Oracle Apps 11i Technical 2009422

March 29, 2018 | Author: adnanulhaq | Category: Oracle Database, Pl/Sql, Inventory, Databases, Information Technology Management



Oracle Apps Interview QuestionsWritten by Sudhakar Mani Monday, 13 April 2009 09:03 List of Oracle Apps Interview questions. Try your hand in answering these questions through comments section. Best answer with your name will be updated in the content section periodically. {tab=Basic Questions} {slide=1)What is a responsibility?} Responsibility is a collection of different modules that the user is to access . {/slide} {slide=2)How many responsibilities can be defined for a Module?} unlimited {/slide} {slide=3)Can a responsibility be assigned to multiple users?} yes {/slide} {slide=4)What are the components of a responsibility?} Menu Data Group Request Group {/slide} {slide=5)What is a data group?} It is an integration of one or more modules for Cross application reference, Cross application transferring, Cross application report. {/slide} {slide=6)What are the component servers in Oracle Applications architecture?} A:      NETWORK TIER Browser, APPLICATION SERVER Apache server, Internet application server, Form server, Report server, Concurrent manager server DATABASE TIER .dbf file {/slide} {slide=7) Is it mandatory to have a reports server?} yes ,it is necessary to run the reports {/slide} {slide=8)Can modules of two data groups be merged?} No. {/slide} {slide=9)What is the name of the seeded datagroup that is provided by applications?} A:         Standard Multiple Reporting Currencies 1 / 27 Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday, 13 April 2009 09:03 {/slide} {slide=10)What is a security group?} Security Group ,groups the forms and functionality of an application into logical menu structures that will appear in the Navigator {/slide} {slide=11)Which table captures the datagroup definition?} FND_DATAGROUPS {/slide} {slide=12)Which software component converts .fmx file into a java class file?} A:       {/slide} {slide=13)What is Flint60.exe ?} We  use the Oracle Applications upgrade utility, flint60, on the Oracle  Forms 6i .fmb file to apply changes that help your form to obey the rule of  Release 11i standards. The changes flint60 makes to your form (in upgrade mode) are listed in a detailed .html log file. These changes may include: • Converting most boilerplate to associated prompts for items or frames • Converting lines and boxes to frames • Setting certain property classes or individual properties for objects as appropriate (for example, lists of values have the property class set to LOV if it is not already set) • Adjusting y-coordinate alignments of fields if they are slightly offset from character-cell boundaries (for example, old display-only text items did not use bevels and were previously offset to make them line up with fields that had bevels, but now the display-only text items also use bevels) • Replacing access key property settings with ampersands in labels (for example, a label of ”Charge” with a separate access key property setting of ”h” becomes ”C&harge” and the access key setting is removed) The flint60 utility also checks for certain other conditions including: • database items whose maximum length does not match the length of the corresponding database column • library attachments with a hardcoded path or .pll extension {/slide} {slide=14)What are the mandatory steps in Application Development process?} Create the application directory structure in prodappl directory Register the application using AOL(Application Object Library) Create a database user for new module Grant Roles Register Database user with AOL(Application Object Library) Create tables,views,sequence,program unit etc Create its public synonyms in apps schema Register all the database object with AOL(Application Object Library) 2 / 27 13 April 2009 09:03 Create form using form builder Compile the form and copy the .Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday.Sequence and Views.env in appl_top Set APPLFULL Set Path Run prod.Data Group to the Responsibility Create a user Assign Responsibility to the user Modify prod.cmd in appl_top from Server {/slide} {slide=15)What is the difference between a public and a private synonym?} Only user can access private synonym.fmx file into module specific product directory Register all the forms with AOL module Create form function and assign form to form function Define a new menu for the module Assign form function to menu Define a Data group in System Administration module Create a responsibility for a new module Assign  Menu. {/slide} {slide=17) What happens if the registration information of a database object mismatches with the object structure?} A:     {/slide} {slide=18)What are the types of functions in AOL?} A:        form function and non form function {/slide} {slide=19)What are different types of menus that can be defined In AOL?} A:         Global Menu Standard Menu {/slide} {slide=20)how many types of users can be defined in System Administration?