OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide

May 31, 2018 | Author: AleITACAe | Category: Filename, File Format, Computer File, Computer Data, Technology



HyperWorks 13.0 OptiStruct Reference Guide HyperWorks is a division of Altair altairhyperworks.com Altair Engineering Support Contact Information Web site www.altairhyperworks.com Location Telephone e-mail Australia 64.9.413.7981 [email protected] Brazil 55.11.3884.0414 [email protected] Canada 416.447.6463 [email protected] China 86.400.619.6186 [email protected] France 33.1.4133.0992 [email protected] Germany 49.7031.6208.22 [email protected] India 91.80. 6629.4500 1.800.425.0234 (toll free) [email protected] Italy 39.800.905.595 [email protected] Japan 81.3.5396.2881 [email protected] Korea 82.70.4050.9200 [email protected] Mexico [email protected] New Zealand 64.9.413.7981 [email protected] North America 248.614.2425 [email protected] Scandinavia 46.46.460.2828 [email protected] United Kingdom 01926.468.600 [email protected] In addition, the following countries have resellers for Altair Engineering: Colombia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Israel, Russia, Netherlands, Turkey, Poland, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia Official offices with resellers: Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Malaysia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom, USA Copyright© Altair Engineering Inc. 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In addition to HyperWorks® trademarks noted above, Display Manager™, Simulation Manager™, Compute Manager™, PBS™, PBSWorks™, PBS GridWorks®, PBS Professional®, PBS Analytics™, PBS Desktop™, PBS Portal™, PBS Application Services™, e-BioChem™, e-Compute™ and e-Render™ are trademarks of ALTAIR ENGINEERING INC. Altair trademarks are protected under U.S. and international laws and treaties. Copyright© 1994-2014. Additionally, Altair software is protected under patent #6,859,792 and other patents pending. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. ALTAIR ENGINEERING INC. Proprietary and Confidential. Contains Trade Secret Information. Not for use or disclosure outside of ALTAIR and its licensed clients. Information contained inHyperWorks® shall not be decompiled, disassembled, or “unlocked”, reverse translated, reverse engineered, or publicly displayed or publicly performed in any manner. Usage of the software is only as explicitly permitted in the end user software license agreement. Copyright notice does not imply publication OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Reference ........................................................................................................................................... Guide 1 Input Data ............................................................................................................................................... 2 The Bulk Data Input File ................................................................................................................................... 3 Guidelines for I/O Options and Subcase Information Entries ................................................................................................................................... 7 Guidelines for Bulk Data Entries ................................................................................................................................... 9 Solution Sequences Data Selectors (Table) ................................................................................................................................... 14 Summary of Defaults for I/O Options ................................................................................................................................... 15 I/O Options Section ................................................................................................................................... 22 Subcase Information Section ................................................................................................................................... 233 Bulk................................................................................................................................... Data Section 318 Element Quality Check ................................................................................................................................... 2160 Material Property Check ................................................................................................................................... 2189 Output Data ............................................................................................................................................... 2197 List of Files Created by OptiStruct (Alphabetical) ................................................................................................................................... 2200 Results Output by OptiStruct ................................................................................................................................... 2346 Legacy Data ............................................................................................................................................... 2378 Previous (OS3.5) Input Format ................................................................................................................................... 2379 Setting Up Decks in OptiStruct 5.0 with OptiStruct 3.5 Objectives and Constraints ................................................................................................................................... 2384 Previously Supported Input ................................................................................................................................... 2388 i OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Reference Guide Input Data Output Data Legacy Data Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 1 Input Data I/O Options Section Subcase Information Section Bulk Data Section Element Quality Check Material Property Check 2 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering The Bulk Data Input File The input file in OptiStruct is composed of three distinct sections: The I/O Options Section The Subcase Information Section The Bulk Data Section The I/O Options Section controls the overall running of the analysis or optimization. It controls the type, format, and frequency of the output, the type of run (check, analysis, super element generation, optimization or optimization restart), and the location and names of input, output, and scratch files. The Subcase Information Section contains information for specific subcases. It identifies which loads and boundary conditions are to be used in a subcase. It can control output type and frequency, and may contain objective and constraint information for optimization problems. For more information on solution sequences, see the table included on the Solution Sequences page of the online help. The Bulk Data Section contains all finite element data for the finite element model, such as grids, elements, properties, materials, loads and boundary conditions, and coordinates systems. For optimization, it contains the design variables, responses, and constraint definitions. The bulk data section begins with the BEGIN BULK statement. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 3 These sections can be arranged in either a one-file setup or a multi-file setup (there is also an obsolete two-file setup that is no longer recommended). One-File Setup In a one-file setup, all three data sections are included in one file. The bulk data section must be the last section. It is recommended that the extension .fem be used for this file. Multi-File Setup A multi-file setup is facilitated through the use of INCLUDE statements. This option enables you to include information from other files without cutting and pasting. INCLUDE statements may be placed in any section of the one or two-file setup, but must include information appropriate to the section. The following example shows how an additional subcase can be added to the Subcase Information section. input.fem file sub2.inc $ Subcase 1 SPC = 1 Load = 2 $ INCLUDE sub2.inc $ BEGIN BULK $ Subcase 2 SPC = 1 Load = 3 The solver reads all files and positions the lines of the included file at the location of the INCLUDE statement in the input.fem file. An echo of the input.fem file as read by OptiStruct would be: $ Subcase 1 SPC = 1 Load = 2 $ Subcase 2 SPC = 1 Load = 3 $ BEGIN BULK $ 4 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Two-File Setup This setup is obsolete; the one-file or multiple-file setups are recommended. The two-file setup separates the control data (I/O Options section and Subcase Information section) from the model data (Bulk Data section). If the input file does not contain a BEGIN BULK statement, the solver attempts to read the model data from another file: If the INFILE card is present in the I/O Options section, the argument given on this card is the name of the file that contains the model data. If the INFILE card is not present in the I/O Options section, and the input file does not have the extension .fem, the name of the file containing the model data will be constructed from the input file by replacing the extension with .fem. The two-file setup allows you to perform runs using multiple control data files and a single model file and vice versa. It is recommended that the .parm extension be used for control data files and the .fem extension be used for model data files. Notes: The format of the input sections in OptiStruct are similar to those of the Nastran format. File names specified on INCLUDE and other cards (RESTART, EIGVNAME, LOADLIB, OUTFILE, TMPDIR, ASSIGN) can be arbitrary file names with optional paths appropriate to the operating system (Windows or UNIX). They may be enclosed in quotes (double or single quotes can be used), and either forward slash (/) or back slash (\) characters can be used to separate parts of the pathname. The solver uses the following rules to locate a file name on the INCLUDE cards: When the argument contains the absolute path of the file (if it starts with "/" on UNIX or a drive letter, such as "D:", on Windows, for example), the file at the given location is used. When only the file name is given (without the path), the file has to be located in the same directory as the file containing the INCLUDE statement. When the argument contains a relative path (../filename or sub/filename, for example), it is located in the directory relative to the file containing the INCLUDE statement and is NOT relative to the directory in which the solver was executed, or to the directory where the main file is located. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 5 Compressed input files An input file and referenced included files can be optionally compressed using gzip compression. A compressed file has to have the extension .gz appended to the file name. Valid example file names are: input.fem.gz, input.gz, and input.dat.gz. Compressed files can be mixed with plain ASCII files. The INCLUDE card does not have to be modified when a file is compressed. For example, if the card INCLUDE infile.dat were present, the reader would search for infile.dat and continue on to search for the compressed file, infile.dat.gz, if not found. Other input files (such as RESTART, ASSIGN) cannot be compressed. 6 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Guidelines for I/O Options and Subcase Information Entries The following guidelines apply to all entries in the I/O Options and Subcase Information sections: All input cards are limited to 80 characters per line; all characters after the 80th are skipped. SYSSETTING,CARDLENGTH may be used to change the number of characters allowed in each line. Cards which require a file name (OUTFILE, RESTART, INCLUDE, LOADLIB, TMPDIR, EIGVNAME, ASSIGN) can contain up to 200 characters in a single line. Alternatively, the file name may be continued in several lines if it is enclosed in quotes (" or ‘). When combining continuation lines, all trailing and leading blanks in each line are omitted. Other blanks, including all blanks between the quote and file name, are considered as part of the file name. File names can contain an absolute or relative path. Forward slash (/) or back slash (\) characters can be used to separate parts of a path name. Absolute paths are discouraged since they prevent moving files from one location to another, and may cause unexpected failures, as in PBS or a similar batch environment. Windows style file names, starting with the drive letter (for example: D:/users/mbg/ workarea), can be used on UNIX/Linux only when environment variable(s) DOS_DRIVE_# are defined. Content of the respective environment variable replaces the first two letters (‘D:’) in the file name, and the expanded file name must fit within 200 characters. Alternatively, the DOS_DRIVE_# option can be specified in the config file. UNC format (//server/path/filename) is not accepted. Each line of data contains up to ten fields in free format. Entries in the free format are separated by any number of characters from the following set: (blank) , (comma) ( ) = File names and titles (TITLE, SUBTITLE, LABEL) are exceptions to this rule. P2G / K2GG / M2GG / B2GG entries allow more than ten fields per line (up to CARDLENGTH limit). GROUNDCHECK / WEIGHTCHECK / EIGVRETRIEVE / XYPLOT allow more than ten fields per line and are the only entries which allow continuation. Dollar signs, $, in any column denote comments. All characters after the dollar sign until the end of the line are ignored. A dollar sign can be a part of a file name or title, but the full title or file name must be enclosed in quotes (" or ‘) in such cases. Lines which begin with two slashes, //, or a pound symbol, #, are read as comment lines. Blank lines are also assumed to be comment lines. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 7 Continuation lines are marked with a trailing comma character in the preceding line. Numeric entries must start with a digit, ‘+’, or ‘-’. Integer entries may not contain decimal points or exponent parts, and must fit in the range of values allowed for INTEGER*4 (usually –2**31<x<2**31). Integer data placed in the field reserved for real valued data is accepted and converted to a double precision. Character entries longer than eight characters are silently truncated, except for the title strings and file names. All character strings, except user-provided labels, titles, and file names, are case insensitive (can be typed in lower or upper case). File names are always case sensitive, except with Windows, where the operating system does not care for case. Abbreviated keyword entries are accepted and recognized properly using the first four characters. When a four character abbreviation is not unique, the full length keyword has to appear on the data line (but only the first eight characters are used if the keyword is longer). Examples The following three lines are equivalent: DISPLACEMENT (form) = option disp FORM option displa ,, form , oPTIOn The following is a card with multiple continuation lines: XYPLOT, XYPEAK, VELO, PSDF / 3(T2), 6(T2), 8(T2), 10(T2), 20(T2) The following is a path split across several lines: INCLUDE "path/ /split into multiple / lines /filename.txt " is equivalent to: INCLUDE "path//split into multiple / lines/filename.txt " Note that several spaces, the space at the end in particular, which are valid parts of this name, may cause unexpected results. 8 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Guidelines for Bulk Data Entries The following guidelines apply to all entries in the bulk data section: Data may contain 80 characters per line at most. All characters after the 80th are ignored. The only exception is for the INCLUDE data entry. SYSSETTING,CARDLENGTH can be used to change the number of characters allowed in each line. Each line of data contains up to nine fields in one of the three accepted formats: Fixed Format Each field consists of eight characters (shown below). Large Field Fixed Format Each field consists of 16 characters; two consecutive lines form nine fields, similar to other formats (shown below). Large field format is recognized by the first character after the keyword, or by the first character in each continuation line, which must be ‘*’. The second line (‘half line’), if present, must also contain ‘*’ in the first column. The first and last field in each half line is eight characters long. The last field on each first half-line and the first field on each second half-line are ignored. The following examples show the same card in fixed and large field formats: Free Format Fields are separated by commas; blank characters surrounding commas are not significant. Two consecutive commas define empty (blank) fields. If a comma is present in a line of data, it is assumed to be free format data. Continuation lines for free format start with a blank, '+' or '*'. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 9 Large field free format and short field free format are available, but there is no limit on the length of entries, and all floating numbers are read and stored with full precision (64-bit REAL*8) in either case. The only difference between large and short free format is that the latter allows for 8 data fields in each line (in positions 2 – 9), while the former allows for 4 data fields per line (similar to the large field fixed format detailed above). If there is a comma within the first 10 characters in a line, the line is assumed to be in free format; otherwise, if there is an '*' immediately after the card name or a continuation line starts with '*', then the line is accepted as large field fixed format. All other lines are read in as fixed format. Use of fixed format limits the range of integer data (-9,999,999 .. 99,999,999) and the accuracy of floating point numbers, but does not influence the internal storage of data – in particular all floating point numbers are always read and stored with full precision (64-bit REAL*8). Bulk data is always limited to 9 fields per line. Content of 10th field and the first field of each continuation line are silently skipped when fixed format is used (other codes can use these fields for special purposes, such as to mark matching continuation lines). Extensions of free format (which may allow more than 9 fields in a line) are not accepted. An error message is issued when a free format card contains more than 9 fields. This error can be disabled (changed to non-fatal warning) through the use of SYSSETING,SKIP10FIELD. Dollar signs, $, in any column denote comments. All characters after the dollar sign until the end of the line are ignored. Dollar signs can only appear in quoted files names. Lines which begin with two slashes, //, or a pound symbol, #, are read as comment lines. Blank lines are also assumed to be comment lines. The full keyword of each bulk data entry must be given starting from the first column. Abbreviated keywords are not allowed. The format of most bulk data entries is similar to that for Nastran. Not all entry options are supported by OptiStruct. Consult the list of fields and options supported. Continuation entries must follow the parent entries. If the first character of any entry is either a blank, a ‘+’, or an ‘*’, it is treated as a continuation of the previous entry. If the entire line is blank, it is treated as a comment line. An ENDDATA entry or end-of-file denotes end of data. Lines after the ENDDATA entry are ignored. All Bulk Data entries must appear after the BEGIN BULK statement in the input data. The content of the tenth field in each card, and that of the first field in each continuation card, is disregarded. Each entry can be placed anywhere within the field. For example, blanks preceding and following an entry are ignored, except the keyword entry, which must be left justified in its field. 10 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering No entry can contain blanks within the data. Character entries (labels) must start with a letter. Numeric entries must start with a digit, ‘+’ or ‘-‘. Integer entries may not contain a decimal point or an exponent part, and must fit in the range of values allowed for INTEGER*4 (usually –2**31<x<2**31). Integer data placed in the field reserved for real valued data is accepted and converted to a double precision. However, certain fields have alternate functions where the nature of the number entered indicates the desired function; one function requires an integer while the other requires a real number – in this case, no conversion is performed. Real valued data can be entered without exponent part, with exponent part and explicit letter ‘E’ or ‘D’ or with exponent part starting with a sign (without ‘E’ or ‘D’). All real values are stored internally as double precision data (64-bit REAL*8) without regards to which format was used to enter them. Following are valid examples of input for real valued data: 1. 0.1 .1 +.1 -0.1 1e5 1e+5 1+5 1.0E-5 .1d-5 .00001-05 Character entries longer than eight characters are silently truncated in large field and free field formats, with the exception of file names on the INCLUDE entry (see documentation for INCLUDE entry) and the “LABEL’ field on DESVAR, DRESP1, DRESP2, DRESP3, and DTABLE entries (allows up to 16 characters). Continuation lines do not have to be in the same format as the parent entries. It is allowed to mix lines in different formats within a single bulk data card. Invisible tab characters are equivalent to the number of spaces needed to advance to the nearest tab stop. Tab stops are placed at the beginning of each eight-character field. Use the SYSSETTINGS,TABSTOPS option to change this value, for example, to tab stops at 4-character fields. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 11 Replication of GRID data Replication is a limited data generation capability which may be used for GRID data only. Duplication of fields from the preceding GRID entry is accomplished by coding the symbol =. Duplication of all trailing fields from the preceding entry is accomplished by coding the symbol ==. Incrementing a value from the previous entry is indicated by coding *x or *(x), where x is the value of the increment. “x” should be a real number for real fields or an integer for integer fields. The parentheses will be ignored and removed. Only the fields for ID, CP, X, Y, Z, and CD can be incremented. The PS data cannot be incremented. Replication data can follow other replication data. Entered entries: GRID,101,17,1.0,10.5,,17,3456 GRID,*1,=,*(0.2),== GRID,*100,,=,=,*10.0,== GRID,20,17,== Generated entries: GRID 101 17 1.0 10.5 17 3456 GRID 102 17 1.2 10.5 17 3456 GRID 202 1.2 10.5 10.0 17 3456 GRID 20 1.2 10.5 10.0 17 3456 17 Removal of duplicate entries Removal of duplicate entries is a limited to GRID, CORD1R, CORD1C, CORD1S, CORD2R, CORD2C, CORD2S, CORD3R, and CORD4R entries only. To be considered duplicates, the GRID ID, CP, CD, and PS fields must be the same. The GRID coordinates should be the same within the setting determined by PARAM,DUPTOL. For the coordinate information to be considered duplicate, the CID and GID must be the same and the vector components and axis locations must be the same within the setting determined by PARAM,DUPTOL. The removal of duplicated GRID data is performed after any GRID data is generated using the GRID replication feature. For all other cards which require a unique ID, it is an error if any given ID appears more than once. However, to facilitate application of changes resulting from optimization, it is possible to redefine content of some cards using a separate file defined with 12 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering ASSIGN,UPDATE. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 13 Solution Sequences - Data Selectors (Table) Key: R Required Data Selector. O Optional Data Selector. All optional data selectors can be set equal to zero in order to override inheritance from default settings (data selectors appearing before the first subcase). E Either one of the selectors marked E are required, both are optional. A Exactly one selector marked A is required. Data selector may be defined above the first subcase, in which case it is used in any subcase where it is allowed (as long as it has not been defined specifically). ** METHOD(Fluid) and SDAMPING(Fluid) are allowed when the model does not contain fluid parts, but a warning is issued in such cases. ‡ Direct Frequency and Transient solutions only allow reference of FREQ, FREQ1 and FREQ2. Modal Frequency and Transient solutions also allow reference of FREQ3, FREQ4 and FREQ5. 14 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Summary of Defaults for I/O Options Output Format Controls Card When card is not present When card is present, but no argument is given FORMAT HM & H3D* error OUTPUT no effect no effect *The OptiStruct Configuration File may be used to change the default settings. Run Controls Card When card is not present When card is present, but no argument is given CHECK no effect active (has no arguments) CMSMETH no effect no effect RESTART no effect <prefix of filename>.sh SYSSETTING no effect no effect @HyperForm no effect active (has no arguments) File Names, Headers, and Locations Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 15 Card When card is not present When card is present, but no argument is given ASSIGN N/A error EIGVNAME OUTFILE is used error INCLUDE N/A error LOADLIB N/A error OUTFILE prefix of filename error SUBTITLE N/A blank TITLE N/A blank TMPDIR ./ or .\ error Card When card is not present When card is present, but no argument is given ACCELERATION NONE ALL AUTOSPC NO YES CONTF NONE ALL CSTRAIN NONE ALL CSTRESS NONE ALL DAMAGE NONE ALL DISPLACEMENT ALL † ALL EDE NONE ALL Analysis Output 16 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Card When card is not present When card is present, but no argument is given EKE NONE ALL ELFORCE See FORCE ELSTRESS See STRESS ENERGY NONE ALL ERP NONE ALL ESE NONE ALL FLUX NONE ALL FORCE NONE ALL FORMAT no effect FLX GPFORCE NONE ALL GPKE NONE ALL GPSTRESS NONE ALL GSTRESS See GPSTRESS LIFE NONE ALL MBFORCE no effect ALL MECHCHECK no effect N/A MODALDE NONE ALL MODALKE NONE ALL MODALSE NONE ALL MPCFORCE NONE ALL OLOAD NONE ALL Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 17 18 Card When card is not present When card is present, but no argument is given PFGRID NONE error PFMODE NONE error PFPANEL NONE error PFPATH NONE error POWERFLOW NONE ALL PRESSURE ALL † ALL PRETBOLT NO YES REQUEST NONE error (has no arguments) SACCELERATION NONE ALL SDISPLACEMENT NONE ALL SINTENS NONE ALL SPCFORCE NONE ALL SPL NONE ALL SPOWER NONE ALL STRAIN NONE ALL STRESS ALL ‡ ALL SVELOCITY NONE ALL TCURVE N/A blank THERMAL NONE ALL THIN NONE ALL UNITS NONE error (has no arguments) OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Card When card is not present When card is present, but no argument is given VELOCITY NONE ALL XTITLE N/A blank XYPEAK NONE error XYPLOT NONE error XYPUNCH NONE error YTITLE N/A blank † Except for frequency response subcases, where the default is NONE. ‡ Except for frequency response and transient subcases, where the default is NONE. Optimization Output Card When card is not present When card is present, but no argument is given DENSITY ALL ALL DESGLB no effect error DESHIS ALL ALL DSA no effect error HISOUT 15 15 PROPERTY FILE FILE RESPRINT no effect no effect RESULTS FL FL Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 19 Card When card is not present When card is present, but no argument is given SENSITIVITY NONE NOSTRESS SENSOUT FL FL SHAPE ALL ALL THICKNESS ALL ALL Other Output Controllers 20 Card When card is not present When card is present, but no argument is given DMIGNAME AX AX ECHO no effect active ECHOON no effect active (has no arguments) ECHOOFF no effect active (has no arguments) MODEL ALL ALL MSGLMT no effect error OFREQUENCY ALL ALL OMODES ALL ALL OTIME ALL ALL SCREEN NONE OUT TTERM NONE REAL OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Random Response Card When card is not present When card is present, but no argument is given RCROSS NONE ERROR Card When card is not present When card is present, but no argument is given DGLOBAL NONE ERROR Card When card is not present When card is present, but no argument is given HYBDAMP NONE ERROR RADSND no effect ERROR Optimization FE Analysis Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 21 I/O Options Section 22 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering @HYPERFORM I/O Options Entry @HyperForm - One-step Stamping Simulation Run Description The @HyperForm statement indicates an input file for one-step stamping simulation written from HyperForm. Format @HyperForm Comments 1. Must be present as the first line of the input file to allow the one-step stamping related bulk data entries to be accepted as input. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 23 ACCELERATION I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry ACCELERATION - Output Request Description The ACCELERATION command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request acceleration vector output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. Format ACCELERATION(sorting,format,form,rotations,random,peakoutput) = option Argument Options Description sorting <SORT1, SORT2> This argument only applies to the PUNCH format (.pch file) or the OUTPUT2 format (.op2 file) output for normal modes, frequency response, and transient subcases. It will be ignored without warning if used elsewhere. Default = blank format SORT1: Results for each frequency/ timestep are grouped together. SORT2: Results for each grid/element are grouped together (See comment 8). blank: For frequency response analysis, if no grid SET is specified, SORT1 is used, otherwise, SORT2 is used; for transient analysis, SORT2 is used. <HM, H3D, HG, OPTI, HM: PUNCH, OP2, PLOT, blank> H3D: Default = blank HG: 24 Results are output in HyperMesh binary format (.res file). Results are output in Hyper3D format (.h3d file). Results are output in HyperGraph presentation format (_freq.mvw file and _tran.mvw file) – see OUTPUT keywords HGFREQ and HGTRANS. OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Argument Options Description OPTI: Results are output in OptiStruct results format (.dispfile). PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (.pch file). OP2: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (.op2 file) (see comment 11). PLOT: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (.op2 file) when PARAM, POST is defined in the bulk data section. If PARAM, POST is not defined in the bulk data section, this format allows the form for complex results to be defined for XYPUNCH output without having other output. form <COMPLEX, REAL, IMAG, PHASE, BOTH> blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. COMPLEX (HM only), blank: Provides a combined magnitude/ phase form of complex output to the .res file for the HM output format. Default (HM only) = COMPLEX REAL or IMAG: Default (all other formats) = REAL PHASE: Provides rectangular format (real and imaginary) of complex output (See comment 9). Provides polar format (magnitude and phase) of complex output. Phase output is in degrees (See comment 9). BOTH (HM only): Provides both polar and rectangular formats of complex output. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 25 Argument Options Description rotations <ROTA, NOROTA> ROTA: Requests output of rotational acceleration results (in addition to translational acceleration results). NOROTA: Rotational acceleration results are not output. PSDF: Requests PSD and RMS results from random response analysis to be output. Default = NOROTA random <PSDF, RMS> No default Only valid for the H3D format. The "RMS over Frequencies" output is at the end of the Random results. RMS: Requests only the “RMS over Frequencies” result from random response analysis to be output. Valid only for the H3D format. peakoutput <PEAKOUT> PEAKOUT: If PEAKOUT is present, only the filtered frequencies from the PEAKOUT card will be considered for this output. <YES, ALL, NO, NONE, SID> YES, ALL, blank: Acceleration is output for all nodes. Default = ALL NO, NONE: Acceleration is not output. SID: If a set ID is given, acceleration is output only for nodes listed in that set. Default = blank option 26 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Comments 1. When the ACCELERATION command is not present, acceleration results are not output. 2. Acceleration output is only available for frequency response and transient analysis solution sequences. 3. The form argument is only applicable for frequency response analysis. It is ignored for other analysis types. 4. The forms BOTH and COMPLEX do not apply to the .frf output files. 5. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry; these should be comma separated. If no format is specified, then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. See Results Output for information on the results available and their respective formats. 6. Multiple instances of this card are allowed; if instances are conflicting, the last instance dominates. 7. For optimization, the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. In previous versions of OptiStruct, a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used; this method is still supported, but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. 8. In general, HyperView does not recognize the SORT2 format for results from the .op2 file. When results are output only in SORT2 format (<Result Keyword> (SORT2, OUTPUT2, … .)), the results are written by OptiStruct into the .op2 file in SORT2 format, but when the .op2 file is imported into HyperView, the results in SORT2 format are not recognized. Therefore, the SORT1 option is recommended for results output in OUTPUT2 format and SORT2 option is recommended for results output in PUNCH format. 9. Results in binary format (.h3d or .op2) are always output in PHASE/MAG form, regardless of the options specified in the FORM field. The corresponding post-processors (HyperView/HyperGraph) can easily convert the PHASE/MAG format to the required formats. Results in ASCII formats are output in the specified/requested FORM. 10. The abbreviations ACCE and ACCEL are interchangeable with ACCELERATION. 11. format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (.op2 file). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 27 ASSIGN I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry ASSIGN – Input Definition Description The ASSIGN command can be used in the I/O Options section to identify external files and their contents. Format ASSIGN, type, option1, option2 Type Option1 Option 2 Description AKUSMOD filename N/A Identifies an external file from which to read the AKUSMOD fluid-structure coupling matrix. If this is not defined, it is presumed that the AKUSMOD coupling matrix is to be found in the same directory as the solver input file and is given the file name, ftn.70. Use of the AKUSMOD fluid-structure coupling matrix requires the presence of PARAM,AKUSMOD,YES. ENGINE SUBCASE ID filename Identifies an external file from which to read modification commands to be applied on the intermediate RADIOSS Engine file translated in the NLGEOM, IMPDYN and EXPDYN solutions. SUBCASE ID=0 means all NLGEOM, IMPDYN and EXPDYN subcases. See comment 1. EXCINP SUBCASE ID filename Identifies an external file from which to read the modal participation factors calculated by AVL/ EXCITE for both transient and FRF residual runs. While running an AVL/EXCITE analysis, a .INP4 file is generated that contains the modal participation factors. The .INP4 file can be used along with the original flex h3d file to recover stresses, strains, displacements, velocities, and accelerations from a 28 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Type Option1 Option 2 Description dynamic analysis run. The SUBCASE ID is used to specify which SUBCASE the modal participation factors should be used for. H3DDMIG matrixname filename Identifies an external nodal flexh3d file from which to read DMIG matrices. Provides a prefix (matrixname) for the matrices contained therein, and the path to and the name of the flexh3d file. All of the matrices in the h3d file are used in the analysis by default. If only some of the matrices are to be used, then use the K2GG, M2GG, K42GG, and B2GG data to specify which matrices are to be used. The unreferenced matrices will not be used in this case. H3DCAA Load ID filename Identifies an external file that contains information necessary for Computational Aero-Acoustic (CAA) analysis. The information in this external file is then used to conduct frequency response analyses. This file (.h3d format) is currently generated by AcuSolve and includes pressure values from Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis at each loading frequency. The specified “LoadID” can be referenced by CAALOAD data (CAAID field) for the application of load in a model. H3DCDS matrixname filename Identifies an external file from which to read complex dynamic matrices for a CDS residual run. Provides a prefix (matrixname) for the matrices contained therein and the path to and the name of the filename_CDS.h3d file. All of the matrices in the filename_CDS.h3d file are used in the analysis. H3DMBD Flex Body ID filename Identifies an external nodal flexh3d file which contains the analysis recovery information for displacements, velocities, accelerations, stresses and strains. Provides a Flex Body ID for the information therein, and the path to and the name of the flexh3d file. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 29 Type Option1 Option 2 Description MBDINP SUBCASE ID filename Identifies an external file from which to read the modal participation factors calculated by MotionSolve for transient analysis. While running MotionSolve, an .mrf file is generated that contains the modal participation factors. The .mrf file can be used along with the original flex h3d file to recover stresses, strains, displacements, velocities, and accelerations during a transient analysis run. The SUBCASE ID is used to specify which SUBCASE the modal participation factors should be used for. MMO Model Name filename Identifies an external file to be included in a MultiModel Optimization (MMO) run. “Model Name” is a user-defined label for the model, which can be used to qualify model-specific responses referenced on the DRESPM continuation lines of the DRESP2/ DRESP3 entries. PUNCH filename N/A Identifies an external file as the location to write DMIG data in PUNCH format. STARTER SUBCASE ID filename Identifies an external file from which to read modification commands to be applied on the intermediate RADIOSS Starter file translated in the NLGEOM, IMPDYN and EXPDYN solutions. SUBCASE ID=0 means all NLGEOM, IMPDYN and EXPDYN subcases. See comment 1. SIMPINP 30 SUBCASE filename Identifies an external .unv file generated while running a multi-body dynamic analysis in SIMPACK. The resulting CMS flexbody modal participation factors in the .unv file can be used by OptiStruct to recover the dynamic displacements, velocities, OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Type Option1 Option 2 Description accelerations, stresses and strains. The SUBCASE ID is used to specify which SUBCASE the modal participation factors should be used for. UPDATE filename N/A Identifies an external file from which to read the updated cards after an optimization run. Currently, the following cards are supported: GRID MAT1, MAT2, MAT3, MAT4, MAT5, MAT8, MAT9, MAT10 PSHELL, PSOLID, PBAR, PBEAM, PELAS, PVISC, PDAMP, PBARL, PBEAML, PMASS, PROD, PBUSH, PBUSH1D, PACABS PAABSF, PWELD, PCOMPP, PSHEAR, PTUBE CTRIA3, CQUAD4, CTRIA6, CQUAD8 CONM2 Examples ASSIGN, PUNCH, C:\CMS\h3ddmig.pch ASSIGN, H3DDMIG, AX, C:\CMS\h3ddmig.h3d Comments 1. For geometric nonlinear subcases, two types of modification commands are available in the external file defined with ASSIGN,STARTER/ENGINE: insert and replace. insert Usage: Inserts content between keywords /INSERT and /ENDINS to the intermediate RADIOSS Block deck at line number LINENUM. Syntax: /INSERT,LINENUM Content to be inserted /ENDINS Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 31 replace Usage: Uses content between keywords /REPLACE and /ENDREP to replace the content in the intermediate RADIOSS Block deck between line numbers LINENUM1 and LINENUM2. Syntax: /REPLACE,LINENUM1, LIMENUM2 Content as replacement /ENDREP 2. The SEINTPNT subcase information entry can only be used to convert interior super element grid points in .h3d files referenced by ASSIGN, H3DDMIG. Limitations: Each subcase can only be defined with a maximum of one ASSIGN,STARTER entry and one ASSIGN,ENGINE entry. In the external file, the line numbers (LINENUM after /INSERT, and LINENUM1 after / REPLACE) should be input in increasing order. For subcases in the same load sequence (defined by CNTNLSUB), ASSIGN,STARTER settings should be identical. 32 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering AUTOSPC I/O Options Entry AUTOSPC - Automatically Constrains Stiffness Singularities Description The AUTOSPC command requests that stiffness singularities and near singularities be constrained automatically with single point constraints. Format Argument Description PRINT Enables the printout of a summary table of singularities. (Default) NOPRINT Disables the printout of a summary table of singularities. PUNCH Creates a PUNCH file with SPC data for each AUTOSPC DOF for each SUBCASE. The SPC SID is the SUBCASE ID. NOPUNCH Do not create a PUNCH file with SPC data for each AUTOSPC DOF for each SUBCASE. (Default) Comments 1. YES is the default. 2. Replaces parameters PARAM,AUTOSPC and PARAM,PRGPST. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 33 CDSMETH I/O Options Entry CDSMETH – Run Control Description The CDSMETH command can be used in component dynamic synthesis method for generating component dynamic matrices at each loading frequency. Format CDSMETH = CDSID Example CDSMETH = 10 Argument Option Description CDSID <INTEGER> ID of CDSMETH in bulk data section. Default = NONE Comments 1. If CDSMETH is specified, only one subcase is allowed. The data corresponding to component dynamic synthesis will be stored in an H3D file with the name, filename_CDS.h3d. 2. The subcase must be a modal frequency response subcase, except it does not require a DLOAD card for load specification. 34 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering CHECK I/O Options Entry CHECK - Run Control Description The CHECK command can be used in the I/O Options section to request that only a model check be performed. Format CHECK Comments 1. Perform model check only. 2. If this keyword is present, only the subroutines which read in the input files are executed. A report that provides information on errors in the model and the memory and disk space requirements is given. 3. Useful for large runs since the amount of memory and time required to perform this function is very small. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 35 CMDE I/O Options Entry CMDE - Output Request Description The CMDE command can be used above the first SUBCASE or within a SUBCASE definition to request component modal synthesis damping energy output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. Format CMDE(format_list,THRESH=thresh,RTHRESH=rthresh,TOP=topn,MODES=mset,TYPE=type) = option Argument Options Description format <H3D, blank> H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (.h3d file). blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. Default = blank thresh Specifies an absolute threshold under which results should not be output. <Real> No default rthresh Specifies a relative threshold under which results should not be output. This value is relative to the corresponding total modal energy. <Real> No default topn <Integer> Specifies that only the top N values should be output. No default 36 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Argument Options type <AVERAGE, AVERAGE: AMPLITUDE, PEAK> The average of the energy is output. Default = AVERAGE AMPLITUDE: The amplitude of the energy is output. PEAK: The peak energy is output. This is the sum of AVERAGE and AMPLITUDE. mset Description <ALL, SID, TOTAL> ALL: Default = ALL option <YES, ALL, NO, NONE> Default = ALL Modal energy is output for all modes. SID: If a set ID is given, modal energy is output only for modes listed in that set. TOTAL: Only the total energy is output. YES, ALL, blank: Modal energy is output. NO, NONE: Modal energy is not output. Comments 1. When the CMDE command is not present, component modal synthesis damping energy is not output. 2. Component modal synthesis damping energy output is only available for frequency response analysis (both direct and modal methods). It is intended for use when external CMS superelements are used. 3. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry; these should be comma separated. If no format is specified, then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. 4. Multiple instances of this card are allowed; if instances are conflicting, the last instance dominates. 5. For optimization, the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. In previous version of OptiStruct, a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used; this method is still supported, but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 37 CMKE I/O Options Entry CMKE - Output Request Description The CMKE command can be used above the first SUBCASE or within a SUBCASE definition to request component modal synthesis kinetic energy output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. Format CMKE(format_list,THRESH=thresh,RTHRESH=rthresh,TOP=topn,MODES=mset,TYPE=type) = option Argument Options Description format <H3D, blank> H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (.h3d file). blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. Default = blank thresh Specifies an absolute threshold under which results should not be output. <Real> No default rthresh Specifies a relative threshold under which results should not be output. This value is relative to the corresponding total modal energy. <Real> No default topn <Integer> Specifies that only the top N values should be output. No default 38 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Argument Options Description type <AVERAGE, AMPLITUDE, PEAK> AVERAGE: The average of the energy is output. Default = AVERAGE AMPLITUDE: The amplitude of the energy is output. PEAK: The peak energy is output. This is the sum of AVERAGE and AMPLITUDE. mset <ALL, SID, TOTAL> ALL: Default = ALL option Modal energy is output for all modes. SID: If a set ID is given, modal energy is output only for modes listed in that set. TOTAL: Only the total energy is output. <YES, ALL, NO, NONE> YES, ALL, blank: Modal energy is output. Default = ALL NO, NONE: Modal energy is not output. Comments 1. When the CMKE command is not present, component modal synthesis kinetic energy is not output. 2. Component modal synthesis kinetic energy output is only available for frequency response analysis (both direct and modal methods). It is intended for use when external CMS superelements are used. 3. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry; these should be comma separated. If no format is specified, then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. 4. Multiple instances of this card are allowed; if instances are conflicting, the last instance dominates. 5. For optimization, the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. In previous version of OptiStruct, a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used; this method is still supported, but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 39 CMSE I/O Options Entry CMSE - Output Request Description The CMSE command can be used above the first SUBCASE or within a SUBCASE definition to request component modal synthesis strain energy output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. Format CMSE(format_list,THRESH=thresh,RTHRESH=rthresh,TOP=topn,MODES=mset,TYPE=type) = option Argument Options Description format <H3D, blank> H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (.h3d file). blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. Default = blank thresh Specifies an absolute threshold under which results should not be output. <Real> No default rthresh Specifies a relative threshold under which results should not be output. This value is relative to the corresponding total modal energy. <Real> No default topn <Integer> Specifies that only the top N values should be output. No default 40 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Argument Options Description type <AVERAGE, AMPLITUDE, PEAK> AVERAGE: The average of the energy is output. Default = AVERAGE AMPLITUDE: The amplitude of the energy is output. PEAK: The peak energy is output. This is the sum of AVERAGE and AMPLITUDE. ALL: Modal energy is output for all modes. SID: If a set ID is given, modal energy is output only for modes listed in that set. TOTAL: Only the total energy is output. YES, ALL, blank: Modal energy is output. NO, NONE: Modal energy is not output. mset <ALL, SID, TOTAL> Default = ALL option <YES, ALL, NO, NONE> Default = ALL Comments 1. When the CMSE command is not present, component modal synthesis strain energy is not output. 2. Component modal synthesis strain energy output is only available for frequency response analysis (both direct and modal methods). It is intended for use when external CMS superelements are used. 3. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry; these should be comma separated. If no format is specified, then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. 4. Multiple instances of this card are allowed; if instances are conflicting, the last instance dominates. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 41 5. 42 For optimization, the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. In previous version of OptiStruct, a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used; this method is still supported, but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering CONTF I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry CONTF – Output Request for Contact Results Description The CONTF entry can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request contact results output for all nonlinear analysis subcases or individual nonlinear analysis subcases respectively. Format CONTF (format, type) = option Type Options Description format <H3D, OPTI, blank> H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (.h3d file). See below for type. OPTI: The total contact force results are output to the .cntf file. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. ALL: All available contact results types are output. FORCE: Contact force results are output. PCONT: Pressure-type contact results are output: pressure, open-closed status, contact gap opening and penetration (see comment 2). FRICT: Friction-related results are output: frictional traction, sliding distance, and stick-slip status (see comment 2). YES, ALL, Contact results are output for all grid Default = blank type <ALL,FORCE, PCONT,FRICT> Default = ALL option <YES, ALL, Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 43 Type Options Description NO, NONE, SID> blank: points. Default = ALL NO, NONE: Contact results are not output. SID: If a set ID is given, contact results are output only for grid points listed in that set. Comments 1. The CONTF entry is only applicable in nonlinear analysis subcases that are identified by the presence of an NLPARM subcase entry. The specific detailed result types displayed differ slightly between NLSTAT and geometrically nonlinear subcases. 2. Most of the contact results are real numbers and are self-explanatory. Some results that may require clarification are listed below: Open/Closed status is represented by 0.0 for Open and 1.0 for Closed. On graphical display, intermediate values may appear due to transition from open to closed across individual elements, Slip/Stick Status is represented by 0.0 for Open, 1.0 for Slip and 2.0 for Stick. On graphical display, intermediate values may appear due to transition of status across individual elements, Sliding Distance represents total sliding distance accumulated while the surfaces are in contact. This may be different than just the difference in displacements between the starting and final position. 3. The calculation of contact results on both sides of contact interface involves projections and mappings. Therefore, a perfect match of results between two sides cannot be expected, especially on mismatched meshes. Also, the resolution of different types of results (pressure versus gap opening) differs according to their respective FEA interpolation order. Therefore, such results may appear locally inconsistent, especially on second order meshes and mismatched mesh densities. (Usually pressure and traction will appear smoother than gap opening or penetration.) 4. Only formats that have been activated by an OUTPUT or FORMAT statement are valid for use on this entry. 5. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry; these should be comma separated. If no format is specified, then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. See Results Output for further information. 6. Multiple instances of this entry are allowed; if the instances conflict, the last instance dominates. 44 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering CSTRAIN I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry CSTRAIN - Output Request Description The CSTRAIN command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request ply strain output for elements referencing PCOMP or PCOMPG properties for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. Format CSTRAIN (format_list,type,extras_list) = option Argument Options Description format <HM, H3D, OPTI, PUNCH, OP2, PLOT, blank> HM: Results are output in HyperMesh results format (.res file). H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (.h3d file). OPTI: Results are output in OptiStruct results format (.cstr file). PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (.pch file). OP2: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (.op2 file) (see comment 10). PLOT: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (.op2 file) when PARAM, POST is defined in the bulk data section. blank: Results are output in all active formats, for which the result is available. Default = blank Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 45 2. THER> No default option Comments 1. PRINC> ALL. NO. When the CSTRAIN command is not present. <YES. SID. 3. ALL. results are output only for elements listed in that set. NONE. The STRAIN I/O option controls the output of strain results for the homogenized composite material. 46 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . MECH: Output Mechanical strain (in addition to total strain). ply strain results are not output. PSID> YES. results for the elements referencing properties listed in the property set are output. This output is only available for H3D format. This output is only available for H3D format. This output is not currently available for the frequency response or transient solution sequences. Default = ALL extras <MECH.Argument Options Description type <ALL. ALL. PSID: If a property set ID is given. Default = YES NO. THER: Output Thermal strain (in addition to total strain). blank: All strain results are output. PRINC: Only principal strain results are output. blank: Results are output for all elements. NONE: Results are not output. SID: If a set ID is given. The SOUT field on the PCOMP or PCOMPG bulk data entry must be set to YES to activate strain results calculation for the corresponding ply. If no format is specified. 6. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. For optimization. this method is still supported. if instances are conflicting. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 47 . Multiple instances of this card are allowed.4.op2 file). format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (. for which the result is available. the last instance dominates. 8. In previous versions of OptiStruct. 7. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used. 10. the results are grouped by GPLYID. For plies defined on a PCOMPG bulk data entry. The mechanical and thermal contributions to strain may be requested in addition to the total strain. 9. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. these should be comma separated. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. 5. blank: All stress results are output.type) = option Argument Options Description format <HM.res file). OP2: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (.pch and . FI> Default = ALL 48 ALL. Failure Index results are not available in the . OptiStruct 13.pch file).CSTRESS I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry CSTRESS . FI: Only failure index results are output. for which the result is available. Format CSTRESS (format_list. blank: Results are output in all active formats.OP2.op2 files. PUNCH. PRINC: Only principal stress results are output. blank> HM: Results are output in HyperMesh results format (. type <ALL.h3d file). PRINC. Default = blank H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . H3D. PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (. OPTI: Results are output in OptiStruct results format (.cstr file).Output Request Description The CSTRESS command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request ply stress and failure index output for elements referencing PCOMP or PCOMPG properties for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. OPTI.op2 file) (see comment 10). ALL. ALL. for which the result is available. NONE.op2 files. the results are grouped by GPLYID. 7. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Failure Index results are not available in the . For optimization. if instances are conflicting. 6. PSID> YES. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands. ply stress and failure index results are not output. 5. 2. NO. 3. 8. the FT and SB fields on PCOMP or PCOMPG bulk data and stress (or strain) allowables on the referenced materials need to be defined. 10. results for the elements referencing properties listed in the property set are output. NONE: Results are not output. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. When the CSTRESS command is not present. In previous versions of OptiStruct. 4. 9. this method is still supported. This output is not currently available for the frequency response or transient solution sequences.Argument Options Description Option <YES. If no format is specified. blank: Results are output for all elements. the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. SID. Default = YES NO. PSID: If a property set ID is given. the last instance dominates. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry.pch and . The STRESS I/O option controls the output of stress results for the homogenized composite material. For plies defined on a PCOMPG bulk data entry. SID: If a set ID is given. these should be comma separated. The SOUT field on the PCOMP or PCOMPG bulk data entry must be set to YES to activate stress results calculation for the corresponding ply. For Failure Indices to be calculated. Comments 1. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 49 . results are output only for elements listed in that set. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 50 OptiStruct 13.op2 file).format (. fat file).h3d file). OPTI. LOAD. Default = blank type <SUB. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. ALL: Damage contribution from each FATEVNT. blank> H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (. EVENT. ALL> Default = SUB Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. damage contribution from each static subcase and total damage from fatigue subcases are all output. Format DAMAGE (format. LOAD: Damage contribution from each static subcase and total damage from the fatigue subcases are output.DAMAGE I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry DAMAGE – Output Request Description The DAMAGE command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request fatigue damage results output for all fatigue subcases or individual fatigue subcases respectively. OPTI: Results are output in OptiStruct results format (. type) = option Argument Options Description format <H3D. SUB: Only the total damage from the fatigue subcase is output. EVENT: Damage contribution from each FATEVNT and total damage from fatigue subcases are output.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 51 . 52 OptiStruct 13. blank: Results are output for all elements. See Results Output by OptiStruct for information on which results are available in which formats. NO. NO. If no format is specified. NONE: Results are not output. these should be comma separated. ALL. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. SID: If a set ID is specified.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2. if instances are conflicting.Argument Options Description option <YES. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. SID> YES. ALL. results are output only for elements listed in that set. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. the last instance dominates. Default = ALL Comments 1. NONE. PLOT: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. OPTI. H3D. DES> Default = DES Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. Format DENSITY (format_list. PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (.DENSITY I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry DENSITY . DES. OP2.h3d file). POST is defined in the bulk data section (see comment 6). OP2: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (.pch file).type) = option Argument Options Description format <HM. PUNCH. H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (. Default = blank type <ALL. blank: Results are only output in the design history simulations.dens file).op2 file) when PARAM. blank> HM: Results are output in HyperMesh results format (. ALL: Results are output in all simulations.op2 file) (see comment 6).Output Request Description The DENSITY command can be used in the I/O Options section to request density output for a topology optimization. OPTI: Results are output in OptiStruct results format (. PLOT.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 53 .res file). if instances are conflicting. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats.op2 file. 5. Outputting the density results in all simulations allows analysis results to be plotted on the density iso-surface in HyperView. The frequency of this output is controlled by the DESIGN keyword on an OUTPUT definition or. by the DENSRES I/O option. 4. 6. 7. Density results are reported as element strain energy in the . the last instance dominates. NONE: Results are not output. If no format is specified. ALL. When the DENSITY command is not present. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. if no OUTPUT definition exists with the DESIGN keyword.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry.Argument Options Description option <YES. NONE> YES. these should be comma separated. 3. 54 OptiStruct 13. Comments 1. NO. density results are output. Density results are only available for topology optimizations. ALL. 2. blank: Results are output Default = YES NO. 3. Format DESGLB = integer Argument Options Description integer < SID > SID: Set identification of a DCONSTR or DCONADD bulk data entry. No default Comments 1.DESGLB I/O Options Entry DESGLB – Constraint Selection Description The DESGLB command can be used in the I/O Options section. This entry is represented as an optimizationconstraint in HyperMesh. to select a constraint set that is not subcase dependent. 2. before the first subcase statement. The constrained response referenced by the DESGLB constraint selection must not be subcase dependent. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 55 . Only one DESGLB entry can be defined in the I/O options section for the entire model. hgdata file is created.Output Control Description The DESHIS command can be used in the I/O Options section to control the creation of the optimization history file . the . 56 When the DESHIS command is not present.hgdata is not created.hgdata file is created. NO> YES.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Comments 1. OptiStruct 13. . blank: Default = YES NO: . ALL.DESHIS I/O Options Entry DESHIS . Format DESHIS = option Argument Options Description option <YES.hgdata. ALL. Format DGLOBAL = n Argument Options Description n (Integer > 0) Identification of a DGLOBAL bulk data entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 57 . 3.DGLOBAL I/O Options Entry DGLOBAL . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This command activates a global search algorithm to run an optimization of user-defined design variables from multiple starting points. This data can exist only once in the I/O section. 2.Input Definition Description The DGLOBAL command can be used in the I/O Options section to activate the Global Search Option (GSO). No default Comments 1. This command must reference a DGLOBAL bulk data entry to run GSO. pch file) or the OUTPUT2 format (.Output Request Description The DISPLACEMENT command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request displacement vector output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. Default = blank OPTI: Results are output in OptiStruct results format (.disp file). SORT2 is used.OP2. Format DISPLACEMENT (sorting. <HM. PATRAN. H3D.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . SORT2> This argument only applies to the PUNCH format (. HG. APATRAN. and transient subcases. PUNCH. It will be ignored without warning if used elsewhere.format. Default = blank format 58 SORT1: Results for each frequency/timestep are grouped together.modal.DISPLACEMENT I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry DISPLACEMENT . blank> HM: Results are output in HyperMesh results format (. for transient analysis.op2 file) output for normal modes. frequency response.rotations. PLOT. if no grid SET is specified. otherwise. SORT1 is used.form. PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (. OptiStruct 13. H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (.res file). SORT2 is used.pch file).h3d file). SORT2: Results for each grid/element are grouped together (See comment 9).complex eigenvalue analysis) = option Argument Options Description sorting <SORT1. blank: For frequency response analysis.random. OPTI.peakoutput. mvw file) – see OUTPUT keywords HGFREQ and HGTRANS. POST is defined in the bulk data section. PHASE. Default (all other formats) = REAL PHASE: Provides polar format (magnitude and phase) of complex output. PLOT: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. HG: Results are output in HyperGraph presentation format (_freq.op2 file) (see comment 12). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. blank: Provides a combined magnitude/phase form of complex output to the . IMAG.res file for the HM output format. BOTH (HM only): Provides both polar and rectangular formats of complex output. <COMPLEX. PATRAN: Results are output in Patran format (multiple files). blank: form Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 59 .Argument Options Description OP2: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. Default (HM only) = COMPLEX REAL or IMAG: Provides rectangular format (real and imaginary) of complex output (See comment 10). Phase output is in degrees (See comment 10). If PARAM. BOTH> COMPLEX (HM only).mvw file and _tran.op2 file) when PARAM. this format allows the form for complex results to be defined for XYPUNCH output without having other output. POST is not defined in the bulk data section. APATRAN: Results are output in Alternative Patran format (multiple files). REAL. The "RMS over Frequencies" output is at the end of the Random results. MODAL: If MODAL is present. Only works with H3D and HM output streams. displacements of the structural modes and residual vectors are output to the PUNCH and OUTPUT2 files for modal frequency response and transient analysis. NOROTA: Rotational displacement results are not output. Rotations are always output with translations for other output streams. Default = Blank modal <MODAL> Default = Blank 60 OptiStruct 13. Valid only for the H3D format. Rotations are always output with translations for other output streams.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . NOROTA> ROTA: Rotational displacement results are output. RMS: Requests only the “RMS over Frequencies” result from random response analysis to be output. Default = NOROTA random <PSDF. Only works with H3D and HM output streams. peakoutput <PEAKOUT> PEAKOUT: If PEAKOUT is present. PSDF: Requests PSD and RMS results from random response analysis to be output. only the filtered frequencies from the PEAKOUT card will be considered for this output. RMS> No default Only valid for the H3D format.Argument Options Description rotations <ROTA. For optimization. NONE: Displacement is not output. In previous version of OptiStruct. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used. The forms BOTH and COMPLEX do not apply to the . ALL. Blank: Displacement results are output for all modes by default (See comment 1). For normal modes output. NONE. ALL. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. The form argument is only applicable for frequency response analysis. 2. except for frequency response subcases. 8. 5. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. 6. NO. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. 4. Comments 1.frf output files. these should be comma separated. It is ignored for other analysis types. When DISPLACEMENT command is not present. the last instance dominates. H3D. Rotation results are output in radians. SID: If a set ID is given. if there is USET U6 data the static residual displacement vectors associated with the USET U6. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. blank: Displacement is output for all grids. 7. If no format is specified. Default = Blank <YES.Argument Options complex eigenvalue analysis <UNSTABLE> option Description UNSTABLE: If UNSTABLE is present. displacement is output for all grids for all subcases. Default = ALL NO. if instances are conflicting. DOF are also output to the PUNCH. the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. this method is still supported. SID> YES. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 61 . and OUTPUT2 files. displacement is output only for grids listed in that set. the displacement results from the unstable modes (only) of a complex eigenvalue analysis are output. … . regardless of the options specified in the FORM field. The four-letter abbreviation DISP is interchangeable with DISPLACEMENT. When results are output only in SORT2 format (<Result Keyword> (SORT2.op2 file is imported into HyperView.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .h3d or .op2 file. In general. The corresponding post-processors (HyperView/HyperGraph) can easily convert the PHASE/MAG format to the required formats. format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (.9. 10. OUTPUT2. but when the . the results are written by OptiStruct into the . Results in binary format (. HyperView does not recognize the SORT2 format for results from the . Results in ASCII formats are output in the specified/requested FORM.op2 file). the SORT1 option is recommended for results output in OUTPUT2 format and SORT2 option is recommended for results output in PUNCH format.)). 11. 62 OptiStruct 13.op2) are always output in PHASE/MAG form. Therefore.op2 file in SORT2 format. 12. the results in SORT2 format are not recognized. when PARAM.reduced stiffness matrix MAmtxname . Only one occurrence of DMIGNAME is permitted.reduced mass matrix Pmtxname . DMIGNAME must appear before the first subcase.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 63 .EXTOUT. See Direct Matrix Approach in the User's Guide for more detailed usage information. Comments 1. Format DMIGNAME = mtxname Argument Options Description mtxname <up to 6 characters> The name given to the reduced matrices written to an external data file. DMIGBIN is used. then the file outfile_mtxname. EXTOUT is present in the bulk data section. If PARAM. Default = AX If PARAM. When a DMIGNAME command is not present.Reduced Matrix Name Definition Description The DMIGNAME command can be used in the I/O Options section to define the name given to the reduced matrices written to an external data file.pch is created.DMIGNAME I/O Options Entry DMIGNAME . 2. DMIGPCH is used. EXTOUT. 3. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. AX is used for mtxname.dmg is created. then the file outfile_mtxname. 4.reduced loading matrix Note: The reduced mass matrix is only output if an eigenvalue subcase is present in the input file and the reduced loading matrix is only output if a linear static subcase is present in the input file. Both files contain the matrices: KAmtxname . Design Sensitivity Analysis Output Request Description The DSA command can be used in the I/O Options section to request Design Sensitivity Analysis results in a frequency response analysis. . 64 OptiStruct 13.PROPERTY)=12 DSA(VELO.PEAKOUT)=45 DSA(ACCE.PEAKOUT.VELO The options are Displacement. PEAKOUT. Velocity and Acceleration respectively.SCALE)=23 Argument Options Description TYPE <DISP.DSA I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry DSA . the filtered frequencies from the PEAKOUT card will be considered for DSA results. If the “PROPERTY” flag is present: This indicates that design sensitivities represent the change in design response due to a change in design properties (instead of design variables).ACCE> Default = DISP PEAKOUT Default = blank PROPERTY Default = blank If PEAKOUT is present inside the parentheses of the DSA entry. PROPERTY) = SID Examples DSA(DISP. If the “PROPERTY” flag is not present: This indicates that design sensitivities represent the change in design response due to a change in design variables. Format DSA (TYPE.PRES. Pressure.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . In the H3D file. If the input deck contains a valid optimization setup. the last instance dominates. NOUSER Yes No (responses are automatically defined) Design variables and their corresponding design properties must be defined in the input deck if sensitivity output is requested through the DSA entry. OUTPUT. If it is defined within a specific subcase then it is applied to that subcase only. if instances are conflicting. DRESP3) Output Sensitivities requested via the DSA output request OUTPUT.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 65 . Comments 1. DRESP2. USER Yes Yes OUTPUT. the "SCALE" value is only printed when the PROPERTY argument is not present within the parentheses of the DSA entry. H3DSENS. 3. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. H3DSENS. If this entry is defined above the first subcase then it is applied to all subcases. then a MASS objective function is automatically created along with responses and constraints corresponding to the DSA request. H3DSENS can be used to include (or exclude) user-defined responses in the DSA output. 5. 4. Sensitivities output from a complete Optimization setup (User-defined/specified responses via DRESP1. If the input deck doesn't contain any optimization data (apart from DESVAR’s). so the scaling factor is not required in the H3D file. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The sensitivities are pre-scaled when the PROPERTY argument is present in the DSA entry. The table below lists the sensitivities that are output for each option.Argument Options SID <SID> Description SID refers to the ID of a SET of type GRIDC. then it's augmented with the DSA request. 2. SPOINT.out file until and ECHOON command is encountered.Output Control ECHOOFF .FREQ1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Subcase Information. Default = blank 66 OptiStruct 13. or Bulk Data sections causing the (verbatim) output of any subsequent I/O options. {cardname}.ECHO/ECHOON/ECHOOFF I/O Options Entry ECHO . EXCEPT {cardname}.Output Control ECHOON .out file.DPHASE.TABDMP1) Argument Options Description option1 <SHORT. PROP. or bulk data entries to the .EIGRL.Output Control Description The ECHO command can be used in the I/O Options section causing the output of the interpreted forms of subcase information and bulk data entries to the .out file.out file until an ECHOOFF command is encountered. subcase information. subcase information.SPCADD.PARAM.MPCADD. DLOAD.out file.ASET1. Subcase Information.SPC1. ELEM> PUNCH: Writes interpreted echo of all bulk data entries to the . PUNCH. {cardname}: Only bulk data entries with the given {cardname} are echoed to the . The ECHOOFF command can be used in the I/O Options.DAREA.RLOAD2. or bulk data entries to the . The ECHOON command can be used in the I/O Options. Format ECHO = option1 ECHOON = option2 ECHOOFF Example ECHO = SORT(EIGR.echo file. blank> SHORT: Only entries having less than 20 instances are echoed to the . <MAT.TABLED1. or Bulk Data sections suppressing the output of any subsequent I/O options. and most cards are sorted by their numerical IDs. but not identical to the input: For most of the optional fields. Default = blank Comments 1. or a CMASS1 card shows as a CMASS3 when only scalar points are referenced).OSDIAG will not be shown. optimization cards appear after model definition cards. 4. a CQUADR card shows as CQUAD4. blank: Bulk data entries are echoed verbatim. Unreferenced cards may not show in the printout. The interpreted echo always includes SUBCASE cards (solution related). PROP. blank: Writes interpreted forms of all subcase information and bulk data entries to the . 5. thus it will be equivalent. ELEM: Adds all cards of the specified class to the list for ECHO.DOPTRM.out file. The interpreted echo may contain some cards that are automatically generated or converted during reading (for example. Optional continuation cards may be printed even if they did not appear in the input.Argument Options Option2 Description <PARSED> EXCEPT {cardname}: Only bulk data entries with the given {cardname} are not echoed. Some values which would generate warning on the input will be printed after adjustment. Fields which are not recognized or not used by OptiStruct are left blank. the blank from input will be printed in ECHO as default value. PARAM. for example. The cards are organized within groups. When an ECHO command is not present. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. PARSED: Bulk data entries are converted to free format (comma separated) before echoing. 2. 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 67 . ECHO will be produced from internal representation of each card. no input information is echoed. MAT. but not output control cards. which are printed using free format (comma separated fields) with 10 decimal digits accuracy.1 anywhere in the control section will force full printout of DMIG cards if the interpreted echo is requested.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Multiple ECHO cards are allowed. or property names. ECHOON / ECHOOFF cards may appear in any section of the input deck. However. material. 10. those cards are automatically generated internally to OptiStruct. MAT. DMIG cards are usually very large and are not shown in the interpreted echo. or PROP keywords. but ECHO will not be usable in these cases as such IDs cannot be printed in fixed format. EXCEPT may appear anywhere (for example.999 is allowed. The .echo file generated when 'ECHO = PUNCH' is defined represents a copy of the input deck in a form suitable to use for another solution which. should generate identical results (round off error may be noticeable if the original input deck uses large field format). respectively. 9. which is equivalent to listing all valid element.999. {cardname} contains the list of all cards which are to be included in the interpreted echo (or excluded.6. Note that the use of IDs larger than 99. and they will be not correct. All comment cards. before or after {cardname} list) and may be repeated on multiple cards. and should simply be deleted. 68 OptiStruct 13. 8. all parameters of these cards are accumulated in the order in which they are input. 11. Also some cards with a negative ID may be printed in ECHO. when used with the same Subcase Information and I/O Options entries. and characters after the $ character on any card will not be printed in any ECHO format.167. if EXCEPT keyword is present). In particular. the ECHO may require manual editing before being acceptable as input for OptiStruct. The interpreted echo is always printed using a fixed field format (8 character fields) except GRID and DMIG cards. in some cases. This list may contain ELEM. 7. Adding the card: OSDIAG. some optimization cards may be printed with information already modified internally. empty cards. op2 file) when PARAM. PUNCH.res file). PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (. This is the sum of AVERAGE and AMPLITUDE. Default = blank type <AVERAGE.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 69 . POST is defined in the bulk data section. OP2. type. Format EDE (format_list. PLOT: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. AMPLITUDE: In frequency response analysis the amplitude of energy is output.EDE I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry EDE . dmig) = option Argument Option Description format <HM.op2 file) (see comment 8). PEAK: In frequency response analysis the peak energy is output.h3d file). blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available.pch file). OP2: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. PLOT. blank> HM: Results are output in HyperMesh results format (. AVERAGE: In frequency response analysis average energy is output. PEAK> Default = AVERAGE see Comment 7 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. AMPLITUDE.Output Request Description The EDE command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request element energy loss per cycle and element energy loss per cycle density output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. H3D. H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (. 5. the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. NONE: Element damping energy and damping energy density are not output. YES. the last instance dominates. In previous versions of OptiStruct. SID> Default = ALL Comments 1. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. 7. element damping energy and damping energy density are output only for elements listed in that set. SID: If a set ID is given.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . if instances are conflicting. NODMIG> DMIG: Results are provided for external superelements in the . 6. 2. They are listed as follows: 70 OptiStruct 13.Argument Option Description dmig <DMIG. There are three ways to calculate the Element Damping Energy in Frequency Response Analysis. NO. ALL. these should be comma separated. Default = NODMIG option <YES. 3. ALL. If no format is specified. blank: Element damping energy and damping energy density are output for all elements. When an EDE command is not present. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. element damping energy and damping energy density is not output. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. NO. NODMIG: Results are not provided for external superelements in the .out file. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. NONE. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used. For optimization. Initial thermal strain is included in the calculation of element energy loss per cycle and element energy loss per cycle density. Type only applies to frequency response analysis. this method is still supported. 4.out file. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 71 . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.Type of Output Formula Average Amplitude Peak Where.op2 file). format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (. E = Elemental Energy {Ur } = Displacement (Real Part) {Ui } = Displacement (Imaginary Part) [Be ] = Elemental Damping 8. for example). on Windows.eigv. If OUTFILE is not defined. # is the integer argument of the EIGVSAVE subcase information entry or one of the integer arguments of the EIGVRETRIEVE subcase information entry. They may be enclosed in quotes (double or single quotes can be used). Format EIGVNAME = prefix Argument Description prefix The prefix to be used for the saving and retrieval of external eigenvalue data files. OptiStruct uses the following rules for the EIGVNAME card: When the argument contains an absolute path of the file (if it starts with "/" on UNIX or a drive letter. Prefixes specified on the EIGVNAME card can be arbitrary file prefixes with optional paths appropriate to the operating system (Windows or UNIX). 5. 3. See Guidelines for I/O Options and Subcase Information Entries for an example showing how to enter long file names on multiple lines. 72 OptiStruct 13. Comments 1. and either forward slash (/) or back slash (\) characters can be used to separate parts of the path name. the OUTFILE prefix definition is used. the prefix of the input file is used. When an EIGVNAME command is not present. OptiStruct creates . such as "D:".eigv).Filename Prefix Definition Description The EIGVNAME command can be used in the I/O Options section to define the prefix to be used for external eigenvalue data files (. 4. Only one occurrence of EIGVNAME is permitted. 2. The external eigenvalue data file name is of the form <prefix>_#.eigv files at the given location. This data can be on a single line or span multiple continuation lines. EIGVNAME must appear before the first subcase. where <prefix> is defined here. The total length of information on this card is limited to 200 characters (including the card name and spaces between arguments).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .EIGVNAME I/O Options Entry EIGVNAME . and NOT in the directory where the input file is located.eigv files will be created in the current directory. When the argument contains a relative path (.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 73 .When only the file prefix is given (without the path). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.eigv files will be created in a directory relative to where OptiStruct is executed and NOT relative to the directory where the input file is located. for example).. . . meaning the directory from which OptiStruct has been executed./filename or sub/filename. h3d file). PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (. Default = blank type see Comment 7 74 OptiStruct 13. This is the sum of AVERAGE and AMPLITUDE.Output Request Description The EKE command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request kinetic energy and kinetic energy density output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. PEAK: In frequency response analysis the peak energy is output. <AVERAGE.op2 file) when PARAM. peakoutput) = option Argument Option Description format <HM.pch file).EKE I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry EKE . OP2. POST is defined in the bulk data section. PLOT: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. type.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . PLOT. Default = AVERAGE AMPLITUDE: In frequency response analysis the amplitude of energy is output. Format EKE (format_list. dmig. AMPLITUDE. OP2: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. PEAK> AVERAGE: In frequency response analysis average energy is output. PUNCH. H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (. H3D.op2 file) (see comment 8).res file). blank> HM: Results are output in HyperMesh results format (. peakoutput Default = blank option <YES.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 75 . NONE. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used. ALL. SID: If a set ID is given. In previous versions of OptiStruct. ALL. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. this method is still supported. NODMIG> DMIG: Results are provided for external superelements in the .Argument Option Description dmig <DMIG. 3. <PEAKOUT> PEAKOUT: If PEAKOUT is present. the last instance dominates. Initial thermal strain is included in the calculation of kinetic energy and kinetic energy density. Default = ALL NO. if instances are conflicting. these should be comma separated. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. SID> blank: Element kinetic energy and kinetic energy density are output for all elements. For optimization. element kinetic energy and kinetic energy density are output only for elements listed in that set. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. YES. 2. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats.out file. If no format is specified. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. When an EKE command is not present. Comments 1. element kinetic energy and kinetic energy density is not output. NONE: Element kinetic energy and kinetic energy density are not output. Default = NODMIG NODMIG: Results are not provided for external superelements in the . See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. 5.out file. 4. only the filtered frequencies from the PEAKOUT card will be considered for this output. NO. the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. E = Element Energy {vr } = Real part of Velocity {vi } = Imaginary part of Velocity [Me] = Element Mass 8. There are three ways to calculate the Element Kinetic Energy in Frequency Response Analysis.6. 7. Type only applies to frequency response analysis. OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 76 format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (. They are listed as follows: Type of Output Formula Average Amplitude Peak Where.op2 file). SID. ALL: All energy results are output. ENERG. blank> H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (. NO.ENERGY I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry ENERGY . Default = blank type <ALL.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 77 . NONE: Energy results are not output. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. energy results are output only for elements listed in that set. HOURG> Default = ALL option <YES. blank: PSID> Energy results are output for all elements. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. HOURG: Hourglass energy only is output. Format ENERGY (format. YES. ALL. SID: If a set ID is given.Output Request for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Subcase Description The ENERGY command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request energy output for all geometric nonlinear analysis subcases or individual geometric nonlinear analysis subcases respectively. NONE. type) = option Argument Option Description format <H3D. ALL. Default = ALL NO.h3d file). ENERG: All energy results without hourglass energy are output. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. 3. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. ENERGY is only applicable for geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by an ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. these should be comma separated. If no format is specified. energy results for the elements referencing properties listed in the property set are output. Only formats that have been activated by an OUTPUT or FORMAT statement are valid for use on this card. IMPDYN or EXPDYN subcase entry. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. 2. if instances are conflicting.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Argument Option Description PSID: If a property set ID is given. the last instance dominates. Comments 1. 4. 78 OptiStruct 13. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. It is ignored for all other subcases. PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (. these should be comma separated. This is a normal velocity squared for each grid specified in the panel definition.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 79 . respectively. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. NO. NONE: Equivalent radiated power is not output. NONE> Default = ALL YES. ALL. blank> H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Equivalent radiated power is output for all panels. Default = blank grid <GRID> Default = blank option <YES.Output Request Description The ERP command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request equivalent radiated power output for all subcases or individual subcases. blank: NO.pch file). blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. PUNCH. GRID: Output the contribution of each grid in addition to the ERP results for the PANEL. ALL. If no format is specified. grid) = option Argument Option Description format <H3D. Format ERP (format_list. Comments 1. defined by ERPPNL or PANELG (TYPE=ERP).h3d file).ERP I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry ERP . At least one of the bulk data entries ERPPNL or PANELG (TYPE=ERP) needs to be specified. The ERP is calculated as half the normal velocity squared of each grid multiplied by the associated area of each grid on the panel. 3. The calculation of ERP in decibels (dB) is performed using the PARAM data RHOCP and ERPREFDB in the equation below.2. 5. The parameters for the speed of sound (ERPC). 6. and radiation loss factor (ERPRLF) are used in the calculation of ERP using the formula below. In addition to the ERP values. the following results are output to the . ERPREFDB is the reference value in dB and RHOCP is the scale factor: 7.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . In previous version of OptiStruct. this method is still supported.pch file: total ERP over the loading frequencies. For optimization. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. 80 OptiStruct 13. and ERP expressed in decibels ERBdB = 10 * log 10 (ERP) at each loading frequency. if instances are conflicting. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used. if the ERP Output Request is used. fraction of the total ERP at each loading frequency. fluid density (ERPRHO). the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. the last instance dominates. 4. op2 file) when PARAM. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 81 . PEAK: In frequency response analysis the peak energy is output. dmig. AVERAGE: In frequency response analysis average energy is output. OP2. Format ESE (format_list. type. POST is defined in the bulk data section.res file). peakoutput) = option Argument Option Description format <HM.h3d file). PLOT: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (. AMPLITUDE: In frequency response analysis the amplitude of energy is output. blank> HM: Results are output in HyperMesh results format (. PUNCH.op2 file) (see comment 8).pch file). H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (. PLOT. H3D.ESE I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry ESE . Default = blank type <AVERAGE. OP2: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. AMPLITUDE. PEAK> Default = AVERAGE See Comment 7 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This is the sum of AVERAGE and AMPLITUDE.Output Request Description The ESE command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request strain energy and strain energy density output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. When an ESE command is not present. ALL. NO. 5. the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . YES. Default = NODMIG peakoutput <PEAKOUT> Default = blank option <YES. element strain energy and strain energy density is not output. NONE: Element strain energy and strain energy density are not output. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. 2. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. element strain energy and strain energy density are output only for elements listed in that set. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. this method is still supported. SID: If a set ID is given. For optimization. 82 OptiStruct 13. only the filtered frequencies from the PEAKOUT card will be considered for this output.out file. the last instance dominates. these should be comma separated. ALL. 3. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats.Argument Option Description dmig <DMIG. if instances are conflicting. In previous versions of OptiStruct. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used. If no format is specified. SID> Default = ALL Comments 1.out file. Initial thermal strain is included in the calculation of strain energy and strain energy density. 4. PEAKOUT: If PEAKOUT is present. NODMIG> DMIG: Results are provided for external superelements in the . NODMIG: Results are not provided for external superelements in the . NONE. NO. blank: Element strain energy and strain energy density are output for all elements. Type only applies to frequency response analysis. E = Elemental Energy {u r } = Displacement (Real Part) {u i } = Displacement (Imaginary Part) [Ke] = Elemental Stiffness 8. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 7.op2 file). There are three ways to calculate the Element Strain Energy in Frequency Response Analysis. They are listed as follows: Type of Output Formula Average Amplitude Peak Where.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 83 . format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (.6. pch file).h3d file). POST is defined in the bulk data section. respectively. PLOT: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. transient heat transfer analysis subcases or individual heat transfer analysis subcases. Default = blank option 84 OptiStruct 13. blank: Flux results are output for all valid elements. OP2: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. <YES. ALL. PLOT. Default = ALL NO. blank> PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (. SID> YES. NONE. SID: If a set ID is given. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (. NONE: Flux results are not output. ALL. H3D. Format FLUX (format_list) = option Argument Options Description format <PUNCH.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . flux results are output only for elements referenced by that set.op2 file) (see comment 5).op2 file) when PARAM. OP2. NO.FLUX I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry FLUX – Output Request Description The FLUX command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request temperature gradient and flux output for all steady-state heat transfer analysis subcases. 3. if instances are conflicting. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. If no format is specified. the last instance dominates. Flux output is only available for steady-state heat transfer analysis and transient heat transfer analysis solution sequences. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. See Results Output for information on the results available and their respective formats. 2. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (. When the FLUX command is not present.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 85 . 4.op2 file). 5. these should be comma separated. flux results are not output.Comments 1. otherwise. for transient analysis.FORCE/ELFORCE I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry FORCE . if no element SET is specified. random. blank: For frequency response analysis. SORT2> This argument only applies to the PUNCH format (.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . frequency response. OP2. SORT2 is used. SORT2 is used.res file). Default = blank 86 OptiStruct 13.op2 file) output for normal modes. peakoutput.h3d file). type. OPTI. H3D. form. SORT1 is used. OPTI: Results are output in OptiStruct results format (. SORT2: Results for each grid/element are grouped together (See comment 8). modal) = option Argument Options Description sorting <SORT1.force file). blank> SORT1: Results for each frequency/ timestep are grouped together. HM: Results are output in HyperMesh result format (. Default = blank format <HM. PUNCH. PLOT. and transient subcases. It will be ignored without warning if used elsewhere. format_list. H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (. location.pch file) or the OUTPUT2 format (.Output Request Description The FORCE command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request element force output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. Format FORCE (sorting. POST is not defined in the bulk data section. POST is defined in the bulk data section. IMAG. The Tensor Default (all other formats) = REAL type <TENSOR. If PARAM. BOTH> Default (HM only) = COMPLEX COMPLEX (HM Provides a combined magnitude/ only).op2 file) when PARAM. OP2: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. TENSOR: Force results are output for all solution sequences in which force results are supported.res file for the HM output format. BOTH (HM only): Provides both rectangular and polar formats of complex output.op2 file) (see comment 11). REAL. OptiStruct 13. blank: form <COMPLEX. IMAG: Provides rectangular format (real and imaginary) of complex output.Argument Options Description PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (. PHASE.pch file). blank: phase form of complex output to the . this format allows the form for complex results to be defined for XYPUNCH output without having other output. DIRECT> Default = TENSOR Altair Engineering Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. REAL. PHASE: Provides polar format (phase and magnitude) of complex output. PLOT: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 87 . CORNER. BILIN> Default = CENTER random <PSDF. The Direct format is used for H3D output (See comment 9). CORNER or BILIN: Element forces for shell elements are output at the element center and at the grid points using bilinear extrapolation. CUBIC. SGAGE.Argument Options Description format is used for H3D output (See comment 9). CENTER: Element forces for shell and solid elements are output at the element center only. PSDF: Requests PSD and RMS results from random response analysis to be output for CBUSH elements only. OptiStruct 13.h3d file. SGAGE: Element forces for shell elements are output at the element center and grid points using the strain gage approach. RMS> DIRECT: Force results are output for all solution sequences in which force results are supported.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No default Only valid for H3D format. RMS: 88 Requests only the “RMS over Frequencies” result from random response analysis to be output for CBUSH elements only. The "RMS over Frequencies" output is at the end of the Random results in the . CUBIC: Element forces for shell elements are output at the element center and grid points using the strain gage approach with cubic bending correction. location <CENTER. SID: If a set ID is given. * CFAST elements or their corresponding force results are available for post-processing in HyperView only if the . Default = ALL NO. SCALAR DAMPER (CDAMP1. GAP (CGAP). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. It is ignored in other instances. ROD (CROD). The form argument is only applicable for frequency response analysis. FASTENER (CFAST)*.fem file is loaded as a model (procedure used in comment 9). CTRIA). FORCE results are available for ELAS (CELAS1. CELAS4). CDAMP3.Argument Options Description Valid only for the H3D format. 2. BAR (CBAR. BUSH (CBUSH). CDAMP4) and WELD (CWELD) elements. SID> YES. force is output only for valid elements listed in that set. The forms BOTH and COMPLEX do not apply to the . ALL. CELAS3. force is not output. NONE. When neither FORCE nor ELFORCE commands are present. only the filtered frequencies from the PEAKOUT card will be considered for this output. <YES. element forces of the structural modes and residual vectors are output to the PUNCH and OUTPUT2 files for modal frequency response and transient analysis. PLATE (CQUAD. CBEAM). blank: Element force is output for all valid elements. CELAS2. MODAL: If MODAL is present. <PEAKOUT> Default = blank modal <MODAL> Default = blank option Comments 1.frf output files. CDAMP2. peakoutput PEAKOUT: If PEAKOUT is present. NO. 4. VISCOUS DAMPER (CVISC). NONE: Force is not output. ALL. 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 89 . 90 OptiStruct 13. the SORT1 option is recommended for results output in OUTPUT2 format and SORT2 option is recommended for results output in PUNCH format. 11.fem file is loaded in the Load Model field and the results file is loaded in the Load Results field (below is an example illustration of the HyperView Load model and results: panel).op2 file. if instances are conflicting.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Therefore. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. For optimization. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. OUTPUT2. 8. the results are written by OptiStruct into the . format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (. 9. 7. In general. this method is still supported. these should be comma separated. HyperView does not recognize the SORT2 format for results from the . For shell elements force results are given as force/unit length. the last instance dominates. If no format is specified. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. Make sure that the Advanced option is selected from the Result Math Template: menu. the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. Vector and Tensor plots of some element force results (weld. 6.)). 10. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. but when the . … .op2 file is imported into HyperView. the results in SORT2 format are not recognized.5. When results are output only in SORT2 format (<Result Keyword> (SORT2. beam/bar and gap elements) are available for post-processing in HyperView only if the . In previous versions of OptiStruct. Multiple instances of this card are allowed.op2 file).op2 file in SORT2 format. BOTH.Output Control Description The FORMAT command can be used in the I/O Options section to indicate the format in which results are to be output. O2. APATRAN outputs the same files using an alternative file naming convention. H3D. BOTH: Same as defining both HM and OPTI. OPTI. HM. O2.h3d file) and an HTML report (. OUT2. HYPER. APATRAN. Format FORMAT = option Argument Options Description option OPTI. NASTRAN. PATRAN. H3D: Hyper3D binary results file (.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 91 . PUNCH: The Nastran punch file format (. PATRAN: A number of Patran ASCII results files are output. HM. NASTRAN. ASCII: OptiStruct ASCII results files are output. OS. OP2: Nastran binary output2 file format (. PUNCH.html file) are output. NONE> Default = FLX Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. FLX. FLX: Same as defining both HM and H3D. OS. PLOT.FORMAT I/O Options Entry FORMAT . HYPER: The HyperMesh binary results file (. OUT2.pch file) is output.op2 file) is output <ASCII. PATRAN.res file) is output. OP2. 3. 4. If no format is defined by the OptiStruct configuration file. If neither of these entries are defined. 2. Multiple FORMAT commands are allowed. format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (. PLOT: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. Cannot be used in combination with other FORMAT commands. It is recommended to use the OUTPUT command instead of the FORMAT command since it is more flexible and allows different frequencies of output for different formats during an optimization. then both the HM and H3D formats are active by default.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Argument Options Description (see comment 4).op2 file) when PARAM. Comments 1. the output formats defined in the OptiStruct Configuration File are used. Information provided on OUTPUT entries takes precedence over information provided on FORMAT entries. NONE: Analysis output is not required. 92 OptiStruct 13.op2 file). POST is defined in the bulk data section. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands. Multiple instances of this card are allowed.h3d file). Results are output for all elements. blank> H3D: Default = blank option <YES. See Results Output by OptiStruct for information on which results are available.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 93 . 3. in which formats. SID: If a set ID is provided.NONE: Results are not output.NO. blank: NO.ALL.FOS I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry FOS – Output Request Description The FOS command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request fatigue factor of safety output for all fatigue subcases or individual fatigue subcases. When a FOS command is not present.ALL. Format FOS (format_list) = option Argument Options Description format <H3D.fat file). if instances are conflicting. OPTI: Results are output in OptiStruct results format (. fatigue FOS results are not output.SID. Comments 1.PSID> Default = ALL Results are output in Hyper3D format (. YES. these should separated by a comma. the last instance dominates. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. results are output only for elements listed in that set. If no format is specified. for which the result is available.OPTI. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. 2. NONE. pch file). REAL.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .GPFORCE I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry GPFORCE .op2 file) when PARAM. However. elem. NOELEM> Default = NOELEM form 94 <REAL. the TOTAL value for each GRID includes the element contributions. IMAG. PUNCH. OP2. ELEM: GPFORCE results in the H3D output file includes element contributions. Format GPFORCE (format_list. OPTI.op2 file) (see comment 9). PLOT. POST is defined in the bulk data section. NOELEM: GPFORCE results in the H3D output file will not include element contributions.gpf file). OPTI: Results are output in OptiStruct results format (. IMAG: Provides rectangular format (real and imaginary) of complex output.Output Request Description The GPFORCE command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request grid point force balance output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. PLOT: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. OP2: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (.h3d file). peakoutput. Default = blank elem (H3D only) <ELEM. PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (. modal) = option Argument Options Description format <H3D. PHASE> OptiStruct 13. blank> H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (. form. 2. grid point force balance is output only for nodes listed in that set. GPFORCE output is available for the following solution sequences: Solution Sequences Output Formats Static Analysis H3D. OP2. PCH. grid point force balance is not output. When a GPFORCE command is not present. ALL. OP2. PCH. OPT Modal Frequency Response Analysis H3D. grid point forces of the structural modes and residual vectors are output to the PUNCH and OUTPUT2 files for modal frequency response and transient analysis. PEAKOUT: If PEAKOUT is present. NONE: Grid point force balance is not output. only the filtered frequencies from the PEAKOUT card will be considered for this output. YES. OPT Normal Modes Analysis H3D. PCH. ALL. peakoutput <PEAKOUT> Default = blank modal <MODAL> Default = blank option <YES.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 95 . OP2. PCH Direct Frequency Response Analysis H3D. NO. OP2.Argument Options Description Default = REAL PHASE: Provides polar format (phase and magnitude) of complex output. Comments 1. MODAL: If MODAL is present. NO. OPT Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. SID: If a set ID is given. NONE. SID> blank: Default = ALL Grid point force balance is output for all elements. if instances are conflicting. If no format is specified.op2 file). 9. the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. 5. these should be comma separated. and acoustic analyses. this method is still supported.3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . It is only available for linear static. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used. The form argument is only applicable for frequency response analysis.h3d output is specifically added for the load transfer path analysis with NVDirector. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. frequency response. It is ignored in other instances. In previous versions of OptiStruct. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. 6. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. GPFORCE in . 4. For optimization. the last instance dominates.op2 output can only be post-processed with the Free Body Diagram (FBD) tools in HyperMesh. 7. GPFORCE in . format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (. 96 OptiStruct 13. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. 8. blank: GPKE results are output for all elements. Format GPKE (format_list) = option Argument Options Description format <PUNCH. run times increase if GPKE=ALL or a coupled mass matrix (PARAM. GPKE results are output only for grids listed in that set. 3. as the entire eigenvector for each mode must be calculated and stored. NO. Default = ALL NO. For large problems solved using EIGRA. <YES. SID: If a set ID is given. NONE. Grid point kinetic energy is written in % of the total kinetic energy of all grids in the structure.COUPMASS. ALL. NONE: GPKEs results are not output.NO) provides more meaningful results. 2.YES). blank> PUNCH: Default = blank option Results are output in Nastran punch results format (. GPKE results for each grid are the same regardless of the requested option (ALL.COUPMASS. Note that if the coupled mass matrix is used (PARAM.pch file). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Comments 1.Output Request for Grid Point Kinetic Energy Description The GPKE command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request grid point kinetic energy output for normal modes subcases.COUPMASS.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 97 . then the results at each GRID are influenced by all GRID connected to that GRID. SID> YES. Using a diagonal mass matrix formulation (PARAM. YES.GPKE I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry GPKE . ALL.YES) is specified. or SID). Therefore. Format GPSTRESS (format_list. blank: Both the globally averaged GPSTRESS results and the GPSTRESS results averaged by property for each property are output. blank> HM: Results are output in HyperMesh results format (. PUNCH. OP2: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. Default = blank averaging <GLOBAL.pch file). type) = option Argument Options Description format <HM. BYPROP.h3d file).op2 file) (see comment 8). averaging. BYPROP> Default = BYPROP 98 OptiStruct 13. GLOBAL: Only the globally averaged GPSTRESS results are output. PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch format (.res file). H3D. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. OP2.Output Request Description The GPSTRESS command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request grid point stresses output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (.GPSTRESS/GSTRESS I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry GPSTRESS . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. grid point stresses are output only for nodes listed in that set. If no format is specified. DIRECT: All stress results are output. TENSOR: All stress results are output. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. 3. MAXS. When PARAM. NONE. these should be comma separated. grid point stress contributions are only calculated for fully dense elements. grid point stresses are not output. REANAL is used. PRINC. SID: If a set ID is given. <YES. PRINC. NONE: Grid point stresses are not output. 2. DIRECT> VON: Only von Mises Stress results are output. Default = ALL option Comments 1. When an analysis only run is performed. SID> YES.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 99 . 4. ALL. Tensor format is used for H3D output. ALL. ALL. Grid point stresses are not available for elements which form part of a topology design space. When a GPSTRESS command is not present. ALL. SHEAR: The von Mises and maximum principal stress results are output. Direct format is used for H3D output. MAXS. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. TENSOR. blank: Grid point stresses output for all elements. SHEAR. blank: All stress results are output. grid point stresses are available for all solid elements.Argument Options Description type <VON. NO. Grid point stresses are only available for solid elements. Default = ALL NO. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. 5. the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. 6. 7. the last instance dominates. Grid point stresses are output for the entire model and for each individual PSOLID component. this method is still supported.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This allows grid point stresses to be accurately obtained at the interface of two components referencing different material definitions. In previous versions of OptiStruct. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used. 8. 100 OptiStruct 13.op2 file). if instances are conflicting. For optimization. 2: Objective function and maximum percent constraint violation. If blank: no output to . a value of 31 is assumed. 16: All DRESP3 responses. you would enter: HISOUT = 9 Comments 1. Format HISOUT = option Argument Options Description option <Integer <32> HISOUT value is equal to the sum of the desired options: Default = 31 1: Design variable.hgdata file. 8: All DRESP2 responses.HISOUT I/O Options Entry HISOUT . 4: All non-stress responses. When a HISOUT command is not present. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 101 .Output Control Description The HISOUT command can be used in the I/O Options section to control the amount of data printed to the . Example: If you wanted design variables and all DRESP2 responses.hgdata file. No default Comments 1. 102 HYBDAMP can be set at the global level in the I/O Options section.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .HYBDAMP I/O Options Entry HYBDAMP – Apply Hybrid Damping to the Residual Structure in a Direct or Transient Frequency Response Analysis Description The HYBDAMP command can be used in the I/O Options section to request modal damping as a function of the natural frequency of the model in Dynamic Analysis. It can exist only once in the I/O Options section. Format HYBDAMP = option Argument Option Description option < SID > SID: Set identification of HYBDAMP in bulk data entry. OptiStruct 13. 3. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. No default Comments 1. and either forward slash (/) or back slash (\) characters can be used to separate parts of the path name./filename or sub/filename. Subcase Information. 2. 4. such as "D:". the file at the given location is used. See Guidelines for I/O Options and Subcase Information Entries for an example showing how to enter long file names on multiple lines. INCLUDE commands may be placed at any location in the input file. Names specified on the INCLUDE card can be arbitrary file names with optional paths appropriate to the operating system (Windows or UNIX). Represented through the master model in HyperMesh. for example). or Bulk Data sections to indicate that the contents of another file are to be inserted into the input file at the exact location of the include command. or to the directory where the main file is located. The INCLUDE command supports path names of up to 200 characters in length. This data can be on a single line or span multiple continuation lines. but must include information appropriate to that location.INCLUDE I/O Options and Bulk Data Entry INCLUDE .File Selection Description The INCLUDE command can be used in the I/O Options. for example). When the argument contains a relative path (.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 103 . The following rules are used to locate a file referenced on the INCLUDE card: When the argument contains the absolute path of the file (if it starts with "/" on UNIX or a drive letter. the file has to be located in the same directory as the file containing the INCLUDE command. it is located in the directory relative to the file containing the INCLUDE command and is NOT relative to the directory in which the solver was executed. They may be enclosed in quotes (double or single quotes can be used). When only the file prefix is given (without the path). on Windows.. Format INCLUDE option Argument Options Description option <filename> filename: the path to and the name of the file to be included. SID: If a set ID is given. OPTI. Format LIFE (format_list) = option Argument Options Description format <H3D. fatigue life results are not output. if instances are conflicting.fat file). NONE: Results are not output.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . SID> Default = ALL Comments 1. NO. results are output only for elements listed in that set. these should be comma separated. YES. OPTI: Results are output in OptiStruct results format (. ALL. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. When a LIFE command is not present.LIFE I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry LIFE – Output Request Description The LIFE command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request output of fatigue life results for all fatigue subcases or individual fatigue subcases respectively. See Results Output by OptiStruct for information on which results are available in which formats. blank: Results are output for all elements. Default = blank option <YES. If no format is specified.h3d file). Multiple instances of this card are allowed. 2. NO. blank> H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (. NONE. the last instance dominates. 3. ALL. 104 OptiStruct 13. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. No default path <Path including file name and extension> The path to the external shared or dynamic library to be loaded. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.External Library and File Reference Description The LOADLIB entry can be used in the I/O Options section to define the external libraries and external files to be loaded into OptiStruct.so) under Linux.xlsx) on Windows. Relative library or file paths will be appended to the path corresponding to the input deck's location. Currently only one type implemented . See Guidelines for I/O Options and Subcase Information Entries for an example showing how to enter long file names on multiple lines.xls or . by using HyperMath (. and external files by using Microsoft Excel (.LOADLIB I/O Options Entry LOADLIB . path Argument Options Description type <DRESP3> TYPE identifier that defines the type of library(or file) to be loaded into OptiStruct.DRESP3. This data can be on a single line or span multiple continuation lines. The total length of information on this card is limited to 200 characters (including the card name and spaces between arguments). External functions can be implemented within dynamic libraries (.dll) under Windows. group. No default group <Character string> GROUP identifier that is referenced by a DRESP3 bulk data entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 105 . Format LOADLIB = type. No default Comments 1. 2. Absolute paths (those starting with a drive letter or a slash) will be used as they are defined on the LOADLIB card. shared libraries (.hml) on Windows and Linux. force results are output for all entities whose ID is part of the SET definition. ALL.MBFORCE I/O Options Entry MBFORCE – Output Control Description The MBFORCE command can be used in the I/O Options section to request force output for a set of joints and/or force elements from multi-body dynamics subcases. NONE: Forces are not output. The force results for selected joints and force elements are output to the . When MBFORCE is not present. Note: Joints and force elements may share IDs. forces are output only for joints and force elements listed in that set. Format MBFORCE = option Argument Options Description option <YES. 106 OptiStruct 13. 2. NO. Default = ALL NO. When MBFORCE is requested for a SET. ALL.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .mrf file. SID> YES. force results for joints and force elements are not output. blank: Force is output for all joints and force elements. NONE. SID: If a set ID is given. Comments 1. Format MECHCHECK Comments 1. 3.MECHCHECK I/O Options Entry MECHCHECK . a small amount of mass is added to the mass matrix so that the massless mechanism shows up as a rigid body mode (the stiffness matrix K is still zero but the mass matrix M becomes non-zero) in normal modes analysis. Type x-comp y-comp z-comp ----------------------------------------------------1 ## Tran ## ### ### 2 ## Rotn ## ### ### … ….out file) include a list of rigid body modes in the following format: ANALYSIS RESULTS: -----------------ITERATION # Rigid Modes in Eigenvalue Loadcase: # ----------------------------------------------------Mode Grid No.out file when MECHCHECK is included in the I/O Options section of the solver deck. The analysis results with this card cannot be used since the model is changed internally. The message “RESULTS FROM THIS SOLVER RUN ARE INACCURATE AS IT IS IN MECHCHECK MODE” is also displayed in the .Massless Mechanism Check Description The MECHCHECK command can be used in the I/O options section to perform a massless mechanism check on the model. This is the reason why you have to set the lower bound on the EIGRL bulk data entry to blank or zero when MECHCHECK is used. Running the normal mode analysis by adding MECHCHECK helps detect the massless mechanism where the massless mechanism shows up as rigid body modes. To find such degrees of freedom. MECHCHECK results (in the . … … … etc … ----------------------------------------------------- Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. A massless mechanism occurs due to degrees of freedom that do not possess both stiffness and mass. It can only be used to find the massless mechanism.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 107 . 4. 2. Default = blank thresh <Real> Specifies an absolute threshold under which results should not be output. <Integer> Specifies that only the top N values should be output.TYPE=typ e) = option Argument Options Description format <H3D. PEAK> AVERAGE: The average of the energy is output.THRESH=thresh.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .h3d file). Structural damping and modal damping are not included.MODES=mset. This value is relative to the corresponding total modal energy. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available.RTHRESH=rthresh. No default rthresh topn No default Specifies a relative threshold under which results should not be output.TOP=topn. Format MODALDE(format_list.MODALDE I/O Options Entry MODALDE – Output Request Description The MODALDE command can be used above the first SUBCASE or within a SUBCASE definition to request modal damping energy (the energy loss per cycle) output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. AMPLITUDE. blank> H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (. Note that this modal damping energy only includes the energy contribution from viscous dampers. OptiStruct 13. <Real> No default type 108 <AVERAGE. NO. ALL. Note that this modal damping energy only includes the energy contribution from viscous dampers. NO. modal energy is output only for modes listed in that set. blank: Modal energy is output for all modes. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. these should be comma separated. SID. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used. This is the sum of AVERAGE and AMPLITUDE. For optimization. In previous versions of OptiStruct. YES. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 109 . If no format is specified. 3. if instances are conflicting. 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. ALL. <ALL. 6. 4. Default = ALL SID: If a set ID is given. <YES. modal damping energy is not output. NONE> Default = ALL Comments 1. the last instance dominates. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. this method is still supported. the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. NONE: Modal energy is not output. TOTAL> ALL: Modal energy is output for all modes. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. 5. TOTAL: Only the total energy is output. PEAK: The peak energy is output.Argument mset option Options Description Default = AVERAGE AMPLITUDE: The amplitude of the energy is output. Modal damping energy output is only available for modal frequency response analysis. Structural damping and modal damping are not included. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. When MODALDE command is not present. Default = blank thresh <Real> Specifies an absolute threshold under which results should not be output. PEAK> AVERAGE: The average of the energy is output. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available.TYPE=typ e) = option Argument Options Description format <H3D.TOP=topn. This value is relative to the corresponding total modal energy. OptiStruct 13. No default rthresh topn No default Specifies a relative threshold under which results should not be output. AMPLITUDE.h3d file).MODALKE I/O Options Entry MODALKE – Output Request Description The MODALKE command can be used above the first SUBCASE or within a SUBCASE definition to request modal kinetic energy output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. <Integer> Specifies that only the top N values should be output.MODES=mset. blank> H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . <Real> No default type 110 <AVERAGE. Default = AVERAGE AMPLITUDE: The amplitude of the energy is output. Format MODALKE(format_list.RTHRESH=rthresh.THRESH=thresh. SID. 3. the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. NO. ALL. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. In previous versions of OptiStruct. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used. the last instance dominates.Argument mset option Options Description PEAK: The peak energy is output. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. NONE: Modal energy is not output. YES. these should be comma separated. TOTAL: Only the total energy is output. <YES. blank: Modal energy is output. 5. ALL. modal energy is output only for modes listed in that set. 2. This is the sum of AVERAGE and AMPLITUDE. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. TOTAL> ALL: Modal energy is output for all modes.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 111 . If no format is specified. NONE> Default = ALL Comments 1. if instances are conflicting. <ALL. When MODALKE command is not present. this method is still supported. 4. modal kinetic energy is not output. For optimization. NO. Default = ALL SID: If a set ID is given. Modal kinetic energy output is only available for modal frequency response analysis. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. RTHRESH=rthresh. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available.TYPE=typ e) = option Argument Options Description format <H3D. PEAK> AMPLITUDE: Default = AVERAGE The average of the energy is output. The amplitude of the energy is output. No default Specifies a relative threshold under which results should not be output. blank> H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (. OptiStruct 13.MODES=mset.h3d file).TOP=topn. Format MODALSE(format_list.THRESH=thresh. <Integer> Specifies that only the top N values should be output. Default = blank thresh <Real> No default rthresh topn <Real> Specifies an absolute threshold under which results should not be output. This value is relative to the corresponding total modal energy.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . AVERAGE: AMPLITUDE. No default type 112 <AVERAGE.MODALSE I/O Options Entry MODALSE – Output Request Description The MODALSE command can be used above the first SUBCASE or within a SUBCASE definition to request modal strain energy output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. 2. If no format is specified. NONE> YES. the last instance dominates. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. Default = ALL NO. ALL: Modal energy is output for all modes. When MODALSE command is not present. This is the sum of AVERAGE and AMPLITUDE. For optimization.Argument mset Options Description PEAK: The peak energy is output. modal energy is output only for modes listed in that set. NONE: Modal energy is not output. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used. ALL. the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Modal strain energy output is only available for modal frequency response analysis. if instances are conflicting. modal strain energy is not output. <YES. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. SID. 3. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. In previous version of OptiStruct. TOTAL: Only the total energy is output. SID: If a set ID is given. these should be comma separated. TOTAL> Default = ALL option Comments 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 113 . this method is still supported. ALL. 5. NO. blank: Modal energy is output. 4. <ALL. rigidset Argument Options Description elset SID: <SID. NORIGID/NONE.Output Control Description The MODEL command can be used in the I/O Options section to request output of only a subset of the model and related results for H3D and OUTPUT results files as well as for CMS superelements. NONE> Default (analysis run) = ALL PLOTEL: Default (CMS SE creation) = NONE ALL: gridset rigidset ID of an element SET. A set of grids to be added to the subset associated with the preceding elset field. Default = NONE ALL: All grids. All elements in the model and their associated GRID will be output. Format MODEL = elset. NONE> SID: SID of a SET. <SID. ALL. PLOTEL. ALL. NONE: No elements. SID> Default (analysis run) =RIGID/ALL 114 OptiStruct 13.MODEL I/O Options Entry MODEL . NONE: No grids are added to the subset described by the preceding elset field. <RIGID/ALL. RIGID/ ALL: All rigid elements and their associated GRID will be output.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . All GRID and SPOINT associated with these elements will also be output. All PLOTELs in the model and their associated GRID will be output. A set of elements that describe the subset of the model for which results and model information is to be output. gridset. op2 and . 4. Comments 1. In addition to the results output. A set of rigid elements that describe the subset of the model for which model information is to be output. For CMS superelements output in h3d format. 2. 3. the default is to output the entire model.h3d files.EXCOUT with values of 0.h3d file contains the ASET DOF and what is specified on the MODEL data. as well as results to the . When PARAM. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the .h3d file and AVL/EXCITE files. only the ASET DOF are output when the MODEL data is not present. the MODEL data controls the portion of the model that is written to the .Argument Options Description Default (CMS SE NORIGID/ creation) = NONE: NORIGID/NONE SID: No rigid elements will be output. All GRID and SPOINT associated with these rigid elements will also be output. 3. When the MODEL data is present. ID of a rigid element SET.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 115 . 5 or 6 is used during CMS superelement creation. OPTI: Results are output in OptiStruct results format (. PLOT. SORT2 is used. Default = blank 116 OptiStruct 13. PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (. SORT1 is used.op2 file) when PARAM. blank> SORT1: Results for each frequency/timestep are grouped together.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format MPCFORCE (sorting.pch file) or the OUTPUT2 format (. <SORT1.op2 file) (see comment 6). It will be ignored without warning if used elsewhere. PLOT: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. frequency response. modal) = option Argument Options Description sorting This argument only applies to the PUNCH format (. SORT2: Results for each grid/element are grouped together (See comment 5). format.mpcf file). blank: For frequency response analysis. SORT2 is used. otherwise. OP2. form_list.Output Request Description The MPCFORCE command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request multi-point force of constraint vector is output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. if no grid SET is specified.op2 file) output for normal modes. and transient subcases. POST is defined in the bulk data section. SORT2> Default = blank format <OPTI. peakoutput. PUNCH. OP2: Results are output in Nastran otput2 format (.pch file). for transient analysis.MPCFORCE I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry MPCFORCE . PEAKOUT: If PEAKOUT is present. IMAG: Provides rectangular format (real and imaginary) of complex output. PHASE: Provides polar format (phase and magnitude) of complex output. REAL.Argument Options form Description <REAL. When an MPCFORCE command is not present. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. MODAL: If MODAL is present. Comments 1. NONE. multi-point constraint forces of the structural modes and residual vectors are output to the PUNCH and OUTPUT2 files for modal frequency response and transient analysis. multi-point force of constraint vector is output only for grids listed in that set. ALL. blank: Default = ALL NO. SID: If a set ID is given. ALL. Default = REAL peakoutpu t <PEAKOUT> Default = blank modal <MODAL> Default = blank option <YES. only the filtered frequencies from the PEAKOUT card will be considered for this output. If no format is specified. 2. PHASE> blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. NONE: Multi-point force of constraint vector is not output. Multi-point force of constraint vector is output for all grids.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 117 . SID> YES. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Multiple formats area allowed on the same entry. these should be comma separated. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. IMAG. multi-point force of constraint vector is not output. NO. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were use. but when the . In general. 118 OptiStruct 13. Therefore. the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. this method is still supported.3. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. … . 4. format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (. if instances are conflicting. the results are written by OptiStruct into the .)). the last instance dominates.op2 file). HyperView does not recognize the SORT2 format for results from the . 6.op2 file. the results in SORT2 format are not recognized. For optimization. In previous versions of OptiStruct.op2 file in SORT2 format.op2 file is imported into HyperView.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Multiple instances of this card are allowed. the SORT1 option is recommended for results output in OUTPUT2 format and SORT2 option is recommended for results output in PUNCH format. 5. OUTPUT2. When results are output only in SORT2 format (<Result Keyword> (SORT2. ID> ERROR: Limits the total number of ERROR messages allowed to the value provided. Once this limit is reached.out file to the value provided. or to elevate a WARNING or INFORMATION message to an ERROR. value MSGLMT. WARNING. ID: Limits the number of instances of a message with the given ID reported in the . Format MSGLMT (type) = value MSGLMT. ERROR.MSGLMT I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry MSGLMT . type.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 119 . mode Examples MSGLMT (WARNING) = 1000 MSGLMT (101) = 50 Argument Options Description type <ERROR. WARNING: Limits the total number of WARNING and INFORMATION messages reported in the . ABORT> See comments 1 and 2 for Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. INTEGER: If a positive integer is given.Output Control Description The MSGLMT command can be used in the I/O Options section to limit the number of ERROR. the limit is set to this number. WARNING and INFORMATION messages output. No default value <INTEGER. NONE.out file to the value provided. OFF. the run terminates. See Comment 3.000. mode <STRICT.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2010. 742. The following table lists some special cases of MSGLMT usage: 120 OptiStruct 13. If the message is encountered during the solver.Argument Options Description defaults. If it happens during reading or verification of input data. that is. and 1436 are suppressed. 1305. UNREF: Messages 1931. ERROR: Valid only when the type is ID. no output files will be generated. the limit for most individual ERROR and WARNING/INFORMATION messages is 10. ABORT: Valid only when type is ID. the solver will terminate immediately. 1932 and 2010 are suppressed. OFF or NONE: “value=NONE” can only be used if “type = ID”. 3. that is. optimization runs will terminate as if the limit of allowed iterations had been reached. Messages with this ID will be treated as abort ERRORs. 1932. where full postprocessing of the results will be allowed before termination. BRIEF: Messages 741. 1052. continuation at the end of the current stage will be disallowed unless the message is encountered during the solver. By default. 2.000 and for the total number of WARNING/INFORMATION messages is 1. Messages with this ID will be treated as ERRORs. UNREF. Comments 1. 1931. BRIEF> Default = <BRIEF> STRICT: All messages are printed according to MSGLMT. The default limit for the total number of ERROR messages is 10. then remaining parts of input will not be processed. 1935. If the Message ID belongs to an error.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 121 . If WARNING/ERROR is used. if any) will not be printed in the output file. MSGLMT(Message ID/WARNING/ ERROR) = OFF WARNING: All Warnings will be displayed. A “Syntax error” will be displayed. Multiple instances of MSGLMT may occur. this will not allow the solver to continue after error suppression. MSGLMT(Message ID) = NONE The specified message (and multiple occurrences of the same. since it was suppressed.Special Cases Effect MSGLMT(Message ID/WARNING/ ERROR) = 1 Prevents any information about consecutive occurrences of the specified message to be registered and counted. 4. the specified error and multiple occurrences of the same error will not be printed in the output file. 5. Using MSGLMT(Message ID)=NONE for ERROR messages is not recommended. then the last instance will be honored. 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This can sometimes generate an output file which states that an error occurred without any information regarding the nature of the error. Suppressed ERROR/WARNING messages still count toward respective limits and are reported in the job summary. Note: 1. MSGLMT(Message ID) = <Negative Integer> Negative values are not supported. MSGLMT may be set in the OptiStruct Configuration File. MSGLMT(Message ID/WARNING/ ERROR) = 0 Message ID: All occurrences of the specified message will be displayed. only the first WARNING/ERROR is printed. However. if negative integer values are used. If any instances conflict. ERROR: All Errors will be displayed. 3. 10001 10002 … (up to <integer> number) MSGLMT. 1692. removed 86 item(s) of identical data. <Integer> or MSGLMT (1692) =<integer>.6. Some messages print lists of ID's. 1692.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . OFF or MSGLMT (1692) =OFF. prints all duplicate GRID ID’s: *** WARNING # 1692 Found duplicate GRID cards. 10001 122 10002 10003 10004 10005 OptiStruct 13. prints the first <integer> number of duplicate GRID ID’s: *** WARNING # 1692 Found duplicate GRID cards. For Example: MSGLMT. which can be very long. MSGLMT can be used to control the number of ID's that are printed. removed 74 item(s) of identical data. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 123 . IMPDYN or EXPDYN).” If NLRESTART is defined in both bulk data and command line option. the former overrides the latter. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Only one NLRESTART entry can be defined.NLRESTART I/O Options Entry NLRESTART . Format NLRESTART = n Argument Description n Nonlinear SUBCASE ID to be restarted from in the current nonlinear solution sequence. Comments 1. NLRESTART is also available in command line option as “-nlrestart n” or “-nlrestart. 3. 2. If n is not given. This command applies only to geometric nonlinear subcases (ANALYSIS = NLGEOM.Run Control Command Description The NLRESTART command can be used in the I/O Options section to indicate the current nonlinear solution sequence is to be restarted from a specified nonlinear subcase. it will restart from the first nonlinear subcase ending with error in previous run. and it must be above the first subcase. Output Control Description The OFREQUENCY command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request a set of frequencies for output requests for all subcases or individual subcases respectively.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 3. The number of solutions selected will always be equal to the number of quantities in the selected set. SID> ALL.OFREQUENCY I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry OFREQUENCY . 2. When OFREQUENCY is not present. blank: Output is for all frequencies. Format OFREQUENCY = option Argument Options Description option <ALL. The SET definition referenced by the OFREQUENCY card must be a real value set. 124 OptiStruct 13. The closest values will be used. Comments 1. output is for all frequencies. Default = ALL SID: If a set ID is given. output is only for frequencies listed in that set. Default = blank PUNCH: OP2: type <SPARSE. OPTI. blank> H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (.h3d file).Output Request Description The OLOAD command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request the form of applied load vector output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. PUNCH. Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. Format OLOAD (format_list. PUNCH.op2 file) (see comment 6).type) = option Argument Options Description format <H3D.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 125 . OPTI: Results are output in OptiStruct results format (. ALL> Results are output in Nastran punch results format (.load file).OLOAD I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry OLOAD . Output for selected nodes without a component of magnitude 1. SPARSE: This is only available for the OPTI output format.0e-10 is not printed. Default (OPTI) = SPARSE Default (H3D.pch file). ALL: Output for all selected nodes is printed. OP2. OP2) = ALL Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. load data is only output for nodes listed in that set. NONE: Loads are not output. the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. 5. format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (. 126 OptiStruct 13. SID> YES. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. NO. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . this method is still supported. loads are not output. YES. In previous versions of OptiStruct. NO. ALL. The SPARSE output type is only available when the OPTI output format is used. 2. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. 4. 3.op2 file). these should be comma separated. if instances are conflicting. the last instance dominates.Argument Options Description option <NONE. blank: Load data is output for all nodes. ALL. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used. For optimization. Default = ALL Comments 1. When OLOAD command is not present. 6. If no format is specified. SID: If a set ID is given. When OMODES is not present. Default = ALL SID: If a set ID is given. 3. blank: Output is calculated for all modes.OMODES I/O Options Entry OMODES . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. output is for all modes. the OMODES request takes precedence.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 127 . Format OMODES = option Argument Options Description option <ALL. If both the OMODES and OFREQUENCY requests appear. OFREQUENCY should be used instead. respectively. 2. SID> ALL. This output control is not available for frequency response subcases. 4.Output Control Description The OMODES command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request a set of modes for output requests for all subcases or for individual subcases. output is calculated for only modes listed in that set. Comments 1. The SET definition referenced by the OMODES card must be an integer value set. This command is applicable for normal modes and linear buckling solution sequences only. 2. Format OTIME = option Argument Options Description option < ALL. stresses at only peak times. This command is particularly useful for requesting a subset of the output (for example. SID: If a set ID is given. Default = ALL Comments 1. \ 128 OptiStruct 13.OTIME I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry OTIME .Output Control Description The OTIME command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request a set of times for output requests for transient analysis for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. SID > ALL. output is only at times in that set.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . When an OTIME command is not present the output for all times will be computed. blank: Output is at all times. and so on). for example). such as "D:". When the argument contains a relative path (./filename or sub/filename. See Guidelines for I/O Options and Subcase Information Entries for an example showing how to enter long file names on multiple lines. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.Filename Definition Description The OUTFILE command is used in the I/O Options section to define the prefix for the results files output.OUTFILE I/O Options Entry OUTFILE . The total length of information on this card is limited to 200 characters (including the card name and spaces between arguments). When only the file prefix is given (without the path). and not in the directory where the input file is located.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 129 . The following rules are used for the OUTFILE card: When the argument contains an absolute path of the file (if it starts with "/" on UNIX or a drive letter. and either forward slash (/) or back slash (\) characters can be used to separate parts of the path name.. They may be enclosed in quotes (double or single quotes can be used). for example). Prefixes specified on the OUTFILE card can be arbitrary file prefixes with optional paths appropriate to the operating system (Windows or UNIX). Format OUTFILE = option Argument Options Description option <file prefix> file prefix: The path to and file prefix used for the results files output. 2. This data can be on a single line or span multiple continuation lines. Comments 1. output files are created at the given location. Default = passed in from the command line. output files will be created in the current directory. meaning the directory from which the solver has been executed. output is created in a directory relative to where the solver is executed and NOT relative to the directory where the input file is located. on Windows. 15. option1. keyword. blank: The default listed below for the given keyword. option See below See below Standard Result Outputs Note that if there is no result OUTPUT defined. If N=5. Format OUTPUT.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 20. and so on. frequency. then there is no default OUTPUT type. then default result output is both HM and H3D. ALL: Output all iterations. FL: Output first and last iterations.OUTPUT I/O Options Entry OUTPUT – Output Control Description The OUTPUT command can be used in the I/O Options section to control the format of results output and the creation of certain results files. output occurs at iterations 0. 130 OptiStruct 13. NONE: No output N: Output first and last iterations and every Nth iteration. 5. N or blank FIRST: Output first iteration only. If any result OUTPUT commands exist. and the final iteration. ALL. LAST: Output last iteration only. 10. option2 Argument Options Description keyword See below See below frequency FIRST. FL. NONE. LAST. See comment 16. See comment 16.Keyword Description HM Output results in HyperMesh binary format.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 131 . NODMIG: recovery is deactivated DMIGALL: recovery is activated for all grids/ elements DMIGSET: recovery is activated for grids/elements in the SET defined on the corresponding output request Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. <NODMIG. HV Output results in Hyper3D format.h3d <BYSUB. DMIGALL. BYITER> Default = BYSUB Determines the way the output files are arranged in an optimization run. DMIGSET> Default = DMIGSET Determines whether or not to output results for interior points of external superelements. (Applicable to optimization runs only). Default frequency FL Affect ed files *. DMIGALL. DMIGSET> Determines whether or not to output results for interior points of external superelements.res Options Details <NODMIG. Default = DMIGSET NODMIG: recovery is deactivated DMIGALL: recovery is activated for all grids/ elements DMIGSET: recovery is activated for grids/elements in the SET defined on the corresponding output request (default) H3D. See comment 15. FL *. <NODMIG.Keyword Description Default frequency Affect ed files Options Details (default) OP2. NOMODEL> Turns on / off the output of the model data to the file. See comment 16. FL *. NODMIG: recovery is deactivated DMIGALL: recovery is activated for all grids/ elements DMIGSET: recovery is activated for grids/elements in the SET defined on the corresponding output request (default) NASTRAN . OUT2. See comment 16.op2 <MODEL. PUNCH Output analysis results in Nastran punch format.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . OUTPUT2 Output analysis results in Nastran output2 format. DMIGSET> Default = DMIGSET Determines whether or not to output results for interior points of external superelements. DMIGSET> Default = DMIGSET Determines whether or not to output results for interior points of external superelements. Default = MODEL See comments 11 and 12.pch <NODMIG. FL *. DMIGALL. DMIGALL. NODMIG: recovery is deactivated DMIGALL: recovery is activated for all grids/ elements 132 OptiStruct 13. ASCII.di s.cstr .#.dis. FL *. - - (APATRAN uses an alternate file naming convention . *. with the iteration number after the file extension).#.#.forc e. # OptiStruct 13.strs - - PATRAN. FL *. #. dis.disp . *. OS Output results in OptiStruct ASCII format. dis.#. *.el s. *. *. #.#. *.spcf . Altair Engineering *.#. els.load . *.#.di s.Keyword Description Default frequency Affect ed files Options Details DMIGSET: recovery is activated for grids/elements in the SET defined on the corresponding output request (default) OPTI.dens .#.mpcf . *. *. *.els.dis.#.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 133 . *.#. *. *.#.#. *. APATRAN Output analysis results in Patran ASCII format.gpf.#.#. *.el s.#. *. grid - - L *. - - L *. LOCAL: Grid definitions are output to the . SHAPE. Options Details - - Optimization Outputs Keyword Description DESIGN Controls the frequency of output for design results such as DENSITY. GRID Requests the output of the state file (.grid file. and THICKNESS ALL SHRES Controls the frequency of output of the shape files.Keyword Description NONE Default frequency Affect ed files - - Default frequenc y Affected files Results are not output in any of the formats listed above. referencing local coordinate systems as 134 OptiStruct 13.grid file. *. referencing the basic coordinate system.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Options Details All files that design results are written to.grid file) for topography or shape optimization.sh.grid <LOCAL. BASIC> BASIC: Grid definitions are Default = BASIC output to the . fe m 1. BOTH. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Method <ADVFREE. - *. SIMFREE. OUT: Updated design variable values are output to the . NO> - See comment 13.out file.fem FSTHICK Controls output of freesizing results to .fsthick Requests the output of updated design variable values. Integer > 0 Default = 4 2.desvar. L DESVAR Ignore <IGNORE>- <YES. ADVMAN. Default = NO *. OUT. *. L *_sizing.desvar file. L *_shuffling .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 135 . SIMMAN> Default = ADVFREE 3. SZTOSH Automatic generation of a shuffling model after ply-based sizing optimization. NONE> Default = FILE FILE: Updated property design variable values are output to the .out <FILE.fsthick file.Keyword Description Default frequenc y Affected files Options Details defined by the CP field on the GRID definitions. FSTOSZ Automatic generation of a sizing model after freesizing of a composite structure. Bundles See comment 18. PROPERTY Requests the output of the updated property definitions. Default = DESIGN DESIGN: Only designable properties are output. NONE: Updated design variable values are not output. OUT.out file. OUT: Updated property definitions and non-design properties are output to the .out file and the . Materials and Elements”. DESIGN. Note: In the Description and Details columns of the PROPERTY keyword: “Property” stands for “Properties.out <ANY.out file and the .prop file.desvar file.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . FILE: Updated property definitions and non-design properties are output to the . BOTH: Updated property definitions and non-design properties are output to both the . L *.Keyword Description Default frequenc y Affected files Options Details BOTH: Updated design variable values are output to both the . BOTH. NONE> ANY: All properties are output. *. 136 OptiStruct 13.prop file.prop. FILE. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 137 .ADAMS. *_s#_d. Specialized Result Outputs Keyword Description ADAMSMNF Output of flexible body to a modal neutral file for MSC. *_s#_v. HGTRANS Transient Analysis output presentation for HyperGraph. Default Affected files frequenc y - *.frf. HGFREQ Frequency Analysis output presentation for HyperGraph.mnf Options <YES. NO> Details - Default = YES See comment 17.trn. FL *_freq.frf. See comments 2 and 3.Keyword Description Default frequenc y Affected files Options Details NONE: Updated property definitions are not output. *_s#_a. *_s#_d.frf - - - *_tran. *_s#_v. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.mvw.trn - - See comment 3.trn. *_s#_a.mvw. *_s#_v. HGSENS Sensitivity output presentation for HyperGraph.#. STRESS> See comment 4 for details on options.#.h3d <USER. NOSTRESS. STRESS> See comment 4 for details on options.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Keyword Description HGMBD Multi-body Dynamics output presentation for HyperGraph. NOSTRESS. FL Sensitivity output in H3D format for contouring of topology and FL *.#.h3d <ALL. *. FL *. STRESS> See comment 4 for details on options.#. *_s#_a. Default = NOSTRESS ASCSENS H3DSENS H3DTOPOL 138 Topology and free-sizing sensitivity (response with respect to design element density) output in ASCII format.#.sens <ALL.mbd.mbd Options - Details - See comments 2 and 3. *_s#_d. Default Affected files frequenc y - *_mbd. Default = NOSTRESS MSSENS Sensitivity output in Microsoft Excel SYLK format. NOSTRESS.asens <ALL.mvw.#. FL Sensitivity output in H3D format.slk <ALL. STRESS> See comment 19 for details on options. See comment 4 for details on options. Default = NOSTRESS *_dsa. NOSTRESS. Default = OptiStruct 13. FL *_sens.mbd.mvw. NOUSER> Default = NOUSER *_topol. out file. The Mass Properties are with respect to the See comment 6. *_modal. Output of shape variable definitions to . NORM> See comment 5 for details on options. - See comment 14. HGEFFMASS Effective mass is output as a HyperGraph bar chart. Default = NOSTRESS - - FL *_hist.mvw.mvw *_modal.h3d <ALL.out - The center of gravity is specified in the basic coordinate system.dvgrid file.mvw.#.mass.hist *.Keyword Description Default Affected files frequenc y free-sizing sensitivity.#. H3DGAUGE HGHIST Sensitivity output in H3D format for contouring of shell thickness sensitivity.mvw Integer < 32 Default = 31 - <REGULAR.dvgrid - - *.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 139 . *.hgdata *. Design history output presentation for HyperGraph. Options Details NOSTRESS FL *_gauge. HGMODFAC DVGRID Modal participation factor output presentation for HyperGraph3D. MASSPROP Controls the output of Center of Gravity and Mass Moments of Inertia tables based on properties to . *_mass. NOSTRESS. Default = REGULAR - *. Altair Engineering FL OptiStruct 13. STRESS> See comment 4 for details on options. HM.cm f <YES.badel.out file. NO> Default = YES STAT Controls output - *.stat <YES.html file.cm f. *. OSS Default frequenc y Affected files Options - *.html <YES. NO> 140 OptiStruct 13. NO> Default = YES HTML Controls output of .out *.comp.conn.oss file.Keyword Description Default Affected files frequenc y Options Details center of gravity of the item.HM. FL *.cmf files.out - - <YES.out file. NO> Default = YES Controls output of . Altair Engineering . MASSCOMP Controls the output of Mass based on HyperMesh Components to .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Details See comment 9.oss <YES. *. - *. REGCOMPL Controls the output of regional compliance table to . - *.c mf.ent.HM.HM. NO> Default = YES File Output Controls Keyword Description CMF Controls output of .cmf . *. you would use 9. OS. OP2. and HGMBD will only use output requests where a Set ID is specified. ASCII. displacement information will not be present in the presentation. OPTI. 8. strain. If ALL or STRESS: results are printed. 3. normal modes.stat file. whereas if DISPLACEMENT = 1 or DISPLACEMENT(HG) = 1 is given. the information provided by the OUTPUT I/O option entry takes precedence over information provided on the older FORMAT and RESULTS I/O option entries. The DVGRID option creates shape variable definitions for displacement or eigenvector results of linear static. but stress. NASTRAN. 4. H3D. For example: If you want Design Variables and all DRESP2 responses. PATRAN and APATRAN. OUTPUT entries are read sequentially. ASCSENS. and force responses. OUT2. 6. This process facilitates the use of "natural" shape functions. 2. 5. or MSSENS options: If NOSTRESS or blank: results are printed. displacement information will be present in the presentation for the constituent nodes of Set 1. including stress. 4: All non-stress responses. HGTRANS and HGMBD are currently available for analysis only. if DISPLACEMENT = ALL or DISPLACEMENT(HG) = ALL is given. or liner buckling analyses. where multiple OUTPUT entries exist with the same keyword. Frequency does not apply for any of the keywords where a dash (-) is given as the default frequency in the keywords table above. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. HV. strain. HGFREQ.Keyword Description Default frequenc y Affected files of . PUNCH. therefore. If blank: all of the above are output. 2: Objective function and maximum % constraint violation. These shape variable definitions can then be used in subsequent optimizations. OUTPUT2. For HGSENS.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 141 . 16: All DRESP3 responses. the last instance is used. Options Details Default = YES Comments 1. HGTRANS. and force responses are ignored. 7. For HGHIST options: The integer value given is equal to the sum of the desired options: 1: Design Variable. For the keywords HM. For example. 8: All DRESP2 responses. The file contains bulk data entries for elements (CQUAD4. frequency or time for a given number. The BYSUB/BYITER option allows switching between two modes of H3D output. (Using OUTPUT. plots are generated for the real part. In addition. The HGMODFAC keyword generates a HyperGraph3D presentation providing 3D plots of modal participation factors. regardless of the frequency chosen for that output format. OUTPUT.stat file is deleted at the end of the run (as long as the run was successful). an _si. One file for each is generated. H3D. 15. Each mode is written as a static load case with ID equal to the mode index. The H3D output from optimization runs consists of a number of files.h3d file for each subcase i is written that contains the history of the analysis results for each subcase.DESIGN takes precedence over the information provided on the older DENSRES I/O option entry. 14. it is possible to define cross-sections to generate 2D plots of either: a) Modal participation factor vs.h3d file).9. HM is the only active output format. 13.DESIGN will write design results. and CTRIA6) contained in freesize design spaces. or OPTI). The frequency of the optimization results in this file is defined by OUTPUT. the imaginary part and the magnitude of the participation factors. the frequency (for frequency response analyses) or time (for transient analyses) on the yaxis and the modal participation factor on the z-axis. The FSTHICK keyword generates a file with the . the CMS stress modes can be written to OP2 format. OUTPUT. the *.fsthick extension. The element definitions have the optimized thickness defined as nodal thicknesses (Ti) for each element. The plots display the mode number on the x-axis. CTRIA3.NO is defined. Frequency determines the analysis result output frequency. or when a full multi-body dynamics run is performed.OP2) is defined. 12. H3D.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . SHAPE.OP2 (or FORMAT. while real and imaginary plots are hidden by default. Optimization results can be written to the subcase files using DENSITY. but the file always exists during the run. 142 OptiStruct 13. however no design results or analysis history will be available within the files). or BYSUB for analysis runs (without optimization) will output the same files as above (except for the _des. CQUAD8. There is a no default option (BYSUB/BYITER) for analysis runs. at the frequency defined. If OUTPUT. 10. OP2 may be overridden by the PARAM. BYSUB (This is the default option for optimization runs) outputs one _des. 11. The NORM option normalizes the participation factors with respect to 1. This output is compatible with FEMFAT by MAGNA. For frequency response analyses. b) Modal participation factor vs. This only happens when OUTPUT. to all active output formats (HM. or THICKNESS output requests. Stresses are written for shells and solids. OGEOM bulk data entry. In HyperGraph3D. Magnitude plot is visible by default. By default. DESIGN (Default = ALL). while forces are written for bars/beams and welds. mode number at a given frequency or time.h3d file for the animation of the optimization history.STAT. When CMSMETH is used. The MODEL/NOMODEL option for OUTPUT. H3D. then nodal stress results for solid elements will be written to the .#. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.h3d file since there are no multiple iterations). Results for interior points of external superelements will be output by default to HM. Ignore: Elements may be ignored in a given ply orientation when their thickness is less than 5% of the maximum thickness.mnf file. For FSTOSZ options: Bundles: This specifies the number of ply bundles to be generated per fiber orientation. 18. responses defined through the DSA output request are included in the DSA output. which results in a more accurate representation of the original free-sized thickness profile. In the case of a shape optimization. ADVFREE: Advanced algorithm with free thicknesses. H3DSENS.h3d file per iteration that contains the optimization and analysis results for all subcases per iteration. 16. NOUSER indicates that user-defined responses should not be included.BYITER outputs one . or BYITER for analysis runs (without optimization) will output only one . USER indicates that the user-defined responses should be included in the DSA output. (Using OUTPUT. DESIGN statement is present. ADVMAN: Advanced algorithm with manufacturable thicknesses. 17.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 143 . DESIGN unless an actual OUTPUT. It takes into account the thickness distribution when generating the ply bundles. 4 and 8 ply bundles. ADAMSMNF. This option is inactive by default. H3D. Method: Ply bundle thicknesses are determined based on the method defined. In both cases. The advanced algorithm is available for 2. 19. the GRID coordinates of the model in the respective iteration are updated to the new shape. If GPSTRESS output is requested in addition to OUTPUT. and OP2 files. PUNCH. Ply bundle thickness can also be multiples of the manufacturable ply thickness. It overwrites the default of OUTPUT. SIMMAN: Simple algorithm with manufacturable thicknesses. Frequency determines at which iteration these files are created. SIMFREE: Simple algorithm with free thicknesses. RPDBACUT=rpdba. SID refers to the ID of a SET of type GRID. The output will be in the . NONE: Do not output acoustic grid participation for any fluid grid points. RPCUTOFF=rval.PEAKOUT) = setdof/PEAKOUT Examples PFGRID(FREQUENCY=391)=12 PFGRID(PEAKOUT)=23 PFGRID(PEAKOUT)=PEAKOUT Argumen Options t Description setg ALL: Output acoustic grid participation for all structural grid points at the fluid-structure interface. ALL: Output acoustic grid participation for all fluid grid points at the fluid-structure interface.PFGRID I/O Options Entry PFGRID – Output Request for Acoustic Grid Participation Description The PFGRID command can be used in the I/O Options section to request output of acoustic grid participation factors for all frequency response subcases. FREQUENCY=setf.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . NULL=ipower. SID> Default = NONE setfl <ALL. SID refers to the ID of a SET of type GRID. NONE.h3d file. SID: Output acoustic grid participation factors for a set of grids. NONE. CONTOUR=YES/NO. GRIDF=setfl. Format PFGRID (GRIDS=setg. <ALL. SID> Default = NONE 144 OptiStruct 13. NONE: Do not output acoustic grid participation for any structural grid points. SID: Output acoustic grid participation factors for a set of grids. The grid participation will be calculated when the magnitude of the response is about the cutoff value. the result output for this grid will be skipped. and is similar to RPCUTOFF. then the filtered frequencies from the PEAKOUT data will be considered for output of grid participation. if the grid participation is less than 10-ipower. If CONTOUR is specified as YES.0 CONTOUR (YES/NO) Default = YES PEAKOUT The grid participation will be calculated at the excited frequencies when the magnitude of the pressure is above rval. The excitation frequency will be a subset of setf. SID: Participation factors are only processed for a set of excitation frequencies. SID> Default = ALL ipower <INTEGER> When the magnitude of a grid participation is below 10 to the minus ipower. If PEAKOUT is present as an option inside the parenthesis of the PFGRID data. the output of fluid grid participation would be the actual complex value.0 rpdba <NonNegative REAL> Default = 0. A weighting is applied to RPDBACUT values at the excitation frequency.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 145 . It will take precedence over RPCUTOFF for fluid responses. See comment 4 for decibel calculations and reference pressure settings.Argumen Options t Description setf ALL: Participation factors are processed for all excitation frequencies. In other words. RPDBACUT is the decibel pressure cutoff value for fluid responses. the area projected value for the fluid grid participation is output. Otherwise. Default = 30 rval <REAL> Default = 0. <ALL. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the grid participation will not be output. SID refers to the ID of a SET of type FREQ. The FREQUENCY keyword can be used to select a subset of excitation frequencies available. If they are MPa.0E-4 barye.17E-7 lbf/ft 2. <SID/ PEAKOUT> Comments 1. If they are CGS. the value is set as 2.0E-5 Pa. 3. If “PEAKOUT” is specified instead of SID. Acoustic grid participation factors are available in a coupled frequency response analysis (both in direct and modal frequency response). SID refers to the ID of a SET of type GRID.Argumen Options t Description setdof/ PEAKOUT Degrees of freedom for which the grid participation factors are to be processed. Output is to the H3D file only. The reference pressure is dependent on the units specified on the UNITS input data. 146 OptiStruct 13. where P0 is the reference pressure. The dB value is calculated using 20 * log10(P/P0). then it is set as 4. If no UNITS data is present. If the units are SI.0E-11 MPa. 4. it is set as 2. the default value is 2. 2. the output will be considered at the filtered frequencies corresponding to the degree of freedom in the PEAKOUT card in the bulk section. it is set as 2. If they are BG or EE.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0E-11 MPa. PEAKOUT)=PEAKOUT PFMODE(FLUID. RTYPE=rtype. RPDBACUT=rpdba.PFMODE I/O Options Entry PFMODE – Output Request for Modal Participation Description The PFMODE command can be used in the I/O Options section to request output of modal participation factors for all modal frequency response subcases. STRUCTMP=smp. PEAKOUT) = setdof/PEAKOUT Examples PFMODE(FLUID. FREQUENCY=setf. Participation factors are not calculated for fluid modes. outfile. NONE> Default = NONE N: NONE: Altair Engineering Number of fluid modes for which modal participation factors will be computed.STRUCTMP=30. CMSSET=seset. <STRUCTURE. OptiStruct 13.H3D.PANELMP=ALL)=393 PFMODE(STRUCTURE.PEAKOUT)=11 PFMODE(STRUCTURE. based on the largest magnitude of modal contribution.H3D)=23 PFMODE(FLUID.PUNCH)=31 Argument Options Description type STRUCTURE: Requests output of structural modal participation factors. ALL: Participation factors will be computed for all calculated fluid modes. Format PFMODE (type.FREQUENCY=391. N.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 147 . NULL=ipower. FILTER=fratio. PANELMP=setp. FLUID: Requests output of acoustic modal participation factors.H3D. FLUID> Default = STRUCTURE fmp <ALL. MTYPE=otype. FLUIDMP=fmp. RPCUTOFF=rval. 0 148 Number of structural modes for which modal participation factors will be computed based on the largest magnitude of modal contribution. the modal participation will not be output. NONE: Default = NONE setf Participation factors will be computed for all calculated structural modes. NONE: Do not output panel modal participation. Default = 30 rval <REAL> Default = 0. NONE> Default = NONE N: setp <ALL. The excitation frequency will be a subset of setf.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . ALL: Participation factors are processed for all excitation frequencies. ALL: Output structural modal participation for each panel specified in the PANEL data. SID refers to the ID of a SET of type FREQ. N.Argument Options Description smp ALL: <ALL. The modal participation will be calculated at the excited frequencies when the magnitude of the response is above rval.001 ipower <INTEGER> When the magnitude of a modal participation is below 10 to the minus ipower. OptiStruct 13. if the modal participation is less than 10-ipower. Default = ALL fratio <REAL> Specifies the value of a filter to be applied to the output. SID: Participation factors are only processed for a set of excitation frequencies. the result output for this mode will be skipped. Default = 0. NONE> <ALL. In other words. SID> Participation factors are not calculated for structural modes. Values of modal participation below fratio times the displacement or pressure are not output. Velocity or Acceleration respectively based on Default = DISP the specified option (DISP.Argument Options Description rpdba <Non-Negative RPDBACUT is the decibel pressure cutoff value for fluid responses.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 149 . there will not be system modal participation. PEAKOUT If PEAKOUT is present inside the bracket of the PFMODE option. rtype <DISP. otype <ALL. and is similar to RPCUTOFF. when using ALL or CMS. Component modal participation can also be calculated for internal grids in the superelement. For SYSTEM. The modal participation will be calculated when the magnitude of the response is about the cutoff value. A weighting is applied to Default = 0. SID> Default = ALL Component modal participation of all the H3D superelements will be output by default. VELO. seset <ALL. For the CMS SYSTEM option. it is Default = H3D recommended to export the modal participation data into a H3D file. H3D> Modal participation can be exported either into the H3D file or PUNCH file. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the Default = component modal participation will be output.0 RPDBACUT values at the excitation frequency. the output related to PFMODE will correspond to CMS> the whole model. It will take precedence REAL> over RPCUTOFF for fluid responses. See comment 9 for decibel calculations and reference pressure settings. outfile <PUNCH. Because of the large volume of data. you can specify a specific set of superelement names for output. However. the filtered frequencies from the PEAKOUT card will be considered for the output of modal participation. ACCE> The Structural modal participation will be output for Displacement. ACCE). Component modal participation will not be output by default. VELO. However. SYSTEM. 5. The output of both the PFMODE and PFPANEL must be either to an H3D file or to a PUNCH file. If they are CGS. SID refers to the ID of a SET of type GRIDC for structure participation and GRID for fluid participation. If “PEAKOUT” is specified instead of SID. If FLUID is specified. then no modal participation factors are processed. 10.…) can coexist in the input data.0E-11 MPa. If they are MPa. 2. 4.0E-5 Pa. 9. setdof must reference a set of acoustic degrees-of-freedom. 6. If STRUCTURE is specified. The modal participation output is sorted in descending order by magnitude of the modal participation in the PUNCH file output. The filter is applied to the magnitude of the modal participation factors. Keywords FLUIDMP and PANELMP are only valid if FLUID is specified. Only modal participation factors that pass the filter are output. 150 OptiStruct 13. the default value is 2. 3.0E-4 barye. If ipower is not in the range of 1 to 31. the SEINTPNT entry can be used in the subcase information section to convert the interior points of interest to exterior points. 11. If you wish to output modal participation factors for interior points of a superelement (in a CMS model). PFMODE(FLUID.0E-11 MPa. where P0 is the reference pressure. it is set as 2.) and PFMODE(STRUCTURE. The FREQUENCY keyword can be used to select a subset of excitation frequencies available. If the magnitude of the total response at a selected response degree-of-freedom is less than 10-ipower. the value is set as 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The dB value is calculated using 20 * log10 (P/P0).17E-7 lbf/ft 2.. it is set as 2. these points can now be referenced by the <SID/PEAKOUT> option for the sedof/PEAKOUT argument. but only one PFMODE(FLUID) and one PFMODE(STRUCTURE) are allowed in a single SUBCASE. Legacy format for the export of modal participation to H3D or PUNCH files: PFMODE (type. then it is set as 4. After conversion. OUTPUT=outfile)=setdof/PEAKOUT is also supported. setdof must reference a set of structural degrees-of-freedom. <SID/ PEAKOUT> Comments 1. If they are BG or EE. the output will be considered at the filtered frequencies corresponding to the degree of freedom on the PEAKOUT card in the bulk section. 7.Argument Options Description setdof/ PEAKOUT Degrees-of-freedom for which the participation factors are to be processed.. If the units are SI. the default of 30 is used. 8. Both PFPANEL and PFMODE must have the same output option. The reference pressure is dependent on the units specified on the UNITS input data. If no UNITS data is present. PEAKOUT)=56 PFPANEL(H3D. it is recommended to export the panel participation data into a H3D file. FREQUENCY=setf. Because of the large volume of data. ALL: Participation factors are processed for all excitation frequencies.PFPANEL I/O Options Entry PFPANEL – Output Request for Acoustic Panel Participation Description The PFPANEL command can be used in the I/O Options section to request output of acoustic panel participation factors for all frequency response subcases. outfile. SID refers to the ID of a SET of type FREQ. OptiStruct 13. PEAKOUT)=PEAKOUT PFPANEL(PUNCH)=32 Argumen Options t Description setp ALL: Output acoustic panel participation for all panels.FREQUENCY=45)=12 PFPANEL(H3D.peakout) = setdof/PEAKOUT Examples PFPANEL(PANEL=ALL. NONE: Do not output acoustic panel participation. SID: Participation factors are only processed for a set of excitation frequencies. H3D> Default = H3D Altair Engineering Panel participation can be exported either into a H3D file or a PUNCH file.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 151 . Format PFPANEL (PANEL=setp. SID> Default = ALL outfile <PUNCH. <ALL. NONE> Default = NONE setf <ALL. Comments 1. setdof/ PEAKOUT <SID/ PEAKOUT> Degrees-of-freedom for which the panel participation factors are to be processed. The output of both PFMODE and PFPANEL must be either to an H3D file or to a PUNCH file. the output will be considered at the filtered frequencies corresponding to the degree-of-freedom in the PEAKOUT card in the bulk section.Argumen Options t Description PEAKOUT If PEAKOUT is present as an option inside the parentheses of the PFPANEL data. then the filtered frequencies from the PEAKOUT data will be considered for output of panel participation. 3. SID refers to the ID of a SET of type GRID. The FREQUENCY keyword can be used to select a subset of excitation frequencies available. 2. Acoustic panel participation factors are available in a coupled frequency response analysis (both in direct and modal frequency response).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Both PFPANEL and PFMODE must have the same output option. 4. The closest loading frequency will be chosen in this case. 152 OptiStruct 13. If “PEAKOUT” is specified instead of SID. Legacy format for the export of acoustic panel participation to H3D or PUNCH files: PFPANEL (OUTPUT=outfile)=setdof/PEAKOUT is also supported. Output is to the H3D or PUNCH files only. Format PFPATH = SID Comments SID references a PFPATH card in the Bulk Data section. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.PFPATH I/O Options Entry PFPATH – Output Request Description The PFPATH command can be used in the I/O Options section for transfer path analysis for a response at the connection points.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 153 . POWERFLOW I/O Options Entry POWERFLOW – Output Request Description The POWERFLOW command can be used in the I/O Options section to request output of the power flow field.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . only the filtered frequencies from the PEAKOUT card will be considered for this output. ALL. Comments 1. Format POWERFLOW (format. ALL. Structural intensity. 2. SID> blank: Default = ALL Power flow field is output for all elements. SID: If a set ID is given.h3d file). The power flow field indicates the magnitude and direction of vibrational energy which travels in dynamically loaded structures. 3. power flow field is output only for the contents of that set.h3d file. <H3D> Default = H3D peakoutpu <PEAKOUT> t Default = blank option <YES.peakoutput) = option Argument Options Description format H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (. NO. YES. NONE. NO. is also available. NONE: Power flow field is not output. The references used in the calculation of the power flow field are listed in the References section of the User’s Guide. defined as the power flow per unit area. Power flow field output is only available to the . It helps with identifying the energy transmission paths as well as the vibration sources and energy sinks. PEAKOUT: If PEAKOUT is present. 154 OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 155 . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.PRESSURE I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry PRESSURE . Refer to the documentation for the DISPLACEMENT command.Output Request Description The PRESSURE command is analogous to the DISPLACEMENT command. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. if instances are conflicting. When a PRETBOLT command is not present. 2. NO> Default = YES Example PRETBOLT (OPTI) = YES PRETBOLT = NO PRETBOLT (OPTI) PRETBOLT Comments 1. NO: Pretension force/adjustment values are not output.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = blank option <YES. 156 OptiStruct 13. blank> OPTI: Results are output in OptiStruct results format (. YES: Pretension force/adjustment values are output for all bolts. the last instance dominates.PRETBOLT I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry PRETBOLT . Multiple instances of this card are allowed.pret file). pretension force/adjustment values are not output. Format PRETBOLT (format) = option Argument Options Description format <OPTI.Output Request Description The PRETBOLT command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request output of pretension force/adjustment values in the pretension bolts for all pretensioning and pretensioned subcases. PROPERTY I/O Options Entry PROPERTY . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.Output Control Description The PROPERTY command can be used in the I/O Options section to request the output of the property definitions used in the final iteration of an optimization.out file and the .prop file.prop file. OUT. When a PROPERTY command is not present the updated property definitions will not be output. NONE> FILE or blank: Updated property definitions are output to the . BOTH: Updated property definitions are output to both the . Format PROPERTY = option Argument Options Description option <FILE. Default = FILE OUT: Updated property definitions are output to the .out file.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 157 . Comments 1. NONE: Updated property definitions are not output. BOTH. No default Comments 1. If the instances are conflicting. Format RADSND = option Argument Options Description option <SID> SID: ID of RADSND bulk data entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .References RADSND Bulk Data to specify sound generation panels and microphone field points Description The RADSND command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request radiated sound output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. OptiStruct 13. the last instance will be considered.RADSND I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry RADSND . 158 Multiple instances of this card are allowed. COMPLEX: Provides a combined magnitude/phase form of complex output to the . PHASE: Provides polar format (phase and magnitude) of complex output.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 159 . (Phase output is in degrees).form. blank> PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (. PSDF: Requests the cross-power spectral density function be calculated and output for random analysis postprocessing.type. IMAG.res file if HM output format is chosen. BOTH: Provides both rectangular and polar formats of complex output.pch file). REAL.RCROSS I/O Options Entry RCROSS – Output Request Description The RCROSS command can be used in the I/O Options section to request computation and output of cross-power spectral density functions for random response analysis. randid=RANDPS_ID) = option Argume nt Options Description format <PUNCH. Default = blank form <COMPLEX. BOTH> Default = COMPLEX type <PSDF> Default = PSDF Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The REAL form of complex output is used for other formats if they are not specifically defined. PHASE. REAL or IMAG: Provides rectangular format (real and imaginary) of complex output. Format RCROSS(format_list. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. PSDF. Response quantities. PHASE. rcross(PUNCH. must be requested by corresponding I/O Options in order to compute cross-power spectral density between the two response quantities specified by the RCROSS bulk data entry. PSDF.Argume nt Options Description option <RCROSS_ID> RCROSS_ID: Set identification of an RCROSS bulk data entry. For example: rcross(PUNCH.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . randid <RANDPS_ID. 4. 160 PHASE. rcross(PUNCH. 3. PSDF. STRESS and STRAIN. rcross(PUNCH. PHASE. RANDPS_ID: blank> Set identification number of a RANDPS bulk data entry (see comments 3 and 4). PSDF. 2. PHASE. OptiStruct 13. such as DISPLACEMENT. randid=210020)=451 randid=210050)=452 randid=210070)=453 randid=210090)=454 randid=<RANDPS_ID> must be specified within the RCROSS I/O options entry when multiple RANDOM subcase information entries are present. Comments 1. Multiple RCROSS bulk data entries must be defined when each RCROSS subcase information entry references different randid. The RCROSS I/O option must be used in conjunction with the RANDOM subcase information entry. If present above the first subcase. MBREQE. If the SID referenced by the REQUEST subcase information entry matches with the SID defined for an MBREQ bulk data entry. 3. However. or MBREQM bulk data entries. No default Comments 1. the information on this entry alone is selected.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 161 . it is applied to each multi-body dynamics subcase without a REQUEST entry.REQUEST I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry REQUEST – Multi-Body Request Selection Description The REQUEST command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to select a multi-body request definition to be used in a multi-body problem. 4. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 2. if no MBREQ bulk data entry has the referenced SID defined. This subcase information entry is only valid when it appears in a multi-body subcase. Only one REQUEST entry can be present for each subcase. any of the multibody motion entries: MBREQE or MBREQM which have this SID will be selected. Format REQUEST = option Argument Option Description option <SID> SID: Set identification of MBREQ. COG. EQUA. provided they are referenced either as an objective or a constraint. STRESS: Stress responses.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . WFREQ. WCOMP. are output. EQUA. EXTERNAL: External responses (defined by DRESP3) are output. BUCK. COMP. Format RESPRINT = option Argument Options Description option MASS: Mass and massfrac responses are output. BUCK: Buckling responses are output. FREQ: Frequency responses are output. FREQ. INERTIA. DISP. STRESS. DISP: Acceleration. STRAIN. including CSTRESS and CFAILURE responses. WFREQ. This also applies to manufacturing constraints for composites. EXTERNAL. COMP: Compliance responses are output. FORCE. or COMB: All equation and combination responses are output. Displacement and Velocity responses are output. VOLUME.Output Control Description The RESPRINT command can be used in the I/O Options section to force all unretained responses of a certain type to be printed to the output file. MANUF. WCOMP. <MASS.RESPRINT I/O Options Entry RESPRINT . ALL> No default 162 OptiStruct 13. COMB. VOLUME: Volume and volfrac responses are output. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Comments 1.Argument Options Description STRAIN: Strain responses. including CSTRAIN responses. ALL: All design responses are output. When a RESPRINT command is not present. For example: RESPRINT = STRESS. DISP will force all stress and displacement responses referenced as either an objective or constraint to be output. are output. FORCE: Force responses are output.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 163 . MANUF: Manufacturing constraints for composites are output. The arguments may be placed on a single card in a comma-separated list. manufacturing constraints for composites are not listed. 2. However. COG: Center of gravity responses are output. INERTIA: Inertia responses are output. only retained responses will be output. 164 OptiStruct 13.out is the . This information is contained in the .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . For example. filename_rst030.sh file.fem file The prefix of the . you will need information about the final iteration of a previous optimization run. 4. The total length of information on this card is limited to 200 characters (including the card name and spaces between arguments). Refer to the User's Guide section Restarting OptiStruct.fem from iteration 30. This I/O Option is not valid for analysis mode. See Guidelines for I/O Options and Subcase Information Entries for an example showing how to enter long file names on multiple lines. This data can be on a single line or span multiple continuation lines.out file created when restarting filename. where # is a 3 digit number indicating the starting iteration for the restart run. Output files from a restart run are appended with the extension _rst#. Comments 1. To restart an optimization. The purpose of the restart functionality is for restarting with unconverged optimization runs or optimization runs that were terminated before completion (due to a power outage. Only limited changes are allowed to be made to the model data.sh file to be used as the starting iteration for the restart. 2. Format RESTART = option Argument Options Description option <File prefix> File prefix: Default = prefix of . 5. and so on). 3.Run Control Command Description The RESTART command can be used in the I/O Options section to indicate that the current optimization is to be restarted from the final iteration of a previous optimization.RESTART I/O Options Entry RESTART . NONE. LAST. output occurs for iterations 0. All equation and combination responses are output. FL. 20.Output Control Description The RESULTS command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to determine the frequency of output of analysis results for all subcases or for individual subcases respectively. and the final iteration. FL. Default = FL LAST: Output analysis results for the final iteration only. The information on this card pertains to all analysis output formats that are not specifically described by an OUTPUT command. Comments 1. ALL: Output analysis results for all iterations. 5. 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. N> FIRST: Output analysis results for the first iteration only. 10. When a RESULTS command is not present. blank: Output analysis results for both the first and last iterations. analysis results are output for formats that are activated by the FORMAT command for both the first and last iterations. ALL. 15. N: Output analysis results for the first and last iterations and for every Nth iteration. and so on. Format RESULTS = frequency Argument Options Description frequency <FIRST. If N = 5. NONE: Do not output analysis results.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 165 .RESULTS I/O Options Entry RESULTS . 3. 166 It is recommended to use the OUTPUT command as it allows different frequencies of output to be defined for different formats.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . OptiStruct 13. frequency response. <H3D. Format SACCELERATION (sorting. OP2: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. and transient subcases.form.format_list. SORT2: Results for each grid/element are grouped together (See comment 7).op2 file) output for normal modes. Default = blank format SORT1: Results for each frequency/ timestep are grouped together. blank: SORT1 is used for all results except for transient analysis. It will be ignored without warning if used elsewhere. Default = blank PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (.SACCELERATION I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry SACCELERATION . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.Output Request Description The SACCELERATION command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request the form and type of modal participation accelerations output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively.h3d file).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 167 . where SORT2 is used. SORT2> This argument only applies to the PUNCH format (. OP2.peakoutput) = option Argument Options Description sorting <SORT1. PLOT. PUNCH.pch file).op2 file) (see comment 9). blank> H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (.pch file) or the OUTPUT2 format (. Default = ALL NO. 2. Phase output is in degrees. NONE> YES.op2 file) when PARAM. PHASE: Provides polar format (magnitude and phase) of complex output.Argument form Options Description PLOT: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . these should be comma separated. REAL or IMAG: Provides rectangular format (real and imaginary) of complex output. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. IMAG. NO. If no format is specified. The OFREQUENCY and OTIME I/O Options may be used to control the amount of output. modal participation accelerations are not output. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. ALL. PEAKOUT: If PEAKOUT is present. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. blank: Results are output. The SACCELERATION command is only valid for modal frequency response and modal transient solution sequences. 4. NONE: Results are not output. ALL. When the SACCELERATION command is not present. <YES. POST is defined in the bulk data section. 168 OptiStruct 13. PHASE> Default = REAL peakoutput <PEAKOUT> Default = blank option Comments 1. 3. only the filtered frequencies from the PEAKOUT card will be considered for this output. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. <REAL. format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (. OUTPUT2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the last instance dominates. if instances are conflicting.)). the results are written by OptiStruct into the . 7.op2 file). In general. In previous versions of OptiStruct.op2 file. 9. the results in SORT2 format are not recognized.5. 6. this method is still supported.op2 file in SORT2 format. but when the . the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT.op2 file is imported into HyperView. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used. … . HyperView does not recognize the SORT2 format for results from the . For optimization. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 169 . When results are output only in SORT2 format (<Result Keyword> (SORT2. The abbreviations SACCE and SACCEL are interchangeable with SACCELERATION. the SORT1 option is recommended for results output in OUTPUT2 format and SORT2 option is recommended for results output in PUNCH format. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. Therefore. 8. NONE> OUT.Output Control Description The SCREEN command can be used in the I/O Options section to control the output of model. as well as indication of satisfied convergence ratios. the value of the objective function and the maximum constraint violation at every iteration. Comments 1. NONE: No information is echoed to the screen. If the option LOG is chosen. Format SCREEN = option Argument Options Description option <OUT. analysis.out file is echoed to the screen. 2. and optimization information to the UNIX or DOS shell.SCREEN I/O Options Entry SCREEN .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . no information is echoed to the screen. Default = NONE LOG: A log of the optimization process is echoed to the screen. LOG. 170 OptiStruct 13. When a SCREEN command is not present. blank: The . are echoed to the screen. op2 file) output for normal modes. where SORT2 is used. POST is defined in the bulk data section. SORT2> This argument only applies to the PUNCH format (. <H3D.form. and transient subcases. H3D: OP2. blank: SORT1 is used for all results except for transient analysis.Output Request Description The SDISPLACEMENT command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request the form and type of modal participation displacements output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. Default = blank PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (. PLOT: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. PLOT. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. PUNCH.SDISPLACEMENT I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry SDISPLACEMENT .pch file).format_list.op2 file) when PARAM.h3d file).peakoutput) = option Argument Options Description sorting <SORT1. frequency response. OP2: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. Format SDISPLACEMENT (sorting. SORT2: Results for each grid/element are grouped together (See comment 7).pch file) or the OUTPUT2 format (. It will be ignored without warning if used elsewhere. Default = blank format SORT1: Results for each frequency/timestep are grouped together. blank> Results are output in Hyper3D format (.op2 file) (see comment 9).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 171 . <REAL. PHASE> Default = REAL peakoutput <PEAKOUT> Default = blank option Comments 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. 5.Argument Options Description blank: form Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. PEAKOUT: If PEAKOUT is present. If no format is specified. 6. When the SDISPLACEMENT command is not present. modal participation displacements are not output. NONE: Results are not output. 3. blank: Results are output. NO. NONE> YES. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. Default = ALL NO. For optimization. 172 OptiStruct 13. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. if instances are conflicting. The OFREQUENCY and OTIME I/O options may be used to control the amount of output. <YES. these should be comma separated. 4. The SDISPLACEMENT command is only valid for modal frequency response and modal transient solution sequences. 2. REAL. the last instance dominates. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used. IMAG: Provides rectangular format (real and imaginary) of complex output. In previous version of OptiStruct. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. IMAG. ALL. PHASE: Provides polar format (magnitude and phase) of complex output. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. this method is still supported. only the filtered frequencies from the PEAKOUT card will be considered for this output. Phase output is in degrees. ALL. HyperView does not recognize the SORT2 format for results from the . OUTPUT2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 9.)).op2 file in SORT2 format. The abbreviation SDISP is interchangeable with SDISPLACEMENT. 8. Therefore. the results are written by OptiStruct into the .op2 file).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 173 .op2 file. … . When results are output only in SORT2 format (<Result Keyword> (SORT2. the results in SORT2 format are not recognized.op2 file is imported into HyperView. format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (. the SORT1 option is recommended for results output in OUTPUT2 format and SORT2 option is recommended for results output in PUNCH format.7. In general. but when the . 2. 5. This command is ignored when OUTPUT. NOSTRESS. 174 OptiStruct 13. 4. Format SENSITIVITY = option Argument Options Description option <YES. 3. strain. ALL. blank: The results and sensitivities are output excepting stress. For more details on the output format.H3DTOPOL and OUTPUT. NOSTRESS> NO. Additional sensitivity output requests for topology. MSSENS command is present. strain. ALL or STRESS: The results and sensitivities are output including stress. NO. go to the #. NONE: The results and sensitivities are not output. When SENSITIVITY is not present.H3DGAUGE (in H3D format).SENSITIVITY I/O Options Entry SENSITIVITY . STRESS. and force responses. and OUTPUT.ASCSENS (ASCII format). Default = NONE YES. Comments 1.slk file page in the output section of the Reference Guide.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The frequency of this output is controlled by the SENSOUT option. sensitivity information is not output.Output Request Description The SENSITIVITY command can be used in the I/O Options section to request the output of the responses and sensitivities for size and shape design variables to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. free-sizing and gauge design variables can be made through OUTPUT. NONE. and force responses. FL. FL. If N = 5. Format SENSOUT = frequency Argument Options Description frequency <FIRST. All equation and combination responses are output. blank: The results and sensitivities are output for both the first and last iterations. 5. 15. Default = FL LAST: The results and sensitivities are output for the final iteration only. ALL.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 175 . ALL: The results and sensitivities are output for all iterations. and the final iteration. LAST. Comments 1. 10. This command is ignored when OUTPUT.SENSOUT I/O Options Entry SENSOUT . and so on. MSSENS command is present.Output Control Description The SENSOUT command can be used in the I/O Options section to control the frequency of output of responses and sensitivities for size and shape design variables to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. 20. output occurs for iterations 0. N> FIRST: The results and sensitivities are output for the first iteration only. N: The results and sensitivities are output for the first and last iterations and for every Nth iteration. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. ALL: Results are output in all simulations.SHAPE I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry SHAPE . shape results are output. topography.h3d file). H3D. DES> Default = DES option <YES. <HM.type) = option Argument Options Description format HM: Results are output in HyperMesh results format (. blank: Results are only output in the design history simulations.res file). NONE: Results are not output. ALL. ALL. blank> Default = blank type <ALL. and free-shape optimizations. Format SHAPE (format_list. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (. 176 OptiStruct 13. YES. blank: Results are output. NO. NO. DES. 2.Output Request Description The SHAPE command can be used in the I/O Options section to request altered shape output for a shape optimization. When the SHAPE command is not present. NONE> Default = YES Comments 1. Shape results are only available for shape. 3. 5. these should be comma separated. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. 6. If no format is specified. Outputting the shape results in all simulations allows analysis results to be plotted on the altered shape. 4. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. if no OUTPUT definition exists with the DESIGN keyword. if instances are conflicting. The frequency of this output is controlled by the DESIGN keyword on an OUTPUT definition or. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. by the DENSRES I/O option. the last instance dominates. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 177 . blank: Sound Intensity is output for both panels and microphone locations. NOPANEL: Sound Intensity is output only for microphone locations.SINTENS I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry SINTENS . <PANEL. the total Sound Intensity for each Panel and all the microphone locations is output. The SINTENS command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request Sound Intensity output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively.h3d file. (If type=NOPANEL is specified. 3. Comments 1. Sound Intensity is output for all RADSND panel grids and all microphone grids for all frequency response subcases. Sound intensity is always output for microphone locations regardless of the specified type (PANEL/NOPANEL). ALL. In addition. When the SINTENS command is present. NOPANEL> Default = PANEL option <ALL> Default = ALL Note: Sound Intensity is output only for microphone locations if type=NOPANEL is specified. 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Output Request Description The SINTENS command can be used in the I/O Options section to request Sound Intensity output for all frequency response subcases. sound intensity results are output only for microphone locations). Sound Intensity results (via SINTENS) are output to the . Format SINTENS(type) = option Argument Options Description type PANEL. SINTENS can only be requested for frequency response subcases. 178 OptiStruct 13. 4. blank: Sound Intensity is output for all panel grids and all grids defined as microphone locations on the RADSND bulk data. h3d file).type. frequency response.peakoutput) = option Argument Options Description sorting <SORT1. SORT1 is used.res file). SORT2: Results for each grid/element are grouped together (See comment 10).op2 file) output for normal modes. Default = blank format <HM. PLOT. SORT2 is used.Output Request Description The SPCFORCE command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request single-point force of constraint vector output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. OPTI. It will be ignored without warning if used elsewhere. H3D. OP2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 179 . PUNCH.form. otherwise. H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (.format_list. blank: For frequency response analysis. if no grid SET is specified. OPTI: Results are output in OptiStruct results format (.spcf file). PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results Default = blank Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.SPCFORCE I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry SPCFORCE .pch file) or the OUTPUT2 format (. blank> SORT1: Results for each frequency/timestep are grouped together. SORT2> This argument only applies to the PUNCH format (. Format SPCFORCE (sorting. and transient subcases. HM: Results are output in HyperMesh results format (. Provides polar format (magnitude and phase) of complex output. PEAKOUT: If PEAKOUT is present. ALL> Provides rectangular format (real and imaginary) of complex output. POST is defined in the bulk data section. PLOT: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. BOTH (HM only): Provides both polar and rectangular formats of complex output. ALL: Single-point force of constraint is output for all selected nodes.Argument Options Description format (.res file for the HM output format. blank: Provides a combined magnitude/phase form of complex output to the . PHASE.0E-10 or greater. Default = SPARSE peakoutput <PEAKOUT> Default = blank 180 OptiStruct 13. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. = COMPLEX IMAG: Default (all other formats) = REAL PHASE: type <SPARSE. COMPLEX (HM only). only the filtered frequencies from the PEAKOUT card will be considered for this output. form <COMPLEX.op2 file) when PARAM. IMAG. Default (HM only) REAL. BOTH> OP2: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (.pch file). Phase output is in degrees.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . REAL. SPARSE: Single-point force of constraint is output only for selected nodes with a component with a magnitude of 1.op2 file) (see comment 11). 8. Single-point force of constraint values are highly dependent on mesh density and type of elements used. For optimization. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. When all possible modes in the model space are used.out file. this method is still supported. the modal frequency analysis solution should match the direct frequency analysis solution.Argument Options Description option <YES. ALL. Therefore. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 6. For modal frequency analysis. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. The form argument is only applicable for frequency response analysis. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. 5. blank: Single-point force of constraint is output for all nodes. SID: If a set ID is given. 4. single-point force of constraint vector is not output. single-point force of constraint is output only for nodes listed in that set. and the strain energy residuals for the affected subcases are written to the . Multiple instances of this card are allowed. When single-point force of constraint is calculated. if instances are conflicting. the load summary. ALL. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. NO. It is ignored in other instances. the last instance dominates. NONE. If no format is specified. 9. the single-point force of constraint vector may not be accurate unless all modes are used in the modal solution. The forms BOTH and COMPLEX do not apply to the . the reaction force summary. 7. 2. In previous versions of OptiStruct. these should be comma separated. NO. residual forces are zero only in modal space. When an SPCFORCE command is not present.frf output files. SID> YES. NONE: Single-point force of constraint is not output. 3. Default = ALL Comments 1. the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 181 . 11.op2 file in SORT2 format. but when the .op2 file). When results are output only in SORT2 format (<Result Keyword> (SORT2. HyperView does not recognize the SORT2 format for results from the . the results in SORT2 format are not recognized.op2 file. 182 OptiStruct 13. Therefore.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . In general. … . the results are written by OptiStruct into the . format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (.op2 file is imported into HyperView. the SORT1 option is recommended for results output in OUTPUT2 format and SORT2 option is recommended for results output in PUNCH format. OUTPUT2.)).10. h3d file. SPL can only be requested for frequency response subcases. Format SPL = option Argument Options Description option ALL.Output Request Description The SPL command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request Sound Pressure output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 183 .SPL I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry SPL . Sound Pressure is output for all microphone grids for all frequency response subcases. blank: <ALL> Default = ALL Sound Pressure is output for all grids defined as microphone locations on the RADSND bulk data. 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Sound Pressure results (via SPL) are output to the . When the SPL command is present. Comments 1. Sound power is always output for microphone locations regardless of the specified type (PANEL/NOPANEL). blank: Sound Power is output for both panels and microphone locations. sound power results are output only for microphone locations). 2. Sound Power results (via SPOWER) are output to the . ALL. the total Sound Power for each Panel and all the microphone locations is output. In addition. (If type=NOPANEL is specified. Format SPOWER(type) = option Argument Options Description type PANEL. SPOWER can only be requested for frequency response subcases. 184 OptiStruct 13. NOPANEL> Default = PANEL option <ALL> Default = ALL Note: Sound Power is output only for microphone locations if type=NOPANEL is specified.Output Request Description The SPOWER command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request Sound Power output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . NOPANEL: Sound Power is output only for microphone locations. Sound Power is output for all RADSND panel grids and all microphone grids for all frequency response subcases. When the SPOWER command is present. blank: Sound Power is output for all panel grids and all grids defined as microphone locations on the RADSND bulk data.h3d file. <PANEL.SPOWER I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry SPOWER . Comments 1. blank: For frequency response analysis. for transient analysis. SORT2: Results for each grid/element are grouped together (See comment 12).peakoutput.format_list. Default = blank Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Refer to Strain Results Written in HyperView .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 185 . SORT1 is used. OPTI.form.pch file) or the OUTPUT2 format (.h3d file). H3D. blank> SORT1: Results for each frequency/timestep are grouped together.h3d Format. OP2. Refer to Strain Results Written in HyperMesh . H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (. Format STRAIN (sorting. SORT2> This argument only applies to the PUNCH format (.extras_list.op2 file) output for normal modes. SORT2 is used.STRAIN I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry STRAIN . otherwise.modal) = option Argument Options Descriptions sorting <SORT1. SORT2 is used. It will be ignored without warning if used elsewhere. HM: Results are output in HyperMesh results format (. Default = blank format <HM.location.Output Request Description The STRAIN command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request strain output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. if no element SET is specified. and transient subcases.res Format.type.res file). PLOT.random. PUNCH. frequency response. op2 and . REAL or IMAG: Default (all other PHASE: formats) = REAL Provides polar format (phase and magnitude) of complex output.res file for the HM output format. REAL. Refer to Strain Results Written in Nastran .pch Formats).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . and also refer to Strain Results Written in Nastran . POST is not defined in the bulk data section. blank: form Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available.pch Formats. Refer to Strain Results Written in Nastran .op2 and .op2 file) (see comment 15.pch Formats. only). COMPLEX (HM IMAG. OP2: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. blank: BOTH> Provides a combined magnitude/phase form of complex output to the . BOTH (HM only): Provides both rectangular and polar formats of complex output. this format allows the form for complex results to be defined for XYPUNCH output without having other output.strn file). 186 OptiStruct 13. POST is defined in the bulk data section.Argument Options Descriptions OPTI: Results are output in OptiStruct results format (.pch file). Default (HM only) = COMPLEX Provides rectangular format (real and imaginary) of complex output.op2 and . If PARAM.op2 file) when PARAM. <COMPLEX. PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (. PLOT: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. PHASE. THER. Direct format is used for H3D output. SGAGE. (see comment 11) MECH: Output Mechanical strain (in addition to total strain). TENSOR: All strain results are output. DIRECT: All strain results are output.Argument Options Descriptions type <VON. SHEAR. SHEAR: von Mises and maximum principal strain results are output. BILIN> Element strains for shell and solid elements are output at the element center only. PLASTIC> CUBIC: Element strains for shell and solid elements are output at the element center and grid points using the strain gage approach with cubic bending correction. CORNER. ALL: All strain results are output.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 187 . TENSOR. PRINC. SGAGE: Element strains for shell and solid elements are output at the element center and grid points using the strain gage approach. PRINC. MAXS. Default = ALL location Default = CENTER extras <MECH. MAXS. CORNER or BILIN: Element strains for shell elements are output at the element center and at the grid points using bilinear extrapolation. ALL. <CENTER. CENTER: CUBIC. This output is only available for H3D format. DIRECT> VON: Only von Mises strain results are output. Tensor format is used for H3D output. No default Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Valid only for the H3D format. strain results of the structural modes and residual vectors are output to the PUNCH. only the filtered frequencies from the PEAKOUT card will be considered for this output. Default = blank modal <MODAL> Default = blank 188 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This output is only available for H3D format. peakoutput <PEAKOUT> PEAKOUT: If PEAKOUT is present. The "RMS over Frequencies" output is at the end of the Random results in the . This output is only available for H3D format. RMS: Requests only the “RMS over Frequencies” result from random response analysis to be output for solid and shell elements only (see comment 13). PSDF: Requests PSD and RMS results from random response analysis to be output for solid and shell elements only (See comment 13). OUTPUT2 and H3D files for modal frequency response and transient analyses. RMS> THER: Output Thermal strain (in addition to total strain). No default Only valid for the H3D format.Argument random Options Descriptions <PSDF.h3d file. PLASTIC: Output Plastic strain (in addition to total strain). MODAL: If MODAL is present. PSID> YES. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. results are output only for elements listed in that set. if instances are conflicting. For optimization. this method is still supported. 8. NONE: Results are not output. 6. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. blank: Results are output for all elements. 3. ALL. it will display the strain results that were directly computed.frf output files.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 189 . Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. these should be comma separated. If no format is specified. NO. The forms BOTH and COMPLEX do not apply to the . 5. HyperView can internally derive strain results from the strain tensor when the options TENSOR or ALL are used. For elements that reference PCOMP and PCOMPG properties. the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. SID: If a set ID is given. the STRAIN I/O option controls only strain results for the homogenized composite. It is ignored in other instances. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. no strain data is output. The CSTRAIN I/O option must be used to obtain ply strain results. NO. NONE. PSID: If a property set ID is given. 7. 9. 2. The von Mises and Principal stresses are not available for frequency response analysis. If the option DIRECT is used. In previous versions of OptiStruct. The form argument is only applicable for frequency response analysis. 11. results for the elements referencing properties listed in the property set are output. the last instance dominates. Corner strain of solid element is not available. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used. 10. ALL. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. SID. When the STRAIN command is not present.Argument Options Descriptions option <YES. Default = ALL Comments 1. The mechanical and thermal contributions to strain may be requested in addition to the total strain. 4. Therefore.op2 file). but when the . 190 OptiStruct 13. 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . … . OUTPUT2.op2 file. 15.op2 file in SORT2 format. PSDF and RMS von Mises strain results based on the Segalman Method are also written to the . HyperView does not recognize the SORT2 format for results from the .12. the results are written by OptiStruct into the . the SORT1 option is recommended for results output in OUTPUT2 format and SORT2 option is recommended for results output in PUNCH format.)). the results in SORT2 format are not recognized. The four-letter abbreviation STRA is interchangeable with STRAIN. format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (. In general.op2 file is imported into HyperView. 14. When results are output only in SORT2 format (<Result Keyword> (SORT2.h3d file for Random Response Analysis (only available in the H3D format). Refer to Stress OptiStruct 13. Default = blank format <HM.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 191 . Format STRESS (sorting. SORT1 is used. SORT2: Results for each grid/ element are grouped together (see comment 12). for frequency response analysis.peakoutput. Altair Engineering SORT1: Results for each frequency/ timestep are grouped together.format_list.type. OPTI. OP2. SORT2 is used.op2 file) output for normal modes. It will be ignored without warning if used elsewhere.form.res file). blank: For normal modes analysis. PUNCH. HM: Results are output in HyperMesh results format (. PATRAN.modal) = option Argument Options Description sorting <SORT1. SORT2 is used. if no element SET is specified.location. and transient subcases. otherwise. SORT2> This argument only applies to the PUNCH format (.random. H3D.STRESS/ELSTRESS I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry STRESS . APATRAN. SORT1 is used.pch file) or the OUTPUT2 format (. for transient analysis. frequency response.Output Request Description The STRESS command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request stress output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. op2 file) (see comment 15. Default = blank H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (.op2 and . this format allows 192 OptiStruct 13.pch Formats.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . OP2: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (.pch file). PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (.pch formats.op2 and .Argument Options Description PLOT.h3d Format.op2 file) when PARAM. and also refer to Stress Results Written in Nastran . OPTI: Results are output in OptiStruct results format (multiple files). PATRAN: Results are output in Patran format (multiple files). blank> Results Written in HyperMesh .res Format. PLOT: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. POST is defined in the bulk data section.pch Formats). If PARAM. APATRAN: Results are output in Patran format (multiple files).h3d file). Refer to Stress Results Written in Nastran . POST is not defined in the bulk data section. Refer to Stress Results Written in Nastran .op2 and . Refer to Stress Results Written in HyperView . ALL: All stress results are output. MAXS.Argument Options Description the form for complex results to be defined for XYPUNCH output. TENSOR Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. PHASE. TENSOR. OPTI. BOTH> blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. Default (HM only) = COMPLEX Default (all other formats) = REAL type <VON. and H3D only). Tensor format is used for H3D output. IMAG. MAXS. VON: Only von Mises stress results are output (HM.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 193 . SHEAR: von Mises and maximum principal stress results are output (HM and H3D only). without having other output. COMPLEX (HM only). PRINC. DIRECT> Default = ALL. BOTH (HM only): Provides both rectangular and polar formats of complex output. SHEAR. PHASE: Provides polar format (phase and magnitude) of complex output. blank: Provides a combined magnitude/phase form of complex output to the . REAL. form <COMPLEX. ALL. TENSOR: All stress results are output. REAL or IMAG: Provides rectangular format (real and imaginary) of complex output. PRINC.res file for the HM output format. RMS> No default Only valid for OUTPUT2 and H3D formats. CUBIC. PSDF: Requests PSD and RMS results from random response analysis to be output for solid and shell elements only (See comment 13).op2 file. 194 OptiStruct 13.Argument location Options Description <CENTER. CORNER or BILIN: Element stresses for shell and solid elements are output at the element center and grid points using bilinear extrapolation. CUBIC: Element stresses for shell elements are output at the element center and grid points using the strain gage approach with cubic bending correction.h3d file and labeled "Simulation 1" in the . The "RMS over Frequencies" output is at the end of the Random results in the . Default = CENTER random <PSDF. BILIN> DIRECT: All stress results are output. Direct format is used for H3D output. CENTER: Element stresses for shell and solid elements are output at the element center only. SGAGE: Element stresses for shell elements are output at the element center and grid points using the strain gage approach. CORNER.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . SGAGE. PSID> YES. NONE: Stress results are not output. MODAL: If MODAL is present. RMS: Valid only for OUTPUT2 and H3D formats.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 195 .Argument Options Description Requests only the “RMS over Frequencies” result from random response analysis to be output for solid and shell elements only (See comment 13). NO. peakoutput <PEAKOUT> PEAKOUT: If PEAKOUT is present. stress results for the elements referencing properties listed in the Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. blank: Stress results are output for all elements. ALL. stresses of the structural modes and residual vectors are output to the PUNCH and OUTPUT2 files for modal frequency response and transient analysis.op2 file. PSID: If a property set ID is given. NONE. It is labeled “Simulation 1” in the . Default = ALL NO. Default = blank modal <MODAL> Default = blank option <YES. SID. ALL. stress results are output only for elements listed in that set. only the filtered frequencies from the PEAKOUT card will be considered for this output. SID: If a set ID is given. 10. The form argument is only applicable for frequency response analysis. HyperView can internally derive STRESS results from the stress tensor when the options TENSOR or ALL are used. Therefore. When a STRESS command is not present. and inertia relief analysis subcases. HyperView does not recognize the SORT2 format for results from the . It is ignored in other instances. The CSTRESS I/O option must be used to obtain ply stress and failure index results. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. 7. 8. In general.op2 file. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. 9. the stresses for each residual displacement vector associated with the USET U6 DOF are also output to the H3D. For optimization. 4. the last instance dominates. 5. the STRESS I/O option controls only stress results for the homogenized composite. For modal frequency response and transient analysis. 3. OUTPUT2. The Von Mises and Principal stresses are not available for frequency response analyses. the SORT1 option is recommended for results output in OUTPUT2 format and SORT2 option is recommended for results output in PUNCH format. the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. 12.Argument Options Description property set are output. If the option DIRECT is used.)). PUNCH. the stress vectors associated with the residual vectors are written to the . 6. If no format is specified. the results in SORT2 format are not recognized. if there is USET U6 data. if instances are conflicting. the results are written by OptiStruct into the . it will display the stress result that were directly computed.frf output files. but when the . … .op2 file in SORT2 format. Comments 1.pch files after the modal stress vectors if the keyword MODAL is used. 11. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used.op2 and . these should be comma separated. For normal modes analysis output. and OUTPUT2 files. nonlinear quasi-static gap analysis. this method is still supported. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. For elements that reference PCOMP or PCOMPG properties. When results are output only in SORT2 format (<Result Keyword> (SORT2. 196 OptiStruct 13. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available.op2 file is imported into HyperView. stress results are output for all elements for all linear static analysis. 2. In previous versions of OptiStruct.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The forms BOTH and COMPLEX do not apply to the . h3d file for Random Response Analysis (only available in the H3D format). 15. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. PSDF and RMS von Mises stress results based on the Segalman Method are also written to the .op2 file). The four-letter abbreviation STRE is interchangeable with STRESS.13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 197 . format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (. 14. No default Comments 1.SUBTITLE I/O Options Entry SUBTITLE .File Header Description The SUBTITLE command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to define the subtitle for all subcases or for individual subcases respectively. 198 The subtitle is written to the output files. OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format SUBTITLE = name Argument Description name The subtitle for the subcase. op2 file) output for normal modes. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.peakoutput) = option Argument Options Description sorting <SORT1. Default = blank PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (. SORT2> This argument only applies to the PUNCH format (. frequency response.SVELOCITY I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry SVELOCITY . OP2.h3d file).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 199 . and transient subcases.pch file) or the OUTPUT2 format (. It will be ignored without warning if used elsewhere. blank: SORT1 is used for all results except for transient analysis. where SORT2 is used.Output Request Description The SVELOCITY command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request the form and type of modal participation velocities output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively.form.format_list. OP2: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (.op2 file) (see comment 9).pch file). Format SVELOCITY (sorting. <H3D. PLOT. blank> H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (. PUNCH. Default = blank format SORT1: Results for each frequency/ timestep are grouped together. SORT2: Results for each grid/element are grouped together (see comment 7). The OFREQUENCY and OTIME I/O Options may be used to control the amount of output.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . <REAL. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. 3. ALL. these should be comma separated. blank: Results are output. 200 OptiStruct 13. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. ALL. PHASE: Provides polar format (magnitude and phase) of complex output. IMAG. POST is defined in the bulk data section. NONE> YES. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry.Argument form Options Description PLOT: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. 2. IMAG: Provides rectangular format (real and imaginary) of complex output. only the filtered frequencies from the PEAKOUT card will be considered for this output. NO. PHASE> Default = REAL peakoutput <PEAKOUT> Default = blank option Comments 1. If no format is specified. The SVELOCITY command is only valid for modal frequency response and modal transient solution sequences. 4. Default = YES NO. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. modal participation velocities are not output.op2 file) when PARAM. PEAKOUT: If PEAKOUT is present. When the SVELOCITY command is not present. NONE: Results are not output. <YES. REAL. Phase output is in degrees. For optimization. the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. if instances are conflicting. 9. … .op2 file). the last instance dominates.op2 file. 7. HyperView does not recognize the SORT2 format for results from the . a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used. format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (. In general.op2 file is imported into HyperView. Multiple instances of this card are allowed.5.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 201 . but when the . When results are output only in SORT2 format (<Result Keyword> (SORT2. In previous versions of OptiStruct. the SORT1 option is recommended for results output in OUTPUT2 format and SORT2 option is recommended for results output in PUNCH format. OUTPUT2. 8. 6. Therefore. The abbreviation SVELO is interchangeable with SVELOCITY. the results in SORT2 format are not recognized.)).op2 file in SORT2 format. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. this method is still supported. the results are written by OptiStruct into the . MIXED> STRICT: The CBAR and CBEAM beam element connections cannot reference the PBEAM beam property entries.OS_RAM=1234) Setting Options Description BARPROP <STRICT.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .op2 file.…) Examples SYSSETTING(RAMDISK=100) SYSSETTING(SCRFMODE=buffered. Format SYSSETTING(setting=option_list.setting=option_list. respectively. Most of these options can also be specified in one of the config files (see OptiStruct Configuration File).SYSSETTING I/O Options Entry SYSSETTING – Run Control Description The SYSSETTING command can be used in the I/O Options section to alter system settings. Any setting defined here may be over-ridden by command line arguments (see Run Options for OptiStruct).stripe) SYSSETTING(SPSYNTAX=mixed. BUFFSIZE BUFFSIZE = 16832 The maximum size in 8 byte words of the records of data written to the . CARDLENGTH <Integer> Defines the number of characters read on a single line in the I/O Options and Subcase Information sections. Use -1 to turn off buffering. Default = STRICT MIXED: The CBAR and CBEAM beam element connections can reference the PBEAM and PBAR beam property entries.SCRFMODE=buffered. Default = 80 In the Bulk Data section. 202 OptiStruct 13. respectively.stripe.RAMDISK=100. This can vary between 80 and 132 characters. CARDLENGTH applies to free and long free format lines only (fixed and long format lines are always limited to 72 characters). h3d file output by OptiStruct. the accuracy is one digit lower. 5: for standard fixed 8-character without exponent. Note: It is not possible to select the H3D format used for output. and PROPX entries do not allow duplicates). So the results file would then be {filename}. 2: for standard fixed 8-character without exponent. the value must match up to 4 decimal places. H3DVTAG <YES. MATT. the value must match up to just 2 decimal places. the value must match up to 6 decimal places. Currently only GRID. If values are too large or too small to represent without exponent. NO> Default = NO Appends the version of the H3D format used. for negative values. 4: for standard fixed 8-character without exponent. MAXLEN <Integer> Altair Engineering Used to define the maximum allowable amount of OptiStruct 13. the value must match up to 5 decimal places.Setting Options Description DUPTOL Integer <0-5> Controls accuracy used during elimination of potential duplicate cards. then both values must match exactly when converted to 8-character form. this is built into the executable. onto the . otherwise identical IDs are flagged as ERROR. if all integer values on both cards match exactly. the values defined must be an exact match. the value must match up to 3 decimal places.h3d12. Two cards with identical ID's are replaced by the first one. 1: for standard fixed 8-character without exponent. Default = 0 0: no tolerance. and base MAT/PROP entry duplicates are allowed (MATX.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 203 . CORDxx. and all float values match with accuracy controlled by this setting.h3d11 or {filename}. Also. 3: for standard fixed 8-character without exponent. RAMDISK <RAM in Mbytes> SAVEFILE SAVEFILE = OUT SAVEFILE controls the behavior of the solver when an output file with the same name already exists when the program starts. (see Run Options for OptiStruct). There is no default. <Real> Default = 1. Same as –nproc and -cpu options (see Run Options for OptiStruct).Setting Options Description memory to be used in MB. Default = UNIQUE UNIQUE requires all PLOTEL elements have unique element IDs. RAM_SAFETY Same as -rsf option. MAXLEN is not supported when the MUMPS solver is used (including –ddm parallel runs). 5 See comment 5 below for more details. ALLOWFIX> Controls the numbering scheme of the PLOTEL ID. The default is 10% of OS_RAM.0 Specifies an area in RAM allocated to store information which otherwise would be stored in Default = See comment scratch files on the hard drive. Memory limit in Mb. The solver will attempt to run at least the minimum core solution regardless of the memory limit. <UNIQUE. ALLOWFIX allows OptiStruct to automatically fix ID collisions for PLOTEL.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This is the same as the legacy command. MINLEN <Integer> NPROC <Integer> (legacy command: CPU) Default = 1 OS_RAM <RAM in Mbytes> Default = 1Gbyte PLOTELID Used to define the initial memory allocation in MB. See Memory Limititations in the User’s Guide for details. Sets number of processors in a multiprocessor (SMP) run. SAVEFILE = ALL will prevent overwriting output 204 OptiStruct 13. OptiStruct renumbers the IDs of all PLOTEL by adding a large offset value. OS_RAM_INIT. If PLOTEL elements have the same IDs as some other elements. For Windows (without AMSES): BUFFERED. See comments 8 and 9.h3d where nnn represents the smallest number for file which does not exists yet. SAVEFILE = NONE will allow the solver to overwrite any existing file. STRIPE <primary_option. jobname.h3d will be renamed to jobname_nnn. where ext is arbitrary file extension (case insensitive. MIXFCIO 3.Setting Options Description files by renaming an existing file by adding numeric suffix. error will be generated when 10 or more data fields is found on a bulk data card in free format. See comment 7 below for more details. SCRFMODE Allows for the selection of different modes of storing scratch files for a linear solver process (especially for out-of-core and minimum-core Primary options: BASIC.stat files. SAVEFILE = ext.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 205 . BUFFERED. modes). Use SKIP10FIELD=WARN to allow reading such card (extra fields will be disregarded instead of causing error). For Windows (using AMSES): BASIC SKIP10FIELD <CHECK. OptiStruct 13. MIXFCIO (only valid when combined with BUFFERED): Use C (native) I/O routines instead of FORTRAN read/write for main solver files. Default = 1. UNBUFFER: C i/o mode (default). for example. secondary_option> Secondary option: MIXFCIO BUFFERED: FORTRAN buffered. To detect disallowed use of potential expansion of free format. UNBUFFER. direct access file. For Linux: UNBUFFER 2. and it may use a large amount of disk space if the same run is repeated multiple times. up to 9 characters). SAVEFILE = OUT (default) will preserve only . BASIC: FORTRAN mode.out and . This option tries to preserve files with all known extensions. WARN> Default = CHECK Altair Engineering STRIPE: Stripe main solver files on multiple disks (except ones marked as slow). CHECK: When grid/component pairs (G#/C#) are defined. or a non-blank value in the second or third field indicates the (X. 1 or blank.Setting Options Description SPSYNTAX <STRICT. interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. See comment 6 below for more details. Default = ALLOWINT ALLOWINT is the default setting for OptiStruct. )). 1 or blank. a negative integer value in the first field. and converts integer values to real values whenever real values are expected.Y. this option will allow the grid reference to be scalar points (SPOINT) or structural grid points (GRID) when the component is 0. and that the component be > 1 when the grid reference is a structural grid point (GRID).Z) format and all fields are 206 OptiStruct 13. this option will require that the component be 0 or blank when the grid reference is a scalar point (SPOINT). SYNTAX <ALLOWINT.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = CHECK STRICT: When both grid/component pairs (G#/C#) and grid lists for a given component (as on the alternate formats ASET1 and USET1 bulk data entries) are defined. But when grid lists for a given component (as on alternate formats ASET1 and USET1 bulk data entries) are defined.Y. where the form of the input (Integer or Real) indicates the nature of the input (for example. MIXED: When grid/component pairs (G#/C#) and grid lists for a given component (as on alternate formats ASET1 and USET1 bulk data entries) are defined. In those instances. . and that the component be > 1 when the grid reference is a structural grid point (GRID). this option will require that the component be 0 or blank when the grid reference is a scalar point (SPOINT). when reading vector entries (X.Z) with alternate form (GID. CHECK. MIXED> Controls how strict the checks are in the reader for mixing GRIDs and SPOINTs. this option will allow the grid reference to be scalar points (SPOINT) or structural grid points (GRID) when the component is 0. interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. STRICT> Controls how strict the syntax checker in the reader is. By default TAB stops are spaced by 8 columns. quiet Less output (default). The error message includes information about GRID ID. An error termination will occur if an integer value is placed in a real value field when this setting is chosen. unique. and Load Set number. which is standard on all Unix/Linux terminals. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. but not all. a minimum of one. Possible values are 4 (used often on Windows) and 1 (replace each TAB with exactly one space). where integer values may only be entered in integer value fields and real values must be entered in real value fields. This allows users to revert to the behavior of versions prior to OptiStruct 13.<filename>. but not all. STRICT follows more closely with other Nastran codes. permissive) Controls the behavior of ASSIGN. grid points in the model has a specified temperature). strict. a minimum of one. STRICT OptiStruct will error out if there are some grid points without a specified temperature (that is. Element ID. ZERO OptiStruct will use a value of zero for grids without a specified temperature (that is.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 207 . TABSTOPS UNDEFTEMP TABSTOPS = 8 <STRICT. off. grid points in the model has a specified temperature).0. Defaults = quiet and strict verbose More output including old and new values.UPDATE. Default = STRICT UPDATE UPDATE option (quiet. verbose. Note: This setting never changes results – it can only cause the rejection of files that do not follow the restrictions. ZERO> TABSTOPS allows you to change interpretation of TAB character in the input.Setting Options Description read as real values. The most impact can be observed on machines with very large physical memory (20GB or more) or when used to speed-up main solver scratch file access using the SCRFMODE setting. 208 For SPSYNTAX setting: OptiStruct 13. Continuation lines are not allowed. and can also be specified on the command line. See Memory Limitations in the User’s Guide for details. Choose only one option from: strict. verbose. but it is limited by the current line length (default 80). Automatic RAMDISK is not allocated for fixed RAM jobs (the -fixlen command line option is used. Each option except SCRFMODE must have exactly one argument. SCRFMODE arguments should be comma separated. The number of fields in this card is not limited to 10. multiple SYSSETTING cards are allowed. Choose only one option from: quiet. USERAM <RAM in Mbytes> Memory limit in Mb. unique Each ID only once. The solver will use more than the minimum memory required up to this limit. Note that the use of RAMDISK will reduce the amount of memory available for the solver and for file buffering performed by the operating system (by Linux or Windows). The settings CPU and NPROC are interchangeable.000 GRIDS). This can be disabled by specifying RAMDISK=0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . permissive Allow all cards and repeat IDs. For RAMDISK setting: a) Use of a virtual disk instead of physical files may speed up solutions by reducing wait time to access physical disk drives. 5. 6. and because of that it may not always reduce the wall clock time for the solution. so it is fine to specify 200MB for RAMDISK when the total amount of scratch files will be larger than that.Setting Options Description strict Do not allow non-supported cards in update deck (default). off Disable update. permissive. b) RAMDISK is automatically protected for overflow. 4. unique. see Run Options for OptiStruct). c) RAMDISK is automatically specified for very small jobs. 2. (less than 10. but only if it improves the speed of the solution. 3. off. Comments 1. standard . and accessed in parallel. and then the same NNN is used for all files found in the current folder. All files are renumbered at program start – . 9. d) STRIPE requires multiple TMPDIR cards and has effect only for out-of-core or minimumcore solutions. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. b) In out-of-core and minimum-core solver modes. BUFFERED or UNBUFFER) is used. Unless SAVEFILE. The SAVEFILE option tries to preserve only files in the start directory. These files are usually written and read several times. and this can have a significant impact on the total (wall clock) time for the solution of large jobs.out and .a) When the component from a grid/component pair or for a list of grids (as on alternate formats ASET1 and USET1 bulk data entries) is greater than 1. The default mode is optimal in most configurations. this option has no effect when the input file is specified with a path. the solver creates one large scratch file for each subcase and this file may be optionally located across multiple TMPDIRs. b) This control may also be set in the OptiStruct Configuration File. This mode results in the access to all disks similar to RAID0 . especially jobs including Lanczos eigenvalue solver. Check with your system administrator for information on the actual hardware structure of your computer. otherwise the same method as for other files (BASIC. BASIC mode is enforced during AMSES calculations. but choosing between BASIC. often in random pattern.ext cards can be used (up to 5 extensions can be defined). Note that this option may sometimes cause the solver to fail if it renames the file which is intended for the input. the grid reference must always be a structural grid (GRID). that is. e) Most modern operating systems (Linux in particular) use excess available RAM for the buffering of disk i/o. Warning: Using STRIPE with TMPDIRs allocated on the same physical drive (even on different partitions) will usually slow down the solution by increasing wait times. and this large file must therefore fit on a single TMPDIR.NONE is specified. even if they are created in different folder.out file is preserved first. In order to use this capability. For SCRFMODE setting: a) This command controls the way scratch files from the linear equation solver are written to the disk. SCRFMODE=STRIPE must be defined. Only files with default names are preserved (that is those starting with the same root as outfile). Multiple SAVEFILE. they should not be partitions on the same physical drive).consecutive blocks of data are split between separate TMPDIRs. The SCRFMODE command will have effect only for jobs which exceed the capabilities of this buffer. or the OUTFILE option defines a different location for all output files. c) STRIPE mode can be used when all TMPDIRs (not marked as SLOW) are fully independent (that is. BUFFERED or UNBUFFER may improve speed for some hardware and/or some types of solution sequences. but using of any of the standard options (NONE/ALL/OUT) empties the list of previously defined extensions.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 209 . Multiple SAVEFILE cards overwrite each other (the last one is in effect). which can speed up disk access considerably. 8. f) When AMSES is used on Windows.stat files are always renumbered. 7. g) The –scrfmode option can be specified on the command line (see Run Options for OptiStruct) – this overrides any information specified in the input file. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Y-A and the default plot title to the first plot. Example: XTITLE = X-A YTITLE = Y-A XYPLOT (first plot definition) YTITLE = Y-B TCURVE = C-A XYPLOT (second plot definition) would assign X-A. then X-A. Y-B and C-A to the second plot. TCURVE may not be continued onto the next line.TCURVE I/O Options Entry TCURVE – Output Request Description The TCURVE command can be used in the I/O Options section to define the plot title for XYPLOT output from a random response analysis. Default = A default title is provided. Format TCURVE = title Argument Description title Character string. 2. A TCURVE definition applies to all plots defined after TCURVE until another definition of TCURVE occurs. 210 OptiStruct 13. Comments 1. op2 file) when PARAM. H3D. H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (. OP2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. SID> YES.op2 file) (see comment 7). blank> PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (. NO. When the THERMAL command is not present. ALL. POST is defined in the bulk data section. Thermal results are output only for grid points referenced by that set. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. NONE: Thermal results are not output SID: If a set ID is specified.pch file). Format THERMAL (format_list) = option Argument Options Description format <PUNCH. PLOT. Default = ALL NO. <YES. thermal results are not output.h3d file). NONE.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 211 . blank: Thermal results are output at all grid points for which temperature results are available. PLOT: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. Default = blank OP2: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. option Comments 1. ALL.THERMAL I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry THERMAL – Output Request Description The THERMAL command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request temperature output for all heat transfer analysis subcases or individual heat transfer analysis subcases respectively. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. if instances are conflicting. The PUNCH output produces TEMP bulk data entries. 7. and the SID on the entries will be the subcase number (=1 if no SUBCASES are specified). 5. 6. If no format is specified. 212 OptiStruct 13. Thermal output is only available for the heat transfer analysis solution sequence. See Results Output for information on the results available and their respective formats. these should be comma separated. format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (.op2 file). the last instance dominates.2. 4. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. 3. Temperature output via the THERMAL output request is available for both linear steady state heat transfer and linear transient heat transfer analyses. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . NOPLY> ALL: Thickness results are output for all plies. blank> HM: Results are output in HyperMesh results format (. Default = blank comp Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 213 . blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available.h3d file).THICKNESS I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry THICKNESS . H3D. NOPLY: No ply thickness results are output. H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (. (See comments 1 and 2) <ALL. DESIGN.Output Request Description The THICKNESS command can be used in the I/O Options section to request thickness output for elements referencing a PSHELL or PCOMP property in: Size/Free-size optimization Analysis runs Topology optimization Format THICKNESS (format_list. comp) = option Argument Options Description format <HM. blank: Thickness results are output for designable plies only. Default = DESIGN DESIGN.res file). 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . however.h3d file. Thickness results are available for analysis runs. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. The frequency of this output is controlled by the DESIGN keyword on an OUTPUT definition or. NONE> YES. 214 OptiStruct 13. these should be comma separated. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. 6. if no OUTPUT definition exists with the DESIGN keyword. the last instance dominates. by the DENSRES I/O option. THICKNESS results for analysis runs. blank: Thickness results are output NO. 7.Argument Options Description option <YES. and topology optimization only. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. If no format is specified. Default = YES Comments 1. When thickness results are output to the . Outputting the density results in all simulations allows analysis results to be plotted on the density iso-surface in HyperView. ALL. 5. ALL. 2. NO. thickness results are output. When the THICKNESS command is not present. are not output by default and will be output only if the THICKNESS data entry is present in the solver deck. 3. if instances are conflicting. 4. NONE: Thickness results are not output. size/free-size optimization. percentage thickness change is also output. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. NO. blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. Format THIN (format. SID: If a set ID is given.h3d file). SID. <H3D. type) = option Argument Options Description format H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (.THIN I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry THIN .Output Request for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Subcase Description The THIN command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request thinning and thickness output for all geometric nonlinear analysis subcases or individual geometric nonlinear analysis subcases respectively. ALL: Thinning and thickness results are output.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 215 . ALL. THICK: Element thickness only is output. THIN. thinning/ thickness are output only for elements listed in that set. THIN: Percentage element thinning only is output. <YES. THICK> Default = ALL option Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. ALL. PSID> YES. NONE. Default = ALL NO. NONE: Thinning/thickness are not output. blank> Default = blank type <ALL. blank: Thinning/thickness are output for all elements. Comments 1. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. THIN is only applicable for geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by an ANALYSIS = NLGEOM subcase entry. thinning/thickness results for the elements referencing properties listed in the property set are output. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. if instances are conflicting. 216 OptiStruct 13. 3. 2. the last instance dominates. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. Only formats that have been activated by an OUTPUT or FORMAT statement are valid for use on this card. If no format is specified. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. 4.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Argument Options Description PSID: If a property set ID is given. these should be comma separated. No default Comments 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 217 . Format TITLE = name Argument Description name The title for the job. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The title is printed into the output and results files.File Header Description The TITLE command can be used in the I/O Options section to define the title for the OptiStruct job.TITLE I/O Options Entry TITLE . 2.\DirN\Scratch TMPDIR = -FILESIZE=13 D:\Dir1\Dir2\.\DirN\Scratch Files Network Drive 1.. TMPDIR = -FILESIZE=13 SLOW=1 Y:\Scratch TMPDIR = -FILESIZE=13 SLOW=1 Y:\Scratch Files 218 OptiStruct 13.. SLOW=1 Non-zero value denotes a network drive./ Examples Windows Operating System Local Drive TMPDIR = -FILESIZE=13 D:\Dir1\Dir2\.. Default = .. Format TMPDIR = <options> path Argument Options Description options -FILESIZE=n Maximum allowable file size in GB.Directory Selection Description The TMPDIR command is used in the I/O Options section to choose the directory in which the scratch files are to be written. path <directory path> The path to the directory where scratch files are to be written. Map the network drive (drive on a remote machine) to a drive (Y:\) on your computer. Use the path to your preferred scratch directory on the mapped network drive as the “path” argument for TMPDIR.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .TMPDIR I/O Options Entry TMPDIR . Before opening any scratch file during the solution process. The following cases are known to have a file size limit of 2GB: FAT32 file system (Windows. Scratch files will be allocated in all directories depending on the options defined (see comments 3 through 8). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. as is customary at many large organizations. The total length of information on this card is limited to 200 characters (including the card name and spaces between arguments). but does not guarantee full usage of each TMPDIR area.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 219 . Selecting directories for TMPDIR on disk drives shared across the network (that is on different computers or on centralized file servers) is not recommended. and accessing them across the network will dramatically increase wall clock time for the solution. this overrides any information specified in the input file./DirN/Scratch TMPDIR = -FILESIZE=13 D:/Dir1/Dir2/.. Multiple TMPDIR cards are allowed (up to five entries). 5. See the SCRFMODE setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option for an additional way to use multiple TMPDIR cards for large jobs. This algorithm tends to spread disk usage between different directories. This data can be on a single line or span multiple continuation lines./DirN/Scratch Files Comments 1. and should be avoided if possible. it is used only after other TMPDIRs are filled up. All scratch files are stored in the specified directories. 6. This limit is large enough for all practical problems in most cases. The main purpose of the TMPDIR command is to avoid this delay when work areas (home directories) are allocated on a central server. The –tmpdir option can be specified on the command line (see Run Options for OptiStruct). See Guidelines for I/O Options and Subcase Information Entries for an example showing how to enter long file names on multiple lines. Some scratch files (especially for out-of-core and minimum-core mode) are heavily used. The scratch files are automatically removed at the end of the analysis unless there is a system error or core dump (in which case.. 2. When TMPDIR is marked as SLOW. sometimes Linux) ext2 file system (older Linux distributions) NFS version 2 It is recommended to upgrade hardware and/or operating system in these cases.. 8.. 4. the scratch file may need to be cleaned up manually). 3. the solver checks the available free space on all TMPDIRs and allocates that file on the directory which has most free space.Linux Operating System Local Drive TMPDIR = -FILESIZE=13 /Dir1/Dir2/. The filesize option is needed in rare cases when there is a file size limit imposed by operating system. 7. The main scratch file used during a linear solver process (that is solution of linear system or eigen problem) can be split between multiple TMPDIRs (see SCRFMODE). 220 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . TTERM is only allowed in geometric nonlinear subcases which are defined by an ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. IMPDYN. Format TTERM = value Argument Description value Termination time for a geometric nonlinear subcase. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 (Real) Comments 1.TTERM I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry TTERM .Termination Time for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Subcase Description The TTERM command can be used in a geometric nonlinear subcase to define the termination time. Default = 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 221 . or EXPDYN subcase entry. Pa CGS: Centimeter-gram-second system of units. Length: centimeter = cm Mass: gram = g Time: second = s Temperature: Kelvin = K Pressure = barye = 0. MPA.1 Pa MPA: Mega Length: millimeter = mm Mass: tonne = tonne Time: second = s Temperature: Kelvin = K Pressure .UNITS I/O Options Entry UNITS .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .MPa BG: British Gravitational system of units.Unit System for the Model Description The UNITS command can be used in the I/O Options section to define a system of units for the model. CGS. BG> SI: International system of units. Format UNITS = system Argument Options Description system <SI. Length: feet = ft Mass: slug = slug Time: second = s Temperature: Rankine = R 222 OptiStruct 13. Length: meter = m Mass: kilogram = kg No default Time: second = s Temperature: Kelvin = K Pressure . Argument Options Description Pressure = Ibf/ft 2 Comments 1.UNITS entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 223 . This UNITS data entry is the same as the DTI. the last occurrence will be used. Only one instance of this card is supported. 2. If multiple instances are defined. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. HM: Results are output in HyperMesh results format (. for transient analysis.pch file) or the OUTPUT2 format (. HG.peakoutput) = option Argument Options Description sorting <SORT1.op2 file) output for normal modes. blank: For frequency response analysis. OP2. Default = blank 224 OptiStruct 13.VELOCITY I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry VELOCITY . SORT2 is used. OPTI. SORT2> This argument only applies to the PUNCH format (.disp file). Format VELOCITY(sorting. if no grid SET is specified. PUNCH. PLOT.h3d file). OPTI: Results are output in OptiStruct results format (.rotations.format. It will be ignored without warning if used elsewhere. H3D.Output Request Description The VELOCITY command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request velocity vector output for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (. blank> SORT1: Results for each frequency/ timestep are grouped together.res file). Default = blank format <HM.form. SORT2 is used. SORT1 is used. SORT2: Results for each grid/element are grouped together (See comment 8). and transient subcases.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .random. frequency response. otherwise. POST is not defined in the bulk data section. PHASE. this format allows the form for complex results to be defined for XYPUNCH output without having other output. Phase output is in degrees (See comment 9). If PARAM. form <COMPLEX.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 225 . Default (all other formats) = REAL Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. IMAG. BOTH> Default (HM only) = COMPLEX blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available. blank: Provides a combined magnitude/ phase form of complex output to the . HG: Results are output in HyperGraph presentation format (_freq. REAL or IMAG: Provides rectangular format (real and imaginary) of complex output (See comment 9).Argument Options Description PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (. PHASE: Provides polar format (magnitude and phase) of complex output. COMPLEX (HM only).mvw file and _tran.op2 file) when PARAM. PLOT: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (.pch file).op2 file) (see comment 11).res file for the HM output format. POST is defined in the bulk data section. OP2: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. REAL.mvw file) – see OUTPUT keywords HGFREQ and HGTRANS. only the filtered frequencies from the PEAKOUT card will be considered for this output. Valid only for the H3D format. RMS: Requests only the “RMS over Frequencies” result from random response analysis to be output. NONE. <YES.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = NOROTA random <PSDF. <PEAKOUT> Default = blank option 226 OptiStruct 13. PSDF: Requests PSD and RMS results from random response analysis to be output. NOROTA> BOTH (HM only): Provides both polar and rectangular formats of complex output. blank: Velocity is output for all nodes. Default = YES NO.Argument rotations Options Description <ROTA. NO. SID> YES. RMS> No default Only valid for the H3D format. NONE: Velocity is not output. The "RMS over Frequencies" output is at the end of the Random results. ALL. peakoutput PEAKOUT: If PEAKOUT is present. ROTA: Requests output of rotational velocity results (in addition to rotational velocity results). ALL. NOROTA: Rotational velocity results are not output. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 227 . Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. the SORT1 option is recommended for results output in OUTPUT2 format and SORT2 option is recommended for results output in PUNCH format. but when the . HyperView does not recognize the SORT2 format for results from the . In general. 9. 11. When the VELOCITY command is not present. if instances are conflicting. The form argument is only applicable for frequency response analysis. For optimization. 8. Results in ASCII formats are output in the specified/requested FORM. velocity vector is not output. 10. Comments 1. 2. the results are written by OptiStruct into the . Multiple instances of this card are allowed.frf output files. the results in SORT2 format are not recognized.op2 file in SORT2 format.op2) are always output in PHASE/MAG form.op2 file. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used. the last instance dominates.op2 file is imported into HyperView. the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT.h3d or . If no format is specified. these should be comma separated. 7. this method is still supported. In previous versions of OptiStruct.Argument Options Description SID: If a set ID is given. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. … . 5. velocity is output only for nodes listed in that set. When results are output only in SORT2 format (<Result Keyword> (SORT2. Results in binary format (. regardless of the options specified in the FORM field.)). The corresponding post-processors (HyperView/HyperGraph) can easily convert the PHASE/MAG format to the required formats. Velocity output is available for frequency response and transient analysis solution sequences. 3. 6. format=OUTPUT2 can also be used to request results to be output in the Nastran output2 format (. Therefore. OUTPUT2. It is ignored for other analysis types. 4. The forms BOTH and COMPLEX do not apply to the . See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats.op2 file). but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. The four-letter abbreviation VELO is interchangeable with VELOCITY. Y-B. and C-A to the second plot. Format XTITLE = title Argument Description title Character string. Example: XTITLE = X-A YTITLE = Y-A XYPLOT (first plot definition) YTITLE = Y-B TCURVE = C-A XYPLOT (second plot definition) would assign X-A. 228 OptiStruct 13.XTITLE I/O Options Entry XTITLE – Output Request Description The XTITLE command can be used in the I/O Options section to define the x-axis label for XYPUNCH or XYPLOT output from a random response analysis. 2. then X-A. XTITLE may not be continued onto the next line. Default = blank Comments 1. An XTITLE definition applies to all plots defined after XTITLE until another definition of XTITLE occurs.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Y-A and the default plot title to the first plot. pch file output for frequency response analysis. XYPLOT: Generates a HyperGraph session file and related data files for the requested output for random response analysis. curve-type <DISP.Output Request XYPUNCH .peak file containing a summary of the requested output for random response analysis. The XYPUNCH command can also be used with the RESPONSE plot-type to request . and XYPUNCH commands can be used in the I/O Options section to request output from a random response analysis. VELO: STRESS. curve-type. VELO. No default XYPUNCH: Generates a . XYPUNCH> XYPEAK: Generates a . With the plot-type RESPONSE.Output Request Description The XYPEAK. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.XYPEAK / XYPLOT / XYPUNCH I/O Options Entry XYPEAK . this command can also be used to generate . DISP: Requests output for displacement. FORCE.pch file for the requested output for random response analysis. XYPLOT. ACCE. Requests output for force.pch file output from a frequency response analysis. Format operation. plot-type / entity ID(item code) list Argument Options Description operation <XYPEAK. STRAIN> ACCE: No default Requests output for velocity. XYPLOT. For plot-type RESPONSE: CBUSH and CELAS elements only. FORCE: Requests output for acceleration.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 229 .Output Request XYPLOT . R2. T signifies translation and R signifies rotation while the numbers indicate the translational direction or rotational axis. and R3IP. No default Each entry consists of a GRID or SPOINT ID followed by a component of motion (T1. PSDF: RESPONSE> No default AUTO: Requests power spectral density function for random response analysis. or R3) in parentheses. R1. AUTO. R1RM. RESPONSE: Requests time or frequency in SORT2 format or grid identification numbers in SORT1 format. T1RM. R2IP. For plot-types PSDF and AUTO. For plot-types PSDF and AUTO. plot-type <PSDF. 230 OptiStruct 13. T3. In the components of motion. T2RM. CDAMP. Each entry in the list is comma separated. For frequency response analyses. component pairs. STRAIN: Requests output for element strain. The type of the response depends on a preceding output request. STRESS: Requests output for element stress.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . the component must be T1. The list must come after a slash "/". T2IP. CVISC. For SPOINTs. T3RM. entity ID (item List of grid or GRID: code) list element.Argument Options Description For plot-type PSDF: CBUSH. T3IP. where RM signifies Real or Magnitude and IP signifies Imaginary or Phase. RESPONSE is only supported for the XYPUNCH operation for frequency response analysis. (see comment 5) Requests autocorrelation for random response analysis. R3RM. T1IP. and CELAS elements only. R1IP. T2. R2RM. or T1IP. the components of motion are T1RM. Unlike other output requests. DISPLACEMENT.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 231 . FORCE or VELOCITY). then the RANDOM ID will be added to the XYPUNCH headers in the corresponding result sections of the . or XYPUNCH commands are supplied. the format of XYPUNCH output (Real/Imaginary or Phase/Magnitude) is determined by the relevant result output request (ACCELERATION. 9(T1). which is described in DRESP1 – Frequency Response Stress/Strain Item Codes and DRESP1 – _Frequency Response Force Item Codes Examples XYPLOT. 4. If the XYPEAK. 5. 2. if the plot-type field is set to PSDF. 3. PSDF / 3(T2). then no random response results will be output. an error termination will occur. VELO. STRAIN. For complex results. 6(T2) XYPEAK. XYPUNCH. XYPLOT.Argument Options Description ELEMENT: For elements. DISP. or XYPUNCH commands are not supplied. PSDF / 8(T1). XYPEAK. the RANDOM ID is not printed. Real/Imaginary is the default if not otherwise indicated. If only one RANDOM entry is present. STRESS. 9(T2) Comments 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.pch file when multiple RANDOM entries are present in the same deck. Multiple RANDOM subcase information entries with non-unique ID’s are allowed in a single model. ACCE. XYPEAK. Therefore. XYPLOT. 8(T2). but with an incomplete definition. XYPLOT. AUTO / 223(T3) XYPEAK. If the XYPEAK. XYPLOT. the item code (number code only) represents a component of the element stress/ strain. and XYPUNCH may be combined on a single line (as shown in the example above). 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .YTITLE I/O Options Entry YTITLE – Output Request Description The YTITLE command can be used in the I/O Options section to define the y-axis label for XYPUNCH or XYPLOT output from a random response analysis. and C-A to the second plot. Y-A and the default plot title to the first plot. Example: XTITLE YTITLE XYPLOT YTITLE TCURVE XYPLOT = X-A = Y-A (first plot definition) = Y-B = C-A (second plot definition) would assign X-A. Y-B. 2. Default = blank Comments 1. 232 OptiStruct 13. then X-A. Format YTITLE = title Argument Description title Character string. YTITLE may not be continued onto the next line. A YTITLE definition applies to all plots defined after YTITLE until another definition of YTITLE occurs. Subcase Information Section Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 233 . CJ = 0. The referenced DMIG entry must be a square matrix (field 4 must be 1). Comments 1. Ci corresponds to DOF. The matrix selected applies to all subcases.A2GG Subcase Information Entry A2GG . Gi corresponds to structural points. Multiple instances of A2GG are not allowed. The selected fluid-structure coupling matrix is always added to the computed coupling matrix. 4.Direct Input Fluid-Structure Coupling Matrix Selection Description The A2GG command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a direct input fluid-structure coupling matrix. where GJ corresponds to fluid points. 234 OptiStruct 13. DMIG matrices will not be used unless selected in the Subcase Information section. and will result in an error termination. Format A2GG = name Argument Description name Name of a fluid-structure coupling matrix that is input in the bulk data section using the DMIG card. and Ai corresponds to the area values.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 3. 5. 2. HEAT: Linear steady-state heat transfer analysis or linear transient heat transfer analysis. MCEIG: Modal complex eigenvalue analysis. OPTSKIP: Performs finite element analysis run only. Optimization inputs are ignored. IMPDYN. Format ANALYSIS = option Argument Options Description option <ONLY. DFREQ. STATICS. NLHEAT: Nonlinear steady-state heat transfer analysis. MODES. MFREQ. MFOUR. Optimization inputs are checked but ignored. It may also be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to identify the solution sequence for all subcases or for individual subcases. NLSTAT. NLSTAT: Nonlinear quasi-static analysis.ANALYSIS Subcase Information Entry ANALYSIS .Run Control and Solution Sequence Identifier Description The ANALYSIS command can be used in the I/O Options section to request that only a finite element analysis be performed (optimization input is ignored). MCEIG.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 235 . DTRAN. MODES: Normal modes analysis. OPTSKIP. MTRAN. HEAT. NLHEAT. OptiStruct 13. BUCK. EXPDYN. DFOUR. FATIGUE> The first two options ONLY and OPTSKIP refer to the run control functionality of the ANALYSIS command: Default = ONLY The remaining options refer to the solution sequence identification functionality of the ANALYSIS command: Altair Engineering ONLY: Performs finite element analysis run only. respectively. STATICS: Linear static or nonlinear quasi-static gap analysis. NLGEOM. MBD. DTRAN: Direct transient response analysis. 2. MFREQ: Modal frequency response analysis. DFOUR: Direct transient response analysis through Fourier transformation. all elements (including design elements) are treated as non-design elements.Argument Options Description BUCK: Linear buckling analysis. 3. When ANALYSIS=ONLY or ANALYSIS=OPTSKIP are used. all properties and grids referenced by size and shape variables will be set at the values on the associated property and GRID data. ANALYSIS=ONLY or ANALYSIS=OPTSKIP may be used in combination with one of the other ANALYSIS options. When ANALYSIS=ONLY or ANALYSIS=OPTSKIP are used. FATIGUE: Fatigue analysis. DFREQ: Direct frequency response analysis. 4. MFOUR: Model transient response analysis through Fourier transformation. NLGEOM: Geometric nonlinear implicit (quasi-)static analysis. Comments 1. ANALYSIS=ONLY or ANALYSIS=OPTSKIP are only applicable in the I/O Options section. MBD: Multi-body dynamics analysis. EXPDYN: Geometric nonlinear explicit dynamic analysis. MTRAN: Modal transient response analysis. 236 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . IMPDYN: Geometric nonlinear implicit dynamic analysis. which only recognizes the last instance of this card in the same situation. When multiple instances of this card occur. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. that is field 4 on the referenced DMIG entry must contain the integer 6. The matrix must be symmetric. This matrix is handled like the damper elements CDAMPi and CVISC. This behavior differs from that of Nastran. Comments 1. 2.B2GG Subcase Information Entry B2GG – Direct Input Viscous Damping Matrix Selection Description The B2GG command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a direct input viscous damping matrix. DMIG matrices will not be used unless selected. 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 237 . 4. Format B2GG = name Argument Description name Name of a damping matrix that is input in the bulk data section using the DMIG card. Terms are added to the viscous damping matrix before any constraints are applied. 5. the referenced DMIG entries are combined. Only one CMETHOD entry can be defined in a subcase. Format CMETHOD = option Argument Options Description option < SID > SID: Set identification of an EIGC bulk data entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . A CMETHOD entry is required for complex eigenvalue analysis. 238 OptiStruct 13. No default Comments 1. 3. If present above the first subcase. 2.CMETHOD Subcase Information Entry CMETHOD – Data Selection Description The CMETHOD command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select the method for complex eigenvalue extraction. it is applied to all complex eigenvalue subcases. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 239 . Format CMSMETH = option Argument Option Description option <CMSID> CMSID: Identification of a CMSMETH bulk data entry.CMSMETH Subcase Information Entry CMSMETH – Run Control Description The CMSMETH command can be used in the Subcase Information section to request that only a component mode synthesis solution be performed and to select a component mode synthesis method definition to be used. All subcases must have the same MPC reference. in which case it runs the component mode synthesis (flexible-body preparation) solution sequence using the CMSMETH reference and the common MPC reference. No default Comments 1. and thus create complex loading sequences. stress-free state of the model. not the subcase numbering. See comment 1. other types of subcases interspersed between nonlinear ones will “break” the continuation sequence). SID: Subcase ID This nonlinear subcase continues nonlinear solution from SUBCASE SID. Format CNTNLSUB = option Argumen Option t Description option Yes: <Yes.CNTNLSUB Subcase Information Entry CNTNLSUB – Continue nonlinear solution sequence from a preceding nonlinear subcase Description The CNTNLSUB command can be used in the Subcase Information section to continue a nonlinear solution from a preceding nonlinear subcase. If CNTNLSUB. OptiStruct 13.YES is used above the first subcase. If CNTNLSUB. then the preceding subcase must be nonlinear subcase of the same type.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No: This nonlinear subcase executes a new solution sequence starting from the initial. See comment 1. "Preceding" refers to the sequence of subcases in the deck. SUBCASE SID must precede the current subcase in the deck and must be a nonlinear subcase of the same type. then all the consecutive nonlinear subcases of the same type will continue each other (however.YES is used within a subcase. No. SID> Default = Yes 240 This nonlinear subcase continues the nonlinear solution from the nonlinear subcase immediately preceding. geometric linear subcases (ANALYSIS=NLSTAT) may only be continued from other geometric linear subcases. This command applies only to nonlinear subcases. 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 241 . If CNTNLSUB = option is present above the first subcase. In these problems. the results in problems that typically are not pathdependent. and geometric nonlinear subcases (ANALYSIS=NLGEOM. 4. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. it is applied to all nonlinear subcases. to some extent. subcase continuation can be used to create complex loading paths that will typically produce very different results than simple proportional loading of a single subcase. Only one CNTNLSUB entry can be defined for each subcase. such as gap/contact analysis without friction. Nonlinear subcases may only be continued from other nonlinear subcases of the same analysis type. that is. CNTNLSUB also affects the convergence history and.Comments 1. IMPDYN or EXPDYN) may only be continued from other geometric nonlinear subcases. CNTNLSUB is mostly relevant in path-dependent problems. 2. (CNTNLSUB = SID is only allowed within a subcase). such as plasticity or gap/ contact analysis with friction/stick. If present above the first subcase. 242 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Only one DEFORM entry can be defined for each subcase. it is applied to all linear static.DEFORM Subcase Information Entry DEFORM – Data Selection Description The DEFORM command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select an element deformation set. Comments 1. and nonlinear quasi-static (Gap/Contact) subcases. linear buckling. 2. Format DEFORM = option Argument Options Description option < SID > SID: Set identification of a DEFORM bulk data entry. MINP. Format DESOBJ (type) = integer. DRESP3. MINP: The objective is to minimize the percentile value of the response (see comment 8).0 < Real < 100. DRESP2. MAXP> MIN: The objective is to minimize the response.00> Altair Engineering Probability related to the reliability requirement (see comment 8). ID: Identification number of a DRESP1. or to select system response definitions when the objective function is the least squares sum of these definitions. Default = MIN MAX: The objective is to maximize the response.DESOBJ Subcase Information Entry DESOBJ – Objective Selection Description The DESOBJ command is used in the Subcase Information section to select a single response definition as the objective function of an optimization. PROB Argument Options Description type <MIN. OptiStruct 13. integer < ID > No default PROB <Probability> Probability <50. MAX. The DESOBJ command also indicates if this response is to be minimized or maximized.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 243 . MAXP: The objective is to maximize the percentile value of the response (see comment 8). or DSYSID bulk data entry. weighted. 4. DRESP2. 2. DRESP2.Comments 1. MINP. This entry is represented as an optimization objective in HyperMesh. DRESP1. and DRESP3 entries. 9. 5. Time dependent responses should not be referenced by the DESOBJ entry. 244 OptiStruct 13. The minmax formulation should be used for optimization problems that have time-dependent responses as the objective functions. then the DESOBJ statement must be within the appropriate subcase definition and the subcase must be of the appropriate type. and PROB options can be input during a Reliability-based Design Optimization run. MINP and MAXP are not supported if random design variables or random parameters are not defined in the model. and DRESP3 entries referenced by the DSYSID entry can define only a single response per subcase when the DESOBJ formulation is used. The objective function is the sum of the squared. If the DSYSID entry is referenced by a DESOBJ subcase entry. Only one DESOBJ card can be present. 7. DSYSID entries must have unique identification numbers with respect to DRESP1. The MAXP. a least squares objective function is used in the optimization. 6. 3. the DESOBJ data must be above the first SUBCASE statement. For global DRESP1 responses (responses which are not subcase dependent) or DRESP2 or DRESP3 responses containing either DRESP1L/DRESP2L data or global DRESP1 responses. The minmax formulation can be selected using the MINMAX or MAXMIN subcase information entry. If the DESOBJ data references responses that are subcase specific. 8.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . normalized differences between the target responses and those calculated by the finite element analysis. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 245 . to select a constraint set that is subcase dependent. This entry is represented as an optimizationconstraint in HyperMesh. 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. No default Comments 1. Format DESSUB = integer Argument Options Description integer < SID > SID: Set identification of a DCONSTR or DCONADD bulk data entry.DESSUB Subcase Information Entry DESSUB – Constraint Selection Description The DESSUB command can be used in the Subcase Information section. within a subcase definition. The constrained response referenced by the DESSUB constraint selection must be subcase dependent. Only one DESVAR command may appear in the Subcase Information section and should appear before the first SUBCASE statement. 246 OptiStruct 13. 3. Only those design variables. Format DESVAR = option Argument Options Description option <ALL. SID: The ID of a SET I/O Option definition. DESVAR bulk data entries that are not selected by this command are frozen at their initial values (that is same as setting XINIT=XLB=XUB) and all referenced properties will still be governed by the DESVAR settings. as defined by DESVAR bulk data entries with IDs appearing in the referenced SET entry are considered in the optimization. as defined by DESVAR bulk data entries.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If it is absent. Default = ALL Comments 1. are used in the optimization. The DESVAR command is optional. 