#OperationPayback - 2010-12-15

March 25, 2018 | Author: Vincent Kershaw | Category: Denial Of Service Attack, Crimes, Computing And Information Technology, Internet, Computer Crime



Session Start: Wed Dec 15 00:00:06 2010 Session Ident:#OperationPayback [00:00] <TheMINd> I'm writing a response to the video he did aboutus [00:00] <SCP> He actually said gut. I always thought it was invented by Colbert. [00:00] <Vanzetti_> I'm a positive anarchist [00:00] <TheMINd> http://www.urlesque.com/2010/12/14/glenn-beck-operation-paybac k/ [00:00] <fathed> fathed, in fact, yesterday, Judge Napalatano came on his show t o DEFEND Assange. [00:00] * Nebukadnezar ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:00] * cale ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:00] <fathed> how i just talked to myself lol [00:01] * xacs ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [00:01] * _emkey_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [00:01] <TheMINd> Yeah the Judge has been defending assange pretty hard [00:01] <k0mplk2> http://venturebeat.com/2010/12/14/wikileaks-roundup-assange-gr anted-bail-but-still-jailed-3-hackers-arrested-air-force-blocks-access-to-cables / [00:02] <%Finn-Riggins> REDMOND, WAâ In what CEO Bill Gates called "an unfortunate bu t necessary step to protect our intellectual property from theft and exploitatio n by competitors," the Microsoft Corporation patented the numbers one and zero M onday. [00:02] <~root> 3 hackers arrested? [00:02] * Vandel ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [00:02] <mugu> glenn beck used to be funny before he had hemroids [00:02] <~root> I know Jero and that other fag [00:02] * Aronimous ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [00:03] <~root> But... a third? [00:03] <EtherWhack> imagine when he gets a walker [00:03] <%Magix> Which fag? [00:03] <~root> Finn-Riggins: That's from The Onion [00:04] <~root> Oh [00:04] <~root> Tapanaris [00:04] * Mean ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [00:04] * Meanman ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [00:04] <~root> is the third [00:04] <k0mplk2> no third i think is alex tapanaris the greek that wrote the st atements [00:04] <k0mplk2> the asshole forgot to remove the metadata from the pdf [00:04] <mendax87> #operationpaperstorm [00:04] <[B]R0T35k0[R]> puedo-dejar-un-psybnc [00:05] <~root> Funny how the media reports on a fucking Pastebin [00:05] * oznik ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:05] * Aronimous ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon -mIRC www.anonops.net ) [00:05] * gwz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [00:05] * theindie ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [00:05] * inFern0 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: inFern0 ) [00:05] <k0mplk2> that because i fuck everyone here with the virtualmachine stuf f [00:05] <Nebukadnezar> Hypocrites: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004FNYG7G/r ef=cm_cr_rev_prod_title?tag=533633855-20 [00:05] * theindie ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:06] <k0mplk2> lol have you seen the picture in the article? [00:06] * phaedra ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [00:06] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [00:07] <k0mplk2> haahahahahhahaa [00:07] <k0mplk2> hahahaah [00:07] <k0mplk2> he is looking the processor fan [00:07] <xacs> :)) [00:07] <%Finn-Riggins> :D [00:07] <k0mplk2> hahah [00:08] * skiz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [00:08] <k0mplk2> oh my god that makes my day [00:08] * venuism ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [00:08] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +o venuism for #OperationPayback [00:08] <k0mplk2> i cant stop hahaahah [00:08] * atonium2028 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping time out ) [00:08] * phre ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:09] * Jowanaz ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ChatZil la 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014] ) [00:10] * running-out-of-nicks ([email protected]) has jo ined #OperationPayback [00:10] <k0mplk2> watch out army! anonymous can hit you from your motherboard [00:10] <theindie> !up [00:10] <TheMINd> http://www.urlesque.com/2010/12/14/glenn-beck-operation-paybac k/ [00:10] <theindie> :D [00:11] <TheMINd> guys what do we say to beck's claims that we're revolutionarie s [00:11] <theindie> wrong window [00:11] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [00:11] <cale> http://pandalabs.pandasecurity.com/ LOL What. how is that a blac khat seo attack [00:11] <k0mplk2> glenn is right we can hide behind processors fans [00:11] * nW44bb ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [00:12] <vbt> im in you ... [00:12] * ryke ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe ) [00:12] <Vanzetti_> TheMINd: say some of us are and some arnt that's the truth [00:12] * Aerokes ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [00:13] <vbt> some will be first against the wall when the revolution comes [00:13] * psychonautlib ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [00:13] * cale ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [00:13] * nobody_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:13] <vbt> morguh [00:13] * Wera1 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:13] <ptitz> we are no revolutionaries [00:13] * S ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:13] <fathed> there certainly are revolutionaries and anarchists here, yes. [00:13] <fathed> but all of anon isnt one [00:13] * nicobis ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Sto andando via ) [00:13] * SCP puts war paint on face [00:13] <Vanzetti_> Right [00:14] <ptitz> all we did so far was crashin a bunch of websites and generatin some lulzy pictures [00:14] * Unbeliever ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:14] * Aethermx ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [00:14] * Unbeliever ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback () [00:14] <ptitz> and epic manifestos [00:14] <EtherWhack> k0mplk2 the other guy in fatigues is looking at the keyboar d while picking it up [00:14] <k0mplk2> were like the french resistance! heterogenous [00:14] <theindie> ptitz: and caused a media blitz [00:14] * rmx ([email protected]) has left #OperationPaybac k [00:14] <spudrospard> sup [00:14] <spudrospard> http://www.osnews.com/story/24136/_quot_FBI_Added_Secret_B ackdoors_to_OpenBSD_IPSEC_quot_ [00:14] <k0mplk2> hahahahaha stop i ll piss my pant off [00:14] <ptitz> ye but the blitz is really over nothing [00:14] <Aerokes> Anyone see today's XKCD? [00:14] <EtherWhack> like wtf is this, i cant work this with my thumbs [00:15] <Aerokes> http://xkcd.com [00:15] <SCP> I think the cable summaries are pretty praiseworthy. [00:15] <ptitz> like i said, all we dis was ddosing a bunch of websites [00:15] <SCP> It goes beyond the lulzy pictures and the ddosing. [00:15] <ptitz> and the media was like.... omfg its haxxorz [00:15] <ptitz> were doomed [00:15] <fathed> I love how in the article it says the Right pits kids against a dults. its "what they do" which is lolable. The left does the exact same thin g. [00:15] <Aerokes> ptitz they called it a war for gods sake [00:15] <_ikke_> Aerokes: I was waiting when xkcd would make a comic about it [00:16] <fathed> Gore to Children: Question Your Parents' Climate Beliefs as We Questioned Segregation [00:16] <theindie> okies.. i can die happy now.. anon is on xkcd [00:16] <theindie> and i was there to see it [00:16] <Aerokes> ... Damnit jullian [00:16] <vbt> (c) [00:16] <k0mplk2> ptitz meanwhile there re brave soldier there , searching for h unt us behind proc fans , we ll be strong [00:16] <theindie> ptitz: i think that just blasted your arguments outta shape. xkcd [00:17] * nW44bbb ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [00:17] <k0mplk2> i put that fucking picture as wallpaper [00:17] * mt1mma ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [00:17] <vbt> everyone knows you should look behind the computer, it not called a backdoor for nothing [00:17] <k0mplk2> haahahaha [00:17] <Vanzetti_> Lol [00:18] <ptitz> ye xkcd. look for alt text [00:18] <ptitz> it sums up my point [00:18] <k0mplk2> im dying haahhhhhahahaha [00:18] * mrsass ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: mrsass ) [00:18] * anon6754 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [00:18] <_ikke_> haha lol [00:18] <k0mplk2> hey ptitz are you a soldier? [00:18] <SCP> I wonder if a real internet war will ever happen. [00:18] <SCP> ...naah [00:19] <k0mplk2> that touchs ? [00:19] <k0mplk2> hahahhahaha [00:19] * mudpit ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [00:19] <anon6754> Rozza, are you in jail yet? [00:19] <anon6754> http://pastebin.ca/2015256 [00:19] <vbt> very likey [00:19] <k0mplk2> i have lots of fans here if you need [00:19] <k0mplk2> hahhaahah [00:19] <yaahman> guess he is just making sure that there is no small green dwar fs inside operating the thing [00:19] <anon6754> Ryan Noble (Fake Alias: Rozza Crosby) [00:19] <anon6754> 22 Elizabeth St Campbells Creek Victoria, Australia [00:19] <anon6754> +61.0434050450 [00:19] <anon6754> (+61) 354724588 [00:19] * anomong_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [00:19] <anon6754> [email protected] [00:19] * anon6754 was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Stop fl ooding!) [00:19] <[B]R0T35k0[R]> jajja [00:19] <mudpit> what was the last target? [00:20] <k0mplk2> hahhahhahhaah [00:20] <ptitz> ima soldier sure [00:20] * mendax03 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:20] <ptitz> but like someone said today [00:20] * b50d ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:21] <ptitz> we made some scary manifestos but we are yet to live up to them [00:21] * h3ckbyt3 ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayb ack (changing nickname) [00:21] <ptitz> and we keep making these manifestos [00:21] <SCP> force for chaotic good. Oh lol [00:21] * hackbyte ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [00:21] <hackbyte> good morning from hamburg/germany ;) [00:21] <Vanzetti_> We need a rl protest/riot [00:21] <Vanzetti_> IMHO [00:21] * pshifter ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [00:21] * anomong ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [00:22] <FLiech> so... the mission accomplished thing... wtf have we accomplishe d exactly? [00:22] <pshifter> lot of media attention [00:22] <pshifter> lawlz [00:22] <Brickwall> News coverage for one [00:22] <Brickwall> Support for our cause [00:22] <b50d> !hive [00:22] <@cuntX> THE HIVE is not accepting any volunteers right now. Mission acc omplished. [00:22] <pshifter> notoriety [00:22] <FLiech> media attention is a mean to get support [00:23] * anon1984 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [00:23] <FLiech> support is useful as means to get further goals accomplished [00:23] * k0mplk2 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [00:23] <vbt> if it's the right kind of attention [00:23] * Juan ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC w ww.anonops.net ) [00:23] <FLiech> doesn't matter [00:23] * Rashvid7564 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Roo ms â ¢ iPhone IRC Client â ¢ http://www.roomsapp.mobi ) [00:23] <vbt> wrong kind of attention gets wrong kind of support [00:23] * hi2per ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [00:23] <FLiech> we're never supposed to be a voice of majority [00:23] <SCP> Are we getting attention from less crazy news outlets? [00:23] <[B]R0T35k0[R]> en-mexico-tambien-hay-apoyo-amigos [00:23] <FLiech> we're supposed to be a pissed off minority [00:24] <pshifter> "bad publicity is good publicity" [00:24] <[B]R0T35k0[R]> ;) [00:24] * b50d ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [00:24] <FLiech> exactly [00:24] * k0mplk2 ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [00:24] * mudpit ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://www. mibbit.com ajax IRC Client ) [00:24] <pshifter> people respond to brands [00:24] <FLiech> there's plenty of people that will be quite happy with the caus e no matter what the publicity [00:24] <vbt> attention on ddos attacks will just give you more script kiddies [00:24] <FLiech> the more the better :P [00:24] <Brickwall> We were annoying to the people we wanted to annoy which is p retty much all you can do without getting a long time in jail [00:24] * rox ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:25] <k0mplk2> attention vbt, last ppl that said that was hacked (gawker) [00:25] <vbt> over here you are able to get 6 years they say [00:25] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Connectio n reset by peer ) [00:25] * g00z ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:25] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [00:25] <unanymous> http://i52.tinypic.com/2ufqc94.jpg [00:25] <FLiech> with the growth that we were getting... it could've been 10k by the end of december [00:25] <pshifter> leakspin seems to be the new way to go however [00:26] <k0mplk2> ppl that are afraid of consecuence should not be here vbt [00:26] <unanymous> yeah shifting away from the ddos stuff should be better [00:26] <TheMINd> currently working on an open letter to glenn beck PST for pira tepad link [00:26] <FLiech> meh [00:26] <FLiech> other spin-offs are good [00:26] <unanymous> k0mplk2: there's a difference between legal dissent and ille gal dissent [00:26] <pshifter> show us link when you have it up [00:26] <vbt> get those people to digg articles to get them ranked or something [00:26] <FLiech> but the main focus should be something that's relatively easy t o do and "angry" [00:26] * skiz ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:27] * Karli ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:27] <k0mplk2> yes i think that anonymous provides different option for every one [00:27] * Vanzetti__ ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [00:27] <pshifter> attacking .gov's is kind of pointless [00:27] * hurf ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [00:27] <FLiech> why attack gov's? [00:27] <k0mplk2> you re in the channel called operationpayback [00:27] <pshifter> no one browses those sites [00:27] <pshifter> no commerce disrupted [00:28] <FLiech> and you won't bring them down anyhow [00:28] * mt1mma ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [00:28] * nobody_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [00:28] <Brickwall> Symbolic [00:28] <k0mplk2> none attack gov sites [00:28] <FLiech> attack fucking com's. [00:28] <FLiech> tonnes of them [00:28] * Cyberpolice ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [00:28] * g00z ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [00:28] <yaahman> many .gov site do host civil services though [00:28] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping time out ) [00:28] <mugu> TheMINd, you're a huge faggot btw [00:28] <pshifter> yep follow the yellow brick road [00:28] <unanymous> is it really symbolic for a tree to fall in the woods when n o one is around? [00:28] <unanymous> will it make a sound? [00:28] <pshifter> errr gold-paved road [00:28] <mugu> just write the fucking letter [00:28] <Brickwall> .gov sites are prepared [00:28] <mugu> you don't need an audience or help writing it [00:28] * hurf ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [00:29] <k0mplk2> gov sites are annoying too [00:29] <unanymous> attacking a gov site is like going in to a honeypot [00:29] * DeLaTchonga ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Adeus, pequeninos!!! ) [00:29] <FLiech> keep doing small but loud attacks [00:29] * FLiech was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Don't use bolds on this channel!) [00:29] * FLiech ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:29] <pshifter> or walking into a police station with a loaded gun [00:29] <FLiech> lol :) [00:29] <vbt> hehe [00:29] * running-out-of-nicks ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [00:29] <unanymous> yeah [00:29] <k0mplk2> oh fuck i m starving, [00:29] <TheMINd> mugu: I didn't want to keep the fun to myself. I know a lot of people disklike Mr. Beck. [00:30] <pshifter> a lot of brainwashed zombies love him [00:30] <unanymous> gun supporters don't wave their guns around in front of or i nside of government buildings to show thier support for private gun ownership [00:30] <k0mplk2> ok i need pizza so c u later guys [00:30] <FLiech> unanymous: they do at public rallies [00:30] <Brickwall> True [00:30] <FLiech> and everywhere they're permitted [00:30] <Vanzetti__> unanymous: what about those tea party rallies [00:30] <unanymous> right but they don't do it near the offices and disrupt the commerce [00:30] <fathed> unanymous, only where it's legal. and if its legal, its legal so who cares. [00:30] <SCP> TheMINd, you run operationleakspin.org right? [00:30] * the8thbit ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [00:30] <pshifter> all fat/gross/diseased looking white people [00:31] * k0mplk2 ([email protected]) has left #OperationP ayback [00:31] <TheMINd> SCP: no [00:31] <unanymous> ok let me rephrase it [00:31] * DarK-OnE ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [00:31] * mendax03 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [00:31] * AboveandBeyond ([email protected]) has jo ined #OperationPayback [00:31] * playerx ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [00:31] <unanymous> gun supporters don't wave their guns around inside of govern ment buildings and disrupt the commerce to show thier support for private gun ow nership [00:32] <FLiech> they would [00:32] <fathed> I cary my gun every single day. I carry it to the rallies I at tend. It's 100% legal. [00:32] * anon43636366 ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [00:32] <Brickwall> o_O [00:32] <unanymous> would they fire their guns at people working in a gov buildi ng? [00:32] <FLiech> if they felt their "rights" are threatened and they thought the y could get away with it [00:32] <Brickwall> We're not exactly shooting people here [00:32] <FLiech> they definitely would [00:32] * lalo ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping time out ) [00:32] <FLiech> we're having a sit-in [00:32] <Vanzetti__> FLiech: true fucking story [00:32] <unanymous> imagine this is a tron world where the people heal later, bu t are unable to work and are 'stunned' for as long as people shoot them with the ir hypothetical guns [00:32] <mugu> we should bury irc servers packed in cosmoline out in the desert [00:32] * lalo ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [00:33] <Brickwall> Except its not even like that because people can still do th ings. The Internet is not the whole world to them. [00:33] <aNone> guys... anyone here a native speaker that is NOT english, spanis h or german? and feel secure in spelling & grammar? we needz your help in #anonn ews. not even that much work... 30-60 minutes [00:34] * bakunin ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [00:34] <unanymous> is it really fair? [00:34] <SCP> We don't want to disrupt the world anyway, or make people not be a ble to do things. [00:34] <ptitz> i speak russian [00:34] <Brickwall> Is it really fair tha they are cenosring Wikileaks [00:34] <unanymous> "we don't like how you support censorship... so we're censor ing you!" [00:34] <SCP> Otherwise we'd have attacked different IPs and caused the cards to stop working. [00:35] <Brickwall> Is it fair that Trend Micro marked wikileaks.org as dangerou s [00:35] <Nebukadnezar> flooding im #target [00:35] <Vanzetti__> unanymous: I see no problem with censoring censorers [00:35] <unanymous> hypocracy much? [00:35] <l> lol [00:35] * lalo ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping time out ) [00:35] <Brickwall> unanymous got a better idea? [00:35] * lalo ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [00:35] <vbt> rating of dangerous for a virus is bad for journalism i'd say it's the best rating you can get [00:36] * anon43636366 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http: //www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client ) [00:36] <TheMINd> t is convenient to blame poor little Julian Assange, the cyber kind who published the leaks that someone stole. He is now a martyr to the brat brigades who occupy basements and attics, keeping the company of others similar ly occupied with virtual life. [00:36] * nicobis ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:36] <TheMINd> The holdouts in the media, this is how they see us [00:36] <TheMINd> They will continue to see us this way [00:36] <TheMINd> Until we move out into the analogue [00:36] <Vanzetti__> unanymous: the same way I see no problem with trying to pre vent Nazis or skinheads from meeting [00:36] <TheMINd> So get your masks, Gentleman, and lets go. [00:36] * anon_nbrado ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [00:37] * l ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [00:37] <unanymous> Vanzetti__: that's not what I'm talking about [00:37] * AnonBR ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [00:37] <TheMINd> Vanzetti__: as long as they aren't hurting anything they have the right to free speech. [00:37] * lidl0r ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:37] <unanymous> Brickwall: there are protests and flash mobs being organized , as well as people putting out flyers and posters [00:37] * gegergeg ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [00:37] <SCP> Perhaps we should stage some nonmasked protests once in a while. [00:37] <TheMINd> Vanzetti__: If any one group has the power to decide that the minority cannot speak, then that majority becomes a tyrant. [00:37] <TheMINd> SCP: no no no [00:37] <FLiech> TheMINd: you are aware that we have about a couple thousand sup porters right now ALL OVER THE WORLD? [00:37] <TheMINd> SCP: the masks are the brand [00:38] <Brickwall> Yes we are doing that, we are not DDoSing stop complaining a bout DDoSing if we are not DDoSing [00:38] <TheMINd> FLiech: yes, its not enough :) [00:38] <FLiech> few hundred in biggest cities [00:38] <unanymous> actual action out on the feild seems to be better than sitti ng back and participating in "couch potato activism" [00:38] <unanymous> Brickwall: lol [00:38] <unanymous> you asked me if I had "a better idea" [00:38] <FLiech> the whole idea behind DDoS was to gather support, and it was wo rking [00:38] <fathed> It's true. Real life protesting is better in a lot of ways. [00:38] <unanymous> now you turn this around on me [00:38] <Vanzetti__> unanymous: agreed we need real life protest [00:38] <FLiech> then for some reason bush-like mission accomplished [00:38] <FLiech> wtf was that mission? [00:38] <Brickwall> And you were complaining about it before [00:39] <unanymous> so [00:39] <unanymous> you asked me a loaded question to defame me? [00:39] <TheMINd> FLiech: It was just their way of telling people to hold off [00:39] * mrmad83 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [00:39] <Brickwall> So stop [00:39] <FLiech> TheMINd: and people lose interest... it's internet. If you're n ot visible - you're dead [00:39] <FLiech> we're down from over a thousand to 354 now [00:40] * mrguser ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [00:40] <TheMINd> FLiech: its 3am in the states. [00:40] <FLiech> I know [00:40] <vbt> is down [00:40] <Brickwall> Yeah, aren't there people on other servers? [00:40] <FLiech> well... depends on a state :) [00:40] <TheMINd> DDoSing is a bad idea right now [00:40] <TheMINd> its counterproductive [00:40] <SCP> DDoSing was always a bad idea. [00:40] <FLiech> it's press generating and mostly safe [00:41] <TheMINd> and DDoSing for DDoSing's sake is fucktarded [00:41] <Brickwall> I agree [00:41] <FLiech> I loved your blackfax idea, that was great press-generator [00:41] <TheMINd> FLiech: well its turned to being bad press [00:41] <Naxo> yeah [00:41] <lidl0r> Ddos is not that goos, ack [00:41] <Naxo> the blackfax was good [00:41] <FLiech> it doesn't matter! [00:41] <Naxo> =D [00:41] <tabs> http://www.techwatch.co.uk/2010/12/14/anonymous-starts-fax-attack s/ ? [00:41] <Brickwall> Can I see the articles to do with the blackfaxing? [00:41] <Brickwall> ah thanks [00:41] <FLiech> we're not trying to win world's hearts and minds [00:41] <TheMINd> I don't think we saturated the potential of GoGo GaGa [00:41] <mrguser> black faxes can be blocked so fax gore or leaks or porn [00:41] * anon_ru ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [00:42] <FLiech> we're trying to muster the most people we can [00:42] <FLiech> to influence [00:42] <unanymous> we already have a lot of people, most of them are just aslee p for now [00:42] <Naxo> to win soldiers [00:42] <Naxo> xD [00:42] <SCP> To influence, you need to win hearts and minds. [00:42] <unanymous> a crapload of stuff is planned for the 18th [00:42] <FLiech> we're not running for presidency, we're building an influence g roup [00:42] <unanymous> and yes, isn't it defeating the purpose of even trying if we don't win people's hearts and minds? [00:42] <FLiech> "internet rights" if you will [00:42] <unanymous> "influence group" [00:42] <unanymous> a think tank? [00:42] <SCP> If people disagree with the cause because they don't know what it is really about, then they won't join. [00:42] <Naxo> i think if we are going to ddos´s something, we must choose it caref ully [00:42] <Naxo> :/ [00:43] <Naxo> and have a good servers structure [00:43] <FLiech> Naxo: agreed [00:43] <TheMINd> Here: Do this all fucking day long if you need to. Call radio stations across the country http://imgur.com/jKpwx [00:43] <FLiech> no gov or media or anything [00:43] <FLiech> but for fucks sake, no sitting on our asses either [00:43] <TheMINd> 100% legal, and if we flood it, it will get us attention [00:43] <Vanzetti__> Actions speak louder than words. We need propaganda by the deed [00:44] <TheMINd> Right now, everyone is waiting for everyone else to take their next move [00:44] <TheMINd> the government is waiting for us to start DDoSing again [00:44] <Brickwall> Tense [00:44] <Vanzetti__> And ddos was a good example of that [00:44] * la_mad_moiselle ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [00:44] <TheMINd> trying to figure out how to get assange into the US [00:44] <FLiech> TheMINd - DDoSing was so easy, a 12-year-old could do it [00:44] <yaahman> loves the idea of carrier pigeons pooping through paypal offic e windows [00:44] <TheMINd> and our Admins into prison [00:44] <mrguser> ddosing needs to be done but only in organized controlled burs ts [00:44] <FLiech> not many people will call their radiostations [00:44] <SCP> More like the media and the credit card companies are. I don't kno w if the government really cares. [00:44] * johan ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [00:44] <TheMINd> hmmmm guys [00:44] <TheMINd> naw that'd be mean [00:45] <SCP> But, we do have the media. [00:45] <SCP> We're giving them stuff to say. We're making their jobs. [00:45] <pshifter> propaganda [00:45] <SCP> They love us. [00:45] <pshifter> good idea [00:45] <Naxo> lol [00:45] <Naxo> some defaces? [00:45] <FLiech> media only cares about news [00:45] <Naxo> a deface on cnn would be grat =D [00:45] <pshifter> shallow news, at that [00:45] <FLiech> if we give them news - they love us [00:45] * mrguser ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [00:45] <TheMINd> No defacing. [00:45] <TheMINd> no attacks on media [00:46] <Naxo> D= [00:46] <TheMINd> no attacks on government [00:46] <FLiech> if we sit here and bitch, they have nothing to write about [00:46] <unanymous> no censorship [00:46] * AnAnon ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [00:46] <Naxo> themind: you dictator? [00:46] <lidl0r> No, they are loving witch-hunting [00:46] <Naxo> xD [00:46] * register ([email protected]) Qui t ( Ping timeout ) [00:46] * johan ([email protected]) has left #Operation Payback [00:46] <unanymous> FLiech: bored or impatient? http://i52.tinypic.com/2ufqc94.j pg [00:46] <TheMINd> Naxo: i'm not the one one who agreed on those rules [00:46] * Sparxter`bsy ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [00:46] <TheMINd> The moment we attack a private person, or the government, and ESPECIALLY the media [00:46] * LocaLaura ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [00:46] <TheMINd> we lost ALL fucking credibility [00:46] <vbt> !rules [00:46] <FLiech> unanymous: I've seen it, great. I've never suggested attacks on govs [00:46] * owen ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [00:46] <Brickwall> Get ready for Operation Paperstorm or work on Operation Leak spin if you need something to do [00:47] * xain ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:47] <SCP> Definitely no attacks on media. That sends the exact opposite of w hat we want to say. We want the press to exist. This is a movement *for* the fre e press. [00:47] <unanymous> FLiech: well, it's more or less the general "lets attack x a lready!" [00:47] <FLiech> SCP: Exactly! [00:47] <SCP> We need the media to quote someone who actually accurately represe nts anon. [00:47] * emotA_Home ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [00:47] <SCP> Someone who says that they don't represent or lead anon, and that nobody does. [00:47] <FLiech> unanymous: I DON'T CARE WHO! As long as we're not just sitting here [00:47] <unanymous> we should be careful about that [00:47] <FLiech> we're dying here, very quickly [00:48] <Naxo> themind: take it easy man, i´m with your thinking way, i dont reeall y want to attack media or govs, just asking [00:48] <Naxo> =D [00:48] <SCP> Instead of this fight club thing. [00:48] <lidl0r> Thehehe @ pic [00:48] * nigs ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [00:48] * jMn ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:48] <Vanzetti__> FLiech: agreed [00:48] * Attila ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [00:48] <FLiech> if this continues we'll have 20 people here in a week [00:48] <FLiech> and those 20 will quickly be v& [00:48] <SCP> Also, I find it paradoxical for any media to oppose wikileaks. [00:48] <yaahman> there can only be one sort of target - the reason why we all a re here: its the banksters [00:48] <Vanzetti__> We should pick an unofficial target [00:48] <TheMINd> FLiech: Chill OUT [00:48] <SCP> They are the free press. Wikileaks is the free press. [00:48] <unanymous> we need to do something but it doesn't need to be an attack [00:48] * viva_la_rev ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [00:49] <unanymous> we could just spread info or otherwise just inform people ab out stuff [00:49] <FLiech> TheMINd: I'm perfectly chill [00:49] <TheMINd> FLiech: I just pointed you to this: http://imgur.com/jKpwx IF EVERYONE does it, then we will get press [00:49] <SCP> If Wikileaks can be censored it's a small step towards media censo rship. [00:49] <AnAnon> We shouldn't attack untill after Operation Paperstorm. [00:49] <Brickwall> #OperationPaperStorm [00:49] <unanymous> is that a call for ceasefire? [00:49] <FLiech> TheMINd: maybe. for a day [00:49] <Vanzetti__> The people who want to attack should and the people who dis agree should do something else [00:49] <unanymous> lol [00:50] <SCP> Well if we are going to do that we need a time. [00:50] <SCP> And a day. [00:50] <TheMINd> Vanzetti__ YEah we should just go full retard [00:50] <Vanzetti__> That is what being in a decentralized group means [00:50] <Naxo> we need... weed! [00:50] <SCP> Sometime distant in the future enough for everyone to get the memo . [00:50] <[B]R0T35k0[R]> #Mexico-conexioN [00:50] <SCP> Close enough that it keeps the news flowing. [00:50] <Vanzetti__> People doing different courses of actions [00:50] <fathed> i need a new RAID card. anyone have a 3ware card for sale? [00:50] <mendax87> http://nautilusmagazine.blogspot.com/2010/12/esclusivo-operat ion-payback-ita-governo.html [00:50] <TheMINd> Blackfax was GREAT [00:51] <Naxo> yeah [00:51] <FLiech> yeah [00:51] <TheMINd> there are other things we can do beside DDoS [00:51] <Vanzetti__> Agreed [00:51] <FLiech> TheMINd: stop attacking the strawman [00:51] <Naxo> i really got fun sending faxes it [00:51] <Naxo> lol [00:51] <SCP> Hey that GoGo Gaga thing almost sounds like the xkcd. [00:51] * AnAnon ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [00:51] <Vanzetti__> But we shouldn't just have a media circle jerk either [00:51] <SCP> jamming the phone lines. [00:51] <FLiech> noone says STOP EVERYTHING, we're back to DDoSing [00:51] <fathed> make a new political party. [00:51] <SCP> xkcd becomes reality again? [00:51] * Mean_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [00:51] <FLiech> DDoS is a complimentary, background thing to the rest of the sh it [00:52] <FLiech> just to keep press generated, to give stuff to fill those newsp aper pages with [00:52] <TheMINd> FLiech: I'm arguing that DDoS isn't a good strategy right now. I'm arguing that we can't just assume that DDoS will work at every point in ti me, that the press we get from DDoS is going to always be a good thing [00:52] <FLiech> blackfax is awesome [00:52] * toxology ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: toxology ) [00:52] <FLiech> TheMINd: we're already connected to DDoS [00:53] <FLiech> we'll always be "the DDoSers" [00:53] * FireDemon ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [00:53] <fathed> register 50 domains, and become your own media outlet, back lin king each other to get #1 hits on search engines. [00:53] <Brickwall> The press will get bored with reporting again and again abou t DDoS, they need fresh things [00:53] <FLiech> skiddies, whatever [00:53] <TheMINd> FLiech: I know, but we don't have to continue it. [00:53] <SCP> The problem is, and again, DDoS is a bad idea, the problem is the press wants to see attacks, wants to see fear, etc. They want to connect us to s ensational stuff. [00:53] <SCP> what is something sensational, but good, that we can associate our selves with? [00:53] <TheMINd> How about his? Do people have a bit of money? Lets send ball oons and flowers to Ajay Banga at Mastercard [00:53] <unanymous> lol [00:53] <FLiech> :] [00:53] <Naxo> lol [00:53] <TheMINd> or pizza [00:53] <TheMINd> or chinese food at lunch [00:53] <Naxo> pizza! [00:53] <Vanzetti__> ... [00:53] <anon_ru> lol [00:53] <unanymous> it sounds like Operation One Dude is in full effect [00:54] <Brickwall> Pizzza [00:54] <SCP> lols [00:54] * FKz ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:54] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +o FKz for #OperationPayback [00:54] <FLiech> again - now you're restricting Operatio Payback to US [00:54] * FireDemon ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [00:54] <Naxo> but the joke is that he has to pay for the things we send himç [00:54] <Naxo> =D [00:54] <SCP> Send me some of the pizza guys [00:54] <SCP> send balloons and flowers en masse to glenn beck [00:54] <Naxo> yeah, we have to choose more international targets [00:54] <Naxo> :/ [00:54] <FLiech> and to a very small group of dedicated activists [00:54] <unanymous> SCP: not the pizzas, but the pizza delivery guys? [00:54] <@FKz> #Forum <-- AnonOps official forum [00:54] <FLiech> if you can come up with something that is as simple as LOIC and press-generating [00:55] <FLiech> I will be 100% with you [00:55] * Mean ([email protected]) Quit ( Killed (root (Reques ted)) ) [00:55] * g00z ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:55] <SCP> how about those porn pizza guys [00:55] <SCP> like ten at once. [00:55] <Brickwall> IRL protests are pretty good [00:55] * torto ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [00:55] <Naxo> lol [00:55] <TheMINd> a stripper? [00:55] <SCP> (jk) [00:55] <Naxo> stripers? [00:55] <Naxo> lol [00:55] <SCP> irl protests are press gathering. [00:56] * nato ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:56] * c4 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:56] * Aerokes ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://www .mibbit.com ajax IRC Client ) [00:56] <Vanzetti__> Irl protests are in the works right? I went to the truth is revolutionary meeting today and went to the op daylight irc but neither of them were really talking about rl stuff [00:56] * Mean_ ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [00:56] * FKz sets topic to: OPERATION PAYBACK - http://www.justiceforassange.co m http://twitter.com/Op_anon http://808chan.org/tpb | Target: Mission acomplishe d! | Hive + Chat: irc.anonops-irc.org | See: #Setup #Forum #Target #WikiLeaks #P ropaganda #RadioPayback #Protest #Lounge | reporters: we're not hackers [00:57] <tabs> Why are we waiting, isnâ t the news that Bradley Manning is being tort ured by his guards not enough to warrant an attack now? https://twitter.com/ggr eenwald [00:57] * Meanman ([email protected]) Quit ( Killed (root (bai )) ) [00:57] * TheMINd shudders [00:57] <FLiech> tabs: sure, but whom? [00:57] * Mean ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [00:57] <TheMINd> tabs: we are working on manning: http://imgur.com/jKpwx.png [00:57] <FLiech> US Gov't? That's windmills [00:58] <TheMINd> Guys, if you want to support manning: http://imgur.com/jKpwx.p ng [00:58] <alientroll> no proof he is being tortured yet? [00:58] * g00z ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [00:58] <unanymous> jr [00:58] <@FKz> show your support, register on the forum ---> #Forum [00:58] <tabs> good point... but someone needs to pay. [00:58] <unanymous> he's being tortured by politics [00:59] <fathed> Tortured? He's not given conjugal visits with his boyfriend? poor guy :( [00:59] <nicobis> Serverless Project: http://www.serverless.hostei.com - Join #s erverless [00:59] * myshkovitz ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [00:59] <TheMINd> Bring wikileaks awareness to a new twitter trend: http://imgur .com/2kmhB.png [00:59] <TheMINd> Support Bradley manning: http://imgur.com/jKpwx.png [00:59] * mr[a] ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:59] * matthi ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [00:59] <unanymous> think twitter trends are censored? only one way to find out [00:59] <unanymous> lol [00:59] <TheMINd> they're not censored [01:00] <TheMINd> thats why we need to be using the #redacted tag [01:00] <unanymous> good, then that's even more reason to support it [01:00] <TheMINd> Make it into a hawt meme [01:00] <TheMINd> so not just anonymous uses it [01:00] <TheMINd> you can be creative [01:00] <unanymous> I don't have a twitter account but I'll see about getting on e [01:00] <SCP> But how will people know it is about wikileaks [01:00] <Vanzetti__> Someone have a GUI to conrtol multiple twitters at once? [01:00] <fathed> Supporting Assange is one thing. Manning is quite another. Ma nning broke several laws and he will pay for them. [01:01] <unanymous> FKz: jeeze stop spamming that [01:01] <SCP> and not just general anti-censorship? [01:01] <Vanzetti__> Fuck that manning deserves our support more than assange [01:01] <TheMINd> I don't care if Manning slept with obama's grandmother [01:01] <@FKz> unanymous, its our latest project [01:01] <TheMINd> He does not deserve to be tortured [01:01] * lidl0r ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Bye ) [01:01] <tabs> fathed = fed perhaps? [01:01] * mxzet ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [01:01] <@FKz> we have been working for days on it [01:01] <Vanzetti__> Without people like manning there is no leak [01:01] <unanymous> ok I get it [01:01] <fathed> TheMINd, who said manning was tortured? [01:01] <unanymous> yes [01:01] <TheMINd> fathed: Glenn Greenwald [01:01] <unanymous> Vanzetti__: it's like ying and yang [01:01] <Vanzetti__> Illegal!=wrong [01:02] <TheMINd> also I think Manning is gay [01:02] <TheMINd> so that adds more controversy to him [01:02] <tabs> https://twitter.com/ggreenwald [01:02] <unanymous> they both need help but manning might be in a worse position due to being labelled a "traitor" [01:02] <TheMINd> Berkeley just decided not to support him, and if berkeley was going to support him thats a good sign he's gay [01:02] * pshifter ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leavin g ) [01:02] <fathed> Manning is a traitor. [01:02] <unanymous> Vanzetti__: that may be true, but legal alternatives should be sought out [01:02] <fathed> Manning is a piece of shit to be quite honest. [01:02] <SCP> Technically true. [01:03] <Brickwall> Wow, that's harsh [01:03] <unanymous> lol [01:03] <SCP> about the traitor bit [01:03] * atonium2028 ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [01:03] <TheMINd> Fathed: does it not bother you that we are torturing american citizens [01:03] <TheMINd> american SOLDIERS [01:03] <Vanzetti__> Fathed... WTF?! [01:03] <SCP> But so were the founding fathers, after all. [01:03] <unanymous> really, we go from "manning is great! support him :)" to "ma nning is a gay piece of shit traitor" [01:03] <Vanzetti__> Why are you here? [01:03] <unanymous> lol [01:03] <tabs> again fathed = fed perhaps? [01:03] <Vanzetti__> If you think that [01:03] <unanymous> lol [01:03] <fathed> TheMINd, there is no evidence of him being tortured. If he is, that must stop. That is unconstitutional. [01:03] <SCP> Do you think any news people are actually lurking here? [01:04] <unanymous> no not at all [01:04] * unanymous hides tape recorder deeper in pocket [01:04] <Brickwall> Almost undoubtly [01:04] <SCP> The NSA is probably reading the logs at least. [01:04] <vbt> torture him into what exactly? [01:04] <vbt> confessing? [01:04] <_emkey_> LOL like US goverment gives a shit about constitution.... [01:04] <SCP> Hi NSA. [01:04] <Brickwall> Not into anything I think, just cause they're angry [01:04] <Vanzetti__> Exactly [01:04] <TheMINd> The FBI is tracking down the admins [01:04] <TheMINd> possibly all of us [01:05] <fathed> _emkey_, we are working on holding those accountable. [01:05] <Vanzetti__> Come at me FBI! [01:05] <Brickwall> Meh, there's no crime for talking on IRC in my nation [01:05] <fathed> the constitution MUST be upheld. [01:05] <TheMINd> i need to try that sleep thing [01:05] <vbt> shit happens, especialy if your caught for treason [01:05] <TheMINd> i've heard its pretty fly [01:05] <Brickwall> It is [01:05] * owen ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:05] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +v owen for #OperationPayback [01:05] <Mean> No crime in abusing american sites in my country :) [01:05] <SCP> Problem is [01:05] <TheMINd> Can anyone blame our generation for wanting to change the coun try we're about to inherit? [01:06] <SCP> about the law...if we become some prison state, it'll retroactivel y apply :D [01:06] <FLiech> TheMINd - nothing illegal about chatting on IRC [01:06] <unanymous> IRC is an internet standard yes [01:06] <_emkey_> Just news cheking: Was Alex Tapamaros really arested ? [01:06] <FLiech> there's no "conspiracy to cause inconvenience" in the laws :) [01:06] <FLiech> of any country [01:06] <vbt> there should be a revolution every 25-30 years or so [01:06] <TheMINd> Its like when you were 16 and your dad told you that you could drive your mom's old minivan [01:06] <Mean> Manning is fucked. Not mutch anyone can do for him [01:06] <TheMINd> its like... uh... thanks but no thanks [01:06] <fathed> TheMINd, I want to change our government. We must get back to our founding principles. [01:06] <Vanzetti__> There should an insurrection asap or were screwed IMO [01:07] <vbt> hehe [01:07] <Vanzetti__> Should be* [01:07] <SCP> If I wanted a revolution I'd try to break the party system. [01:07] * d0ubl3edg3d ([email protected]) h as left #OperationPayback [01:07] <Brickwall> If I wanted a revolution I'd try to throw molotov cocktails at politicians [01:07] <TheMINd> SCP: i think they already did it for you [01:07] * vathickan ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:08] <TheMINd> Brickwall: NSA will v& you :O [01:08] <Vanzetti__> Only way to revolution is trough constant agitation in all fronts [01:08] * emotA_Home ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: emotA_Ho me ) [01:08] <Mean> revolutions leave a big mess and there is no way to know if anyth ing gets better [01:08] <Brickwall> I don't live anywhere near america [01:08] * Jefke ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:08] <TheMINd> But you know what, fuck the NSA. I'm not going to throw molot ovs, so I should still be able to fucking talk about it [01:08] <Vanzetti__> Internet and real life [01:08] <Brickwall> And i said IF [01:08] <fathed> No. Agitation will only being more legislation. [01:08] <unanymous> I'll just quietly link this: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wi kipedia/en/wiki/OODA_loop [01:08] <vbt> \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ [01:08] <vbt> woops [01:08] <unanymous> there's nothing here I've seen that makes the whole group he re look incriminating [01:09] <TheMINd> unchecked chaos will only bring about greater order [01:09] <Vanzetti__> fathed: the legislation is here bro no reason not to act [01:09] * g30 (g30@g30) has joined #OperationPayback [01:09] <Mean> only the truth can set you free [01:09] <fathed> Vanzetti__, i dont understand [01:09] <TheMINd> TBH: I get the feeling Julian knew exactly what he was doing t he entire time. He orchestrated this. [01:09] <FLiech> Vanzetti__ - they'll look like biggest dicks if they v& thousan ds of people with average age of about 18 [01:10] <vbt> let the speculations on the meaning of the pentagram begin [01:10] <FLiech> pretty bad press [01:10] <SCP> The NSA is absolutely definitely reading this. I had an english pr ofessor whose husband worked for them. She basically told us they take in *every thing*. [01:10] <_emkey_> Assange is just a puppet of some higher institution... [01:10] <SCP> And it is easy enough to find this channel. [01:10] * la_mad_moiselle ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [01:10] <fathed> Assange is an anarchist. nothing more. [01:10] * DD346243 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [01:10] <SCP> I expect most of the stuff they take in is scanned by computers. [01:10] <Brickwall> FLiech that's what I thought, carting off children and youth s doesn't look great [01:10] <TheMINd> screw your illuminati crap [01:10] <_emkey_> Disagree with anarchist [01:11] <FLiech> Brickwall that's why we're still here [01:11] <unanymous> TheMINd: you are right, he wanted to egg on the governments into being more secretive [01:11] <FLiech> even the adults :P [01:11] <jMn> :( [01:11] <TheMINd> unanymous: yep, he did. [01:11] <Brickwall> FLiech Hurray for being young! [01:11] * TheMINd should really read more philosophy/history/politics [01:11] <FLiech> I'm not young [01:11] <Vanzetti__> The Internet is already being censored, there are unprecede nted levels of surveillance, the patriot act, expansion of legal definition of t errorist, all signs point to encroaching fascist state I say fuck democracy long live anarchy/autonomy [01:11] <FLiech> i have a child of my own :) [01:12] <fathed> Assange does not believe in government. That makes him an anar chist. [01:12] <SCP> I am a supporter of anarchy on the internet. Elsewhere in the worl d, not so much. [01:12] * AnAnon ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [01:12] <Brickwall> Also its expensive to try so many people [01:12] <unanymous> julian released stuff on cryptome years ago, http://cryptome .org/0002/ja-conspiracies.pdf [01:12] <nato> erm [01:12] <@FKz> guys... [01:12] <nato> anarchists are anti-state. [01:12] <unanymous> fathed: he believes in working efficient government [01:12] <nato> not anti-government. [01:12] <Vanzetti__> Fathed so what if he is I'm an anarchist [01:12] <Mean> Maby we should start a project were we try to initciate charges f or crimes in wikyleaks [01:12] <TheMINd> I'm actually closer to a socialist, probably. [01:12] <FLiech> Brickwall - they don't care about that. They just care about th e press they get, they're politicians [01:12] * mr[a] ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [01:12] <Brickwall> True [01:13] <fathed> Vanzetti__, nothing good comes from anarchy. [01:13] <vbt> hehe [01:13] <@FKz> #Forum <--- The official site can't survive without your support. Go and register now and make a post if you want to. Join #Forum for more info. [01:13] <SCP> political tests tell me I'm either a democratic socialist or a lib ertarian. [01:13] <vbt> lol have you tried [01:13] <Vanzetti__> Oh lord well see about that [01:13] <unanymous> do you mean the classical sense of anarchy? where there's no forced authority? [01:13] <SCP> Why is it official, FKz? [01:13] <_emkey_> LoL he doesnt belive the goverments because they are deceiving us, they talk one thing, but they do another...and if u disagree that doesnt ma ke u 'n anarchist [01:13] <unanymous> yes, he wants to improve government [01:13] <fathed> There must be some type of limited government to protect our ri ghts. [01:13] <unanymous> out with the bad apples and all that [01:13] <Brickwall> Certainly needs it [01:14] <unanymous> fathed: yes [01:14] <tabs> Itâ s supposedly every American soldierâ s duty to act on his good conscien ce, especially during a time of war. Lies and hypocrisy, Bradley Manning did nâ t like what he saw and let the world know it and for that he is being tortured. [01:14] <Brickwall> The opposite of what it is now [01:14] <Vanzetti__> Read his essays he certainly sounds anarchistic or revoluti onary [01:14] <@FKz> it is an official site [01:14] <scissors> if anarchy was a viable world view capable of building sustai nable human cultures, you'd think there might be more anarchists [01:15] <@FKz> not a fake one like the other ones that are around the internet [01:15] <unanymous> classic anarchy [01:15] <@FKz> this one was setup by official anonops staff [01:15] <SCP> Ah, nevermind. [01:15] <Vanzetti__> scissors: there are a lot of them just not in the us [01:15] <unanymous> no enforced authority, the people would control the governme nt for example in the best case scenareo [01:15] <scissors> oh? [01:15] <TheMINd> there are anarchists in the US [01:15] <SCP> Kind of seems empty. [01:15] <scissors> showcase me some anarchist achievements [01:15] <TheMINd> its just that they don't exactly have a political party [01:16] <tabs> no sh*t [01:16] <TheMINd> I know my town has a barter market [01:16] * matthi ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:16] <_emkey_> OMG this is getting like antisemitist thing... u say israels p lease stop killing palestin ppl and u get marked with antisemitizem. Assange cr itics the goverment and hi is marked with anarchist.... rofl [01:16] <Vanzetti__> Greece, Spain, France, Latin America all have good movemnts [01:16] <TheMINd> _emkey_ its easier to think in black and white [01:16] * yaahman ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: a non-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [01:16] * no ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:16] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h no for #OperationPayback [01:16] <Vanzetti__> I'm from the us and the @ movement here is admittedly weak [01:16] <scissors> yes - small groups of people in successful nationstates that have nothing otherwise to do with anarchy [01:16] * tr4um ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [01:16] <_emkey_> some ppl view of democracy = or you are with us or SHUT UP.... [01:17] <scissors> the question is n't whether anarchists exist [01:17] <%no> vanzetti, as the sole member of the lv anonymous club, i resent th at. [01:17] <scissors> we know they do [01:17] <scissors> rather, what have they actually done? [01:17] <@FKz> http://www.anonops-irc.org/forum/index.php [01:17] <SCP> Whether anarchy is good or bad, we don't stand for it. Publicly, w e can't stand for that. It's too negative, too out there. [01:17] <@FKz> http://www.anonops-irc.org/forum/index.php [01:17] <tr4um> Please add: http://www.facebook.com/OPTIR - Plese follow: http:/ /twitter.com/OP_TIR :3 [01:17] <scissors> how have they moved the ball forward? [01:17] * Rozza ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:17] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +o Rozza for #OperationPayback [01:17] <TheMINd> scissors: google "project chanology" [01:17] <_emkey_> anarchy is bad... [01:17] <scissors> that's what you stand by as a "success"? [01:17] <unanymous> maybe I should link this again http://cryptome.org/0002/ja-c onspiracies.pdf [01:17] <_emkey_> ! TOTAL WAR ! [01:17] <scissors> messing with scientology? [01:17] <tabs> the state is sh8t [01:18] <unanymous> don't be put off by the word "conspiracies" in what I linked , it should be an interesting topic [01:18] <scissors> as opposed to, say, contributint to art, science, government, education, or religion? [01:18] <scissors> ie, civilization? [01:18] <Brickwall> Anarchy would be good if we weren't a social animal, then we 'd just go about our business. [01:18] <TheMINd> scissors: I think it was a good lesson some things to do and n ot to do [01:18] * KittyKattt ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [01:18] <SCP> A lot of ideal political systems seem to fall apart because they f orget that people are people. [01:18] <TheMINd> scissors: and I think that yes, if we had raids going on right now, this week, on that level or higher [01:18] <TheMINd> I'd very pleased [01:19] <TheMINd> whether we got anything done right away or not [01:19] <scissors> do you know why we don't? [01:19] * grasutzu ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [01:19] <Vanzetti__> scissors: read about @'s in the Spanish civil war [01:19] <scissors> becasue all the anarchists gotr bored and went home. [01:19] * Mupp237 ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [01:19] <TheMINd> And boohoo [01:20] <Vanzetti__> Or read about the worker run factories that started when ve nezuela colllapsed [01:20] <TheMINd> this isn't going to be all lulz all the time [01:20] <Brickwall> Because the severs were getting owned and they needed to get shit back together and concentrate on other stuff [01:20] * gk ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:20] * Phrack ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www. anonops.net ) [01:20] <TheMINd> Sometimes its going to take work, and especially once we start protesting, it could get messy [01:21] * lalo ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping time out ) [01:21] <@FKz> id like you all to stop chatting for a bit and join this channel ---> #Forum [01:21] <@FKz> we need your support [01:21] <unanymous> lol [01:21] * Peek ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:21] * hi2u ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [01:21] <%no> fkz, dont spam [01:21] <@Trivette> meh 20 already why not 21 [01:22] <unanymous> no: too late, he already spammed it tons :v [01:22] <FLiech> well, we basically have two groups of people here - anarchists and socialists :P [01:23] <scissors> dont forget argumentative old guys :) [01:23] <fathed> <-- capitalist freedom loving american [01:23] * lalo ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [01:23] <unanymous> what does that make me though [01:23] <unanymous> I'm neither! [01:23] <scissors> sustainable change comes from education [01:23] <Brickwall> and fathed [01:23] <TheMINd> FLiech: don't forget the kiddies with Conduct Disorder [01:23] <scissors> leakspin and sister projects have merit [01:23] * m1dD435BA ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [01:23] <%no> who gave that kid opers anyway? [01:23] * AnAnon ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: AnAnon ) [01:23] * m4tt ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:23] <%no> he was fucking spamming me for it the other day [01:23] <FLiech> why would any of you be here if not for extreme liberalism? [01:23] * DLAN ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [01:24] * freewillie ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [01:24] <tr4um> I need more information on ongoing Operations. Please PM me! [01:24] <FLiech> or what TheMINd is talking about :P [01:24] <SCP> Hmm. Glenn and co are trying to spin us as socialists. [01:24] <TheMINd> SCP I started a letter to him [01:24] <FLiech> I'm a socialist [01:24] <unanymous> is that how you get operator status here? spamming? trololo [01:24] * sroidi ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [01:24] <TheMINd> but I'm supposed to go study [01:24] <SCP> Wouldn't it be interesting if we somehow talked about the merits o f capitalism? [01:24] * anon_for_freedom ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.an onops.net ) [01:24] <Brickwall> I'm a socialist [01:24] <FLiech> it's not a dirty word, you know [01:24] <%no> glenn beck spins everyone as a socialist [01:24] * HunterJaeger ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [01:24] * elyonki ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:24] <FLiech> there's nothing wrong with being a socialist [01:24] <scissors> humans are social [01:24] <SCP> Like blatantly said socialism is a failed system or some such thin g. [01:24] * mr[a] ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:24] <Brickwall> Its pretty much standard for politically aware people in my country to be socialist [01:25] <TheMINd> You guys wanna know another secret about Glenn Beck? [01:25] <scissors> what glenn beck considers socialist passes for high conservat ism in mant places [01:25] <SCP> Nevermind...on second thought, he wouldn't cover it. [01:25] <stevedtrm> same here., brickwall [01:25] * OperationCandy ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:25] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h OperationCandy for #OperationPayback [01:25] <unanymous> you're a socialist, YOU'RE a socialist, and you're a sociali st, everyone's a socialist! [01:25] * unanymous was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Don't use bolds on this channel!) [01:25] <scissors> america as a political strata is somewhat flat [01:25] <TheMINd> The mormons were the first group I know of in this country to practice socialism [01:25] * amnotamouse ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:25] <scissors> present company excluded, of course [01:25] * DLAN ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:25] <Brickwall> Stevedtrm where do you live? [01:25] * unanymous ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:25] * FKz ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [01:25] <unanymous> whoops! [01:25] <TheMINd> They called it the "United Order" [01:25] <scissors> *stratum [01:26] <FLiech> who cares about Glenn Beck [01:26] <FLiech> he's crazy [01:26] <Brickwall> lol [01:26] * Marti-n ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [01:26] <FLiech> I guess there are libertarians here too [01:26] <stevedtrm> brickwall, anyone anywhere, except dictators are rational wh en theyre socialists. [01:26] <tabs> An anarchist is an uncomprimising liberal. [01:26] * Marti-n ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayba ck [01:26] <stevedtrm> socialism is the only rational position. [01:26] <FLiech> liberal is not an ideology [01:26] <unanymous> what political party is "ruler of entire world"? [01:26] <tabs> Émile Faguet [01:26] <Brickwall> Stevedtrm you are right indeed [01:26] <Jefke> libertarian that is [01:26] <unanymous> I don't think it's dictatorshipe [01:26] <unanymous> -e [01:26] <FLiech> socialists are liberal most of the time, so are libertarians an d anarchists [01:27] * xain ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [01:27] * FKz ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:27] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +o FKz for #OperationPayback [01:27] * mafinkjg ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:27] * toabrcdz ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:27] <Vanzetti__> Cuz baby I'm an anarchist and you're a spineless liberal [01:27] <FLiech> fascists are conservative, so are fe. US republicans :P [01:27] <stevedtrm> The central idea of right wing ideology is that government s teals welfare from workers - it doesnt. [01:27] * pskmpwpm ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:27] * bungdize ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:27] * buadfsqu ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:27] <unanymous> I'm liberal when I apply katsup on my hotdog [01:27] * kgieaqbo ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:27] * zgvjosgq ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:27] <Brickwall> What exactly are libertarians? What do they believe? [01:27] * bafyigee ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:27] * xvzhkioy ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:27] * jiqpnskx ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:27] * bpncpsqs ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:27] * bslxncnf ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:27] * ariscbvu ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:27] * jrrijafc ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:27] * bafyigee ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:27] * otoealak ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:27] * kafnteyf ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:27] * skeszxil ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:27] * gqwhpubp ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:27] * kcrmwunj ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:27] * lykillng ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:27] * itwtgnab ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:27] * aneghwrr ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:27] * #OperationPayback sets mode +R for #OperationPayback [01:27] <TheMINd> Brickwall: barebones government [01:27] <tabs> An anarchist is anyone who doesn't need a cop to tell him what to do - Ammon Hennacy [01:28] <Brickwall> OK [01:28] <@venuism> lol [01:28] <FLiech> free market + barebone legal system [01:28] <%OperationCandy> !hive [01:28] <@cuntX> THE HIVE is not accepting any volunteers right now. Mission acc omplished. [01:28] <pskmpwpm> lol -R [01:28] <buadfsqu> lol -R [01:28] <bungdize> lol -R [01:28] <bslxncnf> lol -R [01:28] <lykillng> lol -R [01:28] <ariscbvu> lol -R [01:28] <kcrmwunj> lol -R [01:28] <itwtgnab> lol -R [01:28] <gqwhpubp> lol -R [01:28] * #OperationPayback sets mode +m for #OperationPayback [01:28] * #OperationPayback sets mode -R for #OperationPayback [01:28] * gaqdiupm ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:28] * ariscbvu ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:28] * qpkloswo ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:28] * yxmcmlhu ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:28] * zbfadpdw ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [01:28] * dlkputpf ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:28] * bxzlbfie ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:28] * dlkputpf ([email protected]) Quit ( User has been permanently banned from AnonOps.net (You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit http://dronebl.org/lookup_branded.do?ip= twork=Network) ) [01:28] * bxzlbfie ([email protected]) Quit ( User has been permanently banned from AnonOps.net (You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit http://dronebl.org/lookup_branded.do?ip= twork=Network) ) [01:28] * gdftmsyf ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:28] * qvooagam ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:28] * jabnftql ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:29] <%OperationCandy> get damn [01:29] * kvjhmwlr ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:29] * pppcchyo ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:29] * yduutgei ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:29] <%OperationCandy> :P [01:29] * ifxtrmjo ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:29] * djggpzph ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:29] * xzfzelac ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:29] * uldknuns ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:29] * xmmbxkjr ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:29] * pwbyokvt ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:29] * usdahmdm ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:29] * qigrjnzd ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:29] * tojzbnvv ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:29] * #OperationPayback sets mode -m for #OperationPayback [01:29] <t0r> OperationCandy: are you able to ban? [01:29] * Finthalas ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:29] * oxnlolym ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:29] * lppafkev ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:29] * jlleqrcb ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:29] <Brickwall> wut [01:29] <tabs> Its an attack [01:29] <unanymous> http://cryptome.org/0002/ja-conspiracies.pdf [01:29] * knkzjdaz ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:29] * qbudgbkq ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:29] * bfzwlgvy ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:29] <unanymous> err wrong paste [01:29] * swcqikzm ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:29] <nicobis> +R [01:29] * uvadgnay ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:29] <unanymous> Free market? I'LL TAKE IT [01:29] * Raish ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [01:29] <jMn> :D [01:29] * yxmcmlhu ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection re set by peer ) [01:29] <FLiech> shit, an attack again :/ [01:29] <jMn> BOTNET! [01:29] * gaqdiupm ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection re set by peer ) [01:29] <jMn> woho [01:29] <Brickwall> lol [01:29] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@76DE94C2.B57E062B.E33CFCBE.IP for #OperationP ayback [01:29] * mafinkjg was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:29] * toabrcdz was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:29] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@4D5778C5.3C72C15A.EC2A3DA6.IP for #OperationP ayback [01:29] * buadfsqu was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:29] * bungdize was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:29] * pskmpwpm was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:29] * kgieaqbo was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:29] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@6685F0FA.99B73978.BF8B9D77.IP for #OperationP ayback [01:29] * zgvjosgq was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:29] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@A694BA08.493438F0.93BD3168.IP for #OperationP ayback [01:29] * xvzhkioy was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:29] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@AB3481B.A1CFDC13.5CC71AB3.IP for #OperationPa yback [01:29] <Vanzetti__> Attack of the bots!!oneone! [01:29] <t0r> thank you venuism. [01:29] * jiqpnskx was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:30] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@an-96D8B04D.dsl.netsource.ie for #OperationPa yback [01:30] * bpncpsqs was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:30] * bslxncnf was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:30] * ahwnffyk ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:30] * pogxilrk ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:30] <unanymous> super combo! [01:30] * jrrijafc was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:30] * kafnteyf was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:30] * otoealak was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:30] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@B6533B85.3C04C98D.31256A17.IP for #OperationP ayback [01:30] <jMn> botnet botnet botnet botnet. Mushroooom mushrooom! [01:30] * skeszxil was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:30] * prtuietl ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:30] * vtvweoyt ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:30] * prtuietl ([email protected]) Quit ( User has been permanently banned from AnonOps.net (You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit http://dronebl.org/lookup_branded.do?ip= etwork=Network) ) [01:30] * vtvweoyt ([email protected]) Quit ( User has been permanently banned from AnonOps.net (You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit http://dronebl.org/lookup_branded.do?ip= etwork=Network) ) [01:30] <unanymous> x20! HIGH SCORE [01:30] <t0r> Combo x20 [01:30] * bqumgjks ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:30] * gqwhpubp was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:30] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@DA1547E4.37DD2584.95F88C16.IP for #OperationP ayback [01:30] <tabs> ha-ya! [01:30] * kcrmwunj was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:30] <t0r> LOL [01:30] * lykillng was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:30] * zoopenguin ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ik ga weg ) [01:30] <Brickwall> 9001 hit points [01:30] * aneghwrr was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:30] * bgzrsbrs ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:30] * itwtgnab was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:30] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@7DFA0A32.4822DA66.C5CD258.IP for #OperationPa yback [01:30] * vpmdkurs ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:30] <unanymous> t0r: o/ [01:30] * ahwnffyk was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:30] <t0r> yeah [01:30] <t0r> o/! [01:30] * iceman45 ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [01:30] * eaxvhhlo ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:30] <spudrospard> lol [01:30] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@48B26899.40ECA0E4.F016116F.IP for #OperationP ayback [01:30] * eaxvhhlo was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:30] <Vanzetti__> Cccc combo breaker [01:30] * lbxfmqll ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:30] * no sets mode +b *!*@*.4822DA66.C5CD258.IP for #OperationPayback [01:30] * bgzrsbrs was kicked by no ([email protected]) Reason (no) [01:30] * no sets mode +b *!*@*.D9347539.C8E18FB7.IP for #OperationPayback [01:30] * vpmdkurs was kicked by no ([email protected]) Reason (no) [01:30] * bqumgjks ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:30] * kvjhmwlr ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe ) [01:30] * pppcchyo ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe ) [01:30] * yduutgei ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe ) [01:30] * pogxilrk ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:30] * swcqikzm ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:30] * pwbyokvt ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:30] * uvadgnay ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:30] * qbudgbkq ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:30] * djggpzph ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:30] * oxnlolym ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:30] * qigrjnzd ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:30] * lppafkev ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:30] * jlleqrcb ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:30] * qvooagam ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:30] * knkzjdaz ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:30] * gdftmsyf ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe ) [01:30] * jabnftql ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:30] * bfzwlgvy ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:30] * ifxtrmjo ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe ) [01:30] * uldknuns ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:30] * d0nus ([email protected]) Quit ( Input/output error ) [01:30] * xmmbxkjr ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:30] * usdahmdm ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:30] * xzfzelac ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe ) [01:30] * tojzbnvv ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:30] * zbfadpdw ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection rese t by peer ) [01:31] <@venuism> lol [01:31] <jMn> men omg. [01:31] <Mean> on socialism [01:31] * allan ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [01:31] <Brickwall> So much [01:31] <Mean> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMk2VmV9qHQ [01:31] <jMn> äckliga botnetsjääävlar [01:31] * d0nus ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:31] <unanymous> so [01:31] * lbxfmqll ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:31] * no sets mode +b *!*@*.DE616016.6129FC1E.IP for #OperationPayback [01:31] <t0r> [09:30] * d0nus ([email protected]) Quit (Input/output error) [01:31] <t0r> [09:30] * xmmbxkjr ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited) [01:31] <t0r> it was d0nus, I guess. [01:31] <FLiech> Mean: his video contains content from Viacom, who has blocked i t on copyright grounds. [01:31] * black_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:31] <tabs> fatality! [01:31] * qpkloswo ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [01:31] <unanymous> ...Free market? I'LL TAKE IT [01:31] <spudrospard> va fan [01:31] <%no> i think that is all of them [01:31] <TheMINd> does anyone have the video that praised us, which CNN took dow n? [01:31] <Mean> oh [01:32] <Brickwall> ([email protected]) [01:32] <vbt> We have normality. Anything you still can't cope with is therefore your own problem [01:32] <unanymous> unanimous normality? [01:32] <t0r> did you guys know that assange is back to jail? [01:32] * zoopenguin ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [01:32] <vbt> was he out? [01:32] <_emkey_> he wasnt released [01:32] <unanymous> back to the future [01:32] <Brickwall> lolwut [01:32] <jMn> ban d0nus :) [01:32] <t0r> he was released for some hours [01:32] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@an-3863D3F3.gopas.net for #OperationPayback [01:32] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@an-6755A1C8.serverchamber.com for #OperationP ayback [01:32] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@an-8D2C6B5B.cust.smartspb.net for #OperationP ayback [01:32] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@F8A7C9F5.D7D1AD78.307653B5.IP for #OperationP ayback [01:32] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@7E6867EF.256CC517.897C46EE.IP for #OperationP ayback [01:32] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@E2D83FD2.37DA112B.527B8E13.IP for #OperationP ayback [01:32] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@an-20C4FEAF.cpe.vivax.com.br for #OperationPa yback [01:32] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@BC9790B2.770163A9.A0F162EA.IP for #OperationP ayback [01:32] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@460AFC69.2BF1BDC7.44D0B98A.IP for #OperationP ayback [01:32] <unanymous> marty we gotta go back to the future [01:33] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@5F8E8539.FFA0A821.5AF7F4C6.IP for #OperationP ayback [01:33] <unanymous> it's your kids marty [01:33] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@8E81B485.E53440FA.EF742DFB.IP for #OperationP ayback [01:33] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@C185FCC4.30D28363.C742283D.IP for #OperationP ayback [01:33] <t0r> check this http://www.agi.it/iphone-en-cronaca/notizie/20101214165 1-cro-ren1072-assange_released_on_bail [01:33] <FLiech> shit, that's a crazy botnet [01:33] <t0r> he was released [01:33] <%no> not really [01:33] <@venuism> prob clones tbh [01:33] <t0r> but then captured again. [01:33] <%no> i have seen worse [01:33] <@venuism> proxies etc [01:33] <elyonki> when it's the next attack ? [01:33] <TheMINd> have stewart or colbert said anything? [01:33] * ekaqpblz ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:33] * ekaqpblz ([email protected]) Quit ( Z:lined (Black listed host.) ) [01:33] * pcdxwvfl ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:34] <jMn> Sweden sucks. [01:34] <unanymous> he was released and captured again. but it turns out the pol ice just had him on a string rigged like a yoyo and kept flinging him outside hi s jailcell and pulling him back in so people on irc could say he was released an d let back in over and over [01:34] * nfbsfdxx ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:34] * ifucxnxm ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:34] <elyonki> when it's the next attack ? [01:34] * imslxftv ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [01:34] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@18B7AF9.839A94F8.9125B2E5.IP for #OperationPa yback [01:34] * nfbsfdxx was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:34] <vbt> they payed but visa did not accept the bail transfer [01:34] <%OperationCandy> keep doing visa, ill say [01:34] * urvbamnx ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:34] * penvuvuq ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:34] * gvutatxr ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:34] * ifucxnxm was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:34] * signhere ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: . ) [01:34] <%OperationCandy> :) [01:34] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@AE4DCC77.A6684FBB.A41B22A0.IP for #OperationP ayback [01:34] * gvutatxr was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:34] * no sets mode +b *!