Operator E-Jets News Rel 82

March 24, 2018 | Author: PDDELUCA | Category: Reliability Engineering, Databases, File Transfer Protocol, Aerospace, Computing



E NEWSE-JETS EMBRAER SERVICES & SUPPORT T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C AT I O N 82 OCTOBER/2013 FAMILY 82 Editor: Artur Emanuel de Barros Macedo Editorial Designer: Marcell Marra E-JETS/INFO E-NEWS is a periodic publication aimed to provide technical information to Engineering and Maintenance personnel. This edition and earlier ones can be found at Flyembraer Portal: www.flyembraer.com > Download_center > Commercial Jets > Maintenance > Technical Support > E-Jets NEWS. Should you need any additional information, do not hesitate to contact us: +55 12 3927-8495 / [email protected] Proprietary Notice The articles published in E-NEWS are for information only and are Embraer S/A property. This newsletter must not be reproduced or distributed in whole or in part to a third party without Embraer’s written consent. Also, no article published should be considered authority-approved data, unless so specifically stated. SERVICES & SUPPORT O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 SUMMARY CALENDAR TECHNICAL Choose your destination 1 Enhance your material planning Bleed Low Pressure Check Valve (LPCV) PN 1001447-6 2 Crew Oxygen Tube Service Bulletin Incorporation 3 4 ACMF Altitude Split 6 Recommended actions for Frozen Cargo Doors 6th MRBR Working Group 7 3 FOCUS ON SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH 8 9 REMINDER DID YOU KNOW? 10 eSight Data Collection Portal 11 20 .SUMMARY E M B R A E R S E R V I C E S & S U P P O R T T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C AT I O N E J E TS F A M I LY .N U M B E R 8 2 . Brazil Sheraton Rio Hotel MCW 2013 OCTOBER2013 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 . Brazil What will happen Sheraton Rio Hotel 16 Maintenance Cost Workshop Rio de Janeiro.CALENDAR E M B R A E R S E R V I C E S & S U P P O R T T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C AT I O N E J E TS F A M I LY .O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 CALENDAR E V E N TS OCTOBER 13-15 EOC 2013 World Wide Rio de Janeiro.N U M B E R 8 2 . O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 Jose Claudio S. regardless the E-Jet model the valve was originally installed in (170 or 190). Leal Technical Support (EFTC) jose. 2 . it is also important to observe that a LPCV PN -6 that has never been installed in an EMBRAER 190 model has no FH limitation when installed in a 170 model. Continuing the examples already [email protected] E M B R A E R S E R V I C E S & S U P P O R T T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C AT I O N E J E TS F A M I LY .000 FH. Embraer released SB 190-36-0023 which requires the replacement of LPCV PN -6 logging 6.N U M B E R 8 2 . It is important that this period be observed when LPCV -6 is installed in the EMBRAER 190 models.br Bleed Low Pressure Check Valve (LPCV) PN 1001447-6 As mentioned on previous E-Jets News article about the bleed low pressure check valve PN 1001447-6. br Crew Oxygen Tube – Service Bulletin Incorporation In the beginning of 2012.com. 3 . Embraer issued the service bulletin SB170-53-0100 / SB190-53-0061 in September 2012 which provides instructions to: + Inspect the oxygen tube surface for any sign of chafing/damage. APPLICABLE TO PART II Embraer recommends the accomplishment of the SB within the next 5. + Replace the oxygen tube with a new one if any sign of chafing/damage is found on the tube surface. the inclusion of this bulletin accomplishment in your schedule maintenance is recommended.000 Flight Hours after accomplishment of PART I. It’s important to remember that the compliance of this bulletin is: APPLICABLE TO PART I Embraer recommends the accomplishment of the SB within the next 600 Flight Hours after the release date of the SB.O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 Claudia Santos de Oliveira Technical Support (EFTC) claudia.santos@embraer. Current incorporation data (July 2013) shows that the service bulletin was accomplished in only 16% of the affected fleet. Being so.TECHNICAL E M B R A E R S E R V I C E S & S U P P O R T T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C AT I O N E J E TS F A M I LY . In order to ensure a correct clearance between the crew oxygen tube and the aircraft structure. Embraer received some field reports of chafing between the crew oxygen tube and the aircraft structure at frame 15 and stringer 21R. Investigations revealed that this may occur due to insufficient clearance between the oxygen tube and the aircraft structure.N U M B E R 8 2 . + Replace/install the tube support in order to increase the gap between the tube and the aircraft structure. TECHNICAL E M B R A E R S E R V I C E S & S U P P O R T T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C AT I O N E J E TS F A M I LY . The database will be stored on the CMC module through the normal procedure of software database loading named DLS (Data Loader System).N U M B E R 8 2 .Altitude Split Embraer and UTAS-SIS are jointly investigating the ADS Altitude Split events The acronym ACMF stands for Aircraft Condition Monitoring