2. SID > ALL: All design variables in the input data. all DESVAR bulk data entries will be used.DESVAR Subcase Information Entry DESVAR – Data Selection Description The DESVAR command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a set of design variables for use in an optimization run. RLOAD1 and RLOAD2 are for frequency response loadings. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Format DLOAD = option Argument Options Description option < SID > SID: No default Set identification of a DLOAD.Data Selection Description The DLOAD command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a dynamic load to be applied in a transient or frequency response problem. Comments 1.DLOAD Subcase Information Entry DLOAD .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 247 . TLOAD1. TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 are for transient response loadings. RLOAD2. RLOAD1. TLOAD2. or CAALOAD bulk data entry. 2. ACSRCE. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If EIGVRETRIEVE is not present. integer3. eigenvalue and eigenvector results are not retrieved from external data files and a normal modes analysis is performed for the modal frequency response or modal transient response analysis subcase.. Format EIGVRETRIEVE = integer1.eigv). 248 OptiStruct 13.EIGVRETRIEVE Subcase Information Entry EIGVRETRIEVE . .External Data Selection Description The EIGVRETRIEVE command can be used in the Subcase Information section to retrieve eigenvalue and eigenvector results of a normal modes analysis from an external data file (. Comments 1. When multiple integer arguments are provided.. 3. eigenvalues are retrieved from multiple external data files and combined. integer2. Only one occurrence of EIGVRETRIEVE is permitted per subcase. Argument Options Description integer# <integer> Retrieves eigenvalues and eigenvectors from external data files for use in a modal frequency response analysis.eigv where <prefix> is defined by the EIGVNAME I/O Options entry and # is one of the integer arguments defined here. 2. No default The external eigenvalue data file names are of the form: <prefix>_#. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.eigv where. Comments 1. <prefix> is defined by the EIGVNAME I/O Options entry and # is the integer argument defined here. If EIGVSAVE is not present. Format EIGVSAVE = integer Argument Options Description integer <integer> Outputs eigenvalues and eigenvectors obtained from a normal modes analysis to an external data file. Only one occurrence of EIGVSAVE per subcase is permitted.eigv). 2.Output Request Description The EIGVSAVE command can be used in the Subcase Information section to output eigenvalue and eigenvector results of a normal modes analysis to an external data file (. No default The external eigenvalue data file name is of the form: <prefix>_#.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 249 .EIGVSAVE Subcase Information Entry EIGVSAVE . eigenvalue and eigenvector results do not get exported to an external data file. then any ESLTIME bulk data entries that have this SID will be selected. 2. EXPDYN or MBD entry. Only one ESLTIME entry can be present for each subcase. However. If the SID referenced by the ESLTIME subcase information entry matches with the SID defined for an ESLTADD bulk data entry. Comments 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . IMPDYN. if an ESLTADD bulk data entry does not exists with the referenced SID. It can only be used in subcases that contain an ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. Format ESLTIME = option Argument Option Description option < SID > SID: No default Set identification number of an ESLTADD or ESLTIME bulk data entries (see Comments 1 and 2). 250 OptiStruct 13.ESLTIME Subcase Information Entry ESLTIME – Data Selection Description The ESLTIME command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select particular time steps for geometric nonlinear response ESLM optimization or Multi-body Dynamics ESLM optimization. then the information on this entry alone is selected. The excluded region will have no effect on the calculated critical load only if the excluded modes are geometrically separated from. 4. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the actual critical buckling mode. No default Comments 1. The element set is defined using the SET bulk data entry. Excluding any region from this search can cause you to miss the actual critical buckling mode that involves the respective region and has the least load bearing capacity. least stable configuration of the structure. resulting in a buckling analysis with elastic boundary conditions. A descriptive engineering explanation is as follows: buckling analysis by design seeks the weakest. The excluded elements are only removed from the geometric stiffness matrix. or orthogonal to. This subcase information entry is only valid when it appears in a buckling subcase. excluding any region from buckling analysis can. which then may produce false overconfidence in a structure’s load bearing capacity. 2. result in a higher.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 251 . overestimated critical load calculation.EXCLUDE Subcase Information Entry EXCLUDE . 5.Exclusion Set Selection Description The EXCLUDE command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a set of elements to be excluded from a linear buckling analysis. Extreme caution is advised when using the EXCLUDE command. and usually will. 3. This means that the excluded elements may still be showing movement in the buckling mode. In general. Format EXCLUDE = option Argument Options Description option <ESID> ESID .set identification number of an element set. No default Comments 1. 252 OptiStruct 13. FATDEF bulk data entries will not be used unless selected in the Subcase Information section.FATDEF Subcase Information Entry FATDEF – Data Selection Description The FATDEF command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a FATDEF bulk data entry that will define the elements. 2. and their associated fatigue properties. Format FATDEF = option Argument Option Description Option < SID > SID: Set identification of a FATDEF bulk data entry. it is applied to all fatigue analysis subcases. to be considered for fatigue analysis. If present above the first subcase.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . it is applied to all fatigue analysis subcases. 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 253 . Format FATPARM = option Argument Option Description Option < SID > SID: Set identification of a FATPARM bulk data entry. No default Comments 1.FATPARM Subcase Information Entry FATPARM – Data Selection Description The FATPARM command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a FATPARM bulk data entry that will define the parameters to be used for a fatigue analysis. FATPARM bulk data entries will not be used unless selected in the Subcase Information section. If present above the first subcase. Format FATSEQ = option Argument Option Description Option < SID > SID: Set identification of a FATSEQ bulk data entry. No default Comments 1. 254 This command may not appear above the first subcase.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .FATSEQ Subcase Information Entry FATSEQ – Data Selection Description The FATSEQ command can be used in the Subcase Information section to indicate that a subcase is a fatigue analysis subcase and to select a FATSEQ bulk data entry that will define the loading sequence for the fatigue analysis. OptiStruct 13. FREQ3. FREQ4. Format FREQUENCY = option Argument Option Description option < SID > SID: Set identification of FREQ. 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 255 . All FREQi data with the same set identification number will be used. FREQ1. If present above the first subcase. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The Fourier transform will be performed at the frequencies specified. and FREQ5 bulk data entries. No default Comments 1. 3.Data Selection Description The FREQUENCY command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select the set of forcing frequencies to be solved in a frequency response problem.FREQUENCY Subcase Information Entry FREQUENCY . FREQ2. it is applied to each frequency response or transient subcase without a FREQUENCY command. A frequency set selection is required for transient response by the Fourier transform method when TSTEP (FOURIER) is used. that is. The transfer zone should contain only 3-dimensional elements in both the local and global structures. SID <integer > 0> Specifies the set of grid points in the local structure that defines the transfer zone. 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format GLOBSUB. CHEXA20) are allowed. Comments 1. The transfer zone may represent single or multiple cuts (sections) through the structure. Multiple cuts should be separated from each other. The GLOBSUB entry should always reference the subcase ID of a global subcase that is defined above its corresponding local subcase.GLOBSUB Subcase Information Entry GLOBSUB . Second order elements (for example. 256 OptiStruct 13.Global Model and Transfer Zone Selection Description The GLOBSUB entry can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a subcase that references the global structure for local-global analysis. SID Argument Value Description SUBID <integer > 0> Specifies the identification number of the subcase that contains the global structure definition (via SUBMODEL). SUBID. There is no further restriction on element types elsewhere in the structure. The displacements from the global structure are interpolated and applied to this set of grid points. A set of grid points in the local structure that defines the transfer zone can also be specified. they should not exist closer than the element size of the global model. 3. grid < GID > Default = geometric center of the structure. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. NO > Default = YES YES: Grounding check is performed.THRESH=thresh) = option Argument Option Description print < PRINT. Format GROUNDCHECK(print. option < YES.out file.out file. GROUNDCHECK must be specified before the first SUBCASE. Maximum strain energy which passes the check. thresh <e> Default = largest term in the stiffness matrix.GRID=gid. divided by 1. NOPRINT: Do not write output to the . Grid Point ID: Reference grid point for the calculation of the rigid body motion.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 257 . Comments 1.GROUNDCHECK Subcase Information Entry GROUNDCHECK – Rigid Body Motion Grounding Check Description The GROUNDCHECK command can be used in the Subcase Information section to perform a grounding check analysis on the stiffness matrix to expose unintentional constraints by moving the model rigidly. NO: Grounding check is not performed.0E10. NOPRINT > Default = PRINT PRINT: Write output to the . 3. Grounding check is performed on all degrees-of-freedom of the model and all degrees-offreedom that are not constrained by SPC.2. MPC equations are not used in the check. 258 OptiStruct 13. The equivalent energy from MPC violation is added to the strain energy when performing the grounding check.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Any MPC that will be violated due to rigid body modes is reported. An equivalent energy magnitude is also calculated between MPC violation and the strain energy. Format IC = option Example IC = 10 Argument Option Description option < SID > SID: Set identification number of TEMP. 2. TICA bulk data entries. no initial conditions) unless selected in the Subcase Information section. TEMPD. Initial conditions cannot be used with modal transient analysis.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 259 . TIC. TIC and TICA entries will not be used (therefore. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. No default Comments 1.IC Subcase Information Entry IC – Transient and Explicit Analysis Initial Condition Set Selection Description The IC command may be used in the Subcase Information section to select initial conditions for transient and explicit analysis. No default Comments 1. 260 OptiStruct 13.INVEL Subcase Information Entry INVEL – Multi-Body Initial Velocity Selection Description The INVEL command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a multi-body initial velocity set to be applied in a multi-body problem. Format INVEL = option Argument Option Description option < SID > SID: Set identification if INVELB or INVELJ bulk data entries. 2. Only one INVEL entry can be present for each subcase.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This subcase information entry is only valid when it appears in a multi-body subcase. Direct Input Stiffness Matrix Selection Description The K2GG command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a direct input stiffness matrix. The matrix selected applies to all subcases.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 261 . with or without factors. When multiple instances of this card occur. Example K2GG=KAAX K2GG=1. The factors are real numbers. DMIG matrices will not be used unless selected in the Subcase Information section. This behavior differs from that of Nastran. With factors. that is field 4 on the referenced DMIG entry must contain the integer 6. The entries in the name list are separated by comma or blank. Format K2GG = name Argument Description name Name of a stiffness matrix that is input in the bulk data section using the DMIG card or name list. The matrix must be symmetric. 5. 4. 3.5*KBBX Comments 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 2.1.25*KAAX. which only recognizes the last instance of this card in the same situation. each entry consists of a factor followed by a star and a name. the referenced DMIG entries are combined.K2GG Subcase Information Entry K2GG . DMIG matrices will not be used unless selected in the Subcase Information section.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This behavior differs from that of Nastran. K2PP matrices are used only in dynamic response problems. Format K2PP = name Argument Description name Name of a stiffness matrix that is input in the bulk data section using the DMIG card. 3. which is not included in normal modes.K2PP Subcase Information Entry K2PP . 2. Comments 1. which only recognizes the last instance of this card in the same situation. When multiple instances of this card occur. They are not used in normal modes. 4.Direct Input Stiffness Matrix Selection Description The K2PP command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a direct input stiffness matrix. 262 OptiStruct 13. the referenced DMIG entries are combined. The matrix selected applies to all subcases. Comments 1. Format K42GG = name Argument Description name Name of a damping matrix that is input in the bulk data section using the DMIG card. This behavior differs from that of Nastran. PBUSH. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This matrix is handled like the contributions from the structural element damping coefficients GE on MATi. 4. that is field 4 on the referenced DMIG entry must contain the integer 6. 2.K42GG Subcase Information Entry K42GG . When multiple instances of this card occur.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 263 . 3. DMIG matrices will not be used unless selected. which only recognizes the last instance of this card in the same situation. the referenced DMIG entries are combined. and PELAS.Direct Input Structural Element Damping Matrix Selection Description The K42GG command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a direct input structural element damping matrix. Terms are added to the damping matrix before any constraints are applied. The matrix must be symmetric. 5. Comments 1. Format LABEL = name Argument Description name Any string of ASCII characters can be used to label a subcase.Subcase Label Description The LABEL command can be used in the Subcase Information section to provide a subcase with a label. 264 This label is inserted into output files for post-processing purposes. OptiStruct 13.LABEL Subcase Information Entry LABEL .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . PLOAD1. PLOAD4.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 265 . RFORCE. and SPCD. FORCE1. MOMENT.0. PLOAD2. In versions of OptiStruct prior to 8. the set identification of FORCE.0. MOMENT1. if no LOAD bulk data entry exists with this SID. which have this SID will be selected. MOMENT1. PLOAD4. and SPCD. the TEMPERATURE data selector was added to perform this function. if no LOAD bulk data entry has the referenced SID defined. thermal loads were selected in the Subcase Information section using the LOAD data selector. GRAV. Format LOAD = option Argument Options Description option < SID > SID: No default Set identification of a LOAD bulk data entry or. PLOAD. the information on this entry alone is selected. FORCE1. 2. In version 8. any of the static load entries: FORCE. MOMENT. GRAV. bulk data entries. PLOAD. 3. 4. A METHOD entry cannot be present in the same subcase definition as a LOAD entry. Comments 1.LOAD Subcase Information Entry LOAD – Data Selection Description The LOAD command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a static load set to be applied in linear static solutions. It is possible to revert to the old behavior mode by setting the LOADTEMP option to SHAREID in the OptiStruct Configuration File. PLOAD1. Only one LOAD entry can be present for each subcase. PLOAD2. RFORCE. However. If the SID referenced by the LOAD subcase information entry matches with the SID defined for a LOAD bulk data entry. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the referenced DMIG entries are combined. that is field 4 on the referenced DMIG entry must contain the integer 6. 4. When multiple instances of this card occur.Direct Input Mass Matrix Selection Description The M2GG command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a direct input mass matrix. The matrix must be symmetric. 266 OptiStruct 13. 2. 3. By default. DMIG matrices will not be used unless selected in the Subcase Information section. This behavior differs from that of Nastran. Comments 1. mass contribution of the external mass matrix (M2GG) is considered for the generation of gravity and centrifugal loads.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The matrix selected applies to all subcases.M2GG Subcase Information Entry M2GG . 5. which only recognizes the last instance of this card in the same situation. Format M2GG = name Argument Description name Name of a mass matrix that is input in the bulk data section using the DMIG card. or MBLIN bulk data entries. MBSIM. Only one MBSIM entry can be present for each subcase. MBSEQ. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. and MBLIN must have unique IDs. MBSIM.MBSIM Subcase Information Entry MBSIM – Multi-Body Simulation Selection Description The MBSIM command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a multi-body simulation definition to be applied in a multi-body problem. 3. No default Comments 1. MBSIM can be used to select only one bulk data entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 267 . 2. This subcase information entry is only valid when it appears in a multi-body subcase. Format MBSIM = option Argument Option Description option < SID > SID: Set identification of MBSEQ. If present above the first subcase.METHOD Subcase Information Entry METHOD . Format METHOD (type) = option Argument Options Description type <STRUCTURE. it is used in all subsequent subcases which can accept a METHOD entry. Only one METHOD entry of each type can be defined for each subcase. 3. 268 OptiStruct 13. METHOD(FLUID) can reference an EIGRA bulk data entry.Data Selection Description The METHOD command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a method for real eigenvalue extraction. If only one type of METHOD entry is defined (either METHOD(STRUCTURE) or METHOD(FLUID)). A METHOD entry cannot be present in the same subcase definition as a LOAD entry. and modal transient response solution sequences. Default = Structure option < SID > No default SID: Set identification of an EIGRL or EIGRA bulk data entry. this does not apply to subcases which already contain their own METHOD entry. 2. this definition will be used for both the structure and the fluid portion of the model. AMSES can be used for the fluid (FLUID) part of the model. A METHOD entry is required for normal modes.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . linear buckling. 5. FLUID> The referenced EIGRL or EIGRA bulk data entry is applied to the structural (STRUCTURE) or fluid (FLUID) portion of the model. However. 4. Comments 1. modal frequency response. Only one MFLUID entry can be present. Format MFLUID = option Argument Options Description option < SID > SID: Set identification number of one or more MFLUID bulk data entries. No default Comments 1.MFLUID Subcase Information Entry MFLUID .Virtual Fluid Mass Selection Description The MFLUID command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select the parameters and damp elements and activate the calculation of virtual fluid mass. frequency response. 2. MFLUID may be requested for a normal modes. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 269 . or transient response analysis. complex eigenvalue. the beta method is applied in the optimization as follows: 5. If the DSYSID entry is referenced by a MINMAX or a MAXMIN subcase entry.MINMAX or MAXMIN Subcase Information Entry MINMAX / MAXMIN .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . but a MAXMIN entry cannot appear in the same input file as a MINMAX entry. Format MINMAX = integer MAXMIN = integer Argument Options Description integer < DOID > DOID: Design objective identification number of a DOBJREF or DSYSID bulk data entry. 270 OptiStruct 13. Refer to the Optimization Problem page of the User's Guide for more information on "Minmax" optimization. No default Comments 1.Objective Selection Description The MINMAX or MAXMIN commands can be used in the Subcase Information section to select normalized response or system identification definitions as the objective function for a "Minmax" or "Maxmin" optimization. 2. The multiple MINMAX or MAXMIN entries define the same optimization problem. 4. 3. This entry is represented as an optimization objective in HyperMesh. Multiple MINMAX entries are allowed and multiple MAXMIN entries are allowed. This subcase information entry is only valid when it appears in a multi-body subcase. MBSMNT. the information on this entry alone is selected. MBMNTC. MBSFRCC. MBMNT. MBFRCE. MBMNTE. MBSFRC. MBSFRC. MBSFRCE. MBSMNTE. 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 3. MBFRCC. However. MBFRC. Format MLOAD = option Argument Option Description option < SID > SID: No default Set identification of GRAV. MBFRCE. MBSMNTC. MBMNT. or MBSMNTE which have this SID will be selected. MBMNTC.MLOAD Subcase Information Entry MLOAD – Multi-Body Load Selection Description The MLOAD command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a multi-body load set to be applied in a multi-body problem. If the SID referenced by the MLOAD subcase information entry matches with the SID defined for an MLOAD bulk data entry. MBFCC. any of the multibody load entries: GRAV. MBSMNTC. and MLOAD bulk data entries.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 271 . MBFRC. Comments 1. MBSFRCE. if no MLOAD bulk data entry has the referenced SID defined. MBSFRCC. Only one MLOAD entry can be present for each subcase. MBMNTE. MBSMNT. MODESELECT I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry MODESELECT – Mode Selection Description The MODESELECT command can be used in the I/O Options or the Subcase Information section to select a subset of computed modes in modal dynamic analysis subcases. LMODES = lm) Mode selection based on lowest modes. then mode n will be included in the analysis. UNCONSET = m) Mode selection based on a range of frequencies.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Default) n FLUID If FLUID is specified. Alternate Format 3 MODESELECT (type. HFREQ = hif. the MODESELECT command references modes associated with fluid analysis only. OptiStruct 13. Alternate Format 1 MODESELECT (type. LFREQ = lof. If no such set exists. n > 0 Set identification number n of a set of mode numbers. LMODENM = lom. (Integer) n < 0 (Integer) 272 Set identification number |n| of a set of mode numbers. Alternate Format 2 MODESELECT (type. The modes corresponding to the mode numbers specified in set | n| will be excluded from the analysis. HMODENM = him) Mode selection based on a range of mode numbers. Argument Options Description type STRUCTURE If STRUCTURE is specified. Format MODESELECT (type) = n Mode selection based on arbitrary mode numbers. If no such set exists. the MODESELECT command references modes associated with structural analysis only. The modes corresponding to the mode numbers specified in set n will be included in the analysis. then mode m will be unconditionally included in the analysis. LMODES Specifies the number of lowest modes to be selected. (Integer) m < 0 (Integer) Set identification number |m| of a set of mode numbers. Specifies the lower bound of the frequency range for selecting modes (See comment 4).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 273 . If no such set exists. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. hif (Real > lof > 0. 2. lof (Real > 0. Comments 1. The modes corresponding to the mode numbers specified in set m will be unconditionally included in the analysis. UNCONSET UNCONSET This flag indicates that the following fields specify a single mode or a set of modes for unconditional inclusion or exclusion. The modes corresponding to the mode numbers specified in set | m| will be unconditionally excluded from the analysis.Argument Options Description then mode |n| will be excluded from the analysis. Multiple MODESELECT entries are allowed in a model. then mode |m| will be unconditionally excluded from the analysis. lm (Integer > 0) LMODENM lom (Integer > 0) HMODENM him (Integer > lom > 0) LFREQ Specifies the upper bound of the mode number range for selecting modes (See comment 3). MODESELECT entries can be specified above the first subcase or within each subcase. m m > 0 Set identification number m of a set of mode numbers. If no such set exists. The MODESELECT I/O Options entry is only supported in modal frequency response. modal transient and complex eignenvalue analyses.0) HFREQ Specifies the lower bound of the mode number range for selecting modes (See comment 3). It is not supported in Response Spectrum Analysis.0) Specifies the upper bound of the frequency range for selecting modes (See comment 4). you are informed with a message. If HMODENM is specified without LMODENM.0 is assumed for LFREQ.3. If the use of MODESELECT results in all or none of the computed modes for use. a default value of 0. If LMODENM is specified without HMODENM. a default value of 10000000 (ten million) is assumed for HMODENM. or b) an “M” next to the mode number. Defaults 4.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . When the MODESELECT Case Control command is used in conjunction with the parameter LFREQ.0E+30 0. HFREQ in another subcase. 8.YES) cannot be used in conjunction with MODESELECT. Modes that are eliminated by MODESELECT will display: 274 a) an “S” next to the mode number. OptiStruct 13. 7. 6.0 specified 5. if eliminated by MODESELECT in at least one subcase. The faster method for modal frequency response analysis (activated by PARAM. a default value of 1 is assumed for LMODENM. the MODESELECT Case Control takes precedence.0E+7 1 specified If LFREQ is specified without HFREQ.0E+30 is assumed for HFREQ. if the mode is eliminated by MODESELECT in one subcase and PARAM. LMODENM HMODENM specified 1.FASTFR. LFREQ or PARAM. If HFREQ is specified without LFREQ. a default value of 1. Defaults LFREQ HFREQ specified 1. MODEWEIGHT Subcase Information Entry MODEWEIGHT . but a DRESP1 with RTYPE = WCOMP exists." Default = 1. COMB. 2. No default (0 < Integer < highest calculated mode) weight The multiplier to be used for the corresponding mode in the calculation of "weighted reciprocal eigenvalue" or "combined compliance index. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0.Optimization Parameter Description The MODEWEIGHT command can be used in the Subcase Information section to define a multiplier for computed eigenvalues that are to be used in the calculation of the "weighted reciprocal eigenvalue" and "combined compliance index" optimization responses. MODEWEIGHT is only used in conjunction with DRESP1.0 in most cases for topology optimization. RTYPE = WFREQ. Refer to the Responses page of the User's Guide for more information on "weighted reciprocal eigenvalue" and "combined compliance index" optimization response calculations. 5. MODEWEIGHT (7) = 1.0 if no SPC is defined for the subcase. the following default is applied: MODEWEIGHT (1) = 1. Format MODEWEIGHT (mode) = weight Argument Description mode Mode number. If there is no MODEWEIGHT defined. OptiStruct will terminate with an error if no mode number is provided. Modes for which there is no MODEWEIGHT definition are not included in the calculation of the "weighted reciprocal eigenvalue" and "combined compliance index" optimization responses.0 (Real) Comments 1. and it is solving for more than 6 modes or all modes below an upper bound. 6.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 275 . EIGRL does not define a V1 > 0. This entry is represented as an optimization response in HyperMesh. 4. 3. 3. 4. Format MODTRAK = option Argument Options Description option <ON.MODTRAK Subcase Information Entry MODTRAK – Controls Mode Tracking Description The MODTRAK command can be used in the Subcase Information section to control mode tracking. Positive integers are accepted as option. OFF. and are interpreted as ON. If a MODTRAK entry is present in the input. MODTRAK entry is only valid for normal modes subcases. 2. then PARAM. blank> ON or blank: Mode tracking is active. MODETRAK is ignored. Negative integers or 0 are not accepted as option and will result in an error termination. 276 OptiStruct 13. Default = OFF Comments 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . OFF: Mode tracking is not active. if no MOTION bulk data entry has the referenced SID defined. or MOTIONJE which have this SID will be selected. the information on this entry alone is selected. Comments 1. any of the multibody motion entries: MOTNG. MOTNGE. MOTHJC. 3. MOTNGC. and MOTNJE bulk data entries.MOTION Subcase Information Entry MOTION – Multi-Body Motion Selection Description The MOTION command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a multi-body motion set to be applied in a multi-body problem. This subcase information entry is only valid when it appears in a multi-body subcase. If the SID referenced by the MOTION subcase information entry matches with the SID defined for a MOTION bulk data entry. MOTNGE. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. MOTNG. Only one MOTION entry can be present for each subcase. Format MOTION = option Argument Option Description option < SID > SID: No default Set identification of MOTION. 2. However. MOTNGC.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 277 . MOTNJ. MOTNJC. MOTNJ. Data Selection Description The MPC command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a multi-point constraint set. Format MPC = option Argument Options Description option < SID > SID: No default Set identification of a MPCADD bulk data entry or. 278 OptiStruct 13. with the exception of linear buckling analysis subcases. then the information on this entry alone is selected. if no MPCADD bulk data entry has the referenced SID defined. 2. it is the default for each subcase without an MPC command. If present above the first subcase. MPC may be set to 0 to override the default in subcases where no MPC is required. However. Linear buckling analysis subcases inherit the MPC information from the referenced static subcase. the set identification of an MPC bulk data entry. Only one MPC entry can be present for each subcase. Comments 1. then any MPC bulk data entries that have this SID defined will be selected. if no MPCADD bulk data entry exists with this SID. 3.MPC Subcase Information Entry MPC . 4.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If the SID referenced by the MPC subcase information entry matches with the SID defined for a MPCADD bulk data entry. No default Comments 1.NLOAD Subcase Information Entry NLOAD . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.Data Selection Description The NLOAD command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a time dependent load to be applied in geometric nonlinear analysis problem. Format NLOAD = option Argument Options Description option < SID > SID: Set identification of an NLOAD or NLOAD1 bulk data entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 279 . NLOAD can only be used in subcases that contain an ANALYSIS = NLGEOM entry. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . geometric nonlinear analysis. 3. 280 OptiStruct 13. 2. The NLPARM command is supported in quasi-static analysis. it is applied to all linear static subcases.NLPARM Subcase Information Entry NLPARM . Nonlinear quasi-static analysis subcases.Data Selection Description The NLPARM command can be used in the Subcase Information section to activate nonlinear solution methods for this subcase and to select the parameters used for nonlinear quasi-static analysis and geometric nonlinear implicit analysis. by their definition. will already have an NLPARM reference which is used. No default Comments 1. and optimization subcases. If present above the first subcase. Format NLPARM = option Argument Option Description option < SID > SID: Set identification of an NLPARM bulk data entry. NLPARM bulk data entries will not be used unless selected in the Subcase Information section. No default Comments 1.Data Selection Description The NONLINEAR command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a nonlinear dynamic load set for direct transient analyses.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 281 . Format NONLINEAR = option Argument Option Description option < SID > SID: Set identification of NOLIN1. NOLIN4 or NLRGAP bulk data entries. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. NONLINEAR is only allowed in direct transient analysis subcases.NONLINEAR Subcase Information Entry NONLINEAR . NOLIN3. NOLIN2. 282 Refer to the Responses page of the User's Guide for more information on the "combined compliance index" optimization response calculation. Default = OptiStruct determines a weighting factor based on the lowest eigenvalue and highest compliance of the initial iteration step. Format NORM = option Argument Description option Normalization factor.Optimization Parameter Description The NORM command can be used in the Subcase Information section to define a normalization factor used in the computation of the "combined compliance index" optimization response. OptiStruct 13. (Real) Comments 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .NORM Subcase Information Entry NORM . if no NSMADD bulk data entry exists with this SID. The selector command must appear before the first SUBCASE statement. NSM1.NSM Subcase Information Entry NSM – Data Selection Description The NSM command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a non-structural mass set for mass generation. Comments 1. 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Only one NSM subcase information entry can be present in the model. This subcase information entry must appear before the first SUBCASE statement. NSML and NSML1 bulk data entries. the set identification of NSM.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 283 . Format NSM = option Argument Option Description option < SID > SID: No default Set identification number of a NSMADD bulk data entry or. Terms are added to the load matrix before any constraints are applied. Format P2G = name Examples P2G = PAX P2G = PAX + 2*PAY Argument Description name Name of a load matrix that is input in the bulk data section using the DMIG card. If there are more static subcases than columns. 3. then the number of columns used with be the number of static subcases. then they are applied in order in the linear and nonlinear static structural analysis subcases. If there are more columns than static subcases. only the first two subcases will get 284 OptiStruct 13. gravity and centrifugal loads should be included in generating the reduced loads in the DMIG. 4. 7. that is field 4 on the referenced DMIG entry must contain the integer 9. 6. If the DMIG data referenced by the P2G statement has multiple load columns. the referenced DMIG entries are combined. Comments 1. 5. if the DMIG has two columns and there are three static subcases. By default. The P2G statement must be above the first SUBCASE.P2G Subcase Information Entry P2G – Direct Input Load Matrix Selection Description The P2G command is used before the first subcase to select a direct input load matrix. For example. which only recognizes the last instance of this card in the same situation. The DMIG matrix must be rectangular (columnar). gravity and centrifugal loads are not generated based on the external mass matrix (M2GG). This behavior differs from that of Nastran. When multiple instances of this card occur. A scale factor may be applied to this input using the CP2 parameter (See PARAM bulk data entry). 2. In this case.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . then only the subcases up to the number of columns will get loads. loads. to add a single DMIG load to one of multiple static subcases. then only the first column is used.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 285 . 8. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. For more control. use P2GSUB. If the DMIG has two columns and there is just one static subcase. 0 name Name of a load matrix that is input in the bulk data section using the DMIG card. gravity and centrifugal loads should be included in generating the reduced loads in the DMIG. 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . gravity and centrifugal loads are not generated based on the external mass matrix (M2GG).5*PAZ(3) Argument Description factor Optional scale factor <Real> Default = 1. A scale factor may be applied to this input using the CP2 parameter (see PARAM bulk data entry). By default. 4. 286 OptiStruct 13. column index Optional column index value <Integer > 0> Default = 1 Comments 1. Format P2GSUB = factor*name (column index) Examples P2GSUB = PAX P2GSUB = PAY(2) P2GSUB = 2. that is field 4 on the referenced DMIG entry must contain the integer 9.P2GSUB Subcase Information Entry P2GSUB – Direct Input Load Matrix Selection Description The P2GSUB command is used in a specific subcase to select a direct input load matrix. Terms are added to the load matrix before any constraints are applied. The DMIG matrix must be rectangular (columnar). 2. In this case. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 287 .5. Only one name may be specified on each P2GSUB entry. 6. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Multiple P2GSUB entries may be used inside a single subcase section to combine multiple DMIG entries (or to combine multiple columns from the same DMIG). The P2GSUB statement cannot be specified above the first SUBCASE. OFREQ is ignored when PEAKOUT is used.PEAKOUT Subcase Information Entry PEAKOUT – Data Selection Description The PEAKOUT command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select the criteria for automatic identification of loading frequencies at which result peaks occur. and PFGRID. it is applied to all subcases which can accept it but do not contain a PEAKOUT card. PFPANEL. Currently. Other result output may then be requested at these “peak” loading frequencies. 2. 3. If present above the first subcase. Format PEAKOUT = option Argument Option Description option < SID > SID: Set identification of a PEAKOUT bulk data entry. Only one PEAKOUT entry can be defined for each subcase. support is only available for PFMODE. No default Comments 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 4. This data selector is for frequency response solution sequences only. 288 OptiStruct 13. Other result output may be obtained at the peak loading frequencies by using the PEAK keyword in the option field. The effect of adjustment is cumulative relative to the pretensioning status reached in the respective previous subcase. a subcase with PRETENSION pointing to PTFORCE cannot also include STATSUB(PRETENS) referencing a subcase that had already pretensioned this section. 2.PRETENSION Subcase Information Entry PRETENSION – Data Selection Description The PRETENSION command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select and activate a pretensioning bolt load. Format PRETENSION = option Argument Option Description option < PSID > Pretensioning load set identification of a PTADD bulk data entry or. the set identification of PTFORCE. PTADJST and PTADJS1 bulk data entry. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 3. Comments 1. b) Pretensioning adjustment (PTADJST) may be activated in any of the pretensioning subcases for a given section.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 289 . Combinations of PRETENSION and STATSUB(PRETENS) can be used to create more complex pretensioning sequences. Only one PRETENSION entry can be defined for each subcase. The rules for sequencing pretensioning subcases on the same pretension section are as follows: a) Pretensioning force (PTFORCE) can only be activated in the new or “fresh” pretensioning subcase for a given section. In other words. PTFORC1. if no PTADD bulk data entry exists with this PSID. as referenced by STATSUB(PRETENS). It is not SUBCASE specific.RANDOM Subcase Information Entry RANDOM – Random Analysis Set Selection Description Selects the RANDPS and RANDT1 bulk data entries to be used in random analysis. 290 OptiStruct 13. Multiple RANDOM data can exist in the Subcase Information section.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format RANDOM = n Example RANDOM = 177 Argument Option Description n (Integer > 0) Set identification of RANDPS and RANDT1 bulk data entries to be used in random analysis. Comments 1. This data can be placed anywhere in the Subcase Information section. This command must select RANDPS bulk data entries in order to perform random analysis. 3. 2. REPGLB Subcase Information Entry REPGLB – Selection of Response to be Reported without being Constrained. The response referenced by the REPGLB selection must not be subcase dependent. Comments 1. to select a report set that is not subcase dependent. Description The REPGLB command can be used in the Subcase Information section.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 291 . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. before the first subcase statement. Format REPGLB = integer Argument Options Description integer < DRID > DRID: No default Set identification of a DREPORT or DREPADD bulk data entry. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . OptiStruct 13. within a subcase definition. 292 The response referenced by the REPSUB selection must be subcase dependent. Format REPSUB = integer Argument Options Description integer < DRID > DRID: No default Set identification of a DREPORT or DREPADD bulk data entry. Comments 1.REPSUB Subcase Information Entry REPSUB – Selection of Response to be Reported without being Constrained Description The REPSUB command can be used in the Subcase Information section. to select a report set that is subcase dependent. For frequency response analysis.RESVEC Subcase Information Entry RESVEC – Controls Residual Vector Calculation Description The RESVEC command can be used in the Subcase Information section to control the calculation of residual vectors.and transient analysis at time = zero. A unit load residual vector is created for every loaded DOF from all SUBCASEs. NODAMP> Default = DAMPLOD Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. APPLOD> UNITLOD: Generates residual vectors based on unit loads at the dynamic loading's degrees of freedom. The values at each loaded DOF correspond to the load on that DOF at zero Hz. a residual vector is created for each USET and USET1 U6 DOF. damping) = option Argument Options Description type <UNITLOD. APPLOD: Generates residual vectors based on the dynamic loading of the modal frequency response analysis at zero Hz. A single residual vector is created for each transient SUBCASE. Format RESVEC(type. one or two residual vectors are generated for each SUBCASE based on whether the real and imaginary loads are different at zero Hz. APPLOD is not valid for normal modes analysis and UNITLOD will always be used.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 293 . or time = zero. DAMPLOD: Generates a viscous damping residual vector for each viscous element based on the eigenvector of the viscous element. For normal modes and modal complex eigenvalue analysis. Default = UNITLOD damping <DAMPLOD. For normal modes analysis. and they will never be calculated if the Lanczos eigensolver is used. the setting from the last RESVEC data will be used for all of the modal complex eigenvalue analysis. The RESVEC command has no effect on the USET and USET1 U6 residual vector creation for modal frequency response and modal transient analysis. NO> YES: Residual vectors are calculated. Residual vectors from USET and USET1 U6 data are only available for modal complex eigenvalue analysis when AMSES or AMLS is used to calculate the normal modes. 4. modal complex eigenvalue analysis. <YES. 6.Argument option Options Description NODAMP: Turns off the generation of the viscous damping residual vectors. 5. unit residual vectors for each enforced motion DOF are always computed. If the AMSES or AMLS eigensolver is used. modal frequency response. If the RESVEC does not exist in a subcase (and is not defined above the first subcase). For modal frequency response and modal transient analysis. the USET and USET1 U6 residual vectors will always be calculated if the AMSES or AMLS eigensolver is used. See comments for default. They are not created if Lanczos is used. 2. then the USET and USET1 U6 residual vectors will always be calculated (even if RESVEC=NO is specified). If the Lanczos eigensolver is used then RESVEC=YES must be present. and modal transient subcases in the model. the default is YES. Comments 1. 7. If EXCITEID=SPCD is defined on RLOAD1/RLOAD2 or TLOAD1/TLOAD2. and the default is NO for all other applicable subcases. 294 OptiStruct 13. even if RESVEC=NO. If a RESVEC card exists without the YES/NO option. and modal transient response analysis subcases.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . modal frequency response. 3. NO: Residual vectors are not calculated. Even though DAMPLOD and NODAMP may be defined inside each subcase. the unit load method (type=UNITLOD) is applied to the degrees-of-freedom defined by USET and USET1 U6 entities. RESVEC can be requested for normal modes. then the default is YES for modal frequency response and transient response analysis subcases. Comments 1. Multiple RGYRO subcase information entries are allowed in different subcases.RGYRO Subcase Information Entry RGYRO – This data entry can be used in the subcase information section to activate gyroscopic effects in Rotor dynamics Description Identifies a RGYRO bulk data entry that contains information required to implement Rotor dynamics in Modal Complex Eigenvalue Analysis and/or Modal Frequency Response Analysis.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 295 . Format RGYRO = option Example RGYRO = 3 RGYRO = NO Argument Option Description option <SID. (Integer) NO: Gyroscopic effects are not included in any solution sequences. only one RGYRO subcase entry can exist within each subcase. however.NO> SID: Identification number of a RGYRO bulk data entry. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. No default Comments 1. excitation degrees of freedom. 296 OptiStruct 13. Format RSPEC = option Argument Options Description option < SID > SID: Set identification of an RSPEC bulk data entry. Only valid in a response spectrum analysis subcase. 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Refer to the Response Spectrum Analysis section of the User’s Guide for more details.RSPEC Subcase Information Entry RSPEC – Data Selection Description The RSPEC command can be used in the Subcase Information section to reference combination rules. and input spectra for use in response spectrum analysis. the set identification of RWALL bulk data entries.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 297 . If the SID referenced by the RWALL subcase information entry matches with the SID defined for an RWALADD bulk data entry. then any XHSIT bulk data entries that have this SID defined will be selected. However. Format RWALL = option Argument Option Description option < SID > SID: No default Set identification of an RWALADD bulk data entry or. 2. then the information on this entry alone is selected. if no RWALADD bulk data entry has the referenced SID defined. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Only one RWALL entry can be present for each subcase. Comments 1. if no RWALADD bulk data entry exists with this SID.RWALL Subcase Information Entry RWALL – Data Selection Description The RWALL command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select rigid walls for geometric nonlinear analysis. It can only be used in subcases that contain an ANALYSIS = NLGEOM entry. 2. Format SDAMPING (type) = option Argument Option Description type < STRUCTURE. This TABDMP1 bulk data entry is referenced by the SDAMPING subcase information entry. G (that is set the constant value to C/C0). Set the damping value (field gi) in the TABDMP1 bulk data entry equal to half of the value of PARAM. If present above the first subcase. option < SID > SID: Set identification of a TABDMP1 bulk data entry. this definition will be used for both the structure and the fluid portion of the model. it is applied to each modal frequency or modal transient subcase without an SDAMPING entry. modal frequency response and modal complex eigenvalue analyses. 5.Data Selection Description The SDAMPING command can be used in the Subcase Information section to apply modal damping as a function of natural frequency in modal solutions. SDAMPING can only be used in modal transient. Only one SDAMPING entry of each type can be defined for each subcase. No default Comments 1. If only one type of SDAMPING entry is defined (either SDAMPING(STRUCTURE) or SDAMPING(FLUID)). 4. Set PARAM. and must reference a TABDMP1 bulk data entry. G.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .SDAMPING Subcase Information Entry SDAMPING . KDAMP. the steps described here can be followed: The TYPE field in the TABDMP1 bulk data entry should be set to CRIT. 298 OptiStruct 13. 3. To achieve identical displacements in Modal frequency response or Modal transient analyses when the SDAMPING bulk data entry is used instead of PARAM. FLUID > Default = STRUCTURE The referenced bulk data entry is applied to the structural (STRUCTURE) or fluid (FLUID) portion of the model.-1. 10643. which in turn should be included in the solver deck if SEINTPNT is used. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. SEINTPNT is not supported for fluid grids.100.Selection of Super Element Internal Point Description The SEINTPNT command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a set of interior DOF of super elements to be converted to exterior DOF.10643. Format SEINTPNT = option Example SEINTPNT = 100 BEGIN BULK SET. 2. After the conversion.SEINTPNT Subcase Information Entry SEINTPNT . load DOF. +.10643.T2.h3d files are present in residual runs. 3.T1.GRIDC. these DOF are part of the analysis DOF and can be used as connection points. No default Comments 1. GRID point information for interior grids (that are to be converted to exterior grids) should be included in the GRID bulk data entry. response DOF during optimization.T3 GRID 10643 1 234 55 322 Argument Option Description option <SID> SID refers to the ID of a bulk card SET of type GRIDC. SEINTPNT can be used when CMS super elements in .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 299 . Selects a SOLVTYP bulk data entry that is used to define various settings for the solver. STESS. LAMA. 3. such as different pre-conditioners and convergence criteria for the solver. For more details on subcase type and solver compatibility.Solver Selection Description The SOLVTYP command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select the solver for linear and nonlinear static subcases. refer to the SOLVTYP bulk data entry. 5. RTYPE = DISP. Comments 1. If present above the first subcase. For compact solid models. and nonlinear geometric implicit dynamic subcase (ANALYSIS=IMPDYN). This solver is also SMP parallelized. The iterative solver is a preconditioned conjugate gradient solver. 2. CSTRAIN. CSTRESS. A Factored Approximate Inverse Preconditioner is the default method. 4. If SOLVTYP is present in a subcase. if the responses DRESP1. it is applied to all compatible linear and nonlinear static subcases and nonlinear geometric implicit subcases. is used in the solution of linear and nonlinear static subcases and nonlinear geometric implicit subcases. or FORCE are present the solver is automatically reverted to the direct solver. 6. nonlinear geometric implicit static subcase (ANALYSIS=NLGEOM). The option selects the SOLVTYP bulk data entry that can be used to define alternate settings such as different pre-conditioners and convergence criteria for the solver. Format SOLVTYP = option Argument Option Description option < SID > SID: Set identification of an SOLVTYP bulk data entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .SOLVTYP Subcase Information Entry SOLVTYP . specified by the referenced SOLVTYP in the bulk data. The performance of the iterative solver depends on the conditioning of the stiffness matrix. Only one SOLVTYP entry can be defined for each linear and nonlinear static subcases or nonlinear geometric implicit subcase. STRAIN. In optimization. CFAILURE. a solver. the iterative solver may perform considerably better than the direct solver in terms of memory usage and elapsed times for a single linear 300 OptiStruct 13. the iterative solver may perform worse than the direct solver. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. operating system.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 301 . and potentially the system load. The break-even point is at about 4-6 subcases. The performance depends on model.static subcase. In the case of multiple linear static subcases. hardware. if no SPCADD bulk data entry exists with this SID. it is the default for each subcase without an SPC command.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If present above the first subcase. If the SID referenced by the SPC subcase information entry matches with the SID defined for an SPCADD bulk data entry. Linear buckling analysis subcases inherit the SPC information from the referenced static subcase. The SID may be set to 0 to run linear static solutions with no constraints.Data Selection Description The SPC command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a single-point constraint set. Only one SPC entry can be present for each subcase. 302 OptiStruct 13. However. 2. SPC may be set to 0 to override the default in subcases where no SPC is required. SPC must be present for linear static solutions. if no SPCADD bulk data entry has the referenced SID defined. Comments 1. then any SPC or SPC1 bulk data entries that have this SID defined will be selected. 5. with the exception of linear buckling analysis subcases.SPC Subcase Information Entry SPC . Format SPC = option Argument Option Description option < SID > SID: No default Set identification of an SPCADD bulk data entry or. 3. the set identification of SPC or SPC1 bulk data entries. then the information on this entry alone is selected. 4. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 303 . and so Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. No default Comments 1. A METHOD entry to define the eigenvalue extraction method is required in addition to a STATSUB entry for a linear buckling solution subcase. A linear buckling solution cannot be performed on a linear static subcase that uses inertia relief. 2. which refers to a pretension subcase. option < SID > SID: Subcase identification number of a static solution subcase. dynamic solutions. 3. Referenced static subcase introduces pretensioning loads on bolts. (See comment 5). in order to incorporate the effect of pretensioning on natural frequencies.Subcase Selection Description The STATSUB command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a static solution subcase. Format STATSUB(type) = option Argument Option Description type <BUCKLING. STRUCTURE: Referenced static subcase will determine the CONTACT / GAP status for a heat transfer analysis (See comment 6). (See comment 4). STRUCTURE> PRELOAD: Default = BUCKLING PRETENS: Referenced static subcase is used in forming the geometric stiffness needed for the linear buckling solution. 4. Other subcase types can use STATSUB(PRELOAD).STATSUB Subcase Information Entry STATSUB . BUCKLING: PRELOAD. PRETENS. STATSUB(PRETENS) is supported for linear and nonlinear static subcases. normal modes. and direct frequency response solution sequences. Referenced static subcase defines a preload. STATSUB(PRELOAD) is supported for linear static. on. STATSUB(PRETENS) can only reference a subcase that precedes the current subcase in the input deck.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . STATSUB(PRELOAD) can be used with the AMSES eigensolver. 6. 7. STATSUB(STRUCTURE) is supported for both steady-state and transient heat transfer solution sequences. 5. 304 OptiStruct 13. SUBCASE Subcase Information Entry SUBCASE . Format SUBCASE = integer Argument Description integer Subcase identification number (SID) No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. The SUBCASE header is not needed if there is just one subcase. 2.Subcase Selection Description The SUBCASE command can be used in the Subcase Information section to indicate the start of a new subcase definition.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 305 . Each subcase must be declared with a separate SUBCASE header and a unique SID. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Format SUBCOM = n Example SUBCOM = 125 Argument Description n Subcase identification number (Integer > 2) Comments 1. then all of the referenced subcases must contain the same STATSUB(PRELOAD). you must define the temperature field in the SUBCOM with a TEMP(LOAD) command or the element deformations with a DEFORM command. If the reference subcases contain STATSUB(PRELOAD). 5. Output requests above the subcase level will be used. If the referenced subcases contain thermal loads or element deformations. 306 OptiStruct 13. 2. SUBCOM may only be used with STATIC subcases. A SUBSEQ command must follow this command. 4.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Combination Subcase Delimiter Description Delimits and identifies a combination subcase. 3. the same STATSUB(PRELOAD) should also be used in the SUBCOM.SUBCOM Subcase Information Entry SUBCOM . constraints and so on) to the defined submodel. The SUBMODEL entry does not automatically apply the specific attributes (loads. NONE: The subcase containing this SUBMODEL entry will skip all rigid elements in the input deck. It is your responsibility to specify corresponding attributes that apply exclusively to the subcase-specific model defined via SUBMODEL. Format SUBMODEL.SUBMODEL Subcase Information Entry SUBMODEL . the subcase containing this SUBMODEL entry will include all rigid elements defined in the input deck. Subcase entries specific to the selected element set can be used to solve the submodel without affecting the rest of the structure. blank <integer>0> Specifies the SID of a set of rigid elements to be included with the submodel. SID. Comments 1.Subcase-specific Model Selection Description The SUBMODEL entry can be used in the Subcase Information section to select a submodel as a set of elements. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. SID_R <integer>0>. NONE. blank: If SID_r is blank. A SUBMODEL entry can only be defined within a subcase and cannot be specified above the first subcase.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 307 . SID_r Argument Value Description SID <integer>0> Specifies the SID of a SET of elements that defines the submodel. 2. -1.0 $ SUBCASE 11 . -1.0. The embedded comments ($) describe the following example: DISPL = ALL SUBCASE 1 SUBCASE 2 SUBCOM 3 SUBSEQ = 1..0. -1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering USE ONLY ONE.0.0.0. Rn] Example SUBSEQ=1. Rn is applied to the most recently appearing static subcase.0 $ SUBCASE 1 . 2. 0. 2.0 Argument Description Ri Coefficients of the previously occurring static subcases. 0.0. R2. Format SUBSEQ=R1 [. and so on.0. R1 to Rn refer to the immediately preceding statis subcases.SUBCASE 12 or SUBSEQ = 1. 1. R(n-1) is applied to the second most recently appearing static subcase. . Can only appear after a SUBCOM command.0 $ EQUIVALENT TO PRECEDING COMMAND.SUBSEQ Subcase Information Entry SUBSEQ . R3.0.Subcase Sequence Coefficients Description Gives the coefficients for forming a linear combination of the previous static subcases.. 308 OptiStruct 13. (Real) Comments 1. Altair Engineering .SUBCASE 2 SUBCASE 11 SUBCASE 12 SUBCOM 13 SUBSEQ = 0.. -1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. No default Comments 1.Data Selection Description The SUPORT1 command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select the fictitious support set to be applied to the model.SUPORT1 Subcase Information Entry SUPORT1 . SUPORT1 entries will be applied in all subcases.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 309 . Format SUPORT1 = option Argument Options Description option < SID > SID: Set identification of a SUPORT1 bulk data entry. SUPORT1 entries will not be used unless selected in the Subcase Information section by the SUPORT1 command. 2. Default = BOTH MATERIAL: The selected temperature set will be used to determine temperature-dependent material properties indicated on the MATTi bulk data entries.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . SID: Set identification number of TEMP or TEMPD bulk data entries. BOTH> INITIAL: The selected temperature set will be used to determine initial temperature distribution. the SUBCASE ID of a thermal analysis SUBCASE can be specified. BOTH: Both MATERIAL and LOAD will use the same temperature set. Format TEMPERATURE (type) = option Examples TEMPERATURE(LOAD)=15 TEMP(MATERIAL)=7 TEMPERATURE=7 Argument Option Description type <INITIAL. option < SID > LOAD: The selected temperature set will be used to determine an equivalent static load.TEMPERATURE Subcase Information Entry TEMPERATURE – Temperature Set Selection Description Selects the temperature set to be used in either material property calculations or thermal loading. The calculated temperature field is then used to determine temperature-dependent material properties indicated on the MATTi bulk data entries. In addition. MATERIAL. No default 310 OptiStruct 13. LOAD. T is the load temperature defined with TEMPERATURE(LOAD). thermal loads were selected in the Subcase Information section using the LOAD data selector. In versions of OptiStruct prior to 8. TREF will be used to calculate both the thermal load and the material properties. then the last request will be used to define material properties. TREF will be used to calculate the load. 4. The MATTi is not used in this case. and TEMPERATURE(BOTH) is present. Only one of TEMPERATURE(MATERIAL) or TEMPERATURE (INITIAL) is allowed in any problem and should be specified above the subcase level (although it will be accepted inside the subcase). Static and thermal loads should have unique set identification numbers. and T0 is the initial temperature which is defined in one of the following ways: If TEMPERATURE(INITIAL) and TREF (specified on the MATi or PCOMPi cards) are specified. If multiple temperature-dependent material requests are made (for example. then the TEMPERATURE(INITIAL) set will be used as the initial temperature to calculate both the thermal loads and the material properties. temperature strains are calculated with: where. The material properties will be obtained from the MATi entry.TEMPERATURE(MATERIAL). the TEMPERATURE data selector was added to perform this function. 5.0. TEMPERATURE(LOAD) or TEMPERATURE(MATERIAL) can point to a heat transfer subcase or TSTRU ID. it will apply to all subcases that do not have their own TEMP(BOTH) or TEMP(LOAD) command. A(T0 ) is the thermal expansion coefficient defined on the MATi bulk data entries. In version 8.0. If TEMPERATURE(MATERIAL) and TREF are specified. If used before the subcase level. The temperature field from a steady state heat transfer analysis or at the final time step of a transient heat transfer analysis will be used.Comments 1. If none of TEMPERATURE(INITIAL). then TREF will be used as the initial temperature in calculating the thermal load and the TEMPERATURE (MATERIAL) set will be used for the calculation of the material properties. thermal (TEMP(LOAD) command) and constrained displacement (SPC command) loads. by using TEMP(MATERIAL) and TEMP(BOTH)). 3. If neither TEMPERATURE(MATERIAL) nor TEMPERATURE(INITIAL) are specified. The total load applied will be the sum of external (LOAD command). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 2. It is possible to revert to the old behavior mode by setting the LOADTEMP option to SHAREID in the OptiStruct Configuration File. 6. TEMPERATURE(BOTH) and TEMPERATURE(LOAD) can be used before the subcase level or inside the subcase. 8. In linear static analysis. 7.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 311 . FOURIER> TIME: The transient response is computed by time step integration in the time domain. 312 OptiStruct 13. A TSTEP entry can also be used to execute a transient thermal analysis (only for type=TIME or Default). FOURIER: The transient response is computed in the frequency domain using the Fourier transform method. 3. a TSTEP bulk data entry must be selected by the TSTEP (FOURIER) command. A TSTEP entry must be selected to execute a transient analysis. 2. Format TSTEP (type) = option Example TSTEP = 731 TSTEP (FOURIER) = 755 Argument Option Description type <TIME.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . For the application of time-dependent loads in modal frequency response analysis. Default = TIME option < SID > No default Comments 1.TSTEP Subcase Information Entry TSTEP – Transient Time Step Set Selection Description The TSTEP command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select integration for transient analysis. The timedependent loads will be recomputed in the frequency domain by a Fourier transform. SID: Set identification number of a TSTEP bulk data entry. A TSTEPNL entry must be selected to execute a nonlinear implicit dynamic analysis.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 313 .TSTEPNL Subcase Information Entry TSTEPNL – Nonlinear Implicit Dynamics Time Step Set Selection Description The TSTEPNL command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select integration and other parameters for nonlinear implicit dynamics analysis. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Format TSTEPNL = option Example TSTEPNL = 731 Argument Option Description option < SID > SID: Set identification number of a TSTEPNL bulk data entry. No default Comments 1. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If TSTRU does not explicitly appear in a heat transfer subcase. 3. 2. Format TSTRU = option Argument Option Description option < SID > SID: Default = Subcase ID This is a temperature set identification number. A temperature set from a heat transfer analysis will override any temperature set defined by the bulk data entries TEMP or TEMPD. It may be referenced from a static analysis subcase. TSTRU is only valid in a heat transfer subcase.Temperature Set ID for Structural Analysis Description The TSTRU command can be used in the Subcase Information section to assign a temperature set identification number to the resulting nodal temperatures of a steady-state heat transfer analysis or the last time step of a transient heat transfer analysis. 314 OptiStruct 13.TSTRU Subcase Information Entry TSTRU . Comments 1. then the Subcase ID is used as the default. in which case the resulting nodal temperatures of a steady-state heat transfer analysis or the last time step of a transient heat transfer analysis are considered as applied loads for the static analysis. 3. If a WEIGHT is not defined in any subcase.0 by default. Format WEIGHT = value Argument Description value The multiplier to be used for the compliance of this subcase in the calculation of "weighted compliance" or "combined compliance index. Refer to the Responses page of the User's Guide for more information on "weighted compliance" and "combined compliance index" optimization response calculations. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. COMB. RTYPE = WCOMP. 2. all static subcases are assigned a WEIGHT of 1. 4.0 (Real) Comments 1." Default = 1. This entry is represented as an optimization response in HyperMesh. which are used in the calculation of the "weighted compliance" and "combined compliance index" optimization responses.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 315 . but a DRESP1 with RTYPE = WCOMP or COMB exists.Optimization Parameter Description The WEIGHT command can be used in the Subcase Information section to define a weighting factor (multiplier) for the compliances of individual linear static solution subcases. WEIGHT is only used in conjunction with DRESP1.WEIGHT Subcase Information Entry WEIGHT . then the information on this entry alone is selected. However.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 316 OptiStruct 13. 2. Only one XHIST entry can be present for each subcase. If the SID referenced by the XHIST subcase information entry matches with the SID defined for an XHISTADD bulk data entry.XHIST Subcase Information Entry XHIST – Data Selection Description The XHIST command can be used in the Subcase Information section to select time history output for geometric nonlinear analysis. then any XHSIT bulk data entries that have this SID defined will be selected. Comments 1. It can only be used in subcases that contain an ANALYSIS = NLGEOM entry. if no XHISTADD bulk data entry exists with this SID. Format XHIST = option Argument Option Description option < SID > SID: No default Set identification of an XHISTADD bulk data entry or. if no XHISTADD bulk data entry has the referenced SID defined. the set identification of XHIST bulk data entries. XSTEP bulk data entries will not be used unless selected in the Subcase Information section.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 317 . 2. Format XSTEP = option Argument Option Description option < SID > SID: Set identification of an XSTEP bulk data entry. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. No default Comments 1. The XSTEP command is supported in explicit analysis and optimization subcases.XSTEP Subcase Information Entry XSTEP – Explicit Analysis Parameter Selection Description The XSTEP command can be used in the Subcase Information section to activate the explicit solution method for this subcase and to select the parameters used for explicit analysis. Bulk Data Section 318 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 3. The accelerometer option computes a filtered acceleration in the output system. The recommended value for FCUT is 1650 Hz (1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 319 . (Real > 0) Comments 1. 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) AC C LR AID GID FC UT (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) AC C LR 100 34 100. 4.65 ms-1) to obtain a class 1000 SAE filtering. These filtered accelerations provided by an accelerometer are used in either a SENSOR or in post-processing acceleration time history without aliasing problems. (Integer > 0) FCUT Cutoff frequency. A 4-pole Butterworth filter is used.0 (5) (6) Field Contents AID Unique accelerometer identification number.ACCLR Bulk Data Entry ACCLR – Accelerometer for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines accelerometer for geometric nonlinear analysis. (7) (8) (Integer > 0) GID Grid point identification number. 320 OptiStruct 13. Integration and differentiation are acting like another filter on top of the 4-pole Butterworth. as described in XHIST.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . and Z of the raw accelerations projected to the output coordinate system to time history. the accelerometer also allows the output of the integrals of X. 6. These quantities are not used by SENSOR. In addition to these filtered accelerations. the integrals of X. This card is unsupported in HyperMesh. Computation of these integrals in a post-processor allows retrieving the accelerations projected to the output coordinate system without aliasing problems.5. Y. 7. Note that if the coordinates are moving. and Z raw accelerations projected to the output coordinate system are not the same as the velocities projected to the output coordinate system. Y. 001 when INTER = IDENT (Real) SKNEPS Fluid skin growth tolerance (See comments 4 and 5).ACMODL Bulk Data Entry ACMODL – Fluid-Structure Interface Parameters Description Defines model parameters for the Fluid-Structure interface.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 321 . Default = 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) AC MODL INTER INFOR FSET SSET NORMAL INTOL (7) (8) (9) SKNEPS DSKNEPS (10) SRC HUNIT MAXSGRID Field Contents INTER Fluid-structure interface type.0 when INTER = DIFF. Default = DIFF (IDENT or DIFF) INFOR Defines whether grids or elements identified by FSET and SSET are to be used to define the fluid-structure interface.5 (Real) DSKNEPS Secondary fluid skin growth tolerance (See comments 4 and 5). Default = blank (Integer) SSET ID of a SET of structural elements or grids to be considered for the interface Default = blank (Integer) NORMAL Fluid normal tolerance. Default = GRID (GRID or ELEMENT) FSET ID of a SET of fluid elements or grids to be considered for the interface. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Default = 0. Default = 0. only one ACMODL card is allowed. For INTER=DIFF. 4. 2. For INTER=IDENT. If either FSET or SSET is not provided.5 * SKNEPS (Real) INTOL Tolerance of inward normal. Default = 0. a searching algorithm would find the grids on the skin of the surface. ACMODL card is optional in the deck. If either FSET or SSET is not provided. The search box is described by several parameters: 322 OptiStruct 13. Default = REL (ABS or REL) MAXSGRID The maximum number of structural grids that can be interfaced with one fluid element face. INFOR must be GRID or blank.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If provided.Field Contents Default = 1. When INTER=DIFF. a searching algorithm would find the skin of the surface. a grid to grid match is no longer a requirement.5 (Real) SRCHUNIT Search units. if FSET/SSET is provided. For INTER=IDENT. 3. ABS for absolute model units or REL for relative model units based on element size. The searching algorithm for this case is based on the normal distance from the fluid face. Default = 200 (Integer > 0) Comments 1. the interface would be calculated based on a grid to grid match between fluid and structural parts. Each grid specified on the FSET/SSET must be able to find a matching interface grid. the skin of the surface would be based on the set. D. from the center of the fluid surface to each surface grid is pushed out by (1. It is defined as INTOL x L. the height of the search box would be NORMAL x L. then an ERROR message will be output and the run will be terminated. The diagonal distance. If L is the smallest edge of the fluid element face. INTOL represents a normal direction into the fluid for the case when the fluid protrudes past the structural interface.The height of the searching box is based on the NORMAL parameter. If the DSKNEPS field is left blank.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 323 . If the required value of DSKNEPS is less than SKNEPS. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 +DSKNEPS) x D. This card is represented as a control card in HyperMesh. 6. The value required in the secondary fluid skin growth tolerance (DSKNEPS) field must always be greater than the value of the fluid growth tolerance (SKNEPS). where L is the smallest edge of the fluid element surface. 5. The diagonal distance from the center of the fluid surface to each surface grid is pushed out by (1.0+SKNEPS) x D. DSKNEPS represents a secondary enlargement of the plane of the fluid surface used to define the search box if SKNEPS fails to find ANY structural elements. a default value equal to 1.5 * SKNEPS is assigned to it. SKNEPS represents the enlargement of the plane of the fluid surface used to define the search box. ACSRCE Bulk Data Entry ACSRCE – Acoustic Source Description Defines acoustic source as a function of power vs. or Real) DPHASE 324 Defines phase . (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) EXCITEID Identification number of an SLOAD entry set that defines A. If it is a non-zero integer. No default (Integer > 0) DELAY Defines time delay . frequency. then it OptiStruct 13. If it is real. it represents the identification number of a DPHASE bulk data entry that defines . Default = 0 (Integer > 0. If it is real. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) AC SRC E SID EXC ITEID DELAY DPHASE TP RHO B (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) AC SRC E 111 29 -0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .2 87 14 1. it represents the identification number of a DELAY bulk data entry that defines . then it directly defines the value of that will be used for all degrees-of-freedom that are excited by this dynamic load entry.0 15 Field Contents SID Identification number of a dynamic load set. If it is a non-zero integer. RLOAD2. TABLED3. DELAY and DPHASE entries must specify fluid points only.0) B Bulk modulus of fluid. 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 325 . or TABLED4 entry that gives P(f). and TLOAD2 entries. No default (Real > 0. If either DELAY or DPHASE are blank or zero. that is ACSRCE. 4. DLOAD. OptiStruct 13.Field Contents directly defines the value of that will be used for all degrees-of-freedom that are excited by this dynamic load entry. or Real) TP Set identification number of the TABLED1. The referenced EXCITEID. SID must be unique with respect to other dynamic load sets. the corresponding Altair Engineering or will be zero. TLOAD1. Default = 0 (Integer > 0.0) Comments 1. 3. TABLED2. 5. RLOAD1. where. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) RHO Fluid Density No default (Real > 0. Dynamic load sets must be selected in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections with the command DLOAD = SID. Refer to the User's Guide section on The Direct Matrix Approach for more information on the use of this card. A fatal error will be issued if the input contains ASET or ASET1. or up to 6 unique digits (0 < integer < 6) may be placed in the field with no embedded blanks for grid points. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ASET G1 C1 G2 C2 G3 C3 G4 C4 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ASET 564 4 765 4561 8 5 Field Contents Gi Grid or scalar point identification numbers. EXTOUT is not given. (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) Ci Component numbers.ASET Bulk Data Entry ASET – Boundary Degrees-of-Freedom of a Superelement Assembly Description Defines the boundary degrees-of-freedom of a superelement assembly for matrix reduction. 326 OptiStruct 13. The components refer to the coordinate system referenced by the grid points. (Integer zero or blank for scalar points.) Comments 1. but PARAM. 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 4. it is required for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the component be 0 or blank when the grid reference is a scalar point (SPOINT). When the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option is set to CHECK (default) or STRICT. When the component is greater than 1. 1 or blank.3. This card is represented as a constraint load in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 327 . it is allowed for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the grid reference be either a scalar point (SPOINT) or a structural grid point (GRID) when the component is 0. When SPSYNTAX is set to MIXED. and that the component be > 1 when the grid reference is a structural grid point (GRID). interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the grid reference must always be a structural grid (GRID). - (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ASET1 123 34 88 4 12 19 7 70 1234 65 (10) Alternate Format and Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) ASET1 C G1 "THRU" G2 ASET1 123456 88 THRU 207 328 (6) (7) (8) OptiStruct 13.ASET1 Bulk Data Entry ASET1 – Boundary Degrees-of-Freedom of a Superelement Assembly. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ASET1 C G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 -etc.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering (9) (10) Altair Engineering . Alternate Form Description Defines the boundary degrees-of-freedom of a superelement assembly for matrix reduction. Field Contents C Component number. interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. the grid references must always be a structural grid (GRID). and that the component be > 1 when the grid references are to structural grid points (GRID). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.) Gi Grid or scalar point identification numbers. When the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option is set to CHECK (default) or MIXED. but there must be at least one boundary degree-of-freedom for the model. This card is represented as a constraint load in HyperMesh. all points in the sequence G1 through G2 are not required to exist. but PARAM. 4. When SPSYNTAX is set to STRICT it is required for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the component be 0 or blank when the grid references are to scalar points (SPOINT). or up to 6 unique digits (0 < integer < 6) may be placed in the field with no embedded blanks for grid points. or a fatal error will result. 1 or blank. 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 329 . (Integer > 0. (Integer zero or blank for scalar points. When the component is greater than 1. 5. Refer to the User's Guide section on The Direct Matrix Approach for more information on the use of this card. G1 < G2) Comments 1. If the alternate format is used. but will otherwise be ignored. 2. The components refer to the coordinate system referenced by the grid points. EXTOUT is not given. A fatal error will be issued if the input contains ASET or ASET1. it is allowed that when grid lists are provided for a given component. that the grid references be either scalar points (SPOINT) or structural grid points (GRID) when the component is 0. Any grids implied in the THRU that do not exist will collectively produce a warning message. for THRU option. BEAD The BEAD bulk data entry will no longer be supported for the definition of topography optimization. HyperMesh will continue to read BEAD entries. but will convert them into DTPG entries. Information regarding the BEAD entry can be found in the Previously Supported Input section of the Reference Guide.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 330 OptiStruct 13. All definitions must be provided using the DTPG bulk data entry. The BEGIN entry is used in conjunction with the END entry to define the data required for a specific entity. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) BEGIN TYPE NAME (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) BEGIN FEMODEL Bumper (1) (2) (3) (4) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) BEGIN HYPRBEAM Square Field Contents TYPE Specifies the entity type that will be defined by the BEGIN data entry (see Comment 2).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 331 . (Character String) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.BEGIN Bulk Data Entry BEGIN – Indicates the beginning of data input for a specific entity. Description The BEGIN bulk data entry indicates the beginning of data that is used to describe a specific entity (or entities) for inclusion in a model. (HYPRBEAM or FEMODEL) NAME This field specifies the name of the entity that is defined by the BEGIN entry (see Comment 2). GRIDS.3.1. TYPE = HYPRBEAM: Data required for the definition of an arbitrary beam section will be specified between the BEGIN and END data entries. There can be multiple sections of arbitrary beam data.1 $ PSEC. It is possible to duplicate a single part by including the same file(s) in different BEGIN-END blocks. one for each beam section. Models are often defined in separate files. is allowed between BEGIN and END entries. The BEGIN and END bulk data entries are used in conjunction to define an entity within the full model. However.1 $ END.1.100.0. the parts are included within the full model specifying part data between the BEGIN and END bulk data entries (the INCLUDE entry can also be used for part data referencing).2. BEGIN and END should exist in the same file.1000.HYPRBEAM 332 OptiStruct 13.100. 4.30. The name of the included part should be specified in the NAME field.1.0.SQUARE $ GRIDS.0.40. TYPE = FEMODEL: In a model containing multiple parts.100.20.0 $ CSEC2.4. The INCLUDE entry.1. 2.Comments CSEC2. 6.3 CSEC2.0.0 GRIDS. 3.1. An example set of data for the definition of an arbitrary beam section is as follows: BEGIN. and the block (BEGIN – END) contains only INCLUDE entries. 5.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . similar to almost any other bulk data entry.100.HYPRBEAM.0.4.2 CSEC2.0 GRIDS. This entry is only valid with an @HyperForm statement in the first line of the input file.BLKHDF Bulk Data Entry BLKHDF – Blank Holder Force for One-Step Stamping Simulation Description Defines the blank holder force in a one-step stamping simulation. 0.0) FORCE Blank holder force. No default (Real > 0. 1.3 3. Comments 1.0 Field Contents BHID Blank holder identification number. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) BLKHDF BHID MU FORC E TOGGLE (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) BLKHDF 6 0.0 – Uniform pressure is applied on blank holder. (6) (7) (8) No default (Integer > 0) MU Coefficient of friction.0 – Net force is applied on blank holder.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 333 . No default (Real) TOGGLE Flag assigned based on option (Pressure or Tonnage). and G3 are required to define tria faces. all unique) Comments 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .BMFACE Bulk Data Entry BMFACE – Barrier Mesh Face Description Defines quad or tria faces that are in turn used to define a barrier to limit the total deformation for free-shape design regions. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) BMFAC E BMID G1 G2 G3 G4 (7) (8) (9) (10) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) BMFAC E 10 8203 8204 8100 (6) (7) (8) Field Contents BMID Barrier mesh identification number. 334 Grid points used in the definition of BMFACE entries cannot be used to define structural elements. G2. No default (Integer > 0. Referenced from a DSHAPE bulk data entry. No default (Integer > 0) G# Grid point identification number of connection points. OptiStruct 13. G1. G4 is required to define quad faces. ASET. 4. 2. except the DOF assigned to BNDFIX. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) ICi Component numbers. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) BNDFIX GID1 IC 1 GID2 IC 2 GID3 IC 3 (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) BNDFIX 1220 12345 (4) (5) (6) Field Contents GIDi Grid of scalar point identification numbers. If BNDFIX and ASET are present. If BNDFREE and ASET are present.BNDFIX Bulk Data Entry BNDFIX – Boundary Degrees-of-Freedom of a Superelement Assembly Description Defines the degrees-of-freedom to be fixed during DMIG generation using CMSMETH card. the DOFs associated with ASET would be in BNDFREE. all three are not allowed in the same deck. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the DOFs associated with ASET would be in BNDFIX. except the DOF assigned to BNDFREE. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 335 . BNDFIX and BNDFREE. BNDFIX and BSET are equivalent. No default (Integer > 0) THRU 336 Keyword to allow a range of GID. GIDi Grid of scalar point identification numbers.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) BNDFIX1 12345 1220 1221 THRU 1229 Field Contents C Component numbers.BNDFIX1 Bulk Data Entry BNDFIX1 – Fixed Boundary Degrees-of-Freedom of a Superelement Assembly Description Defines the fixed (B-set) degrees-of-freedom to be fixed during DMIG generation using CMSMETH card. THRU can be in any field. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0 or blank). OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) BNDFIX1 C GID1 GID2 GID3 GID4 "thru" GID6 GID7 GID8 GID9 etc. Zero or blank for SPOINT and any unique combination of integers 1 through 6 for grid points with no embedded blanks. the DOFs associated with ASET will be in the B-set.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 337 . The combination of the three ASET/ASET1. the DOFs associated with ASET would be in C-set. and can span across continuation lines. G1 and G2 must exist. except the DOF assigned to BNDFREE which will be in the C-set. BNDFIX1 and BSET1 are equivalent. 2. If the "thru" comment is used. but the grid points between G1 and G2 are not required to exist. If BNDFIX/BNDFIX1 and ASET/ASET1 are present.Comments 1. 4. BNDFIX/BNDFIX1 and BNDFREE/BNDFRE1 are not allowed together in the same input data. 6. Multiple “thru” sequences can be used on a single card. 5. If BNDFREE/BNDFRE1 and ASET/ASET1 are present. 3. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. except the DOF assigned to BNDFIX which will be in the B-set. OptiStruct 13. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0 or blank). THRU can be in any field.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . GIDi Grid of scalar point identification numbers.BNDFRE1 Bulk Data Entry BNDFRE1 – Free Boundary Degrees-of-Freedom of a Superelement Assembly Description Defines the free (C-set) degrees-of-freedom to be fixed during DMIG generation using CMSMETH card. No default (Integer > 0) THRU 338 Keyword to allow a range of GID. Zero or blank for SPOINT and any unique combination of integers 1 through 6 for grid points with no embedded blanks. (7) (8) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) BNDFRE 1 12345 1220 1221 thru 1229 Field Contents C Component numbers. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) BNDFRE1 C GID1 GID2 GID3 GID4 "thru" GID6 GID7 GID8 GID9 etc. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 339 . BNDFIX/BNDFIX1. 3. G1 and G2 must exist. and BNDFREE/BNDFRE1 are not allowed together in the same input data. the DOFs associated with ASET will be in the B-set. 5. except the DOF assigned to BNDFIX which will be in the B-set. BNDFRE1 and CSET1 are equivalent. If BNDFIX/BNDFIX1 and ASET/ASET1 are present. Any number of continuations may appear. and can span across continuation lines. 4. Multiple “thru” sequences can be used on a single card.Comments 1. If BNDFREE/BNDFRE1 and ASET/ASET1 are present. 2. The combination of the three ASET/ASET1. 6. except the DOF assigned to BNDFREE which will be in the C-set. the DOFs associated with ASET would be in C-set. If the "thru" comment is used. but the grid points between G1 and G2 are not required to exist. 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2. BNDFIX and BNDFREE are not allowed in the same deck. except the DOF assigned to BNDFREE. the DOFs associated with ASET would be in BNDFREE. ASET. BNDFREE and CSET are equivalent. If BNDFIX and ASET are present. except the DOF assigned to BNDFIX. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. If BNDFREE and ASET are present. the DOFs associated with ASET would be in BNDFIX.BNDFREE Bulk Data Entry BNDFREE – Boundary Degrees-of-Freedom of a Superelement Assembly Description Defines the degrees-of-freedom to be fixed during DMIG generation using CMSMETH card. 340 OptiStruct 13. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) ICi Component numbers. 4. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) BNDFREE GID1 IC 1 GID2 IC 2 GID3 IC 3 (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) BNDFREE 1220 12345 (4) (5) (6) Field Contents GIDi Grid of scalar point identification numbers. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Refer to the documentation for the BNDFIX Bulk Data Entry.BSET Bulk Data Entry BSET – Boundary Degrees-of-Freedom of a Superelement Assembly Description BSET entry is equivalent to BNDFIX.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 341 . BSET1 Bulk Data Entry BSET1– Fixed Boundary Degrees-of-Freedom of a Superelement Assembly Description BSET1 entry is equivalent to BNDFIX1. Refer to the documentation for the BNDFIX1 Bulk Data Entry. 342 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . parm Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 343 . Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) Input File . No default (Integer > 0) Gi Grid point identification numbers of fluid connection points. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) C AABSF EID PID G1 G2 G3 G4 (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C AABSF 71 4 1 10 5 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number.CAABSF Bulk Data Entry CAABSF – Frequency-dependant Fluid Acoustic Absorber Element Description Defines the frequency-dependant fluid acoustic absorber element in coupled fluid-structural analysis.mdcaabsf. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PAABSF property entry. 555.0build60 $$ Generated using HyperMesh-Optistruct Template Version : 10.91. 615.651.675.567.OPTI.115.ALL OUTPUT.67.ALL $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ Case Control Cards $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $ $HMNAME LOADSTEP 1"Piston_Load" 6 $ SUBCASE 1 LABEL Piston_Load SPC = 12 METHOD(STRUCTURE) = 4 METHOD(FLUID) = 5 FREQUENCY = 3 DLOAD = 9 XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 11(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 43(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 55(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 67(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 79(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 91(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 103(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 115(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 127(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 139(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 151(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 163(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 175(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 187(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 199(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 531(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 543(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 555(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 567(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 579(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 591(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 603(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 615(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 627(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 639(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 651(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 663(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 675(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 687(T1) $ $HMSET 1 1 "pressure" SET 1 = 43. 531.687. OUTPUT. 127.175. 6798 $ $$-------------------------------------------------------------$$ HYPERMESH TAGS $$-------------------------------------------------------------$$BEGIN TAGS $$END TAGS 344 OptiStruct 13.151.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .$$ $$ Optistruct Input Deck Generated by HyperMesh Version : 10.543.PUNCH.591.163.639.663.139.H3D.0-SA1-120 $$ $$ Template: optistruct $$ $$ $ DISPLACEMENT(PHASE) = 1 OUTPUT.HGFREQ.603.ALL OUTPUT. 492 8.492 -0.364-29-1.72-15 0.589-16 0.733-29-1.718-15 -0.246 1.246 0.59-16 0.246 0.10051 0.524-29-.0 0.300073 0.-1 $$ $$ DESVARG Data $$ $$ $$ GRID Data $$ GRID 9 GRID 10 GRID 11 GRID 12 GRID 13 GRID 14 GRID 15 GRID 16 GRID 17 GRID 18 GRID 19 GRID 20 GRID 21 GRID 22 GRID 23 GRID 24 GRID 25 GRID 26 GRID 27 GRID 28 GRID 29 GRID 30 GRID 31 GRID 32 GRID 33 GRID 34 GRID 35 GRID 36 GRID 37 GRID 38 GRID 39 GRID 40 GRID 41 GRID 42 GRID 43 GRID 44 GRID 45 GRID 46 GRID 47 GRID 48 GRID 49 GRID 50 GRID 51 GRID 52 GRID 53 GRID 54 GRID 55 GRID 56 GRID 57 GRID 58 GRID 59 GRID 60 GRID 61 GRID 62 Altair Engineering 0.72-15 0.492 1.246 -1.492 -8.718-15 -0.246 0.049-29-.10051 -3.246 0.246 2.492 0.600146 0.20029 -2.0 -1.919-29-0.0 -0.246 0.492 -8.0 0.258-29-2.246 7.0 0.246 -0.492 -0.311-29-2.90022 -1.589-16 0.39-120.246 0.492 1.0 0.246 -.68-120.40059 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.900219 -1.79-120.POST.90022 0.246 -8.492 -1.246 -1.492 8.0 -1.246 -1.492 0.246 -1.0 -8.$ BEGIN BULK ACMODL $$ $$ Stacking Information for Ply-Based Composite Definition $$ PARAM.72-15 0.246 0.246 -0.0 -.900219 0.62-130.300073 -5.246 -2.246 1.246 -2.246 -8.0 0.0 -.246 -.300073 0.246 -1.246 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 345 .50037 -3.0 -0.492 0.492 -0.492 0.246 4.246 0.0 -0.50037 0.59-16 0.589-16 -0.246 -1.12-120.246 0.0-12 0.492 0.37-120.246 0.589-16 0.0 0.718-15 -0.246 8.AUTOSPC.246 5.20029 0.93-120.50037 -2.300073 -5.10051 0.24-120.10051 -4.246 -.492 0.246 0.246 -.6-12 0.2-12 0.20029 0.492 -1.492 0.0 -2.59-16 0.80044 0.492 0.787-29-1.0 1.246 6.50037 0.246 8.0 -0.246 0.81-120.718-15 0.600146 0.0 8.YES PARAM.0 -1.80044 0.246 -1.0 -.246 -0.246 -0.600146 -1.72-15 0.80044 -3.718-15 -0.0 -1.589-16 -0.2-12 0.0 -0.246 -.246 0.492 -0.246 -0.72-15 0.246 0.80044 -3.246 5.600146 -1.246 -1.59-16 0.99-130.246 2.246 0.59-16 -0.20029 -2. 40132 0.70139 0.246 -6.246 0.246 2.20176 -1.246 -4.246 0.0 -6.246 1.246 -6.246 -6.90168 -1.80117 0.246 1.00146 0.246 0.0 -5.246 -6.246 0.893-28-6.59-120.20176 0.06-120.01-110.32-110.00146 -1.246 -2.246 1.5011 0.0 -6.20176 -1.60161 0.20176 0.515-28-5.62-120.246 -5.99-120.00146 0.40059 -4.246 0.136-28-3.50183 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.70066 -5.79-120.0 -2.609-28-5.2-11 0.246 -2.0 -4.5011 -8.78-120.70139 0.246 1.08-110.20102 0.246 0.40059 0.86-120.294-28-4.246 -5.246 -6.18-120.246 -5.29-110.246 -3.246 -4.40132 -1.246 0.10124 -1.44-110.246 0.246 -2.70066 -5.60088 0.5-11 0.35-110.02-110.246 -3.246 1.18-110.07-110.246 0.388-28-4.50183 -1.0 -2.0 -6.10124 -9.43-120.70139 -1.246 1.80117 -8.20102 -7.246 -4.14-110.70066 0.0 -4.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 346 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 -4.0 -5.246 -3.38-110.80117 0.246 0.60088 0.246 1.59-120.60161 -1.246 -7.70139 -1.246 1.12-110.30081 0.30081 0.204-29-2.0 -6.246 -3.231-28-4.246 0.70066 0.5011 -8.30154 0.0 -5.246 0.246 -6.246 -5.246 1.246 8.74-120.55-120.0 -7.735-28-6.246 1.39-120.246 -4.0 -3.23-110.90095 0.246 -7.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .80117 -9.60088 -7.0 -3.30154 -1.3-12 0.246 -4.0 -3.49-120.956-28-7.99-120.246 -5.246 -6.40132 -1.246 0.60088 -6.246 1.452-28-5.26-110.246 0.40059 0.30081 -6.246 -3.246 -5.0 -4.246 -4.246 0.90168 -1.30154 -1.30154 0.782-29-3.90168 0.90095 -7.246 0.246 -3.00146 -1.073-28-3.90168 0.246 1.90095 0.10124 0.246 0.0 -3.00073 -5.60161 -1.90095 -7.00073 -5.0 -7.38-120.246 8.83-28 -6.246 -3.19-120.40132 0.00073 0.246 9.5011 0.30081 -6.835-29-3.246 -3.019-28-7.20102 0.99-120.20102 -8.00073 0.672-28-6.60161 0.246 -6.246 -2.246 1.10124 0. 60234 -1.146-28-8.50183 0.70212 -1.0029 -2.246 -11.0 -11.966-28-12.0 -9.246 -8.50183 0.40205 0.246 -9.246 0.91-110.246 2.8019 -1.246 2.8026 0.246 0.4-11 0.0 -7.246 0.246 0.10198 -1.70212 -1.246 0.68-110.303 -2.246 -8.246 -9.7029 0.209-28-8.40205 -1.15-110.79-110.2025 -2.246 0.246 -8.8019 0.246 -11.10198 0.246 -12.27-110.246 -10.0 -9.246 -10.619-28-10.246 -11.246 2.60234 -1.5026 -2.246 -9.1027 0.03-110.246 -12.246 2.246 0.398-28-9.246 2.57-110.90241 -1.246 -9.2025 0.02-110.13-110.246 -11.246 -8.7029 -2.246 2.7029 0.246 -9.79-110.246 0.70212 0.45-110.246 -12.0 -10.1027 -2.246 -11.67-110.4028 -2.0029 -2.777-28-11.61-110.0 -10.745-28-11.246 -12.0 -11.335-28-9.07-110.0022 -1.96-110.2025 -1.246 -7.246 0.272-28-8.84-28 -11.246 -8.0 -8.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 347 .7029 -2.246 -9.246 -10.33-110.246 -10.6031 -2.246 -10.6031 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.30227 -1.461-28-9.246 -7.35-110.21-110.246 -8.0029 0.10198 0.246 2.5026 0.871-28-12.85-110.0022 0.246 2.246 0.303 0.0 -8.0 -12.0 -9.40205 0.0 -8.246 2.246 2.51-110.8026 0.90241 0.0029 0.246 0.0 -9.4028 0.246 2.85-110.2025 0.246 -9.97-110.246 -7.10198 -1.303 0.246 2.8019 -1.0 -10.90241 -1.246 -9.083-28-7.246 -11.246 2.3-11 0.0 -11.246 0.91-110.30227 -1.6031 -2.246 -12.0022 -1.5026 0.303 -2.246 0.682-28-10.0 -12.8026 -2.246 2.5026 -1.8026 -2.90241 0.63-110.73-110.0022 0.246 2.09-110.4028 -2.246 -10.556-28-10.8019 0.246 0.1027 -2.246 2.246 0.4028 0.246 0.24-110.246 0.60234 0.60234 0.51-110.46-110.935-28-12.1027 0.0 -12.30227 0.30227 0.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 Altair Engineering -1.40205 -1.246 2.74-110.70212 0.39-110.55-110.524-28-9.246 -7.19-110. 246 0.26-110.24-110.246 2.804 -8.9-11 0.7034 0.3036 -7.73-110.0 -14.9037 0.4034 -7.7042 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.2031 -7.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 348 201 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 0.4034 0.8032 0.36-110.587-28-15.1033 0.246 -12.0 -17.619-28-14.5039 0.0 -17.246 -15.41-110.2031 0.0 -14.246 -16.246 -16.246 -14.0 -15.083-28-17.246 2.67-110.246 0.804 0.246 -17.2031 -6.246 -14.246 -14.0 -13.2038 0.524-28-15.4041 -8.246 -13.246 -15.272-28-16.903 0.246 -16.246 -13.246 0.6037 -7.9037 -7.246 2.0035 0.903-28-13.5039 -8.246 -12.246 2.5039 -7.1033 0.246 2.246 2.246 2.7042 -7.95-110.02-110.246 -13.5039 0.246 2.246 0.246 0.8032 -7.7042 0.52-110.745-28-14.246 -15.35-110.246 2.246 0.246 -17.5032 0.96-110.246 -17.246 0.104 -8.246 -14.78-110.903 0.75-110.246 0.0 -14.0035 -7.777-28-13.54-110.0035 -7.3036 0.2038 -7.1033 -7.246 -16.9037 0.246 0.0 -16.6031 0.06-110.398-28-15.146-28-17.246 0.9-11 0.2038 0.246 -15.6037 0.246 2.246 0.246 -13.8032 0.08-110.4034 0.42-110.0 -12.104 0.0 -15.804 0.12-110.246 -15.6037 0.246 0.246 -17.6037 -7.5032 -7.58-110.246 -13.5032 -7.019-28-17.32-110.0 -17.903 -7.246 -15.246 0.0 -13.246 -12.246 0.9037 -7.246 0.246 2.246 0.209-28-16.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .3036 -7.4041 0.246 -14.01-110.246 -17.903 -6.19-110.3-11 0.7042 -8.246 -16.84-28 -13.7034 -7.0035 0.246 -17.246 2.935-28-12.682-28-14.8-11 0.246 0.246 -15.2038 -8.246 2.104 0.461-28-15.246 0.84-110.63-110.246 -16.1033 -7.246 -14.246 2.246 2.0 -13.246 2.69-110.0 -15.804 -7.4041 0.246 -15.104 -7.246 2.2-11 0.7034 0.0 -15.0 -16.6-11 0.14-110.3036 0.47-110.7034 -7.4041 -7.48-110.335-28-16.246 -13.5032 0.8032 -7.4034 -7.2031 0.0 -16. 246 1.8047 -8.5046 -8.246 -22.5053 0.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 Altair Engineering 0.515-28-19.38-110.4048 0.246 -18.86-110.246 -21.0042 -7.246 0.246 1.0 -19.246 -18.246 1.83-28 -18.92-110.1048 -8.1055 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.16-110.59-110.9045 -8.9045 0.388-28-20.246 -19.311-29-23.246 -22.0 -19.6051 0.9052 -8.0 -18.452-28-20.31-110.1048 0.0042 -8.4048 0.6051 -8.3051 0.246 -18.246 0.246 0.246 9.47-110.956-28-18.246 -21.246 -21.246 -21.246 1.136-28-21.5-11 0.246 0.8-11 0.246 0.2045 0.246 -20.9045 -8.3043 0.246 -19.1048 0.672-28-19.246 -22.9052 0.4048 -8.7049 0.8047 -8.246 1.246 -21.246 -18.2053 0.073-28-21.91-110.246 1.4048 -8.246 -20.0 -21.62-110.14-110.0 -21.0 -22.246 -18.5046 0.86-110.9052 0.5053 -9.98-110.6051 0.8054 0.6044 -8.22-110.6051 -9.0 -20.7049 -8.0 -22.204-29-22.246 -20.8054 0.3051 -9.246 -18.6044 0.2045 -8.246 1.7-11 0.9052 -9.246 0.36-110.2053 -8.0 -18.246 7.246 1.005 0.64-110.246 0.246 0.246 -21.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 349 .246 1.7049 0.0 -19.609-28-19.2053 -9.3051 0.893-28-18.246 -22.5046 0.5053 -8.9045 0.04-110.246 -20.53-110.0 -20.74-110.44-110.735-28-18.246 -22.231-28-21.246 -18.246 0.8054 -9.3043 0.246 -19.246 0.246 -22.246 -20.246 1.8047 0.246 0.5053 0.246 -18.2045 0.0 -18.6044 0.246 0.0042 0.8047 0.56-110.7049 -8.246 0.0 -22.0 -21.246 -19.19-110.246 6.246 -21.3043 -8.5046 -8.25-110.246 0.75-110.246 -21.1-11 0.005 0.68-110.97-110.03-110.0 -18.3051 -8.6044 -7.246 8.246 0.246 -19.246 1.2045 -8.08-110.246 0.005 -8.782-29-21.246 8.42-110.246 -20.34-110.28-110.2053 0.294-28-20.3043 -7.1048 -8.246 1.0 -21.0 -20.8054 -8.246 1.246 -19.005 -8.246 0.258-29-22.0042 0.835-29-22. 246 0.7056 -8.0 -24.600146 0.90022 0.246 -24.206 0.9059 0.600146 0.92-110.492 5.492 0.90095 0.10051 0.4-11 0.492 0.893-29-24.7056 -9.492 9.6059 0.20102 0.246 -5.584-13-5.492 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .9059 -9.522-13-2.246 -24.246 -23.6059 0.547-13-3.246 0.52-110.58-110.246 -23.10124 0.246 -23.5011 0.492 9.5011 0.246 -1.90022 0.4056 -9.041-13-3.0 -24.246 -3.4056 0.621-13-.70066 0.009-13-1.246 -24.80117 0.40059 0.246 -4.246 -23.6059 -9.492 4.364-29-23.40059 0.246 2.246 4.1055 -8.0 -23.246 -3.9059 -9.246 -24.246 9.98-110.246 -.70139 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.767-12-25.246 0.10124 0.80044 0.246 -24.492 0.81-110.20102 0.246 -23.492 0.246 4.0 -23.246 -5.492 6.246 -4.151-12-25.70139 0.492 0.246 5.492 3.09-110.787-29-24.20029 0.492 1.246 -24.80117 0.0 -24.40132 0.053-13-4.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 350 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 -9.492 8.00073 0.572-13-5.246 0.246 -25.733-29-23.246 -2.246 -23.0057 0.534-13-3.246 -24.492 1.016-13-2.00073 0.246 -3.300073 0.246 -2.87-110.246 0.04-110.206 0.6059 -9.0 -24.60088 0.492 7.492 0.492 0.492 4.0057 -8.559-13-4.492 0.492 0.323-13-.246 1.492 8.246 -1.078-13-5.246 -1.246 3.0057 0.64-110.50037 0.492 5.7056 0.50037 0.3058 -9.7-11 0.246 -0.028-13-3.15-110.246 -5.0 -23.40132 0.51-13 -2.246 -25.246 0.300073 0.16-110.246 0.492 2.492 4.5-13 -1.3058 -9.246 -2.4056 0.492 0.466-30-24.70066 0.246 -24.3058 0.30081 0.492 0.492 7.492 0.90095 0.492 0.1055 0.492 3.20029 0.4056 -8.004-13-1.7056 0.246 -.0057 -9.592-13-0.492 0.492 6.206 -9.80044 0.1055 0.3058 0.492 0.46-110.206 -9.492 0.246 -4.246 0.066-13-4.60088 0.10051 0.76-110.492 0.492 0.82-112.30081 0.246 -3.9059 0.84-29 -24.492 0. 492 0.492 0.246 -7.363-12-8.492 0.7034 0.492 0.009-12-6.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.0035 6.0029 0.246 -12.492 0.4034 0.246 -12.246 -13.492 0.70212 0.8032 0.021-12-12.246 -15.262-12-7.8026 1.7034 6.492 0.246 -15.20176 0.246 -9.246 -15.30154 0.492 0.246 -13.375-12-13.246 -6.628-12-15.903 6.667-12-9.492 0.492 0.246 -9.492 0.0035 0.492 0.324-12-13.8032 6.246 -7.0022 1.971-12-11.492 0.0029 2.246 -10.246 -12.246 -6.246 -10.492 0.492 0.4034 6.492 0.492 0.492 0.50183 0.246 -14.246 -11.30227 0.246 -6.60161 0.768-12-10.492 0.90168 1.30227 1.00146 0.78-12 -16.6031 6.8019 1.246 -8.577-12-15.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.246 -12.246 -8.60234 0.6037 0.6037 6.492 0.492 0.2031 6.072-12-12.492 0.5026 1.92-12 -11.10198 1.246 -14.414-12-8.6031 0.90168 0.492 0.492 0.2025 1.20176 1.06-12 -6.90242 1.9037 6.246 -7.566-12-9.246 -9.246 -10.492 0.1033 0.718-12-10.246 -11.492 0.492 0.425-12-14.30154 1.729-12-15.8026 0.50183 1.246 -8.492 0.246 -15.819-12-10.7029 2.246 -13.246 -11.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.5026 0.492 1.492 0.5032 6.492 0.11-12 -6.492 0.274-12-13.492 0.00146 1.679-12-15.4028 0.3036 0.492 0.2038 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.492 0.492 0.492 0.1027 1.4028 1.492 0.1033 6.492 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 351 .492 0.2025 0.161-12-6.476-12-14.492 0.492 0.2031 0.492 0.60161 1.123-12-12.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.70212 1.515-12-9.303 0.246 -14.212-12-7.246 -6.492 0.87-12 -11.40205 0.223-12-12.303 2.3036 6.616-12-9.492 0.10198 0.313-12-7.492 0.492 0.492 0.0022 0.60234 1.5032 0.492 0.527-12-14.90242 0.1027 0.246 -9.9037 0.465-12-8.8019 0.492 0.40205 1.903 0.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 Altair Engineering 0.492 0.492 0.7029 0. 0042 0.146-12-24.59-12 -21.9045 0.600146 0.8054 0.246 0.5039 0.1055 0.286-12-19.246 -18.600146 -1.492 0.492 -.20029 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.843-12-22.492 -.492 0.246 -21.995-12-23.492 0.005 0.492 7.492 6.033-12-17.492 0.246 -20.9052 0.096-12-24.83-12 -16.4056 0.246 0.9059 0.3058 0.246 -24.492 7.492 0.045-12-23.492 0.492 0.7056 0.492 0.8047 0.539-12-20.20029 0.4056 0.9045 0.246 -21.492 -1.2038 0.792-12-22.492 0.246 -17.246 -22.492 6.300073 0.7049 0.246 -16.492 0.492 7.804 0.492 0.6051 0.492 0.492 -0.104 0.492 7.4048 0.492 0.05-120.492 8.246 -24.246 -17.492 5.206 -5.932-12-17.6059 0.0057 0.492 6.246 0.492 -1.246 -19.804 0.1048 0.492 7.492 0.5046 0.492 7.691-12-21.5053 0.5046 0.3051 0.534-12-25.492 7.492 7.492 -.246 -21.438-12-20.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 352 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 0.246 -22.0057 0.1055 0.387-12-19.7056 0.57-120.246 -23.2045 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .104 0.492 7.246 -20.492 8.197-12-24.246 -21.246 -24.6044 0.2053 0.246 -24.64-12 -21.492 7.246 -18.134-12-18.09-120.492 0.9052 0.492 8.492 6.246 -23.492 0.492 7.492 0.492 7.492 0.3051 0.492 0.5039 0.185-12-18.005 0.492 7.492 0.246 -18.6059 0.492 7.246 -23.492 0.492 -.742-12-21.2045 0.90022 -2.246 -16.246 -18.246 -20.246 0.235-12-18.982-12-17.3058 0.246 -17.881-12-16.492 7.492 0.2053 0.492 0.8047 0.4041 0.1048 0.248-12-24.5053 0.492 0.492 8.3043 0.492 0.6051 0.492 7.083-12-18.7042 0.246 -25.492 0.893-12-22.492 0.488-12-20.246 -19.492 0.492 7.3043 0.944-12-23.492 8.492 7.492 -.246 -16.900219 0.24-130.337-12-19.246 -22.0042 0.7042 0.492 0.6044 0.492 0.300073 -1.4048 0.246 -19.9059 0.8054 0.492 0.206 0.4041 0.492 7.492 7.7049 0. 52-110.492 -4.492 0.492 -1.492 -1.492 0.8026 -10.246 0.492 -1.492 -1.60234 -9.80117 -4.492 -1.29-120.492 0.246 0.492 -3.15-110.492 0.20176 -7.50037 -1.492 -1.19-120.492 0.87-120.8019 -7.492 0.492 0.40132 -5.67-110.492 0.492 -7.246 0.04-110.492 -1.492 -9.91-120.90095 -4.24-120.62-110.90095 -3.60088 -3.246 0.10051 -2.492 -6.246 0.50183 -7.246 0.492 -1.5011 -4.246 0.492 0.40132 -5.492 0.492 0.8019 -8.4028 -11.492 -1.78-110.246 0.492 -1.96-120.80044 -1.492 0.246 0.0022 -9.492 -3.26-110.492 -2.40059 -2.76-120.492 0.492 -1.60234 -9.50183 -7.246 0.492 0.4028 -11.492 0.246 0.246 0.492 -1.492 0.492 0.88-110.492 0.05-110.492 0.41-110.246 0.72-120.492 0.492 0.80117 -5.492 -1.2025 -10.246 0.80044 -2.492 0.492 0.15-120.492 0.30154 -6.57-110.246 0.90168 -6.492 -4.70212 -8.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 Altair Engineering -2.492 -8.33-120.246 0.492 0.492 -1.70139 -6.492 0.39-120.40205 -8.10124 -5.5026 -10.1027 -11.246 0.90241 -10.50037 -1.00073 -3.60161 -6.60161 -6.1027 -11.10198 -8.246 0.20176 -7.492 -6.492 0.492 -7.5026 -10.10124 -5.00146 -6.246 0.246 0.40059 -2.492 -1.60088 -3.246 0.492 -5.63-120.8026 -11.2025 -10.246 0.246 0.30227 -9.492 -1.246 0.36-110.90241 -9.73-110.10198 -8.246 0.492 -1.492 -1.246 0.2-11 0.492 0.30081 -3.492 -5.46-110.70139 -5.246 0.90168 -7.70212 -9.1-11 0.10051 -2.20102 -4.5011 -4.246 0.94-110.492 0.492 -9.492 -1.67-120.30227 -9.44-120.20102 -4.00073 -3.30154 -6.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 353 .31-110.492 0.492 -1.40205 -8.30081 -3.99-110.0022 -9.246 0.00146 -6.246 0.492 0.492 -8.492 0.7029 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 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-16.5039 -16.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.303 -12.246 0.492 0.09-110.492 0.8032 -13.59-110.492 0.246 0.246 0.492 -7.903 -13.492 -7.6031 -12.492 -6.492 -7.3043 -18.246 0.246 0.0042 -18.492 -7.54-110.246 0.005 -21.246 0.9045 -18.492 0.6044 -18.246 0.492 0.303 -12.492 0.8032 -14.246 0.01-110.91-110.246 0.492 0.86-110.492 -11.492 -7.492 -7.54-110.246 0.246 0.75-110.246 0.246 0.8047 -19.492 0.5046 -19.246 0.4034 -14.246 0.492 0.81-110.9037 -15.2-11 0.492 -6.9052 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.492 0.492 -7.64-110.246 0.7042 -17.492 -6.96-110.0042 -18.6051 -21.246 0.6037 -15.492 -7.1033 -14.104 -17.492 0.65-110.492 -7.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .492 -7.492 0.18-110.492 -7.2045 -19.492 -7.903 -12.44-110.0035 -15.39-110.492 -8.492 -7.5032 -13.246 0.492 0.492 -6.6044 -18.492 0.0029 -12.492 0.59-110.492 -6.492 0.492 0.4041 -17.43-110.246 0.492 -7.49-110.3051 -21.6037 -15.7049 -21.7029 -12.492 0.492 0.246 0.492 0.5032 -13.3051 -21.0029 -12.5046 -19.492 -6.86-110.9037 -16.2045 -19.492 -7.492 -7.246 0.246 0.28-110.492 -2.492 -6.4041 -17.492 0.492 -2.246 0.492 0.492 0.492 -6.492 -7.492 0.246 0.492 -6.97-110.23-110.7042 -18.2038 -16.4048 -20.804 -17.9045 -19.2031 -13.492 0.246 0.1048 -20.7049 -20.492 0.246 0.4048 -20.2031 -13.9052 -21.3043 -18.492 0.492 0.12-110.492 -7.7034 -15.005 -21.91-110.6051 -21.6031 -12.246 0.246 0.804 -16.71-110.1048 -20.14-110.492 -6.492 -6.1033 -14.492 -7.7034 -14.33-110.246 0.7-11 0.104 -17. 27-110.492 0.492 0.492 0.70139 -6.492 0.30227 -9.492 0.492 0.492 0.8026 -11.492 0.492 0.492 0.10198 -8.492 0.492 -8.246 0.492 0.60234 -9.492 0.492 0.492 -8.50183 -7.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 -8.492 0.492 0.492 -8.492 0.492 0.38-110.492 0.30081 -3.492 0.492 0.246 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.80117 -5.492 0.20176 -7.2025 -10.30154 -6.07-110.492 0.5011 -4.492 0.492 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 355 .492 0.0022 -9.6059 -24.492 0.492 0.246 0.90242 -10.1055 -23.492 0.9059 -25.492 0.492 0.6059 -24.492 -8.2053 -22.1027 -11.492 0.492 0.246 0.70066 -3.12-110.492 0.6031 -12.303 -12.492 0.22-110.17-110.7056 -23.492 -8.90095 -4.7056 -24.492 0.903 -13.2053 -22.492 0.5026 -10.48-110.492 0.492 0.492 0.0057 -24.492 0.0029 -12.9059 -24.492 0.492 0.40059 -2.492 0.246 0.5053 -22.70212 -9.492 0.492 0.492 0.246 0.80044 -2.492 0.492 0.492 0.60161 -6.492 0.8019 -8.33-110.492 0.492 0.492 0.59-110.492 0.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 Altair Engineering -8.492 0.492 0.0057 -24.3058 -24.492 0.8054 -22.492 0.43-110.90022 -1.492 0.492 0.00073 -3.492 0.492 0.246 0.10124 -5.492 0.492 0.4056 -23.492 0.492 0.4028 -11.246 0.492 0.600146 -0.54-110.492 0.40132 -5.7029 -12.492 0.4056 -23.40205 -8.492 0.492 0.492 -8.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.5032 -13.60088 -3.492 -22.5053 -22.492 0.492 0.8032 -14.492 0.492 0.1055 -23.3058 -24.300073 -.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 -8.492 0.246 0.492 0.2031 -13.20102 -4.50037 -1.492 -8.20029 -1.492 0.206 -.492 0.00146 -6.206 -25.246 0.492 0.492 0.246 0.10051 -2.492 0.492 0.1033 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 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0.1048 0.80044 0.20029 0.4056 0.492 0.5039 0.10051 0.50037 0.492 -16.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 356 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 0.492 0.246 -1.492 0.492 0.6051 0.4048 0.492 -18.492 -22.492 -15.804 0.492 -21.492 -22.5046 0.492 -0.900219 0.492 0.4034 0.50037 6.5053 0.492 0.522-26-.246 -1.600146 0.492 -0.246 -.685-27-.492 -19.206 0.492 0.300073 0.3036 0.492 0.40058 8.0042 0.10051 0.246 -0.492 -15.246 -1.492 -24.492 -19.6037 0.246 -0.492 -0.492 0.993-28-2.20029 8.492 -21.50037 0.492 0.492 -22.900219 0.492 0.246 -0.0057 0.246 -2.492 -24.492 -0.492 0.492 0.600146 0.80044 0.246 -0.246 -0.492 0.9059 0.246 -1.492 -25.492 -23.8054 0.246 -1.492 -17.492 -17.9037 0.492 -0.300073 0.0 -.492 -0.246 -.492 -18.492 -21.246 -0.0 -2.246 -0.492 -21.2053 0.492 -16.492 -0.50037 0.492 0.2038 0.246 0.7042 0.0 -1.492 -0.492 0.3051 0.492 0.492 -18.246 -.492 -24.492 0.300073 8.492 0.258-28-1.492 -0.6059 0.246 -.246 -0.7034 0.3058 0.246 -0.246 -.900219 0.492 -20.492 0.492 0.492 -23.1055 0.492 0. 246 -0.90168 0.3008 1.246 -7.246 -0.60161 0.246 -0.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.0 -7.549-27-4.60161 0.246 -6.246 -4.30154 0.00146 0.492 -0.492 -0.246 -3.5011 0.80117 0.246 -0.246 -0.70139 2.20176 0.0 -3.8019 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 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-7.492 -0.246 -4.246 -0.023-27-5.246 -0.246 -3.30154 0.5011 1.70066 0.246 -6.246 -6.136-27-5.246 -7.492 -0.70066 0.246 -7.01-27 -2.50183 0.492 -0.90095 1.246 -5.80117 0.50183 0.492 -0.5011 0.246 -0.246 -0.693-27-7.246 -6.246 -0.492 -0.3008 0.492 -0.246 -0.248-27-6.90168 0.00146 0.0 -5.00073 0.246 -5.246 -0.60161 0.492 -0.3008 0.40132 2.246 -0.3008 0.246 -2.40132 0.492 -0.246 -0.00146 0.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 Altair Engineering -0.492 -0.40132 0.20102 0. 903 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.4028 4.4028 0.246 -10.4028 0.303 0.6031 0.10198 3.492 -0.492 -0.303 0.323-27-9.0029 4.10198 0.7029 0.067-27-8.58-27 -9.60234 0.60234 0.246 -0.246 -0.492 -0.10198 0.303 0.8026 4.246 -8.5026 0.246 -10.246 -0.90241 0.454-27-9.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 358 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 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0.70212 0.246 -8.492 -0.40205 0.246 -8.246 -0.0 -11.492 -0.0029 0.246 -10.246 -9.1027 0.246 -0.6031 4.0 -11.246 -0.0 -12.0 -9.492 -0.246 -0.659-27-10.0 -9.0 -8.7028 0.0 -9.424-27-12.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.246 -0.246 -7.246 -0.303 4.246 -0.0 -10.246 -10.70212 3.5026 0.246 -12.492 -0.2025 0.246 -0.388-27-11.274-27-11.246 -8.5026 3.246 -9.1027 0.90241 0.0029 0.246 -12.246 -0.246 -11.492 -0.492 -0.8019 0.00219 0.246 -0.246 -0.6031 0.492 -0.1027 4.40205 2.30227 0.492 -0.246 -11.246 -0.8026 0.492 -0.70212 0.492 -0.246 -0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .00219 0.0022 0.381-26-12.246 -9.903 1. 0035 0.3036 0.7034 0.492 -0.246 -17.5039 0.492 -0.246 -17.246 -16.3036 0.246 -0.4041 0.492 0.246 -0.104 0.492 -0.246 -13.246 -0.246 -15.2031 1.246 -15.246 -16.246 -0.418-26-13.4034 0.492 -0.576-26-18.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -14.246 -0.246 -0.452-26-14.0035 0.246 -0.0 -14.0042 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 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0.246 -13.7034 0.246 -0.492 -0.5031 0.0 -18.492 -0.246 -0.6037 1.9037 0.5032 0.0 -13.246 -0.1033 0.492 -0.492 -0.246 -17.246 -0.246 -14.246 -14.903 0.492 -0.804 0.531-26-16.0 -14.246 -0.5031 0.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 Altair Engineering -0.3036 1.246 -0.7034 1.804 0.492 -0.0 -15.2038 1.8032 0.0042 1.246 -0.553-26-17.246 -15.246 -0.4034 1.246 -15.407-26-13.0035 0.804 0.246 -0.9037 0.492 -0.492 -0.4041 0.492 -0.0 -13.246 -15.5032 1.492 -0.7042 0.38-26 -15.492 -0.441-26-14.246 -14. 62-26 -19.246 -0.0 -20.492 -0.9045 1.0 -21.246 -0.246 -22.8054 0.2053 0.632-26-19.9045 0.0 -19.246 -0.6044 0.246 -20.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .3051 0.2045 1.246 -22.246 -21.58-26 -18.492 -0.0 -21.8054 1.9052 0.246 -20.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.0 -20.246 -21.0 -19.5046 0.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.246 -18.492 -0.7049 0.5053 0.246 -23.492 -0.2045 0.246 -0.8054 0.8054 0.1055 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.246 -22.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 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-0.2045 0.246 -20.1055 1.492 -0.4048 0.246 -0.8047 1.2053 1.246 -21.246 -21.8047 0.492 -0.3043 0.492 -0.246 -19.8047 0.246 -0.0 -23.246 -21.246 -18.246 -0.9045 0.246 -0.492 -0.0 -20.005 0.9045 0.6051 0.246 -18.0 -18.246 -19.246 -18.5046 0.0 -18.005 0.246 -18.246 -20.246 -0.492 -0.9052 1.1048 1.733-26-22.246 -0.492 -0.1055 0.246 -20.5046 0.5053 0.246 -22.492 -0.655-26-20.4048 1.492 -0.722-26-21.745-26-22.0 -18.492 -0.492 -0.246 -19.9052 0.7049 0.246 -22.492 -0.7049 1.5053 1.0 -19.3043 1.0042 0.6051 1.5046 1.6051 0.643-26-19.477-26-18.246 -19.246 -0.492 -0.666-26-20.246 -0.246 -0.9052 0.3051 0.3051 1.7049 0.6044 1.2045 0.492 -0.767-26-23.0 -22.246 -18.246 -0.3043 0. 492 -0.10124 0.6059 0.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 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-0.492 -5.492 -2.492 -1.3008 0.0 -24.0057 0.7056 0.492 -.6059 0.900219 0.492 -1.246 -0.246 -0.50037 0.492 -5.246 -0.492 -2.384-12-25.492 -0.206 0.492 -0.20029 0.246 -24.20029 0.4056 0.246 -0.492 -0.600146 0.40058 0.823-26-24.246 -0.00073 0.9059 0.70066 0.492 -1.492 -0.246 -0.492 -4.492 -0.70139 0.492 -0.0 -24.246 -0.492 -3.492 -.835-26-24.246 -0.492 -0.492 -5.492 -2.246 -24.206 0.9059 0.492 -0.492 -6.206 0.7056 1.80044 0.0057 0.246 -0.492 -0.272-26-25.246 -0.492 -.492 -5.0 -23.492 -0.492 -3.30154 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.80117 0.246 -23.3058 0.10051 0.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.492 -3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 361 .206 1.4056 1.20102 0.492 -.492 -3.492 0.246 -24.246 -0.3058 0.809-26-24.246 -0.246 -0.246 -24.246 -0.492 -4.246 -0.78-26 -24.9059 1.246 -24.10051 0.900219 0.4056 0.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.246 -0.492 -3.492 -0.10124 0.492 -4.492 -2.0 -23.492 -0.246 -23.246 -0.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.0057 0.3058 0.492 -1.492 -3.778-26-23. 6037 -15.492 -0.492 0.492 0.492 0.0035 -15.492 0.492 0.8026 -11.246 -0.0022 -9.246 -0.246 -0.4028 -11.60234 -9.492 0.246 -0.492 -0.492 0.5032 -13.246 0.5026 -10.492 -0.492 -0.7029 -12.246 -0.492 -0.5039 -16.492 0.492 0.492 -0.492 0.303 -12.492 -0.492 -0.492 0.492 0.246 -0.5031 -13.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 362 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 -0.492 0.903 -12.30227 -9.8032 -13.492 -0.1033 -14.7028 -11.492 0.20176 -7.90241 -9.2038 -16.60161 -6.246 -0.492 0.5039 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.492 0.492 0.2025 -10.70212 -9.246 -0.492 0.492 0.492 0.3036 -15.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.70212 -8.0029 -12.246 -0.492 0.492 0.246 -0.492 -0.8026 -10.492 0.492 0.492 -0.246 -0.3036 -15.492 -0.492 -0.246 -0.492 0.903 -13.60234 -9.2031 -13.246 -0.492 0.492 -0.4028 -11.246 -0.30227 -9.40205 -8.246 -0.492 0.492 0.492 -0.40205 -8.246 -0.492 0.492 0.6031 -12.10198 -8.246 -0.492 -6.492 0.492 -0.0035 -15.492 0.492 0.492 0.4034 -14.492 0.492 0.246 -0.492 0.246 -0.8032 -14.246 -0.4034 -14.492 0.492 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654 655 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + 656 173 660 174 664 175 668 176 672 177 676 178 680 179 684 180 688 181 37 182 41 183 45 184 49 185 53 186 57 187 61 188 65 189 69 190 73 191 77 192 81 193 85 194 89 195 93 196 97 197 101 198 105 199 109 200 113 201 117 202 121 203 125 204 129 205 133 206 137 Altair Engineering 657 2 661 2 665 2 669 2 673 2 677 2 681 2 685 2 689 2 691 2 693 2 695 2 697 2 699 2 701 2 703 2 705 2 707 2 709 2 711 2 713 2 715 2 717 2 719 2 721 2 723 2 725 2 727 2 729 2 731 2 733 2 735 2 737 2 739 2 741 654 655 656 657 658 659 658 659 660 661 662 663 662 663 664 665 666 667 666 667 668 669 670 671 670 671 672 673 674 675 674 675 676 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2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 387 CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA 388 803 2032 804 2036 805 2040 806 2044 807 2048 808 2052 809 2056 810 2060 811 2064 812 2068 813 2072 814 2076 815 2080 816 2084 817 2088 818 2092 819 2096 820 2100 821 2104 822 2108 823 2112 824 2116 825 2120 826 2124 827 2128 828 2132 829 2136 830 2140 831 2144 832 2148 833 2152 834 2156 835 2160 836 2164 837 2 2033 2 2037 2 2041 2 2045 2 2049 2 2053 2 2057 2 2061 2 2065 2 2069 2 2073 2 2077 2 2081 2 2085 2 2089 2 2093 2 2097 2 2101 2 2105 2 2109 2 2113 2 2117 2 2121 2 2125 2 2129 2 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2804 3296 3470 2978 3470 2978 2806 3298 3471 2979 3471 2979 2808 3300 3472 2980 3472 2980 2810 3302 3473 2981 3473 2981 2812 3304 3474 2982 3474 2982 2814 3306 3475 2983 3475 2983 2816 3308 3476 2984 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 405 CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA 406 1984 2820 1985 690 1986 692 1987 694 1988 696 1989 698 1990 700 1991 702 1992 704 1993 706 1994 708 1995 710 1996 712 1997 714 1998 716 1999 718 2000 720 2001 722 2002 724 2003 726 2004 728 2005 730 2006 732 2007 734 2008 736 2009 738 2010 740 2011 742 2012 744 2013 746 2014 748 2015 750 2016 752 2017 754 2018 2 3312 2 3479 2 3481 2 3483 2 3485 2 3487 2 3489 2 3491 2 3493 2 3495 2 3497 2 3499 2 3501 2 3503 2 3505 2 3507 2 3509 2 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3542 162 754 3543 3544 166 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + 756 2019 758 2020 760 2021 762 2022 764 2023 766 2024 768 2025 770 2026 772 2107 934 2108 936 2109 938 2110 940 2111 942 2112 944 2113 946 2114 948 2115 950 2116 952 2117 954 2118 956 2119 958 2120 960 2121 962 2122 964 2123 966 2124 968 2125 970 2126 972 2127 974 2128 976 2129 978 2130 980 2131 982 2132 984 Altair Engineering 3545 2 3547 2 3549 2 3551 2 3553 2 3555 2 3557 2 3559 2 3561 2 3723 2 3725 2 3727 2 3729 2 3731 2 3733 2 3735 2 3737 2 3739 2 3741 2 3743 2 3745 2 3747 2 3749 2 3751 2 3753 2 3755 2 3757 2 3759 2 3761 2 3763 2 3765 2 3767 2 3769 2 3771 2 3773 3544 166 756 3545 3546 170 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CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA 408 2133 986 2134 988 2135 990 2136 992 2137 994 2138 996 2139 998 2140 1000 2141 1002 2142 1004 2143 1006 2144 1008 2145 1010 2146 1012 2147 1014 2148 1016 2149 34 2150 38 2151 42 2152 46 2153 50 2154 54 2155 58 2156 62 2157 66 2158 70 2159 74 2160 78 2161 82 2162 86 2163 90 2164 94 2165 98 2166 102 2167 2 3775 2 3777 2 3779 2 3781 2 3783 2 3785 2 3787 2 3789 2 3791 2 3793 2 3795 2 3797 2 3799 2 3801 2 3803 2 3805 2 3478 2 3480 2 3482 2 3484 2 3486 2 3488 2 3490 2 3492 2 3494 2 3496 2 3498 2 3500 2 3502 2 3504 2 3506 2 3508 2 3510 2 3512 2 3772 622 984 3773 3774 626 3774 626 986 3775 3776 630 3776 630 988 3777 3778 634 3778 634 990 3779 3780 638 3780 638 992 3781 3782 642 3782 642 994 3783 3784 646 3784 646 996 3785 3786 650 3786 650 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2336 3525 2337 3527 2338 3529 2339 3531 2340 3533 2341 3535 2342 3537 2343 3539 2344 3541 2345 3543 2346 3545 2347 3547 2348 3549 2349 3551 2350 3553 Altair Engineering 3813 2 3815 2 3817 2 3819 2 3821 2 3823 2 3825 2 3827 2 3829 2 3831 2 3833 2 3835 2 3837 2 3839 2 3841 2 3843 2 3845 2 3847 2 3849 2 3851 2 3853 2 3855 2 3857 2 3859 2 3861 2 3863 2 3865 2 3867 2 3869 2 3871 2 3873 2 3875 2 3877 2 3879 2 3881 3812 3484 3485 3813 3814 3486 3814 3486 3487 3815 3816 3488 3816 3488 3489 3817 3818 3490 3818 3490 3491 3819 3820 3492 3820 3492 3493 3821 3822 3494 3822 3494 3495 3823 3824 3496 3824 3496 3497 3825 3826 3498 3826 3498 3499 3827 3828 3500 3828 3500 3501 3829 3830 3502 3830 3502 3503 3831 3832 3504 3832 3504 3505 3833 3834 3506 3834 3506 3507 3835 3836 3508 3836 3508 3509 3837 3838 3510 3838 3510 3511 3839 3840 3512 3840 3512 3513 3841 3842 3514 3842 3514 3515 3843 3844 3516 3844 3516 3517 3845 3846 3518 3846 3518 3519 3847 3848 3520 3848 3520 3521 3849 3850 3522 3850 3522 3523 3851 3852 3524 3852 3524 3525 3853 3854 3526 3854 3526 3527 3855 3856 3528 3856 3528 3529 3857 3858 3530 3858 3530 3531 3859 3860 3532 3860 3532 3533 3861 3862 3534 3862 3534 3535 3863 3864 3536 3864 3536 3537 3865 3866 3538 3866 3538 3539 3867 3868 3540 3868 3540 3541 3869 3870 3542 3870 3542 3543 3871 3872 3544 3872 3544 3545 3873 3874 3546 3874 3546 3547 3875 3876 3548 3876 3548 3549 3877 3878 3550 3878 3550 3551 3879 3880 3552 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 411 CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA 412 2351 3555 2352 3557 2353 3559 2354 3561 2435 3723 2436 3725 2437 3727 2438 3729 2439 3731 2440 3733 2441 3735 2442 3737 2443 3739 2444 3741 2445 3743 2446 3745 2447 3747 2448 3749 2449 3751 2450 3753 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4081 4082 3754 4082 3754 3755 4083 4084 3756 4084 3756 3757 4085 4086 3758 4086 3758 3759 4087 4088 3760 4088 3760 3761 4089 4090 3762 4090 3762 3763 4091 4092 3764 4092 3764 3765 4093 4094 3766 4094 3766 3767 4095 4096 3768 4096 3768 3769 4097 4098 3770 4098 3770 3771 4099 4100 3772 4100 3772 3773 4101 4102 3774 4102 3774 3775 4103 4104 3776 4104 3776 3777 4105 4106 3778 4106 3778 3779 4107 4108 3780 4108 3780 3781 4109 4110 3782 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + 3783 2466 3785 2467 3787 2468 3789 2469 3791 2470 3793 2471 3795 2472 3797 2473 3799 2474 3801 2475 3803 2476 3805 2477 3478 2478 3480 2479 3482 2480 3484 2481 3486 2482 3488 2483 3490 2484 3492 2485 3494 2486 3496 2487 3498 2488 3500 2489 3502 2490 3504 2491 3506 2492 3508 2493 3510 2494 3512 2495 3514 2496 3516 2497 3518 2498 3520 2499 3522 Altair Engineering 4111 2 4113 2 4115 2 4117 2 4119 2 4121 2 4123 2 4125 2 4127 2 4129 2 4131 2 4133 2 3806 2 3808 2 3810 2 3812 2 3814 2 3816 2 3818 2 3820 2 3822 2 3824 2 3826 2 3828 2 3830 2 3832 2 3834 2 3836 2 3838 2 3840 2 3842 2 3844 2 3846 2 3848 2 3850 4110 3782 3783 4111 4112 3784 4112 3784 3785 4113 4114 3786 4114 3786 3787 4115 4116 3788 4116 3788 3789 4117 4118 3790 4118 3790 3791 4119 4120 3792 4120 3792 3793 4121 4122 3794 4122 3794 3795 4123 4124 3796 4124 3796 3797 4125 4126 3798 4126 3798 3799 4127 4128 3800 4128 3800 3801 4129 4130 3802 4130 3802 3803 4131 4132 3804 27 31 32 26 2987 2495 2987 2495 3478 3806 2989 2497 2989 2497 3480 3808 2991 2499 2991 2499 3482 3810 2993 2501 2993 2501 3484 3812 2995 2503 2995 2503 3486 3814 2997 2505 2997 2505 3488 3816 2999 2507 2999 2507 3490 3818 3001 2509 3001 2509 3492 3820 3003 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2741 3233 2741 3724 4052 3235 2743 3235 2743 3726 4054 3237 2745 3237 2745 3728 4056 3239 2747 3239 2747 3730 4058 3241 2749 3241 2749 3732 4060 3243 2751 3243 2751 3734 4062 3245 2753 3245 2753 3736 4064 3247 2755 3247 2755 3738 4066 3249 2757 3249 2757 3740 4068 3251 2759 3251 2759 3742 4070 3253 2761 3253 2761 3744 4072 3255 2763 3255 2763 3746 4074 3257 2765 3257 2765 3748 4076 3259 2767 3259 2767 3750 4078 3261 2769 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering + 3752 4080 CHEXA 2615 2 3261 2769 3752 4080 3263 2771 + 3754 4082 CHEXA 2616 2 3263 2771 3754 4082 3265 2773 + 3756 4084 CHEXA 2617 2 3265 2773 3756 4084 3267 2775 + 3758 4086 CHEXA 2618 2 3267 2775 3758 4086 3269 2777 + 3760 4088 CHEXA 2619 2 3269 2777 3760 4088 3271 2779 + 3762 4090 CHEXA 2620 2 3271 2779 3762 4090 3273 2781 + 3764 4092 CHEXA 2621 2 3273 2781 3764 4092 3275 2783 + 3766 4094 CHEXA 2622 2 3275 2783 3766 4094 3277 2785 + 3768 4096 CHEXA 2623 2 3277 2785 3768 4096 3279 2787 + 3770 4098 CHEXA 2624 2 3279 2787 3770 4098 3281 2789 + 3772 4100 CHEXA 2625 2 3281 2789 3772 4100 3283 2791 + 3774 4102 CHEXA 2626 2 3283 2791 3774 4102 3285 2793 + 3776 4104 CHEXA 2627 2 3285 2793 3776 4104 3287 2795 + 3778 4106 CHEXA 2628 2 3287 2795 3778 4106 3289 2797 + 3780 4108 CHEXA 2629 2 3289 2797 3780 4108 3291 2799 + 3782 4110 CHEXA 2630 2 3291 2799 3782 4110 3293 2801 + 3784 4112 CHEXA 2631 2 3293 2801 3784 4112 3295 2803 + 3786 4114 CHEXA 2632 2 3295 2803 3786 4114 3297 2805 + 3788 4116 CHEXA 2633 2 3297 2805 3788 4116 3299 2807 + 3790 4118 CHEXA 2634 2 3299 2807 3790 4118 3301 2809 + 3792 4120 CHEXA 2635 2 3301 2809 3792 4120 3303 2811 + 3794 4122 CHEXA 2636 2 3303 2811 3794 4122 3305 2813 + 3796 4124 CHEXA 2637 2 3305 2813 3796 4124 3307 2815 + 3798 4126 CHEXA 2638 2 3307 2815 3798 4126 3309 2817 + 3800 4128 CHEXA 2639 2 3309 2817 3800 4128 3311 2819 + 3802 4130 CHEXA 2640 2 3311 2819 3802 4130 3313 2821 + 3804 4132 $ $HMMOVE 2 $ 17THRU 58 139THRU 222 303THRU 386 $ 467THRU 550 631THRU 714 795THRU 878 $ 959THRU 1042 1123THRU 1206 1287THRU 1370 $ 1451THRU 1534 1615THRU 1698 1779THRU 1862 $ 1943THRU 2026 2107THRU 2190 2271THRU 2354 $ 2435THRU 2518 2599THRU 2640 $ $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ HyperMesh name and color information for generic components $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $HMNAME COMP 2"Air" 2 "Air" 5 $HWCOLOR COMP 2 5 $ Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 415 . 0 5.0+7 0.000254 $$ $$ MAT10 Data $HMNAME MAT 1"Air" "MAT10" $HWCOLOR MAT 1 3 MAT10 1 1.3 0.21-7 13000.0 600 FREQ 3480. 416 OptiStruct 13.0 $$ $$ PSOLID Data $$ $HMNAME PROP 2"Air" 5 $HWCOLOR PROP 2 4 PSOLID 2 1 PFLUID $$ $$ MAT1 Data $$ $HMNAME MAT 2"alum" "MAT1" $HWCOLOR MAT 2 3 MAT1 21.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .$HMNAME COMP $HWCOLOR COMP $ $HMNAME COMP $HWCOLOR COMP $ $ $HMDPRP $ 17THRU $ 467THRU $ 959THRU $ 1451THRU $ 1943THRU $ 2435THRU $ 6122 6125 $ 7647 7652 $ 5"Piston" 5 8 6"absorber" 6 3 58 139THRU 550 631THRU 1042 1123THRU 1534 1615THRU 2026 2107THRU 2518 2599THRU 6520THRU 6521 7945 7948 7955 222 714 1206 1698 2190 2640 6523 303THRU 795THRU 1287THRU 1779THRU 2271THRU 5627 5629 6528 6954 386 878 1370 1862 2354 6116 7220 $ $$ $$ PSHELL Data $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $HMNAME PROP 1"tube" 4 $HWCOLOR PROP 1 52 PSHELL 1 20.0 $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ HyperMesh Commands for loadcollectors name and color information $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 2"spc" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 2 6 $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 8"Force" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 8 7 $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 12"SPC" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 12 5 $$ $$ $$ FREQi cards $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 3"Freq" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 3 6 $FREQ1 3 0.1 2 2 0. 0 spcd 86798 3 1.0 spcd 86777 3 1.0 spcd 86780 3 1.0 spcd 86800 3 1.0 spcd 86782 3 1.0 spcd 86778 3 1.0 1.0 3000.0 0.0 spcd 86786 3 1.0 0.0 spcd 86783 3 1.0 spcd 86779 3 1.0 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 417 .0 3000.0 spcd 86790 3 1.0 0.0 spcd 86793 3 1.0 1.00154 3000.0 spcd 86791 3 1.0ENDT $$ $$ $$ DLOAD cards $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 9"Dload" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 9 6 DLOAD 91.0 spcd 86788 3 1.0 spcd 86792 3 1.0 0.0 spcd 86785 3 1.0 Altair Engineering 7 0 VELO MASS MASS OptiStruct 13.0 spcd 86781 3 1.0 spcd 86789 3 1.0 spcd 86784 3 1.0ENDT $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 10"reactance" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 10 5 TABLED1 10 LINEAR LINEAR + 0.0 spcd 86799 3 1.00154ENDT $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 11"Impedance" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 11 5 TABLED1 11 LINEAR LINEAR + 0.0 spcd 86797 3 1.0 6 $$ $$ EIGRL cards $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 4"EigrlTube" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 4 6 EIGRL 4 5 $HMNAME LOADCOL 5"EigrlAir" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 5 6 EIGRL 5 30 $$ $$ SPC Data $$ SPC1 12123456 6776 thru 6800 spcd 86776 3 1.0 spcd 86795 3 1.$ $$ $$ RLOAD1 cards $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 6"Rload" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 6 6 RLOAD1 6 8 $$ $$ $$ TABLED1 cards $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 7"Table" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 7 6 TABLED1 7 LINEAR LINEAR + 0.0 spcd 86794 3 1.0 spcd 86796 3 1. n4qD_I^RYMo" ADI0.0 $$ $$ CAABSF 7957 5 689 688 687 686 CAABSF 7960 5 1017 689 686 1016 CAABSF 7964 5 1345 1344 688 689 CAABSF 7969 5 1509 1345 689 1017 CAABSF 7972 5 2165 2164 2163 2162 CAABSF 7977 5 688 2165 2162 687 CAABSF 7978 5 4133 3805 3804 4132 CAABSF 7980 5 2493 2492 2164 2165 CAABSF 7984 5 1344 2493 2165 688 CAABSF 7985 5 2821 687 2162 2820 CAABSF 7988 5 2820 2162 2163 2985 CAABSF 7990 5 3313 2821 2820 3312 CAABSF 7994 5 3312 2820 2985 3477 CAABSF 7996 5 3805 1016 686 3804 CAABSF 7998 5 3804 686 687 2821 CAABSF 8003 5 4132 3804 2821 3313 PAABSF 5 11 10 ENDDATA $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$$ $$ Data Definition for AutoDV $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$$ $$ $$-----------------------------------------------------------------------------$$ $$ Design Variables Card for Control Perturbations $$ $$-----------------------------------------------------------------------------$$ $ $------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $ Domain Element Definitions $ $------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$$ $$ Nodeset Definitions $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$$ $$ Design domain node sets $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$$ $$ Control Perturbation $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$$ $$ $$ $$ CONTROL PERTURBATION Data $$ ALTDOCTAG "0mjpRI@DXd^3_0ASnbi`.WXh3ITgJeq5NZRd5jSHQK3X@:`a12.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 2011-02-11T20:16:20 0of1 OSQA ENDDOCTAG 418 OptiStruct 13.$ $ DAREA Data $ $$ $$ DAREA Data $$ DAREA 8 6798 3-15.1.l.q6A23R@9_67hgW8R?OiZ] Eq:PeN``A. The CAABSF element must connect entirely to fluid points on the fluid-structure boundary.Comments 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 4. then an impedance is associated with the quadrilateral face. Element identification numbers should be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. If G1 and G2 are specified. 2. If only G1 is specified. If G1 through G4 are specified. If G1. then a line impedance is assumed. then an impedance is associated with the area of the triangular face. This card is represented as a CAABSF element in HyperMesh. then a point impedance is assumed. G2 and G3 are specified.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 419 . 3. 0 (6) Field Contents SID Identification number of a dynamic load set. Default = no default (Integer > 0) SRFID Identification number of a SURF bulk data entry that defines the surface where CFD pressure is applicable (See comment 1). (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) CAAID Identification number of the H3D file (loadID) specified by ASSIGN.CAALOAD Bulk Data Entry CAALOAD – Pressure from CFD Analysis Description The CAALOAD bulk data entry defines the CFD pressure that is transferred to the structural side for frequency response analysis. Default = 1.H3DCAA (See comments 1 and 2).0 (Real > 0) 420 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) C AALOAD SID C AAID SRFID AC SC AL PSC AL (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C AALOAD 110 5 20 1. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) ACSCAL Scale factor of the acoustic source term.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. CAALOAD can be chosen as a dynamic load in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections with the command DLOAD = SID. DLOAD. The pressure from the fluid grids will be transferred to structural grids for frequency response analysis. The pressures from CFD analysis at each loading frequency are stored in an H3D file.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 421 . and TLOAD2 entries). The surface GRIDs associated with the CFD pressure must be fluid grids. 2.Field Contents PSCAL Scale factor of CFD pressure. 3. TLOAD1. RLOAD1. loadID. H3DCAA. This H3D file can be referenced using the ASSIGN I/O Options Entry (ASSIGN. and filename). The SID field in this CAALOAD entry must be unique with respect to other dynamic load sets (ACSRCE. RLOAD2.0 (Real > 0) Comments 1. Default = 1. 4. Default = EID (Integer > 0) GA.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) C BAR EID PID GA GB X1/G0 X2 X3 OFFT PA PB W1A W2A W3A W1B W2B W3B Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C BAR 2 39 7 3 13 (7) (8) (9) (10) 513 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PBAR or PBARL property entry.GB 422 Grid point identification numbers of connection points.CBAR Bulk Data Entry CBAR – Simple Beam Element Connection Description The CBAR bulk data entry defines a simple beam element (BAR) of the structural model. OptiStruct 13. respectively. Direction of orientation vector is GA to G0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 423 . X2. or the basic coordinate system. Used to remove connections between the grid point and selected degrees-offreedom of the bar. Default = GGG (Character or blank) PA.PB Pin flags for bar ends A and B.X2. up to 5 of the unique digits 1-6 with no embedded blanks) W1A.W3A W1B. respectively. the torsion stiffness. The degrees-of-freedom are defined in the element’s coordinate system. to determine (with the vector from end A to end B) the orientation of the element coordinate system for the BAR element. No default (Real) G0 Grid point identification number to optionally supply X1. if PA=4 is specified. X3. at end A. See comment 5. For example.Field Contents X1.X3 Components of vector v.W2B. No default (Integer > 0) OFFT Character String specifying the interpretation of the offset vector specification. No default (Integer > 0. the PBAR entry must have a value for J. measured at end A. See comment 5. See comment 5. or in the element coordinate system.W2A. The bar must have stiffness associated with the PA and PB degrees-of-freedom to be released by the pin flags.W3B Components of offset vectors wa and wb in displacement coordinate systems at points GA and GB. parallel to the components of the displacement coordinate system for GA. Default = blank (Real or blank) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Fig 1: Bar element coordinate system (for C BAR element) Fig 2: Moments and Internal Forces in the x-y Plane (for a C BAR element) 424 OptiStruct 13. the offset vector can be specified in the element coordinate system and the orientation vector can be specified in the basic coordinate system. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. By default. 4. If X1/G0 is a positive integer and X2 and X3 are blank. 3. 5. 6. X2. The length of the offset vectors is not affected by thermal loads. Offset vectors are treated like rigid elements. This card is represented as a bar2 element in HyperMesh. otherwise X1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 425 .Fig 3: Moments and Internal Forces in the x-z Plane (for a C BAR element) Comments 1. Using the codes below. A vector is formed from the cross product of a vector going from Grid A to Grid B and the orientation vector to create the element coordinate z-direction. G0 cannot be located at GA or GB. X3 is used. then G0 is used to orient the element. The valid character strings and their meanings are shown below: OFFT Orientation Vector End A Offset End B Offset GGG Global Global Global BGG Basic Global Global GGO Global Global Element BGO Basic Global Element GOG Global Element Global BOG Basic Element Global GOO Global Element Element BOO Basic Element Element The element system x-axis is defined from GA to GB. The OFFT character string specifies how the offset and orientation vector components are computed. and the orientation vector is specified in the Global coordinate system of grid A. 7. the continuation may be omitted. the offset vectors are specified in the Global (local displacement) coordinate system of each grid A and B. 2. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. If there are no pin flags or offsets. The orientation vector and the element system x-axis are then used to define the z and y axes of the element system. OptiStruct 13.GB 426 Grid point identification numbers of connection points. No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of PBEAM or PBEAML property entry.0 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) C BEAM EID PID GA GB X1/G0 X2 X3 OFFT PA PB W1A W2A W3A W1B W2B W3B Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C BEAM 2 39 7 3 13 513 (7) (8) (9) (10) 3. Default = EID (Integer > 0) GA.CBEAM Bulk Data Entry CBEAM – Beam Element Connection Description The CBEAM bulk data entry defines a beam element (BEAM) of the structural model. See comment 2) G0 Grid point identification number to optionally supply X1. or the basic coordinate system. For example. parallel to the components of the displacement coordinate system for GA. PB Pin flags for beam ends A and B respectively. Direction of orientation vector is GA to G0.Field Contents X1. See comment 5. See comment 5. to determine (with the vector from offset end A to offset end B) the orientation of the element coordinate system for the beam element. The beam must have stiffness associated with the PA and PB degrees-of-freedom to be released by the pin flags. OFFT Character string specifying the interpretation of the offset vector specification. up to 5 of the unique digits 1-6 with no embedded blanks) W1A. Default = GGG (Character or blank) PA. measured in the displacement coordinate systems at grid points A and B or in the element W1B. See comment 5. X2. X3. if PA=4. at end A. measured at the offset point for end A. the PBEAM entry must have a non-zero value for J. Components of offset vectors. from the grid points to the end points of the axis of shear center.W3A.W2A.W2B.W3B coordinate system. the torsion stiffness.X3 Components of vector v. No default (Integer > 0. No default (Real. Default = blank (Real or blank) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.X2. The degrees-of-freedom are defined in the element’s coordinate system and the pin flags are applied at the offset ends of the beam. See comment 2).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 427 . Used to remove connections between the grid point and selected degrees-of-freedom of the beam. No default (Integer > 0. X2. 428 GA or GB. G0 4. 2. otherwise X1. OptiStruct 13.Fig 1: Beam element coordinate system. If X1/G0 is a positive integer and X2 and X3 are blank. 3. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . X3 is used. then G0 is used to orient the element. Fig 2: Direction of Internal Forces and Moments (for C BEAM entry) Comments 1. If there are no pin flags or offsets the continuation may be omitted. Using the codes below. 8.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 429 .5. A vector is formed from the cross product of a vector going from Grid A to Grid B and the orientation vector to create the element coordinate z-direction. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The OFFT character string specifies how the offset and orientation vector components are computed. The orientation vector and the element system x-axis are then used to define the z and y axes of the element system. Offset vectors are treated like rigid elements. 6. the offset vectors are specified in the Global (local displacement) coordinate system of each grid A and B. The valid character strings and their meanings are shown below: OFFT Orientation Vector End A Offset End B Offset GGG Global Global Global BGG Basic Global Global GGO Global Global Element BGO Basic Global Element GOG Global Element Global BOG Basic Element Global GOO Global Element Element BOO Basic Element Element The element system x-axis is defined from GA to GB. By default. Torsional stiffness due to warping of the cross-section is not considered. 7. the offset vector can be specified in the element coordinate system and the orientation vector can be specified in the basic coordinate system. The length of the offset vectors is not affected by thermal loads. This card is represented as a bar2 element in HyperMesh. and the orientation vector is specified in the Global coordinate system of grid A. 3 430 OptiStruct 13. default orientation is only valid when only K1. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C BUSH 19 7 1 2 4 0.CBUSH Bulk Data Entry CBUSH – Bushing Element Description Defines a generalized spring-damper structural element.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . and/or K4 are defined on referenced PBUSH. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C BUSH EID PID GA GB G0/X1 X2 X3 C ID S OC ID S1 S2 S3 (10) Example 1 Spring-damper element defined with default orientation and location. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C BUSH 2 6 8 1 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example 2 Spring-damper location is offset from mid-point of GA-GB. 9 and 10. No default (Integer > 0 or <PartName. CID Element coordinate system identification. and spring-damper location is explicitly defined using OCID. Direction of is then transferred to End A.number>) See comments 6. Default = EID (Integer > 0) GA. Xi Components of orientation vector coordinate system of GA.5 Field Contents EID Element identification number. using grid point GO. and S3. (Integer > 0 or blank) See comments 2 and 3. in the displacement (Real) G0 Alternate method to supply vector is from GA to GO. from GA.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 431 . then the element coordinate system is determined from GO or Xi. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 5 -0.number>) See comments 3 and 9. If CID is blank.GB Grid point identification number of connection points.7 No default (Integer > 0) PID Property identification number of a PBUSH entry.0 0.Example 3 Spring-damper is oriented by referencing coordinate system 5. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. S2. . (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C BUSH 41 9 1 2 7 1. S1. (Integer > 0 or <PartName. A 0 means the basic coordinate system. Field Contents S Location of spring-damper as a fraction along the line segment between GA and GB. (Real) Comments 1.0 < Real < 1. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. C BUSH element 432 OptiStruct 13.0) OCID Coordinate system identification for spring-damper offset. Default = -1 (Integer > -1. See comment 7.5 (0. -1 indicates that the offset is along GA-GB) Si Components of the spring-damper offset in the OCID coordinate system. Default = 0. ignored if OCID is -1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Then the element x-axis is along T1. GA and GB. 3. then grid GA is used to locate the system. lies in the x-y 4. is equivalent to a CELAS1 or CELAS2 element. This option is valid only when K1 or K4 or both on the PBUSH entry are specified (but K2. K3. If GA and GB are coincident. 6. K5. and the element z-axis is along T3 of the CID coordinate system. 7. the grid GA is used to locate the system. If for cylindrical or spherical coordinate. K3. If OCID refers to a cylindrical or spherical coordinate system. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the line AB is the element x-axis.Alternate C BUSH element definition 2. specified.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 433 . then CID must be specified. to the spring-damper location. and K6 are not specified). Bushing elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis. referencing a PBUSH property with a single stiffness term. CID > 0 overrides GO and Xi. A non-zero length CBUSH assumes rigid body connections from the connection points. 8. If the CID refers to a cylindrical coordinate system or a spherical coordinate system. only when the elements have zero length. A CBUSH element. K5. or if GB is blank. 5. the element y-axis is along T2. If K2. GA falls on the z-axis used to define them. the solver will terminate with an error. it is recommended that another CID be selected to define the element x-axis. or K6 are specified. the line AB is the element x-axis and the orientation vector plane (similar to the CBEAM element). specified. as defined either by S or the OCID and Si fields. Supported local entries in specific parts can be referenced by the use of “fully qualified references” on CBUSH entries in the model.UGA ) Therefore. 434 OptiStruct 13. then the element force will be reversed.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . See Parts and Instances in the User’s Guide for detailed information on the use of fully qualified references. “PartName” is the name of the part that contains the referenced local entry (part names are defined on the BEGIN Bulk Data Entry in the model). the sign of the force will depend on the grids GA and GB. “number” is the identification number of a referenced local entry in the part “PartName”. 11. If the grids are switched. This card is represented as a spring element in HyperMesh. The CBUSH element force is calculated as follows: F = K(UGB . A fully qualified reference (“PartName.number”) is similar to the format of a numeric reference. 10.9. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C BUSH1D EID PID GA GB C ID (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C BUSH1D 2 6 8 1 Field Contents EID Element identification number.CBUSH1D Bulk Data Entry CBUSH1D – Rod-type Spring-Damper Element Description Defines a one-dimensional spring-damper structural element.number>) See comments 2 and 7.GB Grid point identification numbers of connection points. No default (Integer > 0 or <PartName. the basic coordinate system is selected. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Property identification number of a PBUSH1D entry. (Integer > 0 or blank) See comments 2 through 4. Default = EID (Integer > 0) GA. If a value of 0 is input.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 435 . CID Element coordinate system identification number. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Rod-type spring-damper elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis. In geometric nonlinear analysis.Comments 1. 6. Supported local entries in specific parts can be referenced by the use of “fully qualified references” on CBUSH1D entries in the model. If GA and GB are coincident. 8. Geometric nonlinear analysis is selected by an ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. 2. 7. the element axis (line GA to GB) follows the deformation of grids GA and GB. “number” is the identification number of a referenced local entry in the part “PartName”. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. IMPDYN or EXPDYN subcase entry. respectively. depending on the referenced system being movable or fixed. In geometric nonlinear analysis. PBUSH1D and CBUSH1D are converted internally to the equivalent PBUSH (with PBUSHT. as well as small displacement nonlinear quasi-static (ANALYSIS=NLSTAT) subcases. 3. 436 OptiStruct 13. axis. This card is represented as a spring element in HyperMesh. 5. A fully qualified reference (“PartName.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 4. the x-axis of CID is the element axis.number”) is similar to the format of a numeric reference. then CID must be specified. the axis of the element will move or not move with the axes of the system. if necessary) and CBUSH. If CID > 0. In all linear subcases. “PartName” is the name of the part that contains the referenced local entry (part names are defined on the BEGIN bulk data entry in the model). See Parts and Instances in the User’s Guide for detailed information on the use of fully qualified references. or if GB is blank. G2 Geometric grid point or scalar point identification number.CDAMP1 Bulk Data Entry CDAMP1 – Scalar Damper Connection Description Defines a scalar damper element. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) C DAMP1 EID PID G1 C1 G2 C2 (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) C DAMP1 2 10 0 (5) (6) (7) 26 3 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 437 . (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PDAMP property entry. Default = EID (Integer > 0) G1. C2 Component number in the displacement coordinate system specified by the CD entry of the GRID data. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) C1. Default = 0 (0 < Integer < 6) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. it is allowed for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the grid reference be either a scalar point (SPOINT) or a structural grid point (GRID) when the component is 0. (with corresponding C1 and/or C2 of zero or blank). A scalar point specified on this entry need not be defined on an SPOINT entry. C1) and (G2. A grounded terminal is a point whose displacement is constrained to zero. the grid reference must always be a structural grid (GRID). This card is represented as a spring or mass element in HyperMesh. 7. Zero or blank may be used to indicate a grounded terminal G1 or G2 with a corresponding blank or zero C1 or C2.Comments 1. 438 OptiStruct 13. The two connection points (G1. Scalar points may be used for G1 and/or G2. 6. C2) must be distinct. 5. When the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option is set to CHECK (default) or STRICT. When SPSYNTAX is set to MIXED. 1 or blank. If only scalar points and/or grounded terminals are involved. When the component is greater than 1. 3. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . it is required for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the component be 0 or blank when the grid reference is a scalar point (SPOINT). 8. 4. 2. interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. it is more efficient to use the CDAMP3 entry. and that the component be > 1 when the grid reference is a structural grid point (GRID). Scalar damper elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) C DAMP2 EID B G1 C1 G2 C2 (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C DAMP2 2 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 439 . G2 Geometric grid point identification number.CDAMP2 Bulk Data Entry CDAMP2 – Scalar Damper Property and Connection Description Defines a scalar damper element without reference to a property entry.12 12 2 (6) Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. C2 Component number in the displacement coordinate system specified by the CD entry of the GRID data. No default (Real) G1. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) B Value of the scalar damper. Default = blank (Integer > 0) C1. Default = 0 (0 < Integer < 6) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (with a corresponding C1 and/or C2 of zero or blank). Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. The two connection points (G1. 3. interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. This card is represented as a spring or mass element in HyperMesh. This single entry completely defines the element since no material or geometric properties are required. 440 OptiStruct 13. When the component is greater than 1.Comments 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If only scalar points and/or grounded terminals are involved. it is allowed for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the grid reference be either a scalar point (SPOINT) or a structural grid point (GRID) when the component is 0. 7. 1 or blank. 4. 6. Scalar damper elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis. the grid reference must always be a structural grid (GRID). it is required for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the component be 0 or blank when the grid reference is a scalar point (SPOINT). C2) must be distinct. 5. When SPSYNTAX is set to MIXED. Scalar points may be used for G1 and/or G2. 8. it is more efficient to use the CDAMP4 entry. and that the component be > 1 when the grid reference is a structural grid point (GRID). C1) and (G2. Zero or blank may be used to indicate a grounded terminal G1 or G2 with a corresponding blank or zero C1 or C2. When the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option is set to CHECK (default) or STRICT. 2. A grounded terminal is a point whose displacement is constrained to zero. Element identification numbers should be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. Default = 0 (Integer > Comments 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C DAMP3 EID PID S1 S2 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C DAMP3 16 978 24 36 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. may be blank or zero. 2. indicating a constrained coordinate. S2 Scalar point identification numbers. Default = EID (Integer > 0) S1. but not both.CDAMP3 Bulk Data Entry CDAMP3 – Scalar Damper Connection to Scalar Points Only Description Defines a scalar damper element that is connected only to scalar points. S1 or S2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 441 . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Property identification number of a PDAMP property entry. 442 OptiStruct 13. 6.3. 5. This card is represented as a spring or mass element in HyperMesh. Only one scalar damper element may be defined on a single entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Scalar damper elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis. 4. A scalar point specified on this entry need not be defined on an SPOINT entry. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C DAMP4 EID B S1 S2 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C DAMP4 16 -2. S2 Scalar point identification numbers.6 4 9 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. Default = 0 (Integer > Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 443 . (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) B Scalar damper value. No default (Real) S1.CDAMP4 Bulk Data Entry CDAMP4 – Scalar Damper Property and Connection to Scalar Points Only Description Defines a scalar damper element that is connected only to scalar points and is without reference to a material or property entry. 3. indicating a constrained coordinate. Scalar damper elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . but not both. Element identification numbers should be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. 6. 2. 7. This single entry completely defines the element since no material or geometric properties are required.Comments 1. A scalar point specified on this entry need not be defined on an SPOINT entry. S1 or S2. This card is represented as a spring or mass element in HyperMesh. 4. 444 OptiStruct 13. Only one scalar damper element may be defined on a single entry. 5. may be blank or zero. Run Control Description The CDSMETH command can be used in the component dynamic synthesis method for generating component dynamic matrices at each loading frequency.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 445 .CDSMETH Bulk Data Entry CDSMETH . OptiStruct 13. <INTEGER> (9) Default = NONE GTYPE <SVDNP/ BME> Default = Altair Engineering SVDNP: Dynamic Stiffness Matrix is calculated by singular value decomposition of transfer function after scaling rotational DOF’s (Comment 6). Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C DSMETH C DSID GTYPE TF OSET TOL SSF RSF C MSOUT SPID SPID_F GP_RC (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) C DSMETH 10 SVDNP YES C MSOUT 9000001 9000001 (5) (6) (7) (8) (10) YES Argumen Options t Description CDSID Identification number of CDSMETH. This is an optional keyword to specify the creation of the component model synthesis (CMS) super element generated using the General Modal method with free – free boundary (Craig-Chang method).0 RSF <REAL/BLANK> Default = 1. OptiStruct 13. The responses corresponding to interior grids may be recovered in the residual run (Comment 5).0e-3 CMSOUT <CMSOUT/BLANK> Default = BLANK 446 Grid set for interior grids.0e-20 SSF <REAL/BLANK> Default = 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Structural scale factor used to scale transfer function terms associated with the structural degrees of freedom prior to the singular value decomposition (SVD) operation. Generate transfer functions at the connection and interior points at each loading frequency. Tolerance value for the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) operation that involves pseudo–inversion of the transfer function matrix to obtain the dynamic stiffness matrix.Argumen Options t SVDNP TF Description BME: Dynamic Stiffness Matrix is calculated by block matrix elimination (Comment 6). <YES. NO> Default = NO OSET <INTEGER> Default = BLANK TOL <REAL/BLANK> Default = 1. Rotational scale factor used to scale transfer function terms associated with the rotational degrees of freedom prior to the singular value decomposition (SVD) operation. 5. Frequencies available for recovery must be specified.Argumen Options t Description SPID <INTEGER> The starting SPOINT ID to be used in CMS matrix output for the structural eigenmodes. must be specified on a BNDFRE1. using the FREQ or FREQ# (# ranges from 1 to 5) data entries. There is no default. The BME option for the GTYPE field is only recommended for small models or when other methods fail to work. If YES. if fluid grids are present in the model. This is only valid. and the attachment points available for connection in the residual structure. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. A MODEL card may be used for additional response output for the optional CMS superelement output. Default = NO Comments 1. the fluidstructural interface connection matrix is calculated and stored as a part of the CMS super element. if CMSOUT is specified. if CMSOUT is specified.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 447 . GP_RC <YES. The responses available for recovery. 3. SPID_F <INTEGER> The starting SPOINT ID to be used in CMS matrix output for the fluid eigenmodes. If OSET is specified. CSET or CSET1 data entry for a modal frequency response analysis in which CDSMETH has been specified. TF is automatically set to YES. This is only valid. if CMSOUT is specified. BNDFREE. 6. Reasonable speedup may be achieved by reducing the number of ASET points in the residual run when CDSMETH is used. There is no default. 2. However. this must be used. NO> Grid participation recovery control. Performance may be an issue with the Block Matrix Elimination (BME) method for large models. 4. in the modal frequency response analysis in which CDSMETH has been specified. This is only valid. if there are fluid grids in the model. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) C1.C2 Component number in the displacement coordinate system specified by the CD entry of the GRID data.G2 Geometric grid point or scalar point identification number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) C ELAS1 EID PID G1 C1 G2 C2 (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) C ELAS1 2 6 (4) (5) Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. Default = EID (Integer > 0) G1. (6) (7) 8 1 (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PELAS property entry.CELAS1 Bulk Data Entry CELAS1 – Scalar Spring Connection Description Defines a scalar spring element of the structural model. Default = 0 (0 < Integer < 6) 448 OptiStruct 13. The two connection points (G1. 6. and that the component be > 1 when the grid reference is a structural grid point (GRID). If only scalar points and/or grounded terminals are involved. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. Zero or blank may be used to indicate a grounded terminal G1 or G2 with a corresponding blank or zero C1 or C2. Scalar points may be used for G1 and/or G2 (with a corresponding C1 and/or C2 of zero or blank). A scalar point specified on this entry need not be defined on an SPOINT entry. A grounded terminal is a point whose displacement is constrained to zero.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 449 . When the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option is set to CHECK (default) or STRICT. it is allowed for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the grid reference be either a scalar point (SPOINT) or a structural grid point (GRID) when the component is 0.Comments 1. referencing a PBUSH property with a single stiffness term. When the component is greater than 1. to the spring-damper location. 2. 3. 1 or blank. the grid reference must always be a structural grid (GRID). 5. 4. GA and GB. interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. as defined either by S or the OCID and Si fields. it is more efficient to use the CELAS3 entry. This card is represented as a spring or mass element in HyperMesh. it is required for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the component be 0 or blank when the grid reference is a scalar point (SPOINT). C1) and (G2. 7. A non-zero length CBUSH assumes rigid body connections from the connection points. 8. When SPSYNTAX is set to MIXED. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. A CBUSH element. is equivalent to a CELAS1 or CELAS2 element. only when the elements have zero length. C2) must be distinct. (6) (7) 19 4 (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) K Spring stiffness. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) C1.2+3 (4) (5) Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. No default (Real) G1. C2 Component number in the displacement coordinate system specified by the CD entry of the GRID data.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = 0 (0 < Integer < 6) 450 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C ELAS2 EID K G1 C1 G2 C2 GE S (10) Example (1) (2) (3) C ELAS2 28 6. G2 Geometric grid point or scalar point identification number.CELAS2 Bulk Data Entry CELAS2 – Scalar Spring Property and Connection Description Defines a scalar spring element of the structural model without reference to a property entry. 3. A CBUSH element. C1) and (G2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 451 . A scalar point specified on this entry need not be defined on an SPOINT entry. A grounded terminal is a point whose displacement is constrained to zero. Element stresses are calculated from the equation: s = S * F. The element force of a spring is calculated from the equation: F = k * (u1 – u2) Where. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Default = 0. When SPSYNTAX is set to MIXED. Zero or blank may be used to indicate a grounded terminal G1 or G2 with a corresponding blank or zero C1 or C2. This single entry completely defines the element since no material or geometric properties are required. 6. is equivalent to a CELAS1 or CELAS2 element. as defined either by S or the OCID and Si fields. 2. 10. where. S is the stress coefficient as defined above. 9. When the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option is set to CHECK (default) or STRICT. Scalar points may be used for G1 and/or G2 (with a corresponding C1 and/or C2 of zero or blank). Default = 0. to the spring-damper location. If only scalar points and/or grounded terminals are involved. only when the elements have zero length. 11. To obtain the damping coefficient GE. 7. it is allowed for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the grid reference be either a scalar point (SPOINT) or a structural grid point (GRID) when the component is 0.0 (Real) Comments 1. 5. 1 or blank.Field Contents GE Damping coefficient. referencing a PBUSH property with a single stiffness term. GE is ignored in transient analysis.0 (Real) S Stress coefficient. interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. A non-zero length CBUSH assumes rigid body connections from the connection points. 4. C2) must be distinct. GA and GB. The two connection points (G1. When the component is greater than 1. k is the stiffness coefficient for the scalar element and u1 is the displacement of the first degree-of-freedom listed on the CELAS entry. 8. by 2. and that the component be > 1 when the grid reference is a structural grid point (GRID). C/C0. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. (See comment 7). it is required for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the component be 0 or blank when the grid reference is a scalar point (SPOINT). W4 is not specified. it is more efficient to use the CELAS4 entry. If PARAM. the grid reference must always be a structural grid (GRID). multiply the critical damping ratio. 452 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This card is represented as a spring or mass element in HyperMesh.12. S2 Scalar point identification numbers. S1. Default = 0 (Integer > Comments 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 453 . 3. 2. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C ELAS3 EID PID S1 S2 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C ELAS3 19 2 14 15 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. Only one scalar spring element may be defined on a single entry. S1 or S2 may be blank or zero indicating a constrained coordinate. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Property identification number of a PELAS entry.CELAS3 Bulk Data Entry CELAS3 – Scalar Spring Connection to Scalar Points Only Description Defines a scalar spring element that connects only to scalar points. Element identification numbers should be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This card is represented as a spring or mass element in HyperMesh.4. 454 OptiStruct 13. A scalar point specified on this entry need not be defined on an SPOINT entry. 5. 0 (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) K Stiffness of the scalar spring.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 455 .2-3 2 (5) Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. Default = 0. See comment 7. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C ELAS4 EID K S1 S2 (6) (7) (8) (9) GE S (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) C ELAS4 42 6. No default (Real) S1.CELAS4 Bulk Data Entry CELAS4 – Scalar Spring Property and Connection to Scalar Points Only Description Defines a scalar spring element that is connected only to scalar points without reference to a property entry. Default = 0 (Integer > GE Damping coefficient. S2 Scalar point identification numbers. but not both. S is the stress coefficient as defined above. If PARAM. This card is represented as a spring or mass element in HyperMesh. The element force of a spring is calculated from the equation: F = k * (u1 – u2) Where. Only one scalar spring element may be defined on a single entry. 456 OptiStruct 13. 7. 3. may be blank or zero indicating a constrained coordinate.Field Contents S Stress coefficient Default = 0.0 (Real) Comments 1. 6. 2. where. 4. Element stresses are calculated from the equation: s = S * F.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Element identification numbers should be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. A scalar point specified on this entry need not be defined on an SPOINT entry. 5. This single entry completely defines the element since no material or geometric properties are required. W4 is not specified. 8. S1 or S2. k is the stiffness coefficient for the scalar element and u1 is the displacement of the first degree-of-freedom listed on the CELAS entry. GE is ignored in transient analysis. 3 0. No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 457 .CFAST Bulk Data Entry CFAST – Fastener Element Connection Description Define a fastener with material orientation connecting two shell surfaces.2 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C FAST EID PID C TYPE PIDA/ SHIDA PIDB/ SHIDB GS GA GB XS YS ZS (10) Example 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C FAST 22 1 PROP 2 3 0.3 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C FAST 22 1 ELEM 101 201 (7) (8) (9) (10) (7) (8) (9) (10) 21 30 Example 2 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. (Real) Comments 1. 458 CFAST defines a flexible connection between two shell surface patches. Required when CTYPE = ELEM. ZS Coordinates of point that defines the location of the fastener in the basic coordinate system. An internallygenerated CBUSH element will be created automatically for a CFAST. (Integer > 0) GA. (Integer > 0) XS.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . respectively. the connection of surface patch to surface patch is defined by specifying IDs of shells SHIDA and SHIDB. SHIDA. Then the OptiStruct 13. YS. GS Identification number of a grid point which defines the location of the connector. respectively. PIDA and PIDB. See comment 3. respectively. No default PIDA. Default = EID (Integer > 0) CTYPE The type of connection between the patches. GB These represent grid identification numbers of piercing points on surface A and surface B respectively. For PROP. respectively.Field Contents PID Identification number of a PFAST entry. See comment 2. the connection of surface patch to surface patch is defined by specifying the property numbers of shells on side A and B. and the end points of this bushing will be connected to the grids of corresponding shell elements. Required when CTYPE = PROP. SHIDB Element identification numbers of shells defining fastener ends A and B.PIDB Property identification numbers of PSHELL entries defining surface A and B. Either format connects up to 3 x 3 elements per patch (possibly more for triangular elements). For ELEM. It is an alternative way of specifying the location of GS. If GA and GB (or. The connector stiffness matrix is first built by connecting the internally-generated bushing element to the auxiliary points. If GA or GB is not specified. Similarly. GBHi. the mass of the fastener is divided by ½ to each side and then distributed via auxiliary points to supporting shell nodes. GS. they take precedence over GS in defining the respective end points (If only GA is specified. and then constraining them to supporting shell nodes using respective shape functions. Auxiliary points. GA only) are (is) specified. 4. The end points of the internally-generated CBUSH element are defined from GS. then (XS. GA and GB do not hold any independent DOF. then GA is used as a normal projection point (similar to GS) to generate GB on Shell B). mass and structural damping of the CBUSH will be transferred to the corresponding shell grids. The length of the connector is the distance between projected points GA and GB. only one of these kind of constraint relationships is shown with dotted lines). The cross-section area of the resulting hexahedral is equivalent to the area of the connector. GA. must be specified. (To have a clear view. and GB (not all are required).4 that are located on patches A and B. i=1. 3. they are generated from the normal projection of GS onto the surface patches. in the basic coordinate system. A CFAST element connects Shell A and Shell B. Also. If neither GS nor GA is specified. YS.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 459 . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.stiffness. An internal CBUSH is generated for the CFAST and supported by fictitious auxiliary points. The connections of the internally-generated bushing to surface patches A and B are defined in the following way: the axis GA-GB is used to define four pairs of auxiliary points GAHi. defined from diameter D on PFAST card. and ZS). are constrained by corresponding shell grids. in turn. respectively. respectively. See the figure below: 2. their locations will be corrected so that they lie on surface patch A and B. the default projection rules and tolerances can be modified to some extent via the SWLDPRM card. OptiStruct 13. However.5.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 460 Since the geometry for finding the correct projection could be various and complicated. sometimes the default projection algorithm may fail. No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PGAP entry. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C GAP EID PID GA GB GO/X1 X2 X3 C ID (10) Examples (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) C GAP 6 6 233 223 3.CGAP Bulk Data Entry CGAP – Gap Element Connection Description Defines a gap or friction element. Default = EID (Integer > 0) GA.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 461 .GB Connected grid points at ends A and B.0 1.0 -1.0 (9) (10) Minimum necessary data when GA and GB are not coincident: C GAP 247 1 233 223 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. The stiffness used depends on the value for the initial gap opening (U0 field in the PGAP entry). leaving the CID field blank is appropriate when the nodes GA and GB obstacle are initially separated. from GA. OptiStruct 13.0e-4). 462 In typical applications. Direction of orientation vector is from GA to G0.See comment 7. For linear subcases. Comments 1. using grid point G0. 2. then the line GA-GB is the element x-axis and the orientation vector lies in the x-y plane (as with the CBEAM element).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . the CGAP element will produce a linear stiffness matrix which remains linear with the initial stiffness. the element coordinate system is established using that coordinate system. (Real) G0 Alternate method to supply orientation vector. CID field blank: If the CID field is blank and the grid points GA and GB are not coincident (distance from GA to GB > 10-4). The gap element coordinate system is defined by one of the following methods: Prescribed CID: If the coordinate system CID is specified. the element x-axis is in the coordinate system’s 1-direction. If the meshes of bodies A and B overlap. Default determined automatically . X2. FLIP option: the x-axis of the gap coordinate system is reversed with respect to the default orientation described above. No default (Integer > 0) CID Element coordinate system identification number. then a coordinate system CID should be specified or the FLIP option should be used as discussed below. 3.Field Contents X1. X3 Components of the orientation vector. and the y-axis is in the coordinate system’s 2direction (for rectangular coordinate systems. The orientation vector will be ignored in this case. CID must be specified if GA and GB are coincident (distance from GA to GB < 10-4). in the displacement coordinate system at GA.See comments 2 through 6. the 1-direction is the x-direction and the 2-direction is the y-direction). This option is useful when meshes of bodies A and B overlap. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or flip or blank) . In this case. For gaps with coincident nodes (the distance between GA and GB < 1. rather than have a gap between them (See comment 5). the gap coordinate system must be specified. Alternatively: FLIP – reverses the direction of the gap axis (See comment 5). F x is positive for compression. The element coordinate system does not rotate as a result of deflections. The FLIP option reverses the default gap direction so that the gap axis correctly points from the bulk of body A towards body B in such cases.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 463 . while “closed” gap status corresponds to the cable being “elongated. Initial gap openings are specified on the PGAP entry and not derived from the separation distance between GA and GB. b) Gap “open” status corresponds to the cable being “shortened”. 9.” c) Positive gap force reported in the results corresponds to the cable being in tension (note that the force also includes the effect of F0). rather then GA-GB. The solver checks for such misalignment and prints respective error and warning messages. FLIP can be used to define a simple cable element. The effect of FLIP is equivalent to defining a coordinate system with axis 1 pointing in direction GB-GA. it is essential to assure that its x-axis points in the general direction from body A (the one associated with node GA) towards the body B (the one associated with node GB). the orientation vector is defined automatically as a vector aligned with the axis of the basic coordinate system that makes the largest angle with the gap direction (gap x-axis). 5. The FLIP option in the CID field is useful when meshes of bodies A and B overlap. rather than have a gap between them. Aside from setting the FLIP option to correctly resolve the cases with initial penetration. see the GAPPRM bulk data card. the defaults gap axis vector GA-GB would be opposite to the overall direction from body A to body B and therefore would produce a "gluing" effect. rather than prevent them from overlapping. If such an arrangement is used. Forces. 6.4. which are requested with the FORCE card in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections. 7. This will assure that the gap element acts to prevent contact/overlap of these bodies. Alternatively. or an AUTO option needs to be used in the U0 field. In such cases. 8. An incorrect orientation of the x-axis will result in gap elements being ineffective. then it should be noted that: a) F0 corresponds to a pair of forces acting on the ends of the cable (pointing inwards). For more information. are output in the element coordinate system. rather than a resolution of the contact condition. or will even act to "glue" the bodies together. U0 on the PGAP card needs to be properly set to a negative value. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. while U0 corresponds to pre-existing “slack” or extra length in the cable. When prescribing the gap coordinate system CID. If neither coordinate system nor orientation vector are specified. C GAP Element C oordinate System 10.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . For more information on using nonlinear gaps. 464 OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a gap or mass element in HyperMesh. refer to the Nonlinear Quasi-Static Analysis section of the User's Guide. Heat transfer properties can be defined for Gap elements using the PGAPHT bulk data entry. 11. 12. The obstacle may be an element face or a patch of nodes.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 465 .0 1.0 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (9) (10) 257 Example 2 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C GAPG 6 6 233 QUAD 110 111 114 113 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 -1.CGAPG Bulk Data Entry CGAPG – General Node-to-Obstacle Gap Element Description Defines a node-to-obstacle gap element. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C GAPG EID PID GA TYP X1/G0 X2 X3 C ID GB1/ELIDB GB2/G1 GB3/G3 or G4 GB4/ GB5 GB6 GB7 GB8 (10) Example 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) C GAPG 6 6 233 ELEM 3. No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PGAP entry. X3 Components of the orientation vector. No default (QUAD. Additional keywords that can be used in this field: FLIP – reverses the default orientation of gap axis.Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. in the displacement coordinate system at GA. X2. PUSHOUT – for obstacles defined as solid elements using ELIDB. from GA. is used to define both the gap axis and orientation vector. No default (Integer > 0) TYP Character string indicating the type of obstacle on the B end of CGAPG (opposing node GA): QUAD indicates that the obstacle is defined as a quadrilateral patch of grid points. TRIA or ELEM) X1. The patch is defined with grid identification numbers GB#. so it points from obstacle B towards GA. when prescribed. TRIA indicates that the obstacle is defined as a triangular patch of grid points. Default = EID (Integer > 0) GA Grid point serving as end A of CGAPG. ELEM indicates that the obstacle is defined as element face.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Direction of orientation vector is from GA to G0. gap axis is automatically defined so as to create “pushout” force that prevents GA 466 OptiStruct 13. No default (Integer > 0) CID Prescribed element coordinate system identification number. The patch is defined with grid identification numbers GB#. CID. Default determined automatically – See comment 6. (Real) G0 Alternate method to supply orientation vector. using grid point G0. PUSHREVN – creates pushout force reversed relative to the PUSHNORM option. This is used for TETRA elements only. GB# Grid identification number of the grid surface patch on the B (obstacle) end of the CGAPG element. PUSHREVN. See comment 7. G4 For solid element ELIDB: identification number of the TETRA grid point located at the corner. G1 and G3 must define a positive direction into the element using the right hand rule. ELIDB Element identification number of the element on the B (obstacle) end of the CGAPG element. See comments 8 through 11. See comments 8 through 11. It is required data for quadrilateral faces of HEXA and PENTA elements only (Integer or blank). GB1 to GB3 are required. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank). PUSHOUT. It is required data if G1 has been specified. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. For triangular faces of PYRA elements. No default (Integer > 0) G1 For solid element ELIDB: identification number of a grid point connected to a corner of the face that defines the second end of the CGAPG element. PUSHNORM – gap axis is automatically defined so as to create “pushout” force from obstacle B towards GA along the default vector normal to the obstacle B. Default = blank (Integer > 0. this grid must be on the edge next to the quadrilateral face. G3 For solid element ELIDB: identification number of a grid point connected to a corner diagonally opposite to G1 on the same face of a HEXA or PENTA element. not on the face being loaded. FLIP. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank).Field Contents from entering the interior of the element ELIDB. For PYRA elements. No default (Integer > 0). this grid must be on an edge of the quadrilateral face. or blank). Needed only if G1 has been specified. See comments 2 through 5. PUSHNORM.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 467 . G3 must be omitted for a triangular surface on a PENTA element and the quadrilateral face on a PYRA element. CID field blank: if the CID field is blank and the grid point GA does not lie on the element face or node patch (distance from GA to the surface > 10-4). the element coordinate system is established using that coordinate system. 468 OptiStruct 13. The obstacle may be defined as a patch of nodes or as an element face. See figure below: Typical configuration of C GAPG between node GA and a grid patch GB1…GB4.Comments 1. The orientation of gap x-axis points from GA towards the patch or element face (see figure above). FLIP option: the x-axis of the gap coordinate system is reversed with respect to the default orientation described above. the 1-direction is the x-direction and the 2-direction is the y-direction). PUSHOUT option: the x-axis of the gap coordinate system is oriented so as to prevent GA from entering interior of body B. and the y-axis is in the coordinate system’s 2direction (for rectangular coordinate systems. CGAPG defines a contact element between a point and an obstacle. 2. then the x-axis is defined along the shortest distance from GA to the element face or node patch. then CID must be prescribed. The orientation vector defines the x-y plane of the gap coordinate system (similarly as for the CGAP element). In this case. The gap element coordinate system is defined via one of the following methods: Prescribed CID: if the coordinate system CID is specified. This option is useful when meshes of bodies A and B overlap rather than have a gap between them (See comment 5).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This is only available for obstacles defined as 3D solid elements with ELIDB. the element x-axis is in the coordinate system’s 1-direction. The orientation vector will be ignored in this case. If the grid point GA lies on the element face or node patch (distance from GA to the surface < 10-4). then a coordinate system CID should be specified (See comment 4). the pushout force is oriented along the shortest distance line. or PUSHREVN options may be used. there is a gap between respective bodies A and B (see figure above). 3. so that it is the PUSHREVN option that will prevent penetration (PUSHOUT is a more straightforward option to use on solid faces). In such cases. PUSHREVN creates pushout force reversed relative to the PUSHNORM option. see the GAPPRM bulk data card. The FLIP option reverses the default gap direction so that the gap axis correctly points from the bulk of body A towards body B in such cases. 4. grid IDs may be specified for GB#. leaving the CID field blank is appropriate when the node GA and the obstacle are initially separated. Alternatively. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. U0 on the PGAP card needs to be properly set to a negative value or an AUTO option needs to be used in the U0 field. An incorrect orientation of the x-axis will result in the gap element being ineffective or can even act to "glue" the bodies together rather than prevent their overlap. This assures that the gap element will act to prevent the contact/overlap of these bodies. If the meshes of bodies A and B overlap. yet with the orientation aligned with the normal vector. 6. 5. For more information. that is. and therefore would produce a "gluing" effect rather than a resolution of the contact condition. one of the FLIP. When prescribing the gap coordinate system CID. Aside from setting the FLIP option or prescribing CID to correctly resolve the cases with initial penetration. At least 3. Triangular and quadrilateral element definition sequences apply for the order of GB# (see below). PUSHNORM. In typical applications. (Note that this pushout force direction is opposite to the gap axis. and the "shortest distance" projection is used (GAPGPRJ set to SHORT on the GAPPRM card). the gap axis is so oriented so as to produce “pushout” force from obstacle B towards GA along the default normal vector to the obstacle – element face or node patch.With the PUSHNORM option.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 469 . the default gap axis vector would be opposite to the overall direction from body A to body B. 7. it is essential to assure that the resulting gap x-axis points in the general direction from body A (the one associated with node GA) towards body B (the one associated with element ELIDB or patch GB#). If neither coordinate system CID nor orientation vector is specified. The FLIP option in the CID field is useful when the meshes of bodies A and B overlap rather than have a gap between them. the orientation vector is defined automatically as a vector aligned with the axis of the basic coordinate system that makes the largest angle with the gap direction (gap x-axis). which points from GA towards the obstacle. and at most 8. the default normal is pointing inwards. The solver checks for such misalignment and prints respective error and warning messages. and usually more intuitively. GB# are required when TYP is QUAD or TRIA. PUSHOUT. Missing mid-side nodes are allowed. Note that for faces on solid elements.) In cases when GA does not have a direct normal projection onto the obstacle B. G1 is an identification number of a corner grid point on the face and the G3 or G4 field is left blank. For linear subcases. 15. Initial gap openings are specified on the PGAP entry and not derived from the separation distance between GA and GB. For the triangular faces. 13. which are requested with the FORCE card in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections. 8. and the contact face should be explicitly prescribed. The stiffness used depends on the value for the initial gap opening (U0 field in the PGAP entry). The element coordinate system does not rotate as a result of deformation. then the element face closest to the grid GA is selected as the respective obstacle face. the CGAPG element will produce a linear stiffness matrix which remains linear with the initial stiffness. If ELIDB represents a solid element and G1. For more information on using nonlinear gaps. 14. TRIA6 and QUAD8). 11. are output in the gap element coordinate system. Otherwise. For faces of TETRA elements. For the quadrilateral face of the PYRA element. rather than the outside surface of body B. the face closest to GA may be an internal face within the solid body. G1 is an identification number of a corner grid point that is on the face being loaded and the G3 or G4 field is left blank. G1 and G3 are ignored for shell elements (TRIA3. this option should not be used. refer to the Nonlinear Quasi-Static Analysis section of the User's Guide. 470 OptiStruct 13. G1 and G3 must specify the grids on the edge of the face that borders the quadrilateral face and the grids must be ordered so that they define an inward normal using the right hand rule.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Gap forces. unless the AUTO option is used on the PGAP card. is unique and different for each of the four faces of a TETRA element. Since a TETRA has only four corner points.Quadrilateral and triangular surface patches as defined when TYP is QUAD or TRIA. G3/G4 fields are blank. QUAD4. G4. 12. 10. For triangular faces of PENTA elements. Note that if the meshes are overlapping (such as in the case of initial penetration). G1 is an identification number of a corner grid point that is on the face being loaded and G4 is an identification number of the corner grid point that is not on the face being loaded. this point. 9. 16. F x is positive for compression. This card is represented as a gap or mass element in HyperMesh. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.17.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 471 . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C GASK6 EID PID G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C GASK6 71 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number.CGASK6 Bulk Data Entry CGASK6 – Five-sided Solid Gasket Element with Six Grid Nodes Description Defining the connections of the GASK6 solid gasket element. (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PGASK property entry. Default = EID (Integer > 0) G# Grid point identification number of connection points. 472 Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 473 . If the user-prescribed node numbering on the bottom and top faces is reversed as compared to the sequence shown above. This is accomplished by swapping nodes G1 with G3 and G4 with G6. The local 2-direction is determined then. 5. project the basic z-axis onto the local 12 plane and set it to be the local 1-direction. If the basic x-axis is within 0. 4. …. the local 1-direction and 2-direction are defined as follows: Project the basic x-axis onto the local 1-2 plane. 3. The gasket material coordinate system is the same as the element coordinate system in default and can be defined as a prescribed system through PGASK entry. The element coordinate system for the CGASK6 element is defined below. and so on. Then. In such cases. a local 1-2 plane is generated accordingly. G5 opposite G2.2.1° difference as the local 3-direction. G6 must be on the top face with G4 opposite G1. Grid points G1. G3 must be given in consecutive order at the bottom face of the gasket element. then the nodes are renumbered to produce right-handed orientation of numbering. and set it to be the default local 1-direction. 6. After the local 3-direction is defined. G4. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a gask6 element in HyperMesh. the element local coordinate system will be built on the renumbered node sequence. The local 3-direction (the gasket material thickness direction in default) is defined as the simple average of the unit normal directions on the top and bottom surfaces of the element. …. (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PGASK property entry. Default = EID (Integer > 0) G# Grid point identification number of connection points. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C GASK8 EID PID G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C GASK8 71 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number.CGASK8 Bulk Data Entry CGASK8 – Six-sided Solid Gasket Element with Eight Grid Nodes Description Defining the connections of the GASK8 solid gasket element.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No default (Integer > 0) 474 OptiStruct 13. 2. After the local 3-direction is defined. Grid points G1. a local 1-2 plane is generated accordingly. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. G8 must be on the top face with G5 opposite G1. then the nodes are renumbered to produce right-handed orientation of numbering. …. ….Comments 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 475 . The local 3-direction (the gasket material thickness direction in default) is defined as the simple average of the unit normal directions on the top and bottom surfaces of the element. G5. If the user-prescribed node numbering on the bottom and top faces is reversed as compared to the sequence shown above. 4. 5. and so on. and set it to be the default local 1-direction. G6 opposite G2. Then. 6. The local 2-direction is determined then. In such cases. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The gasket material coordinate system is the same as the element coordinate system in default and can be defined as a prescribed system through PGASK entry. the element local coordinate system will be built on the renumbered node sequence. The element coordinate system for the CGASK8 element is defined below. This card is represented as a gask8 element in HyperMesh. G4 must be given in consecutive order at the bottom face of the gasket element. the local 1-direction and 2-direction are defined as follows: Project the basic x-axis onto the local 1-2 plane. 3. This is accomplished by swapping nodes G1 with G3 and G5 with G7. If the basic x-axis is within 0.1° difference as the local 3-direction. project the basic z-axis onto the local 12 plane and set it to be the local 1-direction. CGASK12 Bulk Data Entry CGASK12 – Five-sided Solid Gasket Element with Twelve Grid Nodes Description Defining the connections of the GASK12 solid gasket element. (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PGASK property entry. Default = EID (Integer > 0) G# Grid point identification number of connection points.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No default (Integer > 0) 476 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C GASK12 EID PID G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C GASK12 71 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. The element coordinate system for the CGASK12 element is defined below. In such cases. G11 opposite G8. This is accomplished by swapping nodes G1 with G3 and G4 with G6. Corner grid points G1. and so on.1° difference as the local 3-direction.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 477 . After the local 3-direction is defined. project the basic z-axis onto the local 12 plane and set it to be the local 1-direction. the element local coordinate system will be built on the renumbered node sequence. …. G12 must be on the top face with G10 opposite G7. Corner grid points G4. The gasket material coordinate system is the same as the element coordinate system in default and can be defined as a prescribed system through PGASK entry. 4. 6. 5. …. Edge grid points G10. 3. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The local 3-direction (the gasket material thickness direction in default) is defined as the simple average of the unit normal directions on the top and bottom surfaces of the element. This card is represented as a gask12 element in HyperMesh. G5 opposite G2. The local 2-direction is determined then. If the basic x-axis is within 0. G6 must be on the top face with G4 opposite G1. If the user-prescribed node numbering on the bottom and top faces is reversed as compared to the sequence shown above.Comments 1. 2. G9 must be given in consecutive order at the bottom face of the gasket element. and so on. then the nodes are renumbered to produce right-handed orientation of numbering. …. the local 1-direction and 2-direction are defined as follows: Project the basic x-axis onto the local 1-2 plane. …. Then. G3 must be given in consecutive order at the bottom face of the gasket element. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. a local 1-2 plane is generated accordingly. Edge grid points G7. and set it to be the default local 1-direction. Default = EID (Integer > 0) 478 OptiStruct 13. (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PGASK property entry.CGASK16 Bulk Data Entry CGASK16 – Six-sided Solid Gasket Element with Sixteen Grid Nodes Description Defining the connections of the GASK16 solid gasket element.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C GASK16 EID PID G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C GASK16 71 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. the local 1-direction and 2-direction are defined as follows: Project the basic x-axis onto the local 1-2 plane. G16 must be on the top face with G13 opposite G9. If the basic x-axis is within 0. In such cases. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. The element coordinate system for the CGASK16 element is defined below. The gasket material coordinate system is the same as the element coordinate system in default and can be defined as a prescribed system through PGASK entry.1° difference as the local 3-direction. G8 must be on the top face with G5 opposite G1. Then. G14 opposite G10. 2. 3. The local 2-direction is determined then. and so on. G4 must be given in consecutive order at the bottom face of the gasket element. and so on. The local 3-direction (the gasket material thickness direction in default) is defined as the simple average of the unit normal directions on the top and bottom surfaces of the element. 5.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 479 . …. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. If the user-prescribed node numbering on the bottom and top faces is reversed as compared to the sequence shown above.Field Contents G# Grid point identification number of connection points. and set it to be the default local 1-direction. project the basic z-axis onto the local 12 plane and set it to be the local 1-direction. Edge grid points G13. G12 must be given in consecutive order at the bottom face of the gasket element. Edge grid points G9. the element local coordinate system will be built on the renumbered node sequence. 4. This is accomplished by swapping nodes G1 with G3 and G5 with G7. G6 opposite G2. Corner grid points G5. a local 1-2 plane is generated accordingly. Corner grid points G1. …. After the local 3-direction is defined. …. …. then the nodes are renumbered to produce right-handed orientation of numbering. 480 This card is represented as a gask16 element in HyperMesh. OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .6. Frequency-dependent Structural Acoustic Absorber Element Description Defines the frequency-dependent structural acoustic absorber element in coupled fluidstructural analysis.CHACAB Bulk Data Entry CHACAB – Six-sided.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 481 . (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PACABS property entry. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C HAC AB EID PID G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 G17 G18 G19 G20 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C HAC AB 71 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. YES.1.fem $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ $ $$ NASTRAN Input Deck Generated by HyperMesh Version : 8..5 0.20.0sr1 $$ $ $$ Template: general $ $$ $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ Executive Control Cards $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ SOL 111 CEND $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ Case Control Cards $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ SET 1 = 1734 DISPLACEMENT = 1 $ $HMNAME LOADSTEP 1"Load2" SUBCASE 1 LABEL= Load2 SPC = 4 FREQUENCY = 5 DLOAD = 2 $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ Bulk Data Cards $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ BEGIN BULK $CHEXA 1056 2 1650 1661 1662 $+ 1683 1672 CHACAB 1056 100 1650 1645 1657 + 1671 1672 PACABS.G.chacab.0 0.1.0 1.0 GRID 9 2.5 0.0 1.5.COUPMASS.1 $$ EIGRL.0 GRID 2 2.0 0. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) Input File ..300 $$ GRID Data $$ GRID 1 2.0 0.0 0.0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 -2.2.0 PARAM.0 -1.0 GRID 5 2.0SR1 $ $$ Generated using HyperMesh-Nastran Template Version : 8.001 PARAM.2.0 0.-1 PARAM.Field Contents Gi Grid point identification numbers of connection points.100.-1 $ACMODL DIFF 0.0 GRID 7 2.0 GRID 8 2.5 0.5 0.0 -0.21..0 2.0 GRID 3 2..0 GRID 4 2.0 482 1651 1658 1671 1676 1682+ 1675+ -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.300 EIGRL.0 GRID 6 2.POST.10.0 -1.0 0. 0 0.0 -1.0 -2.5 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -2.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 -1.5 1.5 1.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 0.5 1.5 1.5 -1.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 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0.5 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 -1.0 0.5 -1.0 1.0 0.0 -2.0 -1.0 -1.5 -0.5 0.0 0.0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.0 0.0 -1.5 -1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 -1.0 0. 0 0.5 0.5 2.0 -1.5 -2.5 0.5 -2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 -0.0 1.5 2.0 1.0 2.5 -2.0 -2.5 0.0 2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 0.5 2.0 -2.0 -1.0 -1.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 -2.0 2.5 2.5 -2.5 0.0 -2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 2.5 0.5 0.0 0.5 -2.0 0.5 2.5 2.0 1.0 -1.0 2.5 2.5 1.0 -0.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 2.5 1.5 2.5 -2.0 2.5 -1.0 -2.0 2.5 0.0 -4.0 -0.5 2.5 0.0 0.5 1.5 1.0 2.5 0.5 0.0 -2.0 0.5 1.0 -0.5 1.5 2.5 1.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.5 2.5 0.0 2.5 1.0 2.0 -2.0 0.5 2.0 -2.5 0.5 1.0 -1.5 0.0 2.5 2.5 0.0 -2.0 0.2E-191.0 1.0 -2.5E-201.0 1.5 -2.5 2.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 -2.0 2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 1.5 -2.5 2.0 -2.5 -1.0 0.0 -0.0 -1.0 2.0 -2.5 2.5 0.0 1.5 1.0 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4.5 4.0 9.5 5.5 -2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 491 .5 5.0 1.5 5.0 4.0 -1.5 2.5 -2.0 4.0 2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -1.5 5.5 4.0 2.0 -0.5 4.5 5.63E-174.0 5.0 -1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 -1.5 4.0 -1.5 2.0 -2.0 1.5 -1.0 1.0 -2.5 5.0 4.5 -2.5 -2.0 -1.0 -2.5 4.0 2.0 1.5 -1.5 4.0 5.0 5.5 2.0 2.5 1.0 -0.0 -2.5 5.5 4.0 0.4E-165.0 -1.5 4.0 5.0 4.5 4.0 -1.5 2.0 -1.5 -1.5 2.5 -1.5 -2.5 -1.0 4.5 2.0 -2.0 1.0 -2.5 4.5 1.0 2.0 -1.0 2.5 -2.0 2.0 1.5 4.5 4.0 -2.0 -1.0 1.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.0 4.0 1.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 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5.0 -0.5 -1.4E-165.0 -2.0 5.0 0.5 1.5 5.0 0.5 5.0 -1.0 5.0 -1.5 5.8E-165.5 5.0 2.0 5.0 -1.0 -0.5 -0.0 5.0 1.5 5.5 5.4E-165.0 5.0 1.0 5.0 -1.0 0.0 2.0 8.0 -0.0 5.1E-17-1.0 1.5 1.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.0 -0.5 5.5 5.4E-162.0E-165.0 1.5 5.4E-162.5 -2.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 1.5 5.5 5.0 0.5 5.0 -2.5 -0.5 5.5 -2.5 5.0 1.0 -2.5 1.0 1.0 5.5 5.9E-175.5 2.0 -1.0 1.8E-170.5 5.0 0.0 1.5 -2.0 -1.0 -0.0 -1.5 1.5 5.0 -2.0 -1.0 -8.84E-175.5 -1.0 2.5 1.9E-18-2.5 5.0 -1.0 -1.0 -6.5 5.0 -0.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 1.0 -2.4E-161.0 5.07E-16-1.0 -1.0 5.0 -0.0 -2.0 -1.0 1.0 0.5 5.5 5.5 -2.5 -1.5 5.5 -2.0 5.0 1.1E-161.5 0.0 -1.0 1.5 -2.5 5.0 -1.0 1.5 -2.0 -1.0 1.5 5.0 2.0 5.5 1.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 492 1236 1237 1238 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-0.5 -2.496464.4E-161.4E-162.0 -1.5 5.58E-174.05E-165.995528 -2.5 5.5 4.0 -0.0 -0.0 5.4964644.0 -2.0 -1.496460.4964644.5 2.5 -2.0 5.995528 -1.0 -2.0 -2.1E-17-2.0 -2.0 5.5 5.0 1.496460.496152.0 -1.5 1.496464.0 1.4961520.5 -2.995528 -2.0 5.5 -1.995528 -2.0 -1.0 5.32E-165.0 5.0 1.995528 -2.5 5.005963 -2.0 4.0 -1.5 4.0 -2.004472 -2.0 0.0 -2.0 -1.0 5.0 1.5 4.994037 -2.0 0.004472 -1.5 5.995528 -2.496462.5 2.496461.5 5.0 5.496461.994037 -2.5 -2.5 5.995528 -2.5 -2.0 OptiStruct 13.5 2.5 1.5 2.0 2.5 5.496460.49646-1.4964640.5 -2.4E-162.0 4.004472 -1.5 -2.004472 -0.0 2.0 5.0 -1.0 -0.0 5.0 -1.49646-2.995528 -2.0 -0.0 -2.0 -1.5 1.005963 -2.004472 -2.0 -2.496464.496460.0 5.0 5.995528 -0.4964640.0 2.004472 -2.496150.5 5.4964640.995528 -1.5 5.0 -2.0 4.0 -2.0 -1.0 -1.49615-2.2E-161.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 4.5 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 2.0 -1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 495 .0 5.4961524.0 -2.5 5.0 -1.0 5.496464.4964644.995528 -1.0 1.496154.5 -0.0 -1.5 0.0 2.0 2.995528 -2.0 5.5 2.5 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CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA 950 1155 951 1156 952 1158 953 1159 954 1160 955 1161 956 1162 957 1163 958 1164 959 1165 960 1166 961 1167 962 1169 963 1170 964 1171 965 1172 966 1173 967 1174 968 1175 969 1176 970 1177 971 1178 972 1180 973 1181 974 1182 975 1183 976 1184 977 1185 978 1186 979 1187 980 1188 981 1189 982 1191 983 1192 984 Altair Engineering 1 1144 1 1145 1 1147 1 1148 1 1149 1 1150 1 1151 1 1152 1 1153 1 1154 1 1155 1 1156 1 1158 1 1159 1 1160 1 1161 1 1162 1 1163 1 1164 1 1165 1 1166 1 1167 1 1169 1 1170 1 1171 1 1172 1 1173 1 1174 1 1175 1 1176 1 1177 1 1178 1 1180 1 1181 1 1022 1033 1034 1023 1143 1154+ 1025 1036 1035 1024 1146 1157+ 1024 1035 1037 1026 1145 1156+ 1026 1037 1038 1027 1147 1158+ 1027 1038 1039 1028 1148 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Altair Engineering 515 . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .+ CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + 516 1193 985 1194 986 1195 987 1196 988 1197 989 1198 990 1199 991 1200 992 1202 993 1203 994 1204 995 1205 996 1206 997 1207 998 1208 999 1209 1000 1210 1001 1213 1002 1216 1003 1218 1004 1220 1005 1222 1006 1224 1007 1226 1008 1228 1009 1230 1010 1232 1011 1233 1012 1235 1013 1236 1014 1237 1015 1238 1016 1239 1017 1240 1018 1241 1182 1 1183 1 1184 1 1185 1 1186 1 1187 1 1188 1 1189 1 1191 1 1192 1 1193 1 1194 1 1195 1 1196 1 1197 1 1198 1 1199 1 1212 1 1215 1 1217 1 1219 1 1221 1 1223 1 1225 1 1227 1 1229 1 1231 1 1213 1 1216 1 1218 1 1220 1 1222 1 1224 1 1226 1 1228 1061 1072 1073 1062 1182 1193+ 1062 1073 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1107 1226 1240+ OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 517 .CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA 1019 1242 1020 1243 1021 1244 1022 1246 1023 1247 1024 1248 1025 1249 1026 1250 1027 1251 1028 1252 1029 1253 1030 1254 1031 1255 1032 1257 1033 1258 1034 1259 1035 1260 1036 1261 1037 1262 1038 1263 1039 1264 1040 1265 1041 1266 1042 1268 1043 1269 1044 1270 1045 1271 1046 1272 1047 1273 1048 1274 1049 1275 1050 1276 1051 1277 1052 1279 1053 Altair Engineering 1 1230 1 1232 1 1233 1 1235 1 1236 1 1237 1 1238 1 1239 1 1240 1 1241 1 1242 1 1243 1 1244 1 1246 1 1247 1 1248 1 1249 1 1250 1 1251 1 1252 1 1253 1 1254 1 1255 1 1257 1 1258 1 1259 1 1260 1 1261 1 1262 1 1263 1 1264 1 1265 1 1266 1 1268 1 1107 1120 1121 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1267 1278+ 1145 1156 1158 1147 1266 1277+ 1147 1158 1159 1148 1268 1279+ OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .+ CHEXA + CHEXA + 1280 1054 1281 1055 1282 1269 1 1270 1 1271 CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA 1057 1284 1058 1285 1059 1286 1060 1287 1061 1288 1062 1290 1063 1291 1064 1292 1065 1293 1066 1294 1067 1295 1068 1296 1069 1297 1070 1298 1071 1299 1072 1301 1073 1302 1074 1303 1075 1304 1076 1305 1077 1306 1078 1307 1079 1308 1080 1309 1081 1310 1082 1312 1083 1313 1084 1314 1085 1315 1086 1316 1087 1317 1088 1 1273 1 1274 1 1275 1 1276 1 1277 1 1279 1 1280 1 1281 1 1282 1 1283 1 1284 1 1285 1 1286 1 1287 1 1288 1 1290 1 1291 1 1292 1 1293 1 1294 1 1295 1 1296 1 1297 1 1298 1 1299 1 1301 1 1302 1 1303 1 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1184 1304 1315+ 1184 1195 1196 1185 1305 1316+ 1185 1196 1197 1186 1306 1317+ OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 519 .2 2 2 $$ $$ PSOLID Data $ $HMNAME COMP 1"solids" $HWCOLOR COMP 1 26 PSOLID 1 1 PFLUID PSOLID 2 2 $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ Material Definition Cards $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$-------------------------------------------------------------$$ HYPERMESH TAGS $$-------------------------------------------------------------$$BEGIN TAGS $$END TAGS $$ $$ MAT1 Data $ Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.+ 1318 1307 CHEXA 1089 1 1186 1197 1198 1187 1307 1318+ + 1319 1308 CHEXA 1090 1 1187 1198 1199 1188 1308 1319+ + 1320 1309 CHEXA 1091 1 1190 1201 1200 1189 1311 1322+ + 1321 1310 CHEXA 1092 1 1189 1200 1202 1191 1310 1321+ + 1323 1312 CHEXA 1093 1 1191 1202 1203 1192 1312 1323+ + 1324 1313 CHEXA 1094 1 1192 1203 1204 1193 1313 1324+ + 1325 1314 CHEXA 1095 1 1193 1204 1205 1194 1314 1325+ + 1326 1315 CHEXA 1096 1 1194 1205 1206 1195 1315 1326+ + 1327 1316 CHEXA 1097 1 1195 1206 1207 1196 1316 1327+ + 1328 1317 CHEXA 1098 1 1196 1207 1208 1197 1317 1328+ + 1329 1318 CHEXA 1099 1 1197 1208 1209 1198 1318 1329+ + 1330 1319 CHEXA 1100 1 1198 1209 1210 1199 1319 1330+ + 1331 1320 $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ HyperMesh name information for generic property collectors $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ Property Definition for 1-D Elements $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ HyperMesh name and color information for generic components $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $HMNAME COMP 6"auto1" $HWCOLOR COMP 6 3 $ $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ Property Definition for Surface and Volume Elements $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ $$ PSHELL Data $ $HMNAME COMP 4"shells" $HWCOLOR COMP 4 7 PSHELL 4 20. 3 0.1 10.0 1000.0 5 $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ RLOAD2 cards $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 2"rload2" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 2 5 RLOAD2 2 6 1 0 ACCE $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 3"darea" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 3 5 RLOAD2 3 3 1 0 LOAD $$ $$ $$ $$ TABLED1 cards $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 1"tab" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 1 41 TABLED1 1 LINEAR LINEAR + 0.0 1.01 $$ $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ HyperMesh name information for generic materials $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ Material Definition Cards $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ Loads and Boundary Conditions $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ $$HyperMesh name and color information for generic loadcollectors $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 4"SPC" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 4 3 $ $HMNAME LOADCOL 6"spcd" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 6 4 $ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ FREQ1 cards $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 5"freq" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 5 4 FREQ1 50.0 0.0 1000.0 0.0 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .$HMNAME MAT 2"MAT1" $HWCOLOR MAT 2 18 MAT1 2200000.0 1000.0 1.0ENDT $$ TABLED1 2 LINEAR LINEAR + 0.0ENDT $$ TABLED1 3 LINEAR LINEAR + 0.0ENDT 520 OptiStruct 13.0 0.0 5.9e-5 $$ $$ $$ MAT10 Data $HMNAME MAT 1"MAT10_1" $HWCOLOR MAT 1 3 MAT10 11.0 5. the face in contact with the fluid has only Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The second continuation is optional. Element identification numbers should be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. 2.0 3-10. Also. The edge points. 4.0 1234560.1.?OeEbD0" ADI0. The mass is lumped to the face formed by grid points G5 through G8 and G17 through G20 and defined to be in contact with the fluid.0 1234560.0 2 1431 1432 1451 1452 1734 1234560.0 3 3. The face consisting of grid points G1 through G4 and G9 through G12 is assumed to be in contact with the structure. All or none of them may exist.5oANN]l[enE7fmSbTJro20LOpNriZFOQfUk] _`5hfS5ATf6pT7RXMjA3e@k_r^K?GP. G5 through G8 must be on the opposite face with G5 opposite G1. The corner grid points cannot be deleted.0 $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ SPC Data $$ SPC 4 SPC 4 SPC 4 SPC 4 SPC 4 $$ $$ SPCD Data $$ SPCD 6 $ $ DAREA Data $ $$ $$ DAREA Data $$ DAREA 3 ENDDATA 11"DLOAD11" 11 3 1. The opposite face has no mass contribution due to the absorber element.0 2011-05-13T19:57:45 0of1 OSQA ENDDOCTAG Comments 1. The edge points should be in the middle third of the edges.0 1234560. 6.0 1734 3 1734 1. and so on. G6 opposite G2.$$ DLOAD cards $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL $HWCOLOR LOADCOL DLOAD 111.0 3 0. 5.0 ALTDOCTAG "HqTD_ARNMI\S\pMpN13G. 3. Grid points G1 through G4 must be given in consecutive order about one quadrilateral face. G9 to G20 are optional.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 521 . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .translational stiffness in the direction normal to the face. OptiStruct 13. 522 This card is represented as a CHACAB8 or CHACAB20 element in HyperMesh. 7. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) C HBDYE EID EID2 SIDE Field Contents EID Unique surface element identification number. No default (1 < Integer < 6) Comments 1. See comments. 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) EID2 A heat conduction element identification number. All conduction elements that are to have a boundary condition applied must be individually identified with the application of a surface element entry CHBDYE.CHBDYE Bulk Data Entry CHBDYE – Thermal Surface Element (Element Form) Description Defines a surface element for application of thermal boundary condition. EID2 identifies the heat conduction element associated with this surface element. 1D 2D 3D CBAR CBEAM CONROD CROD CQUAD4 CQUAD8 CTRIA3 CTIRA6 CHEXA CPENTA CPYRA CTETRA C onduction elements for heat transfer analysis 3. No default (Integer > 0) SIDE Element side identification number. EID is unique with respect to other surface element IDs.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 523 . See comments. the side numbers are shown here: Side convention for C HEXA element (1st or 2nd order) Side convention for C PENTA element (1st or 2nd order) 524 OptiStruct 13. The sides of 3D elements are either quadrilaterals or triangles.4. Side conventions for 3D elements: Sides are numbered consecutively according to the order of the grid point numbers on the 3D element entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . For each element type. 6.Side convention for C PYRA element (1st or 2nd order) Side convention for C TETRA element (1st or 2nd order) 5. Note that midside nodes are ignored in the specification. 1D elements have one linear side (Side 1) with geometry that is the same as that of the element and two POINT type sides. second grid point side 3). LINE type: The second side (first line) is from grid point 1 to grid point 2. Side conventions for 2D elements. 2D elements have one side of type AREA (this is Side 1) and 3 or 4 sides of type LINE.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 525 . AREA type: Side 1 is that given by the right hand rule on the shell’s gird points. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The thickness of the line is that of the shell. and the remaining lines are numbered consecutively. and the normal to the line is outward from the shell in the plane of the shell. Side conventions for 1D elements. corresponding to the two points bounding the linear element (first grid point side 2. OptiStruct 13. The area assigned to these POINT type sides is consistent with the element geometry. 7. Boundary conditions (QBDY1) are applied to CHBDYE through reference of the EID.POINT type: Point sides may be used with any linear element. but pointing away from the element. 526 This card is represented as slave3 and slave4 element in HyperMesh. The direction of the outward normals of these points is in line with the element axis.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 527 . (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PSOLID property entry.CHEXA Bulk Data Entry CHEXA – Six-sided Solid Element with Eight or Twenty Grid Points Description Defines the connections of the HEXA solid element. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C HEXA EID PID G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 G17 G18 G19 G20 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C HEXA 71 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. Default = EID (Integer > 0) G# Grid point identification numbers of connection points. G2. then the nodes are renumbered to produce right-handed orientation of numbering. G7. and so on. G3. G7. 2. G7. G6 opposite G2. OptiStruct 13.…. are optional. G6. S Joins the centroids of the faces described by the grid points G1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Grid points G1. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. S. It is recommended that the edge points be placed near the middle of the edge.Comments 1. The second continuation must not be present for the 8-noded version of this element. appropriate changes to mid-side node numbering are also performed. It may be defined as the basic coordinate system (CORDM = 0). The edge points. The material coordinate system is defined on the referenced PSOLID entry. and T are chosen by the following rules: 528 R Joins the centroids of the faces described by the grid points G4. G2. the element coordinate system will be built on the renumbered node sequence. G2. G6. G3. In such cases.….G8 must be on the opposite face with G5 opposite G1. The element coordinate system for the CHEXA element is defined as follows: Three intermediate vectors R. or the element coordinate system (CORDM = -1). If the user-prescribed node numbering on the bottom and top faces is reversed as compared to the sequence shown above. G8 and the grid points G3. G9 through G20. a defined system (CORDM = Integer > 0). 4. G8 T Joins the centroids of the faces described by the grid points G1. G1. G5. G5. G5 and the grid points G4. 5. G4 and the grid pints G5.G4 must be given in consecutive order about one quadrilateral face. G8. G6. For 20-noded CHEXA. This is accomplished by swapping nodes G1 with G3 and G5 with G7. If any of the edge points are present. they all must be used. Stresses are output in the material coordinate system. C HEXA definition 3. C HEXA element coordinate systems The origin of the element coordinate system is at the intersection of these three vectors. then the average location of the intersection points is used. This card is represented as a hexa8 or hex20 element in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 529 . If the vectors do not all intersect at one point. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The element z-axis corresponds to the T vector. The element x-axis is the cross product of the element y-axis and the element z-axis. The element y-axis is the cross product of the T and R vectors. 6. G2 Geometric grid point or scalar point identification number. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Property identification number of a PMASS entry. No default (0 < Integer < 6) 530 OptiStruct 13. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) C1. C2 Component number in the displacement coordinate system specified by the CD entry of the GRID data.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = EID (Integer > 0) G1.CMASS1 Bulk Data Entry CMASS1 – Scalar Mass Connection Description Defines a scalar mass element. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) C MASS1 EID PID G1 C1 G2 C2 (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C MASS1 45 4 653 2 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. 8. Scalar mass elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis. A scalar point specified on this entry need not be defined on an SPOINT entry. Scalar points may be used for G1 and/or G2. This card is represented as a spring or mass element in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 531 . When the component is greater than 1. C1) and (G2. it is required for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the component be 0 or blank when the grid reference is a scalar point (SPOINT). C2) must not be coincident. interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. Zero or blank may be used to indicate a grounded terminal G1 or G2 with a corresponding blank or zero C1 or C2. 5. (with a corresponding C1 and/or C2 of zero or blank).Comments 1. When SPSYNTAX is set to MIXED. If only scalar points and/or grounded terminals are involved. 2. the grid reference must always be a structural grid (GRID). it is more efficient to use the CMASS3 entry. Except in unusual circumstances. Element identification numbers should be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. When the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option is set to CHECK (default) or STRICT. 7. 4. and that the component be > 1 when the grid reference is a structural grid point (GRID). it is allowed for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the grid reference be either a scalar point (SPOINT) or a structural grid point (GRID) when the component is 0. The two connection points (G1. 3. 1 or blank. 6. one of them will be a grounded terminal with blank entries for Gi and Ci. A grounded terminal is a point with a displacement that is constrained to zero. No default (Integer > 0) C1. C2 Component number in the displacement coordinate system specified by the CD entry of the GRID data.1 56 3 (6) Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. No default (0 < Integer < 6) 532 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) C MASS2 EID M G1 C1 G2 C2 (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C MASS2 2 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .CMASS2 Bulk Data Entry CMASS2 – Scalar Mass Property and Connection Description Defines a scalar mass element without reference to a property entry. G2 Geometric grid or identification number. No default (Real) G1. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) M Value of the scalar mass. interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. 7. 2. it is allowed for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the grid reference be either a scalar point (SPOINT) or a structural grid point (GRID) when the component is 0. C2) must be distinct. C1) and (G2. Scalar points may be used for G1 and/or G2. (with a corresponding C1 and/or C2 of zero or blank). Except in unusual circumstances. it is more efficient to use the CMASS4 entry. If only scalar points and/or grounded terminals are involved.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 533 . the grid reference must always be a structural grid (GRID). 6. When SPSYNTAX is set to MIXED. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. one of them will be a grounded terminal with blank entries for Gi and Ci. 4. 5. 1 or blank. 3. 8. When the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option is set to CHECK (default) or STRICT. Scalar mass elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis. Zero or blank may be used to indicate a grounded terminal G1 or G2 with a corresponding blank or zero C1 or C2. This card is represented as a spring or mass element in HyperMesh. Element identification numbers should be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. A grounded terminal is a point with a displacement that is constrained to zero. The two connection points (G1.Comments 1. This single entry completely defines the element since no material or geometric properties are required. When the component is greater than 1. and that the component be > 1 when the grid reference is a structural grid point (GRID). it is required for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the component be 0 or blank when the grid reference is a scalar point (SPOINT). Default = 0 (Integer > Comments 1. S2 Scalar point identification numbers. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C MASS3 EID PID S1 S2 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) C MASS3 13 42 62 (5) (6) Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. Element identification numbers should be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. indicating a constrained coordinate. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Property identification number of a PMASS entry. may be blank or zero.CMASS3 Bulk Data Entry CMASS3 – Scalar Mass Connection to Scalar Points Only Description Defines a scalar mass element that is connected only to scalar points.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2. Default = EID (Integer > 0) S1. S1 or S2. but not both. 534 OptiStruct 13. 6.3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 535 . Only one scalar mass element may be defined on a single entry. A scalar point specified on this entry need not be defined on an SPOINT entry. 5. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Scalar mass elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis. 4. This card is represented as a spring or mass element in HyperMesh. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C MASS4 EID M S1 S2 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) C MASS4 23 14. indicating a constrained coordinate. but not both. Default = 0 (Integer > Comments 1. This is the usual case. No default (Integer > 0) M Scalar mass value. S2 Scalar point identification numbers. OptiStruct 13. 536 S1 or S2.92 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 23 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number.CMASS4 Bulk Data Entry CMASS4 – Scalar Mass Property and Connection to Scalar Points Only Description Defines a scalar mass element that is connected only to scalar points. No default (Real) S1. without reference to a property entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . may be blank or zero. 7.2. Element identification numbers should be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. 4. Scalar mass elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis. Only one scalar mass element may be defined on a single entry. 3. A scalar point specified on this entry need not be defined on an SPOINT entry. This card is represented as a spring or mass element in HyperMesh. 5.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 537 . 6. This single entry completely defines the element since no material or geometric properties are required. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 0 0. (10) (Integer > 0) MID Material identification number.0 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C MBEAM EID MID GA GB X1.0 833. (Integer > 0) GA. GB 538 Grid point identification number of connection points.CMBEAM Bulk Data Entry CMBEAM – Beam Element for MBD Description Defines a beam element for multi-body dynamics solution sequence without reference to a property entry.0 5. See comment 5.3 1485. G0 Y1 Z1 L A I1 I2 J K1 K2 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C MBEAM 1 2 123 125 0.0 100.3 Field Contents EID Element identification number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .3 833. OptiStruct 13. No default (Real > 0.0) I2 Area moment inertia in plane 2 about the neutral axis. to determine (with the vector from end A to end B) the orientation of the element coordinate system for the BEAM element. and X3 (Integer > 0). The X-axis of the beam is always along the line connecting G1 and G2.0) J Torsional constant. X2. Y1. 2. (Real > 0. No default (Real > 0. (Real) G0 Grid point identification number to optionally supply X1. (Integer > 0) L Undeformed length along the X-axis of the beam. No default (Real > 0. Default = 0. Z1 Components of vector v at end A.0) K1. Y1. The Z-axis of the beam is determined based on the X-axis and the Y-axis provided by G3/X1. (Real) A Area of the beam cross-section.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 539 . and Z1. Direction of orientation vector is GA to G0. measured at end A. parallel to the components of the displacement coordinate system for GA.0 (Real) Comments 1. K2 Area factor for shear.Field Contents X1.0) I1 Area moment inertia in plane 1 about the neutral axis. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The transverse shear stiffness in planes 1 and 2 are (K1)AG and (K2)AG. 5. If a value of 0.3.0 is used for K1 and K2. 4. 6. 540 OptiStruct 13. Only MAT1 material definitions may be referenced by this element.0 (K1 and K2 are interpreted as infinite). The moments of inertia are defined as follows: The beam coordinates must be aligned with the principal axes of the cross-section.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This card is represented as a bar2 element in HyperMesh. respectively. the transverse shear flexibilities are set to 0. 0 833.3 1485. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C MBEAMM EID MID M1 M2 A I1 I2 J (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) L K1 K2 Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C MBEAMM 1 2 123 125 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 541 .3 833.0 1. (Integer > 0) M1 Marker identification number.0 100. (10) (Integer > 0) MID Material identification number.0 0. (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.CMBEAMM Bulk Data Entry CMBEAMM – Beam Element for MBD based on Markers Description Defines a beam element for multi-body dynamic solution sequence without reference to a property entry based on markers.3 Field Contents EID Element identification number.0 5. 2. 542 OptiStruct 13. The transverse shear stiffness in planes 1 and 2 are (K1)AG and (K2)AG. If a value of 0. respectively. This card is represented as a bar element in HyperMesh. (Real > 0. 5.0 (Real) Comments 1. Default = 0.Field Contents M2 Marker identification number. 4. 3. (Real) I1 Area moment inertia in plane 1 about the neutral axis.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No default (Real > 0. K2 Area factor for shear. No default (Real > 0. (Real) A Area of the beam cross-section.0 (K1 and K2 are interpreted as infinite). The moments of inertia are defined as follows: The beam coordinates must be aligned with the principal axes of the cross-section. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers.0 is used for K1 and K2.0) J Torsional constant.0) I2 Area moment inertia in plane 2 about the neutral axis. (Integer > 0) L Undeformed length along the X-axis of the beam. The X-axis of the markers M1 and M2 should always be along the axis of the beam. the transverse shear flexibilities are set to 0.0) K1. 0 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 543 . (9) (10) (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.CMBUSH Bulk Data Entry CMBUSH – Bushing Element for MBD Description Defines a bushing element without reference to a property entry.1 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 Field Contents EID Element identification number.0 0. Format (1) (2) C MBUSH EID (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) G1 G2 X1.1 0.0 K 100 100 100 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 0.1 0. G3 Y1 Z1 "K" K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 "B" B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 "P" P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 (10) Example (1) (2) C MBUSH 4 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 1 2 1. Comments 1. Y1. P6 Rotational preload. P4. B5. K6 Rotational stiffness. P1. Y1. 544 Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. P2. Z1 Orientation vector of the bushing. (Real) K Stiffness specifier. B3 Translational damping. (Integer > 0) X1. and Z1 in conjunction with G1. K5. K1. P3 Translational preload. B2. K2. K3 Translational stiffness. P5.Field Contents G1 Grid point identification number. B4. OptiStruct 13. K4. (Integer > 0) G3 Grid point identification number to optionally supply X1. B Damping specifier. B1. B6 Rotational damping. P Preload specifier.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0) G2 Grid point identification number. CMBUSHC Bulk Data Entry CMBUSHC – Nonlinear Bushing Element for MBD using Curve Description Defines a bushing element without reference to a property entry.0 0. G3 Y1 Z1 "K" K1C ID K2C ID K3C ID K4C ID K5C ID K6C ID "B" B1C ID B2C ID B3C ID B4C ID B5C ID B6C ID "P" P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 ”KE” K1EID K2EID K3EID K4EID K5EID K6EID “BE” B1EID B2EID B3EID B4EID B5EID B6EID KINT BINT Example (1) (2) C MBUSHC 4 Altair Engineering (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1 2 1. Format (1) (2) C MBUSHC EID (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) G1 G2 X1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering (10) 545 .0 0.0 K 100 100 100 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 1 1 1 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 OptiStruct 13. B1CID. 546 Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) OptiStruct 13. (Integer > 0) X1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Y1. B2CID. B3CID Translational damping curve ID. Rotational damping curve ID. and Z1 in conjunction with G1.AKIMA AKIMA Field Contents EID Element identification number (Integer > 0) G1 Grid point identification number. Y1. (Integer > 0) G2 Grid point identification number. K3CID Translational stiffness curve ID. K1CID. (Integer > 0) G3 Grid point identification number to optionally supply X1. Z1 Orientation vector of the bushing. (Real) K Stiffness specifier. B Damping specifier. B5CID. B4CID. K5CID. K2CID. K4CID. K6CID Rotational stiffness curve ID. P1. K4EID. This card is represented as a spring element in HyperMesh. K3EID Translational stiffness independent variable expression ID. B5EID. P6 Rotational preload. B1EID. 2. P4. AKIMA). P3 Translational preload. K2EID. B4EID. Default = AKIMA Comments 1. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. B3EID Translational damping independent variable expression ID. K1EID. AKIMA).Field Contents B6CID Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) P Preload specifier. CUBIC. K6EID Rotational stiffness independent variable expression ID. P2. B6EID Rotational damping independent variable expression ID. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. CUBIC. KINT Stiffness interpolation type (Character: LINEAR. Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) implies deflection as the independent variable Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) implies deflection as the independent variable Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) implies velocity as the independent variable Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) implies velocity as the independent variable Default = AKIMA BINT Damping interpolation type (Character: LINEAR.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 547 . K5EID. P5. B2EID. 0 K 100 100 100 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 1 1 1 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 Field Contents EID Element identification number.CMBUSHE Bulk Data Entry CMBUSHE – Nonlinear Bushing Element for MBD using Expression Defined in MBVAR Description Defines a bushing element without reference to a property entry. (9) (10) (Integer > 0) 548 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 0. Format (1) (2) C MBUSHE EID (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) G1 G2 X1. G3 Y1 Z1 "K" K1EID K2EID K3EID K4EID K5EID K6EID "B" B1EID B2EID B3EID B4EID B5EID B6EID "P" P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 Example (1) (2) C MBUSHE 4 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 1 2 1.0 0. K3EID Translational stiffness MBVAR ID. K2EID. P4.Field Contents G1 Grid point identification number. Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) B Damping specifier. (Integer > 0) X1. Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) K4EID. Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) P Preload specifier. Y1. P2. B5EID. K6EID Rotational stiffness MBVAR ID.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 549 . and Z1 in conjunction with G1. K1EID. P3 Translational preload. B2EID. Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) B4EID. P6 Rotational preload. Z1 Orientation vector of the bushing. Y1. K5EID. B1EID. (Real) K Stiffness specifier. (Integer > 0) G2 Grid point identification number. B6EID Rotational damping MBVAR ID. B3EID Translational damping MBVAR ID. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. P1. P5. (Integer > 0) G3 Grid point identification number to optionally supply X1. 2. This card is represented as a spring element in HyperMesh.Comments 1. 550 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. 1 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 Field Contents EID Element identification number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 551 . (10) (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.1 0.1 0.CMBUSHM Bulk Data Entry CMBUSHM – Bushing Element for MBD based on Markers Description Defines a bushing element without reference to a property entry based on markers. Format (1) (2) C MBUSHM EID (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) M1 M2 "K" K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 "B" B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 "P" P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 (10) Example (1) (2) C MBUSHM 1 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 12 13 K 100 100 100 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 0. B5. (Real) B4. OptiStruct 13. (Integer > 0) M2 Marker identification number. K1. (Real) Comments 1. (Real) P Preload specifier. K5. B1. K6 Rotational stiffness. (Integer > 0) K Stiffness specifier. (Real) B Damping specifier. B3 Translational damping. K2. P6 Rotational preload. P1. B6 Rotational damping. P5.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Real) K4. B2.Field Contents M1 Marker identification number. K3 Translational stiffness. 552 Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. (Real) P4. P2. P3 Translational preload. 0 K 100 100 100 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 1 1 1 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 Field Contents EID Element identification number.CMBUSHT Bulk Data Entry CMBUSHT – Nonlinear Bushing Element for MBD using Table Description Defines a bushing element without reference to a property entry.0 0. G3 Y1 Z1 "K" K1TID K2TID K3TID K4TID K5TID K6TID "B" B1TID B2TID B3TID B4TID B5TID B6TID "P" P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 Example (1) (2) C MBUSHT 4 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 1 2 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 553 . Format (1) (2) (3) C MBUSHT EID (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) G1 G2 X1.0 0. (9) (10) (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Z1 Orientation vector of the bushing. P1. Y1. K6TID Rotational stiffness TABLEDi ID. (Real) K Stiffness specifier. Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) P Preload specifier. K5TID. (Integer > 0) G2 Grid point identification number. Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) B4TID. P4. P2. P3 Translational preload. 554 OptiStruct 13. B6TID Rotational damping TABLEDi ID. (Integer > 0) X1. K3TID Translational stiffness TABLEDi ID. Y1. B5TID. P5. B2TID.Field Contents G1 Grid point identification number. K2TID. and Z1 in conjunction with G1. B1TID. K1TID. P6 Rotational preload. (Integer > 0) G3 Grid point identification number to optionally supply X1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) K4TID. B3TID Translational damping TABLEDi ID. Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) B Damping specifier. 2. This card is represented as a spring element in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 555 .Comments 1. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering (9) (10) Altair Engineering . an ASCII file containing CELAS4 and CDAMP3 element data and/or their corresponding design variable definitions can be generated for DMIG to allow the use of the component modes in optimization runs. preload as well as loads for reduction and residual vector generation can be defined. and starting SPOINT ID to be used in a component mode synthesis solution. number of modes. frequency upper limit. In addition. Format (1) (2) (3) C MSMETH C MSID METHOD (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) UB_FRE Q NMODES SPID SOLVER AMPFFA CT SHFSC L UB_FRE Q_F NMODES _F SPID_F GPRC (8) (9) (10) Optional continuation lines for preload definition (1) (2) (3) (4) PRELOAD SPC ID PLSID (5) (6) (7) (10) Optional continuation lines for LOAD SET definition (1) (2) (3) LOADSET USETYPE (4) (5) (6) LSID1 LSID2 LSID3 (7) (8) (9) (10) Optional continuation lines for DMIGDV definition (1) 556 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) DMIGDV S/F OUTOPT NMODE DVKUPFAC DVGEUP DVBUP OptiStruct 13. Also. The eigenvalue solver is also specified.CMSMETH Bulk Data Entry CMSMETH – Component Mode Synthesis Method Definition Description CMSMETH defines the CMS method. (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) METHOD Component mode synthesis method to be employed. Default = blank (Real > 0. CBN. Default = LAN (Character = LAN or AMSES. or blank) AMPFFACT AMSES Amplification Factor. See comments 3 and 4. SOLVER The eigenvalue solver. no upper bound is used. AMSES for AMSES. The substructure modes are solved up to the frequency of AMPFFACT*V2. See comment 9. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. number of modes is limitless. No default (Character = CB.0. See comment 12. See comments 3 and 4. Default = blank (Integer > -1.0 or blank. Default = 5. CC. Higher values of AMPFFACT will lead to more accurate results and longer running times.Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C MSMETH 5 C BN 1000 200 100000 600 100 200000 Field Contents CMSID CMSMETH identification number. it is the estimate of the frequency of the first flexible mode. If 0. or blank) SPID The starting SPOINT ID to be used in DMIG matrix output for the structural eigenmodes. See comment 6. If set to -1 or blank. No default. GM.0 (Real or blank) SHFSCL For vibration analysis. Either blank or LAN for Lanzos. or blank) NMODES Number of modes to be extracted from structural eigenvalue analysis. See comment 2. or GUYAN) UB_FREQ Upper bound frequency for the eigenvalue analysis for the structural part.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 557 . If any boundary degrees of freedom are fixed and GPRC is set to YES. Default = NO (YES. the program will be terminated with an error. number of modes is limitless. NO) PRELOAD PRELOAD flag indicates that a preload will be used in the CMS analysis SPCID SPC SET ID for the preload PLSID LOAD SET ID for defining the preload.0 or blank. USETYPE RESVEC/REDLOAD/BOTH defines the use type for the load sets RESVEC – the load set is used for generating residual vectors to improve the modal space REDLOAD – the load set is used for generating reduced loads BOTH – both RESVEC and REDLOAD options are selected Default = BOTH (see comment 11) 558 OptiStruct 13. no upper bound is used. No default. If set to -1 or blank. Default = blank (Real > 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = blank (Integer > -1. See comment 6. or blank) NMODES_F Number of modes to be extracted from fluid eigenvalue analysis. LOADSET LOADSET flag indicates that static load sets will be used in CMS analysis.0. See comments 3 and 4. If 0. GPRC Grid participation recovery control. Allows fluid-structure interface grid shape data (that is the modes associated with the fluid-structure interface) to be calculated and stored with the external superelement. See comments 3 and 4. or blank) SPID_F The starting SPOINT ID to be used in DMIG matrix output for the fluid eigenmodes.Field Contents Default = blank (Real or blank) UB_FREQ_F Upper bound frequency for the eigenvalue analysis for the fluid part. Only applicable when GM (general modal formulation) is input in the METHOD field and when all boundary degrees of freedom are free (BNDFREE). If DVBUP is not specified (DVBUP field is blank) then it is set to 0.1 by default (See comment 16). Default = S DMIGDV DMIGDV flag indicates that an ASCII file containing CELAS4 and CDAMP3 element data and/or their corresponding design variable definitions is generated for DMIG (see comment 13). damping coefficient changes (∆GE) and scalar damping value changes (∆B). (see comments 13 to 17) If OUTOPT is: 1 – Only CELAS4 and CDAMP3 element data and PDAMP properties (if any) are written. If DVGEUP is not specified (DVGEUP field is blank) then it is set to 2*DVBUP by default (See comment 16). Design variable definitions are not written. NMODE NMODE defines the number of design variables for ∆K/∆GE and ∆B in CELAS4 and CDAMP3 (see comment 18).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 559 .1 DVGEUP Upper bound of ∆GE. If DVKUPFAC is not specified (DVKUPFAC field is blank) then it is set to 0. This applies to all the design variables for ∆GE. OUTOPT OUTOPT defines how design variable definitions are written for DMIG. If NMODE is not specified (the NMODE field is blank) then as many design variables as the total number of modes are written. 2 – All data from Option-1 and design variable definitions are written (Default. Default: DVKUPFAC=0.4 by Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. DVKUPFAC DVKUPFAC is used to determine the upper bound of ∆K (which is (maximum eigenvalue)*DVKUPFAC). Default: DVGEUP=2*DVBUP DVBUP Upper bound of ∆B. see comment 14). This applies to all the design variables for ∆B.Field Contents LSIDi The load set IDs for generating residual vectors and/or reduced loads. 3 – All data from Option-2 and constraint (f1<f2) creation data are written (see comment 15). S/F S – Selects the structural part of the model. If OUTOPT field is blank then Option-2 is the default. If NMODE > 0 then “NMODE” number of design variables will be written to control the first “NMODE” eigenvalue changes (∆K). UB_FREQ. Default: DVBUP=0. 3. CBN. UB_FREQ and NMODES cannot both be blank. GM and GUYAN (see descriptions below). EXTOUT. The first two methods (CB and CC) are used for generating flexible bodies for use with multi-body dynamics analysis software. and when fluid elements are present in the model. Similarly things are applied to fluid part. Any fluid SPOINT ID cannot be in between structural SPOINT IDs. when structural elements are present in the model. 2. 5. then a DMIG matrix corresponding to the reduced stiffness and mass matrices will be output.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 7.4 Comments 1. NMODES. Several methods are available for Component Mode Synthesis. these are: CB. lowest NMODES below UB_FREQ will be accepted as structural SPOINTs.Field Contents default (See comment 16). UB_FREQ_F and NMODES_F cannot all be blank. When UB_FREQ = 0.EXTOUT is used to output DMIG matrices. GM and GUYAN) are used primarily to generate external superelements (stored in DMIG format) for use in subsequent finite element analyses. This definition will be ignored unless referenced in the I/O Options section by a CMSMETH run control. If both UB_FREQ and NMODES are specified. If PARAM. then it is possible to disable the 560 OptiStruct 13. 6. Additionally. DMIGPCH (or DMGBIN) is defined when using the CB method.0 and NMODES = 0. when GUYAN is used. this is a special case where no structural eigenmodes will be included in CMS mode generation. The remaining methods (CBN. The SPOINT IDs of the structure and fluid should have distinct IDs. When PARAM. Flexible body methods: CB – Craig-Bampton formulation CC – Craig-Chang formulation External superelement methods: CBN – Craig-Bampton Nodal formulation GM – General Modal formulation GUYAN – GUYAN reduction: GUYAN is the same as CBN without including structural eigenmodes. UB_FREQ & NMODES are ignored. CC. 4. such as Altair’s MotionSolve. The stiffness and mass corresponding to the eigenmodes will be assigned to the generated SPOINTs. UB_FREQ_F and NMODES_F cannot both be blank. You are required to include the . You can set up an optimization problem by including this file in the original input deck.NONE” in the input file. The displacements of these interior points will be included in the output.H3DDMIG). 17. damping coefficients (GE) and scalar damping values (B) respectively. 18. GE and B using ASSIGN. then the value of AMPFFACT is automatically reset to 10. the ASCII file now also contains design variable definitions. B and GE are always greater than or equal to zero. If you define the DMIGDV optional continuation card.out file. ∆GE and ∆B represent increments/decrements to the eigenvalues (K). and viscous damping of the superelement. 8. These constraints ensure that the eigenvalue of the nth mode is less than the eigenvalue of the (n+1)th mode during optimization. If AMPFFACT is not specified by you and the model contains a large number of solid elements. 13. 12.H3D. see comment 2). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The DMIGDV continuation line works only for METHOD = GM (General Modal formulation) in field 3 of CMSMETH (See comment 2). the model set output in flexh3d file will be recovered as the interior points of the DMIG matrix in the residual structure run. 15. H3DDMIG. In the residual run.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 561 . The USETYPE field should always be set to BOTH or blank for flexible body generation (METHOD=CB or CC. 10. 9.output of a flexh3d file by specifying “OUTPUT. ∆K. The nodal flexh3d file output from the CBN method can be used as the DMIG input (using ASSIGN. In addition to the data included in option 2. 19. ∆B and ∆GE is set such that K. In addition to the data included in option 1. For further information on creating flex bodies for third party software.h3d file containing the values of K. The lower bound of ∆K. The mass properties of the super element (Mass. A specification of SHFSCL may improve the performance of a vibration analysis. In this way. these mass properties are included in the mass properties of the structure printed in the . structural damping.inc is created after the run. 14. You can include this file in the original input deck to study how changes in the eigenvalues/damping of superelements affect the performance of the residual structure. It is recommended to use higher values of AMPFFACT for solid structures like engine blocks and suspension components. a text file (ASCII) filename_dmig_dv. These design variables can control available eigenvalues. 16. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. 20. 11. Where. refer to Coupling OptiStruct with Third Party Software in the User’s Guide. and Moments of Inertia) are written to the H3D file. Center of Gravity. the ASCII file now includes data required for the creation of constraints. AMPFFACT is used to increase the accuracy of the eigenvalue and eigenvectors at the expense of slightly longer run times. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C MSPDP EID K G1 G2 B L PF TYPE (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) C MSPDP 3 34.0 Field Contents EID Element identification number. (Integer > 0) G2 Grid point identification number. (8) (9) (10) TRANS (Integer > 0) K Stiffness value.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 (Real or blank) G1 Grid point identification number.CMSPDP Bulk Data Entry CMSPDP – Multi-body Spring Damper Element Description Defines a spring damper element without reference to a property entry for multi-body solution sequence.5 223 324 0. (Integer > 0) 562 OptiStruct 13.0 1. Default = 0. Default = 0. 2. Default = 0 (Real > 0. OptiStruct calculates the length between the two grid points (G1. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. G2) of the spring damper for the value of L. 5. If the unstretched length/angle of spring damper field (L) is blank: (a) For a translational spring.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 563 . default: TRANS) Comments 1. The spring damper force is along the line segment connecting the grids G1 and G2.0. This card is represented as a spring element in HyperMesh. 4.0 (Real or blank) L Unstretched length/angle of spring damper. L is set to 0. (b) For a rotational spring. See comment 4.Field Contents B Damping value. Default = 0 (Real or blank) TYPE Type (TRANS or ROT. 3. if blank. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The positive preload force is a stretching force.0 or blank) PF Preload force. Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) G1 Grid point identification number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (8) (9) (10) TRANS (Integer > 0) KCID Stiffness curve ID.CMSPDPC Bulk Data Entry CMSPDPC – Nonlinear Multi-body Spring Damper Element using Curve Description Defines a spring damper element without reference to a property entry for multi-body solution sequence.0 AKIMA 1 Field Contents EID Element identification number. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C MSPDPC EID KC ID G1 G2 BC ID L PF TYPE KINT KEID BINT BEID (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) C MSPDPC 3 34 223 324 0 1. (Integer > 0) 564 OptiStruct 13. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. 3. CUBIC. AKIMA). Default = 0 (Real or blank) TYPE Type.Field Contents G2 Grid point identification number. Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) L Unstretched length of spring damper. Default = Velocity (Integer > 0 or blank) Comments 1. (Integer > 0) B Damping Curve ID. The positive preload force is a stretching force. Default = Deflection (Integer > 0 or blank) BINT Damping Interpolation type (Character: LINEAR.0 or blank) PF Preload force. Default = AKIMA BEID MBVAR ID for independent variable ID for damping. CUBIC. 2. Default = AKIMA KEID MBVAR ID for independent variable ID for stiffness. AKIMA). (TRANS or ROT. if blank. 4. This card is represented as a spring element in HyperMesh. Default = 0 (Real > 0. default: TRANS) KINT Stiffness Interpolation type (Character: LINEAR.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 565 . The spring damper force is along the line segment connecting the grids. G1 and G2. Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) G1 Grid point identification number.CMSPDPE Bulk Data Entry CMSPDPE – Nonlinear Multi-body Spring Damper Element using Expression defined in MBVAR Description Defines a spring damper element without reference to a property entry for multi-body solution sequence.0 Field Contents EID Element identification number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0) G2 Grid point identification number. (8) (9) (10) TRANS (Integer > 0) KEID MBVAR ID for stiffness expression. (Integer > 0) 566 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C MSPDPE EID KEID G1 G2 BEID L PF TYPE (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) C MSPDPE 3 3 223 324 4 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) L Unstretched length of spring damper.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 567 . The spring damper force is along the line segment connecting the grids G1 and G2. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. 2. if blank. 4. default: TRANS) Comments 1.Field Contents BEID MBVAR ID for Damping expression. This card is represented as a spring element in HyperMesh. 3. Default = 0 (Real > 0. Default = 0 (Real or blank) TYPE Type.0 or blank) PF Preload force. The positive preload force is a stretching force. (TRANS or ROT. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) C MSPDPM EID K M1 M2 B L PF TYPE Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) C MSPDPM 3 34.5 223 324 0.0 Field Contents EID Element identification number.0 1. (Integer > 0) M2 Marker identification number.0 (Real or blank) M1 Marker identification number. (8) (9) (10) TRANS (Integer > 0) K Stiffness value.CMSPDPM Bulk Data Entry CMSPDPM – Multi-body Spring Damper Element based on Marker Description Defines a spring damper element without reference to a property entry for multi-body solution sequence based on marker. (Integer > 0) 568 OptiStruct 13. Default = 0. Default = 0 (Real > 0. This card is represented as a spring element in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 569 . Default = 0 (Real or blank) TYPE Type.Field Contents B Damping value. 3.0 (Real or blank) L Unstretched length of spring damper. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers.0 or blank) PF Preload force. 2. (TRANS or ROT. The spring damper force is along the line segment connecting the marker M1 and M2. The positive preload force is a stretching force. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 4. Default = 0. default: TRANS) Comments 1. if blank. Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) G1 Grid point identification number.CMSPDPT Bulk Data Entry CMSPDPT – Nonlinear Multi-body Spring Damper Element using Table Description Defines a spring damper element without reference to a property entry for multi-body solution sequence.0 Field Contents EID Element identification number. (8) (9) (10) TRANS (Integer > 0) KTID TABLEDi ID for stiffness. (Integer > 0) 570 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C MSPDPT EID KTID G1 G2 BTID L PF TYPE (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) C MSPDPT 3 3 223 324 4 1. (Integer > 0) G2 Grid point identification number. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 571 . Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. This card is represented as a spring element in HyperMesh. 4. The spring damper force is along the line segment connecting the grids G1 and G2.Field Contents BTID TABLEDi ID for Damping. 3. (TRANS or ROT.0 or blank) PF Preload force. 2. Default = 0 (Real or blank) TYPE Type. The positive preload force is a stretching force. Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) L Unstretched length of spring damper. Default = 0 (Real > 0. default: TRANS) Comments 1. if blank. CONM1 Bulk Data Entry CONM1 – Concentrated Mass Element Connection. General Form Description Defines a 6x6 mass matrix at a geometric grid point.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .8 28. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C ONM1 EID G C ID M11 M21 M22 M31 M32 M33 M41 M42 M43 M44 M51 M52 M53 M54 M55 M61 M62 M63 M64 M65 M66 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C ONM1 2 22 2 2. (Integer > 0) 572 OptiStruct 13.6 (Integer > 0) G Grid point identification number.9 6.3 4. (9) (10) 28.6 (7) (8) 28.6 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. (Integer > 0) Mij Mass matrix values.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 573 .Field Contents CID Coordinate system identification number for the mass matrix. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a mass element in HyperMesh. (Real) Comments 1. 7 16. No default (Integer > 0) CID Coordinate system identification number.8 No default (Integer > 0) G Grid point identification number.CONM2 Bulk Data Entry CONM2 – Concentrated Mass Element Connection.2 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number.2 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 49. Rigid Body Form Description Defines a concentrated mass at a grid point of the structural model. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) C ONM2 EID G C ID M X1 X2 X3 I11 I21 I22 I31 I32 I33 (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) C ONM2 2 15 16.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = 0 (Integer > -1) 574 OptiStruct 13. 7. X2.Field Contents M Mass value. then Iij is defined in the basic coordinate system. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 575 . If the continuation is omitted. is taken as: where M = Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.g. X2. If CID is zero. Default = 0. The form of the inertia matrix about its c.0 (Real) Comments 1. No default (Real) X1. 2. If CID > 1. in which case X1. and X3 are the coordinates (not offsets) of the center of gravity of the mass in the basic coordinate system. then Iij refers to the basic coordinate system.g. unless CID = -1. all rotary inertia is assigned zero values. 3. Iij Mass moments of inertia measured at the mass c. then Iij refers to the local coordinate system. If CID is -1. X3 Offset distance from the grid point to the center of gravity of the mass in the coordinate system defined by CID. If CID = -1. even if CID references a spherical or cylindrical coordinate system. then X1.and X1.g. 6. must be in a coordinate system that parallels the 5. 4. If CID > 0. This card is represented as a mass element in HyperMesh. in which case the values of basic coordinate system. X2. and X3. then the offsets are computed internally as the difference between the grid point location and X1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . X2. 576 OptiStruct 13. X2. The grid points may be defined in a local coordinate system. and X3 are components of distance from the c. The negative signs for the off-diagonal terms are supplied by the program. and X3 are defined by a local Cartesian system. CONNECT Bulk Data Entry CONNECT – Connects two parts Description The CONNECT bulk data entry can be used to define equivalence for all degrees of freedom of grid points of two different parts within a specified tolerance. The tolerance is defined as the maximum distance between two grid points within which equivalence is allowed. Two formats can be used to either select all grid points or a few grid points for equivalence. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) C ONNEC T name_a name_b (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) tol Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C ONNEC T C yl_Head Gaskt 0.01 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Alternate Format (1) (2) (3) (4) C ONNEC T name_a name_b tol GRID GID1 GID2 (5) (6) (7) (8) GID3 ... GIDn (9) (10) Alternate Example (1) (2) C ONNEC T C yl_Head Altair Engineering (3) (4) Gaskt 0.01 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 577 GRID 1201 1212 192 115 Field Contents name_a Name of a part selected for equivalencing. Part “name_a” is the reference part. All grid points in part “name_a” are considered during the search; if OptiStruct finds grid points in part “name_b” within the specified maximum distance (tol), then such grid point pairs are equivalent. (Character String) name_b Name of a part selected for equivalencing. All grid points in part “name_a” are considered during the search; if OptiStruct finds grid points in part “name_b” within the specified maximum distance (tol), then such grid point pairs are equivalent. (Character String) tol Specifies the numeric value defining the maximum distance between two grid points to allow equivalence. All grid points in part “name_a” are considered during the search; if OptiStruct finds grid points in part “name_b” within the specified maximum distance (tol), then such grid point pairs are equivalent. (Real > 0.0) GRID GRID flag indicating that a list of grid point ID’s is to follow. These grid point locations are used to define locations to search for matching nodes. GID# Identification numbers of grid points that define locations at which a search for matching nodes is conducted. GID# do not need to belong to either part “name_a” or part “name_b”. (Integer > 0) Comments 1. Parts can be connected in two different ways, using the CONNECT entry or by using rigid elements. The RELOC and INSTNCE entries can be used to position the part appropriately within the full model and the CONNECT entry or rigid elements can be used to connect the requisite number of grid points of one part to the other. 2. In an alternate form, grid point ID’s can be specified anywhere in the model, it is not mandatory for a grid point ID to belong to a part. Equivalencing takes place between any matching grids in both parts if they coincide with the location of any grid in the list. 3. Searches defined by this entry are performed after all parts are located at their final positions. 578 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering CONROD Bulk Data Entry CONROD – Rod Element Property and Connection Description Defines a rod element without reference to a property entry. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) C ONROD EID G1 G2 MID A J C NSM Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C ONROD 2 16 17 4 269 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) G1,G2 Grid point identification numbers of connection points. MID Material identification number. See comment 1. (Integer > 0) A Area of the rod. (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 579 Field Contents J Torsional constant. (Real) C Coefficient for torsional stress determination. (Real) NSM Nonstructural mass per unit length. (Real) Comments 1. For structural problems, MID may reference only a MAT1 material entry. For heat transfer problems, MID may reference only a MAT4 material entry. C ONROD Element Forces and Moments 2. 580 This card is represented as a rod element in HyperMesh. OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering CONTACT Bulk Data Entry CONTACT – Contact Interface Definition Description Defines a contact interface. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) C ONTAC T C TID PID/ TYPE/ MU1 SSID MSID MORIENT SRC HDI S ADJUST C LEARANC E DISC RET Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C ONTAC T 5 SLIDE 7 8 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) N25 Field Contents CTID Contact interface identification number. (Integer > 0) PID Property identification number of a PCONT, PCONTX entry. (Integer > 0) TYPE Choose type of contact without pointing to contact property – respective default property settings will be used. Default settings can be changed using CONTPRM. SLIDE – Sliding contact. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 581 Field Contents STICK – Contact with stick condition (stick applies to closed contacts only). FREEZE – Enforced zero relative displacements on the contact interface (applies to both closed and open contacts). See comments 5 and 15. Default = SLIDE (SLIDE, STICK, FREEZE) MU1 Coefficient of static friction (µs). See comment 6. (0.0 < Real < 1.0) SSID Identification number of slave entity. See comments 2 and 14. (Integer > 0) MSID Identification number of master entity. See comments 3 and 15. (Integer > 0) MORIENT Orientation of contact “pushout” force from master surface. This only applies to masters that consist of shell elements or patches of grids. Masters defined on solid elements always push outwards irrespective of this flag. OPENGAP – The contact interface is assumed open. OVERLAP – Slave and master bodies overlap. NORM – Contact force is oriented along the vector normal to the master surface. REVNORM – Contact force is oriented opposite to the default vector normal to the master surface. Default = OPENGAP (OPENGAP, OVERLAP, NORM or REVNORM). See comments 7, 8, and 17. SRCHDIS Search distance criterion for creating contact condition. When specified, only slave nodes that are within SRCHDIS distance from master surface will have contact condition checked. Default = twice the average edge length on the master surface. For FREEZE contact, half the average edge length. (Real > 0 or blank) ADJUST Adjustment of slave nodes onto the master surface at the start of a simulation. <NO, AUTO, Real > 0.0, or Integer > 0> 582 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Field Contents Default = NO. NO – no adjustment. AUTO – A real value equal to 5% of the average edge length on the master surface is internally assigned as the depth criterion (see comment 10). Real > 0.0 – value of the depth criterion which defines the zone in which a search is conducted for slave nodes (for which contact elements have been created). These slave nodes (with created contact elements) are then adjusted onto the master surface. The assigned depth criterion is used to define the searching zone in the pushout direction (see comment 10). Integer > 0 – identification number of a SET entry with TYPE = “GRID”. Only the nodes on the slave entity which also belong to this SET will be selected for adjustment. Note: See comment 10 for more information. CLEARANCE Prescribed initial gap opening between master and slave, irrespective of the actual distance between the nodes (see comment 11). Default = blank (Real or blank) DISCRET Discretization approach type for the construction of contact elements. <N2S, S2S> Default = N2S. N2S – node-to-surface discretization S2S – surface-to-surface discretization Comments for nonlinear quasi-static analysis 1. If the node-to-surface (DISCRET=N2S) discretization approach is selected, the CONTACT interface is constructed by searching, for each slave node, a respective facet of the master surface, which contains the normal projection of the slave and is within SRCHDIS distance from the slave node. If no master segment with normal projection is found, then the nearest segment is picked if the direction from slave to master is within a certain angle (30 degrees) relative to the normal to the master segment. Having found a feasible master segment for the slave node, a contact element is created of a similar structure as the CGAPG element (Figure 1). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 583 Figure 1: C reation of a contact element If the surface-to-surface (DISCRET=S2S) discretization approach is selected, the CONTACT interface is constructed by searching, for each facet of the slave surface, respective facets of the master surface which contain the normal projection of sample points on the slave facet and is within SRCHDIS distance from the sample points. For a slave node, a contact element is created with the surrounding slave facets and the master facets found by projection of the sample points on the slave facets (Figure 2). Figure 2: C reation of a contact element (surface-to-surface discretization) 2. The slave entity (SSID) always consists of grid nodes. It may be specified as: a set of grid nodes defined using SET(GRID,..) command. a surface defined using SURF command (the slave nodes are picked from the respective nodes of the SURF faces). a set of elements (shells or solids) defined using SET(ELEM,..) command. Slave nodes are picked from the respective nodes of the elements in the set. For 3D solids, only nodes on the surface of the solid body are selected; internal nodes are not considered. DISCRET = N2S is recommended if the slave entity is a set of grids (nodes) or a set of solid elements. 3. The master entity (MSID) may be defined as: a surface defined using SURF command. 584 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering a set of elements (shells or solids) defined using SET(ELEM,..) command. For sets of 3D solids, element faces on the surface are automatically found and selected as master surface. 4. Prescribing TYPE=STICK is interpreted in OptiStruct as an enforced stick condition - such contact interfaces will not enter the sliding phase. Of course, the enforced stick only applies to contacts that are closed. Note that, in order to effectively enforce the stick condition, frictional offset may need to be turned off (See comment 8 on PCONT). 5. Prescribing TYPE=FREEZE enforces zero relative motion on the contact surface – the contact gap opening remains fixed at the original value and the sliding distance is forced to be zero. Also, rotations at the slave node are matched to the rotations of the master patch. The FREEZE condition applies to all respective contact elements, no matter whether open or closed. 6. Prescribing MU1 directly on the CONTACT card allows for simplified specification of frictional contacts. Note that this implies MU2=MU1, unless MU2 is specified explicitly on the CONTPRM card. Also note that the value of MU1 prescribed on the CONTACT card must be less than 1.0 – to specify higher values of static coefficient of friction, PCONT card must be used. If FRIC is not explicitly defined on the PCONTX/PCNTX# entries, the MU1 value on the CONTACT or PCONT entry is used for FRIC in the /INTER entries for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis. Otherwise, FRIC on PCONTX/PCNTX# overwrites the MU1 value on CONTACT/ PCONT. 7. MORIENT defines the master pushout direction, which is the direction of contact force that master surface exerts on slave nodes. It is important to note that, in most practical applications, leaving this field blank will provide correct resolution of contact, irrespective of the orientation of surface normals. Only in cases of master surfaces defined as shells or patches of grids, and combined with initial pre-penetration, is MORIENT needed. By default, MORIENT is ignored for solid elements – it applies only to master surfaces that consist of shell elements or patches of grids. (Master surfaces defined as faces of solid elements always push outwards, irrespective of the surface normals, or whether the contact gap is initially open or closed. See comment 7 for additional options). a) In default behavior (OPENGAP), the pushout direction is defined using the assumption that the gap between slave and master is initially open, and the contact condition should prevent their contact (gap “padding” GPAD from the PCONT card is ignored in defining the pushout direction – this direction is based strictly on the positions of master and slave nodes). The following example shows a typical use of OPENGAP: Figure 3: Example for the use of OPENGAP Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 585 b) OVERLAP assumes the reverse, namely that the slave and master bodies are already overlapping and the contact condition should push them apart (this is useful in case of pre-penetrating models when the entire slave set is pre-penetrating into the master object). The following example shows a typical use of OVERLAP: Figure 4: Example for the use of OVERLAP c) With the NORM option, the pushout force is oriented along the normal vector to the master surface. (Note that the surface normal may be reversed relative to the default normal to a shell element if a FLIP flag is present on the master SURF definition. This behavior corresponds to that of the reverse normals checkbox on the contactsurfs panel in HyperMesh). In cases when the slave node does not have a direct normal projection onto the master surface, and the "shortest distance" projection is used (GAPGPRJ set to SHORT on the GAPPRM card), the pushout force is oriented along the shortest distance line, yet with the orientation aligned with the normal vector. The following example shows a typical use of NORM: Figure 5: Example for the use of NORM d) REVNORM creates pushout force reversed relative to the NORM option. 8. By default, MORIENT does not apply to masters that are defined on solid elements – such masters always push outwards. This can be changed by choosing CONTPRM,CORIENT,ONALL which extends the meaning of MORIENT to all contact surfaces. In which case, it should be noted that the default normal is pointing inwards unless a FLIP flag appears on the master SURF definition for surfaces on solid elements, making the surface normal point outwards. (When creating contact surfaces in HyperMesh, this behavior corresponds to that of the reverse normals checkbox on the contactsurfs panel). 9. Presently one CONTACT element is created for each slave node. This assures reasonably efficient numerical computations without creating an excessive number of contact elements. However, this may require special handling in some cases, such as when a master surface wraps around the slave set. In such cases, switching the role of slave and master may be recommended. Alternatively, multiple CONTACT interfaces can be 586 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering created in order to cover all possible directions of relative motion (a simplified illustration is shown in the figure below). Additionally, individual GAP(G) elements can be used to handle such special situations. Figure 6: Special case - Master surface wraps around a slave node set 10. The adjustment of slave nodes doesn’t create any strain in the model. If DISCRET=N2S is selected, it is treated as a change in the initial model geometry. If DISCRET=S2S is selected, it is treated as a change in the initial contact opening/penetration. If a node on the slave entity lies outside the projection zone of the master surface, it will always be skipped during adjustment since no contact element has been constructed for it. Contact interface padding will be accounted for during the nodal adjustment. If the MORIENT field is “OPENGAP” or “OVERLAP” while the GPAD field in the referred PCONT entry is “NONE” or zero, the nodal adjustment will be skipped, since for “OPENGAP” or “OVERLAP” there is no way to decide the master pushout direction if slave nodes are adjusted to be exactly on the master face. If different contact interfaces involve the same nodes, nodal adjustment definitions are processed sequentially in the order of identification numbers of the contact interfaces. Care must be taken to avoid conflicts between the nodal adjustments; otherwise, contact element errors or lack of compliance may occur. a) The ADJUST field must be set to “NO” for self-contact. b) If a real value (the searching depth criterion for adjustment) is input for the ADJUST field, a searching zone for adjustment is defined. The slave nodes in this searching zone, for which contact elements have been created, will be adjusted. If ADJUST is larger than or equal to SRCHDIS, all the slave nodes for which contact elements have been created, will be adjusted. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 587 Figure 7: An illustration depicting how ADJUST works. Depth Criterion The depth criterion (A non-negative real value for ADJUST) is used to define the searching zone for adjustment, as shown in Figure 7. This searching zone is created in the pushout direction up to a distance equal to the value of the ADJUST field. The slave nodes within the searching zone (with defined contact elements) are then considered for adjustment based on the rules specified within this comment (Comment 10). c) If the ADJUST field is set to an integer value (the identification number of a grid SET entry), the nodes shared by the slave entity and the grid SET will be checked for contact creation, that is, SRCHDIS will be ignored for these nodes, and then adjusted if a projection is found. The nodes belonging to the grid SET but not to the slave entity will be simply ignored. 11. Using CLEARANCE overrides the default contact behavior of calculating initial gap opening from the actual distance between Slave and Master. CLEARANCE is now equal to the distance that Slave and Master have to move towards each other in order to close the contact. Negative value of CLEARANCE indicates that the bodies have initial prepenetration. Warning: 588 If CLEARANCE is used, it is important to correctly restrict the contact zones and pick search distance SRCHDIS so that only desired Slave-Master pairs are involved. Using CLEARANCE, all contact elements created on a given interface, even those where Slaves are geometrically distant from the OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering respective Master surface, will be considered to be at given initial gap and participate in resolving the contact condition. Note: 1. CLEARANCE cannot be used in conjunction with PID of PCONT entry. In such a case, clearance must be specified on the PCONT entry. 2. The CLEARANCE field value on the CONTACT entry will be ignored for ANALYSIS=NLGEOM subcases Comments for geometric nonlinear analysis (ANALYSIS = NLGEOM subcases) 12. CONTACT models an interface between a master surface and a set of slave grid points. A grid point can be at the same time as a slave and a master node. Each slave grid point can impact each master segment; except if it is connected to the impacted master segment. A grid point can impact on more than one segment. A grid point can impact on the two sides, on the edges, and on the corners of each segment. The contact uses a fast search algorithm without limitations. The main limitations of this interface follow: a) the time step in an explicit analysis is reduced in case of high impact speed or contacts with small gap; b) the contact may not work properly if used with a rigid body at high impact speed or rigid body with small gap; c) the contact does not solve edge to edge contact. 13. Additional control can be applied to the CONTACT definition in geometric nonlinear subcases through CONTPRM and PCONTX. These definitions are ignored in all other subcases. A geometric nonlinear subcase is one that has an ANALYSIS = NLGEOM entry in the subcase definition. 14. The slave entity (SSID) always consists of grid nodes. It may be specified as: a set of grid nodes defined using SET(GRID,..) command. a surface defined using SURF command (the slave nodes are picked from the respective nodes of the SURF faces). a set of elements (shells or solids) defined using SET(ELEM,..) command. Slave nodes are picked from the respective nodes of the elements in the set. For 3D solids, only nodes on the surface of the solid body are selected; internal nodes are not considered. 15. The master entity (MSID) may be defined as: a surface defined using SURF command. a set of elements (shells or solids), TYPE = FREEZE is implemented as a TIE kinematic condition for large deformation subcases. 16. For implicit analysis, modified settings that improve the contact convergence are recommended. See CONTPRM and PCONTX. 17. This card defined using SET(ELEM,..) command. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 589 Comment for Contact-based Thermal Analysis 18. Thermal-structural analysis problems involving contact are fully coupled since contact status changes thermal conductivity. Refer to Contact-based Thermal Analysis in the User’s Guide for more information. 19. This card is represented as a group in HyperMesh. 590 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering CONTPRM Bulk Data Entry CONTPRM – Default Contact Properties Description Defines the default properties of all contacts and sets parameters that affect all contacts. The default values set here can be overridden by values explicitly specified on PCONT, PCONTX, and CONTACT cards. Note: These defaults do not apply to properties of individual gap elements that are specified on PGAP cards. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C ONTPRM PARAM1 VALUE1 PARAM2 VALUE2 PARAM3 VALUE3 PARAM4 VALUE4 PARAM5 VALUE5 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) C ONTPR M GPAD 0.5 STIFF AUTO MU1 0.3 Field Contents PARAMi Name of parameter. VALi Value of parameter. Altair Engineering (8) (9) OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering (10) 591 Parameters for nonlinear quasi-static analysis Name Values GPAD “Padding” of master or slave objects to account for additional layers, such as shell thickness, and so on. This value is subtracted from contact gap opening as calculated from location of nodes. See comment 1. Default = THICK (Real or NONE or THICK) STIFF Relative stiffness of gap. See comment 2. Default = AUTO (AUTO, SOFT, HARD or Real > 0.0) MU1 Coefficient of static friction ( s). See comments 3 and 4. Default = 0.0 (Real > 0.0 or STICK or FREEZE) MU2 Coefficient of kinetic friction ( k ). Default = MU1 (0.0 < Real < MU1) CONTGAP Create a bulk data file that contains internally created node-to-surface contact elements represented as CGAPG elements. The file name is: filename_root.contgap.fem. See comment 6. Default = NO (YES or NO) CORIENT Indicates whether the master orientation field MORIENT on the CONTACT card applies to all surfaces or if it excludes solid elements. Default = ONSHELL (ONSHELL or ONALL) ONSHELL – MORIENT applies only to contact masters that consist of shell elements or patches of grids. Master surfaces defined as faces of solid elements always push outwards, irrespective of initially open or prepenetrating contact. ONALL – MORIENT applies to all contact masters including, in particular, solid elements. SFPRPEN Indicates whether initial pre-penetrations are recognized and resolved in self-contact areas. (This only affects self-contact areas, wherein Master and Slave belong to the same set or surface). Default = YES (YES or NO) YES – Initial self-penetrations are recognized and resolved in self-contact areas. There is some danger of finding false self-penetrations across solids thinner than SRCHDIS (See comment 7). NO – There are no pre-penetrations to be resolved in self-contact areas, 592 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering except maybe minimal intrusions due to meshing, and so on. Any selfpenetrations larger than minimum element size will be ignored in those areas (See comment 7). FRICESL Frictional elastic slip – distance of sliding up to which the frictional transverse force increases linearly with slip distance. Specified in physical distance units (similar to U0 and GPAD). See comment 8. • Non-zero value or blank activates respective friction model based on Elastic Slip Distance. • Zero value activates friction model based on fixed transverse stiffness KT. Default = AUTO (Real > 0.0 or AUTO) Parameters for geometric nonlinear analysis (ANALYSIS = NLGEOM / IMPDYN / EXPDYN in subcase) Name Values STFAC Interface stiffness scale factor. Default = 1.0 in implicit analysis Default = 0.1 in explicit analysis (Real > 0) FRIC Coulomb friction. Default = 0.0 (Real > 0) GAP Gap for impact activation (See comments 10 and 11). (Real > 0) IDEL Flag for node and segment deletion. Default = 0 (Integer = 0, …, 2) 0 - No deletion. 1 - When all of the elements (shells, solids) associated to one segment are deleted, the segment is removed from the master side of the interface. Additionally, non-connected nodes are removed from the slave side of the interface. 2 - When a shell or a solid element is deleted, the corresponding segment is removed from the master side of the interface. Additionally, nonconnected nodes are removed from the slave side of the interface. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 593 INACTI Flag for handling of initial penetrations (See comment 13). Default as defined by CONTPRM (Integer = 0, …, 5) 0 - No action. 1 - Deactivation of stiffness on nodes. 2 - Deactivation of stiffness on elements. 3 - Change slave node coordinates to avoid small initial penetrations. 4 - Change master node coordinates to avoid small initial penetrations. 5 - Gap is variable with time but initial gap is slightly de-penetrated as follows: gap0 = gap - P0 – 0.05*(gap - P0) Valid in explicit analysis: 0, 1, 2, 3 and 5. Valid in implicit analysis: 0, 3 and 4. Invalid entries are ignored. CORIENT Indicates whether the master orientation field MORIENT on the CONTACT card applies to all surfaces, or if it excludes solid elements. Default = ONSHELL (ONSHELL or ONALL) ONSHELL – MORIENT applies only to contact masters that consist of shell elements or patches of grids. Master surfaces defined as faces of solid elements always push outwards, irrespective of initially open or prepenetrating contact. ONALL – MORIENT applies to all contact masters including, in particular, solid elements. IFRIC Friction formulation flag (See comment 15). Default = COUL (Character = COUL, GEN, DARM, REN) COUL - Static Coulomb friction law. GEN - Generalized viscous friction law. DARM - Darmstad friction law. REN - Renard friction law. In implicit computation, only IFRIC = COUL is implemented. IFILT Friction filtering flag (See comment 14). Default = NO (Character = NO, SIMP, PER, CUTF) NO - No filter is used. SIMP - Simple numerical filter. PER - Standard -3dB filter with filtering period. CUTF - Standard -3dB filter with cutting frequency. FFAC 594 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering (0.0 < Real < 1.0) IFORM Type of friction penalty formulation (See comments 16 and 17). Default = VISC (Character = VISC, STIFF) VISC - Viscous (total) formulation. STIFF - Stiffness (incremental) formulation. C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 Friction law coefficients. IGNORE Flag to ignore slave nodes if no master segment is found for TIE contact (See comment 18). (Real > 0) Default = 1 (Integer = 0, 1, 2) 0 - No deletion of slave nodes; 1 - Slave nodes with no master segment found are deleted from the interface; 2 - Slave nodes with no master segment found are deleted from the interface; if SRCHDIS is blank, then it would be newly calculated internally. MTET10 Flag for second order CTETRA as contact master surface. Default = 0 (Integer = 0, 1) 0 - TETRA 10 is degenerated on the surface (middle nodes are removed from contact); 1 - Four triangular segments are used on each tetra face. The following entries are relevant for explicit analysis only. ISYM Flag for symmetric contact. Default = SYM (Character = SYM, UNSYM) SYM – Symmetric contact. UNSYM – Master-slave contact. If SSID defines a grid set, the contact is always a master-slave contact. IEDGE Flag for edge generation from slave and master surfaces. Default = NO (Character = NO, ALL, BORD, FEAT) NO – No edge generation. ALL – All segment edges are included. BORD – External border of slave and master surface is used. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 595 FEAT – External border as well as features defined by FANG are used. FANG Feature angle for edge generation in degrees (Only with IEDGE = FEAT). Default = 91.0 (Real > 0) IGAP Flag for gap definition. Default = CONST (Character = CONST, VAR) CONST - Gap is constant and equal to GAP (See comments 11 and 12). VAR - Gap is variable (in space, not in time) according to the characteristics of the impacting surfaces and nodes (See comment 11). ISTF Flag for stiffness definition (See comment 9). Default = 0 (Integer = 0, …, 5) 0 - The stiffness is computed according to the master side characteristics. 1 - STIF1 is used as interface stiffness. 2, 3, 4 and 5 - The interface stiffness is computed from both master and slave characteristics. STIF1 Interface stiffness (Only with ISTF = 1). Default = 0.0 (Real > 0) STMIN Minimum interface stiffness (Only with ISTF > 1). (Real > 0) STMAX Maximum interface stiffness (Only with ISTF > 1). Default = 1030 (Real > 0) IBC Flag for deactivation of boundary conditions at impact. (Character = X, Y, Z, XY, XZ, YZ, XYZ) VISS Critical damping coefficient on interface stiffness. Default = 0.05 (Real > 0) VISF Critical damping coefficient on interface friction. Default = 1.0 (Real > 0) BMULT Sorting factor. Default = 0.20 (Real > 0) 596 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Comments for quasi-static analysis 1. The initial gap opening is calculated automatically based on the relative location of slave and master nodes (in the original, undeformed mesh). To account for additional material layers covering master or slave objects (such as half of shell thickness), the GPAD entry can be used. GPAD option THICK automatically accounts for shell thickness on both sides of the contact interface (this also includes the effects of shell element offset ZOFFS or composite offset Z0). 2. Option STIFF=AUTO determines the value of normal stiffness for each contact element using the stiffness of surrounding elements. Additional options SOFT and HARD create respectively softer or harder penalties. SOFT can be used in cases of convergence difficulties and HARD can be used if undesirable penetration is detected in the solution. 3. Prescribing MU1=STICK is interpreted in OptiStruct as an enforced stick condition - such contact interfaces will not enter the sliding phase. Of course, the enforced stick only applies to contacts that are closed. 4. Prescribing MU1=FREEZE enforces zero relative displacements on the contact surface – the contact gap opening remains fixed at the original value and the sliding distance is zero. The FREEZE condition applies to all slave nodes, no matter whether their initial gap is open or closed. 5. This card is represented as a control card in HyperMesh. 6. The file filename_root.contgap.fem, produced using the CONTGAP parameter, can be imported into HyperMesh in order to visualize internally created node-to-surface contact elements (now converted to GAPG entities). Note that during optimization, this file shows node-to-surface contact elements for the latest optimization iteration. In order to correctly visualize this configuration in HyperMesh for shape optimization problems, the FEA mesh shape needs to be updated by applying "Shape change" results. Furthermore, if GAPPRM,HMGAPST,YES is activated together with CONTPRM,CONTGAP,YES, then the gap status command file, filename_root.HM.gapstat.cmf, will also include the open/closed status of these additional GAPG’s that represent node-to-surface contact elements. For correct visualization of their status in HyperMesh, file filename_root.contgap.fem needs to be imported before running the gap status command file. 7. The CONTACT capability in NLSTAT solution is designed to correctly resolve initial prepenetration, such as happens in press fit, and so on. This usually works reliably with correct identification of Master and Slave surfaces. However, in some cases users create contact surfaces by property for convenience, which results in contact surfaces enveloping the entire solid bodies. Also, sometimes the Slave and Master receive the same ID, which is known as self-contact (and is not a recommended practice, in spite of the convenience factor). In such cases, it is possible to encounter false selfpenetrations, as illustrated below: Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 597 In the case above, the Slave node will be identified as if pre-penetrating the Master face, while in reality it is on the other side of the same solid body. The result from nonlinear CONTACT solution will be such that this portion of the body will be “squeezed” to have practically zero thickness, with very high stresses obviously resulting. Apart from correctly identifying potential Slave and Master sets, a possible remedy to avoid such situations is to make sure that SRCHDIS is smaller than minimum thickness of the solid bodies which are enveloped by self-contacting surfaces. An alternative, viable when there are no actual pre-penetrations in the problem, is to choose SFPRPEN = NO, which will ignore initial pre-penetrations on self-contacting surfaces (some minor pre-penetrations due to variations of nodal positions will still be correctly resolved – up to the minimum element size on the respective contact surfaces). Note that SFPRPEN affects only surfaces that actually have self-penetration, as in a case where the Slave Node and Master Face belong to the same contact set or surface. On properly defined, disjoint Slave and Master surfaces, the initial pre-penetrations will be resolved irrespective of this parameter. 8. Effective in Release 12.0, two models of friction are available in nonlinear analysis: (a) Model based on fixed slope KT (previously existing), (b) Model based on Elastic Slip Distance FRICESL (introduced in v12.0 and current default). This latter model typically shows better performance in solution of frictional problems thanks to more stable handling of transitions from stick to slip. Key differences between the two available models are illustrated in the figure below (F 1 and F 2 represent two different values of normal force F x ): 598 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering C omparison of the two available friction models for contact elements. Model (a), based on fixed stiffness KT, is relatively simple, yet has certain drawback in modeling nonlinear friction. Namely, in Coulomb friction the frictional resistance depends upon normal force. Using fixed KT will predict different range of stick/slip boundary for different normal forces, and thus may qualify the same configuration as stick or slip, depending on normal force. Model (b), based on Elastic Slip Distance, provides unique identification of stick or slip and generally performs better in solution of problems with friction. This model does require prescribing elastic slip distance FRICESL – for contact interfaces this value is determined automatically as 0.5% of typical element size on all Master contact surfaces. The model (b), which is currently the default, is recommended for solution of nonlinear problems with friction. For backwards compatibility, the model based on fixed KT can be activated by prescribing FRICESL=0 on PCONT or CONTPRM card. Comments for geometric nonlinear analysis (ANALYSIS = NLGEOM / IMPDYN / EXPDYN in subcase) 9. and/or the slave segment stiffness Ks. The master stiffness is computed from Km = STFAC * B * S * S/V for solids, Km = 0.5 * STFAC * E * t for shells as well as when the master segment is shared by a shell and solid. The slave stiffness is an equivalent nodal stiffness computed as Ks = STFAC * B * V-3 for solids, Ks = 0.5 * STFAC * E * t for shells. In these equations, B is the Bulk Modulus, S is the segment area, E is the modulus of elasticity, t is shell thickness, and V is the volume of a solid. There is no limitation to the value of stiffness factor (but a value larger than 1.0 can reduce the initial time step). ISTF = 0, the interface stiffness K = Km ISTF > 1, the interface stiffness is then K = max (STMIN, min (STMAX, K1)) with ISTF = 2, K1 = 0.5 * (Km + Ks) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 599 ISTF = 3, K1 = max (Km, Ks) ISTF = 4, K1 = min (Km, Ks) ISTF = 5, K1 = Km * Ks / (Km + Ks) 10. In an implicit analysis, the contact stiffness plays a very important role in convergence. ISTF = 4 (which takes the minimum of master and slave stiffness’s for contact) is recommended. This is because the penalty contact force will be balanced with the internal force of the deformable impacted part. That means the stiffness near the effective stiffness one will converge easier than a higher one. For small initial gaps in implicit analysis, the convergence will be more stable if a GAP is defined that is larger than the initial gap. In implicit analysis, sometimes a stiffness with scaling factor reduction (for example: STFAC = 0.01) or reduction in impacted thickness (if rigid one) might reduce unbalanced forces and improve convergence, particularly in shell structures under bending where the effective stiffness is much lower than membrane stiffness; but it should be noted that too low of a value could also lead to divergence. 11. The default for the constant gap (IGAP = CONST) is the minimum of t, average thickness of the master shell elements; l/10, l – average side length of the master solid elements; lmin/2, lmin – smallest side length of all master segments (shell or solid). 12. The variable gap (IGAP = VAR) is computed as gs + gm with: gm - master element gap with gm = t/2, t: thickness of the master element for shell elements. gm = 0 for solid elements. gs - slave node gap: gs = 0 if the slave node is not connected to any element or is only connected to solid or spring elements. gs = t/2, t - largest thickness of the shell elements connected to the slave node. and beam elements, with S being the cross-section of the element. If the slave node is connected to multiple shells and/or beams or trusses, the largest computed slave gap is used. The variable gap is always at least equal to GAPMIN. 13. INACTI = 3, 4 are only recommended for small initial penetrations and should be used with caution because: the coordinate change is irreversible. it may create other initial penetrations if several surface layers are defined in the interfaces. 600 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering it may create initial energy if the node belongs to a spring element. INACTI = 5 works as follows: 14. the tangential friction forces are smoothed using a filter: F T = α * F'T + (1 - α) * F'T -1 where, F T - Tangential force F'T - Tangential force at time t F'T - 1 - Tangential force at time t-1 α - filtering coefficient IFILT = SIMP – α = FFAC IFILT = PER – α = 2π dt/FFAC, where dt/T = FFAC, T is the filtering period IFILT = CUTF – α = 2π * FFAC * dt, where FFAC is the cutting frequency 15. IFRIC defines the friction model. IFRIC = COUL – Coulomb friction with F T < * F N with = FRIC For IFRIC is not COUL, the friction coefficient is set by a function ( = (p, V)), where p is the pressure of the normal force on the master segment and V is the tangential velocity of the slave node. The following formulations are available: IFRIC = GEN - Generalized viscous friction law = Fric + C1 * p + C2 * V + C3 * p * V + C4 * p2 + C5 * V2 IFRIC = DARM - Darmstad law = C1 e(C 2 V ) Altair Engineering p2 + C3 e(C 4 V ) p + C5 e(C 6 V ) OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 601 IFRIC = REN - Renard law The first critical velocity Vcr1 than the second critical velocity Vcr2 (C5 < C6). The static friction coefficient C1 and the dynamic friction coefficient C2 must be lower than the maximum friction C3 (C1 < C3 ) and C2 < C3 ). The minimum friction coefficient C4 , must be lower than the static friction coefficient C1 and the dynamic friction coefficient C2 (C4 < C1 and C4 < C2 ). 16. IFROM selects two types of contact friction penalty formulation. The viscous (total) formulation (IFORM = VISC) computes an adhesive force as F adh = VISF * Sqrt(2Km) * VTF T = min (µF N, F adh) The stiffness (incremental) formulation (IFORM = STIFF) computes an adhesive force as F adh = F Told + ∆F T ∆F T = K * VT * dt 602 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering F Tnew = min (µF N, F adh ) 17. For nonlinear implicit contact with friction, the stiffness formulation (IFORM = STIFF) is recommended. 18. If IGNORE = 1 or 2, the slave nodes without a master segment found during the searching are deleted from the interface. If IGNORE = 1 and SRCHDIS is blank, then the default value of the distance for searching closest master segment is the average size of the master segments. If IGNORE = 2 and SRCHDIS is blank, then the distance for searching closest master segment is computed as follows for each slave node: d1 = 0.6 * (T s + T m) d2 = 0.05 * T md SRCHDIS = max(d1, d2 ) where, T s is the thickness of the element connected to the slave node, for solids T s = 0.0 T m is the thickness of master segment, for solids T m = Element volume / Segment area T md is the master segment diagonal 19. This card is represented as a control card in HyperMesh. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 603 CONTX11 Bulk Data Entry CONTX11 – Edge to Edge or Line to Line Contact Interface Definition for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines a edge to edge or line to line contact interface. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C ONTX11 C TID PID SLID MLID (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C ONTX11 5 10 7 8 (6) Field Contents CTID Contact interface identification number. (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) PID Property identification number of a PCONT entry. See comment 2. (Integer > 0) SLID Identification number of slave LINE entity. See comments 3 and 4. (Integer > 0) MLID Identification number of master LINE entity. See comments 3 and 4. (Integer > 0) 604 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Comments 1. CONTX11 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM, IMPDYN, or EXPDYN. It is ignored for all other subcases. 2. The property of CONTX11(PID) only can be defined by PCONT and its extended card PCNTX11. 3. CONTX11 defines contact interface type 11, it describes the edge to edge or line to line interface. This interface simulates impact between lines, a line can be a beam or truss element or a shell edge or spring elements. The interface properties are: impacts occur between a master and a slave line; a slave line can impact on one or more master lines; a line can belong to the master and the slave side. This allows self impact; this interface can be used in addition to the interface type 7 PCNTX7 to solve the edge to edge limitation of interface type 7. 4. The slave line entity SLID and master line set entity MLID must be defined via LINE: a set of edges or lines of 1-D, 2-D or 3-D elements; a set of elements (bars, beams, springs or shells), defined using SET(ELEM,...) command; 5. This card is represented as a group in HyperMesh. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 605 CONV Bulk Data Entry CONV – Free Convection Description Defines a free convection boundary condition for heat transfer analysis through connection to a surface element (CHBDYE card). Format (1) (2) (3) C ONV EID PC ONID (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) TA Field Contents EID CHBDYE surface element identification number. No default (Integer > 0) PCONID Convection property identification number of a PCONV card. No default (Integer > 0) TA Ambient points used to specify ambient temperature. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. The basic exchange relationship is expressed as: q = H * (T - TAMB) Where, H is the free convection heat transfer coefficient specified on a MAT4 card referred by a PCONV card, T is the grid temperature, and TAMB is the ambient temperature. 2. CONV is used with a CHBDYE card having the same EID. 3. In linear steady-state heat transfer analysis, ambient temperature is specified by SPC of the TA point. 4. This card is represented as a slave element in HyperMesh. 606 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering CORD1C Bulk Data Entry CORD1C – Cylindrical Coordinate System Definition, Form 1 Description This entry defines a cylindrical coordinate system using three grid points. The first point is the origin, the second lies on the Z-axis, and the third lies in the X-Z plane (see Figure 1). Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C ORD1C C ID G1 G2 G3 C ID G1 G2 G3 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C ORD1C 3 16 32 19 (6) (7) Field Contents CID Unique coordinate system identification number. (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) G1, G2, G3 Grid point identification numbers of points used to uniquely define the cylindrical coordinate system (see Figure 1). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 607 Figure 1: Defining a C ylindrical C oordinate System (C ID) using grid points G1, G2 and G3. Comments 1. Coordinate system identification numbers (CID) on all CORD1R, CORD1C, CORD1S, CORD2R, CORD2C, CORD2S, CORD3R, and CORD4R entries must all be unique. 2. A duplicate identification number is allowed if the CID and GID are identical and the coordinates are within the value set by PARAM, DUPTOL (see Guidelines for Bulk Data Entries for further information). 3. The three points G1, G2, G3 must be non-collinear. Non-collinearity is checked by the geometry processor. 4. The location of a grid point (P in Figure 1) in this cylindrical coordinate system is given by (R, θ, and Z) where, θ is measured in degrees. 5. The displacement coordinate directions at P are dependent on the location of P (ur, uθ, and uz) as shown in Figure 1. The displacements in all three of these directions at the grid point are specified in units of length. In OptiStruct, the cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems are internally resolved to entity-position-dependent (example: GRID) rectangular systems. Therefore, when a grid point is located in a cylindrical system, OptiStruct constructs a rectangular system at that location for the grid point. The R-direction corresponds to the X-axis, the Z-axis is the same, and the θ axis is tangential to the X (or R) axis. Now the various degrees of freedom can be resolved (vis-à-vis constraints) similar to a general rectangular system. Care must be taken to observe that the internally generated rectangular systems are dependent on the grid point location in the cylindrical system. So they may be different for different grid point locations within the same cylindrical system. 608 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering 6. Points on the Z-axis should not have their displacement directions defined in this coordinate system due to ambiguity. In this case, the defining rectangular system is used. 7. A maximum of two coordinate systems may be defined on a single entry. 8. This card is represented as a system in HyperMesh. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 609 CORD1R Bulk Data Entry CORD1R – Rectangular Coordinate System Definition, Form 1 Description This entry defines a rectangular coordinate system using three grid points. The first point is the origin, the second lies on the Z-axis, and the third lies on the X-Z plane (see Figure 1). Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C ORD1R C ID G1 G2 G3 C ID G1 G2 G3 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C ORD1R 3 16 32 19 (6) (7) Field Contents CID Unique coordinate system identification number. (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) G1, G2, G3 610 Grid point identification numbers of points used to uniquely define the rectangular coordinate system (see Figure 1). OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Figure 1: Defining a Rectangular C oordinate System (C ID) using grid points G1, G2 and G3. Comments 1. Coordinate system identification numbers on all CORD1R, CORD1C, CORD1S, CORD2R, CORD2C, CORD2S, CORD3R, and CORD4R entries must all be unique. 2. A duplicate identification number is allowed if the CID and GID are identical and the coordinates are within the value set by PARAM, DUPTOL (see Guidelines for Bulk Data Entries for further information). 3. The three points G1, G2, and G3 must be non-collinear. Non-collinearity is checked by the geometry processor. 4. The location of a grid point (P in Figure 1) in this rectangular coordinate system is given by (X, Y, and Z). 5. The displacement coordinate directions at P are (Ux , Uv , and Uz) as shown in Figure 1. 6. A maximum of two coordinate systems may be defined on a single entry. 7. In geometric nonlinear analysis, CORD1R is a moving coordinate system. It moves with GRID points defining the system. 8. This card is represented as a system in HyperMesh. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 611 CORD1S Bulk Data Entry CORD1S – Spherical Coordinate System Definition, Form 1 Description This entry defines a spherical coordinate system using three grid points. The first point is the origin, the second lies on the polar (Z) axis, and the third lies in the X-Z plane (see Figure 1). Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C ORD1S C ID G1 G2 G3 C ID G1 G2 G3 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C ORD1S 3 16 32 19 (6) (7) Field Contents CID Unique coordinate system identification number. (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) G1, G2, G3 612 Grid point identification number. OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Figure 1: Defining a Spherical C oordinate System (C ID) using grid points G1, G2 and G3. Comments 1. Coordinate system identification numbers on all CORD1R, CORD1C, CORD1S, CORD2R, CORD2C, CORD2S, CORD3R, and CORD4R entries must all be unique. 2. A duplicate identification number is allowed if the CID and GID are identical and the coordinates are within the value set by PARAM, DUPTOL (see Guidelines for Bulk Data Entries for further information). 3. The three points G1, G2, and G3 must be non-collinear. Non-collinearity is checked by the geometry processor. 4. The location of a grid point (P in Figure 1) in this spherical coordinate system is given by (R, θ, and ). Where, θ and are measured in degrees. 5. The displacement coordinate directions at P are dependent on the location of P (ur, uθ, and u ) as shown in Figure 1. The displacements in all three of these directions at the grid point are specified in units of length. 6. Points on the polar axis may not have their displacement directions defined in this coordinate system due to ambiguity. In this case, the defining rectangular system is used. 7. A maximum of two coordinate systems may be defined on a single entry. 8. This card is represented as a system in HyperMesh. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 613 CORD2C Bulk Data Entry CORD2C – Cylindrical Coordinate System Definition, Form 2 Description This entry defines a cylindrical coordinate system using three grid points specified with respect to a reference coordinate system. The coordinates of the three non-collinear grid points are used to uniquely define the coordinate system. The first point defines the origin. The second point defines the direction of the Z-axis. The third lies in the X-Z plane (see Figure 1). Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C ORD2C C ID RID A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 (10) Example (1) (2) C ORD2C 3 5.2 (3) 1.0 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) -2.9 1.0 0.0 3.6 0.0 1.0 (10) -2.9 Field Contents CID Unique coordinate system identification number. (Integer > 0) RID Identification number of a reference coordinate system that is defined independently from this coordinate system (see comment 7). Default = 0 (Integer > 0) 614 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Field Contents A1,A2,A3 B1,B2,B3 C1,C2,C3 Coordinates of three points in the reference coordinate system (RID). If RID is blank or 0, then the reference coordinate system is the default basic coordinate system. (Real) Figure 1: Defining a C ylindrical C oordinate System (C ID) using points A, B and C with reference to another coordinate system (RID). Comments 1. The three points (A1, A2, A3), (B1, B2, B3), (C1, C2, C3) must be unique and noncollinear. Non-collinearity is checked by the geometry processor. 2. Coordinate system identification numbers (CID) on all CORD1R, CORD1C, CORD1S, CORD2R, CORD2C, CORD2S, CORD3R, and CORD4R entries must be unique. 3. A duplicate identification number is allowed if the CID and GID are identical and the coordinates are within the value set by PARAM, DUPTOL (see Guidelines for Bulk Data Entries for further information). 4. The location of a grid point (P in Figure 1) in this cylindrical coordinate system is given by (R, θ, and Z). Where, θ is measured in degrees. 5. The displacement coordinate directions at P are dependent on the location of P (Ur, Uθ, and Uz) as shown in Figure 1. The displacements in these three directions at the grid point are specified in units of length. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 615 In OptiStruct, the cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems are internally resolved to entity-position-dependent (example: GRID) rectangular systems. Therefore, when a grid point is located in a cylindrical system, OptiStruct constructs a rectangular system at that location for the grid point. The R-direction corresponds to the X-axis, the Z-axis is the same, and the θ axis is tangential to the X (or R) axis. Now the various degrees of freedom can be resolved (vis-à-vis constraints) similar to a general rectangular system. Care must be taken to observe that the internally generated rectangular systems are dependent on the grid point location in the cylindrical system. So they may be different for different grid point locations within the same cylindrical system. 6. Points on the Z-axis should not have their displacement directions defined in this coordinate system due to ambiguity. 7. The reference coordinate system (RID) should be independently defined or left blank. If blank (or 0), the reference coordinate system is the default basic coordinate system. In such cases, A, B and C are defined with respect to the basic coordinate system. 8. This card is represented as a system in HyperMesh. 616 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering CORD2R Bulk Data Entry CORD2R – Rectangular Coordinate System Definition, Form 2 Description The entry defines a rectangular coordinate system by using three grid points. The coordinates of the three non-collinear grid points are used to uniquely define the coordinate system. The first point defines the origin. The second defines the direction of the Z-axis. The third point defines a vector, which, with the Z-axis, defines the X-Z plane (see Figure 1). Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C ORD2R C ID RID A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 (10) Example (1) (2) C ORD2R 3 5.2 (3) 1.0 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) -2.9 1.0 0.0 3.6 0.0 1.0 (10) -2.9 Field Contents CID Unique coordinate system identification number. (Integer > 0) RID Identification number of a coordinate system that is defined independently from this coordinate system (see comment 6). Default = 0 (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 617 Field Contents A1,A2,A3 B1,B2,B3 C1,C2,C3 Coordinates of three points in the reference coordinate system (RID). If RID is blank or 0, then the reference coordinate system is the default basic coordinate system. (Real) Figure 1: Defining a Rectangular C oordinate System (C ID) using points A, B and C with reference to another coordinate system (RID). Comments 1. The three points (A1, A2, and A3), (B1, B2, and B3), and (C1, C2, and C3) must be unique and non-collinear. Non-collinearity is checked by the geometry processor. 2. Coordinate system identification numbers on all CORD1R, CORD1C, CORD1S, CORD2R, CORD2C, CORD2S, CORD3R, and CORD4R entries must all be unique. 3. A duplicate identification number is allowed if the CID and GID are identical and the coordinates are within the value set by PARAM, DUPTOL (see Guidelines for Bulk Data Entries for further information). 4. The location of a grid point (P in Figure 1) in this rectangular coordinate system is given by (X, Y, and Z). 5. The displacement coordinate directions at P are (Ux , Uv , and Uz) as shown in Figure 1. 618 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering 6. The reference coordinate system (RID) should be independently defined or left blank. If blank (or 0), the reference coordinate system is the default basic coordinate system. In such cases, A, B and C are defined with respect to the basic coordinate system. 7. This card is represented as a system in HyperMesh. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 619 CORD2S Bulk Data Entry CORD2S – Spherical Coordinate System Definition, Form 2 Description This entry defines a spherical coordinate system three grid points. The coordinates of the three non-collinear grid points are used to uniquely define the coordinate system. The first point defines the origin. The second point defines the direction of the Z-axis. The third lies in the X-Z plane (see Figure 1). Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C ORD2S C ID RID A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 (10) Example (1) (2) C ORD2S 3 5.2 (3) 1.0 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) -2.9 1.0 0.0 3.6 0.0 1.0 (10) -2.9 Field Contents CID Unique coordinate system identification number. (Integer > 0) RID Identification number of a coordinate system that is defined independently from this coordinate system (see comment 7). Default = 0 (Integer > 0) A1,A2,A3 620 Coordinates of three points in the reference coordinate system (RID). If OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Field Contents B1,B2,B3 C1,C2,C3 RID is blank or 0, then the reference coordinate system is the default basic coordinate system. (Real) Figure 1: Defining a Spherical C oordinate System (C ID) using grid points A, B and C . Comments 1. The three points (A1, A2, and A3), (B1, B2, and B3), and (C1, C2, and C3) must be unique and non-collinear. Non-collinearity is checked by the geometry processor. 2. Coordinate system identification numbers on all CORD1R, CORD1C, CORD1S, CORD2R, CORD2C, CORD2S, CORD3R, and CORD4R entries must all be unique. 3. A duplicate identification number is allowed if the CID and GID are identical and the coordinates are within the value set by PARAM, DUPTOL (see Guidelines for Bulk Data Entries for further information). 4. The location of a grid point (P in Figure 1) in this spherical coordinate system is given by (R, θ, and ). Where, θ and are measured in degrees. 5. The displacement coordinate directions at P are (ur, uθ, and u ) as shown in Figure 1. The displacements in all three of these directions at the grid point are specified in units of length. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 621 6. Points on the polar axis may not have their displacement directions defined in this coordinate system due to ambiguity. 7. The reference coordinate system (RID) should be independently defined or left blank. If blank (or 0), the reference coordinate system is the default basic coordinate system. In such cases, A, B and C are defined with respect to the basic coordinate system. 8. This card is represented as a system in HyperMesh. 622 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering CORD3R Bulk Data Entry CORD3R – Rectangular Coordinate System Definition, Form 3 Description The entry defines a rectangular coordinate system using three grid points. The first point is the origin, the second lies on the X-axis, and the third lies on the X-Y plane (see Figure 1). Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C ORD3R C ID G1 G2 G3 C ID G1 G2 G3 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C ORD3R 3 16 32 19 (6) (7) Field Contents CID Unique coordinate system identification number. (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) G1, G2, G3 Grid point identification numbers of points used to uniquely define the rectangular coordinate system (see Figure 1). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 623 Figure 1: Defining a Rectangular C oordinate System (C ID) using grid points G1, G2 and G3. Comments 1. Coordinate system identification numbers on all CORD1R, CORD1C, CORD1S, CORD2R, CORD2C, CORD2S, CORD3R, and CORD4R entries must all be unique. 2. A duplicate identification number is allowed if the CID and GID are identical and the coordinates are within the value set by PARAM, DUPTOL. Refer to Guidelines for Bulk Data Entries. 3. The three points G1, G2, and G3 must be non-collinear. Non-collinearity is checked by the geometry processor. 4. The location of a grid point (P in Figure 1) in this rectangular coordinate system is given by (X, Y, and Z). 5. The displacement coordinate directions at P are (Ux , Uv , and Uz) as shown in Figure 1. 6. A maximum of two coordinate systems may be defined on a single entry. 7. In geometric nonlinear analysis, CORD3R is a moving coordinate system. It moves with grid points defining the system. 8. The implementation of CORD3R in OptiStruct is different from that of NASTRAN. A CORD3R coordinate system in OptiStruct can be defined by specifying grid point identification numbers for the Origin, X-axis and the XY plane, whereas CORD3R in NASTRAN is specified with reference to the Origin, Z-axis and the XZ plane. 9. This card is represented as a system in HyperMesh. 624 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 625 .C3 Coordinates of three points in the basic coordinate system.0 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) -2. the second lies on the X-axis.9 Field Contents CID Unique coordinate system identification number.C2.9 1. Format (1) (2) (3) C ORD4R C ID C1 C2 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 (10) C3 Example (1) (2) C ORD4R 3 5. The first point is the origin.0 (10) -2. (Integer > 0) A1. Form 4 Description This entry defines a rectangular coordinate system using three grid points specified with respect to the basic coordinate system. and the third lies on the X-Y plane (see Figure 1).B3 C1. (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 1.2 (3) 1.0 3. The coordinates of the three non-collinear grid points are used to uniquely define the coordinate system.6 0.0 0.B2.A2.A3 B1.CORD4R Bulk Data Entry CORD4R – Rectangular Coordinate System Definition. 5. 2. The displacement coordinate directions at P are (Ux . CORD2R.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . CORD1S. A2. and (C1. This card is represented as a system in HyperMesh. Uv . 3. DUPTOL (see Guidelines for Bulk Data Entries for further information). CORD1C. The three points (A1. B2. A duplicate identification number is allowed if the CID and GID are identical and the coordinates are within the value set by PARAM. 4. 6. Y. 626 OptiStruct 13. CORD2S. A maximum of two coordinate systems may be defined on a single entry. and B3). C2. and A3). CORD2C. Comments 1. and Uz) as shown in Figure 1. The location of a grid point (P in Figure 1) in this rectangular coordinate system is given by (X. and CORD4R entries must all be unique. and Z). CORD3R. Coordinate system identification numbers on all CORD1R.Figure 1: C ORD4R definition. and C3) must be unique and non-collinear. 7. Non-collinearity is checked by the geometry processor. (B1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C OUPLER C OID JID1 TYPE1 RATIO1 JID2 TYPE2 RATIO2 JID3 TYPE3 RATIO3 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) C OUPLER 3 1 T 2.0 Field Contents COID Unique coupler identification number. Default = 1. No default (TRA or ROT) – See comment 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 627 . RATIOi Coefficients of the coupler constraint equation.0 4 R 1.0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. No default (Integer > 0) TYPEi Type.COUPLER Bulk Data Entry COUPLER – Coupler Definition for Multi-body Solution Sequence Description Defines a coupler connecting two or three joints. (Real. (9) (10) (Integer > 0) JIDi Joint identification numbers. COUPLERs are only valid in a multi-body solution sequence. 628 OptiStruct 13. But if the joint is cylindrical. At least JID1 and JID2 need to be defined. 3.Comments 1. The type is optional if the Joint is revolute or translation. 2. the type should be set to TRA to denote that the translational motion is coupled or ROT to specify that the rotational motion is coupled.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.CPENTA Bulk Data Entry CPENTA – Five-sided Solid Element with six or fifteen grid points Description Defines the connections of the CPENTA element. (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PSOLID property entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 629 . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) C PENTA EID PID G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 G13 G14 G15 Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C PENTA 112 2 3 15 14 4 103 115 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. Default = EID (Integer > 0) G# Identification numbers of connected grid points. and G3-G6 each form one edge. If any of the edge points are present. The element coordinate system for the CPENTA element is defined as follows: 630 OptiStruct 13. the element coordinate system will be built on the renumbered node sequence. The material coordinate system is defined on the referenced PSOLID entry. G7-G15.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If the user-prescribed node numbering on the bottom and top faces is reversed as compared to the sequence shown above. G2-G5. It may be defined as the basic coordinate system (CORDM = 0). This is accomplished by swapping nodes G1 with G3 and G4 with G6. It is recommended that the edge points be placed near the middle of the edge. appropriate changes to mid-side node numbering are also performed. G1-G4. C PENTA definition 3. Element ID numbers must be unique with respect to all other element ID numbers. a defined system (CORDM = Integer > 0). 4. G2. or the element coordinate system (CORDM = -1). that is. 5. then the nodes are renumbered to produce right-handed orientation of numbering. The edge points. are optional.Comments 1. The second and third continuation is not needed for the six node version of this element. 2. and G3 define a triangular face. Stresses are output in the material coordinate system. The topology of the diagram must be preserved. G1. In such cases. they all must be used. For 15-noded CPENTA. The element y-axis is perpendicular to the element z-axis and lies on the plane created by the element z-axis and the line connecting the origin and the mid-point of a straight line from G3 to G6. The positive sense of the y-axis is toward the straight line from G3 to G6.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 631 . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. and G3-G6 lie). The element x-axis is the cross product of the element y-axis and the element z-axis.C PENTA element coordinate system The origin of the element coordinate system is located at the mid-point of a straight line from G1 to G4. G2-G5. This card is represented as a penta6 or penta15 element in HyperMesh. 6. The positive sense of the z-axis is toward the triangular face G4G5-G6. The element z-axis corresponds to the average of the vector connecting the centroid of triangular face G1-G2-G3 to the centroid of the triangular face G4-G5-G6 and the normal vector of the mid-plane (the plane on which the mid-points of the straight lines G1-G4. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) 632 OptiStruct 13. Default = EID (Integer > 0) G# Grid point identification numbers of connection points. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C PYRA EID PID G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 G13 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) C PYRA 71 4 3 4 5 6 7 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number.CPYRA Bulk Data Entry CPYRA – Five-sided Solid Element with five or thirteen grid points Description Defines the connections of the PYRA solid element. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PSOLID property entry. The edge points. C PYRA definition 3.Comments 1. Stresses are output in the material coordinate system. 4. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. It may be defined as the basic coordinate system (CORDM = 0). S. The material coordinate system is defined on the referenced PSOLID entry. and T are chosen by the following rules: R Joins the midpoints of the edges from G1 to G4 and G2 to G3. S Joins the midpoints of the edges from G1 to G2 and G3 to G4. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. T Joins the intersection of R and S to G5. G6 through G13. It is recommended that the edge points be placed near the middle of the edge. If any of the edge points are present. 2.G4 must be given in consecutive order about the quadrilateral face. The element coordinate system for the CPYRA element is defined as follows: Three intermediate vectors R. Grid points G1. The continuation must not be present for the 5-noded version of this element. or the element coordinate system (CORDM = -1). they all must be used. are optional.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 633 .…. a defined system (CORDM = Integer > 0). The element z-axis corresponds to the T vector. 634 This card is represented as a pyra5 or pyra13 element in HyperMesh. OptiStruct 13.C PYRA element coordinate system The origin of the element coordinate system is located at the intersection of the vectors R and S.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 5. The element y-axis is the cross product of the T and R vectors. The element x-axis is the cross product of the element y-axis and the element z-axis. G3. PCOMP.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 635 .CQUAD4 Bulk Data Entry CQUAD4 – Quadrilateral Element Connection Description Defines a quadrilateral plate element (QUAD4) of the structural model.G2. Default = EID (Integer > 0) G1. This element uses a 6 degree-of-freedom per node formulation. No default (Integers > 0. all unique) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.G4 Grid point identification numbers of connection points. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) C QUAD4 EID PID G1 G2 G3 G4 Theta or MC ID ZOFFS T1 T2 T3 T4 Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) C QUAD4 111 203 31 74 75 32 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. PCOMPP or PHFSHL property entry. (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PSHELL. 0 (Real) MCID Material coordinate system identification number. MCID must be an integer > 0. Grid points G1 through G4 must be ordered consecutively around the perimeter of the element. If blank. unless the material referenced by the element is isotropic (MAT1) – then MCID = 0 is used.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If MCID = 0.0 or blank) Comments 1. If Ti is specified. See comment 10. it specifies the basic coordinate system. All of the interior angles must be less than 180 degrees. 2.0 (Integer > 0) ZOFFS Offset from the plane defined by element grid points to the shell reference plane. Default = 0. the average of all four thicknesses is used as the element thickness. Theta = 0. 5. Default is Theta = 0. For defaults: See comments 7 and 9.0 (Real or blank) Ti Thickness of the element at the grid points. 3. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. Overrides the thickness specified on the PSHELL entry. and 6.Field Contents Theta Material orientation angle in degrees. The x-axis of this coordinate system is projected onto the element to define the x-axis of the material coordinate system. Default = 0. (Real > 0. 4.0 is used. The elemental coordinate system is a bisection definition as depicted in the following figure: 636 OptiStruct 13. See comments 4. Overrides the ZOFFS specified on the PSHELL entry. THETA = 0. and the material coordinate system is aligned with side G1-G2 of the shell element.0 is assumed. stresses and strains are always output in the elemental system.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 637 .Elemental coordinate system 5. For elements with prescribed THETA. For elements with blank Theta/MCID. stresses and strains are output by default in the material coordinate system. For H3D and OUTPUT2 output formats. PUNCH and OPTI output formats. the material system is constructed by projecting the prescribed MCID onto the plane of the element. the material x-axis is rotated from side G1-G2 by angle THETA. Orientation when Theta (real value) is entered in 8th field Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. OMID can be set to NO to output results in the elemental system. For HM. 6. For elements with prescribed MCID. PARAM. the run will error out. are output on the offset reference plane. the thickness specified on the PSHELL data will be used for that node’s thickness. If the property referenced by PID is selected as a region for free-size or size optimization. ZOFFS can be input in two different formats: 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 10. If any of the Ti fields are blank. such as shell element forces. the PID cannot reference PCOMP or PCOMPP data. A positive value of ZOFFS implies that the reference plane of each shell element is offset a distance of ZOFFS along the positive z-axis of its element coordinate system. Top: The top surface of the shell element and the plane defined by the element nodes are coincident. In this case all other information. This makes the effective "Real" ZOFFS value equal to half of the thickness of the PSHELL property entry referenced by this element.0 is specified for Ti. such as material matrices or fiber locations for the calculation of stresses. 2. Surface: This format allows you to select either “Top” or “Bottom” option to specify the offset value. If you input Ti for elements in the design space for Topology or Free-Size optimization. Similarly. If 0.Orientation when MC ID (integer value) is entered in 8th field 7. (The sign of the ZOFFS value would depend on the direction of the offset relative to the positive z-axis of the element coordinate 638 OptiStruct 13. then any Ti values defined here are ignored. 8. Real: A positive or a negative value of ZOFFS is specified in this format. The shell reference plane can be offset from the plane defined by element nodes by means of ZOFFS. is given relative to the offset reference plane. then the thickness at that node is zero. 9. shell results. If Ti is present. the value of ZOFFS should be kept within a reasonable percentage (10% . See Figure 1. Note. See Figure 2. (The sign of the ZOFFS value would depend on the direction of the offset relative to the positive z-axis of the element coordinate system. This makes the effective "Real" ZOFFS value equal to half of the thickness of the PSHELL property entry referenced by this element. Automatic offset control is available in composite free-size and sizing optimization where the specified offset values are automatically updated based on thickness changes. Hence. Hence. as defined in the Real section). while offset is correctly applied in geometric stiffness matrix and hence can be used in linear buckling analysis. singular matrices would result). that for first order shell elements (CQUAD4 and CTRIA3). Figure 2: Bottom option in ZOFFS Note that when ZOFFS is used.15%) of the local radius of curvature. caution is advised in interpreting the results. ZOFFS can be used in all types of analysis and optimization. Without offset. however. and geometric stiffness). both MID1 and MID2 must be specified on the PSHELL entry referenced by this element (otherwise. Moreover. Offset is applied to all element matrices (stiffness. mass. a typical simple structure will bifurcate and loose stability “instantly” at the critical Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. as defined in the Real section).system.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 639 . and to respective element loads (such as gravity). such as change of shell area when offset is applied on curved surfaces. the offset operation does not correct for secondary effects. Figure 1: Top option in ZOFFS Bottom: The bottom surface of the shell element and the plane defined by the element nodes are coincident. as shown below in figure (b): Hence. PHFSHL properties are only valid with an @HYPERFORM statement in the first line of the input file.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .load. 11. 12. 640 OptiStruct 13. additional instability points may be present on the load path. though. the structure with offset can reach excessive deformation before the limit load is reached. Note that the above illustrations apply to linear buckling – in a fully nonlinear limit load simulation. the loss of stability is gradual and asymptotically reaches a limit load. With offset. This card is represented as a quad4 element in HyperMesh. 125 0. Default = EID (Integer > 0) G1. . Required data for all four grid points.030 .03 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. No default (Integers > 0.025 30.G2. all unique) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) C QUAD8 EID PID G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 T1 T2 T3 T4 Theta or MC ID ZOFFS Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C QUAD8 111 203 20 21 50 51 26 94 95 23 0.CQUAD8 Bulk Data Entry CQUAD8 – Curved Quadrilateral Shell Element Connection Description Defines a curved quadrilateral shell element with eight grid points.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 641 . (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PSHELL.025 0.G3. PCOMP or PCOMPP property entry.G4 Grid point identification numbers of connected corner points. Theta = 0. The x-axis of this coordinate system is projected onto the element to define the x-axis of the material coordinate system.0 (Real or blank) Comments 1. it specifies the basic coordinate system.G7. Grid points G1 through G8 must be numbered as shown here: 642 OptiStruct 13.0 (Real) MCID Material coordinate system identification number. Element identification numbers should be unique with respect to all other element IDs. Default = 0. Cannot be omitted. See comment 7. If blank. (Real > 0. 2. Default is THETA = 0. If MCID = 0. The thickness of the element with Ti specified will be constant and equal to an average of T1.G6. Overrides the ZOFFS specified on the PSHELL entry. For defaults: see comment 5. Default = 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 is used.G8 Grid point identification numbers of connected edge points. T3 and T4. (See comments 3 and 4).0 (Integer > 0) ZOFFS Offset from the surface of grid points to the element reference plane. T2. See comment 4.0 or blank) THETA Material orientation angle in degrees.Field Contents G5. No default (Integer > 0 or blank) Ti Thickness of the element at the corner grid points G1 through G4. The plane containing and - and is tangent to the surface of the element. and of and . are obtained by doubly bisecting the lines of constant increases in the general direction of increasing Altair Engineering ).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 643 . The element coordinate system is a Cartesian system defined locally for each point ( . OptiStruct 13. It is based on the following rules: .3. . which is the angle from the line of constant (essentially the same as the -axis) to the material x-direction (Xmaterial). The local z-direction is aligned with the normal to the surface and the material y-direction (Y material) is constructed accordingly to produce right-handed local material system X-Y-Zmaterial.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The orientation of the material coordinate system is defined locally at each interior integration point by THETA.4. If MCID is used in place of THETA. 644 OptiStruct 13. then the local material x-direction (Xmaterial) is obtained at any point in the element by projection of the x-axis of the prescribed MCID coordinate system onto the surface of the element at this point. T1. The shell reference plane can be offset from the plane defined by element nodes by means of ZOFFS. the material coordinate system varies similarly.25 and 0. are output on the offset reference plane. then any Ti values defined here are ignored. 6.75) excluding the quarter points 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 645 . If the edge point is located at the quarter point. A positive value of ZOFFS implies that the reference plane of each shell element is offset a distance of ZOFFS along the positive z-axis of its element coordinate system. 0. Because of this.25.Note that since changes directions throughout the element based on element shape. such as shell element forces. T2. Real: A positive or a negative value of ZOFFS is specified in this format. and T4 are optional. then the element thickness will be set equal to the value of T on the PSHELL entry. If Ti’s are supplied. T3.0 is specified for Ti. If they are not supplied. PID cannot reference PCOMP or PCOMPP data. If 0. the run will error out.75. 5. the program may fail with an error or the calculated stresses will be meaningless. is given relative to the offset reference plane. ZOFFS can be input in two different formats: 1. If the property referenced by PID is selected as a region for Size optimization. an orthotropic or anisotropic material will cause the CQUAD8's stiffness to be biased by both its shape and grid ordering. Use the CQUAD4 element if a constant material coordinate system direction is desired with orthotropic and anisotropic materials. In this case all other information. Similarly. If you input Ti for elements in the design space for Topology or Free-Size optimization. that is the interval (0. It is required that the midside grid points be located within the middle third of the edge. then the thickness at that node is zero. shell results. 7. such as material matrices or fiber locations for the calculation of stresses. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (The sign of the ZOFFS value would depend on the direction of the offset relative to the positive z-axis of the element coordinate system. Figure 2: Bottom option in ZOFFS Note that when ZOFFS is used. as defined in the Real section). Figure 1: Top option in ZOFFS Bottom: The bottom surface of the shell element and the plane defined by the element nodes are coincident. as defined in the Real section). (The sign of the ZOFFS value would depend on the direction of the offset relative to the positive z-axis of the element coordinate system. This makes the effective "Real" ZOFFS value equal to half of the thickness of the PSHELL property entry referenced by this element. singular matrices would result). 646 OptiStruct 13. Surface: This format allows you to select either “Top” or “Bottom” option to specify the offset value.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This makes the effective "Real" ZOFFS value equal to half of the thickness of the PSHELL property entry referenced by this element. Top: The top surface of the shell element and the plane defined by the element nodes are coincident. See Figure 1. See Figure 2.2. both MID1 and MID2 must be specified on the PSHELL entry referenced by this element (otherwise. Offset is applied to all element matrices (stiffness. mass and geometric stiffness) and to respective element loads (such as gravity). It is therefore advisable to use PARAM. Stresses and strains are output in the local coordinate system identified by above. and 9. If unconstrained. This card is represented as a quad8 element in HyperMesh. No mass is associated with these degrees-of-freedom. Without offset. ZOFFS can be used in all types of analysis and optimization in OptiStruct.AUTOSPC. a typical simple structure will bifurcate and loose stability “instantly” at the critical load. though. 10. 11.YES when working with these elements. However. 8. massless mechanisms may occur. the structure with offset can reach excessive deformation before the limit load is reached. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. then any Ti values defined here are ignored. Size optimization of the property referenced by PID is not possible if Ti values are defined here. additional instability points may be present on the load path. Hence. Automatic offset control is available in composite free-size and sizing optimization where the specified offset values are automatically updated based on thickness changes. Note that the above illustrations apply to linear buckling – in a fully nonlinear limit load simulation. If the property referenced by PID is selected as a region for free-size optimization. caution is advised in interpreting the results. With offset. as shown below in figure (b): Hence. while offset is correctly applied in geometric stiffness matrix and hence can be used in linear buckling analysis. These 2nd order shell elements do not have normal rotational degrees-of-freedom (often referred to as "drilling stiffness"). the loss of stability is gradual and asymptotically reaches a limit load.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 647 . a 6 degree-of-freedom per node formulation is used for all shell elements. 648 OptiStruct 13. Refer to the documentation for the CQUAD4 Bulk Data Entry.CQUADR Bulk Data Entry CQUADR – Quadrilateral Element Connection Description CQUADR entry is equivalent to CQUAD4.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Unlike other Nastran codes. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C ROD EID PID G1 G2 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C ROD 12 13 21 23 (6) Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. Only one ROD element may be defined on a single entry. 3. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 649 . This card is represented as a rod element in HyperMesh. 2. Comments 1.CROD Bulk Data Entry CROD – Rod Element Connection Description Defines a tension-compression-torsion element (ROD) of the structural model.G2 Grid point identification numbers of connection points. (Integer > 0. (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PROD property entry. If blank defaults to EID) G1. CSEAM Bulk Data Entry CSEAM – Seam Weld Element Connection Description Define a seam weld connecting two shell surfaces.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering (10) Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) C SEAM EID PID SMLN C TYPE IDAS IDBS IDAE IDBE GS GE Examples (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) C SEAM 22 3 SEAM1 PSHELL 1 2 7 8 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) C SEAM 22 3 ELEM 11 12 21 22 7 8 Alternate Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C SEAM EID PID SMLN C TYPE IDAS IDBS IDAE IDBE 650 OptiStruct 13. the connection of surface patch to surface patch is defined by specifying the property identification numbers. the connection of surface patch to surface patch is defined by specifying element identification numbers.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 651 . (8) (9) (10) (7) (8) (9) (10) 11 12 21 22 0.4 0.25 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number.XS YS ZS XE YE ZE Alternate Format Examples (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) C SEAM 22 3 SEAM1 PSHELL 1 2 0. No default (Integer > 0) SMLN Identification of a seam line (See comment 2). Either format connects up to 3 x 3 quadrilateral shell elements per patch (possibly more for triangular elements).25 No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PSEAM entry. No default (Maximum eight characters) CTYPE Character string indicating how the connection is defined. For ELEM type.25 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.25 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C SEAM 22 3 ELEM 0.3 0.6 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. For PSHELL type.4 0. then IDAS and IDBS refer to the property identification numbers of patch A and patch B. (Real) 652 OptiStruct 13. ZE Coordinates of point that defines the end location (GE) of the seam weld in the basic coordinate system. IDAE and IDBE could be zero. If CTYPE="ELEM". ZS Coordinates of point that defines the start location (GS) of the seam weld in the basic coordinate system. If CTYPE="PSHELL". No default (Integer > 0) XS. then IDAS and IDBS refer to the element identification numbers of patch A and B. IDAE. If they are not zero. For PSHELL type.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . IDBS Used to define the two connecting patches or the start parts of patch A and patch B. YE. Integer > GS Identification number of a grid point which defines the start location of the connector. (Real) XE. If CTYPE="PSHELL". If CTYPE="ELEM". No default (Integer > 0) GE Identification number of a grid point which defines the end location of the connector. They could be used to define a tailored blank model. YS.Field Contents IDAS. IDBE Used to define the end parts of patch A and patch B. IDAS and IDBS refer to the element identification numbers of the end parts of patch A and B. then IDAE and IDBE refer to the property identification numbers of the end parts of patch A and patch B. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. See the figure below: A CSEAM element connects Shell A and Shell B. A fictitious hexa is generated for the CSEAM.Comments 1. It is measured perpendicular to the length and lies in the plane of Shell A or B. With all of the information provided. and the eight corner nodes are all constrained by the grids of corresponding shell elements. 2. the two CSEAM elements are regarded as neighbors. The CSEAM element itself does not hold any independent DOF.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 653 . CSEAM defines a flexible connection between two surface patches. The width of the seam weld is defined in the PSEAM card as W. A seam line does not have a branch with the same SMLN. the faces of the internally generated CHEXAs will be adjusted to form a single common face. Then the element stiffness of this fictitious CHEXA will be transferred to the corresponding shell grids. For two neighboring CSEAM elements. and the corner nodes of the hexa are all constrained by corresponding shell grids. a name can be given for the CSEAM element. To have a clear view. a fictitious 8-node CHEXA will be generated internally for a CSEAM. In the SMLN entry. The distance between GS and GE is the length of the element. 3. If one CSEAM's GS or GE is common to the GS or GE of the other CSEAM and they have the same SMLN. only one of this kind of constraint relationship is shown with dotted lines. For a curved or folded shell patch. First. project GS on Shell A and B. the projection points are denoted as SA and SB respectively. two points SA1 ' and SA2 ' can be defined along this vector and |SA1 '-SA2 '| = W. the program will accept it and move to find the next piercing point. an error will be issued for this CSEAM. For PSHELL type. If the piercing point falls outside the element but within the tolerance defined by PROJTOL in the SWLDPRM card. an error will be issued for this CSEAM. an error will be issued for this CSEAM element. If GMCHK > 0 (be defined in the SWLDPRM card). and the angle between the normal vectors of EIDEA and EIDEB. For ELEM type.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . the supporting element EIDSA and the seam weld width W. the program will still accept it. Meanwhile. at first. At last. Take SA as an example. the program will accept it and move to find the next one. Through SA. and the program continues to process other CSEAM elements. all the four piercing points and elements supporting them are found. EA and EB are also called piercing points. In this way. Take SA1 ' as an example. a group of candidate elements needs to be collected. If the angle is larger than GSPROJ. This is also true for GE. First. a second projection is needed to find the final auxiliary points. Since the geometry for finding the correct projection could be various and complicated.4. the auxiliary points will then need to be located with the definition of the seam width. and the program continues to process other CSEAM elements. Take SA as an example. if still no element is found to support the piercing point. the program will try to project GS on the user specified element. many geometry related checks will be implemented in the following procedure. SB. the shell elements supporting these piercing points are denoted as EIDSA. After projecting all the eight preliminary auxiliary points on the shell 654 OptiStruct 13. GE-EA and GE-EB is larger than GSTOL. with the coordinates of the piercing point. or an error is issued. if the piercing point falls inside the element. If the piercing point falls inside one of the candidates. you can define the following vector n × GS-GE where n is the normal vector of EIDSA. the program will check the angle between the normal vectors of EIDSA and EIDSB. SA1 ' will be projected on each of the candidates to find the best one to support the projection point. SA1 ' and SA2 ' are called the preliminary auxiliary points. Then project GS on each of the candidates. a group of cutout and span checks will be performed if GMCHK>0. Building the connectivity for CSEAM. They are composed of shell elements surrounding EIDSA. elements with different shell property will be supplemented to the candidate list. EIDSB. GS-SB. and the projection points are denoted as EA and EB. EIDEA and EIDEB. Besides these basic checks. the case could be much more complicated. a bunch of shell elements which are the closest ones to GS and have the user-specified shell property will be selected as candidates. the preliminary points may not lie on the shell surface. Therefore. various geometry checks will be implemented at specific steps. If GSTOL > 0. The default projection algorithm and checking rules can be modified to some extent via changing the default value defined in the SWLDPRM card. After looping all the candidates. Otherwise. After the four piercing points are found.0 (be defined in the SWLDPRM card) and one of the lengths of GS-SA.0 (be defined in the SWLDPRM card). the tolerance defined by PROJTOL will be used and all candidates will be searched again. To build the connectivity. SA. If GMCHK > 0 and GSPROJ > 0. if there is no appropriate one to support the piercing point. an error will be issued. If no element with the user specified shell property is found with/without tolerance. If EIDSA. 5. Various projection points generated in building the connectivity for a CSEAM element.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 655 . EIDEA or EIDEB fails the check. For curved or folded shell surface. EIDSB. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. if not all eight auxiliary points can be found and GSMOVE > 0. thus may possibly induce the failure of locating all auxiliary points. the building of the connectivity for this CSEAM succeeds. If all of the eight auxiliary points and corresponding shell elements are successfully located. When building the connectivity for CSEAM. shell elements on it have more chances to be eliminated from the candidate list. the angle between the normal vector of the shell element and the thickness direction of the fictitious CHEXA will be checked. When collecting candidate shell elements which will be used to support the auxiliary points.surfaces. If the angle is larger than GSPORJ. this shell element will not be considered as a candidate. a warning message will be issued. GSMOVE defined in the SWLDPRM card will be implemented to avoid the failure if GSMOVE > 0. This often happens near the mesh boundary. the number of good auxiliary points will be counted. Otherwise. One remedy to this problem is to increase the value of GSPORJ to include more shell elements into the candidate list. GS or/and GE will be moved by W/2 and re-projected to avoid the failure. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . It shares one of the common grids shared by EIDSA and EIDEA. If EIDSA = EIDEA. 7. 6. 656 OptiStruct 13.) a)If EIDSA and EIDEA share only one common grid but no EIDMA is found. In this case. the program has more chances to fail in locating the correct element to support the piercing points because of multiple possible choices. (In the following check. Check whether the CSEAM spans a cutout or spans more than three shell elements on each shell surface when GMCHK > 0. For PSHELL type CSEAM. when the GS or GE is close to a folded or curved part of a shell surface. using ELEM type to directly specify the elements for projection would be a wise alternative. then this case is rejected. an element called EIDMA is used to assist the check. This case is accepted. it is necessary to do some checks. EIDMA could be multiple.Both GS and GE are moved by W/2 to find correct projection. Take EIDSA and EIDEA as an example. the seam lies on the same element on this surface. EIDMA is located on the same shell surface where EIDSA and EIDEA are located. EIDEA and they share at least one common grid. the number of free edges will be counted. Angle check. If there are three or more free edges (bold lines). The following cases are considered. this case is rejected.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 657 . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.This case is rejected. b)If EIDSA and EIDEA share only one common grid and at least one EIDMA is found. this case is accepted. this case is still accepted. if the projection point falls inside. If there are two free edges. EIDEA and EIDMA. If there is no free edge. this case is accepted. then you project the mid-point M to EIDSA. If there is only one free edge. the angle (α) between the free edges will be calculated. If the angle is larger than CNRAGLI (be defined in the SWLDPRM card). 658 OptiStruct 13. M is the middle point of the two free edges' ends. Or it will be rejected. If the angle is smaller than CNRAGLI.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Projection check. this case is accepted. if the projection point falls inside.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 659 . elements around them and check how these elements are connected with EIDSA and EIDEA. Or it will be rejected. then you project the mid-point M to EIDSA and EIDEA.c)If EIDSA and EIDEA share two common grids. Angle check. this case is still accepted. this means the CSEAM element spans more than three elements in the current shell surface. this case is accepted. Projection check. Compare the angle (α) with CNRAGLO even EIDSA and EIDEA share an edge. Before accepting this case. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (In the following check. M is the middle point of the two free edges' ends. If the angle is smaller than CNRAGLI. If the angle is larger than CNRAGLI. and this case is rejected. it is still necessary to check the angle or project the middle point M. that means EIDSA and EIDEA share a common edge. EIDMA is re-defined as an element which shares at least one grid respectively with EIDSA and EIDEA) a) If there is no EIDMA. This case is rejected. this case is accepted. it is necessary to check whether the two EIDMA share a common edge or not. c) If there are two EIDMA which share edges with both EIDSA and EIDEA. If the two EIDMA do not share a common edge. there is a cutout and this case is rejected. b) If there are three EIDMA which share edges with both EIDSA and EIDEA. This case is accepted. 660 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . there is a cutout and this case is case is accepted. or it will be rejected.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 661 . this edge. The check presented in the following figure needs to be implemented. rejected. d) If there is only one EIDMA which shares edges with both EIDSA and EIDEA. Two different cases when there are two EIDMA who share edges with both EIDSA and EIDEA. this case is accepted. e) If there is only one EIDMA which shares one edge with EIDSA and shares a corner with EIDEA (or shares one corner with EIDSA and shares one edge with EIDEA). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.If the two EIDMA do not share a common If the two EIDMA share a common edge. If the projection from point M on EIDMA falls inside this element. the same check implemented for the last case will be adopted. that is SA and EA. Point M is the average of the two piercing points. h) If there is only EIDMA which shares only corners but no edge with EIDSA or EIDEA. this case is still rejected. For EIDSB and EIDEB. then start the final run. this case is accepted. but EIDMA is not fully constrained (only two corners are constrained) by the CSEAM. this case is rejected. Thus. All the cutout/span checks introduced here still cannot cover 100% cases. 662 Check whether the CSEAM spans a corner on each shell surface when GMCHK > 0. Therefore.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . or it will be rejected. For the one on the right. it is recommended to turn on the cutout/span check (GMCHK > 0) to exam the seam weld model in the first round. These two cases are rejected. 8. After all possible problems are resolved. although there is no cutout on the surface.f) If the projection from point M on EIDMA falls inside this element. but they can spot most of the bad cases that will lead to unreal modeling of the seam weld. OptiStruct 13. g) If there are two EIDMA and each of them shares an edge with EIDSA or EIDEA and shares a corner with EIDEA or EIDSA. the same cutout/span check applies. This case is accepted. this case is accepted. This prevents generating single CSEAM element across a very curved shell configuration. With the full geometry check. 9. They will be very useful for debugging the seam weld model. 12. Seam weld elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis.Take EIDSA and EIDEA as an example. If α > CNRAGLO. Diagnostic print outs. the connectivity detail of each CSEAM element will be printed in the . 10. It is recommended to start with default settings and turn on the full geometry check by setting GMCHK=1 or 2. The same check applies to EIDSB and EIDEB. most of the unexpected cases which may possibly induce unreasonable projections can be spotted. The angle between the normal vectors of the two elements should not larger than the value of CNRAGLO (be defined in the SWLDPRM card) as shown in the following figure. If the switch for outputting diagnostic info. 11.out file.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 663 . Also. this CSEAM element is rejected. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. that is PRTSW. a summary of various geometry data will be printed after all CSEAM elements are gone through by the program. one also needs to set SHOWAUX = 1. is turned on. To have the fictitious CHEXA and corresponding results output into the H3D file. checkout runs and non-default setting of search and projection parameters are requested on the SWLDPRM bulk data entry. It is possible to visualize the fictitious CHEXA via setting SHOWAUX = 1 in the SWLDPRM card. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2. 664 OptiStruct 13. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PSEC section property entry. This entry is only valid when it appears between the BEGIN and END statements. Default = EID (Integer > 0) G# Identification number of GRIDS section grid points. Element identification numbers within a section definition must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers within the same section definition. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C SEC 2 EID PID G1 G2 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C SEC 2 71 4 3 4 Field Contents EID Element identification number.CSEC2 Bulk Data Entry CSEC2 – 1D Section Element Description Defines a two-noded element used in the definition of arbitrary beam cross-sections. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 665 . Default = EID (Integer > 0) G# Identification number of GRIDS section grid points.CSEC3 Bulk Data Entry CSEC3 – Triangular Section Element Description Defines a 1st order three-noded element used in the definition of arbitrary beam crosssections. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PSEC section property entry. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. Element identification numbers within a section definition must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers within the same section definition. This entry is only valid when it appears between the BEGIN and END statements. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C SEC 3 EID PID G1 G2 G3 (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C SEC 3 10 100 3 4 5 Field Contents EID Element identification number. This entry is only valid when it appears between the BEGIN and END statements. Element identification numbers within a section definition must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers within the same section definition. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) C SEC 4 EID PID G1 G2 G3 G4 (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) C SEC 4 10 100 3 4 5 6 Field Contents EID Element identification number. 666 OptiStruct 13.CSEC4 Bulk Data Entry CSEC4 – Quadrilateral Section Element Description Defines a 1st order four-noded element used in the definition of arbitrary beam cross-sections. 2. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PSEC section property entry. Default = EID (Integer > 0) G# Identification number of GRIDS section grid points.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . CSEC6 Bulk Data Entry CSEC6 – Curved Triangular Section Element Description Defines a planar. (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PSEC section property entry. Element identification numbers within a section definition must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers within the same section definition. 2nd order. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. six-noded element used in the definition of arbitrary beam crosssections. Default = EID (Integer > 0) G# Identification number of GRIDS section grid points.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 667 . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C SEC 6 EID PID G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C SEC 6 10 100 3 4 5 6 7 8 Field Contents EID Element identification number. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. This entry is only valid when it appears between the BEGIN and END statements. Grid points G1 through G6 must be numbered as shown here: 3. 668 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .2. No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PSEC section property entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 669 .CSEC8 Bulk Data Entry CSEC8 – Curved Quadrilateral Section Element Description Defines a planar 2nd order eight-noded element used in the definition of arbitrary beam crosssections. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C SEC 8 EID PID G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C SEC 8 10 100 3 4 5 6 13 14 15 16 Field Contents EID Element identification number. Default = EID (Integer > 0) G# Identification number of GRIDS section grid points. Grid points G1 through G8 must be numbered as shown here: 3. This entry is only valid when it appears between the BEGIN and END statements. 2.Comments 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 670 OptiStruct 13. Element identification numbers within a section definition must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers within the same section definition. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 671 .CSET Bulk Data Entry CSET – Boundary Degrees-of-Freedom of a Superelement Assembly Description CSET entry is equivalent to BNDFREE. Refer to the documentation for the BNDFREE Bulk Data Entry. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Refer to the documentation for the BNDFRE1 Bulk Data Entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .CSET1 Bulk Data Entry CSET1 – Boundary Degrees-of-Freedom of a Superelement Assembly Description CSET1 entry is equivalent to BNDFRE1. 672 OptiStruct 13. G2. If blank. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) C SHEAR EID PID G1 G2 G3 G4 (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) C SHEAR 111 67 89 123 124 56 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. defaults to EID) G1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. G3. all unique) Comments 1. (Integer > 0. (Integer > 0. (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PSHEAR property entry. Element identification numbers should be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. G4 Grid point identification numbers of connection points.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 673 .CSHEAR Bulk Data Entry CSHEAR – Shear Panel Element Connection Description Defines a shear panel element. This card is represented as a quad4 element in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Grid points G1 through G4 must be ordered consecutively around the perimeter of the element. 5.2. 3. All interior angles must be less than 180 degrees. 674 OptiStruct 13. C SHEAR definition C SHEAR Element C orner Forces and Shear Flows 4. Shear panel elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 675 . No default (Integers > 0.CTAXI Bulk Data Entry CTAXI – Axisymmetric Triangular Element Connection Description Defines an axisymmetric triangular cross-section ring element for use in linear analysis.0 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. all unique) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.G5 Identification numbers of connected corner grid points. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C TAXI EID PID G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 (10) Theta Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C TAXI 111 2 31 74 75 32 51 52 (10) 15. Cannot be omitted. Default = EID (Integer > 0) G1. No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PAXI entry.G3. The edge points G2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Field Contents G2.G4.G6 Identification numbers of connected edge grid points. No default (Integers > 0. Default = 0. If any of the edge points are present. Corner grid points G1. G3 and G5 must be present. 2. C TAXI definition 676 OptiStruct 13. Cannot be omitted. All the grid points must be located in the x-z plane of the basic coordinate system with x = r > 0. all unique) Theta Material orientation angle in degrees. and ordered consecutively starting at a corner grid point and proceeding around the perimeter in either direction. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers.0 (Real) Comments 1. G4 and G6 are optional. they all must be used. 4m) = 502. 7. the load specified on a FORCE entry) at a grid Gi of this element denotes that applied onto the circumference with radius of Gi. material properties and stresses are always given in the (xm.4m. This card is represented as an element in HyperMesh. 4.655N 6. the magnitude of the load specified on the static load entry must be: (200 N/m) * 2 * (0.3. zm) coordinate system shown in the figure above. For example. 5. in order to apply a load of 200N/m on the circumference at Gi which is located at a radius of 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. CTAXI and CTRIAX6 elements cannot be used simultaneously in an input model.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 677 . If the PAXI entry referenced in field 3 references a MAT3 entry. A concentrated load (for example. The continuation is optional. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C TETRA EID PID G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) C TETRA 112 2 3 15 14 4 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. OptiStruct 13. Default = EID (Integer > 0) G# Identification numbers of connected grid points. (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PSOLID property entry.CTETRA Bulk Data Entry CTETRA – Four-sided Solid Element with four or ten grid points Description Defines the connections of the CTETRA element. Default = blank (Integer > 0) Comments 1. 678 Element ID numbers must be unique with respect to all other element ID numbers. the element coordinate system will be built on the renumbered node sequence. 4. S Joins the midpoints of the edges from G1 to G3 and G2 to G4. In such cases. or the element coordinate system (CORDM = -1). C TETRA definition 3. a defined system (CORDM = Integer > 0). The material coordinate system is defined on the referenced PSOLID entry. 5. G3. The element coordinate system for the CTETRA element is defined as follows: Three intermediate vectors R.2. and T are chosen by the following rules: R Joins the midpoints of the edges from G1 to G2 and G3 to G4. It is recommended that the edge points be located within the middle third of the edge. The grid points G1. S. then the nodes are renumbered to produce right-handed orientation of numbering. All or none of the edge points can be specified. appropriate changes to mid-side node numbering are also performed. If the user-prescribed node numbering on the bottom face is reversed as compared to the sequence shown above. It may be defined as the basic coordinate system (CORDM = 0).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 679 . This is accomplished by swapping node G2 with G3. G2. and G4 must describe the vertices and the remaining grid points describe mid side nodes in the order shown here: The edge points G5 to G10 are optional. For 10noded CTETRA. Stresses are output in the material coordinate system. T Joins the midpoints of the edges from G1 to G4 and G2 to G3 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The element x-axis is the cross product of the element y-axis and the element z-axis. 680 This card is represented as a tetra4 or tetra10 element in HyperMesh. OptiStruct 13. 6.C TETRA element coordinate system The origin of the element coordinate system is located at G1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The element z-axis corresponds to the T vector. The element y-axis is the cross product of the T and R vectors. Default = EID (Integer > 0) G1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 681 . PCOMPP or PHFSHL property entry. all unique) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. PCOMP. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C TRIA3 EID PID G1 G2 G3 Theta or MC ID ZOFFS T1 T2 T3 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) C TRIA3 111 203 31 74 75 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PSHELL.G2. This element uses a 6 degree-of-freedom per node formulation.G3 Grid point identification numbers of connection points.CTRIA3 Bulk Data Entry CTRIA3 – Triangular Element Connection Description Defines a triangular plate element (TRIA3) of the structural model. No default (Integers > 0. 3.0 or blank) Comments 1. and 4).0 is used (See comments 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . MCID must be an integer > 0. 682 OptiStruct 13. If blank. Default is Theta = 0. the material coordinate system is aligned with elemental coordinate system. 4. For elements with prescribed THETA. the average of all three thicknesses is used as the element thickness. the material x-axis is rotated from side G1-G2 by angle THETA. For elements with blank Theta/MCID.Field Contents Theta Material orientation angle in degrees. For H3D and OUTPUT2 output formats. If Ti is specified.0 (Real or blank) Ti Thickness of the element at the grid points.OMID can be set to NO to output results in the elemental system. For defaults: see comments 5 and 7. The x-axis of the element coordinate system is aligned with side 1-2 of the shell element. The x-axis of this coordinate system is projected onto the element to define the x-axis of the material coordinate system. If MCID = 0.0 (Integer > 0) ZOFFS Offset from the plane defined by element grid points to the shell reference plane. See comment 8. For elements with prescribed MCID. 3. stresses and strains are always output in the elemental system.0 (Real) MCID Material coordinate system identification number. Theta = 0. Overrides the ZOFFS specified on the PSHELL entry. PUNCH. 2. For HM. PARAM. stresses and strains are output by default in the material coordinate system. Default = 0. Overrides the thickness specified on the PSHELL entry. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. Default = 0. (Real > 0. the material system is constructed by projecting the prescribed MCID onto the plane of the element. and OPTI output formats. it specifies the basic coordinate system. A positive value of ZOFFS implies that the reference plane of each shell element is offset a distance of ZOFFS along the positive z-axis of its element coordinate system. then any Ti values defined here are ignored. shell results. such as shell element forces. ZOFFS can be input in two different formats: 1. are output on the offset reference plane.0 is specified for Ti. If you input Ti for elements in the design space for Topology or Free-Size optimization. is given relative to the offset reference plane. If 0. The shell reference plane can be offset from the plane defined by element nodes by means of ZOFFS.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 683 . 8. 7. Similarly. such as material matrices or fiber locations for the calculation of stresses. If the property referenced by PID is selected as a region for free-size or size optimization. the PID cannot reference PCOMP or PCOMPP data. Real: A positive or a negative value of ZOFFS is specified in this format. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. In this case all other information. the run will error out. the thickness specified on the PSHELL data will be used for that node’s thickness.Orientation when Theta (real value) is entered in 8th field Orientation when MC ID (integer value) is entered in 8th field 5. If Ti is present. then the thickness at that node is zero. If any of the Ti fields are blank. 6. See Figure 1. Figure 1: Top option in ZOFFS Bottom: The bottom surface of the shell element and the plane defined by the element nodes are coincident. both MID1 and MID2 must be specified on the PSHELL entry referenced by this element (otherwise. (The sign of the ZOFFS value would depend on the direction of the offset relative to the positive z-axis of the element coordinate system. This makes the effective "Real" ZOFFS value equal to half of the thickness of the PSHELL property entry referenced by this element. Top: The top surface of the shell element and the plane defined by the element nodes are coincident. Figure 2: Bottom option in ZOFFS Note that when ZOFFS is used. as defined in the Real section). Surface: This format allows you to select either “Top” or “Bottom” option to specify the offset value.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This makes the effective "Real" ZOFFS value equal to half of the thickness of the PSHELL property entry referenced by this element. See Figure 2. (The sign of the ZOFFS value would depend on the direction of the offset relative to the positive z-axis of the element coordinate system.2. 684 OptiStruct 13. as defined in the Real section). singular matrices would result). Hence. and to respective element loads (such as gravity). 9. ZOFFS can be used in all types of analysis and optimization. the value of ZOFFS should be kept within a reasonable percentage (10% . 10. mass. PHFSHL properties are only valid with an @HYPERFORM statement in the first line of the input file. the offset operation does not correct for secondary effects. that for first order shell elements (CQUAD4 and CTRIA3). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.Offset is applied to all element matrices (stiffness. Without offset. Note that the above illustrations apply to linear buckling – in a fully nonlinear limit load simulation. the loss of stability is gradual and asymptotically reaches a limit load. however. such as change of shell area when offset is applied on curved surfaces. Hence. and geometric stiffness). additional instability points may be present on the load path. Automatic offset control is available in composite free-size and sizing optimization where the specified offset values are automatically updated based on thickness changes. the structure with offset can reach excessive deformation before the limit load is reached. Note. Moreover. caution is advised in interpreting the results. while offset is correctly applied in geometric stiffness matrix and hence can be used in linear buckling analysis. as shown below in figure (b): Hence. a typical simple structure will bifurcate and loose stability “instantly” at the critical load. This card is represented as a tria3 element in HyperMesh. though.15%) of the local radius of curvature.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 685 . With offset. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .CTRIA6 Bulk Data Entry CTRIA6 – Curved Triangular Shell Element Connection Description Defines a curved triangular shell element with six grid points.020 . all unique) 686 OptiStruct 13.G2. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C TRIA6 EID PID G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 THETA or MC ID ZOFFS T1 T2 T3 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C TRIA6 302 3 31 33 71 32 51 52 45 .03 .025 . Default = EID (Integer > 0) G1. No default (Integers > 0. PCOMP or PCOMPP entry.G3 Grid point identification numbers of connected corner points.025 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PSHELL. Default = 0. Default is THETA = 0. Default = 0.0 (Real or blank) Ti Membrane thickness of element at grid points G1 through G3. For defaults: see comment 5. The thickness of the element with Ti specified will be constant and equal to an average of T1. No default (Integer > 0 or blank) THETA Material orientation angle in degrees.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 687 .0 (Integer > 0) ZOFFS Offset from the surface of grid points to the element reference plane. The x-axis of this material coordinate system is determined by projecting the x-axis of the MCID coordinate system (defined by the CORDij entry or zero for the basic coordinate system) onto the surface of the element.G6 Grid point identification number of connected edge points. Grid points G1 through G6 must be numbered as shown here: Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Overrides the ZOFFS specified on the PSHELL entry. T2.0 (Real) MCID Material coordinate system identification number.G5. Element identification numbers should be unique with respect to all other element IDs.Field Contents G4.0 or blank) Comments 1. Cannot be omitted. and T3. (Real > 0. see Comment 7. 2. Altair Engineering .3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering of . The element coordinate system is a Cartesian system defined locally for each point ( . - is tangent to the line of constant - increases in the general direction of increasing 688 . and OptiStruct 13. ). It is based on the following rules: - The plane containing and is tangent to the surface of the element. If MCID is used in place of THETA. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. then the local material x-direction (Xmaterial) is obtained at any point in the element by projection of the x-axis of the prescribed MCID coordinate system onto the surface of the element at this point. The orientation of the material coordinate system is defined locally at each interior integration point by THETA.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 689 . which is the angle from the line of constant (essentially the same as the -axis) to the material x-direction (Xmaterial).4. The local z-direction is aligned with the normal to the surface and the material y-direction (Y material) is constructed accordingly to produce right-handed local material system X-Y-Zmaterial. such as shell element forces. then any Ti values defined here are ignored. then the thickness at that node is zero.75.5. and T3 are optional. then the element thickness will be set equal to the value of T on the PSHELL entry. 690 OptiStruct 13. 6.75) excluding the quarter points 0. The shell reference plane can be offset from the plane defined by element nodes by means of ZOFFS. 2.0 is specified for Ti. such as material matrices or fiber locations for the calculation of stresses. A positive value of ZOFFS implies that the reference plane of each shell element is offset a distance of ZOFFS along the positive z-axis of its element coordinate system.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .25 and 0.25. PID cannot reference PCOMP or PCOMPP data. Real: A positive or a negative value of ZOFFS is specified in this format. are output on the offset reference plane. Similarly. 0. T2. If Ti is supplied. ZOFFS can be input in two different formats: 1. If the edge point is located at the quarter point. is given relative to the offset reference plane. 7. It is required that the midside grid points be located within the middle third of the edge. the run will error out. shell results. If the property referenced by PID is selected as a region for Size optimization. If they are not supplied. That is the interval (0. If 0. T1. In this case all other information. the program may fail with an error or the calculated stresses will be meaningless. If you input Ti for elements in the design space for Topology or Free-Size optimization. Surface: This format allows you to select either “Top” or “Bottom” option to specify the offset value. (The sign of the ZOFFS value would depend on the direction of the offset relative to the positive z-axis of the element coordinate system. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Figure 1: Top option in ZOFFS Bottom: The bottom surface of the shell element and the plane defined by the element nodes are coincident. Figure 2: Bottom option in ZOFFS Note that when ZOFFS is used. (The sign of the ZOFFS value would depend on the direction of the offset relative to the positive z-axis of the element coordinate system. mass and geometric stiffness) and to respective element loads (such as gravity). See Figure 1. as defined in the Real section). both MID1 and MID2 must be specified on the PSHELL entry referenced by this element (otherwise.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 691 .Top: The top surface of the shell element and the plane defined by the element nodes are coincident. singular matrices would result). This makes the effective "Real" ZOFFS value equal to half of the thickness of the PSHELL property entry referenced by this element. as defined in the Real section). Offset is applied to all element matrices (stiffness. ZOFFS can be used in all types of analysis and optimization. Hence. Automatic offset control is available in composite free-size and sizing optimization where the specified offset values are automatically updated based on thickness changes. See Figure 2. This makes the effective "Real" ZOFFS value equal to half of the thickness of the PSHELL property entry referenced by this element. However. 8. Size optimization of the property referenced by PID is not possible if Ti values are defined here. Without offset. caution is advised in interpreting the results.YES when working with these elements. This card is represented as a tria6 element in HyperMesh. No mass is associated with these degrees-of-freedom. 692 OptiStruct 13. while offset is correctly applied in geometric stiffness matrix and hence can be used in linear buckling analysis. 10. 11. If the property referenced by PID is selected as a region for free-size optimization. as shown below in figure (b): Hence. It is therefore advisable to use PARAM. then any Ti values defined here are ignored. Stresses and strains are output in the local coordinate system identified by above. a typical simple structure will bifurcate and loose stability “instantly” at the critical load. though. and 9. Note that the above illustrations apply to linear buckling – in a fully nonlinear limit load simulation. With offset. the loss of stability is gradual and asymptotically reaches a limit load.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . These 2nd order shell elements do not have normal rotational degrees-of-freedom (often referred to as "drilling stiffness"). massless mechanisms may occur. the structure with offset can reach excessive deformation before the limit load is reached. additional instability points may be present on the load path.AUTOSPC. If unconstrained. a 6 degrees-of-freedom per node formulation is used for all shell elements.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 693 . Refer to the documentation for the CTRIA3 Bulk Data Entry. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.CTRIAR Bulk Data Entry CTRIAR – Triangular Element Connection Description CTRIAR entry is equivalent to CTRIA3. Unlike other Nastran codes. Cannot be omitted.CTRIAX6 Bulk Data Entry CTRIAX6 – Axisymmetric Triangular Element Connection Description Defines an axisymmetric triangular cross-section ring element for use in linear analysis. No default (Integer > 0) G1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C TRIAX6 EID MID G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 (10) Theta Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C TRIAX6 111 203 31 74 75 32 51 52 (10) 15. No default (Integers > 0. No default (Integer > 0) MID Identification number of a MAT1 or MAT3 entry.0 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .G5 Identification numbers of connected corner grid points.G3. all unique) 694 OptiStruct 13. All the grid points must be located in the x-z plane of the basic coordinate system with x = r > 0. and ordered consecutively starting at a corner grid point and proceeding around the perimeter in either direction. Corner grid points G1.Field Contents G2. No default (Integers > 0.G6 Identification numbers of connected edge grid points. C TRIAX6 definition Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Cannot be omitted.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 695 . they all must be used. If any of the edge points are present. Default = 0.G4. G4 and G6 are optional.0 (Real or blank) Comments 1. G3 and G5 must be present. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. The edge points G2. all unique) Theta Material orientation angle in degrees. 2. 655N 6.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The continuation is optional. This card is represented as an element in HyperMesh. A concentrated load (for example. If MID is defined on a MAT3 entry.3. 7. material properties and stresses are always given in the (xm.4m. the magnitude of the load specified on the static load entry must be: (200 N/m) * 2 * (0. zm) coordinate system shown in the figure above. 5. For example. 696 OptiStruct 13.4m) = 502. in order to apply a load of 200N/m on the circumference at Gi which is located at a radius of 0. CTRIAX6 and CTAXI elements cannot be used simultaneously in an input model. 4. the load specified on a FORCE entry) at a grid Gi of this element denotes that applied onto the circumference with radius of Gi. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. Integer > 0) G1. Comments 1. (Default = EID.G2 Grid point identification numbers of connection points. Only one TUBE element may be defined on a single entry. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C TUBE EID PID G1 G2 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C TUBE 12 13 21 23 Field Contents EID Element identification number. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PTUBE property entry. 2.CTUBE Bulk Data Entry CTUBE – Tube Element Connection Description Defines a tension-compression-torsion element (TUBE) of the structural model.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 697 . PTUBE data is converted into PROD data. 4. 698 OptiStruct 13. CTUBE data is converted to CROD data as it is read.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This card is represented as a rod element in HyperMesh.3. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C VISC EID PID G1 G2 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C VISC 2 64 12 63 (6) Field Contents EID Unique element identification number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 699 . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) PID Identification number of a PVISC entry. 2. Default = EID (Integer > 0) G1.CVISC Bulk Data Entry CVISC – Viscous Damper Connection Description Defines a viscous damper element. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. Element identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. G2 Geometric grid point identification numbers of connection points. Viscous damper elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis. 700 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 4. This card is represented as a spring element in HyperMesh. 5.3. Only one viscous damper element may be defined on a single entry. CWELD Bulk Data Entry CWELD – Weld or Fastener Element Connection Description Defines a weld or fastener connecting two surface patches or points. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C WELD EWID PWID GS TYP GA GB SPTYP GA1/SHIDA GA2/ SHIDB GA3 GA4 GA5 GA6 GA7 GA8 GB1 GB2 GB3 GB4 GB5 GB6 GB7 GB8 (7) (8) (10) Example 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C WELD 7 34 233 GRIDID 55 56 21 22 101 102 378 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C WELD 7 34 233 ELEMID 15 16 (6) (9) (10) (9) (10) QT Example 2 Altair Engineering (6) (7) (8) OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 701 . 0 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) PARTPAT 0. Format (Alternate) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) C WELD EWID PWID GS PATC HTYP GA GB PIDA/ SHIDA PIDB/ SHIDB XS YS (8) (9) (10) ZS Example 1 (Alternate) (1) (2) (3) C WELD 10 20 33 34 5.0 5.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Example 3 (1) (2) (3) C WELD 7 34 (4) (5) (6) (7) ALIGN 103 259 (8) (9) (10) Alternate Formats of CWELD Card – PARTPAT/ELPAT The alternative formats of CWELD listed below are useful in cases when the weld diameter extends beyond a single shell element.0 Example 2 (Alternate) 702 OptiStruct 13. These options connect up to 3x3 shell elements per patch (possibly more for triangular elements) on each side of weld element. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) PWID Identification number of a PWELD entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 703 . these represent vertex grid identification numbers of the first and second shells respectively. these represent grid identification numbers of piercing points on surface A and surface B respectively (See comment 4). Required when TYP is GRIDID or ELEMID and GA and GB are unspecified (See comments 2 and 4). Default = EWID (Integer > 0) GS Identification number of a grid point which defines the location of the connector. ALIGN indicates that the connection is defined between two shell vertex grid points (See comment 8). No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. No default (Integer > 0) TYP Character string indicating how the connection is defined.(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C WELD 10 20 345 ELPAT 1034 2035 (6) Field Contents EWID Unique element identification number. GB When TYP is GRIDID or ELEMID. respectively (See comment 3). ELEMID indicates that the connection is defined with shell element identification numbers SHIDA and SHIDB (See comment 7). GRIDID indicates that the connection is defined with grid identification numbers GA# and GB#. When TYPE is ALIGN. ELEMID or ALIGN) GA. No default (GRIDID. SHIDB Element identification numbers of shells defining weld ends A and B. See comment 12. SHIDA. YS.PIDB Property identification numbers of PSHELL entries defining surface A and B. PIDA. QT.Field Contents SPTYP String indicating types of surface patches A and B. GA1 to GA3 are required (See comment 6). respectively. the connection of surface patch to surface patch is defined by specifying IDs of shells SHIDA and SHIDB. For ELPAT. PATCHTYP The type of connection between the patches. Q or T) GA# Grid identification numbers of the first surface patch. ZS Coordinates of point that defines the location of the weld in the basic coordinate system. It is an alternate way of specifying the location of GS. XS. or between two shell vertex grid points. Q indicates quadrilateral surface patch. See figure below: OptiStruct 13. Required for PARTPAT. Real Comments 1. TT. respectively. No default (QQ. between a point and a surface patch. the connection of surface patch to surface patch is defined by specifying the property numbers of shells on side A and B. respectively. and T indicates triangular surface patch. Available with PARTPAT/ELPAT options only. Either format connects up to 3x3 elements per patch (possibly more for triangular elements). PIDA and PIDB. Required for ELPAT.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . For PARTPAT. Required when TYP is GRIDID (See comment 5). TQ. No default (Integer > 0) GB# Grid identification numbers of the second surface patch (See comment 6). respectively. 704 CWELD defines a flexible connection between two surface patches. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 705 .C onnection between two surface patches C onnection between a point and a surface patch Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. OptiStruct 13. 5. TQ Connects a triangular surface patch A (TRIA3 or TRIA6) with a quadrilateral surface patch B (QUAD4 or QUAD8). SPTYP is required when TYP is GRIDID to identify quadrilateral or triangular patches. If GA and/or GB are specified. respectively. GA# describes the first surface patch and GB# describes the second surface patch.C onnection between two shell vertex grid points 2. TT Connects a triangular surface patch A (TRIA3 or TRIA6) with a triangular surface patch B (TRIA3 or TRIA6). their locations will be corrected so that they lie on surface patch A and B. Surface patch B should not be specified. The length of the connector is the distance from GA to GB. Also. QT Connects a quadrilateral surface patch A (QUAD4 or QUAD8) with a triangular surface patch B (TRIA3 or TRIA6). If TYP is GRIDID.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 4. they are generated from the normal projection of GS onto the surface patches. both GA and GB are required. either a point to patch (GS to GA#) or a patch to patch (GA# to GB#) connection is defined. SPTYP defines the type of surface patches to be connected. GS is ignored if TYP is ALIGN. For the patch to patch connection. Q Connects a grid point GB (or GS if GB not provided) with a quadrilateral surface patch A (QUAD4 or QUAD8). The input of the piercing points GA and GB is optional when TYP is GRIDID and ELEMID. they take precedence over GS in defining the respective end points. 3. Allowable combinations are: 706 SPTYP Description QQ Connects a quadrilateral surface patch A (QUAD4 or QUAD8) with a quadrilateral surface patch B (QUAD4 or QUAD8). If GA or GB are not specified. If GS is not specified. is identical to the CBAR element. GA and GB are not required when TYP is GRIDID or ELEMID. GA# are required when TYP is GRIDID. a point to point connection is defined. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The element x-axis points from GA to GB. GS to SHIDA or a patch to patch connection. Surface patch B should not be specified. At least 3. including the sign convention. GA and GB are required. 10. The element z-axis is the cross-product of the element x-axis and the element y-axis. SHIDA to SHIDB. 8.6. a point to patch connection is defined. SPTYP Description T Connects a grid point GB (or GS if GB not provided) with a triangular surface patch A (TRIA3 or TRIA6). Triangular and quadrilateral element definition sequences apply for the order of GA# and GB#. grid IDs may be specified for GA#. Quadrilateral and Triangular Surface Patches as defined when TYP is GRIDID 7. When TYP is ALIGN. SHIDA and SHIDB must be valid shell element identification numbers. Forces and moments are output in the element coordinate system (shown in comment 10 below). and is orthogonal to the element x-axis. and at most 8. When TYP is ELEMID. see below. The output format of the forces and moments.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 707 . 9. The element y-axis lies on the plane created by the element x-axis and the smallest component of the element x-axis is the basic coordinate system. Missing mid-side nodes are allowed. It is recommended to start with default settings. 708 OptiStruct 13. respectivel)y.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The crosssection area of the resulting hexahedral is equivalent to the area of the weld. respectively. The patches are identified by specifying SHIDA and SHIDB (for ELPAT connection) and by specifying property IDs PIDA and PIDB for PARTPAT connection (wherein SHIDA and SHIDB are found by appropriate search of best projections of GS (or GA) onto the surfaces A and B. The piercing points GA and GB are found by appropriate projections onto SHIDA and SHIDB. The weld stiffness matrix is first built using the auxiliary points and then constrained to supporting shell nodes using respective shape functions. 12. Then the axis GA-GB is used to define four pairs of auxiliary points GAHi. GBHi.4 that are located on patches A and B. Diagnostic print outs. The formats PARTPAT and ELPAT connect shell element patches on side A and B. checkout runs and non-default setting of search and projection parameters are requested on the SWLDPRM bulk data entry. i=1.Element coordinate system and sign convention of element forces 11. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a rod element in HyperMesh. 14.13. Fastener elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 709 . DAREA is used in conjunction with RLOAD1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .7 Field Contents SID Identification number. A2# Scale (area) factor. RLOAD2. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) P1. and TLOAD2 entries. No default (Integer 1 through 6. or 0 for scalar points) A1. P2# Grid or scalar point identification number.DAREA Bulk Data Entry DAREA – Dynamic Load Scale Factor Description Defines scale (area) factors for dynamic loads. C2# Component number. TLOAD1.7 65 2 5. No default (Integer > 0) C1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) DAREA SID P1 C1 A1 P2 C2 A2 (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) DAREA 3 64 2 5. No default (Real) 710 OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a constraint load in HyperMesh. 5. One or two scale factors may be defined on a single entry. and that the component be > 1 when the grid reference is a structural grid point (GRID). it is required for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the component be 0 or blank when the grid reference is a scalar point (SPOINT). the grid reference must always be a structural grid (GRID).Comments 1. 3. interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. Refer to RLOAD1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 711 . TLOAD1. Component numbers refer to the displacement coordinate system. When the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option is set to CHECK (default) or STRICT. 4. it is allowed for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the grid reference be either a scalar point (SPOINT) or a structural grid point (GRID) when the component is 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 1 or blank. 2. When SPSYNTAX is set to MIXED. When the component is greater than 1. RLOAD2. or TLOAD2 entries for the formula that define the scale factor A#. List of entities of type ETYPE for which this DCOMP card is defined. PDOPT (10) No default (Integer > 0) ETYPE Entity type for which this DCOMP card is defined. No default (Integer > 0) LAMTHK 712 LAMTHK flag indicating that laminate thickness constraints are applied.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . OptiStruct 13. No default (PCOMP or STACK) EID# Entity identification numbers. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) DC OMP ID ETYPE EID1 EID2 EID3 EID4 EID5 EID6 EID7 … + + LAMTHK LTMIN LTMAX LTSET LTEXC + PLYTHK PTGRP PTMIN PTMAX PTOPT PTSET PTEXC + PLYPC T PPGRP PPMIN PPMAX PPOPT PPSET PPEXC + BALANC E BGRP1 BGRP2 BOPT + C ONST C GRP C THIC K C OPT + PLYDRP PDGRIP PDTYP PDSET PDEXC PDMAX Field Contents ID Unique identification number.DCOMP Bulk Data Entry DCOMP – Manufacturing Constraints for Composite Sizing Optimization Description Defines manufacturing constraints for composite sizing optimization. PTGRP Ply orientation in degrees. depending on the PTOPT selection. ply sets or ply IDs. PTEXC Exclusion flag indicates that certain plies are excluded from the PLYTHK constraint. to which the PLYTHK constraint is applied.Field Contents Multiple LAMTHK constraints are allowed. Plies can be selected based on the following: BYANG: Orientation (Default) BYSET: Ply sets BYPLY: Ply IDs PTSET Set ID of elements to which the PLYTHK constraint is applied. The following options are supported: NONE: Plies are not excluded.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 713 . LTMIN Minimum laminate thickness for the LAMTHK constraint. (Default) CONST: Plies defined in the CONST constraint are excluded. Default = blank (Real > 0.0 and > LTMIN) LTSET Set ID of elements to which the LAMTHK constraint is applied. The following options are supported: NONE: Plies are not excluded. CORE: The core is excluded. Default = blank (Real > 0. Multiple PLYTHK constraints are allowed. No default (Real or Integer) PTMIN Minimum thickness for the PLYTHK constraint.0) LTMAX Maximum laminate thickness for the LAMTHK constraint. Default = blank (Real > 0. Default = blank (Real > 0.0) PTMAX Maximum thickness for the PLYTHK constraint. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. BOTH: CORE and CONST are considered.0 and > PTMIN) PTOPT Ply selection options for the PLYTHK constraint. PLYTHK PLYTHK flag indicating that ply thickness constraints are applied. LTEXC Exclusion flag indicates that certain plies are excluded from the LAMTHK constraint. ply sets or ply IDs. BOTH: CORE and CONST are considered. (Default) CONST: Plies defined in the CONST constraint are excluded. PPGRP Ply orientation in degrees. No default (Real or Integer) PPMIN Minimum percentage thickness for the PLYPCT constraint. BALANCE BALANCE flag indicating that a balancing constraint is applied.0 and < 1. No default (Real or Integer) BGRP2 Second ply orientation in degrees.Field Contents CORE: The core is excluded. PLYPCT PLYPCT flag indicating that ply thickness percentage constraints are applied. ply sets or ply IDs. (Default) CONST: Plies defined in the CONST constraint are excluded. Multiple PLYPCT constraints are allowed. Plies can be selected based on the following: BYANG: Orientation (Default) BYSET: Ply sets BYPLY: Ply IDs PPSET Set ID of elements to which the PLYPCT constraint is applied. PPEXC Exclusion flag indicates that certain plies are excluded from the PLYPCT constraint.0. < 1. ply sets or ply IDs. CORE: The core is excluded. to which the PLYPCT constraint is applied. The following options are supported: NONE: Plies are not excluded. to which the BALANCE constraint is applied. BGRP1 First ply orientation in degrees. depending on the BOPT selection.0) PPMAX Maximum percentage thickness for the PLYPCT constraint. depending on the PPOPT selection. Default = blank (Real > 0. depending on the BOPT selection. Default = blank (Real > 0. to which the BALANCE constraint is applied.0 and > PPMIN) PPOPT Ply selection options for the PLYPCT constraint. BOTH: CORE and CONST are considered.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Multiple BALANCE constraints are allowed. No default (Real or Integer) 714 OptiStruct 13. Plies can be selected based on the following: BYANG: Orientation (Default) BYSET: Ply sets BYPLY: Ply IDs PDSET Set IDs of elements to which the PLYDRP constraint is applied. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (Real or Integer) PDTYP Specifies the type of the drop-off constraint as: TOTDRP (see comment 5). depending on the PDOPT selection. Multiple PLYDRP constraints are allowed. ply sets or ply IDs. No default. ply sets or ply IDs. Plies can be selected based on the following: BYANG: Orientation (Default) BYSET: Ply sets BYPLY: Ply IDs PLYDRP Indicates that ply drop-off constraints are applied. CGRP Ply orientation in degrees. No default (Real or Integer) CTHICK Constant ply thickness for the CONST constraint. No default (Real > 0) PDOPT Ply selection options for the PLYDRP constraint. Plies can be selected based on the following: BYANG: Orientation (Default) BYSET: Ply sets BYPLY: Ply IDs CONST CONST flag indicating that a constant thickness constraint is applied. to which the CONST constraint is applied.Field Contents BOPT Ply selection options for the BALANCE constraint. PDGRIP Ply orientation in degrees. to which the PLYDRP constraint is applied. PDMAX Maximum allowed drop-off for the PLYDRP constraint.0) COPT Ply selection options for the CONST constraint. depending on the COPT selection. Multiple CONST constraints are allowed.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 715 . No default (Real > 0. as shown in the figure below: The option for PDTYP in DCOMP is: TOTDRP.0 and prior) are supported and handled appropriately. There can be elements that do not belong to any set.FSTOSZ control card is activated. refer to the User’s Guide section.Field Contents PDEXC Exclusion flag indicates certain plies are excluded from the PLYDRP constraint. PLYTHK and PLYPCT can be applied locally to sets of elements. For a more detailed description and an example. CORE: The core is excluded. 5. The option for selecting the type of drop-off constraints for PDTYP is defined for a set of plies. The following options are supported: NONE: Plies are not excluded. Older versions of the DCOMP card (OptiStruct version 11. 4. The following manufacturing constraints are available for ply-based composite sizing optimization: Lower and upper bounds on the total thickness of the laminate (LAMTHK) Lower and upper bounds on the thickness of a given orientation (PLYTHK) Lower and upper bounds on the thickness percentage of a given orientation (PLYPCT) Manufacturable ply thickness (PLYMAN) Linking between the thicknesses of two given orientations (BALANCE) Constant (non-designable) thickness of a given orientation (CONST) LAMTHK. Optimization of Composite Structures. 2. BOTH: CORE and CONST are considered. Comments 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . CONST: Plies defined in the CONST constraint are excluded. These constraints are automatically created after performing free-sizing optimization when the OUTPUT. 716 OptiStruct 13. 3. (Default). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as an optimization designvariable in HyperMesh.Assuming that the plies are stacked as shown above. you have the following definition: 6.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 717 . DCONADD Bulk Data Entry DCONADD – Design Constraint Addition Description Creates a combination of several DCONSTR sets that can be referenced by a subcase. All DCi must be unique. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) DCi DCONSTR identification number. (Integer > 0) Comments 1. The DCONADD entry is selected by a DESSUB or DESGLB in the Subcase Information section. This card is represented as an optimizationconstraint in HyperMesh. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) DC ONADD DC ID DC 1 DC 2 DC 3 DC 4 DC 5 DC 6 DC 7 DC 8 etc. 718 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . All DCID must be unique with respect to all Dci (DCONSTR IDs). 3. 4. Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DC ONADD 101 10 20 30 Field Contents DCID DCONADD identification number. 2. DRESP2.DCONSTR Bulk Data Entry DCONSTR – Design Constraints Description Defines design constraint upper and lower bounds where response is defined by DRESP1.5 10. and DRESP3 cards.0 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Associated Cards (1) (2) (3) (4) DRESP1 9 TOPN DISP (5) (6) (7) (8) 3 Field Contents DCID Design constraint identification number. (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 719 . DRESP2. (9) (10) 4668 (Integer > 0) RID DRESP1. or DRESP3 identification number. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) DC ONSTR DC ID RID LBOUND/ LTID UBOUND/ UTID LFREQ UFREQ PROB (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DC ONSTR 1 9 0. The constraint bounds LBOUND and UBOUND are applied only if the loading frequency falls between LFREQ and UFREQ. FRVELO. Constraint bounds of zero should be avoided. If LBOUND or UBOUND are blank.0E-7 for lower bounds and –1. UFREQ apply only to response types related to a frequency response subcase (DRESPi. This will remove numerical difficulties and cause the constraints to be ignored unless the response is actually very near zero. or blank) UBOUND/UTID Upper bound on response or table identification number of a TABLEDi entry that specifies the upper bound as function of a loading frequency. RTYPE = FRDISP. LFREQ and UFREQ are ignored. not zero. Default = 1. They are applied analogous to LFREQ. This card is represented as an optimizationconstraint in HyperMesh. FRFORC. If a bound of zero is input. If ATTB of DRESP1 specifies a frequency value.0) UFREQ Upper bound on a loading frequency range. LTID. For example. 6. UTID identify a loading frequency dependent tabular input using TABLEDi. 7. FRACCL. The DCONSTR DCID is selected in the Subcase Information section by the DESSUB or DESGLB cards and/or referenced by the DCONADD card. the associated RID can be referenced only once. 2. 5. Integer. no constraint will be generated for the bound. 720 OptiStruct 13. (Real. and FRERP). (50. Integer.0) Comments 1.0E+20 (Real > LFREQ) PROB Probability value for Reliability based Design Optimization runs.0 (Real > 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Real. Unnecessary bounds should be left blank. or blank) LFREQ Lower bound on a loading frequency range. the bound will be changed to 1.0E-7 for upper bounds.Field Contents LBOUND/LTID Lower bound on response or table identification number of a TABLEDi entry that specifies the lower bound as function of a loading frequency. FRSTRS. LFREQ. For any DCID. Default = 0. lower bounds on von Mises stress should be blank.0 < Real < 100. 3. 4. UFREQ detailed in comment 5. FRSTRN. They may also be used with either format above.- (7) (8) (9) (10) (7) (8) (9) (10) Continuation Entry Format 2 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DVAL8 "THRU" DVAL9 "BY" INC Example Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) DDVAL ID DVAL1 DVAL2 DVAL3 DVAL4 DVAL5 DVAL6 DVAL7 (8) (9) (10) Alternate Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) DDVAL ID DVAL1 "THRU" DVAL "BY" INC (10) The continuation entry formats (shown below) may be used more than once.DDVAL Bulk Data Entry DDVAL – Discrete Design Variable Values Description This bulk data entry can be used to define real. Continuation Entry Format 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DVAL8 DVAL9 DVAL10 DVAL11 -etc. discrete design variable values for discrete variable optimization or to define relative rotor spin rates in rotor dynamics. and in any order.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 721 . for example.0*INC.6 0. Trailing fields on a DDVAL record can be left blank if the next record is of type DVALi "THRU" DVALj "BY" INC. (Real or "THRU" or "BY") INC Discrete value increment. 2.7 thru 1. b) The SPTID field of a RSPINR bulk data entry. DVALj. fields 7 though 9 must be blank when the type DVALi "THRU" DVALj "BY" INC is used in fields 2 through 6.5 0. Embedded blanks are not permitted in other cases. DVALi+2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . DDVAL entries must be referenced by a) The DDVAL field of a DESVAR bulk data entry. (Real) Comments 1. Also. 722 OptiStruct 13. ….(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) DDVAL 110 0. The last discrete DVALj is always included. DVALi.0 by 0.1 0. The format DVALi "THRU" DVALj "BY" INC defines a list of discrete values.4 . 3. The DVALi sequence can be random. This card is represented as a discretedesignvariable in HyperMesh.05 1.2 0. 5. even if the range is not evenly divisible by INC. DVALi+INC. (9) (10) (Integer > 0) DVALi Discrete values.5 20 Field Contents ID Unique discrete value set identification number. Fields 8 through 9 must be blank when the type DVALi "THRU" DVALj "BY" INC is used in fields 3 through 7 for the first record. 4.3 0. No default (Real) Comments 1. See comment 1. deformation sets must be referenced by a DEFORM Subcase Information entry. No default (Integer > 0) D# Deformation. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 723 . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) DEFORM SID EID1 D1 EID2 D2 EID3 D3 (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DEFORM 21 157 -0. (Positive value represents elongation). and CTUBE elements are valid.4 (7) Field Contents SID Identification number of a deformation set. (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) EID# Element Identification Number. CONROD. Only CBAR. CROD.DEFORM Bulk Data Entry DEFORM – Static Element Deformation Description Defines enforced axial deformation for one-dimensional elements for use in statics problems. To be used in an analysis. 2.2 111 1. CBEAM. Since most elements in an FEA model are not free to expand. which produces the specified extension if the element is free to expand (similar to the effect of thermal expansion). To precisely enforce a prescribed increase in length. 724 OptiStruct 13.3. giving the DEFORM element a very high axial stiffness can approximate such conditions. the specified extension value may not be achieved because elastic compression of the element will partially or completely offset the effect of the prescribed strain. DEFORM does not enforce an actual extension of the length of the element. MPC equations are more appropriate. it applies an internal strain within the element.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Alternatively. P2 Grid or scalar point identification number. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) DELAY SID P1 C1 T1 P2 C2 T2 (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) DELAY 3 64 2 5.DELAY Bulk Data Entry DELAY – Dynamic Load Time Delay Description Defines the time delay term in the equations of the dynamic loading function. for designated point and component.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 725 . No default (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. No default (Integer 1 through 6. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) P1.7 Field Contents SID Identification number.7 65 2 5. DELAY is used in conjunction with RLOAD1. T2 time delay term. or 0 for scalar points) T1. . RLOAD2. and TLOAD2 entries. TLOAD1. No default (Integer > 0) C1. C2 Component number. .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 3. A DAREA entry should be used to define a load at P# and C#. 2. the grid reference must always be a structural grid (GRID). When SPSYNTAX is set to MIXED. or TLOAD2 entry. RLOAD2. 1 or blank. interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. When the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option is set to CHECK (default) or STRICT. TLOAD1. SID must also be specified on a RLOAD1. See those entry descriptions for the formulae that define the manner in which the time delay term. 726 OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a constraint load in HyperMesh.Comments 1. One or two dynamic load time delays may be defined on a single entry. is used. it is required for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the component be 0 or blank when the grid reference is a scalar point (SPOINT). and that the component be > 1 when the grid reference is a structural grid point (GRID). When the component is greater than 1. 5. 4. it is allowed for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the grid reference be either a scalar point (SPOINT) or a structural grid point (GRID) when the component is 0. EQNn-1.0 Field Contents EQUID Unique equation identification number. -2. Format (1) (2) (3) DEQATN EQUID (4) EQN1. ….3.0. z) + 4. y = max(0. z = -y*1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 727 . EQNn Example 1 DEQATN 3 y(x1. ….0*(2-1)+5.3E-2 Example 2 DEQATN 104 z(x1. (5) (6) (7) (8) EQN2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. x2) = min(sin(x1). (Integer > 0) EQNi i-th equation.0. (9) (10) EQN3. x2). x2) = x1 + x2**-3.DEQATN Bulk Data Entry DEQATN – Design Equation Definition Description Specifies one or more equations for use in optimization. …. otherwise.xn.x2. Free field format is allowed. v2 = expression(x1. variable or function name. 6. Characters after the 72nd column will not be accepted. 7. but only the same number of characters as in the fixed format (56 on the first line and 64 on the continuation lines) and will be accepted.…. where. The list of supported mathematical functions is as follows: 728 OptiStruct 13. which means -2x10-3.…. Each equation card is specified in a fixed format.v1. which may result in DEQATN error or in a valid expression different from that intended.…. There must be only one variable at the left-hand side of each equation in any equation card.xn) = expression(x1.….vi-1) is the variable list which corresponds to the result of equation 1 through equation i-1. xn) is the argument list for variable v1. ….x2. … vn = expression(x1.v1). 3.(Character string) Comments 1. Lower and upper case letters are equivalent. Large field format is not allowed.xn. x2. even within a constant.…. All equation identification numbers must be unique. vi is the variable of equation i. (v1. 5.x2.…. without the limitation of data field boundaries.90") or scientific notation ("-2. The variable of the first equation must be followed by an argument list in the following format: v1(x1.vn-1). … vi = expression(x1.v1. On the continuation card in free format. Blank characters in the equation have no effect. There is no limit on the total length of any equation. A floating point number can be in a format of either normal decimal-point format ("3. (x1. Equations are located in columns 17-72 on the first card.….v2.vi-1).xn.x2.v2. the comma must be present within the first 8 columns. Only the value of the last expression is returned to the bulk data card referencing EQUID (DRESP2). Constants can be specified in a format of either integer or floating point.0E-3"). 4.xn).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Excess characters are silently disregarded. the card will be interpreted in a fixed field format. and in columns 972 on each continuation card.v2.x2. 2. One-argument functions abs(x) absolute value acos(x) arccosine acosh(x) hyperbolic arccosine asin(x) arcsine asinh(x) hyperbolic arcsine atan(x) arctangent atanh(x) hyperbolic arctangent cos(x) cosine cosh(x) hyperbolic cosine exp(x) exponential log(x) natural logarithm log10(x) common logarithm pi(x) multiples of sin(x) sine sinh(x) hyperbolic sine int (x) real to integer conversion sqrt(x) square root Two-argument functions Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 729 . 0 OptiStruct 13.Multi-argument functions 8.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 730 The supported operators are listed below: Symbol Meaning Example + binary + x+y - binary - x-y * multiplication. x*y / division x/y ** power x**y + unary + +1. 12.128 1 / 2 +3 3. Gr and DPIP correspond to variable arguments listed in the left-hand side of the first equation of a DEQATN card identified by EQUID. Two consecutive operators are allowed only if the second one is unary plus or minus. Symbol Meaning Example - unary - -1.DPIPS. LABj. for example. 11. LABm. …. DVIDn. ….-5 7. LAB1. LABm.0 -2**3**2 -512. DRESP2 card. the variables identified by DVIDi and LABj correspond to variable arguments listed in the left-hand side of the first equation of a DEQATN card identified by EQUID. LAB2. Examples of operator precedence: Expression Result 2**-3 0. LAB1. NR1. Functions can be defined in a layered format. In a DVPREL2 card. Only the computed value of the last expression (vn) is used by DRESP2 and/or DVPREL2 entry. DVID2.5 2*3-4 2.0 The precedence of mathematical calculations follows the rules of Fortran language.9. G1. NRk.0 2 * -5 -10. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as an optimizationfunction in HyperMesh.6666666… 10. …. LAB2.NR2.0 2/3/4 0.…. Gq. …. The variable arguments x1 through xN (where N = n + m) are assigned in the order DVID1. min(sin(x1).0 2 . Parenthesis has a higher priority in the order of precedence than the operators listed in 8.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 731 . DPIP1. There is no limit on the number of layers. ….16666666… 2/(3/4) 2. x2). The DEQATN entry is referenced by DRESP2 and/or DVPREL2 bulk data cards. NRp. the variable identified by DVIDi. ….0 2 + -5 -3. DVID2. DVIDn. The variable arguments x1 through xN (where N = n + m + p + q + s) are assigned in the order DVID1. com: The length of the equation exceeds the 72 character per line limitation. There are two adjacent operators in the equation. the following generic message will be provided: Error 1690: This equation could not be parsed. which may create an error in equation if two names are identical after such truncation. Only alphanumeric characters may be used in variable names (that is do not use underscores. There are non-alphanumeric characters (besides operators) in the equation. If this happens. 732 OptiStruct 13. in certain cases. The following functions are not accepted: DB() DBA() INVDB() INVDBA() Possible Errors An informative error message with the DEQATN ID will be displayed if the parsing of the equation fails. letters from non-English alphabet. This error message means that it was not possible to clearly identify the reason for the failure. check for the following possible causes. and so on). All trigonometric arguments are in radians. See the DEQATN entry in the OptiStruct manual. The last character of the equation is an operator. However.Restrictions Variable names longer than 8 characters are truncated. punctuation symbols. mathematical operators.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Mathematical function names (such as those listed in comment 7 above) should not be used as variable names. monetary symbols. and contact ossupport@altair. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 733 .0 Field Contents ID Unique design variable identification number.0 -1. (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) LABEL User-defined name for the variable.DESVAR Bulk Data Entry DESVAR – Design Variable Description Defines a design variable. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) DESVAR ID LABEL XINIT XLB XUB DELXV DDVAL + RAND ITYPE P1 P2 P3 + RANP ITYPE P1 P2 P3 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DESVAR 1 DV001 0. (Character) XINIT Initial value for variable. (Real between XLB and XUB) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 1. 0) P2 734 The second distribution parameter (see comment 5) OptiStruct 13. (Real) XUB Design variable upper bound. (Real) DELXV Initial move limit for each design variable. (Blank or Integer > 0. (Default = value of DOPTPRM parameter DELSIZ) Shape: fraction of the range (XUB – XLB) of the variable. ITYPE Type of Random Distribution (see comment 5): (Character string) NORM – Normal distribution LOG – Logarithmic normal distribution UNIF – Uniform distribution TRIA – Triangular distribution EXPO – Exponential distribution WEIB – Weibull distribution GUMB – Gumbel distribution P1 The first distribution parameter (see comment 5) (Real > 0. (Default = value of DOPTPRM parameter DELSHP) DDVAL ID of DDVAL entry that provides a set of discrete values. Default = blank for continuous design variables) RAND Random Design Variable RAND flag indicating that the random design variable distribution parameters for Reliability-based Design Optimization (RBDO).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Real > 0.0 or blank) Size: fraction of the variable itself.Field Contents XLB Design variable lower bound. 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 735 . The various distribution types are as follows: Normal Distribution (NORM) Log-normal Distribution (LOG) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. if this parameter does not exist RANP Random Parameter RANP flag indicating that the random parameter distribution parameters for Reliability-based Design Optimization (RBDO). Setting XINIT=XLB=XUB freezes the design variable. Move limits are automatically adjusted to enhance iterative stability and convergence speed.0) Set it to zero. If the design variable is discrete (Integer > 0 in DDVAL field). 2. 5. and cannot have embedded blanks.0) P3 The third distribution parameter (see comment 5) (Real > 0. Comments 1. Only the initial value of the move limits can be set. XLB and/or XUB will be replaced by the minimum and maximum discrete values. 4. and if either XLB and/or XUB bounds are wider than those given by the discrete list of values on the corresponding DDVAL entry. LABEL must begin with an alphabetical character.Field Contents (Real > 0. Uniform distribution (UNIF) Triangular distribution (TRIA) Exponential distribution (EXPO) 736 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Weibull distribution (WEIB) Gumbel distribution (GUMB) 6.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 737 . This card is represented as an optimization designvariable in HyperMesh Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Default = blank (blank or Real) UB Overrides the upper bound setting for affected design variables. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DESVARG ID INIT LB UB SET Field Contents ID Identification Number. 738 If any of INIT. Default = ALL (ALL or Integer) Comments 1. LB.DESVARG Bulk Data Entry DESVARG – Design Variable Group Override Description Defines an override for design variable settings. Can either be the keyword ALL or the SID of a SET of type DESVAR. Default = blank (UB. blank. then no override is applied to the corresponding field on affected DESVARs. LB or UB are left blank. See comment 1. Real or ANALYSIS) LB Overrides the lower bound setting for affected design variables. OptiStruct 13. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) INIT Overrides the initial value setting for affected design variables.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = blank (blank or Real) SET Defines the design variables that are affected by this DESVARG entry. 5. Likewise if INIT is defined as UB. then an error will occur.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 739 . then for all affected DESVAR entries the initialization is accomplished based on the corresponding analysis properties. Multiple DESVARGs are allowed (DESVARGs are processed in the order of input). then for all affected DESVAR entries the initial value is set to the lower bound setting. a warning is issued and the Design Variable is initialized based on the DESVAR card.2. If INIT is defined as LB. If the bounds are invalid after DESVARG is applied. INIT is defined as ANALYSIS. This card is represented as a control card in HyperMesh. 3. Limitations for the ANALYSIS mode of initialization in the INIT field: When a Design Variable is associated with multiple properties that have different values. then for all affected DESVAR entries the initial value is set to the upper bound setting. When one of the three limitations occurs. If. 4. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. When a Design Variable is associated with a property through DVPREL2 When a Design Variable is associated with a property through DVPREL1 with multiple design variables. Default = AUTO (Integer > 0. Default = AUTO (Integer > 0. OptiStruct 13. See comment 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) DGLOBA L ID NGROU P NPOINT SPMETH NOUTDE S DESTOL MAXSP MAXSUC C MAXWAL L MAXC PU + + GROUP SID1 NPOINT1 SPMETH1 + GROUP SID2 NPOINT2 SPMETH2 + … … Field Contents ID Each DGLOBAL card must have a unique ID.DGLOBAL Bulk Data Entry DGLOBAL – Input Data for Selecting the Global Search Option Description Defines input parameters required for the Global Search Option (GSO). AUTO or blank) SPMETH 740 Method used to generate the starting points. (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) NGROUP Number of groups of design variables. See comment 1. See comment 2. AUTO or blank) NPOINT Number of starting points for each group of design variables.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . See comment 5. See comment 4. Default = 1% (Real > 0. See comment 5. See comment 5. OFFSET. See comment 5.0 or blank) MAXCPU Maximum amount of CPU time (in hours). AUTO or blank) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. SID# Design variables SET identification number.Field Contents Default = OFFSET (EXTREME. Default = ALL (Integer > 0. See comment 4.0 or blank) GROUP GROUP flag indicating that design variables grouping information is to follow. Default = infinite (Real > 0. Default = AUTO (EXTREME. Default = 20 (Integer > 0 or blank) MAXSUCC Maximum number of consecutive starting points without finding a unique design. AUTO or blank) SPMETH# Method used to generate the starting points for the current group of design variables. ALL or blank) DESTOL Unique design tolerance. Default = 10 (Integer > 0 or blank) MAXWALL Maximum amount of WALL time (in hours). No default (Integer > 0) NPOINT# Number of starting points for the current group of design variables.0 or blank) MAXSP Maximum number of starting points.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 741 . See comment 3. OFFSET or blank) NOUTDES Number of unique designs to be saved. Default = AUTO (Integer > 0. Default = infinite (Real > 0. 7. such as their lower or upper bound. the number of groups is equal to the number of independent design variables with an upper limit of 10. they inherit their value from the generic NPOINT and SPMETH parameters. 3. Up to NOUTDES unique designs are saved in subdirectories named <filename_#s_#u>. whereas with the OFFSET option. With the AUTO option. By default. If such identical designs are found. 742 OptiStruct 13. design variables are grouped together in order to consolidate the potential starting points. each design variable might be assigned its own group. the lower and upper bounds are not considered as starting points. The DGLOBAL bulk data entry is referenced by the DGLOBAL command in the I/O section of the input data. The unique design tolerance DESTOL provides the threshold under which two designs are considered identical. In situations where finer control is required. 2. where #s is the starting point and #u is the rank of the unique design. In both cases. Note that for small optimization problems. except for the termination criteria. the lower and upper bounds are included in the list of starting points. and design variables within a given group are assigned the same relative starting points. If those parameters are not defined for a specific group.Comments 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . it is recommended to run the global search option with the default parameters. Design variables are automatically organized in groups. the starting points are distributed evenly. 5. With the EXTREME option. It is measured as the average of the relative differences between the design variables at the last iteration. OptiStruct determines NGROUP and NPOINT so as to generate a reasonable and manageable number of starting points. In general. NPOINT# and SPMETH# can also be defined for individual groups. For larger optimization problems. The global search option stops searching for optimal designs when any of the following criteria has been met: the maximum number of starting points (MAXSP) has been reached the maximum number of consecutive starting points without finding a unique design (MAXSUCC) has been reached the maximum amount of WALL time (MAXWALL) has been reached or exceeded the maximum amount of CPU time (MAXCPU) has been reached or exceeded all possible starting points have been explored 6. the best occurrence is preserved and other results are discarded. design variables can be grouped manually by creating DESVAR SETs. 4. or PBEAML property definition. No default (Integer > 0) T Thickness flag. The number of a cross-section dimension field on a PBARL.DIM Bulk Data Entry DIM – Dimension Definition Description Defines a link between a DIM# field on a PBARL or PBEAML property and either the thickness on a PSEC definition or the y or z coordinate on a GRIDS definition. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) DIM DIMID T PID (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Alternate Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DIM DIMID G GID C OORD Example (1) (2) (3) (4) DIM 1 T 10 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Field Contents DIMID Dimension identification number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 743 . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. it is used in the definition of arbitrary beam cross-sections. Indicates that the dimension definition is related to a PSEC thickness. GID Identification number of a GRIDS definition. Indicates that the dimension definition is related to a GRIDS coordinate. 2. No default (Integer > 0) G Grid flag. DIMID may be repeated in a section definition. but a PSEC thickness or a GRIDS coordinate must not be mentioned on more than one DIM entry within a section definition. No default (Y or Z) Comments 1. This entry is only valid when it appears between the BEGIN and END statements. 744 OptiStruct 13.Field Contents PID Identification number of a PSEC definition. No default (Integer > 0) COORD Coordinate.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) DLINK 55 3 0.45 5 2.0 10 5.0 (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Default = 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 745 .2 0.5 15 -3.0 Field Contents ID Unique DLINK identification number. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) DLINK ID DDVID C0 C MULT IDV1 C1 IDV2 C2 IDV3 C3 etc. (Integer > 0) C0 Constant.DLINK Bulk Data Entry DLINK – Design Variable Link Description The DLINK bulk data entry defines a link between one design variable and one or more other design variables. (10) (Integer > 0) DDVID Identification number of the Dependent Design Variable. 746 OptiStruct 13.0 (Real) IDVi Identification number of the Independent Design Variable. 4. Independent IDVi’s can occur on the same DLINK entry only once.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This capability allows physical and non-physical design variables to be related such as shell thickness and interpolating functions. (Integer > 0) Ci Coefficient multiplier for IDVi. CMULT and Ci can be used together to provide a simple means of scaling. (Real) Comments 1. 3. Default = 1. DLINK defines the relationship. 2. This card is represented as an optimization designvariablelink in HyperMesh.Field Contents CMULT Constant multiplier. Example (1) (2) (3) (4) DLINK2 201 7 101 DESVAR 5 6 Altair Engineering (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) DLINK2 ID DDVID EQUID or FUNC DESVAR DVID1 DTABLE (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) DVID2 DVID3 DVID4 DVID5 DVID6 DVID7 DVID8 DVID9 etc. The equation inputs come from the referenced DESVAR values and the constants defined on the DTABLE card.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 747 . LABL1 LABL2 LABL3 LABL4 LABL5 LABL6 LABL7 LABL8 etc.DLINK2 Bulk Data Entry DLINK2 – Design Variable Link Defined by User-supplied Equation Description Defines a link of one design variable to one or more other design variables defined by a DEQATN card. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 DESVAR 6 Y 0. Each DVPREL2 card must have a unique ID.0 1. No default (Integer > 0) DTABLE DTABLE flag indicating DTABLE labels follow.Associated Cards (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DESVAR 5 X 0. DVIDi DESVAR ID.0 DESVAR 7 R 0.0 1. (Integer > 0) EQID Equation ID of DEQATN data.0 -1. (Character) DESVAR DESVAR flag indicating DESVAR ID numbers follow.0 -1.0 -1. See comment 2.Y) = SQRT(X**2+Y**2) Field Contents ID Relationship identity. No default (Integer > 0) DDVID Identification number of Dependent Design Variable.0 1.0 DEQATN 101 (7) (8) (9) (10) RADIUS(X. LABLi Constant label on DTABLE card. No default (Character) 748 OptiStruct 13. No default (Integer > 0) FUNC Function to be applied to the arguments. If FUNC is used. 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 749 .Comments 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The functions are applied to all arguments on the DLINK2 regardless of their type. The main application for this entity is to link shape design variables with each other through equations. the DEQATN entry is no longer needed. 2. The following functions can be used instead of an EQUID. DVPREL2 should be used for linking sizing design variables with each other through equations. Function Description Formula SUM Sum of arguments AVG Average of arguments SSQ Sum of square of arguments RSS Square root of sum of squares of arguments MAX Maximum of arguments MIN Minimum of arguments SUMABS Sum of absolute value of arguments AVGABS Average of absolute value of arguments MAXABS Maximum of absolute arguments MINABS Minimum of absolute value of arguments This card is represented as an optimization designvariablelink in HyperMesh. 0 201 Field Contents SID Load set identification number.0 2.0 103 -2. No default (Real) S# Scale factors.DLOAD Bulk Data Entry DLOAD – Dynamic Load Combination or Superposition Description Defines a dynamic loading condition for frequency response problems as a linear combination of load sets defined via RLOAD1 and RLOAD2 entries.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) DLOAD SID S S1 L1 S2 L2 S3 L3 S4 L4 … … … … … … (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) DLOAD 5 1. or for transient problems as a linear combination of load sets defined via TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 entries. No default (Real) 750 OptiStruct 13.0 102 2. (10) No default (Integer > 0) S Scale factor.0 101 2. SID must be unique from all RLOAD1 and RLOAD2 or TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 entries. Dynamic load sets must be selected in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections with DLOAD=SID.Field Contents L# Load set identification numbers of RLOAD1 and RLOAD2 or TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 entries. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. The load vector being defined by this entry is given by: 3. A DLOAD entry may not reference a set identification number defined by another DLOAD entry. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. RLOAD1 and RLOAD2 loads and TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 loads may be combined only through the use of the DLOAD entry. Each L# must be unique from any other L# on the same entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 751 . 6. 5. (See I/O Options and Subcase Information DLOAD entry). 2. 4. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 7. Header Entry Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) DMIG NAME "0" IFO TIN TOUT (5) (6) (7) (8) C1 A1 (9) (10) NC OL Column Entry Format (1) (2) (3) (4) DMIG NAME GJ CJ G1 G2 C2 A2 G3 (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DMIG STIF 0 9 1 0 DMIG STIF 27 1 120 4 2. The matrix is defined by a single header entry and one or more column entries.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .+5 123 3 6.DMIG Bulk Data Entry DMIG – Direct Matrix Input at Points Description Defines direct input matrices related to grid points.+7 OptiStruct 13.5+10 STIF 28 1 123 4 4. A column entry is required for each column with nonzero elements.1+8 DMIG 752 (7) (8) (9) (10) 2 120 3 3. No default (0 < Integer < 6) Gi Grid point identification number for row index. short fixed field. or long fixed field data. No default (Integer > 0) Ci Component number for Gi for a grid point. Must be used when IFO = 9.Field Contents NAME Name of the matrix -. No default (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The number of significant digits is equal to the number of digits in the input. No default (0 < CJ < 6) Ai Real value of a matrix element. Default = blank (Integer > 0.See comment 1. (Ignored) All data is read in as double precision.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 753 . or blank) GJ Grid point identification number for column index. No default (One to eight alphanumeric characters. NCOL Number of columns in a rectangular matrix. No default (6 = Symmetric. No default (Integer > 0) CJ Component number for grid point GJ. 9 = rectangular) TIN Type of matrix being input. TOUT Type of matrix that will be created. The input can be free. (Ignored) All data is stored internally as double precision. Not used when IFO = 6. the first must be alphabetic) IFO Form of matrix input. and CM2 for K2GG. CP2. When the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option is set to CHECK (default) or STRICT. 4. The entries for each row of that column follow. The number of columns in the matrix is NCOL. 754 OptiStruct 13. K2PP. 2. a fatal message will be issued if an element is input both below and above the diagonal. The GJ term is used for the column index. 5. The terms may be input in arbitrary order. CJ pair. Matrices may be selected for all solution sequences by the structural matrices before constraints are applied. A GJ. When the component is greater than 1. 9. CJ pair may be entered more than once. M2GG. 1 or blank. (The number of rows in all DMIG matrices is always g-set size). Field 3 of the header entry must contain an integer 0. B2GG. 3. the grid reference must always be a structural grid (GRID). B2GG. When SPSYNTAX is set to MIXED. CB2. The header entry containing IFO is required. Only non-zero terms need be entered. The CJ term is ignored. The recommended format for rectangular matrices requires the use of NCOL and IFO = 9. and M2GG data respectively. A given off-diagonal element may be input either below or above the diagonal. and A2GG data.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . K42GG. 7. The DMIG matrices can be multiplied by real numbers and combined when referenced by the K2GG. Each no-null column is started with a GJ. While upper and lower triangle terms may be mixed. it is required for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the component be 0 or blank when the grid reference is a scalar point (SPOINT). it is allowed for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the grid reference be either a scalar point (SPOINT) or a structural grid point (GRID) when the component is 0. The matrix names must be unique among all DMIGs. 8.Comments 1. K2PP. interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. and that the component be > 1 when the grid reference is a structural grid point (GRID). 6. but input of an element of the matrix more than once will produce a fatal message. The DMIG matrices can be multiplied by real numbers as they are assembled into the global matrices using the PARAM data C2K. If this field is left blank. then a shift does not occur (see comment 2). Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) DMIGMO D MTXNAM E SHFGID SHFSPI D SHFSPID_ F SHFC ID SHFEID SHFRID HYBDAM P METHOD SDAMP KDAMP METHOD_ F SDAMP_ F KDAMP_ F ORIGIN A1 A2 A3 GIDMAP GID1 GID1A GID2 GID2A GID3 GID3A C IDMAP C ID1 C ID1A C ID2 C ID2A C ID3 C ID3A RELOC PA1 PA2 PA3 PB1 PB2 PB3 Field Contents MTXNAME Matrix name defined on ASSIGN.H3DDMIG. Default = blank (Integer. If this field is left blank.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 755 . then a shift does not occur (see Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.DMIGMOD Bulk Data Entry DMIGMOD – H3DDMIG Modification Description Defines changes in the contents of a super element from H3DDMIG input. (9) (10) No default (1 to 6 characters) SHFGID All Grid identification numbers in the superelement are shifted by the specified value. or blank) SHFSPID All SPOINT identification numbers in the superelement are shifted by the specified value. or blank) SHFRID All Rigid Element identification numbers in the superelement are shifted by the specified value. then applied damping on all the modes. or blank) SHFEID All Element identification numbers in the superelement are shifted by the specified value. If this field is left blank. Default = blank (Integer. No default (Integer > 0) KDAMP If KDAMP is set to -1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Field Contents comment 2). or blank) HYBDAMP Keyword for the remaining data for superelement damping. Default = blank (Integer. Hybrid damping would be applied on the superelements for the modes referred by EIGRL card. then a shift does not occur (see comment 2). then a shift does not occur (see comment 2). Default = blank (Integer. METHOD Identification number of EIGRL card. Default = 1 (Integer) 756 OptiStruct 13. If blank. Default = blank (Integer. or blank) SHFCID All Coordinate System identification numbers in the superelement are shifted by the specified value. Default = blank (Integer > 0. or blank) SHFSPID_F All Fluid SPOINT identification numbers in the superelement are shifted by the specified value. then a shift does not occur (see comment 2). then a shift does not occur (see comment 2). If this field is left blank. or blank) SDAMP Identification number of TABDMP1 entry for modal damping. If this field is left blank. Default = blank (Integer. If this field is left blank. viscous modal damping is entered into the complex stiffness matrix as structural damping instead of viscous damping. 0 (Real) GIDMAP Keyword for defining mapped grid ID pairs. then modal damping is applied damping to all the fluid modes. PA1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 757 . If blank.GIDnA Mapped grid ID pairs. PA2 and PA3). PA2.CIDnA Mapped coordinate system ID pairs. Default = 1 (Integer) ORIGIN Keyword for defining the new ORIGIN for DMIG.Field Contents METHOD_F Identification number of EIGRL card. SDAMP_F Identification number of TABDMP1 entry for fluid modal damping of the superelement. GIDn. The RELOC entry and its related fields define three matching grid point pairs on the residual structure and the superelement. A1. H3DDMIG is relocated (translated and rotated. The superelement defined using ASSIGN. CIDMAP Keyword for defining mapped coordinate system ID pairs. PB1. as required) such that the three non- Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Default = 0.A3 Defines the new location of the origin of the DMIG. RELOC Keyword indicating that matching grid point ID pairs in the residual structure and superelement are to follow (see comment 1). PB2. Hybrid damping would be applied on the fluid part of superelement for the modes referred by the EIGRL card. Comments 1. PB3 ID’s of three non-collinear grid points in the superelement that will be matched to corresponding grid points in the residual structure (defined by PA1. PA3 ID’s of three non-collinear grid points in the residual structure. viscous modal damping is entered into the complex stiffness matrix as structural damping instead of viscous damping. CIDn. No default (Integer > 0) KDAMP_F If KDAMP_F is set to -1.A2. however. the run will error out.collinear grids PB1. care should be taken to ensure that the identification numbers are not shifted to negative values. respectively on the residual structure. 758 Identification numbers of certain entities in a superelement can be modified during H3DDMIG input. PA2. and PA3. Negative integers can be input in the shift fields on this entry (see fields beginning with ‘SHF’ above).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . OptiStruct 13. Figure 1: Matching three grids on the superelement with grids on the residual structure 2. and PB3 coincide with PA1. The values of identification numbers after shifting should always be greater than zero. PB2. otherwise. 0 1.DOBJREF Bulk Data Entry DOBJREF – Design Objective for Minmax Problems Description Defines a response and its reference values for a minmax (maxmin) optimization problem.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 759 .0 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (7) (8) (9) (10) Associated Cards (1) (2) (3) (4) DRESP1 3 TOP DISP 3 488 DRESP1 5 BOTTOM DISP 3 601 Example 2 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DOBJREF 23 14 ALL -1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DOBJREF DOID RID SID (6) NEGREF POSREF / LID / UID (7) (8) (9) LOWFQ HIGHFQ (10) Example 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DOBJREF 22 3 ALL -1.0 1.0 DOBJREF 22 5 ALL -1.0 Altair Engineering (7) (8) (9) (10) OptiStruct 13.0 1. OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . See comments 2. 3 and 5. See comments 2. Reference value for a positive response (should always be a positive real number or blank). Table identification number of a TABLEDi entry that specifies the positive reference as a function of loading frequency.0) Default = 1.0 UID <Integer> No default 760 Reference value for a negative response (should always be a negative real number or blank). Table identification number of a TABLEDi entry that specifies the negative reference as a function of loading frequency. 3 and 5. See comments 2. 3 and 5.0) Default = -1 LID <Integer> No default POSREF/ UID POSREF (Real > 0. blank or ALL) NEGREF/ LID NEGREF (Real < 0. (Integer > 0) SID Subcase identification number .use ALL if it applies to all subcases. Default = ALL (Integer > 0. See comments 2. 3 and 5.Associated Cards (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DRESP1 3 TOP DISP 3 488 DRESP1 5 BOTTOM DISP 3 601 Field Contents DOID Design objective identification number. (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) RID DRESP1 or DRESP2 identification number. .. FRACCL. FRFORC. instead of the traditional optimization problem where there is a single objective and multiple constraints. 5. LID and UID identify a loading frequency dependent tabular input using TABLEDi. FRPRES and FRERP). The reference values NEGREF and POSREF are applied only if the loading frequency falls between LOWFQ and HIGHFQ. The same DOID can be used for multiple DOBJREF entries. which can take different values depending on whether the response is positive or negative. If ATTB of DRESP1 specifies a frequency value.0) HIGHFQ Upper bound on a loading frequency range. Wk are response values.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 761 . and rk are corresponding reference values. thus increasing the safety of the structure. LOWFQ and HIGHFQ are ignored. LOWFQ and HIGHFQ apply only to response types related to a frequency response subcase (DRESPi.. only one MINMAX=DOID entry is needed in the Subcase Information section. 2. HIGHFQ detailed in comment 4.Wk ( x)/ rk ) where. FRVELO. Default = 0. This works toward pushing the maximum ratio of response versus bound value as low as possible. If only one DOID is used. 6. W2 (x)/r 2 . where all the responses which were previously constrained are defined as objectives and their bounds are used as reference values. alternatively: Maximimze max(W1 ( x)/r 1.. the objective can be defined as: Minimize max(W1 ( x)/r1. For these problems. The use of reference values allows users to set up general minmax problems involving different responses with different magnitudes. FRSTRN.. Typically. RTYPE = FRDISP. . 4. They are applied analogous to LOWFQ.0E+20 (Real > LOWFQ) Comments 1. This card is represented as a designobjectivereference in HyperMesh. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 3. the problem may be formulated as a minmax (maxmin) optimization. FRSTRS. Default = 1.0 (Real > 0. So.Field Contents LOWFQ Lower bound on a loading frequency range. Wk ( x)/ rk ) Or. W2 ( x)/ r2 . the target value or constraint value of a response can be used as its reference value. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) DOPTPRM PARAM1 VAL1 PARAM2 VAL2 PARAM3 VAL3 PARAM4 VAL4 PARM5 VAL5 Etc … Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DOPTPRM MINDIM 10.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . See below for allowable names. composites and 1-D elements. VALi Parameter value.01 (6) (7) Field Contents PARAMi Parameter name. (8) (9) (10) (Real or Integer) The available parameters and their values are listed below (click the parameter name for detailed parameter descriptions). Parameter Brief Description Value APPROX Switch to select the approximation type for stress/strain responses of shells.DOPTPRM Bulk Data Entry DOPTPRM – Design Optimization Parameters Description Defines design optimization parameters by overriding the defaults. FULL or REDUCED Default = FULL 762 OptiStruct 13.0 OBJTOL 0. 2. <0. or 3 Default = 1 DELSHP The initial fractional move limit for topography/shape design variables (fractional difference between the upper and lower bounds). Real > 0.0 – general default.0 Default = DISCRETE ESLMAX Maximum number of outer design loops in the design of Multi-body dynamic systems and for nonlinear optimization using ESLM. 2. Real > 0 Default = 0. or if MINDIM is defined. Real > 0. Real > 0. DISCRT1D Discreteness parameter for 1-D elements.0 Default = 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 763 .5 DESMAX or MAXITER Defines the maximum number of design iterations. Influences the tendency for elements in a topology optimization to converge to a material density of 0 or 1.5 DELTOP The initial fractional move limit for topology and free-size design variables. 1> Default = 1 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. default = 80 DISCRETE Discreteness parameter.Parameter Brief Description Value CHECKER This option controls the checkerboard-like element wise density distribution. Real > 0 Default = 0.0 Defaults 1.for solid dominant structures with member size control and no manufacturing constraints.0 . 1. Integer > 0 Default = 30.2 DELSIZ The initial fractional move limit for size design variables. 0 or 1 Default = 0 DDVOPT Control options for discrete design optimization. Integer > 0 Default = 30 ESLSOPT Controls the time step screen strategy in the design of multi-body dynamic systems. Default = 0 NESLEXPD Specifies the number of time steps retained for optimization from each EXPDYN subcase. Real between 0. NO. SQP. one ESL is generated.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1 or 0 Default = 0 MATINIT Defines the initial material fraction.Integer = 0. Real > 0.0 Default = no minimum member size control MMCHECK Parameter to ensure a checkerboard.Parameter Brief Description Value ESLSTOL Controls the tolerance for screening out time steps in the design of multibody dynamic systems. DUAL.01 MINDIM Specifies the minimum diameter of members formed in a topology optimization.0 and 1. At each time step. Real > 0.0 Default = 0. At each time step. one ESL is generated.005 OPTMETH Options to choose the optimization MFD. one ESL is generated. At each time step. Real > 0. Integer > 0 Default = 20 NESLIMPD Specifies the number of time steps retained for optimization from each IMPDYN subcase. 0. Integer > 0 Default = 1 OBJTOL Relative convergence criterion.0 Default = 0. Integer > 0 Default = 20 NESLNLGM Specifies the number of time steps retained for optimization from each NLGEOM subcase.3 GBUCK Controls the global buckling constraint. MINDENS Sets the minimum element material density. YES.0 Default = 0.1 free solution.0 MAX_BUCK Controls the maximum number of Integer > 0 buckling eigenvalues to be considered Default = 15 for each buckling subcase in an optimization problem.0 < Real < 1. BIGOPT 764 OptiStruct 13. 2.Parameter Brief Description Value algorithm. 2> Default = 1 TMINPLY Defines the minimum ply thickness allowed for all plies of PCOMP’s selected by DSIZE or DTPL design variable definitions. Only one definition is allowed. Some of the parameters may also be defined as separate entities in the I/O section of the deck.0 < Real < min(Ti) Comments 1. 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 765 . Integer = 0. This card is represented as an opticontrols in HyperMesh.1 Default = 0 SHAPEOPT Optional parameter to select an alternative shape optimization algorithm. using the previous (OS3. <1.5) input format. Default = See descriptions REMESH Parameter to activate the remeshing process. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This method has the benefit of reducing the memory requirement for large optimization problems (many stress/strain responses for many size design variables). composites and 1D elements. Another benefit is the reduction in runtime if the bottleneck occurs due to sensitivity analysis. APPROX Parameter Values Description APPROX < FULL or REDUCED > Default = FULL Approximation type switch for stress/strain responses for shells. 766 When REDUCED is chosen. OptiStruct 13.DOPTPRM. if the FULL option results in the error 832 (Optimization problem is too big to be solved by OptiStruct). You are encouraged to try the REDUCED option for the large size optimization model. and. some stress/strain responses will use the constant force approximation. CHECKER Parameter Values Description CHECKER < 0 or 1 > Default = 0 Checkerboard control option. MINDIM can be smaller than the mesh size if a large member size is not desired. you can activate minimum member size control (MEMBSIZ on DTPL) which has built-in checkerboard control. minimum member size control is always activated. Use 0 for no checkerboard control.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 767 . If manufacturing constraints are applied. This option controls checkerboard-like element wise density distribution. as this may have an adverse effect on manufacturing constraint preservation. the final iterative phase will not target the removal of semi-dense elements. To reduce this side effect. Minimum member size control has a 3phase iterative process in which the final phase targets the removal of the semi-dense element layer. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.DOPTPRM. However. The undesired side effect is that a layer of semi-dense elements will remain at the transition from solid (fully dense domain) to void. Use 1 for global checkerboard control. 768 OptiStruct 13. 3 > Default = 1 Discrete Design Variable Option. 2. Use 2 for two-phased approach. DDVOPT Parameter Values Description DDVOPT < 1. Use 3 for a continuous optimization regardless of DDVAL definitions. a continuous optimization phase followed by a discrete optimization phase (starting from the continuous optimum).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The bounds will be affected by DDVAL if DDVAL bounds are more restrictive than those defined on DESVAR.DOPTPRM. Use 1 for full discrete design optimization. 2 Initial fractional move limit for topography/shape design variables. Move limits are automatically adjusted to enhance iterative stability and convergence speed. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 769 . The move limits for subsequent iterations may not be greater than this initial move limit.0 Default = 0. Only the initial value of the move limits can be set. DELSHP Parameter Values Description DELSHP Real > 0. Defined as the fractional difference between the upper and lower bounds.DOPTPRM. The move limits for subsequent iterations may not be greater than this initial move limit.5 Initial fractional move limit for size design variables. Only the initial value of the move limits can be set. 770 OptiStruct 13. DELSIZ Parameter Values Description DELSIZ Real > 0 Default = 0.DOPTPRM.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Move limits are automatically adjusted to enhance iterative stability and convergence speed. The move limits for subsequent iterations may not be greater than this initial move limit.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 771 .DOPTPRM. Only the initial value of the move limits can be set. Move limits are automatically adjusted to enhance iterative stability and convergence speed. DELTOP Parameter Values Description DELTOP Real > 0 Default = 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.5 Initial fractional move limit for topology and free-size design variables. DOPTPRM. Default = 80 Maximum number of design iterations.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . MAXITER 772 OptiStruct 13. DESMAX or MAXITER Parameter Values Description DESMAX or Integer > 0 Default = 30 or if MINDIM is defined. 0 Defaults 1.0 – general default.for solid dominant structures with member size control and no manufacturing constraints.DOPTPRM. Altair Engineering Discreteness parameter. 2.0 .0 for solids.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 773 . Influences the tendency for elements in a topology optimization to converge to a material density of 0 or 1. OptiStruct 13. Note: Recommended bounds are 0. or 3.0 and 2. Higher values decrease the number of elements that remain between 0 and 1.0 for shells. DISCRETE Parameter DISCRETE Values Description Real > 0. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . It is often desirable to have a higher discreteness for 1D elements than for 2D or 3D elements.DOPTPRM.0 Default = DISCRETE Discreteness parameter for 1D elements. 774 OptiStruct 13. but applies only to 1D elements. DISCRT1D Parameter Values Description DISCRT1D Real > 0. Same effect as DISCRETE. DOPTPRM. and for nonlinear optimization using the equivalent static load method.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 775 . then the optimization process is not activated. If 0. ESLMAX Parameter Values Description ESLMAX Integer > 0 Default = 30 Maximum number of outer design loops in the design of multi-body dynamics systems. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 776 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 0 – Does not screen out time steps. 1 – Screens out time steps that do not play an important role in the design of multi-body dynamics systems. All of the steps in the multi-body dynamics analysis are involved in the design process. Refer to Equivalent Static Load Method (ESLM) for more information. ESLSOPT Parameter Values Description ESLSOPT < 0.DOPTPRM. 1 > Default = 1 Controls the time step screen strategy in the design of multi-body dynamics systems. ESLSOPT.0.0 < Real < 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. if the number of time steps retained by ESLSTOL is less than 10. which causes more CPU time to be used. ESLSOPT is 1. Therefore. Valid only when DOPTPRM. That is. The smaller value it has. which makes the design process even faster. the smaller number of time steps the design process handles. If the value is 1. Too small a value may cause the design process to diverge though.DOPTPRM. all of the steps in the multibody dynamic analysis are involved in the design process.0 Default = 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 777 . 0. the 10 most dominant time steps will be involved in the optimization process.3 Controls the tolerance for screening out time steps in the design of multi-body dynamic systems. ESLSTOL Parameter Values Description ESLSTOL 0. this is equivalent to DOPTPRM. the global buckling constraint affects those subcases in which buckling eigenvalues (LAMA) are constrained. NO. Default = 0 Use 0. The MAX_BUCK parameter on the DOPTPRM card controls the maximum number of buckling modes for each subcase that are considered in the optimization. The GBUCK parameter will then ensure that all buckling eigenvalues that are less than or equal to the lower bound defined in this constraint will be considered within the optimization problem. when this parameter is activated. For these subcases. Use 1 or YES to activate global buckling constraint. 778 OptiStruct 13. NO. GBUCK Parameter Values Description GBUCK YES. only a single buckling mode needs to be constrained with a lower bound.DOPTPRM. More than one buckling eigenvalue constraint (or if the single constraint is not a lower bound) in any buckling subcase will cause termination with an error. or omit this parameter for no global buckling constraint. The EIGRL card referenced in the buckling subcase controls the number of modes calculated at each iteration. 1 or 0 Controls global buckling constraint.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . When activated. 9. For topology optimization runs with mass as the objective.0 This parameter declares the initial material fraction.DOPTPRM. default is 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 779 . the default is 0. If mass is not the objective function and is not constrained.6. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. MATINIT Parameter Values Description MATINIT Real between 0.0 and 1. the default is reset to the constraint value. For runs with constrained mass. To reduce the computational cost.DOPTPRM. If the user-defined MAX_BUCK is less than 15 when auto screening is turned on. Only up to MAX_BUCK eigenvalues are considered for each buckling subcase. Can only exist if GBUCK exists.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 780 OptiStruct 13. MAX_BUCK Parameter Values Description MAX_BUCK Integer > 0 Default = 15 Controls maximum number of buckling eigenvalues to be considered for each buckling subcase in the optimization problem. OptiStruct automatically and dynamically adjusts the upper bound of the eigenvalue range on the EIGRL card for each buckling subcase at each iteration and only the eigenvalues that are possibly retained in the optimization would be calculated. explicitly specify MAX_BUCK (MAX_BUCK>15). MAX_BUCK will be reset to 15. If more buckling modes need to be involved for a problem. Extremely low values for this parameter can result in an ill-conditioned stiffness matrix.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 781 . Sets a lower limit on the amount of material that can be assigned to any design element.01 Minimum element material density. MINDENS Parameter Values Description MINDENS Real > 0.DOPTPRM.0 Default = 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This command is used to eliminate small members. MINDIM Parameter Values Description MINDIM Real > 0.DOPTPRM.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 Default = no minimum member size control Specifies the minimum diameter of members formed in a topology optimization. 782 OptiStruct 13. 1 Default = 0 The use of this parameter.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 783 . will ensure a checkerboard-free solution. Therefore. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. although with the undesired side effect of achieving a solution that involves a large number of semi-dense elements.DOPTPRM. use this parameter only when it is necessary. MMCHECK Parameter Values Description MMCHECK Integer = 0. in conjunction with MINDIM. similar to the result of using CHECKER=1. At each time step. very low number of retained time steps could result in many outer loops required or even divergence of the solution in the outer loop. 784 OptiStruct 13. If 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . While retaining fewer time steps will result in less computational time in the inner loop of the ESL method. one ESL (equivalent static load) is generated. The total number of time steps is determined by the duration of the subcase (difference in TTERM between current and previous subcases) and animation output control (TA0 and DTA on XSTEP card).DOPTPRM. all of the time steps are retained. The termination time (TTERM) of the subcase is always retained. NESLEXPD Parameter Values Description NESLEXPD Integer > 0 Default = 20 This parameter specifies the number of time steps retained for optimization from each EXPDYN subcase. NESLIMPD Parameter Values Description NESLIMPD Integer > 0 Default = 20 This parameter specifies the number of time steps retained for optimization from each IMPDYN subcase. a very low number of retained time steps could result in many outer loops required or even divergence of the solution in the outer loop. The termination time (TTERM) of the subcase is always retained. If 0. While retaining fewer time steps will result in less computational time in the inner loop of the ESL method. all of the time steps are retained.DOPTPRM. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. At each time step. one ESL (equivalent static load) is generated.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 785 . The total number of time steps is determined by the duration of the subcase (difference in TTERM between current and previous subcases) and animation output control (TA0 and DTA on TSTEPNX card). 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . At each time step. 786 OptiStruct 13. The termination time (TTERM) of the subcase is always retained. If 0. one ESL (equivalent static load) is generated. a very low number of retained time steps could result in many outer loops required or even divergence of the solution in the outer loop. While retaining fewer time steps will result in less computational time in the inner loop of the ESL method. NESLNLGM Parameter Values Description NESLNLGM Integer > 0 Default = 1 This parameter specifies the number of time steps retained for optimization from each NLGEOM subcase.DOPTPRM. The total number of time steps is determined by the duration of the subcase (difference in TTERM between current and previous subcases) and animation output control (TA0 and DTA on NLPARMX card). all of the time steps are retained. 005 is the same as a 0.5% change in the objective function. then optimization stops. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. A relative change in the objective function of 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 787 . If relative change in the objective function between two design iterations is less than OBJTOL.DOPTPRM.0 Default = 0.005 Relative convergence criterion. OBJTOL Parameter Values Description OBJTOL Real > 0. SQP. 788 OptiStruct 13.DOPTPRM. MFD has been and remains the default optimizer. The DUAL algorithm should be used for concept level optimization (Topology. BIGOPT = Large scale optimization algorithm. primal methods (MFD and SQP) and BIGOPT are more suitable since the approximate problem typically involves coupled terms due to advanced approximation formulation utilizing intermediate variables and responses. The use of this parameter will override the defaults. the corresponding optimization algorithms are automatically selected by OptiStruct based on the optimization type. For size and shape optimization.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . DUAL. free-size and Topography) since such problems typically involve a very large number of design variables. Note: During a run. BIGOPT > Default = See description and Note Options to choose the optimization algorithm: MFD = Method of feasible directions SQP = Sequential Quadratic Programming DUAL = Dual Optimizer based on separable convex approximation. OPTMETH Parameter Values Description OPTMETH < MFD. If HyperMesh version 12. 003. is called.0 or earlier) an old function. 2. 1 – Yes. the new function *remesh_optistruct will be called to accomplish the remeshing process. 1 Default = 0 This parameter specifies if the remeshing process will be activated when the optimization runs into element quality error. 002.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 789 . Altair Engineering Installing the latest version of HyperMesh (12. When an optimization run results in element quality error (usually during Shape. OptiStruct calls HyperMesh in batch mode.fem (### = 001. When an element quality error occurs.0. REMESH Parameter Values Description REMESH Integer = 0. OptiStruct 13.0. Free-shape or Topography optimization).0. After remeshing is completed. then automatically exports a new input deck named *_rmsh###. 3.DOPTPRM. previously used in 12.110 or later is installed.110 or later) is recommended to access all the latest improvements in the *remesh_optistruct function.210 will automatically check the HyperMesh version.0. OptiStruct 12. The remeshing process will not be activated regardless of whether element quality error occurs. The model from the latest optimization iteration is automatically loaded into HyperMesh and remeshing is performed to improve element quality. represents the remeshing round number) that is loaded into OptiStruct to continue the optimization run with the remeshed model. the optimization process will then continue based on the remeshed model. When optimization runs into element quality error. For all other versions (HyperMesh 12. Note: 1. HyperMesh. the remeshing process will be activated to improve element quality. 0 – No. 790 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .DOPTPRM. 2 Default = 1 Defines an optional parameter to select an alternative shape optimization algorithm. This algorithm can be selected when non-moving shapes are encountered in the optimization. SHAPEOPT Parameter Values Description SHAPEOPT Integer = 1. DDVOPT=2. it is recommended to use this parameter along with design optimization parameter. If discrete design variables are present. 1 – Default algorithm for shape optimization. 2 – Selects the alternate algorithm for shape optimization. TMINPLY Parameter Values Description TMINPLY 0. Buckling responses for composite structures may be considered for free-size and topology optimization when this parameter is non-zero. Check its compatibility with volume constraint if applied. Should be smaller than the minimum of all relevant Ti on the selected PCOMPs. TMINPLY is not treated as none design volume in the same way as T0 for regular PSHELLs.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 791 . Note also that for volume fraction calculation. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.DOPTPRM.0 < Real < min(Ti) Defines the minimum ply thickness allowed for all plies of PCOMPs selected by DSIZE or DTPL design variable definitions. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) DPHASE SID P1 C1 TH1 P2 C2 TH2 (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) DPHASE 5 33 1 3. TH2 Phase lead in degrees.4 34 1 3. No default (Integer > 0) C1. No default (Real) 792 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . DPHASE is used in conjunction with RLOAD1 and RLOAD2 entries. or 0 for scalar points) TH1. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) P1. No default (Integers 1 through 6. P2 Grid or scalar point identification number.DPHASE Bulk Data Entry DPHASE – Dynamic Load Phase Lead Description Defines the phase lead term in the equation of the dynamic loading function. C2 Component number.4 Field Contents SID Identification number. 5. the grid reference must always be a structural grid (GRID). and that the component be > 1 when the grid reference is a structural grid point (GRID). 4.Comments 1. This card is represented as a constraint load in HyperMesh. 2. 3. When SPSYNTAX is set to MIXED. When the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option is set to CHECK (default) or STRICT. A DAREA entry should be used to define a load at P# and C#. 1 or blank. interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. One or two dynamic load phase lead terms may be defined on a single entry. SID must be referenced on a RLOAD1 or RLOAD2 entry for the formulae that define how the phase lead is used.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 793 . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. When the component is greater than 1. it is required for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the component be 0 or blank when the grid reference is a scalar point (SPOINT). it is allowed for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the grid reference be either a scalar point (SPOINT) or a structural grid point (GRID) when the component is 0. SET. Field Contents ID Unique draping identification number... Default = 0. Must be blank for ALL. or ALL) DID# Entity number. No default (Integer > 0) DTYPE# Entity type. Must refer to an element (for ELEM) or SET (for SET) bulk data entry. No default (Integer > 0 or blank) T# Thinning factor.0 (Real or blank) 794 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DRAPE ID DTYPE1 DID1 T1 THETA1 DTYPE2 DID2 T2 THETA2 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 (Real or blank) THETA# Angle variation. Default = 1. No default (ELEM.DRAPE Bulk Data Entry DRAPE – Draping Information for Ply-based Composite Definition Description Defines the draping data for plies used in ply-based composite definition. The DREPADD entry is selected by a REPSUB or REPGLB in the Subcase Information section.DREPADD Bulk Data Entry DREPADD – Addition of Response Selection to be Reported without being Constrained Description Creates a combination of several DREPORT sets that can be referenced by a subcase. All DRi must be unique. All DRID must be unique with respect to all DRi (DREPORT IDs). 3. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) DREPAD D DRID DR1 DR2 DR3 Dr4 DR5 DR6 DR7 DR8 etc.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 795 . 2. (6) (10) (Integer > 0) DRi DREPORT ID number. (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DREPAD D 101 10 20 30 Field Contents DRID DREPADD identification number. (Integer > 0) Comments 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. which are not constrained or used as the objective function.0 5. (6) (7) (8) 3 4668 (Integer > 0) RID DRESP1.DREPORT Bulk Data Entry DREPORT – Report Unconstrained Responses Description The DREPORT card is used in the bulk data section to report responses. as defined by the optimization problem. (Integer > 0) 796 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) DREPOR T DRID RID LALLOW UALLOW NL NU (8) (9) (10) (9) (10) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) DREPOR T 1 1 1. DRESP2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . or DRESP3 identification number.0 2 5 (8) Associated Cards (1) (2) (3) (4) DRESP1 1 TOPN DISP (5) Field Contents DRID Report identification number. DRESP2 and DRESP3 cards. defined by DRESP1. to the output file. See comment 3. (Integer or blank) NU Optional number of highest response to report.Field Contents LALLOW Optional lower bound on response for reporting purposes. (Real or blank) NL Optional number of lowest responses to report. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. UALLOW] (if specified) is reported. If NU=1. (Integer or blank) Comments 1. only the highest response in the range [LALLOW. If NL=1. 3. 2. See comment 3. UALLOW] (if specified) is reported. (Real or blank) UALLOW Optional upper bound on response for reporting purposes. the associated RID can be referenced only once. The DREPORT DRID is selected in the Subcase Information section by the REPSUB or REPGLB cards and/or referenced by the DREPADD card. only the lowest response in the range [LALLOW.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 797 . For any DRID. These responses can be used as a design objective or as design constraints. that are the result of a design analysis iteration.DRESP1 Bulk Data Entry DRESP1 – Optimization Design Response Description A response. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) DRESP1 ID LABEL RTYPE PTYPE REGION ATTA ATTB ATT1 ATT2 … … … … … … … EXC L EID1 EID2 EID3 EID4 EID5 EID6 EID7 EID8 … … … EXTN (10) RANDID Examples The maximum principal stress in PSHELL PID 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DRESP1 99 SS11 STRESS PSHELL (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DRESP1 99 SS11 STRESS PSHELL (6) (7) (8) 7 (9) (10) 1 or 798 (6) (7) (8) SMP1 OptiStruct 13. or set of responses.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering (9) (10) 1 Altair Engineering . It is used in conjunction with ATT1 to identify the unique property. freq. PTYPE is blank and ATTi are grid IDs. No default (Character) RTYPE Type of response that is defined – mass. PBEAM. PSHELL. MBREQE. PSOLID. PCOMP. PELAS. for example. PBAR.The maximum principal stress in elements 2001-2004 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DRESP1 88 SS11 STRESS ELEM 2002 2003 2004 (6) (7) (8) 7 (9) (10) 2001 The combined mass of PSHELL PID 2. PCOMPG. MBREQM. etc. No default (See Responses and attributes for DRESP1 card for full list of response types) PTYPE If a property response.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 799 . No default (ELEM. PBEAML. For material responses. PSHELL. It is used in conjunction with ATTi to identify the element IDs. PTYPE is MAT and ATTi are material IDs. then PTYPE = ELEM. No default (Integer > 0) LABEL User-defined name for the response. MAT. Each DRESP1 card must have a unique ID. 7 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DRESP1 77 TMASS MASS PSHELL 4 7 (6) (7) (8) (9) SUM 2 (10) Field Contents ID Response identification number. disp. volume. stress. For grid responses. then PTYPE is the property type. PFBODY. PBARL. PROD. or blank) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. If an element response. (See Responses and attributes for DRESP1 card for further information). PLY. 4. For these elements. RANDID is currently supported as an extended attribute definition and is the RANDPS ID to which the response applies.Field Contents REGION Region identifier. Responses and Attributes Center of Gravity and Moment of Inertia Item Codes Static Stress/Strain Item Codes Static Stress Item Codes for Bar Elements using PBARL. No default (Integer > 0) EXTN EXTN flag indicating that extended attribute definition follows. MBREQE ID. EID. PFBODY ID or Grid ID as referenced by PTYPE and RTYPE. (See Responses and attributes for DRESP1 card for further information). See comment 2) ATTA. no response will be generated. PBEAML Properties Static Stress/Strain Item Codes for Composites Static Failure Item Codes for Composites Static Force Item Codes Frequency Response Displacement. See comments 30 and 31.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . MBREQM ID. Velocity. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank. and Acceleration Item Codes PSD/RMS Pressure Item Codes PSD/RMS Stress/Strain Item Codes MBD Displacement Item Codes 800 OptiStruct 13. Velocity. ATTB The attributes of a response where further definition is required. and Acceleration Item Codes Frequency Response Pressure Item Codes Frequency Response Stress/Strain Item Codes Frequency Response Force Item Codes PSD/RMS Displacement. MID. No default (Integer > 0) EXCL EXCL flag indicating that IDs of elements excluded from the response follow. No default (See Responses and attributes for DRESP1 card for further information) ATTi PID. EIDi Element ID. WFREQ. COMB require the definition of WEIGHT and/or MODEWEIGHT subcase commands. For composite responses (RTYPE = CSTRESS. PMASS. 4. PVISC. PTYPE = PCOMP. CBEAM.0. MATFRAC is still supported. elements identified by an ATTi field (when PTYPE = ELEM) are grouped together into the same region. and PWELD. this region identifier applies to all plies. If WEIGHT or MODEWEIGHT are not defined. CFAILURE.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 801 .0 in most cases for topology optimization. In normal modes analysis. the total rotation using ATTA=8. 11. 5. COG and INERTIA responses are not available for PBUSH. 12. but for properties or materials. DRESP1 entries must have unique identification numbers with respect to DRESP2 and DRESP3 entries. It is not recommended to do this. If the region identifier is blank.0 for all static subcases. PCOMPG). PDAMP. The VOLUME of a single CWELD element is 1. the frequencies are in Hz (cycles/time). OptiStruct will terminate with an error if this is not the case. RTYPE = CSTRESS or RTYPE = CSTRAIN should be used instead for composite responses. PELAS. The total displacement can be requested using ATTA=7. 10. 9. if a region identifier is defined explicitly for the entire lay-up (ATTB=ALL). Responses of the same RTYPE with the same region identifier are grouped together into the same region. PGAP. The response then is the number of welds. WCOMP. PELAS. 6. VOLUME and VOLFRAC responses are not available for CONM2. each property or material identified by an ATTi field will form its own region. each ply is given its own region.MBD Velocity/Acceleration Item Codes MBD Force Item Codes Comments 1. PGAP. Stresses are element stresses. VOLFRAC is equivalent to MATFRAC in previous versions of OptiStruct. 2. MASSFRAC. MASS. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. and PVISC. However. WFREQ MODEWEIGHT in normal modes subcase MODEWEIGHT (1) = 1. 3. in which case homogenized stresses or strains are used. VOLFRAC and MASSFRAC can only be applied to topology design domains. For CBAR. stresses are normal (axial) stresses for the element. 8. PDAMP. 7. CSTRAIN. Refer to the User's Guide section Constraint Screening for a more detailed explanation. PTYPE = PCOMP. the following defaults apply: RTYPE Applicable subcase commands Default WCOMP WEIGHT in static subcases WEIGHT = 1. PCOMPG can be selected for RTYPE = STRESS or RTYPE = STRAIN. COMP. CSTRESS. FRSTRS. FORCE.0 for all static subcases. CSTRESS. FRSTRN. CSTRESS. ATTi can only be blank if PTYPE is a property type (not allowed when PTYPE is "ELEM"). MBMASS. VOLUME. Composite Stress/Strain item codes S1Z and S2Z for Shear-1Z and Shear-2Z are for CSTRESS only. PCOMP. 15. MASSFRAC. CSTRAIN. MBCOG. INERTIA. 17. Example: DRESP1. and CFAILURE are only available for PCOMP.RTYPE Applicable subcase commands Default MODEWEIGHT (7) = 1. 22. INERTIA. CFAILURE. and it is solving for more than 6 modes or all modes below an upper bound. and VOLFRAC. They all belong to the same region for constraint screening. 18. 802 OptiStruct 13. MBINER. and COMP. For RTYPE = MASS. For RTYPE = MASS. COMP. FRERP. and CFAILURE. Lower bound constraints are not allowed on von Mises stress. MBCOG. For RTYPE=MASS. ATTB = COMB results in the creation of a single response for the combination of all ATTi entities. MASSFRAC. STRAIN. GLOBAL11. 23. FRACCL. CFAILURE. FRFORC. 20. ATTB = # refers to a ply on a PCOMP. MBINER. For RTYPE=STRESS. MODEWEIGHT in normal modes subcase 13. PCOMPG. and BEADFRAC. The formulas are applied across all loading frequencies. COG. SMAP.0 if no SPC is defined for the subcase. The use of MAX can be very inefficient computationally and it is better to leave ATTB blank and let constraint screening take care of it. G11. PSDVELO. EIGRL does not define a V1 > 0. PSDDISP. 17. CSTRESS. VOLUME. 14. FRSTRN. FORCE. ATTB = G# refers to a global ply on a PCOMPG. PCOMPG. COG. and a warning is issued. ATTi blank means that all relevant entities are included. CSTRAIN.0. ATTi blank means that all entities of the defined PTYPE are selected. COMB WEIGHT in static subcases WEIGHT = 1. ATTB=SUM is the same as ATTB=COMB. EXCL only applies to RTYPE = STRESS. CSTRAIN. LABEL must begin with an alphabetical character.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . ATTB must be blank for PLY response type. 21. For RTYPE = FRDISP. VOLUME. Example: DRESP1. STRAIN. FRSTRS. VOLFRAC. HILL. ATTi can only be blank if PTYPE is also blank. 23. 24. FRSTRN. these are not available for CSTRAIN. MBMASS. FRVELO. STRAIN responses not applicable for CELAS. VOLFRAC. BEADFRAC. and FRFORC response types. 19. and PSDPRES the following functions can be applied through the character input on ATTB. FRSTRS. PSDACCL. MASSFRAC. 12. FRFORC. 43. Responses that do not exist are ignored. 12. PLY23. 16. internally it will be converted to FRPRES (with M-TX/R-TX/ I-TX interpreted as M-PRES/R-PRES/I-PRES). MBACC. For RTYPE = INERTIA. 27. RTYPE=PSDDISP or RMSDISP are accepted in place of PSDPRES or RMSPRES. the PTYPE must be MBREQM. The Moment of Inertia of each property or material is referred to the center of gravity of that property or material. it is acceptable to define a pressure response on a fluid grid as RTYPE=FRDISP with ATTA as one of M-TX. The Moment of Inertia of the whole model is referred to the center of gravity of the whole model. and requested by MBREQM. or MBFRC. however. Likewise. R-TX or I-TX. These four response types must be defined using MARKERs. For acoustic optimization. the PTYPE must be MBREQE.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 803 . the Moment of Inertia is with reference to the center of gravity.Function Description SUM Sum of arguments AVG Average of arguments SSQ Sum of square of arguments RSS Square root of sum of squares of arguments MAX Maximum of arguments MIN Minimum of arguments SUMABS Sum of absolute value of arguments AVGABS Average of absolute value of arguments MAXABS Maximum of absolute arguments MINABS Minimum of absolute value of arguments Formula 25. respectively. MBVEL. The response must be requested by MBREQE. For RTYPE = MBEXPR. For Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. For RTYPE = MBDIS. pressure responses are defined using RTYPE=FRPRES. 26. This card is represented as an optimization response in HyperMesh. MAXABS. THE ATTB field must have one of the following . MBCOG. The contributions of the elements in the cluster are weighted based on their distance to the center of the cluster (Available for Shell and Solid elements). MIN. If the stress distribution within the selected element cluster is uniform. there may not be any significant difference in the stress response. 28. 32. 29. A separate result type “Element Stress Cluster” is available in the _s#. Legacy data with RANDPS ID defined on the PTYPE or ATTB entry is also supported.RTYPE = MBMASS. or MINABS so that time dependent vectors can be converted to scalar quantities.h3d file and stress results based on element cluster response(s) can be viewed in HyperView by selecting Element Stresses Cluster in the Result type: drop-down menu.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . “Cluster Size” represents the number of elements around the specified element whose stress contributions are included in the calculation of the individual element’s stress contribution. MBD system level responses must be scalar quantities. 804 OptiStruct 13. 31. or MBINER. Weighting element stress contributions using “Cluster Size” is generally useful in models with stress gradients or stress concentrations in the design space. the PTYPE must be PFBODY. 30. Thus.MAX. MBREQE referenced in DRESP1 must have single expression although MBREQE allows up to 6 expressions for analysis output. 33. A blank field for RANDID on the EXTN extended attributes entry indicates that all RANDPS cards in the input file will be used. Responses and Attributes Response s RTYPE PTYPE ATTA ATTB ATTi EXTN MASS PTYPE. or blank PID. or blank - COMB**. SUM. or blank Moment of Inertia item code COMB** or blank PID. "MAT". MID or blank* - Fraction of VOLFRA design C volume PTYPE. "MAT". "MAT". or blank - COMB**. SUM or blank PID. MID or blank* - COG Complianc e of a static subcase COMP PTYPE. SUM or blank PID. MID or blank* - Volume Mass VOLUME PTYPE. SUM or blank PID. SUM. MID or blank* - Fraction of MASSFR PTYPE.DRESP1 . or blank Center of Gravity item code COMB** or blank PID. MID or blank* - Moment of INERTIA PTYPE.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 805 . MID or blank* - Center of Gravity PTYPE. "MAT". "MAT". or blank - COMB**. MID or blank* - Static displaceme nt DISP - Static displacement Component - Grid ID - Mode shape DISP - Component Mode # Grid ID - Frequency of a normal mode FREQ - Normal mode # - - - Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. or blank PID. or blank - COMB**. Inertia "MAT". mass AC "MAT". or blank - COMB**. Real > 0. or "ELEM" Composite Failure item code ALL. EID. Real > 0. N "PCOMPG" . Ply No. Ply No.0 or Character) Grid ID - Eigenvalue of a buckling mode 806 OptiStruct 13. "PCOMPG" . EID or blank*** - Static stress in a composite lay-up CSTRES "PCOMP". Ply ID. or ‘G#**** (Default = 1) or blank***** PID. EID. or "ELEM" Composite Stress item code ALL. "PLY". Ply No. Ply ID.Response s RTYPE PTYPE ATTA ATTB ATTi EXTN LAMA - Buckling mode # - - - Static STRESS stress of homogeno us material PTYPE or "ELEM" Static stress item code Cluster Size ****** or blank PID. or "ELEM" Composite Strain item code ALL. "PLY". EID or blank*** - Frequency response displaceme nt FRDISP - Frequency Response displacement component Frequency Value. EID. "PLY". Ply ID. EID or blank*** - Static STRAIN strain of homogeno us material PTYPE or "ELEM" Static strain item code - PID. or ‘G#**** (Default = 1) or blank***** PID. or blank*** - Static force FORCE PTYPE or "ELEM" Static force item code - PID. (Blank. or blank*** - Static failure in a composite lay-up CFAILU RE "PCOMP". or ‘G#**** (Default = 1) or blank***** PID.0 or Character) Grid ID - Frequency response velocity FRVELO - Frequency Response velocity component Frequency Value (Blank. S "PCOMPG" . or blank*** - Static strain in a composite lay-up CSTRAI "PCOMP".0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Response s RTYPE Frequency FRACCL response acceleratio n PTYPE ATTA ATTB ATTi EXTN - Frequency Response acceleration component Frequency Value (Blank. EID or blank*** RANDPS ID Acoustic pressure Altair Engineering 0. Real > 0. Real > code GRID ID RANDPS ID PSD stress PSDSTR S PTYPE or PID. 0. Real > 0. EID or blank*** - Frequency response force FRFORC PTYPE or "ELEM" Frequency Response Force item code Frequency Value (Blank. (Blank.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 807 . (Blank. Real > 0.0 or Character) PSD/RMS item code Frequency Value OptiStruct 13. Real > 0.0 or Character) PID. (Blank. Real > 0.0 or Character) PID.0 or Character) Grid ID - Frequency response stress FRSTRS PTYPE or "ELEM" Frequency Response Stress item code Frequency Value (Blank.0 or Character) PID. RPRES or IPRES Frequency Value. EID or blank*** - Frequency response strain FRSTRN PTYPE or "ELEM" Frequency Response Strain item code Frequency Value (Blank. Real > code GRID ID RANDPS ID PSD velocity PSDVEL O - PSD/RMS item (Blank.0 or Character) Frequency Value.0 or Character) Grid ID - PSD PSDDIS displaceme P nt - PSD/RMS item Frequency Value. EID or blank*** - Frequency response equivalent radiated power FRERP - - Frequency Value (Blank.0 or Character) Panel ID FRPRES - M-PRES. Real > 0. Real > code 0.0 or Character) GRID ID RANDPS ID PSD PSDACC acceleratio L n - PSD/RMS item Frequency Value. Real > 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . EID or blank*** RANDPS ID RMS strain RMSSTR N PTYPE or "ELEM" PSD/RMS item code - PID. EID or blank*** RANDPS ID RMSPRE S - PRES - GRID ID RANDPS ID Static WCOMP compliance weighted across all - - - - - RMS pressure 808 OptiStruct 13.0 or Character) GRID ID RANDPS ID RMS RMSDIS displaceme P nt - PSD/RMS item code - GRID ID RANDPS ID RMS velocity RMSVEL O - PSD/RMS item code - GRID ID RANDPS ID RMS acceleratio n RMSAC CL - PSD/RMS item code - GRID ID RANDPS ID RMS stress RMSSTR S PTYPE or "ELEM" PSD/RMS item code - PID. EID or blank*** RANDPS ID PSD pressure PSDPRE S - PRES Frequency Value. Real > 0. Real > 0.0 or Character) PID.Response s RTYPE PTYPE ATTA "ELEM" ATTB ATTi EXTN (Blank.0 or Character) PSD strain PSDSTR N PTYPE or "ELEM" PSD/RMS item code Frequency Value (Blank. (Blank. MBREQM ID - subcases Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. MINABS MBREQM ID - MBD force MBFRC MBREQM MBD Force MAX. MAXABS. MINABS MBREQM ID - MBD acceleratio n MBACC MBREQM MBD Acceleration item code MAX. MAXABS.0) BEADFR AC - - COMB** or blank DTPGID or blank* - MBD displaceme nt MBDIS MBREQM MBD Displacement item code MAX. MINABS MBREQM ID - MBD velocity MBVEL MBREQM MBD Velocity item code MAX.0 < BEADFRAC < 1.Response s RTYPE PTYPE ATTA ATTB ATTi EXTN Frequency weighted across reciprocal eigenvalue s WFREQ - - - - - Combined static compliance and frequency index (Combined Complianc e Index) COMB - - - - - Bead discretene ss fraction for topograph y design space (0. MIN. MIN. MAXABS. MIN.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 809 . MIN. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . DAMAGE or FOS - PID. SUM or blank PFBODY ID - Fatigue results FATIGU E PTYPE or "ELEM" LIFE. EID or blank*** - TEMP - - - Grid ID - SPCFOR CE - - Grid ID - GPFORC E Grid ID - EID - Temperatu re SPC Forces (Reaction forces/ moments) Grid point force balance results Component ID (1-6) – Degrees of Freedom Component ID (1-6) – Degrees of Freedom * ATTi can only be blank when PTYPE is also blank. MINABS ATTi EXTN MBD expression MBEXPR MBREQE - - MBREQE ID - Mass of flexible body MBMAS S PFBODY - COMB.Response s RTYPE PTYPE ATTA ATTB item code MAXABS. SUM or blank PFBODY ID - Center of gravity of flexible body MBCOG PFBODY Center of Gravity item code COMB. and means that all relevant entities will be included. See comment 20 on the DRESP1 page. ** ATTB = COMB – Response represents a single response for the combination of all 810 OptiStruct 13. SUM or blank PFBODY ID - Moment of inertia of flexible body MBINER PFBODY Moment of Inertia item code COMB. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. See comment 13 on the DRESP1 page. See comment 22 on the DRESP1 page.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 811 . ***** ATTB must be Blank for PLY response type. **** ATTB = G# – # is the number of the global ply defined on a PCOMPG. See comment 21 on the DRESP1 page. See comment 13 on the DRESP1 page.Response s RTYPE PTYPE ATTA ATTB ATTi EXTN ATTi entities. and means that all entities of the defined property type will be selected. ****** ATTB = Cluster Size represents the number of elements in a cluster for which Stress Constraints need to be defined. See comment 32 on the DRESP1 page. *** ATTi can only be blank when a property type is defined in the PTYPE field (not allowed for "ELEM"). Static Stress/Strain Item Codes Element Stress/Strain Item ASCII Code Number Code * CELAS Stress/Strain S 2 CROD Both ends SAB - End A SA 2 End B SB 2 All stresses/strains SALL - End A pt. C SBC 10 End B pt. F SBF 13 Max end A SAMAX 7 Max end B SBMAX 14 CBAR** 812 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . C SAC 2 End A pt. F SAF 5 End B pt. E SAE 4 End A pt.DRESP1 . D SBD 11 End B pt. D SAD 3 End A pt. E SBE 12 End B pt. F SAF 7 End B pt. D SBD 105 End B pt. F SBF 107 Max end A SAMAX 8 Max end B SBMAX 108 CSHEAR All Solid elements Maximum Shear SHMAX 2 Average Shear SHAVG 3 Safety Margin SHMRG 4 von Mises SVM Max Principal Stress SMP Major Principal SMAP 8 Mid Principal SMDP 16 Altair Engineering 13 OptiStruct 13. C SAC 4 End A pt.CBEAM** All stresses/strains SALL - End A pt. E SBE 106 End B pt. D SAD 5 End A pt. C SBC 104 End B pt. E SAE 6 End A pt.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 813 . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .All Shell elements 814 Minor Principal SMIP 22 Normal X SXX 6 Normal Y SYY 14 Normal Z SZZ 20 Shear XY SXY 7 Shear YZ SYZ 15 Shear XZ SXZ 21 Equivalent Plastic Strain PLAS - von Mises both surfaces SVMB - Major Principal both surfaces SMPB - von Mises 1 SVM1 9 von Mises 2 SVM2 17 Major Principal 1 SMP1 7 Major Principal 2 SMP2 15 Minor Principal both surfaces SMIPB - Minor Principal 1 SMIP1 8 Minor Principal 2 SMIP2 16 Normal X both surfaces SXB - OptiStruct 13. it is recommended that the special stress item codes listed under Stress Item Codes for Bar Elements using PBARL. PBEAM. PBEAML.Normal X 1 SX1 3 Normal X 2 SX2 11 Normal Y both surfaces SYB - Normal Y 1 SY1 4 Normal Y 2 SY2 12 Shear XY both surfaces SXYB - Shear XY 1 SXY1 5 Shear XY 2 SXY2 13 Equivalent Plastic Strain both surfaces PLASB - Equivalent Plastic Strain 1 PLAS1 - Equivalent Plastic Strain 2 PLAS2 - *OptiStruct provides partial support for Nastran item codes. Since Nastran response items are not fully compatible with those used in OptiStruct. **For Bar elements that reference PBARL. Stress/strain items listed here for CBAR. PBEAML Properties be used. it is recommended that the OptiStruct ASCII item codes be used. PBARL. or PBEAML properties include only normal stress/strain. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. CBEAM elements using PBAR.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 815 . shear. Bar Element Types BAR element type C ross-sectional dimensions and stress constraint evaluation points Evaluation Stresses Normal Stress Shear Stress von Mises Stress S5S S5V S6S S6V S7S S7V S1N S2N S3N S4N 816 OptiStruct 13. The shear stress includes torsion and shear. PBEAML Properties The evaluation stresses (normal.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . and von Mises) for each bar element are listed in the links provided below.Static Stress Item Codes for Bar Elements using PBARL.DRESP1 . SNMAX S8S S8V SSMAX SVMAX BOX element type C ross-sectional dimensions and stress constraint evaluation points Evaluation Stresses Normal Stress Shear Stress von Mises Stress S1N S1S S1V S2N S2S S2V S3N S3S S3V S4N S4S S4V S5S S5V S6S S6V S7S S7V Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 817 . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2 and 6). 1 and 5.Normal Stress SNMAX Shear Stress von Mises Stress S8S S8V S9S S9V S10S S10V S11S S11V S12S S12V SSMAX SVMAX Several stress recovery points are coincident (for example. In these cases. the lower number refers to stress recovered in the xy plane and the higher number refers to stress recovered in the xz plane. BOX1 element type C ross-sectional dimensions and stress constraint evaluation points 818 OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 819 . CHAN element type Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. In these cases. 1 and 5.Evaluation Stresses Normal Stress Shear Stress von Mises Stress S1N S1S S1V S2N S2S S2V S3N S3S S3V S4N S4S S4V S5S S5V S6S S6V S7S S7V S8S S8V S9S S9V S10S S10V S11S S11V S12S S12V SSMAX SVMAX SNMAX Several stress recovery points are coincident (for example. 2 and 6). the lower number refers to stress recovered in the xy plane and the higher number refers to stress recovered in the xz plane. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .C ross-sectional dimensions and stress constraint evaluation points Evaluation Stresses Normal Stress Shear Stress von Mises Stress S5S S5V S6S S6V S7S S7V S8S S8V S9S S9V SSMAX SVMAX S1N S2N S3N S4N SNMAX Several stress recovery points are coincident (for example. 1 and 5. 2 and 6). In these cases. the lower number refers to stress recovered in the xy plane and the higher number 820 OptiStruct 13. CHAN1 element type C ross-sectional dimensions and stress constraint evaluation points Evaluation Stresses Normal Stress Shear Stress von Mises Stress S1N S2N S3N S4N SNMAX Altair Engineering S5S S5V S6S S6V S7S S7V S8S S8V S9S S9V SSMAX SVMAX OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 821 .refers to stress recovered in the xz plane. CHAN2 element type C ross-sectional dimensions and stress constraint evaluation points Evaluation Stresses Normal Stress Shear Stress von Mises Stress S5S S5V S6S S6V S7S S7V S8S S8V S9S S9V S1N S2N S3N S4N 822 OptiStruct 13. the lower number refers to stress recovered in the xy plane and the higher number refers to stress recovered in the xz plane.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1 and 5. In these cases. 2 and 6).Several stress recovery points are coincident (for example. the lower number refers to stress recovered in the xy plane and the higher number refers to stress recovered in the xz plane.SNMAX SSMAX SVMAX Several stress recovery points are coincident (for example.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 823 . 2 and 6). CROSS element type C ross-sectional dimensions and stress constraint evaluation points Evaluation Stresses Normal Stress Shear Stress von Mises Stress S1N S1V S2N S2V S3N S3V S4N S4V Altair Engineering S5S S5V S6S S6V OptiStruct 13. In these cases. 1 and 5. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . In these cases. the lower number refers to stress recovered in the xy plane and the higher number refers to stress recovered in the xz plane.SNMAX S7S S7V S8S S8V SSMAX SVMAX Several stress recovery points are coincident (for example. 1 and 5. H element type C ross-sectional dimensions and stress constraint evaluation points Evaluation Stresses Normal Stress Shear Stress von Mises Stress S1N S2N S3N S4N 824 OptiStruct 13. 2 and 6). the lower number refers to stress recovered in the xy plane and the higher number refers to stress recovered in the xz plane.SNMAX S5S S5V S6S S6V S7S S7V S8S S8V S9S S9V SSMAX SVMAX Several stress recovery points are coincident (for example. 2 and 6). In these cases. HAT element type C ross-sectional dimensions and stress constraint evaluation points Evaluation Stresses Normal Stress Shear Stress von Mises Stress S1N S2N S3N S4N Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 825 . 1 and 5. 1 and 5. 2 and 6). the lower number refers to stress recovered in the xy plane and the higher number refers to stress recovered in the xz plane. In these cases.SNMAX S5S S5V S6S S6V S7S S7V S8S S8V S9S S9V S10S S10V S11S S11V S12S S12V S13S S13V S14S S14V S15S S15V SSMAX SVMAX Several stress recovery points are coincident (for example.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . I element type 826 OptiStruct 13. C ross-sectional dimensions and stress constraint evaluation points Evaluation Stresses Normal Stress Shear Stress von Mises Stress S5S S5V S6S S6V S7S S7V S8S S8V S9S S9V SSMAX SVMAX S1N S2N S3N S4N SNMAX Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 827 . the lower number refers to stress recovered in the xy plane and the higher number refers to stress recovered in the xz plane.Several stress recovery points are coincident (for example.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2 and 6). 1 and 5. In these cases. I1 element type C ross-sectional dimensions and stress constraint evaluation points Evaluation Stresses Normal Stress Shear Stress von Mises Stress S5S S5V S6S S6V S7S S7V S8S S8V S9S S9V S1N S2N S3N S4N 828 OptiStruct 13. the lower number refers to stress recovered in the xy plane and the higher number refers to stress recovered in the xz plane. 1 and 5. 2 and 6).SNMAX SSMAX SVMAX Several stress recovery points are coincident (for example. L element type C ross-sectional dimensions and stress constraint evaluation points Evaluation Stresses Normal Stress Shear Stress von Mises Stress S5S S5V S6S S6V S7S S7V S8S S8V S1N S2N S3N S4N Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 829 . In these cases. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 830 from 0 to 360 degrees to find OptiStruct 13. 2 and 6).SNMAX SSMAX SVMAX Several stress recovery points are coincident (for example. the lower number refers to stress recovered in the xy plane and the higher number refers to stress recovered in the xz plane. ROD element type C ross-sectional dimensions and stress constraint evaluation points Evaluation Stresses Normal Stress Shear Stress S1N S1S S2N S2S S3N S3S S4N S4S von Mises Stress S5V The location of point 5 will be determined by varying the the maximum von Mises stress. In these cases. 1 and 5. 1 and 5. In these cases.T element type C ross-sectional dimensions and stress constraint evaluation points Evaluation Stresses Normal Stress Shear Stress von Mises Stress S5S S5V S6S S6V S7S S7V SSMAX SVMAX S1N S2N S3N S4N SNMAX Several stress recovery points are coincident (for example. 2 and 6).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 831 . the lower number refers to stress recovered in the xy plane and the higher number refers to stress recovered in the xz plane. T1 element type Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. T2 element type 832 OptiStruct 13. the lower number refers to stress recovered in the xy plane and the higher number refers to stress recovered in the xz plane. 2 and 6). In these cases.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1 and 5.C ross-sectional dimensions and stress constraint evaluation points Evaluation Stresses Normal Stress Shear Stress von Mises Stress S5S S5V S6S S6V S7S S7V SSMAX SVMAX S1N S2N S3N S4N SNMAX Several stress recovery points are coincident (for example. TUBE element type Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the lower number refers to stress recovered in the xy plane and the higher number refers to stress recovered in the xz plane. 1 and 5. 2 and 6). In these cases.C ross-sectional dimensions and stress constraint evaluation points Evaluation Stresses Normal Stress Shear Stress von Mises Stress S5S S5V S6S S6V S7S S7V SSMAX SVMAX S1N S2N S3N S4N SNMAX Several stress recovery points are coincident (for example.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 833 . C ross-sectional dimensions and stress constraint evaluation points Evaluation Stresses Normal Stress Shear Stress S1N S1S S2N S2S S3N S3S S4N S4S von Mises Stress S5V The location of point 5 will be determined by varying the the maximum von Mises stress. from 0 to 360 degrees to find Z element type 834 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . In these Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.C ross-sectional dimensions and stress constraint evaluation points Evaluation Stresses Normal Stress Shear Stress von Mises Stress S5S S5V S6S S6V S7S S7V S8S S8V S9S S9V SSMAX SVMAX S1N S2N S3N S4N SNMAX Several stress recovery points are coincident (for example. 1 and 5. 2 and 6).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 835 . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . the lower number refers to stress recovered in the xy plane and the higher number refers to stress recovered in the xz plane. 836 OptiStruct 13.cases. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 837 .DRESP1 .Frequency Response Force Item Codes Element Response Component ASCII code Number code* CELAS Force Real R-F 2 Imaginary I-F 3 Magnitude M-F 2 Phase P-F 3 Real R-FA 2 Imaginary I-FA 3 Magnitude M-FA 2 Phase P-FA 3 Real R-FA 2 Imaginary I-FA 3 Magnitude M-FA 2 Phase P-FA 3 Real R-FB 4 Imaginary I-FB 5 Magnitude M-FB 4 Phase P-FB 5 Real R-FA 2 Imaginary I-FA 3 CDAMP CVISC Force Axial force Torque CROD Force at end A Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Force at end B CBAR/ CBEAM Bending at end A plane 1 Bending at end A plane 2 Bending at end B plane 1 Bending at end B plane 2 838 Magnitude M-FA 2 Phase P-FA 3 Real R-FB Imaginary I-FB Magnitude M-FB Phase P-FB Real R-MA1 2 Imaginary I-MA1 10 Magnitude M-MA1 2 Phase P-MA1 10 Real R-MA2 3 Imaginary I-MA2 11 Magnitude M-MA2 3 Phase P-MA2 11 Real R-MB1 4 Imaginary I-MB1 12 Magnitude M-MB1 4 Phase P-MB1 12 Real R-MB2 5 Imaginary I-MB2 13 Magnitude M-MB2 5 Phase P-MB2 13 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 839 .Shear at end A plane 1 Shear at end A plane 2 Real R-SA1 6 Imaginary I-SA1 14 Magnitude M-SA1 6 Phase P-SA1 14 Real R-SA2 7 Imaginary I-SA2 15 Magnitude M-SA2 7 Phase P-SA2 15 R-FA 8 Imaginary I-FA 16 Magnitude M-FA 8 Phase P-FA 16 Real R-TA 9 Imaginary I-TA 17 Magnitude M-TA 9 Phase P-TA 17 Real R-SB1 Imaginary I-SB1 Magnitude M-SB1 Phase P-SB1 Real R-SB2 Imaginary I-SB2 Axial force at end A Real Torque at end A Shear at end B plane 1 Shear at end B plane 2 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Magnitude M-SB2 Phase P-SB2 Axial force at end B Real Torque at end B CBUSH Force X Force Y Force Z 840 R-FB Imaginary I-FB Magnitude M-FB Phase P-FB Real R-TB Imaginary I-TB Magnitude M-TB Phase P-TB Real R-FX 2 Imaginary I-FX 8 Magnitude M-FX 2 Phase P-FX 8 Real R-FY 3 Imaginary I-FY 9 Magnitude M-FY 3 Phase P-FY 9 Real R-FZ 4 Imaginary I-FZ 10 Magnitude M-FZ 4 Phase P-FZ 10 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Moment X Moment Y Moment Z CSHEAR Force 4 to 1 Force 2 to 1 Force 1 to 2 Altair Engineering Real R-MX 5 Imaginary I-MX 11 Magnitude M-MX 5 Phase P-MX 11 Real R-MY 6 Imaginary I-MY 12 Magnitude M-MY 6 Phase P-MY 12 Real R-MZ 7 Imaginary I-MZ 13 Magnitude M-MZ 7 Phase P-MZ 13 Real R-F41 2 Imaginary I-F41 10 Magnitude M-F41 2 Phase P-F41 10 Real R-F21 3 Imaginary I-F21 11 Magnitude M-F21 3 Phase R-F21 11 Real R-F12 4 Imaginary I-F12 12 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 841 . Force 3 to 2 Force 2 to 3 Force 4 to 3 Force 3 to 4 Force 1 to 4 Kick Force on 1 842 Magnitude M-F12 4 Phase P-F12 12 Real I-F32 5 Imaginary I-F32 13 Magnitude M-F32 5 Phase P-F32 13 Real R-F23 6 Imaginary I-F23 14 Magnitude M-F23 6 Phase P-F23 14 Real R-F43 7 Imaginary I-F43 15 Magnitude M-F43 7 Phase P-F43 15 Real R-F34 8 Imaginary I-F34 16 Magnitude M-F34 8 Phase P-F34 16 Real R-F14 9 Imaginary I-F14 17 Magnitude M-F14 9 Phase P-F14 17 Real R-KF1 18 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 843 .Shear Flow 12 Kick Force on 2 All Shell Elements Membrane force X Membrane force Y Membrane shear force XY Altair Engineering Imaginary I-KF1 26 Magnitude M-KF1 18 Phase P-KF1 26 Real R-SH12 19 Imaginary I-SH12 27 Magnitude M-SH12 19 Phase P-SH12 27 Real R-KF2 20 Imaginary I-KF2 28 Magnitude M-KF2 20 Phase P-KF2 28 Real R-NX 2 Imaginary I-NX 10 Magnitude M-NX 2 Phase P-NX 10 Real R-NY 3 Imaginary I-NY 11 Magnitude M-NY 3 Phase P-NY 11 Real R-NXY 4 Imaginary I-NXY 12 Magnitude M-NXY 4 OptiStruct 13. Since Nastran response items are not fully compatible with those used in OptiStruct. it is recommended that the OptiStruct ASCII item codes be used. 844 OptiStruct 13.Phase P-NXY 12 R-MX 5 Imaginary I-MX 13 Magnitude M-MX 5 Phase P-MX 13 R-MY 6 Imaginary I-MY 14 Magnitude M-MY 6 Phase P-MY 14 Real R-MXY 7 Imaginary I-MXY 15 Magnitude M-MXY 7 Phase P-MXY 15 Real R-SXZ 8 Imaginary I-SXZ 16 Magnitude M-SXZ 8 Phase P-SXZ 16 Real R-SYZ 9 Imaginary I-SYZ 17 Magnitude M-SYZ 9 Phase P-SYZ 17 Bending Moment X Real Bending Moment Y Real Twisting moment XY Transverse shear XZ Transverse shear YZ *OptiStruct provides partial support for Nastran item codes.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 845 .DRESP1 .Frequency Response Stress/Strain Item Codes Element Stress/Strain Item Component ASCII code Number code* CELAS Stress/Strain Real R-S 2 Imaginary I-S 3 Magnitude M-S 2 Phase P-S 3 Real R-SAB Imaginary I-SAB Magnitude M-SAB Phase P-SAB Real R-SA 2 Imaginary I-SA 3 Magnitude M-SA 2 Phase P-SA 3 Real R-SB Imaginary I-SB Magnitude M-SB Phase P-SB Real R-SALL Imaginary I-SALL Magnitude M-SALL Phase P-SALL CROD Both ends End A End B CBAR All Stresses/ Strains Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Element Stress/Strain Item Component ASCII code Number code* End A point C Real R-SAC 2 Imaginary I-SAC 7 Magnitude M-SAC 2 Phase P-SAC 7 Real R-SAD 3 Imaginary I-SAD 8 Magnitude M-SAD 3 Phase P-SAD 8 Real R-SAE 4 Imaginary I-SAE 9 Magnitude M-SAE 4 Phase P-SAE 9 Real R-SAF 5 Imaginary I-SAF 10 Magnitude M-SAF 5 Phase P-SAF 10 Real R-SBC 12 Imaginary I-SBC 16 Magnitude M-SBC 12 Phase P-SBC 16 Real R-SBD 13 End A point D End A point E End A point F End B point C End B point D 846 OptiStruct 13. Element Stress/Strain Item End B point E End B point F Maximum at end A Maximum at end B CBEAM All Stresses/ Strains Altair Engineering Component ASCII code Number code* Imaginary I-SBD 17 Magnitude M-SBD 13 Phase P-SBD 17 Real R-SBE 14 Imaginary I-SBE 18 Magnitude M-SBE 14 Phase P-SBE 18 Real R-SBF 15 Imaginary I-SBF 19 Magnitude M-SBF 15 Phase P-SBF 19 Real R-SAMAX Imaginary I-SAMAX Magnitude M-SAMAX Phase P-SAMAX Real R-SBMAX Imaginary I-SBMAS Magnitude M-SBMAX Phase P-SBMAX Real R-SALL Imaginary I-SALL OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 847 . Element Stress/Strain Item End A point C End A point D End A point E End A point F End B point C 848 Component ASCII code Number code* Magnitude M-SALL Phase P-SALL Real R-SAC 4 Imaginary I-SAC 8 Magnitude M-SAC 4 Phase P-SAC 8 Real R-SAD 5 Imaginary I-SAD 9 Magnitude M-SAD 5 Phase P-SAD 9 Real R-SAE 6 Imaginary I-SAE 10 Magnitude M-SAE 6 Phase P-SAE 10 Real R-SAF 7 Imaginary I-SAF 11 Magnitude M-SAF 7 Phase P-SAF 11 Real R-SBC 104 Imaginary I-SBC 108 Magnitude M-SBC 104 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Element Stress/Strain Item End B point D End B point E End B point F Maximum at end A Maximum at end B Altair Engineering Component ASCII code Number code* Phase P-SBC 108 Real R-SBD 105 Imaginary I-SBD 109 Magnitude M-SBD 105 Phase P-SBD 109 Real R-SBE 106 Imaginary I-SBE 110 Magnitude M-SBE 106 Phase P-SBE 110 Real R-SBF 107 Imaginary I-SBF 111 Magnitude M-SBF 107 Phase P-SBF 111 Real R-SAMAX Imaginary I-SAMAX Magnitude M-SAMAX Phase P-SAMAX Real R-SBMAX Imaginary I-SBMAX Magnitude M-SBMAX Phase P-SBMAX OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 849 . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Element Stress/Strain Item Component ASCII code Number code* CSHEAR Maximum Shear Real R-SHMAX 2 Imaginary I-SHMAX 3 Magnitude M-SHMAX 2 Phase P-SHMAX 3 Real R-SHAVG 4 Imaginary I-SHAVG 5 Magnitude M-SHAVG 4 Phase P-SHAVG 5 Real R-SXX 6 Imaginary I-SXX 12 Magnitude M-SXX 6 Phase P-SXX 12 Real R-SYY 7 Imaginary I-SYY 13 Magnitude M-SYY 7 Phase P-SYY 13 Real R-SZZ 8 Imaginary I-SZZ 14 Magnitude M-SZZ 8 Phase P-SZZ 14 Average Shear All Solid Elements Normal X Normal Y Normal Z 850 OptiStruct 13. Element Stress/Strain Item Component ASCII code Number code* Shear XY Real R-SXY 9 Imaginary I-SXY 15 Magnitude M-SXY 9 Phase P-SXY 15 Real R-SYZ 10 Imaginary I-SYZ 16 Magnitude M-SYZ 10 Phase P-SYZ 16 Real R-SXZ 11 Imaginary I-SXZ 17 Magnitude M-SXZ 11 Phase P-SXZ 17 - SVM - Shear YZ Shear XZ von Mises All Shell Elements Normal X at both Real surfaces Imaginary Normal X at Z1 Altair Engineering R-SXB I-SXB Magnitude M-SXB Phase P-SXB Real R-SX1 3 Imaginary I-SX1 4 Magnitude M-SX1 3 Phase P-SX1 4 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 851 . Element Stress/Strain Item Component ASCII code Number code* Normal X at Z2 Real R-SX2 10 Imaginary I-SX2 11 Magnitude M-SX2 10 Phase P-SX2 11 Normal Y at both Real surfaces Imaginary Normal Y at Z1 Normal Y at Z2 852 I-SYB Magnitude M-SYB Phase P-SYB Real R-SY1 5 Imaginary I-SY1 6 Magnitude M-SY1 5 Phase P-SY1 6 Real R-SY2 12 Imaginary I-SY2 13 Magnitude M-SY2 12 Phase P-SY2 13 Shear XY at both Real surfaces Imaginary Shear XY at Z1 R-SYB R-SXYB I-SXYB Magnitude M-SXYB Phase P-SXYB Real R-SXY1 7 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 853 .Element Stress/Strain Item Component ASCII code Number code* Imaginary I-SXY1 8 Magnitude M-SXY1 7 Phase P-SXY1 8 Real R-SXY2 14 Imaginary I-SXY2 15 Magnitude M-SXY2 14 Phase P-SXY2 15 von Mises at Z1 - SVM1 - von Mises at Z2 - SVM2 - von Mises - SVMB - Shear XY at Z2 * OptiStruct provides partial support for Nastran item codes. it is recommended that the OptiStruct ASCII item codes be used. Since Nastran response items are not fully compatible with those used in OptiStruct. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Frequency Response Displacement.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . and Acceleration Item Codes Response Component ASCII code Number code* Translation X Real R-TX 1 Imaginary I-TX 7 Magnitude M-TX 1 Phase P-TX 7 Real R-TY 2 Imaginary I-TY 8 Magnitude M-TY 2 Phase P-TY 8 Real R-TZ 3 Imaginary I-TZ 9 Magnitude M-TZ 3 Phase P-TZ 9 Real R-RX 4 Imaginary I-RX 10 Magnitude M-RX 4 Phase P-RX 10 Real R-RY 5 Imaginary I-RY 11 Magnitude M-RY 5 Phase P-RY 11 Translation Y Translation Z Rotation X Rotation Y 854 OptiStruct 13.DRESP1 . Velocity. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 855 . Since Nastran response items are not fully compatible with those used in OptiStruct. it is recommended that the OptiStruct ASCII item codes be used.Response Component ASCII code Number code* Rotation Z Real R-RZ 6 Imaginary I-RZ 12 Magnitude M-RZ 6 Phase P-RZ 12 Real R-NORM - Imaginary I-NORM - Magnitude M-NORM - Phase P-NORM - Normal *OptiStruct provides partial support for Nastran item codes. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 856 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . it is recommended that the OptiStruct ASCII item codes be used. Since Nastran response items are not fully compatible with those used in OptiStruct.Frequency Response Pressure Item Codes Response Component ASCII code Number code* Pressure Real R-PRES 1 Imaginary I-PRES 7 Magnitude M-PRES 1 Phase P-PRES 7 *OptiStruct provides partial support for Nastran item codes.DRESP1 . DRESP1 .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 857 .Center of Gravity and Moments of Inertia Item Codes Center of Gravity Component ASCII Code x-coordinate X y-coordinate Y z-coordinate Z Moments of Inertia Component ASCII Code lxx XX lyy YY lzz ZZ lxy XY lxz XZ lyz YZ Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Static Force Item Codes Element Force Item ASCII Code Number Code * CELAS Force F 2 CROD Force End A FA 2 Force End B FB - Bending End A Plane 1 MA1 2 Bending End A Plane 2 MA2 3 Bending End B Plane 1 MB1 4 Bending End B Plane 2 MB2 5 Shear End A Plane 1 SA1 6 Shear End A Plane 2 SA2 7 Axial Force End A FA 8 Torque End A TA 9 Shear End B Plane 1 SB1 - Shear End B Plane 2 SB2 - Axial Force End B FB - Torque End B TB - Bending End A Plane 1 MA1 4 Bending End A Plane 2 MA2 5 Bending End B Plane 1 MB1 94 Bending End B Plane 2 MB2 95 CBAR CBEAM 858 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .DRESP1 . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 859 .Element CBUSH All Shell Elements Altair Engineering Force Item ASCII Code Number Code * Shear End A Plane 1 SA1 6 Shear End A Plane 2 SA2 7 Axial Force End A FA 8 Torque End A TA 9 Shear End B Plane 1 SB1 96 Shear End B Plane 2 SB2 97 Axial Force End B FB 98 Torque End B TB 99 Force-X FX 2 Force-Y FY 3 Force-Z FZ 4 Moment-X MX 5 Moment-Y MY 6 Moment-Z MZ 7 Membrane Force X NX 2 Membrane Force Y NY 3 Membrane Shear Force XY NXY 4 Bending Moment X MX 5 Bending Moment Y MY 6 OptiStruct 13. Element CSHEAR Force Item ASCII Code Number Code * Twisting Moment XY MXY 7 Transverse Shear XZ SXZ 8 Transverse Shear YZ SYZ 9 Force 4 to 1 F41 2 Force 2 to 1 F21 3 Force 1 to 2 F12 4 Force 3 to 2 F32 5 Force 2 to 3 F23 6 Force 4 to 3 F43 7 Force 3 to 4 F34 8 Force 1 to 4 F14 9 Kick Force on 1 KF1 10 Shear Flow 12 SH12 11 Kick Force on 2 KF2 12 Shear Flow 23 SH23 13 Kick Force on 3 KF3 14 Shear Flow 34 SH34 15 Kick Force on 4 KF4 16 Shear Flow 41 SH41 17 *OptiStruct provides partial support for Nastran item codes. Since Nastran response items 860 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. it is recommended that the OptiStruct ASCII item codes be used.are not fully compatible with those used in OptiStruct.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 861 . Static Failure Item Codes for Composites Theory ASCII code Hill HILL Hoffman HOFF Tsai-Wu TSAI Maximum Strain STRN 862 OptiStruct 13.DRESP1 .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Principal SMAP 9 Min. Since Nastran response items are not fully compatible with those used in OptiStruct.12 S12 5 Shear .2 S2 4 Shear .1 S1 3 Normal .1Z S1Z 6 Shear . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. it is recommended to use the OptiStruct ASCII item codes.12 S12 5 Maj. Strain Item ASCII Code Number Code* Normal . Principal SMAP 9 Min.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 863 .2 S2 4 Shear . Principal SMIP 10 OptiStruct provides partial support for Nastran item codes. Principal SMIP 10 OptiStruct provides partial support for Nastran item codes.2Z S2Z 7 Maj. Since Nastran response items are not fully compatible with those used in OptiStruct.DRESP1 .1 S1 3 Normal .Static Stress/Strain Item Codes for Composites * * Stress Item ASCII Code Number code* Normal . it is recommended to use the OptiStruct ASCII item codes. 1 TS1 - Normal . Since Nastran response items are not fully compatible with those used in OptiStruct.* Thermal Strain Item ASCII Code Number Code* Normal . it is recommended to use the OptiStruct ASCII item codes. OptiStruct 13.2 MS2 - Shear . it is recommended to use the OptiStruct ASCII item codes. Since Nastran response items are not fully compatible with those used in OptiStruct. Principal MSMIP - * 864 OptiStruct provides partial support for Nastran item codes.1 MS1 - Normal . Principal TSMIP - OptiStruct provides partial support for Nastran item codes.2 TS2 - Shear .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Mechanical Strain Item ASCII Code Number Code* Normal .12 MS12 - Maj. Principal MSMAP - Min.12 TS12 - Maj. Principal TSMAP - Min. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 865 .MBD Displacement Item Codes Displacement ASCII code Translational X TX Translational Y TY Translational Z TZ Rotational X RX Rotational Y RY Rotational Z RZ Translational resultant TXYZ Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.DRESP1 . DRESP1 .MBD Velocity/Acceleration Item Codes Vel/Acc ASCII code Translational X TX Translational Y TY Translational Z TZ Rotational X RX Rotational Y RY Rotational Z RZ Translational resultant TXYZ Rotational resultant RXYZ 866 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . DRESP1 .MBD Force Item Codes Force ASCII code Translational X FX Translational Y FY Translational Z FZ Rotational X MX Rotational Y MY Rotational Z MZ Translational resultant FXYZ Rotational resultant MXYZ Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 867 . Velocity. 868 OptiStruct 13.DRESP1 – PSD/RMS Displacement. Since Nastran response items are not fully compatible with those used in OptiStruct. and Acceleration Item Codes Response ASCII code Number code* Translation X TX 1 Translation Y TY 2 Translation Z TZ 3 Rotation X RX 4 Rotation Y RY 5 Rotation Z RZ 6 *OptiStruct provides partial support for Nastran item codes. it is recommended that the OptiStruct ASCII item codes be used.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . DRESP1 – PSD/RMS Pressure Item Codes Response ASCII code Pressure PRES Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 869 . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .PSD/RMS Stress/Strain Item Codes All Solid elements All Shell elements 870 Stress/Strain Item ASCII code Normal X SXX Normal Y SYY Normal Z SZZ Shear XY SXY Shear YZ SYZ Shear XZ SXZ Stress/Strain Item ASCII code Normal X both surfaces SXB Normal X 1 SX1 Normal X 2 SX2 Normal Y both surfaces SYB Normal Y 1 SY1 Normal Y 2 SY2 Shear XY both surfaces SXYB Shear XY 1 SXY1 Shear XY 2 SXY2 OptiStruct 13.DRESP1 . ... the DTABLE entry PI is the second variable. . . it may be calculated using DRESP2. . The DRESP2 card identifies the equation to use for the response relationship and the input values to evaluate the response function...... . Responses defined in this manner can be used as design objectives or constraints. ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID5 ID6 ID7 ID8 .. ......... (6) (7) (8) (9) RID2 MODEL NAME2 .... where DESVAR #11 is the first variable. ..DRESP2 Bulk Data Entry DRESP2 – Design Response via Equations for Design Optimization Description When a desired response is not directly available from OptiStruct.. This response can be a functional combination of any set of responses resulting from the design analysis iteration. ..0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering (10) 871 .. DRESP1 #1 is the third variable.. ID2 ID3 ID4 ID5 ID6 ID7 ID8 . . the Y location of grid #11 is the forth variable and the DVPREL1 #22 is the fifth variable. . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DRESP2 ID LABEL EQID or FUNC REGION DRESPM RID1 MODEL NAME1 VARTYPE1 ID1 VARTYPE2 . (10) Example 1 Define a response labeled FUNC1 that references equation #999. .. (1) (2) Altair Engineering (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) OptiStruct 13... DRESP2 10 FUNC 1 DESVAR 11 DTABLE PI DRESP1 1 DGRID 11 DVPREL1 22 999 2 Example 2 Define a response that is the weighted average of 2 displacements (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DRESP2 3 AVDIS 7 2 DRESP1 9 2 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Associated Cards (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) DRESP1 9 TOPN DISP 1 3 4668 DRESP1 2 BOTN DISP 1 3 5432 (10) DEQATN 7 Field Contents ID Response identification number.5+ x2*4.0)/2 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . x2) = (x1*1. Each DRESP2 card must have a unique 872 y(x1. the list is a list of GRID/ID Component pairs. DVMBRL1. DVPREL2. When VARTYPE is DGRID or DGRIDB. 13 and 16). DVCREL2. DRESP1L. 2 indicates the Y component of grid 11 (see Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. or DVMBRL2 this list of IDs reference entities of the defined VARTYPE. DRESP2. which defines modelspecific response ID and Model Name pairs to be used in a Multi-Model Optimization run. DGRIDB. DRESP2. DTABLE. DVCREL1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 873 . For example. DGRID. DVMREL2. No default (Integer > 0) FUNC Function to be applied to the arguments (see comment 14). No default (Integer > 0) LABEL User defined name for the response. RID# Identification numbers of model-specific responses (see comment 15). MMO entry (see comment 15). DGRID. or 3). DVPREL1. DTABLE. DVMREL1. DVPREL1. No default (Character) EQID DEQATN identifier that defines the response relationship. DRESP1. DVPREL2. DVMREL1. 11. DVCREL1. DVCREL2. No default (Character) ID# When VARTYPE is DESVAR. 2. DVMREL2. MODEL NAME# User-defined model names defined on the ASSIGN. where every second value is a component (1. Can be one of: DESVAR. VARTYPE# Indicates the type of variables to follow.Field Contents ID with respect to all other DRESP# cards. DRESP2L. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) DRESPM Indicates the beginning of a continuation line. DVMBRL1. No default (Character) REGION Region identifier (see comment 4). or DVMBRL2 (see comments 5. DRESP1. For example 2 above x1 is the displacement response defined by the DRESP1 card with ID=9 and x2 is the displacement response defined by the DRESP1 card with ID=2. The same VARTYPE# can be repeated any number of times. the DESOBJ data must be above the first SUBCASE if: The DRESP2 contains DRESP1L. DRESP2 entries are referenced from the subcase through one of DESOBJ. refer to Constraint Screening in the User's Guide. 3. When VARTYPE is DRESP1L or DRESP2L. 1. DRESPi and DRESPiL cards cannot be mixed on the same DRESP2 definition. for example. then the DESOBJ that references the DRESP2 must be defined before the first Subcase. However. or DRESP2L data. DRESP1L. If DRESP1L. DRESP2L are used for a constrained DRESP2. 6. DRESP2L data. The SUBCASE number 0 should be used for global responses. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. 5. It is important to ensure that responses with the same region identifier reference similar equations. DRESP1L. then a separate region is formed for each DRESP2 definition.Field Contents comment 13). DRESP2L define a response defined with a DRESP1 or DRESP2. 874 OptiStruct 13. The RTYPE EQUA on the DSCREEN definition refers to DRESP2 responses. 9. For further information. 2. 7. DRESP2L are used in a DRESP2 objective function. The DRESP2 contains no DRESP1DRESP2. DESSUB. If DRESP1L. where every second value is a subcase ID. DRESP1L. 9. the order in which the VARTYPE# continuation lines are listed will affect the solution as the values are passed to the equation (or function) in the listed sequence. 4. If the region identifier is blank. If the DRESP2 data is referenced by DESOBJ data. in any position. DESGLB must be used to identify the DRESP2. DRESP2 entries must have unique identification numbers with respect to DRESP1 and DRESP3 entries. or DESGBL. respectively. The entries on the DRESP2 cards are assigned to the variable on the DEQATN card in the order that they occur. 10.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 3 indicates response 9 calculated for subcase 1 and response 9 calculated for subcase 3. Responses with the same region identifier are grouped together into the same region. 9. on the card. The order in which the VARTYPE# continuation lines are listed on the DRESP2 card is not prescribed. the list is a list of response/ subcase pairs. and a SUBCASE. Any number of VARTYPE# continuation lines can be defined. 8. DGRID: The VARTYPE DGRID can be used to select the grid point locations in the local coordinate system of each grid point. DRESP2 global responses. the DEQATN entry is no longer needed. but multiple levels of referencing are allowed. All local (or user defined) coordinate systems are directly or indirectly based on the default basic coordinate system.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 875 . X2. DRESP2 cannot reference itself directly or recursively. The basic coordinate system is the default rectangular coordinate system in OptiStruct. The DGRID and DGRIDB VARTYPE’s can be used to select grid point locations as variables to be passed to the specified equation or function. 12. The grid point locations are specified as a list of Grid point ID/Component pairs where every second value is a component. 13. The Grid point ID’s are unique grid point identification numbers (ID) and Components are the grid point locations X1. The following functions can be used instead of an EQID. Examples: DGRIDB: The VARTYPE DGRIDB can be used to select grid point locations in the basic coordinate system.The DRESP2 contains DRESP1. The functions are applied to all arguments on the DRESP2 regardless of their type. This local coordinate system may be specified by the CP field of the GRID bulk data entry for a particular grid point of interest. LABEL must begin with an alphabetical character. 14. 11. The DESOBJ data must be in the correct SUBCASE if the DRESP2 contains subcase dependent DRESP1 responses. Function Description SUM Sum of arguments AVG Average of arguments Altair Engineering Formula OptiStruct 13. If FUNC is used. and X3 fields on the GRID bulk data entry. Example Allowed DRESP1 2 DRESP1 876 1 R1 STRESS ELEM SVM3 1 2 R2 STRESS PSHELL SVM4 1 OptiStruct 13. If requirement (1) above is not met. MMO can be used to identify the filename of the model and the user-defined Model Name that contains the referenced response definition. DRESP# entries listed on other DRESP#L VARTYPE’s should reference the same number of responses. The following requirements should be met for such entries: 1. (and) 2. 3.Function Description Formula SSQ Sum of square of arguments RSS Square root of sum of squares of arguments MAX Maximum of arguments MIN Minimum of arguments SUMABS Sum of absolute value of arguments AVGABS Average of absolute value of arguments MAXABS Maximum of absolute arguments MINABS Minimum of absolute value of arguments 15. A minimum of one DRESP# entry listed on a corresponding DRESP#L VARTYPE should reference only a single response value. These responses can be used similar to responses defined via the VARTYPE# -ID# entries. 16. An inconsistent number of responses can be referenced via multiple DRESP#L VARTYPE’s.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . then the number of responses referenced by all the DRESP# entries (listed on all the DRESP#L VARTYPE’s) should be equal. ASSIGN. Multiple RID-Model Name pairs can be specified on a single DRESPM continuation line. the number of responses referenced by DRESP1L=4 is one. in the “Not Allowed” example.b. DRESP1L=2 references multiple responses.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 877 . This card is represented as optimization responses in HyperMesh.c)=a+b+c SVM1 1 SVM2 1 In the above example (Allowed). 17. this is allowed as there are no other DRESP#L that reference more than one response. DRESP1L=1 references two responses and DRESP1L=2 references multiple responses (this violates requirement 2 above). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.b)=a+b Not Allowed DRESP1 2 DRESP1 DRESP2 + + + DRESP1 DEQATN 1 R1 STRESS ELEM 2 R2 STRESS PSHELL 3 MNA 1 DRESP1L 4 0 DRESP1L 1 2 DRESP1L 2 2 4 vol VOLUME 1 f(a.DRESP2 + + DRESP1 DEQATN 3 MA 1 DRESP1L 4 0 DRESP1L 2 2 4 vol VOLUME 1 f(a. However. Also. ... ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID5 ID6 ID7 C I2 C I3 .. it may be calculated through external user-supplied functions implemented in shared/dynamic libraries or external files (see External Reponses). . ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID5 ID6 ID7 ID8 .. . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) DRESP3 ID LABEL GROUP FUNC REGION RESP MAXRESP DRESPM RID1 MODEL NAME1 RID2 MODEL NAME2 . The DRESP3 card identifies the external function to be called and defines the parameters to be transferred to that function.DRESP3 Bulk Data Entry DRESP3 – Design Response via External User-supplied Functions Description When a desired response is not available from OptiStruct. VARTYPE1 ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID5 ID6 ID7 ID8 ....... either directly or via equations.. VARTYPEn ID8 878 C ELLIN C I1 C ELLOUT CO SENSOPT METHOD OptiStruct 13.. C In VARTYPE2 (9) (10) .... .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . .... . Each DRESP3 must have a unique ID with respect to all other DRESP# cards. No default (Integer > 0) LABEL User-defined name for the response. . No default (Character) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Field Contents ID Response identification number... No default (Character) FUNC FUNC identifier that defines the external function to be used.. No default (Character) GROUP GROUP identifier that defines the shared/dynamic library or external Microsoft Excel workbook to be used (see comment 19). .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 879 . Alternate format when VARTYPE is USRDATA USRDATA STRNG ....Alternate format for CELLIN (cell input) specifications C ELLIN C I1 thru C In Alternate format when VARTYPE is DEIGV DEIGV EIGV1 LID1 G1 C1 EIGV2 LID2 G2 C2 . It references an existing LOADLIB entry in the input deck. RID# Identification numbers of model-specific responses (see comment 21) MODEL NAME# User-defined model names defined on the ASSIGN. DVMREL1. DRESP1. DRESP1. DRESP2. When VARTYPE is DRESP1L or DRESP2L. No default (Character) ID# When VARTYPE is DESVAR.Field Contents REGION Region identifier (see comment 4).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . DGRID. DVMREL2. When VARTYPE is DGRID or DGRIDB. with each line defining an eigenvector ID. DVCREL2. 2 indicates the Y component of grid 11. DEIGV. and a grid/ component pair (where the component is one of 1. the list is a list of response/ subcase pairs. 11. DGRIDB. DRESP2L. DTABLE. DVMREL1. 880 OptiStruct 13. USRDATA or SLAVE (see comment 18). a subcase ID. DTABLE. DVMBRL1. For example. DVCREL1. MMO entry (see comment 21). 4. 2. 2. No default (Integer > 0) MAXRESP MAXRESP identifier that defines the number of responses available in the external function. DVMBRL1. 5 or 6). the ID# list is replaced by a list of eigenvectors. or DVMBRL2 this list of IDs reference entities of the defined VARTYPE. DVPREL1. Can be one of: DESVAR. DVMBRL2. DVCREL2. DVPREL2. DRESP1L. DRESP2. No default (Integer > 0) VARTYPE# Indicates the type of variables to follow. or 3). where every second value is a subcase ID. where every second value is a component (1. for example. DVPREL1. DGRID. DVMREL2. RESP RESP identifier that defines the response to be returned by the external function. DVPREL2. which defines modelspecific response ID and Model Name pairs to be used in a Multi-Model Optimization run. DVCREL1. When VARTYPE is DEIGV. 3. the list is a list of GRID/Component pairs. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) DRESPM Indicates the beginning of a continuation line. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 881 . 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. No default (Alphanumeric) SENSOPT Indicates that the sensitivities evaluation method follows. METHOD Method to be used for sensitivities evaluation (see comment 17). When VARTYPE is SLAVE. and subsequently used in the approximation process. which is passed to the external function. or Character) CELLIN CELLIN flag indicates that a list of Microsoft Excel worksheet cell references are to follow. This character string must be less than 32000 characters. and subsequently used in the approximation process. 9. 3 indicates response 9 calculated for subcase 1 and response 9 calculated for subcase 3. When VARTYPE is USRDATA. No default (Integer > 0.Field Contents DRESP1L. No default (Alphanumeric) CELLOUT CELLIN flag indicates that a Microsoft Excel Worksheet cell reference is to follow that defines the response output value (see comments 19 and 20). CO A Microsoft Excel worksheet cell reference that defines the response output value (see comments 19 and 20). that define response input values (see comments 19 and 20). Default = NONE (or blank) EIGVi Eigenvector numbers. only a single ID should follow. USER: Sensitivities are provided by the external function at the beginning of the iteration. 9. AUTO: Sensitivities are automatically evaluated by finite differences at the beginning of the iteration. NONE (or blank): Sensitivities are not provided. the list is replaced by a user-defined character string. CI# A list of Microsoft Excel worksheet cell references that define response input values (see comments 19 and 20). Full evaluations are performed at every step of the approximation process. This is the ID of another DRESP3 entry from which data should be copied. The order in which the VARTYPE# continuation lines are listed on the DRESP2 card is not prescribed. Any number of VARTYPE# continuation lines can be defined. The entries on the DRESP3 card are assigned to the parameters passed to the external function in the order that they occur. DESSUB. DRESP3 entries must have unique identification numbers with respect to DRESP2 and DRESP1 entries. respectively. No default (Integer > 0) Ci Component IDs. on the card. 5. in any position.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 4. 7. DESGLB must be used to identify the DRESP3. and a SUBCASE. If the region identifier is blank. DRESP3 entries are referenced from the subcases through one of DESOBJ. or 6) STRNG User-defined string to be passed to the external function. 882 OptiStruct 13. 6. No default (Integer > 0) Gi Grid IDs. If DRESP1L. refer to Constraint Screening in the User's Guide. The same VARTYPE# can be repeated any number of times. 5. 2. 3. DRESP2L is used for a constrained DRESP3. 8. No default (1. then a separate region is formed for each DRESP3 definition. 3. It is important to ensure that responses with the same region identifier reference similar external responses.Field Contents No default (Integer > 0) LIDi Subcase IDs. For further information. Responses with the same region identifier are grouped together into the same region. The SUBCASE number 0 should be used for global responses. DRESP1L. The RTYPE EXTERNAL on the DSCREEN definition refers to DRESP3 responses. 2. DRESPi and DRESPiL cards cannot be mixed on one DRESP3 definition. No default (Character string < 32000 characters) Comments 1. or DESGBL. DRESP2L define a response defined with a DRESP1 or DRESP2. 4. DRESP2 global responses. DRESP2 or DRESP1L. This simplifies the DRESP3 definition and reduces potential errors when modifying input decks. The data in the STRNG field is character string based. OptiStruct will automatically group responses which point to the same external function. USER: This setup is more complex as it requires user-calculated gradients. if the approximation module is observed to be very slow with the default. Also. The default method works best for most problems. 10. The eigenvector values provided on the DEIGV continuation are normalized against the mass matrix. either via the HyperMesh interface or manually. External functions can be implemented to compute any number of responses and to return any subset of these responses. 17. The maximum number of characters allowed in 32000. LABEL must begin with an alphabetical character. Performance of the sensitivity evaluation method is problem dependent. WFREQ. 16. and selection of a method depends on the number of arguments and the cost of each evaluation. as explained above. If DRESP1L. If the DRESP3 data is referenced by DESOBJ data. This approach has two main benefits: There is no need to write a specific external function for each response that you want computed. One general function may be written instead. 14. 13. and so on) for the current DRESP3 card is identical to the input data of the master DRESP3 card. In many cases. The DESOBJ data must be in the correct static or eigenvalue SUBCASE if the DRESP3 contains static or eigenvalue DRESP1 responses. DRESP2L data. DRESP2L is used in a DRESP3 objective function. The SLAVE continuation line indicates that the input data (DESVAR.9. this allows for easier code maintenance and better code reusability. 11. and which use the same set of input data. then the DESOBJ that references the DRESP3 must be defined before the first subcase. 12.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 883 . AUTO or USER can be tried. The RESP field may be used to request a specific response from the external function. No sensitivities are calculated for these values. the DESOBJ data must be above the first SUBCASE if: DRESP3 contains DRESP1L. However. The DGRID and DGRIDB VARTYPE’s can be used to select grid point locations as variables Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. while MAXRESP defines the maximum number of responses available in that function. The external function will only be called once for that group of responses. it can improve the quality of those gradients and may also increase the speed at which those gradients are calculated. There cannot be any other continuation line when SLAVE is used. DRESP1 of RTYPE = WCOMB. It provides a convenient way to pass constants to the external response server routines. since finite differences are not used. 15. 18. DRESP3 contains no DRESP1. DRESP3 contains DRESP1. which may save computational time in the library. However. DRESP2L data. and COMP cannot be referenced by DRESP3 data. OptiStruct will group responses that share the same input data. These responses can be used similar to responses defined via the VARTYPE# -ID# entries. each CI# entry on the CELLIN continuation lines corresponds to responses (ID#) defined on the VARTYPE# continuation lines. DGRID: The VARTYPE DGRID can be used to select the grid point locations in the local coordinate system of each grid point. The grid point locations are specified as a list of Grid point ID/Component pairs where every second value is a component. 19. An external Microsoft Excel workbook can be referenced on the GROUP field via the LOADLIB I/O Options Entry. All local (or user defined) coordinate systems are directly or indirectly based on the default basic coordinate system. X2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Multiple CELLIN continuation lines can be specified. The Grid point ID’s are unique grid point identification numbers (ID) and Components are the grid point locations X1. 20. MMO can be used to identify the filename of the model and the user-defined Model Name that contains the referenced response definition. 21. Examples: DGRIDB: The VARTYPE DGRIDB can be used to select grid point locations in the basic coordinate system. ASSIGN. and X3 fields on the GRID Bulk Data Entries. This local coordinate system may be specified by the CP field of the GRID Bulk Data Entry for a particular grid point of interest.to be passed to the specified equation or function. See External Responses in the User’s Guide for further information. Multiple RID-Model Name pairs can be specified on a single DRESPM continuation line. 884 OptiStruct 13. The basic coordinate system is the default rectangular coordinate system in OptiStruct. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 885 . Refer to Constraint Screening in the User's Guide section.DSCREEN Bulk Data Entry DSCREEN – Design Constraint Screening Description Defines design constraint screening data. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) DSC REEN RTYPE THOLD MAXC (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Alternate Format (1) (2) (3) DSC REEN AUTO LEVEL Example (1) (2) (3) (4) DSC REEN STRESS -0.6 4 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Associated Cards (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) DRESP1 98 SS11 STRESS PSHELL 1 7 1 DRESP1 99 SS11 STRESS PSHELL 2 7 3 DRESP1 100 SS11 STRESS PSHELL 2 7 5 Altair Engineering (8) (9) (10) OptiStruct 13. 2. No default (Character. RTYPE EXTERNAL refers to DRESP3 definitions.0) MAXC Maximum number of constraints to be retained for each region definition and each load case. When this is activated. they should reference similar equations. Level 3 is the default. If F> THOLD. the screening algorithm will seek to retain the least number of responses that are necessary for stable convergence. then the constraint will be retained. If DRESP2 definitions are given the same region identifier.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . or EQUA or EXTERNAL or AUTO. F is calculated with respect to the upper and lower bounds of the constraint as follows: 886 OptiStruct 13. If DRESP3 definitions are given the same region identifier. Default = 3 (1. The automatic constraint screening can also be disabled by setting it to OFF. they should reference similar equations.5 (Real < 0.Field Contents RTYPE Response type affected by the constraint screening settings on this definition. RTYPE may be any of the RTYPEs allowed on the DRESP1 entry. 2. 4. 3. See comment 1) THOLD Normalized threshold value – constraint will not be retained during the current iteration if its normalized value is below THOLD. F is the normalized constraint. 4. 5 or OFF) Comments 1. It is disabled by the presence of any DSCREEN definition in the input data. LEVEL The automatic constraint screening has levels 1 through 5. Default = 20 (Integer > 0) AUTO Automatic adjustment of screening criteria. Automatic constraint screening is active by default. RTYPE EQUA refers to DRESP2 definitions. Default = -0. 3. with 1 being the least aggressive (more responses retained) and 5 being the most aggressive (less responses retained). MASSFRAC. The THOLD and MAXC defaults do not apply for MASS.5. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. When no DSCREEN definitions are present in the input data. the upper bound on the EIGRL card for buckling analysis will be adjusted in order to calculate only the necessary buckling eigenvalues (responses) that are potentially retained in the optimization. automatic constraint screening is active for all responses. 8. VOLUMEFRAC. With automatic screening. or FREQ. 7. The presence of any DSCREEN definition disables the automatic screening for all response types.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 887 . Constraint screening is not active for these responses by default. This card is represented as an optidscreens in HyperMesh. 6. VOLUME. DSHAPE Bulk Data Entry DSHAPE – Design Variable for Free-Shape Optimization Description Defines parameters for the generation of free-shape design variables. Format (1) (2) DSHAPE ID (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MXSHRK MXGROW SMETHO D NTRANS GID4 GID5 GID6 PERT DTYPE MVFAC TO NSMOOT R H GRID GMETH GSETID / GID1 GID2 GID3 GID7 GID8 … … PATRN PATYP AID/XA YA ZA FID/VXF VYF VZF DRAW DTYP DAID/ XDA YDA ZDA DFID/ XDF YDF ZDF (10) DRAFT EXTR EC ID XE YE ZE GRIDC O N GC METH GC SETID 1/ GDID1 C TYPE1 C ID1 X1 Y1 Z1 GC METH GC SETID 2/ GDID2 C TYPE2 C ID2 X2 Y2 Z2 … … SDC ID1 XL1 XU1 YL1 YU1 ZL1 ZU1 SDC ID2 XL2 XU2 YL2 YU2 ZL2 ZU2 … … SDC ON BMESH 888 BMID OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = 10 (Integer) MXSHRK Maximum shrinking distance. where additional treatment will be applied to produce smooth transition (Comment 4). or BOTH) MVFACTOR Initial limit on the movement factor of the design grids. NTRANS Number of design grid layers in the transition zone to non-design area. These grids are design variables for the free-shape optimization. No default SMETHOD Mesh smoothing method. Default = BOTH (GROW.0) NSMOOTH Number of grids layers NSMOOTH. but method 2 is more robust in avoiding mesh distortion. Default = 1 (1 or 2) Method 1 is faster than method 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 889 . No default (Integer > 0) PERT PERT flag indicating perturbation information is to follow. Default = 0.5 (Real > 0. however. they will never be greater than the initial limit. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) GRID GRID flag indicating that a list of grid IDs is to follow. The values in subsequent optimization iterations are automatically adjusted to enhance to enhance iterative stability and convergence speed. Only the initial value of this limit can be set. No default MXGROW Maximum growing distance.Field Contents ID Each DSHAPE card must have a unique ID. The unit of MVFACTOR is the average mesh size of meshes adjacent to grids defined after GRID. SHRINK. DTYPE Specifies the direction type for the free-shape variation (Comment 1). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. If VXF. it defines a vector pointing from grid AID or point (XA. and ZA) are coordinates of the anchor point defined by AID or XA. Indicates that draw direction information is to follow. YA. A grid set containing design grids for freeshape optimization.YA+VYF. VYF. The X. If FID is defined. These fields define an xyz vector which determines how grids are grouped into variables (Comment 3). Only valid for design grids on solid elements. YA. These fields define a point that determines how grids are grouped into variables (See comment 3). List of grids for which this DSHAPE card is defined. ZA Variable pattern grouping anchor point. Indicates that information about the pattern group will follow. Y.ZA+VZF). and Z values are in the global coordinate system. The X.Field Contents GMETH Flag indicating that a list of grids is to be defined by a list of grid IDs or a single SET reference. If all fields are blank and the PATYP field is not blank or zero. Only 1-plane symmetry (TYP=10) is currently supported. it defines a vector pointing from point (XA. and ZA) to grid FID. and ZA) to point (XA+VXF. VZF are defined. You may put a grid ID in the AID/XA field to define the anchor point. YA. Required if any symmetry or variable pattern grouping is desired.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No default (Integer > 0) PATRN PATRN flag indicating that variable pattern grouping is active. OptiStruct gives an error. and ZA. VYF. No default DRAW 890 DRAW flag indicating that casting constraints are being applied. Default = origin (Real in all three fields or Integer in AID/XA field) FID/VXF. Default = ID (SET or ID) GID# Grid identification numbers. Y. YA. (XA. YA. Default = 0 (0 or 10) AID/XA. VZF Direction of first vector for variable pattern grouping. OptiStruct 13. PATYP Type of variable pattern grouping. No default (Integer > 0) GSETID Grid SET identification number. and Z values are in the global coordinate system. YE. SDCID# The ID of a coordinate system which the following XL#.0. YDA. YL#. ZU# Side constraints defined by lower and upper bounds of coordinates. The vector goes from the anchor point to this point. XU#. Y. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. these coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system.0. DAID/XDA. the die being withdrawn in the given draw direction. YDF. Default = 0. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the DAID field or by entering X. and Z coordinates in the XDA. ECID The ID of a coordinate system which the following X. See comment 5. YU#.0 (0. which means the corresponding coordinate is not constrained.0 < Real < 90. Only SINGLE is available in 9. X. which define the extrusion path. These fields define the anchor point for draw direction of the casting. ZL#. ZE When ECID is a rectangular system ID. ZDF Direction of vector for draw direction definition. These fields define a point. Line . Y. XU#. Only valid for design grids on solid elements. XL#.ECID is a cylindrical system. Indicates that extrusion information is to follow. and ZDF fields.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 891 . Circle . and Z are components of a vector under system EID. only consider two simple extrusion paths: Line and Circle. and ZDA fields. Y. and Z coordinates in the XDF. YU#.0) SDCON# SDCON# flag indicating that side constraints are being applied.Field Contents DTYP Type of draw direction constraint to be used. YDF. YDA. ZL#. Any of the six fields could be blank. EXTR EXTR flag indicating that extrusion constraints are being applied. YL#.ECID is a rectangular system. Y. these coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. and Z components are resolved in. XE. ZDA Draw direction anchor point. which restrict the moving space of the design grids. No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in first field) DRAFT Draft angle in degrees. SINGLE indicates that a single die will be used. Default = origin (Real in all three fields or Integer in first field) DFID/XDF. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) For Free-Shape 9. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the DFID field or by entering X. or ZU# components are resolved in. 892 OptiStruct 13. or the normal of a plane on which the grid GDID# is constrained to remain.Field Contents GRIDCON GRIDCON flag indicating that a list of grids with associated constraints are to follow. DIR. and Z components of a vector. Default = 0. No default (FIXED.0 (Real) BMESH BMESH flag indicating that a BMFACE ID is to follow. Z# X. Note: Grids within the smoothing zone (defined by NSMOOTH) will move during Free-shape optimization to avoid mesh distortion without changing the shape of the model. BMID The BMFACE ID which defines a list of QUADs and/or TRIAs which define a barrier that the design surface will not penetrate during shape optimization. which either defines the direction in which the grid GDID# is constrained to move.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = 0 (Integer > 0) X#. and Z components are resolved in. Comments 1. GCMETH Flag indicating that a list of grids is to be defined by a list of grid IDs or a single SET reference. Y. Y#. No default (Integer > 0. Y. IDs of certain grid SETs which are constrained to move in a predefined manner. or NORM) CID# The ID of a coordinate system which the following X. No default (Integer > 0) GDID# IDs of certain grids which are constrained to move in a predefined manner. Default = ID (SET or ID) GCSETID# Grid SET identification numbers. ID must also be present in the list following the GRID flag) CTYPE# Specifies the type of constraint applied to the grid GDID# (Comment 2). DTYPE has three distinct options: a) GROW – grids cannot move inside of the initial part boundary. Users can also constrain the movement of these grids by GRIDCON even if they are not defined after GRID. For a single plane of symmetry (TYP = 10). Geometric constraints (GRIDCON and SDCON) may not be satisfied when the draft angle is activated: 6. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This additional smoothness. as illustrated in the figure below. For a more detailed description. 3. 2. NTRANS improves design smoothness across the transition zone between design and non-design regions at the expense of design flexibility. CTYPE has three distinct options: a) FIXED – grid cannot move due to free-shape optimization. refer to Defining Free-shape Design Regions in the User’s Guide. b) DIR – grid is forced to move along the vector defined by the following fields. refer to Free-shape Optimization in the User’s Guide. For a more detailed description. c) BOTH – grids are unconstrained. This card is represented as an optimization design variable in HyperMesh. The draft angle can be specified in degrees via the DRAFT field. c) NORM – grid is forced to remain on a plane for which the following fields define the normal direction. the plane is defined normal to the first vector and is located at the anchor node. 4. The NTRANS option allows you to achieve a smooth transition between design and nondesign regions.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 893 . 5. For detailed information illustrating the working mechanism of NTRANS.b) SHRINK – grids cannot move outside of the initial part boundary. comes with an inherent cost of a reduction in design flexibility. however. refer to Free-shape Optimization in the User’s Guide. or PCOMPG) 894 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) DSHUFFL E ID ETYPE EID1 EID2 EID3 EID4 EID5 EID6 EID7 … MAXSUC C MANGLE MSUC C VSUC C + PAIR PANGLE 1 PANGLE2 POPT + C ORE C REP C ANG1 C ANG2 C ANG3 C ANG4 C ANG5 C ANG6 C ANG7 … VANG1 VANG2 VANG3 VANG4 VANG5 VANG6 VANG7 … + + (10) + + + C OVER VREP + + RANGE PIDSTA PIDEND Field Contents ID Unique identification number. No default (STACK. No default (Integer > 0) ETYPE Entity type for which this DSHUFFLE card is defined.DSHUFFLE Bulk Data Entry DSHUFFLE – Design Variable for Composite Shuffling Optimization Description Defines parameters for the generation of composite shuffling design variables.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . PCOMP. Only one CORE sequence is allowed (see Comment 3). Multiple MAXSUCC constraints are allowed (see Comment 1). only -45. in degrees. MANGLE Ply orientation.0 allowed at this time) POPT Pairing option.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 895 . PANGLE1 First ply orientation. List of entities of type ETYPE for which this DSHUFFLE card is defined. Default = 0. 0. only 45.0 indicates that this constraint cannot be violated. defining the core. No default (Real. REVERSE or BLANK) CORE CORE flag indicating that a ply sequence for the core layer is defined.0 (Real) PAIR PAIR flag indicating that a pairing constraint is applied (see Comment 2). CREP Number of times the core ply sequence should be repeated. to which the PAIR constraint is applied. to which the MAXSUCC constraint is applied. in degrees. SAME indicates that the stacking sequence should remain the same for consecutive pairs. to which the PAIR constraint is applied.0 allowed at this time) PANGLE2 Second ply orientation. in degrees. No default (Integer > 0) MAXSUCC MAXSUCC flag indicating that the "maximum number of successive plies" constraint is applied. REVERSE indicates that the stacking sequence should be reversed for alternate pairs. in degrees. No default (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Default = blank (SAME. Default = 1 (Integer > 0) CANG# Ply orientations. No default (Real or ALL) MSUCC Maximum number of successive plies for the MAXSUCC constraint. No default (Real.Field Contents EID# Entity identification numbers. No default (Integer > 0) VSUCC Allowable percentage violation for the MAXSUCC constraint. PIDSTA The ply identification number (starting ply) that defines the first ply in the range to be shuffled. In the image below. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. OptiStruct 13. in degrees. both for MAXSUCC=3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Field Contents COVER COVER flag indicating that a ply sequence for the cover layer is defined. Multiple DSHUFFLE entries can be created to define different ply ranges. 896 The MAXSUCC constraint indicates that the stacking sequence should contain no sections with more than a given number of successive plies with the same orientation. Default = 1 (Integer > 0) VANG# Ply orientations. VREP Number of times the cover ply sequence should be repeated. Only one COVER sequence is allowed (see Comment 3). No default (Integer > 0) PIDEND The ply identification number (ending ply) that defines the last ply in the range to be shuffled. and (b) shows invalid and valid sequences for a symmetrical stack. OptiStruct will only shuffle plies between PIDSTA and PIDEND. this constraint accounts for the mirrored successive plies on both sides of the symmetry plane. defining the cover. (a) shows invalid and valid sequences for a non-symmetrical stack. In the case of symmetrical laminates. No default (Real) RANGE Indicates that starting and ending ply identification numbers are defined in the following fields to specify the range of plies to be shuffled. it is not possible to create an actual core for non-symmetrical stacks.2. 0°. 0°).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 897 . refer to Optimization of Composite Structures in the User’s Guide. the sequence for the core is (0°. Note that. in respect to the element’s normal direction. Plies are listed from the bottom surface upward. whereas CORE corresponds to the upper cover. The PAIR constraint indicates that 45° and -45° plies should be paired together. 3. COVER actually corresponds to the bottom cover. At this point. 90°) while the sequence for the cover is defined as (90°. In the example below. 4. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 90°. This card is represented as an optimization design variable in HyperMesh. 90°. The POPT option specifies how the pairing should be accomplished. The CORE and COVER constraints specify stacking sequences for the core and cover layers respectively. 5. 0°. for non-symmetrical laminates. For a more detailed description and an example. as illustrated on the figure below. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) DSIZE ID PTYPE PID1 PID2 PID3 PID4 PID5 PID6 PID7 … … … … … … (7) (8) (9) (10) (7) (8) (9) (10) (8) (9) (10) Optional continuation lines for thickness definition: (1) (2) (3) (4) THIC K T0 T1 (5) (6) Optional continuation lines for stress constraint definition: (1) (2) (3) (4) STRESS UBOUND (5) (6) Optional continuation lines for member size constraint definition: (1) (2) (3) (4) MEMBSIZ MINDIM (5) (6) (7) Optional continuation lines for composite manufacturing constraints definition: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) + C OMP LAMTHK LTMIN LTMAX LTSET LTEXC 898 (8) OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering (9) (10) Altair Engineering .DSIZE Bulk Data Entry DSIZE – Design Variable for Free-Size Optimization Description DSIZE defines parameters for the generation of free-size design variables. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 899 .