Operations Management



Chapter 5Multiple Choice 1. Project success will be determined in large part by _____ a) familiarity with project management software. b) producing nice looking reports for management. c) thinking carefully through activities and estimating their durations. d) determining exact estimates of activity durations. e) the skill sets of the project team. Ans: C 2. Confidence in project estimates will be highest _____ a) before the project begins. b) early in the project. c) once the team members are assigned. d) later in the project. e) when the business case is complete. Ans: D 3. Which of the following processes of Scope Management Process centers on defining and documenting the stakeholders’ needs to properly manage expectations? a) Collect Requirements b) Define Scope c) Create Work Breakdown Structure d) Validate Scope e) Control Scope Ans: A 4. Which of the following processes of Scope Management Process defines what work will and will not be included in the project? a) Collect Requirements b) Define Scope c) Create Work Breakdown Structure d) Validate Scope e) Control Scope Ans: B 5. To be effective, each project phase should provide at least ___ deliverable(s). a) one b) two c) three d) as many as needed e) a project phase does not need to produce a deliverable Ans: A 6. The _____ is a narrative description of the product, service, or Information System. a) Request For Proposal b) Scope Boundary c) Deliverable Structure Chart d) Statement of Work e) Request For Bid Ans: D 7. What defines what will be, and will not be, part of the project work completed by the project team? a) Request For Proposal b) Scope Boundary c) Deliverable Structure Chart d) Statement of Work e) Request For Bid Ans: B 8. All of the following are included in the Project Scope except: a) business case b) project charter c) project plan d) deliverable structure chart e) all are included Ans: D 9. The first step in accurately estimating an IT application is to _____. a) determine the size b) determine available resources c) determine project budget d) set the project deadline e) determine project constraints Ans: A 10. The concept of actors is an integral part of: a) Deliverable structure chart b) Use case diagram c) Work breakdown structure d) All of these e) None of these Ans: B 11. The _____ helps to identify the main functions or features of the system and the different users or external systems that interact with the system. a) Deliverable structure chart b) Use case diagram c) Work breakdown structure Which of the following processes of Scope Management Process provides confirmation and formal acceptance that the project’s scope is accurate.d) All of these e) None of these Ans: B 12. and supports the project’s goal? a) Collect Requirements b) Define Scope c) Create Work Breakdown Structure d) Validate Scope e) Control Scope Ans: D 13. The term scope creep is best described as: a) a project team's inability to define the project's scope b) a fundamental change in project scope c) the project slowdown caused by changes in the project MOV d) increasing featurism e) a scary mouthwash salesman . complete. Which of the following processes of Scope Management Process ensuring that controls are in place to manage proposed scope changes once the project’s scope is accepted? a) Collect Requirements b) Define Scope c) Create Work Breakdown Structure d) Validate Scope e) Control Scope Ans: E 14. a) sequence b) tasks c) action item d) milestone e) deliverable Ans: D 18. The significant event at the conclusion of each phase is called _____. Changes in the scope boundary are handled through a _____.Ans: D 15. Continuously agreeing to project changes is an example of: a) scope leap b) scope creep c) scope grope d) project scope growth e) scope washout Ans: B 16. Which of the following processes of Scope Management Process decomposes or divides the major project deliverables into smaller and more manageable components? . a) Change Control b) hallway discussion c) work package d) project status meeting e) e-mail Ans: A 17. In the WBS context. b) The WBS should support the project's MOV c) The WBS should be developed by the project manager.a) Collect Requirements b) Define Scope c) Create Work Breakdown Structure d) Validate Scope e) Control Scope Ans: C 19. a crux is best described by which of the following: a) a risk metric b) a phase gate c) evidence of a phase completion . d) The WBS provides a framework for developing a tactical plan to structure the project work. e) The WBS provides a bridge or link between the project’s scope and the detailed project plan Ans: C 20. Which of the following statements about the work breakdown structure (WBS) is not true? a) The WBS provides a hierarchical structure that outlines the activities or work that needs to be done in order to complete the project scope. The Work Breakdown Structure is subdivided into smaller components called: a) work packages b) milestones c) deliverables d) tasks e) activities Ans: A 21. A significant event or achievement that provides evidence that a deliverable is complete is called a _____ a) work package b) phase c) milestone d) checkpoint e) phase gate Ans: C Difficulty: Easy Ref: THE WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE (WBS) 23.d) a deliverable e) a proof of concept Ans: E Difficulty: Easy Ref: THE WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE (WBS) 22. An estimation technique characterized by schedule and cost estimates of how long something should take or should cost. a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating . a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Ans: D . _____ can be a very effective estimating technique by forcing examination of project risks so that specific budget or schedule targets can be achieved.e) Bottom-Up Estimating Ans: D Difficulty: Easy Ref: PROJECT ESTIMATION 24. a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Ans: D Difficulty: Easy Ref: PROJECT ESTIMATION 25. This estimation technique may be driven by an upper management mandate. With _____. activity estimates are usually provided by the team members.Difficulty: Easy Ref: PROJECT ESTIMATION 26. person-weeks. a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Ans: E Difficulty: Easy Ref: PROJECT ESTIMATION . or person-months for each module best describes a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Ans: E Difficulty: Easy Ref: PROJECT ESTIMATION 27. An estimation technique characterized by the dividing the project into smaller modules and then directly estimating the time and effort in terms of personhours. _____ is the most common.28. real-world method of estimating projects. a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Ans: A Difficulty: Easy Ref: PROJECT ESTIMATION . a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Ans: E Difficulty: Easy Ref: PROJECT ESTIMATION 29. An estimation technique characterized by picking numbers out of the air or "ballparking". a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Ans: C Difficulty: Easy Ref: PROJECT ESTIMATION 31.30. An estimation technique characterized by the recruitment of multiple experts who provide rounds of estimates until a consensus estimate emerges. which may lead to burnout. a team has two weeks to complete a task and at the end of two weeks work on that task ceases. . a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Ans: C Difficulty: Easy Ref: PROJECT ESTIMATION 32. _____ may result in long hours and frustration for the project team.g. e. An estimation technique characterized by the allocation of a timeframe for a specified activity. a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Ans: B Difficulty: Easy Ref: PROJECT ESTIMATION 34. _____ can be very effective and provide reasonable assurance when the stakes are high and and the margin of error is low. a) Guesstimating . The _____ estimation method usually costs more and takes longer than other methods.a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Ans: B Difficulty: Easy Ref: PROJECT ESTIMATION 33. Which of the following processes of Scope Management Process centers on defining and documenting the stakeholders’ needs to properly manage expectations? a) Collect Requirements b) Define Scope c) Create Work Breakdown Structure d) Verify Scope e) Control Scope Answer: A 36. Which of the following processes of Scope Management Process defines what work will and will not be included in the project? a) Collect Requirements b) Define Scope c) Create Work Breakdown Structure d) Verify Scope e) Control Scope Answer: B .b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Ans: B Difficulty: Easy Ref: PROJECT ESTIMATION 4th edition chapter 5 and 6 below: Multiple Choice 35. complete.37. Which of the following processes of Scope Management Process provides confirmation and formal acceptance that the project’s scope is accurate. and supports the project’s goal? a) Collect Requirements b) Define Scope c) Create Work Breakdown Structure d) Verify Scope e) Control Scope Answer: D 39. Which of the following processes of Scope Management Process decomposes or divides the major project deliverables into smaller and more manageable components? a) Collect Requirements b) Define Scope c) Create Work Breakdown Structure d) Verify Scope e) Control Scope Answer: C 38. Which of the following processes of Scope Management Process ensuring that controls are in place to manage proposed scope changes once the project’s scope is accepted? a) Collect Requirements b) Define Scope c) Create Work Breakdown Structure d) Verify Scope e) Control Scope Answer: E . What defines what will be. Which of the following items is not included in the Deliverable Definition Table ? a) Deliverable b) Resources Required c) Work Performed By d) Approval Needed By e) Structure Answer: C (p. All of the following are included in the Project Scope except: . part of the project work completed by the project team? a) Request For Proposal b) Scope Boundary c) Deliverable Definition Table d) Statement of Work e) Request For Bid Answer: B (p. service. and will not be. 139) 43. 136) 42.40. The _____ is a narrative description of the product. a) Request For Proposal b) Request For Information c) Deliverable Definition Table d) Statement of Work e) Request For Bid Answer: D 41. or Information System. 138) 44. A Data Flow Diagram: a) is used to design the database data model.a) business case b) project charter c) project plan d) deliverable structure chart e) all are included Answer: D (p. a) project scope statement b) project charter c) project plan d) deliverable structure chart e) deliverable definition table Answer: D (p. _____defines all project-oriented deliverables to be provided by the project team. . b) shows who is responsible for developing the system. a) project scope statement b) project charter c) project plan d) deliverable structure chart e) deliverable definition table Answer: E (p. 139) 46. c) is useful for refining the scope boundary and defining what the system must do. 138) 45. d) helps define the features and functionality of the system. _____helps to define detail work packages that will be used to estimate the project schedule and budget. Answer: C (p. a) Data flow diagram b) Use case diagram c) Joint application development session d) Deliverable structure chart e) Deliverable definition table Answer: B (p. The term scope creep is best described as: a) a project team's inability to define the project's scope b) a fundamental change in project scope c) the project slowdown caused by changes in the project MOV d) increasing featurism e) a scary mouthwash salesman Answer: D 50. 