} A:      Employee Customer Supplier {/slide} {slide=21)What is the difference between a view and a materialised view?} 3 / 27 . any user on the database can access public synonym {/slide} {slide=16)What are the database objects that are registered with Oracle Applications?} Tables. dll  file {/slide} {slide=28)Can you register SQL * LOADER programs with AOL?} A:     yes. create a PL/SQL programs in apps user 2.reports or program at an appropriate place.0formsus reportsus log out {/slide} {slide=27)What files are stored by the bin subdirectory of a module?} A:      . there is an option for sql* loader {/slide} {slide=29)How PL/SQL programs are registered with AOL?} A:     1.exe. {/slide} {slide=24)What is the significance of basepath that is specified at the point of application  } development? A:      the base path in env file helps the oracle apps to search the form. 13 April 2009 09:03 A: {/slide} {slide=22)Can materialised views be registered with AOL?} A: {/slide} {slide=23)Multiple functions can be defined on the Same form?} A:      yes. assign the concurrent program to the request group in navigation: security>responsibility>request {/slide} {slide=30)What are the two mandatory parameters that should be incorporated while writing 4 / 27 .sh and . {/slide} {slide=25)What is the environment variable that has to be modified in application development } process? A:     appl_top Appl_full {/slide} {slide=26)Can you draw the directory structure of a specific product?} A:     prodappltauq11.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday. assign the executable to the concurrent program in navigation : concurrent>program>define 4.. define the executables in navigation : concurrent>executables 3.5. {/slide} {slide=33)  What is a concurrent manager?} A:     concurrent manager A process manager on the Applications database server that coordinates the concurrent processes  generated by users’ concurrent requests. {/slide} {slide=34)  Can a concurrent manager execute multiple requests at a time?} A:     yes. {/slide} {slide=36)What is a request set?} A:      Request sets allow you to submit several requests together using multiple execution paths. {/slide} {slide=31)Can you register out parameters also for a plsql concurrent program?} A:      In pl/sql concurrent program we should define only IN parameter {/slide} {slide=32)What is program incompatibility rules?} A:      program incompatibility rules is enforced by comparing program definitions for Requested programs with those programs already running in an Oracle username designated as a logical database. A request set is a collection of reports and/or  programs that are grouped together.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday. You can thus submit the reports  and/or programs in a request set all at once using a single transaction. {/slide} {slide=37)       What is the full form of SRS?} A:      Standard Request Submission {/slide} {slide=38)       Which files are mandatory for a form development process?} A:     template. stages.fmb Appstand. sets.application. 13 April 2009 09:03 Pl/sql } programs? A:      errorbuf   and retcode.reports.fmx?} A:      STANDARD_PC_AND_VA STANDARD_TOOLBARS STANDARD_CALENDER STANDARD_FOLDER QUERY_FIND {/slide} {slide=40)       What is the name of standard menu used by oracle applications forms design?} 5 / 27 . {/slide} {slide=35)What is a request group?} A:      It is a collection of concurrent program .fmb {/slide} {slide=39)       What are the object groups that are used by Template. and so on.  alphanumeric option. colors . validation type. the keyword or parameter appears here. Whereas property class assignment cannot be changed programmatically.mmx {/slide} {slide=41)       What is the difference between a property class and visual attribute?} A:     Named visual attribute are the font .  Values in each value set have the same maximum length. {/slide} {slide=43)       Can you list 4 important attached libraries for the template.fmb files of the .prod.env {/slide} {slide=46)       What is a token?} A:     For a parameter in an Oracle Reports program. {/slide} {slide=48)       What is a value set?} Ans     value set  A group of values and related attributes you assign to an account segment or to a descriptive flexfield segment. Whereas property Class can contain these properties along with the another properties like enable. {/slide} {slide=42)       What is the purpose of fnd_function. {/slide} {slide=45)       What is the name of the environment file that has to be updated in application   } development process? A:     Vis. {/slide} {slide=47)       Can you define token for pl/sql concurrent programs?} A:     Yes .env. We can change the appearance of object at runtime by changing the named visual attribute programmatically. in parameter form of the registration of the concurrent program. 13 April 2009 09:03 A:      fndmenu. and pattern attributes.fmx files used in Oracle                  Application.Test ?} A:     This function is used check the registry of the form function.visible. {/slide} {slide=49)       What are the different validation types of a value set?