(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) + C OMP PLYTHK PTGRP PTMIN PTMAX PTOPT PTSET PTEXC + C OMP PLYPC T PPGRP PPMIN PPMAX PPOPT PPSET PPEXC + C OMP PLYMAN PMGRP PMMAN PMOPT PMSET PMEXC + C OMP BALANC E BGRP1 BGRP2 BOPT + C OMP C ONST C GRP C THIC K C OPT + C OMP PLYDRP PDGRIP PDTYP PDMAX PDOPT PDSET PDEXC PDDEF PDX PDY PDZ + (10) Optional continuation lines for pattern grouping constraint definition: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PATRN TYP AID/XA YA ZA FID/XF YF ZF UC YC SID/XS YS ZS (10) Optional continuation lines for "Master" definition for pattern repetition constraint: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C ID C AID/ XC A YC A ZC A C FID/XC F YC F ZC F C SID/ XC S YC S ZC S C TID/XC T YC T ZC T (10) MASTER C OORD Optional continuation lines for "Slave" definition for pattern repetition constraint: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) SLAVE DSIZE_ID SX SY SZ C OORD C ID C AID/ YC A ZC A Altair Engineering (7) (8) (9) C FID/XC F YC F ZC F (10) OptiStruct 13. No default (Integer > 0. (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) PTYPE Property type for which DSIZE card is defined. No default (PCOMP.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Use ALL in PID1 field if it applies to all properties of type PTYPE in the model. PCOMPG. List of properties of type PTYPE for which this DSIZE card is defined. PSHELL. or ALL) 900 OptiStruct 13. or STACK) PID# Property identification numbers.XC A C SID/ XC S YC S ZC S C TID/XC T YC T ZC T (8) (9) (10) (10) Optional continuation lines for fatigue constraint definition: (1) (2) (3) (4) FATIGUE FTYPE FBOUND (5) (6) (7) Optional continuation lines for zone based free-sizing definition: (1) (2) (3) GROUP EG7 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) EG1 EG2 EG3 EG4 EG5 EG6 EG8 EG9 … … … … Alternate continuation line for zone based free-sizing definition (Alternate Format): (1) (2) GROUP (3) (4) (5) (6) EG1 THRU EG2 (7) Field Contents ID Each DSIZE card must have a unique ID. It also eliminates checkerboard results. UBOUND Upper bound constraint on von Mises stress. this refers to the minimum thickness of the shell. Indicates that information about manufacturing constraints is to follow. OptiStruct 13. If no value is entered for T0. Default = blank (Real > 0. PCOMPG.0 is assumed. See comment 4. this refers to the maximum thickness of the shell.0) MEMBSIZ MEMBSIZ flag indicating that member size control is active for the properties listed. PCOMPG. or STACK. Default = blank (Real > T0) STRESS STRESS flag indicating that von Mises stress constraints are active and that an upper bound value for the stress is to follow. If no value is entered for T1. T0 Minimum thickness. the T0 value on the PSHELL card is used.0) T1 Maximum thickness. For PTYPE = PSHELL. See comment 5. MINDIM Specifies the minimum diameter of members formed. Indicates that MINDIM is to follow.Field Contents THICK THICK flag indicating that minimum and possibly maximum thickness value are to follow.0) COMP Altair Engineering COMP flag indicating that composite manufacturing constraints are applied. then T0=0. See comment 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 901 . the T value on the PSHELL card is used. For PTYPE = PSHELL. No default (Real > 0. If T0 is not defined on the PSHELL card. This option does not apply for PTYPE = PCOMP. This command is used to eliminate small members. or STACK. This option does not apply for PTYPE = PCOMP. Default = No minimum member size control (Real > 0. Default = blank (Real > 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 and > PTMIN) PTOPT Ply selection options for the PLYTHK constraint. PTGRP Ply orientation in degrees.0 and > LTMIN) LTSET Set ID of elements to which the LAMTHK constraint is applied. LTMIN Minimum laminate thickness for the LAMTHK constraint.0) PTMAX Maximum thickness for the PLYTHK constraint. depending on the PTOPT selection. ply sets or ply IDs. Plies can be selected based on the following: BYANG: Orientation (Default) 902 OptiStruct 13. CORE: The core is excluded. to which the PLYTHK constraint is applied. LTEXC Exclusion flag indicating that certain plies are excluded from the LAMTHK constraint. (Default) CONST: Plies defined in the CONST constraint are excluded. Default = blank (Real > 0. Default = blank (Real > 0. PLYTHK PLYTHK flag indicating that ply thickness constraints are applied. BOTH: CORE and CONST are considered. Multiple LAMTHK constraints are allowed. See comment 5. Default = blank (Real > 0. No default (Real or Integer) PTMIN Minimum thickness for the PLYTHK constraint. Multiple PLYTHK constraints are allowed.Field Contents LAMTHK LAMTHK flag indicating that laminate thickness constraints are applied. The following options are supported: NONE: Plies are not excluded.0) LTMAX Maximum laminate thickness for the LAMTHK constraint. Multiple PLYPCT constraints are allowed.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 903 . depending on the PPOPT selection.0. to which the PLYPCT constraint is applied. PPEXC Exclusion flag indicating that certain plies are excluded from the PLYPCT constraint. CORE: The core is excluded. The following options are supported: NONE: Plies are not excluded. Default = blank (Real > 0. The following options are supported: NONE: Plies are not excluded.0 and > PPMIN) PPOPT Ply selection options for the PLYPCT constraint.Field Contents BYSET: Ply sets BYPLY: Ply IDs PTSET Set ID of elements to which the PLYTHK constraint is applied. < 1. BOTH: CORE and CONST are considered. Default = blank (Real > 0. ply sets or ply IDs. PLYPCT PLYPCT flag indicating that ply thickness percentage constraints are applied. PPGRP Ply orientation in degrees. (Default) CONST: Plies defined in the CONST constraint are excluded.0 and < 1.0) PPMAX Maximum percentage thickness for the PLYPCT constraint. No default (Real or Integer) PPMIN Minimum percentage thickness for the PLYPCT constraint. Plies can be selected based on the following: BYANG: Orientation (Default) BYSET: Ply sets BYPLY: Ply IDs PPSET Set ID of elements to which the PLYPCT constraint is applied. (Default) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. PTEXC Exclusion flag indicating that certain plies are excluded from the PLYTHK constraint. CORE: The core is excluded. PMGRP Ply orientation in degrees. Multiple BALANCE constraints are allowed. BGRP1 First ply orientation in degrees. to which the PLYMAN constraint is applied.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0) PMOPT Ply selection options for the PLYMAN constraint. BOTH: CORE and CONST are considered. Plies can be selected based on the following: BYANG: Orientation (Default) BYSET: Ply sets BYPLY: Ply IDs PMSET Set ID of elements to which the PLYMAN constraint is applied. Multiple PLYMAN constraints are allowed. depending on the PMOPT selection. depending on the BOPT selection. No default (Real or Integer) 904 OptiStruct 13. No default (Real or Integer) PMMAN Manufacturable ply thickness. See comment 6.Field Contents CONST: Plies defined in the CONST constraint are excluded. (Default) CONST: Plies defined in the CONST constraint are excluded. The following options are supported: NONE: Plies are not excluded. BALANCE BALANCE flag indicating that a balancing constraint is applied. PLYMAN PLYMAN flag indicating that manufacturable ply thickness constraints are applied. PMEXC Exclusion flag indicating that certain plies are excluded from the PLYMAN constraint. to which the BALANCE constraint is applied. ply sets or ply IDs. BOTH: CORE and CONST are considered. Default = blank (Real > 0. ply sets or ply IDs. CORE: The core is excluded. Plies can be selected based on the following: BYANG: Orientation (Default) BYSET: Ply sets BYPLY: Ply IDs CONST CONST flag indicating that a constant thickness constraint is applied. depending on the PDOPT selection. ply sets or ply IDs.Field Contents BGRP2 Second ply orientation in degrees. Multiple PLYDRP constraints are allowed. No default (Real or Integer) CTHICK Constant ply thickness for the CONST constraint. ply sets or ply IDs. (Real or Integer) PDTYP PDTYP specifies the type of the drop-off constraint as: PLYSLP (Default) PLYDRP TOTSLP Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. No default (Real or Integer) BOPT Ply selection options for the BALANCE constraint. CGRP Ply orientation in degrees. depending on the BOPT selection. to which the CONST constraint is applied. Multiple CONST constraints are allowed. Plies can be selected based on the following: BYANG: Orientation (Default) BYSET: Ply sets BYPLY: Ply IDs PLYDRP Indicates that ply drop-off constraints are applied. PDGRP Ply orientation in degrees. to which the PLYDRP constraint is applied.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 905 . No default. depending on the COPT selection. No default (Real > 0. to which the BALANCE constraint is applied.0) COPT Ply selection options for the CONST constraint. ply sets or ply IDs. 2. Plies can be selected based on the following: BYANG: Orientation (Default) BYSET: Ply sets BYPLY: Ply IDs PDSET Set IDs of elements to which the PLYDRP constraint is applied. Currently only DIRECT is available to request directional dropoff. PDY.Field Contents TOTDRP (see Comment 11) PDMAX Maximum allowed drop-off for the PLYDRP constraint. PDZ Used to specify the drop-off direction when DIRECT is input in the PDDEF field. See comment 12. PDEXC Exclusion flag indicates that certain plies are excluded from the PLYDRP constraint. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the AID field or by entering X. PDX. Y. CORE: The core is excluded. Default = No pattern grouping (1. ZA 906 Anchor point for pattern grouping. No default (Real > 0) PDOPT Ply selection options for the PLYDRP constraint. 9. See comment 1. See comment 1. YA. The following options are supported: NONE: Plies are not excluded.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . and Z coordinates in the XA. YA. Indicates that information for pattern grouping is to follow. or 10) AID/XA. PDDEF Optional definition to fine-tune the drop-off constraint. PATRN PATRN flag indicating that pattern grouping is active for the properties listed. and ZA fields. BOTH: CORE and CONST are considered. in which case PDX. OptiStruct 13. (Default). 3. See comment 12. TYP Indicates the type of pattern grouping requested. CONST: Plies defined in the CONST constraint are excluded. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. PDY and PDZ specify the drop-off direction. No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in the first field) UCYC Number of cyclical repetitions for cyclical symmetry. See comment 2. Y. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the FID field or by entering X. SLAVE SLAVE flag indicating that this design variable is slave to the master pattern definition referenced by the following DSIZE_ID entry. SY. and ZF fields. YF.0 (Real > 0. See comment 1. CID Coordinate system ID for a rectangular coordinate system that may be used as the pattern repetition coordinate system. and ZS fields. This field defines the number of radial "wedges" for cyclical symmetry.Field Contents Default = origin (Real in all three fields or Integer in first field) FID/XF. See comment 1. and Z coordinates in the XF. YS. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) SID/XS. No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in first field) MASTER MASTER flag indicating that this design variable may be used as a master pattern for pattern repetition. in X. Default = 1. DSIZE_ID DSIZE identification number for a master pattern definition.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 907 . ZS Second point for pattern grouping. Y. Y.0) COORD COORD flag indicating information regarding the coordinate system for pattern repetition is to follow. See comment 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. ZF First point for pattern grouping. See comment 2. This is required if either MASTER or SLAVE flags are present. YS.0/UCYC. The angle of each wedge is computed as 360. No default (Integer > 0) SX. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the SID field or by entering X. See comment 1. and Z coordinates in the XS. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. YF. See comment 2. and Z directions respectively. SZ Scale factors for pattern repetition. and Z coordinates in the XCA. FBOUND Specifies the bound value. YCS. FBOUND will be the upper bound of fatigue damage. YCA. See comment 2. If FTYPE is DAMAGE. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the CAID field or by entering X. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. See comment 2. YCF.Field Contents Default = 0 (Integer > 0) CAID/XCA. and Z coordinates in the XCT. No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in the first field) CTID/XCT. YCT. and ZCF fields. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. See comment 2. LIFE or FOS. No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in the first field) CFID/XCF. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. and Z coordinates in the XCF. and ZCS fields. Y. respectively. ZCF First point for pattern repetition coordinate system. No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in the first field) CSID/XCS. and Z coordinates in the XCS. FBOUND will be the lower bound of fatigue life (LIFE) or Factor of Safety (FOS). The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the CSID field or by entering X. FTYPE Specifies the type of fatigue constraint. YCF. YCT. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the CFID field or by entering X. No default (Real) 908 OptiStruct 13. and ZCA fields. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the CTID field or by entering X. YCS. Y. ZCA Anchor point for pattern repetition coordinate system. If FTYPE is LIFE or FOS.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . it can be DAMAGE. No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in the first field) FATIGUE FATIGUE flag indicating that fatigue constraints are active and their definition is to follow. ZCT Third point for pattern repetition coordinate system. YCA. Y. See comment 2. Y. and ZCT fields. ZCS Second point for pattern repetition coordinate system. A vector from the anchor point to the first point defines the axis of symmetry. Comments 1. A vector from the anchor point to this projected point is normal to the second plane of symmetry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 909 . and number of cyclical repetitions be defined. and second point be defined. The second point is projected normally onto the first plane of symmetry. and second point be defined. 3-plane symmetry (TYP = 3) This type of pattern grouping requires that the anchor point. passing through the anchor point. A vector from the anchor point to the first point is normal to the first plane of symmetry. first point. first point. EG# Element group numbers. A vector from the anchor point to the first point is normal to the plane of symmetry. second point. There are currently five pattern grouping options for free-size optimization: 1-plane symmetry (TYP = 1) This type of pattern grouping requires that the anchor point and the first point be defined. A vector from the anchor point to the first point is normal to the first plane of symmetry. See comment 7. The third plane of symmetry is orthogonal to both the first and second planes of symmetry. This keyword is used for ID range definition to indicate that all ID’s between the preceding ID (EG1) and the following ID (EG2) are to be included in the set. Cyclic (TYP = 10) This type of pattern grouping requires that the anchor point. Cyclic with symmetry (TYP = 11) This type of pattern grouping requires that the anchor point. and number of cyclical repetitions be defined. A vector from the anchor point to the first Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. first point. Element groups are created through element sets. The second point is projected normally onto the first plane of symmetry. 2-plane symmetry (TYP = 2) This type of pattern grouping requires that the anchor point. A vector from the anchor point to this projected point is normal to the second plane of symmetry. first point.Field Contents GROUP Specifies the definition of zone based free-sizing optimization. Indicates that element group IDs will follow. No default (Integer > 0) THRU This keyword can be used in the optional alternate format to define zone based free-sizing optimization. " Scale factors may be defined for "Slave" regions. it is assumed that the basic coordinate system is to be used. Stress constraints for a partial domain of the structure are not allowed because they often create an ill-posed optimization problem since elimination of the partial domain would remove all stress constraints. and user-defined values (which are smaller than this value) will be replaced by this value. the stress constraint applies to the 910 OptiStruct 13. The anchor point. a MINDIM value of three times the average element edge length is enforced. It is recommended that a MINDIM value be chosen which allows for the formation of members that are at least three elements thick. A DSIZE card may only contain one MASTER or SLAVE flag. If only an anchor point is defined. - The second point lies on the x-y plane. 3. 2. This creates another problem in that a huge number of reduced problems exist with solutions that cannot usually be found by a gradient-based optimizer in the full design space. Consequently. listed here in order of precedence: Four points are defined and these are utilized as follows to define the coordinate system (this is the only way to define a left-handed system): - A vector from the anchor point to the first point defines the x-axis. In order to facilitate reflection.point defines the axis of symmetry. For a more detailed description. allowing the "Master" layout to be adjusted. Von Mises stress constraints may be defined for topology and free-size optimization through the STRESS optional continuation line on the DTPL or the DSIZE card. For both "Master" and "Slave" regions. Multiple "Slaves" may reference the same "Master. and second point all lay on a plane of symmetry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . refer to the Pattern Repetition for Free-Size Optimization contained within the User’s Guide section Manufacturability for Free-Size Optimization. The phenomenon of singular topology is pronounced when different materials with different permissible stresses exist in a structure. a pattern repetition coordinate system is required and is described following the COORD flag. refer to the Pattern Grouping for Free-Size Optimization page contained within the User’s Guide section Manufacturability for Free-Size Optimization. 4. the coordinate system may be a left-handed or right-handed Cartesian system. A plane of symmetry lies at the center of each cyclical repetition. For a more detailed description. first point. This is facilitated through the definition of "Master" and "Slave" regions. There are a number of restrictions with this constraint: The definition of stress constraints is limited to a single von Mises permissible stress. A rectangular coordinate system and an anchor point are defined. Pattern repetition allows similar regions of the design domain to be linked together so as to produce similar topological layouts. When pattern grouping constraints are active. The coordinate system may be defined in one of two ways. indicating the positive sense of the y-axis. Singular topology refers to the problem associated with the conditional nature of stress constraints that is the stress constraint of an element disappears when the element vanishes. - The third point indicates the positive sense of the z-axis. 5. PLYPCT. including both design and non-design regions. 7. PLYMAN has no influence on the free-size phase. For a more detailed description and an example. PLYPCT and PLYMAN manufacturing constraints by default. LAMTHK. However. Linking between the thicknesses of two given orientations (BALANCE). PLYTHK. The options for selecting the type of drop-off constraints for PDTYP are defined for a set of plies.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 911 . The capability has built-in intelligence to filter out artificial stress concentrations around point loads and point boundary conditions. refer to Optimization of Composite Structures in the User’s Guide.entire model when active. 10. Constant (non-designable) thickness of a given orientation (CONST). Lower and upper bounds on the thickness percentage of a given orientation (PLYPCT). 11. the keyword CORE can be used instead of a ply ID when BYPLY is activated. and stress constraint settings must be identical for all DSIZE and DTPL cards. There can be elements that do not belong to any set. Due to the large number of elements with active stress constraints. The core is excluded from the LAMTHK. Elements within each group will have uniform ply thicknesses. It can be made non-designable through the CONST manufacturing constraint. 9. Lower and upper bounds on the thickness of a given orientation (PLYTHK). Stress constraints do not apply to 1D elements. Stress concentrations due to boundary geometry are also filtered to some extent as they can be improved more effectively with local shape optimization. no element stress report is given in the table of retained constraints in the . it is now recommended to define the manufacturable ply thickness in the PMMAN field through the PLYMAN continuation line as this offers more control. as shown in the figures below: The options for PDTYP are: PLYSLP Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 6. The following manufacturing constraints are available for composite free-sizing optimization: Lower and upper bounds on the total thickness of the laminate (LAMTHK). To facilitate this. but this information will be translated into the TMANUF entry on the PLY card for the sizing phase. The iterative history of the stress state of the model can be viewed in HyperView or HyperMesh. 8. PLYTHK. The core is designable by default.out file. and PLYMAN can be applied locally to sets of elements. Stress constraints may not be used when enforced displacements are present in the model. Legacy data field PTMAN (for manufacturable ply thickness) defined on the PLYTHK and PLYPCT entries is supported. PLYDRP TOTSLP TOTDRP Assuming that the plies are stacked as shown above.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . you have the following definitions: 912 OptiStruct 13. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 913 . PDZ PDX. This card is represented as an optimization design variable in HyperMesh.0. PDX. These values are used to specify the drop-off direction when DIRECT is input in the PDDEF field. Example: If drop-off control is required in the X-direction. PDZ fields respectively. 914 OptiStruct 13. PDY. PDY and PDZ are real numbers. The direction of drop-off can be specified by defining a directional vector with respect to the basic coordinate system. 13.0 can be defined for Y-direction drop-off control. The directional vector is defined using the PDX. They specify the three components of a directional vector defined with respect to the basic coordinate system.12. Field Value PDDEF DIRECT – This option allows you to fine-tune the drop-off constraint by requesting directional drop-off. PDY. PDY and PDZ values. only the DIRECT option is available for the PDDEF field. Currently.1. 0. The optional PDDEF definition is used to fine-tune the drop-off constraint.0 can be defined in the PDX.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . then 1. 002 5 5 0...0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 915 . + RIDn SIDn Tn Wn (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DSYSID 22 SYS 3 4 0.05 + (7) (8) (9) (10) Associated Cards (1) (2) (3) (4) DRESP1 3 TZ488 DISP 3 488 DRESP1 5 TZ601 DISP 3 601 Altair Engineering (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) OptiStruct 13.DSYSID Bulk Data Entry DSYSID – Design Objective for System Identification Description Defines responses and their target values for a system identification problem. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) DSYSID DOID LABEL RID1 SID1 T1 W1 + RID2 SID2 T2 W2 + . or DRESP3 identification number. use ALL if it applies to all subcases. Default = ALL (Integer > 0. (Integer > 0) LABEL User-defined name for the response.Field Contents DOID Design objective identification number. No default (Character) RIDi DRESP1. OptiStruct 13. normalized differences between the target responses and those calculated by the finite element analysis: If the DSYSID entry is referenced by a MINMAX or MAXMIN subcase entry. No default (Real) Wi Weighting factor. DRESP2. (Integer > 0) SIDi Subcase identification number. blank or ALL) Ti Target value. a least squares objective function is used in the optimization.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 916 DSYSID entries must have unique identification numbers with respect to DRESP1. the beta method is applied in the optimization as follows: 2. If the DSYSID entry is referenced by a DESOBJ subcase entry.0 (Real or blank) Comments 1. The objective function is the sum of the squared. weighted. and DRESP3 entries. Default = 1. DRESP2. and DRESP3 entries referenced by the DSYSID entry can define only a single response per subcase when the DESOBJ formulation is used. DRESP1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 917 .3. RTYPE=EQUA needs to be used on the DSCREEN entry. DRESP2. 4. There is no such limitation with the MINMAX or MAXMIN formulations. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. In order to use DSCREEN to control the number of retained responses when performing a system identification. the constant label is "0".0 Field Contents LABLi Constant Label.00 B 55.DTABLE Bulk Data Entry DTABLE – Table of Constants Description List of constants to be used in functions defined by DEQATN. (10) (Character) VALi Constant value. 918 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) DTABLE LABL1 VAL1 LABL2 VAL2 LABL3 VAL3 LABL4 VAL4 LABL5 VAL5 Etc… Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) DTABLE W 123. and the value is 0. 2. If a DTABLE entry has a pair of blank fields.0 WST 24.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0. they are ignored.00 H 321.0 HPS 35. This card is represented as an optimization table entry in HyperMesh.55 AGE 21 C 36. (Real) Comments 1. they are read in. 3. If there are other constants after the blank fields. If fields are full of zeros. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) DTI SPEC SEL ID TID3 DAMP3 … … … (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) TYPE TID1 DAMP1 TID2 DAMP2 … … … … … (10) Example (1) (2) (3) DTI SPEC SEL 99 4 0. Can be either acceleration (A).SPECSEL – Response Spectra Input Correlation Table Description Correlates spectra lines specified on TABLED1 entries with damping values. D) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.02 Field Contents ID DTI.0 3 0.04 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) A 2 0.DTI.SPECSEL identification number. velocity (V) or displacement (D).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 919 .SPECSEL Bulk Data Entry DTI. V. (10) No default (Integer > 0) TYPE Type of spectrum. No default (A. 2. The damping value is in the units of fraction of critical damping.SPECSEL cards must have unique ID numbers. 3. which defines a line of the spectrum and the damping value assigned to it. The TID#. 920 OptiStruct 13. No default (Real) Comments 1.Field Contents TID# Identification number of a TABLED1 entry that defines a line of the spectrum. No default (Integer > 0) DAMP# Damping value assigned to TID#. All DTI. Refer to Response Spectrum Analysis in the User’s Guide for more details.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . DAMP# pairs list the TABLED1 entry. NG. GRAM. MI. ANG. MN. KGF. Default = MM (MM. NM. See comment 4. KLBM. KN. See comment 3. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) DTI UNITS 1 MASS FORC E LENGTH TIME (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) DTI UNITS 1 KG N M S Field Contents MASS Units of mass. KLBF. CM. component mode synthesis (flexible-body preparation). MGG. UM. US.UNITS Bulk Data Entry DTI. Default = S (S.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 921 . IN. OZM. KM.DTI. and geometric nonlinear solution sequences. USTON.UNITS – Units Definition Description Defines units for multi-body. UN. See comment 2. Default = N (N. OZF. or NN) LENGTH Units of length. LBF. MIL. or D) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. MS. H. See comment 1. NANOSEC. or UIN) TIME Units of time. M. FT. YD. SLUG. MIN. DYNE. (8) (9) (10) Default = KG (KG. UG. SLINCH. or MG) FORCE Units of force. LBM. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2.lbf) mn Millinewton OptiStruct 13. 922 The following options are available for input for MASS: kg kilogram lbm pound-mass slug slug gram gram ozm ounce-mass klbm kilo pound-mass (1000.lbm) mgg megagram slinch 12 slugs ug Microgram ng Nanogram uston US ton mg Milligram The following options are available for input for FORCE: n newton lbf pounds-force kgf kilograms-force ozf ounce-force dyne dyne kn kilonewton klbf kilo pound-force (1000.Comments 1. un Micronewton nn Nanonewton The following options are available for input for LENGTH: km kilometer m meter cm centimeter mm millimeter mi mile ft foot in inch um Micrometer nm Nanometer ang Angstrom yd Yard mil Milli-inch uin Micro-inch The following options are available for input for TIME: s seconds h hours min minutes ms milliseconds us Microsecond Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 4.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 923 .3. nanosec Nanosecond d day 5. 6.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Unit data for these solution sequences is supplied on the DTI. PARAM. 924 OptiStruct 13. This DTI. UNITS data entry is the same as the UNITS entry. WTMASS is ignored for the multi-body and component mode synthesis (flexiblebody preparation) solution sequences. 7.UNITS bulk data entry. This card is represented as a control card in HyperMesh. DTPG Bulk Data Entry DTPG – Design Variable for Topography Optimization Description Defines parameters for the generation of topography design variables.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 925 . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) DTPG ID TYPE PID1/DVID PID2 PID3 PID4 PID5 PID6 PID7 … … … … … … MW ANG BF HGT Norm/XD YD ZD SKIP PATRN TYP AID/XA YA ZA FID/XF YF ZF PATRN2 UC YC SID/XS YS ZS BOUNDS LB UB INIT (10) Optional continuation lines for "Master" definition for pattern repetition constraint: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C ID C AID/ XC A YC A ZC A C FID/XC F YC F ZC F C SID/ XC S YC S ZC S C TID/ XC T YC T ZC T (10) MASTER C OORD Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 25. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DTPG 1 PSHELL 1 9 23 3.0 25. 9.0 PATRN2 3 1.0 1.0 0. and they also should be symmetrical about the xy plane. a draw angle of 600. Also ensure that the swages can only grow in the positive direction as defined by the DVGRID cards. The draw direction will be in the element’s normal direction.0 Example 2 This example defines a topography design variable that references the shape variables defined by the DVGRIDs with ID 1. The swages will have a minimum width of 5 units and a draw angle of 750.0 1.0 0. and a maximum height of 5 units.0 60. and 23. The swages will have a minimum width of 3 units.0 0.0).0 (7) (8) (9) (10) both 0. The height and draw direction of the swages is defined by the DVGRID cards.0 BOUNDS -1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 926 OptiStruct 13.0 0. but the swages may grow in either the positive or negative direction.0 Norm PATRN 50 0.0 Yes 5. through the point (0. The swages should be grouped such that they form a cyclical pattern of 1200 intervals about the z-axis.Optional continuation lines for "Slave" definition for pattern repetition constraint: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) SLAVE DTPL_ID SX SY SZ C OORD C ID C AID/ XC A YC A C SID/ XC S YC S (10) ZC A C FID/XC F YC F ZC F ZC S C TID/ XC T YC T ZC T Example 1 This example defines a topography design variable which allows for swages to be created in components referencing the PSHELL properties 1. Default = ALL (Integer > 0. This parameter controls the angle of the sides of the beads (recommended value between 60 and 75 degrees).5 and 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 75. then this entry is a Property identification number. No default (1. This parameter will establish a buffer zone between elements in the design domain and elements outside the design domain. See comment 1. blank or ALL) MW Bead minimum width. Use ALL if it applies to all properties of type PTYPE in the model.0 1.(1) (2) (3) (4) DTPG 1 DVGRID 1 5.0) BF Buffer zone.0 YES BOUNDS 0. Only one DVID may be given.5 times the average element width].0 < Real < 89. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) TYPE Indicate whether DTPG card is defined for PSHELL. PCOMP.0 (5) (6) Field Contents ID Each DTPG card must have a unique ID. PCOMP. This parameter controls the width of the beads in the model [recommended value between 1. No default (Real > 0. See comment 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 927 . See comment 1. then this entry is the Design Variable Number for a set of DVGRIDs. or DVGRID. No default (PSHELL. Numerous PIDs may be given. If TYPE is DVGRID.0) ANG Draw angle in degrees. or DVGRID) PID/DVID If TYPE is PSHELL or PCOMP. These fields define a point that determines how grids are grouped into variables. See comment 3. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) AID/XA. If zero or blank. If less than 20. If ‘bc’ or ‘spc’. If norm/XD field is ‘norm’. any nodes which have FORCE. The X.YD. Default = BOTH (BOTH. Indicates that information about the pattern group will follow.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If ‘none’. Y. SPC. all nodes attached to elements whose PIDs are specified will be a part of the shape variables. TYP Type of variable grouping pattern. and second vector definitions are ignored. Required if any symmetry or variable pattern grouping is desired. the shape variable will be created in the direction specified by the xyz vector defined by the three fields. LOAD. Default = origin (Real in all three fields or Integer in AID/XA field) 928 OptiStruct 13.YA. and Z values are in the global coordinate system. FORCE1.ZD Draw direction. and Z values are in the global coordinate system. See comment 4. Y.ZA Variable grouping pattern anchor point. No default (Real > 0. any nodes which have SPC or SPC1 declarations are omitted from the design domain. If ‘both’. second vector definition is ignored. or NO) HGT Draw height. MOMENT. nodes with either ‘spc’ or ‘load’ declarations are omitted from the design domain. the shape variables will be created in the normal directions of the elements. anchor node. BC.Field Contents Default = YES (YES. This parameter sets the maximum height of the beads to be drawn. You may put a grid ID in the AID/XA field to define the anchor point. The X. This field is only valid if TYPE is PSHELL or PCOMP. or NONE) PATRN PATRN flag indicating that variable pattern grouping is active. If all the fields are real. This parameter tells OptiStruct to leave certain nodes out of the design domain. MOMENT1. or SPCD declarations are omitted from the design domain. This field is only valid if TYPE is PSHELL or PCOMP.0) norm/XD. If ‘load’. first vector. This field is only valid if TYPE is PSHELL or PCOMP. Default = NORM (NORM in norm/XD field or Real in all three fields) SKIP Boundary skip. This field defines the number of radial "wedges" for cyclical symmetry. form a plane. Y.YS. Default = 0. OptiStruct gives an error. These fields define an xyz vector which determines how grids are grouped into variables (See comment 3). This vector goes from the anchor point to this grid. LB Lower bound on variables controlling grid movement.ZF Direction of first vector for variable pattern grouping.0 (Real > LB) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This sets the upper bound on grid movement equal to UB*HGT. UCYC Number of cyclical repetitions for cyclical symmetry.YF. Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) SID/XS. and Z values are in the global coordinate system. No default BOUNDS BOUNDS flag indicating that information on upper and lower limits and the initial value for grid movement are to follow. The second vector is calculated to lie in that plane and is perpendicular to the first vector. If all fields are blank and the TYP field is not blank or zero. The X. See comment 4. Y.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 929 . You may put a grid ID in the SID/XS field to define the second vector. No default PATRN2 PATRN2 flag indicating variable pattern grouping continuation card. These fields define an xyz vector which.Field Contents FID/XF.0 / UCYC. This sets the lower bound on grid movement equal to LB*HGT. when combined with the first vector. and Z values are in the global coordinate system. This card is only required when a second vector is needed to define the pattern grouping. This vector goes from the anchor point to this grid.ZS Direction used to determine second vector for variable pattern grouping. The angle of each wedge is computed as 360. The X. If all fields are blank and the TYP field contains a value of 20 or higher. OptiStruct gives an error. You may put a grid ID in the FID/XF field to define the first vector.0 (Real < UB) UB Upper bound on variables controlling grid movement. The second vector is sometimes required to determine how grids are grouped into variables (See comment 3). Default = 1. (LB < Real < UB) MASTER MASTER flag indicating that this design variable may be used as a master pattern for pattern repetition. factor = 0. See comment 6. CID Coordinate system ID for a rectangular coordinate system that may be used as the pattern repetition coordinate system. 930 OptiStruct 13. YCA.0 where: factor = 0. Y.Field Contents INIT The initial value of the variables controlling grid movement.UB). YCF. This sets the initial value on grid movement equal to INIT*HGT. This is required if either MASTER or SLAVE flags are present. Y. See comment 6. The point may ZCF be defined by entering a grid ID in the CFID field or by entering X. COORD COORD flag indicating information regarding the coordinate system for pattern repetition is to follow.0 Default = factor*max(abs(LB). Default = LB + factor*(UB-LB). and ZCA fields.factor*(UB-LB). First point for pattern repetition coordinate system. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system.0 if this DTPG is not used in a BEADFRAC response or is used in a BEADFRAC response that is neither chosen as the objective nor constrained. if LB > 0. if LB < 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 and UB < 0. and Z coordinates in the XCA. YCA. if LB < 0.0 Default = UB . Default = 0 (Integer > 0) CAID/XCA. ZCA Anchor point for pattern repetition coordinate system.0 and UB > 0. factor = constraint_value if this DTPG is used in a BEADFRAC response that is constrained.0 and UB > 0. No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in the first field) CFID/XCF.9 if this DTPG is used in a BEADFRAC response that is chosen as the objective. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the CAID field or by entering X. See comment 6.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 931 . No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in the first field) SLAVE SLAVE flag indicating that this design variable is slaved to the master pattern definition referenced by the following DTPL_ID entry. No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in the first field) CTID/XCT. No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in the first field) CSID/XCS. Y.0) Comments 1. and Z coordinates in the XCT. DTPL_ID DTPL identification number for a master pattern definition. The sides of the bead taper down at an angle equal to the draw angle parameter. YCF. and Z directions respectively.Field Contents and Z coordinates in the XCF. and ZCS fields. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. See comment 6. No default (Integer > 0) SX. ZCT Third point for pattern repetition coordinate system. YCS. and Z coordinates in the XCS. ZCS Second point for pattern repetition coordinate system. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. The figure below shows a cross-section of a single shape variable fully extended normal to the plane of the design elements. See comment 6. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the CTID field or by entering X. Y. See comment 6. See comment 6.0 (Real > 0. Y. The top of the bead is flat across the circular area with a diameter equal to the minimum bead width parameter. YCT. The bead minimum width and draw angles are used to determine the geometry of the shape variables. SZ Scale factors for pattern repetition in X. YCT. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. Default = 1. and ZCT fields. SY. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the CSID field or by entering X. YCS. and ZCF fields. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . OptiStruct will create variables that are very close to identical across the plane(s) of symmetry. If a grid is used to define the first vector. Variable pattern grouping may be defined for a DTPG card. OptiStruct will place the shape variables far enough away from the non-design elements so that the proper bead widths and draw angles are maintained. or anchor point and can be a mixture. or three planes. (that is the anchor point may be determined by a grid and the first vector determined by xyz data or vice-versa). the boundary between the beads and non-design elements will have an abrupt transition. For variable grouping pattern types 1 through 14. The positive side of the plane(s) of symmetry is the one in which the first vector. If inactive. due to manufacturing constraints or the risk of elements being collapsed upon them during shape optimization. the first and second vectors need to be defined as well as the anchor node. it 932 OptiStruct 13. 4. If the mesh is larger on one side of the plane(s) of symmetry than the other. Symmetry of topography optimization can be enforced across one. Transitions between design and non-design elements with and without buffer zone 3. OptiStruct will generate shape variables based on the type of pattern selected in field 20. OptiStruct will reflect variables created on the ‘positive’ side of the plane(s) of symmetry to the other side(s) but will not create variables on the ‘negative’ side(s) of the plane(s) of symmetry that do not overlap with the positive side.Bead width and draw angle definitions 2. The buffer zone is a parameter that controls how the interfaces between design and nondesign elements are treated. One very useful feature for topography optimization in OptiStruct is the automatic generation of shape variables in simple patterns. the normal vector will begin at the anchor point and extend towards the given grid (see below). A symmetric mesh is not necessary. Defining symmetry planes for symmetric model and loading conditions is recommended because automatic variable generation may not be symmetric if it is not enforced. Any nodes that were skipped due to the boundary skip parameter (field 10) will also have a buffer zone created around them. second vector. and cross product thereof are pointing toward. Grids or xyz data may be used for either the first vector. For variable pattern grouping types 20 or higher. two. only the first vector and anchor node need to be defined. second vector. If active. In many cases. OptiStruct creates shape variables that are circular. Defining the first vector using a grid point The second vector is calculated by taking the grid point or vector defined in fields 22. OptiStruct contains a library of different shape variable patterns which can be accessed using the TYP parameter on the DTPG card. 5. refer to Pattern Grouping Options. If a vector was used to define the second vector. If a grid point was used to define the second vector. Pattern repetition allows similar regions of the design domain to be linked together so as Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The second vector is normal to plane 2 (see below). In basic topography optimization (TYP = 0). the base of the projected vector is placed at the anchor point.is required to create shape variables in patterns that conform to the desired shape of the part.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 933 . the second vector is a vector running from the anchor node to the projected grid point. 23. Plane 3 is determined to be normal to both plane 1 and plane 2 (see below). and 24 and projecting it onto plane 1. 6. For a list of patterns supported by OptiStruct. The third point indicates the positive sense of the z-axis. A DTPG card may only contain one MASTER or SLAVE flag. listed here in order of precedence: Four points are defined and these are utilized as follows to the define the coordinate system (this is the only way to define a left-handed system): . For a more detailed description. it is assumed that the basic coordinate system is to be used." Scale factors may be defined for "Slave" regions.The second point lies on the x-y plane. . This is facilitated through the definition of "Master" and "Slave" regions. A rectangular coordinate system and an anchor point are defined. In order to facilitate reflection. refer to the Pattern Repetition page contained within the User's Guide section Manufacturability for Topography Optimization. Multiple "Slaves" may reference the same "Master. the coordinate system may be a left-handed or right-handed Cartesian system. 934 This card is represented as an optimization design variable in HyperMesh. The coordinate system may be defined in one of two ways.to produce similar topographical layouts.A vector from the anchor point to the first point defines the x-axis. allowing the "Master" layout to be adjusted. . If only an anchor point is defined. 7. OptiStruct 13. a pattern repetition coordinate system is required and is described following the COORD flag. For both "Master" and "Slave" regions. indicating the positive sense of the y-axis.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Bead parameters will not be exported for any DTPG cards containing the SLAVE flag. DTPL Bulk Data Entry DTPL – Design Variable for Topology Optimization Description Defines parameters for the generation of topology design variables. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) DTPL ID PTYPE PID1 PID2 PID3 PID4 PID5 PID6 PID7 … … … … … … … … (8) (9) (10) (8) (9) (10) Optional continuation lines for minimum thickness definition: (1) (2) (3) TMIN T0 (4) (5) (6) (7) Optional continuation lines for stress constraint definition: (1) (2) (3) (4) STRESS UBOUND (5) (6) (7) Optional continuation lines for member size constraint definition: (1) (2) (3) (4) MEMBSIZ MINDIM MAXDIM Altair Engineering (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) MINGAP OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 935 Optional continuation lines for mesh type definition: (1) (2) (3) MESH MTYP (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (10) Optional continuation lines for draw direction constraint definition: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) DRAW DTYP DAID/ XDA YDA ZDA DFID/ XDF YDF ZDF OBST OPID1 OPID2 OPID3 OPID4 OPID5 OPID6 OPID7 OPID8 … … … … … … (8) (9) NOHOLE STAMP TSTAMP Optional continuation lines for extrusion constraint definition: (1) (2) (3) EXTR ETYP EPATH1 EPATH2 (4) (5) (6) (7) (10) EP1_ID1 EP1_ID2 EP1_ID3 EP1_ID4 EP1_ID5 EP1_ID6 EP1_ID7 EP1_ID8 … … … … … … … … EP2_ID1 EP2_ID2 EP2_ID3 EP2_ID4 EP2_ID5 EP2_ID6 EP2_ID7 EP2_ID8 … … … … … … … … Optional continuation lines for "Master" definition for pattern repetition constraint: 936 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) C ID C AID/ XC A YC A ZC A C FID/ XC F YC F ZC F C SID/ XC S YC S ZC S C TID/ XC T YC T ZC T (10) MASTER C OORD Optional continuation lines for "Slave" definition for pattern repetition constraint: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) SLAVE DTPL_ID SX SY SZ C OORD C ID C AID/ XC A YC A ZC A C FID/ XC F YC F ZC F C SID/ XC S YC S ZC S C TID/ XC T YC T ZC T (10) Optional continuation lines for pattern grouping constraint definition: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) PATRN TYP AID/XA YA ZA FID/XF YF ZF UC YC SID/XS YS ZS (8) (9) (10) (8) (9) (10) Optional continuation lines for material definition if PTYPE=COMP: (1) (2) (3) MAT MATOPT (4) (5) (6) (7) Optional continuation lines for fatigue constraint definition: (1) (2) (3) (4) FATIGUE FTYPE FBOUND Altair Engineering (5) (6) (7) OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 937 Optional continuation lines for Level Set Method (Topology Optimization) activation: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) LEVELSE T HOLEIN ST HOLERA D NHOLES X NHOLES Y NHOLES Z (9) (10) Example 1 Define a topology design variable that allows the thickness of components referencing the PSHELL properties 7, 8, and 17 to vary between 1.0 and 5.0 (the thickness defined on PSHELL definitions with PID 7, 8, and 17 is 5.0). The optimized design should contain members whose width is no less than 60.0 units. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DTPL 1 PSHELL 7 8 17 MEMBSIZ 60.0 TMIN 1.0 (7) (8) (9) (10) Example 2 Define a topology design variable for components referencing the PSOLID properties 4, 5, and 6. The optimized design should contain members whose diameter is no less than 60.0 units. The final design will be manufactured using a casting process, where the draw direction lies along the x-axis. The components referencing PSOLID properties 10, 11, and 12 are non-designable, but will form part of the same casting as the designable components. 938 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DTPL 1 PSOLID 4 5 6 MEMBSIZ 60.0 DRAW SPLIT 0.0 0.0 0.0 (7) (8) (9) 1.0 0.0 0.0 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering (10) Altair Engineering OBST 10 11 12 Field Contents ID Each DTPL card must have a unique ID. No default (Integer > 0) PTYPE Property type for which DTPL card is defined, PBAR, PBARL, PBEAM, PBEAML, PBUSH, PROD, PWELD, PSHELL, PCOMP, or PSOLID. No default (PBAR, PBARL, PBEAM, PBEAML, PBUSH, PROD, PWELD, PSHELL, PCOMP, or PSOLID) PID# Property identification numbers. List of properties of type PTYPE for which this DTPL card is defined. Use ALL in PID1 field, if it applies to all properties of type PTYPE in the model. If no PIDs are listed, OptiStruct will check all properties of type PTYPE to see if they are to be included in the design space (see help section for PCOMP, PSHELL, and PSOLID). If any properties satisfy this search, then they will be affected by entries on this card. In this situation (where no PIDs are defined), only one DTPL card can be defined for the given PTYPE. Default = blank (Integer > 0, blank or ALL) TMIN TMIN flag indicating that minimum thickness value will follow. Only valid when PTYPE = PSHELL. If not present when PTYPE = PSHELL, then minimum thickness will default to the T0 value defined on the PSHELL card. If no T0 value is defined on the PSHELL card, the minimum thickness will default to 0.0. T0 Minimum thickness for PSHELL properties when the referenced material is of type MAT1. If PSHELL references a material which is not of type MAT1, this value is ignored and T0 = 0.0 is used. If no value is entered for T0, the T0 value on the PSHELL card is used. If T0 is not defined on the PSHELL card, then T0=0.0 is assumed. Default = blank (Real > 0.0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 939 Field Contents STRESS STRESS flag indicating that stress constraints are active and that an upper bound value for stress is to follow. See comment 1. UBOUND Upper bound constraint on stress. No default (Real > 0.0) MEMBSIZ MEMBSIZ flag indicating that member size control is active for the properties listed. Indicates that MINDIM and possibly MAXDIM are to follow. MINDIM Specifies the minimum diameter of members formed. This command is used to eliminate small members. It also eliminates checkerboard results. See comment 2. Default = No Minimum Member Size Control (Real > 0.0) MAXDIM Specifies the maximum diameter of members formed. This command is used to prevent the formation of large members. It can only be used in combination with MINDIM. See comment 3. Default = No Maximum Member Size Control (Real > 0.0) MINGAP Defines the minimum spacing between structural members formed. This command can only be used in conjunction with MAXDIM. See comment 3. Default = blank (Real > MAXDIM) MESH MESH flag indicating that mesh type information is to follow. MTYP Indicates that the mesh conforms to certain rules for which the optimizer is tuned. Currently, only the ALIGN option is available. ALIGN indicates that when manufacturing constraints are active, the mesh is aligned with the draw direction or extrusion path. See comment 4. Default = blank (ALIGN or blank) DRAW DRAW flag indicating that casting constraints are being applied. Indicates that draw direction information is to follow. Only valid for PTYPE = PSOLID. OptiStruct will terminate with an error if present for other PTYPEs. 940 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Field Contents DTYP Type of draw direction constraint to be used. Can choose between SINGLE, SPLIT, SPLIT2, or SPLIT3. SINGLE indicates that a single die will be used, the die being withdrawn in the given draw direction. SPLIT allows the optimization of the splitting surface of two dies, with both dies moving apart in the given draw direction. SPLIT2 and SPLIT3 provide alternative methods to optimize the splitting surface. These should only be used in the case where SPLIT creates non-castable cavities. Default = SPLIT (SINGLE, SPLIT, SPLIT2, or SPLIT3) DAID/XDA, YDA, ZDA Draw direction anchor point. These fields define the anchor point for draw direction of the casting. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the DAID field or by entering X, Y, and Z coordinates in the XDA, YDA, and ZDA fields, these coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. Default = origin (Real in all three fields or Integer in first field) DFID/XDF, YDF, ZDF Direction of vector for draw direction definition. These fields define a point. The vector goes from the anchor point to this point. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the DFID field or by entering X, Y, and Z coordinates in the XDF, YDF, and ZDF fields, these coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in first field) OBST OBST flag indicating that a list of PIDs will follow which are non-designable, but their interaction with designable parts needs to be considered with regard to the defined draw direction. OBST stands for obstacle. Only recognized if DRAW flag is also present on same DTPL card. OptiStruct will terminate with an error if OBST flag is present without DRAW flag. OPID# Obstacle property identification number. List of nondesignable properties that are to be considered with regard to the defined draw direction. These must be PSOLID. No default (Integer > 0, blank or ALL) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 941 Field Contents NOHOLE Prevents the formation of through-holes in the draw direction. Note that it does not prevent holes perpendicular to the draw direction. The assumed minimum thickness in the draw direction is twice the average mesh size. STAMP STAMP flag forcing the design to evolve into a 3D shell structure. Indicates that thickness, TSTAMP, is to follow. See comment 5. TSTAMP Defines the thickness of the 3D shell structure that is evolved with the STAMP option. The recommended minimum thickness is three times the average mesh size. See comment 5. No default (Real > 0.0) EXTR EXTR flag indicating that extrusion constraints are being applied. Indicates that extrusion information is to follow. Only valid for PTYPE = PSOLID. OptiStruct will terminate with an error if present for other PTYPEs. ETYP Type of extrusion constraint to be used. Can choose between NOTWIST or TWIST. NOTWIST indicates that the cross-section cannot twist about the neutral axis, in which case only one path needs to be defined. TWIST indicates that the cross-section can twist about the neutral axis, in which case two paths need to be defined. Default = NOTWIST (NOTWIST or TWIST) EPATH1 EPATH1 flag indicating that a list of grid IDs will follow to define the primary extrusion path. Only recognized if EXTR flag is also present on same DTPL card. OptiStruct will terminate with an error if EPATH1 flag is present without EXTR flag. EP1_ID# Primary extrusion path identification numbers. List of grid IDs that define the primary extrusion path. No default (Integer > 0 or blank) 942 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Field Contents EPATH2 EPATH2 flag indicating that a list of grid IDs will follow to define the secondary extrusion path. This is only required when ETYP has been set to TWIST. Only recognized if EXTR flag is also present on same DTPL card. OptiStruct will terminate with an error if EPATH2 flag is present without EXTR flag. EP2_ID# Secondary extrusion path identification numbers. List of grid IDs that define the secondary extrusion path. No default (Integer > 0 or blank) MASTER MASTER flag indicating that this design variable may be used as a master pattern for pattern repetition. See comment 7. COORD COORD flag indicating information regarding the coordinate system for pattern repetition is to follow. This is required if either MASTER or SLAVE flags are present. CID Coordinate system ID for a rectangular coordinate system that may be used as the pattern repetition coordinate system. See comment 7. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) CAID/XCA, YCA, ZCA Anchor point for pattern repetition coordinate system. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the CAID field or by entering X, Y, and Z coordinates in the XCA, YCA, and ZCA fields. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. See comment 7. No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in first field) CFID/XCF, YCF, ZCF First point for pattern repetition coordinate system. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the CFID field or by entering X, Y, and Z coordinates in the XCF, YCF, and ZCF fields. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. See comment 7. No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in first field) CSID/XCS, YCS, ZCS Altair Engineering Second point for pattern repetition coordinate system. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the CSID field OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 943 Field Contents or by entering X, Y, and Z coordinates in the XCS, YCS, and ZCS fields. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. See comment 7. No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in first field) CTID/XCT, YCT, ZCT Third point for pattern repetition coordinate system. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the CTID field or by entering X, Y, and Z coordinates in the XCT, YCT, and ZCT fields. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. See comment 7. No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in first field) SLAVE SLAVE flag indicating that this design variable is slaved to the master pattern definition referenced by the following DTPL_ID entry. See comment 7. DTPL_ID DTPL identification number for a master pattern definition. No default (Integer > 0) SX, SY, SZ Scale factors for pattern repetition in X, Y, and Z directions respectively. See comment 7. Default = 1.0 (Real > 0.0) COORD COORD flag indicating information regarding the coordinate system for pattern repetition is to follow. This is required if either MASTER or SLAVE flags are present. CID Coordinate system ID for a rectangular coordinate system that may be used as the pattern repetition coordinate system. See comment 7. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) CAID/XCA, YCA, ZCA Anchor point for pattern repetition coordinate system. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the CAID field or by entering X, Y, and Z coordinates in the XCA, YCA, and ZCA fields. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. See comment 7. No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in first field) CFID/XCF, YCF, ZCF 944 First point for pattern repetition coordinate system. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the CFID field or by entering X, Y, and Z coordinates in the XCF, YCF, and OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Field Contents ZCF fields. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. See comment 7. No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in first field) CSID/XCS, YCS, ZCS Second point for pattern repetition coordinate system. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the CSID field or by entering X, Y, and Z coordinates in the XCS, YCS, and ZCS fields. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. See comment 7. No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in first field) CTID/XCT, YCT, ZCT Third point for pattern repetition coordinate system. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the CTID field or by entering X, Y, and Z coordinates in the XCT, YCT, and ZCT fields. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. See comment 7. No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in first field) PATRN PATRN flag indicating that pattern grouping is active for the properties listed. Indicates that information for pattern grouping is to follow. Only valid for PTYPE = PCOMP, PSHELL, and PSOLID. OptiStruct will terminate with an error if present for other PTYPEs. TYP Indicates the type of pattern grouping requested. See comment 10. Default = No Pattern Grouping (1, 2, 3, 9, 10, or 11) AID/XA, YA, ZA Anchor point for pattern grouping. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the AID field or by entering X, Y, and Z coordinates in the XA, YA, and ZA fields. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. See comment 10. Default = origin (Real in all three fields or Integer in first field) FID/XF, YF, ZF Altair Engineering First point for pattern grouping. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the FID field or by entering X, Y, and Z coordinates in the XF, YF, and ZF fields. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. See comment 10. OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 945 Field Contents No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in first field) UCYC Number of cyclical repetitions for cyclical symmetry. This field defines the number of radial "wedges" for cyclical symmetry. The angle of each wedge is computed as 360.0 / UCYC. See comment 10. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) SID/XS, YS, ZS Second point for pattern grouping. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the SID field or by entering X, Y, and Z coordinates in the XS, YS, and ZS fields. These coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. See comment 10. No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in first field) MAT Indicates the type of composite topology optimization. Only considered for PTYPE=PCOMP. MATOPT PLY: Indicates that the optimization should be performed at the ply level. Topology design variables are applied to each ply individually. This method allows the optimization process to determine which orientation is preferred for each element. HOMO: Indicates that the optimization should be performed on the homogenized shell. This is the method which was used in previous versions of OptiStruct. Default = PLY FATIGUE FATIGUE flag indicating that fatigue constraints are active and their definitions are to follow. FTYPE Specifies the type of fatigue constraint; it can be DAMAGE, LIFE or FOS. FBOUND Specifies the bound value. If FTYPE is DAMAGE, FBOUND will be the upper bound of fatigue damage. If FTYPE is LIFE or FOS, FBOUND will be the lower bound of fatigue life (LIFE) or Factor of Safety (FOS), respectively. No default (Real) LEVELSET 946 LEVELSET flag indicating that the Level Set method (for topology optimization) is activated and the definitions of the required parameters follow. OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Field Contents HOLEINST Defines the method used to insert holes into the design. NONE/ADAPT/ALIGN/TOPDER DEFAULT = ADAPT NONE: Indicates that there are no holes in the initial design, and it will work similar to shape optimization. ADAPT: Indicates that the optimization will start with a cheese-like initial design, where the holes are adaptively inserted into the design domain, as illustrated in Figure 2. This works well with irregular design domains. ALIGN: Indicates that the optimization will start with evenly distributed holes aligned with axes X and Y (and Z for 3D) of the basic coordinate system, as illustrated in Figure 3. This option is specially developed for regular design domains. TOPDER: Indicates that OptiStruct will automatically identify locations for the insertion of holes during the optimization process. If the HOLEINST Field is blank, it is set to ADAPT by default HOLERAD <REAL NUMBER> DEFAULT = 4 times the average mesh size A real number that specifies the initial radius of the holes. If the field HOLERAD is blank, the radius will be set to 4 times the average mesh size. NHOLESX / NHOLESY / NHOLESZ <POSITIVE INTEGER> A positive integer that specifies the number of holes in X direction (when HOLEINST= ALIGN). If the field NHOLESX is blank, OptiStruct will automatically assign a number based on HOLERAD and the dimensions of the domain. NHOLESY and NHOLESZ can be inferred by analogy. Comments 1. Von Mises stress constraints may be defined for topology and free-size optimization through the STRESS optional continuation line on the DTPL or the DSIZE card. There are a number of restrictions with this constraint: The definition of stress constraints is limited to a single von Mises permissible stress. The phenomenon of singular topology is pronounced when different materials with Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 947 different permissible stresses exist in a structure. Singular topology refers to the problem associated with the conditional nature of stress constraints, that is, the stress constraint of an element disappears when the element vanishes. This creates another problem in that a huge number of reduced problems exist with solutions that cannot usually be found by a gradient-based optimizer in the full design space. Stress constraints for a partial domain of the structure are not allowed because they often create an ill-posed optimization problem since elimination of the partial domain would remove all stress constraints. Consequently, the stress constraint applies to the entire model when active, including both design and non-design regions, and stress constraint settings must be identical for all DSIZE and DTPL cards. The capability has built-in intelligence to filter out artificial stress concentrations around point loads and point boundary conditions. Stress concentrations due to boundary geometry are also filtered to some extent as they can be improved more effectively with local shape optimization. Due to the large number of elements with active stress constraints, no element stress report is given in the table of retained constraints in the .out file. The iterative history of the stress state of the model can be viewed in HyperView or HyperMesh. Stress constraints do not apply to 1D elements. Stress constraints may not be used when enforced displacements are present in the model. 2. It is recommended that a MINDIM value be chosen such that it is at least 3 times, and no greater than 12 times, the average element size. When pattern grouping, draw direction, or extrusion constraints are active, a MINDIM value of 3 times the average element size is enforced, and user-defined values (which are smaller than this value) will be replaced by this value. However, in cases where a MINDIM greater than 12 times the average element size is defined, irrespective of whether or not other manufacturing constraints are defined, the value is reset to be equal to 12 times the average element size. If MINDIM is defined, but no other manufacturing constraint exists, MINDIM will not be reset to the recommended lower bound value for PTYPE = PSHELL or PSOLID, if the defined value is less than the recommended value. For PTYPE = PCOMP, MINDIM will be reset in the absence of manufacturing constraints. 3. MAXDIM should at least be twice the value of MINDIM. If the input value of MAXDIM is too small, OptiStruct automatically resets the value and an INFORMATION message is printed. The MAXDIM constraint introduces significant restriction to the design problem. Therefore, it should only be used when it is a necessary design requirement. A study without MAXDIM should always be carried out in order to compare the impact of this additional constraint. MAXDIM implies the application of a MINGAP constraint of the same value as MAXDIM, as well. Therefore, for MINGAP to be effective, it should be greater than MAXDIM. It is important to pay attention to volume fraction as the achievable volume is below 50% when MAXDIM is defined, and further decreases as MINGAP increases. 4. 948 MTYP "ALIGN" may be used in conjunction with draw direction or extrusion manufacturing constraints to indicate that a mesh is aligned with a draw direction or extrusion path. OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Figure 1: Draw direction Mesh 1 is "aligned" for draw direction 1 in the example shown, but not for draw direction 2. MTYP "ALIGN" may also be used in conjunction with manufacturing constraints (minimum member, maximum member, pattern grouping, and pattern repetition) other than draw direction and extrusion, and Mesh 1 is considered "aligned" for those manufacturing constraints, too. In both cases, this will enable OptiStruct to use a smaller minimum member size and smaller maximum member sizes. The default minimum member size is three times the average element edge length; with an "aligned" mesh, the default size can be two times the average element edge length. Mesh 2 in the example shown is not "aligned" in any case. 5. The stamping constraint is available for only one sheet, which is defined by the combination of STAMP and DTYP as SINGLE. It is recommended that the stamping thickness, TSTAMP, be chosen such that it is at least 3 times the average element size. If TSTAMP is defined less than the minimum recommended value, TSTAMP will be reset to the minimum recommended value. STAMP and NOHOLE can be a good combination as this helps to produce a continuous/ spread shell structure. Note that attention should be paid to the compatibility between thickness and target volume. 6. Extrusion constraints cannot be combined with draw direction constraints. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 949 7. Pattern repetition allows similar regions of the design domain to be linked together so as to produce similar topological layouts. This is facilitated through the definition of "Master" and "Slave" regions. A DTPL card may only contain one MASTER or SLAVE flag. Parameters will not be exported for any DTPL cards containing the SLAVE flag. For both "Master" and "Slave" regions, a pattern repetition coordinate system is required and is described following the COORD flag. In order to facilitate reflection, the coordinate system may be a left-handed or right-handed Cartesian system. The coordinate system may be defined in one of two ways, listed here in order of precedence: Four points are defined and these are utilized as follows to define the coordinate system (this is the only way to define a left-handed system): - A vector from the anchor point to the first point defines the x-axis. - The second point lies on the x-y plane, indicating the positive sense of the y-axis. - The third point indicates the positive sense of the z-axis. A rectangular coordinate system and an anchor point are defined. If only an anchor point is defined, it is assumed that the basic coordinate system is to be used. Multiple "Slaves" may reference the same "Master." Scale factors may be defined for "Slave" regions, allowing the "Master" layout to be adjusted. For a more detailed description, refer to the Pattern Repetition page contained within the User's Guide section Manufacturability for Topology Optimization. 8. Pattern grouping is applicable for PCOMP, PSHELL, and PSOLID components only. 9. For historic reasons, the SYMM flag may be used in place of the PATRN flag. 10. Currently there are six pattern grouping options: 1-plane symmetry (TYP = 1) This type of pattern grouping requires the anchor point and first point to be defined. A vector from the anchor point to the first point is normal to the plane of symmetry. 2-plane symmetry (TYP = 2) This type of pattern grouping requires the anchor point, first point, and second point to be defined. A vector from the anchor point to the first point is normal to the first plane of symmetry. The second point is projected normally onto the first plane of symmetry. A vector from the anchor point to this projected point is normal to the second plane of symmetry. 3-plane symmetry (TYP = 3) This type of pattern grouping requires the anchor point, first point, and second point to be defined. A vector from the anchor point to the first point is normal to the first plane of symmetry. The second point is projected normally onto the first plane of symmetry. A vector from the anchor point to this projected point is normal to the second plane of symmetry. The third plane of symmetry is orthogonal to both the first and second planes of symmetry, passing through the anchor point. Uniform (TYP = 9) This type of pattern grouping does not require any additional input. 950 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Cyclic (TYP = 10) This type of pattern grouping requires the anchor point, first point, and number of cyclical repetitions to be defined. A vector from the anchor point to the first point defines the axis of symmetry. Cyclic with symmetry (TYP = 11) This type of pattern grouping requires the anchor point, first point, second point, and number of cyclical repetitions to be defined. A vector from the anchor point to the first point defines the axis of symmetry. The anchor point, first point, and second point all lay on a plane of symmetry. A plane of symmetry lies at the center of each cyclical repetition. For a more detailed description, refer to the Pattern Grouping page contained within the User's Guide section Manufacturability for Topology Optimization. 11. The level set method can merge existing holes but cannot nucleate new holes in the design domain. Therefore, creating an initial design with holes is necessary, especially for 2D design problems (For 3D design problems, new holes can be “tunneled” when two surfaces merged). 12. By default, OptiStruct will automatically create a Cheese-Like initial design with holes adaptively distributed over the design domain, as shown in Figure 2. The default hole radius is 4.0 times the average mesh size. Figure 2: A C heese-Like Initial design generated with (left) the default setting, and (right) double hole radius. 13. Changing the value of HOLERAD can result in different initial designs. Figure 2 (Right) shows an initial design filled with holes possessing a doubled hole radius when compared to Figure 2 (Left). If the you wish to create an initial design with evenly distributed and well aligned holes (this may be preferable for regular design domains), HOLEINST can be set to ALIGN. The number of holes in each direction can be further specified by using NHOLESX, NHOLESY and NHOLESZ as shown in Figure 3. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 951 Figure 3: A C heese-Like initial design with 3-by-5 evenly distributed holes generated using the following settings: HOLEINST=ALIGN, NHOLESX=5 and NHOLESY=3. 14. Currently, level set supports both SINGLE and SPLIT draw direction constraints. When multiple DTPL cards are involved, the draw directions need to be the same. The information needed for draw direction constraint is read from the DTPL cards and thus no extra settings are required. 15. This card is represented as an optimization design variable in HyperMesh. 952 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering DVCREL1 Bulk Data Entry DVCREL1 – Relates Design Variables to Analysis Model Element Properties Description Linearly relates a design variable to an analysis model element property using the equation: Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DVC REL1 ID TYPE EID EPNAME/FID DVID1 C OEF1 DVID2 C OEF2 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) C0 etc. Field Contents ID Relationship identification number. ID must be unique with respect to other DVCREL1 cards. No default (Integer > 0) TYPE Element type to be related (See DVCREL - Types) No default (Character) EID Element Identification Number. No default (Integer > 0) EPNAME/FID Element property name, such as "K" or “ZOFFS" (as in the documentation of the element bulk data entries), or field number on an element bulk data entry. No default (Character or Integer > 0) C0 Constant in relationship equation. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 953 Field Contents Default = 0.0 (Real) DVIDi DESVAR ID. No default (Integer > 0) COEFi Coefficient in relationship equation. Default = 1.0 (Real) Comments 1. 954 This card is represented as an optimization design variable property relationship in HyperMesh. OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering DVCREL2 Bulk Data Entry DVCREL2 – Relates Design Variables to Analysis Model Element Properties via Relationship Defined by User-supplied Equation Description Relates design variables to an analysis model element property using a relationship defined by a DEQATN card. The equation inputs come from the referenced DESVAR values and constants defined on a DTABLE card. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DVC REL2 ID TYPE EID EPNAME/ FID DESVAR DVID1 DVID2 DVID3 DVID8 DVID9 etc. LABL1 LABL2 LABL3 LABL8 etc. DTABLE (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) EQID DVID4 DVID5 DVID6 DVID7 LABL4 LABL5 LABL6 LABL7 Field Contents ID Relationship identification number. ID must be unique with respect to other DVCREL2 cards. No default (Integer > 0) TYPE Element type to be related (See DVCREL - Types) No default (Character) EID Element Identification Number. No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 955 Field Contents EPNAME/FID Element property name, such as "K" or “ZOFFS" (as in the documentation of the element bulk data entries), or field number on an element bulk data entry. No default (Character or Integer > 0) EQID Equation ID of DEQATN data. No default (Integer > 0) DESVAR DESVAR flag indicating DESVAR ID numbers follow. DVID# DESVAR ID. No default (Integer > 0) DTABLE DTABLE flag indicating DTABLE labels follow. LABL# Constant label. Must match with a constant label of a DTABLE entry. No default (Character) Comments 1. 956 This card is represented as an optimization design variable property relationship in HyperMesh. OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering DVCREL - Types Types Depending on the TYPE entry, the FID of the appropriate design parameter can be determined from the table below. Type Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 CONM1 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 M11 M21 M22 M31 M32 Field 10 FID 11-20 M33 M41 M42 M43 M44 M51 M52 M53 FID 21-30 M54 M55 M61 M62 M63 M64 M65 M66 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 M X1 X2 X3 Type Field 1 CONM2 FID 1120 Type Field 1 I11 I21 I22 I31 I32 I33 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 CMASS2 Type M Field 1 Field 2 CMASS4 Type Field 3 M Field 1 CDAMP2 Altair Engineering Field 2 Field 3 B OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 957 Type Field 1 Type Field 1 Field 2 Field 2 CDAMP4 Type Field 3 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 X1 X2 X3 B Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 CBAR FID 1120 Type Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 W1A W2A W3A W1B W2B W3B Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 X1 X2 X3 CBEAM FID 1120 Type Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 W1A W2A W3A W1B W2B W3B Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 A J C NSM Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 GE S Field 8 Field 9 GE S CONROD Type Field 1 Field 2 CELAS2 Type CELAS4 958 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 K Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 K OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Field 10 Field 10 Field 10 Field 10 Altair Engineering Type Field 1 Type Field 1 Field 2 Field 2 Field 3 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 CTRIA3 Type ZOFFS Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 CTRIA6 FID 11-20 Type ZOFFS Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 CQUAD4 Type ZOFFS Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 CQUAD8 FID 11-20 Altair Engineering ZOFFS OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 959 DVGRID Bulk Data Entry DVGRID – Relationship between Design Variable and Grid Point Location Description Defines the relationship between a design variable and a grid point location. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) DVGRID DVID GID C ID C OEFF X Y Z (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) DVGRID 1 1032 0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 Field Contents DVID DESVAR identification number. (9) (10) (Integer > 0) GID GRID identification number. (Integer > 0) CID Coordinate system identification number. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) COEFF Multiplier to the vector defined in fields 6, 7, and 8. X, Y, Z Components of the vector defining the perturbation of the grid in the coordinate system defined by CID. 960 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Comments 1. A CID of zero or blank references the basic coordinate system. 2. Multiple references to the same grid ID will yield a summation of perturbation vectors for the given grid. 3. The DVGRID data defines perturbations in the locations of the grids. The updated location of the grid is: where, DVj is the value of design variable j and [N]T is the coordinate transformation matrix based on the CID and the GRID location. 4. This card is represented as an optimization design variable in HyperMesh. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 961 DVMBRL1 Bulk Data Entry DVMBRL1 – Relates Design Variables to Properties of MBD Entities Description Linearly relates a design variable to properties of an MBD entity using the equation: Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DVMBRL1 ID TYPE BID/EID PNAME DVID1 C OEF1 DVID2 C OEF2 (7) (8) (9) (10) C0 etc. Example 1 To relate the translational x component of stiffness value (K1) on a CMBUSH whose ID is 22 to Design Variable 5. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DVMBRL1 88 C MBUSH 22 K1 5 1. 5 5.00 1.50 9.90 DESVAR (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (9) (10) 0.0 Example 2 To relate the mass of a rigid boy whose ID is 3 to design variable 5. (1) 962 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering DVMBRL1 DESVAR 88 PRBODY 5 1. 5 5.00 3 M 1.50 9.90 0.0 Field Contents ID Response identity. ID must be unique with respect to other DVMBRL1 and DVMBRL2 cards. No default (Integer > 0) TYPE MBD entity type to be related (see table below). No default (Character) BID/EID Body ID or Element ID number. When TYPE is PRBODY, this field is the ID number of a rigid body. When TYPE is CMBUSH(M), CMBEAM(M), or CMSPDP(m), this field is the ID number of a corresponding element. No default (Integer > 0) PNAME Property name, such as "A" or "L" (as in the documentation of the PRBODY, CMBEAM(M), CMBUSH(M), and CMSPDP(M) cards). No default (Character or Integer > 0) C0 Constant in relationship equation. Default = 0.0 (Real) DVIDi DESVAR ID. No default (Integer > 0) COEFi Coefficient in relationship equation. Default = 1.0 (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 963 Comments 1. Available TYPEs are PRBODY, CMBUSH, CMBUSHM, CMBEAM, CMBEAMM, CMSPDP, and CMSPDPM. 2. MBD entity type information: TYPE Available PNAME PRBODY IXX IYY IZZ IXY IXZ IYZ CMBEAM/CMBEAMM CMBUSH/CMBUSHM 964 X X component of center of gravity. Y Y component of center of gravity. Z Z component of center of gravity. L Undeformed length along the X–axis of the beam. A Area of the beam cross-section. I1 Area moment of inertia in plane 1 about the neutral axis. I2 Area moment of inertia in plane 1 about the neutral axis. J Torsional constant. K1 ~ K2 Area factor for shear. K1 ~ K3 Translational stiffness. OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering TYPE CMSPDP/CMSPDPM 3. Available PNAME K4 ~ K6 Rotational stiffness. B1 ~ B3 Translational damping. B4 ~ B6 Rotational damping. P1 ~ P3 Translational preload. P4 ~ P6 Rotational preload. K Stiffness B Damping L Unstretched length of spring damper. PF Preload force. This card is represented as an optimization design variable property relationship in HyperMesh. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 965 DVMBRL2 Bulk Data Entry DVMBREL2 – Relates Design Variables to Properties of MBD Entities via Relationship Defined by User-supplied Equation Description Relates a design variable to properties of MBD entities using a relationship defined by a DEQATN card. The equation inputs come from the referenced DESVAR values and the constants defined on the DTABLE card. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DVMBRL2 ID PTYPE BID/EID PNAME DESVAR DVID1 DVID2 DVID3 DVID8 DVID9 etc. LABL1 LABL2 LABL3 LABL8 etc. DTABLE (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) EQID DVID4 DVID5 DVID6 DVID7 LABL4 LABL5 LABL6 LABL7 Field Contents ID Relationship identity. ID must be unique with respect to other DVMBRL1 and DVMBRL2 cards. No default (Integer > 0) TYPE Property type to be related (see table below). No default (Character) BID/EID Body ID or Element ID number. When TYPE is PRBODY, this field is ID number of a rigid body. When TYPE is CMBUSH(M), CMBEAM(M), or CMSPDP(m), this field is ID number of a corresponding element. No default (Integer > 0) 966 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Field Contents PNAME Property name, such as "A" or "L" (as in the documentation of the PRBODY, CMBEAM(M), CMBUSH(M), and CMSPDP(M) cards). No default (Character or Integer > 0) EQID Equation ID of DEQATN data. No default (Integer > 0) DESVAR DESVAR flag indicating DESVAR ID numbers follow. DVIDi DESVAR ID. No default (Integer > 0) DTABLE DTABLE flag indicating DTABLE labels follow. LABLi Constant label on DTABLE card. No default (Character) Comments 1. Available TYPE are PRBODY, CMBUSH, CMBUSHM, CMBEAM, CMBEAMM, CMSPDP, and CMSPDPM. 2. Property type table: TYPE Available PNAME PRBODY IXX IYY IZZ IXY IXZ IYZ Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 967 TYPE CMBEAM/CMBEAMM CMBUSH/CMBUSHM CMSPDP/CMSPDPM 968 Available PNAME X X component of center of gravity. Y Y component of center of gravity. Z Z component of center of gravity. L Undeformed length along the X–axis of the beam. A Area of the beam cross-section. I1 Area moment of inertia in plane 1 about the neutral axis. I2 Area moment of inertia in plane 1 about the neutral axis. J Torsional constant. K1 ~ K2 Area factor for shear. K1 ~ K3 Translational stiffness. K4 ~ K6 Rotational stiffness. B1 ~ B3 Translational damping. B4 ~ B6 Rotational damping. P1 ~ P3 Translational preload. P4 ~ P6 Rotational preload. K Stiffness B Damping L Unstretched length of spring damper. OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering TYPE Available PNAME PF 3. Preload force This card is represented as an optimization design variable property relationship in HyperMesh. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 969 DVMREL1 Bulk Data Entry DVMREL1 – Relates Design Variables to Analysis Model Material Properties Description Linearly relates a design variable to an analysis model material property using the equation: Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DVMREL1 ID TYPE MID MPNAME/ FID DVID1 C OEF1 DVID2 C OEF2 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) C0 etc. Example 1 To relate the Damping Coefficient value on a MAT1 card (field 9) to Design Variable 5. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DVMREL 1 17 MAT1 22 9 5 1.0 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 0.0 Example 2 This example is the same as example 1 (above), except that it defines MPNAME in place of FID. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DVMREL 17 MAT1 22 GE 970 (6) (7) OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering (8) (9) (10) 0.0 Altair Engineering (1) (2) (3) 5 1.0 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (9) (10) 1 Associated Cards (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DESVAR 5 GE 1.0 2.0 0.5 MAT1 22 2.1e5 0.3 7.85e-9 (7) (8) 1.0 Field Contents ID Relationship identification number. ID must be unique with respect to other DVMREL1 cards. No default (Integer > 0) TYPE Material type to be related (MAT1, MAT2, MAT4, MAT5, MAT8, and MAT9). No default (Character) MID Material identification number. No default (Integer > 0) MPNAME/FID Material property name, such as "E" or “RHO" (as in the documentation of the material bulk data entries), or field number on a material bulk data entry. No default (Character or Integer > 0) C0 Constant in relationship equation. Default = 0.0 (Real) DVIDi DESVAR ID. No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 971 COEFi Coefficient in relationship equation. Default = 1.0 (Real) Comments 1. 972 See the DVMREL - Types section for details on the supported material fields and the MPNAME/FID entries. OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering DVMREL2 Bulk Data Entry DVMREL2 – Relates Design Variables to Analysis Model Material Property Description Relates design variables to an analysis model material property using a relationship defined by a DEQATN card. The equation inputs come from the referenced DESVAR values and constants defined on a DTABLE card. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DVMREL2 ID TYPE MID MPNAME/ FID DESVAR DVID1 DVID2 DVID3 DVID8 DVID9 etc. LABL1 LABL2 LABL3 LABL8 etc. DTABLE (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) EQID DVID4 DVID5 DVID6 DVID7 LABL4 LABL5 LABL6 LABL7 Example 1 To relate the Damping Coefficient value on a MAT1 card (field 9) to some user-defined relationship of design variables 5 and 6 and the table entry GE0. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DVMREL 2 17 MAT1 22 9 DESVAR 5 6 DTABLE GE0 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 1 Example 2 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 973 This example is the same as example 1 (above), except that it defines MPNAME in place of FID. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DVMREL 2 17 MAT1 22 GE DESVAR 5 6 DTABLE GE0 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (9) (10) 1 Associated Cards (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DESVAR 5 GE1 1.0 2.0 0.5 DESVAR 6 GE2 1.0 1.0 0.01 DTABLE GE0 0.01 DEQATN 1 MAT1 22 (7) (8) GE(GE1, GE2, GE0) = GE0+(GE1*GE2) 2.1e5 0.3 7.85e-9 1.0 Field Contents ID Relationship identification number. ID must be unique with respect to other DVMREL2 cards. No default (Integer > 0) TYPE Material type to be related (MAT1, MAT2, MAT4, MAT5, MAT8, and MAT9). No default (Character) MID Material identification number. No default (Integer > 0) 974 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Field Contents MPNAME/FID Material property name, such as "E" or “RHO" (as in the documentation of the material bulk data entries), or field number on a material bulk data entry. No default (Character or Integer > 0) EQID Equation ID of DEQATN data. No default (Integer > 0) DESVAR DESVAR flag indicating DESVAR ID numbers follow. DVID# DESVAR ID. No default (Integer > 0) DTABLE DTABLE flag indicating DTABLE labels follow. LABL# Constant label. Must match with a constant label of a DTABLE entry. No default (Character) Comments 1. See the DVMREL - Types section for details on the supported material fields and the MPNAME/FID entries. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 975 DVMREL - Types Types Depending on the TYPE entry, the FID of the appropriate design parameter can be determined from the table below. Type Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 E G NU RHO A TREF GE Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 G11 G12 G13 G22 G23 G33 RHO A1 A2 A12 TREF GE Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 RHO H Field 9 Field 10 Field 10 MAT1 Type Field 1 Field 2 MAT2 FID 1120 Type Field 1 MAT4 Type K Field 1 Field 2 MAT5 FID 11-20 Type Field 1 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 KXX KXY KXZ KYY KYZ KZZ Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 E1 E2 NU12 G12 G1,Z G2,Z RHO A2 TREF A1 FID 21- GE 976 Field 3 HGEN FID 1120 Field 10 HGEN RHO MAT8 Field 10 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering 30 Type Field 1 Field 2 MAT9 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 G11 G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 G22 FID 11-20 G23 G24 G25 G26 G33 G34 G35 G36 FID 21-30 G44 G45 G46 G55 G56 G66 RHO A1 FID 31-40 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 TREF GE Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Field 10 977 DVPREL1 Bulk Data Entry DVPREL1 – Relates Design Variables to Analysis Model Properties Description Linearly relates a design variable to an analysis model property using the equation: Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DVPREL1 ID TYPE PID PNAME/ FID DVID1 C OEF1 DVID2 C OEF2 (7) (8) (9) (10) C0 etc. Example 1 To relate the thickness value on a PSHELL card (field 4) to Design Variable 5. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DVPREL1 88 PSHELL 1 4 5 1. 5 5.00 1.50 9.90 DESVAR (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 0.0 Example 2 This example is the same as example 1 (above), except that it defines PNAME. 978 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DVPREL1 88 PSHELL 1 T 5 1. 5 5.00 1.50 9.90 DESVAR (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 0.0 Field Contents ID Relationship identification number. ID must be unique with respect to other DVPREL1 cards. No default (Integer > 0) TYPE Property type to be related (see DVPREL - Types). No default (Character) PID Property identification number. When PTYPE is PCOMPG, G# may be used where # is the GPLYID. When PTYPE is PCOMPP, P# may be used where # is the PLY ID. See comment 2. No default (Integer > 0) PNAME/FID Property name, such as "A" or "T" (as in the documentation of the property cards), or field number in property card (see table below). For the PSHELL property 12I/T3, only the filed number (6) is allowed. For PBARL and PBEAML only property names are allowed, as different sections use different fields. No default (Character or Integer > 0) C0 Constant in relationship equation. Default = 0.0 (Real) DVIDi DESVAR ID. No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 979 Field Contents COEFi Coefficient in relationship equation. Default = 1.0 (Real) Comments 1. TYPE cannot be PSOLID. a) The DDVAL field of a DESVAR bulk data entry. b) The SPTID field of a RSPINR bulk data entry. 2. When TYPE is PCOMPG, either global plies or property specific plies may be selected. To select property specific plies, the format is similar to that used for other property types where the property identification number of the PCOMPG is entered in the PID field and then either PNAME or FID is used to identify the value to be related. In this scenario, only the property with an ID given in the PID field is affected. To select global plies, G# is entered in the PID field where, # is the GPLYID of a global ply. In this instance, FID is not applicable so T or THETA is used in the PNAME field to relate either the thickness or orientation respectively. In this scenario, all plies that use the given GPLYID are affected. When TYPE is PCOMPP, P# is entered in the PID field where # is the ID of a PLY entity. In this instance, FID is not applicable so T or THETA is used in the PNAME field to relate either the thickness or orientation respectively. 3. PBEAML definitions with more than one section definition may not be referenced by a DVPREL1. 4. Properties of PBARL/PBEAML have to be controlled through DIMs (cannot be controlled directly), with the exception of NSM. 5. When TYPE is PBARL or PBEAML, users should pay close attention to the variable ranges to avoid invalid dimensions. For example, the inner radius of a tube cross-section cannot exceed the outer radius. It is necessary to prevent combinations of dimensions from taking on values that are physically meaningless. Some constraints are applied automatically on section dimensions. The table below summarizes these constraints. Constraints are satisfied when they are < 0.0. Section Type Constraint TUBE DIM2 – DIM1 I DIM4 – DIM2 DIM4 – DIM3 980 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Section Type Constraint DIM5 + DIM6 – DIM1 CHAN 2 * DIM4 – DIM2 DIM3 – DIM1 T DIM3 – DIM2 DIM4 – DIM1 BOX DIM4 – DIM1 DIM3 – DIM2 CROSS DIM4 – DIM3 H DIM4 – DIM3 T1 DIM4 – DIM1 I1 DIM3 – DIM4 CHAN1 DIM3 – DIM4 Z DIM3 – DIM4 CHAN2 DIM2 – DIM3 2 • DIM1 – DIM4 T2 DIM4 – DIM1 DIM3 – DIM2 BOX1 DIM4 + DIM3 – DIM2 DIM5 + DIM6 – DIM1 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 981 Section Type Constraint HEXA 2 * DIM1 – DIM2 HAT 2 * DIM2 – DIM1 2 * DIM2 – DIM3 L DIM3 – DIM2 DIM4 – DIM1 HAT1 DIM3 – DIM1 2 * DIM4 – DIM2 2 * DIM4 + DIM5 – DIM2 6. 982 This card is represented as an optimization design variable in HyperMesh. OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering which are the design variables. LABL1 LABL2 LABL3 LABL8 etc. by the referenced equations. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DVPREL2 ID TYPE PID PNAME/ FID DESVAR DVID1 DVID2 DVID3 DVID8 DVID9 etc. DTABLE (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) EQID DVID4 DVID5 DVID6 DVID7 LABL4 LABL5 LABL6 LABL7 Example 1 A rectangular bar of width W and depth D is defined using the PBAR card.DVPREL2 Bulk Data Entry DVPREL2 – Relates Design Variables to Analysis Model Properties via Relationship Defined by User-supplied Equation Description Relates a design variable to an analysis model property using a relationship defined by a DEQATN card. I1 and I2 are all related to the width and depth. The equation inputs come from the referenced DESVAR values and the constants defined on the DTABLE card.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 983 . (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DVPREL2 201 PBAR 1 4 101 DESVAR 5 6 203 PBAR 1 5 102 DVPREL2 Altair Engineering (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) OptiStruct 13. The required fields on the PBAR for Area. 0 20.0 10. except that it defines PNAME.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering (9) (10) Altair Engineering .0 1.0 DEQATN 101 AREA(W. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) DVPREL2 201 PBAR 1 A 101 DESVAR 5 6 203 PBAR 1 I1 102 DESVAR 5 6 204 PBAR 1 I2 103 DESVAR 5 6 DVPREL2 DVPREL2 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Associated Cards (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DESVAR 5 W 6.0 1.D) = W*D DEQATN 102 I1(W.D) = (W*D**3)/12 984 (7) (8) OptiStruct 13.(1) (2) (3) (4) DESVAR 5 6 204 PBAR 1 DESVAR 5 6 DVPREL2 (5) (6) (7) (8) 6 (9) (10) 103 Example 2 This example is the same as example 1 (above).0 DESVAR 6 D 5. DVIDi DESVAR ID. G# may be used where # is the GPLYID.(1) (2) DEQATN 103 PBAR 1 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) I2(W. When PTYPE is PCOMPG. as different sections use different fields. No default (Integer > 0) DTABLE DTABLE flag indicating DTABLE labels follow. For the PSHELL property 12I/T3. or field number in property card (see table below). No default (Character) PID Property identification number. No default (Integer > 0) PNAME/ FID Property name.Types). See comment 5. For PBARL and PBEAML only property names are allowed. No default (Integer > 0) TYPE Property type to be related (see DVPREL . P# may be used where # is the PLY ID. When PTYPE is PCOMPP. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.1 19e-4 1e-3 Field Contents ID Relationship identification number. only the filed number (6) is allowed.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 985 . No default (Character or Integer > 0) EQID Equation ID of DEQATN data. No default (Integer > 0) DESVAR DESVAR flag indicating DESVAR ID numbers follow.D) = (D*W**3)/12 222 0. such as "A" or "T" (as in the documentation of the property cards). ID must be unique with respect to other DVPREL1 cards. users should pay close attention to the variable ranges to avoid invalid dimensions. In this instance. all plies that use the given GPLYID are affected. Type cannot be PSOLID. When TYPE is PCOMPG. In this instance. When TYPE is PCOMPP. Properties of PBARL/PBEAML have to be controlled through DIMs (cannot be controlled directly).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . with the exception of NSM. OptiStruct 13. 5. When Type is PBARL or PBEAML. No default (Character) Comments 1. 6. To select global plies. FID is not applicable so T or THETA is used in the PNAME field to relate either the thickness or orientation respectively. FID is not applicable so T or THETA is used in the PNAME field to relate either the thickness or orientation respectively. 2. G# is entered in the PID field where # is the GPLYID of a global ply. 986 This card is represented as an optimization design variable in HyperMesh.Field Contents LABLi Constant label on DTABLE card. 4. either global plies or property specific plies may be selected. To select property specific plies. 3. P# is entered in the PID field where # is the ID of a PLY entity. only the property with an ID given in the PID field is affected. the format is similar to that used for other property types where the property identification number of the PCOMPG is entered in the PID field and then either PNAME or FID is used to identify the value to be related. PBEAML definitions with more than one section definition may not be referenced by a DVPREL1. In this scenario. In this scenario. the FID of the appropriate design parameter can be determined from the table below.DVPREL . DIMi NSM Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 PBEAM FID 11-20 C 1(A) C 2(A) K1(A) K2(A) Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 A(A) I1(A) I2(A) I12(A) J(A) NSM(A) D1(A) D2(A) E1(A) E2(A) F1(A) F2(A) NSI(A) NSI(B) Field 10 FID 21-30 FID 31-40 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.Types Types Depending on the TYPE entry. Type Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 CONM2 FID 11-20 Type Field 1 Field 8 M X1 X2 X3 Field 9 Field 10 Field 9 Field 10 I22 I13 I23 I33 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 A I1 I2 J NSM D2 E1 E2 F1 F2 C1 C2 D1 FID 21-30 K1 K2 I12 Type Field 7 I12 FID 11-20 PBARL Field 6 I11 PBAR Type Field 5 Field numbers are not allowed for PBARL.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 987 . PBEAML Type DIMi NSM Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Fiel d 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 GE1 GE2 GE3 GE4 GE5 GE6 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Fiel d 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 PCOMP Z0 NSM FID 11-20 T1 THETA1 T2 THETA4 FID 21-30 T3 THETA3 … … … … … … … Field 3 Field 4 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 Z0 NSM PBUSH Type Field 1 Type Field 1 PCOMPG FID 11-20 988 Field 2 Field 2 T1 Field 5 Fiel d 6 Field 10 THETA1 OptiStruct 13.FID 41-50 Type M1(A) M2(A) M1(B) M2(B) N1(A) N2(A) N1(B) N2(B) Field numbers are not allowed for PBEAML.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . See comment 2 (DVPREL1).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Field 10 S M Fiel d Field 9 Field 10 989 .FID 21-20 T2 THETA2 … … … Type PCOMPG Type Field numbers do not apply for PCOMPG when referencing global plies. T THETA Field 1 Field 2 PCOMPP Type Field 1 Field 2 PDAMP Type Field 1 Field 2 Z0 NSM Field 3 Field 4 Field 3 Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Altair Engineering Field 2 Field 3 Fiel d 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 Field 5 Fiel d 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 Field 5 B Fiel d 6 S Field 4 M Field 1 Field 5 B K PMASS Type Field 4 B PELAS Type Field 3 Field 5 Field 5 Field 8 K Fiel d 6 M Field 4 Field 7 B Field 7 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 M Field 8 Field 9 OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .6 PROD A Type Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 PSHELL Field 1 Z1 Z2 Field 2 Field 3 Field 1 PVISC 990 Field 2 Fiel d 6 Field 7 12* I/T3 Field 8 Field 9 TS/T NSM Field 10 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 Field 9 Field 10 ZOF FS Field 4 Field 5 Fiel d 6 Field 7 T NSM F1 F2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Fiel d 6 Field 7 Field 8 CE CR CE CR PSHEAR Type Field 5 T FID 11-20 Type Field 4 NSM OptiStruct 13. 0 1.0 1.0 100. T1 | < 1.0) BFORCE Blank holder restraining force. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) EDGEBH EID S1 T2 S2 T2 BFORC E BSID (9) (10) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) EDGEBH 6 -1. T2 | < 1. | S2.EDGEBH Bulk Data Entry EDGEBH – Edge Blank Holder Definition for One-Step Stamping Simulation Description Defines geometry and restraining force per unit length for an edge blank holder in a one-step stamping simulation.0) S2. | S1. No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 5 Field Contents EID Element identification number. T2 Parametric exit points for the line.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 991 . No default (Real. Not used by the solver. T1 Parametric entry points for the line. No default (Real. No default (Integer > 0) S1.0 1. No default (Real) BSID Blank holder set identifier for retrieving the input file back to HyperForm. 992 This entry is only valid with an @HyperForm statement in the first line of the input file. OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Comments 1. 0 2 Field Contents EID Element identification number.0 100.0 1.EDRAWB Bulk Data Entry EDRAWB – Draw Bead Definition for One-Step Stamping Simulation Description Defines location and restraining force per unit length for a draw bead in a one-step stamping simulation. T2 Parametric exit points for the line.0) S2.0 -1. T1 Parametric entry points for the line. T2 | < 1.0) DFORCE Draw bead restraining force per unit length. No default (Integer > 0) S1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) EDRAWB EID S1 T2 S2 T2 DFORC E DSID (9) (10) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) EDRAW B 13 -1. No default (Real) DSID Draw bead set identifier for retrieving the input file back to HyperForm. No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 1. Not used by the solver. | S2. | S1. No default (Real. T1 | < 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 993 . No default (Real. This entry is only valid with an @HyperForm statement in the first line of the input file.Comments 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 994 OptiStruct 13. EIGC Bulk Data Entry EIGC – Complex Eigenvalue Extraction Data Description Defines data required to perform complex eigenvalue analysis. Format (1) (2) (3) EIGC SID (4) (5) (6) NORM G C (7) (8) (9) (10) ND0 Continuation for EIGC ALPHAAJ OMEGAAJ ND1 Example 1 (1) (2) EIC G 4 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MAX (8) (9) (10) (9) (10) 15 Example 2 (1) (2) EIGC 4 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MAX 15 Example 3 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 995 . Required if and only if NORM = POINT.(1) (2) EIGC 4 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) MAX 1000. The value for NORM defaults to MAX if the magnitude of the defined component is zero.0 Field Contents SID Unique set identification number.Normalize the component defined in fields 5 and 6 to a unit value for the real part and a zero value for the imaginary part. No default (0 < Integer < 6) ND0 Desired number of roots and eigenvectors to be extracted.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No default (Integer > 0) ND1 Desired number of roots and eigenvectors to be extracted. POINT . Default = 0. No default (Integer > 0) ALPHAAJ Real part of the shift point. Default = MAX G Grid or scalar point identification number.Normalize the component having the largest magnitude to a unit value for the real part and a zero value for the imaginary part. No default (Integer > 0) C Component number. 15 No default (Integer > 0) NORM Indicates the option for normalizing eigenvectors.0 (Real) 996 OptiStruct 13. Required if and only if NORM = POINT and G is a geometric grid point. MAX .0 1000. however.Field Contents OMEGAAJ Imaginary part of the shift point. and it must be empty if there is a continuation line. HESS and CLAN) will be accepted. this field should be left blank. the direct method is considered for the complex eigenvalue analysis. The 3rd field is reserved for a numerical complex eigensolution (METHOD). If there is no METHOD command present in the subcase control area. modal method is used. certain method types (INV. Default = 0. 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 997 . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. but there will be no effect on the analysis. 2. ND0 is required if there is no continuation. Currently.0 (Real) Comments 1. Otherwise. ALPHAAJ and OMEGAAJ are only useful for direct complex eigenvalue analysis. 2 10 Field Contents SID Unique set identification number.EIGRA Bulk Data Entry EIGRA – Real Eigenvalue Extraction Data using Automated Multi-Level Sub-structuring Description Defines the data required to perform real eigenvalue analysis with the Automated Multi-Level Sub-structuring technique. V2 must be present. Higher values of AMPFFACT will lead to OptiStruct 13. See comment 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Real. The substructure modes are solved up to the frequency of AMPFFACT*V2.1 3. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) V1.0 for V1 (V1 < V2. or blank for V1) ND Number of roots desired.V2 Frequency range of interest in cycles per unit time. No default (Integer > 0 or blank) AMPFFACT 998 Amplification Factor. Default = 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) EIGRA SID V1 V2 ND (6) (7) (8) (9) AMPFFAC T (10) NORM Example (1) EIGRA (2) (3) (4) (5) 0. for solid structures like engine blocks and suspension components. only one can be used for modal frequency response or modal transient analysis. If V1 is set to zero explicitly.Field Contents more accurate results and longer running times. It is recommended to use higher values of AMPFFACT. 4. See comments 6 and 9. However. 2. blank V2 blank All below V2. Comments 1. V1 is ignored. The roots are found in order of increasing magnitude. 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 999 . 7. 15. then eigenvectors are normalized to the unit value of the largest displacement in the analysis set.0 (Real or blank) NORM Method used for eigenvector normalization. AMPFFACT is used to increase the accuracy of the eigenvalue and eigenvectors at the expense of slightly longer run times. If MAX. V1 V2 blank All in range. The eigenvectors are normalized with respect to the mass matrix by default. between [5. indicating rigid body modes. V1 V2 ND Number and Type of Roots Found V1 V2 ND Lowest ND or all in range. Default = MASS for normal modes analysis.0. Eigenvalues are sorted in the order of magnitude for output. whichever is smaller. small negative roots are usually computational zeros. If MASS.0]. then eigenvectors are normalized to the unit value of the generalized mass. In vibration analysis. The number and type of roots to be found can be determined from the following table. those closest to zero are found first. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 6. blank V2 ND Lowest ND roots below V2. Default = 5. The units of V1 and V2 are cycles per unit time. Finite negative roots are an indication of modeling problems. 5. EIGRA data can be referenced by multiple normal modes subcases with different MPC set SID’s in each subcase. however. EIGRA data can be referenced by multiple modal dynamic subcases. If AMPFFACT is not specified by you and the model contains a large number of solid elements. only one can be used for modal frequency response or modal transient analysis. Additionally. if the MPC set SID is the same in each SUBCASE and the set of SPCD DOF is the same in each SUBCASE. 10. 9. multiple eigenvalue analysis subcases can be used with AMSES. then the value of AMPFFACT is automatically reset to 10.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1000 OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh.8. V2 For vibration analysis: Frequency range of interest For buckling analysis: Eigenvalue range of interest. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. or blank) ND Number of roots desired. Default = blank (V1 < V2.2 10 Field Contents SID Unique set identification number. Real. 4. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) EIGRL SID V1 V2 ND MSGLVL MAXSET SHFSC L NORM Example (1) (2) EIGRL (3) (4) (5) 0. and 10.1 3. Lanczos Method Description Defines data required to perform real eigenvalue analysis (vibration or buckling) with the Lanczos Method.EIGRL Bulk Data Entry EIGRL – Real Eigenvalue Extraction Data. See comments 3 and 4. See comments 3. No default (Integer > 0 or blank) MSGLVL Diagnostic level.0 Reference Guide 1001 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) V1. If MAX. 2. V1 and V2 are eigenvalues. then eigenvectors are normalized to the unit value of the generalized mass (this is not a valid option for linear buckling analysis). the units of V1 and V2 are cycles per unit time. The roots are found in order of increasing magnitude: that is. V1 V2 blank All in range V1 blank ND Lowest ND in range [V1. In vibration analysis. Default = blank (Real or blank) NORM Method used for eigenvector normalization. + ¥] 1002 OptiStruct 13. In buckling analysis. V1 V2 ND Number and Type of Roots Found V1 V2 ND Lowest ND or all in range. The number and type of roots to be found can be determined from the following table.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . whichever is smaller. Each buckling eigenvalue is the factor by which the prebuckling state of stress is multiplied to produce buckling in the shape defined by the corresponding eigenvector. In vibration analysis. In buckling analysis. then eigenvectors are normalized to the unit value of the largest displacement in the analysis set. 3.Field Contents Default = 0 (Integer 0 through 4 or blank) MAXSET Number of vectors in block or set. For buckling analysis: Estimate of the first eigenvalue. Default = MAX for linear buckling analysis (MASS or MAX) Comments 1. Default = MASS for normal modes analysis. Default = 8 (Integer 1 through 16 or blank) SHFSCL For vibration analysis: Estimate of the frequency of the first flexible mode. See comment 9. NORM = MASS is not a valid option for linear buckling analysis. In vibration analysis. eigenvectors are normalized with respect to the mass matrix by default. If MASS. those closest to zero are found first. blank V1 defaults to -10. eigenvectors are normalized to have unit value. 7. In vibration analysis.0 Reference Guide 1003 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . blank V2 ND Lowest ND roots below V2 blank V2 blank All below V2 4. AMLS and AMSES eigensolvers require that V2 be specified. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Finite negative roots are an indication of modeling problems. It may be reduced if there is insufficient memory available. the faster method is applied. If V1 is set to zero explicitly. 6. MAXSET is used to limit the maximum block size in the Lanczos solver. small negative roots are usually computational zeros. indicating rigid body modes. 11. If the eigenvalue range is defined with no upper bound (V2 blank) and less than 50 modes (ND < 50). This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. especially when the applied load differs from the first buckling load by orders of magnitude. The default value of zero suppresses all diagnostic output. MSGLVL controls the amount of diagnostic output during the eigenvalue extraction. It may also be used to improve the performance of a buckling analysis.V1 V2 ND Number and Type of Roots Found V1 blank blank Lowest root in range [V1. V1 is ignored. A specification of SHFSCL may improve the performance of a vibration analysis. An eigenvector is found for each eigenvalue. + ¥] blank blank ND Lowest ND roots in [-¥. A value of one prints eigenvalues accepted at each shift. 8.+¥] blank blank blank Lowest root. Eigenvalues are sorted in the order of magnitude for output. The default value is recommended. 10. 5. The Lanczos eigensolver provides two different ways of solving the problem. 9. Higher values result in increasing levels of diagnostic output. It is recommended that V1 not be set to zero when extracting rigid body modes. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ELEMQUAL TETRA C OLLAPSE WARNING 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ELEMQUAL ETYPE PTYPE LTYPE V1 V2 (7) (8) (9) (10) Example 1 For CTRIA3 elements. change the upper limit of aspect ratio for error message to 300.01 and 10.0 (default lower and upper limits are 0. change the bound limits of collapse for warning message to 0.001 and 100.01 10.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering (8) (9) (10) Altair Engineering .0).0 (default is 500). (7) 1004 OptiStruct 13.ELEMQUAL Bulk Data Entry ELEMQUAL – Resets the Default Bound Values for Element Quality Check Description Resets the default values of the warning and error bound limits for element quality check.0 Example 2 For CTETRA elements. (1) (2) (3) (4) ELEMQUAL TRIA3 ARATIO ERROR (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 300. No default (Real) V2 Upper bound value. EDGE (Edge Angle).0 Reference Guide 1005 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . PYRA. LTYPE Type of bound limits. 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. COLLAPSE. PENTA. No default (WARNING or ERROR) V1 Lower bound value. TAXI3. PENT15 (2nd-order CPENTA). No default (Real) Comments 1. GASK8. SKEW. ANGLE. SKEW (Skew Angle). TET10 (2nd-order CTETRA). TAPER (Face Taper). TWIST. All specified values (V1 and V2) are checked against the corresponding limits used for validity check. PYRA13. TWIST (Twist Angle). WARP. EDGE. WARP (Warp Angle). TAXI3 (1st-order CTAXI or CTRIAX6). Allowable entries are: TRIA3 (CTRIA3). GASK16. GASK6 (CGASK6). PENT15.Field Contents ETYPE Element type. No default (TRIA3. TAXI6. HOETAN (Hoe Tangent Offset). QUAD4 (CQUAD4). PYRA (1st-order CPYRA). TETRA. PYRA13 (2nd-order CPYRA). or HOETAN). HOENOR. GASK16 (CGASK16). Element quality checks and their default settings are described in the Element Quality Check section. TAXI6 (2nd-order CTAXI or CTRIAX6). PENTA (1st-order CPENTA). TET10. QUAD4. or GASK12). PTYPE Geometric property type. No default (ARATIO. HEXA. TETRA (1st-order CTETRA). ANGLE (Vertex Angle). and GASK12 (CGASK12). GASK6. HOENOR (Hoe Normal Offset). HEX20 (2nd-order CHEXA). Allowable entries are: ARATIO (Aspect Ratio). HEXA (1st-order CHEXA). TAPER. COLLAPSE. HEX20. GASK8 (CGASK8). Data outside the validity range is ignored. and CTRIAR elements that are damp in the fluid volume. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ELIST LID EID1 EID2 EID3 EID4 EID5 EID6 EID7 EID8 EID9 EID10 . for elements only damp on one side (see WSURF1 on MFLUID entry). ELIST entries are referenced by the MFLUID entry.ELIST Bulk Data Entry ELIST – Damp Shell Elements for a Fluid Volume Description Specifies damp shell elements for a fluid volume. If there are negative EIDi’s specified in a "THRU" range.etc - Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) ELIST 25 47 22 THRU 35 -56 -57 Field Contents LID List of identification number. Comments 1. then both EIDi’s in the range must be negative. CQUADR. 1006 OptiStruct 13. CTRIA3. the damp side of an element is on the same side of the element’s normal. But a negative EIDi indicates that the fluid is opposite to the normal. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) EID Element identification number of CQUAD4.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . By default. the SURF and SET entries may be used to define damp elements but the SURF and SET entries may not be combined in the single with ELIST entries to define damp elements. 3. Alternatively. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1007 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .2. if any MFLUID references a missing ELIST. The continuation is optional. ELIST entries are internally converted to SET entries.25 if a ELIST card exists in the deck.25. For example. then the program will not search for a SET. Metadata between the METADATA and ENDMETADATA commands is passed to the <filename>_metadata. 2.xml file. one in the Solution Control section and one in the Bulk Data section. 1008 OptiStruct 13.xml file. Description ENDMETADATA indicates the end of metadata that is to be passed to the metadata output file. So will this information: Color=blue ENDMETADATA Comments 1. Example METADATA This line will be passed to the filename_metadata. There can be two sections of metadata.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Metadata can be used to pass information from the pre-processor seamlessly through the solver to a post-processing program.ENDMETADATA Bulk Data Entry ENDMETADATA – Indicates the end of metadata that is to be passed to the metadata output file. (Character String) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (HYPRBEAM or FEMODEL) NAME This field specifies the name of the entity that is defined by the END entry (see comment 2). Format (1) (2) (3) (4) END TYPE NAME (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) END FEMODE L Bumper (1) (2) (3) END (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) HYPRBEAM Square Field Contents TYPE Specifies the entity type that will be defined by the END data entry (see comment 2).0 Reference Guide 1009 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .END Bulk Data Entry END – Indicates the end of data input for a specific entity Description The END bulk data entry indicates the end of data that is used to describe a specific entity (or entities) for inclusion in a model. The END entry is used in conjunction with the BEGIN entry to define the data required for a specific entity. 0 GRIDS.1. and the block (BEGIN – END) contains only INCLUDE entries. The BEGIN and END bulk data entries can be used in conjunction to define a part within the full model (for TYPE = FEMODEL). There can be multiple sections of arbitrary beam data. is allowed between BEGIN and END entries.0. 6.0. TYPE = FEMODEL: In a model containing multiple parts.Comments 1. similar to almost any other bulk data entry.10.30.0. The INCLUDE entry.2.40.0.HYPRBEAM.3 CSEC2.SQUARE $ GRIDS.100.HYPRBEAM 1010 OptiStruct 13. 4.4 CSEC2.4.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .1000.3.0 $ CSEC2.1.100.1 $ PSEC. one for each beam section. It is possible to duplicate a single part by including the same file(s) in different BEGIN-END blocks.100. 5.0 GRIDS. BEGIN and END should exist in the same file. $ END.100.0. the parts are included within the full model specifying part data between the BEGIN and END bulk data entries (the INCLUDE entry can also be used for part data referencing).2 CSEC2. TYPE = HYPRBEAM: Data required for the definition of an arbitrary beam section will be specified between the BEGIN and END data entries. Models are often defined in separate files. The name of the included part should be specified in the NAME field. An example set of data for the definition of an arbitrary beam section is as follows: BEGIN.1. However.1.0 GRIDS.100. 3.20.0. No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ERPPNL NAME1 SID1 NAME2 SID2 NAME3 SID3 NAME4 SID4 NAME5 SID5 … Field Contents NAME# Panel label.ERPPNL Bulk Data Entry ERPPNL – Panel Definition for Equivalent Radiated Power Output Description Defines one or more sets of elements as panels for equivalent radiated power output for a frequency response analysis of a coupled fluid-structural model.0 Reference Guide 1011 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . (10) No default (Character string) SID# Set identification number for a set of elements. ESLTADD can be selected within the subcase information section using the command ESLTIME=SID. Si should be unique and may not be the identification number of a set defined by another ESLTADD entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1012 OptiStruct 13.ESLTADD Bulk Data Entry ESLTADD – Combination of selected time steps for Geometric Nonlinear ESLM Optimization or a Multi-body Dynamics ESLM Optimization Description Defines a combined time step selection set as a union of selected time steps defined via ESLTIME entries for Geometric Nonlinear ESLM optimization or a Multi-body Dynamics ESLM optimization. (Integer > 0) Comments 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ESLTADD SID S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 etc. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) Si Set identification numbers of time step selections defined via ESLTIME bulk data entries. (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) ESLTADD 101 9 11 13 Field Contents SID Set identification number. 2. 3. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide 1013 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. ESLTADD entries take precedence over ESLTIME entries. If both entries have the same SID. 4. only the ESLTADD entry will be used. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ESLTIME SID TLB TUB RID1 LB1 UB1 TYPE1 RID2 LB2 UB2 TYPE2 RID3 LB3 UB3 TYPE3 (7) (8) (9) (10) .9 12 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 1 13 1014 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .. Example (1) (2) ESLTIME 100 11 (3) (4) -19.ESLTIME Bulk Data Entry ESLTIME – Time Step selection control for Geometric Nonlinear Response ESLM Optimization and Multi-body Dynamics ESLM Optimization Description Defines time step selection control for geometric nonlinear response ESL Optimization and Multi-body dynamics ESLM optimization.9 99.. Lower bounds TLB and LB must be smaller than upper bounds TUB and UB respectively. It can only be selected in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by an ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. if blank. select the lowest response value = 2. (Integer > 0) TLB Lower bound of time. (Integer > 0) RID Identification number of a DRESP1.0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1015 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Field Contents SID Set identification number. select the response troughs (Integer = -2. or blank) LB# Lower bound on response. No default (Real > 0. 1. (Real. or blank) Comments 1. or DRESP3 bulk data entry. select the response peaks = -2. 3. or blank) TYPE# Flag to select the time steps at which the highest or lowest response values or peaks or troughs of the response. occur. 2. or blank) UB# Upper bound on response. IMPDYN or EXPDYN subcase entry. 2.0. or blank) TUB Upper bound of time. Other fields. The SID and RID fields cannot be left blank. ESLTIME should be selected by the Subcase Information command ESLTIME = SID or in the bulk data section by the ESLTADD entry. will be ignored. DRESP2. -1. select the highest response value = -1. No default (Real > 0. and for geometric nonlinear response ESL Optimization. = 1. (Real. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If TYPE = 2. time steps at which response troughs occur will be selected. time steps which have the lowest response values will be selected. The TLB and TUB fields can be used to define the range of time. If more time steps are required. the user can define the range of a specific response. 6. If TYPE = -1. time steps which have the highest response values will be selected. Using fields LB and UB. Figure 1: Time step selection based on time and response range. 1016 OptiStruct 13. 5.4. time steps at which response peaks occur will be selected. Figure 2: Example illustration depicting TYPE=1 and TYPE=-1 response selection 7. If TYPE = -2. If TYPE = 1. OptiStruct will then select the most critical time steps in the time range with higher priority for ESL generation (Figure 1). OptiStruct will then select the time steps with response values in this range for ESL generation (Figure 1). then the critical time steps outside the time range will be taken into account. TUB) is considered. 9. DOPTPRM. TLB. SID. 8. if ESLTIME is defined in the model. Only the first line (ESLTIME. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1017 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . the generated ESL subcase at the most critical time step will be used for this DRESP2(DRESP1L/DRESP2L) entry. 10. ESLSTOL is ignored.Figure 3: Example illustration depicting TYPE=2 and TYPE=-2 response selection. If a NLGEOM. IMPDYN or EXPDYN subcase is referenced by a DRESP2 entry with DRESP1L or DRESP2L definition. All continuation lines on the ESLTIME entry are ignored in Multi-body dynamics ESLM optimization. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . for consideration in a fatigue analysis. using element sets (ELSET) ELSET ELSID1 PFATID1 ELSID2 PFATID2 ELSID3 PFATID3 ELSID4 PFATID4 … … … … … … Optional continuation lines for selecting elements and associated fatigue properties through referenced properties (PSHELL) PSHELL PID1 PFATID1 PID2 PFATID2 PID3 PFATID3 PID4 PFATID4 … … … … … … Optional continuation lines for selecting elements and associated fatigue properties through referenced properties (PSOLID) PSOLID PID1 PFATID1 PID2 PFATID2 PID3 PFATID3 PID4 PFATID4 … … … … … … 1018 OptiStruct 13. and associated fatigue properties. Format (1) (2) (3) FATDEF ID TOPSTR (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Optional continuation lines for selecting elements. and associated fatigue properties.FATDEF Bulk Data Entry FATDEF – Elements for Fatigue Analysis Description Defines elements. (0. which indicates the fatigue property used by the preceding elements defined by ELSID# or PID#. Elements in this set will be considered in fatigue analyses where this FATDEF is selected. FATDEF Subcase Information entry may reference this ID. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. defining elements.0 Reference Guide 1019 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Elements with combined stress not in this top fraction of each MATFAT group will be screened out and have no results.0 < Real < 1. Default = blank (100% will be used internally). No default (Integer > 0) PFATID# Fatigue property ID. for consideration in fatigue analyses where this FATDEF is selected. and their associated fatigue properties. defining elements and their associated fatigue properties for consideration in fatigue analyses where this FATDEF is selected. ELSID# Element Set ID. This is identification number of a PFAT entry. PSHELL PSHELL flag indicating that a list of pairs of PSHELL property IDs and PFAT IDs will follow.Optional continuation lines for excluding elements using element sets (ELSET) XELSET XELSID1 XELSID2 XELSID3 XELSID4 XELSID5 XELSID6 XELSID7 XELSID8 … … … … … … … … Optional continuation lines for excluding individual elements XELEM XEID1 XEID2 XEID3 XEID4 XEID5 XEID6 XEID7 XEID8 … … … … … … … … Field Contents ID Each FATDEF card must have a unique ID. This field is ignored in fatigue analysis on a transient subcase.0) ELSET ELSET flag indicating that a list of pairs of ELSET and PFAT IDs will follow. No default (Integer > 0) TOPSTR Top stress fraction. Elements referencing any property with this ID will be considered in fatigue analyses where this FATDEF is selected. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. No default (Integer > 0) XELEM XELEM flag indicating that IDs of elements excluded from fatigue analysis follow. XEID# Element ID. At least one of the optional continuation lines ELSET or PROP must be present. These elements will be excluded from fatigue analyses where this FATDEF is selected. PID# Property ID. XELSID# Element set ID. 1020 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This is identification number of a PSHELL or PSOLID entry. 2.Field Contents PSOLID PSOLID flag indicating that a list of pairs of PSOLID property IDs and PFAT IDs will follow. defining elements and their associated fatigue properties for consideration in fatigue analyses where this FATDEF is selected. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. No default (Integer > 0) XELSET XELSET flag indicating that IDs of elements sets excluded from fatigue analysis follow. Elements in these sets will be excluded from fatigue analyses where this FATDEF is selected. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. These FATLOAD entries should reference the subcase types. No default (Integer > 0) FLOAD# Identification number of a FATLOAD entry (see comments 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) FATEVNT ID FLOAD1 FLOAD2 FLOAD3 FLOAD4 FLOAD5 FLOAD6 FLOAD7 FLOAD8 . 3 and 4). This identifier may be referenced by a FATSEQ definition. FATLOAD entries referenced on this bulk data entry may reference different subcases.0 Reference Guide 1021 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. 5. Identification numbers of FATSEQ and FATEVNT share the same ID pool. For example.. but not both. 2. Referencing a combination of subcase types via FATLOAD entries on the same FATEVNT entry is not allowed.. . 3.FATEVNT Bulk Data Entry FATEVNT – Loading Event Definition for Fatigue Analysis Description Defines loading events for fatigue analysis. 4.. either static subcases or transient subcases can be referenced. only one FATLOAD entry is allowed. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1.. If a specified FATLOAD entry references a transient subcase. (10) Field Contents ID Each FATEVNT card must have a unique ID. Default = 1. It is ignored in fatigue analyses based on a transient analysis subcase. TID should be blank. (Integer > 0 or blank) If LCID references a linear-static subcase. Default = 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No default (Integer > 0) LDM The magnitude of the FEA load in the same units as those for the time history.0 (Real) 1022 OptiStruct 13. It is ignored in fatigue analyses based on a transient analysis subcase (see comment 2). TID should be a positive integer (Integer > 0). LCID Subcase identification number of a linear-static or transient analysis subcase.Fatigue Load Description Defines fatigue loading parameters.0 (Real) Scale Scale factor applied to the load or time history. (10) No default (Integer > 0) TID Identification number of TABFAT entry. This identifier may be referenced by a FATEVNT definition.FATLOAD Bulk Data Entry FATLOAD . If LCID references transient subcase. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) FATLOAD ID TID LC ID LDM Scale Offset (8) (9) Field Contents ID Each FATLOAD card must have a unique ID. 3. The sequence below depicts how LDM. Default = 0. is the stress tensor from static analysis. ij . This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. This magnitude is used as a scale factor to normalize the finite element stresses/strains to obtain the stress/strain distribution due to a unit loading. P(t) is the y point value of load-time history at time t.0 (Real) Comments 1. FEA LDM ( P (t ) Scale Offset ) is the result stress tensor at time t. It is ignored in fatigue analyses based on a transient analysis subcase. 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1023 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Scale and Offset values work together to scale the FEA stress tensor at time t: ij (t ) Where.Field Contents Offset Offset applied to the load or time history. FATPARM Bulk Data Entry FATPARM .see comment 9) (NSTRESS is also supported for Stress Life for compatibility) STRESS STRESS flag indicating that parameters are to follow which define how the stress is used in fatigue calculation.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1024 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) FATPARM ID Type STRESS C ombinatio n C orrectio n StressUni t Plasticit y RAINFLO W RType GateRel C ERTNTY SurvC ert FOS FOSType (7) (8) (9) (10) Field Contents ID Each FATPARM card must have a unique ID. EN = Strain Life.Fatigue Analysis Parameters Description This bulk data entry can be used to define parameters required for a Fatigue Analysis. Default = SN (SN = Stress Life. No default (Integer > 0) Type Type of fatigue analysis that is defined. The FATPARM Subcase Information entry may reference this identifier. This flag and following parameters will be used only when the "Type" field is set to SN or EN. FOS = Factor of Safety Analysis . combined stress value is used. For Type = SN. Shear is taken from the sign of the Abs. For Type = EN. For Type = SN. For ductile materials. GERBER2. Correction Mean stress correction method. Max. See comments 5. "Absolute maximum principle" is recommended. SWT = Smith-Watson-Topper) StressUnit FE analysis Stress Tensor Unit. For Strain Life. Signed Tresca. "Signed von Mises" is recommended. This flag and its related parameters will be used only when the “Type” field is set to SN or EN. valid options are: Default = GOODMAN (NONE. 7 and 8. The Unit is necessary because the S-N/E-N curve (MATFAT card) might be defined in different unit. Default = MPA (MPA. PSI.0 Reference Guide 1025 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . it is not used. See comment 10. MORROW. combined strain value is used. Principal value. valid options are: Default = SWT (NONE. GOODMAN. KSI) Plasticity This parameter is only applicable for Type = EN. and FEA stress needs to be converted before looking up the fatigue life for a given stress level on the S-N curve.Field Contents Combinatio n Default = ABSMAXPR (ABSMAXPR = Abs Max Principal MINPRINC = Min Principal SGVON = Signed von Mises SGTRESCA = Signed Tresca XNORMAL = X Normal ZNORMAL = Z Normal YZSHEAR = Y-Z Shear MAXPRINC = Max Principal VONMISES = von Mises TRESCA = Tresca SGMAXSHR = Signed Max Shear YNORMAL = Y Normal XYSHEAR = X-Y Shear ZXSHEAR = Z-X Shear) The sign on the Signed von Mises. For Strain Life. PA. shear strain components are engineering shear strain (two times tensor shear strain). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Signed Max. For brittle materials. SODERBE) For Type = EN. GERBER. valid options are: Default = NEUBER (NONE. NEUBER) RAINFLOW The RAINFLOW flag indicates that parameters required for Rainflow counting are to follow. For Stress Life. 6. MORROW2. load-time history will be cycle counted using the rainflow cycle counting method.Stress-time history) GateRel Relative fraction of maximum gate range.0 < Real < 1. RType = Load is valid when there is only one static load case defined in an event.5 (0. The cycle counting results (load Ranges and Means) will be scaled by combined FEA stress. 2.0) FOS The FOS flag indicates that the following parameters are for Factor of Safety analysis (Type = FOS). CERTNTY The CERTNTY flag indicates that parameters that define certainties in fatigue analysis are to follow. The reference value is the maximum range multiplied by GateRel. while each point of the stress time is the combined stress value where the stress tensor is FEA stress scaled by y point value of the corresponding load-time history. Doing rainflow counting on load-time is much faster than doing it on stress-time (RType=Stress). and used for gating out small disturbances or "noise" in the time series. The stress-time history has the same length as load-time.Field Contents RType Rainflow data type.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . When RType = Load. See comment 1. 1026 OptiStruct 13. See comment 4.Load-time history STRESS . Default = LOAD (LOAD . If the event contains multiple static load cases. doing rainflow counting on load-time history could not deal with it. 3. then RType will automatically be set to STRESS because there will be stress super-positioning among different load cases. stress-time history will be cycle counted using the rainflow cycle counting method. especially when the load-time history is complex and contains a large number of time points. This flag and following parameter will be used only when the “Type” field is set to FOS. Default = 0. When RType = Stress. SurvCert Certainty of survival based on the scatter of the S-N curve. but it is less accurate. This flag and the following parameter will be used only when the “Type” field is set to SN or EN. Default = DANGVAN Comments 1. FOSType This field can be used to select the Factor of safety analysis type. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1027 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . but they are not consistent. Se = Sa / (1 . an error will be issued. If UNITS=# and DTI UNITS are absent. When fatigue optimization is performed. 6. Se is equivalent stress amplitude. Correction=SODERBE is slightly different from GOODMAN. and Sy is yield stress. “RAINFLOW” and “CERTNTY” continuation lines are ignored in a factor of safety analysis (Type=FOS). the default value of StressUnit should be determined by UNITS=# or DTI UNITS. 10. A higher reliability level requires a larger certainty of survival. The “STRESS”. 8. It is used to modify the S-N / E-N curve according to the standard error parameter (SE) defined in fatigue property of material card (MATFAT card). 7.4. 5. 9. and StressUnit is also specified. the default value of StressUnit is MPA. If UNITS=# or DTI UNITS is present. Sa is stress amplitude. the mean stress is normalized by yield stress instead of ultimate tensile stress. Correction=MORROW2 improves the MORROW method by ignoring the effect of negative mean stress. EN method with SWT mean stress correction is changed to EN method with Morrow mean stress correction automatically. If UNITS=# or DTI UNITS is present.Sm / Sy ) Where. Correction=GERBER2 improves the GERBER method by ignoring the effect of negative mean stress. Certainty of Survival is based on the scatter of the S-N / E-N curve. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. Sm is mean stress. 11. Referencing a combination of subcase types is not allowed. either static subcases or transient subcases can be referenced. 2. Repeat number (N#) has no effect on the results of a Factor of Safety (FOS) analysis. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) FATSEQ ID FID1 N1 FID2 N2 FID3 N3 FID4 N4 FID5 N5 (10) Field Contents ID Each FATSEQ card must have a unique ID. but not both). Default = 1 (Integer > 0) Comments 1. No default (Integer > 0) FID# Identification number of FATSEQ or FATEVNT entry (see Comment 3) No default (Integer > 0) N# Number of times this loading sequence or event is repeated (see Comment 4). Identification numbers of FATSEQ and FATEVNT entries share the same ID pool.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . A fatigue subcase should reference the same subcase types through FATSEQ and FATEVNT entries (for example. Alternatively this ID may be referenced by other FATSEQ definitions. 4. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. 1028 OptiStruct 13.FATSEQ Bulk Data Entry FATSEQ – Load Sequence Definition for Fatigue Analysis Description This bulk data entry can be used to define a loading sequence for a Fatigue Analysis. 3. FATSEQ Subcase Information entry may reference this identifier. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) FLDATA FLDID Ei1 Ei2 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) FLDATA 2 -.89 .319 .FLDATA Bulk Data Entry FLDATA – User-defined Forming Limit Curve for One-Step Stamping Simulation Description Defines a forming limit curve as a table of minor and major strain values in a one-step stamping simulation.319 Field FLDID (5) (6) (7) Contents Blank holder identification number.0 Reference Guide 1029 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0.284 FLDATA 2 -.269 FLDATA 2 … … FLDATA 2 . No default (Real) Ei2 Major strain value No default (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.194 . No default (Integer > 0) Ei1 Minor strain value. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Comments 1. This entry is only valid with an @HyperForm statement in the first line of the input file. 1030 OptiStruct 13. It can also be used to define the EXCITEID field (Amplitude “A”) of dynamic loads in RLOAD1.9 0.number>) See comment 3. CID Coordinate system identification number. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.FORCE Bulk Data Entry FORCE – Point Force Description Defines a static force at a grid point by specifying a vector.0 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. (9) (10) (Integer > 0) G Grid point identification number.0 0.0 Reference Guide 1031 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Default = 0 (Integer > 0. RLOAD2. (Integer > 0 or <PartName. TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 bulk data entries. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) FORC E SID G C ID F N1 N2 N3 (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) FORC E 2 5 6 2. or blank) F Scale factor.0 1. 3. See Parts and Instances in the User’s Guide for detailed information on the use of fully qualified references.number”) is similar to the format of a numeric reference.Field Contents (Real) N1. A fully qualified reference (“PartName. Supported local entries in specific parts can be referenced by the use of “fully qualified references” on FORCE entries in the model. is the vector defined in fields 6. The static force applied to grid point G is given by where. and 8. 1032 OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a force load in HyperMesh.N3 Components of vector measured in coordinate system defined by CID. (Real. A CID of zero or blank references the basic coordinate system. must have at least one non-zero component) Comments 1. “PartName” is the name of the part that contains the referenced local entry (part names are defined on the BEGIN Bulk Data Entry in the model). 7.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . “number” is the identification number of a referenced local entry in the part “PartName”. 4.N2. 2. (Integer > 0) F Value of force. RLOAD2.G2 Grid point identification numbers. It can also be used to define the EXCITEID field (Amplitude “A”) of dynamic loads in RLOAD1. (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) G Grid point identification number.93 16 13 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. Alternate Form 1 Description Used to define a static force by specification of a value and two grid points that determine the direction. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) FORC E1 SID G F G1 G2 (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) FORC E1 6 13 -2.0 Reference Guide 1033 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .FORCE1 Bulk Data Entry FORCE1 – Static Force. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (Real) G1. TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 bulk data entries. is a unit vector parallel to a vector from G1 to G2. This card is represented as a force load in HyperMesh 1034 OptiStruct 13. 2. The static force applied to grid point G is where.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Comments 1. ) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. G3 and G4 cannot be coincident. Alternate Form 2 Description Used to define a static force by specification of a value and four grid points that determine the direction. (Integer > 0.0 Reference Guide 1035 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . It can also be used to define the EXCITEID field (Amplitude “A”) of dynamic loads in RLOAD1.FORCE2 Bulk Data Entry FORCE2 – Static Force. RLOAD2. TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 bulk data entries. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) FORC E2 SID G F G1 G2 G3 G4 (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) FORC E2 6 13 -2. G1 and G2 may not be coincident. (9) (10) (Integer > 0) G Loaded Grid point identification number. (Real) Gi Grid point identification numbers. (Integer > 0) F Value of force.93 16 13 18 19 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. This card is represented as a force load in HyperMesh 1036 OptiStruct 13. 2. The static force applied to grid point G is where.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . is a unit vector parallel to a vector calculated by the cross product of vectors from G1 to G2 and G3 to G4.Comments 1. 56 13.0 12.FREQ Bulk Data Entry FREQ – Frequency List Description Defines a set of frequencies to be used in the solution of frequency response problems.4 23.0) Comments 1. No default (Real > 0.0 Reference Guide 1037 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . FREQ entries must be selected with the I/O Options or Subcase Information command FREQUENCY = SID. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) FREQ SID F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 … … … … … … … (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) FREQ 3 7. 2. (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) F# Frequency value.34 Field Contents SID Identification number.99 23. The units for F# are cycles per unit time. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 4. Duplicate frequencies will be ignored. and are considered duplicated if: where. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. DFREQ is a user parameter with a default of 10 -5 * fMAX . All FREQi entries with the same set identification numbers will be used.3. 1038 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . and fMIN are the maximum and minimum excitation frequencies of the combined FREQi entries. 5 13 Field Contents SID Identification number. frequency increment.0 Reference Guide 1039 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . No default (Real > 0) DF Frequency increment. No default (Real > 0. Default = 1 (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0) NDF Number of frequency increments.9 0. Alternate Form 1 Description Defines a set of frequencies to be used in the solution of frequency response problems by specification of a starting frequency. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) FREQ1 SID F1 DF NDF (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) FREQ1 6 2.FREQ1 Bulk Data Entry FREQ1 – Frequency List. and the number of increments desired. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) F1 First frequency in set. 4. Duplicate frequencies will be ignored.Comments 1. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. The frequencies defined by this entry are given by where i = 1 to (NDF + 1). DFREQ is a user parameter with a default of 10 -5 * fMAX . 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1040 OptiStruct 13. and are considered duplicated if: where. 3. FREQ1 entries must be selected with the I/O Options or Subcase Information command FREQUENCY = SID. 5. and are the maximum and minimum excitation frequencies of the combined FREQi entries. All FREQi entries with the same set identification numbers will be used. The units for F1 and DF are cycles per unit time. FREQ2 Bulk Data Entry FREQ2 – Frequency List. No default (Real > 0.0. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) F1 First frequency in set.0 Reference Guide 1041 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . No default (Real > 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) FREQ2 SID F1 F2 NF (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) FREQ2 6 1.0 6 Field Contents SID Identification number. final frequency.0 8.0) F2 Last frequency in set. F2 > F1) NF Number of logarithmic intervals. and the number of logarithmic increments desired. Alternate Form 2 Description Defines a set of frequencies to be used in the solution of frequency response problems by specification of a starting frequency. Default = 1 (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. 3. and are considered duplicated if: where. and are the maximum and minimum excitation frequencies of the combined FREQi entries. 1042 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Duplicate frequencies will be ignored. and i = 1.Comments 1. All FREQi entries with the same set identification numbers will be used. FREQ2 entries must be selected with the I/O Options or Subcase Information command FREQUENCY = SID. …. The units for F1 and F2 are cycles per unit time. The frequencies defined by this entry are given by where. 4. DFREQ is a user parameter with a default of 10 -5 * fMAX . 5. 2. (NF + 1). 2. FREQ3 Bulk Data Entry FREQ3 – Frequency List. plus 10 frequencies between 20 and the lowest mode in the range. plus 10 frequencies between the highest mode in the range and 200. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) FREQ3 SID F1 F2 TYPE NEF C LUSTER (9) (10) Example Define a set of frequencies such that there will be 10 frequencies between each mode. (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) F1 Lower bound of modal frequency range in cycles per unit time. Default = F1 (Real > 0.0 for TYPE = LOG) F2 Upper bound of modal frequency range in cycles per unit time. No default (Real > 0. Alternate Form 3 Description Defines a set of frequencies for the modal method of frequency response analysis by specifying the number of frequencies between modal frequencies.0 LINEAR 10 2. Real > 0.0 200.0.0 for TYPE = LINEAR .0 Field Contents SID Set identification number. F2 > F1) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. within the frequency range 20 to 200. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) FREQ3 6 20.0 Reference Guide 1043 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . FREQ3 applies only to the modal method of frequency response analysis.0) Comments 1. Default = 1. Intermediate sub ranges exist between each mode calculated within the bounds. Default = "LINEAR" (LINEAR or LOG) NEF Number of excitation frequencies within each sub range including the end points. Default = 10 (Integer > 1) CLUSTER Specifies cluster of the excitation frequency near the end points of the range. CLUSTER is used to obtain better resolution near the modal frequencies where the response variation is highest. See comment 5. 5. with a default of 10 -5 * fMAX and are the maximum and minimum excitation frequencies of the combined FREQi entries. DFREQ is a user parameter.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . FREQ3 entries must be selected in the Subcase Information section with FREQUENCY = SID. and are considered duplicated if: where.0 (Real > 0. The first sub range is between F1 and the first modal frequency within the bounds.Field Contents TYPE Specifies linear or logarithmic interpolation between frequencies. it is important that some amount of damping be specified. Since the forcing frequencies are near structural resonances. in accordance with: 1044 OptiStruct 13. 3. All FREQi entries with the same set identification numbers will be used. The last sub range is between the last modal frequency within the bounds and F2. Duplicate frequencies will be ignored. 2. 4. 65 16.0 11.98 9 0. then this is the logarithm of the frequency.) CLUSTER > 1.95 11.0 provide closer spacing towards the center of the frequency range.) = the k-th excitation frequency.0 18.84 11.3.0 Reference Guide 1045 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . For example.99 14.0 provides closer spacing of excitation frequency towards the ends of the frequency range. k = -1 + 2(k .40 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.00 7 0.53 10.2 12.87 19.16 18.0 12.6 15.35 13.2 15.2 14.NEF) = frequency at the lower limit of the sub range.4 14.0 10. (If TYPE is LOG. = excitation frequency number in the subrange (1. (If TYPE is LOG.2 16.34 8 0.0 Excitation Frequencies in Hertz 1 -1.76 11.0 11.0 15. while values of less than 1.60 4 -0.8 17.0 10.0 18.0 2.1) is a parametric coordinate between -1 and 1.24 18.where.25 0.1)/(NEF .27 3 -0.0 17.6 14.) = frequency at the upper limit of the sub range.0 4.….0 10.8 12. NEF = 11. then this is the logarithm of the frequency.87 14. (If TYPE is LOG.8 18. CLUSTER Excitation Frequency Number 0.0 10.13 10.2.01 15. the excitation frequencies for various values of CLUSTER would be as shown in the table below.00 15.00 10.50 1.4 15. if the frequency range is between 10 and 20.66 6 0.13 15.2 13.02 5 -0.0 15.8 11.0 2 -0. then.8 14.0 15. then this is the logarithm of the frequency.0 10.00 15. TYPE = "LINEAR". 1046 OptiStruct 13. the excitation frequencies are derived from the modal frequencies computed at each design iteration. Solutions for non-zero modes are retained.05 18.8 17.00 6. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh.10 0.73 11 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .00 20.0 20. solutions for modal degrees-of-freedom from rigid body modes at zero excitation frequencies may be discarded.2 19. In design optimization.0 20.0 19. 8.0 20.00 20. In modal analysis.47 19. 7. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) F1 Lower bound of modal frequency range in cycles per unit time.0E20 (Real > 0.30 21 Field Contents SID Set identification number.0) F2 Upper bound of frequency range in cycles per unit time.FREQ4 Bulk Data Entry FREQ4 – Frequency List.0. Default = 1. Default = 0.0 Reference Guide 1047 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) FREQ4 SID F1 F2 FSPD NFM (8) (9) (10) Example Define a set of frequencies such that there will be 21 equally spaced frequencies across a frequency band of and 200. to for each modal frequency that occurs between 20 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) FREQ4 6 20.0 200. Alternate Form 4 Description Defines a set of frequencies for the modal method of frequency response analysis by specifying the amount of "spread" around each modal frequency and the number of equally spaced frequencies within the spread.0 0.0 (Real > 0. F2 > F1) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Therefore. for each modal frequency in the range F1 to F2. +/. Default = 3 (Integer > 0.0 > Real > 0. 4. 1048 OptiStruct 13. If NFM is even.10 (1. FREQ4 entries must be selected in the Subcase Information section with FREQUENCY = SID. If this computation results in excitation frequencies less than F1 and greater than F2. NFM specifies the number of excitation frequencies within the half-power bandwidth. where. NFM + 1 will be used) Comments 1. those computed excitation frequencies are ignored. an excitation frequency calculated based on natural frequencies within the range (F1 through F2) may be excluded if it falls outside the range.the fractional amount specified for each mode which occurs in the frequency range F1 to F2.Field Contents FSPD Frequency spread. 3. The halfpower bandwidth is given by . Excitation frequencies may be based on modal frequencies that are not within the range (F1 and F2) as long as the calculated excitation frequencies are within the range. Similarly.0) NFM Number of evenly spaced frequencies per "spread" mode. The frequency spread can be used also to define the half-power bandwidth. Default = 0. 2. 5.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . FREQ4 applies only to the modal method of frequency response analysis. is the damping ratio. if FSPD is specified equal to the damping ratio for the mode. There will be NFM excitation frequencies between and . the excitation frequencies are derived from the modal frequencies computed at each design iteration. with a default of 10-5. DFREQ is a user parameter. it is important that some amount of damping be specified. and are considered duplicated if: where. In design optimization. In modal analysis. All FREQi entries with the same set identification numbers will be used. 9. solutions for modal degrees-of-freedom from rigid body modes at zero excitation frequencies may be discarded. 10. Since the forcing frequencies are near structural resonances. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. are 8.6. Duplicate frequencies will be ignored.0 Reference Guide 1049 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The values and the maximum and minimum excitation frequencies of the combined FREQi entries. Solutions for non-zero modes are retained. 7. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 1. Alternate Form 5 Description Defines a set of frequencies for the modal method of frequency response analysis by specification of a frequency range and fractions of the natural frequencies within that range.0) 1050 OptiStruct 13.2 times each modal frequency between 20 and 200.9 0.0 200.05.1 1. 0.9. 1.8.6.FREQ5 Bulk Data Entry FREQ5 – Frequency List. 0.95 1. 0. and 1.0.0 1.95. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) FREQ5 6 20.8 0.0 (Real > 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 0. (10) No default (Integer > 0) F1 Lower bound of modal frequency range in cycles per unit time.1.05 1. Default = 0.6 0. (10) Example Define a set of frequencies such that the list of frequencies will be 0. 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) FREQ5 SID F1 F2 FR1 FR2 FR3 FR4 FR5 FR6 FR7 etc.2 Field Contents SID Set identification number. If this computation results in excitation frequencies less than F1 and greater than F2. with a default of 10-5. 8. are the modal frequencies in the range F1 through F2. the excitation frequencies are derived from the modal frequencies computed at each design iteration. Duplicate frequencies will be ignored.Field Contents F2 Upper bound of frequency range in cycles per unit time.0. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. The frequencies defined by this entry are given by where. DFREQ is a user parameter. are 7. The values and the maximum and minimum excitation frequencies of the combined FREQi entries. Solutions for non-zero modes are retained.0) Comments 1. Excitation frequencies may be based on natural frequencies that are not within the range (F1 and F2) as long as the calculated excitation frequencies are within the range. FREQ5 entries must be selected in the Subcase Information section with FREQUENCY = SID. FREQ5 applies only to the modal method frequency response analysis. In modal analysis. 2. All FREQi entries with the same set identification numbers will be used. F2 > F1) FRi Fractions of the natural frequencies in the range F1 to F2. it is important that some amount of damping be specified.0E20 (Real > 0. 5. and are considered duplicated if: where. In design optimization. 6. 4. solutions for modal degrees-of-freedom from rigid body modes at zero excitation frequencies may be discarded. No default (Real > 0. those computed excitation frequencies are ignored. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Since the forcing frequencies are near structural resonances. 9.0 Reference Guide 1051 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Default = 1. 3. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) GAPPRM PARAM1 VAL1 PARAM2 VAL2 PARAM3 VAL3 PARAM4 VAL4 PARAM5 VAL5 etc. Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) GAPPRM C KGPDIR -1 PRTSW 1 C HKRUN 1 Field Contents PARAM# Name of parameter. Most of these parameters also affect contact elements that are automatically created on CONTACT interfaces – see individual descriptions for details.GAPPRM Bulk Data Entry GAPPRM – Parameters for Gap Element Connectivity and Configuration Checks Description Defines parameters that control connectivity and configuration checks for gap elements (CGAP and CGAPG). The available parameters and their values are listed below (click the parameter name for parameter descriptions). VAL# Value of parameter. their integer equivalents will also be read. Parameter Value 1052 OptiStruct 13. (8) (9) (10) While textual values are recommended for clarity.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2. WARN. 0. 1. 1 Default = NO Comments 1. 0 YES. YES. 2. For cases of overlapping meshes (combined with a prescribed coordinate system). YES. 1 Default = NO PRTSW NO. 3. SHORT. FULL. 0. NO. or 1 Default = NO CKGPDIR ERR. 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1053 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .CHKRN NO. the REV value is appropriate – it allows both aligned and reversed gap directions (respective to the gap axis defined by the prescribed system). HMGAPST NO. REV. The GAPPRM entry changes the default settings of control parameters for the gap elements connectivity and checks for configuration errors. 1. 0. or 2 Default = SHORT GAPOFFS GPCOINC YES. The gap alignment check controlled by the default value of CKGPDIR = ERR applies correctly to the most typical situations wherein there is an initial opening between bodies A and B. and the gap element is used to enforce non-penetration condition.0e-04 For CONTACT elements: Calculated automatically based on element size on the master face. YES. 0. This card is represented as a control card in HyperMesh. 1 Default = YES GAPGPRJ NORM. or 3 Default = ERR ERRMSG SHORT. NO Default = YES <Real> Defaults For GAP elements: 1. None of the parameters of this entry are required. or 2 Default = SHORT GAPCMPL NO. If YES or 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . or 1 Default = NO Stop the run after the gap element checks are completed. YES. If NO or 0.GAPPRM. 1054 OptiStruct 13. 0. OptiStruct will stop after gap and contact elements have been checked. CHKRN Parameter CHKRN Values Description NO. OptiStruct will run to completion unless other errors are present. 0.0 Reference Guide 1055 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 1. except that they are measured from either 0 or 180 degrees reference angle. then orientations of the vector GA->B that are generally opposite to the prescribed axis are also accepted. If NO or 0. CKGPDIR Parameter CKGPDIR Values Description ERR. REV. or 3 Controls the checking of gap element alignment in case of prescribed coordinate system CID. then all non-zero length gap elements that have a prescribed coordinate system are checked for misalignment of the gap prescribed axis (x-axis of the prescribed coordinate system) with the vector GA->B. then no gap CID direction checks are performed. If WARN or 1. same as ERR or 2 with the exception that only warnings are issued. WARN. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Angles larger than 30 degrees produce warnings. 2. NO.GAPPRM. If REV or 3. The tolerance levels are the same as for the default case. Default = ERR If ERR or 2. angles larger than 60 degrees produce errors. then all gap and contact element error messages are printed.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . ERRMSG Parameter ERRMSG Values Description SHORT. then up to 10 error messages are printed along with a summary of the total number of errors. 1056 OptiStruct 13. or 2 Defines the maximum number of error messages printed for gap and contact elements. If FULL or 2. Additional diagnostic information for elements with errors is also printed to the . FULL. Default = SHORT If SHORT or 1.GAPPRM. 1.out file. rather than accumulating it) it may cause the global compliance to be negative and thus make optimization impossible. YES. If YES or 1. or 1 Default = YES This parameter can be used to allow/disallow the inclusion of gap and contact compliance in the calculation of global compliance. If NO or 0. then gap/contact compliances will not be included in the calculation of global compliance.0 Reference Guide 1057 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . these elements may produce negative contributions to the global compliance. gap/contact elements may exist with initial penetration (U0<0). While this is a legitimate situation (the gap/contact is releasing elastic energy. In such cases. then gap/contact compliances will be included in the calculation of global compliance.GAPPRM. the GAPCMPL parameter can be used to turn off the contributions of gap/contact elements to the compliance calculation. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. GAPCMPL Parameter GAPCMPL Values Description NO. Note: An example situation where the GAPCMPL parameter may be used is described as follows: In some cases. 0. For cases where the normal projection falls within the bounds of the obstacle.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . while no contact element is created on the CONTACT interface. If such normal projection falls outside the patch of nodes or element face (within 5% tolerance). If SHORT or 2. 1058 OptiStruct 13. the node GA (or slave node for CONTACT) is projected onto the obstacle B along the shortest distance. an error message is issued for GAPG elements.GAPPRM. GAPGPRJ Parameter GAPGPRJ Values Description NORM. controls how the projection onto the obstacle element (or node patch) is performed. the projection of node GA (or slave node for CONTACT) to the obstacle B is performed along the normal to the surface of the obstacle (a patch of nodes or an element face). If NORM or 1. SHORT. this coincides with the NORM option. For cases where the normal projection falls outside the obstacle. 1. this option will choose the point on the obstacle that is nearest to GA or slave node. or 2 Default = SHORT For CGAPG and contact elements. Default = AUTO If NO. frictional offset for gap and contact analysis is active.GAPPRM. frictional offset for gap and contact analysis in inactive. frictional offset is turned off when the deck contains gaps. GAPOFFS Parameter Values Description GAPOFFS YES. AUTO If YES. This affects both linear and nonlinear subcases.0 Reference Guide 1059 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . If AUTO. NO. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. refer to the PGAP and PCONT descriptions. contact with friction or stick conditions and at least one nonlinear subcase. For more details. the GA. which is an ASCII format file generated when CONTPRM. in which case it is automatically scaled if there is a change in units.0e-4. 2. For CONTACT.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .GAPPRM.CONTGAP. This parameter is automatically included in the <filename>. GB fields of the CGAP bulk data entry) are considered coincident (as they may be too close to define the gap direction accurately). it is calculated automatically according to element size on the master face. the default minimum distance is set at an absolute value of 1. 1060 OptiStruct 13.YES is used.fem file. GPCOINC Parameter GPCOINC Values Description <Real> See the Note for defaults This parameter defines the distance below which the end points of gap/contact elements (for example.contgap. for CGAP and CGAPG elements. Currently. Note: 1. gapstat.GAPPRM. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.YES can also be used to visualize the status of internally created CONTACT elements. The file name is <my_job>. or 1 Default = NO Create HyperMesh command file that defines sets containing open and closed gaps for the initial set up and for each nonlinear subcase. this file needs to be imported before running the gap status command file.CONTGAP. GAPPRM.HM.HMGAPST. YES. HMGAPST Parameter HMGAPST Values Description NO. This requires the additional command CONTPRM.hm.fem.contgap. 0.cmf.gapstat. <my_job>.0 Reference Guide 1061 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . For correct visualization of their open/closed status in HyperMesh. then no file is produced. If NO or 0.cmf. that contains contact elements converted to CGAPG entities. <my_job>.YES – it will create a file. OptiStruct will print diagnostic information to the . OptiStruct will not output diagnostic information.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . YES.out file. Default = NO If NO or 0.GAPPRM. If YES or 1. 1062 OptiStruct 13. or 1 Print diagnostic output for gap elements. PRTSW Parameter PRTSW Values Description NO. 0. - S31 S32 -etc.- “S” S11 S12 S13 -etc.- Example 1 (1) (2) GENEL 537 1002 Altair Engineering (3) 1 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1001 1 1001 2 1001 3 1002 2 1002 3 (10) OptiStruct 13.- KZ31 KZ32 -etc. Format (1) (2) (3) GENEL EID GI4 C I4 “UD” (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) GI1 C I1 GI2 C I2 GI3 C I3 GI5 C I5 -etc.- S21 S22 -etc.- GD1 C D1 GD2 C D2 GD3 C D3 GD4 C D4 GD5 C D5 -etc.- KZ21 KZ22 -etc.GENEL Bulk Data Entry GENEL – General Finite Element Description Defines the stiffness or flexibility of a general element connected to an arbitrary number of grids.0 Reference Guide 1063 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .- “K” or “Z” KZ11 KZ12 KZ13 -etc. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .6 43.1-9 Example 3 (1) (2) GENEL 435 17 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 11 1 23 4 72 0 (10) 2 1064 OptiStruct 13.319-6 .592-6 .6 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) GENEL 4001 1073 1 1073 2 1073 3 1073 5 1073 6 1074 1 1074 2 1074 3 1074 5 1074 6 (10) Example 2 1073 4 UD 1074 4 Z . -816.6 -43.1 35479.1 35479.3 -1151.6 35479. 6538.6 43. -816.6 5757.1 -5757.6 -43.39-6 (10) . -6538. 816.592-6 .1 1151.39-6 -. 816.3 -1151.319-6 .3 1151.(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) K 5757.1-9 . 6538. 1 . No default (GDj is integer > 0 and CDj is integer > 0).4 5. CIi is zero.3 3.7 12 2 47 0 (10) 8. No default (Integer > 0) GIi/CIi Grid (or scalar point) and component identification numbers ordered according to stiffness or flexibility values specified after KZmn. or “S” is specified in field 2 or it is the end of the entry.2 .8 UD Field Contents EID Unique element identification number.2 6.6 4.3 .7 2.(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) S 1.9 K .4 . No default (Character) GDj/CDj Grid (or scalar point) and component identification numbers ordered according to the columns in the “S” matrix.1 . K or Z Flag indicating that the next fields and continuation entries contain stiffness values until “UD” or “S” is specified in field 2 or it is the end of the entry.5 .8 7. UD Flag indicating that the subsequent fields and continuation entries contain values for GDj/CDj until “K”.6 . “Z”. No default (GIi is integer > 0 and CIi is integer > 0). No default (Character) KZmn Stiffness or flexibility matrix for degrees-of-freedom in GIi/CIi where “m” is Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1065 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . For scalar points. 0 (Real) S Flag indicating that the subsequent fields and continuation entries contain values for the S matrix. Default = 0. 1066 OptiStruct 13. 4. Either “K” or “Z” must be specified. GIi/CIi and KZmn are required inputs. and “S”. 3. “UD” and “S” are optional inputs. then the “UD” option allows for the reintroduction of the rigid body modes with “S” which is provided by you or computed internally. If not. may be specified in any order as demonstrated in the third example. “Z”. If “S” is not specified then GDj/CDj may contain six and only six degrees of freedom and they cannot refer to SPOINTs. All the terms in the matrix must be specified and zero values must be specified as blank or 0.Field Contents the row number and “n” is the column number. or “UD” is specified in field 2 or it is the end of the entry. “S” defines the motion between the GIi/CIi and GDj/CDj degrees-of-freedom according to: But if “S” is specified then GDj/CDj must also be specified. a) If “K” and “UD” are specified then the program will form the complete stiffness as defined by the following equation: Where the K matrix is formed from the KZmn values and the S matrix is formed from the Sij values or computed automatically.0. Zero values must be specified as blank or 0.0 (Real) Comments 1.0. 2. Default = 0. Only the lower triangular terms in the matrix need to be specified. “K”.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If only “K” or “Z” is input without “UD” then it is recommended that the resulting stiffness represents the unsupported element. “Z”. but not both. containing all of the rigid body modes. No default (Character) Sij “S” matrix values where “i” corresponds to GIi/CIi list and “j” corresponds to GDj/CDj list until “K”. “UD”. 0 Reference Guide 1067 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . then at least one visible character must appear on this line (it can be 0. Unused fields (after the last matrix entry) must be blank. Z must be nonsingular. Zero values may be specified as 0. PARAM. All lower triangular values in K and Z and all values in S have to be accounted for in the input.0 in any field or the plus sign (+) in the first column) because blank lines are treated as comment.b) If “Z” and “UD” are specified then the program will form the complete stiffness as defined by the following equation: Where the Z matrix is formed from the KZmn values and the S matrix is formed from the Sij values or computed automatically. General elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis.0 or be left blank. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 7. 5. however if all entries in any continuation line are zero.CK3 may be used to scale the stiffness produced by all GENEL elements. 6. TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 bulk data entries.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .GRAV Bulk Data Entry GRAV – Gravity Vector Description Defines the gravity vectors for use in determining gravity loading for the structural model.2 0.0 GRAV Field Contents SID Set identification number. It can also be used to define the EXCITEID field (Amplitude “A”) of dynamic loads in RLOAD1.N2. N3 Gravity vector components. (Real.0 -1. RLOAD2. (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) CID Coordinate system identification number.0 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) GRAV SID C ID G N1 N2 N3 (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 3 32. N1. (Integer > 0) G Gravity vector scale factor. at least one non-zero component) 1068 OptiStruct 13. 2. The direction of G is the direction of free fall. N3).Comments 1. N2. N1. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. A CID of zero references the basic coordinate system.0 Reference Guide 1069 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The gravity vector is defined by g = G(N1. N2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. and N3 are in coordinate system CID. 3. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) GRDSET blank CP blank blank blank CD PS blank Example (1) (2) GRDSET (3) (4) 16 (5) (6) (7) (8) 32 3456 (9) Field Contents CP Identification number of coordinate system in which the location of the grid point is defined. (Integer > 0 or blank) 1070 OptiStruct 13. (10) (Integer > 0 or blank) CD Identification number of coordinate system in which displacements are measured at grid point. and 8 of all GRID entries.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0 or blank) PS Permanent single-point constraints associated with grid point (any of the digits 1-6 with no embedded blanks). 7.GRDSET Bulk Data Entry GRDSET – Grid Point Default Description Defines default options for fields 3. If no permanent single-point constraints are desired or one of the coordinate systems is basic. 2. 3. and 8 are blank. If any of these fields on the GRID entry are blank. CD. two-dimensional pinned-joint problems).0 Reference Guide 1071 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Comments 1. Only one GRDSET entry may appear in the bulk data section. or 8 of this entry are assumed for the corresponding fields of any GRID entry whose field 3. the default option defined by this entry occurs for that field. 7. 7. This card is represented as a control card in HyperMesh. The primary purpose of this entry is to minimize the burden of preparing data for problems with a large amount of repetition (for example. or PS must be non-zero. The contents of fields 3. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. At least one of the entries CP. the default may be overridden on the GRID entry by entering zero in the corresponding field. 4. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 -2. (Integer > 0 or blank) X1. and its permanent single-point constraints. (Real) CD Identification number of coordinate system in which the displacements.X3 Location of the grid point in coordinate system CP. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) GRID ID CP X1 X2 X3 CD PS (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) GRID 2 3 1. and solution vectors are defined at grid point. constraints. the directions of its displacement. 1072 OptiStruct 13.0 Field Contents ID Unique grid point identification number.0 3. (7) (8) (9) (10) 316 (Integer > 0) CP Identification number of coordinate system in which the location of the grid point is defined.X2. degrees-of-freedom.GRID Bulk Data Entry GRID – Grid Point Description Defines the location of a geometric grid point of the structural model. If CD = -1. and 8. and solution vectors are expressed in the Global Coordinate System. All degrees-of-freedom. Comments 1. 4. information from the GRDSET data will be used. and PS to have slightly different coordinates. and CTETRA elements to defined fluid elements. 5. PARAM. If CP or CD contains a zero.0 Reference Guide 1073 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The collection of all CD coordinate systems defined on all GRID entries is called the Global Coordinate System. If PS contains a zero. If CP. 6. 2. as follows: (see CORDI entry descriptions). or CD is blank. Refer to Guidelines for Bulk Data Entries. Input data replication is available for the GRID data. unless PARAM. the basic coordinate system will be used.DUPTOL is used. Type X1 X2 X3 Rectangular X Y Z Cylindrical R q(degrees) Z Spherical R q(degrees) f(degrees) 3. The meaning of X1. X2. CP. This type of point may only connect the CHEXA.DUPTOL can be used to set a tolerance that will allow a GRID with same ID. then this defines a fluid grid point in the coupled fluid-structural analysis.Field Contents (Integer > -1 or blank) PS Permanent single-point constraints associated with grid point. PS. CD. and X3 depends on the type of coordinate system. CPENTA. 7. Up to six unique digits may be placed in the field with no imbedded blanks. This card is represented as a node in HyperMesh. 7. This can be used to generate additional GRID data. based on incrementing the GRID ID and coordinate locations. (Integer > 0 or blank) See the GRDSET entry for default options for fields 3. A duplicate identification number is only allowed if all fields on the duplicated entries are exactly the same. single point constraints on the GRDSET data are ignored. All grid point identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other structural grid and scalar points. CP. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. constraints. for use in the definition of arbitrary beam cross-sections.1 2. This entry is only valid when it appears between the BEGIN and END statements. No default (Real) Comments 1.1 Field Contents ID Identification number. using cartesian coordinates. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) GRIDS ID Y Z (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) GRIDS 101 1. 1074 OptiStruct 13. All grid point identification numbers within a section definition must be unique with respect to all other grid point identification numbers within the same section definition. No default (Real) Z Z location of the grid point. (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) Y Y location of the grid point.GRIDS Bulk Data Entry GRIDS – Section Grid Point Description Defines a grid point on the y-z plane. 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . and grid points. elements.0 Reference Guide 1075 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) GROUND BID (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID5 ID6 ID7 ID8 … TYPE2 ID1 ID2 TYPE# … (10) BODY_NAME TYPE1 … … Example 1 (1) (2) GROUND 3 (3) (4) (5) (7) (8) (9) (10) SUPPORTING_BEAM PSHELL 23 21 PBEAM 9 59 48 C ONM2 2345 GRID 400 401 402 Altair Engineering (6) OptiStruct 13.GROUND Bulk Data Entry GROUND – Ground Body Definition for Multi-body Simulation Description Defines a ground body out of a list of finite element properties. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. PSHELL. No default (Integer > 0) BODY_NAME Unique body name. PBEAM. RBAR. PGAP. PVISC. PDAMP. 4. 3. Any number of property definitions. CONM2. RBE2. PELAS. CONM2. No default (PBAR. 2. 1076 OptiStruct 13. CELAS2. PSHEAR.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . At least one property definition. PLOTEL. Default = OUTFILE_body_<BID> (Character string) TYPE# Flag indicating that the following list of IDs refer to entities of this type. CELAS2. PBEAML. and GRID are valid types for this field. RROD. RBE3. PCOMP. PWELD. CONM2. RBE3. RBAR. RBE2. PLOTEL. or grid point must be given. The grid ID provided in the ground card is considered grounded. A property definition.Example 2 (1) (2) (3) GROUND 4 ANC HOR PBAR 10 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 11 13 15 22 99 88 (10) 44 Field Contents BID Unique body identification number. RBE3. CELAS2. RROD. RBAR. RBAR. PROD. or RROD elements or grid points can be given. PLTOEL. RBE2. The body name for this PRBODY. 5. CELAS2. PBUSH. GRID) ID# Identification numbers of entities of the preceding TYPE flag. element. RBE2. CONM2. PSOLID. REB3. This card is represented as a group in HyperMesh. PLOTEL. or RROD element or grid point can only belong to one ground or rigid or flexible body. PBARL. All property definitions. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The default is 1/NO to enter the damping as viscous damping.HYBDAMP Bulk Data Entry HYBDAMP – Apply Hybrid Damping to the Residual Structure in a Direct or Transient Frequency Response Analysis Description This bulk data entry defines the application of modal damping to the residual structure in a direct or transient frequency response analysis. instead of viscous damping. METHOD Identification number of EIGRL/EIGRA data. No default (Integer > 0) KDAMP If KDAMP is set to -1/YES. Default = 1 (Integer) Comments 1. Hybrid damping is applied on the modes determined by the eigenvalue analysis. No default (Integer > 0) SDAMP Identification number of TABDMP1 entry for modal damping. modal damping is entered into the complex stiffness matrix as material damping. HYBDAMP SID can be set by the HYBDAMP I/O Options Entry in the I/O section of the input data. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) HYBDAMP SID METHOD SDAMP KDAMP (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Field Contents HYBDAMP Keyword for applying modal damping on a direct analysis SID Unique hybrid damping SID (Referred to by the HYBDAMP I/O section data).0 Reference Guide 1077 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . are the modes of the structure [M] is the structural mass matrix b( g( ) are the modal damping values ) are equal to twice the critical damping ratios calculated from the TABDMP1 entry is the natural frequency of mode mi is the generalized mass of mode 1078 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . then: If KDAMP is set to -1/YES.2. Hybrid damping can be defined as shown below: If KDAMP is set to 1/NO (Default). then: Where. 0 Reference Guide 1079 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .INCLUDE I/O Options and Bulk Data Entry This bulk data card is identical to the I/O options entry. INCLUDE. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) name This field specifies the unique name of a part that is to be attached to the global part (see comment 2). Format (1) (2) (3) (4) INSTNC E ID name NN (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) INSTNC E 2 C rankShaft 32 Field Contents ID Set identification number. Default = Blank (Integer > 0) 1080 OptiStruct 13. This field defines the actual location of the part in the final model via the RELOC entry. Each INSTNCE entry should reference a unique part name. name entry. FEMODEL.INSTNCE Bulk Data Entry INSTNCE – Defines part location within the global part Description The INSTNCE bulk data entry can be used to define the location of a part in the global structure. (Character String) NN ID of a RELOC bulk data entry. It should match the name of one of the parts defined using the BEGIN. 2.0 Reference Guide 1081 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The global part can have an arbitrary name (it is identified by the presence of INSTNCE entries). one part is designated as global and the rest of the parts are attached to the global part using INSTNCE entries.Comments 1. this is not recommended as it may lead to inaccuracies in locating other parts. however. A global part can be moved to a different location. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Such parts are still contained within the full model without any relocation. 4. The full model consists of several parts. All INSTNCE entries should exist within a global part and no INSTNCE entry can reference the name of a global part on the “name” field. not every part has to be defined using an INSTNCE entry. A minimum of one INSTNCE entry should always be present in the model. 3. However. Each INSTNCE entry should reference a different part name. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0) CID Reference coordinate system.INVELB Bulk Data Entry INVELB – Initial Velocity of a Body Description Defines initial velocity in a multi-body situation. (Integer > 0) BID Body identification number. (Integer > 0) 1082 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) INVELB SID BID C ID VX VY VZ (5) (6) (7) WX WY WZ (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) INVELB 1 3 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 1000.0 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. 3. 2. WY.Field Contents VX. WZ Rotational velocities. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. (Blank or Real) WX. A CID of zero or blank references the basic coordinate system. Only one initial velocity per body can be defined in a load set.0 Reference Guide 1083 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . VZ Translational velocities. VY. (Blank or Real) Comments 1. VT must be real. 1084 OptiStruct 13.0 (Integer > 0) JID Joint identification number.INVELJ Bulk Data Entry INVELJ – Initial Velocity of a Joint Description Defines initial velocity of a joint in a multi-body situation. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) INVELJ SID JID JTYPE VT VR (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) INVELJ 1 3 REV (5) Field Contents SID Load set identification number. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 10. Options = ("REV".0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . or "TRANS") No default VT Translational velocity If JTYPE = TRANS. (Integer > 0) JTYPE Joint type. "CYL". Initial velocities of joints defined by INVELJ will be overwritten by MOTNJ. 2.0 Reference Guide 1085 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . or MOTNJC. MOTNJE. VR must be real. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.Field Contents VR Rotational velocity If JTYPE = REV. Comments 1. Only one initial velocity per joint can be defined in a load set. G4 Y4 Z4 Example 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) JOINT 3 BALL 345 231 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) JOINT 4 UNIV 456 899 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) JOINT JID JTYPE G1 G2 X3. G3 Y3 Z3 blank X4. (Integer > 0) 1086 OptiStruct 13.JOINT Bulk Data Entry JOINT – Joint Definition for Multi-body Solution Sequence Description Defines a joint.0 Example 2 399 Field Contents JID Unique joint identification number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 1.0 0. Z3 First orientation vector of the joint. INPLANE. CV. PERP. G1 and G2 identify the bodies being joined and must. All translations G1. G2 · G1 and G2 must Altair Engineering JTYPE FIX OptiStruct 13. (Integer > 0) Comments 1. 2. 3. Z4 in conjunction with G2. (Real) G4 Grid point identification number to optionally supply X4. Z4 Second orientation vector of the joint. G1. belong to different bodies.Field Contents JTYPE Joint type (BALL. TRANS. G2 Geometric grid point identification number. INLINE. all rotations are free. Y4. the location of the joint. FIX. Definition of the different joint types: Joint Type Description Ball Fixed Required Fields Joint Orientation All translations are BALL fixed. for many JTYPEs. CYL. Used to identify the bodies to be connected and. Z3 in conjunction with either G1 or G2 (depending on the JTYPE). or ORIENT). Y3. therefore.0 Reference Guide 1087 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Y4. Joints are only valid in a multi-body solution sequence. PLANAR. PARA. (Integer > 0) X4. G2 · G1 and G2 must coincide. UNIV. REV. G1. (Integer > 0) X3. Y3. (Real) G3 Grid point identification number to optionally supply X3. other translations and rotations are fixed. The selected axes must be perpendicular. Y3.Joint Type Description JTYPE Required Fields Joint Orientation and rotations are fixed. G2. and either X3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . translations and other rotations are fixed. and either X3. G1 and G2 must be along the joint axis. Z3 or alternatively the vector from G1 to G3. REV Translation along a single selected axis is free. The first selected axis is defined by the vector X3. G2. and either X3. The second selected (cross pin) axis is defined by the vector X4. Z3 or G3 and either X4. Z3 or alternatively the vector from G1 to G3. Y3. G1 and G2 must coincide. Z3 or G3 · G1. Z4 or alternatively the vector from G2 to G4. Z3 or G3 · G1. Revolute Translational Cylindrical Universal coincide. The first selected (cross pin) axis is defined by the vector X3. G1. and either X3. G2. Z3 or 1088 OptiStruct 13. Y3. The selected axis is defined by the vector X3. G1. The selected axis is defined by the vector X3. Rotation about a single selected axis is free. and either X3. Z3 or alternatively the vector from G1 to G3. G1 and G2 must be along the joint axis. Y3. other translations and rotations are fixed. TRANS Translation along and rotation about a single selected axis is free. Y3. The selected axis is defined by the vector X3. Z3 or G3 · G1. Y4. other rotations and translations are fixed. G2. Y3. CYL Rotations about UNIV two selected perpendicular axes are free. G1 and G2 must coincide. Y3. Z3 or alternatively the vector from G1 to G3. Y3. Y3. Z3 or G3 and · · G1 and G2 must coincide. G2. Z4 or G4 · · · · · · · Constant Vel Rotations about CV two selected axes are equal and opposite. Y3. Y4. Y4. Z4 or G4 Translations on a PLANAR plane defined by a selected normal vector and the rotation about that normal vector are free. Z4 or alternatively the vector from G2 to G4. G1. Z3 or alternatively the vector from G1 to OptiStruct 13. Therefore. out-of-plane translations and rotations are fixed. Z3 or alternatively the vector from G2 to G3. Y3. G1. The first selected axis is defined by the vector X3. G2.G2 and either X3. G1 and G2 must be along the joint axis. and either X3. Y3. Z3 or the vector from G1 to G3 will define the normal to the plane. Z3 or G3 · Perpendicular Two perpendicular PERP axes are selected that are always to remain perpendicular. Y3. Y3. Z3 or G3 · Translation along INLINE a single selected axis and all rotations are free. Y4. rotations about both selected axes and all translations are free. G2. Z4 or G4 · Parallel Axes G1. The second selected axis is defined by the vector X4. Y3.Joint Type Description JTYPE Required Fields Joint Orientation translations and other rotations are fixed. Z3 or G3 and either X4. The first selected axis is defined by the vector X3. and either X3. Z4 or alternatively the vector from G2 to G4. Planar Inline Two parallel axes are selected that are always to Altair Engineering PARA · · · · · · alternatively the vector from G1 to G3. either X4. Y4. other translations are fixed. G1 and G2 must be in the joint plane. Z3 or alternatively the vector from G1 to G3.G2 and either X3. Y4. Rotation about the crossproduct of the two selected vectors is fixed. The selected vectors must be perpendicular to one another. Y3. Y3. The selected axis is defined by the vector X3. The vector X3. Y3. G1. The second selected axis is defined by the vector X4.0 Reference Guide 1089 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Z3 or G3 and either X4. G1.Joint Type Inplane Description JTYPE Required Fields remain parallel. The selected vectors must be parallel to one another. Y4.G2 This card is represented as a joint element in HyperMesh. The second selected vector is defined by X4.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . All rotations are fixed. Y4. Y4. Z4 or G4 Joint Orientation · · · · · Orient 4. Z3 or alternatively the vector from G2 to G3. Out-of-plane translations are fixed. Z4 or alternatively the vector from G2 to G4. all other translations and rotations are free. The second selected axis is defined by the vector X4. ORIENT G3. The selected vectors must be perpendicular to one another. Z4 or G4 Two perpendicular INPLANE vectors are selected that describe a plane.G2 and either X3. Y3. Y4. Y3. G1. Z4 or alternatively the vector from G2 to G4. other rotations are fixed. Z3 or G3 and either X4. The first selected vector is defined by X3. rotations about the selected parallel axes and all translations are free. all translations are free. 1090 OptiStruct 13. Therefore. TRANS. (Integer > 0) JTYPE Joint type (BALL.0 Reference Guide 1091 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . FIX. CYL. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) JOINTM JID JTYPE M1 M2 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) JOINTM 3 BALL 345 231 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) JOINTM 4 UNIV 456 899 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example 2 Field Contents JID Unique joint identification number. INPLANE. REV. PERP. PARA. UNIV. PLANAR.JOINTM Bulk Data Entry JOINTM – Joint Definition for Multi-body Solution Sequence using Marker Description Defines a joint using two grids which have a marker card associated with them. or ORIENT) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. INLINE. CV. M2 · M1. Joints are only valid in a multi-body solution sequence. 2. M2 · M1. M2 · · M1. M2 · M1. M2 must be along the joint axis. M2 must coincide. M2 Inplane INPLANE M1. M2 must be in the joint plane.Field Contents M1. (Integer > 0) Comments 1. The joint axis will be along the Z-axis of marker M1. Constant Velocity CV M1. M2 must coincide. M2 · M1. Universal UNIV M1. Definition of the different joint types: Joint Type JTYPE Definition Joint Orientation Ball BALL M1. Inline INLINE M1. Planar PLANAR M1. M2 must coincide. M2 1092 OptiStruct 13. M2 · M1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The joint axis will be along the Z-axis of marker M1. M2 Marker identification numbers. Fixed FIX M1. · Cylindrical CYL M1. M2 · M1. Revolute REV M1. M2 must coincide. M1 and M2 must belong to different bodies and must have a marker card associated with them. M2 · M1. M2 Perpendicular PERP M1. 3. M2 must be along the joint axis. M2 must coincide. Translational TRANS M1. M2 Parallel Axes PARA M1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1093 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . M2 No relative rotation.Joint Type JTYPE Definition Joint Orientation Orient ORIENT M1. ...LINE Bulk Data Entry LINE – Line Definition Description Definition of a line..0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering (9) (10) Altair Engineering . (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) LINE 100 EDGE 33 34 34 35 35 36 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 1094 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) LINE LINEID EDGE GA1 GB1 GA2 GB2 GA3 GB3 . . With this approach. 2-D or 3-D elements.Alternate Format In this format. (1) (2) (3) (4) LINE LINEID SET SID (5) (6) (7) Field Contents LINEID Non-unique identification number of LINE. a line is defined by a SET of elements. (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) EDGE Flag indicating that a line is defined by two grids. No default (Integer > 0) GB# Grid point identification number of second grid B. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 2-D or 3-D elements in the SET. No default (Integer > 0) SET Flag indicating that the line is defined by a SET of elements. (1) (2) (3) LINE LINEID ELEDGE EID1 EID2 EID9 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) EID3 EID4 EID5 EID6 EID7 EID8 (10) -etc- Alternate Format (SET) In this format. No default (Integer > 0) ELEDGE Flag indicating that the line is composed of elements. line is represented as collection of 1-D. the line is composed of all the edges of all selected 1-D. GA# Grid point identification number of first grid A. EID# Element identification number.0 Reference Guide 1095 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Field Contents SID Set identification number. 4. solid. 1096 OptiStruct 13. truss or beam element. GA and GB should be two different grids. LINEID is not unique. 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . All nodes must belong to a shell. This card is represented as a contactsurf in HyperMesh. 3. multiple LINE cards with the same LINEID compose a line group. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. 0 Reference Guide 1097 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.5 1.LOAD Bulk Data Entry LOAD – Static Load Combination (Superposition) Description Defines a static load as a linear combination of load sets defined via FORCE. (Real) Si Scale factors. PLOAD2. MOMENT. PLOAD. MOMENT1. PLOAD4. (Real) Li Load set identification numbers defined via entry typed enumerated above. DAREA and GRAV entries. PLOAD1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) LOAD SID S S1 L1 S2 L2 S3 L3 S4 L4 (10) -etc- Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) LOAD 101 -0. (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) S Scale factor. FORCE1.2 4 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. RFORCE.0 3 6. 6. SPCD load SIDs cannot be referenced by LOAD data.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The Li must be unique. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. 3. Load sets must be selected in the Subcase Information section (LOAD=SID) if they are to be applied to the structural model. 5. 4. 7. The load vector defined is given by 2. 1098 OptiStruct 13.Comments 1. All data after the first blank field is ignored. A LOAD entry may not reference a set identification number defined by another LOAD entry. MOMENT1. (Real) Li Load set identification numbers defined via entry typed enumerated above Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.LOADADD Bulk Data Entry LOADADD – Static Load Combination (Superposition) Description Defines a static load as a linear combination of load sets defined via FORCE. PLOAD1. MOMENT. FORCE1.0 3 6. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) LOADADD SID S S1 L1 S2 L2 S3 L3 S4 L4 (10) -etc- Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) LOADADD 101 -0. (Real) Si Scale factors (See comment 1). RFORCE.2 4 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. PLOAD2.5 1. PLOAD. DAREA.0 Reference Guide 1099 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . and GRAV entries. PLOAD4. (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) S Scale factor (See comment 1). L2. are the loads. are referenced by the L1. Only a single thermal load can be referenced by the LOADADD data. 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 6. The Load Set identification numbers (Li) must be unique. Sn fields. 4. (Integer > 0) Comments 1.…. SPCD load SIDs cannot be referenced by LOADADD data. All data after the first blank field is ignored. 7.…. whose id’s. S is the scale factor defined in Field 3. The load vector defined is given by: r P S i r Si PLi Where. 8. S2. Si r PLi are the scale factors defined in the S1. Load sets must be selected in the Subcase Information section (LOAD=SID) if they are to be applied to the structural model. 1100 OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. A LOADADD entry may not reference a set identification number defined by another LOADADD entry. 5. Ln fields.Field Contents (See comment 1). r P is the static load as a linear combination of the defined load sets. 2. 0 Reference Guide 1101 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) GIDi Grid identification number. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MARKER MID1 GID1 C ID1 MID2 GID2 C ID2 MID3 GID3 C ID3 … … … (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) MARKER 3 345 123 Field Contents MIDi Marker identification number. (Integer > 0) CIDi Coordinate system identification number.MARKER Bulk Data Entry MARKER – Define a Marker by Associating a Grid and a Coordinate System Description Define a marker by associating a grid and a coordinate system. (Integer > 0 or blank) Default (Blank. defaults to basic coordinate system) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a sensor in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2. The marker gets its location from the grid corresponding to the GID and the orientation from the coordinate system (CID).Comments 1. Multiple markers can be located at the same grid with the same or with a different CID. 1102 OptiStruct 13. Each marker has a unique ID. 3. 5 or blank) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.28 Field Contents MID Unique material identification number. Default = blank (-1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MAT1 MID E G NU RHO A TREF GE ST SC SS (10) Example (1) (2) (3) MAT1 17 3.33 4. temperature-independent.MAT1 Bulk Data Entry MAT1 – Material Property Definition. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) E Young’s Modulus. and isotropic materials.0 Reference Guide 1103 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Form 1 Description Defines the material properties for linear. Default = blank (Real or blank) G Shear Modulus.+7 (4) (5) (6) 0.0 < Real < 0. Default = blank (Real or blank) NU Poisson’s Ratio. Either E or G must be specified (that is. No default (Real) A Thermal expansion coefficient.0 or 1104 OptiStruct 13. Used for composite ply failure calculations No default (Real) Comments 1.0 (Real) GE Structural Element Damping coefficient. 6. Implausible data is defined as: E < 0. If any one of E. No default (Real) TREF Reference temperature for thermal loading. values supplied by you are used. Implausible data on one or more MAT1 entries result in a warning message. it is computed to satisfy the identity E = 2(1+NU)G. MAT2. SC. compression and shear. MAT8 and MAT9 entries. 3. 5. Default = 0.0. G. 2. is used to automatically compute mass for all structural elements. nonblank).0 or NU > 0. No default (Real) ST. If E and NU are both blank.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . they are both given the value 0. otherwise. The material identification number must be unique for all MAT1. or NU is blank. See comments 11 and 12. RHO.Field Contents RHO Mass density. The mass density. 4.5 or NU < -1. 7.0 or G < 0. SS Stress limits in tension. If G and NU are both blank.0. they are both given the value 0. 0 Reference Guide 1105 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 8. C/C0 by 2.0. CPRYRA and CSEAM Deformation N/A Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Element Type E NU G CROD.except for cases covered by comments 5 and 6. To obtain the damping coefficient GE. The large field format may also be used. 10. It is strongly recommended that only two of the three values E. 13. 11. 9. CBEAM. CTETRA. A warning is issued if NU < 0. CPENTA. 12. G. and NU be input. multiply the critical damping ratio. CBAR. and CWELD Axial and Bending N/A Transverse Shear and Torsion CSHEAR N/A N/A Shear CQUAD and CTRIA Membrane Membrane and Bending and Bending Transverse Shear CHEX. TREF and GE are ignored if a MAT1 entry is referenced by a PCOMP entry.0. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. anisotropic materials for two-dimensional elements. No default (Integer > 0) Gij The material property matrix. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) MAT2 MID G11 G12 G13 G22 G23 G33 RHO A1 A2 A12 TREF GE ST SC SS Example (1) (2) (3) MAT2 13 6.1+3 0. No default (Real) 1106 OptiStruct 13. temperature-independent.2+3 (7) (8) (9) 5. Form 2 Description Defines the material properties for linear.5-6 6.0 Field Contents MID Unique material identification number.MAT2 Bulk Data Entry MAT2 – Material Property Definition.2+3 6.5-6 (4) (5) (6) 6.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No default (Real) RHO Mass density.056 (10) -500. 5. No default (Real) TREF Reference temperature for the calculation of thermal loads. No default (Real) ST. 7. MAT8 and MAT9 entries.Field Contents Ai Thermal expansion coefficient vector. The material identification number must be unique for all MAT1. MAT2. See comments 7 and 8. C/C0.0. by 2. 3.0 Reference Guide 1107 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The long field format may be used. or NU values. 9. is used to automatically compute mass for all structural elements. The mass density. If this entry is referenced by the MID3 field (transverse shear) on the PSHELL. Unlike the MAT1 entry. No default (Real) Comments 1. G13. TREF and GE are ignored if a MAT 2 entry is referenced by a PCOMP entry. RHO. data from the MAT2 entry is used directly. See comment 6. and G33 must be blank. 8. Used for composite ply failure calculations. SC. without adjustment of equivalent E. multiply the critical damping ratio. compression and shear. G23. Default = blank (Real or blank) GE Structural Element Damping Coefficient. G. The convention for the Gij in fields 3 through 8 are represented by the matrix relationship: 4. SS Stress limits in tension. TREF is used as the reference temperature for the calculation of thermal loads. To obtain the damping coefficient GE. 2. 6. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. [G] is a matrix composed of G11. then the thermal membrane-bending coefficients A1. A2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Here. If a MAT2 card is pointed to by a MID4 on PSHELL. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh.10. 1108 OptiStruct 13. and A12 have a modified interpretation. 11. This is to maintain consistency with respective terms generated internally by the PCOMP card.000. and has a material ID greater than 400. G22 …G33.000. and represent [G]*[alpha] rather then [alpha]. 33 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) MAT3 MID EX ETH EZ NUXTH NUTHZ NUZX RHO GZX AX ATH AZ TREF GE Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MAT3 17 3. ETH.0e-5 7. EZ Young’s Moduli in the x.0+6 1. No default (Real > 0.19 Field Contents MID Unique material identification number.2+7 0. NUTHZ. θ and z directions. and orthotropic materials used by the CTAXI and CTRIAX6 axisymmetric elements.5 0.1+7 3.0+7 3.0) NUXTH. Form 3 Description Defines the material properties for linear. NUZX Poisson’s Ratios: NUXTH = Poisson’s Ratio for strain in the θ direction when stress in the x Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.2e-4 35.0 Reference Guide 1109 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . temperature-independent.1e-4 1.28 0. respectively.MAT3 Bulk Data Entry MAT3 – Material Property Definition.30 2.1e-4 1. (10) No default (Integer > 0) EX. and z directions. θ.Field Contents direction. No default (Real) Comments 1. No default (Real > 0. AZ Thermal expansion coefficient in the x. NUZX and GZX must be present. No default (Real) RHO Mass density. 5. NUZX = Poisson’s Ratio for strain in the x direction when stress in the z direction. ETH. 4. See comment 6. A warning is issued if absolute value of NUXTH or NUTHZ is greater than 1. MAT2. No default (Real) TREF Reference temperature for thermal loading.0) AX. NUTHZ. EZ. The material identification number must be unique for all MAT1. 3. ATH. NUXTH. EX. Default = blank (Real or blank) GE Structural Element Damping coefficient. 2.0. The strain-stress relationship is: 1110 OptiStruct 13. No default (Real) GZX Shear Modulus in the x-z plane. θ and z directions are principal material directions of the material coordinate system. Values of all seven elastic constants. NUTHZ = Poisson’s Ratio for strain in the z direction when stress in the θ direction. MAT8 and MAT9 entries. respectively. The x.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Each element (that is a CTAXI or CTRIAX6 element) supporting the use of MAT3 contains a “Theta” field to relate the principal material directions to the basic coordinate system. 0. 6. To obtain the damping coefficient GE.0 Reference Guide 1111 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . multiply the critical damping ratio. 7.Note that the strain and stress here are both defined in the material coordinate system. by 2. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. C/C0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (Real > 0.0) H Free convection heat transfer coefficient. Default = 0. (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 2e5 No default (Integer > 0) K Thermal conductivity.0 (Real > 0. and heat generation.0 or blank) RHO Density. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) MAT4 MID K CP RHO H (7) (8) (9) (10) HGEN Example (1) (2) (3) MAT4 24 200 (4) Field Contents MID Material identification number.MAT4 Bulk Data Entry MAT4 – Material Property Definition.0 (Real) 1112 OptiStruct 13. Default = 0. Form 4 Description Defines constant thermal material properties for conductivity. density.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0) CP Heat capacity per unit mass (specific heat). Default = 1.0 (Real > 0. 0 Reference Guide 1113 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Field Contents HGEN Heat generation capability used with QVOL entries. MAT4 may specify material properties for any conduction elements. HGEN is the scale factor and QVOL is the power generated per unit volume. 4.0 (Real > 0.0) Comments 1. The material identification number may be the shared with structural material property definitions (MAT1. 3. Default = 1. MAT9 or MGASK) but must be unique with respect to other thermal material property definitions (MAT4 or MAT5). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. MAT4 also provides the heat transfer coefficient for free convection (see CONV). MAT2. 2. Pin = volume * HGEN * QVOL. MAT8. HGEN is the scale factor used with QVOL (See comment 3). 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 or blank) RHO Density.0) 1114 OptiStruct 13. Default = 0.MAT5 Bulk Data Entry MAT5 – Material Property Definition. Default = 1. (Real > 0. No default (Integer > 0) Kij Thermal conductivity. Form 5 Description Defines the thermal material properties for anisotropic materials.0 (Real) CP Heat capacity per unit mass (specific heat).300 (4) (5) (6) (7) 100 (8) (9) (10) 200 2e5 Field Contents MID Material identification number. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MAT5 MID KXX KXY KXZ KYY KYZ KZZ CP RHO HGEN (10) Example (1) (2) (3) MAT5 2 .0 (Real > 0. The thermal conductivity matrix has the following form: 3. HGEN is the scale factor and QVOL is the power generated per unit volume.0 Reference Guide 1115 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The material identification number may be the shared with structural material property definitions (MAT1.0) Comments 1. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. 4. Pin = volume * HGEN * QVOL. but must be unique with respect to other thermal material property definitions (MAT4 or MAT5). Default = 1. MAT9 or MGASK). 2. MAT8.0 (Real > 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. MAT2. HGEN is the scale factor used with QVOL (See comment 3).Field Contents HGEN Heat generation capability used with QVOL entries. +6 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .3 2.+6 1.0 Field Contents MID Material ID.Z G2.Z RHO A1 A2 TREF Xt Xc Yt Yc S GE F12 STRN Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MAT8 171 30.-6 1.5-6 155.056 28.+6 3.+6 0. Form 8 Description Defines the material properties for linear temperature-independent orthotropic material for two-dimensional elements. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) MAT8 MID E1 E2 NU12 G12 G1.5+6 0. (10) No default (Integer > 0) E1 Modulus of elasticity in longitudinal direction (also defined as fibre direction or 1direction) (See comment 8) 1116 OptiStruct 13.MAT8 Bulk Data Entry MAT8 – Material Property Definition. Yc Allowable stresses or strains in the longitudinal and lateral directions. No default (Real) TREF Reference temperature for the calculation of thermal loads. No default (Real > 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.Z Transverse shear modulus for shear in 1-Z plane. Default = blank (Real or blank) Xt. Default = blank (Real > 0. No default (Real) A1 Thermal expansion coefficient in 1-direction. No default (Real) G12 Inplane shear modulus. No default (Real) A2 Thermal expansion coefficient in 2-direction. Note that uniaxial loading in 2-direction is related to for by the relation . Xc.0 Reference Guide 1117 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . See comment 3. Default = blank (Real > 0. Yt.Field Contents E2 Modulus of elasticity in lateral direction (also defined as matrix direction or 2direction) (See comment 8). NU12 Poisson’s ratio ( for uniaxial loading in 1-direction).0 or blank) RHO Mass density.Z Transverse shear modulus for shear in 2-Z plane.0) G1. Used for composite ply failure calculations.0 or blank) G2. No default (Real) STRN Indicates whether Xt. Z.0 for strain allowables. 5. blank for stress allowables) Comments 1. and Yc as strains is only available for composite definitions (PCOMP or PCOMPG) using the STRN failure criterion. MAT8 and MAT9 entries. The material identification number must be unique for all MAT1. and Yc are stress or strain allowables. If test data not available to accurately determine G1. The value of E1 should be greater than that of E2 for the material to be stable. Z and G2. Yt. Yt. the STRN flag indicates whether Xt. Yt. If G1. If E1 < E2. Long field format can be used. the value of G12 may be supplied for G1. Z and G2. Default = blank (Real = 1.Field Contents No default (Real > 0. In this case. The option of interpreting Xt. 8. Z and G2. Yt. See comment 6. 6. 4. 2. MAT2. TREF and GE are ignored if a MAT8 entry is referenced by a PCOMP entry. Z for the material and transverse shear calculations. and Yc are always interpreted as stresses. An approximate value for G1. TREF is used as the reference temperature for calculations of thermal loads. Xc. Z is the inplane shear modulus G12.0) S Allowable for in-plane shear for composite ply failure calculations. or Yc are stress or strain allowables. then the material matrix becomes indefinite leading to an unstable material. Z and G2. For all other failure criteria Xt.0) GE Structural Element Damping Coefficient.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1118 OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. No default (Real) F12 Tsai-Wu interaction term for composite failure. 3. Xc. 7. Z values are specified as zero or are not supplied. No default (Real > 0. 9. regardless of the value of the STRN flag. Xc. a penalty term is used to enforce very high transverse shear stiffness. Xc. Altair Engineering 5. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MAT9 MID G11 G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 G22 G23 G24 G25 G26 G33 G34 G35 G36 G44 G45 G46 G55 G56 G66 RHO A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 TREF GE (10) Example (1) (2) (3) MAT9 17 6.2+3 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 6.MAT9 Bulk Data Entry MAT9 – Material Property Definition.6 125. temperature-independent. and anisotropic materials for solid elements.5-6 3.2+3 5.1 + 3 OptiStruct 13.1+3 5. Form 9 Description Defines the material properties for linear. Field Contents MID Unique material identification number.2 6.0 Reference Guide 1119 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .1+3 6.5 .2+3 6. MAT9ORT and MAT9 entries.Field Contents No default (Integer > 0) Gij The material property matrix. No default (Real) RHO Mass density. No default (Real) TREF Reference temperature for the calculation of thermal loads. The convention for the Gij in fields 3 through 8 are represented by the matrix relationship. Unlike the MAT1 entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . MAT2. 2. data from the MAT9 entry is used directly. The mass density. 3. See comment 6. z. No default (Real) Ai Thermal expansion coefficient vector. No default (Real) Comments 1. 4. and zx of the material coordinate system defined by the CORDM field on the PSOLID entry. MAT8. without adjustment of equivalent E. y. 1120 OptiStruct 13. G. The material identification number must be unique for all MAT1. Default = blank (Real or blank) GE Structural Element Damping Coefficient. is used to automatically compute mass for all structural elements. The subscripts 1 to 6 refer to x. or NU values. yz. See comment 9. RHO. xy. NU13. Long field format can be used. E2.5. To obtain the damping coefficient GE. NU23. TREF is used as the reference temperature for the calculation of thermal loads. G12. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. and G13. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. If material data is to specified with the Engineering Constants E1. The last continuation is optional. C/C0. 6. 9.0 Reference Guide 1121 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . NU12. 8. E3. multiply the critical damping ratio. by 2. 7. 10. then use the MAT9ORT data. G23.0. 1 1e3 1e3 1e-6 1e-6 1e-6 (8) (9) (10) 1e5 Field Contents MID Material identification number. No default (Real) E2 Elastic modulus in 2-direction. MAT9. and orthotropic materials for solid elements in terms of engineering constants. and MAT9ORT definitions No default (Integer > 0) E1 Elastic modulus in 1-direction. MAT8. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) MAT9ORT MID E1 E2 E3 NU12 NU23 NU31 RHO G12 G23 G31 A1 A2 A3 TREF GE Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MAT9ORT 21 1e6 1e3 1e3 0. temperature-independent.MAT9ORT Bulk Data Entry MAT9ORT – Material Property Definition. Must be unique with respect to other MAT1.1 0. No default (Real) 1122 OptiStruct 13. MAT2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Form 9-Orthotropic Description Defines the material properties for linear. G31 Shear modulus on plane 3-1. No default (Real) NU23 Poisson’s ratio for uniaxial loading in 2-direction. No default (Real) G12 Shear modulus on plane 1-2. Ai Coefficient of thermal expansion in the i-direction Default =0. See comment 3. Default = 0. No default (Real) NU31 Poisson’s ratio for uniaxial loading in 3-direction. Default = blank (Real or blank) GE Structural Element Damping Coefficient. G23 Shear modulus on plane 2-3.Field Contents E3 Elastic modulus in 3-direction. This input definition is internally converted to an equivalent MAT9 definition on reading (See comment 7). See comment 3. No default (Real) NU12 Poisson’s ratio for uniaxial loading in 1-direction. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Default = NU23 (Real) RHO Mass density. See comment 3.0 (Real) TREF Reference temperature for the calculation of thermal loads. See comment 6.0 (Real) Comments 1.0 Reference Guide 1123 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . See comment 5. This is reflected in echoed (ECHO) input data and all messaging. C/C0 by 2. 6. plane 1-2). 5. is not the same as . and has different properties in the direction normal to this plane. 7. In general.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . but they are related by . MAT2. The material identification number must be unique for all MAT1. To obtain the damping coefficient GE. MAT9 and MAT9ORT entries. In case the material has a planar anisotropy. in which the material is orthotropic only in a plane.0. Internal conversion from MAT9ORT to MAT9. multiply the critical damping ratio. In some practical problems. the elastic constants are reduced to seven .2. The material property fields of the MAT9 entry are calculated internally from the MAT9ORT entry using the following formula: 1124 OptiStruct 13. Furthermore. material stability requires that: and 4. TREF is used as the reference temperature for the calculation of thermal loads. the material properties may be reduced to normal anisotropy in which the material is isotropic in a plane (for example. In the plane of isotropy. the properties are reduced to: with and There are five independent material constants for normal anisotropy . 3. MAT8. It may be difficult to find all nine orthotropic constants. G55. The remaining elements of the MAT9 entry (that is G14.2.0 Reference Guide 1125 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . and so on) are equal to zero.3} and the values of (see above equations in comment 7) are used to populate the G11. G13=G31 and G23=G32 due to symmetry) of the MAT9 entry. G24. G13. E and G for the expressions in the above equations in comment 7 are taken from the NUij . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. G66. G12. The values of . j € {1. G44. G33. G22. Ei and Gij fields respectively of this MAT9ORT entry where i.Where. and G23 fields (G12=G21. G15. 0) GE Fluid element damping coefficient. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MAT10 MID BULK RHO C GE ALPHA (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) MAT10 2 0.MAT10 Bulk Data Entry MAT10 – Material Property Definition. No default (Real > 0. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) BULK Bulk modulus. No default (Real) 1126 OptiStruct 13.1 (5) Field Contents MID Material identification number.0) C Speed of sound. No default (Real > 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .5 22. No default (Real > 0.0) RHO Mass density. Form 10 Description Defines material properties for fluid elements in coupled fluid-structural analysis. and the other will be calculated according to this equation. No default (Real) Comments 1. Since the admittance is a function of frequency. The mass density RHO will be used to compute the mass automatically. multiply the critical damping ratio C/C0 by 2. 7. and C are related by BULK = C2 * RHO. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the value of ALPHA should be chosen for the frequency range of interest for the analysis. but may be shared with MAT4. 5. BULK. MAT5 or MATFAT. 6. The material identification number must be unique with respect to MAT1. and MAT10 entries. See comment 6. MAT9. 4. MAT2. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. MAT3. 2. To obtain the damping coefficient GE. Two out of the three must be specified. 3.0 Reference Guide 1127 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Field ALPHA Contents Normalized porous material damping coefficient. MAT10 may be referenced by PSOLID entries with FCTN=’PFLUID’. RHO.0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) MATFAT MID UNIT STATIC YS (5) (6) (7) (8) FL SE np Kp (9) (10) UTS Optional continuation lines for SN fatigue properties: SN SR1 b1 Nc1 b2 Optional continuation lines for EN fatigue properties: EN Sf b SEe SEp c Ef Nc Optional continuation lines for factor of safety (FOS) analysis: FOS Tfl Hss Field Contents MID Material identification number that matches the identification number on a MAT1 bulk data entry.Fatigue Material Data Description Defines material properties for fatigue analysis. FL. and Kp fields Default = MPa (MPa. Sf.MATFAT Bulk Data Entry MATFAT .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No default (Integer > 0) UNIT Defines the units of stress values specified on the YS. SRI1. UTS. PSI. or KSI) 1128 OptiStruct 13. PA. 0 Reference Guide 1129 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . No default (Real > 0.0. It is the slope of the first segment of SN curve in log-log scale.0) Nc1 In one-segment S-N curve.0.0 (Real < 0.0) b1 The first fatigue strength exponent. or blank) UTS Ultimate tensile strength. See comment 6. See comment 1.0. No default (Real < 0. (Real > 0. or blank) SN SN flag indicating that fatigue material properties for SN analysis are following. (Real > 0. Sf Fatigue strength coefficient.Field Contents STATIC STATIC flag indicates that static material properties are defined in the following fields. (Real > 0.0) EN EN flag indicating that fatigue material properties for EN analysis are following. It is the slope of the second segment of SN curve in log-log scale. this is the transition point (see NC1 in Figure 2).0 (Real > 0. YS Yield strength.0) FL Fatigue Limit. Default = 0. No default (Real > 1000. No default (Real > 0. SRI1 Fatigue strength coefficient. See comment 1. It is the stress range intercept of SN curve at 1 cycle in log-log scale. In two-segment S-N curve. Default = 0. or blank) SE Standard Error of Log(N). No damage occurs if the stress range is less than FL (see FL in Figures 1 and 2).0) b2 The second fatigue strength exponent. this is the cycle limit of endurance (see NC1 in Figure 1).0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 0) SEp Standard Error of Log(N) from plastic strain.0E8 (Real > 1.0) Ef Fatigue ductility coefficient. One cycle contains two reversals. No default (Real > 0.0 (Real > 0. Tfl Torsion fatigue limit.0) Hss Hydrostatic stress sensitivity. No default (Real > 0. Default = 0.0) Kp Cyclic Strength coefficient.0E5) SEe Standard Error of Log(N) from elastic strain.Field Contents b Fatigue strength exponent. Default = 0.0) c Fatigue ductility exponent. No default (Real < 0.0) 1130 OptiStruct 13. Default = 2.0) FOS The FOS flag indicates that material properties for factor of safety analysis are defined in the following fields. No default (Real < 0.0) Nc Reversal limit of endurance. No default (Real > 0. No default (Real > 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 (Real > 0.0) np Cyclic strain-hardening exponent. See comment 6. No default (Real > 0. Figures Figure 1a: One-segment S-N curve in log-log scale (b2=0) (Nc1 is not defined or less conservative than FL) Figure 1b: One-segment S-N curve in log-log scale (b2=0) (FL is not defined or less conservative than Nc1) Figure 2: Two-segment S-N curve in log-log scale Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1131 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering is the fatigue Altair Engineering . SN curve is expressed as: Where S r is the stress range. UTS will be used. and one strain cycle contains two reversals. Stress range is the algebraic difference between the maximum and minimum stress in a cycle. is the cycle number.Figure 3: E-N curve in log-log scale Comments 1. S-N curves are defined in Stress range – Cycle form. number. S-N data defined in the MATFAT card is expected to be obtained from standard experiments that are fully reversed bending on mirror-polished specimens. SRI1 is the fatigue strength coefficient. is the fatigue strength coefficient. 2. Strain amplitude is half of the algebraic difference between the maximum and minimum strain in a cycle. It is not allowed that both UTS and YS are blanks. 4. UTS or YS is used in mean stress correction (SN) and surface finish correction (SN and EN). 1132 OptiStruct 13. 3. is the fatigue strength exponent. modulus. EN curve is expressed as: Where.Reversal form. is the cycle E-N curves are defined in Strain amplitude . E is the Young's is the fatigue strength exponent. If both UTS and YS are defined. is the strain amplitude. Estimate E-N data from UTS and E (** Source: Anton Baumel and T. and 5. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1133 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . is the fatigue ductility exponent. When fatigue optimization is performed. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. If both Nc1 and FL are defined. if FL is blank. Elsevier. For one-segment SN curve (b2=0.ductility coefficient. 7. 2005) Table 2**. fatigue limit FL of S-N data and reversal limit Nc of E-N data will be ignored in order to get continuous changes in fatigue results when stress/strain changes. the fatigue limit is the stress range at Nc1. Fatigue testing and analysis: Theory and practice. the fatigue limit is 0. Materials Data for C yclic Loading. Richard B. For two-segment SN curve. if FL is blank. Jwo. Seeger.0. 1990) 6. Elsevier.0). Barekey. the more conservative value (larger damage) will be used (Figure 1). Hathaway and Mark E. Empirical formula can be used to estimate SN/EN data from ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and Young’s modulus (E): Table 1* Estimated S-N data from empirical formula (* Source: Yung-Li Lee. Pan. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MATF1 MID T(E) T(G) T(NU) T(RHO) T(A) T(ST) T(SC ) T(SS) (9) (10) T(GE) Example (1) (2) (3) MATF1 17 32 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 17 (9) (10) 53 Field Contents MID Material property identification number that matches the identification number on the MAT1 entry.MATF1 Bulk Data Entry MATF1 – Isotropic Material Frequency Dependence Description Specifies frequency-dependent material properties on MAT1 entry fields via TABLEDi entries.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0 or blank) T(NU) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the Poisson’s ratio. (Integer > 0 or blank) 1134 OptiStruct 13. (Integer > 0) T(E) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the Young’s modulus. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(G) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the shear modulus. 4. Blank or zero entries mean that there is no frequency dependence of the field on the MAT1 entry.0 Reference Guide 1135 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 3. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(ST) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the tension stress limit. RHO is modified by TABLEDi 17 and GE is modified by TABLEDi 53. 4. In the example shown. or NU will be supplied according to comment 4 on the MAT1 entry. Fields 3. they will be applied to default values of respective parameters. In this case. (Integer > 0 or blank) Comments 1. Initial values of E. E is modified by TABLEDi 32. and so on of the MAT1 entry referenced in field 2. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(SS) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the shear limit. The value in a particular field of the MAT1 entry is replaced or modified by the table referenced in the corresponding field of this entry. it is not sufficient to only give table references for fields 3 and 4 (Young’s modulus and shear modulus) if density is also frequency dependent. to fields 3. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(A) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the thermal expansion coefficient. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. and so on of this entry correspond. 2.Field Contents T(RHO) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the mass density. field-by-field. The MATF1 entries may refer to blank entries on the respective MAT1 card. (Integer or blank) T(GE) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the damping coefficient. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. G. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(SC) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the compression limit. Table references must be present for each item that is frequency dependent. 4. For example. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(RHO) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the mass density.MATF2 Bulk Data Entry MATF2 – Anisotropic Material Frequency Dependence Description Specifies frequency-dependent material properties on MAT2 entry fields via TABLEDi entries. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(Ai) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the thermal expansion 1136 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) MATF2 MID T(G11) T(G12) T(G13) T(G22) T(G23) T(G33) T(RHO) T(A1) T(A2) T(A3) T(GE) T(ST) T(SC ) T(SS) Example (1) (2) (3) MATF2 17 32 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 15 44 (10) 62 Field Contents MID Material property identification number that matches the identification number on the MAT2 entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0) T(Gij) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the shear modulus. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(SS) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the shear limit. 2. field-by-field. 4.Field Contents coefficient. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(ST) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the tension stress limit. and so on of the MAT2 entry referenced in field 2. Fields 3. RHO is modified by TABLEDi 44 and GE is modified by TABLEDi 62. and so on of this entry correspond. The value in a particular field of the MAT2 entry is replaced or modified by the table referenced in the corresponding field of this entry. (Integer > 0 or blank) Comments 1. The MATF2 entries may refer to blank entries on the respective MAT2 card. In the example shown. 4. they will be applied to default values of respective parameters. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1137 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. 3. Blank or zero entries mean that there is no frequency dependence of the field on the MAT2 entry. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(SC) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the compression limit. G11 is modified by TABLEDi 32. to fields 3. G33 is modified by TABLEDi 15. In this case. (Integer or blank) T(GE) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the damping coefficient. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) 1138 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) MATF3 MID T(EX) T(ETH) T(EZ) T(NUXTH) T(NUTHZ) T(NUZX) T(RHO) T(GZX) T(AX) T(ATH) T(AZ) T(GE) Example (1) (2) (3) MATF3 17 32 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 19 52 Field Contents MID Material property identification number that matches the identification number on the MAT3 entry. θ and z directions.MATF3 Bulk Data Entry MATF3 – Orthotropic Material Frequency Dependence Description Specifies frequency-dependent material properties on MAT3 data entry fields via TABLEDi entries. θz and zx directions. T(EX) T(ETH) Identification numbers of TABLEDi entries for Poisson’s ratios in the xθ. (Integer > 0) T(EX) T(ETH) T(EZ) Identification numbers of TABLEDi entries for Young’s moduli in the x. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. The value in a particular field of the MAT3 entry is replaced or modified by the table referenced in the corresponding field of this entry. Fields 3. 4.Field Contents T(EZ) Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) T(RHO) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the mass density. T(GE) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the damping coefficient. Any quantity modified by this entry must have a value on the MAT3 entry. to fields 3. 2. and GE is modified by TABLEDi 52. RHO is modified by TABLEDi 19. Default = blank (Integer or blank) Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) Comments 1. EX is modified. Blank or zero entries mean that there is no frequency dependence of the field on the MAT3 entry.0 Reference Guide 1139 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . and so on of this entry correspond. 3. and so on of the MAT3 entry referenced in field 2. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) T(GZX) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the shear modulus. θ and z directions. TABLEDi 32. In the example shown. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. field-by-field. 4. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) T(AX) T(ATH) T(AZ) Identification numbers of TABLEDi entries for thermal expansion coefficients in the x. (Integer > 0) T(E1) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the Young’s modulus 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) MATF8 MID T(E1) T(E2) T(NU12) T(G12) T(G1Z) T(G2Z) T(RHO) T(A1) T(A2) T(Xt) T(Xc) T(Yt) T(Yc) T(S) T(GE) T(F12) Example (1) (2) (3) MATF8 17 32 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 15 52 Field Contents MID Material property identification number that matches the identification number on the MAT1 entry.MATF8 Bulk Data Entry MATF8 – Shell Orthotropic Material Frequency Dependence Description Specifies frequency-dependent material properties on MAT8 entry fields via TABLEDi entries. (Integer > 0 or blank) 1140 OptiStruct 13. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(G12) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for shear modulus 12. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(Yt) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for tension stress/strain limit 2. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(NU12) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the Poisson’s ratio 12. (Integer or blank) T(A2) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the thermal expansion coefficient 2. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(A1) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the thermal expansion coefficient 1. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(Xc) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for compression stress/strain limit 1. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(RHO) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for mass density. (Integer or blank) T(Xt) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the tension stress/strain limit 1. See comment 3. (Integer > 0 or blank) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(Yc) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for compression stress/strain limit 2.0 Reference Guide 1141 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Field Contents T(E2) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the Young’s modulus 2. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(G2Z) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for transverse shear modulus 2Z. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(G1Z) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for transverse shear modulus 1Z. Blank or zero entries mean that there is no frequency dependence of the fields on the MAT8 entry. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. and so on of the MAT8 entry referenced in field 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . field-by-field. 4. and GE is modified by TABLEDi 52. to fields 3. (Integer > 0 or blank) Comments 1. they will be applied to default values of the respective parameters. RHO is modified by TABLEDi 15. 2. Fields 3. E1 is modified by TABLEDi 32. 1142 OptiStruct 13. 4. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(F12) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for Tsai-Wu interaction term. and so on of this entry correspond. The MATF8 entries may refer to blank entries on the respective MAT8 card. In which case. 3.Field Contents T(S) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for shear stress/strain limit. The value in a particular field of the MAT8 entry is replaced or modified by the table referenced in the corresponding field of this entry. In the example shown. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(GE) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for structural damping coefficient. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) MATF9 MID T(G11) T(G12) T(G13) T(G14) T(G15) T(G16) T(G22) T(G23) T(G24) T(G25) T(G26) T(G33) T(G34) T(G35) T(G36) T(G44) T(G45) T(G46) T(G55) T(G56) T(G66) T(RHO) T(A1) T(A2) T(A3) T(A4) T(A5) T(A6) T(GE) Example (1) (2) (3) MATF9 17 32 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 18 12 (9) (10) 17 5 10 Field Contents MID Material property identification number that matches the identification number on the MAT9 entry.0 Reference Guide 1143 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0) T(Gij) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the terms in the material Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.MATF9 Bulk Data Entry MATF9 – Solid Element Anisotropic Material Frequency Dependence Description Specifies frequency-dependent material properties on MAT9 entry fields via TABLEDi entries. there is no frequency dependence of the field on the MAT9 entry. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(RHO) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the mass density. G11 is modified by TABLEDj 32. The continuation entries are optional. (Integer > 0 or blank) Comments 1. RHO is modified by TABLEDi 5 and GE is modified by TABLEDi 10. they will be applied to default values of respective parameters. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(Ai) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the thermal expansion coefficient.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 3. In which case. G22 is modified by TABLEDi 17. to fields 3. Fields 3. In the example shown.Field Contents property matrix. If the fields are zero or blank. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. (Integer or blank) T(GE) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the damping coefficient. 4. and so on of this entry correspond. G14 is modified by TABLEDj 18. and so on of the MAT9 entry referenced in field 2. field-by-field. 4. 1144 OptiStruct 13. 2. 4. The value recorded in a particular field of the MAT9 entry is replaced or modified by the table referenced in the corresponding field of this entry. G26 is modified by TABLEDi 12. The MATF9 entries may refer to blank entries on the respective MAT9 card. 0 Reference Guide 1145 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0 or blank) T(GE) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for fluid material damping coefficient. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) MATF10 MID T(BULK) T(RHO) (6) (7) (8) T(GE) T(ALPHA) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) MATF10 2 10 13 (5) (6) (7) 17 19 (8) (9) Field Contents MID Material property identification number that matches the identification number on the MAT10 entry. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(ALPHA) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for normalized porous material Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.MATF10 Bulk Data Entry MATF10 – Isotropic Material Frequency Dependence Description Specifies frequency-dependent material properties on MAT10 entry fields via TABLEDi entries. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(RHO) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the mass density. (10) (Integer > 0) T(BULK) Identification number of a TABLEDi entry for the bulk modulus. G22 is modified by TABLEDi 17. 4. The MATF10 entries may refer to blank entries on the respective MAT10 card. RHO is modified by TABLEDi 13. RHO is modified by TABLEDj 18. The continuation entries are optional.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2. and so on of the MAT10 entry referenced in field 2. they will be applied to default values of respective parameters. to fields 3. GE is modified by TABLEDi 17 and ALPHA is modified by TABLEDi 19. 1146 OptiStruct 13. 4. and so on of this entry correspond. In the example shown. there is no frequency dependence of the field on the MAT10 entry. In which case. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. 3. (Integer > 0 or blank) Comments 1. field-by-field. Fields 3. G26 is modified by TABLEDi 12. 4. BULK modulus is modified by TABLEDj 10. The value recorded in a particular field of the MAT10 entry is replaced or modified by the table referenced in the corresponding field of this entry.Field Contents damping coefficient. If the fields are zero or blank. 001 Field Contents MID Unique material identification number. The Polynomial form is available and various material types (comment 3) can be defined by specifying the corresponding coefficients. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) MATHE MID Model C 10 (7) C 01 D1 TAB1 TAB2 C 20 C 11 C 02 D2 NA C 30 C 21 C 12 C 03 D3 C 40 C 31 C 22 C 13 C 04 D4 C 50 C 41 C 32 C 23 C 14 C 05 (8) (9) (10) TAB4 ND D5 Example (1) (2) (3) MATHE 2 MOONEY 80 20 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 0.0 Reference Guide 1147 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.MATHE Bulk Data Entry MATHE – Nonlinear Hyperelastic Material Property Definition Description The MATHE bulk data entry defines material properties for nonlinear hyperelastic materials. The x-values in the TABLES1 entry should be the stretch ratios and y-values should be values of the nominal stress. (Integer > 0 or blank) Comments 1.0 (Real > 0. Cpq. 1148 OptiStruct 13. Default = 0.0 are not overwritten. curve fit values based on the corresponding TAB# tables. The x-values in the TABLES1 entry should be the stretch ratios and y-values should be values of the engineering stress. related to distortional deformation. (Integer > 0 or blank) TAB2 Table identification number of a TABLES1 entry that contains equi-biaxial tension data to be used in the estimation of the material constants. However.0) TAB1 Table identification number of a TABLES1 entry that contains simple tensioncompression data to be used in the estimation of the material constants. <MOONEY.0 (Real) Dp Material constants related to volumetric deformation (Model = MOONEY). Default = 0. The x-values in the TABLES1 entry should be the stretch ratios and y-values should be values of the engineering stress. Cpq.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . any Cpq values set to 0. related to distortional deformation. Cpq.Field Contents Model Specifies the type of hyperelastic material model MOONEY – Selects the generalized Mooney-Rivlin hyperelastic model Default = MOONEY (Character. (Integer > 0 or blank) TAB4 Table identification number of a TABLES1 entry that contains pure shear data to be used in the estimation of the material constants. related to distortional deformation. Default = 1 (Integer) Cpq Material constants related to distortional deformation (Model = MOONEY). blank>) NA Order of the distortional strain energy polynomial function No default (0 < Integer < 5) ND Order of the volumetric strain energy polynomial function (see comment 2). The polynomial form of the Hyperelastic material model is written as a combination of the deviatoric and volumetric strain energy of the material. Cpq are the material constants related to distortional deformation (Cpq) . are invariants internally calculated by OptiStruct Dp are material constants related to volumetric deformation (Dp). N1 is the order of the distortional strain energy polynomial function (NA) N2 is the order of the volumetric strain energy polynomial function (ND). Jelas is the elastic volume strain calculated internally by OptiStruct 3. The polynomial form can be used to model the following material types by specifying the corresponding coefficients (Cpq. q=0 U C10 I1 Altair Engineering 3 1 J elas D1 1 2 OptiStruct 13. These values define the compressibility of the material. The potential (U) is written in polynomial form. Currently only first order volumetric strain energy functions are supported (ND=1). as follows: Where.0 Reference Guide 1149 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .2. Dp) on the MATHE entry: Mooney-Rivlin Material: N1 = N2 =1 U C10 I1 3 C01 I 2 3 1 J elas D1 1 2 Reduced Polynomial: q=0 N1 U C p 0 I1 3 N2 p p 1 p 1 J elas 1 Dp 1 2p Neo-Hooken Material N1= N2 =1. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. 20) element types. 15). 1150 OptiStruct 13. and CHEXA (8. 5. q=0 U C10 I1 1 J elas D1 3 1 2 C20 I1 3 2 1 J elas D2 1 4 C30 I1 3 3 1 J elas D3 Three term Mooney-Rivlin Material: U C10 I1 3 C01 I 2 3 C11 I1 3 I2 3 C20 I1 3 C11 I1 3 I2 3 Signiorini Material: U C10 I1 3 C01 I 2 2 Third Order Invariant Material: U C10 I1 3 C01 I 2 3 3 C20 I1 3 2 Third Order Deformation Material (James-Green-Simpson): U C10 I1 3 C01 I 2 3 C11 I1 3 I2 3 C20 I1 3 2 C30 I1 3 3 4. 10). CPENTA (6. The MATHE hyperelastic material supports CTETRA (4.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering 1 6 .Yeoh Material N1 = N2 =3. 22 0.6 1.03 0.0 Reference Guide 1151 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Default = blank (-1.297 549.MATHF Bulk Data Entry MATHF – Material Property Definition for One-step Stamping Simulation Description Defines the material properties in a one-step stamping simulation.6 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MATHF MID E NU Y K n EPS0 R0 R45 R90 TABLEID (9) (10) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MATHF 17 21.3 184.6 Field Contents MID Unique material identification number.0 < Real < 0. No default (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.007 1.0E4 0. No default (Integer > 0) E Young’s Modulus.5 or blank) Y Yield stress. No default (Real) NU Poisson’s Ratio. For such case. n and EPS0 are extracted from the stress strain curve. No default (Real) TABLEID Table ID for stress-strain curve using a TABLES1 entry. R90 Lankford coefficients. material parameter such as K. This entry is only valid with a @HyperForm statement in the first line of the input file. R45. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. No default (Real or blank) EPS0 Pre-strain coefficient.Field Contents K Strength coefficient. 1152 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No default (Real or blank) R0. No default (Real or blank) n Strain hardening component. The TABLEID and the corresponding curve are required only when material data is specified with a stress-strain curve. 2. 0 1.2 2. (6) (7) (8) (9) 1.8-8 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) MATPE1 MID MAT1 MAT10 BIOT VISC GAMMA PRANDTL POR (6) (7) (8) (9) TOR AFR VLE TLE (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) MATPE1 17 1 10 1. No default (Integer > 0) MAT10 Identification number of MAT10 bulk data entry for the porous material.41 7.3-2 (10) No default (Integer > 0) MAT1 Material identification number of the MAT1 bulk data entry (or MATF1 if it is frequency-dependent) for the skeleton.0-1 8.-5 1.0-1 Field Contents MID Unique material identification number.MATPE1 Bulk Data Entry MATPE1 – Material Property Definition Description Defines the material properties for poro-elastic materials. No default (Integer > 0) BIOT BIOT factor Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1153 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0-1 9. 0 (Real > 0.0) TLE Thermal characteristic length. This entry is represented as a material in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = 1.402 (Real > 0.0 (Real > 0. Default = 1.0) VISC Fluid dynamic viscosity No default (Real > 0. No default (Real > 0.0) GAMMA Fluid ratio of specific heats.0) AFR Air flow resistivity.0) PRANDTL Fluid Prandtl number.71 (Real > 0.0) POR Porosity of the porous material.0) VLE Viscous characteristic length. Default = 0.Field Contents Default = 1. No default (Real > 0. No default (Real > 0. 1154 OptiStruct 13. No default (Real > 0.0) TOR Tortuosity of the porous material.0) Comments 1. + 4 Field Contents MID Identification number of a MAT1 entry. PLASTIC – Elastoplastic material Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This entry is used if a MAT1 entry is specified with the same MID in a nonlinear subcase. If H is given.0 1 1 2. (9) (10) (Integer > 0) TID Identification number of a TABLES1 or TABLEST entry. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MATS1 MID TID TYPE H YF HR LIMIT1 (10) TYPSTRN Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MATS1 17 28 PLASTIC 0. See comment 3. (Integer > 0 or blank) TYPE Type of material nonlinearity.0 Reference Guide 1155 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . then this field must be blank.MATS1 Bulk Data Entry MATS1 – Stress-dependent and Temperature-dependent Material Definition Description Specifies stress-dependent and temperature-dependent material properties for use in applications involving nonlinear materials. See comments. See comment 6. The strain type is selected by one of the following values. 1. See comment 4. (Real > 0) YF Yield function criterion. Default = 0 (Integer. For more than a single slope in the plastic range. (Integer 0. 3 or blank. See comment 5. 0 . The contribution of the Kinematic Hardening is HR whereas the contribution of the Isotropic Hardening is 1 – HR. or 1) 1156 OptiStruct 13. the stress-strain data must be supplied on a TABLES1 entry referenced by TID. 1 . and this field must be blank. selected by the following value (Integer): 1 = Isotropic Hardening (Default) 2 = Kinematic Hardening 3 = Mixed Hardening with 30% contribution of the Kinematic Hardening and 70% contribution of the Isotropic Hardening Adjustable Mixed Hardening is selected by choosing (Real) value for HR: 0 < HR < 1 indicates a mixed combination of Isotropic and Kinematic Hardening.0. 2. NLELAST) H Work hardening slope (slope of stress versus plastic strain) in units of stress. 0.plastic strain is used on the x-axis. selected by the following value (Integer): 1 = von Mises (Default) (Integer > 0 or blank) HR Hardening Rule.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Field Contents NLELAST – Nonlinear elastic material Default = NLELAST (PLATIC. H = 0. or Real > 0 and < 1) LIMIT1 Initial yield point. See comment 2. (Real > 0 or Blank) TYPSTRN Specifies the type of strain used on the x-axis of the table pointed to by TID. For elastic-perfectly plastic cases.total strain is used on the x-axis. the full stress-strain curve may be defined in the first and third quadrants to accommodate different uniaxial compression data. Nonlinear elastic material is only available in NLGEOM subcases. and LIMIT1 will not be used in this case. must be at X1=0. Y1). The data points must be in ascending order. If TID is given. the work hardening slope H must be specified unless the material is perfectly plastic. the first point must be at the origin (X1 = 0. In this case. then the curve must start at the origin (X1 = 0. is the slope of the uniaxial stress-strain Stress-strain curve definition when H is specified in field 5. Y1 = 0. corresponding to yield point (Y 1). the above rules apply to all TABLES1 tables pointed to by TABLEST.Comments 1. and the isotropic plasticity theory is used to perform the plastic analysis. the stress-strain data given in the TABLES1 entry will be used to determine the stress for a given value of strain. E is the elastic modulus and curve in the plastic region. If the table is defined in terms of total strain (TYPSTRN = 0). Y2) must be at the initial yield point (Y 1) specified on the MATS1 entry. If the table is defined in terms of plastic strain (TYPSTRN = 1). either the table identification TID or the work hardening slope H may be specified. the curve must be defined in the first quadrant. If the curve is defined only in the first quadrant. there should be little or no difference Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0.Yi) of stress-strain data ( following rules: ) must conform to the If TYPE = "PLASTIC". TID may reference a TABLEST entry. 2. 3. the first point (X1.0 Reference Guide 1157 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0). For nonlinear elastic material. For analyses where small deformations are assumed. The values H. but not both. If the TID is omitted. If TYPE = “NLELAST”. The plasticity modulus (H) is related to the tangential modulus (ET ) by where. The slope of the line joining the origin to the yield stress must be equal to the value of E. YF. Y1 = 0) and the second point (X2. TABLES1 entries (Xi. the elastic stress-strain matrix is computed from a MAT1 entry. For elastoplastic materials. In this case. HR. so either of them may be used in the TABLES1 definition. total strain (TYPSTRN=0) into stress vs. plastic strain (TYPSTRN=1) is illustrated below. 5. For analyses where small deformations are not assumed. The conversion of the relation stress vs. the true stress-strain curve should be used. the curve is extrapolated linearly. Kinematic hardening and Mixed hardening are supported only for solids.between the true stress-strain curve and the engineering stress-strain curve. If the deformations go past the values defined in the table. 4. This is clearly different than simply shifting the entire table along the epsilon-axis.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1158 OptiStruct 13. The LIMIT1 field can be blank if the initial yield point value is defined via a referenced TABLES1 entry on the TID field.0 Reference Guide 1159 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . OptiStruct will error out if LIMIT1 is blank and TID does not reference a TABLES1 entry. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.6. The temperature-dependence of the MATS1 material is defined by referencing a TABLEST entry via the TID field. 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . However. It is the user’s responsibility to interpret the results with caution. Large strain elasto-plasticity can be activated using MATS1 (TYPE=PLASTIC) in conjunction with PARAM. LGDISP. 1160 OptiStruct 13. 8.7.YES to force OptiStruct to run in such models.PRESUBNL. Linear Buckling Analysis or Preloaded Analysis is not recommended in models with nonlinear materials or in large displacement nonlinear analysis. you can use PARAM. 9. Linear Buckling Analysis and Preloaded Analysis are not supported with models containing nonlinear (MATS1) material entries. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(G) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for the shear modulus.MATT1 Bulk Data Entry MATT1 – Isotropic Material Temperature Dependence Description Specifies temperature-dependent material properties on MAT1 entry fields via TABLEMi entries. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MATT1 MID T(E) T(G) T(NU) T(RHO) T(A) T(ST) T(SC ) T(SS) (9) (10) T(GE) Example (1) (2) (3) MATT1 17 32 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 15 52 Field Contents MID Material property identification number that matches the identification number on MAT1 entry. (Integer > 0) T(E) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for the Young’s modulus. (Integer > 0 or blank) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1161 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0 or blank) T(ST) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for the tension stress limit. or NU will be supplied according to comment 4 on the MAT1 entry. and so on. and ST is modified by TABLEMi 52.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0 or blank) T(RHO) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for the mass density. 4. The value in a particular field of the MAT1 entry is replaced or modified by the table referenced in the corresponding field of this entry. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(SS) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for the shear limit. TABLEMi 32. 3. (Integer or blank) T(GE) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for the damping coefficient. 4. The TEMPERATURE subcase information entry (with type = MATERIAL) is required to 1162 OptiStruct 13. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(A) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for the thermal expansion coefficient. to fields 3. In this case. they will be applied to default values of respective parameters. of this entry correspond. A is modified by TABLEMi 15. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(SC) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for the compression limit. For example. of the MAT1 entry referenced in field 2. In the example shown.Field Contents T(NU) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for the Poisson’s ratio. Initial values of E. Blank or zero entries mean that there is no temperature dependence of the field on the MAT1 entry. it is not sufficient to only give table references for fields 3 and 4 (Young’s modulus and shear modulus) if Poisson’s ratio is temperature dependent. field-by-field. (Integer > 0 or blank) Comments 1. The MATT1 entries may refer to blank entries on the respective MAT1 card. and so on. E is modified. Table references must be present for each item that is temperature dependent. Fields 3. 4. G. 2. 5. TEMPD or the SUBCASE ID of a thermal analysis subcase). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh.activate temperature-dependent material behavior and to define the temperature field (option = SID of TEMP.0 Reference Guide 1163 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) MATT2 MID T(G11) T(G12) T(G13) T(G22) T(G23) T(G33) T(RHO) T(A1) T(A2) T(A3) T(GE) T(ST) T(SC ) T(SS) Example (1) (2) (3) MATT2 17 32 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 15 62 Field Contents MID Material property identification number that matches the identification number on a MAT2 entry.MATT2 Bulk Data Entry MATT2 – Anisotropic Material Temperature Dependence Description Specifies temperature-dependent material properties on MAT2 entry fields via TABLEMj entries. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(RHO) Identification number of a TABLEMk entry for the mass density. 1164 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0) T(Gij) Identification number of a TABLEMk entry for the terms in the material property matrix. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(SS) Identification number of a TABLEMk entry for the shear limit. 4.0 Reference Guide 1165 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . In which case. In the example shown. The value in a particular field of the MAT2 entry is replaced or modified by the table referenced in the corresponding field of this entry. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. If Ri is zero or blank. G11 is modified by TABLEMk 32. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (Integer or blank) T(GE) Identification number of a TABLEMk entry for the damping coefficient. they will be applied to default values of respective parameters. 4. TEMPD or the SUBCASE ID of a thermal analysis subcase). G33 is modified by TABLEMk 15. field-by-field. there is no temperature dependence of the field on the MAT2 entry. Fields 3. and so on of the MAT2 entry referenced in field 2. to fields 3.Field Contents (Integer > 0 or blank) T(Ai) Identification number of a TABLEMk entry for the thermal expansion coefficient. 2. The TEMPERATURE subcase information entry (with type = MATERIAL) is required to activate temperature-dependent material behavior and to define the temperature field (option = SID of TEMP. and A1 is modified by TABLEMk 62. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(SC) Identification number of a TABLEMk entry for the compression limit. The MATT2 entries may refer to blank entries on the respective MAT2 card. and so on of this entry correspond. 4. (Integer > 0 or blank) Comments 1. 3. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(ST) Identification number of a TABLEMk entry for the tension stress limit. T(ETH). Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for the Poisson’s ratios in the xθ. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) MATT3 MID T(EX) T(ETH) T(EZ) T(GZX) T(AX) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) T(NUXTH) T(NUTHZ) T(NUZX) T(RHO) T(ATH) T(AZ) T(GE) Example (1) (2) (3) MATT3 17 32 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 19 52 Field Contents MID Material property identification number that matches the identification number on MAT3 entry. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) T(NUXTH).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . T(EZ) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for the Young’s moduli in the x. θ and z directions. (Integer > 0) T(EX).MATT3 Bulk Data Entry MATT3 – MAT3 Material Temperature Dependence Description Specifies temperature-dependent material properties on MAT3 entry fields via TABLEMi entries. θz 1166 OptiStruct 13. T(ATH). 4. T(NUZX) Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) T(RHO) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for the mass density. TEMPD or the SUBCASE ID of a thermal analysis subcase). 3. T(AZ) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for the thermal expansion coefficients in the x. 4. and GZX is modified by TABLEMi 52.0 Reference Guide 1167 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . to fields 3.Field Contents T(NUTHZ). and so on. θ and z directions. The TEMPERATURE subcase information entry (with type = MATERIAL) is required to activate temperature-dependent material behavior and to define the temperature field (option = SID of TEMP. The value in a particular field of the MAT3 entry is replaced or modified by the table referenced in the corresponding field of this entry. Fields 3. TABLEMi 32. and so on. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) T(GZX) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for the shear modulus. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) T(AX). This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. and zx directions. of the MAT3 entry referenced in field 2. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) Comments 1. of this entry correspond. field-by-field. Any quantity modified by this entry must have a value on the MAT3 entry. 2. EZ is modified by TABLEMi 19. Default = blank (Integer or blank) T(GE) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for the damping coefficient. In the example shown. Blank or zero entries mean that there is no temperature dependence of the field on the MAT3 entry. EX is modified. 4. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 2. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) Comments 1. The quantities defined on the MAT4 bulk data entry are multiplied by the tabular function referenced by the MATT4 bulk data card to generate the corresponding material properties. 1168 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) MATT4 MID T(K) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) MATT4 24 200 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Field Contents MID Material identification number of a MAT4 bulk data entry that is temperature dependent.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Form 4 Description Defines temperature-dependent material properties for the corresponding MAT4 bulk data entry fields via TABLEMi entries.MATT4 Bulk Data Entry MATT4 – Temperature-Dependent Material Property Definition. then constant properties defined on the MAT4 bulk data card are used. If the fields are blank or zero. No default (Integer > 0) T(K) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry that defines temperature-dependent thermal conductivity. (Integer > 0 or blank) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.MATT8 Bulk Data Entry MATT8 – Shell Orthotropic Material Temperature Dependence Description Specifies temperature-dependent material properties on MAT8 entry fields via TABLEMi entries. (Integer > 0) T(E1) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for the Young’s modulus 1.0 Reference Guide 1169 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) MATT8 MID T(E1) T(E2) T(NU12) T(G12) T(G1Z) T(G2Z) T(RHO) T(A1) T(A2) T(Xt) T(Xc) T(Yt) T(Yc) T(S) T(GE) T(F12) Example (1) (2) (3) MATT8 17 32 (4) 15 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 15 52 Field Contents MID Material property identification number that matches the identification number on MAT1 entry. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(A1) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for the thermal expansion coefficient 1. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(G1Z) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for transverse shear modulus 1Z. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(G2Z) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for transverse shear modulus 2Z. (Integer or blank) T(A2) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for the thermal expansion coefficient 2. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(NU12) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for the Poisson’s ratio 12. (Integer or blank) T(Xt) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for the tension stress/strain limit 1. (Integer > 0 or blank) 1170 OptiStruct 13. See comment 3. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(G12) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for shear modulus 12. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(RHO) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for mass density.Field Contents T(E2) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for the Young’s modulus 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0 or blank) T(Xc) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for compression stress/strain limit 1. 4. TEMPD or the SUBCASE ID of a thermal analysis subcase). (Integer > 0 or blank) T(Yc) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for compression stress/strain limit 2. and so on of this entry correspond. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(F12) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for Tsai-Wu interaction term.0 Reference Guide 1171 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . A1 is modified by TABLEMi 15. The TEMPERATURE subcase information entry (with type = MATERIAL) is required to activate temperature-dependent material behavior and to define the temperature field (option = SID of TEMP. In which case. to fields 3. (Integer > 0 or blank) Comments 1. and Xt is modified by TABLEMi 52. 4. and so on of the MAT8 entry referenced in field 2. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. Fields 3. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(GE) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for structural damping coefficient. In the example shown. 2. The MATT8 entries may refer to blank entries on the respective MAT8 card. E1 is modified by TABLEMi 32. they will be applied to default values of respective parameters. 4.Field Contents T(Yt) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for tension stress/strain limit 2. Blank or zero entries mean that there is no temperature dependence of the fields on the MAT8 entry. 3. field-by-field. The value in a particular field of the MAT8 entry is replaced or modified by the table referenced in the corresponding field of this entry. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(S) Identification number of a TABLEMi entry for shear stress/strain limit. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) MATT9 MID T(G11) T(G12) T(G13) T(G14) T(G15) T(G16) T(G22) T(G23) T(G24) T(G25) T(G26) T(G33) T(G34) T(G35) T(G36) T(G44) T(G45) T(G46) T(G55) T(G56) T(G66) T(RHO) T(A1) T(A2) T(A3) T(A4) T(A5) T(A6) T(GE) Example (1) (2) (3) MATT9 17 32 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 18 (9) (10) 17 12 5 10 Field Contents MID Material property identification number that matches the identification number on a MAT9 entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .MATT9 Bulk Data Entry MATT9 – Solid Element Anisotropic Material Temperature Dependence Description Specifies temperature-dependent material properties on MAT9 entry fields via TABLEMk entries. (Integer > 0) 1172 OptiStruct 13. to fields 3. G11 is modified by TABLEMj 32. they will be applied to default values of respective parameters. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. G14 is modified by TABLEMj 18. The TEMPERATURE subcase information entry (with type = MATERIAL) is required to activate temperature-dependent material behavior and to define the temperature field (option = SID of TEMP. 4. and so on of the MAT9 entry referenced in field 2. 2. The continuation entries are optional. In the example shown. (Integer > 0 or blank) Comments 1. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(GE) Identification number of a TABLEMk entry for the damping coefficient.Field Contents T(Gij) Identification number of a TABLEMk entry for the terms in the material property matrix. The value recorded in a particular field of the MAT9 entry is replaced or modified by the table referenced in the corresponding field of this entry. and so on of this entry correspond. If the fields are zero or blank. 3. In which case. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1173 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . field-by-field. 4. 4. and so on. The MATT9 entries may refer to blank entries on the respective MAT9 card. TEMPD or the SUBCASE ID of a thermal analysis subcase). (Integer > 0 or blank) T(RHO) Identification number of a TABLEMk entry for the mass density. Fields 3. (Integer > 0 or blank) T(Ai) Identification number of a TABLEMk entry for the thermal expansion coefficients. 5. there is no temperature dependence of the field on the MAT9 entry. 1174 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) MATX0 MID (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) MAT1 102 10.0 MATX0 102 (4) (5) (6) 0.MATX0 Bulk Data Entry MATX0 – Material Property Extension for Void Material for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines void material for geometric nonlinear analysis.495 6. it is treated as an elastic material defined by the associated MAT1. (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. Only one MATX0 material extension can be associated with a particular MAT1. MATX0 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . IMPDYN. or EXPDYN subcase entry. For all other subcases.0E-10 (7) Field Contents MID Material ID of the associated MAT1. 3. 2. See comment 1. This card is represented as an extension to a MAT1 material in HyperMesh. The material identification number must be that of an existing MAT1 bulk data entry. See comment 1.0 (7) (8) (9) (10) 0.175 Field Contents MID Material ID of the associated MAT1.33 2. No default (Integer > 0) A Plasticity yield stress. (Real > 0) B Plasticity hardening parameter. This is an elasto-plastic law with strain rate and temperature effects.4 MATX02 102 0.0 Reference Guide 1175 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .MATX02 Bulk Data Entry MATX02 – Material Property Extension for Johnson-Cooke Elastic-plastic Material for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines additional material properties for Johnson-Cooke elastic-plastic material for geometric nonlinear analysis.374618 100. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MATX02 MID A B N EPSMAX SIGMAX C DEPS0 IC C FSMOOTH FC UT M TMELT RC P (10) Example (1) (2) (3) MAT1 102 60.22313 (5) (6) 0. (Real > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.70E-06 0.09026 (4) 0. there is no strain rate effect. Default = ON (ON or OFF) FSMOOTH Flag for strain rate smoothing. Default = 1030 (Real > 0) M Temperature exponent. Only for shell and solid elements. Default = 0.0) EPSMAX Failure plastic strain εmax Default = 1030 (Real > 0) SIGMAX Maximum plastic stress σmax0 Default = 1030 (Real > 0) C Strain rate coefficient.0 (Real) If DESPS < DESPS0.Field Contents N Plasticity hardening exponent. Default = 0. Default = 0. Default = 1030 (Real > 0) 1176 OptiStruct 13. Default = 1.0 (Real) DEPS0 Reference strain rate . no strain rate effect.0 (Real < 1. If zero.0 (Real) TMELT Melting temperature. Default = OFF (ON or OFF) FCUT Cutoff frequency for strain rate filtering. ICC Flag for strain rate dependency of σmax (See comment 5).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . but the deviatoric stress is set to zero. It is ignored for all other subcases. MATX02 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 3. This is an elastic-plastic law with strain rate and thermal effects. or EXPDYN. Only one MATXi material extension can be associated with a particular MAT1. 5.0 Reference Guide 1177 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . IMPDYN. 2. Default = 0. The material identification number must be that of an existing MAT1 bulk data entry. Solid elements are not deleted. If the plastic strain reaches EPSMAX. ICC controls the strain rate effect. It follows: with: = plastic strain = strain rate T = Temperature (in Kelvin) 4.0 (Real > 0) Comments 1.Field Contents RCP Specific heat per unit of volume. shell elements are deleted. If the temperature exponent M = 0.6. Eint is the internal energy. 7.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . strain rate dependence must be activated. No strain rate effects are considered in rod elements. This card is represented as an extension to a MAT1 material in HyperMesh. To take into account the temperature effect. 1178 OptiStruct 13. The input FCUT is available only for shell and solid elements. there is no temperature effect. 8. No temperature effect is considered on rod. the temperature is constant: T = T i 10. and beam elements. If ρCp = 0. bar. Strain rate filtering is used to smooth strain rates. 9. The temperature is computed assuming adiabatic conditions: where. (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. See comment 1. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. IMPDYN. MATX13 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM.0E-10 (7) Field Contents MID Material ID of the associated MAT1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.495 6. 2.0 Reference Guide 1179 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 3.MATX13 Bulk Data Entry MATX13 – Material Property Extension for Rigid Material for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines rigid material for geometric nonlinear analysis.0 MATX13 102 (4) (5) (6) 0. Only one MATXi material extension can be associated with a particular MAT1. The material identification number must be that of an existing MAT1 bulk data entry. Format (1) (2) (3) MATX13 MID (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) MAT1 102 10. or EXPDYN. It is ignored for all other subcases. MATX21 Bulk Data Entry MATX21 – Material Property Extension for Rock-Concrete Material for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines additional material properties for Rock-Concrete material for geometric nonlinear analysis. No default (Integer > 0) A0 Coefficient.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .33 1000. This law is only applicable to solid elements.0 (7) (8) (9) (10) 3 1E10 Field Contents MID Material ID of the associated MAT1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) MATX21 MID A0 A1 A2 AMAX TPID KT FSC AL PMIN B (7) (8) (9) MUMAX PEXT (10) Example (1) (2) (3) MAT1 102 3. This law is based on the Drücker-Prager yield criteria and is used to model materials with internal friction such as rock-concrete. The plastic behavior of these materials is dependent on the pressure in the material. See comment 1. (Real) 1180 OptiStruct 13.1E10 MATX21 102 1 (4) (5) (6) 0. 0 (Real) PMIN Minimum pressure. (Real > 0. IMPDYN.0 (Real) Comments 1. MATX21 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. Default = 1030 (Real > 0) TPID Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines the volumetric strain vs. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1181 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Default = 0. No default (Integer > 0) KT Tensile bulk modulus. (Real) PEXT External pressure (see comment 6). Default = 1. 2. (Real) A2 Coefficient.0) MUMAX Maximum compression volumetric strain. (Real > 0. Only one MATX21 material extension can be associated with a particular MAT1. (Real) AMAX Von Mises limit. It is ignored for all other subcases.Field Contents A1 Coefficient. Default = -1030 (Real) B Unloading bulk modulus. or EXPDYN. The material identification number must be that of an existing MAT1 bulk data entry. pressure function.0) FSCAL Scale factor for pressure function. Hydrodynamic behavior is given by a user-defined function P = f(µ) where.3.(A0 + A1P + A2P2) where. P is the pressure in the material. A1 = A2 = 0 means that the yield criteria is von Mises ( vm 3 A0 1182 OptiStruct 13. A2: material coefficients.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering ) Altair Engineering . A1. J2: second invariant of deviatoric stress. and µ is the volumetric strain. Drücker-Prager yield criteria uses a modified von Mises yield criteria to incorporate the effects of pressure for massive structures: F = J2 . 4. P: pressure. A0. 7. yield criteria and energy integration require the value of total pressure. B and KT must be positive. In this specific case. It is recommended to set unloading bulk modulus. B equal to the initial slope of function describing P(µ) and tensile bulk modulus KT equal to 1/100 of unloading bulk modulus.5. This card is represented as an extension to a MAT1 material in HyperMesh. 6. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. External pressure is required if relative pressure formulation is used.0 Reference Guide 1183 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MATX25 MID EPSF1 EPSF2 EPST1 EPSM1 EPST2 EPSM2 DTENDS WPMAX WPREF IOFF GAMINI GAMMAX DMAX RATIO FSMOOTH FC UT IFORM (10) Continuation line for IFORM = TSAI B N FMAX SY1T SY2T SY1C SY2C ALFA SY12C SY12T C 12 EPSR0 IC C Continuation line for IFORM = CRAS C EPSR0 ALFA IC C G SY1T B1T N1T SMAX1T EPS1T1 EPS2T1 SRST1 WMPT1 SY2T B2T N2T SMAX2T EPS1T2 EPS2T2 SRST2 WMPT2 C 1T C 2T 1184 OptiStruct 13.MATX25 Bulk Data Entry MATX25 – Material Property Extension for Tsai-Wu and CRASURVT Materials for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines an elasto-plastic orthotropic material with Tsai-Wu and CRASURVT yield criteria for composite shell materials. 2 1. No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.1 MATX25 102 0. See comment 1.3 26923.95 2 0.SY1C B1C N1C SMAX1C EPS1C 1 EPS2C 1 SRSC 1 WMPC 1 SY2C B2C N2C SMAX2C EPS1C 2 EPS2C 2 SRSC 2 WMPC 2 SY12T B12T N12T SMAX12 T EPS1T12 EPS2T12 SRST12 WMPT12 C 1C C 2C C 12T Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MAT8 102 70000 70000 0.1 26923.0 2.0 Reference Guide 1185 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 1E10 1E10 1E10 1E10 1E10 1E10 Field Contents MID Material ID of the associated MAT8.2 (9) (10) 0.15 0.1 26923. Default = 0 (Integer) = 0: shell is deleted if Wp* > Wp*max for 1 layer = 1: shell is deleted if Wp* > Wp*max for all layers = 2: if for each layer.0) WPMAX Maximum plastic work. (Real) EPST2 Tensile failure strain in direction 2. (Real) EPSM1 Maximum strain in direction 1. Default = 1E30 (Real) WPREF Reference plastic work. (Real) DTENDS Maximum damage of composite tensile strength.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = 0.999 (Real < 1.Field Contents EPSF1 Total tensile failure in direction 1. (Real) EPSM2 Maximum strain in direction 2. Wp* > Wp*max or tensile failure in direction 1(t1) 1186 OptiStruct 13.0 (Real) IOFF Total element failure criteria. Default = 1. Default = 1E30 (Real) EPST1 Tensile failure strain in direction 1. Default = 1E30 (Real) EPSF2 Total tensile failure in direction 2. Default = 1. > 0.0: the element will be deleted if: FSMOOTH Flag for strain rate smoothing.0 (Real) < 0.1E30 (Real) DMAX Maximum damage. Default = 1. Default = OFF (ON or OFF) FCUT Cutoff frequency for strain rate filtering. Wp* > Wp*max or tensile failure in direction 1(t1) or 2(t2) GAMINI Delamination shear strain. CRAS) IFORM = TSAI Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. See comment 11. Wp* > Wp*max or tensile failure in direction 2(t2) = 4: if for each layer. Wp* > Wp*max or tensile failure in directions 1(t1) and 2(t2) = 5: if for all layers: Wp* > Wp*max or tensile failure in direction 1(t1) or if for all layers: Wp* > Wp*max or tensile failure in direction 2(t2) = 6: if for each layer.Field Contents = 3: if for each layer. Default = TSAI (TSAI.0: the element will be deleted if all of the layers but one fail (the number of layers that did not fail is equal to 1).0 Reference Guide 1187 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Default = 1E30 (Real) IFORM Formulation flag.0 (Real) RATIO Ratio parameter control to delete shell elements Default = 1. Default = 1E30 (Real) GAMMAX Maximum shear strain. Default = 1E30 (Real) SY1T Tension in direction 1. (Real > 0) C12 Strain rate coefficient. (Real) 1188 OptiStruct 13. (Real > 0) SY12T Tension yield stress in direction 12. Default = 1. (Real) N Hardening exponent. (Real > 0) ALFA F12 reduction factor.0 (Real) FMAX Maximum value of yield function.Field Contents B Hardening parameter. (Real > 0) SY1C Compression yield stress in direction 1.0 (Real) SY12C Compression yield stress in direction 12. (Real > 0) SY2C Compression yield stress in direction 2. (Real > 0) SY2T Tension in direction 2. Default = 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . SMAX2T. Default = 1 (Integer) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. no strain rate effect on WPMAX. SMAX2T. SMAX1C. SMAX2C. (Real) ALFA F12 reduction factor. = 3: Strain rate effect on SMAX1T. SMAX2T. (Real) ICC Flag for yield stress in shear and strain rate (See comment 9). SMAX2T. Default= 1. = 2: No strain rate effect on SMAX1T. no strain rate effect on WPMAX. SMAX12T. EPSR0 Reference strain rate. SMAX12T. = 1: Strain rate effect on SMAX1T.Field Contents = 0. = 4: No strain rate effect on SMAX1T.0: no strain rate dependency. SMAX1C. SMAX12T and strain rate effect on WPMAX. SMAX1C. SMAX2C.0 (Real) ICCG Global composite plasticity parameters flag for strain rate computation: (See comment 9). SMAX2C. (Integer) = 0: = 1: = 2: = 3: = 4: Default set to 1 Strain rate effect on FMAX no effect on WPMAX No strain rate effect on FMAX and WPMAX Strain rate effect on FMAX and WPMAX No strain rate effect on FMAX effect on WPMAX IFORM = CRAS C Global strain rate coefficient for plastic work criteria. SMAX2C. SMAX12T and strain rate effect on WPMAX. (Real) EPSR0 Reference strain rate. SMAX1C.0 Reference Guide 1189 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . (Real) N1T Hardening exponent in direction 1. (Real > 0) B2T Hardening parameter in direction 2. Default = 1.2 * EPS1T1 (Real) SRST1 Residual stress in direction 1. Default = 1E30 (Real) SY2T Tension yield stress in direction 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Real > 0) B1T Hardening parameter in direction 1. 