141) 48. The _____ helps to identify the main functions or features of the system and the different users or external systems that interact with the system.e) shows the process used to operate the system. Continuously agreeing to project changes is an example of: a) scope leap b) scope creep . 141) 49. 140) 47. The concept of actors is an integral part of: a) Data flow diagram b) Use case diagram c) Joint application development session d) Deliverable structure chart e) Deliverable definition table Answer: B (p. a) Change Control b) hallway discussion c) JAD session d) project status meeting e) e-mail Answer: A 52. 147) 53. Changes in the scope boundary are handled through a _____. All change requests are recorded in _____. Which of the following is a product-oriented scope definition tool? a) context level data flow diagram b) deliverable structure chart c) deliverable definition table d) work breakdown structure e) none of the above Answer: A .c) scope grope d) project scope growth e) scope washout Answer: B 51. a) project workbook b) post-it notes c) access database d) project scope log e) change control log Answer: E (p. 154) 3. Project success will be determined in large part by _____ a) familiarity with project management software. Which of the following statements about the work breakdown structure (WBS) is not true? a) The WBS provides a hierarchical structure that outlines the activities or work that needs to be done in order to complete the project scope. 153) 2. e) The WBS provides a bridge or link between the project’s scope and the detailed project plan Answer: C (p. b) The WBS should support the project's MOV c) The WBS should be developed by the project manager. d) determining exact estimates of activity durations. d) The WBS provides a framework for developing a tactical plan to structure the project work. The PMBOK® area called project time management includes all of the following except: a) Define Activities b) Assign Activities c) Estimate Activity Durations d) Develop Schedule e) Control Schedule Answer: B (p. . c) thinking carefully through activities and estimating their durations.4th edition chapter 6: Multiple Choice 1. b) producing nice looking reports for management. d) later in the project. Answer: D (p. A significant event or achievement that provides evidence that a deliverable is complete is called a _____ a) work package b) phase c) milestone d) checkpoint . 155) 6. The Work Breakdown Structure is subdivided into smaller components called: a) work packages b) milestones c) deliverables d) tasks e) activities Answer: A (p. e) when the business case is complete.e) the skill sets of the project team. Answer: C (p. Confidence in project estimates will be highest _____ a) before the project begins. b) early in the project. c) once the team members are assigned. 154) 4. 154) 5. b) clearly defining 100 percent of deliverables before beginning the project. 156) 9. To be effective. 155) 8. The 100 percent rule relates to___ a) the next level decomposition of a WBS element must represent 100 percent of the work applicable to the parent element. a) one b) two c) three d) as many as needed e) a project phase does not need to produce a deliverable Answer: A (p. c) ensuring that project requirements remain fully static over the course of the project. a crux is best described by which of the following: a) a risk metric b) a phase gate c) evidence of a phase completion d) a deliverable e) a proof of concept Answer: E (p. 155) 7. e) resource requirements needed to complete the project. In the WBS context. d) everyone’s project performance will impact the project. .e) phase gate Answer: C (p. each project phase should provide at least ___ deliverable(s). b) guaranteed project delivery. Answer: D (p.This estimation technique may be driven by an upper management mandate. a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Answer: D (p. 161) 12.An estimation technique characterized by schedule and cost estimates of how long something should take or should cost. 159) 10. e) there can never be too much detail. a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating .Answer: A (p. 159) 11.Too much detail in the WBS can lead to _____ a) clearly specified objectives. d) micromanagement. c) time constraints. An estimation technique characterized by the dividing the project into smaller modules and then directly estimating the time and effort in terms of personhours. activity estimates are usually provided by the team members._____ can be a very effective estimating technique by forcing examination of project risks so that specific budget or schedule targets can be achieved. a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Answer: E (p. 161) 14. or person-months for each module best describes a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Answer: E (p. 161) 13. 162) . person-weeks.Answer: D (p. 162) 15. a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Answer: D (p.With _____. a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Answer: E (p._____ may result in long hours and frustration for the project team. . a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Answer: A (p.An estimation technique characterized by the allocation of a timeframe for a specified activity. real-world method of estimating projects. 