*@*.A6684FBB.A41B22A0.IP for #OperationPayback [01:34] * urvbamnx was kicked by no ([email protected]) Reason (no) [01:34] * penvuvuq was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:34] * Emily ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:34] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +o Emily for #OperationPayback [01:34] * ysqsbyyl ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [01:34] * no sets mode +b penvuvuq!*@* for #OperationPayback [01:34] <unanymous> new target: http://i52.tinypic.com/2ufqc94.jpg DONT STOP FIR ING [01:34] * venuism sets mode +b *!*@an-10600C28.telecom.net.ar for #OperationPayb ack [01:34] * ysqsbyyl was kicked by venuism ([email protected]) R eason (venuism) [01:34] * no sets mode +b *!*@*.telecom.net.ar for #OperationPayback [01:34] * imslxftv was kicked by no ([email protected]) Reason (no) [01:34] <TheMINd> Guys, Mastercard HQ is within driving distance of NYC, New Hav en, CT, Toronto [01:34] * no sets mode +b *!*@*.839A94F8.9125B2E5.IP for #OperationPayback [01:34] * pcdxwvfl was kicked by no ([email protected]) Reason (no) [01:34] <SCP> Beck actually argued against Assange being in jail. [01:35] <%no> and bam [01:35] <TheMINd> we could get a LOT of people to protest at mastercard [01:35] * {Civil} ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:35] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +o {Civil} for #OperationPayback [01:35] <%no> i srsly need a ban hammer button [01:35] <SCP> He went through the sex charges and showed they were ridiculous. [01:35] <@venuism> deffo not bots [01:35] * hqcsviwo ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [01:35] * hqcsviwo ([email protected]) Quit ( Z:lined (Blackl isted host.) ) [01:35] <unanymous> SCP: is he changing his strategy too? [01:35] <@venuism> proper skidy proxy clone things [01:35] <vbt> AYE [01:35] * dyflirny ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:35] * dyflirny ([email protected]) Quit ( User has been permanently banned from AnonOps.net (You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit http://dronebl.org/lookup_branded.do?ip= etwork=Network) ) [01:35] <%no> oh skiddy's [01:35] <fathed> Beck said that the charges against him are not very sound, and that jailing him on bullshit is wrong [01:35] <@venuism> see [01:35] <Brickwall> Julian Assange, has been overwhelmingly chosen as the Time m agazine's "Person of the Year". [01:35] <%no> with their little botnets [01:35] <@venuism> that confirms [01:35] <unanymous> also i misread that as "He went through sex changes" and had a terrible image in my head of glenn beck [01:35] * dncwejgb ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:36] <unanymous> kill me now [01:36] * eqwkdxcl ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:36] * eqwkdxcl ([email protected]) Quit ( Z:lined (Blac klisted host.) ) [01:36] <%no> venuism, im not a bot [01:36] * cdybukvx ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:36] * no sets mode +b *!*@*.59A1CB70.7E862DA0.IP for #OperationPayback [01:36] * dncwejgb was kicked by no ([email protected]) Reason (no) [01:36] <@venuism> ?? [01:36] * cdybukvx was kicked by no ([email protected]) Reason (no) [01:36] <@venuism> no i wanted to know your client [01:36] <@venuism> is all [01:36] <%no> its xchat aqua [01:36] * wolfie ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [01:36] <@venuism> soft [01:36] <unanymous> SCP: he probably just is recieving too much criticism and is trying to break even [01:36] <%no> you could ask [01:36] <Vanzetti__> Beep boop [01:36] <%no> i dont allow ctcp [01:36] <@venuism> i could also jsut version [01:36] <@venuism> yah weak [01:36] <%no> it seems invasive [01:36] <%no> :D [01:37] <%no> i have all ctcp blocked [01:37] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [01:37] <%no> but feel free to try [01:37] <FLiech> yeah, ping time and version are terribly invasive :P [01:37] <%no> if there is one you fine [01:37] <%no> that works [01:37] <fathed> OS: Windows 7 Business (Build #7600) CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 965,  4 .00 GHz, 512 KB Video: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series (1920x1200x32bpp 59Hz) Sound: Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High De Memory: Used: 2459/4096MB Uptime: 2w 1d 11h 28m 19s HD Space: Free: 2663.43 GB/3073.84 GB Connection: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controlle r @ 1000.0 Mbps (Rec: 206.39MB Sent: [01:37] <fathed> 707.27MB) [01:37] <%no> let me know [01:37] * fathed was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Don't use bolds on this channel!) [01:37] * fathed ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:37] * elyonki ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [01:37] <Mean> http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=441549679325&comments&r ef=mf [01:37] <fathed> woops [01:37] <unanymous> I'll someday figure out how to customize my ctcp responses [01:37] <%no> and i will add it to the script [01:37] <Mean> same vid [01:37] <@venuism> ctcp versions are good to have tbh [01:37] * g30 sets mode -bbbbbbbbbbbb *!Radio@* *!*@DF7A3CD5.313CCCA9.863183.IP ~q:*!*@DF7A3CD5.313CCCA9.863183.IP *!IRCLOIC@* *!*safsin@*.9E6A7DC8.40F36D3F.IP *!*@B1F485C9.BE30F1C9.E0497878.IP *!*@92A5E16F.133F99D7.2E62EA25.IP *!*@76DE94C2 .B57E062B.E33CFCBE.IP *!*@4D5778C5.3C72C15A.EC2A3DA6.IP *!*@6685F0FA.99B73978.BF 8B9D77.IP *!*@A694BA08.493438F0.93BD3168.IP *!*@AB3481B.A1CFDC13.5CC71AB3.IP for #OperationPayback [01:37] <%OperationCandy> fathed crappy pc :P [01:37] <%no> unanymous with xchat you can [01:37] * Raish ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:37] <@venuism> say if i founda channel with lots of bots [01:37] * g30 sets mode -bbbbbbbbbbbb *!*@an-96D8B04D.dsl.netsource.ie *!*@B6533 B85.3C04C98D.31256A17.IP *!*@DA1547E4.37DD2584.95F88C16.IP *!*@7DFA0A32.4822DA66 .C5CD258.IP *!*@48B26899.40ECA0E4.F016116F.IP *!*@*.4822DA66.C5CD258.IP *!*@*.D9 347539.C8E18FB7.IP *!*@*.DE616016.6129FC1E.IP *!*@an-3863D3F3.gopas.net *!*@an-6 755A1C8.serverchamber.com *!*@an-8D2C6B5B.cust.smartspb.net *!*@F8A7C9F5.D7D1AD7 8.307653B5.IP for #OperationPayback [01:37] <@venuism> first thing u do is [01:37] <%no> g30 wtf are you doing? [01:37] <unanymous> what is that [01:37] * kamina ([email protected]) Quit ( Pin g timeout ) [01:37] * [Radio] ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [01:37] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +o [Radio] for #OperationPayback [01:37] <@venuism> /ctcp #channel version [01:37] * g30 sets mode -bbbbbbbbbbbb *!*@7E6867EF.256CC517.897C46EE.IP *!*@E2D8 3FD2.37DA112B.527B8E13.IP *!*@an-20C4FEAF.cpe.vivax.com.br *!*@BC9790B2.770163A9 .A0F162EA.IP *!*@460AFC69.2BF1BDC7.44D0B98A.IP *!*@5F8E8539.FFA0A821.5AF7F4C6.IP *!*@8E81B485.E53440FA.EF742DFB.IP *!*@C185FCC4.30D28363.C742283D.IP *!*@18B7AF9 .839A94F8.9125B2E5.IP *!*@AE4DCC77.A6684FBB.A41B22A0.IP *!*@*.A6684FBB.A41B22A0. IP penvuvuq!*@* for #OperationPayback [01:37] * urvbamnx ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:37] <unanymous> he ctcp version'd me too [01:37] <@venuism> to find humans [01:37] * penvuvuq ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:37] * fykvcmph ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:37] <jMn> sweeed. [01:37] * gslredhl ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:37] * egnjobio ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:37] * gvutatxr ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:37] * #OperationPayback sets mode +R for #OperationPayback [01:38] * g30 sets mode -bbbb *!*@an-10600C28.telecom.net.ar *!*@*.telecom.net.a r *!*@*.839A94F8.9125B2E5.IP *!*@*.59A1CB70.7E862DA0.IP for #OperationPayback [01:38] <g30> no: they're banned now [01:38] <g30> no: serverside [01:38] <jMn> haha [01:38] <@venuism> ok [01:38] <%no> ah, ok [01:38] <%no> fair enough [01:38] <unanymous> ok talk about it before you scare the shit out of us [01:38] <%OperationCandy> i7 980. GTX580 QUAD [01:38] <jMn> pwned?! [01:38] <%OperationCandy> :) [01:38] <%no> they are pming me [01:38] <@venuism> tbh could prob [01:38] <%no> so, obviously not [01:38] <@venuism> no [01:38] <fathed> yeah, my computer is old school :( [01:38] * urvbamnx ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:38] * penvuvuq ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:38] * gvutatxr ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:38] * gslredhl ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:38] <FLiech> what are they saying? [01:38] * egnjobio ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:38] * fykvcmph ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:38] <@venuism> /mode +RT [01:38] <@venuism> yourself [01:38] <unanymous> there they are [01:38] * sroidi ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Lost termin al ) [01:38] <%no> g30: want to ban the bots that are pming me? [01:38] <%no> *urvbamnx* . [01:38] <%no> *penvuvuq* . [01:38] <%no> *gvutatxr* . [01:38] <%no> *pcdxwvfl* . [01:38] <%no> *nfbsfdxx* . [01:38] <%no> *ifucxnxm* . [01:38] <g30> no: the other opers here are zlining the bopms, which makes my wor k much harder [01:38] * #OperationPayback sets mode -R for #OperationPayback [01:38] <%no> *xmwabyub* . [01:38] <%no> *imslxftv* . [01:38] <%no> *ysqsbyyl* . [01:38] <%no> *gslredhl* . [01:39] <%no> *egnjobio* . [01:39] * zoopenguin ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [01:39] <%no> *fykvcmph* . [01:39] <jMn> haha.. lots of modes now :P [01:39] <@Emily> LOL [01:39] <Naxo> ghghg [01:39] <aNone> eh [01:39] <%no> yeah [01:39] <@Emily> g30, why? [01:39] <%no> annoying [01:39] <vbt> NOT BAD TWO WEEKS UPTIME ON WINDOWS [01:39] * Eberik ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:39] <g30> Emily: I don't know [01:39] <vbt> SRYcaps [01:39] * Kan0n ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [01:39] <Naxo> Can I haz Mod? [01:39] <g30> they probably haven't enough experience [01:39] <@Emily> That's... redundant [01:39] <FLiech> we should ban 8-letter nicks :P [01:39] <g30> go freenode! :) [01:39] <@Emily> I was sure we used to have a bopm [01:39] <g30> yeah [01:39] * Kan0n ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [01:39] <%no> emily, i miss conan [01:39] <fathed> Windows 7 is nice. I like it. [01:39] * Sl33p3r ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:39] * Anne ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [01:39] <%no> he was my favorite bot [01:39] <%OperationCandy> its like 2years too windows 8 is out [01:39] <@Emily> I miss Switch [01:40] <@Emily> Things are too calm without him [01:40] <%no> i miss switch too [01:40] <%no> where has he gone? [01:40] <g30> keep this +R until the BOPMs are back [01:40] <@Emily> Holiday [01:40] * Cesar ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [01:40] <%OperationCandy> anyway, fuck Windows, Linux is the one and only [01:40] * kjohnson ([email protected]) has joi ned #OperationPayback [01:40] <%no> oh yeah [01:40] <%no> he said something about that [01:40] <@Emily> g30, someone just lifted +r [01:40] <@Emily> R* [01:40] <@venuism> sigh [01:40] <%no> lol [01:40] <@Emily> Also, the bots were registering yesterday, weren't they? [01:40] <%no> wasnt me [01:40] * kamina ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:40] <vbt> crunch 7 7 [01:40] <fathed> OperationCandy, i run linux on on my servers. I run windows on my desktop cuz im a gaymer [01:41] <%no> im a mac [01:41] * respuesta9 ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [01:41] <%no> :D [01:41] <%no> :P [01:41] <fathed> I have a macbook pro [01:41] * BrainScratch ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [01:41] <+owen> emily these are not reging [01:41] <fathed> an iphone 4 [01:41] <+owen> just normail failbots [01:41] <vbt> i don't trust peole with an apple [01:41] <@{Civil}> I run all of demz [01:41] <Attila> and a steve jobs doll [01:41] <%no> ah skiddys [01:42] <%no> with their little sammich bots [01:42] <@Emily> Has the registration timer/groupable number been changed? Lol [01:42] <%no> and bacon teeth [01:42] <Mean> vbt: what do you have against gays? [01:42] * jords ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [01:42] * zetori ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [01:42] <vbt> hmm let me think [01:42] <vbt> why? [01:42] * Anne ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: If you thin k nobody cares, try missing a few payments ) [01:42] * wztfwxqa ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:42] * oagixxlw ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:42] * dzstrwda ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:42] * jmcbdami ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:42] * brjtavtu ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:42] * #OperationPayback sets mode +R for #OperationPayback [01:42] <%no> mean, i happen to be a faggette not a faggot [01:42] * no sets mode +b *!*@*.A6684FBB.A41B22A0.IP for #OperationPayback [01:42] * wztfwxqa was kicked by no ([email protected]) Reason (no) [01:42] * oagixxlw ([email protected]) has left #OperationP ayback [01:42] * dzstrwda ([email protected]) has left #OperationP ayback [01:42] * jmcbdami ([email protected]) has left #OperationPa yback [01:42] * brjtavtu ([email protected]) has left #OperationPa yback [01:42] <_ikke_> more bots [01:42] <Mean> <vbt> i don't trust peole with an apple [01:42] <@Emily> Hehe, clones. [01:42] <%no> yep [01:42] <vbt> where did i say anything about gays? [01:42] <Mean> ;) [01:43] <%no> lol [01:43] * apo_lap ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [01:43] <Mean> right here ;) <vbt> i don't trust peole with an apple [01:43] * _Legacy ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:43] * OperationCandy ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [01:43] <_ikke_> Are those all from botnets or the like? [01:43] <%no> SKIIIIIIIDDDDDDYYYYYYYYYS [01:43] <vbt> sry i don't get it :) [01:43] <FLiech> lol [01:43] * #OperationPayback sets mode -R for #OperationPayback [01:43] * fathed slaps vbt around a bit with a large trout [01:43] <%no> COOOOOOMMEEEE OOOOOOOOUTTTT TOO PLAAAAAAAAYYYYYY [01:43] <vbt> not seen that trout for a long time [01:43] * FLiech slaps vbt around a bit with a large trout [01:44] * KiraNL ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [01:44] <FLiech> oh, mIRC :P [01:44] <%no> here skiddy skiddy skiddy [01:44] <%no> here skiddy skiddy skiddy [01:44] * FKz slaps vbt around a bit with a large trout [01:44] * Sky_King slaps vbt around a bit with a large trout [01:44] <KiraNL> Good morning guys. :) [01:44] <@Emily> Morning :D [01:44] * jords takes another sip of whisky [01:44] <vbt> ok enough fish for today [01:44] <%no> lol [01:44] * Eberik ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIR C www.anonops.net ) [01:44] <vbt> mornin [01:44] <%no> pm's [01:44] <%no> *oagixxlw* i took the bait, let me eat you. [01:44] <%no> *dzstrwda* i took the bait, let me eat you. [01:44] <%no> *wztfwxqa* i took the bait, let me eat you. [01:44] <%no> *jmcbdami* i took the bait, let me eat you. [01:44] <%no> *azlnjlmd* i took the bait, let me eat you. [01:44] <%no> *tigkbtkb* i took the bait, let me eat you. [01:44] <%no> *brjtavtu* i took the bait, let me eat you. [01:44] <@Emily> LOL [01:44] <%no> *tpaewgzn* i took the bait, let me eat you. [01:44] * FLiech opens another heineken [01:44] <%no> *cjqiipmc* i took the bait, let me eat you. [01:45] <%no> *vrbigmvk* i took the bait, let me eat you. [01:45] <%no> *wsccayyw* i took the bait, let me eat you. [01:45] * FKz sets topic to: OPERATION PAYBACK - http://www.justiceforassange.co m http://twitter.com/Op_anon http://808chan.org/tpb | Target: Mission acomplishe d! | Hive + Chat: irc.anonops-irc.org | See: #Setup #Forum #Target #WikiLeaks #P ropaganda #RadioPayback #Protest #Lounge | reporters: we're not hackers [01:45] <Vanzetti__> Lmao [01:45] * Sky_King is enjoying the show [01:45] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [01:45] <respuesta9> Any good news while I was gone [01:45] <respuesta9> Any good news while I was gone [01:45] <FLiech> nope [01:45] <+owen> all incoming bots being zlined atm [01:45] <%no> here skiddy skiddy skiddy [01:45] <%no> here skiddy skiddy skiddy [01:45] <respuesta9> K [01:45] <jords> lol the twitter is suspended again [01:45] <jords> fags [01:45] <%no> fucking twitter [01:46] <BrainScratch> anon irc network status page is offline, under attack? [01:46] * anon50241128 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [01:46] <%no> how does it work [01:46] <xacs> yea [01:46] <TheMINd> would it have been a bad thing to give clinton another term? [01:46] <FLiech> fuck twitter, I never liked it [01:46] * FKz sets topic to: OPERATION PAYBACK - http://www.justiceforassange.co m http://twitter.com/Op_anon http://808chan.org/tpb | Target: Mission acomplishe d! | Hive + Chat: irc.anonops-irc.org | See: #Forum #Target #WikiLeaks #Propagan da #RadioPayback #Protest #Lounge | reporters: we're not hackers [01:46] <Mean> they are not suspending jester [01:46] <%no> *mcphusrn* im right here baby! [01:46] <%no> *tahbdaer* im right here baby! [01:46] <%no> *dlkqoupm* im right here baby! [01:46] <%no> *bfuyhatb* im right here baby! [01:46] <%no> *kthofaca* im right here baby! [01:46] <%no> *lcyrteam* im right here baby! [01:46] <%no> *obftncix* im right here baby! [01:46] <%no> *qcoapmbw* im right here baby! [01:46] <+owen> ugh [01:46] <+owen> quitthat [01:46] <@Emily> Yeah you know if the bots are all saying the same thing [01:46] <@Emily> You only need to paste it once [01:46] <@Emily> Right? [01:46] <Vanzetti__> Haha [01:46] <%no> yeah [01:46] <+owen> emily. inorite [01:46] <%no> sorry [01:46] * anonchuck ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mi bbit.com ajax IRC Client ) [01:46] <%no> :P [01:46] * AboveandBeyond ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Colloquy for iPad - http://colloquy.mobi ) [01:47] <%no> *aalkmhjl* give me something else to eat. [01:47] * anon50241128 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://ww w.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client ) [01:47] <%no> lol [01:47] <+Sky_King> sound like horny bots [01:47] <@Emily> What do bots eat? [01:47] <%no> all skiddy's sound like cheap imitations of switch [01:47] <%no> :( [01:47] <%no> i miss him [01:47] <@Emily> LOL [01:47] * ben1991 ([email protected]) has joined # OperationPayback [01:47] <_Legacy> I arrived [01:47] <%no> when does he get back? [01:47] <_Legacy> Bow [01:47] <@Emily> They're nowhere near as genuine or funny [01:47] <@Emily> Not sure [01:47] <%no> :/ [01:47] <_ikke_> Emily: Bits-n-Bytes [01:48] <fathed> TheMINd, Yes. Because Dubya put in, what, 2 or 3 conservative supreme court justices. They were critical last year in solidifying our gun rig hts. [01:48] * zyxrbbtt ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:48] <+Sky_King> lol [01:48] <@Emily> Rofl [01:48] <%no> skiddy skiddy skiddy. do you find it hard to nom our servers with your little bacon teeth? [01:48] <%no> om nom nom nom nom nom [01:48] <zyxrbbtt> hi i am bot, please post my ip and ddos me! [01:48] <%no> lol [01:48] <alientroll> ok [01:48] * OperationCandy ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [01:48] * figlidellastessarabia ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [01:48] <Vanzetti__> Haha [01:48] * zyxrbbtt was kicked by owen ([email protected]) Reason (owen) [01:48] * zyxrbbtt ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [01:48] * nbeplaeb ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:48] * bovitutg ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:48] <zyxrbbtt> Dear diary: i cut my dick off. [01:48] <nbeplaeb> Dear diary: i cut my dick off. [01:48] <bovitutg> Dear diary: i cut my dick off. [01:48] * ngbtbbst ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [01:48] <%no> lol [01:48] <respuesta9> Lol [01:48] <zyxrbbtt> lol [01:48] <nbeplaeb> lol [01:48] <bovitutg> lol [01:48] <ngbtbbst> lol [01:48] <ben1991> Lol [01:48] <_emkey_> good for u [01:49] * owen sets mode +m for #OperationPayback [01:49] * no sets mode +b *!*@*.F8536A7.7BF84D32.IP for #OperationPayback [01:49] * ngbtbbst was kicked by no ([email protected]) Reason (no) [01:49] <@Emily> Aw you broke the lol chain [01:49] * bovitutg was kicked by no ([email protected]) Reason (no) [01:49] * zyxrbbtt ([email protected]) has left #OperationP ayback [01:49] * nbeplaeb ([email protected]) has left #OperationPa yback [01:49] * no sets mode +b nbeplaeb!*@* for #OperationPayback [01:49] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h OperationCandy for #OperationPayback [01:49] <%no> *zyxrbbtt* r u legal? [01:49] <%no> lolno [01:49] <%no> im 12 [01:49] * ben1991 ([email protected]) has left #Op erationPayback [01:49] <%OperationCandy> damn internett at work [01:49] <%no> what is this? [01:49] * blabla ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [01:50] * owen sets mode +R for #OperationPayback [01:50] <%OperationCandy> im just 11 :( [01:50] * AboveandBeyond ([email protected]) has jo ined #OperationPayback [01:50] * FKz sets topic to: OPERATION PAYBACK - http://www.justiceforassange.co m http://twitter.com/Op_anon http://808chan.org/tpb | Target: Mission acomplishe d! | Hive + Chat: irc.anonops-irc.org | See: #Forum #Target #WikiLeaks #Propagan da #RadioPayback #Protest #Lounge | reporters: we're not hackers [01:50] <%no> *bovitutg* ok, how much? [01:50] <%no> lol [01:50] <%no> 9001 [01:50] * BrainScratch ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://www .mibbit.com ajax IRC Client ) [01:50] * ben1991 ([email protected]) has joined # OperationPayback [01:50] * FKz sets topic to: OPERATION PAYBACK - http://www.justiceforassange.co m http://twitter.com/Op_anon http://808chan.org/tpb | Target: Mission acomplishe d! | Hive + Chat: irc.anonops-irc.org | See: #Forum #Target #WikiLeaks #Propagan da #RadioPayback #Protest #Lounge | reporters: we're not hackers [01:50] <%no> *bovitutg* i can afford that. [01:50] <%no> what do they pay bots these days? [01:50] * owen sets mode -m for #OperationPayback [01:51] <%no> *bovitutg* let me in #Lounge plz, want to bring bots there! [01:51] <%no> lolno [01:51] * Sparxter`bsy ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [01:51] <ben1991> Where is everyone? [01:51] * ben1991 ([email protected]) has left #Op erationPayback [01:51] <@FKz> LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [01:51] <@FKz> wow [01:51] <_emkey_> no: 30k of america cyberwar unit has nothing to do [01:51] <%no> *bovitutg* 9002 $ [01:52] <%no> o lol [01:52] <+Sky_King> is ther an actual reason ppl use bots:/? [01:52] <%no> silly skiddys [01:52] <+Sky_King> for waht tho? [01:52] <%no> if you see switch, tell him i miss him [01:52] <%no> :D [01:52] <fathed> Sky_King, irc rage [01:52] <+Sky_King> o [01:52] <%no> they use it for flooding [01:52] * AboveandBeyond ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Colloquy for iPad - http://colloquy.mobi ) [01:52] <+Sky_King> always that......................... [01:53] <+Sky_King> jus wondered if there was some other reason.... [01:53] * Level7337_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ex-Chat ) [01:53] <%no> na [01:53] <%no> just that [01:53] <%no> i am out of juice [01:53] <%no> and milk [01:53] <%no> and lemonade [01:53] <+Sky_King> lol [01:53] * zoopenguin ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [01:53] <%no> :/ [01:53] * ben1991 ([email protected]) has join ed #OperationPayback [01:53] <%no> wo is me [01:53] * matthi ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:53] <+Sky_King> no worries i still have some [01:53] <%no> :D [01:54] <%no> can haz? [01:54] <Peek> i wrote a quiz-nazi-bot a while ago :D kicked everyone who gave a wrong answer :D [01:54] <+Sky_King> o can haz [01:54] <%no> :D [01:54] <ben1991> lol peek [01:54] <%no> =,= no is suspicious [01:54] <%no> very suspicious =,= [01:54] * OperationCandy ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [01:54] * Sky_King peers at Peek [01:54] * jords ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [01:55] <%no> peek can we have such a bot? [01:55] <TheMINd> A message to Anonymous from the L.A. Times: http://latimesblog s.latimes.com/the_big_picture/2010/12/why-the-wikileakers-are-not-quite-rosa-par ks.html (see first few paragraphs) [01:55] * tzant ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [01:55] <Peek> i lost the code a while ago.. but i can rewrite it [01:56] <Peek> lets call this the german-bot [01:56] <t-MiNUs> fbi stole ma bike [01:56] * JC ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:56] * Nerdo ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [01:56] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +v Nerdo for #OperationPayback [01:56] <+Nerdo> !sync [01:56] * SCP ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [01:56] <+Nerdo> !topic [01:56] -Tony_The_Tiger:#OperationPayback- Channel Topic: OPERATION PAYBACK - h ttp://www.justiceforassange.com http://twitter.com/Op_anon http://808chan.org/tp b | Target: Mission acomplished! | Hive + Chat: irc.anonops-irc.org | See: #Foru m #Target #WikiLeaks #Propaganda #RadioPayback #Protest #Lounge | reporters: we' re not hackers [01:56] <+owen> nerdo! its nerdo [01:56] <+owen> yay! [01:56] <@Emily> Nerdowen o: [01:56] <+Sky_King> <TheMINd> yeah Goldstein... he's a necon bootlicker from way back... fuckem [01:56] <+owen> lol emily [01:56] <ben1991> !topic [01:56] -Tony_The_Tiger:#OperationPayback- Channel Topic: OPERATION PAYBACK - h ttp://www.justiceforassange.com http://twitter.com/Op_anon http://808chan.org/tp b | Target: Mission acomplished! | Hive + Chat: irc.anonops-irc.org | See: #Foru m #Target #WikiLeaks #Propaganda #RadioPayback #Protest #Lounge | reporters: we' re not hackers [01:56] <ben1991> !topic [01:56] -Tony_The_Tiger:#OperationPayback- Channel Topic: OPERATION PAYBACK - h ttp://www.justiceforassange.com http://twitter.com/Op_anon http://808chan.org/tp b | Target: Mission acomplished! | Hive + Chat: irc.anonops-irc.org | See: #Foru m #Target #WikiLeaks #Propaganda #RadioPayback #Protest #Lounge | reporters: we' re not hackers [01:57] * Emily sets mode +v-o Emily Emily for #OperationPayback [01:57] <+Sky_King> my eyes [01:57] * staff ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [01:57] * exit ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [01:57] * SCP ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [01:57] <+owen> ben? [01:57] * vbt ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [01:57] <FLiech> [02:57:24] * staff ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout) :O [01:57] <TheMINd> no Sky_King, he's talking right to us, and its not bad advice [01:57] <FLiech> is that for real? [01:58] <+owen> did you think it changed that quicly? [01:58] * gingor ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mI RC www.anonops.net ) [01:58] * mr[a] ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [01:58] * free4all ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [01:58] <TheMINd> But history's freedom protesters realized that their civil dis obedience would lead to jail. They welcomed time behind bars as proof of their w illingness to sacrifice so others could sit at the same lunch counter, or ride a t the front of the bus, with their fellow citizens. [01:58] * aNone ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [01:59] <TheMINd> anyone here not realize they run a slight risk when they downl oaded the LOIC? [01:59] <%no> actually, i agree with that article [01:59] <%no> and i dont use teh loic [01:59] <TheMINd> If journalists are willing to look at us critically, and take us seriously to give advice like this [01:59] * Sammo ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [01:59] <%no> i use an httpost [02:00] <Sammo> Hey :P [02:00] <+Emily> There have been people talking about the fact that people using the hive weren't aware of the risk [02:00] <+Emily> Um, hello, joining a botnet [02:00] <t0r> POST is better than GET. [02:00] <TheMINd> we should at least listen to what they have to say [02:00] <%no> i know [02:00] * lidl0r ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:00] <%no> lol botnets [02:00] <+owen> emily? [02:00] <Vanzetti__> I see no reason why getting arrested or being willing to ge t arrested suddenly makes your cause just [02:00] * atonium2028 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping time out ) [02:00] <%no> little sammich teeth [02:00] <+owen> i thought you had access here [02:00] <%no> i have never fired inside the hive [02:00] <+Emily> I do [02:00] <+Emily> Lol [02:00] <+owen> hmm [02:01] <TheMINd> Vanzetti__: I think he's going off the assumption that none of us knew the LOIC was illegal [02:01] <+owen> no fair hiding [02:01] <fathed> Vanzetti__, your willingness to get arrested is proof that you believe in what youre doing. [02:01] <+owen> :) [02:01] <+Emily> Yeah, owen, no fair :P [02:01] <t0r> TheMINd: the LOIC is NOT illegal. [02:01] <%no> Vanzetti__, its more the "it was worth it" mentality. proves that they cared about the cause [02:01] <+Emily> I was coming down to get you [02:01] <Brickwall> Kind of a stupid generalisation [02:01] <+Emily> But MAFIAA got in the way [02:01] <t0r> it is a stress tool. [02:01] <TheMINd> ok *the ddos attacks were illegal* [02:01] <SCP> Technically, isn't the LOIC legal, with the purported use being se rver testing? [02:01] <+owen> i'm only supposed to be +v [02:01] <t0r> TheMINd: ddos attacks are illegal, but none of us is technically d oing a ddos attack. [02:01] <SCP> Downloading the LOIC --> absolutely fine. [02:01] * heyy ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [02:01] <SCP> participating in the DDoS --> illega. [02:02] <Vanzetti__> If you can do your direct action without getting arrested y ou are effective [02:02] <TheMINd> t0r: oh come on you think that'll stop them if they decide tha t anonymous is going to be their internet terrorist scapegoat? [02:02] <+owen> !up emiily [02:02] <Vanzetti__> And can fight another day [02:02] <+Emily> Muahahahaha [02:02] <%no> vanzetti but there is always the rist [02:02] * zoopenguin ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [02:02] <+owen> !up emily [02:02] <t0r> TheMINd: no, I know they can do whatever they want, as they always do. [02:02] <+owen> bite me tony [02:02] <TheMINd> But we're just as likely these days to end up in jail for peac eful protests IRL [02:02] <Sammo> Lol [02:03] <%no> i am looking forward to the 18th [02:03] <Sammo> As am i. [02:03] <%no> i am going to plaster shit [02:03] <Brickwall> Not having any/many consequences is not really the important part anyway/ [02:03] <%no> all over the strip [02:03] * owen sets mode +o Emily for #OperationPayback [02:03] <+owen> HA! [02:03] <+Sky_King> fuck the fear bullshit [02:03] <Sammo> My friend made 200 copies of his poster already [02:03] <@Emily> :< [02:03] * Vanzetti__ ([email protected]) Quit ( Connecti on reset by peer ) [02:03] <+owen> i lol'd [02:03] <_emkey_> Jails are overcrovded, country's (Expecially US) is decreising number of inmate's cos they count afford it [02:03] <%no> sammo, did you see mine? i think i sent it to you [02:03] <Sammo> I saw it [02:04] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [02:04] <Sammo> It's sexy :3 [02:04] * Jefke ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.an onops.net ) [02:04] <%no> inorite [02:04] <exit> 500 000 in jail in US for drugs what's another 2000? [02:04] <+Sky_King> it is for absolutely sure that anyone who actually stands up to power is going to have problems... with those in power... fuck them.. [02:04] * pwnsauce ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [02:04] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h pwnsauce for #OperationPayback [02:04] <Sammo> But im in a really lame town in canada, so plastering stuff up i s gonna be awesome [02:04] <%no> yessss. [02:04] <Vanzetti_> I will never do a rl action without masking up first [02:04] <%no> i live in vegas [02:04] <%no> so theres that [02:04] <+Sky_King> <Sammo>... yeah? i agree [02:05] <ben1991> im so ready for that op [02:05] <FLiech> Vanzetti_ - that doesn't do ANYTHING [02:05] <Sammo> Heh [02:05] <Sammo> Where are you from Sky King? [02:05] <ben1991> posters ready, spraypaint stencil ready [02:05] <%pwnsauce> Ok, ehats happening? [02:05] <FLiech> you can still easily be v& with ski-masks [02:05] <Vanzetti_> FLiech: in your opinion [02:05] <Sammo> Spray paint is off limits [02:05] <%no> fliech that is not the point [02:05] <FLiech> are you serious? [02:05] <Sammo> i already made a stencil [02:05] <Sammo> Then realised that spray paint it just gonna look like vandalism to the media [02:05] <Sammo> and to the cops [02:06] <%no> fliech the point is that we are known for the masks [02:06] <Vanzetti_> FLiech: of course they can still identify you but it certain ly decreases your risk [02:06] <FLiech> not really [02:06] <TheMINd> Also, guys don't use the V with a Circle symbol for ANYTHING r ight now [02:06] <FLiech> I've been part of quite a few protests :) [02:06] <Vanzetti_> Especially if you are in a block type action [02:06] <TheMINd> dunno if anyone would have used that symbol or not [02:06] <%no> themind, why? [02:06] <FLiech> they usually pick up the ones in masks first :P [02:06] * S ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [02:06] <Sammo> The A With a circle is where it's at [02:06] <Sammo> Hahaha [02:06] <+Sky_King> <TheMINd> why not use that symbool? [02:06] <FLiech> not JUST because they're usually the most agressive [02:06] <TheMINd> a guy ran into a schoolboard meeting, sprayed it on a wall or something, and then pulled out a gun and got shot [02:07] <%no> ah. lovely [02:07] <+Sky_King> o rite [02:07] <Sammo> 0.o [02:07] <TheMINd> like yesterday [02:07] <+Sky_King> that [02:07] <%no> nice [02:07] <unanymous> yeah be careful [02:07] <%no> awesome [02:07] <unanymous> fantastimismo [02:07] <%no> stupid kids [02:07] <+Sky_King> good point [02:07] <alientroll> he got shot in a schoolboard meeting? say [02:07] <alientroll> say what* [02:07] <unanymous> what [02:07] * defq0n- ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:07] <%no> ruining symbols [02:07] <alientroll> ;p [02:07] <ben1991> MINd: where was that? [02:07] <vathickan> okey [02:07] <Vanzetti_> FLiech: in my experience the masked anarchists are the last to get fucked with at a demo, riot pigs usually go for the less prepared, always safer on the front lines masked up [02:07] <alientroll> were the people attending the meeting packing heat? [02:07] <Vanzetti_> IMO [02:07] * wolfie ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [02:08] <fathed> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21SRgqRCqbQ <-- shooting vid. [02:08] <FLiech> Vanzetti_: my experience is the opposite, but okay :) [02:08] * respuesta9 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: L eaving ) [02:08] <TheMINd> alientroll: security guard was. The gun had blanks apparently :\ [02:08] <exit> first you will need a mob [02:08] <%pwnsauce> Vanzatti_ the masked in my experience get beaten first :( [02:08] <alientroll> ah gotcha. thats nasty [02:08] <ben1991> where was this shooting? [02:08] <fathed> TheMINd, the gun didnt have blanks. [02:08] * AnonGuest51275 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [02:08] <jMn> fire att will! target: sweden [02:09] <FLiech> they can deal with the unmasked later, masked get v& as soon as anything happens [02:09] <TheMINd> yeah guys when you're protesting, stick with another anon, tak e food and water and blankets in a bag, just in case they try that kettling shit with you [02:09] <_emkey_> OMFG at that video [02:09] <unanymous> jMn: fire att will! http://i52.tinypic.com/2ufqc94.jpg [02:09] <Vanzetti_> pwnsauce: I will admit it depends on how many others are mas ked up and ready to go [02:09] <TheMINd> wear your masks, and take a camcorder [02:09] <_emkey_> well...only in america ^^ [02:09] <%pwnsauce> Vanzatti_ any chance you saw the Dublin roits? [02:09] <%pwnsauce> I was there.... [02:10] <tabs> nice [02:10] <Vanzetti_> Also if tear has comes out guys bandanna soaked in vinegar w orks well for tear gas [02:10] * daboogieman ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:10] * Dan-au ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [02:10] <Vanzetti_> And bring a Change of clothes [02:10] <Sammo> I need one of them V for vendetta masks [02:10] <Sammo> I still dont have one [02:10] <Sammo> after my years of being anonymous [02:10] <Brickwall> I have two [02:10] <jMn> unanymous: nice poster :> [02:11] <Brickwall> They're quite cheap [02:11] <unanymous> thanks [02:11] <Vanzetti_> pwnsauce: no I didn't see those riots [02:11] * Anon777 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:11] * anon_nbradowork ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:11] <Vanzetti_> Btw [02:11] <+Sky_King> is there on online source for them? [02:11] <+Sky_King> masks [02:11] <Sammo> I've always gone for the classic Wear a bandanna over the face [02:11] <Sammo> with a hat on [02:11] <+Sky_King> yeah but vendetta mask is win [02:11] <%no> sky_king [02:11] <+Sky_King> ;p [02:11] <%no> google it [02:11] <%pwnsauce> Vanzatti_ I carry gas mask, but there was no tear gas at tha t one. I was sad about that lol [02:11] <+Sky_King> lol [02:11] <+Sky_King> rite [02:11] <Vanzetti_> You can make a pretty good mask out of a t shirt [02:12] * horst ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [02:12] * Anon_1985 ([email protected]) has joi ned #OperationPayback [02:12] <TheMINd> Guy Fawkes mask is like $10, i've seen them at costume shops, and at ... hot topic... [02:12] <Vanzetti_> pwnsauce: can you be charged for carrying a gas mask in Irel and? In the states it's possession of an implement of crime [02:12] <TheMINd> also online [02:12] * owen sets mode -R for #OperationPayback [02:13] <TheMINd> another idea is to print out a picture of Julian and use that [02:13] <Anon_1985> TheMINd, there ot guy fawks masks ;) [02:13] <Anon_1985> not* [02:13] <+Sky_King> <Vanzetti_>implement of crime? quit... really? [02:13] <%pwnsauce> Vanzatti_ Negative, army surplus sold out days before the ri ot. Shit man, i carry lockpicks too. [02:13] * kava ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [02:14] <Anon_1985> who told metro news that we didn't attack amazon? [02:14] <Vanzetti_> Sky_King: yeah dude in Pittsburgh g20 they passed special l aws beforehand to make that shut illegal [02:14] <tabs> gas masks are nice [02:14] <TheMINd> Anon_1985 it was obvious to everyone. [02:14] * tagus ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:14] <+Sky_King> wow [02:14] <+Sky_King> never heard that [02:14] * daboogieman ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [02:14] * `Brendan ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [02:14] <TheMINd> yeah its ridiculous [02:14] <Vanzetti_> You can get charged for conspiracy in a lot of places just f or masking up [02:14] <%no> sammo, i am here and now naming the 18th as "kill a tree for freed om day" [02:14] * rul ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [02:14] <+Sky_King> they make premptive laws now? [02:14] <TheMINd> you can't gather anymore [02:14] * k0mplk2 ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [02:14] * HalloWien ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [02:14] <Sammo> Loooool [02:14] * peter87fyl ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [02:15] <Sammo> That's legit [02:15] <TheMINd> and we get attacked by the media for initiating our movement f rom our basements [02:15] <%no> yep [02:15] <Sammo> Im talking to my girlfriend about something serious [02:15] <Sammo> so don't mind if i get quiet [02:15] <+Sky_King> huh... come to think of it i guess preemptive laws are noth ing new [02:15] <TheMINd> Well fuck, I don't smell no tear gas here. [02:15] <Vanzetti_> Sky_King: they do and have been for a bit [02:15] <TheMINd> some times I cough after I inhale [02:15] <Anon_1985> Anonymous, the loose collective of 'hactivists' behind the O peration Payback attacks on companies like MasterCard and PayPal, say that they never attempted to attack Amazon - because it would interfere with people's Chri stmas shopping [02:15] <Anon_1985> Read more: http://www.metro.co.uk/tech/850075-anonymous-atta cking-amazon-would-be-bad-taste#ixzz18Abu6TfP [02:15] <Vanzetti_> It sucks [02:15] * oznik ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ik ga weg ) [02:15] <%no> sammo, tell her that all the cool girlfriends are doing anal [02:16] <+Sky_King> lol [02:16] * HalloWien ([email protected]) has left #Operat ionPayback [02:16] <+Sky_King> its true [02:16] <Sammo> LOoool [02:16] <Sammo> Nooo xD [02:16] <Anon_1985> anal xD [02:16] * __5w__ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [02:16] <%no> you should [02:16] <%no> also, encourage her to sleep facedown [02:16] <%pwnsauce> Basements? I work from my bed... I am that lazy! And my best work is over a coffee in a cafe! [02:16] <%no> on top of the covers [02:16] <%no> :D [02:16] * asangee ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [02:17] * Ahmedinejad ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [02:17] <TheMINd> pwnsauce: I've spent most of this operation high [02:18] * nW44bbb ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [02:18] <Ahmedinejad> i need some help with this Stuxnet virus [02:18] <tabs> oh yes [02:18] <TheMINd> and I don't know how many days behind I am [02:18] <+Sky_King> me too MIND [02:18] <TheMINd> in sleep [02:18] <exit> i've been naked the whole time [02:18] <fathed> TheMINd, nobody even noticed either. [02:18] * MelkMan ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:18] <tabs> 420 [02:18] <%pwnsauce> TheMINd : I think I may be doin shrooms myself soon [02:18] <TheMINd> God, provigil is BAD when you're focused on this so long [02:18] <ben1991> lol [02:18] <+Sky_King> fuck I havnt slept much at all [02:18] <Brickwall> LOL exit [02:18] <exit> muahahah [02:18] * Ahmedinejad ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayb ack [02:18] <%no> OPERATION PAPERSTORM IS NOW KNOWN AS THE "KILL A TREE FOR FREEDOM PROJECT" [02:18] <+Sky_King> provogil?.... shit jus coffee here [02:18] <Vanzetti_> Damn I out of booze weed and speed this sucks [02:18] * asangee ([email protected]) has jo ined #OperationPayback [02:19] <Brickwall> Die trees, die! [02:19] <TheMINd> Provigil is what the methheads use to stay awake longer [02:19] * Sparxter`bsy ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [02:19] <serial> the world has plenty of trees being raeped for landscaper leafl ets going on people's front doors [02:19] <+Sky_King> really? [02:19] <+Sky_King> wat it do? [02:19] * Sl33p3r ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [02:19] <serial> at least this is something people will read [02:19] <TheMINd> Sky_King: Well, not so much stay awake longer, just not start hallucinating [02:19] <+Sky_King> wo meth i mean [02:19] <myshkovitz> http://blogs.csoonline.com/1296/an_fbi_backdoor_in_openbsd [02:19] <+Sky_King> oh [02:19] <Brickwall> The paper here is grown in massive tree farms [02:19] <+Sky_King> fend off the tweak [02:19] <+Sky_King> huh [02:20] <+Sky_King> they got shit for taht now huh [02:20] <Brickwall> Where they harvest the paper from the trees every summer [02:20] * ben1991 ([email protected]) Quit ( Q uit: ) [02:20] * Eberik ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [02:20] <Vanzetti_> Yo I actually know something that can help with paperstorm [02:20] <+Sky_King> ill be damned [02:20] <TheMINd> its a "wake promoting agent"... treats narcolepsy, but if you don't have narcolepsy you can go 3 days for a stretch [02:20] <%no> vanzetti, do you? [02:20] <k0mplk2> in openbsd???? [02:20] <TheMINd> no sleep, little loss of performance [02:20] <+Sky_King> wo tweaking? [02:20] <Vanzetti_> Who wants the code to get free copies at staples? [02:20] <TheMINd> I wouldn't reocmmend it though [02:20] <TheMINd> koreans die that way [02:20] <tr4um> Anyone in here experienced with DRUPAL? [02:20] <+Sky_King> doesn't sound healhful ;) [02:20] * allan ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [02:20] <k0mplk2> icant believe theo did that [02:20] <%no> vanzetti, is that legit? [02:20] <rul> new headline: Visa got DDoS'ed by junkies .__. [02:20] <Vanzetti_> Anyone? [02:21] <+Sky_King> koreans? [02:21] <Brickwall> lol [02:21] <+Sky_King> wtf? [02:21] <Vanzetti_> It's legit ive used it before [02:21] <+Sky_King> splain please [02:21] <tabs> expand your mind, http://www.erowid.org/ [02:21] <Brickwall> what can help with paperstorm [02:21] <+Sky_King> u mean slave laboreres? [02:21] <%no> vanzetti, care to explain? [02:21] <Anon_1985> Meh i like trees [02:21] * Ismael ([email protected]) Quit ( Input/output er ror ) [02:21] <Vanzetti_> Ok so to get free copies at staples [02:22] <tr4um> Anyone in here experienced with DRUPAL? Please PM me. It's urgen t. [02:22] <serial> oh yes please free [02:22] <+Sky_King> o staples... fuck im talkin about tweakin koreans of provogi l... and it goes back to staples [02:22] <Vanzetti_> Go to machine get card put 1 dolla on so it looks legit [02:22] <+Sky_King> okay ill stfu... proceed [02:22] * webluna ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [02:22] <Vanzetti_> Then there should be a button on the copier that says access a I think [02:23] * nW44bb ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [02:23] <Vanzetti_> But whatever it says it'll bring up a menu [02:23] <Vanzetti_> And most staples havnt changed te code [02:23] * amnotamouse ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [02:23] <Vanzetti_> So 99% of the time 1111 [02:24] <Vanzetti_> Will log you in [02:24] <%no> lol [02:24] <Brickwall> Magic [02:24] <+Sky_King> win? [02:24] <Vanzetti_> So after you do that [02:24] <%no> and this is why i love meth heads [02:24] <+Sky_King> me 2 [02:24] <+Sky_King> they figure shit out [02:24] <Vanzetti_> You have to go into the setting and turn authenticator or so mething like that on [02:25] <Vanzetti_> Repeat [02:25] * amnotamouse ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:25] <anonjulian> http://xkcd.com/834/ : ) [02:25] <Vanzetti_> On not off [02:25] * pride2 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [02:25] <pride2> why am i banned on my home network? [02:25] <%no> pride2, you probably tapped a filter [02:25] <pride2> from irc [02:25] <%no> or someone on your domain tapped a filter [02:25] <pride2> how do u mean? [02:25] <%no> it happens [02:25] <k0mplk2> well if that affair about backdoors in openbsd ir real we are all fucked [02:25] <%no> we're sorry [02:25] <%no> and it will lapse in a few hours [02:26] <%no> so relax [02:26] * nigs ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [02:26] <pride2> well im banned for more than 2 days now [02:26] <serial> lol @ that link anonjulian [02:26] <%no> and listen to the meth head talk about free printing [02:26] * elimS ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:26] * nigs ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:26] <exit> we don't have FBI in this country [02:26] <Vanzetti_> From there make as many copies as you want [02:26] * vtwelve ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:26] * pwnsauce ([email protected]) Quit ( User has been bann ed from AnonOps.net (Spam(JEROENZ0R's) ) [02:26] <Vanzetti_> But this is the most important part [02:26] <%no> sammo, dont forget to look up the recipe for wheatpaste [02:26] * ThreeRiverz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping tim eout ) [02:26] <Vanzetti_> After you're done fucking change it back [02:27] <Brickwall> Or they will notice and fix it right? [02:27] <Vanzetti_> Or else you're gonna ruin it for the rest of us [02:27] <Vanzetti_> Yeah [02:27] * some ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:27] <Vanzetti_> To repeat [02:27] <Vanzetti_> Access a [02:27] <serial> thats technically stealing Vanzetti_ so calling it legit isn't precisely right [02:27] <TheMINd> Alright, guys. I've ignored my finals way too hard [02:27] <Vanzetti_> Code 1111 [02:27] <k0mplk2> if they tried to put it on bsd they already done in the others [02:27] * joepie91 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [02:27] * Reptar ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [02:28] <Vanzetti_> Authenticator on [02:28] <Vanzetti_> Make copies turn off log out and leave [02:28] <TheMINd> :( [02:28] * mendax87 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [02:28] <Vanzetti_> Yeah it's stealing but it's anti corporate theft for a good cause so fuck it [02:28] <Vanzetti_> And hello Feds [02:28] <Vanzetti_> Lol [02:28] * Power2All ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [02:28] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h Power2All for #OperationPayback [02:29] <pride2> but what do i have to do now so i can login on irc again? since no one at home filtered irc. it is on the server that my ip is banned [02:29] <%no> HI FBI [02:29] * jili ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [02:29] <%no> pride2, someone fubard the filters the other day [02:29] <%no> and set it to ban by domain [02:29] <%no> and not by host [02:29] <exit> they never say hi back [02:29] <exit> rude [02:29] <%no> and yours might have been one of those domains [02:29] <%no> so chill the fuck out [02:29] <pride2> ok [02:29] <%no> it will pass [02:29] <pride2> can it be unbanned? [02:29] * TheMINd ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [02:29] <%no> bitch to an ircop [02:30] <%no> and maybe they will unban you [02:30] <%no> but idk [02:30] * Attila ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mI RC www.anonops.net ) [02:30] <Vanzetti_> Lol [02:30] <%no> yeah [02:30] <%no> next complaint, and i pms kick [02:30] <%no> i promise [02:30] <%no> :D [02:31] <Vanzetti_> It's be funny if this staples shot is what gets me v& [02:31] <%no> vanzetti, it will probably be the meth [02:31] <+Sky_King> true tha [02:31] <Vanzetti_> Haha [02:31] <+Sky_King> conspiracy to defraud a copier [02:31] <Vanzetti_> I never said I did meth [02:31] <Vanzetti_> Just add mess [02:31] * rul ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC ww w.anonops.net ) [02:31] <Vanzetti_> Meds [02:32] <Vanzetti_> Lol [02:32] <serial> .. so you DID do meth :p [02:32] <+Sky_King> i stopped that shit years ago [02:32] <+Sky_King> hard as hell tho [02:32] <%no> i have never done it [02:32] <+Sky_King> its shit [02:32] <+Sky_King> take you all the way down so fst [02:32] <Vanzetti_> A much weaker version of meth [02:33] <+Sky_King> an you dont even realize [02:33] <Vanzetti_> That helps me write [02:33] <+Sky_King> weaker version? [02:33] <Vanzetti_> And bust [02:33] * zoopenguin ([email protected]) has joine d #OperationPayback [02:33] <Vanzetti_> Multiple nuts for pleasure [02:33] <Vanzetti_> Lol [02:33] <+Sky_King> oh [02:33] <@FKz> need mods for AnonOps forum. #Forum join if you can mod. official AnonOps forum [02:33] <+Sky_King> yeah i miss that [02:33] * Vanzetti__ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [02:33] * no ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback (Leaving) [02:33] <tr4um> Still looking for DRUPAL nerds. [02:33] * Attila ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [02:34] * no_`napping` ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:34] <+Sky_King> sex with wire was so... feral... nasty... good actually [02:34] <+Sky_King> i liked it [02:34] <+Sky_King> but alas [02:35] <+Sky_King> the cost was sky fuckin high... an i dont mean money [02:35] * pride2 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [02:35] * mendax87 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:35] * blabla ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www. anonops.net ) [02:35] * Brickwall is away: I'll be back once you people have decided what you' re going to do [02:35] <Vanzetti__> Yeah [02:36] * karl ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [02:36] <Mean> you are not sepose to need any skills to use DRUPAL [02:36] * Sky_King would never have become a king had he continued using meth... [02:36] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping time out ) [02:36] <+Sky_King> lol [02:37] * Anon9001 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Left ) [02:37] * JC ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [02:37] <Vanzetti__> Word [02:37] <no_`napping`> brickwall, we are going to fuck your mom. but we are wait ing for you to leave because we thought it would be rude to do it in front of yo u. [02:37] * Eberik ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [02:38] * Anomuumi ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [02:38] * Sky_King was a toy i used to play with when i was little... it was an airplane on a wire atached to a flashlight looking thingie.. and you swung it ar ound in circles while pressign a button that made the props turn... it sucked [02:38] * Vanzetti__ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: BRB! Reconn ecting ... ) [02:38] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [02:38] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) has left #Operat ionPayback [02:39] * fzsdf ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [02:39] * Demo ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:39] * Sparxter`bsy ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [02:40] * zoopenguin ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ik ga weg ) [02:40] <+Nerdo> !Staff [02:40] * ShamanTurk ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayb ack [02:40] * owen ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [02:41] * vathickan ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [02:41] * Brickwall is back (gone 00:05:48) [02:41] <Brickwall> Uh huh [02:41] * M0053 ([email protected]) has join ed #OperationPayback [02:41] <+Sky_King> waht? [02:42] * anon316 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:42] <Brickwall> What no said, I decided that was the best response [02:42] * sklipkitty ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:42] <figlidellastessarabia> ridiculous [02:42] * Demo ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [02:42] <@Corey> Morning fuckers. [02:42] * Sky_King looks around for some fuckers [02:42] * marti-n1 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [02:43] <+Sky_King> lol [02:43] * marti-n1 ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayb ack [02:43] <+Nerdo> Morning Corey [02:43] * daydream ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [02:43] <+Nerdo> ^cunt [02:43] <@Corey> :) [02:43] * Corey licks Nerdo [02:43] * JC ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:43] <+Nerdo> eeew wet [02:43] <+Nerdo> oooh wet [02:43] <+Nerdo> Xd [02:43] <@Corey> lolwut [02:44] <@Corey> oo [02:44] <@Corey> no: you better be being good. [02:44] <FLiech> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/wikileaks/8202414/Wik iLeaks-Julian-Assange-sex-assault-court-case-branded-a-show-trial.html [02:44] <Brickwall> "Good" [02:44] <Brickwall> <no_`napping`> brickwall, we are going to fuck your mom. but we are waiting for you to leave because we thought it would be rude to do it in front of you. [02:44] <Brickwall> lol [02:44] * Wera1 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [02:45] <@Corey> uh oh [02:45] <+Nerdo> Corey: He borrowed firepants underwear, its a but toasty down t here now [02:45] <@Corey> shes been naughty [02:45] * Z ([email protected]) has join ed #OperationPayback [02:45] <@Corey> Nerdo: do me the favors, and beat no_`napping` when she awakens ? [02:45] * Z ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [02:45] <+Nerdo> Maybe [02:45] <anon_ru> i'll be back if you decide to DO anything [02:46] * anon_ru ([email protected]) has left #OperationPa yback (Once you know what it is you want to be true, instinct is a very useful d evice for enabling you to know that it is) [02:46] * LOIC_XEAYGA ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [02:46] <fzsdf> bolsamania [02:47] <foobarpoo> http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00wp1kq/BBC_News_at_Te n_14_12_2010/ [02:47] * SDF9249EW ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [02:47] * flatline ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [02:47] * killingtime ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:47] * LOIC_XEAYGA ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exit ed ) [02:48] * temporaarrayli ([email protected]) has j oined #OperationPayback [02:48] * SDF9249EW ([email protected]) has left #Operation Payback (Leaving) [02:48] * LOIC_BRBRHY ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [02:48] <+Sky_King> <anon_ru> fuck dude. we were jus about to launch over 9000a ttacks... and you just poofed on us... wtf? [02:48] <@Corey> !k LOIC_BRBRHY loics = go in #LOIC [02:48] * LOIC_BRBRHY was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (loic s = go in #LOIC (Corey)) [02:48] * kvnt ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [02:49] * l0pht ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [02:49] * l0pht ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: l0pht ) [02:50] * Nerdo ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://www. mibbit.com ajax IRC Client ) [02:50] <no_`napping`> lol corey [02:50] <@Corey> Ay [02:51] <@Corey> youv'e been bad. [02:51] <@Corey> very bad. [02:51] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anonmIRC www.anonops.net ) [02:51] <no_`napping`> yes [02:51] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [02:51] <@Corey> bend over no and get ready. [02:51] <no_`napping`> ive been a diry girl [02:51] <no_`napping`> a dirty dirty girl [02:51] <@Corey> Yup [02:51] <no_`napping`> spank me corey [02:51] * Corey slaps no with his dick [02:51] <no_`napping`> harder [02:51] <no_`napping`> i deserve it [02:51] <no_`napping`> harder [02:51] * Corey beats the living shit out of no [02:51] <@Corey> !!DIE BITCH DIE!! [02:51] <no_`napping`> yes [02:51] <no_`napping`> yes [02:51] <no_`napping`> yes [02:51] <@Corey> Yes [02:51] <@Corey> yesy es yes [02:52] <@Corey> hurry [02:52] * Sky_King reaches for lube [02:52] <@Corey> bend over [02:52] <@Corey> about to cum [02:52] * iceman45 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [02:52] * no_`napping` bends over [02:52] <k0mplk2> keep firing corey [02:52] * no_`napping` starts crying [02:52] * Corey fires at no [02:52] <no_`napping`> lol [02:52] <@Corey> headshot? :o [02:52] <no_`napping`> yes [02:52] <no_`napping`> cum on my face [02:52] <@Corey> : ) [02:52] <k0mplk2> confirm tango down ? [02:52] <@Corey> Yeh? [02:52] <Sammo> Did i just walk in on finished cyber sex? [02:52] * Sky_King came [02:52] <no_`napping`> sammo, yes [02:53] <no_`napping`> yes you did [02:53] <@Corey> no: what do you want next babe [02:53] <Sammo> Im scarred for life. [02:53] <Mean> a balanced article on julian [02:53] <Mean> http://shelleytherepublican.com/2010/12/11/enemy-of-freedom-julia n-assange.aspx [02:53] * tizbac ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:53] <no_`napping`> corey, i love the dynamic of our relationship [02:53] * burrburr ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:53] <no_`napping`> were you good today corey? [02:53] <@Corey> no: never leave me, ok? [02:53] <@Corey> no [02:53] <@Corey> iv'e been REALLY BAD [02:53] <no_`napping`> i wont ever leave you corey [02:53] * no_`napping` sighs [02:53] <no_`napping`> assume the position [02:53] * Corey silently strokes dick in the darkness [02:54] <@Corey> Position assumed [02:54] * vbt ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:54] * no_`napping` grabs a beaded paddle. [02:54] <no_`napping`> are you ready baby? [02:54] <@Corey> I have a feeling im going to cry, but yes im ready babe [02:54] <no_`napping`> are you holding the grips this time? [02:54] * Hawk ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [02:54] <no_`napping`> i can have you falling over on me again? [02:54] <@Corey> no :( [02:54] * Corey holds grips [02:54] <no_`napping`> or do i have to tie you? [02:54] <no_`napping`> lol [02:54] <@Corey> tie me [02:55] <@Corey> tie me [02:55] <@Corey> tie me [02:55] * blabla ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [02:55] * no_`napping` ties corey to the wall [02:55] <Sammo> Make a cybersex channel [02:55] <Sammo> or cyber in a queried chat [02:55] <Sammo> Hahaha [02:55] <no_`napping`> sammo, did i say you could speak> [02:55] <@Corey> #sex for sexy time [02:55] <@Corey> #sex for sexy time [02:55] <@Corey> #sex for sexy time [02:55] <@Corey> #sex for sexy time [02:55] * no_`napping` cracks whip [02:55] <t0r> ahahahahah [02:55] * nato ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [02:55] <no_`napping`> sammo, did i say you could speak? [02:55] <+Sky_King> uh oh [02:55] * fathed ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [02:55] * daniel_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [02:55] <no_`napping`> lol [02:56] <@Corey> dat bitch in trouble :o [02:56] <no_`napping`> corey, did i say you could speak? [02:56] * no_`napping` smacks corey [02:56] <@Corey> im sorry [02:56] <no_`napping`> no [02:56] <@Corey> i am rule breaker [02:56] <no_`napping`> i didnt [02:56] * no_`napping` beats corey harder [02:56] * mendax87 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [02:56] <no_`napping`> you never learn do you [02:56] <no_`napping`> you [02:56] <@Corey> no mam [02:56] <no_`napping`> never [02:56] * cooljack ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:56] <no_`napping`> fucking [02:56] <no_`napping`> learn [02:56] <@Corey> im sorry [02:57] <@Corey> grab the lube [02:57] <@Corey> and just stick the whole bottle in my asshole [02:57] * no_`napping` grabs the lube [02:57] * kt ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [02:57] <no_`napping`> are you ready corey? [02:57] * phaedra ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [02:57] <@Corey> yes [02:57] <@Corey> do it [02:57] * Ismael ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [02:57] * Sky_King looks at sammo... you in trouble bitch... wait til she gets d one... [02:57] * no_`napping` fucks corey with a large spikey dildo. [02:57] <no_`napping`> you've been bad corey [02:57] <@Corey> oh yes [02:57] <@Corey> YES [02:57] <@Corey> YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS [02:57] <k0mplk2> wtf?! [02:58] <@Corey> omg [02:58] <@Corey> can k0mplk2 join our sexy gay orgy? [02:58] <no_`napping`> tell teh people youre sorry [02:58] <no_`napping`> tell teh people youre sorry [02:58] <@Corey> i am sorry, people! [02:58] <@Corey> i am sorry, people! [02:58] <no_`napping`> say it louder [02:58] <@Corey> I AM SORRY PEOPLE [02:58] <@Corey> I AM SO FUCKING SORRY [02:58] <no_`napping`> like you fucking mean it [02:58] <k0mplk2> i m just a arse of voyeur [02:58] <@Corey> IV"E BEEN SUCH A SLUT [02:58] <no_`napping`> now lick my boot [02:59] <@Corey> Ha slut ho detto che mi dispiace già. [02:59] * Corey licks no's boot [02:59] * no_`napping` unties corey. [02:59] <k0mplk2> ok ... well ... keep firing no_napping ... alpha..mike..foxtro t ...corey .... and confirm when tango down [02:59] * zetori ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [02:59] <no_`napping`> same time next week? [02:59] * Corey licks no's foot [02:59] <@Corey> yes [02:59] <no_`napping`> :D [02:59] <@Corey> : ) [03:00] * slane ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [03:00] * Sky_King looks for cumrag [03:00] <@Corey> no: is it ok if i loose felling if my left foot and my right as s cheeck? [03:00] * kevor ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [03:00] <no_`napping`> corey, yes [03:00] <@Corey> o [03:00] * flatline ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [03:00] <no_`napping`> that sometime happens with "shock therapy" [03:00] <@Corey> Yes [03:00] <@Corey> no: will you marry me? [03:01] <no_`napping`> corey, switch will never understand [03:01] <@Corey> i want us to be official... [03:01] <no_`napping`> you know that [03:01] * Hawk ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Few women admit their age. Few me n act theirs. ) [03:01] <@Corey> switch is not here [03:01] <@Corey> he won't know [03:01] <no_`napping`> always in the shadows baby [03:01] <@Corey> he won't know [03:01] <@Corey> he won't know [03:01] <@Corey> he won't know [03:01] <no_`napping`> i cant hurt switch [03:01] <@Corey> if you say no [03:01] <no_`napping`> poor crying trollface in a tank [03:01] <@Corey> it will hurt me [03:01] <@Corey> : ( [03:01] * Corey runs in circles [03:01] <no_`napping`> im not saying no [03:01] * _Legacy ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [03:01] * flatline` ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [03:01] <no_`napping`> im not saying yes [03:02] <@Corey> SAY YES TO THE HALF RETARTED GUY OR ELSE I TELL MY MUM! [03:02] * sklipkitty ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [03:02] <no_`napping`> lol [03:02] <no_`napping`> idc [03:02] <kevor> O_o [03:02] <no_`napping`> tell emily [03:02] <@Corey> u want to hurt retarted guy feeling? :( [03:02] <Ismael> Seern that? Danger to be v&? http://pandalabs.pandasecurity.com /wp-content/uploads/2010/12/LJNdB.png [03:02] <no_`napping`> she already knows [03:02] <@Corey> Emily [03:02] <@Corey> she hurt retarted guys feelings [03:02] * nato ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [03:02] <@Corey> *derp derp derp FIAFSHHFS* [03:02] * vathickan ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [03:02] <no_`napping`> ismael, the guy that wrote that is mad at us [03:02] <no_`napping`> youre not getting v& [03:02] * flatline is now known as AnonGuest38454 [03:03] * Rozza ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [03:03] <@Corey> so uh [03:03] <Ismael> no_`napping`: thank you. [03:03] * flatline` ([email protected]) has left #OperationPa yback [03:03] <@Corey> if i download LOIC to stress test my servers [03:03] <@Corey> i go jail? [03:03] <+Sky_King> <Ismael>... yes we've all seen it for day now... it's bullsh it fearfag stuff... [03:03] * Redundance ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [03:03] <whlie> any target at the moment? [03:03] <kevor> rofl isam [03:03] <kevor> Ismael: [03:03] * Ne0N ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [03:03] <_ikke_> whlie: Mission Accomplished [03:03] * AnonGuest38454 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping time out ) [03:03] * ePeRDeMeR ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [03:03] * flatline ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [03:04] <kevor> what mission is exactly accomplished? [03:04] * nickperdido ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [03:04] <no_`napping`> actually, there is a good video [03:04] <no_`napping`> that explains the whole thing [03:04] <Ismael> Ok then, thanks. [03:04] <+Sky_King> <Ismael> dont get pwnd by jacob [03:04] <Champion> kevor: we got all targets down [03:04] <michael_hirte> !topic [03:04] -Tony_The_Tiger:#OperationPayback- Channel Topic: OPERATION PAYBACK - h ttp://www.justiceforassange.com http://twitter.com/Op_anon http://808chan.org/tp b | Target: Mission acomplished! | Hive + Chat: irc.anonops-irc.org | See: #Foru m #Target #WikiLeaks #Propaganda #RadioPayback #Protest #Lounge | reporters: we' re not hackers [03:04] <no_`napping`> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiC-oaFbiy8 [03:04] <vathickan> !hive [03:04] <@cuntX> THE HIVE is not accepting any volunteers right now. Mission acc omplished. [03:05] <no_`napping`> watch that [03:05] * BsECTORiZED ([email protected]) has left #Operatio nPayback [03:05] <Champion> cuntX: please remove the twitter link.. the account is suspen ded [03:05] <michael_hirte> mission's accomplished?! wtrf [03:05] <michael_hirte> -r [03:05] * nato ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [03:05] <Reptar> Hahah just found this http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/201012090034 [03:06] * Jefke ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [03:06] <no_`napping`> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiC-oaFbiy8 <----------wat ch this [03:06] <+Sky_King> yeah we kicked their asses and they surrendured... you didn' t hear? ....lol [03:06] <_ikke_> lol @ no_`napping` [03:06] * k0mplk2 ([email protected]) has left #OperationP ayback [03:06] * Attila ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mI RC www.anonops.net ) [03:06] <+Sky_King> i love that video [03:07] * blabla ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www. anonops.net ) [03:07] * AD05 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [03:07] <+Sky_King> its going in our torrent [03:07] <no_`napping`> good [03:07] <no_`napping`> sky_king [03:07] <+Sky_King> ; [03:07] <no_`napping`> if i get you copies of all the joke fliers i have made [03:07] <no_`napping`> will you add them? [03:07] <+Sky_King> ;) [03:07] * m4t ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [03:07] <+Sky_King> yes [03:07] * level7337 ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [03:07] <no_`napping`> ok [03:07] <no_`napping`> i will find them tomorrow [03:07] <+Sky_King> post in #Project_TPB [03:07] <no_`napping`> they are around somewhere [03:08] * fathed ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [03:08] <+Sky_King> we would love to have them [03:08] <no_`napping`> :D [03:08] <no_`napping`> there should be a special area in the "museum" for no. [03:08] <+Sky_King> we're archiving all the Anonymous art we can find [03:09] <theindie> some of the art is really good stuff [03:09] <theindie> :D [03:09] <no_`napping`> inorite [03:09] <Champion> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiC-oaFbiy8 [03:10] <+Sky_King> so.... aynone else whose seen a great video poster wallpaper ... whatever... brin it... well torrent and seed in one pkg [03:10] <spudrospard> its PayBackTime, Bitch [03:10] <no_`napping`> champion, old news [03:10] <no_`napping`> posted that 1 min ago [03:10] <no_`napping`> literally [03:10] <Champion> I know [03:10] * SlamDunk ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [03:10] <Champion> I wanted to spread it [03:10] <no_`napping`> too soon son [03:10] <no_`napping`> too soon [03:11] <no_`napping`> slamdunk, you are deutchfag [03:11] <no_`napping`> i have something for you [03:11] <+Sky_King> or maybe seed in categorized pckges? hm have to talk that over [03:11] <SlamDunk> no_`napping`: problem? [03:11] * Attila ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [03:11] <no_`napping`> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiC-oaFbiy8 [03:11] <no_`napping`> watch that [03:11] <no_`napping`> ignore the german [03:11] <slane> which @ can help me with operator on some channel? [03:11] <no_`napping`> read the captions [03:11] <no_`napping`> slane, dont ask for ops [03:11] <no_`napping`> rule one [03:12] * no_`napping` ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback (Leavi ng) [03:12] * no ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [03:12] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h no for #OperationPayback [03:12] <SlamDunk> no_`napping`: I think he asked for assistance with getting a channel setup -- nevermind [03:12] <%no> mmmm [03:12] <whlie> rule two don't listen to none [03:12] <%no> lol [03:12] * nato ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [03:12] <%no> ruel 16 i broke it [03:12] * foobarpoo ([email protected]) Quit ( Clien t exited ) [03:12] <%no> slane, whatcha need homeslice? [03:13] <%no> slane [03:13] <%no> srsly [03:13] <%no> i cant help you [03:13] <%no> if i dont know what you need [03:13] <%no> srsly [03:13] <%no> :/ [03:13] <%no> newfags [03:13] * Seth_Hikaru ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [03:14] <%no> seth! [03:14] * Shaman ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [03:14] <slane> i want @ on some channel [03:14] <%no> i missed you [03:14] * Garaizs ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [03:14] <slane> which already someone took [03:14] <%no> slane, what channel [03:14] <slane> channel in empty [03:14] <slane> pl [03:14] <%no> what channel [03:14] <_ikke_> slane: Make your own channel [03:14] <%no> give me a hash [03:14] <slane> #poland [03:14] * Garaizs ([email protected]) has left #OperationPa yback [03:15] <SlamDunk> Hmm, did we lose a lot of people, or is it because most peopl e are asleep or so? [03:15] <Seth_Hikaru> no: This place needs to settle the fuck down and just pick a decent host who won't kick us off. [03:15] * Anonymus_94 ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [03:15] * AWW3 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [03:16] * _Legacy ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [03:17] * P4rtyB33r ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:05] ->> You joined channel #OperationPayback [14:05] ->> Topic is: OPERATION PAYBACK - http://www.justiceforassange.com http: //anonops-irc.org,255 http://808chan.org/tpb | Target: Awaiting new Target| Hive + Chat: irc.anonops-irc.org | See: #Forum #Target #WikiLeaks #Propaganda #Radio Payback #Protest #Lounge | reporters: we're not hackers [14:05] ->> Topic set by Tux-02001501 on 12/15/2010 8:03:50 AM [14:05] --Tony_The_Tiger-- [#OperationPayback] Welcome to OperationPayback. Othe r channels of intrest: #lounge #propaganda #setup #radiopayback #wikileaks [14:05] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +o Trivette for #OperationPayback [14:05] ->> Channel Modes are: +ntrCNTfj [8j#R1,8m#m1,10t]:2 1:30 [14:05] ->> Channel created on 11/16/2010 8:24:45 AM [14:05] * Pakito ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [14:05] * nonymouse ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [14:05] * nonymouse ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: nonymouse ) [14:05] * sengir ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:05] <ben1991> MY STENCIL FOR OPPAPERSTORM: http://bit.ly/gbRXfh [14:05] * Kansuke_ ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [14:05] <Vanzetti> Banksy in all likelihood is multiple people [14:05] * Anubis ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:06] <TheMiNd> For those who are unclear on manning being tortured http://www .hrweb.org/legal/cat.html [14:06] <TheMiNd> ben1991: spray paint/graffiti = property damage man [14:06] <+Wolfy> So, I finished going through all the previously listed IPs for our servers and I have 4 confirmed working. http://pastebin.com/dbvk3vVp If any one has any more, please give them to me and I'll update. [14:06] <+Wolfy> Sorry for repost, guys, but this is useful. [14:06] <anonysus> Why would they torture him? I'm sure he's gleefully told them all the things he's done. [14:06] <ben1991> TheMiNd no, its art [14:06] <Vanzetti> Property damage is justified [14:06] * sengir is now known as AnonGuest58208 [14:06] <Vanzetti> As a tactic [14:06] * towel ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [14:06] <@evilworks> p0ke: VULVA [14:06] <TheMiNd> anonysus: as punishment. [14:06] * ToMz ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:06] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +o ToMz for #OperationPayback [14:06] * Ismael ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [14:06] * anon1282 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ex-Quit ) [14:06] <@evilworks> i always though that was a strong word [14:07] * tizbac ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Windows sucks ) [14:07] * KillingTime ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit : ChatZilla 0.9.85 [SeaMonkey 2.0.10/20101101110129] ) [14:07] <TheMiNd> to make him a warning [14:07] <resignation> their goal is too scare of all other would-be leakers [14:07] <@evilworks> much stronger than VAGINA [14:07] <p0ke> evilworks, Nasty.. [14:07] <p0ke> >.< [14:07] <TheMiNd> 7 months in solitary [14:07] <TheMiNd> because you leaked documents [14:07] <TheMiNd> thats what you're going to get [14:07] <anonysus> Solitary isn't so bad. [14:07] <ben1991> I NEED A POWERFUL WORD TO PUT UNDER MY STENCIL [14:07] <SuperB> na [14:07] <ben1991> MY STENCIL FOR OPPAPERSTORM: http://bit.ly/gbRXfh [14:07] <GeorgeDush> do you like it? http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_PjEvf873WJQ/TQkr7 OiS6rI/AAAAAAAAACk/aTkyCORo0vQ/s1600/MERRYLEAKS.jpg [14:07] * swede71 ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [14:07] <anonysus> If they deem it treason they can execute him. [14:07] <SuperB> solitary will just completely break ur head [14:07] <resignation> ben, try /jp/ :p [14:07] <ben1991> lol [14:07] * Finn-Riggins sets mode -b *!