0: no strain rate dependency. Default = 1E30 (Real) C1T Strain rate coefficient in direction 1. Default = 1. Default = C (Real) EPS1T1 Initial softening strain in direction 1.Field Contents SY1T Tension yield stress in direction 1.0 (Real) SMAX1T Maximum stress in direction 1. Default = 1E30 (Real) EPS2T1 Maximum softening strain in direction 1. 1190 OptiStruct 13. Default = 10E-3*SY1T (Real) WMPT1 Maximum plastic work in tension direction 1. Default = 1E30 (Real) EPS2T2 Maximum softening strain in direction 2. Default = N1T (Real) SMAX2T Maximum stress in direction 2. Default = 1. (Real > 0) B1C Hardening parameter in direction 1. 0: no strain rate dependency Default = C (Real) EPS1T2 Initial softening strain in direction 2. Default = 1E30 (Real) SY1C Compression yield stress in direction 1. Default = B2T (Real) N1C Hardening exponent in direction 1. Default = N2T (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Default = 1E30 (Real) C2T Strain rate coefficient in direction 2.0 Reference Guide 1191 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .2*EPS1T1 (Real) SRST2 Residual stress in direction 2.Field Contents Default = B1T (Real) N2T Hardening exponent in direction 2. Default = 10E-3 * SY2T (Real) WMPT2 Maximum plastic work in tension direction 2. Default = 1E30 (Real) SY2C Compression yield stress in direction 2.Field Contents SMAX1C Maximum stress in direction 1. Default = 10E-3*S1YC (Real) WMPC1 Maximum plastic work in compression direction 1. Default = 1. Default = 1E30 (Real) ESP2C1 Maximum softening strain in direction 1. Default = C (Real) EPS1C1 Initial softening strain in direction 1. 1192 OptiStruct 13. Default = B1C (Real) N2C Hardening exponent in direction 2 Default = N1C (Real) SMAX2C Maximum stress in direction 2.2*EPS1C1 (Real) SRSC1 Residual stress in direction 1.0: no strain rate dependency. Default = 1E30 (Real) C1C Strain rate coefficient in direction 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . = 0. (Real > 0) B2C Hardening parameter in direction 2. Default = 1E30 (Real) C2C Strain rate coefficient in direction 2. Default = 1.Field Contents = 0. Default = C (Real) EPS1C2 Initial softening strain in direction 2.0: no strain rate dependency. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Default = 10E-3*S2YC (Real) WMPC2 Maximum plastic work in compression direction 2. Default = 1E30 (Real) SY12T Tension yield stress in direction 12.0: no strain rate dependency.2*EPS1C2 (Real) SRSC2 Residual stress in direction 2.0 Reference Guide 1193 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Default = 1E30 (Real) C12T Strain rate coefficient in direction 12.0 (Real) SMAX12T Maximum stress in direction 12. = 0. Default = B2C (Real) N12T Hardening exponent in direction 12. Default = 1. Default = 1E30 (Real) EPS2C2 Maximum softening strain in direction 2. Default = C (Real) EPS1T12 Initial softening strain in direction 12. (Real > 0) B12T Hardening parameter in direction 12. it is only available with Q4 (ISHELL=1. Default = 1.3. Default = 10E-3*SY12T (Real) WMPT12 Maximum plastic work in shear. MATX25 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. or EXPDYN. IMPDYN. b = Hardening parameter for plastic work n = Hardening exponent 1194 OptiStruct 13. 4. 2. Only one MATXi material extension can be associated with a particular MAT8. 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .4 on PCOMPX) and QBAT(ISHELL=12 on PCOMPX) shell elements.Field Contents Default = 1E30 (Real) EPS2T12 Maximum softening strain in direction 12.2*EPS1T12 (Real) SRST12 Residual stress in direction 12. Tsai-Wu formula (IFORM=TSAI) is not available with QEPH (ISHELL=24 on PCOMPX) shell elements.2. The Lamina yield surface for Tsai-Wu criteria(IFORM=TSAI) is: with: Wp is the plastic work is the reference plastic work is the yield envelope evolution: where. The material identification number must be that of an existing MAT8 bulk data entry. Default = 1E30 (Real) Comments 1. It is ignored for all other subcases. Firstly. in a CRASURV model.0 Reference Guide 1195 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The main changes concern the expression of the yield surface before plastification and during work hardening. The CRASURV model is an improved version of the former law based on the standard TsaiWu criteria. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. If the total tensile failure value EPSF1 is reached in the direction 1 and respectively ε EPSF2 in the direction 2. the coefficient F 44 depends only on one input parameter: Another modification concerns the parameters F ij which are expressed now in function of plastic work and plastic work rate as below: 6.5. the stresses tensor in the layer is permanently reset to 0. The IOFF and RATIO field values are utilized only if they are defined in the material assigned to a part. 10. The plastic work criteria is: When ICC=2.3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Delamination is a global model: with applies to the all shell and not independently per each layer. 1196 OptiStruct 13. Thereby. are the coefficients which are defined in the global material associated to the shell equivalent out-of-plane shear strain. 11. 13. If a shell has several layers with one material per layer (different materials.7. GAMMAX.4 for CRASURV formula. Both Wp* and Wp*max are defined as follows: 9. 12. 8. This option is not available for solid elements. and DMAX considered. when ICCG=3. the coefficients GAMINI. This card is represented as extension to a MAT8 material in HyperMesh. the IOFF used is the one that is associated to the shell in the shell element definition. these fields are not considered if they are only defined in material used for a layer in the property entry.4 for Tsai-Wu formula. different IOFF). 09026 (4) 0. See comment 1.374618 100.MATX27 Bulk Data Entry MATX27 – Material Property Extension for Elastic-Plastic Brittle Material for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines additional material properties for elastic-plastic brittle material for geometric nonlinear analysis.0 Reference Guide 1197 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .33 2.4 MATX27 127 0. No default (Integer > 0) A Plasticity yield stress.0 (7) (8) (9) (10) 0.175 Field Contents MID Material ID of the associated MAT1.22313 (5) (6) 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) MATX27 MID A B N EPSMAX SIGMAX C DEPS0 EPS1MAX D1MAX EPSD1 EPS2 EPS2MAX D2MAX ESPD2 IC C EPS1 Example (1) (2) (3) MAT1 127 60. (Real > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.70E-06 0. Default = 0.0 (Real < 1. Default = 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = 1. Default = ON (ON or OFF) EPS1 Tensile failure strain in principal strain direction 1. See comment 4.1*1030 DMAX1 (Real > 0) (Real > 0) Maximum tensile failure damage in principal strain direction 1.0) EPSMAX Failure plastic strain εmax Default = 1030 (Real > 0) SIGMAX Maximum plastic stress σmax0 Default = 1030 (Real > 0) C Strain rate coefficient. (Real > 0) N Plasticity hardening exponent. Default = 0. ICC Flag for strain rate dependency of σmax . no strain rate effect.0 (Real) If DESPS < DESPS0. Default = 1.999 (Real > 0) 1198 OptiStruct 13. Default = 1.0 (Real) DEPS0 Reference strain rate .0*1030 EPS1MAX Maximum tensile failure strain in principal strain direction 1.Field Contents B Plasticity hardening parameter. Default = 0. Default = 1.2*1030 (Real > 0) Comments 1. 4. Only one MATXi material extension can be associated with a particular MAT1. MATX27 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. Default = 1. The material identification number must be that of an existing MAT1 bulk data entry. Default = 1. ICC controls the strain rate effect.Field Contents EPSD1 Tensile strain for element deletion in principal strain direction 2. 3.0 Reference Guide 1199 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The isotropic elasto-plastic model is the same as with MATX02. MATX27 allows material damage and brittle failure to be modeled. IMPDYN.2*1030 (Real > 0) EPS2 Tensile failure strain in principal strain direction 2. or EXPDYN.0*1030 EPS2MAX Maximum tensile failure strain in principal strain direction 2. 2.999 (Real > 0) EPSD2 Tensile strain for element deletion in principal strain direction 2. It is ignored for all other subcases. This law is only applicable with shell elements.1*1030 DMAX2 (Real > 0) (Real > 0) Maximum tensile failure damage in principal strain direction 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Default = 1. However. An element is removed if one layer reaches the tensile failure strain EPS1.5. 6. This card is represented as an extension to a MAT1 material in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1200 OptiStruct 13. The failure plastic strain EPSMAX has no effect if the second continuation is defined. 7. 02 0.0 MATX28 (10) 102 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.1 11 22 33 NEGSTR 1.33 0. This law is only applicable to solid elements.0 1.02 0.1 0.0 1.2 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MATX28 MID (9) TIID11 TIID22 TIID33 IFLAG1 FSC AI11 FSC AI22 FSC AI33 EPSFI11 EPSFI22 EPSFI33 TIID12 TIID23 TIID31 IFLAG2 FSC AI12 FSC AI23 FSC AI31 EPSFI12 EPSFI23 EPSFI31 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MAT9ORT 102 0.0 1.0 Reference Guide 1201 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 1.33 0.01 0.0 0 0 0 12 23 31 NEGSTR 1.286E-7 0.MATX28 Bulk Data Entry MATX28 – Material Property Extension for Honeycomb Material for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines additional material properties for Honeycomb material for geometric nonlinear analysis.33 0. No default (Integer > 0) IFLAG1 Strain formulation for yield functions 11. or NEGSTR) VOLSTR . Default = VOLSTR (VOLSTR. NEGSTR . 22.0.0 0. See comment 4.0 (Real) EPSFI11 Initial failure strain under tension or compression in direction 11.0 (Real) FSCAI22 Scale factor on initial yield stress function in direction 22. Default = 1. Default = 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = 1. No default (Integer > 0) TIID33 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines the initial yield stress function in direction 33. and 33.Yield stress is a function of negative strains. FSCAI11 Scale factor on initial yield stress function in direction 11.0 (Real) FSCAI33 Scale factor on initial yield stress function in direction 33.0 0.Yield stress is a function of volumetric strains.0 Field Contents MID Material ID of the associated MAT9ORT. No default (Integer > 0) TIID11 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines the initial yield stress function in direction 11. STR. 1202 OptiStruct 13. STR . See comment 1. (Real) EPSFI22 Initial failure strain under tension or compression in direction 22. No default (Integer > 0) TIID22 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines the initial yield stress function in direction 22.Yield stress is a function of strains. STR . STR.0 Reference Guide 1203 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 (Real) FSCAI31 Scale factor on initial shear yield stress function in direction 31. (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Default = 1. No default (Integer > 0) IFLAG2 Strain formulation for yield functions 12. and 31. FSCAI12 Scale factor on initial shear yield stress function in direction 12. Default = VOLSTR (VOLSTR. No default (Integer > 0) TIID23 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines the initial shear yield stress function in direction 23. or NEGSTR) VOLSTR . No default (Integer > 0) TIID31 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines the initial shear yield stress function in direction 31.Yield stress is a function of volumetric strains.Yield stress is a function of strains. Default = 1.0 (Real) FSCAI23 Scale factor on initial shear yield stress function in direction 23. NEGSTR .Field Contents (Real) EPSFI33 Initial failure strain under tension or compression in direction 33. Default = 1.0 (Real) EPSFI12 Initial failure strain under tension or compression in direction 12. (Real) TIID12 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines the initial shear yield stress function in direction 12.Yield stress is a function of negative strains. (Real) EPSFI23 Initial failure strain under tension or compression in direction 23. 23. If one of the failure or shear failure strains is reached. or 12 on PSOLIDX card. IFLAGi = NEGSTR allows the same function definition to be retained. If one of the transition or shear transition strains is reached. Transition is applied to the neighboring elements.Field Contents EPSFI31 Initial failure strain under tension or compression in direction 31. (Real) Comments 1. 5. This card is represented as an extension to a MAT9ORT material in HyperMesh. 2. This law is compatible with 10 node tetrahedron elements. Only one MATX28 material extension can be associated with a particular MAT9ORT. 9. the element is deleted. 8. 7. 6. When switching from a volumetric strain formulation to a strain formulation. This law is not compatible with IFRAME = OFF. the element has yield stress described by residual functions in each direction. 1204 OptiStruct 13. The material identification number must be that of an existing MAT9ORT bulk data entry. if it is referenced by the PSOLIDX card. or EXPDYN. 2. 3. IMPDYN.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . It is ignored for all other subcases. 4. Transition strains define transition from initial yield stress function to residual yield stress function. and it is compatible with ISOLID = 1. MATX28 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. VISCO) ELAST: the skeletal behavior before yield is elastic.11 MATX33 133 0 (4) (5) (6) 0. VISCO: the skeletal behavior before yield is visco-elastic. (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) KA Flag for analysis type.11 9.MATX33 Bulk Data Entry MATX33 – Material Property Extension for Visco-Elastic Plastic Foam Material for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines additional material properties for visco-elastic plastic foam material for geometric nonlinear analysis. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.92E-07 (7) Field Contents MID Material ID of the associated MAT1 (See comment 1).0 Reference Guide 1205 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MATX33 MID KA TID FSC ALE P0 PHI EPSV0 A B C E1 E2 ET ETAC (10) ETAS Example (1) (2) (3) MAT1 133 0. Default = ELAST (Character = ELAST. Default = 0. 1206 OptiStruct 13.0 (Real) E1 Coefficient for Young's modulus update.0 (Real) P0 Initial air pressure (See comment 4).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No default (Real) ET Tangent modulus. Default = 0. No default (Integer > 0) FSCALE Scale factor for stress in yield curve. No default (Real) E2 Coefficient for Young's modulus update. Default = 1. Default = 0. Default = 1. Default = 0.0 (Real) B Yield parameter.0 (Real) A Yield parameter.0 (Real) EPSV0 Initial volumetric strain.0 (Real) PHI Ratio of foam to polymer density.Field Contents TID Identification number of TABLES1 entry that defines the yield stress vs. volumetric strain curve. Default = 1.0 (Real) C Yield parameter. IMPDYN. The Young’s modulus used in the calculation is E = max(E.0 (Real > 0) ETAS Viscosity coefficient in pure shear. 3. If TID is blank or zero. with = V/V0 . with = 0 + V/V0 . 4. 2. then σy = A + B(1+ Cγ ). Φ is the porosity. If TID is defined. initial volumetric strain. + E2) OptiStruct 13. typically used to model low density.0 Reference Guide 1207 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . This material can be used only with solid elements. Only one MATXi material extension can be associated with a particular MAT1.1 = ρ/ρ0 . Default = 1.0 (Real > 0) Comments 1. It is ignored for all other subcases. Default = 1.1 = -µ/(1+µ) 6. 7. 0 is the < 0 in compression. MATX33 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. σy vs. The material identification number must be that of an existing MAT1 bulk data entry. / (1+ .1 is the volumetric strain. E1 Altair Engineering is read from input of the curve. P0 is the initial air pressure. or EXPDYN. The volumetric strain 5. The air pressure is computed as Pair = P0 * where.Φ).Field Contents No default (Real > 0) ETAC Viscosity coefficient in pure compression. closed cell polyurethane foams such as impact limiters. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This card is represented as an extension to a MAT1 material in HyperMesh. 1208 OptiStruct 13. G = 0.5 * E. Hence. 8.This material assumes NU = 0 no matter what is defined on the corresponding MAT1. MATX36 Bulk Data Entry MATX36 – Material Property Extension for Piece-wise Linear Elastic-plastic Material for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines additional material properties for piece-wise linear elastic-plastic material for geometric nonlinear analysis..0 7 1..70E-06 (7) (8) (9) (10) 0.0 Altair Engineering (4) (5) (6) 0. .0 Reference Guide 1209 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . .. TIDi FSC Ai EPSRI (10) Example (1) (2) (3) MAT1 102 60. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MATX36 MID EPSMAX EPST1 EPST2 EPSF FSMOOTH FC UT IC H TPID PSC A TID1 FSC A1 EPSR1 .0 OptiStruct 13.33 2.4 MATX36 102 10 1.... 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Only for shell and solid elements.0*1030 EPSF (Real > 0) Tensile strain for element deletion.0 . Default = OFF (ON or OFF) FCUT Cutoff frequency for strain rate filtering.Hardening uses the kinematic Prager-Ziegler model.The hardening is a full isotropic model.0 . Default = 1030 (Real > 0) ICH Hardening coefficient.Field Contents MID Material identifier of the associated MAT1 (See comment 1). Default = 1030 EPST2 (Real > 0) Maximum tensile failure damage (See comment 6). 1210 OptiStruct 13.0 . 1.0 and 1.Hardening is interpolated between the two models. Default = 0. No default (Integer > 0) PSCA Scale factor for stress in pressure dependent function.0*1030 (Real > 0) FSMOOTH Flag for strain rate smoothing. No default (Integer > 0) EPSMAX Failure plastic strain εmax Default = 1030 (Real > 0) EPST1 Maximum tensile failure strain (See comment 5). Default = 2. Default = 3.0 (Real > 0) 0. Between 0. TPID Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines pressure dependent yield stress function. The first point of yield stress functions (plastic strain vs. 5.0 Reference Guide 1211 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 3. Hardening is defined by ICH. the stress σ is reduced by with εt2 = EPST2. plastic strain function corresponding to EPSRi. 9. Default = 1. If the first principal strain ε1 reaches εt2 = EPST2. If the last point of the first (static) function equals 0 in stress. the element is deleted. When the plastic strain reaches EPSMAX. Strain rate filtering is used to smooth strain rates. 8. 4. The input FCUT is available only for shell and solid elements. If the first principal strain ε1 reaches εf = EPSF. 2. the element is deleted. 7. It is ignored for all other subcases. IMPDYN.Field Contents Default = 1. Separate functions must be defined for different strain rates. The material identification number must be that of an existing MAT1 bulk data entry. MATX36 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. (Real) Comments 1. or EXPDYN. If the first principal strain ε1 reaches εt1 = EPST1. Strain rate values must be given strictly in ascending order. Only one MATXi material extension can be associated with a particular MAT1. 6. ICH = 0 – Fully isotropic hardening ICH = 1 – Prager-Ziegler kinematic hardening Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the default value of EPSMAX is set to the value of the corresponding plastic strain.0 (Real) TIDi Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines the yield stress vs. stress) should have a plastic strain value of zero. the stress is reduced to 0 (but the element is not deleted). No default (Integer > 0) FSCAi Scale factor for TIDi.0 (Real) EPSRi Strain rate. 15.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The effective yield stress is then obtained by multiplying the nominal yield stress by the yield factor PSCA corresponding to the actual pressure. 12. the yield stress is interpolated between TIDi and TIDi-1. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. This is available for both shell and solid elements. The first function TID1 is used for strain rate values from 0 to the corresponding strain rate EPSR1. if < EPSRi. 1212 OptiStruct 13. 14. 16. 13. for higher strain rates.0 < ICH < 1 – Interpolation between the two models 10. The kinematic hardening model is not available with global formulation (NIP = 0 on PSHELX). Separate functions must be defined for different strain rates. a linear extrapolation will be applied. the yield stress depends on the strain rate. At least one strain rate is needed under which the yield stress vs. However. the last function used in the model does not extend to the maximum strain rate. 11. Strain rate values must be given strictly in ascending order. If < EPSR1. TPID is used to distinguish the behavior in tension and compression for certain materials (that is pressure dependent yield). Above EPSRmax the yield stress is extrapolated. plastic strain function is defined. Hence. TID1 is used. In case of kinematic hardening and strain rate dependency. that is hardening is fully isotropic. 0E-10 -0..010 -2. and elastomers. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) MATX42 MID SC UT LAW MU1 MU4 (5) (6) TBID FBULK ALFA1 MU2 ALFA2 ALFA4 MU5 ALFA5 (7) (8) (9) MU3 ALFA3 T3 (10) Optional continuation lines for prony value: PRONY G1 T1 G2 T2 G3 G4 T4 G5 T5 .0 MATX42 102 LAW Altair Engineering 0.10 (4) 2. Example (1) (2) (3) MAT1 102 10. Mooney-Rivlin Material for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines additional material properties for Ogden.0 (5) (6) 0. polymers. This material is used to model rubber.MATX42 Bulk Data Entry MATX42 – Material Property Extension for Ogden.0 (7) (8) (9) (10) OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1213 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Mooney-Rivlin material for geometric nonlinear analysis..495 6. Default = 103 0 (Real > 0) TBID Identification number of a TABLES1 to define the bulk function f(J) that scales the bulk modulus vs. 1214 OptiStruct 13.0. f(J) = const.0 (Real > 0) LAW Indicates that material parameters MUi and ALFAi follow. Gi Parameter G for prony model. MUi Parameter µi (Real) ALFAi Parameter αi (Real) PRONY Indicates that prony model parameters Gi and Ti follow. Only one MATXi material extension can be associated with a particular MAT1. IMPDYN. or EXPDYN. It is ignored for all other subcases. 2. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) FBULK Scale factor for bulk function. If TBID = 0. (Real) Ti Parameter T for prony model. The material identification number must be that of an existing MAT1 bulk data entry. No default (Integer > 0) SCUT Cut-off stress in tension. (Real) Comments 1.Field Contents MID Material ID of the associated MAT1 (See comment 1). Default = 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . relative volume. = 1. MATX42 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. 3. The recommended Poisson’s ratio for incompressible material is NU = 0.1) The Bulk Modulus K is: with the ground shear modulus µ: 6. NU is defined on the corresponding MAT1. An incompressible Mooney-Rivlin material is governed by W = C1 0 (I1 . 5.3) + C0 1 (I2 .0 Reference Guide 1215 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .3) where. ε i is the ith principal engineering strain). Up to five pairs MUi. Ii is ith invariant of the right-hand Cauchy-Green Tensor. The strain energy density W is computed using the following equation with λi being the ith principal stretch (λi = 1 + ε i . The Cauchy stress is computed as follows: with J = λ1 * λ2 * λ3 being the relative volume: The quantity P is the pressure: P = K * FBULK * f (J) * (J . ALFAi are permitted. It can be modeled using the following parameters: µ1 = 2 * C1 0 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 4.495. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 7. 1216 OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh. The Kirchhoff viscous stress is given by the convolution integral: and 8.0 α2 = -2.µ2 = -2 * C0 1 α1 = 2. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) MATX43 MID R00 R45 R90 C HARD EPSPF EPST1 EPST2 If strain rate dependent material.0 0.3 0.0 2. at least 1 time.1 2 1.0 0.7173 0.0 Reference Guide 1217 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 1.0 1 1.4 MATX43 102 1.05 Altair Engineering (7) (8) (9) (10) 2.7 OptiStruct 13.7173 0.MATX43 Bulk Data Entry MATX43 – Material Property Extension for Hill Orthotropic Material for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines additional material properties for Hill Orthotropic material for geometric nonlinear analysis. This law is only applicable to two-dimensional elements. at most 10 times TID1 FSC A1 EPSR1 TID2 FSC A2 EPSR2 … … … Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) MAT8 102 0. Default = 1. Separate functions must be defined for different strain rates. Default = 0. Default = 1.0 (Real) R90 Lankford parameter at 90 degrees. Default = 1.Hardening is interpolated between the two models.0 (Real) CHARD Hardening coefficient. plastic strain function corresponding to EPSRi.0 . Between 0.0 (Real) R45 Lankford parameter at 45 degrees. Default = 1030 (Real) EPST2 Tensile failure strain. Default = 2. 1.0) EPSPF Failure plastic strain.0*1030 (Real) TIDi Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines the yield stress vs. No default (Integer > 0) R00 Lankford parameter at 0 degree. Integer > 0 1218 OptiStruct 13.Field Contents MID Material ID of the associated MAT8. 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Hardening uses the kinematic Prager-Ziegler model. Default = 1030 (Real) EPST1 Tensile failure strain.0 (1.0 and 1.The hardening is a full isotropic model. See comment 1.0 .0 .0 > Real > 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 3. 2. if set to 1. The Lankford parameters rα are determined from a simple tensile test at an angle α to the orthotropic direction 1. It is ignored for all other subcases. the hardening uses the kinematic Prager-Ziegler model. The hardening coefficient is used to describe the hardening model.0 (Real) EPSRi Strain rate for ith function. 6. 4. Default= 1. Only one MATX43 material extension can be associated with a particular MAT8.Field Contents FSCAi Scale factor for ith function. or EXPDYN. The yield stress is defined by a user function and the yield stress is compared to equivalent stress. IMPDYN. Its value must be between 0 and 1: if set to 0. the hardening is full isotropic. Angles for Lankford parameters are defined with respect to orthotropic direction 1. (Real) Comments 1. The material identification number must be that of an existing MAT8 bulk data entry. MATX43 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. 5. E1 must be equal to E2 on MAT8 that is extended by MATX43.0 Reference Guide 1219 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 7. yield is extrapolated. If (EPSRn). If the last point of the first (static) function equals 0 in stress.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 8. 1220 OptiStruct 13. 9. This card is represented as extension to a MAT8 material in HyperMesh. the hardening is interpolated between the two models. function ƒ1 is used. If (EPSR1). stress is reduced according to the following relation: 10. the element is deleted. default value of failure plastic strain EPSPF is set to the corresponding value of plastic strain. If plastic strain εp reaches failure plastic strain εpmax . 11. p. the stress is reduced to be 0 (but the element is not deleted). Above . yield is interpolated between ƒn and ƒn-1. If ε1 (largest principal strain) > εt2(EPST2). If ε1 (largest principal strain) > εt1(EPST1).for any value between 0 and 1. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) A Plasticity yield stress.92E-07 Field Contents MID Material ID of the associated MAT1.MATX44 Bulk Data Entry MATX44 – Material Property Extension for Cowper-Symonds Elastic-plastic Material for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines additional material properties for Cowper-Symonds elastic-plastic material for geometric nonlinear analysis. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MATX44 MID A B N IC H SIGMAX C P IC C FSMOOTH FC UT EPSMAX EPST1 EPST2 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) MAT1 144 0.11 9.11 MATX44 144 (4) (5) (6) 0. (Real > 0) B Plasticity hardening parameter. (Real > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1221 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 1222 OptiStruct 13.Field Contents N Plasticity hardening exponent.0 (Real) P Strain rate exponent.0 (Real) ICC Flag for strain rate dependency of σmax (See comment 5). Default = 1.0 and 1. Default = 0.0 (Real > 0) SIGMAX Maximum plastic stress σmax0 Default = 1030 (Real > 0) C Strain rate coefficient. Default = OFF (ON or OFF) FCUT Cutoff frequency for strain rate filtering.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1. Default = 1.0: Hardening is interpolated between the two models. Default = 1030 (Real > 0) EPST1 Tensile rupture strain 1. Default = 0.0: The hardening is a full isotropic model. 0.0 (Real) ICH Hardening coefficient. Between 0. Default = 1030 (Real > 0) EPSMAX Failure plastic strain.0: Hardening uses the kinematic Prager-Ziegler model. Default = ON (ON or OFF) FSMOOTH Flag for strain rate smoothing. 0 Reference Guide 1223 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The basic principle is the same as the standard Johnson-Cook model. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. or EXPDYN. 0 < ICH < 1 – Interpolation between the two models. MATX44 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. only for solids and shells. the only difference between the two lies in the expression for strain rate effect on flow stress with εp being plastic strain. being the strain rate. Only one MATXi material extension can be associated with a particular MAT1. 3. ICC controls the strain rate effect. Hardening is defined by ICH. The material identification number must be that of an existing MAT1 bulk data entry. 5. ICH = 1 – Prager-Ziegler kinematic hardening. 2. and 4. It is ignored for all other subcases.0 * 1030 (Real > 0) Comments 1. The Cowper-Symonds models an elastic-plastic material. Default = 2.Field Contents Default = 1030 (Real > 0) EPST2 Tensile rupture strain 2. ICH = 0 – Fully isotropic hardening. IMPDYN. 11. the element is deleted. 10. 8. 7. If the first principal strain ε1 reaches εf = EPSF. the stress σ is reduced by with εt2 = EPST2. 12. The input FCUT is available only for shell and solid elements. When the plastic strain reaches EPSMAX. This card is represented as an extension to a MAT1 material in HyperMesh. If the first principal strain ε1 reaches εt1 = EPST1. No strain rate effects are considered in rod elements. the stress is reduced to 0 (but the element is not deleted).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If the first principal strain ε1 reaches εt2 = EPST2. 9. the element is deleted. Strain rate filtering is used to smooth strain rates.6. 1224 OptiStruct 13. at most 10 times: TID1 FSC A1 EPSR1 TID2 FSC A2 EPSR2 .. . .0 Reference Guide 1225 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .2E-7 102 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) MATX60 MID EPSPF EPST1 EPST2 TPID PSC A (7) FSMOOTH C HARD (8) (9) (10) FC UT EPSF Strain rate dependent material.0 4.. at least 4 times...33 1E1 (7) (8) (9) (10) OptiStruct 13.2e6 Altair Engineering (5) (6) 0.0 4. Example (1) (2) (3) MAT1 102 900 MATX60 102 (4) 101 1...MATX60 Bulk Data Entry MATX60 – Material Property Extension for Piece-wise Nonlinear Elastic-plastic Material for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines additional material properties for piece-wise nonlinear elastic-plastic material for geometric nonlinear analysis. 0 > Real > 0) FCUT Cutoff frequency for strain rate filtering.0: Hardening uses the kinematic Prager-Ziegler model. Default = OFF (ON or OFF) CHARD Hardening coefficient.0: Hardening is interpolated between the two models. 1. No default (Integer > 0) EPSPF Failure plastic strain.0*1030 (Real > 0) TPID Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines pressure dependent yield stress function. No default (Integer > 0) PSCA Scale factor for stress in pressure dependent function.0 and 1. Default = 1030 (Real > 0) EPST2 Maximum tensile failure damage (See comment 6). Default = 2. Between 0. Default = 0. Only for shell and solid elements.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 (1. 1226 OptiStruct 13. Default = 3.0*1030 (Real > 0) FSMOOTH Flag for strain rate smoothing. Default = 1030 (Real > 0) EPST1 Maximum tensile failure strain (See comment 5).0: The hardening is a full isotropic model. 0.Field Contents MID Material ID of the associated MAT1 (See comment 1). Default = 1030 (Real > 0) EPSF Tensile strain for element deletion. If the first principal strain ε1 reaches εt2 (EPST2). Strain rate values must be given strictly in ascending order. stress) should have a plastic strain value of zero. MATX60 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. The input FCUT is available only for shell and solid elements.0 (Real) TIDi Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines the yield stress vs. Hardening is defined by ICH. the element is deleted. Default = 1. the stress is reduced to 0 (but the element is not deleted). 8. If the last point of the first (static) function equals 0 in stress. the element is deleted. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. or EXPDYN. IMPDYN. Strain rate filtering is used to smooth strain rates. 7. plastic strain rate function corresponding to EPSRi.Field Contents Default = 1. Only one MATX60 material extension can be associated with a particular MAT1. No default (Integer > 0) FSCAi Scale factor for TIDi. Separate functions must be defined for different strain rates. the default value of EPSMAX is set to the value of the corresponding plastic strain. If the first principal strain ε1 reaches εt1 (EPST1). the stress σ is reduced by with εt2 = EPST2. 2. If the first principal strain ε1 reaches εf (EPSF). The first point of yield stress functions (plastic strain vs. It is ignored for all other subcases. (Real) Comments 1. 6. 3. The material identification number must be that of an existing MAT1 bulk data entry. When the plastic strain reaches EPSMAX. 4. 9.0 Reference Guide 1227 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 5.0 (Real) EPSRi Strain rate. and f 3. yield stress is a cubic interpolation between functions f n- 1. where Nfunc is the function number for strain rate. TPID is used to distinguish the behavior in tension and compression for certain materials (that is pressure dependent yield). 1228 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Strain rate values must be given strictly in ascending order. Separate functions must be defined for different strain rates. f Nfunc-1 and f Nfunc. The kinematic hardening model is not available with global formulation (NIP = 0 on PSHELX). f n. 13. If . f n+1 and f n+2. The effective yield stress is then obtained by multiplying the nominal yield stress by the yield factor PSCA corresponding to the actual pressure. This card is represented as an extension to a MAT1 material in HyperMesh. and f Nfunc. f 2. 11. 15. that is hardening is fully isotropic. yield is extrapolated between functions f Nfunc-3.ICH = 0 – Fully isotropic hardening ICH = 1 – Prager-Ziegler kinematic hardening 0 < ICH < 1 – Interpolation between the two models Isotropic Hardening Prager-Ziegler Kinematic Hardening 10. 12. yield stress is interpolated between functions f 1. f Nfunc-1. yield is extrapolated between functions f Nfunc-2. the yield stress depends on the strain rate. If . If ( =EPSRn) . 14. This is available for solid elements only. In case of kinematic hardening and strain rate dependency. f Nfunc-2. If . .0 (5) (6) 0. T3 Example (1) (2) (3) MAT1 102 10.0E-10 -0...0 Reference Guide 1229 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .MATX62 Bulk Data Entry MATX62 – Material Property Extension for Hyper-visco-elastic Material for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines additional material properties for Hyper-visco-elastic material for geometric nonlinear analysis. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MATX62 MID MUMAX LAW (9) MU1 ALFA1 MU2 ALFA2 MU3 ALFA3 MU4 ALFA4 MU5 ALFA5 ..495 6.0 MATX62 102 LAW Altair Engineering 0. polymers. This material is used to model rubber.10 (4) 2. (10) Optional continuation lines for Maxwell value: MAXWELL GAM1 T1 GAM2 T2 GAM3 GAM4 T4 GAM5 T5 .010 -2.0 (7) (8) (9) (10) OptiStruct 13. and elastomers. 5. Only one MATXi material extension can be associated with a particular MAT1. Default = 1030 (Real) LAW Indicates that material parameters MUi and ALFAi follow.Field Contents MID Material ID of the associated MAT1 (See comment 1). MATX62 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. This material is compatible with solid and shell elements. It is ignored for all other subcases. or EXPDYN. IMPDYN. (Real) Comments 1. T1 is given the law is hyper-elastic. GAMi Stiffness ratio γ i. (Real) Ti Time relaxation τi. If no pair GAM1. 3. No default (Integer > 0) MUMAX Maximum viscosity. MUi Parameter µi (Real) ALFAi Parameter αi (Real) MAXWELL Indicates that MAXWELL model parameter pairs GAMi and Ti follow. 2. The material identification number must be that of an existing MAT1 bulk data entry. 4.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1230 OptiStruct 13. NU is defined on the corresponding MAT1. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh.5 The ground shear modulus is: 7.0 Reference Guide 1231 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .6. The strain energy density W is computed using the following equation: with λi being the ith principal stretch. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. O < NU < 0. J = λ1 * λ2 * λ3 being the relative volume and . MATX65 Bulk Data Entry MATX65 – Material Property Extension for Tabulated Strain Rate Dependent Elastic-Plastic Material for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines additional material properties for tabulated strain rate dependent elastic-plastic material for geometric nonlinear analysis.4 MATX65 91 2.70E-06 (7) (8) (9) (10) 1 Field Contents MID Material ID of the associated MAT1 (See comment 1).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .70E-06 1 2 (4) (5) (6) 0. NLOAD times TIDL TIDU EPSR FSC AL Example (1) (2) (3) MAT1 91 60.33 2. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MATX65 MID EPSMAX FSMOOTH FC UT NLOAD (8) (9) (10) If NLOAD > 1. No default (Integer > 0) 1232 OptiStruct 13. In the elastic range. Default = 1.0 (Real) Comments 1. the yield stress is defined by the intersection between loading and unloading curves. (Integer > 0) TIDU Identification number of TABLES1 entry that defines the unloading stressstrain function. 3. For each strain rate. Default = OFF (ON or OFF) FCUT Cutoff frequency for strain rate filtering. (Integer > 0) EPSR Strain rate. It is Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.E30 (Real > 0) NLOAD Number of loading/unloading stress-strain function pairs. It is ignored for all other subcases. the material behavior is elastic with hysteresis. Strain rates are interpolated using input values.0 Reference Guide 1233 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . IMPDYN.Field Contents EPSMAX Failure plastic strain εmax (Real > 0) FSMOOTH Strain rate filtering flag. Only one MATXi material extension can be associated with a particular MAT1. The material law is defined by pairs of stress functions for loading and unloading at a constant strain rate. The material identification number must be that of an existing MAT1 bulk data entry. 2. Unloading follows unloading curve shifted by plastic strain value. MATX65 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. Default = 1. Default = 1.0 (Real) FSCAL Scale factor for stress. stress smaller than the yield value. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) TIDL Identification number of TABLES1 entry that defines the loading stress-strain function. or EXPDYN. The Young's modulus must be greater than the maximum function slopes. user defined functions set the limits for the cycling loading.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Loading and unloading function sets for constant strain rates. For a constant strain rate.limited by loading and unloading curves. and is used to follow loading and unloading paths between limiting curves. 1234 OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh.4. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1235 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . This law is only applicable to solid elements. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MATX68 MID TIID11 TIID22 TIID33 IFLAG1 FSC AI11 FSC AI22 FSC AI33 EPSFI11 EPSFI22 EPSFI33 TIID12 TIID23 TIID31 IFLAG2 FSC AI12 FSC AI23 FSC AI31 EPSFI12 EPSFI23 EPSFI31 TIID21 TIID32 TIID13 FSC AI21 FSC AI32 FSC AI13 TRID11 TRID22 TRID33 FSC AR11 FSC AR22 FSC AR33 EPST11 EPST22 EPST33 TRID12 TRID23 TRID31 FSC AR12 FSC AR23 FSC AR31 EPST12 EPST23 EPST31 TRID21 TRID32 TRID13 FSC AR21 FSC AR32 FSC AR13 (9) (10) Example 1236 OptiStruct 13.MATX68 Bulk Data Entry MATX68 – Material Property Extension for Honeycomb Material for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines additional material properties for Honeycomb material for geometric nonlinear analysis.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 0 0.0 0.33 0.33 0.0 1.01 0.0 1.0 0. No default (Integer > 0) TIID11 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines initial yield stress function in direction 11.0 1.0 1.1 0.0 12 23 31 1.0 21 32 13 1. No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.2 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 21 32 13 1.0 1. See comment 1.0 0.02 0.286E-7 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 MATX68 (10) 102 Field Contents MID Material ID of the associated MAT9ORT.0 0.0 0.1 11 22 33 NEGSTR 1.0 0 0 0 12 23 31 NEGSTR 1.0 11 22 33 1.0 Reference Guide 1237 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .33 0.0 1.(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MAT9ORT 102 0.02 0.0 1. (Real) EPSFI33 Initial failure strain under tension or compression in direction 33. No default (Integer > 0) TIID33 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines initial yield stress function in direction 33.Yield stress is a function of strains. NEGSTR . See comment 4. and 33.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 (Real) FSCAI33 Scale factor on initial yield stress function in direction 33. 22. Default = VOLSTR (VOLSTR.0 (Real) FSCAI22 Scale factor on initial yield stress function in direction 22. VOLSTR . Default = 1. No default (Integer > 0) IFLAG1 Strain formulation for yield functions 11. Default = 1. STR .Field Contents TIID22 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines initial yield stress function in direction 22. (Real) EPSFI22 Initial failure strain under tension or compression in direction 22.Yield stress is a function of volumetric strains. Default = 1.Yield stress is a function of negative strains. (Real) TIID12 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines initial shear yield stress 1238 OptiStruct 13.0 (Real) EPSFI11 Initial failure strain under tension or compression in direction 11. NEGSTR) FSCAI11 Scale factor on initial yield stress function in direction 11. STR. Field Contents function in direction 12. Default = 1. (Real) EPSFI23 Initial failure strain under tension or compression in direction 23.Yield stress is a function of negative strains.0 (Real) EPSFI12 Initial failure strain under tension or compression in direction 12. 23. Default = 1. (Real) EPSFI31 Initial failure strain under tension or compression in direction 31. STR. STR . NEGSTR .Yield stress is a function of volumetric strains. VOLSTR .Yield stress is a function of strains.0 Reference Guide 1239 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . NEGSTR) FSCAI12 Scale factor on initial shear yield stress function in direction 12. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. No default (Integer > 0) TIID31 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines Initial shear yield stress function in direction 31.0 (Real) FSCAI31 Scale factor on initial shear yield stress function in direction 31. No default (Integer > 0) TIID23 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines Initial shear yield stress function in direction 23. Default = 1. Default = VOLSTR (VOLSTR. and 31.0 (Real) FSCAI23 Scale factor on initial shear yield stress function in direction 23. No default (Integer > 0) IFLAG2 Strain formulation for yield functions 12. No default (Integer > 0) TRID22 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines residual yield stress function in direction 22. No default (Integer > 0) TIID13 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines Initial shear yield stress function in direction 13. No default (Integer > 0) 1240 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = 1.0 (Real) TRID11 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines residual yield stress function in direction 11. No default (Integer > 0) TRID33 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines residual yield stress function in direction 33. Default = 1. No default (Integer > 0) TIID32 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines Initial shear yield stress function in direction 32.0 (Real) FSCAI13 Scale factor on initial shear yield stress function in direction 13. No default (Integer > 0) FSCAI21 Scale factor on initial shear yield stress function in direction 21.Field Contents (Real) TIID21 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines Initial shear yield stress function in direction 21. Default = 1.0 (Real) FSCAI32 Scale factor on initial shear yield stress function in direction 32. Default = 1.Field Contents FSCAR11 Scale factor on residual yield stress function in direction 11. No default (Integer > 0) TRID23 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines residual shear yield stress function in direction 23. (Real) TRID12 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines residual shear yield stress function in direction 12. No default (Integer > 0) TRID31 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines residual shear yield stress function in direction 31. No default (Integer > 0) FSCAR12 Scale factor on residual shear yield stress function in direction 12. Default = 1. (Real) EPST33 Transition strain in direction 33. Default = 1.0 (Real) EPST11 Transition strain in direction 11.0 (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1241 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . (Real) EPST22 Transition strain in direction 22.0 (Real) FSCAR22 Scale factor on residual yield stress function in direction 22.0 (Real) FSCAR33 Scale factor on residual yield stress function in direction 33. Default = 1. 0 (Real) FSCAR31 Scale factor on residual shear yield stress function in direction 31. (Real) EPST31 Transition strain in direction 31. No default (Integer > 0) FSCAR21 Scale factor on residual shear yield stress function in direction 21.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No default (Integer > 0) TRID32 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines residual shear yield stress function in direction 32.0 (Real) EPST12 Transition strain in direction 12.Field Contents FSCAR23 Scale factor on residual shear yield stress function in direction 23. Default = 1. Default = 1. Default = 1. No default (Integer > 0) TRID13 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines residual shear yield stress function in direction 13.0 (Real) FSCAR32 Scale factor on residual shear yield stress function in direction 32. (Real) EPST23 Transition strain in direction 23.0 (Real) 1242 OptiStruct 13. (Real) TRID21 Identification number of a TABLES1 that defines residual shear yield stress function in direction 21. Default = 1. 4. 3. IFLAGi = NEGSTR allows the same function definition to be retained. MATX68 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. Transition strains define transition from initial yield stress function to residual yield stress function. 6. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 2. 7. If one of the transition or shear transition strains is reached. 8. This law is compatible with 8 node brick elements with ISOLID =1 or ISOLID =2 on PSOLIDX only. If one of the failure or shear failure strains is reached. Default = 1.0 Reference Guide 1243 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . the element has yield stress described by residual functions in each direction.0 (Real) Comments 1. The material identification number must be that of an existing MAT9ORT bulk data entry. or EXPDYN.Field Contents FSCAR13 Scale factor on residual shear yield stress function in direction 13. Only one MATX68 material extension can be associated with a particular MAT9ORT. It is ignored for all other subcases. the element is deleted. This card is represented as extension to a MAT9ORT material in HyperMesh. 5. Transition is applied to the neighbor elements. IMPDYN. When switching from a volumetric strain formulation to a strain formulation. 1 9.8 (5) (6) 0. NULOAD times TIDU EPSRU FSC ALU Example (1) (2) (3) MAT1 170 0. NLOAD times TIDL EPSRL FSC ALL If NULOAD > 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 (4) 0.MATX70 Bulk Data Entry MATX70 – Material Property Extension for Tabulated Visco-elastic Foam Material for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines additional material properties for tabulated visco-elastic foam material for geometric nonlinear analysis.9E-07 (7) 1 (8) (9) (10) 4 2 1244 OptiStruct 13.1 MATX70 170 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) MATX70 MID EMAX EPSMAX FSMOOTH FC UT NLOAD NULOAD IFLAG SHAPE HYS If NLOAD > 1. 2. Default = OFF (ON or OFF) FCUT Cutoff frequency for strain rate filtering. (Real > 0) FSMOOTH Strain rate smoothing flag. NULOAD must be zero. or 4. For unloading. 2. 2 – Behavior follows the loading/unloading curves. For unloading. (Real > 0) EPSMAX Maximum plastic (failure) strain.0 Reference Guide 1245 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Default = 0 (Integer) 0 – Behavior follows the loading and unloading curves respectively. No default (Integer > 0) EMAX Maximum young modulus . or 4 (Integer > 0) IFLAG Flag to control the loading/unloading behavior (See comment 5). Default = 1 (Integer > 1) NULOAD Number of unloading stress-strain function. 3. if FLAG = 1. the stress tensor is modified. 1 – Behavior follows the loading/unloading curves.Field Contents MID Material ID of the associated MAT1 (See comment 1). if FLAG = 0 Default = 0. If FLAG in this card is 1. 3.E30 (Real > 0) NLOAD Number of loading stress-strain function. the deviatoric stress is modified. Default = 1. Default = 1. 0 (Real) FSCALL Scale factor for loading function.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Only one MATXi material extension can be associated with a particular MAT1. Default = 1. The unloading curves are ignored.Field Contents 3 – The loading curve is used for both loading and unloading. 2. SHAPE Shape factor. or EXPDYN. Default = 0. Default = 0. For unloading. IMPDYN. It is ignored for all other subcases.0 (Real) FSCALU Scale factor for unloading function. 4 . Default = 1. Default = 1. the deviatoric stress is modified. the stress tensor is modified.0 (Real) HYS Hysteresis unloading factor. The unloading curves are ignored.0 (Real) TIDL Identification number of TABLES1 entry that defines the loading function.The loading curve is used for both loading and unloading. For unloading. The material identification number must be that of an existing MAT1 bulk data entry. No default (Integer > 0) EPSRU Strain rate for unloading function.0 (Real) TIDU Identification number of TABLES1 entry that defines the unloading function.0 (Real) Comments 1. MATX70 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. Default = 1. (Integer > 0) EPSRL Strain rate for loading function. 1246 OptiStruct 13. Both loading curves are used respectively.3.The material behavior follows the defined curves for loading and unloading. and IFRAME = OFF (not co-rotational). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This material law can be used only with solid elements. For unloading. where D is calculated from the quasi-static unloading curve. The corresponding PSOLIDX property must define ISOLID = 1 (Belytschko element). the stress tensor is modified using the quasi-static unloading curve σ = (1 .D)σ. The pressure is: p = -(σxx + σyy + σzz) / 3 IFLAG = 2 . The loading and unloading functions use engineering stress-strain curve. are the current stresses computed respectively from the unloading and quasi-static curves.0 Reference Guide 1247 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . ISMSTR = 1 (small strain). NLOAD and NULOAD must be greater than 0. are the current stresses computed respectively from the unloading and quasi-static curves. The loading and unloading behavior is determined by IFLAG. IFLAG = 1 . D is calculated from the quasi-static unloading curve.Both loading and unloading curves are used respectively. For unloading.D)(σ + p*I) – p*I where. IFLAG = 0 . Loading and unloading stress-strain curves 5. 4. the deviatoric stress is modified by using the quasi-static unloading curve σ = (1 . D)(σ + p*I) – p*I where. For stresses above the last load function. If EPSMAX is blank. Young's modulus E on MAT1 card would be modified automatically if it is less than the initial value according to the input stress-strain curves' tangents. 10. it is recommended to repeat the last load function. If EMAX is blank. The unloading stress tensor is modified using σ = (1 . When maximum plastic strain EPSMAX is reached. For IFLAG = 3.The loading curves are used for both loading and unloading behavior. EMAX is used whatever the curve definition is. Wcur and Wmax are the current and maximum energy. 6.The loading curves are used for both loading and unloading behavior.IFLAG = 3 . 7.D)σ. the behavior is extrapolated by using the two last load functions. where. The unloading curve is ignored. 9. respectively. 4 the unloading curves are not used. EMAX is set and equal to Young modulus on MAT1 card. IFLAG = 4 . The unloading curve is ignored. it will be calculated automatically if EMAX is less than the maximum tangent according to the input stress-strain curves. 1248 OptiStruct 13. respectively. Wcur and Wmax are the current and maximum energy. 11. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 8. In order to avoid huge stress values. The deviatoric unloading stress is modified using σ = (1 . MATX82 Bulk Data Entry MATX82 – Material Property Extension for Ogden Material for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines additional material properties for Ogden material for geometric nonlinear analysis.0 Reference Guide 1249 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 MATX82 102 LAW 0. Format (1) (2) MATX82 MID LAW (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MU1 ALFA1 D1 MU2 ALFA2 D2 MU3 ALFA3 D3 MU4 ALFA4 D4 (9) (10) .0 (5) (6) 0.. polymers. No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0E-10 -0. Example (1) (2) (3) MAT1 102 10. This material is used to model rubber.010 (7) (8) (9) (10) -2. and elastomers..0 Field Contents MID Material ID of the associated MAT1 (See comment 1).10 (4) 2.495 6. 4. MUi Parameter µi (Real) ALFAi Parameter αi (Real) Di Parameter Di (Real) Comments 1. The strain energy density W is computed using the following equation with λi being the ith principal stretch. The material identification number must be that of an existing MAT1 bulk data entry. =1. then 1250 OptiStruct 13. a small NU (for example.Field Contents LAW Indicates that material parameters MUi. It is ignored for all other subcases. J = λ1 * λ2 * λ3 being the relative volume and . and Di follow. NU is defined on the corresponding MAT1. MATX82 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. ALFAi. IMPDYN.E-10) should be defined. 2. 3. 5. Only one MATXi material extension can be associated with a particular MAT1. For material without Poisson effect.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . or EXPDYN. The Bulk Modulus K is: If NU = 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The ground shear modulus is 7. 6. then u = 0. This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh.1 is modified to respect If NU = 0 and D1 = 0.475.0 Reference Guide 1251 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) ETYPE Entity type that needs to be activated. "MLOAD".0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . "JOINT".MBACT Bulk Data Entry MBACT – Activate an Entity/set in the Multi-body System Description Defines the entity/set that needs to be activated in the multi-body system for the subsequent simulation. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MBAC T ID ETYPE ID1 ID2 ID3 … (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MBAC T ID ETYPE IDST THRU IDEND (8) (9) (10) (8) (9) (10) or Example (1) (2) (3) (4) MBAC T ID MOTION 92 (5) Field Contents ID Unique identification number. (Option – "CMBEAM". or "MOTION") 1252 OptiStruct 13. "CMBUSH". "CMSPDP". Field Contents ID1.0 Reference Guide 1253 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0) THRU Keyword to indicate entity/set ID range is specified. IDEND Entity/Set ID range end. (Integer > 0) IDST Entity/Set ID range start. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. (Integer > IDST) Comments 1. … Entity/Set IDs that need to be activated. ID2. No default (Integer > 0) CNFTYPE Contact Normal Force Type. No default (CHARACTER: LINEAR. this parameter specifies the interface stiffness coefficient. this parameter specifies the penalty parameter 1254 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No default (Integer > 0) SRFID Multi-body deformable surface (MBDSRF) identification number. No default (Integer > 0) SID1 Set identification number of a set of nodes. Select from LINEAR and POISSON. For CNFTYPE=POISSON.1 Field Contents CID Contact identification number. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MBC NTDS C ID SID SRFID C NFTYPE STIFF DAMP RADIUS (9) (10) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MBC NTD S 2 21 4 LINEAR 1E6 10 .MBCNTDS Bulk Data Entry MBCNTDS – Multi-body Contact with Deformable Surface Description Defines a Multi-body Contact between a set of nodes and a deformable surface. POISSON) STIFF For CNFTYPE=LINEAR. 0 < Real < 1.0 (0. Default = 0. this parameter specifies the interface damping. Default = 0. Default = 1.0) RADIUS Radius of the sphere geometry centered at the origin of the I marker.0 (Real > 0) Comments 1. Default = 0. this parameter specifies the coefficient of restitution value for the contact.0 (Real > 0.0 (Real > 0) For CNFTYPE=POISSON.Field Contents which is related to the stiffness RJTODO.0) DAMP For CNFTYPE=LINEAR. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1255 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . This card is represented as a group in HyperMesh. CNFTYPE Contact normal force type. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) MBC NTR C ID SID1 SID2 C NFTYPE PENAL C OR MUSTAT MUDYN C FFTYPE STVEL FTVEL Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MBC NTR 2 4 7 POISSON 1E6 .3 C OUL . (10) No default (Integer > 0) SID1 Set identification number for a set of elements.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1256 OptiStruct 13. No default (Integer > 0) SID2 Set identification number for a set of elements.5 .8 Field Contents CID Contact identification number.7 .MBCNTR Bulk Data Entry MBCNTR – Multi-body Contact of Type Rigid to Rigid Description Defines a Multi-body Contact between rigid bodies.1 . Default = POISSON PENAL Penalty factor. Field Contents Default = 1.0 (Real > 0. Default = 0.0) Comments 1. Default = 0. NONE.0 (Real > 0.0) MUDYN Coefficient of dynamic friction.0 (Real > 0. Default = 0. Default = 0.0) CFFTYPE Contact friction force type Default = (COUL. This card is represented as a group in HyperMesh.0) MUSTAT Coefficient of static friction. DYNA) STVEL Stiction transition velocity.0 Reference Guide 1257 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 < Real < 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0) FTVEL Friction transition velocity. Default = 1. Defines the slip velocity at which the static coefficient of friction MUSTAT is applied.0 (0.0 (Real > 0. Defines the slip velocity at which the dynamic coefficient of friction MUDYN is applied.0 (Real > 0.0) COR Coefficient of restitution. 9 5. 1258 OptiStruct 13.1 Field Contents CVID Curve identification number.2 4.0 3. Format (1) (2) (3) MBC RV C VID LINEAR X1 Y1 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) X2 Y2 … … Xn Yn (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MBC RV 399 1.0 1.0 0. (10) No default (Integer > 0) LINEAR If the LINEAR keyword is specified. linear extrapolation is used to determine the curve data when the independent coordinate goes out of the range specified on the Xi fields.0 12.1 2.0 19. If this field is blank. no extrapolation is applied and an ERROR is output when the independent coordinate goes out of range.0 14.MBCRV Bulk Data Entry MBCRV – XY Curve Definition Description Specifies the data used to define a curve.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Y2.Field Contents Default = blank X1. No default (Real) Comments 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. X3. X1 < X2 < X3 < …) Y1. …. Y3.0 Reference Guide 1259 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . X2. Xn Independent curve data. Yn Dependent curve data. This card is represented as a curve in HyperMesh. No default (Real. …. No default (Integer > 0) G3 This grid specifies the guess for the initial contact point on the first curve.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) PCID1 Parametric curve (MBPCRV) identification number. No default (Integer > 0) PCID2 Parametric curve (MBPCRV) identification number. 1260 OptiStruct 13.MBCVCV Bulk Data Entry MBCVCV – Multi-body Curve to Curve Constraint Description Defines a Curve to Curve Constraint. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) MBC VC V JID blank PC ID1 G3 V1 blank blank PC ID2 G4 V2 (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) MBC VC V 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 Field Contents JID Joint identification number. V1 Specifies the sliding velocity of the contact point relative to the part on which the curve is etched. Default = 0. specifying it helps the solver in determining the initial contact point. specifying it helps the solver in determining the initial contact point.0 (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.Field Contents Although this parameter is optional. V2 is positive when contact point is moving toward the start of the curve and vice-versa. Although this parameter is optional.0 Reference Guide 1261 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . V2 Specifies the sliding velocity of the contact point relative to the part on which the curve is etched.0 (Real) G4 This grid specifies the guess for the initial contact point on the second curve. V1 is positive when contact point is moving toward the start of the curve and vice-versa. Default = 0. It should be left blank for other end conditions. A value of 0 implies NATURAL end condition while a value of 1 implies PARABOLIC end condition. Format (1) (2) MBDC RV (3) DC ID G1 (4) ENDTYPE LAMBDAL L G2 (5) (6) (7) ENDTYPE R LAMBDA R NSEG G3 (8) (9) (10) … Example (1) MBDC RV (2) (3) 1 NATURA L 201 202 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) C ANTILEVE R 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = NATURAL LAMBDAL This parameter is only applicable for CANTILEVER type end condition. A real valued parameter in the interval [0.1] that controls the left end condition for CUBIC spline interpolation.MBDCRV Bulk Data Entry MBDCRV – Multi-body Deformable Curve Description Defines an ordered list of grids as a Multi-body Deformable Curve.5 100 5 204 205 203 Field Contents DCID Curve identification number. PARABOLIC. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) ENDTYPEL Select from NATURAL. 1262 OptiStruct 13. See comment 1. PERIODIC and CANTILEVER. 2. Default = NATURAL LAMBDAR This parameter is only applicable for CANTILEVER type end condition. PARABOLIC. No default (Integer > 0) G1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. G2.0 (0.0) ENDTYPER Select from: NATURAL.0 Reference Guide 1263 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . PERIODIC and CANTILEVER.0 < Real < 1. Default = 0. PERIODIC and CANTILEVER represent the four standard assumptions defined as follows: Note that λ =0.0 implies PARABOLIC end conditions. PARABOLIC. A real valued parameter in the interval [0. G3. Comments 1. It should be left blank for other end conditions. The keywords NATURAL.0 < Real < 1.1] that controls the left end condition for CUBIC spline interpolation. This card is represented as a set in HyperMesh. The deformable curve is generated using the CUBIC spline interpolation which requires assumptions on the second derivative of the interpolating function at either end of the curve. A value of 0 implies NATURAL end condition while a value of 1 implies PARABOLIC end condition.0 implies NATURAL (or free) end conditions and λ =1.Field Contents Default = 0.0) NSEG Number of segments used to visualize the deformable curve in animation. See comment 1. … Ordered list of grid IDs defining the curve.0 (0. "MLOAD". "CMBUSH". "JOINT". Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MBDEAC T ID ETYPE ID1 ID2 ID3 … (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MBDEAC T ID ETYPE IDST THRU IDEND (8) (9) (10) (8) (9) (10) or Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) MBDEAC T ID MOTION 92 94 199 Field Contents ID Unique identification number. or "MOTION") 1264 OptiStruct 13.MBDEACT Bulk Data Entry MBDEACT – Deactivate an Entity/set in the Multi-body System Description Defines the entity/set that needs to be deactivated in the multi-body system for the subsequent simulation.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . "CMSPDP2". (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) ETYPE Entity type that needs to be deactivated. (Option – "CMBEAM". This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. IDEND Entity/Set ID range end. (Integer > IDST) Comments 1. (Integer > 0) THRU Keyword to indicate entity/set ID range is specified. (Integer > 0) IDST Entity/Set ID range start. ID2.0 Reference Guide 1265 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Field Contents ID1. … Entity/Set ID that needs to be deactivated. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. MBDSRF Bulk Data Entry MBDSRF – Multi-body Deformable Surface Description Defines a multi-body deformable surface. ENDTYPE Select from: NATURAL. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MBDSRF SRFID NROW NC OL ENDTYPE NSEGU NSEGV G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 (9) (10) … Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MBDSRF 1 3 6 NATURAL 100 100 201 202 203 204 205 209 210 211 212 213 217 218 Field Contents SRFID Surface identification number. NCOL Number of columns of nodes. PARABOLIC and PERIODIC. See comment 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (8) (9) 206 207 206 214 215 216 (10) No default (Integer > 0) NROW Number of rows of nodes. 1266 OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a set in HyperMesh. The deformable surface is generated using the CUBIC spline interpolation which requires assumptions on the second derivative of the interpolating function at the end of the surface.Field Contents Default = NATURAL NSEGU. 3. G2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1267 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The MBDSRF element is not supported by the Force Imbalance method of static equilibrium. 4. PARABOLIC and PERIODIC represent assumptions defined as follows: 2. The keywords NATURAL. Comments 1. … Row-wise list of nodes. The list must contain a total of NROW*NCOL grid IDs. The first NROW IDs form the first row. and so on. No default (Integer > 0) G1. NSEGV Number of segments along the U and V coordinates used to discretize the deformable surface for animation purposes. stiffness or damping. the second NROW IDs form the second row. The MBDSRF element does not possess any inherent inertia. Default = 0 (Integer > 0 or blank) 1268 OptiStruct 13.MBFRC Bulk Data Entry MBFRC – Force for Multi-body Solution Sequence Description Defines a constant force at a grid point by specifying a vector.0 0.0 (9) (10) 201 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. Blank or 0 infer the basic coordinate system.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No default (Integer > 0) G1 Grid point identification number where the action force is applied. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MBFRC SID G1 C ID F G3/N1 N2 N3 G2 (10) G4 Example (1) (2) (3) MBFRC 3 345 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 100.0 0.0 1. No default (Integer > 0) CID Coordinate system identification number. See comment 1. N2. (Integer > 0) N1. If G4 is not specified. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) G4 Grid point identification number whose parent body hosts the coordinate system with respect to which the force is defined. then the force is an action-only force.Field Contents F Force magnitude. N2. 2. At least one of the vector components must be non-zero. the force is defined with respect to the ground body (that is the basic coordinate systems). No default (Real) G3 Grid point identification number to optionally supply N1. N3 Defines the direction of the force vector. Default = 0. This card is represented as a force load in HyperMesh.0 (Real) G2 Grid point identification number where the reaction force is applied. If blank.0 Reference Guide 1269 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) Comments 1. The force vector changes direction with the orientation of the body. N3 in conjunction with G1. MBFRCC Bulk Data Entry MBFRCC – Curve Force for Multi-body Solution Sequence Description Defines a curve force at a grid point by specifying a vector. No default (Integer > 0) G1 Grid point identification number where the action force is applied. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MBFRC C SID G1 C ID C VID G3/N1 N2 N3 G2 INT EID G4 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) MBFRC C 3 345 AKIMA 41 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 9 0. Blank or 0 infer the basic coordinate system.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 0. or blank) 1270 OptiStruct 13.0 1. No default (Integer > 0) CID Coordinate system identification number.0 (9) (10) 201 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. Default = 0 (Integer > 0. Default = TIME (Integer > 0 or blank) G4 Grid point identification number whose parent body hosts the coordinate system with respect to which the force is defined. (Integer > 0) N1. the force is defined with respect to the ground body (that is the basic coordinate systems). CUBIC. N2. (Integer > 0) G3 Grid point identification number to optionally supply N1. See comment 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) Comments 1. At least one of the vector components must be non-zero.0 Reference Guide 1271 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Default = 0 (Integer > 0) INT Interpolation type (Character: LINEAR. 2.0 (Real) G2 Grid point identification number where the reaction force is applied. N3 Defines the direction of the force vector. independent variable measured in the coordinate system defined by CID. This card is represented as a force load in HyperMesh. Default = 0. If G4 is undefined. then the force is an action-only force. AKIMA).Field Contents CVID Set identification number of the MBCRV entry that gives the load vs. N3 in conjunction with G1. N2. The force vector changes direction with the orientation of the body. Default = AKIMA EID Set identification number of the MBVAR for the independent variable expression. If blank or zero. Default = 0 (Integer > 0.0 1.0 (9) (10) 201 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. or blank) 1272 OptiStruct 13. No default (Integer > 0) CID Coordinate system identification number.0 0. No default (Integer > 0) G1 Grid point identification number where the action force is applied. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MBFRC E SID G1 C ID EID G3/N1 N2 N3 G2 (10) G4 Example (1) (2) (3) MBFRC E 3 345 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 49 0. Blank or 0 infer the basic coordinate system.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .MBFRCE Bulk Data Entry MBFRCE – Expression Force for Multi-body Solution Sequence Description Defines an expression force at a grid point by specifying a vector. The force vector changes direction with the orientation of the body. the force is defined with respect to the ground body (that is the basic coordinate systems).0 Reference Guide 1273 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . N3 Defines the direction of the force vector. No default (Integer > 0) G3 Grid point identification number to optionally supply N1. See comment 1. N2. Default = 0. N2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 (Real) G2 Grid point identification number where the reaction force is applied. N3 in conjunction with G1.Field Contents EID Expression identification number of the MBVAR entry that gives the load measured in the coordinate system defined by CID. then the force is an action-only force. (Integer > 0) N1. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) G4 Grid point identification number whose parent body hosts the coordinate system with respect to which the force is defined. If blank or zero. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) Comments 1. At least one of the vector components must be non-zero. If G4 is undefined. 0) Comments 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) MBLIN ID TYPE ASC ALE (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) MBLIN 99 EIGEN 1.0 (Real > 0. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) TYPE Type of linear analysis. (Option – "EIGEN".0 (5) Field Contents ID Unique identification number.MBLIN Bulk Data Entry MBLIN – Parameters for Multi-body System Linear Analysis Description Defines the parameters for a multi-body system linear analysis. 1274 OptiStruct 13. "STMAT") ASCALE Animation scale. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = 1. or blank) M Moment magnitude.0 Field Contents SID Load set identification number.0 Reference Guide 1275 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 0. Default = 0 (Integer > 0.MBMNT Bulk Data Entry MBMNT – Moment for Multi-body Solution Sequence Description Defines a constant moment at a grid point by specifying a vector. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) G1 Grid point identification number where the action force is applied. No default (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Blank or 0 infer the basic coordinate system.0 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MBMNT SID G1 C ID M G3/N1 N2 N3 G2 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) MBMNT 3 345 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 100.0 1. No default (Integer > 0) CID Coordinate system identification number. Field Contents G3 Grid point identification number to optionally supply N1. Default = 0. 1276 OptiStruct 13. then the force is an action-only force. If blank or zero. This card is represented as a moment load in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . N2.N2. At least one of the vector components must be non-zero. (Integer > 0) N1. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) Comments 1.0 (Real) G2 Grid point identification number where the reaction force is applied.N3 Defines the direction of the force vector. N3 in conjunction with G1. No default (Integer > 0) CID Coordinate system identification number. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) G1 Grid point identification number where the action force is applied.MBMNTC Bulk Data Entry MBMNTC – Curve moment for Multi-body Solution Sequence Description Defines a curve moment at a grid point by specifying a vector. Blank or 0 infer the basic coordinate system. or blank) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 0.0 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MBMNTC SID G1 C ID C VID G3/N1 N2 N3 G2 INT EID (10) Example (1) (2) (3) MBMNTC 3 345 AKIMA 42 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 4 0. Default = 0 (Integer > 0.0 Field Contents SID Load set identification number.0 Reference Guide 1277 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . CUBIC. Default = TIME (Integer > 0 or blank) Comments 1.Field Contents CVID Set identification number of the MBCRV entry that gives the load vs. 1278 OptiStruct 13. independent variable measured in the coordinate system defined by CID. AKIMA) Default = AKIMA EID Set identification number of the MBVAR for the independent variable expression.N3 Defines the direction of the force vector. (Integer > 0) G3 Grid point identification number to optionally supply N1. This card is represented as a moment load in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 (Real) G2 Grid point identification number where the reaction force is applied. Default = 0. If blank or zero. At least one of the vector components must be non-zero. N2. (Integer > 0) N1. N3 in conjunction with G1.N2. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) INT Interpolation type (Character: LINEAR. then the force is an action-only force. Default = 0 (Integer > 0.0 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MBMNTE SID G1 C ID EID G3/N1 N2 N3 G2 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) MBMNT 3 345 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 4 0. or blank) EID Expression identification number of the MBVAR entry that gives the load measured in the coordinate system defined by CID.MBMNTE Bulk Data Entry MBMNTE – Expression Moment for Multi-body Solution Sequence Description Defines an expression moment at a grid point by specifying a vector.0 Reference Guide 1279 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) G1 Grid point identification number where the action force is applied. No default (Integer > 0) CID Coordinate system identification number. Blank or 0 infer the basic coordinate system.0 0.0 1. N2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = 0. If blank or zero. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) 1280 OptiStruct 13. N3 Defines the direction of the force vector. then the force is an action-only force. N3 in conjunction with G1. At least one of the vector components must be non-zero. N2.Field Contents G3 Grid point identification number to optionally supply N1. (Integer > 0) N1.0 (Real) G2 Grid point identification number where the reaction force is applied. Default = 0 (BOOLEAN: 0. Specify 1 if the curve must pass through the nodes. (7) (8) No default (Integer > 0) UCLOSED Specify 1 for closed and 0 for open curves. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) MBPC RV PC ID UC LOSE D C RVPTS G1 G2 G3 (5) (6) G4 G5 (7) (8) (9) (10) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) MBPC RV 1 1 0 1 5 201 202 203 204 205 Field Contents PCID Parametric curve identification number.1) G1.G2.0 Reference Guide 1281 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Comments Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.… Ordered list of grids defining the curve.MBPCRV Bulk Data Entry MBPCRV – Multi-body Parametric Curve Description Defines a Multi-body Parametric Curve using node sets. CRVPTS Curve points. and 0 if the B-spline curve does not pass through the nodes. but stays close. 1282 OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a set in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .1. 0 Reference Guide 1283 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .MBPTCV Bulk Data Entry MBPTCV – Multi-body Point to Curve Constraint Description Defines a Point to Parametric Curve Constraint. Default is GID (Integer > 0) V0 Specifies the initial sliding velocity of the contact point. as measured by an observer on the curve.0 (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Default = 0. No default (Integer > 0) PCID Parametric curve (MBPCRV) identification number. placed at the contact point. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) GID Grid identification number corresponding to the point which is sliding on a curve. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) MBPTC V JID GID PC ID G3 V0 (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) MBPTC V 1 21 2 25 0 Field Contents JID Joint identification number. No default (Integer > 0) G3 This grid specifies the guess for the initial contact point on the curve. PARABOLIC. No default (Integer > 0) DCID Deformable curve (MBDCRV) identification number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .MBPTDCV Bulk Data Entry MBPTDCV – Multi-body Point to Deformable Curve Constraint Description Defines a Point to Deformable Curve Constraint. The deformable curve is generated using the CUBIC spline interpolation which requires assumptions on the second derivative of the interpolating function at either end of the curve. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) MBPTDC V JID GID DC ID (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) MBPTDC V 1 21 2 (5) Field Contents JID Joint identification number. PERIODIC and CANTILEVER represent the four standard assumptions defined as follows: 1284 OptiStruct 13. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. The keywords NATURAL. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) GID Grid identification number corresponding to the point which is sliding on the deformable curve. A TENSION value of unity is a good first guess. 4. stiffness or damping properties.0 Reference Guide 1285 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . In most cases. The MBPTDCV element is not supported by the Force Imbalance method of static equilibrium. In those cases. After that.Note that λ =0. higher values of TENSION may be tried if necessary. the TENSION parameter may be specified to smooth out the wiggles in the curve. 3. You must include other modeling elements to capture those effects. 2.0 implies PARABOLIC end conditions. it produces a curve that wiggles too much. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The deformable element itself does not possess any inherent inertia.0 implies NATURAL (or free) end conditions and λ =1. the interpolation produces a smooth curve but in some cases. MBPTDSF Bulk Data Entry MBPTDSF – Multi-body Dynamics Point to Deformable Surface Constraint Description Defines a Point to Deformable Surface Constraint. The keywords NATURAL. No default (Integer > 0) SRFID Deformable surface identification number No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. The deformable curve is generated using the CUBIC spline interpolation which requires assumptions on the second derivative of the interpolating function at either end of the curve. PERIODIC and CANTILEVER represent the four standard assumptions defined as follows: 1286 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) MBPTDSF JID GID SRFID (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) MBPTDSF 1 21 2 (5) Field Contents JID Joint identification number. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) GID Grid identification number corresponding to the point which is sliding on a curve.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . PARABOLIC. the interpolation produces a smooth curve but in some cases.0 implies NATURAL (or free) end conditions and λ =1. You must include other modeling elements to capture those effects. stiffness or damping properties. 2. 4. you may use a deformable surface in conjunction with a flexible body to simulate contact with a rigid body.Note that λ =0. In most cases. The deformable surface itself does not possess any inherent inertia.0 implies PARABOLIC end conditions. For example. the UTENSION and VTENSION parameters may be specified to smooth out the wiggles in the curve. A value of unity is a good first guess. The MBPTDCV element is not supported by the Force Imbalance method of static equilibrium. After that. In those cases. higher values may be tried if necessary. it produces a curve that wiggles too much.0 Reference Guide 1287 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 3. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 1288 OptiStruct 13.MBREQ Bulk Data Entry MBREQ – Multi-body Request Combination Description Defines a multi-body as a combination of request sets defined via MBREQE and MBREQM. (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) Ri Request set identification numbers defined via entry typed enumerated above. 2. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MBREQ SID R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 … (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) MBREQ 3 31 34 35 (6) Field Contents SID Request set identification number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The Ri must be unique. Request sets must be selected in the Subcase Information section (REQUEST = SID) if they are to be applied. (Integer > 0) Comments 1. (Integer > 0) E1 ID of MBVAR. (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) RID Request identification number. (Integer > 0) E2 … E6 Additional MBVAR IDs. Default = blank (blank or Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.MBREQE Bulk Data Entry MBREQE – Multi-body Expression Output Request Description Defines a multi-body solver output request to output the results of a set of expressions.0 Reference Guide 1289 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MBREQE RSID RID E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) MBREQE 235 10 20 30 40 Field Contents RSID Request set identification number. Comments 1. Request set will be specified in the subcase definition. The values are always set to 0 if the expression is not specified. 2. 3. 4. Request ID must be unique with respect to all other MBREQM and MBREQE cards.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1290 OptiStruct 13. The request evaluates the expression at every output step. velocity. or force with respect to markers. acceleration.MBREQM Bulk Data Entry MBREQM – Multi-body Output Request based on Markers Description Defines a multi-body solver output request to output displacement.Displacement request VEL .Acceleration request FRC . (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) RID Request identification number.0 Reference Guide 1291 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Force request No default Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (Integer > 0) TYPE Output type DIS .Velocity request ACC . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MBREQM RSID RID TYPE IMARK JMARK RMARK (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MBREQM 20 234 DISP 20 30 10 Field Contents RSID Request set identification number. 3. (Integer > 0) – See comment 1 JMARK Marker ID. Request set will be specified in the subcase definition. If the JMARK is not specified. (blank or Integer > 0) – See comment 3 Comments 1.Field Contents IMARK Marker ID. (blank or Integer > 0) – See comments 1 and 2 RMARK Reference marker ID. 2. the results are with respect to global frame. Request ID must be unique with respect to all other MBREQM and MBREQE cards. If the RMARK is not specified. Default = blank. Default = blank.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 5. 4. The output request is usually of IMARK with respect to JMARK resolved in RMARK. 1292 OptiStruct 13. the results are resolved in the global frame. SID2. or MBDEACT) Comments 1. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) SID1. … IDs of the simulation sequence. 2. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (Integer > 0) (Valid IDs are: MBSIM. Every time an MBSIM card is encountered.0 Reference Guide 1293 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . MBSIMP. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MBSEQ ID SID1 SID2 SID3 … … (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) MBSEQ 9 99 12 43 Field Contents ID Unique identification number. MBACT.MBSEQ Bulk Data Entry MBSEQ – Multi-body System Simulation Sequence Description Defines the simulation sequence for the multi-body solver. a simulation is performed on the multi-body model. The initial condition for the next MBSIM will be the ending condition of the current simulation. MBLIN. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) MBSFRC SID G1 G2 F (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) MBSFRC 3 345 346 1. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) G1 Grid point identification number.0 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. No default (Integer > 0) G2 Grid point identification number.MBSFRC Bulk Data Entry MBSFRC – Scalar Load for Multi-body Solution Sequence Description Defines a constant scalar load on two grid points. No default (Integer > 0) F Value of load (Real) 1294 OptiStruct 13. 3. 2. MBSFRC applies a translational action-reaction force along the line of action defined by the line segment connecting G1 and G2.0 Reference Guide 1295 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Tensile force is positive.Comments 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The action force is applied to G1 and the reaction force is applied to G2. (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) G1 Grid point identification number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0) 1296 OptiStruct 13.MBSFRCC Bulk Data Entry MBSFRCC – Curve Scalar Load for Multi-body Solution Sequence Description Defines a curve scalar load on two grid points. No default (Integer > 0) G2 Grid point identification number. independent variable measured in the coordinate system defined by CID. No default (Integer > 0) CVID Set identification number of the MBCRV entry that gives the load vs. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MBSFRC C SID G1 G2 C VID INT EID (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MBSFRC C 3 345 346 1 AKIMA 1 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. AKIMA). CUBIC. Default = AKIMA EID Set identification number of the MBVAR for the independent variable expression. 3. Tensile force is positive. 2. The action force is applied to G1 and the reaction force is applied to G2. MBSFRCC applies a translational action-reaction force along the line of action defined by the line segment connecting G1 and G2. Default = TIME (Integer > 0 or blank) Comments 1.0 Reference Guide 1297 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Field Contents INT Interpolation type (Character: LINEAR. MBSFRCE Bulk Data Entry MBSFRCE – Expression Scalar Load for Multi-body Solution Sequence Description Defines an expression scalar load on two grid points. No default (Integer > 0) 1298 OptiStruct 13. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) G1 Grid point identification number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No default (Integer > 0 EID Expression identification number of the MBVAR entry. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) MBSFRC E SID G1 G2 EID (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) MBSFRC E 3 345 346 1 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. No default (Integer > 0) G2 Grid point identification number. Comments 1. Tensile force is positive. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. MBSFRCE applies a translational action-reaction force along the line of action defined by the line segment connecting G1 and G2. The action force is applied to G1 and the reaction force is applied to G2. 3. 2.0 Reference Guide 1299 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .MBSIM Bulk Data Entry MBSIM – Parameters for Multi-body Simulation Description Defines the parameters for a multi-body simulation.0 (8) (9) (10) 5 Example 2 1300 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MBSIM ID TYPE TTYPE TIME STYPE DELTA/ NSTEP/ PRINC R ITYPE DTOL H0 HMAX HMIN VTOLFAC DAEIDX DC NTOL DC RMXI T DC RMNI T DVC TRL KETOL/ RESTOL DQTOL/ FITOL NITER TLIMIT ALIMIT (8) (9) (10) MAXODR DJAC EVL DEVLEXP or STTYPE Example 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MBSIM 99 TRAN END 5.0 NSTEPS 250 VSTIFF 0.001 0.01 1000.001 0. No default TIME Termination time or duration based on TTYPE.001 0. "DUR") – See comment 2.0) – See comment 2. (Integer > 0) TYPE Simulation type.0001 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 100 Field Contents ID Unique identification number.0e-6 0. Options = ("TRANS". "STATIC") No default TTYPE Termination type.0 4 (8) (9) (10) (9) (10) 9 TRUE Example 3 (1) (2) (3) MBSIM 91 STAT 1.0 Reference Guide 1301 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . STYPE Output step type.(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MBSIM 99 TRAN END 5. Options = ("END". (Real > 0.0 NSTEPS 250 DSTIFF 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.001 3 1000. Default = 0. VTOLFAC A factor that multiplies DTOL to yield the error tolerance for velocity states. "NSTEPS". "DSTIFF") – See comment 4.01 (Real > 0. MAXODR The maximum order that the integrator is to take. Default = 0. (Real > 0.0) – See comment 4. Default depends on ITYPE (Integer > 0) – See comment 4. Default = 1e-8 (Real > 0. "VSTIFF".0) – See comment 4. Default = 1. HMAX Max step size the integrator is allowed to take.0) – See comment 4. ITYPE Integrator type.0e-6 (Real > 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = DSTIFF DTOL Integrator tolerance.0) – See comment 4.001 (Real > 0.0) – See comments 2 and 3. Options = ("ABAM".0) – See comment 4. (Integer > 0) – See comments 2 and 3. No default DELTA Output time step. "MSTIFF". "PRINCR") – See comments 2 and 3. Default = 1000 (Real > 0. HMIN Min step size the integrator is allowed to take. H0 Initial time step for the integrator. 1302 OptiStruct 13.Field Contents Options = ("DELTA". NSTEPS Maximum number of time steps. DVCTRL A logical flag that controls whether the velocity states are checked for local integration error at each step.0) – See comment 5.0) – See comment 6. DCRMNIT The minimum number of iterations that the corrector is allowed to take before it checks for corrector divergence. Default = 1. RESTOL Maximum residual tolerance for force imbalance method. (True or False. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Default = 1 (Integer > 0) – See comment 4. KETOL Maximum residual kinetic energy tolerance. otherwise False) – See comment 4.Field Contents DAEIDX The index of the DAE formulation. Default = 3 (Integer > 0) – See comment 4. Default = 1.001 (Real > 0.0) – See comment 4. DCRMXIT The maximum number of iterations that the corrector is allowed to take to achieve convergence.0e-5 (Real > 0. Default = 0. DEVLXP The number of integration steps after which the evaluation pattern defined by DJCEVL is ignored. DJCEVL An attribute to control the frequency of evaluation of the Jacobian matrix during corrector iterations. Default is determined by MotionSolve (Integer > 0) – See comment 4.0 Reference Guide 1303 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Default = 0 (Integer > 0) – See comment 4. Default = True if DAEIDX is 3. DCNTOL A tolerance on all algebraic constraint equations that the corrector must satisfy at convergence.0e-4 (Real > 0. Default = 4 (Integer > 0) – See comment 4. and the default evaluation pattern is to be used. 001 (Real > 0. 2. When the simulation type is static (STAT).001 (Real > 0. If the step type is PRINCR. DTOL.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = 0. A quasi-static simulation will be performed if that information is provided. Default = 30 (Real > 1) – See comment 6.Field Contents DQTOL Maximum coordinate difference tolerance. DAEIDX. "MKM") – See comments 7 and 8. Default = MKM Comments 1. Default = 10000 (Real > 1) – See comment 6. VTOLFAC. H0. termination time/duration. Default = 0. 1304 OptiStruct 13. DCNTOL. STTYPE Static solver type Options = ("FIM". delta/nsteps are not provided. DJACEVL. 4. step type. and it is the output step time during the simulation run. DCRMXIT. NITER Max number of iterations for static solution to converge. then the next argument is expected to be a positive integer value which will be the number of output steps during the simulation. If the output step type is DELTA. 3. Default = 50 (Integer > 1) – See comment 5. DVCTRL. ITYPE. DCRMXIT. TLIMIT Max translational limit for force imbalance static solution. and DEVLEXP are only applicable for TRANS simulation types. FITOL Maximum force imbalance tolerance. then the solver will output intermediate results at every integrator step. The 2nd continuation card (DAEIDX. then the next argument is expected to be a positive real value. The reader will look for appropriate options based on the type of simulation specified. ALIMIT Max angular limit for force imbalance static solution.0) – See comment 5. DCRMNIT. DJACEVL. If the step type is NSTEPS. Solver will output at every intermediate print increment value. DVCTRL.0) – See comment 6. the solver will perform a static simulation if the termination type. DCNTOL. then the next argument is expected to be a positive integer value which will be print increment. The continuation card is used to distinguish between either a TRANS or STAT simulation type. HMAX. HMIN. DCRMNIT. MAXODR. If the PRINCR is set to 1. TLIMIT.0 Reference Guide 1305 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .and DEVLEXP) are available when ITYPE = DSTIFF. 9. then the STTYPE option is ignored and the quasi-static simulation will be performed using the force imbalance method. ALIMIT are applicable for the force imbalance static method used for quasi-static solutions. 7. 8. NITER. 5. KETOL. FITOL. Note that when quasi-static simulation is requested (STAT with termination time). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. See the comments in the Param_Transient in the online help for more details. DQTOL. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. NITER are only applicable for STATIC simulation type. 6. RESTOL. Static solver type is used to select from the two static solution types currently offered. FIM represents the Force Imbalance Method and MKM represents the Maximum Kinetic Energy Attrition Method. 001 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) MBSIMP ID C TOL IDTOL (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) MBSIMP 99 0. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh.0) Comments 1.0E-8 (5) Field Contents ID Unique identification number. Default = 1.0E-6 (Real > 0.MBSIMP Bulk Data Entry MBSIMP – Simulation Parameters for Subsequent Multi-body Simulation Description Defines the simulation parameters for subsequent multi-body simulation.0E-10 (Real > 0. 1306 OptiStruct 13.0) IDTOL Implicit differentiation tolerance.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) CTOL Constraint tolerance. Default = 1. (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 1.0 Reference Guide 1307 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . No default (Integer > 0) G2 Grid point identification number.0 0 1. No default (Integer > 0) T Value of moment. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) G1 Grid point identification number.0 Field Contents SID Load set identification number.MBSMNT Bulk Data Entry MBSMNT – Scalar Moment for Multi-body Solution Sequence Description Defines a constant scalar moment on two gird points along the specified vector. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MBSMNT SID G1 G2 T G3/Vx Vy Vz (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MBSMNT 3 345 346 1. Right hand rule defines the positive moment.Field Contents G3 Grid point identification number to optionally supply Vx. 2. 3. and Vz. (Integer > 0) Vx X component of vector V. Vy. Vy Y component of vector V. MBSMNT applies a scalar action-reaction moment on G1 and G2 along the vector defined by Vx.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . and Vz in conjunction with G1. Vy. The action moment is applied to G1 and the reaction moment is applied to G2. Vz Z component of vector V. 1308 OptiStruct 13. Comments 1. 0 AKIMA 1 Field Contents SID Load set identification number.MBSMNTC Bulk Data Entry MBSMNTC – Curve Scalar Moment for Multi-body Solution Sequence Description Defines a curve scalar moment on two grid points along the specified vector. No default (Integer > 0) G2 Grid point identification number.0 Reference Guide 1309 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) G1 Grid point identification number. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MBSMNTC SID G1 G2 C VID G3/Vx Vy Vz INT EID (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MBSMNTC 3 345 346 2 0 1.0 1. 2. Vy. (Integer > 0) G3 Grid point identification number to optionally supply Vx. Vz Z component of vector V. AKIMA) Default = AKIMA EID Set identification number of the MBVAR for the independent variable expression. Right hand rule defines the positive moment. The action moment is applied to G1 and the reaction moment is applied to G2. 1310 OptiStruct 13. MBSCMTC applies a scalar action-reaction moment on G1 and G2 along the vector defined by Vx. and Vz in conjunction with G1. Vy.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Field Contents CVID Set identification number of the MBCRV entry that gives the load vs. (Integer > 0) Vx X component of vector V. independent variable measured in the coordinate system defined by CID. Default = TIME (Integer > 0 or blank) Comments 1. 3. INT Interpolation type (Character: LINEAR. Vy Y component of vector V. CUBIC. and Vz. No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. No default (Integer > 0) G2 Grid point identification number. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) G1 Grid point identification number.0 1.0 Reference Guide 1311 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 Field Contents SID Load set identification number.MBSMNTE Bulk Data Entry MBSMNTE– Expression Moment for a Multi-body Solution Sequence Description Defines an expression scalar moment on two grid points along the specified vector Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MBSMNTE SID G1 G2 EID Vx Vy Vz (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MBSMNTE 3 345 346 2 0 1. No default (Integer > 0) EID Expression identification number of the MBVAR entry. and Vz. and Vz in conjunction with G1. Vy.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . MBSMNTE applies a scalar action-reaction moment on G1 and G2 along the vector defined by Vx. (Integer > 0) Vx X component of Vector V. 1312 OptiStruct 13.Field Contents G3 Grid point identification number to optionally supply Vx. Right hand rule defines the positive moment. The action moment is applied to G1 and the reaction moment is applied to G2. 2. Vy Y component of Vector V. Vy. 3. Vz Z component of Vector V. Comments 1. The expression can spawn multiple lines.1.0 Reference Guide 1313 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0. Refer to Function Expressions. Comments 1.0. The variable ID can be referenced by VARVAL(VID) in multiple expressions in the model. The continuation lines will start from the second column.0.VZ(30301020.MBVAR Bulk Data Entry MBVAR– Multi-body Solver Variable Description Defines a multi-body solver variable which can be referred to by multiple Expressions.000) Field Contents VID Variable identification number. (Integer > 0) EXPR Character string expression.4 00. Format (1) (2) MBVAR VID (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) EXPR Example (1) (2) MBVAR 3 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) IMPAC T(Dz(30301020.5.0.30302040).0.30302040). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Example METADATA This line will be passed to the filename_metadata. 2.xml file.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .xml file. Description METADATA indicates the beginning of metadata that is to be passed to the metadata output file.METADATA Bulk Data Entry METADATA – Indicates the beginning of metadata that is to be passed to the metadata output file. So will this information: Color=blue ENDMETADATA Comments 1. 1314 OptiStruct 13. There can be two sections of metadata. Metadata can be used to pass information from the pre-processor seamlessly through the solver to a post-processing program. one in the Solution Control section and one in the Bulk Data section. Metadata between the METADATA and ENDMETADATA commands is passed to the <filename>_metadata. 0 Reference Guide 1315 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Default = 1030 (Real) RHO Fluid density. or blank) ZFS Location of the free surface on the z-axis of the CID coordinate system. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 42. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) CID Coordinate system identification number in which its z-axis is assumed to be normal to the free surface.MFLUID Bulk Data Entry MFLUID – Fluid Volume Description Defines the parameters and damp shell elements for a fluid volume. Default = 0 (Integer > 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) MFLUID SID C ID ZFS RHO WSURF1 WSURF2 PLANE1 PLANE2 RMAX Example (1) (2) MFLUID 25 (3) (4) (5) (6) 32.0 45 Field Contents SID Unique set of identification numbers. N . Default = 0 (Integer > 0. or both must be specified and non-zero.antisymmetric Default = N (Character = N. 3.0) Comments 1. WSURF1 and WSURF2 cannot be both blank or zero.antisymmetric Default = N (Character = N.ELFACE). An element vertex is considered to be located on the free surface.symmetric A . or blank) PLANE1 Type of symmetry on x-z plane of fluid coordinate system (CID). S. Default = 0 (Integer > 0. This list identifies shell elements that are damp on only one side of the element or an exterior face of solid elements (see SURF.no symmetry S . A) RMAX Interaction between two elements is ignored. A) PLANE2 Type of symmetry on y-z plane of fluid coordinate system (CID). This list identifies shell elements that are damp on both sides of the element. Default = 1010 (Real > 0. or blank) WSURF2 Set identification number of a SURF or SET bulk data entry. In other words.Field Contents No default (Real > 0. Either WSURF1 or WSURF2. S.0) WSURF1 Set identification number of a SURF or SET bulk data entry. N . An MFLUID entry must be selected by the MFLUID = SID command in the Subcase Information section. if the vertex is located within a distance that is 1316 OptiStruct 13.symmetric A . if the distance between them is greater than RMAX.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 4.no symmetry S . 2. More than one MFLUID entry may be specified to define multiple fluid volumes. An element with all its vertices located on or above the free surface will be ignored in the fluid volume’s mass calculation. Also. “A” means zero pressure normal to the plane. then all MFLUID entries must reference ELIST entries. 8. If this condition is not true for a given element. Planes of symmetry may be defined with PLANE1 and PLANE2. The SURF and SET entries may not be combined with ELIST entries to define damp elements. ELIST entries are internally converted to SET entries. If ELIST is used. ELIST is an alternative to SET and SURF. This means that if an MFLUID references a missing ELIST. If PLANE1 is “S” or “A”. then the program will not search for a SET.VMOPT.25. Consistent structural boundary conditions should be applied to grids located on the planes of symmetry.25. then the standard SURF entry format with “ELFACE” (not the alternative SET format) must be used to redefine the normal into the fluid by setting NORMAL=1 on SURF entry. 7. but ELIST is intended only to provide compatibility with Nastran decks and therefore is considered deprecated. then all damp elements must not cross the X-Z plane and be on the same side of the X-Z plane as all other damp elements. Dry mode output in the . the damp side of the element is assumed to be on the same side as the element’s normal.from the free surface.out file is available only when PARAM. 6.0 Reference Guide 1317 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . "S” means zero displacement normal to the plane.2 is specified. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 5. If PLANE2 is “S” or “A”. By default for elements referenced by WSURF1. then all damp elements must not cross the Y-Z plane and be on the same side of the Y-Z plane as all other damp elements. - 1318 OptiStruct 13.MGASK Bulk Data Entry MGASK – Gasket Material Property Definition Description Defining the material properties for gasket-like materials.- "T" TEMP2 (10) -etc.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .- "T" TEMP1 YPRS EPL GPL ALPHA TABLU3 TABLU4 TABLU5 TABLU6 TABLU7 "PLUS" TABLD TABLU1 TABLU2 TABLU8 TABLU9 -etc. Format 1 (no temperature dependency) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MGASK MID BEHAV YPRS EPL GPL ALPHA EPLTYPE GPLUNIT TABLD TABLU1 TABLU2 TABLU3 TABLU4 TABLU5 TABLU6 TABLU7 (8) (9) (10) TABLU8 Format 2 (temperature dependency defined) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MGASK MID BEHAV YPRS EPL GPL ALPHA EPLTYPE GPLUNIT TABLD TABLU1 TABLU2 TABLU3 TABLU4 TABLU5 TABLU6 TABLU7 TABLU8 TABLU9 -etc. 0e-5 1001 1002 1003 1004 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MGASK 2 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 2005 PLUS 3001 3002 T 300.0 Reference Guide 1319 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Example 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MGASK 2 1 1.0e-5 1001 1002 T 20.0 3003 Field Contents MID Material identification number. No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0e-3 200.0 (8) (9) (10) (8) (9) (10) Example 2 1003 1004 2003 2004 PLUS 2001 2002 T 100.0e-3 200. Field Contents BEHAV Behavior type. Default = 0 (Integer (0 or 1 only)) 0 – EPL is defined as a tension stabilization coefficient 1 – EPL is defined as a direct tensile modulus GPLUNIT Type of the unit of measure of GPL.0) For the groups of data starting with “PLUS”. default is the corresponding field value defined at the first line. EPLTYPE Type of definition of EPL.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 (Real > 0. Default = 0. Default = 0.0) For the groups of data starting with “PLUS”. default is the corresponding field value defined at the first line. EPL Tension stabilization coefficient or direct tensile modulus (depends on the value of the EPLTYPE field) for the thickness direction of the gasket material. Applies only to elasto-plastic behavior (BEHAV=0).0) For the groups of data starting with “PLUS”. Default = 0 (Integer (0 or 1 only)) 1320 OptiStruct 13.0 (Real > 0. Default = 0 (Integer (0 or 1 only)) 0 – elasto-plastic material 1 – elastic material with damage YPRS Initial yield pressure for the thickness direction of the gasket material. See comment 5. GPL Transverse shear modulus of the gasket material (the unit of measure depends on the value of the GPLUNIT field). If blank. See comment 12. ALPHA Coefficient of thermal expansion in the normal direction. See comment 12.0 (Real > 0. it is determined automatically. For the groups of data starting with “PLUS”. default is the corresponding field value defined at the first line. default is the corresponding field value defined at the first line. See comment 12. Default = 0. No default (Real) PLUS Keyword indicating that the following is a group of data defined at another temperature. closure). 5. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) T Temperature flag indicating that a temperature value will be defined in the next field.Field Contents 0 – stress per unit displacement 1 – force per unit area TABLD Identifier of a TABLES1 table providing loading path of the gasket material (pressure vs. If EPL is zero. If there is no unloading. closure). which is called normal anisotropy. 2. For linear analysis. a small tensile modulus will be used automatically for stabilization (no matter EPLTYPE is 0 or 1). TEMPj Temperature for the group of data above. MAT3. the thickness-direction modulus (stress per unit displacement) is defined by the slope of the first segment of the loading pressure-closure curve TABLD. 3. its unit of measure is stress per unit displacement. Points Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.) 4. MAT8. (The membrane properties of the gasket are defined by a MAT1. leave the fields blank. MAT2. MGASK also defines the transverse shear and thickness-direction tension behaviors with linear properties. The thickness direction of gasket material is the principal direction (local 3-direction) in 3D solids. the tensile modulus will be calculated as the initial slope of the first segment of the loading curve TABLD multiplied by EPL. referenced from the PGASK property. If EPL is defined as a tension stabilization coefficient (EPLTYPE = 0). See comment 11. If EPL is defined as a direct tensile modulus (EPLTYPE = 1). Comments 1. MGASK has anisotropy only in the thickness direction. See comment 12. MGASK mainly defines nonlinear properties in the thickness direction for gasket-like materials under compression. MAT9 and MGASK entries. No default (Integer > 0) TABLUi Identifier of TABLES1 table providing unloading/reloading path of the gasket material (pressure vs. 6. The material identification number must be unique for all MAT1. All the data points in tables TABLD and TABLUi are specified in the first quadrant.0 Reference Guide 1321 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . and end at the loading path in the plastic region.on loading (TABLD) and unloading/reloading (TABLUi) paths must be defined in order of increasing pressure and distance. Unloading/reloading behavior at undefined paths will be interpolated between two adjacent unloading/reloading paths. All unloading/reloading paths must end at the loading path. For elastic material with damage (BEHAV = 1). Subsequent unloading/ reloading curves must start with larger closure distances (when pressure is zero) and end with larger closure distances than previous unloading/reloading curves. 1322 OptiStruct 13. All unloading/reloading paths must start with zero pressure and positive closure distance. 0). For elastic material with damage (BEHAV = 1). Subsequent unloading/ reloading curves must end with larger closure distances than previous unloading/ reloading curves. it follows the last segment of the furthest unloading/reloading curve. the pressure-closure relationship is calculated as follows: For elasto-plastic material (BEHAV = 0). For elasto-plastic material (BEHAV = 0). 7. This behavior is fully elastic and represents crushed gasket. All loading and unloading/reloading curves must start at the origin of the coordinate system (0. it follows last slope computed from the user-specified data. it will be determined automatically by finding the first point on the TABLD curve where the slope changes by more than 10%. 9.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If the initial yield pressure is not specified. The initial yield pressure should match a point in table TABLD. For closures larger than the last user-specified closure. 10. 8. The loading path starts from the origin to initial yield pressure (nonlinear elastic range) and continues with strain hardening slope into the plastic region. Elasto-plastic gasket material Elastic gasket material with damage 11. if required) should be provided for each Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1323 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . TEMPj should be provided in ascending order and the loading path (and unloading/reloading paths. If temperature dependency is defined. temperature. 1324 OptiStruct 13. TEMP1 is an exception to this rule as it is defined for all data fields that lie between itself and MID. EPLTYPE and GPLUNIT fields after any “PLUS” field should remain blank because their values are always the same as those of the first-group data. BEHAV. TEMPj are defined for all MGASK data fields (data groups) that lie between the respective TEMPj and its previous PLUS field. Example 12.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . the first group of data will be used to calculate the material property. If temperature dependency is defined but the temperature field for material property is not provided. MBFRCE. MBSMNTC. MBMNT. 2.MLOAD Bulk Data Entry MLOAD – Multi-body Load Combination Description Defines a multi-body as a linear combination of load sets defined via GRAV. Load sets must be selected in the Subcase Information section (MLOAD = SID) if they are to be applied. MBSFRC. and MBSMNTE. (Integer > 0) Comments 1. MBMNTC. The Li must be unique. MBFRCC. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MLOAD SID L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 … (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) MLOAD 3 31 34 35 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. MBFRC. MBSFRCC. MBSFRCE. MBSMNT. MBMNTE. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) Li Load set identification numbers defined via entry typed enumerated above.0 Reference Guide 1325 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 3. An MLOAD entry may not reference a set identification number defined by another MLOAD entry. 4. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. 1326 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering MOMENT Bulk Data Entry MOMENT – Static Moment Description Defines a static moment at a grid point by specifying a vector. It can also be used to define the EXCITEID field (Amplitude “A”) of dynamic loads in RLOAD1, RLOAD2, TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 bulk data entries. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MOMENT SID G C ID M N1 N2 N3 (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MOMENT 2 5 6 2.9 0.0 1.0 0.0 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. (9) (10) (Integer > 0) G Grid point identification number. (Integer > 0 or <PartName.number>) See comment 3. CID Coordinate system identification number. (Integer > 0 or blank) M Scale factor. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1327 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Field Contents (Real) N1,N2,N3 Components of vector measured in coordinate system defined by CID. (Real; at least one non-zero component) Comments 1. The static moment applied to grid point G is given by where, is the vector defined in fields 6, 7, and 8. 2. A CID of zero or blank references the basic coordinate system. 3. Supported local entries in specific parts can be referenced by the use of “fully qualified references” on MOMENT entries in the model. A fully qualified reference (“PartName.number”) is similar to the format of a numeric reference. “PartName” is the name of the part that contains the referenced local entry (part names are defined on the BEGIN Bulk Data Entry in the model). “number” is the identification number of a referenced local entry in the part “PartName”. See Parts and Instances in the User’s Guide for detailed information on the use of fully qualified references. 4. This card is represented as a moment load in HyperMesh. 1328 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering MOMENT1 Bulk Data Entry MOMENT1 – Static Moment, Alternate Form 1 Description Defines a static moment by specification of a value and two grid points, which determine the direction. It can also be used to define the EXCITEID field (Amplitude “A”) of dynamic loads in RLOAD1, RLOAD2, TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 bulk data entries. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) MOMENT1 SID G M G1 G2 (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) MOMENT1 6 13 -2.93 16 13 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) G Grid point identification number. (Integer > 0) M Value of moment. (Real) G1,G2 Grid point identification numbers. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1329 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Comments 1. The static moment applied to grid point G is where, is a unit vector parallel to a vector from G1 to G2. 2. This card is represented as a moment load in HyperMesh. 1330 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering MOMENT2 Bulk Data Entry MOMENT2 – Static Moment, Alternate Form 2 Description Defines a static moment by specification of a value and four grid points, which determine the direction. It can also be used to define the EXCITEID field (Amplitude “A”) of dynamic loads in RLOAD1, RLOAD2, TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 bulk data entries. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MOMENT2 SID G M G1 G2 G3 G4 (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MOMENT2 6 13 -2.93 16 13 18 19 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. (9) (10) (Integer > 0) G Loaded grid point identification number. (Integer > 0) M Value of moment. (Real) G1,G2 Grid point identification numbers. (Integer > 0; G1 and G2 cannot coincident; G3 and G4 cannot be coincident) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1331 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Comments 1. The static moment applied to grid point G is where, is a unit vector parallel to a vector calculated from the cross product of the vectors from G1 to G2 and G3 to G4. 2. This card is represented as a moment load in HyperMesh. 1332 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering MOTION Bulk Data Entry MOTION – Multi-body Motion Combination Description Defines a multi-body as a combination of motion sets defined via MOTNJ, MOTNJC, MOTNJE, MOTNG, MOTNGC, and MOTNGE. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MOTION SID M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 … (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) MOTION 3 31 34 35 Field Contents SID Motion set identification number. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) Mi Motion set identification numbers defined via entry typed enumerated above. (Integer > 0) Comments 1. The Mi must be unique. 2. Motion sets must be selected in the Subcase Information section (MOTION=SID) if they are to be applied. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1333 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 3. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. 1334 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering MOTNG Bulk Data Entry MOTNG – Constant Grid Point Motion for Multi-body Solution Sequence Description Defines a constant grid point motion. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MOTNG SID G1 C1 G2 D D0 V0 (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) MOTNG 3 345 3 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 1.0 (Integer > 0) G1 Grid point identification number. (Integer > 0) C1 Component number (Integer 1 through 18). The component refers to the direction and type of motion of the grid point G1 in the Basic Coordinate System (not the Local Coordinate System). G2 Grid point identification number to define relative motion. (Integer > 0 or blank) D Scale factor. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1335 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering (Real) D0 Initial displacement if motion data is of type velocity or acceleration, ignored otherwise. V0 Initial velocity if motion data type is acceleration, ignored otherwise. Comments 1. If G1 and G2 are defined, the motion is a relative motion between the two grid points; if G2 is blank, absolute motion of G1 is defined. 2. The types and directions of motion for the component numbers are given in the following table. Component Number(s) Type of Motion Direction(s) of Motion 1, 2, and 3 Displacement X, Y, Z 4, 5, and 6 Rotation X, Y, Z 7, 8, and 9 Translational Velocity X, Y, Z 10, 11, and 12 Angular Velocity X, Y, Z 13, 14, and 15 Translational Acceleration X, Y, Z 16, 17, and 18 Angular Acceleration X, Y, Z The component numbers and directions of motion are in the format: 1->X, 2->Y and 3->Z for Displacement and this format is followed for all the types in the table. 3. This card is represented as a constraint load in HyperMesh. 1336 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering MOTNGC Bulk Data Entry MOTNGC – Grid Point Motion vs. Time Curve for Multi-body Solution Sequence Description Defines a grid point motion vs. time by specifying a curve. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MOTNGC SID G1 C1 G2 C VID INT EID D0 V0 (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) MOTNGC 3 345 3 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. (5) (6) (7) (8) 1 AKIMA 2 (9) (10) (Integer > 0) G1 Grid point identification number. (Integer > 0) C1 Component number (Integer 1 through 18). The component refers to the direction and type of motion of the grid point G1 in the Basic Coordinate System (not the Local Coordinate System). G2 Grid point identification number to define relative motion. (Integer > 0 or blank) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1337 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Field Contents CVID Set identification number of the MBCRV entry that gives the motion vs. time. (Integer > 0) INT Interpolation type (Character: LINEAR, CUBIC, AKIMA). Default = AKIMA EID Set identification number of the MBVAR for the independent variable expression. Default = TIME (Integer > 0 or blank) D0 Initial displacement if motion data is of type velocity or acceleration, ignored otherwise. V0 Initial velocity if motion data type is acceleration, ignored otherwise. Comments 1. If G1 and G2 are defined, the motion is a relative motion between the two grid points; if G2 is blank, absolute motion of G1 is defined. 2. The types and directions of motion for the component numbers are given in the following table. Component Number(s) Type of Motion Direction(s) of Motion 1, 2, and 3 Displacement X, Y, Z 4, 5, and 6 Rotation X, Y, Z 7, 8, and 9 Translational Velocity X, Y, Z 10, 11, and 12 Angular Velocity X, Y, Z 13, 14, and 15 Translational Acceleration X, Y, Z 16, 17, and 18 Angular Acceleration X, Y, Z The component numbers and directions of motion are in the format: 1->X, 2->Y and 3->Z for Displacement and this format is followed for all the types in the table. 3. This card is represented as a constraint load in HyperMesh. 1338 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering MOTNGE Bulk Data Entry MOTNGE – Expression Grid Point Motion for Multi-body Solution Sequence Description Defines a grid point motion through an expression. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MOTNGE SID G1 C1 G2 EID D0 V0 (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) MOTNGE 3 345 3 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 4 (Integer > 0) G1 Grid point identification number. (Integer > 0) C1 Component number (Integer 1 through 18). The component refers to the direction and type of motion of the grid point G1 in the Basic Coordinate System (not the Local Coordinate System). G2 Grid point identification number to define relative motion. (Integer > 0 or blank) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1339 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Field Contents EID Expression identification number of the MBVAR entry that gives the motion vs. time. (Integer > 0) D0 Initial displacement if motion data is of type velocity or acceleration, ignored otherwise. V0 Initial velocity if motion data type is acceleration, ignored otherwise. Comments 1. A CID of zero or blank references the basic coordinate system. 2. The types and directions of motion for the component numbers are given in the following table. Component Number(s) Type of Motion Direction(s) of Motion 1, 2, and 3 Displacement X, Y, Z 4, 5, and 6 Rotation X, Y, Z 7, 8, and 9 Translational Velocity X, Y, Z 10, 11, and 12 Angular Velocity X, Y, Z 13, 14, and 15 Translational Acceleration X, Y, Z 16, 17, and 18 Angular Acceleration X, Y, Z The component numbers and directions of motion are in the format: 1->X, 2->Y and 3->Z for Displacement and this format is followed for all the types in the table. 1340 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering MOTNJ Bulk Data Entry MOTNJ – Constant Joint Motion for Multi-body Solution Sequence Description Defines a constant joint motion. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MOTNJ SID JID MTYPE D DTYPE D0 V0 (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) MOTNJ 3 345 TRANS 1.0 DIS Field Contents SID Load set identification number. (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) JID Joint identification number. (Integer > 0) MTYPE TRANS or ROT, ignored for revolute and translational joints. D Value of motion. (Real) DTYPE Motion data type (DIS or VEL or ACC), blank means displacement motion. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1341 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Field Contents D0 Initial displacement if motion data is of type velocity or acceleration, ignored otherwise. V0 Initial velocity if motion data type is acceleration, ignored otherwise. Comments 1. Joint motion can only be applied to cylindrical joints (MTYPE = TRANS or ROT), revolute joints (MTYPE = ROT), and translational joints (MTYPE = TRANS). 1342 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering MOTNJC Bulk Data Entry MOTNJC – Joint Motion vs. Time Curve for Multi-body Solution Sequence Description Defines a joint motion vs. time by specifying a curve. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MOTNJC SID JID MTYPE C VID INT EID DTYPE D0 V0 (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MOTNJC 3 345 ROT 2 AKIMA 99 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) JID Grid point identification number. (Integer > 0) MTYPE TRANS or ROT, ignored for revolute and translational joints. CVID Set identification number of the MBCRV entry that gives the motion vs. time. (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1343 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Field Contents INT Interpolation type (Character: LINEAR, CUBIC, AKIMA). Default = AKIMA EID Set identification number of the MBVAR for the independent variable expression. Default = TIME (Integer > 0 or blank) DTYPE Motion data type (DIS or VEL or ACC), blank means displacement motion. D0 Initial displacement if motion data is of type velocity or acceleration, ignored otherwise. V0 Initial velocity if motion data type is acceleration, ignored otherwise. Comments 1. Joint motion can only be applied to cylindrical joints (MTYPE = TRANS or ROT), revolute joints (MTYPE = ROT), and translational joints (MTYPE = TRANS). 1344 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering MOTNJE Bulk Data Entry MOTNJE – Expression Joint Motion for Multi-body Solution Sequence Description Defines a joint motion through an expression. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MOTNJE SID JID MTYPE EID DTYPE D0 V0 (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) MOTNJE 3 345 3 1 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) JID Joint identification number. (Integer > 0) MTYPE TRANS or ROT, ignored for revolute and translational joints. EID Expression identification number of the MBVAR entry that gives the motion vs. time. If blank or zero, a constant motion of D is applied. Default = constant motion D (Integer > 0 or blank) DTYPE Motion data type (DIS or VEL or ACC), blank means displacement Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1345 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Field Contents motion. D0 Initial displacement if motion data is of type velocity or acceleration, ignored otherwise. V0 Initial velocity if motion data type is acceleration, ignored otherwise. Comments 1. Joint motion can only be applied to cylindrical joints (MTYPE = TRANS or ROT), revolute joints (MTYPE = ROT), and translational joints (MTYPE = TRANS). 1346 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering MPC Bulk Data Entry MPC – Multipoint Constraint Description The MPC bulk data entry defines a multipoint constraint equation of the form. Aj u j 0 j Where, Aj is the coefficient that can be used to define the relationship between the degrees of freedom associated with grid points (or a scalar point) in the model. uj is the degree of freedom associated with a grid point (or a scalar point). Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) MPC SID G C A G C A blank blank G C A -etc.- blank Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) MPC 3 28 3 6.2 2 2 4.29 1 4 -2.91 Field Contents SID Set identification number. Altair Engineering (9) (10) OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1347 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Field Contents (Integer > 0) G Identification number of a grid point or a scalar point. (Integer > 0 or <PartName.number>) See comment 5. C Component number. See comment 3. (Integer zero or blank for scalar points, or any one of the digits 1-6 for grid points) A Coefficient that can be used to define the relationship between the degrees of freedom associated with grid points (or a scalar point). (Real; the first A must be non-zero) Comments 1. The first coordinate in the sequence is assumed to be the dependent coordinate. A dependent degree-of-freedom assigned by one MPC entry cannot be assigned dependent by another MPC entry or by a rigid element. 2. When the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option is set to CHECK (default) or STRICT, it is required for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the component be 0 or blank when the grid reference is a scalar point (SPOINT), and that the component be > 1 when the grid reference is a structural grid point (GRID). When SPSYNTAX is set to MIXED, it is allowed for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the grid reference be either a scalar point (SPOINT) or a structural grid point (GRID) when the component is 0, 1 or blank; interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. When the component is greater than 1, the grid reference must always be a structural grid (GRID). 3. The component refers to the coordinate system referenced by the grid point. 4. Illustrative Example: Figure 1 can be used to illustrate an MPC application. Independent grid points G1 and G2 of a 2D quad element are connected with the help of an MPC; where Gd is the dependent grid point. The objective of this example is to force the displacement of Gd to be equal to the sum of the displacements of grid points G1 and G2 in the X (1) direction using an MPC. 1348 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Figure : MPC Example Illustration Rewriting the MPC equation for three grid points: A1u1 A2 u2 A3 u3 0 Substituting A1 = 1.0, A2 = -1.0 and A3 = -1.0 in the equation above: (1.0)ud ( 1.0)u1 ( 1.0)u2 0 Rearranging equation terms: ud u1 u2 Where, ud u1 u2 is the displacement of grid point Gd in X direction is the displacement of grid point G1 in X direction is the displacement of grid point G2 in X direction 5. Supported local entries in specific parts can be referenced by the use of “fully qualified references” on MPC entries in the model. A fully qualified reference (“PartName.number”) is similar to the format of a numeric reference. “PartName” is the name of the part that contains the referenced local entry (part names are defined on the BEGIN Bulk Data Entry in the model). “number” is the identification number of a referenced local entry in the part “PartName”. See Parts and Instances in the User’s Guide for detailed information on the use of fully qualified references. 6. This card is represented as an equation in HyperMesh. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1349 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering MPCADD Bulk Data Entry MPCADD – Multipoint Constraint Set Combination Description Defines a multipoint constraint set as a union of multipoint constraint sets defined via MPC entries. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MPC ADD SID S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 etc. (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) MPC ADD 101 2 3 1 6 4 Field Contents SID Set identification number. (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) Sj Set identification numbers of multipoint constraint sets defined via MPC entries. (Integer > 0 or <PartName.number>) See comment 5. Comments 1. Multipoint constraint sets must be selected with the Subcase Information command MPC=SID. 2. The Sj field should not reference the identification number of a multipoint constraint set 1350 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering defined by another MPCADD entry. 3. MPCADD entries take precedence over MPC entries. If both have the same SID, only the MPCADD entry will be used. 4. If all Si are non-existent, the solver will exit with an error termination. 5. Supported local entries in specific parts can be referenced by the use of “fully qualified references” on MPCADD entries in the model. A fully qualified reference (“PartName.number”) is similar to the format of a numeric reference. “PartName” is the name of the part that contains the referenced local entry (part names are defined on the BEGIN Bulk Data Entry in the model). “number” is the identification number of a referenced local entry in the part “PartName”. See Parts and Instances in the User’s Guide for detailed information on the use of fully qualified references. 6. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1351 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering NLOAD Bulk Data Entry NLOAD – Nonlinear Load Combination or Superposition Description Defines a loading condition for nonlinear problems as a linear combination of load sets defined via NLOAD1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) NLOAD SID S S1 L1 S2 L2 S3 L3 S4 L4 ... ... ... ... ... ... (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) NLOAD 5 1.0 2.0 101 2.0 102 2.0 103 -2.0 201 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. (10) No default (Integer > 0) S Scale factor. No default (Real) Si Scale factors. No default (Real) 1352 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Field Contents Li Load set identification numbers of NLOAD1. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. Dynamic load sets must be selected in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections with NLOAD=SID. 2. The load vector being defined by this entry is given by: . 3. Each Li must be unique from any other Li on the same entry. 4. SID must be unique from all NLOAD1 entries. 5. An NLOAD entry may not reference a set identification number defined by another NLOAD entry. 6. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1353 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering NLOAD1 Bulk Data Entry NLOAD1 – Time Dependent Load or Motion for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines a time-dependent load or enforced motion for use in geometric nonlinear analysis. f(t) = A * C * F(t/B) Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) NLOAD1 SID EXC ITEID SENSID TYPE TID B C C ID TSTART TEND (10) Example (1) (2) (3) NLOAD1 5 7 (4) (5) (6) LOAD 13 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) EXCITEID SID number of DAREA, SPCD or static load set that defines A. See comments 2 and 3. (Integer > 0) SENSID Identification number of a sensor. Load application is activated once the referenced sensor is activated. 1354 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Field Contents (Integer > 0) TYPE Defines the type of the dynamic excitation. See comments 2 and 3. Default = 0 (Integer, character or blank) TID Identification number of TABLEDi entry defining the load history F(t). (Integer > 0) TID=0 implies F(t) is a linear function passing through (TTERM-TTERMS, 0) and (TTERM, 1). TTERMS is the duration of each subcase. TTERM is the termination time. TID = 0 is only for geometric nonlinear implicit (quasi-) static analysis (NLGEOM). B Scale factor of the time in f(t). Default = 1.0 (Real > 0) C Scale factor for the function value in f(t). Default = 1.0 (Real) CID Identification number of coordinate system defining a frame in which the imposed velocity is defined. Applies only for TYPE = 2, V, VE, VEL, or VELO. Only CORD1R and CORD2R systems are allowed. (Integer > 0 or blank) TSTART Start time. See comment 4. Default = 0.0 (Real > 0.0) TEND End time. Default = 1030 (Real > TSTART) Comments 1. Time-dependent load sets must be selected with the Subcase Information command NLOAD = SID. It can only be selected in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by an ANALYSIS = NLGEOM, IMPDYN or EXPDYN subcase entry. 2. The type of the dynamic excitation is specified by TYPE (field 5) according to the following table: Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1355 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering TYPE TYPE of Dynamic Excitation O, L, LO, LOA, or LOAD Applied load (force, moment, pressure). (Default) 3. 1, D, DI, DIS, or DISP Enforced displacement using SPC/SPCD data. 2, V, VE, VEL, or VELO Enforced velocity using SPC/SPCD data. 3, A, AC, ACC, or ACCE Enforced acceleration using SPC/SPCD data TYPE (field 5) also determines the manner in which EXCITEID (field 3) is used by the program as described below. Excitation specified by TYPE is applied load. The EXCITEID may reference DAREA, or (and) static load set entries. If EXCITEID references both DAREA and static load set, the two loads will be super-imposed. Excitation specified by TYPE is enforced motion. The EXCITEID must reference SPCD entries. 4. TSTART and TEND are only considered for enforced displacement, velocity, and acceleration. The continuation line is optional. 5. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. 1356 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering NLPARM Bulk Data Entry NLPARM – Parameters for Nonlinear Static Analysis or Heat Transfer Analysis Description The NLPARM bulk data entry defines parameters for nonlinear static analysis or heat transfer analysis solution control. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) NLPARM ID NINC EPSU EPSP (5) (6) (7) (8) KSTEP MAXITER C ONV EPSW (9) MAXLS (10) LSTOL Example (1) (2) (3) NLPARM 99 5 (4) (5) (6) (7) Field Contents ID Each NLPARM bulk data card must have a unique ID. (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) NINC Number of implicit load sub-increments (see comments 2 and 3). Default = 1 (no increments) for ANALYSIS = NLSTAT and ANALYSIS=NLHEAT Default = 10 for ANALYSIS = NLGEOM (Integer > 0) KSTEP Number of iterations before stiffness update (see comment 3). Default = 6 for ANALYSIS = NLGEOM and BCS solver Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1357 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Field Contents Default = 3 for ANALYSIS = NLGEOM and PCG solver (Integer > 0) MAXITER Limit on number of implicit iterations for each load increment. If reached, the solution is terminated (ANALYSIS = NLSTAT and ANALYSIS=NLHEAT). Default = 25 (Integer > 0) CONV Flags to select implicit convergence criteria. Default = UPW for ANALYSIS = NLSTAT Default = PW for ANALYSIS = NLGEOM (Any combination of U, P and W) EPSU Error tolerance for displacement (U) criterion. Default = 1.0E-3 for ANALYSIS = NLSTAT Default = 1.0E-2 for ANALYSIS = NLGEOM (Real > 0.0) EPSP Error tolerance for load (P) criterion. Default = 1.0E-3 for ANALYSIS = NLSTAT and ANALYSIS=NLHEAT Default = 1.0E-2 for ANALYSIS = NLGEOM (Real > 0.0) EPSW Error tolerance for work (W) criterion. Default = 1.0E-7 for ANALYSIS = NLSTAT and ANALYSIS=NLHEAT Default = 1.0E-3 for ANALYSIS = NLGEOM (Real > 0.0) MAXLS Maximum number of line searches allowed for each iteration. Default = 20 (Integer > 0) 1358 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Field Contents LSTOL Line search tolerance. Default = 1.0E-3 (Real > 0.0) Comments 1. The NLPARM bulk data entry is selected by the Subcase Information command NLPARM=option. Each subcase for which nonlinear analysis is desired requires an NLPARM command. 2. The solution method for quasi-static nonlinear analysis (ANALYSIS = NLSTAT) is full Newton. The stiffness matrix is updated at each iteration. NINC > 0 represents the number of equal subdivisions that the total load in a given subcase will be divided into. If NINC is blank, the entire load for a given subcase is applied at once. The Newton method will be applied to consecutive load levels until the final load is reached. 3. Additional control for geometric nonlinear implicit static solution schemes (ANALYSIS = NLGEOM) can be defined using the NLPARMX bulk data entry. Defaults will be used if NLPARMX is not present. 4. The solution method for geometric nonlinear implicit analysis (ANALYSIS = NLGEOM) is modified or Quasi-Newton. The frequency of stiffness matrix updates is controlled by KSTEP. For highly nonlinear problems, it is recommended to reduce KSTEP for better performance. KSTEP = 1 means full Newton. If the loading is defined using NLOAD, the termination time TTERM must defined by a TTERM subcase entry. The initial implicit time step is TTERMS/NINC with TTERMS = TTERM – T0. All subsequent time steps will be determined automatically. In a simulation with multiple nonlinear subcases, T0 is the end time of the previous load step. If there is only a single nonlinear subcase, T0 = 0.0. If the loading is defined using LOAD, TTERM is not mandatory. These loads are treated as linear ramp-up. If TTERM is defined, the load ramps up from the end time of the previous subcase to TTERM. If TTERM is absent, it will be determined from the subcase sequence such that the duration of each subcase TTERMS = 1.0. In this case, the initial time step is 1.0/NINC. 5. For Nastran compatibility, NLPCI is imported if present. Only the fields ID, TYPE are interpreted. With NLPCI present, the default for NLPARMX, SACC will be reset to RIKS. TYPE will be translated into CTYPE; all other entries are set to default. A warning will be issued. NLPCI and NLPARMX cannot be used simultaneously. It is recommended to remove NLPCI and use NLPARMX with the appropriate definitions. 6. For more information about nonlinear quasi-static analysis, see the Nonlinear Quasi-static Analysis section. 7. For more information about geometric nonlinear analysis, see the Geometric Nonlinear Analysis section. 8. For more information about nonlinear steady-state heat transfer analysis, see the Nonlinear Steady-State Heat Transfer Analysis section. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1359 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 9. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. 1360 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering NLPARMX Bulk Data Entry NLPARMX – Optional Parameters for Geometric Nonlinear Implicit Static Analysis Control Description Defines additional parameters for geometric nonlinear implicit static analysis. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) NLPARMX ID TA0 DTA DTTH NPRINT RFILE SOLV TSC TRL DTMIN DTMAX LSMETH KINER DTSC Q ILIN SMDISP SPRBK ITW DTSC I LDTN DTSC D LARC (10) RREFIF NC YC LE FIXTID/ TOUT C TYP WSC AL Example 1 (1) (2) NLPARM 99 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example 2 (1) (2) NLPARM 99 NLPARMX 99 NEWT Altair Engineering 0.1 ARC 1.e-4 0.1 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1361 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Example 3 (1) (2) NLPARM 99 0.01 NLPARMX (3) (5) (6) (7) 3 0.01 99 NEWT (4) (8) (9) (10) PW 0.01 0.1 ARC 1.e-4 0.1 NEWM 0.25 0.5 Field Contents ID Identification number of an associated NLPARM entry. No default (Integer > 0) TA0 Start time for writing animation files. Default = 0.0 (Real > 0) DTA Output time step for animation files. If zero, no output (See comment 3). Default = DTINI (Real > 0) DTTH Output time step for time history files. If zero, no output (See comment 3). Default = 0.1*DTINI (Real > 0) NPRINT Print every NPRINT iterations. If negative, to .out and standard output; if positive, only to .out file. Default = -1 (Integer) RFILE Cycle frequency to write restart file for nonlinear iteration. Default = 5000 (Integer > 0) 1362 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Field Contents SOLV Geometric nonlinear implicit solution method. NEWT – Modified Newton BFGS – BFGS quasi-Newton method Default = NEWT (Character = NEWT or BFGS) TSCTRL Time step control. ARC – Arc-length is used to accelerate and control the convergence. The time step is determined by displacement norm control (arc-length). SIMP – Simple time step control. RIKS – Riks method for post-buckling analysis (only with SOLV = NEWT). NONE – No time step control. A warning will be issued. In the case of divergence the time step will be repeated with half the step size. The run will be terminated according to DTMIN and NCYCLE. Default = ARC (Character) DTMIN Minimum implicit time step. If DTMIN is reached, simulation will be terminated (See comment 3). Default = 1e-4*DTINI (Real > 0) DTMAX Maximum implicit time step from which time step is set constant (See comment 3). Default = 3*DTINI (Real > 0) LSMETH Line search method. Default = ENERGY (Character = NONE, FORCE, ENERGY, or AUTO) RREFIF Special residual force computation with contact interfaces present. Default = no special treatment (Integer = 0, …, 5) 0 1 2 3 – – – – Aggressive (modified entirely by the out-of-balance value) Average (modified each time with 200% maximum) Light (modified each time with 20% maximum) No modification Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1363 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Field Contents 4 – No modification; except for the first contact. 5 – Modified automatically (for imposed displacement only) NCYCLE Maximum number of time steps. If reached, solution will be terminated. NCYCLE = 0 means no limit. Default = no limit (Integer > 0) FIXTID Identification number of a TABLEDi entry. The x values of the table define fixed time points that the automatic time step control will adhere to. (Integer > 0) TOUT The method to determine the fixed time point. AUTO – Fully automatic time step control. NLOAD - The time points in all TABLEDi that are referenced by NLOAD1 in one subcase. Default = AUTO (AUTO or NLOAD) KINER Inertia Stiffness for handling models that are not sufficiently constrained. May require definition of DTSCQ (See comment 4). Default = OFF (Character = ON, OFF) DTSCQ Scale factor for inertia stiffness matrix used in quasi-static analysis (KINER = ON, See comment 4). Default = 1.0 (Real > 0) ILIN Perform linear instead of nonlinear analysis. For debugging purposes. (ANALYSIS = NLGEOM, See comment 5). LIN – Linear analysis without contact. LINC – Linear analysis with contact. Default is nonlinear analysis (Character = LIN, LINC) SMDISP Perform small displacement and rotation analysis instead of geometric nonlinear analysis. PARAM, SMDISP, 1 overwrites this definition. OFF – Geometric nonlinear analysis. 1364 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Field Contents ON – Small displacements and small rotations analysis. Default = OFF (Character = ON, OFF) SPRBK Perform spring back analysis. Equilibrium is reached when the internal forces are less or equal to the tolerances given on NLPARM. OFF – Regular analysis. ON – Spring back analysis. Default = OFF (Character = ON, OFF) ITW If the solution of a time step converges within ITW iterations the next time step will be increased by a factor controlled by DTSCI. Default = 6 for TSCTRL = ARC Default = 2 for TSCTRL = SIMP Default = 12 for TSCTRL = RIKS Default = 6 (Integer > 0) DTSCI Maximum scale factor for increasing the time step (TSCTRL = ARC, RIKS). Scale factor for TSCTRL = SIMP. Default = 1.1 (Real > 0) LDTN Maximum number of iterations before resetting and decreasing the time step by a factor of DTSCD. Default = 20 for TSCTRL = ARC Default = 15 for TSCTRL = SIMP Default = 25 for TSCTRL = RIKS (Integer > 0) DTSCD Scale factor for decreasing the time step (TSCTRL = ARC, SIMP, RIKS). Default = 0.67 (Real > 0) LARC Input arc-length for TSCTRL = ARC, RIKS Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1365 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Field Contents Default = automatic computation (Real) CTYP Constraint type (See comment 6). CRIS – Crisfield constraint equation. MFSRIKS –- Modified Forde & Stiemer equation. Default = CRIS (CRIS or MFSRIKS) WSCAL Scale factor for controlling the loading contribution in the constraint equation. Default = 0.0 (Real > 0.0) Comments 1. The NLPARMX bulk data entry is selected by the Subcase Information command NLPARM = option. There must also be an NLPARM bulk data entry with the same ID. It is only used in geometric nonlinear implicit static analysis (ANALYSIS = NLGEOM); it is ignored in other analyses. 2. The solution method for geometric nonlinear implicit analysis is selected by SOLV. The frequency of stiffness matrix updates is controlled by KSTEP. For highly nonlinear problems, it is recommended to reduce KSTEP for better performance. KSTEP = 1 means full Newton. 3. If the loading is defined using NLOAD, the termination time TTERM must be defined by a TTERM subcase entry. The initial implicit time step is DTINI = TTERMS/NINC with TTERMS = TTERM – T0. All subsequent time steps will be determined automatically. In a simulation with multiple nonlinear subcases, T0 is the end time of the previous load step. If there is only a single nonlinear subcase, T0 = 0.0. If the loading is defined using LOAD, TTERM is not mandatory. These loads are treated as linear ramp-up. If TTERM is defined, the load ramps up from the end time of the previous subcase to TTERM. If TTERM is absent, it will be determined from the subcase sequence such that the duration of each subcase TTERMS = 1.0. In this case, the initial time step is DTINI = 1.0/NINC. 4. For models that are not sufficiently constrained, inertia stiffness can be used to overcome a singular stiffness matrix. The inertia stiffness [K]inertia = 1/(DTSCQ*dt)^2[M] is added to the stiffness matrix [K]. Care needs to be taken in the selection of DTSCQ. Too large of an added mass may lead to wrong results. 5. Linear static and normal modes analysis within geometric nonlinear analysis (ILIN = LIN, LINC) are provided for debugging purposes. They may help detecting modeling errors. All materials are linearized, and linear displacements are assumed as well. The load is taken at the termination time. To run normal modes analysis, a METHOD subcase entry that refers to an EIGL bulk data entry must be provided. 1366 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering 6. The constraint equation for CTYP = CRIS is: Where, u is displacement, j the scale factor (WSCAL) , l a load factor, and r the arclength. The constraint equation for CTYP = MFSRIKS is: Where, is the displacement, due to a unit load factor, and is the displacement increment from the conventional Newton type method. The meaning of u, j, l, and r are the same as those above. 7. For Nastran compatibility, NLPCI is imported if present. Only the fields ID, TYPE are interpreted. With NLPCI present, the default for TSCTRL will be reset to RIKS. TYPE will be translated into CTYP; all other entries are set to default. A warning will be issued. NLPCI and NLPARMX cannot be used simultaneously. It is recommended to remove NLPCI and use NLPARMX with the appropriate definitions 8. For more information about geometric nonlinear analysis, see the Geometric Nonlinear Analysis section. 9. This card is represented as an extension to an NLPARMX loadcollector in HyperMesh. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1367 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering NLPCI Bulk Data Entry NLPCI – Implicit Time Step Control for Riks Type Arc-Length Method Description Define implicit automatic time step control with Riks type arc-length method. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) NLPC I ID TYPE (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) NLPC I 5 C RIS (4) (5) (6) (7) Field Contents ID Identification number of an associated NLPARM entry. (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) TYPE Constraint type Default = CRIS (CRIS, RIKS, or MRIKS) Comments 1. The NLPCI bulk data entry is selected by the Subcase Information command NLPARM = option. There must also be an NLPARM entry with the same ID. It is only used in geometric nonlinear (quasi-)static analysis (ANALYSIS = NLGEOM). 2. NLPCI is implemented for Nastran compatibility and imported if present. Only the fields ID, TYPE are interpreted. With NLPCI present, the default for NLPARMX, SACC will be reset to RIKS. TYPE will be translated into CTYPE; all other entries are set to default. A warning will be issued. NLPCI and NLPARMX cannot be used simultaneously. It is 1368 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering recommended to remove NLPCI and use NLPARMX with the appropriate definitions. 3. This card is an unsupported bulk data entry in HyperMesh. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1369 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering NLRGAP Bulk Data Entry NLRGAP – Nonlinear Load Proportional to Gap Description Defines a nonlinear radial (circular) gap for direct transient response analysis. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) NLRGAP SID GA GB PLANE TABK TABG TABU RADIUS Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) NOLIN1 21 3 4 XY 3 10 6 1.6 Field Contents SID Nonlinear load set identification number. (10) No default (Integer > 0) GA Inner grid for radial gap (shaft). No default (Integer > 0) GB Outer grid for radial gap (housing). No default (Integer > 0) PLANE Radial gap orientation plane. Default = XY (XY, YZ or ZX) TABK Table ID defining either (See comment 11): Gap stiffness vs. time 1370 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering Field Contents Gap force vs. penetration No default (Integer > 0) TABG Table ID for radial gap clearance as a function of time. No default (Integer > 0) TABU Table ID for radial coefficient of friction as a function of time. No default (Integer > 0) RADIUS Shaft radius. Default = 0.0 (Real > 0.0) Comments 1. Nonlinear radial gap must be selected by the Subcase Information data selector NONLINEAR. 2. Multiple NLRGAP entries with the same SID are allowed. 3. The NLRGAP is not an element, but a nonlinear load similar to the NOLIN1, NOLIN2, NOLIN3 and NOLIN4 entries. It computes the relative displacements of GA and GB in the selected plane and applies appropriate nonlinear loads to simulate the radial contact. 4. The degrees of freedom in the XY, YZ and ZX planes (depending on the PLANE defined) of GA and GB must be members of the solution set. This means that they must not be dependent degrees of freedom and the must not have SPCs applied to them. If RADIUS is > 0.0, then the in-plane rotation degree of freedom must also be in the solution set. 5. The NLRGAP is limited to use in direct transient response analysis. 6. The XY, YZ and ZX planes are relative to the displacement coordinate systems of GA and GB. 7. GA and GB must both be grid points, they must both be coincident, and they must have parallel displacement coordinate systems. If any of these conditions are not met, an error termination will occur. 8. The shaft radius is used only for the computation of friction induced torque. 9. A positive coefficient of friction is consistent with a counter-clockwise shaft rotation. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1371 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 10. The time step algorithm in transient solution sequences may loose unconditional stability when this load entry is used. In most practical cases, the time step size chosen to reach a certain accuracy is below the stability limit. It is recommended to decrease the time step if results diverge. 11. If the integer entered in the TABK field is positive, it is the ID of a TABLED1 entry defining time vs. gap stiffness. If the integer is negative, then the absolute value of the integer is the ID of a TABLED1 entry defining gap penetration vs. gap force. 12. Forces due to TABK and TABU at GA and GB are only present when the gap is closed. A moment is applied only when the gap is closed and RADIUS > 0.0. 1372 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering NOLIN1 Bulk Data Entry NOLIN1 – Nonlinear Transient Load as a Tabular Function Description Defines nonlinear transient forcing functions of the form Function of displacement: Function of velocity: where, and are the displacement and velocity at point GJ in the direction of CJ. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) NOLIN1 SID GI CI S GJ CJ TID (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) NOLIN1 21 3 4 2.1 3 10 6 Field Contents SID Nonlinear load set identification number. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) GI Grid or scalar point identification number at which nonlinear load is to be applied. No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1373 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering is the time step interval and previous time step. 2. No default (1 < Integer < 6. All degrees-of-freedom referenced on NOLIN1 entries must be members of the solution set.Field Contents CI Component number for GI. 3. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. according to the following table: TID Type Displacement Velocity Grid 1 < Integer < 6 11 < Integer < 16 Scalar Blank or 0 Integer = 10 Identification number of a TABLED1. that is the component 11 indicates velocity in the 1 component direction. No default (Real) GJ Grid or scalar point identification number. The velocity is determined by: where.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 4. blank or 0 if GI is a scalar point) S Scale factor. TABLED2. Nonlinear loads must be selected by the Subcase Information data selector NONLINEAR. Nonlinear loads may not be referenced on a DLOAD entry. or TABLED4 entry. Nonlinear loads as a function of velocity are denoted by components ten greater than the actual component number. is the displacement of GJ-CJ for the The time step algorithm in transient solution sequences may loose unconditional stability 1374 OptiStruct 13. No default (Integer > 0) CJ Component number for GJ. 5. TABLED3. when this load entry is used. It is recommended to decrease the time step if results diverge.0 Reference Guide 1375 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . In most practical cases. the time step size chosen to reach a certain accuracy is below the stability limit. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. No default (Integer > 0) CI Component number for GI.9 2 1 2 Field Contents SID Nonlinear load set identification number. 1376 OptiStruct 13. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) GI Grid or scalar point identification number at which nonlinear load is to be applied. and can be either displacement or velocity at points GJ and GK. respectively. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) NOLIN2 SID GI CI S GJ CJ GK CK (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) NOLIN2 14 2 1 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . respectively. in the directions of CJ and CK.NOLIN2 Bulk Data Entry NOLIN1 – Nonlinear Transient Load as the Product of Two Variables Description Defines nonlinear transient forcing functions of the form where. No default (Integer > 0) CJ. is the displacement of GJ-CJ or GK-CK for the The time step algorithm in transient solution sequences may loose unconditional stability when this load entry is used. GK according to the following table: Displacement Velocity Grid 1 < Integer < 6 11 < Integer < 16 Scalar Blank or 0 Integer = 10 Type Comments 1.Field Contents No default (1 < Integer < 6. 2. Velocities are denoted by a component number ten greater than the actual component number. the time step size chosen to reach a certain accuracy is below the stability limit. In most practical cases. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. It is recommended to decrease the time step if results diverge. 5. Nonlinear loads may be a function of displacement or velocity .0 Reference Guide 1377 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . CK Component number for GJ. GJ-CJ and GK-CK may be the same degree-of-freedom. GK Grid or scalar point identification number. The velocity is determined by: where. Nonlinear loads may not be referenced on a DLOAD entry. 6. All degrees-of-freedom referenced on NOLIN2 entries must be members of the solution set. Nonlinear loads must be selected by the Subcase Information data selector NONLINEAR. is the time step interval and previous time step. blank or 0 if GI is a scalar point) S Scale factor. GI-CI. No default (Real) GJ. that is the component 11 indicates velocity in the 1 component direction. 3. 4. 1 2 15 -3. 1378 OptiStruct 13. may be a displacement or a velocity at point GJ in the direction of CJ. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) NOLIN3 SID GI CI S GJ CJ A (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) NOLIN3 4 102 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) -6.NOLIN3 Bulk Data Entry NOLIN1 – Nonlinear Transient Load as a Positive Variable Raised to a Power Description Defines nonlinear transient forcing functions of the form where. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) GI Grid or scalar point identification number at which nonlinear load is to be applied.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .5 Field Contents SID Nonlinear load set identification number. No default (Integer > 0) CI Component number for GI. Nonlinear loads must be selected by the Subcase Information data selector NONLINEAR. blank or 0 if GI is a scalar point) S Scale factor. Velocities are denoted by components ten greater than the actual component number.0 Reference Guide 1379 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Field Contents No default (1 < Integer < 6. Nonlinear loads may be a function of displacement or velocity . The velocity is determined by: where. No default (Real) Comments 1. No default (Integer > 0) CJ Component number for GJ. is the time step interval and previous time step. 4. 3. 2. Nonlinear loads may not be referenced on a DLOAD entry. GK according to the following table: A Type Displacement Velocity Grid 1 < Integer < 6 11 < Integer < 16 Scalar Blank or 0 Integer = 10 Exponent of the forcing function. Altair Engineering is the displacement of GJ-CJ for the OptiStruct 13. No default (Real) GJ Grid or scalar point identification number. All degrees-of-freedom referenced on NOLIN3 entries must be members of the solution set. that is the component 11 indicates velocity in the 1 component direction. Use a NOLIN4 entry for the negative range of . It is recommended to decrease the time step if results diverge.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . the time step size chosen to reach a certain accuracy is below the stability limit. In most practical cases.5. 6. The time step algorithm in transient solution sequences may loose unconditional stability when this load entry is used. 1380 OptiStruct 13. (7) (8) (9) (10) 16.3 No default (Integer > 0) GI Grid or scalar point identification number at which nonlinear load is to be applied. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) NOLIN4 SID GI CI S GJ CJ A (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) NOLIN4 2 4 6 2. No default (Integer > 0) CI Component number for GI.0 101 Field Contents SID Nonlinear load set identification number.0 Reference Guide 1381 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.NOLIN4 Bulk Data Entry NOLIN1 – Nonlinear Transient Load as a Negative Variable Raised to a Power Description Defines nonlinear transient forcing functions of the form where. may be a displacement or a velocity at point GJ in the direction of CJ. 4. that is the component 11 indicates velocity in the 1 component direction. is the displacement of GJ-CJ for the 1382 OptiStruct 13. Nonlinear loads must be selected by the Subcase Information data selector NONLINEAR.Field Contents No default (1 < Integer < 6. Velocities are denoted by components ten greater than the actual component number. blank or 0 if GI is a scalar point) S Scale factor. is the time step interval and previous time step. GK according to the following table: A Type Displacement Velocity Grid 1 < Integer < 6 11 < Integer < 16 Scalar Blank or 0 Integer = 10 Exponent of the forcing function. 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The velocity is determined by where. 3. Nonlinear loads may not be referenced on a DLOAD entry. No default (Real) Comments 1. Nonlinear loads may be a function of displacement or velocity . All degrees-of-freedom referenced on NOLIN4 entries must be members of the solution set. No default (Real) GJ Grid or scalar point identification number. No default (Integer > 0) CJ Component number for GJ. The time step algorithm in transient solution sequences may loose unconditional stability when this load entry is used. the time step size chosen to reach a certain accuracy is below the stability limit.0 Reference Guide 1383 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . It is recommended to decrease the time step if results diverge.5. In most practical cases. OptiStruct 13. Use a NOLIN3 entry for the positive range of 6. Altair Engineering . No default (Integer > 0) TYPE This can be one of the properties PSHELL.NSM Bulk Data Entry NSM – Non-structural Mass per Unit Area or per Unit Length Description Defines non-structural mass per unit area or per unit length for a list of elements or properties. in which case the list of IDs will 1384 OptiStruct 13. PBEAML. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) NSM SID TYPE ID VALUE ID VALUE ID VALUE Example 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) NSM 4 PSHELL 155 0. PROD.06 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) NSM 6 ELEMENT 12 0. PSHEAR. or PTUBE.03 Example 2 Field Contents SID Identification number of non-structural mass set.03 14 0. PBAR. PCOMP. CONROD.03 13 0. PBEAM. PBARL.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . CONROD. or it can be ELEMENT. PBEAML. PTUBE. PROD.0 Reference Guide 1385 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . in which case the list is of individual element IDs of elements that can have NSM. PBARL. PBEAM.Field Contents refer to properties of the stated type. 2. PBAR. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. PCOMP. No default (PSHELL. or ELEMENT). Non-structural mass in this format must be selected by the NSM Subcase Information selector. depending on the TYPE definition No default (Integer > 0) VALUE Non-structural mass per unit area or per unit length No default (Real) Comments 1. PSHEAR. ID Property or Element ID. Refer to the User's Guide section on Non-structural Mass for more information on the use of this card. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) NSM1 SID TYPE VALUE ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID -etc.03 9 THRU 12 Field Contents SID Identification number of non-structural mass set. (8) 1386 OptiStruct 13.063 1 8 (7) (8) (9) (10) Alternate Format and Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) NSM1 SID TYPE VALUE ID THRU ID NSM1 3 PSHELL 0.- (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) NSM1 2 ELEMENT 0. Alternate Form 1 Description Defines non-structural mass per unit area or per unit length for a list of elements or properties.NSM1 Bulk Data Entry NSM1 – Non-structural Mass per Unit Area or per Unit Length.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering (9) (10) Altair Engineering . PROD. PTUBE. PCOMP. PBEAML. Refer to the User's Guide section on Non-structural Mass for more information on the use of this card. or ELEMENT). PBEAML. CONROD. PSHEAR. Non-structural mass in this format must be selected by the NSM Subcase Information selector.No default (Integer > 0) TYPE This can be one of the properties PSHELL. or "THRU") Comments 1. or it can be ELEMENT. or PTUBE. PBARL. 2. PBAR.0 Reference Guide 1387 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . PCOMP. No default (PSHELL. in which case the list is of individual element IDs of elements that can have NSM. PBARL. PBEAM. in which case the list of IDs will refer to properties of the stated type. PROD. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. VALUE Non-structural mass per unit area or per unit length No default (Real) ID Property or Element ID. CONROD. PBAR. depending on the TYPE definition No default (Integer > 0. PSHEAR. PBEAM. NSML. NSM1. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) S# Identification number of nonstructural mass sets defined via NSM.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . and NSML1 entries.NSMADD Bulk Data Entry NSMADD – Non-structural Mass Set Combination Description Defines non-structural mass as the sum of the sets listed. VALUE A lumped mass value to be distributed over all the listed elements and elements referencing listed properties.- (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) NSMADD 4 100 200 (5) (6) Field Contents SID Identification number of non-structural mass set. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) NSMADD SID S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 -etc. No default (Real) 1388 OptiStruct 13. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Non-structural mass in this format must be selected by the NSM Subcase Information selector. NSML. NSMADD entries take precedence over NSM. If both have the same SID. 3. NSM1 or NSML1 entries. No S# may be the identification number of a non-structural mass set defined by another NSMADD entry.0 Reference Guide 1389 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 4. 2. or "THRU") Comments 1. depending on the TYPE definition No default (Integer > 0. only the NSMADD entry will be used.Field Contents ID Property or Element ID. Refer to the User's Guide section on Non-structural Mass for more information on the use of this card. PBARL.NSML Bulk Data Entry NSML – Lumped Non-structural Mass Description Defines lumped non-structural mass for a list of elements or properties. PSHEAR.29 (6) Field Contents SID Identification number of non-structural mass set. PBEAML. PROD.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . PTUBE. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) TYPE This can be one of the properties PSHELL. or PTUBE. depending on the TYPE definition No default (Integer > 0) 1390 OptiStruct 13. ID Property or Element ID. PBEAM. CONROD. PSHEAR. in which case the list is of individual element IDs of elements that can have NSM. CONROD. PBARL. PBEAM. PCOMP. PBAR. PROD. No default (PSHELL. or it can be ELEMENT. PBEAML. PCOMP. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) NSML SID TYPE ID VALUE ID VALUE ID VALUE Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) NSML 6 PSHELL 16 0. PBAR. in which case the list of IDs will refer to properties of the stated type. or ELEMENT). CBEAM. 2. and CONROD. CQUAD8. For "area" elements. Non-structural mass in this format must be selected by the NSM Subcase Information selector. 3. CTRIA6.0 Reference Guide 1391 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Refer to the User's Guide section on Non-structural Mass for more information on the use of this card. the calculation is: 4. No default (Real) Comments 1. and the "line" elements are: CBAR. You cannot mix "area" and "line" elements on the same entry. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. CROD.Field Contents VALUE A lumped mass value to be distributed over all the listed elements and elements referencing listed properties. This entry will calculated an equivalent non-structural mass per unit area or per unit length using the lumped mass values provided. CTRIA3. CTUBE. the calculation is: and for "line" elements. The "area" elements are: CQUAD4. and CSHEAR. (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) 1392 OptiStruct 13.06 1 2 3 4 (9) (10) Alternate Format and Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) NSML SID TYPE VALUE ID THRU ID NSML 3 ELEMENT 0.NSML1 Bulk Data Entry NSML1 – Lumped Non-structural Mass.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) NSML SID TYPE VALUE ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID -etc. Alternate Form 1 Description Defines lumped non-structural mass for a list of elements or properties.06 1 THRU 4 Field Contents SID Identification number of non-structural mass set.- (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) NSML 3 ELEMENT 0. PSHEAR. in which case the list is of individual element IDs of elements that can have NSM. CTUBE. and CSHEAR. PBAR. or it can be ELEMENT. CROD. CONROD. PROD. CTRIA6. the calculation is: and for "line" elements. PCOMP. PBARL. For "area" elements. PCOMP. This entry will calculated an equivalent non-structural mass per unit area or per unit length using the lumped mass values provided. PSHEAR. depending on the TYPE definition No default (Integer > 0. PBEAM. PBARL. Non-structural mass in this format must be selected by the NSM Subcase Information selector. the calculation is: 4. PBEAML. in which case the list of IDs will refer to properties of the stated type. Refer to the User's Guide section on Non-structural Mass for more information on the use of this card. PBEAML. PBEAM.0 Reference Guide 1393 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . or "THRU") Comments 1. and the "line" elements are: CBAR. and CONROD. CQUAD8. You cannot mix "area" and "line" elements on the same entry. 3. CONROD. CTRIA3.Field Contents TYPE This can be one of the properties PSHELL. or ELEMENT). VALUE A lumped mass value to be distributed over all the listed elements and elements referencing listed properties. 2. or PTUBE. PROD. PBAR. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. No default (PSHELL. The "area" elements are: CQUAD4. No default (Real) ID Property or Element ID. CBEAM. PTUBE. 5 Field Contents PID Property identification number. Default = 1. (Integer > 0 or Blank) S Impedance scale factor. (Integer > 0 or Blank) TZIMID Identification of the TABLEDi entry that defines the reactance as a function of frequency.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .PAABSF Bulk Data Entry PAABSF – Frequency-Dependant Fluid Acoustic Absorber Property Description Defines the properties of the fluid acoustic absorber element. The real part of the impedance.0 0.0 (Real) 1394 OptiStruct 13. The imaginary part of impedance. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) PAABSF PID TZREID TSIMID S A B K RHOC Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) PAABSF 4 3 4 1. (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) TZREID Identification of the TABLEDi entry that defines the resistance as a function of frequency. RHO is the media density and C is the speed of sound in the media. Default = 1.ALL OUTPUT.0build60 $$ Generated using HyperMesh-Optistruct Template Version : 10.HGFREQ.Field Contents A Area factor when 1 or 2 grid points are specified in the CAABSF entry.0 Reference Guide 1395 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Default = 0.0 (Real) K Equivalent stiffness coefficient.0 (Real) RHOC Constant used in data recovery for calculating an absorption coefficient. Default = 0. Default = 1.0 (Real > 0. current unused (Real) Input File .0.ALL OUTPUT.H3D.ALL OUTPUT.mdcaabsf.0-SA1-120 $$ $$ Template: optistruct $$ $$ $ DISPLACEMENT(PHASE) = 1 OUTPUT.OPTI.PUNCH.ALL $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ Case Control Cards $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $ $HMNAME LOADSTEP 1"Piston_Load" 6 $ SUBCASE 1 LABEL Piston_Load SPC = 12 METHOD(STRUCTURE) = 4 METHOD(FLUID) = 5 FREQUENCY = 3 DLOAD = 9 XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 11(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 43(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 55(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 67(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 79(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 91(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 103(T1) XYPUNCH DISP 1/ 115(T1) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0) B Equivalent damping coefficient.parm $$ $$ Optistruct Input Deck Generated by HyperMesh Version : 10. 0 0.246 -0.59-16 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1396 OptiStruct 13.72-15 -8.0 0.543.246 0.79.59-16 -1. 127.163.492 0. 6798 $ $$-------------------------------------------------------------$$ HYPERMESH TAGS $$-------------------------------------------------------------$$BEGIN TAGS $$END TAGS $ BEGIN BULK ACMODL $$ $$ Stacking Information for Ply-Based Composite Definition $$ PARAM.591.492 0.492 1.0 0.589-16 0.687.492 -0.187.603.72-15 -1.0 8.0 0.492 0.POST.579.492 -0.246 0. 615.492 -1.246 0.492 0.72-15 -1.718-15 8.246 0.492 0.246 0.59-16 -1.AUTOSPC.0 -0.-1 $$ $$ DESVARG Data $$ $$ $$ GRID Data $$ GRID 9 GRID 10 GRID 11 GRID 12 GRID 13 GRID 14 GRID 15 GRID 16 GRID 17 GRID 18 GRID 19 GRID 20 GRID 21 GRID 22 GRID 23 GRID 24 GRID 25 GRID 26 0.151.246 -0.492 0.589-16 1.72-15 0.718-15 1.555.492 0.651.0 0.175.246 0.246 0.589-16 -8.246 -0.0 8. 531.639.0 -0.XYPUNCH XYPUNCH XYPUNCH XYPUNCH XYPUNCH XYPUNCH XYPUNCH XYPUNCH XYPUNCH XYPUNCH XYPUNCH XYPUNCH XYPUNCH XYPUNCH XYPUNCH XYPUNCH XYPUNCH XYPUNCH XYPUNCH XYPUNCH XYPUNCH $ $HMSET SET 1 = DISP DISP DISP DISP DISP DISP DISP DISP DISP DISP DISP DISP DISP DISP DISP DISP DISP DISP DISP DISP DISP 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 127(T1) 139(T1) 151(T1) 163(T1) 175(T1) 187(T1) 199(T1) 531(T1) 543(T1) 555(T1) 567(T1) 579(T1) 591(T1) 603(T1) 615(T1) 627(T1) 639(T1) 651(T1) 663(T1) 675(T1) 687(T1) 1 1 "pressure" 43.627.246 0.59-16 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .663.55.567.72-15 -8.492 -0.492 0.67.0 0.492 -0.0 -8.675.492 0.YES PARAM.246 0. 00073 -5.246 -2.40059 -4.10051 -3.246 -2.18-120.20029 0.733-29-1.80044 -3.246 0.600146 -1.300073 -5.246 1.246 2.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 Altair Engineering 0.246 -4.90095 0.835-29-3.246 -0.70066 -5.492 8.0 -2.718-15 -0.0 -0.246 -8.246 0.246 2.246 -3.919-29-0.0 -4.0 -.246 -4.24-120.20102 0.40059 -4.246 -3.70066 -5.258-29-2.246 0.5011 -8.246 0.246 0.06-120.00073 0.80117 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.00073 -5.30081 0.5011 -8.20029 0.600146 0.79-120.0 0.10051 -4.5011 0.300073 0.0 -4.246 1.90095 -7.246 -1.80117 -9.70066 0.246 -.37-120.12-120.246 0.20102 0.90022 -1.80044 0.300073 0.246 0.60088 0.10051 0.3-12 0.50037 0.99-120.40059 0.68-120.80044 0.10051 0.43-120.246 -1.492 -0.0 Reference Guide 1397 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .39-120.900219 -1.589-16 0.246 -2.524-29-.90095 0.99-120.246 -0.0 -1.246 9.0 -3.60088 -7.246 8.246 -0.600146 -1.246 -3.0 -3.2-12 0.0 -3.246 5.86-120.136-28-3.81-120.294-28-4.246 -3.364-29-1.20102 -7.0 -.246 0.246 -1.718-15 0.900219 0.20029 -2.589-16 -0.246 0.0 -0.246 6.79-120.0 -4.246 7.246 0.246 1.492 1.74-120.246 8.246 -1.231-28-4.246 -.246 -4.311-29-2.246 0.20029 -2.59-120.492 0.0 -0.0 -1.5011 0.246 3.246 1.50037 0.300073 -5.62-130.246 -.246 -3.39-120.246 -1.246 -2.246 -3.2-12 0.78-120.246 0.0 -3.59-16 -0.6-12 0.0 -2.600146 0.246 0.40059 0.0-12 0.246 -.50037 -3.246 4.0 -2.30081 -6.70066 0.50037 -2.246 -4.246 -2.00073 0.246 1.787-29-1.246 0.38-120.99-130.246 -2.782-29-3.93-120.246 0.30081 -6.246 8.60088 0.0 -1.246 -1.90022 0.90095 -7.20102 -8.246 -0.30081 0.246 1.59-120.62-120.60088 -6.073-28-3.388-28-4.246 -3.204-29-2.246 -.0 -.246 5.492 -0.246 -3.19-120.246 0.80044 -3.49-120.049-29-. 07-110.10124 -9.80117 0.246 -7.30154 0.8019 0.70139 0.00146 -1.68-110.85-110.146-28-8.246 0.74-110.246 -5.246 2.246 0.55-120.246 -5.246 -5.246 -4.246 0.246 -9.246 0.246 1.893-28-6.246 -8.0 -5.00146 0.70139 0.90168 0.8019 0.10198 -1.246 -8.51-110.246 0.01-110.0 -8.8019 -1.70139 -1.90168 -1.335-28-9.609-28-5.0 -5.10124 0.246 -8.57-110.10198 0.246 1.70139 -1.10198 -1.246 2.90168 0.18-110.40205 0.246 -8.246 0.209-28-8.67-110.60161 -1.246 -6.00146 0.246 -8.20176 -1.23-110.0 -7.8019 -1.515-28-5.246 -9.246 2.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 -8.0022 0.019-28-7.10198 0.30227 -1.60234 0.672-28-6.90168 -1.30154 -1.246 0.246 -6.02-110.246 -7.40132 -1.80117 0.32-110.20176 -1.246 -7.0 -6.246 -5.246 1.0 -9.99-120.246 0.246 0.246 0.246 0.50183 0.246 0.246 -8.0 -5.60234 -1.40205 -1.0 -9.70212 -1.90241 -1.30154 -1.246 1.4-11 0.5-11 0.0 -9.70212 0.246 -6.91-110.79-110.73-110.0022 0.246 0.246 -6.083-28-7.956-28-7.20176 0.0 -8.246 1.246 2.90241 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1398 OptiStruct 13.735-28-6.0022 -1.246 2.44-110.00146 -1.30154 0.2-11 0.12-110.10124 0.246 -7.50183 0.83-28 -6.246 -5.398-28-9.10124 -1.272-28-8.246 2.246 -9.246 1.246 2.85-110.60234 -1.246 0.70212 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .246 0.50183 -1.246 2.46-110.30227 -1.246 2.14-110.452-28-5.79-110.30227 0.246 -9.40132 0.246 -4.246 -9.0 -8.246 -7.30227 0.29-110.246 -9.90241 -1.60161 -1.55-110.40205 -1.40132 -1.246 -6.246 -6.0 -9.0022 -1.246 -6.60161 0.97-110.246 0.61-110.70212 -1.08-110.246 1.38-110.246 -5.0 -6.0 -7.20176 0.40205 0.26-110.63-110.50183 -1.0 -6.60234 0.60161 0.246 1.246 -7.246 0.40132 0.524-28-9.35-110.246 -6.0 -7.246 -9.0 -6.461-28-9. 556-28-10.6031 0.246 0.246 -15.4034 -7.4028 -2.7029 0.06-110.246 -13.42-110.07-110.246 -11.935-28-12.246 -13.246 0.21-110.246 -13.0035 -7.0 -10.7034 -7.8026 -2.0 -12.12-110.246 -12.246 2.0 -11.303 -2.2031 0.0 -14.246 2.01-110.1033 0.246 -11.2025 0.6031 0.246 -12.8026 0.246 0.777-28-11.246 0.246 2.15-110.246 2.4034 0.1033 -7.246 -10.8032 -7.0035 -7.246 2.8026 0.2025 0.1033 -7.246 2.0 -13.4028 0.2031 0.0 -12.78-110.246 -11.871-28-12.7029 0.246 -14.246 -12.3-11 0.8032 0.90241 0.903 0.0029 0.0 -14.48-110.745-28-11.903 -6.8026 -2.8032 0.84-28 -13.246 0.09-110.6031 -2.246 -12.246 2.36-110.5026 -2.0029 0.682-28-14.587-28-15.45-110.246 0.1027 0.246 -14.67-110.6-11 0.5026 0.5026 0.619-28-14.2025 -1.1027 -2.246 2.91-110.777-28-13.246 2.51-110.33-110.246 0.246 0.246 0.246 2.246 -11.0 -11.246 2.7034 0.246 2.246 -10.2025 -2.246 -14.5032 -7.13-110.246 2.246 -10.246 0.246 -14.246 -9.6031 -2.246 0.27-110.4034 0.303 -2.19-110.966-28-12.246 0.246 -14.39-110.903-28-13.246 0.0 -10.246 0.73-110.7034 0.4034 -7.246 -10.84-28 -11.246 -13.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 Altair Engineering 0.682-28-10.246 -14.246 2.246 0.0029 -2.246 -10.02-110.0 -13.1027 -2.246 -13.1033 0.246 2.9-11 0.96-110.5032 0.246 2.5032 -7.246 0.2031 -7.0 -12.0035 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.0035 0.19-110.1027 0.0 -11.35-110.246 -12.745-28-14.903 0.5032 0.8032 -7.903 -7.619-28-10.0 -13.54-110.935-28-12.03-110.0029 -2.246 -12.246 0.7034 -7.246 -10.0 -12.5026 -1.246 -15.24-110.0 -10.246 0.4028 -2.246 -11.303 0.303 0.24-110.246 -11.246 2.2031 -6.246 -12.7029 -2.0 Reference Guide 1399 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .7029 -2.0 -15.246 -12.3-11 0.0 -14.95-110.4028 0.246 -13. 14-110.246 0.335-28-16.8047 0.0 -20.9037 0.246 -19.1048 0.246 -18.19-110.8-11 0.246 -15.0042 0.1048 -8.3036 -7.8047 -8.246 -15.0 -15.0042 -7.246 1.9045 -8.104 0.5039 -8.2045 -8.246 1.246 0.246 -18.4041 -7.083-28-17.2-11 0.0 -15.524-28-15.246 1.4041 0.246 -17.3043 0.5046 0.9045 0.893-28-18.6037 -7.0 -19.735-28-18.0 -17.388-28-20.6037 0.804 -8.2045 0.2038 -8.03-110.804 0.5046 -8.246 2.3036 0.609-28-19.0 -18.246 -16.0 -16.804 -7.4041 -8.246 -18.246 -15.246 1.398-28-15.246 -17.9-11 0.246 -19.246 -15.0 -19.246 1.246 0.63-110.246 -18.246 -19.5-11 0.246 -19.246 -15.246 0.2045 -8.246 -18.38-110.246 -20.246 -18.6044 0.7042 0.96-110.8-11 0.0 -16.0042 0.0 -19.146-28-17.6037 0.452-28-20.246 0.4048 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1400 OptiStruct 13.2038 0.104 -7.02-110.3036 0.91-110.68-110.6037 -7.246 -17.0 -16.246 -16.0 -18.44-110.5046 -8.25-110.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .672-28-19.246 -17.3036 -7.246 -16.6044 -8.56-110.8047 0.2038 -7.246 0.246 -18.246 0.246 1.461-28-15.6044 -7.246 1.246 0.246 0.246 -15.246 -20.7042 0.5039 0.104 0.0 -17.246 0.246 2.246 -17.2038 0.4041 0.7042 -8.86-110.7042 -7.97-110.83-28 -18.246 0.74-110.246 -16.804 0.9037 -7.0 -18.3043 -7.956-28-18.246 1.2045 0.9037 -7.75-110.246 0.0 -15.209-28-16.6044 0.246 2.0 -18.246 0.246 0.5039 0.26-110.32-110.246 1.246 0.246 0.35-110.246 -17.14-110.5039 -7.104 -8.019-28-17.246 -18.69-110.9045 -8.3043 0.47-110.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 0.246 -16.84-110.246 2.8047 -8.246 2.9037 0.1048 -8.62-110.3043 -8.246 -19.246 2.246 -16.246 2.515-28-19.58-110.0042 -8.246 2.5046 0.08-110.246 2.9045 0.08-110.246 -19.41-110.1048 0.52-110.0 -17.272-28-16.246 0. 6051 0.733-29-23.6059 0.246 -21.7049 0.0057 -8.4056 0.300073 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.206 -9.0057 0.246 -22.75-110.6051 0.246 0.246 -23.7056 -8.246 9.005 0.246 0.4048 0.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 Altair Engineering -8.46-110.9052 0.0 -21.246 -23.246 -24.2053 -8.3058 0.835-29-22.8054 0.6059 -9.5053 0.6051 -8.0 -21.246 0.246 0.2053 0.1055 -9.246 -22.246 1.246 -20.3051 0.311-29-23.246 0.0 -21.1055 0.787-29-24.3058 -9.246 -23.206 -9.204-29-22.04-110.246 0.16-110.246 1.246 -25.59-110.0 -24.151-12-25.492 0.246 0.246 -21.1055 -8.246 6.005 0.8054 0.246 -24.5053 0.0057 -9.246 -24.81-110.246 -20.005 -8.0 -20.246 -24.47-110.31-110.246 0.246 0.246 -24.52-110.36-110.53-110.206 0.9059 0.246 9.246 3.246 -21.246 -25.3051 -8.246 0.246 0.246 0.246 -21.9052 -8.3051 0.92-110.246 -22.7056 0.323-13-.8054 -9.246 0.7049 0.0 -22.0 -24.98-110.466-30-24.4056 -8.82-112.9059 -9.246 0.3058 -9.258-29-22.2053 -9.15-110.246 -23.42-110.7-11 0.246 -23.246 -20.4048 0.64-110.0 Reference Guide 1401 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .246 -21.246 8.136-28-21.7049 -8.492 4.246 -21.9059 0.246 -24.6051 -9.7056 -9.294-28-20.0 -22.246 -21.246 1.6059 0.9059 -9.246 -24.246 -.782-29-21.84-29 -24.86-110.246 0.0 -20.893-29-24.231-28-21.76-110.0 -23.246 1.246 -21.2053 0.300073 0.0057 0.246 0.246 1.0 -24.58-110.04-110.246 7.246 2.6059 -9.1055 0.09-110.87-110.246 -24.4056 -9.64-110.28-110.0 -24.4048 -8.206 0.7-11 0.246 -22.3058 0.8054 -8.364-29-23.4-11 0.073-28-21.92-110.246 -22.0 -21.0 -23.005 -8.0 -23.0 -22.246 -23.5053 -8.98-110.767-12-25.9052 0.3051 -9.246 4.22-110.16-110.1-11 0.4056 0.246 5.9052 -9.246 8.7049 -8.246 -20.246 -22.246 4.5053 -9.34-110.7056 0.246 0. 492 0.246 -5.246 -6.492 0.819-12-10.246 -3.246 -8.492 0.10051 4.492 0.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 0.10051 0.492 0.492 0.246 -2.10124 9.5-13 -1.492 0.246 -6.559-13-4.246 -3.40059 0.246 -5.30081 0.8026 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1402 OptiStruct 13.30227 0.60161 0.492 0.492 0.20102 7.041-13-3.90095 7.492 0.246 -1.492 0.009-13-1.40132 0.0022 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.00073 5.363-12-8.70139 0.90242 0.212-12-7.492 0.768-12-10.80117 8.492 0.00146 1.492 0.584-13-5.246 -8.40205 1.492 0.492 0.50037 3.534-13-3.60088 6.492 0.246 -1.572-13-5.90022 2.10198 0.06-12 -6.246 -1.51-13 -2.547-13-3.60088 0.600146 0.90168 0.492 0.600146 1.592-13-0.161-12-6.465-12-8.246 -10.5026 1.492 0.60161 1.30227 1.5011 8.30154 0.078-13-5.10124 0.492 0.246 -9.246 -3.515-12-9.492 0.492 0.492 0.70066 5.246 -4.246 -9.492 0.492 0.2025 1.50183 1.50037 0.492 0.70212 0.718-12-10.30081 6.60234 1.20102 0.492 0.20029 0.90242 1.053-13-4.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.616-12-9.492 0.492 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .246 -2.80117 0.80044 3.246 -4.5011 0.246 -0.246 -6.492 0.492 1.246 -10.492 0.492 0.492 0.11-12 -6.492 0.621-13-.492 0.20029 2.0022 1.246 -9.492 0.246 -7.10198 1.414-12-8.246 -7.80044 0.246 -8.70066 0.009-12-6.667-12-9.40205 0.066-13-4.246 -3.492 0.492 0.016-13-2.522-13-2.492 0.00146 0.00073 0.20176 0.492 0.313-12-7.492 0.40059 4.246 -6.492 0.492 0.566-12-9.492 0.246 -9.492 0.492 0.2025 0.246 -4.70212 1.246 -2.246 -.50183 0.40132 9.004-13-1.492 0.492 0.60234 0.492 0.246 -7.492 0.30154 1.492 0.90168 1.028-13-3.246 -5.492 0.492 0.5026 0.20176 1.492 0.492 0.492 0.262-12-7.8019 1.90095 0.90022 0.8019 0.70139 1.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0. 246 -11.5039 6.492 0.083-12-18.492 0.6037 6.6037 0.492 0.3036 0.492 0.492 0.246 -11.492 0.492 0.5032 6.9037 6.4028 0.1033 0.492 0.021-12-12.5032 0.246 -19.1033 6.492 0.492 0.0029 0.246 -16.492 0.246 -12.3043 7.375-12-13.1027 0.729-12-15.223-12-12.274-12-13.246 -14.0042 7.492 0.6044 7.6031 6.527-12-14.9045 0.286-12-19.246 -20.246 -20.492 0.492 0.492 0.246 -11.8026 1.492 0.903 0.492 0.4034 0.134-12-18.492 0.4034 6.492 0.3043 0.492 0.3036 6.246 -20.246 -16.7049 7.2045 7.0042 0.0035 6.0 Reference Guide 1403 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .8032 6.4048 0.246 -14.072-12-12.2031 6.005 0.492 0.246 -13.492 0.492 0.492 0.438-12-20.492 0.5046 0.235-12-18.1048 0.577-12-15.492 0.628-12-15.246 -15.492 0.246 -13.0029 2.492 0.492 0.246 -18.246 -10.492 0.492 0.246 -17.033-12-17.492 0.492 0.92-12 -11.492 0.246 -17.492 0.492 0.78-12 -16.881-12-16.492 0.2038 0.492 0.492 0.387-12-19.4041 7.9037 0.476-12-14.903 6.2038 6.324-12-13.492 0.8032 0.6044 0.492 0.4048 7.246 -15.246 -19.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 Altair Engineering 0.246 -15.8047 0.246 -17.492 0.246 -12.246 -15.7034 6.7034 0.492 0.185-12-18.492 0.246 -18.4041 0.492 0.104 6.492 0.246 -19.123-12-12.492 0.492 0.7049 0.5046 7.492 0.83-12 -16.539-12-20.9045 7.104 0.7029 0.8047 7.488-12-20.7042 7.492 0.246 -21.0035 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.804 0.804 6.1048 7.7029 2.932-12-17.492 0.492 0.303 0.7042 0.337-12-19.492 0.246 -12.246 -16.1027 1.492 0.4028 1.982-12-17.303 2.246 -14.5039 0.246 -18.246 -13.2045 0.425-12-14.492 0.59-12 -21.6031 0.492 0.87-12 -11.246 -12.492 0.971-12-11.246 -18.492 0.2031 0.005 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.679-12-15.492 0. 246 -23.246 -21.10051 0.492 0.492 -.246 0.600146 -1.70139 0.7056 0.843-12-22.05-120.246 -24.893-12-22.81-120.492 -5.39-120.33-120.7056 0.9059 0.00146 -1.300073 -1.492 0.30081 -6.64-12 -21.492 -3.492 -5.197-12-24.246 0.2053 0.3051 0.96-120.792-12-22.1055 0.492 -5.492 0.5053 0.246 0.492 7.246 0.3058 0.492 -.40132 0.492 -5.492 0.5011 0.492 -1.492 5.6051 0.492 -2.492 0.246 0.492 -5.492 -4.492 -5.492 -1.246 0.246 0.492 7.492 -4.742-12-21.63-120.246 -24.1-11 0.90022 -2.146-12-24.492 7.57-120.29-120.492 -1.246 -23.80044 0.3058 0.40132 -9.00146 0.492 7.6059 0.492 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .24-120.492 -2.9052 0.90095 -7.206 0.80117 0.20029 0.492 -3.9059 0.492 7.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 0.492 8.40059 -4.10051 -4.995-12-23.5053 0.246 0.246 0.492 -4.80117 -8.492 -4.91-120.5011 -8.0057 0.246 0.10124 -9.492 0.246 -24.045-12-23.80044 -3.492 0.10124 0.246 -24.246 0.492 -2.492 0.246 -22.248-12-24.492 -1.246 0.30081 0.60088 0.492 -2.492 0.246 0.246 0.246 0.246 -23.70066 0.50037 -3.2053 0.72-120.492 -6.492 -3.492 -4.50037 0.691-12-21.492 -6.492 8.3051 0.492 0.6059 0.19-120.492 -3.900219 0.246 0.492 -2.24-130.00073 0.492 -.492 -0.15-120.492 -3.492 8.6051 0.944-12-23.20102 -7.492 8.8054 0.246 -21.600146 0.20029 -2.0057 0.246 -22.492 -.70066 -5.00073 -5.492 0.534-12-25.1055 0.492 -4.492 -1.492 -2.4056 0.246 0.492 -6.246 0.246 -22.246 -25.90095 0.40059 0.8054 0.492 8.60088 -6.492 -3.246 -21.096-12-24.4056 0.492 7.44-120.492 -1.300073 0.76-120.246 0.492 -.05-110.9052 0.67-120.246 0.20102 0.492 -3.492 7.30154 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1404 OptiStruct 13.492 7.492 0.09-120.87-120.492 0.70139 -1.206 -5.492 -3. 492 -1.3036 -15.90241 -9.492 -1.9037 -15.246 0.492 -1.492 0.81-110.40205 -8.303 -12.303 -12.0035 -15.492 0.492 0.1033 -14.60161 -6.246 0.26-110.246 0.492 0.492 0.246 0.5039 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.36-110.0 Reference Guide 1405 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .10198 -8.1027 -11.492 -1.492 0.492 0.46-110.14-110.492 -6.60234 -9.78-110.71-110.15-110.246 0.8032 -14.492 0.7034 -15.492 0.70212 -9.492 -1.492 -1.31-110.76-110.1027 -11.4028 -11.64-110.30227 -9.0029 -12.492 0.492 -6.8032 -13.492 -7.492 0.3036 -15.6031 -12.99-110.246 0.246 0.2038 -16.492 0.492 0.0022 -9.492 0.492 0.97-110.492 0.30227 -9.492 0.492 -6.60234 -9.492 0.7029 -12.5039 -16.246 0.246 0.492 0.0029 -12.492 -1.492 -6.60161 -6.492 -1.4034 -14.246 0.90168 -7.492 0.83-110.492 0.90168 -6.492 -6.07-110.40205 -8.492 0.54-110.02-110.8026 -10.492 0.246 0.246 0.492 0.4028 -11.04-110.492 -6.246 0.492 -1.8019 -8.246 0.903 -13.5026 -10.246 0.246 0.246 0.2-11 0.2-11 0.246 0.91-110.8019 -7.492 0.492 0.492 0.2025 -10.246 0.492 0.246 0.492 0.59-110.492 -1.6037 -15.246 0.41-110.2031 -13.5032 -13.9037 -16.52-110.246 0.246 0.57-110.492 -1.50183 -7.5032 -13.492 0.492 -2.0035 -15.88-110.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 Altair Engineering 0.70212 -8.10198 -8.30154 -6.49-110.6031 -12.492 -1.246 0.492 -6.492 -2.90241 -10.4034 -14.246 0.2025 -10.246 0.492 -6.94-110.492 -1.492 0.492 -1.246 0.09-110.8026 -11.492 0.492 -2.5026 -10.246 0.246 0.903 -12.67-110.2031 -13.86-110.492 -1.492 -7.492 -6.246 0.492 0.492 -2.2038 -16.6037 -15.492 -6.246 0.246 0.492 -6.73-110.43-110.492 -1.492 -1.20176 -7.62-110.1033 -14.50183 -7.492 -6.246 0.0022 -9.7034 -14.246 0.7029 -11.20176 -7.492 0.246 0. 492 0.8054 -23.5053 -22.7056 -24.4041 -17.7042 -17.7042 -18.12-110.246 0.33-110.27-110.492 0.4056 -23.9052 -22.492 -16.492 0.246 0.492 -7.492 0.39-110.54-110.492 0.86-110.492 -7.246 0.59-110.492 0.3058 -24.492 -7.492 0.246 0.492 0.492 -7.4048 -20.492 0.07-110.246 0.492 -8.49-110.246 0.492 -8.38-110.01-110.7049 -21.1055 -23.492 0.17-110.246 0.492 -7.492 0.246 0.492 -7.5053 -22.54-110.8054 -22.005 -21.2045 -19.246 0.59-110.492 -7.246 0.00073 -3.492 -7.18-110.492 0.44-110.10051 -2.600146 -0.246 0.33-110.246 0.492 0.50037 -1.4056 -23.492 0.9059 -24.492 0.492 0.492 -7.0042 -18.6051 -21.91-110.23-110.492 0.3051 -21.8047 -20.492 0.005 -21.492 0.492 0.1048 -20.22-110.65-110.492 0.9045 -19.6044 -18.7-11 0.2045 -19.246 0.104 -17.9059 -25.492 0.80044 -2.492 0.246 0.8047 -19.492 -7.6051 -21.12-110.492 0.300073 -.48-110.492 0.492 0.9045 -18.492 -8.492 0.4048 -20.492 -8.246 0.804 -17.492 -8.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.28-110.492 -8.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .246 0.6059 -24.9052 -21.246 0.492 -8.6044 -18.20029 -1.246 0.90022 -1.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 -8.96-110.492 0.30081 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1406 OptiStruct 13.492 0.206 -25.246 0.1048 -20.246 0.492 -8.246 0.246 0.70066 -3.246 0.7056 -23.492 -7.40059 -2.246 0.3043 -18.492 0.104 -17.492 -7.8-11 0.246 0.246 0.492 0.3058 -24.2053 -22.5046 -19.492 0.2053 -22.492 0.804 -16.246 0.492 -8.492 0.492 -7.492 0.3043 -18.6059 -24.0057 -24.1055 -23.492 0.246 0.492 -7.206 -.0057 -24.492 0.75-110.7049 -20.492 0.5046 -19.492 -7.492 -7.492 -8.492 0.43-110.492 -8.246 0.4041 -17.3051 -21.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 -7.492 0.0042 -18.492 0. 6044 -18.492 0.3043 -18.492 0.30154 -6.303 -12.60234 -9.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.90242 -10.492 0.9045 -19.00146 -6.0022 -9.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.5026 -10.492 0.492 0.6051 -21.492 0.60161 -6.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.8032 -14.492 0.9052 -22.492 0.7049 -21.4056 -23.903 -13.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.0035 -15.492 0.50183 -7.0 Reference Guide 1407 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .8026 -11.492 0.492 0.10124 -5.1055 -23.492 0.492 0.90168 -7.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.1048 -20.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.70212 -9.492 0.492 0.4048 -20.2025 -10.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.3051 -21.492 0.492 0.6031 -12.30227 -9.0057 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.5011 -4.492 0.492 0.2045 -19.492 0.20102 -4.492 0.492 0.8047 -20.492 0.492 0.492 0.7042 -18.492 0.40205 -8.60088 -3.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.80117 -5.5039 -16.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.90095 -4.492 0.4028 -11.104 -17.492 0.492 0.10198 -8.6037 -15.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 Altair Engineering 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.3036 -15.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.2053 -22.492 0.20176 -7.5032 -13.9037 -16.804 -17.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.1027 -11.1033 -14.492 0.492 0.492 -3.492 0.492 0.5046 -19.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.4034 -14.492 0.492 0.492 0.7056 -24.005 -21.70139 -6.5053 -22.492 0.8019 -8.492 0.0042 -18.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.8054 -23.492 0.492 0.2038 -16.492 0.0029 -12.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.7029 -12.2031 -13.492 0.40132 -5.4041 -17.7034 -15.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0. 10051 0.40058 0.492 -0.492 0.246 -.01-27 -2.492 -0.70066 1.3008 0.40058 8.0 -4.492 -0.709-28-1.00073 0.90095 0.0 -3.3008 1.80117 0.447-27-4.246 -0.492 -0.20102 0.20029 0.492 -0.246 -4.246 -0.90095 0.492 -0.492 -0.3058 0.492 -0.246 -0.36-27 -3.246 -.246 -0.900219 0.3008 0.300073 0.246 -1.70066 0.5011 0.6059 0.246 -4.492 -24.50037 6.5011 0.246 -0.246 -3.40058 0.0 -4.492 -0.492 -0.246 -.246 -4.60088 1.70066 0.600146 0.300073 0.492 -0.492 -0.20102 0.0 -2.246 -4.3008 0.246 -0.20029 0.492 -0.246 -0.246 -3.80044 0.492 -0.80044 0.900219 0.246 -2.0 -2.60088 0.492 -0.492 -0.0 -.206 0.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.0 -1.80117 0.9059 0.993-28-2.246 -0.60088 0.5011 1.246 -.492 -0.600146 1.600146 0.300073 0.0 -1.10124 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1408 OptiStruct 13.80044 0.246 -0.0 -.492 0.246 -0.40058 0.492 -0.246 -0.685-27-.80117 0.50037 0.246 -4.441-26-.80117 1.246 -3.246 -0.492 -0.20029 0.5011 0.246 -0.492 -0.20102 0.0 -5.246 -3.246 -0.246 -2.246 -3.246 -0.246 -0.246 0.246 -1.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 1506 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.775-27-4. 30154 0.50183 0.248-27-6.246 -7.36-27 -6.492 -0.20176 2.60234 0.965-27-7.492 -0.246 -0.00146 0.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.979-27-8.246 -5.8019 0.20176 0.246 -9.246 -0.246 -0.246 -8.693-27-7.492 -0.0 -5.2025 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.246 -5.492 -0.8019 0.246 -0.246 -5.90168 0.492 -0.246 -0.10198 0.70139 2.40205 2.0 Reference Guide 1409 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .246 -6.067-27-8.60161 2.60161 0.0 -9.246 -0.60234 0.246 -0.492 -0.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 Altair Engineering -0.246 -5.246 -0.0 -6.782-27-10.246 -6.70212 0.323-27-9.0 -7.50183 2.70212 0.492 -0.0 -9.30154 0.60234 3.70212 0.492 1.20176 0.2025 3.00146 0.246 -0.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.246 -0.0 -6.492 -0.0022 0.492 -0.246 -0.246 -0.492 -0.30227 0.246 -8.246 -0.0022 3.10124 0.246 -6.40205 0.492 -0.246 -7.246 -6.246 -0.10198 0.551-27-6.50183 0.0 -5.0 -10.10198 0.492 -0.10124 0.70139 0.492 -0.246 -6.58-27 -9.10198 3.246 -0.60161 0.0 -6.492 -0.492 -0.246 -9.40132 0.0 -9.0 -8.246 -8.246 -0.246 -6.492 -0.246 -5.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.246 -9.30227 3.30154 0.246 -6.246 -6.90168 0.30154 2.67-27 -9.492 -0.246 -0.90168 2.246 -7.30227 0.40132 0.40205 0.246 -0.492 -0.40132 0.246 -9.246 -9.0 -7.246 -7.233-27-8.246 -0.492 -0.023-27-5.70212 3.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -7.90241 0.90241 0.246 -9.90241 0.0 -6.8019 0.246 -0.492 -0.0 -8.00219 0.40205 0.60161 0.50183 0.246 -0.00146 2.90168 0.492 -0.246 -0.246 -8.246 -0.0 -7.492 -0.0 -9.30227 0.00219 0.246 -0.246 -7.113-27-7.474-27-6.246 -5.246 -9.492 -0.60234 0.454-27-9.00146 0.492 -0.246 -8.907-27-5.246 -9.10124 0.136-27-5.246 -0.20176 0.90241 3.246 -0.40132 2.0 -8.492 -0.70139 0.246 -8.246 -0.492 -0.70139 0.246 -0.492 -0.8019 3.246 -0. 246 -11.246 -14.0 -11.6031 4.358-27-12.492 -0.492 -0.246 -0.246 -0.0 -13.2031 1.492 -0.492 -0.3036 0.246 -0.246 -0.452-26-14.246 -11.246 -14.5026 0.8026 0.5026 3.246 -12.1033 0.429-26-14.407-26-13.4034 0.492 -0.246 -15.1033 1.8032 1.303 0.0035 0.903 0.246 -10.0 -15.246 -10.8026 0.246 -15.492 -0.246 -12.492 -0.492 -0.388-27-11.418-26-13.8032 0.0035 0.381-26-12.246 -13.0 -14.2031 0.0035 0.6031 0.0 -14.303 0.0029 4.7034 0.1027 4.246 -0.246 -0.395-26-13.492 -0.246 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-0.454-26-15.0029 0.4034 0.246 -13.4028 0.2025 0.8032 0.492 -0. 3036 0.0 -16.246 -0.246 -20.246 -0.246 -19.492 -0.492 -0.6044 0.246 -0.492 -0.0 -19.0 -16.246 -17.246 -19.5046 1.246 -19.564-26-17.6037 0.4041 0.6044 0.2038 0.246 -20.606-26-18.246 -17.6037 0.246 -0.2045 0.4048 0.2038 0.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 Altair Engineering -0.246 -0.246 -16.246 -15.246 -17.62-26 -19.6037 1.1048 0.246 -15.246 -0.492 -0.4041 0.3043 0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -20.492 -0.246 -0.0 -15.492 -0.4048 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.492 -0.3043 1.246 -0.246 -19.0 -18.0 -15.492 -0.246 -18.804 0.0 -19.5039 1.246 -0.9037 1.6044 1.246 -0.576-26-18.492 -0.246 -15.246 -0.104 0.246 -0.3043 0.246 -20.0 -17.246 -17.4048 0.519-26-16.246 -15.0042 1.246 -0.246 -17.246 -16.492 -0.1048 1.643-26-19.9045 0.1048 0.246 -0.492 -0.4041 1.246 -0.8047 1.0042 0.0 -16.246 -18.0 -17.2038 1.246 -17.492 -0.246 -0.246 -18.4048 1.804 0.246 -0.2045 0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.246 -16.5039 0.246 -18.7042 0.246 -0.246 -0.104 0.492 -0.0042 0.8047 0.0 -18.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.58-26 -18.7042 0.632-26-19.5046 0.6044 0.0 -18.246 -19.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.104 1.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.246 -0.246 -18.0 -20.655-26-20.246 -0.246 -16.5039 0.8047 0.246 -0.0042 0.7042 1.246 -0.2045 1.9037 0.2045 0.479-26-15.3043 0.492 -0.492 -0.246 -18.9045 0.246 -0.505-26-16.0 Reference Guide 1411 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .246 -0.4041 0.104 0.542-26-17.492 -0.492 -0.666-26-20.8047 0.246 -0.492 -0.7042 0.246 -0.246 -16.246 -0.1048 0.246 -0.246 0.492 -0.531-26-16.246 -18.246 -18.492 -0.0 -19.9037 0.5039 0.9037 0.9045 1.9045 0.246 -19.0 -17.492 -0.38-26 -15.2038 0.492 -0.0 -18.246 -16.6037 0.246 -0.246 -15.5046 0.0 -20.804 0.5046 0.804 1.553-26-17.477-26-18. 246 -21.246 -25.246 -21.9059 0.246 -0.3058 0.9052 0.246 -0.246 -0.0057 0.492 -0.492 -0.600146 0.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 -0.492 -0.0 -21.492 -0.300073 0.246 -22.0 -23.756-26-22.3051 1.246 -0.246 -0.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.246 -21.7049 0.246 -0.492 -.492 -0.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.206 0.78-26 -24.4056 1.492 -0.6059 0.246 -24.1055 0.246 -0.6051 0.1055 0.246 -24.492 -.733-26-22.492 -0.246 -0.0057 0.492 -0.1055 0.492 -0.492 -0.823-26-24.778-26-23.677-26-20.6051 1.492 -0.492 -0.745-26-22.600146 0.8054 0.8054 1.0 -22.246 -0.272-26-25.4056 0.492 -0.2053 0.005 0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .5053 0.3058 0.0 -21.492 -0.246 -22.492 -0.246 -22.206 1.5053 0.7049 0.246 -0.246 -24.246 -23.246 -0.1055 1.492 -0.492 -.9052 0.246 -0.492 -0.246 -25.8054 0.492 -0.492 -0.492 0.3051 0.246 -0.246 -21.206 0.246 -24.005 1.492 -0.206 0.246 -0.246 -0.900219 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1412 OptiStruct 13.666-26-23.6059 0.722-26-21.9052 1.835-26-24.9059 1.492 -0.246 -0.300073 0.0 -21.492 -0.246 -24.7056 0.246 -0.5053 1.0 -23.68-26 -21.246 -24.4056 0.384-12-25.492 -.492 -0.246 -24.0057 1.0 -21.708-26-21.0 -22.005 0.246 -0.9052 0.246 -0.246 -23.246 -22.246 -23.246 -21.246 -0.7049 1.492 -0.246 -0.4056 0.6051 0.9059 1.246 -0.246 -23.246 -22.492 -0.492 -0.2053 0.0 -23.2053 1.246 -0.0 -24.246 -21.0 -20.005 0.246 -0.492 -0.809-26-24.246 -0.0 -24.492 -0.0 -24.492 -0.8054 0.0057 0.246 -20.9059 0.7056 0.767-26-23.246 -21.246 -0.246 -0.572-26-21.7056 0.0 -24.492 -0.246 -24.3051 0.2053 0.246 -0.3058 1.246 -22.6051 0.0 -22.492 -.246 -21.246 -23.3051 0.3058 0.6059 0.7049 0.6059 1.246 -20.5053 0.246 -0.246 -23.7056 1. 492 0.492 -0.246 -0.40132 -5.246 -0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 -0.70212 -9.20102 -4.246 -0.90095 -4.492 0.492 0.492 -.246 -0.492 -0.246 -0.90168 -6.492 0.40132 -5.246 -0.80117 -4.492 0.3008 -3.492 0.50037 -1.492 0.20176 -7.2025 -10.492 -0.492 0.30227 -9.5026 -10.246 -0.492 0.492 -0.246 -0.246 -0.00146 -6.492 -0.246 -0.492 0.246 -0.492 0.80044 -1.246 -0.492 0.10124 -5.8019 -7.80044 -2.246 -0.492 -0.20102 -4.492 -0.40205 -8.492 0.246 -0.10198 -8.492 -0.00219 -9.492 0.492 0.40205 -8.5026 -10.492 -0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 -0.492 0.492 0.50183 -7.492 0.5011 -4.492 -0.246 -0.246 -0.492 0.492 0.492 -0.246 -0.3008 -3.492 0.492 0.80117 -5.246 -0.70066 -3.492 0.492 0.492 0.70066 -2.246 -0.246 -0.8019 -8.492 -0.492 -0.492 0.492 0.20029 -1.246 -0.492 -0.246 -0.492 0.492 0.492 -0.492 -0.8026 -10.1027 -11.60161 -6.90241 -9.70139 -6.00146 -6.50037 -1.492 0.1027 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.492 0.492 -0.492 0.5011 -4.30154 -6.70212 -8.50183 -7.10051 -2.492 0.492 -0.492 -0.492 0.2025 -10.60088 -3.492 0.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 0.492 0.492 -0.492 -0.492 0.492 0.492 0.90168 -7.492 0.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.492 0.492 0.900219 -1.492 0.492 -0.30227 -9.60088 -3.70139 -5.30154 -6.246 -0.492 0.246 -0.246 -0.10051 -2.60234 -9.00073 -3.90241 -10.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 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0.4041 -17.492 0.9037 -16.246 -0.246 -0.492 0.246 -0.1048 -20.3036 -15.492 -0.492 -0.005 -21.492 0.492 0.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 0.492 0.6044 -18.246 -0.492 0.492 0.8047 -19.303 -12.3036 -15.005 -21.5039 -16.492 0.246 -0.2031 -13.492 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .492 0.8032 -14.492 -0.1048 -20.9045 -18.246 -0.492 0.246 -0.6037 -15.492 0.492 0.246 -0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 -0.104 -17.4034 -14.492 -0.492 -0.492 0.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 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-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1414 OptiStruct 13.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.5046 -19.7034 -14.492 -0. 492 0.70139 -5.206 -.246 0.246 0.60161 -6.492 -0.246 -2.492 0.60161 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.492 -0.2053 -22.10124 -5.246 -2.246 -0.246 -0.0 Reference Guide 1415 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .3058 -24.12-11-0.246 -1.492 -0.9052 -22.900219 -1.492 -0.37-12-0.246 0.5011 -4.246 -0.1055 -23.80117 -5.246 -1.12-12-0.07-11-0.492 -0.0057 -24.246 -1.3008 -3.246 -0.246 0.50037 -1.9052 -21.492 0.00073 -3.246 -0.80044 -2.5011 -4.246 -5.246 -0.246 0.492 0.40059 -2.246 -0.246 -0.00073 -3.246 -21.246 -0.20102 -4.246 -0.492 -0.6059 -24.246 -0.246 -9.600146 -.74-12-0.2053 -22.246 -0.0057 -24.4056 -23.246 -5.20029 -1.5053 -22.246 -1.246 -0.18-12-0.30154 -6.70139 -6.492 -0.246 0.492 -0.20102 -4.246 -0.492 -0.6051 -21.4056 -23.246 -0.206 -25.10051 -2.492 -0.492 0.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.3-12 -0.68-12-0.246 -8.10051 -2.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.246 -4.246 -7.246 -0.246 -0.492 -0.9059 -25.90095 -3.246 -0.6059 -24.90095 -4.99-12-0.9059 -24.492 0.246 -0.246 -0.20029 -1.62-13-0.70066 -3.300073 -.492 -0.60088 -3.7056 -24.246 -0.246 -0.246 -5.43-12-0.246 -0.900219 -.492 -0.246 -3.246 -8.81-12-0.246 -0.06-12-0.3058 -24.246 -1.492 -0.492 -0.24-12-0.7056 -23.492 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.492 0.246 -7.246 -0.30081 -3.55-12-0.246 -0.246 -0.40132 -5.246 -3.80044 -1.80117 -4.30154 -6.492 -0.10124 -5.246 0.246 -0.492 0.246 0.18-11-0.70066 -2.00146 -6.492 0.49-12-0.01-11-0.492 0.492 -0.246 -0.246 -0.40132 -5.492 0.246 0.300073 -.23-11-0.246 -0.246 -1.40058 -2.246 -0.8054 -22.5053 -22.8054 -23.86-12-0.62-12-0.93-12-0.246 0.00146 -6.492 -0.600146 -.492 -0.246 0.246 0.50037 -1.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 Altair Engineering -0.246 -0.1055 -23.246 -6.492 0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -6.246 0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -1.60088 -3. 35-11-0.3-11 -0.50183 -7.5032 -13.246 -0.246 -0.90241 -9.8032 -14.1027 -11.246 -0.246 -0.4034 -14.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.8026 -11.3-11 -0.2038 -16.246 -7.07-11-0.2031 -13.246 -7.246 -7.6037 -15.58-11-0.246 -0.40205 -8.02-11-0.51-11-0.246 -6.246 -0.0035 -15.8032 -13.246 -0.246 -0.8026 -10.3036 -15.246 -0.246 -7.104 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1416 OptiStruct 13.9-11 -0.246 -0.246 -1.246 -0.5039 -16.246 -1.246 -1.246 -0.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 -0.4028 -11.246 -1.246 -0.68-11-0.63-11-0.246 -2.246 -0.246 -1.5039 -16.246 -0.70212 -8.52-11-0.246 -0.6037 -15.20176 -7.5032 -13.2038 -16.01-11-0.246 -0.6031 -12.8019 -7.246 -0.246 -0.246 -1.0035 -15.246 -2.8019 -8.303 -12.1033 -14.12-11-0.91-11-0.246 -1.79-11-0.85-11-0.246 -0.90241 -10.246 -0.1033 -14.246 -0.90168 -6.246 -0.246 -0.70212 -9.246 -0.13-11-0.246 -7.4028 -11.246 -7.57-11-0.246 -7.24-11-0.9037 -15.40205 -8.35-11-0.246 -0.804 -17.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.2031 -13.7034 -15.246 -7.303 -12.19-11-0.60234 -9.35-11-0.246 -1.20176 -7.06-11-0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -7.246 -2.2025 -10.74-11-0.246 -7.46-11-0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -1.10198 -8.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -6.0022 -9.24-11-0.246 -2.0029 -12.30227 -9.246 -0.246 -7.246 -1.246 -0.1027 -11.246 -7.96-11-0.50183 -7.246 -0.246 -0.60234 -9.30227 -9.41-11-0.9037 -16.246 -0.246 -2.246 -1.246 -0.246 -0.246 -1.246 -0.246 -6.0022 -9.19-11-0.0029 -12.246 -0.10198 -8.246 -0.90168 -7.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -2.246 -0.6031 -12.246 -0.3036 -15.246 -0.5026 -10.95-11-0.246 -0.246 -0.4-11 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .4034 -14.5026 -10.246 -0.7034 -14.246 -0.7029 -11.804 -16.246 -0.7029 -12.246 -0.2025 -10.246 -0.903 -13.63-11-0.29-11-0.246 -1.47-11-0.903 -12.246 -0. 300074 -.86-11-0.6059 -24.9059 -25.246 -0.25-11-0.246 -0.92-11-0.4056 -23.246 -8.3043 -18.246 -0.246 -0.04-11-0.8-11 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.4041 -17.246 -0.246 -8.3058 -24.47-11-0.246 -0.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.246 -8.1055 -23.5053 -22.15-11-0.31-11-0.246 -8.5053 -22.246 -0.246 -0.10051 -2.09-11-0.246 -0.5046 -19.492 -0.246 -8.6051 -21.53-11-0.246 -7.246 -7.5046 -19.246 -0.246 -0.4048 -20.0 Reference Guide 1417 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .59-11-0.246 -0.2053 -22.492 -0.3058 -24.492 -0.246 -8.246 -9.492 -0.246 -0.1048 -20.492 -0.69-11-0.246 -0.81-11-0.246 -0.246 -8.3008 -3.246 -0.246 -0.42-11-0.9052 -22.246 -0.40058 -2.98-11-0.246 -0.600146 -.8054 -23.246 -0.80044 -2.246 -0.7049 -21.104 -17.7042 -18.246 -17.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.492 -0.246 -8.14-11-0.246 -0.1055 -23.246 -8.246 -0.492 -0.246 -0.246 -0.492 -0.005 -21.0042 -18.246 -0.246 -0.246 -8.75-11-0.246 -8.2045 -19.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.2053 -22.75-11-0.9059 -24.4056 -23.246 -0.246 -0.08-11-0.246 -0.246 -8.9045 -19.8054 -22.246 -0.246 -7.246 -0.20102 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.1048 -20.0042 -18.246 -0.206 -.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.9052 -21.005 -21.6059 -24.246 -0.97-11-0.6051 -21.246 -0.19-11-0.00073 -3.03-11-0.8047 -20.246 -0.36-11-0.246 -0.6044 -18.246 -8.7-11 -0.16-11-0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.2045 -19.0057 -24.246 -0.246 -8.8047 -19.246 -0.492 -0.3043 -18.246 -7.7056 -24.246 -0.6044 -18.70066 -3.246 -0.91-11-0.7042 -17.492 -0.50037 -1.246 -0.9045 -18.206 -25.3051 -21.246 -0.246 -8.246 -8.20029 -1.60088 -3.246 -9.492 -0.246 -0.246 -8.900219 -1.246 -7.246 -0.246 -8.4041 -17.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 Altair Engineering -7.246 -0.246 -9.246 -0.64-11-0.7049 -20.246 -0.246 -0.7056 -23.4048 -20.492 -0.90095 -4.246 -0.87-11-0.246 -0.246 -0.0057 -24.246 -9.3051 -21. 246 -0.246 -0.5026 -10.7056 -24.9059 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 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Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .246 -0.492 -0.3058 -24.246 -0.492 -0.246 -0.7049 -21.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.70212 -9.90241 -10.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.1033 -14.6059 -24.492 -0.104 -17.8026 -11.492 -0.492 -0.2038 -16.1027 -11.492 -0.0042 -18.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.246 -0.3043 -18.492 -0.5011 -4.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.5031 -13.492 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.492 -0.4048 -20.246 -0.246 -0.30154 -6.246 -0.246 -0.492 -0.246 -0.9037 -16.246 -0.492 -0.246 -0.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 -0.492 -0.80117 -5.492 -0.2025 -10.2031 -13.492 -0.492 -0.7034 -15.7042 -18.492 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.492 -0.4028 -11.246 -0.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.005 -21.246 -0.40132 -5.8019 -8.246 -0.492 -0.3051 -21.492 -0.246 -0.246 -0.6051 -21.30227 -9.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.246 -0.903 -13.246 -0. 246 -0.40132 -5.246 -0.492 -0.70066 -2.246 -0.2025 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.492 -0.81-12-0.80117 -4.492 -0.60161 -6.70212 -8.492 -1.76-12-0.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.492 -2.72-12-0.492 -1.492 -1.492 -0.67-12-0.300073 -.00073 -3.24-12-0.60234 -9.63-12-0.5011 -4.39-12-0.246 -0.50183 -7.91-12-0.492 -0.246 -0.492 -1.492 -0.60088 -3.26-11-0.246 -0.10051 -2.80117 -5.10051 -2.492 -0.600146 -.0022 -9.30227 -9.492 -4.492 -3.492 -1.70139 -5.87-12-0.60088 -3.40059 -2.50037 -1.246 -0.3008 -3.492 -5.15-11-0.492 -5.492 -6.246 -0.70139 -6.10198 -8.52-11-0.15-12-0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -8.57-11-0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.246 -0.33-12-0.2-11 -0.60161 -6.246 -0.246 -0.90168 -7.492 -9.492 -1.05-12-0.492 -0.30154 -6.00073 -3.492 -1.90241 -9.20176 -7.57-12-0.492 -0.492 -1.492 -0.246 -0.246 -0.492 -6.246 -0.73-11-0.40205 -8.19-12-0.24-13-0.50183 -7.09-12-0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.30154 -6.492 -1.246 -0.492 -2.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.20029 -1.40058 -2.31-11-0.492 -1.5011 -4.492 -9.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 2985 2986 2987 2988 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 Altair Engineering -0.90095 -3.10124 -5.2025 -10.20102 -4.00146 -6.41-11-0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.10198 -8.80044 -2.40132 -5.492 -0.492 -1.492 -1.492 -0.50037 -1.246 -0.62-11-0.40205 -8.492 -8.0 Reference Guide 1419 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .20176 -7.96-12-0.300073 -.246 -0.600146 -.30227 -9.492 -1.246 -0.492 -0.492 -4.05-11-0.20029 -1.492 -7.46-11-0.492 -25.900219 -1.60234 -9.492 -1.20102 -4.492 -0.246 -0.29-12-0.10124 -5.8019 -7.492 -0.00146 -6.67-11-0.492 -0.900219 -.492 -1.90241 -10.492 -0.492 -1.78-11-0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -3.492 -0.1-11 -0.44-12-0.492 -0.90168 -6.492 -0.492 -0.80044 -1.70212 -9.246 -0.8019 -8.492 -5.246 -0.492 -1.36-11-0.206 -.492 -0.492 -7.246 -0.70066 -3.492 -0.0022 -9.30081 -3.90095 -4.246 -0.492 -0. 94-11-0.6037 -15.246 -0.492 -2.492 -7.246 -0.4041 -17.2-11 -0.02-11-0.246 -0.5032 -13.246 -0.246 -0.5032 -13.903 -13.8047 -20.8032 -14.492 -6.6031 -12.9037 -15.492 -6.246 -0.492 -0.44-11-0.28-11-0.3036 -15.246 -0.492 -0.8047 -19.07-11-0.492 -7.246 -0.492 -0.4048 -20.492 -7.492 -6.7034 -15.65-11-0.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -7.4028 -11.804 -16.6037 -15.246 -0.246 -0.104 -17.492 -0.246 -0.0029 -12.23-11-0.492 -2.5026 -10.492 -6.83-11-0.246 -0.14-11-0.303 -12.246 -0.246 -0.6044 -18.4041 -17.0042 -18.1027 -11.246 -0.8026 -10.3043 -18.492 -6.64-11-0.1033 -14.246 -0.492 -0.9045 -19.33-11-0.2031 -13.5039 -16.2038 -16.492 -0.1048 -20.7029 -11.246 -0.492 -6.492 -0.492 -0.492 -6.492 -7.49-11-0.492 -6.0035 -15.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.2045 -19.246 -0.492 -0.4034 -14.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.04-11-0.09-11-0.492 -0.492 -7.492 -0.7-11 -0.1027 -11.246 -0.1033 -14.492 -0.76-11-0.903 -12.5046 -19.7029 -12.2038 -16.5039 -16.88-11-0.6044 -18.86-11-0.71-11-0.18-11-0.804 -17.43-11-0.9045 -18.2045 -19.1048 -20.246 -0.492 -7.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.7042 -18.492 -0.492 -7.303 -12.492 -1.0029 -12.8032 -13.3036 -15.246 -0.39-11-0.7034 -14.97-11-0.492 -0.246 -0.492 -7.5026 -10.2031 -13.81-11-0.104 -17.8026 -11.75-11-0.6031 -12.492 -0.246 -0.5046 -19.9037 -16.492 -0.246 -0.4048 -20.12-11-0.54-11-0.492 -1.492 -7.492 -7.492 -7.49-11-0.492 -6.492 -0.492 -0.4034 -14.7042 -17.246 -0.492 -6.246 -0.492 -10.492 -2.492 -7.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .59-11-0.492 -2.0035 -15.492 -7.7049 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1420 OptiStruct 13.492 -0.492 -1.492 -0.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3230 3231 3232 3233 3234 3235 3236 3237 3238 3239 3240 3241 3242 3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 3250 3251 3252 3253 3254 3255 3256 3257 3258 3259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 3268 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 -0.99-11-0.492 -0.54-11-0.91-11-0.492 -6.4028 -11.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.0042 -18.3043 -18.246 -0.59-11-0.246 -0.492 -7.492 -0.492 -1.246 -0.246 -0.492 -0. 492 -0.7056 -24.60161 -6.492 -8.492 -8.492 -0.492 -0.90095 -4.492 -0.6059 -24.4028 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 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3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 3351 Altair Engineering -7.80117 -5.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -7.22-11-0.10051 -2.8054 -22.2053 -22.0057 -24.07-11-0.492 -0.492 -0.3051 -21.10198 -8.492 -0.9059 -24.4056 -23.246 -0.1027 -11.3008 -3.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.43-11-0.20029 -1.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.246 -0.600146 -.492 -8.33-11-0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.70212 -9.3051 -21.492 -0.492 -8.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.30154 -6.492 -0.492 -0.54-11-0.80044 -2.17-11-0.492 -7.9052 -22.492 -0.10124 -5.70139 -6.900219 -1.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.005 -21.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.30227 -9.50037 -1.246 -0.86-11-0.005 -21.246 -0.5053 -22.50183 -7.492 -0.90168 -7.492 -0.9059 -25.492 -0.492 -0.6059 -24.5026 -10.6051 -21.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.2053 -22.492 -8.492 -0.1055 -23.492 -0.00073 -3.492 -0.492 -0.246 -0.01-11-0.492 -0.300073 -.492 -0.0 Reference Guide 1421 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .5011 -4.91-11-0.60088 -3.492 -0.492 -0.40205 -8.3058 -24.492 -8.492 -0.492 -0.70066 -3.492 -0.00219 -9.27-11-0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.40132 -5.492 -0.492 -0.59-11-0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -8.40058 -2.48-11-0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.4056 -23.20102 -4.8019 -8.206 -.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.96-11-0.38-11-0.2025 -10.492 -8.492 -0.492 -0.7056 -23.492 -8.492 -0.20176 -7.492 -0.8-11 -0.8054 -23.492 -7. 492 0.7042 -18.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.2045 -19.2031 -13.492 -0.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.80044 -2.492 -0.492 0.90022 -0.492 -0.7028 -12.206 -.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.5031 -13.005 -21.492 0.492 -0.492 -0.804 -17.246 -0.492 -0.3051 -21.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 3352 3353 3354 3355 3436 3437 3438 3439 3440 3441 3442 3443 3444 3445 3446 3447 3448 3449 3450 3451 3452 3453 3454 3455 3456 3457 3458 3459 3460 3461 3462 3463 3464 3465 3466 3467 3468 3469 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 3480 3481 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 -0.60088 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1422 OptiStruct 13.492 -0.492 -0.3058 -24.492 -0.492 0.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.2038 -16.492 -0.492 -0.00073 -3.50037 -1.246 -0.9045 -19.492 -0.492 -0.246 0.492 -0.492 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.246 0.00073 -3.246 -0.10051 -2.492 -0.246 0.5046 -19.6037 -15.492 -0.104 -17.0029 -12.6059 -24.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.246 0.246 -0.9037 -16.8054 -23.10051 -2.246 -0.492 -0.20029 -1.492 -0.492 -0.246 -0.600146 -.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.3036 -15.492 -0.492 0.492 -0.80044 -1.600146 -0.492 -0.4048 -20.492 0.492 -0.492 -0.492 0.246 -0.4056 -23.492 -0.246 -0.492 -0.246 0.246 -0.492 -0.492 0.492 -0.492 -0.2053 -22.246 -11.4041 -17.492 -0.1033 -14.5053 -22.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.246 0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.40059 -2.6031 -12.246 -0.246 -0.8047 -20.3043 -18.492 -0.7049 -21.246 -0.492 -0.90022 -1.7034 -15.70066 -2.246 -0.0057 -24.492 -0.70066 -3.9059 -25.246 0.9052 -22.492 -0.492 0.4034 -14.492 -0.492 -0.246 -0.50037 -1.492 -0.0042 -18.492 -0.6051 -21.1055 -23.492 -0.303 -12.492 -0.492 -0.5039 -16.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.246 -0.8032 -14.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.246 -0.492 0.492 -0.300073 -.903 -13.246 0.30081 -3.300074 -.6044 -18.1048 -20.492 -0.246 0.492 0.246 -0.7056 -24.246 0.0035 -15.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.30081 -3.492 -0.20029 -1.492 -0.246 0.492 -0.246 -0.40059 -2. 246 -0.246 0.50183 -7.60161 -6.492 0.2031 -13.246 0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 0.492 0.246 0.90242 -10.246 -0.90095 -4.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.492 0.246 0.60234 -9.246 -0.492 0.90168 -6.10198 -8.246 -0.246 -0.492 0.246 0.492 0.246 -0.5032 -13.246 -0.246 0.246 -0.30227 -9.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.492 0.10124 -5.80117 -4.246 -0.246 -0.246 0.8026 -11.492 0.492 0.246 -0.492 0.246 0.492 0.492 0.246 -0.70212 -8.0 Reference Guide 1423 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.90168 -7.246 -0.70139 -5.246 -0.246 0.303 -12.246 0.00146 -6.492 0.246 -0.1027 -11.0022 -9.246 -0.246 -0.40132 -5.246 0.90241 -9.246 0.492 0.20176 -7.246 0.80117 -5.246 -0.246 0.246 0.8019 -7.246 0.492 0.0029 -12.246 -3.246 -0.10198 -8.492 0.303 -12.246 -0.60234 -9.246 0.6031 -12.246 -0.5026 -10.246 -0.492 -0.246 -0.246 -0.30227 -9.246 -0.5011 -4.246 0.4028 -11.246 -0.246 0.40132 -5.492 0.20102 -4.492 0.246 -0.8032 -13.70212 -9.246 -0.246 -0.246 0.0029 -12.246 -0.246 0.8026 -10.246 -0.8032 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.2025 -10.6031 -12.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.00146 -6.903 -13.492 0.2031 -13.246 -0.20176 -7.90095 -3.60161 -6.246 0.70139 -6.492 0.7029 -12.492 0.246 0.246 -0.492 0.30154 -6.40205 -8.0022 -9.246 0.2025 -10.246 -0.246 -0.20102 -4.60088 -3.492 0.246 0.492 0.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 3511 3512 3513 3514 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 3522 3523 3524 3525 3526 3527 3528 3529 3530 3531 3532 3533 3534 3535 3536 3537 3538 3539 3540 3541 3542 3543 3544 3545 3546 3547 3548 3549 3550 3551 3552 3553 3554 3555 3556 3557 3558 3559 3560 3561 3722 3723 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 Altair Engineering 0.246 -0.246 -0.50183 -7.246 0.246 0.246 0.4028 -11.492 0.5026 -10.246 -0.246 -0.5011 -4.246 0.492 0.246 -0.246 -0.7029 -11.492 0.246 -0.1027 -11.492 0.10124 -5.246 0.492 0.246 0.903 -12.492 0.492 0.246 -0.492 0.246 -0.246 -0.246 0.40205 -8.246 0.246 -0.8019 -8.5032 -13.492 0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.492 0.30154 -6. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .3036 -15.246 -0.1055 -23.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.492 0.246 -0.246 -0.104 -17.246 -0.8047 -19.246 -14.246 -0.9037 -15.5039 -16.246 0.492 0.6051 -21.5039 -16.246 0.0035 -15.2053 -22.7056 -24.492 0.3058 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1424 OptiStruct 13.246 -0.246 0.1033 -14.246 -0.4034 -14.246 -0.492 0.0042 -18.246 -0.492 0.492 0.246 -0.246 -0.6044 -18.246 0.246 -0.8054 -22.246 -0.246 0.005 -21.246 -0.9045 -19.246 0.246 0.246 -0.8054 -23.7042 -17.492 0.246 -0.492 0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.5046 -19.804 -16.246 0.246 -0.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 3735 3736 3737 3738 3739 3740 3741 3742 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 3758 3759 3760 3761 3762 3763 3764 3765 3766 3767 3768 3769 3770 3771 3772 3773 3774 3775 3776 3777 3778 3779 3780 3781 3782 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 3790 3791 3792 3793 3794 3795 3796 3797 3798 0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 0.246 -0.492 0.246 -0.1048 -20.246 -0.492 0.246 -0.246 -0.492 0.246 0.4041 -17.492 0.246 -0.492 0.492 0.246 -0.3051 -21.246 0.4041 -17.246 0.246 0.246 -0.246 -0.492 0.246 0.246 0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.246 0.492 0.1055 -23.246 0.246 -0.6044 -18.246 -0.3036 -15.4056 -23.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.492 0.246 0.7042 -18.2045 -19.5053 -22.492 0.1033 -14.492 0.3051 -21.7034 -15.246 -0.0042 -18.492 0.246 -0.492 0.492 0.4034 -14.246 -0.246 -0.246 0.4048 -20.246 0.9037 -16.246 0.9045 -18.246 -0.492 0.246 0.492 0.246 -0.3043 -18.492 0.492 0.246 -0.246 -0.246 -0.492 0.492 0.246 -0.492 0.0057 -24.0057 -24.246 0.246 -0.5053 -22.492 0.3043 -18.492 0.7049 -20.2038 -16.492 0.246 -0.246 -0.246 0.0035 -15.246 -0.492 0.246 -0.246 -0.1048 -20.246 0.246 0.246 0.246 -0.4048 -20.6051 -21.2038 -16.246 0.246 0.246 -0.246 -0.9052 -22.005 -21.804 -17.246 0.246 -0.8047 -20.4056 -23.246 0.246 0.2045 -19.6037 -15.7034 -14.246 -0.492 0.2053 -22.7056 -23.5046 -19.246 0.246 -0.9052 -21.6037 -15.246 -0.246 0.246 -0.104 -17.7049 -21. 492 -0.40205 -8.30227 -9.10198 -8.492 -0.246 -0.492 0.90022 -0.80044 -2.20176 -7.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.492 0.0022 -9.0 Reference Guide 1425 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .70139 -6.246 0.492 -0.246 0.600146 -.246 0.492 -0.492 -0.30227 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.00146 -6.492 -0.492 0.492 0.492 0.492 -0.492 0.40205 -8.246 -0.492 0.30154 -6.246 -0.600146 -0.246 0.492 0.492 -0.246 0.492 -0.8019 -7.90168 -7.60088 -3.246 -0.492 -0.492 -0.70212 -8.90168 -6.20029 -1.492 -0.246 0.492 -0.20029 -1.492 0.492 -24.492 0.90095 -4.492 0.80117 -4.246 0.246 0.492 -0.492 -0.492 -0.246 0.246 0.492 -0.40059 -2.492 0.492 -0.246 0.492 -0.50037 -1.492 0.492 -0.492 0.90095 -3.5011 -4.492 -0.0022 -9.492 0.246 0.246 0.10124 -5.492 0.492 0.10051 -2.492 0.492 -0.492 -0.70066 -3.300073 -.246 0.246 0.492 0.492 -0.246 0.492 -0.492 -0.492 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OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide 1445 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA 1152 2468 1153 2470 1154 2472 1155 2474 1156 2476 1157 2478 1158 2480 1159 2482 1160 2484 1161 2486 1162 2488 1163 2490 1164 2492 1165 2167 1166 2169 1167 2171 1168 2173 1169 2175 1170 2177 1171 2179 1172 2181 1173 2183 1174 2185 1175 2187 1176 2189 1177 2191 1178 2193 1179 2195 1180 2197 1181 2199 1182 2201 1183 2203 1184 2205 1185 2207 1186 Altair Engineering 2 2469 2 2471 2 2473 2 2475 2 2477 2 2479 2 2481 2 2483 2 2485 2 2487 2 2489 2 2491 2 2493 2 1018 2 1020 2 1022 2 1024 2 1026 2 1028 2 1030 2 1032 2 1034 2 1036 2 1038 2 1040 2 1042 2 1044 2 1046 2 1048 2 1050 2 1052 2 1054 2 1056 2 1058 2 2113 2112 2466 2467 2117 2116 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Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .+ CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + 2209 1187 2211 1188 2213 1189 2215 1190 2217 1191 2219 1192 2221 1193 2223 1194 2225 1195 2227 1196 2229 1197 2231 1198 2233 1199 2235 1200 2237 1201 2239 1202 2241 1203 2243 1204 2245 1205 2247 1206 2249 1287 2411 1288 2413 1289 2415 1290 2417 1291 2419 1292 2421 1293 2423 1294 2425 1295 2427 1296 2429 1297 2431 1298 2433 1299 2435 1300 2437 1060 2 1062 2 1064 2 1066 2 1068 2 1070 2 1072 2 1074 2 1076 2 1078 2 1080 2 1082 2 1084 2 1086 2 1088 2 1090 2 1092 2 1094 2 1096 2 1098 2 1100 2 1262 2 1264 2 1266 2 1268 2 1270 2 1272 2 1274 2 1276 2 1278 2 1280 2 1282 2 1284 2 1286 2 1288 120 1597 2209 1060 124 1601 124 1601 2211 1062 128 1605 128 1605 2213 1064 132 1609 132 1609 2215 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CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA 1301 2439 1302 2441 1303 2443 1304 2445 1305 2447 1306 2449 1307 2451 1308 2453 1309 2455 1310 2457 1311 2459 1312 2461 1313 2463 1314 2465 1315 2467 1316 2469 1317 2471 1318 2473 1319 2475 1320 2477 1321 2479 1322 2481 1323 2483 1324 2485 1325 2487 1326 2489 1327 2491 1328 2493 1329 35 1330 39 1331 43 1332 47 1333 51 1334 55 1335 Altair Engineering 2 1290 2 1292 2 1294 2 1296 2 1298 2 1300 2 1302 2 1304 2 1306 2 1308 2 1310 2 1312 2 1314 2 1316 2 1318 2 1320 2 1322 2 1324 2 1326 2 1328 2 1330 2 1332 2 1334 2 1336 2 1338 2 1340 2 1342 2 1344 2 2495 2 2497 2 2499 2 2501 2 2503 2 2505 2 576 2053 2437 1288 580 2057 580 2057 2439 1290 584 2061 584 2061 2441 1292 588 2065 588 2065 2443 1294 592 2069 592 2069 2445 1296 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+ CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + 59 1336 63 1337 67 1338 71 1339 75 1340 79 1341 83 1342 87 1343 91 1344 95 1345 99 1346 103 1347 107 1348 111 1349 115 1350 119 1351 123 1352 127 1353 131 1354 135 1355 139 1356 143 1357 147 1358 151 1359 155 1360 159 1361 163 1362 167 1363 171 1364 175 1365 179 1366 183 1367 187 1368 191 1369 195 2507 2 2509 2 2511 2 2513 2 2515 2 2517 2 2519 2 2521 2 2523 2 2525 2 2527 2 2529 2 2531 2 2533 2 2535 2 2537 2 2539 2 2541 2 2543 2 2545 2 2547 2 2549 2 2551 2 2553 2 2555 2 2557 2 2559 2 2561 2 2563 2 2565 2 2567 2 2569 2 2571 2 2573 2 2575 2506 1534 59 2507 2508 1538 2508 1538 63 2509 2510 1542 2510 1542 67 2511 2512 1546 2512 1546 71 2513 2514 1550 2514 1550 75 2515 2516 1554 2516 1554 79 2517 2518 1558 2518 1558 83 2519 2520 1562 2520 1562 87 2521 2522 1566 2522 1566 91 2523 2524 1570 2524 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CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA 1370 199 1451 523 1452 527 1453 531 1454 535 1455 539 1456 543 1457 547 1458 551 1459 555 1460 559 1461 563 1462 567 1463 571 1464 575 1465 579 1466 583 1467 587 1468 591 1469 595 1470 599 1471 603 1472 607 1473 611 1474 615 1475 619 1476 623 1477 627 1478 631 1479 635 1480 639 1481 643 1482 647 1483 651 1484 Altair Engineering 2 2577 2 2739 2 2741 2 2743 2 2745 2 2747 2 2749 2 2751 2 2753 2 2755 2 2757 2 2759 2 2761 2 2763 2 2765 2 2767 2 2769 2 2771 2 2773 2 2775 2 2777 2 2779 2 2781 2 2783 2 2785 2 2787 2 2789 2 2791 2 2793 2 2795 2 2797 2 2799 2 2801 2 2803 2 2574 1670 195 2575 2576 1674 2576 1674 199 2577 2738 1998 2738 1998 523 2739 2740 2002 2740 2002 527 2741 2742 2006 2742 2006 531 2743 2744 2010 2744 2010 535 2745 2746 2014 2746 2014 539 2747 2748 2018 2748 2018 543 2749 2750 2022 2750 2022 547 2751 2752 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CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + 655 1485 659 1486 663 1487 667 1488 671 1489 675 1490 679 1491 683 1492 687 1493 1510 1494 1514 1495 1518 1496 1522 1497 1526 1498 1530 1499 1534 1500 1538 1501 1542 1502 1546 1503 1550 1504 1554 1505 1558 1506 1562 1507 1566 1508 1570 1509 1574 1510 1578 1511 1582 1512 1586 1513 1590 1514 1594 1515 1598 1516 1602 1517 1606 1518 1610 2805 2 2807 2 2809 2 2811 2 2813 2 2815 2 2817 2 2819 2 2821 2 2494 2 2496 2 2498 2 2500 2 2502 2 2504 2 2506 2 2508 2 2510 2 2512 2 2514 2 2516 2 2518 2 2520 2 2522 2 2524 2 2526 2 2528 2 2530 2 2532 2 2534 2 2536 2 2538 2 2540 2 2542 2 2544 2804 2130 655 2805 2806 2134 2806 2134 659 2807 2808 2138 2808 2138 663 2809 2810 2142 2810 2142 667 2811 2812 2146 2812 2146 671 2813 2814 2150 2814 2150 675 2815 2816 2154 2816 2154 679 2817 2818 2158 2818 2158 683 2819 2820 2162 30 13 12 33 2822 1511 2822 1511 1510 2494 2823 1515 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CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA 1519 1614 1520 1618 1521 1622 1522 1626 1523 1630 1524 1634 1525 1638 1526 1642 1527 1646 1528 1650 1529 1654 1530 1658 1531 1662 1532 1666 1533 1670 1534 1674 1615 1998 1616 2002 1617 2006 1618 2010 1619 2014 1620 2018 1621 2022 1622 2026 1623 2030 1624 2034 1625 2038 1626 2042 1627 2046 1628 2050 1629 2054 1630 2058 1631 2062 1632 2066 1633 Altair Engineering 2 2546 2 2548 2 2550 2 2552 2 2554 2 2556 2 2558 2 2560 2 2562 2 2564 2 2566 2 2568 2 2570 2 2572 2 2574 2 2576 2 2738 2 2740 2 2742 2 2744 2 2746 2 2748 2 2750 2 2752 2 2754 2 2756 2 2758 2 2760 2 2762 2 2764 2 2766 2 2768 2 2770 2 2772 2 2847 1611 1610 2544 2848 1615 2848 1615 1614 2546 2849 1619 2849 1619 1618 2548 2850 1623 2850 1623 1622 2550 2851 1627 2851 1627 1626 2552 2852 1631 2852 1631 1630 2554 2853 1635 2853 1635 1634 2556 2854 1639 2854 1639 1638 2558 2855 1643 2855 1643 1642 2560 2856 1647 2856 1647 1646 2562 2857 1651 2857 1651 1650 2564 2858 1655 2858 1655 1654 2566 2859 1659 2859 1659 1658 2568 2860 1663 2860 1663 1662 2570 2861 1667 2861 1667 1666 2572 2862 1671 2862 1671 1670 2574 2863 1675 2863 1675 1674 2576 2944 1999 2944 1999 1998 2738 2945 2003 2945 2003 2002 2740 2946 2007 2946 2007 2006 2742 2947 2011 2947 2011 2010 2744 2948 2015 2948 2015 2014 2746 2949 2019 2949 2019 2018 2748 2950 2023 2950 2023 2022 2750 2951 2027 2951 2027 2026 2752 2952 2031 2952 2031 2030 2754 2953 2035 2953 2035 2034 2756 2954 2039 2954 2039 2038 2758 2955 2043 2955 2043 2042 2760 2956 2047 2956 2047 2046 2762 2957 2051 2957 2051 2050 2764 2958 2055 2958 2055 2054 2766 2959 2059 2959 2059 2058 2768 2960 2063 2960 2063 2062 2770 2961 2067 2961 2067 2066 2772 2962 2071 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1451 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + 2070 1634 2074 1635 2078 1636 2082 1637 2086 1638 2090 1639 2094 1640 2098 1641 2102 1642 2106 1643 2110 1644 2114 1645 2118 1646 2122 1647 2126 1648 2130 1649 2134 1650 2138 1651 2142 1652 2146 1653 2150 1654 2154 1655 2158 1656 2162 1657 2495 1658 2497 1659 2499 1660 2501 1661 2503 1662 2505 1663 2507 1664 2509 1665 2511 1666 2513 1667 2515 2774 2 2776 2 2778 2 2780 2 2782 2 2784 2 2786 2 2788 2 2790 2 2792 2 2794 2 2796 2 2798 2 2800 2 2802 2 2804 2 2806 2 2808 2 2810 2 2812 2 2814 2 2816 2 2818 2 2820 2 2987 2 2989 2 2991 2 2993 2 2995 2 2997 2 2999 2 3001 2 3003 2 3005 2 3007 2962 2071 2070 2774 2963 2075 2963 2075 2074 2776 2964 2079 2964 2079 2078 2778 2965 2083 2965 2083 2082 2780 2966 2087 2966 2087 2086 2782 2967 2091 2967 2091 2090 2784 2968 2095 2968 2095 2094 2786 2969 2099 2969 2099 2098 2788 2970 2103 2970 2103 2102 2790 2971 2107 2971 2107 2106 2792 2972 2111 2972 2111 2110 2794 2973 2115 2973 2115 2114 2796 2974 2119 2974 2119 2118 2798 2975 2123 2975 2123 2122 2800 2976 2127 2976 2127 2126 2802 2977 2131 2977 2131 2130 2804 2978 2135 2978 2135 2134 2806 2979 2139 2979 2139 2138 2808 2980 2143 2980 2143 2142 2810 2981 2147 2981 2147 2146 2812 2982 2151 2982 2151 2150 2814 2983 2155 2983 2155 2154 2816 2984 2159 2984 2159 2158 2818 2985 2163 28 33 31 27 2986 2494 2986 2494 2495 2987 2988 2496 2988 2496 2497 2989 2990 2498 2990 2498 2499 2991 2992 2500 2992 2500 2501 2993 2994 2502 2994 2502 2503 2995 2996 2504 2996 2504 2505 2997 2998 2506 2998 2506 2507 2999 3000 2508 3000 2508 2509 3001 3002 2510 3002 2510 2511 3003 3004 2512 3004 2512 2513 3005 3006 2514 1452 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA 1668 2517 1669 2519 1670 2521 1671 2523 1672 2525 1673 2527 1674 2529 1675 2531 1676 2533 1677 2535 1678 2537 1679 2539 1680 2541 1681 2543 1682 2545 1683 2547 1684 2549 1685 2551 1686 2553 1687 2555 1688 2557 1689 2559 1690 2561 1691 2563 1692 2565 1693 2567 1694 2569 1695 2571 1696 2573 1697 2575 1698 2577 1779 2739 1780 2741 1781 2743 1782 Altair Engineering 2 3009 2 3011 2 3013 2 3015 2 3017 2 3019 2 3021 2 3023 2 3025 2 3027 2 3029 2 3031 2 3033 2 3035 2 3037 2 3039 2 3041 2 3043 2 3045 2 3047 2 3049 2 3051 2 3053 2 3055 2 3057 2 3059 2 3061 2 3063 2 3065 2 3067 2 3069 2 3231 2 3233 2 3235 2 3006 2514 2515 3007 3008 2516 3008 2516 2517 3009 3010 2518 3010 2518 2519 3011 3012 2520 3012 2520 2521 3013 3014 2522 3014 2522 2523 3015 3016 2524 3016 2524 2525 3017 3018 2526 3018 2526 2527 3019 3020 2528 3020 2528 2529 3021 3022 2530 3022 2530 2531 3023 3024 2532 3024 2532 2533 3025 3026 2534 3026 2534 2535 3027 3028 2536 3028 2536 2537 3029 3030 2538 3030 2538 2539 3031 3032 2540 3032 2540 2541 3033 3034 2542 3034 2542 2543 3035 3036 2544 3036 2544 2545 3037 3038 2546 3038 2546 2547 3039 3040 2548 3040 2548 2549 3041 3042 2550 3042 2550 2551 3043 3044 2552 3044 2552 2553 3045 3046 2554 3046 2554 2555 3047 3048 2556 3048 2556 2557 3049 3050 2558 3050 2558 2559 3051 3052 2560 3052 2560 2561 3053 3054 2562 3054 2562 2563 3055 3056 2564 3056 2564 2565 3057 3058 2566 3058 2566 2567 3059 3060 2568 3060 2568 2569 3061 3062 2570 3062 2570 2571 3063 3064 2572 3064 2572 2573 3065 3066 2574 3066 2574 2575 3067 3068 2576 3068 2576 2577 3069 3230 2738 3230 2738 2739 3231 3232 2740 3232 2740 2741 3233 3234 2742 3234 2742 2743 3235 3236 2744 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1453 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .+ CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + 2745 1783 2747 1784 2749 1785 2751 1786 2753 1787 2755 1788 2757 1789 2759 1790 2761 1791 2763 1792 2765 1793 2767 1794 2769 1795 2771 1796 2773 1797 2775 1798 2777 1799 2779 1800 2781 1801 2783 1802 2785 1803 2787 1804 2789 1805 2791 1806 2793 1807 2795 1808 2797 1809 2799 1810 2801 1811 2803 1812 2805 1813 2807 1814 2809 1815 2811 1816 2813 3237 2 3239 2 3241 2 3243 2 3245 2 3247 2 3249 2 3251 2 3253 2 3255 2 3257 2 3259 2 3261 2 3263 2 3265 2 3267 2 3269 2 3271 2 3273 2 3275 2 3277 2 3279 2 3281 2 3283 2 3285 2 3287 2 3289 2 3291 2 3293 2 3295 2 3297 2 3299 2 3301 2 3303 2 3305 3236 2744 2745 3237 3238 2746 3238 2746 2747 3239 3240 2748 3240 2748 2749 3241 3242 2750 3242 2750 2751 3243 3244 2752 3244 2752 2753 3245 3246 2754 3246 2754 2755 3247 3248 2756 3248 2756 2757 3249 3250 2758 3250 2758 2759 3251 3252 2760 3252 2760 2761 3253 3254 2762 3254 2762 2763 3255 3256 2764 3256 2764 2765 3257 3258 2766 3258 2766 2767 3259 3260 2768 3260 2768 2769 3261 3262 2770 3262 2770 2771 3263 3264 2772 3264 2772 2773 3265 3266 2774 3266 2774 2775 3267 3268 2776 3268 2776 2777 3269 3270 2778 3270 2778 2779 3271 3272 2780 3272 2780 2781 3273 3274 2782 3274 2782 2783 3275 3276 2784 3276 2784 2785 3277 3278 2786 3278 2786 2787 3279 3280 2788 3280 2788 2789 3281 3282 2790 3282 2790 2791 3283 3284 2792 3284 2792 2793 3285 3286 2794 3286 2794 2795 3287 3288 2796 3288 2796 2797 3289 3290 2798 3290 2798 2799 3291 3292 2800 3292 2800 2801 3293 3294 2802 3294 2802 2803 3295 3296 2804 3296 2804 2805 3297 3298 2806 3298 2806 2807 3299 3300 2808 3300 2808 2809 3301 3302 2810 3302 2810 2811 3303 3304 2812 1454 OptiStruct 13. CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA 1817 2815 1818 2817 1819 2819 1820 2821 1821 2494 1822 2496 1823 2498 1824 2500 1825 2502 1826 2504 1827 2506 1828 2508 1829 2510 1830 2512 1831 2514 1832 2516 1833 2518 1834 2520 1835 2522 1836 2524 1837 2526 1838 2528 1839 2530 1840 2532 1841 2534 1842 2536 1843 2538 1844 2540 1845 2542 1846 2544 1847 2546 1848 2548 1849 2550 1850 2552 1851 Altair Engineering 2 3307 2 3309 2 3311 2 3313 2 2986 2 2988 2 2990 2 2992 2 2994 2 2996 2 2998 2 3000 2 3002 2 3004 2 3006 2 3008 2 3010 2 3012 2 3014 2 3016 2 3018 2 3020 2 3022 2 3024 2 3026 2 3028 2 3030 2 3032 2 3034 2 3036 2 3038 2 3040 2 3042 2 3044 2 3304 2812 2813 3305 3306 2814 3306 2814 2815 3307 3308 2816 3308 2816 2817 3309 3310 2818 3310 2818 2819 3311 3312 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Engineering . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .+ CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + 2554 1852 2556 1853 2558 1854 2560 1855 2562 1856 2564 1857 2566 1858 2568 1859 2570 1860 2572 1861 2574 1862 2576 1943 2738 1944 2740 1945 2742 1946 2744 1947 2746 1948 2748 1949 2750 1950 2752 1951 2754 1952 2756 1953 2758 1954 2760 1955 2762 1956 2764 1957 2766 1958 2768 1959 2770 1960 2772 1961 2774 1962 2776 1963 2778 1964 2780 1965 2782 3046 2 3048 2 3050 2 3052 2 3054 2 3056 2 3058 2 3060 2 3062 2 3064 2 3066 2 3068 2 3230 2 3232 2 3234 2 3236 2 3238 2 3240 2 3242 2 3244 2 3246 2 3248 2 3250 2 3252 2 3254 2 3256 2 3258 2 3260 2 3262 2 3264 2 3266 2 3268 2 3270 2 3272 2 3274 3344 2852 2554 3046 3345 2853 3345 2853 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0 Reference Guide 1457 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA 1966 2784 1967 2786 1968 2788 1969 2790 1970 2792 1971 2794 1972 2796 1973 2798 1974 2800 1975 2802 1976 2804 1977 2806 1978 2808 1979 2810 1980 2812 1981 2814 1982 2816 1983 2818 1984 2820 1985 690 1986 692 1987 694 1988 696 1989 698 1990 700 1991 702 1992 704 1993 706 1994 708 1995 710 1996 712 1997 714 1998 716 1999 718 2000 Altair Engineering 2 3276 2 3278 2 3280 2 3282 2 3284 2 3286 2 3288 2 3290 2 3292 2 3294 2 3296 2 3298 2 3300 2 3302 2 3304 2 3306 2 3308 2 3310 2 3312 2 3479 2 3481 2 3483 2 3485 2 3487 2 3489 2 3491 2 3493 2 3495 2 3497 2 3499 2 3501 2 3503 2 3505 2 3507 2 3458 2966 2782 3274 3459 2967 3459 2967 2784 3276 3460 2968 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3501 3829 3830 3502 3830 3502 3503 3831 3832 3504 3832 3504 3505 3833 3834 3506 3834 3506 3507 3835 3836 3508 3836 3508 3509 3837 3838 3510 3838 3510 3511 3839 3840 3512 3840 3512 3513 3841 3842 3514 3842 3514 3515 3843 3844 3516 1462 OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide 1463 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA 2333 3519 2334 3521 2335 3523 2336 3525 2337 3527 2338 3529 2339 3531 2340 3533 2341 3535 2342 3537 2343 3539 2344 3541 2345 3543 2346 3545 2347 3547 2348 3549 2349 3551 2350 3553 2351 3555 2352 3557 2353 3559 2354 3561 2435 3723 2436 3725 2437 3727 2438 3729 2439 3731 2440 3733 2441 3735 2442 3737 2443 3739 2444 3741 2445 3743 2446 3745 2447 Altair Engineering 2 3847 2 3849 2 3851 2 3853 2 3855 2 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4057 4058 3730 4058 3730 3731 4059 4060 3732 4060 3732 3733 4061 4062 3734 4062 3734 3735 4063 4064 3736 4064 3736 3737 4065 4066 3738 4066 3738 3739 4067 4068 3740 4068 3740 3741 4069 4070 3742 4070 3742 3743 4071 4072 3744 4072 3744 3745 4073 4074 3746 OptiStruct 13. + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + 3747 2448 3749 2449 3751 2450 3753 2451 3755 2452 3757 2453 3759 2454 3761 2455 3763 2456 3765 2457 3767 2458 3769 2459 3771 2460 3773 2461 3775 2462 3777 2463 3779 2464 3781 2465 3783 2466 3785 2467 3787 2468 3789 2469 3791 2470 3793 2471 3795 2472 3797 2473 3799 2474 3801 2475 3803 2476 3805 2477 3478 2478 3480 2479 3482 2480 3484 2481 3486 4075 2 4077 2 4079 2 4081 2 4083 2 4085 2 4087 2 4089 2 4091 2 4093 2 4095 2 4097 2 4099 2 4101 2 4103 2 4105 2 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27 31 32 26 2987 2495 2987 2495 3478 3806 2989 2497 2989 2497 3480 3808 2991 2499 2991 2499 3482 3810 2993 2501 2993 2501 3484 3812 2995 2503 1464 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 0 Reference Guide 1465 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA 2482 3488 2483 3490 2484 3492 2485 3494 2486 3496 2487 3498 2488 3500 2489 3502 2490 3504 2491 3506 2492 3508 2493 3510 2494 3512 2495 3514 2496 3516 2497 3518 2498 3520 2499 3522 2500 3524 2501 3526 2502 3528 2503 3530 2504 3532 2505 3534 2506 3536 2507 3538 2508 3540 2509 3542 2510 3544 2511 3546 2512 3548 2513 3550 2514 3552 2515 3554 2516 Altair Engineering 2 3816 2 3818 2 3820 2 3822 2 3824 2 3826 2 3828 2 3830 2 3832 2 3834 2 3836 2 3838 2 3840 2 3842 2 3844 2 3846 2 3848 2 3850 2 3852 2 3854 2 3856 2 3858 2 3860 2 3862 2 3864 2 3866 2 3868 2 3870 2 3872 2 3874 2 3876 2 3878 2 3880 2 3882 2 2995 2503 3486 3814 2997 2505 2997 2505 3488 3816 2999 2507 2999 2507 3490 3818 3001 2509 3001 2509 3492 3820 3003 2511 3003 2511 3494 3822 3005 2513 3005 2513 3496 3824 3007 2515 3007 2515 3498 3826 3009 2517 3009 2517 3500 3828 3011 2519 3011 2519 3502 3830 3013 2521 3013 2521 3504 3832 3015 2523 3015 2523 3506 3834 3017 2525 3017 2525 3508 3836 3019 2527 3019 2527 3510 3838 3021 2529 3021 2529 3512 3840 3023 2531 3023 2531 3514 3842 3025 2533 3025 2533 3516 3844 3027 2535 3027 2535 3518 3846 3029 2537 3029 2537 3520 3848 3031 2539 3031 2539 3522 3850 3033 2541 3033 2541 3524 3852 3035 2543 3035 2543 3526 3854 3037 2545 3037 2545 3528 3856 3039 2547 3039 2547 3530 3858 3041 2549 3041 2549 3532 3860 3043 2551 3043 2551 3534 3862 3045 2553 3045 2553 3536 3864 3047 2555 3047 2555 3538 3866 3049 2557 3049 2557 3540 3868 3051 2559 3051 2559 3542 3870 3053 2561 3053 2561 3544 3872 3055 2563 3055 2563 3546 3874 3057 2565 3057 2565 3548 3876 3059 2567 3059 2567 3550 3878 3061 2569 3061 2569 3552 3880 3063 2571 3063 2571 3554 3882 3065 2573 OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .+ CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + 3556 2517 3558 2518 3560 2599 3722 2600 3724 2601 3726 2602 3728 2603 3730 2604 3732 2605 3734 2606 3736 2607 3738 2608 3740 2609 3742 2610 3744 2611 3746 2612 3748 2613 3750 2614 3752 2615 3754 2616 3756 2617 3758 2618 3760 2619 3762 2620 3764 2621 3766 2622 3768 2623 3770 2624 3772 2625 3774 2626 3776 2627 3778 2628 3780 2629 3782 2630 3784 3884 2 3886 2 3888 2 4050 2 4052 2 4054 2 4056 2 4058 2 4060 2 4062 2 4064 2 4066 2 4068 2 4070 2 4072 2 4074 2 4076 2 4078 2 4080 2 4082 2 4084 2 4086 2 4088 2 4090 2 4092 2 4094 2 4096 2 4098 2 4100 2 4102 2 4104 2 4106 2 4108 2 4110 2 4112 3065 2573 3556 3884 3067 2575 3067 2575 3558 3886 3069 2577 3069 2577 3560 3888 3231 2739 3231 2739 3722 4050 3233 2741 3233 2741 3724 4052 3235 2743 3235 2743 3726 4054 3237 2745 3237 2745 3728 4056 3239 2747 3239 2747 3730 4058 3241 2749 3241 2749 3732 4060 3243 2751 3243 2751 3734 4062 3245 2753 3245 2753 3736 4064 3247 2755 3247 2755 3738 4066 3249 2757 3249 2757 3740 4068 3251 2759 3251 2759 3742 4070 3253 2761 3253 2761 3744 4072 3255 2763 3255 2763 3746 4074 3257 2765 3257 2765 3748 4076 3259 2767 3259 2767 3750 4078 3261 2769 3261 2769 3752 4080 3263 2771 3263 2771 3754 4082 3265 2773 3265 2773 3756 4084 3267 2775 3267 2775 3758 4086 3269 2777 3269 2777 3760 4088 3271 2779 3271 2779 3762 4090 3273 2781 3273 2781 3764 4092 3275 2783 3275 2783 3766 4094 3277 2785 3277 2785 3768 4096 3279 2787 3279 2787 3770 4098 3281 2789 3281 2789 3772 4100 3283 2791 3283 2791 3774 4102 3285 2793 3285 2793 3776 4104 3287 2795 3287 2795 3778 4106 3289 2797 3289 2797 3780 4108 3291 2799 3291 2799 3782 4110 3293 2801 1466 OptiStruct 13. 0 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1467 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .CHEXA 2631 2 3293 2801 3784 4112 3295 2803 + 3786 4114 CHEXA 2632 2 3295 2803 3786 4114 3297 2805 + 3788 4116 CHEXA 2633 2 3297 2805 3788 4116 3299 2807 + 3790 4118 CHEXA 2634 2 3299 2807 3790 4118 3301 2809 + 3792 4120 CHEXA 2635 2 3301 2809 3792 4120 3303 2811 + 3794 4122 CHEXA 2636 2 3303 2811 3794 4122 3305 2813 + 3796 4124 CHEXA 2637 2 3305 2813 3796 4124 3307 2815 + 3798 4126 CHEXA 2638 2 3307 2815 3798 4126 3309 2817 + 3800 4128 CHEXA 2639 2 3309 2817 3800 4128 3311 2819 + 3802 4130 CHEXA 2640 2 3311 2819 3802 4130 3313 2821 + 3804 4132 $ $HMMOVE 2 $ 17THRU 58 139THRU 222 303THRU 386 $ 467THRU 550 631THRU 714 795THRU 878 $ 959THRU 1042 1123THRU 1206 1287THRU 1370 $ 1451THRU 1534 1615THRU 1698 1779THRU 1862 $ 1943THRU 2026 2107THRU 2190 2271THRU 2354 $ 2435THRU 2518 2599THRU 2640 $ $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ HyperMesh name and color information for generic components $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $HMNAME COMP 2"Air" 2 "Air" 5 $HWCOLOR COMP 2 5 $ $HMNAME COMP 5"Piston" $HWCOLOR COMP 5 8 $ $HMNAME COMP 6"absorber" $HWCOLOR COMP 6 3 $ $ $HMDPRP $ 17THRU 58 139THRU 222 303THRU 386 $ 467THRU 550 631THRU 714 795THRU 878 $ 959THRU 1042 1123THRU 1206 1287THRU 1370 $ 1451THRU 1534 1615THRU 1698 1779THRU 1862 $ 1943THRU 2026 2107THRU 2190 2271THRU 2354 $ 2435THRU 2518 2599THRU 2640 5627 5629 6116 $ 6122 6125 6520THRU 6521 6523 6528 6954 7220 $ 7647 7652 7945 7948 7955 $ $ $$ $$ PSHELL Data $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $HMNAME PROP $HWCOLOR PROP PSHELL 1 $$ Altair Engineering 20.1 1"tube" 4 1 52 2 2 0. 0 600 FREQ 3480.0 5.0+7 0.$$ PSOLID Data $$ $HMNAME PROP 2"Air" 5 $HWCOLOR PROP 2 4 PSOLID 2 1 PFLUID $$ $$ MAT1 Data $$ $HMNAME MAT 2"alum" "MAT1" $HWCOLOR MAT 2 3 MAT1 21.0 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . $ $$ $$ RLOAD1 cards $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 6"Rload" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 6 6 RLOAD1 6 8 7 0 VELO $$ $$ $$ TABLED1 cards $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 7"Table" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 7 6 TABLED1 7 LINEAR LINEAR + 0.21-7 13000.00154 3000.0ENDT $$ $$ $$ DLOAD cards $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 9"Dload" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 9 6 DLOAD 91.0 0.0 0.0 $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ HyperMesh Commands for loadcollectors name and color information $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 2"spc" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 2 6 $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 8"Force" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 8 7 $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 12"SPC" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 12 5 $$ $$ $$ FREQi cards $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 3"Freq" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 3 6 $FREQ1 3 0.0 1.0 0.0 3000.0 6 $$ 1468 OptiStruct 13.0 3000.00154ENDT $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 11"Impedance" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 11 5 TABLED1 11 LINEAR LINEAR + 0.0ENDT $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 10"reactance" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 10 5 TABLED1 10 LINEAR LINEAR + 0.000254 $$ $$ MAT10 Data $HMNAME MAT 1"Air" "MAT10" $HWCOLOR MAT 1 3 MAT10 1 1.0 0.3 0.0 1. 0 $ $ DAREA Data $ $$ $$ DAREA Data $$ DAREA 8 6798 3-15.0 spcd 86793 3 1.0 spcd 86789 3 1.0 spcd 86797 3 1.0 spcd 86784 3 1.0 spcd 86796 3 1.0 spcd 86779 3 1.0 spcd 86800 3 1.0 Reference Guide 1469 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 spcd 86785 3 1.0 spcd 86788 3 1.0 $$ $$ CAABSF 7957 5 689 688 687 686 CAABSF 7960 5 1017 689 686 1016 CAABSF 7964 5 1345 1344 688 689 CAABSF 7969 5 1509 1345 689 1017 CAABSF 7972 5 2165 2164 2163 2162 CAABSF 7977 5 688 2165 2162 687 CAABSF 7978 5 4133 3805 3804 4132 CAABSF 7980 5 2493 2492 2164 2165 CAABSF 7984 5 1344 2493 2165 688 CAABSF 7985 5 2821 687 2162 2820 CAABSF 7988 5 2820 2162 2163 2985 CAABSF 7990 5 3313 2821 2820 3312 CAABSF 7994 5 3312 2820 2985 3477 CAABSF 7996 5 3805 1016 686 3804 CAABSF 7998 5 3804 686 687 2821 CAABSF 8003 5 4132 3804 2821 3313 PAABSF 5 11 10 ENDDATA $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$$ $$ Data Definition for AutoDV $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$$ $$ $$-----------------------------------------------------------------------------$$ Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.$$ EIGRL cards $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 4"EigrlTube" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 4 6 EIGRL 4 5 MASS $HMNAME LOADCOL 5"EigrlAir" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 5 6 EIGRL 5 30 MASS $$ $$ SPC Data $$ SPC1 12123456 6776 thru 6800 spcd 86776 3 1.0 spcd 86786 3 1.0 spcd 86791 3 1.0 spcd 86777 3 1.0 spcd 86781 3 1.0 spcd 86782 3 1.0 spcd 86780 3 1.0 spcd 86799 3 1.0 spcd 86798 3 1.0 spcd 86794 3 1.0 spcd 86778 3 1.0 spcd 86792 3 1.0 spcd 86790 3 1.0 spcd 86795 3 1.0 spcd 86783 3 1. l. To create a non-reflecting boundary. The resistance represents a damper quantity B. ZR(f) = TZREID(f) + B and Zi(f) = TZIMID(f) – K/(ω). Where. If only one grid point is specified on the CAABSF entry. 2. without reflection.WXh3ITgJeq5NZRd5jSHQK3X@:`a12.n4qD_I^RYMo" ADI0. set the values of the TABLEDi entry referenced by the TZREID field (Resistance-real part of Impedance) to be equal to for all frequencies. 3. The impedance scale factor S is used in computing element stiffness and damping terms as: 5.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If two grids are specified. If three or four points are specified. 6.1. then the impedance is the impedance per unit length. The reactance represents a quantity of the type (ωM – K/ω). p is the pressure and u is the velocity. PAABSF is referenced by a CAABSF entry only. then the impedance Z(f) = ZR + iZi is the total impedance at the point. then the impedance is the impedance per unit area. 1470 OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. The impedance is defined as: Z = p/u where.$$ Design Variables Card for Control Perturbations $$ $$-----------------------------------------------------------------------------$$ $ $------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $ Domain Element Definitions $ $------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$$ $$ Nodeset Definitions $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$$ $$ Design domain node sets $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$$ $$ Control Perturbation $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$$ $$ $$ $$ CONTROL PERTURBATION Data $$ ALTDOCTAG "0mjpRI@DXd^3_0ASnbi`. is the density of the fluid and.0 2011-02-11T20:16:20 0of1 OSQA ENDDOCTAG Comments 1. 4. This will allow the acoustic wave to propagate normally through the boundary.q6A23R@9_67hgW8R?OiZ] Eq:PeN``A. is the speed of sound in the fluid. This condition is called the Sommerfeld boundary condition. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (9) (10) (Integer > 0) SYNTH Request the calculation of B. Default = “YES” (Character = “YES” or “NO”) TID1 Identification of the TABLEDi entry that defines the resistance. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PAC ABS PID SYNTH TID1 TID2 TID3 TESTAR C UTFR B K M (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) PAC ABS 4 YES 3 4 5 1. K. and M from the specified tables TIDi. (Integer > 0 or Blank) TID2 Identification of the TABLEDi entry that defines the reactance. Field Contents PID Property identification number. 200.PACABS Bulk Data Entry PACABS – Frequency-Dependant Structural Acoustic Absorber Property Description Defines the properties of the structural acoustic absorber element.0 Reference Guide 1471 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 0) CUTFR Cutoff frequency for tables referenced above. K. (Real > 0.fem $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ $ $$ NASTRAN Input Deck Generated by HyperMesh Version : 8.0sr1 $$ $ $$ Template: general $ $$ $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ Executive Control Cards $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ SOL 111 CEND $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ Case Control Cards $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ SET 1 = 1734 DISPLACEMENT = 1 $ $HMNAME LOADSTEP 1"Load2" SUBCASE 1 LABEL= Load2 SPC = 4 FREQUENCY = 5 DLOAD = 2 $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ Bulk Data Cards $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ BEGIN BULK $CHEXA $+ 1056 1683 2 1672 1650 1661 1662 1651 1671 1472 OptiStruct 13.0) B. K and M (Real > 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering 1682+ Altair Engineering . stiffness and mass values per unit area. M Equivalent damping. Default = 1.Field Contents (Integer > 0 or Blank) TID3 Identification of the TABLEDi entry that defines the weighting function. B (Real) Input File .0 (Real > 0.0SR1 $ $$ Generated using HyperMesh-Nastran Template Version : 8.0). (Integer > 0 or Blank) TESTAR Area of the test specimen.chacab. 0 GRID 46 -0.YES.1.5 0.0 2.0 GRID 26 1.0 -2.5 -2.5 -1.0 PARAM.5 1.5 0.0 GRID 23 1.0 GRID 10 1.300 $$ GRID Data $$ GRID 1 2.5 0.0 GRID 57 -1.0 -1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.3.0 GRID 20 1.5 0.0.0 1.0 0.0 Reference Guide 1473 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 2.0 0.2..0 0.0 0.5 0.0 GRID 14 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 GRID 52 -0.0 GRID 8 2.0 GRID 38 0.1 $$ EIGRL.0 GRID 36 0.0 -1.5 -1.5 2.0 GRID 35 0.5 -1.0 GRID 42 0.0 1.POST.5 0.5 -0.0 GRID 47 -0.0 GRID 17 0.0 GRID 30 0.0 0..0 GRID 19 1.5 -1.0 GRID 27 1.0 1.CHACAB 1056 100 1650 1645 1657 + 1671 1672 PACABS.0 0.300 EIGRL.0 GRID 43 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 -1.5 2.0 GRID 15 1.5 -2.0 1.0 GRID 40 0.0 -1..0 1.0 GRID 41 0.0 GRID 21 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.G.-1 PARAM.0 2.5 -1.20.0 Altair Engineering 1658 1676 1675+ -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.0 -0.0 0.0 GRID 51 -0.0 1.1.5 2.100.0 GRID 18 1.0 GRID 6 2.5 0.0 GRID 22 1.5 0.5 -0.0 -2.0 GRID 55 -1.5 0.0 GRID 48 -0.5 0.0.0 GRID 11 1.0 GRID 5 2.0 -2.5 -2.0 GRID 34 0.0 1.0 0.COUPMASS.0 GRID 28 0.5 0.0 -0.0 1.5 0.5 0.0 GRID 49 -0.0 0.2.0 GRID 16 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 GRID 31 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 -1.0 0.0 GRID 32 0.0 GRID 7 2.0 0.0 GRID 13 1.0 GRID 54 -0.0 GRID 50 -0.5 0.5 0.-1 $ACMODL DIFF 0.0 0.5 -0.0 GRID 56 -1.0 -1.0 GRID 33 0.0 2.0 -1.5 1.0 GRID 24 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 -0.0 GRID 53 -0.0 0.0 GRID 3 2.0 GRID 4 2.0 GRID 9 2.5 1.0 GRID 2 2.0 GRID 12 1.0 0.5 0.0 GRID 37 0.0 GRID 29 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 GRID 39 0.0 GRID 45 0.0 GRID 44 0.10.001 PARAM..0 0.5 0.0 GRID 25 1. 0 2.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 -1.5 -1.5 0.5 0.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 0.5 -2.0 0.5 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 -2.0 0.0 0.0 -2.5 2.5 -1.5 2.0 -0.5 2.5 2.5 -2.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 -0.0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1474 OptiStruct 13.5 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.0 -1.0 -2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 -1.5 2.5 -0.0 0.5 -2.0 1.5 2.0 1.5 2.5 -1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 2.0 1.5 -2.5 -2.5 2.0 0.5 -1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .5 -2.5 -2.0 0.0 0.5 -2.5 2.5 2.0 1.0 -1.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 2.5 -2.0 0.0 0.5 2.5 -2.0 0.0 0.5 1.5 2.5 -2.5 2.0 0.0 2.5 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 2.0 -0.0 0.0 -2.0 0.5 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 -2.0 0.5 -1.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 -2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -2.0 2.5 -2.0 -1.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.0 -1.0 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.0 -2.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.5 2.0 0.0 2.0 0.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 727 728 729 730 731 -1.0 -2.0 0.5 -1.5 1.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0 -1.5 0.5 2.0 -2.5 2.5 -1.5 2.0 0.5 -2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.5 -1.5 -1.0 0.5 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 -1.0 0.5 0.5 -1.5 0.5 -2.5 0.0 1.0 -1.5 -2.0 0.0 0.5 2.5 -2.0 -0.0 0.0 0.5 -2.0 0.5 -1.5 -2.5 -2.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 -2.5 -2.0 1.0 0.5 2.5 -1.0 0.0 1.0 0.5 -2.5 -2. 0 -2.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 -2.5 1.0 -0.0 0.0 1.0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.5 0.0 -1.0 -1.5 1.0 2.5 0.3E-221.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 -2.0 1.0 1.0 1.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 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0.0 -0.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 2.5 1.5 1.0 0.0 -1.0 -1.5E-211.5 1.5 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.5E-231.0 -3.0 0.5 1.0 -1.5 1.0 -0.0 -2.0 1.0 -9.0 -0.5 0.5 -0.5 0.0 2.5 -0.5 0.0 1.0 -0.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 2.5 1.5 1.5 1.0 0.0 -6.0 -0.0 -2.0 2.0 -2.0 2.5 1.5 2.5 -0.0 1.5 0.5 1.5 1.0 -1.0 1.3E-241.0 1.5 2.0 1.5 1.5 2.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.0 1.0 2.5 1.0 2. 5 -1.5 -2.0 -1.0 2.0 2.5 -2.0E-181.5 2.0 -1.0 0.0E-181.0 -2.5 1.0 2.5 -2.0 -8.5 1.5 2.5 1.5 1.0 -2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 -2.0 2.0 -2.5 2.0 -2.0 -1.5 -2.0 2.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 1.5 -2.5 1.0 0.0 1.5 -2.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 -1.5 -1.5 1.0 -1.0E-192.0 2.0 0.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 -2.0 -1.0 2.5 1.5 2.0 2.5 -0.0 2.0 1.0 -1.0 -2.5 2.0 -2.0 1.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.0 1.5 1.0 2.5 -2.0 1.5 2.0 -1.0 2.5 2.0 2.0 -2.0 2.0 -2.0 1.5 -0.0 2.5 2.0 -0.5 2.1E-251.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 2.0 -2.0 -2.0 -1.5 1.0 -1.0 2.0 -1.5 2.0 -1.5 2.0 1.0 -2.5 2.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 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-2.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 -0.0 1.0 -1. 0 -2.0 0.5 2.5 -2.0 -2.5 3.5 2.0 0.0 3.0 -1.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.0 2.5 -1.0 -1.5 2.0 -0.5 2.2E-213.5 -2.0 -2.5 3.0 -2.5 3.0 -1.0 -2.0 -2.5 2.0 2.0 -3.0 3.0 -1.5 2.5 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 -1.5 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.5E-182.5 2.5 2.0 3.0 1.0 -2.0 -0.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 -2.0 3.0 1.5 3.0 -0.0 2.5 3.5 2.0 -1.5 2.0 1.5E-193.0 1.0 -2.0 2.0 -0.5 2.5 3.0 -2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 -2.0 1.0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1478 OptiStruct 13.0 3.3E-172.0 3.5 3.0 3.5 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.5 -1.5 1.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 -2.0 0.5 3.5 2.0 0.5 1.5 2.0 -2.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 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-0.0 0.5 2.0 -0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.5 -1.0 0.0 -1.5 3.0 3.0 1.0 -1.5 3.0 -2.5 -1.5 -2.5 -1.5 1.5 3.0 -0.29E-31-0.0 -3.5 0.5 3.5 0.0 -2.0 -1.0 -2.07E-341.3E-223.0 2.0 3.5 -2.5 3.5 3.0 -5.80E-332.5 2.0 3.5 3.67E-331.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 -1.5 -1.5 3.0 3.0 -2.0 3.5 3.0 3.0 -1.0 -1.0 1.0 2.5 1.0 -0.5 -2.0 -1.0 1.0 3.0 0.5 -2.0 3.5 3.0 3.0 -1.5 3.0 Reference Guide 1479 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 -1.2E-193.0 -1.8E-33-2.5 3.5 -1.5 1.0 -0.0 -2.5 3.0 -1.5 3.5E-173.0 -4.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 1.0 -4.6E-183.5E-32-1.0 1.0 -1.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.5 2.0 -1.0 3.0 1.0 -2.20E-350.0 0.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.5 2.5 3.0 0.5 2.0 -1.0 -2.0 -1.0 -1.0 3.5 3.0 -1.0 -2.5 -0.5 3.0 -2.5 0.5 -1.0 0.5 1.0 -1.0 1.0 3.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 Altair Engineering 1.0 0.3E-183.0 1.0 -1.0 -2.5 -0.5 -2.0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.0 -2.0 3.5 3.0 -0.0 3.5 -2.0 -0.5 1.2E-32-2.5 3.0 -0.5 3.0 6.5 3.0 -1.5 3.5 -1.0 4.5 3.5 3.0 2.2E-213.0 -1.5 3.0 6.0 0.0 -0.5 -1.5 3.0 2.0 -0.0 3.0 -1.0 -0.0 3.0 3.0 1.5 3.50E-322.5 3.5 3.0 0.5 3.0 -0. 5 4.0 1.5 -3.5 2.0 2.5 0.5 1.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 4.0 4.5 4.5 -0.5 4.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 4.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 4.5 1.5 -2.0 -1.0 2.0 4.5 4.0 1.0 2.0 -2.0 2.0 -2.0 2.0 1.5 -2.0 -2.0 1.5 4.0E-164.5 3.0 1.5 4.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 -2.0 1.5 4.0 0.5 4.5 -1.0 1.5 4.0 2.0 -0.5 4.5 0.0 3.5 4.0 0.0 2.0 -2.5 4.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 -2.5 4.5 4.7E-162.5 4.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 1.5 -0.0 2.0 0.0 2.5 4.0 2.0 -2.3E-183.0 -1.5 -0.0 1.0 -2.5 -2.0 0.5 2.0 -1.5 -1.5 2.5 -1.5 4.0 1.0 2.5 -1.5 -2.0 -1.0 3.0 -2.6E-164.0 4.5 4.0 1.0 0.0 -0.0 1.5 3.5 4.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 -2.0 -2.5 4.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 -1.0 4.0 -2.0 1.0 2.5 4.0 4.0 1.5 2.0 4.5 -1.0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1480 OptiStruct 13.5 -1.0 1.5 4.1E-164.0 1.0 -3.5 1.5 -2.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 2.0 2.5 -2.5 1.0 4.0 1.0 -2.0 2.8E-164.0 -2.8E-164.5 4.0 0.5 4.0 -2.0 0.5 2.5 3.5 -2.0 1.5 -1.5 -2.0 3.5 0.5 -3.0 4.5 -2.5 4.5 4.5 -1.5 2.0 4.0 2.5 3.5 4.0 2.5 -1.0 -2.0 -2.5 0.0 -2.5 4.5 -0.5 1.5 3.0 1.5 3.5 4.5 1.5 3.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 4. 0 -2.0 9.0 -2.0 2.5 1.5 4.5 4.0 0.0 -1.0 4.0 -2.0 -0.0 2.5 2.0 -0.0 4.5 4.0 4.5 4.0 -2.0 -2.63E-174.0 2.0 -1.0 Reference Guide 1481 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .5 4.5 4.5 4.5 2.0 2.0 -1.5 4.0 -1.5 -0.0 -1.5 2.5 -2.5 4.5 1.5 -1.5 5.5 4.0 2.0 1.0 -7.0 -1.0 -5.0 -2.0 -0.0 4.0 -1.5E-17-2.0 -2.0 -1.5E-16-2.0 -0.5 -2.3E-162.5 -2.0 -1.0 4.0 -1.5 4.0 4.5 2.5 -1.5 4.0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.0 4.0 -2.0 -1.0 4.0 2.0 -1.10E-164.14E-164.0 -2.0 -2.0 4.5 4.0 -2.0 3.5 0.5 4.0 -1.5 2.65E-16-0.0 -1.0 1.0 4.0 4.5 1.16E-17-1.5 4.5 2.0 -1.0 -1.7E-171.0 1.5 4.5 2.0 -2.0 -2.0 4.5 -1.5 0.0 4.0 -2.5 4.0 -2.5 4.0 -2.0 1.5 -2.0 4.5 1.5 4.86E-16-1.84E-164.0 -0.0 4.0 -1.0 -0.0 2.0 4.5E-174.0 4.5 4.0 -1.5 2.0 -2.0 -1.0 -1.0 -0.0 4.0 -1.5 4.0 -2.0 2.0 -1.5 2.5 1.0 -0.5 4.0 -2.5 4.0 -2.5 4.0 -0.0 -2.0 -2.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 Altair Engineering -2.0 -0.0 -2.0 1.0 -2.0 4.5 1.5 4.0 0.0 4.5 1.5 -2.5 -1.0 -2.0 -1.0 5.5 4.0 4.5 -1.5 4.0 -1.0 -3.0 -0.0E-170.5 4.5 5.5 4.0 2.0 -1.0 -1.0 4.5 -0.5 4.5 -1.0 -2.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.53E-16-1.0 -0.5 0.0E-171.0 5.0 2.0 4.0 2.0 -2.5 -2.0 -2.0 -0.0 2.0 1.4E-164.5 -2.5 4.5 -0.5 4. 0 2.0 -0.5 5.5 -2.0 1.0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1482 OptiStruct 13.0 5.0 5.0 1.5 5.0 1.0 -2.0 5.5 5.5 -1.0 -2.5 5.0 -1.0 1.0 0.5 5.0 0.5 -1.5 0.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 2.5 5.0 0.0 1.0 -2.5 5.0 -2.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 -2.0 1.0 2.5 5.0 1.0 -1.0 -1.0 2.4E-165.5 1.4E-161.8E-165.0 2.0 1.4E-162.0 5.0 0.0 5.0 2.0 -2.5 1.0 0.5 -2.5 1.0 0.0 5.5 5.0 0.5 5.5 2.5 -0.0 2.0 5.0 1.0 1.5 5.5 2.0 -2.5 -1.0 0.5 -2.0 2.0 -0.0 2.5 5.0 5.0 0.0 -1.0 5.0 1.4E-165.5 5.5 5.0 1.5 -1.0 5.5 2.5 0.0 2.5 1.5 5.0 2.5 5.0 1.4E-165.0 1.0 2.9E-175.1E-161.5 0.0 2.5 5.5 2.0 2.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.5 -2.0 5.0 5.0 -0.9E-18-2.0 2.5 -1.5 5.5 5.5 2.5 5.0 5.1E-17-1.8E-170.0 1.0 5.0 -1.5 5.0 0.5 2.0 1.0 -3.5 1.13E-16-0.0 1.5 5.4E-162.0 -0.0 1.0 5.5 -2.0 5.0 -2.5 -1.5 -2.0 1.0 2.5 5.5 -2.5 5.5 1.5 -2.5 5.0 5.5 5.0 2.5 -0.5 5.0 1.5 -0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 2.0 5.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 5.0 -6.5 5.5 0.0 1.5 5.0 -0.5 5.0 2.5 5.5 5.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 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5.0 2.0 8.0 5.0 0.0 1.0 -1.0 0.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 -2.0 -2.5 5.0 -1.5 2.5 0.0 -2.0 1.5 5.5 -0.5 5.0 5.5 5.5 -1.0 -0.0 2.0 5.5 1.0 -2.5 5.0 1.75E-175.5 5.0 -2.5 5.5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 -2.0 1.5 0.5 -0.0 -1.0 2.5 5.0 -2.0 0.0 Reference Guide 1483 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .5 5.5 -2.5 5.0 -1.0 2.0 -1.5 0.0 1.5 5.0 -0.0 5.0 5.0 -1.5 5.0 2.0 5.5 0.5 5.0 -1.5 -2.0 -2.0 0.0 -1.0 -1.5 -1.0 -1.0 -0.0 -1.0 2.0 5.5 1.0 -2.0 -1.2E-180.5 5.0 1.5 -2.0 1.5 5.0 0.5 -1.0 0.5 -2.0 -1.0 5.0 1.0 5.0 -1.0 5.5 -2.0 5.0 2.0 -1.5 1.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 Altair Engineering -0.0 5.0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 OptiStruct 13.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 -2.0 -1.5 -2.5 1.0 5.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -2.0 -2.0 -2.5 5.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.5 -2.0 -1.0 5.0 2.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.0 2.5 5.5 5.5 0.5 5.0 -2. 0 -1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.004472 2.0 -2.0 -2.0 -2.5E-181.5 2.0 -2.0 0.004472 2.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 -0.0 -2.5 0.5 1.0 -0.004472 2.004472 2.0 0.9E-180.5 0.5 0.7E-180.0 -1.0 1.5 -1.4964640.0 -1.0 0.8E-18-0.0 -3.0 -1.0 0.5 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .5 -1.0 -2.0 0.0 -0.5 0.0 -0.9E-18-1.5 -0.004472 2.0 0.0 -2.4964642.0 0.496464-2.5 0.5 1.0 0.9E-180.004472 2.8E-180.0 0.5 -0.5 0.0 2.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 -1.0 0.5 -2.0 -2.5 1.0 0.8E-182.4964641.0 -2.5 -1.0 -1.0 0.5 2.1E-18-1.5 0.5 0.7E-180.0 -3.004472 2.5 -1.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1.5 0.0 1.4964641.0 -2.5 0.0 0.0 -1.5 0.5 -2.0 0.1E-18-1.0 1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 0.5 0.8E-18-2.5 -1.0 0.0 -1.0 1.0 -2.0 0.0 -1.0 -1.5 0.0 -0.0 1.0 0.5 0.496464-1.5 1.0 -0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 -1.5 -0.0 -1.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 -1.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 -2.0 -2.0 -0.0 0.8E-181.0 -0.0 -0.496464-0.0 -1.5 1.004472 1484 OptiStruct 13.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.496464-1.0 -1.7E-180.5 -1.0 0.5 0.0 -1.0 -2.5 -1.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 -1.6E-180.0 0.0 1.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 -1.5 0.9E-180.496464-2.0 -2.0 -0.0 -2.0 -1.5 0.5 2.0 -1.5 0.5 -2.0 -2.004472 2.0 0.5 0.0 -1.0 0.0 2.0 0.2E-180.0 1.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 1. 5 0.58E-174.4964640.49646-1.004472 -2.995528 -2.5 4.0 4.0 0.995528 -2.5 0.0 -2.0 -2.0 -2.0 OptiStruct 13.496461.0 5.0 2.0 -1.994037 -2.496464.5 4.496460.0 5.0 2.995528 -2.004472 -2.5 5.005963 2.496461.49646-1.5 2.5 0.496461.004472 -2.4964644.5 2.0 -1.496460.5 1.5 -2.0 -2.0 -1.0 -1.4964640.0 2.4964640.0 -1.5 5.05E-165.004472 1.995528 -2.0 5.004472 -2.4961520.004472 -2.0 -0.0 -1.4964640.5 -2.49646-0.5 5.4964640.0 5.0 -1.496461.995528 -1.004472 1.0 5.5 -0.49646-0.004472 -2.49615-2.5 -2.0 1.6E-180.4961520.496465.6E-182.49646-1.496460.5 2.0 -1.0 5.995528 -2.995528 -2.0 -2.5 -1.995528 -2.496150.0 Reference Guide 1485 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 -2.005963 2.004472 -1.4964640.5 -2.0 5.5 5.0 -2.004472 -2.0 -1.004472 1.5 5.0 -2.004472 -0.0 -1.995528 -1.994037 -2.995528 -2.5 -2.5 2.005963 -2.0 1.0 -2.0 -1.0 1.4964640.496464.0 0.496460.32E-165.496460.0 -1.0 4.004472 2.0 -1.5 2.004472 -1.0 -2.496152.004472 0.5 1.995528 -2.004472 0.0 -1.496460.4964644.0 -1.0 -1.5 5.4964640.5 4.5 0.496152.004472 -2.5 -1.496152-2.6E-18-2.49646-2.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 4.5 5.5 5.995528 -1.5 5.004472 -2.GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID GRID 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 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CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + 1043 1269 1044 1270 1045 1271 1046 1272 1047 1273 1048 1274 1049 1275 1050 1276 1051 1277 1052 1279 1053 1280 1054 1281 1055 1282 1 1258 1 1259 1 1260 1 1261 1 1262 1 1263 1 1264 1 1265 1 1266 1 1268 1 1269 1 1270 1 1271 1136 1147 1148 1137 1257 1268+ 1137 1148 1149 1138 1258 1269+ 1138 1149 1150 1139 1259 1270+ 1139 1150 1151 1140 1260 1271+ 1140 1151 1152 1141 1261 1272+ 1141 1152 1153 1142 1262 1273+ 1142 1153 1154 1143 1263 1274+ 1143 1154 1155 1144 1264 1275+ 1146 1157 1156 1145 1267 1278+ 1145 1156 1158 1147 1266 1277+ 1147 1158 1159 1148 1268 1279+ 1148 1159 1160 1149 1269 1280+ 1149 1160 1161 1150 1270 1281+ CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + CHEXA + 1057 1284 1058 1285 1059 1286 1060 1287 1061 1288 1062 1290 1063 1291 1064 1292 1065 1293 1066 1294 1067 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Engineering . 0 Reference Guide 1509 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .CHEXA 1078 1 1174 1185 1186 1175 1295 1306+ + 1307 1296 CHEXA 1079 1 1175 1186 1187 1176 1296 1307+ + 1308 1297 CHEXA 1080 1 1176 1187 1188 1177 1297 1308+ + 1309 1298 CHEXA 1081 1 1179 1190 1189 1178 1300 1311+ + 1310 1299 CHEXA 1082 1 1178 1189 1191 1180 1299 1310+ + 1312 1301 CHEXA 1083 1 1180 1191 1192 1181 1301 1312+ + 1313 1302 CHEXA 1084 1 1181 1192 1193 1182 1302 1313+ + 1314 1303 CHEXA 1085 1 1182 1193 1194 1183 1303 1314+ + 1315 1304 CHEXA 1086 1 1183 1194 1195 1184 1304 1315+ + 1316 1305 CHEXA 1087 1 1184 1195 1196 1185 1305 1316+ + 1317 1306 CHEXA 1088 1 1185 1196 1197 1186 1306 1317+ + 1318 1307 CHEXA 1089 1 1186 1197 1198 1187 1307 1318+ + 1319 1308 CHEXA 1090 1 1187 1198 1199 1188 1308 1319+ + 1320 1309 CHEXA 1091 1 1190 1201 1200 1189 1311 1322+ + 1321 1310 CHEXA 1092 1 1189 1200 1202 1191 1310 1321+ + 1323 1312 CHEXA 1093 1 1191 1202 1203 1192 1312 1323+ + 1324 1313 CHEXA 1094 1 1192 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$$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $HMNAME COMP 6"auto1" $HWCOLOR COMP 6 3 $ $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ Property Definition for Surface and Volume Elements $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ $$ PSHELL Data $ $HMNAME COMP 4"shells" Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 0 5 $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ RLOAD2 cards $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 2"rload2" 1510 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .2 2 2 $$ $$ PSOLID Data $ $HMNAME COMP 1"solids" $HWCOLOR COMP 1 26 PSOLID 1 1 PFLUID PSOLID 2 2 $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ Material Definition Cards $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$-------------------------------------------------------------$$ HYPERMESH TAGS $$-------------------------------------------------------------$$BEGIN TAGS $$END TAGS $$ $$ MAT1 Data $ $HMNAME MAT 2"MAT1" $HWCOLOR MAT 2 18 MAT1 2200000.1 10.01 $$ $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ HyperMesh name information for generic materials $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ Material Definition Cards $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ Loads and Boundary Conditions $ $$------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ $$ $$HyperMesh name and color information for generic loadcollectors $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 4"SPC" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 4 3 $ $HMNAME LOADCOL 6"spcd" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 6 4 $ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ FREQ1 cards $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL 5"freq" $HWCOLOR LOADCOL 5 4 FREQ1 50.$HWCOLOR COMP 4 7 PSHELL 4 20.9e-5 $$ $$ $$ MAT10 Data $HMNAME MAT 1"MAT10_1" $HWCOLOR MAT 1 3 MAT10 11.0 0.0 0.3 0. 0 1.0 $$ TABLED1 2 LINEAR + 0.0ENDT LINEAR 1000.0 $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ SPC Data $$ SPC 4 1431 SPC 4 1432 SPC 4 1451 SPC 4 1452 SPC 4 1734 $$ $$ SPCD Data $$ SPCD 6 1734 $ $ DAREA Data $ $$ $$ DAREA Data $$ DAREA 3 1734 ENDDATA 2 5 1 0 ACCE 1 0 LOAD 1.1.0 3 3.0 3 0.?OeEbD0" ADI0.0 2 1234560.0 0.0 ALTDOCTAG "HqTD_ARNMI\S\pMpN13G.0 3-10.0ENDT LINEAR 1000.$HWCOLOR LOADCOL RLOAD2 2 6 $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL $HWCOLOR LOADCOL RLOAD2 3 3 $$ $$ $$ $$ TABLED1 cards $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL $HWCOLOR LOADCOL TABLED1 1 LINEAR + 0.0 0.0 1.0 $$ DLOAD cards $$ $HMNAME LOADCOL $HWCOLOR LOADCOL DLOAD 111.0 2011-05-13T19:57:45 0of1 OSQA ENDDOCTAG Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 1234560.0ENDT 11"DLOAD11" 11 3 1.5oANN]l[enE7fmSbTJro20LOpNriZFOQfUk] _`5hfS5ATf6pT7RXMjA3e@k_r^K?GP.0 5.0 3 3"darea" 3 5 1"tab" 1 41 LINEAR 1000.0 5.0 $$ TABLED1 3 LINEAR + 0.0 Reference Guide 1511 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 1234560.0 1234560. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If SYNTH=”NO”. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. 3. then TID1 and TID2 must be supplied (TID3 is optional) and the equivalent structural model will be derived from tables TIDi. then the equivalent structural model will be derived from B. then the weighting function defaults to 1.0. If TID3 is blank. 1512 OptiStruct 13.Comments 1. K and M. PACABS is referenced by a CHACAB entry only. If SYNTH = “YES”. 2. 4. the panel will consist of all grid points connected to these elements. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PANEL NAME1 SID1 NAME2 SID2 NAME3 SID3 NAME4 SID4 Field Contents NAME# Panel label.PANEL Bulk Data Entry PANEL – Panel Definition for Panel Participation Output Description Defines up to four sets of grid points or elements as panels for panel participation output for a frequency response analysis of a coupled fluid-structural model. If a set of elements is defined.0 Reference Guide 1513 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . (10) No default (Character string) SID# Set identification number for a set of grids or elements. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . SOUND. ERP indicates that the panel should be considered for equivalent radiated power output 1514 OptiStruct 13. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) NAME Panel label. The panel type indicates the context in which the panel should be used. or blank. Default = blank (PFP. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) PANELG ID NAME TYPE ESID GSID Field Contents ID Unique panel identification number. ERP.PANELG Bulk Data Entry PANELG – Generic Panel Definition Description Defines a set of grid points and/or elements as generic panel. See comment 1) ESID Set identification number for a set of elements. PFP indicates that the panel should be considered for panel participation output (similar to PANEL). No default (Character string) TYPE Panel type. No default (Integer > 0 or blank) Comments 1. No default (Integer > 0 or blank) GSID Set identification number for a set of grids. If both sets are defined.0 Reference Guide 1515 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Blank indicates that the panel should be considered in any context involving panels. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the panel will consist of the intersection of those sets. In such cases. the panel will consist of all grid points connected to these elements. grids on the wetted surface are automatically detected to define the panel. 4. a set of grid points.(similar to ERPPNL). Panels of type ERP/SOUND (or blank) may be defined as a set of elements. or both. SOUND indicates that the panel should be considered for radiated sound output. If a set of elements is defined. 2. Panels of type PFP must be defined as a set of grid points exclusively. 3. The element set can also consist of solid elements. pch) file as a matrix defined YES. (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) The available parameters and their values are listed below (click the parameter name for parameter descriptions). Format (1) (2) (3) PARAM N V (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) PARAM C OUPMASS YES Field Contents N Name of Parameter. V Value of Parameter.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . NO 1516 OptiStruct 13. Parameter Description Values ACMODL12 Used to restore the ACMODL formulation used in version 12. NO Default = NO AGGPCH To support output of the fluid-structure coupling matrix to the Punch (.0 and earlier for the Fluid-Structure Interface. YES.PARAM Bulk Data Entry PARAM – Solution Control Parameter Description Defines values for parameters used during analysis and optimization. NO> Default = YES AUTOMSET Automatically convert dependent degrees-of- <YES. 0 Default = 0 AMSESLM Indicate if the AMSES numerical mode for enforced motion based modal dynamic analysis with large mass method will be activated or not.Parameter Description Values using DMIG data entry. YES. NO Default = NO AMLSMAXR Used to determine singularities in the stiffness matrix <REAL> for AMLS eigenvalue solver.0 ALPHA1FL Adds Rayleigh damping to viscous damping for fluid mesh. <YES.0e-8 AMLSMEM Defines the amount of memory in Gigabytes to be used by the external AMLS eigenvalue solver. NO> Default = NO ASCOUP Generates the fluid-structure coupling (area) matrix for use in the solution. <REAL> Default = 0.0 AMLS Use external AMLS eigenvalue solver. YES. <REAL> Default = 0. 4 Default = no. 1.0 Reference Guide 1517 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 1.0 ALPHA2FL Adds Rayleigh damping to viscous damping for fluid mesh. Default = 1. <REAL> Default = 0. NO Default = NO ALPHA1 Adds Rayleigh damping to viscous damping for structural mesh. NO> Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. <REAL> No default AMLSNCPU Identify number of cpu's to be used by AMLS eigenvalue solver. Default = NO AKUSMOD Use external fluid-structure coupling matrix generated by AKUSMOD.0 ALPHA2 Adds Rayleigh damping to viscous damping for structural mesh. of cpu’s used by the solver AMLSUCON Constrain unconnected grids for AMLS eigenvalue solver. <REAL> Default = 0. 2. <YES. YES. FULL Default = YES CHECKMAT Activate material property checking.0> Default = 1. Real Default = 1.0 1518 OptiStruct 13. FULL Default = YES CHKGPDIR Activate gap direction alignment checking. YES. NO.0 CK3 Specifies factors for the stiffness matrix produced by GENEL cards. NO Default = YES AUTOSPRT Activate inertia relief and auto-support degree-offreedom generation. <Real Number > 0.0> No default BUSHTLMT Issues a WARNING when the stiffness value for translational components on the PBUSH entry exceeds the specified limit (BUSHTLMT). 0 Default = 1 BUSHRLMT Issues a WARNING when the stiffness value for rotational components on the PBUSH entry exceeds the specified limit (BUSHRLMT). Real Default = 1.0E+07) input in field K of the PBUSH data entry. YES. <Real Number > 0.0> Default = 1E+07 CB2 Scale factor for direct input damping matrices. <Real Number > 0. NO.Parameter Description Values freedom of rigid elements to independent degreesof-freedom. WARN.0 CHECKEL Activate element quality checking. FULL. 1. Default = YES AUTOSPC Automatically constrain degrees-of-freedom with no stiffness. Real Default = 1.0E+09 BUSHSTIF Specifies a value to replace large stiffness values (>1.0 CM2 Scale factor for direct input mass matrices. NO. REVERSE Default = YES CK2 Scale factor for direct input stiffness matrices. Real Default = 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . YES. ent. -1. NO Default = NO CMSOFST Consider shell offsets for flexbody generation.cmf and *.comp.ent.1 CMSALOD Controls the inclusion of mass contribution from the mass matrix stored in the PUNCH DMIG or the H3D DMIG files for the generation of RFORCE and Gravity Loads.0 < REAL < 1. 0. NO> Default = YES CMSDIRM Allows flexible body generation when directional masses are defined in the input file. NO Default = NO CP2 Scale factor for direct input load matrices.HM. NO.0 COMP2SHL Results of homogenization of composite properties.0 Default = 0.NO COEFFC Friction coefficient on curvatures for one-step stamping simulation. <YES. YES. 1. <YES.0 CMFTSTEP Defines step or interval value for *. This is recommended when second order solids/gaskets are used with contact analysis in OptiStruct. NO> Default = YES CSTOL Specifies how many decimal digits may be lost to cancellation in one operation during the eigensolution process.HM. 0. <YES. Real Default = 3. 0. Real Altair Engineering YES.comp. Real > 0.0 CSTEVAL Use wall time based cost evaluation for Lanczos steps.cmf and *. BULK Default = NO OptiStruct 13.HM.0 Reference Guide 1519 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 Default = 0. <YES.cmf HyperMesh command. NO> Default = NO COUPMASS Use coupled mass matrix approach for eigenvalue analysis. YES.Parameter Description Values CMFTINIT Defines lower threshold for *. NO> Default . CONTFEL Activates Contact-friendly elements.cmf HyperMesh command files.5 DFREQ Used to determine duplicate frequencies.HM.0 < REAL < 1. Real Default = 1. This can also be accomplished with PARAM.AMLSUCON. Integer Default = NONE DUPTOL Level of accuracy used in determining duplicate grids. NO.0E + 09 ELASSTIF Specifies a value to replace large stiffness values (>1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . <Real Number > 0. 2.0E+07) input in field K of the PELAS data entry. Real > 0. 5> Default = 0 EFFMAS Output modal participation factors and effective mass for normal modes analyses. NO> Default = NO DISJOINT Used to allow AMLS to handle disconnected parts.0 Default = 1.0 1520 OptiStruct 13.0> Default = 1. <YES. Integer Default = NO EHD Prints the inverse of the stiffness matrix created by static reduction to FORTRAN unit 3 <YES. <REL. 1. <0. 