OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions 7.5 SP5 - Administration Guide

March 26, 2018 | Author: Badri Hebsur | Category: Business Process, Customer Relationship Management, Sap Se, Analytics, Application Software



OpenText™ Vendor Invoice Managementfor SAP® Solutions Administration Guide This guide describes the technical and functional aspects of administering OpenText Vendor Invoice Management. VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 OpenText™ Vendor Invoice Management for SAP® Solutions Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 Rev.: 21. Dec. 2016 This documentation has been created for software version 7.5 SP5. It is also valid for subsequent software versions as long as no new document version is shipped with the product or is published at Open Text Corporation 275 Frank Tompa Drive, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 0A1 Tel: +1-519-888-7111 Toll Free Canada/USA: 1-800-499-6544 International: +800-4996-5440 Fax: +1-519-888-0677 Support: For more information, visit Copyright © 2016 Open Text. All Rights Reserved. Trademarks owned by Open Text. Disclaimer No Warranties and Limitation of Liability Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the features and techniques presented in this publication. However, Open Text Corporation and its affiliates accept no responsibility and offer no warranty whether expressed or implied, for the accuracy of this publication. Table of Contents Part 1 About Vendor Invoice Management 7 1 About this document ............................................................... 11 1.1 Target readership ............................................................................ 11 1.2 Related documents ......................................................................... 11 2 Customer support ................................................................... 13 3 High availability ....................................................................... 15 4 Understanding VIM .................................................................. 17 4.1 Delivery model ................................................................................ 17 4.2 Workflow scheme ............................................................................ 18 4.3 Process swimlanes ......................................................................... 19 4.4 Extensions to VIM ........................................................................... 20 Part 2 One-time administration tasks 21 5 VIM batch jobs ......................................................................... 23 5.1 Scheduling batch jobs for workflows ................................................. 23 5.2 Scheduling batch jobs for VIM Analytics ........................................... 25 5.3 Scheduling batch jobs for Central Reporting ..................................... 25 5.4 Scheduling batch jobs for VIM Workplace ......................................... 26 5.5 Scheduling batch jobs for the KPI Dashboard ................................... 27 5.6 Scheduling batch jobs for Supplier Self Service ................................. 27 5.7 Scheduling batch jobs for the Ariba network ...................................... 28 5.8 Scheduling batch jobs for SAP NetWeaver BW ................................. 29 6 Scheduling batch jobs for data download from SAP ERP for ICC integration ................................................................... 31 6.1 Downloading the vendor database from SAP ERP ............................ 31 6.2 Downloading PO data from SAP ERP ............................................... 35 6.3 Batch Program /OPT/VIM_ICC_DL_CLEANUP ................................. 40 7 Roles ......................................................................................... 41 7.1 Maintaining the Fail Safe user key .................................................... 41 8 Maintaining Chart of Authority ............................................... 43 9 Administering workflows ........................................................ 45 9.1 Configuring VIM .............................................................................. 45 9.2 Linking events for VIM workflows ..................................................... 45 10 Using the SAP early watch service ........................................ 49 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide iii VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 Table of Contents 10.1 Creating a role for VIM configuration display ..................................... 49 11 Administering the Approval Portal ........................................ 59 11.1 Configuring the Approval Portal ........................................................ 60 11.2 Configuring Approval Portal for launching on Fiori Launchpad ............ 74 11.3 Configuring search helps with pre-filled values .................................. 88 11.4 Configuring multilingual support ....................................................... 90 11.5 Configuring attachment support ....................................................... 96 11.6 Branding ......................................................................................... 98 11.7 Releasing invoice locks when logging out from Approval Portal ........ 100 12 Configuring the Mobile Approval Portal .............................. 103 12.1 Introducing the Mobile Approval Portal interface .............................. 103 12.2 Configuring the Web Viewer integration .......................................... 103 12.3 Configuring mobile page fields ....................................................... 105 12.4 Configuring regional settings .......................................................... 106 Part 3 Regular administration tasks 107 13 Setting up substitutes for workflow processes .................. 109 14 Reassigning work items belonging to another user .......... 111 14.1 Retrieving open SAP work items of a specific user .......................... 111 14.2 Reassigning open SAP work items to a different user ...................... 113 14.3 Reassigning Invoice Approval items to a different user .................... 115 15 Administering workflows ...................................................... 119 15.1 Backup ......................................................................................... 119 15.2 Data archiving ............................................................................... 119 16 Running year end/month end procedure for parked and DP documents ....................................................................... 121 16.1 Customer Advisory ........................................................................ 122 16.2 Changing the posting date for a bulk of DP invoices ........................ 123 16.3 Processing Non PO based FI documents ........................................ 124 16.4 Processing PO based documents (LIV invoices) ............................. 128 16.5 Testing the year end procedure ...................................................... 131 16.6 Using the Year End Run Log .......................................................... 132 17 Archiving VIM information .................................................... 135 18 License reporting .................................................................. 139 18.1 Auditing using SAP System Measurement ...................................... 139 18.2 Using the ICC and VIM License Report ........................................... 140 iv OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .......... 195 27.................3 Analyzing system performance .................................11 Frequently used SAP workflow tables ..1 Working with log and trace files ............................................... 164 22 Releasing invoice lock for Invoice Approval ................... 221 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide v VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 ...... 151 19..............................................................................................10 Analyzing work items .....................7 Adaptive computing ........................... 152 20 Monitoring VIM workflows ... 207 29..... 155 21 Solving a role error in a workflow .......................... 176 23..............................................1 Determining a role error in a workflow ............1 Creating the application log ................... 179 23.....................................1 Monitoring alerts .................................2 Monitoring activity ........................................... 169 23....................... 187 25.......................................... 201 29..................9 Frequently used SAP workflow administration transactions .......3 and 7.................................................... Table of Contents Part 4 Troubleshooting and Monitoring 149 19 Security topics .....................6 System availability ................................4 Managing backup and restore .....2 Displaying log messages .........................................8 Restart mechanism ... 161 21...... 175 23..................................................................................................2 Data and functional security ........................5 Using Solution Manager Diagnostics .........1 Changing KPI customizing ... 177 23................................................................................................. 169 23................................... 176 23... 190 25..... 197 29 Monitoring and troubleshooting the Approval Portal ..... 175 23...................4 Using logs and traces .... 187 25....1 Technical security and authentication ....................................................... 181 24 Creating a PDF history log file .... 193 27 Troubleshooting SAP NetWeaver BW .......... 176 23......... 167 23 Administering workflows .................... 161 21....................................................................................3 Monitoring and measuring performance ............................................................. 192 26 Troubleshooting business rules simulation . 183 25 Working with the application log ..................2 Restarting workflow after fixing a role error ............................................. 214 29......................................................... 151 19......... 176 23......................................................4) ........................ 177 23..............................................................................................................2 Working with logging and tracing (NetWeaver 7...... 201 29..........3 Application logging for the CRM system ..................................... 195 28 Troubleshooting Invoice Approval .................... .........6 Performing periodic tasks ..................................................11 Performance improvements .Table of Contents 29.........................10 Starting and stopping Approval Portal ........................................................... 222 29................7 Technical configuration data .......... 233 GLS Glossary 235 vi OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 ....... 222 29............................................12 Troubleshooting .. 223 29............................................................................................. 223 29............ 222 29...............8 High availability and load balancing concept ..........................5 Restoring the application .........9 Restart and monitoring of asynchronous interfaces concept ............. 222 29..................................... 223 30 Troubleshooting the Mobile Approval Portal ...... 223 29........ Part 1 About Vendor Invoice Management . • VIM solves a business problem . Financial Processing. • VIM delivers not technology but best-practice business processes. VIM is SAP® centric. Workflow. • VIM deals only with invoices that will be posted to SAP ERP. SAP Fiori®.paying correct amount to vendors on time and with the lowest cost. • VIM is tightly integrated with OpenText™ Business Center for SAP® Solutions. • VIM uses SAP technology: ABAP®. • VIM integrates with standard SAP functions: Invoice Verification. • VIM is an add-on to your SAP ERP system.Part 1 About Vendor Invoice Management SAP Invoice Management by OpenText (VIM) is a packaged business solution for managing vendor invoices. • VIM provides values to customers in process efficiency. the majority of the functions and processes run inside your SAP ERP system. visibility and compliance. VIM consists of the following components: Figure 1: VIM components 8 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . etc. and SAP NetWeaver® Portal. • Collaborate with others. It provides optimal usability on multiple devices for better business interactions and ease of use. The following apps provided as part of VIM follow the SAP Fiori user experience guidelines. • Code and approve the invoices. Personalized and role-based. • VIM Approve Invoices Fiori app: Approve or reject PO or Non-PO vendor invoices. Using modern design principles. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 9 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Invoice Approval for SAP GUI users • Receive a list of invoices to be approved. it improves the user experience for SAP end users. • VIM Resolve Invoice Exceptions Fiori app: Answer to queries coming from Accounts Payable related to invoice exceptions. BCC (OpenText™ Business Center Capture for SAP® Solutions) • Business Center component: Automate the capture of paper invoices by using OCR to extract invoice data. BC (Business Center) Business Center provides the following components that are integrated in VIM. • Similar to Invoice Approval but with Web interface. Document Processing • Capture invoice metadata. SAP Fiori® is the new user experience (UX) for SAP software. Approval Portal • Java based Approval Portal infrastructure running on SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java. • Handle suspected duplicate invoices. • BC Inbound: Business Center Inbound Configuration: Process and monitor incoming documents. • BC Fiori Task App: List invoices to be processed within a lightweight web application outside SAP GUI. • VIM Enter Cost Assignment Fiori app: Enter cost assignment data for simple Non-PO invoices. ICC (OpenText™ Invoice Capture Center for SAP® Solutions) • Automate the capture of paper invoices by using OCR to extract invoice data. SAP Fiori enables enterprise-wide engagement. Suppliers create invoices in the Ariba Network. The Invoice Analysis app is a simple version of the VIM Analytics SAP GUI report. based on SAP Fiori®. • VIM Invoice Analysis Fiori app: Overlook invoices in progress in a lightweight web application. 10 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . and consolidate relevant business information from productive SAP applications and external data sources. for example. cost center owners or similar roles can access VIM Analytics from Fiori. or an iPad. Currently it is only included as an example or template but not fully supported for use in production. • Provide VIM invoice information in Vendor Factsheet inside the Accounting Interaction Center (AIC). SAP NetWeaver BW • Integrate VIM with SAP NetWeaver® Business Warehouse (SAP NetWeaver BW) to integrate. • VIM Analytics with CDS view: Overlook the invoices in progress in a unified dashboard.Part 1 About Vendor Invoice Management Mobile Approval • Approve invoices on a mobile device. transform. an iPhone. SAP CRM SSF Integration • Integrate VIM with SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) SAP Shared Service Framework to create Service Requests from VIM dashboards. The invoices are sent to the SAP ERP system of the buyer. The Invoice Analysis app is included into VIM to show how. for example a Blackberry. The buyer processes all incoming invoices in VIM. Supplier Self Service • Provide a web interface that enables suppliers to keep track of the status of their invoices. VIM Reporting / VIM Analytics • VIM Reporting: Use various reports to analyze the status of invoices in your system. Ariba® Network Integration • Connect VIM with Ariba Network Integration for SAP Business Suite. Exception Handling (Invoice Exception) • Handle the exceptions that arise after a SAP invoice is created. 1.Chapter 1 About this document knowledge/ Related documents The product ISO image is available on OpenText My Support: https:// knowledge.opentext.dll?func=ll&objId=10151494 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 11 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .1 Target readership This document addresses workflow administrators who are in charge of maintaining VIM.dll?func=ll&objId=14583402 You find the documentation for VIM here: https://knowledge. . if you bought the solution from SAP. for example the role SAP_RCA_SAT_DISP is shipped via the ABAP add- on component ST-PI. access to Support Packages.Software and Support Lifecycle. You must open the connection to the system and provide appropriate authorizations. you can open a message in the SAP Service Marketplace for component XX-PART-OPT-INV. For ABAP based components.Chapter 2 Customer support You can contact the OpenText Customer Support team with the contact information available at http://support. Remote support is possible through the SAP solution manager with CSS message. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 13 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . and other patches. language packages.opentext. check SAP Marketplace Note 1791874: SAP Products by OpenText . Alternatively. the Java role SAP_JAVA_SUPPORT is pre-delivered with NetWeaver and recommended to be used for this purpose. Important note for SAP Reseller Customers For information about all OpenText products resold by SAP (including VIM and ICC).com. as well as Support ticket handling. VIM provides the read-only transactions /OPT/VIM_7AX8_DIS and / OPT/VIM_VA2. This note provides detailed information about software life cycle. For SAP J2EE based components. access to latest documentation. To view logs. . sap. For detailed information. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 15 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . refer to the documentation provided under saphelp_sm70ehp1_sp23/helpdata/en/08/5748f74ae611d1894f0000e829fbbd/ frameset.Chapter 3 High availability VIM supports the standard SAP high availability concept. . To this end. Note: Only end user screens are translated in additional languages other than English. web pages. VIM is delivered with a so-called Baseline Configuration. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 17 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Core Functions are the technical foundation of VIM: SAP screens. etc. workflow templates. Customizing screens are provided in English language only. In conjunction with other OpenText products such as OpenText™ Archive Center it is possible to realize comprehensive solutions.Chapter 4 Understanding VIM 4. a set of pre-defined configurations that work out of the box. its function may best be described as a problem solution.1 Delivery model As VIM is basically a scenario. functions. It enables the flexible configuration of a company's payment workflow. an exception is triggered. Apply business rules Invoice pre-processing: Business rules are applied to detect additional exceptions before posting.2 Workflow scheme Figure 4-1: Workflow scheme Each VIM workflow process has the same basic steps: Validate metadata The metadata or index data are validated against the SAP database. If the new invoice is suspected to be a duplicate of any existing invoice. Check duplicates The validated metadata is used to check whether the new invoice has been entered already. If validation fails. 18 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Post for payment The invoice is posted and released for payment. an exception is triggered.Chapter 4 Understanding VIM 4. User Guide (VIM-UGD). Roles Each lane represents a business role. These are represented as individual items next to the dashboard block. Process swimlanes 4. See section 6 “Working with the Invoice Exception dashboards” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions .User Guide (VIM-UGD). The dashboard type identifies the VIM component that is used to realize a specific functionality. See section 4 “Working with the DP Dashboard” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions .User Guide (VIM-UGD).3. VIM line dashboard The VIM line dashboard represents a process as implemented in the Invoice Exception component of VIM for blocked PO based invoices for line level blocks. VIM dashboard The VIM dashboard represents a process as implemented in the Invoice Exception component of VIM for parked invoices. a unique grouping of people required to collaborate to complete the process.User Guide (VIM-UGD). Figure 4-2 on page 20 is an example of such a process swimlane that is delivered with the VIM Baseline Configuration. A swimlane diagram comprises the following main items: Process Description The description in the headline represents the process scenario. Dashboard The dashboard is the user interface for the actors in the process. VIM header dashboard The VIM header dashboard represents a process as implemented in the Invoice Exception component of VIM for blocked PO based invoices for header level processes.3 Process swimlanes Business blue print sessions result in a set of finalized swimlane diagrams representing the to-be process. 4. See section 6 “Working with the Invoice Exception dashboards” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 19 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . See section 6 “Working with the Invoice Exception dashboards” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . Options Various options are available to the actors during the processing of invoices. The following dashboard types are available: DP dashboard The DP dashboard represents a process as implemented in the Document Processing component of VIM. Chapter 4 Understanding VIM Figure 4-2: Swimlane example 4. refer to OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions .4 Extensions to VIM You can extend or customize the VIM functionality to meet your requirements. You should create Custom Development objects in your customer namespace. 20 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). For detailed information on technical and functional configuration. Plug the Custom Development objects into the appropriate user exits that OpenText provides in VIM. The SAP transport management system will handle the custom development and configuration changes. Part 2 One-time administration tasks . 22 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .Part 2 One-time administration tasks This part covers administration tasks that must be carried out only once. Suggested minimum frequency: Once a day Run after /PTGWFI/R_LIX_CLEANUP_WFS_NEW has completed. based on your system requirements. This job removes associated redundant work items and completes workflows. which can clear a blocked invoice.Chapter 5 VIM batch jobs To ensure that VIM works properly. schedule the batch jobs in this section appropriately. This job removes associated redundant work items and completes workflows. Suggested minimum frequency: Once a day Parameters: Select Automatic Release check box.1 Scheduling batch jobs for workflows Program: RM08RELEASE Description: Releases blocks on MM documents and payment blocks on FI documents (equivalent to MRBR transaction). Suggested minimum frequency: Once a day Run after RM08RELEASE. Parameters: Run-time dates (from/to) workflow start time Invoice document invoice document that you want to clear OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 23 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Program: /PTGWFI/R_LIX_CLEANUP_WFS_NEW Description: Handles actions taken outside of workflow. 5. Parameters: Run-time dates (from/to) workflow start time Invoice document invoice document that you want to clear Fiscal Year fiscal year of the document that you want to clear Program: /PTGWFI/R_PIR_CLEANUP_WFS Description: Handles actions taken outside of workflow. which can clear a parked invoice. If the maximum number of tries is exceeded. the work item will be sent to the dialog user to be resolved manually. depending on the requirements Parameters: None Program: /OPT/CR_RERUN_RULES_JOB Description: If the maximum wait time is configured for some DP Process Types (exceptions). Parameters: None Program: /OPT/VIM_R1A_REMINDER Description: Sends out VIM reminder emails for overdue items. This job will publish the events PSS_Completed and ProcessCompletedExternally. Suggested minimum frequency: As defined by the workflow configuration Parameters: None Program: /OPT/VIM_TRIGGER_HEADER_WF Description: Triggers the LIV Header Level Workflow. use the standard MRBR job and the OpenText workflow clean up job to resolve work items which are in waiting status. Program: RSWWERRE Description: Restarts work items that are in error status. rerunning the business rules will resolve the GR Missing exception and continue with the next process. see section 35 “Using VIM Notifications” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . Suggested minimum frequency: Every 30 min. These events will enable the workflow to rerun business rules. 24 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .Configuration Guide (VIM- CGD). Suggested minimum frequency: Every 4 hours Parameters: Use variants for specific groups.Chapter 5 VIM batch jobs Fiscal Year fiscal year of the document that you want to clear Program: /ORS/000007_LOCK_CLEANUP Description: Releases invoice locks as set by Web approval workflow. this program will complete the waiting work items for documents with those DP Process Types. Suggested minimum frequency: Twice a day or more often. if the goods receipt is posted. Suggested minimum frequency: Once a day Parameters: Select Background Mode Table /OPT/T852 defines the number of grace days. Example: In the DP Goods Receipt Missing scenario of the SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) scenario. For a comprehensive description. For Quantity and Price block scenarios. the waiting step will be skipped. also schedule jobs for the Group IDs that start with OTH*. User Master Report. When the waiting interval has exceeded or the process type has been executed successfully. Note: You must plan this job only if process types with wait / rerun option exist. 5. Suggested minimum frequency: Once a day Parameters: Select Rerun waiting in background and Write log background processing.2. For documentation of the “old” VIM Analytics batch jobs. which was in use in VIM prior to version 7.2 Scheduling batch jobs for VIM Analytics The “old” VIM Analytics. You have to OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 25 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .5.4 “Creating variants of the Aggregation Report for each group” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions - Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD)). you can schedule one batch job with several steps or a dedicated batch job for each variant.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). see section 5.Administration Guide (VIM070000- AGD). For a comprehensive description. see section 37 “Rerunning waiting process types” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . After you have created variants of the Aggregation Report for the TRANSACT. and USER groups (see section 28. 5. the job for the TRANSACT group should be scheduled after MASTER and USER jobs. MASTER. Therefore it is necessary to regularly run the data extraction reports for Central Reporting. Schedule Collection Report. Therefore. Scheduling batch jobs for VIM Analytics Program: /OPT/DR_BR_WAIT Description: Reruns the process types that have been set into a wait step. In a multiple backend system. 5.2 “Scheduling Batch Jobs for VIM Analytics” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . This applies to the following reports: • Collection Report • User Master Report • Text Master Report • Aggregation Report Keep in mind that the sequence of the jobs is important. has been replaced with the new VIM Analytics.3 Scheduling batch jobs for Central Reporting The underlying document and workflow data of Central Reporting is being updated as documents get processed. and Text Master Report before Aggregation Report. batch jobs for the “old” VIM Analytics are no longer necessary. Regarding the order of the other groups for the batch job. if there are issues caused by extremely long report runtimes.0. The reason is that the required technical components are not available within the corresponding workflow runtime instances. if there are issues caused by extremely long report runtimes. However. Suggested minimum frequency: Once a day Parameters: In general no parameter values are required. you can optimize the overall runtime by separating processes into several smaller buckets. no automatic synchronization is possible as soon as the corresponding VIM processes have been finished because no DP workflow instance is available at all. Additionally.Chapter 5 VIM batch jobs consider how often it is necessary to update the respective data and schedule the job accordingly. 5. the selection parameters of the report can be utilized to split the overall processing load into several smaller buckets. no automatic synchronization is possible for logically deleted and/or completed workflows. Example: Any SAP documents (relevant for VIM depending on the rollout criteria) may have been parked or posted directly from SAP transactions. you can use run parameters to display the check result and to execute the job in simulation mode. Program: /OPT/CR_PMC_BS_CHECK Description: Runs the smart selection criteria check using the selected parameters. You can run the job for special selection criteria only. However.4 Scheduling batch jobs for VIM Workplace Program: /OPT/CR_PMC_PRC_DEL_COMPL_SYNC Description: Synchronizes logically deleted and/or completed processes with the VIM Workplace. as well as for all selection criteria assigned to certain selection criteria types. the selection parameters of the report can be utilized to split the overall processing load into several smaller buckets. Therefore. Example: If any DP workflows have been started before VIM 7. use the available DOCID selection range. If required. You can also completely exclude processes that are too old or not even relevant anymore. Suggested minimum frequency: Once a day Parameters: In general no parameter values are required. Suggested minimum frequency: Initial run: One time activity for all available selection criteria at go live Regular run: Once a day 26 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Program: /OPT/CR_PMC_NO_DP_COMPL_SYNC Description: Synchronizes the completion of VIM processes started by directly parked or posted SAP documents with the VIM Workplace. In this case. This applies to the following jobs: • Collection job • Aggregation job Note: Before running periodic jobs. you can set a range of document IDs. All static checks will be executed automatically within each single process instance during runtime. Example: If smart selection criteria or the corresponding check logic have been changed. The Test Mode displays all data that can be updated to the different tables.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). you must complete all customizing steps for the KPI Dashboard.OpenText recommends to execute the job once a day. 5.5 Scheduling batch jobs for the KPI Dashboard To make data available in the KPI target tables.5. you must set up periodic jobs for collection and aggregation. Parameters: Selection Criteria Type = T (time based check) You only must schedule the job for the time based selection criteria type. Suggested minimum frequency . see section 26. the new report /OPT/WR_3S_COLLECTION is introduced. Suggested minimum frequency: Only use this job if really required. 5. you can use this job to cleanup old registrations before re-registering the new check results again.2 “Periodic jobs . which may have been started before the feature has been technically available.6 Scheduling batch jobs for Supplier Self Service With the Supplier Self Service component. which results in a daily status of the invoices. The report is necessary to fill the relevant data in the tables that will be used in the RFC function modules. or also a time range. 5. Therefore it is mandatory to schedule the report as a job. Program: /OPT/CR_PMC_BS_CLEANUP Description: Deletes currently registered smart selection check results or corresponding customizing settings. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 27 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .collection and aggregation” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . This is necessary to initially register all relevant processes. Parameters: You can use parameters as required. a range for vendors. a range for company codes. For comprehensive information. The report provides a Delta Mode that must be used in background processing to fetch the correct data. Scheduling batch jobs for the KPI Dashboard Besides the regular suggested frequency. the job needs to be run once (as a one time activity at go live) for all available selection criteria types. For dialog processing. To clean up the collection tables of Supplier Self Service.Chapter 5 VIM batch jobs If you do not provide a specific range for vendors or company codes. This is a standard SAP program for Ariba. see section 28 “Central Reporting infrastructure” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . there is a customizing for the Collection and Aggregation reports. On S/4HANA on Premise. the following programs must be scheduled to run periodically. You can verify the results of the inbound and outbound processing in the application log. In the OpenText Configuration (/OPT/SPRO transaction). the /OPT/WR_3S_CLEANUP report is available. transaction SLG1.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). you can also select specific VIM document IDs. The report deletes all entries of tables /OPT/WT_3S.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). You can also use the report in a multiple backend system.7 Scheduling batch jobs for the Ariba network To process the inbound cXML messages.2 “Mapping suppliers” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . For more information. to be started with object ARIBA_INTEGRATION.6. For the Supplier Service Application.2 SP1 for S/4).Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD) and section 23. see section 23. in addition to the SAP program ARBERP_BUS2081_EXTRACT_STS_UPD. /OPT/ WT_3S_PYMNT.7.Configuration Guide (BOCP-CGD). Note: Make sure that the corresponding background jobs are scheduled as described in section 14 “Batch jobs for Inbound Configuration” in OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions . To process the outbound cXML messages.2 “Mapping company codes” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . and /OPT/WT_3S_VALUE. 5. For a detailed description of the Supplier Self Service customizing. • ARBFND_FETCH_CXML_MESSAGES (ARBFND_FETCH_CXML_MESSAGES_NEW for SAP components ARBERP SP2 and higher) • ARBFND_FETCH_CXML_MSG on SAP S/4HANA on Premise. a cXML cancellation message is sent from Ariba Network. an aggregation reporting group ID (3S) already exists. see section 23 “Supplier Self Service” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions - Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). the program ARBERP_BUS2081_EXTRACT_STS_UPD must be scheduled to run periodically. The processing is done with the program ARBFND_FETCH_CXML_MESSAGES or ARBFND_FETCH_CXML_MESSAGES_NEW / 28 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . These are standard SAP programs for Ariba. When a vendor has decided to cancel an invoice. schedule OpenText program /OPT/ VIM_ARB_STATUS_UPDATE (available since OTVIMARB 7. the report fetches all relevant vendors and company codes that are relevant for Supplier Self Service and configured. With a selection by object type /OPT/V1001. but on a BW system with component OTVIMBW. OpenText recommends minimum running fetching and cancellation jobs more often if cancellations are expected. Meta Process Chain for Delta Load of VIM Data w/o Corp. this means to the InfoCubes.