*John123@*.16B54E6.7AA16F0F.IP for #Operat ionPayback [14:07] <TheMiNd> Fuck Big Brother [14:07] * fq0815 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.an onops.net ) [14:07] <+Wolfy> Dude, as I have stated multiple times, I've been in solitary... I couldn't imagine 7 months of it. I'd try to an hero. No joke. [14:08] <@evilworks> p0ke: ORGANIZE ? [14:08] * nonymouse ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [14:08] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Audiosex - Hard Psychedelia with 45 of 5 350 listeners (44 unique) at 130 kbps [14:08] * YourAdHere ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [14:08] * fait ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [14:08] <p0ke> Umm.. [14:08] <TheMiNd> anonysus: Note that he's been in solitary for SEVEN MONTHS of torture without charges being filed [14:08] <@evilworks> i saw that on a pic on some wall in poland [14:08] <@evilworks> ORGANIZE! [14:08] * Psylocke ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:08] <+Sky_King> <p0ke> LEGION [14:08] <anonysus> joining the military is like putting yourself in jail [14:08] <TheMiNd> yeah Organize is good [14:08] <p0ke> Legalize tbh [14:08] <resignation> organize is soo good [14:08] <resignation> nice one [14:08] <p0ke> Sky_King, Mebbeh [14:08] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Tim Berg, Norman Doray & Sebastien Drums - Tweet It (Original Mix) with 44 of 5350 listeners (43 unique) at 130 kbps [14:08] * jkgnb ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [14:08] <+Sky_King> lol [14:09] * nonymouse ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: nonymouse ) [14:09] <TheMiNd> dude p0ke you realize that if anarchists ever did take over so ciety [14:09] <TheMiNd> pot would be currency [14:09] <resignation> there's a song called 'tweet it'?! [14:09] * sambuka65 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [14:09] <@evilworks> lol [14:09] * Vonius ([email protected]) has join ed #OperationPayback [14:09] <ben1991> I NEED 1 STRONG WORD FOR MY STENCIL [14:09] <ben1991> MY STENCIL FOR OPPAPERSTORM: http://bit.ly/gbRXfh [14:09] <SuperB> damn right it'd be currency! [14:09] <p0ke> TheMiNd, Then I'd be rich [14:09] <p0ke> :| [14:09] * sambuka65 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: sambuka65 ) [14:09] <YourAdHere> yes, by michael jackson [14:09] <Vanzetti> TheMiNd: what about the straight edge anarchs [14:09] <resignation> cuz there is no anarchist who are note stoned:p [14:09] * smart on [14:09] <YourAdHere> tweet it, tweet it [14:09] * staff ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:09] <resignation> there are no*, even [14:09] <SuperB> LSD would be candy in the shops [14:09] <p0ke> ben1991, "legalize" lolol [14:09] * kappadue ([email protected]) has joined # OperationPayback [14:09] <TheMiNd> you don't have to smoke it to use it as trade [14:09] <SuperB> it'd be a beautiful world [14:09] <@smart> hi evilworks :) [14:09] * Anonymouse ([email protected]) Quit ( Input/output error ) [14:09] <ben1991> p0ke thats quite good [14:10] <Vanzetti> Lol true [14:10] * CannedBread ([email protected]) has jo ined #OperationPayback [14:10] * Anonymouse ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [14:10] <resignation> hahaha [14:10] <anonysus> poke 'Anonymous' ? [14:10] <resignation> i vote for organize! [14:10] <+Wolfy> So, I finished going through all the previously listed IPs for our servers and I have 4 confirmed working. http://pastebin.com/dbvk3vVp If any one has any more, please give them to me and I'll update. (Sorry for repost agai n, but are those really the only 4? Can't be.) [14:10] <p0ke> Meh so boring word [14:10] * tizlywold ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:10] <p0ke> organize or legion it shall be [14:10] <resignation> one of this days i'm gonna get my self organazized. [14:10] <TheMiNd> mmm pot would start to push alcohol aside [14:10] <ben1991> I might use LEGION [14:10] * Isis ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:10] <&Tony_The_Tiger> [Isis] INTERGALACTIC PROTON POWERED ELECTRICAL TENTACL ED ADVERTISING DROIDS!!!! [14:10] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +o Isis for #OperationPayback [14:10] <p0ke> And a logo of anonymous [14:10] <+Sky_King> <p0ke> RESIST [14:10] <TheMiNd> I'd like to buy the world a toke [14:10] <cruunch> #operationpaperstorm [14:10] <cruunch> #operationpaperstorm [14:10] <ben1991> looks nice in caps :L [14:10] <p0ke> Sky_King, PREDICT? [14:10] <p0ke> Idk [14:10] <p0ke> : ( [14:10] * Brick ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [14:10] <vathickan> http://www.xkcd.com/834/ is it akamai ip at the urlz? [14:10] <YourAdHere> i'm downloading gawker stuff [14:10] <+Sky_King> RESIST [14:11] <p0ke> resist wut? [14:11] <SuperB> buy the world a toke [14:11] <SuperB> thats poo [14:11] <p0ke> the goverment? [14:11] * Anonymouse is now known as AnonGuest59110 [14:11] <ben1991> might use INTERWEBZ [14:11] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [14:11] <ben1991> for the lolz [14:11] <PLF> New PLF web site, for all you regulars who are just DYING to know what the PLF crap is all about. http://PLF777.limewebs.com awesome new forum there to - http://PLF777.limewebs.com [14:11] * Ne0N ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:11] <+Sky_King> that is exactly the point... [14:11] <resignation> depends on your targeted audience [14:11] <SuperB> MAKE POVERTY HISTORY - bong for every child in africa [14:11] <resignation> and what do you want to achive [14:11] <+Sky_King> that is waht the veier thinks [14:11] <p0ke> "Fight"? [14:11] <p0ke> >.< [14:11] * tizlywold ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [14:11] * peterthegreat_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:11] <+Sky_King> lol [14:11] * jgogbolh ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [14:11] <+Sky_King> crap [14:11] * ben1991 ([email protected]) has left #OperationPa yback [14:11] * nefrixovici ([email protected]) has left #Opera tionPayback [14:11] * Mumblefoot ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ChatZi lla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014] ) [14:11] <p0ke> For now.. Anyone got a cool looking logo I can make a stencil of? [14:11] <p0ke> Anonymous logo. [14:11] * vathickan ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [14:12] <Vanzetti> Fight, organize, revolt, revolute, whatevv [14:12] <Vanzetti> All good choices [14:12] * Tripper ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:12] * vaurdan ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [14:12] * vathickan ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:12] <shitterminator> http://www.anonops-irc.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=7 [14:12] * nefrixovici ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [14:12] * Bak0 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:12] * _MrMayra_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:12] <TheMiNd> You guys, I think Glenn Beck was right [14:12] * Cypher_ ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [14:12] <TheMiNd> Obama is a stalinist [14:12] * Cypher_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Cyph er_ ) [14:12] * hyam ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping ti meout ) [14:12] <TheMiNd> look at the signs man [14:12] <shitterminator> hit germany thread! [14:12] <TheMiNd> Show Trials [14:12] <shitterminator> *deutschland [14:12] <TheMiNd> torture of dissenters [14:12] * Brickwall ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeo ut ) [14:12] <+Sky_King> <p0ke> TRUTH [14:13] <tgtmundo> Venezuela [14:13] <p0ke> : o [14:13] * krahlisc ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ( www.nnscript. com :: NoNameScript 4.2 :: www.regroup-esports.com ) ) [14:13] * nonymouse ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [14:13] <+Sky_King> LOL [14:13] <TheMiNd> truth is good, b/c the people behind paperstorm are Truth is R evolution [14:13] <p0ke> Sky_King, Gimmie a good looking logo instead of silly names ;p [14:13] <pnut> interesting PLF [14:13] * Gayfish ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [14:13] * xiM3T ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:13] <resignation> goverenments do as governments do.. stalinist or nazist.. not much diff. [14:13] * _MrMayra_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:14] * Pinkey ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Connection r eset by appel ) [14:14] <PLF> Thank you pnut. Beats boring ! [14:14] <+Sky_King> check out our torrent......... [14:14] <+Sky_King> Wallpaper and Art ---- http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/6043 122 [14:14] * nemo ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [14:14] * kappadue ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:14] <p0ke> sweet :3 [14:15] * faeze ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:15] <p0ke> How bout a stencil with "Anonymous was a woman."? [14:15] <p0ke> Lol [14:15] * Bak0 ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [14:15] <tgtmundo> pages is time to attack the Venezuelan government, because In ternet censorship [14:15] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Tim Berg - Bromance (Avicii Arena Remix Edit) with 46 of 5350 listeners (45 unique) at 130 kbps [14:15] * _MrMayra_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [14:15] * _MrMayra_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:15] * YourAdHere ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:15] <+Sky_King> still collecting art and stuff for that archive guys... post links to stuff you think is good in #Project_TPB [14:15] * Charos ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [14:15] <resignation> i'm so tempted by these tong names to tune in.. must resis t.. [14:15] * nonymous1 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [14:15] <mr[a]> apparently bt is blocking www.anonnews.org [14:15] * AnonymousOp ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [14:15] * hi2u ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [14:15] <faeze> hi [14:15] <resignation> song* [14:16] * nonymous1 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: nonymous1 ) [14:16] * ViiToKo ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [14:16] <Vanzetti> tgtmundo: I think you accidentally a word in there [14:16] * lake_x21 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [14:16] <faeze> what is the irc channel for loiic ? [14:16] <pnut> lol your contact info is really mailinator.net? [14:16] * mr[a] ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [14:16] <lake_x21> !target [14:16] * staff ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [14:16] * staff ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: staff ) [14:16] * Donkey12 ([email protected]) has jo ined #OperationPayback [14:16] * nemo ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [14:16] <mib-sophos> no target atm [14:16] * _MrMayra_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:17] * systemoveride ([email protected]) has joi ned #OperationPayback [14:17] <faeze> when ? [14:17] * tgtmundo ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:17] * tgtmundo ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [14:17] * CepheX ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection res et by peer ) [14:17] * Micheltje ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:17] * popeLOL ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: popeLOL ) [14:17] * vathickan ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [14:17] <mib-sophos> but if you want you can help with destroying martijn.org, a dutch pedofile club [14:18] * vathickan ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:18] * nonymous1 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [14:18] * operationpayb ([email protected]) has joined # OperationPayback [14:18] <liverfox> well that sounds like a just cause to me :) [14:18] * hyam ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [14:18] <mib-sophos> aye it is [14:18] * Juiblexian ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leavin g ) [14:18] <p0ke> Anyone good at making stencils? :3 [14:18] <lake_x21> imo target should be scotland yard [14:18] <@[Radio]> RadioPayback is now OFFLINE :( [14:18] <faeze> not mind, for the moment ??? [14:18] <+Sky_King> <faeze check out #setup [14:18] <Sar_csM> Since when did this become an art channel? [14:18] <@[Radio]> RadioPayback is now ONLINE! Tune in at: http://radio.tritnaha .com/listen.m3u [14:18] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Tim Berg - Bromance (Avicii Arena Remix Edit) with 35 of 4150 listeners (34 unique) at 128 kbps [14:18] <lake_x21> http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/dec/15/wikileaks-me t-police-investigate-anonymous [14:18] <anon_numb> micheal moore FTW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHdPPRBDvRE [14:19] <TheMiNd> If people aren't up in arms across the country about manning's torture, we know shit is gone. [14:19] * systemoveride ([email protected]) has lef t #OperationPayback (Konversation terminated!) [14:19] * matik1 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:19] <Vanzetti> Sar_csM: since the inception of op paperstorm [14:19] * Gerda34 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:19] * nonymous1 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Changing serv er ) [14:19] <vdd1> somebody having a eggdrop here? need a bot that wants to host my !tv script ;-) [14:19] * Neo-Droid ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [14:19] <allan> michael moore sucks [14:19] <mib-sophos> more on destroying the dutch pedofile club martijn.org on c hannel #spn (Stop Pedofiles Now) [14:19] * annonyana ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [14:19] <+Sky_King> <Sar_csM> grab a glass of wine and some cheese sweetheart... great show huh? [14:19] <TheMiNd> Michael Moore probably wasn't the best person who could have s upport julian, pr wise [14:20] * enter ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [14:20] * Charos welcomes feds. [14:20] <allan> thanks for that welcome [14:20] * theloon ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [14:20] <Sar_csM> I thought that was another channel [14:20] <+Sky_King> lol [14:20] * plop ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:20] * Neo-Droid ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [14:20] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +v Neo-Droid for #OperationPayback [14:20] <p0ke> Need someone that's good at making stencils :3 /q me [14:20] <TheMiNd> man does anyone else kinda wish julian really was giving us ad vice here and there [14:20] <+Sky_King> no [14:21] <allan> no. cause we need are own voice [14:21] <Vanzetti> Yeah no [14:21] * sexanon ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [14:21] * bluec0w ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:21] * KittyKattt ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [14:21] <allan> we should not have to have someone tell us what to do. we know w hat is right [14:21] <TheMiNd> Not saying he'd be a leader [14:21] <+Sky_King> worst mistake we can make is get a leader [14:21] * Pethet ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:21] <+Sky_King> but he would be [14:21] <Pethet> #leakspin-de Cables ins Deutsche übersetzen helft uns [14:21] <Pethet> #leakspin-de Cables ins Deutsche übersetzen helft uns [14:21] <lake_x21> there can never be one due to the nature of all this [14:21] <Pethet> . [14:21] * sexanon ([email protected]) has left #OperationPay back [14:21] * Hansibaldo ([email protected]) ha s joined #OperationPayback [14:21] <resignation> and it shouldn't be [14:21] * Kerosene ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [14:21] <+Sky_King> group mind works just fine [14:22] <Vanzetti> Besides he can't publicly be connected to anon or else that'd hurt the image of wikileaks [14:22] <resignation> hive mind:) [14:22] <+Sky_King> it's waht made this whole thing come to life [14:22] * ptitz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:22] * Tundergun ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [14:22] <lake_x21> i mean no one follows anything, everyone does as they like, w hen a lot of minds agree on a common target then it happens [14:22] <+Sky_King> yeah but hive mind... people confuse with loic [14:22] <+Sae> Vanzetti: he already was in here, heh [14:22] <Vanzetti> Sae: I doubt it [14:22] * AnonGuest58208 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [14:22] * shiloh487 ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [14:22] * bluec0w ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [14:22] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Nero - Me & You (Dirtyphonics Remix) wit h 46 of 5350 listeners (45 unique) at 128 kbps [14:23] <Vanzetti> In jail with no Internet access [14:23] * jkgnb ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:23] * xiM3T ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [14:23] <michael_hirte> hallo [14:23] <+Sky_King> he is cut off from internet my understanding [14:23] <+Sae> Vanzetti: it was two three weeks ago [14:23] * jkgnb ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [14:23] * Zachary ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:23] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +o Zachary for #OperationPayback [14:23] <+Sky_King> really Sae? [14:23] <+Sae> yeah but [14:23] * MManon ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:23] * shitterminator ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:23] <+Sae> we don't know if it was really Assange, or another WL guy [14:23] * BoumBADABoum ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:23] <TheMiNd> Sae: just because someone does ./nick JulianAssange doesn't me an they're julian on assange [14:23] <TheMiNd> you have to do shoe on head or something [14:24] <+Sae> since they all hide behide this nick [14:24] <Vanzetti> Troof [14:24] * Guest57137 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:24] * gwz ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: gwz ) [14:24] * swede71 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon -mIRC www.anonops.net ) [14:24] * extor ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [14:24] * An0nandB3y0nd ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Colloquy for iPad - http://colloquy.mobi ) [14:24] <resignation> i suspect @evilworks :o [14:24] <liverfox> anyone heard of hoic? [14:24] * CannedBread ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [14:24] <TheMiNd> No [14:24] <liverfox> (rather than loic) [14:24] <+Sae> liverfox: what is that? o_O [14:24] <+Sae> ah yes [14:24] <+Sae> sorry [14:24] <liverfox> http://hoic.99k.org// [14:25] <TheMiNd> I don't know why they made it so public [14:25] <Pethet> #leakspin-de Cables ins Deutsche übersetzen helft uns [14:25] * AnonGuest59110 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: IRcap 8.6 ) [14:25] <Donkey12> hoic sucks [14:25] * jgogbolh ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:25] * AnonGuest59110 ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [14:25] <Donkey12> its underdeveloped [14:25] * me_ ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [14:25] <TheMiNd> hey i know lets give the source code to the security companies [14:25] <Donkey12> and im pretty sure it dont have hive mind [14:25] <extor> SPREAD -------> http://demandprogress.org/blacklist/ [14:25] * AnonGuest59110 ([email protected]) has left #Ope rationPayback [14:25] * shiftley ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:25] * Anonymouse ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:25] * popeLOL ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [14:25] <Charos> ****** [14:26] * nonymouse ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: leaving ) [14:26] <Charos> lol typing your password comes out with asterisks ****** [14:26] * nonymouse ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [14:26] * shiloh487 ([email protected]) has left #Operation Payback [14:26] <vathickan> wo who? [14:26] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: The Flobots - Happy Together with 48 of 5350 listeners (47 unique) at 128 kbps [14:26] * agniruc ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:26] * hyam ([email protected]) has left #Oper ationPayback [14:26] * vathickan ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [14:27] <Tundergun> my password = **** you [14:27] <Tundergun> figure that one out [14:27] <Donkey12> lol [14:27] <KittyKattt> lolz [14:27] <Vanzetti> Lol [14:27] <Charos> leak you? [14:27] <resignation> lick you? [14:27] * Charos ([email protected]) Quit ( Killed (Token (What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for readi ng it. I award you no points)) ) [14:27] <chipfork> u_u [14:27] <Vanzetti> Love you? [14:27] <Donkey12> ******************************** [14:27] <Tundergun> wrong [14:27] <Donkey12> ? [14:27] * pantsu ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [14:27] * extor ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mI RC www.anonops.net ) [14:27] <GeorgeDush> http://operationpaperstorm.blogspot.com/ PUT IT ANYWHERE [14:27] <GeorgeDush> material for december 18 [14:27] * Charos ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [14:27] * agniruc ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [14:27] <chipfork> what did charos say? xD [14:28] <Charos> its a classic one -.[14:28] * overninethousand ([email protected]) has joined # OperationPayback [14:28] * Donkey12 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:28] * gwz ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:28] <chipfork> leak you [14:28] <overninethousand> Designer Arrested Over Anonymous Press Release http:/ /bit.ly/dK9Ay0 [14:28] <chipfork> ? [14:28] * Pethet ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [ Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014] ) [14:28] * Phenom ([email protected]) has left #Ope rationPayback [14:28] <chipfork> alex was too stupid to leave his name in the metadata -.[14:28] <Vanzetti> Is that Alex tapa whatever? [14:29] <chipfork> tapanaris [14:29] * fzsdf ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:29] * fzsdf ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [14:29] <overninethousand> yeah use a pir8 copy in a VM and fake reg data [14:29] <resignation> are our governments this scared or is this bussines as usu al? [14:29] <anonysus> hah he fucked up [14:29] * v2 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:29] * Pethet ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:29] * Maximus ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ð£Ñ Ð¾Ð¶Ñ Ñ Ð¾Ñ Ð²Ð°Ñ [14:29] <@Zachary> what release was this? [14:29] * pantsu ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [14:29] <TheMiNd> that was fucking Jester's doing [14:29] <chipfork> they are scared, resignation. [14:30] <anonysus> There was an Anonymous PR [14:30] <@Zachary> oh [14:30] <TheMiNd> They had better get a shitstorm over the manning abuse [14:30] <chipfork> themind: nah, more or less. someone else would have found out sooner or later [14:30] <+MAFIAA> MPAA Shuts Down 29 BitTorrent and NZB Sites [14:30] <+MAFIAA> -.[14:30] <respuesta9> What happen to the the military guy who leaked the info [14:30] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Mt Eden Dubstep - Still Alive with 53 of 5350 listeners (52 unique) at 128 kbps [14:30] <chipfork> jester is a fucktard, but reading the metadata isn't genius [14:30] <pnut> respuesta9, he's in military prison awaiting court martial..i thi nk [14:30] * Z3R0 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:31] <TheMiNd> Alex is in greece though [14:31] <anonysus> You guys should release a few thousand PDF's with the names o f people you want arrested in the metadata. [14:31] * TheSpecialist ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon -mIRC www.anonops.net ) [14:31] * plop ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:31] <TheMiNd> they're fucking shit up there [14:31] * ito ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:31] <TheMiNd> maybe he'll get some help that way [14:31] <JoeHill> Jester shut down his blog? [14:31] <@Zachary> guilty of a facecrime [14:31] <+Sky_King> there are reports that Manning has beed tortured [14:31] * gwz ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ZNC - http://znc.sour ceforge.net ) [14:31] <@Zachary> Sky_King: where? [14:31] <Vanzetti> Jester is a tool should have stuck to ddosing jihadist sites [14:31] <pnut> i heard Alex has been arrested <-- RUMOR [14:31] <TheMiNd> Tortured and being held for 7 months WITHOUT being charged [14:31] <@Zachary> anonysus: good idea :P [14:31] <resignation> torture in usa military prison? no way.. [14:31] <@Zachary> pnut: he was [14:31] <+Sky_King> <TheMiNd> still got those links? [14:31] * gwz ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:31] <pnut> i was perfectly fine with him attacking jihadists [14:31] <pnut> i would have joined him [14:31] <TheMiNd> it'll be on the front page of salon.com [14:32] <Vanzetti> Exactly [14:32] <matik1> Zachary: Here: http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwal d/2010/12/14/manning/index.html [14:32] <TheMiNd> at times that i saw him speaking he seemed pretty intelligent. He's just a patriot [14:32] * TRDesmond ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:32] * ikis ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [14:32] <Vanzetti> Patriot=idiot [14:32] <TheMiNd> I'll have to explain it later.. [14:32] <TheMiNd> there are actually are two different personality types, accord ing to some theories [14:32] <allan> vanzetti=dumb @$$ [14:33] <TheMiNd> people who depend on the system to feel accomplished, basicall y [14:33] <chipfork> @pnut but now he reveals his fucktardment [14:33] <resignation> for those late to the show, this is a good txt on manning, idiot lamo, wired.com etc.. http://dotnul.com/URL/1160 [14:33] <resignation> also by gleen greenwals [14:33] <Vanzetti> "the world is my country, all mankind are my brethren and my religion is to do good" ~Tom Paine [14:33] <JoeHill> I dont feel okey that he shuting down jihadist sites. #1. if y a want to shut down site you can only mail the server provider and ask them to s hut down [14:33] <Pethet> any IRCop who could help the german #leakspin-de group to annou nce that we need people to translate the cables into german? [14:33] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [14:33] * Guest57137 ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [14:34] <JoeHill> they are fast with doing it, specialy with whitepower sites [14:34] <@Zachary> matik1: wow [14:34] <Vanzetti> Listen to Tom Paine he wrote motherfucking common sense [14:34] <@[Radio]> RadioPayback is now OFFLINE :( [14:34] * anonas ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [14:34] <@[Radio]> RadioPayback is now ONLINE! Tune in at: http://radio.tritnaha .com/listen.m3u [14:34] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Mt Eden Dubstep - Still Alive with 3 of 250 listeners (3 unique) at 160 kbps [14:34] <JoeHill> Jester fail, the jihadist site are up again [14:34] * Bltzkrg ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:34] * Hadi Now Playing : V for Vendetta weird language intro [01:39m/128kbp s/44kHz] [14:34] * Hadi was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Don't use b olds on this channel!) [14:34] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - Stand Up with 11 of 1450 liste ners (11 unique) at 160 kbps [14:35] * Achernar ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:35] * BroderDaniel ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:35] * jkgnb ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:35] * jkgnb ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [14:35] * Bltzkrg ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback (Ik ga weg) [14:35] <matik1> Zachary: Pretty fucked up isn't it? [14:35] <@Zachary> yeah [14:36] * operationpayb ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not too sure. ) [14:36] * BoumBADABoum ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by p eer ) [14:36] * Bltzkrg ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:36] <Vanzetti> Patriots seem to think the world is divided up into little se ctions that are totally different from one another [14:36] * wibble_wobble ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: wibble_wobble ) [14:36] * mannior ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:36] <lake_x21> jihadists have a spiritual ideal behind even if its a distort ed one, but americans have only $ as the ideal behind the guise of freedom of co urse, and so i admire the jihadist rather than the american [14:36] <Vanzetti> Borders are manmade constructs [14:36] <lake_x21> the world is really devided [14:37] * raarve ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [14:37] <lake_x21> its the same thing why you choose your own friends when u are at school [14:37] <lake_x21> u cannot be friends with everyone [14:37] * Cyberpolice ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection rese t by peer ) [14:37] <lake_x21> borders are evrywhere [14:37] <resignation> well yeah but you don't kill everybody else [14:37] * Cyberpolice_ ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [14:37] <anonysus> $10 handjobs in the bathroom you can [14:37] * Chronom ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Quit ) [14:37] * anonora` ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:37] <Bltzkrg> lake_x21: spiritual ideal? they use religion to justify terror [14:37] <tgtmundo> Venezuela [14:37] * paranoid ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [14:37] <resignation> you don't have to kiss everybody, but you should respect e verybody [14:37] <lake_x21> remember that its americans who are on their lands [14:37] <Vanzetti> Right I don't choose my group of friends and wage war in ever y other group of friends [14:38] <lake_x21> not the other way round [14:38] * K4n0n ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [14:38] * pedrobaer ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [14:38] <Bltzkrg> all adults with immaginary friends are stupid if you ask me. [14:38] <resignation> haha [14:38] * anonjulian ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [14:38] <tgtmundo> atack www.gobiernoenlinea.ve??? [14:38] <Vanzetti> Lol [14:38] <Pethet> Anyone here who can host a german cable wiki? [14:38] * tindor ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:38] <anonysus> FYI US military people don't have the same civil rights as or dinary citizens. [14:39] <Vanzetti> Patriotism is just the religion of the state [14:39] * faeze ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:39] * Neo-Droid ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: -aConnection Timed Out ) [14:39] * putotehwhore ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:39] <Vanzetti> To get people to look at their own country and not judge it h onestly [14:39] * Neo-Droid ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [14:39] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +v Neo-Droid for #OperationPayback [14:39] * citizen_s ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:39] <lake_x21> in way i agree [14:39] <Vanzetti> Truth above all else [14:39] <cruunch> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaTVrShwAQU [14:39] <cruunch> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaTVrShwAQU [14:39] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [14:40] <lake_x21> but nationalism is justified on the basis of a family, an ext ended onme [14:40] <resignation> what is patriotism, anyway? to worship patch of land on wh ich you were born by pure coincidence? [14:40] <lake_x21> your family comes always before the others [14:40] * Kan0n ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:40] * Cyberpolice_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection res et by peer ) [14:40] <lake_x21> your mum and dada are more important to you than other people [14:40] * semiotec ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [14:40] <lake_x21> and so with the nation [14:40] <resignation> not if they are assholes [14:40] <Vanzetti> lake_x21: my family does not come before right and wrong [14:40] * Cyberpolice ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [14:40] * v2 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [14:40] * kokokokokokosno ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:40] * robot ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [14:40] <lake_x21> the nation is the extended family basically [14:40] <resignation> nation is also, as venezetti said, a manmade construct [14:40] * ro0 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:40] * liverfox ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Much love and peace ) [14:40] * ptitz ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:41] <lake_x21> everything is a manmade construct so is culture [14:41] <tgtmundo> atack www.gobiernoenlinea.ve??? [14:41] <Sm173> nationalism is a hyped form of tribalism [14:41] <resignation> what he said [14:41] <resignation> :) [14:41] * hi2per ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:41] <lake_x21> so what should we do, live by instict ? [14:41] * RamirezDoes ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [14:41] <annonyana> live without nations [14:41] <resignation> no, just without borders or nations:) [14:41] * paranoid ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [14:41] <RamirezDoes> Hey bitches [14:41] * agniruc ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:41] <RamirezDoes> how is it going [14:41] <mannior> are there freenet sites of anonops? [14:41] <Pethet> SGT RAMIREZ [14:41] <Pethet> ehh [14:42] <RamirezDoes> Did you know that they arrested alex tapanaris? i propose a ddos to the greece gov website in respond [14:42] <mack14324853> are we ever going to get another target? [14:42] * CepheX ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [14:42] <RamirezDoes> Target? I have 2 great targets [14:42] <ito> me too, RamirezDoes [14:42] * gegergeg ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [14:42] <mack14324853> what? [14:42] <Sm173> <RamirezDoes> source? [14:42] * BoumBADABoum ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:42] * bur ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [14:42] * vadel ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://www.m ibbit.com ajax IRC Client ) [14:43] * skynetuk ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:43] <RamirezDoes> 1. http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve because chavez is planing to censorhip the internet http://www.geek.com/articles/news/hugo-chavez-wants-v enezuela-to-be-the-next-internet-censoring-country-20100315/ [14:43] <RamirezDoes> read the notice [14:43] * chipfork ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [14:43] <ito> http://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/12/15/1945258/Designer-Arrested-O ver-emAnonymousem-Press-Release?from=twitter [14:43] * blacklight ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:43] * iceman45 ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [14:43] <RamirezDoes> Understand? [14:43] * fagga ([email protected]) has joined # OperationPayback [14:43] * agniruc ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [14:44] <RamirezDoes> And the 2 one will be a gov website of greece [14:44] <RamirezDoes> Like the idea? [14:44] <ito> it's a good target [14:44] <RamirezDoes> go or it [14:44] <XRaver> Seems there is no messing around with #floepsies http://pastie. org/1380787 #anonops #operationpayback [14:44] <XRaver> Seems there is no messing around with #floepsies http://pastie. org/1380787 #anonops #operationpayback [14:44] <RamirezDoes> i dont care xraver [14:44] <RamirezDoes> ramirez is to busy doing everything [14:44] <anonysus> old news [14:44] * xiM3T ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: - nbsirc 2.39 - www.nbs-irc.net - ) [14:44] <RamirezDoes> So [14:44] * minp227 ([email protected] ggot.yay) has joined #OperationPayback [14:44] <RamirezDoes> can i trust u guys? [14:44] <anonysus> when he actually does it, then hit him. [14:45] <RamirezDoes> Aim all the laz0rs to http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve [14:45] <RamirezDoes> then [14:45] <anonysus> Hugo Chavez is a rabble rouser [14:45] * JohnDoe12241411 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:45] * albahith ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:45] * ANonydick ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:45] * Neuro ([email protected]) has joi ned #OperationPayback [14:45] * Neo-Dro30 ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [14:45] <bur> omg ive been trying to connect to .com all this time thinking noth ing was happening anymore :| [14:45] <ito> RamirezDoes what's the ip? [14:45] * smartphone ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [14:45] <RamirezDoes> Lets show him wat we think about internet censorhipp [14:45] <XRaver> Seems there is no messing around with #floepsies http://pastie. org/1380787 #anonops #operationpayback [14:45] * XRaver was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Stop repe ating yourself!) [14:45] * XRaver ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:45] <RamirezDoes> http://whois.domaintools.com/gobiernoenlinea.ve [14:45] <PLF> Sure you can trust us, can I have your credit card number for just five minutes please ? [14:45] <RamirezDoes> Info and IP [14:45] <bur> anonops should really make it more clear what the servers are on t he blog [14:45] <Vanzetti> Hahahaha [14:45] <PLF> Pretty please ? [14:45] * Neo-Droid ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeo ut ) [14:45] <PLF> :-0) [14:45] <overninethousand> rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble rabb le rabble rabble rabble [14:45] <RamirezDoes> http://whois.domaintools.com/gobiernoenlinea.ve <- theres is more info for attaking the website [14:46] <RamirezDoes> OK? so [14:46] * ochsenjoch ([email protected]) Quit ( Qui t: ) [14:46] <RamirezDoes> lets attack then [14:46] * Bltzkrg ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback (Ik ga weg) [14:46] <ito> no! [14:46] <PLF> No attack. [14:46] * Neo-2 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:46] <PLF> Just wait all. [14:46] <ito> and alex tapanaris? [14:46] <RamirezDoes> Wait who? [14:46] * Dead19 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [14:46] <PLF> New PLF web site, for all you regulars who are just DYING to know what the PLF crap is all about. http://PLF777.limewebs.com awesome new forum there to - http://PLF777.limewebs.com [14:46] <shahost> ban [14:46] * agniruc ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:47] <Anon_Pat> Seems there is no messing around with #floepsies http://past ie.org/1380787 #anonops #operationpayback [14:47] <ANonydick> Las Vegas lawyer trying to use copyright law to attack drudg e http://bit.ly/eOHoDv [14:47] * Cyberpolice ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:47] <lake_x21> this anonymous phenomena is so above politics, it is so above nations and cultures, it is so above everything there have been before, that i wonder if there will ever be a way to stop it [14:47] * glomex ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [14:47] * Dead ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:47] <ubuntu> internet regulation would stop anon [14:47] * Amnesya ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ChatZill a 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014] ) [14:47] <glomex> services down Token? [14:47] <cruunch> #operationpaperstorm [14:47] <lake_x21> how lol ? [14:47] <cruunch> #operationpaperstorm [14:48] * agniruc ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [14:48] <lake_x21> how can you stop people from communicating on the internet ? [14:48] <Vanzetti> ubuntu: not if Peter sunde gets that.p2p dns going [14:48] * Huxley ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [14:48] * mamba ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:48] <ubuntu> just check china [14:48] <ubuntu> they did it [14:48] <JoeHill> !topic [14:48] -Tony_The_Tiger:#OperationPayback- Channel Topic: OPERATION PAYBACK - h ttp://www.justiceforassange.com http://anonops-irc.org,255 http://808chan.org/tp b | Target: Awaiting new Target| Hive + Chat: irc.anonops-irc.org | See: #Forum #Target #WikiLeaks #Propaganda #RadioPayback #Protest #Lounge | reporters: we're not hackers [14:48] * SuperB ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:48] <lake_x21> they did what ? [14:48] <RamirezDoes> so [14:48] * robot ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exit ed ) [14:48] <RamirezDoes> are u going to help the good cause? [14:48] <mack14324853> yea china has managed to censor lots of stuff [14:48] * Hansibaldo ([email protected]) Qu it ( Quit: ) [14:48] <RamirezDoes> China is china [14:48] <ubuntu> u cant even go to google.com [14:49] <RamirezDoes> we can still help to vnzla [14:49] <matik1> china still aint stopped VPN's tho. [14:49] <RamirezDoes> hey we can still help vnzla [14:49] <mack14324853> so gobiernoenlinea.ve is the unnoficial target then? [14:49] <lake_x21> yeah but anyone knows that the chinese still view whatever th ey want through proxies and anonynous services [14:49] <RamirezDoes> there are incoming elections [14:49] * gont ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [14:49] <resignation> usa would die to be like china:D [14:49] <RamirezDoes> yes [14:49] <ubuntu> ya u need to be uber interweb to counter this [14:49] <RamirezDoes> 1. http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve because chavez is planin g to censorhip the internet http://www.geek.com/articles/news/hugo-chavez-wantsvenezuela-to-be-the-next-internet-censoring-country-20100315/ [14:49] <RamirezDoes> OK? [14:49] <mack14324853> firing [14:49] <RamirezDoes> theres no better target [14:49] <mack14324853> 80000 [14:49] <RamirezDoes> all fire the lazors then [14:49] <mack14324853> 90000 [14:49] <RamirezDoes> I am iing [14:49] <ito> no! greece! [14:50] <GeorgeDush> en las estadisticas de mi blog con carteles [14:50] * skynetuk ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:50] <mack14324853> 100000 [14:50] <RamirezDoes> I am fiing lol [14:50] <lake_x21> i have a friend from china and its not like the western media portrays it [14:50] <mack14324853> how is it really then? [14:50] <ubuntu> ur friend is a fedz [14:50] <tgtmundo> atack gobierno Venezuela??? [14:50] <resignation> if we believed western media, we wouldn't be here.. i gues s.. [14:50] <mack14324853> based on what ive read on LOTS of sites, it couldnt POSSI BLY be much worse as far as internet at least [14:50] * veeb ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.a nonops.net ) [14:50] <lake_x21> i mean its not true that they have all these blocked sites, s ometimes they cannot access them but they easily get to them through proxies [14:51] <mack14324853> oh well i knew that [14:51] <RamirezDoes> yes [14:51] <mack14324853> but for the people that dont know how to do that its bad [14:51] * Ulyssees ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [14:51] <mack14324853> 170000 [14:51] * Charos ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayba ck [14:51] * Ricks ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [14:51] <ANonydick> you'd be amazed at how many people that is. [14:51] <ubuntu> yeah average joe and proxies dont make 1 [14:51] * Charos ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [14:51] * jkgnb ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:51] <Vanzetti> I remember hearing about a Chinese version of anon [14:52] * skld ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:52] <Anon_Pat> Seems there is no messing around with #floepsies http://past ie.org/1380787 #anonops #operationpayback [14:52] <RamirezDoes> damn [14:52] <lake_x21> when you block people from viewing something they will do eve rything to view it, so actually chinese are those who know most how to circumvil ate firewalls [14:52] <RamirezDoes> u want targets [14:52] <Vanzetti> But they were fascist [14:52] <lake_x21> it backfires [14:52] * jkgnb ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [14:52] <mack14324853> really? [14:52] <RamirezDoes> i give a perfect one to u [14:52] <RamirezDoes> and u dont even care [14:52] * Tred ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:52] <ANonydick> I talk to people everyday in the states that still don't eve n know what wikileaks is. [14:52] * taurian ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [14:52] <resignation> what do you mean, vanzetti? [14:52] * vtwelve ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: vtwelve ) [14:52] <GeorgeDush> nice [14:52] <GeorgeDush> http://operationpaperstorm.blogspot.com/ [14:52] <ANonydick> I konw a guy who works at BofA and had no idea MC and Visa g ot attacked [14:52] * nediii ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [14:52] <ANonydick> people are dumb [14:52] <RamirezDoes> Fire the laz0rs to http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve because chavez is planing to censorhip the internet http://www.geek.com/articles/news/hu go-chavez-wants-venezuela-to-be-the-next-internet-censoring-country-20100315/ [14:53] * enz00r ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [14:53] <mack14324853> how do you not know this stuff? its on like 50000 website s and i see stuff about it all the time on the news, and i think it was in a new spaper here a few days ago [14:53] <ubuntu> lol most ppl dont watch news or shit, its just facebook or stup id life [14:53] <lake_x21> u dont need censorship to keep people in ignorance [14:53] <mack14324853> still firing [14:53] <Vanzetti> resignation: on the radio I hears this story about this websi te that was a community of people that would teach people Down [14:53] <p0ke> http://data.fuskbugg.se/dipdip/___IMAG0040.jpg <- My stencil, wha t do people think? [14:53] <p0ke> :D [14:53] * mib_6vwlp2 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http:// www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client ) [14:53] * Tundergun ([email protected]) has left #Operatio nPayback [14:53] <RamirezDoes> we need moar people firing [14:53] <lake_x21> just bombard them with the media and keep them busy [14:53] * tpaper ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Sto a ndando via ) [14:53] <Vanzetti> For doing stuff that wasnt pc in china [14:53] * enz0r ([email protected]) Quit ( NickServ (GHOST command used b y enz00r) ) [14:54] * mendax87 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:54] <mack14324853> 305000 [14:54] <@Zachary> @p0ke: http://www.lisamcpherson.org/images/anonymous.jpg [14:54] <Vanzetti> Like bizarro anon [14:54] * semiotec ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: b ye ) [14:54] * enz00r ([email protected]) has left #OperationPaybac k [14:54] * manchuuu ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:54] <resignation> that ain't no anon [14:54] <resignation> jfc [14:54] <resignation> :/ [14:54] <ubuntu> even if censor is counter-able, its still CENSOR [14:54] * respuesta9 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: L eaving ) [14:54] <p0ke> >.< [14:54] <mack14324853> 350000 [14:54] <p0ke> Zachary, Ya'? [14:54] <Vanzetti> resignation: true [14:54] * Dim0n ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [14:54] * An0nandB3y0nd ([email protected]) has joi ned #OperationPayback [14:54] * gont ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayb ack [14:54] * Sl33p3r ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:55] * ubuntu ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [14:55] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [14:55] <a> tyarget? [14:55] <resignation> and i bet a lot of things ain't pc in china [14:55] <tgtmundo> atack http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve/ [14:55] <mack14324853> gobiernoenlinea.ve is still up. is anyone but me actually firing? ive been firing for like 10 minutes and i think its actually gotten FAS TER [14:55] <resignation> hahahahaha [14:55] <RamirezDoes> i am fiing [14:55] <mack14324853> 400000 [14:55] <resignation> you made the hamster run faster [14:55] <lake_x21> what is that site ? [14:56] <resignation> (hey, that rimes!) [14:56] * agniruc ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:56] <RamirezDoes> Fire to http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve because chavez is p laning to censorhip the internet http://www.geek.com/articles/news/hugo-chavez-w ants-venezuela-to-be-the-next-internet-censoring-country-20100315/ [14:56] <PLF> Look, OpAnon must remain unified. We have a cease fire. If you wan t alternative action for a good causer, then seek out those who organize such th ings, like the PLF. I have an op that started today, to defend innocent and vuln erable people under attack by their own government. But my point is we must do t he extracurricular activities somewhere else. So, if your chompin' at the bit to fight evil, go here http://PLF777.limewebs.com and sign [14:56] <PLF> up. We'ld be glad to have you, and the action starts a little befo re noon tomorrow Pacific Time. [14:56] <mack14324853> i could fire faster, but only for short time periods beca use if im at full speed with more than 10 users emulated, it crashes my connecti on [14:56] <Qbat> My new facebook profile look: http://bildr.no/image/779992.jpeg [14:56] * subzero ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [14:56] <Qbat> anonymous <3 [14:57] * pantsu ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [14:57] <lake_x21> Anon is everyone and no one, there is no unification here, ju st assimilation, people start what they want [14:57] <Vanzetti> lake_x21: Troof [14:57] * agniruc ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [14:57] <tgtmundo> target www.gobiernoenlinea.ve [14:57] * Stimpeh ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [14:57] * ziomek ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [14:57] <PLF> Exactly, but we must respect peoples space. THIS space is for OpAn on. [14:57] <resignation> i take all the news concernig morales and chaves etc with a grain of salt.. not that i like them or anything [14:57] <aannoonnn> Qbat small picture is small [14:57] <aannoonnn> nice anyway [14:57] <lake_x21> i agree [14:58] <&Token> brbrestart [14:58] <Vanzetti> And op payback belongs to all of us [14:58] <resignation> nice, qbat [14:58] * Spaceofvoid ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:58] * Token ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [14:58] * tgtmundo target http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve [14:58] <lake_x21> this is why it will be impossible to stop this phenonmenon, i ts like a virus lol [14:58] <RamirezDoes> Fire to damn it http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve because ch avez is planing to censorhip the internet http://www.geek.com/articles/news/hugo -chavez-wants-venezuela-to-be-the-next-internet-censoring-country-20100315/ [14:59] <cruunch> http://boards.4chan.org/b/res/295087359 [14:59] <cruunch> http://boards.4chan.org/b/res/295087359 [14:59] <mack14324853> site is slowing down, but still up [14:59] <Qbat> small picture is small? :P [14:59] <lake_x21> i join [14:59] <@Zachary> !down [14:59] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode -o Zachary for #OperationPayback [14:59] * RamirezDoes ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection rese t by peer ) [14:59] <Zachary> Attack Plan?? --> http://tinychat.com/planattack :P :P [14:59] * pantsu ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [14:59] <Vanzetti> Lemme Install java on my phone. Then I'll start firing [15:00] * ANonydick ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [15:00] <%Magix> 23:00!! Sleep well all. Cya. [15:00] <resignation> nn [15:00] * tgtmundo target http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve no censure internet!!!! [15:00] <Qbat> aannoonnn: small? what you mean? [15:00] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [15:00] <%OperationCandy> One thing, too everyone here, everyone is coming up wi th there own targets, you will never take down any targets [15:00] * Dead19 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:00] <%OperationCandy> One target at the time! [15:00] * Jaquecaja ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6 .13/20101203075014] ) [15:00] * Vito031 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [15:00] * RamirezDoes ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [15:00] * ich ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:00] <RamirezDoes> I have LOIC and HOIC firing at the same time lol [15:01] <Vito031> where did u found working hoic [15:01] <mack14324853> so far ive only seen one target in like the last 2 or 3 h ours [15:01] * Dead ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [15:01] * Klubriviu ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [15:01] <mack14324853> http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve/ [15:01] <a> yeah [15:01] * erdbeer ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:01] <a> that the target [15:01] <a> FIRE [15:01] <aannoonnn> Qbat the picture you linked was incredibly small, like a thu mbnail [15:01] * azther ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:01] <lake_x21> its slowing down [15:01] * dave ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [15:01] <anon_numb> its very slow [15:02] <RamirezDoes> we can do it [15:02] * subzero ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [15:02] * AnonGuest32537 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The alternative IRC client ) [15:02] * Anon10346 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [15:02] * Mean ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:02] * agniruc ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:02] <mack14324853> very slow, still waitng to see if its down [15:02] * HunterJaeger ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [15:02] <a> target: http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve/ [15:02] * tgtmundo target http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve no censure Venezuela [15:03] * W1Ld ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [15:03] <lake_x21> its crawling [15:03] <lake_x21> its down the toilet [15:03] * nediii ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://www. mibbit.com ajax IRC Client ) [15:03] <RamirezDoes> cMON [15:03] <RamirezDoes> keep firing [15:03] * miaow ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [15:03] * smart ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [15:03] <anon_numb> its down i think according to "is it down" [15:03] <lake_x21> notice how we are actually doing the same thing here, i mean we are censoring a website off the internets [15:03] <mack14324853> its down [15:03] <BoumBADABoum> anon is not on a 48 h of no ddos ?? [15:04] <a> down for me [15:04] <RamirezDoes> No lol [15:04] * tech360 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:04] <RamirezDoes> we are not censoring [15:04] <a> anon is always on ddos lol [15:04] <RamirezDoes> we are taking it down lol [15:04] <a> its different [15:04] * W1Ld ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [15:04] <mack14324853> lake: i think thats kinda the idea. they keep people from veiwing stuff, we keep people from veiwing their site [15:04] * assssssaaa ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [15:04] <anonjulian> relax [15:04] <mack14324853> 815000 [15:04] <RamirezDoes> Its a response to this thing that chavez wanna do [15:05] * silvr ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leavin g ) [15:05] <RamirezDoes> This should be a official operation [15:05] * tech360 ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [15:05] <lake_x21> notice how anonymous got famous when vis and mastercard and p aypal where taken down for a few time [15:05] <mack14324853> yea [15:05] <RamirezDoes> because is more important than ever [15:05] <lake_x21> there we need to attack [15:05] <RamirezDoes> considering that we are near to elections in vnzla [15:05] <Qbat> hm [15:05] * kaustic ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: kaustic ) [15:05] <anonysus> does anyone have an account on orion.sh3lls.net? [15:05] <anonysus> I need an IP :) [15:05] * Kelzo ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [15:05] <mack14324853> a government is trying to censor its people, AN ENTIRE CO UNTRY!!! this is kinda a big deal id say [15:05] <cruunch> #operationpaperstorm [15:05] <cruunch> #operationpaperstorm [15:05] <anonysus> I mean, I need to know the IP of a BNC user. [15:05] <mack14324853> 900000 [15:05] * tgtmundo ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:05] <Vito031> that venezuelan thing is down [15:06] <mack14324853> BNC? [15:06] <scissors> attacking more shit will take attention away from what is omp ortant, namely, the content of the leaks [15:06] * anonqaywsx1 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [15:06] * anonqaywsx ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [15:06] <lake_x21> we wont make a difference buy attacking a site it think, chav ez wont give a fuck if a site is down [15:06] <RamirezDoes> Lets keep firing lol [15:06] <RamirezDoes> u keep it for hours [15:06] <anonysus> Someone who is talking shit about you guys. [15:06] <RamirezDoes> we get media [15:06] <QBasic> gobiernoenlinea.ve <- down Xd [15:06] <RamirezDoes> we are heros [15:06] * Max ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:06] * kris_fr ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [15:06] <lake_x21> we need to attack a site which generates money for him, somet hing important [15:06] * elMariachi ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: leaving ) [15:06] <Vito031> twitter statded suspending anon accounts [15:06] * agniruc ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [15:06] * Zachary ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback (Leaving.) [15:06] <Vito031> we should try with them [15:06] <anon_numb> not twitter [15:06] <anonysus> no not twitter [15:06] * armyofears ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [15:07] <anonysus> they're allowing wikileaks updates [15:07] <lake_x21> twitter have no chance against the anonymous phenonmena [15:07] * Anon_493 ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [15:07] <Qbat> aannoonnn: http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/82/anonymousfacebook. jpg [15:07] * lolwhut ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [15:07] <anon_numb> we would look like bad guys then [15:07] * Anon10346 ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [15:07] * Spark ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [15:07] * armyofears ([email protected]) has left #Opera tionPayback [15:07] <mack14324853> yesterday someone suggested taking down governemt mail se rvers, something like that could work? if they cant email between people in gove rnment there, that messes up lots for them [15:07] <lake_x21> anonymous is evryone, they cannot stop it [15:07] <BoumBADABoum> vnzla got a real problem and you guys and girl giving a g ood fight but its anon space, are you using the anon space reputation for your o wn fight ? [15:07] * pwnsauce ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:07] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h pwnsauce for #OperationPayback [15:07] * tgtmundo ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [15:07] <RamirezDoes> No lol [15:07] * Anonymouse ([email protected]) Quit ( Input/output error ) [15:07] <lake_x21> yes we need to attack mail servers of venezuela isp gov provi der [15:07] <lake_x21> yes we need to attack mail servers of venezuela isp gov provi der [15:07] * Anonymouse ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [15:07] <derrr> how comes that site is down already, i swear only a few people i n here said they'd attack it [15:07] * freeinformation ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [15:07] <mack14324853> like 5 or 6 at least [15:07] <anonysus> its probably shitty. [15:08] <RamirezDoes> just keep iring [15:08] <Stimpeh> Pingen naar gobiernoenlinea.ve [] met 32 byte geg evens: [15:08] <Stimpeh> Antwoord van bytes=32 tijd=267 ms TTL=47 [15:08] <Stimpeh> Antwoord van bytes=32 tijd=226 ms TTL=47 [15:08] <Stimpeh> Antwoord van bytes=32 tijd=313 ms TTL=47 [15:08] <Stimpeh> Antwoord van bytes=32 tijd=359 ms TTL=47 [15:08] <Stimpeh> Ping-statistieken voor [15:08] <Stimpeh> Pakketten: verzonden = 4, ontvangen = 4, verloren = 0 [15:08] <Stimpeh> (0% verlies).De gemiddelde tijd voor het uitvoeren van één bewer king in milliseconden: [15:08] * Stimpeh was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Stop flo oding!) [15:08] <RamirezDoes> Its shitty [15:08] * #OperationPayback sets mode +m for #OperationPayback [15:08] * anonrob ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [15:08] <%pwnsauce> Yo [15:08] <%pwnsauce> Time to hit this shit [15:08] * Stimpeh ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [15:08] * prospektor ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [15:08] <%pwnsauce> while im tripping balls lets HIT IT [15:08] * Finn-Riggins sets mode -m for #OperationPayback [15:08] * miguelrosinha ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [15:08] <ro0> site ist not down for me. only realy slow [15:09] <nozes> oi [15:09] <%pwnsauce> target??? [15:09] * mr[a] ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [15:09] <RamirezDoes> we need to attack more then [15:09] <nozes> target oficial ? [15:09] <%pwnsauce> nozes : TARGET???? [15:09] <glomex> !access list [15:09] <bluec0w> twitter [15:09] <%pwnsauce> Whats mah target [15:09] <%pwnsauce> FUCK that [15:09] <bluec0w> for dont tt wiliaks [15:09] * Shiny ([email protected]) Quit ( Max SendQ exceeded ) [15:09] <%no> MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLZ [15:09] <nozes> pwnsauce: #target [15:09] <mack14324853> http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve/ [15:09] <lake_x21> we need to attack important infrastruture [15:09] <%pwnsauce> I want a legit target [15:09] <%no> I MADE YOU GUYS SOMETHING [15:09] <Vito031> there is no official [15:09] <%no> FUNNY [15:09] * Bakoenin ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:09] <%no> http://stashbox.org/1042690/didyou.jpg [15:09] <bluec0w> twitter for not TT wikileaks! [15:09] * bud ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:09] * tech360 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:09] <%no> check that [15:09] <Vito031> #target [15:09] <%pwnsauce> no : will do [15:09] * gg ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:09] <miguelrosinha> next target should be www.time.com. Have you seen the pe rson of the year??? Shame on Time Magazine [15:09] <nozes> Canal destinados aos Soldados Anonymous Brasileiros e Portuguese s #br [15:10] * CJax ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [15:10] <mr[a]> No we dont we need better tools and some form of organisation [15:10] * Shiny ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [15:10] * cb3rob ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:10] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +v cb3rob for #OperationPayback [15:10] <mack14324853> so arewe going to try to take down the mail serers for th e venez gov? [15:10] * ars ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:10] <XRaver> xD [15:10] <lake_x21> i love porn [15:10] <lake_x21> i love porn [15:10] <%pwnsauce> !hivenum [15:10] <Mindtravel> why the hell are you attack the government of venzuela? [15:10] <XRaver> haha [15:10] <XRaver> idd [15:10] <RamirezDoes> Men [15:10] * pantsu ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [15:10] * fagga ([email protected]) has left #Op erationPayback [15:10] * Stimpeh ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: an on-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [15:10] <+cb3rob> indeed, wtf [15:10] <RamirezDoes> u are a idiot mindtravel [15:10] <%no> mindtravel, why not? [15:10] * manchuuu ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Quit ) [15:10] <+cb3rob> chavez=cool. [15:10] <RamirezDoes> erad the fucking news [15:10] <Mindtravel> im an idiot [15:10] * tgtmundo target http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve no censure Venezuela [15:10] <RamirezDoes> Read the fucking news [15:10] <Ismael> al quaida brainwashing babies: http://twitpic.com/3g8yuq [15:10] <mr[a]> wait till operation paperstorm is over [15:10] <RamirezDoes> u need to inorm more [15:10] <+cb3rob> what news [15:10] <mr[a]> then ddos something BIG [15:10] <Mindtravel> Chavez is a hero [15:11] <RamirezDoes> U will post to u [15:11] <RamirezDoes> Indeed chavez is a hero [15:11] <Mindtravel> target the white house instead [15:11] * zqx ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:11] <%pwnsauce> paperstorm? Wait til mah shitstoerm is over [15:11] <+cb3rob> chavez = you're a donkey mr bush [15:11] <RamirezDoes> but we cannot accept internet censorship [15:11] <RamirezDoes> not even from heros [15:11] <lake_x21> well actually i saw him talking and he made lot of sense, i a gree a lot with him, but censorship is against the whole concept of anonymous [15:11] <Mindtravel> Who is censoring? [15:11] <Mindtravel> the US IS [15:11] <RamirezDoes> Fire to damn it http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve because ch avez is planing to censorhip the internet http://www.geek.com/articles/news/hugo -chavez-wants-venezuela-to-be-the-next-internet-censoring-country-20100315/ [15:11] <+cb3rob> next on cnn: republic cyberbunker hosts government of venezuel a [15:11] * waiser ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [15:11] <RamirezDoes> read the news [15:11] <mr[a]> everyone is probably censoring to some extent [15:12] * tic ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www. anonops.net ) [15:12] <Mindtravel> you guys attack the wrong targets and forget about the big enemy of freedom [15:12] * soq_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:12] * Z ([email protected]) has join ed #OperationPayback [15:12] <+cb3rob> ramierzdoes: just ddos isreal... :P [15:12] * soq_ ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback (Verlasse nd) [15:12] <+cb3rob> the source of all evil [15:12] <+cb3rob> :P [15:12] <%no> mindtravel, i was not aware that we were hititng venezuela today [15:12] <mack14324853> which is? [15:12] * fzsdf ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection rese t by peer ) [15:12] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +ao glomex glomex for #OperationPayback [15:12] <lake_x21> anonymous phenomena is not in a position to attack us gov rig ht now [15:12] <+cb3rob> not venezuela [15:12] * Vanzetti ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Room s â ¢ iPhone IRC Client â ¢ http://www.roomsapp.mobi ) [15:12] <+cb3rob> :P [15:12] * Z ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [15:12] <Shiny> the /stats -g killed me lol. [15:12] <%no> but thank you for letting me know [15:12] <%no> and pissing me off [15:12] <Shiny> oops [15:12] <%pwnsauce> fire fire FIIIRE [15:12] <%no> so i can join in the attack [15:12] <mr[a]> dont get .gov sited [15:12] <%pwnsauce> I am firing [15:12] * SunnyO ([email protected]) has left #Operation Payback [15:12] * GeorgeDush ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping tim eout ) [15:12] <%pwnsauce> hit .uk.gov [15:12] * grasutzu ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [15:12] <%pwnsauce> thoser english motherfuckers [15:12] <mr[a]> i wanna get Fox [15:12] * pantsu ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [15:13] <lake_x21> the consiousness is till young [15:13] <mr[a]> gov.uk have been preparing for ddos attacks [15:13] <Mindtravel> the biggest enemy of your own freedom of information is the united states [15:13] * niamey ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [15:13] <Mindtravel> not fuckin venzuela [15:13] <nozes> http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve/ ? [15:13] <Anon_Pat> Seems there is no messing around with #floepsies http://past ie.org/1380787 #anonops #operationpayback [15:13] * Finn-Riggins ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback (IRSPY : The official IRC client of the FBI.) [15:13] * Finn-Riggins ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:13] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h Finn-Riggins for #OperationPayback [15:13] * HarryMagig ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:13] <+cb3rob> !target [15:13] * agniruc ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:13] <+cb3rob> !countdown [15:13] <+cb3rob> where is the fukkin bot [15:13] <mack14324853> i actually dot see why we havent gone after the US gov si tes, arnt they kinda the main problem for the wikileaks stuff? [15:13] * tgtmundo target http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve no censure Venezuela [15:13] * Bakoenin ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [15:13] <lake_x21> well actually venezuela chavez is trying to control media and stations [15:14] <mr[a]> we are not ddosing anyone [15:14] * gg ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [15:14] <mr[a]> and going after people on your own is gunna do nothing [15:14] <+cb3rob> mr[a] hmm [15:14] <+cb3rob> indeed [15:14] <bluec0w> change topic attack twitter [15:14] <lake_x21> so he is not the nice guy he is trying to portray himself int o [15:14] * gg ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:14] <anonysus> why twitter? [15:14] <p0ke> http://data.fuskbugg.se/dipdip/_____IMAG0042.jpg - Anonymous is c omplete [15:14] <lake_x21> his only good point is the fact he is against the injustice o f the usa [15:14] <Moss> http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve/ [15:14] * infoso__e ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:14] <bluec0w> bloq wikileaks in tt and bloq anon acc [15:14] * HarryMagig ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback (Leaving) [15:14] <mr[a]> ddos got old we need new things and come back more powerful and pwn sum n00bs :L [15:15] <Sm173> none of these fuckers are nice, it all about control power and m oney for them! [15:15] <cruunch> mr[a] #operationpaperstorm [15:15] <+cb3rob> and has it occured to you that this "news" may very well origi nate from the cia ? [15:15] <mr[a]> yes i know ive been aprinting [15:15] * Sjakie ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [15:15] * agniruc ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [15:15] <cruunch> oh cool [15:15] <lake_x21> well actually venezuelans say so [15:15] * anonrob ([email protected]) has left #Operation Payback [15:15] <+cb3rob> cia sets up anonymous to ddos venezuela [15:15] <RamirezDoes> Ok i think we need to clear what we are NOT going to attac k [15:15] <+cb3rob> oh ok [15:15] * ziomek ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Verlassend ) [15:16] <mr[a]> and ive modded my remote control planes bomb doors [15:16] * HeadSet ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:16] <bluec0w> there is or not a attack? [15:16] <iceman45> %pwnsauce: what's wrong with the english ? [15:16] <RamirezDoes> There it is [15:16] <mr[a]> to drop anonymous card :D [15:16] <annonyana> no attack yet [15:16] <lake_x21> however i believe cb3rob is right, cia might be infiltrated i n lot of places [15:16] <RamirezDoes> And it going to ---> http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve [15:16] <%pwnsauce> iceman45 : 700 years [15:16] <RamirezDoes> Who says? [15:16] <%pwnsauce> thnats what [15:16] <%Power2All> hmm hows this community (is it a community o_O) anonymousdo wn ? [15:16] <lake_x21> chavez said so and i belive him [15:16] <RamirezDoes> we are a organization of ideas [15:17] <foobar> ffs' [15:17] <BoumBADABoum> look at it like that and there are realy more bad then go od but if you traget everyting freely your not bether [15:17] * Dead ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC w ww.anonops.net ) [15:17] <RamirezDoes> who is targeting freely? [15:17] <anonysus> Is taht Chavez's real website or just the one that reported h is censorship story? [15:17] * Finn-Riggins ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: brb ) [15:17] * feddy666 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [15:17] <iceman45> %pwnsauce: maybe but, some of us are on "your" side [15:17] * tic ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [15:17] * GeorgeDush ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [15:17] <RamirezDoes> Is just the gob vzla website [15:18] <RamirezDoes> what side? [15:18] <RamirezDoes> this a idea [15:18] <RamirezDoes> and a good one [15:18] <%pwnsauce> iceman45 : its your goivernment I hate, not the people [15:18] <RamirezDoes> U aer too busy trying to kill xmas [15:18] * mib-sophos ([email protected]) Quit ( Qu it: Leaving ) [15:18] <RamirezDoes> xD [15:18] <%no> http://stashbox.org/1042690/didyou.jpg [15:18] <resignation> you should hate every governemnt:) [15:18] <%no> spam! [15:18] <lake_x21> i agree, it doesn make sense to attack something in venezuela right now [15:18] <iceman45> i hate them as well :) [15:18] <BoumBADABoum> targeting whitout consensus its a bit targuetting freely [15:18] <foobar> <pwnsauce> thoser english motherfuckers [15:18] * Finn-Riggins ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:18] <RamirezDoes> Doesnt [15:18] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h Finn-Riggins for #OperationPayback [15:18] <%no> http://stashbox.org/1042690/didyou.jpg [15:19] <RamirezDoes> U guys [15:19] <RamirezDoes> are very bad [15:19] * Phrack ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [15:19] * miguelrosinha ([email protected]) has left #Operatio nPayback [15:19] * Trivette is good [15:19] <%pwnsauce> foobar lets kill their internetz governmentz [15:19] <%no> http://stashbox.org/1042690/didyou.jpg [15:19] <%no> no is no [15:19] <RamirezDoes> the law taht is going to censorshio the intenet is going t o be aproveed this week or the next [15:19] <%no> nothing more [15:19] <p0ke> Operation Stencil's Over Gothenburg has been initialized [15:19] <RamirezDoes> we cant attack in othe time [15:19] <p0ke> Win [15:19] <%no> and nothing less [15:19] <%no> just no [15:19] * Vito031 ([email protected]) has left #OperationPaybac k [15:19] <@Trivette> no is %no =P [15:19] <RamirezDoes> We are fighting internet censorhip [15:19] <resignation> :D [15:19] <RamirezDoes> its doestn cae from who is [15:19] * annonyana ([email protected]) has left #OperationPay back [15:20] <anon_nbrado> seriously! http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2010/dec/15/jul ian-assange-bail-decision-uk WTF! [15:20] * fhramke ([email protected]) has left #Operatio nPayback [15:20] <%pwnsauce> operation: ass kick has been fired [15:20] * fhramke ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [15:20] <RamirezDoes> we must fight it [15:20] <lake_x21> american and european infrastructure gets priority [15:20] <Phrack> http://twitter.com/#!/lavici/status/14181438970658816 [15:20] * ars ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:20] <RamirezDoes> we are not assange personal army [15:20] <RamirezDoes> we fight for the internet freedom [15:20] <%pwnsauce> YES [15:20] <Phrack> ^ Ve calling a SOS to Anon [15:20] * fzsdf ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [15:20] <foobar> im english, and i resent the fact that your gob shiting t count ry,, there are a kot of brits here doing as much as everyone else here [15:20] * Anon2600 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:20] * Generator ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Free Candy -> http://am ericanjesus.co.cc | http://<censored>.tumblr.com ) [15:20] <nozes> Canal destinados aos Soldados Anonymous Brasileiros e Portuguese s #br [15:20] <bluec0w> assange is anonymous creator [15:20] <%pwnsauce> internet FREEEEDOM!!! if they &v me theyt will burn in napal m HELL [15:20] <Charos> Interesting. @Forum rules [15:20] <resignation> yeah.. assange dosn't pay us enoug, anyhow.. [15:20] <resignation> :p [15:20] <Anon10346> AnonNet's #HardTimes are planning an attack at Time Magazine tomorrow, 16 Dec 17.00 (5pm) US EST [15:20] <bluec0w> he is a very good hacker btw [15:21] * shahost ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [15:21] <Anon10346> http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/8334/1292430739862.png [15:21] <lake_x21> assange justifies our ideal [15:21] <anonjulian> bluec0w, lol [15:21] <lake_x21> it is what anonymous wants, total freedom of infomation [15:21] <Phrack> http://twitter.com/#!