162) 17. 160) 18.16. e._____ is the most common. 161) 19.g. a team has two weeks to complete a task and at the end of two weeks work on that task ceases.An estimation technique characterized by picking numbers out of the air or "ballparking". which may lead to burnout. a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Answer: C (p. a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing .a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Answer: C (p. 161) 20._____ can be very effective and provide reasonable assurance when the stakes are high and and the margin of error is low. 160) 21.The _____ estimation method usually costs more and takes longer than other methods. a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Answer: B (p. 160) 22. a) Guesstimating b) Delphi Technique c) Time Boxing d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Answer: B (p.An estimation technique characterized by the recruitment of multiple experts who provide rounds of estimates until a consensus estimate emerges. a) determine the size b) determine available resources c) determine project budget d) set the project deadline e) determine project constraints Answer: A (p._____ focuses on the processes._____ refers to a broad range of measurements for objectively evaluating computer software. 164) 26. a) Software engineering b) Metrics c) Estimation d) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) e) Heuristics Answer: B (p. 163) 25. tools. 163) 24. and methods for developing a quality approach to developing software. a) Software engineering b) Metrics c) Estimation d) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) e) Heuristics Answer: A (p.An entity in an Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) would be considered an: . 160) 23.d) Top-Down Estimating e) Bottom-Up Estimating Answer: B (p.The first step in accurately estimating an IT application is to _____. 166) 28.A management report and its accompanying graphs would be considered an: a) Internal Logical File (ILF) b) External Interface File (EIF) c) External Input (EI) .A screen that allows the user to input information using a keyboard and a mouse would be called an: a) Internal Logical File (ILF) b) External Interface File (EIF) c) External Input (EI) d) External Output (EO) e) External Inquiry (EQ) Answer: C (p. 165) 27.a) Internal Logical File (ILF) b) External Interface File (EIF) c) External Input (EI) d) External Output (EO) e) External Inquiry (EQ) Answer: A (p. 166) 29.An entity or data set that includes customer names and addresses that is maintained by another application system would be called an: a) Internal Logical File (ILF) b) External Interface File (EIF) c) External Input process (EI) d) External Output (EO) e) External Inquiry (EQ) Answer: B (p. d) External Output (EO) e) External Inquiry (EQ) Answer: D (p.Something that includes a combination of inputs and outputs for retrieving data from either the internal files or from files external to the application would be called an: a) Internal Logical File (ILF) b) External Interface File (EIF) c) External Input (EI) d) External Output (EO) e) External Inquiry (EQ) Answer: E (p. 166) 31. e) takes into account the complexity. c) would have a similar value for a program written in Assembler as would the same program written in Visual Basic. . b) is a superior method of measuring programmer productivity. constraints. and influencers of a project.LOC in a software application program a) can be used to illustrate the fact that experienced programmers tend to write more code than novice programmers would in coding the same project. 164) 32. d) is easier to count once the program is written than it is to estimate how many lines of code will be actually required to write the program. 166) 30. Answer: D (p.Function points in a software application program a) can be used to illustrate the fact that experienced programmers tend to write more code than novice programmers would in coding the same project. d) are a high-level analysis of the application requirements. _____ projects are routine where the technology. 165) 33. c) is simpler because it does not need to consider user requirements. and people are expected to work together smoothly. a) organic . 169) 35. _____ projects are challenging in that they may support a new business process or area that is new to the organization.With COCOMO. a) organic b) embedded c) detached d) semi-detached e) restrained Answer: A (p. 169) 34. Answer: E (p. d) CHECKPOINT e) SLIM Answer: A (p. processes. a) COCOMO b) LOC c) HEURISTICS. e) focus on the functionality and complexity of an application system or module.b) is a superior method of measuring programmer productivity._____ is a parametric model using dependent variables based upon one or more independent variables that are measures of performance or physical attributes of the system.With COCOMO. _____ are rules of thumb used to estimate the current project based on prior project experience. 169) 37.With COCOMO. a) Heuristics b) COCOMO c) LOC d) FPA e) Derivatives Answer: A (p. 169) 36.b) embedded c) detached d) semi-detached e) restrained Answer: B (p. 170) . _____ projects are somewhat challenge and may integrate new processes and technology. a) organic b) embedded c) detached d) semi-detached e) restrained Answer: D (p.
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