
April 4, 2018 | Author: Hemant Sudhir Wavhal | Category: Strategic Management, Innovation, Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, Project Management



Case Map forChase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) This map was prepared by an editor at HBS Publishing, not by a teaching professor. Faculty at Harvard Business School were not involved in analyzing the textbook or selecting the cases and articles. Every case map provides only a partial list of relevant items from HBS Publishing. To search for alternatives, or to get more information on the cases listed below, visit our web site at www.hbsp.harvard.edu. Chapter 1: Introduction Abstract Mass Production and the Examines the coming of mass production (continuous and large-batch Beginning of Scientific processes and those involving fabricating and assembling of Scientific Management interchangeable parts), and relates the beginnings of modern factory management to the needs and opportunities created by the new Thomas K. McCraw technology. Besides focusing on the interrelation of technology and management, it examines issues created by the responses of Type: HBS management and labor to the new machines and methods. Pub. Date: 4/24/1995 Product #: 391255 Subjects: Automation; Business history; Labor relations; Management of change; Manufacturing; Production planning; Technological change Length: 17 Teaching Note: none Chapter 2: Strategy Abstract Amazon.com's European Describes how Amazon's distribution system evolved from the Distribution Strategy company's inception. In 2003, Amazon Europe must decide how to reconfigure its distribution network in light of expected growth, products Janice H. Hammond, Claire proliferation, and geographical expansion in Europe. Examines how Chiron characteristics of suppliers and customers differ across the markets Amazon serves in Europe. The protagonist must consider the degree of Type: HBS centralization appropriate for the European network, where inventory Pub. Date: 6/30/05 should be held, what fulfillment models should be used, and how to Product #: 605002 manage risks of supply disruption. Length: 28p Subjects: Inventory management, Order management cycle, Order Teaching Note: none processing, Order quantity, Warehousing, Globalization, Distribution, Expansion, Plant location, Electronic commerce, Online retailing, Supply chain management, Supply chains. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) American Connector Co. (A) American Connector Co. is forced to reexamine operations at its Sunnyvale plant when a Japanese Gary P. Pisano; Sharon Rossi competitor announces plans to build an "ultimate" plant in the United States. Case examines issues related to benchmarking a competitor's Type: HBS manufacturing capabilities and productivity. Allows students to Pub. Date: 12/7/1992 compare two companies' manufacturing strategies and their Product #: 693035 implications for productivity and flexibility. Length: 18p Subjects: Competition; Electronics; Manufacturing strategy ; Plant Teaching Note: 695014 management; Productivity Analog Devices, Inc.: The Half- The company has committed to major improvements in quality, cost, Life System and on-time delivery performance. Despite strong senior management support, however, the actual rate of improvement was disappointing Robert S. Kaplan until a new measurement philosophy was introduced. The new approach specified expected rates of improvement and compared Type: HBS actual improvements to the expected rate. Operational people Pub. Date: 3/16/1990 preferred the new measures to the monthly financial reports they Product #: 190061 continued to receive. The case explores the conflicts between financial Length: 26p measurements and operating improvements. Teaching Note: 191103 Subjects: Cost control, Learning curves, Management accounting, Productivity, Quality control. Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd.: Describes the leadership dilemmas facing the top management team Chasing a Daring Vision of a leading Indian pharmaceutical company--the first in its industry to be listed on the NYSE. Much admired for its impressive growth, Dr. Bala Chakravarthy, Anand Jha Reddy's stands at a crossroad. How much emphasis should it place on the legacy business of active pharmaceutical ingredients and generics Type: IMD that have brought the company its current stature, and how much Pub. Date: 7/25/05 should it focus on future business like specialty pharmaceuticals and Product #: IMD216 discovering new chemical entities? The two represent different Length: 15p business models and straddling the strategy, organization, and human Teaching Note: available resources demands of each one is the challenge for Dr. Reddy's top team. Subjects: Leadership, Strategic leadership, Strategic vision, Vision, Strategic planning, Business model innovations, Business models, Generic drugs, Pharmaceuticals. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Eli Lilly and Co.: Manufacturing Outlines the evolution of Lilly's corporate manufacturing strategy over Process Technology Strategy— the past decade. The corporate vice president of manufacturing must 1991 decide on the next phase of Lilly's strategy for the early 1990s, as well as to what extent and what role process development will play. Steven C. Wheelwright, Gary P. Provides data outlining three different points in the product Pisano, Jonathan West development process at which manufacturing process development might be initiated. Using learning curve concepts and data, students Type: HBS can estimate the economic costs and benefits (as well as Pub. Date: 12/9/91 organizational issues and challenges) associated with each. Illustrates Product #: 692056 process improvement's substantial impact in a capital-intensive industry, describes possible roles of manufacturing process technology Length: 18p in an industry that has viewed product R&D as its primary competitive Teaching Note: 692109 advantage, illustrates phases through which manufacturing can evolve in pursuit of comparative advantage, and introduces students to a challenging and changing industry. Subjects: Learning curves, Manufacturing strategy, Process analysis, Product development, Productivity. Fresh Connections Mary Alice McKenzie is facing numerous issues in growing her Vermont-based fresh-prepared foods business. She must address Jonathan West, Susan S. immediate operational problems--such as bottlenecks and capital Harmeling, Christian G. Kasper equipment decisions--as well as decide on a long-term strategic position. This case investigates how she can structure her operations Type: HBS today to take advantage of the continued growth in the home meal Pub. Date: 11/18/1999 replacement market. Product #: 600022 Length: 23p Subjects: Operations, Operations management, Food, Natural foods. Teaching Note: 600108 McDonald's Corp. McDonald's has over many years built an operating strategy based on consistency and quality through a limited product range. Competitive David Upton; Joshua D. forces have drawn the company into a much wider variety of foods Margolis and services in order to maintain growth. Now, new competitors threaten to beat McDonald's at its own, original game. In addition, Type: HBS McDonald's faces unprecedented challenges in its environmental Pub. Date: 10/9/1992 policy. The case teaches approaches and dangers arising from Product #: 693028 flexibility, and the identification of capabilities that support different Length: 22p types of flexibility. The integration of environmental concerns with Teaching Note: available operations strategy is also addressed. Subjects: Competition; Environmental protection; Fast food industry; Operations management; Services; Strategy implementation Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Rapid Rewards at Southwest Southwest Airlines is well known as the low-fare airline that has Airlines achieved ongoing financial success in one of the most financially troubled industries in the United States. Told from the perspectives of Frances X. Frei, Corey Hajim two Southwest customers--a frequent flier and a more typical customer--the case revolves around two customer service requests Type: HBS from the frequent flier, both of which provide a compelling temptation to Pub. Date: 8/11/2001 cater to the satisfaction of the airline's highest revenue customers. The Product #: 602065 requests are intriguing because they would neither add cost nor Length: 24p increase the turnaround time of Southwest's service. Teaching Note: available Subjects: Service management, Airlines, Call centers, Customer self- service, Customer service. multiple-criteria decision-making. the exchange determines who gets which interval. network flow Darden School Foundation problems. Operations. Computer based modeling. Service management. together with requests for the intervals they want to exchange. and the exchange fair. Operations management. Suitable for both general MBA and executive education programs and as a basis for an exam or assignment. exchanges. Decision making. local search heuristics. and. Linear programming. Dmitry exchange: an exchange fair. This case series is a winner of the 2005 INFORMS case competition and received an honorable mention at the 2005 DSI case competition. Alternatives. and use models to provide decision support. in which owners submit their existing intervals to a centralized pool.and less-relevant information and forces students to confront issues consultants face: How do you motivate management to even consider a management science approach? How do you build a "business case" demonstrating the shortcomings of the methodology already in place? The case provides background on the timeshare industry.g. Students model a complex managerial Krass. starting from a heuristic. The series Pub. Chapter 3: Design of Products and Services Abstract .. It Length: 11p teaches standard techniques of extracting relevant data from a mass of Teaching Note: available more. and Pareto-optimality. identify the types of data needed. Scott Sampson problem as a linear program. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Timeshare Exchange Fair (A) This award-winning case series examines how optimization-based decision-making leads to a new business design for a timeshare Anton Ovchinnikov. the series effectively guides students toward the "better" optimization-based way of executing the exchange. logistics. Various aspects of a functioning exchange fair are presented. The series covers linear and Type: University of Virginia integer programming. Date: 9/25/2007 demonstrates the advantages and difficulties involved in applying Product #: UV0901 management science techniques to a real-life business environment. this series is also appropriate for specialized undergraduate and graduate programs in services management (e. tourism and hotel administration). and industrial and systems engineering. Competitive decision making. Choices. Subjects: Decision analysis. Quantitative analysis. Design management. Flextronics Chuck Holloway. it needed to the Kittyhawk (A) design a revolutionary disk drive product that would create an entirely new market or application for magnetic recording technology. made a Leads to India strategic decision to expand its business to include original design and manufacturing (ODM) services. Market definition. Hoyt (OEMs) purchased and sold under their brand names. But it still failed. Applications. David W. Purchasing from an ODM allowed OEMs to bring new products to market quickly and Type: Stanford Graduate efficiently. Flextronics considered Length: 25p adding software design expertise and considered a number of Teaching Note: none approaches to accomplish this. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Flextronics: A Focus on Design Flextronics. the world's largest contract manufacturing firm. The Clayton M. to grow more rapidly. Software. Date: 1/10/2005 Flextronics' first ODM products were cellular phone handsets. Having learned of the outstanding reputation of Indian software companies. ODMs could sell the same basic product to many OEMs. As an ODM supplier. Analytic applications. Product development. Christensen company followed most of the "rules" good managers follow in such situations: heavyweight project team. Manufacturing. Market research. especially where the general manager's perspective is paramount. etc. Subjects: Design. Technological change . Charles designed and built products that original equipment manufacturers Holloway. the company's CEO and the president of its Design and OEM Services operation visited India. Assembly lines. Hewlett-Packard: The Flight of Hewlett-Packard decided that. In 2004. Describes the contract manufacturing and design landscape in 2004. Strategy formulation. Subjects covered: Innovation. School of Business providing substantial design and manufacturing efficiencies. Pub. The company had substantial hardware capabilities. Can use in courses on Teaching Note: available managing innovation or new product development. Product design. Date: 1/26/2006 Product #: 606088 Learning objective: To understand why good management isn't Length: 18p enough and how to manage similar situations. with a focus on software. Expansion. lots of senior management Type: HBS support. which grew out of its Product #: OIT45 contract manufacturing experience. Software applications. Pub. Date: 11/1/2007 understanding. Innovations. Product #: CMR377 Focuses on the value and functions of multifaceted innovation teams. 2) the role of playfulness. Design. requiring several shortcuts to IDEO's legendary innovation Length: 21p process. Design management. discipline. Work environments. Prototypes Innovation as a Learning There is a generic innovation process. and engaging in the innovation process. Product development. the world's leading product design firm. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) IDEO Product Development Describes IDEO. Date: 6/22/2000 hand-held computer (Visor) in less than half the time it took to develop Product #: 600143 the Palm V. that can be applied across multiple sectors. Organizational management. implementing. Product design. Outsourcing. A studio Type: HBS leader is asked by a business start-up (Handspring) to develop a novel Pub. Business model innovations. grounded in models of how Process: Embedding Design people learn. Teams. and in the design of the very successful Palm V handheld computer in particular. Includes color exhibits. Design. Michael of organizations and how they work. Describes such a model of innovation. Type: HBS grounding it in learning models and developing its implications for Pub. Length: 33p notes the difficulties inherent in innovation efforts. and structure in innovation processes. and its innovation culture and process. Beckman. Subjects covered: Creativity. to the design Sara L. Innovation. Emphasis is placed on the important Stefan Thomke role of prototyping and experimentation in general. and emphasizes the need to be flexible and adaptive in using the innovation process. Subjects: Brainstorming. Focuses on: 1) prototyping and experimentation practices at a Teaching Note: available leading product developer. It can be Thinking applied to the design and development of both hardware and software products. . Business models. shows where some Teaching Note: none of the pitfalls are for organizations attempting to innovate. Technological innovation. and to the design of the buildings Barry and spaces in which work takes place or within which companies interact with their customers. and 3) the managerial challenges of creating and managing an unusually creative and innovative company culture. to the design of business models and services. To discuss and quantify the cost and benefits of process flexibility. . intangible services in the Pub. Length: 21p Teaching Note: available Learning objective: To explore managerial issues in product development that can be found in uncertain and risky environments. Vish V. development of a new line of portable computers when the incoming Krishnan. Date: 2/18/2004 promising initial success but some question whether the "engineering Product #: 604084 standard work" system stifles creativity and whether it is appropriate for Length: 24p the work of other professional functions. The leadership develops a design. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Phase Zero: Introducing New Focuses on whether world-renowned product design firm IDEO's new Services at IDEO (A) customer service fits with the firm's strategic position and organization capabilities. engineering activities. Service management. Product development projects are not meeting the cost. Describes a specific Phase 0 project in order to explore the Type: HBS challenge of managing these strategic. Examines these issues through the eyes of the head of the Boston office. Innovation. (2) the Type: HBS costs and benefits of flexibility and structure in uncertain environments. Describes the challenges and questions facing the Simmons project team as well as critical and operational questions facing IDEO. (3) managing development risk during and after a financial and Product #: 699010 market setback. There is Pub. and launch system that treats the engineering resources as a factory and carefully designs and manages the work Type: HBS flows. Subjects: Customer relations. Date: 8/10/1998 and. Pratt & Whitney leaders face major competitive problems. share of revenues are a result of "Phase 0" projects--preliminary Feldman strategic explorations of future product possibilities for various client firms. Pub. Knowledge workers. test. who wonders how to evaluate Phase 0 projects. Over the course of IDEO's 13-year history. This case focuses on: (1) product development process design. Teaching Note: none Subjects: Engineering. A team at IDEO's Boston office worked with Length: 11p mattress manufacturer Simmons to discover unmet customer needs Teaching Note: available and identify new product line opportunities. Product Development at Dell Describes how Dell redesigned its new product development process Computer Corp. after experiencing a major product setback and a significant decline in firm profits in 1993. H. and lead-time targets. Edmondson. Purrington development. Dell's new process is challenged during the Stefan Thomke. an increasing Amy C. Teams. Kent Bowen. Product development. Laura R. and hand-offs between tasks. Courtney quality. Date: 2/28/2005 context of IDEO's successful history of generating award-winning Product #: 605069 tangible product designs. Pratt & Whitney: Engineering As the engineering of state-of-the-art jet engines becomes more and Standard Work more complex. Ashok Nimgade head of portables has to manage the risk of using a new technology. Organizational learning. Project strategy. the firm will lose substantial market share to competitors. the Tata Ace. and face new competition. and the corresponding number of Length: 20p resources. Specifically. Chapter 4: Project Abstract Management A&D High Tech (A): Managing Based on a real $25 million project at a major U. The Web-based online ordering system Mark Jeffery. but retained all of the features Teaching Note: available of the original project. Subjects: Automobiles. Palepu. After successfully targeting the niche.S. The company adopted tailored approaches to Pub. Alex project is required by sales and marketing for the fall holiday season. Sensors. Emerging markets. Browsers. In order to make manageable for students. Emerging technologies. Project planning.-based computer Projects for Success manufacturer. enter Teaching Note: none new regional markets. . considers how Tata Length: 21p Motors might grow its presence in the segment with new models. marketing. distribution. Positioned as a replacement for the three- Srinivasan wheelers that predominated as small commercial vehicles in India. Date: 10/18/07 product design. Innovation. as it developed a new small commercial Krishna G. Date: 1/1/06 management tool. Web-enabled application. Operations management. and sourcing for the Product #: 108011 vehicle. Internet. service. Derek Yung. The project plan that students construct from the data given in the case is fraught with risks. Product positioning. the Ace create a new product category and enabled Tata Motors to access Type: HBS a new market segment. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Tata Motors: The Tata Ace Considers the strategy and experience of Tata Motors. Marketing. to approximately $1 million. India's leading commercial truck maker. Product development. we Product #: KEL156 reduced the size of the project. students must answer the management question: Will the project be completed for the holiday shopping season? Subjects: Digital technology. Technology. Outsourcing. Evidence based risk management. Vishnu vehicle. Project management. Operations. Websites. export to developing or developed countries. data is given to build the project Management plan step-by-step and then analyze the plan using the Microsoft Project Pub. If Gershbeyn the project misses this window. Ultimately. Examines how to create and analyze a project Type: Kellogg School of plan in Microsoft Project. Risk management. and students must apply risk management techniques to diagnose the plan. Sales management. Nanotechnology. For confidentiality reasons the company has been disguised as A&D High Tech. MA-based biotechnology company. It looks Baggage-Handling System specifically at project management. Wheelwright manufacturing organization. Product development. is Production (A) wrapping up a project to develop a new manufacturing process for a new drug product that will reposition the company from a purely David A. and the overall management structure. work well with project management and other Pub. Applegate. Length: 19p Teaching Note: 689027 Subjects: Biotechnology. Biogen. H. has been asked to perform a major evaluation of the project in Type: HBS order to report on lessons learned as well as to make Pub. Date: 5/21/1996 contractors. Project management. and deal with supply. Date: 1/29/1996 recommendations on how to improve project management moving Product #: 696083 forward. Morris Rosenburg. which struggles Type: HBS to fulfill its contract. including BAE. Lee C. Project management. research-oriented company to a fully integrated pharmaceutical Janet Simpson manufacturing organization. James Nelson. Date: 4/1/1988 recommendations on how to improve project management moving Product #: 688040 forward. contractors. Project management. Management communication. is Manufacturing Process wrapping up a project to develop a new manufacturing process for a Development new drug product that will reposition the company from a purely research-oriented company to a fully integrated pharmaceutical Steven C. Inc. Politics. Production processes. Length: 3p Teaching Note: 399099 Subjects: Engineering. and coordinate them into a productive Carin-Isabel Knoop whole. has been asked to perform a major evaluation of the project in Type: HBS order to report on lessons learned as well as to make Pub. Field. a senior scientist at Biogen. scheduling. Product development. a Cambridge. while under considerable political pressures. Inc. Morris Rosenburg. Production processes. a senior scientist at Biogen. Ramiro examines the airport's attempt to work with a great number of outside Montealegre. Approaches the project from the point of view of BAE's management. Also Lynda M. MA-based biotechnology company.. including decisions regarding budget..: rBeta Interferon Biogen. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) BAE Automated Systems (A): Describes the events surrounding the construction of the BAE Denver International Airport baggage-handling system at the Denver International Airport. scheduling. a Cambridge. Length: 18p Teaching Note: none Subjects: Biotechnology. Garvin. Inc. Boeing 767: From Concept to Biogen. . and engineering Product #: 396311 difficulties. Asis Martinez-Jerez. . Date: 9/13/1996 Subjects: Project management. a multidivisional consumer RetailDriver packages goods company. Type: HBS Pub. Kent Bowen plan the project. Project planning. develops a system to manage and measure the impact of promotional events in retail outlets. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Lifefont: The Case for Examines how Lifefont (pseudonym). Pub. Risk management. Major sections are: 1) define and organize the project. Process analysis. Date: 9/19/2005 Product #: 106005 Length: 25p Teaching Note: available Project Management Manual A descriptive manual for how to manage the process of project management. Project strategy. 2) H. Organizational Length: 39p management. and 3) track and manage the project. Karim Fakhry Subjects: Change management. Product evolution. Product #: 697034 Evidence based risk management. Sales promotions. Product development. Retailing. F. Information technology. 12 processes are described in detail. Customer relationship management. Project Type: HBS management. Product Teaching Note: none innovation. Consumer markets. putting his company at John S. . Date: 5/24/2004 as those that address management of information technology projects. Team-Building. Decision making. Operations Management. Project Planning. He must decide what his decision problem is and set appropriate objectives as well as create a good set of alternatives from which to Type: HBS choose. timing and type of communication Shows the value of coaching and training Examines importance of team member morale on productivity Aids in illustrating the concept of earned value management Highlights importance of appropriately timing changes in project resource allocation Forces students to navigate projects through uncertainty and unanticipated events Illustrates the concept that correcting problems early in the course of the project provides significant benefit. SchmidtCo (A) John Schmidt's project to convert the information system of his auto parts distribution business is in real trouble. Uncertainty. Product #: 904080 Length: 4p Subjects: Decision analysis. each designed to highlight specific Type: HBS learning objectives. Faculty can choose from among five distinct and realistic scenarios. This case can be used in courses on decision making as well Pub. Resources. Information systems. Date: 9/1/2009 tools which allow for real-time reporting of student decisions. Teaching Note: available Information technology. Managing Budget. The simulation contains powerful administrative Pub. Negotiations. Managing Resources. and schedule Illustrates importance of and trade-offs associated with level. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Project Management In this single-player simulation. Managing Teams Learning objective: Explores trade-offs among the 3 major project management levers: scope. qualitative decisions as they manage a critical new product Schedule development project for a printer manufacturer. Scheduling. ahead of the competition. The students' primary objective is to bring a competitive product to market on time and on Robert D. Austin budget. Hammond III risk. Project Implementation. resources. Length: 90 min Teaching Note: available Subjects Covered: Project Management. Ideal for Product #: 3356 courses in Operations Management and Project Management. students make both quantitative and Simulation: Scope. Operations management. General Management. Project management. Joanna Wong.: The Hyalite Considers decisions facing the leader of a manufacturing staff project Project team assigned to a plant where yields have deteriorated sharply. Product development. Project management. lleana Funez the manufacture of compact cosmetics kits for the upcoming holiday season. Teams. Competitive bidding. the Product #: 606042 company decided to implement new approaches to project Length: 23p management and project teams. The head of the key account team at Ai Li Industrial Company Ltd. Outsourcing. a leading manufacturer of semiconductor test equipment. Project planning. Efficiency. Problem solving. Examines the development of a new-generation tester Pub. Process analysis. Product #: 907E17 Length: 4p Teaching Note: available . Shapiro there are deep disagreements about what is wrong and how to fix it.: The Jaguar Teradyne. Date: 8/17/07 Subjects: Capacity analysis. Date: 9/16/2005 that involved significant hardware and software design. as well as Type: HBS the organizational and personal challenges inherent in line-staff Pub. Project management. and Roy D. Productivity. Project embarked on a multiyear effort to improve its product development capabilities and to implement more formalized project management Type: HBS approaches. Operations management. Provides an opportunity to analyze yields and productivity. Pub. The account would involve Frederick Chan. Bell. Vitreon Corp. Manufacturing strategy. Invites discussion of the effectiveness Teaching Note: available of these approaches and the general lessons for the management of product development. it would require one third of Ai Li's nearly full Business manufacturing capacity. Although the potential benefits from the considerably large Type: Richard Ivey School of order would be significant. Project strategy. Middle management. Subjects: Managerial behavior. The process is complex: the plant organization is not cooperative. R&D. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Teradyne Corp. For this. (Ai Li) was discussing the possibility of bidding for a new account with a Peter C. major North American department store. Date: 10/2/2006 interaction. Product #: 607031 Length: 17p Subjects: Operations. Chapter 5: Strategic Capacity Abstract Management Ai Li Industrial Company Ltd. Line & staff Teaching Note: none management. (Ai Li) was discussing the possibility of bidding for a new account with a Janice H. Capital budgeting. Hammond. Technology & operations. Date: 10/10/2008 320. In Pisano 2005. or A320) to a fleet with two types of aircraft by adding the smaller Product #: 609046 Embraer 190.. Airlines. Subjects: Business growth. Date: 11/22/2005 task facing David Ebersman. Outsourcing. This discussion hinges not only on issues of aircraft efficiency but also on those of operational focus and the ultimate competitive priorities of the airline as a whole. JetBlue Airways: Managing Considers the situation facing David Barger. Students are initially asked to consider the Length: 24p impact of this decision on JetBlue's operations strategy and business Teaching Note: available model. Huckman. President and CEO of Growth JetBlue Airways. JetBlue-typically viewed as a low-cost carrier (LCC)-made a move that is often considered antithetical to the LCC model. Organic growth. . the senior vice-president of products Product #: 606052 operations. Growth strategy. major North American department store. Strategy. Although the potential benefits from the considerably large Type: HBS order would be significant. develop a long-term capacity plan for a major class of new cancer Wheelwright. Type: HBS Specifically. JetBlue moved from a single aircraft type (i. Genentech must Daniel C. In addition. Frames the Length: 27p issues Ebersman and his team face and outlines the approach to date. Strategic management. Date: 8/18/1993 manufacturing capacity. Teaching Note: available Subjects: Capacity planning. it would require one third of Ai Li's nearly full Pub. Capacity planning. Growth. Product #: 694030 Subjects: Capacity analysis. Growth management. Product development. in May 2007 as he addresses the airline's need to slow its growth rate in the response to increasing fuel costs and the Robert S. Gary P. The account would involve Pisano the manufacture of compact cosmetics kits for the upcoming holiday season. Alison Berkley products. effects of major operational crisis for the airline in February 2007. Length: 13p Teaching Note: 696017 Genentech--Capacity Planning While facilitating a complex clinical approval process over the next two to three years for a family of new cancer drugs. or E190.e. ensuring that the best Type: HBS process technology is incorporated into such a new plant makes the Pub. Snow. Operations management. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Applichem (A) (Abridged) The head of the key account team at Ai Li Industrial Company Ltd. They are then asked to consider how the reductions in aircraft capacity growth should be spread across the two plane types. and certifying a new $600 million plus production-scale facility is five years. Adding to the complexity and uncertainty is the fact that the Wagonfeld lead time for planning. Strategy & execution. Steven C. Competitive bidding. building. and his management team a daunting one. the Airbus Pub. Gary P. Facilities. New Balance Athletic Shoes Faced with growth exceeding 100% per year. Growth. since that time. Demand analysis. U. Risk assessment. Agribusiness. James Davis. . Cooperatives. Mary L. Length: 24p however. MME's 40-million-gallon-per-year plant began production in February 2005 and. Several factors contribute to a climate of extreme uncertainty. Subjects: Alternative energy. sell the plant to outside investors. ethanol demand is projected to increase. ranging from a second shift to Type: HBS acquiring a plant in Ireland. Assembly lines. Energy conservation. Business growth. Agriculture. Manufacturing. Teaching Note: 683040 Growth management. Energy policy. Location of industry. Shelman ethanol. Much of this success was due to favorable corn and Type: HBS ethanol prices. Its business largely consists of buying corn and turning it into Weber. Public policy. Facilities planning. Capacity. Sufficient information is provided to allow Pub. president of New Balance. Capacity planning. Government policy. Energy consumption. Length: 15p Subjects: Forecasting. corn and ethanol price swings could reduce the profitability of Teaching Note: available the business. James fuel. Sales forecasting. has exceeded all performance projections. Energy resources. MME Pub. Several options are considered. Production capacity. Clark capacity. Organic growth. both of which were beyond the control of MME. Date: 10/10/2008 was aided by record gasoline prices and ethanol usage mandates in Product #: 708021 the 2005 energy bill. Energy. MME must decide whether to double plant capacity. must decide how to meet the need for additional Kim B. or perhaps make no major changes. Competition. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Mid-Missouri Energy Mid-Missouri Energy (MME) is a farmer-owned cooperative created to take advantage of the growing interest in ethanol as an automotive Forest Reinhardt. Date: 1/1/1980 an analysis of forecasted demand as well as the strategic financial and Product #: 680110 organizational implications of alternative courses of action. Location decisions.S. Shouldice Hospital Ltd. to understand the determinants of product quality. Financial institutions. well-managed Type: HBS medical service facility that may well point the way to future economies Pub. Type: HBS they remained committed to the integrity of managing a small fund and Pub. Product #: 683068 Subjects: Capacity planning. Capacity analysis. Capacity planning. Protege's assets under management had grown to $1. Capacity planning. and to make recommendations about changes that will Type: HBS expand the capabilities of the firm in supplying its premium products to Pub. Provides an opportunity for students to examine the existing process technology and flow. and the economics of Wheelwright. Heskett the culture of the organization and the importance of preserving it in a service delivery system. how would their valued clients react to change? Subjects: Entrepreneurial management.1 billion. Expansion. Business model innovations. Business models. Steven C. Cohen. Jeffrey Tarrant (HBS '85) and Ted Seides (HBS '99) Challenge considered their strategy for Protege Partners. Quality Teaching Note: none control. Date: 4/12/2005 wanted to continue generating superior performance for their clients. Teaching Note: 686120 . Brian J. Process improvement. Randolph B. Market segmentation. is growing rapidly and Maker must decide where and when to add capacity in the production line and with what technology. Social enterprise. Financial services. Word-of-mouth. and Delacey Protege's development almost exactly mirrored the founders' expectations from 2001. Alison Berkley alternative approaches to increasing output in both the short term and Wagonfeld long term. Date: 4/25/1983 in the field. a premium brand chocolate. Length: 18p Organizational behavior. describes a well-focused. serious consideration has to be given to James L. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Protege Partners: The Capacity In February 2005. Product #: 205100 Should they close the Protege FOHF to new investors and focus on Length: 23p managing the existing assets as they originally intended? Could they Teaching Note: none continue to increase assets under management without taking on more top-level professionals? Should they hire additional analytical staff to help them grow Protege? Should they leverage Protege's special relationships with seeded managers to create a multistrategy hedge fund? Perhaps most important. Various proposals are set forth for expanding the capacity of the hospital. Organizational design. the impact on quality and reputation. marketing. Scharffen Berger Chocolate Scharffen Berger. Snow. Although the founders saw benefits to growth. Factories. In assessing them. In addition to issues of capacity and organizational analysis. Services. The company must consider the demands of Daniel C. Product #: 606043 Length: 2p Subjects: Process analysis. Date: 10/2/2009 a rapidly growing market segment. founded in July 2002 as a fund of hedge funds (FOHF) specializing in small hedge funds. and cataloging inherited genetic variations of Teaching Note: none Type 2 Diabetes. Rachel Gordon four years the Broad had made many important scientific contributions to the bio-medical field. Director of the Cancer Program. Over 20 years ago. The Broad Medicine Institute. based on industry's ability to make cheaper and smaller Type: Stanford transistors at a learning rate of 70%. Harvard University and MIT announced an the Power of Genomics to unprecedented partnership to create a biomedical institute. These included understanding genetic Type: HBS alterations in cancer. Subjects: Resource allocation. Glen Schmidt Moore predicted continued exponential growth of the electronics industry. It had minimized barriers and attracted many young scientists who viewed the Broad as an exciting place to do research. Subjects covered: Computers. Intel founders Noyce and Samuel C. and those involved considered it to be at the edge of the scientific frontier. Director of the Program in Medical and Population Genetics. The culture of the Broad centered on science. Length: 32p genes. The case traces what has since Pub. building an RNAi Consortium to better Pub. comparing and contrasting the learning rate for transistors Product #: OIT27 with that for automobiles. Date: 3/5/2008 understand the role of every gene in the human body. Capacity planning. Wood. That success made the question of how to balance the priorities of growth and the preservation of the culture that had made everything possible all the more important. including Altshuler. Opportunities for additional important scientific advances beckoned but would require both funding and physical space. Corporate culture. Sato. Chapter 6: Learning Curves Abstract Growth of Intel and the The transistor has been called the most important invention of the 20th Learning Curve century because it is the basic building block for microprocessors and other integrated circuits. Culture. creating an Product #: 608114 integrated database that mapped the connections among drugs. Consensus. Beliefs. and diseases. Group behavior. Growth strategy. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) The Broad Institute: Applying In June 2003. and exploring which form of Moore's Law Length: 10p holds for Intel's chips and for DRAM. Students should get a feel for Teaching Note: available how learning curve principles might be useful in setting company strategy or predicting industry growth. Groups. Group decision making. Learning curves. In just Vicki L. The Broad Institute's leaders. How many projects could the Broad productively support? What happened when the Broad outgrew its physical space? Altshuler and Golub knew that the Broad had made tremendous strides in the past year. Date: 6/1/1999 happened. Technology Chapter 7: Manufacturing Abstract Process . Teamwork. and Golub. needed to decide how big was too big. Group dynamics. Groupthink. Manufacturing. . Subjects: Automobiles. Manufacturing strategy. Asks students to consider which. Alan by acquiring Qinchuan Auto. Entrepreneurship. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) BMW: The 7-Series Project (A) Explores BMW's decision about how to manufacture prototype vehicles. Ltd. Date: /12/2006 more capital-intensive Japanese competitors and one that took Product #: 606139 advantage of the abundant supply of low-cost labor in China. Production processes. Pisano skilled artisans in the company's shop. aspects of BYD's operations constitute sources of sustainable competitive advantage for the company. Pub. Considers whether BYD Co. Subjects: Diversification. Labor markets. A second objective is to examine the notion of a prototyping strategy and the role prototyping plays in linking development strategy and manufacturing strategy. Set just MacCormack after BYD's initial public offering on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2002. Date: 2/18/1992 While the new approach is expected to make production start-up of Product #: 692083 new models smoother and reduce quality problems. Innovation. . Product design. BYD Company. Explores different ways of competing on quality in a luxury product segment and how the product development process affects each of these. Quality control. it describes the development of BYD's labor-intensive approach Type: HBS to battery manufacturing--an approach decidedly different from its Pub. Product development. should enter the Chinese automobile industry Robert S.. Ltd. Prototypes. BMW's prototypes were handcrafted by highly Gary P. Length: 24p Highlights the unique benefits and challenges created by BYD's Teaching Note: available operations strategy and asks students to determine whether the capabilities developed by the company in battery manufacturing can productively be applied to the automobile sector. a state-owned car manufacturer. the largest Chinese maker of rechargeable batteries. A proposal has been made to alter the process so that prototypes are made in a way that can better Type: HBS uncover potential problems that may arise during final production. if any. there is some Length: 20p concern within the company that it will lead to less flexibility to change Teaching Note: 692094 (and improve) designs during the development cycle. Historically. Huckman. Wheelwright packing greeting cards are presented for analysis. Inc. Manufacturing strategy. The first Roy D. Shapiro day on this case is used to analyze the production capacity of various stages in the process and to examine bottlenecks and key production Type: HBS flow decisions. because its customers are global Clayton M. Sylvie managers to come up with plans for incorporating production of custom Ryckebusch shirts into the existing manufacturing process. We look in detail at the problems Product #: 689030 faced by the company. Date: 10/25/1995 Product #: 696071 Length: 10p Teaching Note: none Supplement #: 696093 Managing Innovation at Nypro. Date: 9/27/1988 emphasis is on information flows. is contemplating a move into custom-made shirts. (A) and (B) operating a global network of 21 plants. Process innovation. supervision and training. identify solutions. Capacity analysis. Type: HBS capacity. The Executive Shirt Co. The emphasis is on physical flows. To choose among the three. Nypro's strategy is for each plant to offer identical capabilities. Subjects: Performance measurement. Performance measurement systems. Supervision. Nypro is the world's leading injection molder of precision plastic parts. Teaching Note: none .. Date: 1/8/1992 case. Christensen. Type: HBS Pub. The second day the Pub. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Donner Co. Product #: 692073 Length: 8p Subjects: Capacity analysis. Pub. The company's general manager has charged two of his Janice H. The management of a small manufacturer of circuit boards faces a number of production and operations management problems. Date: 9/22/1995 Subjects covered: Innovation. Executive Shirt Co. The case describes the Rebecca Voorheis way Nypro manages product and process innovation across the global plant network. Three different variations of an assembly line process for Steven C. Electronics. companies with worldwide sourcing needs. the students must address issues of time standards. Length:14p Technological change Teaching Note: available Metreke Cards Used to introduce the assembly line process to first-year MBA students. Employee training. Inc. Process analysis. and discuss implementation issues. A rewritten version of an earlier Pub. Type: HBS Subjects: Production planning. Product #: 696061 Manufacturing policy. Hammond. International operations. discuss the tools and techniques of process Length: 14p analysis that can be used to determine the relative importance of those Teaching Note: available problems. Inc. Wheelwright. Length: 11p Teaching Note: available Subjects: Inventory control. Production Pub. A Zurn Company: The general manager of the Wilkins plant in Paso Robles. this had been seen as a benefit to the company Jenni Denniston for a couple of reasons. Technology. Operations management. Product #: 686123 Length: 13p Teaching Note: none Wilkins. Students must Alice H. Christensen Subjects: Competition. The second is that the company has a policy of no Type: Richard Ivey School of layoffs. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Quantum Corp. Quality control. Amsden determine why and suggest ways to improve. Manufacturing strategy. Productivity. The general manager Pub. One is that the cost of raw materials has risen in the past year. Teams. so having inventory in stock allows the company to minimize Business Foundation the use of overtime and temporary workers. A major Korean firm has begun production of televisions in the United States. Output and quality are below Korean standards. Although inventory had been accumulating Eric Olsen. Product development. California Aggregate Production Planning has received instructions from the head office to reduce inventory by 30% in the next quarter. Type: HBS Subjects: International operations. Date: 9/13/2006 wondered whether revising the production planning process would be Product #: 906D17 enough to solve Wilkins' inventory problems. Clayton rapidly changing environment. Date: 1/22/1992 Product #: 692023 Length: 20p Teaching Note: 693004 Samsung International. Date: 3/12/1986 processes. over the past years. Logistics. Type: HBS Pub. Chapter 8: Facility Layout Abstract . Emphasizes integration of team capabilities with product development and competitive advantage in a Steven C. Carol Prahinski. Process flow.: Business and Describes the adoption and evolution of product development teams Product Teams and business teams at Quantum. M. Product #: 606015 Length: 11p Subjects: Business process automation. Customer service. Production management. its exception rates. The firm decides Pub. By doing in-house design and development. Business processes. The new "netbook" market provides an opportunity for AIC Systems to design and manufacture a branded product in the mobile electronics industry. The company must now decide how to Type: HBS change this process. Understand the quantitative tools used to evaluate manufacturing processes. Many customers are defecting as a result. The production manager has created an assembly line for producing the new netbooks. and what information system changes to make in Pub. Wheelwright. Date: 12/14/2005 support of the redesigned process. Process failures. Subjects covered: Manufacturing. Information technology. Date: 1/21/2011 to diversify its portfolio to include consumer electronics with a particular Product #: 4245 focus on mobile technology. primarily for motherboards and video cards for personal computers. and the problems generated by exceptions. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) AIC Netbooks: Optimizing AIC Systems. . Taiwan. Quantitative analysis Pharmacy Service CVS's retail pharmacy operations are functioning poorly and Improvement at CVS (A) dissatisfying customers. Students must perform a quantitative analysis of the existing assembly-line system and make recommendations to reach optimal efficiency. Production planning. Performance management. Sunru manufacturer (ODM) and takes an active role in innovating and Yong designing each new generation of components. Learning objective: Determine whether an assembly-line system is optimally designed to meet variable market demand efficiently and suggest adjustments to the system if necessary. The firm is considered an original design Steven C. A pharmacy service improvement team has documented the current Andrew McAfee prescription fulfillment process. Reengineering. Process improvement. is a manufacturer of Product Assembly printed circuit boards. The goal is to move from manufacturing Length: 8p components for other computer companies to developing the firm's Teaching Note: available own line of branded consumer electronics. the company has been able to foster Type: HBS exclusive. and after three months of production he must consider ways to improve efficiency and reduce production costs. Teaching Note: available Customer retention. located in Taichung. long-term relationships with its customers. computers in Toshiba's Ome factory in Ome. a long-term expansion strategy. providing insights Hammond. Earl Sasser Jr. Klug Subjects: Corporate strategy. W. Pub. Type: HBS Food. Manufacturing. Multinational corporations. Date: 11/1/1972 Product #: 673057 Length: 17p Teaching Note: 677037 & 696021 Burger King Corp. Production planning. Describes the operating system of a Burger King unit. Pub. Sylvie Ryckebusch. Systems design. Toshiba was the market leader in portable computer sales worldwide.. John R. Students are asked to compare the operating systems of these two Rikert fast food hamburger chains. Date: 12/1/1980 Product #: 681045 Subjects: Operations research.. Careful analysis will detect the subtle and not so subtle differences between the two operating systems selected Type: HBS by these two firms. Length: 18p Teaching Note: none Chapter 9: Service Processes Abstract Benihana of Tokyo Discusses the development of a chain of "theme" restaurants. Date: 2/2/1996 Product #: 696059 Subjects: Electronics. Earl Sasser Jr. it is designed for use with McDonald's Corp. Work force Length: 15p management. Teaching Note: 681070 . Janice H. The student is asked to evaluate the current operating strategy and suggest W. Natural foods. into some of the reasons for Toshiba's success. this case probes the nature of the Japanese workforce and the unique Type: HBS problems faced by Japanese businesses. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Toshiba: Ome Works In 1995. The case does not have a decision focus. David C. Kent Bowen. This case describes the assembly of portable notebook H. Expansion. In addition to Hiroshi Uchikoga describing production techniques such as dynamic line balancing. Pub. Japan. Concerns are raised about the creation of a factory like atmosphere. Careful analysis will detect the subtle and not so subtle Type: HBS differences between the two operating systems selected by these two Pub. Financial services." according to their Type: Stanford Graduate training and experience. David C. the degree of call "scripting" that is appropriate in designing the LFS work system. Financial institutions. and most prominently. Earl Sasser Jr. is completing an analysis of call center operations for Lion Financial Services (LFS). it W. complicated rules are used for routing calls School of Business among the three centers and their constituent pools. Work force optimization. The case does not have a decision focus. Operations management. promotion ladders. (Condensed) Describes the operating system of McDonald's. LFS can improve the quality of service it delivers and reduce the experience and educational levels required of its call-center agents. Work force." training agents in their use. Teaching Note: 681070 Work force management.. Systems design. Students are asked to Rikert compare the operating systems of these two fast food hamburger chains. including the mix of agents by skill category. Customer self-service. . Yuval Nov centers that collectively employ 170 agents and handle 30. Resource allocation. Carr believes that by developing a small number of "call blueprints. Carr's analysis Pub. Systems design. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Call Center Design for Lion Andy Carr. McDonald's Corp. potential benefits of physical consolidation. Michael Harrison.000 calls per week. call Teaching Note: none routing protocols. is designed for use with Burger King Corp. training Length: 21p programs. Agents are organized into different "pools. Call centers. Date: 12/1/1980 firms. Product #: 681044 Length: 15p Subjects: Operating systems. and the definition of agent pools. Date: 10/16/2003 and recommendations touch upon a variety of issues: capacity Product #: OIT29 requirements. Customer service. and measuring adherence to the blueprints in call-monitoring programs. Operations research. Operations. LFS operates three call J. Subjects: Overtime. the founder of a small consulting firm that specializes in Financial Services telephone call-centers. the world's most successful fast food chain. Work force management. Date: 8/9/2011 into the dining room. Learning objective: Analyze capacity. and service time). Each simulation challenge examines a particular aspect of the restaurant Type: HBS operation beginning with the effect of batching customers from the bar Pub. Optimize multiple variables in an operation and ensure consistency in the overall strategy.. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Operations Management In this single-player simulation. Optimize capacity in an operation. cycle time. reducing dining time. Subjects covered: Operations management. W. throughput. and total profit for the evening. and throughput in a service operation. stochastic. batch size. Understand how batching strategies improve throughput and how increasing capacity improves bottlenecks. Simulations . The final challenge Teaching Note: available requires students to consider the lessons learned in the previous challenges to design a strategy that maximizes utilization. Earl Sasser Jr. Minimize or eliminate demand variability (cyclical. Other challenges examine the effect of Product #: 7003 redesigning the bar area. demand rates. students explore the principles of Simulation: Benihana V2 operations and service management while working through a series of challenges set during a single evening at a busy Benihana restaurant. and boosting demand Length: 120 min through advertising and special promotions. Service management. The second release of this popular simulation provides students with enhanced animation tools for exploring the challenges of running a service operation and provides faculty with streamlined tools for conducting an effective debrief. The simulation is designed to expand on the learning objectives of the Benihana of Tokyo case study (#673057). Richardo Customers start in the bar area for drinks and then move into the Ernst dining room where chefs prepare the food right at the table. Sof-Optics. many of the invention and prototype design techniques used for physical Type: California Management goods and technologies do not work well for human and interactive Review services. Call centers. often with few static physical Mary Jo Bitner. (A) The marketing director of a fast-growing firm must make some decisions about the customer service department. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Service Blueprinting: A With the global focus on service-led growth has come increased need Practical Technique for Service for practical techniques for service innovation. This article describes one technique-service blueprinting-that Pub. Customer service. Date: 5/1/2008 has proven useful for service innovation. Customer relationships. Customer relations. Teaching Note: available . The volume in the W. and frequently co-produced in real time by customers. Earl Sasser Jr. and technology. Innovations. Subjects: Brainstorming. Date: 12/1/1980 Subjects: Capacity analysis. Amy L. Customer relations. most product innovation approaches focus on the Felicia N Morgan design of relatively static products with physical properties. properties. Customer service. Inc. Scheduling. The technique is described Teaching Note: none in detail including real case examples that illustrate the value and breadth of its applications. experiential. Customer relationship management. eye doctors are waiting longer for Ramchandran Jaikumar. Customer self-service. and morale in the department is slipping. Product #: 681052 Employee morale. employees. Innovation dynamic. department has been rising steadily. Services are fluid. the marketing director must carefully justify any request for additional people or equipment. Service blueprinting is Product #: CMR397 securely grounded in the customer's experience and it allows the clear Length: 30p visualization of dynamic service processes. Type: HBS Pub. Ostrom. Thus. Systems analysis. Technological innovation. Work force Length: 20p management.. David orders to be filled. However. With C. Innovation. Rikert pressure on the firm to make a profit. typically U. and intensive competition. (TSMC) Manufacturing Co. and the rapidly growing Chinese foundries. Operating in the cyclical semiconductor market. . TSMC management believed that customers. process. Strategic planning.and quality. As competition in the sector intensified in the late 1990s. share in the foundry business. The company Product #: GS40 invested heavily in the development of innovative. would choose a foundry business partner based on quality. as opposed to price only. Supply chains.-based integrated circuit design houses facing high financial stakes. focused solely on the manufacturing Semiconductor Services of semiconductors. Strategic positioning. rapid technological innovations. Seungjin Whang. Could superior customer service make an impact in a capital-intensive. Outsourcing. value-added Length: 27p services and proprietary information systems that would facilitate better Teaching Note: none communication and improve customer service. Subjects: Competitive strategy. and reputation. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Taiwan Semiconductor Founded in 1987. putting in place eCommerce applications such as eFoundry and Enterprise Supply Chain Management suites. TSMC Shiri Shneorson management focused on manufacturing excellence and technology leadership. trustworthiness. its next-door neighbor and closest Pub. short product life cycles. High technology. or would TSMC have to compete on price? Explores these issues. as well as other factors affecting TSMC's strategic path as it moves forward in the mid-2000s.S. Customer service.: The was the world's first pure foundry. Type: Stanford Graduate the company began to focus on customer service to differentiate itself School of Business further from companies like UMC. Date: 5/2/2006 competitor. Globalization. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. the Company company managed to grow rapidly and to become the world's 8th largest semiconductor manufacturer with more than a 50% market Hau Lee.oriented industry such as the semiconductor industry. In the company's early days. the retailer charges Length: 22p the carrier $1. Veronica a high level of customer service. and those who plan School of Business the production and distribution schedule must forecast and adjust on a Pub. supply planning. or deliver direct to Electronics International stores. which Product #: GS60 offer less variety in their menu options throughout the month. The bottleneck in the process is the waiting time for Product #: 905D01 all of the trucks to unload. The vice-president sees an opportunity to solve the problem of congestion Type: Richard Ivey School of in the parking lot of Electronics International's warehouse and eliminate Business unnecessary soft costs such as missed appointment fees and Pub. Shinya Fushimi. Date: 6/3/2005 detention charges. In order for Tamago-ya to guarantee such Jason Kaminsky. He sees three central options in cutting down traffic: to request two dedicated doors at the warehouse. Beyond these costs. Tamago-ya is faced with many challenges-- including demand forecasting. Japan. quality and reliable delivery. The Lunch Boxes to Your Work company has captured a unique position in the market of selling pre- packaged lunch boxes to business professionals by maintaining high Jin Whang. those who supply food materials must be able Type: Stanford Graduate to respond to variation in demand on a daily basis. Subjects: Customer service. allowing Electronics International to accept shipments immediately into inventory without handling. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Tamago-ya of Japan: Delivering Tamago-ya is a family-owned business located in Tokyo. Totalline Transport The vice-president and general manager of Totalline Transport wants to eliminate late appointment fees in delivering to one of Canada's Larry Menor. John Tsou wherein those who deliver orders also engage in judging customer demand and feedback. it has created an operational culture Rocha. If the carrier arrives late. can Length: 11p stock-out on popular choices. the carrier levies a charge of $50 to $60 per hour. Demand analysis. Distribution planning.000. Ken Mark. Jordan premier electronic shops--Electronics International. If the carrier is waiting in line due to a backlog at the Teaching Note: none warehouse. Suppliers of Mitchell electronics goods hire Totalline Transport to deliver to retailers. Chapter 10: Waiting Line Abstract Analysis and Simulation . Services. cut down on time for Electronics International by applying stickers at Totalline's consolidation point on all deliveries. Logistics. Subjects: Operations management. Family-owned businesses. Tamago-ya competes with convenience stores. and tend to have long lines during the Teaching Note: none lunchtime rush. Production planning. Food. Date:9/9/2007 real-time basis. Supply chains. Suppliers. the vice-president realizes that suppliers and retailers are spending one day per week investigating problems with shipments. However. and long-term strategic planning. He is eager to make his customers (suppliers) successful. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) ExtendSim ® Simulation First set of exercises meant to be used with ExtendSim, a simulation Exercises in Process Analysis system created by Imagine That, Inc. of San Jose, California. These (A) exercises allow students to investigate the impact of variable processing times on the performance of simple in-line processes. Roy D. Shapiro Unadvertised per Case Records. Subjects covered: Models; Operations management; Operations Type: HBS research; Process analysis; Simulations Pub. Date: 9/14/1993 Product #: 694039 Length: 3p Teaching Note: available Simulation in Excel and VBA This note is an introduction to simulation in Excel and VBA. The note demonstrates different ways of doing simulation in Excel and Excel Mehmet Begen, Wei Xia VBA with examples. The concepts used and explained in the note are random number, probability distributions, data tables, loops and arrays, histograms and descriptive statistics. Type: Richard Ivey School of Business Learning objective: The note is an introduction to simulation in Excel Pub. Date: 10/17/2011 and VBA and can be used as an introductory reading or lecture notes Product #: W11358 in any course that teaches and or requires simuation and Excel VBA. Length: 24p Subjects covered: Probability; Scientific management; Simulation; Teaching Note: none Statistics Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Totalline Transport The vice-president and general manager of Totalline Transport wants to eliminate late appointment fees in delivering to one of Canada's Larry Menor, Ken Mark, Jordan premier electronic shops--Electronics International. Suppliers of Mitchell electronics goods hire Totalline Transport to deliver to retailers. The vice-president sees an opportunity to solve the problem of congestion Type: Richard Ivey School of in the parking lot of Electronics International's warehouse and eliminate Business unnecessary soft costs such as missed appointment fees and Pub. Date: 6/3/2005 detention charges. The bottleneck in the process is the waiting time for Product #: 905D01 all of the trucks to unload. If the carrier arrives late, the retailer charges Length: 22p the carrier $1,000. If the carrier is waiting in line due to a backlog at the Teaching Note: none warehouse, the carrier levies a charge of $50 to $60 per hour. Beyond these costs, the vice-president realizes that suppliers and retailers are spending one day per week investigating problems with shipments. He is eager to make his customers (suppliers) successful. He sees three central options in cutting down traffic: to request two dedicated doors at the warehouse; cut down on time for Electronics International by applying stickers at Totalline's consolidation point on all deliveries, allowing Electronics International to accept shipments immediately into inventory without handling; or deliver direct to Electronics International stores. Subjects: Operations management, Services, Suppliers. Chapter 11: Process Design Abstract and Analysis Donner Co. The management of a small manufacturer of circuit boards faces a number of production and operations management problems. The first Roy D. Shapiro day on this case is used to analyze the production capacity of various stages in the process and to examine bottlenecks and key production flow decisions. The emphasis is on physical flows. The second day the Type: HBS emphasis is on information flows. We look in detail at the problems Pub. Date: 9/27/1988 faced by the company, discuss the tools and techniques of process Product #: 689030 analysis that can be used to determine the relative importance of those Length: 14p problems, identify solutions, and discuss implementation issues. Teaching Note: available Subjects: Performance measurement, Performance measurement systems, Process analysis, Capacity analysis, Electronics. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Fabritek Corp. Describes a large-volume automotive parts contract in a high-quality machine work company. Quality and delivery problems arise when one William K. Holstein, Lawrence of the four men on the job is replaced with a high producer who cannot A. Bennigson, Linda G. earn a substantial bonus because of machine interference. Sprague Subjects: Bonuses, Compensation, Incentives, Operations research, Type: HBS Performance effectiveness, Production processes. Pub. Date: 3/1/1969 Product #: 669004 Length: 7p Teaching Note: 677121 & 690021 Kristen's Cookie Co. (A) The student is starting his or her own business, baking make-to-order cookies. Basic times of each operation are laid out and the student is Roger E. Bohn asked to determine the consequences for the operating system. Serves as an exercise and review of concepts such as capacity, Type: HBS bottlenecks, and throughput times. Students should be able to make Pub. Date: 1/21/1986 several useful suggestions for improving the system. The case ends Product #: 686093 with a series of open-ended questions. Length: 3p Teaching Note: 688024 Subjects: Pricing strategy, Assembly lines, Manufacturing, Production scheduling, Capacity analysis. Managing Variability: Process This technical note provides an introduction to quality management Control and Process Capability tools, with a focus on the concepts of process control and process capability. Kamalini Ramdas Subjects: Operations, Operations management, Process analysis, Type: University of Virginia Defects, Quality management. Darden Pub. Date: 2/2/2004 Product #: UV0426 Length: 21p Teaching Note: none Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) National Cranberry Cooperative Describes the continuous flow process used to process cranberries 1996 into juice and/or sauce. Requires student to analyze process flows to determine where the bottlenecks are and to decide how, and whether, Roy D. Shapiro to expand capacity. Original version written by J.G. Miller and R.P. Olson. Type: HBS Pub. Date: 5/31/1988 Subjects: Capacity analysis, Cooperatives, Process analysis, Process Product #: 688122 flow. Length:10p Teaching Note: available Operations Management This single-player simulation explores concepts in process analysis via Simulation: Process Analytics a series of problems sets that are paired with simulation models, allowing students to increase their intuition and understanding of core Roy D. Shapiro, Frances X. Frei operations concepts, including: • cycle time • yield • use of inventory in processes • capacity management • bottlenecks and constraints • Type: HBS throughput time and rates • machine and labor utilization rates • line Pub. Date: 11/11/2009 and batch processes • parallel sub-assembly processes • cross trained Product #: 3291 worker processes (multiple variations) Operations Management: Length: 90 min Process Analytics offers a high degree of flexibility for faculty. The Teaching Note: available assignment questions can be completely edited, re-sequenced, or removed altogether. The models themselves can be manipulated (for example, faculty can add workstations to the simulation.) Faculty can also choose to allow students to manipulate the models on their own, changing model permutations so that they can experiment with processes and enhance their understanding. Student responses to questions are captured for faculty review. Ideal for operations management courses in undergraduate, MBA, and executive education programs. Learning objective: 1. To expose students to the fundamentals of core concepts in process analysis in a dynamic, experiential manner 2. To increase student intuition regarding the interplay between the various elements of process analytics by providing them with detailed questions and toolkit-style exercises 3. To give students the tools by which to further their understanding of process analysis via experimentation through the proactive creation and editing of simulation models Subjects covered: Capacity analysis; Manufacturing; Operations management; Process analysis; Process flow; Production planning; Production processes; Simulations Date: 8/25/1988 Product #: 689022 Length: 21p Teaching Note: 689003 Quality Wireless (A): Call Quality Wireless has received customer complaints about long hold Center Performance times at its call center. Supermarkets. Operations management. To address these complaints. . and improved labor productivity. Supply chains. Process analysis. and Product #: 606053 Zygmunt Mierdorf. evaluate the results of the RFID rollout and decide on the next Teaching Note: available stage in the implementation.L. After one month. Operations. W. it put into place certain process changes at its call center. Vincent Dessain. University Process improvement. who. Services. Christopher W. performance of retail supply chains through reduced shrink. and United Parcel Service Subjects: Operating systems. the Sunil Chopra company will now decide whether improvement has taken place. Showcases the implementation of the technology by the METRO Group. increased Monika Stachowiak-Joulain product availability. Performance measurement Management. Hart. Quality control. Date: 11/9/2005 Wolfram. Radio frequency identification. Suppliers. Technology. Bruce Chew Type: HBS Pub. managing director of METRO's internal IT service group. in mid- Length: 22p 2005. the world's Type: HBS third-largest retailer. Subjects: Inventory management. Service management. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Productivity and Performance Explores the issue of measuring and improving service quality and Systems: A Comparative productivity by examining the radically different approaches of Analysis of Northern Telecom Northern Telecom and United Parcel Service. the company's chief information officer. Productivity. Places students in the position of Dr. Gerd Pub. Date: 8/25/1988 Product #: KEL153 Length: 21p Teaching Note: available RFID at the METRO Group Introduces radio frequency identification (RFID) as the next generation of automatic identification technologies that is expected to improve the Zeynep Ton. Process analysis. Type: Kellogg School of Subjects: Performance measurement. Pub. Operations management. Northwestern systems. Date: 7/23/2004 company's very existence hinged upon its ability to convince ship Product #: HKU334 owners that it would preserve their valuable assets and maximize Length: 13p revenue-earning potential--demonstrating that its collective skills were Teaching Note: available superior and more cost effective. International business. Capacity analysis. Service management. Type: Kellogg School of Also. but its distinctly international nature made ship managers. Profits. Product #: KEL019 Length: 8p Teaching Note: available . Defects. Excel Logistics Services Looks at the introduction of statistical process control (SPC) into a distribution center servicing a department store chain. Discusses run charts. Cardiac Length: 11p surgery. The shipping industry was not alone in being regulated. Focuses on the Sunil Chopra receiving process in the distribution center and describes the introduction of SPC methodology. Operations. Health care providers. an effective quality assurance system that continuously improved the organization's human and business systems could enhance efficiency and have a significant marketing impact. Chapter 12: Six-Sigma Abstract Quality Eurasia International: Total Gives an account of how a ship management company was able to set Quality Management in the itself apart from competitors and from its clients' own in-house Shipping Industry technical and crew management capabilities by embracing a culture of continuous improvement and implementing Total Quality Management Ali Farhoomand. Canan Savaskan just as in any manufacturing setting. Subjects: Change management. Healthcare Teaching Note: available systems. Date: 1/1/2004 Subjects: Control systems. Highlights how these calculations can be made for a service process Sunil Chopra. Discusses the notions of critical paths and bottlenecks and what factors affect both time and capacity. University Pub. Health care systems. Date: 1/1/2004 Subjects: Profitability. the goal being to link product profitability to the process. Management Pub. and control limits. pareto Type: Kellogg School of diagrams. particularly open to criticism. Quality management. Product #: KEL030 Process analysis. Northwestern surgery. As a result. Operations management. as cost-cutting Type: University of Hong Kong practitioners. Total quality. discusses the relative profitability of two types of bariatric Management. Amir Hoosain systems. Customer relations. A ship management Pub. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Weight Solutions Clinic: Addresses how flow times and capacity calculations can be made for a Bariatric Surgery Center service process such as the Bariatric Surgery Center at a clinic. Length: 3p Teaching Note: 683030 Kristen's Cookie Co. Length: 3p Quality control. The new director must decide how serious the problem is. Product #: 681083 Manufacturing. Kamalini Ramdas Subjects: Operations. Length: 7p Production scheduling. Pricing strategy. A new director of quality assurance discovers an apparent quality problem. Manufacturing. Assembly lines. Process analysis. Date:7/13/2006 Product #: 607002 Subjects: Product planning & policy. Quality Introduces the systemic nature of product quality and the complexity of Assurance quality problems. Leonard if it is a real problem. Date: 2/2/2004 Product #: UV0426 Length: 21p Teaching Note: none Paul Chesler. Bohn and discusses issues raised by the case such as the value of labor flexibility. Product liability. with a focus on the concepts of process control and process capability. what to do about it. Teaching Note: available Managing Variability: Process This technical note provides an introduction to quality management Control and Process Capability tools. It introduces the concept of a Gantt chart Roger E. Type: HBS Pub. Operations management. Quality Designed to introduce the systemic nature of product quality and the Assurance complexity of quality problems. The actions of different departments and Frank S. Quality management. Pub. Date: 3/1/1981 Subjects: Product planning & policy. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Hank Kolb. Date: 1/23/1986 Product #: 686094 Subjects: Learning curves. Quality control. Teaching Note: none . Director. Capacity analysis. Assembly lines. Uses a new director. Manufacturing. The new director has to decide Frank S. Process analysis. (A2) Intended for distribution during class. Director. and the discovery of a quality problem. quality assurance. Leonard functions contribute to the problem. and how to go about orienting an organization toward a better quality attitude. this case contains one set of answers to the (A1) case. what to do about it. Pub. Assembly lines. Darden School Foundation Pub. Industrial goods. Type: University of Virginia Defects. The open-ended questions in the (A1) case are only partially Type: HBS answered to encourage further student creativity. and how to go about Type: HBS orienting an organization toward a better quality attitude. to lead the change. Home Depot's stock price remained nearly unchanged during his tenure and certain aspects of customer service suffered significantly. Nevertheless. Purchasing was also decentralized. Retailing. Teaching Note: available who tended to be experts in home improvement. Nardelli's changes led to higher profitability. Home Depot was known for its Length: 28p entrepreneurial spirit and was run rather informally. Retail stores. These results raise an important question not only for Home Depot. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Steinway & Sons Considers whether Steinway should reintroduce a long-discontinued product line to meet competition from the Japanese. simplifying and standardizing store processes and introducing Six Sigma quality methodology. Supply chains. Students have the Type: HBS opportunity to consider issues of quality. Chapter 13: Abstract . Length: 17p Teaching Note: 682073 The Home Depot. what aspects of customer service? Subjects: Human resources management. made their own merchandise-planning decisions and had considerable autonomy in running their stores. In 2000. Garvin of just how quality is defined in this market. repair. Home Depot store managers "did it themselves" Product #: 608093 as well. Retailers. Personnel. Inc. Home Depot Zeynep Ton. For its first 20 years. Home Depot popularized the concept of "do-it-yourself" for customers eager to build. Production processes. Organizational change. Personnel management. Process improvement. Consumer goods. As chairman and CEO. and improve their own homes. many in the company believed that a more disciplined approach to operations would be important for further growth. a former GE senior executive. Department stores. Looks closely at a production process relying on craft skills. Date: 9/1/1981 Product #: 682025 Subjects: Competition. Date: 3/12/2008 them. tools. As it grew in size. To some extent. Catherine Ross stores were stocked with a wide range of home-improvement goods and had knowledgeable employees ready to help customers choose Type: HBS the right products. Quality control. Pub. Raises the issue David A. and materials and even explain how to use Pub. Supply chain management. Store managers. the company hired Bob Nardelli. Merchandising. Nardelli centralized merchandising and purchasing and brought process discipline to store operations. but also for other companies in which employees perform both routine production-related activities and nonroutine customer-service activities: Is there a trade-off between process discipline and customer service? If so. Subodha Kumar terminated it. Six sigma Length: 3p Teaching Note: available Chapter 14: Lean Supply Abstract Chains Esterline Technologies: Lean Raises the issue of the appropriate role of IT in lean manufacturing. Shows how a Six Sigma process would quickly detect the mean shift while producing fewer defectives. Type: HBS Learning objective: Teaches statistical process control (p-charts) as Pub. Date: 1/1/2004 Product #: KEL028 Subjects covered: Operations management. Service management. Upton customer account setup to legal services. The Kerry plant of Richard L. Length: 23p Teaching Note: available . Toyota production Product #: 906417 system. Quality Teaching Note: available control. In this case. Annette Kluck must decide how to adopt manufacturing-based principles to a service process ranging from David M. Date: 5/3/2006 Subjects: ERP. Innovation. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Deutsche Describes the application of statistical process control in a service Allgemeinversicherung industry. Karen A Esterline Technologies attempted an ERP implementation and then Brown. Focuses on the issue of a worn bearing at a tire manufacturer leading to a mean shift Sunil Chopra (while producing defectives). Pub. Date: 1/29/1996 well as service industry quality improvement. Manufacturing Most large manufacturing companies have implemented ERP IT systems to support lean manufacturing practices. Type: Kellogg School of Management. Nolan. Type: HBS Pub. Product #: 696084 Length: 12p Subjects covered: Implementing strategy. Northwestern Learning objective: To introduce the methodology of statistical University process control and to illustrate the value of Six Sigma. Information technology. Now the Kerry plant is revisiting the appropriate use of IT in an environment of highly innovative lean manufacturing. Statistical analysis Six Sigma Quality at Flyrock Assumes an understanding of statistical process control and focuses Tires on highlighting the usefulness of Six Sigma quality. Process analysis. " helps managers plan for the short-term financial impact. thousands of managers have used the principles of lean management to achieve faster cycle times. But. To help managers overcome the financial hurdles on the path to lean. Worse-Before-Better with publication of "The Machine That Changed the World. The authors' approach replaces the traditional cost-accounting system with a transparent accounting system that tracks the company's value streams. monitor progress. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) How to Manage Through Many Western managers were introduced to lean production in 1990. Subjects: Financial management. as the authors point out. . Management needs to anticipate these challenges and explain them clearly. more productive organization." based on a five-year study of Toyota by MIT's International Motor Vehicle Robin Cooper. Lean management permits Review a marked reduction in inventory levels across the supply chain. Operations. Their approach. the transition takes time Teaching Note: available and is full of obstacles. Brian Maskell Program. Since then. the authors offer new tools for anticipating the deterioration in financial performance that occurs as a mass producer goes lean and for understanding the real performance improvements that take place during this period.especially because Product #: SMR288 companies achieve simultaneous declines in manufacturing and Length: 10p service costs. which incorporate all of the value-adding and non-value-adding activities required to bring a product or service from start to finish. reduced defect Type: MIT Sloan Management rates and sharp gains in on-time deliveries. understand the operational improvements and develop strategies to maximize the longer-term benefit.it's part of the necessary process of establishing a stronger. Date: 7/01/2008 should result in better financial performance -. Operations management. Managers need to understand that the "bad" news isn't really bad -. called "value-stream accounting. things get worse before better). Research methodology. Lean transformations generally have short-term adverse impacts on the company's bottom line (that is. One predictable hurdle is the crisis in confidence that occurs when management isn't able to improve financial performance quickly. which Pub. Operations. Automotive Systems Group. Staats. . Materials management. Teaching Note: none Subjects: Continuous improvement. Organizational learning. (also known as lean) to fundamentally change their operating model.: Prior to the 1980s. Date: 10/16/2006 change (shift from delivering a low-cost product to providing a business Product #: 607032 solution). Vertical integration. in Georgetown. decided to use principles from the Toyota Production System Bradley R. Operations management. Suppliers. The case closely examines one plant. Also. Inc. Kentucky describes how Johnson Controls. Plant blossomed when automakers turned to outsourcing the complete seat set. explores whether this new approach can lead to a Length: 18p substantial competitive advantage. automakers purchased individual seat components Automotive Systems Group. which was necessitating the Pub. This case The Georgetown. a rapidly growing software services firm based in India. Provides detail of Type: HBS Wipro's internal and external environment. Outsourcing. and built the seats alongside their auto assembly lines. Upton Looks at why Wipro chose to use lean and how they went about implementing it in a novel context such as this. Manufacturing strategy. After action reviews. Length: 23p Teaching Note: 693102 Subjects: Facilities planning. Kentucky. Lean at Wipro Technologies Wipro Technologies. David M. The Product #: 693086 specific case question is how the plant should use this new space. Date: 3/26/1993 opportunity of doubling the plant floor space at a separate site. Manufacturing strategy. Production controls. Kazuhiro Mishina that switched from just-in-time (JIT) delivery of seat sets to JIT assembly to serve a nearby Toyota Camry assembly operation. Type: HBS Exposes the challenge of dealing with growing seat variation and an Pub. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Johnson Controls. Date: 4/20/2006 decisions to support that strategy. Toyota production system. Kent Bowen. E. J. Navy Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Depot (AIMD) Getting Lean (A) Lemoore Power Plants Division (F404 engine maintenance) was a real mess. Highlights the unique aspects Huckman. Accounting & control. Brownlee II. C. Considers whether New Balance. Asks students to consider whether New Balance should change aspects of its operations strategy in light of the consolidation among its competitors or whether the Adidas-Reebok transaction represents an opportunity for New Balance to emphasize the importance of moving forward with its current approach. Set just after the announcement of the Adidas-Reebok transaction in 2005. Darden School Foundation The Officer-in-Charge of the Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Pub. Not-Ready-For-Issue parts were everywhere. These include significant use of Product #: 606094 domestic manufacturing at a time when nearly all other competitors Length: 18p sourced finished shoes from Asian suppliers and an emphasis on Teaching Note: available improving inventory management for its network of small and large retailers. there were 30 F/A-18 aircraft with bare firewalls (no engines). Richard put was poor (35 engines and 190 modules awaiting maintenance). Operations management. Organizational environment. Division through- Thomas Cross. reenlistment rates were an abysmal 50%. Manufacturing. Continuous improvement. manning was at 61% of authorized levels. the Jeff Pottinger. Subjects: Mergers & Acquisitions. Operations. The F/A-18 F404 Engine: The U. Date: 9/19/2007 Detachment decided to use Lean manufacturing to tackle the Product #: UV0885 challenge. Acquisitions. Assembly lines. Operations management.S. Competitive environment. one of the world's five largest Inc. manufacturers of athletic footwear. It would be the first application of the Lean concept to Naval Length: 12p Aviation. Supply chains. third-largest companies in the industry. and Type: University of Virginia crew morale was lousy. Robert S. Cost analysis. Supply chain management. And more parts and engines arrived in daily. Operations. should respond to Adidas' planned acquisition of Reebok--a transaction that would join the second. Airplane manufacturing. Teaching Note: available Subjects: Accounting. Outsourcing.and H. Jaynes maintenance crews were working 12-hour days. Aircraft. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) New Balance Athletic Shoe. Robert Osterhoudt. with New Balance having recently initiated a companywide effort to improve operational performance through the application of concepts from lean manufacturing and the Toyota Production System. Carin-Isabel Knoop of New Balance's strategy--focusing on fit and performance by offering long-lived shoes in a wide variety of widths and eschewing celebrity Type: HBS endorsement of its products--and discusses New Balance's operations Pub. . faces a problem with the seats installed in the plant's sole product--Camrys. Inc. manager of assembly for Toyota's U. Automobiles. and area hospitals presented ardent competition. Operations management. Soon thereafter. Production controls. On May 1. Overseas operations.S. Operations. Process analysis.. and the Virginia Mason Medical Center became entrenched in an overwhelming challenge: how to institute a production model in health care. Date: 10/3/2005 direction: to become the quality leader in health care. a series of serendipitous events led to the Teaching Note: available discovery of the Toyota production system. Kentucky. Date: 9/8/1992 is an exemplar of Toyota's famed production system (TPS). Georgetown. Offshoring. Doug Friesen. yet neither the Type: HBS reason for the problem nor a solution is readily apparent. Friesen is Product #: 693019 determined that. Strategic leadership. Kaplan had rallied the organization around a new strategic Pub. Subjects: International operations. Gary Kaplan became CEO of the Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle. plant. A growing number of cars are Kazuhiro Mishina sitting off-line with defective seats or are missing them entirely. This situation is one of several causes of recent overtime. Health care providers. the situation will be resolved using TPS Length: 22p principles and tools. Cardiac surgery. Healthcare systems. Subjects: Models. Within his first few Type: HBS months. . Considerable change was imminent. Toyota production system. Erika M. The hospital was facing significant Richard Bohmer. 1992. Health care systems. Quality control. Students are asked to suggest what action(s) Teaching Note: 693046 Friesen should take and to analyze whether Georgetown's current handling of the seat problem fits within the TPS philosophy. Suppliers. Washington. Dr. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Toyota Motor Manufacturing. staff Ferlins morale had plummeted.A. Leadership. challenges: It was losing money for the first time in its history. As the plant Pub. Virginia Mason Medical Center In 2000. if possible. What Kaplan and Product #: 606044 his administrators lacked was an effective tool to execute their Length: 28p strategy. Aldi is the largest hard Jordan Mitchell. thus limiting one of the primary drivers of companies' IT costs. Supply chains. Length: 27p Teaching Note: available . Chapter 15: Logistics. Distribution. Sales & marketing. examining why companies progressively develop so many standards and how companies like Wipro can help them standardize. With estimated sales of 37 billion euros in 2005. to high- Length: 12p quality/rapid turnaround). with a clear focus Type: IESE Business School on in-store and supply chain operations. Gives a detailed description of Aldi's historical development. Toyota production system. Date: 10/7/2005 Product #: IES184 Subjects: Logistics. Explores how Wipro has helped Pub. Marc Sachon discounter worldwide and one of the top 15 retailers today. Also addresses the issue of standardization in information technology. a privately owned German company. Operations management. Manufacturing costs. Subjects: Manufacturing. Wipro is experimenting with a new software service delivery model that draws on the principles of the Toyota production Virginia A. Standardization. Specifically explores Wipro's experimental Teaching Note: none use of lean principles as a source of new competitive advantage in software services. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Wipro Technologies: The Based in Bangalore. Pub. Fuller. and Abstract Transportation Aldi: A German Retailing Icon Describes the operations of Aldi. Date: 10/25/2005 its customers deal with these issues and looks at the changing Product #: 606021 competitive role of Indian outsourcers (from low-cost. Outsourcing. lock-in and hijacking. Wipro Technologies is a rapidly growing software Factory Model services company. Addresses the advantages and disadvantages of software outsourcing and how to mitigate the effects Type: HBS of. for example. Retailing. David Upton system and "lean" manufacturing. Pub. Marketing strategy. if the market turned more toward commodity bulk cement? Subjects: Brands. Corporate governance. Describes the Mexican cement industry Product #: GS33 and dramatic changes that CEMEX had made in 2000-2005 to focus Length: 22p on customer needs. Porsche had to diversify its product lines. Manufacturing. the market for cement in Mexico was changing. F. Supply chains. made in early 1998: to build a sport utility vehicle (SUV)--the Cayenne. Pub. After decades of relying on one or two Jeffrey Fear. Supply chain. Networks. particularly the needs of its distributors. Date: 12/7/2005 was harder to differentiate. These Teaching Note: none changes involved a wide range of activities. Logistics. Length: 29p Entrepreneurship. Distribution channels. Teaching Note: available Logistics. . Bulk cement. and the dominant company in Mexico. the third largest cement company in Type: Stanford Graduate the world. Globalization. CEMEX. however. had traditionally consisted primarily of sales of bagged cement. creating a retail network among its distributors. more typical of developed economies. Leadership. Date: 1/12/2006 Product #: 706018 Subjects: Brand management. Also examines the branding implications of the internationalization of Type: HBS production. Corporate strategy. which was common in developing Hau L. David Hoyt economies. Software. Porsche AG (A): Examines one of the most important entrepreneurial decisions made in True to Brand? the history of Porsche. The Industry Company market. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) CEMEX: Transforming a Basic In early 2005. What lessons could the company adopt from its branded business and its success with building its distributor network. Production. Lee. had developed a School of Business strong brand identity for its bagged cement. h. Dr. There appeared to be a shift to bulk cement. Carin-Isabel sports car models and nearly going bankrupt and losing its Knoop independence in 1993. Diversification. and developing a suite of software applications to ensure that the right product was delivered to the right place at the right time.c. Internationalization. Change management. Ing. Industry analysis. particularly in northern Mexico. including dramatic improvements in logistics. Plant location. competitors to the global sourcing evolution. Strategy 2005 succeeded in the compact refrigerator. the Product #: 705475 response of U. Users must have an Internet connection (dial-up or other) and a personal computer that meets minimum technical requirements Subjects covered: Demand analysis. global and regional competitive analysis. Market entry. Student success is measured by company profits as well as through a dynamic evaluation process in which students answer probing questions from the company's board members. and the Length: 23p time horizons of Chinese company management. Date: 2/15/2005 distribution channels. Suppliers. Thomas M.S. and evaluating and using demand forecasts. Globalization. Students become responsible for the rollout of two Pub. freezer.S.S. Date: 1/1/2004 models of mobile phones. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Global Supply Chain This interactive online simulation allows students to try their hands at Management Simulation managing the complexities of a global supply chain by putting them in the shoes of the supply chain manager of a mobile phone Type: HBS manufacturer. Issues include the value of a local entrepreneur to the Asian Hout manufacturer entering the United States. such as: creating a balanced supply chain across Length: n/a suppliers with different lead times. Students can use the simulation individually or in teams. Teaching Note: available Subjects: Cost analysis. appliance Pub. the first Chinese consumer durable brand in the United States. Illustrates key concepts of supply chain Product #: 6107 management. Refrigerator Haier. Logistics. Supply chain management Haier's U. brand building and price positioning. Design. . Corporate brand. Forecasting. the sourcing location decision trade-off between production Type: HBS costs and logistics costs. Brands. the role of change in the U. Product management. Appliances. Operations management.S. Pankaj Ghemawat. and air conditioner markets and then built a U. building flexibility into the supply Teaching Note: available chain to avoid stock-outs and excess inventory. factory to enter the full-size market. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Renault's Logan Car: Managing Operations network design is about where to locate your supply Customs Duties for a Global sources and manufacturing and distribution operations. The global Pub. Trade agreements. Plant location. With the emergence of global supply and manufacturing sources and Hau Lee. the customs and duties implications play a big role in such a decision.e. who should be supplying whom. North Africa and the Teaching Note: available Middle East. freight. and the approaches one needs to take. we have to capture the quantitative impacts of Type: Stanford Graduate such factors like fixed and variable costs of production or distribution School of Business facilities. The case also ends with a key decision that Renault has to make . Subjects: Exports. The company has designed its supply chain to take advantage of the special customs and duties treaties in these regions. as well as the Product deployment of such operations. Again. Date: 4/29/2008 network requires explicit treatment of taxes. Imports. Amanda Silverman the global market. Product design.. Design management. This Product #: GS62 case is about Renault's recent car Logan. and other logistics costs. In the design. which was designed to serve Length: 26p markets in emerging markets like Eastern Europe. customs and duties. i.how to set up the supply chain for the new market in South Africa. The case illustrates the complexities of such design decisions. . inventory. such a design will increasingly have to span multiple regions. Design. ASEAN. NAFTA. The findings in the two numerical examples can be used to drive this discussion. sole- Pub. Again numbers are provided to work examples. Margaret Pierson shutdown forced the "Big Three" of Detroit and Japan to shutdown production as well. Data from two automotive customers in particular. Type: HBS allowing the instructor to look at issues of delayed differentiation. The two OEM's had different strategies with respect Teaching Note: available to cross-utilization of components between product lines.0 earthquake that struck Japan in March. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Renesas Electronics and the The magnitude 9. a critical link in the global automotive supply chain. broader questions around the viability of Renesas's market position can be discussed. Many OEMs sole-sourced customized microprocessors from the fab so its Willy Shih. or a general strategy framework may be applied. and/or Renesas' market position as a producer of Product #: 612071 low-volume customized components. OEM component-customization strategy. Learning objective: Examine the impact of sole-sourcing. Production scheduling. Here Renesas's customization causes early differentiation. Therefore. Similarly. Supply chain management . and delayed differentiation in production on supply chain robustness to external disruptions. The OEM with higher cross-utilization (lower customization of components between product lines) had more flexibility in which vehicles they stopped producing during the shortage. a simple numerical assignment will show students the power of delayed differentiation in components. Operations management. in the context of supply chain Length: 16p disaster recovery. students can look at the impact of delayed differentiation at the product level by looking at the production process within the fab itself. do they need to change their product design to allow for the incorporation of alternative parts? Such parts have downsides of their own. Date: 4/5/2012 sourcing decisions. Subjects covered: Disaster recovery. Finally. Sourcing. 2011 Automotive Microcontroller caused extensive damage to Renesas Electronics wafer fabrication Supply Chain (A) facility. How should they respond to the disaster in the short term? How can they assure customers they can handle future disruptions differently? And from the OEMs' perspective. Demand was growing faster than supply. The business environment was changing. but this did not meet the needs of small. particularly on the spot market. were not committed to long-term contracts and were Pub. remotely located Chinese mills. so it Type: Stanford Graduate could not fully benefit from the high spot market prices. Subjects: Logistics. Most of RTIO's production was committed to fulfilling long-term contracts. many new Chinese iron and Product #: GS56 steel mills were small operations. Singh causing increased prices. customers were responsible for shipping. Samir development of China. In addition to these changes in the marketplace. Hoyt. geographically disbursed. Rio Tinto Iron Ore (RTIO) faced a number of challenges. An Teaching Note: available important part of the iron ore supply chain was transportation. who sold to a relatively few large steel producers. ranging from vertical integration to licensing. Traditionally. . Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Rio Tinto Iron Ore: Challenges In 2006. Mining. and did Length: 26p not secure their iron ore supplies before building their plants. however. There were a number of possible approaches to commercializing this technology. New entrants. School of Business however. Supply chains. RTIO had developed new steelmaking technology that enabled the use of lower quality iron ore and also generated substantially fewer greenhouse gas emissions than conventional technology. David W. Date: 7/3/2007 attracted by these high prices. The of Globalization in the Mining iron ore business had traditionally been dominated by a few large Industry suppliers. In addition. with the rapid Hau Lee. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Supply Chain Management In this fast-paced. multi-player simulation. Product management. Distribution. Faculty can configure different supply chain scenarios for students to help them explore the root causes of the bullwhip effect while enabling discussion of techniques for controlling it. or retailer. Suppliers. Supply chain management. Date: 12/1/2008 its operation. Date: 7/5/2012 chain: factory. Sensors. . Understanding the role of centralized information. Lien-Ti Bei communication and information products between 1985 and 2007. Understanding demand forecasting. and send Length: 60 min orders to the adjacent connection in the supply chain. wholesaler. and shipping delays. Forecasting. Students must make rapid ordering decisions while dealing with limited information. Reducing uncertainty and demand variability. and the effects of batch ordering. The case analyzes the channel structure of electronic product distribution Type: Ivey School of Business and explains how Synnex introduced innovative practices to transform Pub. Logistics. Design. they must examine inventory. a lack of demand visibility. Learning objective: Understanding the "bullwhip" effect. Students play one of four roles in a root beer supply Pub. Supply chains. Exploring techniques for controlling the bullwhip effect. Small V2 changes in customer demand cause increasing oscillations in ordering patterns and inventory levels moving down the supply chain away from Type: HBS the customer. distributor. Supply chain management Synnex International: The case describes how Synnex Technology International Corporation Transforming Distribution of (Synnex) in Taiwan transformed itself from a local distributor of High-Tech Products. A single- player version is also available. anticipate demand. Operations management. required lead times. Teaching Note: available Subjects: Marketing. Each student Teaching Note: available attempts to minimize inventory carrying costs while avoiding costly inventory shortages. Subjects covered: Demand analysis. In each simulated Product #: 6619 week. The case is designed for MBA students to grasp some Product #: 908A19 fundamental issues related to distribution channel design and supply Length: 22p chain management in a marketing or logistic management course. Shih-Fen electronic components into a global logistic conglomerate of Chen. students experience the Simulation: Root Beer Game effects of a supply chain dynamic called the "bullwhip" effect. Founded by Jim Thompson in 1965. Meanwhile. Crown formulated a plan for building state-of-the-art warehouse/office complexes on the mainland. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) The Crown Worldwide Group: In June 2003. Strategy implementation. CEPA outlined terms for the liberalization of Arrangement trade in goods and services and enabled firms incorporated in Hong Kong to establish wholly owned businesses on the mainland. Relocation. Crown was successful in the first phase of implementing its strategy: by August 2006. to be followed by a second in Beijing. and Product #: HKU653 had become a significant player in the field of logistics. Frantantuono that benefited from the liberalization was the Crown Worldwide Group. Subjects: Business & society. Nonetheless. Following the signing of CEPA. One firm Michael J. The delay raised the question: How best to proceed? As he considered his options. Strategy formulation. he knew that any action had to be consistent with the core values he had cultivated at Crown. The first was to be in Shanghai. Logistics. By 2003. Crown had evolved into the world's largest privately held Pub. and then others in several more cities. and Crown's plans for further expansion in China. Economic logic suggested the need to get the construction project back on track as quickly as possible. Date: 7/3/2007 company providing relocations and records management services. International business. the reputation his company had earned as a world-class provider of logistics services. Crown had located a plot of land in Beijing and had completed site preparations--but progress on construction had stalled due to unexpected delays in project registration approval from Beijing authorities. Corporate strategy. Thompson weighed tactical considerations and strategic concerns. and based in Hong Kong since Type: University of Hong Kong 1970. . the Length: 31p company had a global network of offices and warehouses in more than Teaching Note: available 100 cities on six continents. Shanghai employees had been working out of the new facility for more than a year. the governments of Hong Kong and the People's Relocating in China Under the Republic of China signed the Closer Economic Partnership Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA). First. media coverage and press releases made by governments and other stakeholders increase the stakes. The case focuses on the challenges of Roche maintaining a supply network for a global pandemic response initiative. The Roche group is a 40 billion CHF Noel Watson. Chapter 16: Global Sourcing Abstract and Procurement . leading to lower sales levels for its products. Pharmaceuticals. Supply chain management. and governments placing orders expect lead times to be short. Second. The company's antiviral drug Tamiflu dominates the market for prevention and treatment of seasonal influenza (flu). could also play an important role in responding to the first Pub. demand for stockpile quantities is spiky and uncertain. as are lead times for drug production and encapsulation. Thus. lead times for increasing capacity are long. Managing supply is particularly challenging for three reasons. rather than having to wait for development of a vaccine which had limitations in its effectiveness and the drug had been endorsed by the WHO as a first line of defense. Tamiflu. Last. Tamiflu was designed to be effective against any Length: 21p strain of Type A or B influenza. Prashant Yadav division. Laura Rock company consisting of a pharmaceutical division and a diagnostic Kopczak. Generic drugs. The use of Tamiflu in such a crisis would allow the world to respond immediately. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) When Supply is of Public The case focuses on the challenges of Roche maintaining a supply Interest: Roche & Tamiflu network for a global influenza pandemic response initiative based on its antiviral drug Tamiflu. Manufacturing strategy. there was the potential to Teaching Note: available establish a preparedness plan based on creating a stockpile of the drug in conjunction with an appropriate plan for distribution to the affected population. Subjects: Logistics. Supply chains. as negative media coverage may damage Roche's reputation with consumers. Date: 1/15/2009 wave of a pandemic caused by a particularly harmful strain of the Product #: 609061 influenza virus A. Type: HBS however. the details of how Herman Miller implemented C2C during the design of the Mirra chair. materials Length: 21p remained in a closed-loop. or possibly a completely new tool. scratch resistant. and supply chain management. Small & medium-sized enterprises. The proximate decision point in the case is whether the company should replace the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material in the arm pads of the Mirra chair. Product development. Sustainability. Mirra. the cost of TPU was higher than PVC. There was also uncertainty about how consistent the quality of the arm pad would be with TPU. Strategy. for the Mirra Chair arm pad required at least modification of a production tool. an office furniture supplier. To switch to thermoplastic urethane (TPU). The essence of this protocol was to eliminate waste and potentially harmful materials by Type: HBS designing the product so that. Waste disposal . Operations management. the raw Pub. eliminating the need for landfill and other Teaching Note: available toxic forms of disposal such as incineration. PVC was a highly toxic material to manufacture and dispose of and thus violated the C2C protocol. Date: 5/30/2007 materials could be fed back into either a technical or biological cycle Product #: 607003 and used for the same or other purposes. Supply chain management. Therefore. manufacturing. The C2C protocol was a set of environmentally friendly product development guidelines created by architect William Deishin Lee. and inexpensive. In addition. However. Learning objective: To show that by scrutinizing processes through an environmental lens. Herman Miller can also improve performance. as well as the impact of the new protocol on their internal processes: design decisions. it was the standard material for arm pads and many other parts in the office furniture industry as it was durable. Lionel Bony McDonough and chemist Michael Braungart. at the end of its useful life. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Cradle-to-Cradle Design at Herman Miller. a more environmentally friendly material. Subjects covered: Environmental protection. decided to implement the Herman Miller: Moving Toward cradle-to-cradle (C2C) design protocol during the design of its mid- Environmental Sustainability level office chair. The case describes the C2C protocol. well in advance of each selling season and produce to those orders. Michael Marks. Inc. there would be stock outs and the company would lose the ability to capture revenue for that season. Moreover. David W. Value chains. were offshored to low-cost countries. from 2003 through early 2007. international management. Torban Pedersen. Operations management. cross-border strategic management and international business studies in general. Crocs' ability to build additional Pub. Subjects: Vertical integration. which could have been used to strengthen the Pub. Strategy formulation. Manufacturing strategy. If demand was far in excess Amanda Silverman of this production. Hau Lee." As Bo Nielsen. Supply chains. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Crocs: Revolutionizing an Discusses the astounding growth of Crocs. international marketing. Teaching Note: available Subjects: Entrepreneurial management.. Teaching Note: available communication and logistics. Marketing. It is suitable for use in both undergraduate and graduate courses in international corporate strategy. a manufacturer of Industry's Supply Chain Model plastic shoes. Supply chain management. Type: Stanford Graduate or might not. Production. supply-chain management. Chuck The normal model used within the fashion industry was to take orders Holloway. Date: 4/24/2008 branding and marketing of ECCO's shoes. various Jacob Pyndt value chain activities. The product might. when production would School of Business again be based on pre-season orders. Executive education. Hoyt. with relatively little additional production. primarily production and tanning. an increasingly Product #: 908M14 complex and dispersed global value chain configuration posed Length: 21p organizational and managerial challenges regarding coordination. Charles Holloway. This case examines the financial. resulting in the company filling in-season orders Length: 22p totaling many times that of the initial pre-booked orders. Management development.Global Value ECCO A/S (ECCO) had been very successful in the footwear industry Chain Management by focusing on production technology and assuring quality by maintaining full control of the entire value chain from "cow to shoe. Global business. Much of the company's for Competitive Advantage growth was made possible by a highly flexible supply chain which enabled Crocs to build additional product within the selling season. The fully integrated value chain tied up Type: Richard Ivey School of significant capital and management attention in tanneries and Business Foundation production facilities. Global economy. organizational and managerial challenges of maintaining a highly integrated global value chain and asks students to determine the appropriateness of this set-up in the context of an increasingly market- oriented industry. ECCO A/S . Operations. . ECCO grew and faced increased international competition. Date: 6/118/2007 shoes within the season enabled it to take advantage of strong Product #: GS57 customer demand. be in fashion the following year. together with the changes in the supply chain that were Length: 13p made for the Xbox 360. chosen to deal with the expanding demand for its services. William C. Supply chain management. Supply chains. David W. Teaching Note: none . and the strategy it has F. It basically Type: HBS does the supply-chain job faster and more accurately with the aid of a Pub. Electronic Type: HBS commerce. China. the risks and benefits of global rather than regional launch. It would Charles Holloway also play an important part in Microsoft's future strategy. and the use of contract manufacturers. Date: 3/3/1999 Automobiles. primarily in the U. Strategy formulation. Ford Motor Co. but would beat Sony's Hau Lee. Austin Subjects: Logistics. Microsoft's original Xbox had been introduced a year after Sony's Playstation. Date: 4/14/2006 perspective. Pub.: Supply Chain Describes Ford's examination of its supply chain to evaluate whether Strategy the company should "virtually integrate" on the Dell Computers model. Management of information systems. both from a design and manufacturing Pub. Microsoft prepared for a global launch of its next- Chain generation game console. Supply chains. Product #: 699198 Length: 9p Teaching Note: 601172 Li & Fung 2006 Describes the opportunities and strategy facing one of the most innovative global supply-chain companies. Type: Stanford Graduate Describes the evolution of the video game console business and the School of Business evolution of the Xbox. and Europe. Information technology. Product #: 307077 Length: 17p Subjects: Information technology. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Evolution of the Xbox Supply In November 2005. Tracy Yuen Manty links thousands of factories in India. Microsoft's decisions for the original Xbox supply chain Product #: GS49 are described. Hoyt. Supply chains. Subjects: Competition. Technology management. Product design. Prepares students for discussion of how supply chains must evolve to support changing business strategy. next-generation system to market by a substantial amount. Robert D. Product introduction. Date: 2/20/2007 sophisticated information system than anyone else. the Xbox 360. where the home entertainment system was seen as a major growth opportunity. Li & Fung Kirby. Sourcing. Online retailing. Suppliers. Asks questions about the motivation for Teaching Note: available changes to the supply chain.S. and elsewhere to nearly a thousand large retailers. Warren McFarlan. and China's WTO entry. the School of Business second section describes the physical. information and capital "flows" Pub. When Meltzer stepped into office Type: Stanford Graduate three years earlier. Strategic management. Lee. it had evolved to become a provider of comprehensive supply chain solutions to global technology companies by 2007. Turnarounds. and no global synergies. the company was struggling with flat sales. Date: 11/24/2006 Product #: HKU595 Subjects: Collaboration. new market entrants. The first section of the case provides an Type: Stanford Graduate overview of the global technology supply chain in the 2000s. was wondering whether Netafim's supply chain was strong enough to support the Hau L. Nanotechnology. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Netafim: Migrating from In 2005. Date: 2/17/2006 in the technology supply chain and the third section discusses how Product #: GS61 PCH had designed solutions to address the challenges in the three Length: 22p "flows. Supply chain management. Goods electronic components from Taiwan and China to the Western world in and Finance the mid 1990s. manufacturer. the president and CEO of Netafim (the world's Products to Solutions leading manufacturer of drip irrigation equipment). Polo Ralph Lauren & Luen Luen Thai is considering adopting a "design-to-store" supply chain Thai: Using Collaborative strategy to compete in the apparel market as he faces increasing Supply Chain Integration in the margin pressure. Guy Michlin change in strategy he was planning for the company: migrating from selling products to selling solutions. and Benjamin Yen. Date: 2/17/2006 Meltzer turned around the company. Technology. Operations management. Reorganization. Consumer electronics. Teaching Note: available . Supply chain." Customers examples included in the case to illustrate the Teaching Note: none various supply chain priniples. Pub. PCH International: Managing PCH International started out as a sourcing agent of low-priced the Flows of Information. Pub. Length: 19p Production. Marketing strategy. Emerging technologies. Jennie Tung was designed to address the needs of a complex global technology supply chain landscape. Strategy formulation. Supply chains. Subjects: Digital technology. and Product #: GS46 reinvigorated its growth. Efficiency. an out- School of Business of-date supply chain. Subjects: Globalization. The Apparel Value Chain decision to implement "design-to-store" will depend on the success of partner process integration (between fabric mill. Erez Meltzer. Strategy implementation. Shamza Khan partners. Luen Thai endeavors to fundamentally improve information flow which could lead to change in processes and create multi- Type: University of Hong Kong company efficiencies. PCH Hau Lee. Ali F. Value chains. restructured its supply chain. brand) and mechanisms to enhance "collaborative behavior" between Farhoomand. In just three years. The question was whether the newly Length: 22p restructured supply chain would support the new strategy--one that Teaching Note: none would require new supply chain-related competencies from the organization. Transportation. In addition. information is included that may be used to estimate potential transaction costs as well as costs associated with foreign exchange risk. Subjects: Globalization. Discusses the structure of the Seven-Eleven Japan supply chain in terms of its facilities network. Michael Leiblein. with a full range of products for professional horticulture as well. Assembly lines. Retailing. Department stores. Manufacturing. Product #: KEL026 Length: 14p Teaching Note: available . strategic and operations perspectives in a relatively Product #: 908M78 straightforward manufacturing "make-buy" decision. Type: Kellogg School of Subjects: Inventory management. the company is a market leader in a number of Shyam Karunakaran consumer lawn and garden and professional horticultural products. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Scotts Miracle-Gro: The The Scotts Miracle-Gro company is the world's largest marketer of Spreader Sourcing Decision branded consumer lawn and garden products. Consumer University goods. Strategic management. and Sunil Chopra information. Supply chains. offshored (non-domestic) production and outsourced production. Operations Management. Sufficient information is provided to roughly estimate the direct financial cost associated with internal (domestic) production. Marysville. distribution. Northwestern management. Supply Pub. Seven-Eleven Japan Co. Personnel management. inventory management. Ohio. Strategy. Business Foundation This case is intended to illustrate the application of and tradeoffs Pub. Date: 1/1/2005 chain optimization. Date: 12/12/2008 between financial. Retailers. Information management. Operations. easily-described product that most students would Teaching Note: available assume is made overseas. The case describes a series of decisions regarding the ownership and Type: Richard Ivey School of organization of the assets used to manufacture fertilizer spreaders. The case involves Length: 11p a well-known. Operations management. Supply chain management. Outsourcing. Retail stores. Operations. Human resources management. Headquartered in John Gray. Personnel. Distribution. Strategy & execution. Johnnie Dobbs. Production planning. Retailing. times and allows students to explore how such short response times are achieved. Marshall L. Johnson systems strategies and has been developed incrementally over the past 40 years. Purchasing. store. including comparisons between sourcing products in Product #: 695022 Hong Kong and China. Supply chains. Date: 10/13/1994 improvements. Date: 11/28/2006 information to suppliers. Supply & demand. might not be able to replicate this McClelland. The company's supply chain was closely integrated with its retail and information Fraser P. Consumer goods. However. Fisher performance. International operations. was overseeing a handful of initiatives Length: 15p designed to improve the firm's supply chain. However. Length: 19p Teaching Note: 696012 Subjects: Apparel. it provides details about information and material Type: HBS flows that allow students to make recommendations for operational Pub. Introduces production planning for Janice H. Ananth short-life-cycle products with uncertain demand and allows students to Raman analyze a reduced version of the company's production planning problem. the second largest firm in the world by sales. Supply chain. with Ananth Raman. rivals were copying every aspect. two week) response World Co. Type: HBS Subjects: Inventory management. Sourcing. Demand analysis. Hammond. Supply Chain Management at Describes a supply chain with very quick (i. and disseminate store-level Pub. Ltd. from the Type: Richard Ivey School of way Wal-Mart cross-docks product in warehouses to Wal-Mart's use of Business Foundation a sophisticated database to capture. Department stores. Pub. Supply Chain Management at In 2006 Wal-Mart.e. The case describes operations at a skiwear design and merchandising company and its supply partner. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Sport Obermeyer Ltd. Supply chains. Supply chain management. it was not Teaching Note: none certain that these initiatives were going to have a significant impact on Wal-Mart costs.. Allows students to explore why other supply chains. Subjects: Logistics. Date: 4/4/2001 Time to market. Product #: 601072 Length: 21p Teaching Note: 601147 Chapter 17: Enterprise Abstract Resource Planning Systems . Retailers. In addition. Anna much longer response times. Forecasting. Retail stores. Wal-Mart's new executive vice president. Product #: 907D01 logistics. and he needed to consider what the company should do to stay ahead of the competition. was Wal-Mart looking to improve its already efficient supply chain. Operations management. large-volume consumables. and the adoption of electronic ordering processes with BAL's larger suppliers. BAL Implementing a Sophisticated developed capabilities in the areas of space and communications. Boeing Australia Ltd. Campbell Soup Co. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Boeing Australia Ltd. Date: 8/1/2003 1999. either through cost savings or by Teaching Note: available reduced processing time. Electronic commerce. enabled by electronic data interchange to link supply Type: HBS to actual demand. whose immediate task was to look for gains in productivity by Length: 15p improving procurement processes. As BAL grew. faced grocery chain and in Continuous Replenishment wholesale demand for its goods driven by Campbell's own promotional Innovations pricing structure rather than retail consumer demand. with new opportunities available through e-business technology. the Boeing Co. Implementing this channel shift required a Pub. Date: 10/14/1994 restructuring of relationships with its customers and a radical Product #: 195124 restructuring of its promotional policies. Peta Ashworth for both internal communications and external dealings with customers. however. Organizational change . Length: 21p Teaching Note: available Subjects covered: Data processing. In early Pub. BAL recruited a new national procurement manager.: Formed in late 1996. Information technology. Should BAL invest in a new system that would simplify the procurement process across different divisions and support complex interfaces with suppliers? Should BAL continue to sit on the fence and seek short-term improvement tools for integration with its existing legacy systems? Subjects: Aircraft. the introduction of a credit-card purchasing system for low-value. so did the legacy information system it used Ali Farhoomand. faced difficult decisions as it sought to upgrade its Type: University of Hong Kong procurement systems and processes to improve operations.S. In 2002. These included the rationalization of a large number of BAL's suppliers. Menere needed to decide what BAL's next step should be. Former policies to encourage overstock created huge swings in production and James L. Menere initiated a number of short-term improvements. improving BAL's relationships with its key suppliers. Process analysis. (BAL) was a relatively new Assessing the Merits of company and a global extension of the U. Campbell's introduced continuous product H. firm. and the upgrade and maintenance of military aircraft and equipment. Information systems. BAL. Clark replenishment (CPR) under which they would manage inventory for their customers. Suppliers. like most food manufacturers. site e-Procurement System management.: A Leader Campbell Soup. To meet this objective. Russell Product #: HKU271 Menere. Theodore inventory levels. McKenney. Browsers. Date: 10/24/2008 spectrum of the market are multinationals and top-level domestic Product #: HKU797 corporations that operate sophisticated treasuries. Boston believed that Cisco needed to focus on its global infrastructure before investing in more functional tools and Type: HBS applications. As these three projects started to wind down in 2004. Telecommunications. Under the leadership of Boston and an executive Pub. Technology management. Citibank not only needs to use information technology to improve Ali Farhoomand. Consumer electronics. Subjects: Computer hardware. Information technology. Entrepreneurship. Cross functional management. Internet. Boston and the operating committee were thinking about what types of new projects the IT organization should support. High technology products. Information systems. Competitive advantage. Agility. Websites. Enterprise IT at Cisco (2004) Illustrates the challenges associated with centralizing IT decisions at Cisco after a decade of decentralized planning and project funding. a major change from Cisco's legacy of Teaching Note: available entrepreneurial drive. At one end of the Pub. Management of information systems. Alison Berkley managers were starting to get frustrated with the results of their latest Wagonfeld IT initiatives. Warren When Brad Boston became Cisco's new CIO in 2001. Banks. Enterprise systems. IT prioritization and resource allocation. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Citibank's e-Business Strategy This case examines the challenges Citibank is facing in implementing for Global Corporate Banking e-business strategies. Subjects: Global business. . Commercial banking. Information technology. Andrew McAfee. The focus is on how Citibank has developed an (2008) e-business strategy that fits with its corporate business strategy. but it also needs to ensure that its single. Change management. he found that McFarlan. F. and at the other end Length: 20p are companies and small. Bank management. Technology management. Computers. Web-enabled application. Operations. global online Type: University of Hong Kong platform can serve the highly segmented market. Global economy. enterprise cooperation. Date: 9/9/2004 operating committee. centralized planning. Banking.and medium-sized businesses that are not Teaching Note: available yet ready to upgrade or transform their systems. Online retailing. High technology. Central banks. Operations management. ERP. Electronic commerce. Cisco selected three major enterprise projects Product #: 605015 that required an unprecedented level of process planning and cross- Length: 13p functional cooperation. Minyi Huang internal operations and provide more efficient customer services at lower costs. Management of information systems. and project funding. Centralization. Raises issues about change management. Centralized Length: 23p organizations. Encourages students to evaluate several Length: 16p criteria that can be used to lower ERP costs. . Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Enterprise Resource Planning The Oracle acquisition of PeopleSoft in 2005 seems like ancient Software--Ongoing history (at least in technology years). Vendor management. Date: 5/7/2008 Product #: 907E21 Subjects: Corporate governance. Subjects: Forecasting. Governance. a major at Hungary's Largest Pharma Hungarian pharmaceutical company with operations throughout Eastern Europe. Teaching Note: available Subjects: Cost control. Describes the emergence and growth of i2 Technologies and the supply chain planning software industry. This customer base is a gift that keeps on giving in Type: Richard Ivey School of the form of a lucrative maintenance stream. i2 Technologies. Enterprise Teaching Note: available systems. Strategic management. Outsourcing. Inc. Emma are: Is the current IT structure appropriate to meet the growing Incze. Production planning. In fact. other enterprise software Pub. Supply chain.000+ customer base of Mike Canniff PeopleSoft (and JD Edwards). This Teaching Note: 601143 understanding enables students to address issues like what i2 should do in the future. Jordan the coming years. and whether new competition such as SAP poses a substantial threat to i2's future success. Mathematical programming. Jasjit Singh market capitalization was in excess of $2 billion. Date: 12/7/1998 and the process that the company followed to sell and implement its Product #: 699042 software at companies. Richter: Information Technology The director of information technology (IT) at Ritcher. Discusses options that Business RFoundation PeopleSoft customers and. Operations research. One of the primary reasons that Oracle acquired PeopleSoft was to gain access to the 10. the supply chain planning software industry had annual sales of approximately $1 billion Type: HBS and was expected to grow at 57% annually. Enterprise systems. Information systems. In December 1998. Organizational structure. by extension. i2's Ananth Raman. Gyorgy Drotos. The three main considerations for the coming year Mitchell. Software. the case provides students with the Length: 21p background needed to understand why i2 was successful. Date: 7/19/2006 owners pursue to minimize enterprise resource planning (ERP) Product #: 906E12 ongoing costs of ownership. Gyorgy Vas demands of the overall organization? To what extent should IT affiliates be centrally controlled? How can IT best serve the rest of the Type: Ivey company? Pub. Operations management. is in the midst of planning for the IT department for Deborah Compeau. By describing i2's products Pub. which provides more than $1 billion in annual revenue. the PeopleSoft acquisition Maintenance Cost Benefit is not even Oracle's latest major acquisition (Siebel was acquired in Analysis September 2005). Corporate structure. identify and target its customers. SAP allowed its customers to modify their ERPs to suit their specific needs. manage its alliances. Tsang simple to implement. Outsourcing. This Ali F. changing regulations. the leading company in this space. and rapid 2006 technological innovations. Open-source software. This new strategy. however. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) SAP's Platform Strategy in In face of globalization. and a host of companies emerging in India react? Subjects: Competitive advantage. Core competence. deploy its resources. . SAP. SAP had to rethink how it would define its value proposition. Transformations. Strategy. Farhoomand. How could the company pull off this repositioning initiative? Would it be able to attract the global army of independent developers in supporting its new software platform strategy? How would the ongoing consolidation in the software industry affect the Company's new strategy? How would the main competitors such as Oracle. ERP systems providers had to reposition themselves Product #: HKU564 strategically. Microsoft. companies in the 2000s were increasingly challenged to devise and implement adaptable business models. IBM. Samuel entailed putting in place enterprise applications that were open-source. In other words. and Pub. Because traditional enterprise resource Type: University of Hong Kong planning (ERP) systems were generally complex. and easy to integrate within and without the organizational bounds. proprietary. By opening up its proprietary software products as an open development and integration platform. Platforms. would fundamentally affect the company's business architecture. Corporate strategy. ERP. configure its business processes. Globalization. faced this Length: 27p challenge by transforming itself from a closed-source software Teaching Note: available developer to an open-source software integrator. and develop and maintain its profit and growth engines. Date: 2/23/2006 difficult to install. outsourcing. so traditional Nancy Kulick. Pub. Date:10/29/1996 Product #: 697037 Subjects: Change management. Rates of return. The cost containment benefits are Type: Kellogg School of relatively straightforward to quantify. Jeff Wiemann major components: cost savings from removal of legacy applications and productivity improvements. Subjects: Behavior. Emerging technologies. IT management. Technology. Inc. ERP. Operations management. Operations. Digital technology. in the nonprofit environment of the San Diego City Schools. The school district does not generate a profit. Douglas discusses the internal processes re-design and system consolidation Papp. Instead. The system ROI is composed of two Wallace. The enterprise David Upton. Software. Consulting. Mark Jeffery. enterprise resource Return on Investment planning (ERP). Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) The San Diego City Schools: This case focuses on the challenge of quantifying the return on Enterprise Resource Planning investment (ROI) of a large technology project. Data processing. and the organizational change necessary to realize the ROI. Organizational behavior. Nanotechnology. best practices for management decision making. the case Riitters. many of the productivity and Product #: KEL174 cost-saving benefits will not be realized without personnel reductions. Finance. Andrew McAfee resource planning (ERP) software will integrate previously fragmented business processes and so must be supported by the entire client Typer: HBS organization. Tiffany Schad. Date: 1/1/2006 categorized as soft benefits. An ICS consultant considers issues at the start of a full-scale implementation of SAP software for a large client. Scott Abbott. Tim revenue enhancement arguments do not work. Reengineering. Vandelay Industries. Length: 16p Enterprise systems. . Jed enabled by the new ERP system. and many can be Pub. but do not justify the system. The Management productivity improvements are harder to quantify. Length: 18p which are especially difficult in school districts and government Teaching Note: available agencies. ERP. Manufacturing Teaching Note: 697063 strategy. Furthermore. Return on investment. Information systems. The case debrief therefore discusses the tradeoffs quantifying soft benefits and productivity improvements. Susan L. Piper. while also trying to prepare for unexpected urgent orders Randall. Product #: 604081 Length: 23p Learning Objective: To show how one company makes brilliant use of Teaching Note: available multiple information channels: subjective and objective. Date: 9/2/2004 and Daikin was caught in a stagnant market in which it was Product #: 904D18 increasingly difficult to build share by product differentiation. John Goldberg. Unprofitability was unacceptable Pub. He must also determine whether there are any other options. a global chemical company. Performance measurement. Despite these limitations. The president was Type: Richard Ivey School of concerned not only about pending losses in the current year. Inventory management. and natural disasters. Type: HBS Operations. however. Taylor processes. or exit the business. Chapter 18: Forecasting Abstract Daikin Industries The president of Daikin Industries Residential Air Conditioning Shiga Factory confronted the prospect of an unseasonably cold summer at a Chris J. Date: 5/23/2007 Product #: 107018 Length: 15p Teaching Note: available . Pub. Demand and Supply Explores the process and inputs behind financial and operational Forecasting at Air Products-. e-mail. Inditex. face-to-face. build a lower cost factory outside Japan. has built an Type: HBS Premier Case extraordinarily well-performing value chain that is by far the most Collection responsive in the industry. Supply chains. To demonstrate how information and IT support a business model. Kulp Subjects: Contingency planning. Subjects: Demand analysis. At the time of the case. to highlight the inside-out approach to selecting IT. qualitative and quantitative. Also. grapples with how to better integrate the two forecasting Shoshanah Cohen. the company Andrew McAfee. and modem. Tetsu Imigi time when the Shiga Factory had large quantities of its products in inventory in anticipation of strong summer sales. The protagonist. Date: 6/25/2004 concentrating on its operations and IT infrastructure. Anders relies on an out-of-date operating system for its store terminals and Sjoman and Vincent Dessain has no full-time network in place across stores. Pub. and phone. Demand planning. The president must decide whether to reduce the number of models. Zara's parent company. The Shiga Length: 11p Factory had been forced to use large inventories to cope with uncertain Teaching Note: available demand and a long and unwieldy supply chain. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) ZARA: IT for FastFashion Zara's CIO must decide whether to upgrade the retailer's IT infrastructure and capabilities. The case describes this value chain. but also Business Foundation about the factory's long-term survival. Disaster planning. Zahra Kanji. forecasting in the Electronic Specialty Materials unit at Air Products Electronics Specialty Materials and Chemicals. Supply chain management. and category Type: HBS management to its retail customers. Inventory management. Wholesaling. Demand analysis. Technology. Demand analysis. processes. The company provides distribution. looking across products allows Length: 9p one to pick up on things that get lost in discussing a single product. New product marketing. an intermediary in the music industry that buys recorded music and resells Janice Hammond. the need for growth. Technological innovation. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Four Products: Predicting One of the critical tasks in the marketing of new innovations is Diffusion (2006) predicting demand and rates of diffusion for those products. inventory management. Teaching Note: none Subjects: Market research. price pressure. Digital technology. retail merchandising. Focuses on four innovative products from different domains. Innovations. Handleman Co. Kevin Dolan it to mass retailers such as Wal-Mart. Supply chains. making one product a Product #: 506050 star and another a dog. Describes the organization and operations of the Handleman Co. It differentiates itself by keeping Pub. Distribution. Date: 1/18/2006 characteristics that influence product diffusion. Brainstorming. and system to support its business. Date: 4/14/2005 track of trends in the music industry and ensuring that the trends in Product #: 605024 music popularity translate to the appropriate assortments in each retail Length: 30p store. Doing so allows one to focus on the "levers" or product Pub. Although one can John T. and the advent of online music. Innovation.. Product introduction. Importantly. Subjects: Business marketing. Recounts the changes that Handleman has made in Teaching Note: none organizational structure. Emerging technologies. . Describes the challenges facing the president of the entertainment division in light of increasing product proliferation. Entertainment. it's helpful to compare and contrast diffusion across Type: HBS these products. Gourville speculate on the scope and rate of diffusion for each of these products independently. Nanotechnology. orders must be placed with Management vendors twelve or more weeks before a catalog lands on a customer's doorstep. and F. with demand for new and existing products in 2002. In many cases. Forecasting. production. Inc. operations. questions whether Collaborative Planning. Demand planning. Supply chains. L. including planning Length: 21p challenges the company continued to face. Marketing strategy. Teaching Note: available Subjects: Inventory management. Asis Martinez-Jerez. Teaching Note: 985057 Order processing. Date: 3/23/2005 management of retail promotions. Leitax (A) Leitax. L. Esteban Garriga. Forecasting. Describes the results of the introduction. Arthur Schleifer Jr. The increasing number of Product #: 105023 promotions and the complexity of the company portfolio seriously taxed Length: 12p Henkel Iberica's sales. a young digital camera manufacturer selling its cameras mainly through retailers. Rogelio Oliva. Supply & demand. customer service director at Henkel Iberica. Replenishment (CPFR) would help manage retail promotions and limit Narayanan. Bean suffers annual losses of over $20 million due to stockouts or liquidations of excess inventory. As a result. Bean. Risk management. Supply chain optimization. Date:8/3/2005 cross-functional one involving the sales.L. Describes the Laura Winig implementation and details of a consensus forecasting approach.: Item L. V.G. The forecasting approach is a Pub. Garriga believes the solution to be in CPFR. Uncertainty.L.L. Sales forecasting. Many in Teaching Note: available the organization believed the company should abandon or cut back promotions and adopt an everyday low pricing strategy. Forecasting. Problem solving. Bean must make stocking decisions on thousands of items sold Forecasting and Inventory through its catalogs. and finance Product #: 606002 functions. the Spanish subsidiary of the German Type: HBS consumer products company Henkel KgaA. a crucial part of a demand and supply planning redesign that was Type: HBS introduced to address the problem. Describes the situation facing Henkel Iberica. with respect to the Pub. Lisa Brem their impact on the stock-outs and obsolete inventory. Inventory management. and distribution systems. experienced poor matching of inventory availability Noel Watson. and commitments cannot be changed thereafter. . Cross functional management. Date: 10/27/1992 demand is uncertain are made and implemented on a routine basis. Describes Henkel Iberica's operations and provides the necessary background to discuss whether CPFR is the adequate solution for its problems. Product #: 893003 Length: 5p Subjects: Direct marketing. Subjects: Demand analysis. Provides a context in which buying Type: HBS decisions that balance costs of overstocking and understocking when Pub. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Henkel Iberica (A) In 2002. Inc. Inc. Incentives. Operations management. a large footwear retailer in the United States. Merchandising.. Also describes changes currently occurring at Nine Ananth Raman. Forecasting. International business. Date: 5/15/1998 are made at a fashion retailer and to explore how changes in the Product #: 698098 environment will impact the merchandising organization. structure. is a large international food manufacturer. but the company has Pub. . Uncertainty. Length: 17p Teaching Note: 601148 Subjects: Budgeting. The Length: 3p buyer-scheduler is uncertain why the sales are spiking and must Teaching Note: available decide what action to take. Production scheduling. and distribution for the Business Foundation year. Inventory management. Forecasting. Inventory management. Subjects: Demand analysis. and it is Product #: 904D20 now experiencing a sales increase three times greater than usual. A buyer- scheduler for the company must forecast sales demand to determine Type: Richard Ivey School of production planning. To explain how merchandising decisions Pub. Distribution. Colin Welch West and thus provides a context in which students can recommend changes to the merchandising process and the structure of the Type: HBS merchandising organization. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Merchandising at Nine West Describes the merchandising decision process (organization. Inventory control. Carol Prahinski Necanko. inventory management. Date: 12/7/2004 just come back from a three-month layoff due to slow sales. Retail Stores and incentives) at Nine West retail stores. Food. Necanko. Sales were normally predictable and stable. Barchi Peleg. it helped foster greater customer loyalty. inventory management. Uses the Toyota Prius and the Scion product lines to illustrate how Type: Stanford Graduate Toyota adjusts its demand chain to fit a particular product and its target School of Business customers. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) STMicroelectronics E-Chain In 1998. ST was likely to face several major obstacles along the way. inventory management. Supply chains. Subjects: Business to business. Distribution channels. To reap the most benefits from this investment. Forecasting. Standardization. This. such as an unwillingness of other customers to make the required initial investments. combined with high Management demand uncertainty. a new B2B system. The eChO project was Pub. Inventory management. Strategic alliances. Toyota: Demand Chain The Toyota demand chain is efficient. Planning. and Hau Lee. based on RosettaNet standards. production capabilities to create and manage its demand chain. Product #: GS42 Length: 24p Subjects: Demand planning. In addition. . allowing both business partners to improve substantially Product #: GS36 the efficiency of their internal operations and increase customer Length: 23p satisfaction while simultaneously reducing their inventory-related and Teaching Note: none other operating costs. However. Date: 3/18/2005 manufacturing and distribution infrastructure. The new solutions were to be based on School of Business a vendor-managed-inventory (VMI) model. was put in place to enable collaborative Type: Stanford Graduate planning and replenishments. Through Collaborative inefficient and disconnected manual processes were used to match Forecasting and Inventory customer demand with ST's fab capacity. Inventory Teaching Note: none management. and capacity Barchi Peleg investments. planning methodologies. Studies how Toyota uses its advanced distribution channels. Date: 12/6/2004 successful. Production planning. Operations management. The discovery process for the first implementation project took a total of three years and required significant investments from both business partners. product-mix decisions. resulted in inefficiencies in capacity utilization. Supply chain. and Management product specific. Prior to eChO. flexible. customer oriented. with a Seungjin Whang particular focus on the Japanese and the North American markets. ST had to apply the key findings and duplicate the RosettaNet-enabled business processes to other trading partners. STMicroelectronics initiated the e-Chain Optimization (eChO) Optimization Project: Achieving project with one of its major customers in a joint effort to streamline the Streamlined Operations company's planning and replenishment operations. utilizing as much as possible from its existing Pub. As part of the eChO project. Aggregate planning. newly appointed production planning manager. including executive opinion. Currently. Bill freezers. the world's leader in the genetically engineered hybrid crop-seed Francis J. Sales forecasting. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Wilkins. the Type: HBS use of linear programming to construct aggregate plans will be Pub. and air conditioners for the next year. Since the Type: HBS issues are viewed from three independent perspectives--planning. Date:1/1/1993 introduced. forecasts are based on the plant manager's. Uncertainty. and where to plant) and distribution. Linda Metzler. Planning. how much. linear Product #: 906D06 regression. Supply & demand. industry. Product #: 93D021 Length: 8p Subjects: Linear programming. Demand Forecasting more reliable means of forecasting sales demand. Operations management. Aguilar. Xin X He. production. Students are exposed Pub. is drafting an aggregate production plan for the company's refrigerators. Ultimately. Sourcing. Haywood-Farmer. This case depicts the supply-management practices--including Inc. sales/marketing manager's. Teaching Note: 893D21 Planning. Production planning. trend. Date: 9/13/2006 to different forecasting techniques. Teaching Note: available Subjects: Demand analysis. competitive strategies. She has considered Rankin three plans. Manufacturing. Pioneer Hi-Bred International. Set in the context of a supply-management planning meeting. .: Supply Management planning. and time series. Students are asked to devise better plans and to evaluate the quantitative and qualitative factors favoring them. and Carol Prahinski. and distribution--the case lends itself to role playing. Product #: 898238 Length: 15p Subjects: Agribusiness. John S. The data characteristics include Length: 12p seasonality. and distribution--at Pioneer Hi-Bred International. A Zurn Company: The newly promoted inventory manager wonders if there is an easier. Eric Olsen inventory manager's knowledge of industry trends. and sales history. Date: 4/16/1998 production. Pub. Chapter 19: Sales and Abstract Operations Planning MacPherson Refrigeration Ltd. Linear Teaching Note: 899208 programming. Inventory management. Tradeoff analysis. and random fluctuations. Paul Clark it reveals conflicting considerations in setting policies for production (what. Forecasting. The inventory manager must decide if Type: Richard Ivey School of using statistical forecasting methods would ease the forecasting Business Foundation process and make the forecasts more reliable. Toy World. Pub. Date:10/31/1991 case. California Aggregate Production Planning has received instructions from the head office to reduce inventory by 30% in the next quarter. and make a recommendation. forecast funds needs. Risk management. Learning Objective: Students must analyze the company's Type: HBS performance. Operations management. Manufacturing strategy. Piper issues include balancing the cost savings and the inventory risk. Carl Kester new bank credit arrangements. Logistics. Risk management. Teaching Note: 297118 Subjects: Financing. The second is that the company has a policy of no Type: Richard Ivey School of layoffs. Date: 11/23/1994 Introduces the pattern of current assets and cash flows in a seasonal Product #: 295073 company and provide an elementary exercise in the construction of pro Length: 6p forma financial statements and estimation of funds needs. The general manager Pub. this had been seen as a benefit to the company Jenni Denniston for a couple of reasons. Product #: 292003 Length: 6p Subjects: Financing. Production planning. Inc. Inventory management. A shift from seasonal to level production of toys will change the seasonal cycle of Toy World's working capital needs and necessitate W. Wilkins. so having inventory in stock allows the company to minimize Business Foundation the use of overtime and temporary workers. Production planning. The Thomas R. Teaching Note: 292055 Production scheduling. Carol Prahinski. over the past years. A rewritten version of an earlier case. and determining the Type: HBS appropriate approach to the bank. One is that the cost of raw materials has risen in the past year. estimating the seasonal financing need. Date:9/13/2006 wondered whether revising the production planning process would be Product #: 906D17 enough to solve Wilkins' inventory problems. Inventory management. The president of a toy company is considering the adoption of level production in a business characterized by highly seasonal sales. Length: 11p Teaching Note: available Subjects: Inventory control. A Zurn Company: The general manager of the Wilkins plant in Paso Robles. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Play Time Toy Co. Although inventory had been accumulating Eric Olsen. A rewritten version of an earlier Pub. Chapter 20: Inventory Control Abstract . Production scheduling. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Barilla SpA (A) Barilla SpA.. Teaching Note: 678033 Subjects: Beverages. Inventory management. The analysis can then shift to a more general discussion of Type: HBS the second type of error. Wholesaling. Designed to permit class discussion to begin with a consideration of Paul W. Describes support and resistance within Barilla's different Length: 21p functional areas and within the distributors Barilla approached with the Teaching Note: available proposal. Date: 9/1/1972 (ROP) techniques to a given system. Marshall. errors in calculation of the EOQ volume Drinan resulting from use of incorrect data for the input parameters of the formula. Order processing. experienced widely fluctuating demand Janice H. under which the responsibility for determining Pub. an Italian manufacturer that sells to its retailers largely through third-party distributors. economic order quantity (EOQ) as a tool in production scheduling. Hammond patterns from its distributors during the late 1980s. the misapplication of EOQ and re-order point Pub. Class discussion can conclude Product #: 673033 with student recommendations of alternative techniques which may be Length: 11p better suited to the Blanchard operation than the EOQ/ROP method. Order quantity. Inc. This case describes a proposal to address the problem by implementing a continuous Type: HBS replenishment program. Production scheduling. Logistics. Alan H. inventory and transportation costs incurred by Barilla as well as inventory costs incurred by the distributors) and to improve service levels (defined in this case as the percent of retailers' orders filled from distributors' inventory). Learning objective: Allows students to analyze how a company can effectively implement a continuous replenishment system both to reduce channel costs (in this case. one common type of mistake. Subjects covered: Distribution planning. . Suppliers Blanchard Importing and Illustration of the two main types of errors resulting from use of the Distribution Co. Date: 5/17/1994 shipment quantities to the distributors would shift from the distributors Product #: 694046 to Barilla. Plant management. Pub. Jordan of cars for the upcoming summer season.S. Product #: 605081 Business valuation. Rajiv Lal. Growth management. and at the same time Type: HBS revamp the tarnished image of the used car salesman. Earnings. Financial institutions. Austin. Statistical analysis Length: 6p Teaching Note: none .. and has no format-to-format competitor in the $375 billion used car market. its Nolan. Innovation. and describes innovations they've helped put in place. Valuation. She has to balance a desire Mitchell for high utilization versus the possibility of having to turn away clients if they request a car that is not in stock. Teaching Note: none Innovations. hence. Inventory control. Teaching Note: none David Berman Examines the decision of a hedge fund manager who is considering investing in a retail stock. Date:4/12/2005 Subjects: Inventory. Financial services. Length:19p Supply chain management. Date: 4/23/2007 Product #: 907E11 Subjects: Breakeven analysis. Pub. Operations. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Boeing Co. Investments. David Kiron CarMax is trying to do what some analysts believed to be impossible: sell used cars profitably on a national scale. Information Length: 29p systems. Supply chains. Richard L. Product #: 607130 Length: 25p Subjects: Inventory management. The group routinely creates savings equal to multiples of their Type: HBS own budge through front-lines process innovation and support of staff Pub. Shannon O'Donnell successes and failures. innovative. Explores the relationship between the Saravanan Kesavan retailer's inventory and future earnings--and. Teaching Note: available Elite Rent-a-Car The president and founder of a premier luxury car rental agency located throughout Europe must decide on the composition of the fleet Gregory S.: Moonshine Shop Describes how the "Moonshine Shop. including break-even analysis. Innovation. Brainstorming. Can be used to introduce or Type: Richard Ivey School of reinforce a number of concepts. Chronicles the history of the Moonshine Shop. the relationship between inventory level and stock price. Type: HBS Pub. Vishal Gaur. Technological innovation. Process innovation. is helping a great industrial company become more Robert D. and the new vendor model. CarMax Carmax is the largest multi-market used car dealer in the U. basic Business Foundation descriptive statistics. Creativity. Organizational change." a group of plant-savvy creative generalists. Operations management. Operations management. Stocks. retailer's inventory level. Inventory management. Hedge funds. Date: 6/15/2005 Product #: 505080 Subjects: Corporate strategy. The protagonist is concerned about the Ananth Raman. Date: 4/3/2007 on-the-floor. Zaric. G. Date: 3/1/1998 incentives. Religion & business. Supply chain management . or building Pub. Type: HBS developing more formalized inventory planning processes. Goldberg. is the Church program a good model for Ray A.: DeskJet Hewlett-Packard's (HP) Vancouver Division faced a challenge in 1990. Printer Supply Chain (A) Although its new inkjet printers were selling well. high product variety Laura Rock Kopczak. Type: HBS Learning objective: Explores the relatinship among channel Pub. Charities. subsidy for unsold inventory. In Europe. Food. including inventory level. Date: 9/25/2007 Product #: 508002 Length: 35p Teaching Note: none Hamptonshire Express Presents a series of problems that face a newspaper publisher. inventory levels worldwide were rising as sales rose. Given U. Pub. and V. Agribusiness.S. and channel performance. Natural foods. Type: HBS Agriculture. Students must make various operational decisions. Subjects covered: Inventory management. Narayanan. Marketing channels. Product #: 698053 Length: 5p Subjects covered: Inventory management. Product #: GS3A Length: 12p Learning objective: To discuss inventory analysis and/or to discuss Teaching Note: none the organizational challenges companies face in implementing supply chain solutions. Ananth commission for sales. Each problem is accompanied by one or more Raman spreadsheets. Philanthropy. effort level. Hau Lee was making inventory levels especially high. Part of their program encourages each member of the Saints Church to have a reserve food supply on hand at all times. allocation of decision rights. Eliot the country? Sherman Subjects: Inventory. and global food stock levels. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Food Security and The Church The Mormon Church focuses on self-reliance and being prepared for of Jesus Christ of Latter-day emergencies. Teaching Note: available Suppliers Hewlett-Packard Co. HP considered several ways to address the inventory issue: air-freighting printers to Europe. Date: 5/11/2001 a factory in Europe. product manufacturing Mowers: LIFO or FIFO? costs are increasing faster than competitors' costs. Codes of ethics. Inventory management. service-level criteria. Retail stores. . Retailing. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Merrimack Tractors and At Merrimack Tractors and Mowers in 2008. The owner of a single- location paper and paper products store considers the implications of Type: HBS expansion for inventory management. Length: 11p Teaching Note: available Subjects: Inventory management. Type: HBS He prepares a memo to the president explaining how inventory flow Pub. Date: 10/16/1996 Subjects: Apparel. Date: 12/9/2008 assumptions work and provides pro-forma income statements that Product #: 3217 show that. adopting FIFO would Length: 6p allow Merrimack to report higher income in 2008 than it did in 2007. for one product (reel mower units). Product #: 697017 Length: 11p Teaching Note: 697125 Paper and More (A) Provides a context and exercise for introducing retail inventory management. Department stores. The company William J. Codes of conduct. Leveraged buyouts. Bowon Kim leveraged buyout firm. Harmeling and the controller has mentioned that if the company changed from LIFO to FIFO it might be possible to maintain earnings growth in 2008. Considerations include lost Pub. Consumer goods. Bruns. Ethics. and Noel Watson forecasting in single and multiproduct settings. Northco (A) A small school-uniform manufacturer wrestles with seasonal demand. Retailers. Bruns Jr. and as a result earnings are likely to fall below those reported in 2007. Sales forecasting. Type: HBS Pub. and shelf space Product #: 606023 constraints. Date: 7/19/2005 sales. The company is saddled with excess inventory when it is bought by a Ananth Raman. Sharon president and the company controller have discussed this problem. including cost optimization. Susan S. but Teaching Note: available higher income taxes would have to be paid. Forecasting. Expansion.. Inventory. Students are required to identify ways to analyze and solve the problem. retail metrics for multiproduct settings. Subjects: International Financial Reporting Standards. Subjects: Demand planning. Second. Inventory management. identify opportunities to Teaching Note: available improve depot operations. after five years. Length: 10p Teaching Note: 103012 Chapter 21: Material Abstract Requirements Planning . Pub. Type: HBS Pub.--The The president and chief executive officer of Progistix-Solutions Inc. Incentives. supported by specific goals and objectives. determine how and where Progistix could work together with Xerox on such an initiative making additional improvements in the area of inventory management. Date: 9/13/2004 especially because competitors had adopted similar approaches. Fraser Johnson. both Business Foundation parties were interested in exploring ways to improve the network. Teaching Purpose: To demonstrate the role of incentive contracts in achieving supply chain coordination. Logistics. and stiff competitive pressure from V. has Critical Parts Network asked an analyst to prepare an annual review of the Xerox Critical Parts Network for presentation to management in two weeks. Alison president expected the analyst to review the performance of the Woodcock network and establish an improvement plan for the coming year. The P. Although Xerox and Type: Richard Ivey School of Progistix were satisfied with their relationship. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Progistix-Solutions Inc. Pricing. the analyst wanted to explore Length: 9p opportunities in three specific areas: First. Inventory control. new pricing paradigms.G. Supply chain. Third. Supply Chain Close-Up: The The owners of the Video Vault struggle to determine the optimal Video Vault stocking levels of home videos in an industry fraught with new technology. Date: 3/25/2002 Subjects: Accounting. In Product #: 905D02 preparation for the meeting. Contracts. Supply chains. improve systemwide inventory turn performance by re-examining the cut-off point for filling the technicians' trunks with inventory. Narayanan. Inventory. Operations Product #: 102070 management. Outsourcing. Lisa Brem large national chains. requires two P0X units and two P0Y units. the case presents lot-sizing techniques . P0110. ordering costs and inventory- holding costs. materials management or similar topics. least total cost and least unit cost . Techniques and concepts that can be used to address the issues in this case include MRP systems and lot-sizing techniques (lot for lot. Date: 4/11/2012 product. Learning objective: This case can be used in a core course on production and operations management under subtopics such as material requirements planning or inventory management. Operations management . economic order quantity. It provides a good illustration of a small industry in an undeveloped region that has proactively undertaken several innovative steps to improve its competitiveness. from placement to completion. the case demonstrates how a small/medium-sized organization. in addition. Teaching Note: available warehousing and processing costs of various material components by critically evaluating different techniques in practice. least unit cost and least total cost). By using an MRP system. This case analyzes how Sunita Menon's Type: Richard Ivey School of adoption of an MRP system at A-CAT Corp. Inventory management. (A-CAT) has improved the Business Foundation production-planning process. a firm can prepare a Jitendra R. economic order quantity. The case examines the intricacies of procurement. can achieve cost reduction by way of inventory management. Product #: W12868 each P0X unit needs two types of subparts: four P1X1 units and three Length: 5p P1X2 units. and to identify the opportunities for cost reduction in this industry. Tinu production plan that specifies the number of sub-assemblies that go Agrawal into the final products along with the exact timeline of an order. The case also asks readers to take a holistic view of products and their sub- assemblies. even with resource constraints. In this way.for balancing costs such as set-up costs. Using situational scenarios. Subjects covered: Decision making. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Material Requirements Material requirements planning (MRP) systems have been widely used Planning at A-Cat Corp by manufacturing firms to maintain an optimum flow of inputs for best production results. Sharma. It can also be effectively utilized in elective courses on inventory management. To make one unit of A-CAT's main Pub.including lot for lot. The case is intended to help students learn the basics of MRP systems and use lot-sizing techniques in assessing the scope for cost reduction. Cline the student must select one. He has concerns about the level of the inventory that was conducted. Date: 5/13/1992 available. Manufacturing. Materials management. Price discrimination. and the requirements of Product #: 592095 each order. knows changes are needed. Four orders are offered. Rowland T. Eric Olsen alternatives to consider. Type: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation Subjects: Inventory control. Pricing. Explores the difficulties of managing inventory as well as typical problems that occur in growing businesses. Order processing. Pub. Each order represents different order- mix/customer situation issues. Market selection. deliveries and a lack of capacity. Shapiro. A rewritten version of an earlier case. Date: 4/11/2006 Planning. The case forces the student to choose Type: HBS among the four orders. and must decide what Carol Prahinski. Production scheduling. Chemicals. Industrial markets. Length: 16p Teaching Note: 593006 Subjects: Competitive bidding. given conflicting estimates of capacity Pub. . Target audiences. Order quantity. Product #: 906D05 Length: 19p Teaching Note: available Chapter 22: Work Center Abstract Scheduling Fabtek (A) Concerns the selection and scheduling of orders by a small industrial titanium fabricator that in recent months has been plagued by poor Benson P. from which Moriarty Jr. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Wilkins. Order management cycle. Craig E.. other business likely to come along. A Zurn Company: The materials manager at the Wilkins plant in California is surprised to Materials Requirement find out that an auditor's report recommends a second annual physical Planning inventory count. Target markets. Insurance. consequently. was debating with Hines about issues ranging from the glass window specifications to the material for the gold leaf lobby ceiling. Teaching Note: 696043 Southern Pulp and Paper A paper mill's paper machines are a bottleneck in the operation. the New York-based design architect. Steven C. Scheduling. and discussions among the different companies involved in the development had intensified in the past weeks. was a 36-story. the local general contractor. The plant manager is charged with improving this Jr. but at Length: 26p this stage. Manzana Insurance: Fruitvale Deals with performance assessment and improvement of a service Branch (Abridged) operation in the insurance industry. Facilities. It was also the first time that a developer took the risk of publicly Type: HBS announcing to the Brazilian business community its intention and Pub. Subjects: Project management. Several project designs were not yet ready. The causes include poor scheduling. Hines' newest project in Rio de Janeiro. William H. Service management. the project was enmeshed in some operational Teaching Note: available complications. Includes color exhibits. Robert A. just pointed out a serious problem in the freight elevator shaft that could force Hines to modify substantial parts of the project and. Ricardo Reisen stall parking structure and a preserved 14-story historic facade. Management choices that impact response time are explored and the Type: HBS poorer performer of the two branches must decide how to respond. Pontual Arquitetura. lack of investment. Scheduling. Length: 14p Performance measurement. Wheelwright and the impact of response time on performance is suggested. Two branch offices in direct competition are described. In addition. Date: 9/4/1991 Product #: 692015 Subjects: Competition. and ineffective David Upton. a market that is highly sensitive to response time.M. Operations management. trigger a new round of required approvals. Real estate investment. Date: 4/26/1996 Subjects: Computer systems. Type: HBS Pub. Pub. Date: 7/21/2004 commitment to complete such a complex real estate project on Product #: 805001 schedule. Implementation. Bolen process control. Class AA office tower with an adjoining 420- Arthur I. Segel. situation fairly rapidly and has a number of proposals for change from which to choose. Racional. Plant management. Length: 10p Teaching Note: none . Operations management. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Hines Goes to Rio The Torre Almirante office tower. It was an impressive and unprecedented enterprise. the local production architect. Real estate. It was de Pinho completely different from anything that had previously been built in the city. Stern Architects. was concerned about the fire protection system. Product #: 696103 Manufacturing. Order processing. . Market analysis. Community development. and potential future work. Pricing. Market structure. A summary of the dynamic interaction between the players is provided in the supplement Competing for Development (C): Success. Chapter 23: Abstract Competing for Development The new country director of CHF International (CHF). and the ability to use and repair the stoves. with capacity making it impossible to accept all four. Product #: 508095 other business likely to come along. Darfur must review the successes of CHF's early interventions. given limited capacity available. Subjects: Simulation. The case forces the student Pub. Each order represents a different mix of Type: HBS labor. John T. Sustainability. Corporate responsibility.which encompasses. Craig E. Cline decide which of four orders to accept.-based (A): Fuel Efficient Stove for organization that initiated operations in Sudan with USAID funding. and its strategic interest in the fuel efficient stoves project. quality. Emerging markets. Bittersweet. the characteristics of the stoves themselves (i. Date: 9/10/2008 costs down to a tipping point where internally displaced persons (IDPs) Product #: 908M61 in Darfuri camps could afford the benefits of greater efficiency and Length: 18p convenience. Competitive bidding. Economic development. Externalities. At the time of the case. The role play supplements M0862A to M0862F will highlight several aspects of the competitive dynamics among the key players. deliveries and a lack of capacity.S. fuel efficiency). revenues. Students are asked to Business Foundation contemplate whether and how economies of scale would bring the Pub. Nonprofit sector. Nonprofits. a U. Teaching Note: none Subjects: Business to business. Marketing strategy.e. The practical Oana Branzei. Corporate social responsibility. Base-of-the-pyramid markets.000 investment in a local manufacturing Abdelnour facility that would allow CHF to scale up the production of a stove design endorsed by the Lawrence Berkeley National lab using locally Type: Richard Ivey School of tested prototypes with USAID support. in addition to fuel economies. Samer decision concerns a US$65. Date: 4/25/2008 to choose among the four orders. and the requirements of each Length: 16p order. Social responsibility. Shapiro. They also need to balance cost cutting considerations Teaching Note: available with alternative decision criteria for local development: the success of this project depends on IDPs' preference among alternative stove providers . Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Ti-Tech (A) This case concerns the selection and scheduling of orders by a small industrial titanium fabricator that recently has been plagued by poor Benson P. the engagement of the community in their production. Efficient markets. Production scheduling. Ti-Tech must Gourville. Business & society. Organizational behavior. ForeFront's parent company. including high Product #: 906D20 costs. this load of connecting Gittell. plans an initial public offering in 2007. Describes the firm's manufacturing Pub. David Lane passengers has been stressing Baltimore ground operations. Teaching Note: available allowing for a meaningful analysis of the process--e. It can be used to accompany a Elliot N. Subjects: Operations management. excessive use of overtime. resulting in an erosion of service quality and difficulties in achieving fast plane Type: HBS turnarounds--one of the key elements of Southwest's low-cost strategy. and equipment that fails to Length: 15p operate near its rated capacity. Weiss discussion of "The Goal" by Eli Goldratt. resource utilization. Organizational and change Teaching Note: available management challenges. bottlenecks. Organizational behavior. Nigel Goodwin manager with the mandate to turn the factory around. Subjects: Automation. Chapter 24: Abstract . and coordination mechanisms. As the operations manager begins his job he tours the manufacturing facilities Type: Richard Ivey School of to gather information on production processes and factors affecting Business Foundation capacity. As a consequence. Jody Hoffer designed as a point-to-point network. unreported defects. Date: 1/4/2007 Product #: UV0797 Length: 2p Teaching Note: none ForeFront Manufacturing: ForeFront Wood Products produces high-quality wooden door sets. Pub. Date: 6/21/2002 This case presents comparative data to illuminate the key elements of Product #: 602156 Southwest's operating strategy and provides detailed information about Length: 23p the activities and information flows required to turn around a plane. Date: 10/6/2006 and managerial processes. low yields. Production Processes and The company faces capacity constraints and inefficiencies resulting Change Management in from its processes and culture. cost. Service management. including high employee turnover.g. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Da Click's "Throwback" Jerseys This simple case enables students to determine production bottlenecks and perform sensitivity analyses. Southwest Airlines in Baltimore The number of connecting passengers through Southwest Airlines' Baltimore station has grown 100% CAGR since 1997. Bottlenecks. capacity. Many issues are covered. ForeFront Holdings. Production planning. Type: University of Virginia Subjects: Behavior. Piper. it struggles to be Mainland Chin profitable. It has recently hired a new operations Chris J. Darden School Foundation Pub.. and conformance. Originally Rogelio Oliva. and failure of supervisors to observe or report employee errors are also described. Production controls. A rewritten version of an earlier case. Subjects covered: Distribution. Fraser johnson. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) 3M Health Care A summer intern student at 3M Health Care must analyse the health care division's logistics systems and report her findings to the vice P. Date: 1/4/2011 quantitative and qualitative issues relating to direct distribution versus Product #: 904D08 maintaining its current supply chain structure of using valu-added Length: 12p resellers. It provides sufficient information for students to assess the quantitative and qualitative issues related to direct distribution versus maintaining its current supply chain structure of using value-added resellers (VARs). The vice president is most interested in the recommendations for the proposed changes to the Type: Richard Ivey School of existing method of distributing products to Canadian hospitals. This Business Foundation case provides sufficient information for students to assess the Pub. Viola Hoo president of 3M Health Care Markets. Logistics. Operations management. Production management. Sales strategy . Teaching Note: available Learning objective: This case provides an opportunity to explore issues related to disintermediation. while saving money. Pub. Process improvement . Customer retention. Date: 10/1/2002 Health Care Delivery Research at IHC. Customer service. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Intermountain Health Care Intermountain Health Care (IHC). its exception rates. and whether it can be achieved in other health systems. James' strategy for implementation. Teaching Note: available Subjects covered: Business process automation. Engages students in a debate about the benefits and costs of standardization in health care delivery and other service organizations that face high variability and needs for customized service delivery. as he implements new Product #: 603066 structures and systems (including a data warehouse for care Length: 23p outcomes. Organizational structure Pharmacy Service CVS's retail pharmacy operations are functioning poorly and Improvement at CVS (A) dissatisfying customers. The company must now decide how to Type: HBS Premier Case change this process. Innovation. electronic patient records. Business process reengineering. executive director of the Institute for Pub. Laura R. Information systems. Date: 12/14/2005 Product #: 606015 Learning objective: To show the tight linkages between business Length: 11p processes and IT in many operations. Also highlights an innovative strategy for creating and disseminating knowledge at the individual and organizational levels to maintain high standards in care delivery. This case explores the Collection challenges facing Brent James. clinical Teaching Note: available data support systems. To evaluate its structure. Richard Bohmer. and what information system changes to make in Collection support of the redesigned process. with the aim of boosting physician productivity and Type: HBS Premier Case improving care quality. Learning objective: To familiarize students with a clinical process- based approach to care management. and the problems generated by exceptions. Many customers are defecting as a result. an integrated delivery system based in Utah. Business processes. The approach focuses management attention not only on the facilities Edmondson. Amy C. A pharmacy service improvement team has documented the current Andrew McAfee prescription fulfillment process. Feldman where care takes place but also on physician decision making and the care process itself. computer workstations. Subjects covered: Change management. and protocols for care) designed to support clinical process management across a geographically diverse group of physicians with varying levels of interest and dedication to IHC. Information technology. has adopted a new strategy for managing health care delivery. Maister. and owner. W. Leonard A. successful business and focuses on either growth or enhanced profitability. Earl Sasser Jr. Christine results. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) University Health Services: Walk-In Clinic The walk-in clinic for general outpatient care at a major university experiences complaints about excessive waiting times. The administrator of the clinic must appraise the new system and decide what further Type: HBS Premier Case changes to make. R. Product #: 696096 Length: 12p Teaching Note: 697085 . president. Shauna changed to provide for initial screening of arriving patients in order to Doyle. Growth management. founder. Consulting. Second. Roger Hallowell Subjects: Entrepreneurship. Operations management Product #: 681061 Length: 13p Teaching Note: available Chapter 25: Operations Abstract Consulting American Nursing Services. Date: 12/1/1980 Subjects covered: Operating systems. at the same time laying the foundation for long-term Steinman performance improvement. Collection Pub. Schlesinger. Service management. P. Reengineering.N. Reengineering. Rocoo Pigneri route them to appropriate health care providers. Type: HBS Pub. Type: HBS Subjects: Change management. Facilities. Inventory Pub.K. The system is David H. First. Group the dual responsibility to both client and consulting firm. struggles with her Inc. Manufacturing. Date: 4/28/1992 Product #: 692102 Length: 22p Teaching Note: none Deloitte & Touche Consulting Examines two dilemmas often faced by an operations consultant.. the management of the often competing pressure to deliver immediate David Upton.. Scherle. Date: 4/4/1996 management. Gregory Drive Group has endured several quarters of poor financial Bounds performance and has already embarked on a number of supply chain initiatives. Type: HBS Subjects: Economies of scale. Date: 3/29/2000 Entrepreneurship. uses the Internet to Biztravel. Rosenbluth acquires Biztravel. the third largest U. and how to work with all Teaching Note: 603032 involved stakeholders. Length: 20p Reengineering. Information technology. Rosenbluth International and Rosenbluth. Organizational Pub. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) Otis Elevator: Accelerating Focuses on a major transformation of Otis Elevator's infrastructure. Information technology. Business Transformation with Led by the CEO. Human resources management. Forecasting. both internal and external. including Quantum. The transformation is the F. this transformation represents a remarkable long- IT term reengineering of all the processes of the firm to drive its operating costs down and service image up. Subjects: Business to business. Inventory management. Length: 24p Teaching Note: 800416 . a Pub. Machinery. Teaching Note: available Quantum Corp.'s Hard Disk Drive Group to evaluate Internet/IT-based approaches to improving supply chain performance. Management of information systems. The eSupplyChain group has been tasked with extending Type: HBS these and with understanding how to take advantage of eHITEX.S. continuation of a process that has been going on for more than 20 Delacey years. Date: 1/23/2001 Web-based exchange just founded by a group of high-tech Product #: 601099 manufacturers.com and integrates the customer support and Roger Hallowell logistics aspects of service delivery. The case also highlights the role of IT platforms both within and outside the firm. Electronic commerce. Warren McFarlan. Date: 9/24/2004 change. Internet. Supply chains. Travel. Technology transfer. Strategic leadership.com serve new customers with a high-service strategy. Service Product #: 800356 management. Quantum and the eSupplyChain Length: 21p group must decide which initiatives to pursue. to execute them successfully. Pub. Customer service.: eSupplyChain The eSupplyChain group has been recently formed with Quantum Group Corp. Product #: 305048 Technology management. Type: HBS Subjects: Leadership. CEO. Brian J. travel agency. The Hard Disk Andrew McAfee. marketing and information Pub. and it appears clear that the company's operations were neither. there is great Length: 28p pessimism. delivery. Date: 9/25/2001 technology. reflected in the press and the company's share price. Date: 3/18/1999 the best way to improve care and reduce costs in the midst of extreme Product #: 699154 budget pressures and a rapidly changing health care environment. Health care. At the time of the case. Mona Ashiya Recounts Webvan's history from founding through early 2001 and concentrates on the unique approaches to warehousing. Jeanette Type: HBS Ives Erickson must decide whether a model for patient care delivery is Pub. Organizational change. the mismatch between visiting operational capabilities and the operational requirements imposed by the rest of the business model appear to be severe. Type: HBS scheduling. Warehousing. Webvan Examines Webvan's operations and the processes by which it delivers groceries that were ordered from the Internet to customers' homes. and to a lesser extent. Reorganization. Richard professionals and to understand the challenges of managing change Bohmer. Management of professionals. Hospitals. Heaphy across multiple professions in the hospital environment. Length: 23p Teaching Note: 600083 Subjects: Change management. Recently promoted to senior vice president of Patient Care Services. Subjects: Electronic commerce. Supply chains. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) The Patient Care Delivery Model at the Massachusetts Examines the implementation of a new patient care delivery model at General Hospital Massachusetts General Hospital. Scheduling. In addition. Logistics. . Webvan's business model relied heavily on properly designed and executed operations. Andrew McAfee. Emily D. Also examines the rest of the Webvan business model and Product #: 602037 how it was formulated. Uses clinical and financial data to examine different choices for staffing non-physician health care Amy C. Reengineering. Food. that Teaching Note: 602052 Webvan will be able to execute its business model profitably or even stay in business. Information technology. Edmondson. Internet. WWT. along with a consulting firm. Suppliers. In mid-2004. Product #: GS53 Texas. costly. proposed an outsourcing program to the OEM: the consulting firm would perform strategic sourcing and WWT would manage the entire fulfillment cycle. . implementation. Date: 9/27/2006 ClearOrbit. and a software provider. Presents the story of a world-class automotive original Length: 32p equipment manufacturer (OEM) whose purchasing operations for Teaching Note: available maintenance. Early on in the program. Hau Lee and its supply base. Subjects: Order management cycle. as well as a consulting firm. WWT decided to partner with ClearOrbit. Supply chain management. and operations material had grown complex. a company that had recently developed an Internet-based solution for companies to manage POs. a supply chain process outsourcing company. IT-enabled supply chain collaboration and focuses ClearOrbit: Enabling Supply on supplier-manufacturer collaboration. A critical feature of this program was that it would be collaborative. and Pub. Centers on the Type: Stanford Graduate two latter companies--World Wide Technology (WWT). Planning systems. deliveries. the case describes the distinct role played by the various parties involved in the collaborative effort: the manufacturer Luis C. a rapidly growing software company based in Austin. a $2 billion School of Business supply chain process outsourcing company based in St. Order processing. it became apparent to WWT that delivering on the collaborative requirements of the program demanded the aid of specialized technological capabilities. Describes the challenges of design. Purchasing. Blancas. Web-based technologies. and invoices with a supply base regardless of size and technological resources available at each supplier. and error prone. and growth of the program. however. To assess collaboration from a Chain Collaboration holistic point of view. repair. Supply chain optimization. Case Map for Chase / Jacobs / Aquilano Operations and Supply Chain Management 13nd Edition (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin) World Wide Technology and Covers inter-firm. Louis.
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