/lavici/status/14181438970658816 <--- Vene zuela calling out a SOS to Anonymous. [15:21] * xorcon ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:21] * raarve ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: - nb s-irc 2.39 - www.nbs-irc.net - ) [15:21] <resignation> the jewish editors?! [15:21] * tic ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Rooms â ¢ iPhone IR C Client â ¢ http://www.roomsapp.mobi ) [15:21] <lake_x21> it is natural to help pepople like assange [15:21] * kamina ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:21] * agniruc ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:21] * Attila ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mI RC www.anonops.net ) [15:22] * sambuka65 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [15:22] * b4d ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [15:22] <RamirezDoes> Our ideal is internet freedom [15:22] * ThingFish ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:22] <RamirezDoes> chavez is going to finish that liberty this week o the oth er with a new law [15:22] * peterthegreat_ ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [15:22] <BoumBADABoum> in canada to behind UN blue hat face we are the slave of usa, and we got our own fight [15:22] <RamirezDoes> do u understand? [15:22] <RamirezDoes> english motherfucker? [15:22] <lake_x21> yes but internet freedom is not enough [15:22] * Paladin ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [15:22] * BNG ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:22] * Klubriviu ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: used jmIrc ) [15:22] * xampu ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [15:22] <lake_x21> we want free flow of information [15:22] * Trufknarf ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [15:22] * Klubriviu ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [15:22] <RamirezDoes> Help the damn cause [15:23] * agniruc ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [15:23] * Charos jizzed in his pants. [15:23] * gloubi ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:23] <RamirezDoes> We need moar laz0rs [15:23] <Metro> anonleaks.org [15:23] <xampu> hi all [15:23] <iceman45> %pwnsauce you might hate out goverment but its a good job Jul ian Assange is in the UK round about now and not in the US or sweden, just my 5c ents :) [15:23] <lake_x21> internet may be free, but the gov still plans in secret again st its citizens [15:23] <RamirezDoes> Aim ----------> www.gobiernoenlinea.ve [15:23] <lake_x21> gov must be transparent and serve the citizens not hide infor mation from them\ [15:23] <+cb3rob> correction: against the citizens that own it [15:24] <+cb3rob> not "its citizens" [15:24] <+cb3rob> :P [15:24] <lake_x21> right [15:24] <lake_x21> as always [15:24] <GeorgeDush> do you like it? http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_PjEvf873WJQ/TQk_w FfpqsI/AAAAAAAAACw/qjQPm0iSrgk/s1600/MASTERCARD.jpg [15:24] * tgtmundo target http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve no censure Venezuela [15:24] * Anon9001 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [15:24] <Neuro> view news [15:24] <Neuro> http://translate.google.es/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8 &layout=2&eotf=1&sl=es&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.analitica.com%2Fva%2Fsintesis%2F internacionales%2F8155914.asp [15:24] * ThingFish ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [15:24] <iceman45> *our [15:24] * Chiptease ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [15:24] <RamirezDoes> http://fromtheold.com/news/internet/chavez-plans-censor-in ternet-20933 [15:24] * mamba ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [15:24] <lake_x21> problem is the owners of our governments have become Business man [15:24] <%Cogitabundus> !topic [15:24] -Tony_The_Tiger:#OperationPayback- Channel Topic: OPERATION PAYBACK - h ttp://www.justiceforassange.com http://anonops-irc.org,255 http://808chan.org/tp b | Target: Awaiting new Target| Hive + Chat: irc.anonops-irc.org | See: #Forum #Target #WikiLeaks #Propaganda #RadioPayback #Protest #Lounge | reporters: we're not hackers [15:24] * Folkare ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [15:24] <+cb3rob> the government is like your secretary.. if your secretary sudd enly decides she can write letters on yourbehalf on her own, you fire her. [15:25] <+MAFIAA> target: [15:25] <+MAFIAA> go [15:25] <lake_x21> exatcly [15:25] <RamirezDoes> no [15:25] <anon_nbrado> http://www.cps.gov.uk/ there is the corrupt imo! wtf are t hey playing at with assange. now the swedes deny having a stance on bail [15:25] <derrr> I'M GONNA FUCK UP [15:25] * derrr was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Watch your language!) [15:25] <+MAFIAA> imah hax0r cose I iuse LOIC [15:25] * Anonim000 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:25] <lake_x21> we need to be smarter [15:25] <resignation> xD [15:25] * derrr ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [15:25] * shitstorm ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [15:25] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h shitstorm for #OperationPayback [15:25] * niamey ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC w ww.anonops.net ) [15:25] <lake_x21> we do not attack a site, but we attack services vital to it [15:25] <resignation> ohhh, tony is very PC [15:25] <resignation> :p [15:25] * sha ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:25] <derrr> was I just kicked for swearing [15:25] <RamirezDoes> we need moar lazors [15:25] <anon_nbrado> hax0r cos i drink loicazade [15:25] <derrr> this i did not expect [15:26] <resignation> hahahah [15:26] <resignation> :D [15:26] <resignation> you used caps [15:26] * a ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Never forget. Never forgive. Expect us. ) [15:26] <resignation> i hope.. hm.. [15:26] <resignation> fuck [15:26] <resignation> ? [15:26] * otontin ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mibbit .com ajax IRC Client ) [15:26] <resignation> CAPS [15:26] * kokokokokokosno ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:26] <resignation> ^^ [15:27] <RamirezDoes> Ok [15:27] <Trufknarf> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [15:27] <%pwnsauce> iceman45 : good poitn but wish he was HERE [15:27] * Anonymouse ([email protected]) Quit ( Input/output error ) [15:27] * defq0n- ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [15:27] * Anonymouse ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [15:27] <RamirezDoes> if someone is helping to the vnzla website thing , and wan ts to know more theres oficial info of the website and his domains http://whois. domaintools.com/gobiernoenlinea.ve [15:27] <Sjakie> fine structure constant explained: http://www.wbabin.net/ntham/ davis.pdf [15:27] * andre ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: late for work.. fark ) [15:27] <mamba> is it true that the dude who left his name on the PDF press rele ase got arrested? [15:28] <+Sae> http://www.laquadrature.net/en/administrative-net-censorship-adop ted-in-france-pedophiles-unworried [15:28] * SativaCyborg ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [15:28] * Markus138 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Markus1 38 ) [15:28] <RamirezDoes> yes [15:28] * Ricks ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:28] * Trufknarf ([email protected]) has left #Operation Payback () [15:28] * defq0n- ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:28] <RamirezDoes> alex tapanaris was arrestes , but fo being and idiot and d ont clean his metadata in his pdf files [15:28] <iceman45> for your information guys the swedes prosecutors immediately announce that they will appeal, and he was sent back to jail until a higher cour t can address the issue, which in on thursday PM i think [15:29] * AnnonBr ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:29] * tic ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [15:29] * R0b ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.8 6 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014] ) [15:29] <%no> http://stashbox.org/1042701/didyou.jpg [15:29] <resignation> then again, he got arrest what for? spreading propaganda? dark ages? [15:29] <%no> http://stashbox.org/1042701/didyou.jpg [15:29] <sharpie> RamirezDoes: he was arrested? [15:29] * free4ever ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [15:29] <sharpie> where? [15:29] * steven_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [15:29] <sharpie> link plz [15:29] * w9lm ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:29] * theindie ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [15:29] * HunterJaeger ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: . ..zzzZZZzzz... ) [15:29] <anonjulian> http://www.thinq.co.uk/2010/12/15/designer-arrested-over-an onymous-press-release/ [15:29] * gg ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:30] * RoToR ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [15:30] * Sar_csM ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Colloquy for iPhon e - http://colloquy.mobi ) [15:30] * gg ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:30] <RamirezDoes> yes [15:30] * bur ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC w ww.anonops.net ) [15:30] <RamirezDoes> Alez tapanaris was arrested! [15:30] <w9lm> ita lang added http://piratenpad.de/DeoWaZ36iP [15:30] <RamirezDoes> understand? [15:30] * agniruc ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:30] <lake_x21> i think the best tatic is to attack the where $$$ is involved whenever internet censorship is implemented, its the best deterrant, look what happened when mastercard and visa and paypal had problems, only that it was tooo o short, we need a deterrant which effects the whole world, so people will reali ze, that the blowback would be so hard [15:30] <RamirezDoes> u guys are really ignorant , read the news fgs! [15:30] <RamirezDoes> no [15:31] <%no> lol [15:31] <sharpie> RamirezDoes: link or not lies [15:31] <%no> that is why all mine are png or jpg releases [15:31] <sharpie> soryy [15:31] <%no> http://stashbox.org/1042701/didyou.jpg [15:31] * agniruc ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [15:31] <sharpie> LINK OR LIES [15:31] <mamba> http://www.thinq.co.uk/2010/12/15/designer-arrested-over-anonymo us-press-release/ [15:31] * Folkare ([email protected]) has left #Operatio nPayback [15:31] <sharpie> thanks [15:31] * tgtmundo ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:31] <sharpie> what a fucking idiot btw [15:32] * tgtmundo ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [15:32] <Sjakie> so publishing PDF files is a crime? [15:32] <ink> http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2010/dec/15/julian-assange-bail-de cision-uk [15:32] <%no> anyway [15:32] <resignation> maybe he used a cracked version of adobe? [15:32] <resignation> :p [15:32] * tgtmundo target http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve no censure Venezuela [15:32] * w9lm ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [15:32] * tic ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Rooms â ¢ iPhone IR C Client â ¢ http://www.roomsapp.mobi ) [15:32] * azther ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Saliendo ) [15:32] <sharpie> no but helpin a criminal conspiracy is [15:32] * tic ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [15:32] <lake_x21> http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/dec/15/wikileaks-me t-police-investigate-anonymous [15:32] * nefrixovici ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ne frixovici ) [15:33] <steven_> come on, a name on a pdf file means nothing. anything can be w ritten [15:33] <lake_x21> only when anonymous hits the $ supply will they understand th is is serious [15:33] <resignation> criminal conspiracy? sounds scary [15:33] <sharpie> how is that a link? [15:33] <gg> "Glen Beck" anyone? ;) [15:33] <sharpie> where the fuck is the evidence# [15:33] <Sjakie> Anonymous isnt a criminal conspiracy luckily [15:33] <+cb3rob> sharpie: looks like... anonymous lost control :P [15:33] <+cb3rob> hehe [15:33] <sharpie> that link is bollocks [15:33] * no ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: This computer has gone to slee p ) [15:33] * kris_fr ([email protected]) has left #OperationP ayback [15:33] * mr[a] ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [15:33] <resignation> and this shit about uk objecting bail, not sweeden.. wtf.. [15:34] * cooljack ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [15:34] <sharpie> implying they ever had control cb3rob :P [15:34] <bluec0w> mamba this notice is a fake,i have followed all links, this a prank by a hacker j3st3r who tryd to follow some anonymous, but i dont think tha t was nothing serious at all. [15:34] <RamirezDoes> lol i was nafk [15:34] * tic ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Rooms â ¢ iPhone IR C Client â ¢ http://www.roomsapp.mobi ) [15:34] <RamirezDoes> wat hhapened [15:34] * free4ever ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeo ut ) [15:34] <RamirezDoes> so its fake? [15:34] <+cb3rob> sharpie: this sort of ranaway shit didn't happen in the anti-c opyright operation payback days [15:34] <+cb3rob> :P [15:34] * Ricks ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [15:34] * anonon ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [15:34] <RamirezDoes> i dunno ... [15:34] <+cb3rob> "oh lets attack venezuela!" [15:34] * anonon ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection re set by peer ) [15:34] * foobar ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: te rminated! ) [15:35] * foobar ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [15:35] <sharpie> no which is why you no longer see funny symbols before my name [15:35] <bluec0w> j3st3r is the same guy who tryed to put wikileaks down, btw an onymous has followes him and unmask him yet. [15:35] <AnnonBr> cb3rob and bolivia... =P [15:35] <sharpie> I know [15:35] * anonon ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [15:35] <sharpie> sad imo [15:35] * tic ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [15:35] <+cb3rob> bolivia -mirrors- wikileaks for fucks sake [15:35] * gloubi ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:35] <sharpie> still [15:35] <+cb3rob> their vice persident [15:35] <+cb3rob> does so personally [15:35] * Charos ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC w ww.anonops.net ) [15:35] * foobar ([email protected]) Quit ( Client e xited ) [15:35] <bluec0w> this guys are nuts [15:36] <bluec0w> lol [15:36] <Neuro> Put the target to attack the government of Venezuela please!! bu t will do what usa!! view news http://translate.google.es/translate?js=n&prev=_t &hl=es&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=es&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.analitica.com%2Fv a%2Fsintesis%2Finternacionales%2F8155914.asp [15:36] * Alfredstein ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [15:36] <p0ke> http://data.fuskbugg.se/dipdip/_____IMAG0042.jpg - Spreading the anonymous on Gothenburg's streets since today [15:36] * tic_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [15:36] <bluec0w> stop talkinga about attack gov website it is for lamers [15:36] <lake_x21> people need a target [15:36] <+cb3rob> take gene simmons for all i care [15:36] <bluec0w> twitter, atack twittwe [15:36] <+cb3rob> nobodylikes him [15:36] <+cb3rob> haha [15:36] <bluec0w> twitter, atack twitter [15:36] <+cb3rob> www.genesimmons.com [15:36] <bluec0w> twitter, atack twitter.com [15:36] <+cb3rob> if you're bored [15:36] <RamirezDoes> NO [15:36] <+cb3rob> but leave venezuela alone [15:36] <lake_x21> or a prerogative to attack [15:36] <+cb3rob> hehe [15:36] * bur ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [15:36] <RamirezDoes> u are stupid as hell guys [15:36] <resignation> dan simmons? [15:36] <lake_x21> i agree cb3rob [15:37] <GeorgeDush> TARGET: waltdisneypictures.com [15:37] <GeorgeDush> I hate mickey Mouse [15:37] <bluec0w> twitter against wikileaks. [15:37] <RamirezDoes> no [15:37] <GeorgeDush> Fucking rat [15:37] * tryiierr ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [15:37] <bluec0w> you guys dont read the news ever? [15:37] * tgtmundo target http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve no censure Venezuela [15:37] <bluec0w> areyou all 16? [15:37] <bluec0w> omg [15:37] <+owen> no im 15 [15:37] <resignation> good one, mate! [15:37] <RamirezDoes> We are fighting internet censorship and u want to attack t witter and disney , u are idiots [15:37] <bluec0w> wow [15:37] <GeorgeDush> people of the universe!!!! [15:37] <RamirezDoes> U should attack the vnzla website [15:37] <bluec0w> it is very good for us [15:38] <bluec0w> sure [15:38] * DutchSpeed ([email protected]) has left #Operation Payback () [15:38] <GeorgeDush> put this link anywherev http://operationpaperstorm.blogspot .com/ [15:38] <GeorgeDush> material for december 18 [15:38] <bluec0w> RamirezDoes twittwe are censoring wikileaks and you dont notic e yet? noob. [15:38] * AlexMuir ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [15:38] <bluec0w> twitter* [15:38] * phre ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Sto andando via ) [15:38] <GeorgeDush> blogspot is good with us [15:38] <GeorgeDush> lol [15:38] * tic_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Rooms â ¢ iPhone I RC Client â ¢ http://www.roomsapp.mobi ) [15:38] <resignation> why do 3/4 of these 'attack this attack this' ppl sound li ke feds? :D [15:38] * tic ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www. anonops.net ) [15:39] <waiser> resignation bcoz [15:39] * kjohnson ([email protected]) has jo ined #OperationPayback [15:39] * tic_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:39] * tgtmundo ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [15:39] <nozes> Canal destinados aos Soldados Anonymous Brasileiros e Portuguese s #br [15:39] * Gideon2 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:39] <lake_x21> well u cannot say, everyone might have an urge to attack some thing in his country [15:39] <RamirezDoes> http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/gobiernoenlinea.ve-dom [15:40] * anonzerozero ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [15:40] <lake_x21> censorship is everywhere [15:40] * Aethermx ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:40] <GeorgeDush> best flyer vere [15:40] <waiser> y here too [15:40] <GeorgeDush> http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_PjEvf873WJQ/TQjv8qT-FcI/AAAAAAAAA Bo/1DtJcAUN5f4/s1600/CHRISTMAS.jpg [15:40] <p0ke> I want a picture with white background and black letters that has a anonymous quote on it, anyone that can fix it? [15:40] <RamirezDoes> I think we need a personal army [15:40] <resignation> yeah but there are some targets that just shine with neon sign "TRAP" [15:40] <mamba> thanks <bluec0w> [15:40] <lake_x21> heh [15:40] <Anon10346> GeorgeDush, :'D [15:40] <Anon10346> "I hate mickey mouse" [15:40] <sharpie> hey owen [15:41] * FKz ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:41] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +o FKz for #OperationPayback [15:41] <GeorgeDush> more here, http://operationpaperstorm.blogspot.com/ [15:41] <+owen> hi sharpie [15:41] * fhramke ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anonmIRC www.anonops.net ) [15:41] <bluec0w> twitter.com < target [15:41] * Vanzetti ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [15:41] * derrr ([email protected]) has left #Ope rationPayback [15:41] <DropNET21> target twitter? [15:41] * AnnonBr ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:41] * Anonymous9 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:41] <p0ke> GeorgeDush, Gief a white pic with a quote in it : < [15:41] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h Anonymous9 for #OperationPayback [15:41] * Token ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:41] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +ao Token Token for #OperationPayback [15:41] <Vanzetti> I have more speed and java on my iPhone! [15:41] <ito> twitter? bullshit [15:41] * Aethermx ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [15:42] <Vanzetti> I'm ready to go motherfuckers [15:42] <lake_x21> its easier said than done, if i buy from ebay, im safe with p aypal, so better to take it down, so i cannot use it, else i use it, and this is what everyone does [15:42] * N3p7uN3 ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [15:42] <bluec0w> twitter.com < target, twitter is bloq wikileaks topics [15:42] * tic_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Rooms â ¢ iPhone IRC C lient â ¢ http://www.roomsapp.mobi ) [15:42] <resignation> agent provocateur [15:42] <GeorgeDush> what do you want, poke? [15:42] * N3p7uN3 ([email protected]) has left #Operation Payback (useless) [15:42] * tic_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:42] * Pireta_Ictavist ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon -mIRC www.anonops.net ) [15:42] <RamirezDoes> *facepalm [15:42] <GeorgeDush> create a flyer? [15:42] <anonysus> http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6BD6CI20101214 [15:42] * pwnsauce ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [15:42] <RamirezDoes> Twitter is a social network [15:42] <p0ke> GeorgeDush, Naw gonna create a stencil and put it on the street o f my town : ) [15:43] <RamirezDoes> Vnla is a whola country!!! [15:43] <anonysus> USAF blocking NYT, Guardian over WikiLeaks [15:43] <A-A> http://www.anonops-irc.org/forum/ [15:43] * tic_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: tic_ ) [15:43] * WINDOWS98 ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [15:43] <lake_x21> now this is getting funny and ridiculous lol [15:43] <RamirezDoes> no [15:43] * gloubi ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: tchi tchi bye ) [15:43] <lake_x21> so they think the employees are not smart enough to decide fo r themselves [15:43] <lake_x21> wtf is going on ? [15:43] * Snotbox ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [15:43] * mr[a] ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:43] <bluec0w> well it is not gona be a attack today [15:43] <bluec0w> so [15:43] <bluec0w> bye [15:43] * anon12548027 ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [15:43] <lake_x21> can the usa be more pathetic than this ????? [15:43] * tic_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:44] <lake_x21> can they ? [15:44] <bluec0w> have other things to do [15:44] <anonysus> It looks like the US government is actively blocking US Troop s from accessing Wikileaks. [15:44] <lake_x21> its funny lol [15:44] * kj3k242 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [15:44] <GeorgeDush> somebody from uk? [15:44] <Vanzetti> No reason to attack twitter better to create accouts and star t a new trend [15:44] <RamirezDoes> no shit sherloc [15:44] <lake_x21> we are making them do ridiculous stuff [15:44] * gloubi ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [15:44] * stonerpunk ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:44] <%Anonymous9> Does anyone feel like doing Operation Mirrorleaks as discu ssed last night? [15:44] <bluec0w> and twitter from people all over the world [15:44] <RamirezDoes> This is stupid as hell [15:44] <RamirezDoes> u want a good target [15:44] <RamirezDoes> i give it to u and u arent listenninf [15:44] <lake_x21> a good target for me is visa and mastercard [15:45] <%Anonymous9> We put up shitloads of mirrors of those media sites and we put it out there that we are offering these mirrors so the troops can still rea d them [15:45] <RamirezDoes> read the f·$%· news fgs!! [15:45] <lake_x21> thats what makes the difference [15:45] <%Anonymous9> lake_x21: We've done them both at least twice, what would be the point [15:45] <bluec0w> Anonymous9 hey join #Oil_leaks [15:45] <lake_x21> for too short time [15:45] <GeorgeDush> this is our target http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_PjEvf873WJQ/TQ jv8qT-FcI/AAAAAAAAABo/1DtJcAUN5f4/s1600/CHRISTMAS.jpg [15:45] <GeorgeDush> boicot [15:45] * stonerpunk ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: leaving ) [15:45] <lake_x21> the point is that visa and mastercard and paypal still block wikileaks [15:45] <lake_x21> so its not enough [15:45] <resignation> see ya all later.. watch out for that agent provocateur;) bb [15:45] <%Anonymous9> Eh [15:45] <me_> [23:44:23] <%Anonymous9> Does anyone feel like doing Operation Mir rorleaks as discussed last night? << explain :P [15:45] <RamirezDoes> and? [15:45] * free4ever ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [15:45] <ito> good bye, fellas! [15:46] * zoopenguin ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [15:46] <RamirezDoes> cmon [15:46] * resignation ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ano n-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [15:46] <%Anonymous9> me_: Read up - we create shitloads of mirrors for the Guar dian and New York Times, to be used by soldiers who have had access blocked by t he military [15:46] <bluec0w> operation pay back and leakspin was a sinopse of what we can r ealy do with wikileaks information, people think that wikileaks is about war, bu t in fact war is about oil. join #oil_leaks and help us. To have real respect we have to attack the real souce! [15:46] * Jeffm ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [15:46] * ito ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [15:46] <nicobis> Serverless Project - http://www.serverless.hostei.com/ - Join #serverless [15:46] <lake_x21> the reeal source is $$$ [15:46] <lake_x21> thats the source [15:46] * Ricks_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [15:46] <lake_x21> so attack that and see if they get angree [15:46] <%Anonymous9> With a statement that we will not stand idly by as those w ho serve in the army are denied access to the truth about what they are fighting over [15:46] <Vanzetti> Anyone have a torrent of javaloic? [15:47] <me_> what is the purpose of this operation then Anonymous9? [15:47] <+Sae> http://twitpic.com/3g95q2 [15:47] <me_> i mean [15:47] <bluec0w> lake_x21 this is about money [15:47] <+Sae> sorry, wrong chan [15:47] * Raish ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [15:47] <me_> how do you want to do that? [15:47] <bluec0w> operation pay back and leakspin was a sinopse of what we can r ealy do with wikileaks information, people think that wikileaks is about war, bu t in fact war is about oil. join #oil_leaks and help Crash the stocks world wide !!! to have real respect we have to attack the real souce! [15:47] <me_> just spread mirrors? [15:47] <GeorgeDush> put this video anywhere, please http://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=gaTVrShwAQU&feature=player_embedded [15:47] <bluec0w> Crash the stocks world wide!!! [15:47] <RamirezDoes> http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve because chavez is planing t o censorhip the internet http://www.geek.com/articles/news/hugo-chavez-wants-ven ezuela-to-be-the-next-internet-censoring-country-20100315/ [15:47] <GeorgeDush> ANYWHERE [15:47] <%Anonymous9> me_: Well we're all about freedom of speech, and the milit ary have just basically censored those media sites for their troops [15:47] <me_> yeah i know [15:47] <Anon9001> Did comebody mention Glenn Beck? [15:47] <lake_x21> instead of wasting time with little websites and that shit [15:47] <me_> just read it in an article :P [15:47] * tic ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [15:47] <me_> but how? [15:47] <AWW3> check the topic in #Ideology and do it if you feel like it! [15:47] <Anon9001> http://piratepad.net/uHGsdlO5CL [15:47] <RamirezDoes> We are talking about a whole country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! an d u ae not helping! [15:47] <%Anonymous9> me_: We make mirrors specifically for that cause, tons of them, and we tell the media that we're not going to allow it to stand [15:47] <RamirezDoes> http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve because chavez is planing t o censorhip the internet http://www.geek.com/articles/news/hugo-chavez-wants-ven ezuela-to-be-the-next-internet-censoring-country-20100315/ [15:47] <lake_x21> attack the website with $$$ services and youll see the effect [15:47] * albahith ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [15:47] <mr[a]> we want freedom of speech not destruction of the worlds econnmy [15:48] <me_> ahh sounds interesting to me Anonymous9 :p [15:48] <RamirezDoes> moar 1 [15:48] * burrburr ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:48] * ViiToKo ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:48] * Ricks ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:48] <lake_x21> sometimes the end justifies the means [15:48] <RamirezDoes> theres already thousand of mirrors [15:48] * tic_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Rooms â ¢ iPhone IRC C lient â ¢ http://www.roomsapp.mobi ) [15:48] * tic_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:48] * Anonymouse ([email protected]) Quit ( Input/output error ) [15:48] * ThreeRiverz ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [15:48] <PLF> New PLF web site, for all you regulars who are just DYING to know what the PLF crap is all about. http://PLF777.limewebs.com awesome new forum there to - http://PLF777.limewebs.com [15:48] <RamirezDoes> u just dont understand wat i am talking about [15:48] * Anonymouse ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [15:49] <A-A> Is tehre a Linux Version of Osiris? [15:49] <A-A> Debian? [15:49] <Vanzetti> RamirezDoes: if you can get me an unzipped version of javaloi c I will fire [15:49] <nozes> Canal destinados aos Soldados Anonymous Brasileiros e Portuguese s #br [15:49] * way2longagain ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [15:49] <Vanzetti> Can't unzip 7z on iPhone [15:49] <RamirezDoes> Lurk by yourselves [15:49] * tic_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Rooms â ¢ iPhone IRC C lient â ¢ http://www.roomsapp.mobi ) [15:49] <RamirezDoes> U should do the work alone damn it [15:49] * ViiToKo ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [15:49] * tic_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:49] <RamirezDoes> the cause is there [15:49] * Anonymouse is now known as AnonGuest52439 [15:49] * sha ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [15:49] <WINDOWS98> do you use debain so you can be difficult? [15:49] <RamirezDoes> and the target is ther [15:50] <RamirezDoes> and u arent doing nothing! [15:50] <A-A> ubuntu 10.4 [15:50] <RamirezDoes> a country is going to have internet censorship [15:50] <RamirezDoes> thats all what anon hates [15:50] <RamirezDoes> and u are doing nothing [15:50] * no ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:50] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h no for #OperationPayback [15:50] * gegergeg ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:50] <lake_x21> if international governments want to control and attack flow of information, the global consiousness needs to attack something vital to the g overnments, the $ [15:50] <sharpie> no [15:50] <RamirezDoes> no [15:50] <sharpie> no [15:50] <%no> hi [15:50] <@Trivette> you can discuss Targets in #Target [15:50] <%no> watcha need? [15:50] <sharpie> hey [15:50] <@Trivette> wb no [15:50] <sharpie> hmm [15:50] <RamirezDoes> Just ptfkfgs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [15:51] <%no> hi boys [15:51] <WINDOWS98> i thought anon were communists actually [15:51] * sha|away ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:51] <RamirezDoes> and we ae [15:51] <RamirezDoes> re [15:51] <RamirezDoes> are [15:51] <sharpie> well [15:51] <lake_x21> to the contrary [15:51] * Anon_493 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [15:51] <%no> yeah well youre also running on windows98, so youre an idiot [15:51] <RamirezDoes> TARGET--> http://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve because chavez is planing to censorhip the internet http://www.geek.com/articles/news/hugo-chavez -wants-venezuela-to-be-the-next-internet-censoring-country-20100315/ [15:51] * anron ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [15:51] <%no> :D [15:51] <sharpie> I need a hug and a gentle nuzzle on some nips no [15:51] * mr[a] ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [15:51] <WINDOWS98> lol i'm not really on windows98 [15:51] * zoopenguin ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ik ga weg ) [15:51] <%no> sharpie, i am sick [15:51] <@Trivette> in a way I guess we kinda are Windows98 [15:51] <lake_x21> well anonymous doesn fit anywhere actually [15:51] <%no> you sure you want to do that? [15:51] * anon_numb ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [15:51] <sharpie> no :( [15:51] * Qbat ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:51] * tryiierr ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [15:52] * spiralis ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: HydraIR C -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- In tests, 0x09 out of 0x0A l33t h4x0rz prefer it :) ) [15:52] <%no> yeah [15:52] * tic_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Rooms â ¢ iPhone IRC C lient â ¢ http://www.roomsapp.mobi ) [15:52] <%no> thought so [15:52] * glomex sets mode -N for #OperationPayback [15:52] <WINDOWS98> this serverless stuff is really cool [15:52] * Finn-Riggins ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback (IRSPY : The official IRC client of the FBI.) [15:52] * Finn-Riggins ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:52] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h Finn-Riggins for #OperationPayback [15:52] * glomex is now known as glomex|away [15:52] <sharpie> how sick? tickle my arse with a feather sick ? or stick the wh ole chicken up there [15:52] <sharpie> ? [15:52] * glomex|away sets mode +N for #OperationPayback [15:52] * Qbat ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:52] <%no> like, working my way up to chicken [15:52] * stonerpunk ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:52] <sharpie> damn not good [15:52] * tic ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www. anonops.net ) [15:52] <%no> i thought i was going to be able to go to work [15:52] * way2longagain ([email protected]) has left #OperationPa yback [15:52] <sharpie> that hot vegas air [15:52] <%no> but about 15 minutes before i was supposed to catch the bus [15:53] <%no> my stomach disagreed with me [15:53] * ixi ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:53] <%no> violently [15:53] <%no> so now i might be in trouble with work [15:53] <%no> for not calling 2 hours before my shift [15:53] <sharpie> bad stomach needs bitch slapping imo [15:53] <%no> inorite [15:53] <anonysus> pentagon.fbi? lol [15:53] <%Finn-Riggins> :D [15:53] <%no> did you see the poster i made today? [15:54] <sharpie> no http://imgur.com/ZhzUS.jpg [15:54] <%no> and the one i made yesterday? [15:54] <sharpie> yeah [15:54] * stonerpunk ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: leaving ) [15:54] <sharpie> it was nice [15:54] <%Finn-Riggins> no yes [15:54] <%no> lol [15:54] <%no> what a shop [15:54] <%no> what a shop [15:54] <sharpie> that was real [15:54] <sharpie> no shoop [15:54] * ViiToKo ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:54] <%no> isnt that the kid i was making fun of [15:54] * zoopenguin ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [15:54] <%no> the other day? [15:54] <RamirezDoes> thanks for the help guys [15:54] <sharpie> http://mobile.latimes.com/wap/news/text.jsp?sid=294&nid=319226 50&cid=16677&scid=1854&ith=0&title=Top+Stories [15:54] <%no> for calling himself 1337 in his nick [15:54] <sharpie> that was me [15:54] * gg ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:54] <sharpie> :( [15:54] <sharpie> :O [15:54] <sharpie> trollin [15:55] * free4ever ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeo ut ) [15:55] * Ricks_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Colloquy for iPhone - http://colloquy.mobi ) [15:55] <%no> lol [15:55] <%no> you failed [15:55] <%Finn-Riggins> 1 [15:55] <PigFlu> sharpie: r on skids? [15:55] <sharpie> wut me? [15:55] <PigFlu> yes you [15:55] <sharpie> nah [15:55] * aannoonnn ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: o_o ) [15:55] * Token ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:55] * free4ever ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [15:55] <PigFlu> do you see anyone else called sharpie? [15:55] <PigFlu> yes you are [15:55] <GeorgeDush> do you like it? http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_PjEvf873WJQ/TQk_w FfpqsI/AAAAAAAAACw/qjQPm0iSrgk/s1600/MASTERCARD.jpg [15:56] <lake_x21> like [15:56] <sharpie> sharpies are a dime a dozen [15:56] * tiltomat ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [15:56] * kl4un ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [15:56] <%no> are tehy? [15:56] <sharpie> in fact [15:56] * LimeyFkr ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [15:56] * anon864 ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [15:56] * RoToR ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:56] <LimeyFkr> Julian Assange bail decision made by UK authorities, not Swed en - http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2010/dec/15/julian-assange-bail-decision-uk [15:56] <RamirezDoes> *triple facepalm [15:57] <GeorgeDush> ok, more material here: http://operationpaperstorm.blogspot .com/ [15:57] <sharpie> there's a dozen right here [15:57] <sharpie> http://imgur.com/gNYYb.jpg [15:57] <GeorgeDush> this is my best creation http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_PjEvf873 WJQ/TQjv8qT-FcI/AAAAAAAAABo/1DtJcAUN5f4/s1600/CHRISTMAS.jpg [15:57] <RamirezDoes> u guys can help [15:57] <RamirezDoes> and u arent helping [15:57] * ViCQ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ( www.nnscript.com : : NoNameScript 4.22 :: www.esnation.com ) ) [15:57] <RamirezDoes> why? [15:57] <%shitstorm> ermm sharpie [15:57] <%shitstorm> .... [15:57] * plscontinue ([email protected]) has jo ined #OperationPayback [15:57] <PigFlu> fucking sharpies [15:57] <%no> sharpie, did you see this one tho? [15:57] <%no> http://stashbox.org/1042710/anonflier.eng.png [15:57] * LohoC ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [15:57] * chrashoverraid ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [15:57] <sharpie> because RamirezDoes I like hugo chavez [15:57] <iceman45> who thinks the Swedish prosecutors will win the case not to g rant bail in the morning ? [15:57] <PigFlu> all they're good for is being put in poopers [15:57] <iceman45> *afternoon [15:57] * steven_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Sto andand o via ) [15:58] <lake_x21> so ppl what do u use instead of visa or paypal on the web ? [15:58] * anonon ([email protected]) has left #OperationP ayback [15:58] * free4all ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [15:58] <GeorgeDush> who is sharpie? lol [15:58] <%no> lol [15:58] <Anon9001> An open letter to Glenn Beck. Work in progress. http://pirat epad.net/uHGsdlO5CL [15:58] <PigFlu> ur mom [15:58] <sharpie> nice no [15:58] <%no> yeah [15:58] <lake_x21> say if u buy something from ebay or from a store how will u p ay ? [15:58] <sharpie> I mean it [15:58] <%no> we have it in dutch too [15:58] <PigFlu> inb4 i join piratepad and vandalize it [15:58] <TjaardA> ideal [15:58] * theloon ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ChatZ illa 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014] ) [15:58] * bur ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC w ww.anonops.net ) [15:58] <%no> sharpie, dont tell people im useful tho [15:58] <anonopsTUMBLR> hahaha you fools still on glenn beck [15:58] <anonopsTUMBLR> nice [15:58] * ero ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback (Re -entrando...) [15:58] * ero ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:58] * An0nandB3y0nd ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [15:58] <%no> they might get the idea that i am capable of helping them [15:59] <%shitstorm> no that would be a lie [15:59] <sharpie> kay [15:59] <anonopsTUMBLR> can i use you [15:59] <l00py675> lol [15:59] <%no> im hungry [15:59] <anonopsTUMBLR> hayy [15:59] <%no> but if i eat [15:59] <RamirezDoes> Sharpie [15:59] * lANUIT ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [15:59] <%no> :P [15:59] <RamirezDoes> its not about liking it or not [15:59] <%no> horrible things [15:59] <RamirezDoes> i liked it too [15:59] <RamirezDoes> but we fight internet censorship [15:59] <Anon9001> Yeah, it's meant to be a response to this video. http://www.u rlesque.com/2010/12/14/glenn-beck-operation-payback/ [15:59] * matik1 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [15:59] * amnotamouse ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [15:59] * amnotamouse ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [15:59] <RamirezDoes> and thats exactly what he has just proposed just 5 days ag o [16:00] * mendax87 ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [16:00] * plscontinue_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping tim eout ) [16:00] * Sociopaat ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Federal Agents!!! OPEN UP!!!... <censored>!!! *delete* *delete* *delete* *delete* *delete* *delete* *de lete* ) [16:00] <RamirezDoes> and i 1 week or 2 the law of that censorship is goign to b e aproved? [16:00] * Neuro ([email protected]) has lef t #OperationPayback [16:00] * Neuro ([email protected]) has joi ned #OperationPayback [16:00] <RamirezDoes> get it? [16:00] <RamirezDoes> Anonymous is supposed to fight internet freedom [16:00] * myhrt ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.4/20100513144105] ) [16:00] <PigFlu> no [16:00] <lake_x21> internet censorship is an inside job, a prerogative so they g et attacked and they enact laws and so on, a chain reaction [16:01] <RamirezDoes> and u are not fighting back that [16:01] * Token ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:01] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +ao Token Token for #OperationPayback [16:01] * anon97375901 ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [16:01] <PigFlu> anonymous is supposed to troll, rickroll, and make funny shit [16:01] * nonymouse ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Lost terminal ) [16:01] <lake_x21> there is nothing to fight, we own the internets [16:01] <PigFlu> ^ [16:01] <+Sky_King> Whose project is that open letter... anyone know? [16:01] <RamirezDoes> no [16:01] * anon97375901 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon9 7375901 ) [16:01] <+Sky_King> anyone? [16:01] <KiraNL> Hey Token. :) [16:01] <PigFlu> anonymous IS the internet [16:01] * popeLOL ([email protected]) has left #OperationPay back [16:01] <PigFlu> we're only fighting ourselves [16:01] * anon98121083 ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [16:01] <Lateralus> anonymous ARE the internet [16:01] <lake_x21> we are part of the internet consiousness [16:02] * Bak0 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [16:02] <Anon9001> Myself and a few others worked on it last night. Haven't hea rd back from anybody today. [16:02] * chrashoverraid ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping ti meout ) [16:02] <Pethet> We are the World [16:02] <lake_x21> internet falls in coma without anon [16:02] <Pethet> We are the Children [16:02] * sha|away slaps PigFlu with rfc's [16:02] <Vonius> http://www.thinq.co.uk/2010/12/15/operation-paperstorm-hits-lon don/ [16:02] <Lateralus> We are the solution, not the problemo [16:02] <PigFlu> what is rfc [16:02] <lake_x21> we are the virus [16:02] <RamirezDoes> i am leaving this shit [16:02] <RamirezDoes> u are not anonymous [16:02] <lake_x21> good [16:02] * anon98121083 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon9 8121083 ) [16:02] * RamirezDoes ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [16:02] * sha|away grins [16:02] <lake_x21> well actually we are a bunch of people [16:02] * nonymouse ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [16:03] <lake_x21> but u can call us what u want [16:03] <PigFlu> hurr we are anonymoos, we do not forgive, we do not forget, etc [16:03] <PigFlu> there are so many morons -_[16:03] <lake_x21> "u will know them by their actions" Levatian (12:6) [16:03] * independent ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: done. ) [16:03] * bybader ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:03] * TheAnonymous ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Le aving ) [16:03] * defq0n- ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [16:03] * zoopenguin ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:04] <lake_x21> actually i dont what i am, but i know that im here [16:04] * freeinformation ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [16:04] * anonopsTUMBLR ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [16:04] <PLF> Anyone chomping at the bit to fight evil, please consider joing ou r operation which will commence at 11:59 PM Pacific Time Thursday - December 16, 2010 in the Ops Center (located in our forum). The operation will contiinue unt il the "Peace Camp 8" are freed. I won't clutter this forum with details, please visit the Peoples Liberation Front web site for all the details. http://PLF777. limewebs.com and sign up for the Forum at http://PLF777.p [16:04] <PLF> roboards.com only registered members can get to the Ops Center (ch at room) to participate. If your bored during the OpAnon cease fire this is a re al good way to burn off that energy and fight for a good cause. [16:05] * nickfake ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [16:05] <Vanzetti> lake_x21: and you will know my name is the lord when I strike my vengeance down upon thee [16:05] <lake_x21> yes Vanzetti ! [16:05] <nozes> Canal destinados aos Soldados Anonymous Brasileiros e Portuguese s #br [16:05] <PigFlu> So... are we trying to solve anything, or are we just dosing ev ery little thing we don't fully agree with? [16:05] * gisorade ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [16:05] <Vanzetti> lake_x21: fuck yeah pulp fiction [16:05] <GeorgeDush> http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_PjEvf873WJQ/TQkr7OiS6rI/AAAAAAAAA Ck/aTkyCORo0vQ/s1600/MERRYLEAKS.jpg [16:06] <lake_x21> we solve everything when world economy gets hit through visa and mastercard [16:06] <GeorgeDush> happy christmas [16:06] <lake_x21> Vanzetti is the shit [16:06] <lake_x21> ! [16:06] <Neuro> We have created an no official channel to attack the government of Venezuela [16:06] <nickfake> what is this chanel for? [16:06] <PigFlu> lake_x21: grow up. nothing we can do will ever affect visa or m astercard [16:06] <Neuro> #Unofficial-Target [16:06] <xorcon1245425> what's the channel for venezuela attack? [16:06] <PigFlu> even if if we do incapacitate visa for a few hours, nothing is going to happen [16:06] <lake_x21> well apparently visa and mastercard got effected for a few ti me [16:06] <PigFlu> nothing will break down [16:07] * TT http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/4996/capitalismo.jpg [16:07] <lake_x21> in fact thats why anonymous ended in the media [16:07] <lake_x21> ure right pigflu [16:07] <lake_x21> our problem is the short time [16:07] <PigFlu> our problem is that we're retards [16:07] <iceman45> lol [16:07] <lake_x21> wikileaks gave many people a prerogative to attack or it woul dnt have happened [16:08] * Ismael ([email protected]) Quit ( Input/output er ror ) [16:08] <%no> where is themind [16:08] <%no> is he around? [16:08] <lake_x21> well i dont know what we are [16:08] * p0ke ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [16:08] <lake_x21> maybe a retard ios someone who never takes action [16:08] <%no> anon9001 [16:08] <%no> you still around [16:08] * mra ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [16:08] <sha|away> http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=www.google .com [16:08] <sharpie> I'm aretard [16:08] <sharpie> I got a doctors note and all [16:08] <sharpie> see [16:08] * ero ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [16:09] <sharpie> I can't even spell rite [16:09] <%no> anon9001 [16:09] * InboundVoodoo ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [16:09] <%no> srsly [16:09] <%no> fuck it [16:09] <InboundVoodoo> Greetings anons!! What is our current mission!? [16:09] * zoopenguin ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [16:09] <free4all> Hey guys, just help please, here in France we've got a fuckin g law call LOPSSI against internet freedom, just voted today by National Assembl y. It may affect Wikileak hosting in France. Just RT this piece of twit-art: htt p://bit.ly/ebQsFy We need visibility in #LOPSSI hashtag. thxs [16:09] <lake_x21> let it pass and let internet be censored [16:09] * george ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:09] * kerner_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [16:09] <free4all> olol [16:09] * anonzerozero ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ( www.nnscript.com :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: www.esnation.com ) ) [16:09] <@Trivette> hell no [16:09] <george> Guys- during the firing, what was the free VPN of choice? [16:10] <lake_x21> we need a huge prerogative so people have a reason to join an d attack [16:10] * AnAnon ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [16:10] <lake_x21> something big like wikileaks [16:10] * sharpie ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback () [16:10] <lake_x21> people need a motivation [16:10] <lake_x21> so let them get oppressed [16:10] * daboogieman ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:10] * Winian ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [16:10] <lake_x21> until they learn [16:10] * lake_x21 was kicked by Trivette ([email protected]) Reason (idiot) [16:10] <Anon9001> I'm back. [16:10] * lake_x21 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [16:10] * free4all ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [16:10] <daboogieman> this just in: ---> http://www.blogsoop.com/blog/tony-the-t iger-dead-today-a-result-of-diabetic-complications/ [16:10] <InboundVoodoo> What is our current mission? [16:11] * indemnity ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [16:11] * kees ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [16:11] <@Trivette> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not Tony [16:11] * Neo-2 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:11] <daboogieman> loo [16:11] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +v Neo-2 for #OperationPayback [16:11] * Tantaluma ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [16:11] * Doctor ([email protected]) has joi ned #OperationPayback [16:11] * Winian ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC ww w.anonops.net ) [16:11] ->> lake_x21 is [email protected] (736283) [16:11] ->> lake_x21 is a registered nick [16:11] ->> lake_x21 is on: #OperationPayback [16:11] ->> lake_x21 using osiris.anonops.net (AnonOps IRC) [16:11] ->> lake_x21 has been idle for 1 minute 18 seconds (Logged on at 12/15/2 010 2:15:53 PM) [16:11] ->> lake_x21 :End of /WHOIS list. [16:12] * Licurgo ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:12] * amber_LT ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [16:12] * amber_LT_ ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [16:12] <whlie> !hive [16:12] <InboundVoodoo> !hive [16:12] <sha|away> george :=) [16:13] * daboogieman ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [16:13] * iPwn3Gs ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [16:14] * exposed ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:14] * kerner_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ex-Chat ) [16:14] <Missigno> what to do with ip...?^ [16:14] * operation_gamma ([email protected]) Quit ( Pin g timeout ) [16:14] <Pethet> eat it [16:14] * ixin ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [16:14] * anon778 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [16:15] <xorcon1245425> lol [16:15] <xorcon1245425> yeah how do i configure the vpn with the ip? i've never done it this way [16:15] * xvizardx ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:15] <WINDOWS98> The credit card firms had been hit by "denial of service" at tacks by internet hackers but Mr Stephens said that was the last thing Mr Assang e wanted. "Julian thinks that cyber attacks like that are a form of censorship a nd he is against all censorship," he said. [16:15] * ixi ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [16:15] * ixi ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:15] <+Sky_King> 1topic [16:15] <anon778> good point .. [16:16] <+Sky_King> !topic [16:16] -Tony_The_Tiger:#OperationPayback- Channel Topic: OPERATION PAYBACK - h ttp://www.justiceforassange.com http://anonops-irc.org,255 http://808chan.org/tp b | Target: Awaiting new Target| Hive + Chat: irc.anonops-irc.org | See: #Forum #Target #WikiLeaks #Propaganda #RadioPayback #Protest #Lounge | reporters: we're not hackers [16:16] <george> lolz [16:16] <InboundVoodoo> What is our current mission? [16:16] * Paladin ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [16:16] * Marti-n ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.anonops.ne t ) [16:16] <anon778> Target: Awaiting new Target| [16:16] * huulk ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:16] <anonysus> French parliament? [16:17] * anon778 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC w ww.anonops.net ) [16:17] <Nebukadnezar> Attack JEster [16:17] <george> can anyone recommend a good VPN? [16:17] <anonysus> According to article 4 of the draft law, the ISPs contacted b y the authorities must block without delay the designated sites under the threat of being fined up to 75 000 euro and one year of imprisonment for their adminis trators in case of non-compliance. [16:17] <george> looking at Black Logic atm.. [16:17] * ixi ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [16:17] * anon778 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [16:17] <Nebukadnezar> Attack Jester! [16:17] * freedom ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [16:17] * rdwrer ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: rdwrer ) [16:17] <sha|away> free vpn u:DDoS p:DDoS a tip is to dns ip :) [16:17] <Neuro> We are attacking the government of Venezuela by trying to censor internet [16:18] <anonysus> France just did it. [16:18] * freedom ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: freedom ) [16:18] <george> dont want a free one [16:18] <Neuro> #Unofficial-Target [16:18] * anon81302002 ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [16:18] * freedom_for_information ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:18] * Ratuh ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:18] * anonimo213 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:18] * beobachter ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [16:18] * B3rt ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:18] * anon81302002 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon813 02002 ) [16:18] <Nebukadnezar> Why the f**k dont you just attack Jester, damn! [16:18] <lake_x21> dont worry nothing will happen, u will continue sharing your mp3s and downloading movies, and you can view any damn site through anononymizat ion and proxies and encrypted services and what not [16:19] <anonysus> That's not the point. [16:19] <Licurgo> Look what's going on in Italy! [16:19] <lake_x21> it cannot work the internet itself is a free flow of informat ion, censorship is like trying to kill the internet itself [16:19] <lake_x21> whats going on ? im italian [16:19] <anonysus> The article says they have to 'take down' the site in questio n. [16:20] <Licurgo> Me too [16:20] * Diur_Away ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayba ck [16:20] <lake_x21> they say downloading mp3s is illegal, they censor it and so w hat ? [16:20] <@evilworks> i haven't banned anyone today :( [16:20] <@evilworks> i think [16:20] <lake_x21> people still download and new services come up, the internet works this way, they cannot stop it, they have to take down the infrastructure [16:20] <Vanzetti> .p2p will save the intertubes [16:20] <anonysus> I don't think Wikileaks will be hosted in France for much lon ger. [16:21] * anon778 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC w ww.anonops.net ) [16:22] <lake_x21> problem is centralisation, the future of the internet will be decentralised so this censorship bullshit will not work much [16:22] * Ratuh ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [16:22] <anonysus> It's a short step from 'take down a web site at a french ISP' to 'block X sites which are hosted elsewhere' [16:22] <lake_x21> at least thats where we are heading, facebook will exist as a decentralised network [16:22] <lake_x21> and so wil follow [16:22] * Skiter_Anon ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [16:22] * mendax87 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [16:22] * xvizardx ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:22] * george ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:22] * Bak0 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:22] <anonysus> Then of course we're two steps ahead of them by using proxies and VPN's and such. [16:23] <ELVENEZOLANO> whom will be up to help us put a fight for the internet f reedom in venezuela? [16:23] * MassMRDR ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [16:23] <Pethet> a [16:23] <WINDOWS98> do you use proxies to go on this irc? [16:23] <anonysus> aren't people already DDOSing venezuela? [16:23] * Titus ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [16:23] <anonysus> proxies and SSL absolutely. [16:23] * monali1234 ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [16:23] <lake_x21> im ddosing myself for the lulz but nothing happened yet [16:23] * CyC-TPB ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ik ga weg ) [16:24] <WINDOWS98> loool i'm on this irc naked with no protection [16:24] <anonysus> lake do you have a web server [16:24] <lake_x21> even i [16:24] <Vanzetti> Yeah same use tor and ssl for thus chat [16:24] * ptitz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:24] <lake_x21> yes i have [16:24] * iPwn3Gs ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:24] <anonysus> WINDOWS you know that participating in this is a crime in you r country right? [16:24] <Vanzetti> Better safe than sorry [16:24] <lake_x21> i have as part of my work actually since i work in that indus try [16:24] <WINDOWS98> yeah i know [16:24] <Anon9001> Is anyone interested in playing the part of Anonymous for a v ideo and has a Guy Fawkes mask? It's for the open letter. http://piratepad.net/ uHGsdlO5CL [16:24] * Huxley ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayba ck [16:24] <WINDOWS98> i've been a bit risky [16:25] * mannior ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mibb it.com ajax IRC Client ) [16:25] * Missigno ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [16:25] <anonysus> Authorities around the world are so spooked right now that ev en being here is enough for them to haul you in. [16:25] <%no> http://stashbox.org/1042701/didyou.jpg [16:25] * ito ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:25] * hudududu ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:25] <InboundVoodoo> I would be interested but I don't know where to get a GF mask [16:26] * anonopsTUMBLR ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [16:26] <W4lth3r> http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/6545/tirqr.png [16:26] <lake_x21> depends on the country id say [16:26] <anonysus> Or lets put it this way, if they can trump up sex charges on some persona nongrata and have two countries manipulated into jailing him, just think about what they can do to YOU. [16:26] <theindie> anonysus: if they could, they would [16:26] <%no> they dont even have to speak [16:26] * Nattzor ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Hejdå, Ciao bella, Au revoir, Adios, Goodbye, Dasvidania, Auf wiedersen, Latcho Rardi , Aloha, Adieu ) [16:26] <lake_x21> anonysus is right [16:26] * unknown ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:26] * KiraNL ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Lea ving ) [16:26] <lake_x21> only that we are so many [16:26] * kronoss ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:26] <skynetuk> indeed, you need some level of protection....this is illegal and with the current policed state you bet your arse they're watching lol [16:26] * mra ([email protected]) has left #Operatio nPayback [16:26] <anonysus> Any news on Alex? [16:26] * george ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:27] <lake_x21> if they want to get your ip they get it [16:27] * KiraNL ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [16:27] <lake_x21> protection or not [16:27] <lake_x21> your isp is receiving all data [16:27] * anon1337asdf ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [16:27] * arne_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [16:27] * Sybok ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [16:27] <lake_x21> best way is connect through someone else wireless [16:27] * KiraNL ([email protected]) Quit ( Connectio n reset by peer ) [16:27] * ThingFish ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:27] * KiraNL ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [16:27] <lake_x21> no isp subsrciption [16:27] <anonopsTUMBLR> that that i was doing [16:28] <anonysus> If you're going to be participating in the attacks, sure. [16:28] <xorcon1245425> what's username and pass of this vpn [16:28] * lANUIT ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC ww w.anonops.net ) [16:28] <Vanzetti> Yeah public wifi is safe [16:28] <anonopsTUMBLR> started lagging turned on VPN [16:28] * WINDOWS98 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leav ing ) [16:28] * KiraNL ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Kir aNL ) [16:28] <anonysus> suggesting targets might be free speech but it might not be. [16:28] <anonysus> so don't do that. [16:28] * KiraNL ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [16:28] <skynetuk> they can have my IP all they want, im using an unregistered p ay as you go mobile bb stick in an area that has very few cell towers which make s triangulation quite a bitch, as theres like 2 in the town ha [16:28] * Vonius ([email protected]) Quit ( Q uit: Saliendo ) [16:29] <anonysus> ie don't do that if you're not reasonably sure they WON'T be able to find oyu [16:29] * nickfake ([email protected]) has left #Operatio nPayback [16:29] <anonysus> You can bet your ass that law enforcement is logging all of t his. [16:29] <xorcon1245425> help with this vpn please! [16:29] * infoso__e_ ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [16:30] * ikis ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC ww w.anonops.net ) [16:30] <lake_x21> yes they have been logging useless ips for months [16:30] <anonysus> You got here, they can get here. [16:30] <lake_x21> people hop ips [16:30] <nozes> Canal destinados aos Soldados Anonymous Brasileiros e Portuguese s #br [16:30] * iceman45 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [16:30] * KiraNL ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Lea ving ) [16:30] <Anon9001> We'll need someone with a mask for the vid. Speaking not req uired. It will be Here's a link to the letter. http://piratepad.net/uHGsdlO5CL [16:30] <Sm173> isps record ips [16:30] * figlidellastessarabia ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [16:30] * ptitz ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:30] <lake_x21> ips doesnt mean its u [16:30] * pmayhem ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:30] <lake_x21> when i connect through neigbours ip its him [16:31] <geomana> mac addresses pinpoint your location [16:31] <anonysus> Well therein lies the rub. [16:31] <lake_x21> connect through works ip its employer [16:31] * tmp ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:31] * Sybok ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [16:31] * anon1337asdf ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Verlassend ) [16:31] * infoso__e ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:31] <MassMRDR> Anyone who was involved seriously hacks wifi connections to g et online...so they have a lot of innocents on their ip list ;) [16:31] <anonysus> Authorities will be happy to drag your ass in for questioning and won't really care about your 'prove that it's me' argument. [16:31] <anonopsTUMBLR> :O [16:31] * veeb ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:31] * veeb ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: veeb ) [16:32] <Bak0> I use only wifi connections lol [16:32] <Sm173> implicating innocents and ignorant is despicable [16:32] <Vanzetti> I pleas the fifth officah [16:32] <Vanzetti> Plead* [16:32] <lake_x21> and also random people from all over the world, makes the job even more difficult [16:32] * techman ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [16:32] <lake_x21> its a game [16:33] * sha|away ([email protected]) Quit ( Killed (Token (moron)) ) [16:33] <anonopsTUMBLR> and you just lost it [16:33] <anonysus> Just be careful, they're acting a lot like they did in the 50 's with 'communists', except now the buzzword is 'hactivist' I guess. [16:33] <MassMRDR> @sm173 : nope it isnt,the law inforcements high tech computer crime units arent dumb...they know this just as well...so they know that they c an only catch the ones who were careless or didnt bother....of the highly active folk i'd say thats maybe 5% [16:33] * lanczeskot ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [16:33] <anonopsTUMBLR> paranoid [16:33] * unknown ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [16:33] <lake_x21> theres nothing to win actually [16:33] * kees ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [16:33] <lake_x21> nothing to lose [16:33] * zurdyo ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: zurdyo ) [16:33] <xorcon1245425> anyone please can tell me how to authentic ate on this vpn? [16:34] * Dim0n ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIR C www.anonops.net ) [16:34] <anonopsTUMBLR> you're either afraid or you are not [16:34] <anonopsTUMBLR> we obviously don't give a fuck [16:34] <Neuro> We are attacking the government of Venezuela. They want to censo r the Internet. Come if you want help in #Unofficial-Target [16:34] <Vanzetti> Nothing to lose but our chains [16:34] <lake_x21> internet will not be censored ever, we all know this [16:34] <anonysus> perfect paranoia is perfect awareness [16:34] * DevilOfExcitement ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [16:34] * kloop ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [16:34] <anonopsTUMBLR> lolll no [16:34] * WINDOWS98 ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [16:34] * p0ke ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:34] <lake_x21> they have to remove the fibre optic cables so people dont com municate and share thgrough the interwebs [16:34] <anonopsTUMBLR> scare tactics [16:34] <anonysus> This is the only reason why wikileak cables can still be view ed online by anyone. [16:34] * PigFlu ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: rthrthrth ) [16:35] * Iphwa ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [16:35] <MassMRDR> something completely different,noone is answering in the hack ers section : is anyone here familiar with the inner workings of tor and hoic? [16:35] * budZilla ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [16:35] <lake_x21> its in its nature free flow of information [16:35] <anonysus> I wonder if they thought, before posting these cables, that m aybe corporations and governments might play _unfairly_ afterwards? You bet. [16:35] * wookie ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [16:35] * JayJay_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Nimm deine Hand aus meiner Hose! Ich zähle bis 1000 ) [16:35] * taurian ([email protected]) has left #OperationPaybac k [16:36] <lake_x21> something smells fishy ? the governments could have easily sa id that the cables are flase [16:36] <lake_x21> false [16:36] * bnon ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mib bit.com ajax IRC Client ) [16:36] <lake_x21> but why are th givs agreeing that they are true ? [16:36] * infoso__e_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [16:36] <lake_x21> govs [16:36] * freedom_for_information ([email protected]) Quit ( Pin g timeout ) [16:36] * Neo-Dro30 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeo ut ) [16:36] * anonion ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayb ack [16:36] * An0nandB3y0nd ([email protected]) has joi ned #OperationPayback [16:36] <anonysus> The government loves this you know. [16:36] <lake_x21> maybe they are trying to establish some kind of order [16:36] <Vanzetti> Im inclined to think mastercard pulling support for wikielaks was more about the wikileak about them than gov't pressure [16:36] <lake_x21> its strange [16:36] * Spark ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ChatZil la 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014] ) [16:36] <anonysus> They are jizzing themselves over the idea of finally having a reason to squash a free press. [16:37] * anonbarabbas ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [16:37] <lake_x21> yep [16:37] * Alfredstein ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [16:37] <lake_x21> the perfect prerogative [16:37] <lanczeskot> yeh [16:37] * pmayhem ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [16:37] * anon72091503 ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [16:37] <lake_x21> id go as far to say that wikileaks is their brainchild [16:37] <something> please stop using my nick :P :) [16:37] * Recimin ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [16:37] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [16:37] * techman ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [16:37] <lake_x21> only they didnt anticipate the anonymous phenomenon [16:38] <lake_x21> they have a problem [16:38] <something> :PP [16:38] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Vanzetti_ ) [16:38] * An0nandB3y0nd ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [16:38] <lake_x21> a very serious problem [16:38] <something> I saw Newt Gingrich on Fox [16:38] * Vanzetti ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [16:38] <something> he didn't even understand the mirroring [16:38] <something> or what it meant! [16:38] <something> lol [16:38] * exposed ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:38] * Neo-Droid ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [16:38] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +v Neo-Droid for #OperationPayback [16:38] <budZilla> anyone see latest Jesse Ventura show about BP? they deserve a lazer'n [16:38] <MassMRDR> repeated question : is anyone here familiar with the inner wo rkings of tor and hoic? [16:38] * hi2u ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [16:39] <something> lol a lazerin' for whaat [16:39] <anonysus> It's easy to explain to people why wikileaks won't go away. Y ou tell them that originally, the Internet was designed to be a failsafe mechani sm to launch nuclear weapons. [16:39] <anonysus> And they go 'oh' [16:39] <anonysus> and then they get it. [16:39] <something> you can't use tor because you'll be attacking your proxy [16:39] * WINDOWS98 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leav ing ) [16:39] <something> you need a VPN [16:39] * DerSchulze ([email protected]) has left #Operati onPayback [16:39] * anon72091503 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http:// www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client ) [16:39] <something> you can use hotspot shield though [16:39] <something> i think that works fine [16:39] * exposed ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:39] <something> but it's messy and puts shit on your comp. [16:39] <something> but very good vpn [16:39] <MassMRDR> @something ... i know ... i found something out,thats why i w ant to talk with someone who has knowledge about the subject. [16:39] * hi2u ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [16:40] <DevilOfExcitement> share... [16:40] <anonysus> Is TPB still selling VPN? [16:40] <InboundVoodoo> Is it hypotheticly possible to ddos a small website usin g only one computer? [16:40] <anonysus> I got a DMCA notice last week :) [16:40] <pmayhem> hotspot shield keeps logs [16:40] * LimeyFkr ([email protected]) has left #Operation Payback () [16:40] * h0rsT ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [16:40] * b4d ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [16:40] * Anonymou5 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [16:40] * zqx ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [16:41] * bybader ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:41] * Z3R0 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:41] <DevilOfExcitement> hypotheticly it is... but irl it wont work :) [16:41] <something> oh shit really? [16:41] <something> someone was using it? [16:41] <something> sorry [16:41] <something> my bad [16:41] <anonysus> It's possible Voodoo. [16:41] * Zyl0n ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:41] * techman ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [16:41] * fzsdf ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:41] <anonysus> If you can find a form that, when submitted, causes the serve r to do work, then yes. [16:41] * Zeleni_Jure ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping ti meout ) [16:41] <Anonymou5> sup guise [16:41] * fzsdf ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [16:42] <nozes> Canal destinados aos Soldados Anonymous Brasileiros e Portuguese s #br [16:42] <something> DCMA for what, pmayhem ? [16:42] <burrburr> InboundVoodoo: you can use ettercap, but usually not very eff ective [16:42] * george ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:42] <%Anonymous9> Question folks [16:42] * b4d ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: debian ) [16:42] <InboundVoodoo> Hmmm. [16:42] * b4d ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:42] <%Anonymous9> Who here is a very veteran Anonymous? [16:42] * nozes ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client ) [16:42] * Petra ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014] ) [16:42] <anonysus> One of those retarded 'your ip was logged participating in fi lesharing' notices. [16:42] <something> very verteran? [16:42] <lake_x21> lol [16:42] <something> lol [16:42] <something> fuckers [16:42] <anonysus> I'm sure we've ALL gotten those right? [16:42] <%Anonymous9> Someone who's been involved with Anon operations for a goo d while? [16:42] <MassMRDR> Well i know hoic doesnt work through a proxy but i'm the kind of guy that likes to fuck around when i'm bored.....so i set up one laptop with a public wifi at a hotel in the neighbourhood and another one logged to interne t with a broadband over gsm internet connection (UMTS) [16:42] <something> not since dial up :P [16:42] <%Anonymous9> Just need a definition [16:42] <something> you guys use peerblock ? [16:42] <anonysus> I do now. [16:43] <something> good :) [16:43] * Power2All ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Po wer2All ) [16:43] <Anonymou5> nice its back to -m [16:43] <%Anonymous9> Some things Anonymous is attributed to are called Projects , like Project Skynet and Project Chanology, etc [16:43] <InboundVoodoo> I love chanology. [16:43] <%Anonymous9> Others are Operations, like Operation Titstorm, Operation Payback, Operation didgeridie, etc [16:43] <InboundVoodoo> Is teh lulz. [16:43] <lake_x21> operation titstorm [16:43] * W4lth3r ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:43] <something> i'm not sure what skynet or chanoloy is [16:43] <anonysus> I've only had once notice before for downloading a NETWORK TV SHOW. [16:43] <lake_x21> u like that ? [16:43] <%Anonymous9> What is the technical difference between a project and an operation, anonymous-wise? [16:43] <something> are these site that talk about chanology [16:43] * h0rsT ([email protected]) has left #OperationPaybac k [16:43] <anonysus> like I downloaded something broadcast over THE AIR and they d ecided to bust me for it [16:43] <MassMRDR> then i logged into the laptop with the (regular) public wifi and logged into hotspot shield and had tor enabled [16:43] <%Anonymous9> Or is it just whichever sounds better? [16:43] <anonysus> fuckers [16:44] <InboundVoodoo> Operations are online, projects are real life protests I believe [16:44] <something> over the air? [16:44] <Sm173> peerblock sounds like peerguardian! utter snake oil [16:44] * Tred ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:44] <something> it is peerguardian [16:44] <something> i know some people think it's bogus [16:44] <something> but i've never got a p2p notice [16:44] <something> since i used it [16:44] <Anonymou5> peerblock is waaaaaaaaay better [16:44] <lake_x21> also operation titstorm should have had another name [16:44] * budZilla ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:44] <something> yeah peerblock is the same project [16:44] * armyofears ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [16:44] <something> just with different coders [16:44] <MassMRDR> so i began with using one instance of loic + a 2 line high po wer hoic 5 threads +"generic" [16:45] <anonysus> use both? [16:45] <something> no [16:45] <Brick> anonysus I download tonnes of stuff, but I have never recieved a ny notice [16:45] <pmayhem> something, you might wanna check out anonine.com or vpntunnel. se als VPN [16:45] <%Anonymous9> InboundVoodoo: Ah ok, I had it wrong then [16:45] <something> peerblock replaces it [16:45] * AnonGuest52439 ([email protected]) Quit ( Input/ output error ) [16:45] <anonysus> I don't like how peerguardian fucks with windows 7 [16:45] * armyofears ([email protected]) has left #Opera tionPayback [16:45] * Kraken ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [16:45] <pmayhem> haven't tried them yet, but i'm going to [16:45] * AnonGuest52439 ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [16:45] <%Anonymous9> InboundVoodoo: I was going to use "Project" to describe a combination of operations [16:45] <Sm173> I haven't had a notice either and I haven't used it [16:45] <anonopsTUMBLR> it's all about your ISP / where you download from [16:45] <something> peerguardian is out of date [16:45] <pmayhem> and they dont keep logs [16:45] <Anonymou5> peergiuardian has hols peerblock is way beter. [16:45] * monali1234 ([email protected]) has left #Operation Payback [16:45] <something> peerblock is what even they recommend [16:45] * budZilla ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [16:45] <anonopsTUMBLR> peerguardian don't do shit [16:45] <something> sure [16:45] * CRAPO ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [16:45] * Xyr ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:45] <something> it blocks some addy's that look dodgy [16:45] <anonopsTUMBLR> lol [16:45] <anonysus> Brick: It's only usually media torrents, like stuff on HBO et c... [16:45] <MassMRDR> and targeted my website .....ALL THE ATTACKS LANDED .... took my site offline in under 10 seconds (crappy hosting site but then again) [16:46] <something> and if it's messing with somewhere you want to go you can al ways unblock that site [16:46] <something> or disable port 80 blocks [16:46] * Kraken ([email protected]) has left #OperationPa yback [16:46] * Alphaville ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:46] * AlexMuir ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [16:46] * Anonymou5 ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [16:46] <Brick> anonysus wouldn't notice the all the games and tv programs movie s etc I download from TPB? [16:46] <MassMRDR> remember i'm checking if the site is up from another pc that has a completely different internet provider... [16:46] <Brick> *wouldn't they [16:46] * TjaardA ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Reconnectin g... ) [16:46] * TjaardA ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [16:46] <Anon9001> How can Australia ban small titties from the internets? lol [16:46] <budZilla> is there new target poll out? [16:46] * toofoo ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:46] <toofoo> bleh [16:47] * Zeleni_Jure ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [16:47] <toofoo> So, I finished writing my first ever DDOS tool [16:47] <something> are we all writing them? :P [16:47] <toofoo> And I tried it out on a terrorists site [16:47] <lake_x21> cuz they have a gay government !!!! [16:47] * free4ever ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeo ut ) [16:47] * sw3 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:47] <toofoo> and I got all excited because the site went down.. [16:47] <toofoo> ... seems it was just my own internet connection.. [16:47] <toofoo> <-- fails [16:47] <lake_x21> lol [16:47] * jkgnb ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:47] * Tantaluma ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping tim eout ) [16:47] <budZilla> <-- remembers days of smurfin [16:47] * anon69278959 ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [16:47] <toofoo> I successfully DDOSed myself [16:48] <Brick> Its works! [16:48] <lake_x21> it happened to me, time was slowing down, but it was actually windows which was slowing down [16:48] <toofoo> :P [16:48] * anon69278959 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon69 278959 ) [16:48] <Sm173> good 4 u toofoo [16:48] * DevilOfExcitement ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Food ) [16:48] * InboundVoodoo ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeo ut ) [16:48] <MassMRDR> so i checked all settings, confirmed that tor was running fin e and vpn also enabled and called a friend if it was ok to dos his site.....and ran the hoic without loic , 2 instances x 5 threads......his site went down (pai d public hosting,known datacenter) his site went down...confirmed : the attacks landed [16:48] * Token is now known as Token|afk [16:48] * aannoonnn ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [16:48] * joepie91 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [16:48] * Red_Streak ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [16:48] <lake_x21> but u know i thought a lot about it, for example a butterfly lives for 1 day, but it perceives it was like a whole year [16:49] <lake_x21> our life is the same [16:49] <BoumBADABoum> lake_x21: whats the problem with gays ? [16:49] <lake_x21> just joking, no problem at all [16:49] * Rebro_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [16:49] <@[Radio]> RadioPayback is now OFFLINE :( [16:49] <@[Radio]> RadioPayback is now ONLINE! Tune in at: http://radio.tritnaha .com/listen.m3u [16:49] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - Stand Up with 24 of 4150 liste ners (24 unique) at 128 kbps [16:49] <BoumBADABoum> k [16:50] * InboundVoodoo ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [16:50] * Aethermx ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:50] <InboundVoodoo> How long would it take to single-handedly take down a we bsite? [16:50] <lake_x21> sorry that sounded bad [16:50] <toofoo> InboundVoodoo: depends how you're doing it [16:50] <lake_x21> forever i think [16:50] <InboundVoodoo> LOIC [16:50] <MassMRDR> so just to verify this...can someone of you who has a site th at is "safe" to dos try the same thing to verify (and that i didnt forget a deta il somewhere) but every time i tested i landed all hoic attacks through the tor network.....sustainable...... [16:50] * g00z ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:50] <toofoo> impossible with LOIC [16:50] <lake_x21> depends which website [16:50] <Pethet> lol [16:50] * Neo-Droid ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [16:50] <Pethet> dos does not stack [16:50] <Pethet> LOL [16:50] <Pethet> LOLOLOL [16:50] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Qlimax 2010 - LIVE FULL with 34 of 5350 listeners (34 unique) at 128 kbps [16:50] <toofoo> that's not what DoS will do [16:50] * agniruc ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:51] <InboundVoodoo> What exactly DOES it do, then? [16:51] * anon316 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:51] * lolipop ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [16:51] <Sm173> is thsi level 7 dos attack? [16:51] <toofoo> MAssMRDR: Kill www.ansar1.info, i cant imagine you'd ever get i n trouble for taking them down [16:51] <toofoo> Sm173: mine is [16:51] * lake_x21 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [16:51] <toofoo> InboundVoodoo: floods resources/connections.etc. [16:51] * Aethermx ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [16:52] <toofoo> need a lot of computers to do it [16:52] <toofoo> (with loic) [16:52] <zoopenguin> is hping3 a usefull tool to attack? I ran it against a wind ows xp machine here and it frooze but when I stopped the machine went stable aga in...... [16:52] <Sm173> linux? [16:52] <aannoonnn> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkAngvkWVkk [16:52] <lolwutderp> !hivenum [16:52] <anonysus> ICMP is easily filtered [16:52] <InboundVoodoo> How would it be possible to slow down/stop a website wit h only one computer? Or would it even be possible? [16:52] * Neo-Droid ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [16:52] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +v Neo-Droid for #OperationPayback [16:52] * sw3 ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback ( WeeChat 0.3.0) [16:52] * r4n ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:52] * skynetuk ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [16:52] <anonysus> normal web site users don't 'ping' the web site. [16:52] * CRAPO ([email protected]) has left #OperationPaybac k (Saliendo) [16:52] <lolipop> can we attack scotland yard and the crown prosecution services ? [16:53] <Sm173> InboundVoodoo: it is certainly possible [16:53] * ThingFish ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback (Lea ving) [16:53] <InboundVoodoo> How? :3 [16:53] * here4u ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [16:53] <%Anonymous9> InboundVoodoo: It's been done before [16:53] <%Anonymous9> That's how Operation Payback started in fact [16:53] <Sm173> by using a DOS (not DDDOS) attack [16:53] * jkgnb ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [16:53] <%Anonymous9> One guy DOSed AIPLEX [16:54] <%Anonymous9> And he left some kind of message in it for future anons to join him, or something like that [16:54] <InboundVoodoo> What sort of program would this be? [16:54] * decdec ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [16:54] <%Anonymous9> LOIC [16:54] <Xyr> lol [16:54] * An0nandB3y0nd ([email protected]) has joi ned #OperationPayback [16:54] <something> how in DOS ? [16:54] <%Anonymous9> Same as a normal ddos except with only one person [16:54] <%Anonymous9> But it's very unlikely to succeed unless the web server is SHIT. [16:54] <something> instead of DDOSing from multiple machines? Sm173 ? [16:54] <%Anonymous9> It's also far more likely to get you V& [16:55] * Sneaky-Stoner ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [16:55] * toofoo ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:55] * Guest342145431545 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [16:55] <something> i think someone just sneaked in who is stoned [16:55] * MAFIAA ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:55] <something> or is sneaky when they are stoned [16:55] <Sm173> not loic, look at slowloris or RUDY as an example [16:55] <%Anonymous9> They're not going to go after every individual out of a th ousand, but if it's just one person? Yeah, they'll definitely pursue you [16:55] <Sneaky-Stoner> Both ;) [16:55] <%Anonymous9> Sm173: What'd be wrong with using loic? [16:55] <something> loic isn't spoofing IP addresses atm [16:55] * bud ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback (Leaving) [16:55] * OperationPaperStorm ([email protected] ma-tde.net) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:56] <something> it really needs that implemented [16:56] * MAFIAA ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [16:56] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +v MAFIAA for #OperationPayback [16:56] <Sm173> loic is a ddos attack that need multiple computers [16:56] <InboundVoodoo> So what is a ddos that needs a single computer? [16:56] <something> how do you do it with on? [16:56] <something> one [16:56] <%Anonymous9> Sm173: How so though? If one person set it up and fired, w ouldn't it also work? [16:56] * lamalif ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:56] <something> how is that possible? [16:56] <MassMRDR> ok done http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/www.ansar1.info [16:56] <%Anonymous9> And also I'm not really sure if ip spoofing with loic woul d even be possible [16:56] <anonysus> ddos with a single computer is a contradiction of terms [16:57] <anonysus> keyword 'distributed' [16:57] * Morpheus ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [16:57] <something> i don't know enough about LOIC, but i can't see why.... [16:57] <MassMRDR> its down for you? [16:57] <something> i don't know enough about spoofing IPs either though [16:57] * AnAnon ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [16:57] * zoopenguin ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ik ga weg ) [16:57] <Sm173> the other attacks exploit a fundamental vulnerability [16:57] * sw3 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:57] <anonysus> If your bandwidth > their bandwidth then sure it might work. [16:58] * tux78 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [16:58] <MassMRDR> so toofoo , its down , what now? [16:58] * sharpie ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:58] * zoopenguin ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [16:58] * FiFtY2303 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Knowl edge is free. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forg et. Expect us. ) [16:58] * Morpheus ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ( www .nnscript.com :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: www.esnation.com ) ) [16:59] * zoopenguin ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: zoopenguin ) [16:59] * RCP ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:59] * tux77 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [16:59] <pope`> something, most routers/modems wont alow those spoofed packets t o pass through anyway [16:59] * Champion ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [16:59] <pope`> so it would be fail for loic [16:59] <MassMRDR> toofoo? [16:59] * w33d ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [16:59] <tmp> Spoofing IPs also means that its harder to tell that it's working. You'll get no reply from the server you're hitting. [16:59] * glomex|away ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:00] <w33d> howdy [17:00] * fff6676 ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [17:00] * g00z ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:00] <@[Radio]> RadioPayback is now OFFLINE :( [17:00] <InboundVoodoo> With LOIC you can attack someone's IP, right? Like a per sonal computer? [17:00] * anonrob ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [17:00] <@[Radio]> RadioPayback is now ONLINE! Tune in at: http://radio.tritnaha .com/listen.m3u [17:00] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Qlimax 2010 - LIVE FULL with 2 of 250 li steners (2 unique) at 160 kbps [17:00] <Sneaky-Stoner> yeah [17:00] <anonysus> It appears it's designed to attack HTTP servers. [17:00] * Achernar ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:00] <fff6676> what would it do to a personal computer? [17:00] <tmp> Only if they're running something listening on the target port. [17:00] * glomex|away ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [17:00] * darkangelk ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [17:00] <AnAnon> Hello anonymous. Here is a wiki for us to tell the world our go als, our intentions, and our ideas. This website will be spammed IRL on Dec. 18t h. It is up to us to get it good before then. Rather than having one individual represent us to the media, a wiki would be a great way to tell the world about u s, because it could be edited by all of us. http://anon.wikkii.com [17:01] <Sneaky-Stoner> its a good program to kick people out of a game online [17:01] * Power2All ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [17:01] <Power2All> Crap [17:01] <Power2All> connection died [17:01] * matthi ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [17:01] <fff6676> cool AnAnon [17:01] * Znorkel ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [17:01] * Xyr ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [17:01] * Boris666 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [17:02] * Znorkel ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection rese t by peer ) [17:02] * anonrob ([email protected]) has left #Operation Payback [17:02] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h Power2All for #OperationPayback [17:02] * Mac00L ([email protected]) has joi ned #OperationPayback [17:02] * tizlywold ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ex-Chat ) [17:02] <Sm173> LOIC can shut down a website with many computers but more intrug uing is the option to shut them down with solitary 'rebel' and a 1 computer [17:02] * anonzerozero ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [17:02] * wawaja_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [17:02] * Alfredstein ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [17:03] <fff6676> apparently this guy as 1 person can shut down sites [17:03] <fff6676> http://www.federaljack.com/ [17:03] <tmp> You could just fall asleep on the F5 key in firefox. [17:03] * albahith ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:03] * SiLeNcE ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [17:04] * Jupiler ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [17:04] * Tred ([email protected]) Quit ( Input/output error ) [17:04] * Power2All ([email protected]) Quit ( Connecti on reset by peer ) [17:04] * AcOrP ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [17:04] * b4d ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:04] * psychonautlib ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: leaving ) [17:05] * Binome ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:05] * Mac00L ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [17:06] * g00z ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:06] * adiblol ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:06] * assssssaaa ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping time out ) [17:06] * Mumblefoot ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [17:06] <@[Radio]> RadioPayback is now OFFLINE :( [17:06] * SeamusM ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [17:06] <@[Radio]> RadioPayback is now ONLINE! Tune in at: http://radio.tritnaha .com/listen.m3u [17:06] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: DJ Power2All with 22 of 4150 listeners ( 22 unique) at 128 kbps [17:06] <AnAnon> Wow. A whole wall of automated messages. [17:06] * An0nandB3y0nd ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Colloquy for iPad - http://colloquy.mobi ) [17:07] * ViiToKo ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [17:07] * Z3R0 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:07] * An0nandB3y0nd ([email protected]) has joi ned #OperationPayback [17:07] * d0ubl3edg3d ([email protected]) h as left #OperationPayback [17:07] * glomex|away ([email protected]) has left #OperationPay back [17:07] <Neuro> We are attacking the government of Venezuela by trying to censor internet [17:07] <Neuro> #Unofficial-Target [17:07] <SeamusM> Kieth Olberman show tonight: Mannings prison conditions and if it amounts to torture [17:07] * glomex ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:07] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +ao glomex glomex for #OperationPayback [17:07] * An0nandB3y0nd ([email protected]) has lef t #OperationPayback [17:07] * aannoonnn ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: bye ) [17:08] <sw3> Can anyone tell me why irc-server block anonymous proxies [17:08] * Mac00L ([email protected]) has joi ned #OperationPayback [17:08] * Cody ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [17:08] <Cody> :D [17:08] * anon316 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:08] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [17:08] * Jupiler ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ik ga weg ) [17:08] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [17:08] * takeflight ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:09] * vajra ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [17:09] * anonopsTUMBLR ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [17:09] <vajra> hay guise [17:09] <vajra> anybody ever heard of foxyproxy? [17:09] <vajra> is it any good? [17:09] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Roo ms â ¢ iPhone IRC Client â ¢ http://www.roomsapp.mobi ) [17:09] * Jupiler ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:09] * SeamusM ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Colloquy f or iPod touch - http://colloquy.mobi ) [17:09] <Mac00L> hi [17:09] <Cody> i have heard of a proxy [17:09] <Cody> and a fox [17:09] <Cody> and a y [17:09] * lolipop ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mI RC www.anonops.net ) [17:09] <+cb3rob> and cutieboy! [17:09] <Cody> but not foxyproxy [17:09] * cb3rob licks cody. [17:10] <Cody> O.o [17:10] <Mac00L> hey [17:10] * xorcon1245425 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Quitting! ) [17:10] <%shitstorm> lol [17:10] * Sammo ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [17:10] * anonopsTUMBLR ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [17:10] <%shitstorm> cb3rob hes dirty [17:10] <%shitstorm> dont [17:10] <@Trivette> cb3rob? [17:10] <+cb3rob> oh [17:10] <Sammo> Hey guys :) [17:10] <+cb3rob> i'll shower cutieboy first then [17:10] <%shitstorm> lol [17:10] <AnAnon> Mac00L:Hi [17:10] * peter87fyl ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [17:11] <Cody> omg im so fuckin confused [17:11] * Sm173 tastes cody too and it tastes like salt [17:11] <%shitstorm> Cody welcome to anonops [17:11] <%shitstorm> =p [17:11] <Cody> I know where i am -.[17:11] <%shitstorm> lol [17:11] <%shitstorm> ya [17:11] * vajra ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [17:11] <anonopsTUMBLR> internets how does it work [17:11] <Cody> i was here before the other server was taken down if you dont rem ember [17:11] <Cody> but i was under the nick MtChar [17:11] <Cody> which i shall return to [17:11] <%shitstorm> I dont.... I was implying you should be used to this lol [17:11] <+cb3rob> which is way less lickable [17:11] * pack ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeo ut ) [17:11] <+cb3rob> MtChar as a nick has got gay-repellant built in [17:12] <+cb3rob> it says: not licable [17:12] <Cody> which i cant change nick in this channel, and i am too lazy to ch ange it [17:12] * amnotamouse ([email protected]) Quit ( Input/output error ) [17:12] * g00z ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:12] * Titus ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayba ck [17:12] * l00py675 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mib bit.com ajax IRC Client ) [17:12] <Mac00L> whats goin on in here [17:12] <Mac00L> any word on the new target yet [17:12] * shitstorm licks Mac00L [17:12] <%shitstorm> that [17:12] <Cody> The new target is target.com [17:12] * Cody was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Watch your language!) [17:12] * Cody ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [17:12] <%shitstorm> lol [17:13] <Cody> thats bullshit [17:13] <+cb3rob> yes that one is lickable too [17:13] <ito> lol [17:13] <%shitstorm> no new target [17:13] <%shitstorm> atm [17:13] <Mindtravel> :) old pirate [17:13] <Pethet> wathc your LANGUAGE [17:13] <Mac00L> why you like me [17:13] <Mac00L> lol [17:13] <+cb3rob> mindtravel: arr! [17:13] * Cody licks mac00L [17:13] <Binome> we need to double the dataforce [17:13] <Mac00L> ffs [17:13] <Mac00L> lol [17:13] <%shitstorm> lulzy [17:13] * Cody throws up, EWWWW Macs [17:13] <Mindtravel> we need to double my beer [17:13] * anonopsTUMBLR goes down on all you [17:13] <%shitstorm> CIRCLE JERK [17:13] <Mac00L> are you guys of girls [17:13] * Lateralus ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: aka plouf ) [17:13] <Mac00L> wtf [17:13] <anonopsTUMBLR> they're painting my whole house. super high off fumes [17:13] <%shitstorm> lol all guys [17:13] <Pethet> guys of girl? [17:13] <ito> new target: www.skynet.net (until skynet destroy human race) [17:13] <%shitstorm> guys [17:14] <Mac00L> or [17:14] <%shitstorm> no girls on the interent [17:14] <anonopsTUMBLR> fuck womens rights [17:14] <anonopsTUMBLR> !! [17:14] <anonopsTUMBLR> D: [17:14] <anonopsTUMBLR> jk [17:14] * anonopsTUMBLR was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (St op flooding!) [17:14] * anonopsTUMBLR ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [17:14] <%shitstorm> lol [17:14] <anonopsTUMBLR> haha waiting for that [17:14] <%shitstorm> is nigger still on badwords? [17:14] <%shitstorm> hmmm [17:14] <%shitstorm> guess not [17:14] <Mac00L> tony the tiger doent take any crap [17:14] <anonopsTUMBLR> so i got like 4 painters in my room [17:14] * towel ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:14] <anonopsTUMBLR> i'm about to spark up a joint [17:14] <+cb3rob> micheltje: hoe kan je daar nou 96 paginas over vullen [17:15] * kaustic ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:15] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h kaustic for #OperationPayback [17:15] <Mac00L> speak english dutch boy [17:15] <%shitstorm> o hai kaustic [17:15] <%kaustic> Heya ss [17:15] <%shitstorm> hey dats cb3rob, he can talk in cling on if he wanted [17:15] <%shitstorm> err [17:15] <%shitstorm> w/e [17:15] <%shitstorm> cant spell [17:15] <&glomex> i say the same [17:15] <Mac00L> so i see [17:15] * amber_LT_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ambe r_LT_ ) [17:16] <%shitstorm> unglined I see glomex [17:16] <&glomex> yea [17:16] <&glomex> what happend? [17:16] <%shitstorm> no idea [17:16] <%shitstorm> people are retarded [17:16] <Cody> i was glined in a server called purplesurge [17:16] <%shitstorm> you and corey hit in one go [17:16] <Cody> for 30 days [17:16] <Cody> :D [17:16] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [17:16] <%shitstorm> wait corey? [17:16] <&glomex> oh [17:16] <%shitstorm> come back corey [17:16] <%shitstorm> please [17:16] * Vanon ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [17:16] <+cb3rob> corey is cutieboy too [17:16] * b4d ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:16] <+cb3rob> i want has [17:16] * Mumblefoot ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ChatZi lla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014] ) [17:16] <%Anonymous9> WTF [17:16] <+cb3rob> :P [17:16] <%shitstorm> lol [17:16] <&glomex> guess i got taken in bot glines [17:16] <Mac00L> ffs [17:17] <Mac00L> fags [17:17] <me_> lol [17:17] <%Anonymous9> Glomex got glined? [17:17] <&glomex> yep [17:17] <me_> ppl are online lol:D [17:17] * p0ke licks glomex [17:17] <%shitstorm> ya [17:17] * xgor ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:17] <%Anonymous9> Holy SHIT that's retarded [17:17] <me_> lol glomex what happened?XD [17:17] <Cody> Glomex...sounds familiar... [17:17] <&glomex> :P [17:17] <Cody> sounds familiar [17:17] <%shitstorm> lol theres been a lot of that [17:17] <Sm173> what the hell is this? Are the Swedish prosecutors appealing bai l or not? http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2010/dec/15/julian-assange-bail-decisi on-uk [17:17] * anon_nbrado ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [17:17] <+cb3rob> p0ke: glomex is one of those "nononono im not gay noes" cutieb oys [17:17] <&glomex> ./kicks p0ke [17:17] <Mac00L> i agree anonymous9 [17:17] <+cb3rob> see [17:17] * gdsgdshgshsfh ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [17:17] <me_> they are Sm173 :P [17:17] * Mindtravel ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayba ck [17:17] <p0ke> glomex, :( [17:17] <&glomex> me_ idk [17:17] <Mac00L> you guys need to get out of the house more [17:17] <ink> sm173: swedes are not, UK is. [17:17] <me_> anyway as far is i know [17:17] * ixin ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayb ack [17:17] <@FKz> corey, how bigs your botnet? lol [17:17] <Cody> i have to peeeeee [17:17] <Cody> BRB [17:17] * assssssaaa ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [17:17] <p0ke> cb3rob, That can be changed.:! ;) [17:18] <+cb3rob> p0ke: its kinda hard to get him drunk over irc. [17:18] <%shitstorm> hmmm [17:18] <+cb3rob> that requires irl intervention. [17:18] <p0ke> cb3rob, Lies D; [17:18] * xgor ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit : xgor ) [17:18] * smartphone ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [17:18] <&glomex> hehe Poke [17:18] * anon316 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:18] * glomex sets mode +v p0ke for #OperationPayback [17:18] <+p0ke> wee [17:18] * g00z ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:18] * glomex sets mode +v me_ for #OperationPayback [17:18] * glomex sets mode -v p0ke for #OperationPayback [17:18] <&glomex> wee [17:19] <&glomex> :P [17:19] <+cb3rob> wee [17:19] <p0ke> lies [17:19] <+me_> wee [17:19] <%shitstorm> hmmm [17:19] <p0ke> buu [17:19] <+cb3rob> wee [17:19] <%shitstorm> wut [17:19] <&glomex> your wee me_ is gonna stay a wee [17:19] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anonmIRC www.anonops.net ) [17:19] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [17:19] <+cb3rob> mods are asleep, post pictures of tractors! [17:19] <%shitstorm> k [17:19] <%shitstorm> do it [17:19] <+me_> lol [17:19] <%shitstorm> wait no wree not [17:19] <%shitstorm> lies [17:19] <p0ke> http://www.lazygirldesigns.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/pi nklafy1.jpg [17:19] <&glomex> if anyone wants a +v then can write /partall [17:19] <&glomex> :P [17:19] * blubber ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [17:19] <p0ke> I IZ FIRZT [17:19] <+me_> loool [17:20] <%shitstorm> not sure if want [17:20] <&glomex> :P [17:20] <+me_> glomex deal? if i do that i deserve +v [17:20] <+cb3rob> http://i.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/multimedia/archive/01707/Po lice-tractor_1707503c.jpg [17:20] <+me_> :P [17:20] <%shitstorm> I dunno how to irc [17:20] <%shitstorm> <.< [17:20] <%shitstorm> >.> [17:20] <+me_> lol you dunno how to irc [17:20] <%shitstorm> nope [17:20] <&glomex> me_ u got v [17:20] <+me_> you know what is also fun? joining #0,0 [17:20] <+me_> oh [17:20] <p0ke> Dow eet [17:20] <&glomex> no reasion to do it [17:20] <+me_> yeah i did cool :D [17:20] * shitstorm sets mode -v me_ for #OperationPayback [17:20] * RamirezDoes ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [17:20] <%shitstorm> now there is [17:20] <%shitstorm> =p [17:20] <me_> shitstorm :( [17:20] <me_> nooooo :( [17:20] <RamirezDoes> bithces leave [17:20] <%shitstorm> lol [17:20] <&glomex> shitstorm [17:20] <me_> i dont need to! [17:20] <&glomex> give that back now [17:20] <me_> lol :D [17:20] <%shitstorm> k [17:20] * shitstorm sets mode +v me_ for #OperationPayback [17:21] <+me_> yesyesyes:D [17:21] * me_ was kicked by FKz ([email protected]) Reason (how about that? :P) [17:21] * me_ ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [17:21] <%shitstorm> lol he could of ns updated [17:21] * Cody ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:21] <me_> :( [17:21] * assssssaaa ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping time out ) [17:21] <RamirezDoes> 8=D <- yours [17:21] <me_> notttt fairrrrrr [17:21] * Neo-2 ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [17:21] * Neo-2 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:21] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +v Neo-2 for #OperationPayback [17:21] * Meltor ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [17:21] <%shitstorm> RamirezDoes wut the fuck [17:21] <&glomex> gonna play some mw2 [17:21] <+Neo-2> FUCK! oh wait. [17:21] <&glomex> cya guys [17:21] * FKz sets mode +v me_ for #OperationPayback [17:21] <RamirezDoes> 8========================================================= ===================================D <- MINE [17:21] <+me_> lol [17:21] <RamirezDoes> lol [17:21] <RamirezDoes> epic win! [17:21] <+me_> :D [17:21] <@FKz> shame its on 2 lines [17:21] <p0ke> I'm boooored [17:21] <+me_> bye glomex! [17:21] <+me_> mw2? [17:21] <+me_> lol just wanted to play that today xD [17:21] <+me_> hf :P [17:22] * Klubriviu ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [17:22] * Mac00L ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [17:22] * sharpie_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [17:22] * pmayhem ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [17:22] * anon_nbrado ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [17:22] * OneTwo ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Cya! Never Wanna Be Ya! ) [17:22] * jkgnb ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:22] <p0ke> http://data.fuskbugg.se/dipdip/_____IMAG0042.jpg <- Aint my anon cute? :3 [17:22] * jkgnb ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [17:22] * sharpie ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:23] * fait ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:23] * anonysus ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayba ck (Leaving) [17:23] * anonzerozero ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ( www.nnscript.com :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: www.esnation.com ) ) [17:23] <Sammo> Michael moore is awesome.. He supports wikileaks and assange <3 [17:23] * sharpie_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [17:24] * Ulyssees ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeo ut ) [17:24] * Anonymou5 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [17:24] * gdsgdshgshsfh ([email protected]) has left #Ope rationPayback [17:24] * Gwypaas ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:24] * Andi_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [17:24] <Anonymou5> sup bros [17:24] <TheMiNd> New Rallying cry i came up with: [17:24] <TheMiNd> Free Manning! [17:24] * Deep ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [17:24] * TheMiNd feels clever [17:25] <%kaustic> With a crowbar? [17:25] * Boris666 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: IRcap [8.3 2] www.ircap.net ) [17:25] * skynetuk ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:25] * Klubriviu ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [17:25] * Mac00L ([email protected]) has joi ned #OperationPayback [17:25] <RamirezDoes> moore? [17:26] <RamirezDoes> that fat dude? [17:26] <RamirezDoes> lol [17:26] <anon_nbrado> manning the harpoons [17:26] * w33d ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:26] * anonopsTUMBLR ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [17:26] * indemnity ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [17:26] <TheMiNd> everyone's quiet [17:26] * Sneaky-Stoner ([email protected]) has left #Operati onPayback [17:26] * mooq ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:27] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [17:27] * Klubriviu ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: used jmIrc ) [17:27] <TheMiNd> i hope that means we're being constructive and not losing our atten... hey! Sarah Palin's website [17:27] <pnut> kill her!!! [17:27] <anon_nbrado> fuck her first then kill her :D [17:27] <Anonymou5> Themind: noooo. we have priorities other than stupid alaskan ex governors [17:27] <anon_nbrado> hey she can see russian from her garden ehhhhhh! [17:27] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [17:28] * wawaja_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [17:28] * anon_nbrado was kicked by Cogitabundus ([email protected]) Reason (Behave.) [17:28] <TheMiNd> Anonymous5: I meant it as a play on... LETS GO RIDE BIKES [17:28] * chicovas ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:28] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Van zetti_ ) [17:28] * Kansuke_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe ) [17:28] * kvnt ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [17:28] * hudududu ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [17:28] <pnut> just printed my spanish #paperstorm thingy http://is.gd/iOxje [17:28] * hudududu ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [17:28] <Sm173> I was quiet until read the recent articles in the guardian! [17:28] * V00d00sleeping ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Rooms â ¢ iPhone IRC Client â ¢ http://www.roomsapp.mobi ) [17:29] * anon_nbrado ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [17:29] * snake ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [17:29] * snake ([email protected]) Quit ( Z:lined (Blacklist ed host.) ) [17:29] * Meltor ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [17:30] * anon316 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:30] * Sae ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Quitte ) [17:30] * Mac00L ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [17:30] * Titus ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [17:30] * Achernar ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [17:30] * huulk ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Verlassend ) [17:31] * Titus ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [17:31] * Mupeng ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [17:31] * Mupeng ([email protected]) Quit ( Z:lined (Blacklist ed host.) ) [17:31] <TheMiNd> My thoughts on the new #dexter: XXXXXXX was XXXXXXXXX, too bad XXXXXXXXX did XXXXXXXXX. XXXXX!!!! #redacted #nospoilers [17:31] <TheMiNd> nice its catching on, if not how I meant it :( [17:31] <@Trivette> that's just mean to almost spoil but not [17:31] <+Neo-2> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=129236621626462&w=2 [17:31] * Cody ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [17:31] <+Neo-2> kinda interesting imo [17:32] <Cody> baaack [17:32] * theindie ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [17:32] <Anonymou5> Themind oh okay. we just gotta make sure noobs dont do LOIC palins site....ehhhh [17:32] <+Neo-2> tl;dr: IPSEC/network stack backdoor by FBI in OpenBSD implement ations [17:32] <TheMiNd> Yeah I'm pretty ticked off about that guys [17:32] <TheMiNd> I was thinking about it, and it hurt us pretty fucking bad [17:32] * Anonn ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [17:32] * _HailEris ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: _Hai lEris ) [17:32] <TheMiNd> because I'm seeing now, well YOU guys aren't DOING sitins, you 're doing worse [17:32] * Maxen ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ChatZill a 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014] ) [17:32] <TheMiNd> because you actually CENSORED people [17:33] <Anonymou5> themind yeah for sure. mastercard was good tho. did then a l esson. no effing around in govt sites tho, gon' get v& [17:33] * BroderDaniel ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [17:33] <TheMiNd> When we had only DDoS'd business and not fucking gov and media [17:33] <TheMiNd> and wanna be politicians [17:33] <TheMiNd> Then we could have said "PROTEST" [17:33] <enter> well "anon" was DDoSing the Italian govt site last night [17:33] * EliG ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving. ) [17:33] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [17:33] * xilil ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [17:33] * d3stinY ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [17:33] <TheMiNd> yeah, I know. They don't get it [17:34] * Klubriviu ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [17:34] * FKz ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [17:34] <TheMiNd> so thanks, operation one-manners [17:34] * wesha ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [17:34] * wesha ([email protected]) Quit ( Z:lined (Blackli sted host.) ) [17:34] <Sm173> gien w [17:34] * login ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:34] * Elliot ([email protected]) Quit ( Con nection reset by peer ) [17:35] <anon_nbrado> if only 80 thousand turned out for a real protest rather t han download some app! wouldnt that be good [17:35] * Elliot ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:35] <Sm173> given that the British have been the main mkvers in opposing Jul ian's bail the their fears of a DDOS on their website are at least partially war ranted [17:35] * login ([email protected]) Quit ( Conn ection reset by peer ) [17:35] <TheMiNd> http://www.foxnews.com/ [17:35] <TheMiNd> hmmm [17:35] <TheMiNd> no mention of Manning [17:35] <TheMiNd> interesting [17:35] * joedigidy ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [17:35] <Anonn> srry 4 teh noobness but when do 48h cease mah big erect l@zer en d? [17:35] * splitter ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:35] <anon_nbrado> cps has some answering to do tomorrow [17:36] <anon_nbrado> would be nice to see more than 30 people protesting outsid e the courthouse [17:36] <TheMiNd> I'm sure they can't spin torturing an american soldier (even i f he is a "traitor") to ALL of their viewers [17:36] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [17:36] <anon_nbrado> i can only imagine the computer graphics fox news would us e to describe his torture like some new starwars episode [17:37] <TheMiNd> Sm173: what does DDoS on their site do though? Right now no o ne will cave to DDoS [17:37] * Retroaa ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [17:37] * budZilla ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:37] <TheMiNd> because they know that if ANYONE caves, then EVERYONE gets ham mered harder [17:37] * Retroaa ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [17:37] * Licurgo ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [17:37] <Sammo> Loooool@ Anon_nbrado [17:37] <Sm173> I'm refering to a media report that they expect a ddos [17:37] * chicovas ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:37] <Sammo> Lol [17:37] <TheMiNd> Sm173: oh I missed "their fears" [17:37] <anon_nbrado> you know what fox is like f16 jets turning into eagles and all that shit [17:37] <Sm173> and now there appears to be sufficient reason fort one [17:37] <Sammo> The media doesn't get DDoS'd. [17:38] <Anonn> oh noes hackerz [17:38] <TheMiNd> Sm173: yeah but they expect it. So lets make them look stupid and not give it to them [17:38] <Sammo> Fuck we should be hacking the american government and leak stuff ourselves. [17:38] <TheMiNd> Think about it, they're doing all this fear mongering about us moralless anarchist hackers [17:38] <Sm173> im not suggesting that we do, they fuckin' deserve it though [17:38] * vaurdan ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.anonops.ne t ) [17:38] <TheMiNd> What if we just say "Nope, no more! We gonna take to the stre ets, now that we have your attention" [17:38] <anon_nbrado> just continue to spread wikileaks materal far and wide sam mo [17:39] * xilil ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ch atZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.12/20101026210630] ) [17:39] * b0b1 ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [17:39] <Sammo> I have been [17:39] <+me_> itssss likeeeee candyyyyyyyy [17:39] * b0b1 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: b0b1 ) [17:39] <Sammo> and i've been changing peoples Media biased opinions about the w hole matter [17:39] <anon_nbrado> best thing to do really. thats one thing thats hurting the m DAILY [17:39] * no ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: no just became yes. and then m aybe stepped in. and all of us are leaving. ) [17:39] <anon_nbrado> the more leaks daily that come out and it get duplicated a nd spread about really butt hurtz the uncle sam [17:40] * Bigo81WK ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [17:40] <TheMiNd> And... mainstream media ignores manning torture story [17:40] <Sammo> LOL [17:40] * Anonefsddg ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:40] <Sammo> WE need someone [17:40] <Sammo> to make a wikileaks app [17:40] <anon_nbrado> of course it does! [17:40] <Sammo> for facebook [17:40] <Cesar> #leakspin [17:40] <Sammo> to spread the [17:40] <Sammo> cables [17:40] <Sammo> :o [17:40] <Anonefsddg> yp [17:40] * Klubriviu ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:41] <TheMiNd> if there aren't stories on Manning come tomorrow [17:41] <anon_nbrado> same way the BBC and the rest of the arsehole media outlet s are not shouting far and wide about the CPS corruption in his bail case for as sange [17:41] <TheMiNd> I'm fucking done [17:41] <anon_nbrado> apart from the guardian as per usual [17:41] <enter> done? ANONYMOUS DOES NOT QUIT [17:41] * geeza- ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [17:41] <enter> :D [17:41] * geeza- ([email protected]) Quit ( Z:lined (Blacklis ted host.) ) [17:41] * DJAGA ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:41] * DJAGA ([email protected]) Quit ( Z:lined (Blacklisted host .) ) [17:41] <TheMiNd> Because that means that TORTURING an american citizen without having even pressed charges [17:41] * allan ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:41] <TheMiNd> has become fully acceptable [17:41] <Sammo> The British and American governments are just corrupt. [17:41] <Anonn> fuck irl i say, internet is us [17:41] <TheMiNd> that they don't even have to hide it [17:41] * waiser ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mi bbit.com ajax IRC Client ) [17:42] <anon_nbrado> yeah a bit like holding a man on bail on no charge :D [17:42] <Anon9001> An open letter to Glenn Beck. Work in progress. http://pirat epad.net/uHGsdlO5CL [17:42] <TheMiNd> Anonn: well now that we've started, there's no going back. If we don't move analog and move forward we risk a crackdown on the internet aroun d the world [17:42] <anon_nbrado> all they have left now it to make an example of these peop le and try to scare everyone shitless [17:42] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [17:42] * EddieDean ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:42] <anon_nbrado> and people should be scared of these ARSEHOLES in power [17:42] * budZilla ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [17:43] * kloop ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:43] <Anon9001> Let me know what u guise think of the letter. [17:43] <enter> being scared is what leads to oppression. people need to not fea r them, so they can stand up for what's right [17:43] <TheMiNd> anon_nbrado: no the assholes in power should be afraid of thei r people [17:43] * Middle ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [17:43] <enter> ^^ [17:43] <TheMiNd> and we've got them scared [17:43] <anon_nbrado> #london for anyone planning on going to protest at the cou rt tomorrow [17:43] * fw ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [17:44] <%Cogitabundus> Did I miss the hyperbole fairy or should I be kicking? [17:44] <%Cogitabundus> ;) [17:44] <Middle> http://piratepad.net/hUuHkwHaXC <--- my pitch for something we should do. Please read it all and don't deface it! [17:44] * AD05 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:44] <%shitstorm> lol Middle [17:44] <Middle> This is a plan that #hackers has been coming up with fora few d ays now, and i think that it is a legitimate method [17:44] <%shitstorm> good luck [17:44] <Middle> yeah i know right... still read it [17:45] <Cody> I own you all [17:45] <%shitstorm> lolno [17:45] <%shitstorm> ? [17:45] * Klubriviu ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [17:45] * Cody was kicked by Cogitabundus ([email protected]) Reason (Hmm.) [17:45] * Cody ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [17:45] <Cody> Love you too [17:46] <&Token|afk> Okay guise: who watched episode 2 of Pioneer One? [17:46] <Anonymou5> cody stay on topic [17:46] <%shitstorm> not me [17:46] <%shitstorm> <.< [17:46] <cruunch> we are on xkcd [17:46] <cruunch> http://xkcd.com/834/ [17:46] <cruunch> http://xkcd.com/834/ [17:46] * xgor ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:47] <TheMiNd> Tomorrow, guys, at 5pm London time, and again at 5pm EST, CST, and PST, I'm going to try and organize Mission Radio Manning [17:47] <Anonymou5> hahahaha xkcd [17:47] <Anonymou5> love itttt [17:47] <anon_nbrado> @cruunch HA very good [17:47] * budZilla ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:47] * heyy ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [17:47] <Sjakie> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRf9wjwFIpw <-- UFO's & WikiLeak s?? [17:47] <TheMiNd> In order to work though we'll need a fair number of people and we'll have to work together [17:47] <TheMiNd> Sjakie: i think that was a leakspin vid [17:48] <Cody> <Anonymou5> cody stay on topic <- ok, i love you [17:48] <something> lol [17:48] <Middle> So anyone read it? [17:48] <TheMiNd> oh nm diff vid [17:48] * ViiToKo ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mI RC www.anonops.net ) [17:48] <Middle> http://piratepad.net/hUuHkwHaXC [17:48] <something> UFOs :P [17:48] <Anonymou5> haha [17:48] <TheMiNd> I saw someone do a leakspin vid [17:48] * Klompz ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection res et by peer ) [17:48] <&Token|afk> Pioneer One has had over 900000 downloads [17:48] <TheMiNd> that was UFO LANDS IN BERLIN [17:48] <something> hey TheMiNd :P [17:48] <something> UFO! [17:48] * firepants ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [17:48] * Neo-2 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:48] * AnAnon ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: AnAnon ) [17:48] <Anonymou5> cody :P [17:48] * p0ke ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: <censored> off ) [17:48] <TheMiNd> whats Pioneer one [17:48] <something> did UFOs do 9-11? :P [17:48] <Cody> Sup [17:48] * RamirezDoes ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [17:48] <&Token|afk> http://vodo.net/pioneerone [17:49] * v2 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC ww w.anonops.net ) [17:49] * darkangelk ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping time out ) [17:49] * Anonymou5 was kicked by Cogitabundus ([email protected]) Reason (B ully.) [17:49] * wookie ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [17:49] * Neo-2 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:49] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +v Neo-2 for #OperationPayback [17:49] <bluec0w> People think that wikileaks is about war, but in fact war is a bout oil. join Operation Black Gold and help Crash the stocks world wide! to hav e real respect we have to attack the real souce! #oil_leaks and find out how to help us. [17:49] <sw3> cruunch nice [17:50] * RadioKen ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [17:50] * RadioKen ([email protected]) Quit ( User has been permanently banned from AnonOps.net (You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit http://dronebl.org/lookup_branded.do?ip= etwork=Network) ) [17:50] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [17:50] * AnonBuddha ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [17:51] * d3stinY ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [17:51] * d3stinY ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [17:51] * Anon-im ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:51] * spanky ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:52] <PLF> New PLF web site, for all you regulars who are just DYING to know what the PLF crap is all about. http://PLF777.limewebs.com awesome new forum there to - http://PLF777.limewebs.com [17:52] * anonimo213 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [17:52] * Anonymou5 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [17:52] * budZilla ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [17:52] * here4u ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:52] <Anonymou5> kicked for bullying? whatevs [17:52] * blubber ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [17:52] * here4u ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [17:53] * plas ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:53] <Neuro> Operation Venezuela (No action is anonymous). We are attacking h ttp://www.gobiernoenlinea.ve because the government of Venezuela wants to make a law to censor web sites [17:53] * Bigo81WK ([email protected]) has left #OperationPay back [17:53] * d3stinY ([email protected]) has left #OperationPaybac k [17:53] * plas ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:53] * no ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:53] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h no for #OperationPayback [17:53] <Middle> If you are interested in http://piratepad.net/hUuHkwHaXC join # Mail [17:53] * Middle ([email protected]) has left #Ope rationPayback [17:54] * Token|afk is now known as nekoT [17:54] * here4u ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [17:54] * blubber ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [17:54] * ThreeRiverz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping tim eout ) [17:54] <Neuro> If you want to help put their LOIC to that page [17:54] * samtam ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: My damn controlling terminal disappeared! ) [17:55] * Spoon ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [17:55] * Baphomet ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [17:55] * decdec ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayba ck [17:55] * Spoon ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Spoon ) [17:55] <@[Radio]> RadioPayback is now OFFLINE :( [17:55] * rued ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [17:55] * blubber ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [17:55] * blubber ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [17:55] <@[Radio]> RadioPayback is now ONLINE! Tune in at: http://radio.tritnaha .com/listen.m3u [17:55] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: DJ Power2All with 20 of 4150 listeners ( 20 unique) at 160 kbps [17:56] * heurer ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [17:56] <enter> Neuro, is that the govt website? [17:56] * Iphwa ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Rooms â ¢ iPhone IRC Client â ¢ http://www.roomsapp.mobi ) [17:56] <Neuro> yes enter [17:56] * yaahman ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [17:56] <Neuro> is down page jaja [17:56] * facepalm ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:56] <enter> cheers :D [17:56] * blubber ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: blubber ) [17:56] * Klubriviu ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:56] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [17:56] * blubber ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [17:56] * Iphwa ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [17:56] <pope`> its up here [17:56] <pope`> slow [17:56] <pope`> up [17:56] <enter> it took AGES to load heh [17:57] * blubber ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: blubber ) [17:57] * blubber ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [17:57] * Anonefsddg ([email protected]) Quit ( Broken pipe ) [17:57] * budZilla ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [17:57] * A-A ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving. ) [17:57] * huibooh ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [17:57] <Neuro> :DDD [17:57] * JoeHill ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [17:57] * blubber ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: blubber ) [17:57] <TheMiNd> A huge protest at MC headquarters would be awesome. could get Toronto AND NYC in on it [17:57] * Anon-im ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving. ) [17:58] <fff6676> http://images.4chan.org/b/src/1292459546523.png [17:58] <&nekoT> http://www.anonops-irc.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=46&p=215#p 215 [17:58] <Kerosene> toronto /cheer! [17:58] * Skiter_Anon ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping tim eout ) [17:58] * Power2All ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [17:58] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h Power2All for #OperationPayback [17:58] <&nekoT> ROFLanonnet [17:58] * Elliot ([email protected]) Quit ( Pin g timeout ) [17:58] <&nekoT> why would you go there? the people that tried to ddos us are th ere [17:58] * huibooh ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: a non-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [17:58] * huibooh ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [17:58] <%shitstorm> ^that [17:59] <%shitstorm> holy shit thats token backwards [17:59] <%shitstorm> I srsly never noticed [17:59] <enter> is there an article about Venezuela trying to censor the net? al l ive found is reports of them denying said action - in March [17:59] * yaahman ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping ti meout ) [17:59] * Klubriviu ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [17:59] * Wonder ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [17:59] * facepalm ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [18:00] * bluec02 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:00] * bluec02 ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [18:00] * Ohelig ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:00] * bluec0w ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [18:01] * bluec0w ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [18:01] * AD05 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Colloquy for iPh one - http://colloquy.mobi ) [18:01] * TT ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: TT ) [18:01] <Ohelig> WHAT FUCK! Julian Assange had an average rating of 90, Mark Zuc kerberg wasn't even in the top 5. How did he get Person of the Year? [18:02] <Topiary> Ohelig: They don't like public opinion. [18:02] * Zippy ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:02] <Topiary> And instead felt they needed to go with Zuckerderp just becaus e it's less controversial and he had a movie made about him this year. [18:02] * Sky_King ([email protected]) has left #Operatio nPayback [18:02] * budZilla ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [18:02] <enter> didn't Moot from 4chan win something like that, due to public op inion? [18:02] * Neo-Dro42 ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [18:02] * bluec0w ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [18:02] <TheMiNd> enter: he got #1 yes [18:02] * blacklight ([email protected]) Quit ( Qui t: :wq! ) [18:02] * Neo-Droid ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [18:03] <Topiary> Influential person of the year 2009 - not so much public opini on as insane vote spamming, but yes. [18:03] <Topiary> Probably didn't want Assange on the front cover. [18:03] <enter> ah right :) [18:03] <Ohelig> "Only someone like Zuckerberg, someone as brilliant and blinker ed and self-confident and single-minded and social as he is, could have built [F acebook]" [18:03] * Anon_493 ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [18:03] <Ohelig> what the fuck [18:03] * ito ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [18:03] <+cb3rob> ohelig: something, zuckerberg himself, denies. [18:03] * Sky_King ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [18:03] <+cb3rob> anyone could have done it, why did it have to be us. [18:04] <Sammo> lol [18:04] * Anonymous9 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [18:04] <Sammo> http://imgur.com/gallery/xHyrt [18:04] <Sammo> Hahaha [18:04] * AnonGuest52439 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: IRcap 8.6 ) [18:04] * dec ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [18:04] * Sm173 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [18:04] <PLF> Anyone chomping at the bit to fight evil, please consider joing ou r operation which will commence at 11:59 PM Pacific Time Thursday - December 16, 2010 in the Ops Center (located in our forum). The operation will contiinue unt il the "Peace Camp 8" are freed. I won't clutter this forum with details, please visit the Peoples Liberation Front web site for all the details. http://PLF777. limewebs.com and sign up for the Forum at http://PLF777.p [18:04] <PLF> roboards.com only registered members can get to the Ops Center (ch at room) to participate. If your bored during the OpAnon cease fire this is a re al good way to burn off that energy and fight for a good cause. [18:04] <@Trivette> I missed you cb3rob =P [18:04] * Elliot ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:04] * miaow ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [18:04] * tgtmundo ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [18:05] * tux79 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [18:05] <&nekoT> http://www.anonops-irc.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=27 <- cure to boredom [18:05] <Ohelig> another question, why is everyone so pussy to go through the fu ll body scanners. [18:05] * Iphonesucks ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [18:05] <Ohelig> I would rather have my junk looked at through an xray than in p erson [18:05] <MassMRDR> token,can i pop you a Q? [18:05] * tux78 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [18:06] <+cb3rob> TSA HAS AIDS. [18:06] <+cb3rob> thats why. [18:06] * Anonn ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayba ck [18:06] * Anon_493 ([email protected]) Quit ( power. anonops.eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * Neo-Dro42 ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anon ops.eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * facepalm ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops .eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * huibooh ([email protected]) Quit ( power.a nonops.eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * Wonder ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu ti ny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * Baphomet ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.e u tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * plas ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny. tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * Neo-2 ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * Cody ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops. eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * Z3R0 ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny .tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * Binome ([email protected]) Quit ( powe r.anonops.eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * fff6676 ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops. eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * lamalif ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * Zyl0n ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny.tri tnaha.com ) [18:06] * Anonymou5 ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu ti ny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * exposed ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny.tritnaha. com ) [18:06] * lanczeskot ([email protected]) Quit ( power.ano nops.eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * kl4un ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tin y.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * mamba ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu ti ny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * Anon2600 ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny .tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * anonas ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu t iny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * gwz ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny.tri tnaha.com ) [18:06] * Pethet ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny.tr itnaha.com ) [18:06] * Kerosene ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu ti ny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * enter ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops. eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * Micheltje ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny.tritn aha.com ) [18:06] * Ne0N ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny .tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * Brick ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops. eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * ToMz ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * bsod ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny .tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * ink ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny.tri tnaha.com ) [18:06] * DropNET21 ([email protected]) Quit ( power .anonops.eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * suka ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny .tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * none ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * evilworks ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny.tritna ha.com ) [18:06] * Sodom ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * GuySoft ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * tzant ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops .eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * azy ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops. eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * nessuno834 ([email protected]) Quit ( pow er.anonops.eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * Orby ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny .tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * Topiary ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny.trit naha.com ) [18:06] * JoeDumbass ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.e u tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * mack14324853 ([email protected]) Quit ( po wer.anonops.eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * TheMiNd ([email protected]) Quit ( power.a nonops.eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * icebalm ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops. eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * NotAnonymous ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonop s.eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * Clith ([email protected]) Quit ( power.a nonops.eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * tmberg ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu tiny.tritnaha.com ) [18:06] * Retroaa ([email protected]) Quit ( power.anonops.eu amazing.anonops-irc.org ) [18:06] <Ohelig> oh wow [18:06] * Anonymouse ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:06] <Ohelig> a power netsplit [18:06] <+cb3rob> oh internets r broken again [18:06] <+cb3rob> and we're on the good side [18:06] <+cb3rob> :P [18:07] <budZilla> it happens [18:07] * nessuno834 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:07] <Ohelig> usually it's sobriquet who netsplits [18:07] * Retroaa ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [18:07] <%Cogitabundus> MassMRDR : General advice is don't. [18:07] * ChaterzzZ ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [18:07] <Ohelig> anyways [18:07] * xgor ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit : xgor ) [18:08] <Ohelig> hold phone up to skull for hours causes more radiation than a b ody scanner [18:08] * Anonymous9 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:08] <%Cogitabundus> Different types of radiation. [18:08] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h Anonymous9 for #OperationPayback [18:08] * anon_nbrado ([email protected]) has left #Operati onPayback [18:08] <+me_> :) [18:08] <MassMRDR> Well is there anyone available who knows more about the inner workings of hoic & loic available that i can pop a question to then? [18:08] * budZilla ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [18:08] * annonyana ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [18:08] * Aethermx ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [18:09] <BoumBADABoum> thats mean that if i dont get a phone i dont have to be s caned [18:09] <tmp> Download the source code. [18:09] * JKAbrams ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [18:09] * Aethermx ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [18:09] * rmx ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [18:09] <Ohelig> in a few years, ear buds w/ mics in them are going to become hu gely popular [18:09] <MassMRDR> it's about more than the source code ....more of a parameter question. [18:09] * Sm173 ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [18:10] <Ohelig> people will be terrified of using a phone next to their face [18:10] <%Cogitabundus> Well ask NEC. [18:10] * Red_Streak ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [18:10] <%Cogitabundus> HOIC isn't us so you'll have to ask somene else for that . [18:10] <Ohelig> MassMRDR, go to #hoic [18:11] * QBasic ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Saliendo ) [18:11] * miaow ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [18:12] * Neo-2- ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:12] * Pieter ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:12] <Neo-2-> D: tiny split [18:12] * Aethermx ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [18:12] <unknown> how can i get an old serv-u version omg [18:12] <unknown> the new one totaly sucks [18:12] * Pieter ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [18:12] <Ohelig> the split was 6 minutes ago [18:12] <Neo-2-> lol yes i know [18:12] * anon864 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [18:12] * Zippy ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [18:12] <MassMRDR> Wouldnt throw it in the peoples pool just like that,can be tr icky material ;) i dont know who is on #hoic ,dont want to be connected to "the wrong end of the line" [18:12] <Neo-2-> Neo-2 using tiny.tritnaha.com AnonOps IRC [18:12] * Anonymou5 ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [18:12] <Neo-2-> i'm there too [18:13] * Iphwa ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [18:13] * Pieter ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:13] <Anonymou5> we're back! stupid server splits... [18:14] * exposed ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:14] * Neo-2- ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [18:14] * SeamusM ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [18:14] <Ohelig> osiris never splits :D [18:14] * Neo-S ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:14] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +v Neo-S for #OperationPayback [18:14] <unknown> some1 help me find an old serv-u version below v 6.0 [18:14] <Ohelig> I want voice D: [18:14] <Anonymou5> woo I'm back [18:14] <Anonymou5> stupid server splits [18:14] <Pieter> Can i reach anyone with power in here? [18:14] <Ohelig> thanks for repeating that [18:15] <Ohelig> I didn't hear it the first time [18:15] * selaht ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [18:15] * pack ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [18:15] <Anonymou5> sorry I didn't know it showed up first time....I wasn't logg ed in [18:15] * kl4un ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [18:15] <Anonymou5> sorry. [18:15] <Ohelig> ah [18:15] * enter ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [18:15] * ToMz ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:15] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +o ToMz for #OperationPayback [18:15] <Pieter> Is there someone with power here? [18:15] <enter> whoever said to join that other server, i couldnt. times out [18:15] <Pieter> ah tony maybe [18:15] <Anonymou5> I'm not terribly well versed in IRC. I'm mor of a hardware g uy [18:15] <@ToMz> Pieter? [18:15] <Pieter> yes [18:16] <Pieter> it would be better in pm ;) [18:16] * Pethet ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:16] * anon85973960 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [18:16] <%Cogitabundus> Hmm. [18:16] * TheMiNd ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [18:16] <Pethet> could you maybe readd the trinaha server? [18:16] <Pethet> it splitted from the cluster [18:16] <PLF> New PLF web site, for all you regulars who are just DYING to know what the PLF crap is all about. http://PLF777.limewebs.com awesome new forum there to - http://PLF777.limewebs.com [18:16] <+UnknownUser> Pieter: you do know tony is a tiger/bot don't you? :P [18:16] <%Power2All> On forum, link to WebChat [18:16] <%Power2All> For the lazy people [18:16] * running-out-of-nicks ([email protected]) has joi ned #OperationPayback [18:17] * anon76769576 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [18:17] <running-out-of-nicks> hey [18:17] <Anonymou5> running-out-of-nicks welocome to the hive [18:17] <Pethet> any IRCop? [18:17] * anon76769576 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Page closed ) [18:17] <%Cogitabundus> To do what? [18:17] <%Power2All> y [18:17] <%Power2All> What is it [18:17] * Sjakie ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: a non-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [18:18] * jkgnb ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [18:18] <%Cogitabundus> We're not at your beck and call. [18:18] <+Neo-S> I think he wants someone to try and /connect tiny.tritnaha.com [18:18] <%Triskel> Hey dudes !! [18:18] <%Cogitabundus> ;) [18:18] <Pethet> to contact the root of tritnaha server [18:18] <Pethet> .. [18:18] <Pethet> and readd it to the fucking network cluster [18:18] * jkgnb ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [18:18] <running-out-of-nicks> so this waiting around is getting tedious after t he exitement of last week [18:18] <%Cogitabundus> Well we can't. [18:18] <Pethet> people on it are confused [18:18] <%Power2All> ? [18:18] <enter> is there a useful guide somewhere on how to vpn to irc? [18:18] <%Triskel> I NEED YOU : go on http://irc.lc to test if support lot of a nons into it !! [18:18] <%Power2All> Whats with tritnaha ? [18:18] <%Triskel> I NEED YOU : go on http://irc.lc to test if support lot of a nons into it !! [18:18] <+Neo-S> Power2All - it split from the network [18:18] <+Neo-S> But it's still up [18:18] <Pethet> it splitted from the cluster [18:18] <%Power2All> o_O [18:18] <%Power2All> you we're hooked to power.* right ? [18:18] <Pethet> but there are people on [18:18] <Pethet> lol [18:18] <+Neo-S> uh [18:18] <+Neo-S> lemme check [18:19] <+Neo-S> (8:06:41 PM) * nuke ([email protected]) Quit (tiny.trit naha.com power.anonops.eu) [18:19] <+Neo-S> yep [18:19] <%Cogitabundus> Try asking owen if you're brave. Otherwise shut up sinc e we can't help. [18:19] <Anonymou5> geez this is kinda stupid, 355 users, like 20 chatting :P [18:19] <Sammo> i feel so cool xD. I totally connect to IRC chats at school thro ugh command prompt [18:19] <Sammo> Hahaha [18:19] * anon51563670 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [18:19] * RoToR ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [18:19] <+Neo-S> Sammo - what, telnet? [18:19] <+Neo-S> lol [18:19] <Anonymou5> Sammo niceeee [18:19] <Sammo> Mhm [18:19] <Sammo> xD [18:19] <Sammo> Telnet [18:19] <Sammo> :3 [18:19] * Sammo was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Stop flood ing!) [18:19] <+Neo-S> blech [18:19] * Sammo ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [18:19] <Sammo> Stupid chat [18:19] <running-out-of-nicks> the other 335 are spys [18:20] <Sammo> Kicking me D: [18:20] <%Power2All> Neo-S [18:20] <Pethet> yeah they are from cia [18:20] <%Power2All> Is it up ? [18:20] * anon74519939 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [18:20] <+Neo-S> yeah Power2All [18:20] <%Power2All> k sec [18:20] <Anonymou5> mmmhmmmm [18:20] <Anonymou5> sure [18:20] * yaahman ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [18:20] <+Neo-S> if you need the IP let me know but i doubt it? :p [18:20] <%Power2All> Try connect it to hub [18:20] <%Power2All> you have ircop right there ? [18:20] * SeamusM ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Colloquy f or iPod touch - http://colloquy.mobi ) [18:20] <+Neo-S> nope, not an ircop :( [18:20] <Pethet> nope [18:20] <%Power2All> doh [18:21] * ink ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:21] <%Triskel> Power2All: nobody try :( [18:21] <@Trivette> sorry I lol'd a bit [18:21] <BoumBADABoum> hey im from CIA ! [18:21] <@Trivette> there = here I take it? [18:21] <+Neo-S> so i'd imagine someone with an oline at either power or tiny wo uld have to do it? [18:21] <%Cogitabundus> Pethet : I told you what to do and if I see any more men tions of this sullying the channel then I'll kick. [18:21] <Anonymou5> Sammo how do you do that? [18:21] <running-out-of-nicks> i read that CIA were killing prisoners in afghani stan to harvest organs for transplants [18:21] * Redundance ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:21] * Bak0 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [18:21] <unknown> isnt here some1 realy clever and can find serv-u below version 6.0 ?? Im googeling since like 1 hour -.