4.0> No default ELASTLMT Issues a WARNING when the stiffness value for translational components on the CELAS2/4 or PELAS entry exceeds the specified limit (ELASTLMT).0> Default = 1E+07 ENFMOTN Switch between relative and absolute displacement output in Modal Frequency Response Analysis with enforced motion. <Real Number > 0.0 ERPREFDB The reference value in decibels (dB) used in ERP calculations.Parameter Description Values Default = 10-5 DISIFMCK Skip indefinite mass matrix check. YES. ABS> Default = ABS ERPC The speed of sound used in the ERP calculation Real > 0.0 Default = 1.NO> Default = NO ELASRLMT Issues a WARNING when the stiffness value for rotational components on the CELAS2/4 or PELAS entry exceeds the specified limit (ELASRLMT).0 Default = 1. 3. <Real Number > 0.0 ERPRHO The fluid density used in ERP calculations. Real > 0. NO> Default = AUTO FFRS Used to invoke the external FastFRS (Fast Frequency Response Solver). <DMIGPCH. FLEXH3D Generate flexh3d files for flexible bodies in an MBD analysis. Default = 2. <AUTO. <YES. YES Default = NO Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. YES.pch or . alternative method (FASTFR) for Modal Frequency Response Analysis. Real > 0. BOTH. Real Default = 1. YES.0 EXCEXB Controls the output of the AVL/EXCITE . <YES.dmg file. 3. 4. 0. <YES.Parameter Description Values ERPRLF The Radiation Loss Factor used in ERP calculation. NO> Default = BOTH EXCOUT Outputs of condensed superelement information for AVL/EXCITE. NO Default = NO EXTOUT Output reduced matrices to . DMIGBIN> No default FASTFR Controls the activation of a faster. 6> Default = 0 EXPERTNL Activates nonlinear expert system to aid in the convergence of small displacement nonlinear problems.0 Default = 1. NO> Default = NO FFRSLFREQ Defines a frequency cut-off value in Hertz used to partition the structural system into low frequency and high frequency parts. NO> Default = AUTO FLIPOK Allows tetrahedral elements to invert during shape optimization. <-1.0 (GB) FFRSNCPU Defines the number of cpu’s to be used by the external FastFRS solver. 1. NO. 5.exb file directly from OptiStruct. <INTEGER> Default = number of cpu's used by OptiStruct.0 Reference Guide 1521 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 FFRSMEM Defines the amount of memory in Gigabytes to be <Real> used by the external FastFRS modal equation solver. <LONG.0 FZERO Identify the maximum frequency of a rigid body mode. <REAL> Default = 0. <REAL> or NO_GE> No default GFL Specifies the uniform fluid damping coefficient for dynamic analyses.0 GE_MOD Modifies specified GE values. NO> Default = NO HFREQ Specifies the upper bound of the frequency range of interest for modal combination. <REAL> Default = 1.grid file. <0. <YES. <-1.Parameter Description Values FRIC Define multiplier for K2PP reference. <REAL> Default = 0. SHORT> Default = SHORT GYROAVG Used to select the frequency response analysis formulation type for rotor dynamics analysis. Z2 and MID for output to the . <REAL> Default = 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . <REAL> Default = 1. -1> Default = 0 HASHASSM Enable hash-table based assembly.0 GMAR Controls the accuracy of the external AMLS eigenvalue solution. <REAL> Default = None HFREQFL Excludes modes with frequencies greater than <REAL> 1522 OptiStruct 13. <REAL> Default = 1. Default = Z1 GRDPNT Obsolete NASTRAN parameter that will give information about the mass properties of the structure.1 G Specifies the uniform structural damping coefficient for dynamic analyses.7 GPSLOC Controls where the grid point stresses are calculated Z1. 0> Default = -1 GRIDFORM This parameter controls the output format of the .mnf file.1 GMAR1 Controls the accuracy of the external AMLS eigenvalue solution. for static subcases Default = -2. full Diagonal YES. YES. -1> Default = 0 LMSOUT Output the condensed Flex Body Modes.interface file to verify if proper connection has been established between the Fluid and Structure meshes at the interface. <REAL> Default = None LFREQFL Excludes modes with frequencies lower than LFREQFL in Coupled Modal Frequency Response Analysis (Acoustic Analysis).Parameter Description Values HFREQFL in Coupled Modal Frequency Response Analysis (Acoustic Analysis). <YES. and modal stresses to the . YES. 0. Default = NO Altair Engineering Default = None Default = None OptiStruct 13. -1. -1. <REAL> Default = 0.op2 file. <REAL> (Hertz) LGDISP Activates Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis. -1 Default = 1 KGRGD Include contributions from rigid elements in the geometric stiffness matrix. <1. for modal frequency response subcases ITAPE Writes the ‘Tape Label’ at the beginning of the OUTPUT2 results file. NO. 0 Default = -1 INTRFACE Generates the . (Hertz) I64SLV Enforces the activation of internal long (64-bit) integer sparse direct solver. 1. 0. NO Default = YES K4CUTOFF Sets cut-off value if the low rank representation for the structural damping matrix is selected. -2 Default = 0. STRESS Mass Matrix. NO Default = NO LFREQ Can be used to remove the Rigid Body Modes from the Modal Space.0 Reference Guide 1523 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .1 KDAMP Enter viscous modal damping into the stiffness matrix as structural damping. NO> Default = NO INREL Controls the calculation of inertia relief. <0. MEMTRIM Activate/deactivate the memory-trim feature when using AMLS eigensolver. <YES. NO> Default = NO Altair Engineering . <INTEGER> Default = 400 MBDH3D Choose the type of the results output to the . NO> Default = NO YES. -1. 1. <YES. NO Default = NO NEGMASS Allows run to proceed with negative diagonal mass terms.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering <YES.0 < real number < 1. refer to the complete PARAM. 1> Default = 0 MASSDMIG For static condensation with ASET of a static loadcase. MODAL. 0.Parameter Description Values LOWRANK Indicates to FastFRS which solution strategy to use to handle the modal structural damping matrix. <YES. NO> Default = YES MFILTER Defines a threshold for the mode tracking matrix to check eigenvector correspondence. NONE Default = BOTH MBDREC Create a small and large flexible body files during Component Mode Synthesis (CMS). NODAL. NO> Default = NO NLFAT Forces OptiStruct to run models in which fatigue solutions reference nonlinear quasi-static analysis (NLSTAT) subcases. NLFAT documentation for details. YES. 1> Default = 0 NLAFILE Controls the output of animation files (A-File) in geometric nonlinear analysis.h3d file for MBD analyses.0> MODETRAK Track mode numbers by comparing eigenvectors between iterations. NO Default = NO This is not recommended. <0. <0. -1. BOTH. the reduced stiffness matrix [k] and load vector {p} are created. 1524 OptiStruct 13. <YES. NO> Default = NO MAXDAMP Identify the maximum number of residual vectors to be calculated. NLRFILE Controls the output of restart files (R-File) in geometric nonlinear analysis. <YES. NO> Default = NO OP2GM34 Controls the output of GEOM3 and GEOM4 data blocks to the . FALSE> Default = TRUE PLIGEXT Print the applied load vector in DMIG form to the . <INTEGER> 1000 OGEOM Output model data to the OUTPUT2 results file. in conjunction with nonlinear materials (MATS1. <TRUE. <INTEGER> Default = 3 NUMEG Specifies the anticipated number of modes to be calculated in order to estimate disk space usage. 0. NO> Default = YES OMACHPR Select newer version of certain OUTPUT2 datablocks. or MGASK) or Large Displacement Nonlinear Altair Engineering Values YES. NO Default = NO OptiStruct 13. MATHE. NO> bulk to block conversion. NO> Default = NO OMID Output stress and strain results for shell and membrane elements with reference to the material coordinate system. Default = NO PRESUBNL Forces OptiStruct to run models in which Linear Buckling Analysis or Preloaded Analysis is defined.pligext file.0 Reference Guide 1525 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . -1. <YES. NO viscous damping matrix to the OUTPUT2 results file. <YES. Default = YES NPRBAR Controls the number of the output INFORMATION #741 for RBAR element.NO> Default = NO POST Generate an OUTPUT2 results file. <YES. <INTEGER> Default = 3 NPRBE2 Controls the number of the output INFORMATION #741 for RBE2 element. -5 Default = 0 POSTEXT Output the modal complex stiffness matrix and modal YES. <INTEGER> Default = 3 NPRGDE Controls the number of the output INFORMATION #742. -2.op2 file.Parameter Description NLRUN Controls the run of geometric nonlinear analysis after <YES. 0. 0.0 Default = 0 1526 OptiStruct 13. NO> Default = YES PRINFACC Controls the output of inertial relief rigid body forces and accelerations. <YES. <YES. <YES. Refer to the complete PARAM.out file. <REAL> Default = 0. PRESUBNL documentation for details. 1.1 REANAL Reanalyze the final iteration of a topology optimization without penalization.0 Default = 1. 0> RBE2FREE Used to convert ERROR 725 into WARNING 825 when singular RBE2 elements are present in the model. UB> Default for LB = 0.Parameter Description Values Analysis. These free spiders may contain singular degrees of freedom.0 RSPLICOR RSPLINE end rotation correction. <LB.0.0 No default RECOVER Allows you to request full-structure mode shape output instead of the modes of the condensed system generated during Component Mode Synthesis (CMS) within the specified range of frequencies.0 < REAL < 1. and UB must be specified RENUMOK Allows you to correctly renumber the reversed (but acceptable) sequence of element grids without having to run (import and re-export) the model through HyperMesh. Real > 0. NO> Default = NO RBMEIG Defines the cut-off eigenvalue for determining rigid body modes calculated by AMLS. NO> Default = NO RBE3FREE Used to convert ERROR 772 into WARNING 824 when free spiders on RBE3 elements are present in the model. <1. <YES. <YES.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This is not recommended. NO. REAL > 1. PRGPST Output AutoSPC information to the . BLANK> Default = NO RFIOUT This parameter controls the output of modal super element for use in the RecurDyn multibody dynamics software from FunctionBay. NO> Default = NO RHOCP The scale factor used to calculate ERP in decibels (dB). 16 Default = 0 SEPLOT Output display model to . 0. 0. 0. 4.0 Default = 1.240 and earlier. CTRIA3). 1. 5 Default =0 SMDISP Controls if small displacement formulation or large displacement formulation is used. SHL2MEM A shell property (defined by the PSHELL bulk data entry) is automatically converted into a membrane property if the membrane thickness (field T) of the PSHELL bulk data entry is less than the value specified using PARAM.NO> Default = NO SORTCON Controls the output of violated constraints to the . <Real Number > 0.0 Reference Guide 1527 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . SHL2MEM. 3. 0. 1 Default = 0 SNAPTHRU Controls the output of the force-deflection curve in geometric nonlinear analysis. Real > 0.0. <INTEGER> Default = 20 SPLC Specifies the speed of sound used in the wave number and the complex particle velocity vector calculations. 2 Default = 1 SIMPACK Requests generation of the SIMPACK . from a CMS run.fbi file containing flexible body information for SIMPACK analysis.0 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. <YES. NO> formulation (for CQUAD4 and CTRIA3) used in version Default = NO 11. <YES. 1. 2.out file from an optimization.Parameter Description Values SEP1XOVR The old and new location of moved shell grid points are printed if SEP1XOVR = 16. 2 Default = 0 in NLGEOM subcases Default = 1 in IMPDYN subcases SHELOS11 Allows you to revert to the first order shell element <YES. NO> Default = YES SH4NRP Controls the full projection of 4-node shell elements in NLGEOM implicit analysis.0> No default SHPBCKOR Defines the type and order of approximation used in plate bending geometric stiffness for linear shell elements (CQUAD4.seplot file. 1. 1. <REAL> Default = 5. Real > 0.Parameter Description Values SPLFAC Specifies the scale factor (q ) used to calculate the Sound Pressure Level in Radiated Sound Analysis. Real > 0. <REAL> Default = 0. 1.0 SRCOMPS Outputs the strength ratios for composite elements that have failure indices requested. AUTO. It also can be used to control the point about which the mass moment of inertia is calculated.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Default = -1 Altair Engineering . 2> Default = 0 TRAKMTX Controls output of the mode tracking matrix during optimization. Real > 0. HIGH Default = AUTO TOLRSC Connecting grid points of the shell element are moved onto the solid face. <YES.0 STRTHR Specifies the von Mises stress threshold value above which the stress results are output for a model.0 THCNTPEN Controls the penalty factor used in thermal contact analysis.0 SPLREFDB Specifies the reference sound pressure value used to calculate the Sound Pressure Level (SPL) in decibels (dB). <YES. NO> Default = NO SS2GCR Controls the accuracy of the external AMLS eigenvalue solution. Default = 0. <CID> Allows you to prevent the inclusion of the Virtual <Integer = 0. 1> Default = 0 TPS Activate fast transient response analysis (only shell stress results output). <0.0 Default = 1. 2> VMOPT 1528 OptiStruct 13. <0.0 Default = 1.0 Default = 1. LOW. NO> Default = YES UCORD Specifies the coordinate system in which the mass moment of inertia is output.05 TRAKMETH Used to select the criterion employed for mode tracking.0 SPLRHO Specifies the density of the acoustic medium in the calculation of the complex acoustic sound pressure and the complex particle velocity vector. 0 WTMASS Convert weights to masses using this multiplier. <REAL> Default = 0.0 W4 Convert structural damping to equivalent viscous damping for transient analysis. Default = 0 W3 Convert structural damping to equivalent viscous damping for transient analysis.0 WR4 Used to include or exclude frequency dependent damping in rotor dynamics analysis. <REAL> Default = 0. <REAL> Default = 0. REAL > 0.0 Comments 1.0 WR3 Used to include or exclude frequency dependent damping in rotor dynamics analysis. the virtual mass is added after the eigen solution and modes are modified based on the virtual mass matrix.0 Reference Guide 1529 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a control card in HyperMesh. <REAL> Default = 0.Parameter Description Values Mass Matrix in the Regular Mass Matrix for Modal Dynamic Subcases.0 Default = 1. In such cases. The old formulation coupled the fluid face to every structural grid in the search box. 1530 OptiStruct 13. ACMODL12 Parameter ACMODL Values Description <YES.PARAM.0.0 the new and improved ACMODL formulation will couple the fluid grids at the interface to only a single layer of structural grids. ACMODL12. YES can be used to restore the ACMODL formulation used in version 12.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . NO> Default = NO PARAM. Note In OptiStruct 13.0 and earlier for the Fluid-Structure Interface. This parameter can be used to restore the formulation used prior to 13. with the name AGGAX. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. NO> Default = NO If YES.pch). If NO. OptiStruct will output the Fluid-Structure coupling matrix to the Punch file (. AGGPCH Parameter AGGPCH Values Description <YES. This DMIG can be used in a subsequent OptiStruct run using the A2GG Solution Control Command.pch) as a matrix defined using the DMIG data entry. the Fluid-Structure coupling matrix will not be output to the Punch file (.PARAM.0 Reference Guide 1531 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . AKUSMOD Parameter AKUSMOD Values Description <YES. In this case. 1532 OptiStruct 13. By default it is presumed that the AKUSMOD coupling matrix is to be found in the same directory as the solver input file and is given the file name “ftn.AKUSMOD command. NO> Default = NO If YES. However an alternate file name and location may be assigned via the ASSIGN.70“. the ACMODL data is ignored. this indicates that OptiStruct should use a fluidstructure coupling matrix generated by AKUSMOD.PARAM. PARAM. then Rayleigh damping is added to the viscous damping. If PARAM. ALPHA1 Parameter ALPHA1 Values Description <REAL> Default = 0. ALPHA1 is the scale factor applied to the mass matrix and ALPHA2 to the structural stiffness matrix as in: Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 PARAM. transient response and modal complex eigenvalue analyses. ALPHA2 are not equal to zero.0 Reference Guide 1533 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . ALPHA1 and/or PARAM. ALPHA1 is used in frequency response. 0 PARAM. ALPHA2 is used in frequency response. ALPHA1 and/or PARAM. If PARAM. ALPHA2 are not equal to zero. transient response and modal complex eigenvalue analyses.PARAM. ALPHA2 Parameter ALPHA2 Values Description <REAL> Default = 0. ALPHA1 is the scale factor applied to the mass matrix and ALPHA2 to the structural stiffness matrix as in: 1534 OptiStruct 13. then Rayleigh damping is added to the viscous damping.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 0 Reference Guide 1535 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . ALPHA1FL is the scale factor applied to the mass matrix and ALPHA2FL to the fluid stiffness matrix as in: Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. ALPHA2FL are not equal to zero. ALPHA1FL is used in frequency and transient response analysis. If PARAM. ALPHA1FL and/or PARAM.PARAM. then Rayleigh damping is added to the viscous damping.0 PARAM. ALPHA1FL Parameter ALPHA1FL Values Description <REAL> Default = 0. ALPHA1FL is the scale factor applied to the mass matrix and ALPHA2FL to the fluid stiffness matrix as in: 1536 OptiStruct 13. ALPHA1FL and/or PARAM. ALPHA2FL is used in frequency and transient response analysis.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . ALPHA2FL Parameter ALPHA2FL Values Description <REAL> Default = 0. ALPHA2FL are not equal to zero.PARAM. then Rayleigh damping is added to the viscous damping.0 PARAM. If PARAM. then the internal Lanczos eigenvlaue solver is used. This solver is faster than the Lanczos solver for large eigenvalue problems.0 Reference Guide 1537 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Using the AMLS (Automatic Multi-Level Sub-structuring) Eigensolver for more details. Refer to the User’s Guide section. Note that AMLS must be installed on the system and the environment variable AMLS_EXE must point to the AMLS executable for this setting to work. NO Default = NO This parameter is used to invoke the external AMLS eigenvalue solver. AMLS Parameter Values Description AMLS YES. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.PARAM. then the external AMLS eigenvalue solver is used. If NO. If YES. PARAM. Using the AMLS (Automatic Multi-Level Sub-structuring) Eigensolver for more details. an SPC is applied and a message is written to the .out file.out file. this indicates a singularity in K. If the value of AMLSMAXR is exceeded in the process of factoring a stiffness matrix. If the mass of this degree-of-freedom is zero. AMLSMAXR is used to determine singularities in Default = 1. AMLSMAXR Parameter Values Description AMLSMAXR <REAL> PARAM. there is a "massless mechanism".0e-8 the stiffness matrix. If there is mass. then this is a mechanism which is treated as a rigid body mode and a message is written to the . 1538 OptiStruct 13. Refer to the User’s Guide section.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . AMLSMEM. 3. 2.0 Reference Guide 1539 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . This parameter is only valid for AMLS versions 5 Memory used by and higher. Refer to the User’s Guide section. Using the AMLS (Automatic Multi-Level Sub-structuring) Eigensolver for more details. This parameter can be used only if PARAM. 1. OptiStruct can be run with 10. AMLS is set to YES. If the environment variable AMLS_MEM is set.PARAM. For example. 4.0 Gigabytes in the same run. OptiStruct and AMLS can be run with different allocations of memory. If this parameter is not set. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Gigabytes and AMLS with 20. AMLS will use the amount of memory that OptiStruct is using for the run. AMLSMEM Parameter Values AMLSMEM <REAL> Description This parameter is used to define the amount of memory in Gigabytes to be used by the external AMLS eigenvalue Default = solver. OptiStruct for a Note particular run. it will override the value set using PARAM. Refer to the User’s Guide section. of cpu’s used by the solver This parameter is used to define the number of cpu’s to be used by the external AMLS eigenvalue solver. OptiStruct can be run with 1 processor and AMLS with 4 processors in the same run.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2. Only valid when PARAM. 1540 OptiStruct 13. OptiStruct and AMLS can be run with different allocations of processors. Using the AMLS (Automatic Multi-Level Sub-structuring) Eigensolver for more details. AMLS is set to YES. This parameter will set the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS. Note that this value can be set through the command line arguments –nproc or – ncpu. For example. 4 Default = no. The default value is the current value of OMP_NUM_THREADS.PARAM. AMLSNCPU Parameter Values Description AMLSNCPU 1. Refer to the User’s Guide section. 1 Default = 0 This parameter is used to indicate whether or not unconnected grids are to be constrained for AMLS run.0 Reference Guide 1541 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Using the AMLS (Automatic Multi-Level Sub-structuring) Eigensolver for more details. then unconnected grids are to be constrained.PARAM. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. If 0. If 1. then unconnected grids are not constrained. AMLSUCON Parameter AMLSUCON Values Description 0. NO: The EIGRA (AMSES) numerical method for enforced motion based modal dynamic analysis with large mass method will not be activated.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1542 OptiStruct 13. NO> Default = NO YES: The EIGRA (AMSES) numerical method for enforced motion based modal dynamic analysis with large mass method will be activated. AMSESLM Parameter AMSESLM Values Description <YES.PARAM. ASCOUP. the fluid-structure coupling (area) matrix will be calculated and used in the solution. Note: PARAM.pch) file. NO> Default = YES If YES. ASCOUP Parameter ASCOUP Values Description <YES.YES should be used to output the matrix to the Punch (. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.pch) file. If NO.NO is required when the fluidstructure coupling (area) matrix is read in from the Punch (.PARAM.0 Reference Guide 1543 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . PARAM.AGGPCH. the fluid-structure (area) matrix is not calculated. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . AUTOMSET is input without specifying a value. only if multiple SPC sets are present in multiple subcases. This parameter can be used if the dependent degree-of-freedom (DOF) of a rigid element is SPC’ed. The default is YES when PARAM. 3. NO> Default = YES Defaults 1. YES can be used in models with SPC’ed dependent rigid element grids. 2.PARAM. the dependent degrees-of-freedom of rigid elements may be converted to independent degreesof-freedom when conversion is necessary for the model to run. If YES. In such situations. The model may not run when multiple constraint equations reference the same dependent degree-offreedom more than once. AUTOMSET Parameter AUTOMSET Values Description <YES. it is recommended to create another subcase with a different SPC set. Note: 1. The default is NO when the parameter is not present in the deck. AUTOMSET cannot be used if Direct Matrix Input (DMIG) generation is performed using the Static Condensation method (Component Mode Synthesis (CMSMETH entry) is not used). PARAM. the above conversion will not be performed. 1544 OptiStruct 13. part of the ASET. AUTOMSET. AUTOMSET cannot be used to convert the dependent degrees of freedom (DOF’s) of a rigid element constrained by global SPC’s to independent DOF’s. or if it is a dependent DOF of another constraint equation (MPC equation or another rigid element). If NO. 4. 2. AUTOSPC Parameter Values Description AUTOSPC YES. NO Default = YES If YES. these degrees-of-freedom are automatically constrained. If found. the degrees of freedom with no stiffness are not automatically constrained. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. If NO.PARAM. the global stiffness matrix is checked for degrees-of-freedom with no stiffness.0 Reference Guide 1545 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 0> Default = 1 This parameter applies to residual vector calculation in inertia relief analysis. If 0. SUPORT dofs are automatically generated using the 6 geometric rigid body modes.PARAM.FZERO defines cut-off for determination of rigid body modes) are used to automatically generate SUPORT dofs. rigid body modes from the eigenvalue analysis (PARAM. 1546 OptiStruct 13. If 1. AUTOSPRT Parameter Values Description AUTOSPRT <1. Default = 1.0> stiffness value for rotational components on the PBUSH entry exceeds the specified limit (BUSHRLMT).0E + 09 Note: This check is overridden when PARAM. BUSHRLMT Parameter BUSHRLMT Values Description <Real Number > This parameter is used to issue a WARNING when the 0.0 Reference Guide 1547 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . BUSHSTIF is used to control the maximum stiffness value.PARAM. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This parameter applies. If PARAM. 2. the stiffness value (Field K) is not replaced regardless of its value (no stiffness control). <BUSHSTIFT>. 1548 OptiStruct 13. BUSHSTIF is not included in the deck.0> PBUSH property entries. <BUSHSTIFR> Parameter BUSHSTIFT Values Description <Real Number > This parameter controls the value of field “K” in the 0. BUSHSTIF. respectively will be replaced by BUSHSTIFT or BUSHSTIFR. Defaults: a. to the PBUSH1D Rod-type Spring-and-Damper Property as well (using BUSHSTIFT). BUSHSTIF Description This parameter can accept two arguments. then OptiStruct will error out (no default). <Real Number > BUSHSTIFR: 0. Either BUSHSTIFT or BUSHSTIFR (or both) can be set to 0. No default BUSHSTIFR BUSHSTIFT: This value applies to translational stiffness fields on the property entry (first three values). 4. This will disable stiffness control for the corresponding translational or rotational stiffnesses. Format PARAM. The default for BUSHSTIFR is BUSHSTIFT. Any value on the field “K” on the PBUSH entry which exceeds BUSHSTIFT or BUSHSTIFR. <BUSHSTIFT> Note: 1. If only one argument is specified. the same value is used for the second argument.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .PARAM.0. If BUSHSTIFT is input without specifying a value. b.0> This value applies to rotational stiffness values on the Default = property entry. in a similar fashion. 3. 0> stiffness value for translational components on the PBUSH entry exceeds the specified limit (BUSHTLMT). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.PARAM. BUSHTLMT Parameter BUSHTLMT Values Description <Real Number > This parameter is used to issue a WARNING when the 0. Default = 1E+07 Note: This check is overridden when PARAM. BUSHSTIF is used to control the maximum stiffness value.0 Reference Guide 1549 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . CB2 Parameter Values Description CB2 Real Default = 1.PARAM.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . CDAMP3. CDAMP4. or CVISC element bulk data entries. 1550 OptiStruct 13. The total damping matrix is: where is selected via the subcase information command B2GG.0 CB2 specified factors for the direct input damping matrix. and comes from CDAMP1. CDAMP2. Any violation of warning limits is non-fatal. but the error or warning messages are printed for all of the elements violating the error or warning limits.0 Reference Guide 1551 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The ELEMQUAL bulk data entry may be used to control the values for warning and error limits for each quality check. If FULL. YES. FULL Default = YES If NO. but mathematical validity checks are performed. Any violation of the error limits is counted as a fatal error and the run will stop. the same checks are performed as for YES. Error or warning messages are printed for elements violating the limits along with the offending property values. but validity limits cannot be altered by the user. The amount of output is limited to the first 3 occurrences for each individual case.PARAM. CHECKEL Parameter CHECKEL Values Description NO. If YES. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the geometric quality of each element is checked. element quality checks are not performed. See Element Quality Check for an overview of the element quality checking performed by the solver. plus a summary table of all errors. NO. FULL Default = YES If YES. If NO. material property checks are performed as when the value is YES. The amount of output is limited. but all violations are output. the material properties for all referenced material definitions are checked for adherence to the default material requirements as described on the Material Property Check page. mathematical requirement checks only are performed for all referenced material definitions.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If FULL. 1552 OptiStruct 13.PARAM. CHECKMAT Parameter CHECKMAT Values Description YES. If NO. see the REVERSE option below). and the gap element is used to enforce non-penetration condition (for other cases. PARAM.PARAM. CHKGPDIR is superseded by the CKGAPDIR parameter on the GAPPRM bulk data entry if present. except that they are measured from either 0 or 180 degrees reference angle. WARN. all gap elements of non-zero length (distance between GA-GB) that have a prescribed coordinate system CID are checked for misalignment of gap prescribed axis (x-axis of CID) with the vector GA->GB (angles larger than 30 degrees produce errors). between bodies A and B). FULL.0 Reference Guide 1553 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . If REVERSE. the error or warning messages are printed for all gap elements violating this check. orientations of vector GA->GB generally opposite to the prescribed x-axis of CID system are also accepted (this can be used in cases when gap is used to model rope behavior or when there is initial penetration. no gap CID direction checks are performed. For more details. The amount of output is limited to the first ten occurrences. The tolerance levels are the same as for YES. REVERSE Default = YES If YES. rather than gap. If FULL. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. If WARN. refer to the CGAP description. CHKGPDIR Parameter CHKGPDIR Values Description YES. Note that this check applies correctly to the most typical situations where in there is an initial opening between bodies A and B. only warnings are issued. NO. The total stiffness matrix is: where is selected via the subcase information command K2GG. 1554 OptiStruct 13.0 CK2 specifies factors for the direct input stiffness matrix.PARAM.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . CK2 Parameter CK2 Values Description Real Default = 1. and is generated from structural element entries in the bulk data section. 0 Reference Guide 1555 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . CK3 Parameter CK3 Values Description Real Default = 1. The total stiffness matrix is: where is the stiffness generated by all GENEL cards and is the combination of the stiffness generated from structural element entries in the bulk data section and the stiffness generated by the subcase information command K2GG and scaled by PARAM.0 CK3 specifies factors for the stiffness matrix produced by GENEL cards.CK2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.PARAM. The total mass matrix is: where is selected via the subcase information command M2GG.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1556 OptiStruct 13.PARAM.0 CM2 specifies factors for the direct input mass matrix. CM2 Parameter CM2 Values Description Real Default = 1. and is generated from the mass element entries in the bulk data section. cmf). CMFTINIT Parameter CMFTINIT Values Description 0.comp.0 PARAM.PARAM.ent. into components (. These command files are used to organize elements.cmf) or sets (.ent. CMFTINIT defines the lower threshold value used Default = 0.HM.cmf and *.cmf.comp.HM. which formed a topology or free-size design space.0 < REAL < 1.0 Reference Guide 1557 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . based on their optimized densities/thicknesses.0 for the HyperMesh command files *. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. These command files are used to organize elements.0 Default = 0. into components (.HM.cmf) or sets (. CMFTSTEP defines the step or interval value used for the HyperMesh command files *.ent.ent. based on their optimized densities/thicknesses.cmf. which formed a topology or free-size design space.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .cmf).cmf and *.HM. 1558 OptiStruct 13.comp.PARAM. CMFTSTEP Parameter CMFTSTEP Values Description 0.0 < REAL < 1.1 PARAM.comp. CMSALOD Parameter CMSALOD Values Description <YES. If NO. CMSALOD controls the generation of RFORCE and Gravity loads from the mass matrix stored in the PUNCH DMIG or H3DDMIG file. the RFORCE and Gravity loads include the contribution from the mass matrix stored in the PUNCH DMIG or H3DDMIG file. If YES.PARAM. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. NO> Default = YES PARAM. Refer to Direct Matrix Input and DMIG. the DMIG mass contribution is ignored when generating the RFORCE and Gravity loads.0 Reference Guide 1559 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . the run will be terminated with an ERROR if the input file contains directional mass definitions and flexible body generation is requested. NO Default = NO PARAM. CMASS2. 1560 OptiStruct 13. If YES. CMSDIRM allows flexible body generation when directional masses are defined in the input file. and CONM1. If NO. CMSDIRM Parameter CMSDIRM Values Description YES. A warning will be issued for the ignored or approximated CMASS1.PARAM.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . See the User’s Guide entry on Flexible Body Generation. the existence of directional mass will be allowed for flexbody generation runs. However. is tolerable. such that the grids can be aligned on one side of the plate surface. While element offsets are valid for DMIG generation. Setting this parameter to YES will allow problems with this kind of offset to be solved. that is performing CMS with METHOD = CC or CB. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.PARAM. and so in general. you will not solve these problems. CMSOFST Parameter CMSOFST Values Description <YES. NO> Default = NO PARAM. CMSOFST applies to Component Mode Synthesis (CMS) runs for flexbody generation.0 Reference Guide 1561 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . the approximation error for plates offset by half of their thickness. they are undesirable for flexbody generation. that is performing CMS with METHOD = CBN or GUYAN. as it may introduce approximation error into the generated flexh3d file. PARAM.0 Value of the friction coefficient on curvatures for onestep stamping simulation.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1562 OptiStruct 13. COEFFC Parameter Values Description COEFFC Real > 0. 0 Reference Guide 1563 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . results of homogenization of composite properties (equivalent shell and material. PSHELL and MAT2) will be printed in a descriptive form in the “. NO.out” file. Note: The equivalent shell and materials represent composite properties as they are defined in the input deck.PARAM. OptiStruct internally adjusts and changes the composite properties. Such changes are not reflected in the equivalent shell results printed by this command. then results of composite homogenization (equivalent PSHELL and MAT2) will be printed in a version corresponding to bulk data input in large field (long) format. echo of composite homogenization will not be printed. This version can be cut and pasted directly into an OptiStruct input deck. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. COMP2SHL Parameter Values Description COMP2SHL YES. If NO. In optimization runs involving composites. If BULK. BULK Default = NO If YES or blank. NO> Default = NO If YES.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If NO. Contact-friendly elements are activated. PARAM. 1564 OptiStruct 13. CONTFEL. CONTFEL Parameter Values Description CONTFEL <YES. Contact-friendly elements are not activated. YES is recommended when second order solids/gaskets are used with contact analysis in OptiStruct.PARAM. 1. the lumped mass matrix approach is used for eigenvalue analysis. If 1 or YES. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1565 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .PARAM. 0 or NO. NO Default = NO If -1. the coupled mass matrix approach is used for eigenvalue analysis. YES. 0. COUPMASS Parameter Values Description COUPMASS -1. and is generated from the static load entries in the bulk data section.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1566 OptiStruct 13.0 CP2 specifies factors for the direct input load matrix. CP2 Parameter Values Description CP2 Real Default = 1. The total load matrix is: where is selected via the subcase information command P2G.PARAM. which could cause the resulting eigenvalues having a round off difference.0 Reference Guide 1567 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . However. In most cases. NO Default = YES This parameter controls whether to use wall time based cost evaluation to provide the optimal performance in running Lanczos steps. this influence could result in a different number of Lanczos steps. hence it could be influenced by the system load.PARAM. Although it rarely happens. If Yes. If NO. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. it can produce visible differences in optimization runs or in any solution that is sensitive to the small difference of the obtained eigenvalues and eigenvectors. the wall time based cost evaluation is not performed. CSTEVAL Parameter Values Description CSTEVAL YES. the wall time based cost evaluation is performed. The wall time based cost evaluation is a function of system performance. this small difference in solution is completely negligible for analysis. You may choose to increase this value to speed computation. Setting it to 16 turns off the capability to address cancellation error in the eigensolution. The CSTOL value specifies how many decimal digits may be lost to cancellation in one operation during the eigensolution process. at the risk of introducing inaccuracy from uncorrected cancellation error. Since double precision arithmetic maintains nearly 16 digits of precision.PARAM.5 PARAM. the recommended limit of 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . then a cancellation tolerance must be provided. CSTOL Parameter Values Description CSTOL <Real> Default = 3. 1568 OptiStruct 13. If the low rank representation is not selected. Refer to the User’s Guide section.5 on the number of digits lost leaves more than 12 digits. which is quite conservative for maintaining adequate accuracy for engineering purposes. FastFRS Usage (Fast Frequency Response Solver) for more details. and this has consistently been found to give very satisfactory results when the number of modes is under three thousand. CSTOL relates to the FastFRS interface. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. DFREQ Parameter Values Description DFREQ Real Default = 10-5 DFREQ specified the threshold for the elimination of duplicate frequencies on all FREQi bulk data entries. and are considered duplicated if where and are the maximum and minimum excitation frequencies of the combined FREQi entries.PARAM.0 Reference Guide 1569 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . PARAM. NO> Default = NO For vibrational eigenvalue analysis. DISIFMCK Parameter Values Description DISIFMCK <YES.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . However. YES Skip indefinite mass matrix checking. if this is simply caused by numerical ill-conditioning.DISIFMCK may be used to skip the indefinite mass matrix check. 1570 OptiStruct 13. NO Perform indefinite mass matrix checking. the mass matrix must be positive semi-definite. then PARAM. DISJOINT causes the environment variable AMLS_NPART to be set to the value of PARAM.PARAM. PARAM. PARAM. AMLS will read the value of AMLS_NPART and handle the disconnected structure. DISJOINT can be set to a real value for compatibility.AMLSUCON.0 Reference Guide 1571 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . DISJOINT should be set to one larger than the number of disconnected parts as determined by AMLS. DISJOINT Parameter Values Description DISJOINT <Integer> DISJOINT is used to allow AMLS to handle disconnected Default = NONE parts. PARAM. This can also be accomplished with PARAM. DISJOINT. but it is recommended to use an integer value. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. DUPTOL command. 1. use SYSSETTINGS. and Z coordinates on GRID and CORDxx cards with identical ID. DUPTOL Parameter Values Description DUPTOL <0. 3. 5> PARAM. DUPTOL controls how many decimal places Default = 0 can differ when comparing X.PARAM. Y. 4. 1572 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2. Obsolete. OptiStruct 13. and modal effective mass are not output for normal modes analysis. Six rigid body modes are used as objective function in normal modes analysis to obtain [PF] and [EFFMAS].PARAM. [V] is the objective function matrix. [M] is the diagonal modal mass matrix. each of the six directions will have a value of 1. When EFFMAS > 0 or YES. Integer> Default = NO When EFFMAS < 0 or NO. NO. the modal participation factors. Modal Effective Mass = The Modal Effective Mass is a measure of how much mass is associated with each mode.out and . EFFMAS Param eter Values Description EFFMA S <YES. [m] is the system mass matrix. the modal participation factors. and modal effective mass will be computed and output to the .0 Reference Guide 1573 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . whe re Altair Engineering is the matrix of eigenvectors. modal participation factor ratio.0 for the mode that has the maximum Modal Participation Factor and the other modes will have a value less than 1. modal participation factor ratio. The Modal Participation Factor Ratio is the Modal Participation Factor for each rotational and translational direction divided by the maximum Modal Participation Factor of all the modes for that direction. So.pch files for normal modes analysis.0. They are computed as follows: Modal Participation Factor = The Modal Participation Factor is a measure of how close each mode is to a rigid body mode. DMIGPCH in the input data. PARAM. NO> Default = NO This parameter is used to print the inverse of the stiffness matrix created by static reduction to FORTRAN unit 3. After the stiffness matrix is reduced to the ASET DOF.DMIGPCH must also be specified when this parameter is used in order to trigger the static reduction. its inverse is calculated and written using NASTRAN MATPRN format to FORTRAN unit 3. 1574 OptiStruct 13.EXTOUT.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .EXTOUT. The inverse reduced stiffness matrix is written in NASTRAN MATPRN format.PARAM. To perform static reduction there must be ASET data and PARAM. EHD Parameter Values Description EHD <YES. ELASRLMT Parameter ELASRLMT Values Description <Real Number > 0.PARAM.0E + 09 This parameter is used to issue a WARNING when the stiffness value for rotational components on the CELAS2/4 or PELAS entry exceeds the specified limit (ELASRLMT).0 Reference Guide 1575 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Note: This check is overridden when PARAM.0> Default = 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. ELASSTIF is used to control the maximum stiffness value. 3. If only one argument is specified. ELASSTIF. ELASSTIFR: This value applies to rotational stiffness values on the <Real Number > PELAS scalar elastic property entry and the CELAS2/ 0. the same value is used for the second argument.0> PELAS scalar elastic property entry and the CELAS2/ CELAS4 scalar spring property and connection entries. 2. The default for ELASSTIFR is ELASSTIFT.0. If PARAM. If ELASSTIFT is input without specifying a value. b. 1576 OptiStruct 13. <ELASSTIFT>.PARAM. then OptiStruct will error out (no default). Either ELASSTIFT or ELASSTIFR (or both) can be set to 0. ELASSTIF Description This parameter can accept two arguments. This will disable stiffness control for the corresponding translational or rotational stiffnesses.0> CELAS4 scalar spring property and connection entries. respectively will be replaced by ELASSTIFT or ELASSTIFR. Any value on the field “K” on the PELAS or CELAS2/ CELAS4 entry which exceeds ELASSTIFT or ELASSTIFR. No default ELASSTIFT: This value applies to translational stiffness fields on the PELAS scalar elastic property entry and the CELAS2/ CELAS4 scalar spring property and connection entries. the elastic property value (Field K) is not replaced regardless of its value (no stiffness control). BUSHSTIF is not included in the deck. Default = <ELASSTIFT> Note: 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format PARAM. Defaults: a. <ELASSTIFR> Parameter ELASSTIFT ELASSTIFR Values Description <Real Number > This parameter controls the value of field “K” in the 0. ELASSTIF is used to control the maximum stiffness value.PARAM.0> Default = 1E+07 This parameter is used to issue a WARNING when the stiffness value for translational components on the CELAS2/4 or PELAS entry exceeds the specified limit (ELASTLMT). Note: This check is overridden when PARAM. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. ELASTLMT Parameter ELASTLMT Values Description <Real Number > 0.0 Reference Guide 1577 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 1578 OptiStruct 13. ABS. Stresses/forces will be calculated (if requested) based on the relative displacements/velocities/accelerations.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Stresses/ forces will be calculated (if requested) based on the total displacements/velocities/accelerations. If REL. TOTAL or blank. ENFMOTN Parameter Values Description ENFMOTN <REL. the displacements/velocities/accelerations output during Modal Frequency Response Analysis and Modal Transient Response Analysis are relative to the enforced motion specified in the model.PARAM. TOTAL> Default = ABS If ABS. the displacements/velocities/ accelerations output during Modal Frequency Response Analysis and Modal Transient Response Analysis are the total/absolute displacements/velocities/accelerations that include the specified enforced motion. 0 Default = 1. ERPC Parameter Values Description ERPC Real > 0.0 Reference Guide 1579 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .PARAM.0 The speed of sound used in the ERP calculation: Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1580 OptiStruct 13. RHOCP. ERPREFDB is the reference power value specified using this parameter. ERPdB is the Equivalent Radiated Power in decibels.0 This parameter can be used to specify the reference power value used to calculate Equivalent Radiated Power (ERP) in decibels (dB). ERPREFDB Parameter Values Description ERPREFDB Real > 0. Note: The Equivalent Radiated Power (ERP) in decibels can be calculated using the following equation: Where.0 Default = 1. RHOCP is the value of the scale factor specified using the parameter PARAM.PARAM. 0 Default = 1.0 Reference Guide 1581 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . ERPRHO Parameter Values Description ERPRHO Real > 0.PARAM.0 The fluid density used in ERP calculations: Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 Default = 1.0 The Radiation Loss Factor used in the ERP calculation: 1582 OptiStruct 13.PARAM. ERPRLF Parameter Values Description ERPRLF Real > 0. EXCOUT error out if PARAM. but. BOTH. EXCEXB Parameter EXCEXB Values Description <YES. the AVL/EXCITE .out4) value is provided. If NO. no (. EXCEXB.exb file and the old files input file.out4. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. . is not included in Note: PARAM.0 Reference Guide 1583 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .PARAM. the AVL/EXCITE . is included in the If BOTH. EXCOUT in the model.doft. are output.geom. EXCOUT. OptiStruct will PARAM. _mff.exb file directly from OptiStruct. NO> This parameter controls the output of the AVL/EXCITE . EXCEXB. then specified without PARAM. then the default value is YES. YES/BOTH should be used in the input file (and conjunction with PARAM. YES/BOTH is is present).out4. the default value is BOTH. _x2oa. the AVL EXCITE interface output files are not If this parameter output.exb file is output. and . Defaults If this parameter If YES. Otherwise. 6> Default = 0 Output of condensed superelement information for AVL/ EXCITE. 1 DOF. PARAM.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 4. 2. the entire model is output when the MODEL card is not present. and elements tables (GEOM1. -1 No output. EXCOUT is present in the input deck. 4 3 + unreduced mass matrix (MFF). 1584 OptiStruct 13. 0. When PARAM. and USET). 5. 6 4 + eigenvectors of condensed system (PHA) and the grid point stress table (OGS1).PARAM. geometry. 0 All output.1 is defined.EXCOUT. GEOM2. 1. 1. BOTH is automatically activated if PARAM. EXCEXB. as well as the reduced mass and stiffness matrices (MAA and KMAA). EXCOUT Parameter Values Description EXCOUT <-1. 3. 3 1 + eigenvectors of the full system (GOA transpose). EQEXIN. only the ASET dofs are output when the MODEL card is not present. 5 1 + eigenvectors of condensed system (PHA) and the grid point stress table (OGS1). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1585 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . This version is designed to facilitate obtaining converged. This may lead to a large number of nonlinear iterations for poorly converging problems. In particular. AUTO YES activates a nonlinear "expert system" that aids in the convergence of small displacement nonlinear problems (NLSTAT). This parameter does not apply to geometric nonlinear solution sequences (NLGEOM. under-relaxation. automatic adjustment of the load increment. The stabilization is applied only during incremental loading and is not present in the final solution for the respective nonlinear subcase. high accuracy solutions without much concern for computational time. this version may adjust the time step. EXPERTNL Parameter Values Description EXPERTNL YES.PARAM. The system monitors the convergence of nonlinear processes and. as well as backing off to the last convergent solution and retrying. including increasing the time step beyond that prescribed on the NLPARM card. These measures include: performing additional iterations. implements measures designed to improve convergence for poorly converging cases. especially in cases where individual parts lack full support and are supported only by contact. NO. AUTO activates a “light” version of the expert system. IMPDYN or EXPDYN). CNTSTB. if needed. which is designed to facilitate converging nonlinear process in reasonably close to minimum number of iterations. Default = AUTO CNTSTB additionally introduces temporary stabilization on contact interfaces (CONTACT or GAP(G) elements) that may improve nonlinear convergence. EXTOUT Parameter Values Description EXTOUT DMIGPCH. the matrices are written to a binary . If DMIGBIN. See the User's Guide section The Direct Matrix Approach for more detailed information. the matrices are written to an ASCII .dmg file.pch file. 1586 OptiStruct 13. If DMIGPCH.PARAM. DMIGBIN No default EXTOUT controls the output of reduced matrices to external data files for use in subsequent analyses.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Single Program. AUTO (Default). If YES.0 Reference Guide 1587 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .PARAM. FASTFR Parameter Values Description FASTFR <YES. and if FASTFR is allowed (see comments). Viscous degrees of freedom are significantly large. If the FASTFR method is not activated. The FASTFR method will be allowed. the faster method is automatically Default = AUTO chosen by the program for Modal Frequency Response Analysis. Multiple modal spaces exist in the model. if Shared Memory Parallelism (SMP) parallelization has been requested by specifying the number of processors using the –nproc run option. the standard method is used (see comments). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 2. Comments: The FASTFR method will be ignored for Modal Frequency Response Analysis. it activates an alternative method to run Modal Frequency Response Analysis that enhances the performance. the FASTFR method is deselected and the program is run using the standard solution method. if: 1. Multiple Data (SPMD) parallelization has been requested. NO> If. If NO. 3. then the external FastFRS solver is used. then the internal solver is used. Refer to the User’s Guide section. such as those common in automotive NVH analysis.PARAM. NO> Default = NO This parameter is used to invoke the external FastFRS (Fast Frequency Response Solver). If YES. If NO.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . FastFRS Usage (Fast Frequency Response Solver) for more details. 1588 OptiStruct 13. Note that FastFRS must be installed on the system and the environment variable FASTFRS_EXE must point to the FastFRS executable for this setting to work. This solver is very efficient for a certain class of large modal frequency response problems. FFRS Parameter Values Description FFRS <YES. Refer to the User’s Guide section.0. then FastFRS will set FFRSLFREQ to 1. It defines a frequency cut-off value in Hertz used to partition the structural system into low frequency and high frequency parts. to improve matrix condition numbers and solution accuracy at a very small computational cost. If the value is defined as 0.PARAM. FFRSLFREQ Parameter Values Description FFRSLFREQ <Real> Default = 1.0 Reference Guide 1589 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . FFRSLFREQ relates to the FastFRS interface. FastFRS Usage (Fast Frequency Response Solver) for more details. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 PARAM.0. For example.0 Gigabytes in the same run. If the environment variable FFRS_MEM is set. 4.PARAM. Refer to the User’s Guide section. If this parameter is not set. 3. FFRS is set to YES.0 Gigabytes and FastFRS with 20. FastFRS will use the amount of memory that OptiStruct is using for the run. 1590 OptiStruct 13. it will override the value set using PARAM. OptiStruct can be run with 10. FFRSMEM. FastFRS Usage (Fast Frequency Response Solver) for more details. FFRSMEM Parameter Values Description FFRSMEM <Real> This parameter is used to define the amount of memory in Gigabytes to be used by the external FastFRS modal equation solver. OptiStruct and FastFRS can be run with different allocations of memory. 2. This parameter is only valid for FastFRS versions 2 and higher. This parameter is only valid when PARAM. Default = Memory used by OptiStruct for a particular run. Note: 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . FastFRS Usage (Fast Frequency Response Solver) for more details. FFRSNCPU Parameter FFRSNCPU Values Description <Integer> Default = number of cpu's used by OptiStruct. Refer to the User’s Guide section. FFRS or the run option –ffrs is set to YES.PARAM. 3. If FFRSNCPU is not set. but AMLSNCPU is set. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This parameter will set the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS. PARAM. For example.0 Reference Guide 1591 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The default value is the current value of OMP_NUM_THREADS. FFRSNCPU relates to the FastFRS interface. 2. OptiStruct can be run with one processor and FastFRS with four processors in the same run. This parameter is only valid when PARAM. the FastFRS will use the number of cpu’s specified by AMLSNCPU. This parameter is used to define the number of cpu’s to be used by the external FastFRS solver. OptiStruct and FastFRS can be run with different allocations of processors. Note 1. FLEXH3D Parameter Values Description FLEXH3D AUTO. the run will continue using the existing flexh3d file. Previously generated flexh3d files are checked for validity. flexh3d files are generated for all flexible bodies.PARAM. YES. If AUTO. If YES.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The run makes use of previously generated files. flexh3d files are not generated. An error termination will occur if no such files exist. flexh3d files are generated only for those flexible bodies for which no previously generated flexh3d file exists. NO Default = AUTO This parameter controls the generation of flexh3d files for flexible bodies in an MBD analysis. If the file is found to be invalid (has a different mass or the wrong number of grids). an error termination will occur. if the file is valid for the corresponding flex-body definition. overwriting existing files (if present). 1592 OptiStruct 13. If NO. and the solution will be terminated with an error to avoid inaccurate results. YES Default = NO If YES. severely distorted and possibly inverted elements will be accepted by the solver. If NO. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1593 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .PARAM. severely distorted elements will not be accepted by the solver. This is limited to first order tetra (CTETRA) and tria (CTRIA3) elements. FLIPOK Parameter Values Description FLIPOK NO. FRIC Parameter Values Description FRIC <REAL> Default = 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . FRIC defines a multiplier for matrices (DMIG) referenced by K2PP.PARAM. 1594 OptiStruct 13.0 PARAM. Note: To set the rigid body mode cutoff eigenvalue for the AMSES and AMLS eigensolvers. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. use PARAM. That is all eigenmodes with frequency at or below this cutoff will be regarded as rigid body modes in the inertia relief analysis. FZERO Parameter Values Description FZERO <Real> Default = 0.1 This parameter defines the maximum frequency for a rigid body mode for the Lanczos eigensolver.PARAM. RBMEIG.0 Reference Guide 1595 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Note: To achieve identical displacements in Modal frequency response or Modal transient analyses when the SDAMPING bulk data entry is used instead of PARAM. 1596 OptiStruct 13. C/C0 by 2. The TYPE field in the TABDMP1 bulk data entry should be set to CRIT. multiply the critical damping ratio.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .-1. To obtain the value for the parameter G. 2.0. This TABDMP1 bulk data entry is referenced by the SDAMPING subcase information entry. KDAMP.PARAM. 3. G (that is set the constant value to C/C0). Set the damping value (field gi) in the TABDMP1 bulk data entry equal to half of the value of PARAM.0 G specifies the uniform structural damping coefficient in the formulation of dynamics problems. G Parameter Values Description G <Real> Default = 0. Set PARAM. the steps described here can be followed: 1. G. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1597 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . PCOMPP. G can be used to set the value to a constant value for the entire structure. In addition. PBUSHT. sets the table ID for GE on the MATTx material data to zero. PBUSH.0 to remove all material-based structural damping from the model. the table ID for GE on MATTx material data will be set to zero. and PCOMPG data. PCOMP. The GE_MOD setting of NO_GE is used to remove all structural damping from the model. PELAST. GE_MOD can be set to 0. The damping from PARAM. GE_MOD Parameter Values Description GE_MOD <Real or NO_GE> No default The real value of GE_MOD overrides the value of GE specified in all MATx material data. and overrides the value of GE specified on the PCOMP. the value of GE will be set to zero on all MATx material data and the GE values specified in the CELAS2. When NO_GE is specified.PARAM. G will also be applied when GE_MOD is present. PCOMPP. PELAS. and PCOMPG data will also be set to zero. PARAM. 1598 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . C/C0. G is applied to structural portion and PARAM. PARAM.PARAM. To obtain the value for the parameter GFL.0. In coupled fluid-structure models. GFL to the fluid portion. GFL Parameter Values Description GFL <Real> Default = 0. multiply the critical damping ration.0 GFL specifies the uniform fluid damping coefficient in the formulation of dynamics problems. by 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.PARAM. GMAR Parameter Values Description GMAR <REAL> Default = 1. Refer to the User’s Guide section.0 Reference Guide 1599 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . GMAR is used to control the accuracy of the AMLS solution.1 PARAM. Using the AMLS (Automatic Multi-Level Sub-structuring) Eigensolver for more details. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1600 OptiStruct 13. GMAR1 is used to control the accuracy of the AMLS solution. Using the AMLS (Automatic Multi-Level Sub-structuring) Eigensolver for more details. GMAR1 Parameter Values Description GMAR1 <REAL> Default = 1. Refer to the User’s Guide section.7 PARAM.PARAM. GPSLOC Parameter GPSLOC Values Description Z1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. top surface (Z2). They can be calculated at the bottom surface (Z1).mnf file.0 Reference Guide 1601 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Z2 and MID Used to control the where grid point stresses are calculated for output to the . or at the midplane (MID).PARAM. GPSLOC is used to specify the location of the calculation of the grid point stresses. they have the same magnitude. Default = Z1 The highest stresses are at the bottom (Z1) or top (Z2) surface of the shell. For pure bending. UCORD is not specified. or CID given is not found. GRDPNT Parameter GRDPNT Values Description <GID> If = -1. CID = -1. 1602 OptiStruct 13. Default = -1 If = 0. UCORD. all values are calculated relative to the basic coordinate system. 2. the center of gravity coordinates are relative to the origin of the basic coordinate system and are expressed in the coordinate system CID. 3. If > 0. If PARAM. no output from grid point weight generator. GRDPNT is not specified in the input deck. the center of gravity coordinates are relative to GID and are expressed in the coordinate system CID. If PARAM. UCORD. The coordinate system CID is defined by PARAM. Note: 1. then the center of gravity and moment of inertia are not output regardless of the value of PARAM.PARAM.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . PARAM. If LONG. GRIDFORM Parameter Values Description GRODFORM < LONG. the Fixed Format is used to output the . If SHORT (Default).grid file. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1603 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . SHORT > Default = SHORT This parameter controls the output format of the .grid file.grid file. the Large Field Fixed Format is used to output the . A frequency-dependent looping option is activated. frequency-dependent looping does not occur and an average frequency method is used to calculate the rotor dynamic terms.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The run time is lower compared to PARAM. WR3 and PARAM. PARAM. Refer to the User’s Guide section. GYROAVG. the run time is higher compared to PARAM. -1 If this formulation is selected. -1> Default = 0 This parameter is used to select the frequency response analysis formulation type for rotor dynamics analysis. WR4 must be specified for this formulation to include rotor damping. GYROAVG.PARAM. 1604 OptiStruct 13. GYROAVG. 0 If this formulation is selected. however. GYROAVG Parameter GYROAVG Values Description <0. 0 as this option avoids intensive calculations for each frequency. -1 as the calculation process has to be repeated for each frequency in the specified range. PARAM. the frequencydependent rotor dynamics terms are calculated for each frequency. GYROAVG. Rotor Dynamics for more details. PARAM. PARAM. hash-table based assembly method is used. NO Default = NO This parameter is used to enable the hash-table based assembly method. If NO. The reduction in the overall memory requirement is problem-dependant. hash-table based assembly method is not used. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. If YES. HASHASSM Parameter Values Description HASHASSM YES. For problems where modules other than the assembly module are dictating the overall memory requirement.0 Reference Guide 1605 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The hash-table based assembly method reduces the memory requirement of the assembly module by about a factor of 3 for linear static analyses. Using the hash-table based assembly method while possibly reducing memory requirements may result in longer run times. and by about a factor of 7 for frequency response analyses involving material damping. using this alternative assembly method will not result in a reduction in the overall memory requirement. by about a factor of 5 for eigenvalue analyses. If PARAM.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . HFREQ. Default = None Defaults HFREQ is used in Response Spectrum Analysis to specify the upper bound of the frequency range of interest for modal combination. HFREQ is input Note: without 1. The Residual Vector (RESVEC) calculation still specifying a includes the modes above HFREQ so that they are value. HFREQ Parameter Values Description HFREQ Real> (Hertz) Modes with frequencies higher than HFREQ are not used in Modal Frequency Response and Modal Transient Analysis. 1606 OptiStruct 13. then the normalized correctly. Modes that are eliminated by PARAM. or b) an “H” next to the mode number if the mode is eliminated only by PARAM.PARAM. HFREQ in another subcase. HFREQ will display: a) an “S” next to the mode number if the mode is eliminated by MODESELECT in one subcase and PARAM. solution runs into an error 2. OptiStruct 13. HFREQFL is input without specifying a value. then the solution runs into an error Altair Engineering Note: Modes that are eliminated by PARAM. HFREQFL will display an “H” next to the mode number. HFREQFL Parameter Values Description HFREQFL Real> (Hertz) Modes with frequencies greater than HFREQFL are not used in Coupled Modal Frequency Response Analysis.0 Reference Guide 1607 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Default = None Defaults If PARAM. HFREQFL can be used to remove Rigid Body Modes from the Modal Space.PARAM. YES: the long (64-bit) integer sparse direct solver is used. this parameter can still be used to enforce activation. With automatic memory allocation mode.PARAM. even if the 64-bit integer solver is not the preferred choice in certain scenarios. NO Default = NO This parameter is used to enforce the activation of internal long (64-bit) integer sparse direct solver. the solver automatically decides whether or not to switch the 64-bit integer solver on. I64SLV Parameter Values Description I64SLV YES. However. NO: the short (32-bit) integer sparse direct solver is used. 1608 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = -2. -1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. -2 > INREL controls the calculation of inertia relief.0 Reference Guide 1609 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . for static subcases -2 requests inertia relief analysis without the need for a SUPORT/SUPORT1 entry. The total number of degrees-of-freedom specified on SUPORT and SUPORT1 cards must be less than or equal to six. SUPORT and SUPORT1 cards are treated like SPC in this case. for modal frequency response subcases -1 requests that inertia relief be performed. 0 requests that constrained analysis be performed. Default = 0. INREL Parameter Values Description INREL < 0.PARAM. SUPORT or SUPORT1 cards are required in the bulk data section to restrain rigid body motion. then the ‘Tape Label’ is written at the beginning of the OUTPUT2 results file.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . ITAPE Parameter Values Description ITAPE -1. 0 Default = -1 If ITAPE = -1. 1610 OptiStruct 13.PARAM. INTRFACE Parameter Values Description INTRFACE YES. INTRFACE.interface file which contains data about the Fluid-Structure Coupling. OptiStruct generates the .0 Reference Guide 1611 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . and PARAM. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. When the fluid domain is represented by an MFLUID card. The . If NO.wetel file can then be loaded into HyperMesh to visualize the locations of submerged/damp elements in the model. NO Default = YES If YES.interface file is not generated. OptiStruct generates the .interface file can then be loaded into HyperMesh to verify if the Fluid and Structure meshes are properly connected at the interface. The . YES is specified. The parameters that determine the Fluid-Structure coupling are set in the ACMODL Data. Comments 1. the .wetel file which contains data about the wet elements resulting from MFLUID cards.PARAM. If the low rank representation for the structural damping matrix is selected. The value is set using K4CUTOFF. K4CUTOFF relates to the FastFRS interface. K4CUTOFF Parameter Values Description K4CUTOFF <Real> Default = 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Refer to the User’s Guide section.PARAM. a cut-off value must be set. FastFRS Usage (Fast Frequency Response Solver) for more details.1 PARAM. 1612 OptiStruct 13. OptiStruct 13. 2.PARAM. KDAMP. The TYPE field in the TABDMP1 bulk data entry should be set to CRIT. If KDAMP is set to 1. This TABDMP1 bulk data entry is referenced by the SDAMPING subcase information entry. G (that is set the constant value to C/C0). -1 > Default = 1 If KDAMP is set to –1. the steps described here can be followed: Altair Engineering 1. KDAMP Parameter Values Description KDAMP < 1. Note: To achieve identical displacements in Modal frequency response or Modal transient analyses when the SDAMPING subcase information entry is used instead of PARAM.0 Reference Guide 1613 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . modal damping is entered into the complex stiffness matrix as viscous damping. Set PARAM. Set the damping value (field gi) in the TABDMP1 bulk data entry equal to half of the value of PARAM.-1 (See description above). G. 3. modal damping is entered into the complex stiffness matrix as material damping. the rigid elements contribution to the geometric stiffness matrix is omitted. the rigid elements contribution to the geometric stiffness matrix is included. KGRGD Parameter Values Description KGRGD YES. This is the default. NO Default = NO If YES. This may result in missing buckling modes that are found in other codes.PARAM. If NO.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1614 OptiStruct 13. LFREQ is used in Response Spectrum Analysis to specify the lower bound of the frequency range of interest for modal combination. LFREQ in another subcase. LFREQ Parameter Values Description LFREQ <Real> (Hertz) Modes with frequencies less than LFREQ are not used in Modal Frequency Response and Modal Transient Analysis. if the mode is eliminated only by PARAM. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. LFREQ. Default = None Defaults If PARAM. LFREQ can be used to remove Rigid Body Modes from the Modal Space. if the mode is eliminated by MODESELECT in one subcase and PARAM. 2. Modes that are eliminated by PARAM. LFREQ is input without specifying a value.0 Reference Guide 1615 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The Residual Vector (RESVEC) calculation still includes the modes below LFREQ so that they are normalized correctly. LFREQ will display: a) an “S” next to the mode number. Note: 1. then the solution runs into an error. or b) an “L” next to the mode number.PARAM. LFREQFL can be used to remove Rigid Body Modes from the Modal Space. LFREQFL will display an “L” next to the mode number. 1616 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = None Defaults If PARAM. LFREQFL is input without specifying a value.PARAM. then the solution runs into an error Note: Modes that are eliminated by PARAM. LFREQFL Parameter Values Description LFREQFL Real> (Hertz) Modes with frequencies less than LFREQFL are not used in Coupled Modal Frequency Response Analysis. The corresponding nonlinear solution parameters should be specified in the NLPARM bulk data entry. LGDISP Parameter Values Description LGDISP <0.PARAM. Large displacement nonlinear static analysis is activated. If LGDISP = 0 or -1. The corresponding nonlinear solution parameters should be specified in the NLPARM bulk data entry. 1. -1> Default = 0 If LGDISP = 1. Large displacement nonlinear static analysis is deactivated (Small displacement nonlinear static analysis is the default).0 Reference Guide 1617 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the modal stresses are also output to the . If YES. 1618 OptiStruct 13. LMSOUT Parameter Values Description LMSOUT <YES.op2 file.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This parameter controls the output of the condensed flex STRESS> body modes. full diagonal mass matrix. the condensed flex body modes and the full diagonal mass matrix are output to the . and modal stresses Default = NO to the .op2 file.PARAM.op2 file. the condensed flex body modes.op2 file. full diagonal mass matrix and the modal stresses are not output to the . NO. If STRESS. If NO. FastFRS Usage (Fast Frequency Response Solver) for more details. then FastFRS computes a full eigensolution using the data found in either the optimization FSPSD data block or the diagonal stiffness and structural damping data blocks.0 Reference Guide 1619 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .PARAM. Default = 0 It indicates to FastFRS which solution strategy to use to handle the modal structural damping matrix. the mass and stiffness matrices are full and a low rank representation cannot be used. Note that for optimization problems.-1 or 1> PARAM. FastFRS takes advantage of this special case when the value of LOWRANK is set to 1 by treating the matrix found in the structural damping data block and the fluid matrices as low rank representations. LOWRANK Parameter Values Description LOWRANK <0. If the value is -1. Refer to the User’s Guide section. and fluid viscous damping matrix data blocks are all diagonal. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. A special case of this option occurs when acoustic fluid is present in the model and the matrices found in the fluid mass matrix. If the value is 0. LOWRANK relates to the FastFRS interface. a low rank representation of the matrix found in structural damping is used. fluid stiffness matrix. then set PARAM. 1620 OptiStruct 13.PARAM. MASSDMIG Parameter Values Description MASSDMIG YES.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . MASSDMIG to YES. If the reduced mass matrix is also desired. NO Default = NO For static condensation with ASET of a static loadcase. the reduced stiffness matrix [k] and load vector {p} are created. PARAM. a WARNING message is issued and no viscous residual vectors are calculated. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Solution times can be greatly extended due to the calculation of large numbers of viscous residual vectors. if this is not intended by the user. MAXDAMP Parameter MAXDAMP Values Description <Integer> Default = 400 Identifies the maximum number of viscous residual vectors that are to be calculated. If MAXDAMP is exceeded.0 Reference Guide 1621 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . h3d or _mbd. modal based results are output to the _mbd. 1622 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If NODAL.PARAM. BOTH. Note: If the HyperMesh output format is requested. nodal based results are output to the . MBD results are not output to either the .h3d results file.res file.h3d file. MBDH3D Parameter Values Description MBDH3D NODAL. If BOTH. If NONE. If MODAL.h3d results file. nodal results are output to the .h3d results format for MBD analyses. NONE Default = BOTH This parameter controls the type of results output to the . MODAL.h3d results file and modal results are output to the _mbd.h3d results file. regardless of this parameter setting. nodal based results will be output to the . MBDREC Parameter Values Description MBDREC YES. and strain results of the flex body. See the User’s Guide entry on Flexible Body Generation. The large file is used along with the MotionSolve calculated result (. acceleration. MBDREC creates two flexible body files during Component Mode Synthesis (CMS). acceleration. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. These results can be output in the .h3d is generated that contains the minimum amount of information required for MBD simulation in MotionSolve. MBDINP data in an OptiStruct transient analysis to recover displacement.mrf) file specified with the ASSIGN. A larger file *_recov.h3d files. and strain.op2 and . stress.PARAM.0 Reference Guide 1623 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . A small *. stress. NO Default = NO PARAM.h3d will also be generated that contains the information from the small file as well as recovery information for displacement. velocity. velocity. the total memory requirement (T) to perform eigenvalue analysis using AMLS was the sum of the memory required by OptiStruct (O). memory trim is active. Thus: T = O + A + M. MIO library requirement. (M). NO This parameter is used to activate/deactivate the memory Default = YES trim feature for AMLS runs. With memory trim enabled. Without memory trim.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . the memory exclusively allocated for AMLS (A). for example. and other miscellaneous memory requirements. If NO. the total memory requirement is reduced to: T = max(O. 1624 OptiStruct 13.PARAM. MEMTRIM Parameter MEMTRIM Values Description YES. memory trim is inactive. AMLS is an external program that requires its own memory and disk space to perform eigenvalue analysis.A) + M. If YES. Defaults: If an entry of the mode tracking matrix is greater than the specified threshold. TRAKMETH is set to 0. -If this parameter is included in the input file.If this parameter is not included in the input file.7 if PARAM. the eigenvectors of previous and current iterations (corresponding to the row number and column number of the entry) are assumed to have correspondence. TRAKMETH is set to 2. and PARAM. If PARAM.0> This parameter defines a threshold for the mode tracking matrix to check eigenvector correspondence.0 must be specified. the modal assurance criterion (MAC) is used and PARAM. MFILTER is set to be 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. MFILTER is equal to 0. The value of PARAM. MFILTER is set to 0. MFILTER is set to 0. . The value of PARAM.7. and PARAM. TRAKMETH is set to 1.PARAM. then running the program will result in an error. MFILTER Parameter Values Description MFILTER <0.5.0 Reference Guide 1625 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . no value is provided. but. TRAKMETH is set to 0 or 1. If PARAM. then: If PARAM. MFILTER is equal to 0. In such cases a real value between 0. the modal assurance criterion square root (MACSR) is used.0 and 1.0 < real number < 1. TRAKMETH is set to 2.7.5 if PARAM. the mass matrix based cross-orthogonality criterion (CORC) is used to check for eigenvector correspondence. the values of optimized modes may increase substantially during the optimization process. You are advised to provide a wide range or large number of modes in the EIGRL card to protect against optimized modes being lost.PARAM. MODETRAK Parameter Values Description MODETRAK -1. mode shapes can change greatly due to the reorganization of material within the design domain. Mode numbers are tracked by comparing eigenvectors between iterations. mode tracking is not used. 1626 OptiStruct 13. otherwise optimization will stop.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If this mode is not a part of the objective. increase the number of modes or range of modes being retrieved. For some models. If optimization is halted for this reason. 0 or NO. the following symbols are used in the output format: * Indicates that the tracked mode was not found in the modes retrieved for that iteration. ~ Indicates that the tracked mode was found but does not correlate well with the original mode. 1. Note: In topology optimization. Mode numbers are determined by frequency. optimization will continue and mode will be tracked if found in later iterations. If 1 or YES. mode tracking is used. YES. mode tracking may be of limited effectiveness. Note: This parameter is ignored if a MODTRAK subcase information entry is present in the input. 0. Also. NO Default = NO If -1. Optimization will continue. Concerning mode tracking. If 0.0 Reference Guide 1627 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . If 1. 1 Default = 0 This parameter is used to check for negative diagonal mass. negative diagonal mass or inertia from CONM2 is allowed. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. NEGMASS Parameter NEGMASS Values Description 0.PARAM. an error termination will occur if negative diagonal mass is discovered. PARAM. If YES.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . NLAFILE Parameter NLAFILE Values Description <YES. the animation files are removed after geometric nonlinear analysis. If NO. 1628 OptiStruct 13. the animation files are retained after geometric nonlinear analysis. NO> Default = NO This parameter controls the output of animation files (A-File) in geometric nonlinear analysis. PARAM. If this parameter does not exist in the deck. no value (YES/ NO) is specified. NLFAT. acceptable results may be generated in the following cases: During a nonlinear run (ANALYSIS=NLSTAT). YES should always be interpreted with caution. This statement is based on the assumption that nonlinear analysis is run until shakedown is achieved. the Scale and Offset fields on the FATLOAD entry should be left blank as the stresses and strains cannot be scaled and superimposed. the fatigue results will most likely be incorrect since the magnitude of plastic strain may not be close to the steady state strain value. NO> Default = NO Defaults: 1. NO. however. fatigue results based on nonlinear results using PARAM. surfaces that match from the beginning).PARAM. Regardless of the model type. YES can be introduced to force OptiStruct to run fatigue analysis based on a nonlinear subcase (ANALYSIS=NLSTAT). then the default behavior is NO. forces OptiStruct to run models in which fatigue solutions (using the FATLOAD entry) reference nonlinear quasi-static analysis (NLSTAT) subcases. PARAM. the default behavior is NO. In both cases. 2. NLFAT. Additionally. acceptable results may be generated if contact based nonlinearity exists in the model (ANALYSIS=NLSTAT) and the contact area is not expected to change appreciably as the load increases (for example. NLFAT.0 Reference Guide 1629 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . NLFAT. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. If this parameter exists in the deck. YES. Nonlinear analysis results are not recommended for use in a fatigue analysis because nonlinear stresses and strains cannot be scaled and superimposed. does not allow NLSTAT subcases to be referenced by the FATLOAD data entry and the solution errors out if such models are run. NLFAT Parameter NLFAT Values Description <YES. acceptable results may be generated if a model uses elasto-plastic material and NEUBER correction is turned OFF (Plasticity field on FATPARM bulk data entry). Note: PARAM. however. If strain results from the nonlinear analysis are used prior to shakedown. If YES. 1630 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . NO> Default = NO This parameter controls the output of restart files (R-File) in geometric nonlinear analysis. If NO. the restart files are removed after geometric nonlinear analysis.PARAM. NLRFILE Parameter NLRFILE Values Description <YES. the restart files are retained after geometric nonlinear analysis. geometric nonlinear analysis subcases run automatically after conversion. NO> Default = YES The parameter controls if geometric nonlinear analysis subcases run automatically after these subcases in bulk format are converted into block format.PARAM. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. If NO. If YES.0 Reference Guide 1631 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . geometric nonlinear analysis subcases do not run automatically after conversion. NLRUN Parameter NLRUN Values Description <YES. PARAM. Example of INFORMATION #741. 1632 OptiStruct 13. RBAR element id = 20436260 independent grid id = 20374048 dependent grid id = 20367448 This is because there isn't any stiffness and load on the rotational dof of the dependent grid.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . NPRBAR Parameter NPRBAR Values Description <INTEGER> Default = 3 Controls the number of the output INFORMATION #741 for RBAR elements. *** INFORMATION # 741 No need to constrain the rotational dof of this dependent grid. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. RBE2 element id = 20436260 independent grid id = 20374048 dependent grid id = 20367448 This is because there isn't any stiffness and load on the rotational dof of the dependent grid.0 Reference Guide 1633 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . *** INFORMATION # 741 No need to constrain the rotational dof of this dependent grid. Example of INFORMATION #741. NPRBE2 Parameter NPRBE2 Values Description <INTEGER> Default = 3 Controls the number of the output INFORMATION #741 for RBE2 elements.PARAM. NPRGDE Parameter NPRGDE Values Description <INTEGER> Default = 3 Controls the number of the output INFORMATION #742. *** INFORMATION # 742 The dependent rotational dof of this rigid element is removed. RBE2 element id = 20436262 independent grid id = 20374050 a dependent grid id = 20367345 This is because there is no need to constrain the rotational dof of any of the dependent grids.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1634 OptiStruct 13.PARAM. Example of INFORMATION #742. When Lanczos is used. When AMLS/AMSES is used. the disk space estimate is based on this value plus the number of the potential residual vectors.NUMEG includes the number of potential residual vectors. NUMEG Parameter NUMEG Values <Integer> 1000 Altair Engineering Description When ND on the EIGRL/EIGRA data is blank. the disk space estimate is based only on the value of PARAM.out file for modal frequency response and the transient analysis is based on the number of modes specified by PARAM.NUMEG.NUMEG. it is assumed that PARAM. OptiStruct 13.PARAM. the disk space estimate in the .0 Reference Guide 1635 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . In this case. op2 file. PARAM. OGEOM. OGEOM Parameter Values Description OGEOM <YES. 1636 OptiStruct 13.op2 file. OP2 setting. NO> Default = YES PARAM. YES will output model data to the . This functionality is also controlled by the MODEL/NOMODEL option on the OUTPUT. OP2 I/O option. OGEOM.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . NO will not output model data to the .op2 file.PARAM. OGEOM controls the output of model (geometry) data to the . PARAM. but this parameter setting will override the OUTPUT. PARAM. OMACHPR controls the Nastran version for some OP2 datablocks.0 Reference Guide 1637 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . NO> Default = NO PARAM. NO means that the old Nastran version should be used. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. YES means that the new Nastran version should be used. OMACHPR Parameter Values Description OMACHPR <YES. regardless of what is defined on the MID/THETA field of the element card.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Stress and strain results are always output to OUTPUT2 and H3D output formats with reference to the elemental system. YES indicates that shell and membrane stresses/strains are with reference to the material coordinate system. as defined by the MID/THETA field of the element card. 1638 OptiStruct 13. and OPTI output formats. NO> Default = YES Controls the coordinate system used by shell and membrane elements for stress and strain results. This affects the recovery of optimization responses as well as results output to the HM.PARAM. PUNCH. OMID Parameter Values Description OMID <YES. NO indicates that shell and membrane stresses/strains are with reference to the elemental coordinate system. OP2GM34 controls the output of GEOM3 and Default = TRUE GEOM4 data blocks to the .PARAM. POST. TRUE will output GEOM3 and GEOM4 data blocks to the .0 Reference Guide 1639 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .op2 file if PARAM. OP2GM34 Parameter Values Description OP2GM34 <TRUE. FALSE> PARAM. OP2GM34. -1 is specified. POST. PARAM. PARAM. OP2GM34.op2 file if PARAM. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.op2 file. -1 is specified. FALSE will not output GEOM3 and GEOM4 data blocks to the . NO> Default = NO This parameter is used to print the applied load vector in DMIG form to the .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1640 OptiStruct 13.pligext file. The DMIG NAME is PLIGEXT.PARAM. PLIGEXT Parameter Values Description PLIGEXT <YES. To generate the .pligext file the oload(opti)=all command must also be requested. op2 files. PARAM. -5 will write the stiffness and mass matrices to the .0 Reference Guide 1641 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . in addition to creating the . -2 will create the . The GEOM3. GPDT and GPL data blocks are also included in the .op2 file when PARAM. ITAPE set to -1.m. POST to the bulk data section of the input deck will activate the creation of the . POST. -2.PARAM. POST. POST Parameter Values Description POST <0.op2 file with displacement results output in the analysis system and PARAM. -5> Default = 0 Adding PARAM.op2 file. ITAPE set to 0.k. ITAPE set to -1. -1 will create the . PARAM. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.op2 file with displacement results output in the analysis system and PARAM.op2 and the . POST. -2 is used. PARAM. respectively. -1. POST.op2 file with displacement results output in the basic coordinate system and PARAM. The modal complex stiffness matrix is: Where G is the PARAM. POSTEXT Parameter Values Description POSTEXT YES.G structural damping value and [Kge] is the structural damping matrix based on the structural damping values on the MATi data. the modal complex stiffness matrix (KHH) and. The modal viscous damping matrix is: 1642 OptiStruct 13. if it exists.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .PARAM.YES. the modal viscous damping matrix (BHH) are written to the .op2 file when frequency response analysis is performed. NO Default = NO If PARAM.POSTEXT. If this parameter exists in the deck. PRESUBNL. PARAM. NO does not allow Linear Buckling Analysis or Preloaded Analysis with nonlinear materials or large displacement nonlinear analysis to be defined and the solution errors out if such models are run. or MGASK) or large displacement nonlinear analysis. then the default behavior is NO. OptiStruct 13. no value (YES/ NO) is specified. the default behavior is NO.0 Reference Guide 1643 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . MATHE. in conjunction with nonlinear materials (MATS1. It is the user’s responsibility to interpret such results with caution. YES forces OptiStruct to run models. NO Default = NO Defaults: If this parameter does not exist in the deck. Altair Engineering PARAM.PARAM. in which Linear Buckling Analysis or Preloaded Analysis is defined. PRESUBNL Parameter PRESUBNL Values Description YES. PRESUBNL. Note: Linear Buckling Analysis or Preloaded Analysis is not recommended in models with nonlinear materials or large displacement nonlinear analysis. however. out file.No AUTOSPC data will be printed. PRGPST. NO. PRGPST.out file. PARAM. PRGPST. YES Default = YES A maximum of 100 degrees of freedom (DOF) of AUTOSPC data will be printed in the . PRGPST. NO .out file. PARAM. PRGPST Parameter PRGPST Values Description < YES.out file. <number of DOF> A maximum of <number of DOF> degrees of freedom (DOF) of AUTOSPC data will be printed in the .PARAM. ALL All AUTOSPC data will be printed in the . ALL.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . PARAM. PRGPST controls the printing of AUTOSPC information NONE. NONE Works exactly like PARAM. PRGPST. PARAM.< number of to the . PRGPST. 1644 OptiStruct 13. DOFs> > PARAM. NO No AUTOSPC data will be printed. PRINFACC is input without specifying a value.0 Reference Guide 1645 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . PRINFACC Parameter PRINFACC Values Description If 1.out file. when PARAM.out file. when the parameter is not present in the deck.PARAM. the inertia relief rigid body forces and accelerations are printed to the . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. <1. 2. The default is 1. the inertia relief rigid body forces and accelerations are NOT printed to the . If 0. 0> Defaults 1. The default is 0. Default = NO YES If PARAM. ERROR 725 is not converted into WARNING 825 and models containing singular RBE2 elements will error out. are present in the model. NO If PARAM. For static analysis and Lanczos eigenvalue analysis. RBE2FREE. the run may fail due to singularities and ERROR 153 or 155 will be issued. Note: To solve a problem with Lanczos or static analysis. RBE2FREE Parameter Values Description RBE2FREE <YES. ERROR 725 is converted into WARNING 825. For AMSES/AMLS SUBCASEs the free rotational degrees of freedom are AUTOSPC’ed. 1646 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This parameter can be used to convert ERROR 725 into WARNING 825 when singular RBE2 elements. NO> Modeling errors can result in the creation of RBE2 elements with rigid body rotations. RBE2FREE. NO is specified.PARAM. AMSES can used first to determine which RBE2 degrees of freedom are AUTOSPC’ed. YES is specified. Single point constraints (SPC) can be added to manually constrain such degrees of freedom in subsequent static analysis or Lanczos eigenvalue analysis. with rotational rigid body modes in all three directions. Models containing RBE3 elements with free spiders will error out. NO If PARAM.PARAM. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Check the AUTOSPC output to make sure the free spiders are not AUTOSPC’ed. RBE3FREE. For AMSES/AMLS runs the free spiders will be AUTOSPC’ed if they are singular. Default = NO YES If PARAM. NO is specified. RBE3FREE Parameter Values Description RBE3FREE <YES. These free spiders may contain singular degrees of freedom. NO> Modeling errors can result in the creation of RBE3 elements with free spiders. YES is specified.0 Reference Guide 1647 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . RBE3FREE. If the free spiders are singular. Lanczos eigenvalue solutions and static analysis runs will fail with ERROR’s 155 or 153. ERROR 772 is converted into WARNING 824. ERROR 772 is not converted into WARNING. This will cause invalid results as the RBE3 will be constrained to ground. This parameter can be used to convert ERROR 772 into WARNING 824 when free spiders on RBE3 elements are present in the model. use PARAM. if 2. Default Note: The default 1. The default cutoff eigenvalue of 1. (AMSES and AMLS) is 1. RBMEIG functions in a similar manner to cutoff PARAM. RBMEIG Parameter Values Description RBMEIG <REAL> Default = 1.0. 3. which is used in models solved by the eigenvalue Lanczos eigensolver. For the Lanczos eigensolver.PARAM. 1648 OptiStruct 13. FZERO.0 is equivalent to a this parameter natural frequency of 0. is not present in the deck. PARAM.0 PARAM.16 Hz.FZERO to set the cutoff frequency for rigid body modes. RBMEIG defines the cutoff eigenvalue for determination of rigid body modes calculated by the AMLS and AMSES eigensolvers.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Inclusion of this parameter on a restart run will cause the last iteration to be reanalyzed without penalization. If the value given is greater than the value of MINDENS.PARAM. all elements will be assigned the densities they had during the final iteration of the optimization. If the value given is less than the value of MINDENS (default = 0.0 No default This parameter is for restart runs of topology optimizations only.0 Reference Guide 1649 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0. As there is no penalization. REANAL Parameter REANAL Values Description 0. all others will have a density of 1. those elements whose density is less than the given value will have density equal to MINDENS.01) used in the optimization. stiffness will now be proportional to density.0 < Real < 1. RECOVER.op2 file.0. RECOVER Param eter Value s RECOVE <LB. . UB>: They represent the Lower Bound (LB) and the Upper Bound (UB) of the frequencies between which the full-structure mode shapes are requested instead of the modes of the condensed system generated during Component Mode Synthesis (CMS). mandatory): Mode shapes of the full-structure.PARAM. 2. at frequencies greater than “LB”. 3.0. RECOVER is input without specifying a value.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0. 20. optional): Mode shapes of the full-structure. UB (real > 0. 30. LB is optional and the default for LB is 0.0. RECOVER. at frequencies lower than “UB”. UB> R Description <LB. will be output to the . Note: 1. 1650 OptiStruct 13.0 (as UB 0) Defaults 1. LB (real > 0.0. the program results in an ERROR. The mode shapes of the condensed system (only) generated during CMS are output when this parameter is not present in the deck. if it is left blank.op2 file. The following example implementations are incorrect and will result in an ERROR: PARAM. will be output to the . If PARAM.0 (as UB < LB) PARAM. then the default is NO. If PARAM. they are automatically re-ordered. RENUMOK and leaving the value field blank. BLANK> Default = NO If YES or BLANK. If PARAM.0 Reference Guide 1651 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .RENUMOK is used.op2 or . OptiStruct will error out in such cases. they are not re-sequenced to the correct order. If the element grids are input in a random order.fem file is used for the model information file in HyperView. then PARAM. if PARAM. 2. which implies YES.h3d or .RENUMOK is used and the . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This is different from specifying PARAM.PARAM. RENUMOK Parameter RENUMOK Values Description <YES. In this way. then corner stresses for the solid elements will be wrong when the . Note: 1. when the element grids are input in reverse order. HyperView should use the . If NO.op2 files are used for the results file. RENUMOK will not be able to correct the sequence. running (importing and exporting) the model through HyperMesh to get the corrected element grid sequence can be avoided. OptiStruct will error out if such element grid ordering exists. when the solid element grids are listed in the order that would make the element inside out. RENUMOK is not specified (default). NO.h3d file for the model information file. 3. So. NO> Default = NO This parameter controls the output of modal super element for use in the RecurDyn multibody dynamics software from FunctionBay.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .rfi file. the modal super element is output to the . the . If NO. Note: This . This should be used with CMSMETH CBN and ASET DOF for the connection points. 1652 OptiStruct 13. This information is written to the .rfi file.rfi file is not created. RFIOUT Parameter RFIOUT Values Description <YES. If YES.rfi file can be created only by OptiStruct executables running on 64-bit Windows machines.PARAM. This file cannot be created while using OptiStruct on Linux or Mac OS X machines. 0 The scale factor used to calculate ERP in decibels (dB).0 Default = 1. RHOCP Parameter Values Description RHOCP Real > 0. The calculation is: Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1653 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .PARAM. 0: No correction 1: two RSPLINE ends have rotation correction >1: Defines cut-off angle. Two RSPLINE ends have rotation correction. If two consecutive RSPLINE sections have an angle larger then the cut-off angle.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 Default = 0 RSPLINE end rotation correction.PARAM. REAL > 1. RSPLICOR Parameter RSPLICOR Values Description 0. rotation correction is applied to the shared RESPLINE node. 1. 1654 OptiStruct 13. PARAM. When the RSSCON shell-tosolid element connector is used. By default.0 Reference Guide 1655 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .TOLRSC for more details. 16 Default = 0 The old and new location of moved shell grid points are printed if SEP1XOVR = 16. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the moved shell grid points are not printed. SEP1XOVR Parameter SEP1XOVR Values Description 0. See the description of PARAM. SEP1XOVR = 0. PARAM. YES: The . no value is provided.seplot file is created. if it is included in the input file. The value of this parameter is NO. SEPLOT can be used during CMS analysis (only with the CBN method) to create a . NO> Default = YES Defaults: PARAM. but NO: The . The value of this parameter is YES.seplot file that contains the ASET grid data as well as the GRID and PLOTEL data defined using the MODEL I/O Option. if it is not included in input file. SEPLOT Parameter SEPLOT Values Description <YES. 1656 OptiStruct 13.seplot file is not created.seplot file in OptiStruct.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The data is written to the . In the case of finite rigid rotations with warped shell elements. PARAM. the full projection for warped elements will be applied only for internal force calculation. 2 This parameter controls the full projection of 4-node shell elements in NLGEOM implicit analysis. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. but convergence issue could be encountered with very warped elements. the full projection for warped QEPH shell elements will be deactivated. SH4NRP. This option can improve the convergence of implicit nonlinear analysis with QEPH warped shell elements at the cost of some additional calculations. SH4NRP Parameter SH4NRP Values Description 0. PARAM. Default = 0 in NLGEOM subcase Default = 1 in IMPDYN subcase If 0. If convergence difficulties are encountered. This option may improve the implicit nonlinear analysis with QEPH warped shell elements if the rigid rotation of warped elements is small enough. If 1. the option gives accurate results if it converges successfully. SH4NRP. the full projection for warped QEPH shell elements will be activated for the stiffness matrix to stay consistent with the internal force calculation.PARAM. 1. 1 gives accurate results. If 2. SH4NRP is always set as 0 internally.0 Reference Guide 1657 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 2 should be used. If PARAM SMDISP 1 is present. 0 the first order shell elements have been improved to: Eliminate inaccuracies in transverse shear and inter-laminar stress calculation that could occur for cases with membrane-bending coupling. Note: In Release 12. NO Default = NO YES can be used to restore the formulation used in version 11. Improve robustness and stability of buckling formulation by changing the default order for plate buckling to first order.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1658 OptiStruct 13.PARAM.240 and earlier for first-order shell elements (CQUAD4 and CTRIA3).0. SHELOS11 Parameter SHELOS11 Values Description YES. The behavior of shells from earlier releases can be recovered using this parameter. especially composites. SHL2MEM Parameter Values Description SHL2MEM <Real Number > 0.SHL2MEM then the shell property is converted to a membrane property regardless of the Ti field values. 2. SHL2MEM is used in optimization runs with the shell thickness (T) of the PSHELL design property equal to zero or blank.SHL2MEM is input without specifying a value. If PARAM. PARAM. SHL2MEM.0> A shell property (defined by the PSHELL bulk data entry) is automatically converted into a membrane property if the membrane thickness (field T) of the PSHELL bulk data entry is less than or equal to the value specified using PARAM. PARAM. If the value of the field T in the referenced PSHELL entry is less than or equal to the value of PARAM. SHL2MEM is intended for use with ‘skin’ elements. as this parameter will also apply to design properties. they will automatically be converted to membrane properties (regardless of the value of their corresponding design variables). the nodal thicknesses defined using the Ti fields of the CTRIA3/6 or the CQUAD4/8 bulk data entries are ignored. the conversion from shell property to a membrane property will not occur. SHL2MEM should be used with caution in optimization runs.0 Reference Guide 1659 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . then the code will error out (no default). If PARAM. No default (see note 6) Note: 1. then the shell property is automatically converted into a membrane property. which are useful for stress calculation on the surface of solid (3D) elements. 5.SHL2MEM is not used. This is done by setting MID2 and MID3 to blank for the PSHELL. If the shell thickness on such design properties (in PSHELL) is lower than the value specified with PARAM. Defaults: If PARAM. 6. 3. SHL2MEM. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 4.PARAM. With regard to determining the conversion from a PSHELL shell to membrane property. 2 Default = 1 PARAM. Note: Second order approximation is appropriate and provides better accuracy for buckling of thin shells.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1: First order approximation. For thick shells or for composites with soft cores (where transverse shear contributions are significant). It is more numerically stable and includes both bending and transverse shear contributions.1 is more numerically stable. SHPBCKOR Parameter SHPBCKOR Values Description 1. it can also help if there are difficulties in the eigensolver. this option may over-estimate buckling loads. which captures both bending and transverse shear effects. This option ignores contributions of transverse shear to buckling. especially when the mesh is coarse relative to the buckling wavelength (only a few elements per wave length). Since PARAM.1. Being first order. 1660 OptiStruct 13. 2: Second order approximation.SHPBCKOR.SHPBCKOR defines the type and order of approximation used in plate bending geometric stiffness for linear shell elements (CQUAD4 and CTRIA3). which is dominated by bending. it is advisable to use PARAM. expressed using rotational degrees of freedom in the geometric stiffness matrix.SHPBCKOR.PARAM. expressed using displacement degrees of freedom in the geometric stiffness matrix. PARAM. The entire model is written to the SIMPACK . PARAM.1 Writes CMS Matrices [k] and [m] to the SIMPACK . SIMPACK. 2. PARAM. 3 (above) to the SIMPACK .fbi file containing flexible body information for SIMPACK analysis.1 (above) and additionally writes model information to the SIMPACK .SIMPACK. 1.0 Reference Guide 1661 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . PARAM.fbi file.SIMPACK. 2 is specified. 2 (above) to the SIMPACK .SIMPACK. SIMPACK. SIMPACK.3 This option writes out all the information specified in PARAM.fbi file.fbi file and additionally includes the following: Writes the Interior point recovery GRID SET to the SIMPACK . 2. Comments 1.SIMPACK. See Comment 2 about MODEL data.fbi file.fbi file. the MODEL I/O Options Entry does not have any effect on the output.fbi file.PARAM. If PARAM. SIMPACK Parameter SIMPACK Values Description 0.4 This option writes out all the information specified in PARAM.fbi file and additionally includes the following: Writes rotational forces to the SIMPACK . Refer to the SIMPACK section of “Coupling OptiStruct with Third Party Software” in the User’s Guide for more information.2 This option writes out all the information specified in PARAM. 4 Default = 0 Requests generation of the SIMPACK . Writes the Interior point recovery matrix to the to the SIMPACK . 3. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.fbi file. Writes modes and eigenvectors of the SE to the SIMPACK . SIMPACK.fbi file. SMDISP Parameter SMDISP Values Description < 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . It affects Geometric Nonlinear Implicit Static Analysis (ANALYSIS = NLGEOM) and Geometric Nonlinear Implicit Dynamic Analysis (ANALYSIS = IMPDYN). use small displacement formulation. 1 > Default = 0 This parameter is used to specify that small displacement formulation or large displacement formulation is used. When large displacement effects are negligible. If 1. use large displacement formulation. 1662 OptiStruct 13. SMDISP.PARAM. “PARAM. 1” could be used to improve the convergence and performance. If 0. SNAPTHRU Parameter SNAPTHRU Values Description YES. output of the force-deflection curve is not requested and the internal rigid bodies are not generated. SNAPTHRU controls the output of the forcedeflection curve in geometric nonlinear analysis. This is valid only when grids are defined on XHIST bulk data entry with TYPE = GRID and ENTRY=DEF simultaneously. the converter will generate rigid bodies internally and output the time history for rigid body forces in the Time-History (TH) file. If NO.0 Reference Guide 1663 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . If YES. The force-deflection curve can be cross plotted with the grid displacements and corresponding rigid body forces in HyperGraph. NO Default = NO PARAM. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.PARAM. (N = 0 disables this feature). SORTCON Parameter Values Description SORTCON <Integer> Default = 20 This parameter controls the output of violated constraints to the .PARAM. where N is the number of constraints to be printed. 1664 OptiStruct 13. This behavior can be modified with PARAM.out file (and to screen).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . the 20 most violated constraints are printed in a separate table and sorted by percentage violation. N. SORTCON. By default. ˆ X j is the unit vector from the source grid j to the microphone grid ˆ X j r Xj r Xj r Xj rj (see Figure 1) is the density of the acoustic medium defined by PARAM. pj ( f ) is the complex acoustic pressure due to source grid j at the microphone location.PARAM. Complex Particle Velocity Vector The complex particle velocity vector is defined for each frequency as follows: uuur ( pv) j ( f ) ˆ pj ( f ) X j c 1 i krj Where. k is the wave number defined above under Wave Number.0 This parameter is used to specify the speed of sound used in the wave number and the complex particle velocity vector calculations.0 Default = 1. f is the frequency of the sound wave in the medium. as shown below (see the Radiated Sound Analysis section in the User’s Guide for further information): Wave Number The wave number k is defined as follows: 2 f c k Where. SPLC. rj Altair Engineering is the distance from the acoustic source grid j on the OptiStruct 13. c is the speed of sound defined by PARAM.0 Reference Guide 1665 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . SPLC. SPLC Parameter SPLC Values Description Real > 0. SPLRHO. c is the speed of sound defined by PARAM. i is the square root of -1 Note: 1. The same value is used in the Equivalent Radiated Power (ERP) calculations (See PARAM. If both PARAM. SPLC and PARAM. ERPC). ERPC are specified in the same input deck. 1666 OptiStruct 13. then the last instance dominates.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This parameter is used to specify the speed of sound used in Radiated Sound Analysis. 2.Parameter Values Description panel to the microphone grid (see Figure 1). SPLFAC Parameter SPLFAC Values Description Real > 0. k is the wave number as defined in Wave Number. f is the frequency of the sound wave in the medium.0 Reference Guide 1667 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . SPLFAC. SPLRHO. rj is the distance from the acoustic source grid j on the panel to the microphone location grid (see Figure 1). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. V flux f j is the velocity flux of the source grid j .0 Default = 1. is the density of the acoustic medium defined by PARAM. i is the square root of -1 np is the number of source grids (see Figure 1). q is the value of the scale factor specified using the parameter PARAM. The equation used for the calculation is: Sound Pressure Total Complex Acoustic Sound Pressure requested by SPL is: np ptotal f j 1 f q V flux f rj j ie ikr j Where.0 This parameter specifies the scale factor (q ) used to calculate the Sound Pressure Level in Radiated Sound Analysis.PARAM. SPLREFDB is the reference sound pressure value specified using this parameter. SPLdB is the Sound Pressure Level in decibels. SPL is the magnitude of the acoustic sound pressure specified in the Radiated Sound Analysis section of the User’s Guide.0 * log10 ( SPL SPLREFDB ) Where. Note: The Sound Pressure Level (SPL) in decibels can be calculated using the following equation: SPLdB 20. SPLREFDB Parameter SPLREFDB Values Description Real > 0.0 Default = 1. 1668 OptiStruct 13.PARAM.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 This parameter can be used to specify the reference sound pressure value used to calculate the Sound Pressure Level (SPL) in decibels (dB). SPLRHO Parameter SPLRHO Values Description Real > 0.PARAM. Complex Particle Velocity Vector The complex particle velocity vector is defined for each frequency as follows: uuur ( pv) j ( f ) ˆ pj ( f ) X j c 1 i krj Where. SPLFAC. k is the wave number as defined in Wave Number. V flux f j is the velocity flux of the source grid j .0 This parameter is used to specify the density of the acoustic medium in the calculation of the complex acoustic sound pressure and the complex particle velocity vector. pj ( f ) Altair Engineering is the complex acoustic pressure due to source OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1669 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . is the density of the acoustic medium defined by PARAM. rj is the distance from the acoustic source grid j on the panel to the microphone location grid (see Figure 1). f is the frequency of the sound wave in the medium. as shown below (see the Radiated Sound Analysis section of the User’s Guide for further information): Sound Pressure Level Total Complex Acoustic Sound Pressure requested by SPL is: np ptotal f j 1 f q V flux f rj j ie ikr j Where. SPLRHO.0 Default = 1. q is the value of the scale factor specified using the parameter PARAM. i is the square root of -1 np is the number of source grids (see Figure 1). ERPRHO are specified in the same input deck. ERPRHO). k is the wave number defined above under Wave Number. then the last instance dominates. If both PARAM. 2. i is the square root of -1 Note: 1. ˆ X j is the unit vector from the source grid j to the microphone grid r Xj r Xj ˆ X j r Xj rj (see Figure 1) is the density of the acoustic medium defined by PARAM. SPLC. rj is the distance from the acoustic source grid j on the panel to the microphone grid (see Figure 1). This parameter is used to specify the acoustic medium density used in Radiated Sound Analysis. SPLRHO and PARAM.Parameter Values Description grid j at the microphone location. The same value is used in the Equivalent Radiated Power (ERP) calculations (See PARAM. SPLRHO. 1670 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . c is the speed of sound defined by PARAM. Hill Failure Theory: Strength Ratio 1 Failure Index Hoffman Failure Theory: There is no direct relationship between the Strength Ratio and Failure Index. SRCOMPS Parameter SRCOMPS Values Description <YES. (The Output formats currently supported are: H3D.PARAM. SRCOMPS. (refer to the Composite Laminates section of the User’s Guide for more information). The following equations show the relationship between the Failure Index and the Strength Ratio for different Failure Theories. NO> Default = NO If YES. YES depend on the Failure Theory specified by the user. the strength ratio will not be output. OP2. PCH and OPT) If NO or blank. HM. Note: The Strength Ratios that are output as a result of PARAM. the strength ratios are output for composite elements that have failure indices requested. Tsai-Wu Failure Theory: There is no direct relationship between the Strength Ratio and Failure Index.0 Reference Guide 1671 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Maximum Stress (Strain) Failure Theory: Strength Ratio 1 Failure Index For the Transverse Shear Failure Theory: Strength Ratio Altair Engineering 1 Failure Index OptiStruct 13. (refer to the Composite Laminates section of the User’s Guide for more information). SS2GCR is used to control the accuracy of the AMLS solution. SS2GCR Parameter Values Description SS2GCR <REAL> Default = 5. Using the AMLS (Automatic Multi-Level Sub-structuring) Eigensolver for more details. Refer to the User’s Guide section.0 PARAM.PARAM. 1672 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . PARAM. regardless of their stress level or the specified threshold. STRTHR applies to all static subcases defined within a model. 4. The stress results for a particular element are not output ONLY if its von Mises stress value falls below STRTHR for ALL static subcases. OptiStruct 13. Altair Engineering 2. if the von Mises stress results for elements ID=1 and ID=2 fall below the threshold for subcase 1. If PARAM. then 1D element stresses are not output. PARAM.0 Reference Guide 1673 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Note 1. STRTHR is supported for static analysis only. STRTHR is defined in a model. PARAM. 3.PARAM. STRTHR applies to stress results output in all active formats. STRTHR Parameter Values Description STRTHR Default = 0. For example. but are above the threshold for subcase 2.0 This parameter can be used to specify the von Mises stress threshold above which the stress results are output for a model. then the stress results for both elements (ID=1 and ID=2) are output for both subcases. This parameter influences the KC field of the PCONTHT bulk data entry and the KAHT field of the PGAPHT bulk data entry. 2. excessively high values may result in poor conditioning of the conductivity matrix. In such cases. Theoretically. LOW: Imposes a lower penalty factor that reduces the conductivity of each contact/gap element compared to the conductivities of the surrounding elements. It can be used to enforce stronger conduction. while higher conductivity values enforce a perfect conductor. or use conductivity based contact clearance and pressure.PARAM. Note: 1. It can be used when the program runs into convergence difficulties. HIGH Default = AUTO PARAM. AUTO: Determines the value of conductivity for each contact/ gap element based on the conductivity of surrounding elements.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . THCNTPEN controls the penalty factor used in thermal contact analysis. THCNTPEN Parameter THCNTPEN Values Description AUTO. it may be beneficial to reduce the value of conductivity. LOW. 1674 OptiStruct 13. HIGH: Imposes a higher penalty factor that increases the conductivity of each contact/gap element compared to the conductivities of the surrounding elements. Rigid body invariance is satisfied with double-precision accuracy if the shell grid points are adjusted.0 Reference Guide 1675 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The tolerable distance of the shell grid point to the solid edge or face is where h is the height of the solid edge. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.PARAM. the connecting grid points of the shell element are moved onto the solid face if the grid points are close enough. TOLRSC Parameter TOLRSC Values Description Real Default = 0.05 When the RSSCON shell-to-solid element connector is used. -If this parameter is included in the input file. 1676 OptiStruct 13.PARAM. This performs a mass orthogonality check of the current and previous eigenvectors after reanalysis. MAC is implemented as follows: Where. is the previous eigenvector. This criterion essentially calculates the dot product of the two unit vectors associated with the current and previous eigenvectors. CORC is implemented as follows: If TRAKMETH = 1 The Modal assurance criterion square root (MACSR) criterion is used for mode tracking. There are three tracking criteria available for selection in the current implementation: Mass cross-orthogonality check (CORC) Modal assurance criterion (MAC) Modal assurance criterion square root (MACSR). then running the program will result in an error. is the mass matrix. TRAKMETH Parameter Values Description TRAKMETH <0. but no value is provided.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If TRAKMETH = 0 The Mass cross-orthogonality check (CORC) criterion is used for mode tracking. is the current eigenvector. Default = 0 Defaults: -The value of this parameter is 0 if it is not included in input file. MACSR is implemented as follows: If TRAKMETH = 2 The standard modal assurance criterion (MAC) is used for mode tracking. 1. 2> TRAKMETH is a parameter that can be used to select the criterion employed for mode tracking. And mode 5 could not be tracked to any of the 10 modes in the current iteration (out of bounds). 10 modes are calculated for each analysis 3. If TRAKMTX = 1 The mode tracking matrix will be printed to the output file -The value of this at each iteration. Defaults: in an error. The first 5 modes are being tracked. Example The following is an example of the mode tracking matrix. mode 1 (of the previous iteration) will get tracked to mode 1 (of current iteration). program will result TRAKMETH). MFILTER is set to 0. -If this parameter is included in the Note: input file. 2. PARAM. assume that: 1. Mode 4 will get tracked to mode 3. 1> Default = 0 TRAKMTX is a parameter that controls the output of the mode tracking matrix during optimization. For this example. parameter is 0 if If TRAKMTX = 0 it is not included The mode tracking matrix will not be printed to the in input file. Mode 2 will get tracked to mode 2. correlation value of two eigenvectors which is calculated then running the using certain mode tracking criteria (see PARAM. but no Each element of the mode tracking matrix stores the value is provided. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. TRAKMTX Parameter Values Description TRAKMTX <0.0 Reference Guide 1677 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . output file.PARAM.7. Mode Tracking Matrix Based on the above matrix. Mode 3 will get tracked to mode 4. no displacement results are output. YES: fast transient response analysis is activated – only shell stress results output may be requested in this case.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1678 OptiStruct 13. significant speed improvements in run time can be obtained with the use of this parameter. TPS may be used with transient response analysis. TPS Parameter Values Description TPS <YES. that is. NO: normal transient response analysis is performed. When only shell stress results are required from a transient response analysis. NO> Default = YES PARAM.PARAM. CID = -1. UCORD. or CID given is not found. Default = -1 If = 0. all values in PARAM.0 Reference Guide 1679 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . UCORD Parameter UCORD Values Description <CID> If = -1. If PARAM. GRDPNT are calculated relative to the basic coordinate system. The output values are expressed in the basic coordinate system. the mass moment of inertia is calculated about the center of gravity and is output in the basic coordinate system. Note: Altair Engineering 1. GRDPNT is not specified in the input deck. If PARAM. OptiStruct 13. the mass moment of inertia is calculated about the origin of the basic coordinate system. the center of gravity coordinates are expressed in the coordinate system CID. UCORD is not specified. then the center of gravity and moment of inertia are not output regardless of the value of PARAM.PARAM. The mass moment of inertia is calculated about the center of gravity and expressed in the coordinate system CID. 2. 2> Default = 0 If PARAM. VMOPT Parameter VMOPT Values Description <Integer = 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . then the virtual mass of the fluid is included in the mass matrix for all calculations. This can increase the calculation time because of the dense mass matrix on the damp surface of the structure. If “PARAM.PARAM. A second eigenvalue analysis is performed to get the damp modes. Note: Dry mode output in the . so that dry modes are calculated.2” is specified.2 is specified. the eigenvalue solution is performed without adding the mass contribution from MFLUID. which are used in modal dynamic solution.VMOPT.out file is available only when PARAM. 1.VMOPT is set to 0 or 1. 1680 OptiStruct 13.VMOPT. This solution is much faster with only a slight loss of accuracy. 0 Used in transient analyses to convert structural damping to equivalent viscous damping. is the element stiffness matrix. W3) for the conversion of overall structural damping into equivalent viscous damping. is the frequency of interest in radians per unit time (PARAM. W3 Parameter Values Description W3 <Real> Default = 0. is the element structural damping coefficient (GE on the MAT# entry). is the frequency of interest in radians per unit time (PARAM. G). [K] is the global stiffness matrix.PARAM. CVSIC) and B2GG. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. W4) for the conversion of element structural damping into equivalent viscous damping. The damping matrix [B] for transient analysis is assembled from: where: is the contribution from damping elements (CDAMP#.0 Reference Guide 1681 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . is the overall structural damping coefficient (PARAM. is the element structural damping coefficient (GE on the MAT# entry). is the overall structural damping coefficient (PARAM. is the element stiffness matrix. CVSIC) and B2GG. W4) for the conversion of element structural damping into equivalent viscous damping. The damping matrix [B] for transient analysis is assembled from: where: is the contribution from damping elements (CDAMP#. W4 Parameter Values Description W4 <Real> Default = 0. 1682 OptiStruct 13. W3) for the conversion of overall structural damping into equivalent viscous damping.0 Used in transient analyses to convert structural damping to equivalent viscous damping. G).PARAM. is the frequency of interest in radians per unit time (PARAM. [K] is the global stiffness matrix.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . is the frequency of interest in radians per unit time (PARAM. then frequency dependent damping terms are not included in rotor dynamics analysis. Rotor Dynamics for more details.PARAM. WR3. WR3 Parameter WR3 Values Description <Real> Default = 0. PARAM. PARAM. Refer to the User’s Guide section. 0 If 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1683 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . GYROAVG is set to -1. then it is included in the rotor dynamics equation as the “average” excitation frequency.0 (default) is specified. WR3.0 is specified. PARAM. WR3.0 This parameter is used to include or exclude frequency dependent damping in rotor dynamics analysis. <Real> should be specified to activate frequency dependent damping if PARAM. <Real> If any real value except 0. WR4. PARAM. 1684 OptiStruct 13. Rotor Dynamics for more details. 0 If 0. WR4.0 (default) is specified. WR4.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . then frequency dependent damping terms are not included in rotor dynamics analysis.0 is specified. WR4 Parameter WR4 Values Description <Real> Default = 0.0 This parameter is used to include or exclude frequency dependent damping in rotor dynamics analysis. PARAM. then it is included in the rotor dynamics equation as the “average” excitation frequency. <Real> If any real value except 0. PARAM. GYROAVG is set to -1. <Real> should be specified to activate frequency dependent damping if PARAM.PARAM. Refer to the User’s Guide section. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.pch) that are read into the model.0 Default = 1. Note PARAM.PARAM. WTMASS is required to update the structural mass matrix. WTMASS Parameter Values Description WTMASS Real > 0.h3d or .0 The WTMASS (Weight-To-MASS) parameter is used as a multiplier for the terms of the structural mass matrix. If the unit of mass is incorrect on the MAT# entries and PARAM. then this should be done in the creation run.0 Reference Guide 1685 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . WTMASS cannot be applied to superelements (. PAXI Bulk Data Entry PAXI – Axisymmetric Element Property Description Defines the properties of axisymmetric elements.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (10) No default (Integer > 0) MID Identification number of a MAT1 or MAT3 entry. 2. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. All axisymmetric element property entries must have unique ID numbers. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. 1686 OptiStruct 13. Referenced by CTAXI entry. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) PAXI PID MID (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) PAXI 2 203 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Field Contents PID Unique axisymmetric element property identification number. 97 1.PBAR Bulk Data Entry PBAR – Simple Beam Property Description The PBAR bulk data entry defines the properties of a simple beam (bar).1 2.9 8.0 4.4 5. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) PBAR PID MID A I1 I2 J NSM C1 C2 D1 D2 E1 E2 F1 K1 K2 I12 (9) (10) F2 Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) PBAR 39 6 2. No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. which is used to create bar elements via the CBAR entry. See comment 1.0 Reference Guide 1687 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) MID Material identification number.0 Field Contents PID Unique simple beam property identification number. 0 (Real) Comments 1. MID may reference only a MAT1 material entry.0 (Real) ( J ) Torsional constant. The default values for K1 and K2 are infinite. Default = 0. Default = 0.0 (K1 and K2 are interpreted as infinite).0) NSM Nonstructural mass per unit length.0) I1 Area moment inertia in plane 1 about the neutral axis. No default (Real > 0. 1688 OptiStruct 13. K2 Area factor for shear. Default = 0. No default (Real > 0. MID may reference only a MAT4 material entry.0 (Real > 0. in other words. Ei.0) I2 Area moment inertia in plane 2 about the neutral axis.Field Contents A Area of bar cross-section. Di.0 (Real) K1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0) I12 Area product of inertia. 2. The transverse shear stiffness in planes 1 and 2 are (K1)AG and (K2)AG. For heat transfer problems. Fi Stress recovery coefficients. Default = 0. Default = 0. the transverse shear flexibilities are set to 0. No default (Real > 0. For structural problems. the transverse shear used for K1 and K2.0 (Real) Ci. respectively. 4. Stresses are computed at both ends of the BAR. The stress recovery coefficients C1 and C2. are the y and z coordinates in the BAR element coordinate system of a point at which stresses are computed.0 Reference Guide 1689 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. and so on. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The moments of inertia are defined as follows: 5. Fig 1: C oordinate System for Bar Element (PBAR).3. which is used to create bar elements via the CBAR entry. See comment 1. No default (Integer > 0) 1690 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .5 . No default (Integer > 0) MID Material identification number. (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) BOX . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) PBARL PID MID GROUP TYPE/ NAME ND DIM1 DIM2 DIM3 DIM4 DIM5 DIM9 … NSM (7) (8) (9) (10) DIM6 DIM7 DIM8 Example (1) (2) (3) PBARL 12 7 10.PBARL Bulk Data Entry PBARL – Simple Beam Property Description Defines the properties of a simple beam (bar) by cross-sectional dimensions. 6.5 Field Contents PID Unique simple beam property identification number. NSM is specified after the last DIMi. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. "T1". Refer to Arbitrary Beam Section Definition in the User’s Guide. Therefore. "CHAN". Default = blank (blank or HYPRBEAM) TYPE Cross-section type. "Z") NAME Name of arbitrary beam section definition. No default (Character string) ND Number of dimensions used to specify the Cross-section shape. "CHAN1". "H". shear flexibility factors. For structural problems. and stress recovery points (C. the following field is NAME. Default = blank DIMi Cross-sectional dimensions. For heat transfer problems. "I". Refer to Arbitrary Beam Section Definition in the User’s Guide. "T". and F) are computed using the TYPE and DIMi as shown below. "CROSS".0) NSM Nonstructural mass per unit length. ND represents the total number of dimensions used to define an Arbitrary Beam Section. The cross-sectional properties.Field Contents GROUP Indicates if an arbitrary beam section definition is to be used. The origin of the element coordinate system is centered at the shear center of the cross-section oriented as shown. No default (Real > 0. "HAT". "I1". No default ("BAR". 2. "BOX1". Default 0. "ROD". this field is TYPE. MID may reference only a MAT4 material entry. "TUBE". otherwise it is TYPE. MID may reference only a MAT1 material entry. E. When GROUP field is blank. When the value of GROUP is HYPRBEAM. "T2". D.0 Reference Guide 1691 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . the CHAN cross-sections may produce incorrect results. "BOX". "CHAN2". this field is NAME. The PBEAML entry is recommended. This is required when the value of the GROUP field is HYPRBEAM.0 (Real) Comments 1. The PBARL does not account for offsets between the neutral axis and the shear center. If the value of this field is HYPRBEAM. Type = BAR Type = BOX Type = BOX1 Type = CHAN 1692 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Type = CHAN1 Type = CHAN2 Type = CROSS Type = H Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1693 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Type = HAT Type = I Type = I1 Type = ROD 1694 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Type = T Type = T2 Altair Engineering Type = T1 Type = TUBE OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1695 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh.Type = Z 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1696 OptiStruct 13. 2) 1 . Default = 0.01 (Real > 0) Comments 1.0 Reference Guide 1697 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The property identification number must be that of an existing PBAR bulk data entry. No default (Integer > 0) ISMSTR Flag for small strain formulation.PBARX Bulk Data Entry PBARX – Optional BAR Property Extension for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines additional BAR properties for geometric nonlinear analysis.0 (Real > 0) DB Beam bending damping. Default = 0.Small strain from time =0 2 . Default = 2 (Integer = 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) PBARX PID ISMSTR ISTRAIN DM DB (7) (8) (9) (10) Field Contents PID Property identification number of the associated PBAR or PBARL card.Full geometric nonlinearity ISTRAIN Flag for shear in beam formulation. Only one PBARX property extension can be associated with a particular PBAR. Default = ON (ON or OFF) DM Beam membrane damping. See comment 1. PBARX is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. otherwise they are true strain and stress. IMPDYN. or EXPDYN. the strain and stress are engineering strain and stress.2. 1698 OptiStruct 13. 3. 4. If the small strain option is activated (ISMSTR = 1). This card is represented as an extension to a PBAR property in HyperMesh. It is ignored for all other subcases.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . PBEAM Bulk Data Entry PBEAM – Beam Property Description The PBEAM bulk data entry defines the properties of beam elements defined via the CBEAM entry.0 Reference Guide 1699 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . SO X/XB A I1 I2 I12 J NSM C1 C2 D1 D2 E1 E2 F1 F2 NSIA NSIB N1A N2A N1B N2B The last two continuation lines are: K1 K2 M1A M2A Altair Engineering M1B M2B OptiStruct 13. They are used to define stations along the beam element. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PBEAM PID MID A(A) I1(A) I2(A) I12(A) J(A) NSM(A) C 1(A) C 2(A) D1(A) D2(A) E1(A) E2(A) F1(A) F2(A) (10) The following two continuation lines may be repeated up to ten times. 073 98.5 Example 2 This example represents a tapered beam with an intermediate section defined halfway along its length and stress recovery at both end A and end B. only at end A.0 0.5 18.0 (7) (8) (9) (10) 0.Fig 1: Beam Element C oordinate System (for PBEAM entry) Example 1 This example represents a straight beam with stress recovery.792 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 2.813 2.1 0. 1700 OptiStruct 13. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) PBEAM 9 7 9.0 NO 1.0 -2. 0) I12(A) Area product inertia at end A ( ).792 0.1 0. No default (Real > 0.0 -2.0) I1(A) Area moment inertia in plane 1 about the neutral axis at end A.0 2.698 7.313 (9) (10) 2.813 0. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) PBEAM 9 7 9.0 Reference Guide 1701 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 3.073 98.542 0.5 18.385 35. No default (Real > 0. See comment 1.5 0. No default (Integer > 0) MID Material identification number.0) I2(A) Area moment inertia in plane 2 about the neutral axis at end A.0 NO 0.292 0.0 (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. No default (Integer > 0) A(A) Area of beam cross-section at end A.563 YES 1.Note that the blank line after YES is entered for Stress Output (SO) at end B.0 0. No default (Real > 0.5 Field Contents PID Property identification number.5 5.5 6. Default = 0. the following continuation line (containing fields C1 through F2) must be omitted for that intermediate station. are recovered at the stress recovery locations identified for end A. If set to YES. the following continuation line (containing fields C1 through F2) must contain the same stress recovery locations as the first continuation line (containing fields C1(A) through F2(A)) or must be entirely blank.0) A Area of beam cross-section for intermediate stations. If set to YESA. Default = 0. Default = A(A) (Real > 0. or NO) X/XB Fractional distance of the intermediate station from end A. See comments 5 through 8.0 for all entries (Real) SO Stress output request option for intermediate stations and end B. Default = 1. Ei(A).0) NSM(A) Nonstructural mass per unit length at end A. the following continuation line (containing fields C1 through F2) must be omitted for that intermediate station. Di(A). and no stresses are recovered for that intermediate station.0 (Real > 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (i=1 is y and i=2 is z) Default = 0. for that intermediate station. If set to NO.0 (Real) Ci(A). YESA. Fi(A) The y and z locations in element coordinates for stress data recovery at end A. Default = 0.Field Contents J(A) Torsional stiffness parameter at end A. and stresses.0 (Real > 0. Default = I1(A) (Real > 0.0) I1 Area moment inertia in plane 1 about the neutral axis for intermediate stations. Default = YES (YES.0) 1702 OptiStruct 13. 0 for all entries. Default = I2(A) (Real > 0. See comments 5 through 8.z) coordinates of center of gravity of nonstructural mass at end A. Di.0 (Real) NSIB Nonstructural mass moment of inertia per unit length about nonstructural mass center of gravity at end B.0 for both (Real) NSIA Nonstructural mass moment of inertia per unit length about nonstructural mass center of gravity at end A. Default = 0. Default = 0. Default = 0.0. (Real) K1.z) coordinates of center of gravity of nonstructural mass at end B. 0.0) NSM Nonstructural mass per unit length for intermediate stations.K2 Shear stiffness factor K in K*A*G for plane 1 and plane 2. Default = I12(A) (Real) J Torsional stiffness parameter for intermediate stations. Default = NSM(A) (Real) Ci. M2A (y.0 (Real) M1B. Default = J(A) (Real > 0.0 Reference Guide 1703 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . M2A (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Default = NSIA (Real) M1A. Fi The y and z locations in element coordinates for stress data recovery for intermediate stations. M2B (y.Field Contents I2 Area moment inertia in plane 2 about the neutral axis for intermediate stations. Default = M1A.0) I12 Area product inertia for intermediate stations ( ). Default = 1. Ei. (i=1 is y and i=2 is z). 8. If a value of 0. which contains the fields C1(A) through F2(A). N2A (y. 1 may be input in the I/O options section of the input deck to bypass error terminations caused by PBEAM definitions which violate the rules outlined in comments 5 and 8. Stress recovery locations must be the same for end A and end B.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . but a stress recovery location is defined for end B. N2A (Real) Comments 1. then the stress recovery locations defined for end A are used. For heat transfer problems.0.out file. 10. OSDIAG. One value for X/XB must be 1. 9.z) coordinates of neutral axis at end B. then the first continuation entry. 1704 OptiStruct 13. Recovery locations defined for end A are also used for end B. 7. Default = N1A.Field Contents N1A. Stress is not recovered at intermediate stations. However.0 is used for K1 and K2. a single prismatic beam is created with properties obtained by weighted averaging of all station properties.0. the following occurs: Warning messages regarding the violations are echoed to the . If no stress data at end A is to be recovered.0. the transverse shear flexibilities are set to 0. For tapered beams.0 and not the corresponding entry for end A. For structural problems.0 (Real) N1B. if any entry is defined on this line. 2. Stress recovery is only allowed at end A and end B. N2B (y. Blank fields for K1 and K2 are defaulted to 1. Stress recovery at intermediate stations is not supported. If the continuation line containing values C1 through F2 is entirely blank for end B. Default = 0. 3. 4. MID may reference only a MAT1 material entry.0. MID may reference only a MAT4 material entry. then all blank entries will default to 0.z) coordinates of neutral axis at end A. may be omitted. 166. 6. 0. In such instances. The moments of inertia are defined as follows: 5. only NSM at end A is required. So. for a constant NSM over the length of the beam. 13.0 Reference Guide 1705 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .11. For intermediate stations. 12. The default for all other stations is a linear interpolation between end A and end B. The cross-sectional properties have to be specified fully for end A. For end B. it is averaged over all the stations and the average is used in the element calculation. blank fields mean that the properties are the same as for end A. blank fields result in a linear interpolation between the property value at end A and end B being used. The mass of the element is calculated as: Mass = density * beam_area * beam_length + NSM * beam_length If the NSM value is different in different stations. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. The NSM specified at end A is the default value for NSM at end B. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 6 5. 7. 1. YES YES 1706 OptiStruct 13.3 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) NO 0.5 7.PBEAML Bulk Data Entry PBEAML – Beam Property Description Defines the properties of a beam element by cross-sectional dimensions that are used to create beam elements via the CBEAM entry.8 2.6. 0.2 2.8 (10) T 26.6 6. Example (1) (2) (3) (4) PBEAML 99 21 12.4 6.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PBEAML PID MID GROUP TYPE/ NAME ND DIM1(A) DIM2(A) … NSM(A) … NSM(1) … SO(B) (10) SO(1) X(1)/XB DIM1(1) DIM2(1) X(B)/XB DIM1(B) DIM2(B) … NSM(B) * The format of this bulk data entry is somewhat unusual as the field locations can vary depending on the number of dimensions used to define the cross-section. 2. 14. this field is TYPE. Stress output is not supported for intermediate stations so this field must be set to NO. "T". No default (Integer > 0) GROUP Indicates if an arbitrary beam section definition is to be used. No default (Real > 0. the following field is NAME. Refer to Arbitrary Beam Section Definition in the User’s Guide. "Z") NAME Name of arbitrary beam section definition. "H". ND represents the total number of dimensions used to define an Arbitrary Beam Section. Default = blank (blank or HYPRBEAM) TYPE Cross-section shape. No default ("BAR". "CHAN". If the value of this field is HYPRBEAM. "ROD". When GROUP field is blank. "CHAN2". "T2". "T1". "TUBE". See comment 1. "BOX".0 (Real) SO(#) Stress output request option for intermediate station #. "I1". No default (Character string) ND Number of dimensions used to specify the Cross-section shape.Field Contents PID Property identification number. "CROSS". When the value of GROUP is HYPRBEAM.0 Reference Guide 1707 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . "CHAN1". Default = blank DIMi(A) Cross-section dimensions at end A. X(#)/XB Distance from end A to intermediate station # in the element coordinate Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Refer to Arbitrary Beam Section Definition in the User’s Guide. this field is NAME. otherwise it is TYPE. "HAT". "L".0) NSM(A) Nonstructural mass per unit length at end A. Default = 0. No default (Integer > 0) MID Material identification number. "I". This is required when the value of the GROUP field is HYPRBEAM. "BOX1". The element coordinate system is located at the shear center. 3. Default = 0. Default = YES (YES or NO) X(B)/XB Distance form end A to end B in the element coordinate system.0) NSM(B) Nonstructural mass per unit length at end B. This must be 1. MID may reference only a MAT1 material entry. Default = 0. For structural problems. and stress recovery points (C. E. MID may reference only a MAT4 material entry. 1708 OptiStruct 13.0 (Real) Comments 1.0) DIMi(#) Cross-section dimensions at intermediate station #. 2.Field Contents system. Default = 1. D. The cross-sectional properties.0 DIMi(B) Cross-section dimensions at end B (Real > 0. divided by the length of the element. divided by the length of the element.0) NSM(#) Nonstructural mass per unit length at intermediate station #.0 (Real) SO(B) Stress output request option for end B. and nine intermediate stations #).0 (Real > 0. shear flexibility factors. For heat transfer problems.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . and F) are computed using the TYPE and DIMi as shown below. Up to eleven stations are allowed (end A and B. (Real > 0. 0 Reference Guide 1709 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Type = BAR Type = BOX Type = BOX1 Type = CHAN Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Type = CHAN1 Type = CHAN2 Type = CROSS Type = H 1710 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 0 Reference Guide 1711 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Type = HAT Type = I Type = I1 Type = L Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Type = ROD Type = T Type = T1 Type = T2 1712 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 9. for a constant NSM over the length of the beam. An echo request will cause a printout of the derived PBEAM. an equivalent PBEAM entry is derived. 5. The mass of the element is calculated as: Mass = density * beam_area * beam_length + NSM * beam_length If the NSM value is different in different stations. only NSM at end A is required. DIMi and NSM have to be specified fully on station A. blank means that the dimensions are the same as at A. For tapered beams. The default for all other stations is a linear interpolation between end A and end B. 7.Type = TUBE Type = Z 4. it is a linear interpolation between A and B. On other stations. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. it is averaged over all the stations and the average is used in the element calculation. On station B. a single prismatic beam is created with dimensions obtained by weighted averaging of all station dimensions. 6. The NSM specified at end A is the default value for NSM at end B. So. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Stress recovery at intermediate stations is not supported.0 Reference Guide 1713 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . For PBEAML entries with more than one section. 8. Stress recovery is only allowed at end A and end B. Only one PBEAMX property extension can be associated with a particular PBEAM. 1714 OptiStruct 13.0) DB Beam bending damping.01 (Real > 0. PBEAML.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2) 1 . Default = 2 (Integer = 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) PBEAMX PID ISMSTR ISTRAIN DM DB (7) (8) (9) (10) Field Contents PID Property identification number of the associated PBEAM. Default = ON (ON or OFF) DM Beam membrane damping. See comment 1.0) Comments 1.0 (Real > 0. No default (Integer > 0) ISMSTR Flag for small strain formulation.Small strain from time =0 2 . Default = 0. Default = 0. The property identification number must be that of an existing PBEAM bulk data entry.PBEAMX Bulk Data Entry PBEAMX – Optional BEAM Property Extension for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines additional BEAM properties for geometric nonlinear analysis.Full geometric non-linearity ISTRAIN Flag for shear in beam formulation. PBEAMX is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. otherwise they are true strain and stress. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. or EXPDYN. 3. It is ignored for all other subcases.0 Reference Guide 1715 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . IMPDYN.2. 4. This card is represented as an extension to a PSOLID property in HyperMesh. If the small strain option is activated (ISMSTR = 1). the strain and stress are engineering strain and stress. 1 Example 2 (1) (2) (3) (4) PBUSH 35 B 4.2 (7) (8) (9) (10) 7.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PBUSH PID K K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 B B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 GE GE1 GE2 GE3 GE4 GE5 GE6 M M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 (10) Example 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) PBUSH 35 K 4.1 1716 OptiStruct 13.35 M 1.02 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 3.35 2.PBUSH Bulk Data Entry PBUSH – Generalized Spring-Damper-Mass Property Description Defines the nominal property values for a generalized spring-damper-mass structural element.4 RIGID GE 0. and 8. Default = 0. No default (Character) Bi Nominal damping coefficients in directions 1 through 6 in units of force per unit velocity.0 Reference Guide 1717 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 5.0 (Real or RIGID) B Flag indicating that the next 1 to 6 fields are force-per-velocity damping. B. and 6. 6. Default = 0. and M lines may be specified in any order. No default (Integer > 0) K Flag indicating that the next 1 to 6 fields are stiffness values.0 (Real) GE Flag indicating that the next 1 to 6 fields are the structural damping constants. GE. No default (Character) GEi Nominal structural damping constants in directions 1 through 6.Field Contents PID Property identification number. Default = 0. See comments 3. The K. No default (Character) Ki Nominal stiffness values in directions 1 through 6. See comments 3.0 (Real) Comments 1. All generalized spring-damper-mass property entries must have unique ID numbers. See comment 7. Mi Nominal mass values in directions 1 through 6.0 (Real) M Flag indicating that the next 1 to 6 fields are directional masses. Default = 0. 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. If a PBUSH entry has a GEi.3. if ONLY GE1 is specified on a PBUSH entry and GEi. 1718 OptiStruct 13. For modal frequency response. or Mi may be made frequency dependent for both direct and modal frequency response by use of the PBUSHT entry. 8. 5. 9. If PARAM. then a single structural damping is assumed and applied to all Ki of that PBUSH. i = 2 to 6 specified. a very high relative stiffness (relative to the surrounding structure) is selected for that degree-of-freedom simulating a rigid connection.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . then the GEi fields are considered variable for that PBUSH entry. 7. When RIGID is defined. The keyword RIGID may be used in place of a stiffness value for Ki entries. W4 is not specified. To obtain the damping coefficient GE. The frequency-dependent values are used at every excitation frequency. i = 2 to 6 are blank on that PBUSH entry. 6. Their contributions to gravity and/or centrifugal loading are also not included. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. Ki. the normal modes are computed using the nominal Ki values. For upward compatibility. Bi. multiply the critical damping ratio C/C0 by 2. The nominal values are used for all analysis types except frequency response. GEi is ignored in transient analysis.0. The Mi fields do not contribute to mass and inertia properties. 4. GEi. 35 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) PBUSH1D PID K B M SPRING TYPE IDT (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) PBUSH1D 35 4.0 Reference Guide 1719 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .35 SPRING TABLE (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 43 Field Contents PID Property identification number. No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.PBUSH1D Bulk Data Entry PBUSH1D – Rod-type Spring-and-Damper Property Description Defines the linear and nonlinear properties for a one-dimensional spring-and-damper structural element.5 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example 2 (1) (2) (3) PBUSH1D 35 4. PBUSH1D and CBUSH1D are converted internally to the equivalent PBUSH (with PBUSHT. or the damping B. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. 5. Default = 0. Default = 0. 3.0 (Real > 0) SPRING String indicating that a function defining the spring characteristics follows. 2. Either the stiffness K.Field Contents K Stiffness. The SPRING continuation line is used in nonlinear analysis solution sequences only. In all linear subcases. Default = 0. B and M are ignored in static subcases. Default = TABLE (Character = TABLE) IDT Identification number of a TABLEDi table entry. The table input supersedes the stiffness K. if necessary) and CBUSH. PBUSH1D may only be referenced by CBUSH1D elements. 1720 OptiStruct 13. 4. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1.0 (Real > 0) M Total mass. as well as small displacement nonlinear quasi-static (ANALYSIS=NLSTAT) subcases.0 (Real > 0) B Viscous damping.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . or the mass M must be specified. TYPE Type of input definition. (10) No default (Integer > 0) TYPE Identifies what the following six fields reference...PBUSHT Bulk Data Entry PBUSHT – Generalized Spring and Damper Property Description Defines property values for a generalized spring and damper structural element. then the following six fields are viscous damping vs. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PBUSHT PID TYPE TID1 TID2 TID3 TID4 TID5 TID6 TYPE TID1 TID2 TID3 TID4 TID5 TID6 TYPE TID1 TID2 TID3 TID4 TID5 TID6 TYPE TID1 TID2 .. . respectively. then the following six fields are structural damping vs. frequency table references for dofs 1 through 6. If TYPE is K. Field Contents PID Property identification number.. respectively. respectively. frequency table references for dofs 1 through 6. frequency table references for dofs 1 through 6. Must match with a PID of a PBUSH Bulk Data Entry. If TYPE is B. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. If TYPE is GE.0 Reference Guide 1721 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . then the following six fields are stiffness vs. respectively. frequency table references for dofs 1 through 6. The K. B. The six references on each line represent the 6 degrees-of-freedom in sequence from 1 through 6. TYPE=K. then the following six fields are directional mass vs. 6. If ANY PBUSHT entry has a dof field other than dof1 for the GE line specified. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. then the following six fields are force vs. 3. If TYPE is KN. M. respectively. deflection table references for dofs 1 through 6.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . while TYPE=KN is allowed only for nonlinear analysis. For upward computability. and M fields are associated with the same entries on the PBUSH entry 2. then a single structural damping table for each PBUSHT applied to all defined dofs on the K line for each PBUSH is assumed. No default (K. if ONLY the dof1 field for the GE line (line where TYPE=GE) is specified on ALL PBUSHT entries and the other dofs for the GE line are blank on ALL PBUSH entries. 1722 OptiStruct 13. 4. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) Comments 1. GE. B.Field Contents If TYPE is M. 5. B. The TYPEs can be defined in any order. See comment 4. GE. The type of the referenced table is defined by the TYPE keyword given on the same line. then the GE fields are considered variable on ALL PBUSH and PBUSHT entries. GE and M are allowed for frequency response analysis only. but may only appear once per PBUSH definition. PBUSHT may only be referenced by CBUSH elements in the residual structure which do not attach to any omitted degrees-of-freedom. or KN) TID# Identification number of a TABLED# entry. 21. Format (1) (2) PC NTX2 PID IGNROE (3) (4) (5) (6) FSPOT LEVEL ISRC H IDELG (7) (8) (9) (10) (7) (8) (9) (10) MAXND MAXTD (8) (9) If FSPOT = 20.PCNTX2 Bulk Data Entry PCNTX2 – Extended CONTACT Property type 2 for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines properties TYPE2 tied CONTACT interface for geometric nonlinear analysis. one continuation line (1) (2) (3) (4) STFAC VISC (5) (6) (7) (10) Example (1) (2) PC ONT 34 PC NTX2 34 Altair Engineering (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) OptiStruct 13. or 22.0 Reference Guide 1723 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . two continuation lines (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) RUPT IFILT SRTID SNTID STTID FSTR FSTRATE FDIST ALPHA If FSPOT = 25. 4 . Not compatible with nodal time step GRID(CST) on XSTEP card.Surface computed using shell and brick faces attached to the node.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default as defined by CONTPRM (Integer = 0. 20.No deletion of slave nodes. Required when using hierarchy levels. 25 . then it would be new calculated internally. 2 .Standard formulation. FSPOT Flag for spotweld formulation.Slave nodes with no master segment found are deleted from the interface.New improved formulation 1724 OptiStruct 13. LEVEL Hierarchy level of the interface. (Integer). 1.Rotational degrees of freedom are not transmitted (if shells are used). The equivalent surface is defined accordingly: 20 . 1 . 1 . Default = 5.Surface computed using only the shell attached to the node. Default = 2 (Integer) 1 . 21. if SRCHDIS is blank. 21 .Penalty formulation.Field Contents PID Property identification number of the associated PCONT. The stress is computed for each slave node according to the "equivalent" surface around the node.Formulation with cubic curvature of master segment. TSC = CST). 22 .Surface computed using only the brick faces attached to the node.Same formulation as standard formulation. 5 . Not compatible with nodal time step GRID(CST) on XSTEP card. or 2) 0 . 2 .formulation with failure. No default (Integer > 0) ISRCH Search formulation flag for the closest master segment.Slave nodes with no master segment found are deleted from the interface. Not compatible with nodal time step (TSTYP= GRID. No default (Integer > 0) IGNORE Flag to ignore slave nodes if no master segment found for TIE contact (See comment 7).Formulation is optimized for spotweld or rivets. 22 .Old formulation (only used for previous version) 2 . 30 . Default = 1.0 Reference Guide 1725 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .See comment 10.0E20 (Real) MAXTD Maximum tangential relative displacement. This function must be defined. 0 . (See comment 9) No default (Integer > 0) MAXND Maximum normal relative displacement. 0 .The kinematic condition is suppressed on slave node.Field Contents IDELG Flag for node deletion.Failure when MAXND or MAXTD are reached. 1 . (See comment 9) No default (Integer > 0) STTID Identification number of TABLEDi entry defining maximum tangential stress vs tangential relative displacement (TD). RUPT Failure model (only available with FSPOT = 20. This function must be defined. No default (Integer > 0) SNTID Identification number of TABLEDi entry defining maximum normal stress vs normal relative displacement(ND). IFILT Filter flag (See comment 13) Default = 0 (Integer = 0. 1 . 1) 0 .No filtering 1 . 22) (Integer).Filtering (alpha filter) SRTID Identification number of TABLEDi entry defining stress factor vs stress rate (See comment 9). Default = 1.0E20 (Real) FSTR Stress scale factor (See comment 9) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. See comment 7. (The slave node is removed from the interface). if the master element is deleted.No deletion. 21. 7. Only one PCNTX2 property extension can be associated with a particular PCONT. (Only used with FSPOT = 25) Default = 1. PCNXT2 is only valid for tied contact on TIE card.00 (Real) ALPHA Stress filter alpha value Default = 1. Otherwise. It is ignored for all other subcases. Interface type 2 is a kinematic condition.00 (Real) FDIST Distance scale factor (See comment 9) Default = 1. the slave nodes without a master segment found during the searching are deleted from the interface.00 (Real) FSTRATE Stress rate scale factor (See comment 9) Default = 1.00 (Real) VISC (Optional) Critical damping coefficient on interface stiffness (Only used with FSPOT = 25) Default = 0. If FRIC is not explicitly defined on the PCONTX/PCNTX# entries. IMPDYN. the MU1 value on the CONTACT or PCONT entry is used for FRIC in the /INTER entries for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis. If IGNORE = 2 and SRCHDIS is blank. PCNTX2 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM.00 (Real) STFAC Interface stiffness scale factor. If INGORE = 1 and SRCHDIS is blank. then the default value of the distance for searching closest master segment is the average size of the master segments.05 (Real) Comments 1. 3. 4. then the distance for searching closest master segment is computed as follows for each slave node: 1726 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Field Contents Default = 1. 2. FRIC on PCONTX/PCNTX# overwrites the MU1 value on CONTACT/ PCONT. no other kinematic condition should be set on any nodes of the slave surface. or EXPDYN. If IGNORE = 1 or 2. The default value for SRCHDIS is the average of the mater segments. 6. The property identification number must be that of an existing PCONT bulk data entry. 5. which means the force will not be reduced. T s . 21. For failure (FSPOT = 20. 9. 22).0 Reference Guide 1727 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Thickness of the element connected to the slave node. d2) where.6 * (T s + T m) d2 = 0. the force in slave node will be scaled by reduced force coefficient f N (f T ). If reduced.Master segment diagonal 8. for solids T s = 0. In this case. Master nodes of an interface type 2 may be slave nodes of another interface type 2 if the hierarchy level of the first interface is lower than the hierarchy level of the second interface. it could model glue connection. which is computed as.d1 = 0. Hierarchy levels are only available with FSPOT=2. . which means the force will be then Here the maximum value will be defined by you with: Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. then ƒN = 1. then . The reduced force is compared to the maximum value: If .0 T m .05 * T md SRCHDIS = max(d1 . for solids T m = Element volume / Segment area T md .Thickness of master segment. the contact will be deleted.Where: : maximum normal stress value defined by SNTID : normal stress : maximum tangential stress value defined by STTID : tangential stress FSTR: the input constant stress factor SRTID: the input variable coefficient SNTID and STTID: the input stress-displacement tables. It allows a softer contact behavior since the element shape curvature is taken into account in the force/moment transmission. 13. If IFILT is set to 1. the normal and tangential stresses are filtered with an alpha filter. Once the rupture criterion (defined by Rupt) is reached. If IDELG = 1. If FSPOT = 30. the failure criterion is as follows: 11. then when a 4-node shell. it is also removed from the master side of the interface (kinematic condition is suppressed on relative slave nodes). slave mass/inertia/stiffness distribution to the master node is based on the Kirschoff model: bi-cubic form functions are used instead of linear (standard formulation). If RUPT = 1. 10.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 12. as follows: 1728 OptiStruct 13. a 3-node shell or a solid element is deleted. A critical viscous damping coefficient (VISC) allows damping to be applied to the interface stiffness. The stiffness factor. like rigid body. The penalty stiffness is constant.0 Reference Guide 1729 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .14. calculated as the mean nodal stiffness of master and slave side. may be used to modify it. FSPOT = 25 (penalty formulation) will keep the penalty formulation during the whole run. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. STFAC. if needed. The slave node (of this contact) could also be the slave node of another kinematic option. The penalty stiffness will be multiplied by STFAC. PCNTX5 Bulk Data Entry PCNTX5 – Extended CONTACT Property type 5 for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines properties type 5 of a CONTACT interface for geometric nonlinear analysis.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) IBAG Airbag vent holes closure flag in case of contact. Format (1) (2) (3) PC NTX5 PID STFAC (4) FRIC IBC (5) (6) GAP TSTART IRM INAC TI IFRIC IFILT FFAC FRIC DAT C1 C2 C3 (7) (8) IBAG IDEL C5 C6 (9) (10) TEND C4 Example (1) (2) PC ONT 34 PC NTX5 34 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Field Contents PID Property identification number of the associated PCONT. Default = 0 (Integer) 1730 OptiStruct 13. Normal is always reversed (segment 1234 is read 2143). …. Z.0 Reference Guide 1731 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . STFAC Interface stiffness scale factor.Closure IDEL Flag for node and segment deletion. Default = 0. XYZ) IRM Renumbering flag for segments of the master surface (Integer = 0. Default = 1030 (Real > 0) IBC Flag for deactivation of boundary conditions at impact applied to the slave grid set. 0 . the segment is removed from the master side of the interface.If segment is connected to a solid element its normal is reversed if entering the solid element (the segment is renumbered). Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) GAP Gap for impact activation (See comment 4). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.When all the elements (shells. YZ. 2 . the corresponding segment is removed from the master side of the interface. Additionally. non-connected nodes are removed from the slave side of the interface. 2).No closure 1 . 1 . Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) TSTART Start time Default = 0. 2) 0 . 1.2 (Real > 0) FRIC Coulomb friction. Y. (See comment 5) Default as defined by CONTPRM (Integer = 0.0 (Real > 0) TEND Time for temporary deactivation.No deletion.When a shell or a solid element is deleted. XZ. XY. 1 . Additionally. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = X. non-connected nodes are removed from the slave side of the interface. solids) associated to one segment are deleted.Field Contents 0 . C1.Darmstad friction law. IFILT Friction filtering flag (See comment 8). 3. Only one PCNTX5 property extension can be associated with a particular PCONT.Change master node coordinates to avoid small initial penetrations. C4.Standard -3dB filter with filtering period. INACTI Flag for handling of initial penetrations (See comment 6). IFRIC Friction formulation flag (See comment 7).Simple numerical filter.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . C3.Normal is never reversed (segment connected to a solid element are not renumbered). 2.0) FRICDAT FRICDAT flag indicates that additional information for IFRIC will follow. Invalid entries are ignored.Standard -3dB filter with cutting frequency. FFAC Friction filtering factor. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Integer = 0. REN .No action. 3 . PER . Coefficients to define variable friction coefficient in IFRIC = GEN.No filter is used. DARM. GEN. CUTF) NO . C6 REN.Renard friction law. Only available when IFRIC = GEN.0 < FFAC < 1. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) Comments 1.Change slave node coordinates to avoid small initial penetrations. SIMP . 4 . The property identification number must be that of an existing PCONT bulk data entry. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = NO. DARM . Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = COUL. DARM or REN. It is ignored for all other subcases. 1732 OptiStruct 13. DARM. PER.Static Coulomb friction law. REN) COUL . GEN . Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real = 0. PCNTX5 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM or IMPDYN.Field Contents 2 . CUTF . C5. 4) 0 . SIMP. C2.Generalized viscous friction law. For small initial gaps. 7. IFRIC defines the friction model.0 Reference Guide 1733 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 6. the MU1 value on the CONTACT or PCONT entry is used for FRIC in the /INTER entries for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis. In implicit analysis. but it should be noted that too low of a value could also lead to divergence. different contact formulations are used for contact where slave and master set do not overlap and where they overlap (self-contact). the convergence will be more stable and faster if GAP is larger than the initial gap. If FRIC is not explicitly defined on the PCONTX/PCNTX# entries. 5. The following formulations are available: IFRIC = 1 . 4 are only recommended for small initial penetrations and should be used with caution because: the coordinate change is irreversible. it may create other initial penetrations if several surface layers are defined in the interfaces. IFRIC = COUL – Coulomb friction with F T < FRIC * F N. sometimes a stiffness with scaling factor reduction (for example. it may create initial energy if the node belongs to a spring element.Darmstad law µ = C1 * e(C 2V ) * p2 + C3 * e(C 4V ) * p + C5 * e(C 6V ) IFRIC = 3 . V)). FRIC on PCONTX/PCNTX# overwrites the MU1 value on CONTACT/ PCONT. 4. For IFRIC > 0 the friction coefficient is set by a function (µ = µ (p. Otherwise. particularly in shell structures under bending where the effective stiffness is much lower than membrane stiffness.Generalized viscous friction law µ = FRIC + C1 * p + C2 * V + C3 * p * v + C4 * p2 + C5 * v2 IFRIC = 2 . In the case of self-contact.Renard law 0 < V < C5 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the gap cannot be zero and a constant gap is used.01) or reduction in impacted thickness (if rigid one) might reduce unbalanced forces and improve convergence. where p is the pressure of the normal force on the master segment and V is the tangential velocity of the slave node. Flag IDEL = 1 has a CPU cost higher than IDEL = 2. STFAC = 0. In implicit analysis. INACTI = 3.3. T is the filtering period * FFAC * dt. F T . where FFAC is the cutting frequency This card is represented as an extension to a PCONT property in HyperMesh.Tangential force F'T . IFILT defines the method for computing the friction filtering coefficient. F T = α * F'T + (1 .α) * F'T-1 where. If IFILT the tangential friction forces are smoothed using a filter: NO. 8. must be lower than the maximum friction C3 (C1 < C3 and C2 < C3).filtering coefficient IFILT = SIMP – α = FFAC IFILT = PER – α = 2 IFILT = CUTF – α = 2 9.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . must be lower than the static friction coefficient C1 and the dynamic friction coefficient C2 (C4 < C1 and C4 < C2). where dt/T = FFAC. dt/FFAC.Tangential force at time t F'T-1 .Tangential force at time t-1 α . 1734 OptiStruct 13. The minimum friction coefficient C4. The static friction coefficient C1 and the dynamic friction coefficient C2.C5 < V < C6 C6 < V where: The first critical velocity Vcr1 second critical velocity Vcr2 (C5 < C6). 0 Reference Guide 1735 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) PC NTX7 PID ISTF ITHE IGAP GAPFAC GAPMAX FPENMAX STMIN STMAX MESHSIZ E DTMIN IREMGAP STFAC FRIC GAP TSTART TEND INAC TI VISS IFORM SENSID IBC (5) IFRIC IFILT FFAC C URVDA T G1 G2 FRIC DAT C1 C2 C3 ADMDAT NRADM PADM ANGLAD M THEDAT RTHE FRAD DRAD FHEATS (6) (7) (8) (9) IBAG IDEL IC URV IADM VISF BMULT C4 C5 C6 TINT ITHEF (10) FHEATM Example Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.PCNTX7 Bulk Data Entry PCNTX7 – Extended CONTACT Property type 7 for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines properties type 7 of a CONTACT interface for geometric nonlinear analysis. (1) (2) PC ONT 34 PC NTX7 34 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Field Contents PID Property identification number of the associated PCONT. IGAP Flag for gap definition. 0 .Gap is variable (in space. IBAG Airbag vent holes closure flag in case of contact. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = CONST. (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) ISTF Flag for stiffness definition (See comment 5).Closure. VAR3 . 1 . 4 and 5 . 2. 2) 1736 OptiStruct 13.No closure. Default = 0. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Integer = 0.No heat transfer. IDEL Flag for node and segment deletion.STIF1 is used as interface stiffness. not in time) according to the characteristics of the impacting surfaces and nodes (See comment 7). 3. VAR2. 1 .Gap is constant and equal to GAP (See comment 6). 5) 0 . …. ITHE Heat contact flag (Integer). …. VAR2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 0 .The interface stiffness is computed from both master and slave characteristics. VAR3) CONST . Default = 0 (Integer). VAR. 1 .The stiffness is computed according to the master side characteristics. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Integer = 0.Heat transfer activated. VAR. 2 . 1 . Default = 0 (Integer 0.. Additionally.Interface update according mesh size.Cylindrical curvature. 2).Not activated. ICURV Gap envelope with curvature (See comment 8). Integer 0. non-connected nodes are removed from the slave side of the interface. 0 . IADM Computing local curvature flag for adaptive meshing (See comments 9 and 10).Automatic bicubic surface. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) FPENMAX Maximum fraction of initial penetration (See comment 13). Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) STMAX Maximum stiffness (Only with ISTF > 1). 0 . 2 .Spherical curvature. . penetration and angle.No deletion.When a shell or a solid element is deleted.When all the elements (shells. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) GAPMAX Maximum gap (used only when IGAP = VAR2 and VAR3).No curvature. (Real) STMIN Minimum stiffness (Only with ISTF > 1). 3 . 3. the segment is removed from the master side of the interface.Interface update according mesh size. 1 . solids) associated to one segment are deleted. 1.. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 1 . 2 .. Additionally.0 Reference Guide 1737 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . the corresponding segment is removed from the master side of the interface. GAPFAC Gap scale factor (used only when IGAP = VAR2 and VAR3).Field Contents 0 . non-connected nodes are removed from the slave side of the interface. 0 < MESHSIZE < 1.No slave node deactivation 2 .0 (Real > 0) TEND Time for temporary deactivation. Default = 1030 (Real > 0) IBC Flag for deactivation of boundary conditions at impact applied to the slave grid set. XZ.0) DTMIN Limiting nodal time step (see comment 19) IREMGAP Flag to deactivate slave nodes if element size < gap value. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) FRIC Coulomb friction. Change slave node coordinates to avoid small initial penetrations. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) GAP Gap for impact activation (See comments 4 and 6). or 6) 0 1 2 3 - No action. STFAC Interface stiffness scale factor. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Integer = 0. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = X. Default = 1 (Integer) 1 .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = 0. Deactivation of stiffness on elements. 2.Field Contents Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) MESHSIZE Percentage of mesh size (used only when IGAP = VAR3). Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) TSTART Start time Default = 0. Y. 1738 OptiStruct 13. 1.Deactivate slave nodes. Deactivation of stiffness on nodes. Z.4 (Real. XY. XYZ) INACTI Flag for handling of initial penetrations (See comment 13). 0. 5. YZ. in case of self-impact contact (See comment 20). 3. DARM . Can be used to speed up the sorting algorithm.Field Contents 5 . Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) IFRIC Friction formulation flag (See comment 14).Simple numerical filter. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = NO. REN . Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real = 0.05*(gap . CUTF .Generalized viscous friction law. GEN .Renard friction law. Is machine-dependent.Darmstad friction law. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. STIFF) VISC .Standard -3dB filter with cutting frequency. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = VISC.GAP is variable with time and initial gap is adjusted as follows: gap0 = gap .0 < FFAC < 1. GEN. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) VISF Critical damping coefficient on interface friction. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) BMULT Sorting factor. or CUTF) NO . PER .P0 – 0.P0) Invalid entries are ignored. VISS Critical damping coefficient on interface stiffness.No filter is used.Static Coulomb friction law.0 Reference Guide 1739 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Gap is variable with time but initial gap is slightly de-penetrated as follows: gap0 = gap . SIMP. IFILT Friction filtering flag (See comment 15). DARM. SIMP . PER. FFAC Friction filtering factor. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = COUL. or REN) COUL .Standard -3dB filter with filtering period.0) IFORM Type of friction penalty formulation (See comment 16).P0 6 .Viscous (total) formulation. Only available when ITHE = 1. G1 First grid identifier (used only when ICURV = 1 or 2) (Integer) G2 Second grid identifier (used only when ICURV = 2. C2.Stiffness (incremental) formulation. Default = 1. Only available when ICURV = 1 or 2. Coefficients to define variable friction coefficient in IFRIC = GEN. NRADM Number of elements through a 90 degree radius 3 (used only when IADM = 2) (Integer) PADM Criteria on the percentage of penetration (used only when IADM = 2). C1. C4.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Only available when IFRIC = GEN. C5. ignored when ICURV = 1) (Integer) FRICDAT FRICDAT flag indicates that additional information for IFRIC will follow.Field Contents STIFF . DARM or REN. C3. CURVDAT CURVDAT flag indicates that additional information about ICURV will follow. the activation/deactivation of the interface is based on SENSID instead of TSTART or TSTOP. DARM. Only available when IADM = 2. 1740 OptiStruct 13. SENSID Sensor identifier to Activate/Deactivate the interface (See comment 21) No default (Integer) If a sensor identifier is defined. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) ADMDAT ADMDAT flag indicates that additional information about IADM will follow. C6 REN.0 (Real) ANGLADM Angle criteria (used only when IADM = 2) (Real) THEDAT THEDAT flag indicates that additional information about ITHE will follow. Exchange between constant temperature in the interface and shells (slave side). Otherwise.0 Reference Guide 1741 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . the gap cannot be zero and a constant gap is used.Heat exchange between pieces in contact. see comment 18) (Real). It is ignored for all other subcases. the convergence will be more stable and faster if GAP is larger than the Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 1 . 0 . the MU1 value on the CONTACT or PCONT entry is used for FRIC in the /INTER entries for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis. 2. Only one PCNTX7 property extension can be associated with a particular PCONT. see comment 25) No default (Real) Comments 1. 3. For small initial gaps. In the case of self-contact. FRIC on PCONTX/PCNTX# overwrites the MU1 value on CONTACT/ PCONT. The property identification number must be that of an existing PCONT bulk data entry. In implicit analysis. different contact formulations are used for contact where slave and master set do not overlap and where they overlap (self-contact). PCNTX7 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. see comment 25) No default (Real) FHEATM Frictional heating factor of the master (used only when ITHE = 1. FRAD Radiation factor (used only when ITHE = 1) No default (Real) DRAD Maximum distance for radiation computation (used only when ITHE = 1) No default (Real) FHEATS Frictional heating factor of the slave (used only when ITHE = 1.Field Contents RTHE Heat conduction coefficient (used only when ITHE = 1. TINT Interface temperature (used only when ITHE = 1) (Real) ITHEF Heat contact formulation flag (used only when ITHE = 1. or EXPDYN. Integer). If FRIC is not explicitly defined on the PCONTX/PCNTX# entries. 4. IMPDYN. Ks) ISTF = 4.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The master stiffness is computed from Km = STFAC * B * S * S/V for solids. lmin – smallest side length of all master segments (shell or solid). the variable gap is computed as max(GAP. GAPMAX). sometimes a stiffness with scaling factor reduction (for example. The interface stiffness is then K = max (STMIN. min(GAPFAC * (gs+gm). and V is the volume of a solid. the variable gap is computed as max(GAP. In these equations. MESHSIZE * (gsl+gml). K1)) with: ISTF = 0. There is no limitation to the value of stiffness factor (but a value larger than 1. K1 = Km ISTF = 2. particularly in shell structures under bending where the effective stiffness is much lower than membrane stiffness.5 * STFAC * E * t for shells. t: thickness of the master element for shell elements.master element gap.slave node gap: gs = 0 if the slave node is not connected to any element or is only connected to solid 1742 OptiStruct 13. In implicit analysis.0 can reduce the initial time step). and/or the slave segment stiffness Ks. lmin/2. K1 = max (Km. 7. but it should be noted that too low of a value could also lead to divergence. l/10. gm = 0 for solid elements. GAPMAX).5 * (Km + Ks) ISTF = 3. average thickness of the master shell elements. The default for the constant gap (IGAP = CONST) is the minimum of: t.5 * STFAC * E * t for shells. Ks = 0. If IGAP = VAR3. The slave stiffness is an equivalent nodal stiffness computed as Ks = STFAC * B * V-3 for solids. min (STMAX. If IGAP = VAR2. K1 = min (Km. min(GAPFAC * (gs+gm). K1 = 0.initial gap. l – average side length of the master solid elements. B is the Bulk Modulus. If IGAP = VAR. gs . Ks) ISTF = 5. the variable gap is computed as gs + gm. STFAC = 0.01) or reduction in impacted thickness (if rigid one) might reduce unbalanced forces and improve convergence. Km = 0. with: gm = t/2. S is the segment area. 5. K1 = Km * Ks / (Km + Ks) 6. with: gm . a cylindrical curvature is defined for the gap with node_ID1 and node_ID2 (on the axis of the cylinder). 9.length of the smaller edge of element. If the slave node is connected to multiple shells and/or beams or trusses. If ICURV = 3. The variable gap is always at least equal to GAP.length of the smaller edge of elements connected to the slave nodes.or spring elements. If ICURV = 2. element. the element on the slave side will be divided (if not yet at maximum level). In case of a large change in curvature. this formulation might become unstable (will be improved in future version). 10. gml . t . gsl . If ICURV = 1. gs = t/2. respecting continuity of the coordinates and the normal from one segment to the other.0 Reference Guide 1743 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . the master surface shape is obtained with a bicubic interpolation. In case of adaptive meshing and IADM =2: Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. a spherical curvature is defined for the gap with node_ID1 (center of the sphere). the largest computed slave gap is used.largest thickness of the shell elements connected to the slave node. In case of adaptive meshing and IADM =1: If the contact occurs in a zone (master side) whose radius of curvature is lower than the element size (slave side). 8. there is no maximum value for the gap. it may create other initial penetrations if several surface layers are defined in the interfaces. INACTI = 5 is recommended for airbag simulation deployment. the element on the slave side will be divided (if not yet at maximum level). INACTI = 3. INACTI = 6 is recommended instead of INACTI = 5.If the contact occurs in a zone (master side) whose radius of curvature is lower than NRadm times the element size (slave side). PADM. 13. 12. 11. and ANGLADM are used only adaptive meshing and IADM = 2. 1744 OptiStruct 13. the element on the slave side will be divided (if not yet at maximum level). The coefficients NRADM. it may create initial energy if the node belongs to a spring element. If the contact occurs in a zone (master side) where the angles between the normals are greater than Angladm and the percentage of penetration is greater than Padm. in order to avoid high frequency effects into the interfaces. is only recommended for small initial penetrations and should be used with caution because: the coordinate change is irreversible. If GAPMAX is equal to zero.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . IFRIC = COUL – Coulomb friction with F T < FRIC * F N. The following formulations are available: IFRIC = 1 . must be lower than the maximum friction C3 (C1 < C3) and C2 < C3).Renard law 0 < V < C5 C5 < V < C6 C6 < V where: The first critical velocity Vcr1 second critical velocity Vcr2 (C5 < C6). regardless of the value of INACTI. 14. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. nodes stiffness is deactivated if penetration > FPENMAX*GAP. where p is the pressure of the normal force on the master segment and V is the tangential velocity of the slave node.Generalized viscous friction law = FRIC + C1 * p + C2 * V + C3 * p * v + C4 * p2 + C5 * v2 IFRIC = 2 . V)).0 Reference Guide 1745 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .If FPENMAX is not equal to zero. For IFRIC > 0 the friction coefficient is set by a function ( = (p. The static friction coefficient C1 and the dynamic friction coefficient C2. IFRIC defines the friction model.Darmstad law = C1 * e(C 2V) * p2 + C3 * e(C 4V) * p + C5 * e(C 6V) IFRIC = 3 . Tangential force at time t F'T-1 . the tangential friction forces are smoothed using a filter: F T = α * F'T + (1 . this allows the element size < gap values: 1746 OptiStruct 13. must be lower than the static friction coefficient C1 and the dynamic friction coefficient C2 (C4 < C1 and C4 < C2). 20. RTHE is the inverse of thermal resistance (units: [W/(m2·K)]).filtering coefficient IFILT = SIMP – α = FFAC IFILT = PER – α = 2 dt/FFAC. F T . With IREMGAP = 2. Exchange between shell and constant temperature contact TINT. 19. Slave segment contact is deactivated when the segment kinematic time step calculated for this contact is lower than DTMIN. 15. F adh) The stiffness (incremental) formulation (IFORM = STIFF) computes an adhesive force as: F adh = F Told + F T F T = K * VT * dt F Tnew = min (µF N.Tangential force F'T . where dt/T = FFAC. F adh) 17.The minimum friction coefficient C4.α) * F'T-1 where. IFORM selects two types of contact friction penalty formulation. where FFAC is the cutting frequency 16.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The viscous (total) formulation (IFORM = VISC) computes an adhesive force as: F adh T F T = min (µF N. T is the filtering period IFILT = CUTF – α = 2 * FFAC * dt. 18.Tangential force at time t-1 α . 21. When FHEATS and FHEATM = 0. is in the range: Gap < d < DRAD. The radiant heat transfer conductance is calculated as: Where. Frictional energy is converted into heat when heat transfer is activated (ITHE > 0) on the interface. 23. 1 is the emissivity of the slave surface. smallest side length of slave element. When SENSID is defined for activation/deactivation of the interface. and is the emissivity of the master surface. The frictional heat QFric is defined as follows: Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. when curvilinear distance (from a node of the master segment to a slave node) is < gap*sqrt(2) (in initial configuration). and it will not be deleted from the contact for the other master segments. then the default value of DRAD is calculated as the maximum of: upper value of the gap (at time 0) among all nodes. the conversion of the frictional sliding energy to heat is not activated. and d. 24. If FRAD is not equals to zero. Non-zero values of FHEATS and FHEATM define the fraction of this energy which is converted into heat and transferred to the slave and master respectively. If FRAD is not equal to zero. then this slave node will not be taken into account by this master segment. then radiation is calculated. TSTART and TSTOP are not taken into account. Options FHEATS and FHEATM are used to control this option. A very high value of DRAD is not recommended as it may reduce the performance of the solver 25.In case of self-impact contact. 22.0 Reference Guide 1747 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 2 is the Stefan Boltzman constant. the distance from the slave node to the master segment. This card is represented as an extension to a PCONT property in HyperMesh.If IFORM = 2 (a stiffness formulation): Slave: Master: (ITHEF=1) If IFORM = 1 (a penalty formulation): Slave: Master: (ITHEF=1) 26.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1748 OptiStruct 13. STFAC is a stiffness scale factor and the stiffness is computed according to the master side characteristics. 4 and 5 . 5) 0 .0 Reference Guide 1749 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .PCNTX11 Bulk Data Entry PCNTX11 – Extended Contact (CONTX11) Property type 11 for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines properties type 11 of a CONTACT interface for geometric nonlinear analysis. Format (1) (2) PC NTX11 PID (3) (4) (5) (6) ISTF (7) (9) IGAP (10) IDEL STMIN STMAX MESHSIZE DTMIN STFAC FRIC GAP TSTART TEND STF1 INAC TI VISS VISF IBC (8) BMULT Example (1) (2) PC ONT 34 PC NTX11 34 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Field Contents PID Property identification number of the associated PCONT. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) ISTF Flag for stiffness definition (See comment 6).STFAC is a stiffness scale factor and the interface Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. ….STIF1 is used as interface stiffness. 2. 1 . 3. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Integer = 0. 2 .Gap is a constant and equal to GAP (See comment 7). the segment is removed from the master side of the interface. non-connected nodes are removed from the slave side of the interface. the corresponding segment is removed from the master side of the interface. VAR3) CONST . Default = 0. VAR .0) DTMIN Limiting nodal time step (see comment 10) No default (Real > 0) STFAC Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) 1750 OptiStruct 13. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Integer = 0.Gap is a variable according to the characteristics of the impacted master line and impacting slave node + gap is taken into account the size of the elements. VAR3 .No deletion. IGAP Flag for gap definition.When all the elements (shells and solids) associated to one segment are deleted. not in time) according to the characteristics of the impacted master line and the impacting slave nodes (See comment 8).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . STMIN Minimum stiffness (Only with ISTF > 1).Gap is a variable (in space. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) MESHSIZE Percentage of mesh size (Used only when IGAP = VAR3). 1 . Additionally.Field Contents stiffness is computed from both master and slave characteristics. …. 2) 0 . Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) STMAX Maximum stiffness (Only with ISTF > 1).When a shell or a solid element is deleted. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = CONST.4 (Real. VAR. Additionally. non-connected nodes are removed from the slave side of the interface. IDEL Flag for node and segment deletion. 0.0 < MESHSIZE < 1. XYZ) INACTI Flag for handling of initial penetrations (See comment 8). Y.Gap is variable with time but initial gap is slightly de-penetrated as follows: gap0 = gap . Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) GAP Gap for impact activation (See comments 7 and 8). 3.0 Reference Guide 1751 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Change slave node coordinates to avoid small initial penetrations.Field Contents FRIC Coulomb friction. Z. Deactivation of stiffness on elements. or 6) 0 1 2 3 5 - No action. 1.P0 6 .0 (Real > 0) TEND Time for temporary deactivation. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) VISF Critical damping coefficient on interface friction. 2. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = X. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 5. XZ. Deactivation of stiffness on nodes.P0 – 0. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Integer = 0. Default = 0.P0) Invalid entries are ignored. YZ. XY. GAP is a variable with time and initial gap is adjusted as follows: gap0 = gap . Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) TSTART Start time.0 (Real > 0) IBC Flag for deactivation of boundary conditions at impact applied to the slave grid set. VISS Critical damping coefficient on interface stiffness. Default = 1030 (Real > 0) STIF1 Interface stiffness (Only with ISTF = 1).05*(gap . Default = 0. Ks) 1752 OptiStruct 13. In these equations. the MU1 value on the CONTACT or PCONT entry is used for FRIC in the /INTER entries for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis.0 can reduce the initial time step). The property identification number must be that of an existing PCONT bulk data entry. this interface can be used in addition to the interface type 7 PCNTX7 to solve the edge to edge limitation of interface type 7. 4. This allows self impact. K1)) with: ISTF = 0. a line can be a beam or truss element or a shell edge or spring elements. K1 = Km ISTF = 2.5 * STFAC * E * t for shells. It is ignored for all other subcases. min (STMAX. a slave line can impact on one or more master lines. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) Comments 1. and V is the volume of a solid. There is no limitation to the value of stiffness factor (but a value larger than 1. 2. The slave stiffness is an equivalent nodal stiffness computed as Ks = STFAC * B * V-3 for solids. PCNTX11 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. IMPDYN. S is the segment area. If FRIC is not explicitly defined on the PCONTX/PCNTX# entries. PCNTX11 defines the properties of contact interface type CONTX11. Km = 0. B is the Bulk Modulus.Field Contents BMULT Sorting factor. K = max (STMIN. The interface stiffness is then. Ks) ISTF = 4.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . or EXPDYN. K1 = 0. and/or the slave segment stiffness Ks. it describes the edge to edge or line to line interface. Otherwise.5 * STFAC * E * t for shells. FRIC on PCONTX/PCNTX# overwrites the MU1 value on CONTACT/ PCONT. This interface simulates impact between lines. Can be used to speed up the sorting algorithm and is machine-dependent. Ks = 0. 3.5 * (Km + Ks) ISTF = 3. The interface properties are: impacts occur between a master and a slave line. K1 = min (Km. K1 = max (Km. The master stiffness is computed from Km = STFAC * B * S * S/V for solids. 5. a line can belong to the master and the slave side. Only one PCNTX11 property extension can be associated with a particular PCONT. it may create other initial penetrations.master element gap with gm = t/2. gs . INACTI = 5 is recommended for airbag simulation deployment. The variable gap is always at least equal to GAP.ISTF = 5. gm = 0 for spring elements. If IGAP = VAR. it is machine dependent. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 8. the variable gap is computed as: gm + gs with: gm . is only recommended for small initial penetrations and should be used with caution because: the coordinate change is irreversible.0 Reference Guide 1753 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . if the node belongs to a spring element. element. The default for the constant gap (IGAP = CONST) is equal to GAP. L . it may create initial energy. INACTI = 3. the largest computed slave gap is used. K1 = Km * Ks / (Km + Ks) 6. if several surface layers are defined in the interfaces.length of the smallest side of a solid element.slave element gap is computed as the same way. The sorting factor BUMULT is used to speed up the sorting algorithm. t: thickness of the master element for shell elements. 9. If the slave node is connected to multiple shells and/or beams or trusses. 7. gm = L/10. in order to avoid high frequency effects into the interfaces. INACTI = 6 is recommended instead of INACTI = 5. Slave segment is deactivated from the contact when the segment kinematic time step calculated for this contact becomes smaller than DTMIN.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1754 OptiStruct 13.10. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.PCNTX20 Bulk Data Entry PCNTX20 – Extended CONTACT Property type 20 for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines properties type 20 of a CONTACT interface for geometric nonlinear analysis. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) PC NTX20 PID ISYM IEDGE GRNDID (7) (8) (9) (10) EDGEAngle IGAP IBAG IDEL FPENMAX STFAC FRIC GAP IBC TSATAT TEND INAC TI VISS VISF C4 C5 IFRIC IFILT FFAC IFORM FRIC DAT C1 C2 C3 C6 Example (1) (2) PC ONT 34 PC NTX20 34 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Field Contents PID Property identification number of the associated PCONT.0 Reference Guide 1755 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . IBAG Airbag vent holes closure flag in case of contact. IDEL Flag for node and segment deletion.Gap is constant and equal to GAP (See comment 6). VAR . EdgeAngle Edges angle (used only if IEDGE = FEAT) Default = 91 (Real). the segment is removed from the master side of the 1756 OptiStruct 13. GRNDID Optional nodes group identifier (Integer). IEDGE Flag for edge generation from slave and master surfaces. All – All segment edges are included. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = SYM or UNSYM) SYM – Symmetric contact. Default = 0 (Integer). Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = NO. 1 .When all the elements (shells and solids) associated to one segment are deleted.Closure. the edge is considered. not in time) according to the characteristics of the impacting surfaces and nodes (See comment 7).Field Contents ISYM Flag for symmetric contact. IGAP Flag for gap definition. If angle between two edges is smaller than EdgeAngle.Gap is variable (in space. 1 .No deletion. 2) 0 . BORD.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default as defined by CONTPRM (Integer = 0. BORD – External border of slave and master surface is used. …. If SSID defines a grid set. UNSYM – Master-slave contact. FEAT) NO – No edge generation. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = CONST or VAR) CONST . FEAT – External border as well as features defined by FANG are used. 0 .No closure. ALL. the contact is always a master-slave contact. 3 . YZ. XZ. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) GAP Gap for impact activation (See comments 4 and 6). Default = 1030 (Real > 0) IBC Flag for deactivation of boundary conditions at impact applied to the slave grid set. 1. the corresponding segment is removed from the master side of the interface. 2. XY. Default = 0. Z. Additionally. Default = 1.Deactivation of stiffness on elements. non-connected nodes are removed from the slave side of the interface. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = X. 2 .Gap is variable with time but initial gap is slightly de-penetrated as follows: gap0 = gap . Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) TSTART Start time.When a shell or a solid element is deleted. XYZ) INACTI Flag for handling of initial penetrations (See comment 9).Deactivation of stiffness on nodes. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) FRIC Coulomb friction.Field Contents interface. Additionally. or 5) 0 .P0 – 0.P0) Valid in explicit analysis: 0. 2. 5 . FPENMAX Maximum initial penetration factor (0 < FPENMAX < 1) (See comment 8).05 * (gap . 3. non-connected nodes are removed from the slave side of the interface.0 (Real) STFAC Interface stiffness scale factor.No action. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Integer = 0. 1. 1 .0 (Real > 0) TEND Time for temporary deactivation. 2 . 3 and 5.Change slave node coordinates to avoid small initial penetrations.0 Reference Guide 1757 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Y. REN .Standard -3dB filter with cutting frequency. C4. SIMP. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = VISC. CUTF . DARM. DARM. DARM or REN.Static Coulomb friction law. C2. 1758 OptiStruct 13. PER .Simple numerical filter. FRICDAT FRICDAT flag indicates that additional information for IFRIC will follow.Standard -3dB filter with filtering period. C1.0) IFORM Type of friction penalty formulation (See comment 12). Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = COUL. The property identification number must be that of an existing PCONT bulk data entry. Coefficients to define variable friction coefficient in IFRIC = GEN. CUTF) NO . VISS Critical damping coefficient on interface stiffness.Generalized viscous friction law. C3. Only one PCNTX20 property extension can be associated with a particular PCONT. SIMP .Stiffness (incremental) formulation. FFAC Friction filtering factor.0 < FFAC < 1.Darmstad friction law. PER. Only available when IFRIC = GEN. C6 REN. GEN. GEN . REN) COUL . IFILT Friction filtering flag (See comment 11).Viscous (total) formulation. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) Comments 1.Field Contents Invalid entries are ignored. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) VISF Critical damping coefficient on interface friction. DARM .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . C5. STIFF . Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = NO. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) IFRIC Friction formulation flag (See comment 10).No filter is used.Renard friction law. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real = 0. STIFF) VISC . In implicit analysis. The variable gap (IGAP = VAR) is computed as: gs + gm with: Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Ks) ISTF = 5. the gap cannot be zero and a constant gap is used. K1 = Km * Ks / (Km + Ks) 6. K1 = max (Km. The default for the constant gap (IGAP = CONST) is the minimum of: t. Ks) ISTF = 4.5 * STFAC * E * t for shells. 3. K1)) with: ISTF = 0. the convergence will be more stable and faster if GAP is larger than the initial gap. It is ignored for all other subcases. FRIC on PCONTX/PCNTX# overwrites the MU1 value on CONTACT/ PCONT. lmin – smallest side length of all master segments (shell or solid).5 * (Km + Ks) ISTF = 3. the MU1 value on the CONTACT or PCONT entry is used for FRIC in the /INTER entries for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis. lmin/2. but it should be noted that too low of a value could also lead to divergence.0 can reduce the initial time step). l/10. In the case of self-contact. sometimes a stiffness with scaling factor reduction (for example. 7. There is no limitation to the value of stiffness factor (but a value larger than 1. different contact formulations are used for contact where slave and master set do not overlap and where they overlap (self-contact). and V is the volume of a solid. S is the segment area.0 Reference Guide 1759 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . For small initial gaps. Km = 0. 5. PCNTX20 is only applied in geometric nonlinear explicit dynamic analysis subcase which is defined by ANALYSIS = EXPDYN. In these equations. Ks = 0. The master stiffness is computed from Km = STFAC * B * S * S/V for solids. particularly in shell structures under bending where the effective stiffness is much lower than membrane stiffness.01) or reduction in impacted thickness (if rigid one) might reduce unbalanced forces and improve convergence. STFAC = 0. B is the Bulk Modulus. and/or the slave segment stiffness Ks. The slave stiffness is an equivalent nodal stiffness computed as Ks = STFAC * B * V-3 for solids. average thickness of the master shell elements.2. The interface stiffness is then K = max (STMIN. K1 = min (Km. l – average side length of the master solid elements. but not supported in NLGEOM or IMPDYN subcases. K1 = 0. Otherwise. K1 = Km ISTF = 2.5 * STFAC * E * t for shells. min (STMAX. 4. In implicit analysis. If FRIC is not explicitly defined on the PCONTX/PCNTX# entries. If the slave node is connected to multiple shells and/or beams or trusses. For IFRIC > 0. it may create other initial penetrations if several surface layers are defined in the interfaces.largest thickness of the shell elements connected to the slave node.slave node gap: gs = 0 if the slave node is not connected to any element or is only connected to solid or spring elements. gs .gm . INACTI = 3. 9. element. it may create initial energy if the node belongs to a spring element. t . 8. is only recommended for small initial penetrations and should be used with caution because: the coordinate change is irreversible. IFRIC defines the friction model. the largest computed slave gap is used. gs = t/2. V 1760 OptiStruct 13. t: thickness of the master element for shell elements. the friction coefficient is set by a function ( p. Maximum penetration value is set as a fraction of the actual gap (including variable gap): Penmax = FPENMAX * gap If the initial penetration of a slave node is greater than the calculated maximum value (Penmax). gm = 0 for solid elements.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering ) Altair Engineering . INACTI = 5 works as follows: 10. IFRIC = COUL – Coulomb friction with F T < FRIC * F N.master element gap with gm = t/2. the node will be deactivated from the interface (node stiffness deactivation). must be lower than the maximum friction C3 (C1 < C3 and C2 < C3).0 Reference Guide 1761 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The following formulations are available: IFRIC = 1 .Darmstad law µ = C1 * e(C 2V ) * p2 + C3 * e(C 4V ) * p + C5 * e(C 6V ) IFRIC = 3 . If IFILT the tangential friction forces are smoothed using a filter: NO.where. IFILT defines the method for computing the friction filtering coefficient. 11. The static friction coefficient C1 and the dynamic friction coefficient C2.Generalized viscous friction law µ = FRIC + C1 * p + C2 * V + C3 * p * v + C4 * p2 + C5 * v2 IFRIC = 2 . F T = α * F'T + (1 .α) * F'T-1 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. must be lower than the static friction coefficient C1 and the dynamic friction coefficient C2 (C4 < C1 and C4 < C2). The minimum friction coefficient C4.Renard law 0 < V < C5 C5 < V < C6 C6 < V where: The first critical velocity Vcr1 second critical velocity Vcr2 (C5 < C6). p is the pressure of the normal force on the master segment and V is the tangential velocity of the slave node. F adh) 13. T is the filtering period IFILT = CUTF – α = 2 * FFAC * dt. F adh) The stiffness (incremental) formulation (IFORM = STIFF) computes an adhesive force as: F adh = F Told + ∆F T ∆F T = K * VT * dt F Tnew = min (µF N. 1762 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .filtering coefficient IFILT = SIMP – α = FFAC IFILT = PER – α = 2 dt/FFAC. The viscous (total) formulation (IFORM = VISC) computes an adhesive force as: F adh T F T = min (µF N. where dt/T = FFAC. where FFAC is the cutting frequency 12. IFORM selects two types of contact friction penalty formulation. This card is represented as an extension to a PCONT property in HyperMesh.Tangential force F'T . F T .where.Tangential force at time t-1 α .Tangential force at time t F'T-1 . Format (1) (2) PC NTX24 PID (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) GAPMAXs GAPMAXm (9) (10) ISTF STMIN STMAX STFAC FRIC IGAP0 IBC IFRIC IFILT FFAC FRIC DAT C1 C2 IPEN0 IPENMAX TSTART TEND INAC TI VISS IPENMIN SENSID C3 C4 C5 C6 Example (1) (2) PC ONT 34 PC NTX24 34 Altair Engineering (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) OptiStruct 13.PCNTX24 Bulk Data Entry PCNTX24 – Extended CONTACT Property type 24 for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines properties type 24 of a CONTACT interface for geometric nonlinear analysis.0 Reference Guide 1763 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . No default (Real) GAPMAXm Master maximum gaps.The stiffness is computed according to the master side characteristics. 3. 2. No default (Real) STMIN Minimum stiffness (Only with ISTF > 1).No change 1 . No default (Integer > 0) ISTF Flag for stiffness definition (See comment 5). (Real) IPENMIN Minimum initial penetration: Penetration higher than this value will be 1764 OptiStruct 13.The interface stiffness is computed from both master and slave characteristics. GAPMAXs Slave maximum gaps. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) STMAX Maximum stiffness (Only with ISTF > 1). (Integer) 0 . 5) 0 . ….Set gap to zero for the slave shell nodes IPEN0 Initial penetration detection flag (See comment 14) (Integer) 0 .default method (excluding auto-impact in each part) 1 . Default as defined by CONTPRM (Integer = 0.method 1 (including auto-impact in each part) IPENMAX Maximum initial penetration: Penetration higher than this value will not be taken into account.Field Contents PID Property identification number of the corresponding PCONT entry. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) IGAP0 Gap modification flag for slave shell nodes on the free edges. 4 and 5 .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) TSTART Start time Default = 0. XY. -1 . (Real) STFAC Interface stiffness scale factor. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = X. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Integer = 0.Renard friction law. Default = 1030 (Real > 0) IBC Flag for deactivation of boundary conditions at impact applied to the slave grid set. 5 . IFILT Friction filtering flag (See comment 10).Generalized viscous friction law.Field Contents taken into account.P0 . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 5) 0 .0e-08) will be taken into account. Z. 1 .0 (Real > 0) TEND Time for temporary deactivation. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = COUL. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) IFRIC Friction formulation flag (See comment 9). DARM . -1. Y. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) FRIC Coulomb friction. REN .only tiny initial penetrations (1. GEN. YZ. 1. XYZ) INACTI Flag for handling of initial penetrations (See comment 8).Darmstad friction law.0 Reference Guide 1765 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .all initial penetrations will be taken into account.Static Coulomb friction law. REN) COUL . GEN .GAP is variable with time and initial gap is adjusted as follows: gap0 = gap . DARM.all initial penetrations will be ignored. where P0 is the initial penetration VISS Critical damping coefficient on interface stiffness. XZ. C3. DARM. For small initial gaps. sometimes a stiffness with scaling factor reduction (for example. C5. the MU1 value on the CONTACT or PCONT entry is used for FRIC in the /INTER entries for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis. CUTF) NO .Simple numerical filter. the activation/deactivation of interface is based on the sensor and not on Tstart or Tstop. Coefficients to define variable friction coefficient in IFRIC = GEN. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) Comments 1. Only available when IFRIC = GEN. PER. SIMP. In the case of self-contact. C4.Standard -3dB filter with cutting frequency. CUTF . C6 REN. In implicit analysis. C2. It is ignored for all other subcases. or EXPDYN. the convergence will be more stable and faster if GAP is larger than the initial gap. but it should be noted that too low of a value could also lead to divergence. The property identification number must be that of an existing PCONT bulk data entry. Otherwise. DARM or REN. PCNTX24 is only supported for geometric nonlinear explicit dynamic analysis subcase defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM.No filter is used. If FRIC is not explicitly defined on the PCONTX/PCNTX# entries. SIMP . 4. the gap cannot be zero and a constant gap is used. 3. C1. Only one PCNTX24 property extension can be associated with a particular PCONT. particularly in shell structures under bending where the effective stiffness is much lower than membrane stiffness.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Field Contents Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = NO. different contact formulations are used for contact where slave and master set do not overlap and where they overlap (self-contact). FFAC Friction filtering factor. 2.Standard -3dB filter with filtering period. 1766 OptiStruct 13. FRIC on PCONTX/PCNTX# overwrites the MU1 value on CONTACT/ PCONT. In implicit analysis. PER . Default as defined by CONTPRM SENSID Sensor identifier to Activate/Deactivate the interface (See comment 12) No default (Integer) If a sensor identifier is defined. IMPDYN. FRICDAT FRICDAT flag indicates that additional information for IFRIC will follow.01) or reduction in impacted thickness (if rigid one) might reduce unbalanced forces and improve convergence. STFAC = 0. element. 8. K1 = Km ISTF = 2. and/or the slave segment stiffness Ks. The slave stiffness is an equivalent nodal stiffness computed as Ks = STFAC * B * V-3 for solids. min (STMAX. The gap is computed automatically (similar with IGAP = VAR on PCNTX7) for each impact as gs + gm. with: gm .slave node gap: gs = 0 if the slave node is not connected to any element or is only connected to solid or spring elements. K1 = max (Km. INACTI = 0 ignores the initial penetrations. K1)) with: ISTF = 0.0 Reference Guide 1767 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . new contact will be well detected once the penetrations are disappeared. 9. the new contact will be detected using not-adjusted gap (P0 is reset to zero). B is the Bulk Modulus. The interface stiffness is then K = max (STMIN. t: thickness of the master element for shell elements.5. The master stiffness is computed from Km = STFAC * B * S * S/V for solids. 7. IFRIC = COUL – Coulomb friction with F T < FRIC * F N. K1 = 0. and V is the volume of a solid.largest thickness of the shell elements connected to the slave node. In these equations.0 can reduce the initial time step). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. K1 = min (Km. INACTI = 5 is similar to the one of interface type 7. Ks) ISTF = 4. IFRIC defines the friction model. K1 = Km * Ks / (Km + Ks) 6. S is the segment area.C6 are used to define a variable friction coefficient . but the contacts are not deleted. gs = t/2. gm and gs are limited separately by GAPMAXm and GAPMAXs before the gap computation. Ks = 0. Ks) ISTF = 5.5 * (Km + Ks) ISTF = 3. t . with: gm = t/2. gm = 0 for solid elements. but once the initial penetration is gone. gs . The coefficients C1 . Km = 0.master element gap.5 * STFAC * E * t for shells.5 * STFAC * E * t for shells. There is no limitation to the value of stiffness factor (but a value larger than 1. The static friction coefficient C1 and the dynamic friction coefficient C2. p is the pressure of the normal force on the master segment and V is the tangential velocity of the slave node.Renard law 0 < V < C5 C5 < V < C6 C6 < V where: The first critical velocity Vcr1 second critical velocity Vcr2 (C5 < C6). Altair Engineering . If IFILT the tangential friction forces are smoothed using a filter: 1768 OptiStruct 13.p. 10.Darmstad law = C1 * e(C 2V) * p2 + C3 * e(C 4V) * p + C5 * e(C 6V) IFRIC = REN . The following formulations are available: IFRIC = GEN .Generalized viscous friction law FRIC + C1 * p + C2 * V + C3 * p * v + C4 * p2 + C5 * v2 IFRIC = DARM . must be lower than the maximum friction C3 (C1 < C3 and C2 < C3). must be lower than the static friction coefficient C1 and the dynamic friction coefficient C2 (C4 < C1 and C4 < C2). V For IFRIC > 0 the friction coefficient is set by a function ( ) where. The minimum friction coefficient C4.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering NO. IFILT defines the method for computing the friction filtering coefficient. T is the filtering period IFILT = CUTF – α = 2 * FFAC * dt. the output normal contact forces in TH file are correctly calculated if the two surfaces are well separated.α) * F'T-1 where. TSTART and TSTOP are not taken into account. The default of ISTF will be set to 4.Tangential force at time t F'T-1 . wrong initial penetrations might be given. The default INACTI will be set to -1 . IPEN0 = 1 takes into account the initial auto-impacts in the same part. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1769 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . IFORM selects two types of contact friction penalty formulation.F T = α * F'T + (1 . F adh) The stiffness (incremental) formulation (IFORM = STIFF) computes an adhesive force as: F adh = F Told + ∆F T ∆F T = K * VT * dt F Tnew = min (µF N. IPEN0 = 0 excludes the initial auto-impacts in the same part (shell and solid elements only). When the contact type is the symmetric surface to surface. 15. F T .filtering coefficient IFILT = SIMP – α = FFAC IFILT = PER – α = 2 dt/FFAC. 13. but in some complex situations. 14. This card is represented as an extension to a PCONT property in HyperMesh.Tangential force at time t-1 α . When SENSID is defined for activation/deactivation of the interface. For implicit test: Interface type24 is now only available with SMP.Tangential force F'T . F adh) 12. The viscous (total) formulation (IFORM = VISC) computes an adhesive force as: F adh T F T = min (µF N. 16. where dt/T = FFAC. where FFAC is the cutting frequency 11. 0 NO (10) 1.0 YES 120 0.0 YES (8) (9) 0.6 0. No default (Integer > 0) 1770 OptiStruct 13.2 120 0. 0.E5 STRN 100. DS Example (1) (2) (3) PC OMP 100 -0.PCOMP Bulk Data Entry PCOMP – Composite Laminate Property Description Defines the structure and properties of an n-ply composite laminate material.0 Field Contents PID Unique composite property identification number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .2 (4) (5) (6) (7) 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) PC OMP PID Z0 NSM SB FT TREF GE LAM MID1 T1 THETA1 SOUT1 MID2 T2 THETA2 SOUT2 MID3 T3 THETA3 SOUT3 etc.5 120 0. Default = 0.0 (Real) GE Damping coefficient. Default = no failure calculations are performed (HILL. If blank. See comments 10 and 11. STRN for Maximum Strain Theory. Disregarded if blank or 0.0 Reference Guide 1771 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . or STRN) TREF Reference (stress free) temperature. See comment 1. HOFF for Hoffman theory. all plies must be specified and all stiffness terms are developed. Character Input . Default = 0. If blank. No default (Real) SB Allowable inter-laminar shear stress (shear stress in the bonding material). These plies are automatically symmetrically reflected to the top half of the composite and given consecutive numbers from bottom to top.5 * Thick. Thick being the composite total thickness (Real or blank)). The following failure theory codes are supported: HILL for Hill theory. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.It represents the distance from the shell element reference plane to the bottom surface of the shell (Default = -0.0. TSAI.0) FT Failure theory code.See comment 17 NSM Nonstructural mass per unit area. no failure calculations are performed. See comments 13 through 15. The following options are supported: SYM: Only plies on the bottom half of the composite lay-up needs to be specified. No default (Real > 0. TSAI for Tsai-Wu theory.0 (Real) LAM Laminate option. HOFF.Field Contents Z0 Real number or character input (Top/Bottom) Real Number . SYBEND or SYSMEAR) 1772 OptiStruct 13. that is all plies must be specified (SYM. SYMEM.5* Thick).5* Thick).5* Thick). SYBEND: Only plies on the bottom half of the composite lay-up needs to be specified. BEND: All plies must be specified. These plies are automatically symmetrically reflected to the top half of the composite and given consecutive numbers from bottom to top. Only bending terms are developed for the full laminate. and MID1 is set equal to MID2 on the derived equivalent PSHELL.5*Thick. and 12I/T**3 are set to zero.5* Thick). The last ply specifies core properties and the previous plies specify face sheet properties. MID4. Prescribed Z0 is ignored (assumed to be: -0. stacking sequence is ignored. half of the total face sheet thickness is then placed on top of the core. These plies are automatically symmetrically reflected to the top half of the composite and given consecutive numbers from bottom to top. if Z0 is not equal to -0. Only membrane terms are developed for the full laminate. but only bending terms MID2 are developed. TS/T and 12I/T**3 are set to zero. Stiffness of the core is ignored while its density is included in inertia calculations. MID2 and MID4. SMEAR: All plies must be specified. MID3 is still set to zero. while MID3. the effect of offset Z0 is taken into account. TS/T.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . MID4. Stacking sequence is ignored. SMEARZ0: All plies must be specified. Hence. the equivalent PSHELL will include MID1. MEM. Prescribed Z0 is ignored (assumed to be: -0. Prescribed Z0 is ignored (assumed to be: -0. while MID3.Field Contents MEM: All plies must be specified. Prescribed Z0 is ignored (assumed to be: -0. These plies are automatically symmetrically reflected to the top half of the composite and given consecutive numbers from bottom to top. SMEAR. BEND. Prescribed Z0 is ignored (assumed to be: -0. but only membrane terms MID1 are developed. that is no transverse shear deformation is considered. SYSMEAR: Only plies on the bottom half of the composite lay-up needs to be specified. The face sheet properties are calculated without regard for stacking sequence. SYMEM: Only plies on the bottom half of the composite lay-up needs to be specified. to produce a symmetric laminate. While the laminate is still considered to be made of homogenized (smeared) material. Prescribed Z0 is ignored (assumed to be: -0. Prescribed Z0 is ignored (assumed to be: -0. and MID1 is set equal to MID2 on the derived equivalent PSHELL. SMCORE. Default = blank. SMCORE: All plies must be specified.5* Thick).5* Thick). stacking sequence is ignored. and half is placed on the bottom.5* Thick). 3.0 or blank) Comments 1. except that MID1 must be specified) Ti Thicknesses of individual plies. See comments 2 and 3. default is the last defined MIDi. the I/O Options CSTRESS (controlling Stress and Failure Index output) and/or CSTRAIN (controlling Strain output) must be defined.Field Contents MIDi Material IDs of individual plies. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 or blank. If non-zero (1. An additional piece of information available with ply results is "failure index for the element. Failure Index output also requires that the FT and SB fields be defined and that stress/strain allowables on the referenced materials are defined. of the longitudinal direction of each ply relative to the x-axis of the material coordinate system associated with a given element. except that T1 must be specified) THETAi Orientation angle. Default = 0. then all the ply materials must have the same reference temperature. Default = blank (Real = 1. Strain and Failure Index output for individual plies is activated by setting SOUTi to YES for a given ply. Stress. Default = NO (YES or NO) DS Design switch.0 Reference Guide 1773 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0). in degrees. The MIDs must refer to MAT1. The plies are identified by consecutively numbering them from 1 at the bottom layer. In addition. default is the last defined Ti. If no material coordinate system is prescribed for the element. If TREF is not specified (blank) on the PCOMP card. or MAT8 bulk data entries. MAT5. Default = last defined Ti (Real > 0. If Ti is not specified." which is the maximum of failure indices for individual plies in this element. TREF specified on the PCOMP entry overrides reference temperatures given for individual ply materials. Default = last defined MIDi (Integer>0 or blank. Note that only the plies with SOUTi set to YES are considered in the evaluation of this maximum. MAT4. If MIDi is not specified. MAT2.0 (Real or blank) SOUTi Stress. the angle is measured relative to side 1-2 of this element. 2. Strain and Failure Index output request for individual plies. the elements associated with this PCOMP data are included in the topology design volume or space. individual ply stresses will only be valid in cases of 1774 OptiStruct 13. and so on for MAT8) are of no relevance. 10. Element GRID thicknesses cannot be defined for elements that reference PCOMP data. Absolute values are taken and used in the appropriate context to calculate failure indices. To obtain the damping coefficient GE. the preferred method of incorporating offset in buckling analysis is the element offset ZOFFS. G2Z on MAT8 card.4. For convenience. because stacking sequence is ignored in these options. element output for the SMEAR and SMCORE options includes both homogenized shell stresses and individual ply stresses. In the image below. However. isotropic G for MAT1. and user-specified values are being used for all plies. Note: If just one layer has a nonzero value specified for transverse shear modulus. multiply the critical damping ratio C/C0 by 2. and (b) shows the stacking sequence for a symmetrical laminate. 8.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The signs given to stress limits for compression and tension (ST. Xc. and should be interpreted with caution. SC. GE given on the PCOMP entry will be used for the element. not available for MAT2). Hence. for MAT1.0. You are responsible for supplying the equivalent damping value on the PCOMP entry. 9. the in-plane shear modulus will be used to determine transverse shear stiffness of the composite. 6. 12. this substitution is not being performed. Note: These shell stresses are calculated using homogenized shell properties. If all plies specify zero transverse shear coefficients (G1Z. 11. Xt. in respect to the element’s normal direction. For com bottom and top surfaces of the shell are produced. Plies are listed from the bottom surface upwards. 7. and the values supplied on material entries for individual plies are ignored. (a) shows the stacking sequence for a non-symmetrical laminate. 5. This is because the membrane-bending coupling resulting from composite offset is not included in the differential stiffness matrix. Xt and Xc are allowable tensile and compressive stresses in the principle x direction of the material. This is because only the mechanical strain contributes to actual damage of the respective ply (pure thermal expansion produces no damaging effects). it is still recommended that Xt is set to be equal to Xc and Yt is set to be equal to Yc when this criteria is used. The following two formats are permissible for the Z0 field: Real Number: It represents the distance from the shell element reference plane to the bottom surface of the shell (Default = -0.0 Reference Guide 1775 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Hence. 15. Note that Hill’s failure theory does not differentiate between compressive and tensile strength. 13. YES’ is added to the input file.0 * Thick). 14. not on total strain. the plane defined by the grid points. Yt and Yc are allowable tensile and compressive stresses in the principle y direction of the material. See Figure 1. Failure index calculation according to Maximum Strain Theory is based on mechanical component of strain only. Figure 1: Top option for Z0 Bottom: The shell reference plane. According to the formula. while different values of respective strength limits are accepted. Tsai-Wu and Hoffman) would produce a negative ply failure.pure membrane deformation. some failure criteria (for example. This makes the effective "Real" Z0 value equal to the composite total thickness (-1. 17. the plane defined by the grid points. Thick being the composite total thickness (Real or blank)). If ‘PARAM.5 * Thick. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. depending on the problem. SRCOMPS. strength ratios with respect to designated failure theory are output for composite elements that have failure indices requested. 16. and the bottom surface of the shell are coplanar. and the top surface of the shell are coplanar. Surface: Top: The shell reference plane. See Figure 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 18. Figure 2: Bottom option for Z0 Automatic offset control is available in composite free-size and sizing optimization where the specified offset values are automatically updated based on thickness changes. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. 1776 OptiStruct 13.This makes the effective "Real" Z0 value equal to 0. 0 Reference Guide 1777 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 YES 120 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) PC OMPG PID Z0 NSM SB FT TREF GE LAM GPLYID1 MID1 T1 THETA1 SOUT1 GPLYID2 MID2 T2 THETA2 SOUT2 … … … … … DS Example (1) (2) (3) PC OMP 100 -0.5 101 120 2 103 (4) (5) (6) (7) 1.0 YES (8) (9) (10) 1.0 NO 120 0. allowing for global ply identification.0 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.PCOMPG Bulk Data Entry PCOMPG – Composite Laminate Property Description Defines the structure and properties of a composite laminate material.2 0. 0.E5 STRN 100.6 0.2 0. See comment 1. no failure calculations are performed. Character Input .0 (Real) 1778 OptiStruct 13. No default (Integer > 0) Z0 Real number or character input (Top/Bottom) Real Number . TSAI for Tsai-Wu theory. or STRN) TREF Reference (stress free) temperature. If blank.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . NSM Nonstructural mass per unit area. See comments 14 through 16. TSAI.Field Contents PID Unique composite property identification number. HOFF. STRN for Maximum Strain Theory. No default (Real) SB Allowable interlaminar shear stress (shear stress in the bonding material).0 (Real) GE Damping coefficient. No default (Real > 0.0.5 * Thick.See comment 18.It represents the distance from the shell element reference plane to the bottom surface of the shell (Default = -0. Default = 0. HOFF for Hoffman theory. Default = 0. Disregarded if blank or 0.0) FT Failure theory code. The following failure theory codes are supported: HILL for Hill theory. Thick being the composite total thickness (real or blank)). See comments 10 and 11. Default = no failure calculations are performed (HILL. all plies must be specified and all stiffness terms are developed. These plies are automatically symmetrically reflected to the top half of the composite and given consecutive numbers from bottom to top. and MID1 is set equal to MID2 on the derived equivalent PSHELL. MID3 is still set to zero. stacking sequence is ignored. Prescribed Z0 is ignored (assumed to be: -0. TS/T. These plies are automatically symmetrically reflected to the top half of the composite and given consecutive numbers from bottom to top. SYBEND: Only plies on the bottom half of the composite lay-up needs to be specified.5* Thick). stacking sequence is ignored. to produce a symmetric laminate. MID4. SYMEM: Only plies on the bottom half of the composite lay-up needs to be specified. Prescribed Z0 is ignored (assumed to be: -0.5* Thick). while MID3.5* Thick). SMEARZ0: All plies must be specified. Stacking sequence is ignored. but only bending terms MID2 are developed. SMCORE: All plies must be specified. The following options are supported: MEM: All plies must be specified.5* Thick).5* Thick). the equivalent PSHELL will include MID1. MID4. and 12I/T**3 are set to zero. Prescribed Z0 is ignored (assumed to be: -0.0 Reference Guide 1779 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The last ply specifies core properties and the previous plies specify face sheet properties. TS/T and 12I/T**3 are set to zero.Field Contents LAM Laminate option. if Z0 is not equal to -0. The face sheet properties are calculated without regard for stacking sequence. BEND: All plies must be specified. MID2 and MID4.5* Thick).5* Thick). Prescribed Z0 is ignored (assumed to be: -0. half of the total face sheet thickness is then placed on top of the core. that is no transverse shear deformation is considered. Prescribed Z0 is ignored (assumed to be: 0. Hence. and MID1 is set equal to MID2 on the derived equivalent PSHELL. Stiffness of the core is ignored while its density is included in inertia calculations. If blank. Prescribed Z0 is ignored (assumed to be: -0. These plies are automatically symmetrically reflected to the top half of the composite and given consecutive numbers from bottom to top. Only bending terms are developed for the full laminate. SMEAR: All plies must be specified.5*Thick. Only membrane terms are developed for the full laminate. and half is placed on the bottom. but only membrane terms MID1 are developed. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the effect of offset Z0 is taken into account. Prescribed Z0 is ignored (assumed to be: -0. While the laminate is still considered to be made of homogenized (smeared) material. SYSMEAR: Only plies on the bottom half of the composite lay-up needs to be specified. while MID3. BEND. then all the ply materials must have the same reference temperature. The plies are identified by consecutively numbering them from 1 at the bottom layer. TREF specified on the PCOMPG entry overrides reference temperatures given for individual ply materials. MAT2. MEM. Default = blank (Real = 1. If T# is not specified. MAT5. of the longitudinal direction of each ply relative to the x-axis of the material coordinate system associated with a given element. CSTRESS must be requested in the I/O options section of the input deck.Field Contents Default = blank. SYMEM. Default = NO (YES or NO) DS Design switch. If no material coordinate system is prescribed for the element. If MID# is not specified. SMCORE. The MIDs must refer to MAT1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . MAT4. No default (Integer > 0) MID# Material IDs of individual plies.0). Individual ply results will be available in addition to shell stresses and strains 1780 OptiStruct 13. or MAT8 bulk data entries. If non-zero (1. except that MID1 must be specified) T# Thicknesses of individual plies. that is all plies must be specified (SYM. See comments 2 and 3. For SOUTi to take effect. If TREF is not specified (blank) on the PCOMPG card. SYBEND or SYSMEAR) GPLYID# Global Ply identification number. in degrees. the elements associated with this PCOMP data are included in the topology design volume or space.0 or blank) Comments 1. 2. See comment 12. default is the last defined MID#. the angle is measured relative to side 1-2 of this element.0 (Real or blank) SOUT# Stress and failure index output request for individual plies.0 or blank. SMEAR. except that T1 must be specified) THETA# Orientation angle. Default = last defined T# (Real > 0. Default = 0. default is the last defined T#. Default = last defined MID# (Integer > 0 or blank. and the values supplied on material entries for individual plies are ignored. this substitution is not being performed. If all plies specify zero transverse shear coefficients (G1Z. The image below shows the stacking sequence for a non-symmetrical laminate. G2Z on MAT8 card. bottom and top surfaces of the shell are produced. SC. and user-specified values are being used for all plies. You are responsible for supplying the equivalent damping value on the PCOMPG entry. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Xc. Note: If just one layer has a nonzero value specified for transverse shear modulus. isotropic G for MAT1. in respect to the element’s normal direction. 3. Element GRID thicknesses cannot be defined for elements that reference PCOMPG data.0 Reference Guide 1781 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The signs given to stress limits for compression and tension (ST. Note that only the plies with SOUTi set to YES are considered in the evaluation of this maximum. Absolute values are taken and used in the appropriate context to calculate failure indices. the in-plane shear modulus will be used to determine transverse shear stiffness of the composite. An additional piece of information available with ply results is "failure index for the element". GE given on the PCOMP entry will be used for the element. and should be interpreted with caution. 5. 7. the preferred method of incorporating offset in buckling analysis is the element offset ZOFFS. This is because the membrane-bending coupling resulting from composite offset is not included in the differential stiffness matrix. for MAT1. not available for MAT2). and so on for MAT8) are of no relevance. 9. Hence. 4.based on the homogenized composite properties. Note: These shell stresses are calculated using homogenized shell properties. Xt. 6. which is the maximum of failure indices for individual plies in this element. 8. 10. Plies are listed from the bottom surface upwards. To obtain the damping coefficient GE. However. The following two formats are permissible for the Z0 field: Real Number: It represents the distance from the shell element reference plane to the bottom surface of the shell (Default = -0. 14. multiply the critical damping ratio C/C0 by 2. element output for the SMEAR and SMCORE options includes both homogenized shell stresses and individual ply stresses. If ‘PARAM.0. Thick being the composite total thickness (Real or blank)). 17. 13. Surface: Top: The shell reference plane. Tsai-Wu and Hoffman) would produce a negative ply failure. because stacking sequence is ignored in these options. This makes the effective "Real" Z0 value equal to the composite total thickness (-1. individual ply stresses will only be valid in cases of pure membrane deformation. 1782 OptiStruct 13.11. Xt and Xc are allowable tensile and compressive stresses in the principle x direction of the material. depending on the problem.5 * Thick. some failure criteria (for example. The global ply identification number must be unique with respect to other plies in the entry. and the top surface of the shell are coplanar. For convenience. Note that Hill’s failure theory does not differentiate between compressive and tensile strength. Yt and Yc are allowable tensile and compressive stresses in the principle y direction of the material. 18. 16. Hence. This is because only the mechanical strain contributes to actual damage of the respective ply (pure thermal expansion produces no damaging effects). SRCOMPS. 12.0 * Thick). the plane defined by the grid points.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . See Figure 1. 15. while different values of respective strength limits are accepted. it is still recommended that Xt is set to be equal to Xc and Yt is set to be equal to Yc when this criteria is used. According to the formula. YES’ is added to the input file. not on total strain. strength ratios with respect to designated failure theory are output for composite elements that have failure indices requested. Failure index calculation according to Maximum Strain Theory is based on mechanical component of strain only. Figure 1: Top option for Z0 Bottom: The shell reference plane. This makes the effective "Real" Z0 value equal to 0. the plane defined by the grid points. See Figure 2.0 Reference Guide 1783 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Figure 2: Bottom option for Z0 Automatic offset control is available in composite free-size and sizing optimization where the specified offset values are automatically updated based on thickness changes. 19. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. and the bottom surface of the shell are coplanar. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No default (Real > 0.It represents the distance from the shell element reference plane to the bottom surface of the shell (Default = -0. NSM Nonstructural mass per unit area. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) PC OMPP PID Z0 NSM SB FT TREF GE (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) PC OMPP 1 -0.0. Disregarded if blank or 0. No default (Real) SB Allowable interlaminar shear stress (shear stress in the bonding material). Thick being the composite total thickness (Real or blank)). (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) Z0 Real number or character input (Top/Bottom) Real Number . Character Input .0) 1784 OptiStruct 13.1 (4) (5) (6) (7) HILL 20 Field Contents PID Unique composite property identification number.5 * Thick.See comment 12.PCOMPP Bulk Data Entry PCOMPP – Composite Laminate Property for Ply-Based Composite Definition Description Defines the properties of a composite laminate material used in ply-based composite definition. the preferred method of incorporating offset in buckling analysis is the element offset ZOFFS.0 (Real) Comments 1. 6. 5. HOFF for Hoffman theory. Default = 0. then all the ply materials must have the same reference temperature.0 (Real) GE Damping coefficient. The PCOMPP card is used in combination with the STACK and PLY cards to create composite properties through the ply-based definition. 3. The following failure theory codes are supported: HILL for Hill theory. and should be interpreted with caution. Element GRID thicknesses cannot be defined for elements that reference PCOMPP data. GE given on the PCOMPP entry will be used for the element. no failure calculations are performed. Note: These shell stresses are calculated using homogenized shell properties. TSAI or STRN). See comment 2.0 Reference Guide 1785 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . If blank. 4. Default = no failure calculations are performed (HILL. and the values supplied on material entries for individual plies are ignored. TREF Reference (stress free) temperature. This is because the membrane-bending coupling resulting from composite offset is not included in the differential stiffness matrix. bottom and top surfaces of the shell are produced. See comments 6 and 7. STRN for Maximum Strain Theory. 2. TREF specified on the PCOMPP entry overrides reference temperatures given for individual ply materials. Default = 0. HOFF. If TREF is not specified (blank) on the PCOMPP card. correct. See comment 10. Hence. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. You are responsible for supplying the equivalent damping value on the PCOMPP entry.Field Contents FT Failure theory code. TSAI for Tsai-Wu theory. depending on the problem. the plane defined by the grid points. and the bottom surface of 1786 OptiStruct 13. 10. Note that Hill’s failure theory does not differentiate between compressive and tensile strength. while different values of respective strength limits are accepted. some failure criteria (for example. Thick being the composite total thickness (Real or blank)). the plane defined by the grid points. If ‘PARAM. This makes the effective "Real" Z0 value equal to the composite total thickness (-1. According to the formula. To obtain the damping coefficient GE. 8. Figure 1: Top option for Z0 Bottom: The shell reference plane. it is still recommended that Xt is set to be equal to Xc and Yt is set to be equal to Yc when this criteria is used.7. and the top surface of the shell are coplanar. not on total strain. Failure index calculation according to Maximum Strain Theory is based on mechanical component of strain only. This is because only the mechanical strain contributes to actual damage of the respective ply (pure thermal expansion produces no damaging effects). multiply the critical damping ratio C/C0 by 2. The following two formats are permissible for the Z0 field: Real Number: It represents the distance from the shell element reference plane to the bottom surface of the shell (Default = -0. See Figure 1. Xt and Xc are allowable tensile and compressive stresses in the principle x direction of the material. SRCOMPS. Tsai-Wu and Hoffman) would produce a negative ply failure.0 * Thick). Surface: Top: The shell reference plane.5 * Thick. Yt and Yc are allowable tensile and compressive stresses in the principle y direction of the material. strength ratios with respect to designated failure theory are output for composite elements that have failure indices requested. Hence.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 12.0. YES’ is added to the input file. 9. 11. Figure 2: Bottom option for Z0 Automatic offset control is available in composite free-size and sizing optimization where the specified offset values are automatically updated based on thickness changes. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. See Figure 2. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. This makes the effective "Real" Z0 value equal to 0.0 Reference Guide 1787 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 13.the shell are coplanar. Q4.PCOMPX Bulk Data Entry PCOMPX – Optional Composite Laminate Property Extension for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines additional composite laminate properties for geometric nonlinear analysis.0 YES 73 24 Field Contents PID Property ID of the associated PSHELL.Q4. visco-elastic hourglass modes orthogonal to deformation and rigid modes (Belytschko) 2 .6 45. elastic-plastic hourglass with orthogonality 1788 OptiStruct 13. 1 . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) PC OMPX PID ISHELL ISH3N ISMSTR DM DN ITHIC K IPLAS (7) (8) (9) HM HF HR (10) Example (1) (2) PC OMP 73 PC OMPX (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 120 0.0 YES 120 0.2 0. See comment 1.Q4. visco-elastic hourglass without orthogonality (Hallquist) 3 .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (10) No default (Integer > 0) ISHELL Flag for CQUAD4 element formulation. Full geometric non-linearity (Time step limit has no effect) Default as defined by XSHLPRM (Integer) HM Shell membrane hourglass coefficient (ISHELL = 1. Default: See comment 7 (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.Q4 with improved type 1 formulation (orthogonalization for warped elements) 12 . 2.DKT_S3 Default as defined by XSHLPRM (Integer) ISMSTR Flag for shell small strain formulation. TSCi = CST 3 .Field Contents 4 . and 4 only).Small strain from time = 0 2 .05) HR Shell rotation hourglass coefficient (ISHELL = 1.Full geometric non-linearity with optional small strain formulation activation by time step XSTEP.DKT18 31 .Standard triangle (C0) with modification for large rotation 30 .Alternative small strain formulation from time = 0 (ISHELL =2 only).01 (Real.01 (Real. Default = 0. and 4 only). Default = 0. Default = 0. and 4 only). 3.1 (Real) HF Shell out of plane hourglass coefficient (ISHELL = 1. 0.01 (Real. 0.0 Reference Guide 1789 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 0.05) Except ISHELL = 3: Default = 0. 1 .Standard triangle (C0) 2 . 3. TYPEi = SHELL.0 < HM < 0.1 (Real) DM Shell membrane damping (with MATX27.0 < HR < 0. 4 . 2. 2.05) Except ISHELL = 3: Default = 0.QBAT or DKT18 shell formulation 24 .QEPH shell formulation Default as defined by XSHLPRM (Integer) ISH3N Flag for CTRIA3 element formulation.0 < HF < 0. 1 . MATX36 only). 3. 5% QBAT 12 0% 1790 OptiStruct 13. Q4: Original 4 node OptiStruct shell with hourglass perturbation stabilization. Only one PCOMPX property extension can be associated with a particular PCOMP. DKT18: BATOZ DKT18 thin shell with 3 Hammer integration points. 7. PCOMPX is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. 6. 24. otherwise they are true strain and stress. The property identification number must be that of an existing PCOMP.Iterative projection with 3 Newton iterations Default as defined by XSHLPRM (RAD or NEWT) Comments 1. Defaults for DM: Material Element type ISHELL/ISH3N Default MATX27 except QEPH. the small strain option is automatically deactivated. Default: See comment 8 (Real) ITHICK Flag for shell resultant stresses calculation. 5. PCOMPG.Thickness change is taken into account Default as defined by XSHLPRM (CONST or VAR) IPLAS Flag for shell plane stress plasticity (with MATX27 only). If the small strain option (ISMSTR) is set to 1 or 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . QBAT: Modified BATOZ Q4 24 shell with 4 Gauss integration points and reduced integration for in-plane shear. or PCOMPP bulk data entry. QEPH: Formulation with physical hourglass stabilization for general use. For ITHICK = VAR it is recommended to use IPLAS = NEWT.Field Contents DN Shell numerical damping (ISHELL = 12. 3. RAD . 24 5% QEPH 24 1.Thickness is constant VAR . PCOMPG. 4. 2. No hourglass control is needed for this shell. or EXPDYN. ISH3N = 30 only). engineering strain and stress are used. If ITHICK = VAR or IPLAS = NEWT. or PCOMPP. CONST . QBAT except 12. It is ignored for all other subcases. IMPDYN.Radial return NEWT . except transverse shear QEPH 24 1. PCOMPG. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.01% Membrane stress only This card is represented as extension to a PCOMP.8.5% Defaults for DN: Element type ISHELL/ ISH3N Default Usage QBAT 12 0. 9. and PCOMPP property in HyperMesh. Material Element type ISHELL/ISH3N Default MATX36 except QEPH except 24 0% QEPH 24 1.1% All stress terms.0 Reference Guide 1791 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .5% Hourglass stress DKT18 12/30 0. 3 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) PC ONT PID GPAD STIFF MU1 MU2 C LEARANC E (9) (10) FRIC ESL Examples (1) (2) PC ONT 34 (3) (4) (5) (6) 0. such as shell thickness.PCONT Bulk Data Entry PCONT – Contact Property Description Defines properties of CONTACT interface. NONE or THICK) 1792 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No default (Integer > 0) GPAD “Padding” of the interface to account for additional layers. Default = THICK (Real. See comment 1. This value is subtracted from the contact gap opening as calculated from the location of nodes.25 (7) (8) (9) (10) Enforced stick condition: PC ONT 34 STIC K Field Contents PID Property identification number. the enforced stick only applies to contacts that are closed. Default = MU1 (0. SOFT. The Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 or STICK or FREEZE) MU2 Coefficient of kinetic friction ( k). 4. See comments 3 and 4. GPAD option THICK automatically accounts for shell thickness on both sides of the contact interface (this also includes the effects of shell element offset ZOFFS or composite offset Z0). See Comment 7. Prescribing MU1=FREEZE enforces zero relative motion on the contact surface – the contact gap opening remains fixed at the original value and the sliding distance is zero. 3. rotations at the slave node are matched to the rotations of the master patch. Additional options SOFT and HARD create respectively softer or harder penalties. The initial contact gap opening is calculated automatically based on the relative location of slave and master nodes (in the original. Note that. HARD or Real > 0. (Real or blank). (Ignored in linear analysis).0 or AUTO) Comments 1. See comment 2. the GPAD entry can be used. Specified in physical distance units (similar to U0 and GPAD). Option STIFF=AUTO determines the value of normal stiffness for each contact element using the stiffness of surrounding elements. FRICESL Frictional elastic slip – distance of sliding up to which the frictional transverse force increases linearly with slip distance. Default = AUTO (AUTO. Also. 2. • Non-zero value or blank activates respective friction model based on Elastic Slip Distance. undeformed mesh). Default = 0. Of course. frictional offset may need to be turned off (See comment 8).0 (Real > 0. • Zero value activates friction model based on fixed transverse stiffness KT. SOFT can be used in cases of convergence difficulties and HARD can be used if undesirable penetration is detected in the solution. irrespective of the actual distance between the nodes. Default = not prescribed. in order to effectively enforce the stick condition. Prescribing MU1=STICK is interpreted in OptiStruct as an enforced stick condition – such contact interfaces will not enter the sliding phase.Field Contents STIFF Relative stiffness of contact interface.0 < Real < MU1) CLEARANCE Prescribed initial gap opening between master and slave. To account for additional material layers covering master and slave objects.0 Reference Guide 1793 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0) MU1 Coefficient of static friction ( s). See comment 11. Default = AUTO (Real > 0. C ONTAC T element force deflection curve for linear analysis The CONTACT force displacement behavior in nonlinear analysis is illustrated in the figure below. FRIC on PCONTX/PCNTX# overwrites the MU1 value on CONTACT/ PCONT. In linear analysis. Also.FREEZE condition applies to all respective contact elements. a very small stiffness value of KB =10-14 *STIFF is used to avoid numerical singularities. this condition is effective irrespective of the frictional offset setting. Note that for open contact elements. 5. GPAD is of no relevance in this case). its normal stiffness is essentially zero (a small value of KB =10-14 *STIFF is used to avoid singularities). the contact stiffness is constant and depends on the initial contact gap opening U0 as calculated from the positions of Slave and Master (and considering padding GPAD). When the contact element closes. no matter whether open or closed (hence. the stiffness becomes STIFF. 1794 OptiStruct 13. The CONTACT element force-displacement behavior is different in linear and nonlinear analysis (see Nonlinear Gap and CONTACT Analysis for more information on nonlinear solutions). the MU1 value on the CONTACT or PCONT entry is used for FRIC in the /INTER entries for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis. Otherwise. While the contact is open. If FRIC is not explicitly defined on the PCONTX/PCNTX# entries.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . frictional force increases with sliding distance in proportion to KT until it reaches static friction force MU1 * Fx. See the figure below for a onedimensional illustration.C ONTAC T element force deflection curve for nonlinear analysis 6. friction is activated and the contact has stiffness KT=mu1*STIFF in the transverse direction (KT=0.0. For nonlinear solution sequences. With further transverse deformation. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. when slave and master bodies have initial overlap and the contact releases elastic energy during the solution.0 Reference Guide 1795 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Effective in Release 12. This acts as a linear spring in linear solution sequences. there is no transverse stiffness. 7. C ONTAC T element frictional behavior in nonlinear analysis Note that the nonlinear contact element's force-displacement behavior may produce negative contributions to the compliance of the structure. As an example. two models of friction are available in nonlinear analysis: (a) Model based on fixed slope KT (previously existing). When contact is open. Fx being the normal force in the contact element. friction becomes kinetic and the friction force is MU2 * Fx.1*STIFF in case of STICK). When the contact is closed. is relatively simple.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . depending on normal force. based on Elastic Slip Distance. yet has certain drawback in modeling nonlinear friction. provides unique identification of stick or slip and generally performs better in solution of problems with friction.0 and current default). This model does require prescribing elastic slip distance FRICESL – for contact interfaces this value is determined automatically as 0. The reason for this is that. This latter model typically shows better performance in solution of frictional problems thanks to more stable handling of transitions from stick to slip. the actual location of the contact interface is presumed to be in the middle of the contact element’s length (see figure below). For backwards compatibility. Its location is estimated using proportional interpolation between the current position and the last converged solution before penetration. 9. Model (a). The model (b). The frictional force is always directed back to the point where the slave and master first came into contact (changed status from open to closed). The presence of friction can introduce moment loadings and counter-intuitive results into the problem by way of frictional offset. is recommended for solution of nonlinear problems with friction. OptiStruct CONTACT should not be used for modeling frictional problems with complex deformation paths and changing sliding directions. based on fixed stiffness KT. Using fixed KT will predict different range of stick/slip boundary for different normal forces.(b) Model based on Elastic Slip Distance FRICESL (introduced in v12.5% of typical element size on all Master contact surfaces. 1796 OptiStruct 13. Key differences between the two available models are illustrated in the figure below (F 1 and F 2 represent two different values of normal force F x ): C omparison of the two available friction models for contact elements. Namely. Model (b). which is currently the default. the model based on fixed KT can be activated by prescribing FRICESL=0 on PCONT or CONTPRM card. in Coulomb friction the frictional resistance depends upon normal force. and thus may qualify the same configuration as stick or slip. The model of friction in OptiStruct is relatively simple. 8. for contact elements with non-zero length (distance between slave node and master segment). which consist of several nodes. However. Transferring these forces to the slave and master objects requires an offset operation that produces both forces and moments at slave and master. for example. for example). the sliding distance at the contact interface is a result of nodal displacements and rotations of the slave node and master segment (see figure below). slave and master can move relative to each other (see figure below). With the stick condition formally satisfied. this offset may render friction ineffective because the free rotations at slave nodes offer no effective resistance to friction.C ONTAC T presumed contact surface The frictional forces act along this contact surface. Similarly. can effectively resist these offset forces and moments. for slave bodies that do not support moments (nodes of solid elements. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1797 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . C ONTAC T sliding with friction Master segments. ) This produces more intuitive results with friction. pre-penetrating contact with MORIENT=NORMAL) the frictional terms will prevent AUTOSPC from being effective. However. the stick condition may lead to divergence through a "tumbling" mode. non-conservative nature. for contacts that are initially closed (for example. respective SPC on rotations need to be applied manually to respective slave nodes. 11. Negative value of CLEARANCE means that the bodies have initial prepenetration. However. If frictional resistance is essential to the solution of the problem and convergence problems are encountered. may cause difficulties in nonlinear convergence. 10. to avoid such counter-intuitive behavior. this affects both linear and nonlinear contact elements. Hence. Note however. enforcing the stick condition (by prescribing KT>0 and MU=0) may be a viable solution that will often result in better convergence than with Coulomb friction. The presence of friction. especially when sliding is present. that this only applies to problems in which minimal sliding is expected. it may violate the rigid body balance of the body. Effective in the Release 12. In the case of larger sliding motions.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The above default setting can be changed via the GAPOFFS command on the GAPPRM card. AUTOSPC will effectively fix respective unsupported rotations. Prescribing CLEARANCE overrides the default contact behavior of calculating initial gap opening from the actual distance between Slave and Master. CLEARANCE now becomes the distance that Slave and Master have to move towards each other in order to close the contact. due to its strongly nonlinear. 1798 OptiStruct 13. for contact interfaces that are initially open. Note: FREEZE condition is enforced using a special formulation where the above caveat does not apply and the offset operation is always applied. the frictional offset operation is by default turned off if the model involves friction or stick and contains at least one nonlinear subcase (of NLSTAT type).0.C ONTAC T stick (zero sliding distance) In practice. (Note that for consistency. even those where Slaves are geometrically distant from the respective Master surface. it is important to correctly restrict the contact zones and pick search distance SRCHDIS so that only desired Slave-Master pairs are involved. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. 12. will be considered to be at prescribed initial gap and participate in resolving the contact condition.0 Reference Guide 1799 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Blank GPAD field in presence of CLEARANCE is interpreted as NONE. With prescribed CLEARANCE. Note: CLEARANCE cannot be prescribed together with (nonzero) GPAD.Warning: When prescribing CLEARANCE. all contact elements created on a given interface. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) PC ONTHT PID KC KO TPID TC ID (8) (9) (10) Examples (1) (2) (3) PC ONTHT 2 1E6 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Contact with automatic determination of KC: PC ONTHT 2 AUTO Minimum data required to prescribe pressure based conductivity for contact: PC ONTHT 2 10 Clearance and pressure based conductivity for contact (see comments 3 and 4): PC ONTHT 2 1E6 10 20 Field Contents PID Property identification number. 1800 OptiStruct 13.PCONTHT Bulk Data Entry PCONTHT – Define Conductivity for Contact in Heat Transfer Analysis Description Defines conductivity for CONTACT elements in heat transfer analysis.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . See comment 1. Must match with a PID of a PCONT bulk data entry. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide 1801 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . TPID Identification number of a TABLED# entry. TPID overrides KC. See comments 2. 7. TCID points to a TABLED# entry that specifies contact based on contact clearance. it may be beneficial to reduce the value of conductivity. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 3. 2. excessively high values may cause poor conditioning of the conductivity matrix. See comments 2. See comment 2. KO Conductivity for the open contact. and 4. To facilitate reasonable values for KC. TPID points to a TABLED# entry that specifies conductivity based on contact pressure. specifically: Option KC=AUTO determines the value of KC for each contact element using the conductivity of surrounding elements.Field Contents No default (Integer > 0) KC Conductivity for the closed contact. This table specifies conductivity based on contact clearance. TCID overrides KO. while higher conductivity values enforce a perfect conductor. and from the table with TPID for closed contact. Refer to Contact-based Thermal Analysis in the User’s Guide for more information. Default = 10-14 * KC (Real > 0. KC and KO represent conductivity values for closed and open contacts. If any such symptoms are observed. or use conductivity based contact clearance and pressure. 3. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) TCID Identification number of a TABLED# entry. 5. 6. 3. TPID can be specified together with TCID. This table specifies conductivity based on contact pressure. See comment 2. When TPID is specified together with TCID. conductivity is determined from the table with TCID for open contact. Theoretically. automatic calculation is supported. PCONTHT is not supported for surface-to-surface contact (DISCRET=S2S on CONTACT/ TIE). PCONTHT provides heat transfer conductivity for CONTACT element. 4.0) This default is also set when KO =0. Thermal-structural analysis problems involving contact are fully coupled since contact/gap status changes thermal conductivity. and 4. PCONTHT must match PID with an existing PCONT. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) Comments 1. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) 1802 OptiStruct 13.PCONTX Bulk Data Entry PCONTX – Extended CONTACT Property for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines properties of a CONTACT interface for geometric nonlinear analysis.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) PC ONTX PID STFAC FRIC GAP IDEL INAC TI TSTART TEND ISYM IEDGE FANG IGAP ISTF STIF1 VISS VISF BMULT IBC MULTIMP IFRIC IFORM IFILT FFAC C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 (8) (9) (10) C TYPE STMIN STMAX C6 Example (1) (2) PC ONT 34 PC ONTX 34 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Field Contents PID Property identification number of the associated PCONT. No deletion. solids) associated to one segment are deleted.When all the elements (shells. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) GAP Gap for impact activation (See comments 4 and 6).Change master node coordinates to avoid small initial penetrations. Valid in implicit analysis: 0. the segment is removed from the master side of the interface.When a shell or a solid element is deleted. 1. 2) 0 . 3 .Deactivation of stiffness on nodes. non-connected nodes are removed from the slave side of the interface. 3 and 4. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) IDEL Flag for node and segment deletion. …. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Integer = 0. INACTI Flag for handling of initial penetrations (See comment 8).Field Contents STFAC Interface stiffness scale factor.P0 – 0.05*(gap . Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) FRIC Coulomb friction. 2 .No action. Default = TYPE7 (Character = TYPE5. the corresponding segment is removed from the master side of the interface. 5) 0 . 4 . non-connected nodes are removed from the slave side of the interface. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Integer = 0. 2. Invalid entries are ignored. CTYPE Implicit contact type. Additionally.Gap is variable with time but initial gap is slightly de-penetrated as follows: gap0 = gap . 2 . 1 . Additionally. 5 . TYPE7) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.P0 ) Valid in explicit analysis: 0. 3 and 5. 1 . ….Change slave node coordinates to avoid small initial penetrations.Deactivation of stiffness on elements.0 Reference Guide 1803 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 1804 OptiStruct 13. …. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) IGAP Flag for gap definition. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Integer = 0. 2. UNSYM – Master-slave contact. 3. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = SYM. 4 and 5 .The interface stiffness is computed from both master and slave characteristics. VAR . IEDGE Flag for edge generation from slave and master surfaces. not in time) according to the characteristics of the impacting surfaces and nodes (See comment 7). If SSID defines a grid set. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = NO. All – All segment edges are included. FEAT) NO – No edge generation.0 (Real > 0) TEND Time for temporary deactivation. Default = 1030 (Real > 0) The following entries are relevant for explicit analysis only. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = CONST. ISYM Flag for symmetric contact. FANG Feature angle for edge generation (Only with IEDGE = FEAT). VAR) CONST . the contact is always a master-slave contact.Field Contents TSTART Start time Default = 0.STIF1 is used as interface stiffness.Gap is constant and equal to GAP (See comment 6). UNSYM) SYM – Symmetric contact. 5) 0 .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Gap is variable (in space. FEAT – External border as well as features defined by FANG are used. ISTF Flag for stiffness definition (See comment 5). 1 . ALL. BORD – External border of slave and master surface is used. BORD.The stiffness is computed according to the master side characteristics. XZ. REN) COUL . Y. XYZ) MULTIMP Maximum average number of impacted master segments per slave node Default = 4 for SMP. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) IBC Flag for deactivation of boundary conditions at impact applied to the slave grid set.0 Reference Guide 1805 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = COUL. STIFF . STIFF) VISC . REN . Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = X.Static Coulomb friction law. Z. DARM.Field Contents STIF1 Interface stiffness (Only with ISTF = 1) Default = 0.Renard friction law. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) IFRIC Friction formulation flag (See comment 8). Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) STMAX Maximum stiffness (Only with ISTF > 1). YZ.Darmstad friction law. XY. IFORM Type of friction penalty formulation (See comment 9). Is machine-dependent.Stiffness (incremental) formulation. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) VISF Critical damping coefficient on interface friction. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = VISC. DARM . Can be used to speed up the sorting algorithm. GEN. 12 for SPMD (Integer > 0) VISS Critical damping coefficient on interface stiffness.Viscous (total) formulation. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.Generalized viscous friction law. GEN . Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) BMULT Sorting factor.0 (Real > 0) STMIN Minimum stiffness (Only with ISTF > 1). CUTF . C3. C4. IMPDYN. FRIC on PCONTX/PCNTX# overwrites the MU1 value on CONTACT/ PCONT. sometimes a stiffness with scaling factor reduction (for example. different contact formulations are used for contact where slave and master set do not overlap and where they overlap (self-contact). C5. In the case of self-contact. but it should be noted that too low of a value could also lead to divergence. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real = 0.Simple numerical filter. Km = 0. The slave stiffness is an equivalent nodal stiffness computed as Ks = STFAC * B * V. SIMP .01) or reduction in impacted thickness (if rigid one) might reduce unbalanced forces and improve convergence. PER. 3.Standard -3dB filter with filtering period. The property identification number must be that of an existing PCONT bulk data entry. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Character = NO. 2. particularly in shell structures under bending where the effective stiffness is much lower than membrane stiffness.0 < FFAC < 1.No filter is used. C6 REN. The master stiffness is computed from Km = STFAC * B * S * S/V for solids. and/or the slave segment stiffness Ks. In implicit analysis. Default as defined by CONTPRM (Real > 0) Comments 1.Standard -3dB filter with cutting frequency.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1806 OptiStruct 13. the convergence will be more stable and faster if GAP is larger than the initial gap. STFAC = 0. Only one PCONTX property extension can be associated with a particular PCONT. SIMP. C2. FFAC Friction filtering factor. Coefficients to define variable friction coefficient in IFRIC = GEN. the MU1 value on the CONTACT or PCONT entry is used for FRIC in the /INTER entries for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis. If FRIC is not explicitly defined on the PCONTX/PCNTX# entries.3 for solids. DARM. CUTF) NO . 5. It is ignored for all other subcases. or EXPDYN.Field Contents IFILT Friction filtering flag (See comment 10). PER . Ks = 0.0) C1. PCONTX is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. the gap cannot be zero and a constant gap is used.5 * STFAC * E * t for shells. In implicit analysis. Otherwise. For small initial gaps.5 * STFAC * E * t for shells. 4. The variable gap (IGAP = VAR) is computed as gs + gm with: gm .0 Reference Guide 1807 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . it may create initial energy if the node belongs to a spring element. K1 = max (Km. K1 = 0. 8. INACTI = 3. K1 = Km ISTF = 2. K1 = Km * Ks / (Km + Ks) 6.slave node gap: gs = 0 if the slave node is not connected to any element or is only connected to solid or spring elements. t . l/10.master element gap with gm = t/2. min (STMAX. lmin/2. 7. the largest computed slave gap is used. There is no limitation to the value of stiffness factor (but a value larger than 1. gs . l – average side length of the master solid elements. t: thickness of the master element for shell elements. it may create other initial penetrations if several surface layers are defined in the interfaces. K1)) with ISTF = 0. lmin – smallest side length of all master segments (shell or solid).5 * (Km + Ks) ISTF = 3. gm = 0 for solid elements. S is the segment area. The interface stiffness is then K = max (STMIN. B is the Bulk Modulus. and V is the volume of a solid. gs = t/2. INACTI = 5 works as follows: Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. average thickness of the master shell elements.In these equations. Ks) ISTF = 4. The default for the constant gap (IGAP = CONST) is the minimum of t. If the slave node is connected to multiple shells and/or beams or trusses.largest thickness of the shell elements connected to the slave node. K1 = min (Km. Ks) ISTF = 5. 4 are only recommended for small initial penetrations and should be used with caution because: the coordinate change is irreversible.0 can reduce the initial time step). Renard law 0 < V < C5 C5 < V < C6 C6 < V where: 1808 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . IFRIC = COUL – Coulomb friction with F T < FRIC * F N . where p is the pressure of the normal force on the master segment and V is the tangential velocity of the slave node.Generalized viscous friction law m = FRIC + C1 * p + C2 * V + C3 * p * v + C4 * p2 + C5 * v2 IFRIC = 2 . For IFRIC > 0 the friction coefficient is set by a function (m = m (p.Darmstad law m = C1 · e(C 2 V ) · p2 + C3 · e(C 4 V ) · p + C5 · e(C 6 V ) IFRIC = 3 . The following formulations are available: IFRIC = 1 .9. IFRIC defines the friction model. V)). α) * F'T .Tangential force F'T .filtering coefficient IFILT = SIMP – α = FFAC IFILT = PER – α = 2 dt/FFAC. 10. must be lower than the static friction coefficient C1 and the dynamic friction coefficient C2 (C4 < C1 and C4 < C2). must be lower than the maximum friction C3 (C1 < C3) and C2 < C3). The static friction coefficient C1 and the dynamic friction coefficient C2.0 Reference Guide 1809 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Tangential force at time t F'T . The minimum friction coefficient C4. IFORM selects two types of contact friction penalty formulation. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as an extension to a PCONT property in HyperMesh. where dt/T = FFAC.1 . F T . T is the filtering period IFILT = CUTF – α = 2 * FFAC * dt. F adh) The stiffness (incremental) formulation (IFORM = STIFF) computes an adhesive force as F adh = F T old + ∆F T ∆F T = K * VT * dt F T new = min (µF N . F adh) 11.1 where. where FFAC is the cutting frequency 12.Tangential force at time t-1 α . The viscous (total) formulation (IFORM = VISC) computes an adhesive force as F adh T F T = min (µF N . the tangential friction forces are smoothed using a filter: F T = α * F'T + (1 .The first critical velocity Vcr1 second critical velocity Vcr2 (C5 < C6). Integer 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) PC ONV PC ONID MID FORM EXPF (6) (7) (8) Field Contents PCONID Convection property identification number of a PCONV card. 10. 20. 11. and 21. FORM specifies the convection formula type. Heat transfer coefficient (H) is specified on MAT4 card with MID.0 For FORM = 1. 1810 OptiStruct 13. 10. 11.0 Comments 1. 2. 21 EXPF Free convection exponent. If FORM = 0. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) MID Material property identification number of MAT4 card.PCONV Bulk Data Entry PCONV – Free Convection Property Definition Description Defines a free convection boundary condition properties. 21 q = H * (T E XP F .TAMB)E XP F * (T . Default = 0. q = H * (T . Every CONV card must refer a PCONV card.TAMB) If FORM = 1. For FORM = 0. T is grid temperature and TAMB is the ambient temperature. 3. and 20. 11. No default (Integer > 0) FORM Types of formula used for free convection. EXPF = 0. 20. 10.TAMBE XP F )) where. 1. EXPF = 1. This card is represented as a group in HyperMesh. 11.4. EXPF is the free convection temperature exponent. EXPF = 1.0 for linear convection. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 10. Therefore. If FORM = 1. EXPF = 0. If FORM = 0.0 Reference Guide 1811 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 21. 20. linear convection formula is: q = H * (T-TAMB) 5.0 for linear convection. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PDAMP PID1 B1 PID2 B2 PID3 B3 PID4 B4 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) PDAMP 14 2. 2. may also be used for geometric grid points.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Up to four damping properties may be defined on a single entry.3 2 6. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. 1812 OptiStruct 13.PDAMP Bulk Data Entry PDAMP – Scalar Damper Property Description Specifies the damping of a scalar damper element using defined CDAMP1 or CDAMP3 entry. No default (Real) Comments 1. CVISC. 3. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) B# Force per unit velocity. A structural viscous damper. Damping values are defined directly on the CDAMP2 entry and therefore do not require a PDAMP entry. 4.1 Field Contents PID# Property identification number. . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PEAKOUT SID NPEAK NEAR FAR LFREQ HFREQ RTYPE PSC ALE GRIDC GID1 C ID1 C UTOFF1 GID2 C ID2 C UTOFF2 GID3 C ID3 C UTOFF3 . This feature is only supported for frequency response solution sequences.0 200.5 100. (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PEAKOUT 396 5 0... .0 DISP DB GRIDC 65 1 11 66 1 10 67 1 11 68 1 11 Field Contents SID Set identification number. .. ...0 0. Other result output may then be requested at these “peak” loading frequencies.... (10) No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1813 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .. .PEAKOUT Bulk Data Entry PEAKOUT – Peak Identification Criteria Description Defines criteria used for the automatic identification of loading frequencies at which result peaks occur. Default = largest applied loading frequency (Real > 0.0) FAR Maximum allowed distance between two peaks. Default = largest applied loading frequency (Real > 0. VELO or ACCE) PSCALE Pressure scaling method for peak identification for the fluid domain.0) LFREQ Starting loading frequency for peak identification. Default = DBA (DB. For DBA.0) HFREQ Ending loading frequency for peak identification. decibels (DB) or Aweighted decibels (DBA). The result for a structural degree of freedom can be displacement (DISP). See comment 2.Field Contents NPEAK Desired number of peaks. See comment 2. GID# Grid identification number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The result for a fluid grid can be the scale of pressure. Default = 0.0 (Real > 0.0) RTYPE Result type for peak identification for the structural domain. See comment 2. See comment 2. See comment 3 for decibel calculations and reference pressure settings. Default = 0. Additional peaks will be selected (in addition to NPEAK) if the distance between the peaks is greater than this value. velocity (VELO). the loading frequency of the lower peak will be ignored. Default = 5 (Integer > 0) NEAR Minimum allowed distance between two peaks. No default (Integer > 0) 1814 OptiStruct 13. or acceleration (ACCE). If two peaks are closer than this value.0 (Real > 0. standard A-weighting is used. DBA or NONE) GRIDC Flag indicating that a degree-of-freedom list for peak identification is to follow. Default = DISP (DISP. See comment 2. If the entry is a real value. TABLED2. then this is the identification number of a TABLED1. then this is the value of the cutoff (in the same unit specified by RTYPE and PSCALE). Frequency Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Default = 0. If the entry is an integer value. 2. There can be multiple PEAKOUT cards with the same SETID.0 (Real or Integer > 0) Comments 1. or TABLED4 entry defining the cutoff as a function of frequency (in the same unit specified by RTYPE and PSCALE). Figure 1: Plot of the Acoustic Response vs.Field Contents CID# Component identification number. See comment 2. TABLED3. The following example shows how the different criteria work in identifying peaks.0 Reference Guide 1815 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . No default (1 < Integer < 6) CUTOFF# The cutoff value can be a real value or an integer value. 17E-7 lbf/ft 2. 3. In the remaining region.0E-11 MPa. respectively. P4 would be selected in addition to the other peaks because D2 (~54 Hz) is greater than 50Hz. The reference pressure is dependent on the units specified on the UNITS input data. The dB value is calculated using 20 * log10 (P/P0). as D1 (~11 Hz) is less than 15Hz. If they are CGS. and so an additional peak is required to satisfy the FAR criterion. the FAR and NEAR criteria. and P5) can easily be identified. should a value of 50HZ be defined for FAR. with P5 being omitted. P5. The total frequency range can be reduced to the frequency range of interest by defining LFREQ and HFREQ. If the units are SI. 5 peaks (P1. then P2 will be omitted.0E-4 barye. In order to ensure that peaks are neither too far apart nor too close together. P3. The search area can be further reduced by defining CUTOFF such that low magnitude peaks can be ignored. If no UNITS data is present. where P0 is the reference pressure. If they are MPa. In the above example. should a value of 15Hz be defined for NEAR. may be used. P1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 4. Similarly. Should NPEAK be set to 4. 1816 OptiStruct 13. it is set as 2. the default value is 2. P4. the resulting frequency set would consist of the frequencies corresponding to the peaks P4.0E-5 Pa. P2. it is set as 2. and P3.0E-11 MPa. If you wish to include interior points of a superelement (in a CMS model) for the purposes of peak identification using the PEAKOUT bulk data entry. then it is set as 4. the SEINTPNT entry can be used in the subcase information section to convert the interior grid points to exterior grid points (since points referenced by PEAKOUT should be exterior points only). If they are BG or EE. the value is set as 2.Figure 1 shows a plot of the Acoustic Response versus frequency for a chosen degree-offreedom. 17 Field Contents PID Unique scalar elastic property identification number. See comments 3 and 4. No default (Real) GE Damping Coefficient. Default = 0. (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) K Elastic property value.PELAS Bulk Data Entry PELAS – Scalar Elastic Property Description Used to define the stiffness and stress coefficient of a scalar elastic element (spring) by means of the CELAS1 or CELAS3 entry.0 (Real) S Stress coefficient.92 27 2.0 Reference Guide 1817 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.29 (4) (5) (6) (7) 7. Default = 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PELAS PID K GE S PID K GE S (10) Example (1) (2) (3) PELAS 7 4. 3. multiply the critical damping ratio. One or two elastic spring properties may be defined on a single entry. If PARAM. 1818 OptiStruct 13. S is the stress coefficient as defined above. where. To obtain the damping coefficient GE. The element force of a spring is calculated from the equation: F = k * (u1 – u2) Where. Be careful using negative spring values. 2. GE is ignored in transient analysis. 6.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . k is the stiffness coefficient for the scalar element and u1 is the displacement of the first degree-of-freedom listed on the CELAS entry. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh.Comments 1. C/C0. by 2. 4. 5. Element stresses are calculated from the equation: s = S * F. W4 is not specified. Must match with a PID of a PELAS bulk data entry. 2. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) Comments 1. PELAST is ignored in all solution sequences except frequency response analysis.PELAST Bulk Data Entry PELAST – Frequency-dependent Elastic Spring Property Description Defines the frequency dependent property values for a PELAS bulk data entry. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) PELAST PID TKID TGEID TKNID (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Field Contents PID Property identification number. Nominal values from the PELAS entry are used in all the analyses except frequency response analysis. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) TKNID Identification number of a TABLED# entry that defines the nonlinear force versus displacement relationship. Each PELAST entry must have a matching PELAS entry. No default (Integer > 0) TKID Identification number of a TABLED# entry that defines the force per unit displacement versus frequency relationship.0 Reference Guide 1819 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) TGEID Identification number of a TABLED# entry that defines the element structural damping coefficient versus frequency relationship. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 4. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. If a particular TABLED id is blank or 0. The TKNID table is currently unused in nonlinear analysis and is ignored.3. the corresponding nominal value from the PELAS entry will be used. 5. 1820 OptiStruct 13. This entry is used to apply Periodic Boundary Conditions to the model. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) PERBC ID GSID RLID TOL (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) PERBC 2 45 32 0.01 Field Contents ID Set identification number. (Real > 0. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) GSID Identification number of a SET of grid points on one side of the structure. (Integer > 0) RLID Identification number of a RELOC bulk data entry that maps the nodes on one side of the structure to the other. Description The PERBC bulk data entry can be used to define a connection between opposite edges/faces of the structure. An exact one-to-one match between the two sides is required.0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (Integer > 0) TOL Specifies the numeric value defining the maximum distance between two grid points to allow equivalence.PERBC Bulk Data Entry PERBC – Defines a connection between opposite edges/faces of the structure (Periodic Boundary Conditions). All grid points in the set defined by GSID and the set of grid points on the other side of the structure (mapping defined by the RELOC entry) are considered for equivalence based on the tolerance.0 Reference Guide 1821 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . In shape optimization. The PERBC entry can be used to apply periodic boundary conditions.Comments 1. If RELOC(ROTATE) is specified. 2. 1822 OptiStruct 13. 3. then all matching grids will have CD assigned automatically to match the structure. when GRID’s identified on the PERBC entry are in or near the optimized zone. For TYPE=ROTATE.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . otherwise the results may be incorrect. to match results from one side of the structure to another. Periodic Boundary Conditions are supported for all solution sequences (except OptiStructMulti-body Dynamics (OS-MBD) and Geometric Nonlinear Analysis (ANALYSIS=NLGEOM/ IMPDYN/EXPDYN)) and all optimization types. their location changes should be properly linked through DVGRID. a simple rotation about a single axis should only be defined. The referenced RELOC Bulk Data Entry should be defined with TYPE=MOVE or TYPE=ROTATE. All grids on one side of the structure (defined via GSID) and matching grids on the other side should cannot have a coordinate system (Field CD on GRID entry) defined. 