Function.com. 4 message0255Enabled-1 none message0258Enabled-1 none message0106Enabled-1 none message0107Enabled-1 > > > > Rising Rising Rising Rising or MsgEnabledBLEEDLEAK . This function works based on information stored in a database which is not part of its software but a separated database file in a dedicated memory partition of CMC.O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 ACMF . This database is used by the ACMF software to collect data from ASCB when the trigger condition defined on the database occurs. A new database will not impact on any functionality already in use on the Maintenance System as the ACMF software is already running on the CMC and just new triggers are going to be included in the [email protected] M2_Exclusive_Params_Part2 M1_M2_Common_Data M2_M3_Common_Data M2_M4_Common_Data M1_M2_M3_Common_Data M1_M2_M3_Common_Data_part2 M2_M3_M4_Common_Data M1_M2_M3_M4_Common_Data M1_M2_M3_M4_M6_Common_Data MsgEnabledBLEEDLEAK BLEED_X_LEAK_Report The database is similar to the one already installed on the CMC module that collects trend data for engines. The database loading already has a specific task in the AMM (TASK 45-45-00-470-801-A) that will be used to load the database. M2_Exclusive_Params Rodrigo de Sousa Frutos Technical Support (EFTC) rodrigo. please send a message to eftc. The installation time through DLS is about 5 minutes and the download time takes less than one minute per report.TECHNICAL E M B R A E R S E R V I C E S & S U P P O R T T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C AT I O N E J E TS F A M I LY .Altitude Split The data can be downloaded without impacting regular maintenance procedures. The data collection campaign is planned to occur until Dec/2013 with the possibility to be extended for a couple of months. The purpose of the ACMF – Altitude Split is to determine possible improvements in the fault isolation logic minimizing maintenance impacts and NFF number due to unnecessary removals.com.N U M B E R 8 2 .br. The procedure to collect reports from CMC already exists in the AMM Part II (TASK 45-45-00-970801-A). In order to determine if the improvements can be implemented the field data collection is the reference for the investigation.O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 ACMF . Operators interested in participating in this campaign.2 or higher version and applicable only to Pentium M. 5 . avionics@embraer. The ACMF – Altitude Split is compatible with Load 23. All updates about this topic can be followed through FUP 170-52-016 available at Embraer EFORUM. Embraer has analyzed all comments and best practices in the field and decided to release in September of 2013 the SNL 170-52-0024 and SNL 190-52-0019 providing most of these recommendations.O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 Emerson Teixeira Technical Support (EFTC) [email protected] Recommended actions for Frozen Cargo Doors Embraer has received inputs from the field regarding the difficulties to operate the cargo door during hard winter. 6 + + + Cargo Door Freezing . During the second session of the FIRST . Along this season. customers suggested some practices and recommendations that have been effective.N U M B E R 8 2 .TECHNICAL E M B R A E R S E R V I C E S & S U P P O R T T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C AT I O N E J E TS F A M I LY . the water at the surround door freezes and keeps the mechanism stuck which prevents the normal operation.com.Field Issues Ranking Support Tool. Basic 2 tasks optimization will be the scope of the 2014 meetings. The Optimization Project has until now completed 25% of Systems. the Working Group will meet again for the last meeting of 2013.N U M B E R 8 2 . The meeting counted with 44 attendees from around the world.br 6th MRBR Working Group As part of the Instruction for Continued Airworthiness requirements and the Optimization Project. on top of the remaining Basic 1 tasks. 31% of Structure and 50% of Zonal Basic 1 tasks. 4 regulatory authorities and 25 Embraer staff members to provide technical support to the meeting. including the review of the reliability of Basic 1 tasks. including 15 operators’ representatives. 7 . Some Basic 1 tasks will be part of the 2014 agenda.com. 2013.O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 Armando Chieffi Maintenance Support armando. which will include the ISC meeting to validate the WG analysis performed in 2012 and [email protected] E M B R A E R S E R V I C E S & S U P P O R T T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C AT I O N E J E TS F A M I LY . the MSG-3 Working Group met in São José dos Campos from September 9th to 12th when many MRBR tasks were discussed. From November 4th to 8th. the installation of such components can not be performed. B3 and B4)[email protected] E M B R A E R S E R V I C E S & S U P P O R T T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C AT I O N E J E TS F A M I LY . B2.br Don’t waste time.com.br. please send an e-mail to material.. This list provides the most accurate information to help Customers prepare for heavy checks and was built according to MPD and Customers feedback that have already done these checks. support. For further information