} Ans      There are 8 validation type of value set: Independent Dependant 6 / 27 .fmb form?} A:     Appcore Appdaypk Fndsqf Appfldr Custom Global {/slide} {slide=44)       What is the significance of AU directory?} A:     Application Utility directory has all the . wrap style. We substitute the values  from oracle apps value set to the report.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday. What are the main tables associated with Purchase Order?} There are four main tables associated with Purchase Order. 1. {/slide} {tab=Expert} {slide=1. PO_HEADERS_ALL 2. Quotation c. We require one row for each document we create. Blanket PO f.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday. Standard PO d. 13 April 2009 09:03 Table None Pair Special Translatable Independent Translatable Dependant {/slide} {slide=50)       Can a concurrent program be scheduled to run at specific times during a day?} Ans>      Yes. It contains the Header information for the Purchasing documents. Planned PO e. PO_LINES_ALL 3. PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL 1. RFQ b. Six types of documents that use PO_HEADERS_ALL are a. Contracts Important data that are populated in this table are · Buyer Information 7 / 27 . PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL 4. QUANTITY 2. 13 April 2009 09:03 · Supplier Information · Brief Notes · Terms and Conditions · Status of the document PO number is Segment1 of PO_HEADERS_ALL Important columns: PO_HEADER_ID 1. ITEM NUMBER c.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday. It stores information about each PO lines. We need one row for each schedule or price break we attach to a document Each row includes · Destination Type · Requestor Id · Quantity Ordered and Delivered to Destination Ø If the distribution corresponds to a Blanket PO release. We need one row for each line we attach to a document. PO_RELEASE_ID column identifies this release Ø We enter distribution information in distribution window accessible through PO window 8 / 27 . It contains the information about PO shipment schedules and Blanket Agreement Price Breaks.O. LINE NUMBER b. U. Each row includes a.M f. UNIT d. PRICE e. FINALLY CLOSED 4.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday. CLOSED 3. PO_LINES_ALL 3. FREEZE PO_LINE_ID CATEGORY_ID 9 / 27 . PO_HEADERS_ALL 2. PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL IMPORTANT COLUMNS OF PURCHASING TABLES PO_HEADERS_ALL PO_LINES_ALL PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL PO_HEADER_ID SEGMENT1 VENDOR_ID VENDOR_SITE_ID SHIP_TO_LOCATION_ID CURRENCY_CODE CLOSED CODE 1. 13 April 2009 09:03 ­CLOSING THE PURCHASE ORDER The CLOSED_CODE column exists in the following three tables 1. OPEN 2. HOLD 5. 13 April 2009 09:03 ITEM_ID PO_HEADER_ID QUANTITY CLOSED_CODE 1. OPEN 2. OPEN 2. CLOSED LINE_LOCATION_ID SHIP­_TO_LOCATION_ID PO_HEADER_ID PO_LINE_ID QUANTITY_RECEIVED QUANTITY_ACCEPTED QUANTITY_REJECTED CLOSED_CODE 1.What are the different Purchasing modes in Receiving?} There are three modes 1.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday. CLOSED FOR INVOICE 3. FINALLY CLOSED {/slide} {slide=2. ONLINE 2. BATCH 10 / 27 . CLOSED FOR RECEIVING 4. IMMEDIATE 3. Errors are recorded in REC_TRANSACTION_INTERFACE table. Internal 11 / 27 . and don’t let you IGNORE and PROCEED. Supplier Name Ø RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE: It contains RECEIVED data like Item Name. BATCH: Receipts are processed in batch. but no errors are shown. they are shown on the FORM itself. If there are any errors.What are the major transactions in RECEIVING?} Ø Purchase Order Receipts Ø Internal Requisition Receipts Ø Inventory Inter-Org Transfer Receipts Ø Customer Return Receipts {/slide} {slide=4.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday. it requires Receiving Transaction Processor to be run periodically. Quantity. ONLINE: Receipts are processed Online. 3. When you SAVE a Received Data in FORM. IMMEDIATE: Receipts are processed immediately. Errors are recorded in REC_TRANSACTION_INTERFACE table. Note: In all the above two cases. which tables are UPDATED? Ø RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS: It contains SUPPLIER shipment header data like Shipment Date. 2. but no errors are shown. and Receiving location Ø RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES Ø MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP Ø PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL Ø PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL {/slide} {slide=3.What are the different types of Receiving Routing?} Ø Standard Receipt Ø Inspection Required Ø Direct Delivery Note: The Receipt form is used as Receiving materials against PO on Ordered receipts. 