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). see section 25 “SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse content” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . The BW content of VIM 7. Mem. no mapping is involved and the original inbound document is marked for cancellation. You can set up a periodic job for this report to extract VIM data to the BW on a regular basis. In case of cancellations. 5. For detailed information about SAP NetWeaver BW.5. This frequency prevents unnecessary processing of invoices that are cancelled by the vendor.0 BW content is also used for VIM 7.0 provides the following meta process chains: Note: VIM 7. you must schedule the following additional programs to run in background jobs (relevant only on SAP ERP 6. (technical name: /OPT/VIM_ALL_01) This meta process chain is used to upload master data and transaction data from the leading OLTP system without storing data records in the Corporate Memory Layer and to further upload the data to the Reporting Layer. The cancellation itself is implemented in the program /OPT/ VIM_ARB_CANCELLATIONS that must be scheduled to run periodically.8. You can use report /OPT/VIM_TRIGGER_PC_START to trigger the scheduled process chain. (technical name: /OPT/VIM_ALL_02) This meta process chain is used to upload master data and transaction data from the leading OLTP system with additionally storing the data records in the Corporate Memory and to further upload the data to the Reporting Layer. 5.0 but not on S/4HANA on Premise). Meta Process Chain for Delta Load of VIM Data with Corp. Mem. you can use process chains for the automatic processing of loading data and updating data targets in reporting. Scheduling batch jobs for SAP NetWeaver BW ARBFND_FETCH_CXML_MSG. this is a batch job that does not run on the system where VIM is installed. this means to the InfoCubes. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 29 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . • ARBERP_BUS2081_EXTRACT_CCINVC • ARBERP_BKPF_EXTRACT_CCINVC Suggested The job run frequency depends on your business processes.8 Scheduling batch jobs for SAP NetWeaver BW Note: Unlike the other batch jobs described in this chapter. In the SAP NetWeaver BW context. To support the Ariba Network integration scenario Carbon Copy Invoice. which uploads master data (full update) and transaction data (delta update) with additionally storing data records in the Corporate Memory Layer. Triggers process chain /OPT/VIM_ALL_02. 30 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .Chapter 5 VIM batch jobs Alternatively. which uploads master data (full update) and transaction data (delta update) without storing data records in the Corporate Memory Layer.Depending on the needed up-to-dateness of SAP NetWeaver BW data for example once a day. Mem. using the SM64 transaction. Triggers process chain /OPT/VIM_ALL_01. Event /OPT/ VIM_TRIGGER_PC_01 triggers process chain /OPT/VIM_ALL_01. Mem. the delta load of DP Document Headers and Exceptions has to be initialized using the InfoPackages /OPT/VIM_DPDOC_H_TRAN_INIT and /OPTVIM_EXC_TRAN_INIT. Event /OPT/ VIM_TRIGGER_PC02 triggers process chain /OPT/VIM_ALL_02. Suggested minimum frequency . Note: Before scheduling and triggering the Meta Process Chain. Process options Delta Load with Corp. Ensure that the KPI Collection Report is run and finished on the OLTP system before the BW extraction process is started by report /OPT/VIM_TRIGGER_PC_START. you can manually trigger the events /OPT/VIM_TRIGGER_PC_01 or / OPT/VIM_TRIGGER_PC_02. Delta Load w/o Corp. Note: If you use Business Center Inbound Configuration to handle incoming document processing. You can find out how much time is spent in the RFC function modules and if there are memory or performance issues on the SAP ERP side. see the Invoice Capture Center Administrators Guide. You can use the programs /OPT/VIM_ICC_SIMUL_PO_DL and /OPT/VIM_ICC_SIMUL_VENDOR_DL to simulate an RFC download by ICC.Chapter 6 Scheduling batch jobs for data download from SAP ERP for ICC integration The download programs are only relevant if OpenText Invoice Capture Center (ICC) is integrated with your VIM installation. The Download Vendor Data to Staging table selection screen is displayed. The PO delivery look up table helps ICC to achieve better recognition and extraction. the download programs are also relevant. you must download the vendor database from SAP ERP to the staging table /OPT/VIM_STG_LIF. To download the vendor database: 1.opentext. The simulation can be useful to find out the reasons for download issues.dll/Open/15448194. available on My Support: https:// knowledge. 6.1 Downloading the vendor database from SAP ERP To integrate ICC into VIM. For detailed information on ICC. The following download programs are available: • Downloading the vendor database from SAP ERP • Downloading PO data from SAP ERP There are some tools for staging tables included in the product. Note: Schedule the download programs as batch ICC uses the vendor look up table to determine the vendor number and in turn supplies it back to SAP ERP. The download programs are used to provide data for look up tables used by ICC for better recognition results. Run the /OPT/IR_DL_VENDOR_TO_STG_TABLE program. The job logs provide information about the status. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 31 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . IBAN only Select this check box to clear bank number and bank account whenever an IBAN is found for an entry. Also Vendor with posting block Select this check box to include vendors with posting block in the download. Also Vendor with deletion flag Select this check box to include vendors with deletion flag in the download.Chapter 6 Scheduling batch jobs for data download from SAP ERP for ICC integration 2. Bank accounts per Vendor panel One selected bank account (default setting) Click this option to read the first bank account in the vendor master data. Enter the parameters for the download: Vendors panel Vendor number Enter the vendor number (range). This setting improves the recognition of the IBAN by ICC. Also Vendor w/o bank account (default setting) Select this check box to include vendors without bank account in the download. The choice can be altered by a user exit. 32 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . All bank accounts Click this option to generate a line for each bank account in the vendor master data. 1. The entries in the staging table do not contain company codes. you must select the Ignore company code and SAP system at vendor detection check box in ICC. If you specify one or more company codes. also the vendors that do not have an association to a company code will be drawn from table LFA1 and written to the staging table. the processing and the entries in the staging table depend on the selections you make in the Company Code selection. The search works only on the LFA1 table. The entries in the staging table contain a company code. The deletion and posting block flags are evaluated in relationship to the company code (that means. if they were taken from table LFB1. from the LFA1 table). only the vendors having an association to the given company codes in table LFB1 are written to the staging table. Downloading the vendor database from SAP ERP Importance of bank accounts Bank account data is one of many criteria to identify a vendor. 6. from the LFB1 table). if they were taken from table LFA1. It is easier to identify the vendor with two or more bank accounts. Company Code Enter the company code (range). The entries do not contain a company code. The deletion and posting block flags are not evaluated in relationship to the company code (that means. If you select this check box. If a vendor is associated to several company codes. Company code panel Ignore company code Select this check box to improve the performance of the search. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 33 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . several entries for this vendor are written to the staging table. If you do not specify a company code. Note: The program will run with higher performance if you enter several single values instead of a range. If you clear the Ignore company code check box. The entries in the staging table contain company codes. Additionally. the vendors that have an association to any company code in table LFB1 are written to the staging table. and the multiple bank data switch is set. The program stores the vendor information in the central system’s staging table (along with the satellite system’s logical system).5 SP3 (and VIM 7. it collects the vendor information from all satellite systems using function module /OPT/DOWNLOAD_LY_DATA.Chapter 6 Scheduling batch jobs for data download from SAP ERP for ICC integration Output to screen This program runs in background and collects the vendor information. Table /OPT/VIM_STG_LIF contains the following information: • Vendor number • Company code • Bank details • Vendor address • VAT and tax information • Vendor email. SWIFT code • Timestamp (of record creation) The vendor database contains one or more lines for each vendor number within a logical system.0 SP7) introduce the following enhancements for the /OPT/ IR_DL_VENDOR_TO_STG_TABLE program. If the program is running in the central system. • There are foreign VAT IDs in table LFAS. Enhancements VIM 7. Several lines for the same vendor are generated in the following cases: • There are multiple bank data for the vendor. Add Selection ENHANCEMENT-POINT /OPT/ES_VIM_ICC_IR_DL_VTST_01 Add Data ENHANCEMENT-POINT /OPT/ES_VIM_ICC_IR_DL_VTST_02 Definition 34 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . IBAN. Since VIM 7.2 Downloading PO data from SAP ERP To integrate ICC into VIM.0 SP8).0). Run the /OPT/IR_DL_PO_TO_STG_TABLES program. Delta mode The delta mode selects and adds entries that match with the given selection criteria. • Use identical selections on company code in each pair of full download and delta download. Then. For an ICC application (since ICC 7. and one time for the delta download to run once a day. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 35 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . To have the PO database at the ICC as up-to-date as possible. you can use one pair of full mode and delta mode runs for each application. The delta mode is not able to delete any entries. To download purchase order data: 1. one for company code A and another one for company code B. Downloading PO data from SAP ERP Before Insert to ENHANCEMENT-POINT /OPT/ES_VIM_ICC_IR_DL_VTST_03 Staging Table Before Append ENHANCEMENT-POINT /OPT/ES_VIM_ICC_IR_DL_VTST_04 in PERFORM store_to_stg_ta bles 6. you can use several program runs to fill the staging tables. You can schedule a pair of full download and delta download for each different filter. Parallel processing is not possible because there still is only one staging table. You must use the full mode from time to time to clear entries that should not be downloaded to ICC anymore. • Schedule the programs in a way that the run times do not overlap. you must download the purchase order data (PO data) and the delivery note numbers from SAP ERP and store them to staging tables / OPT/VIM_STG_POH and /OPT/VIM_STG_POI. one for the full download running once a week. you must schedule the reports on VIM side to run at an earlier time than the hotspots on ICC side.2. the delta mode and the full mode. and one for the delta download running once a day. Full mode The full mode deletes the entries for the selected company codes. Observe the following principles: • Find out which filters on company codes are used by your ICC applications. you must modify your variants and the scheduling of the jobs. The report for the PO download should be scheduled twice. it recreates the entries that match with the given selection criteria. Example: If you have two ICC applications. separated by the selection criteria for company code. If you want to use several program runs to fill the staging tables. one time for the full download to run once a week or once a month. The Download Purchase Order Data to Staging tables selection screen is displayed. The downloading program has two basic modes.5 SP4 (VIM 7. You can configure the jobs along with the ICC application filters. two hotspots for PO download are generated. 6. Company code Enter the company code (range). agreements from • Goods receipt from 36 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Enter the parameters for the download: Vendors panel Vendor Enter the vendor number (range).Chapter 6 Scheduling batch jobs for data download from SAP ERP for ICC integration 2. Download . The following date fields will be replaced with the date part of the time stamp: • Purchase Orders from • Sched.Delta/Normal panel Delta Download Select this check box to determine that the program reads the table /opt/ it_dl_ts and gets the time stamp of the last program run. which is to be expected on the invoice. Create header table only Select this check box if you do not need the data of the PO item at the ICC for line item matching. But you may want to include FO (Framework order) and LP (Scheduling agreement) also. Scheduling agreements older than this date are not included in the download. if you are not interested in the delivery notes. Processing Options panel Open only check Select this check box to ignore all items for which an invoice has already been received. Vendor substitution by alternate payee Select this check box to substitute the vendor that is taken from the purchase order by the alternate payee from the vendor data base. if you use a date in the future in this field. The runtime of the program improves if you do not need the delivery data in the header table. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 37 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Note: You can increase the performance of the program. Goods receipts older than this date are not included in the download. Purchase Orders from Enter a date. ICC does not make use of these data. agreements from Enter a date.2. Goods receipt from Enter a date. Sched. Use a future date only. Downloading PO data from SAP ERP Document selection panel Purchasing Doc. Orders older than this date are not included in the download. The default value is NB (Standard PO). Vendor substitution by invoicing party Select this check box to substitute the vendor that is taken from the purchase order by the invoicing party that is to be expected on the invoice. and if your quantities and amounts in the goods receipt match the data from the purchase order. No delivery data in header table Select this check box if you do not need the delivery note number and delivery date in the header table. The runtime of the program improves considerably if you do not need the PO item data. Type Enter the purchasing document type. 6. In a standard ICC application. To perform the download. click in the application toolbar. Check if PO items have invoices Select this check box to treat partially invoiced lines as closed.Chapter 6 Scheduling batch jobs for data download from SAP ERP for ICC integration Open only . 38 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . it collects the purchase order information from the satellite systems by calling the Remote function module / OPT/DOWNLOAD_PO_DATA. If it has at least one open line. For service lines of POs. A PO line is closed if this indicator is set (by enabling it during invoice posting). 3. the following alternatives are provided: Use Final invoice indicator Select this check box to check the “Finally invoiced” indicator on the PO line.options for service POs panel The “Open only” option treats a PO material (stock) line as closed if it is fully invoiced. the PO will be downloaded into ICC. A PO is considered closed if all of its lines are closed. Partially invoiced stock lines are considered open. If the program is running in the central system. that means if invoices exist for full PO line quantity. The log entry 3 vendors substituted means that the vendor substitution has been performed in 3 POs.2. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 39 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Note: The number in section Order number table gives the remaining number of PO entries that are written to the staging table. 48 have been removed due to the “open only” check. when the respective processing options have been selected in the selection screen. 6. 342 order numbers have been found. It does not mean that three different vendors were involved. and 294 have been written to the staging table for download. Downloading PO data from SAP ERP Output to screen The sections Open only check and Vendor substitution * appear only. In the example. 3 Batch Program /OPT/VIM_ICC_DL_CLEANUP You can clean the application log from entries that were created by the download interface (subobject ICC_DL). For this purpose. In the Global settings area. maximal value is 24. The program writes an output log. a confirmation dialog box opens before the deletion occurs. OpenText recommends that you schedule the program once a week. Skip dialogs is selected automatically. The dialog box does not open if nothing has been found to be deleted. Specify the age in months. If the program is not run in test mode.Chapter 6 Scheduling batch jobs for data download from SAP ERP for ICC integration 6. you can select the following check boxes: • Test run (count only) • Skip dialogs that skips the dialogs before the deletion If the program is run in background. You can use the /OPT/VIM_ICC_DL_CLEANUP program in a dialog mode as well. and if dialogs are not skipped. 