[18:21] <burrburr> BoumBADABoum: I'm from Statsi, and we are better than you [18:21] <Pethet> Cogitabundus: what are you talin? [18:22] <Pethet> talking about? [18:22] <+Neo-S> lol running-out-of-nicks, where'd you read that? [18:22] <running-out-of-nicks> about 5 lines up on this chat [18:22] <BoumBADABoum> i harvest organs but i dont transplant .... [18:22] <AnonBuddha> Are you watching keith olberman [18:22] <%Power2All> (Neo-S): it's un-juped, but I cant let hub connect it [18:22] <AnonBuddha> if you are not, you are doing it wrong [18:22] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [18:22] * enter ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [18:22] <+Neo-S> ah [18:22] <%Cogitabundus> Why do I bother typing - Try asking owen if you're brave . Otherwise shut up since we can't help. [18:22] * Anon_Pat ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [18:22] <Pethet> because your a fag? [18:22] <Pethet> i dont know lol [18:23] * Pethet was kicked by Cogitabundus ([email protected]) Reason (Cogi tabundus) [18:23] * Pethet ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:23] <TheMiNd> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40681578/ns/business-stocks_and_ec onomy/ [18:23] * Neo-S shrugs [18:23] * Pethet was kicked by Cogitabundus ([email protected]) Reason (Cogi tabundus) [18:23] <running-out-of-nicks> i read that CIA were killing prisoners in afghani stan to harvest organs for transplants <---- this should look good in the log [18:23] * Psylocke ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:23] <+Neo-S> its ok, only 34 people in #OperationPayback on tiny atm anyway [18:23] <+owen> lolno [18:23] <+Neo-S> can wait [18:23] * AnonGuest52439 ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [18:23] <+Neo-S> or-- hi owen [18:23] <+Neo-S> lol [18:23] * allan ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [18:23] * anon68645207 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [18:23] <Psylocke> okay finally somebody talking in a channel besides tri and i [18:23] <+owen> i just got back [18:23] * Anonymouse ([email protected]) Quit ( NickServ (GHOST comman d used by AnonGuest52439) ) [18:23] <Psylocke> started to feel all twillight zone [18:24] * AnonGuest52439 ([email protected]) has left #Ope rationPayback [18:24] * Pethet ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:24] <Pethet> hmrpf [18:24] <unknown> do something good and search serv-u 6.0 or less [18:24] <Psylocke> tosses my hands up in the air and jumps up and down like a li ttle kid !up !up [18:24] <Psylocke> why i dont' need a ftp [18:24] <AnonBuddha> I want to throw a brick through city hall window demanding the city council send a letter to the state condemning bradley manning's detenti on. [18:24] <running-out-of-nicks> I wish there was a bot kicking people who did not talk in a limited time period then at least the cia would have to say stuff to amuse us [18:24] <%Cogitabundus> Owen : They lost a server. [18:24] <Psylocke> atleast not on my pc laughs [18:24] <+Neo-S> owen: tiny.tritnaha.com split from power (you say you just got here, so i'm not sure you know) [18:24] <unknown> i need it i google over 1 hour :( [18:24] * Doctor ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Saliendo ) [18:24] <+owen> ites powers server [18:24] <Psylocke> ahhh laughs hold on [18:25] <+owen> oh [18:25] <Moss> !channel list [18:25] <Moss> ops [18:25] * BlackSpring ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [18:25] <Moss> i'm sleeping in here, sorry guys [18:25] <Moss> \list [18:25] <+owen> not my area tbh [18:25] <+Neo-S> lol ok [18:25] * Moss ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [18:25] <Pethet> so who to contact ? [18:25] <Psylocke> wait why 6.0 or less ? [18:25] * anon99459829 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:26] <Psylocke> that is old [18:26] * ogl ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [18:26] <unknown> i need to mod it [18:26] <BoumBADABoum> NEXT TARGET [18:26] * BoumBADABoum was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Wat ch your language!) [18:26] <unknown> u cant mod v 6.0 or higher [18:26] * mamba ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [18:26] * anon45947050 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [18:26] <Psylocke> ahh so - Serv-U.File.Server.Gold.Enterprise.v9.1.0.0.Incl.Key maker-CORE [18:26] <unknown> no i need old version :/ [18:26] <Psylocke> k [18:26] <Psylocke> hold on [18:26] <Psylocke> loves a challenge [18:26] * sharpie ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:26] * Sammo ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [18:26] <unknown> i normaly find everything [18:26] <unknown> lol [18:27] <Psylocke> can it be a corp. edition ? [18:27] * Tred ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:27] <unknown> yea [18:27] * beobachter ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [18:28] <Psylocke> ? [18:28] * sharpie ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback () [18:28] * j0fr3 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:28] <TheMiNd> Ahhhaa [18:28] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [18:28] <TheMiNd> I didn't realize the air force was blocking the NEWS PAPER [18:29] <TheMiNd> we can use that [18:29] <Redundance> Pyloris. Anyone using it? [18:29] <unknown> i think but where u get this? [18:29] <unknown> i will try than [18:29] * sharpie ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:29] <unknown> 6.0.02 or older versions from 1-5x [18:29] <Psylocke> so this ? - Serv-U FTP Server v6 0 0 2 Corporate Edition WinA LL CRACKED-MiNT [18:29] * Power2All is now known as Power2All|SLEEPZ0RZ [18:29] <unknown> YE i think [18:30] <+Neo-S> night [18:30] <TheMiNd> has michael lost weight? he looks good. [18:30] <Psylocke> see if i can get it [18:30] <running-out-of-nicks> TheMIND my thinking too, just email them articles containing classified information [18:30] <Psylocke> shit going back to 2005 this came out [18:30] <GeorgeDush> http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_PjEvf873WJQ/TQlrTuZ4eLI/AAAAAAAAA DA/2_Rpg5rjeqI/s1600/amazon.jpg [18:30] <GeorgeDush> use it [18:30] * selaht ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayb ack [18:30] <Redundance> If none, what about a list of IRC servers. I have been stru ggling to connect :( [18:31] * BlackSpring ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [18:31] * _HailEris ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [18:31] * exposed ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [18:31] * Z ([email protected]) has join ed #OperationPayback [18:32] * anon45947050 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Page clos ed ) [18:32] * _HailEris ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Collo quy for iPod touch - http://colloquy.mobi ) [18:32] * albahith ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [18:32] * Unbeliever ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:32] * MAFIAA ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [18:32] * Rashvid7564 ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [18:32] * BARBARlAN ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [18:32] * Rashvid7564 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ras hvid7564 ) [18:33] * Rashvid7564 ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [18:33] * MAFIAA ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [18:33] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +v MAFIAA for #OperationPayback [18:33] * chicovas ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:33] <allan> a list http://pastebin.com/dbvk3vVp [18:33] <allan> if it 404 tell me [18:33] * Anon10346 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [18:33] * waklu ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping tim eout ) [18:34] * cruunch ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [18:34] * Anon992241 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:34] <BARBARlAN> yeah it works [18:34] * BoumBADABoum ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:34] * spanky ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mibbi t.com ajax IRC Client ) [18:35] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [18:35] * mamba ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [18:35] * sharpie ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [18:35] * exposed ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:36] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [18:36] * Bltzkrg ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:36] <Vanzetti_> Yo I have to say [18:36] <TheMiNd> Moore is hitting it home [18:36] <Vanzetti_> I love you all [18:36] * kronoss ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [18:36] * include_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:36] <Vanzetti_> For realize [18:36] * anon68645207 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Page clos ed ) [18:37] * RoToR ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [18:37] <Vanzetti_> Realz* [18:37] <allan> awwww [18:37] <Metro> anonleaks.org [18:38] <Vanzetti_> The only thing that sucks is that I'll never meet y'all in p erson but such is anon [18:38] <allan> well it the thought that counts. lol [18:38] <Vanzetti_> Haha yeah [18:38] * TupacSmoker ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [18:39] <Vanzetti_> Interwebz love [18:39] * Bak0 ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [18:39] <allan> lol [18:39] <allan> should start a website called that [18:39] * nessuno834 ([email protected]) Quit ( Qui t: Leaving ) [18:40] * internetz_ ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [18:40] <Vanzetti_> Haha it'd be an anon cyber sex site in two seconds [18:40] * blacklight ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:40] <PLF> Anyone chomping at the bit to fight evil, please consider joing ou r operation which will commence at 11:59 PM Pacific Time Thursday - December 16, 2010 in the Ops Center (located in our forum). The operation will contiinue unt il the "Peace Camp 8" are freed. I won't clutter this forum with details, please visit the Peoples Liberation Front web site for all the details. http://PLF777. limewebs.com and sign up for the Forum at http://PLF777.p [18:40] <PLF> roboards.com only registered members can get to the Ops Center (ch at room) to participate. If your bored during the OpAnon cease fire this is a re al good way to burn off that energy and fight for a good cause. [18:40] <allan> lol [18:40] * Ricks ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [18:41] <blacklight> http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2010/Dec/335 did you che ck this? [18:41] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [18:41] * mamba ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [18:41] * AnnonBr ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:41] * Neuro ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [18:41] * HAL9001 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:41] <blacklight> i think this would be a good reason for kicking some asses [18:41] * Kerosene ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [18:41] <HAL9001> If your cannons are getting rusty, get into #hispano for raidi ng www.gobiernoenlinea.ve or just point your weapons at it [18:41] * HAL9001 was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Don't us e underlines on this channel!) [18:41] <TheMiNd> guys, respect the ceasefire. [18:42] * ANONgdl ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [18:42] <allan> oh yea they where talking about it earlier today [18:42] * internetz_ is now known as internetz [18:42] <blacklight> TheMiNd: this link is not for wikileaks, today they just di scovered that FBI had backdoored IPSEC implementation [18:42] <TheMiNd> Guys, every time you attack media or government sites [18:42] * anonysus ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [18:42] <TheMiNd> it hurts [18:42] * azy ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [18:43] <TheMiNd> whats ipsec [18:43] <blacklight> yea but the worst thing is that most of the people around h ad "well, who cares? what's wrong with that?" as reaction to this news [18:43] <+Neo-S> Yeah I linked to that (or a link similar) a bit earlier blackli ght [18:43] * Psylocke http://www.anonops-irc.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=69 ( AN ONYMOUS PRESS RELEASE December 16, 2010 ) [18:43] <+Neo-S> luckily only in OpenBSD [18:43] <+Neo-S> but.. [18:43] <+Neo-S> lol [18:43] <blacklight> TheMiNd: a network protocol based on cryptography and host identification [18:44] * internetz ([email protected]) Quit ( Max SendQ exceeded ) [18:44] <TheMiNd> thats a bitch move [18:44] * xxx ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [18:44] <blacklight> Neo-S: microsoft paid *bsd developers for writing portions of NT kernel [18:44] <TheMiNd> I don't think we know just how deep the rabbit hole goes, yet guys. [18:44] * Anon992241 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [18:44] <blacklight> so i wouldn't be surprised when also windows systems are ba ckdoored [18:44] <+Neo-S> lol [18:44] <allan> we will soon Themind [18:45] <TheMiNd> they are scared and they are making big mistakes [18:45] <TheMiNd> the question is, are the american people too passive to care a t this pint [18:45] <blacklight> i'm going to work tomorrow on CVS code from openbsd and che ck ipsec implementation looking for where the backdoor is [18:45] * ubuntu_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:45] <allan> most american think what the media tells them [18:45] * Alfredstein ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [18:45] <blacklight> in theory once you can prove that the backdoor connects to FBI servers [18:45] <blacklight> you could hurt their asses [18:45] * Anon_tiger ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [18:45] <blacklight> in theory [18:45] * internetz ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:46] <blacklight> in practice, no one would ever win against FBI [18:46] <GeorgeDush> please, put this link anywhere http://operationpaperstorm.b logspot.com/ [18:46] <TheMiNd> They're censoring newspapers from the AIRFORCE [18:46] <GeorgeDush> best material for december 18 [18:46] <GeorgeDush> in facebooks, twitters... [18:46] <TheMiNd> tell me, why do things need to be kept secret from our OWN FOR CES [18:46] <blacklight> but as it seems, FBI corrupted openbsd developers 10 years ago [18:46] <allan> well that the AirForce. They do what they want [18:46] * ANONgdl ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayba ck [18:46] * swede71 ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [18:46] <blacklight> and in 10 years no one ever noticed anything [18:46] * zaskh4ck ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [18:46] <allan> cause they don't want are forces thinking freely [18:47] <TheMiNd> i need rachel maddow's contact info [18:47] <TheMiNd> or just an anon videographer :( [18:47] <TheMiNd> fuck no [18:47] <zaskh4ck> its written on the wall next to the glory hole [18:47] <allan> lol [18:47] <TheMiNd> i don't have time for this i gotta finish finals :( [18:48] <TheMiNd> but its a big angle that no one has covered [18:48] * azy ([email protected]) has left #OperationPa yback [18:49] * Roy ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [18:50] <tgtmundo> If your cannons are getting rusty, get into #hispano for raid ing www.gobiernoenlinea.ve or just point your weapons at it [18:50] * tgtmundo was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Don't u se underlines on this channel!) [18:50] * burrburr ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [18:50] * Baphomet ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [18:50] * freax ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [18:50] * Z ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [18:50] * tgtmundo ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [18:50] <tgtmundo> If your cannons are getting rusty, get into #hispano for raid ing www.gobiernoenlinea.ve or just point your weapons at it [18:50] * tgtmundo was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Don't u se underlines on this channel!) [18:50] <TheMiNd> kick ass press release, anonops [18:50] * AnnonBr ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: AnnonBr ) [18:51] * Klubriviu ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: used jmIrc ) [18:51] * putotehwhore ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [18:52] * tgtmundo ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [18:53] * leeyee ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:53] * something ([email protected]) Quit ( Conn ection reset by peer ) [18:54] * something ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:54] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Roo ms â ¢ iPhone IRC Client â ¢ http://www.roomsapp.mobi ) [18:54] * Anon_tiger ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping time out ) [18:55] * Ricks ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [18:55] * Baphomet ([email protected]) has left #OperationPay back () [18:55] * pnut ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Computer has gone to sleep. ) [18:55] * Elliot ([email protected]) Quit ( Pin g timeout ) [18:56] * x2x1 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [18:57] * leeyee ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Verlassend ) [18:57] * srek ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [18:57] * supbz ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: supbz ) [18:57] * supbz ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:58] * srek ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [18:58] <TheMiNd> God, why does pot make you smarter? [18:59] * AESCracked|AFK ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:59] * anonklas ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [18:59] * Floepsie ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [18:59] * io ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:59] * joshuach ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [18:59] * manchu ([email protected]) has jo ined #OperationPayback [18:59] * realzaggin ([email protected]) has joine d #OperationPayback [18:59] * road ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [18:59] * sean_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:59] * #OperationPayback sets mode +R for #OperationPayback [18:59] * slane ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:59] * Anon_tiger ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [18:59] * topix ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:59] * connect ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [18:59] * Floepsie3 ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [18:59] * srek ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [18:59] * Tred sets mode -R for #OperationPayback [18:59] * Trivette sets mode +b *!Zero_Cool@* for #OperationPayback [18:59] * srek ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [18:59] * skld_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [18:59] * skiz ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:59] * ubuntu ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [18:59] * www1 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [18:59] * x2x ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [18:59] <TheMiNd> yay its the floopsies [18:59] <TheMiNd> lmao [18:59] <+Neo-S> hm that wasn't tiny [18:59] <+Neo-S> lol [18:59] * Psylocke was kicked by Trivette ([email protected]) Reason (Trivette ) [18:59] * anonzerozero ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [18:59] <TheMiNd> thats what she said [18:59] <allan> real quiet in here tonight [18:59] <+Neo-S> ahaha [18:59] * anonklas ([email protected]) has left #OperationPay back [18:59] * Anonymou5 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http:/ /www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client ) [18:59] <+Neo-S> nice one. [19:00] * Anonymou5 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [19:00] * x2x ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayba ck [19:00] <anonysus> What's that all about? [19:00] <%Cogitabundus> What's what all about? [19:01] <anonysus> the press release then ban? [19:01] * Anon_tiger ([email protected]) has left #Operat ionPayback [19:01] * AD05 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:01] * Gideon2 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [19:01] * AD05 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Colloquy for iP hone - http://colloquy.mobi ) [19:01] * anon08970 ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [19:01] <PLF> New PLF web site, for all you regulars who are just DYING to know what the PLF crap is all about. http://PLF777.limewebs.com awesome new forum there to - http://PLF777.limewebs.com [19:02] * AD05_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [19:02] <anonysus> I was suggesting modifying the author metadata in any future PDF press releases. [19:02] <zaskh4ck> some or at least 2 of the archives have malware in them [19:02] * Anon_1985 ([email protected]) has joi ned #OperationPayback [19:02] * me_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [19:02] <zaskh4ck> one is a unix exploit, the other a .dll exploit [19:03] * me_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:03] * Anonymous9 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [19:03] <zaskh4ck> 2009-green-dam.zip = malware [19:03] * realzaggin ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [19:03] <anonysus> the PDF does? [19:03] * bummelchen|2 ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [19:04] <TheMiNd> hmmm guys I have an idea [19:04] <allan> whats that [19:04] <TheMiNd> I don't know if anyone has done it [19:04] <annonyana> lol i just wrote the anonops website on 5 one dollar bills [19:04] <TheMiNd> I was just reading Psylocke's press release [19:04] * be_negative ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [19:04] <zaskh4ck> farc-farcep-admin-directory-2008.html = exploit [19:04] <TheMiNd> It has to do with freedom of information [19:04] * anon99459829 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Page closed ) [19:04] <TheMiNd> I dunno how many scientists we have around [19:04] * Ricks ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [19:04] <TheMiNd> But if you aren't familiar with the science situation these da ys, its not ideal [19:04] * euphorisch ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [19:05] <zaskh4ck> no, they want us all dead [19:05] <zaskh4ck> definately not ideal [19:05] <%Cogitabundus> Poppycock. [19:05] <TheMiNd> the republicans do, for sure [19:05] * running-out-of-nicks ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: running-out-of-nicks ) [19:05] <TheMiNd> In order to get the latest sciences, a lot of the time you hav e to be subscribing to a journal [19:05] <TheMiNd> they're pretty expensive [19:06] * Vlad ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [19:06] * Vlad ([email protected]) Quit ( Z:lined (Black listed host.) ) [19:06] <%Cogitabundus> Newspapers aren't cheap either. [19:06] <TheMiNd> you can access them other places, like university libraries, b ut still, the information is not free [19:06] <MassMRDR> i'm a chemist , does it count? ;) [19:06] * anonzerozero ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anonzerozero ) [19:06] * Anonymou5 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://ww w.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client ) [19:06] * shitstorm ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [19:06] <me_> hmm [19:06] <me_> nn [19:06] * kl4un ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Verlassend ) [19:07] <zaskh4ck> as long as ur not a malthusian eco nut chemist u r OK by me [19:07] * Sick_Silent ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: leaving ) [19:07] * anonzerozero ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [19:07] * movesNtim3 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [19:07] <srek> anyone here play MUDs? [19:07] <TheMiNd> which reminds me of another good point [19:07] <tmp> I used to, srek [19:07] <TheMiNd> Why the fuck do corporations drive our science? [19:07] <MassMRDR> nah just the regular "can blow your house away with a 50 shopp ing list from the grocery store"-chemist ;) [19:08] <zaskh4ck> who drives the corps? [19:08] <TheMiNd> Why is public money put into science, and then corporations ge t to profit off it [19:08] * fait ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [19:08] <zaskh4ck> banks [19:08] * Dwaan ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [19:08] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h Dwaan for #OperationPayback [19:08] <zaskh4ck> who drives the banks [19:08] <TheMiNd> why is it that the science we focus on is the science which wi ll amke money [19:08] <zaskh4ck> the nwo [19:08] * movesNtim3 ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [19:08] * Moss ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:08] * me_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: nn! s weet dreams ) [19:08] <srek> You answered your own question MiNd [19:08] <Moss> anyone can do a personal favor 4 me? I need to send to hell a sit e, if yes, PM me pls [19:08] * anonlalo ([email protected]) has joined # OperationPayback [19:08] * bummelchen ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [19:08] <TheMiNd> srek: yes I did. [19:08] * anonzerozero ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anonzerozero ) [19:09] <MassMRDR> @ moss ... here ..this will help you :D : http://howto.wired. com/wiki/Build_your_own_botnet_with_open_source_software [19:09] <anonysus> I pdf scanned that release by the way. it says its clean. [19:09] * cyberseyer ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [19:09] <MassMRDR> now stop asking. [19:09] * anonzerozero ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [19:09] * AD05_ ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [19:10] <allan> lol [19:10] * bluec0w ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [19:10] * Roy ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayba ck [19:10] * annonyana ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [19:10] * mt1mma ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [19:10] * bluec0w ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [19:10] * bluec0w ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [19:11] * Brickwall ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [19:11] * Vanon ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:11] * movesNtim3 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [19:11] * Pieter ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [19:11] * j0fr3 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [19:11] * movesNtim3 ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [19:11] * schock ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [19:11] <Vanon> whats happening with all the servers?? [19:11] * x2x1 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [19:12] * anon44906153 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [19:12] <include_> is it true that jullian assange sons has been threatned? [19:12] <include_> is it true that jullian assange's son has been threatned? [19:12] <zaskh4ck> christ the pdfs are ACTION PACKED with CVE-204-0200 [19:12] * mufasa ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [19:12] * BroderDaniel ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [19:12] * Xs-Chuki-Xs ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [19:12] <allan> http://www.anonops-irc.org/servers.php [19:13] <cyberseyer> http://www.josefidencior.zobyhost.com/PAYBACK/1c9x6ob%5B1%5 D.html mirror [19:13] <Brickwall> Assange has kids? [19:13] <schock> Listening 2 #wikileaks cables automagically turned into mp3s ht tp://bit.ly/wikileaksMP3s [19:13] * slacks ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [19:13] * staff ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:13] * BARBARlAN ([email protected]) has left #Opera tionPayback [19:13] <allan> thats cool schock [19:13] * Tred ([email protected]) Quit ( Input/output error ) [19:14] <schock> allan thx [19:14] * nigs ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:14] <TheMiNd> BIG fucking news guys, I haven't seen this yet apparently it w as news this morning [19:14] <TheMiNd> how did we miss this [19:14] <Redundance> Where's the latest list of IRC server IP's [19:14] * Tred ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:14] <zaskh4ck> anonysus other pdfs are packed with CVE's [19:14] <Vanon> allan, i mean whats happening with those that dont work.. [19:15] <staff> mind: what news? i just came in mid convo [19:15] <include_> assange has a 20 yr old son methinks [19:15] <allan> oh [19:15] <zaskh4ck> Redundance did you break my encryption yet? [19:15] <+Neo-S> Tred: Would you happen to have an oline on tiny, or is blerg th e only one? lol [19:15] <Redundance> Yes [19:15] <allan> last thing I heard was that they got ddos and thats it [19:15] <zaskh4ck> and it said?? [19:15] <Redundance> I did it on an iPhone [19:15] <Tred> I don't [19:15] <anonysus> pdfscan didn't detect it, is it new? [19:15] <+Neo-S> ah ok. [19:15] * annonyana ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [19:15] <Vanon> allan, ok. [19:15] <&nekoT> why would fbi have to create there own viruses to get in to win blows? [19:15] <Redundance> The password is onion [19:15] <+Neo-S> is blerg = blergh btw? [19:15] <+Neo-S> lol [19:15] * Baphomet ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [19:15] <zaskh4ck> nope [19:15] <TheMiNd> "A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government." - Patrick Henry [19:15] <zaskh4ck> you fail as cybercom commander [19:15] <Redundance> And it contains the final fantasy XVI beta [19:16] <tmp> What's the big news? [19:16] * AllisFree ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [19:16] * Anonymouse ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:16] * Clith ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [19:16] <Redundance> o you know who I m [19:16] <anonysus> I'm using the paretologic scanner [19:16] <Redundance> < [19:16] <zaskh4ck> but when i am finished it will be 1000+ bit multiple pass mul tiple key encryption with secure voip, file transfer, chat, and standalone file encryption [19:16] * skld ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [19:16] * skld_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [19:17] <Redundance> Nice [19:17] * j0fr3 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:17] <zaskh4ck> werd [19:17] <zaskh4ck> and dot net works on phones too [19:17] * swede71 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon -mIRC www.anonops.net ) [19:17] * OperationCandy ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [19:17] * annonyana ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [19:17] <zaskh4ck> so i am open for suggestions [19:17] <zaskh4ck> for the application [19:17] <Redundance> I'll counter that with my 5000 megawatt lethargic scanner [19:17] <Pethet> .net [19:17] * joshuach ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: CGI:IR C (EOF) ) [19:17] <Pethet> i never liked .net [19:17] <TheMiNd> http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/12/sweden-denies-efforts-keepassange-jail/?hl=en [19:17] * fait ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [19:18] <ink> i'll counter that with my 300 baud modem! [19:18] * isoz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [19:18] <Redundance> Ohh youre bringing out the big guns [19:19] * lindows ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [19:19] * fishbot ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [19:19] <dec> what is the anonnews url? i was there earlier and can't find the u rl now :x [19:19] <anonysus> You need a modem? [19:19] * skld ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:19] <anonysus> I can whistle 300 baud. [19:19] * skld_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [19:19] <+Neo-S> dec: http://anonnews.org/ [19:19] * fzsdf ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [19:19] * jkgnb ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [19:19] <dec> ty [19:19] <+Neo-S> np [19:19] * xixo ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [19:19] <Redundance> I updated my system today [19:19] * TheMagician ([email protected]) has left #OperationPa yback [19:19] <Redundance> 64MB RAM [19:20] <ink> top my 13.5% vol [19:20] <Redundance> Take that bitches [19:20] * bluec0w ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [19:20] <TheMiNd> Guys, please open up this link and run the script: http://refr eshthing.com/index.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dbradley%2B manning%2Bis%2Bbeing%2Btortured&timeout=5 [19:20] <anonysus> Sure! [19:20] * manchu ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [19:20] <staff> badass, no you can open up another chat window ;-) [19:20] <staff> *now [19:20] <TheMiNd> It will get "Bradley Manning is being tortured" into google au tocomplete trend [19:20] * exposed ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [19:21] * Pethet ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback () [19:21] * putotehwhore ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ano n-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [19:21] <Redundance> Done, I set the counter to 9001 though [19:21] <ink> done and running [19:21] <AnonBR> done [19:21] * Gideon2 ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset b y peer ) [19:22] <Brickwall> Doing it [19:22] <Redundance> wow that was the timer. OK done [19:22] * Vlad ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:22] <anonysus> wow. fail. :) [19:22] <Redundance> :P [19:22] <allan> http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/12/assange-rape-accuser-cia-ties / [19:22] * Raphael ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [19:22] * Arbitrary ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:22] * Cogitabundus ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [19:22] * Arbitrary ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [19:22] * faceoff ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [19:22] * Coldburn ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:23] <Coldburn> This room gets smaller and smaller... [19:23] * amnotamouse ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:23] <anonysus> 'rape' is really a harsh word [19:23] <Redundance> I'm very drunk but I knew that from the moment CounterPunch had an article on it [19:23] <anonysus> I've always prefered 'surprise sex' [19:23] <Unbeliever> irc.anonops-irc.org/server [19:23] <Unbeliever> shit [19:23] <TheMiNd> allan: is anyone here surprised, besides her? [19:23] * maresi ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [19:24] <PLF> Anyone chomping at the bit to fight evil, please consider joining our operation which will commence at 11:59 PM Pacific Time Thursday - December 1 6, 2010 in the Ops Center (located in our forum). The operation will contiinue u ntil the "Peace Camp 8" are freed. I won't clutter this forum with details, plea se visit the Peoples Liberation Front web site for all the details. http://PLF77 7.limewebs.com and sign up for the Forum at http://PLF777 [19:24] <PLF> .proboards.com only registered members can get to the Ops Center ( chat room) to participate. If your bored during the OpAnon cease fire this is a real good way to burn off that energy and fight for a good cause. [19:24] * EtherWhack ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Konvers ation terminated! ) [19:25] * EtherWhack ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [19:25] * xain ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:25] * x2x ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [19:25] * Pakito ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [19:26] * Trivette sets mode -b *!Zero_Cool@* for #OperationPayback [19:27] <kjohnson> hey I have been reading a lot of tech sites and there are no good news, the geeks & hipsters of these sites are getting very detailed tech i nfo about operation payback, please guys, dont talk geeky anymore [19:27] * Ricks ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Colloquy for iPhone - http://colloquy.mobi ) [19:27] <anonysus> so? [19:27] <staff> nobody is hiding anything [19:27] <BoumBADABoum> Bradley Manning is being tortured i dont the source of purpos [19:27] <ink> huh? [19:27] <kjohnson> dont talk geeky just stop [19:27] <kjohnson> but Im worried [19:28] <kjohnson> people from registrer are targeting us [19:28] <Coldburn> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqJAYae8bPw >>> Watch this doc umentary. [19:28] <ink> let's talk girly instead of geeky [19:28] <tmp> There is nothing paeticularly technical or secret about op-payback and LOIC. [19:28] <kjohnson> pandalabs [19:28] <Coldburn> It is why WikiLeaks is so important! [19:28] <Coldburn> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqJAYae8bPw [19:28] <Coldburn> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqJAYae8bPw [19:28] <kjohnson> faggy [19:28] <kjohnson> Im serious [19:28] <kjohnson> I have been reading for hours [19:28] <anonysus> What is this 'us' you speak of? [19:28] <kjohnson> the most tech sites [19:29] <ink> anony us [19:29] * incognia ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [19:29] <Redundance> I'll stop talking about the linux stuff on this chan [19:29] <kjohnson> I know but they are getting sensitive info about all this op [19:29] <anonysus> oh shit! [19:29] <anonysus> like what? [19:30] <tmp> There is NO sensitive info, lol [19:30] <+Neo-S> lol'd [19:30] <+Neo-S> everything here is public [19:30] <PLF> Yep. [19:30] <PLF> :-) [19:30] <kjohnson> Botnet, coding, IRC servers, twitter [19:30] <anonysus> Don't you see kjohnson? That's the beauty of it all. [19:30] <staff> No one is trying to hide anything [19:30] <kjohnson> psychology [19:30] <tmp> LOIC is a free and opensource download. THis is a public IRC chann el. lol. [19:30] <+Neo-S> doesn't matter what they know [19:30] <MassMRDR> who is talking geeky? we are all skiddies,if we make sense it 's because we copy/pasted something from a website :P, [19:30] <+Neo-S> 'all' [19:30] <+Neo-S> hm. [19:30] <ink> lol [19:30] <+Neo-S> lol [19:30] <kjohnson> I know [19:30] <Redundance> Well I knew where they got the 30k botnet story from [19:31] <Redundance> I was here then [19:31] <PLF> http://PLF777.limewebs.com [19:31] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [19:31] <kjohnson> but you have talked a lot about [19:31] <anonysus> Should we start planting fake info? [19:31] * AnAnon ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [19:31] <Redundance> YES [19:31] <kjohnson> stop talking of the botnets!!! [19:31] <staff> There already has been [19:31] <anonysus> Like 30K? Pfft, that's just the _preliminary_ botnet. [19:31] <Redundance> Say we train an army of cybernetic hippos [19:31] <kjohnson> but [19:31] <kjohnson> look [19:31] <anonysus> OBVIOUSLY they haven't heard of the SECONDARY nodes... [19:31] <kjohnson> I know a lot about botnets [19:32] <PLF> Hehehe. [19:32] <ink> secundary nodes? [19:32] <AnonymousIRC> good morning, elusive and evasive force. any non-english natives here for translation help? we especially need: norwegian, danish, finnis h, romanian, hungarian, slovenian, macedonian. also polish, french. you bored? j oin #anonnews for help! [19:32] <ink> ;) [19:32] * Unbeliever ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [19:32] <schock> anonysus: just wait until we activate our MOBILE PHONE botnet m uauahahahaha [19:32] <MassMRDR> its ok johnson ...this server is behind 7 proxies,go take a n ap ;) [19:32] <kjohnson> Mariposa botnet was under control of a Spanish guys [19:32] <kjohnson> Im spanish [19:32] * merope ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [19:32] <staff> and there's over 9000 secondary nodes [19:32] <Coldburn> HOla [19:32] <kjohnson> 60000 bots [19:32] <ink> THE SPANISH ARMADA [19:32] <tmp> I want a Lucy Liu bot-net! [19:32] <Coldburn> What is the next aim?! [19:32] <schock> there's a botnet app for ANDROID [19:33] * ColdKill3r ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [19:33] <PLF> MassMDR no wonder it takes like two minutes to log into this thing ! [19:33] <ColdKill3r> What's up? [19:33] <anonysus> You know someone should write an iPhone app like LOIC [19:33] <staff> coldburn: toilet [19:33] * Tux-02001501 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [19:33] <anonysus> seriously [19:33] <Coldburn> I have shitty aim in that regards, no pun intended. [19:33] <schock> anonoysus: yes. like the app store would aprove it ;) [19:33] <TheMiNd> I love that the media resorts to calling us names [19:33] <ColdKill3r> That would be cool, Anonysus! [19:33] <lindows> you could do it for android [19:33] <TheMiNd> it gives us such... notoriety [19:33] <lindows> and have people side load it [19:33] <kjohnson> i didnt know you made prank call on a german senior men [19:33] <Coldburn> a phone based botnet? :P [19:33] <anonysus> fuck the appstore, I'm talking about jailbreak phones [19:33] <schock> lindows: get to it. [19:33] <TheMiNd> notoriety makes recruiting easier [19:33] <TheMiNd> Thank you media! [19:33] <kjohnson> hey [19:33] <anonysus> So we can participate on someone else's WiFi [19:33] <schock> fuck iphones. droids. [19:33] <AnAnon> Fellow Anons: This saturday on Operation Paperstorm, the site h ttp://anon.wikkii.com will be spammed IRL. The site needs to be made good before then. You can edit without making an account. Go there. Improve the pages. Let the world know the ideas and intent of anonymous. [19:34] <lindows> i just might? be a fun project [19:34] <kjohnson> Akamai is also investigating [19:34] <Coldburn> Recruiting for what though TheMiNd?! [19:34] <kjohnson> Arbor [19:34] <schock> also: j2me so prepaid phones could participate. [19:34] <kjohnson> Edu site [19:34] * no ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [19:34] <kjohnson> University sites [19:34] * Rashvid7564 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Roo ms â ¢ iPhone IRC Client â ¢ http://www.roomsapp.mobi ) [19:34] * rmx ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [19:34] <MassMRDR> @anonirc : if you dont find volunteers i'll do your norwegian danish and french but as for today i have to wake up for the dayjob in 2 hours. ...lol [19:34] <staff> wtf is akamai, is that more of the nerd shit you're talking abou t kjohnson? [19:34] <PLF> Anyone chomping at the bit to fight evil, please consider joining our operation which will commence at 11:59 PM Pacific Time Thursday - December 1 6, 2010 in the Ops Center (located in our forum). The operation will contiinue u ntil the "Peace Camp 8" are freed. I won't clutter this forum with details, plea se visit the Peoples Liberation Front web site for all the details. http://PLF77 7.limewebs.com and sign up for the Forum at http://PLF777 [19:34] <PLF> .proboards.com only registered members can get to the Ops Center ( chat room) to participate. If your bored during the OpAnon cease fire this is a real good way to burn off that energy and fight for a good cause. [19:34] <TheMiNd> Coldburn: raids, protests, rallies [19:34] <TheMiNd> revolts [19:34] <kjohnson> Akamai is the largest hosting site [19:34] * wHiTeHand ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [19:35] <TheMiNd> what is Akamai investigating? [19:35] <ink> akamai has all the hot japanese girls [19:35] <kjohnson> 77000 servers [19:35] <staff> oh, im just using AOL. [19:35] * isoz ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:35] <staff> i thought that was cool [19:35] <Coldburn> Hmmm [19:35] * euphorisch ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: euphorisch ) [19:35] * incognia ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ex-Chat ) [19:35] <MassMRDR> akamai is owned by amd,right? And i mean owned,not 0Wn3d [19:35] * amnotamouse ([email protected]) Quit ( Input/output error ) [19:35] <TheMiNd> wait, kjohnson what are they investigating... are they trying to de-streisand shit? [19:36] * incognia ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [19:36] <ColdKill3r> Hahaha [19:36] <kjohnson> Im not an Op, I think Ops should avoin talking [19:36] <Coldburn> This room is losing numbers by the day! [19:36] <staff> good [19:36] <kjohnson> just trolls [19:36] * xampu ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [19:36] <ColdKill3r> Is it? [19:36] <staff> anyone who cares is staying [19:36] <ink> what's trolls? [19:37] <tmp> They eat billy-goats. [19:37] <staff> those little guys with jewels in their bellybuttons [19:37] <mufasa> :) [19:37] <anonysus> Don't forget that there are individuals here with more resour ces than just a single flooding computer running LOIC. [19:37] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [19:37] <@[Radio]> RadioPayback is now OFFLINE :( [19:37] <BoumBADABoum> how will you keep/distribute sensitive info then ? [19:37] * joedigidy ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping ti meout ) [19:37] <PLF> Yes, Staff. The hardcores and the trolls ! [19:37] <staff> what got 3600 ppl in here? [19:38] * anonas ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:38] <kjohnson> just trolling [19:38] <anonysus> How are we going to keep Joe Lieberman from calling the ISP t hat this server runs on? [19:38] <staff> distros are already in place [19:38] <@e> hi [19:38] <PLF> Staff, the news cycles is what got them here. With no targets down ed, no news. [19:38] <Moss> hello [19:38] <kjohnson> ops should be quiet [19:38] <staff> umm, newscycles before shit happened? [19:39] * ThePrince ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:39] <kjohnson> and be more careful (Jeronz0r) [19:39] <PLF> I guess I misunderstood you./ [19:39] <staff> there was a motivating factor yes. but all the news came afterwa rds [19:39] * R0oT ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [19:39] * [Radio] ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [19:39] <MassMRDR> @anonysus: we operate by the speed of light,they operate by t he speed of law...dont worry about lieberman calling a hoster. [19:39] <kjohnson> look [19:39] <anonysus> I was joking. [19:39] * nekoT is now known as nekoT|afk [19:39] <staff> wtf was that cartoon dog that lieberman is like [19:39] * [Radio] ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [19:39] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +o [Radio] for #OperationPayback [19:39] <Coldburn> Assange is out tomomorow? [19:39] <@e> meh [19:40] * Aethermx ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [19:40] <PLF> Coldburn we can only pray. [19:40] * R0oT ([email protected]) has left #OperationPay back () [19:40] * BongHitz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [19:40] <TheMiNd> Guys, it is the BRITISH that are keeping him in [19:40] <TheMiNd> http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/12/sweden-denies-efforts-keepassange-jail/?hl=en [19:40] * deckard ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [19:40] <staff> unless they're just trying to appease their people [19:40] <kjohnson> Pandalabs is analizing the code of the botnets [19:41] <MassMRDR> @anonysus : woops,my joke detector was having hiccups there t hen :P [19:41] <kjohnson> they want to trace it [19:41] * ThePrince ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [19:41] <PLF> I dissagree TheMind, the brits wanted to let him go - the swedes a ppealed. It's why I led that raid on the prosecutors site. [19:41] <kjohnson> look [19:41] <kjohnson> Im spanish [19:41] <anonysus> oh shit kjohnson [19:41] <kjohnson> Luis Corrons is Spanish [19:41] <ColdKill3r> Hey, hey! Wait! Just one sec, guys. Who know the Flicker Ac count's owner for the operation PaperStorm? [19:41] <anonysus> are you tell ime that they're DECOMPILING OUR BOTS? [19:41] <ink> nope the swedes did not appeal [19:41] <kjohnson> I superior on this [19:41] <ink> british did [19:41] <kjohnson> you arent [19:41] <kjohnson> you dont speak spanish [19:41] <kjohnson> I do [19:42] <ColdKill3r> Johnson, you do? [19:42] <staff> chinga guey! [19:42] <Coldburn> TheMiNd, the British have let him go and said 'the case is no t even rape in British law' [19:42] <kjohnson> Of course [19:42] <kjohnson> hombre [19:42] <Coldburn> The swedes are holding it up! [19:42] <kjohnson> The most of here dont [19:42] <PLF> Yep. [19:42] <anonysus> No. [19:42] <ColdKill3r> Johnson, You do what? Hahaha! [19:42] <TheMiNd> http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2010/dec/15/julian-assange-bai l-decision-uk [19:42] <anonysus> The CIA is telling them both to point the finger at each othe r. [19:42] <PLF> But you were here Coldburn, we saquashed there flippin' site into DUST ! [19:43] <PLF> Fuckers. [19:43] <TheMiNd> gah the sad thing is thats halfway believable [19:43] <MassMRDR> oh noes!!!! dont touch the bots!!!! :( theyre innocent!!!! ( they really are,by law...except in north korea where it is illegal to be connect ed to the net in the first place.....but thats another story....) [19:43] <staff> who knows what the truth is but its just finger pointing now [19:43] <schock> anonysus: yup [19:43] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [19:43] <anonlalo> So Coldburn, british let him go? When? [19:43] <staff> he's still there [19:43] * Cody ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [19:44] <anonlalo> thought so [19:44] <allan> yea that is what I thought. That he is still in jail [19:44] * Iphonesucks ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.ano nops.net ) [19:44] * ink ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [19:44] <anonysus> As long as he is in jail, any amount of fucking up, administr ative slowness, red tape douchebaggery keeps him there. [19:44] <BoumBADABoum> where can i find botsd [19:44] <anonlalo> That's why a warning was put out [19:44] <anonlalo> they have 48 hours [19:44] * Anonymous9 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:44] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h Anonymous9 for #OperationPayback [19:44] <anonlalo> had [19:44] <Coldburn> I'm reading the article that was posted anonlalo, sorry for n ot replying instantly. [19:44] <anonlalo> it's on in like 15 now i think [19:44] <j0fr3> material para impressão em português para o #PaperStorm no Brasil http://ow.ly/3pYu0 [19:44] <Cody> I had some keilbasa and sauerkraut I AM HAPPY [19:44] * Baphomet ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [19:45] <Coldburn> Last I heard it was the swedes holding him up, with bail bein g granted in a British court. [19:45] <Tux-02001501> Sup anonymous9 [19:45] <Coldburn> This article is news to me. [19:45] <MassMRDR> @boumbada : who are the bots? you are the bot...your parents are bots...your friends,co-workers....yadayada etc.... [19:45] <staff> then it was appealed [19:45] <%Anonymous9> Tux-02001501: How's it going? [19:45] <anonysus> The powers that be don't ever want this case seen through due process because then they will have nothing for which to hold him for. [19:45] <Coldburn> Yes but it was reported that the Swedes have reported it. [19:45] * anonzerozero ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anonzerozero ) [19:45] * anonzerozero ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [19:45] <Coldburn> appealed it* [19:45] <Coldburn> Assanges lawyer outside the court 'The swedes blah blah blah' was the last I heard. [19:45] * GeorgeDush ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Geo rgeDush ) [19:45] <allan> lol [19:45] <staff> yes, so he's still in jail! [19:46] <allan> yea [19:46] * signhere ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [19:46] <BoumBADABoum> i dont know mutch about bots y just woud like to read one but ok .. [19:46] <Coldburn> Yes...due to the appeal. [19:46] * gwz ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:46] <%Anonymous9> Tux-02001501: Check out the 'other' server [19:46] <pope`> http://www.crownoffice.gov.uk/ - these are the faggots that be [19:46] * tux79 ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [19:46] <Tux-02001501> Hmm? [19:46] <Coldburn> On what grounds can they deny bail? What case are the CPS fig hting? [19:46] <Coldburn> Political influence no doubt. [19:46] * signhere ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:46] <staff> its a surprise! just like the sex [19:47] <allan> cause there the governmnet [19:47] <TheMiNd> Moore was right, why isn't he out yet [19:47] <allan> government [19:47] <TheMiNd> he paid bail [19:47] * freax ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ex-Chat ) [19:47] * GeorgeDush ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [19:47] <pope`> only half the cash has been raised [19:47] <anonysus> CPS is appealing bail [19:47] <kjohnson> the assholes of the daily telegraph [19:47] <anonysus> because he is a threat to pretty young women everywhere [19:47] <pope`> so either way he wouldnt be out yet anyway [19:47] <staff> pope: where did you get that info? [19:47] <Coldburn> Funny anonysus [19:47] <pope`> what info? [19:47] <staff> last i heard it was all raised [19:47] <allan> http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/12/assange-rape-accuser-cia-ties / [19:47] <staff> that only half [19:47] <TheMiNd> http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/dec/13/wikileaks-mervy n-king-bank-bailout?DCMP=EMC-thewrap08 [19:47] <Coldburn> CPS is appealing on behalf of America, prior to extradition. FACT. [19:47] <kjohnson> Sweden is an ultra-feminFisting country [19:47] <TheMiNd> Bank Bailout planned 6 months ahead of time [19:48] <pope`> you dont just pull £250000 out a ceral box [19:48] <allan> lol [19:48] <Coldburn> Yes, it is still being gathered. [19:48] <Coldburn> It has to be cash remember [19:48] <pope`> mark stephens reported it sometime yesterday [19:48] <anonysus> When he gets out there's going the be a thousand women lined up to jump on his naked cock, which I guess is a crime in some countries? [19:48] <TheMiNd> He'd have it by now [19:48] <TheMiNd> oh WAIT we can't use our credit cards [19:49] <staff> i want sources [19:49] <TheMiNd> anonysus: white haired babies running around everywhere in a f ew years [19:49] <allan> lol [19:49] * Vanon ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [19:49] <staff> if you cant link me im calling bs [19:49] * L-Ron-Hubbard ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [19:49] * annonyana ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [19:49] <allan> thats good staff and? [19:49] * Tux-02001501 ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [19:49] * tgtmundo ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [19:50] <pope`> well thats fine [19:50] * Tux-02001501` ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [19:50] * |W3rW0lf| ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [19:50] <L-Ron-Hubbard> meh [19:50] <pope`> wait and see later today [19:50] <pope`> :) [19:50] <staff> the only thing i can find that matches what you state is from 2 days ago [19:50] * wHiTeHand ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: bye! ) [19:50] * riviera ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [19:50] <allan> look harder [19:50] <staff> link me [19:50] * beave ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:50] <staff> im not the one claiming [19:50] <allan> no research [19:51] <staff> the burdon of proof is on you [19:51] * |W3rw01f| ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [19:51] <%Anonymous9> Trivette: You around? [19:51] * k0mplk2 ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [19:51] <kjohnson> The security analysts have an interview with one such cowboy, who is herding a claimed 1,300-machine botnet, who added that a friend of his a lso contributes a 30,000-strong zombie herd [19:51] <@Trivette> always [19:51] <allan> well I don't do research for others [19:51] <kjohnson> what and idiot [19:51] <%Anonymous9> Trivette: PM [19:51] <staff> allan: wasnt talking to you anyway [19:51] <anonysus> holy fuck we got zombies now guys! [19:51] <staff> :) [19:51] * alf ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:51] * overninethousand ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client ) [19:52] <anonysus> fuckin' a, fuck this bot shit [19:52] <anonysus> give me zombie info [19:52] <allan> well I put my 2cents in [19:52] <Ohelig> hmm [19:52] <staff> !kick allan [19:52] * ColdKill3r_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [19:52] <kjohnson> stupid reporter from the registry [19:52] <mufasa> lol [19:52] <schock> anonysus: zombie android army next weapon in cyberwar :P [19:52] <allan> lol at staff [19:52] <Ohelig> I wonder if Time got a shitton of anti ddos stuff ready, thinki ng we would rage at them for making zuckerberg poty [19:52] <staff> :) [19:52] * mythuca ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [19:52] <staff> hot springs [19:52] <L-Ron-Hubbard> god damn this rectal itching! [19:52] <MassMRDR> If a private corporation can block access to your funds and p ayment services for a crime you havent been convicted for and by doing so obstru cting you to raise the funds for a proper defense and/or bail money for that sam e crime you havent been convicted for ....then it is time to ask if they didnt a cquire too much power...being a "force" that the people did not elect........... any democratic government that tries to avoid answering [19:52] <BongHitz> i just have about 10-20 servers shelled [19:52] <allan> arkansas [19:52] <anonysus> kjohnson: does it say anything about how he got the zombies t o breed? I never thought that possible. [19:53] <allan> ? [19:53] <staff> math and science [19:53] * Neo-S ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [19:53] * Bltzkrg ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ik ga weg ) [19:53] * ink ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:53] * h3ckbyt3 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [19:53] <kjohnson> hey but that probes some of you cane be very big-mouthed [19:54] * Tred ([email protected]) Quit ( Input/output error ) [19:54] <Brickwall> MassMRDR I completely agree [19:54] <kjohnson> can* [19:54] * llardo ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [19:54] <anonysus> Is the government afraid of what he's going to do once bailed out? Maybe release a few more damning cables? [19:54] * Tred ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:54] <allan> or that AES file [19:54] * paranoid ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [19:54] * Trivette sets mode -o Trivette for #OperationPayback [19:54] <anonysus> I was under the impression that wikileaks didn't need assange to function. [19:54] <annonyana> AES? [19:54] <staff> insurance [19:55] * tr4um ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [19:55] <L-Ron-Hubbard> Bank of America is shitting themselves waiting for the r eleases that cover their crimes [19:55] * incognia ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ex-Chat ) [19:55] <kjohnson> hey [19:55] <anonysus> right right [19:55] <kjohnson> Wikileaks should leak the cable of Bank of America [19:55] <riviera> they will [19:55] <L-Ron-Hubbard> It taught the fucks at BofA to destroy their hard drives when their crime bosses throw their computers in to the trash [19:55] <anonysus> I think Assange is taking this all in stride. [19:56] <kjohnson> that's one the most destructive cables [19:56] * hackbyte ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [19:56] <staff> BAC is already fucked if the countrywide morgages end up staying on their balance sheets [19:56] <anonysus> wait, they got that dumpster diving? [19:56] <Coldburn> The CPS is being used by the U.S government, like a puppet. [19:56] * wHiTeHand ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [19:56] <anonysus> That's old school man. [19:56] * gwz ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [19:56] * gwz ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:56] <anonysus> I have a device in my office that splits hard drives in two. It looks like one of those can crunchers. [19:57] <L-Ron-Hubbard> anonysus: 5 gigabytes of data was retrieved from a BofA executive's computer, the supposition is that it was not stolen but that he thre w the thing in to the trash. Only Wikileaks colunteers knows for sure how they g ot the evidence [19:57] <anonysus> hahaha [19:57] * ColdKill3r ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [19:57] <anonysus> http://www.datasecurityinc.com/degausser/diskdrivedestruction _db4000.html [19:57] * mt1mma ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: leaving ) [19:57] <L-Ron-Hubbard> ! i can't wait ! [19:57] * kjohnson slaps anonysus around a bit with a large trout [19:57] * Kez ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [19:57] <MassMRDR> I think the aes is keeping Assange alive.....the moment the s ecurity is published there is nothing more to keep them from operation "hang him in the highest tree" [19:57] <k0mplk2> xenu creator +1 [19:57] <kjohnson> arrogant [19:57] <Brickwall> Did Mark Suckerberg really get Time's Person of the Year? [19:57] <kjohnson> yesh [19:57] <L-Ron-Hubbard> MassMRDR: yes, AES256 is keeping him alive, i don't doub t it [19:58] <riviera> yes :facepalm: [19:58] <L-Ron-Hubbard> Time Magazine must weigh more than public votes, then. [19:58] <k0mplk2> suckerborg? [19:58] <Kez> apparently. [19:58] <staff> they had judges [19:58] <k0mplk2> god [19:58] <staff> after the pub vote [19:59] <staff> they had some dumbass on nbc nightly going on about facebook [19:59] <riviera> assange got 380k votes, suckerberg only 18k [19:59] * dec ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [19:59] <L-Ron-Hubbard> Just like the Supreme Court voting the Christian terrori st Bush #2 in to office despite the actual citizen votes [19:59] <Brickwall> And some how he made 'more news'? [19:59] <Coldburn> like Assange was ever going to win it, he's responsible for 9 /11 and global warming. [19:59] * murder ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [19:59] <anonysus> I believe time.com is a target for tomorrow? [19:59] <%Anonymous9> L-Ron-Hubbard: Time were, most likely, put under pressure by some politician. [19:59] <staff> ;-) [19:59] <riviera> nah [19:59] <staff> fuck time [19:59] <L-Ron-Hubbard> LOL! [19:59] <L-Ron-Hubbard> More news? [19:59] <kjohnson> that is just stupid [19:59] <%Anonymous9> *coughcough Joe Liberman coughcough*** [19:59] <riviera> who cares time? [19:59] <TheMiNd> Do you guys understand this? [19:59] <TheMiNd> We are fighting for freedom of speech [19:59] <kjohnson> lots of news [19:59] <%Anonymous9> Guys, once again, we can't ddos a media company [19:59] <Coldburn> ^ [19:59] <L-Ron-Hubbard> Did Suckerburg ever get hounded like a Lost Beetles sing er? [20:00] <TheMiNd> I think our main political alignment falls under "anarchy" [20:00] * sharpie ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [20:00] <%Anonymous9> IF we ddos the media for speaking their mind, however unpl easant they might be towards us, we are the ultimate hypocrites [20:00] <anonysus> I saw a link to something advertising it for tomorrow at some time. [20:00] <%Anonymous9> And every outlet in the world will say so [20:00] <Brickwall> Did I invent Suckerberg? [20:00] <k0mplk2> wasnt scary when g w bush was in the facebook lounge talking l ike in his own home with suckerborg? [20:00] <kjohnson> just kick the people obssesed with that idea [20:00] <TheMiNd> i know the individuals may not feel like anarchists, but as ag roup [20:00] <%Anonymous9> The media tend to stick together. [20:00] <TheMiNd> anarchy is an ideal here, we don't have leaders [20:00] <MassMRDR> Anyway ....they better have aes-all-new-and-improved-2nd-edit ion before they release the one they have... [20:00] <riviera> whay �Anonymous9 said [20:00] <%Anonymous9> We ddos one news site, every other news site will turn aga inst us in an instant and call us enemies of freedom [20:00] <L-Ron-Hubbard> DDoS doesn't work anyway. gets attention but then someth ing is needed for the payload, something like Leakspin [20:00] <TheMiNd> anarchy means NO ONE can force their will on another [20:00] <TheMiNd> and that includes speech [20:01] <mufasa> lol at Brickwall [20:01] <TheMiNd> the moment we start wielding our power to attack the speech of another [20:01] <Raphael> Yeah it would demerit us, a free-speech activist group, if we attacked outlets of free-speech... [20:01] <TheMiNd> we become no better than the pigs who have called for julian's assassination [20:01] <Coldburn> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqJAYae8bPw watch this documen tary! [20:01] <annonyana> i agreed with TheMINd [20:01] <kjohnson> DDoS is the most stupid thing we could do [20:01] <anonysus> some group on this server was mentioning it Anonymous9 [20:01] <L-Ron-Hubbard> yeps [20:01] <Kez> better ideas needed [20:01] <k0mplk2> well right now we re cryptoanarchist [20:01] <Kez> brainstorm! [20:01] <anonysus> maybe not affiliated with Anon [20:01] <kjohnson> against media site [20:01] <unknown> any1 good in finding old programs? or having usenet or somethi ng? I realy need serv-u it seems to be it got removed frmo the internet :( [20:01] <k0mplk2> probably anarchist primitivists [20:01] <TheMiNd> it would only serve to further reinforce the media's idea that we are just a blind nerd-herd rampaging through the internet [20:01] <L-Ron-Hubbard> I keep wanting to crack Pentagon computers but that's ju st me. Ha! [20:01] <TheMiNd> from now on our attacks need to be precise [20:01] <Coldburn> Assanges cell in guantanamo is being prepared, with Evian wat er being shipped in for specialist waterboarding. [20:01] <sharpie> kjohnson: so what else could have been done for the last 3 mon ths? [20:01] <anonysus> wait, we arent? [20:01] <TheMiNd> they need to be calculated [20:02] <k0mplk2> at least we side with noam chomsky [20:02] <kjohnson> the media is extremely ignorant [20:02] <Kez> @anonysus nice one. [20:02] <%Anonymous9> anonysus: Mentioning what? [20:02] <k0mplk2> and lots of smart ppl too [20:02] <kjohnson> some sites say we took down amazon [20:02] <k0mplk2> hmm... [20:02] <riviera> fuck cnet -> http://news.cnet.com/8301-13577_3-20025778-36.htm l?tag=blogs;theSocialBlog [20:02] * riviera was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Watch yo ur language!) [20:02] <TheMiNd> Remember, if you go out ddosing on your own [20:02] <annonyana> fuck noam chomsky, mikhail bakunin! [20:02] <sharpie> we did [20:02] <TheMiNd> if you run Operation One-Man [20:02] <fathed> serv-u? hahah, thats a program i havent heard of in a looooooo oong time. who are you trying to trojan? [20:02] <TheMiNd> then there is ONE ip address in lieberman's log [20:02] <Coldburn> British CPS being leaned on by the American government - its not a story anywhere. Shocking. [20:02] * riviera ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [20:02] <MassMRDR> dont attack time.....with dos...... spill the net with the f acts......making their once so prestigious "man of the year election" no more th an a beauty pagant where the parents of the winning ugly duck are in the jury... .suit's em right! [20:02] <sharpie> kjohnson: we did [20:02] <unknown> why would i trojan someone whit a servu lol [20:02] <TheMiNd> ONE ip address spammed in the time.com archive [20:02] <L-Ron-Hubbard> chomsky is an extremist loon, conspiracies everywhere [20:02] <Coldburn> War of infomation is being lost! [20:03] <TheMiNd> This entire thing is about information [20:03] <%Anonymous9> kjohnson: You're not Irish by any chance, are you? O_o [20:03] <TheMiNd> information is our weapon [20:03] * anon08970 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Verla ssend ) [20:03] <TheMiNd> LOIC is only a tool [20:03] <ggrowler> imo, email Time's editor [20:03] * SleepySleep ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection rese t by peer ) [20:03] <k0mplk2> well chomsky is smarter than all of us [20:03] * Wolfy ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [20:03] <L-Ron-Hubbard> TheMiNd: exactly, that's why leakspin is such a good ide a, trying to foirce these fucking media to cover the news [20:03] * paranoid ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Saliendo ) [20:03] <TheMiNd> i'd like to hear his opinion on all of this, k0mpik2 has he sa id anything? [20:03] <j0fr3> i´d love to see some intelligent prank by anonymous, involving soc ial engineering and all [20:03] <k0mplk2> in a power brute sense [20:04] * Kez ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Page clos ed ) [20:04] <TheMiNd> I'm eating dinner, then I'm going to bed [20:04] <kjohnson> of course not!!! Im Spanis!!!!! [20:04] <TheMiNd> I have a social engineering project in the works for tomorrow [20:04] <k0mplk2> chomsky is with us [20:04] <staff> GB? [20:04] <k0mplk2> of course [20:04] <TheMiNd> one based on my understanding of cognitive psychology [20:04] <j0fr3> wow, neat [20:04] <unknown> find serv-u for free speach!! all hlp me lol [20:04] <L-Ron-Hubbard> I can't wait until Assange is released and gets back on to the Intertubes. His first comments should be amusing, if not informative. [20:04] * yop ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:04] <unknown> i googeled like 2 hours now [20:04] <L-Ron-Hubbard> Any word on his release? [20:04] <pope`> dude [20:04] <j0fr3> we should come up with an intricated plan [20:05] <Vlad> TheMiNd and that one IP address is VPN muhha [20:05] * Keep ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:05] <BongHitz> i'm waiting on a target to get set...i think i can do a lil b etter than ddos [20:05] <TheMiNd> Let me explain something to you guys who are calling for the m edia to be attacked [20:05] <anonysus> do tell [20:05] <anonysus> no wait, don't [20:05] <L-Ron-Hubbard> ha [20:05] <TheMiNd> I've said this before, and you'll hear it again [20:05] <j0fr3> it´s possible to do so much more, but not without some planning [20:05] <%Anonymous9> BongHitz: Elaborate? [20:06] <Keep> Hi Guys [20:06] * mufasa ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ChatZil la 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014] ) [20:06] <TheMiNd> we had a spin in the works. we may have been able to take dow n mastercard much harder, without getting as much bad press, if that spin had ta ken hold [20:06] <L-Ron-Hubbard> TheMiNd: nobody is going to attack media outlets [20:06] <kjohnson> hey guys [20:06] <allan> anonops was good at first but lost the planning soon after that. Everyone stated doing there own thing and the ops changed to [20:06] <staff> unknown i found [20:06] <BongHitz> im in my second year of college for computer information...so basically just looking for a hole in whatever the target is [20:06] <staff> that's the lowest i see [20:06] <TheMiNd> that spin was that we were blocking the front pages of busines ses who had attacked wikileaks, as a form of protest [20:06] * tp ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [20:06] <unknown> i need or lower [20:06] * faceoff ([email protected]) has left #OperationPay back [20:06] <TheMiNd> But SOME people went off on their own and DDoS'd palin, and le gal sites, and etc. [20:06] <anonysus> I was all excited. now not so much. [20:07] * tp ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayb ack (Leaving) [20:07] <kjohnson> ww could have fun DDoSing Hugo Chavez this craxy dictator are plannin censor all the internet [20:07] <kjohnson> he is pretty funny [20:07] <TheMiNd> And the media can't tell who is is HIVEMIND and who is Project One-Man [20:07] <sharpie> who is we TheMiNd you weren't here when we started on masterca rd [20:07] <Vlad> No we will not attack any media even it is stupid censored bias ed thing [20:07] <%Anonymous9> TheMiNd: We've been getting overwhelmingly positive press over the last two weeks [20:07] * annonyana ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [20:07] * nekoT|afk is now known as Token [20:07] <anonysus> any news is good news [20:07] <MassMRDR> anyways...well over bedtime here .... the masses will have t o wait another day to receive their free murder (offer might not be completely f ree depending on your area of residence) [20:07] <%Anonymous9> At least in Ireland and the UK [20:07] <TheMiNd> Anonymous9: In the US its harder [20:07] <%Anonymous9> We're being heralded as cyber activists who are taking up a cause [20:07] <kjohnson> extremely good news here in Spain [20:08] <L-Ron-Hubbard> the *citizens* of the US are with Wikileaks, any way [20:08] <sharpie> fuck the us [20:08] <%Anonymous9> TheMiNd: But in the US it would always be harder since so many in the US absolutely despise wikileaks [20:08] <anonysus> Actually I think we're being called hackers. or hacktivists o r w/e [20:08] <kjohnson> cause everybody here loves tpb [20:08] * ihm ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:08] <TheMiNd> just remember: every time you attack a private individuals rig ht to free speech, you are doing the exact same thing we are supposed to be figh ting against [20:08] * SeamusM ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [20:08] <TheMiNd> and if anything is ever going to change [20:08] <sharpie> no one gives a fuck about that failed state [20:08] <kjohnson> suspicious [20:08] <allan> agree with TheMind [20:08] <kjohnson> no way [20:08] <BongHitz> any1 who does something out of the norm with a computer is a hacker 2 these people [20:08] <TheMiNd> then it can't just be that our generation just steps right bac k into tyranny [20:08] <Keep> @themind: I also saw that.. and i really thought, that it was wri ng... Attacking small sites and this all... [20:08] <anonysus> Isn't Scientology free speech? [20:09] <%Anonymous9> TheMiNd: We're not attacking free speech by ddosing though . [20:09] <kjohnson> hackers are good people [20:09] <k0mplk2> well we have chomsky but he is a pacifist man and that s not t he problem, the problem is he reach not only intelectuals but worst psi students hahhaah [20:09] <j0fr3> how many of you consider the illuminati factor? [20:09] <kjohnson> I know a lot of them [20:09] <L-Ron-Hubbard> scientology is organized crime [20:09] <staff> scientology free??? lol [20:09] <TheMiNd> Anonymous9: By attacking their websites and outlets for free s peech, by attacking SarahPAC, we were [20:09] <j0fr3> the ppl behind assange arrestment and media and scientology are the same [20:09] <BongHitz> i need a smoke...interesting convo going on though [20:09] <TheMiNd> I don't buy the media's story that by attacking Mastercard we somehow hurt their freedom of speech [20:09] <kjohnson> DDoS Hugo Chavez epic LULZ I SWEAR!!! [20:09] * gunther ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:09] <%Anonymous9> TheMiNd: We didn't go for anyone who only spoke out [20:10] <TheMiNd> I don't fucking buy that corporations HAVE freedom of speech [20:10] <%Anonymous9> TheMiNd: We went for people who actively attempted to cens or wikileaks [20:10] <kjohnson> yesh sure [20:10] <TheMiNd> Anonymous9: right now if I threatened to kill a public figure, I'd have the NSA knocking down my door [20:10] <L-Ron-Hubbard> Scientology is not classified as a religion in the Unite d States, it is classed as a charity. Scientology is classed as organized crime in a number of countries, including Germany and Spain. The FBI have Scientology classed as organized crime. Interpol refuses to say how they class the enterpris e. [20:10] <PLF> TheMiond has it, damn right and a corp is NOT a person either. [20:10] <anonysus> corporations legally have all the rights that individuals do [20:10] <anonysus> they pay for it [20:10] <%Anonymous9> TheMiNd: Lieberman was a valid target. He's the douche who has actually been forcing mastercard, paypal et al to stop supporting WL [20:10] <TheMiNd> b/c they expect us to get violent [20:10] <j0fr3> this is NWO X ppl, and nowadays the NWO owns preetty much EVERYT HING on the Media and communications and governments [20:10] <kjohnson> they are doing bussines in China, that paradise of freeedom s peech [20:10] <anonysus> a corporation is a citizen of the state [20:10] <SeamusM> Violence is the tool of the uninspired [20:11] <TheMiNd> SeamusM is correct [20:11] * anon99558928 ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [20:11] <L-Ron-Hubbard> Any way, Scientology made it personal, so the response w as on the same level [20:11] * SleepySleep ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [20:11] <%Anonymous9> TheMiNd: He can say what he likes, but he can't DO what he likes. If he wants to condemn wikileaks that's fine by me, but the minute he be gins actively trying to enforce his talk on the internet, he is attacking the ve ry freedom of the internet