13 April 2009 09:03 1. RCV_TRANSACTION_INTERFACE Note: Transactions in ROI Receipts can be done by Direct Delivery or by two steps namely RECEIVED and DELIVER. RECEIVING OPEN INTERFACE Ø ROI is a gateway to IMPORT data from Oracle as well as Non-Oracle applications. Ø In ROI. Ø The Receipts done through ROI should be processed in Batch mode only. 13 April 2009 09:03 Requisitions. Inventory Inter-Org Transport and Customer Reports. the system only receives the material and the delivery is done by the Receiving Transaction Form. If the value is DELIVERED. the system does a direct delivery into Sub-Inventory and if the value is RECEIVED. RCV_HEADER_INTERFACE 2. This can be determined through AUTO_TRANSACT_CODE_FLAG.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday. IMPORTANT COLUMNS OF RECEIVING TABLES RCV_HEADERS_INTERFACE RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS Ø HEADER_INTERFACE_ID Ø GROUP_ID Ø RECEIPT_SOURCE_CODE Ø PROCESSING_STATUS_CODE Ø TRANSACTION_TYPE Ø ASN_TYPE 12 / 27 . the table which are updated are 1. It can be manually created or imported from other system like Inventory. You can see details of errors from PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS table by joining with RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE table using Interface_id. Normally Purchase requisitions are raised by employees or departments. {/slide} {slide=5.     Requisitions need approvals. WIP. MRP.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday. 13 April 2009 09:03 Ø INTERFACE_TRANSACTION_ID Ø GROUP_ID Ø PROCESSING_STATUS_CODE Ø TRANSACTION_STATUS_CODE Ø PROCESSING_MODE_CODE Ø HEADER-INTERFACE_ID Ø ASN_STATUS Ø ASN_TYPE Ø EDI_CONTROL_NUM NON-SUPPORTED FEATURES OF ROI Ø Transactions with LOT controls Ø Transactions with SERIAL controls Ø Internal Transfer & Sales order Ø Un-Ordered Receipts Through which you will be able to see ERROR reports in ROI? Receiving Interface Errors Report Data can be loaded into ROI either through flat files or direct SELECT statement. OM etc TABLES USED WITH REQUISITIONS 13 / 27 .What do you mean by PO requisition?}     PO requisition is a request to purchase materials for individual requirements. REQUISITIONS IMPORT PROGRAM (RIP) 14 / 27 . the above three tables are populated. 13 April 2009 09:03 PO_REQUISITIONS_HEADERS_ALL PO_REQUISITIONS_LINES_ALL PO_REQ_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL The description is the same as PO OTHER IMPORTANT TABLES USED WITH REQUISITIONS     PO_VENDORS     PO_LOOKUP_CODES     PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL     PO_AGENTS     PO_DOCUMENT_TYPES_ALL_B     PO_RESCHEDULE_INTERFACE     MTL_SUPPLY IMPORTANT FIELDS OF REQUISITION     REQUISITION_TYPE     PREPARE     TOTAL_CURRENCY     LINE_TYPE     CATEGORY     SOURCE DESTINATION TYPE AND ORGANIZATION ACTIONS PERFORMED WITH REQUISITION     SAVE     APPROVE If you SAVE requisition.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday. while if you APPROVE a requisition. major tables updated are     PO_REQUISITION_HEADER     PO_APPROVAL_LIST_HEADERS     PO_DOCUMENT_TYPES CLOSING STATUS OF REQUISITION     CANCEL     FINALLY CLOSED {/slide} {slide=6.What do you mean by Auto Create?} Auto Create is a standard functionality provided by Oracle to create PO directly from Requisitions.     When using an account transfer.    REQUISITION IMPORT EXCEPTIONS REPORT We can see all rows that fail validation from this report {/slide} {slide=7.    REQUISITION IMPORT RUN REPORT We are able to view number of requisitions created and number of records in error from this report. IMPORTANT TABLES     PO_REQUISITION_INTERFACE_ALL     PO_REQ_DIST_INTERFACE_ALL     PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS IMPORTANT PARAMETERS OF REQUISITION IMPORT PROCESS a. the material is directly transferred but Move Orders require a 15 / 27 .    Import Batch Id c.    Initiate Approval after Import REPORTS ASSOCIATED WITH REQUISITIONS IMPORT PROCESS a.    Import Source b. INTERNAL REQUISITIONS     It is used to obtain materials within the same Organization or different Organization but within the same set of books. {/slide} {slide=8. 13 April 2009 09:03     It is a concurrent program. INVENTORY MOVE ORDER     It is a request for Sub-Inventory Transferor account issue.     Data is first loaded in PO_REQUISITION_ALL table. to import the records from the interface table as requisition in Oracle Processing. It then groups these lines on Requisitions according to parameters defined.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday. b. Distributors and manufacturers.     RIP creates a requisition line and one or more requisition distribution for each row it finds in the interface table. which is used to import requisition from Oracle or Non-Oracle system.     Sourcing rule is used to specify preferred Suppliers.What do we mean by Sourcing Rule?}     It defines Inventory Replenishment method for either a Single Organization or for all Organizations.     Use allocation percentage and ranking for multiple sources.What is the difference between Sub-Inventory transfer and Move Order?} In Sub-Inventory transfer.    Group By d. The RIP can then be run. the actual movement is an issue (not physical transfer) from one Sub-Inventory to another Sub-Inventory. 3. The requisition can optionally go through an Oracle Workflow approval process before it becomes a Move Order.    