40 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . The Minimum Age In Months parameter indicates the minimum age of the entries to be deleted. you can schedule the /OPT/ VIM_ICC_DL_CLEANUP program in background. When the Default Key is not maintained.1 Maintaining the Fail Safe user key If role resolution brings no result. Other than the Default Key. To maintain the Fail Safe or default user key: 1. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 41 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . it offers the possibility to make the maintained values applicable only in background. it uses the Default Key user.Chapter 7 Roles The VIM role concept is comprehensively described in section 5 “Roles” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . which covers the following topics: • Defining roles • Defining role templates • Assigning templates to roles • Maintaining role determination settings 7. the system uses the Fail Safe user key. Run the /OPT/CP_9CX10 transaction. Alternatively. It is essential that you maintain the default key user for all roles to avoid that the workflow results in error when it cannot perform the role resolution correctly. Fail Safe Fail Safe applies if the Default Key is not maintained. click OpenText Vendor Invoice Management > SAP menu > Roles > Fail_Safe Role Maintenance. Default Key If the system cannot find any related key.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). the system first checks the Default Key. based on your requirements. When changing the Fail Safe agent. Agent Type Select the agent type. do not set the Default Key agent. if you do not select the Use only in background check box (explained below). Thus. the role effectively ceases to be self directed as the maintained Fail Safe agent will appear in the proposed agent list in dialog mode. the new work item is created for the Fail Safe agent specified in the configuration. make sure that the default agent is empty.Chapter 7 Roles 2. • For self directed roles. Maintain the Fail Safe user key types Fail Safe and Default Key for all roles. but if the role must be resolved in background during the business rules rerun. selecting this check box prevents the workflow from going into error because of missing agents during background role resolution. 42 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Agent Id Select the agent Id. Also. the role behaves as self directed in dialog. With this check box selected. using the following parameters: Notes • You only need to maintain one type. Use only in background Maintain the Fail Safe agent for the self directed role in question and select the Use only in background check box. The users must specify the agents. Chapter 8 Maintaining Chart of Authority The maintenance of the Chart of Authority is comprehensively described in section 5. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 43 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .5 “Maintaining Chart of Authority” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions .Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). . But you have to activate the linkages and switch on the event queue. parked documents do not show up in the VAN report. To queue parking events. It is documented in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions .2 Linking events for VIM workflows Note: The entries should have been installed by the activation of the BC sets. Select the check box Enable event queue for the events /OPT/B2081 - ZWFI_PARKED and /OPT/FIPP . 9. then sometimes. 2. For example.Chapter 9 Administering workflows This chapter covers one-time workflow administration tasks. 9. If parking is done outside the DP workflow. due to system limitations. Event linkages are not activated automatically. Note: OpenText advises against parking documents outside of VIM and strongly recommends parking documents through the DP workflow. The following event linkages can be turned on or off to enable or disable VIM workflows: OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 45 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . The event is linked to trigger the VIM workflow solution for blocked invoices if the invoice is blocked. SAP events are trigger points for VIM workflows. run the SWE2 transaction. add the entry.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). If an entry is missing. OpenText recommends queuing the parking events.1 Configuring VIM The configuration of VIM is performed through the product specific IMG. You can set the frequency according to your requirement how often to update the respective data. To prevent this issue (if it occurs). In this case. You must add the event linkages manually. In case of not properly raised parking events. parking events are not raised properly. perform the following actions: 1. run the SWEQADM transaction. To schedule the Event Queue Job.ZWFI_CREATED and save the configuration. when a logistic invoice is posted. SAP ERP generates the event POSTED from the business object BUS2081. Chapter 9 Administering workflows Table 9-1: Event linkages for VIM workflows Object type Event Receiver function module Usage comments Receiver type Check function module FIPP DELETED SWW_WI_CREATE_VIA_EVENT Invoice Approval (IAP) TS00275270 — FIPP POSTED SWW_WI_CREATE_VIA_EVENT IAP TS00275270 — BUS2081 DELETED SWW_WI_CREATE_VIA_EVENT IAP TS00275270 — BUS2081 POSTED SWW_WI_CREATE_VIA_EVENT IAP TS00275270 — BUS2081 POSTED /OPT/BL_PO_BLK_RECEIVER Invoice Exception (IE) TS00275264 /OPT/BL_PO_CHECK_ROLL_OUT Posted Approval /OPT/FIPP ZWFI_CREATE /OPT/BL_NPO_PRK_RECEIVER IE D /PTGWFI/PIR_F_CHECKFM WS00275254 /OPT/B2081 ZWFI_PARKED /OPT/BL_PO_PRK_RECEIVER IE WS00275260 /PTGWFI/PRK_M_CHECKFM FIPP DELETED /OPT/VIM_RPT_RECEIVER_FM VIM Analytics (VAN) — — FIPP POSTED /OPT/VIM_RPT_RECEIVER_FM VAN — — BUS2081 DELETED /OPT/VIM_RPT_PO_INV_RECEIVER VAN — — BUS2081 POSTED /OPT/VIM_RPT_PO_INV_RECEIVER VAN — — May be used in special situation. Should be inactive in standard configuration. BUS2081 RELEASED /OPT/VIM_RPT_PO_INV_RECEIVER VAN — — 46 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . activate only the event linkage with empty Receiver Type. activate only the event linkage with Receiver Type TS00275264.2. To disable the workflow. 9. select the Type linkage active check box. One of the two event linkages must be activated. This event linkage updates VAN with the same function module as the other event linkage but it also starts the blocking workflow. To edit an existing event linkage entry. clear the check box. 3. 4. Linking events for VIM workflows Object type Event Receiver function module Usage comments Receiver type Check function module BUS2081 CANCELLED /OPT/VIM_RPT_PO_INV_RECEIVER VAN — — /ORS/INVAP POSTED /OPT/AAFS_POST_RECEIVER Posted Approval — — Note: There is a dependency between two entries for Object Type BUS2081 and Event POSTED. In transaction SWETYPV. Note: Repeat the procedure for all event linkage entries shown in “Event linkages for VIM workflows” on page 46. To enable and disable VIM workflows: 1. the one with Receiver Type TS00275264. make sure that only one of these event linkages is activated. double-click the entry. To open the Event Type Linkages screen. • If you use the standard blocking workflow template. Save your changes with a transport and move this transport to subsequent systems. run the SWE2 transaction. To enable the workflow. Create the event linkage entries shown in “Event linkages for VIM workflows” on page 46 (if not already existing) by clicking the New Entries button. 2. • If you use your own blocking workflow. This event linkage ensures that VAN will be correctly updated. and the one with an empty Receiver Type. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 47 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . . VIM follows standard early watch practices. Since VIM resides inside the SAP ERP system. The Create Roles screen is displayed.1 Creating a role for VIM configuration display To create a role for VIM configuration display: Note: Depending on the SAP version. the following screens might look different on your system. Run the PFCG transaction. you can create a role to view the VIM configuration with “display only” authorization. 3. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 49 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Client dependent configuration data of VIM is not visible in the early watch client and the early watch client is normally locked against any configuration changes. Enter a new role name and click the Create button. 10.Chapter 10 Using the SAP early watch service The SAP early watch service checks and analyzes in order to optimize the performance of SAP solutions. 2. 1. However. Click to save the role and select the Menu tab. In the Copy menus panel. 50 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . click the From area menu button.Chapter 10 Using the SAP early watch service 4. Enter /OPT/VIM in the Area menu field and click to start the search. 6. Creating a role for VIM configuration display 5. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 51 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .1. Click to execute the search. 10. save. Click the Propose Profile Name button . 9. Select all check boxes under Area menu and click the Add button at the bottom of the dialog. The Profile name and Profile text fields are filled automatically. To change the authorization data. 8. 10. 52 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . save the role. If prompted. click the button. Select the Authorizations tab. In the Change Roles screen.Chapter 10 Using the SAP early watch service 7. 11. Click the button to transfer your settings. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 53 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . 12. 10.1. Creating a role for VIM configuration display The Define Organizational Levels screen is displayed. Enter appropriate values in the From and To field and click the Full authorization button. Expand all nodes and assign Display authorization to the needed Activity fields.Chapter 10 Using the SAP early watch service 13. 14. click the Manually button in the application tool bar. 54 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . To define values for an Activity field. To add Display authorization for all transaction starting with /OPT/. click the icon next to the field. 16. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 55 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . The new authorization object is displayed in the Change role: Authorizations screen.1. click the icon next to the Transaction code field (see highlight). To open the Maintain Field Values dialog. In the Manual selection of authorizations dialog. enter S_TCODE in the topmost Authorization object line and click to confirm. Creating a role for VIM configuration display 15. 10. Click the button in the application tool bar to generate the authorization profile. 20. In the Change role: Authorizations screen.Chapter 10 Using the SAP early watch service 17. Enter the early watch user or a different user that you want to assign to the newly created Display VIM configuration role. Save your settings. 19. Click the icon to return to the Change Roles main screen and open the User tab. 56 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Enter /OPT/* in the From field and click to save. 18. 21. click to save your settings. 22. Creating a role for VIM configuration display Users assigned to the new role are allowed to view the VIM configuration with “display only” authorization. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 57 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . 10.1. . • For a detailed description of “Portal Usage and Administration”. refer to the SAP NetWeaver documentation: helpdata/en/1e/c5f120acc9424e92df9d97d417a373/frameset. The interface is designed to deliver the right amount of information to the approvers to make a quick decision. • For more details. the HTTPS port of your landscape must be used. The Approval Portal can be deployed as a standalone application residing on NWAS only or as an application inside NWP using the AppIntegrator iView.htm As the administrator. The Approval Portal provides a concise and user-friendly web interface for approving invoices.Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal This chapter describes the administration of the OpenText Approval Portal (Approval Portal). • If you are not using the Approval Portal component. you can skip this chapter. The Approval Portal is designed to work within SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java (NWAS) or SAP NetWeaver Portal (NWP). • OpenText recommends that a NetWeaver Administrator performs the HTTPS configuration because it includes certificate generation. Notes • The Approval Portal component is an optional component. Accordingly. you need to access the Administration page to perform various administration activities for the Approval Portal. For Portal authentication.Installation Guide (VIM-IGD) for architecture diagrams. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 59 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . For NWAS authentication. HTTPS support • Approval Portal supports HTTPS configuration. check with your NetWeaver Administrator. navigate to the Administrator iView created before. All configurations are saved into the navigate to http://$NWAS$:$NWASPORT$/vimportal/ admin.3 “System architecture” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . • See section 13.xml file located in <Approval_Portal_installdir>/invoiceCfg. for example VIM 7.5. Choose one of the following Approval Portal packages on My Support: • for the JCo2 version: im_approval_portal7_5sp<XX>. For Approval Portal 7.1 Configuring the Approval Portal The Administration page comprises the following tabs: • “SAP Connection for JCo2” on page 61 • “SAP Connection for JCo3” on page 63 • “Mobile Configuration” on page 68 • “Configuration” on page 69 • “Administration” on page 74 To access the Approval Admin page.1005 Build on 2014/12/10.5. log in to the Approval Portal as an Administrator. You can access the Approval Admin page only using the Internet • for the JCo3 version: im_approval_portal7_5sp<XX> . Figure 11-1: im_approval_portal7_5sp<XX>_JCo3.5 SP3.5.3. where <XX> refers to the Support Package number. the heading of the Approval Admin page shows the Approval Portal version as VIM 7. With Approval Portal 7. The configuration of these versions 60 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal 11. It is described in the following sections.<Build Number> Build on <Date>. you can decide if you want to use SAP Java Connector 2 (JCo2) or JCo3. See “Connection Details” on page 62. Figure 11-2: im_approval_portal7_5sp<XX>.1. follow the description in “SAP Connection for JCo3” on page 63. JCo2 • To enable JCo2 for the configuration. Configuring the Approval Portal To add the JCo RFC destination.5. For more information.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD).1 “User Details View” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . the OpenText User Id for a particular user must be the same in all SAP ERP systems.5 SP3 Approval Portal. follow the description in “SAP Connection for JCo2” on page 61. Opens the Connection Details panel. • To add SAP connections. VIM allows you to connect to multiple SAP ERP backend To add SAP connections. 11. deploy the CI vim_75_sp3_ci-01 (VIMI-15867) on the VIM 7. follow the description in “SAP Connection for JCo2” on page 61. • As a prerequisite for the JCo2 configuration. you can perform the following actions: Add Connection Add a new SAP connection. In the SAP Connection tab for JCo2.1 SAP Connection for JCo2 The SAP Connection tab allows you to configure which SAP ERP system the Approval Portal connects to. see section 5. Note: If the Approval Portal is connected to multiple SAP ERP backend systems. 11. click Enable JCo2.1. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 61 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . you must provide a different SAP SID. The Approval Portal treats the SAP SID as a unique identifier. Down Arrow Move the connection priority down. Delete Connection Delete a SAP connection.14 “Personalizing your views of the Approval Portal” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . The SAP SID will appear on the end user screen next to the Logical System to help the user identify which system the invoice is coming from. See “Connection Details” on page 62. Enter the relevant information: SAP SID Unique identifier for this SAP ERP Logical System. Without the refresh. the following configuration parameters are Details available. Up Arrow Move the connection priority up. provide the following information: System number The system number of the SAP ERP system that is connected to Application host The application host IP or DNS of the SAP ERP system that is connected to 62 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Note: The first connection in the list is used as the default connection.User Guide (VIM-UGD) for more details. Note: If you want to connect to the same SAP ERP Logical System but with a different client. See section 8. the Approval Portal will continue to use existing connections. Opens the Connection Details panel. Connection In the Connection Details panel. Refresh All Connections Refresh the connections after you made changes. UserName The CPIC user’s user name that will be used to connect to SAP ERP Password The CPIC user password that will be used to connect to SAP ERP Client The client number of the SAP ERP system that is connected to If you are using Application host instead of Message host.Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal Edit Connection Edit an existing SAP connection. The default connection determines the Invoice List’s Personalization page. 3 or higher. On the SAP Connection tab. click Enable JCo3 to start the configuration.2 SAP Connection for JCo3 Note: Approval Portal with JCo3 is supported with SAP NetWeaver server version 7. enter the <system ID>. 11. In the JCo RFC Destination box. provide the following information: MsHost The Message host IP or DNS of the SAP ERP system that is connected to R/3 name The R/3 name of the SAP ERP system that is connected to Logon Group The logon group of the SAP ERP system that is connected to System number The system number of the SAP ERP system that is connected to You can perform the following actions: Save Save the SAP connections. it will return a failure message to you. Test Test the SAP connections. To configure JCo RFC destinations: 1. Configuring the Approval Portal If you are using Message host instead of Application host. If the connection fails. If the connection is invalid. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 63 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . 11. you will not be able to save. for example TW6.1.1. Click the Configuration tab. and click Delete. and then click Destinations.1 Configuring the RFC destination name on SAP NetWeaver Administrator To configure the RFC destination name: 1.Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal Note: You must enter the system ID also in the destination configuration. 3. Configure the RFC destination name.1. 4. click Create in the Destination List. The system ID is added to Available JCo Details. Click Add. 11. 3. for example TW6. enter the entry. and 64 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Hosting System Enter the available Local NetWeaver Instance Destination Name Enter the destination names: VIMPOOL_<XX> and VIMPOOL_<XX>_<YY> where <XX> refers to the SAP system ID provided in Destination Configuration. using the following parameters.2. in the JCo RFC Destination box. To navigate to the Destination Wizard. 2. To remove an entry from the Available JCo Details. For more information. Launch SAP NetWeaver Administrator using the following URL: http://<hostname>:<port number>/nwa 2. see “Configuring the RFC destination name on SAP NetWeaver Administrator” on page 64. The destination names for TW6 should be the following. The language code should be the same language as provided in the Logon Data section. Configuring the Approval Portal <YY> refers to the language code supported by SAP. German. Example 11-1: Destination names for an SAP system ID For an SAP system ID TW6. The destination name is technically accessed in the Approval Portal for JCo3 communication. and French. • VIMPOOL_TW6 • VIMPOOL_TW6_EN • VIMPOOL_TW6_DE • VIMPOOL_TW6_FR OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 65 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . create language destinations as mentioned in this step. 11. For multiple-language support. and <YY> refers to the language code supported by SAP. 5. The language code should be the same language as provided in the Logon Data section. the customer supports languages English.1. create the following mandatory destinations: Default Destination Destination Name = VIMPOOL_<XX> where <XX> refers to the SAP system ID provided in Destination Configuration. Language Destination Destination Name = VIMPOOL_<XX>_<YY> where <XX> refers to the SAP system ID provided in Destination Configuration. Note: For the destination name. Destination Type Enter RFC. observe the naming convention as specified in this step. For every SAP system ID. 2. To navigate to the Destination Wizard. 3.1. Click the Configuration tab. The language code should be the same language as provided in the Logon Data section. Click Next. and then click Destinations. 4. Destination Type Enter RFC. click Create in the Destination List. using the following parameters. 66 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . and <YY> refers to the language code supported by SAP. Configure the destination name Launch SAP NetWeaver Administrator using the following URL: http://<hostname>:<port number>/nwa 2. Configure the RFC destination name.Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal 11. Hosting System Enter the available Local NetWeaver Instance Destination Name Enter the destination names: VIMPOOL_<XX> and VIMPOOL_<XX>_<YY> where <XX> refers to the SAP system ID provided in Destination Configuration.2 Creating an RFC destination on SAP NetWeaver Administrator To create an RFC destination: 1. 5. System number Enter the system number of the SAP ERP system that is connected to. System ID Enter the SAP SID of the SAP ERP system that is connected to. Logon Group Enter the logon group of the SAP ERP system that is connected to. Click Next. The necessary settings depend on which host you use. Configure connection and transport security settings In the Connection and Transport screen. Configuring the Approval Portal 6.1. provide the following information. 11. For message server Message Server Enter the message host IP or DNS of the SAP ERP system that is connected to. For target (application) host Target host Enter the application host IP or DNS of the SAP ERP system that is connected to. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 67 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Configure logon data On the Logon Data screen.1. User Name Enter the CPIC user name that is used to connect to SAP ERP. Configure specific settings In the Specific Settings screen. Client Enter the client number of the SAP ERP system that is connected to. Password Enter the CPIC user password that is used to connect to SAP ERP. configure the Pool Settings. Language For the default destination VIMPOOL_<SID>. enter the respective language. 11. for example DE in case of VIMPOOL_TW6_DE.3 Mobile Configuration Click the Mobile Configuration tab. Wait Time in ms Click Finish. Connections • Pool Size • Max. For a language destination like VIMPOOL_<SID>_<LANGUAGE>. 8. using the following parameters: Authentication Enter Technical User. you can enter any default language. This refers to the following parameters: • Pooled Connection Mode • Max. based on your requirements. Click Next. 68 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . configure logon data.Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal 7. See section 13.5.9 “Entering accounting information” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions .4 Configuration With VIM 7.5 SP3 and higher. the Configuration tab of the Approval Portal is split into four sections. see section 13. 11. 11.11 “Configuring OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 69 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Configuring the Approval Portal In the Mobile Configuration tab.1.User Guide (VIM-UGD). you configure the Mobile Approval Portal. • General Configuration • Security Configuration • Image Configuration • UX Configuration Configure the following parameters for the Approval Portal: General Configuration Profit Segment Select YES if you want to enable a Profit Segment button in the Processing Invoice page. For configuration aspects of the profitability segment. you configure fields and buttons of the Approval Portal inside SAP ERP. With VIM 7. See “Configuring the Mobile Approval Portal“ on page 103.12 “Configuring fields for Invoice Approval” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions .0 and higher. See section 8.Configuration Guide (VIM- CGD). Click the Configuration tab.1. If you enter zero or space. 70 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal the profitability segment feature” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions .6 “Viewing and adding handling instructions” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . • The INVOICE_DOC_ITEM field must be enabled for the Line Item / Additional Accounting Entry sections. It must provide a unique number that associates the item with the Profit Segment to be saved. The Approval Portal will display the Handling Instruction link on the Basic Data tab. Domain (Standalone WAS WebApproval Portal & Mobile Portal) Enter the authentication domain for users. not for the Inbox and History search criteria. This is needed if you want to install the Approval Portal or the Mobile Approval Portal on Unix or Linux.User Guide (VIM-UGD). The default value is 10. Search Help Maximum No. For more information. of Hits Specify the maximum number of hits that are returned from SAP ERP for the Search Help in the line level. See section 20 “Supporting installation of the standalone NWAS Portal and Mobile Approval Portal on Unix or Linux” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . • INVOICE_DOC_ITEM cannot be blank. before the corresponding Profit Segment can be saved. History Count for SAP System The Approval Portal provides this setting to improve the performance of the Approval Portal during History operations. The default value is 100. The More Invoices link is not available if one of the following conditions apply: • The History Count value is higher than the History invoices count • There are no more invoices in the History. This feature is applicable only for the History.Installation Guide (VIM-IGD). for example G/L Account. That means. you turn off the History Count feature. Limitations for the Profit Segment dialog box • Either the Item Amount or Percentage field must have a value. the Approval Portal will load all records of the respective user. Special Handling Select Yes if you want to use Special Handling. Enter the number of invoices that are loaded when the user clicks the More Invoices link in the History. see section 8.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). • A new line item must be saved by saving the invoice. • To turn off this feature. the user will get a message: “Login Error. the original data is not tracked. click ALL. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 71 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . • To log all RFC communications. you can log the input parameters passed to the RFC. RFC Logging Level Using this setting.1. You can also log the output data that is returned by the RFC. • The user might revert unsaved data back to the original field values. Security Configuration Enable CSRF and X-FRAME-OPTIONS Select this check box to enable the security features implemented to prevent security vulnerabilities like Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) and “Click Jacking”. In the RFC Logging Level list. Reinitialize the application to get the new value. Add Enter the DNS or IP of the NWP to be in the white list and click Add. Reinitialize the application to get the new value. In this case. The warning message for saving the data appears nevertheless. If the NWP is not in this list and a user tries to access it. use the CTRL or SHIFT key when clicking. WhiteList Configuration Select this check box to enable the white list feature. click NONE. only valid for the SAP NetWeaver Portal scenario. 11. This is not available for NONE and ALL. This list represents the white list of the SAP NetWeaver Portal (NWP) server with an AppIntegrator iView linked to the Approval Portal J2EE application. • To select multiple log levels. Remove Select an entry in the Portal Host(s) List and click Remove to remove the entry from the list. Limitations • This feature is only implemented for Non PO invoices. Portal Host(s) List This is a security feature.Authentication Failed”. Configuring the Approval Portal Display Warning Message for Unsaved Cost Assignment Data Select this check box to display a warning message if the user performs changes and then switches from the Cost Assignment tab to a different tab or work item without saving. • The warning message is only displayed when the user tries to switch between tabs or to a new work item in the inbox from the Cost Assignment tab. click the appropriate log level. the details of the first invoice are loaded automatically.types. separated by comma. Enter the file extensions of the document types you want to support for attachments. restart the Approval Portal application. if you click the inbox icon). Attachments File Size (in kb) You can add attachments to the invoice from the Approval Portal. UX Configuration Select First Work Item at the Start of Application Select this check box to automatically load the details of the first invoice when the Approval Portal starts.4):“ on page 95. For attachments.0):“ on page 94 or “To restart the Approval Portal application (NetWeaver 7. ppt. Most of the systems are configured to use URL. See “To restart the Approval Portal application (NetWeaver 6. for all other inbox-refreshing scenarios (for example. This is the default behavior of the Approval Portal.Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal Image Configuration Image Display Type Specify how the Archive Server is configured: Select URL or JPEG(TIF). see “Administration” on page 74. Enter the maximum size of files that can be attached. 2. c.3 and 7. docx. If you want to configure any additional Microsoft Office document types.0 or file. pptx as standard document types. Navigate to <Approval_Portal_installdir>/invoiceCfg and open the mime. Example: 10240 means 10 MB. add the entry msg = application/msg. 72 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Note: However. Add an entry for the respective Microsoft Office document type in the format <file extension> = application/<file extension> at the end of the file. Reinitialize the application. Document Types Supported For Attachments To configure document types for attachments: 1. Clear the check box to configure that the details of the first invoice are not loaded automatically when the Approval Portal starts. you might still be unable to upload files of the configured document type. perform the following steps: a. xls. the Approval Portal only supports the Microsoft Office document types doc. xlsx. b. In this case. Note: After reinitializing the application. Example: If you want to add the msg (Microsoft Outlook message) file extension. 1. Users should only do the coding from the 3rd row on. the additional accounting data of the respective line item is copied to this line item. After uploading the Excel file. More than 50 line items are not supported. a user can upload a maximum of 50 line items. It contains the column metadata. By default. Select the Enable Coding Templates check box to enable the coding templates feature. Coders can edit the downloaded coding template and upload it to the invoice again. only the editable line items are downloaded to Excel. • The coding templates feature is applicable only for coders. • When a user clicks Export Coding. the user might fill the INVOICE_DOC_ITEM field with the existing line item number. a user should only upload the coding template that was downloaded from that invoice. User notes • For an invoice. Save Click this button to save the configuration. the user should leave the INVOICE_DOC_ITEM field blank. the Approval Portal allows coders to download (export) the line item data of an invoice in Microsoft® Excel® format. With coding templates enabled. The 2nd row displays the column titles. using this feature. this field is automatically populated with the last line item number. To properly upload the coding template. 11. Configuring the Approval Portal Enable Coding Templates Starting with VIM 7. Note: The coding templates feature has been tested on Windows. • In the downloaded Excel file. During upload of the Excel file.5 SP3. Additional accounting data is not downloaded. When saving the changes. the INVOICE_DOC_ITEM field is automatically generated. • The 1st row of the downloaded coding template is hidden. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 73 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . users should not edit or delete these two rows. • In the downloaded Excel file. the Cost Assignment tab provides the following additional buttons: • Export Coding • Upload Coding Limitations • Using coding templates. the check box is selected. for the newly added line items. for the newly added line items. Configuration is sufficient.5 Administration The Administration tab allows you to perform Administration tasks on the application. no code changes are necessary. See “Changing language resources” on page 90 for more details. 11. Reinitialize Application Click this button to reinitialize the application.2 Configuring Approval Portal for launching on Fiori Launchpad You can use the VIM Approve Invoices Fiori app for approval and the VIM Enter Cost Assignment Fiori app for coding. Existing Approval Portal (new UI) customers running on SAP standalone WAS or SAP NetWeaver Portal can enable this feature with additional installation of SAP 74 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .1. There are some features available in Approval Portal that are not available in these Fiori apps. This is necessary after you changed the configuration or if you change the language resource files.Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal 11. It also tells you the Version and the Build Date of the application. Each tile represents an application that the user can open. Click the Administration tab. Fiori Launchpad is an interface to launch SAP Fiori apps and other applications as tiles on mobile and desktop devices. Approval Portal is developed using HTML5 and JavaScript technologies. Therefore it is possible to integrate Approval Portal as a tile in Fiori Launchpad. You configure Approval Portal as a tile in Fiori Launchpad using the following tools: • SAP NetWeaver Portal Administrator • SAP Gateway • Fiori Launchpad • Approval Portal Admin Console • VIM Chart of Authority (COA) Note: To enable this feature. If you perform a new installation of Approval Portal.40 (AddOn SAP_GWFND). 