0 Reference Guide 1823 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . No default (Real > 0. No default (Integer > 0) D Diameter of the connector.0) MCID Identification number of the element stiffness coordinate system. See comment 3.0 8000.0 (9) (10) 0.3 20 1 12800.8 Field Contents PID Identification number of a PFAST entry.PFAST Bulk Data Entry PFAST – CFAST Element Property Description Define properties of connector (CFAST) elements.0 8000. See comment 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PFAST PID D MC ID MFLAG KT1 KT2 KT3 KR1 KR2 KR3 MASS GE (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) PFAST 9 0. MFLAG will be ignored and e1 will be defined as: e2 is defined as being perpendicular to e1 and lined up with the closest axis of the basic system. 3. Default = 0 (Integer) KTi Stiffness values in directions 1 through 3. Default = 0. See comment 5. but also the diameter D. the stiffness contribution of the fastener depends not only on the stiffness values specified for KTi and KRi.0 (Real) MASS Mass of the fastener.0 (Real) GE Structural damping.0 (Real) KRi Rotational stiffness values in directions 4 through 6. e2 and e3. because the location of the auxiliary points will be used to weight the contribution of the shell element grids to GA and GB of the fastener. The three stiffness values KT1. This is accomplished by taking the inner product of e1 with the basic system unit vectors. The unit vectors of the three axes are denoted as e1. If MFLAG = 1. The smallest will define the basic system direction which is closest to the plane 1824 OptiStruct 13.Field Contents MFLAG Flag to indicate how the coordinate system specified by MCID will be used. KT2 and KT3 will be applied along the three axes of the element coordinate system. MCID defines an absolute coordinate system. Default = 0. a) If MCID = -1. Element stiffness coordinate system.the stiffness of the element is directly specified in the PFAST card with KTi and KRi entries. MCID defines a relative coordinate system. For a CFAST element. It is used along with GA and GB to find appropriate auxiliary points and related shell elements and grids. Default = 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The diameter D will not be involved in the stiffness calculation directly. If MFLAG = 0. no material needs to be specified in the corresponding PFAST card .0 (Real) Comments 1. Default = 0. 2. In this case. ZS) as the local origin. e3 can be obtained as: At last. 5. For example. to corresponding shell grids. (ii) if GA is not specified but GS is specified. the moments of inertia relative to the local axes of the fastener will only be Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. e2 and e3. 4. d) If MCID refers to a cylindrical or spherical coordinate system. Then they are distributed. e3 can be calculated by the cross product of e1 and e2 as follows: e3 = e1 x e2 b) If MCID > 0 and MFLAG = 0. The direction of e2 can be calculated as: Unify this vector. via auxiliary points. Then. (iii) if neither GA nor GS is specified. The T2 direction specified by MCID will be used to define the orientation vector v of the fastener.perpendicular to e1* e2 is then defined as the projection of the basic direction onto this perpendicular plane. use GA as the local origin. e1 will be defined as: in which XA and XB are the coordinates of GA and GB. the local origin used to locate the system is selected as follow: (i) if GA of the CFAST is specified. then At last.0 Reference Guide 1825 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . the e2 can be easily calculated by the cross product of e3 and e1 as follows: e2 = e3 x e1 c) used directly as e1. half of the value defined in the MASS entry is placed directly onto the translational degrees-of-freedom of GA and GB. As the result. The element forces will be computed in the coordinate system defined in comment 3(a). The final length of the CFAST element is defined by the distance between GA and GB. use GS as the local origin. use the point (XS. the normal to shell patch A is used to define the axis of the fastener. assume m is the unit vector of the closest axis of the basic system. For the mass of the fastener. while the mass will be represented correctly for general representation of the fastener in the vibrations of the structure. YS. If the length is zero. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1826 OptiStruct 13.roughly approximated. PFAT Bulk Data Entry PFAT – Fatigue Properties Description Defines element properties for fatigue analysis Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) PFAT ID Layer Finish Treatme nt Kf (7) (8) (9) Field Contents ID Each PFAT card must have a unique ID. HOTROLL. Default = 1. NITRIDED. 1 = Top.0) When it is a float value. MACHINE.0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Kf Fatigue strength reduction factor. See comment 3. See comments 2 and 3. See comment 1. Layer Region Layer for shell elements. See comment 3. COLDROLL or any float value great than 0.0) When it is a float value. Treatment Material Surface Treatment for Material S-N Curve. (10) No default (Integer > 0) Finish Material Surface Finish.0 Reference Guide 1827 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . it will be used to modify the fatigue limit by multiplied with the original fatigue limit. a process used to enhance the fatigue life. GROUND.0 and 1.0 (Real > 1. SHOTPEEN. Default = NONE (NONE. Default = NONE (NONE. a result of manufacturing process. This ID may be referenced from a FATDEF definition. Default = 0 (0 = Worst. FORGE or any float value between 0. POLISH. it will be used to modify the fatigue limit by multiplied with the original fatigue limit. 2 = Bottom). size effects. where. Treatment and Kf are ignored in FOS analysis (TYPE=FOS on FATPARM). Finish. and loading type influence. Fatigue strength reduction factor takes into account the effect of notch effects. If shell elements are used.Comments 1. and Cloading are correction factors for notch effect. Worst is the worst result of Top and Bottom (the one with larger damage). size effect.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. Cnotch . 3. and loading type influence. 4. it is necessary to specify the appropriate layer or Surface of results to use Top or Bottom. Csize. 1828 OptiStruct 13. Contribution to each response DOF through the connection points will be calculated. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) PFPATH SID C ONPT RID RTYPE C ONEL C ONREL (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) PFPATH 10 11 12 DISP 18 23 (8) (9) (10) Argument Options SID <INTEGER> setid The SID is referenced by a PFPATH card in the control section. CONPT <INTEGER> gsid The connection points with a SID of type GRID SET. Altair Engineering Description OptiStruct 13.PFPATH Bulk Data Entry PFPATH – Transfer Path Analysis Description Bulk Data Entry for One-Step Transfer Path Analysis.0 Reference Guide 1829 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . RID <INTEGER> rsid The response SID of type GRIDC. These elements represent connecting paths from the rest of the system to the user-defined control volume. If CONREL is specified in the 7th entry. connected to the connection GRIDs in CONPT. the RIGID element IDs must be unique. velocity or acceleration. the response type corresponding to a structural degree of freedom could be displacement. There can be multiple PFPATH cards with the same SID.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Argument Options Description RPTYPE DISP/VELO/ACCE Default = DISP Criterion for the type of the response. Comments 1. These rigid elements represent connecting paths from the rest of the system to the user defined control volume. 2. CONREL <INTEGER> rsid The RIGID set consists of the RIGID elements. CONEL <INTEGER> esid The ELEMENT set consists of elements connected to the connection GRIDs in CONPT. 1830 OptiStruct 13. PFBODY Bulk Data Entry PFBODY – Flexible Body Definition for Multi-body Simulation Description Defines a flexible body out of a list of finite element properties. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PFBODY BID BODY_NAME TYPE1 ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID5 ID6 ID7 ID8 … TYPE2 ID9 ID10 … TYPE# … G4 G5 G6 (10) … C MS C TYPE UB_FREQ NMODES FLXNODE NOAUTO/C 1 G1 G2 G3 FLXNODE C2 G8 G9 … DTYPE DVAL … DAMPING Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. and grid points.0 Reference Guide 1831 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . elements. Example 1 (1) (2) PFBODY 3 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (10) C ontrol_arm PSHELL 23 21 PBEAM 9 59 48 C ONM2 2345 GRID 400 401 402 C MS CB FLXNODE 123 400 499 FLXNODE 123456 402 300 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PFBODY 3 901 902 903 1000 1001 50 Example 2 Linkage PSOLID 13 15 C MS CB 2000.0 FLXNODE NOAUTO FLXNODE 123 900 1832 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . RBE3. RBAR.(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) FLXNODE 123456 11 12 13 DAMPING C RATIO 0. PBEAML. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) BODY_NAME Unique body name.h3d (Character string) TYPE# Flag indicating that the following list of IDs refer to entities of this type. PBEAM. RROD. RBE2. CELAS2. PELAS. CTYPE Component Mode Synthesis method to be employed. PVISC. PSOLID. RBAR. RROD. PCOMPG.0 Reference Guide 1833 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . CONM2. PGAP. PLOTEL.0 or blank. Default = OUTFILE_body_<BID>. This name is used as the Flex H3D file name to which the reduced flexible body information will be written out for the PFBODY. PWELD. All property definitions. PROD. CONM2. PCOMPP. or GRID) ID# Identification numbers of entities of the preceding TYPE flag. No default (Integer > 0) CMS CMS flag indicating that information on the method used for reducing the flexible body is to follow. RBE2.Craig-Chang Default = CB (CB or CC) UB_FREQ Upper bound frequency for the eigenvalue analysis. PBARL. No default (PBAR. PSHEAR. PBUSH. PSHELL. CELAS2. If 0. PDAMP. no Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.8 Field Contents BID Unique body identification number. RBE3. PLOTEL. CB . and GRID are valid types for this field. PCOMP.Craig-Bampton CC . C# Component number indicating the interface degrees-of-freedom for the following list of grids. (Real > 0. Default = DEFAULT (DEFAULT or CRATIO) DVAL Damping ratio value if DTYPE is specified as CRATIO. or blank) FLXNODE FLXNODE flag indicating that flexible body interface node information is to follow. CONM2. 2. Default = blank (Real > 0. or blank) NMODES Number of modes to be extracted from eigenvalue analysis. If set to -1 or blank. A maximum of 56 characters may be given for BODY_NAME. RBE2. See comment 11.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . See comments 8 and 9. 3.h3d in the outfile directory.h3d or OUTFILE_body_<BID>. Flex H3D file name will be <BODY_NAME>. (Integer > 0) DAMPING DAMPING flag indicating the flexible body modal damping. RBE3 or RROD elements or grid points can be given. PLOTEL.0) Comments 1. DTYPE Damping option.Field Contents upper bound is used. number of modes is limitless. See comments 8 and 9. Default = blank (Integer > -1. 1834 OptiStruct 13. Any number of property definitions. CELAS2. NOAUTO NOAUTO flag to not automatically determine the interface nodes for the flexible body. No default (up to 6 unique digits (0 < digit < 6) may be placed in the field with no embedded blanks) G# Grid identification numbers.0. RBAR. UB_FREQ and NMODES cannot both be blank.0 Reference Guide 1835 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 11. or grid point must be given.4. 6. PLOTEL. 9. At least one property definition. A property definition. 8. Add multiple FLXNODE lines to add more than six interface nodes. All property definitions. RBE2. RBE3. this is a special case where no eigen modes will be included in CMS mode generation. One FLXNODE line can have up to six interface grid IDs.0 and NMODES = 0. No continuation lines are allowed. CMS definition defines the component mode synthesis method to reduce the flexible body for the multi-body analysis. 5. 10. a default set of interface nodes and degrees-of-freedom. RBAR or RROD element or grid point can only belong to one body (flexible or rigid). When UB_FREQ = 0. elements and grid points defined on a PFBODY bulk data entry form one flexible body. element. CELAS2. will be generated based on the actual interface nodes and degrees-of-freedom of the flexible body. 7. This card is represented as a group in HyperMesh. CONM2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. If FLXNODE is not defined. Exactly one must be defined for each PFBODY. 12. 3 0.3 (10) Frictionless contact with automatic determination of U0 and KA: PGAP 2 AUTO AUTO Minimum data required to prescribe Coulomb friction: PGAP 2 1E6 Enforced stick condition (See comment 8): PGAP 2 1E6 AUTO 1836 OptiStruct 13.5 1E6 (6) (7) (8) (9) 1E6 0.25 0.PGAP Bulk Data Entry PGAP – Gap Element Property Description Defines properties of the gap (CGAP or CGAPG) elements.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) PGAP PID U0 F0 KA KB KT MU1 MU2 GPAD FRIC ESL Examples (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) PGAP 2 .025 2.25 0. THICK applies only to CGAPG elements) FRICESL Frictional elastic slip – distance of sliding up to which the frictional transverse force increases linearly with slip distance. Default = MU1 * KA (Real > 0. Default = NONE (Real or NONE or THICK. Default = 10-14 * KB (Real > 0.0 < Real < MU1) GPAD “Padding” to be added to account for additional layers on the surface of obstacles A and B. SOFT or HARD) KB Axial stiffness for the open gap. No default (Integer > 0) U0 Initial gap opening. Specified in physical distance units (similar to U0 and GPAD).0 Reference Guide 1837 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . See comments 4 and 7.0 or STICK or FREEZE) MU2 Coefficient of kinetic friction (mk). Default = MU1 (0. Positive value reduces the initial gap opening. (Ignored in linear analysis). See comments 8 through 10. Default = 0. See comment 3. F0 Preload.0 (Real > 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0).0 or AUTO) MU1 Coefficient of static friction (ms).0 (Real > 0.0) KA Axial stiffness for the closed gap.Field Contents PID Property identification number. See comment 2. KT Transverse stiffness when the gap is closed. Default = 0.0 (Real or AUTO). Default = 0. (Ignored in linear analysis). (Ignored in linear analysis). This default is also set when KB=0.0 or AUTO. See comment 11. No default (Real > 0. See comment 5. See comments 3 and 7. Zero value or blank activates friction model based on prescribed transverse stiffness KT.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 (Real > 0.Field Contents Non-zero value activates respective friction model based on Elastic Slip Distance. undeformed mesh). With the optional value AUTO. In linear analysis. The gap element force-displacement behavior is different in linear and nonlinear analysis (see Nonlinear Quasi-Static Analysis for more information on nonlinear solutions). based on the distance between nodes GA and GB (in the original. the gap stiffness is constant and depends on the initial gap opening U0 (as shown in the figure below).0) Comments 1. Default = 0. For gap elements with prescribed coordinate systems. 1838 OptiStruct 13. 3. See the CGAP or CGAPG entry for a more detailed description. this becomes a projection of vector GA->GB onto the prescribed axis on the gap element (axis 1 of the coordinate system). the initial gap opening U0 is calculated automatically. The gap element coordinate system is presented in the following figure. The C GAP or C GAPG Element C oordinate System 2. See the figure below for a one-dimensional illustration. friction is activated and the gap has stiffness KT in the transverse direction (see 5 below for alternative version). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Fx being the normal force in the gap element. first contact occurs.0 Reference Guide 1839 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .UB becomes equal to the initial opening U0. frictional force increases with sliding distance in proportion to KT until it reaches static friction force MU1 * Fx. The gap stiffness becomes KA upon contact. With further transverse deformation. C GAP or C GAPG Element Force Deflection C urve for Nonlinear Analysis 4. friction becomes kinetic and the friction force is MU2 * Fx. there is no transverse stiffness. When the gap is closed. While the gap is open. its normal stiffness is defined by KB. When the gap is open. When the gap relative displacement UA . For nonlinear solution sequences.C GAP or C GAPG Element Force Deflection C urve for Linear Analysis The gap force displacement behavior in nonlinear analysis is illustrated in the figure below. KT acts as a linear spring in linear solution sequences. depending on normal force.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . based on Elastic Slip Distance and activated by presence of non-zero FRICESL.C GAP or C GAPG Element Frictional Behavior in Nonlinear Analysis 5. Key differences between the two available models are illustrated in the figure below (F 1 and F 2 represent two different values of normal force F x ): C omparison of the two available friction models for gap elements. 1840 OptiStruct 13. and thus may qualify the same configuration as stick or slip. is relatively simpler and only requires prescribing coefficient of friction MU1 and MU2 (while KT can be determined automatically). Model (a).0 an additional model of friction has been introduced. in Coulomb friction the frictional resistance depends upon normal force. However. based on fixed stiffness KT. In addition to the above formulation. This model typically has better performance in solution of frictional problems thanks to more stable handling of transitions from stick to slip. Using fixed KT will predict different range of stick/slip boundary for different normal forces. in Release 12. SOFT can be used in cases of convergence difficulties and HARD can be used if undesirable penetration is detected in the solution.5% of typical element size in the neighborhood of the gap element).0 Reference Guide 1841 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . While. A reasonable range of gap stiffness is of the order of: (103 to 106 ) * E * h where. if MU1=0 or blank. 8. in order to effectively enforce stick condition on gaps of non-zero length. the result here is the same as with blank KT -. To facilitate reasonable values of KA and KT.1*KA. based on Elastic Slip Distance. the gap's contribution to compliance) is negative. then the gap is essentially "preloaded" with an attractive force KB*U0. For example. Such very small negative contributions may even be produced if the KB field is blank or zero – this is due to the default non-zero value of KB applied in such cases. the work done (and. excessively high values may cause difficulties in convergence or poor conditioning of the stiffness matrix (this is especially true for KT). it may be beneficial to reduce the value of gap stiffness.Model (b). The prescribed values of KB and KT are ignored. rotations at GA node are matched to the rotations of GB or the obstacle patch B. 7. automatic calculation of these parameters is supported. As such a gap closes. in some cases they may lead to negative total compliance. If any such symptoms are observed. Note that. if KB > 0 and initial gap opening U0 > 0. The FREEZE conditions applies no matter whether the gap is open or closed (hence. Note that the nonlinear gap element's force-displacement behavior may produce negative contributions to the compliance of the structure.its value is calculated as MU1*KA. (This can also be accomplished by prescribing KT>0 or KT=AUTO with MU1=0 or blank). 6. the enforced stick only applies to gaps that are closed. specifically: Option KA=AUTO determines the value of KA for each gap element using the stiffness of surrounding elements. Additional options SOFT and HARD create respectively softer or harder penalties. If MU1>0. theoretically. However. there is no automatic determination of FRICESL – a recommended value is about 0. Reasonable gap stiffness: the gap stiffness values KA and KT essentially represent penalty springs that are hard enough to prevent perceptible penetration of contacting nodes. In most situations. Such gap elements will not enter the sliding phase. KT=AUTO can be used to prescribe enforced stick conditions (see below). 9. However. Also. hence. higher stiffness values enforce the contact conditions more precisely. The value of KA is respected. provides unique identification of stick or slip and generally performs better in solution of problems with friction. Of course. Prescribing MU1=STICK is interpreted as an enforced stick condition. U0 is of no relevance in this case). such small negative contributions get overridden by the overall positive compliance of the entire structure. calculated as KT=0. This model does require prescribing elastic slip distance FRICESL (for gap elements.frictional offset may need to be turned off (See comment 10). KT=AUTO produces a non-zero value of KT. Prescribing MU1=FREEZE enforces zero relative motion of the gap – the gap opening remains fixed at the original value and the sliding distance is zero.1*KA. Option KT=AUTO automatically calculates the value of KT. A good value for KT is of the order of 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Such a range will generally keep the gap penetration below one thousandth / one millionth of the element size. E is the typical value of elastic modulus and h is the typical element size in the area surrounding the gap elements. respectively. Therefore. Similarly. The reason is that for gap elements with non-zero length (distance between GA and GB). for example). Also. The presence of friction or stick can introduce moment loadings and counter-intuitive results into the problem by way of frictional offset. to assure good connection. 10. the sliding distance at the gap interface is a result of nodal displacements and rotations at GA and GB (see figure below). C GAP or C GAPG Presumed C ontact Surface The frictional forces act along this contact surface. this condition is effective irrespective of the frictional offset setting. for example. 1842 OptiStruct 13. this offset may render friction ineffective because the free rotations at gap nodes offer no effective resistance to friction. With the stick condition formally satisfied. Transferring these forces to the grid points GA and GB requires an offset operation that produces both forces and moments at the gap grid points. the actual location of the contact interface is presumed to be in the middle of the gap length (see figure below).although it is recommended that it is set to AUTO or HARD. C GAP or C GAPG Sliding with Friction For contact between bodies that do not support moments (solid elements. nodes GA and GB can move relative to each other (see figure below).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The above default setting can be changed via the GAPOFFS command on the GAPPRM card. the offset operation is applied by default (this produces correct rigid body balance. However.0. The THICK option applies only to CGAPG elements and is ignored for CGAP.0 Reference Guide 1843 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . this affects both linear and nonlinear gap elements. 11. (Note that this only applies to "individual" gap end nodes GA and GB and is not needed for elements or patches of nodes on the obstacle side of GAPG elements). it may violate the rigid body balance of the body. Hence. The GPAD option THICK automatically accounts for shell thickness on both sides of the gap (this also includes the effects of shell element offset ZOFFS or composite offset Z0). especially in natural frequency analysis). (Note that for consistency.C GAP or C GAPG Stick (Zero Sliding Distance) In practice. for gaps that are initially open. when calculated using AUTO option (GPAD is only allowed when U0 is set to AUTO). such as shell thickness or coatings on the surface of solids. For linear gap analysis and for FREEZE condition. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. respective SPC on rotations need to be applied manually. The GPAD option allows you to account for additional layers on the surface on obstacles A and B.) This produces more intuitive results with friction. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. However. the frictional terms will prevent AUTOSPC from being effective. for gap elements that are initially closed (U0 < 0 or U0=AUTO with CID=FLIP). Effective in the Release 12. Positive value substracts from the gap opening U0. the frictional offset operation is by default turned off if the model involves friction or stick and contains at least one nonlinear subcase (of NLSTAT type). 12. to avoid such counter-intuitive behavior. AUTOSPC will effectively fix respective unsupported rotations. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) PGAPHT PID KAHT KBHT (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) TC ID Examples (1) (2) (3) PGAPHT 2 1E6 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Contact with automatic determination of KAHT: PGAPHT 2 AUTO Minimum data required to prescribe clearance based contact conduction (see comments 2 and 3): PGAPHT 2 10 Field Contents PID Property identification number. No default (Integer > 0) KAHT Total conduction for the closed gap. See comment 2.PGAPHT Bulk Data Entry PGAPHT – Gap Element Heat Transfer Conduction Property for Heat Transfer Analysis Description Defines heat transfer conduction properties of the gap (CGAP or CGAPG) elements for heat transfer analysis. 1844 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Refer to Contact-based Thermal Analysis in the User’s Guide for more information. or use conduction based contact clearance and pressure. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. KAHT and KBHT represent total gap conduction values for closed and open gaps. 2. specifically: Option KAHT=AUTO determines the value of KAHT for each gap element using the conduction of surrounding elements. PGAPHT must match PID with an existing PGAP. To facilitate reasonable values of KAHT. 4. while higher conduction values enforce a perfect conductor. automatic calculation is supported.Field Contents No default (Real > 0.0 Reference Guide 1845 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 3. TCID points to a TABLED# entry that specifies total conduction based on gap clearance. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. Theoretically. See comments 2. See comment 2. Thermal-structural analysis problems involving contact are fully coupled since contact/gap status changes thermal conductivity. TCID is ignored for linear CGAP/CGAPG elements. TCID Identification number of a TABLED# entry. Default = 10-14 * KAHT (Real > 0. TCID overrides KBHT.0) This default is also set when KBHT=0. it may be beneficial to reduce the value of gap conduction. excessively high values may cause poor conditioning of the conductivity matrix.0 or AUTO) KBHT Total conduction for the open gap. If any such symptoms are observed. 3. This table specifies total gap conduction based on gap clearance. 5. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) Comments 1. PGAPHT provides heat transfer conductivity for CGAP/CGAPG element. and 4. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . and zero mass density.PGASK Bulk Data Entry PGASK – Gasket Element Property Definition Description Defining the properties for solid gasket elements. zero membrane thermal expansion coefficient.5 Field Contents PID Unique gasket element property identification number. Blank means zero membrane stiffness. No default (Integer > 0) MIDG A MGASK entry identification number that defines thickness-direction and transverse shear behaviors of the gasket. No default (Integer > 0) MID1 A MAT1 entry identification number that defines membrane properties and mass density of the gasket. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) PGASK PID MIDG MID1 C ORDM H0 GAP VOID LEAKP STABMT Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) PGASK 1 2 1 1 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 0. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) 1846 OptiStruct 13. 0 . the transverse shear stiffness is defined with either the unit of stress per unit displacement or the unit of force per unit area.0 or blank) STABMT Membrane and transverse shear stabilization flag. while 0 means the basic coordinate system. Default = 0. Default = 0. Default = 0. The thickness-direction stiffness is defined with the unit of stress per unit displacement (the pressure—closure distance relationship for the thickness compression).0 (Real > 0.0) VOID Initial void of the gasket.Field Contents CORDM Material coordinate system identification number. MGASK defines the thicknessdirection and transverse shear behaviors of the gasket material. Default = 0 (Integer = 0 or 1) Comments 1. Default = blank (Real > 0. PGASK refers to two material entries. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 1 . 0.0 Reference Guide 1847 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . See comment 6.a stabilization stiffness is used if membrane or transverse shear stiffness is zero. 2.0 (Real > 0. See comment 4. and the membrane stiffness is defined with the unit of force per unit area (the stress—strain relationship). MGASK and MAT1.0) LEAKP Leakage pressure.0) GAP Initial open gap of the gasket. See comment 5. and MAT1 defines the membrane behavior of the gasket material. All gasket element property entries must have unique identification numbers.0 (Real > 0.no stabilization. See comment 5. Default = -1 (Integer > -1) H0 Prescribed initial thickness of the gasket.0 or blank means using initial thickness of the gasket element. See comment 3. -1 means the element local coordinate system. 4. 8. 7. and the material local 1-direction and 2-direction are taken as the gasket membrane principle directions. if its membrane or transverse shear stiffness is zero. 1848 OptiStruct 13. C. STABMT is recommended to be 1. If the gasket pressure is larger than the leakage pressure. 9.GAP . a warning will be provided. which is used to determine pressure with the loading/unloading of tables defined in the MGASK card.3. is calculated as: C = Cmech – GAP If there is no initial open gap (GAP=0). is calculated as: Cthermal = ALPHA * (Tref . This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. The total closure of a gasket element consists of the mechanical closure and the thermal closure. The continuation entry is optional. The sealing status of gasket is detected with the leakage pressure. 6. For gasket in contact. If the angle between the prescribed thickness direction (the material local 3-direction) and the default one (the element local 3-direction) is larger than 20 degrees. otherwise. it is detected to be sealed – the output status index value is 1. The gasket material coordinate system can be defined as the element local coordinate system (CORDM = -1) or a prescribed system (CORDM = Integer > 0). that is: Ctotal = Cmech + Cthermal The thermal closure.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The material local 3-direction is taken as the gasket thickness direction.T) * (H0 . 5. Cthermal. it is leaking – the output status index value is 0. The initial thickness includes initial open gap and initial void of the gasket.VOID) The effective closure. C and Cmech are identical. blank holder.PHFSHL Bulk Data Entry PHFSHL – Shell Element Property for One-Step Stamping Simulation Description Defines the thickness.0 Reference Guide 1849 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . binder and Forming Limit Curve references for a shell property in a one-step stamping simulation. No default (Integer > 0) T Thickness No default (Real > 0. No default (Integer > 0) MID Material identification number of a MATHF entry. No default (Integer > 0 or blank) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.01 6 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 2 Field Contents PID Unique shell element property identification number. material.0) BHID Blank holder ID referring to a BLKHDF entry. No default (Integer > 0 or blank) FLDID User-defined Forming Limit Curve ID referring to FLDATA entry. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) PHFSHL PID MID T BHID (7) (8) (9) (10) FLDID Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) PHFSHL 1 1 0. 3. PHFSHL is referenced by CTRIA3 and CQUAD4 entries. This entry is only valid with an @HyperForm statement in the first line of the input file. 1850 OptiStruct 13.Comments 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2. All shell element property entries must have unique identification numbers. (Integer > 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) P Pressure.0 Reference Guide 1851 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . G4 may be 0) Comments 1.PLOAD Bulk Data Entry PLOAD – Static Pressure Load Description Defines a static pressure load on a triangular or quadrilateral element.0 16 32 11 0 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. It can also be used to define the EXCITEID field (Amplitude “A”) of dynamic loads in RLOAD1.... G1. If G4 is zero or blank. The grid points define either a triangular or a quadrilateral element to which a pressure is applied. TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 bulk data entries. RLOAD2. the element is triangular. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) PLOAD SID P G1 G2 G3 G4 (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) PLOAD 1 -4.G4 Grid point identification numbers. the grid points G1. 3. The right-hand rule is applied to find the assumed direction of the pressure.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2. the assumed direction of the pressure is computed according to the right-hand rule using the sequence of grid points G1. A minus sign in field 3 reverses the direction of the load. and G4 should form a consecutive sequence around the perimeter. G2. 4.In the case of a triangular element. 1852 OptiStruct 13. and G3. is divided into three equal parts and applied to the grid points as concentrated loads. G2. The total load on the element. G3. AP. In the case of a quadrilateral element. This card is represented as a pressure load in HyperMesh. MY. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PLOAD1 SID EID TYPE SC ALE X1 P1 X2 P2 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PLOAD1 25 1065 MY FRPR 0.5E3 Field Contents SID Load set identification number.2 2. FYE.PLOAD1 Bulk Data Entry PLOAD1 – Applied Load on CBAR or CBEAM Elements Description Defines concentrated. TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 bulk data entries.8 3. uniformly distributed. (10) No default (Integer > 0) EID CBAR or CBEAM element identification number. 7. FY. No default (Integer > 0) TYPE Load type. MX.5E3 0. MXE. FXE. FR.0 Reference Guide 1853 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . LEPR or FRPR) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. No default (FX. 8 and 9. MZ. X2. FZE. See comments 6. or linearly distributed applied loads to the CBAR or CBEAM elements at user-chosen points along the axis. See comment 5. MYE or MZE) SCALE Determines scale factor for X1. RLOAD2. It can also be used to define the EXCITEID field (Amplitude “A”) of dynamic loads in RLOAD1. No default (LE. FZ. y. "FY" or "FZ": Force in the x. y. 1854 OptiStruct 13. If SCALE = "FR" (fractional). 3. In the static solution sequences. 0 < X1 < X2) P1. the xi values are actual distances along the element axis. 5. Default = blank (Real or blank) Comments 1. 4. P2 Load factors at positions X1. positions X1 and X2. If SCALE = "LEPR" (length projected). 6. Load TYPE is used as follows to define loads: "FX". the load set ID (SID) is selected by the LOAD command in the Subcase Information section. y. "MYE" or "MZE": Moment in the x. For X1: No default. the xi values are actual distances along the element element. "MX". and. For X2: Default = blank (Real.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . X2. except as noted in comments 8 and 9. y. except as noted in comments 8 and 9. will be applied between positions X1 and X2. If SCALE = "LE" (length). 2. "MY" or "MZ": Moment in the x. or z direction of the element’s coordinate system. "FXE". or z direction of the basic coordinate system. the xi values are ratios of the distance along the axis to the 8. or z direction of the element’s coordinate system. If X2 is blank or equal to X1. a concentrated load of value P1 will be applied at position X1. X2 Distances along the CBAR or CBEAM element axis from end A. having an intensity per unit length of bar equal to P1 at X1 and equal to P2 at X2. if 7. "MXE". "FYE" or "FZE": Force in the x.Field Contents X1. or z direction of the basic coordinate system. This card is represented as a pressure load in HyperMesh. the total load applied to the bar is P1 (X2 – X1) cosα in the y-basic direction. the Xi values are ratios of the actual distance to in terms of the projected length of the bar. TYPE = FYE) option is selected. If SCALE = "LEPR". then the projection (SCALE=FRPR or LEPR) option is ignored and the result is the same as the SCALE=FR (or LE) option. If on the TYPE field of the PLOAD1 entry. 11. Loads on CBEAM elements defined with PLOAD1 entries are applied along the line of the shear centers. 12. 10. the total load applied to the bar is P1 (X2 – X1) in the y-basic direction. the element coordinate system direction (for example. Element identification numbers for CBAR and CBEAM entries must be unique.PLOAD1 C onvention on Beam or Bar Elements If SCALE = "LE". 9. If SCALE = "FRPR" (fractional projected).0 Reference Guide 1855 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 13. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (10) (Integer > 0) 1856 OptiStruct 13. Only QUAD4 or TRIA3 elements may have a pressure load applied to them via this entry. TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 bulk data entries.PLOAD2 Bulk Data Entry PLOAD2 – Pressure Load on a Two-Dimensional Structural Element Description Defines a uniform static pressure load applied to two-dimensional elements. RLOAD2.6 (4) (5) (6) 4 16 (7) (8) (9) (10) 2 Alternate Format and Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PLOAD2 SID P EID1 “THRU” EID2 blank blank blank PLOAD2 1 30. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PLOAD2 SID P EID EID EID EID EID EID (10) Example (1) (2) (3) PLOAD2 21 -3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . It can also be used to define the EXCITEID field (Amplitude “A”) of dynamic loads in RLOAD1.4 16 THRU 48 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. At least one positive EID must be present on each PLOAD2 entry. EID must be 0 or blank for omitted entries. EID2 Element identification number. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. EID1<EID2) Comments 1. The direction of the pressure is computed according to the right-hand rule using the grid point sequence specified on the element entry. EID1. 3. 7. (Integer > 0. 2. EID. All elements referenced must exist. Refer to the PLOAD entry. This card is represented as a pressure load in HyperMesh.Field Contents P Pressure value. 5. Continuations are not allowed.0 Reference Guide 1857 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 6. all elements EID1 through EID2 must be two-dimensional. If the alternate form is used. 4. 0 5.PLOAD4 Bulk Data Entry PLOAD4 – Pressure Loads on Face of Structural Elements Description Defines a load on a face of a HEXA.0 1858 OptiStruct 13.0 8. PENTA. PYRA. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) PLOAD4 SID EID P1 P2 P3 P4 G1 G3 or G4 C ID N1 N2 N3 Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PLOAD4 2 1106 10.0 1. TRIA3.0 8. TETRA.0 1.0 THRU 1143 6 0.0 0.0 1 48 6 0. TRIA6. It can also be used to define the EXCITEID field (Amplitude “A”) of dynamic loads in RLOAD1.0 PLOAD4 5.0 (10) Alternate Format and Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PLOAD4 SID EID1 P1 P2 P3 P4 “THRU” EID2 C ID N1 N2 N3 2 1106 10.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering (10) Altair Engineering . or QUAD8 element.0 1.0 0. RLOAD2. TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 bulk data entries. QUAD4. and P4). If fields 2. CID Coordinate system identification number. Comments 1. N3 Components of vector measured in coordinate system defined by CID (Real). The load intensity is the load per unit of surface area. and 5 of the continuation are blank. This is required data and is used for TETRA elements only. (Integer > 0) EID1. Required data for solid elements only (Integer or blank). the load is assumed to be a pressure acting normal to the face. P3. not the load per unit of area normal to Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. See comment 10. Required data for quadrilateral faces of HEXA and PENTA elements only (Integer or blank). For triangular faces of PYRA elements. If these fields are not blank. G1 Identification number of a grid point connected to a corner of the face. For PYRA elements. P4 Load per unit surface area (pressure) at the corners of the face of the element (real or blank).0 Reference Guide 1859 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . G1 and G3 must define a positive direction into the element using the right hand rule. The continuation is optional. G3 must be omitted for a triangular surface on a PENTA element and the quadrilateral face on a PYRA element. the direction of load may vary over the surface of the element. P3. 4. the load acts in the direction defined in these fields. (Integer > 0) N1. 3. (Integer > 0. if CID is a curvilinear coordinate system. this grid must be on the edge next to the quadrilateral face. P2. G4 Identification number of the TETRA grid point located at the corner not on the face being loaded. N2. EID1 < EID2) P1.Field Contents SID Load set identification number. G3 Identification number of a grid point connected to a corner diagonally opposite to G1 on the same face of a HEXA or PENTA element. (P1 is the default for P2. Note that. this grid must be on an edge of the quadrilateral face. EID2 Element identification number. Used to define the direction (but not the magnitude) of the load intensity. 7. G1 and G3 must specify the grids on the edge of the face that borders the quadrilateral face and the grids must be ordered so that they define an inward normal using the right hand rule. and QUAD8 elements. determined by applying the right hand rule to the sequence of connected grid points. 1860 OptiStruct 13. P3 (and P4) act respectively at corner points G1. G3 (and G4). For the triangular faces. and N3 are not supported in NLGEOM subcases. For faces of TETRA elements. Since a TETRA has only four corner points. the load intensity is uniform and equal to P1. G2. Note that uniform load intensity does not necessarily result in equal equivalent grid point loads. followed by numerical integration using isoperimetric shape functions. G1 is an identification number of a corner grid point that is on the face being loaded and G4 is an identification number of the corner grid point that is not on the face being loaded. 10. TRIA6. P3 (and P4) act at the other corners in a sequence determined by applying the right hand rule to the outward normal. P2. 2.the direction of loading. and QUAD8 elements. 6.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If P2. 8. TRIA6. N2. The continuation card may be used in the alternate form. (See plate connection). this point. For plate elements the direction of positive pressure (defaulted continuation) is in the direction of positive normal. 11. N1. 5. P3 (and P4) are blank fields. For triangular faces of PENTA elements. QUAD4. The alternate form is available only for TRIA3. This card is represented as a pressure load in HyperMesh. 4. is unique and different for each of the four faces of a TETRA element. G1 is an identification number of a corner grid point on the face and the G3 or G4 field is left blank. The load intensities PI. 9. The load intensity P1 acts at grid point G1 and load intensities P2. G4. Equivalent grid point loads are computed by linear (or bilinear) interpolation of load intensity. G1 and G3 are ignored for TRIA3. For solid elements the direction of positive pressure (defaulted continuation card) is inward. QUAD4. 3. For the quadrilateral face of the PYRA element. P4 has no meaning for a triangular face and may be left blank in this case. G1 is an identification number of a corner grid point that is on the face being loaded and the G3 or G4 field is left blank. 0 Reference Guide 1861 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0) PA Surface traction at grid point GA. Default = PA (Real or blank) GA. No default (Real) PB Surface traction at grid point GB.5 12. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PLOADX1 SID EID PA PB GA GB Theta (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) PLOADX1 3 20 10.0 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. (9) (10) (Integer > 0) EID Element identification number.PLOADX1 Bulk Data Entry PLOADX1 – Static Pressure Load on Axisymmetric Element Description Defines a static surface traction on the CTAXI and CTRIAX6 axisymmetric elements. GB Identification numbers of two adjacent corner grid points on the element side.5 11 13 15. as shown in the figure below. 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 (Real or blank) Comments 1. This card is represented as a pressure load in HyperMesh. 2. The surface traction is input as force per unit area.Field Contents No default (Integer > 0) Theta Angle between surface traction and inward normal to the line segment. Default = 0. “Theta” is measured counter-clockwise from the inward normal of the straight line between GA and GB. Positive pressure is in the direction of inward normal to the line segment. Pressure Load on C TRAX6 and C TAXI Elements 4. 1862 OptiStruct 13. The surface traction is assumed to vary linearly along the element side between GA and GB. to the vector of the applied load. This element is not used in the model during any of the solution phases of a problem.0 Reference Guide 1863 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . This card is represented as a plot element in HyperMesh. 3. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) G1. It is used to simplify the plotting of structures with large numbers of collinear grid points.PLOTEL Bulk Data Entry PLOTEL – Dummy Plot Element Definition Description Defines a one-dimensional dummy element for use in plotting. 4. Comments 1. where the plotting of each grid point along with the elements connecting them would result in a confusing plot. Only one PLOTEL element may be defined on a single entry. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) PLOTEL EID G1 G2 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) PLOTEL 29 35 16 (5) (6) Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.G2 Grid point identification numbers of connection points. Element identification numbers should be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. Comments 1. 2. two-dimensional dummy element for use in plotting.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . It is used to simplify the plotting of large structures. G3 Grid point identification numbers of connection points.PLOTEL3 Bulk Data Entry PLOTEL3 – Dummy Plot Element Definition Description Defines a three-noded. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) G1. This card is represented as a tria3 element in HyperMesh. G2. 1864 OptiStruct 13. 3. Element identification numbers should be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. This element is not used in the model during any of the solution phases of a problem. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) PLOTEL3 EID G1 G2 G3 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) PLOTEL3 29 35 16 22 (6) Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) G1. 3. two-dimensional dummy element for use in plotting. This element is not used in the model during any of the solution phases of a problem. 2.PLOTEL4 Bulk Data Entry PLOTEL4 – Dummy Plot Element Definition Description Defines a four-noded. Element identification numbers should be unique with respect to all other element identification numbers. This card is represented as a quad4 element in HyperMesh. G4 Grid point identification numbers of connection points. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) PLOTEL4 EID G1 G2 G3 G4 (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) PLOTEL4 29 35 16 22 23 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. G3. G2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1865 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Comments 1. It is used to simplify the plotting of large structures. referenced by CHEXA. CPENTA or CTETRA bulk data entry. Format (1) (2) (3) PLSOLID PID MID (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) PLSOLID Field Contents PEID Unique solid element property identification number. All solid element property entries must have unique identification numbers. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. 3. 1866 OptiStruct 13.PLSOLID Bulk Data Entry PLSOLID – Nonlinear Hyperelastic Solid Element Property Description The PLSOLID bulk data entry defines the properties of nonlinear hyperelastic solid elements. CPENTA. 2. No default (Integer > 0) MID Identification number of a MATHE bulk data entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . and CTETRA bulk data entries. The MATHE hyperelastic material can be referenced to define corresponding material properties. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. The PLSOLID bulk data entry can be referenced by a CHEXA. 1 45 YES 0. No default (Integer > 0) MID Material identification number. Must refer to a MAT1. MAT2 or MAT8 bulk data entry. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) PLY ID MID T THETA SOUT TMANUF DID ESID1 ESID2 ESID3 ESID4 ESID5 ESID6 ESID7 ESID9 … (9) (10) ESID8 Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) PLY 1 2 0.0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.01 (8) (9) (10) 1 Field Contents ID Unique ply identification number.0 Reference Guide 1867 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .PLY Bulk Data Entry PLY – Ply Information for Ply-based Composite Definition Description Defines the properties of a ply used in ply-based composite definition. No default (Real > 0. No default (Integer > 0) T Ply thickness. If no material coordinate system is prescribed for the element. See comment 4. In addition.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Strain and Failure Index output for the PLY is activated by setting SOUT to YES. Note that only the plies with SOUT set to YES are considered in the evaluation of this maximum. of the longitudinal direction relative to the xaxis of the material coordinate system associated with a given element. The PLY card is used in combination with the PCOMPP and STACK cards to create composite properties through the ply-based definition. An additional piece of information available with ply results is "failure index for the element. See comments 2 and 3.0 (Real or blank) SOUT Stress. in degrees. Default = blank (Integer > 0) Comments 1." which is the maximum of failure indices for individual plies in this element. and that stress/ strain allowables on the referenced materials are defined. Failure Index output also requires that the FT and SB fields be defined on the corresponding PCOMPP card. Default = blank (Real or blank) DID Draping identification number. Default = 0. This card is represented as a ply in HyperMesh. the angle is measured relative to side 1-2 of this element. Stress. No continuation line indicates that all elements should be included. 4. Default = blank (Integer > 0) ESID# Element SET identification numbers. TMANUF defines the thickness of one manufacturable ply. 3. This parameter is used during sizing optimization to automatically create discrete design variables such that the thickness of the ply bundle is equal to a multiple of TMANUF.Field Contents THETA Ply orientation angle. and Failure Index output request. Must refer to a DRAPE bulk data entry. Default = NO (YES or NO) TMANUF Thickness of one manufacturable ply. the I/O Options CSTRESS (controlling Stress and Failure Index output) and/or CSTRAIN (controlling Strain output) must be defined. 2. Lists the elements for which this PLY card is defined. 1868 OptiStruct 13. Strain. 5. 29 6 13.2 Field Contents PIDi Property identification number.PMASS Bulk Data Entry PMASS – Scalar Mass Property Description Defines the mass value of a scalar mass element (CMASS1 or CMASS3 entry). (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) Mi Value of scalar mass.0 Reference Guide 1869 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 3. (Real) Comments 1. Mass values are defined directly on the CMASS2 entry. 2. Up to four mass values may be defined by this entry. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PMASS PID1 M1 PID2 M2 PID3 M3 PID4 M4 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) PMASS 7 4. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. and therefore do not require a PMASS entry. Format (1) (2) PRBODY BID (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID5 ID6 ID7 ID8 … TYPE2 ID1 ID2 … TYPE# … IXY IXZ IYZ C ID (10) BODY_NAME TYPE1 … MASS M INERTIA IXX IYY IZZ C OG X.G Y Z Example 1 (1) (2) PRBODY 3 PSHELL (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ARM1 23 21 1870 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .PRBODY Bulk Data Entry PRBODY – Rigid Body Definition for Multi-body Simulation Description Defines a rigid body out of a list of finite element properties. elements and grid points. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) PBEAM 9 59 48 C ONM2 2345 GRID 400 401 402 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) PRBODY 4 11 13 15 22 99 88 130. CONM2.0 Example 2 PBAR LEVER 10 44 MASS 100.0 C OG 29 Field Contents BID Unique body identification number.0 INERTIA 120. Default = OUTFILE_body_<BID> (Character string) TYPE# Flag indicating that the following list of IDs refer to entities of this type. PLOTEL. This body name for this PRBODY. and GRID are valid types for this field.0 0. RBE3. RBAR.0 Reference Guide 1871 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . No default (Integer > 0) BODY_NAME Unique body name.0 0. All property definitions. CELAS2.0 123. RBE2.0 0. RROD. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. GRID) ID# Identification numbers of entities of the preceding TYPE flag. IZZ Real > 0.IYZ Moments of inertia.IXZ. RBAR. PLOTEL.Field Contents No default (PBAR.0) INERTIA Flag to overwrite the finite element inertia of the body. No default (Integer > 0) MASS Flag to overwrite the finite element mass of the body. (Integer > 0) Comments 1.IZZ. Any number of property definitions. IXY. PCOMPP. PSOLID. M Mass. Indicates that the inertia properties are to follow. (For IXX. RBE3. Indicates that a mass value is to follow. PLOTEL. RBE2. RBE2. (Real) G Grid point identification number to optionally supply X. RROD. and Z. (Integer > 0 or blank) COG Flag to overwrite the finite element center of gravity of the body. PBUSH. PDAMP.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Indicates that the center of gravity is to follow. IYZ Real) CID Coordinate system identification number to define the orientation of the inertia tensor. PCOMP. PVISC. (Real > 0. CELAS2. PSHELL. RBAR. 1872 OptiStruct 13. RBE3 or RROD elements or grid points can be given. PSHEAR. Y. PELAS. For IXY. PCOMPG. PBEAML. PBEAM. Z Location of the center of gravity. PGAP. PBARL. PWELD. CONM2. X. PROD.0. CELAS2.IYY. CONM2. IXZ. IXX. IYY. Y. 6. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 7. or grid point must be given. This card is represented as a group in HyperMesh. A property definition. IYY+IZZ > IXX. 10.2. IYY. At least one property definition. The mass. A CID of zero or blank references the basic coordinate system. inertia and center of gravity input is optional if element/property information is provided in the PRBODY definition. INERTIA or COG continuations is provided. If just the principal inertia is specified. element. CONM2. 5. 3. all three continuations must be provided. 8. and IZZ must be positive non-zero values and they must satisfy the condition: the sum of two inertia values must be greater than the third (IXX + IYY > IZZ. RBE3. RBAR or RROD element or grid point can only belong to one rigid or flexible body. MASS must be positive non-zero values. PLOTEL. IXX. CELAS2. 4. The mass and inertia properties are defined by the finite element and mass properties unless they are overwritten by the mass and inertia properties given on the continuation lines. If one of MASS. IZZ+IXX > IYY). All property definitions. RBE2. elements and grid points defined on a PRBODY bulk data entry form one rigid body.0 Reference Guide 1873 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 9. beam or rod element for defining 1D pretensioned bolt.PRETENS Bulk Data Entry PRETENS – 1D or 3D Bolt Pretension Section Description Defines 1D or 3D pretensioned bolt section. (Integer > 0 for 1D pretensioned bolt. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) PRETENS SID EID SURFID NTYP G1/X1/ C ID G2 / X2 G3 / X3 SPNTID Examples 1D pretensioned bolt: (1) (2) (3) PRETENS 2 5 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 3D pretensioned bolt: (1) (2) PRETENS 3 (3) 4 Field Contents SID Unique section identification number. or blank for 3D pretensioned bolt) 1874 OptiStruct 13. EID Element identification number of a bar.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . NTYP Type of determination of normal to the pretension section. See comment 3. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Each 1D pretension section defines only one element. X3 to define pretension direction. Default is not to output the pretension deformation in results files. Default = blank (Integer > 0). (Integer > 0 for 3D pretensioned bolt. G2. the local z-axis defines the pretension direction. X3 Coordinates. G3 Three grid identifiers that define the plane where its normal is the direction of the bolt. Comments 1. X2.Field Contents SURFID Identifier of SURF card which defines cutting section of 3D pretensioned bolt. G3 to define the plane of pretension – normal to this plane defines the pretension direction.0 Reference Guide 1875 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . GRIDS – use G1. When prescribed. all three nodes must be prescribed. of the vector that defines direction of pretension. Default = blank (Integer > 0). CID Identifier of a coordinate system that defines direction of pretension. VECTOR – use the vector X1. or blank for 1D pretensioned bolt) See comment 2. For rectangular system. G2. the local x-axis defines the pretension direction. or CID). CID – use prescribed coordinate system. X2. VECTOR. SPNTID SPOINT that defines the DOF containing the pretension deformation and load. The length of the vector must be non-zero. Default = blank = AUTO (AUTO. X1. Default = blank (Real). GRIDS. For cylindrical and spherical systems. AUTO – automatic determination based on the configuration of the pretension section. G1. in basic system. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The default direction of pretension is defined automatically from the configuration of the pretension section. it is defined as the average normal to the respective SURFace (average of respective element normals). 1876 OptiStruct 13. For 3D pretension. For 1D elements. A surface defined by SURFID should be constructed by solid elements on the same side of the surface. 3.2. it is along the axis of the respective 1D element. etc - (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) PRETPRM INILOAD ZEROF PRTSW YES Field Contents PARM# Name of the parameter VAL# Value of the parameter (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) The available parameters and their values are listed below (click the parameter name for parameter descriptions). Parameter Description Values INILOAD Defines the handling of initial loading conditions on pretension sections that have been defined.0 Reference Guide 1877 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . "ZEROF” or “ZEROA” Default = “ZEROF” Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. but not yet explicitly loaded via PRETENSION command. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) PRETPRM PARAM1 VAL1 PARAM2 VAL2 .PRETPRM Bulk Data Entry PRETPRM – Parameters for 1D and 3D bolt pretensioning Description Defines parameters that control initial loading conditions on pretension sections for 1D and 3D bolt pretensioning. These parameters also control the printing of diagnostic information about pretension sections. Parameter Description Values PRTSW Switch for printing diagnostic information about pretension sections. NO> Default = NO 1878 OptiStruct 13. <YES.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . zero force will be applied.0 Reference Guide 1879 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . INILOAD Parameter INILOAD Values Description "ZEROF” or “ZEROA” Default = “ZEROF” Defines the handling of initial loading conditions on pretension sections that have been defined. This is equivalent to prescribing zero PTFORCE. If “ZEROA”. for any pretension section without pretension load. This is equivalent to prescribing zero PTADJST. in a pretensioning subcase. zero relative deformation is enforced on the pretension section defined above.PRETPRM. If “ZEROF”. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. but not yet explicitly loaded via PRETENSION command. If YES. PRTSW Parameter PRTSW Values Description <YES. diagnostic information will not be printed. 1880 OptiStruct 13.out file. NO> Default = NO Switch for printing diagnostic information about pretension sections. If NO. diagnostic information will be printed to the .PRETPRM.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No default (Integer > 0) MID Material identification number.5 Field Contents PID Unique rod property identification number.0 Reference Guide 1881 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . which is referenced by the CROD entry. See comment 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) PROD PID MID A J C NSM (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) PROD 17 23 42.PROD Bulk Data Entry PROD – Rod Property Description Defines the properties of a rod. No default (Integer > 0) A Area of rod. No default (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. No default (Real) J Torsional constant.6 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 0. Field Contents C Coefficient to determine torsional stress. Default = 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 3. For structural problems. All rod property entries must have unique property identification numbers.0 (Real) NSM Nonstructural mass per unit length. MID may reference only a MAT1 material entry. 2. 1882 OptiStruct 13. No default (Real) Comments 1. Torsional stress is calculated as follows: CM J Where. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. For heat transfer problems. M is the torsional moment C is the coefficient specified in field C J is the torsional constant specified in field J 4. MID may reference only a MAT4 material entry. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) MID Material identification number of a MAT1 or MAT9 entry. No default (Real > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) PSEAM PID MID TYPE W T (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) PSEAM 30 2 LINE 0. No default (Integer > 0) TYPE Type of seam weld generated.0 Reference Guide 1883 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .PSEAM Bulk Data Entry PSEAM – CSEAM Element Property Description Define properties of connector (CSEAM) elements. See comment 1. Default = LINE (Character) W Width of the seam weld. See comment 2.8 Field Contents PID Property identification number. 4.Field Contents T Thickness of the seam weld. No default (Real > 0) Comments 1. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. 2. 1884 OptiStruct 13. If the entry of T is left blank. 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Material MID is used to calculate the stiffness of the connector (the fictitious CHEXA). the thickness of this seam weld will be calculated as the averaged thickness of Shell A and B. See figure below. The distance between GS and GE is the length of the element. MID can only refer to the MAT1 or MAT9 bulk data entry. The width of the seam weld is measured perpendicular to the length and lies in the plane of Shell A or B. See comment 3. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) MID Identification number of a material definition. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. No default (Real > 0.PSEC Bulk Data Entry PSEC – Section Property Definition Description Defines property information for planar section elements used in the definition of arbitrary beam cross-sections.0 Reference Guide 1885 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . All property identification numbers within a section definition must be unique with respect to all other property identification numbers within the same section definition.1 (5) Field Contents PID Property identification number. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) PSEC PID MID T (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) PSEC 5 100 0.0) Comments 1. No default (Integer > 0) T Thickness. 1886 OptiStruct 13. This entry is only valid when it appears between the BEGIN and END statements.2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (Integer > 0) T Thickness of shear panel. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) PSHEAR PID MID T NSM F1 F2 (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) PSHEAR 21 2 .0 Reference Guide 1887 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . NSM Nonstructural mass per unit area. (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) MID Material identification number of a MAT1 entry.001 (5) (6) Field Contents PID Unique shear property identification number.PSHEAR Bulk Data Entry PSHEAR – Shear Panel Property Description Defines the properties of a shear panel. See comment 2.Field Contents F1 Effectiveness factor for extensional stiffness along edges 1-2 and 3-4. if F1 = 1. if F1 = 30.half the vector cross product area of the diagonals . If F1 > 1. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. The significance of F2 for edges 2-3 and 1-4 is similar. the areas of the rods on edges 1-2 and 3-4 are set equal to (F1 ×× T ×× PA)/(L12 + L34). where PA is the panel surface areas .0.and L12 and L34 are the lengths of sides 1-2 and 34. 1888 OptiStruct 13.0 (Real > 0.0 (Real > 0. the areas of the rods on edges 1-2 and 3-4 are each set equal to 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The effective extensional area is defined by means of equivalent rods on the perimeter of the element. Default = 0.01. the panel is fully effective for extension in the 1-2 direction. If F1 < 1. Default = 0. Poisson's ratio coupling for extensional effects is ignored.0) F2 Effectiveness factor for extensional stiffness along edges 2-3 and 1-4. the effective width of skin contributed by the panel to the flanges on edges 1-2 and 3-4 is equal to 15T. 2. Extensional Area for Shear Panel Thus.01.0) Comments 1. See comment 2. Thus. 3.5 ×× F1 ×× T. 95 -. transverse shear. See comment 3.32 +.2 206 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.90 205 1. bending. (Integer > 0) MID1 Material identification number for membrane.0 Reference Guide 1889 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .95 (10) 0. T is the total thickness. and membrane-bending coupling of shell elements.8 6. (Integer > 0) T Default value for the membrane thickness (Real > 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) PSHELL PID MID1 T MID2 12I/T3 MID3 TS/T NSM Z1 Z2 MID4 T0 ZOFFS Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PSHELL 203 204 1.PSHELL Bulk Data Entry PSHELL – Shell Element Property Description Defines the membrane.0).1 Field Contents PID Unique shell element property identification number. If T0 is defined for topology optimization. See comment 15. Real = 0. 1890 OptiStruct 13. The positive direction is determined by the right hand rule and the order in which the grid points are listed on the connection entry.833333 (Real > 0. then the elements are not included in the topology design volume or space. may not be equal to MID1 or MID2). See comments 10 and 11. If T0 is blank. See comment 7 for defaults) MID4 Material identification number for membrane-bending coupling. Default = 1.0 or blank for MAT1. (Real or blank. Default = . must be blank unless MID2 > 0) TS/T Transverse shear thickness divided by the membrane thickness.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 (Real > 0. T0 The base thickness of the elements in topology optimization. Only for MAT1. T0 can be >0.Z2 Fiber distances for stress computation. (Integer > 0 or blank. (Real > 0.Field Contents MID2 Material identification number for bending. MAT8) ZOFFS Offset from the plane defined by element grid points to the shell reference plane. must be blank unless MID1>0 and MID2>0. All shell element property entries must have unique identification numbers. Comments 1.0. See comment 3. (Integer > -1 or blank) 12I/T3 Bending stiffness parameter. Real or Character Input (Top/Bottom).0 or blank) NSM Nonstructural mass per unit area.0 or blank for MAT2.0 or blank) MID3 Material identification number for transverse shear. See comment 3. (Integer > 0 or blank. (Real) Z1. MAT2. This is to maintain consistency with respective terms generated internally by the PCOMP card. it is recommended that MID4 be left blank in buckling analysis. Hence. MID4 provides a way to represent shells with offset (shell element centerline being offset from the plane of the grid points) or shells with material properties that are not symmetric with respect to the middle surface of the shell. The default for Z1 is -T/2. the reference temperature (TREF) for the shell property is taken from the material referenced as MID1 TREF's provided for other MID's are ignored. If MID3 references a MAT2 material.only the thermal expansion terms for materials referenced as MID1 (membrane) and MID4 (coupling) are considered. 11. CQUAD4. The effect of leaving an MID2 or MID3 field blank is: MID2 (If left blank) Pure membrane in plane stress – no bending. then G1Z and G2Z must not be blank. then the thermal membrane-bending coefficients A1. For free-sizing optimization. defined by T on this entry. No bending or transverse shear stiffness. G22. 10. This entry is used in connection with the CTRIA3. If MID3 references a MAT8 material. MAT5. and for Z2 it is +T/2. specifically: The shell stresses calculated in the presence of MID4 are generally incorrect.0 Reference Guide 1891 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . MID1 cannot be left blank. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.2. PSHELL entries may reference MAT1. However. 3. 5. and A12 have a modified interpretation. 4. 7. coupling. In-plane stiffness only. 6. [G] is a matrix composed of G11. This is because MID4 does not provide sufficient information about the shell structure to correctly calculate all respective results. or transverse shear stiffness. and represent [G]*[alpha] rather then [alpha]. then G33 on the MAT2 data must be blank.000. and CQUAD8 entries. The effects of MID4 are not considered in the calculation of differential stiffness. the preferred method of representing such shells is through the use of element offset ZOFFS or the composite property PCOMP. See comments 13 and 14.000. MID3 (If left blank) No transverse shear deformation is considered (this is actually accomplished by enforcing very high transverse shear stiffness). Here. The continuation is not required. whenever possible. 9. If MID4 points to a MAT2 card with a material ID greater than 400. as they do not reflect the actual shell offset or the non-uniform material structure. and MAT8 material property entries. MAT4.…G33. 12. Z1 and Z2 definitions are ignored and the defaults of –T/2 and +T/2 are used for each element. Furthermore. 8. If MID2 = -1 Plane strain. The structural mass is computed from the density using the membrane thickness and membrane material properties. CTRIA6. T is the local plate thickness. Thermal expansion coefficients provided for materials referenced as MID2 or MID3 are ignored in shell analysis . A2. MID3 and MID4 must also be blank. A positive value of ZOFFS implies that the reference plane of each shell element is offset a distance of ZOFFS along the positive z-axis of its element coordinate system. ZOFFS can be input in two different formats: 1. This makes the effective "Real" ZOFFS value equal to half of the thickness of the PSHELL element. Pressure can be approximated with multiple line loads where the pressure value equals the line-load. such as shell element forces. as defined in the Real section). See Figure 1. ZOFFS can be used in all types of analysis and optimization. such as material matrices or fiber locations for the calculation of stresses. 14. the value of the line-load equals the load value. This makes the effective "Real" ZOFFS value equal to half of the thickness of the PSHELL element. divided by the length between the loads. Top: The top surface of the shell element and the plane defined by the element nodes are coplanar. (The sign of the ZOFFS value would depend on the direction of the offset with 1892 OptiStruct 13. 2. Plane strain (MID2=-1) MID1 must reference a MAT1 entry. divided by the thickness. Figure 1: Top option in ZOFFS Bottom: The bottom surface of the shell element and the plane defined by the element nodes are coplanar.13. (The sign of the ZOFFS value would depend on the direction of the offset with respect to the positive z-axis of the element coordinate system.0" is used. In this case all other information. in-plane loads are interpreted as line loads with a value equal to the load. is given relative to the offset reference plane. Thus. 15. Surface: This format allows you to select either “Top” or “Bottom” option to specify the offset value. Real: A positive or a negative value of ZOFFS is specified in this format.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Shell results. are output on the offset reference plane. The shell reference plane can be offset from the plane defined by the element nodes by means of ZOFFS. In plane strain computations. if a thickness of "1. while offset is correctly applied in geometric stiffness matrix and thus can be used in linear buckling analysis.respect to the positive z-axis of the element coordinate system. a typical simple structure will bifurcate and loose stability “instantly” at the critical load. See Figure 2. the loss of stability is gradual and asymptotically reaches a limit load. additional instability points may be present on the load path. the structure with offset can reach excessive deformation before the limit load is reached. 16. Thus. as shown below in Figure (b). Moreover. caution is advised in interpreting the results. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. as defined in the Real section). Note that the above illustrations apply to linear buckling – in a fully nonlinear limit load simulation. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Figure 2: Bottom option in ZOFFS When ZOFFS is used. With offset though.0 Reference Guide 1893 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . shown in Figure (a). otherwise singular matrices would result. both MID1 and MID2 must be specified. Without offset. Q4. visco-elastic hourglass modes orthogonal to deformation and rigid modes (Belytschko). 2 .Q4. No default (Integer > 0) ISHELL Flag for CQUAD4 element formulation. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PSHELLX PID ISHELL ISH3N ISMSTR NIP HM HF HR DM DN ITHIC K IPLAS (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) PSHELL 73 7 1. visco-elastic hourglass without orthogonality (Hallquist). See comment 1.0 7 PSHELLX 73 24 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 7 5 Field Contents PID Property ID of the associated PSHELL.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default as defined by XSHLPRM (Integer) 1 . 1894 OptiStruct 13.PSHELLX Bulk Data Entry PSHELLX – Optional SHELL Property Extension for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines additional SHELL properties for geometric nonlinear analysis. 2 . Default as defined by XSHLPRM (0 < Integer < 10) HM Shell membrane hourglass coefficient (ISHELL = 1. Default = 0. 2 .01 (Real.0 Reference Guide 1895 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . and 4 only). NIP = 0 defines global integration. ISMSTR Flag for shell small strain formulation. 31 . 30 .Standard triangle (C0).1 (Real) HF Shell out of plane hourglass coefficient (ISHELL = 1. 0. Default = 0.Small strain from time = 0.0 < Real < 0.QBAT or DKT18 shell formulation.05) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 12 . ISH3N Flag for CTRIA3 element formulation. 24 .Q4.01 (0. 3. 3. 4 . 3 . 4 .Alternative small strain formulation from time = 0 (ISHELL =2 only). and 4 only). 2. 2. Default as defined by XSHLPRM (Integer) 1 .Field Contents 3 . NIP Number of integration points through the thickness.Full geometric non-linearity (Time step limit has no effect).05) Except ISHELL = 3: Default = 0. Default as defined by XSHLPRM (Integer) 1 .DKT_S3. elastic-plastic hourglass with orthogonality.0 < HM < 0.Q4 with improved type 1 formulation (orthogonalization for warped elements). TYPEi = SHELL.QEPH shell formulation.Standard triangle (C0) with modification for large rotation. TSCi = CST.Full geometric non-linearity with optional small strain formulation activation by time step XSTEP.DKT18. 05) Except ISHELL = 3: Default = 0.Field Contents HR Shell rotation hourglass coefficient (ISHELL = 1. MATX27. PSHELLX is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM.Radial return. and MATX36 only). 24. or EXPDYN. ISH3N = 30 only) Default: See comment 12 (Real) ITHICK Flag for shell resultant stresses calculation.0 < Real < 0. 3. IMPDYN. Comments 1. NEWT . IPLAS Flag for shell plane stress plasticity (with MATX2. Q4: Original 4 node OptiStruct shell with hourglass perturbation stabilization. QEPH: Formulation with physical hourglass stabilization for general use. Default: See comment 11 (Real) DN Shell numerical damping (ISHELL = 12. 2. DKT18: BATOZ DKT18 thin shell with 3 Hammer integration points.Thickness change is taken into account.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No hourglass control is needed for this shell.01 (0. Default as defined by XSHLPRM (RAD or NEWT) RAD . The property identification number must be that of an existing PSHELL bulk data entry. It is ignored for all other subcases.1 (Real) DM Shell membrane damping (with MATX27 and MATX36 only). 2. Default as defined by XSHLPRM (CONST or VAR) CONST .Thickness is constant. QBAT: Modified BATOZ Q4g 24 shell with 4 Gauss integration points and reduced integration for in-plane shear.Iterative projection with 3 Newton iterations. and 4 only). Only one PSHELLX property extension can be associated with a particular PSHELL. VAR . 1896 OptiStruct 13. 3. Default = 0. Defaults for DM: Material Element type ISHELL/ISH3N Default MATX27 except QEPH. For MAT1. For MATS1. If the small strain option (ISMSTR) is set to 1 or 3. For MATX2.0 Reference Guide 1897 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .01% Membrane stress only. otherwise they are true strain and stress. the small strain option is automatically deactivated. NIP is ignored and global integration (NIP = 0) is used. 9. QEPH 24 1. 24 5% QEPH 24 1. QBAT except 12. This card is represented as an extension to a PSHELL property in HyperMesh.5% Hourglass stress. DKT18 12/30 0. except transverse shear. 7. 10. 5. 14. membrane only behavior happens if NIP = 1. If ITHICK = VAR or IPLAS = NEWT. MATX36 the default value for IPLAS and global integration (NIP=0) is IPLAS = NEWT. the default value for IPLAS and global integration (NIP=0) is IPLAS = RAD. Global integration (NIP = 0) is only compatible with MAT1. 12.4. Otherwise. 11. 6. engineering strain and stress are used. For ITHICK = VAR it is recommended to use IPLAS = NEWT. MATX2. 8. ISHELL = 2 is incompatible with NIP = 1. and MATX36.1% All stress terms. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.5% MATX36 13.5% QBAT 12 0% except QEPH except 24 0% QEPH 24 1. Defaults for DN: Element type ISHELL/ISH3N Default Usage QBAT 12 0. MATS1. PSLDX6 Bulk Data Entry PSLDX6 – Optional SOLID Property Extension for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines additional orthotropic SOLID properties for geometric nonlinear analysis.Standard 8-node solid element. 1 integration point. Viscous 1898 OptiStruct 13. Default as defined by XSOLPRM (Integer) 1 . Viscous hourglass formulation with orthogonal and rigid deformation modes compensation (Belytschko). 1 integration point. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) ISOLID Flag for solid elements formulation.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PSLDX6 PID ISOLID NIP ISMSTR IC PRE IFRAME DN QS QB HV DTMIN C ID IP IORTH Vx Vy Vz THETA (10) Example (1) (2) (3) PSOLID 77 7 PSLDX6 77 24 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Field Contents PID Property ID of the associated PSOLID. 2 . See comment 1.Standard 8-node solid element. Default as defined by XSOLPRM (Integer = ijk) 2 < i. or VAR) VAR .Field Contents hourglass formulation without orthogonality (Hallquist). 10 .HEPH 8-node solid element.Lagrange type total strain.Small strain from time = 0. Default as defined by XSOLPRM (Integer) 1 . j. NIP Number of integration points (ISOLID = 14 and 16 only). variable number of Gauss points. ICPRE Flag for reduced pressure integration (ISOLID = 14 and 24 only).0 Reference Guide 1899 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 4 . Co-rotational. co-rotational. Time step limit has no effect. OFF. 12 . 24 . 2 . 17 . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.H8C compatible solid full integration formulation. ISMSTR Flag for small strain formulation (ISOLID = 1. full integration.HA8 locking-free 8-node solid element. Default = OFF (ON. under-integrated (1 Gauss point) with physical stabilization. 14 .Standard 8-node solid. full integration (no hourglass). j = Number of integration points in local y direction. 14.Full geometric non-linearity with small strain formulation activation by time step. 2 < j < 9 for ISOLID =14 for ISOLID =16 where: i = Number of integration points in local x direction.Simplified small strain formulation from time=0 (non-objective formulation). and 24 only). 3 .Variable state between ICPRE = ON and ICPRE = OFF in function of plasticity state. k = Number of integration points in local z direction.Full geometric non-linearity. k < 9 < 3. 2. 12.1 (0.Plane (t.r) and angle THETA 11 .05 (Real) HV Hourglass viscosity coefficient.1 (Real) QS Quadratic bulk viscosity.Field Contents IFRAME Flag for element coordinate system formulation (ISOLID = 1.Plane (r.1 (Real) QB Linear bulk viscosity. Default = 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0) IP Reference plane. Default = 0. Default = 0.0 < Real < 0. 2. Default as defined by XSOLPRM (ON or OFF) DN Numerical damping for stabilization (ISOLID =24 only). and Vz) on plane (r.s) 12 . and 17 only).s) and orthogonal projection of reference vector (Vx.Use CID (CID must be different from 0) 1 .s) and angle THETA 2 .Plane (r. Default = 0 (Integer) 0 . 1900 OptiStruct 13.0 (Real) CID Coordinate system identification number to define orthotropic directions.Plane (s.t) and angle THETA 3 . Default = 1. Default = 0.t) and orthogonal projection of reference vector (Vx.Plane (s. Vy.15) DTMIN Minimum time step. (Real) Vz Z component for reference vector. (Real) Vy Y component for reference vector. Default = 0. It is ignored for all other subcases. and Vz) on plane (s. Quadratic 20-node brick and 6-node pentahedron elements are not compatible. Vx X component for reference vector.The first orthotropy direction is constant with respect to a nonorthonormal isoparametric coordinates. IMPDYN. 1) 0 . (Real) THETA Orientation angle in degrees of orthotropic with first reference plane direction.t) 13 . 4.0 (Real) Comments 1. Vy. (Integer = 0. the number of integration points is fixed at 1 and 4.0 Reference Guide 1901 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.Field Contents Vy. these element types should only be used with PSOLIDX. The property identification number must be that of an existing PSOLID bulk data entry. PSLDX6 is only compatible with 8-node linear solid elements. 3. Only one PSLDX6 property extension can be associated with a particular PSOLID. respectively. 2. PSLDX6 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. 1 . The ISOLID flag is not used with CTETRA elements. For elements with 4 and 10 nodes. or EXPDYN.Plane (t. and Vz) on plane (t.r) IORTH Flag for orthotropic system formulation.The first axis of orthotropy is maintained at constant angle with respect to the orthonormal co-rotational element coordinate system.r) and orthogonal projection of reference vector (Vx. 2.5. It comes at the expense of higher computation cost. This card is represented as an extension to a PSOLID property in HyperMesh. ICPRE = VAR in case of elasto-plastic material). combined with NIP = 222 gives an 8 Gauss integration point element. the stress tensor is written in the co-rotational frame. the stress tensor is computed in a co-rotational coordinate system. The number of Gauss points is defined by NIP flag: for example. The co-rotational formulation is compatible with 8 node solids. The time step control XSTEP. ICPRE = VAR is only available for elasto-plastic material law. and 2. It is recommended in case of elastic or visco-elastic problems with important shear deformations. TYPEi = SOLID. but the bulk behavior can be chosen with ICPRE. 18. 7. 6. This formulation is more accurate if large rotations are involved. 15. 12 and IFRAME = ON. 11. Hourglass viscosity coefficient. The HA8 formulation is compatible with all material laws. ICPRE = VAR is the default value and ICPRE = OFF will not reduce pressure integration. Under-integration for pressure should be used (ICPRE = ON in case of elastic or visco-elastic material. Co-rotational formulation: For ISOLID = 1. The hourglass formulation is viscous for ISOLID = 0. 16. For HA8 (ISOLID = 14) elements: this element uses a locking-free general solid formulation. For H8C (SOLID = 17) elements: Their brick deviatoric behavior is the same as ISOLID = 12. TSCi = CST only works on elements with ISMSTR =2. Fully-integrated elements (ISOLID =12) only use full geometric non-linearity (corresponds to ISMSTR = 4).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1902 OptiStruct 13. 10. In time history and animation files. and MATX36. With the small strain option (ISMSTR). similar to ISOLID = 12. 9. MATS1. HV is not active with 8 point integration. 12. the deviatoric behavior is computed using 8 Gauss points. MATX33. For fully-integrated solids (SOLID =12). bulk behavior is under-integrated to avoid element locking. Time step limit has no effect. 1. Otherwise. 14. and is compatible with all solid type material laws. 13. 17. it is true strain and stress. It is currently compatible with material MAT1. 8. For HEPH (ISOLID = 24) elements: This element uses an hourglass formulation similar to QEPH shell elements. ISMSTR =10 is only compatible with materials using total strain formulation (MATX42). strain and stress is engineering strain and stress. co-rotational. The default is 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) PSOLID PID MID C ORDM (6) (7) (8) (9) ISOP FC TN DS (10) Example (1) (2) (3) PSOLID 2 100 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 1 Field Contents PID Unique solid element property identification number.0 Reference Guide 1903 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .PSOLID Bulk Data Entry PSOLID – Solid Element Property Description Defines the properties of solid elements. CPENTA. No default (Integer > 0) MID Identification number of a MAT1. which is the basic coordinate system. referenced by CHEXA. MAT9. MAT10 or MATPE1 bulk data entry. CPYRA and CTETRA bulk data entries. Default = 0 (Integer > -1) ISOP Special integration schemes for elasto-plastic nonlinear quasi-static analysis. The values available are: Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. MAT4. No default (Integer > 0) CORDM MID of material coordinate system. MAT5. 2. uses reduced integration for second-order hexa and penta. PFLUID or PORO) DS Design switch. 3. Default = blank (Integer or blank) Comments 1. theoretically. REDPLAST or blank) FCTN Fluid element flag. See comments 2 and 3. Default = SMECH (SMECH. designed to circumvent the volumetric locking due to incompressibility of plastic flow. The specific details differ depending on the type and order of the element. They do not affect element behavior in linear analysis. and for 8noded hexa elements (reduced integration is not practically viable in other element types. All solid element property entries must have unique ID numbers. using the same integration schemes as for linear applications. in effect providing good resolution of plastic flow while avoiding excessive flexibility that would lead to spurious modes. REDPLAST adds further release of locking tendencies and usually the “softest” behavior. SMECH indicates a structural element. MODPLAST – (default) uses special handling of pressure approximation. PFLUID indicates a fluid element. 1904 OptiStruct 13. exhibit spurious deformation modes in single unattached elements. It may. REDPLAST – besides special handling for pressure approximation. since it would create extensive spurious modes).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Field Contents FULL – full integration. Not valid for fluid elements. The FULL option in the ISOP field provides stable and convergent results. MODPLAST uses special handling for volumetric pressure term. MODPLAST. although it may appear “stiff” and converge rather slowly in cases of significant plastic deformation. although in practice these modes should vanish in fields of many elements. Special integration flags MODPAST and REDPLAST affect only elasto-plastic materials (as identified by presence of MATS1) in nonlinear quasi-static subcases. If non-zero. (Character: FULL. the elements associated with this PSOLID data are included in the topology design volume or space. PORO indicates poro-elastic material. 4. CPYRA and CTETRA pages of the Reference Guide for details on how the material coordinate system is defined for each element. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. 7. If the material referenced by MID is a MAT9 material definition. or the element coordinate system (CORDM = -1). If FCTN = 'PFLUID'. 5. then the MID must reference a MAT10 entry. a defined system (CORDM = Integer > 0). CPENTA. then MID must reference a poro-elastic material entry. Stresses are calculated in the material coordinate system. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Refer to the CHEXA. The material coordinate system may be defined as the basic coordinate system (CORDM = 0).0 Reference Guide 1905 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 6. If FCTM=PORO. then CORDM defines the material coordinate system for Gij on the MAT9 entry. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PSOLIDX PID ISOLID NIP ISMSTR IC PRE IFRAME DN QS QB HV DTMIN LAMBDAV MUV IHKT (10) Example (1) (2) (3) PSOLID 77 7 PSOLIDX 77 24 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Field Contents PID Property ID of the associated PSOLID. 2 . 1 integration point. 1 integration point.Standard 8-node solid element.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Viscous 1906 OptiStruct 13. Default as defined by XSOLPRM (Integer) 1 .PSOLIDX Bulk Data Entry PSOLID – Optional SOLID Property Extension for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines additional SOLID properties for geometric nonlinear analysis. Viscous hourglass formulation with orthogonal and rigid deformation modes compensation (Belytschko). (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) ISOLID Flag for solid elements formulation. See comment 1.Standard 8-node solid element. 10 . 14 . under-integrated (1 Gauss point) with physical stabilization.Field Contents hourglass formulation without orthogonality (Hallquist). or VAR) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. j. ISMSTR Flag for small strain formulation (ISOLID = 1.Lagrange type total strain. variable number of Gauss points.Small strain from time = 0. co-rotational. 24 . full integration (no hourglass). 16 . 3 . 12 .Full geometric non-linearity with small strain formulation activation by time step. k = Number of integration points in local z direction. 2 . 2. ICPRE Flag for reduced pressure integration (ISOLID = 14. j = Number of integration points in local y direction. 14. 16 only). NIP Number of integration points (ISOLID = 14. and 24 only). variable number of Gauss points.HA8 locking-free 8-node solid element. 2 < j < 9 for ISOLID =14 for ISOLID =16 where: i = Number of integration points in local x direction. 24.0 Reference Guide 1907 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .HEPH 8-node solid element.Full geometric non-linearity. full integration. OFF. and 24 only). Default as defined by XSOLPRM (Integer = ijk) 2 < i.Standard 8-node solid.Simplified small strain formulation from time=0 (non-objective formulation). Co-rotational. ON for ISOLID = 17 (ON. 4 . 17. Default = OFF for ISOLID = 14. k < 9 < 3. full integration. Default as defined by XSOLPRM (Integer) 1 .H8C compatible solid full integration formulation. 17 .Quadratic 20-node solid. Time step limit has no effect. 2 .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = 1. Default = 0.Elastic modulus or numerical tangent modulus estimation.05 (Real) HV Hourglass viscosity coefficient. 1908 OptiStruct 13. 12.1 (Real) QB Linear bulk viscosity.Field Contents VAR . 2) 1 .0 (Real) LAMBDAV Numerical Navier Stokes viscosity No default (Real) MUV Numerical Navier Stokes viscosity No default (Real) IHKT Hourglass tangent modulus flag (ISOLID = 24 only) Default = 1 (Integer = 1.Variable state between ICPRE = ON and ICPRE = OFF in function of plasticity state. 17 only).0 < Real < 0. Default = 0. Default as defined by XSOLPRM (ON or OFF) DN Numerical damping for stabilization (ISOLID =24 only). IFRAME Flag for element coordinate system formulation (ISOLID = 1.15) DTMIN Minimum time step. 2. Default = 0. Default = 0.Advanced tangent modulus estimation.1 (0.1 (Real) QS Quadratic bulk viscosity. This formulation is more accurate if large rotations are involved. Fully integrated elements (ISOLID =12) only uses full geometric non-linearity (corresponds to ISMSTR = 4). Co-rotational formulation: For ISOLID = 1. It is recommended in case of elastic or visco-elastic problems with important shear deformations. PSOLIDX is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. 3. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the deviatoric behavior is computed using 8 Gauss points. strain and stress is engineering strain and stress. MATS1. For these elements with four and ten nodes.Comments 1. The hourglass formulation is viscous for ISOLID = 0. 12. Otherwise. and MATX36. In time history and animation files. The time step control XSTEP. The ISOLID flag is not used with CTETRA elements. it is true strain and stress. 16. 11. 8. combined with NIP = 222 gives an 8 Gauss integration point element. With the small strain option (ISMSTR).0 Reference Guide 1909 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 10. but the bulk behavior can be chosen with ICPRE. Hourglass viscosity coefficient HV is not active with 8 point integration. ISMSTR = 10 is only compatible with materials using total strain formulation (MATX42). the stress tensor is computed in a co-rotational coordinate system. Under-integration for pressure should be used (ICPRE = ON in case of elastic or visco-elastic material. 4. 7. ICPRE = VAR in case of elasto-plastic material). or EXPDYN. similar to ISOLID = 12. For fully integrated solids (SOLID =12). TYPEi = SOLID. 5. the stress tensor is written in the co-rotational frame. HEPH (ISOLID = 24) elements: This element uses an hourglass formulation similar to QEPH shell elements. H8C (SOLID = 17) elements: Their brick deviatoric behavior is the same as ISOLID = 12. co-rotational. 14. 13. ICPRE = VAR is only available for elasto-plastic material law. HA8 (ISOLID = 14) elements: this element uses a locking-free general solid formulation. the number of integration points is fixed at one and four. 12 and IFRAME = ON. It is currently compatible with material MAT1. MATX33. 15. 2. IMPDYN. 2. 6. The number of Gauss points is defined by NIP flag: for example. and is compatible with all solid type material laws. The HA8 formulation is compatible with all material laws. It is ignored for all other subcases. TSCi = CST only works on elements with ISMSTR = 2. It comes at the expense of higher computation cost. ICPRE = VAR is the default value and ICPRE = OFF will not reduce pressure integration. Only one PSOLIDX property extension can be associated with a particular PSOLID. Time step limit has no effect. bulk behavior is under-integrated to avoid element locking. The property identification number must be that of an existing PSOLID bulk data entry. respectively. 9. and 2. 1. The co-rotational formulation is compatible with 8 node solids. 18. For elasto-plastic type material.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . It is recommended to use IHKT=2 (ISOLID=24) and Lagrange type total strain. IHKT=2 will have a tighter yield stress criterion for an hourglass stress computation. like MATX42 and MATX82.17. This card is represented as an extension to a PSOLID property in HyperMesh. 1910 OptiStruct 13. ISMSTR=10 for foam or rubber materials. PTADJST and PTADJS1 entries. (See comment 1) No default (Real) Li Pretension load set identification number defined via entry types enumerated above.PTADD Bulk Data Entry PTADD – Pretension Load Combination (Superposition) Description Defines a pretension load as a linear combination of load sets defined via PTFORCE. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PTADD PSID S S1 L1 S2 L2 S3 L3 S4 L4 (10) -etc- Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) PTADD 6 2.0 3 Field Contents PSID Pretensioning load set identification number. PTFORC1. (See comment 1) No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 2 2. S Scale factor. (See comment 1) (8) (9) (10) No default (Real) Si Scale factor.0 3.0 Reference Guide 1911 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1912 OptiStruct 13.Comments 1. The pretension load as a linear combination is defined by: Where. PTADJST andPTADJS1 entries. S and Si are the scale factors. Li is the pretension load set defined via PTFORCE. PTFORC1. See comment 2. (Real) SIDi Pretension section identification number.0 Reference Guide 1913 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) ADJ Adjustment applied on this section (positive value means shortening). Alternate Form Description Defines adjustment (additional shortening) on a set of pretension sections.05 1 3 4 (7) Field Contents PSID Pretensioning load set identification number. (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) PTADJS1 PSID ADJ SID1 SID2 SID3 SID4 SID5 SID6 SID7 SID8 SID9 -etc- Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) PTADJS1 3 0.PTADJS1 Bulk Data Entry PTADJS1 – Pretension Adjustment Definition. when adjustment is applied to a section that has already been pretensioned. This means that. 2. the final effect will be a sum of the status reached in the preceding pretensioning subcase plus the amount of ADJ. 1914 OptiStruct 13.Comments 1. 3. Pretensioning adjustment is an additional shortening applied to a pretension section. Pretensioning adjustment shortens the pretensioned bolt by “removing” the prescribed amount of material. This represents the effect of turning the nut by a prescribed distance (number of turns). PTADJS1 can be referred by PTADD or by the PRETENSION command in the subcase directly.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 0 Reference Guide 1915 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) PTADJST PSID SID ADJ (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) PTADJST 3 5 0.PTADJST Bulk Data Entry PTADJST – Pretensioning Adjustment Description PTADJST defines the adjustment (shortening) on a pretension section.5 (5) (6) (7) Field Contents PSID Pretensioning load set identification number. (Real) Comments 1. (Integer > 0) ADJ Adjustment applied on this section (positive value means shortening). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. PTADJST can be referred by PTADD or by the PRETENSION command in the subcase directly. (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) SID Pretension section identification number. See comment 2. This represents the effect of turning the nut by a prescribed distance (number of turns). when adjustment is applied to a section that has already been pretensioned.2. 1916 OptiStruct 13. 3. the final effect will be a sum of the status reached in the preceding pretensioning subcase plus the amount of adjustment through PTADJST.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Pretensioning adjustment using PTADJST can also be used to define additional shortening to a pretensioned section. Pretensioning adjustment shortens the pretensioned bolt by “removing” the prescribed amount of material. Therefore. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) SID Pretension section identification number. (Positive value creates tension). Format (1) (2) (3) (4) PTFORC E PSID SID F (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) PTFORC E 3 5 0. See comment 2.5 (5) (6) (7) Field Contents PSID Pretensioning load set identification number.PTFORCE Bulk Data Entry PTFORCE – Pretensioning Force Description Defines pretensioning force on pretension section. (Integer > 0) F Pretensioning force applied on this section. (Real) Comments 1. PTFORCE can be referred by PTADD or by the PRETENSION command in the subcase directly.0 Reference Guide 1917 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . applied to the opposite sides of the pretension section. Pretensioning force is actually a pair of forces.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .2. 1918 OptiStruct 13. This represents the effect of tightening the nut by a prescribed longitudinal force (which is related to the applied torque). Alternate Form Description Defines pretensioning force on a set of pretension sections. (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) F Pretensioning force applied on this set of sections. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PTFORC 1 PSID F SID1 SID2 SID3 SID4 SID5 SID6 SID7 SID8 SID9 -etc- (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) PTFORC 1 3 500.0 1 3 4 (7) Field Contents PSID Pretensioning load set identification number.0 Reference Guide 1919 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . See comment 2. (Positive value creates tension).PTFORC1 Bulk Data Entry PTFORC1 – Pretensioning Force Definition. (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (Real) SIDi Pretension section identification number. applied to the opposite sides of the pretension section. 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Pretensioning force is actually a pair of forces. PTFORC1 can be referred by PTADD or by the PRETENSION command in the subcase directly. 1920 OptiStruct 13. This represents the effect of tightening the nut by a prescribed longitudinal force (which is related to the applied torque).Comments 1. 0 Reference Guide 1921 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . referenced by a CTUBE entry.25 Field Contents PID Unique identification number.0) T Thickness of tube.29 0. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) MID Material identification number. T < ½ OD) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) PTUBE PID MID OD T NSM OD2 (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) PTUBE 2 6 6. (Real > 0.PTUBE Bulk Data Entry PTUBE – Tube Property Description PTUBE defines the properties of a thin-walled cylindrical tube element. (Real. (Integer > 0) OD Outside diameter of tube. 2. CTUBE data is converted to CROD data. 4. (Real) OD2 Diameter of tube at second grid point – G2 on CTUBE entry. See comment 4. For structural problems. 5. a solid circular rod is assumed. 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . PTUBE data is converted to PROD data as it is read.Field Contents NSM Nonstructural mass per unit length. Default = OD (OD or blank) Comments 1. 1922 OptiStruct 13. PTUBE entries may only reference MAT1 material entries. If T is zero. All PTUBE entries must have unique property identification numbers. Tapered tubes are not allowed. 6. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh. No default (Real) CR1.PVISC Bulk Data Entry PVISC – Viscous Damping Element Property Description Defines properties of a one-dimensional viscous damping element (CVISC entry).0 Reference Guide 1923 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . CE2 Viscous damping values for extension in units of force per unit velocity. in particular. they are temperature independent. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) PVISC PID1 C E1 C R1 (6) (7) (8) (9) PID2 C E2 C R2 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) PVISC 3 6.94 (5) Field Contents PID# Property identification number. CR2 Viscous damping values for rotation in units of force per unit velocity.2 3. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) CE1. No default (Real) Comments 1. Viscous properties are material independent. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . One or two viscous element properties may be defined on a single entry. 3.2. 1924 OptiStruct 13. No default (Real > 0.PWELD Bulk Data Entry PWELD – WELD Element Property Description Defines properties of connector (CWELD) elements.0) MSET Flag to eliminate m-set degrees-of-freedom. Default = OFF (ON or OFF) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) MID Material identification number. See comment 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) PWELD PID MID D (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) MSET (10) TYPE Example (1) (2) (3) (4) PWELD 30 2 2. See comment 1.5 (5) Field Contents PID Property identification number. No default (Integer > 0) D Diameter of the connector. See comment 2.0 Reference Guide 1925 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . For all other cases. If TYPE="SPOT" and if the formats PARTPAT. SPOT indicates spot weld connector.Field Contents TYPE Indicates type of connection. then the effective length for the stiffness of the CWELD element is set to regardless of the distance GA to GB. ELPAT. The exact same results will be obtained regardless of this choice. Length and Diameter of Weld connector 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . MSET = ON generates explicit m-set constraints. Default = blank (SPOT or blank) Comments 1. the distance of GA and GB. Material MID. See comment 3. 3. The length is the distance of GA to GB (see below). diameter D. blank indicates general connector. MSET = OFF (default) incorporates constraints at the element stiffness matrix level avoiding explicit m-set constraint equations. the effective length of the CWELD element is equal to the true length. MID can only refer to the MAT1 bulk data entry. as long as the ratio of 1926 OptiStruct 13. t A and t B are the shell thicknesses of shell A and B respectively. and the length are used to calculate the stiffness of the connector in 6 directions. or ELEMID on the CWELD entry are used. length to diameter is in the range 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1927 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . the effective length is set to Le = 5. 4.2 < L/D 5. This card is represented as a property in HyperMesh.0.2D and if L is above the range. If L is below the range.0D. the effective length is set to Le = 0. QBDY1 entries must be selected with the Case Control command LOAD=SID in order to be used in static analysis.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) QBDY1 SID Q0 EID1 EID2 EID3 EID4 EID5 EID6 (7) (8) (9) (10) Alternate Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) QBDY1 SID Q0 EID1 “THRU” EID2 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. (10) No default (Integer > 0) Q0 Heat flux into element. The total power into an element is given by the equation: 2. No default (Real) EID# CHBDYE surface element identification numbers. The sign convention for Q0 is positive for heat input. 1928 OptiStruct 13. Comments 1.QBDY1 Bulk Data Entry QBDY1 – Heat Flux Boundary Condition (Form 1) Description Defines a uniform heat flux for CHBDYE elements. With alternate format using “THRU” EID2 > EID1. 3. This card is represented as a flux load in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide 1929 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. . QVOL is positive for heat generation. This association is made through the element EID.. QVOL provides the constant volumetric heat generation rate.. HGEN is the scale factor from the MAT4 and MAT5 data..QVOL Bulk Data Entry QVOL – Volume Heat Addition Description Defines a rate of volumetric heat addition in a conduction element.. No default (Real) EID# A list of heat conduction elements. No default (Integer > 0 or “THRU” or “BY”) Comments 1. For steady-state analysis. No default (Integer > 0) QVOL Power input per unit volume produced by a heat conduction element. (10) .. 1930 OptiStruct 13. EID# has material properties (MAT4/MAT5) that include HGEN. (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) EID1 EID2 EID3 EID4 EID5 . . . Format (1) (2) (3) QVOL SID QVOL EID6 .... Field SID Contents Load set identification number. (4) . 2.... the total power into an element is: Where. the scale factor for volumetric heat generation. ....0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . .. 0 Reference Guide 1931 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the load set is selected with the Case Control command LOAD=SID.3. This card is represented as a flux load in HyperMesh. 4. For use in steady-state analysis. HMNAME controls the conversion of the YES or NO component.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This parameter can 1932 OptiStruct 13. (8) (9) (10) The available parameters and their values are listed below (click the parameter name for detailed parameter descriptions). Parameter Brief Description Value HMNAME RADPRM. See below for allowable names. VALi Value of parameter. property and material names in Default = NO geometric nonlinear analysis. RBE2RBD RBE2 is converted to /RBE2 by default in YES or NO geometric nonlinear analysis. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) RADPRM PARAM1 VALUE1 PARAM5 VALUE5 (5) (6) PARAM2 VALUE2 PARAM3 (7) (8) (9) (10) VALUE3 PARAM4 VALUE4 Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) RADPRM HMNAME YES RBE2RBD YES (6) (7) Field Contents PARAMi Name of parameter.RADPRM Bulk Data Entry RADPRM – Parameters definition entry for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines the parameters for geometric nonlinear analysis. 0 Reference Guide 1933 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . It is ignored for all other subcases. or EXPDYN. IMPDYN.Parameter Brief Description Value be used to convert RBE2 to /RBODY. instead of / Default = NO RBE2. The parameters defined by RADPRM bulk card are only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Comments 1. HMNAME controls the conversion of the component.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . the converter will print intermediate names automatically. the converter will keep the component. 1934 OptiStruct 13. property and material names in geometric nonlinear analysis.RADPRM. property and material names defined by HyperMesh comments in the bulk model file. If YES. HMNAME Parameter HMNAME Values Description YES or NO Default = NO RADPRM. and print them in a RADIOSS Starter file. If NO. RADPRM. Note that if the master node of the RBE2 is connected to other elements or in the case of hierarchical RBE2’s. RBE2RBD Parameter RBE2RBD Values Description YES or NO Default = NO RBE2 is converted to /RBE2 by default in geometric nonlinear analysis. Otherwise. the solver errors out when RBE2RBD = YES. RADPRM. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This parameter can be used to convert RBE2 to /RBODY.0 Reference Guide 1935 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . instead of /RBE2. RBE2RBD activation is not recommended. Note RBE2 can be converted to /RBODY only if all six degrees of freedom of the slave nodes are dependent on the master node. - (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) RADSND 10 100 PANEL 101 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 103 Field Contents RSID Radiated sound set ID. No default (Integer > 0) MSET ID of a SET of field grids (microphone locations) at which sound levels will be calculated. see comment 4). No default (Integer > 0) PANEL Flag indicating that the following panel ID’s will contribute to the sound at the MSET grids (see comment 4). Format (1) (2) (3) RADSND RSID MSET "PANEL" PID (4) (5) (6) (7) PID PID .etc. 1936 OptiStruct 13.RADSND Bulk Data Entry RADSND – Defines Grids (microphone locations) where sound levels will be calculated and the locations of the corresponding source (vibrating panel) grids. The sound levels output at these grid points are due to panel vibrations (specified separately in the PANEL and PIDi fields. Description Defines a set of grid points where the sound will be calculated as well as the panels that are generating the sound.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The MSET and PIDi fields are used to specify the microphone locations (receiving grids) and the vibrating panels (source grids) respectively. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. PANEL.Field Contents Character (No default) PIDi Panel ID of the "PANELG" data entry of type "SOUND" data. PIDi Reference vibrating panel ID’s (source grids). 4. 3. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. Multiple continuations or multiple RADSND with the same SID are allowed if more than 7 SOUND panels need to be defined. 2. The RADSND bulk data entry is referenced by the RADSND command in the Subcase Information section of the input data.0 Reference Guide 1937 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Outputs can also be requested at these locations. At least the first panel ID is required. RADSND data entry field MSET Description References microphone grid sets (receiving grids). Outputs are generally calculated at these locations. 5 4 Field Contents SID Random analysis set identification number. (Integer > 0. (Real) 1938 OptiStruct 13. K > J) X. (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) J Subcase identification number of excited load set.0 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0) K Subcase identification number of applied load set. jk Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) RANDPS SID J K X Y TID (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) RANDPS 5 3 7 2.RANDPS Bulk Data Entry RANDPS – Power Spectral Density Specification Description Defines load set power spectral density factors for use in random analysis having the frequency dependent form S (F) = (X + iY) G(F). Y Components of complex number. 3.0. then Y must be 0. Set identification number must be selected in the Subcase Information section (RANDOM = SID) to activate the RANDPS data.0 Reference Guide 1939 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . If J = K.Field Contents TID Identification number of a TABRNDi entry which defines G(F).0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. G(F) = 1. For TID = 0. Integer > 0 Comments 1. 2. 6 (6) (7) Field Contents SID Random analysis set identification number.0) TMAX Maximum time lag.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Real > 0. (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) N Number of time lag intervals. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) RANDT1 SID N T0 TMAX (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) RANDT1 5 10 3. (Real > TO) 1940 OptiStruct 13.2 9.RANDT1 Bulk Data Entry RANDT1 – Autocorrelation Function Time Lag Description Defines time lag constants for use in random analysis autocorrelation function computation. (Integer > 0) TO Starting time lag. 0 Reference Guide 1941 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. At least one RANDPS entry must be present with the same set identification number. Time lag sets must be selected in the Subcase Information section (RANDOM = SID) to activate the RANDT1 data. The time lags defined on this entry are given by 3.Comments 1. 2. RBAR Bulk Data Entry RBAR – Rigid Bar Description Defines a rigid bar with six degrees-of-freedom at each end.CNB Independent degrees-of-freedom in the global coordinate system for the element at grid points GA and GB. See comment 1. CNA.CMB Component numbers of dependent degrees-of-freedom in the global coordinate system assigned by the element at grid points GA and GB. or the field may be left blank. or the field may be left blank.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0 or <PartName.number>) See comment 6. 1942 OptiStruct 13. Up to six unique digits (0 < digit < 6) may be placed in each field with no embedded blanks. Up to six unique digits (0 < digit < 6) may be placed in each field with no embedded blanks. See comment 2. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) RBAR EID GA GB C NA C NB C MA C MB (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) RBAR 5 1 2 234 123 (7) Field Contents EID Unique element identification number.GB Grid point identification number of connection points. CMA. GA. RBE1. The total number of components in CNA and CNB must equal six. all of the degrees-of-freedom not in CNA and CNB are made dependent. 3. Rigid elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis. CNA = 1236. See Parts and Instances in the User’s Guide for detailed information on the use of fully qualified references. RBE2. for example. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Declared a dependent degree-of-freedom on an MPC set referenced by a subcase.Comments 1. “PartName” is the name of the part that contains the referenced local entry (part names are defined on the BEGIN Bulk Data Entry in the model). 6. CNB = 34. 5. 2. or RROD entry. Element identification numbers must be unique. RBE3. Declared a dependent degree-of-freedom on any other RBAR. A fully qualified reference (“PartName. 4.number”) is similar to the format of a numeric reference. Supported local entries in specific parts can be referenced by the use of “fully qualified references” on RBAR entries in the model. This card is represented as a weld element in HyperMesh. “number” is the identification number of a referenced local entry in the part “PartName”. 7. they must jointly be capable of representing any general rigid body motion of the element. If both CMA and CMB are zero or blank.0 Reference Guide 1943 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The degree of freedom declared dependent on this entry may not be: Included in a single point constraint (SPC or SPC1). Furthermore. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer) GNi Grid points at which independent degrees-of-freedom for the element are assigned. No default (Integer or <PartName.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) RBE1 EID GN1 C N1 GN2 C N2 GN3 C N3 GN4 C N4 GN5 C N5 GN6 C N6 GM1 C M1 GM2 C M2 GM3 C M3 GM4 C M4 GM5 C M5 etc. Form 1 Description Defines a rigid body connected to an arbitrary number of grid points. 1944 OptiStruct 13. "UM" (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) RBE1 14 100 123456 UM 101 123 (5) (6) 102 123 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number.RBE1 Bulk Data Entry RBE1 – Rigid Body Element.number>) See comment 7. 4. No default (Integers 1 through 6 with no embedded blanks) Comments 1. they must jointly be capable of representing and general rigid body motion of the element. Rigid elements. unlike MPCs. they apply to all subcases. 5. “number” is the identification number of a referenced local entry in the part “PartName”. 6. Element identification numbers must be unique. The total number of components in CN1 to CN6 must equal six. furthermore.number>) See comment 7. or RROD entry. UM UM flag indicating the start of the dependent degrees-of-freedom. both independent and dependent components can exist at the same grid point. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The first continuation entry is not required if there are fewer than four GN points. Rigid elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis. RBE2. 7. See Parts and Instances in the User’s Guide for detailed information on the use of fully qualified references. CMi Dependent degrees-of-freedom in the global coordinate system for the rigid elements at grid point(s) GMi. Declared a dependent degree-of-freedom on any other RBAR. The degree-of-freedom declared dependent on this entry may not be: Included in a single point constraint (SPC or SPC1). RBE3. A fully qualified reference (“PartName. 2.number”) is similar to the format of a numeric reference. 3. A degree-of-freedom cannot be both independent and dependent for the same element. Supported local entries in specific parts can be referenced by the use of “fully qualified references” on RBE1 entries in the model. No default (Integer or <PartName. Declared a dependent degree-of-freedom on an MPC set referenced by a subcase. may not be selected for use in individual subcases.Field Contents CNi Independent degrees-of-freedom in the global coordinate system for the rigid element at grid point(s) GNi. RBE1. “PartName” is the name of the part that contains the referenced local entry (part names are defined on the BEGIN Bulk Data Entry in the model). However. GMi Grid points at which dependent degrees-of-freedom for the element are assigned.0 Reference Guide 1945 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . GM2.RBE2 Bulk Data Entry RBE2 – Rigid Body Element. Up to six unique digits (1 < digit < 6) may be placed in the field with no embedded blanks. CM Component number of the dependent degrees of freedom in the global coordinate system (local output coordinate system) at grid points GM1. GN The grid point to which all six independent degrees-of-freedom for the element are assigned. Form 2 Description Defines a rigid body whose independent degrees-of-freedom are specified at a single grid point and whose dependent degrees-of-freedom are specified at an arbitrary number of grid points. and so on. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) RBE2 EID GN CM GM1 GM2 GM3 GM4 GM5 GM6 GM7 GM8 -etc.- Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) RBE2 9 8 12 10 12 14 15 16 (10) 20 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number.number>) See comment 5.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1946 OptiStruct 13. (Integer > 0 or <PartName. Comments 1. Element identification numbers must be unique. “number” is the identification number of a referenced local entry in the part “PartName”. 2.number>) See comment 5. 3. The degree-of-freedom declared dependent on this entry may not be: Included in a single point constraint (SPC or SPC1). RBE3. Declared a dependent degree-of-freedom on an MPC set referenced by a subcase.number”) is similar to the format of a numeric reference. A fully qualified reference (“PartName. (Integer > 0 or <PartName. This card is represented as a rigid or rigidlink element in HyperMesh. “PartName” is the name of the part that contains the referenced local entry (part names are defined on the BEGIN Bulk Data Entry in the model). etc. Grid points at which dependent degrees-of-freedom are assigned. See Parts and Instances in the User’s Guide for detailed information on the use of fully qualified references. Declared a dependent degree-of-freedom on any other RBAR.0 Reference Guide 1947 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.Field Contents GM1. RBE2. 4. RBE1. The components indicated by CM are made dependent at all grid points. GMi. 5. 6.GM2. Rigid elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis. Supported local entries in specific parts can be referenced by the use of “fully qualified references” on RBE2 entries in the model. or RROD entry. 2 G1.2 etc. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) RBE3 EID blank REFGRID REFC WT1 C1 G1.1 G3.2 etc.1 G1.RBE3 Bulk Data Entry RBE3 – Interpolation Constraint Element Description Defines the motion at a "reference" grid point as the weighted average of the motions at a set of other grid points. WT4 C4 G4. WT3 C3 G3. "UM" GM1 C M1 GM2 C M2 GM3 C M3 blank blank GM4 C M4 GM5 C M5 etc.0 123 1 3 2 5 4.1 G2.3 WT2 C2 G2.2 7 8 9 5.2 etc. blank Example (1) (2) RBE3 14 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 100 1234 1.1 G4.7 1 2 4 6 5.1 1 15 16 UM 15 123 5 13 7 3 1948 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering (10) Altair Engineering . This is the dependent GRID.j Grid point whose components Ci have weighting factor WTi in the averaging equations. 2. (Integer > 0 or <PartName. Any of the digits 1.. Any of the digits 1 through 6. (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.. . See comments 4. with no embedded blanks.0 Reference Guide 1949 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .number>) See comment 9. CMi Components of motion at GMi in the redefined dependent degree-of-freedom set. or all. (Real) Ci Global components of motion that have weighting factor WTi. 2..number>) See comment 9. (Integer > 0) Gi. Some. The default is that all of the components in REFC at the reference grid point form the dependent degree-of-freedom set.. REFGRID Reference grid point. UM Optional flag indicating that a data set redefining the entire dependent degreeof-freedom set is to follow..number>) See comment 9.. (Integer > 0 or <PartName. at grid points Gi. (Integer > 0 or <PartName.Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. 5 and 6. 6.j. REFC Global components of motion whose values will be computed at the reference grid point. of the dependent degrees-of-freedom of this grid can be made independent by redefining all of the dependent degrees-of-freedom following the UM flag. 6 with no embedded blanks. . GMi Grid points with components in the redefined dependent degree-of-freedom set.j. Any of the digits 1. with no embedded blanks. (Integer > 0) WTi Weighting factor for components of motion on the following entry at grid points Gi. The coefficient matrix [Rm] in the constraints equation [RM] {um} + [Rn] {un} = 0 must be nonsingular. Supported local entries in specific parts can be referenced by the use of “fully qualified references” on RBE3 entries in the model. 3. 2. the UM data should be used when loaded RBE3 have more than 500 DOF.0. the stiffness matrix becomes full for all the independent DOF of the RBE3.altairhyperworks. Blank spaces may be left at the end of a Gij sequence.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 8. Rigid elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis. This change will only affect the results if independent grid points with rotational degrees-of-freedom exist in the RBE3 element. The default for the dependent degree-of-freedom set should be used except in cases where you want to redefine some or all REFC components as the dependent degree-offreedom set. 7. If the default is not used for the dependent degree-of-freedom set: The total number of components therein (that is. It is recommended that for most applications only the translation components 123 be used for Ci. OLDRBE3. the total number of dependent degrees-of-freedom defined by the element) must be equal to the number of components in REFC (four components in the example). The number of grids can be reduced using a HyperMesh macro. and may not be specified on SPC data. as this will lead to an increase in the run time. Large loaded RBE3 will dramatically increase the run times for AMSES or AMLS because the residual vectors will contain many DOF. “PartName” is the name of the part that contains the referenced local entry (part names are defined on the BEGIN Bulk Data Entry 1950 OptiStruct 13. The components therein must be a subset of the components mentioned in REFC and Gij_Ci. A fully qualified reference (“PartName. A rotation component may then be added to one grid point. An exception is the case where the Gij are collinear. When the AMSES or AMLS eigenvalue solver is used.0. 6.1. UM data should not be used on large unloaded RBE3. When UM data is used. The macro is listed as Script 1068 in the Altair HyperWorks Script Exchange: www. the weights of the rotational degrees-of-freedom have been scaled by the square of the average distance between the independent grid points and the reference point. the RBE3 element calculation was modified in order to make the results independent of the units used in the model. to stabilize its associated rigid body mode for the element. The previous RBE3 formulation can be enforced with the debug statement debug. 9.com 5.number”) is similar to the format of a numeric reference. where um denotes the dependent degree-of-freedom set and un denotes the independent degree-of-freedom set. which can increase the run time for very large RBE3. Dependent degrees-of-freedom assigned by one rigid element may not also be assigned dependent by another rigid element or by a multi-point constraint.Comments 1. unless the UM data is used to make the loaded center GRID independent. 4. In version 5. For this purpose. “number” is the identification number of a referenced local entry in the part “PartName”. See Parts and Instances in the User’s Guide for detailed information on the use of fully qualified references. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1951 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .in the model). 10. This card is represented as an rbe3 element in HyperMesh. If either RTYPE1 or RTYPE2 is blank.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . See comment 2. then the blank field takes the default from the defined field. ID# Element. See comment 3. At least one field must be selected.RCROSS Bulk Data Entry RCROSS – Cross-Power Spectral Density Functions Output Description Defines a pair of response quantities for computing the cross-power spectral density functions in random response analysis. No default (Integer > 0) 1952 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) RC ROSS SID RTYPE1 ID1 C OMP1 RTYPE2 ID2 C OMP2 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) RC ROSS 20 DISP 50 2 STRESS 150 8 4 Field Contents SID RCROSS set identification number. grid. or scalar point identification number. No default (Integer > 0) COMP# Component code (item) identification number. (10) No default (Integer > 0) RTYPE# Type of response quantity. SID must be selected with the I/O Option RCROSS. This entry is required for computing the cross-power spectral density function. ID1. and COMP2 represent the second response quantity. and COMP1 represent the first response quantity and fields RTYPE2. The keywords for field RTYPE# are listed as follows: 3. Keyword Description DISP Displacement vector VELO Velocity vector ACCEL Acceleration vector STRESS Element Stress STRAIN Element Strain For elements. COMP# represents a component of the element stress or strain as described in the following table.0 Reference Guide 1953 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Fields RTYPE1. 2. Element Stress/Strain Item Number code All Solid Elements Normal X 6 or 12 Normal Y 7 or 13 Normal Z 8 or 14 Shear XY 9 or 15 Shear YZ 10 or 16 Shear XZ 11 or 17 Normal X at Z1 3 or 4 Normal X at Z2 10 or 11 Normal Y at Z1 5 or 6 Normal Y at Z2 12 or 13 Shear XY at Z1 7 or 8 All Shell Elements Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.Comments 1. ID2. Element Stress/Strain Item Number code Shear XY at Z2 14 or 15 For grid points. velocity or acceleration as described in the following table: Response Number code Translation X 1 or 7 Translation Y 2 or 8 Translation Z 3 or 9 Rotation X 4 or 10 Rotation Y 5 or 11 Rotation Z 6 or 12 For scalar points. COMP# should always be 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 1954 OptiStruct 13. COMP# represents a component of the displacement. the various versions are listed as follows: Translation (TYPE = MOVE) Format 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) RELOC ID TYPE GID1 GID2 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) RELOC ID TYPE dx dy dz (8) (9) (10) (10) Format 2 Rotation (TYPE = ROTATE) Format 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) RELOC ID TYPE GID1 ang_x ang_y ang_z Matching (TYPE = MATCH) Format 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) RELOC ID TYPE GIDA1 GIDA2 GIDA3 GIDB1 GIDB2 GIDB3 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.RELOC Bulk Data Entry RELOC – Grid Point Relocation Description The RELOC bulk data entry can be used to map grid points from one location to another. Format The format of this entry depends on the TYPE field input. The grid ID fields can be input as either numeric or fully qualified references to grid points in the model. match. This entry allows you to translate. rotate or mirror grid points.0 Reference Guide 1955 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Each entry specifies the corresponding distance moved in the X. Y. respectively (see Comment 2). MATCH.number>) See comment 4. (MOVE. or MIRROR) Translation (Format 1) GID1 Grid point identification number for translation to the reference point location. dz Defines the distance that the referenced part (INSTNCE entry) should be translated in the basic coordinate system. Grid point GID1 is moved from its original location to the GID2 location. GID2 Reference grid point identification number for translation. (Real or blank) 1956 OptiStruct 13. The format of the RELOC card is different for different values of the TYPE field (see Comment 2 for detailed information on each option). GID2 is used as a reference point to move another grid point (GID1) from its original location to the GID2 location. (Integer > 0 or <PartName. (10) (Integer > 0) TYPE This field specifies the type of mapping between grid points in a model.Mirroring (TYPE = MIRROR) Format 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) RELOC ID TYPE GIDA1 GIDA2 GIDA3 (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) RELOC 1 MATC H 1001 1012 3992 123 564 665 Field Contents ID Set identification number. ROTATE.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . and Z axes. Translation (Format 2) dx. dy.number>) See comment 4. (Integer > 0 or <PartName. In a 2D model.Field Contents Rotation (Format 1) GID1 Specifies the identification number of a grid point that will be used as a center of rotation based on the angles specified in the following fields. ang_x.0 Reference Guide 1957 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Mirroring (Format 1) GIDA1.3 (final location. In a 2D model. translation or mirroring required to complete this matching process is accomplished internally by OptiStruct.number>) See comment 4.3 fields. (Integer > 0 or <PartName. A RELOC entry can be referenced by a INSTNCE entry to define the location of a part in the full model. GIDA2. only GIDA1 and GIDA2 should be specified. and Z axes. These three grid points cannot be collinear. GIDB1.3 define an absolute plane of symmetry flip. ang_z Defines the angle (in degrees) of rotation about the X. defined in the following fields). GIDA3 Specifies the identification numbers of grid points (initial location) that will be moved to match with the corresponding grid points GIDB1. Y. GIDB2. (Integer > 0 or <PartName. (Integer > 0 or <PartName.2. The three grid points specified for mirroring cannot be collinear. The following illustrations depict part relocation examples for each of the four TYPE field options. Any rotation. respectively with the grid point (GID1) as the center of rotation. All RELOC entries are evaluated before any parts Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. All grid point ID’s used on the RELOC entry can belong to any part in the model.2. GIDA2. Any rotation or translation required to complete this mirroring process is accomplished internally by OptiStruct. GIDA3 Specifies the identification numbers of grid points about which the entire part (defined via INSTNCE) will be laterally mirrored (flipped) by 180 degrees. Only their initial locations are relevant.2. only ang_z is specified (see Comment 2). GIDB3 Specifies the identification numbers of grid points which will be matched with the corresponding grid points defined in the GIDA1. These three grid points cannot be collinear. 2.number>) See comment 4. translation or mirroring required to complete this matching process is accomplished internally by OptiStruct. ang_y. Any rotation.number>) See comment 4. Comments 1.number>) See comment 4. (Real or blank) Matching (Format 1) GIDA1. The grid points GIDA1. (Integer > 0 or <PartName. Format 1: Format 1 (Special case. Translation . To avoid such cases. For example. this may not result in a final structure with the two parts being connected. assumes that Part B does not relocate) 1958 OptiStruct 13. if RELOC. it is strongly recommended to assign the grid points that define the initial location to a part that has to be moved and the grid points that define the final location.are moved. the global structure).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . MATCH is defined using three grid points on part A and three grid points in part B. This may not always produce the expected result in some cases as the sequence of moves affects the final part locations. to a part that will not be moved (for example. if part B is moved again after this matching process. 0 Reference Guide 1959 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Format 1: Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. D is the distance moved by the part referenced on the INSTNCE entry. Rotation . dx.Translation .Format 2: D dx 2 dy 2 dz 2 Where. dy and dz are the distances moved by the part along the X. Y and Z axes. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Format 1: Format 1 (Special case – Part B does not relocate) 1960 OptiStruct 13.Matching . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) RELOC ID MIRROR GIDA1 GIDA2 (6) (7) Supported local entries in specific parts can be referenced by the use of “fully qualified references” on RELOC entries in the model. Rotation in a 2D model defined in the X-Y plane (1) (2) (3) (4) RELOC ID ROTATE GID1 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (8) (9) (10) ang_z Mirroring in a 2D model defined in the X-Y plane 4.0 Reference Guide 1961 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . only two TYPE options are allowed: ROTATE and MIRROR. All grid points in the model should have the same Z coordinate.Format 1: 3. “number” is the identification number of a referenced local entry in the part “PartName”. A fully qualified reference (“PartName.number”) is similar to the format of a numeric reference. See Parts and Instances in the User’s Guide for detailed information on the use of fully qualified references.Mirroring . In a 2D model. “PartName” is the name of the part that contains the referenced local entry (part names are defined on the BEGIN bulk data entry in the model). Rotation and mirroring are defined in the XY plane. RLOAD2. TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 bulk data entries.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .2 (9) (10) 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) RFORC E SID G C ID A R1 R2 R3 (9) (10) RAC C Example (1) (2) (3) RFORC E 2 5 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 0. 1962 OptiStruct 13.RFORCE Bulk Data Entry RFORCE – Rotational Force Description Defines a static loading condition due to a centrifugal force field.0 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. It can also be used to define the EXCITEID field (Amplitude “A”) of dynamic loads in RLOAD1. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) CID Coordinate system defining the components of the rotation vector.0 0.0 1. No default (Integer > 0) G Grid point identification number through which the rotation vector acts.0 2. R2. (Real) Comments 1. Default = 0. The vector defined will pass through point G. The rotational forces that are created with an RFORCE entry for a constant angular velocity (A).0) RACC Scale factor of the rotational acceleration in revolutions per unit time squared.0 Reference Guide 1963 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . R12 + R22 + R32 > 0.Field Contents Default = 0 (Integer > 0) A Scale factor of the rotational velocity in revolutions per unit time. The following plot shows that the RFORCE vector at node Gi is given by: where.R3 Rectangular components of rotation direction vector.0 (Real) R1. They represent the initial forces on the structure due to a constant angular velocity. The rotational forces defined for a constant angular acceleration (RACC). No default (Real. act in the same direction as the angular acceleration. act in the positive radial direction. angular velocity = angular acceleration = Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. They would be opposite to the inertia forces on the structure due to a constant angular acceleration. due to rotation. G = 0 or blank means the basic coordinate system origin. as follows: where. The continuation line containing RACC is optional. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. 6. The load vector generated by this entry can be printed using the I/O Option OLOAD. 8. 4. 3. I is the moment of inertia. 5.RFORC E vector at node Gi 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . For CONM1 and CONM2 entries. CID = 0 or blank signifies that the rotation vector acts at the origin of the basic coordinate system. OptiStruct calculates the torque. 7. The RFORCE load is selected for use in a subcase by the Subcase Information entry LOAD. 1964 OptiStruct 13. SYNCFLG <SYNC. if SYNC is input in this field. This field selects the rotor that will be used in THE Rotor dynamic analysis. The RGYRO Bulk Data Entry is referenced by a corresponding RGYRO Subcase Information Entry in a specific subcase. (no default) REFROTR <INTEGER > 0> Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. ASYNC > SYNC: Synchronous Rotor dynamic analysis is selected.0 Reference Guide 1965 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . rotid: Reference rotor ID.RGYRO Bulk Data Entry RGYRO – Rotor Dynamics Description Bulk Data Entry for the inclusion of data required to perform Rotor Dynamics analysis in Modal Frequency Response Analysis and/or Modal Complex Eigenvalue Analysis. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) RGYRO RID SYNC FLG (5) REFROTR SPDUNIT (6) (7) (8) (9) SPDLOW SPDHIGH SPEED (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) RGYRO 14 ASYNC 3 FREQ (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 55 Argument Options Description RID <INTEGER> setid: The SID is referenced by a RGYRO card in the subcase information section. if ASYNC is input in this field. ASYNC: Asynchronous Rotor dynamic analysis is selected. SPDHIGH and SPEED are input in Revolutions Per Minute.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (No default) SPDLOW <INTEGER> Minimum rotor speed for synchronous analysis. <Real> If a real number is input. Real> <INTEGER> If an integer value is input. FREQ: FREQ specifies that the entries SPDLOW. Multiple RGYRO bulk data entries with the same RID cannot exist.0 Comments 1. The following table shows some of the optional fields and their relevance based on the listed factors. type of analysis performed. Default = 0. and the value of specific parameters. The values entered on some optional fields of the RGYRO bulk data entry depend on factors such as: solution sequence used. 2. Default = 0 Default = 0. SPDHIGH and SPEED are input in revolutions per unit time. it references a RSPEED bulk data entry that specifies a set of reference rotor speeds for asynchronous analysis (See comment 2).0 SPDHIGH <INTEGER> Maximum rotor speed for synchronous analysis.0 SPEED <INTEGER. Synchronous analysis is performed when the rotor speed is equal to the modal frequency (Complex eigenvalue analysis) or the frequency of the forcing function (Frequency response analysis) and Asynchronous analysis is 1966 OptiStruct 13. Default = 99999. FREQ> RPM: RPM specifies that the entries SPDLOW. the value is considered constant and a single reference rotor speed value is specified (See comment 2).Argument Options Description (no default) SPDUNIT <RPM. S1 S 2 * ref Where. SPDHIGH - 3. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the values will be extrapolated from the RSPINR entry values. 4 Asynchronous SPEED - 4 When multiple rotors are present within the system being modeled. is the speed of a rotor (different from the reference rotor) S1 and S2 are scale factors ref is the speed of the reference rotor The scale factors S1 and S2 will be calculated by a least-mean-square fit of the relative rotor speeds specified on the RSPINR entries (between SPDLOW to SPDHIGH of the reference rotor). WR3 and PARAM. WR4 are necessary for rotor damping. SPDHIGH -1 3.0 Reference Guide 1967 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . one of the rotors is chosen as a reference rotor. Required Entry PARAM. PARAM. 4.performed when the user specified rotor speed is used for the analysis. GYROAVG Comment Synchronous None 0 - Synchronous SPDLOW. Synchronous/ Solution Sequence Asynchronous Analysis Modal Frequency Response Analysis Modal Complex Eigenvalue Analysis 3. 4 Asynchronous SPEED 0 - Asynchronous SPEED -1 4 Synchronous SPDLOW. Scale factors S1 and S2 are used to relate the speeds. The speeds of the rest of the rotors are linearly dependent of the reference rotor. If the SPDLOW or SPDHIGH values are beyond the range specified on the RSPINR entry. No default (Integer > 0) DELAY Defines time delay . Form1 Description Defines a frequency-dependent dynamic load of the form for use in frequency response problems. No default (Integer > 0) EXCITEID Identification number of the DAREA. Default = 0 (Integer > 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) RLOAD1 SID EXC ITEID DELAY DPHASE TC TD TYPE (10) Example (1) (2) (3) RLOAD1 5 3 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 1 Field Contents SID Set identification number. RFORCE.RLOAD1 Bulk Data Entry RLOAD1 – Frequency Response Dynamic Load. If it is a non-zero integer. or GRAV entry set that defines A.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . or Real) 1968 OptiStruct 13. SPCD. it represents the identification number of a DELAY bulk data entry that defines . FORCEx. If it is real. MOMENTx. PLOADx. then it directly defines the value of that will be used for all degrees-of-freedom that are excited by this dynamic load entry. Default = 0 (Integer > 0. 5. C( ). If any DELAY. TABLED3 or TABLED4 entry that gives D( ). then it directly defines the value of that will be used for all degrees-of-freedom that are excited by this dynamic load entry. DIS. Default = 0 if TC is non-zero (Integer > 0) TYPE Identifies the type of the dynamic excitation. 2. VEL. 4. This means that the SID on a RLOAD1 entry must not be the same as that on a RLOAD2 entry. 1. If it is real. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. or TD fields are blank or zero. or Real) TC Set identification number of the TABLED1. TABLED3 or TABLED4 entry that gives C( ). LO. V. VE. or D( ) will be zero. 3. TC. VELO Enforced velocity. See comment 2. The type field identifies the type of dynamic excitation. EXCITEID references SPCD data. TABLED2. D. DISP Enforced displacement.0 Reference Guide 1969 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Dynamic load sets must be selected in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections with the command DLOAD = SID. but not both. DI. DPHASE. Type Description 0. If it is a non-zero integer. the corresponding . See comment 2. 2. Either TC or TD may be blank or zero. RLOAD1 loads may be combined with RLOAD2 loads only by specification on a DLOAD entry. EXCITEID references DAREA data. L. . Default = 0 (See comment 5) Comments 1. EXCITEID references SPCD data. Valid entries for this field are listed alongside a description of the dynamic excitation with they invoke. LOA. LOAD Applied load. SID must be unique for all RLOAD1 and RLOAD2 entries. it represents the identification number of a DPHASE bulk data entry that defines . TABLED2. Default = 0 if TD is non-zero (Integer > 0) TD Set identification number of the TABLED1.Field Contents DPHASE Defines phase . 8. FORCE2. MOMENT1. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. FORCE1. PLOAD4.Type Description 3. the modal space will be augmented with displacement vector(s) from linear static analysis with unit prescribed displacement at each of the SPCD degrees-of-freedom. RFORCE. MOMENT2. 7. PLOAD. AC. All static structural loads can be referenced by EXCITEID by referring to the SID on the structural load. EXCITEID cannot reference the LOAD and LOADADD Bulk Data entries. 6. MOMENT. 1970 OptiStruct 13. ACCE Enforced acceleration. ACC. PLOAD2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . When EXCITEID refers to an SPCD entry. PLOAD1. EXCITEID references SPCD data. The structural loads are FORCE. and GRAV. A. it represents the identification number of a DELAY bulk data entry that defines . or GRAV entry set that defines A. FORCEx. No default (Integer > 0) DELAY Defines time delay . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) RLOAD2 SID EXC ITEID DELAY DPHASE TB TP TYPE (10) Example (1) (2) (3) RLOAD2 5 3 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 7 Field Contents SID Set identification number.RLOAD2 Bulk Data Entry RLOAD2 – Frequency Response Dynamic Load.0 Reference Guide 1971 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . RFORCE. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. If it is real. No default (Integer > 0) EXCITEID Identification number of the DAREA. Form 2 Description Defines a frequency-dependent dynamic load of the form: for use in frequency response problems. PLOADx. SPCD. MOMENTx. then it directly defines the value of that will be used for all degrees-of-freedom that are excited by this dynamic load entry. If it is a non-zero integer. LOAD Applied load. . TABLED3 or TABLED4 entry that gives B( ). 4. EXCITEID references DAREA data. D. or Real) TB Set identification number of the TABLED1. or be zero. TABLED3 or TABLED4 entry that gives in degrees. 1972 OptiStruct 13. If any DELAY. 2. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) TYPE Identifies the type of the dynamic excitation. DIS. The TYPE field identifies the type of dynamic excitation. TABLED2. LO. No default (Integer > 0) TP Set identification number of the TABLED1.Field Contents Default = 0 (Integer > 0. DISP Enforced displacement. or TP fields are blank or zero. LOA. EXCITEID references SPCD data. If it is a non-zero integer. 5. Dynamic load sets must be selected in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections with the command DLOAD = SID. RLOAD2 loads may be combined with RLOAD1 loads only by specification on a DLOAD entry. Type Description 0. 3. it represents the identification number of a DPHASE bulk data entry that defines . Valid entries for this field are listed below alongside a description of the dynamic excitation which they invoke. or Real) DPHASE Defines phase . L. 1. then it directly defines the value of that will be used for all degrees-of-freedom that are excited by this dynamic load entry. Default = 0 (Integer > 0. If it is real. TABLED2. SID must be unique for all RLOAD1 and RLOAD2 entries. This means that the SID on a RLOAD2 entry must not be the same as that on a RLOAD1 entry. Default = 0 (See comment 5) Comments 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering will Altair Engineering . the corresponding . DI. DPHASE. PLOAD1. FORCE2. EXCITEID references SPCD data. MOMENT. EXCITEID references SPCD data. V. 3.Type Description 2. AC. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. A. RFORCE. ACC. VEL. PLOAD2. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide 1973 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . ACCE Enforced acceleration. the modal space will be augmented with displacement vector(s) from linear static analysis with unit prescribed displacement at each of the SPCD degrees-of-freedom. and GRAV. FORCE1. PLOAD4. When EXCITEID refers to an SPCD entry. 6. EXCITEID cannot reference the LOAD and LOADADD Bulk Data entries. 8. VE. PLOAD. The structural loads are FORCE. All static structural loads can be referenced by EXCITEID by referring to the SID on the structural load. MOMENT1. 7. MOMENT2. VELO Enforced velocity. 1974 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Description This Bulk Data Entry is used for the specification of grids that determine the Rotor Line model. Format (1) (2) ROTORG ROTORID (3) (4) (5) (6) GRID1 GRID2 … GRIDn (3) (4) (5) (6) GRID1 THRU GRID2 (7) (8) (9) (10) (7) (8) (9) (10) Alternate Format (1) (2) ROTORG ROTORID Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ROTORG 25 2345 2356 2400 2450 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (Alternate Format) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) ROTORG 30 2300 THRU 2400 Argument Options Description ROTORID <INTEGER > 0> setid: The identification number of a rotor.ROTORG Bulk Data Entry ROTORG – Grids for the Rotor Line Model (Rotor Dynamics). The mass of the Rotor Line model should be defined on the grids defined on the grids specified by the ROTORG bulk data entry. If superelements are not used. 3. for a specific ROTORID.0 Reference Guide 1975 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . if duplicate grid entries are specified. No default THRU (Optional) Flag indicating that a range of grid identification numbers is defined. connections between grids in the Rotor Line model and those in the residual structure must be defined using MPC’s or rigid elements. Multiple ROTORG entries can be defined with the same ROTORID.Argument Options Description GRIDi <INTEGER > 0> List of grids that define the rotor line model. All grid point entries specified on the ROTORG entry must be unique. If superelements are used. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This ROTORG entry is used to define a Rotor Line model. 6. The initial and final grids are specified on the fields either side of the field containing the THRU flag. OptiStruct automatically checks if the grids are collinear during a run. 5. all grids specified on the ROTORG entry must be collinear. The program will run into an error. 4. 2. connections between grids in the Rotor Line model and those not listed on the ROTORG entry must be defined using MPC’s or rigid elements. therefore. Comments 1. Element identification numbers must be unique. 2. GA.RROD Bulk Data Entry RROD – Rigid Pin-Ended Rod Description Defines a pin-ended rod that is rigid in extension. or blank. 2. (9) (10) (Integer > 0 or <PartName. or 3.GB Grid point identification numbers of connection points.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . CMA. Integer equal to 1. Either CMA or CMB must contain the integer and the other must be blank. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) RROD EID GA GB C MA C MB (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) RROD 14 1 1115 2 (6) (7) (8) Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. Comments 1. Forces of constraint are not recovered.number>) See comment 6.CMB Component number of one and only one dependent translational degreeof-freedom in the global coordinate system assigned by you to either GA or GB. 1976 OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide 1977 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .number”) is similar to the format of a numeric reference. The degree-of-freedom selected to be dependent must have a non-zero component along the axis of the rod. “PartName” is the name of the part that contains the referenced local entry (part names are defined on the BEGIN Bulk Data Entry in the model). or RROD entry. RBE2. Declared a dependent degree-of-freedom on any other RBAR. Supported local entries in specific parts can be referenced by the use of “fully qualified references” on RROD entries in the model. RBE1. A fully qualified reference (“PartName. “number” is the identification number of a referenced local entry in the part “PartName”.3. Rigid elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Declared a dependent degree-of-freedom on an MPC set referenced by a subcase. RBE3. 7. See Parts and Instances in the User’s Guide for detailed information on the use of fully qualified references. This card is represented as a rod element in HyperMesh. 6. 4. The degree-of-freedom declared dependent on this entry may not be: Included in a single point constraint (SPC or SPC1). This implies that the rod must have finite length. 5. 5 0. excitation direction(s). response spectra and scale factors.RSPEC Bulk Data Entry RSPEC – Response Spectrum Analysis Specifications Description Specifies directional combination method. modal combination method.3 0. Example 2 (6) (7) 1978 OptiStruct 13.0 7 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering (8) (9) (10) Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) RSPEC RID DC OMB MC OMB C LOSE DTISPEC 1 SC ALE1 X11 X12 X13 DTISPEC 2 SC ALE2 X21 X22 X23 DTISPEC 3 SC ALE3 X31 X32 X33 (7) (8) (9) (10) Example 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) RSPEC 35 ALG SRSS 1.0 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) -1.5 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) RSPEC 35 SRSS C QC 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 -1. ID of a DTI. No default (Integer > 0) SCALEi Scale factor for excitation.3 Comments 1. Can be either algebraic (ALG) or square root of sum of squares (SRSS). Default = 1.5 -1.3 0. 2 17. or NRL) CLOSE Modal frequency closeness parameter. 0. j = 1.5 -2. The directions of excitation have to be orthogonal to each other and will be reported as error otherwise.SPECSEL entry.0) Xij Components of a vector representing ground excitation i. No default (Real <> 0.. square root of sum of squares (SRSS). SRSS. 3.5 -1.0 -2 -0. 4 2. complete quadratic combination (CQC). Field Contents RID RSPEC identification number. Refer to Response Spectrum Analysis in the User’s Guide for more details.0 Reference Guide 1979 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Default = ABS (ABS.5 0. Default = ALG (ALG or SRSS) MCOMB Method for modal combination. or Navy Reseach Laboratory’s SRSS (NRL). DTISPEC2/SCALE2/X21/X22/X23 and DTISPEC3/SCALE3/X31/X32/X33 are optional ground excitations for multi-directional excitation. All RSPEC cards must have unique ID numbers. Can be either absolute sum (ABS). (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) DCOMB Method for directional combination. 2.0 (Real) DTISPECi Response spectrum reference. CQC.(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 7 1. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No default DS <Real > 0. No default S1 <Real > 0.0> Specifies the first reference rotor speed in the set. This value is added to each successive entry starting from the first entry (S1). 1980 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) RSPEED SID S1 DS NDS (7) (8) (9) (10) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) RSPEED 25 1500 50 5 (6) Argument Options Description SID <Integer > 0> Set identification number.RSPEED Bulk Data Entry RSPEED – Reference Rotor Speed Values Description This bulk data entry is used to specify a set of reference rotor speed values for asynchronous analysis in Rotor Dynamics.0> No default Specifies the increment in reference rotor speed. only the first frequency is considered. In asynchronous frequency response analysis. If an integer value is specified in the SPEED field.0 Reference Guide 1981 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . … RNDS represent the set of reference rotor speeds S1 is the first reference rotor speed DS is the reference rotor speed increment NDS is the number of reference rotor speed increments Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Default = 1 Comments 1. the full range specified by RSPEED is considered. 2. if the RSPEED bulk data entry is referenced in RGYRO. The RSPEED bulk data entry is referenced by the SPEED field on the RGYRO bulk data entry. In complex eigenvalue analysis. R2 . multiple reference rotor speeds specified in the RSPEED entry are used in asynchronous analysis. 3. The following formula is used to populate the set of reference rotor speeds: Ri ( S1 ( DS ) * i) i 1 to NDS R1 .Argument Options Description NDS <Integer > 0> Number of reference rotor speed increments. 1982 OptiStruct 13.RSPINR Bulk Data Entry RSPINR – Relative Rotor Spin Rates (Rotor Dynamics) Description This entry defines the relative spin rates between rotors during a rotor dynamic analysis in Modal Complex Eigenvalue or Frequency Response solution sequences.03 (7) (8) (9) (10) 5600 Argument Options Description ROTORID <Integer > 0> setid Rotor identification number No default GRIDA <Integer > 0> GRIDA identifies a grid on the Rotor Line Model. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) SPINR ROTORID GRIDA GRIDB SPDUNIT SPTID GR (7) (8) (9) (10) ALPHAR1 ALPHAR2 Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) RSPINR 130 2400 2401 FREQ 200 0. GRIDB) are also specified on the ROTORG bulk data entry. The rotor axis is defined using the ROTORG bulk data entry and the two grids (GRIDA. The vector connecting GRIDA and GRIDB is the positive direction vector. No default GRIDA and GRIDB define the positive rotor spin direction.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . GRIDB) are also specified on the ROTORG bulk data entry.0 ALPHAR1 <Real> Default = 0. The vector connecting GRIDA and GRIDB is the positive direction vector.0 Altair Engineering If a real number is input. SPDUNIT Description (No default) SPTID <Integer > 0/Real> (No default) <Integer > 0> If an integer value (must be greater than 0) is input. FREQ> RPM: RPM specifies that the relative spin rates are input in Revolutions Per Minute. Scale factor applied to the rotor mass matrix for Rayleigh Damping (see comments 5 and 6).Argument Options GRIDB <Integer > 0> GRIDB identifies a grid on the Rotor Line Model. <Real> GR <Real> Default = 0.0 Reference Guide 1983 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . FREQ: FREQ specifies that the relative spin rates are input in revolutions (cycles) per unit time. Rotor Structural Damping Factor (see comments 4 and 6). the value is considered constant. it references a DDVAL bulk data entry that specifies the relative rotor spin rates (see comment 3). <RPM. The rotor axis is defined using the ROTORG bulk data entry and the two grids (GRIDA. No default GRIDA and GRIDB define the positive rotor spin direction. OptiStruct 13. The spin rates for the reference rotor must be specified in ascending or descending order. GRIDA and GRIDB define the positive rotor spin direction. If SPTID is an integer. it references a DDVAL bulk data entry that specifies the relative rotor spin rates. Synchronous or Asynchronous solutions. 2. WR3 GR is defined as a field on the RSPINR bulk data entry. The i’th entry for each rotor corresponds to the relative spin rates between rotors at RPMi/FREQi. 4. GRIDB) are also specified on the ROTORG bulk data entry. An integer or a real number can be input in the SPTID field. 3. The Rayleigh damping value for the rotor is calculated as: Brotor Rayleigh R1 ( M rotor ) R2 (K rotor ) 1984 OptiStruct 13.0 Comments 1. The selection depends on the following factors: Modal frequency response or Complex eigenvalue analysis. GYROAVG. Default = 0.Argument Options ALPHAR2 <Real> Description Scale factor applied to the rotor stiffness matrix for Rayleigh Damping (see comments 5 and 6). K rotor (1 iGR ) K rotor Where. A RSPINR entry must exist for each rotor line model defined using the ROTORG bulk data entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Rotor structural damping factor (GR) can be incorporated as either equivalent viscous damping or structural damping depending on the solution sequence. BRotor structural GR WR3 K rotor Or. Each rotor must be assigned the same number of spin rates. 5. WR3 is a parameter defined by PARAM. Value of PARAM. To determine relative spin rates. The vector connecting GRIDA and GRIDB is the positive direction vector. The rotor axis is defined using the ROTORG bulk data entry and the two grids (GRIDA. the table entries which contain the sequence of spin rates are correlated. -1) i Altair Engineering i [M R ] GR [KR ] WR3 [ BR ] Complex Eigenvalue (ASYNC) R1 R1 [M R ] GR [KR ] WR3 R2 [KR ] R R1 GR 1 [ K 4 R[ B ] C] R WR 4 GR R R2 R1 GR [ BRC ] [ BR ] [KR ] R1 [ M RC ] R1 ( ) 1 [RK 4 Rref] WR 4 [ M RC ] R1 [ K RC ] [ K 4CR ] [ K RC ] [ K RC ] [ K 4CR ] [ M RC ] GR [ K RC ] WR3 [ K RC ] [ K 4CR ] R2 1 [ K RC ] [ BRC ] R2 1 [ K RC ] R2 R2 1 [ M RC ] [ K 4CR ] 1 [ K 4CR ] WR 4 [ M RC ] [ K RC ] [ K RC ] R2 1 GR [ K RC ] WR3 [ BRC ] ( ) [ M RC ] [ K RC ] [ BRC ] [KR ] 1 R ( ref ) [ K 4R ] WR 4 GR [KR ] WR3 R1 R2 [ K RC ] 1 [ K 4CR ] WR 4 OptiStruct 13. Solution Sequence Analysis Damping i ([ BR ] Frequency Response (ASYNC) Circulation R1 [ M R ] R 2 [ K R ]) R i (GR[ K R ] [ K 4 R ]) [ BR ] Frequency Response (ASYNC + GYROAVG. -1) i Frequency Response (SYNC) i ([ BR ] R1 [M R ] R2 [ BRC ] ( ref ) GR R1 [ M R ] R 2 [ K R ]) R i (GR[ K R ] [ K 4 R ]) Frequency Response (SYNC + GYROAVG.0 Reference Guide 1985 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The damping and circulation terms added to the corresponding analysis equations are listed in the table below. Refer to the Rotor Dynamics section in the User's Guide for detailed information.6. respectively.Solution Sequence Analysis Damping Circulation [ BRC ] [ BR ] Complex Eigenvalue (SYNC) i R1 [M R ] GR [KR ] WR3 R2 [KR ] R GR 1 [ K 4 R[ B ] C] R WR 4 GR R R1 [ M RC ] [ K RC ] R1 R2 1 [ M RC ] [ K RC ] [ K 4CR ] R2 1 [ K RC ] [ K RC ] [ K 4CR ] Where. due to rotor ‘mass’ is the circulation. [ BR ] is the rotor viscous damping [M R ] is the rotor mass [K R ] is the rotor stiffness [ K 4R ] C R [B ] is the circulation. due to rotor material damping and R2 [ BR ]Rayleigh are used to define the Rayleigh viscous damping. 1986 OptiStruct 13. due to rotor viscous damping C R [M ] [ K RC ] C R [K 4 ] R1 is the rotor material damping is the circulation. due to rotor structural ‘stiffness’ is the circulation.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 7. Rotor damping is cumulative and caution should be exercised when multiple damping effects are assigned. as follows: R1 [M R ] R2 [K R ] WR3 and WR4 are defined by the parameters PARAM. WR4. WR3 and PARAM. 0 Reference Guide 1987 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .1 (Real > 0. No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (8) (9) (10) 30 No default (Integer > 0) D/L Ratio of the diameter of the elastic tube to the sum of the lengths of all segments. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) RSPLINE EID D/L G1 G2 C2 G3 C3 G4 C4 G5 C5 G6 … … … … (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) RSPLINE 73 0.0) G# Grid point identification number.RSPLINE Bulk Data Entry RSPLINE – Interpolation Constraint Element Description Defines multi-point constraints for the interpolation of displacements at grid points.05 27 28 123456 29 123 75 123 71 Field Contents EID Unique element identification number. Default = 0. G2 has six constrained degrees-of-freedom. Rigid elements are ignored in heat transfer problems. then the RSPLINE will have folds in it that may yield some unexpected interpolation results. Default = blank (blank or any combination of the Integers 1 through 6) Comments 1. Dependent (that is constrained) degrees-of-freedom assigned by one rigid element may not also be assigned dependent by another rigid element or by a multi-point constraint. If this order is not followed. while G4 and G5 each have three. not a C#.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 7. See comment 2. 1988 OptiStruct 13. 8. 10. The order of the pairs should be specified in the same order that they appear along the line that joins the two regions. 5. 2.RSPLICOR reduces such rotation and yields better results. the last field must be a G#. Rigid elements (including RSPLINE). Applying PARAM. Rigid elements are ignored in heat transfer analysis. Since G1 must be independent. unlike MPCs. This is a linear method only element. form part of the model and do not need to be selected from within a subcase definition. The independent degrees-of-freedom that are the rotation components most nearly parallel to the line joining the regions should not normally be constrained. 4. no field is provided for C1. The constraint coefficient matrix is affected by the order of the Gi Ci pairs on the RSPLINE entry. A blank field for C# indicates that all six degrees-of-freedom at G# are independent. 3. Displacements are interpolated from the equations of an elastic beam passing through the grid points. 9. For the example shown G1. Since the last grid point must also be independent.Field Contents C# Components to be constrained. 6. G3 and G6 are independent. Degrees-of-freedom declared to be independent by one rigid body element can be made dependent by another rigid body element or by a multi-point constraint. The default RSPLINE implementation has larger-than-expected in-plane rotation at the two RSPLINE end nodes and where RSPLINE have sharp angles. RSSCON Bulk Data Entry RSSCON – Shell-to-Solid Element Connector Description Defines multi-point constraints to model clamped connections of shell-to-solid elements. Default = ELEM (GRID or ELEM) ES1 Shell element identification number if TYPE = “ELEM. “ELEM” .” No default (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) RSSC ON RBID TYPE ES1 EA1 EB1 ES2 EA2 EB2 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) RSSC ON 110 GRID 11 12 13 14 15 16 Field Contents RBID Unique element identification number. (10) No default (Integer > 0) TYPE Type of connectivity.0 Reference Guide 1989 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .” Shell grid point identification number if TYPE = “GRID.connection is described with grid point.connection is described with element identification numbers. “GRID” . Field Contents EA1 Solid element identification number if TYPE = “ELEM. and a fatal message will be issued. When a curved shell element edge and a solid element are connected. When using the TYPE = “ELEM” option: The elements may be first or second order. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) EA2 Solid grid-point identification number for TYPE = “GRID” only. RSSCON generates a multipoint constraint that models a clamped connection between a shell and a solid element.TOLRSC and PARAM.freedom of the shell edge are connected to the translational degrees-of.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .” No default (Integer > 0) EB1 Solid grid-point identification number for TYPE = “GRID” only. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) ES2 Shell grid-point identification number for TYPE = “GRID” only. the two solid edges and solid face are not changed to match the shell edge.freedom of the upper and lower solid edge.” Solid grid point identification number if TYPE = “GRID. The translational degrees-of. The shell grid points that are out of the tolerance will not be constrained. Poisson’s ratio effects are considered in the translational degrees-of-freedom.SEPIXOVR. 3. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) Comments 1. The shell degrees-of. It can have an offset from this line. which can not be more than 5% of the distance between the two solid grid points. The rotational degrees-offreedom of the shell are connected to the translational degrees-of-freedom of the lower and upper edges of the solid element face. Default = blank (Integer > 0 or blank) EB2 Solid grid-point identification number for TYPE = “GRID” only. 2. 1990 OptiStruct 13. the geometry of the shell edge is not changed to fit the solid face. Refer to PARAM. This tolerance is adjustable. When a straight shell element edge and a solid element are connected.freedom are considered dependent. The shell grid point must lie on the line connecting the two solid grid points. It is not recommended to connect more than one shell element to the same solid using the ELEM option. conflicts in the multipoint constraint relations may lead to UFM 6692. 8. RSSCON is ignored in heat-transfer problems. If attempted. The shell edge may coincide with the upper or lower edge of the solid face. When using TYPE = “GRID” option: The GRID option does not verify that the grids used are valid shell and/or solid grids. The RSSCON entry. 4. is part of the model and does not need to be selected in a subcase definition. The GRID option is not recommended for 2nd order elements. unlike MPCs. The shell edge should then be placed in the middle of the solid face. 6. 7.0 Reference Guide 1991 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . It is recommended that the height of the solid element’s face is approximately equal to the shell element’s thickness of the shell. 5. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 2. The Sj must be unique and may not be the identification number of a rigid wall set defined by another RWALADD entry. Multipoint constraint sets must be selected with the Subcase Information command RWALL=SID. 1992 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) RWALADD SID S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 etc. (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) Sj Set identification numbers of rigid wall sets defined via RWALL entries. (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) RWALADD 101 2 3 1 6 4 Field Contents SID Set identification number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0) Comments 1.RWALADD Bulk Data Entry RWALADD – Rigid Wall Combination for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines a rigid wall set as a union of rigid walls defined via RWALL entries. 0 Reference Guide 1993 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .3. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 4. RWALADD entries take precedence over RWALL entries. only the RWALADD entry will be used. If both have the same SID. No default (Integer > 0) 1994 OptiStruct 13.RWALL Bulk Data Entry RWALL – Rigid Wall for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines a rigid wall for geometric nonlinear analysis.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) RWALL SID RWTYPE SLID GISD1 GSID2 FRIC DIST G0/X0 Y0 Z0 IFILT FFAC X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2 DIA MASS VX VY VZ (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) RWALL 2 PLANE SLIDE 23 5 2 1 21 11 24 12 340 7 13 (7) (8) (9) (10) 3 32 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. Moving rigid wall. (Integer > 0) X0. SPHER – Sphere of diameter DIA. Z0. (Integer > 0) FRIC Friction coefficient (ignored if SLID = TIED.Parallelogram. PARAL .Field Contents RWTYPE Rigid wall type. CYL. Default = 0. definition ignores Y0. (Real) IFILT Friction filtering flag (See comment 4). TIED. or PARAL) SLID Flag for sliding. or SLFRIC) GSID1 Grid set ID defining slave grids to be added to the rigid wall. TIED – Tied. Y0. Default = PLANE (PLANE. CYL – Infinite cylinder of diameter DIA. Rigid wall does not move.0 Reference Guide 1995 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. SLIDE).0 (Real > 0) DIST Distance for slave search (See comment 2). (Real > 0) G0 Grid identifier defining M. SLFRIC – Sliding with friction. SPHERE. Z0 Coordinates of a point M defining rigid wall location if G0 not defined. PLANE – Infinite plane. (Integer > 0) GSID2 Grid set ID defining slave grids to be deleted from the rigid wall. Default = SLIDE (SLIDE. SLIDE – Sliding. VZ Components of initial velocity if G0 is defined. IFILT defines the method for computing the friction filtering coefficient. FFAC Friction filtering factor. (Real > 0) MASS Mass of moving rigid wall if G0 is defined. 3) 1 – Direct user input of filtering coefficient. Initially the slave nodes can be defined at a distance lower than DIST. Friction filtering slave node in contact are filtered using a simple rule: F T = α * F'T + (1 . It can only be selected in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by an ANALYSIS = NLGEOM.0 (Real) X1. 4. Nodal thickness of rigid wall slave nodes is not taken into account.α) * F'T-1 1996 OptiStruct 13. IMPDYN or EXPDYN subcase entry. Y2.Filtering coefficient corresponds to a 3dB filtering level for user defined frequency (frequency defined in terms of time step number).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . SPHER. Y1. (Real) DIA Diameter for RWTYPE = CYL. Default = 0. Z1 Coordinates of a point defining M1 for RWTYPE = PLANE. …. RWALL must be selected in the subcase with RWALL = SID or by RWALADD. (Real) X2. (Real) Comments 1. 3.Field Contents Default = 0 (Integer = 0. Z2 Coordinates of a point defining M2 for RWTYPE = PARAL. CYL. VY. 2 – Filtering coefficient corresponds to a 3dB filtering level. (Real > 0) VX. PARAL. 3 . 2. PARAL MM1 and MM2 define the parallelogram with the normal as cross product MM1 x MM2.Tangential force F'T .where. with 1/freq = T = N * dt. and N = FFAC Surface input type Type Description PLANE MM1 defines the normal direction.Tangential force at time t F'T-1 .filtering coefficient IFILT = 1 – α = FFAC IFILT = 2 – α = 2 dt * freq. where dt = time step. CYL MM1 defines the axis of the cylinder. F T . 6. SPHER M is the center of the sphere. This card is represented as a rigid wall in HyperMesh.Tangential force at time t-1 α . and freq = FFAC IFILT = 3 – α = 2 5. / N. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 1997 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . and G3 define the local xy-plane. No default (Integer > 0) ELSET Element set ID. SHELL. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) SEC T SC ID G0 G1 G2 GRSET ELSET IFRAME C ID (10) DT Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) SEC T 2 234 665 723 3 4 Field Contents SCID Section identification number. G2 Grid points defining the local axes of the section.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .SECT Bulk Data Entry SECT – Section Definition for Section Force Output in Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines a section for force output in geometric nonlinear analysis. and BEAM elements can be used. (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) G0. BAR. ROD. G1. Only sets of SOLID. No default (Integer > 0) GRSET Grid set ID. G0 and G1 define the local x-axis while G0. (Integer > 0) 1998 OptiStruct 13. G1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. It is only available for geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by an ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. SECT output must be selected for time history output with XHIST. 3. and G2 1 – Geometrical center of the section grid in the local system defined by G0. G1. Only CORD1R and CORD3R can be selected (See comment 4). Default = DTTH defined on XSOM (Real > 0) Comments 1. Normal force is the component normal to the XY plane of the section. G1. G1. 12. 10. G1. and G2. G1. 11. For CID > 0: G0. and G2 2 – Center of gravity of the section in the local system defined by G0. The local system is defined by G0. G2 blank – the local system of the section is built from the grid points defining the CORD1R or CORD3R. Default = 0 (Integer > 0) DT Time step for saving the data.0 Reference Guide 1999 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . IMPDYN or EXPDYN subcase entry. Default = 0 (Integer = 0. The tangential force is the component in the plane of the section. 2. and G2 3 – Origin of the basic system in the local system defined by G0. 1. 2. 3. 4. Moments are computed with respect to the section center defined by the parameter IFRAME and expressed in the local section frame. The element set is created automatically from the elements intersected by the xyplane of CID. and G2 10 – Origin of the basic system 11 – Geometrical center of the section in the basic system 12 – Center of gravity of the section in the basic system 13 – Origin of the basic system CID Moving coordinate system identifier for automatic definition of a section.Field Contents IFRAME Flag for computing the center of the output coordinate system. 13) 0 – Origin of the local system defined by G0. G1. 5. This card is represented as an interface in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2000 OptiStruct 13.The grid set is created automatically from the grid points of the intersected elements on the positive z-axis defined by the xy-plane plane of the frame. Sensors may be used to activate loads (see NLOAD1). OR SID1 SID2 Continuation line if STYPE = NOT SID1 Continuation line if STYPE = INTER C ID Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 2001 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .SENSOR Bulk Data Entry SENSOR – Sensor Definition Description Defines a sensor for geometric nonlinear analysis. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) SENSOR SID STYPE DELAY NAC C (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Continuation lines if STYPE = ACCEL (number of continuation lines = NACC) AID1 DIR1 AMIN1 TMIN1 AID2 DIR2 AMIN2 TMIN2 … … Continuation line if STYPE = DIST G1 G2 DMIN DMAX Continuation line if STYPE = SENS. AND. AND. No default (Integer > 0) STYPE Sensor type. or TIME) DELAY Time delay.03 Field Contents SID Unique sensor identification number. May be one of: TIME – Start Time ACCE – Accelerometer DIST – Nodal distance SENS – Activation with sensor SID1. RWAL.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . deactivation with sensor SID2 INTER – Interface activation and deactivation RWAL – Rigid wall activation and deactivation AND – ON as long as sensors SID1 and SID2 are ON NOT – ON as long as sensor SID1 is OFF OR – ON as long as sensors SID1 and SID2 are ON No default (ACCEL.0 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 0.Continuation line if STYPE = RWAL RWID Example (1) (2) (3) (4) SENSOR 100 AC C EL 1 7 X 500. (Integer > 0) 2002 OptiStruct 13. INTER. (Real > 0) NACC Number of accelerometers ACCEL. OR. (0 < Integer < 6) AID# Accelerometer identifier. references the ID of an ACCLR bulk data entry. SENS. NOT. DIST. (Integer > 0) DMIN Distance minimum. (Real > 0) TMIN# Minimum duration of AMIN for accelerometer #. May be one of: X – X direction Y – Y direction Z – Z direction XY – XY plane YZ – YZ plane ZX – ZX plane XYZ – total acceleration No default (X. (Integer > 0) G2 Grid ID 2. or XYZ) AMIN# Minimum absolute value for acceleration for accelerometer #. Y. references the ID of another SENSOR bulk data entry. XZ. XY. (Real > 0) DMAX Distance maximum. (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (Real > 0) SID1 Activation sensor identifier. (Real > 0) G1 Grid ID 1.0 Reference Guide 2003 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . YZ. Z.Field Contents DIR# Direction of accelerometer #. the sensor is deactivated if referenced sensor SID2 is activated.Field Contents SID2 Deactivation sensor identifier. The minimum activation duration is given by the time delay (DELAY). 2004 OptiStruct 13. A sensor can only be activated once. the sensor is activated if one of the accelerometers gives an acceleration greater than AMIN during a time greater than TMIN. references the ID of a RWALL bulk data entry. For STYPE=DIST. references the ID of another SENSOR bulk data entry. For STYPE=ACCE. the sensor is activated after the time delay (DELAY). references the ID of a CONTACT bulk data entry. (Integer > 0) RWID Rigid Wall identifier.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 3. then the sensor is deactivated after the time delay. 5. (Integer > 0) Comments 1. For STYPE=SENS. the sensor is activated once the referenced sensor SID1 is activated. 4. For STYPE=TIME. the sensor is activated once the distance between G1 and G2 moves outside the allowable range (between DMIN and DMAX). The time of activation of the sensor is the time at which the above criteria is first met. After this minimum activation duration. (Integer > 0) CID Contact identifier. The time of activation of the sensor is the time at which the above criteria is first met plus the time delay (DELAY). plus the time delay (DELAY). If there is no SID2 referenced. 2. the sensor is active whenever the referenced sensor SID1 is not active. the sensor is activated once both the referenced sensors (SID1 and SID2) are activated. 8.6. For STYPE=OR. For STYPE=AND. For STYPE=NOT. the sensor is activated once either of the referenced sensors (SID1 or SID2) are activated. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 7.0 Reference Guide 2005 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . the sensor is activated once the referenced rigid wall (RWID) is impacted.9. For STYPE=RWAL. 2006 OptiStruct 13. the sensor is activated once the referenced contact (CID) is impacted. The sensor is deactivated if there is no impact during a time equal to the time delay (DELAY). The sensor is deactivated if there is no impact during a time equal to the time delay (DELAY).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 10. For STYPE=INTER. mode numbers. MBD entities.SET Bulk Data Entry SET – Set Definition Description Defines a set of grids. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) SET SID TYPE SUBTYPE/ OPERATOR ID1/ MODE1/ REAL1/ NAME1/ SID1/ X1/G1/ ALL ID2/ MODE2/ REAL2/ NAME2/ SID2/ Y1 ID3/ MODE3/ REAL3/ NAME3/ SID3/ Z1 ID4/ MODE4/ REAL4/ NAME4/ SID4/ X2/G2 ID5/ MODE5/ REAL5/ NAME5/ SID5/ Y2 ID6/ MODE6/ REAL6/ NAME6/ SID6/ Z2 ID7/ MODE7/ REAL7/ NAME7/ SID7 ID8/ MODE8/ REAL8/ NAME8/ SID8 ID9/ MODE9/ REAL9/ NAME9/ SID9 … … … … … … … … … (10) Alternate Format for ID Ranges (1) (2) (3) (4) SET SID TYPE SUBTYPE ID1 THRU ID2 ID7 … ENDTHRU (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) EXC EPT ID3 ID4 ID5 ID6 (10) … Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. elements. frequencies or times for reference by other input definitions. design variables.0 Reference Guide 2007 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 22. 29. It is defined using a combination of ID ranges and lists. 106. 35. 17. 35. 22. 44. 38. It is defined using a simple ID list (assuming that these GRID cards are present in the Bulk Data). 21. 108. 36. 12. 15. 17. 19. 111. 34.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 33. 45. It is defined as Boolean set. 88. 16. 121 and 125. (1) (2) (3) (4) SET 56 GRID LIST 88 93 17 33 102 22 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1 23 29 35 48 (10) Example 2 The following set contains the elements 11. 41. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) SET 56 ELEM LIST 11 THRU 22 33 THRU 45 EXC EPT 39 40 94 THRU 111 EXC EPT 100 101 104 105 ENDTHR U 120 121 125 (8) (9) 102 103 (10) Example 3 The following set includes any element included in sets 29. 98. 34. 43. 30 or 31. 109. 13. 37. 23. 110. 14. 48. 99. 18. 42. 96. 93 and 102. 20. 97. 120.Example 1 The following set contains the grids 1. 2008 OptiStruct 13. 33. 107. 94. 95. (1) (2) (3) (4) SET 50 ELEM OR 29 30 31 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example 4 The following set defines GRID/Component list.0 Reference Guide 2009 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . (1) (2) (3) SET 11 GRIDC 12 T1 (4) (5) (6) (7) 15 R2 128 T3 (8) (9) (10) (8) (9) (10) (9) (10) Example 5 The following set defines list of strings. (1) (2) (3) SET 11 LABEL LABEL1 LABEL2 (4) (5) (6) (7) TOP UPPER LOWER LEFT Example 6 The following set defines list of all elements with specific properties. intended for use by PFMODE. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) SET 11 ELEM PROP EXC EPT PHSELL 1 12 15 thru 128 (7) (8) 555 Example 7 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. See comment 2 for description of the types. RIGID. TIME. MINUS) ID# ID list. DESVAR. ID ranges may be used in combination with ID lists. 5. No default (Integer > 0) TYPE Identifies what type of entities the set is comprised of. ID lists following EXCEPT must be in ascending order and must exist within the previous range. and 6.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . BBOX. NOT. The same rules apply as for ID ranges. No default (Integer > 0) MODE# Mode number list. LABEL or PLY) SUBTYPE Indicates how the set is defined. No default (Integer > 0) 2010 OptiStruct 13. The entity to which the ID corresponds depends on the TYPE and SUBTYPE of the set (see comment 2). FREQ. See comment 2 for description of subtypes. AND. See comment 1.The following set outputs all of the grids on PLOTEL. The keywords EXCEPT and THRU are used to define ID ranges. Mode number ranges may be used in combination with Mode number lists. MAT or ELTYPE) OPERATOR Operators supported in defining Boolean sets (see comments 4. PROP. Only valid when TYPE is MODE (see comment 2). (1) (2) (3) (4) SET ID GRID ELTYPE (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) PLOTEL Field Contents SID Unique set identification number. No default (GRID. The keyword ENDTHRU identifies the end of an ID range and is required if an ID list is to follow where the first value is within the previous range.) No default (OR. ELEM. GRIDC. Default = LIST (LIST. MODE. Only valid for certain combinations of TYPE and SUBTYPE. 0 Reference Guide 2011 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . No default (Integer > 0 or <PartName. When ALL is given as the first entry for an ID list. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. in which case all subsequent IDs are excluded from the set of ALL entities of the defined TYPE. No default (Real) G1. N1 < N2 EXCEPT Keyword used for ID ranges and keyword lists to indicate that the following IDs or keywords are to be excluded from the set. Only valid for certain combinations of TYPE and SUBTYPE. No default (Real) NAME# Keyword list. Z1). EXCEPT may be given as the second entry. Z2 X. May be followed by keyword EXCEPT (see below).Field Contents REAL# Real value list. 5. Y1. Only valid when OPERATOR is defined in SUBTYPE/OPERATOR field (see comments 4. Only valid when TYPE is FREQ or TIME (see comment 2). ENDTHRU where N1 < N3 < N4. The keyword EXCEPT is allowed only as the first entry in a keyword list.. Default = Undefined (see comment 2) SID# Identification number of another SET definition. Y & Z coordinates of two opposing corners of a cuboid. Z2) data (see field descriptions above). 6.number>) X1. G1. Only valid in first field of ID list.. G2 Grid ID’s (G1. (X2.. Y2. Only valid in first field for keyword lists. Only valid when SUBTYPE is BBOX (see comment 2). G2) can be used instead of (X1.. ALL Keyword used for ID lists to indicate that all IDs of the appropriate entity type are to be included in the set. G2 should be defined in the basic coordinate system (CP field on the GRID entries should be blank). Y2. Z1 X2. < N2. and 7). THRU Keyword used for ID ranges to indicate that all IDs between the preceding ID and the following ID are to be included in the set. Used in defining Boolean sets. Definition of range may contain list of exceptions in the following form: N1 THRU N2 EXCEPT N3 N4 . Y1. and Z2 the coordinates of an opposing corner of a cuboid. ELEM LIST or undefined This is a set of elements defined either as a simple list of element IDs. TYPE SUBTYPE Description GRID LIST or undefined This is a set of grids . respectively. The bounding box can also be defined using the G1 and G2 fields instead of (X1. The bounding box can also be defined using the G1 and G2 fields instead of (X1. or as some combination of ranges of element IDs and lists of element IDs. and Z1) and (X2. and Z2 the coordinates of an opposing corner of a cuboid.structural grids (GRID) or scalar points (SPOINT) . All grids contained within this cuboid are included in the set. Y2. Y2. Y1. Y1. or as some combination of ranges of grid IDs and lists of grid IDs. Y2. Y1.Field Contents ENDTHRU Optional keyword used after EXCEPT to indicate the end of an excluded ID list definition. It must also be unique with respect to any SURF entries and any legacy SET/PSET I/O Options definitions. All elements whose centroids are contained within this cuboid are included in the set. 2. BBOX This is a set of grids defined by a bounding box. and Z1) and (X2. and Z2). BBOX This is a set of elements defined by a bounding box. and Z2). The following table describes subtype combinations and the set TYPEs for which they are valid. The fields X1.defined either as a simple list of grid IDs.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . respectively. Y1. SID must be unique with respect to all other SET definitions (regardless of type). Y2. The fields X1. and Z1 provide the coordinates of one corner and X2. Through a list of property IDs. Comments 1. and Z1 provide the coordinates of one corner and X2. PROP This is a set of elements defined in one of the following ways: 1. or some combination 2012 OptiStruct 13. MAT This is a set of elements defined through a list of material IDs. Through a list of element types. or some combination of ranges of material IDs and lists of material IDs. they are all considered. following the keyword EXCEPT. the following element type groupings may be used: Altair Engineering SOLID for CTETRA. are included in the set. OptiStruct 13. CPENTA and CHEXA elements referencing structural property definitions FLAT for CQUAD4. All elements referencing properties. All elements referencing properties of the listed type (PBAR. CHEXA.TYPE SUBTYPE Description of ranges of property IDs and lists of property IDs. PSHELL. In addition to all valid element types. following the keyword EXCEPT. All elements except those of the listed type. CPYRA. 3. List of property types or list of excluded property types may be followed by some combination of ranges of property IDs and lists of property IDs. 2. All elements of the listed type (CQUAD4. CTRIA3 and CTRIA6 elements. ELTYPE This is a set of elements defined in one of the following ways: 1. Through a list of property types. 4. If multiple properties have the same ID (as PBAR and PSHELL may). PCOMP. 2. that in turn reference the selected materials. Through a list of excluded element types. are included in the set. All elements except those referencing properties of the listed type. and so on) are included in the set. All elements referencing properties satisfying both requirements (type and ID) are included in (or accepted from) the set. CBEAM. Through a list of excluded property types. CQUAD8. All elements referencing the selected properties are included in the set.0 Reference Guide 2013 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . are included in the set. and so on) are included in the set. FLUID for CTETRA. RBE1. CPENTA and CHEXA elements referencing fluid property definitions. DESVAR LIST or undefined This is a set of design variables defined either as a simple list of design variable IDs. See RIGID below. ROD for CONROD and CROD elements. Each label must start with a letter and contain only letters or digits. For rigid elements (RROD. RBE2 and RBE3).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . LABEL LIST or undefined List of arbitrary labels. or as some combination of ranges of design variable IDs and lists of design variable IDs. CPYRA. FREQ LIST or undefined This is a set of real values representing frequencies defined simply as a list of real values. RBAR.TYPE SUBTYPE Description SHELL for FLAT elements referencing properties with non-zero MID2. GRIDC LIST or undefined This is a set of GRID/Component pairs. MODE LIST or undefined This is a set of mode numbers defined as a simple list of mode numbers. 2014 OptiStruct 13. TIME LIST or undefined This is a set of real values representing times defined simply as a list of real values. or as some combination of ranges of mode numbers and lists of mode numbers. MEMBRANE for FLAT elements referencing properties with zero MID2. BEAM for CBAR and CBEAM elements. RIGID LIST or undefined This is a set of Rigid elements defined either as a simple list of Rigid element IDs. or as a combination of ranges of Rigid element IDs and lists of Rigid element IDs. A fully qualified reference (“PartName. SET definitions using IDs may refer to non-existing entities. or RIGID set types. 4. ELEM. FEMODEL. This is allowed. but the actual SET will contain only grids or elements which are actually present in the structure. 7.TYPE SUBTYPE Description PLY LIST or undefined This is a set of ply ID’s defined in the PLY or PCOMPG data entries. 3. 29. These SET entries in the global part can contain fully qualified references to part-specific SET data only if logical operators (OPERATOR field) are used. Is the entity in set1?. For example: The following SET entry exists in part “A”: BEGIN. Only two sets may be listed for when this operator is used. if not then it is included in this set. A SET. 5. The Boolean operators OR. MINUS An entity is included in the SET if it is included in the first set. Boolean SET definitions can reference other Boolean sets. Boolean SET can be defined only for GRID. NOT and MINUS are recognized for SET combinations. Is the entity in set1 and set2 and set3 …? NOT An entity is included in the SET if it is not included in the listed set. LIST Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. ELEM. The SET bulk data entry can be used in the global part to reference SET’s defined within different parts. Is the entity in set1 or set2 or set3 …? AND An entity is included in the SET if it is included in all of the listed sets. Boolean SET definitions can only be used when all listed sets are of the same TYPE.0 Reference Guide 2015 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . “PartName” is the name of the part that contains the referenced local entry (part names are defined on the BEGIN bulk data entry in the model). 6. AND.number”) is similar to the format of a numeric reference. Only one set may be listed for the NOT operator. but not in the second set. but circular references must be avoided. These operators are described here: Operator Description OR An entity is included in the SET if it is included in at least one of the constituent sets. “number” is the identification number of a referenced local entry in the part “PartName”. See Parts and Instances in the User’s Guide for detailed information on the use of fully qualified references. Supported local entries in specific parts can be referenced by the use of “fully qualified references” on SET entries in the model. 78. G SET. G 8. 29 in the global part “G”: BEGIN. FEMODEL.29 … END. ELEM.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . FEMODEL.15 THRU 30 … END. This card is represented as a set in HyperMesh. A Referencing SET. FEMODEL. OR A. 2016 OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide 2017 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .SET1 Bulk Data Entry SET1 – Set Definition Description Defines a list of structural grid points or element identification numbers. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) SET1 SID ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID5 ID6 ID7 ID8 etc. (10) (Integer > 0) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (10) Example 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) SET1 3 31 62 93 124 16 17 18 (10) 19 Example 2 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) SET1 6 29 32 THRU 50 61 THRU 70 17 57 Field Contents SID Unique identification number. 3. ENDTHRU. SET1. 2018 OptiStruct 13. 4. and EXCEPT are allowed. and EXCEPT". ID1 < ID2) Comments 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Field Contents IDi List of structural grid point or element identification numbers. ENDTHRU. This card is represented as a set in HyperMesh. and solution control SET data. for the "THRU" option. The use of keywords THRU." missing ID's are ignored. When using "THRU. All set ID’s must be unique for all bulk data SET. SET3. (Integer > 0 or "THRU. 2. " and "PROP. (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) TYPE Set type (Character). (10) Example 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) SET3 1 PROP 11 12 13 15 18 21 (10) Alternate Format and Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) SET3 SID TYPE ID1 "THRU" ID2 SET3 33 GRID 20 THRU 60 Field Contents SID Unique identification number." Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.SET3 Bulk Data Entry SET3 – Set Definition Description Defines a set of grids or elements. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) SET3 SID TYPE ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID5 ID6 ID7 ID8 etc." "ELEM.0 Reference Guide 2019 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Valid options include "GRID. ENDTHRU. 2.Field Contents IDi Identifiers of grid points. SET3. SET1. If the set type is PROP. elements. This card is represented as a set in HyperMesh. (Integer > 0) Comments 1. or properties. The use of keywords THRU. 2020 OptiStruct 13. 4. All set ID’s must be unique for all bulk data SET.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . and solution control SET data. 3. then a list of elements associated with the property ID's listed is created. and EXCEPT are allowed. 2. (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) S# Identification number of a scalar. SLOAD may be referenced as the EXCITEID on an ACSRCE bulk data entry.5 4 29.0 Field Contents SID Load set identification number. Up to three loads may be defined on a single entry. No default (Real) Comments 1.0 Reference Guide 2021 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. grid or fluid points. grid or fluid point. No default (Integer > 0) F# Load magnitude.SLOAD Bulk Data Entry SLOAD – Static Scalar Load Description Defines concentrated static loads on scalar. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) SLOAD SID S1 F1 S2 F2 S3 F3 (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) SLOAD 21 3 4. SOLVTYP Bulk Data Entry SOLVTYP – Solver Selection for Static Analysis and Geometric Nonlinear Implicit Analysis Description This bulk data entry can be used to define the solver type to be used for linear and nonlinear static analysis and geometric nonlinear implicit analysis.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) SOLVTYP SID SOLVER (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Continuation line for SOLVER = PCG. MIXED and AUTO PC ON MAXIT ITOL TOL Continuation line for SOLVER = MUMPS ORDM Example (1) (2) (3) SOLVTYP 4 PC G (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) FAI Alternate Example (1) (2) (3) SOLVTYP 1 MUMPS 2022 OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide 2023 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (iterative solver). PCON Indicates the type of pre-conditioner to be used. NO . AUTO – Select automatic between BCS and PCG.Factored Approximate Inverse Default = FAI (Character) MAXIT Maximum number of iterations Default = Number of degrees-of-freedom of the system (Integer > 0 or blank) ITOL Convergence criteria for preconditioned iterative solver.for geometric nonlinear implicit static analysis (ANALYSIS = NLGEOM).Stabilized Incomplete Cholesky FAI . Default = BCS . See comments 2. Default = MIXED . No default (Integer > 0) SOLVER Indicates the solver to be used. RROM .Diagonal Jacobi ICH .Relative residual of preconditioned matrices ||r|| < TOL * || Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. MIXED – Mixed solver using both BCS and PCG.No Pre-conditioner DJ . MUMPS – MUMPS Solver (direct solver).PORD Field Contents SID Unique set identification number. BCS – Boeing Solver (direct solver).Incomplete Cholesky SICH . PCG .for linear static analysis and geometric nonlinear implicit dynamic analysis (ANALYSIS = IMPDYN).Relative residual of original matrices ||r|| < TOL * ||b|| RRPM1 . 3 and 4. STRESS. CSTRAIN. it is also available as an optional symmetric solver for static runs. CFAILURE. RRPM1 or single precision machine precision (3.b.ens-lyon.0e-8) for ITOL = RRPM2 (Real > 0 or blank) ORDM Ordering method for the MUMPS solver (see comments 8 and 9). AMD – Approximate minimum degree method (AMD) PORD – PORD package METIS – METIS package AUTO – Automatically select between PORD and METIS. MUMPS is the default non-symmetric solver for nonlinear contact analysis when friction is present. LAMA. RTYPE = DISP. SOLVTYP bulk data must be referenced by a SOLVTYP subcase statement. and if the responses DRESP1. Default = 1.php?page=home 4. geometric nonlinear implicit static analysis (ANALYSIS=NLGEOM) and geometric nonlinear implicit dynamic analysis (ANALYSIS=IMPDYN). or FORCE are present the solver is automatically reverted to the direct solver. STRAIN. see http://graal.0e-5 for ITOL = RROM. 2.fr/MUMPS/index. For more details. CSTRESS.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = METIS (Character) Comments 1. MUMPS performance is similar to or better than the performance of BCS. MUMPS is SMP parallelized. In optimization of linear static subcases. the residual is r = Ax . Generally. It only applies to linear static subcases.Relative residual of preconditioned matrices ||r|| < TOL * || A|| * ||x|| If the solver solves Ax = b.Field Contents b|| RRPM2 . especially for 2D models. MUMPS stands for “Multifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver”. 3. Default = RRPM2 (Character) TOL Convergence tolerance. if iterative solver is selected. Overview of default settings and options for the SOLVER field: 2024 OptiStruct 13. In this case.SOLVER =BCS SOLVER =MUMPS SOLVER =PCG SOLVER =MIXED SOLVER =AUTO Linear static analysis Default Optional Optional N/A N/A Nonlinear static analysis Default Optional N/A N/A N/A Nonlinear contact analysis (when friction is present) Optional Default N/A N/A N/A Geometric nonlinear implicit static analysis (NLGEOM) Optional N/A Optional Default Optional Geometric nonlinear implicit dynamic analysis (IMPDYN) Default N/A Optional Optional Optional Subcase type 5. A Factored Approximate Inverse Preconditioner is the default method. The performance of the iterative solver depends on the conditioning of the stiffness matrix.10 manual. The breakeven point is at about 4-6 subcases. The performance may be below expectations on Itanium-based computers. direct solver will be used for the remainder of the run. For further information about the MUMPS solver ordering method (ORDM) options.0 Reference Guide 2025 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . hardware. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. PCG is used first. When the automatic solver option (SOLVER = AUTO) has been chosen. 10. the solver will be changed automatically to direct solver (BCS) if PCG performance is estimated slower than direct solver. and potentially the system load. For compact solid models. operating system. In the case of multiple linear static subcases. ORDM = PORD provides better performance for a shell-type model. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The performance depends on model. 7. the iterative solver may perform considerably better than the direct solver in terms of memory usage and elapsed times for a single linear static subcase. refer to the MUMPS 4. The iterative solver is a preconditioned conjugate gradient solver. 8. 9. the iterative solver may perform worse than the direct solver. This solver is also SMP parallelized. 6. and thermal boundary conditions for heat transfer analysis. (Real) Comments 2026 OptiStruct 13. The components refer to the coordinate system referenced by the grid points.0 (6) (7) Field Contents SID Identification number of single-point constraint set. (Integer zero or blank for scalar points.number>) C Component numbers.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .) D Value of enforced displacement for all coordinates designated by G and C.SPC Bulk Data Entry SPC – Single-Point Constraint Description Defines sets of single-point constraints. (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) G Grid or scalar point identification number. enforced displacements for static analysis. (Integer > 0 or <PartName. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) SPC SID G C D G C D (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) SPC 2 32 436 0. or up to six unique digits (0 < digit < 6) may be placed in the field with no embedded blanks for grid points. Continuations are not allowed. For thermal boundary conditions. Declared a dependent degree-of-freedom on an MPC set referenced in the same subcase. 9. 10. SPCs can be used to define enforced displacements. Supported local entries in specific parts can be referenced by the use of “fully qualified references” on SPC entries in the model. when the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option is set to CHECK (default) or STRICT. For static analyses. the grid reference must always be a structural grid (GRID). Up to twelve single-point constraints may be defined on a single entry. 8. 7. the component should be 0 or blank when the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option is set to CHECK(default) or STRICT. 5. it is required for grid/component pairs (G#/ C#) that the component be 0 or blank when the grid reference is a scalar point (SPOINT). 3. This card is represented as a constraint load in HyperMesh. For static and dynamic analyses. For linear steady-state heat transfer analysis. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.1.number”) is similar to the format of a numeric reference. When the component is greater than 1. 4. The degree-of-freedom declared dependent on this entry may not be: Included in a single point constraint (SPC or SPC1). RBE1. RBE2. 1 or blank. 2. SPC degrees-of-freedom may be redundantly specified as permanent constraints on the GRID entry. When SPSYNTAX is set to MIXED 1 is also accepted as the component. “number” is the identification number of a referenced local entry in the part “PartName”.0 Reference Guide 2027 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . or RROD entry. and that the component be > 1 when the grid reference is a structural grid point (GRID). an SPC may be used to define a temperature boundary condition. “PartName” is the name of the part that contains the referenced local entry (part names are defined on the BEGIN Bulk Data Entry in the model). Declared a dependent degree-of-freedom on any RBAR. Single-point forces of constraint are recovered during stress data recovery. it is allowed for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the grid reference be either a scalar point (SPOINT) or a structural grid point (GRID) when the component is 0. A fully qualified reference (“PartName. When SPSYNTAX is set to MIXED. See Parts and Instances in the User’s Guide for detailed information on the use of fully qualified references. interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. 6. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) SPC 1 SID C G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 -etc.- (7) (8) (9) (10) Alternate Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) SPC 1 SID C G1 "thru" G2 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) SPC 1 3 2 7 3 10 9 6 5 THRU 8 33 71 2 2 87 “thru” SPC 1 (10) 100 Field Contents SID Identification number of single-point constraint set.SPC1 Bulk Data Entry SPC1 – Single-Point Constraint. Alternate Form Description Defines sets of single-point constraints and thermal boundary conditions. (Integer > 0) 2028 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2.C Component number. the component should be 0 or blank when the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option is set to CHECK (default) or STRICT. Any number of continuations may appear. If the "thru" comment is used. SPC degrees-of-freedom may be redundantly specified as permanent constraints on the GRID entry. interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. (Integer > 0) Comments 1. When SPSYNTAX is set to MIXED. RBE2. the enforced temperature is 0. 6. but the grid points between G1 and G2 are not required to exist.0 Reference Guide 2029 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The degree-of-freedom declared dependent on this entry may not be: Included in another single-point constraint (SPC or SPC1). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. (Integer zero or blank for scalar points.) Gi Grid or scalar point identification numbers. 5. or up to six unique digits (0 < digit < 6) may be placed in the field with no embedded blanks for grid points. For thermal boundary conditions. however. Note that enforced displacements are not available via this entry. and that the component be > 1 when the grid references are to structural grid points (GRID). RBE1. G1 and G2 must exist.0. the grid references must always be a structural grid (GRID). unless paired with an SPCD entry. when the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option is set to CHECK (default) or MIXED. This card is represented as a constraint load in HyperMesh. When SPSYNTAX is set to STRICT. 1 or blank. 4. Declared a dependent degree-of-freedom on an MPC set referenced in the same subcase. Multiple “thru” sequences can be used on a single card. it is required for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the component be 0 or blank when the grid references are to scalar points (SPOINT). The components refer to the coordinate system referenced by the grid points. For static and dynamic analyses. When the component is greater than 1. or RROD entry. 8. that the grid references be either scalar points (SPOINT) or structural grid points (GRID) when the component is 0. Declared a dependent degree-of-freedom on any RBAR. it is allowed that when grid lists are provided for a given component. 1 is also accepted as the component. 7. and can span across continuation lines. SPC1 may be used to define temperature boundary conditions. 3. 9. For linear steady-state heat transfer analysis. The Si field should not reference the identification number of a single-point constraint set defined by another SPCADD entry. The Si values must be unique. (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) Si Identification numbers of single-point constraint sets defined via SPC or SPC1 entries.SPCADD Bulk Data Entry SPCADD – Single-Point Constraint Set Combination Description Defines a single-point constraint set as a union of single-point constraint sets defined via SPC or SPC1 entries. 2. (Integer > 0 or <PartName.number>) See comment 5. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) SPC ADD SID S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 (10) -etc- Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) SPC ADD 101 3 2 9 1 (7) Field Contents SID Identification number for new single-point constraint set. Comments 1. 2030 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 4. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. If both have the same set ID.0 Reference Guide 2031 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . See Parts and Instances in the User’s Guide for detailed information on the use of fully qualified references.number”) is similar to the format of a numeric reference. SPCADD entries take precedence over SPC or SPC1 entries. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.3. If all Si are non-existent the solver will exit with an error termination. 6. A fully qualified reference (“PartName. 5. “PartName” is the name of the part that contains the referenced local entry (part names are defined on the BEGIN Bulk Data Entry in the model). Supported local entries in specific parts can be referenced by the use of “fully qualified references” on SPCADD entries in the model. “number” is the identification number of a referenced local entry in the part “PartName”. only the SPCADD entry is used. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0 or <PartName.9 Field Contents SID Identification number of a static load set. TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 bulk data entries. (9) (10) (Integer > 0) G Grid or scalar point identification number. 2032 OptiStruct 13.SPCD Bulk Data Entry SPCD – Enforced Motion Value Description Defines an enforced displacement value for static analysis. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) SPC D SID G C D G C D (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) SPC D 100 32 436 -2. C Component numbers in the global coordinate system. It can also be used to define the EXCITEID field (Amplitude “A”) of dynamic loads in RLOAD1.6 5 1 +2.number>) See comment 9. RLOAD2. velocity or acceleration for dynamic analysis and a thermal boundary condition for heat transfer (or transient heat transfer) analysis. an enforced displacement. up to six unique such digits may be placed in the field with no embedded blanks) D Value of enforced motion for all grids and components designated by G and C. (6 > Integer > 0. 7. This method of applying enforced displacements in static analysis is equivalent to that of using an SPC entry. 9. or TLOAD2 bulk data entry that has enforced motion specified in its TYPE field. 10. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. A fully qualified reference (“PartName. it is allowed for grid/ component pairs (G#/C#) that the grid reference be either a scalar point (SPOINT) or a structural grid point (GRID) when the component is 0. 8. For use in linear static and linear steady state heat transfer analyses. “number” is the identification number of a referenced local entry in the part “PartName”. “PartName” is the name of the part that contains the referenced local entry (part names are defined on the BEGIN Bulk Data Entry in the model). RLOAD2. 2. and that the component be > 1 when the grid reference is a structural grid point (GRID). TLOAD1. See Parts and Instances in the User’s Guide for detailed information on the use of fully qualified references. 5. the grid reference must always be a structural grid (GRID). For static and dynamic analyses. Supported local entries in specific parts can be referenced by the use of “fully qualified references” on SPCD entries in the model. When SPSYNTAX is set to MIXED. For use in transient heat transfer analysis. the load set identification number must be referenced by the EXCITEID field of a TLOAD1 or TLOAD2 bulk data entry that has enforced temperature specified in its TYPE field (TYPE = 1). interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. 6. The SPCD units for rotational degrees of freedom is radians.number”) is similar to the format of a numeric reference. the load set identification number must be selected by the LOAD subcase information command. 4. 1 or blank. The bulk data LOAD combination entry cannot combine an SPCD load.0 Reference Guide 2033 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . the load set identification number must be referenced by the EXCITEID field of an RLOAD1. The degree-of-freedom (G and C) referenced on this entry must also be referenced on an SPC or SPC1 bulk data entry and selected by the SPC subcase information command in the same subcase. For use in dynamic analysis. This card is represented as a constraint load in HyperMesh. when the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option is set to CHECK (default) or STRICT. it is required for grid/ component pairs (G#/C#) that the component be 0 or blank when the grid reference is a scalar point (SPOINT). 3. Values of D will override the values specified on an SPC bulk data entry if selected for use in the same subcase. When the component is greater than 1.Field Contents (Real) Comments 1. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) SPOINT ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID5 ID6 ID7 ID8 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Alternate Format (1) (2) (3) (4) SPOINT ID1 "THRU" ID2 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) SPOINT 3 18 1 4 16 2 6 THRU 8 47 99 THRU 128 Field Contents ID# Scalar point identification number. and CDAMP entries) need not appear on an SPOINT entry. (10) No default (0 < Integer) Comments 1. CMASS. 2034 OptiStruct 13.SPOINT Bulk Data Entry SPOINT – Scalar-Point Description Defines scalar points. A scalar point defined by its appearance on the connection entry for a scalar element (see the CELAS. 0 Reference Guide 2035 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . All scalar point identification numbers must be unique with respect to all other scalar and grid points. Alternate format can be combined with regular format. 5. all scalar points ID1 through ID2 are defined. This entry is used primarily to define scalar points appearing in single-point or multipoint constraint equations to which no scalar elements are connected. If the alternate format is used. 6. This card is represented as a node in HyperMesh. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 4. ID1 must be less than ID2.2. 3. and it can span across continuation lines. Optional continuation lines for interface definitions: INT IPLYID11 IPLYID12 Example 1 Defines a stack consisting of 8 plies with the SMEAR option (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) STAC K 1 SMEAR 1010100 1020100 1010200 1020200 1010300 1020300 1010400 1020400 (10) Example 2 2036 OptiStruct 13... . .STACK Bulk Data Entry STACK – Stacking Information for Ply-Based Composite Definition Description Defines the stacking information and stacking sequence for ply-based composite definition. ..0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) STAC K ID LAM PLYID1 PLYID2 PLYID3 PLYID4 PLYID5 PLYID6 PLYID7 … (10) Optional continuation lines for substack definitions: SUB SID1 SNAME1 SPLYID1 1 SPLYID1 2 SPLYID1 3 SPLYID1 4 SPLYID1 5 SPLYID1 6 SPLYID1 7 ......... . .... . They ply layout is shown below. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) STAC K 2 SUB 1 top 11 12 13 14 SUB 2 left 21 22 23 24 SUB 3 right 31 32 33 34 SUB 4 middle 41 42 43 INT 14 21 INT 14 31 INT 21 41 INT 43 31 Altair Engineering (9) (10) OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 2037 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Defines a stack with substack and interface information. The following options are supported: SYM: Only plies on the bottom half of the composite lay-up need to be specified.5*Thick. MEM: All plies must be specified. but only membrane terms are developed. stacking sequence is ignored. but only bending terms are developed. MID4. If blank. Hence. half of the total face sheet thickness is then placed on top of the core. and MID1 is set equal to MID2 on the derived equivalent PSHELL. to produce a symmetric laminate. SMCORE: All plies must be specified. SMEARZ0: All plies must be specified. Only bending terms are developed for the full laminate. SMEAR: All plies must be specified. and half is placed on the bottom. SYBEND: Only plies on the bottom half of the composite lay-up need to be specified. MID2 and MID4. These plies are automatically symmetrically reflected to the top half of the composite and given consecutive numbers from bottom to top. The face sheet properties are calculated without regard for stacking sequence. stacking sequence is ignored. Stiffness of the core is ignored while its density is included in inertia calculations.Field Contents ID Unique stack identification number. These plies are automatically symmetrically reflected to the 2038 OptiStruct 13. if Z0 is not equal to -0. No default (Integer > 0) LAM Laminate option. all plies must be specified and all stiffness terms are developed. BEND: All plies must be specified. These plies are automatically symmetrically reflected to the top half of the composite and given consecutive numbers from bottom to top. the equivalent PSHELL will include MID1. SYSMEAR: Only plies on the bottom half of the composite lay-up need to be specified. the effect of offset Z0 is taken into account. These plies are automatically symmetrically reflected to the top half of the composite and given consecutive numbers from bottom to top. MID3 is still set to zero. TS/T. While the laminate is still considered to be made of homogenized (smeared) material. while MID3. The last ply specifies core properties and the previous plies specify face sheet properties. that is no transverse shear deformation is considered.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Only membrane terms are developed for the full laminate. SYMEM: Only plies on the bottom half of the composite lay-up need to be specified. and 12I/T**3 are set to zero. Default = blank. Stacking sequence is ignored. 2. SPLYID # PLY identification number. SYBEND or SYSMEAR) PLYID# PLY identification number. No default (Character) No default (Integer > 0) IPLYID# PLY identification number. while MID3. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Plies are listed from the bottom surface upward.0 Reference Guide 2039 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . In the image below. MID4. INT INT flag indicating that interface data is to follow. (a) shows the stacking sequence for a non-symmetrical laminate. No default (Integer > 0) SUB SUB flag indicating that substack data is to follow. SID# Substack identification number. in respect to the element’s normal direction. No default (Integer > 0) SNAME # Substack user-defined name. The STACK card is used in combination with the PCOMPP and PLY cards to create composite properties through the ply-based definition.Field Contents top half of the composite and given consecutive numbers from bottom to top. MEM. that is all plies must be specified (SYM. and MID1 is set equal to MID2 on the derived equivalent PSHELL. No default (Integer > 0) Comments 1. TS/T and 12I/ T**3 are set to zero. BEND. and (b) shows the stacking sequence for a symmetrical laminate. SYMEM. SMCORE. SMEAR. 3. 2040 OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a laminate in HyperMesh. For convenience.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 5. because stacking sequence is ignored in these options. However. individual ply stresses will only be valid in cases of pure membrane deformation. element output for the SMEAR and SMCORE options includes both homogenized shell stresses and individual ply stresses. 4. Multiple instances of substack and interface continuations are allowed. with no embedded blanks. -2 is specified. No default (Any unique combination. 3. Be careful not to spell SUPORT with two Ps. The SUPORT entry specifies reference degrees-of-freedom for rigid body motion. SUPORT and/or SUPORT1 entries are required to activate inertia relief unless PARAM. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) C# Component numbers. 2.SUPORT Bulk Data Entry SUPORT – Fictitious Support Description Defines determinate reaction degrees-of-freedom in a free body. then SUPORT and/or SUPORT1 entries are not required. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) SUPORT ID1 C1 ID2 C2 ID3 C3 ID4 C4 (10) Example (1) (2) (3) SUPORT 16 215 (4) (5) Field Contents ID# Grid point identification number. of the integers 1 through 6 for grid points. It is not intended to be used in place of a constraint (SPCi entry or PS on the GRID entry. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. INREL. or 0 for scalar points) Comments 1. for example).0 Reference Guide 2041 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . which is requested by the SUPORT1 I/O Options and Subcase Information command. An alternative to SUPORT is the SUPORT1 entry. 5. 6.4. Degrees-of-freedom specified on this entry cannot be defined as dependent degrees-offreedom in rigid body element or constrained in SPCi entry or PS on the GRID entry. 2042 OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a constraint load in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) ID# Grid point identification number. See comment 1. or 0 for scalar points) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. No default (Integer > 0) C# Component numbers. with no embedded blanks.0 Reference Guide 2043 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) SUPORT1 SID ID1 C1 ID2 C2 ID3 C3 (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) SUPORT1 5 16 215 (5) (6) Field Contents SID Set identification number. Alternate Form Description Defines determinate reaction degrees-of-freedom in a free body.SUPORT1 Bulk Data Entry SUPORT1 – Fictitious Support. No default (Any unique combination. of the integers 1 through 6 for grid points. The SUPORT1 bulk data entry must be requested in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections by the SUPORT1 data selection command. Comments 1. Degrees of freedom specified on this entry cannot be defined as dependent degrees-offreedom in rigid body element or constrained in SPCi entry or PS on the GRID entry. The SUPORT1 bulk data entry must be requested in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections by the SUPORT1 data selection command. This card is represented as a constraint load in HyperMesh. 6. SUPORT bulk data entries are applied in all subcases. 2044 OptiStruct 13. 3. 4. 5. SUPORT1 bulk data entries will not be used unless specifically selected in a subcase definition by the SUPORT1 subcase information entry. Be careful not to spell SUPORT with two Ps. The degrees-of-freedom specified on SUPORT1 will be combined with those on the SUPORT entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2. .. Altair Engineering (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) OptiStruct 13.. . Each facet is defined by 3 or 4 GRID IDs... ..or 4-noded polygons (facets).. . (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Alternative Format (faceted surface) In this format.. ... . .. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) SURF SRFID FAC E GA1 GB1 GC 1 GD1 GA2 GB2 GC 2 GD2 GA3 .. ..SURF Bulk Data Entry SURF – Surface Definition Description Defines a face of a 2D or 3D element as part of a surface.0 Reference Guide 2045 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . .. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) SURF SRFID ELFAC E EID1 GA1 GB1 NORMAL1 EID2 GA2 GB2 NORMAL2 EID3 ..... surface is represented as collection of 3... For 3D elements. To use this format. this is pointing out of the element. GB is used to identify faces of solid elements based on the following table: 2046 OptiStruct 13. that is. Default = blank (Integer > 0. those faces that are not connected to any other 3D elements faces in the model. Default = 0 (0 or 1) Comments 1. EID# 2D or 3D element identification number. The normal of a face of a surface may be different from the normal of the underlying elements. No default (Integer > 0) GA# Identification number of a grid point at the corner of the desired face of a 3D element. blank) NORMAL Identifies the normal direction for a face of the surface. Default = blank (Integer > 0. the SURF keyword is used in place of the SET keyword and the TYPE must be ELEM. This field must be blank for 2D elements. No default (Integer > 0) ELFACE Flag indicating that the surface is composed of an element face. All methods for defining a set of type ELEM are valid for this form of surface definition.Alternative Format (SET Format) A surface may also be defined using a form of the SET bulk data entry. this is pointing into the element. For 3D elements. Refer to the SET bulk data entry. 1: normal direction is opposite of the underlying element. blank) GB# Optional grid point identification number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . See comment 1. Field Contents SRFID Surface identification number. 0: normal matches the normal of the underlying element. Used to identify face of 3D elements. With this approach. the surface is composed of all selected 2D elements and the external faces of all selected 3D elements. Identification number of a grid point at a corner of the desired face that is diagonally opposite GA.For HEXA elements: Identification number of a grid point at a corner of the desired face that is diagonally opposite GA. For PYRA elements: Quad faces: Leave blank Tria faces: GA and GB must specify the grids on the edge of the face that borders the quadrilateral face.0 Reference Guide 2047 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . For TETRA elements: Identification number of a grid point at the corner opposite the desired face. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. For PENTA elements: Quad faces: Tria faces: 2. and the grids must be ordered so that they define an inward normal using the right hand rule. This card is represented as a contactsurface in HyperMesh. Leave blank. - Example (Alternate Format) 2048 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) SWLDPR M PARAM1 VAL1 PARAM2 VAL2 PARAM3 VAL3 PARAM4 VAL4 PARAM5 VAL5 -etc.0 PRTSW 1 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Alternate Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) SWLDPR M PARAM1 VAL1 PARAM2 VAL2 C TYPE1 PARAM3 VAL3 PARAM4 VAL4 C TYPE2 PARAM5 VAL5 PARAM6 VAL6 PARAM7 VAL7 (10) -etc.- (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) SWLDPRM GSPROJ 15.SWLDPRM Bulk Data Entry SWLDPRM – Parameters for CWELD and CSEAM Connector Elements Description Defines values of parameters used during the CWELD and CSEAM connectivity search. The available parameters and their values are listed below (click the parameter name for parameter descriptions).0 or -1.0 GSPROJ 20.0 Default = 20. their integer equivalents will also be read. Parameters following a keyword will only be applied to the element type specified by the keyword. FULL. YES. VAL# Value of parameter CTYPE Connector type keyword to control the element specific parameters.0 PRTSW 1 C WELD GSMOVE 2 NREDIA 3 PROJTO L 0.0 GMCHK NO.0 SHOWAU X 1 Field Contents PARAM# Name of parameter. 0. (10) Supported connector types: CWELD or CSEAM While textual values are recommended for clarity. Parameter Value CHKRUN NO.0 or -1.0 Reference Guide 2049 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 CNRAGLO 0. YES.(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) SWLDPRM GSPROJ 15.0 Default = 160.0 < Real < 90. 0. or 2 Default = NO GSMOVE Integer > 0 Default = 0 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 < Real < 160.03 C SEAM C NRAGLI 150. 1. or 1 Default = NO CNRAGLI 90. 0 < Real < 90. 2050 OptiStruct 13.0 NREDIA O < Integer < 4 Default = 0 PROJTOL 0. 6.0 Default = 20. YES. ELPAT.0 < Real < 0.” and it will be applied to all of the connector elements unless it only serves a specific type of connector. Such information is provided within the detailed description of individual parameters. 7. Further detailed information about the individual connector elements can be found on the pertinent CWELD and CSEAM bulk data entries. 2. The default settings should be changed only for diagnostic and debug purposes. Connectivities are created for the CSEAM element and for the CWELD element with PARTPAT. The SWLDPRM entry changes the default settings of parameters for the CWELD and CSEAM connectivity entries.05 PRTSW NO.0 Default = 0.Parameter Value GSPROJ 0. blank fields are not allowed between the parameter name and the corresponding parameter value or between the connector keyword and the parameter name followed. Before the presence of any keyword of the connector. 2. If the parameter name or the connector keyword is located just before the continuation field.0 GSTOL Real > 0. Blank fields are allowed in this entry.0 or -1. the parameter set on the entry will be regarded as “global. With the parameters on this entry. then the following content must be placed in the first field after the continuation marker. ELEMID and GRIDID formats. 0.5 Default = 0. 5.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Any parameter following a connector keyword will only be applied to the element type specified by the keyword until the presence of another keyword. or 1 Default = NO SHOWAUX 0. 4. Some of the above parameters apply only to selected connector types. Only one SWLDPRM entry is allowed in the bulk data section. 3 Default = 0 Comments 1. 1. that is CWELD and CSEAM. you can debug and alter the search algorithm which creates these connector elements. 3. However. None of the parameters of this entry are required. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. If YES or 1.SWLDPRM. YES. meaning it should be placed before the presence of the first connector keyword. the solver will run to completion.0 Reference Guide 2051 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 0. unless other errors are present. CHKRUN Parameter CHKRUN Values Description NO. the solver will stop after connectivity of all connector elements has been checked. This parameter must be global. or 1 Default = NO Stop or allow the run after the connectivities of all the connector elements have been generated. If NO or 0. See the following figure. the program will skip the checking of CNRAGLI.0 < Real < 180.0. CNRAGLI Parameter CNRAGLI Values Description 90.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . while the others are connected with shell elements not shown in this figure). If α < CNRAGLI. 2052 OptiStruct 13.SWLDPRM. Minimum angle allowed or -1.0 EIDSB and EIDEB.0 For CSEAM element only. The CSEAM element will be rejected if this minimum angle is violated.0 between the free edges (no other element shares these edges) of shell elements EIDSA and EIDEA or Default = 160. this CSEAM element is rejected (for clarity suppose that the bold lines are the only couple of free edges. If CNRAGLI is set to -1. 0 Default = 20. If α > CNRAGLO.0 < Real < 90.0. this CSEAM element is rejected.SWLDPRM. The CSEAM element will not be generated if the angle between these two normal vectors is greater than the value of CNRAGLO. the program will skip the checking of CNRAGLO. This prevents generating single CSEAM element across a very curved shell configuration. CNRAGLO Parameter CNRAGLO Values Description 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Maximum angle allowed between the normal vectors of EIDSA and EIDEA or EIDSB and EIDEB. See the following figure.0 For CSEAM element only.0 or -1. The same check is also applied to the angle between the normal vectors of EIDSB and EIDEB. If CNRAGLO is set to -1.0 Reference Guide 2053 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . no geometry check. perform geometry checks for connector elements and output the shell element ID(s) if an error is found. an error will be issued. If GMCHK=1 or 2. 2054 OptiStruct 13. If YES or 1. the program will check whether the CSEAM element spans a cutout or a corner. GMCHK Parameter GMCHK Values Description NO. an error will be issued. an error will be issued. If the CSEAM element does. If GMCHK=1 or 2 and CNRAGLI > 0. the program will check the angle between the normal vectors of Shell A and Shell B. Default = NO If NO or 0. If GMCHK=1 or 2 and CNRAGLO > 0. If the angle is larger than the value defined by GSPROJ. If the angle is larger than the value defined by CNRAGLO. the program will check the angle between the free edges of shell elements EIDSA and EIDEA or EIDSB and EIDEB. 0. the program will check the angle between the normal vectors of EIDSA and EIDEA or EIDSB and EIDEB. YES.SWLDPRM. or 2 A switch to perform geometry check for certain types of connector elements (presently it only applies to CSEAM). 1. perform geometry checks for connector elements. If FULL or 2. FULL. If GMCHK=1 or 2 and GSPROJ > 0. an error will be issued. If the angle is smaller than the value defined by CNRAGLI. SWLDPRM. OptiStruct 13. GSMOVE Parameter GSMOVE Values Description Integer > 0 Default = 0 Altair Engineering Maximum number of times GS for the CWELD (PARTPAT or ELPAT format) or GS/GE for the CSEAM is moved in cases when not all auxiliary points have projections onto the patch of shells.0 Reference Guide 2055 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . GSPROJ Parameter GSPROJ Values Description 0.0 < Real < 90. If GSPROJ is set to -1. when locating possible candidate shell elements to support the auxiliary points. for CSEAM. If the ignored candidate is one of EIDSA. the program will skip the checking of GSPROJ. this candidate will be ignored.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2056 OptiStruct 13.0 Maximum angle allowed between the normal vectors of Shell A and Shell B.0 or -1. Shell A and Shell B are located on the two different shell surfaces that need to be connected by the connector element. If the angle is larger than the value defined by GSPROJ. the program will also check the angle between the normal vector of the candidate and the thickness direction of the CSEAM element. EIDEA or EIDEB. This prevents the generation of connector elements between shell components that depart from being parallel to each other. a warning will be issued.0 Default = 20. this connector element is rejected. See the following figure.0. The connector element will not be generated if the angle between these two normal vectors is greater than the value of GSPROJ. Meanwhile.SWLDPRM. EIDSB. If α > GSPROJ. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Default = 0. the program will skip the checking of GSTOL. GSTOL Parameter GSTOL Values Description Real > 0. then the connector element will not be generated and an error will be issued. Maximum distance between GS-SA.0 Presently it only applies to CSEAM. GE-EA and GE-EB for CSEAM. If the distance is greater than GSTOL. See the following figure.0 Reference Guide 2057 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . GS-SB. If GSTOL is set to 0.0.SWLDPRM. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . NREDIA Parameter NREDIA Values Description 0 < Integer < 4 Maximum number of times the diameter (which is used in locating auxiliary points) is reduced by half when not all Default = 0 auxiliary points have projections onto the patch of shells. This parameter is for CWELD (PARTPAT and ELPAT) only.SWLDPRM. 2058 OptiStruct 13. 05 Altair Engineering Tolerance to accept the projected points (from GS for CWELD and from GS/GE for CSEAM) if the computed coordinates of the projection point lies outside the shell element but is located within PROJTOL×(dimension of the shell element). This prevents the search from picking the wrong shell element in cases when PROJTOL is not needed.5 Default = 0.0 Reference Guide 2059 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 < Real < 0. OptiStruct 13. PROJTOL is only activated when a search without PROJTOL finds no candidate shell to build connectivity for a connector element. PROJTOL Parameter PROJTOL Values Description 0.SWLDPRM. PRTSW Parameter PRTSW Values Description NO. If YES or 1.SWLDPRM.out file. diagnostic information is not output.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2060 OptiStruct 13. diagnostic information is written to the . 0. or 1 Print diagnostic output for connector elements. Default = NO If NO or 0. YES. seamaux. the fictitious grids and hexas will be output (these are the final locations. If SHOWAUX = YES. YES. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. For each CWELD element. the displacement/corner stress/grid point stress of the fictitious hexa element will also be output into an H3D file if requested. this data will only be output in cases where no error is issued before the definition of auxiliary points. For clarity of visualization. including all the adjustments due to connector element radius or thickness). this data will only be output if all seam elements are built successfully.0 Reference Guide 2061 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . SHOWAUX Parameter SHOWAUX Values Description NO. For CWELD.fem.weldaux. For the CSEAM element. the root file name will be followed with . If NO or 0.fem. the root file name will be followed with . this file also includes the eight-node CHEXA elements with corners at respective auxiliary points for CWELD or at respective fictitious hexa corner points for CSEAM. For CSEAM. no data for the fictitious hexa will be output. If YES or 1. 0. or 1 Default = NO Output fictitious grids representing auxiliary points generated for CWELD and fictitious hexa corner points generated for CSEAM into a file which can be directly imported into HyperMesh to visualize the connector elements.SWLDPRM. or Q) 2062 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) TABDMP 1 TID TYPE f1 g1 f2 g2 f3 g3 f4 g4 f5 g5 … … … … … … (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) TABDMP 1 2 2.1362 ENDT Field Contents TID Table identification number.01057 2. CRIT. Default = G (G.6 0.TABDMP1 Bulk Data Entry TABDMP1 – Modal Damping Table Description Defines modal damping as a tabular function of natural frequency.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (10) No default (Integer > 0) TYPE Type of damping units.5 (3) (4) (5) (6) 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This form of damping is used only in the modal method of frequency response analysis. No default (Real > 0. 4. the value of g at f=f3 is g = (g3+g4)/2. f is input to the table and g is returned.Field Contents Natural frequency value in cycles per unit time. Also. 5. then the average value of g is used. At least one continuation entry must be specified. Modal damping tables must be selected in the Subcase Information section. In Figure 1. must be specified in either ascending or descending order. in Figure 1 discontinuities are allowed only between points f2 through f7. See Figure 1. 8. 6. An error is detected if any continuations follow the entry containing the end-of-table flag 'ENDT'. not both. The end of the table is indicated by the existence of 'ENDT' in either of the two fields following the last entry. For example. The frequency values. 2. No default (Real) Comments 1. 3. but entry may be ignored by placing 'SKIP' in either of the two fields used for where.0 Reference Guide 2063 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . using the SDAMPING command. Any or that entry. The table look-up is performed using linear interpolation within the table and linear extrapolation outside the table using the two starting or end points. The TABDMP1 uses the algorithm: .0) Damping value. if g is evaluated at a discontinuity. Discontinuities may be specified between any two points except the two starting points or two end points. A METHOD statement must be present in the SUBCASE. 7. No warning messages are issued if table data is input incorrectly. on the PARAM card. the damping values are in the units of amplification or quality factor. If TYPE is 'G' or blank. the damping values as follows: If TYPE is 'CRIT'. Viscous is the default and is used when PARAM. These constants are related by the following equations: 2064 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . the damping values are in units of equivalent viscous dampers are in units of fraction of critical damping C/C0. KDAMP is not present. KDAMP Result 1 (default) B matrix -1 (1+ig)K matrix 10. Q. Example of Table Extrapolation and Discontinuity 9. The KDAMP option. may be used to switch between viscous and structural damping. If TYPE is 'Q'.Figure 1. Set the damping value (field ) in the TABDMP1 bulk data entry equal to half of the value of PARAM. 12.-1.11. G . This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. This TABDMP1 bulk data entry is referenced by the SDAMPING subcase information entry. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. G (set the constant value to C/C0). the steps described here can be followed: The TYPE field in the TABDMP1 bulk data entry should be set to CRIT. To achieve identical displacements in Modal frequency response or Modal transient analyses when the SDAMPING bulk data entry is used instead of PARAM. KDAMP. Set PARAM.0 Reference Guide 2065 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 0 5.6 3.6 ENDT Field Contents TID Table identification number.9 2. (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) XAXIS Specifies a linear or logarithmic interpolation for the x-axis. See comment 6. Form 1 Description Defines a tabular function for use in generating frequency-dependent and time-dependent dynamic loads.0 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 6.TABLED1 Bulk Data Entry TABLED1 – Dynamic Load Tabular Function. Default = LINEAR (LINEAR or LOG) 2066 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) TABLED1 TID XAXIS YAXIS x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 x5 y5 … … … … … … (10) Example (1) (2) TABLED1 32 -3.0 5.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . but not both. the value of y at x = x3 is y = (y3+y4)/2 . Any x. 5. y pair may be ignored by placing 'SKIP' in either of the two fields used for that entry.0 Reference Guide 2067 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The table look-up is performed using interpolation within the table and linear extrapolation outside the table using the two starting or end points. In Figure 1. Default = LINEAR (LINEAR or LOG) x#. 2. See comment 6. if y is evaluated at a discontinuity.Field Contents YAXIS Specifies a linear or logarithmic interpolation for the y-axis. x is input to the table and y is returned. 3. Also. An error is detected if any continuations follow the entry containing the end-of-table flag 'ENDT'. the average value of y is used. No default (Real or ENDT) Comments 1. xi must be in either ascending or descending order. 4. See Figure 1. y# Tabular values. in Figure 1 discontinuities are allowed only between points x2 through x7 . At least one continuation entry must be specified. For example. The algorithms used for interpolation or extrapolation are: Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The TABLED1 uses the algorithm: where. The end of the table is indicated by the existence of 'ENDT' in either of the two fields following the last entry. Discontinuities may be specified between any two points except the two starting points or two end points. 6. For frequency-dependent loads. Tabular values on an axis if X-Axis or Y-Axis = LOG must be positive. 8. Example of Table Extrapolation and Discontinuity 7. A fatal message will be issued if an axis has a tabular value < 0. 9. The function is zero outside the range of the table. 2068 OptiStruct 13. No warning messages are issued if table data is input incorrectly. x# is measured in cycles per unit time. xj and yj follow xi and yi.where.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Figure 1. Linear extrapolation is not used for Fourier transform methods. 10. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide 2069 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 5 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) TABLED2 TID X1 x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 x5 y5 … … … … … … (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) TABLED2 15 -10.5 2.0 -4. No default (Real) 2070 OptiStruct 13. Also contains parametric data for use with the table.0 2.5 ENDT Field Contents TID Table identification number.0 -4.0 6.2 2.8 7.TABLED2 Bulk Data Entry TABLED2 – Dynamic Load Tabular Function.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Form 2 Description Defines a tabular function for use in generating frequency-dependent and time-dependent dynamic loads. See comment 6. (10) No default (Integer > 0) X1 Table parameter.5 SKIP SKIP 9.0 6. xi must be in either ascending or descending order. 2. in Figure 1 discontinuities are allowed only between points x2 through x7 . the average value of y is used. The table look-up is performed using interpolation within the table and linear extrapolation outside the table using the two starting or end points. Any x. No default (Real) Comments 1. if y is evaluated at a discontinuity. 5. The end of the table is indicated by the existence of 'ENDT' in either of the two fields following the last entry. The TABLED2 uses the algorithm: where. At least one continuation entry must be specified. the value of y at x = x3 is y = (y3+y4)/2. Discontinuities may be specified between any two points except the two starting points or two end points. An error is detected if any continuations follow the entry containing the end-of-table flag 'ENDT'. x is input to the table and y is returned. No warning messages are issued if table data is input incorrectly. Also. For example. See Figure 1. In Figure 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 6. y# Tabular values.Field Contents x#.0 Reference Guide 2071 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . y pair may be ignored by placing 'SKIP' in either of the two fields used for that entry. 4. 3. but not both. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh.Figure 1. For frequency-dependent loads. Example of Table Extrapolation and Discontinuity 7. 2072 OptiStruct 13. 9. X1 and x# are measured in cycles per unit time.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 8. Linear extrapolation is not used for Fourier transform methods. The function is zero outside the range of the table. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.6 (5) (6) (7) (8) 4.0 Reference Guide 2073 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) X1. Also contains parametric data for use with the table.2 5.9 2. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) TABLED3 TID X1 X2 x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 x5 y5 … … … … … … (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) TABLED3 15 126. X2 Table parameters.9 30.7 5.7 ENDT Field Contents TID Table identification number. Form 3 Description Defines a tabular function for use in generating frequency-dependent and time-dependent dynamic loads.9 3.TABLED3 Bulk Data Entry TABLED3 – Dynamic Load Tabular Function.0 2. The TABLED3 uses the algorithm: where. 5. 2. Also. See Figure 1. No warning messages are issued if table data is input incorrectly. An error is detected if any continuations follow the entry containing the end-of-table flag 'ENDT'. 3. Any x. The end of the table is indicated by the existence of 'ENDT' in either of the two fields following the last entry. In Figure 1. 6. x is input to the table and y is returned. The table look-up is performed using interpolation within the table and linear extrapolation outside the table using the two starting or end points. y pair may be ignored by placing 'SKIP' in either of the two fields used for that entry.Field Contents x#. the average value of y is used. At least one continuation entry must be specified. Discontinuities may be specified between any two points except the two starting points or two end points. y# Tabular values. the value of y at x = x3 is y = (y3+y4)/2. xii must be in either ascending or descending order. in Figure 1 discontinuities are allowed only between points x2 through x7 . No default (Real) Comments 1. if y is evaluated at a discontinuity. 2074 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . For example. but not both. 4. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. 8. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.Figure 1. The function is zero outside the range of the table.0 Reference Guide 2075 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . For frequency-dependent loads. X2. X1. Linear extrapolation is not used for Fourier transform methods. Example of Table Extrapolation and Discontinuity 7. and x# are measured in cycles per unit time. 9. 51e-5 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 1. Also contains parametric data for use with the table.0 -3.0329 6.0 100 2. (7) (8) (9) (10) ENDT No default (Integer > 0) X# Table parameters. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) TABLED4 TID X1 X2 X3 X4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 … … … … … … … (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) TABLED4 28 0.4-7 Field Contents TID Table identification number. Form 4 Description Defines the coefficients of a power series for use in generating frequency-dependent and time-dependent dynamic loads.91 -0. 2076 OptiStruct 13.0 0.TABLED4 Bulk Data Entry TABLED4 – Dynamic Load Tabular Function. 2. For frequency-dependent loads. No default (Real) Comments 1. There are no error returns from this table look-up procedure. At least one continuation entry must be specified. whenever x > X4. use X3 for x. TABLED4 uses the algorithm: where.Field Contents A# Coefficients. 5. use X4 for x. x is input to the table.0 Reference Guide 2077 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. x# is measured in cycles per unit time. The end of the table is indicated by the existence of 'ENDT' in either of the two fields following the last entry. 4. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. y is returned and N is the number of pairs. Whenever x < X3. 3. There are N + 1 entries in the table. An error is detected if any continuations follow the entry containing the end-of-table flag 'ENDT'. 877 -0.308 -0.899 -0.492 -0.592 -0.689 0.907 0.726 0.297 -0.TABFAT Bulk Data Entry TABFAT .968 0.308 -0.582 -0.609 -0.592 0.899 -0.936 -0.090 -0.600 -0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering (10) Altair Engineering .492 -0.224 2078 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) TABFAT ID y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8 … … (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) TABFAT 1 0.Fatigue Loading Time History Definition Description Defines y values of each point on the loading time history.263 -0.000 -0.515 -0.165 0.601 0. 0 Reference Guide 2079 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . TABFAT was named TABLEFAT. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. 2. The TABFAT ID may be referenced by a FATLOAD definition. No default (Integer > 0) y# Y value of each point on the loading time history curve. Prior to OptiStruct version 11.Field Contents ID Unique identification number.0. 3. No default (Real) Comments 1. 9 2. (9) (10) (Integer > 0) xi. (Real) "ENDT" Flag indicating the end of the table. Format (1) (2) TABLEM1 TID x1 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 -etc. yi Tabular values. 2080 OptiStruct 13.- "ENDT" Example (1) (2) TABLEM1 32 -3.0 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 6.0 5.6 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Form 1 Description Defines a tabular function for use in generating temperature-dependent material properties.0 5.TABLEM1 Bulk Data Entry TABLEM1 – Material Property Table.6 ENDT Field Contents TID Table identification number. discontinuities are allowed only between points x2 through x7 . An error is detected if any continuations follow the entry containing the end-of-table flag "ENDT". Any xi. Also. The end of the table is indicated by the existence of "ENDT" in either of the two fields following the last entry. in the figure below. The TABLEM1 uses the algorithm (see comment 7): y= yT(x) where. x is input to the table. if y is evaluated at a discontinuity. The table look-up is performed using linear interpolation within the table and linear extrapolation outside the table using the two start or end points (see figure). the value of y at x = x3 is y = (y3 +y4)/2. x is input to the table and y is returned. 4. In a nonlinear heat transfer analysis. For example. At least one continuation entry must be specified.0 Reference Guide 2081 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . y is returned. and z is supplied from the MAT4 entry. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 8. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. 5. 6. xi must be in either ascending or descending order.yi pair may be ignored by placing 'SKIP' in either of the two fields. TABLEM1 uses the following algorithm: y = zyT(x) Where. Discontinuities may be specified between any two points except the two start points or two end points. then the average value of y is used.Comments 1. No warning messages are issued. Example of table extrapolation and discontinuity 7. 3. but not both. if the table data is input incorrectly. 2. In the figure. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .5 2.5 SKIP SKIP 9.0 6.5 ENDT Field Contents TID Table identification number.TABLEM2 Bulk Data Entry TABLEM2 – Material Property Table.0 6.0 -4. Format (1) (2) (3) TABLEM2 TID X1 x1 y1 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) x2 y2 x3 y3 -etc.5 1. Form 2 Description Defines a tabular function for use in generating temperature-dependent material properties.0 2.0 -4.8 7.5 2. (10) (Integer > 0) X1 Table parameter.- (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) TABLEM2 15 -10. Also contains parametric data for use with the table. (Real) 2082 OptiStruct 13. No warning messages are issued if table data is input incorrectly. then the average value of y is used. An error is detected if any continuations follow the entry containing the end-of-table flag "ENDT". and z is supplied from the MATi entry. if y is evaluated at a discontinuity. Example of table extrapolation and discontinuity Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The end of the table is indicated by the existence of "ENDT" in either of the two fields following the last entry. Any xi-yi pair may be ignored by placing 'SKIP' in either of the two fields. Also. In the figure. x is input to the table. 2. but not both. the value of y at x = x3 is y = (y3+y4)/2 . 4. in the figure below. discontinuities are allowed only between points x2 through x7 .Field Contents xi. 6. The TABLEM2 uses the algorithm: y= zyT(x – X1) where. The table look-up is performed using linear interpolation within the table and linear extrapolation outside the table using the two start or end points (see figure). At least one continuation entry must be specified. y is returned. 5. yi Tabular values. xi must be in either ascending or descending order. Discontinuities may be specified between any two points except the two starting points or two end points. 3.0 Reference Guide 2083 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . For example. (Real) Comments 1. 7. 2084 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. Also contains parametric data for use with the table.6 (5) (6) (7) (8) 4.TABLEM3 Bulk Data Entry TABLEM3 – Material Property Table. (9) (10) (Integer > 0) X1. X2 Table parameters. yi Tabular values.0 Reference Guide 2085 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .7 5.0 2.2 5.9 3. See comment 6. xi.7 ENDT Field Contents TID Table identification number. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) TABLEM3 TID X1 X2 x1 y1 x2 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) y2 x3 y3 -etc.9 2.9 30.- (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) TABLEM3 62 126. (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Form 3 Description Defines a tabular function for use in generating temperature-dependent material properties. For example. In the figure. in the figure below. 2086 OptiStruct 13. Tabular values for xi must be specified in either ascending or descending order. 4. 2. 6. No warning messages are issued if table data is input incorrectly. An error is detected if any continuations follow the entry containing the end-of-table flag "ENDT". the value of y at x = x3 is y = (y3+y4)/2 . Discontinuities may be specified between any two points except the two start points or two end points.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 3. The end of the table is indicated by the existence of "ENDT" in either of the two fields following the last entry.Comments 1. TABLEM3 uses the algorithm: where. y is returned and z is supplied from the MATi entry. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. Any xi-yi pair may be ignored by placing 'SKIP' in either of the two fields. Also. Example of table extrapolation and discontinuity 7. The table look-up is performed using linear interpolation within the table and linear extrapolation outside the table using the two starting or end points (see figure). 5. but not both. discontinuities are allowed only between points x2 through x7 . then the average value of y is used. x is input to the table. At least one continuation entry must be specified. if y is evaluated at a discontinuity. 0 100.0329 6.0 -3.TABLEM4 Bulk Data Entry TABLEM4 – Material Property Table. Form 4 Description Defines coefficients of a power series for use in generating temperature-dependent material properties. (Real) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 2087 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .91 -0.51-5 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) TABLEM4 TID X1 X2 X3 X4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 (7) (8) (9) A5 -etc.4-7 Field Contents TID Table identification number. Also contains parametric data for use with the table.0 0.- (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) TABLEM4 28 0.0 1. 2. Ai Coefficients. (7) (8) (9) (10) ENDT (Integer > 0) Xi Table parameters. 2. 2088 OptiStruct 13. There are no error returns from this table look-up procedure. At least one continuation entry must be specified. and z is supplied from the MATi entry. There are N + 1 entries in the table. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. x is input to the table. Whenever x < X3 .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 4.Comments 1. TABLEM4 uses the algorithm: where. use X3 for x. y is returned. 3. The end of the table is indicated by the existence of "ENDT" in the field following the last entry. whenever x > X4 . An error is detected if any continuations follow the entry containing the end-oftable flag "ENDT". use X4 for x. MATX65.6 ENDT Field Contents TID Table identification number. MATX33.9 2. and MATX70. xi must be in either ascending or descending order.0 Reference Guide 2089 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 5. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) TABLES1 TID x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 x5 y5 … … … … … … (9) (10) Example (1) (2) TABLES1 32 -3. (10) No default (Integer > 0) x#. or ENDT) Comments 1.0 5. y# Tabular values.TABLES1 Bulk Data Entry TABLES1 – Material Property Tabular Function.0 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 6. No default (Real. Form 1 Description Defines a tabular function for use as stress-strain curve in elasto-plastic material properties MATS1.6 3. but not both. as well as material curve in nonlinear material properties MATX36. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. MATHF. MATX42. the value of y at x = x3 is y = (y3+y4)/2 . An error is detected if any continuations follow the entry containing the end-of-table flag 'ENDT'. See the description of MATS1 for details. For example. The end of the table is indicated by the existence of 'ENDT' in either of the two fields following the last entry. In Figure 1. For TABLES1 referenced by elasto-plastic material property MATS1. 7. The TABLES1 uses the algorithm: where. xj and yj follow xi and yi. in Figure 1 discontinuities are allowed only between points x2 through x7 . 5. Discontinuities between any two points except the two starting points or two end points. 6. Also. The table look-up is performed using interpolation within the table and linear extrapolation outside the table using the two starting or end points.2. See Figure 1. Any x. y pair may be ignored by placing 'SKIP' in either of the two fields used for that entry. 4.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 3. At least one continuation entry must be specified. The algorithms used for interpolation or extrapolation is: where. if y is evaluated at a discontinuity. the average value of y is used. x is input to the table and y is returned. 2090 OptiStruct 13. additional requirements apply. 9.Figure 1. Some warning or error messages are issued if table data in input incorrectly. since TABLES1 can serve different and distinct purposes. 10. Example of Table Extrapolation and Discontinuity 8.0 Reference Guide 2091 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . error checking is limited. However. The function is zero outside the range of the table. For frequency-dependent loads. x# is measured in cycles per unit time. Linear extrapolation is not used for Fourier transform methods. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. - (8) (9) (10) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) TABLEST 101 150.0 20 ENDT Field Contents TID Table identification number. temperature-dependent materials. Format (1) (2) TABLEST TID T1 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) TID1 T2 TID2 T3 -etc. (Integer > 0) 2092 OptiStruct 13.0 (3) (4) (5) (6) 10 175.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Real) TIDi Table identification numbers of TABLES1 entries. (7) (8) (Integer > 0) Ti Temperature values.TABLEST Bulk Data Entry TABLEST – Material Property Temperature-Dependence Table Description Specifies the material property tables for elasto-plastic. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. An error is detected if any continuations follow the entry containing the end-of-table flag ENDT. Temperature values must be listed in ascending order. 4. 2. TIDi must be unique with respect to all TABLES1 and TABLEST table identification numbers.Comments 1. 3.0 Reference Guide 2093 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . This table is referenced by MATS1 entries that define elasto-plastic (TYPE = "PLASTIC") materials. The end of the table is indicated by the existence of ENDT in either of the two fields following the last entry. 6 . See comment 6.01362 ENDT (7) (8) (9) (10) etc. Referenced on the RANDPS entry.TABRND1 Bulk Data Entry TABRND1 – Power Spectral Density Table Description Defines power spectral density as a tabular function of frequency for use in random analysis.5 (3) (4) (5) (6) . (Integer > 0) XAXIS Specifies a linear or logarithmic interpolation for the x-axis.01057 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = LINEAR (LINEAR or LOG) 2094 OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) TABRND1 ID XAXIS YAXIS blank blank blank blank blank f1 g1 f2 g2 f3 g3 f4 g4 Example (1) (2) TABRND1 3 2. Field Contents ID Table identification number. The table look-up gT(f) is performed using linear extrapolation outside the table using the last two end points at the appropriate table end. (Real > 0.0 Reference Guide 2095 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . but not both. 6. F is input to the table and G is returned. The fi must be in either ascending or descending order.0) gi Power Spectral Density. Default = LINEAR (LINEAR or LOG) fi Frequency value in cycles per unit time. 5. An error is detected if any continuations follow the entry containing the end-of-table flag "ENDT". See comment 6. At least two entries must be present. Jumps between two points ( 3. Any f-g entry may be ignored by placing the BCD string "SKIP" in either of the two field used for that entry. 4. At jump points. 2.Field Contents YAXIS Specifies a linear or logarithmic interpolation for the y-axis. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The TABRND1 mnemonic infers the use of the algorithm: ) are allowed. There are no error returns from this table look-up procedure. (Real) Comments 1. the average gT(F) is used. but not at the end points. G = g T(F) where. The end of the table is indicated by the existence of the BCD string "ENDT" in either of the two fields following the last entry. 8 Field Contents SID LOAD set identification. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) TEMP SID G T G T G T blank {N. From one to three grid point temperatures may be defined on a single entry.2 49 219.C .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0) T Temperature. Temperature sets may be selected for use in a subcase by the TEMPERATURE(LOAD) or TEMPERATURE(BOTH) subcase information entry. 2.} Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) TEMP 3 94 316. 2096 OptiStruct 13. (Real) Comments 1. (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) G Grid point identification number.TEMP Bulk Data Entry TEMP – Grid Point Temperature Field Description Defines temperature at grid points for determination of Thermal Loading and Stress recovery. 4. This card is represented as a temperature load in HyperMesh. In versions of OptiStruct prior to 8. the TEMPERATURE data selector was added to perform this function.0.0 Reference Guide 2097 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . In version 8.0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. thermal loads were selected in the Subcase Information section using the LOAD data selector. It is possible to revert to the old behavior mode by setting the LOADTEMP option to SHAREID in the OptiStruct Configuration File.3. From one to four default temperatures may be defined on a single entry. 2098 OptiStruct 13. (Real) Comments 1.3 (4) Field Contents SID LOAD set identification. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) TEMPD SID T SID T SID T SID T (10) Example (1) (2) (3) TEMPD 1 216. Temperature sets may be selected for use in a subcase by the TEMPERATURE(LOAD) or TEMPERATURE(BOTH) subcase information entry.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) T Default temperature value. 2.TEMPD Bulk Data Entry TEMPD – Grid Point Temperature Field Default Description Defines a temperature value for all grid points of the structural model that have not been given a temperature on a TEMP entry. 4. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. In version 8. the TEMPERATURE data selector was added to perform this function.0. It is possible to revert to the old behavior mode by setting the LOADTEMP option to SHAREID in the OptiStruct Configuration File.3. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 2099 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0. In versions of OptiStruct prior to 8. thermal loads were selected in the Subcase Information section using the LOAD data selector. integer zero or blank for scalar points) U0 Initial displacement.TIC Bulk Data Entry TIC – Transient and Explicit Analysis Initial Condition Description Defines values for the initial conditions of variables used in structural transient analysis and explicit analysis. (Integer > 0) C Component numbers. (Any one of the integers 1 through 6 for grid points. Both displacement and velocity values may be specified at independent degrees-of-freedom. (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) G Grid or scalar point identification number.1 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . See comment 4. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) TIC SID G C U0 V0 (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) TIC 100 10 3 0. 2100 OptiStruct 13.5 Field Contents SID Set identification number. Not applicable in geometric nonlinear analysis. a fatal error message will be issued. 8. and may be used in conjunction with. When SPSYNTAX is set to MIXED. In direct transient analysis. TLOAD1 and/or TLOAD2 bulk data entries. only non-zero values for U0 and V0 are used by the solver. When the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option is set to CHECK (default) or STRICT. The initial conditions for the independent degrees-of-freedom specified by this bulk data entry are distinct from. 5. the grid reference must always be a structural grid (GRID). the initial conditions for the enforced degrees-of-freedom specified by NLOAD1. all initial conditions are assumed to be zero. even if values match.0 Reference Guide 2101 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 6. Initial displacement definition is not applicable in explicit analysis. 4. it is required for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the component be 0 or blank when the grid reference is a scalar point (SPOINT).Field Contents (Real or blank) V0 Initial velocity. 7. When the component is greater than 1. but U0 and V0 may be specified on separate TIC cards. Each degree-of-freedom (grid/component pair: G#/C#) should define a unique value for U0 and/or V0 within any TIC ID set. If U0 is defined. it is allowed for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the grid reference be either a scalar point (SPOINT) or a structural grid point (GRID) when the component is 0. Initial conditions for coordinates not specified on TIC entries will be assumed to be zero. When multiple cards with the same degree-of-freedom are present. interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. wherein the TIC bulk data entry is selected by an IC subcase information command. a fatal error message will be issued. 2. This card is represented as a constraint load in HyperMesh. Transient analysis initial condition sets must be selected with the IC subcase information command. 3. 1 or blank. (Real or blank) Comments 1. When two non-zero values are defined for U0 or for V0 for the same degree-of-freedom. and that the component be > 1 when the grid reference is a structural grid point (GRID). G may reference only grid or scalar points. 9. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. If no TIC set is selected in the Subcase Information section. 0 (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) GSID Grid point set identification number.0 4.TICA Bulk Data Entry TICA – Explicit Analysis Initial Velocity Relative to an Axis Description Defines values for the initial velocity of a set of grids along and about an axis for explicit analysis. (Real) 2102 OptiStruct 13. Default = all grids in the model (blank or Integer > 0) VT Initial velocity along the axis.0 Field Contents SID Set identification number. (6) (7) 0.0 123 0.0 1. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) TIC A SID GSID VT VR GA/XA YA ZA GB/XB (6) (7) YB ZB (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) TIC A 100 10 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Real) GA/ XA. YA. TICA is primarily used for simulating the uniform rotation of a structure about an axis by defining VR and an axis. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the GB field or by entering X. Explicit analysis initial condition sets must be selected with the Subcase Information command IC = SID. and Z coordinates in the XB. Default is the origin of the basic system (Real in all three fields or Integer in first field) GB/ XB. A helical (or spiral) shaped motion can also be achieved by defining VR. YB. 3. Y. 2. These fields define a point. The point may be defined by entering a grid ID in the GA field or by entering X. and ZA fields. Y.0 Reference Guide 2103 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. YB. These fields define the origin of the axis. these coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. and Z coordinates in the XA. and ZB fields. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. No default (Real in all three fields or Integer in first field) Comments 1. It can only be selected in explicit subcases which are defined by an ANALYSIS = NLGEOM subcase entry. ZB Direction of vector for axis definition. The vector goes from the anchor point to this point. ZA Axis origin.Field Contents VR Initial velocity about the axis. VT and an axis. YA. these coordinates will be in the basic coordinate system. TIE Bulk Data Entry TIE – Tied Definition Description Defines a tied contact. See comments 3 and 10.01 N25 Field Contents TID Tied interface identification number. (Integer > 0) SSID Identification number of slave entity. See comment 1. Format (1) (2) (3) TIE TID (4) (5) (6) SSID MSID (7) (8) SRC HDIS ADJUST (7) (8) (9) (10) DISC RET Example (1) (2) TIE 5 (3) (4) (5) 7 8 (6) (9) (10) 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Integer > 0) 2104 OptiStruct 13. See comments 4 and 11. (Integer > 0) MSID Identification number of master entity. or Integer > 0> Default = NO. The assigned depth criterion is used to define the searching zone in the pushout direction (see Comment 7). <NO. Real > 0. Real > 0. only slave nodes that are within SRCHDIS distance from master surface will have contact condition checked. The TIE contact is constructed by searching for each slave node for a respective facet of the master surface. which also belong to this SET will be selected for adjustment.0 Reference Guide 2105 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . AUTO – A real value equal to 5% of the average edge length on the master surface is internally assigned as the depth criterion (see Comment 7).0. TIE contact needs to keep a unique ID from all CONTACT definitions. These slave nodes (with created contact elements) are then adjusted onto the master surface. Default = All slave nodes checked (Real > 0 or blank) ADJUST Adjustment of slave nodes onto the master surface at the start of a simulation. If no master segment with normal projection is found. a tie element is created.0 – Value of the depth criterion which defines the zone in which a search is conducted for slave nodes (for which contact elements have been created). DISCRET Discretization approach type for the construction of contact elements. Having found a feasible master segment for the slave node. 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. NO – no adjustment. When specified. Only the nodes on the slave entity. S2S> Default = N2S. <N2S. N2S – node-to-surface discretization S2S – surface-to-surface discretization Comments (Nonlinear quasi-static analysis) 1.Field Contents SRCHDIS Search distance criterion for creating contact condition. which contains the normal projection of the slave and is within SRCHDIS distance from the slave node. then the nearest segment is picked if the direction from slave to master is within a certain angle (30 degrees) relative to the normal to the master segment. AUTO. Integer > 0 – Identification number of a SET entry with TYPE = “GRID”. For sets of 3D solids. DISCRET = N2S is recommended if the slave entity is a set of grids (nodes) or a set of solid elements. 4. Figure 2: C reation of a contact element (surface-to-surface discretization) 3. internal nodes are not considered. Slave nodes are picked from the respective nodes of the elements in the set. The master entity (MSID) may be defined as: a surface defined using SURF card. 2106 OptiStruct 13. a set of elements (shells or solids) defined using SET card. It may be specified as: a set of grid nodes defined using SET card.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . For a slave node. For 3D solids. The slave entity (SSID) always consists of grid nodes. a surface defined using SURF card (the slave nodes are picked from the respective nodes of the SURF faces). respective facets of the master surface which contain the normal projection of sample points on the slave facet and is within SRCHDIS distance from the sample points. the CONTACT interface is constructed by searching. only nodes on the surface of the solid body are selected. for each facet of the slave surface. a set of elements (shells or solids) defined using SET card.Figure 1: C reation of a TIE element If the surface-to-surface (DISCRET=S2S) discretization approach is selected. a contact element is created with the surrounding slave facets and the master facets found by projection of the sample points on the slave facets (Figure 2). Care must be taken to avoid conflicts between the nodal adjustments. Presently one TIE element is created for each slave node. 7. Figure 3: Special case . If ADJUST is larger than or equal to SRCHDIS. nodal adjustment definitions are processed sequentially in the order of identification numbers of the contact interfaces. Also. it is treated as a change in the initial contact opening/penetration. If DISCRET=S2S is selected. for which contact elements have been created. switching the role of slave and master may be recommended. otherwise. If different contact interfaces involve the same nodes. rotations at the slave node are matched to the rotations of the master patch. In such cases. will be adjusted. all the slave nodes. for which contact elements have been created. However. If a node on the slave entity lies outside the projection zone of the master surface. If DISCRET=N2S is selected. 6. it is treated as a change in the initial model geometry.element faces on the surface are automatically found and selected as master surface. The adjustment of slave nodes doesn’t create any strain in the model. a) The ADJUST field must be set to “NO” for self-contact. The slave nodes in this searching zone.Master surface wraps around a slave node set. a searching zone for adjustment is defined. Alternatively. this may require special handling in some cases. multiple TIE elements can be created in order to cover all possible directions of relative motion (a simplified illustration is shown in Figure 3). will be adjusted. 5. b) If a real value (the searching depth criterion for adjustment) is input for the ADJUST field. such as when a master surface wraps around the slave set. it will always be skipped during adjustment since no contact element has been constructed for it. contact element errors or lack of compliance may occur. TIE element enforces zero relative motion on the contact surface – the contact gap opening remains fixed at the original value and the sliding distance is forced to be zero. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 2107 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . TIE element is created of a same structure as FREEZE CONTACT element. This assures reasonably efficient numerical computations without creating an excessive number of tie elements. The nodes belonging to the grid SET but not to the slave entity will be simply ignored. 8. c) If the ADJUST field is set to an integer value (the identification number of a grid SET entry). 10. the nodes shared by the slave entity and the grid SET will be checked for contact creation. This searching zone is created in the pushout direction up to a distance equal to the value of the ADJUST field. A geometric nonlinear subcase is one that has an ANALYSIS = NLGEOM entry in the subcase definition. The slave nodes within the searching zone (with defined contact elements) are then considered for adjustment based on the rules specified within this comment (Comment 7). TIE is implemented as a Tied Contact in geometric nonlinear subcases.Figure 4: An illustration depicting how ADJUST works. This card is represented as a group in HyperMesh.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . (Geometric nonlinear analysis (ANALYSIS = NLGEOM subcases)) 9. Depth Criterion The depth criterion (A non-negative real value for ADJUST) is used to define the searching zone for adjustment as shown in Figure 4. and then adjusted if a projection is found. It may be specified as: 2108 OptiStruct 13. that is SRCHDIS will be ignored for these nodes. The slave entity (SSID) always consists of grid nodes. 12.0 Reference Guide 2109 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .a set of grid nodes defined using SET card. a set of elements (shells or solids) defined using SET card. 11. The master entity (MSID) may be defined as: a surface defined using SURF card. internal nodes are not considered. a set of elements (shells or solids) defined using SET card. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. only nodes on the surface of the solid body are selected. a surface defined using SURF card (the slave nodes are picked from the respective nodes of the SURF faces). For 3D solids. This card is represented as a group in HyperMesh. Slave nodes are picked from the respective nodes of the elements in the set. It is specified by referencing a predefined TABLEDi entry in the TID field. (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) 2110 OptiStruct 13. (F)t is a user-defined function that defines the time-variant nature of f(t). Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) TLOAD1 SID EXC ITEID DELAY TYPE TID (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) TLOAD1 5 7 (4) (5) (6) LOAD 13 Field Contents SID Set identification number. Where. A defines the amplitude of the dynamic excitation and is referenced by the EXCITEID field.TLOAD1 Bulk Data Entry TLOAD1 – Transient Response Dynamic Excitation.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . f(t) is the time-dependent dynamic load or enforced motion. is the time delay defined in the DELAY field. Form 1 Description Defines a time-dependent dynamic load or enforced motion of the form: for use in transient response analysis. (Integer > 0) DELAY Defines time delay . The type of dynamic excitation is specified by TYPE (field 5) based on the following table: TYPE TYPE of Dynamic Excitation Integer Character 0 L. real or blank) TYPE Defines the type of the dynamic excitation. then it directly defines the value of that will be used for all degrees-of-freedom that are excited by this dynamic load entry. 