Every material movement has a corresponding set of accounting transactions that Oracle Inventory automatically generates e.    Replenishment Move Order: These Move Order are generated by Kanban cards.    Move Order Requisition: The requisition is a manually generated request for a move order.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday. We must create a move order requisition. In this case. There are 3 (three) types of Move Orders 1.    Issue Item FROM an Organization into a GL account number c.    Replenishment Move Order 3. This transaction is a Sub-Inventory Transfer. You can generate request for Sub-Inventory transfer or account transfers.    Enter Movement Statistics Information c. the requisition becomes a Move Order immediately.    Transfer Items directly between Organizations 16 / 27 . 2. where the Pull sequence calls for a Sub-Inventory transfer or by Min-Max planned items.    Move Order Requisition 2. How many types of Move Orders are there? Describe. {/slide} {slide=9.    A transaction is an Item movement.What are different Inventory Transactions?} a.What are the different steps in Movement Statistics?} a.    Oracle Inventory supports a number of pre-defined and User-defined transaction types d.    A transaction changes the QUANTITY.    A transaction type requires transaction source type and transaction action {/slide} {slide=10.    Freeze Movement Statistics OVERVIEW OF INVENTORY TRANSACTIONS a. INTO.    Report and Review Movement Statistics e. 13 April 2009 09:03 REQUEST and an APPROVAL.    The Pick release process generates Move Orders to bring the material from its Source location in stores to a Staging location.    Pick Wave Move Order 1. where the item replacement source is another Sub-Inventory.    Define Movement Statistics Parameters b. WITHIN or OUT OF Inventory b. which you define as a Sub-Inventory in Oracle Inventory.    Receive Item INTO an Organization from a GL account number b. If no approval process is used.    Transfer Items between Sub-Inventories in the same Organization d.    Link Movement Statistics to Invoice d. LOCATION or COST of an Item c. Replenishment Move Order are pre-approved and ready to be transacted. the Min-Max or Replenishment Count Report automatically generates a Move Order.     MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT 3.When should you Order a material?} We should Order a material. Also we can use Re-Order point planning for items under independent demand     We can specify Re-Order point planning as the Inventory Planning method where we define an Item {/slide} {slide=13.Under what scenario Re-Order Point planning is used?} We can use Re-Order point planning for items that do not need to be controlled very tightly and are not very expensive to carry in Inventory.    Replenishment Lead Time c.     It requires the following pieces of information a.    Safety Stock b.    MISCELLANEOUS SUB-INVENTORY TRANSFER For all these transactions.{/slide} {slide=14.Demand < Minimum Inventory level RE-ORDER POINT PLANNING     It is a method of determining the size and timing of item replenishment orders. 13 April 2009 09:03 e. {/slide} {slide=11.    Kanban Cards {/slide} {slide=12.What are different Planning Methods?} 1.    Item Demand d.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday.    Sub-Inventory Replenishment Planning 4.    Re-Order point Planning 2. when or how much to order based on user defined Min and Max levels 17 / 27 .    MISCELLANEOUS ISSUE 2.MIN-MAX PLANNING}     It is a method of determining. no prior PO or REQUISITION is required.    Min-Max Planning 3.    Order Cost e.    Carrying Cost     We can perform Re-Order Point Planning for the Entire Organization. The minimum Inventory level is nothing but a Safety Stock [On-Hand quantity] + Supply .    Reservation of Items USE OF MISCELLANEOUS TRANSACTIONS 1. when On-Hand quantity plus Supply minus Demand is less than Minimum Inventory level.     We can perform cycle count for the entire organization or for a specific Sub-inventory inside that Organization {/slide} {slide=17.    Enter cycle count f.    Maintain control over higher value items c.USE OF CYCLE COUNT IN ORACLE INVENTORY} a. STEPS IN CYCLE COUNTING a. Usually a tag is a slip of paper posted on the items location.{/slide} {slide=18.PHYSICAL INVENTORY TAG} A tag is a tool for recording the On-Hand quantities of a specific item at a particular location.    Generate count request e.    To reconcile system On-Hand balances with actual counts in Inventory b. STEPS IN PHYSICAL INVENTORY 18 / 27 .    Update cycle count items c.    Approve cycle counts{/slide} {slide=16.    Define cycle count header b.Cycle Counting} It is a periodic counting of individual items throughout the year.ABC Analysis}     It is a method of determining relative value of items in an Inventory     ABC analysis involves ranking of items according to a criteria and then grouping them into classes     ABC refers to the ranking you assign to the items as a result of this analysis like items with ranking ‘A’ are more valuable than the ‘B’ items and so on. Oracle can automatically generate tag numbers that we can use to enter Physical inventory counts. {/slide} {slide=15.    