle Reports Version 2. Reports Messages and Codes Manual Version 2.5.5.. Reports Migration Manual Version 2. Part No. A32490. contains all Oracle Reports messages with cause and action descriptions. Part No.5. contains information for end users (i. 1. A12383 Oracle Network Products Messages Manual. A16263 MultiProtocol Interchange Administrator’s Guide. Part No. Part No.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • ORACLE7 Server Documentation Set. Part No.e. including causes for the raising of each message and actions you can take to resolve them. Part No. Part No..” a numerical listing of all Oracle Reports error messages. 5030–70 ORACLE7 Server Documentation Set V7. Part No. a component error. Part No. “Oracle Reports Messages.. • iv Reports Messages and Codes Manual . It also covers how to contact Customer Support. A16083 Pro*FORTRAN Precompiler Supplement. Part No. Part No. Version 1. Part No. 800–V1. whether they arise from an Oracle Reports error. This book contains the following chapters: • Chapter 1. A18820 Pro*C Precompiler Supplement. Chapter 2. an ORACLE server error. Part No. 800–20 Programmer’s Guide to ORACLE Precompilers. ”Using Messages. A16086 Pro*Pascal Precompiler Supplement. Part No. Before you use this book.” which explains how to identify the origin of messages (i. A16146 Understanding SQL*Net. A10157 PL/SQL User’s Guide and Reference. A16264 How to Use this Book The Reports Messages and Codes Manual provides comprehensive information about Oracle Reports messages and how to handle them.0. we recommend that you read the first three chapters of the Building Reports Manual. Version 2. A16084 Pro*COBOL Precompiler Supplement.0. or an error specific to your platform) and how to look up causes and actions for errors. A16145 Pro*PL/I Precompiler Supplement. Part No. Part No.0 PL/SQL User’s Guide and Reference. A16029 Oracle Network Manager Administrator’s Guide. field. Indicates options for Oracle Reports settings. UPPERCASE Initial Caps Bold Italics Read This First v . query. and anchor names. boilerplate. Indicates command. and repeating frame names. column. or tabs on a property sheet. menu. frame. Convention File—>New—>Report Data/Selection:Repeat Font Change Explanation Indicates a selection of submenu item Report from the New submenu of the File menu. Indicates text to be entered exactly as shown. Indicates table. Indicates a selection of Repeat from the Data/Selection tab of a property sheet. as well as property sheet names. parameter.Notational Conventions You should be familiar with the notational conventions listed in the following table. buttons. group. Indicates items within a menu. please use the following addresses and phone numbers. California 94065–5028 (415) 506–7000 (415) 506–7200 (fax) vi Reports Messages and Codes Manual . revise. and evaluate our work. As we write. At the back of this manual is a Reader’s Comment Form. For documentation questions/comments. We encourage you to use this form to tell us both what you like and dislike about this (or other) Oracle manuals. or you would like to contact us.Your Comments Are Welcome We value and appreciate your comments as an Oracle user. contact: Oracle Reports Documentation Manager Oracle Corporation 500 Oracle Parkway Box 659412 Redwood Shores. California 94065–5028 (415) 506–7000 (415) 506–7200 (fax) For product questions/comments. your opinions are the most important input we receive. contact: Oracle Reports Product Manager Oracle Corporation 500 Oracle Parkway Box 659412 Redwood Shores. If the form is gone. . . 2 – 2 Contents vii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calling Oracle Customer Support . . . . . . . . Abnormal Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 – 1 Oracle Reports Messages . . . . . . . . . . Cause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ORACLE Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–1 1–2 1–2 1–2 1–3 1–3 1–4 1–4 1–4 1–5 1–5 1–6 Chapter 2 Oracle Reports Messages . . . . . . . . . Action . . . . . . . . . . . . .Contents Chapter 1 Using Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Looking Up Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Start–up Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coping with Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finding Information about Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using this Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oracle Reports Message Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii Reports Messages and Codes Manual . It covers the following topics: • • • • T coping with messages – 1 – 2 ORACLE messages – 1 – 3 abnormal conditions – 1 – 3 calling Oracle customer support – 1 – 4 Using Messages 1–1 .CHAPTER 1 Using Messages his chapter explains how to use messages issued by Oracle Reports. RDBMS messages have the prefix ORA. For example. then refer to your ORACLE7 Server Messages and Codes Manual. For example. and they can appear while you are running nearly any Oracle program. you can either check this manual or select Help in the message dialog to display an online version of this manual. and are therefore documented in the manuals for that product. the range 7500 – 7999 is for DEC VAX/VMS messages.. It covers the following topics: • • finding information about errors looking up messages Finding Information about Messages Messages that may appear when using Oracle Corporation programs are documented in a number of manuals: Oracle Reports messages ORACLE messages Product–specific messages These messages are specific to Oracle Reports and are documented in this book. If the message is not an Oracle Reports–specific message. 1–2 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . To look up an Oracle Reports message (REP prefix). Messages are listed in order by the code number. first check this manual. Then look at the message code number to find that specific message description. see your Developer/2000 Installation Guide. System–specific messages Looking Up Messages The prefix of each message tells you where to find information about the message. These messages are detected by ORACLE. which is documented in the Oracle*Mail documentation. you might get an Oracle*Mail message.Coping with Messages This section gives you general information and helpful tips about messages. These messages are specific to one product. Oracle Reports messages have the prefix REP. For example. positioned at the correct message. These messages are specific to one operating system. A range of message numbers has been reserved for each operating system. Following the prefix is the message code number. For information on these messages. look at the message prefix to determine which product/component generated the message. If you are using Oracle Reports and see a message without a prefix. These are errors for which the exact cause is not clear. you might get an ORACLE message (i..Message Prefixes The following table lists the prefixes of messages that you may encounter: Prefix REP ORA DBA EXP IMP LCC ORA PCC PLS RTL SQL*Loader VGS PDE Type of Message Oracle Reports message ORACLE messages (includes PL/SQL messages) SQL*DBA message Export Utility message Import Utility message Parameter file message Generic ORACLE message Precompiler Compile–time message PL/SQL message Precompiler Run–time message SQL*Loader message Oracle internal graphics system Oracle internal PL/SQL Development Environment ORACLE Messages When using Oracle Reports. For more information.e. The following sections describe the probable causes of abnormal conditions and the actions you can take to solve them. see the ORACLE7 Server Messages and Codes Manual. a message prefixed with ORA). Abnormal Conditions Sometimes you may encounter an error that is known as an abnormal condition. Using Messages 1–3 . for example). in the order they appeared. 3. then you should take the following steps: 1. Write down the message number and its text. if any. and the exact sequence of keys that you pressed prior to the message. 2.05 or V2. For example. 4. Write down the circumstances that lead up to the message. • Action You should first contact your DBA and/or system administrator to determine if the message was caused by something other than Oracle Reports.0.0. The complete version number of Oracle Reports including revision number and port release number.13. V2. they might have entered an invalid value in these tables which has prevented Oracle Reports from completing the requested task. When you call Customer Support. The hardware. All products (with version numbers) in use when the message was displayed (ORACLE V6. 2.0. or SQL*Forms V3. the exact code numbers and message texts.0. Try to recall the actions you took. the objects involved (if any). Calling Oracle Customer Support Some messages recommend calling Oracle Customer Support to report the problem. Contact Oracle Customer Support. operating system.0. 3. 1–4 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . See ”Calling Oracle Customer Support” below for more information.Cause Abnormal conditions may arise from one of the following causes: • Someone has done something that prevented Oracle Reports from completing the requested task. If you determine that the message was not the result of user error or a system problem. For example. please have the following information at hand: 1. A bug in Oracle Reports prevented the requested task from completing. If you encountered one or more messages. if someone bypassed the user interface and changed data in Oracle Reports’ tables directly. SQL*Net V2. and release number of the operating system on which Oracle Reports is running. Is a description of the possible actions you might take to resolve the error. Not critical to overall operations. If Oracle Reports cannot bring up an alert (e. including any unusual conditions. Using this Section Each description contains the message number and text as well as the following: Cause Action Is a description of the possible causes of the error. Critical impact on operations. you will be expected to give your: • • • • name company’s name company’s ORACLE Support ID Number phone number Oracle Reports Message Descriptions This section includes the following: • • conventions used in this section start–up messages Note: GUI Oracle Reports will always attempt to display messages in an alert..5. according to the following codes: • • • • 1 = Program not usable. on operations. The problem severity. then the message will be sent to your standard SYSOUT. Operations severely restricted. Using Messages 1–5 . if any. 6. 4 = Problem circumvented by customer. A description of the problem. Minimal effect. 7. 3 = Program usable with limited functions. 2 = Program usable.g. the problem occurred during startup). Also. and character strings in some messages. In this appendix. 1–6 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Still attempting to report error. would appear in this section as: REP–1232 frame. then the following message will appear: The error manager is unable to report an error due to recursive failure of the error subsystem. When an error occurs and for some reason the message subsystem does not execute correctly. Hard–coded Messages Following is a list of the hard–coded messages: File not found: <filename> <filename> Error opening file: ORACLE error number: <ORACLE error number> <ORACLE description of the error> Bad argument in command list. Aborting. After these messages.Recognizing Embedded Variables To help you find and fix errors. No runfile was specified. numbers. For example. Error opening specified terminal description file: <filename> Unable to get message for error <error number> <Additional information: <information>> Argument was: <argument> There is one other time a hard–coded message will appear. Matrix ’<matrix name>’ has an invalid source Start–up Messages When an error is encountered and its message cannot be obtained from the message file. the message: REP–1232: Matrix ’X_Cross’ has an invalid source frame. Oracle Reports displays a hard–coded message. these embedded variables are represented by terms placed in angle brackets <>. then Oracle Reports will display one of the following messages: • • Error raised but unable to open message file. Oracle Reports embeds object names. Using Messages 1–7 . 2. If the product has been installed correctly and the error persists. Contact your DBA. For more information. see “Calling Oracle Customer Support” on page 1 – 4. Refer to your Developer/2000 Installation Guide. you should contact Oracle Customer Support for assistance. you should take the following steps: 1. If the product was not installed correctly. the DBA should correct the problem. The DBA should be able to verify whether the product has been installed correctly.Action When you receive a start–up message. 1–8 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Each message code follows the format REP–nnnnn.CHAPTER 2 Oracle Reports Messages his chapter lists messages issued by Oracle Reports. T Oracle Reports Messages 2–1 . for more information regarding the conditions that generate messages in this chapter. In general. Messages specific to an operating system or an Oracle product are not listed in this chapter. see the Reports Reference Manual. although the message code may be listed with a reference to another Oracle document. where nnnnn is an integer. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: Action The file was not found under the specified name in the specified location. Or contact your DBA. Contact Oracle Customer Support for assistance. If you don’t. change your privileges accordingly. REP–0004 Cause Warning – Unable to open user preference file. Unable to retrieve string from message file. Oracle Reports could not retrieve the necessary error message or string. The file of error messages could not be opened or an internal error occurred while opening it. You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Make sure the file named prefs. Warning – Unable to open global preference file. Contact Oracle Customer Support for assistance.ora is stored in the appropriate directory. The global Oracle Reports preference file shipped with Oracle Reports could not be opened. This is just a warning. For more information. You lacked the necessary privileges to open the file. so the product will continue to run even if this occurs. This is just a warning. Your local (customized) Oracle Reports preference file could not be opened. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: The file was not found under the specified name in the specified location. A system error made it impossible to open the file. If Case 2: Make sure that you have the privileges necessary to access the file. see your Developer/2000 Installation Guide. so the product will continue to run even if this occurs. 2–2 Reports Messages and Codes Manual .Oracle Reports Messages REP–0001 Cause Action REP–0002 Cause Action REP–0003 Cause Unable to initialize message subsystem. You lacked the necessary privileges to open the file. If Case 3: Consult your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator. One or more of the preferences in the global preference file was specified incorrectly on the line number shown in the message. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: You lacked the necessary privileges to write the file. You or your DBA should edit the global preference file and ensure that all preferences are correctly specified.Case 3: Action A system error made it impossible to open the file. Warning – Syntax error at line <line number> in user preference file. The most likely cause of this error is that the file has been edited and one or more preferences incorrectly specified. If you don’t. change your privileges accordingly. As a result. change the directory and/or filename as appropriate. Action REP–0006 Cause Action REP–0007 Cause Oracle Reports Messages 2–3 . As a result. If Case 2: Make sure that you have the privileges necessary to access the file. make the necessary updates. make the necessary updates. One or more of the preferences in the user preference file was specified incorrectly on the line number shown in the message. REP–0005 Cause Warning – Syntax error at line <line number> in global preference file. If they are not. If they are not. If it is not. The most likely cause of this error is that the file has been edited and one or more preferences incorrectly specified. A system error made it impossible to write the file. If Case 3: Consult your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator. You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Make sure the file prefs. Unable to write user preference file. You should edit the global preference file and ensure that all preferences are correctly specified. Oracle Reports will ignore the incorrectly specified preferences. You tried to save preferences and the user preference file could not be written.ora is located in your ”home” directory (if your system has such a concept as home directory). Oracle Reports will ignore the incorrectly specified preferences. Wait for all other reports currently listed in the Oracle Reports Server queue to run. Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Make sure that the resource files are present. One of the subcomponents of Oracle Reports could not locate its resource file. This is an abnormal condition. but one or more other reports are running or queued to run. Action REP–0061 Cause Action 2–4 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . make sure that the proper environment variable is set. The resource file is in the wrong place. The environment is not configured properly. If you don’t. REP–0008 Cause Action REP–0059 Cause Unexpected memory error while initializing preferences. REP–00060 Cause Unable to run synchronous job concurrently with another report.. If Case 2: Consult your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator. Check the location of resource file. This is an abnormal condition.g. Internal error – rxmobfree: reference count is zero. Unable to locate resources for subcomponent <component name>.ini. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. If Case 3: Make sure that your environment is set correctly. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. You are trying to run a report initiated by another Oracle Tool (e. Oracle Forms) and requiring data passed from that tool. Possible causes of this error include: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: The resource file doesn’t exist.Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Make sure that you have the privileges necessary to write the file. If Case 2: Make sure that the resource files are in the proper directory. and on MicroSoft Windows check the file oracle. For information. then try your report again. Reports requiring passed data must be run immediately. change your privileges accordingly. On Unix. RDFFILE. Internal error – rxmobnew: memory manager mismatch. This is an abnormal condition. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. This is an abnormal condition. Virtual Memory System error. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. (You can also check the online help system. For more information. For information. In R25CONV. For information. For information. or PLDFILE. PLLFILE.REP–0062 Cause Action REP–0063 Cause Action REP–0064 Cause Action REP–0065 Cause Action Internal error – rxmobnew: size mismatch. Invalid value for keyword STYPE. Internal error – rxmobnew: type mismatch. you provided an argument for the STYPE keyword that was not valid. Error executing CA utility. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. PLLDB. REP–0066 Cause Action REP–0067 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2–5 . REXFILE. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3.) Re–enter the command. Valid options are DATABASE. Check the syntax of the keyword. see “Calling Oracle Customer Support” on page 1 – 4. This is an abnormal condition. using a valid value for the keyword(s). Oracle Reports has encountered a memory error. This is an abnormal condition. Make note of the error–specific code and contact Oracle Customer Support. For more information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. In R25MREP. For information. Check the syntax of the keyword. In R25MREP. PLLDB. you provided an argument for the DTYPE keyword that was not valid. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. using a valid value for the keyword(s). using a valid value for the keyword(s). or RDFFILE. Check the syntax of the keyword. For information. Unable to allocate SSL context.) Re–enter the command. For more information. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual.REP–0068 Cause Action Invalid value for keyword STYPE. REP–0069 Cause Action REP–0070 Cause Action REP–0071 Cause Action REP–0072 Cause Action REP–0073 Cause Action 2–6 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . This is an abnormal condition. Invalid value for keyword DTYPE. you provided an argument for the DTYPE keyword that was not valid. (You can also check the online help system. PLLFILE.) Re–enter the command. This is an abnormal condition.) Re–enter the command. you provided an argument for the STYPE keyword that was not valid. Unable to initialize NNIT interface. or PLDFILE. Check the syntax of the keyword. Valid options are DATABASE. For information. Invalid value for keyword DTYPE. REXFILE. For more information. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. REPFILE. (You can also check the online help system. In R25CONV. Valid options are DATABASE or REXFILE. RDFFILE. using a valid value for the keyword(s). Trying to run unknown product. This is an abnormal condition. Valid options are DATABASE. REXFILE. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For more information. (You can also check the online help system. Otherwise. Invalid value for keyword OVERWRITE. NO. Single process integration invoked with batch=no.REP–0074 Cause Action REP–0075 Cause Failure to run another product using SSL. Oracle Reports encountered an error after calling another Oracle product (e. specifying a value of YES. Oracle Reports can only be called with batch=yes. For information. This is not supported. You tried to pass data to a column of excessive size (likely a LONG column). Error occurred when running called product. or PROMPT. This is an abnormal condition. Column in query ’<query name>’ too long for data passing. Resolve the error encountered by the called application and re–try the operation.. In R25CONV. Oracle Graphics). You used an executable in which Oracle Reports is linked with another product. For information. and attempted to invoke Oracle Reports specifying batch=no. Use an executable by which you integrate using multiple processes. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. Remove the column from the report definition and the calling document’s definition. Valid options are YES. or PROMPT for the OVERWRITE keyword. NO.g. The accompanying error message displays the error encountered by the called application. Re–enter the command. Action REP–0076 Cause Action REP–0077 Cause Action REP–0078 Cause Action REP–0079 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2–7 . you provided an argument for the OVERWRITE keyword that was not valid. This is not supported. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Internal failure in product integration. REP–0080 Cause Action REP–0081 Cause Action REP–0082 Cause Please enter YES. using a valid value and the proper syntax for the keyword.) Re–enter the command. INCH. (You can also check the online help system. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. you typed OVERWRITE=PROMPT on the command line. Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Ensure that your initialization file is current. Syntax is <width>x<height>. In R25CONV. This is an abnormal condition. REP–0084 Cause Action 2–8 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . In R25CONV. For more information. Check the syntax of the keyword. NO or CANCEL. you entered an invalid value for the keyword DUNIT. or POINT. Valid options are CENTIMETER. (You can also check the online help system. Error during file I/O operation. using a valid value for the keyword(s). Check the syntax of the keyword. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: Your initialization file is not current.) Re–enter the command. or CANCEL the operation. For information. An abnormal condition. Error executing SCA utility. then entered a value other than YES or NO when prompted. Specify a value of YES or NO at the prompt. CHARACTER. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. Invalid value for keyword PAGESIZE. you entered an invalid value for the keyword PAGESIZE. If Case 2: For information. REP–0083 Cause Action Invalid value for keyword DUNIT. For more information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. In R25CONV. Invalid value for keyword DESTYPE. In R25CONV. MAIL. Valid values are SCREEN. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. you entered an invalid value for the keyword FORMSIZE. or PREVIEW. (You can also check the online help system. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. Specify COMMIT. For more information. Check the syntax of the keyword. using a valid value and the proper syntax for the keyword. PRINTER. DUNIT must be different than source report’s unit of measurement. You can also check the online help system. you entered a value for the keyword DUNIT that was in the same unit of measurement as the report you wish to convert. ROLLBACK. ROLLBACK. Invalid value for keyword ONSUCCESS. You entered an invalid value for ONFAILURE. (You can also check the online help system. In R25CONV. (You can also check the online help system. or NOACTION. or NOACTION either in the Runtime Settings tab of the Tools Options dialog or on the command line. (To check the command line syntax. Valid options are COMMIT. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. You entered an invalid value for ONSUCCESS. you entered an invalid value for the keyword DESTYPE.) Re–enter the command.) Invalid value for keyword ONFAILURE. Check the syntax of the keyword. Syntax is <width>x<height>. You can also check the online help system. or NOACTION.REP–0085 Cause Action Invalid value for keyword FORMSIZE. or NOACTION either in the Runtime Settings tab of the Tools Options dialog or on the command line. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. using a valid value and the proper syntax for the keyword. SYSOUT.) Re–enter the command. (To check the command line syntax. In R25RUN. Check the syntax of the keyword.) Re–enter the command. Valid options are COMMIT. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. ROLLBACK. FILE. ROLLBACK. For more information. For more information. using a valid value for the keyword(s). Specify COMMIT.) REP–0086 Cause Action REP–0087 Cause Action REP–0088 Cause Action REP–0089 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2–9 . see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. (To check the command line syntax. Re–try the operation. LANDSCAPE. or PORTRAIT either in the Runtime Settings tab of the Tools Options dialog or on the command line. Either specify a FORMSIZE of 80x24 when DUNIT=Character. For R25DES. You can also check the online help system. You entered an invalid value for ORIENT. or do not specify a FORMSIZE. you entered an invalid value for ACCESS. Valid options are FILE and DATABASE. Invalid value for keyword ORIENT. You entered an invalid value for the named parameter. (To check the command line syntax. Use ORACLE National Language environment variable instead. While using R25CONV with DUNIT=Character. Remove the LANGUAGE argument string from the command string. LANDSCAPE. see “National Language Support” in Appendix C of the Reports Reference Manual. in the R25RUN command string. Specify FILE or DATABASE. you included the LANGUAGE keyword in the command line string.) Invalid value for parameter ’<parameter name>’. Warning – Version 1. Valid options are DEFAULT. you entered a character value for a parameter with a datatype of Number. Specify DEFAULT. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. and set the ORACLE National Language environment variable NLS_LANG to the appropriate value.) FORMSIZE must be 80x24 if DUNIT is Character. specifying a valid value for the parameter. For R25DES or R25RUN. You can also check the online help system.) REP–0091 Cause Action REP–0092 Cause Action REP–0094 Cause Action REP–0095 Cause Action 2 – 10 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . You can also check the online help system. For more information. or PORTRAIT. The character–mode parameter form size must be 80x24. you specified a parameter form size that was not equal to 80x24.REP–0090 Cause Action Invalid value for keyword ACCESS.1 LANGUAGE argument not supported. For example. or did not specify a value for TRACEMODE. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. or specified keywords out of order on the command line but did not name them.) Report not run – user cancelled in the parameter form. (To check the command line syntax. No action is necessary. REP–0097 Cause Action REP–0098 Cause Action REP–0099 Cause Action REP–0100 Cause Action REP–0101 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 11 . BITMAP. or check the syntax of your command. (To check the command line syntax. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. You stopped a report while it was executing. BITMAP. or CHARACTER. Unable to read file ’<filename>’. or CHARACTER either in the Runtime Settings tab of the Tools Options dialog or on the command line. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. Report is aborted upon user request. You can also check the online help system. Either you specified an invalid value for TRACEMODE.) Invalid value for keyword TRACEMODE. Consult your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator. Valid options are TRACE_APPEND or TRACE_REPLACE. This is an abnormal condition. Your report was not executed because you selected Cancel instead of Run Report in the Runtime Parameter Form. You entered an invalid value for MODE. Specify DEFAULT. No action is necessary.REP–0096 Cause Action Invalid value for keyword MODE. For information. Valid options are DEFAULT. Either specify Append or Replace for Trace Mode in the Trace Settings dialog or TRACE_APPEND or TRACE_REPLACE on the command line. The file could be opened but not read. Oracle Reports tried to read the file shown in the message. You can also check the online help system. Unable to position file pointer in file ’<filename>’. Consult your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator. change your privileges accordingly.REP–0102 Cause Unable to write file ’<filename>’. The most likely reason is that a system error made it impossible to lock the file. Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Make sure that you have the privileges necessary to write the file. Consult your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator. The most likely reason is that a system error made it impossible to close the file. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: You lacked the necessary privileges to write the file. If you don’t. but was unsuccessful. Oracle Reports tried to close the file shown. but was unsuccessful. REP–0103 Cause Action Unable to close file ’<filename>’. Oracle Reports tried to lock the file shown. Consult your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator. If Case 3: Consult your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator. REP–0104 Cause Action REP–0105 Cause Action 2 – 12 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Oracle Reports tried to delete the file shown. Unable to lock file ’<filename>’ in exclusive mode. The file system does not have enough room for the file. A system error made it impossible to open the file. Oracle Reports tried to write the file shown in the message and couldn’t. but was unsuccessful. The most likely reason is that a system error made it impossible to delete the file. If Case 2: Make more room by deleting unnecessary files or expanding your storage. Unable to delete file ’<filename>’. If you don’t. Consult your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator. File ’<filename>’ not found.REP–0106 Cause Action Unable to lock file ’<filename>’ in shared mode. change your privileges accordingly. Too many files open. A system error made it impossible to open the file. Attempt to open a file with a bad name – ’<filename>’. REP–0107 Cause Action REP–0108 Cause Action REP–0109 Cause Action REP–0110 Cause Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Make sure the file is stored in the specified directory under the specified name. You lacked the necessary privileges to open the file. but could not find it. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. If Case 3: Consult your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator. Check that you have specified the correct filename. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. The most likely reason is that a system error made it impossible to lock the file. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: The file was not found under the specified name in the specified location. If it is not. If Case 2: Make sure that you have the privileges necessary to open the file. For information. but was unsuccessful. Oracle Reports tried to access the file shown. Unable to open file ’<filename>’. This is an abnormal condition. Oracle Reports tried to open the file shown and couldn’t. Oracle Reports tried to lock the file shown. change the directory and/or filename as appropriate. Specify a directory before the filename. This is an abnormal condition. or modify the REPORTS25_PATH environment variable to include the directory where the file is located. Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 13 . . you don’t have permission to write to the file. You specified that Oracle Reports write to a file that is write protected—i. You most likely specified that Oracle Reports read from or write to a directory that doesn’t exist. Remove the call to the file.. you don’t have permission to read the file. File ’<filename>’ is write protected.REP–0111 Cause Action Directory ’<directory path>’ is protected. File ’<filename>’ no longer exists. You attempted to exit out of the program and return control to the host operating system. Change the permissions on the directory so that you can read from it or write to it. REP–0112 Cause Action REP–0113 Cause Action REP–0114 Cause Action REP–0115 Cause Action REP–0116 Cause Action REP–0117 Cause Action 2 – 14 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . re–create the file. No action is necessary. Make sure the directory you specify exists. Change the permissions of the file so that you can read it. Consult your system administrator. Change the permissions of the file so that you can write to it. You specified that Oracle Reports access a file that no longer exists. Oracle Reports could not access the specified directory for some reason.e. or specify a different file.e. You specified that Oracle Reports read from or write to a directory that you don’t have permission to read from or write to. Unable to connect to directory ’<directory path>’. File ’<filename>’ is read protected. Unable to read directory ’<directory path>’. You specified that Oracle Reports read a file that is read protected—i. Exit to host operating system failed. If you don’t. If Case 3: Consult your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator. Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Make sure the file is stored in the specified directory under the specified name. The possible causes of this error include the following: Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 15 . You lacked the necessary privileges to open the file. A system error made it impossible to open the file. Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Set your environment variable for temporary files to a valid directory. If Case 2: Make sure that you have the privileges necessary to open the file. Oracle Reports tried to find the display specified for an Oracle Graphics display object. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: The file was not found under the specified name in the specified location. change your privileges accordingly. REP–0120 Cause Oracle Graphics display <display name>’s external source file <filename> not found.REP–0118 Cause Unable to create a temporary file. If it is not. There is not enough free space on the disk to create the temporary file. A temporary file that cannot be modified already exists. If Case 2: Free up some space on your disk. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: The environment variable that determines in what directory to create temporary files is set to an invalid directory. if possible. Oracle Reports tried to create a temporary file but couldn’t do so. If Case 3: Remove the existing temporary file. Oracle Reports tried to find the source file specified for a piece of external boilerplate and couldn’t do so. REP–0119 Cause Boilerplate <boilerplate name>’s external source file <filename> not found. change the directory and/or filename as appropriate. but couldn’t do so. REP–0150 Cause Action Too many arguments. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual.Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: Action The display was not found under the specified name in the specified location.) Re–enter the command correctly. You lacked the necessary privileges to open the display.g. (You can also check the online help system. A system error made it impossible to open the display. Check the syntax of the command. You have entered more than the allowable number of arguments for the command. You entered the same keyword twice (e. KEYWORD1=YES and KEYWORD1=NO). You can also check the online help system. For more information. 2 – 16 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . change the directory and/or filename as appropriate. If Case 2: Make sure that you have the privileges necessary to open the display.. You have entered an argument more than once for the keyword shown. change your privileges accordingly. REP–0151 Cause Action Check the syntax of the command. If Case 2: Re–enter the command specifying the keyword only once. For more information. Duplicate argument specification for keyword <keyword>. If it is not. If you don’t. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: You entered a positional argument for the keyword and then entered the keyword with another argument. You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Make sure the display is stored in the specified directory under the specified name. If Case 3: Consult your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Re–enter the command with just the positional argument or just the keyword argument. all subsequent arguments must use keywords as well. Unable to open command file ’<filename>’. REP–0155 Cause Action Invalid value for keyword <keyword>. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: The file was not found under the specified name in the specified location.) Re–enter the command with the appropriate value for the keyword(s). (You can also check the online help system. If Case 3: Consult your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator. B). Action REP–0153 Cause Action REP–0154 Cause Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Make sure the file is stored in the specified directory under the specified name. Check the syntax of the keyword. If it is not. You lacked the necessary privileges to open the file. The value you entered for the keyword shown was not a valid value. You entered a command that referenced the command file shown and the file could not be opened. For more information. If Case 2: Make sure that you have the privileges necessary to access the file. For example. A system error made it impossible to open the file. If you don’t. For more information. Check the syntax of the command. you might have entered KEYWORD=(A. In your command. On the command line. Re–enter the command making sure that no positional arguments (arguments where the keyword is implicit) are specified after arguments with keywords. you entered an argument without its keyword after entering an argument with its keyword.REP–0152 Cause Positional argument specified after keyword. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. you have entered more than the allowable number values for the keyword argument shown. Once you have used a keyword on the command line. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. change your privileges accordingly.) Re–enter the command without the extra value(s). where KEYWORD only accepts a single value. Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 17 . Multiple values not allowed for keyword <keyword>. change the directory and/or filename or move the file into the specified directory. (You can also check the online help system. Check the syntax of the keyword. You can also check the online help system. Unknown command line keyword ’<keyword>’. Check the syntax of the command. For more information. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. Re–enter the command with the appropriate value for the keyword(s). but there is no such keyword. FILE. (You can also check the online help system. The value for <keyword> must be either YES or NO. Syntax error on command line. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. Check the syntax of the command. In R25RUN. Re–enter the command and use a value of YES or NO for the keyword shown. For more information.) Re–enter the command using the appropriate syntax.) Edit the file and modify the commands as necessary to correct the command(s). You entered a value for the keyword shown that was other than YES or NO and the keyword only accepts YES or NO.REP–0156 Cause Action Invalid value for keyword DESTYPE. REP–0157 Cause Action REP–0158 Cause Action REP–0159 Cause Action REP–0160 Cause Action 2 – 18 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Something you entered in your command file could not be parsed. You entered the referenced string as a keyword. Check the syntax of the command(s). or SYSOUT. Syntax error in command file. PRINTER. For more information. The most likely cause of this error is that you entered quotes or parentheses without also entering matching end quotes or parentheses. MAIL. Valid options are SCREEN. The most likely cause of this error is that you entered quotes or parentheses without also entering matching end quotes or parentheses. The string you entered on the command line could not be parsed. (You can also check the online help system. For more information. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. you provided an argument for the DESTYPE parameter that was not valid.) Re–enter the command using the appropriate keywords for the task you want to perform. (You can also check the online help system. You are attempting use the character–mode executable to run a bitmapped report to the screen. You cannot execute a report in the background while having its output sent to the screen. For more information. If you want the report to run in the background. You specified that the report be run in the background. This is not allowed. Cannot run report in bitmap mode to screen using this executable. If you want the output to go to the screen. Cannot run report in background.. You set BATCH to YES.REP–0161 Cause Action No command line arguments specified. You invoked R25CONV or R25MREP without specifying any command line arguments. DEST. Run the report using BATCH=YES or use a bitmapped executable. You are attempting use the character–mode executable to run a character–mode report with MODE set to BITMAP. SOURCE. you must run it in the foreground. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual. Specify the appropriate command line arguments (e. Or run the report using a bitmapped executable.g. REP–0190 Cause Action REP–0194 Cause Action REP–0195 Cause Action REP–0196 Cause Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 19 . Cannot run to screen in background.) for R25CONV or R25MREP. you must specify a different DESTYPE. etc. but you also specified a DESTYPE of Screen. Change the value of the MODE keyword to match the mode of the executable. none of which are allowed: Case 1: Case 2: You are running the report from the designer. This is not allowed. You specified YES for BACKGROUND under one of the following conditions. Cannot run character report in bitmap mode using this executable. If you wish to run a bitmapped report using the character–mode executable. Cannot allocate enough memory. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. This is an abnormal condition. Zero or negative block size requested. you must choose either BATCH=YES or BACKGROUND=YES (unlike BATCH=YES. Ensure that BACKGROUND is set to NO when any of the above condition are true. For information. Must specify BATCH=YES or BACKGROUND=YES on command line when running bitmapped report. this setting gives you access to the Runtime Parameter Form). Make more memory available.Case 3: Case 4: Action You are running the report using the packaged procedure srw. if you can. Attempt to free a null pointer. This is not supported.run_report. Passed a null pointer as a handle. REP–0197 Cause Action REP–0200 Cause Action REP–0201 Cause Action REP–0202 Cause Action REP–0203 Cause Action 2 – 20 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . You tried to run a bitmapped report using the character–mode executable in the foreground or during an interactive session. Oracle Reports cannot obtain enough memory from the system to complete the current task. The platform on which you’re running the report does not support spawning of another process. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. or ask your system administrator for assistance. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 21 . For information. This is an abnormal condition. Null cache pointer passed to virtual memory routine. rmaloc was not given a function identifier. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3.REP–0204 Cause Action REP–0205 Cause Action REP–0206 Cause Action REP–0207 Cause Action REP–0208 Cause Action REP–0209 Cause Action REP–0210 Cause Action REP–0211 Cause Action Handle does not point into an mp block. rmaloc was not given a structure identifier. For information. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Requested block is larger than virtual memory space. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. For information. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Attempt to use a handle after freeing it. Too many simultaneous locks on one object. For information. For information. Illegal operation was requested on a locked handle. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. Warning: The path specified by environment variable <variable name> is too long and will be ignored. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Please try a smaller size. For information. Shorten the length of the designated path. For information. (To check the command line syntax. For information. This is an abnormal condition. Identifier does not match a defined symbol. Cannot allocate a virtual memory buffer of size <number> KB. The path designated by the environment variable is too long. For information. Oracle Reports tried to allocate a virtual memory buffer size at or below the number specified (by you or by default) for the BUFFERS keyword. For information. or free up more memory. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3.REP–0212 Cause Action REP–0213 Cause Action REP–0214 Cause Action No literal specified. This is an abnormal condition. Attempt to lock handle failed. REP–0215 Cause Action REP–0250 Cause Action REP–0251 Cause Action REP–0252 Cause Action 2 – 22 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. You can also check the online help system. see “Executables” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Reference Manual.) Error locking. or freeing a memory handle. dereferencing. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. Specify a smaller size for BUFFERS (either in the Runtime Settings tab of the Tools Options dialog or on the command line). Symbol table overflow. if possible. Scroll through the error message to see where the error occurred and. REP–0301 Cause Action REP–0302 Cause Action REP–0303 Cause Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Enter a valid SELECT statement. The combined length of search paths in the path environment is too long. Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 23 . You made reference to a parameter that is not defined in the report. Otherwise. Shorten the length of one or more paths in the path environment. contact your DBA. The most likely cause is that you deleted a parameter but did not delete all references to it. Oracle Reports encountered an ORACLE error. Remove the INTO clause. ORACLE error occurred. If Case 2: Modify the external query or reference another external query. The SELECT statement may not contain an ’INTO’ clause. Delete all references to the deleted parameter. fix it. What was entered in the SELECT Statement field is something other than a SELECT statement. You entered an INTO clause in a SELECT statement. Parameter ’<parameter name>’ not found in report. The statement you have entered is not a SELECT statement. The combined length cannot exceed 255 characters. You referenced an external query that did not contain a SELECT statement. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: You entered something besides a SELECT statement in the SELECT Statement field.REP–0253 Cause Action REP–0300 Cause Action Warning: The total length of the search paths is too long and will be truncated. which is not allowed in Oracle Reports. REP–0304 Cause ’&’ in SELECT statement was not followed by a valid lexical parameter. Case 2: Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Make sure that the column or parameter name immediately follows the ampersand with no spaces in between. 2 – 24 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . not a lexical reference. You entered an invalid lexical reference in your SELECT statement. You created the parameter or column referenced with a non–character Datatype. If Case 2: Delete the ampersand. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: You intended to make a lexical reference but either left out the name of the column or parameter altogether or inadvertently typed a space between the ampersand and the name of the column or parameter. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: You referenced the wrong column or parameter. In typing the SELECT statement. REP–0305 Cause ’<lexical reference>’ can not be used as a lexical parameter because it is not a character value. Lexical references can only be made to parameters or columns containing character data. if appropriate. If Case 3: Change the Datatype of the parameter or column to be Character. You meant for the reference to be a bind reference. If Case 2: Replace the ampersand (&) with a colon (:) when referencing the parameter or column. An ampersand (&) appeared in the SELECT statement by itself. Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Change the name that follows the ampersand (&) so it references a parameter or column with a Datatype of Character. you accidentally typed in an ampersand. In this case. You tried to pass the value of a column to another Oracle product (e. LONG. If the problem persists. you have tried to create a parameter with an invalid name. you may have to get your DBA to create a new ORACLE logon for you. Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 25 . When you use a bind reference. which is not allowed in Oracle Reports. Oracle Reports displays a dialog box with this message.REP–0306 Cause ’<name>’ is not a valid parameter name. LONG RAW. see “Naming Conventions” in Appendix D of the Reports Reference Manual... but the column’s datatype (e. Confirm your logon information with your DBA. Some part of the logon string you entered was incorrect. The SELECT statement may not contain a ’FOR UPDATE’ clause.g. Access denied. After three failed attempts.g. You entered a FOR UPDATE clause in the SELECT statement.g. Oracle Graphics) as a parameter. Oracle Reports could not create the parameter because the name you supplied was not a valid name. LONG RAW. but the column’s datatype (e. Accept the dialog box. Remove the FOR UPDATE clause. Go back into Oracle Reports and try connecting to ORACLE again. Your only option from this dialog box is to accept it and then Oracle Reports quits and returns you to the operating system. ROWID) is not supported for that operation. For more information on naming conventions. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: You tried to display the value of a column using SRW. Rename the parameter and change the name in the bind reference. Unable to connect to ORACLE after three attempts.MESSAGE. if necessary. Action REP–0307 Cause Action REP–0308 Cause Case 2: Action REP–0309 Cause You cannot display or pass this column’s value. a parameter definition is automatically created using the name specified in the bind parameter.. Internal error – Unknown column type. ROWID) is not supported for that operation. LONG. In making reference to a parameter. Check the naming conventions for data model objects and rules for parameter names. Edit the SELECT statement and assign an alias to the expression. For information. This is an abnormal condition. You entered a query with a UNION. INTERSECT. This is an abnormal condition. Unable to describe. Internal error–Error dealing with segmented memory. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. Column name exceeds 256 characters. but has no alias. For information. For information. or MINUS set operator in which the SELECT statements in the query do not have the same number of selected columns. For information. One of your SQL SELECT statements contains an expression that is longer than 256 characters. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Use column alias for ’<column_name>’. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Action 2 – 26 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Each select statement must have the same number of columns in compound query.REP–0310 Cause Action REP–0311 Cause Action REP–0312 Cause Action REP–0313 Cause Action REP–0314 Cause Action REP–0315 Cause Error while processing Bind Variables in query. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Internal error–Fetching data records would cause memory overflow. Internal Error–Segmented memory used for lexical parameter. Modify the SELECT statements so that they have the same number of columns. Internal Error-Location GET_REF parameters failed. Edit and recompile the PL/SQL in the report to avoid this error. An attemp to connect to the database failed. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. INTERSECT. column 1 in the first SELECT statement has datatype CHAR. Check your parameter list and ensure the last parameter is of type ROWID. Recheck the userid and password and try again. Action REP–0320 Cause Action REP–0322 Cause Action REP–0330 Cause Action REP–0331 Cause Action REP–0332 Cause Action REP–0450 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 27 . You did not provide a parameter of type ROWID as the last parameter for a GET_REF function.GET_REF call in a query was incomplete. Could not connect to the database.g. This is an abnormal condition. You entered a query with a UNION. or MINUS set operator in which corresponding columns have different types—e. <PL/SQL error>. Add the parameter list to the call in your query’s select statement. Modify the SELECT statements so that all corresponding columns have the same datatype. GET_REF PL/SQL funtion’s last parameter must be of type ROWID.. Add the necessary parameter to the call in your query’s select statement. The parameter list of a CDE_MM. A CDE_MM. Internal Error—Could not put back fetched rows. Oracle Reports encountered the following PL/SQL error while running a report.REP–0316 Cause The types of corresponding columns must match in compound query. while column 1 in the second SELECT statement has datatype NUMBER. For information. GET_REF PL/SQL function requires 3 parameters.GET_REF call in a query did not specify a parameter list. Oracle Reports encountered the following PL/SQL error while running a report. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Warning: Data truncation possible in column <column name>. <PL/SQL error>. This is an abnormal condition. One method is to type a space at the end of a line in the SELECT Statement field and then accept the property sheet. Review your SELECT statement and ensure that it follows SQL syntax. The SELECT statement that you entered contains an item that is not part of SQL syntax. Action REP–0492 Cause Action REP–0493 Cause Action 2 – 28 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Edit and recompile the PL/SQL in the report to avoid this error. For information. Edit and recompile the PL/SQL in the report to avoid this error. Oracle Reports encountered the following PL/SQL error while running a report. Unrecognized token: <tokenname>. Oracle Reports encountered the following PL/SQL error while running a report. The database column’s width in the report is defined to be less than its width in the database. Internal Error – Toolkit context unavailable. <PL/SQL error>. Force the query to be reparsed. This is an abnormal condition. This can sometimes occur when the columns in the database are updated subsequent to the report being defined.REP–0451 Cause Action REP–0452 Cause Action REP–0453 Cause Action REP–0490 Cause Action REP–0491 Cause <PL/SQL error>. This warning is raised only when RUNDEBUG is YES. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Edit and recompile the PL/SQL in the report to avoid this error. Internal Error – Unable to expand Lexical references. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Column selected by the query is incompatible with report definition. Formulas. The column from the database does not match the column in the report definition. Number of columns selected by the query is incompatible with report definition. This is an abnormal condition. summaries. This is an abnormal condition. Internal Error – Query failed in rodslt. Internal Error – Unable to parse the query. The SQL statement that you have entered cannot be parsed because it contains an error. Internal Error – Unable to tokenize the query. This can happen when you are using an external query and the query has been changed since the report was defined. go to the Query property sheet that references the changed external query and accept it. and fields that rely on any changed columns may also need to be updated. For information. For more information. see the ORACLE7 Server SQL Language Reference Manual. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: The definition of the column in the database has changed since the report was defined. This is an abnormal condition. For example.REP–0494 Cause Action REP–0495 Cause Action REP–0496 Cause Action Internal Error – Unable to process Lexical references. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Review the SQL statement that you entered and ensure that you are using the correct syntax. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. For information. The query is selecting more columns than the report definition is expecting. Update the report definition so that it accepts the changed query. REP–0497 Cause Action REP–0498 Cause Action REP–0499 Cause Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 29 . Formulas. If it is not.Case 2: Action The report uses an external query and the external query was changed since the report was defined. Your connect information was not valid. Check the limits of the field. summaries. you will be forced to leave Oracle Reports. If the problem persists. Action 2 – 30 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . You either specified the name of the file incorrectly after the TERM keyword or the file could not be found. Contact your DBA if the problem persists. Make sure that you specified the name of the terminal definition correctly and that it resides in the correct path. Note that after three failed attempts. Unable to connect to ORACLE. re–enter it and try to connect again. you will be forced to leave Oracle Reports. contact your DBA. You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Update the report definition so that it accepts the changed column. REP–0502 Cause Error attempting to open <filename> terminal file. Look in the chapter where the field is described and enter a number that is within the limits. re–accept the Query property sheet that references the changed external query and accept it. Oracle Reports tried to but could not connect to ORACLE. summaries. Note that after three failed attempts. REP–0501 Cause Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Retry the operation. For example. REP–0500 Cause Action Number entered is out of range. and fields that rely on the changed column may also need to be updated. You have entered a number in a setting which is too large. if the datatype of the column has changed. Oracle Reports tried to but could not open the terminal definition file you specified. and fields that rely on any changed columns may also need to be updated. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: ORACLE is temporarily unavailable. If Case 2: Update the report definition so that it accepts the changed query. Formulas. re–accept the Query property sheet so the column in the report definition has its datatype updated. For example. If Case 2: Check your connect information to make sure it is correct. change the Datatype of the column to Number. REP–0506 Cause Database columns can not be moved between queries. Width must be greater than zero. if possible. Connect to the database using File—>Connect. This type of Width specification is only valid when Datatype is Number. You specified an invalid name or nothing when you should have specified the name of a report.. Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Enter a number greater than zero. you entered a width of the form (x. The value you entered in Width was invalid. If Case 3: Enter a number greater than zero or. Select the column. This is not a valid width for this column. Specify the name of a report. if possible. Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 31 . y) where x is the precision and y is the scale. If Case 2: Enter a number greater than zero.REP–0503 Cause Action REP–0504 Cause Action REP–0505 Cause You did not specify the name of a report. For a column of non–numeric Datatype. You tried to perform an operation that requires you be connected to the database and you were not connected.. You are not connected to ORACLE. You tried to move a column into another group belonging to another query and the column is a database column. in the query that owns the group to which you want to move it.. A database column must be selected by the query that owns its group. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: You entered zero or a negative number. You entered something that was not a number. Enter a number that contains only digits and. Select the option you want from the list of values. Valid options are ’Across/Down’ or ’Down/Across’. You entered a Panel Print Order that was not one of the two valid options. The number that you entered was a decimal value and Oracle Reports was expecting a non–decimal value. In a database object selection dialog box. You must enter a Unit of Measurement. if necessary. You entered an invalid unit of measurement in the Unit of Measurement field. In a numeric field. Enter a name and then accept or cancel the dialog box. ’Inch’. Select an option for Unit of Measurement. you entered something other than a digit or a decimal point. Enter a name and then accept or cancel the dialog box. You must enter an object name before performing this operation. you tried to accept the dialog box without specifying an object name. Invalid number. A decimal value is not appropriate here. In a file selection dialog box.REP–0507 Cause Action REP–0508 Cause Action REP–0509 Cause Action REP–0510 Cause Action REP–0511 Cause Action REP–0512 Cause Action REP–0513 Cause Action You must enter a filename before performing this operation. Select the option you want from the list of values. Valid options are ’Character’. ’Centimeter’ or ’Point’. 2 – 32 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . a decimal point. Enter a non–decimal value. The Unit of Measurement is blank and you tried to move to another setting. you tried to accept the dialog box without specifying a filename. REP–0514 Cause Action REP–0515 Cause Action REP–0516 Cause Action REP–0517 Cause Action REP–0518 Cause Action REP–0519 Cause Action REP–0520 Cause Action You must specify the Page Size. The value you entered for Form Size was not in character units. The Default Text Edit Mode you entered was not one of the two valid choices. You must specify the Parameter Form Size. The value for group or frame indentation must be between 0 and 4. Valid options are ’Insert’ or ’Replace’. Select an option from the list of values. ’File’. The value you entered for Group/Frame Indentation was outside the valid range of values. You left the Page Width and/or Page Height settings blank and they require a value. Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 33 . Enter a number for Page Width and/or Page Height. Enter a number for Parameter Form Width and/or Parameter Form Height. The value you entered for Page Size was not in character units. Enter a value in characters for Page Size. Select an option from the list of values. Valid options are ’Database’. or ’File/Database’. Enter a value in characters for Form Size. You must specify the Form Size in characters. and Page Size requires character units. Enter a number between 0 and 4. The Object Access setting you entered was not one of the three valid choices. You left the Parameter Form Width and/or Parameter Form Height settings blank and they require a value. You must specify the Page Size in characters. and Form Size requires character units. See the list of values. You selected Tools—>Default Layout. Select a layout style from the list of values. ’Printer’. Select a value for Repeat from the list of values. Create one or more queries to allow Oracle Reports to automatically create a group. You can not build a default layout because this report has no groups. ’File’. REP–0522 Cause Action REP–0523 Cause Action REP–0524 Cause Action REP–0525 Cause Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Enter one of the valid values.REP–0521 Cause Action ’<Name>’ is not a valid name. You entered a destination type for the system parameter DESTYPE that is not one of the valid options. You entered an invalid Initial Value in the Parameter property sheet for DESTYPE. Groups are required in order to create a default layout. You violated naming conventions and gave an object an invalid name (shown). Mail. Invalid Print Direction. see “Naming Conventions” in Appendix D of the Reports Reference Manual. or ’Sysout’. If Case 2: Select a value for Initial Value from the list of the values. Find the naming conventions for the type of object you are creating and ensure that the name follows those conventions. Screen. 2 – 34 Reports Messages and Codes Manual .. then re–try the operation. Printer. You entered a value for Default Layout Style that is not one of the valid options. Valid options are ’Screen’. For more information. or drew a region using the Default Layout tool in the Layout editor before having created any groups for the report. File. See the list of values. Possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: You entered an invalid value for Destination Type in the Runtime Parameter Form.. You entered a Repeat value that is not one of the valid options. or Sysout. Invalid Default Layout Style. ’Mail’. ’Line’ or ’Text’. Select a value for Type from the list of values. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: You entered a value in Initial Value that is too big. given what you specified for the parameter’s Width. Select a datatype for Datatype from the list of values. Valid options are ’Box’. For more information. see “Parameter Form Editor” in Chapter 9 of the Reports Reference Manual. making sure that it is not wider than what you specified in Width. Re–enter the Initial Value. Also. REP–0527 Cause Action You can not delete a system parameter. However. ’Graphic’. ’Number’ or ’Date’. If Case 2: Delete the Initial Value you have entered. You entered a value that is too long for the parameter on the Parameter property sheet. Valid options are ’Character’. Oracle Reports will not allow you to delete a system parameter. REP–0528 Cause Action REP–0529 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 35 . The value you entered in Type for the boilerplate was not one of the valid types. You entered a value for Width that is too small to contain the values you want to be able to enter for the parameter. You tried to delete a packaged parameter from the Parameter property sheet. Move to the Width setting for the parameter and increase it such that it can contain the Initial Value you had specified. Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Re–enter the Initial Value. The datatype you entered in Datatype for the parameter was not one of the valid datatypes. see your online help.REP–0526 Cause The initial value you have entered is longer than the parameter width. you can suppress the display of the parameter on the Runtime Parameter Form by using the Default Parameter Form dialog box or the Parameter Form editor. . a field that accepts only a number). You tried to import a file into a field that has a maximum width less than the size of the file.g. See the list of values. Oracle Reports only imported as much of the file as could fit in the field. while in a non–text entry field (e.REP–0530 Cause File too long. Action REP–0531 Cause Action REP–0532 Cause Action REP–0533 Cause Action REP–0534 Cause Action REP–0535 Cause Action 2 – 36 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Make sure that you specified the name correctly and that the object is contained in the current report. If you wish to import something.g.. You selected Edit—>Import while in a non–text entry field (e. Make sure that you specified the name correctly and are connected to the database where the module resides. You tried to perform an operation on a module stored in the database. You can only export from a text entry field in a property sheet. You can only export from a text entry field. but Oracle Reports could not find the object. You can only import to a text entry field.. You can only import into a text entry field in a property sheet. you entered an invalid value for Object Type. In the Navigate to Object dialog box. a field that accepts only a number). It will be truncated to fit. move to a text entry field to do so. Select a value from the list of values.. There is no object named <object name> in the database. The value you entered in the Object Name field of the Navigate to Object dialog box does not correspond to an object of the specified type in the report. Invalid Object Type. If you wish to import the entire file. There is no object of that type with this name. You selected Edit—>Export. increase the size of the field. Have the owner delete the object. if possible. you can default the parameter form by selecting Tools—>Default Parameter Form.. Have the owner rename the object. or File—>Convert. you must be the object’s owner.. and reduce its size by editing it in the Parameter Form editor. For R25RUN. The current Form Width and Form Height settings are too small for the default parameter form..... Source must be a report. There is already an object named <object name> in the database. Alternatively. REP–0539 Cause Action REP–0540 Cause Action REP–0541 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 37 . You tried to rename an object that you do not own. Page size too small for default parameter form. if possible. R25CONV. To rename an object. The default parameter form is too big to fit on the number of pages specified. you specified something other than a report as the source. Increase the size of the parameter form pages in the Report Properties property sheet by changing Form Width and Form Height. Default parameter form could not be fitted in <number> page(s)... Specify a report as the source for the operation. you must be the object’s owner. Give the object a different name to avoid the conflict or delete the existing object. Select Tools—>Default Parameter Form. These operations all require a report as their source. The name that you entered for the object is already used for an existing object. You tried to delete an object that you do not own. You cannot rename an object in the database that you do not own.REP–0536 Cause Action REP–0537 Cause Action REP–0538 Cause Action You cannot delete an object in the database that you do not own. To delete an object. Increase the number of pages that the parameter form can span. The on–line help system is not available. or Logical Page Size. you entered an invalid value for a parameter. but no masks are specified in the Date Mask list of the Preferences tab of the Tools Options dialog box. Enter a number greater than zero for Page Width. If they are and the error persists. You selected Help—>Help System. No number masks have been specified as preferences. you should contact Oracle Customer Support for assistance. This may have happened because the help files could not be found or because of a help system error. you chose the List button for Input Mask or Format Mask. You entered zero for Page Width. Enter a date format mask manually or go to the Preferences tab of the Tools Options dialog box and enter some date format masks in the Date Mask list. In the Runtime Parameter Form. Enter a number format mask manually or go to the Preferences tab of the Tools Options dialog and enter some number format masks in the Number Mask list. but no masks are specified in the Number Mask list of the Preferences tab of the Tools Options dialog box. Re–try the operation. or Logical Page Size in the Report Properties property sheet. You must enter a number greater than zero. While in the Parameter or Field property sheet of a parameter/field of Type Number. but help could not be found. Invalid parameter input. For example. Page Height. entering a valid value for the parameter. For more information. The number must be greater than 0. Action REP–0543 Cause Action REP–0544 Cause Action REP–0545 Cause Action REP–0546 Cause Action 2 – 38 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . While in the Parameter or Field property sheet of a parameter/field of Type Date. see “Calling Oracle Customer Support” on page 1 – 4. you entered one or more characters as the value of parameter with a datatype of Number. you chose the List button for Input Mask or Format Mask. Ensure that the help files and help system are properly installed.REP–0542 Cause No date masks have been specified as preferences. Page Height. ’Mail’. Invalid Child Column. or Sysout. or do not run the report with BATCH=YES. BATCH=YES). Change the DESTYPE to File. The name you entered does not identify a valid parent group in the report you are currently defining.. or ’Sysout’ in batch mode. This is an abnormal condition. If the column you want does not appear. Invalid Parent Column. You tried to run a report in the background (i. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Destination type must be ’File’. For information. Invalid Parent Group. The name you entered does not identify a valid parent column in the report you are currently defining. The column you specified does not exist in the query. The name you entered does not identify a valid child column in the report you are currently defining. Select a group from the list of values.REP–0548 Cause Action REP–0549 Cause Action Problem initializing Oracle Toolkit. Mail. REP–0550 Cause Action REP–0551 Cause Action REP–0552 Cause Action REP–0553 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 39 . Invalid Condition. Select a column from the list of values. The Condition you entered for the query is not among the valid choices. If the column you want does not appear. Select a value from the list of values for Condition. add it to the SELECT statement of the query.e. Select a column from the list of values. Printer. add it to the SELECT statement of the parent query of the group specified in Parent Group. The column you specified does not exist in the parent group. but you specified a DESTYPE that is invalid for running in the background. ’Printer’. The group you specified does not exist or cannot own the column.. No data links were created. No foreign key in the child query ’<query name>’ refers to a primary key in the parent query ’<query name>’. A database column must be owned by the group associated with the query that selects it. If you are not connected to any database or you are connected to a non–ORACLE database. Report will not run against non–ORACLE database.’ or ’Placeholder’. Oracle Reports has already created the necessary bind parameter. The START WITH clause is only available with the ORACLE database. add the appropriate column constraints if desired. ’HAVING’. Action REP–0556 Cause Action REP–0559 Cause Action REP–0560 Cause Action REP–0561 Cause Action 2 – 40 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Note: The query ’<query name>’ has created the bind parameter ’<parameter name>’. Invalid Group. Ensure that you either run the report against an ORACLE database or remove the START WITH clause before running it against a non–ORACLE database. A summary or formula column must be owned by a group that is below the group(s) that owns the columns being summarized in the group hierarchy (i. or ’START WITH’.REP–0554 Cause Action REP–0555 Cause Valid options are ’WHERE’. The group name you entered in Group is not a valid group for the column. You attempted to create a query–to–query link but no foreign key exists in the child query. Verify whether the tables referred to are on your local database and accessible. The value you entered in Type for the column was not one of the valid choices. Create or modify the group such that it can own the column. this warning is raised.e. The specified query references a bind parameter that did not exist. Valid options are ’Formula. If so. Warning: ’START WITH’ is ORACLE–specific SQL syntax. None. the order of groups as they appear in the Data Model editor). The value you entered in SQL Clause is not one of the valid choices.’ ’Summary. Select a value from the list of values for SQL Clause. Select a value from the list of values for the column’s Type. You may not delete a database column. The file type value you entered in Read From File was not one of the valid types. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: The column does not exist. See the list of values. The column you entered in Source for the summary is not one of the valid choices. Select a file type from the list of values for Read from File.REP–0562 Cause Action REP–0563 Cause Action REP–0564 Cause Action REP–0565 Cause Action REP–0566 Cause Action Invalid Column Datatype. or blank. Select one of the functions from the list of values. or Average) unless the Datatype is Number. The Datatype of the Source is Character or Date. See the list of values. Invalid Function. If Case 2: Enter the name of another column in Source that is of Datatype Number. Valid options are ’Ascending’. Invalid Summary Source. The function you entered for Function is not one of the valid choices. Remove the column from the SELECT list of the query that selects it and the column will be deleted automatically. Sum. You tried to delete a column with a Type of Database. You either misspelled the value or the value you entered does not exist. You cannot use numeric functions (such as Percent. Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 41 . Invalid File Type. The value you entered in Break Order is not one of the valid choices. ’Descending’. Select a value from the list of values for Datatype. REP–0567 Cause Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Select a column from the list of values for the function. See the list of values. Select a value from the list of values for Break Order. The value you entered in Datatype is not one of the valid choices. REP–0568 Cause Value if Null is invalid. delete the group’s query. Groups can only be moved within the set of groups belonging to the same query. Invalid SQL Select Statement. Delete the reference altogether or. you will receive this error. The value of Value if Null in the Column property sheet is invalid for that column. Each query must have at least one group. The SQL SELECT statement that you entered is not valid. See the list of values. see the ORACLE7 Server SQL Language Reference Manual. change it to a bind reference. and may not be deleted. Specify a valid value for Value if Null. You made a lexical reference in your external query. You cannot make lexical references from an external query. Lexical parameters are not permitted in External Queries. The value you entered for Type under Filter is not one of the valid choices. Invalid Filter Type. Action REP–0580 Cause Action REP–0581 Cause Action REP–0582 Cause Action REP–0583 Cause Action REP–0584 Cause Action 2 – 42 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . if possible. if datatype of the column is Number. For example. The group you tried to delete is the only one of the query. You can not move a group out of its query. and you specify a character string in Value if Null. If you want to delete the group. For more information. This is the only group of query ’<query name>’. You cannot move a group between queries. if possible. Check the SELECT statement for errors and correct them. You can create a group similar to the one you were trying to move under the other query. Select one of the filter types from the list of values. you selected First while you were already on the first page of the report. For more information about PL/SQL. For more information about using PL/SQL within Oracle Reports. In the Previewer. you tried to go to a page that does not exist. For more information about PL/SQL. You cannot scroll down from the last page of the report. directly or indirectly. you tried to go to a page number that is larger than the total number of pages formatted. Invalid PL/SQL Group Filter condition. see “PL/SQL Interface” in Chapter 13 of the Reports Reference Manual. You cannot scroll up from the first page of the report. None. but entered no PL/SQL condition. move the group such that it is not a child of the query and therefore eligible to be its parent group. Only <number> page(s) formatted.. If possible. Create a formula or change the column’s Type. Adding this data link will create a cycle. For more information about using PL/SQL within Oracle Reports. Enter your PL/SQL or change the Filter Type. This usually happens when you have deleted a query without cascading the deletion to its associated objects.e. You are already on the first page. Invalid PL/SQL Column Formula. see “PL/SQL Interface” in Chapter 13 of the Reports Reference Manual. Last page is shown. You selected Condition for Filter Type. Otherwise. see the PL/SQL User’s Guide and Reference. see the PL/SQL User’s Guide and Reference. there is no action you can take. a child of the query to which you are linking it. i.REP–0585 Cause Parent group <group name> for child query <query name> nonexistent. The group you specified as the parent group for the data link is not eligible to be a parent because it is. None. You selected Formula as the column’s Type. but entered no PL/SQL for the formula. You have deleted a query without deleting references to its groups in data links. Update the data link in the child query. In the Previewer. Action REP–0586 Cause Action REP–0587 Cause Action REP–0588 Cause Action REP–0590 Cause Action REP–0591 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 43 . Enter a number within the range shown in the message. Report definition modified. or a number that is larger than the largest allowable value. Re–try the operation so that it will not move objects off the screen. consequently. In the Previewer. a negative number. Number can not be bigger than ’<number>’ or less than 1. Re–running report. The report you ran resulted in no output. contact Oracle Customer Support for assistance. You entered an invalid value for the Page Number setting on the Field property sheet for a parameter form field. You cannot scroll down from the last page of the report. If you return to the Previewer without re–running the report. In the Previewer. You ran a report and while its output was still in the Previewer you modified the report definition. enter a different page number and chose Go To. REP–0594 Cause Action REP–0595 Cause Action REP–0596 Cause Action REP–0597 Cause Action 2 – 44 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Page ’<page number>’ is the current page. No report output generated. you entered the page number of the current page and chose Go To. This operation is invalid. If the problem persists. Close the Previewer and run the report again. You tried to move editor objects in such a way that they would be off the screen. you selected Last while you were already on the last page of the report.REP–0592 Cause Action REP–0593 Cause Action You are already on the last page. the report output is not updated to reflect the most recent changes and. None. since it moves object(s) out of boundary. Check the accompanying messages for errors in the data model and layout. If you intended to go to another page. The most likely cause is that you entered zero. the report must be run again. For more information. The dictionary view of accessible tables is not present or not available. you moved the end point off of the boundary of the object it anchors Move the anchor such that its endpoint is still on the boundary of the object. you may get this error. REP–0600 Cause Action REP–0601 Cause Action REP–0602 Cause Action REP–0603 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 45 . contact Oracle Customer Support. see “Calling Oracle Customer Support” on page 1 – 4. For example. This text boilerplate is not editable. You attempted to access a list of values for the current field when none is available. No action necessary. You attempted to edit the text of an external boilerplate object while it was displayed in the Layout editor.REP–0598 Cause Action REP–0599 Cause Action You have moved the anchor end point out the boundary of the object. See your DBA. Building your report fully should fix this error. Unable to describe table <table name>. If the error persists. if a list of values is made up solely of column names and you have not completed your data model. another part of your report must be built first. In moving an anchor. exit the report and edit the file containing the external boilerplate text using a text editor. There is no list of values available for this field. Unable to read list of tables. The dictionary view of accessible tables is not present or not available. The list of values for this field is empty. You tried to select from a list of values and the list of values has no values. please try again. In order for some lists of values to contain values. If you wish to edit the text of the external boilerplate object. See your DBA. rdf. Run–only file <filename> may not be opened. column(s) or choose the SELECT columns FROM table radio button.. Action REP–0606 Cause Action REP–0607 Cause Action REP–0608 Cause Action REP–0609 Cause Action REP–0610 Cause Action 2 – 46 Reports Messages and Codes Manual .. See the list of values. It should have an extension of . Oracle Reports attempted to write the contents of the screen to the file printdef. To exit the dialog box without building a SELECT statement. and the destination type is not valid. You accepted the Table and Columns Names dialog box without having selected anything with which to build the SELECT statement. choose the Close button. Select a table and..rep).dat but could not locate the file. If you choose the columns or table radio button.. See the list of values.rep file.dat. and the source type that you specified is not valid. and then accept the dialog box. Invalid Source Type. Make sure log file <filename> is accessible. You attempted to open a runfile (extension . Open the report definition that is associated with the . Check link file format. You selected File—>Convert. The file you specified in the Link File field of the Boilerplate property sheet cannot be found or its format does not match that specified in the Format field. they can only be executed. Invalid Destination Type. Select the destination type from the list of values.REP–0604 Cause Unable to build SELECT statement – no values selected. To determine the proper location for printdef. if desired. Ensure that you correctly specified the name of the file and that the value you entered in the Format field matches the format of the file. you will get this error message. see your Developer/2000 Installation Guide. Unable to read link file <filename>. Select the source type from the list of values. Runfiles cannot be opened. You selected File—>Convert. Error while attempting to print screen. but no columns or tables are selected when you accept the dialog box. but did not have the cursor positioned in an active Oracle Reports window. For more information.REP–0611 Cause Action REP–0612 Cause Action Valid options are ’Screen’. The mask you entered in Format Mask is not a valid mask. Position your cursor in a text entry field before you perform a search/replace operation. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: The string that you entered as a mask contained invalid characters. Check to make sure that you entered the mask correctly. or ’Mail’. or Mail for Destination Type. Value does not match mask ’<mask string>’. you cannot have a format mask for it. REP–0614 Cause There is no window active for your search/replace action. see “Format Mask” in Chapter 8 of the Reports Reference Manual. You attempted a search/replace operation using the Search/Replace dialog box. File. You entered a number format mask for a field with Datatype of Character. you provided a value for Destination Type that was not valid. If the field is supposed to be Character Datatype and cannot be changed. see “Format Mask” in Chapter 8 of the Reports Reference Manual. REP–0613 Cause Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Select a value from the list of values. If Case 2: Change the Datatype of the field to be Number. For more information. Specify a value of Screen. The date mask that you entered does not correspond to any of the valid date masks. In the Runtime Parameter Form. ’File’. ’Printer’. Invalid date mask. Printer. if possible. Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 47 . Select a value from the list of values. You tried to run a report with the Previewer already open. Search/replace operations are valid only in text entry fields. Position your cursor in a entry field before you perform a search/replace operation. To run a new one. You can replace text only in editable regions. Select a value from the list of values. Close the currently open Runtime Parameter Form and try running again. You cannot replace text in an uneditable region. please close the old one and run again. Invalid Horizontal Sizing. Warning: Runtime Parameter Form is already open. The report would be empty.REP–0615 Cause You can only search/replace a text entry field. The value you entered for the object’s Horizontal Sizing is not one of the valid values. Action REP–0616 Cause Action REP–0617 Cause Action REP–0618 Cause Action REP–0619 Cause Action REP–0621 Cause Action REP–0622 Cause Action 2 – 48 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Close the currently open Previewer and try running again. You cannot run without a layout. To run a new one. but did not have the cursor positioned in a text entry field. then run your report. Warning: Previewer is already opened. See the list of values. you attempted to replace text in an inaccessible field. Using the Search/Replace dialog box. Create a layout. please close the old one and run again. You tried to run a report with the Runtime Parameter Form already open. You attempted to run your report with no layout. The value you entered for the object’s Vertical Sizing is not one of the valid values. Invalid Vertical Sizing. You attempted a search/replace operation using the Search/Replace dialog box. See the list of values. Invalid Print Condition Object. See the list of values The value you entered for the Type of the Print Condition is not one of the valid values. The string that you entered is too large. Enter a positive. You entered an x or y coordinate that is not in the valid range for coordinates. Flush/Left. The Width or Height value that you entered was not a positive. See the list of values. Enter a string that is smaller than the number of characters shown in the message. Flush/Center. Select a value from the list of values. Coordinates cannot be negative numbers. String must be shorter than <number> characters. Specify a number that is within the range shown in the message. whole number. and Flush/Right are only valid for fields with Datatype of Character. The value you entered for Alignment was not one of the valid values. Invalid Text Alignment. An object’s height or width must be a positive integer. The value you entered for the Object of the Print Condition is not one of the valid values. Value must be between <number1> and <number2>. You must specify the object’s position. The value is not valid given the datatype of the object.REP–0623 Cause Action REP–0624 Cause Action REP–0625 Cause Invalid Print Condition Type. See the list of values. The number that you entered is too large or too small. Select a value from the list of values. Enter a coordinate that is in the valid range. whole number. Action REP–0626 Cause Action REP–0627 Cause Action REP–0630 Cause Action REP–0631 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 49 . Select a value from the list of values. Once an item has been added to a list. but you left the Library field in the Attached Libraries dialog box blank and chose the Add button. Close property sheets for all the selected objects and retry. but the item was previously added to the list. For example. if you attempted to add a library to your report’s Attached Library list. Destination names must be shorter in length. Specify one of the valid choices in the list. if you attempted to add lib1 to your report’s Attached Library list. Specify the filename again and ensure that it is of valid length. It could be that you typed the value rather than using the list of values. Specify the item you wish to add in the appropriate field before choosing a button. If possible. Destination name must be shorter than <number> character(s). No value specified. Close all open property sheets and try again. use the list of values to ensure that it is a valid choice. Select a value from the list of values. You entered an invalid value in the field’s Source setting. and lib1 was already found in the Attached Library list. Invalid Field Source. it does not need to be added again. you would receive this error. but you did not specify an item. For example. You specified a value that is not in the list of valid choices.REP–0632 Cause Value already exists in the list. Action REP–0633 Cause Action REP–0634 Cause Action REP–0635 Cause Action REP–0640 Cause Action REP–0645 Cause Action 2 – 50 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . You tried to bring up the Common Properties property sheet while the property sheet for at least one of the selected objects was already being displayed. Value does not exist in the list. See the list of values. You specified a destination (probably a filename) that is too long. You attempted to add an item to a list. you would receive this error. You attempted to perform a list operation on an item. If you want to leave the property sheet without saving changes or making further updates. If you want to leave the property sheet without saving changes or making further updates. Select a value from the list of values. Enter zero or a positive integer for Horizontal Spacing. The group name you entered in Source for the repeating frame is not valid. Invalid value for minimum widow records. Invalid value for maximum records per page. See the list of values. choose the Close button. Enter zero or a positive integer for Vertical Spacing. Invalid Horizontal Spacing. and Matrix Cell). If you want to leave the property sheet without saving changes or making further updates. Down/Across. choose the Close button. You did not enter a number or blank for Minimum Widow Records and you tried to leave the field or accept the Repeating Frame property sheet. Across/Down. choose the Close button. Enter blank or a positive integer for Minimum Widow Records. The value you entered for Print Direction was not one of the valid values (Across. Invalid Vertical Spacing.REP–0650 Cause Action REP–0651 Cause Action REP–0652 Cause Action Invalid Source Group. Enter blank or a positive integer for Maximum Records per Page. REP–0653 Cause Action REP–0654 Cause Action REP–0655 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 51 . You did not enter a number or blank for Maximum Records per Page and you tried to leave the field or accept the Repeating Frame property sheet. Invalid Print Direction. choose the Close button. You did not enter a number for the Horizontal Spacing field and you tried to leave the field or accept the Repeating Frame property sheet. See the list of values. Select a value from the list of values. Down. You did not enter a number for the Vertical Spacing field and you tried to leave the field or accept the Repeating Frame property sheet. If you want to leave the property sheet without saving changes or making further updates. Invalid link file name. choose the Close button. Line. If you want to leave the property sheet without saving changes or making further updates. or image. make sure it is either sound. Select a Type from the list of values. or images. The file to which you tried to link the boilerplate is not a valid file. You selected Multimedia Column as the source for your button action. making sure that it references an existing file in the current directory. Include all necessary path information. and. and Text). Invalid button icon. You must specify a source file. See the list of values. if so. You selected Multimedia File as the source for your button action. if so. Invalid boilerplate type. Check to make sure you specified a source file for your button action. then either did not specify a source column. and. You must select a column. You selected Icon as the button face. Enter the name of a valid icon file in the text field provided. You did not enter a number or blank for Minimum Widow Lines in the property sheet and you tried to leave the field or accept the property sheet. then either did not specify a source file. Check to make sure you specified a source column for your button action. Invalid button source. The value you entered in Type for the boilerplate was not one of the valid values (Box. Re–enter the name. Graphic. or specified an invalid source column. make sure it contains either sounds. video. but failed to name a valid icon.REP–0660 Cause Action Invalid button source. video. Invalid value for minimum widow lines. Enter blank or a positive integer for Minimum Widow Lines. REP–0661 Cause Action REP–0662 Cause Action REP–0670 Cause Action REP–0671 Cause Action REP–0672 Cause Action 2 – 52 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . or specified an invalid source file. The value you entered in Edge is not one of the valid values (Top. See the list of values. You tried to leave the Parent Edge or Object Edge field without entering a valid edge for the anchor. Invalid Starting Page Number. If you want to leave the dialog box without saving the changes or making further changes. Action REP–0681 Cause Action REP–0682 Cause Action REP–0690 Cause Action REP–0691 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 53 . You left Increment By blank. choose the Close button. The anchor point must be a percentage between 0 and 100. The value you entered for % is not in the valid range (0 to 100). You left Start At blank. Left. If you want to leave the dialog box without saving the changes or further modifying its fields. Invalid Page Increment.REP–0680 Cause Invalid anchoring object name. The object name you entered in the Anchored To field of the Anchor Position dialog box is not the name of an object to which you can anchor this object. Select a value for Parent Edge or Object Edge from the list of values. You tried to leave the Start At field or accept the Page Numbering dialog box without entering a value for Start At. You tried to accept the dialog box without entering a valid anchoring object name. You tried to leave the Increment By field or accept the Page Numbering dialog box without entering a value for Increment By. Select an object name for Anchored To from the list of values. choose the Close button. choose the Close button. and Bottom). If you want to leave the dialog box without saving the changes or further modifying its fields. choose the Close button. You tried to accept the dialog box or move to another field without entering a valid value for %. Invalid Edge. Enter zero or a positive whole number for Increment By. Enter zero or a positive integer for Start At. If you want to leave the dialog box without saving the changes or making further changes. Right. See the list of values. Enter a value in the valid range for %. If you want to leave the dialog box without saving the changes or making further changes. See the list of values.REP–0692 Cause Action Invalid Page Number Reset. REP–0700 Cause Action REP–0701 Cause Action REP–0702 Cause Action REP–0703 Cause Action REP–0704 Cause Action REP–0705 Cause Action 2 – 54 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . The text weight you entered is not one of the valid weights. The pattern that you entered in the field is not one of the valid choices. Invalid Text Style. The value that you entered for the pen width is not one of the valid choices. Select a repeating frame name or &Report from the list of values to indicate where you want to reset the page number to its Start At value. Invalid Color. See the list of values. Select a pattern for the field from the list of values. The font that you entered is not one of the valid choices. See the list of values. Invalid Pattern. Invalid Pen Width. Select a pen width from the list of values. Select one of the styles from the list of values. See the list of values. Invalid Font. The color that you entered in the field is not one of the valid choices. Invalid Text Weight. choose the Close button. Select a color for the field from the list of values. See the list of values. You left Reset At blank. Select a font from the list of values. You tried to leave the Reset At field or accept the Page Numbering dialog box without entering a value for Reset At. Select one of the weights from the list of values. The text style you entered is not one of the valid styles. REP–0706 Cause Action REP–0707 Cause Action REP–0708 Cause Invalid Text Size. ’Sysout’ is only valid in batch mode.) Select the desired values from the list of values. (To have these attributes appear in the list of values. You have Sysout as the Initial Value for DESTYPE and you accepted it when not running in batch mode. If you leave the Initial Value as Sysout. See the list of values. Select a valid point size from the list of values. you should not run in non–batch mode with Hide Parameter Form checked. You entered Sysout as the destination type when you were not running the report in batch mode. you can check your Oracle Terminal or printer definition to see if the value is a valid one. Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 55 . Enter a number in the valid range. The value you entered in this field is not valid. you must also list them in VISUAL_PREFS in the preferences file. The values you enter in Character Mode Attribute must be defined in your Oracle Terminal or printer definition. but enter a DESTYPE of something other than Sysout unless you are running in batch mode. If the value you want is not in the list of values. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: You entered Sysout for DESTYPE in the Runtime Parameter Form. If Case 2: Change the Initial Value for DESTYPE to something else or change the DESTYPE to something other than Sysout in the Runtime Parameter Form. The point size that you entered is not one of the valid choices. Invalid Character Mode Attribute. You have entered number for spacing that is not in the valid range. Invalid Text Spacing. You might have accepted it without knowing it if you have the Hide Parameter Form preference checked. Action REP–0709 Cause Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Run the report again. . Specify a valid printer name using DESNAME. Specify a trace file. You attempted to print a report. or ’Mail’ when printing from previewer.REP–0710 Cause Action REP–0711 Cause Action Unable to find printer description file. REP–0712 Cause Action REP–0713 Cause Action REP–0714 Cause Action REP–0715 Cause Action 2 – 56 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . No printer specified. but did not specify a printer name in either DESNAME or in the Printer Chooser dialog box.g. Invalid mail destination. dflt). You attempted to mail report output to another user. If you often print to the same printer. Invalid printer name <printer name> specified by parameter <parameter name>. You pressed the Print button in the Previewer. or Mail. Oracle Reports could not find the printer description file you specified for DESFORMAT. Destination type must be ’File’. You attempted to output a report. Remember that entering a printer name using DESFORMAT will override the printer name set in the Printer Chooser dialog box. or a valid printer name for DESNAME if DESTYPE was Printer. You specified trace mode and/or trace options but did not specify a trace file. ’Printer’. Specify a valid printer description file for DESFORMAT (e. but DESTYPE is restricted to a value other than File. Trace file must be specified when tracing. but did not specify a valid username for DESNAME. enter the printer name in the Printer Chooser dialog box. Specify a valid printer name for DESFORMAT if DESTYPE was File or Mail. Ensure that DESTYPE can be set to one of the above values before attempting to print from the Previewer. Printer. but did not specify a valid printer name or printer driver name (depending on which is applicable for your platform) in DESFORMAT (if DESTYPE was File or Mail) or DESNAME (if DESTYPE was Printer). Specify a valid username for DESNAME. See the list of values. See the list of values. select the Close button.REP–0716 Cause Action Invalid option specified for tracing. Check the given trace file name to ensure that it is valid. Cannot write to trace file <filename>. Select a group name from the list of values. Do not specify the Break option when using the runtime executable. The repeating frame that you specified as the Vertical or Horizontal Frame in the Matrix property sheet is not valid. If you want to leave the property sheet without saving the changes or making further changes. Invalid Cross Product Group. You specified a trace file to which you cannot write. The group that you entered for Cross Product Group in the Matrix property sheet is not valid. REP–0717 Cause Action REP–0718 Cause Action REP–0719 Cause Action REP–0720 Cause Action REP–0721 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 57 . You attempted to trace breaks while running the report using the runtime executable. see your online help. Invalid Repeating Frame. You specifed invalid trace options. Select a repeating frame name from the list of values. For more information about trace options. If you want to leave the property sheet without saving the changes or making further changes. select the Close button. Cannot trace break information with runtime executable. Begin tracing before you attempt to set or unset options. You tried to leave the Vertical or Horizontal Frame field without entering a valid repeating frame. You attempted to set or unset trace options while not tracing. Cannot set/unset options if not tracing. Re–specify your trace options. You attempted to get the value of the specified column via either issuing a command from the command line of the PL/SQL Interpreter or by executing a stand–alone PL/SQL program unit. You can only get a parameter value during parameter form execution. Do not attempt to use the PL/SQL Interpreter or a PL/SQL program unit to set the value of a column when the report has suspended execution (e. You can only get a column value during report execution.g. Use an alternate method. Do not attempt to use the PL/SQL Interpreter or a PL/SQL program unit to set the value of a parameter when the report has suspended execution (e. at a breakpoint).g. You attempted to set the value of the specified column via either issuing a command from the command line of the PL/SQL Interpreter or by executing a stand–alone PL/SQL program unit. You attempted to set the value of the specified parameter via either issuing a command from the command line of the PL/SQL Interpreter or by executing a stand–alone PL/SQL program unit.. Cannot set the value of Column ’<column name>’ here. You attempted to get the value of the specified parameter via either issuing a command from the command line of the PL/SQL Interpreter or by executing a stand–alone PL/SQL program unit. Cannot get the value of Parameter ’<parameter name>’ here. such as one of the report–level triggers. You can only set a parameter value during parameter form execution.. such as one of the report–level triggers. such as one of the report–level triggers. at a breakpoint). Action REP–0725 Cause Action REP–0726 Cause Action REP–0727 Cause Action 2 – 58 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . such as one of the report–level triggers. to obtain the column value.g.. You can only set a column value during report execution.REP–0724 Cause Cannot get the value of Column ’<column name>’ here. Use an alternate method. Do not attempt to use the PL/SQL Interpreter or a PL/SQL program unit to get the value of a column when the report has suspended execution (e. to obtain the parameter value.g. at a breakpoint). at a breakpoint). Do not attempt to use the PL/SQL Interpreter or a PL/SQL program unit to get the value of a parameter when the report has suspended execution (e. Cannot set the value of Parameter ’<parameter name>’ here. to set the column value. Use an alternate method. Use an alternate method.. to set the parameter value. You must define the parameter or column before making a bind reference to it. No argument is allowed. Name already exists. Remove the reference(s) from the parameter–related trigger(s) and add them to the Before Report trigger. The program unit ’<program unit name>’ of size ’<number>’ bytes is too big to be loaded for current platform at the limit of ’<limit>’ Your program unit was created on another operating platform and it too large to be loaded into the current operating platform. in a Format Trigger field. The following bind variable is not defined: <bind variable> You made a bind reference to a parameter or column that has not been defined yet. which is not allowed. Needs to be removed. Validation). You could also try using a lexical reference rather than a bind reference. Reduce the size of the PL/SQL program unit you are trying to load. if possible.REP–0728 Cause Action Column ’<column name>’ may not be referenced by parameter triggers. REP–0729 Cause Action REP–0730 Cause Action REP–0732 Cause Action REP–0733 Cause Action REP–0734 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 59 . Remove the argument(s) from the PL/SQL source. Create a column or parameter definition for the object you want to reference. Rename the new subprogram so that it does not conflict with any existing subprograms. You attempted to reference a column in a parameter–related trigger (Before Form. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Error destroying program unit. For information. You attempted to create a PL/SQL subprogram whose name is identical to an existing subprogram stored in the report. This is an abnormal condition. Please select another name. a Formula field. You entered a PL/SQL function or procedure requiring arguments in a PL/SQL field that does not allow PL/SQL with arguments—for example. After Form. or as a group filter. You attempted to anchor an anchor to another layout object. Oracle Reports could not recompile the PL/SQL on the current platform. get a copy of the source report with the source PL/SQL and recompile it from the current platform. as a result. but these objects could not be found. Will try to load PL/SQL source texts. containing PL/SQL which needed to be recompiled. Also check to ensure that your program unit is making the correct references. An anchor cannot be anchored with another object. You have entered something other than a function where a function is required. Should be a function with return type <returntype>. or anchor a layout object to an anchor. Load the report using R25DES and modify the DE program unit(s). You have entered PL/SQL that does not have the appropriate return type. There exists uncompiled program units. You tried to run a report on a platform that is not the same as the platform on which the PL/SQL in the report was compiled. Only function is allowed here. Make sure you are connected to a database. Enter a function. Cannot execute compiled PL/SQL from other platform.REP–0735 Cause Unable to load DE Program Unit. Change the return type of the function to the one specified in the message. You have attempted to convert a report. It could be that the program unit references one or more objects stored in the database. Make sure you are connected to the correct database. Run the report on the original platform where the PL/SQL was compiled. The report does not contain the PL/SQL source and. or loaded an old report. Action REP–0736 Cause Action REP–0737 Cause Action REP–0738 Cause Action REP–0739 Cause Action REP–0740 Cause Action 2 – 60 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Oracle Reports could not load the entire program unit. Alternatively. Anchors cannot be anchored with other layout objects. REP–0741 Cause Action REP–0742 Cause Action REP–0743 Cause Action A matrix cannot be anchored with another object. You attempted to anchor a matrix object to another layout object, or anchor a layout object to a matrix object. Matrix objects cannot be anchored with other layout objects. A margin cannot be anchored with a layout object. You attempted to anchor the margin to a layout object, or anchor a layout object to the margin. The margin cannot be anchored with layout objects. A matrix repeating frame cannot be anchored with another object. You attempted to anchor a matrix repeating frame with a Print Direction of Down or Across to another layout object. Matrix repeating frames with Print Directions of Down or Across cannot be anchored with other layout objects. An anchor must have different parent and child objects. You attempted to create an anchor whose parent and child objects are the same—i.e., you tried to anchor an object to itself. You cannot anchor an object to itself. Anchors must have different parent and child objects. An object cannot be anchored more than once. You attempted to create two anchors between the same two layout objects. You can create only one anchor between the same two layout objects. PL/SQL references an object which does not exist. This is an abnormal condition. For information, see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Before form trigger cannot reference a report column. The Before Form trigger for the report references a column in the report. You cannot reference columns from the Before Form trigger. Remove any column references from the Before Form trigger. (If you need to set the value of a column, you should do it from the Before Report trigger.) REP–0744 Cause Action REP–0745 Cause Action REP–0746 Cause Action REP–0747 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 61 REP–0748 Cause Action A parameter trigger cannot reference report columns. A Validation Trigger for a parameter references one or more columns in the report. You cannot reference columns from a Validation Trigger. Remove any column references in the Validation Trigger of the Parameter property sheet. After Form trigger cannot reference a report column. The After Form trigger for the report references a column in the report. You cannot reference columns from the After Form trigger. Remove any column references in the After Form trigger. (If you need to set the value of a column, you should do it from the Before Report trigger.) Error closing the PL/SQL library. This is an abnormal condition. For information, see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Error accessing program units from the PL/SQL library. This is an abnormal condition. If you made any changes to your external PL/SQL library, consider selecting File—>Save As... and save it under a different name. For information, see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Unable to save the PL/SQL library. This is an abnormal condition. If you made any changes to your external PL/SQL library, consider selecting File—>Save As... and save it under a different name. For information, see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Error attaching PL/SQL library ’<libname>’. You tried to attach an invalid external PL/SQL library. This could happen because the library is corrupted, or because the file or object you named does not contain an external PL/SQL library. Make sure that the file or object you named contains a valid external PL/SQL library. REP–0749 Cause Action REP–0750 Cause Action REP–0751 Cause Action REP–0752 Cause Action REP–0753 Cause Action 2 – 62 Reports Messages and Codes Manual REP–0754 Cause Action Error in inserting program units into the PL/SQL library. You tried to save a program unit into a corrupted external PL/SQL library, or a file or object that is not an external PL/SQL library. Ensure that the file or object you named contains a valid external PL/SQL library and consider using File—>Save As... to save the current program unit. Error opening the PL/SQL library ’<libname>’. You tried to open a corrupted external PL/SQL library, or a file or object that is not an external PL/SQL library. Make sure that the file or object that you tried to open contains a valid external PL/SQL library. Warning: Unable to find PL/SQL library ’<libname>’. You tried to attach an external PL/SQL library that doesn’t exist, or to open a report with one or more attached libraries that could not be found. Make sure that the file or object you want to attach exists. If you opened a report, reattach the external PL/SQL library. Unable to create external location spec. This is an abnormal condition. For information, see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. PL/SQL library ’<libname>’ is already in use. You tried to attach an external PL/SQL library that has the same name as another external PL/SQL library that is already attached. This could happen if you renamed a file that contains an external PL/SQL library, but the internal name recognized by Oracle Reports was not changed. Use File—>Save As... to save the external PL/SQL library under a different name. One or more PL/SQL libraries have been modified since the report was saved. The PL/SQL will be recompiled. You are trying to open or run a report that references one or more external PL/SQL libraries, and if a library attached to your report has been modified, Oracle Reports invalidates the PL/SQL within the report to remind you to add such changes (e.g., number or type of parameters) to the calling functions. Make sure your report–level PL/SQL correctly references attached libraries. REP–0755 Cause Action REP–0756 Cause Action REP–0757 Cause Action REP–0758 Cause Action REP–0759 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 63 REP–0760 Cause Action You are in the print document session. You already selected File—>Administration—>Report Doc to produce a report on one or more reports. Finish producing the current report on reports, then select File—>Administration—>Report Doc again to run another report on reports. Can’t open the resource for printing the report. Oracle Reports cannot find the reports (shipped with Oracle Reports) that document your reports. Make sure that the reports that document other reports (shipped with Oracle Reports) are located in the proper directory. For details on the exact location of these reports, see your Developer/2000 Installation Guide. Before Form trigger failed. The Before Form trigger in your report returned false. Make the appropriate changes (either to the PL/SQL source in the Before Form trigger or to the report) to make the trigger return true. After Form trigger failed. The After Form trigger in your report returned false. Make the appropriate changes (either to the PL/SQL source in the After Form trigger or to the report) to make the trigger return true. Parameter Form Fields <fieldname1> and <fieldname2> may not have the same Source. You specified the same Source for two parameter form fields. Fields on the Runtime Parameter Form must have unique sources. Change the Source of one of the fields. No Source specified for Parameter Form Field <fieldname>. You have not specified a Source for a parameter form field or the source parameter was deleted from the data model. Fields on the Runtime Parameter Form must have a source. Specify a valid Source for the parameter form field. REP–0761 Cause Action REP–0770 Cause Action REP–0771 Cause Action REP–0772 Cause Action REP–0773 Cause Action 2 – 64 Reports Messages and Codes Manual Warning: Some columns cannot be formatted correctly when populating LOV parameter ’<parameter name>’. Check the datatype of the LOV parameter.REP–0774 Cause Action Warning: No selectable values for the LOV parameter ’<parameter name>’. Warning: There are columns values in segmented memory when populating LOV parameter ’<parameter name>’. You have selected columns whose types cannot be handled (e. Select different columns. Warning: The datatype of the first column of the select statement does not match the datatype of the LOV parameter ’<parameter name>’. The SELECT statement selecting values for your parameter’s LOV retrieves columns whose values annot be formatted according to their datatypes. They will be ignored. Select different columns or move the columns’ values. the select statement. see “Parameter Properties” in Chapter 6 of the Reports Reference Manual. For more information about LOV parameters. binary data). They will be ignored. Warning: There are columns whose types cannot be handled when populating LOV parameter ’<parameter name>’. Convert the values to valid ones or check the database to see if the values of the columns are valid. These columns are ignored.. You have selected columns with values in segmented memory for your LOV parameter’s select list. The datatype of the first column you specified in your select statement does not match the datatype you specified for your LOV parameter. and the columns in the database tables accessed by the select statement to ensure that they match. REP–0775 Cause Action REP–0776 Cause Action REP–0777 Cause Action REP–0778 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 65 . Check the select statement or selectable value list of the parameter to ensure that your specified values are selectable. You have either not specified any values for the LOV parameter’s select list. or specified values that cannot be selected. This is not allowed.g. You have included bind variables in your SELECT statement. You have either specified items or selected columns containing some values which are too long to include in your LOV parameter’s select list. These columns are ignored. The possible values list has bad syntax. Change the column’s datatype or specify a different column. Edit the possible values list so that all possible values have valid widths. A value you specified for your LOV parameter’s list of possible values has an invalid width. The initial value you have entered is invalid against the input mask ’<input mask>’. Bind variables are not allowed in the select statement. You must either enter a different value in Initial Value or change the mask in Input Mask. REP–0781 Cause Action REP–0782 Cause Action REP–0783 Cause Action REP–0784 Cause Action 2 – 66 Reports Messages and Codes Manual .REP–0779 Cause Action REP–0780 Cause Action Warning: Some items of LOV parameter ’<parameter name>’are too long. A possible value has invalid width. The datatype of the parameter doesn’t match the datatype of its source column. Edit the possible values list to ensure that it is a proper comma–separated list. Remove the bind variables from your SELECT statement. You have selected a column with an invalid datatype to furnish values for your LOV parameter’s select list. Check the values of the items and reduce their length if necessary. You used incorrect syntax to create the list of possible values for your LOV parameter. The value you entered in the Initial Value field violates the mask you specified in the Input Mask field. or alter the width. You specified a blank value for either Page Width or Page Height in the Runtime Settings tab of the Tools Options dialog box. Edit the possible values list to ensure that all possible values are valid against the input mask. There is a discrepancy between the column(s) you specified in your original SELECT statement and what the table(s) in question now contains. You have specified a value for a LOV parameter that is not on the parameter’s select list. Edit—>Select All is valid only in a text field. REP–0786 Cause Action REP–0787 Cause Action REP–0788 Cause Action REP–0790 Cause Action REP–0800 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 67 . You can only select all in a text entry field. Add the initial value you specified to the possible values list. Page Width and Height must either both be specified or both be blank. You selected Edit—>Select All with the cursor positioned on an element in a property sheet other than a text field. The initial value is not among the possible values. The initial value you specified for your LOV parameter does not appear on the defined list of possible values. or re–apply the LOV parameter’s SELECT statement. Warning: The value is not among the selectable values of the restricted LOV parameter. While in a property sheet. Specify a valid value for the blank setting. Both settings must contain a valid value.REP–0785 Cause Action A possible value is invalid against the input mask. Check the database to determine if the tables in question have been updated since you created the parameter list. A value you specified for your LOV parameter’s list of possible values is not formatted in accordance with the specified input mask. or be blank. or make both settings blank. The name of the first column from the select statement is not the same at runtime from design time. Choose a value from the parameter’s select list. margin. maximum body pages. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. or by resizing the margin. Error reading window resources. This is an abnormal condition. For information. Your report contains combined settings of page/form size and either logical page. While in the Runtime Parameter Form. maximum body page.REP–0801 Cause Layout canvas must remain large enough to fit all layout objects. Parameter form canvas must remain large enough to fit all parameter form objects. Cancel the Runtime Parameter Form and re–run the report. You reduced the size of the painting region of the Parameter Form editor by changing one or more settings in the Report Properties dialog box. For information. Action REP–0802 Cause Action REP–0803 Cause Action REP–0804 Cause Action REP–0805 Cause Action REP–0806 Cause Action 2 – 68 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Make the page/form size smaller. The report definition was modified during the current run. Could not initialize menus. maximum footer page. Make sure all layout objects in the body. You reduced the size of the painting region of the Layout editor by changing one or more settings in the Report Properties dialog box. Canvas size specified is too large. maximum footer pages. and trailer sections of your report fit in the resized painting region. or number of parameter form pages. but the resized painting region is not large enough to fit all of the parameter form objects. but the resized painting region is not large enough to fit all of the layout objects. or number of parameter form pages that results in a value larger than that supported by Oracle Reports (a dpi value greater than 2 gigabytes). header. you modified the report via a editor or property sheet. or decrease the value for logical page size. Make sure all parameter form objects fit in the resized painting region. maximum header pages. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. maximum header page. or ’Portrait’. Printer. Valid options are ’<In Report Definition>’. Valid values are Noaction. Landscape. or Commit. In the character–mode Runtime Settings dialog. you left the Array Size field blank. ’Printer’ or ’Mail’. Action REP–0812 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 69 . Select a valid value for Destination Type. ’Rollback’. Valid options are ’<In Report Definition>’. You must enter the Long Chunk Size. you chose an invalid value for Destination Type. In the Runtime Settings dialog box. In the character–mode Runtime Settings dialog. you chose an invalid value for On Success/On Failure. Valid options are ’Noaction’. ’Landscape’. you left the Buffer Size field blank. Select a valid value for Orientation. Valid values are <In Report Definition>. Screen. you chose an invalid value for Orientation. In the Runtime Settings tab of the Tools Options dialog box. Enter a Long Chunk Size value between 1 and 9999. ’File’. You must enter the Buffer Size. In the Runtime Settings tab of the Tools Options dialog box. In the character–mode Runtime Settings dialog box. Enter a Buffer Size value between 1 and 9999. or Mail. File. You must enter a value for Array Size. or ’Commit’. Select a valid value for On Success/On Failure. Rollback. ’Screen’. Enter an Array Size value between 1 and 9999. you left the Long Chunk Size field blank. or Portrait. You must enter a value for Buffer Size. Valid values are <In Report Definition>.REP–0807 Cause Action REP–0808 Cause Action REP–0809 Cause Action REP–0810 Cause Action REP–0811 Cause You must enter the Array Size. You must enter a value for Long Chunk Size. Alternatively. Select a valid value for Mode. you chose an invalid value for Orientation. Select a valid value for Background. you chose an invalid value for Mode. In the character–mode Runtime Parameter Form. or ’Portrait’. ’Yes’ or ’No’. Warning: Page height has changed for Parameter Form. or No. Look at the layout of your parameter form in the Parameter Form editor and ensure that none of the objects are directly on the page boundary (the darkened line in the editor). Valid values are Landscape or Portrait. Valid options are ’<In Report Definition>’. Action REP–0814 Cause Action REP–0815 Cause Action REP–0816 Cause Action REP–0817 Cause Action REP–0818 Cause Action 2 – 70 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Select a valid value for Background. Valid values are <In Report Definition>. you chose an invalid value for Mode. Yes. ’Bitmap’ or ’Character’. ’Default’. you chose an invalid value for Background. Valid options are ’Landscape’. Oracle Reports is notifying you that this might cause the page boundary to move such that it appears in the middle of an object in the parameter form. In the character–mode Runtime Settings dialog box. Default. In the character–mode Runtime Settings dialog. In the character–mode Runtime Parameter Form. Bitmap. Valid options are ’Bitmap’ or ’Character’. Valid values are Yes. In the character–mode Runtime Parameter Form. You changed the height of the Runtime Parameter Form in the Report Properties property sheet. you could default (or redefault) the parameter form. you chose an invalid value for Background. Select a valid value for Orientation.REP–0813 Cause Valid options are ’<In Report Definition>’. Valid options are ’Yes’ or ’No’. or Character. Valid values are Bitmap or Character. Select a valid value for Mode. Parameters might be crossed by page boundaries. or No. Valid values are <In Report Definition>. If you can do so while retaining all necessary functionality in your report. This is an abnormal condition. The possible causes of this error include: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: You are attempting to save the image to a non–valid location. it will run. For information. REP–0820 Cause Action REP–0821 Action Cause Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Check that the name and path (if saving to the file system) is valid. Cannot import specified image. There is not enough space to save the image. Failed to save the image. You do not have the necessary privileges to access the table. Check that the name and . Create or select a drawing to export. The drawing you are attempting to import cannot be imported. If Case 2: Check that you have permission to save the image. Cannot export specified image. Check the image file to ensure it is a valid image and has not been corrupted. No drawing exported. If Case 3: Check that there is enough space to save the image. REP–0822 Cause Action REP–0823 Cause Action No drawing imported. Another option is to remove all instances of SRW. Check the file to ensure it is a valid drawing and has not been corrupted. The image you are trying to import cannot be imported.REP–0819 Cause Action Could not turn AUTOCOMMIT ON for SQL Server connection. The object you are attempting to export as a drawing cannot be exported as a drawing. Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 71 . see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3.DO_SQL. Unable to retreive table information.. Cancelling Report Doc. Enter the name of a valid printer driver as the value of the parameter.g. This is not allowed. You are attempting to store a module to a database that is neither ORACLE nor DB2. Oracle Reports database tables appear to match tables from an older version of Reports. Inform your database administrator that Oracle Reports tables were not succesfully installed in the database. Oracle Reports tables are not installed in the database. The current selection on the editor is not a single image. Select exactly one image to export. Cancelling Report Doc. Either connect to an ORACLE or DB2 database or store the module as in your filesystem. The connected database is neither ORACLE nor DB2. The Oracle Reports tables in the database appear to have been installed from a previous version of the product. Report Doc cannot run against an older version of the database tables. you are specifying a driver other than the Oracle ASCII Driver to print a character mode report. Connect to another database. REP–0826 Cause Action REP–0827 Cause Action REP–0828 Cause Action REP–0829 Cause Action 2 – 72 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . You are attempting to access the Table and Column Names dialog box but the Data Dictionary is not available on the database to which you are connected. Invalid printer driver ’<name>’ specified by parameter <parameter name>. Try the procedure again. It cannot be used to store applications. You are trying to print a report. Inform your database administrator that Oracle Reports tables for this version were not successfully installed in the database. Report Doc cannot be run because there are no Oracle Reports tables in the database. but the parameter DESNAME is specifying a printer driver that cannot be used to print the report. e.REP–0824 Cause Action REP–0825 Cause Action Data Dictionary not available on the database to which you are connected. making sure that you select only one image to export. Report Doc caoont be run because the Oracle Reports tables are in an unstable state. None. then close the application. see “Naming Conventions” in Appendix D of the Reports Reference Manual. For more information. Tabs/Col function not supported for this database. For more information. <Object type> must be named. Enter a name that conforms to the conventions. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Name the object according to the appropriate naming conventions. Unimplemented Error: This is an abnormal condition. Tables and Columns functionality is not available for these databases. see “Naming Conventions” in Appendix D of the Reports Reference Manual. You attempted to close a report while associated PL/SQL was still executing. For information. Inform your database administrator that Oracle Reports tables are either corrupted or incorrectly installed in the database. You left the Name field blank for the object and a name is required. This name does not conform to SQL naming standards. Cannot close this application while PL/SQL is still executing.REP–0830 Cause Action Oracle Reports database tables appear to be corrupted or incorrectly installed. Cancelling Report Doc. Check the naming standards for the object you are naming. You are connected to a database server which does not have an accessible Data Dictionary to list tables and columns. The name you entered violates one or more SQL naming conventions. REP–0900 Cause Action REP–0901 Cause Action REP–0999 Cause Action REP–1010 Cause Action REP–1011 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 73 . Finish executing the PL/SQL or abort it. Unable to save module to file <filename>. This is an abnormal condition. For more information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Valid SQL names cannot be longer than 30 bytes. Warning: Owner and Access list not overwritten. Use the same or a more recent version of Oracle Reports to open the report. Cannot open a report saved with a newer version of Oracle Reports. This is an abnormal condition. This name may not be the same as a reserved word. Change the name of at least one of the objects. You entered a name for a parameter that duplicates a reserved word. Reduce the size of the name to 30 bytes or less. This is an abnormal condition. You tried opening a report with an older version of Oracle Reports than the one with which the report was saved. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. For information. The name that you entered duplicates the name of another object of the same type. see “Naming Conventions” in Appendix D of the Reports Reference Manual. REP–1014 Cause Action REP–1048 Cause Action REP–1049 Cause Action REP–1050 Cause Action REP–1051 Cause Action 2 – 74 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Unable to access module names in database. For information. Name entered was greater than 30 bytes. Name length cannot exceed 30 bytes. Change the name of the parameter such that it conforms to parameter naming conventions.REP–1012 Cause Action REP–1013 Cause Action There is another <object type> with this name. This is an abnormal condition. Unable to obtain new module ID from database. If you do not own the object. For information. You must own an object in order to rename it. You may not have the necessary privileges. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. If you do not. REP–1055 Cause Action REP–1056 Cause Action REP–1057 Cause Action REP–1058 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 75 . For information. You tried to access a file that is not in the proper format for Oracle Reports. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. <filename> is not a valid Oracle Reports file. Unable to delete from table <table name>. This is an abnormal condition. You may not have the necessary privileges. Ensure that you have the necessary privileges. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. You tried to rename a database object and the operation failed. Unable to rename object stored in database. For information. For information. you can either make your own copy of it or have the owner change the name. Unable to lock table <table name>.REP–1052 Cause Action REP–1053 Cause Action REP–1054 Cause Action Unable to save module to database. Unable to read module from database. You tried to delete from a table and the operation failed. This is an abnormal condition. Make sure you are accessing the correct file. see your DBA or have someone with the necessary privileges perform the operation. You are not connected to a database. REP–1061 Cause Action REP–1062 Cause Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Set REPORTS25_PATH to a valid value. Check the spelling of the specified file in the Column property sheet. The specified external query does not exist. check the permissions on the file to ensure that you have at least read access. If the file does exist. and check to see if the specified file exists. This is an abnormal condition. Reduce the size of the PL/SQL so it can be loaded on your platform. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: REPORTS25_PATH is not set. For help. contact your system administrator. The PL/SQL could not be loaded because it is too large for your operating system. Unable to read SRW2_MODULE.REP–1059 Cause Action REP–1060 Cause Action Unable to read module from file <filename>. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Oracle Reports failed to access the SRW2_MODULE view in the current database. Check to see if Oracle Reports was properly installed on the database. Unable to find external query ’<query name>’. If Case 2: Connect to a database. For information. You activated Read From File and specified a file name as the value of a column. but Oracle Reports could not successfully open or read the specified file. 2 – 76 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . If Case 3: Make sure you specify the correct name of the external query. Unable to read external file <filename>. It may have been created on a different platform with a higher limit. REP–1063 Cause Action PL/SQL ’<program unit name>’ has exceeded the platform–specific size limit. Unable to read external query ’<query name>’. This is an abnormal condition. This module cannot be used. If the report is stored in the database. No action is necessary.REP–1064 Cause Action REP–1065 Cause Action REP–1066 Cause Action REP–1067 Cause Action Unable to read module ’<module name>’. end reached. This is an abnormal condition.rdf file. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. You attempted to read an external query whose definition. It may have been corrupted. use SQLPlus to determine whether the Reports tables have been corrupted. You attempted to open a module whose definition. Warning: Comment is corrupted. The report cannot be opened because the report definition is incomplete. Object Store failure. It will be lost. A storage error caused a comment to be corrupted. recreate the comment in the designer. For information. has been lost or corrupted. stored in either the database or the filesystem. This external query cannot be used. If the report is an . Some information is missing in the report. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Take appropriate actions to recover your data. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. use a file system utility to check if the file is corrupted. For information. object not found. stored in either the database or the filesystem. has been lost or corrupted. It will be discarded. REP–1070 Cause Action REP–1071 Cause Action REP–1072 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 77 . If you want to. Make sure the object you specified is a valid Oracle module. unsupported function. For information. non–specific file error. stored in a file or in the database. For information. object too big.REP–1073 Cause Action REP–1074 Cause Action REP–1075 Cause Action REP–1076 Cause Action object found when not expected. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. For information. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. REP–1077 Cause Action REP–1078 Cause Action REP–1079 Cause Action REP–1080 Cause Action 2 – 78 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . invalid type. For information. This is an abnormal condition. invalid store. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. invalid object. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. unique key violation. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. You attempted to use an invalid file or database object. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. For information. file create error. Obtain the necessary privileges for the file or. The header may have been changed in an editor or the file may not be compatible with this release of Oracle Reports. file version error. If the file is incompatible with this release of Oracle Reports. You might not have the necessary file privileges to open the file. if possible. you need to migrate it. For information. You performed an operation that required Oracle Reports to open a file. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. You tried to perform an operation that required Oracle Reports to open a file to which you do not have access. in general. Action REP–1085 Cause Action REP–1086 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 79 . file open read–only error. You can attempt to fix the header in an editor. For information. You tried to perform an operation that required Oracle Reports to create a file and an error occurred. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. although. Obtain the necessary privileges. it is not recommended that you edit Oracle Reports files in this way. For more information. The file either didn’t have a header or it didn’t have the expected header. close error. This is an abnormal condition. access a file to which you do have the necessary privileges. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition.REP–1081 Cause Action REP–1082 Cause Action REP–1083 Cause Action REP–1084 Cause page split occurred. file header bad or missing. You might not have the necessary file privileges to create the file. see “Migrating Reports and Printer Definitions” in Chapter 1 of the Reports Migration Manual. file write error. file read error. but there wasn’t enough space in which to save it. You might not have the necessary file privileges to open the file. For information. You might not have the necessary file privileges to read the file. disk or file system full. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. access a file to which you do have the necessary privileges.REP–1087 Cause file open read–write error. if possible. file close error. You might not have the necessary file privileges to write the file. Action REP–1088 Cause Action REP–1089 Cause Action REP–1090 Cause Action REP–1091 Cause Action REP–1092 Cause Action 2 – 80 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . This is an abnormal condition. You tried to perform an operation that required Oracle Reports to read a file to which you do not have access. access a file to which you do have read privileges. access a file to which you do have write privileges. Obtain the necessary privileges for the file or. file unique key violation. Obtain the necessary privileges for the file or. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. You tried to perform an operation that required Oracle Reports to write to a file to which you do not have access. For information. Obtain the necessary privileges for the file or. You tried to perform an operation that required Oracle Reports to open a file to which you do not have access. You tried to save an object. if possible. You need to either delete some unnecessary files or expand your storage space. This is an abnormal condition. if possible. The possible causes of this error include: Case 1: Case 2: The table does not exist. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: If the table is not already created. You do not have the necessary privileges to access the table. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 81 .PRODUCT_PROFILE data. reallocate failed. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. If Case 2: Get access to the table by creating a public synonym for the table in the PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE table. or by making the table public via the PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE table. Ensure that the table was created with the appropriate columns. You tried to open a module that is already opened (locked) by another user. For information. For information. Wait until the other user closes the module before accessing it. The table is not created correctly. PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE or SYSTEM. REP–1098 Cause Action Error reading PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE or SYSTEM. create it. The <module type> is currently locked.PRODUCT_PROFILE does not exist.REP–1093 Cause Action REP–1094 Cause Action REP–1095 Cause Action REP–1096 Cause Action REP–1097 Cause allocate failed. free failed. This is an abnormal condition. then modify it as necessary. This is an abnormal condition. If it was not. Some layout styles place restrictions on the repeat directions you can choose for your groups. You tried to create a default layout. While trying to create a default layout. Group ’<group name>’ has an invalid repeat direction. REP–1101 Cause Action REP–1102 Cause Action REP–1103 Cause Action 2 – 82 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . see your online help. Second line of message may be one of the following: Unable to fit column ’<column name>’. Unable to fit group ’<group name>’ (wrapping not supported inside matrix). You tried to open a file that is not an Oracle Reports report. In the Default Layout dialog box. Otherwise.REP–1099 Cause Action REP–1100 Cause Action Cannot open non–Oracle Reports files. Oracle Reports cannot build a default layout because one or more of the dimensions of your layout has no values. You can either change the repeat direction to meet the layout style requirements or you can choose a different layout style. Unable to fit matrix ’<matrix name>’ and its summaries. If possible. but the selected layout style requires a different repeat direction for one of your groups. Oracle Reports tried to create the default layout you selected but could not fit the entire layout on the page because the page is not wide enough. Consequently. Unable to fit group ’<group name>’ and its summaries. For more information. you did not select a column for a selected group. Ensure that the file you are opening contains an Oracle Reports report. You tried to create a default layout with a layout style that does not match your data model. You can either change your data model to match the selected layout style or select a different layout style to match your data model. you may have to make the report multiple pages wide. No column is selected in group ’<group name>’. Unable to fit default layout onto page of width <width>. select at least one column from each selected group. increase the Page Width on the Report Properties property sheet or rearrange objects such that the layout will fit on the page. Your data model is invalid for this type of report. You are attempting to default a layout that. Go back to the Default Layout dialog box and reduce the values of default settings (e. Action REP–1107 Cause Action REP–1108 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 83 . you may have specified the source of a summary column to be a column in a group above the summary’s group. Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Increase your report dimensions such that the layout can fit. Cannot fit default layout even in region extending to page boundaries. The most likely cause is that a summary was not placed in the data model correctly. You attempted to create a default layout by selecting a Default Layout Style of Matrix in the Default Layout dialog box. Missing across or down group in cross product group ’<group name>’. This is not allowed. Continue making adjustments as necessary. or alter the layout so that it will fit within the current dimensions. you can increase the size of a report page using the Report Properties property sheet. The layout is too big given the size of the marked area in the Layout editor.REP–1104 Cause Generated layout of <size> cannot fit into area of <size>. For example. if created using current settings. When you defaulted your layout. a field was not generated for the column in the message. Then redefault your layout. If Case 2: Increase the size of the marked area. shorten some field widths). but all of the dimension groups of the cross product group were assigned repeat directions of Down or Across.g. Re–display the Default Layout dialog box and re–assign the repeat directions of the dimension groups. Debug your data model and redefault your layout. Alternatively. Each repeat direction should be assigned to the dimension groups in the cross product. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: The layout you have generated is too large given the dimensions specified in the Report Properties dialog box. You generated a default layout and it cannot fit within the given amount of space.. making sure that each direction is assigned among the groups. REP–1106 Cause Warning: no field generated for column ’<column name>’. would be too large to fit within the defined height and width of a report page. The Query property sheet only accepts SQL SELECT statements. For example. Field ’<field name>’ references invalid column. if you anchored object A to object B. Select a group from the list of values. Action REP–1202 Cause Action REP–1203 Cause Action REP–1204 Cause Action REP–1205 Cause Action 2 – 84 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Query text missing from query ’<query name>’. object B to object C. Select a column from the list of values. You named a query and tried to accept it. and object C to object A. ORACLE logon not specified. The group name you entered in the Group field of the Repeating Frame property sheet either is invalid or does not exist. There is a loop in the positional dependency tree. The column specified as the field’s Source either is invalid or does not exist. Enter a logon string in the Connect dialog box and accept the dialog box before re–running the report. Enter a SQL SELECT statement that begins with the word SELECT (you may use upper or lower case). For information.REP–1200 Cause Action REP–1201 Cause Flow compilation failed. This is an abnormal condition. You tried to run a report without having specified an ORACLE logon. You have created explicit anchors such that an object is indirectly anchored to itself. Repeating frame ’<repeating frame>’ references invalid group. you would get this error. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. but you either did not enter any SELECT statement for it or you entered something that did not begin with the keyword SELECT. No other SQL statements are accepted in the Query property sheet. You must remove at least one of the anchors that caused the loop. You tried to run a report with an anchor from a matrix object to another object. You entered Condition in Type on the Group property sheet. repeating frames must be below repeating frames that they contain. You cannot anchor this object to another object. An object is larger than its enclosing object. Delete the anchor.REP–1206 Cause Action An object is anchored to more than one other object. In your layout. The PL/SQL procedure for group filter of ’<group name>’ is missing. That is. You cannot do this. You tried to run a report with an anchor from an intersecting repeating frame of a matrix object to another object. the object extends beyond the page boundary. You cannot anchor this object to another object. Object <object name> is not fully enclosed by its enclosing object ’<object name>’. In a matrix layout. Identify the object and the enclosing object and adjust their relative sizes and positions until the proper enclosure is achieved. Eliminate the anchors to other objects such that the object is anchored to only one other object. An object may only be anchored to one other object. you have anchored an object to more than one other object. REP–1207 Cause Action REP–1208 Cause Action REP–1209 Cause Action REP–1211 Cause Action REP–1212 Cause Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 85 . Delete the anchor. Object ’<object name>’ is larger than its enclosing object ’<object name>’. fixed frame. Enter a valid PL/SQL function or change the filter type. but you did not enter a valid filter. The most likely cause is that you have attempted to enclose a large object within a small. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: An object is not fully enclosed by the page. You cannot do this. A repeating frame that forms a matrix is one or more layers above a repeating frame that it contains. Matrix object ’<matrix name>’ cannot be anchored. Repeating frame of matrix ’<matrix name>’ cannot be anchored. valid setting. move the field’s source column into the enclosing repeating frame’s group. The source column for the field is in a group below that of the repeating frame which encloses it. Move the field into a repeating frame whose source group is at or above the group that contains the field’s source column. the following is true: repeating frames are below repeating frames that they contain and down repeating frames are below across repeating frames. Arrange—>Bring to Front. ’<object name>’ cannot page break before AND keep with parent. Otherwise. however. and Arrange—>Move Forward. if possible. in terms of layers. The enclosed repeating frame’s source group is above the enclosing repeating frame’s source group. you might have tried to set the Print Condition of a margin object. You set an invalid Print Condition for the specified object. In the editor. If Case 2: Using Arrange—>Send to Back. The anchoring object. Arrange—>Move Backward. Uncheck Page Break Before or Keep with Anchoring Object. change your group hierarchy such that the enclosed object’s group is below the enclosing object’s group. precedes the object and therefore the two settings are in conflict. You set Page Break Before for an object as well as Keep with Anchoring Object. ’<object name>’ has an illegal print condition. REP–1214 Cause Action REP–1216 Cause Action REP–1218 Cause Action 2 – 86 Reports Messages and Codes Manual .Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Move or resize the object so that it does not extend outside the page boundary. Alternatively. increase the page size in the Report Properties property sheet. Alternatively. you can make the enclosed repeating frame the enclosing repeating frame. if possible. Change the Print Condition of the object to another. REP–1213 Cause Action Field ’<field name>’ references column ’<column name>’ at a frequency below its group. For example. you could. Repeating frame ’<repeating frame name>’ is enclosed by a child repeating frame. arrange your repeating frames such that. Enter a valid value using the PAGESIZE executable argument.REP–1219 Cause Action REP–1220 Cause ’<object name>’ has no size –– length or width is zero. Decrease Minimum Widow Records or increase Maximum Records per Page. ’<object name>’ has minimum widow lines greater than max lines per page. You specified a physical page width or height that is negative or out of range. Action REP–1222 Cause Action REP–1223 Cause Action REP–1225 Cause Action REP–1226 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 87 . You have set Maximum Records per Page to a smaller value than Minimum Widow Records. Enlarge the object so that it has a non–zero height and width. You most likely received this error after setting the page size to an invalid value using the PAGESIZE executable argument. Redefine your logical panel height to ensure that it is not defined using a negative number. or change the physical page size setting in the Report Properties property sheet. You specified a logical page height that is negative. Invalid logical page size. Enter a valid value using the PAGESIZE executable argument. Invalid page size. Adjust the body panel size by resizing the margins in the Layout editor. You specified a body page width or height that is negative or out of range. indicates that no instances should be printed. You most likely received this error after setting the page size to an invalid value using the PAGESIZE executable argument. This causes a conflict between the two settings and. The body panel is not enclosed within the physical page. Invalid body size. Body location is beyond print area. In creating your layout. in effect. or adjust the body panel size by resizing the margins in the Layout editor. you created a layout object of zero width or height. Re–default the matrix layout. For example. if you have two down repeating frames. and one of the across repeating frames only intersects completely with one of the down repeating frames. or the repeating frames you specified have invalid Print Directions. Change the Print Direction of horizontal source repeating frame to Down. This is an abnormal condition. Matrix ’<matrix name>’ has an invalid source frame. if possible. The value for Vertical Spacing and/or Horizontal Spacing specified for a repeating frame is negative. For information. Matrix ’<matrix name>’ position is not at the intersection of its frames. The frames of matrix ’<matrix name>’ do not fully intersect.REP–1229 Cause Action Between record value for repeating frame ’<repeating frame name>’ is negative. ’<object name>’ has an invalid text wrap style. Re–specify the appropriate Spacing setting for the repeating frame identified in the error message. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. you would get this error. REP–1230 Cause Action REP–1231 Cause Action REP–1232 Cause Action REP–1233 Cause Action REP–1234 Cause Action 2 – 88 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . You specified an invalid object as the source frame of the matrix object. For information. and the Print Direction of the vertical source repeating frame to Across. two across repeating frames. The repeating frames that form the matrix do not completely intersect. Specify &Report or the name of a valid repeating frame as the Reset At value for the page number field. you specified a repeating frame that does not enclose the layout field you want to display the page number. This is an abnormal condition. Field ’<field name>’ has an invalid page reset group. or move the repeating frames that make up the matrix such that they fully intersect one another. In the Reset At field of the Page Numbering dialog box. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. You may have specified an invalid repeating frame. or deleted the repeating frame after specifying it. You have created a column that directly or indirectly references itself. Invalid data link. For information.REP–1235 Cause Action REP–1236 Cause Action REP–1237 Cause Action REP–1238 Cause Action REP–1239 Cause Action REP–1240 Cause Action REP–1241 Cause Error generating index for Cross Product. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. Invalid group <group name>. For information. Invalid anchor. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Circular column dependency originating with column <column name>. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 89 . This is an abnormal condition. For example. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. Invalid query <query name>. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. Invalid column <column name>. Column A might reference Column B which in turn references Column A. Update or delete the column(s) to eliminate the circular dependency. You specified a summary function that is not available. then run your report. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Oracle Reports cannot find an Oracle Graphics module as listed in the Oracle Graphics Display property sheet.REP–1242 Cause Action Matrices must have all down frames below all across frames. Using the Arrange—>Send to Back. and down repeating frames are below across repeating frames. in terms of layers. Report contains uncompiled PL/SQL. Arrange—>Move Backward. You attempted to set the value of a placeholder column from column(s) belonging to different groups. and Arrange—>Move Forward. Unimplemented type of summary specified in column ’<column name>’. the following is true: repeating frames are below repeating frames that they contain. Change the placeholder column’s group to match the group of the column(s) changing the placeholder column’s value. REP–1243 Cause Action REP–1245 Cause Action REP–1246 Cause Action REP–1247 Cause Action REP–1248 Cause Action 2 – 90 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . arrange your repeating frames such that. Correct the file name and path in the Oracle Graphics Display property sheet. Compile the PL/SQL. For information. In a matrix layout. You attempted to run your report before all referenced PL/SQL constructs had been compiled. All source columns of placeholder <column name> must be in the same group. Oracle Graphics document not found. This is an abnormal condition. down repeating frames must be below across repeating frames. Specify a valid summary function Wrong number of source columns for summary function of column <column name>. Arrange—>Bring to Front. with each requiring the other to be executed first. margin. Create a formula for the column or change the column’s Type. The repeating frames of a matrix are on different regions of the layout (body. Edit one or more of your queries to remove the circular dependency. with each requiring the other to be executed first. REP–1252 Cause Action REP–1253 Cause Action REP–1254 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 91 . The query listed in the message is one of the conflicting queries. Modify the layout of your report so that the parent group has a repeating frame which surrounds the matrix. header. Edit the query listed or another conflicting query to remove the circular dependency. Your report contains at least two queries. but in the layout the repeating frame for the parent group either does not exist or does not surround the matrix. Matrix should be surrounded by a repeating frame on group ’<group name>’. You created a column of Type Formula with nothing in the Formula field. or trailer). Circular query dependency. Circular query dependency originating with query ’<query name>’. The anchoring and anchored objects of an anchor are on different regions of the layout (body. header. Matrix objects are on different regions of the layout. Anchored objects are on different regions of the layout. Move all repeating frames of the matrix to the same report region. Move the above–mentioned objects to the same report region. The data model for your report contains a matrix with a parent group.REP–1249 Cause Action REP–1250 Cause Action REP–1251 Cause Action Column <column name> has no PL/SQL formula. or trailer). margin. Your report contains at least two queries. The anchored object of an anchor is a hidden object. Data passed to Oracle Reports can only be for a master query. Group ’<group name>’ has no break columns. Remove the data link or re–link to another group. REP–1257 Cause Action REP–1258 Cause Action REP–1259 Cause Action REP–1260 Cause Action REP–1261 Cause Action 2 – 92 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Delete the group or assign one or more columns to the group. Modify the caller’s instructions so that Oracle Reports does not request data for a child query. One group has two queries as its parent (it can only have one). You have invoked Oracle Reports from another product.REP–1255 Cause Action REP–1256 Cause Action Cannot anchor to a hidden object. Groups ’<group name>’ and ’<group name>’ are from the same query and cannot be linked. Either make the anchored object not hidden. and Oracle Reports has been instructed to fetch data for a child query from the caller. You did not specify a filename in the Link File field in an external boilerplate object’s property sheet. This is not allowed. You have created a group that has no columns. Remove data links from the same group to different queries. Specify a directory path and filename in the Link File field in the External Boilerplate property sheet. Cannot resolve parent of group ’<group name>’. You have created a parent group that has no break columns. or delete the anchor. You have a data link between two groups from the same query. External boilerplate text is missing its link file. Mark the Break Order check box(es) of the break column(s) of the group. Cannot pass data for child query from caller. Group ’<group name>’ has no columns. you have specified that a parent is the child of itself. You have created a cycle with data links (i. This is an abnormal condition. you have a query where some of its groups are inside the cross product and some outside. You have a cross product group that has no or only one group inside. Remove at least one of the links in the cycle. You must remove the column from the cross product group. Cross product groups must have at least two dimension groups. OG display ’<display name>’ references invalid column as bind parameter. Column ’<column name>’: Page Level columns not allowed in Cross Product.REP–1262 Cause Action REP–1263 Cause Circular data link dependency starting from group ’<group name>’. You have created a column in a cross product group that is or relies on a column that is a page–level summary (i. You have a cross product group with no child group. or dimension queries (if multi–query). Move all groups of the query to either outside or inside of the cross product group. The Oracle Graphics property sheet for the specified display references a column that does not exist.e. which is required. The child group acts as the cell of the matrix. You cannot have a column in a cross product group that is or relies on a page–level summary. For information. Create a child group for the cross product group. a summary with Reset At of Page). see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3.. Remove the cross product group or add dimension groups. Multi–query cross product groups must have at least two queries within the cross product group. Action REP–1264 Cause Action REP–1265 Cause Action REP–1266 Cause Action REP–1267 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 93 . Cross product group ’<group name>’ has no or only one dimension group. Cross product group ’<group name>’ has no child groups. either directly or indirectly). or change the Reset At value of the column or the page–level summary upon which it relies. In your multiple–query matrix report.. Data link of group ’<group name>’ crosses cross product boundary.e. move the specified column into the enclosing repeating frame’s group. The group specified in the Oracle Graphics property sheet for the specified display is nonexistent. For information. Column ’<column name>’ may not be used as a Break Column. function. see “Break Order” in Chapter 6 of the Reports Reference Manual. Action REP–1269 Cause Action REP–1270 Cause Action REP–1271 Cause Action REP–1272 Cause Action 2 – 94 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . or placeholder. The specified Oracle Graphics display column or parameter has been referenced more than once in the Oracle Graphics property sheet. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Review the rules for which columns can be break columns. Otherwise. For more information. OG column name ’<column name>’ has been specified multiple times in OG display ’<display name>’.REP–1268 Cause OG display ’<display name>’ references bind column ’<column name>’ at wrong frequency. These types of columns cannot be used as break columns. Move the Oracle Graphics object into a repeating frame with a source group that is at or above its source group. if possible. The column specified in the Oracle Graphics property sheet for the specified display is in a group below that of the repeating frame that encloses the Oracle Graphics object. Check the Oracle Graphics columns and parameters you specify in the property sheet and delete any duplicates. OG display ’<display name>’ references invalid source group. You specified a Break Order on a summary. OG display ’<display name>’ references source group at the wrong frequency. Move the Oracle Graphics object into a repeating frame whose source group is at or above the group that contains the specified column. The source group in the Oracle Graphics property sheet for the specified object is above that of the source group of the repeating frame. This is an abnormal condition. REFERENCE. Change the column referenced via SRW. Remove the reference to the page–level column or change the column’s Reset At or Compute At to something other than Page. Page–level column ’<column name>’ may not be referenced from format trigger ’<object name>’. A placeholder column contains SRW.e.REFERENCE. Invalid repeat direction combination in matrix ’<matrix name>’. The dimensions of a matrix must be contained within the same cross product group. or choose different repeating frames to form the dimensions of the matrix. For information. This is an abnormal condition. are descendants or ancestors of each other) within a cross product group must have the same Print Direction. Parent–child relationships within a cross product group are used to create nesting in the matrix. Change the Print Direction of the repeating frames as necessary. Change the source groups of the repeating frames or choose different repeating frames to form the dimensions of the matrix.REFERENCE must refer to a formula column. Matrix dimension repeating frames whose source groups are in the same ”family” hierarchy (i. For placeholder columns. As a result. Invalid select element..REP–1273 Cause Source groups of matrix ’<matrix name>’ not from the same cross product. Action REP–1274 Cause Action REP–1275 Cause Action REP–1276 Cause Action REP–1277 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 95 . but the column referenced is not a formula column. the repeating frames associated with such groups must print in the same direction on the page. SRW. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Placeholder ’<column name>’ references one or more non–formula columns. choose different source groups for the repeating frames. PL/SQL entered in Format Trigger cannot reference columns with a Reset At or Compute At of Page. The source groups of the repeating frames that form the dimensions of the matrix are not contained by the same cross product group. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Query ’<query name>’ has no select elements. Invalid frame or repeating frame ’<frame name>’. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Invalid matrix ’<matrix name>’. Each query in your data model must select at least one element. For information. This is an abnormal condition. Each query in your data model needs at least one group associated with it. Enter a SELECT statement in the query. Invalid field ’<field name>’. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. For information. Your data model contains a query that has no groups. This is an abnormal condition. Invalid boilerplate ’<boilerplate name>’. For information. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. selecting at least one element. Your data model contains a query that does not select anything. For information.REP–1278 Cause Action REP–1279 Cause Action REP–1280 Cause Action REP–1281 Cause Action REP–1282 Cause Action REP–1283 Cause Action REP–1284 Cause Action REP–1285 Cause Action Invalid PL/SQL procedure in ’<object name>’. 2 – 96 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . This is an abnormal condition. Create a new group for the query. Invalid Oracle Graphics display ’<display name>’. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. Query ’<query name>’ has no groups. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. The numeric argument for group filter of ’<filter type>’ missing. You specified a group filter on a cross product group. REP–1287 Cause Action REP–1288 Cause Action REP–1289 Cause Action REP–1290 Cause Action REP–1291 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 97 . or Report. Reset At can be set to the same group as the summary column. This is not allowed. any group above the summary column’s. For example. You specified an invalid Reset At value for a summary column. You specified a group to act as both a cross product group and as a dimension group for another cross product group. Make the group either a cross product group or a dimension group. Source datatype incompatible with summary function in column ’<column name>’. if necessary. Specify a number for the group filter. Unimplemented type of group filter specified in group ’<group name>’. You specified First or Last for a group’s filter. You specified a group filter that is not available or is invalid. but not both. Make sure that the datatype of your source column is compatible with the Function you specified in the Summary Column property sheet. This is not allowed. Column ’<column name>’ has invalid reset group. Specify a valid Reset At value for the summary column in its property sheet. Cross product group ’<group name>’ should not have a group filter. Create the group filter for another group. Remove the group filter from the cross product group. Page. Specify a valid group filter for the group.REP–1286 Cause Action Group ’<group name>’ is a cross product as well as a dimension. but you did not specify a number dictating how many records the group should filter. you may be trying to sum a character column. Your summary column was assigned a Source whose datatype is incompatible with the specified Function. and LONG RAW database columns. only Text and Oracle Format (Image) are valid values for Format. Column ’<column name>’ has invalid product order. or no value at all. or placeholder column). A column in a cross product group was assigned an invalid value for Product Order.g. Data link child column ’<column name>’ must be a database column. You tried to link a column to another column that is not a database column (e.REP–1292 Cause Column ’<column name>’ has invalid compute group. which is not allowed. Specify a valid value for Product Order (consisting of only dimension groups within the cross product) in the column’s property sheet. formula. These operations are not allowed. RAW. Data format of column ’<column name>’ is unsupported. Note that for LONG. Reduce the width of the column in the Column property sheet. You specified an invalid Compute At value for a summary column. Specify a valid Compute At value for the summary column in its property sheet. Compute At can be set to the same group as the summary column. You tried to link a column to a column in a cross product group. or Report. any group above the summary column’s.. Create data links between columns and groups other than cross product groups and their associated columns. or to the cross product group itself. The list of values displays all valid data formats. Page. Action REP–1293 Cause Action REP–1294 Cause Action REP–1295 Cause Action REP–1296 Cause Action REP–1297 Cause Action 2 – 98 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . a summary. Width of column ’<column name>’ is too large. The column’s width exceeds the maximum allowed for your operating system. You can create data links using only database columns and groups. Data link child cannot be in cross product group ’<column name>’. You activated Read from File for a column. Specify a valid data format in the Format field. but specified an invalid or unavailable data format in the Format field in the Column property sheet. REP–1298 Cause Columns ’<column name>’ and ’<column name>’ have incompatible types to be linked. The parent and child columns in your data link have incompatible datatypes that cannot be linked. For example, you might have tried to link a Number column to a Character column. Make sure the parent and child columns you specify in data links have compatible datatypes. Groups ’<group name>’ and ’<group name>’ in different cross products cannot be linked. You tried to create a data link between dimension groups of two different cross product groups, or between columns of the dimension groups. These operations are not allowed. You cannot create data links between two different cross product groups or their columns. Text boilerplate ’<boilerplate name>’ has no contents. You created a text boilerplate object that contains no text. Enter some text in the boilerplate object, or delete it. Data link creates sibling of group ’<group name>’ within cross product. You created a data link that created a sibling of a dimension group within a cross product group. No siblings of dimension groups are allowed within the cross product. Dimension groups can consist only of chains of groups. No siblings are allowed. Cross product has two or more child groups. A cross product group has more than one child group. Only one child is allowed per cross product group. Remove all but one of the child groups to the cross product group. Query must be completely in or out of cross product group ’<group name>’. You created a query whose groups are not all inside the cross product, above the cross product, or below the cross product, respectively. Make sure that each query’s groups are all inside of a cross product, above a cross product, or below a cross product. Action REP–1299 Cause Action REP–1300 Cause Action REP–1301 Cause Action REP–1302 Cause Action REP–1303 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 99 REP–1304 Cause Action Cross product group ’<group name>’ contains another cross product as child. You created a cross product group that is a child of another cross product group. This is not allowed. Ensure that the child group of the cross product group is not a cross product group. Warning: Frame ’<frame name>’ intersects but does not enclose object ’<object name>’. Your report layout contains a frame that does not completely enclose the named object. Thus, the object is not considered to be inside the frame. If you want the frame to enclose the object, resize or move the frame. Summary column ’<column name>’ has invalid source. You specified an invalid source for the summary column. A summary column’s source must be from the same group as the summary column, or from a group below the summary column. Change the source of the summary column to be from the same group as the summary column or from a group below the summary column. Summary column ’<column name>’ has invalid product order. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: You have a summary which is not a running summary (i.e., its Reset At is not Report), but its Product Order is not a subset of the source column’s product order. The source column of the summary must be at least as frequent as the summary, which means that the summary’s Product Order should be some subset of the source column’s Product Order. You have a running summary (i.e., its Reset At is Report) with a Product Order that is not a prefix of the source column’s Product Order. For example, if the source column’s Product Order were A,B,C, then the summary column’s Product Order would have to be either A (by itself) or A,B. The summary’s Product Order could not be B,A. REP–1305 Cause Action REP–1306 Cause Action REP–1307 Cause Case 2: 2 – 100 Reports Messages and Codes Manual Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Change the Product Order of the summary such that it is a subset of its source column’s Product Order. If Case 2: Change the Product Order of the summary such that it is a prefix of the Source column’s Product Order. REP–1308 Cause Action REP–1309 Cause Placeholder column ’<column name>’ not supported in cross product. You tried to create a placeholder column inside of a cross product group. Cross product groups cannot contain placeholder columns. Delete the placeholder or move it outside the cross product group. Report–level summary ’<column name>’ cannot be a percent of total. You created a summary at the report–level (i.e., a summary outside of all the groups in the data model) with a Function of % of Total. This Function makes no sense for a report–level summary because it will always be 100%. Delete the summary or move it into a group where it will make sense. Boilerplate ’<object name>’ references ’&<reference name>’ which is not a field. A boilerplate object has a reference to a field that does not exist. It could be that the field being referenced was deleted or renamed and so this reference in the boilerplate object is now invalid. Depending on circumstances, you may want to remove the reference, replace it with a reference to another field, or create the field that it references. Object ’<object name>’ with page–dependent references changed to fixed sizing. A field or boilerplate object has a reference to a page calculation or a total number of pages variable. (This is known as a forward reference.) Such layout objects must be fixed in size both horizontally and vertically. The layout object’s Horizontal and Vertical Sizing have been set to Fixed by Oracle Reports. Check the output to ensure that the values are not being truncated. If they are, you should enlarge the layout object so that it is large enough to contain the values. Action REP–1310 Cause Action REP–1311 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 101 REP–1312 Cause Page Level column ’<column name>’ may not be referenced from OG display ’<display name>’. One of the Oracle Reports columns that you tried to pass to an Oracle Graphics display is or depends upon a page–level summary (i.e., a summary with a Reset At or Compute At of Page). A column being passed to an Oracle Graphics display cannot be or depend upon a page–level summary. Do not pass the column to the Oracle Graphics display. Page Level column ’<column name>’ may not be referenced from group filter ’<group name>’. One of the Oracle Reports columns that you tried to reference in a group filter is or depends upon a page–level summary (i.e., a summary with a Reset At or Compute At of Page). A column referenced by a group filter cannot be or depend upon a page–level summary. Do not reference the column in the group filter. Format trigger ’<object name>’ references column ’<column name>’ at wrong frequency. One of your format triggers references a column that is located at the wrong frequency. Remove the reference to the column from the format trigger. Group filter ’<group name>’ references column ’<column name>’ at wrong frequency. One of your group filters attempted to reference a column that is inaccessible. Remove the reference to the column from the group filter. <Object name> references column ’<column name>’ at wrong frequency. A procedure or function attempted to reference a column that is inaccessible. Remove the reference to the column from the PL/SQL subprogram. Action REP–1313 Cause Action REP–1314 Cause Action REP–1315 Cause Action REP–1316 Cause Action 2 – 102 Reports Messages and Codes Manual PL/SQL that didn’t compile). For more information. The specified object (object name 1) is in the ”push path” of two objects and it is equidistant from both objects. Oracle Reports cannot use its normal criteria (shortest distance) to determine the implicit anchor. and make sure that no cursors or locks were left pending by the previous transaction. Program unit ’<progunit name>’ references column with invalid ID: <ID>. explicitly anchor the specified object (object name 1) to another object. or at the end of report execution.. or remove the reference.REP–1317 Cause Boilerplate ’<boilerplate name>’ references field with source ’<column name>’ at wrong frequency. this error occurred at the start of report execution. Having specified READONLY=YES. Note that the implicit anchor may vary between runs of the report. The boilerplate object references the field using &fieldname. see “Implicit Anchoring” in Chapter 2 of the Reports Reference Manual. but the two objects are not located at the same frequency. while ending the read–only transaction (with a COMMIT). Place the boilerplate object and field at the same frequency. Make sure you are connected to a database. the boilerplate object and the field it references are located within different repeating frames.g. Action REP–1318 Cause Action REP–1319 Cause Action REP–1320 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 103 . As a result. Arbitrarily choosing ’<object name 2>’. Warning: Implicit anchoring algorithm cannot uniquely identify the anchoring object of ’<object name 1>’. In the absence of its normal criteria. The PL/SQL source included a column reference that cannot be resolved. To avoid the random creation of an implicit anchor. Error while setting transaction read–only. recompile all of the PL/SQL source in the report. Oracle Reports randomly creates an implicit anchor to the specified object (object name 2). while ending the current transaction (with a COMMIT) and starting the read–only transaction. and re–run the report. Check the column references in your PL/SQL source. For example. You ran a report with invalid PL/SQL (e. g. you can use the value of a column called COUNT1 in a condition (e. but you cannot directly set its value in an assignment statement (e.g. For example. Notice that this is a warning. but you cannot directly set its value in an assignment statement (e. For example.g. you attempted to set the value of an Oracle Reports column at the wrong frequency in the report. you can use the value of a column called COUNT1 in a condition (e. For example. but you cannot directly set its value in an assignment statement (e.. Page Break After has no effect and is invalid. Deactivate Page Break After for the object. In a report trigger. <Trigger name> writes to column ’<column name>’ at wrong frequency.g. COUNT1 = 10). In this case. Remove the assignment statement from the format trigger.. You activated Page Break After on an object that has no other objects anchored to it (implicitly or explicitly). Remove the assignment statement from the group filter. Cannot have output columns in Between Page Trigger. IF :COUNT1 = 10). you attempted to set the value of an Oracle Reports column parameter. and you cannot reference or set any page–dependent columns (i.. Remove the assignment statement from the group filter. COUNT1 = 10). you can use the value of a column called COUNT1 in a condition (e. You can reference and set only report–level columns or parameters. In the format trigger for the specified object.. In the filter for the specified group.. In the Between Page trigger. Make sure the columns and parameters whose values you reference or set are report–level columns and parameters.REP–1322 Cause Page break after on ’<object name>’ has no effect.g. Reset At of Page) or columns that rely on page–dependent columns.. Cannot have output columns in group filter ’<group name>’.g. Cannot have output columns in format trigger ’<object name>’. you attempted to set the value of an Oracle Reports column or parameter.e. IF :COUNT1 = 10). IF :COUNT1 = 10).. you attempted to set the value of an Oracle Reports column or parameter. Action REP–1323 Cause Action REP–1324 Cause Action REP–1325 Cause Action REP–1326 Cause Action 2 – 104 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . not an error message. COUNT1 = 10). or names of columns. In a formula column. a formula for a report–level column can only reference other report–level columns. or placeholder column. You are attempting to run a report that requires a secure database while connected to a non–secure database. You created a dat link in which child column’s value is determined by a lexical parameter. Change the lexical parameter so that it does not change columns or introduce new dependencies or bind references. Column ’<column name>’ cannot be linked to column ’<column name>’ because the child column is not a database column. Column ’<column name>’ cannot be linked to column ’<column name>’ because the child column is determined by a lexical parameter. Action REP–1328 Cause Action REP–1329 Cause Action REP–1330 Cause Action REP–1331 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 105 .REP–1327 Cause Column ’<column 1 name>’ writes to column ’<column 2 name>’ at wrong frequency. type. You created a lexical parameter that changes the number. Cannot run report containing ROWLABEL column ’<column name>’ in a non–trusted OS. Create a data link using database columns. Replace the child column of the data link with another column. Only database columns can be linked. Run the report while connected to a secure database. You created a data link in which the child column is a summary. you attempted to set the value of an Oracle Reports column at the wrong frequency in the report. formula. For example. Lexical parameter ’<parameter name>’ in query ’<query name>’ must not change column dependencies. Make sure the columns whose values you reference or set are in the same group or in a higher group in the group hierarchy. when the report is run. This is not allowed. or introduces new dependencies on computed columns or new bind references. You can reference and set only columns that are in the same group or in a higher group in the group hierarchy. Re–design your layout to avoid this. Unsupported layout. whose source is Page Level calculation ’<column name>’. the Horizontal Sizing is treated as Fixed (if you specified Expand) or Contract (if you specified Variable). However. Boilerplate ’<boilerplate name>’ references field ’<field name>’. whose Source is a page–level computation. but there is no repeating frame for that group that surrounds the field. Your report contains a boilerplate text object which was rotated to an angle that is not a multiple of 90 degrees. Create a repeating frame whose Source is the named group to surround the field. It is not a valid database column or it depends on a related query. although both Horizontal and Vertical Sizing values were set to Variable or Expand. If such a repeating frame already exists. The specified field references a page summary owned by the named group. Action REP–1333 Cause Action REP–1335 Cause Action REP–1336 Cause Action REP–1337 Cause Action 2 – 106 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . If such a repeating frame already exists. Warning: variable rotated text ’<boilerplate name>’ treated as fixed/contract width. You created a group filter that references a database column not in the group’s query or in a query above it. a matrix may not be inside another matrix. Create a repeating frame whose Source is the named group to surround the field. You created a matrix layout nested within another matrix layout. there is no repeating frame (whose Source is the named group) surrounding the field. The object must be enclosed by a repeating frame with group ’<group name>’ as source. The specified boilerplate object references the specified field. or references a computed column that depends on an unrelated column. In this case. Matrix layouts cannot be nested within other matrix layouts. extend it to enclose the field. The object must be enclosed by a repeating frame with group ’<group name>’ as source.REP–1332 Cause Group filter for ’<group name>’ cannot reference column ’<column name>’. extend it to enclose the field. You may want to change the Horizontal and Vertical Sizing values for this boilerplate object. Remove the offending reference from the group filter. The source of field ’<field name>’ is Page Level calculation ’<column name>’. and this warning is displayed. then specify the columns to be passed in addition to Display Query and Source. Print Direction of Across and a Horizontal Sizing of Fixed. Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 107 . OG display <display name> missing data columns specification.g. If Case 2: Ensure that the datatypes and names of the columns being passed by the calling application match the dataypes and names in the report. but no columns to be passed from the report to the display.. Cannot match passed–in columns with report definition <report name>. Action Change the Print Direction or Vertical/Horizontal Sizing of the repeating frame. then specify nothing for Display Query and Source. In the Oracle Graphics Display property sheet. The database column’s width in the report is defined to be less than its width in the database. you specified a value in Display Query. this error will be raised. if the report’s query selects a character column and the calling application assigns that column a date datatype. One method is to type a space at the end of a line in the SELECT Statement field and then accept the property sheet. If you do want to pass data. Possible causes of this error include: Case 1: Case 2: Oracle Reports is expecting more or fewer columns than the number that was actually passed by the calling application. This can occur when the columns in the database are updated subsequent to the creation of the report definition. REP–1341 Cause Warning: Data truncation possible in column <column name>. This error occurs when another tool (e. You activated Column Mode for a repeating frame whose setting do not satisfy either of the following conditions: • • Print Direction of Down and a Vertical Sizing of Fixed. The parameter list of the calling application describes a column differently than what Oracle Reports expects.REP–1338 Cause Column mode not allowed on repeating frame ’<repeating frame name>’. For example. or deactivate Column Mode. Oracle Forms) passes a query to Oracle Reports and there is a mismatch between the columns passed and the columns expected by Oracle Reports. Force the query to be reparsed. REP–1339 Cause Action REP–1340 Cause Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Ensure that the calling application is passing the same number of columns that Oracle Reports is expecting. If you do not want to pass data from the report to the display. Invalid button <button name>. Move the button into a repeating frame whose source group is at or above the group that contains the specified column. Open the property sheet for the specified button and verify that you have chosen a valid column as source for the button action. For more information about user–created buttons. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Action REP–1343 Cause Action REP–1344 Cause Action REP–1345 Cause Action REP–1346 Cause Action 2 – 108 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Remove the data link that uses START WITH or connect to ORACLE. You have specified an action of Multimedia File for the named button. This is an abnormal condition. but have either not specified a source column.REP–1342 Cause Type of data link to query <query name> illegal for non–ORACLE server. Button <button name> references source column <column name> at wrong frequency. see “Button Properties” in Chapter 8 of the Reports Reference Manual. but have either not specified a source file. Open the property sheet for the specified button and verify that you have chosen a valid file as source for the button action. For information. or specified a source file that does not exist. For more information about user–created buttons. You have specified an action of Multimedia Column for the named button. START WITH is only supported by ORACLE. move the specified column into the enclosing repeating frame’s group. The column specified in the property sheet for the named button is in a group below that of the repeating frame that encloses the button. If you create a data link with the START WITH clause and run it while connected to a non–ORACLE database. see “Button Properties” in Chapter 8 of the Reports Reference Manual. if possible. or specified an invalid source column. Otherwise. you will get this error. Button <button name> has no action source file. Button <button name> has invalid source column. A PL/SQL action trigger cannot return a value. Cannot have output columns in action trigger <program unit name>. You have specified either an invalid file or a nonexistent file as the icon file for the button face. The PL/SQL trigger that serves as a button action contains a bind variable that returns a value. For information. Source column of field <field name> is in sound or video format. Open the property sheet for the named button and verify that the icon you specified exists and is in the correct format. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Remove the bind variable from your PL/SQL. Debug your trigger and ensure that it references a valid program unit. but fields cannot display sound and video. Warning: icon <icon name> on button <button name> not found. Couldn’t initialize coxr This is an abnormal condition. For information. ’<Program unit name>’: Unhandled PL/SQL exception. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. The report will run. and that you have included the correct path information. The PL/SQL trigger that serves as the specified button’s action references a piece of PL/SQL that does not exist.REP–1347 Cause Action REP–1348 Cause Action REP–1349 Cause Action REP–1350 Cause Action REP–1351 Cause Action Button <button name> has invalid icon file. You have specified a column containing sound or video as the source for a field. PL/SQL action missing from button <button name>. REP–1400 Cause Action REP–1402 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 109 . but the button will appear blank. The icon you specified as the button face for the named button cannot be found. Ensure that your icon file exists and is of the proper format and uncorrupted. Specify another column (not sound or video) as source of the field. A PL/SQL construct did not compile properly or for some other reason could not be executed. If this error recurs. This is an abnormal condition. Debug your PL/SQL constructs. 2 – 110 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. ’<Program unit name>’: Couldn’t find lib unit to run.REP–1403 Cause Action REP–1404 Cause Action REP–1405 Cause Action REP–1406 Cause Action REP–1408 Cause Action REP–1412 Cause Action REP–1414 Cause Action ’<Program unit name>’: Illegal to suspend PL/SQL procedure. Cannot initialize PL/SQL. This is most likely an abnormal condition. Check your PL/SQL code and recompile it. A PL/SQL construct was suspended during execution or generation. In generating your report.g. Cannot run parameterized code directly. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Code is not executable. For information.. Compile failed for some reason. PL/SQL compilation failed. a format trigger that does not return TRUE or FALSE). Debug and re–compile your PL/SQL constructs. Your report contains a PL/SQL function that does not specify a return value (e. PL/SQL function ’<program unit name>’ returned invalid value or no value. For information. Debug your PL/SQL constructs. Verify that the function includes a return statement for every code path. ’<Program unit name>’: PL/SQL program raised a program error. or because of an abnormal condition. Check any PL/SQL code that might raise this exception. Possible errors: a reference to an unknown column. a truncated column value. debug your user exit. ’<Program unit name>’: Passed null arguments to <procedure name>. The exception SRW. The packaged procedure that you referenced expected an integer for an argument. A PL/SQL construct had a fatal error and was aborted. Ensure that you are referencing valid columns and the PL/SQL code and user exit are accessible. unretrievable PL/SQL source. but it could not be found. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. ’<Program unit name>’: User exit ’<user exit name>’. but you did not specify one. ’<Program unit name>’: Invalid integer argument passed to <procedure name>. Also. An error occurred in a user exit. Check any PL/SQL code that might raise this exception. The exception SRW.PROGRAM_ERROR was raised. If no PL/SQL raised the exception.NULL_ARGUMENTS was raised. ’<Program unit name>’: PL/SQL program aborted. either by a user–defined PL/SQL subprogram. Check your PL/SQL constructs for errors. or because a packaged subprogram was passed one or more null arguments. Based on the submessage. either by a user–defined PL/SQL subprogram. see “The Oracle Reports Package: SRW” in Chapter 13 of the Reports Reference Manual. check the argument list that is passed to the specified packaged subprogram. Ensure that you are using the correct name for the user exit and that it has been compiled and linked. For more information about PL/SQL packaged procedures. A user exit was called. REP–1416 Cause Action REP–1417 Cause Action REP–1418 Cause Action REP–1419 Cause Action REP–1420 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 111 . Verify that the PL/SQL that references the packaged procedure correctly passes it an integer. or the user exit could not be found.REP–1415 Cause Action ’<Program unit name>’: Unknown user exit ’<user exit name>’. <submessage>. The datatype of the column whose name you passed to a packaged procedure is not the correct datatype for the packaged procedure (e. For information. You used the SRW.SET_MAX_ROW to the Before Report trigger. Procedure by this name already exists. Embedded in this message. possibly.SET_MAX_ROW packaged procedure to reduce the number of rows fetched by a query.DO_SQL are most often the result of a SQL error. This is an abnormal condition..SET_MAX_ROW after the query was already fetched. see “The Oracle Reports Package: SRW” in Chapter 13 of the Reports Reference Manual. you called SRW. Errors in SRW.g. Move your SRW. For more information about PL/SQL packaged procedures. the packaged procedure was expecting a column of Character datatype and you passed it a column of another datatype). Action REP–1422 Cause Action REP–1423 Cause Action REP–1424 Cause Action REP–1425 Cause Action 2 – 112 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . An error occurred while Oracle Reports was executing an SRW.DO_SQL call.REP–1421 Cause ’<Program unit name>’: Trying to manipulate column of wrong type in <procedure name>. ’<Program unit name>’: Cannot set maximum rows of the query after it started executing. an ORACLE error message describing the exact error that occurred. You tried to create a new PL/SQL procedure with the same name as an existing PL/SQL procedure. Change the name of the new procedure or change the name of the existing procedure. However. Refer to your ORACLE7 Server SQL Language Reference Manual and verify that the SQL statement in your SRW. Also check the syntax of the packaged procedure to ensure that you are referencing it properly. ’<Program unit name>’: Error running DO_SQL package – ’<embedded message>’. ’<Program unit name>’: Internal error while executing <procedure name>. you will find an Oracle Reports message and. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3.DO_SQL call is correct. Debug the PL/SQL that references packaged procedures and ensure that you are passing the packaged procedure the name of a column of the correct datatype. Modify your PL/SQL code so that it does not call the packaged procedure from that context. either by a user–defined PL/SQL subprogram. For more information.REP–1426 Cause Action ’<Program unit name>’: Running <procedure name> from incorrect context. Also note that BATCH=NO is not allowed if the report that owns the PL/SQL code is called by a command line string containing BATCH=YES. ’<Program unit name>’: SRW.SET_MAXROW procedure in a Before Report trigger. You included a call to the SRW. Open the report and debug your PL/SQL. If no PL/SQL raised the exception. For example. or because of an abnormal condition after SRW.RUN_REPORT. which is not allowed. The exception SRW. Verify that the specified report exists and that all parameter values are correct.RUN_REPORT cannot be invoked with batch=no.RUN_REPORT_FAILURE was raised. You attempted to call the named packaged procedure from an invalid area.RUN_REPORT was called. Check any PL/SQL code that might raise this exception. Change the call to the SRW.SET_ATTR cannot be called from a formula. ’<Program unit name>’: Error while running <procedure name>.SET_MAXROW.RUN_REPORT” in Chapter 13 of the Reports Reference Manual. REP–1427 Cause Action REP–1428 Cause Action REP–1429 Cause Action REP–1430 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 113 . Cannot create REP File for report ’<report name>’. You included a call to the SRW. Compilation errors found. check the command line string passed to SRW. SRW. see “SRW. ’<Program unit name>’: Nonexistent query name referenced in SRW. There is an error in the PL/SQL in the report you are attempting to convert.SET_MAXROW procedure so that it references an existing query in the report. but the query referenced in the procedure call does not exist.RUN_REPORT procedure with a command line string containing BATCH=NO.RUN_REPORT command string. Remove BATCH=NO from the SRW. raising this error. ’<Program unit name>’: SRW. Make the column wide enough to contain the assigned value.TRUNCATED_VALUE exception. LONG RAW. LONG RAW. or RAW. Refer to the accompanying development environment error message for details on the problem. which is not allowed.RUN_REPORT command string. A column (e.GET_REF call specifies a column that is not of type LONG. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Action REP–1436 Cause Action REP–1437 Cause Action REP–1438 Cause Action 2 – 114 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . or handle the exception in your PL/SQL source. or RAW. Remove the reference to the report column from the parameter’s Validation Trigger. While running the user exit named in the message. ’<Program unit name>’: The PL/SQL references an object which is not in the scope.. ’<Program unit name>’: Value of column ’<column name>’ was truncated. GETREF function parameter <parameter name> must be of type LONG.RUN_REPORT cannot be invoked with a userid. You included a call to the SRW. The second parameter in a CDE_MM.g. If you cannot correct the problem yourself. Run time error in the PL/SQL development environment (DE). This is not allowed. The exception was not handled. you entered PL/SQL source that referenced a report column. In a parameter’s Validation Trigger field. a placeholder) was assigned a value larger than its width could contain. Debug your user exit and ensure that it is linked.REP–1433 Cause Action REP–1434 Cause Action REP–1435 Cause ’<Program unit name>’: Error running user exit ’<user exit name>’. This is most likely an abnormal condition. Remove the userid/password from the SRW.RUN_REPORT procedure with a command line string containing a userid/password. raising the SRW. Change the second parameter to specify a column of the correct type. an error occurred. Group Manager: value of calculation not found. in the Formula field) in your data model. This is an abnormal condition. Record Manager: report level column not available in rdcagt(). Error Utility: internal error #1. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Remove the call to SRW. For information. A column in your data model references another column (e. but the two columns are assigned to incompatible groups. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Column ’<column 1 name>’ references column ’<column 2 name>’. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. For information. this error would be raised. or assign the referencing column to a group that is compatible with the group of the referenced column. Remove the column reference. You most likely used SRW. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3.. For information.g. For information. if a formula column with a Group of Report referenced a column with a Group of G_Emp. For information. This is an abnormal condition. Group Manager: internal error <Oracle message> while processing group ’<group name>’.SET_MAXROW for the cell query. For example.SET_MAXROW to set Maximum Number of Rows on the cell query of a multi–query cross product. which has incompatible frequency. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3.REP–1508 Cause Action REP–1510 Cause Action REP–1517 Cause Cross Product: value of calculation not found. Action REP–1518 Cause Action REP–1607 Cause Action REP–1610 Cause Action REP–1760 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 115 . Record Manager: a query with internal joins has ’Maximum Number of Rows’ set. For information. For information. This is an abnormal condition. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. The possible causes of this error include: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: In conjunction with “VGS–1101: Reading image file from UNIX”: An image file is corrupted.REP–1761 Cause Action REP–1762 Cause Action REP–1780 Cause Action REP–1781 Cause Action REP–1782 Cause Action REP–1783 Cause Action REP–1800 Cause Internal error <context info> while processing <object type> ’<object name>’. Stack utility: error during ’push’. Internal error <context info>. Stack utility: attempt to pop empty stack. Formatter error. Stack utility: error during ’pop’. 2 – 116 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . For information. This is an abnormal condition. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. In conjunction with “VGS–1701: Executing a report”: There may not be enough disk space for a temporary file. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Stack utility: error during allocation. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. If Case 3: Consult your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator. You do not have the necessary privileges to access the files. You have checked Read from File for a column. The destination file that you specified for the report could not be opened. The printer definition file for the printer that you specified could not be opened. if possible. Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Uncheck Read from File or create the necessary files. You attempted to create a file column. Unable to open printer definition file ’<filename>’. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: The files do not exist. If Case 2: Make sure there is enough space for a temporary file (at least large enough to store the entire report). Consult your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator. but Oracle Reports could not find the files pointed to by the column. Unable to read contents of a field from a text file. Display the list of values and pick a valid file type. Also try transferring it without compression. make sure it was transferred correctly. If transferred from another location. but the file type you entered is invalid. A system error made it impossible to find the files. REP–1804 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 117 . see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3.Action Possible actions you can take include: If Case 1: Verify that your image file is displayable. Consult your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator. REP–1803 Cause Action Unable to open destination file ’<filename>’. If Case 3: For information. REP–1801 Cause Action REP–1802 Cause Unknown file type for a ’Read from File’ field. If Case 2: Update your privileges. For information. but no display was generated and passed back to Oracle Reports. For information. No action necessary. You tried to send the report output to a mail message. This is an abnormal condition. Oracle Reports called Oracle Graphics to generate an Oracle Graphics display. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Error while generating Oracle Graphics display. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. For information. This is an abnormal condition. Unable to open mail command file ’<filename>’. Ensure that the named display exists and will run.REP–1805 Cause Action REP–1806 Cause Action REP–1807 Cause Action REP–1808 Cause Action REP–1809 Cause Action REP–1810 Cause Action REP–1811 Cause Action Unable to open mail text file ’<filename>’. Mail report command failed. 2 – 118 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Consult your Oracle*Mail documentation or contact Oracle Customer Support. For information. but the file for the message could not be opened. Switching to use Oracle Reports ASCII Driver to run character report. Print report command failed. Unable to open print command file. You are attempting to print a character–mode report to a printer or a file using either a Postscript driver or the Microsoft Windows Generic Text driver. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. REP–1814 Cause Case 3: Action Using the referenced object as a guide. or redefine your data. This object may be pushed beyond the boundary by another object. The data fetched into a matrix cell exceeds the capacity of the cell—e. There is either too much data or an error in the report’s definition.g. A repeating frame does not appear to extend beyond page boundaries in the Layout editor but does when the report is formatted. An object whose sizing is Variable or Expand does not appear to extend beyond page boundaries in the Layout editor but does when the report is formatted. the cell may contain a variable field. which means the user is allowed to format an unlimited number of pages.REP–1812 Cause Too many pages formatted. Infinite report detected Object ’<object name>’ can never fit ’<location>’. Formatting will therefore cycle until abnormally terminated. Note: The object referenced in the message is the object that extends beyond the boundary. examine your report layout for objects that may extend beyond page boundaries. Possible causes of this error include: Case 1: Case 2: An object whose Print Condition type is All overflows to the next page. If Case 2: Debug the report in the designer.. The referenced object is causing the most recently formatted page to start with exactly the same state as the page previous . and the data may be longer than expected. Either enlarge your matrix cells until they are able to contain the data fetched into them. You have reached an error in the report definition. Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 119 . REP–1813 Cause Action Object ’<object name>’ too large to fit in matrix cell. or some value sufficiently large to enable the user to format the report. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: You have reached a user–defined limit set to catch too much data. and this second object may need modification. Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Abort running of the program. Ensure that it is either ’0’. Check the value of PAGE_LIMIT in the PRODUCT_PROFILE table. If Case 2: Change the width of the Oracle Reports column so that it’s large enough to display the image. No output created. REP–1816 Cause Action REP–1817 Cause Action REP–1818 Cause Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Make sure you specify a file or column containing an image in a valid format. and the filename in the database is too long. In the Runtime Parameter Form or the Print Job dialog box. you specified a starting page number that is greater than the ending page number. Possible causes of this error include: Case 1: Case 2: You attempted to read a file or database column as containing an image. but the file or column’s contents are of the wrong format. Debug any formulas in your report columns and ensure that each formula specifies a value where necessary.REP–1815 Cause Action Bad Oracle Number encountered. No pages output. Unable to read data in image format. Specify a value of one or more copies. REP–1819 Cause Filename ’<filename>’ longer than platform maximum of <length>. Start page after end page. No value specified for COPIES. This is most likely to occur when accessing a file using Read from File. You have specified a name for your file that is longer than the platform–allowed maximum. A formula providing the value of a column failed to specify any value. Change either the starting page number or the ending page number such that the starting number is less than the ending number. Ensure that your database is not corrupted. and/or run the report on a platform that accepts filenames of the specified length. you specified zero copies. Action 2 – 120 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . The width of the Oracle Reports column you specified may be truncating the image because it’s too small. In the Print Job dialog box. Edit your format mask and insert the necessary parenthesis. The Exponent field in a format mask must contain exactly 4 E’s. You are attempting to print a bitmapped report when the Oracle Reports ASCII Driver is your default printer. then print your report. You have an unmatched parenthesis in your format mask. In specifying that you want to use scientific notation for the field. report formatting stops. parenthesis before the left.REP–1820 Cause Action REP–1825 Cause Cannot use Oracle Reports ASCII Driver to run bitmap report. or open parenthesis. Action REP–1826 Cause Action REP–1827 Cause Action REP–1828 Cause Action REP–1829 Cause Action REP–1830 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 121 . Choose a different printer.e. Enter the format mask with four E’s. Before Report trigger returned FALSE. This is not allowed. You used more than one set of parentheses in your format mask. Edit your format mask and reverse the order of the parentheses. Use only one set of parentheses in your format mask. When a trigger returns a value of FALSE. Your report includes a Between Page trigger that returned a value of FALSE rather than TRUE.. Format mask may contain at most one set of parentheses. put them in quotation marks (”). used the right. you have entered too many or too few E’s. You reversed the order of the parentheses in your format mask—i. Make sure that your report trigger is meant to return a value of FALSE. If you want extra E’s to appear in the output. When a trigger returns a value of FALSE. Between Page trigger returned FALSE. Your report includes a Before Report trigger that returned a value of FALSE rather than TRUE. report formatting stops. Parentheses in format mask do not balance. Enter four E’s. or close. Left parenthesis must precede right parenthesis in format mask. Make sure that your report trigger is meant to return a value of FALSE. REP–1831 Cause Missing closing quotation mark in format mask. You entered an opening quotation mark (”) before the string in the format mask but not a closing one. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: You failed to enter the closing quotation mark after the string. You entered one quotation mark within the quotation marks that begin and end the string. Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Add an ending quotation mark after the string. If Case 2: Enter another quotation mark next to the quotation mark inside the string. REP–1832 Cause Action Illegal character <character> in format mask. You have entered a character in a format mask which is not valid for format masks. Delete the illegal character. For more information, see “Format Mask” in Chapter 8 of the Reports Reference Manual. A format mask must contain at least one digit. The format mask you entered contains no digits. You must have at least one token in your mask that represents a digit. Enter a token in your format mask that represents a digit. The tokens that represent digits are 0, 9, *, and S. For more information, see “Format Mask” in Chapter 8 of the Reports Reference Manual. A format mask may contain at most one ’<’ character. You entered two left angle brackets (<<) in your format mask. You either accidentally typed extra left angle brackets or you wanted some of the extra angle brackets be part of a string. Note: The angle brackets need not be entered sequentially to cause the error. Delete the extra left angle brackets or place them inside quotation marks (”) as part of a string if you want them to appear in the output. REP–1833 Cause Action REP–1834 Cause Action 2 – 122 Reports Messages and Codes Manual REP–1835 Cause A format mask may contain at most one ’>’ character. You entered two right angle brackets (>>) in your format mask. You either accidentally typed extra right angle brackets or you wanted some of the extra angle brackets to be part of a string. Note: The angle brackets need not be entered sequentially to cause the error. Delete the extra right angle brackets or place them inside quotation marks (”) as part of a string if you want them to appear in the output. ’<’ must come before ’>’ in a format mask. The left angle bracket (<) must come before the right angle bracket (>) in a format mask. Ensure that all angle brackets that are to appear in the output are placed inside quotation marks (”). For the angle brackets that delineate the beginning and ending of the decimal aligned region, ensure that the left angle bracket precedes the right angle bracket in the format mask. A format mask may contain at most one decimal point. You entered a format mask with multiple decimal points. Place any extra decimal points that you want to appear in the output in quotation marks (”). Remove any extra decimal points outside of quotation marks. A format mask may contain at most one scale point. You entered the token V more than once within your format mask. If you want the extra V’s to appear in the output, put them in quotation marks (”). Otherwise, delete the V’s until there is only one in the format mask. ’,’ is not allowed before the first digit in a format mask. You placed a comma before the first digit in the format mask, which is illegal. If you want a comma to appear before the digits in the output, place it in quotation marks (”) as a string. Otherwise, delete the comma. ’,’ is not allowed after the last digit in a format mask. You placed a comma after the last digit in the format mask, which is illegal. If you want a comma to appear after the digits in the output, place it in quotation marks (”) as a string. Otherwise, delete the comma. Action REP–1836 Cause Action REP–1837 Cause Action REP–1838 Cause Action REP–1839 Cause Action REP–1840 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 123 REP–1841 Cause Action ’,’ is not allowed after the decimal point in a format mask. You placed a comma after the decimal point in the format mask. If you want a comma to appear after the decimal point in the output, place it in quotation marks (”) as a string. Otherwise, delete the comma. A format mask may contain at most one exponent field. You entered the token EEEE more than once within your format mask. You are only allowed to enter this token once per format mask. If you want the extra E’s to appear in the output, put them in quotation marks (”). Otherwise, delete the extra EEEE tokens until there is only one in the format mask. Format masks with exponent fields must have exactly one digit before the decimal point. You entered a scientific notation format mask, but had no digits or more than one digit to the left of the decimal point. If you had more than one digit to the left of the decimal point, delete digits until there is only one to the left of the decimal point. If you had no digits to the left of the decimal point, add one digit. Internal error: Bad index in a Flexible Array. This is an abnormal condition. For information, see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. The decimal point must come between ’<’ and ’>’ in a format mask. You have placed a decimal point outside the left and right angle brackets (< and >) of your format mask. Edit your format mask to either remove the decimal point or place it between the brackets. If roman numeral format mask, must be simply RN or rn. When you specify the Roman numeral format mask token (RN or rn), you cannot specify any other format mask tokens. If you want the values to be formatted as Roman numerals, eliminate all format mask tokens except RN or rn from Format Mask. Otherwise, do not use the RN or rn token. REP–1842 Cause Action REP–1843 Cause Action REP–1844 Cause Action REP–1845 Cause Action REP–1846 Cause Action 2 – 124 Reports Messages and Codes Manual REP–1847 Cause Failed while trying to set up for printing. You attempted to print a report. The possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: In the Runtime Parameter Form or on the command line, you specified Printer for DESTYPE, but specified an invalid printer name for DESNAME. You are executing a report that executes a second report using SRW.RUN_REPORT. DESTYPE for both reports is set to either File or Printer, but the first report must be run to the screen. Case 2: Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Re–try the operation, specifying a valid printer name for DESNAME. If Case 2: Change the DESTYPE for the first report to Screen or Previewer and run it again. REP–1848 Cause Action REP–1849 Cause Action REP–1850 Cause Action Failed while trying to begin printing. This is an abnormal condition. For information, see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Failed while printing. This is an abnormal condition. For information, see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <file name>: End of file reached inside quoted string. Your printer definition file contains a quoted string that was not ended with a quote before the end of the file. Use the location specified in the error message to locate the error and add the end quote to the quoted string in your printer definition file. Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: String is longer than <integer> characters. A string in your printer definition file is longer than maximum number of allowable characters. Reduce length of string. REP–1851 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 125 see “Printer Definition File Syntax” in Appendix B of the Reports Reference Manual. Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Expected ”)” to follow <text>. REP–1853 Cause Action REP–1854 Cause Action REP–1855 Cause Action REP–1856 Cause Action REP–1857 Cause Action 2 – 126 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Unknown character ”<character>”.REP–1852 Cause Action Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Unknown keyword ”<string>”. An unknown character is included in your printer definition file. For more information on valid keywords. Replace or remove the unknown character in your printer definition file. Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <file name>: Invalid control character ”<character>”. An invalid control character is included in your printer definition file. For information on valid keywords. Replace or remove the invalid ASCII character in your printer definition file. Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Unknown keyword ”<string>”. Replace or remove the invalid control character in your printer definition file. An invalid ASCII character appears in your printer definition file. An incorrect keyword is included in your printer definition file. You have an unmatched parenthesis in your printer definition file. An incorrect keyword is included in your printer definition file. Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: <character> is not a valid ASCII character. Edit your printer definition file and insert the necessary parenthesis. see “Printer Definition File Syntax” in Appendix B of the Reports Reference Manual. Edit your printer definition file and correct the code for the ASCII character. preferably on the first line of the printer definition file. Your printer definition file does not include the required code ”printer”. or ”right” to follow ”<text>”. Column <column number> line <line number> of file <filename>: Expected ”horizontal”. The octal code for an ASCII character in your printer definition file is incorrect. Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: hex(<character>) is not a valid ASCII character. Edit your printer definition file and complete the ”box” code string with the appropriate word. Edit your printer definition file and complete the code string with the appropriate word. ”center”. Your printer definition file contains the name of the printer after the ”printer” code. REP–1861 Cause Action REP–1862 Cause Action REP–1863 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 127 . Edit your printer definition file and correct the code for the ASCII character. ”vertical”. or ”bottom” to follow ”box”. but the name does not appear in a quoted string.REP–1858 Cause Action REP–1859 Cause Action REP–1860 Cause Action Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <file name>: octal(<character>) is not a valid ASCII character. Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Expected name of printer in quotation marks. Edit your printer definition file and add the required code ”printer” followed by the name of the printer in a quoted string. Your printer definition file contains an incomplete ”box” code string. The hex code for an ASCII character in your printer definition file in incorrect. Column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Expected ”left”. ”center”. ”top”. Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Expected keyword ”printer”. Edit your printer definition file and place quotation marks (”) around the name of the printer after the ”printer” code. Your printer definition file contains an incomplete code string. Your printer definition file contains the ”width” code. after report. Cause Action REP–1865 Cause Action REP–1866 Cause Action REP–1867 Cause Action REP–1868 Cause Action 2 – 128 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Expected number after ”height”. Edit your printer definition file and insert a number specifying the width of the report after the ”width” code. Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Expected ”pages” to follow ”between”. Edit the printer definition file to include a complete ”before report” entry. return.REP–1864 Col <column number> line <line number> of file <filename>: Expected ”width. Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Expected ”report” to follow ”before”. Your printer definition file contains the ”height” code. Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Expected number after ”width”. Edit your printer definition file and insert a number specifying the height of the report after the ”height” code. Edit the printer definition file to include a complete ”between pages” entry. linefeed. Your printer definition file contains the word ”before” but not the accompanying word ”report”. before report. but no number specifying the width of the report appears after it. but no number specifying the height of the report appears after it. height. Edit your printer definition file and add the code words that are missing. or code”. between pages. Your printer definition file contains the word ”between” but not the accompanying word ”pages”. Your printer definition file does not contain any of the code words expected in a printer definition file. REP–1869 Cause Action REP–1870 Cause Action Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Expected ”report” to follow ”after”. dec.g. Edit your printer definition file and enclose the ”code” user–defined string with quotation marks. but ”dec” is not followed with a left parenthesis. REP–1871 Cause Action REP–1872 Cause Action REP–1873 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 129 . Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Expected ”(” to follow ”octal”. but ”octal” is not followed with a left parenthesis. but the string is not enclosed within quotation marks. Your printer definition file contains a generalized string using ”dec”. Your printer definition file contains a generalized string using ”octal”. Your printer definition file contains a generalized string (e. Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Expected ”(” to follow ”dec”. Edit the printer definition file to include a complete ”after report” entry. Your printer definition file (for a multi–page report) contains the code word ”after” but not the accompanying word ”report”. Edit your printer definition file and add parentheses around the value following ”octal”. Your printer definition file contains the ”code” code with a user–defined string.. Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Expected name of code in quotation marks. Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Expected number to follow ”(”. Edit your printer definition file and add a value between the parentheses in the generalized string. but no value follows the right parenthesis. octal). Edit your printer definition file and add parentheses around the value following ”dec”. g. Your printer definition file contains a generalized string (e.g. Edit your printer definition file and add a control character after ”^”. but no value follows the left parenthesis.REP–1874 Cause Action Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Expected number to follow ”(”. octal). Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Expected number to follow ”(”. after report... Your printer definition file contains a keyword and generalized string (e. Edit your printer definition file and add a value between the parentheses in the generalized string. Your printer definition file contains a generalized string using ”^”. Edit your printer definition file and add a value between the parentheses in the generalized string. but ”hex” is not followed with a left parenthesis. octal). dec. Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Expected ”(” to follow ”control”. Your printer definition file contains a generalized string (e. before report). Edit your printer definition file and add parentheses around the value following ”hex”. Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Expected ”(” to follow ”hex”. but no control character follows the ”^”. dec. but no value follows the left parenthesis..g. Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Expected control character to follow ”^”. but no left parenthesis follows the word ”control”. REP–1875 Cause Action REP–1876 Cause Action REP–1877 Cause Action REP–1878 Cause Action 2 – 130 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Edit your printer definition file and add a left parenthesis following the word ”control”. Your printer definition file contains a generalized string using ”hex”. but the following required word (one of ”horizontal”. ”vertical”.. Your printer definition file contains the ”box” code string. but no control character follows the left parenthesis. Your printer definition file contains the ”box” code string. REP–1880 Cause Action REP–1881 Cause Action REP–1882 Cause Action REP–1883 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 131 . ”top”. after report. ”center”. Make sure you specified the correct printer definition file. Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Box drawing string must be exactly one character long. but the drawing string specified between quotes is more than one character long. ”top”. Your printer definition file contains the ”box” code string. or ”bottom”) is not specified.g. Edit your printer definition file and add the appropriate required word. making sure that one and only one character is specified as a drawing string. but no drawing string is specified. but an error occurred while reading it. Edit the file if necessary. Edit your printer definition file.REP–1879 Cause Action Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Expected control character to follow ”(”. ”center”. Error in column <column number> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Expected string containing box drawing character. ”vertical”. Oracle Reports was able to open your printer definition file. Edit your printer definition file and add a control character between the parentheses after the word ”control”. or ”bottom” to follow ”box”. check the contents of the printer definition file. Edit your printer definition file and specify a drawing string. Also. before report). Column <column number> line <line number> of file <filename>: Expected ”horizontal”. Your printer definition file contains a keyword and generalized string (e. Unexpected end of printer definition file. delete the P from Format Mask. and CR) at the end of the format mask. You did not place the S token at the beginning or the end of the format mask. delete the M from Format Mask. You did not place a sign token at the end of the format mask. Parentheses tokens must surround other tokens. If you want the character M to appear in your output. Trailing sign token must be at end. Place the S token at the beginning or the end of the format mask or delete it. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3.g. If you meant to use the PR token. For information. This is an abnormal condition. REP–1887 Cause Action REP–1888 Cause Action REP–1889 Cause Action REP–1890 Cause Action REP–1891 Cause Action 2 – 132 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . DB.. place it inside double quotes (”). Place the sign token (e. The parentheses do not surround all other tokens. Otherwise. S token must be at beginning or end. Otherwise. If you want the character P to appear in your output. The M you entered in a format mask was not followed by I. Only one sign token allowed. Expected R after P.REP–1885 Cause Action REP–1886 Cause Action Can’t send output to printer. The only token that begins with M is the MI token. Expected I after M. The P you entered in a format mask was not followed by R. you need to place it inside double quotes (”). If you want to use the MI token. The parentheses tokens must surround all the other tokens in the format mask. enter an I after the M. enter an R after the P. The only token that begins with P is the PR token. Delete all sign tokens but one from the format mask. Place the parentheses around all of the other tokens in the format mask. MI. You entered more than one sign token in a format mask. PR. . Mail.. This is not allowed. and then returned to the Previewer and attempted to view additional pages. Re–try the operation. Destination Type ’<destination type>’ is not supported on this platform. Action REP–1895 Cause Action REP–1896 Cause Action REP–1897 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 133 . modified a query. Valid options: <option. Error in column <column name> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Non–numeric user–defined printer codes are not supported. While previewing a report (using R25DES)..).REP–1892 Cause Action REP–1893 Cause Action REP–1894 Cause Invalid Destination Type ’<string>’. entering one of the valid Destination Types listed. You entered a Destination Type that invalid for your operating system (e. The report definition was modified during the current run.g.. etc. The specified printer definition file contains the ’hilight’ setting. Re–try the operation. Error in column <column name> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Expected ’backspace’ or ’overstrike’ to follow ’hilight’. while running on Microsoft Windows). while running interactively).. entering one of the valid Destination Types listed.>. batch. but the setting was not completed properly.. No new pages will be generated. added or deleted objects. You entered an invalid Destination Type (e. so formatting is halted. option.. Add either ’overstrike’ or ’backspace <sequence>’ after ’hilight’.. Oracle Reports cannot guarantee that all of the information used at runtime is still present. Oracle Reports could not format the specified date field. you modified the report’s definition (e. option.g.>. Change the user–defined printer code to a number. Valid options: <option.g. The specified printer definition file contains a user–defined printer code that is not a number. Date formatting error while processing <field name>. Check the format mask of the specified date field.. or while using R25CONV. Note: If you use wildcards in the Source specification. This is an abnormal condition. The Destination you specified for R25CONV is not a valid source. leave Destination blank. REP–1951 Cause Action REP–1952 Cause Action 2 – 134 Reports Messages and Codes Manual .REP–1898 Cause Action REP–1900 Cause Action REP–1901 Cause Action REP–1950 Cause Action Error in column <column name> of line <line number> of printer definition file <filename>: Hilight setting can only be defined once. Invalid Source specified. make sure the number of Destination names specified matches the number of Source names specified. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Oracle Reports encountered a PL/SQL compilation error. PL/SQL compilation failed. Number of Destination items must be zero or match number of Source items. In trying to migrate a report using R25MREP. make sure the number of Destination names matches the number of Source items in the expanded wildcard list. but the number of items specified is greater than zero and does not match the number of Source items specified. Ensure that you are specifying the correct object or file and that the STYPE is correct for that file or object. In the Convert dialog box. Otherwise. To have Oracle Reports derive the Destination names from the specified Source names. Debug the PL/SQL in the report you are trying to convert. Conversion Error A conversion error occurred while executing R25MREP. Ensure that you are specifying the correct object or file and that the DTYPE is correct for that file or object. The specified printer definition file contains more than one hilight setting. For information. Remove all but one of the hilight settings from the printer definition file. The source you specified for R25CONV is not a valid source. Invalid Destination specified. you specified a list of Destination items. Otherwise. Oracle Reports could not find the user exit that it was supposed to run at this point. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. contact your DBA. You specified an unknown column name in your user exit’s IAF PUT statement. Make sure you specify the name of a valid column the the IAF GET statement. The most likely cause is that the name and/or location of the user exit code was not specified correctly. check to make sure you specified the name and location of the code correctly when installing it. Action REP–2004 Cause Action REP–2005 Cause Action REP–2100 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 135 . IAF GET: unknown column. Otherwise. You selected File—>Administration—>Report Doc to document one or more reports. This is most likely an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. Check the PL/SQL source code in the named object. For information. debug the code. Warning – Unable to retrieve PL/SQL source code of ’<object name>’. contact your DBA. You specified an unknown column name in your user exit’s IAF GET statement.REP–2000 Cause Action REP–2001 Cause Action REP–2002 Cause Action REP–2003 Cause User Exit error. If you created the user exit. but the RWEPLS user exit failed to retrieve the PL/SQL source code of an object. Your IAF PUT statement assigned a value to the named column. but the column was not wide enough to hold the entire value. An error occurred in the user exit. Widen the column so that it is can hold the entire value. causing it to truncate. Unable to find user exit. Calculation Manager error. IAF PUT: unknown column. IAF PUT: value of column ’<column name>’ was truncated. If you created the user exit. Make sure you specify the name of a valid column in the IAF PUT statement. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. ”<ORACLE message>”. <ORACLE message> This is an abnormal condition. Edit the SRW. Error parsing the SQL statement. You entered an SRW.DO_SQL statement. This is an abnormal condition. For more information on the ORACLE message. For information. Calculation Manager: computed column cannot use segmented memory.DO_SQL statement. Error allocating SQLDA descriptor.DO_SQL statement that caused the ORACLE message. see the ORACLE7 Server Messages and Codes Manual. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3.DO_SQL statement. This is an abnormal condition. For information. <ORACLE message> Oracle Reports encountered an error while describing bind variables in an SRW. The specified formula column contains a PL/SQL function that does not specify a return value. Column ’<column name>’: PL/SQL formula returned invalid value or no value. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3.REP–2101 Cause Action REP–2102 Cause Action REP–2103 Cause Action REP–2300 Cause Action Calculation Manager: source column cannot use segmented memory. Refer to the ORACLE message to see why the bind variables could not be described. Refer to the ORACLE message to see why the SQL statement could not be parsed. Error describing bind variables. REP–2301 Cause Action REP–2302 Cause Action REP–2303 Cause Action 2 – 136 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . <ORACLE message> Oracle Reports encountered an error while parsing the SRW. Verify that the function includes a return statement for every code path. Error fetching data record. Refer to the ORACLE message to see why the cursor could not be opened.DO_SQL statement.DO_SQL statement. Refer to the ORACLE message to see why the bind variables could not be fetched. Refer to the ORACLE message to see why the data record could not be fetched. <ORACLE message> Oracle Reports encountered an error while fetching a data record in an SRW. Error describing select list.REP–2304 Cause Action REP–2305 Cause Action Error opening SQL cursor.DO_SQL statement.DO_SQL statement. Error processing select list. Error formatting date field. <ORACLE message> Oracle Reports encountered an error while opening a cursor in an SRW. Refer to the ORACLE message to see why the bind variables could not be described.DO_SQL statement. REP–2306 Cause Action REP–2307 Cause Action REP–2308 Cause Action REP–2309 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 137 . <ORACLE message> Oracle Reports encountered an error while formatting a date field in an SRW.DO_SQL statement. Error fetching bind variables. <ORACLE message> Oracle Reports encountered an error while describing the select list in an SRW. Refer to the ORACLE message to see why the date field could not format. <ORACLE message> Oracle Reports encountered an error while fetching bind variables in an SRW. <ORACLE message> Oracle Reports encountered an error while processing the select list in an SRW. Refer to the ORACLE message to see why the select list is invalid. Error during Commit. <ORACLE message> Oracle Reports encountered an error while trying to insert a value into a column in an SRW. Refer to the ORACLE message to see why the select list could not be parsed. Refer to the ORACLE message to see why the record could not be allocated.DO_SQL statement. Debug your PL/SQL and make sure your SRW. <ORACLE message> Oracle Reports encountered an error while allocating a data record in an SRW. Error freeing data record. Refer to the ORACLE message to see why the commit failed. Refer to the ORACLE message to see why the value could not be assigned.DO_SQL statement. Error allocating data record. Unknown column ’<column name>’. 2 – 138 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. <ORACLE message> Oracle Reports encountered an error while trying to close a SQL cursor in an SRW.DO_SQL statement cannot be found. A column referred to in an SRW.DO_SQL statement contains the correct column name. Error parsing select list.REP–2310 Cause Action REP–2311 Cause Action REP–2312 Cause Action REP–2313 Cause Action REP–2314 Cause Action REP–2315 Cause Action REP–2316 Cause Action Error putting value into column.DO_SQL statement. <ORACLE message> Oracle Reports encountered an error while parsing the select list in an SRW. <ORACLE message> Oracle Reports encountered an error while trying to do a commit in an SRW. For information. <ORACLE message> This is an abnormal condition. Refer to the ORACLE message to see why the close cursor operation failed. Error closing SQL cursor.DO_SQL statement.DO_SQL statement. REP–2317 Cause Action Value of column ’<column name>’ was truncated. Internal error starting Oracle Resource Manager. This is an abnormal condition. Internal error starting Oracle Toolkit. Go to the column’s property sheet and increase its Width. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. Internal error processing window resource. For information.DO_SQL statement is putting into the column. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. restrict the size of the value that your SRW. For information. This is an abnormal condition. For information. Internal error initializing printer information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Resource File not found. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. REP–3000 Cause Action REP–3001 Cause Action REP–3002 Cause Action REP–3020 Cause Action REP–3021 Cause Action REP–3022 Cause Action REP–3023 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 139 . This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. For information. For information.DO_SQL statement was truncated. Or. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. A column value obtained via an SRW. Internal error initializing File Dialog. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Internal error processing menu resource. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. Error running image viewer. but the sound dialog is unavailable. You selected a Previewer button with a defined action of playing a sound. but the image viewer is unavailable. You are out of memory. or ask your system administrator for assistance. Possible causes of this error include: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: The sound file specified as the source is in an incorrect format. This is an abnormal condition. For information. 2 – 140 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Ensure that the image file specified as the source of the button action is in a displayable format. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. If Case 3: For information. Possible causes of this error include: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: The image specified as the source is in an incorrect format. If Case 2: Make more memory available. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. This is an abnormal condition. if you can. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Checking VGS resources is recommended. You selected a Previewer button with a defined action of displaying an image. Internal error initializing color table. You are out of memory. This is an abnormal condition.REP–3040 Cause Action REP–3060 Cause Action REP–3080 Cause Action REP–3081 Cause Internal error starting Oracle Observer Model. REP–3082 Cause Error running sound dialog. Internal error initializing Oracle Image. If Case 3: For information. or video) cannot be found or has been corrupted. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. format. If it is correct. Action REP–3086 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 141 . and path information for the specified source file. Open the property sheet for the button in question and verify the existence. check the file itself. You activated the button in the Previewer. If Case 3: For information. if you can. If Case 2: Make more memory available. or ask your system administrator for assistance. format. image. You are out of memory.Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Ensure that the sound file specified as the source of the button action is in a playable format. REP–3083 Cause Error running video player. image. You activated the button in the Previewer. Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Ensure that the video file specified as the source of the button action is in a playable format. This is an abnormal condition. or video) has been corrupted. if you can. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. REP–3085 Cause Multimedia source file ’<filename>’ not found. Possible causes of this error include: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: The video file specified as the source is in an incorrect format. but the source for the button’s intended action (whether sound. If Case 2: Make more memory available. Open the property sheet for the button in question and verify the existence. Bad multimedia source file. You selected a Previewer button with a defined action of playing a video. and path information for the specified source file. or ask your system administrator for assistance. but the source for the button’s intended action (whether sound. but the video player is unavailable. No action is necessary. Video not supported on this configuration. Matrix must include at least 1 Down and 1 Across repeating frame. one Across—that overlap. All selected Down and Across repeating frames must be nested. matrix. Deselect all anchors. A matrix layout requires that at least one group have a repeat direction of Down and one have a repeat direction of Across. Anchors.REP–3087 Cause Action REP–3088 Cause Action REP–3089 Cause Action REP–3100 Cause ImageViewer not supported on this configuration. and margins cannot be grouped. then choose Arrange—>Create Matrix. Your platform and/or configuration will not support playback of sound files. Select two repeating frames—one Down. matrices. You tried to create a matrix (using Arrange—>Create Matrix) and the Down and Across repeating frames were not properly overlapping and nested. No action is necessary. Sound not supported on this configuration. matrices. Make sure the selected Down and Across repeating frames are properly overlapping and nested before creating the matrix. Your platform and/or configuration will not support displaying images via the ImageViewer. You chose Arrange—>Group and at least one of the objects selected was an anchor. Action REP–3101 Cause Action REP–3102 Cause Action 2 – 142 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . No action is necessary. and margins before grouping objects. or margin. Your platform and/or configuration will not support playback of video files. You tried to create a matrix (using Tools—>Create Matrix) without the proper objects selected in the Layout editor. or a button. a piece of external boilerplate. an anchor. Object <object name> cannot be moved in front of its child. If you specify Display Query. The selected Source/Display Column will be ignored. Warning: Source/Display Column is selected without Display Query name. repeating frames for matrices). an Oracle Graphics display. You can rotate any boilerplate objects except images and external boilerplate. an OLE2 object. Specify Display Columns or remove the value from Display Query. This is not allowed. no action necessary. Depending on your operating system. You attempted to scale one of the layout objects listed above without also scaling its associated object. a matrix object. If you still want to move the layout object. Enter the name of the display query to which you intend to pass data. You attempted to rotate either a frame. Select at least one associated object (anchoring object for anchors. You tried to move a layout object in front of one or more of its own child objects. Anchors and matrices cannot be scaled separately. Display Column must be selected for the Display Query.REP–3103 Cause Only text and graphical boilerplates can be rotated. but you did not select any Display Columns. you selected a Source or Display Column but did not enter the name of a Display Query. then move it. toggle Confine mode off. you may or may not be able to see the text of boilerplate text that is rotated. then re–try the scaling operation. None of these can be rotated. In the Oracle Graphics property sheet. Operation disallowed. Action REP–3104 Cause Action REP–3105 Cause Action REP–3106 Cause Action REP–3107 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 143 . a field. a margin. you must also specify Display Columns. In the Oracle Graphics property sheet. Otherwise. you entered a name for Display Query. You tried to change the border width of an object such that the result would have violated container constraints (i.REP–3108 Cause Action Object <object name> cannot be moved behind its container. Undo changes to revert to the original state. This is not allowed.e. REP–3109 Cause Action REP–3110 Cause Action REP–3111 Cause Action REP–3130 Cause Action 2 – 144 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . or do nothing. Parameter form fields and images cannot be rotated. widening the border of a boilerplate object so that it extended beyond its enclosing frame). but the result of such an operation would have violated container constraints (i. Undo changes to revert to the original state. Operation disallowed. Changing the border width of <object name> violates the constraints of Confine mode. Operation disallowed.e. you may or may not be able to see the text of boilerplate text that is rotated..e. no action necessary. Warning: Alignment operation failed because of container constraints. you can either resize or reposition the container in question to enable you to perform the operation. Select Edit—>Undo to ensure your layout is the same as before the attempted operation. You can rotate any boilerplate objects. then move it. Select Edit—>Undo to ensure your layout is the same as before the attempted operation.. You tried to move a layout object behind one or more of its own parent objects. You tried to align multiple layout objects but the result of such an operation would have violated container constraints (i. toggle Confine mode off.. Depending on your operating system. Otherwise. or do nothing. enlarged a field beyond its enclosing frame). No action necessary. moved a field outside of its enclosing frame). Then. except images. in the Parameter Form editor. Then you can either resize or reposition the container in question to enable you to perform the operation. You tried to change one or more layout objects to the same size. Warning: Same size operation failed because of container constraints. If you still want to move the layout object. You tried to rotate one of the parameter form objects listed above. REP–3131 Cause Action REP–3140 Cause Action REP–3150 Cause Action REP–3151 Cause Parameter form boilerplate text cannot fit on the page. Status. or Label field in the Default Parameter Form property sheet that is too long to fit on the page. You entered text in the Title. since group ’<group name>’ is not selected. You must leave at least one editor open. Invalid width for column ’<column name>’ cannot be highlighted. You attempted to close all three of the editors (Data Model. Leave one editor open for each report. Data link. Reduce the length of the appropriate text field. This is an abnormal condition. Hint. Program unit editor internal error. Make more resources available by closing windows or other applications. Complete the unfinished object before continuing. Layout. Select the group that owns the column. You tried to perform some action (e. One editor must remain open for each report. anchor. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. An invalid value was entered for the Width of a column in the Default Layout dialog box. Insufficient resources to create window. the column is not listed. There were insufficient resources available to create the requested window. or a polygon in the Layout editor or Parameter Form editor. Could not get application handle. Since the group that owns the column is not selected. Scroll down to the column and enter a valid value for Width. Action REP–3152 Cause Action REP–3153 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 145 . and Parameter Form) for a report..g. an anchor in the Layout editor. For information. close the report) before finishing the creation of a data link in the Data Model editor. or polygon creation must be completed in the editor before this action. You probably selected File—>New. Fatal error in ’<component name>’. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Returning to the event loop. This is an abnormal condition. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. ’<product code>–<number>: <product error>’. File—>Open. For information. For example. in either the same or multiple Previewers. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Make more resources available by closing windows or other applications. For information. This is an abnormal condition.. external query. Error occurred in ’<component name>’. Concurrent previewer actions not allowed. Only activate one button at a time. Unhandled Internal UI Error. This is an abnormal condition. external PL/SQL library. Returning to the event loop. This is not allowed. You are attempting to activate more than one button at one time.. This is an abnormal condition. you may be trying to both play a sound and display a video at the same time. Exiting Oracle Reports. ’<product code>–<number>: <product error>.REP–3154 Cause Insufficient resources to create module. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3.. or File—>Revert. Action REP–3200 Cause Action REP–3300 Cause Action REP–3301 Cause Action REP–3302 Cause Action REP–03335 Cause Action REP–03350 Cause Action 2 – 146 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . There were insufficient resources available to create the requested module (report. Unhandled Internal CA Error.’ This is an abnormal condition. For information. Fatal error occurred during Quit. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Attempt to set attribute values which are conflicting. Attempt to set with an attribute which is not gettable. Unexpected error in UI. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Attempt to set/get an unknown attribute. This is an abnormal condition. For information. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Attempt to set with an attribute which is not settable. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 147 .REP–03351 Cause Action REP–03352 Cause Action REP–03353 Cause Action REP–03354 Cause Action REP–03355 Cause Action REP–03356 Cause Action REP–03357 Cause Action REP–03358 Cause Action Undefined failure in UI. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. Attempt to set an attribute to an out–of–range value. For information. Attempt to create with an attribute that is not creatable. This is an abnormal condition. For information. For information. This is an abnormal condition. For information. This is an abnormal condition. Attempt to support an unsupported function. An attempt to set attributes out of context. This is an abnormal condition. The view class does not support being a scrollee. The internal mpi allocator failed. The client–supplied memory allocation functions failed. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. An attempt to perform an illegal operation on a root view. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. 2 – 148 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This function call provokes an illegal recursion. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3.REP–03359 Cause Action REP–03360 Cause Action REP–03361 Cause Action REP–03362 Cause Action REP–03363 Cause Action REP–03364 Cause Action REP–03365 Cause Action REP–03366 Cause Action This function call is out of context. For information. For information. For information. This is an abnormal condition. For information. For information. This is an abnormal condition. uiER_CL_FORMAT_UNAVAILABLE This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. For information. For information.REP–03367 Cause Action REP–03368 Cause Action REP–03369 Cause Action REP–03370 Cause Action REP–03371 Cause Action REP–03372 Cause Action REP–03373 Cause Action REP–03374 Cause Action One of the parameters to the functions is out of range. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. The connection to the windowing system failed. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. The windowing system failed. For information. For information. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. uiER_CL_FORMAT_UNREGISTERED This is an abnormal condition. The connection to the windowing system has been broken. This is an abnormal condition. Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 149 . uiER_NOT_FOUND This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. Operation was timed out. For information. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Oracle Reports was unable to create a view. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. The view class does not support the scroller interface. uiER_SE_BAD_FORMAT This is an abnormal condition. and lack of memory resources. 2 – 150 Reports Messages and Codes Manual .WE8ISO8859P1.ini may be set to something other that american_america. and lack memory resources. Possible causes of this error include: Case 1: Case 2: You may have too many reports or windows open. Unable to create window. For information. For information.REP–03375 Cause Action REP–03376 Cause Action REP–03377 Cause Action REP–03378 Cause Action REP–03379 Cause Action REP–03380 Cause uiER_ILLEGAL_TOPITEM This is an abnormal condition. For information. This is an abnormal condition. Unable to create view. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. If Case 2: Set NLS_LANG to the correct language. Attempt to remove a readshare color from a palette. Close some reports and windows. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Other settings for this variable are not supported. Action Possible actions to correct these causes are: If Case 1: Close some reports and windows. For information. It could be that you have too many reports or windows open. The environment variable NLS_LANG in oracle. Oracle Reports was unable to create a window. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Invalid attribute value. This is an abnormal condition. Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 151 . see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. Unhandled Internal HH Error.REP–03381 Cause Action REP–03400 Cause Action REP–03420 Cause Action REP–03430 Cause Action REP–03431 Cause Action REP–03432 Cause Action REP–03433 Cause Action REP–03434 Cause Action Unable to create color palette. Link to external document. For information. Close some reports and windows. This is an abnormal condition. Unhandled Internal SRW Error. For information. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. For information. It could be that you have too many reports or windows open. This is an abnormal condition. For information. and lack of memory resources. This is an abnormal condition. Invalid context. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Oracle Reports was unable to create a color palette. Unhandled Internal DE Error. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. For information. Specified word not found. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. For information. For information. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Document revision is newer than help. Document is not a help document. 2 – 152 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. Invalid data link. For information. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. Specified attribute is not gettable.REP–03435 Cause Action REP–03436 Cause Action REP–03437 Cause Action REP–03438 Cause Action REP–03439 Cause Action REP–03440 Cause Action REP–03441 Cause Action REP–03442 Cause Action Help session is null. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. NLS language string missing or bad. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Specified attribute is not settable. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. For information. Logical attributes missing or bad. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3.REP–03443 Cause Action REP–03444 Cause Action REP–03445 Cause Action REP–03446 Cause Action REP–3447 Cause Action REP–3448 Cause Action REP–3480 Cause Action REP–3485 Cause Action No search string specified. This is an abnormal condition. For information. This is an abnormal condition. For information. String begins with percent sign. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. Unknown object store error. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Unhandled Internal VGS Error. This is an abnormal condition. Unhandled Internal REM Error. For information. Unknown Resource manager error. Out of memory. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Unknown toolkit error. For information. This is an abnormal condition. For information. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 153 . For information. This is an abnormal condition. REP–3500 Cause Action REP–3510 Cause Action REP–3600 Cause Action Unhandled Internal UT Error. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. An error occurred during initialization of OLE2 libraries. Both module nodes and non–module nodes selected. Refer to the accompanying OLE error message for more information. This is an abnormal condition. If you wish to close modules. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. You cannot close modules and delete objects in the same action. Then select Navigator—>Delete again. 2 – 154 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . deselect all object nodes. An error occurred during installation of Oracle Reports and the OLE2 functionality did not install correctly. This is an abnormal condition. Other possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: Your OLE2 server is not functioning correctly. deselect all module nodes. For information. Refer to the accompanying OLE error message for more information. Error occurred in the OLE subsystem. An error occurred during installation of Oracle Reports and the OLE2 functionality did not install correctly. REP–4001 Cause Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Refer to the OLE2 server documentation for more information. If Case 3: For information. If you wish to delete objects. Unhandled Internal ZOM Error. Please select only nodes from one of these types of nodes. REP–4002 Cause Error occurred while initializing OLE subsystem. An unspecified OLE2 error occurred during initialization. If Case 2: Re–install Oracle Reports. For information. Other possible causes of this error include the following: Case 1: Case 2: Your OLE2 server is not functioning correctly. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. You have chosen Navigator—>Delete but both object nodes and module nodes are selected. Error occurred while trying to perform operation defined by OLE object. Refer to the accompanying OLE2 error message for more information. OLE object is not placed in the clipboard. If Case 3: For information. Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 155 . Error occurred while performing Cut/Copy operation. You were attempting to create an OLE2 object when an OLE error occurred. Refer to the accompanying OLE2 error message for more information. Refer to the accompanying OLE2 error message for more information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. You were attempting to save an OLE2 object when an OLE error occurred. Refer to the accompanying OLE error message for more information. You were attempting to restore an OLE2 object when an OLE error occurred. Refer to the accompanying OLE2 error message for more information. You were trying to cut or copy an OLE2 object when an OLE error occurred.Case 3: Action This is an abnormal condition. You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Refer to the OLE2 server documentation for more information. You were trying to perform an action normally supported by the OLE2 server when an OLE error occurred. Error occurred while saving OLE object. REP–4003 Cause Action REP–4004 Cause Action REP–4005 Cause Action REP–4006 Cause Action REP–4007 Cause Action REP–4008 Cause Action Error occurred while creating OLE object. Refer to the accompanying OLE2 error message for more information. Error occurred while pasting OLE object from the clipboard. You were trying to paste an OLE2 object from the clipboard when an OLE error occurred. Error occurred while restoring OLE object. If Case 2: Re–install Oracle Reports. No action is necessary. There is insufficient memory available to complete operation. and created with OLE2 objects.g. You are trying to access the visual representation of what was once an OLE2 object. You were trying to activate an OLE2 object (e. The OLE2 libraries installed on your machine are incompatible with those supported by your version of Oracle Reports.REP–4009 Cause Action REP–4020 Cause Error occurred while trying to activate OLE object. Remove the object if desired. As Oracle Reports cannot guarantee that your OLE2 support will function. see your Microsoft documentation for suggested procedures to enhance memory usage. Exit any unnecessary applications that are running. Check that the object is correctly installed and re–install. This indicates a problem with the OLE2 server.. Refer to the accompanying OLE2 error message for more information. SHARE is not running. There is not sufficient memory remaining on your system to perform the desired action. double–click on it in the Previewer) when an OLE error occurred. Conversion of OLE object to a different type failed. The DOS SHARE utility is required. You are running a report that was created on a platform supporting OLE2. but you are now running it on a platform that does not support OLE2. OLE functionality will be disabled. DOS SHARE services required for successful operation. Install the correct libraries. If that does not work. Wrong version of OLE libraries. it is disabling OLE2 functionality. if necessary. Microsoft Object Linking and Embedding is not supported on this platform. but SHARE is not running. Make sure SHARE is running Action REP–4021 Cause Action REP–4022 Cause Action REP–4023 Cause Action REP–4024 Cause Action 2 – 156 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . You were trying to convert an OLE2 object contained in a piece of boilerplate to an OLE2 object of a different type when an OLE error occurred. if so. Cannot render an OLE object. Check the device to determine if it is read–only. The specified device is full. You tried to display an OLE2 object in a report but the display aspects defined by the OLE2 server were unavailable. Data cannot be read from the specified device. Re–install if necessary.REP–4025 Cause Action Read failure. There are insufficient resources to open another file.sys file and ensure that FILES is not set below 20. Object content will be used. Oracle Reports will display the object using the default aspect. Re–install if necessary. Also. Failed to restore original display aspects of the OLE object. and. If not. Check the device to determine if it is malfunctioning. Close some applications. Verify that the OLE2 server is correctly installed. Note: Remember that OLE2 boilerplate objects reserve either two or three file handles per object and so you may have more files open than you are aware. consult the device documentation to determine the proper error recovery procedures. Delete unnecessary data or write to a different device. You are attempting to open more files than are supported by Windows. Failed to obtain presentation of the OLE object. Data cannot be written to the specified device. No space left on device. REP–4026 Cause Action REP–4027 Cause Action REP–4028 Cause Action REP–4029 Cause Action REP–4030 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 157 . You tried to display an OLE2 object in a report but the display aspects defined by the OLE2 server were corrupted or stored in the database and could not be restored. consult the device documentation to determine the proper error recovery procedures. Write failure. Verify that the OLE2 object has not been corrupted and that the server is correctly installed. check your config. Too many files opened. A share violation has occurred while performing operation on OLE object. You are attempting to access an OLE2 server via an OLE2 object. Make sure that link source has not been moved. or deleted. Make sure that you do not have multiple OLE2 objects attempting to access the same file at the same time. Make sure the application is properly installed and registered correctly. or manually reinstalled in a different location. Verify that the OLE2 object source has not been moved or deleted. Establish a connection to the proper device. Access denied while performing operation on OLE object. or trying to access the same temporary file via different applications. renamed. Verify that the file has not been corrupted. Cannot connect to the linked OLE object source. The server may have been deleted. You are trying to update an OLE2 object to which you do not have write access. Also. You are trying to link to an OLE2 object that is stored on a device to which you do not currently have an established network connection. renamed. Obtain the proper permissions to the file before trying to update it.REP–4031 Cause The server application cannot be found. but the server is currently inaccessible. Oracle Reports is trying to connect to the specified source of the OLE2 object boilerplate but cannot. Check the installation of the server and re–install if necessary. because it is across a network that is not connected to this machine. Possible causes: you are trying to link to the same file via multiple OLE2 objects. Action REP–4032 Cause Action REP–4033 Cause Action REP–4034 Cause Action REP–4035 Cause Action REP–4036 Cause Action 2 – 158 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . moved. or renamed. An OLE2 object is trying to access a file that it cannot find. and that its filename has not been changed Cannot connect to the linked object source. File not found or invalid filename is used by OLE object. check the intallation of your OLE2 server. No action necessary. If field. if possible. A non–specific file error such as a corruption of the hard disk occurred. Possible causes for this error include: Case 1: Case 2: If boilerplate. You tried to save to file an OLE2 object but could not because the disk is write–protected. You tried to take some action on an OLE2 object but no actions have been defined as applying to the object. Unexpectied error returned by OLE. A non–specific OLE error occurred. Unexpected error occured in the file system while performing operation on OLE object. If not. Incorrect or corrupted OLE object persistent data. Refer to your operating system documentation more information. Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 159 . Save the object to a disk for which you have write priviledges. the file has become corrupted. REP–4041 Cause No operations defined on this object or object is static. either the database has been corrupted. or the LONG RAW column referenced does not contain OLE2 objects. Refer to your Microsoft documentation for more information. no action is necessary. OLE object cannot be restored from this data. REP–4038 Cause Action REP–4039 Cause Action REP–4040 Cause Action You can take the following actions to correct this error: If Case 1: Verify that the object is viable by embedding it in a container using another application.REP–4037 Cause Action File operation on OLE object failed because disk is write–protected. If Case 2: Use SQLPlus to check the table in the database and verify the contents of the column. The information used by the OLE server to restore the OLE2 object in your report is incorrect or has been corrupted. Possibly the object was converted to a static bitmap. the module remains open. Some information about the server is missing from the registry. once again. Check system resources (memory. or try the operation later. but cannot be performed at this moment. Select No to disconnect from the database without saving the module. Problem occurred in the system registry. due to lack of server resources. Can not access system registry. If you disconnect from the database.REP–4042 Cause Requested action on OLE object is valid. Select Yes to save the module before disconnecting from the database. Make sure the object server is properly installed. Warning: Do you wish to save the current module before disconnecting from the database? You have an open module that is stored in the database. the module remains open so you can reconnect if desired and save it to the database again. Make sure you have enough free system resources and registry is not corrupted. You tried to take a valid action on an OLE2 object but cannot. you will not be able to save your changes to the database. Select Cancel to remain connected to the database without saving. Make sure the application is properly installed. etc. Make sure the OLE server is installed correctly. Consult your Microsoft documentation. A read or write operation in the system registry failed. the module remains open. The action you tried to take on an OLE2 object is not recognized as valid. Object server may be busy. Action REP–4043 Cause Action REP–4044 Cause Action REP–4045 Cause Action REP–20091 Cause Action 2 – 160 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Re–install if necessary. A possible cause is that you are trying to open a second instance of a single–instance application.) and increase where possible. Make sure the proper version of the OLE server is correctly installed. Re–install if necessary. Operation requested on OLE object is invalid and cannot be performed. or simply run it again to format it for the current printer. Opening a report saved with a newer version of Oracle Reports. Printer font remapping could cause truncation. then close your report and either reset your printer and run your report again. Select Yes to print anyway. Either select Yes to have Oracle Reports extend the possible range of the layout to the boundaries of a report page. then run your report. Continue with printing? You selected Print from the Previewer. Create a layout. Then close your report and run it again while specifying Preview to format it for the printer. which formats your report as though using printer fonts and provides a more accurate view of your report’s printed output. If the report uses functionality unavailable in the older version. If you are concerned about losing functionality. do not open the report until you have upgraded to the most recent version of Oracle Reports. Report was not run with DESTYPE=PREVIEW. Select No to halt printing. Would you like to default a layout? You attempted to run your report after creating a data model but before creating a layout. that functionality will be eliminated from the report.REP–20099 Cause Action Printer changed while previewing. You cannot run without a layout. Select Yes to print anyway. Extend region to page boundaries? You used the Additional Default Layout tool from the Tool palette to draw a region for a layout that was not large enough to accommodate the settings specified in the Default Layout dialog box. Continue? You tried to open a report with a version of Oracle Reports older than the version used to create the report. but specified Screen instead of Preview. Select No to halt printing. Functionality may be lost. or select No and change the settings in the Default Layout dialog box to shrink the size of the layout. REP–20128 Cause Action REP–20129 Cause Action REP–20135 Cause Action REP–20136 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 161 . Continue with printing? In the time between running the report and selecting Print from the Previewer your default printer has changed. Screen font remapping could cause truncation. The region you have chosen for your default layout is too small. A character font has been substitited for a bitmapped font in the report you opened. If you want the font mapped to a specific font. Cannot exit Windows when this program is running.ali file to map the fonts to the desired ones. Ensure that the source file is of the specified source type. A possible cause: a bitmapped report is being opened in the character–mode runtime engine. Otherwise. One or more fonts saved with the report have been mapped to different ones. display. and the page width has been adjusted accordingly. Action REP–20151 Cause Action REP–20190 Cause Action REP–20191 Cause Action REP–25206 Cause Action 2 – 162 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . edit the uifont. Otherwise. cancel the operation. Exit the Server before exiting Windows. accept the warning dialog. Oracle Reports Server requires Windows. Close Reports Server and exit Windows. If you want your reports to finish executing. Converting <source name> to <destination name> failed. The most likely cause of this error is that the source type you specified was incorrect. but you have specified that you want to exit Windows while the Server is still running. edit the uifont. Might be a consequence of font–mapping. no action is necessary. report destination. Otherwise.ali. If you want the font mapped to a specific font.ali file to map the fonts to the desired ones.REP–20150 Cause Warning: Page width of report <report name> changed to fit the font for a character cell. Warning: some fonts have been changed according to the mapping in uifont. as well as any other pending reports. no action is necessary. due to a change in platform. You have specified that you want to exit Oracle Reports Server while one or more reports are still executing or awaiting execution. Quit will terminate the current report. or mode. Internal error – Cannot locate <function name> within <user exit . Specify another filename in a writable directory.log. Your report attempted to execute a user exit.DLL file could not be located.DLL was built incorrectly. but certain functions used to locate and execute user exits cannot be located in the user exit . because these functions are located in a . You attempted to convert a document of one type to another type—i..e. Ensure that the source and destination of your conversion are the same type of document. Rebuild the specified user exit . Action REP–26400 Cause Action REP–26401 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 163 . This file typically resides in: • • • • • • Action REP–25401 Cause the current directory the Windows directory (typically \WINDOWS) the Windows system directory (typically \WINDOWS\SYSTEM) the directory containing the executable file for the current task the directories listed in the PATH environment variable the list of directories mapped in a network Action REP–25402 Cause Locate the specified .DLL file and place it in one of the directories listed above.OBJ file shipped with Oracle Reports. This means that the user exit .REP–25207 Cause Invalid conversion: stype and dtype are not of the same document type. This is an abnormal condition.DLL correctly. you attempted to convert one of the possible report files to a PL/SQL file. For information. but the file filename could not be opened for writing. which should always be linked into the user exit .DLL file. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. but the user exit .DLL. or vice versa.DLL file>. Your report attempted to execute a user exit. Cannot locate <user exit . You specified LOGFILE=filename on the command line.DLL file>. An unknown MOVEREP error occurred. Cannot open rw. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. R25MREP cannot access sufficient memory from the system to complete this task. REP–26404 Cause Action REP–26410 Cause Action REP–26411 Cause Action REP–26412 Cause Action REP–26413 Cause Action 2 – 164 Reports Messages and Codes Manual .REP–26403 Cause Action Not enough memory available. Abnormal condition: ORACLE error occurred while querying SQL*ReportWriter’s Foreign Key table. For information. Abnormal condition: ORACLE error occurred while querying SQL*ReportWriter’s Summary table. Abnormal condition: Error while freeing memory. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. or contact your system administrator for this machine. if you can. This is an abnormal condition. Make more memory available. This is an abnormal condition. Abnormal condition: ORACLE error occurred while querying SQL*ReportWriter’s Field table. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. Abnormal condition: ORACLE error occurred while querying SQL*ReportWriter’s Text table. REP–26414 Cause Action You cannot execute this report because it does not have queries, groups or fields. You named a report, but you have not yet defined any queries. As a result, there are no objects (including groups and fields) to process. Acknowledge the error message by pressing [Spacebar]. Then move to the Query Screen by pressing [Q], or by moving the highlight to ”Query” and selecting this item. Enter a name for a query, press [Next Field], then enter a valid SQL SELECT Statement. You can now execute the report by pressing [Menu], [A] (for ”Action”), [E] (for ”Execute”), and [Select]. By default, the output will appear on your screen. Error while matching field ’<field name>’ to its group. This is an abnormal condition. For information, see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Text ’<text screen>’ exceeds 10 panels (the maximum allowed). If SQL*ReportWriter produced the report as it is currently defined, it would have to create more than ten panels. Ten, however, is the maximum allowed in any report. There are many ways to reduce the number of panels, such as decreasing the width of fields and summaries, deleting panels or moving fields closer together, etc. Consider the field identified in the error message when estimating how close you currently are to the 10–panel maximum. Estimate how close this field is to the end of the report, then take one of the above actions to decrease your report by the necessary amount. Text ’<text screen>’ exceeds 10 pages (the maximum allowed). If SQL*ReportWriter produced the report as it is currently defined, it would have to create more than ten pages. Ten, however, is the maximum allowed in any report. There are many ways to reduce the number of pages, such as decreasing the width of fields and summaries, deleting panels or moving fields closer together, etc. Consider the field identified in the error message when estimating how close you currently are to the 10–page maximum. Estimate how close this field is to the end of the report, then take one of the above actions to decrease your report by the necessary amount. REP–26415 Cause Action REP–26416 Cause Action REP–26417 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 165 REP–26418 Cause Action REP–26419 Cause Action REP–26420 Cause Action REP–26421 Cause Action REP–26422 Cause Action REP–26423 Cause Action Abnormal condition: The Type for text ’<text screen>’ is not in SQL*ReportWriter’s tables. This is an abnormal condition. For information, see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Text ’<text screen>’ cannot be matched to a SQL*ReportWriter object. This is an abnormal condition. For information, see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Abnormal condition: The group Type for text ’<text type>’ is not in SQL*ReportWriter’s tables. This is an abnormal condition. For information, see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Foreign keys in SQL*ReportWriter’s tables cannot be joined. This is an abnormal condition. For information, see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Summary ’<summary name>’ cannot be processed. This is an abnormal condition. For information, see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. ORACLE error occurred during logon. You invoked an Oracle Reports executable (R25MREP, R25CONV, etc.) and an ORACLE error occurred when Oracle Reports attempted to logon to ORACLE. Re–run the executable. If this error occurs repeatedly, contact Oracle Customer Support for assistance. ORACLE error occurred during logoff. You invoked an Oracle Reports executable (R25MREP, R25CONV, etc.) and an ORACLE error occurred when Oracle Reports attempted to logoff of ORACLE. Re–run the executable. If this error occurs repeatedly, contact Oracle Customer Support for assistance. REP–26424 Cause Action 2 – 166 Reports Messages and Codes Manual REP–26425 Cause Action REP–26426 Cause Action REP–26427 Cause Action REP–26428 Cause Action REP–26429 Cause Action REP–26430 Cause Action REP–26431 Cause Action Abnormal condition: ORACLE error occurred while attempting to access the Report ID. This is an abnormal condition. For information, see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Abnormal condition: Object’s name is not in SQL*ReportWriter’s tables. This is an abnormal condition. For information, see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Text cannot be joined to a valid Object. This is an abnormal condition. For information, see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Abnormal condition: ORACLE error occurred while querying SQL*ReportWriter’s Parameter table. This is an abnormal condition. For information, see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Abnormal condition: ORACLE error occurred while querying SQL*ReportWriter’s Text Long table. This is an abnormal condition. For information, see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. The report named ’<report name>’ cannot be found in SQL*ReportWriter’s tables. You attempted to open a report that is not stored in the SQL*ReportWriter tables. Specify the correct name of the report, or load the report into the tables. The report named ’<report name>’ already exists in SQL*ReportWriter’s tables. You attempted to load into the SQL*ReportWriter tables a report that already exists there. Rename or drop the report stored in the SQL*ReportWriter tables, then load the report into the tables. Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 167 REP–26432 Cause Action REP–26433 Cause Action ORACLE error in processing query. A query in your report cannot be parsed correctly. Correct the query in your report. Not enough memory available for ORACLE to process a SQL*ReportWriter query. ORACLE cannot access sufficient memory from the system to finish querying SQL*ReportWriter’s tables. Make more memory available, if you can, or contact your system administrator for this machine. There are duplicate panel numbers defined for text ’<text object>’. All panels that belong to a particular text Object and Type must have unique numbers. You may have mistyped the panel number. Use [Insert Record Above] or [Insert Record Below] and enter the panel number you wish. This will automatically renumber the existing panels. Abnormal condition: Error occurred while processing text highlighting characters. This is an abnormal condition. For information, see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. ORACLE error occurred while trying to lock the SQL*ReportWriter tables. You attempted to logon to ORACLE or lock the SQL*ReportWriter tables under the same username/password as another user, while the other user held an exclusive lock on the SQL*ReportWriter tables. Wait for ORACLE to release the other user’s locks on the SQL*ReportWriter tables before attempting to access them. Abnormal condition: Invalid text Type for ’<text screen>’. This is an abnormal condition. For information, see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. REP–26434 Cause Action REP–26435 Cause Action REP–26436 Cause Action REP–26437 Cause Action 2 – 168 Reports Messages and Codes Manual see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. These invalid objects might include: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: Case 4: A group that falls in a different path of the query structure other than the summary’s own path. A non–body group object in the same group as the field. Action REP–26439 Cause Make sure none of the above circumstances apply to your report. Abnormal condition: a field’s Data Type has been changed to an invalid value in SQL*ReportWriter’s tables. Action REP–26440 Cause Action REP–26441 Cause Reference this field in a valid text object. These invalid objects might include: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: Case 4: A Page Header or Page Footer. the body of a higher group. In a matrix report.REP–26438 Cause The frequency of field ’<field name>’ in text ’<text screen>’ is inconsistent. You referenced the summary in a text object where it is not allowed. A Title or Trailer Page. You referenced the field in a text object where it is not allowed. The group footer of the field being summarized. A group that falls in a different path of the query structure than the field’s own path. This is an abnormal condition. Text ’<text screen>’ does not fit within the specified Width of the report. if the summary uses a running function. The frequency of summary ’<summary name>’ in text ’<text screen>’ is inconsistent. Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 169 . For non–computed fields. The boilerplate text and field/summary references in this text object add up to more columns than can fit between the report margins. For information. Report Header or Footer. or Page Header or Footer whose Print Condition is not Report. a group footer belonging to the same group where the summary is referenced in a sub_footer. use more lines. Abnormal condition: Group ’<group name>’ cannot be processed. reduce white space. This is an abnormal condition. Decrease the Width of any fields or summaries that are referenced in this group text.Action You can do any of the following to correct this problem: • • • Increase the Page Width or decrease the left and right margins. use fewer lines. etc. or remove field and summary references. You can do any of the following to correct the problem: • • • Increase the Page Width or decrease the left and right margins. REP–26442 Cause Action Text ’<text screen>’ does not fit within the Height of the report. Edit the text object itself. 