itself. [20:11] <staff> NWO?? alex jones just called [20:11] <sharpie> neither when we attacked Gene Simmons [20:11] <sharpie> remember that? [20:11] * anon99558928 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Pa ge closed ) [20:11] <Keep> @TheMind: Are there Freedoms of Speech? I guess not. So WE are he re to be sure,that there IS a freedom of Speech... in the net...... [20:11] <sharpie> here on this chan [20:11] <j0fr3> yeah, alex jones knows about it [20:11] <sharpie> did we deny his speech [20:11] <staff> he's a nutcase [20:11] <TheMiNd> Anonymous9: So we get creative. We go out and find dirt on th e guy. We bug him some other way that doesn't involve silencing his voice and g oing against the values that we are supposed to be fighting for [20:11] <j0fr3> and he´s just talked witha a hacker in the last show [20:11] <SeamusM> Anonymous9: Whos is the "he"? [20:12] <sharpie> he had multiple places to express himself [20:12] <j0fr3> he´s not, the world is a nutcase [20:12] <%Anonymous9> SeamusM: Joe Liberman [20:12] <SeamusM> Lol [20:12] <SeamusM> Hes a joke [20:12] <L-Ron-Hubbard> Seriously, who listenes to Alex Jones or actually believ es that loon these days? [20:12] <allan> is he we [20:12] <%Anonymous9> SeamusM: All of the companies who withdrew support from WL said they had been threatened in letters from him [20:12] <staff> apparently j0fr3 [20:12] <SeamusM> Droopy dog has no power [20:12] <j0fr3> illuminati are real [20:12] <staff> droopy dog!!! that's who i was trying to think of earlier [20:12] <SeamusM> Lol [20:13] <j0fr3> just do your homework [20:13] <L-Ron-Hubbard> Lieberman, the second against the wall when the revoluti on comes. :) [20:13] <kjohnson> Internet is becoming useless [20:13] <k0mplk2> hmmmm [20:13] <anonysus> who's the first? [20:13] <staff> homework includes being objective and not believing everything y ou read [20:13] <TheMiNd> Anarchy means no one person may force their will upon another. If we're gonna say that anonymous is anarchy, then it should be anarchy [20:13] <SeamusM> No, no revolution--change [20:13] * Tux-02001501` ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [20:13] <k0mplk2> not bad idea [20:13] <TheMiNd> otherwise we're just kidding ourselves [20:13] * Anon777 ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection rese t by peer ) [20:13] <sharpie> what staff says [20:13] * Tux-02001501 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [20:13] <Keep> Can i interrupt you? To bring something up? [20:13] <TheMiNd> playing anarchists. [20:13] <kjohnson> just look the way facebook & twitter censor everything about us [20:13] <L-Ron-Hubbard> change we can believe in? LOL. See how that worked? [20:13] * Anon777 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [20:13] <TheMiNd> we can wear trenchcoats and smoke behind the high school [20:14] <Cody> ooo we're all bored [20:14] <staff> Fuck yeah [20:14] <Keep> Can i interrupt you? To bring something up? [20:14] <sharpie> this operation is not anarchy [20:14] <k0mplk2> I d like my grandfa was anarchist during 20s [20:14] <TheMiNd> L-Ron-Hubbard: actually we discussed scattering pennies on the whitehouse lawn [20:14] <sharpie> and don't kid yourselves it is [20:14] <L-Ron-Hubbard> LOL! pennies [20:14] <TheMiNd> L-Ron-Hubbard: Giving obama his change back [20:14] <k0mplk2> well all his life i guess [20:14] <sharpie> people own theserevers [20:14] <L-Ron-Hubbard> ROFL [20:14] * Polter ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [20:14] <sharpie> and there is a #command chan [20:14] <j0fr3> if u don´t know the illuminati agenda you be played and manipulate d freely, u just don´t have a clue who the enemy is, lol [20:15] <sharpie> so how can it be an anarchic state? [20:15] <kjohnson> Many critics of Time's Person of the Year choice pointed out the fact that a popular-opinion poll for the same distinction gave the title to the contentious Julian Assange, founder of information dissemination site WikiLe aks--a hero to some and an alleged terrorist to others [20:15] <kjohnson> Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13577_3-20025778-36.html #ixzz18Ezm0Tuv [20:15] * kjohnson was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Watch y our language!) [20:15] <TheMiNd> sharpie: if command did something that none of us liked, we wo uld all leave. [20:15] * sneg55 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [20:15] <TheMiNd> and we'd go use another IRC server [20:15] * Coldburn ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [20:15] <@[Radio]> RadioPayback is now ONLINE! Tune in at: http://radio.tritnaha .com/listen.m3u [20:15] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - Combat with 0 of 0 listeners ( 0 unique) at 128 kbps [20:15] <TheMiNd> and another websites [20:15] * Coldburn ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [20:15] <AnonymousIRC> lol talking in chinese to someone on twitter, using googl e translate [20:15] <AnonymousIRC> it's horrible [20:15] <sharpie> TheMiNd: hmm [20:15] <sharpie> op is dead [20:15] * Coldburn ([email protected]) has left #OperationPa yback [20:15] <TheMiNd> command is not forcing Anonymous to work with them [20:15] * kjohnson ([email protected]) has jo ined #OperationPayback [20:15] <GeorgeDush> put this anywhere, please http://operationpaperstorm.blogsp ot.com/ [20:15] <staff> if its dead then why are you here? [20:15] <L-Ron-Hubbard> Keep: well? fucking soew it already, fag! [20:16] * yop ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [20:16] <L-Ron-Hubbard> doo eeet [20:16] <allan> u can only blame the illuminati for so long. If anything that th ey want happen is are fault. We (the people) have done nothing to stop them from getting what they want. Sooner or later the blame with be are fault for letting happen and not doing more about it. [20:16] <%Anonymous9> Check this out guys [20:16] <%Anonymous9> Epic interview [20:16] <AnonymousIRC> because #op is THE PAAAAARTY channel! [20:16] <PLF> Hey cool, the Radio is back ! [20:16] <sharpie> but the chan can and is pushed in a direction [20:16] <TheMiNd> sharpie: in war, if you don't give your troops time to rest, y ou will lose. [20:16] <SeamusM> I know I don't have much pull round here, but can we get away from conspiracy theories (NWO, 9/11, Illuminati) [20:16] * paranoid ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [20:16] * TTAGuest4534128 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:16] <%Anonymous9> First interview I've seen which seems to really "get" how we operate, Sky News [20:16] <%Anonymous9> Not sure who the guy is, his name in this IRC I mean :P [20:16] <%Anonymous9> http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Technology/Cyber-Warriors -Anonymous-Internet-Insurgents-Who-Support-Julian-Assange-And-WikiLeaks/Article/ 201012315856259?lpos=Technology_News_Your_Way_Region_8&lid=NewsYourWay_ARTICLE_1 5856259_Cyber_Warriors%3A_Anonymous_Internet_Insurgents_Who_Support_Julian_Assan ge_And_WikiLeaks [20:16] <BongHitz> <3 conspiracy theories [20:16] <kjohnson> cnet is comparing Assange with OSama Bin Laned!!!!!! [20:16] <staff> TheMind: yes you DO! [20:17] <staff> how many times you been to iraq/ [20:17] <staff> ? [20:17] <kjohnson> laden* [20:17] <AnonymousIRC> kjohnson: what'S new? [20:17] * MassMRDR ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [20:17] <anonysus> Yeah don't forget that Time named Adolf Hitler 'Man of the Ye ar', twice, and also Josef Stalin. [20:17] <j0fr3> it´s not theories deuce, just do your research, it´s happenin below ur nose [20:17] <TheMiNd> staff: none [20:17] <allan> I have been 2 time just to let yall no [20:17] * gk ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [20:17] <kjohnson> just read the disgusting article on cnet [20:17] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - Fight With Tools with 13 of 51 00 listeners (13 unique) at 128 kbps [20:17] <allan> know [20:17] <staff> We rested plenty ;-) [20:17] <k0mplk2> hmmm anarchy is ephemera , but bring some maturity and reflex ion to societies [20:17] * TTAGuest4534128 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: reboot ) [20:17] <L-Ron-Hubbard> baby killer, baby killer [20:17] <anonysus> Time is really good at fucking up when it comes to choices fo r that title. [20:17] <staff> blow me! [20:17] <TheMiNd> staff: reread what i said you misunderstood ;) [20:17] <anonysus> I believe Bush was chosen as well. [20:17] <PLF> New PLF web site, for all you regulars who are just DYING to know what the PLF crap is all about. http://PLF777.limewebs.com awesome new forum there to - http://PLF777.limewebs.com [20:17] * pantsu ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [20:17] <k0mplk2> refresh [20:18] * Rp ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [20:18] <TheMiNd> anonysus: there is no "illuminati" ok, no secret organization circle jerking on K street. [20:18] * Clith ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping ti meout ) [20:18] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +o Trivette for #OperationPayback [20:18] --HostServ-- Your vhost of lol.lol.lol is now activated. [20:18] --NickServ-- Status updated (memos, vhost, chmodes, flags). [20:18] <Keep> For every German who doesn´t know about wha it is going about: http ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVo6nJTZ7D8 Hope you enjoy it. ! [20:18] * Coldburn ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:18] * BNG ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [20:18] <j0fr3> who needs to rest when all they do is clicking a FIRE button? lo l [20:18] <SeamusM> How about when Time picked "You" lol lazy [20:18] <TheMiNd> There is, however, a power triangle here that wikileaks is rev ealing [20:18] <j0fr3> are a mason TheMind? [20:18] <anonysus> So next year might be the yeark Mark Zuckerberg turns evil an d uses facebook against us. [20:18] <kjohnson> I hate facebook [20:18] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - Jet Pack with 14 of 5100 liste ners (14 unique) at 128 kbps [20:18] <j0fr3> are u a mason, TheMind? [20:19] <kjohnson> never use that [20:19] <TheMiNd> Have you had your risperdol today, buddy? [20:19] <staff> lol@masons [20:19] <riviera> GeorgeDush: is there a reason for say "we are anonymous" in ev ery paper? [20:19] * pack ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeo ut ) [20:19] <%Anonymous9> kjohnson: Got a link to the CNET link? [20:19] <%Anonymous9> riviera: It's a slogan of sorts [20:19] <%Anonymous9> We are anonymous, We are legion, etc [20:19] <GeorgeDush> yes [20:19] <riviera> yeah but.. [20:19] <k0mplk2> suckerborg since 5 five years has give up facebook to the inte l council !!! [20:19] <GeorgeDush> we are anonymous, lol [20:19] <riviera> is a bit dull if you use every time [20:19] <staff> j0fr3 do you know the dif between prince hall and washington mas ons? [20:19] <SeamusM> riviera: Its a mantra [20:19] <PLF> We Are Anonymous - We Are Legion - We Are Every Where - We Never F orget - We Never Forgive [20:20] * pantsu ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [20:20] <PLF> :-) [20:20] <L-Ron-Hubbard> "expect us" is better, more sinister. ha [20:20] <%Anonymous9> riviera: Think of it like the slogan you'd see at the top of every political manifesto, like Obama's "Hope and Change". That's ours. [20:20] * xain ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [20:20] <j0fr3> how can some one say there ISN´t a conspiracy? conspiracys are jus t different people acting to cause some stuph, this is basic and commom practice [20:20] <k0mplk2> hey PLF what do you think? [20:20] <PLF> About what ? [20:20] <%Anonymous9> L-Ron-Hubbard: I try only to use "expect us" when it's a d eclaration of intent [20:20] <staff> you're spouting alex jones and going on about masons [20:20] <k0mplk2> we bring them all this shit govt down to hell? [20:20] <staff> thats why [20:20] <%Anonymous9> as in when we're announcing something we're going to do [20:20] <L-Ron-Hubbard> %Anony: that makes sense, yep [20:20] <j0fr3> what so weird about a world conspiracy? is that SOOOO impossible ? get real, dude [20:20] * send ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:21] <riviera> imo you are more anonymous if you don't say that you are Anony mous [20:21] <PLF> Komplk What do I think about what ? [20:21] <anonysus> I'm surprised that no one has told the media that we have 'ov er 9000' flood bots. [20:21] <L-Ron-Hubbard> j0fr3: thing is, they don't need a conspiracy. the rich white corporate elite commit their crimes out in the open, no need for a conspir acy [20:21] <j0fr3> l ron u are being naive [20:21] <TheMiNd> L-Ron-Hubbard: thats what I was just about to say [20:21] * ihm ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: bedtime ) [20:21] <j0fr3> do your homework [20:21] <staff> naive is believing everything you read [20:21] <Tux-02001501> Its kind of like our battle cry, yknow [20:21] <j0fr3> and research about it [20:21] <j0fr3> don´t jsut say nuisance [20:22] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - Mayday!!! with 12 of 3700 list eners (12 unique) at 128 kbps [20:22] <TheMiNd> naive is believing that "research" involves reading the writin g of paranoid schizophrenics off websites with animated GIFs and frames [20:22] * AnAnon ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [20:22] <j0fr3> you dont know my sources, bozo [20:22] * anonas ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [20:23] <mamba> I lol'd [20:23] <SeamusM> We need to boil off the conspiracy theorists. They discredit u s. [20:23] <j0fr3> u r just asleep in ignorance and therefor bliss [20:23] <L-Ron-Hubbard> j0fr3: ha! How? The fucks contionue to express the war c rimes and treason fully out in the open, there's no need for them to form secret conspiracies [20:23] <j0fr3> enjoy it while you can [20:23] <PLF> I believe with regard to world conspiracies that there is no maste r conspiracy, just over lapping circles of greed. And they arte not after some m ystical bullshit but straight up money and power and fuck all of us. [20:23] <staff> themind: wtf you mean i cant be up for 3wks on meth reading abou t the NWO? [20:23] * k0mplk2 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [20:23] * NoParking ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon -mIRC www.anonops.net ) [20:23] <L-Ron-Hubbard> greed is all it is [20:23] <PLF> Yep. [20:23] * anonas ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:23] <sharpie> I like George soros btw [20:23] <TheMiNd> its all greed, hunger for power. [20:23] <allan> agree [20:23] <PLF> Yep. [20:23] <sharpie> and I'm not trolling [20:24] <%Anonymous9> So basically, who wrote this and is it legit? [20:24] <%Anonymous9> http://www.blogcdn.com/www.urlesque.com/media/2010/12/anon 711chan.png [20:24] * Tux-02001501 ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [20:24] <TheMiNd> Any society will gradually turn into this, unfortunately [20:24] <SeamusM> All it takes is one NWO truther to make 100 look like kooks [20:24] <TheMiNd> Anonymous9: it showed up on 4chan, probably a troll [20:24] * Tux-02001501 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [20:24] * send ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [20:24] <staff> Anonymous: ive seen it for days and sounds trollish to me [20:24] <sharpie> Anonymous9 total shite [20:24] <TheMiNd> Althought I was high when I read it [20:24] <TheMiNd> and so i freaked paranoid [20:24] <L-Ron-Hubbard> Soros is an ass. He gave millions to Scientology because he thought they were being persecuted by Germany. 2 years later Soros admitted he fucked up. [20:24] <%Anonymous9> staff: How long? [20:24] <j0fr3> well plf, that´s exactly the most convenient believe for the ppl w ho controls your world, why are you here? u think u are a fighter but you don´t ha ve a clue [20:25] <PLF> Thats Jesters work for sure. I got a c-note says so. [20:25] <sharpie> a week [20:25] <sharpie> I see it for [20:25] <TheMiNd> You want a conspiracy theorie, here's one for you.... j0fr3 [20:25] <%Anonymous9> The financial times alleges that "Senior members of Operat ion Payback have deserted the movement in recent days amid fears of an internati onal sweep by feds" or something like that [20:25] <TheMiNd> Panda Labs, the company that has been monitoring this channel [20:25] <j0fr3> dude, there´s no theory [20:25] <j0fr3> lol [20:25] <TheMiNd> is RUN by scientology [20:25] * anon12435 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [20:25] <L-Ron-Hubbard> LOL! "senior members" [20:26] <j0fr3> i don´t doubt it [20:26] <PLF> Yeah ok jofr or whatever. I don't have a clue you just keep believ ing that if it makes you feel or sleep better. [20:26] <BoumBADABoum> as there are so deferent beople how joint anon for so dif ferent reason. the best way to be power full is to work only as a group on the c ommon point and leave the difference to an other battle or feld [20:26] <sharpie> link fot that Anonymous9 [20:26] <sharpie> about FT [20:26] <L-Ron-Hubbard> TheMiNd: yes, Panda is a Scientology company [20:26] <riviera> lol [20:26] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - Rise with 15 of 5100 listeners (15 unique) at 128 kbps [20:26] <L-Ron-Hubbard> I love it. "Senior members of Anonymous" ROFL [20:26] <PLF> Anyone chomping at the bit to fight evil, please consider joining our operation which will commence at 11:59 PM Pacific Time Thursday - December 1 6, 2010 in the Ops Center (located in our forum). The operation will contiinue u ntil the "Peace Camp 8" are freed. I won't clutter this forum with details, plea se visit the Peoples Liberation Front web site for all the details. http://PLF77 7.limewebs.com and sign up for the Forum at http://PLF777 [20:26] <PLF> .proboards.com only registered members can get to the Ops Center ( chat room) to participate. If your bored during the OpAnon cease fire this is a real good way to burn off that energy and fight for a good cause. [20:26] <sharpie> well panda labs have been in #commnad from the start [20:26] <anonysus> I'm just here for the cool radio. [20:26] <sharpie> well panda labs have been in #commnad from the start [20:26] * incognia ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [20:27] <sharpie> true^ [20:27] * BarelyThere ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [20:27] * Xenu_vlc ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [20:27] <anonysus> I don't know what Wikileaks are but I want some for Christmas . [20:27] <SeamusM> Whats pandalabs? [20:27] * AnonymousTrueGov ([email protected] et) has joined #OperationPayback [20:27] <PLF> Let me ask you something Joker or whatever, you got a site this ni ce ? If so shoot a link so we can compare. http://PLF777.limewebs.com [20:27] * allan ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [20:27] <staff> "net monitor" shit [20:27] <sharpie> an anti virue firm [20:27] * allan ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [20:27] <SeamusM> Ahh [20:27] <sharpie> with a blog [20:27] <sharpie> and a couple of journos [20:28] * Cesar ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [20:28] <staff> Miscavage bots [20:28] * skld_ ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback (-) [20:28] * skld ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback ( -) [20:28] <BoumBADABoum> a blog ? [20:28] <j0fr3> mmm sorry plf i´m not a site maker [20:28] * k0mplk2 ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [20:28] <j0fr3> gonna check yours tho [20:28] * Xenu_vlc ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [20:28] <%Anonymous9> sharpie: You have to be a subscriber [20:28] <sharpie> with one of them documenting it [20:28] <sharpie> no [20:28] <L-Ron-Hubbard> panda is a spin-off of the old "disk keeper" company tha t was caught in Germany. the scientology company's software was shipped with eve ry copy of Windoze, and infiltrated/suspected computers were winding up in milit ary installations. [20:28] <sharpie> oh [20:28] <sharpie> to the FT [20:28] <sharpie> ok [20:28] <PLF> I just love flamers. What flamers don't understand about me is I a m the biggest asshole I know. You can't flame the sun asshole ! [20:28] <@Trivette> Trust sharpie [20:29] <%Anonymous9> sharpie: PM for a sec [20:29] <L-Ron-Hubbard> The Germany government denmanded that Scientology softwa re not be permitted in any government office [20:29] <sharpie> nah [20:29] * Dixo ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:29] * Raphael_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [20:29] <sharpie> kay [20:29] * Finn-Riggins ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [20:29] * Raphael_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Raphael_ ) [20:29] <riviera> Somebody must to modify LOIC to looks like a virus/worm, so if some authority seize you computer you can argue that you didn't know about that tool [20:29] * lindows ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayb ack [20:29] * Finn-Riggins ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:29] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h Finn-Riggins for #OperationPayback [20:29] <L-Ron-Hubbard> Panda, by the way, started out trying to sue people for "defamation" after they were discovered to be a Scientology crime syndicate fron t. After the documents hit the 'net, the fucking crooks stopped sueing people fo r exposing their ties to organized crime. [20:30] <AnonymousTrueGov> Greetings All. Sorry to interup any convo going down, but I wish to share a video with all. [20:30] * ToMz ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [20:30] <staff> is it porn? [20:30] <AnonymousTrueGov> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8OEqP5g00Y [20:30] <AnonymousTrueGov> No [20:30] <L-Ron-Hubbard> teats or fuck off [20:30] * tabs ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:30] <L-Ron-Hubbard> staff: lol. exactly. [20:30] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - No W with 15 of 5100 listeners (15 unique) at 128 kbps [20:30] <BongHitz> they said that the anti viri companys already added loic to s how as malware [20:30] * kanadabis ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [20:30] * Clith ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [20:31] * __ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:31] <L-Ron-Hubbard> teats or waste of time [20:31] <BoumBADABoum> i always forget to put wood in the fireplace .....damn sh it its dead! [20:31] <riviera> BongHitz: I dont have antivirus software [20:31] <riviera> so.. :) [20:31] * [B]R0T35k0[R] ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: IRcap 8.6 ) [20:31] <BongHitz> just saying....most of us run linux i hope [20:31] * ATSystems ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [20:31] <staff> Anonbot in that vid has a lisp [20:31] * Keep2 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:32] <riviera> I am running arch linux right now ;P [20:32] <AnonymousIRC> 30% that visit anonnews are on linux. [20:32] <Keep2> reeee [20:32] <AnonymousIRC> 52% windoze [20:32] <k0mplk2> most of us run linux???? i thought was BeOS??? [20:32] * spanky ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:32] <L-Ron-Hubbard> where's anonnews? [20:32] <Coldburn> No one knows [20:32] * Keep ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [20:32] * Dixo laughs out loud [20:32] <kjohnson> Windows Vista rocks!!!! [20:32] <anonysus> What about the .01% that have browser string 'fuck off' ? [20:32] <L-Ron-Hubbard> LOL [20:32] * Dixo 's iPod touch is now playing the Song Will You Return? from The A vett Brothers [20:32] * Dixo was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Don't use b olds on this channel!) [20:32] * Gargamelle ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [20:33] <riviera> BeOS 5 PE ftw [20:33] * Dixo ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:33] * schock ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [20:33] <Gargamelle> hi [20:33] * bluec0w ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [20:33] <L-Ron-Hubbard> i subscribed to you jews channels, dozens of them called anon news in a variety of ways [20:33] <kjohnson> MACFREAKS [20:33] * blackflag ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [20:33] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - One Love with 15 of 5100 liste ners (15 unique) at 128 kbps [20:33] <AnonymousIRC> L-Ron-Hubbard: www.anonnews.org [20:33] <@Chitty> http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/wikileaks.png [20:33] <@Chitty> http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/wikileaks.png [20:34] * IRCop ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:34] <AnonymousIRC> yesterday's news. :p [20:34] <k0mplk2> fuck , and worst , i was think in openBsd until i saw the new about the fbi backdoor [20:34] <staff> Someone's gettin backtraced [20:34] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [20:34] <Keep2> What is the current twitter account of anaon @twitter? [20:34] <@Chitty> http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/wikileaks.png [20:34] <k0mplk2> thinkin sorry [20:34] <riviera> lol [20:34] <L-Ron-Hubbard> AnonymousIRC: thanks. interesting, it's even kept curre nt. <snerk> [20:34] <AnonymousIRC> L-Ron-Hubbard: sure, we're working hard on it. soon it wi ll be multi-langual [20:34] <Keep2> What is the current twitter account of anon @twitter? [20:34] <sharpie> what is the problem with scientology? [20:34] <Vanzetti_> Man getting loic to run on iPhone is a hassle [20:34] * luc007 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [20:34] <AnonymousIRC> Keep2: which one? heh.. there are dozens. [20:35] <sharpie> I'm srs btw [20:35] <TheMiNd> sharpie: they lie to you to get you to join [20:35] <k0mplk2> they re bad ppl [20:35] * gk ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ChatZilla 0. 9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014] ) [20:35] * TheLaughingMan ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit : buh-bye ) [20:35] * pantsu ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [20:35] * TheLaughingMan ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:35] <sharpie> hhm [20:35] <staff> seperate families [20:35] * anonrob ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [20:35] <sharpie> like my society doesn't? [20:35] <TheMiNd> sharpie: imagine being told that you're a sinful person, but w e're not going to tell you WHY until you give us 250, 000 dollars [20:35] <k0mplk2> not like a stupid society [20:35] <BongHitz> find a site w/ a php dos shell...that should work on iphone [20:35] <Gargamelle> vanzetti_ after that plese continue with symbian :) [20:35] <Keep2> @AnonymousIRC: The official ;) [20:35] * Dixo 's []iPod touch[] is now playing the Song []Will You Return?[] fr om []The Avett Brothers[] [20:35] * anon44906153 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Page close d ) [20:35] * Dixo 's []iPod touch[] is now playing the Song []The Ballad Of Love An d Hate[] from []The Avett Brothers[] [20:35] <sharpie> sounds like the catholic church tbh [20:35] * BsECTORiZED ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [20:35] <k0mplk2> yes [20:35] * anonrob ([email protected]) has left #Operation Payback [20:36] <TheMiNd> and after you pay them, its like you get the creation story of adam and eve from genesis [20:36] <staff> how much does the catholic church charge you to attend? [20:36] <sharpie> or physciatry [20:36] <k0mplk2> more expensive [20:36] <AnonymousIRC> Keep2: there is no "official" in anonymous. anyway, most followers probably is @anonops. but mine is more interesting to read :) [20:36] * kanadabis ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [20:36] * waklu ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [20:36] <L-Ron-Hubbard> That web site's difficult to read, alas. [20:36] <L-Ron-Hubbard> formatted badly, i mean. [20:36] <SeamusM> Fuck scientology. The super powers are our concern noq [20:36] * level7337 ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [20:36] <AnonymousIRC> L-Ron-Hubbard: #anonnews [20:36] <SeamusM> *now [20:36] * Coldburn ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [20:37] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: The Flobots - Happy Together with 14 of 5100 listeners (14 unique) at 128 kbps [20:37] <Keep2> Tell me "yours" then please... If you´re a kind :) [20:37] * Bakoenin ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: We are Ano nymous, We are everywhere, maY tHe FOrCE bE wItH yOu ) [20:37] <AnonymousIRC> Keep2: simple: @AnonymousIRC :) [20:37] * anon45263053 ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [20:37] <Keep2> How EASY :D ;) [20:37] <Vanzetti_> Yo I just got a pm from someone claiming o be from comcast? [20:37] <staff> haha [20:38] <Vanzetti_> Bullshit? [20:38] <Gargamelle> is Assange free already? [20:38] <staff> what's their name? [20:38] * pantsu ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [20:38] * ATSystems ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [20:38] <SeamusM> Vanzetti_: So much bullshit [20:38] <L-Ron-Hubbard> comcast, lol. here comes the partyvan [20:38] <Vanzetti_> Internees? [20:38] * Dixo laughs out loud [20:38] <Gargamelle> What is comcast? [20:38] <AnonymousIRC> Vanzetti_: ask for their number.. and call back ;) [20:38] <Cody> O.o [20:38] <Moss> hope assange join us soon :) [20:38] <L-Ron-Hubbard> Gargamelle: apparebtly no, not yet. [20:38] * Dixo ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Rooms â ¢ iPhone IRC Clie nt â ¢ http://www.roomsapp.mobi ) [20:38] <Vanzetti_> Internetz? Is the user [20:38] <Cody> Assange is not going to join us -.[20:38] <Cody> Ever [20:39] <allan> ? [20:39] * Jeffm ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [20:39] * sharpie ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: bamp ) [20:39] <L-Ron-Hubbard> Gargamelle: compast is like a tier 2 telecommunications corporation, very large money, very good security people [20:39] <Moss> But he can [20:39] <Moss> it's a possibility [20:39] <Kerosene> Assange is gonna have his hand full trying to keep a bullet o utta his mug [20:39] <anon45263053> thats true [20:39] <L-Ron-Hubbard> yep. [20:39] * BsECTORiZED ([email protected]) has left #Operatio nPayback [20:40] <staff> He'll just be a martyr [20:40] <L-Ron-Hubbard> he needs Presidential-level security [20:40] <anon45263053> bloody yanks have got it in for him for sure [20:40] <SeamusM> Indeed. WikiLeaks is trying to legitamize itself as a viable m edia outlet. We're just radicals [20:40] <k0mplk2> oh oh oh i forgot [20:40] <anon45263053> also true [20:40] <Vanzetti_> He was fucking with me [20:40] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - Same Thing with 14 of 5100 lis teners (14 unique) at 128 kbps [20:40] <Vanzetti_> I'm too gullible [20:40] <k0mplk2> have you read about some kind of air force general calling to execute Manning? [20:40] * jackson ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [20:41] <SeamusM> Told you [20:41] * mooq ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [20:41] <L-Ron-Hubbard> SeamusM: ironically, Wikileaks has managed to show that Wikileaks is the more viable, legitimate news source. the mainstream get their n oses rubbed in their own shit by refusing to actually cover the news. [20:41] <staff> no? [20:41] <Gargamelle> I know the leaks have been released as torrents, but what i s the status or the trackers/seeders? I had read people havin probles with that. .. [20:41] <TheMiNd> consider the shit storm that assange has managed to start alre ady with just a few leaks [20:41] <SeamusM> L-Ron-Hubbard: Truth [20:41] <Keep2> Just a Question.... Mostly for our american guests.... : [20:41] <TheMiNd> that insurance file has something BIG in it [20:41] * tr4um ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [20:41] <SeamusM> TheMiNd: I hope so [20:42] * BongHitz ([email protected]) has left #Operatio nPayback () [20:42] <TheMiNd> The nose tap means "I'm in on the con" [20:42] <L-Ron-Hubbard> TheMiNd: it probably contains the Band of America docume nts [20:42] <TheMiNd> he tapped his nose while he was in the van [20:42] <Keep2> Do YOU think, that IRAN has the "A-Bomb"? [20:42] <staff> Keep2: no [20:42] * BongHitz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [20:42] * crack00r ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [20:42] <SeamusM> Does anyone actually have the file? [20:42] <staff> seamus: yes [20:42] <L-Ron-Hubbard> i have a copy. 138 gigabytes [20:42] * allan ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [20:42] <riviera> yup [20:42] <SeamusM> Damn [20:42] <Redundance> The insurance file does contain shit on a big bank [20:42] <TheMiNd> L-Ron-Hubbard: http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/dec/13/ wikileaks-mervyn-king-bank-bailout?DCMP=EMC-thewrap08 [20:42] <L-Ron-Hubbard> i've been mailing to to n00bs who don't do BT [20:42] <Keep2> I want answers dudes ;) [20:43] <Redundance> I cracked it on my iPhone [20:43] <staff> its insurance for a reason [20:43] <Redundance> The password is "onion" [20:43] <L-Ron-Hubbard> SeamusM: do you want a copy? I'll send it to you right n ow via DCC [20:43] <%Dwaan> whats is ap2p? [20:43] <staff> lol dont! [20:43] <%Dwaan> my peerblock says detected ap2p on smartbroadband [20:43] <AnonBuddha> What do you guys think about this news story about the guy who shot up the school board meeting, loved V for Vendetta? Do you think it's pr opaganda? [20:43] * HeadSet ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:43] <k0mplk2> anal pimp to pimp [20:43] * BongHitz ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ChatZ illa 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014] ) [20:43] <SeamusM> Lol I'm on an iPod touch, I would though! [20:43] * BNG ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:44] <L-Ron-Hubbard> ROFL! that'll raep your iPod [20:44] * jackson ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [20:44] <j0fr3> wow, where u from buddha [20:44] <Cody> I raep you all [20:44] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - We Are Winning with 15 of 5100 listeners (15 unique) at 128 kbps [20:44] <L-Ron-Hubbard> cody: would you, please? thanks. [20:44] <Kerosene> So any bets on how long Assange will last after he's out? [20:44] <TheMiNd> AnonBuddha: no it wasn't. we need to distance ourselves from that symbol [20:44] <j0fr3> which app are u in seamsusm [20:44] <Cody> I have already [20:44] <Cody> I dont want seconds though [20:44] <Redundance> over 9000 [20:44] <Cody> sorry [20:44] <Redundance> seconds [20:44] <L-Ron-Hubbard> Kerosene: a week ago i gave him 6 months to live, tops [20:44] <TheMiNd> Kerosene: they're driving the popemobile up from the Vatican t o transport him around [20:44] <SeamusM> Colloquy j0fr3 [20:44] <Keep2> AnonBuddha [20:44] <Cody> I own. [20:44] <Cody> the popemobile [20:44] <Kerosene> lol really? [20:44] <Cody> Yes [20:45] <Redundance> Awesome [20:45] <j0fr3> thanx seam [20:45] <incognia> Many people are traveling at this time, would be great to ann oy http://www.tripadvisor.com/ [20:45] <k0mplk2> ??? [20:45] <Keep2> I saw it here in Germany onTV... Looks like he was really erm... . [20:45] <L-Ron-Hubbard> lol! popemobil. free candy. pedobear approves. [20:45] <TheMiNd> incognia: yeah lets annoy the very people whose hearts we need to win [20:45] <Keep2> Have no words for it.... [20:45] <staff> @dwaan, amazon? [20:45] * anon45263053 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Page cl osed ) [20:45] <Redundance> Well do it. With pyloris and a couple zombies you'll do it [20:45] <Gargamelle> Brb [20:45] <TheMiNd> incognia: and attack something that doesn't have ANYTHING to d o with our goals [20:45] * Gargamelle ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [20:45] * Tux-02001501` ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [20:45] <TheMiNd> Operation One-Man! [20:46] <SeamusM> And I wouldn't worry about Assange, he was underground well be fore he released the diplomatic cables...he'll be a damn ghost once hes free [20:46] <Kerosene> I knew somehow they would turn this into some kind of biblica l prophecy... [20:46] <L-Ron-Hubbard> Operation: Lone Wolf [20:46] <blackflag> http://www.operationprotest.com/ [20:46] * Tux-02001501 ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [20:46] * swede71 ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [20:46] <k0mplk2> pylorus? [20:46] <L-Ron-Hubbard> SeamusM: he might not get clear to make it to the underg round once he's released [20:46] <blackflag> ris [20:46] <k0mplk2> duodenum? [20:46] <k0mplk2> joking... [20:46] <TheMiNd> War is peace [20:46] <Redundance> google it [20:47] <TheMiNd> ignorance is strength [20:47] <TheMiNd> abstinence is sexy [20:47] <Redundance> sudo google it [20:47] <SeamusM> Peace is war [20:47] * allan ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [20:47] <staff> Anal is awesome [20:47] <j0fr3> lol [20:47] <k0mplk2> hahhaah [20:47] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - Something Grown Together with 17 of 5100 listeners (17 unique) at 128 kbps [20:47] <wHiTeHand> bye [20:47] <staff> ciao [20:47] * jerthebear ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [20:47] * wHiTeHand ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: bye! ) [20:47] <j0fr3> hasta [20:47] <anonysus> I like how most of the leaked cables have all these capital l etter header fields. [20:47] * crack00r ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [20:48] <SeamusM> Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the pr esent controls the past. [20:48] <anonysus> You just know that some out of work COBOL programmer really f ucked up. [20:48] * anonklas ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [20:48] * defq0n- ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:48] * otto_de ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [20:48] * Pito ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [20:48] * realzaggin ([email protected]) has joine d #OperationPayback [20:48] * x2x1 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [20:48] * AD05 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:48] * anon ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:48] * DeLaTchonga ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:48] * realzaggin ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [20:48] * tate ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:48] <L-Ron-Hubbard> i'm late for my enema. by, all [20:48] * L-Ron-Hubbard ([email protected]) has left #OperationP ayback [20:48] * jamkam ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:48] * L-Ron-Hubbard ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [20:48] * miaow ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [20:48] * L-Ron-Hubbard ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [20:48] <staff> giver a squirt for me [20:48] <Redundance> Enema actually [20:48] * D3S7R0X ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [20:48] * x2x1 ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayb ack [20:48] * goosehappy ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [20:48] <k0mplk2> i m lost , so who controls CObol control the future? [20:49] <staff> haha [20:49] <staff> yes [20:49] <k0mplk2> i know it! [20:49] * schock ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [20:49] <tate> hey [20:49] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - The Moon with 16 of 5100 liste ners (16 unique) at 128 kbps [20:49] <staff> i think you meant kabul, afg though [20:49] <Redundance> Graphical user interfaces are a lie [20:49] <k0mplk2> cobol is big brother [20:49] * anonklas ([email protected]) has left #OperationPay back [20:49] <anonysus> All of these cables came from a mainframe no doubt. [20:49] <schock> LOL speaking of operation LOICDroid http://generativesocialnetw orking.com/ [20:49] <k0mplk2> yes GUI are so, so out [20:50] <schock> anonysus: bluetooth exploit [20:50] * Dixo ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:50] <staff> lol @ george bush preacher dude [20:50] <anonysus> schlock: hmm? [20:50] * running-out-of-nicks ([email protected]) has joi ned #OperationPayback [20:50] <anonysus> Is that how manning got them? [20:50] <tate> so i guess you guys DDOS a lot of sites? [20:50] <staff> no ddos [20:50] * Dixo 's iPod touch is now playing the Song All My Mistakes from The Av ett Brothers [20:50] <anonysus> tate: I've installed DOS on a lot of computers. [20:50] <schock> anonysus: re ideas for LeakApps [20:51] <Redundance> Let's quickly and easily bog down your phone to the state o f permanent unresponsiveness [20:51] <schock> HAhaha [20:51] <Redundance> And violate your privacy with the touch of a button [20:51] <Redundance> It's easy - it's free [20:51] * _1981 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [20:51] * blackflag ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [20:51] <staff> push my buttons and you can violate me [20:51] * BongHitz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [20:51] <tate> fffuuu im trying to find some people to help me take down my coll eges website [20:51] <schock> Redundance: joke much? [20:51] * blackflag ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [20:52] <staff> tate, wrong place [20:52] <staff> go look elsewhere [20:52] <anonysus> tate what's your college? [20:52] <k0mplk2> but DOS 32bit or 64 ? [20:52] <Redundance> That's what the GSN page told me from its front page [20:52] <staff> tate is in the uk [20:52] <k0mplk2> ahahah [20:52] <tate> yes [20:52] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - The Rhythm Method (Move!) with 18 of 5100 listeners (18 unique) at 128 kbps [20:52] <k0mplk2> yes i d like Tate museum [20:52] * Tux_withAShittyconnection ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [20:53] <Keep2> Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence [Hands and Feets Remix] :D [20:53] * Tux-02001501` ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [20:53] <Redundance> Hi I'm Jeff Tate, let me tell you about this stupid piece o f shit that doesn't even fucking work [20:53] * infoterrorist ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:53] * AD05 ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [20:53] * mskany ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [20:53] * mskany ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayb ack [20:53] <staff> Jeff Goldblum died! [20:53] <k0mplk2> noooo [20:53] <k0mplk2> really? [20:54] <tate> so why'd you ask if it was in the UK? [20:54] <infoterrorist> how? [20:54] <staff> noone asked [20:54] * Dixo ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Rooms â ¢ iPhone IRC Clie nt â ¢ http://www.roomsapp.mobi ) [20:54] <TheMiNd> staff: did he catch norovirus? [20:54] <k0mplk2> how works the irc commands? i will try [20:54] <tate> my bad lol [20:54] <k0mplk2> !Feds [20:54] * D3S7R0X ([email protected]) has left #OperationP ayback [20:54] <staff> i think he got molested by a raptor [20:54] * KMiLo ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [20:55] * defq0n- ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [20:55] * defq0n- ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [20:55] * InboundVoodoo ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [20:55] * nigs ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [20:55] <blackflag> <k0mplk2> not only [20:55] * TupacSmoker ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping tim eout ) [20:55] * nigs ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [20:55] * KMiLo ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: IRcap 8.6 ) [20:56] <staff> ooh we have a new one speaking up [20:56] <@Trivette> new one? [20:56] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - There's A War Going On For You r Mind with 20 of 5100 listeners (20 unique) at 128 kbps [20:56] <staff> new friends [20:56] <infoterrorist> jeff goldblum is not dead [20:56] <staff> he's not??? [20:56] <infoterrorist> no [20:56] <staff> :( [20:56] <infoterrorist> it's a hoax [20:56] <staff> you're lying [20:56] <schock> holbrooke is dead though [20:56] <Vanzetti_> Anyone want to help me out? I want to see If tor is working on my phone. A pm would be appreciated [20:56] <staff> quit pullin my leg [20:57] <staff> poor dick [20:57] <incognia> http://twitter.com/Op_anon is suspended! [20:57] <staff> died [20:57] <k0mplk2> have you ppl read about manning being tortured with AAI and BG wP ? [20:57] <infoterrorist> yep, holbrooke is dead :) [20:57] <TheMiNd> lol i have had hat hair all evening [20:57] <TheMiNd> i look like goku [20:57] <SeamusM> Lol the goldblum hoax was done at the same time MJ died [20:57] <k0mplk2> !NSA [20:57] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Asher Roth - I Love College with 21 of 5 100 listeners (21 unique) at 128 kbps [20:57] <staff> no shit. i figured they'd get the joke [20:58] <anonysus> does twitter have a captcha for account creation? [20:58] <anonysus> I dont have a twitter account, dont know. [20:58] <staff> k0mplk2 how much you wanna bet they're feeding him larium [20:58] <SeamusM> No [20:58] * spanky ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mibbi t.com ajax IRC Client ) [20:58] <incognia> I think not [20:58] <k0mplk2> sad [20:58] <riviera> use status.net [20:58] <riviera> :) [20:58] * BongHitz ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ChatZ illa 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014] ) [20:58] <infoterrorist> we could get revenge on twitter by all creating 100 rand om accounts each [20:58] <TheMiNd> don't fuck with twitter [20:58] <incognia> yep [20:58] <staff> lol disinfoterrorist? [20:58] <TheMiNd> we need twitter [20:59] <k0mplk2> I d like a twitter account [20:59] * defq0n- ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [20:59] <infoterrorist> lol [20:59] <TheMiNd> stop thinking with your brain stem [20:59] <k0mplk2> but i dont trust them [20:59] <SeamusM> Twitter is a great tool [20:59] <riviera> for the CIA [20:59] <incognia> What is the new twitter account? [20:59] <k0mplk2> disinfoterrorist ???? wow [20:59] <infoterrorist> i love twitter - until they suspend my account [20:59] <k0mplk2> is an amazing word [20:59] <staff> funny how the newscorps craved twitter during the iranian issues and now its used for "hackers" [20:59] <k0mplk2> trade mark [20:59] <riviera> infoterrorist: use status.net :D [20:59] <BarelyThere> fuck twitter, if you need it then you're part of the probl em. [20:59] <k0mplk2> quickly [21:00] <k0mplk2> before lieberman or cia [21:00] * internetz (~administr@IRCLOIC) has left #OperationPayback (Left all ch annels) [21:00] <staff> noone needs twitter [21:00] <staff> but it's useful [21:00] * __ ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [21:00] <SeamusM> BarelyThere: We don't need it [21:00] <riviera> (or identi.ca) [21:00] * internetz (~administr@IRCLOIC) has joined #OperationPayback [21:00] * allan ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [21:00] <k0mplk2> i ve read that identi ca censored wikileaks, is that true? [21:00] <blackflag> twitter substitudes incoming soon [21:00] <Redundance> Leakspin may need it [21:00] <infoterrorist> that's not fair - i need twitter cause im a webmaster [21:01] * platoon23 ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [21:01] <riviera> k0mplk2: where did you read that?? [21:01] <k0mplk2> i don t remember was a buzz i guess [21:01] <Redundance> Everyone censors wikileaks [21:01] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Dan Le Sac Vs Scroobius Pip - The Beat T hat My Heart Skipped with 21 of 5100 listeners (21 unique) at 128 kbps [21:01] <riviera> *desinf [21:01] <staff> cept the airforce, they're cool with WL [21:01] <Redundance> What do you expect, they dare say the truth [21:01] <k0mplk2> well we re full of counter infos here [21:02] <blackflag> yep and the navy the NYT :) [21:02] <lrvick1> Everyone here is the proof the us senate website is an easy ta rget: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=YRtWhjRR IPcop maxes out at 2GB of ram. One little ipcop firewall box @ and they are done. THEY are the ones c alling the shots with amazon, visa, mastercard and paypal. AND the media fully e xpects it: http://goo.gl/BnpGk AND everyone voted on it: http://swarm.udderweb. com/1/results/ [21:02] <lrvick1> join #senate to discuss [21:02] <lrvick1> :-) [21:02] <BarelyThere> twitter is for ferkwits who are too lazy to contact thier friends personally, like it was such a bother before they came along [21:02] <k0mplk2> but i enjoyed the psi ops here more, they re so so pattern beh avior [21:02] * K4n0n ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [21:02] * ptitz ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [21:03] * budZilla ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [21:03] <SeamusM> BarelyThere: Or twitter is good to get updates from Anons I do n't know... [21:03] <staff> barelythere: i use twitter and have no IRL friends on my acct [21:03] <budZilla> man... still no target [21:03] <staff> i can be used for more than vanilla applications [21:03] <BarelyThere> what next a voicebox that makes the conversation for you, last millenium we had HIV, this millenium its FAKE [21:03] <staff> *it [21:03] <bluec0w> â â â â â â â â â nothing â â â â â â â â is â â [21:04] * andylyte ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [21:04] * ssss ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [21:04] * CryptoKid ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [21:04] <infoterrorist> i use twitter to broadcast alternative media news storie s [21:04] <SeamusM> BarelyThere: Get of IRC and call each of us to talk... I mean IRC is a lazy man's tool to communicate [21:04] <AnonymousIRC> never really used twitter before. @anonnymousirc is diffe rent though [21:04] <AnonymousIRC> spreading propaganda is fun! [21:04] * Srini ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [21:04] <BarelyThere> as long as they are not critical of the US, infoterrorist [21:04] <staff> partyline1 [21:05] <SeamusM> Lol [21:05] <Srini> / [21:05] * budZilla ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [21:05] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping time out ) [21:05] * shitstorm ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [21:05] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h shitstorm for #OperationPayback [21:05] --Global-- Services are restarting, they will be back shortly [21:05] * Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Quit ( sobriquet.anonops.net services. anonops.net ) [21:05] <infoterrorist> i dont care who get critisised, just as long as its fact ual [21:05] <Cody> BS [21:05] <k0mplk2> so for the govt are we infoterrorits now? right now? I d like a badge with that [21:05] <Cody> stupid services [21:06] <BarelyThere> IRC is not controlled by Pro US corporations [21:06] <@[Radio]> RadioPayback is now OFFLINE :( [21:06] * Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [21:06] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +ao Tony_The_Tiger Tony_The_Tiger for #Operat ionPayback [21:06] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode -h Power2All|SLEEPZ0RZ for #OperationPayback [21:06] <&Tony_The_Tiger> [Isis] INTERGALACTIC PROTON POWERED ELECTRICAL TENTACL â ED ADVERTISING DROIDS!!!! [21:06] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode -o [brother]venuism for #OperationPayback [21:06] <infoterrorist> lol [21:06] * SeamusM ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayb ack [21:06] <infoterrorist> im an infoterrorist :) [21:06] <anonysus> OMGARSH are we being DDOSED? [21:06] <AnonymousIRC> we all are now. [21:06] <yaahman> . [21:07] <internetz> negative [21:07] <internetz> services update [21:07] * IRCop ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [21:07] <k0mplk2> well is better than be a govt infowanker [21:07] <Redundance> Cybertaliban [21:07] <blackflag> :) [21:07] <Redundance> Informational Qaeda [21:07] * sneg55 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [21:07] <BarelyThere> Twitter is deleting accounts that do not break their TOC, just because it's anon related, you must make the choice, keep in touch with my FAKE friends or join the battler [21:07] <Srini> nah [21:07] <Srini> we're far worse than Al Qaeda [21:08] <TheMiNd> we're real. [21:08] <Srini> ^ [21:08] <srek> ^^^^^^^^^^^ [21:08] <Redundance> ^^ [21:08] <blackflag> :D [21:08] * kjohnson ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [21:08] <TheMiNd> btw guys if you haven't seen it [21:08] <TheMiNd> we did make SNL this week [21:08] <k0mplk2> ok dear govt prepare for this dosis of absolute creepy info te rrorism... [21:08] * CryptoKi1 ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [21:08] * exotherm ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [21:08] <infoterrorist> all rebels are terrorists - the founding fathers of th U SA were 'terrorists' because they took up arms against the state. so was oliver cromwell, the founder of the english parliament. [21:08] <%Anonymous9> TheMiNd: Link? [21:08] * CryptoKid ([email protected]) has left #OperationPay back [21:08] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [21:08] * deckard ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [21:08] * [B]R0T35k0[R] ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [21:08] <k0mplk2> the crispy duck of cha cha moon is just amazing [21:08] * Trivette sets mode -o Trivette for #OperationPayback [21:09] <TheMiNd> http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2010/12/15/experts-celebr ity-supporters-julian-assange-completely-misguided/ [21:09] <Srini> The dicks are just amazing [21:09] <srek> wtf^ [21:09] <BarelyThere> if they don't call you a terrorist then you're not doing i t right [21:09] <TheMiNd> of course, they use an old picture of michael, when he was fat ter [21:09] <infoterrorist> lol [21:09] <Redundance> Yes. If Jefferson lived today he'd be at Guantanamo with hi s homies [21:09] <Keep2> IF we are "Terrorsts" the US "could take action" against you.... ;) [21:09] <TheMiNd> and while michael gets a good picture [21:09] * exotherm ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [21:09] <TheMiNd> a portrait [21:09] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: BRB! Reco nnecting ... ) [21:09] <TheMiNd> julian gets a van pic [21:09] * exotherm ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [21:09] <Kerosene> do you think michael moore ever gets laid? [21:09] * [B]R0T35k0[R] ([email protected]) Quit ( servic es.anonops.net (Too many invalid passwords) ) [21:09] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [21:09] <k0mplk2> if jefferson lived today he d died of sadness [21:09] ->> no is [email protected] (no) [21:09] ->> no using belldandy.anonops-irc.com (Belldandy onee-sama) [21:09] ->> no :End of /WHOIS list. [21:09] <riviera> infoterrorist: nah, terrorist is just the new word for comunis t [21:10] * [B]R0T35k0[R] ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [21:10] * CryptoKi1 ([email protected]) has left #OperationP ayback [21:10] <riviera> as pirate is the new terrorist ;P [21:10] <infoterrorist> if like to think of myself as a patriot rather than a te rrorist [21:10] * CryptoKid ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [21:10] * exotherm ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection re set by peer ) [21:10] <TheMiNd> Every generation needs a new revolution." -Thomas Jefferson [21:10] <Redundance> Everyone does. [21:10] * SeamusM ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [21:10] <anonysus> Here's an idea. [21:10] <k0mplk2> yes theminde [21:10] <TheMiNd> A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against h is government. - Patrick Heny [21:10] * exotherm ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [21:10] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Vanzetti_ ) [21:10] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [21:10] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) has left #OperationPay back [21:11] <riviera> good quote [21:11] <anonysus> twitter automatically sends an email during it's account crea tion process [21:11] <Redundance> There is no such thing as good or evil. No us and them. No nothing. There is only action and inaction left [21:11] <k0mplk2> show me your moner - Charles Taylor [21:11] <TheMiNd> we made SNL http://www.nbc.com/?vty=fromWidget_Video&dst=nbc|w idget|NBC%20Video&__source=nbc|widget|NBC%20Video [21:11] <k0mplk2> money sorry [21:11] <bluec0w> Isis why you dont like me? [21:11] <k0mplk2> hahah [21:11] <@[Radio]> RadioPayback is now ONLINE! Tune in at: http://radio.tritnaha .com/listen.m3u [21:11] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Dan Le Sac Vs Scroobius Pip - The Beat T hat My Heart Skipped with 0 of 0 listeners (0 unique) at 128 kbps [21:11] <j0fr3> no good or evil? bs [21:11] * otto_de ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [21:11] <Redundance> Not discernably so [21:11] <BarelyThere> terrorist is just another name for someone who will make y ou pay what you should have been paying for a tank of gas for the last ten years , ever wondered why we in Europe have being payin 3 times more for a tank of gas than people in the US, [21:11] <riviera> anonysus: are you saying to use that for email flood? [21:11] * something ([email protected]) Quit ( serv ices.anonops.net (Too many invalid passwords) ) [21:11] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [21:11] * Raphael ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayb ack [21:11] * Raphael ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [21:12] <Cody> So, what do you think Swedens first suicide bombing reaction went ? [21:12] <@Isis> bluec0w, when did i say that? [21:12] <Keep2> I think in the eye of the american Government, we all are "Terro rists"... Cause be Take place in Places they do NOT have the MAJORITY.. [21:12] <bluec0w> Isis well at least you dont like my propaganda at lounge [21:12] * goosehappy ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leavi ng. ) [21:12] <anonysus> no riviera, flooding email is a crime and I'm saying that no one should attempt it. [21:12] <SeamusM> LOL Tell me this is a bad coincidence: The NY Times reported e arlier that the USG is offering recommendations of what to do in the even of a n uclear attack, and now CNN just published an article about how the US missile de fense failed testing [21:12] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Vanzetti_ ) [21:12] <Srini> i'm actually doing something illegal here :P [21:12] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [21:12] <k0mplk2> before they called commies [21:12] <Srini> tunneling through hacked server [21:12] <Vlad> US cant take action against us - we are sitixens of our country i f your country is still independent [21:13] * bur ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [21:13] <riviera> anonysus: oh yeah I forget that ;D [21:13] <Keep2> They CAN´T belong the Internet.. and THAT "issue" fucks them up ;) [21:13] <k0mplk2> before they called niggers [21:13] * k0mplk2 was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Watch yo ur language!) [21:13] * schock ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: *zzzzz* ) [21:13] <anonysus> one could easily get confused though and put the ceo of twitt er's personal email address in that field [21:13] * gloubi ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: tchi tchi bye ) [21:13] * k0mplk2 ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [21:13] * unanymous ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [21:13] <Redundance> lol nig's a badword [21:13] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: BRB! Reco nnecting ... ) [21:13] <@Isis> bluec0w, #lounge is for anything not related to anything. we don t like spam liek that. especially not when people join just to plug w/e they're plugging. it's nothing personal. you're not banned either. join if you want. [21:13] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [21:14] <staff> and how are you going to get your auth code? [21:14] <@Isis> it's an off-topic chan. [21:14] <GeorgeDush> http://operationpaperstorm.blogspot.com/ [21:14] <GeorgeDush> share it, please [21:14] <@Isis> that's how it is. [21:14] <GeorgeDush> anyhere [21:14] <k0mplk2> lol [21:14] * Streakfury ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping time out ) [21:14] <bluec0w> Isis ok, sry for that [21:14] <%Anonymous9> TheMiNd: Most recent episode? [21:14] <@Isis> np =p [21:14] <bluec0w> Isis =PPP [21:14] * SeamusM ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayb ack [21:14] --Global-- Radio payback is online! http://radio.tritnaha.com/listen.m3u (Open with VLC) | AnonOps Forum is also online: http://www.anonops-irc.org/foru m/ | http://www.anonnews.org/ Not official, but very well done anyway. [21:14] <bluec0w> im not a spammer guy [21:14] <infoterrorist> what our media isnt reporting at the moment is that anot her korean war is looming - could be nulcear - russian armed forces on full aler t [21:14] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Vanzetti_ ) [21:14] <staff> anonyous: if its the one from the jailcell yes [21:14] <staff> the most recent [21:14] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [21:15] * anon12435 ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayba ck () [21:15] <Cody> lol ufailed [21:15] <k0mplk2> i m not sure about a new korea war [21:15] <k0mplk2> to close of china [21:15] <infoterrorist> russia looks fairly sure - fully mobilised! [21:15] * anon778 ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [21:15] * ColdKill3r_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [21:15] <sean_> new korea war? ld oneBarcodeNinja 1 point (+3/-2) 16 minutes ag o[-] [21:15] <sean_> Old one never ended [21:15] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Vanzetti_ ) [21:16] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [21:16] <bluec0w> well chine will make war for oil [21:16] <bluec0w> china* [21:16] <tmp> Manning was just on RT. Shame noone in America watches RT :D [21:16] <bluec0w> they are expand so much and so fast , and they dot have oil. [21:16] <bluec0w> they use more oil day that usa can produce [21:16] <bluec0w> lol [21:16] <Cody> We should annex mexico [21:16] <staff> shame that RT is considered respectable in comparision to US new s now ;-) [21:16] <Keep2> The funny thing is... [21:16] <k0mplk2> hahaahahha [21:16] <Cody> and canada [21:16] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Vanzetti_ ) [21:17] <k0mplk2> mexico hahahah [21:17] <infoterrorist> i watch RT - its on freeview digital here in the UK - th ats how i know russian forces are on full alert [21:17] <staff> i hit their site now and then [21:17] * Redundance ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [21:17] <bluec0w> things is , people say that china need of oil will increase 80 by 2020, but true is that is beginning to hapen already [21:17] <staff> *view [21:17] * riviera ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: leaving ) [21:17] <tmp> I find RT, for the most part, not too bad. [21:17] <staff> guess i should specify in this chat [21:17] <Keep2> They are talking about polish peeps atm... if the could claim E uropean membersip, or not... [21:17] <bluec0w> % [21:17] <k0mplk2> hmm pizza ... [21:18] * k0mplk2 ([email protected]) has left #OperationP ayback [21:18] * __ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [21:19] <anonysus> Whats rt? RealTV? [21:19] * Winian ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [21:19] <yaahman> russia today [21:19] <anonysus> and why are russian forces on full alert? [21:19] * Winian ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Winian ) [21:19] <BarelyThere> Newbies and people who can't code should run an applicatio n that asks them to solve captcha codes, instead of the dumb ass pointless suici dal DDOS stuff, that way people who code can redirect any captcha controls to th e captcha app...result, people who know nothing about PC's can be very useful an d need not identify themselves. [21:19] <Nebukadnezar> are they? [21:20] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Vanilla Sky - Umbrella with 12 of 5100 l isteners (12 unique) at 128 kbps [21:20] <yaahman> korea, tchetchenia, georgia.... [21:20] <Keep2> BEFORE 2012 IT will CRUSH BETWEEN THE EUROPEANS! [21:20] * Streakfury ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [21:20] <yaahman> since the us put missiles into poland they go crazy [21:21] * k0mplk2 ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [21:21] * ThreeRiverz ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [21:21] <Srini> Intercourse [21:22] * schock ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [21:22] <yaahman> this is why they had to kill almost the whole polish governmen t last year [21:22] * schock ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [21:22] <TheMiNd> A message from Mastercard: http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-l ive/video/a-message-from-mastercard/1264524/ [21:22] <anonysus> I think it's because our Glorious Leader Kim Jong Il is playi ng with nukes again. [21:23] <k0mplk2> wow wow hat? [21:23] <k0mplk2> what??? they k'd the polish govt? in the air accident? [21:23] * anon__ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [21:24] <yaahman> you do not remeber the airplane crash of the polish government plane while visiting russia? [21:24] <k0mplk2> yes sure i remember but [21:24] * E2 ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [21:24] <@[Radio]> RadioPayback is now OFFLINE :( [21:24] <blackflag> suspicious [21:24] <k0mplk2> when i said that all ppl say im paranoid so i forgot the affai r [21:24] * exotherm ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [21:24] <TheMiNd> Guys, SNL parody is a huge win for us. [21:24] <TheMiNd> Link it everywhere [21:24] <unanymous> ??? [21:24] <+owen> ? [21:24] <TheMiNd> http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/a-message-from-ma stercard/1264524/ [21:25] <@[Radio]> RadioPayback is now ONLINE! Tune in at: http://radio.tritnaha .com/listen.m3u [21:25] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Billy Joel - We Didn't Start The Fire wi th 0 of 0 listeners (0 unique) at 128 kbps [21:25] <yaahman> kachinsky (killed president) granted to the us to put missile s in poland [21:25] <Keep2> Wer richtig Kohle hat, sollte ab 2012 auf ÖL setzen ;) :D [21:25] <yaahman> russia did not like that [21:25] * leite ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [21:25] * exotherm ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [21:25] <k0mplk2> yes sure they dont [21:25] * anon_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [21:25] <k0mplk2> no cable about that ??? [21:25] <k0mplk2> cause is a big one [21:26] <yaahman> would be fun [21:26] <yaahman> but those cables have to come outta russia [21:26] * anon10585957 ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [21:26] <Keep2> Aber die USA sind dann vin China abhängig.... [21:26] * kaustic ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [21:26] <Keep2> Ohne Druckmitel.... [21:26] <TjaardA> http://www.muppetsonweed.eu/index.php?site=forum_topic&topic=1 199&type=ASC&page=1 [21:26] <k0mplk2> no,,, they can come from moskva embassy [21:26] <yaahman> that discussed broadly in poland [21:26] <Vlad> yaahman you are stupid [21:26] <blackflag> <Keep2> ? [21:26] * gunther ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [21:27] * kaustic ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [21:27] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h kaustic for #OperationPayback [21:27] <yaahman> vlad Iman listening [21:27] <k0mplk2> vlad what russians think about it? [21:27] * AnonymousTrueGov ([email protected] et) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [21:27] <Vlad> I am russain and know best of you because our media are objectibe [21:28] <staff> lol [21:28] <Vlad> objective* [21:28] <blackflag> :D [21:28] <anonysus> The SNL skit is hilarious. [21:28] * KastorKraknow ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [21:28] <Brickwall> TheMiNd The video won't work for me :( [21:28] <tmp> Video doesnt work for me :( [21:28] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Gabba Front Berlin - Lacrima Mosa Est wi th 15 of 5100 listeners (15 unique) at 128 kbps [21:28] <Brickwall> Is it on youtube? [21:29] <Vlad> this was tragedy all documents and black box weer handed to polis h [21:29] <Keep2> NORAD is just... well.. what could you call it? It´s more than a c lownshow ; [21:29] <Keep2> ;) [21:29] * SeamusM ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [21:29] * anon10585957 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Page closed ) [21:29] * E2 ([email protected]) Quit ( Connecti on reset by peer ) [21:30] <gwz> NORAD has failed to work when it has counted [21:30] <gwz> its basically a FAIL [21:30] <k0mplk2> well vlad that says the US govt all time and then we learn is not true [21:30] <blackflag> Vlad> after altered it [21:30] * Tlopes ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [21:30] <blackflag> ? [21:30] * Mx ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [21:30] <yaahman> vlad could all be, fact is there are so many coincidents in th is case, it is just like 911, at least to me and a lot of polish people [21:31] * Jeffm ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [21:31] <yaahman> I am austrian btw [21:31] <jerthebear> for operation paperstorm flyers: http://bit.ly/howH4A [21:31] * g00z ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [21:31] * shitstorm ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayba ck (Leaving) [21:31] <Cody> im american [21:31] <Cody> i speak american [21:31] <Cody> :D [21:31] <k0mplk2> oh i love austrians girls [21:31] * nimuse ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [21:31] <Vlad> there no reason why not to kill american presidant [21:32] * swede71 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon -mIRC www.anonops.net ) [21:32] <k0mplk2> hmmm [21:32] <k0mplk2> hahahahaha [21:32] <Vlad> Abama flies to russia too [21:32] <k0mplk2> they did sometimes [21:32] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [21:32] <Mx> Cody, you must study som history.... America is NOT a country, but a continent [21:32] * leite ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [21:32] <yaahman> you sure you not mixing them up with australian girls? [21:32] <blackflag> how was the name of the guy killed with radiactive stuff ? [21:32] <+owen> north america is a continent [21:33] <+owen> the US is a country [21:33] <Mx> no [21:33] <Vlad> America assosiates with usa for namy people [21:33] <k0mplk2> i d love australians girls too of course [21:33] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Justin Bieber - Baby ft. Ludacris with 1 4 of 5100 listeners (14 unique) at 128 kbps [21:33] <Cody> Vlad..what [21:33] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Vanzetti_ ) [21:33] * bur ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.ano nops.net ) [21:33] <Mx> north america in NOT a continent, but a part of th whole continent [21:33] <Cody> ....... [21:33] <Cody> no... [21:33] <unanymous> huh [21:33] <Cody> someones a bad troll [21:33] <+owen> lol [21:33] <tmp> USA is only country with "america" in its name. Therefore America = USA. [21:33] <Vlad> America means Usa for many people [21:33] <k0mplk2> i dont mix em, have excellent memories [21:33] * sambuka65_ ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [21:33] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [21:33] <blackflag> north america is indian land [21:33] <Mx> tmp, search for the first map of the continent [21:33] <staff> Who gives a fuck. Quit arguing about dumb shit [21:34] <Vlad> tmp thanks [21:34] <yaahman> lucky you, austrian girls suck, lol [21:34] <Cody> America = USA no matter what thus United States of America... Do you say China or the Peoples Republic of China? [21:34] <SeamusM> blackflag: North America was Native American land [21:34] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Vanzetti_ ) [21:34] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [21:34] <yaahman> as was soouthamerica [21:34] <k0mplk2> not they dont, they re just quiet, or more timid than others, but they re smarter usually than others [21:34] * Vanzetti__ ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [21:35] <Mx> Cody, the problem is that USA erases all the other coutries [21:35] <Mx> tehr are no several "americas" [21:35] <Mx> there* sorry [21:35] <Cody> Because theres 1 [21:35] <Brickwall> LOL give America back to the natives [21:35] <Cody> but theres "states" [21:35] <Cody> united STATES [21:35] <Cody> of AMERICA [21:35] <Vlad> Alaska was native russian land before was sold [21:36] * sambuka65 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [21:36] <k0mplk2> yes they called before "natives" you know these fucking terror ist [21:36] <blackflag> native russian ? [21:36] <Brickwall> Yeah, they didn't sell it for much [21:36] * Vanzetti__ ([email protected]) has left #Opera tionPayback [21:36] <SeamusM> Are we really going to argue "USA"? [21:36] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Mt Eden Dubstep - Still Alive with 12 of 5100 listeners (12 unique) at 128 kbps [21:36] <Vlad> and Kalifornia too was russian [21:36] <staff> Apparently [21:36] <blackflag> wtf are native russians ? [21:36] <k0mplk2> what?? [21:36] <Vlad> dont you know [21:36] <infoterrorist> agreed: historical fact - USA is indian land [21:36] <blackflag> no [21:37] <tmp> All land used to be someone elses, lol. [21:37] <Mx> If you look for the first map of the continent, you'll see that te name is America for all the continent, not just for a piece [21:37] <kanadabis> youve obviously never been to canada [21:37] * Vanzetti__ ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [21:37] * g00z ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [21:37] <kanadabis> we have way more, way worse indians than u [21:37] <staff> How old are you guys that you're having this conversation? [21:37] * leite ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [21:37] <Jaque> o.O [21:37] * Tlopes ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [21:37] <Mx> staff, I'm 45 yo [21:37] <SeamusM> Lol India has nothing to do with the US [21:37] <unanymous> what did I walk in on [21:37] <kanadabis> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2l224SAAvJk [21:37] <blackflag> the people of US have a lack of cultural knowledge [21:37] <infoterrorist> agreed - USA should be given back to Great Britain - it used to be our land! [21:37] * Vanzetti_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [21:37] <kanadabis> we're talking feather not dot [21:37] <blackflag> indian not Indian [21:37] <Mx> staff, and I like study History [21:37] <kanadabis> usa is dirt tho [21:37] <Vlad> Russians discovers America continet from East while europeans fro m West [21:38] <Jaque> Native American first of all. [21:38] <unanymous> I like study things. I like be do things too. [21:38] <blackflag> russians are not native [21:38] <Brickwall> Vlad, its wasn't very far to go lol [21:38] <SeamusM> blackflag: Indian is a misnomer [21:38] <SeamusM> Whether its i or I [21:38] <Mx> Not all the people in our continent is "native" [21:38] <Jaque> The fact that most of you couldn't figure that out and you calle d them indians signifies that you probably shouldn't have this conversation. [21:38] <k0mplk2> i d like this story about canadian inouis that canada govt pay s for new snowcat cause they trash em when run out of gasoline [21:38] <k0mplk2> i liked sorry [21:38] <kanadabis> because they live in the bush [21:38] * Tux_withAShittyconnection ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping ti meout ) [21:38] <infoterrorist> USA is really just a rebellious British colony and the w orld knows it! [21:39] <kanadabis> in the middle of nowhere [21:39] * unanymous ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [21:39] * Bakoenin ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [21:39] <k0mplk2> vlad i ve never heard before about russia discoverd california , not i dont believe you but never heard before [21:40] <blackflag> <SeamusM> like patriot act ? [21:40] <Jaque> Not necessarily Russians, as Russia was non-existant at that tim e >.