about the Attaching Parts and Maintenance Check List.O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 Rodrigo Martins de Almeida Material & Logistics rodrigo. After mapping the attaching parts that can impact on a delay during the aircraft maintenance. the Material Support Engineering developed a list linking the components with its respective attaching parts according to AMM procedures. gaskets.com. Enhance your material planning! AttacHinG Parts List During the removal/installation procedures. some components of the aircraft such as valves and actuators require attaching parts (o-rings.engineering@embraer. cotter pins.). Maintenance CHeck List The Material Support Engineering also has made available a reference list of parts to be used in heavy checks (B1. If the necessary quantity of these parts is not provided. 8 .. etc.N U M B E R 8 2 . CF34-10E SB 79-0008 R00 OIL .Service Evaluation Inspection of Low Oil Pressure Switch (LOPS). 28th two Service Bulletins providing new procedures to inspect operational characteristics of the LOPS and to check if it is functional: + CF34-8E SB 79-0008 R00 OIL . This monitoring will be re-activated in 2014 with proposed full authority digital electronic control (FADEC) SW 5.3 (Pentium II configuration) and 25.br Reminder GE issued on Aug.O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 Victor de Andrade Nunes Technical Support (EFTC) victor.flyembraer.REMINDER & DID YOU KNOW? E M B R A E R S E R V I C E S & S U P P O R T T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C AT I O N E J E TS F A M I LY .Engine Oil Pressure Transmitter (OPT) All Engines listed in the Service Bulletins effectivity have LOPS [email protected] Evaluation Inspection of Low Oil Pressure Switch (LOPS).2 eliminated the monitoring of LOPS signal in 2008.Oil System Sensing Components (77-41-02) . it is a category 7 Service Bulletin and GE recommends that you do this Service Bulletin at customer convenience/option. Additional information of the oil system indication can be found on FlyEmbraer (www. The information has to be sent to GE as specified in the Service Bulletin.5 (Pentium M configuration).50 (CF34-10E) and 5.60 (CF34-8E) and MAU SW 25. .Oil System Sensing Components (77-41-02) . According to GE Compliance and Interchangeability Statements. however Embraer modular avionics unit (MAU) software (SW) 21.com.N U M B E R 8 2 .com): 9 + FlyEmbraer > Support Center > E-Forum > E-Jets\ Technical > FIP > Powerplant > ATA79 . that Embraer released an SNL and an advanced revision of improved AMM task about Landing Gear vibration 10 The SNL 170-32-0032 MAIN LANDING GEAR – SIGNIFICANT VIBRATION (SHIMMY) is already available on FlyEmbraer and brings detailed information and pictures to identify and address high vibration (shimmy) on the landing gear. Also.N U M B E R 8 2 .O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 Hugo Valério Dutra Technical Support (EFTC) [email protected] Did you know? .R. the advanced revision of the AMM Task 05-50-24 LANDING GEAR VIBRATION/SHIMMY INSPECTION/CHECK (A..REMINDER & DID YOU KNOW? E M B R A E R S E R V I C E S & S U P P O R T T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C AT I O N E J E TS F A M I LY . .com. 05-01) was released to incorporate all details shared on the SNL above mentioned. the eSight program was created to integrate the process of Data Collection and treatment. as well as to provide to the Customer useful and dynamic Reliability information in charts. How can we improve the Data Collection process and reduce the lead time to prepare and process these data? Even though the Fleet Reliability Engineering team has been working for some time to improve this process with good results.br 11 + On-time Fleet Performance Monitoring. tables and graphs. generating appropriate financial results. So. there is still room for improvement. + .FOCUS ON E M B R A E R S E R V I C E S & S U P P O R T T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C AT I O N E J E TS F A M I LY . + Customized Reliability Charts and Comparisons. Ricardo Henrique Palermo Gomes Fleet Reliability Engineering ricardo. This project will bring the following benefits to its users: + Data Integration & Time Efficient Data Treatment.com.N U M B E R 8 2 .O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 eSight Data Collection Portal The Fleet Reliability function is to monitor the aircraft performance in terms of reliability using as reference field operational indicators and pointing out items that can be implemented in order to add values to the Customer and Embraer businesses.palermo@embraer. it is necessary to collect and compile data from all Embraer Customers and Operators. In order to reach these goals in the best possible way. FOCUS ON E M B R A E R S E R V I C E S & S U P P O R T T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C AT I O N E J E TS F A M I LY . After the Data Upload. validate. + Interruptions Data. 12 the eSight development. process and generate visibility in an On-Time basis. + Service Bulletin Accomplishment data. If any error is found. the system validates the information based on the SPEC 2000 Chapter 11 rules or previously created Standard Rules that the Fleet