2 – 170 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. Edit the group text: reduce white space. use more lines. Edit the text object itself. REP–26443 Cause Action Group ’<group name>’ on panel ’<panel number>’ does not fit within the Width of the report. You can do any of the following to correct the problem: • • • Increase the Page Height or decrease the top and bottom margins. Delete some of the fields and summaries referenced by the text object. Decrease the Width of any fields or summaries that are referenced in this text object. etc. The boilerplate text and field/summary references in this text object adds up to more lines than can fit between the top and bottom report margins. reduce white space. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. The boilerplate text and field/summary references in this group text adds up to more columns than can fit between the left and right report margins. REP–26444 Cause Action REP–26445 Cause Action Abnormal condition: Invalid Relative Position for group ’<group name>’. delete text. This is an abnormal condition. Field ’<field name>’ on Panel ’<panel number>’ does not fit within the Width of the report. deleting panels or moving fields closer together. etc. For information. There are many ways to reduce the number of panels. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. For information. The positioning of fields and text on this panel has taken up so much room that there is not enough room to fit the field in question on the page. Abnormal condition: Invalid text Justification for ’<text screen>. This is an abnormal condition. Abnormal condition: The reset level of field ’<field name>’ cannot be lower than its print level. Consider the field identified in the error message when estimating how close you currently are to the 10 panel maximum. This report would require more than 10 panels to execute. The problem occurred while processing field ’<field name>’ on panel ’<panel number>’. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. or reposition the fields and/or text on the panel. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. such as decreasing the width of fields and summaries. Increase the Page Height. For information. The positioning of fields and text on this panel has taken up so much room that there is not enough room to fit the field in question on the page. Increase the Page Width. REP–26449 Cause Action REP–26450 Cause Action REP–26451 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 171 . Estimate how close this field is to the end of the report and take the desired steps to reduce the number of panels a sufficient amount.REP–26446 Cause Action REP–26447 Cause Action REP–26448 Cause Action Field ’<field name>’ on Panel ’<panel number>’ does not fit within the Height of the report. Abnormal condition: Encountered invalid key while processing a summary. or reposition the fields and text on the panel. This report exceeds the limit of 10 panels. but. REP–26454 Cause Action REP–26455 Cause Action REP–26456 Cause Action REP–26457 Cause Action 2 – 172 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . The size of each matrix group text is all right. Increase the Page Height on the Report Screen. For information.REP–26452 Cause Action REP–26453 Cause Action Abnormal condition: The reset level of summary ’<summary name>’ cannot be lower than its print level. they exceed the Page Height. or the top margin plus the bottom margin equals the Report Height on the Report Screen. taken together. The matrix does not fit between the margins of the report. or reduce the size of one or more texts belonging to this matrix group. they exceed the Page Height. Group ’<group name>’ on panel ’<panel number>’ does not fit within the Height of the report. Delete the extra panels. This is an abnormal condition. but. or decrease the size of the matrix. The Page Header and Footer plus the Report Header and Footer exceed the Report Height or the Report Width. Decrease the margins or increase the page size on the Text Screen. Increase the Page Height on the Report Screen. taken together. A matrix report cannot have multiple panels. The size of each matrix group text is all right. or reduce the size of one or more texts belonging to this matrix group. but. Matrix group ’<group name>’ does not fit within the Width of the report. or reduce the size of one or more texts belonging to this group. they exceed the Page Width. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. You defined more than one panel for this matrix report. Matrix group ’<group name>’ does not fit within the Height of the report. The size of each group text object is all right. taken together. Increase the Page Width on the Report Screen. The Page Footer does not fit between the margins of the report. spanning beyond the report’s margins. The Title Page does not fit between the margins of the report. spanning beyond the report’s margins. spanning beyond the report’s margins. The Trailer Page does not fit between the margins of the report. The Report Header does not fit between the margins of the report. Decrease the margins or increase the page size on the Text Screen. or decrease the size of other text objects. The Page Footer is too large. The Report Header is too large. The Report Header or Footer does not fit between the margins of the report. The Trailer Page is too large. or decrease the size of other text objects. Decrease the margins or increase the page size on the Text Screen. The Page Header is too large. or decrease the size of other text objects. Decrease the margins or increase the page size on the Text Screen. or decrease the size of other text objects. These text objects are too large.REP–26458 Cause Action This report does not fit between the page margins. spanning beyond the report’s margins. The Page Header does not fit between the margins of the report. or decrease the size of other text objects. The page margins exceed the height and/or width of the report. Decrease the margins or increase the page size on the Text Screen. or decrease the size of other text objects. Decrease the margins or increase the page size on the Text Screen. The Title Page is too large. Decrease the margins or increase the page size on the Text Screen. spanning beyond the report’s margins. or decrease the size of other text objects. spanning beyond the report’s margins. Decrease the margins or increase the page size on the Text Screen. REP–26459 Cause Action REP–26460 Cause Action REP–26461 Cause Action REP–26462 Cause Action REP–26463 Cause Action REP–26464 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 173 . or decrease the size of other text objects. Abnormal condition: Invalid frequency group for text ’<text screen>’. or decrease the size of other text objects. The Report Footer is too large. This column heading is too large. spanning beyond the report’s margins. Decrease the margins or increase the page size on the Text Screen. The Footer of group ’<group name>’ does not fit between the margins of the report. spanning beyond the report’s margins. spanning beyond the report’s margins. spanning beyond the report’s margins. REP–26466 Cause Action REP–26467 Cause Action REP–26468 Cause Action REP–26469 Cause Action REP–26470 Cause Action 2 – 174 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . This group header is too large. spanning beyond the report’s margins. Decrease the margins or increase the page size on the Text Screen. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. or decrease the size of other text objects.REP–26465 Cause Action The Report Footer does not fit between the margins of the report. or decrease the size of other text objects. Decrease the margins or increase the page size on the Text Screen. The Column Heading of group ’<group name>’ does not fit between the margins of the report. Decrease the margins or increase the page size on the Text Screen. For information. The Body of group ’<group name>’ does not fit between the margins of the report. This is an abnormal condition. or decrease the size of other text objects. The Header of group ’<group name>’ does not fit between the margins of the report. Decrease the margins or increase the page size on the Text Screen. This group footer is too large. This group body is too large. Action REP–26472 Cause Action REP–26473 Cause Action REP–26474 Cause Action REP–26475 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 175 . Carriage returns (created by embedding &CR in the text) are only allowed in text objects that contain at least one field with an Align setting of Variable. Since this summary is either center– or right–justified. Since this summary is either center– or left–justified. Decrease the margins of that panel or increase the group’s margin. SQL*ReportWriter would encounter the right margin while printing it. Abnormal condition: The Align setting for a field is not ’Left’. ’Center’. However. This is an abnormal condition. or make this a matrix report. Decrease the margins of that panel or increase the group’s margin. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. ’Wrap’. ’Right’. The width of this summary is greater than the width between the right and left margins of the group. The width of this summary is greater than the width between the right and left margins of the group. Query ’<query name>’ cannot have more than one parent because this is not a matrix report. Summary ’<summary name>’ on panel ’<panel number>’ extends beyond the right margin of group ’<group name>’. or decrease the summary’s width.REP–26471 Cause Summary ’<summary name>’ on panel ’<panel number>’ extends beyond the left margin of group ’<group name>’. or decrease the summary’s width. none of the groups are matrix groups. Use a soft return (created by pressing the Return key) to achieve the effect of a hard return. SQL*ReportWriter would encounter the left margin while printing it. or ’Variable’. Text ’<text screen>’ cannot contain a &CR because it has no fields with variable Alignment. For information. or change the Align setting for one of the fields to Variable. You defined a query structure where one query has two parent queries. Make Parent Query 2 blank for the query identified in the error message. or to the right of the group created by the query. or to the left of the group that is created by the query you want to add the reference to. Press [List] and select a Reset Group for the field you wish to reference at or above the group created by the query. or to the right of the group created by the query. Use the list of values to select a Reset Group for the summary you wish to reference that is at. the group that is created by the query. Query ’<query name>’ cannot reference Summary <summary name> whose Field belongs to a group in or after the group associated with the query. below. Add the field that you want to reference to a query that creates a group above. You cannot reference a summary in a query if the field belongs in. the group that is created by the query. A summary that is referenced in a query must have a Reset Group at. A Computed Value (Function) can not be performed on a user exit. REP–26477 Cause Action REP–26478 Cause Action REP–26479 Cause Action REP–26480 Cause Action 2 – 176 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . below.REP–26476 Cause Action Query ’<query name>’ cannot reference Field ’<field name>’ because the field is not reset at a group whose query is a parent of ’<group name>. Query ’<query name>’ cannot reference a Field (<field name>) that belongs to a group in or after the group associated with the query. the group that is created by the query. Field ’<field name>’ cannot contain a compute function because its Source is a user exit. A field that is referenced in a query must have a Reset Group at. Either compute the function you wish in your user exit. or create a Summary on a field that has a Source of a user exit. or above. Add the field that you want to reference to a query that creates a group above or to the left of the group that is created by the query you want to add the reference to. or above. or above. Query ’<query name>’ cannot reference Summary ’<summary name>’ because the summary is not reset at a group whose query is a parent of ’<group name>. You cannot reference a field in a query if the field belongs in. Press [List] and select a Source that is not &PAGE or &NUM_PAGES. Press [List] and select a Reset Group that is not PAGE. Query ’<query name>’ cannot have a parent query with no associated group. Query ’<query name>’ cannot reference a Summary (’<summary name>’) that resets at PAGE. Matrix query ’<query name>’ cannot reference a Field or Summary because it is not the cell group query. You set the Reset Group for the computed field to PAGE. You cannot reference a field in a query if the field has a Reset Group at PAGE. Create a summary of the field and place it in the Page Header or Page Footer of the report. Query ’<query name>’ cannot reference a Field (’<field name>’) with Source of &PAGE or &NUM_PAGES. but the computed field is set to print in a text object that contains a field or summary with a Wrap or Variable alignment. You cannot reference a summary that has a Reset Group of PAGE in a query. You tried to reference a field in a query that has a Source of &PAGE or &NUM_PAGES.REP–26481 Cause Action REP–26482 Cause Action REP–26483 Cause Action REP–26484 Cause Action Query ’<query name>’ cannot reference a Field (<field name>) that resets at PAGE. REP–26485 Cause Action REP–26486 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 177 . You can only reference fields or summaries in a query if the query’s default group has a Print Direction of Crosstab. You created a parent–child relationship between two queries on the Query Screen and then removed the group associated with the parent query on the Group Screen. Create a group on the Group Screen for the parent query and associate it with the query. Use the list of values to select a Reset Group that is not PAGE. Add the field or summary you wish to reference to the Query that has a default group with a Print Direction of Crosstab. Field ’<field name>’ cannot reset at Page and be referenced in variable length text object ’<text screen>’. Field ’<field name>’ cannot reset at a lower level that its print level. The calculated field appears in a text object that is higher than the field’s Reset Group. Reference this calculated field in a text object that is at the same level or lower than the Reset Group. Source of field ’<field name>’ cannot contain a ’#’ without a user exit name. You did not include the name of the user exit after the ’#’ sign when you tried to create the user exit. The calculated field’s Reset Group is lower than the group that the field belongs to. Exceptions include calculated fields that would have a single discrete value if printed in the higher group. Delete the field references on the Text Screen from the group texts that are higher than the field’s own group.REP–26487 Cause Summary ’<summary name>’ cannot reset at Page and be referenced in variable length text object ’<text screen>’. Field ’<field name>’ cannot be printed at a higher group. You set the Reset Group for the summary field to PAGE. Action REP–26488 Cause Action REP–26489 Cause Action REP–26490 Cause Action REP–26491 Cause Action 2 – 178 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . but the summary is set to print in a text object that contains a field or summary field with a Wrap or Variable alignment. Create a summary of the summary field and place it in the Page Header or Page Footer of the report. Make the Reset Group the same level or higher than the field’s group. Specify a valid user exit name after the ’#’ in the Source. A field cannot print in a higher group because it could possibly have multiple values. Field ’<field name>’ cannot reset at a lower level than its logical group. and SQL*ReportWriter would not know which one to print. It does not make sense for the calculated field’s accumulator to reset more often than the field actually prints. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition.REP–26492 Cause Action Field ’<field name>’ cannot reset at a lower or equal level than its print level. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. Reference this calculated field in a text object that is lower than the Reset Group. The calculated field’s Reset Group is lower or at the same level as the group that the field belongs to. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Abnormal condition: ORACLE error occurred while querying SQL*ReportWriter’s Query table. This is an abnormal condition. Field ’<field name>’ cannot reset at a lower or equal level than its logical group. REP–26493 Cause Action REP–26405 Cause Action REP–26406 Cause Action REP–26407 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 179 . Abnormal condition: ORACLE error occurred while querying SQL*ReportWriter’s Report table. Make the Reset Group higher than the field’s group. Abnormal condition: ORACLE error occurred while querying SQL*ReportWriter’s Group table. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. The calculated field appears in a text object that is higher or at the same level as the field’s Reset Group. or make its Reset Group higher. For information. The summary appears in a text object that is higher than that allowed. This summary appears in a text object that is higher or at the same level as the summary’s Reset Group. This summary appears in a text object that is higher than the summary’s Reset Group. make sure the column definitions are still the same. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. The columns existed when SQL*ReportWriter initially validated the SELECT Statement. Reference this summary in a lower group. Summary ’<summary name>’ cannot reset at a lower level that its print level. This is an abnormal condition. The summary’s Reset Group is lower than the group that the field being summarized belongs to. but they are no longer accessible. Your query defines a SELECT Statement that uses proper SQL syntax. If they are. Summary ’<summary name>’ cannot reset at a lower or equal level than its print level. or make its Reset Group higher. Action REP–26409 Cause Action REP–26494 Cause Action REP–26495 Cause Action REP–26496 Cause Action REP–26497 Cause Action 2 – 180 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . Summary ’<summary name>’ cannot be printed at a higher group. Reference this summary in a lower text object. Reference this summary in a lower group. First confirm that you are logged on to the correct database. Reference this summary in a lower group. or make its Reset Group higher. Summary ’<summary name>’ cannot reset at a lower level than its logical group. Then check your database tables (by pressing [List]). Abnormal condition: Error describing query ’<query name>. You can also modify the SELECT Statement. but it references columns that no longer exist in the database. if appropriate. and make sure the table(s) and/or view(s) referenced in the FROM clause are still available.REP–26408 Cause The columns in query ’<query name>’ are not currently available. The field’s Source column must be from a query that is in the same path (of the query structure) as the field. the underlying table definition changing. Delete the field. but that group name is still in the Source column of the field in the error message. The field’s path is determined by the field’s group. You deleted a field. You deleted a group that belonged to a query. Make sure the Source and Group are from the same path of the query structure. or parameter referenced by query ’<query name>’ no longer exists. or delete the field from your report definition. Field ’<field name>’ references a Source whose query. and select a valid Source from the list of values. has no groups. summaries. The Source for this field is currently undefined. or any other reason that prevents SQL*ReportWriter from locating the Source originally referenced. Either define this field in a valid way. Field ’<field name>’ references an unknown Source. the group’s path is determined by the group’s query. This might result from a database link being missing. and parameters that are found on their respective screens. or parameter from the query named in the error message. Either change the Source column or the Group for the field on Field Screen 1. Reference this summary in a lower group. ’<query name>. summary. or make its Reset Group higher. summary. The Source and the group for field ’<field name>’ cannot belong to queries in different paths. In turn. or parameter and you did not remove it from the query. look at the fields. summary. A field’s Source must contain a group name that belongs to a query. Action REP–26500 Cause Action REP–26501 Cause Action REP–26502 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 181 . If you do not know which reference needs to be deleted. Field.REP–26498 Cause Action REP–26499 Cause Summary ’<summary name>’ cannot reset at a lower or equal level than its logical group. The summary’s Reset Group is lower or at the same level as the group that the field being summarized belongs to. There is an inconsistency between the Source column for this field and the field’s group. Delete the field’s Source. edit.REP–26503 Cause Action REP–26504 Cause Action Abnormal condition: incorrect source information for field ’<field name>’. Field ’<field name>’ references an unknown query. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. or move to the Query Screen and add. This is an abnormal condition. Group ’<group name>’ references an unknown query. The query identified for this group is undefined. Field ’<field name>’ references an unknown group. Move to the Summary Screen and identify a valid field. For information. Move to the Field Screen and identify a valid group. or move to the Field Screen and add or rename an appropriate field. Move to this Group Screen and identify a valid query for the group. or move to the Group Screen and add or rename an appropriate group. Summary ’<summary name>’ references an unknown field. The reset group associated with the computed field on the Field Screen is not defined. Move to the Field Screen and identify a valid Source. or rename an appropriate query. or move to the Group Screen and add or rename an appropriate group. REP–26505 Cause Action REP–26506 Cause Action REP–26507 Cause Action REP–26508 Cause Action 2 – 182 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . The group associated with the field on the Field Screen is not defined. then move to the Query Screen and add or rename an appropriate query. The field associated with the summary on the Summary Screen is not defined. Move to the Field Screen and identify a valid reset group. The query associated with the Source column on the Field Screen for this field is not defined. Field ’<field name>’ references an unknown reset group. REP–26510 Cause Action REP–26511 Cause Action REP–26512 Cause Action REP–26513 Cause Action REP–26514 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 183 . The reset group associated with the summary on the Summary Screen is not defined. The parent referenced by the foreign key is not defined. The group identified in Frequency on the Text Screen for this text object is not defined on the Group Screen. Query ’<query name>’ references an unknown parent query. or move to the Group Screen and add or rename an appropriate group. or add or rename a query that matches the name in Parent Query. The print group associated with the summary on the Summary Screen is not defined. Reference a valid parent. Parent–Child Relationship ’<query name>’ references an unknown item. The item referenced by the foreign key is not defined. Summary ’<summary name>’ references an unknown reset group. Reference a valid item. or move to the Group Screen and add or rename an appropriate group. press [List] while the cursor is in the Parent column of the Foreign key in question.REP–26509 Cause Action Summary ’<summary name>’ references an unknown print group. Text ’<text screen>’ references an unknown frequency group. Move to the Summary Screen and identify a valid print group. and select a parent from the list. Move to the Summary Screen and identify a valid reset group. Move to Frequency on the Text Screen and identify a valid frequency group. Identify a valid query for the parent query. To do so. The query associated with the parent query on the Query Screen is not defined. or move the Group Screen and add or rename an appropriate group. Parent–Child Relationship ’<query name>’ references an unknown parent. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. The child column position value referenced by the foreign key is not valid. For information. This is an abnormal condition. Reference a valid value. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. 2 – 184 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Abnormal condition: Group order for group ’<group name>’ outside of a valid range. For information. This is an abnormal condition. Abnormal condition: System parameter ’copies’ is not included. Abnormal condition: System parameter ’destype’ is not included. The parent column position value referenced by the foreign key is not valid. For information. For information. This is an abnormal condition. For information. Reference a valid value. For information. Parent–Child Relationship ’<query name>’ has an invalid parent column position value. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Abnormal condition: System parameter ’desformat’ is not included. Abnormal condition: System parameter ’desname’ is not included. Abnormal condition: SQL*ReportWriter objects have duplicate item ID’s.REP–26515 Cause Action REP–26516 Cause Action REP–26517 Cause Action REP–26518 Cause Action REP–26519 Cause Action REP–26520 Cause Action REP–26521 Cause Action REP–26522 Cause Action Parent–Child Relationship ’<query name>’ has an invalid child column position value. This is an abnormal condition. You can compute a summary only for Number fields. Sum. This is an abnormal condition. You tried to create a Summary of a field that has a Source of &DATE. For information. Press [List] and select a field from the list of valid values. For information. or &NUM_PAGES. &PAGE. Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 185 .REP–26523 Cause Action REP–26524 Cause Action REP–26525 Cause Action REP–26526 Cause Action REP–26527 Cause Action REP–26528 Cause Action Summary ’<summary name>’ cannot reference a field with Data Type of PRT. You tried to create a summary of a field that has a Data Type of PRT. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Abnormal condition: System parameter ’decimal’ is not included. which is invalid. This is an abnormal condition. Abnormal condition: System parameter ’currency’ is not included. or Average of a character or date field. For information. or &NUM_PAGES. Press [List] and select a field from the list of valid values. Summary ’<summary name>’ cannot compute Percent. You tried to compute a summary of a Character or Date field. Summary ’<summary name>’ cannot reference a field with Source of &DATE. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. Abnormal condition: System parameter ’thousands’ is not included. &PAGE. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. and all 3 groups must have an X in Matrix Group. If any group has an X in Matrix Group. ACROSS. another group must have ACROSS and the third group must have CROSSTAB. but all three Print Directions are specified. You have defined at least one DOWN (or DOWN/ACROSS) group and one ACROSS (or ACROSS/DOWN) group in this report. Make sure the Print Direction for all the groups in your report is DOWN (or DOWN/ACROSS) or all the groups are ACROSS (or ACROSS/DOWN). You used some—but not all—of the conventions for defining a matrix report. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. or none of the conventions. If you do not want this to be a matrix report. Your report has at least one group where Matrix Group does not have an X. This is an abnormal condition. If any group has an X in Matrix Group. then the report must have exactly 3 groups (each from a different query). This report includes both matrix and non–matrix groups. One group must have DOWN for Print Direction. You must use all. One group must have DOWN for Print Direction.REP–26529 Cause Action Invalid specification for a matrix report. This is an abnormal condition. remove the X’s from Matrix Group for all groups. then the report must have exactly 3 groups (each from a different query). or CROSSTAB is specified. and all 3 groups must have an X in Matrix Group. Abnormal condition: error message ’<message number>’ cannot be generated. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. another group must have ACROSS and the third group must have CROSSTAB. and either change the Print Direction of the CROSSTAB group or delete it. For information. Abnormal condition: Invalid Print Direction for group ’<group name>’. The Print Direction for group ’<group name>’ and another group is inconsistent. For information. REP–26530 Cause Action REP–26531 Cause Action REP–26532 Cause Action REP–26533 Cause Action 2 – 186 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . or at least one Print Direction of DOWN. A matrix report must have three queries and three groups. by pressing [List] in the Print Direction entry field (on Group Screen One) and selecting DOWN or DOWN/ACROSS for the setting. Re–issue the command. One or more fields in the report has an Align setting of Wrap or Variable. remembering to specify a username and password using the USERID keyword. Change the Query assignment for the groups so that all three assignments are unique. You specified the same query for at least two groups in a matrix report. Choose another Align setting for the Wrap or Variable field(s) (press [List] to see other Align settings that are available). No report name specified on the command line. You invoked the R25MREP executable but did not specify a username in the command string. Re–issue the command. specifying valid keywords. You invoked the R25MREP executable with an invalid keyword. Wrap fields and variable fields are not allowed in multi–panel reports.1 reports to convert to Version 2.REP–26534 Cause Action Wrap fields and variable fields are not allowed in matrix. Groups in a matrix report must reference unique queries. or modify the text panels so that there is only one panel for each text Object and Type. or change the Print Direction for the group(s). You created a multi–panel report that contains a Wrap and/or Variable field. REP–26535 Cause Action REP–26536 Cause Action REP–26537 Cause Action REP–26538 Cause Action REP–26539 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 187 . Invalid keyword: ’<string>’. Change the Align setting for the Wrap or Variable field(s) by pressing [List] and selecting one of the settings. and each group must assigned to a unique query. No user id specified on the command line. across.5. Re–issue the command. and across/down reports. You invoked the R25MREP executable but did not specify any Version 1. remembering to specify the reports you wish to convert using the SOURCE keyword. You attempted to migrate a report that is currently being modified by another user. For information. This is an abnormal condition. Error while closing loadfile. but the . Abnormal condition: Internal error on system initialization. This report is currently locked by another user.rex file containing SQL*ReportWriter V1.1 reports you wish to migrate to Oracle Reports.rex file. This is an abnormal condition.rex file you specified could not be found. REP–26543 Cause Action REP–26544 Cause Action REP–26545 Cause Action REP–26546 Cause Action 2 – 188 Reports Messages and Codes Manual .1 . For information. Cannot open loadfile ’<loadfile name>’. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3.rex file. You attempted to migrate report(s) stored in a . This is an abnormal condition. For information. For information.REP–26540 Cause Action REP–26541 Cause Action REP–26542 Cause Action Abnormal condition: Internal error while reading from SQL*ReportWriter’s V1. Specify the correct directory path and filename of the . Re–try the operation once the user has saved and closed the report.1 Rexfile. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Re–try the operation once the user has unlocked the .rex file you specified is currently locked by another user. Cannot create loadfile ’<loadfile name>’. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Loadfile ’<loadfile name>’ is currently locked by another user. The SQL*ReportWriter V1. Unexpected error processing srw_fkey data in the export file. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. For information. For information. For information. Unexpected error processing srw_param data in the export file. Unexpected error processing srw_ste data in the export file. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. This is an abnormal condition. Unexpected error processing srw_field data in the export file. Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 189 . see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Unexpected error processing expanded query data in the export file. For information. Unexpected error processing srw_query data in the export file. This is an abnormal condition. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3.REP–26547 Cause Action REP–26548 Cause Action REP–26549 Cause Action REP–26550 Cause Action REP–26551 Cause Action REP–26552 Cause Action REP–26553 Cause Action REP–26554 Cause Action Unexpected Column Name encountered in srw_tables. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. Unexpected error processing srw_report data in the export file. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. For information. Unanticipated internal error occurred: ’<component>’ Routine: ’<routine name>’. For information. For information. ’<Requestor>’ requested ’<number>’ bytes on reallocate. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. Unanticipated ORACLE error occurred: ’<component>’ ’<number>’ Routine: ’<routine name> This is an abnormal condition. Not enough memory available. For information.REP–26555 Cause Action REP–26556 Cause Action REP–26650 Cause Action REP–26750 Cause Action REP–26751 Cause Action REP–26752 Cause Action REP–26753 Cause Action Unexpected error processing srw_summary data in the export file. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. 2 – 190 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Unexpected error processing export file. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. This is an abnormal condition. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Error generating error message ’<string>’. For information. This is an abnormal condition. ’<Requestor>’ requested ’<number>’ bytes on allocate. For information. Not enough memory available. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. This is an abnormal condition. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Parameter name lengths cannot exceed 27: Your report contains a parameter whose name exceeds 27 characters. ensuring that you end all comments with the appropriate symbols. or other report object. correct the SQL statement. You tried to migrate a report containing an invalid SQL statement. Edit the query. Rename the parameter and re–try the operation. For information. Parameter ’<parameter name>’ has the same name as a command line keyword. save the report. CURRENCY).g. summary. For more information. REP–26755 Cause Action REP–26756 Cause Action REP–26757 Cause Action REP–26758 Cause Action REP–26760 Cause Action REP–26761 Cause Action Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 191 . DESTYPE. One of your reports contains a user–defined parameter with the same name as a query. Unable to display columns due to ORACLE error: This is an abnormal condition. You attempted to define a parameter with the same name as an existing system parameter (e. ’<value>’ ’<value>’ not found in internal tables. Comment not properly ended. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Make sure the names of your parameters do not exceed 27 characters. Choose a new name for your parameter. and re–try the operation. The SQL*ReportWriter tables could not be found in the current database. Your report includes a query containing comments that are not properly ended. Parameter ’<parameter name>’ has the same name as another object. Contact your system or database administrator to install or locate the SQL*ReportWriter tables.. field. Open the report.REP–26754 Cause Action The SQL Statement you have entered is invalid ’<value>’ ’<value>’ ’<value>’. see the ORACLE7 Server SQL Language Reference Manual. Determine if you are connected to the correct database and specifying the correct name. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. or field name that was not unique and must be changed by shortening the name to a valid length. For information. No reports with name ’<report name>’ found in database. You invoked the R25MREP executable but did not specify any Version 1. You specified a report not found in the database. REP–26770 Cause Action REP–26771 Cause Action REP–26790 Cause Action REP–26791 Cause Action 2 – 192 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . There may already be reports with the same names in the Version 2. remembering to specify the reports to convert. A fatal error occurred while creating a new report for ’<report name>’.0 tables.) Otherwise. group. Check that your NLS_LANG and ORACLE_HOME environment variables are set to the correct values. Rename the reports you wish to migrate.REP–26765 Cause Action REP–26767 Cause Action ERROR: This report does not contain the data table information. column. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Note that this could possibly generate an invalid name. or assign them names that are different from existing reports.1 reports to convert to Version 2. Also see “National Language Support” in Appendix C of the Reports Reference Manual. Re–issue the command.rep file cannot be generated. or edit the converted Oracle Reports report after it is converted. Moverep Error: No 1.1 report specified to move. Change the name in the original SQL*ReportWriter report to less than 25 characters. Re–issue the command. A . You attempted to migrate one or more reports stored in the database using the same name as a report that already exists in the database. This is an abnormal condition.5. This is an abnormal condition. see your CDE2 Installation Guide. (For more information. and R25MREP found a report. You attempted to migrate a report. Warning: The name ’<report name>’ will be truncated to <integer> characters. For information. Aborting. Choose another name for the translation file. Check version. Cannot initialize Reports system. Make sure the file exists and is readable.REP–32600 Cause Action REP–32601 Cause Action REP–32602 Cause Action REP–32603 Cause Action REP–32604 Cause Action REP–32605 Cause Action REP–32606 Cause Action REP–32607 Cause Action Unexpected error. This is an abnormal condition. Check the read permission of the report file. You tried to overwrite an existing translation file. This is an abnormal condition. Fatal error loading report ’<report name>’. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. NX Tree does not exist. For information. The specified file cannot be opened. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. For information. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Report file is unreadable. This is an abnormal condition. The specified report cannot be loaded. Cannot open ’<translation file>’ file for reading. Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 193 . Cannot open report file for reading. Report already exists in NX file. Cannot initialize VGS system. This is an abnormal condition. For information. Make sure you’re opening the correct version of the report. Translate the strings in the translation file and try again. The translation file does not contain translated strings. Cannot find matching VGS string in NX file. Check the log file for more information. Source data file ’<file name>’ does not match. Cannot find translations in NX file. Successfully merged strings for language ’<language name>’. The merge operation encountered errors. For information. Make sure the target language is supported. 2 – 194 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . The Translation Manager cannot translate into the given target language. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. You are trying to merge the untranslated strings back into the original report. No action is necessary. This is an abnormal condition. This is not an Oracle Reports tree. The translation file you’re merging into the report was not created from the selected report. Merge the translation file into the original report.REP–32608 Cause Action REP–32609 Cause Action REP–32610 Cause Action REP–32612 Cause Action REP–32613 Cause Action REP–32614 Cause Action REP–32615 Cause Action REP–32616 Cause Action Translations for that language do not exist. Merge operation failed. For information. This is an abnormal condition. Cannot merge for Base language. Operation was completed with no errors. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Make sure you’re using the correct translation file for the given report. For information.REP–32617 Cause Action REP–32618 Cause Action REP–32750 Cause Action REP–32751 Cause Action NX file is corrupt! This is an abnormal condition. Check the boilerplate text objects in the report. Import the image again. Text segments cannot be found for some boilerplate text. Oracle Reports Messages 2 – 195 . The image has been removed. Warning: Some text segments are missing. The image data is corrupted. Remove suspicious ones and create replacements for them. Make sure the file exists and is readable. see “Abnormal Conditions” on page 1 – 3. Translation file cannot be opened. The report may be corrupted. Unable to unpack the data of image ’<image name>’. Cannot open NX file for reading. 2 – 196 Reports Messages and Codes Manual . . please give your name. Your input is an important part of the information used for revision. chapter. address. where? • Are the examples correct? Do you need more examples? • What features did you like most about this manual? If you find any errors or have any other suggestions for improvement. CA 94065–5028 (415) 506–7000 (415) 506–7200 (FAX) If you would like a reply. • Did you find any errors? • Is the information clearly presented? • Do you need more information? If so. and telephone number below: Thank you for helping us improve our documentation.Reader’s Comment Form Name of Document: Reports Messages and Codes Manual Part No. Box 659412 Redwood Shores. please indicate the topic. A32490–1 Oracle Corporation welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this publication. and page number below: Please send your comments to: Oracle Reports Documentation Manager Oracle Corporation 500 Oracle Parkway. . . *A32490-1* *A32490-1* A32490–1 . 5 .Reports Messages and Codes Manual Release 2.
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