Schedule items to count d. You can perform Physical inventory whenever you choose to verify the accuracy of your system On-Hand quantities This can be done for the entire Organization or for a specific Sub-Inventory{/slide} {slide=19. 13 April 2009 09:03     We can perform Min-Max planning either at Organization level or Sub-Inventory level     MIN-MAX report is run to execute this planning.PHYSICAL INVENTORY} Physical Inventory is a periodic reconciliation of system On-Hand balances with Physical counts in Inventory.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday. High value items are counted more frequently than the low value items Initialization is a process of identifying the items in cycle count.     Generate Tags d.What are the basic things that you should consider when you plan your Enterprise Structure?} a.    Count Items e.    Enter Counts f.    Costing Methods You can choose standard or average costing methods only at Organization level c.    Void Tags g.    Take snap-shots of On-Hand quantities c.    Purge Physical inventory {/slide} {slide=20.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday.    Set of Books You can tie a Set of Books to each Inventory Organization b. 13 April 2009 09:03 a. 19 / 27 .    Run Adjustment program i.    Approve Counts h.    Movement between Sites In-transit inventory can be used for Inter Organization transfers e.    Item Costs Inventory keeps one cost per item per Inventory Organization d.ORACLE ORGANIZATION} Set of Books -> Legal Entities -> Operating Units ->Inventory Organizations Set of Books     It is composed of a chart of accounts. a calendar and functional currencies     Legal Entities that share the chart of accounts.    Planning methods     Re-Order point planning can be performed only at Organization level     Min-Max planning can be performed both at Organization and Sub-Inventory     Replenishment counting can be performed only at Sub-Inventory level. accounting calendar and functional currency can be accounted for the same set of books     One set of books can contain one or more legal entities Legal Entities     It is a company for which by law you must prepare fiscal or tax report including a balance sheet and a Profit and Loss report     Legal entities comprise of one or more Operating Units Operating Units     Operating unit represents buying or selling units within an Organization Inventory Organization     It is a unit that has Inventory Transaction and Balances and possibly Manufactures and Distributes products {/slide} {slide=21.    Define your Physical Inventory b.     PURCHASEABLE: You can place an Item on PO     BUILD IN WIP: You can manufacture the Item     CUSTOMER ORDERS ENABLED: You can sell these Items     INTERNAL ORDERS ENABLED: You can create an Internal Sales Order for the Item     BOM ALLOWED: You can create a Bill of Material for this Item     INVOICE ENABLED: You can create an Invoice for this Item Status Attribute can have MASTER LEVEL control or ORGANIZATIONAL LEVEL control. ounce. Purchasing and WIP. MASTER level control means an Item has Identical Attributes in all Organization that use it. You can stock the item in Inventory     TRANSACTABLE: You can transact the Item in Inventory.    Copy Items 20 / 27 . ORGANIZATIONAL level control means an attribute that you maintain at Organizational level may have different values for an Item for different Organizations.ITEM STATUSES AND ATTRIBUTES} Status attributes or Item attributes enable key functionality for each item An item status is defined by selecting the value check boxes for the status attributes Both Status attributes and item attributes can be controlled at the Item level and Organizational level ITEM STATUS ATTRIBUTES     STOCKABLE: The functional area is Oracle Inventory. For example Weight can be a UOM class with UOM such as gram. OM.    Accuracy analysis Physical Inventory. STEPS IN DEFINING ITEMS 1.    Copy Template 2. kilogram etc UOM conversion     It is a mathematical relationship between two different Units of Measure Organization Calendar is also known as Working Day Calendar {/slide} {slide=22.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday. Cycle count and ABC classification can be performed both at Organization and Sub-Inventory level Unit of Measurement (UOM)     It is a term that must be used along with a numeric value to specify the quantity of an item UOM class     This is a group of unit of measure with similar characteristics. 13 April 2009 09:03 f.    Forecasting Inventory forecast item use at Organization level only g. pound.     LOCATOR CONTROL b. etc) For UOM. 13 April 2009 09:03 3.What are the different Inventory Controls available in Oracle?} a.    LOT CONTROL d.    Item Cross-Reference 2.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday. {/slide} {slide=24.    Enter Attribute Values 4.    Enable in Child Organization 5.    Customer Item Numbers Note: Items are always defined in the Master Organization and then enabled in as many child organizations as you want.    Substitute Items 3.    