11. Configuring Approval Portal for launching on Fiori Launchpad Gateway Front-End Server. The minimum requirement version is SAP Gateway Foundation 7.2. use single sign on users for Fiori Launchpad access and create them on the SAP Gateway Front-End Server or the other way round. Approver1 must be available in the VIM COA table (/n/opt/ar_coa) as a mapped user in the Windows_ID column. see part V “OpenText Approval Portal installation” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . Figure 11-3: Approval Portal on Fiori Launchpad landscape You can integrate Approval Portal (new UI) on Fiori Launchpad in one of the following ways: • Semantic object navigation • Without semantic object navigation (direct link) OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 75 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . For SAP NetWeaver Portal. portal or ABAP UME users for Approval Portal must exist on SAP Gateway Front-End Server or the other way round. For standalone WAS Approval Portal. the same users must be available in the VIM Chart of Authority (COA) (/n/opt/ar_coa table) in the Windows_ID column instead of the SAP Portal column. Additionally. Approver1 must exist on Portal UME from data source of ABAP UME or LDAP. Example 11-2: Sample use case Approver1 is an SAP user created on SAP Gateway Front-End server for Fiori Launchpad access.Installation Guide (VIM-IGD) and follow the description in this section. Type of Launchpad Enter Standalone Launchpad. Note: Signing out from Fiori Launchpad does not sign out the Approval Portal session user. Instance Enter TRANSACTIONAL.Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal 11.1. Description Enter a meaningful description. 76 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . 2. For access by a different user. In the Enter Values for a new Launchpad dialog box. Perform the following procedures: To create Launchpad role. for example Approval Portal Launchpad Instance. Click New Launchpad in the application toolbar. The Approval Portal app is rendered as an intent view on Fiori Launchpad.1 Integrating Approval Portal with semantic object navigation Semantic object navigation allows you to create a VIM Approval Portal Fiori app (Approval Portal app) on Fiori Launchpad with tile configuration and target mapping. Semantic object navigation helps you to access the Approval Portal app like other VIM Fiori apps built using SAP UI5 technology.1 SAP Gateway Front-End server When creating tiles in Fiori Launchpad.2.2. Sign in to SAP Gateway server with administrator rights and run the LPD_CUST transaction to create Launchpad role and Launchpad instance. You configure the semantic object navigation in the following areas: • “SAP Gateway Front-End server” on page 76 • “SAP Fiori Launchpad Designer and Portal” on page 79 • “SAP NetWeaver Portal Administrator” on page 83 • “Approval Portal Admin Console and VIM Chart of Authority” on page 85 11. Namespace Enter any custom namespace. the application must use target mapping of other SAP Fiori apps. open a new browser session and launch Fiori Launchpad. It navigates to Fiori Launchpad home using the back-navigation. Launchpad instance and application alias: 1. configure the new launchpad using the following parameters: Role Enter ZAPPROVAL. Configuring Approval Portal for launching on Fiori Launchpad 3. On the right side of the screen. 4. double-click the new role. the Link Text box. navigates .html OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 77 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .net:50000/vimportal/wapp. To navigate to Application creation screen. URL Enter http:<Host>:<Port>/vimportal/wapp. Application Type Select URL. Application Type area. Configure the new application. 11. and Application Parameter areas are displayed. using the following parameters: Link Text Enter description text of the application.2.html Example: http://wtlr3w01. Click New Application.opentext. Click New Entries to enter the following parameters. If you want to customize parameters. Semantic Object Name Enter ZVIMJAVASEMOBJ Semantic Object Description Enter a meaningful description. To create semantic objects: 1. 3. Save the entries.Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal Note: The application URL that you define here is the same for both Approval Portal Standalone WAS and NetWeaver Portal scenario. for example Standalone WAS Semantic Object. Run the /UI2/SEMOBJ transaction and change to edit mode. click Show Advanced (Optional) Parameters. 2. see the SAP Fiori Launchpad Configuration Guide. 7. Enter the Application Alias. Leave the rest of the Portal Parameters as default. 5. 78 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . 6. Save the configuration. Semantic Object Enter ZVIMJAVA. To enter additional parameters. 2. Click the plus icon in the footer of the screen. Define the new catalog using the following parameters: Title Enter Approval Portal Standalone WAS ID Enter ApprovalPortal. 4. Configuring Approval Portal for launching on Fiori Launchpad 11. 3. Launchpad users see the Fiori apps based on their role. 11. Sign in to Fiori Launchpad Designer with administrator rights using the following URL: http://<host>:<port>/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/arsrvc_upb_admn/ main. Create tile Click the plus icon on the empty tile and select the App Launcher . Create catalog Make sure that you are in the Catalogs section.html?scope=CUST 2. click Standard. In the Create Catalog dialog box.1. In the Navigation area. The created catalogs are assigned to users with role personalization. enter the following details: OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 79 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .static tile. Save your settings.2. SAP Fiori Launchpad Designer To create catalog and tiles in Fiori Launchpad Designer: 1.2 SAP Fiori Launchpad Designer and Portal This section describes how to create catalogs and tiles in Fiori Launchpad Designer. Finally. Using backward navigation. configure the target mapping using the following parameters: Semantic Object Enter ZVIMJAVA.Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal Title OpenText Approval Java Portal Subtitle Standalone WAS Portal Use semantic object navigation Select this check box. 7. Create target mapping Click the Target Mapping icon. 8. 80 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Action Enter DISPLAY. access the home screen. Semantic Object ZVIMJAVA Action DISPLAY 5. In the Approval Portal Standalone WAS screen. In the Target area. Source of Navigation Target Click Other SAP Fiori App because Approval Portal is not developed using the SAP UI5 framework. click Create Target Mapping. Save your settings. in the footer. 6. select the Catalog ID that you have created on Fiori Launchpad Designer. Configuring Approval Portal for launching on Fiori Launchpad Launchpad Role Enter ZVAN_ROLE Launchpad Instance Enter TRANSACTIONAL. On the Menu tab. Save your settings. 2. 3. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 81 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . and Phone check boxes. To create a role and to assign catalog and tiles to the Fiori Launchpad users: 1. Tablet. Device Types Select the Desktop. 4. Application Alias Enter VIMJAVA. click SAP Fiori Tile Catalog. In the Assign Tile Catalog dialog box. 11.2. On the User tab. Sign in to the SAP Gateway Front-End server. 9. Run the PFCG transaction and create a Single Role. assign the user to the role. Launch the Fiori app. SAP Fiori Launchpad Portal In this step. 82 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .html 2. Approval Portal is rendered on the same screen. 3. follow the description in “SAP NetWeaver Portal Administrator” on page 83. Select the Fiori app created for Approval Portal.Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal Note: This is the same user as for signing in to Fiori Launchpad. c. To personalize Fiori apps and to launch the Fiori app: 1. An authentication dialog box opens. Sign in to SAP Fiori Launchpad Portal with the following URL: http://<host>:<port>/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/ui2/ushell/shells/abap/ Fiorilaunchpad. To avoid this. you sign in to SAP Fiori Launchpad Portal with the user that you assigned the role to on SAP Gateway Front-End server. a. Click Personalize Home Page at the bottom of the screen. Go back to the home screen and double-click the Fiori app created for Approval Portal. Filter the catalogs using the dropdown list on the home screen. Personalize your Fiori apps to Fiori groups by editing. b. 2. Sign in to SAP Gateway Front-End Server and run the STRUSTSSO2 transaction. Click the System PSE folder and then click on the Subject certificate link to display the complete certificate. 11. Sign in to SAP NetWeaver Portal Administrator with administrator privileges using the following URL: http://<host>:<port>/nwa OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 83 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . click Export Certificate. 2.1.3 SAP NetWeaver Portal Administrator This section builds a trust relationship between SAP Gateway Front-End Server and the SAP NetWeaver Portal J2EE engine by import and export of certificates. This section also describes how to avoid authentication dialog boxes that are opened when the Approval Portal Fiori app is clicked. To import and export certificates: 1. Configuring Approval Portal for launching on Fiori Launchpad 11.2. To export the certificate. Click Add Trusted System and then click By uploading the certificate manually. Click Next to complete the configuration. click Trusted Systems. For more information. click the empty selection. On the Configuration tab.Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal On the Configuration tab. 4. 84 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Search for Type Web and Policy Configuration Name *opentext*. 4. To avoid unwanted authentication dialog boxes for single-sign-on access. remove the Authentication Template for the application deployed on the Approval Portal. 5. remove the listed Login Module Names. see “To remove the Authentication Template for the application deployed on the Approval Portal:“ on page 84. 3. Enter the SystemID of the trusted system and upload the certificate that you have exported from SAP Gateway Front-End Server. in the Used Template list. Save your changes. 2. To remove the Authentication Template for the application deployed on the Approval Portal: 1. Sign in to SAP NetWeaver Portal Administrator. In the Login Modules area. 5. On the Authentication Stack tab. 3. click Authentication and Single Sign-On. 2 Integrating Approval Portal without semantic object navigation (Direct Link) Direct Link allows you to create an Approval Portal Fiori app (Approval Portal app) on Fiori Launchpad with tile configuration and target mapping.2. Configuring Approval Portal for launching on Fiori Launchpad 11. For more information. make sure the value of Domain (Standalone WAS WebApproval Portal & Mobile Portal) is set to OPTURA. 5. see “Configuration” on page 69.2. The Approval Portal app with Direct Link renders the Approval Portal in a new tab. Open the Approval Portal Admin Console. Sign in to the SAP ERP system where VIM is installed and run the /OPT/AR_COA transaction. 2. For access by a different user. 3.2. Finally. 11.1. SAP Fiori Launchpad Designer To create catalog and tiles in Fiori Launchpad Designer: 1.2. sign in to the Fiori Launchpad and click the Approval Portal Fiori app that you have created. 11. make sure the value in the Windows Domain column is set to OPTURA.4 Approval Portal Admin Console and VIM Chart of Authority To check the Domain setting in the Approval Portal Admin Console and the Chart of Authority: 1. To verify that the configuration was successful. 4. The created catalogs are assigned to users with role personalization. On the User Details tab.2. Sign in to Fiori Launchpad Designer with administrator rights using the following URL: OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 85 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Launchpad users see the Fiori apps based on their role. open a new browser session and launch Fiori Launchpad.1 SAP Fiori Launchpad Designer and Portal This section describes how to create catalogs and tiles in Fiori Launchpad Designer. Note: Signing out from Fiori Launchpad does not sign out the Approval Portal session user. On the Configuration tab. You configure Direct Link in the following areas: • “SAP Fiori Launchpad Designer and Portal” on page 85 • “SAP NetWeaver Portal Administrator” on page 88 • “Approval Portal Admin Console and VIM Chart of Authority” on page 88 11. enter the following details: Title Approval Portal URL Subtitle Approval Portal Keywords DISPLAY Use semantic object navigation Clear this check box.Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal http://<host>:<port>/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/arsrvc_upb_admn/ main. Save your settings. 3. 4. click Standard.static tile. Click the plus icon in the footer of the screen. Create catalog Make sure that you are in the Catalogs section.html?scope=CUST 2. Save your settings. 86 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . In the Navigation area. Target URL http://<host>:<port>/vimportal/wapp.html 5. Define the new catalog using the following parameters: Title Enter Approval Portal Standalone WAS ID Enter ApprovalPortal. In the Create Catalog dialog box. Create tile Click the plus icon on the empty tile and select the App Launcher . On the User tab. In the Assign Tile Catalog dialog box. 3. Sign in to the SAP Gateway Front-End server. 4. Run the PFCG transaction and create a Single Role. assign the user to the role. On the Menu tab. select the Catalog ID that you have created on Fiori Launchpad Designer. click SAP Fiori Tile Catalog. 2. Configuring Approval Portal for launching on Fiori Launchpad To create a role and to assign catalog and tiles to the Fiori Launchpad users: 1. 11.2. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 87 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . 11. Click Personalize Home Page at the bottom of the screen.Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal Note: This is the same user as for signing in to Fiori Launchpad. SAP Fiori Launchpad Portal In this step. data is prepopulated in the Search Help Fields. Launch the Fiori app.3 Configuring search helps with pre-filled values You can enhance the configurable search helps in the Approval Portal to have pre- filled values in the Search Help Fields. 3. b. you sign in to SAP Fiori Launchpad Portal with the user that you assigned the role to on SAP Gateway Front-End server. Personalize your Fiori apps to Fiori groups by editing.2. Sign in to SAP Fiori Launchpad Portal with the following URL: http://<host>:<port>/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/ui2/ushell/shells/abap/ Fiorilaunchpad. To configure the prepopulation. When the user clicks Search Help in the Approval Portal. Select the Fiori app created for Approval Portal. To personalize Fiori apps and to launch the Fiori app: 1. Approval Portal is rendered on the same screen.3 Approval Portal Admin Console and VIM Chart of Authority Follow the description in “Approval Portal Admin Console and VIM Chart of Authority” on page 85. 11. c.2. Go back to the home screen and double-click the Fiori app created for Approval Portal.html 2. 11.2 SAP NetWeaver Portal Administrator Follow the description in “SAP NetWeaver Portal Administrator” on page 83. a.2. Filter the catalogs using the dropdown list on the home screen. An authentication dialog box opens. you must implement a custom function module in the following Z constant: Product Code IAP Constant EXIT_SEARCH_HELP_FLT 88 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . To avoid this. follow the description in “SAP NetWeaver Portal Administrator” on page 83.2. Configuring search helps with pre-filled values Constant Value /ORS/SEARCH_HELP_FIELDS_PREFIL The interface of the custom function must be the same as the interface of the baseline function /ORS/SEARCH_HELP_FIELDS_PREFIL: FUNCTION /ORS/SEARCH_HELP_FIELDS_PREFIL. *"----------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Local Interface: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(SHLPNAME) TYPE SHLPNAME *" VALUE(INVOICE_HEADER) TYPE /ORS/INVOICE_HDR OPTIONAL *" VALUE(CURRENT_APPROVER) TYPE /ORS/UMOID OPTIONAL *" TABLES *" RETURN STRUCTURE BAPIRET2 OPTIONAL *" FIELDLIST STRUCTURE /ORS/SEARCHHELP_FIELD_LIST *" ACCT_DATA STRUCTURE /ORS/INVOICE_ACCT_DATA OPTIONAL *" EXCEPTIONS *" NOT_FOUND *"----------------------------------------------------------------- ENDFUNCTION. Display only This field is an indicator that the search field value cannot be changed by the user in the Approval Portal. In the TABLES parameter of the sample function module. Value This field is used to set the default value for the search field. Important Any changes made by the logic in the custom function module to the fields other than Value and Display only will result in unexpected results or errors. The custom function is called from the standard RFC function /ORS/ GET_SEARCH_HELP_FIELDS. The fields Value and Display only are added to this structure.3. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 89 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . the FIELDLIST field refers to the structure /ORS/SEARCHHELP_FIELD_LIST. The custom function should fill these fields with appropriate values according to your requirements. 11. Tip: You can also use any editor that can save as “Unicode Enabled”. Change the text and save it. for example:" Lang_DE.4 Configuring multilingual support Changing language resources and adding additional languages in the Approval Portal requires some configuration.4. Reinitialize the application.sourceforge. Example command: Java native2ascii -encoding UTF-8 "ori_utf-8-\u00e4lligkeitsdatum for the German word “Fälligkeitsdatum”.properties): nonpo. Example: Converted German (Lang_DE.Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal 11. Java compiler and other Java tools can only process files which contain Latin-1 and/or Unicode-encoded characters (\u<XXXX> notation). 11.2 Configuring additional languages The Approval Portal supports the following predefined languages: • Czech (CZ) • German (DE) • English (EN) • Spanish (ES) • French (FR) 90 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . PropertiesEditor.4. which is described in this section. contact OpenText Customer Support. Find the text that you want to change. convert non-ASCII characters to Unicode representative format (\u<XXXX>). If there is a need to change the text to suit your needs. 11. for example http://en. Navigate to the <Approval_Portal_installdir>/invoiceCfg and open up the properties file that you want to edit. When changing the text.1 Changing language resources All the texts on the end user screens are changeable for all 2. perform the following steps: To change language resources: 1. If you need additional help. see “Administration” on page 74.jar/ 4.hdr. for example \usr\sap\<instance name> \SYS\global\opentext\invoiceCfg. • Turkish (TR) • Chinese (ZH) This section describes the configuration to add another language than the file: 1. Therefore. 11. Configuring multilingual support • Hungarian (HU) • Italian (IT) • Japanese (JA) • Dutch (NL) • Polish (PL) • Portuguese (PT) • Romanian (RO) • Russian (RU) • Slowakian (SK) Note: The Slowakian translation does not include KPI Dashboard and Central file • Include a new stylesheet • Modify JavaScript for the Calendar popup • Add the new language to the constant LANGUAGE • Restart the Approval Portal application To modify the Lang_Support. 2. file • Add a new Lang_<XX>. add the entry V=SV. Add a key-value entry of the new language.4. Open the Lang_Support. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 91 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .properties file. Example: If you want to add Swedish language. Navigate to the installation directory. you have to perform the following actions: • Modify the Lang_Support. To modify CSS styles: 1. 4. • If the Approval Portal is deployed in SAP NetWeaver Application Server file. Open the new Lang_<XX>. To add a new Lang_<XX>. modify StyleOT. Copy the existing where <JC> is the system number. To modify any styles. portal\VimPortalWeb\servlet_jsp\vimportal\root\styles. Example: For Swedish. 4. Save and close the Lang_<XX>. Check the SAP help for a list of language key file. Save and close the Lang_Support.css . For NetWeaver 7. 5. Store the new file in the installation directory. the folder is the following: \usr\sap \<instance name>\J<System number>\j2ee\cluster\apps\opentext. there is no need to have a separate CSS stylesheet for every language. For Approval Portal 7.5 and higher. 92 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . the new file is named file and rename it to Lang_<XX>.properties. Convert non-ASCII characters to Unicode representative file 1. 2. Navigate to the installation directory.Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal Note: This entry is a SAP language key pair. see Step 3 on page 90 in “Changing language resources” on page 90. perform the changes in the global CSS file. like it was the case in prior versions. where <XX> is the two-letter language file and translate the English strings into the other language.4 Portal. 3. Navigate to the application deployment folder. for example \usr\sap \<instance name>\<JC>\j2ee\cluster\server0\apps\com.3 and 7.vim.\ IM_APPROVAL_PORTAL7_0\servlet_jsp\vimportal\root\styles. the folder is the following: \usr\sap \<instance name>\J<System number>\j2ee\cluster\apps\opentext.js file for Swedish” for details.picker.js.sv_SE.sencha.2 package from Sencha (http://www. "november".js into the new else if clause checking the parameter langId==’SV’. Download the ExtJS 4. "september". "juli". Note: If the locale file is not existing for the new language. Save your changes. Navigate to the application deployment folder.Date from file ext-lang-sv_SE. Open the localization. } Ext.Date) { Ext. "onsdag". 3. "oktober".com/ products/extjs) and extract the archive to a local folder.picker. See Example 11-3.3 and 7. 3.Date and Ext. "lördag"].vim.dayNames = ["söndag". Ext. "maj".monthNames = ["januari". "måndag".4 Portal.js file for Swedish else if(langId == 'SV') { if (Ext. Copy the coding parts for the override objects Ext. "augusti". You must include calendar popup strings in the new language to the localization. Example 11-3: Adapting the localization. modify StyleOTNWP.js file.4. where <xx> is the two-letter language code. 2. where <JC> is the system number. as an example. "april". for example \usr\sap \<instance name>\<JC>\j2ee\cluster\server0\apps\com. Navigate to the folder locale and open the specific file ext-lang-<xx>.opentext. Note: These changes will reflect in all languages. Configuring multilingual support • If the Approval Portal is deployed in SAP NetWeaver\ IM_APPROVAL_PORTAL7_0\servlet_jsp\vimportal\root\script 5. “Adapting the localization. "mars". "fredag". portal\VimPortalWeb\servlet_jsp\vimportal\root\script.Date".js JavaScript file. Ext. { OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 93 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .css. 11.Month (if existing). "februari". To modify JavaScript for the Calendar popup: 1. picker.define("Ext. "torsdag". 7. "december"]. "juni". "tisdag". copy the default coding parts for English language and translate the text into the new language.picker. For NetWeaver 7. 6. copy the coding for Ext.locale.Date. 4.Date. Insert an else if clause for the new language and paste the specific coding from the ExtJS locale file.Date and Ext. For Swedish. Date". prevText: 'Föregående månad (Ctrl + vänsterpil)'. format: "Y-m-d". In Product Code IAP. Save your changes. Save and close the localization.js file.4. To include the new language into the application. } … 8.0 or 7. it will not appear at the user's preferences.picker. you must stop and start the application from Visual Admin. 1. 2. Run the SM30 transaction for table /PTGWFI/Z_CONST. In Visual Admin. in the Constant LANGUAGE. todayTip: "{0} (mellanslag)". To restart the Approval Portal application (NetWeaver 6.4):“ on page 95. disabledDaysText: "".3 and 7. Expand servlet_jsp. see “To restart the Approval Portal application (NetWeaver 7. 3. 94 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . monthYearText: 'Välj en månad (Ctrl + uppåtpil/neråtpil för att ändra årtal)'. Note: If you do not add the new language here. 2. To add the new language to the constant LANGUAGE: 1. navigate to Instance > Server > Services > Deploy. nextText: 'Nästa månad (Ctrl + högerpil)'. todayText: "Idag".3 and 7.0): For a description for NetWeaver 7. add the new language to the Constant Value as a comma-separated single character. minText: "Detta datum inträffar före det tidigast tillåtna". maxText: "Detta datum inträffar efter det senast tillåtna".Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal override: "Ext. disabledDatesText: "". startDay: 1 }). 5. 2.4.3 and 7. and then click Start & Stop. Click Stop Application at the right of the window. select it again and click Start Application. Log in to SAP NetWeaver Administration. Important To make the language change effective. To restart the Approval Portal application (NetWeaver 7. Navigate to Operations > Systems.4): 1. the end user must clear the browser cache. Select the Approval Portal application. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 95 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . 4. 6. Configuring multilingual support 3. When the application is stopped. 11. Click OK to confirm. 1. 96 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .5 Configuring attachment support You can add attachments to the invoice from the Approval Portal. see “Configuration” on page 69. To configure Visual Admin properties for attachment support (NetWeaver 6. you need to perform some configurations to support bigger attachments. Important To make the language change effective. the end user must clear the browser cache.3 and 7.4):“ on page 97. The following example is laid out for a maximum attachment size of 10 MB. see “To configure attachment support (NetWeaver 7. 3. 2. 4.4. 11. Log in to Visual Admin. Click the Java Applications tab and mark the Approval Portal application. Click the Properties tab. The original configuration in Visual Admin only allows you to attach small files.3 and 7. Click Restart to restart the application.0): For a description for NetWeaver 7.0 or 7. Navigate to Instance > Server > Services > HTTP Provider. So.Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal 3. 7. 9. apply the following steps. Note: You do not need to restart your cluster. 8.3 and 7. Set the ReadBufferSize value to 10485760. 10. 6.5. no adjustment should be necessary to support large file attachments. Click Update. To configure attachment support (NetWeaver 7. Set the ServletInputStreamTimeout value to 180000. Set the ServletLongDataTransferTimeout value to 120000. Click Update. 11.4): Note: By default. Log in to SAP NetWeaver Administration. Set the FileBufferSize value to 10485760. Navigate to Instance > Dispatcher > Services > HTTP Provider. 5. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 97 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Configuring attachment support 4. 1. If a file cannot be uploaded for any reason. 11. Click the Properties tab. 11. This section describes how to do this. 98 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . • OpenText recommends backing up the image or the files if you need to apply a new patch. Make sure Advanced Properties are displayed. Notes • You must perform the same action when you are applying a new patch. 3. and the name headerbar_vendor_invoice_management.Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal 2. Note: You do not need to restart your cluster. Navigate to Configuration > Infrastructure. and then click Java System Properties. Click the Services tab.6 Branding You might need to change the logo of the Approval Portal. 5. The customer specific brand image must have the following size (in pixels) 328x24.png. and mark HTTP Provider. 4. Change the value of FileBufferSize to 10485760. 11.0):“ on page 94 and “To restart the Approval Portal application (NetWeaver \IM_APPROVAL_PORTAL7_0SP3\servlet_jsp\vimportal\root\images 3. see “To restart the Approval Portal application (NetWeaver 6. Branding To change the logo: 1.3/7. Copy the customer specific brand image to the following directory: • SAP NetWeaver Portal 7. For more\IM_APPROVAL_PORTAL7_0SP3\servlet_jsp\VimPortal \root\images\headerbar_vendor_invoice_management_old.3/ \IM_APPROVAL_PORTAL7_0SP3\servlet_jsp\vimportal\root\ images \headerbar_vendor_invoice_management_old.0 branding image path: <Drive>:\usr\sap\<instance>\JC00\j2ee\cluster\server0\apps \opentext.4):“ on page 95.png After rename: • SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.5 branding image path: <Drive>:\usr\sap\<instance>\JC00\j2ee\cluster \apps\opentext.4/7.3/\IM_APPROVAL_PORTAL7_0SP3\servlet_jsp\VimPortal \root\images\headerbar_vendor_invoice_management.5 branding image path: <Drive>:\usr\sap\<instance>\JC00\j2ee\cluster\apps\opentext. Stop and start the application instance.png\IM_APPROVAL_PORTAL7_0SP3\servlet_jsp\VimPortal \root\images • SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.5 branding image path: <Drive>:\usr\sap\<instance>\JC00\j2ee\cluster \apps\opentext.6.4/7.png • SAP NetWeaver Portal 7. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 99 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . navigate to the following directory: Before rename: • SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.png • SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.4/7.0 branding image path: <Drive>:\usr\sap\<instance>\JC00\j2ee\cluster\server0\apps \opentext.0 branding image path: <Drive>:\usr\sap\<instance>\JC00\j2ee\cluster\server0\apps \opentext. To rename the OpenText brand image headerbar_vendor_invoice_management.0 or 7.3 and \IM_APPROVAL_PORTAL7_0SP3\servlet_jsp\vimportal\root\ images \headerbar_vendor_invoice_management. In the application toolbar. • For SAP NetWeaver Portal. 3. To release invoice locks when logging out from Approval Portal: 1.0 in a future support package.5.redirect as search string.4.Chapter 11 Administering the Approval Portal 11. you must perform the following configuration. and 7.redirect. When closing the browser. • For standalone WAS. Click the Open Expert Mode button at the very right of the window.silent = false ume. The following parameters are retrieved. this configuration does not work. 2. click System Administration. It is applicable for SAP NetWeaver Portal using standard SAP Logoff button for logout. The Expert View dialog box opens.url = http(s)://<host>:<port>/vimportal/ LogOutServlet?nwpParam=X <host> is the SAP NetWeaver Portal instance host where Approval Portal is running <port> is the SAP NetWeaver Portal instance port where Approval Portal is running 100 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .redirect. and locks are not released.logoff.logoff. no separate configuration is required. click UME Configuration. 7. Click the Modify button to enter the parameters: ume. in the navigation panel. Then. Important OpenText strongly recommends that you validate and test this configuration in the test system before moving to productive environments. showing UME parameters. Log on to SAP NetWeaver Portal with a user having the Administrator role.3.logoff. The configuration describes SAP NetWeaver Portal UME parameters with the OpenText Approval Portal Redirect URL to release locks from the SAP table / ORS/INV_LOCK during logout from SAP NetWeaver Portal. Search for ume.7 Releasing invoice locks when logging out from Approval Portal The configuration in this section supports SAP NetWeaver Portal 7. Notes • The configuration will be extended for SAP NetWeaver Portal 7. sap. When locks are released.logoff. 6. 2.silent = true ume. the URL redirects to the SAP NetWeaver Portal standard logon aada5230be5e77e10000000a155369/content. 3. The following steps are applicable if this configuration does not work. the browser cache is not cleared properly. When the user logs off from the portal and tries to log on with the same user and browser session. ing steps 1.7. When the configuration parameters are saved successfully. in some sporadic cases a blank screen is displayed. Launch Approval Portal in SAP NetWeaver Portal.logoff. Close all browser sessions and clear the browser cache. before testing the configuration. Repeat the procedure up to Step 3 but enter the following changed parameters: ume. 5.redirect. click Close Expert Mode. Releasing invoice locks when logging out from Approval Portal 4. If the browser tries to login again without a redirect to the SAP NetWeaver Portal standard log on page. Restart the computer where the user is working and try again. When invoices are loaded.redirect.url = http(s)://<host>:<port>/vimportal/ LogOutServlet?nwpParam=Z <host> is the SAP NetWeaver Portal instance host where Approval Portal is running <port> is the SAP NetWeaver Portal instance port where Approval Portal is running Save your settings and restart AS Java as mentioned in the following SAP standard documentation: https://help. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 101 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Troubleshoot. Log off and log on again. The Redirect URL is called and clears the locks from SAP table /ORS/INV_LOCK of the specific user.htm. 11. click the logoff button. Click Save to save the configuration. . The Web Viewer can be used by any leading application server configured appropriately. an iPhone.html. Delegated and Referred invoices are visible in the inbox. for example a Blackberry. See “Configuring the Web Viewer integration” on page 103. it is not possible to render TIFF documents. However. or an Android smartphone. The documents may be stored in OpenText Archive Center or other repositories.Chapter 12 Configuring the Mobile Approval Portal This chapter describes the configuration of the Mobile Approval Portal. Web Viewer is a web application for displaying and printing documents in Web-based scenarios and for appending comments to these documents.1 Introducing the Mobile Approval Portal interface The Mobile Approval Portal login URL is http://<host name>:<port number>/ vimportal/mapp. You configure the OpenText™ Imaging Web Viewer (Web Viewer) settings of the Mobile Approval Portal in the Approval Admin page.html The URL is very similar to the Approval Portal login URL. JPG. To support PDF documents.2 Configuring the Web Viewer integration Mobile Approval Portal users can display invoices using OpenText Imaging Web Viewer. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 103 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . see section 9 “Approving invoices using the Mobile Approval Portal” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . On the Mobile Browser without Web Viewer. Coding must be completed. 12. The Mobile Approval Pages are loaded based on a browser user-agent.User Guide (VIM-UGD). a specific browser-plugin or a separate viewer app is needed. Mobile Configuration tab. The Mobile Approval Portal inbox is applicable only for approvers. an enhancement to Invoice Approval. Web Viewer is able to display TIFF documents on the Mobile Browser on Mobile Approval Portal. It generates HTML pages containing the document to be displayed and sends them to the browser. Users can approve their invoices. PNG and GIF documents are supported to be shown in browser by default.local:50000/vimportal/mapp. Web Viewer is installed on a web server. 