< [21:40] * unanymous ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [21:40] <SeamusM> blackflag: Exactly. [21:40] <anonysus> Soviets [21:40] <Jaque> However, people from that region, used the Siberian Peninsula to cross over to roughly the Alaska area and found what we call America [21:40] <k0mplk2> haahha [21:40] * HeadSet ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [21:40] <blackflag> :) [21:40] <infoterrorist> i would like to appologise to the rest of the world on b ehalf of Great Britain for not being able to maintain control of our rebellious colony, the USA, and for the damage to the whole world that has been done as a c onsequence [21:41] * jamkam ([email protected]) Quit ( Pin g timeout ) [21:41] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: neophyte - hardcore a way of life with 1 6 of 5100 listeners (16 unique) at 128 kbps [21:41] <Jaque> LOL. [21:41] * flower ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [21:41] <Brickwall> lol [21:41] <unanymous> *golf clap* [21:41] <k0mplk2> i always think that paris hilton looks russian [21:41] <Brickwall> Wut [21:41] * lolwutderp ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [21:41] <Jaque> I would like to apologize to everyone in this chat for the terri ble grammar and spelling in infoterrorists statement. [21:41] <Clith> i always think paris hilton looks like something a dog threw up [21:41] * V00d00sleeping ([email protected]) has joined # OperationPayback [21:42] <Kerosene> lol [21:42] <staff> lol@studly irc user [21:42] <SeamusM> Lol the irony is that now the UK is the US' lap dog [21:42] <k0mplk2> uk is saudi lap dog too [21:42] <infoterrorist> sorry about that jaque - wasnt trying to get spelling/gr ammer right - was trying to entertain :P [21:43] * anon09677153 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [21:43] <unanymous> bad spelling and grammar are entertaining [21:43] <unanymous> checkmate [21:43] * Z ([email protected]) has join ed #OperationPayback [21:43] * Z ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [21:43] <infoterrorist> lol [21:43] <blackflag> did anyone had seen the vid "what in the world are they spra ying" [21:43] <blackflag> ? [21:43] <SeamusM> Well really, if you aren't a lap dog of the US you're a terroi st sponsoring state [21:43] <Jaque> I just find it funny when people attempt to crack jokes or talk trash about others, while they can't exactly cover their own flaws. [21:44] <unanymous> whattrollsactuallywantyoutobelieve.jpg [21:44] <Jaque> Lulll [21:44] <k0mplk2> infoterrorist your are a good showman, i dont have excuse my s pell/grammar are just horrible [21:44] * anon09677153 ([email protected]) has left #OperationPay back () [21:44] <infoterrorist> thanks [21:44] <unanymous> your are just a good shaman [21:45] <staff> Have you heard that good Nickleback song???? [21:45] <Jaque> LOL [21:45] <k0mplk2> that means i have free peyote and san pedro provision??? [21:45] <Jaque> No [21:45] <Vlad> k0mplk2 Do you know about fort Ros [21:45] <staff> either have i [21:45] * Cody ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [21:45] <Jaque> I figured so [21:45] <Yubnub> implying nickelback was ever good [21:45] <k0mplk2> fort ros???? [21:45] * RichardWar ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [21:45] * anonysus ([email protected]) Quit ( Input/output erro r ) [21:45] <infoterrorist> i have a san pedro growing in my window bow :) [21:45] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Nero - Act Like You Know (Dubstep Mix) w ith 12 of 3700 listeners (12 unique) at 128 kbps [21:45] <unanymous> >implying that they were implying nickelback was ever good [21:45] <k0mplk2> ross [21:45] <Yubnub> i always forget the > [21:46] <tmp> I saw on a documentary called pathfinder that some vikings discove red America. [21:46] * zaskh4ck ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [21:46] <k0mplk2> for everyone here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Ross,_Cali fornia [21:46] <blackflag> right [21:46] <staff> Jesus founded the USofA [21:46] <staff> Palin said so [21:46] <SeamusM> Truth [21:46] <tmp> God bless america. [21:46] <tabs> is there a list of our current operations anywhere...or is that just f*cking stupid? [21:46] <Kerosene> he's supposed to come back sometime soon isnt he? [21:46] <Vlad> Fort Ross in North California was founded by russins [21:46] * incognia ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ex-Chat ) [21:46] <SeamusM> I'm voting for Palin in 2012 [21:46] <blackflag> GFA [21:46] <staff> lol [21:46] * Mx ([email protected]) has left #OperationPaybac k [21:47] <blackflag> rosins [21:47] <staff> tabs: leakspin, paperstorm etc [21:47] <infoterrorist> any chance of a target sometime soon? [21:47] <unanymous> tabs: http://anonops.net but it's down [21:47] * Ohelig ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: KVIrc 4.0.1 Insomnia http://www.kvirc.net/ ) [21:47] <unanymous> there's a bunch of unofficial stuff to try like leakspin and paperstorm and probably many others [21:47] <SeamusM> If you don't believe that the world will end in 2012...look no further than Palin [21:47] <blackflag> it [21:47] * blackflag was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Watch your language!) [21:47] * blackflag ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [21:47] <tmp> Anyone know what time the bail hearing is today? [21:47] <tabs> cool thanks [21:47] <unanymous> infoterrorist: might be a while before another "target" [21:48] <k0mplk2> target: bluewater [21:48] <infoterrorist> im sulking now [21:48] <unanymous> k0mplk2: attack THE OCEAN [21:48] <blackflag> blackwater ? [21:48] <k0mplk2> or xe [21:48] <staff> blue toilet water [21:48] <k0mplk2> if you prefer [21:48] <tmp> LAkeside! [21:48] <BarelyThere> no bail hearing, we are going to free him from the van on the way to court [21:48] * level7337 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [21:48] <unanymous> lol [21:49] <k0mplk2> anyone here remember the battle of los angeles?? [21:49] <staff> only if they leave it parked in the middle of a protest [21:49] <tmp> We culd hire one of those big magnets on a crane a pluck the van i nto the air. [21:49] <staff> on purpose [21:49] <k0mplk2> 1942 i think [21:49] <unanymous> tmp: fucking magnets [21:49] <staff> faygo [21:49] <BarelyThere> we have set up a compressed air cannon underneath a sewer cover, when the van drives over it's going to overturn, and then we will release him [21:49] * Gargamelle ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [21:49] <Gargamelle> Hi gain [21:49] <Brickwall> tmp: GENIUS [21:50] <tmp> Brickwall: Fuck yeah. [21:50] * dionysus- ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [21:50] * bluec0w ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [21:51] <blackflag> aren`t cranes to slow to follow the van :D ? [21:51] <tmp> And then Jeremy Beadle could run out dressed as a traffic warden. [21:51] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Nero - Me & You (Dirtyphonics Remix) wit h 15 of 3700 listeners (15 unique) at 128 kbps [21:51] <SeamusM> Well just keep him suspended in the air [21:51] * dionysus- ([email protected]) Quit ( Input/output err or ) [21:51] * mxzet ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [21:51] * AllisFree ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [21:52] <k0mplk2> ppl here i would like to suggest this reading http://en.wikipe dia.org/wiki/The_Starfish_and_the_Spider again [21:52] <SeamusM> Set him up wifi and a mini office in the van [21:52] * dionysus- ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [21:52] * dionysus- ([email protected]) Quit ( Input/output err or ) [21:52] <Vlad> magnet wiil be on the hellicopter [21:52] <BarelyThere> or we could stick a firehose in the air vents of the van a nd drown the guards [21:53] <SeamusM> Now we're cookin' [21:53] <TheMiNd> The Air Force "routinely blocks Air Force network access to we bsites hosting inappropriate materials or malware (malicious software) and this includes any website that hosts classified materials and those that are released by WikiLeaks," she said. [21:53] <TheMiNd> Those that are released by wikileaks [21:53] <k0mplk2> was referred many times in the last dojocon for ppl talking ab out anonymous [21:53] <blackflag> russian heli ? [21:53] <SeamusM> Yeah [21:53] <TheMiNd> EVEN if they are not censored [21:53] <SeamusM> Yep [21:53] <TheMiNd> finally showing their true colors [21:54] <TheMiNd> and they ain't red white and blue [21:54] <Vlad> mes rssian Mi helicoper one the most powerfull [21:54] <BarelyThere> someone could hijack a helicopter, anyone know where they keep those heavly lift ones ? [21:54] * dionysus- ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [21:54] * exotherm ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [21:54] <SeamusM> Funny how schlubs like us get free reign on the cables, but pe ople in the military arr still barred from them [21:54] <Brickwall> IRL hacking [21:54] * __ is away: ZzZzZzzZ [21:54] <blackflag> the navy blocked the NYT [21:54] * mxzet ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [21:54] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up wi th 14 of 3700 listeners (14 unique) at 128 kbps [21:54] <SeamusM> And der speigl and many other [21:54] <TheMiNd> yeah, the information is only dangerous to our ENEMIES right? [21:55] <SeamusM> Haha [21:55] <Brickwall> Lol radio wut is this [21:55] <blackflag> right [21:55] <tmp> Accidentally overturn a doughnut van outside the court. Then assan ge can casually stroll to freedom. [21:55] * nimuse ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [21:55] <Vanzetti__> SeamusM: anyone in the military can still go home and read the cables if they don't run their mouth about it [21:55] <Brickwall> Then they just give up and don't chase him? [21:55] <Vanzetti__> Or they could use a proxy [21:56] <Kerosene> Just a question but what do americans think of that helicopte r shooting those civilians?? [21:56] <TheMiNd> i hope he has a shitload of security [21:56] <tmp> Yeah. I saw it on the SImpsons. [21:56] * [B]R0T35k0[R] ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: IRcap 8.6 ) [21:56] <TheMiNd> Kerosene: Cool effects! [21:56] <Brickwall> Of course [21:56] * historic ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [21:56] <Vanzetti__> Kerosene: that video made me sick [21:56] <SeamusM> Of course Vanzetti__ , its just the point of it [21:56] * mxzet ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [21:56] <unanymous> TheMiNd: lol [21:56] * Pito ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer ) [21:56] <k0mplk2> hahhahaha i start to remember this fucking amazing picture in an press article where a soldier were looking for Anonymous besides the processo r fan [21:56] <TheMiNd> Kerosene; the government spun it as "zomg the camera looked li ke an RPG from the helicopter", and americans ate it up [21:57] <BarelyThere> who cares what people in the US do, they are the mothers t hat voted these criminals into power in the first place, if they couldn't do som ething simple like put a cross by the right name then they are fuck all use to a non, maybe they could make us coffee or wash our clothes, anyone one got any ide as what we could get American anon members to do ? [21:57] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: The Prodigy - Voodoo People (Pendulum Re mix) with 14 of 3700 listeners (14 unique) at 128 kbps [21:57] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [21:57] <Vlad> see this is that helicopter http://www.rian.ru/infografika/200808 07/150149751.html [21:57] <Vanzetti__> Only thing thy disturbed me more recently than that helicop ter vid was reading about the Stanford prison experiment [21:57] <SeamusM> Fuck [21:57] <k0mplk2> wow [21:58] <TheMiNd> its good you bring up the stanford prison experiment. [21:58] <TheMiNd> monitor yourselves guys [21:58] <blackflag> <Vlad> they will shoot it down because it will be a russian invasion [21:58] * kixax0rz ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [21:58] <TheMiNd> dont let yourselves dehumanize the enemy [21:58] <k0mplk2> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mil_Mi-26 [21:58] <k0mplk2> for english [21:58] <SeamusM> BarelyThere: I think you are in the wrong place. Al Qaeda is t hat way ---> [21:59] * kixax0rz ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: kixax0 rz ) [21:59] * KastorKraknow ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [21:59] <TheMiNd> DAE scroll in their userlist to see if there was a user named AlQaeda connected? [21:59] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Tryptomatik - Requiem for a dub Full tra ck with 14 of 3700 listeners (14 unique) at 128 kbps [21:59] <BarelyThere> Scotland yard are readin these comments, the more plots to release Julian they read, the more hassles when they transport him, keep detail ing plots that might work to release him [21:59] <blackflag> AQ is a US proxy [22:00] * kamina ([email protected]) Quit ( Qui t: ) [22:00] <unanymous> TheMiNd: good observation [22:00] <blackflag> the russian heli [22:00] * flower ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [22:00] * Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Quit ( sobriquet.anonops.net services. anonops.net ) [22:01] <blackflag> headline: russion magnet heli shot down above the city [22:01] <k0mplk2> yes, and they have beautiful woman on fifth floor, no ones wan t to be jailed by this woman, she s just disturbing [22:01] * Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [22:01] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +ao Tony_The_Tiger Tony_The_Tiger for #Operat ionPayback [22:01] <&Tony_The_Tiger> [Isis] INTERGALACTIC PROTON POWERED ELECTRICAL TENTACL ED ADVERTISING DROIDS!!!! [22:01] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +o Trivette for #OperationPayback [22:02] <tmp> Rescue plots... Hmm.... Lets all turn up to the protest nude. It' ll distract all the police. [22:02] * bluec0w ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [22:02] <Brickwall> LOL [22:02] * bluec0w ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: bluec0w ) [22:02] <yaahman> 10 below zero here, no chnace for nude action [22:02] <Vlad> blackfla we paint american flags on it [22:02] <yaahman> chance [22:02] <tmp> They'll freak out when they see my weapon of mass destruction. [22:02] * fathed slaps tmp around a bit with a large trout [22:02] <Clith> *laugh [22:02] * shitstorm ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [22:02] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h shitstorm for #OperationPayback [22:03] <BarelyThere> We could rescue him AFTER he is released, then blame it on the CIA, smoke bombs while he's walking down the court steps, whisk him away, c laim the CIA/US did it [22:03] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Weird Al Yankovic - White & Nerdy with 1 4 of 3700 listeners (14 unique) at 128 kbps [22:03] <Vanzetti__> We should get the weather underground to come back and brea k manning out of prison [22:03] <k0mplk2> We have to do something about brad manning [22:03] <SeamusM> Lol [22:03] <Brickwall> He may not go with us [22:03] <Vanzetti__> Lol [22:03] * lm ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [22:04] <Brickwall> He might worry about more trouble [22:04] <Vanzetti__> Brickwall: this is true [22:04] <Vanzetti__> Maybe he wants to be a martyr [22:04] <staff> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuJZdWTiaJM <- Protests if you've not seen it. Moltov Cocktails! [22:04] <running-out-of-nicks> brad manning wasn't the leak for anything other t han the initial collateral murder video [22:04] <Keep2> IF we have to do anything, it´s against Sweden now... Nothing else .... [22:05] <tmp> He'd cost some people alot of money if he was 'rescued' [22:05] <Vanzetti__> What I don't get is why would someone who's smart like mann ing brag about what he did [22:05] <running-out-of-nicks> Should picket the supply of condoms to sweden let them all go without [22:05] <Vanzetti__> Keep that shut to yourself [22:06] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: YMCA with 16 of 3700 listeners (16 uniqu e) at 128 kbps [22:06] <Keep2> Cause the Swedish Etavblishment went the "way of war "... i gues s, ;)+ [22:06] <tmp> To share the burden. [22:06] <staff> cause that sperglord drug addict claimed to be a journo and a mi nister [22:06] <yaahman> yeah the greek people know how to fight [22:06] * zork ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [22:06] * plscontinue_ ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [22:06] <Vanzetti__> Fuck yeah they do [22:06] * leite ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Computer ha s gone to sleep. ) [22:06] <tmp> This Is Sparta! [22:06] * cr1m3nt4l ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [22:06] <staff> wait til the guy gets his head punched in :) [22:06] <yaahman> they had lots of possibilities [22:06] * k0mplk2 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [22:07] * SeamusM ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Colloquy f or iPod touch - http://colloquy.mobi ) [22:07] <Vanzetti__> In 08 Greeks would use laser pointers to target their rock and Molotov fire on riot pigs [22:07] <yaahman> but all over europe there will be fya very soon [22:07] * sascha_ ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [22:07] <Keep2> The Questiohn is: How can WE harm the Sewdish Countra? [22:07] <blackflag> do not buy Ikea stuff [22:07] ->> You are now known as DFAGFFGGFH [22:07] <Vanzetti__> Fucking Greeks have a general distrust of all authority I l ove it [22:07] <yaahman> lol [22:08] <BarelyThere> The greek people used to know how to fight until the Ottom ans came and fucked their women, now they all have lazy sand nigger genes [22:08] * BarelyThere was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Watc h your language!) [22:08] * k0mplk2 ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [22:08] <Vanzetti__> France knows how to fight too [22:08] <lm> staff, is that from greece? [22:08] * BarelyThere ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [22:08] <Vlad> we wiil paint Mi 26 with invisible for radard paint so it wiil be as steals and for human eyes British flags will be painted [22:08] * murder ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [22:08] <Vanzetti__> Look at the recent strikes [22:08] <yaahman> yes france too [22:08] <Keep2> I can´t fullfill that with that NO IKEA things with my girlfriend .. I´m Sorry ;) [22:08] * mxzet ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [22:08] * L-Ron-Hubbard ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [22:08] * plscontinue ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [22:08] <L-Ron-Hubbard> Bradley Manning, Wikileaks on Countdown: http://www.msn bc.msn.com/id/3036677/ns/msnbc_tv-countdown_with_keith_olbermann/#40690512 [22:08] <staff> lm, yes [22:08] <yaahman> we all could learn a lot by studying the french resistance [22:09] <Vanzetti__> Or the London student riots [22:09] * mxzet ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: mxzet ) [22:09] <k0mplk2> france dont fight, others fight for france [22:09] <Vanzetti__> I wanna move to Europe [22:09] <blackflag> <Keep2> get rid of that girl [22:09] <V00d00sleeping> Or the ghandi movement [22:09] <L-Ron-Hubbard> Manning is being punished even without a trial. Wikileak s is divulging information just like newspapers and yet the newspapers aren't be ing accused of terrorism or treason [22:09] <yaahman> thats what I am talking about, Van, it is burning everywhere [22:09] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Asher Roth - I Love College with 13 of 3 700 listeners (13 unique) at 128 kbps [22:09] * mxzet ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [22:09] <Vanzetti__> yaahman: I couldn't agree more [22:09] <lm> alot more chaotic than the tv news portrays it =/ [22:09] <k0mplk2> but i agree we need the spirit of the french resistance [22:10] <AnonymousIRC> awsum. anonnews soon goin korean \o/ much <3 minp227 [22:10] <blackflag> <L-Ron-Hubbard> the american way of life [22:10] <yaahman> and it will explode very soon. [22:10] <ink> hahahaha the french resistance????? [22:10] <ink> allo allo [22:10] <Vanzetti__> yaahman: have you read any tiqqun? This is the intro to the global civil war [22:10] <Keep2> blackflag: Nope: She good at some things a man really needs ;) [22:10] <minp227> :D [22:10] <Vlad> about russian americans http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%BE %D1%80%D1%82-%D0%A0%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%81 [22:10] <minp227> <3 you too [22:10] * mxzet ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: mxzet ) [22:10] <%Finn-Riggins> what does marcellus wallace look like? [22:10] * V00d00sleeping ([email protected]) has left #Operatio nPayback [22:10] <yaahman> sorry never read tiqqun, what is that? [22:10] <Vanzetti__> People vs the state&capital [22:11] * L-Ron-Hubbard ([email protected]) has left #OperationP ayback [22:11] * kixax0rz ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [22:11] <yaahman> Iman just look and see [22:11] * kixax0rz ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exite d ) [22:11] <BarelyThere> like a bitch [22:11] <k0mplk2> here comes Hegel [22:11] <Vanzetti__> yaahman: tiqqun is this french ultra left communist/anarchi st journal [22:11] <yaahman> aha [22:11] <Vanzetti__> It outlines the coming social conflict [22:12] <Vanzetti__> They wrote the coming insurrection [22:12] <staff> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1cv2IjKkic <- Listen [22:12] <k0mplk2> r we being infiltrated by french commies? [22:12] <k0mplk2> hahaha amazing [22:13] <blackflag> http://geoengineeringwatch.org/ [22:13] <yaahman> censored here [22:13] * Dwaan ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Why is t he alphabet in that order? Is it because of that song? ) [22:13] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Armin van Buuren ft Sharon den Adel - In and Out of Love with 13 of 3700 listeners (13 unique) at 128 kbps [22:13] <Keep2> Now she´s looking at me like i´m doing something ehm unpolice-likin g ;:D [22:13] <blackflag> http://stopgeoengineering.blogspot.com/ get the vid [22:13] <BarelyThere> The French were the ones who helped the US get it's indepe ndence, they done enough damage already. Notice how many Cafe's restuarants duri ng the WW2 occupation, enough said [22:14] * jerthebear ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving. ) [22:14] <k0mplk2> ahhahahaaha [22:14] <yaahman> you all know that wwf is running ad campaigns for geoengineeri ng and the usage of chemtrails? [22:14] <k0mplk2> i hate those chemtrails [22:14] <staff> lol [22:14] <blackflag> http://stopgeoengineering.blogspot.com/ get the vid [22:14] * Commander ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [22:15] <Keep2> Give me 15 minutesand i´ll be back. :D [22:15] <staff> No thanks [22:15] <unanymous> chemtrails? [22:15] <blackflag> no joke [22:15] * Jaquecaja ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [22:15] * paranoid ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [22:15] <staff> you got statcounter on that site? [22:15] <k0mplk2> yes all those fucking shit raining all the time from planes [22:15] <j0fr3> nice exposing material [22:16] <k0mplk2> they re affecting my sister s potus [22:16] <blackflag> take a look at the vid without any "conspiracy" thoughts [22:16] * minp227 ([email protected] ggot.yay) Quit ( Quit: im a nubbin kanadian <censored> :D ) [22:16] <staff> im not clicking that link [22:16] <yaahman> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkx-0AlYA_0 [22:16] <ink> lol [22:16] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Atmozfears - The Sun with 15 of 3700 lis teners (15 unique) at 128 kbps [22:16] <j0fr3> ppl, conspiracy is just the act of different ppl acting together to provoke certain event [22:16] <blackflag> staff no 1 you could get the vid from other places [22:16] <j0fr3> it´s commom practice [22:16] <staff> im not high so i wont appreciate it [22:16] * Commander ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [22:16] <BarelyThere> climate science is junk science, it what happens when you try and educate left wing metaphysical hippies [22:16] <staff> sorry bro [22:17] <k0mplk2> left wing metaphysical hippies >>>> wow doy u have the copyri ght of that ??? i d like to use it in the future [22:17] * Vanzetti__ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ro oms â ¢ iPhone IRC Client â ¢ http://www.roomsapp.mobi ) [22:17] <blackflag> What In The World Are They Spraying? is the title of the vid .get it from other places [22:17] <j0fr3> throw away these prejudices and try to re think this idea of con spiracy as something that occurs every time, the evidence is out there [22:17] * be_negative ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [22:17] * anon00 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [22:18] <Gargamelle> what about the guys that have been arrested for doos'ing? [22:18] <staff> yo j0fr3 you've been talking about NWO and chemtrails [22:18] <ink> have the french conspiracythinkers left yet? [22:18] <blackflag> <k0mplk2> no left wing, no right wing bitch [22:18] <staff> and defending alex jones [22:18] ->> You are now known as Trivette [22:18] * mxzet ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [22:18] <staff> no one is going to take that shit serious [22:18] <j0fr3> oh really? [22:19] <j0fr3> how can you know? [22:19] <BarelyThere> can anyone explain how I can sit in traffic for 2 hours a day choking on diesel fumes, but this does me no harm, yet sitting next to a smo ker on a park bench is going to kill me ? [22:19] <k0mplk2> left wing or right wing? i m confused now [22:19] <staff> haha, no one in their RIGHT mind [22:19] <staff> excuse me [22:19] * subzero ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [22:19] <j0fr3> these are YOUR thoughts, nothing more [22:19] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Atmozfears vs. The Vision - Our Destiny with 15 of 3700 listeners (15 unique) at 128 kbps [22:19] <blackflag> I did take it not serious before [22:19] <j0fr3> me neither [22:19] * vathickan ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [22:20] * Jaquecaja ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3. 6.13/20101203075014] ) [22:20] <blackflag> before [22:20] <staff> when's the last time either of you have smoked weed? [22:20] <j0fr3> but I did my research [22:20] <k0mplk2> fuck i m thinking that have same problem that zoolander to tur n right?? [22:20] <j0fr3> and found enough evidence [22:20] <blackflag> 15 years ago [22:20] * mKCUqGHs ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [22:20] <staff> j0fr2 [22:20] <staff> 3 [22:20] <j0fr3> j0fr2 -> i could use that ;D [22:21] <staff> ;-) [22:21] <Gargamelle> BarelyThere: switch to electronic cigarettes... no problem with those ;) [22:21] <staff> Snus! [22:21] * tmp ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [22:22] <j0fr3> like Idoser? [22:22] <Kerosene> â ¥ [22:22] <yaahman> staff reminds me of taking my medicinical puff [22:22] * anonzerozero ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [22:22] <staff> that's what im here for! [22:22] <k0mplk2> staff reminds me of taking my Ritalin stuff [22:22] <BarelyThere> electronic cigarettes ??? have you not noticed the intelli gence of people with cellphones attached to their heads all day ? [22:22] <staff> send some my way k0mp [22:22] <yaahman> thx mate [22:23] * NoParking ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [22:23] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Billy Joel - We Didn't Start The Fire wi th 16 of 3700 listeners (16 unique) at 128 kbps [22:23] <Gargamelle> BarelyThere: what's wrong with cellphones? [22:23] * NoParking ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon -mIRC www.anonops.net ) [22:23] <staff> head cancer lol [22:23] <k0mplk2> oh my go [22:23] <j0fr3> cellphones cancer [22:23] <j0fr3> and the towers [22:23] <staff> gettin in yo brainwaves [22:23] * theindie ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [22:23] <staff> put the foil on [22:23] <j0fr3> cellphone towers = big danger [22:23] <blackflag> you could not smoke them [22:23] * Gideon2 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [22:23] <staff> i gotta piss but you guys are cracking me up [22:23] * voltage ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [22:24] <blackflag> get ya stuff [22:24] * chicovas ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [22:24] <Gargamelle> cellphones do nothing, not even the towers [22:24] <blackflag> take a shower underneath the next chemtrail [22:24] <j0fr3> yep sure [22:24] <k0mplk2> have you seen this jack blacks film they make films and use al uminium foil around their heads? [22:25] <k0mplk2> they fake movies [22:25] <k0mplk2> dont remember name [22:25] <Gargamelle> http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2010-05/largest-everstudy-cancer-and-cellphones-finds-no-increase-risk [22:25] <Kerosene> doesnt that help so aliens can't read your mind? [22:26] <ink> lol [22:26] <blackflag> right [22:26] * tabs ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mibbit .com ajax IRC Client ) [22:26] <Kerosene> heh [22:27] * shitstorm ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayba ck (Leaving) [22:27] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Cragga - Please Mr Postman(Dubstep Refix ) with 15 of 3700 listeners (15 unique) at 128 kbps [22:27] <k0mplk2> have you read about the chinese that was raped for a 3 meters tall female aliens, and was glued by her alien mighty twat? [22:27] <Gargamelle> Even making the cell phone ra­di­a­tion more intense just means that there are more photons of that energy, not stronger photons. Cell phone photons cannot add up to become UV photons or have their effect any more than microwave or radio-wave photons can. [22:27] <j0fr3> and be careful with scanners at airports [22:27] * vathickan ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [22:28] * ggrowler ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [22:28] <BarelyThere> cellphones are OK for occasional use but if you have that thing stuck to your head for most of the day, thats a different story, don't tel l me you haven't noticed how retarded heavy users of cell phones are ? [22:28] <j0fr3> sorry garga, cell towers are way more powerfull [22:28] <ink> do not test [22:28] <staff> haha @ barely [22:28] <j0fr3> it´s true barely [22:28] <ink> do not TEST [22:28] <j0fr3> lol [22:28] * Benedicktus ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [22:28] <blackflag> In Iran jet trails are non-existent except normal contrails that disappear behind the aircraft within seconds or maybe a minute or two. But what NASA refers to as LINGERING CONTRAILS, that spread out and become clouds... .DO NOT EXIST OVER IRAN, NORTH KOREA, CUBA or any nation where airspace is restr icted to friendly commercial air traffic. [22:28] <blackflag> wow [22:29] <BarelyThere> I don't need no stupid survey to tell me that heavy cell p hone use makes you retarded, I just have to look at the many ferkwits wondering the streets [22:29] <Gargamelle> j0fr3: as it says, more powerfull means more of the same... not something stronger [22:29] <staff> how many times you been to any of those countries? [22:29] <Gargamelle> http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=can-you-he ar-me-now [22:29] * lm ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: lm ) [22:29] <blackflag> daily basis ;) [22:30] * shitstorm ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [22:30] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +h shitstorm for #OperationPayback [22:30] <k0mplk2> ppl dont be ignorant please; heavy cell phones user are retard ed just because they re girls [22:30] <j0fr3> LOL [22:30] <unanymous> I think chemtrail thing is some kind of scare tactic [22:30] <j0fr3> read the manuals, it says to keep the cell distant about 2 inche s from the body [22:30] <fathed> blackflag, did you know Soros funds chemtrail companies? [22:31] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Dj Tiesto - Love Comes Again with 15 of 3700 listeners (15 unique) at 128 kbps [22:31] <k0mplk2> soros funds everything that can slave us [22:31] * theindie ponders whatin hell are chemtrail companies [22:31] * myshkovitz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [22:31] <staff> BP [22:31] <staff> :) [22:31] <Kerosene> Does wearing a Q-Ray actually help with the radiowaves in the air and stuff, you know to keep them out of you? [22:31] <blackflag> who is Soros ? [22:32] <unanymous> staff: that still doesn't explain what a "chemtrail company" is [22:32] <staff> blackflag: he's big $$$ [22:32] <fathed> blackflag, Soros is the president of the NWO [22:32] <unanymous> how can one be a president of an idea [22:32] <dionysus-> I wear a tinfoil hat. [22:32] <staff> He's the puppetmaster of the Bilderburgers [22:32] <staff> or however you spell that [22:32] <unanymous> that's like saying someone's the president of anonymous [22:32] <j0fr3> ok so he´s big [22:32] <staff> he's huge! [22:32] <unanymous> I thought john d rockefeller was the primary "one global gov ernment" guy? [22:32] <staff> walt disney huge [22:33] <j0fr3> you can say he´s the head of the illuminati [22:33] <j0fr3> walt disney huge too [22:33] <theindie> ah just anon's el presidente-- hes ovah there==> [22:33] <dionysus-> I think the fictional leader of Anonymous should be nickname d Spartacus [22:33] <unanymous> the rockefellers are pretty clear and public about their wei rd ideas for government [22:33] <staff> Yeah, Glenn Beck is his pinnocio figure [22:33] <j0fr3> or Kratos [22:33] <ttk> dionysus-: ahahahah yes! [22:33] <dionysus-> His real name will be Emmanuel Goldstein [22:33] <j0fr3> yes they are, it´s all exposed nowadays [22:33] <blackflag> I am very critical about this chemtrail case.but I know exac tly that this was NOT the ways plane trails looked like, if I was a child [22:33] <staff> isnt that the 2600 guy ;-) [22:33] <k0mplk2> Soros is so powerful that when he looks at you, you immediatel y die [22:34] <dionysus-> no [22:34] <unanymous> lol [22:34] <j0fr3> his name is powerful cause it can be read backwards [22:34] * ActusReus ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [22:34] <j0fr3> and sound like Saurus, a bit [22:34] <staff> my tongue gets twisted when i try :( [22:34] <blackflag> I wear a mirror mask [22:34] <theindie> komplk2--> no no, he looks at you cross eyed then u die.. or all his minions would [22:34] <k0mplk2> he is penis size represents the Phi number [22:35] <staff> blackflag: quit snortin coke then [22:35] <k0mplk2> his [22:35] <BarelyThere> I think chemtrails are the invation of left wing upperclas s c*nts, who are so coked up they wouldn't be able to distinguish between their lines on the toilet cistern and lines in the sky [22:35] * j0fr3 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [22:35] <BarelyThere> invention even [22:35] <yaahman> once did a technicians job when soros was giving a speech in a ustria, did not die by looking at him, so no worry [22:35] * Sky_King ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [22:35] <blackflag> bed is waiting. take care . ty & by [22:35] * blackflag ([email protected]) has left #Operatio nPayback (Once you know what it is you want to be true, instinct is a very usefu l device for enabling you to know that it is) [22:35] <unanymous> BarelyThere: hi how's the weather back there in the 80s [22:36] * ruari ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [22:36] <staff> He's wearing a slap bracelet [22:36] <staff> what do you think [22:36] <k0mplk2> fuck "his penis size represents the Phi number" ???? > that wa s so gay [22:36] <yaahman> clear skies unanymous [22:36] <unanymous> what's a slap bracele- *SLAP* okay that's what it's like [22:36] <theindie> chemtrails: airliners dumping fuel to achieve gross landing w eight. no mystery in that history [22:36] * PLF ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [22:36] <unanymous> yaahman: you're not who I was talking to [22:36] <ink> Your fuckstock is assprone, Nutcocker. [22:37] <staff> what? [22:37] <staff> ESL? [22:37] <yaahman> but I was there too and can confirm what barely said. but hey no offense [22:37] <unanymous> your ass is grass seabass [22:37] <staff> no lawnmower? [22:38] * anon778 ([email protected]) has left #OperationPa yback [22:38] * ggrowler ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [22:38] <k0mplk2> I want to buy a cessna [22:38] * heurer ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [22:38] <Kerosene> goodnight everyone.. [22:38] * ruari ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC ww w.anonops.net ) [22:38] <staff> ciao [22:38] * Kerosene ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [22:39] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Asher Roth - I Love College with 16 of 3 700 listeners (16 unique) at 128 kbps [22:39] <fathed> The CIA is putting de-penis dust in vendetta masks [22:39] * anon778 ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [22:39] <staff> saltpeter! [22:39] <k0mplk2> ??? [22:39] <staff> makes ya limp [22:39] * anon778 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon778 ) [22:39] * anon778 ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [22:40] <staff> then it turns black and blue and falls off [22:40] <ink> who has the sweaty balls? [22:40] <staff> you? [22:40] <ink> ah yes [22:40] <k0mplk2> ok in 5 minutes I go alone against cia.gov with a ping attack [22:41] <BarelyThere> Ring a ring a roses a pocket full of Ammonium Nitrate, alu minium, aluminium, we all fall down [22:41] <staff> have fun with that :) [22:41] * Trivette sets mode -o Trivette for #OperationPayback [22:41] * anon778 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIR C www.anonops.net ) [22:41] <ink> the famous ONE ping attack [22:41] * anon778 ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [22:41] <k0mplk2> ahahhahah [22:41] <staff> we've found jester! [22:41] <yaahman> operation lonesome ping [22:41] <ink> P [22:41] <ink> I [22:41] * manchuuu ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [22:41] <ink> N [22:41] <ink> G [22:41] * ink was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Stop floodin g!) [22:42] <Gargamelle> talking about balls, I just got a pimple out of mines... th is shit bleeds like crazy [22:42] <staff> Fuckin Ping Kong [22:42] * ink ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [22:42] <k0mplk2> haahahah [22:42] <BarelyThere> so much for the one ping attack [22:42] <k0mplk2> stop pls ahahaha [22:42] <TjaardA> http://www.muppetsonweed.eu/index.php?site=forum_topic&topic=1 199&type=ASC&page=1 [22:42] <unanymous> k0mplk2: http://i52.tinypic.com/2ufqc94.jpg [22:42] <yaahman> King Ping on the move [22:42] <ink> pingmahding [22:42] <unanymous> One Dude. One Mission. [22:42] <unanymous> One. Ping. [22:43] * buddha ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [22:43] <k0mplk2> hahah i cant stop hahaha [22:43] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - There's A War Going On For You r Mind with 16 of 3700 listeners (16 unique) at 128 kbps [22:43] <staff> laughping? [22:43] <fathed> shave your junk and go outside. it feels really good. [22:43] * running-out-of-nicks ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [22:43] * internetz is now known as no [22:43] * no is now known as AnonGuest46009 [22:43] <BarelyThere> If you get the frequency of the ping just right, it can br ing down prison walls [22:43] * shiva1 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [22:43] * AnonGuest46009 is now known as internetz [22:43] <%Finn-Riggins> fail [22:43] <ink> ping@2600 mhz [22:44] <%Finn-Riggins> denied [22:44] <BarelyThere> coffin lids too, lets hope you don't get to that [22:44] <dionysus-> Tesla's earthquake machine man [22:44] * ink was kicked by Finn-Riggins ([email protected]) Reason (Finn-Ri ggins) [22:44] <staff> Someone submit that to mythbusters [22:44] <staff> cia vs one ping [22:44] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Incubus - Anna Molly with 15 of 3700 lis teners (15 unique) at 128 kbps [22:44] * Moss ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [22:44] * Moss ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [22:44] * ink ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [22:44] <staff> let them do it :) [22:44] * Ne0N ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [22:44] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [22:44] <dionysus-> that stuffs real man [22:45] <staff> chemtrails? [22:45] <dionysus-> set up a standing wave in an object [22:45] <staff> or alex jones? [22:45] <dionysus-> falls apart [22:45] <BarelyThere> We all take our mp3 players to the court hearing, and on t he signal we play our ping.mp3 and watch the walls come tumbling down [22:45] <fathed> http://news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia/640000/images/_642286_seanred150. jpg <-- he believes in one ping too [22:45] <dionysus-> well that too [22:45] <unanymous> alex jones is like glenn beck, but on the other side of the political spectrum [22:45] <k0mplk2> oh fuck i pissed on my pants.. [22:45] <staff> other side? [22:45] <staff> lol other side of crazy? [22:46] <unanymous> that is literally what I meant [22:46] <staff> at least our magnets are working [22:46] <Gargamelle> I do go to bed at bedtime... bye [22:46] * Gargamelle ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: leaving ) [22:47] <BarelyThere> are the MP5's that the police use magnetic ? [22:47] <k0mplk2> hk mp5 ? [22:47] <staff> airsoft [22:47] * shiva1 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving. ) [22:47] * plop ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [22:47] * historic ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [22:48] <BarelyThere> We could steal an MRI from a hospital and turn it on the a rmed police to disarm them [22:48] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - Combat with 14 of 3700 listene rs (14 unique) at 128 kbps [22:48] * plop ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [22:48] * manchuuu ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Quit ) [22:48] * Karli ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [22:48] * Bakoenin ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayb ack [22:48] * anon2000 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [22:48] <dionysus-> That would be kind of cool. Arrange a standoff in a room tha t has MRI's on 5 sides behind walls. [22:49] * respuesta9 ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [22:49] * no ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [22:49] <no> guess who's back! [22:49] <no> :D [22:49] * fathed slaps no around a bit with a large trout [22:49] <internetz> yay [22:49] <ink> jesus? [22:49] * anon00 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon00 ) [22:50] <Cryptic__> lol [22:50] <no> fuck you [22:50] <internetz> listen bitch [22:50] <no> you have no idea how hard it was to fucking get here [22:50] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - Handlebars with 13 of 3700 lis teners (13 unique) at 128 kbps [22:50] <internetz> You wouldnt be back if I didnt help [22:50] <internetz> Yes i do [22:50] <anon2000> fuck you has never left, itz always in styles [22:50] <no> :P [22:50] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [22:50] <dionysus-> IRC is _HARD_ [22:50] * Yubnubb ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [22:50] <anon2000> whats the radio's addy? [22:50] <no> no dude. something got all fucked up with my internet [22:50] <%shitstorm> !access add no 4 [22:51] * tabs ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [22:51] <k0mplk2> hhmmm??? [22:51] <dionysus-> did you reboot your PC? [22:51] <dionysus-> just reboot your PC. [22:51] <%shitstorm> internetz can add her HOP back? [22:51] <internetz> I could [22:51] <internetz> if she wasnt a bitch [22:51] <%shitstorm> lol [22:51] * Polter ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [22:51] <no> now my feelings are hurt [22:51] <staff> she works for comcast watch out [22:51] <staff> :) [22:51] <internetz> Oh shit. [22:51] <dionysus-> Charter told me to do that once and I was on a linux box. [22:51] <+owen> he can but he mioght [22:51] <%shitstorm> mmm [22:52] <+owen> i had to bribe him to fix it [22:52] <internetz> I work for an ISP too [22:52] <%shitstorm> lol [22:52] * Karli ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [22:52] <internetz> You have access to comcast wwj platform? [22:52] <internetz> CSRadmin? [22:52] <+owen> so now both internetz and ii own her [22:52] <internetz> *.pan [22:52] <k0mplk2> do u work for an ISP? [22:52] <%shitstorm> lol owen I bet [22:52] <%shitstorm> a deals a deal [22:52] * xain ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [22:52] <+owen> no is our bitch [22:52] <no> nope [22:52] <no> no one owns no [22:52] * Anon9001 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: BRB, PUDDI. ) [22:52] * #OperationPayback sets mode +h no for #OperationPayback [22:52] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode -h no for #OperationPayback [22:52] <no> no is a free spirit [22:53] <internetz> oh fucking hold on [22:53] <+owen> lolz [22:53] <anon2000> does chicago comcast have docsis 3.0 yet?? [22:53] <+owen> and no sense of humor [22:53] * Yubnub ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeo ut ) [22:53] <dionysus-> +bitch ? [22:53] <%shitstorm> penis [22:53] <+owen> lolz [22:53] <BarelyThere> Your skills are beyond us <no>, you should be are new lead er [22:53] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - Jet Pack with 13 of 3700 liste ners (13 unique) at 128 kbps [22:53] * OperServ sets mode +h no for #OperationPayback [22:53] <internetz> there [22:53] * Karli ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [22:54] <+owen> no /ns u[pdate [22:54] <+owen> update* [22:54] <k0mplk2> so r u blocking traffic internetz? looking for req headers? [22:54] <internetz> I don't work for comcast [22:54] <BarelyThere> as our new leader <no> you get to go hijack the Russian he avy lift helicopter we are going to use to free Julian from the police van [22:54] <internetz> I've been in comcast system before tho [22:54] <staff> :) [22:55] <anon2000> time for a lil braggidacio [22:55] <ink> cumcast [22:56] * anon2000 ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback (Leaving) [22:57] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - Mayday!!! with 13 of 3700 list eners (13 unique) at 128 kbps [22:57] * info_runner ([email protected] om) has joined #OperationPayback [22:58] * k0mplk2 ([email protected]) has left #OperationP ayback [22:58] * andylyte ([email protected]) has left #OperationPay back [22:58] * sambuka65_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: sambuka 65_ ) [22:58] * anon316 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [22:58] <include_> comtrails will turn all of us into zombies [22:58] <include_> lololol [22:59] * loteck ([email protected]) has joined #O perationPayback [22:59] * k0mplk2 ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [22:59] * DeLaTchonga ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Fire fox 3.6.13/20101203075014] ) [22:59] <BarelyThere> contrails are a bitch also [22:59] <info_runner> comcast rails will also [23:00] * Isis is now known as IsisDrnk2Fck [23:00] * ggrowler ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ggrowler ) [23:00] * owen is now known as owen2fckIsis [23:01] <Benedicktus> SR?cumcast [23:01] <amsal> !hive [23:01] <Benedicktus> lol amsal [23:01] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - Never Had It with 12 of 3700 l isteners (12 unique) at 128 kbps [23:01] * DeLaTchonga ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [23:01] <info_runner> a few bees still buzzing about? [23:01] * DeLaTchonga ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ChatZil la 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014] ) [23:01] * amsal ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.anonops.net ) [23:02] * level7337 ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [23:02] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - No W with 12 of 3700 listeners (12 unique) at 128 kbps [23:02] <staff> no bees no buzz [23:02] * DeLaTchonga ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [23:02] <Benedicktus> srsly?? [23:03] <k0mplk2> we need girls right now... [23:03] <%no> im girls [23:03] <k0mplk2> or at least 3 m female aliens... [23:03] * Raphael ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [23:03] * info_runner drinks till no looks bee u tee ful [23:03] <BarelyThere> OK I just checked up, there's a Russian heavy lift helicop ter at Biggin Hill, it should take 30 minutes to get from there to the court hou se, anyone know what time they will be transporitng Julian ? [23:03] * AWW3 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mi bbit.com ajax IRC Client ) [23:04] * www1 ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [23:04] * Anon777 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [23:04] <staff> 0845 [23:05] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - One Love with 11 of 3700 liste ners (11 unique) at 128 kbps [23:05] * mskany ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [23:05] <dionysus-> Why would they need a heavy lift helicopter? [23:05] <ink> he got man boobs [23:05] <k0mplk2> we need cheryl cole s farts to save assange, and now [23:06] <info_runner> Radiobot, wassa the radio address? [23:06] <dionysus-> Maybe they're going to bust him out with some sort of Hummer then airlift the thing out? [23:06] * supbz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [23:06] <BarelyThere> because were going to attach a scrap yard elctromagnet and use it to lift the van they transport Julian in [23:06] <respuesta9> its a armored police van (they are havey) [23:06] <info_runner> I thought he made bail? [23:06] * enigma ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [23:06] <ink> appealed [23:06] <dionysus-> He did make bail. Then CPS appealed it. [23:07] * Gideon2 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [23:07] <BarelyThere> Yes he mad bail, but we are going to make it look like the CIA did it [23:07] * erdbeer ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [23:07] * fishbot ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [23:07] <dionysus-> The CIA is jerking everyone's chain. [23:07] <info_runner> by look like cia u mean fail? [23:08] <respuesta9> lol [23:08] <Vlad> this heli lifts 20 tons [23:08] <k0mplk2> yes, and when they distracted, i took down their site with my loneman ping [23:08] * anon316 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [23:08] * bluec0w ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [23:08] <staff> Lion Ping [23:08] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - Rise with 11 of 3700 listeners (11 unique) at 128 kbps [23:09] <info_runner> fuck dat, I got a 2400 baud modem anna case of beer, lets do this thing [23:09] <k0mplk2> hahahha [23:09] <BarelyThere> the magnet will also suck up the MP5's the armed police ar e carrying, so we will have Julian, and we will be armed [23:09] * no ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leaving ) [23:09] * maaalice ([email protected]) has joined # OperationPayback [23:09] <staff> dialup in chicago [23:09] <yaahman> love the keiser report [23:09] <info_runner> ;) [23:10] <info_runner> ChiNet still alive? [23:10] <ink> my pingshake brings all the boys to the yard [23:11] * maaalice ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [23:11] * BongHitz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [23:12] * anon778 ([email protected]) has left #OperationPa yback [23:12] * xacs ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [23:12] <Trivette> owen2fckIsis [23:12] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - Same Thing with 11 of 3700 lis teners (11 unique) at 128 kbps [23:13] <info_runner> what is the IP of the radio? anyone? [23:13] <k0mplk2> ok heres my plan : december 24, 0000 hrs ("grenich") a vast co nglomerate of fiber connected servers from sweden, netherlands, latvia commanded by the most retarded man in the world will attack in a tank man -esche approach the cia site [23:13] <info_runner> lol [23:13] <ink> sounds good to me : [23:14] <staff> Zulu! [23:14] <yaahman> agreed [23:14] * enigma ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-m IRC www.anonops.net ) [23:14] <info_runner> yes, but what is GW Bush up to these days? [23:14] * DeLaTchonga_ ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [23:14] <yaahman> but we also should think about something for newyear [23:14] <staff> gettin drunk [23:14] <info_runner> then he might not be able to command, wait till after new year [23:14] <yaahman> any further suggestions? [23:14] * enigma ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [23:14] <staff> i made out with him once [23:14] <staff> good kisser [23:14] <BarelyThere> why dont we just infect the kiddie porn that the pentagon employees like to view ? [23:15] <staff> cause it's already on there ;-) [23:15] <Trivette> ^idiot [23:15] * enigma ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: enigma ) [23:15] * enigma ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [23:15] <k0mplk2> already done barely [23:15] <respuesta9> any new operations coming soon or not (that r fun) [23:15] <yaahman> these java script stuff sucks [23:15] <staff> what's fun? no effort? [23:15] <k0mplk2> the assholes never check for steghide pics messages [23:16] * Sammo ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [23:16] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - Something Grown Together with 13 of 3700 listeners (13 unique) at 128 kbps [23:16] * DeLaTchonga is now known as AnonGuest51159 [23:16] <Sammo> Hey guys :3 [23:16] * kitsune ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [23:16] * plop ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [23:16] * AnonGuest51159 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [23:16] <respuesta9> no just fun with efort or not [23:16] * enigma ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-m IRC www.anonops.net ) [23:16] <info_runner> well, right now the news is all over austerity riots, so f ind a way to link those with WL and rally all anarchists [23:16] * nigs ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: V& ) [23:17] <ink> spread the chemtrails :) [23:17] <yaahman> these austerity riots and wl are linked already [23:17] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [23:17] <yaahman> just nobody checks it [23:17] * staff ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [23:18] <info_runner> find cables relating to Banks and GOV bailouts, or any coz y relationships with banks, hedge funds, AIG, UBS etc and there is the link betw een WL and austerity riots [23:18] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - Stand Up with 13 of 3700 liste ners (13 unique) at 128 kbps [23:18] <info_runner> yeah, true [23:18] * DeLaTchonga_ ([email protected]) has left #Operation Payback () [23:18] <info_runner> need to show with cables tho [23:18] * richardozz ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [23:18] * bakunin ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [23:19] * enigma ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [23:19] <yaahman> I think bringing down one bank after the other day per day for lets say one week would really tell them something [23:19] <info_runner> has the US Fed directed IMF action to pressure EU on Irela nd or Greece or Italy, for example [23:19] * Vanzetti__ ([email protected]) has joined #Ope rationPayback [23:19] * Ismael ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [23:19] * anonas ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [23:19] <Vanzetti__> Yo Yo Yo anon [23:19] <yaahman> the IMF is the fed [23:19] <k0mplk2> confirmed [23:19] <info_runner> hey Vanzetti [23:19] * DeLaTchonga ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [23:19] <info_runner> IMF is a bigger badder global Fed [23:19] <Vanzetti__> Que paso mis companeros? [23:20] * BongHitz ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ChatZ illa 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014] ) [23:20] * XRaver ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Gozer je zit te spa cen! ) [23:20] <yaahman> todo bem [23:20] <info_runner> grande pantalones [23:20] <Vanzetti__> Lol [23:20] * Keep2 ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [23:20] <richardozz> is the insurance password really out? [23:20] * Soul_Thief ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [23:20] <respuesta9> is it [23:20] <k0mplk2> but they will never see my ping come [23:20] <richardozz> heard from my friend that it was released some hours ago at piratebay [23:20] <yaahman> lol [23:20] <richardozz> any link? [23:20] <info_runner> seriously doubt it [23:20] * anon1984 ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [23:20] <dionysus-> what password [23:21] <TjaardA> 31. famous`/[email protected] rejoin ed #pcw.highskilled [23:21] <TjaardA> 03:08  32. sHankzOFF/[email protected] rejoined #wars.nl [23:21] <info_runner> to insurance.aes256 [23:21] <TjaardA> 03:08  33. twK[OFF]/[email protected] rejoine d #wars.nl [23:21] <richardozz> insurance file password [23:21] <TjaardA> 03:08  34. St|cK`off/[email protected] rejoine d #wars.nl [23:21] <TjaardA> 03:08  35. swarfegA/[email protected] rejoined # nnscript [23:21] <TjaardA> 03:08  36. ben_8/[email protected] rej oined #wars.nl [23:21] <TjaardA> 03:08  37. TpK[Off]/[email protected] re joined #wars.nl [23:21] <TjaardA> 03:08  38. FourKingAce/[email protected] rejoine d #wars.nl [23:21] <TjaardA> 03:08  39. batuk/[email protected]. tm rejoined #wars.nl [23:21] <TjaardA> 03:08  40. JoeBuddena/[email protected] rejoined #war s.nl [23:21] * erdbeer ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [23:21] <TjaardA> 03:08  41. hollwoof/[email protected] n.onepointsix.eu rejoined #pcw.highskilled, #wars.nl [23:21] <k0mplk2> wtf??? [23:21] <TjaardA> 03:08  42. w1nk/[email protected] tsix.eu rejoined #wars.nl [23:21] <TjaardA> 03:08  43. eNerGy|Lypp[OFF/[email protected] rejoin ed #wars.nl [23:21] <TjaardA> 03:08  44. firstwave-dean\/[email protected] rejoine d #wars.nl [23:21] <TjaardA> 03:08  45. rohan/[email protected] rejoined #wars. nl [23:21] <TjaardA> oeps [23:21] * TjaardA was kicked by Tony_The_Tiger ([email protected]) Reason (Stop flo oding!) [23:21] <dionysus-> whats in the file [23:21] <ink> aes256 password = ping [23:21] <info_runner> mysteries of the universe [23:22] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - The Moon with 13 of 3700 liste ners (13 unique) at 128 kbps [23:22] * TjaardA ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [23:22] <k0mplk2> ppl there have to be more careful about their ips [23:22] <TjaardA> oeps [23:22] <TjaardA> LOL [23:22] <info_runner> no one knows, its meant to be a deadman switch to protect assange in case wikileaks goes down [23:22] * sadasd ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [23:22] <richardozz> found this.. http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/6043713/Wikil eaks_insurance___password [23:23] <richardozz> fake perhaps? [23:23] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Outblast & Angerfist - Delusion with 11 of 3700 listeners (11 unique) at 128 kbps [23:23] <Vanzetti__> Maybe [23:23] <Vanzetti__> Only one way to tell [23:23] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [23:24] <info_runner> 1) no one is cracking a file if its AES256, and if its off icial, we would have heard about it, not have to look for it [23:24] <richardozz> and what is that? [23:24] <yaahman> whats it all about? [23:24] * include_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [23:24] * ItsRainingMen ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [23:24] <Vanzetti__> It's late maybe we will hear about it tomorrow [23:25] <info_runner> if wikileaks goes down, or something happens to assange, t he password will be made public and we shall see what damning evidence is in it. .. or its all a bluff [23:25] * Laban ([email protected]) has joined #Op erationPayback [23:25] <ink> so whats in the aes256 file....boobs? [23:25] * richardozz ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [23:25] <k0mplk2> fake , fake and fake [23:25] * Sky_King ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [23:25] <info_runner> castle wolfenstine [23:25] <Vanzetti__> I can't decide whether the insurance file is a bluff or rea l. Either way it's a brilliant idea [23:25] <info_runner> with secret rooms [23:25] * ptitz ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [23:26] * AnonBuddha ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ex-Chat ) [23:26] <k0mplk2> !JapaneseTeenyGirls [23:26] <yaahman> k [23:26] <Sammo> lol [23:26] <ptitz> where [23:26] <theindie> high stakes poker with an empty hand? brave fella assange [23:26] <k0mplk2> fuck, i have to read a irc manual [23:26] <Vanzetti__> Tbh though assange should have uses the insurance to get ma nning out of prison [23:26] <info_runner> what would be great is if its US mil info, like enryption keys or something [23:26] <theindie> gotta be something in there [23:26] <Sammo> Anyone been to the hard candy section on the hidden wiki? [23:26] <Sammo> I MEAN WHAT? [23:26] <Sammo> 0.o [23:26] <Vanzetti__> "release [23:27] <respuesta9> the insurance file's password not out [23:27] * bluec0w ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [23:27] * duzz ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [23:27] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Gabba Front Berlin - Lacrima Mosa Est wi th 11 of 3700 listeners (11 unique) at 128 kbps [23:27] <Vanzetti__> "release manning or I release these files" that's what assa nge should have said [23:27] * myshkovitz ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [23:27] * duzz ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://www. mibbit.com ajax IRC Client ) [23:27] <spudrospard> whos playing in the radio [23:27] <k0mplk2> yeah not bad [23:27] <spudrospard> like it [23:27] <respuesta9> why u ask [23:27] * bluec0w ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [23:27] <info_runner> what is its addy / port? [23:28] <ptitz> man i just installed suse. best distro i ever had [23:28] <theindie> vanzetti: he might not know who leaked trhe leak, so to speak [23:28] <anon1984> !hive [23:28] <respuesta9> i pm ed him to put some thing fast and he did [23:28] <Vanzetti__> True [23:28] * xacs ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [23:28] * kitsune ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Colloquy for iPhone - http://colloquy.mobi ) [23:28] <BarelyThere> suse has an FBI backdoor [23:28] <info_runner> spudrospard: whats the radio address / port? [23:29] <ptitz> ah [23:29] <k0mplk2> every OS has [23:29] <ptitz> crap [23:29] <ptitz> lol [23:29] <Vanzetti__> theindie: although if you believe that douche Adrian lamo m anning had multiple direct convos with assange [23:29] <spudrospard> info_runner: http://radio.tritnaha.com/listen.m3u [23:29] <info_runner> thx [23:29] <info_runner> hmmm, thats down here :( [23:30] <spudrospard> whys that [23:30] <theindie> vanzetti: ah, em chat logs... wonder how adrian feels about c ondemning a man to death [23:30] <@Chitty> Everyone [23:30] <info_runner> oh, nevr mind, I know the port [23:30] <@Chitty> Who here wants to run a tor node? [23:30] * Tony_The_Tiger sets mode +o Trivette for #OperationPayback [23:30] <theindie> i would be too far for any useful use, methinks [23:30] <Vanzetti__> Honestly though it's certainly possible that manning is inn ocent and they're torturing him to get him to say assange coached him on how to get the files. Thusly nabbing assange for conspiracy [23:31] <Vanzetti__> Dunno though [23:31] <k0mplk2> http://cia.gov/infoterrorism/b/retarded/TheLonemanPingOperatio n.aspx [23:31] <theindie> vanzetti: all things are possible, i have learned [23:31] <ink> doesnt sound unlikely vanzetti [23:31] <Vanzetti__> This is true [23:31] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - We Are Winning with 15 of 3700 listeners (15 unique) at 128 kbps [23:32] * xacs ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPa yback [23:32] <info_runner> fucking Homeland Security kept Einstrzende Nuebaten from c oming to Chicago [23:32] <ptitz> no wai [23:32] <Vanzetti__> And from reading up about anarchist court cases conspiracy charges are notoriously hard to fight... Basically equivalent to thought crime [23:32] <yaahman> what is this hype with german speaking bands in the us all abo ut? [23:32] * ItsRainingMen ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leavi ng ) [23:33] <info_runner> EN speaks english as well [23:33] * Ricks ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [23:33] <info_runner> :) [23:33] <ptitz> hype? [23:33] <spudrospard> fuck why's they change the sound [23:33] <ptitz> really? [23:33] <spudrospard> speedcore was awesome [23:33] <spudrospard> now it's shit [23:33] <yaahman> yeah but they mainly sing in german as far as I knoiw. but als o rammstein is very popular [23:33] <theindie> lmao, cia.gov is untrusted [23:34] <ptitz> uh [23:34] <info_runner> http://blogs.suntimes.com/music/2010/11/einsturzende_neuba uten_anniver.html [23:34] <ptitz> thats like 2 german bands [23:34] <ptitz> doesnt make a hype [23:34] * Laban ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: C hatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014] ) [23:34] <ptitz> tokyo hotel could be third one but they sing in english [23:35] <info_runner> Lady GaGa shits alot, does that make her German, or just a fan of German pr0n? [23:35] * nato ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [23:35] <ink> einsturzende neubauten? That's from the 80's right? [23:35] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: The Flobots - Happy Together with 17 of 3700 listeners (17 unique) at 128 kbps [23:35] <info_runner> yeah [23:35] <info_runner> lol [23:35] * no ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [23:35] <nato> Einsturzende Neubauten is fantastic [23:35] * OperServ sets mode +h no for #OperationPayback [23:35] <ptitz> ye [23:35] <ptitz> EN are dope [23:35] * anon1984_ ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [23:35] * bluec0w ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [23:36] <@Trivette> wb no [23:36] * anon1984_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon19 84_ ) [23:36] * bluec0w ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [23:36] <yaahman> actually ptitz u are right [23:36] * nato ([email protected]) Quit ( NickServ (GHOST command used by otan) ) [23:36] * otan ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [23:36] * anon1984 ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Leavin g ) [23:36] * Kitt ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [23:36] <Sammo> Anyone had the Egg nog milkshake at mcdonalds? [23:36] <yaahman> I know of some underground bands who are played quite well in the underground channels [23:36] <Sammo> It's so godly [23:37] * otan ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback [23:37] <Sammo> i had an orgasm in the front seat of my car [23:37] <internetz> Kitt... [23:37] * anon1984 ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [23:37] * AD05 ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [23:37] <internetz> name looks familiar [23:37] <k0mplk2> i like egg nog [23:37] <k0mplk2> but homemade [23:37] * Ricks ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [23:38] * sadasd ([email protected]) has left #OperationPa yback [23:38] * include_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [23:38] <info_runner> are you comming on to me? [23:38] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeou t ) [23:38] * Raish ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [23:38] * kanadabis ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection re set by peer ) [23:39] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Dan Le Sac Vs Scroobius Pip - The Beat T hat My Heart Skipped with 16 of 3700 listeners (16 unique) at 128 kbps [23:39] * Vanzetti__ smacks inforunners ass [23:39] <Vanzetti__> No I am [23:39] <Vanzetti__> Lol jj [23:39] <Vanzetti__> Jk [23:39] <info_runner> whats the safety word tonight? [23:39] * Mean ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [23:39] <info_runner> ;) lol [23:39] * kanadabis ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [23:39] * bluec0w ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [23:39] <Vanzetti__> Safety sentence is oh god please stop [23:40] <Vanzetti__> Lol [23:40] * justice ([email protected]) Quit ( Input/output error ) [23:41] * mamba ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [23:41] * Mjollid ([email protected]) has joined #Opera tionPayback [23:41] <BarelyThere> A McDonanlds egg nog never saw an egg in it's life [23:41] * allan ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPay back [23:41] * buddha ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [23:42] * BroderDaniel ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [23:42] <k0mplk2> ok i checked my money, ppl just need help to promote my xmas a ttack against cia, just promote i ll go alone [23:43] <BarelyThere> OK we have a big problem, I just found out that the pilot of the Russian heavy lift helcopter only speaks Russian, anyone know any Russian [23:43] <allan> lol [23:43] <%no> can you guys hear me? [23:43] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Vanilla Sky - Umbrella with 14 of 3700 l isteners (14 unique) at 128 kbps [23:43] <info_runner> niet [23:43] <info_runner> nyet [23:44] <yaahman> vlad was russian [23:44] * sadasd ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPaybac k [23:44] * sadasd ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: sadasd ) [23:44] <Vlad> yes and now i marsiann [23:45] <ink> Ð Ñ Ð¿Ñ ÐµÐ´Ð»Ð°Ð³Ð°ÐµÐ¼ Рам Ð¿Ð¾Ð»Ð½Ñ Ð¹ Ñ Ð¿ÐµÐºÑ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ð»Ñ Ð³ по Ñ Ð¾ [23:45] * kixask0rz ([email protected]) has joined #Operat ionPayback [23:45] <Vanzetti__> no: yes I can hear you [23:45] * bluec0w ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [23:45] <ptitz> lol@russian spambots [23:45] * include_ ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [23:45] * Ricks ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [23:46] <k0mplk2> we need to stop all these spermbots [23:46] <Vlad> spambot take your attention while heli is refueld big amooun [23:47] <%shitstorm> !access list [23:47] * matthi ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [23:47] <k0mplk2> is possible vlad to include russian girls in this op? [23:47] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Flobots - There's A War Going On For You r Mind with 14 of 3700 listeners (14 unique) at 128 kbps [23:48] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Paramore - Careful with 14 of 3700 liste ners (14 unique) at 128 kbps [23:48] * bluec0w ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [23:48] * loteck ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.10/20100914125854] ) [23:48] * IsisDrnk2Fck is now known as Isis [23:48] * Garaizs ([email protected]) has joined #Operation Payback [23:48] * Ricks ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [23:49] <GeorgeDush> PEOPLE! [23:49] <GeorgeDush> do you like it? [23:49] <GeorgeDush> http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_4j-8k50qf_w/TQm02WvXodI/AAAAAAAAA BE/Pf8zEEBU-Vw/s1600/FUCK%2BYOU%2BCIA%2Blol.jpg [23:49] * Anubis ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [23:49] <Vlad> we alredy did schapman you see [23:49] <cyberseyer> @ink >>>>>> Ofrecemos una gama completa de servicios para crear y apoyar los sitios web de su organización. Creamos sitios web que están diseñados para realizar ciertas tareas [23:49] * matthi ([email protected]) Quit ( Client exited ) [23:49] * Mjollid ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [23:49] * _MrMayra_ ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [23:49] <k0mplk2> ?? [23:49] <BarelyThere> No Russian girls, in Sweden it's rape if you dont use a co ndom, in Russia it's rape if you don't give them vodka. [23:50] <ink> huh? [23:50] * Red_Streak ([email protected]) has joined #Oper ationPayback [23:50] <_MrMayra_> Is there gonna be a new target? And when? [23:50] <k0mplk2> target : cia date: xmas [23:50] <_MrMayra_> :D [23:51] <BarelyThere> Biggin Hill Airfield 8:00am sharp, we're going to steal a Russian heavy lift helicopter to free Julian [23:51] * Anubis ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: ) [23:51] <BarelyThere> bring along someone who speaks Russian [23:51] <Vanzetti__> Lol [23:51] <k0mplk2> with mighty magnetic secret weapons [23:51] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Incubus - Anna Molly with 14 of 3700 lis teners (14 unique) at 128 kbps [23:51] <BarelyThere> no Russian girls unless you bring vodka [23:51] <k0mplk2> vodka : checked [23:52] * tabs ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mibb it.com ajax IRC Client ) [23:52] * Garaizs ([email protected]) has left #OperationPa yback [23:52] * k0mplk2 ([email protected]) has left #OperationP ayback [23:53] <Vanzetti__> I find it awesome it's taking the us so long to find charge s to extradite Julian on [23:53] * Ricks ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayba ck [23:53] <Vanzetti__> Motherfucker covered his ass [23:53] * bluec0w ([email protected]) has joined #OperationP ayback [23:53] * k0mplk2 ([email protected]) has joined #Operatio nPayback [23:53] <GeorgeDush> new material here [23:53] <SteveD3> Vanzetti__ the state dept is looking into conspiracy charges n ow [23:53] <GeorgeDush> http://operationpaperstorm.blogspot.com/ [23:53] * Benedicktus ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Le aving ) [23:54] --> [owen2fckIsis] PING [23:54] [owen2fckIsis PING Reply] : 1.109 seconds [23:54] <SteveD3> assange and manning [23:54] * Nameless-au ([email protected]) has joined #Operati onPayback [23:54] <info_runner> hard to trump up charges when the whole world is watching [23:54] <Vanzetti__> SteveD3: yeah I read that [23:54] <k0mplk2> we re not doing too much for manning [23:54] * no ([email protected]) has left #OperationPayback (Leaving) [23:54] * Tred ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [23:54] <ink> steve link? [23:54] <SteveD3> if they can get that, then the blocks on free press are null [23:54] * no ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayback [23:54] <k0mplk2> and he s being tortured right now [23:54] <SteveD3> ink - http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/16/world/16wiki.html?_r=1 [23:54] * Cryptic__ ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [23:55] <BarelyThere> were going to leave Manning, just how bad can prison be if you're gay, right [23:55] <ink> ty [23:55] <AnonymousIRC> arr 900+ followers. gettin thar again. [23:55] * Karli ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: anon-mIRC www.ano nops.net ) [23:55] <SteveD3> np [23:55] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Dan Le Sac Vs Scroobius Pip - Angles wit h 13 of 3700 listeners (13 unique) at 128 kbps [23:55] <info_runner> tortured with bad UK food [23:55] <SteveD3> I find it interesting that the UK opposed bail and not sweden. .. [23:56] <info_runner> sweden appealed bail [23:56] <Vanzetti__> Makes sense [23:56] <Raish> tortured with solitary confinement - http://www.salon.com/news/o pinion/glenn_greenwald/2010/12/14/manning [23:56] <Vanzetti__> Us and uk have close ties [23:56] * Mumbles ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset b y peer ) [23:56] * Mumbles ([email protected]) has joined #OperationPayb ack [23:56] <Raish> i also think we should do something for him [23:56] <info_runner> UK granted bail, sweden appealed decision [23:56] <theindie> steve: obvious.. Uk is the tail that always wags, so [23:56] <SteveD3> info [23:56] * bluec0w ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout ) [23:56] <theindie> info: nope, sweden says they have no interest [23:56] <k0mplk2> barely i dont agree if he want a dickstorm in his ass ok, but not tortured for do what he thinks right, he always knows he will be jailed [23:56] <SteveD3> http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2010/dec/15/julian-assange-bai l-decision-uk [23:57] <SteveD3> "It had been widely thought Sweden had made the decision to op pose bail, with the CPS acting merely as its representative. But today the Swedi sh prosecutor's office told the Guardian it had "not got a view at all on bail" and that Britain had made the decision to oppose bail." [23:57] <k0mplk2> fuck that was horrible wrote [23:57] <k0mplk2> sorry [23:58] <SteveD3> CPS = Crown Prosecution Service for anyone who wondered... [23:58] * Vanzetti__ ([email protected]) Quit ( Quit: Ro oms â ¢ iPhone IRC Client â ¢ http://www.roomsapp.mobi ) [23:58] <BarelyThere> the only bail we going to need, is a bail of rope to pull Julian up to the helicopter [23:58] <SteveD3> so...why would the CPS appeal bail if they honestly were just workin on the swedish warrant and being helpful [23:58] <info_runner> theindie: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40654227/ns/us_newswikileaks_in_security/ [23:59] <info_runner> Swedes appealed [23:59] <@[Radio]> [Radio] Now Playing: Cookie Monsta - Ginger Pubes with 12 of 3700 listeners (12 unique) at 128 kbps [23:59] <SteveD3> info_runner that was written the day of bail, the guardian sto ry was yesterday [23:59] <SteveD3> new information
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