Update Organization level attributes 6.    REVISION CONTROL c.    SERIAL NUMBER CONTROL MAIN TABLES USED FOR ITEMS MTL_SYSTEM_ITEM_B     Columns which end with ‘_ID’ is a number for Identification     Columns which end with ‘_CODE’ contains meaningful information In MSIB Inventory_Item_Id column contains Item_Id and Segment1 contains Item name MTL_PARAMETERS is the Organization table (Org Name.    Related Items 4. MTL_UNIT_OF_MEASURE 21 / 27 . Org Code.    Manufacturer Part Number 5.    Define Item Cost {/slide} {slide=23.What are the different kinds of relationships that you can define for an Item?} 1.DELETION CONSTRAINT} These are specific business rules and custom checks to be done before Oracle Inventory allows deletion to be done CATEGORY & CATEGORY SETS     Categories are logical grouping of items of similar characteristics     A category set is a distinct category grouping scheme & consists of categories Normally categories are used to group inventory items You can also perform Min-Max or Re-Order point planning for a particular category of items {/slide} {slide=25. Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday. {/slide} {slide=27. It includes getting the material back from 22 / 27 . 13 April 2009 09:03 ORG_ID is the Operating unit id whereas ORGANIZATION_ID is the Inventory Organization Id MTL_ITEM_CATEGORIES_B for Item Categories MTL_CATEGORY_SETS is for category sets IMPORTANT TABLES FOR PHYSICAL INVENTORY     MTL_PHYSICAL INVENTORIES     MTL_PHYSICAL_INVENTORY_TAGS     MTL_PHYSICAL_ADJUSTMENTS IMPORTANT TABLES FOR ITEM RESERVATION     MTL_RESERVATIONS     MTL_RESERVATIONS_INTERFACE TABLE FOR MATERIAL TRANSACTION     MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS TABLE FOR ITEM CROSS-REFERENCES     MTL_CROSS_REFERENCES TABLE FOR ITEM COST     CST_ITEM_COST     CST_ITEM_COST_DETAILS     CST_ITEM_COST_INTERFACE TABLE FOR ITEM INTERFACE     MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE     MTL_SYSTEM_ERRORS {/slide} {slide=26.INTERNAL SALES ORDER} Internal Sales Order originates as requisitions in Oracle Purchasing.RETURN MATERIAL AUTHORIZATION} The RMI flow basically reverses the Order Process. The process for Internal Orders is as follows     An Employee enters a Requisition for an Item     The Requisition is sent for approval     The Purchasing System issues an Internal Sales Order to OM     Order management imports Internal Sales Order through Order Import Process     OM creates a Pick release when the item is available in the warehouse     If the requisitioner is at another location. OM handles packing and shipping to that site     The Item is delivered     OM handles the accounting for the release from the Inventory and Purchasing handles the accounting for the issue to the requisitioner. OR These are controllers of background processing for Oracle Applications.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday. The main function of concurrent managers is to regulate and control process requests based upon a set of rules. There is also a corresponding return to a customer transaction for getting the needed repair or replacement back to the customer. 13 April 2009 09:03 the customer. which restricts the valid values that can be entered. Note: Setup and Testing have to ensure that RMI items are not taken as regular items.    Standard Manager 3. Oracle OM facilitates a link back to the original order through a reference source field on the return form that ties to a sales order.    Conflict Resolution Manager (CRM) and 4.    Transaction Manager (TM) Internal Concurrent Manager controls all the other concurrent managers that are operating system process that poll for requests.    Internal Concurrent Manager ( ICM ) 2. It can be very sophisticated. Returned receipts are handled by Inventory Note: Returns are processed through Receiving forms. non iteractive tasks without tying up your terminal. {/slide} {slide=30.What is a concurrent program?} A concurrent program is an instance of an execution file along with parameter definations and incompatibilities. {/slide} {slide=29. The value set can be either numeric and alphanumeric. data dependent programs simultaneously in the background. Oracle Application comes with a predefined managers including 1. putting it back into the stock and issuing the credit.What is Value set?} A value set is a set of values. It is a technique used to execute non interactive. 23 / 27 . {/slide} {slide=28.What is concurrent manager?} Concurrent Managers are components of concurrent processing that monitor and run time consuming. Once the link is established all the relevant information from the Original Order will be defaulted to the RMI. incorporating SQL querying from several tables and able to populate the database with one column. and is provided by the Functional Personnel. It contains all the technical know how as to where the data should be inserted or should be retrieved from and the logic and also the no and name of packages that will be used.    