2. or ACCE Altair Engineering Enforced displacement or temperature. VEL.Field Contents EXCITEID Identification number of the DAREA. LO. PLOADx. or Enforced velocity. VE. RFORCE. (Integer > 0. If it is a non-zero integer. Dynamic excitation sets must be selected with the subcase information command DLOAD=SID. AC. If it is real. See comments 2 and 3.0 Reference Guide 2111 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . LOA. QBDY1 or GRAV entry set that defines {A}. OptiStruct 13. or DISP 2 V. FORCEx. Enforced acceleration. DIS. character or blank. See comments 2 and 3. or Applied load (force or moment) LOAD (Default) 1 D. See comment 7. (Integer > 0) Comments 1. MOMENTx. ACC. Default = 0) TID Identification number of TABLEDi entry that gives F(t). SPCD. it represents the identification number of DELAY bulk data entry that defines . EXCITEID references SPC/SPCD data. EXCITEID references SPC/SPCD data. QVOL. DI. VELO 3 A. (Integer. EXCITEID references SPC/SPCD data. PLOAD. TYPE (field 5) also determines the manner in which EXCITEID (field 3) is used by the program as described below. MOMENTx. TYPE = 1 must be specified if the EXCITEID field references SPCD data used in transient heat transfer analysis to define time-dependent thermal boundary conditions. and RLOAD2 entries. If TLOAD1 entries are selected for Fourier analysis. 2112 OptiStruct 13. 4. When EXCITEID refers to an SPCD entry. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. Then the analysis is performed as a frequency response analysis. then the time-dependent loads on the TLOAD1 entries are transformed to the frequency domain. TLOAD2. 6. If DELAY is blank or zero. QVOL or QBDY1 entries.3. TLOAD1 loads may be combined with TLOAD2 loads only by specification on a DLOAD entry. Excitation specified by TYPE is applied load. the modal space will be augmented with displacement vector(s) from linear static analysis with unit prescribed displacement at each of the SPCD degrees-of-freedom. SID must be unique for all TLOAD1. RLOAD1. 7. FORCEx.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . EXCITEID cannot reference the LOAD and LOADADD bulk data entries. The EXCITEID must reference DAREA. Excitation specified by TYPE is enforced motion. but the solution and the output are converted to and printed in the time domain. That is. 5. GRAV. The EXCITEID must reference SPC/SPCD entries. 9. the SID on a TLOAD1 entry may not be the same as that on a TLOAD2 entry. RFORCE. 8. will be zero. TLOAD2 Bulk Data Entry TLOAD2 – Transient Response Dynamic Excitation. C. is the time-dependent dynamic load or enforced motion. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) TLOAD2 SID EXC ITEID DELAY TYPE T1 T2 F P C B (10) Example (1) (2) (3) TLOAD2 4 10 Altair Engineering (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 2. and are the growth coefficient. T1 and T2 are time constants defined in the T1 and T2 fields.0 (9) (10) OptiStruct 13. is the time delay defined in the DELAY field. F and P fields.1 4. Where. A defines the amplitude of the dynamic excitation and is referenced by the EXCITEID field. frequency and phase angle respectively and are defined in the corresponding B. exponential coefficient.7 12. B. C.0 Reference Guide 2113 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . where . Form 2 Description Defines a time-dependent dynamic excitation or enforced motion of the form: for use in a transient response analysis. 2. Default = 0. RFORCE. If it is real. (Real > 0. T2>T1) F Frequency in cycles per unit time. See comments 2 and 3.0) P Phase angle in degrees. then it directly defines the value of that will be used for all degrees-of-freedom that are excited by this dynamic load entry. real or blank) TYPE Defines the type of the dynamic excitation. (Real. FORCEx.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . See comment 4. MOMENTx. (Integer. See comments 2 and 3. (Integer > 0) EXCITEID Identification number of the DAREA. (Integer > 0) DELAY Defines time delay .0) C Exponential coefficient.0. PLOADx. SPCD. character or blank. (Real. it represents the identification number of DELAY bulk data entry that defines .0 Field Contents SID Set identification number. 2114 OptiStruct 13. (Integer > 0. Default = 0) T1 Time constant. (Real > 0.0) T2 Time constant. Default = 0. QVOL. If it is a non-zero integer. QBDY1 or GRAV entry set that defines {A}. 0) B Growth coefficient. If the type of dynamic excitation specified by TYPE is enforced motion. LO. ACC. Default = 0. EXCITEID references SPC/SPCD data. or VELO Enforced velocity. EXCITEID references SPC/SPCD data. VEL. EXCITEID references SPC/SPCD data. TYPE = 1 must be specified if the EXCITEID field references SPCD data used in transient heat transfer analysis to define time-dependent thermal boundary conditions 4. AC. RFORCE. the SID on a TLOAD1 entry may not be the same as that on a TLOAD2 entry. That is. The type of dynamic excitation is specified by TYPE (field 5) based on the following table: TYPE TYPE of Dynamic Excitation Integer 0 3. or DISP Enforced displacement or temperature. or ACCE Enforced acceleration. TLOAD1 loads may be combined with TLOAD2 loads only by specification on a DLOAD entry. DI. (Real. or LOAD Applied load (force or moment) 1 D. VE. then EXCITEID must reference DAREA. 5. Default = 0. 2 V. 3 A. (Default) TYPE (field 5) also determines the manner in which EXCITEID (field 3) is used by the program as described below. GRAV.0 Reference Guide 2115 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . PLOAD. Altair Engineering will be zero.Field Contents (Real. Character L. Dynamic excitation sets must be selected with the subcase information command with DLOAD=SID. FORCEx. QVOL or QBDY1 entries. 2.0) Comments 1. then EXCITEID must reference SPC/SPCD entries. If the type of dynamic excitation specified by TYPE is applied load. DIS. MOMENTx. If DELAY is blank or zero. LOA. OptiStruct 13. The continuation entry is optional. the modal space will be augmented with displacement vector(s) from linear static analysis with unit prescribed displacement at each of the SPCD degrees-of-freedom. 10. 8. RLOAD1. SID must be unique for all TLOAD1.6. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. When EXCITEID refers to an SPCD entry. and RLOAD2 entries. TLOAD2. 2116 OptiStruct 13. EXCITEID cannot reference the LOAD and LOADADD bulk data entries. 9. 7.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . TLOAD2 entries cannot be used with Fourier analysis. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) No default (Integer > 0) N# Number of time steps of value DT#. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) TSTEP SID N1 DT1 N01 W3.0 Reference Guide 2117 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .001 5 9 0.1 W4. No default (Integer > 1) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.2 W4.2 (9) (10) -etc.TSTEP Bulk Data Entry TSTEP – Transient Time Step Description Defines time step intervals at which a solution will be generated and output in transient analysis.1 N2 DT2 N02 W3.01 1 Field Contents SID Set identification number.- Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) TSTEP 2 10 . 2.Field Contents DT# Time increment. No default (Real > 0.0. See comment 3. . See the Reference Guide entries for PARAM. . 2118 OptiStruct 13.005.03. Every N0i-th step will be saved for output.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . used for the conversion of element structural damping into equivalent viscous damping.W4 for more details. or blank) Comments 1. followed by 9 time steps of value . or blank) W4. Default = blank (Real > 0. Note that the entry permits changes in the size of the time step during the course of the solution. W4 definition. there are 10 time steps of value . you have requested that the output be recorded for t = 0. 3.# The frequency of interest in radians per unit time.W3 and PARAM. .02. Default = blank (Real > 0. W3 and W4 define frequencies used in transient analyses to convert structural damping to equivalent viscous damping.001. used for the conversion of overall structural damping into equivalent viscous damping. Different values for W3 and W4 may be set for each set of time increments. W3 or PARAM. 4.0. See comment 3. 5.0. . and so on. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. Default = 1 (Integer > 0) W3. in the example shown.01.01.0) N0# Skip factor for output. in the case of this example.# The frequency of interest in radians per unit time. TSTEP entries must be selected with the Subcase Iinformation command TSTEP = SID. If any of the fields are left blank then the value is taken from the PARAM. Thus. Also. No default (Integer > 0) DT Initial time step. No default (Real > 0) KSTEP Number of iterations before stiffness update. See comment 3. No default (Integer > 0) NDT Number of implicit load sub-increments.01 Field Contents ID Each TSTEPNL bulk data card must have a unique ID.0 Reference Guide 2119 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.TSTEPNL Bulk Data Entry TSTEPNL – Parameters for Geometric Nonlinear Implicit Dynamic Analysis Control Description Defines parameters for geometric nonlinear implicit dynamic analysis strategy. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) TSTEPNL ID NDT DT KSTEP C ONV EPSU EPSP EPSW MAXLS LSTOL Example (1) (2) TSTEPNL 99 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 0. 0) EPSW Error tolerance for work (W) criterion.0E-2 (Real > 0. P and W) EPSU Error tolerance for displacement (U) criterion. 3. Default = 1. it is recommended to reduce KSTEP 2120 OptiStruct 13.0) MAXLS Maximum number of line searches allowed for each iteration. Each subcase for which nonlinear implicit dynamic analysis is desired requires a TSTEPNL command. The solution method for geometric nonlinear implicit dynamic analysis (ANALYSIS = IMPDYN) is modified or Quasi-Newton. Default = UPW (Any combination of U. Defaults will be used if TSTEPNX is not present.0) EPSP Error tolerance for load (P) criterion. Default = 1. 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The frequency of stiffness matrix updates is controlled by KSTEP.0E-3 (Real > 0.0E-2 (Real > 0. Default = 1. For highly nonlinear problems. Additional control for geometric nonlinear implicit dynamic solution schemes (ANALYSIS = IMPDYN) can be defined using TSTEPNX bulk data entry.0) Comments 1. Default = 1.0E-3 (Real > 0. The TSTEPNL bulk data entry is selected by the Subcase Information command TSTEPNL = option.Field Contents Default = 6 for BCS solver Default = 3 for PCG solver (Integer > 0) CONV Flags to select implicit convergence criteria. Default = 20 (Integer > 0) LSTOL Line search tolerance. 5.for better performance. The time integration scheme for implicit transient is defined on TSTEPNX. is defined by a TTERM subcase entry or computed from TTERM = NDT*DT. 4. The initial implicit time step is DT. 6. TTERM. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. KSTEP = 1 means full Newton.0 Reference Guide 2121 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. For more information about geometric nonlinear analysis. TTERM takes precedence. The default method is α-HHT. refer to the Geometric Nonlinear Analysis section. Termination time. All subsequent time steps will be determined automatically. 1 NEWT (3) ARC (4) 1.TSTEPNX Bulk Data Entry TSTEPNX – Optional Parameters for Geometric Nonlinear Implicit Dynamic Analysis Control Description Defines additional parameters for geometric nonlinear implicit dynamic analysis. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) TSTEPNX ID TA0 DTA DTTH NPRINT RFILE SOLV TSC TRL DTMIN DTMAX LSMETH RREFIF DYNA ALFA BETA GAMA SMDISP ITW DTSC I LDTN DTSC D LARC (8) (9) (10) NC YC LE FIXTID/ TOUT Example 1 (1) (2) TSTEPNL 99 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .01 Example 2 (1) (2) TSTEPNL 99 0.e-4 0.1 2122 OptiStruct 13.01 TSTEPNX 99 0. If zero.01 TSTEPNX (4) 3 (7) (8) (9) (10) PW 0. to .out file.1*DT (Real > 0) NPRINT Print every NPRINT iterations. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.1 ARC NEWM 1. Default = 0. Default = -1 (Integer) RFILE Cycle frequency to write restart file for nonlinear iteration.Example 3 (1) (2) TSTEPNL 99 (3) 99 NEWT (5) (6) 0. no output (See comment 3). Default = DT (Real > 0) DTTH Output time step for time history files.e-4 0.25 0. If negative.0 Reference Guide 2123 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .01 0.5 Field Contents ID Identification number of an associated TSTEPNL entry.1 0. Default = 0. only to . If zero. No default (Integer > 0) TA0 Start time for writing animation files.out and standard output.01 0. no output (See comment 3). if positive.0 (Real > 0) DTA Output time step for animation files. The run will be terminated according to DTMIN and NCYCLE. Default = NEWT (Character = NEWT. the time step will be repeated with half the step size. except for the first contact. If DTMIN is reached.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 5) 0 1 2 3 4 – – – – Aggressive (modified entirely by the out-of-balance value). No change. A warning will be issued. …. Default = ENERGY (Character = NONE. The time step is determined by displacement norm control (arc-length). NONE – No time step control.Field Contents Default = 5000 (Integer > 0) SOLV Geometric nonlinear implicit solution method. NEWT – Modified Newton. or AUTO) RREFIF Special residual force computation with contact interfaces present. ENERGY. or BFGS) TSCTRL Time step control. Light (modified each time with 20% maximum). BFGS – BFGS quasi-Newton method. 2124 OptiStruct 13. ARC – Arc-length is used to accelerate and control the convergence. In the case of divergence. Default = 1e-5*DT (Real > 0) DTMAX Maximum geometric nonlinear implicit time step from which time step is set constant (See comment 3). Average (modified each time with 200% maximum). FORCE. simulation will be terminated (See comment 3). Default = 3*DT (Real > 0) LSMETH Line search method. Default = ARC (Character) DTMIN Minimum geometric nonlinear implicit time step. – No change. SIMP – Simple time step control. Default = no special treatment (Integer = 0. Field Contents 5 NCYCLE – Modified automatically (for imposed displacement only). Default = 0. (Integer > 0) TOUT The method to determine the fixed time point.5) GAMA Parameter in general Newmark method (DYNA = NEWM). NCYCLE = 0 means no limit.05 (Real.5 (Real.25 (Real. Default = no limit (Integer > 0) FIXTID Identification number of a TABLEDi entry.5) SMDISP Perform small displacement and rotation analysis instead of geometric nonlinear analysis. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. NEWM – General Newmark method.0) BETA Parameter in general Newmark method (DYNA = NEWM). HHT – α-HHT method. The x values of the table define fixed time points that the automatic time step control will adhere to. If reached. Default = HHT (Character = HHT or NEWM) ALFA Parameter in α-HHT Method (DYNA = HHT).The time points in all TABLEDi that are referenced by NLOAD1 in one subcase.0 Reference Guide 2125 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . YES overwrites this definition. Maximum number of time steps. Default = AUTO (AUTO or NLOAD) DYNA Implicit transient solution methods. solution will be terminated. Default = 0. AUTO – Fully automatic time step control. NLOAD . Default = -0. -2 * BETA < GAMA < 0. SMDISP. PARAM. -1/3 < ALFA < 0. -2 * BETA < GAMA < 0. OFF – Geometric nonlinear analysis. It is only used in geometric nonlinear implicit dynamic analysis (ANALYSIS = IMPDYN). The frequency of stiffness matrix updates is controlled by TSTEPNL.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . the next time step will be increased by a factor controlled by DTSCI. KSTEP. SIMP). it is ignored in other analyses. it is recommended to reduce KSTEP for better performance. Default = 1. The TSTEPNX bulk data entry is selected by the Subcase Information command TSTEP = option. Default = OFF (Character = ON.Field Contents ON – Small displacements and small rotations analysis. The solution method for geometric nonlinear implicit analysis is selected by SOLV. For highly nonlinear problems. OFF) ITW If the solution of a time step converges within ITW iterations. 3. The initial time step DTINI = DT is defined by TSTEPNL. There must also be a TSTEPNL bulk data entry with the same ID. Default = 20 for TSCTRL = ARC Default = 15 for TSCTRL = SIMP (Integer > 0) DTSCD Scale factor for decreasing the time step (TSCTRL = ARC. 2. Default = 6 for TSCTRL = ARC Default = 2 for TSCTRL = SIMP (Integer > 0) DTSCI Maximum scale factor for increasing the time step (TSCTRL = ARC). Default = 0. Default = automatic computation (Real) Comments 1. 2126 OptiStruct 13.1 (Real > 0) LDTN Maximum number of iterations before resetting and decreasing the time step by a factor of DTSCD. KSTEP = 1 means full Newton.67 (Real > 0) LARC Input arc-length for TSCTRL = ARC. Scale factor for TSCTRL = SIMP. For more information about geometric nonlinear analysis.0 Reference Guide 2127 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 5. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh.4. refer to the Geometric Nonlinear Analysis section. 3 45. (No default) 2128 OptiStruct 13.0 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) UNBALNC SID MASS GRID X1 X2 X3 ROFFSET THETA ZOFFSET FON FOFF (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) UNBALNC 200 1.0 0.UNBALNC Bulk Data Entry UNBALNC – Unbalanced Load (Rotor Dynamics) Description This entry defines the unbalanced rotating load during a rotor dynamic analysis in Frequency Response solution sequences.2 3103 1.0 0.1 2 110 Argument Options SID <Integer > 0> (8) (9) (10) Description setid Set identification number.0 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . No default MASS <Integer > 0/Real> Defines the magnitude of unbalanced mass (see comment 4). The unbalanced load is specified in a cylindrical system where the rotor rotation axis is the Z-axis. X3 <Real> Components of a vector that are used to define a cylindrical coordinate system centered at “GRID”. This field defines the distance by which the unbalanced mass is offset in the Z OptiStruct 13. No default X1.0 <Real> If an integer value (must be greater than 0) is input. and X3. it references the identification number of a TABLEDi entry that specifies the offset values as a function of frequency (see comment 4). Figure 1). The vector components are defined from “GRID” in the displacement coordinate system of the grid point at “GRID” (see comment 6). X2.0 <Real> Altair Engineering If an integer value (must be greater than 0) is input. <Integer > 0/Real> <Integer > 0> Default = 0.Argument Options GRID <Integer> Description Grid Point identification number of node at which the unbalanced load is applied. If a real number is input.0 ZOFFSET Angular position (in degrees) of the unbalanced mass in the cylindrical coordinate system defined by X1. X2. No default ROFFSET <Integer > 0/Real> <Integer > 0> Default = 1. the offset value is considered constant. THETA <Real> Default = 0.0 Reference Guide 2129 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . it references the identification number of a TABLEDi entry that specifies the offset values as a function of frequency (see comment 4). This field defines the distance by which the unbalanced mass is offset in the X-Y plane perpendicular to the Z direction (spin axis. 0 Comments 1. 3. Each UNBALNC bulk data entry must have a unique SID. If a real number is input.Argument Options Description direction (spin axis. The magnitude of separation between the rotating axis and the unbalanced mass (ZOFFSET and ROFFSET fields on the UNBALNC entry).0 F OFF <Real > 0> This field defines the stopping (final) frequency at which the unbalanced load is applied (see comment 5). The angular spin speed of the rotor (specific fields on the RGYRO and RSPINR bulk data entries). Figure 1). the UNBALNC bulk data entry is referenced by a DLOAD Subcase Information entry. F ON <Real > 0> This field defines the starting frequency at which the unbalanced load is applied (see comment 5). 2130 OptiStruct 13. Currently. ZOFFSET field: Each entry in the TABLEDi entry specifies the distance by which the unbalanced mass is offset in the Z direction (axis of rotation of the rotor). the offset value is considered constant. For frequency response analysis. Default = 999999. 2. 4. ROFFSET field: Each entry in the TABLEDi entry specifies the distance by which the unbalanced mass is offset in the X-Y plane (perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the rotor). Default = 0. models containing multiple UNBALNC bulk data entries with the same set identification number (SID) are not supported.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . An unbalanced load on the rotating system is generated as a consequence of these three factors: Unbalanced mass of the system (rotor) about its axis of rotation (MASS field on the UNBALNC entry). Its angular position is measured from the plane defined by both the Z-axis and the vector (X1. The rotation of the unbalanced load occurs in the positive Z direction. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The rotation of the unbalanced load occurs in the positive Z direction which is defined by GRIDA and GRIDB on the RSPINR bulk data entry.5. and X3) with THETA=0. X2. The initial position of the unbalanced mass and the direction of its subsequent rotation are defined with respect to a cylindrical coordinate system.0 Reference Guide 2131 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 being the direction of the vector (X1. 6. X2. and X3) itself. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) USET SNAME G1 C1 G2 C2 G3 C3 (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) USET U6 564 4 765 1456 8 5 Field Contents SNAME Set name (9) (10) (Character. only U6. (Integer zero or blank for scalar points. No default (Integer > 0) Ci Component numbers.) 2132 OptiStruct 13. ZEROU6 are allowed) Gi Grid or scalar point identification numbers.USET Bulk Data Entry USET – Set of Degrees-of-Freedom for Residual Vector Calculation Description Defines a set of degrees-of-freedom. The components refer to the coordinate system referenced by the grid points. or up to 6 unique digits (0 < integer < 6) may be placed in the field with no embedded blanks for grid points. A maximum of 18 degrees-of-freedom can be defined on one USET entry. If the AMSES or AMLS eigensolvers are used. USET will be ignored. 1 or blank. PUNCH. When the component is greater than 1. the USET residual vectors are always calculated if the AMSES and AMLS eigensolvers are used.Comments 1. 5. The residual vectors are then exported together with the eigenvectors to the H3D. When the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option is set to CHECK (default) or STRICT. If SNAME is not U6 or ZEROU6. the grid reference must always be a structural grid (GRID). This card is represented as a constraint load in HyperMesh. PUNCH. the stress state for each mode is output to the H3D. 3. the residual vectors will always be created. 6. 7. and that the component be > 1 when the grid reference is a structural grid point (GRID). and are not calculated if the Lanczos eigensolver is used. The residual vectors are calculated using the unit load method. 8. and OUTPUT2 files. then the degrees-of-freedom are omitted from the set. it is required for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the component be 0 or blank when the grid reference is a scalar point (SPOINT). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 2. For normal modes analysis with the Lanczos eigensolver. the case control command RESVEC=YES must be used to create residual vectors based on the USET DOF . When SPSYNTAX is set to MIXED. If SNAME=ZEROU6. it is allowed for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the grid reference be either a scalar point (SPOINT) or a structural grid point (GRID) when the component is 0. 4.0 Reference Guide 2133 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . and OUTPUT files. For modal frequency response and modal transient analysis. interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. If stress output is requested. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) USET1 SNAME C G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 -etc. Alternate Form Description Defines a set of degrees-of-freedom. ZEROU6 are allowed) 2134 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . only U6.- (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) USET1 U6 123 34 88 4 12 19 7 1234 65 (10) Alternate Format and Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) USET1 SNAME C G1 “THRU” G2 USET1 U6 123456 88 THRU 207 Field Contents SNAME Set name (7) (8) (9) (10) (Character.USET1 Bulk Data Entry USET1 – Set of Degrees-of-Freedom for Residual Vector Calculation. the stress state for each mode is output to the H3D. but there must be at least one boundary degree-of-freedom for the model or a fatal error will result. but will otherwise be ignored. When the SPSYNTAX setting on the SYSSETTING I/O option is set to CHECK (default) or MIXED. The components refer to the coordinate system referenced by the grid points. 2. the grid references must always be a structural grid (GRID). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 3. USET1 will be ignored. PUNCH. For normal modes analysis with the Lanczos eigensolver. For modal frequency response and modal transient analysis. and OUTPUT2 files. the residual vectors will always be created. and that the component be > 1 when the grid references are to structural grid points (GRID). all points in the sequence G1 through G2 are not required to exist. If the alternate format is used. interpreting all of these as 0 for scalar points and as 1 for structural grids. If SNAME is not U6 or ZEROU6. When the component is greater than 1. 1 or blank. 8. (Integer zero or blank for scalar points. and are never calculated if the Lanczos eigensolver is used. 5. 6. This card is represented as a constraint load in HyperMesh. If the AMSES or AMLS eigensolvers are used. the USET1 residual vectors are always calculated if the AMSES and AMLS eigensolvers are used. When SPSYNTAX is set to STRICT it is required for grid/component pairs (G#/C#) that the component be 0 or blank when the grid references are to scalar points (SPOINT). 7. the case control command RESVEC=YES must be used to create residual vectors based on the USET1 DOF. (Integer > 0. 4.) Gi Grid or scalar point identification numbers. PUNCH. G1 < G2) Comments 1. USET1 is applied to normal modes analysis subcases that have the case control RESVEC=YES specified. then the degrees-of-freedom are omitted from the set. The residual vectors are then exported together with the eigenvectors to the H3D. and OUTPUT files. for THRU option. it is allowed that when grid lists are provided for a given component. Any grids implied in the THRU that do not exist will collectively produce a warning message. If SNAME=ZEROU6. In such cases. residual vectors are calculated using the unit load method. If stress output is requested.Field Contents C Component number. that the grid references be either scalar points (SPOINT) or structural grid points (GRID) when the component is 0. or up to 6 unique digits (0 < integer < 6) may be placed in the field with no embedded blanks for grid points. The residual vectors are calculated using the unit load method.0 Reference Guide 2135 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . (Real > 0) BETA Factor for the mass matrix contribution.0 1.0 (6) Field Contents DID Unique damping identification number. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) XDAMP DID GSID ALFA BETA (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) XDAMP 100 34 3. Damping is applied to the grid points in this set.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = all grids in the model (blank or Integer > 0) ALFA Factor for the stiffness matrix contribution. (7) (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) GSID Grid set identification number.XDAMP Bulk Data Entry XDAMP – Raleigh Damping for Geometric Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis Description Defines values for Raleigh damping for geometric nonlinear dynamic analysis. (Real > 0) 2136 OptiStruct 13. Comments 1. Rayleigh damping is applied to all geometric nonlinear dynamic analysis subcases. implicit and explicit. XDAMP and PARAM W3/G are mutually exclusive. 4. Grid sets in all XDAMP statements must contain unique sets of grid points. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. This card is represented as an interface in HyperMesh. 5. 3. In implicit dynamic analysis damping is applied to all grid points and GSID is ignored. The viscous damping matrix B is calculated from the mass matrix M and stiffness matrix K using: B = ALFA * M + BETA * K 6. Multiple XDAMP is not allowed in implicit dynamic analysis. 2.0 Reference Guide 2137 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . It is ignored in all other subcases. (Integer > 0) Comments 1. (10) Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) XHISADD 101 2 3 1 6 4 Field Contents SID Set identification number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .XHISADD Bulk Data Entry XHISADD – Time History Output Combination for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines a time history output set as a union of time history outputs defined via XHIST entries. Multipoint constraint sets must be selected with the Subcase Information command XHIST=SID. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) XHISADD SID S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 etc. (8) (9) (10) (Integer > 0) Sj Set identification numbers of time history output defined via XHIST entries. 2138 OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide 2139 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. XHISADD entries take precedence over XHIST entries. only the XHISADD entry will be used. 4. 3. If both have the same SID. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The Sj must be unique and may not be the identification number of a rigid wall set defined by another XHISADD entry.2. .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering ... ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID5 ID6 ID7 ID8 .XHIST Bulk Data Entry XHIST – Time History Output Request for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines the time history output request for geometric nonlinear analysis.. Format (1) (2) (3) XHIST SID (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) LABEL FILE TYPE C ID DTTHM DATA VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 VAR4 VAR5 VAR6 VAR7 VAR8 . ENTRY Example (1) (2) XHIST 100 (3) (4) (5) AY (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) GRID DATA DEF AX ENTRY 345 6687 2140 OptiStruct 13. Details on the output requests can be found in Table 2. It can only be selected in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by an ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. instead of requesting DEF each value can be requested individually. IDi Entry identifier for TYPE. and I. C…. However. (Integer > 0) Comments 1. and IDi. Table 1 below gives the definitions of TYPE.0 Reference Guide 2141 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .x:blank or a-i). (Character according to table) CID Frame coordinate system identification. Once it is specified. or blank) TYPE Entity type. TSTEPNX and XSTEP to control the output time step of history file specified by FILE in this card. (Integer > 0) DTTHM Output time step for time history files. IMPDYN or EXPDYN subcase entry. VARi Output data label. The notation DEF (DX. See table 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 2.Field Contents SID Set identification number. DATA DATA flag indicating that data labels follow. VZ) means that if DEF is selected. VY. (Character) ENTRY ENTRY flag indicating that a list of identifiers is following. (Integer > 0) LABEL (Character or blank) FILE Creation of different time history files runnameTnnx(n:0-1. it will overwrite DTTH on NLPARMX. If no DATA is specified. VX. the default is VAR1 = DEF. B. DY. DZ. See table 1. See table 1. (Characters – A. all six values following in parenthesis are written at once. VARi. XHIST sets must be selected with the Subcase Information command XHIST = SID or by XHISADD. RIE.3. VX. V (VX. OFF = 2 – Element active using small strain. 6. M2. ZZMOM. VZ). SYZ. LSXZ). IEM. IZZ. REACZ. SXY. SYZ. the only variables output in time history are the variables declared in the last option which refers to the property. 8. EPSXZ. DAM2. IXX. DY. EMIN. LSYZ. EMAX. DZ. SH2. EPSXX. SY. If an output coordinate system GRID. ZCG. K12). relative linear and angular accelerations of the node with respect to the frame are output. LOCSTRS (LSX. XMOM. relative displacement. Q2. VY. IYZ. displacement. 7. ARZ). RKERB. DZ). M12). SXZ). EPSZZ. The OFF element status information works as follows: OFF = 0 – Element deleted. AZ). K2. IYY. LSXY. REACYY. IZX. In this case. EMAX) Element ID SOLID DEF (SX . DY. PLAS (EMIN. F12. DENS. REACZZ Grid ID PROP DEF (IE. KE. YMOM. XXMOM. DAM3. EPSYY. HE). XCG. REACXX. SZ. D (DX. DAM5. EPSYZ Element ID 2142 OptiStruct 13. REACX. Q1. PLAS. BULK. CD is specified: coordinates. A property cannot be in several time history groups. IXY. SH1. LSZ. SXZ. VY. OFF). Global results are always written. YYMOM. 4. KERB. It is not possible to have the same grid point several times in the same GRID group. K1. VZ). A (AX. OFF = 1 – Element active. OFF). If a reference frame is specified: local coordinates. LSY. linear and angular accelerations of the grid are projected to that system. F2. STRAIN (E1. F2. DAM4. STRESS (F1. Y. REACY. SXY. VOL. Z). ARY. relative linear and angular velocities. ZMOM. OFF = -1 – Element is sleeping (turned rigid). linear and angular velocities. VRZ) AR (ARX. E12. IE. M2. F12. YCG. XYZ (X. RKE Property ID SHELL DEF (F1. E2. 5. TEMP. SY.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . STRESS (SX. VRY. OptiStruct provides an error message in such cases. SZ. VR (VRX. MASS. M12. M1. Table 1: Output Requests TYPE VARi IDi GRID DEF (DX. M1. EPSXY. DAMA. AY. IEB. DAM1. FTY. MY. OFF). MZ). CZ) SPRING. MX. FTY. FT (FTX. FTY. XSECT M (MX. OFF) Element ID BEAM. FTY. but not spring rotational internal energy. FTY. BAR DEF (F1. MZ) Contact ID SECT DEF (FNX. M (MX. FTX. FTZ). M1. FNZ. FY. M3). FNZ). M3. LOCAL (F1. FNY. MY. IE. FT (FTX. FNY. GLOBAL (FNX. FNZ. Global internal energy includes all material internal energy and global spring internal energy. MZ). FNZ). FTX. EFW External forces work. F2. RY. FZ. FNZ). F2. FN (FNX. FNY. F3. MY. FTY.TYPE VARi IDi RWALL DEF (FNX. FTX. FTZ). FTZ). SIE Spring internal energy. IE) Element ID Table 2: Output Request Descriptions Type Output Data Label Description and Remarks Global IE Internal energy. HE Hourglass energy. FNZ. M. M2. FTY. MY. FN (FNX. Load set ID of M3). RX. CY. M2. FTZ. FTX. MZ. LY. FT (FTX. MX. IE. FNY. RKE Rotational kinetic energy. FNZ. M1. RZ. FTZ. CENTER (CX. LX. FNY. FTZ) Load set ID of RWALL CONTCT DEF (FNX. BUSH DEF (FX. TE Energy sum IE + KE. CE Contact energy. FNY. M1 Element ID ROD DEF(F. LZ. FNY. M2. FN (FNX.0 Reference Guide 2143 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . FTZ). KE Kinetic energy. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. F3. YYMOM. VZ Velocity components. 2144 OptiStruct 13. HE Hourglass energy. VX. AX. REACYY. AY. ZMOM Momentum. YMOM. VZ Velocities. X. KE Kinetic energy. DTE Delta energy TTE . VRX. TTE Total energy sum IE + KE + RKE + CE + HE. XXMOM. REACZ Reaction force components REACXX. XMOM. REACX. ARX.EFW. VRY. XMOM. DX. TER DTE_REL GRID PROP VX. Z Coordinates. ZZMOM Rotational momentum components. VRZ Angular velocity components. YCG.Type Output Data Label Description and Remarks RTE Total rotational energy IE + KE + RKE. REACY. ARY. DY. VY. VY. REACZZ Reaction moment components IE Internal energy.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . DT Time step. DZ Displacement components. ARZ Angular acceleration components. Y. ZMOM Momentum components. YMOM. AY Acceleration components. ZCG Center of gravity. XCG. 12. E12 Stress in direction 1. IEM. Altair Engineering Only ISOLID = 1. DENS Density. See comment 8. BULK Bulk viscosity. M12 Moments per unit length per thickness square in direction 1. SYZ. LSYZ. M2. K12 Curvature in direction 1. SZ. RKE Rotational kinetic energy. EMIN. K2. 12. SH2 Shear strain in direction 1. IZZ. 2. E1.Type SHELL Output Data Label Description and Remarks IXX. OFF Element status. F1. F12 Stress in direction 1. 2. SXY. 2. SH1. LSZ. 2. RIE Shear internal energy. 12. RKERB Translational and rotational rigid body energy. M1. IE Internal energy. K1. IYZ. IEB Internal membrane and bending energy. KERB. F2. 2. IZX Inertia matrix components. SOLID THIC Thickness. LSXZ Local stress tensor components. 2. E2. IYY. LSX. LSY. 12. SXZ Stress tensor components. 23. LSXY. EMAX Minimum. 12 OptiStruct 13. IXY.0 Reference Guide 2145 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . maximum equivalent plastic strain. Q1. SY. Q2 Mean stress in direction 13. SX . SECT FNX. LY.Type Output Data Label Description and Remarks VOL Volume. CONTCT FNX. F3. OFF Element status. FX. BUSH BEAM. MY. OFF Element status. MX. LZ Elongation. F1. See comment 8. Only MATX02. F2. FNY. FNY. FTY. M1. M3 Forces and moments in element coordinates IE Internal energy OFF Element status SPRING. FNZ. RY. RX. CX. BAR 2146 OptiStruct 13. MY. IE Internal energy. FTY. M1. RZ Rotation. FNY. FTX. F2. F1. F3. MX. M2. FTX. PLAS Plastic strain. MZ Moment components. MZ Forces and moment components. FTZ Normal and tangential force components. M2. CZ Center of the section. MZ Moment components. FY. TEMP Temperature. FTY. FTZ Normal and tangential force components. FNZ. M3 Forces and moments in section coordinates. FTZ Normal and tangential force components. RWALL FNX. FNZ. FTX. MX. FZ. LX.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . MY. CY. 0 Reference Guide 2147 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Type Output Data Label Description and Remarks ROD F Axial force M Torsional moment IE Internal energy Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 3 . 2148 OptiStruct 13. ISH3N Flag for 3-node shell element formulation. 4 . (8) (9) (10) Default = 24 (Integer) 1 .QEPH shell formulation. 2 . visco-elastic hourglass without orthogonality (Hallquist).Q4 with improved type 1 formulation (orthogonalization for warped elements). elastic-plastic hourglass with orthogonality.QBAT or DKT18 shell formulation.XSHLPRM Bulk Data Entry XSHLPRM – Default Definition for Shell Element Properties for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines default shell element parameters for geometric nonlinear analysis. 24 .Q4.Q4. visco-elastic hourglass modes orthogonal to deformation and rigid modes (Belytschko). Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) XSHLPRM ISHELL ISH3N ISMSTR ITHIC K IPLAS NIP IDRIL (10) Example (1) (2) XSHLPRM 14 (3) (4) (5) 2 (6) (7) NEWT 5 Field Contents ISHELL Flag for 4-node shell element formulation. 12 .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Q4. Thickness is constant. NEWT . 30 . and MATX36 only).Standard triangle (C0) with modification for large rotation. IPLAS Flag for shell plane stress plasticity (MATX2. ISMSTR Flag for shell small strain formulation.Full geometric non-linearity with optional small strain formulation activation by time step. Default = 5 (Integer 0 < N < 10) IDRIL Flag for drilling degree of freedom stiffness.Iterative projection with 3 Newton iterations.Old small strain formulation (only compatible with ISHELL =2).Radial return.DKT_S3. Default = NEWT (RAD or NEWT) RAD .DKT18.Standard triangle (C0). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 2 . VAR . 31 . 4 . NIP = 0 defines global integration. 2 . NIP Number of integration points through the thickness.Thickness change is taken into account. MATX27. Default = VAR (CONST or VAR) CONST .Field Contents Default = 2 (Integer) 1 . ITHICK Flag for shell resultant stresses calculation.0 Reference Guide 2149 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Default = 2 (Integer) 1 .Small strain from time =0 (new formulation compatible with all other formulation flags). 3 .Full geometric non-linearity (Time step limit has no effect). For MATX2. or EXPDYN. default = 0 (Integer) 0 = No 1 = Yes Comments 1. 4. membrane only behavior happens if NIP = 1. QEPH: Formulation with physical hourglass stabilization for general use. the default value for IPLAS and global integration (NIP=0) is IPLAS = NEWT. it is recommended to use IPLAS = NEWT. QBAT: Modified BATOZ Q4 24 shell with 4 Gauss integration points and reduced integration for in-plane shear. 6. For MAT1. 9. Global integration (NIP = 0) is only compatible with MAT1. Otherwise. IMPDYN. It is ignored for all other subcases. and MATX36. 11. If the small strain option (ISMSTR) is set to 1 or 3. This card is represented as a control card in HyperMesh. the default value for IPLAS and global integration (NIP=0) is IPLAS = RAD. Otherwise. default = 1. 2. DKT18: BATOZ DKT18 thin shell with 3 Hammer integration points. MATX2. 8. 2150 OptiStruct 13. No hourglass control is needed for this shell. For MATX36. XSHLPRM defines default settings for solid properties that can be overwritten by PSHELLX. 3. XSHLPRM is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM.Field Contents If NLGEOM or IMPDYN subcase exists. 7. otherwise they are true strain and stress. the strain and stress are engineering strain and stress. 10. 5. NIP is ignored and global integration (NIP = 0) is used.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . ISHELL = 2 is incompatible with one integration point for shell element. Q4: Original 4 node OptiStruct shell with hourglass perturbation stabilization. For ITHICK = VAR. full integration.HA8 locking-free 8-node solid element.Standard 8-node solid.XSOLPRM Bulk Data Entry XSOLPRM – Default SOLID Properties for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis Description Defines default SOLID properties for geometric nonlinear analysis. Viscous hourglass formulation without orthogonality (Hallquist). Viscous hourglass formulation with orthogonal and rigid deformation modes compensation (Belytschko). Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) XSOLPRM ISOLID ISMSTR IFRAME NIP (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Example (1) (2) XSOLPRM 24 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 222 Field Contents ISOLID Flag for solid elements formulation. variable number of Gauss points.H8C compatible solid full integration formulation. 1 integration point. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 2 . 16 .Standard 8-node solid element. full integration.0 Reference Guide 2151 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . full integration (no hourglass). 1 .Quadratic 20-node solid. 1 integration point. 12 . 17 .Standard 8-node solid element. variable number of Gauss points. Default = 1 for explicit analysis and 14 for implicit analysis (Integer). co-rotational. 14 . IFRAME Flag for co-rotational element formulation (ISOLID = 1. 3. 14. 2.HEPH 8-node solid element. 16 only). 10 . ISMSTR Flag for small strain formulation (ISOLID = 1. 2. and 17 only).k < 3. Default = OFF (ON or OFF) NIP Number of integration points (ISOLID = 14. The ISOLID flag is not used with CTETRA elements. elements with four and ten nodes the number of integration points is fixed at one and four. Default = 4 (Integer) 1 .Simplified small strain formulation from time=0 (non-objective formulation). Time step limit has no effect. and 24 only).Small strain from time=0. respectively. 12. (1 Gauss point) with physical stabilization. under-integrated.j. XSOLPRM is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS = NLGEOM. k = Number of integration points in local z direction. j = Number of integration points in local y direction.Full geometric non-linearity. XSOLPRM defines default settings for solid properties that can be overwritten by PSOLIDX. IMPDYN.Full geometric non-linearity with small strain formulation activation by time step. It is ignored for all other subcases.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . or EXPDYN. Comments 1. 2152 OptiStruct 13.k < 9 for ISOLID =14 2 < i. Default = 222 (Integer = ijk): 2 < i. 4 .Lagrange type total strain. 2. For these.Field Contents 24 . 3 . 2 . 2 < j < 9 for ISOLID =16 where: i = Number of integration points in local x direction. Co-rotational. 12. MATX33. This formulation is more accurate if large rotations are involved. strain and stress is engineering strain and stress. bulk behavior is under-integrated to avoid element locking. TYPEi = SOLID. and 2. the stress tensor is computed in a co-rotational coordinate system. This card is represented as a control card in HyperMesh. Co-rotational formulation: For ISOLID = 1. With the small strain option (ISMSTR). The hourglass formulation is viscous for ISOLID = 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The number of Gauss points is defined by NIP flag: for example. 14. 12 and IFRAME = ON. TSCi = CST only works on elements with ISMSTR = 2. For fully integrated solids (SOLID =12). 5. it is true strain and stress. HA8 (ISOLID = 14) elements: this element uses a locking-free general solid formulation. 6. and MATX36. 11. 1. the stress tensor is written in the co-rotational frame. Otherwise. 10. Time step limit has no effect. the deviatoric behavior is computed using 8 Gauss points. combined with NIP = 222 gives an 8 Gauss integration point element.4. In time history and animation files. 7. similar to ISOLID = 12. It is currently compatible with material MAT1. co-rotational. HEPH (ISOLID = 24) elements: This element uses an hourglass formulation similar to QEPH shell elements. ISMSTR = 10 is only compatible with materials using total strain formulation (MATX42). The HA8 formulation is compatible with all material laws. It is recommended in case of elastic or visco-elastic problems with important shear deformations. 8. 9. 2. 13.0 Reference Guide 2153 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . MATS1. The time step control XSTEP. Fully integrated elements (ISOLID =12) only uses full geometric non-linearity (corresponds to ISMSTR = 4). It comes at the expense of higher computation cost. The co-rotational formulation is compatible with 8 node solids. 1e-6 Field Contents SID Set identification number. (Integer > 0) 2154 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .9 0.- Example (1) (2) XSTEP 2 (3) 0.9 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) DETAIL GRID C ST 0. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) XSTEP SID TA0 DTA DTTH NPRINT RFILE NITER NPAMS DTSC A DTMIN TSTYP TAC T TYPE1 TSC 1 DT1 DTM1 ESID1 AMST1 TYPE2 TSC 2 DT2 DTM2 ESID2 AMST2 -etc.XSTEP Bulk Data Entry XSTEP – Parameters for Explicit Analysis Control Description Defines explicit analysis control. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. if positive.out file. If zero. Default = -1000 (Integer) RFILE Cycle frequency to write restart file for nonlinear iteration. no output (See comment 3). Default = 0. Default = 1000 (Integer > 0) NPAMS Frequency (number of cycles) for writing additional output about the number of iterations before convergence in the conjugate gradient. Default = 5000 (Integer > 0) NITER Maximum number of iterations in conjugate gradient. to . Default = 0. No default (Integer > 0) DTSCA Default scale factor on explicit time step for all elements. If negative.9 (Real > 0) DTMIN Default minimum explicit time step.Field Contents TA0 Start time for writing animation files.001*TTERMS (Real > 0) NPRINT Print every NPRINT iteration.0 (Real > 0) DTA Output time step for animation files.0 (Real > 0) TSTYP Type of time step control (See comment 2).0 Reference Guide 2155 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Default = 0. If zero. Default = 0. Default = 0.out and standard output. Only valid when TSTYP = GRID and TACT = AMS.01*TTERMS (Real > 0) DTTH Output time step for time history files. no output (See comment 3). only to . or AMS) TYPEi Entity type selection (See comment 4). Default = DEF (Character = DEF. Continue with constant time step (TSTYP = GRID and CONTACT only). GRID Nodal time step. STOP Stop run. CONTACT – Do nothing. SOLID (except 8 integration points hexas) the formulation switches to small strain for each 2156 OptiStruct 13. This option is the default for brick and quad elements. DEL. CONTACT. A restart file will be written. For TYPEi = SHELL. the impacted grid that fixes the time step will be removed from the interface.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . CONTACT Contact interface time step DETAIL From definition in continuation lines. DEF Default (TSTYP = GRID. Elements reaching DTMi are removed. CONTACT. ELEM. STOP. Continue with constant time step. No default (Character = GRID. AMS Advanced mass scaling. STOP Stop after reaching DTMi. This option is the default for shell elements. CST Standard mass scaling. ELEM (Shells) = DEL. SHELL. and SOLID) TSCi Time step control method (See comment 4). For TYPEi = CONTACT. ELEM (Solids) = STOP).Field Contents ELEM Elemental time step. Default = GRID (Character = GRID. CONTACT or DETAIL) TACT Action if minimum time step is reached (For TSTYP = GRID. DEL Element deletion. ELEM. CST Constant time step after reaching DTMi. See comment 3). CST. DEL Delete (TSTYP = ELEM and CONTACT only). Default = according to table (blank or Character = STOP. 2. Default = 10-4 (REAL > 0. For TYPEi = GRID.0) DTMi Minimum time step for entity type. Advanced Mass Scaling does not modify the global mass so that the global momentum of the related nodes is conserved. Default = 0.Field Contents element that reaches the DTMi.0) ESIDi AMS). Time step control for explicit analysis Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. CONTACT. the mass of the grid that reaches DTMi is increased.9 (Real > 0. AMS Advanced mass scaling. CST. No default (blank. Any number of continuation lines can be used. Constant time step after reaching DTMi. The XSTEP bulk data entry is selected by the Subcase Information command XSTEP = option. SET) DTi Time step scale factor for entity type (See comment 4). 3. Integer > 0) AMSTi Tolerance for advanced mass scaling convergence (Only for TYPEi = AMS). it is ignored in other analyses. More accurate than TSCi = CST (TYPEi = GRID and CONTACT only). Default = 0. It is only used in explicit analysis (ANALYSIS = EXPDYN). DEL.0) Comments 1.0 (Real > 0.0 Reference Guide 2157 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . AMS. SET Forces are reduced to keep constant time step (TYPEi = GRID only). You should check the evolution of the mass of the model. With TYPEi = CONTACT and TSCi = DEL. but the time step can be higher. the nodal time step is used. With this option.67 is recommended. 7. mainly for nonoptimized meshes and therefore the overall runtime shorter. This option is not available for 8 integration points. You should check the evolution of the mass of the model.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . TYPEi = SOLID and TSCi = CST is only active for solid elements with the flag ISMSTR = 2 set on PSOLIDX.TSTYP Elements Default Options Do nothing AMS. but the time step can be higher. TSTYP = NODA and TACT = AMS can activate elementary time step for Advanced Mass Scaling. STOP Solids STOP CST. refer to the Geometric Nonlinear Analysis section. the mass of the grid that reaches DTMIN1 is increased. NITER and NPAMS are only valid for Advanced Mass Scaling (AMS). mainly for nonoptimized meshes and therefore the overall runtime shorter. at each NPAMS cycle an additional output is provided including: the number of iterations before convergence of 2158 OptiStruct 13. 5. the nodal time step is used. CST. TACT = CST. With TYPEi = GRID and TSCi = CST. the computation stops and error out. STOP Shells DEL CST. as well as TYPEi = NODA and TSCi = AMS. DTi = 0. 6. the impacted node which fixes the time step is removed from the interface. the computation of each cycle is slightly more expensive. TACT = CST. For more information about geometric nonlinear analysis. the computation of each cycle is slightly more expensive. For TSTYP = ELEM. DEL GRID ELEM With TSTYP = GRID. Overview of default settings and options for TYPEi: Do Nothing STOP DEL CST AMS SET SHELL N/A Optional Default Optional N/A N/A SOLID N/A Default Optional Optional N/A N/A CONTACT Default Optional Optional Optional Optional N/A GRID Default Optional N/A Optional Optional Optional With TYPEi = GRID. With this option. If more NITER iterations have been performed before convergence of the conjugate gradient. If NPAMS is specified. the element formulation switches to small strain for each element that reaches the DTMIN1. 4. For TSTYP = GRID. 8.0 Reference Guide 2159 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.the conjugate gradient at this cycle. the final residual norm and the force vector norm. This card is represented as a loadcollector in HyperMesh. 0 collapse in tetra. The checks performed and the default bound values for each element type are outlined in the following topics: CGASK6 Element Checks and Default Bound Values CGASK8 Element Checks and Default Bound Values CGASK12 Element Checks and Default Bound Values CGASK16 Element Checks and Default Bound Values CTRIA3 Element Checks and Default Bound Values CTRIA6 Element Checks and Default Bound Values CQUAD4 Element Checks and Default Bound Values CQUAD8 Element Checks and Default Bound Values CTAXI / CTRIAX6 Element Checks and Default Bound Values CTETRA Element Checks and Default Bound Values CPENTA Element Checks and Default Bound Values CHEXA Element Checks and Default Bound Values 2160 OptiStruct 13. Violation may cause poor result quality. the checks for each element are performed according to the following precedence: (1) validity check. and will be skipped if collapsed nodes are found. This relaxation prevents premature error termination of the optimization due to element quality concerns. Three types of element quality checks are performed: 1. an element quality check is incorporated into the pre-processing phase. but will not stop the solution process. type 2 and 3 checks may be controlled and the ELEMQUAL bulk data entry may be used to set the error and warning limits. The element quality check is controlled jointly by the CHECKEL parameter (see PARAM.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . All other property checks are performed after this collapsed node check. 3. Quality check of error limits – whether an element is in the acceptable range.Element Quality Check In order to prevent analyses from being carried out on badly discretized models. is always performed – even when the value of PARAM. Violation of any check will skip the subsequent check(s). CHECKEL is NO. However. Examples are: a reentrant angle (equal to or greater than 180 degrees) in quadrilateral element/surface. However. The warp angle check on CQUAD4 elements is relaxed for topography optimization. A check for collapsed element nodes is performed for all elements. be aware that the resulting mesh from a topography optimization may fail the CQUAD4 warp angle check when reanalyzed. 2. Violation will cause singular or ill-conditioned element matrices. CHECKEL) and the ELEMQUAL bulk data entry. and (3) quality check for warning limits. If the element quality check is activated. the "validity" check. type 1. Validity check of maximum allowable limits – a bound based on mathematical limitations. (2) quality check for error limits. Quality check of warning limits – whether an element is in the recommended range. With the CHECKEL parameter. 0 Reference Guide 2161 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .CPYRA Element Checks and Default Bound Values Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2162 OptiStruct 13.CGASK6 Element Checks and Default Bound Values CGASK6 Element Check and Default Bounds The element check and default bounds of the CGASK6 element are identical as those of the first-order (6-noded) CPENTA element. 0 Reference Guide 2163 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .CGASK8 Element Checks and Default Bound Values CGASK8 Element Check and Default Bounds The element check and default bounds of the CGASK8 element are identical as those of the first-order (8-noded) CHEXA element. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Notice that CGASK12 has six 3-node edges of which Hoe Normal Offset and Hoe Tangent Offset are checked.CGASK12 Element Checks and Default Bound Values CGASK12 Element Check and Default Bounds The element check and default bounds of the CGASK12 element are identical as those of the second-order (15-noded) CPENTA element. 2164 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . CGASK16 Element Checks and Default Bound Values CGASK16 Element Check and Default Bounds The element check and default bounds of the CGASK16 element are identical as those of the second-order (20-noded) CHEXA element. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 2165 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Notice that CGASK16 has 8 3-node edges of which Hoe Normal Offset and Hoe Tangent Offset are checked. the angle is measured between its two adjacent edges. for the CTRIA3 element. The skew angle has a range from 0 degrees for a perfect triangle to 90 degrees for a collapsed triangle. The minimum and maximum values of the three nodes are reported for the element. Skew Angle The skew angle of a CTRIA3 element is the difference between 90 degrees and the minimum of three angles: a1. SKEW = 90 . a2 and a3.MIN(a1. CTRIA3 Default Bounds Default values for warning message Default values for error message Default values for validity check Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Aspect Ratio - 50.0 177.0 180.0 - 500.0 - 1.0 - 85.0 0.0 3.0 - 90.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . but validity checks are hard-coded.0E5 Skew Angle - 75. These angles are defined.0 Information The values used for warning and error checks may be adjusted by the ELEMQUAL bulk data entry.a2.a2 ) Vertex Angle For each vertex.0 165. 2166 OptiStruct 13.CTRIA3 Element Checks and Default Bound Values CTRIA3 Element Check The following qualities of the CTRIA3 element are checked: Aspect Ratio The aspect ratio of a CTRIA3 element is defined as the ratio of the maximum side length to the minimum side length. as the smallest of the angles created when a line drawn from a node to the midpoint of the opposing side intersects a line connecting the midpoints of the adjacent two sides.0 Vertex Angle 15. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 2167 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The quad is then split again. The values used for warning and error checks may be adjusted by the ELEMQUAL bulk data entry. Ninety degrees minus the minimum angle found is reported. the angle is measured between its two adjacent edges.0 Information *Warp angle limits are relaxed to 140/160/179 in topography optimization problems.0 165. The maximum angle found between the planes is the warp angle of the element.0 - 75. The minimum and maximum values of the four nodes are reported for the element.0 180. this time using the opposite corners and forming the second set of trias.0E5 Skew Angle - 60. but validity checks are hard-coded.0 3. CQUAD4 Default Bounds Default values for warning message Default values for error message Default values for validity check Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Aspect Ratio - 100.0 Vertex Angle 15.0 - 1. Skew Angle The skew angle in a CQUAD4 element is calculated by finding the minimum angle between two lines joining opposite mid-sides of the element. The angle between the two planes. is then found.0 - 1000.0 - 60. 2168 OptiStruct 13.0 Warp Angle* - 30. divided by the length of its shortest side.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 0. which the trias form.0 - 180.0 177.CQUAD4 Element Checks and Default Bound Values CQUAD4 Element Check The following qualities are checked for CQUAD4 elements: Vertex Angle For each vertex. Warp Angle The warpage of a CQUAD4 element is calculated by splitting the quad into two trias and finding the angle between the two planes which the trias form.0 - 90. Aspect Ratio The aspect ratio of a CQUAD4 element is the length of its longest side. 0 - 1. CQUAD8 Default Bounds Default values for warning message Information Default values for error message Default values for validity check Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Aspect Ratio - 100. The skew angle in a CQUAD8 element is calculated by finding the minimum angle between two lines joining opposite mid-sides of the element. The warpage of a CQUAD8 element is calculated by splitting the quad into two trias and finding the angle between the two planes which the trias form.0E5 Skew Angle - 60. is then found.0 - 90.0 - 75. The aspect ratio of a CQUAD8 element is the length of its longest side. The minimum and maximum values of the four nodes are reported for the element. the angle is measured between its two adjacent edges. Skew Angle This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes. this time using the opposite corners and forming the second set of trias.0 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 - 1000. which the trias form. Aspect Ratio This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes. See the definition of hoe tangent offset of 3-node edge. The maximum angle found between the planes is the warp angle of the element. Hoe Tangent Offset The hoe tangent offset is the maximum of its edges tangent offset values. See the definition of hoe normal offset of 3-node edge. Warp Angle This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes.CQUAD8 Element Checks and Default Bound Values CQUAD8 Element Check The following qualities are checked for CQUAD8 elements: Vertex Angle This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes.0 Reference Guide 2169 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . For each vertex. Hoe Normal Offset The hoe normal offset is the maximum of its edges normal offset values. divided by the length of its shortest side. Ninety degrees minus the minimum angle found is reported. The quad is then split again. The angle between the two planes. 0 - 175.0 Hoe Normal Offset - 0.0 165.0 - 180.30 - 0. 2170 OptiStruct 13.0 180.25 The values used for warning and error checks may be adjusted by the ELEMQUAL bulk data entry.Information Default values for warning message Default values for error message Default values for validity check Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Warp Angle - 90.0 177.24 - 0.20 - 0.0 Vertex Angle 15.0 0.60 - 1.0E5 Hoe Tangent Offset - 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . but validity checks are hard-coded.0 3. 0 Reference Guide 2171 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .CTAXI / CTRIAX6 Element Checks and Default Bound Values 3-node CTAXI / CTRIA6 Element Check and Default Bounds The element check and default bounds of the 3-node CTAXI or CTRIAX6 element are identical as those of the CTRIA3 element. 6-node CTAXI / CTRIA6 Element Check and Default Bounds The element check and default bounds of the 6-node CTAXI or CTRIAX6 element are identical as those of the CTRIA3 element. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 0 - 85. the angle is measured between its two adjacent edges. See the definition of hoe tangent offset of 3-node edge.0 3. See the definition of hoe normal offset of 3-node edge.0E5 Information 2172 OptiStruct 13.0 165.0 0.0 Vertex Angle 15.CTRIA6 Element Checks and Default Bound Values CTRIA6 Element Check The following qualities of the CTRIA6 element are checked: Aspect Ratio This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes. These angles are defined. The minimum and maximum values of the three nodes are reported for the element. CTRIA6 Default Bounds Default values for warning message Default values for error message Default values for validity check Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Aspect Ratio - 50. For each vertex.30 - 0. The skew angle has a range from 0 degrees for a perfect triangle to 90 degrees for a collapsed triangle.0 - 1. a2 and a3.0 - 500. It is the difference between 90 degrees and the minimum of three angles: a1.0 180. for the CTRIA6 element.60 - 1.0 177. Vertex Angle This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes.0 Hoe Normal Offset - 0.0 - 90. Hoe Normal Offset The hoe normal offset is the maximum of its edges normal offset values. Hoe Tangent Offset The hoe tangent offset is the maximum of its edges tangent offset values. Skew Angle This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes. as the smallest of the angles created when a line drawn from a node to the midpoint of the opposing side intersects a line connecting the midpoints of the adjacent two sides.0E5 Skew Angle - 75. It is defined as the ratio of the maximum side length to the minimum side length.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 20 - 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 2173 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .25 Information Hoe Tangent Offset The values used for warning and error checks may be adjusted by the ELEMQUAL bulk data entry. but validity checks are hard-coded.24 - 0.Default values for warning message Default values for error message Default values for validity check Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit - 0. HTEi = Hoe tangent offset of edge i = di / li 2174 OptiStruct 13.Hoe Tangent Offset of 3-node Edge The hoe tangent offset of a 3-node edge is defined as the ratio of the distance between the real and ideal mid-side node and the distance between the corner nodes of the edge. then its projection on the line is used in the calculation. If the mid-side node does not lie on the line connecting the corner nodes (that is the edge has a non-zero normal offset).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 0 Reference Guide 2175 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Hoe Normal Offset of 3-node Edge The hoe normal offset of a 3-node edge is defined as the ratio between the mid-side node’s normal offset distance (distance between the mid-side node and the line connecting the two corner nodes of the edge) and the distance between the two corner nodes. HNEi = Hoe normal offset of edge i = hi / li Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Each face is treated as a CTRIA3 element. EA = MAX | 90 . Vertex Angle The same vertex angle check is performed for all of the faces. Nli) i = 1. and each is treated as a triangular (CTRIA3) or quadrilateral (CQUAD4) element. Each face is treated as a CTRIA3 element. which gives the equilateral tetra a collapse value of 1. each calculated as the ratio between the distance from a vertex to its opposing face. collapse = MIN (hi / sqrt(Ai)) i = 1. The edge angle (EA) of a CTETRA 1st-order element is defined as the maximum of its six edge angles.. As the tetra collapses.CTETRA Element Checks and Default Bound Values CTETRA 1st-order (4-noded) Element Checks The following qualities of the CTETRA 1st-order element are checked: Aspect Ratio The aspect ratio of a CTETRA 1st-order element is defined as the maximum of the aspect ratio of its four triangular faces. Edge Angle An edge angle is the absolute value of the angle between two faces sharing a common edge subtracted from 90 degrees. 2176 OptiStruct 13.2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .2408. .3. Face Skew Angle The face skew angle of a CTETRA 1st-order element is defined as the maximum of the skew angles of its four triangular faces. Collapse The collapse of a CTETRA 1st-order element is defined as the minimum of four values. Nki and Nli are the normal vectors of faces k and l that have a common edge i.ANGLE(Nki. 6 Where. and the square root of the area of the opposing face. The minimum and maximum values reported for the element. the collapse value approaches 0.4 The reported value is normalized by 1.. 0 Reference Guide 2177 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .CTETRA 2nd-order (10-noded) Element Checks The following qualities of the CTETRA 2nd-order element are checked: Aspect Ratio This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes. Face Skew Angle This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes. respectively. Hoe Tangent Offset The hoe normal and tangent offsets of the CTETRA 2nd-order element are defined as the maximum of the hoe normal and tangent offsets of its 6 edges. See definition of hoe tangent offset of 3-node edge. Its definition is the same as that used for the CTETRA 1st-order element. Collapse This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes. Its definition is the same as that used for the CTETRA 1st-order element. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Its definition is the same as that used for the CTETRA 1st-order element. Its definition is the same as that used for the CTETRA 1st-order element. Edge Angle This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes. Its definition is the same as that used for the CTETRA 1st-order element. See the definition of hoe normal offset of 3-node edge. respectively. Hoe Normal Offset The hoe normal and tangent offsets of the CTETRA 2nd-order element are defined as the maximum of the hoe normal and tangent offsets of its 6 edges. Vertex Angle This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes. 0 0.001 100.0 100.0 Edge Angle - 75.0 - 87.0 C ollapse 0.CTETRA Default Bounds Default values for warning message Default values for error message Default values for validity check Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Aspect Ratio - 100. but validity checks are hard-coded.20 - 0.0E5 Hoe Tangent Offset - 0.0 - 90.30 - 0.0 - 85.25 - 0.0 - 1000.0 0.0 - 90.60 - 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 Hoe Normal Offset - 0. 2178 OptiStruct 13.0E5 Face Skew Angle - 75.0 - 1.0 1000.50 Information The values used for warning and error checks may be adjusted by the ELEMQUAL bulk data entry. 0 Reference Guide 2179 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The three edges of each triangular are then projected to this reference plane. Its definition is the same as that used for the CPENTA 1st-order element. subtracted from 90 degrees. The edge angle of a CPENTA 1st-order is defined as the maximum edge angles in the element. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The minimum and maximum values reported for the element. CPENTA 2nd-order (15-noded) Element Checks The following qualities of the CPENTA 2nd-order element are checked: Aspect Ratio This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes. the projected planes defined by the plane vectors are used to compute the face normals (see definition of reference plane for quadrilateral element or face). The rotation is computed as follows: first construct a reference plane perpendicular to the line connecting the centroids of the two triangular faces. which are used in the angle calculation. For warped quadrilateral faces. Twist Angle The twist angle is defined as the rotation of one triangular face with respect to the opposite triangular face. Each quadrilateral face is treated as a CQUAD4 element and each triangular face as a CTRIA3 element. Edge Angle The edge angle is the absolute value of the angle between two faces sharing a common edge. Face Skew Angle The skew angle of a CPENTA 1st-order element is defined as the maximum skew angle among its three quadrilateral faces and two triangular faces. each treated as a CQUAD4 element.CPENTA Element Checks and Default Bound Values CPENTA 1st-order (6-noded) Element Checks The following qualities of the CPENTA 1st-order element are checked: Aspect Ratio The aspect ratio of a CPENTA 1st-order element is defined as the maximum of the aspect ratios of its three quadrilateral faces and two triangular faces. and each is treated as a triangular (CTRIA3) or quadrilateral (CQUAD4) element. Vertex Angle The same vertex angle check is performed for all of the faces. Each quadrilateral face is treated as a CQUAD4 element and each triangular face as a CTRIA3 element. The maximum angle between the corresponding edges of the two projected triangles is reported as the twist angle of the CPENTA 1st-order element. Face Warpage The face warpage of a CPENTA 1st-order element is defined as the maximum warpage among the three quadrilateral faces. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Vertex Angle This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes.0 - 60.0 - 90.0 - 180. Its definition is the same as that used for the CPENTA 1st-order element. Edge Angle This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes.0E5 Skew Angle - 60.0 - 90. CPENTA Default Bounds Default values for warning message Default values for error message Default values for validity check Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Aspect Ratio - 100. Its definition is the same as that used for the CPENTA 1st-order element.0 Twist Angle - 30. Its definition is the same as that used for the CPENTA 1st-order element. Face Warpage This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes.0 - 75. Its definition is the same as that used for the CPENTA 1st-order element.0 Information 2180 OptiStruct 13.0 - 87.0 - 1000. Twist Angle This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes. Hoe Normal Offset The hoe normal offset is the maximum of its edges normal offset values.0 Edge Angle - 75. See the definition of hoe normal offset of 3-node edge.0 - 1.Face Skew Angle This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes.0 - 75.0 - 90. See the definition of hoe tangent offset of 3-node edge. Its definition is the same as that used for the CPENTA 1st-order element.0 Face Warp Angle - 30. Hoe Tangent Offset The hoe tangent offset is the maximum of its edges tangent offset values. 5 Information The values used for warning and error checks may be adjusted by the ELEMQUAL bulk data entry.60 - 1.0 Reference Guide 2181 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .25 - 0.30 - 0. but validity checks are hard-coded.0E5 Hoe Tangent Offset - 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.20 - 0.Default values for warning message Default values for error message Default values for validity check Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Hoe Normal Offset - 0. Reference Plane for Quadrilateral Element or Face In order to measure the distortion of the quadrilateral face of a solid element.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .(V1 + V2 ) where. V1. and V4 are the vectors that connect the four corner nodes with the centroid of the quadrilateral. These two plane vectors and the centroid are then used to construct the reference plane. The plane vectors are calculated as: PL1 = (V3 + V2 ) . V2.(V1 + V4 ) PL2 = (V3 + V4 ) . These vectors of a non-warping quadrilateral face are shown below: 2182 OptiStruct 13. a unique reference plane is defined by two auxiliary plane vectors. V3. The angles between the projected and the projected are computed as t 1 and t 2. Face Warpage The face warpage of a CHEXA 1st-order element is defined as the maximum warpage among its six faces. Vertex Angle The same vertex angle check is performed for all of the faces. The maximum of t 1 and t 2 is defined as the relative rotation between these two opposite faces (TAF). The diagonal vectors for a planar parallelogram can be show below: Then. each treated as a CQUAD4 element.CHEXA Element Checks and Default Bound Values CHEXA 1st-order (8-noded) Element Checks The following qualities of the CHEXA 1st-order element are checked: Aspect Ratio The aspect ratio of a CHEXA 1st-order element is defined as the maximum aspect ratio among its six faces. define two diagonal vectors as: D1 = 0. each treated as a CQUAD4 element. Face Skew Angle The face skew angle of a CHEXA 1st-order element is defined as the maximum skew angle among its six faces. The minimum and maximum values reported for the element. a reference plane that is perpendicular to the axis connecting the centroids of the faces is constructed. Finally.0 Reference Guide 2183 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .25 * (PL1 + PL2) D2 = 0. for each pair of opposing faces. PL1 and PL2 are the place vectors of the face treated as CQUAD4. See the definition of reference plane for quadrilateral element or face. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the twist angle (TA) of a CHEXA 1st-order is calculated as the maximum relative rotation of its three pairs of opposing faces. The calculation is done as follows: For each face. and each is treated as a quadrilateral (CQUAD4) element.25 * (PL1 + PL2) where. Twist Angle The twist angle of a CHEXA 1st-order element is defined as the maximum rotation of one face with respect to its opposite face. each treated as a CQUAD4 element. The diagonal vectors D1 and D2 of each of the two opposite faces are projected onto this reference plane. 0 2184 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering - 1. the projected planes are used to compute the face normals used for the angle calculation. CHEXA 1st-order Default Bounds Default values for warning message Default values for error message Default values for validity check Information Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Aspect Ratio - 100. The edge angle of a CHEXA 1storder is defined as the maximum edge angle in the element.Edge Angle An edge angle is the absolute value of the angle between two faces sharing a common edge.0 - 1000. subtracted from 90 degrees. For warped faces.0E5 Altair Engineering . Its definition is the same as that used for the CHEXA 1st-order element. Its definition is the same as that used for the CHEXA 1st-order element.0 - 75. Face Warpage This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes. See the definition of hoe normal offset of 3-node edge. Its definition is the same as that used for the CHEXA 1st-order element.0 - 90. Its definition is the same as that used for the CHEXA 1st-order element.0 Face Warp Angle - 30. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 CHEXA 2nd-order (20-noded) Element Checks The following qualities of the CHEXA 2nd-order element are checked: Aspect Ratio This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes.0 - 180.0 - 90. Its definition is the same as that used for the CHEXA 1st-order element. Edge Angle This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes. Hoe Normal Offset The hoe normal offset is the maximum of its edges normal offset values.Default values for warning message Default values for error message Default values for validity check Information Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Face Skew Angle - 60.0 - 60.0 Reference Guide 2185 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Vertex Angle This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes.0 Edge Angle - 60.0 - 85. Face Skew Angle This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes.0 Twist Angle - 30.0 - 180.0 - 90. Its definition is the same as that used for the CHEXA 1st-order element. Twist Angle This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes. 0 - 60.0 - 90.20 - 0.0E5 Hoe Tangent Offset - 0.Hoe Tangent Offset The hoe tangent offset is the maximum of its edges tangent offset values.0E5 Face Skew Angle - 60.50 Information The values used for warning and error checks may be adjusted by the ELEMQUAL bulk data entry.25 - 0.0 Twist Angle - 30.60 - 1.0 - 180.0 - 1. but validity checks are hard-coded.0 - 1000.0 Face Warp Angle - 30.30 - 0.0 Hoe Normal Offset - 0.0 Edge Angle - 60. See the definition of hoe tangent offset of 3-node edge.0 - 75.0 - 75.0 - 90.0 - 180. CHEXA 2nd-order Default Bounds Default values for warning message Default values for error message Default values for validity check Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Aspect Ratio - 100. 2186 OptiStruct 13.0 - 89.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Its definition is the same as that used for the CPYRA 1st-order element. Its definition is the same as that used for the CPYRA 1st-order element. Its definition is the same as that used for the CPYRA 1st-order element. The minimum and maximum values reported for the element. and each is treated as a triangular (CTRIA3) or quadrilateral (CQUAD4) element. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Its definition is the same as that used for the CPYRA 1st-order element.CPYRA Element Checks and Default Bound Values CPYRA 1st-order (5-noded) Element Checks The following qualities of the CPYRA 1st-order element are checked: Aspect Ratio The aspect ratio of a CPYRA 1st-order element is defined as the maximum of the aspect ratios of its four triangular faces and the quadrilateral base face. Vertex Angle This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes. which is treated as a CQUAD4 element.0 Reference Guide 2187 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Face Skew Angle This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes. Each triangular face is treated as a CTRIA3 element and the quadrilateral face as a CQUAD4 element. Face Skew Angle The face skew angle of a CPYRA 1st-order element is defined as the maximum of the skew angles of its four triangular faces and the quadrilateral base face. Vertex Angle The same vertex angle check is performed for all of the faces. Face Warpage The face skew angle of a CPYRA 1st-order element is defined as the warpage of its quadrilateral base face. CPYRA 2nd-order (13-noded) Element Checks The following qualities of the CPYRA 2nd-order element are checked: Aspect Ratio This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes. Each triangular face is treated as a CTRIA3 element and the quadrilateral face as a CQUAD4 element. Face Warpage This quality is calculated using only the corner nodes. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .20 - 0.0 Face Warp Angle - 30.0E5 Skew Angle - 60. Hoe Tangent Offset The hoe tangent offset is the maximum of its edges tangent offset values.0 - 1000.0 - 75. See the definition of hoe tangent offset of 3-node edge. See the definition of hoe normal offset of 3-node edge.25 - 0.0 - 1.0 - 90.30 - 0.5 Information The values used for warning and error checks may be adjusted by the ELEMQUAL bulk data entry.0 Hoe Normal Offset - 0. but validity checks are hard-coded.60 - 1.0 - 60.0 - 180.0E5 Hoe Tangent Offset - 0. 2188 OptiStruct 13.Hoe Normal Offset The hoe normal offset is the maximum of its edges normal offset values. CPYRA Default Bounds Default values for warning message Default values for error message Default values for validity check Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit Aspect Ratio - 100. stability assures that the stiffness matrix (with proper support) will be SemiPositive Definite (SPD). It guarantees that the stiffness matrix (with proper support) will be Semi-Positive Semi-Definite (SPSD).5. 3.This is a slight extension of stability to include borderline cases such as allowing E=0. E>0 assures stability for a rod. Mathematical requirements . There are several levels of requirements that material data needs to satisfy: 1. For example. when pulled it stretches rather than shrinks. 2.These have to be satisfied so that the stiffness matrix can be formulated at all. to avoid division by zero.By default. Failure to meet these criteria will always result in an error termination. For example. An error termination will occur if all modes of deformation have zero stiffness. Semi-stability .Material Property Check In order to prevent analyses from being carried out on models with poor material definitions.This is an additional requirement that at least one deformation mode of the material is active (non-zero stiffness). Composite homogenization adds additional mathematical requirements. However. A warning is produced if any individual mode of deformation has zero stiffness. Consistency requirements . "semi-stability" combined with "not-all-zeros" stability based on the following definitions is required: Full stability . Stability requirements . It does not prevent infinite or very large compliances. This avoids element stiffness matrices that are identically zero.These are requirements that correspond to typical practical materials. MAT3. G and Nu for isotropic material may lead to inconsistent data. MAT1 in 3D must have n¹-1 and n¹0. This is facilitated through the specification of PARAM. and MAT9 are outlined in the following topics: Material Property Checks for MAT1 Material Property Checks for MAT2 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. a material property check is incorporated into the pre-processing phase. In a mathematical sense. and are usually not very strict. An error termination will occur if a material has negative stiffness. etc.This means that the material is stable. For example. The checks performed for MAT1. while stability requirements allow for negative Poisson's ratio.0 Reference Guide 2189 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . MAT8. this can lead to infinite or very large compliances. Practical material requirements . 5. MAT2.NO in the bulk data section of the input deck. the natural materials usually have positive n (although some composites and nanomaterials with negative n exist). Not all zeros .CHECKMAT. specifying E.These are assured by the input formats. You may choose to perform only those checks that are necessary to avoid crashes in the element routines (that is the Mathematical Requirement checks). 4. Symmetry requirements . However. For example.This is a requirement that user provided data be internally consistent. The material property check is controlled by the CHECKMAT parameter (see the PARAM input format). 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Material Property Checks for MAT3 Material Property Checks for MAT8 Material Property Checks for MAT9 2190 OptiStruct 13. Unused.1 E = 2G(1 + n) as given as given as given 0. Used for torsion. Given E G given given Mean n E G n given as given G = E / 2(1 + n) as given as given as given n = E/2G .0 Reference Guide 2191 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Recalculation Rules for MAT1 In cases when not all material parameters are given for MAT1. Used for transverse shear. this is obvious. while in cases of a single prescribed parameter. Used in combination with n.0 0. you are making an assumption as to which one is assumed to be zero. here are the recalculation rules for the remaining parameters.0 given given given given given given Altair Engineering not allowed OptiStruct 13. SOLID Used in combination with n.0 0. Usage Rules for MAT1 Data Element Type E G n ROD. TRIA Used in combination with n for bending and membrane.0 as given 0.Material Property Checks for MAT1 In addition to the property requirements. there are usage and recalculation rules for MAT1 data. BAR Used for bending and tension. Unused. Used in combination with E for bending and membrane. Note that in cases of two prescribed parameters. QUAD. BEAM. n < -1 E < 0. or 3D elements. 2192 OptiStruct 13. an error termination occurs. PARAM.5 results in error in error termination. The details are provided in the table below. a warning is given.5 results in a warning (however. Semi-stability E < 0 or G < 0 results in error termination.NO will disable this error. n).3D Mathematical n = -1 results in error termination. n < -1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .1D MAT1 . an error termination occurs. If either E = 0 or G = 0. this is unused in 1D).2D MAT1 . termination. If both E = 0 and G = 0.N O will disable this error.5 results in error termination. PARAM.CHECKMAT. Material Requirements MAT1 . If both E = 0 and G = 0.Material Requirements for MAT1 The property requirements on MAT1 vary depending on whether it is used for 1D.CHECKMAT.CHECKMAT. After homogenization. Not all zeros Consistency n = -1 or n = 0. if either E = 0 or G = 0. PARAM. an error termination occurs. 2D. or n > > or -n > 0.5 results 0.N O will disable this error. If either E = 0 or G = 0. G < 0. Mathematical for composites / 2(1 + n). a warning is given. E < 0 results in error termination. A warning is provided A warning is provided A warning is n < -1 or n > 0. n = -1 or n = 1 results in error termination. E < 0. Consistency none Mathematical for composites After homogenization. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. an error termination will occur. Not all zeros If all eigenvalues of [G] = 0. if Det[G] = 0. a warning is provided.0 Reference Guide 2193 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .NO will disable this error. If any eigenvalue of [G] = 0. PARAM.CHECKMAT. an error termination will occur. Material Requirements MAT2 Mathematical none Semi-stability If any eigenvalues of [G] < 0.Material Property Checks for MAT2 MAT2 only applied to 2D elements. an error termination will occur. By substitution of into NUXTH * NUTHX + NUTHZ * NUZTH + NUZX * NUXZ + 2 * NUXTH * NUTHZ * NUZX = 1. Not all zeros If GZX = 0. EZ < 0 or GZX < 0.NO will disable this error. ETH < 0. an error termination will occur (See comment 1). an error termination will occur.CHECKMAT. it can be expressed in terms of 2194 OptiStruct 13. Semi-stability If EX < 0. EZ = 0 or NUXTH * NUTHX + NUTHZ * NUZTH + NUZX * NUXZ + 2 * NUXTH * NUTHZ * NUZX = 1. a warning is provided.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . PARAM. Consistency none Comments 1. Material Requirements Mathematical MAT3 If EX = 0. ETH = 0.Material Property Checks for MAT3 MAT3 only applies to axisymmetric elements. G1 2 < 0.Material Property Checks for MAT8 MAT8 only applies to 2D elements. Semi-stability E1 < 0.Z < 0 will result in an error termination. E2 = 0 . or G1 2 = 0.NO will disable this error.CHECKMAT. an error termination will occur. Not all zeros If E1 = 0. By substitution of E1*n21 = E2*n12 into n12*n21 = 1. a warning is provided. and G1 2 = 0. it can be expressed in terms of n12*n12*E2/E1 = 1. Consistency E1 *n2 1 = E2 *n1 2 is assured as only n12 is input. an error termination will occur (See comment 1). E2 = 0 . or G2 . E2 < 0. an error termination will occur.Z < 0. if Det[G] = 0. Comments 1. If E1 = 0. G1 . PARAM. Mathematical for composites After homogenization.0 Reference Guide 2195 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Material Requirements Mathematical MAT8 If n1 2 *n2 1 = 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. If any eigenvalue of [G] = 0. an error termination will occur. an error termination will occur.Material Property Checks for MAT9 MAT9 only applies to 3D elements. a warning is provided. Consistency none 2196 OptiStruct 13. PARAM. Material Requirements MAT9 Mathematical none Semi-stability If any eigenvalues of [G] < 0. Not all zeros If all eigenvalues of [G] = 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .NO will disable this error.CHECKMAT. #.h3d file .#.elcheck.hist file _gauge.dens file .grid file .ent.cstr file .echo file .OUTFILE).prop file _tran.HM.cmf file .pret file _topol.eigv).cmf file .mpcf file _modal.mvw file .#.mvw file .h3d. and in the absence of OUTFILE. The filenames listed on this page contain only the tail part of the name.comp. Unless otherwise noted for a specific file type (.mvw file .amls_singularity.h3d file .sh file Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.HM. For most files.hgdata file .HM.eigv file .mvw file .interface file _hist.h3d file .#.disp file .mvw file .res file . these files may not have a common root in the filename.rand file _s#. listed below in groups according to type and alphabetically on the Files Created by OptiStruct page.mass file _modal.cmf file .out file _rand.h3d file .#.force file .asens file .cmf file .#.conn.#.gapstat.dvgrid file HyperView/HyperGraph .seplot file _sens.HM.cmf file .mvw file .cmf file .h3d file .gpf file _des.#.elcheck. all output files have the same root and are located in the same folder.0 Reference Guide 2197 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .h3d file .sens file .cmf file . HyperMesh OptiStruct .###.Output Data Descriptions for individual output files can be accessed by selecting from the links for each entry.mvw file . they use the root of input filename. The only exception is <BODY_NAME>.fsthick file .HM.grid file _freq.load file _mass.sh file . the full filename is controlled by the OUTFILE command (ASSIGN.HM.#.mvw file . fem file _sizing.dis file .# file .h3d file _s#_v.#.#.mvw file .# file HTML Microsoft Excel 2198 OptiStruct 13.pch file _s#_a.#.fat file _mbd.els.#.#.mrf file .#.m.h3d file _s#_a.dis file .grid file .desvar file _mbd.spcd file _mass.dis.log file .op2 file _s#_a.frf file _s#_v.oss file _s#_d.trn file _s#_v.#.peak file _s#_a.#.dis.mvw file .stat file Nastran .#.mvw file .frf file .#.op2 file .mbd file .trn file _mbd.#.els file .dis file .#.#.pcomp file <BODY_NAME>.#.mass file _mbd.frf file Multi-body Dynamics _s#_v.mbd file .#.strs file .mbd file _mbd.# file .fem file Patran Alternative Patran .#.#.mnf file _s#_d.#.strn file .# file .dis.frf file OSSmooth _s#_d.#.spcf file .#.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .op2 file _err.frf file .k.#.# file .#.xml file .els.frf file _shuffling._freq.#.els file .trn file _s#_d. slk file _gso.slk file _menu..html file _frames.html file Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.html file .0 Reference Guide 2199 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .#. h3d.dis file .cntf file .amls_singularity.#.#.#.fem file .grid file .#.els file .#.#.#.grid file 2200 OptiStruct 13.#.cstr file .#. these files may not have a common root in the filename.mass file .#.#.dis. and in the absence of OUTFILE.dis.#.dis file .eigv file .echo file .els.#.dis file .h3d file .cmf file .dvgrid file .dis. the full filename is controlled by the OUTFILE command (ASSIGN.#.els.contgap.# file .#.disp file .fsthick file .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .#. they use the root of input filename.sens file .sh file .#.force file . . The only exception is <BODY_NAME>.gpf file . Unless otherwise noted for a specific file type (. For most files.dens file .OUTFILE).# file .#.slk file .els file .# file .desvar file .fat file .#.#.#.#.#.# file .# file .List of Files Created by OptiStruct (Alphabetical) The filenames listed on this page contain only the tail part of the name.asens file .#.eigv). all output files have the same root and are located in the same folder. HM.mpcf file .HM.oss file .m.#..peak file .gapstat.ent.h3d file _err.hist file .grid file _frames.k.out file .cmf file .elcheck.comp.spcf file .mass file .strn file .HM.op2 file .HM.sh file .html file .load file .cmf file .interface file .0 Reference Guide 2201 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .spcd file .pret file .h3d file .hgdata file .stat file .mnf file .prop file .res file .html file _freq.pcomp file .cmf file .rand file .conn.HM.HM.op2 file .mvw file Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.cmf file .pch file .cmf file .elcheck.seplot file .strs file _des.###.cmf file .op2 file . mbd file _s#_a.html file _modal.h3d file _s#_a.#.mrf file _mbd.mvw file _mbd.#.mvw file _modal.fem file _topol.trn file _sens.slk file _hist.frf file _s#_d.log file _mbd.#.h3d file _gso.frf file _s#_d.mbd file _s#_v.h3d file _tran.trn file _s#_d.mvw file _rand.h3d file _mbd.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .xml file _menu.#.mvw file _mbd.mbd file _s#_d.#.frf file _s#_v.#.mvw file _gauge.mvw file _shuffling.h3d file 2202 OptiStruct 13.frf file _s#_v.mvw file <BODY_NAME>.trn file _s#_v.frf file _s#_a.mvw file _mass.#.frf file _s#_a.fem file _sizing._freq.mvw file _s#.mvw file _mass.#. 3. The first # in the file name is the iteration number.#. One such file is created for each calculated mode at each iteration where the I/O Option RESULTS requests analytical results to be output.0 Reference Guide 2203 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . (See documentation for the I/O Option FORMAT). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The third # in the file name is the mode number.#.dis file is a Patran 2. Output is controlled by the I/O Option DISPLACEMENT. Comments 1. 4.5 ASCII format results file.#. The second # in the file name is the user-defined Subcase ID.dis file The .#. File Creation This file is created when the PATRAN format is chosen and normal modes analyses are performed..#. File Contents Result Description Eigenvector Eigenvector results from normal modes analyses. 2.#. 2204 OptiStruct 13.5 ASCII format results file.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . One such file is created for each subcase at each iteration where the I/O Option RESULTS requests analytical results to be output. (See documentation for the I/O Option FORMAT). 3. The second # in the file name is the user-defined Subcase ID. Comments 1. The first # in the file name is the iteration number.dis file is a Patran 2. File Contents Result Description Displacement Displacement results from linear static analysis. Output is controlled by the I/O Option DISPLACEMENT. File Creation This file is created when the PATRAN format is chosen and linear static analysis is performed. 2..#.#.#.#.dis file The . 0 Reference Guide 2205 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 2.# file is a Patran 2. Output is controlled by the I/O Option DISPLACEMENT. Comments 1. 3. The third # in the file name is the iteration number. File Contents Result Description Eigenvector Eigenvector results from normal modes analyses. File Creation This file is created when the APATRAN format is chosen and normal modes analyses are performed.#.#.5 ASCII format results file.dis. The first # in the file name is the user-defined Subcase ID. 4.# file The .#. One such file is created for each calculated mode at each iteration where the I/O Option RESULTS requests analytical results to be output.. (See documentation for the I/O Option FORMAT). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.#.dis. The second # in the file name is the mode number. File Creation This file is created when the PATRAN format is chosen and linear static analysis is performed. Output is controlled by the I/O Option STRESS (or ELSTRESS). 2206 OptiStruct 13. Comments 1.5 ASCII format results file. The first # in the file name is the iteration number. The second # in the file name is the user-defined Subcase ID.els file is a Patran 2. File Contents Result Description Stress Stress results from linear static analysis.#.#.#.els file The . (See documentation for the I/O Option FORMAT). 2..#. One such file is created for each subcase at each iteration where the I/O Option RESULTS requests analytical results to be output. 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 3.0 Reference Guide 2207 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . and the detailed damage information (contribution from each static loadcase).#. File Contents This file contains the average fatigue life/damage.#.fat file is an ASCII format result file. The second # in the file name is the user-defined fatigue subcase ID. File Creation This file is created for fatigue analysis and optimization.#.. If a fatigue optimization is performed. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. this file is created for each fatigue subcase at the first and last iterations. 2.#. The first # in the file name is the iteration number. Comments 1. top five damaged elements.fat file The . #.asens file The . 2208 OptiStruct 13.#. File Contents The file contains sensitivity information for all responses with respect to topology design variables (density) at a given iteration (denoted by the # in the file name).asens file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. File Creation This file is created when an optimization is performed. Comments 1. The # in the file name is the iteration number..0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. File Format The sensitivities are listed in a single column and are grouped by response. A blank line separates each response grouping. 2.dis file is a Patran 2. (See documentation for the I/O Option FORMAT).dis file The . The # in the file name is the iteration number. Output is controlled by the I/O Option DENSRES.#. Comments 1. File Creation This file is created when the PATRAN format is chosen and shape or topography design variables are present. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.5 ASCII format results file. One such file is created for each iteration where the I/O Option DENSRES requests topography or shape results to be output.#.. File Contents Result Description Shape Shape results from topography or shape optimizations.0 Reference Guide 2209 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . File Contents Result Description Displacement Displacement results from linear static analysis.# file is a Patran 2. 3. Output is controlled by the I/O Option DISPLACEMENT..5 ASCII format results file. The first # in the file name is the user-defined Subcase ID. The second # in the file name is the iteration number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .dis.dis.# file The . One such file is created for each subcase at each iteration where the I/O Option RESULTS requests analytical results to be output. 2210 OptiStruct 13. (See documentation for the I/O Option FORMAT).#. File Creation This file is created when the APATRAN format is chosen and linear static analysis is performed. 2. Comments 1.#. The EIGVRETRIEVE subcase information entry is used to retrieve values from this file. This file is used to store eigenvalue results from normal modes analyses for retrieval by modal frequency response subcases. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Comments 1. The # in the file name is the integer argument given to EIGVSAVE.. 2.eigv file The _#. File Contents Result Description Eigenvalue Eigenvalue results from normal modes analyses.#. The prefix for the file name is controlled by the I/O option EIGVNAME.eigv file is an OptiStruct binary data file.0 Reference Guide 2211 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . File Creation This file is created by the subcase information entry EIGVSAVE. #.. (See documentation for the I/O Option FORMAT). One such file is created for each iteration where the I/O Option DENSRES requests topology results to be output.els file is a Patran 2.#. 2212 OptiStruct 13. 2. File Contents Result Description Density Density results from topology optimizations. The # in the file name is the iteration number.5 ASCII format results file. Comments 1.els file The .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . File Creation This file is created when the PATRAN format is chosen and topology design variables are present. Output is controlled by the I/O Option DENSRES. Comments 1. The first # in the file name is the user-defined Subcase ID. Output is controlled by the I/O option STRESS (or ELSTRESS).#. 3. (See documentation for the I/O Option FORMAT). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 2213 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 2.# file is a Patran 2. File Contents Result Description Stress Stress results from linear static analysis. One such file is created for each subcase at each iteration where the I/O option RESULTS requests analytical results to be output. File Creation This file is created when the APATRAN format is chosen and linear static analysis is performed. The second # in the file name is the iteration number.5 ASCII format results file.els.# file The .#..els. Cd Ps where: X1. X3 provide the location of the grid point in the global coordinate system. File Format The file uses the following format for each grid in the model: GRID Id Cp X1 X2 X3 GRID identifies this as a GRID card image. Ps is the SPC associated with the grid. File Contents Result Description Nodal locations The nodal coordinates of the model at iteration # of the optimization. Cd is the identification number of the coordinate system in which the displacements. Output of this file is controlled by the I/O Option SHRES.. 2214 OptiStruct 13. and solution vectors are defined at the grid point. File Creation This file is created when topography or shape optimization is performed. Comments 1. degrees-of-freedom.grid file The . Cp is blank.grid file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. constraints. The # in the file name is the iteration number.#. X2. Id is the unique grid point identification number.#.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Output is controlled by the I/O option STRAIN and by the SOUTi field on the PCOMP definition. File Creation The . and multi-body dynamics analyses.h3d files are compressed binary files.h3d file The . Output is controlled by the I/O option STRESS. File Contents The .#. MAT2. They can be used to post-process results in HyperView or when using the HyperView Player. Composite ply strain Ply strain results for composite materials from static analyses. containing model. SB and FT fields on the PCOMP definition and by the related fields on the relevant material definition (see MAT1. Output is controlled by the I/O option STRESS and by the SOUTi field on the PCOMP definition. Composite ply stress Ply stress results for composite materials from static and analyses.#. and optimization result data. analysis. Composite failure indices Failure indices for composite materials from static analyses. In the case of shape optimization. by the SOUTi.h3d files are created when the OUTPUT. transient response.h3d files contain node and element definitions. MAT8).#. Output is controlled by the I/O option ACCELERATION.. <frequency>. Output is controlled by the I/O option DENSITY. BYITER output option is present and an optimization is performed. Density Density results from topology optimizations. H3D. the model is updated to the shape of the respective iteration. The following results are included: Result Description Acceleration Acceleration results from frequency response. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 2215 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .#. Shape Shape results from topography or shape optimizations.Result Description Displacement Displacement results from static. frequency response. Stress Stress results from static. Element force Element force results from static. and multi-body dynamics analyses. and transient response analyses. Output is controlled by the I/O option FORCE (or ELFORCE). transient response. Grid point stress Grid point stress results for 3D elements from static analyses. Output is controlled by the I/O option SHAPE. and multi-body dynamics analyses. frequency response. Eigenvector Eigenvector results from normal modes and linear buckling analyses. 2216 OptiStruct 13. Output is controlled by the I/O option GPSTRESS (or GSTRESS). Output is controlled by the I/O option DISPLACEMENT. frequency response. frequency response.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Output is controlled by the I/O option SPCFORCE. Output is controlled by the I/O option STRAIN. Strain Strain results from static. Element strain energy Element strain energy results from static and normal modes analyses. transient response. Output is controlled by the I/O option DISPLACEMENT. Single-point force of constraint Single-point force of constraint results from static analyses. Output is controlled by the I/O option ESE. acoustic. transient response. and multi-body dynamics analyses. Result Description Output is controlled by the I/O option STRESS (or ELSTRESS). 2. This allows grid point stresses to be accurately obtained at the interface of two components referencing different material definitions. The # in the file name is the iteration number. Comments 1. and multi-body dynamics analyses. Output is controlled by the I/O option VELOCITY. transient response. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Thickness Thickness results from size and topology optimizations. Output is controlled by the I/O option THICKNESS. Grid point stresses are output for the entire model and for each individual component. Velocity Velocity results from frequency response.0 Reference Guide 2217 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . #.mass file is an ASCII format results file. The # in the file name is the iteration number.. The summary of each column is 100%. The columns. The number of rows is equal to the number of requested modes for this subcase. File Format The file is formatted into blocks separated by blank lines. contain the total effective mass fraction for X-translation. Y-translation.HGEFFMASS is presented. 2. Comments 1. Yrotation. 2218 OptiStruct 13.mass file The . This file is used by the _mass. and Z-rotation. Each block represents a modal subcase.#. from left to right. File Creation This file is created when modal optimization is performed and OUTPUT. Each block contains six columns and a number of rows.#. The subcases are in order of occurrence in the input deck. Z-translation. X-rotation.mvw session file which automatically creates bar charts for the results.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . File Contents This file contains the total effective mass fraction. 2. File Content The file contains sensitivity information for all responses to size and shape design variables at a given iteration (denoted by the # in the file name).#. The _sens.. File Creation This file is created when an optimization is performed.sens file The .mvw HyperView script file automatically creates histogram plots for the results contained in this file. Comments 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O Option OUTPUT. File Format The sensitivities are listed in a single column and are grouped by response.#. A blank line separates each response grouping.#.sens file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. The # in the file name is the iteration number.0 Reference Guide 2219 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Comments 1. 2220 OptiStruct 13.#. The # in the file name is the iteration number.#. File Creation This file is created when an optimization is performed.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .. File Contents Contains information necessary to restart the optimization from a given iteration.sh file The .sh file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. Output of this file is controlled by the I/O Option SHRES. "Reference." "Lower. This is calculated as: where: Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. File Format The only values that can be changed in this file are those listed in the "New" column. these values will match one another and the "Response reference" value for each response. This is because these are the predicted values of the response at the given variable settings. The current value and the upper and lower bounds of the design variables are given in the columns. Each referenced response in the model has its own column. in the left-hand column. Initially. Information concerning a particular design variable is given in the row where its label is listed. but should always remain within the design variable's bounds. When the . These values may be adjusted. Beneath the list of design variables." and "Upper" respectively. These response columns are on the right-hand side of the sensitivity table.0 Reference Guide 2221 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering ." and "Response conservative".#. The value given in the "Response reference" row is the calculated value of the response using the design variable reference values. the values in the "New" column match those in the "Reference" column. Once the design variable values in the "New" column are altered." "Response reference.slk file is a Microsoft Excel SYLK Format results file. Output of this file is controlled by the SENSITIVITY and SENSOUT I/O options. All other values are either fixed or their calculation is fixed. If a response is constrained. The "Response linear" row predicts the response value using linear approximation. File Contents The file contains sensitivity information for size and shape design variables.slk file The . the constraint value will be given in either the "Response lower bound" or the "Response upper bound" row of the column corresponding to that response. File Creation This file is only created when size or shape optimization is performed. The response values in these rows are the predicted values of the responses for three different approximations. The calculated sensitivity of a response to changes in a design variable at the current iteration is given in the row corresponding to that design variable and the column corresponding to that response. are the headings "Response lower bound. which initially are the same settings used to calculate the "Response reference" value." and "Response upper bound". At the bottom of the left-hand column are the headings: "Response linear.." "Response reciprocal.slk file is created. Each size and shape design variable in the model is listed in the left-hand column of the sensitivity table. these values will change. are the reference values of the design variables. if all sensitivities are positive. The "Response reciprocal" row predicts the response value using reciprocal approximation. This is calculated as: where: R1 is the predicted response value. The "Response conservative" row predicts the response value using a combination of the above approximations where linear approximation is used. but if there is a mixture of positive and negative sensitivities for a given response then the conservative prediction will match neither the linear nor the reciprocal prediction. are the new values of the design variables. the conservative prediction will match the linear prediction. Therefore. are the reference values of the design variables. are the sensitivities of the response to the design variables. The normalized values simply show the predicted response as a fraction of the response reference value. when the sensitivity is positive. are the sensitivities of the response to the design variables. R0 is the response reference value.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . and reciprocal approximation is used when the sensitivity is negative. R0 is the response reference value. If all sensitivities are negative.R1 is the predicted response value. it will match the reciprocal prediction. 2222 OptiStruct 13. are the new values of the design variables. The # in the file name refers to the iteration number.0 Reference Guide 2223 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Comments 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. File Creation This file is created when an AMLS run is performed and singular grid points are detected by AMLS. 2224 OptiStruct 13.#) *createmark(nodes.nodes. Verify that the corresponding model is loaded in HyperMesh when executing the command file. Format *entitysetcreate("^AMLS singular grids".amls_singularity.cmf file The ..cmf file is a HyperMesh command file.#) List of GRID Identification numbers *entitysetupdate("^AMLS singular grids".0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .nodes. File Contents This file contains a list of GRID point identification numbers which are found to be singular during an AMLS run.amls_singularity.#) Comments 1. Iteration is the Iteration number. Output is controlled by the I/O option CONTF.cntf file has the following format: For each iteration. File Creation This file is created when the OPTI format is selected in the CONTF I/O Options Entry for nonlinear quasi-static analysis (NLSTAT) runs. Numel is the total number of nonlinear quasi-static subcases (with contact) in the entire model.. the following information is provided for each subcase: SUBCASE: <Subcase ID> <Number of Contact Interfaces> LOAD: <Load ID> LABEL: <Label> CONTACT INTERFACE: TOTAL FORCE ACTING ON MASTER SURFACE (BASIC SYSTEM) CONTACT# Altair Engineering FORCE-X FORCE-Y FORCE-Z MAGNITUDE OptiStruct 13. File Contents Result Description Contact Forces Contact force results from nonlinear quasi-static analysis (with contact) runs. the following header is used: iter Iteration Numel iter is a keyword identifying that the next field is the iteration number. File Format The . where: Within the iteration section.cntf file The .0 Reference Guide 2225 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .cntf file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. MAGNITUDE is the magnitude of the total contact force acting on the Master Surface 2226 OptiStruct 13. FORCE-Z is the component of the total contact force along the Z-axis of the Basic System. FORCE-X is the component of the total contact force along the X-axis of the Basic System.where: CONTACT# is the Contact Interface identification number (CTID on the CONTACT Bulk Data Entry).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . FORCE-Y is the component of the total contact force along the Y-axis of the Basic System. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.GPCOINC is automatically included in this file. File Contents The file contains CGAPG elements. Ensure that the FE overwrite option is turned on in the import panel. the shape of the FEA model should be updated by applying shape change results.0 Reference Guide 2227 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . PGAP properties. The contact elements are presented as CGAPG elements. Comments 1. File Format The formats of GRID.YES is used. It is used to visualize the internally created contact elements. File Creation This file is created when CONTPRM. load the original FEA model in HyperMesh and import this file.fem file The . 3. During optimization.contgap.CONTGAP. The parameter GAPPRM. and PGAP are the same as for the bulk data entries. 2.fem file is an ASCII format file. To visualize this configuration correctly for shape optimization. and the auxiliary GRIDs for contact visualization. CGAPG.. this file contains the contact elements at the latest iteration. To visualize the configuration of the contact elements.contgap. cstr file The .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . On PCOMP. OS or BOTH formats are chosen. File Creation This file is created when the OPTI. (See documentation for the I/O options FORMAT and OUTPUT). Comments 1. File Format The composite stress file format is self-explanatory. It gives the stress. Output is controlled by the I/O options CSTRESS or CSTRAIN. SOUT=YES needs to be selected. strain and composite failure for each element and its plies.cstr file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. 2228 OptiStruct 13.. File Contents Result Description Composite stress or strain Composite stress and strain results from linear static. The I/O option RESULTS controls the frequency of output for analytical results during an optimization. where: Within the iteration section. Numel is the total number of elements in entire model. where: Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. the following information is provided for each element: EID Mat_dens EID is the element identification number. File Creation This file is created when the OPTI.dens file The . OS or BOTH formats are chosen and a topology optimization is performed. Iteration is the Iteration number. (See documentation for the I/O options FORMAT and OUTPUT). the following header is used: iter Iteration Numel iter is a keyword identifying that the next field is the iteration number. Output is controlled by the I/O option DENSRES..0 Reference Guide 2229 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . File Contents Result Description Density Density results from topology optimizations. File Format The density file has the following format: For each iteration.dens file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. 0. Non-design elements are assigned a material density of 1. 2230 OptiStruct 13.Mat_dens is the element material density.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.DESVAR is requested in size or shape optimization. File Format The format for design variable output is the same as for the bulk data entries.desvar file The .desvar file is an ASCII format result file. File Contents This file contains the updated design variables at last iteration.. File Creation This file is created when OUTPUT.0 Reference Guide 2231 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . File Creation This file is created when the APATRAN format is chosen and shape or topography design variables are present. The # in the file name is the iteration number.# file is a Patran 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . One such file is created for each iteration where the I/O option DENSRES requests topography or shape results to be output.dis. Comments 1.# file The . File Contents Result Description Shape Shape results from topography or shape optimizations. 2. 2232 OptiStruct 13.dis.5 ASCII format results file. Output is controlled by the I/O option DENSRES.. (See documentation for the I/O options FORMAT and OUTPUT). disp file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. Eigenvector Eigenvector results from normal modes and linear buckling analyses.. Numids is the number of linear static subcases plus the number of calculated normal and buckling modes. OS or BOTH formats are chosen. Output is controlled by the I/O option VELOCITY. Iteration is the iteration number. Velocity Velocity results from frequency response analyses. Displacement Displacement results from linear static. (See documentation for the I/O options FORMAT and OUTPUT). Output is controlled by the I/O option DISPLACEMENT.disp file The .0 Reference Guide 2233 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . and frequency response analyses. inertia relief. File Contents Result Description Acceleration Acceleration results from frequency response analyses. Output is controlled by the I/O option ACCELERATION. File Format The displacement file has the following format: For each iteration. the following header is used: iter Iteration Numids iter is a keyword identifying that the next field is the iteration number. where: Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. File Creation This file is created when the OPTI. Output is controlled by the I/O option DISPLACEMENT. 2234 OptiStruct 13. Datatype is a keyword indicating the type of subcase involved.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . where: DISP indicates displacement result. normal or linear buckling mode. Freq is the frequency or Buckling eigenvalue (1.0 for static subcases). inertia relief. (EIGV) declares data is from a normal modes subcase. Numnod is the number of grids in the model. VELO indicates a velocity result (for frequency response analysis only). or frequency response subcases or 1 for eigenvectors. This is not necessarily the same as the subcase ID defined in the input data. (DFRQ) declares data is from a direct frequency response subcase. (BKLV) declares data is from a linear buckling subcase. SPCcase is the SPC set identification number for linear static.Within the iteration section. (MFRQ) declares data is from a modal frequency response subcase. ACCE indicates an acceleration result (for frequency response analysis only). Result is a keyword declaring the result type given. the following header is used for each linear static subcase. or direct modal frequency response: LCID Numnod Freq Result: SPCcase (Datatype) LCID is the output ID for the subcase or mode. (LOAD) declares data is from a static subcase. 0 Reference Guide 2235 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . where: Comments 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Z is the Z displacement of the node. The I/O option RESULTS controls the frequency of output for analytical results during an optimization. Y is the Y displacement of the node. the following information is provided for each node: NID X disp Y disp Z disp NID is the node identification number. X is the X displacement of the node.Within the subcase or mode section. File Format DESVAR and DVGRID definitions are provided for each linear static subcase and for each calculated normal mode. inertia relief.. Output for linear static subcases begins with a header in the following format: $ $ DESVAR and DVGRIDs for static load case $ subcase_id where: subcase_id is the user-defined subcase identification number. File Contents The file contains shape variable definitions for the displacements or eigenvectors resulting from linear static. Mode Number mode_number $ where: subcase_id is the user-defined subcase identification number.dvgrid file The . Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O Option OUTPUT. mode_number is the mode number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The DESVAR and DVGRID definitions are formatted as per the bulk data descriptions. File Creation This file is only created when an analysis is performed.dvgrid file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. Output for calculated normal modes begins with a header in the following format: $ $ DESVAR and DVGRIDs for eigenvalue load case subcase_id. 2236 OptiStruct 13. or normal modes analyses. should generate identical results (round off error may be noticeable if the original input deck uses large field format). when used with the same subcase information and I/O options entries. File Creation Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option ECHO = PUNCH..0 Reference Guide 2237 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.echo file is an OptiStruct input file. File Contents The file represents a copy of the input deck in a form suitable to use for another solution which.echo file The . # file The . The # in the file name is the iteration number. 2.. File Creation This file is created when the APATRAN format is chosen and topology design variables are present.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Output is controlled by the I/O option DENSRES. (See documentation for the I/O options FORMAT and OUTPUT).els.5 ASCII format results file. One such file is created for each iteration where the I/O option DENSRES requests topology results to be output.els. 2238 OptiStruct 13. Comments 1. File Contents Result Description Density Density results from topology optimizations.# file is a Patran 2. ents Frequency Altair Engineering is 1.0 Reference Guide 2239 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .force file The . Iteration_number is the Iteration number. File Format The file is divided up by iteration. CBEAM). Number_of_elem is the number of elements for which this output is requested. CTRIA). ROD (CROD). File Creation Creation of this file is controlled by the FORCE (ELFORCE) I/O option. PLATE (CQUAD. BUSH (CBUSH). Each iteration section is divided up by subcase. Output for each subcase starts with a line in the following format: Id Number_of_elements subcase_label Frequency LOAD:Spc_id(Datatype) where: ID is the output identification number for the subcase. CELAS2. Number_of_subcases is the number of subcases for which this output is created. File Contents Result Description Force Force results from linear static analysis for ELAS (CELAS1. This is not the same as the subcase ID used in the input data. and GAP (CGAP) elements. Output from each iteration starts with a line in the following format: ITER Iteration_number Number_of_subcases where: ITER is a keyword denoting the beginning of a new iteration.0 for static analysis. CELAS3.force file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. BAR (CBAR. CELAS4). OptiStruct 13.. Each subcase section is divided up by element-type. BEND-Y. The format is: Eid value1 value2 value3 … where: Eid is the element identification number. SHEAR-YZ.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . whereas. (LOAD) declares data is for a linear static subcase. Comments 1. The format of the element output matches the corresponding header. value# is the Force result corresponding to the column header. Spc_id is the SID for SPC's referenced by this subcase. 2240 OptiStruct 13. depending on the type of elements for which this output was selected. MEMB-Y. SHEAR-XZ. TWIST-XY. MEMB-XY. Output for each element-type section starts with one of the following formats (depending on the elements present in the model): ELAS # FORC E ROD# FORC E-A FORC E-B BUSH# F-X F-Y F-Z BAR# END AXIAL SHEAR-1 SHEAR-2 TORQUE BENDING BENDING -1 -2 PLATE# MEMB-X MEMB-Y GAP# C OMP-X SHEAR-Y SHEAR-Z M-X MEMB-XY BEND-X M-Y BEND-Y M-Z TWISTXY SHEARXZ SHEARYZ Element force output is then listed under these headings. that is for ROD elements you would get FORCE-A and FORCE-B. for PLATE elements you would get MEMB-X. BEND-X.LOAD is a keyword declaring applied load information. The I/O option RESULTS controls the frequency of output for analytical results during an optimization. (Datatype) is a keyword indicating the type of subcase involved. fsthick file is an OptiStruct ASCII format file.fsthick file The .0 Reference Guide 2241 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .fsthick file is the same as for the corresponding bulk data entries.. File Contents Result Description Element definition The element definitions for those elements that were part of a free size design space. YES is present in the I/O Options section. The optimized thickness of these elements are provided as nodal thickness values (Ti). File Creation This file is created when free size optimization is performed and OUTPUT. File Format The format for the . FSTHICK. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Subcase_id is the user-defined subcase ID to which the force balance table applies. for which this output format was selected. File Creation Creation of this file is controlled by the GPFORCE I/O option. These tables are given the following header: Grid point forces for node Node_id Subcase ID = Subcase_id where: Node_id is the ID of the node to which the force balance table applies. Output from each iteration starts with a line in the following format: ITERATION Iteration_number ITERATION is a keyword denoting the beginning of a new iteration. where: Each iteration section contains a force balance table for each node.gpf file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . in each linear static subcase. File Contents Result Description Grid point force balance table Grid point force balance table for linear static analysis. 2242 OptiStruct 13. Iteration_number is the Iteration number. File Format The file is divided up by iteration..gpf file The . F-MPC Force contribution of rigid elements or multi-point constraints. x-force is the x-translational component of the force. Elem Force contribution of elastic elements. This is the element's ID. Total The sum of all the force contributions. y-moment is the y-rotational component of the force. Comments 1. The I/O option RESULTS controls the frequency of output for analytical results during an optimization.And the force information is provided. Force contribution of Applied loads. Appl. z-moment is the z-rotational component of the force.0 Reference Guide 2243 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . in the following format: Force_type Element_id x-force y-force z-force xmoment y-moment z-moment where: Force_type is one of: SPC Force contribution of single-point constraints. z-force is the z-translational component of the force. for each contributing element. constraint or load. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. x-moment is the x-rotational component of the force. y-force is the y-translational component of the force. Element_id is only valid for force contributions from elastic elements. Cp is the identification number of the coordinate system in which the location of the grid point is defined. degrees-of-freedom.grid file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. Output of this file is controlled by the I/O Option SHRES or by the GRID keyword on the OUTPUT card. Ps is the SPC associated with the grid. 2244 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Id is the unique grid point identification number.grid file The . File Contents Result Description Nodal locations The nodal coordinates of the model for the last iteration of the optimization. Cd is the identification number of the coordinate system in which the displacements. X3 provide the location of the grid point in the global coordinate system. X1. File Creation This file is created when topography or shape optimization is performed. File Format The file uses the following format for each grid in the model: GRID Id Cp X1 X2 X3 Cd Ps where: GRID identifies this as a GRID card image. X2. constraints and solution vectors are defined at the grid point.. MAT8).h3d file is created when the H3D format is chosen (see I/O options FORMAT and OUTPUT). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. transient response. the I/O option ANALYSIS is present. Composite ply stress Ply stress results for composite materials from static and analyses.. Output is controlled by the I/O option ACCELERATION. Output is controlled by the I/O option STRESS. File Contents The .h3d file The . Composite ply strain Ply strain results for composite materials from static analyses. Output is controlled by the I/O option STRAIN and by the SOUTi field on the PCOMP definition. File Creation The . and an analysis only run is performed (meaning no design variables or design spaces are defined in the model). Output is controlled by the I/O option STRESS and by the SOUTi field on the PCOMP definition.0 Reference Guide 2245 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Density Density results from topology optimizations. and multi-body dynamics analyses.h3d file is a compressed binary file. SB and FT fields on the PCOMP definition and by the related fields on the relevant material definition (see MAT1. MAT2. Output is controlled by the I/O option DENSITY.h3d file contains node and element definitions in addition to the following results: Result Description Acceleration Acceleration results from frequency response. acoustic. containing both model and result data. by the SOUTi. Composite failure indices Failure indices for composite materials from static analyses. It can be used to post-process results in HyperView or when using the HyperView Player. or the command line switch analysis is used (see Run Options for OptiStruct). 2246 OptiStruct 13. Output is controlled by the I/O option GPSTRESS (or GSTRESS). Grid point stress Grid point stress results for 3D elements from static and normal modes analyses. Output is controlled by the I/O option ESE. Element force Element force results from static. transient response. acoustic.Result Description Displacement Displacement results from static. frequency response. frequency response. Output is controlled by the I/O option EKE. Element kinetic energy Element kinetic energy and kinetic energy density output from frequency response analysis. Output is controlled by the I/O option POWERFLOW. Eigenvector Eigenvector results from normal modes and linear buckling analyses. Power flow field Power flow field output from frequency response and acoustic analyses. Output is controlled by the I/O option DISPLACEMENT. acoustic. and multi-body dynamics analyses. Element energy loss per cycle Element energy loss per cycle and energy loss per cycle density output from frequency response analysis. Output is controlled by the I/O option FORCE (or ELFORCE). normal modes and frequency response analyses. Output is controlled by the I/O option DISPLACEMENT. Output is controlled by the I/O option EDE. and transient response analyses.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Element strain energy Element strain energy and strain energy density results from static. acoustic. and multi-body dynamics analyses. transient response. frequency response. and transient response analyses. Output is controlled by the I/O option STRESS (or ELSTRESS). and multi-body dynamics. frequency response. Output is controlled by the I/O option VELOCITY. For dynamic analyses like frequency response. transient response. transient response. acoustic. This allows grid point stresses to be accurately obtained at the interface of two components referencing different material definitions. Velocity Velocity results from frequency response.Result Description Shape Shape results from topography or shape optimizations. frequency response. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Strain Strain results from static. Output is controlled by the I/O option SHAPE. Grid point stresses are output for the entire model and for each individual component. Thickness Thickness results from size and topology optimizations. SPC force Single-point force of constraint results from static. it is recommended that sets be used to reduce the amount of model and results output data. acoustic. 2. and multi-body dynamics analyses. Output is controlled by the I/O option STRAIN. Output is controlled by the I/O option THICKNESS. Output is controlled by the I/O option SPCFORCE. Comments 1. and multi-body dynamics analyses. Stress Stress results from static. transient response.0 Reference Guide 2247 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The output file can become very large since results are output for each frequency or time step. acoustic. 2248 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .hgdata file is a HyperGraph ASCII results file. Contents of this file are controlled by the I/O option HISOUT. Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O Option DESHIS. and response functions. design variables.hgdata file The . File Contents This file may contain the iteration history of the objective function.. constraint functions. File Creation This file is created when an optimization is performed. The file uses the following format: iteration Objective Max_Const_Violation Design_variables DRESP1s DESP2s where: iteration is the iteration number. Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O Option DESHIS. Design_variables is the value of the design variables.hist file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. File Format The section outlines the format of the . Objective is the value of the objective function. File Creation This file is created when an optimization is performed. Max_Const_Violation is the Maximum constraint violation in %. maximum constrain violation. and DRESP2 type responses. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. DRESP1 type responses. File Contents This file contains the iteration history of the objective function.. DRESP1 response and DRESP2 response. design variables.0 Reference Guide 2249 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Each DRESP2 type response is given its own column.hist file The . Each DRESP1 type response is given its own column. Contents of this file are controlled by the I/O option HISOUT. Each design variable is given its own column. DRESP1s is the value of the DRESP1s. The value of each design variable. DESP2s is the value of the DRESP2s. Comments 1. is provided in its own column.hist OptiStruct ASCII file. 2.HM. Since elements cannot be in more than one component in HyperMesh.2. Ensure the corresponding model is loaded in HyperMesh when executing the command file.0-0. 0.cmf file The .0.2-0.HM. up to 0. the original components do not contain any elements. All elements with a material density between 0% and 10% are contained in 0.0-0.1-0. 0.. and so on.cmf file organizes all elements in the model into ten new components based on their material densities at the final iteration.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .comp.comp. This helps you visualize results by turning components on and off. All elements with a material density between 10% and 20% are contained in 0. the .1. and so on. File Creation The . Comments 1.cmf file is created when a topology optimization is performed (see Topology Optimization in the OptiStruct User's Guide). File Contents When executed in HyperMesh.1-0. 2.HM.9-1.HM.comp. The components are named 0.3.1.comp. 2250 OptiStruct 13.cmf file is a HyperMesh command file. 2. 0.0.. Comments 1. up to 0.cmf file is created when a topology optimization is performed and 1D elements form part of the topological design space (see Topology Optimization in the OptiStruct Users Guide). Connectors are geometric entities in HyperMesh.1 component.conn. the .3.HM.conn. File Creation The . The connectors corresponding to those elements with a material density between 10% and 20% are contained in the 0.2 component.0 Reference Guide 2251 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The connector corresponding to those elements with a material density between 0% and 10% are contained in the 0.1-0.0-0.conn.cmf file creates connector definitions for those 1D elements which formed part of the topological design space and organizes these connectors into ten new components based on their material densities at the final iteration.cmf file The . and so on. This helps you to visualize results by turning components on and off. Make sure that the corresponding model is loaded in HyperMesh when executing the command file.HM.1-0.conn.0-0.2-0.9-1.HM.1. 0. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. File Contents When executed in HyperMesh. 2.HM. and so on.cmf file is a HyperMesh command file. The components are named 0. One set is created for each failed quality check. 2252 OptiStruct 13.elcheck.cmf file is a HyperMesh command file. the . 3.cmf file The . BUSHSTIF and PARAM.elcheck.cmf file organizes all elements into separate sets depending on which quality check they fail. File Creation The file is created when an element quality check is performed. Element quality tests using ELEMQUAL entry and PARAM.HM. 2.HM. Ensure the corresponding model is loaded in HyperMesh when executing the command file.elcheck. CHECKEL. ELASSTIF).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . File Contents This file contains results from the following tests: 1.. CBUSH or CELAS elements with excessive stiffness values (PARAM. When executed in HyperMesh. Incorrectly formed CFAST and CWELD elements. Comments 1.HM. This helps you to visualize results by finding (displaying) elements by set. 2. One set is created for each failed quality check. 3.. Comments 1.cmf file The .elcheck_###. Ensure the corresponding model is loaded in HyperMesh when executing the command file. Incorrectly formed CFAST and CWELD elements. File Creation The file is created. CHECKEL.###. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. BUSHSTIF and PARAM.elcheck_###. 2. CBUSH or CELAS elements with excessive stiffness values (PARAM. the . This helps you to visualize results by finding (displaying) elements by set. ELASSTIF).cmf file organizes all elements into separate sets depending on which quality check they fail. as required.HM.cmf file is a HyperMesh command file. The ### in the file name represents the optimization iteration number. Element quality tests using ELEMQUAL entry and PARAM. when an element quality check is performed for optimization iterations.HM. When executed in HyperMesh.elcheck.0 Reference Guide 2253 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .HM. File Contents This file contains results from the following tests: 1. 9-1. The advantage of this method over the .0-0..HM. and so on.cmf file is created when a topology optimization is performed (see Topology Optimization in the OptiStruct User's Guide).2-0.1-0.ent.0.2. 0. The sets are named 0.2. up to 0. File Contents When executed in HyperMesh. File Creation The . You can then visualize the results by masking the entity sets which contain those elements with lower density.1.0-0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .ent. Comments 1. All elements with a material density between 0% and 10% are contained in 0.cmf method is that the elements remain in their original components.HM. 2254 OptiStruct 13.1-0.cmf file organizes all elements in the model into ten new entity sets based on their material densities at the final iteration.HM.ent.comp.3.1.ent.HM. All elements with a material density between 10% and 20% are contained in 0. and so on. 0. the .HM.cmf file is a HyperMesh command file. 2.cmf file The . Ensure the corresponding model is loaded in HyperMesh when executing the command file. but can still be selected and masked by entity set. File Contents When executed in HyperMesh.cmf file is a HyperMesh command file.cmf file The .gapstat.cmf file organizes gap elements into two sets.0 Reference Guide 2255 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .HM. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. HMGAPST is set as YES or 1. File Creation This file is created when a nonlinear gap analysis is performed and GAPPRM. Be sure that the corresponding model is loaded in HyperMesh when executing the command file.gapstat. open or closed. the . Comments 1..gapstat.HM.HM. depending on the status of the gap at the end of the analysis. . 2D.html file is a HyperText Markup Language file. File Contents This file contains a problem summary and results summary of the run.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . and 3D elements and the elements where these occur For normal modes subcases: The frequencies of the calculated modes The maximum deformation and the node where this occurs The maximum strain energy density and the element where this occurs For linear buckling subcases: The buckling factor for the calculated modes The maximum deformation and the node where this occurs 2256 OptiStruct 13. subcase definitions. The problem summary contains information on the finite element model. The results summary lists the following results for an analysis or the final iteration of an optimization: For linear static subcases: The maximum displacement and the node where this occurs The maximum strain energy density and the element where this occurs The maximum stress and strain for 1D. File Creation This file is always output. and optimization parameters.html file The . interface file The . This file is used to verify the fluid/structure coupling matrix. ensure that the FE overwrite option is turned on in the HyperMesh import panel. File Creation This file is always created when acoustic analysis is performed. 2. Comments 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.. Import this file into HyperMesh with the acoustic model already loaded.0 Reference Guide 2257 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . File Contents This acoustic coupling interface matrix visualization file contains element definitions. For best performance.interface file is an ASCII format results file. File Contents This file contains the stiffness matrix.. File Creation This file is created when PARAM.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . -5 is present in the bulk data section.op2 file is a Nastran output2 format file containing the stiffness matrix. 2258 OptiStruct 13.op2 file The .k.k. POST. load file The . OptiStruct 13. File Contents Result Description Applied Load Applied load vectors for linear static analysis.0 Reference Guide 2259 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .load file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. File Creation Creation of this file is controlled by the OLOAD I/O option. Numids is the number of subcases for which this output is created.. Output for each subcase starts with a line in the following format: Id Number_of_node s Frequency LOAD:Spc_id(Datatype) subcase_label where: Id Altair Engineering is the output identification number for the subcase. the following header is used: iter Iteration NumIds iter is a keyword denoting the beginning of a new iteration. File Format The applied load file has the following format: For each iteration. where: Each iteration section is divided up by subcase. Iteration is the iteration number. This is not the same as the subcase ID used in the input data. Number_of_nodes is the number of nodes for which this output is requested. X mom Y mom Z mom where: Comments 1.0 for static analysis. The I/O option RESULTS controls the frequency of output for analytical results during an Optimization. Y force is the Y force at the node. Datatype is a keyword indicating the type of subcase involved. Z mom is the Z moment at the node. Y mom is the Y moment at the node. X force is the X force at the node. The following information is then provided for each node. X mom is the X moment at the node. Spc_id is the SID for SPC's referenced by this subcase. 2260 OptiStruct 13. LOAD is a keyword declaring applied load information. Z force is the Z force at the node. (LOAD) declares data is for a linear static subcase. Frequency is 1. for which this output was requested: NID X force Y force Z force NID is the node identification number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . m. File Creation This file is created when PARAM.0 Reference Guide 2261 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . File Contents This file contains the mass matrix. POST.m.op2 file is a Nastran output2 format file containing the mass matrix. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. -5 is present in the bulk data section..op2 file The . X-rotation. and Z-rotation. Ytranslation. Each block contains a number of rows equal to the number of requested modes for that subcase.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .mvw HyperView script file automatically creates plots for the results contained in this file. 2262 OptiStruct 13. the subcases are in order of occurrence in the input deck. Comments 1. File Contents Result Description Modal Effective Masses Modal effective mass results from modal analyses. Y-rotation. File Format The file is formatted into blocks separated by blank lines.mass file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file.. The _mass. from left to right. Z-translation. Output is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. File Creation This file is only created when modal analyses are performed. Each block represents a modal subcase. The columns.mass file The .HGEFFMASS. Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O Option OUTPUT. contain results for modal effective mass for X-translation. Comments 1. nodal stress results for solid elements will be written to this file.mnf file The ..mnf file is ADAMS modal neutral file. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. ADAMSMNF. File Creatio n This file is created when OUTPUT. If GPSTRESS output is requested in addition to OUTPUT. File Contents This file contains the flexible body models. ADAMSMNF is presented during flexible body generation.0 Reference Guide 2263 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . File Format The file is divided up by iteration.mpcf file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file.. Output from each iteration starts with a line in the following format: ITERATION Iteration_number ITERATION is a keyword denoting the beginning of a new iteration. File Contents Result Description Multi-point force of constraint Multi-point force of constraints for linear static analysis. for each node. MPC force information is then provided.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Each subcase section is given the following header: MPC forces for Subcase Subcase_id where: Subcase_id is the user-defined subcase ID to which the mpc forces apply. where: Each iteration section contains the multi-point force of constraint for each node. in the following format: 2264 OptiStruct 13. File Creation Creation of this file is controlled by the MPCFORCES I/O option. for which this output format was selected.mpcf file The . in each linear static subcase. Iteration_number is the iteration number. z-moment is the z-rotational component of the force at the node. y-moment is the y-rotational component of the force at the node.Node_id x-force y-force z-force x-moment y-moment z-moment where: Node_id is the node identification number. The I/O option RESULTS controls the frequency of output for analytical results during an Optimization. x-moment is the x-rotational component of the force at the node. y-force is the y-translational component of the force at the node. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Comments 1. z-force is the z-translational component of the force at the node. x-force is the x-translational component of the force at the node.0 Reference Guide 2265 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Density Density results from topology optimizations. or OUTPUT2 formats are chosen. frequency response. OUT2. Output is controlled by the I/O option DISPLACEMENT.op2 file is a Nastran output2 format for model and results data. and by the related fields on the relevant material definition (see MAT1. transient response. Output is controlled by the I/O option CSTRESS. 2266 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . acoustic. Output is controlled by the I/O option DENSITY. MAT2. and multi-body dynamics analyses. acoustic. SB and FT fields on the PCOMP definition. Composite ply stress Ply stress results for composite materials from static analyses. Output is controlled by the I/O option CSTRAIN and by the SOUTi field on the PCOMP definition. transient response. MAT8). File Contents Result Description Acceleration Acceleration results from frequency response. (See documentation for the I/O options FORMAT and OUTPUT). Composite ply strain Ply strain results for composite materials from static analyses. Displacement Displacement results from static. Output is controlled by the I/O option ACCELERATION. File Creation This file is created when the O2. and multi-body dynamics analyses.op2 file The . by the SOUTi. Composite failure indices Failure indices for composite materials from static analyses.. Note: Density results are reported as element strain energy. Output is controlled by the I/O option CSTRESS and by the SOUTi field on the PCOMP definition. and transient response analyses. Output is controlled by the I/O option EKE. frequency response.Result Description Eigenvector Eigenvector results from normal modes and linear buckling analyses. Element force Element force results from static. and transient response analyses. MPC force Multi-point force of constraint results from static. PSD element stress Altair Engineering Power spectral density function of element stresses from random response analysis. Grid point stress Grid point stress results for 3D elements from static analyses. Element kinetic energy Element kinetic energy and kinetic energy density output from frequency response analysis. Output is controlled by the I/O option DISPLACEMENT.0 Reference Guide 2267 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Output is controlled by the I/O option FORCE (or ELFORCE). Output is controlled by the I/O option EDE. acoustic. OptiStruct 13. and transient response analyses. Element strain energy Element strain energy and strain energy density results from static. PSD element strain Power spectral density function of element strains from random response analysis. frequency response. acoustic. normal modes. Output is controlled by the I/O option ESE. Output is controlled by the I/O option MPCFORCE. Element energy loss per cycle Element energy loss per cycle and energy loss per cycle density output from frequency response analysis. frequency response. Output is controlled by the I/O option STRAIN. Output is controlled by the I/O option GPSTRESS (or GSTRESS). RMS element stress Root mean square value of element stresses from random response analysis. In addition to the analysis and optimization results. Output is controlled by the I/O option STRAIN.8 or newer). use the NOMODEL option on OUTPUT.4. and Animator (3.6c or newer) must be used. frequency response. 3. acoustic. acoustic. Comments 1.Result Description Output is controlled by the I/O option STRESS. and multi-body dynamics analyses. elements. Stress Stress results from static. transient response.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Output is controlled by the I/O option STRAIN.0. and multi-body dynamics analyses.op2 file. and properties) is written to the . and transient response analyses. Strain Strain results from static.6. frequency response.op2 file. Velocity Velocity results from frequency response. Output is controlled by the I/O option VELOCITY. transient response. This model can be read by HyperView and fatigue codes. The I/O option RESULTS controls the frequency of output for analytical results during an optimization. the finite element model description (nodes. frequency response. acoustic. and multi-body dynamics analyses. RMS element strain Root mean square value of element strains from random response analysis. newer versions of FEMFAT. SPC force Single-point force of constraint results from static. Output is controlled by the I/O option STRESS. 2268 OptiStruct 13. transient response. Output is controlled by the I/O option STRESS (or ELSTRESS). coordinates systems. To be able to read the model directly from the . OP2. Output is controlled by the I/O option SPCFORCE. To turn off the model output. acoustic. Medina (7. 2. 4. For dynamic analyses like frequency response. transient response. The output file can become very large since results are output for each frequency or time step. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. and multi-body dynamics.0 Reference Guide 2269 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . it is recommended that sets be used to reduce the amount of model and results output data. oss file is an OSSmooth parameter file.. File Contents The file contains default settings for running OSSmooth after a successful optimization.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . File Creation This file is created when a topology. Comments 1. or shape optimization is performed. The format of this file is described on the OSSmooth Input Data page. topography. 2270 OptiStruct 13.oss file The . and the total mass. otherwise the total volume is given. it is flagged as Active. Global force balance tables for each linear static subcase. it is flagged as A (active). File Format The file starts with an OptiStruct banner. For stress constraint in topology optimization. Design volume fraction value if topology design variables are present. User-requested responses table (when RESPRINT or DREPORT is a requested output). (When SPCFORCE or GPFORCE is a requested output). the constraint is flagged as V (violated).out file is an ASCII format results file. if there is no violation. File Creation This file is always created. or as a summary for nonlinear analysis): Element quality information (If any of the warning or error limits are exceeded). and is followed by three sections which outline the problem definition: Optimization File and Parameter Information Finite Element Model Data Information Optimization Problem Parameters Following these.0 Reference Guide 2271 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . calculated estimates on required memory and disk space are provided under the headings: Memory Estimation Information Disk Space Estimation Information The Analysis Results or Optimization History information sections provide the following information (Some information is output for each iteration during optimization.out file The . Objective function value Maximum constrain violation % and the ID of this constraint. otherwise. If the violation is lower than 1%. File Contents This file provides a commentary on the solution process. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Individual subcase compliances and weightings and the total weighted compliance. it is flagged as Inactive.. Retained responses table If the constraint violation is higher than 1%. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1 PLYPCT LOWER 0.8 5. The Constraint Information columns are self-explanatory and may vary from one constraint type to the other. A list of calculated buckling modes and their eigenvalues.0 ALL Violated 31.6 2. – Represents the percentage of the total number of elements in the design space for which the specified manufacturing constraint (Type) is violated. Center of Gravity table Moment of Inertia table Regional compliance table Manufacturing Constraints table for Composite Optimization An example table is shown below: COMPOSITE MANUFACTURING CONSTRAINTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------User-ID Constraint Information Status Max Avg Pct Type Bound Group Elem Viol. Nonlinear Iteration Summary table for Nonlinear Analysis An example table is shown below: 2272 OptiStruct 13.1 2. Max Viol.5 1 PLYPCT LOWER 90. Design variable values and bounds if shape or size design variables are present.0 ALL Violated 3. – Represents the maximum violation of the specified manufacturing constraint (Type). Pct Viol. eigenvalues and weighting and the value of the frequencies weighted across the reciprocal eigenvalues. their frequencies.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Where.0 1. Viol.Most violated constraints table. Designed property/material/connectivity items table if size design variables are present. Viol. – Represents the average violation of all the violated elements for the specified manufacturing constraint (Type).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .2 1 PLYPCT UPPER 90.6 0. Avg Viol. A list of calculated normal modes.3 14.0 ALL Violated 12. Where. Maximum Plststrn – Represents the Maximum Plastic Strain The Gap and Contact Element Status columns are self-explanatory. At the end of the file.0 Reference Guide 2273 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . U – Represents the average displacement of all elements for a particular iteration for a subcase EUI – Represents the relative error in displacements EPI – Represents the error in terms of loads EWI – Represents the error in terms of work Refer to the Nonlinear Convergence Criteria section of Nonlinear Quasi-Static Analysis in the User’s Guide for more information. the following information is provided: Resource usage information Compute time information Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Avg. frequency response. Element force Element force results from static.pch file The . Output is controlled by the I/O option FORCE (or ELFORCE). acoustic. Density Density results from topology optimizations. Displacement Displacement results from static. Eigenvector Eigenvector results from normal modes analyses. acoustic. (See documentation for the I/O options FORMAT and OUTPUT). 2274 OptiStruct 13. Element energy loss per cycle Element energy loss per cycle and energy loss per cycle density output from frequency response analysis. and transient response analyses.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . transient response. File Contents Result Description Acceleration Acceleration results from frequency response. Output is controlled by the I/O option DENSRES. acoustic. and transient response analyses. Output is controlled by the I/O option ACCELERATION.pch file is a Nastran punch format results file.. Element kinetic energy Element kinetic energy and kinetic energy density output from frequency response analysis. frequency response. Note: Density results are reported as von Mises Strains. Output is controlled by the I/O option DISPLACEMENT. File Creation This file is created when the NASTRAN or PUNCH formats are chosen. and multi-body dynamics analyses. Output is controlled by the I/O option EDE. Output is controlled by the I/O option DISPLACEMENT. (see comment 2) Output is controlled by the I/O options XYPEAK. Element strain energy Element strain energy and strain energy density results from static. (see comment 2) Output is controlled by the I/O options XYPEAK.0 Reference Guide 2275 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . XYPLOT. XYPLOT. MPC force Multi-point force of constraint results from static. PSD acceleration Power spectral density function of accelerations from random response analysis. Output is controlled by the I/O option GPSTRESS (or GSTRESS).Result Description Output is controlled by the I/O option EKE. (see comment 2) Output is controlled by the I/O options XYPEAK. (see comment 2) OptiStruct 13. normal modes and frequency response analyses. and XYPUNCH. and XYPUNCH. acoustic. PSD element stress Altair Engineering Power spectral density function of element stresses from random response analysis. and XYPUNCH. PSD element strain Power spectral density function of element strains from random response analysis. (see comment 2) Output is controlled by the I/O options XYPEAK. and XYPUNCH. PSD displacement Power spectral density function of displacements from random response analysis. Output is controlled by the I/O option ESE. Output is controlled by the I/O option MPCFORCE. Grid point stress Grid point stress results for 3D elements from static analysis. and transient response analyses. PSD velocity Power spectral density function of velocities from random response analysis. XYPLOT. frequency response. XYPLOT. XYPLOT. and XYPUNCH. The I/O option RESULTS controls the frequency of output for analytical results during an optimization. transient response. Output is controlled by the I/O options XYPEAK. Output is controlled by the I/O option VELOCITY. RMS element stress Root mean square value of element stresses from random response analysis. Output is controlled by the I/O option STRESS (or ELSTRESS). 2276 OptiStruct 13. if the plot-type field on the XYPUNCH output request is set to PSDF. XYPLOT. Multiple RANDOM subcase information entries with non-unique ID’s are allowed in a single model. and multi-body dynamics analyses. Strain Strain results from static. and multi-body dynamics analyses. Comments 1. XYPLOT. 2. acoustic. Stress Stress results from static. and multi-body dynamics. frequency response.pch file when multiple RANDOM entries are present in the same deck. and XYPUNCH. Velocity Velocity results from frequency response analyses. acoustic. If only one RANDOM entry is present. the RANDOM ID is not printed. transient response. Therefore.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . SPC force Single-point force of constraint results from linear static analysis. and XYPUNCH. Output is controlled by the I/O option SPCFORCE. then the RANDOM ID will be added to the XYPUNCH headers in the corresponding result sections of the .Result Description Output is controlled by the I/O options XYPEAK. Output is controlled by the I/O option STRAIN. Output is controlled by the I/O options XYPEAK. transient response. acoustic. RMS element strain Root mean square value of element strains from random response analysis. frequency response. 0 Reference Guide 2277 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. File Creation This file is created when OUTPUT. File Contents This file contains elements and PCOMPG property information for each STACK.PCOMP is requested in composite sizing optimization. 2278 OptiStruct 13..0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .pcomp file is an ASCII format result file.pcomp file The . or XYPUNCH is requested in random response analysis.. and the peak power spectral density and responses. File Creation This file is created when XYPLOT. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 2279 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .peak file The . XYPEAK. the number of positive crossings.peak file is an ASCII format results file. File Contents This file contains the root mean square value. Each such subcase section is given the following header: Subcase Subcase_id Subcase_label Where: Subcase is a keyword denoting the beginning of the current subcase section.pret file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file.pret file The . Subcase_id is the user-defined subcase ID Subcase_label is the user-defined subcase label 2280 OptiStruct 13.. File Creation Creation of this file is controlled by the PRETBOLT I/O Options Entry. Output from each iteration starts in the following format: PRETENSION FORCE/ADJUSTMENT VALUES ON THE PRENTESION SECTIONS ITERATION Iteration_number Where: ITERATION is a keyword denoting the beginning of a new iteration. Each iteration section contains the force/adjustment values for each pretension bolt in each static subcase. File Format The file is sorted by iteration. Iteration_number is the iteration number.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . File Contents Result Description Pretension force/ adjustment Pretension force/adjustment values for pretension bolts in pretensioning and pretensioned subcases. Adjust-tot is the total pretension adjustment value.0 Reference Guide 2281 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . for each bolt. Force-incr is the incremental pretension force value when compared to the previous subcase in the loading sequence. The I/O option RESULTS controls the frequency of output for analytical results during an optimization.Pretension force/adjustment information is then provided. Adjust-incr is the incremental pretension adjustment value when compared to the previous subcase in the loading sequence. in the following format: Pretension section ID (PRETENS #) Force-incr Adjust-incr Force-tot Adjusttot Where: Pretension section ID denotes the pretension section ID (SID of the PRETENS bulk data entry). Comments 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Force-tot is the total pretension force value. .prop file is an OptiStruct ASCII format result file. File Creation This file is output when sizing optimization is performed. File Format The format for the property output is the same as for the bulk data entries. for those properties that were affected in the sizing optimization. used for the final iteration of the optimization.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Creation of this file is controlled by the PROPERTY I/O option.prop file The . File Contents Result Description Property definition The property definitions. 2282 OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide 2283 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . File Creation This file is only created for random response subcases. This file is only created if XYPLOT is defined in random response.rand file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file.rand file The . File Contents Result Description Random response results Results from random response analyses. The # in the file name is the user-defined subcase ID from which these results are obtained.. 2. The _rand.mvw HyperView script file automatically creates plots for the results contained in this file. Comments 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Output is controlled by the I/O option DISPLACEMENT. SB and FT fields on the PCOMP definition. Displacement Displacement results from static. 2284 OptiStruct 13. Composite ply strain Ply strain results for composite materials from static analyses. MAT2. Density Density results from topology optimizations. Output is controlled by the I/O option STRESS. and multi-body dynamics analyses. HYPER. Composite failure indices Failure indices for composite materials from static analyses. transient response.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Output is controlled by the I/O option DENSITY. transient response. Output is controlled by the I/O option ACCELERATION. Composite ply stress Ply stress results for composite materials from static analyses. and multi-body dynamics analyses. frequency response. MAT8). and by the related fields on the relevant material definition (see MAT1. File Contents Result Description Acceleration Acceleration results from frequency response. Output is controlled by the I/O option STRESS and by the SOUTi field on the PCOMP definition. by the SOUTi.res file is a HyperMesh binary results file. or BOTH formats are chosen. File Creation The .res file is created when either no format statement is given or when the HM.res file The .. Output is controlled by the I/O option STRAIN and by the SOUTi field on the PCOMP definition. (See documentation for the I/O options FORMAT and OUTPUT). Shape Shape results from topography or shape optimizations. Grid point stress Grid point stress results for 3D elements from static analyses. frequency response. Output is controlled by the I/O option THICKNESS. and multi-body dynamics analyses. Stress Stress results from static. transient response.0 Reference Guide 2285 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . and multi-body dynamics. transient response. Output is controlled by the I/O option STRESS (or ELSTRESS). Output is controlled by the I/O option SHAPE. Element strain energy Element strain energy results from static and normal modes analyses. Output is controlled by the I/O option STRAIN. Output is controlled by the I/O option VELOCITY. Single-point force of constraint Single-point force of constraint results from static analyses. frequency response. Velocity Velocity results from frequency response analyses. Output is controlled by the I/O option DISPLACEMENT.Result Description Eigenvector Eigenvector results from normal modes and linear buckling analyses. transient response. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Strain Strain results from static. Thickness Thickness results from size and topology optimizations. Output is controlled by the I/O option GPSTRESS (or GSTRESS). and multi-body dynamics analyses. Output is controlled by the I/O option SPCFORCE. Output is controlled by the I/O option ESE. 2286 OptiStruct 13. This allows grid point stresses to be accurately obtained at the interface of two components referencing different material definitions." included with OptiStruct. The I/O option RESULTS controls the frequency of output for analytical results during an optimization. and multi-body dynamics. transient response. Grid point stresses are output for the entire model and for each individual component. like frequency response.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . it is recommended that sets be used to reduce the amount of model and results output data. 2. to clean up the results file. In this event. The output file can become very large since results are output for each frequency or time step. run the program "recover. 3.res) may become corrupted. the HyperMesh binary results file (*. If an optimization is terminated abruptly due to an error such as a full disk or power failure. For dynamic analyses. 4.Comments 1. seplot file is an ASCII format output file.seplot file The . SEPLOT. File Creation This file is created when the MODEL. Comments 1. PLOT.0 Reference Guide 2287 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .. File Contents This file contains grid and plot element definitions. and PARAM. By including this file in a residual run. the results of the superelement part will be recovered and post-processed. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. YES options are presented and the CBN method is used to reach a Component Mode Synthesis solution. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . File Creation This file is created when an optimization is performed. Output of this file is controlled by the I/O option SHRES.sh file The . File Contents Contains information necessary to restart the optimization from the final iteration.sh file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. 2288 OptiStruct 13.. where: Displacement is the displacement result for a give grid in the corresponding component.spcd file The . GRID ID is the identification number of the interface grid at which the displacement results are output.0 Reference Guide 2289 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The .spcd file contains displacement results at interface grid points. Component is the component in which the displacement result output. the following header is used: SUBCASE SID SID is the identification number of the corresponding subcase. File Creation This file is created in a residual run when DMIG's are present in the model..spcd file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. Output is controlled by the I/O option DISPLACEMENT. we have the following columns: SPC ####SID GRID ID Component Displacement SID is the identification number of the corresponding subcase. File Format The . where: Under each applicable subcase header. File Contents Result Description Displacement Displacement results from a residual run.spcd file has the following format: For each iteration. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .spcd file is created even if there are multiple DMIG’s in the model. 2290 OptiStruct 13. Only one .Comments 1. Output for each subcase starts with a line in the following format: Id Number_of_nodes Frequency SPCF:Spc_id(Datatype) subcase_label where: Id Altair Engineering is the output identification number for the subcase. where: Each iteration section is divided up by subcase. Numlds is the number of subcases for which this output is created. File Contents Result Description Single-point force of constraint Single-point force of constraints for linear static analysis.spcf file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file..spcf file The .0 Reference Guide 2291 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . File Format The SPC reaction force file has the following format: For each iteration. File Creation Creation of this file is controlled by the SPCFORCES I/O option. This is not the same as the subcase ID used in the input data. OptiStruct 13. Iteration is the iteration number. the following header is used: iter Iteration Numlds iter is a keyword denoting the beginning of a new iteration. in the following format: Node_id x-force y-force z-force x-moment y-moment z-moment where: Node_id is the node identification number. Comments 1. x-moment is the x-rotational component of the force at the node.Number_of_nodes is the number of nodes for which this output is requested. for each node.0 for static analysis. (LOAD) declares data is for a linear static subcase. Spc_id is the SID for SPC's referenced by this subcase. 2292 OptiStruct 13. SPCF is a keyword declaring SPC-force information. x-force is the x-translational component of the force at the node. z-moment is the z-rotational component of the force at the node. SPC-force information is then provided. y-moment is the y-rotational component of the force at the node. y-force is the y-translational component of the force at the node. The I/O option RESULTS controls the frequency of output for analytical results during an Optimization.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Frequency is 1. Datatype is a keyword indicating the type of subcase involved. z-force is the z-translational component of the force at the node. . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. CPU= cpu_time. File Format Information on CPU and elapsed time is provided in the following format: TOTAL TIME SPENT IN MODULE: module_name. WALL= wall_time where: module_name is the name of the module. cpu_time is the amount of CPU time spent in this module. File Contents This file provides details on CPU and elapsed time for each solver module.stat file The . wall_time is the total elapsed time spent in this module. File Creation This file is always created.stat file is an ASCII format results file.0 Reference Guide 2293 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . File Creation This file is created when OPTI. File Format The strain file has the following format: For each iteration. Iteration is the Iteration number. 2294 OptiStruct 13.. OS. Output for each subcase starts with a line in the following format: Id Number_of_els STRN:Spc_id where: Id is the output identification number for the subcase. Numlds is the number of load cases for which this output is created. File Contents Result Description Strain Strain results from linear static analysis.strn file The . (See documentation for the I/O options FORMAT and OUTPUT). or ASCII formats are chosen. the following header is used: iter Iteration Numlds iter is a keyword denoting the beginning of a new iteration. where: Each iteration section is divided up by subcase.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This is not the same as the subcase ID used in the input data. Output is controlled by the I/O option STRAIN.strn file is an ASCII format results file. for each element. STRN is a fixed keyword. or Axial strain for 1D elements. Strain1 is von Mises strain for 2D and 3D elements. Spc_id is the SID for SPC's referenced by this subcase. or Axial strain for 1D elements. Strain5 is Normal Y-strain at Z2 for 2D elements. or Axial strain for 1D elements. The I/O option RESULTS controls the frequency of output for analytical results during an optimization. or Axial strain for 1D elements. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. or Axial strain for 1D elements. or Axial strain for 1D elements.0 Reference Guide 2295 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . or Axial strain for 1D elements. Strain2 is Normal X-strain at Z1 for 2D elements. Shear XZ-strain for 3D elements. Datatype is a keyword indicating the type of subcase involved. in the following format: EID Strain1 Strain2 Strain3 Strain4 Strain5 Strain6 Strain7 where: EID is the element identification number. Strain information is then provided. Strain7 is Shear XY-strain at Z2 for 2D elements. (LOAD) declares data is for a linear static subcase. Normal X-strain for 3D elements. Shear YZ-strain for 3D elements. Comments 1. Normal Y-strain for 3D elements. Strain6 is Shear XY-strain at Z1 for 2D elements. Strain4 is Normal Y-strain at Z1 for 2D elements. Strain3 is Normal X-strain at Z2 for 2D elements.Number_of_els is the number of elements for which this output is requested. Shear XY-strain for 3D elements. Normal Z-strain for 3D elements. (See documentation for the I/O options FORMAT and OUTPUT). This is not the same as the subcase ID used in the input data.strs file The .. File Format The stress file has the following format: For each iteration. Output is controlled by the I/O option STRESS (or ELSTRESS). File Contents Result Description Stress Stress results from linear static analysis. Iteration is the Iteration number. Output for each subcase starts with a line in the following format: Id Number_of_els STRS:Spc_id(Datatype) where: Id is the output identification number for the subcase.strs file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. 2296 OptiStruct 13. where: Each iteration section is divided up by subcase. OS or BOTH formats are chosen. the following header is used: iter Iteration Numlds iter is a keyword denoting the beginning of a new iteration.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Numlds is the number of load cases for which this output is created. File Creation This file is created when the OPTI. Stress4 Normal Y-stress at Z1 for 2D elements.0 Reference Guide 2297 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . or Axial stress for 1D elements. STRS is a fixed keyword. Maximum tensile stress at end A for CWELD elements. or Axial stress for 1D elements. Axial Stress for CWELD elements. Stress3 Normal X-stress at Z2 for 2D elements. Stress1 von Mises stress for 2D and 3D elements. Minimum tensile stress at Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Datatype is a keyword indicating the type of subcase involved. or maximum stress in CWELD elements. For BAR/BEAM it is the stress at E at end A. Normal X-stress for 3D elements. Normal Z-stress for 3D elements. Spc_id is the SID for SPC's referenced by this subcase. (LOAD) declares data is for a linear static subcase. Stress2 Normal X-stress at Z1 for 2D elements. Normal Y-stress for 3D elements. Stress information is then provided.Number_of_els is the number of elements for which this output is requested. Maximum Axial stress for 1D elements. or Axial stress for 1D elements. in the following format: EID Stress1 S Stress3 t r e s s 2 S Stress5 t r e s s 4 Stress6 Stress7 Stress8 Stress9 where: EID Element identification number. for each element. For BAR/BEAM it is the stress at C at end A. For BAR/BEAM it is the stress at D at end A. Shear XZ-stress for 3D elements. The I/O option RESULTS controls the frequency of output for analytical results during an optimization. Stress7 Shear XY-stress at Z2 for 2D elements. For BAR/BEAM it is the stress at F at end A. 2298 OptiStruct 13. Comments 1. or Axial stress for 1D elements. Shear YZ-stress for 3D elements. Stress6 Shear XY-stress at Z1 for 2D elements.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Bearing stress for CWELD elements. For BAR/BEAM it is the stress at F at end B. Maximum shear stress for CWELD elements. Stress9 Bearing stress for CWELD elements. For BAR/BEAM it is the stress at E at end B. or Axial stress for 1D elements.end A for CWELD elements. For BAR/BEAM it is the stress at D at end B. Stress8 Maximum shear stress for CWELD elements. or Axial stress for 1D elements. Shear XY-stress for 3D elements. For BAR/BEAM it is the stress at C at end B. Stress5 Normal Y-stress at Z2 for 2D elements. Minimum tensile stress at end B for CWELD elements. Maximum tensile stress at end B for CWELD elements. h3d file contains node and element definitions in addition to the following results: Result Description Density Density results from topology optimizations. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13._des. It can be used to post-process results in HyperView or when using the HyperView Player. containing both model and result data. File Contents The _des.0 Reference Guide 2299 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Output is controlled by the I/O option DENSRES.h3d file The _des. Shape Shape results from topography or shape optimizations. Output is controlled by the I/O option DENSRES.h3d file is created when the H3D format is chosen (see documentation for the I/O option FORMAT). Output is controlled by the I/O option DENSRES.h3d file is a compressed binary file. and an optimization run is performed. File Creation The _des. Thickness Thickness results from size and topology optimizations. grid file The _err.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . File Contents Result Description Nodal locations It contains the nodal coordinates of the distorted mesh for freeshape and topography (or shape) optimization. Cd is the identification number of the coordinate system in which the displacements._err. Cp is blank. Ps is the SPC associated with the grid. File Creation This file is automatically created when freeshape and topography (or shape) optimization runs are terminated due to mesh distortion. and solution vectors are defined at the grid point. X2. degrees-of-freedom. Cd Ps where: X1. Id is the unique grid point identification number. 2300 OptiStruct 13. File Format The file uses the following format for each grid in the model: GRID Id Cp X1 X2 X3 GRID identifies this as a GRID card image. X3 provide the location of the grid point in the global coordinate system. constraints.grid file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. html file is a HyperText Markup Language file.0 Reference Guide 2301 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The bottom frame opens the _menu. The top frame opens one of the .h3d files using the HyperView Player browser plug-in. Requires HyperView Player plug-in to be installed. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. File Creation This file is output when the H3D FORMAT is chosen. 2. which facilitates the selection of results to be displayed. The . This file is linked to from the "Results summary" section of the .html file and is created primarily for this purpose.html file The _frames.html file._frames. Comments 1.h3d file opened depends on the results selected for display in the bottom frame. File Contents The file contains two frames. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .#.#. Comments 1. and _s#_v.frf.#. File Creation This file is created when frequency response optimization is performed and OUTPUT.mvw file is a HyperView session file. 2._freq. This file may be opened from the File menu in HyperView or HyperGraph.mvw file The _freq.#.frf.#. _s#_d.frf.HGFREQ is requested. The # in the file name is the iteration number. It automatically creates plots for the results contained in the files: _s#_a. 2302 OptiStruct 13. frf. File Creation This file is only created when frequency response analysis is performed. File Contents This file is a HyperView session file and may be opened from the File menu in HyperView or HyperGraph.frf.0 Reference Guide 2303 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The file automatically creates plots for each of the results contained in the files: _s#_a. Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT.mvw file The _freq. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.frf. _s#_d.mvw file is a HyperView session file._freq. and _s#_v. File Contents The _gauge.h3d file contains node and element definitions in addition to the following results: Result Description Sensitivity Sensitivity of response vs.h3d file is a compressed binary file containing both model and result data. shell thickness (gauge) of PSHELL property. 2304 OptiStruct 13._gauge. Output is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. It can be used to post-process shell thickness (gauge) sensitivity in HyperView.h3d file The _gauge.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. File Creation This file is created when an optimization is performed. Comments 1. The # in the file name is the iteration number. Design Rank Denotes the rank of the design. This is assigned based initially on the values of Constraint Violation and then the Objective Function values.slk file The _gso._gso. File Format The file uses the following format for the designs optimized from specified starting points: Unique Designs Design Rank Startin g Point Times Found Directo ry Name Objecti ve Functio n C onstr aint Violatio n Max. Deviati on Max. Obj.0 Reference Guide 2305 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . DV Deviati on DV1 DVN All Designs Design Rank Starting Point Unique Design Directory Name Objective Function C onstraint DV1 Violation DVN Where. Deviati on Avg.slk file is a Microsoft SLK Data Import format results file. Obj. Times Found The number of times designs (from unique starting points) converge to the same design. This file outputs the results of Global Search Option (GSO). DV Deviati on Avg. File Creation This file is created when Global Search Option (GSO) is activated and executed using the DGLOBAL I/O entry and the DGLOBAL Bulk Data entry. The designs in this resulting subset of the total design space are then sorted based on their rank (based on the number of convergences from unique starting points to result in a specific design). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Starting Point Denotes the starting point of the optimization for a design in the design space. File Contents Result Description Optimized Designs It contains the list of unique and similar optimized designs based on the Global Search Option (GSO) method. Directory Name Name of the Directory where the output files associated with the specified design are stored. respectively. DVN. Constraint Violation The value of the Constraint Violation for the current design Maximum Objective Deviation The maximum deviation (of a design) from the objective function among designs from unique starting points that converged to this unique design.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .. 2306 OptiStruct 13.Objective Function The value of the Objective Function for the current design. DV2. DV# The various design variables values represented by DV1. Average DV Deviation The average deviation between design variables in the design space among designs from unique starting points that converged to this unique design. Maximum DV Deviation The maximum deviation between two design variables in the design space among designs from unique starting points that converged to this unique design.. Unique Design This represents the Design Rank used in the UNIQUE DESIGN Table. Average Objective Deviation The average deviation (of a design) from the objective function among designs from unique starting points that converged to this unique design.…. mvw file The _hist. File Contents This file is a HyperView session file and may be opened from the File menu in HyperView or HyperGraph. File Creation This file is created when an optimization is performed. Each plot occupies its own page within HyperView (HyperGraph).hist file.0 Reference Guide 2307 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering ._hist. The file automatically creates individual plots for each of the results contained in the . Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option DESHIS.mvw file is a HyperView session file. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. _mass. 2. File Creation This file is created when modal optimization is performed and OUTPUT. This file may be opened from the File menu in HyperView or HyperGraph.mvw file is a HyperView session file.mass file.HGEFFMASS is requested. Comments 1.mvw file The _mass. 2308 OptiStruct 13. The # in the file name is the iteration number.#.#. It automatically creates bar charts for the results contained in .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .#. 0 Reference Guide 2309 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .mvw file The _mass. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. File Creation This file is only created when modal analyses are performed.mass file. File Contents This file is a HyperView session file and may be opened from the File menu in HyperView or HyperGraph.mvw file is a HyperView session file. The file automatically creates plots for the results contained in the ._mass. File Contents The _mbd. 2310 OptiStruct 13. frequency response. It can be used to post-process results in HyperView. Deformation > Rotation Deformation (rotations) of flexible bodies from multi-body dynamics analyses in the body reference frame._mbd. Comments 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .h3d file is a compressed binary file containing both model and result data from a multi-body dynamics analysis.h3d file The _mbd. It generates the smallest files compared to other formats.h3d file contains node and element definitions in addition to the following results: Result Description Displacement Displacement results from static. Deformation > Displacement Deformations (deflections) of flexible bodies from multibody dynamics analyses in the body reference frame. Stress Stress results of flexible bodies from a multi-body dynamics analysis. This file format is the most compressed animation output for multi-body dynamics analyses. Strain Strain results of flexible bodies from a multi-body dynamics analysis. File Creation This file is created when a multi-body dynamics subcase is executed. transient response. and multi-body dynamics analyses. log file is an ASCII format log file from a multi-body dynamics analysis.log file The _mbd. It is a direct output file of MotionSolve. File Creation This file is created when a multi-body dynamics subcase is executed. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. File Contents The file provides commentary on the multi-body dynamics solution progress.0 Reference Guide 2311 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering ._mbd. Y. i=1. and some needs to be requested.2. WY. Y. File Creation This file is created when a multi-body dynamics subcase is defined. ACCY._mbd. Y. Y. Z components of angular acceleration. Y. XD/i. E2.mrf file The _mbd. WX. i = 1. WDTY. VM.N Modal velocity. WDTM. Type Component Description Rigid Body X. File Contents Data output by default. VY. Z components of velocity. 2312 OptiStruct 13. The file contains time history data that can be used for 2D plotting in HyperGraph. X components of acceleration. WM. WDTZ Magnitude and X. WDTX. ACCX. VX. ACCM.mrf file is a Multi-body Results File.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . KE Kinetic energy Flex Body All Rigid Body results Q/i. ACCZ Magnitude and X. E1. Some data is written by default.2. Z Position E0.….n Modal participation factors. Z components of angular velocity. WZ Magnitude and X.…. E3 Orientation in Euler parameters. VZ Magnitude and X. WY. Y. Stepsize Actual step size used in the integration. Y. VY. Z components of displacement. ACCZ Magnitude and X. Time Ratio The ration between the total CPU time used and the simulation time. Z components of acceleration. E0. OptiStruct 13. WDTZ Magnitude and X.Type Component Description System KE Kinetic energy CPU Usage Total CPU time used. WDTY. Data output by request. E3 Orientation in Euler parameters. E2. E1.0 Reference Guide 2313 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . WM. ACCY. CPU/Sim. DX. WX. Z components of angular velocity. DY. WZ Magnitude and X. ACCX. WDTX. The request needs to be defined through a REQUEST I/O statement. WDTM. DZ Marker Velocity Marker Acceleration Altair Engineering Magnitude and X. Z components of velocity. VZ Magnitude and X. VX. Type Component Description Marker Displacement DM. Y. Integration Order Order of the integrator used in the integration. Z components of angular acceleration. Y. ACCM. VM. Y. F8 Vectors containing evaluated expressions. Z components of torque. TX. Y. FY.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Y. F1. F2. 2314 OptiStruct 13. TZ Magnitude and X. ….Type Marker Force Expressions Component Description FM. Z components of force. TM. FX. TY. FZ Magnitude and X. and _s#_v.mbd._mbd.mbd.0 Reference Guide 2315 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . File Contents This file is a HyperView session file and may be opened from the File menu in HyperView or HyperGraph. The file automatically creates plots for each of the results contained in the files: _s#_a. _s#_d.mvw file is a HyperView session file. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. File Creation This file is only created when a multi-body dynamics analysis is performed.mbd. Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT.mvw file The _mbd. h3d files.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . This file. together with the <BODY_NAME>. File Contents The file format is documented in the MotionSolve manual._mbd. File Creation This file is created when a multi-body dynamics subcase is executed. forms a full representation of the multi-body dynamics model which can be run separately in MotionSolve. 2316 OptiStruct 13.xml file The _mbd.xml file is a MotionSolve XML file from a multi-body dynamics analysis. The purpose is the communication between the OptiStruct core and the integrated MotionSolve. _menu. based on chosen results.html file.html file The _menu. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Comments 1. for the HyperView Player browser plug-in in the top frame of the _frames.0 Reference Guide 2317 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . This file serves no purpose on its own.h3d file. File Creation This file is output when the H3D FORMAT is chosen. File Contents This file facilitates the selection of the appropriate .html file is a HyperText Markup Language file. the frequency (for frequency response analyses) or time (for transient analyses) on the y-axis. 2318 OptiStruct 13.mvw file is a HyperView session file. In HyperGraph3D. frequency or time for a given mode number Modal participation factor vs. File Creation This file is only created for frequency response and transient analyses.mvw file The _modal. the imaginary part and the magnitude of the participation factors. plots are generated for the real part. mode number at a given frequency or time For frequency response analyses. The file contains HyperGraph3D plots of modal participation factors.#. Magnitude plot is visible by default. and the modal participation factor on the z-axis. while real and imaginary plots are hidden by default. The plots display the mode number on the x-axis._modal. it is possible to define cross-sections to generate 2D plots of either: Modal participation factor vs. Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT (with the HGMODFAC keyword). File Contents This file is a HyperView session file and may be opened from the File menu in HyperView or HyperGraph3D. The # in the file name is the iteration number. Comments 1.#.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT (with the HGMODFAC keyword). File Contents This file is a HyperView session file and may be opened from the File menu in HyperView or HyperGraph3D. File Creation This file is only created for frequency response and transient analyses. Magnitude plot is visible by default.mvw file The _modal.0 Reference Guide 2319 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . frequency or time for a given mode number Modal participation factor vs. the _modal.mvw is generated for optimization runs where # is the iteration number. while real and imaginary plots are hidden by default. the frequency (for frequency response analyses) or time (for transient analyses) on the y-axis.#. This file is generated for an analysis-only run. The plots display the mode number on the x-axis. mode number at a given frequency or time For frequency response analyses. Comments 1. In HyperGraph3D.mvw file is a HyperView session file. plots are generated for the real part. it is possible to define cross-sections to generate 2D plots of either: Modal participation factor vs._modal. the imaginary part and the magnitude of the participation factors. The file contains HyperGraph3D plots of modal participation factors. and the modal participation factor on the z-axis. _rand. The file automatically creates plots for each of the results contained in .mvw file is a HyperView session file. This file is only created if XYPLOT is defined in random response. File Contents This file is a HyperView session file and may be opened from the File menu in HyperView or HyperGraph. File Creation This file is only created when random response analysis is performed.mvw file The _rand.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2320 OptiStruct 13.rand files. Output is controlled by the I/O option STRESS (or ELSTRESS). Output is controlled by the I/O option SHAPE. and an optimization is performed containing a linear static subcase. The I/O option RESULTS controls the frequency of output for analytical results during an optimization. Shape Shape results from topography.0 Reference Guide 2321 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The # in the file name is the user-defined subcase ID. Output is controlled by the I/O option DENSITY.h3d file The _s#. A similar file is created for each static subcase. File Creation The _s#.h3d file is a compressed binary file. Stress Stress results from linear static analysis. and free shape optimization.h3d file is created when the H3D format is chosen (See documentation for the I/O option FORMAT)._s#. Output is controlled by the I/O option DISPLACEMENT. Density Density results from topology optimization. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Element strain energy Element strain energy results from linear static analysis. 2. It can be used to post-process results in HyperView or using the HyperView Player.h3d file contains node and element definitions in addition to the following results: Result Description Displacement Displacement results from linear static analysis. Output is controlled by the I/O option ESE. File Contents The _s#. Comments 1. shape. containing both model and result data. Output is controlled by the I/O option ACCELERATION and OUTPUT. File Format If the real and imaginary format was selected on the ACCELERATION card. File Creation This file is only created for frequency response optimization. Y-rl/ph is either the real component in the y-direction or the phase angle in the y-direction component. X-rl/ph is either the real component in the x-direction or the phase angle in the x-direction component. the file starts with the following header: Frequency "REA | X Trans"IMA | X Trans"REA | Y Trans"IMA | Y Trans"REA | Z Trans"IMA | Z Trans If the phase and magnitude format was selected on the DISPLACEMENT card. The format of each line after the header is as follows: Frequency X-rl/ph X-im/mag Y-rl/ph Y-im/mag Z-rl/ph Z-im/mag where: Frequency is the frequency at which results are calculated. the results are grouped by node with results for different nodes separated by a blank line.#. 2322 OptiStruct 13.frf file The _s#_a.HGFREQ. the file starts with the following header: Frequency"PHA | X Trans"MAG | X Trans"PHA | Y Trans"MAG | Y Trans"PHA | Z Trans"MAG | Z Trans In either case.frf file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering ._s#_a. X-im/mag is either the imaginary component in the x-direction or the magnitude in the x-direction component. File Contents This file contains the acceleration results from frequency response optimization.#. Y-im/mag is either the imaginary component in the y-direction or the magnitude in the y-direction component. Z-rl/ph is either the real component in the z-direction or the phase angle in the z-direction component. The_freq.#. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 2. The first # in the file name is the user-defined subcase ID. Z-im/mag is either the imaginary component in the z-direction or the magnitude in the z-direction component. Comments 1. The second # in the file name is the iteration number.0 Reference Guide 2323 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .mvw HyperView script file automatically creates plots for the results contained in this file. 3. File Creation This file is only created for frequency response subcases. File Contents Result Description Acceleration Acceleration results from frequency response analyses. Output is controlled by the I/O option ACCELERATION.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT.frf file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. the file starts with the following header: Frequency"PHA | X Trans"MAG | X Trans"PHA | Y Trans"MAG | Y Trans"PHA | Z Trans"MAG | Z Trans In either case the results are grouped by node with results for different nodes separated by a blank line. the file starts with the following header: Frequency"REA | X Trans"IMA | X Trans"REA | Y Trans"IMA | Y Trans"REA | Z Trans"IMA | Z Trans If the phase and magnitude format was selected on the ACCELERATION card._s#_a.frf file The _s#_a. X-rl/ph is either the real component in the x-direction or the phase angle 2324 OptiStruct 13. File Format If the real and imaginary format was selected on the ACCELERATION card. The format of each line after the header is as follows: Frequency X-rl/ph X-im/mag Y-rl/ph Y-im/mag Z-rl/ph Z-im/mag where: Frequency is the frequency at which results are calculated. 2.0 Reference Guide 2325 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .in the x-direction component.mvw HyperView script file automatically creates plots for the results contained in this file. The _freq. The # in the file name is the user-defined subcase ID from which these results are obtained. Y-rl/ph is either the real component in the y-direction or the phase angle in the y-direction component. X-im/mag is either the imaginary component in the x-direction or the magnitude in the x-direction component. Z-im/mag is either the imaginary component in the z-direction or the magnitude in the z-direction component. Y-im/mag is either the imaginary component in the y-direction or the magnitude in the y-direction component. Z-rl/ph is either the real component in the z-direction or the phase angle in the z-direction component. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Comments 1. mvw HyperView script file automatically creates plots for the results contained in this file. 2. 2326 OptiStruct 13. Output is controlled by the I/O option ACCELERATION. The # in the file name is the user-defined subcase ID from which these results are obtained.mbd file The _s#_a. File Contents Result Description Acceleration Acceleration results from multi-body dynamics analyses. File Format Time"X Trans"Y Trans"Z Trans Comments 1. Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . File Creation This file is only created for Multi-Body Dynamics subcases.mbd file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. The _mbd._s#_a. _s#_a.0 Reference Guide 2327 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . File Format Time"X Trans"Y Trans"Z Trans Comments 1. The # in the file name is the user-defined subcase ID from which these results are obtained. File Creation This file is only created for transient response subcases.trn file The _s#_a. File Contents Result Description Acceleration Acceleration results from frequency response analyses.trn file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. Output is controlled by the I/O option ACCELERATION. The _tran. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT.mvw HyperView script file automatically creates plots for the results contained in this file. 2. #.#. File Contents This file contains the displacement results from frequency response optimization. The format of each line after the header is as follows: Frequency X-rl/ph X-im/mag Y-rl/ph Y-im/mag Z-rl/ph Z-im/mag where: Frequency is the frequency at which results are calculated. Output is controlled by the I/O option DISPLACEMENT and OUTPUT. X-rl/ph is either the real component in the x-direction or the phase angle in the x-direction component.HGFREQ. the file starts with the following header: Frequency"PHA | X Trans"MAG | X Trans"PHA | Y Trans"MAG | Y Trans"PHA | Z Trans"MAG | Z Trans In either case.frf file The _s#_d. the file starts with the following header: Frequency"REA | X Trans"IMA | X Trans"REA | Y Trans"IMA | Y Trans"REA | Z Trans"IMA | Z Trans If the phase and magnitude format was selected on the DISPLACEMENT card. X-im/mag is either the imaginary component in the x-direction or the magnitude in the x-direction component. 2328 OptiStruct 13. the results are grouped by node with results for different nodes separated by a blank line. File Format If the real and imaginary format was selected on the DISPLACEMENT card._s#_d. Y-rl/ph is either the real component in the y-direction or the phase angle in the y-direction component. File Creation This file is only created for frequency response optimization.frf file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The first # in the file name is the user-defined subcase ID. 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.mvw HyperView script file automatically creates plots for the results contained in this file.#.0 Reference Guide 2329 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 3. Z-im/mag is either the imaginary component in the z-direction or the magnitude in the z-direction component. The _freq.Y-im/mag is either the imaginary component in the y-direction or the magnitude in the y-direction component. Z-rl/ph is either the real component in the z-direction or the phase angle in the z-direction component. Comments 1. The second # in the file name is the iteration number. the file starts with the following header: Frequency"REA | X Trans"IMA | X Trans"REA | Y Trans"IMA | Y Trans"REA | Z Trans"IMA | Z Trans If the phase and magnitude format was selected on the DISPLACEMENT card. The format of each line after the header is as follows: Frequency X-rl/ph X-im/mag Y-rl/ph Y-im/mag Z-rl/ph Z-im/mag where: Frequency is the frequency at which results are calculated. the results are grouped by node with results for different nodes separated by a blank line. the file starts with the following header: Frequency"PHA | X Trans"MAG | X Trans"PHA | Y Trans"MAG | Y Trans"PHA | Z Trans"MAG | Z Trans In either case._s#_d. Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. File Creation This file is only created for frequency response subcases. X-rl/ph is either the real component in the x-direction or the phase angle 2330 OptiStruct 13. File Contents Result Description Displacement Displacement results from frequency response analyses.frf file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . File Format If the real and imaginary format was selected on the DISPLACEMENT card. Output is controlled by the I/O option DISPLACEMENT.frf file The _s#_d. The # in the file name is the user-defined subcase ID from which these results are obtained.in the x-direction component. Z-rl/ph is either the real component in the z-direction or the phase angle in the z-direction component. Z-im/mag is either the imaginary component in the z-direction or the magnitude in the z-direction component. Y-im/mag is either the imaginary component in the y-direction or the magnitude in the y-direction component.0 Reference Guide 2331 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Comments 1. Y-rl/ph is either the real component in the y-direction or the phase angle in the y-direction component.mvw HyperView script file automatically creates plots for the results contained in this file. X-im/mag is either the imaginary component in the x-direction or the magnitude in the x-direction component. The _freq. 2.mbd file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT._s#_d.mvw HyperView script file automatically creates plots for the results contained in this file. The # in the file name is the user-defined subcase ID from which these results are obtained. Output is controlled by the I/O option DISPLACEMENT.mbd file The _s#_d. File Creation This file is only created for Multi-Body Dynamics subcases. File Format Time"X Trans"Y Trans"Z Trans Comments 1. File Contents Result Description Displacement Displacement results from multi-body dynamics analyses.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 2332 OptiStruct 13. The _mbd. The _tran. The # in the file name is the user-defined subcase ID from which these results are obtained. File Format Time"X Trans"Y Trans"Z Trans Comments 1. File Creation This file is only created for transient response subcases.trn file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.trn file The _s#_d. File Contents Result Description Displacement Displacement results from frequency response analyses. Output is controlled by the I/O option DISPLACEMENT.0 Reference Guide 2333 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .mvw HyperView script file automatically creates plots for the results contained in this file. 2._s#_d. Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. X-im/mag is either the imaginary component in the x-direction or the magnitude in the x-direction component. 2334 OptiStruct 13.frf file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file.frf file The _s#_v.#.#. the file starts with the following header: Frequency "REA | X Trans"IMA | X Trans"REA | Y Trans"IMA | Y Trans"REA | Z Trans"IMA | Z Trans If the phase and magnitude format was selected on the DISPLACEMENT card. the results are grouped by node with results for different nodes separated by a blank line. Output is controlled by the I/O option VELOCITY and OUTPUT. The format of each line after the header is as follows: Frequency X-rl/ph X-im/mag Y-rl/ph Y-im/mag Z-rl/ph Z-im/mag where: Frequency is the frequency at which results are calculated. File Format If the real and imaginary format was selected on the VELOCITY card. File Contents This file contains the velocity results from frequency response optimization._s#_v. X-rl/ph is either the real component in the x-direction or the phase angle in the x-direction component.HGFREQ. the file starts with the following header: Frequency"PHA | X Trans"MAG | X Trans"PHA | Y Trans"MAG | Y Trans"PHA | Z Trans"MAG | Z Trans In either case. File Creation This file is only created for frequency response optimization.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Y-rl/ph is either the real component in the y-direction or the phase angle in the y-direction component. The first # in the file name is the user-defined subcase ID. Z-im/mag is either the imaginary component in the z-direction or the magnitude in the z-direction component.Y-im/mag is either the imaginary component in the y-direction or the magnitude in the y-direction component. The _freq. Comments 1. 2.#. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 2335 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The second # in the file name is the iteration number.mvw HyperView script file automatically creates plots for the results contained in this file. 3. Z-rl/ph is either the real component in the z-direction or the phase angle in the z-direction component. the file starts with the following header: Frequency"REA | X Trans"IMA | X Trans"REA | Y Trans"IMA | Y Trans"REA | Z Trans"IMA | Z Trans If the phase and magnitude format was selected on the VELOCITY card. the file starts with the following header: Frequency"PHA | X Trans"MAG | X Trans"PHA | Y Trans"MAG | Y Trans"PHA | Z Trans"MAG | Z Trans In either case. the results are grouped by node with results for different nodes separated by a blank line. Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. 2336 OptiStruct 13.frf file The _s#_v.frf file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file._s#_v. File Creation This file is only created for frequency response subcases. Output is controlled by the I/O option VELOCITY. X-rl/ph is either the real component in the x-direction or the phase angle in the x-direction component.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . The format of each line after the header is as follows: Frequency X-rl/ph X-im/mag Y-rl/ph Y-im/mag Z-rl/ph Z-im/mag where: Frequency is the frequency at which results are calculated. File Contents Result Description Velocity Velocity results from frequency response analyses. File Format If the real and imaginary format was selected on the VELOCITY card. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.X-im/mag is either the imaginary component in the x-direction or the magnitude in the x-direction component. Y-rl/ph is either the real component in the y-direction or the phase angle in the y-direction component. Z-rl/ph is either the real component in the z-direction or the phase angle in the z-direction component.mvw HyperView script file automatically creates plots for the results contained in this file. Y-im/mag is either the imaginary component in the y-direction or the magnitude in the y-direction component.0 Reference Guide 2337 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The _freq. Comments 1. 2. Z-im/mag is either the imaginary component in the z-direction or the magnitude in the z-direction component. The # in the file name is the user-defined subcase ID from which these results are obtained. File Format Time"X Trans"Y Trans"Z Trans Comments 1. Output is controlled by the I/O option VELOCITY. File Contents Result Description Velocity Velocity results from multi-body dynamics analyses. Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .mbd file The _s#_v. The # in the file name is the user-defined subcase ID from which these results are obtained.mvw HyperView script file automatically creates plots for the results contained in this file.mbd file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file. 2338 OptiStruct 13._s#_v. The _mbd. File Creation This file is only created for multi-body dynamics subcases. The _tran.trn file The _s#_v. File Creation This file is only created for transient response subcases. Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. 2. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The # in the file name is the user-defined subcase ID from which these results are obtained._s#_v. Output is controlled by the I/O option VELOCITY. File Contents Result Description Velocity Velocity results from frequency response analyses.mvw HyperView script file automatically creates plots for the results contained in this file.trn file is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file.0 Reference Guide 2339 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . File Format Time"X Trans"Y Trans"Z Trans Comments 1. Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT.mvw file is a HyperView session file.#. The file automatically creates a histogram for each of the results contained in the .#. File Creation This file is created when an optimization is performed. Comments 1._sens.mvw file The _sens. The # in the file name is the iteration number. The plots are grouped so that design variable sensitivities for different responses are given on separate pages.#.sens file. 2340 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . File Contents This file is a HyperView session file and may be opened from the File menu in HyperView or HyperGraph. File Creation This file is created when OUTPUT.#._shuffling.0 Reference Guide 2341 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .fem file is an ASCII format file. as well as a DSHUFFLE card defining shuffling design variables. Comments 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.fem file The _shuffling. File Contents This file is a ply-based stacking optimization input deck. The # in the file name is the number of the last iteration. SZTOSH (sizing to shuffling) is requested during the plybased sizing optimization phase. It contains the updated PLY and STACK cards describing the stacking model.#. The # in the file name is the number of the last iteration.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . FSTOSZ (free-sizing to sizing) is requested during the freesizing optimization phase. It contains PCOMPP. File Creation This file is created when OUTPUT. File Contents This file is a ply-based sizing optimization input deck.fem file The _sizing.#. as well as DCOMP. and SET cards describing the ply-based composite model. PLY.#. and DVPREL cards defining the optimization data. STACK. Comments 1. 2342 OptiStruct 13. DESVAR.fem file is an ASCII format file._sizing. File Creation This file is created when an optimization is performed. element density from topology optimization. Comments 1. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.h3d file contains node and element definitions in addition to the following results: Result Description Sensitivity Sensitivity of response vs. File Contents The _topol. It can be used to post-process topology (density) sensitivity in HyperView. Output is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT._topol.h3d file The _topol.h3d file is a compressed binary file containing both model and result data.0 Reference Guide 2343 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The # in the file name is the iteration number. Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. _tran. _s#_d.mvw file The _tran. and _s#_v. Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. File Contents This file is a HyperView session file and may be opened from the File menu in HyperView or HyperGraph. 2344 OptiStruct 13. File Creation This file is only created when a transient response analysis is performed.trn.trn. The file automatically creates plots for each of the results contained in the files _s#_a.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .trn.mvw file is a HyperView session file. h3d file The <BODY_NAME>. File Contents This file contains the modal representation of the flexible body for direct use in the multi-body dynamics solution sequence or in MotionSolve. BODY_NAME.0 Reference Guide 2345 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . If no BODY_NAME is given. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. The default can be changed by the parameter PARAM.h3d. It is generated using a Component Mode Synthesis. FLEXH3D.h3d file is a compressed binary file from a multi-body dynamics analysis that uses flexible bodies defined through a PFBODY bulk data entry. By default. the flexible body is only generated once. and if a file already exists in the execution directory. File Creation This file is created when a multi-body dynamics subcase is executed. the default is OUTFILE_body_<BID>. BODY_NAME is taken directly from PFBODY. Each flexible body is written to a separate file.<BODY_NAME>. One file for each PFBODY entry is generated. the flexible body generation is not repeated. h3d file) HM – HyperMesh format (.op2 file) PCH – Nastran Punch format (.mrf) Results for Linear Static Analysis and Nonlinear Quasi-Static Analysis H3D HM OP2 PCH OPT PAT Nodal Displacements Controlling I/O Option DISPLACEMENT Element Strain Energy ESE Element Stresses * STRESS Element Strains * STRAIN Ply Stresses CSTRESS Composite Failure Indices CSTRESS Ply Strains CSTRAIN 2346 OptiStruct 13.h3d) MRF – Multi-body results file (_mbd. The columns in the tables represent the major output streams: H3D – Hyper3D format (.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Results Output by OptiStruct The tables in this section summarize the results output for different analysis types.pch file) OPT – OptiStruct ASCII format (multiple files) PAT – Patran and Alternative-Patran formats (multiple files) H3D (MBD) – Hyper3D format for body results (_mbd. They show the formats available for each result and the I/O option entry that controls the output of the result.res file) OP2 – Nastran Output2 format (. H3D HM OP2 PCH OPT PAT Controlling I/O Option Element Forces FORCE Grid Point Stresses GPSTRESS SPC Forces SPCFORCE MPC Forces MPCFORCE Grid Point Forces GPFORCE Applied Loads OLOAD Results for Linear Steady-state Heat Transfer Analysis H3D OP2 PCH Controlling I/O Option Nodal Temperatures THERMAL Element Fluxes and Gradients FLUX Results for Linear Transient Heat Transfer Analysis H3D Nodal Temperatures Altair Engineering OP2 PCH Controlling I/O Option THERMAL OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 2347 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Results for Normal Modes Analysis H3D HM OP2 PCH OPT PAT Eigenvectors Controlling I/O Option DISPLACEMENT Element Kinetic Energy EKE Element Strain Energy ESE Grid Point Energy GPKE Grid Point Stress GPSTRESS Element Stresses * STRESS SPC Forces SPCFORCE MPC Forces MPCFORCE Grid Point Forces GPFORCE Nodal Pressures (Fluid) PRESSURE Ply Stresses CSTRESS Ply Strains CSTRAIN Results for Complex Eigenvalue Analysis H3D OP2 Eigenvectors PCH Controlling I/O Option DISPLACEMENT 2348 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 0 Reference Guide 2349 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .Results for Linear Buckling Analysis H3D HM OP2 PCH OPT Eigenvectors Controlling I/O Option DISPLACEMENT Results for Frequency Response Analysis H3D HM OP2 PCH OPT XYPUNCH Nodal Displacements Controlling I/O Option DISPLACEMENT Modal Participation Displacements SDISPLACEMENT Element Energy Loss Per Cycle EDE Element Kinetic Energy EKE Element Strain Energy ESE Nodal Velocities VELOCITY Modal Participation Velocities SVELOCITY Nodal Accelerations ACCELERATION Modal Participation Accelerations SACCELERATION Element Stresses * STRESS Element Strains * STRAIN Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .H3D HM OP2 PCH OPT Controlling I/O Option XYPUNCH Element Forces FORCE SPC Forces SPCFORCE MPC Forces MPCFORCE Grid Point Forces GPFORCE Power Flow Field POWERFLOW Ply Stresses CSTRESS Ply Strains CSTRAIN Sound Power SPOWER Sound Intensity SINTENS Sound Pressure Level SPL Applied Load Vectors OLOAD Results for Coupled Frequency Response Analysis of Fluid-structural Models (Acoustic Analysis) H3D OP2 PCH Nodal Displacements Controlling I/O Option DISPLACEMENT Modal Participation Displacements SDISPLACEMENT Nodal Velocities VELOCITY 2350 OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide 2351 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .H3D OP2 PCH Modal Participation Velocities Controlling I/O Option SVELOCITY Nodal Accelerations ACCELERATION Modal Participation Accelerations SACCELERATION Nodal Pressures (Fluid) PRESSURE Element Stresses * STRESS Element Strains * STRAIN Element Forces FORCE SPC Forces SPCFORCE MPC Forces MPCFORCE Grid Point Forces GPFORCE Power Flow Field POWERFLOW Ply Stress CSTRESS Ply Strain CSTRAIN Results for Transient Analysis H3D Nodal Displacements Altair Engineering HM OP2 PCH OPTI Controlling I/O Option DISPLACEMENT OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .H3D HM OP2 PCH OPTI Modal Participation Displacements Controlling I/O Option SDISPLACEMENT Nodal Velocities VELOCITY Modal Participation Velocities SVELOCITY Nodal Accelerations ACCELERATION Modal Participation Accelerations SACCELERATION Element Stresses * STRESS Element Strains * STRAIN Element Forces FORCE MPC Forces MPCFORCE Ply Stresses CSTRESS Ply Strains CSTRAIN Composite Failure Indices CSTRESS Applied Load Vectors OLOAD Results for Random Response Analysis (PSDF Request) XYPUNCH XYPLOT PUNCH (HyperGraph) OP2 H3D DISP / VELO / ACCE 2352 OptiStruct 13. XYPEAK. XYPEAK. XYPUNCH PSD Element Strain STRAIN. XYPLOT. XYPEAK. XYPEAK. XYPLOT.0 Reference Guide 2353 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . XYPUNCH PSD Element Force and RMS FORCE. XYPUNCH Acceleration PSD and RMS ACCEL. XYPLOT. XYPLOT. XYPEAK. XYPLOT. XYPEAK. XYPUNCH RMS Element Stress STRESS Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. XYPLOT. XYPUNCH PSD Element Stress STRESS. XYPUNCH Velocity PSD and RMS VELO.XYPUNCH XYPLOT PUNCH (HyperGraph) OP2 H3D Shell Stress Shell Strain Solid Stress Solid Strain CBUSH Force CELAS / CDAMP / CVISC Forces Results for Random Response Analysis OP2 PCH H3D Controlling I/O Option Displacement PSD and RMS DISP. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .STRAIN RMS Element Strain Results for Multi-body Dynamics Analysis H3D HM OP2 H3D (MBD) MRF Nodal Displacements Controlling I/O Option DISPLACEMENT Nodal Velocities VELOCITY Nodal Accelerations ACCELERATION Element Stresses * STRESS Element Strains * STRAIN Body time history System time history Marker time history REQUEST Results for Fatigue Analysis H3D Controlling I/O Option Element Life LIFE Element Damage DAMAGE 2354 OptiStruct 13. 0 Reference Guide 2355 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . IMPDYN or EXPDYN) Controlling I/O Option Controlling I/O Option (Block Format) Nodal Displacements DISPLACEMENT /ANIM/VECT/DISP /ANIM/VECT/DROT Nodal Velocities VELOCITY /ANIM/VECT/VEL Nodal Accelerations ACCELERATION /ANIM/VECT/ACC STRESS /ANIM/BRICK/TENS/ STRESS /ANIM/SHELL/TENS/ STRESS/UPPER /ANIM/SHELL/TENS/ STRESS/LOWER /ANIM/BEAM/VONM /ANIM/TRUSS/SIGX STRAIN /ANIM/BRICK/TENS/ STRAIN /ANIM/SHELL/TENS/ STRAIN/UPPER /ANIM/SHELL/TENS/ STRAIN/LOWER Ply Stresses CSTRESS /ANIM/SHELL/TENS/ STRESS/N /ANIM/SHELL/TENS/ STRESS/ALL Ply Strains CSTRAIN /ANIM/SHELL/TENS/ STRAIN/ALL Composite Failure Indices CSTRESS N/A Element Forces FORCE /ANIM/Eltyp/FORC Grid Point Stresses GPSTRESS /ANIM/GPS1/TENS /ANIM/GPS1/SHELL/ H3D OP2 PCH Element Stresses* Element Strains* Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.Results for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis (ANALYSIS=NLGEOM. Controlling I/O Option H3D OP2 PCH Controlling I/O Option (Block Format) UPPER /ANIM/GPS1/SHELL/ LOWER SPC Forces SPCFORCE /ANIM/VECT/FREAC /ANIM/VECT/MREAC MPC Forces MPCFORCE /ANIM/VECT/FINT Applied Loads OLOAD /ANIM/VECT/FEXT Plastic Strain STRAIN (PLASTIC) /ANIM/ELEM/EPSP /ANIM/SHELL/EPSP/ UPPER /ANIM/SHELL/EPSP/ LOWER Contact Force and Pressure CONTF /ANIM/VECT/CONT /ANIM/VECT/PCONT Element Thinning and Thickness THIN /ANIM/ELEM/THIC /ANIM/SHELL/THIN Element Energy ENERGY /ANIM/ELEM/ENER /ANIM/ELEM/HOURG Optimization Results H3D HM OP2 PCH OPT PAT Element Density Controlling I/O Option DENSITY Element Thickness THICKNESS 2356 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . res Format Stress Results Written in HyperView .op2 and . Refer to the following pages for more details on the stress results available in the different output streams: Strain Results Written in HyperView .h3d Format Stress Results Written in Nastran .pch Format Stress Results Written in HyperMesh .pch Formats Strain Results Written in HyperMesh .op2 and .H3D HM OP2 PCH OPT PAT Controlling I/O Option Ply Thickness THICKNESS % Thickness THICKNESS Shape SHAPE * The element stress and strain results written to the various output streams are not always the same.0 Reference Guide 2357 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .res Format Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.h3d Format Strain Results Written in Nastran . The Result type: HyperView is CBAR/CBEAM Strains (<TYPE>). CHAN2. BOX1.Strain Results Written in HyperView . and von Mises <evaluation point> = evaluation point of the element 2358 OptiStruct 13. corresponding evaluation point.h3d Format 1D Elements ALL. shear. ROD. TUBE. T1. <Type> = BAR. HAT. CHAN. H. where the <TYPE> entry is based on the selected cross-section (TYPE/NAME field) on the PBARL/PBEAML entries. Syntax - CBAR/CBEAM Strains (<Type>) <Strain Result Output> <evaluation point> (A/B) Where. CROSS. Z. at element ends (A or B). The element strain results can be reviewed for each cross-section type.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . BOX. I. CHAN1. T2. DIRECT and TENSOR options Von Mises Strain CELAS Strain CROD Axial Strain CBAR Longitudinal Strain SAC CBAR Longitudinal Strain SAD CBAR Longitudinal Strain SAE CBAR Longitudinal Strain SAF CBAR Longitudinal Strain SAMIN CBAR Longitudinal Strain SAMAX CBAR Longitudinal Strain SBC CBAR Longitudinal Strain SBD CBAR Longitudinal Strain SBE CBAR Longitudinal Strain SBF CBAR Longitudinal Strain SBMIN CBAR Longitudinal Strain SBMAX CWELD Axial Strain CWELD Maximum Strain A CWELD Minimum Strain A CWELD Maximum Strain B CWELD Minimum Strain B CWELD Maximum Shear Strain VON and PRINC options Von Mises Strain 1D Elements (CBAR/CBEAM via PBARL/PBEAML) The following strain results are output for CBAR/CBEAM elements defined via PBARL/PBEAML property entries. I1. <Strain Result Output> = normal. T. The maximum normal/shear/von Mises strains can also be reviewed. Examples - CBAR/CBEAM Strains(BAR) Normal S1N(A) Normal S1N(B) Shear S4S(A) Shear S4S(B) von Mises S8V(A) von Mises S8V(B) Example descriptions Normal S3N(B): normal strain at the 3rd evaluation point of the beam element (end B). DIRECT option Von Mises Strain Maximum Principal Strain Von Mises Strain (Z1) Von Mises Strain (Z2) Von Mises Strain (mid) P1 (major) Strain (Z1) P1 (major) Strain (Z2) P1 (major) Strain (mid) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 2359 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . PBEAML Properties The von Mises strains for all CBEAM/CBAR elements with PBARL/PBEAML properties at the same time can be output using the Result type: CBAR/CBEAM vonMises Strains. Syntax - CBAR/CBEAM vonMises Strains <Strain Result Output> Where. <Strain Result Output> = Von Mises 2D Elements ALL and TENSOR options Results are calculated by HyperView. Review evaluation points via: DRESP1 . Shear S6S(A): shear strain at the 6th evaluation point of the beam element (end A).Static Strain Item Codes for Bar Elements using PBARL. von Mises S5V(B): von Mises strain at the 5th evaluation point of the beam element (end B). This is equal to max[Von Mises Strain (Z1).0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . DIRECT option Von Mises Strain Signed Von Mises Strain P1 (major) Strain (solid) P2 (mid) Strain (solid) P3 (minor) Strain (solid) Normal X Strain (solid) Normal Y Strain (solid) Normal Z Strain (solid) Shear XY Strain (solid) Shear YZ Strain (solid) Shear XZ Strain (solid) VON option Von Mises Strain PRINC option 2360 OptiStruct 13.P3 (minor) Strain (Z1) P3 (minor) Strain (Z2) P3 (minor) Strain (mid) Normal X Strain (Z1) Normal X Strain (Z2) Normal X Strain (mid) Normal Y Strain (Z1) Normal Y Strain (Z2) Normal Y Strain (mid) Shear XY Strain (Z1) Shear XY Strain (Z2) Shear XY Strain (mid) Principal Strain Angle (Z1) Principal Strain Angle (Z2) Principal Strain Angle (mid) VON option Von Mises Strain . Von Mises Strain (Z2)] PRINC option Von Mises Strain Maximum Principal Strain 3D Elements ALL and TENSOR options Results are calculated by HyperView. In the TENSOR mode. 2.0 Reference Guide 2361 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . only the TENSOR mode is available. pass tensor components to HyperView which then calculates derived results on-the-fly. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.Von Mises Strain Maximum Principal Strain Comments 1. For frequency response loadcases. Transient and Multi-body Loadcases 1D elements CROD Axial Strain CELAS Strain CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM SA1 SA2 SA3 SA4 Axial SA-maximum SA-minimum SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 SB-maximum SB-minimum Long Strain at Point Long Strain at Point Long Strain at Point Long Strain at Point Maximum Strain1 Minimum Strain1 Long Strain at Point Long Strain at Point Long Strain at Point Long Strain at Point Maximum Strain2 Minimum Strain2 C1 D1 E1 F1 C2 D2 E2 F2 2D elements Fibre Distance (Z1) Normal XX Strain (Z1) Normal YY Strain (Z1) Shear XY Strain (Z1) Principal Strain Angle (Z1) Major Principal Strain (Z1) Minor Principal Strain (Z1) Von Mises Strain (Z1) Fibre Distance (Z2) Normal XX Strain (Z2) Normal YY Strain (Z2) Shear XY Strain (Z2) 2362 OptiStruct 13.op2 and .Strain Results Written in Nastran .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .pch Formats Static. 0 Reference Guide 2363 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 2D elements Fibre Distance (Z1) Normal XX Strain (Z1) Normal YY Strain (Z1) Shear XY Strain (Z1) Principal Strain Angle Major Principal Strain Minor Principal Strain Von Mises Strain (Z1) Fibre Distance (Z2) Normal XX Strain (Z2) Normal YY Strain (Z2) Shear XY Strain (Z2) Principal Strain Angle Major Principal Strain Minor Principal Strain Altair Engineering (Z1) (Z1) (Z1) (Z2) (Z2) (Z2) OptiStruct 13.Principal Strain Angle (Z2) Major Principal Strain (Z2) Minor Principal Strain (Z2) Von Mises Strain (Z2) 3D elements Normal XX Strain Shear XY Strain Major Principal Strain Major Principal X Cosine Mid Principal X Cosine Minor Principal X Cosine Mean Strain Von Mises Strain Normal YY Strain Shear YZ Strain Mid Principal Strain Major Principal Y Cosine Mid Principal Y Cosine Minor Principal Y Cosine Normal ZZ Strain Shear XZ Strain Minor principal Strain Major Principal Y Cosine Mid Principal Y Cosine Minor Principal Y Cosine Eigenvalue Loadcases 1D elements None. 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Von Mises Strain (Z2) 3D elements Normal XX Strain Shear XY Strain Major Principal Strain Major Principal X Cosine Mid Principal X Cosine Minor Principal X Cosine Mean Strain Von Mises Strain Normal YY Strain Shear YZ Strain Mid Principal Strain Major Principal Y Cosine Mid Principal Y Cosine Minor Principal Y Cosine Normal ZZ Strain Shear XZ Strain Minor principal Strain Major Principal Y Cosine Mid Principal Y Cosine Minor Principal Y Cosine Frequency Response Loadcases 1D elements CROD Axial Strain CELAS Strain CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM SA1 SA2 SA3 SA4 Axial SA-maximum SA-minimum SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 SB-maximum SB-minimum Long Long Long Long Strain Strain Strain Strain at at at at Point Point Point Point C1 D1 E1 F1 2364 OptiStruct 13. The order above reflects the contents of the OP2 file.CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM Maximum Strain1 Minimum Strain1 Long Strain at Point Long Strain at Point Long Strain at Point Long Strain at Point Maximum Strain2 Minimum Strain2 2D elements Fibre Distance (Z1) Normal XX Strain (real) Normal XX Strain (imag) Normal YY Strain (real) Normal YY Strain (imag) Shear XY Strain (real) Shear XY Strain (imag) Fibre Distance (Z2) Normal XX Strain (real) Normal XX Strain (imag) Normal YY Strain (real) Normal YY Strain (imag) Shear XY Strain (real) Shear XY Strain (imag) 3D elements Normal XX Strain Normal YY Strain Normal ZZ Strain Shear XY Strain Shear YZ Strain Shear XZ Strain Normal XX Strain Normal YY Strain Normal ZZ Strain Shear XY Strain Shear YZ Strain Shear XZ Strain C2 D2 E2 F2 (Z1) (Z1) (Z1) (Z1) (Z1) (Z1) (Z2) (Z2) (Z2) (Z2) (Z2) (Z2) (real) (real) (real) (real) (real) (real) (imag) (imag) (imag) (imag) (imag) (imag) Comments 1. but post-processors such as HyperView may display results in a different manner.0 Reference Guide 2365 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Eigenvalue. Transient and Multi-body Loadcases ALL.Strain Results Written in HyperMesh .res Format Static. DIRECT and TENSOR options Von Mises Strain Maximum Principal Strain Von Mises Strain (Z1) Von Mises Strain (Z2) Von Mises Strain (mid) P1 (major) Strain (Z1) P1 (major) Strain (Z2) P1 (major) Strain (mid) P1 (major) Strain (max) P3 (minor) Strain (Z1) P3 (minor) Strain (Z2) P3 (minor) Strain (mid) P3 (minor) Strain (min) Normal X Strain (Z1) Normal X Strain (Z2) Normal X Strain (mid) Normal Y Strain (Z1) Normal Y Strain (Z2) Normal Y Strain (mid) Shear XY Strain (Z1) Shear XY Strain (Z2) Shear XY Strain (mid) Principal Strain Angle (Z1) Principal Strain Angle (Z2) Principal Strain Angle (mid) Signed Von Mises Strain (solid) P1 (major) Strain (solid) P2 ( mid ) Strain (solid) P3 (minor) Strain (solid) Normal X Strain (solid) Normal Y Strain (solid) Normal Z Strain (solid) Shear XY Strain (solid) Shear YZ Strain (solid) Shear XZ Strain (solid) VON option Von Mises Strain PRINC option Von Mises Strain Maximum Principal Strain 2366 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . "Signed von Mises Strain" is the von Mises strain with traction/compression sign: sign(P1+P2+P3) * VonMises. for solids.0 Reference Guide 2367 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . (comp) may be replaced by (real) (imag) (magn) and/or (phas).abs(P2). 6.P1(Z2)).abs(P3)) for shells. "P3 (minor) Strain (min)" is the minimum minor principal strain: min(P3(Z1).P3(Z2)). 2D. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. "von Mises Strain" and "Maximum Principal Strain" apply to 1D. 4. 3. 5. "P1 (major) Strain (max)" is the maximum major principal strain: max(P1(Z1). depending on the complex format request. Other results apply to 2D or 3D elements exclusively. and 3D elements simultaneously. For frequency response loadcases. "Maximum Principal Strain" is the maximum absolute principal strain: max(abs(P1(Z1)).abs(P3(Z1)). There are no specific results for 1D elements.Frequency Response Loadcases Normal X Normal X Normal Y Normal Y Shear XY Shear XY Normal X Normal Y Normal Z Shear XY Shear YZ Shear XZ Strain Strain Strain Strain Strain Strain Strain Strain Strain Strain Strain Strain (Z1) (comp) (Z2) (comp) (Z1) (comp) (Z2) (comp) (Z1) (comp) (Z2) (comp) (solid) (comp) (solid) (comp) (solid) (comp) (solid) (comp) (solid) (comp) (solid) (comp) Comments 1.abs(P3(Z2))) max(abs(P1).abs(P1(Z2)). 2. BOX. TUBE. I. where the <TYPE> entry is based on the selected cross-section (TYPE/NAME field) on the PBARL/PBEAML entries.Stress Results Written in HyperView . CHAN. BOX1. Syntax - CBAR/CBEAM Stresses (<Type>) <Stress Result Output> <evaluation point> (A/B) Where.h3d Format 1D Elements ALL. I1. CHAN1. ROD. Z. CROSS. T2. The Result type: HyperView is CBAR/CBEAM Stresses (<TYPE>). T. The maximum normal/shear/von Mises stresses can also be reviewed. T1. HAT. <Type> = BAR.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . CHAN2. at element ends (A or B). H. corresponding evaluation point. The element stress results can be reviewed for each cross-section type. DIRECT and TENSOR options Von Mises Stress CELAS Stress CROD Axial Stress CBAR Longitudinal Stress SAC CBAR Longitudinal Stress SAD CBAR Longitudinal Stress SAE CBAR Longitudinal Stress SAF CBAR Longitudinal Stress SAMIN CBAR Longitudinal Stress SAMAX CBAR Longitudinal Stress SBC CBAR Longitudinal Stress SBD CBAR Longitudinal Stress SBE CBAR Longitudinal Stress SBF CBAR Longitudinal Stress SBMIN CBAR Longitudinal Stress SBMAX CWELD Axial Stress CWELD Maximum Stress A CWELD Minimum Stress A CWELD Maximum Stress B CWELD Minimum Stress B CWELD Maximum Shear Stress CWELD Bearing Stress VON and PRINC options Von Mises Stress 1D Elements (CBAR/CBEAM via PBARL/PBEAML) The following stress results are output for CBAR/CBEAM elements defined via PBARL/PBEAML property entries. 2368 OptiStruct 13. PBEAML Properties The von Mises stresses for all CBEAM/CBAR elements with PBARL/PBEAML properties at the same time can be output using the Result type: CBAR/CBEAM vonMises Stresses.0 Reference Guide 2369 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . DIRECT option Von Mises Stress Maximum Principal Stress Von Mises Stress (Z1) Von Mises Stress (Z2) Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Review evaluation points via: DRESP1 . shear. <Stress Result Output> = Von Mises 2D Elements ALL and TENSOR options Results are calculated by HyperView. Syntax - CBAR/CBEAM vonMises Stresses <Stress Result Output> Where. Shear S6S(A): shear stress at the 6th evaluation point of the beam element (end A).Static Stress Item Codes for Bar Elements using PBARL. and von Mises <evaluation point> = evaluation point of the element Examples - CBAR/CBEAM Stresses(BAR) Normal S1N(A) Normal S1N(B) Shear S4S(A) Shear S4S(B) von Mises S8V(A) von Mises S8V(B) Example descriptions Normal S3N(B): normal stress at the 3rd evaluation point of the beam element (end B). von Mises S5V(B): von Mises stress at the 5th evaluation point of the beam element (end B).<Stress Result Output> = normal. DIRECT option Von Mises Stress Signed Von Mises Stress P1 (major) Stress (solid) P2 (mid) Stress (solid) P3 (minor) Stress (solid) Normal X Stress (solid) Normal Y Stress (solid) Normal Z Stress (solid) Shear XY Stress (solid) Shear YZ Stress (solid) Shear XZ Stress (solid) VON option Von Mises Stress 2370 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .This is equal to max[Von Mises Stress (Z1).Von Mises Stress (mid) P1 (major) Stress (Z1) P1 (major) Stress (Z2) P1 (major) Stress (mid) P3 (minor) Stress (Z1) P3 (minor) Stress (Z2) P3 (minor) Stress (mid) Normal X Stress (Z1) Normal X Stress (Z2) Normal X Stress (mid) Normal Y Stress (Z1) Normal Y Stress (Z2) Normal Y Stress (mid) Shear XY Stress (Z1) Shear XY Stress (Z2) Shear XY Stress (mid) Principal Stress Angle (Z1) Principal Stress Angle (Z2) Principal Stress Angle (mid) VON option . Von Mises Stress (Z2)] PRINC option Von Mises Stress Maximum Principal Stress 3D Elements ALL and TENSOR options Results are calculated by HyperView. 0 Reference Guide 2371 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . In the TENSOR mode. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. which then calculates derived results on-the-fly. For frequency response loadcases. 2. only the TENSOR mode is available.PRINC option Von Mises Stress Maximum Principal Stress Comments 1. pass tensor components to HyperView. Transient and Multi-body Loadcases 1D elements CROD Axial Stress CELAS Stress CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM SA1 SA2 SA3 SA4 Axial SA-maximum SA-minimum SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 SB-maximum SB-minimum Long Stress at Point Long Stress at Point Long Stress at Point Long Stress at Point Maximum Stress1 Minimum Stress1 Long Stress at Point Long Stress at Point Long Stress at Point Long Stress at Point Maximum Stress2 C1 D1 E1 F1 C2 D2 E2 F2 CBEAM Minimum Stress2 2D elements Fibre Distance (Z1) Normal XX Stress (Z1) Normal YY Stress (Z1) Shear XY Stress (Z1) Principal Stress Angle (Z1) Major Principal Stress (Z1) Minor Principal Stress (Z1) Von Mises Stress (Z1) Fibre Distance (Z2) Normal XX Stress (Z2) Normal YY Stress (Z2) 2372 OptiStruct 13.op2 and .0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Stress Results Written in Nastran .pch Formats Static. Shear XY Stress (Z2) Principal Stress Angle (Z2) Major Principal Stress (Z2) Minor Principal Stress (Z2) Von Mises Stress (Z2) 3D elements Normal XX Stress Shear XY Stress Major Principal Stress Major Principal X Cosine Mid Principal X Cosine Minor Principal X Cosine Mean Stress Von Mises Stress Normal YY Stress Shear YZ Stress Mid Principal Stress Major Principal Y Cosine Mid Principal Y Cosine Minor Principal Y Cosine Normal ZZ Stress Shear XZ Stress Minor principal Stress Major Principal Y Cosine Mid Principal Y Cosine Minor Principal Y Cosine Eigenvalue Loadcases 1D elements None 2D elements Fibre Distance (Z1) Normal XX Stress (Z1) Normal YY Stress (Z1) Shear XY Stress (Z1) Principal Stress Angle Major Principal Stress Minor Principal Stress Von Mises Stress (Z1) Fibre Distance (Z2) Normal XX Stress (Z2) Normal YY Stress (Z2) Shear XY Stress (Z2) Principal Stress Angle Major Principal Stress Minor Principal Stress Altair Engineering (Z1) (Z1) (Z1) (Z2) (Z2) (Z2) OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 2373 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .Von Mises Stress (Z2) 3D elements Normal XX Stress Shear XY Stress Major Principal Stress Major Principal X Cosine Mid Principal X Cosine Minor Principal X Cosine Mean Stress Von Mises Stress Normal YY Stress Shear YZ Stress Mid Principal Stress Major Principal Y Cosine Mid Principal Y Cosine Minor Principal Y Cosine Normal ZZ Stress Shear XZ Stress Minor principal Stress Major Principal Y Cosine Mid Principal Y Cosine Minor Principal Y Cosine Frequency Response Loadcases 1D elements CROD Axial Stress CELAS Stress CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBAR CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM SA1 SA2 SA3 SA4 Axial SA-maximum SA-minimum SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 SB-maximum SB-minimum Long Stress at Point Long Stress at Point Long Stress at Point Long Stress at Point Maximum Stress1 Minimum Stress1 C1 D1 E1 F1 2374 OptiStruct 13. regardless of the corner stress request. results are printed at the center of the element. followed by results at each grid when corner stresses are requested. 3. but post-processors such as HyperView may display results in a different manner. results are printed at the center of the element. 2. results are printed at each grid by duplicating results at the center. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. For 2D elements. followed by results at each grid when corner stresses are requested. In the OP2 format.0 Reference Guide 2375 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM CBEAM Long Stress at Point Long Stress at Point Long Stress at Point Long Stress at Point Maximum Stress2 Minimum Stress2 2D elements Fibre Distance (Z1) Normal XX Stress (real) Normal XX Stress (imag) Normal YY Stress (real) Normal YY Stress (imag) Shear XY Stress (real) Shear XY Stress (imag) Fibre Distance (Z2) Normal XX Stress (real) Normal XX Stress (imag) Normal YY Stress (real) Normal YY Stress (imag) Shear XY Stress (real) Shear XY Stress (imag) 3D elements Normal XX Stress Normal YY Stress Normal ZZ Stress Shear XY Stress Shear YZ Stress Shear XZ Stress Normal XX Stress Normal YY Stress Normal ZZ Stress Shear XY Stress Shear YZ Stress Shear XZ Stress C2 D2 E2 F2 (Z1) (Z1) (Z1) (Z1) (Z1) (Z1) (Z2) (Z2) (Z2) (Z2) (Z2) (Z2) (real) (real) (real) (real) (real) (real) (imag) (imag) (imag) (imag) (imag) (imag) Comments 1. For 3D elements. The order above reflects the contents of the OP2 file. DIRECT and TENSOR options Von Mises Stress Maximum Principal Stress Von Mises Stress (Z1) Von Mises Stress (Z2) Von Mises Stress (mid) P1 (major) Stress (Z1) P1 (major) Stress (Z2) P1 (major) Stress (mid) P1 (major) Stress (max) P3 (minor) Stress (Z1) P3 (minor) Stress (Z2) P3 (minor) Stress (mid) P3 (minor) Stress (min) Normal X Stress (Z1) Normal X Stress (Z2) Normal X Stress (mid) Normal Y Stress (Z1) Normal Y Stress (Z2) Normal Y Stress (mid) Shear XY Stress (Z1) Shear XY Stress (Z2) Shear XY Stress (mid) Principal Stress Angle (Z1) Principal Stress Angle (Z2) Principal Stress Angle (mid) Signed Von Mises Stress (solid) P1 (major) Stress (solid) P2 ( mid ) Stress (solid) P3 (minor) Stress (solid) Normal X Stress (solid) Normal Y Stress (solid) Normal Z Stress (solid) Shear XY Stress (solid) Shear YZ Stress (solid) Shear XZ Stress (solid) VON option Von Mises Stress PRINC option Von Mises Stress Maximum Principal Stress 2376 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .res Format Static. Eigenvalue.Stress Results Written in HyperMesh . Transient and Multi-body Loadcases ALL. P3(Z2)). For frequency response loadcases. 2D.abs(P1(Z2)). depending on the complex format request. "P1 (major) Stress (max)" is the maximum major principal stress: max(P1(Z1). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. "P3 (minor) Stress (min)" is the minimum minor principal stress: min(P3(Z1). 4. and 3D elements simultaneously.abs(P3)) for solids. 3.abs(P3(Z2))) for shells.abs(P3(Z1)). 5. "von Mises Stress" and "Maximum Principal Stress" apply to 1D. There are no specific results for 1D elements. (comp) may be replaced by (real) (imag) (magn) and/or (phas). "Signed von Mises Stress" is the von Mises stress with traction/compression sign: sign(P1+P2+P3) * VonMises.0 Reference Guide 2377 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Other results apply to 2D or 3D elements exclusively.Frequency response loadcases Normal X Stress (Z1) (comp) Normal X Stress (Z2) (comp) Normal Y Stress (Z1) (comp) Normal Y Stress (Z2) (comp) Shear XY Stress (Z1) (comp) Shear XY Stress (Z2) (comp) Normal X Stress (solid) (comp) Normal Y Stress (solid) (comp) Normal Z Stress (solid) (comp) Shear XY Stress (solid) (comp) Shear YZ Stress (solid) (comp) Shear XZ Stress (solid) (comp) Comments 1. 2. "Maximum Principal Stress" is the maximum absolute principal stress: max(abs(P1(Z1)).P1(Z2)).abs(P2). max(abs(P1). 6. Legacy Data Previous (OS3.5) Input Format Setting Up Decks in OptiStruct 5.5 Objectives and Constraints Previously Supported Input 2378 OptiStruct 13.0 and higher with OptiStruct 3.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 0. restart the final iteration with checkerboard control off and run for 10-20 iterations.0 and 2.5 Parameters: Checkerboard 0. OptiStruct 13.2.res file if this option is used. maxi. Use 0 for no checkerboard control. OptiStruct errors out if this parameter is repeated on DOPTPRM in the bulk data section. This option generally yields a large number of semidense elements around fully dense elements. This section is intended to be used for the purpose of debugging or re-running older decks. Recommended bounds are 0. This method is used with plate/shell and solid design elements and is highly recommended for tetra elements. This may reintroduce some local checkerboarding. OptiStruct Version 3. mini. This method applies only to plate/shell design elements. ubcon or lbcon are present. Nodal densities are output to the . Use 1 or blank for global averaging over the entire design domain. Influences the tendency for elements to converge to a material density of 0 or 1. If used in models with solid design elements. This card overrides declarations in the bulk data deck. if card not in deck) (Default = 1. if matfrac.1. that is. Use 2 for averaging at local areas identified as checkerboarded.5) Input Format OptiStruct will continue to support the old input format from version 3.0 Reference Guide 2379 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 Discreteness parameter. checkerboard control is not applied to solid elements. Discrete <real>default = 1.5. The new optimization capabilities will not be available if the old format is used for the set up of the optimization problem. Higher values decrease the number of elements that remain between 0 and 1. or blank (default = 0. a much smaller number of semi-dense elements are found in the final iteration compared to the global averaging method. if blank) Controls checkerboarding. Since averaging is only applied locally. OptiStruct errors out if this parameter is repeated on DOPTPRM in the bulk data section.Previous (OS3. Dcomp <integer> Altair Engineering Shell elements with PCOMP PID given on this card will be placed in the topology design domain. To reduce the number of semi-dense elements in the solution. it overrides maxiter = 0. Sets a lower limit on the amount of material that can be assigned to any design element. Maxiter <integer>default = 30 Maximum number of iterations. Matinit <real>def. OptiStruct errors out if this parameter is repeated on DOPTPRM in the bulk data section. Minmember <real>no default<method> default= 2 Specifies the minimum diameter of members formed by OptiStruct. Mindens <real>default = 0. This also eliminates checkerboard results. If maxiter = 0. it overrides maxiter = 0. = 0.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If check is present. default is reset to constraint value. This card overrides declarations in bulk data deck. This card declares the initial material fraction. Method 2 is set as default since it achieves more discrete solutions for most examples.9 or constraint val.0 Shell elements with PSHELL PID given in first field of DSHELL card will be placed into the topology design domain with T0 given in the second field. If analysis is present. 2380 OptiStruct 13.9.01 Minimum element material density. This card overrides declarations in the bulk data deck. Dsolid <integer> Solid elements with PSOLID PID given on this card will be placed into the topology design domain. Sets an upper limit on the number of iterations OptiStruct can perform before completion. For runs with constrained mass. OptiStruct errors out if this parameter is repeated on DOPTPRM in the bulk data section. OptiStruct errors out if this parameter is repeated on DOPTPRM in the bulk data section. Extremely low values for this parameter can result in an illconditioned stiffness matrix. Method is either 1 or 2. baseline analysis is conducted after initializing material fractions of all design elements at the matfrac value. default is 0. OptiStruct errors out if this parameter is repeated on DOPTPRM in the bulk data section. For runs with mass as the objective. This command is used to eliminate small members.Dshell <integer>no def<real>def=0. Objtol <real>default = 0. mass.005 Tolerance in objective function. freq. Local responses (comp.Mmcheck No input The use of this card will ensure a checkerboard free solution. Input the total target OptiStruct 13. freq. and comb) must be located outside of all subcase declarations. Smooth <real>default = 0. similar to the result of using CHECKER=1. wfreq. disp.0 Reference Guide 2381 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . wcomp. The fourth field is used for grid component declarations for disp responses. although with the undesired side effect of achieving a solution that involves a large number of semi-dense elements.5 and 0. If the fractional change in objective function is below this quantity for two consecutive iterations. the matfrac parameter is not used. If present. Supported responses are: volume.9. and comb. OptiStruct errors out if this parameter is repeated on DOPTPRM in the bulk data section. the optimization is considered converged and is stopped. comp. The third field is used for mode number declarations for freq responses or grid number declarations for disp responses. Mass of total model. wfreq. Recommended bounds are 0. Changing this parameter generally results in changes in the solution topology. Global responses (volume. mass. OptiStruct Version 3. unless a different solution topology is desired. and disp) must be located within a subcase declaration. use this card only when it is necessary. wcomp. Therefore.5 Subcase Information: lbcon <real> <string> no defaults Mass <real> Altair Engineering <integer*> Sets a lower bound constraint of value given <integer*> in the first field of this card for the response given in the second field of the card. Influences the step size of the optimization iterations if the optimality criteria method is used for topology optimization. Leave this parameter at the default value. OptiStruct errors out if this parameter is repeated on DOPTPRM in the bulk data section. Larger values of this parameter create smoother topologies for shell element models.7071 Solution smoothness. The second field is used for mode number declarations for freq responses or grid number declarations for disp responses. The design volume multiplied by the material fraction is the total amount of design material available.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .30 range = 0. The second field is used for mode number declarations for freq responses or grid number declarations for disp responses. Not available if using multiple material types in the design domain. comp. wfreq. and comb.0-1. Global responses (volume. Global responses (volume.no default mass for the part and OptiStruct calculates the material fraction automatically.0 Material fraction. disp. design volume is equal to (T . wcomp. freq. maxi <string> <integer*> Sets objective function to maximize a no default <integer*> response. and disp) must be located within a subcase declaration. OptiStruct returns an error. wfreq. The fourth field is used for grid component declarations for disp responses. freq. Primary <integer This card sets which mode of eigenvalue solution is used to set material orientation 2382 OptiStruct 13. mass. and comb.0. and comb) must be located outside of all subcase declarations. Local responses (comp. wcomp. For solid elements. Supported responses are: volume. mass. Local responses (comp. disp. Matfrac <real> default = 0. Supported responses are: volume. and comb) must be located outside of all subcase declarations. mass. and disp) must be located within a subcase declaration.T0) * area.0 or above 1. If the computed material fraction is below 0. freq. wcomp. wfreq. mini <string> <integer*> Sets objective function to minimize a no default <integer*> response. design volume is equal to the sum of the volume of the elements designated as design space. wfreq. Material fractions for all design elements in the design space are initialized to matfrac value. comp. freq. For shell elements. mass. wcomp. Defines the amount of material to be distributed within the design domain as a fraction of the design domain. The fourth field is used for grid component declarations for disp responses. Global responses (volume.no fields are necessary. ubcon <real> <string> no defaults Altair Engineering angles. Primary mode declaration only applies to runs without static analyses and must be placed in the subcase declaration. wfreq. mass. freq. Local responses (comp. Subcase no default if static. If the card is placed in a static subcase. wfreq. mass.or blank> default= lowest mode with highest weight if eigen. freq. The third field is used for mode number declarations for freq responses or grid number declarations for disp responses. only that subcase is used to determine material orientation angle . and comb. wcomp. disp. <integer*> Sets an upper bound constraint of value given <integer*> in the first field of this card for the response given in the second field of the card. and disp) must be located within a subcase declaration.0 Reference Guide 2383 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . OptiStruct 13. comp. wcomp. The fourth field is used for grid component declarations for disp responses. Supported responses are: volume. and comb) must be located outside of all subcase declarations. The constraint on displacement is only active for the first load case.0) will execute OptiStruct 3. MASSFRAC DCONSTR. massf. comp and ubcon. 101. Since the objective is global (mass). but the problem setup is more complex. a lot more flexibility has been added to the way objectives and constraints are set up.5. . users are urged to create decks using the new optimization format.5 (such as comp.5 Objectives and Constraints Setting up an optimization was simpler in OptiStruct 3. This section demonstrates how objectives and constraints in OptiStruct 3. 1. wfreq.3. 100. two cards were used to do this kind of optimization: mini. ubcon. Minimize Compliance for Constrained Mass Fraction In OptiStruct 3.0 with OptiStruct 3. the DESOBJ statement goes outside of the load case definition. mini.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 0. comp. volume. Three cards (two DRESP1s and one DCONSTR) defining the responses and constraint values referenced in the header are added after the BEGIN BULK statement as shown below: $ DESGLB = 101 $ SUBCASE 1 LOAD = 2 SPC = 1 DESOBJ(MIN) = 1 $ BEGIN BULK $ DRESP1. volume is replaced by DESGLB = 101.300 $ Minimize Mass for Constrained Displacement The deck setup for this problem is similar to the previous one.Setting Up Decks in OptiStruct 5. Although versions of OptiStruct (including and beyond 5. thus a DESSUB statement is used within that load case. The new optimization capabilities of OptiStruct 5. and comb) can be set up in OptiStruct 5. or lbcon are present in the setup). comp is replaced by DESOBJ(MIN) = 1 and ubcon. 0. $ DESOBJ(MIN) = 1 $ SUBCASE 1 LOAD = 2 SPC = 1 DESSUB = 101 2384 OptiStruct 13. freq. The new setup is as follows: mini.0 and higher will not be available if the old format is used for the setup of the optimization problem (if matfrac.5 decks flawlessly. wcomp. 100. Starting with OptiStruct 5. 0.5. but it was also very limited.0.0 and higher. maxi.3. COMP DRESP1. 100.560 $ Maximize Frequency for Constrained Volume The setup for this deck is similar to that for the first two decks except that. compliance. wcomp. . $ DESGLB = 101 $ SUBCASE 1 METHOD = 2 SPC = 1 DESOBJ(MAX) = 1 $ Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 101. 101.0 $ SUBCASE 2 LOAD = 3 SPC = 1 WEIGHT = 1. weighted DRESP1 card.0 $ BEGIN BULK $ DRESP1. MASS DCONSTR. . weight.4e-6 $ Minimize Weighted Compliance for Constrained Mass OptiStruct provides the response type WCOMP. disp. Note that both the quantities (not specific to any single load case) and thus occur before the load case declarations. . . 50.$ BEGIN BULK $ DRESP1. 100. WCOMP $ DRESP1. 100. to be defined on the factors for each load case included objective and constraint are global the DESOBJ and DESGLB statements $ DESOBJ = 50 DESGLB = 101 $ SUBCASE 1 LOAD = 2 SPC = 1 WEIGHT = 2. . starting with OptiStruct 5.0 Reference Guide 2385 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . the volume response now refers to the actual volume (not the volume fraction). 1. 1. 7. 1. In addition. DISP. weight. 1202 DCONSTR. MASS $ DRESP1.0. you need to define the weight in the weighted compliance function. 100. . . vol. 20000. VOLUME DCONSTR. $ DESOBJ(MIN) = 50 DESGLB = 101 $ NORM = 1000.5.0 $ BEGIN BULK $ DRESP1. 101. To duplicate the frequency weighting and summing in OptiStruct 3. If the frequencies of all modes are simply added together.0 $ SUBCASE 1 2386 OptiStruct 13.0 and higher is shown below. 20000. 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 101. 1. OptiStruct will evaluate the frequencies and compliances in the initial iteration step to automatically select a NORM factor.5. This was done so that increasing the frequencies of the lower modes would have a larger effect on the objective function than increasing the frequencies of the higher modes. . 2. the combined reciprocal frequency and compliance response (comb) required a normalization factor in order to properly add frequency values and compliance. 100. the weighted frequency response (wfreq). 100. OptiStruct will put more effort into increasing the higher modes than the lower modes. 100.0 $ Maximize Weighted Frequencies for Constrained Volume In OptiStruct 3. freq1. use the following approach: $ DESGLB = 101 $ DESOBJ(MIN) = 11 SUBCASE 1 METHOD = 2 SPC = 1 MODEWEIGHT. vol. was minimized since the inverse of the eigenvalues was being summed together. VOLUME DCONSTR. FREQ. .5. WFREQ $ DRESP1. 1. 1. If no NORM is given. 1 $ DRESP1.BEGIN BULK $ DRESP1. Note that the DESOBJ statement goes above the first load case since wfreq is a global response.0 $ Minimize Combined Compliance and Frequencies for Constrained Volume Fraction In OptiStruct 3. 11.0 MODEWEIGHT. 100. wfreq. The equivalent setup for OptiStruct 5. 1.0 $ BEGIN BULK $ DRESP1. 100.5 MODEWEIGHT.0 Reference Guide 2387 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering .0 $ SUBCASE 3 METHOD = 10 SPC = 1 MODEWEIGHT. .LOAD = 2 SPC = 1 WEIGHT = 1. 2. comp. COMB $ DRESP1. 100.0 $ SUBCASE 2 LOAD = 3 SPC = 1 WEIGHT = 1. VOLFRAC DCONSTR. volf. 50. 1. 0. 101.300 $ Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 1. 0 or Later Versions) INFILE (Not Supported in 10. AMLSASPC (Not Supported in 12. MINMETH (Not Supported in 8. INRGAP (Not Supported in 11.0 or Later Versions) DENSRES (Not Recommended for use in 10.0 or Later Versions) UPDATE (Not Supported in 12.0 or Later Versions) PARAM.0 or Later Versions) FLSPOUT (Not Supported in 11.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 or Later Versions) PARAM.0 or Later Versions) MASSTOH3D (Not Supported in 8.0 or Later Versions) SET/PSET (Not Recommended for use in 10.0 or Later Versions) DOPTPRM.0 or Later Versions) ROTATION (Not Supported in 8.Previously Supported Input BEAD (Not Supported in 8. GAPOFFST (Not Supported in 10. PRTRENUM (Not Supported in 9.0 or Later Versions) SHRES (Not Recommended for use in 10.0 or Later Versions) 2388 OptiStruct 13.0 or Later Versions) PARAM.0 or Later Versions) PARAM.0 or Later Versions) MODELMPC (Not Supported in 12. 0 25. OptiStruct will assume that the BEAD card references a property.0 0.BEAD (Not Supported in 8.0 1.0 0.0 50 1.0 3 Field Contents BID PID or DID (Integer > 0.0 norm both 0.0 0. otherwise it assumes that the card references a DESVAR and its corresponding DVGRIDs. If field 6 contains data.0 0.0 0.0 60.0 or Later Versions) Bulk Data Entry BEAD – Topography Design Variables Description Defines parameters for the generation of topography design variables. This field can contain the PSHELL or PCOMP property ID of the elements or the desvar number of any set of DVGRIDs present in the deck to be optimized for topography.0 yes 5.0 Reference Guide 2389 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Format (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) BEAD BID MW ANG BF HGT norm/ XD YD ZD SKIP FID/XF YF ZF AID/XA YA ZA LB UB TYP SID/XS YS ZS UC YC Example (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) BEAD 1 3. no default). 0. FORCE1. See comment 1. ‘load’.5 and 2. no default).YF. nodes with either ‘spc’ or ‘load’ declarations are omitted from the design domain. default = blank).YD.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . 8. FID/XF. This parameter tells OptiStruct to leave certain nodes out of the design domain. any nodes which have SPC or SPC1 declarations are omitted from the design domain. default = ‘norm’). default = ‘yes’). and Z values are in the global coordinate system. or SPCD declarations are omitted from the design domain. and 9. no default).5 times the average element width].0.0.Field Contents MW Bead minimum width (Real > 0. This parameter will establish a buffer zone between elements in the design domain and elements outside the design domain. MOMENT. the shape variables will be created in the normal directions of the elements. any nodes which have FORCE. If ‘bc’ or ‘spc’. This parameter controls the angle of the sides of the beads [recommended value between 60 and 75 degrees]. HGT Draw height: (Real > 0.0 < Real < 89. and Z values are in the basic coordinate system. MOMENT1. default = ‘both’). This field is only valid if a PID is declared in field 2. AID/XA. BF Buffer zone (‘yes’ or ‘no’. If ‘load’. the shape variable will be created in the direction specified by the xyz vector defined by fields 7. This vector goes from the anchor point to this grid. This parameter sets the maximum height of the beads to be drawn. SKIP Boundary skip (‘both’. OptiStruct gives an error. This parameter controls the width of the beads in the model [recommended value between 1. The X. ‘bc’. no default). This field is only valid if a PID is declared in field 2. The X. ‘spc’. If all fields are blank and field 20 is not blank or zero. Y. default = blank). These fields define a point which 2390 OptiStruct 13.YA. If all the fields are real. If ‘none’. norm/XD. You may put a grid ID in field 12 to define the first vector. If field 7 is ‘norm’. These fields define an xyz vector which determines how grids are grouped into variables.ZD Draw direction (‘norm’ in field 7 or Real in all three fields. This field is only valid if a PID is declared in field 2. See comment 1. If ‘both’. all nodes attached to elements whose PID was specified in field 2 will be a part of the shape variables.ZF Direction of first vector for variable pattern grouping (Real in all three fields or Integer in field 12. or ‘none’. Y.ZA Variable grouping pattern anchor point (Real in all three fields or integer in field 15. ANG Draw angle in degrees (1. If less than 20. OptiStruct gives an error. (Integer > 0. default = 0. LB Lower bound on variables controlling grid movement (Real < UB. UB Upper bound on variables controlling grid movement (Real > LB. You may put a grid ID in field 22 to define the second vector. This vector goes from the anchor point to this grid. SID/XS. This field defines the number of radial "wedges" for cyclical symmetry. default = 1. These fields define an xyz vector which. form a plane. The angle of each wedge is computed as 360. when combined with the first vector. and Z values are in the global coordinate system. and Z values are in the global coordinate system.0 Reference Guide 2391 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . anchor node. Comments 1. The second vector is sometimes required to determine how grids are grouped into variables. default = 0). The second vector is calculated to lie in that plane and is perpendicular to the first vector. Y. default = 0) Required if any symmetry or variable pattern grouping is desired.0). first vector. The BEAD bulk data entry will no longer be supported for the definition of topography optimization. All definitions must be provided using the DTPG bulk data entry. but will convert them into DTPG entries. TYP Type of variable grouping pattern. second vector definition is ignored.0 / UCYC. UCYC Number of cyclical repetitions for cyclical symmetry (Integer > 0 or blank. Y. If zero or blank. HyperMesh will continue to read BEAD entries. The X. and second vector definitions are ignored. The X. This sets the lower bound on grid movement equal to LB*HGT. If all fields are blank and field 20 contains a value of 20 or higher. default = blank). Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.Field Contents determines how grids are grouped into variables.ZS Direction used to determine second vector for variable pattern grouping (Real in all three fields or Integer in field 22.YS. This sets the upper bound on grid movement equal to UB*HGT. You may put a grid ID in field 15 to define the anchor point.0). 2392 OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . MINMETH (Not Supported in 8. Method 2 is set as default since it achieves more discrete solutions for most examples.0 or Later Versions) Parameter Values Description MINMETH Integer = 1.DOPTPRM.2 Default = 2 Specifies the method of minimum member size control. h3d file. blank: Mass matrix is output to . Mass matrix is not output if this card is not present. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. blank> Default = ALL Mass matrix is not output. NONE. ALL.MASSTOH3D (Not Supported in 8.0 or Later Versions) I/O Options Entry MASSTOH3D . NO.h3d file. This option is only for use with MotionView's MBD Flexbody utility.0 Reference Guide 2393 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . <YES. NONE: Comments 1. Format MASSTOH3D = option Argument Options Description option YES. ALL. NO. 2.Output Request Description The MASSTOH3D command can be used in the I/O Options section to request the output of the mass matrix to the . Default = blank 2394 OptiStruct 13. APATRAN: Results are output in Alternative Patran format (multiple files). PATRAN. PATRAN: Results are output in Patran format (multiple files).0 or Later Versions) I/O Options Entry ROTATION . OPTI: Results are output in OptiStruct results format (. PUNCH: Results are output in Nastran punch results format (. blank> HM: Results are output in HyperMesh results format (.Output Request Description The ROTATION command can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information sections to request the output of rotation information for all subcases or individual subcases respectively. OPTI.disp file). PUNCH. APATRAN. Format ROTATION (format.op2 file).ROTATION (Not Supported in 8.h3d file). blank: Results are output in all active formats for which the result is available.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .res file).pch file). form) = option Argument Options Description format <HM. OUTPUT2: Results are output in Nastran output2 format (. OUTPUT2. H3D: Results are output in Hyper3D format (. H3D. Results are output to these files using the rectangular form of complex output when BOTH is the chosen form. The form argument is only applicable for frequency response analysis. When a ROTATION command is not present. Default = COMPLEX option REAL. SID> YES. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Multiple formats are allowed on the same entry. SID: If a set ID is given. Comments 1. The REAL form of complex output is used for other formats. these should be comma separated. BOTH> COMPLEX. REAL. blank: Rotations are output for all nodes. If no format is specified. IMAG: Provides rectangular format (real and imaginary) of complex output. 4. See Results Output for information on which results are available in which formats. blank: Provides a combined magnitude/ phase form of complex output to the . if they are not specifically defined. <YES. ALL. 2. ALL.0 Reference Guide 2395 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . PHASE. then this output control applies to all formats defined by OUTPUT or FORMAT commands for which the result is available. 3. NONE. BOTH: Provides both polar and rectangular formats of complex output. PHASE: Provides polar format (magnitude and phase) of complex output. The form BOTH does not apply to the . (Phase output is in degrees). Phase output is in degrees.frf output files. It is ignored for other analysis types.res file if HM output format is chosen. rotations are not output. NONE: Rotations are not output. Default = ALL NO. NO. rotations are output only for nodes listed in that set. IMAG.Argument Options Description form <COMPLEX. 2396 OptiStruct 13. Multiple instances of this card are allowed. a combination of the I/O options FORMAT and RESULTS were used. but not recommended as it does not allow different frequencies for different formats. if instances are conflicting. the frequency of output to a given format is controlled by the I/O option OUTPUT. 6. For optimization. the last instance dominates. this method is still supported.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . In previous versions of OptiStruct.5. Results are output only for fluid grids listed in the selected set..) Argument Options Description FLUIDMP <ALL. Filter Threshold for fluid participation. Default = NONE GRIDFMP ALL: Requests that all the fluid modes extracted be used.0e-11 ARF <Real> Acceptance ratio for fluid participation. NONE> Requests fluid participation calculation of fluid response on selected fluid points. Format FLSPOUT(argument = option.0 Reference Guide 2397 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . Default = 1.0e-11 Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. Requests inclusion or exclusion of specific fluid grids to be used in all the requested types of participation calculations. <SID> No default SID: FEPS <Real> Set identification number . . Default = 1.FLSPOUT (Not Supported in 11.0 or Later Versions) I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry FLSPOUT – Output Request Description The FLSPOUT command can be used in the I/O Options section to control output of modal participation factors for coupled fluid-structure models.. argument = option. NONE: Requests no participation calculation. 3. 2. Default = 1. 2398 OptiStruct 13. Default = 1. NONE> Requests structural. GRIDFMP is required for all FLSPOUT statements. and panel participation calculations on the selected fluid points.modal. load. FLUIDMP and STRUCTMP are required when PANELMP is defined.0e-11 PSORT <ABSOLUTE> Requests type of sort. Requests inclusion or exclusion of panel participation calculations on the selected fluid points.Argument Options Description STRUCTMP <ALL. NONE: Requests no participation calculation.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Default = NONE PANELMP <ALL> Default = ALL ALL: Requests that all the structural modes extracted be used. ALL: SEPS <Real> Requests that all the panels defined be included in the participation calculations on the selected fluid points.0e-11 ARS <Real> Acceptance ratio for structural participation. Default = ABSOLUTE Comments 1. The output file name for modal participation is *. Filter Threshold for structural participation. After the conversion with MODELMPC. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.100.GRIDC.MODELMPC (Not Supported in 12. response DOFs during optimization. these DOFs are part of the analysis DOFs and can be used as connection points.T3 Argument Option Description setdof < SID > Interior DOF of h3d DMIG to be converted into exterior DOF. This card converts interior DOFs of the DMIG to exterior DOFs.0 or Later Versions) Subcase Information Entry MODELMPC – Description MODELMPC command can be used in the Subcase Information section while including h3d DMIG in residual runs.0 Reference Guide 2399 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . SID refers to the ID of a SET of type GRIDC. load DOFs.T1.10643.10643. +.T2. Comments 1. Format MODELMPC = setdof Examples MODELMPC = 100 SET.10643. then the constraints are applied after constraint reduction. If 1. AMLSASPC (Not Supported in 12. 2400 OptiStruct 13.0 or Later Versions) Parameter AMLSASPC Values Description 0. 1 Default = 0 This parameter is used to indicate when to automatically constrain degrees-of-freedom with no stiffness for AMLS run.PARAM. then the constraints are applied before constraint reduction.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . If 0. If NO.0 Reference Guide 2401 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . NO Default = YES If YES.0 or Later Versions) Parameter Values Description GAPOFFST YES. frictional offset for nonlinear gap analysis in inactive. frictional offset for nonlinear gap analysis is active. For more details.PARAM. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. GAPOFFST (Not Supported in 10. refer to the PGAP description. If the degrees-of-freedom associated with gap elements make up less than 3% of the total degrees-offreedom and the gap elements are concentrated in one area of the model. and the nonlinear iterations are only processed in this super element.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . an internal super element which includes all of the gap elements is created automatically. INRGAP (Not Supported in 11. In this method. a performance gain is not guaranteed. NO> Default = NO PARAM.PARAM. INRGAP can be used during nonlinear gap analysis to improve the performance for some models. However. this approach may be beneficial. 2402 OptiStruct 13.0 or Later Versions) Parameter Values Description INRGAP <YES. PARAM. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13.0 Reference Guide 2403 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . If LIST. including the number of such elements. (Renumbering is applied to elements that have node sequence reversed with respect to the standard numbering as described on respective bulk data cards). prints a warning message when element nodes have been renumbered. If NO.0 or Later Versions) Parameter Values Description PRTRENUM <YES. the warning message is printed for every element where renumbering was necessary. The message includes the node list before and after renumbering. LIST> Default = YES If YES. PRTRENUM (Not Supported in 9. no such message is printed. NO. 2404 OptiStruct 13. strict.UPDATE (Not Supported in 12. Choose only one option: unique. strict Do not allow non-supported cards in update deck [default].<filename>. Example UPDATE verbose. permissive Allow all cards and repeat IDs. Choose only one option: verbose or quiet.unique Comments 1.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . Format UPDATE option Option Description off Disable update.UPDATE. unique Each ID only once. permissive.0 or Later Versions) I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry UPDATE – Input Definition Description The UPDATE command controls the behavior of ASSIGN. quiet Less output [default]. 2. verbose More output including old and new values. or off. INFILE (Not Supported in 10. The following rules are used to locate a file referenced on the INFILE card: When the argument contains the absolute path of the file (if it starts with "/" on UNIX or a drive letter. When only the file prefix is given (without the path). and either forward slash (/) or back slash (\) characters can be used to separate parts of the path name.. it is located in the directory relative to the file containing the INFILE command and is NOT relative to the directory in which the solver was executed. 2.fem file containing the bulk data entries. the one-file or multiple-file setups are recommended (see The Input File for more information). See Guidelines for I/O Options and Subcase Information Entries for an example showing how to enter long file names on multiple lines. Format INFILE = option Argument Option Description option <file prefix> file prefix: The path to and prefix of the . Default = passed in from the command line.0 or Later Versions) I/O Options Entry INFILE . 3. Comments 1. for example). the file at the given location is used. They may be enclosed in quotes (double or single quotes can be used). on Windows. This data can be on a single line or span multiple continuation lines. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13./filename or sub/filename. Prefixes specified on the INFILE card can be arbitrary file prefixes with optional paths appropriate to the operating system (Windows or UNIX). When the argument contains a relative path (.File Selection Description The INFILE command is used in the I/O Options section to identify the file containing the bulk data entries. This card is used in the obsolete two-file setup.0 Reference Guide 2405 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . The total length of information on this card is limited to 200 characters (including the card name and spaces between arguments). for example). the file has to be located in the same directory as the file containing the INFILE command. or to the directory where the main file is located. such as "D:". properties.SET/PSET (Not Recommended for use in 10. …. c1. in Integer sets are used for sets of grids. or frequencies. 128/T3 is acceptable. SET n = i1. 15. or SURF. R2. 15/R2. i2. PIDn Property identification numbers are used for property set definition. elements. …. Also. 2. regardless of whether the SET is defined within a subcase or in the I/O Options section. and design variables. SET n = r1. Example: SET 24 = 12. cn Sets of Gird/Component pairs are used for PFMODE data. ….Set Definition PSET . modes. SET1. n. From 10. it is recommended to use the SET bulk data entry for set definitions. T1. elements. rn Real value sets are used for frequencies or times. T3 (alternatively 12/T1. r2. 128. Comments 1.Set Definition Description The SET and PSET commands can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information section input deck to define sets of grids. ….0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering .0 or Later Versions) I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry SET .0 onwards. PSET n = PID1. in. see Guidelines for I/O Options and Subcase Information Entries). c2. Format SET n = i1. PID2. i2. 2406 OptiStruct 13. Every SET must have a unique identification number. a SET cannot have the same ID as a PSET or the bulk data entries SET. 2. ALL. <FIRST. When the DENSRES command is not present. output occurs for iterations 0. N> Default = ALL Comments 1. LAST. FL: Optimization results are output for the first and last iterations only.0 onwards. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. 3.0 Reference Guide 2407 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 15. 5. or thickness). 10. Format DENSRES = frequency Argument Options Description frequency FIRST: Optimization results are output for the first iteration only. blank: Optimization results are output for all iterations.Output Control Description The DENSRES command can be used in the I/O Options section to control the frequency of output of design results (density. shape. it is recommended to use the OUTPUT I/O Option entry to control this output. DESIGN is present. and so on. From 10. results are output for all iterations. N: Optimization results are output for the first and last iterations and every Nth iteration. and the final iteration. This output control is ignored if OUTPUT.DENSRES (Not Recommended for use in 10. LAST: Optimization results are output for the final iteration only. If N = 5. 20.0 or Later Versions) I/O Options Entry DENSRES . ALL. FL. and free-shape optimization. Default = LAST Comments 1.0 or Later Versions) I/O Options Entry SHRES . topography. 2408 OptiStruct 13. If N = 5. blank: The files are output for the final iteration only.grid file is only output for shape. N> FIRST: The files are output for the first iteration only. NONE: The files are not output. 20. output occurs for iterations 0. 10. N: The files are output for the first and last iterations and for every Nth iteration. and so on.Output Control Description The SHRES command can be used in the I/O Options section to control the frequency of output of the state files (. state files are output for the final iteration only.grid file). ALL. Format SHRES = frequency Argument Options Description frequency <FIRST.SHRES (Not Recommended for use in 10. 5. FL. 2.0 Reference Guide Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering Altair Engineering . ALL: The files are output for all iterations. NONE.sh file and the . LAST. FL: The files are output for both the first and last iterations. All equation and combination responses are output. 15. The . LAST. and the final iteration. When a SHRES command is not present. sh(. it is recommended to use the OUTPUT I/O Option entry to control this output.grid output files bar the last one.0 onwards. 4.grid). From 10. Altair Engineering OptiStruct 13. For all .3.sh and .grid file output may also be controlled by the GRID keyword on the OUTPUT card. The last one is just named <prefix>. The .sh(.0 Reference Guide 2409 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering . 5.grid). the files are named <prefix><iter#>.
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