Reliability Team raised at the time of Data Upload Interface . The user can choose to correct this error or to continue the Data Upload process ignoring this error: The process starts with the Customer upload of Reliability data through the FlyEmbraer portal or the installation of an application to collect the data from his Database and automatically send them to the Fleet Reliability team through the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). + LRU Removals and Installations. The eSight will be capable to receive and process the following type of information: + Aircraft Utilization (Flight Hours and Cycles). + Logbook Reports (PIREP’s and MAREP’s).N U M B E R 8 2 .O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 eSight Data Collection Portal DATA COLLECTION PORTAL The Data Collection Portal was developed to automatically receive. a warning will be showed with information regarding where and why the error was found. such as Flight Hours and Cycles records. the Fleet Reliability team will classify these data based on the fleet size of each operator (The time required for each fleet size will be defined).N U M B E R 8 2 . For data that need a specific classification. This process will work as follows: 13 .O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 eSight Data Collection Portal During this step.FOCUS ON E M B R A E R S E R V I C E S & S U P P O R T T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C AT I O N E J E TS F A M I LY . and which does not have any kind of problem will reflect all indicators related to them. such as Interruptions and LRU Removals. all data which does not need any type of classification. N U M B E R 8 2 . the following features can be found at the eSight Data Collection Portal: 14 Fleet Operational Summary .FOCUS ON E M B R A E R S E R V I C E S & S U P P O R T T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C AT I O N E J E TS F A M I LY .O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 eSight Data Collection Portal In addition to the Data Upload functionality. FOCUS ON E M B R A E R S E R V I C E S & S U P P O R T T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C AT I O N E J E TS F A M I LY .N U M B E R 8 2 .O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 eSight Data Collection Portal + Dispatch Metrics Evolution chart: 15 . FOCUS ON E M B R A E R S E R V I C E S & S U P P O R T T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C AT I O N E J E TS F A M I LY .O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 eSight Data Collection Portal + Schedule Reliability x Daily Utilization (Bubble) chart: 16 .N U M B E R 8 2 . O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 eSight Data Collection Portal + Upload History.N U M B E R 8 2 .FOCUS ON E M B R A E R S E R V I C E S & S U P P O R T T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C AT I O N E J E TS F A M I LY . where the user can download all files that were uploaded to the eSight: 17 . FOCUS ON E M B R A E R S E R V I C E S & S U P P O R T T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C AT I O N E J E TS F A M I LY .N U M B E R 8 2 . where it is possible to export all data that was compiled and classified in the SPEC 2000 Chapter 11 standard: 18 .O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 eSight Data Collection Portal + Data Export. Embraer will contact them to inform about the Access Clearance process until October/2013.N U M B E R 8 2 . the SR/CR/OT is already available to all Embraer users. With the eSight implementation. customers who share data with Embraer will benefit from the access to Embraer E-Jets and ERJ’s worldwide reliability data in a user-friendly way. as well as few Operators. For those Customers that do not have access to this tool. Embraer will continue to develop reliability tools to make the data collection more robust and benefit those airlines willing to automate this process.O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 eSight Data Collection Portal Besides these futures. We hope you enjoy this new tool! 19 .FOCUS ON E M B R A E R S E R V I C E S & S U P P O R T T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C AT I O N E J E TS F A M I LY . 000th E-Jet in September 2013. . consolidating its leadership position worldwide: 50% market share and 62% of deliveries in the segment of jets with capacity up to 130 seats.SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH 1.000 reasons to celebrate in less than 10 years Embraer delivered the 1. .+ If you enjoy taking pictures and have some nice shots from Embraer commercial jets in your archive. please share with us and you may be surprised in the next E-Jets edition. unless so specifically stated. do not hesitate to contact us: +55 12 3927-8495 / technical. This newsletter must not be reproduced or distributed in whole or in part to a third party without Embraer’s written consent. SERVICES & SUPPORT .support@embraer. Also. no article published should be considered authority-approved data.Should you need any additional information.com.br Proprietary Notice The articles published in E-NEWS are for information only and are the Embraer S/A property.
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