Not in proper group        : When the repeating frame is not reffered to proper group {/slide} {slide=33. When compiling the report for the first time.Types of Errors in Reports} Some of the errors are defined below 1. we should do the full compilation and not the Incremental compile.What do you mean by document number?} There are two types of documents. The manager that takes care of conflicts in concurrent Processing is Conflict Internal Manager.    There Exists uncompiled unit    : When the report is not compiled before loading in the Oracle Applications.    Width or margin is zero        : When the repeating frame are not within proper frames 4. {/slide} {slide=34.API’s of Move Order}     INV_MOVE_PUB.PROCESS_MOVE_ORDER Used for move order creation     INV_REPLENISH_DETAIL_PUB.LINE_DETAILS_PUB Move Order Allocation     INV_PICK_WAVE_PICK_CONFIRM_PUB.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday. 2.    Report File not Found        : When the rdf is not uploaded in proper directory 3.What is the difference between Compile and Incremental Compile?} In compile all the PL/SQL within the reports are compiled but in incremental compile only the changed PL/SQL  units are compiled. {/slide} {slide=32. 13 April 2009 09:03 We can also create concurrent managers to handle particular types of results or programs and specialize them for our business requirement.CREATE_RESERVATION 24 / 27 .PICK_CONFIRM Move Order or Sales Order confirm     INV_RESERVATION_PUB.{/slide} {slide=31. MD 50: Technical Document This is done after the receipt of the MD 70 document. MD 70: Functional Document This is provided by the customer. DECIMAL Is the symbol for the decimal indicator (e. mail userid). {/slide} {slide=36.What are lexical Parameters?} Lexical Parameters enable you to link your report to any other Oracle product. DESNAME DESTYPE DESFORMAT COPIES {/slide} {slide=37.g. to create PDF or HTML output). and when sending a bitmap report to a file (e.    Cost Based (CHOOSE) 2. mail. portrait.OPTIMIZER} The Oracle optimizer has two primary modes of operation 1. 13 April 2009 09:03 Reservation Creation     INV_RESERVATION_PUB. PRINTJOB Is whether the Print Job dialog box should appear before the report is run. default). that has a parameter referring to a lexical parameter used in the report.g."). file.    Rule Based (RULE){/slide} 25 / 27 .QUERY_RESERVATION {/slide} {slide=35.."). you can use the run product method and pass to it a parameter list. "$").g.g. ".. the file name... DESFORMAT Is the definition of the output device's format (e.g. ". CURRENCY Is the symbol for the currency indicator (e. DESTYPE Is the type of device to which to send the report output (screen.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday. This parameter is used when running a report in a character-mode environment. For example: When you are calling a report from a certain form. THOUSANDS Is the symbol for the thousand's indicator (e. printer. DESNAME Is the name of the output device (e. printer's name. landscape mode for a printer).. COPIES Is the number of report copies that should be made when the report is printed.g. or screen using PostScript format). MODE Is whether the report should run in character mode or bitmap. ORIENTATION Is the print direction for the report (landscape.System Parameters Used in Reports} BACKGROUND Is whether the report should run in the foreground or the background. Tools TOOLS_VA.{/slide} {slide=42.    LOB types {/slide} {slide=41.Give one report customization that can be done.Oracle Apps Interview Questions Written by Sudhakar Mani Monday. Collectors such as varray allow you to repeat only those column values that change. {/slide} {slide=44.    Varying Arrays {/slide} {slide=43. Step 1: Create or Replace TYPE TOOLS_VA as VARRAY(5) of varchar2(2).    Nested Tables 2.Cursor Attributes} FOUND NOTFOUND ISOPEN ROWCOUNT {/slide} {slide=39. Step 2: Create table BORROWER ( Name varchar2(25).What is Varying array (varray) ?} A varying array allows you to store repeating attributes of a record in a single row. A view contains no data of its own.What are views?} Views are database objects whose contents are derived from another table. {/slide} {slide=40. Process: First create a TYPE of VARRAY and then define in the table.    Composite types 3.How do you compile Procedures and Packages?} ALTER <proc/package>  <name>COMPILE. 13 April 2009 09:03 {slide=38.    Scalar types 2. potentially saving storage space. There are two types of collectors 1.What are the PL/SQL data types?} 1. Constraint BORROWER_PK primary key (Name) ).} 26 / 27 .What are collectors?} Collectors are used to accurately represent relationships between datatypes in your database objects. {/slide} {/tabs} 27 / 27 . 13 April 2009 09:03 On hand report customization There was no item locator and I had to add it Item Quantities On hand balances Item Locator {/slide} {slide=45.Mapping Rule} It is not necessary that values available in legacy system will be valid values in Oracle Apps.Difference between Org_Id and Organization_Id?} Org_Id : Operating Unit Id Organization_Id : Inventory organization Id {/slide} {slide=46. 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