12.opentext. an iPad. The Mobile Approval Portal bases on HTML5. For details on the end user perspective of the Mobile Approval Portal. Example: http://server. using a mobile device. 4 User with ApprovalPortal Admin role 3.0/7.3/ On the Approval Admin page. Enter the following parameters of the Web Viewer: • WebViewer Host/IP 104 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .dll/Open/19644858 You configure the Web Viewer integration in the Approval Admin page.opentext.4 User with VIMIAdministrator role For NetWeaver Portal 7.0/7. In particular. Notes • OpenText strongly recommends that you implement Web Viewer to display images on the Mobile Approval Portal.3/7. 4. you must enter the Web Viewer server Host/IP and Port of the Web Viewer. Mobile Configuration tab. Open the Approval Admin page using the following URL: http:// <host>:<port>/vimportal/admin 2. see OpenText Imaging Web Viewer .Installation and Configuration Guide (CLWEBV-IGD). available on My Support: http://knowledge.Chapter 12 Configuring the Mobile Approval Portal Web Viewer supports documents from the following products: • OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions • OpenText™ DocuLink for SAP Solutions Limitation Web Viewer does not support MS Office documents. and enable the display of invoice images on your mobile device. • For further information about Web Viewer. click the Mobile Configuration tab. Enter Administrator credentials: For standalone NWAS 7. To configure Web Viewer for the Mobile Approval Portal: 1. Note: If the Mobile Approval Portal is accessed outside the firewall and hosted with Virtual host. enter Virtualhost.3 or 7. 12. you might run into performance issues on mobile devices.4 instance.12. • Document Types require license for WebViewer Enter document types. In the View Image Display list. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 105 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . separated by commas. Note: OpenText recommends configuring the following number of fields on the mobile device: • 5 to 10 fields on the Mobile Inbox (Invoice List Field) • 5 to 10 fields on the Mobile Detail Page header (PO Header Fields and Non PO Header Fields) • 5 fields only for Cost Assignment (Accounting Assignment Fields) and Line Item Fields If you configure more fields. 12. Note: This feature is only applicable for the Mobile Approval Portal.3.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD) and section 13.5. enter the NetWeaver port.5. Save your settings. Configuring mobile page fields • TomcatServer Port If the Web Viewer server is hosted on a NetWeaver 7. 5.3 Configuring mobile page fields You configure fields and buttons of the Mobile Approval Portal inside SAP ERP. for example PDF. You can enter multiple document types.4 “Configuring buttons” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions - Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD).12 “Configuring fields for Invoice Approval” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . the TomcatServer Port parameter is not required. The entered document types will be opened in the native browser plug-in instead of the Web Viewer. For the WebViewer Host parameter. See section 13. select Yes. 6. 3.0/7. decimal notation. on the Personalization page of the Approval Portal. In the Approval Portal.5 http://<host>:<port>/vimportal For SAP NetWeaver Portal 7. 4. 5.5 http://<host>:<port>/irj/portal 2. click Personalize. Provide valid credentials for the respective portal.4 Configuring regional settings You configure regional settings.3/7. and your preferred Date Format from the drop-down lists. For detailed information on the Personalization page. The other configurations on the Personalization page are not relevant for the Mobile Approval Portal. To configure regional settings: 1.4/7.3/7. Select the Default Language.14 “Personalizing your views of the Approval Portal” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . and date format.0/7. In the Personalization page. your preferred Decimal Notation. see section 8. Save your settings. like language.User Guide (VIM-UGD). scroll to Region and Language.4/7. Log in to the Approval Portal using one of the following URLs: For standalone NWAS 7.Chapter 12 Configuring the Mobile Approval Portal 12. 106 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Part 3 Regular administration tasks . Part 3 Regular administration tasks This part covers administration tasks that must be carried out regularly. These tasks are not executed on a daily basis by an agent. 108 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . but must be carried out by a responsible to keep the business process running. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 109 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .com/ saphelp_erp60_sp/helpdata/en/8d/25f558454311d189430000e829fbbd/ frameset.Chapter 13 Setting up substitutes for workflow processes Substitutes can be set up for the SAP inbox and for the Invoice Approval (IAP) process. • For the Invoice Approval (IAP) process • For the SAP inbox substitution. the substitute can “adopt” the work items owned by the substituted user.htm. If a work item owner is on vacation or leaves the company.5 “Setting up a substitute for the IAP process” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . see section 5.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD).5. see the SAP Help: http://help. . If a work item owner is on vacation or leaves the company. 2. the substitute can “adopt” the work items owned by the substituted user. As a VIM workflow administrator.1 Retrieving open SAP work items of a specific user You can retrieve open work items belonging to a specific user through the SAP standard Workload Analysis report. run the SWI5 transaction. 14. To access the Workload Analysis report.Chapter 14 Reassigning work items belonging to another user OpenText recommends all workflow users setting up a substitute. see “Setting up substitutes for workflow processes“ on page 109. you can reassign such work items to one or more other user(s). situations might occur when a user has not set up a substitute and the work items needs immediate attention. However. Each work item has a Work Item ID which is a unique number identifying the work item. To retrieve open SAP work items of a specific user: 1. Enter the following information in the selection screen: Type US OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 111 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . The report shows all SAP work items belonging to the user. 3. click . 112 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . To run the report. regardless of whether they are VIM work items or not. VIM work items have the following task IDs: TS00275278 DP Document Dashboard TS00275267 PO Invoice Dashboard (Header WF) TS00275262 PO Parked Invoice Dashboard TS00275260 Non PO Invoice Dashboard TS00275265 PO Invoice Dashboard (Line Level) 4. Click the icon to view the work item IDs.Chapter 14 Reassigning work items belonging to another user ID SAP user ID of the specific user Click To be processed by. Note: If the reassignment is permanent due to an organizational change. Reassigning open SAP work items to a different user With the work item IDs. 14. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 113 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . see “Reassigning open SAP work items to a different user” on page 113. ensure the role maintenance setups are completed before reassigning the work item. run the SWIA transaction.2 Reassigning open SAP work items to a different user After you have identified the work item IDs. you can assign the work items to a different user. To reassign a work item to a different user: 1. you can reassign them through the SAP standard transaction Execute work items without agent check.2.4 “Maintaining role determination settings” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions - Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). see section 5. 14. To access the Execute work items without agent check screen. For more information. you must be an owner of the work item. 4. Click in the application tool bar to display the work item. Before you can reassign. Enter the work item ID retrieved in “Retrieving open SAP work items of a specific user” on page 111 and click to execute. 3. To own the work item. 114 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .Chapter 14 Reassigning work items belonging to another user 2. This action leads you into either the VIM Dashboard or the DP Dashboard. 5. Click to return to the Execute work items without agent check screen. select it and click the Without check button in the application tool bar. 14.3. Reassigning Invoice Approval items to a different user 6. Click in the application tool bar to forward the work item. 7. Enter the SAP user ID of the receiver of the work item and click to execute. At the bottom of the screen, a confirmation message is displayed: Forwarding carried out. 14.3 Reassigning Invoice Approval items to a different user For invoices awaiting approval, you perform the following steps to reassign the invoice to another approver, using the OpenText Usermap Maintenance Utility. To reassign an Invoice Approval item to a different user: 1. Run the /ORS/UMREASSIGNED transaction. Alternatively, click OpenText Vendor Invoice Management > SAP menu > WF Administration > Reassignment Utility. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 115 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 Chapter 14 Reassigning work items belonging to another user 2. Enter search criteria to limit the results. If you search for a specific User Id, select the Unreserve Invoices check box to move also invoices that are in process or reserved. If the Invoice Data is known, enter the Company Code, the Document Number, and the Fiscal Year for the invoice you want to reassign and click to execute. The system retrieves the current approver for this invoice and the rest of the invoices waiting for his or her approval. 3. In the Invoice Approval - Usermap Maintenance Utility screen, click Usermap Id > <user name> > Invoice List, to display the list of invoices for the current approver. 116 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 14.3. Reassigning Invoice Approval items to a different user Note: To terminate the approval workflow with status Approval Recalled, click the Recall Invoice button in the application toolbar. The AP_PROCESSOR receives a work item with exception Approval Required and status Approval Recalled in VIM Analytics. 4. To show the details of the invoice, click the document number in the navigation panel on the left-hand side. 5. Click the Reassign button in the application tool bar. 6. Enter the new owner of the invoice. Tip: Use the search help to locate the new owner. 7. Click the Reassign button to complete the reassignment. The invoice is now assigned to the new owner. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 117 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 Chapter 14 Reassigning work items belonging to another user 118 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 Before removing any old data. OpenText generally recommends that such initiatives are performed as a part of an overall data archiving initiative.Chapter 15 Administering workflows This chapter covers regular workflow administration tasks. Specially. since the business objects in scope of the VIM processes are financial in nature.2 Data archiving You can archive old data using the SAP archiving objects WORKITEM. BKPF. 15. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 119 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . in the OpenText product tables. A backup of the underlying SAP ERP system ensures the backup of the appropriate configuration. local regulations need to be considered in making such decisions. 15. system transports store any configuration changes that are made. runtime and persistent data.1 Backup The configuration of VIM is stored inside SAP ERP. In addition. and others. consider carefully the business requirements about data availability. . see “Changing the posting date for a bulk of DP invoices” on page 123. • For DP documents. This does not necessarily be at December 31st but it is dependent on the fiscal year variants that are used. Whenever the posting date of a parked document is changed so that the posting date falls into a new fiscal year. MR01. these reports/ transactions have to run when no user is trying to create or process parked documents in the system. The processing of the documents differs based on the type of document: • For Non PO invoices parked using F-63. transaction MIR4 must be used in a change mode to change the posting manually. • For PO invoices created using MIRO or MIR7. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 121 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . there will be issues with the related workflow because the key of the primary object associated with the workflows changes. transaction FBV4 must be used to change the posting manually. FV60. Notes • During processing of the reports/transactions included in this procedure. also DP documents can be handled.Chapter 16 Running year end/month end procedure for parked and DP documents Note: This chapter is relevant if you have activated the Parking functionality of VIM. FB60. or MRHR. The processes mentioned in this chapter must be followed when the fiscal year ends. F-43. • Sufficient testing of the process has to be done in the development or testing systems to make sure the parked invoices are carried over to the new fiscal year correctly. This chapter describes the processes you must perform so that the documents that are carried over to the next fiscal year work seamlessly. normal processing of the parked documents is not possible. So. In addition. DP documents have longer processing cycles. They include important fixes which may be essential to the operating environment. Fiscal year end procedures for parked invoice processing should only be run in your production environment after the last posting period in the previous fiscal year is closed and when no user is trying to create or process parked invoices in the system. You may have also received these programs as part of various patches which have been delivered to you in the past.1 Customer Advisory The OpenText Vendor Invoice Management year end procedures for parked invoice processing must be followed so that parked invoices can get carried over to the next fiscal year. This will help you to run the year end programs provided to you by OpenText successfully. changing the posting date of a parked invoice so that it carries over to the next fiscal year should only be done by running the year end programs. Furthermore. OpenText recommends that you run the year end procedures for parked invoice processing in a test environment before attempting them in your production environment. These programs were delivered to you as part of your original implementation and are already in your VIM system. Installation of the year end program patches should be viewed as a required update to all VIM installations. The year end procedures for parked invoice processing must be performed at your fiscal year end. This will allow you to resolve any issues that arise with Customer Support so they don’t impact your fiscal year end activities. At fiscal year end. OpenText also provides a program and corresponding transaction code to perform a mass update to the posting date in DP documents. Manually changing the posting date of an invoice so that it falls into the next fiscal year during processing through a workflow or outside a workflow process will have adverse effects on the existing workflows that are associated with that invoice and should not be performed. Customers should install the year end program patches prior to commencing any fiscal year end activities. special processing procedures must be followed so that these invoices are carried over to the next fiscal year properly. Vendor Invoice Management (VIM) invoices that are not processed in a given fiscal year get parked. Customers may encounter a situation where changing the fiscal year or fiscal month may result in them having to update the posting date for many 122 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Systems Affected All versions of VIM OpenText will provide programs to change the posting date on parked invoices (“year end programs”) for all versions of VIM. With the introduction of DP-based invoice approvals. The year end processing for parked invoices includes running the year end programs provided to you by OpenText.Chapter 16 Running year end/month end procedure for parked and DP documents 16. See “Changing the posting date for a bulk of DP invoices” on page 123. This program allows you to perform a bulk change of posting dates of DP invoices to avoid any issues with closed periods.2 Changing the posting date for a bulk of DP invoices VIM provides the Bulk Change of Posting Date for DP documents program. 16. OpenText also recommends running the report when no users work on the system. Obsolete. The program updates DP invoices.2. 16. or Cancelled Important OpenText recommends doing tests of the report on a test system. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 123 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Run the /OPT/DP_POST_DT_UPD transaction. To change the posting date for a bulk of DP invoices: 1. Changing the posting date for a bulk of DP invoices DP documents to move them into the new posting period. There are no locks for any objects implemented. because this can cause unexpected values in the posting date field. except the following: • invoices that already have an existing SAP document • invoices with status Deleted. use the FBV4 transaction to post it in the new posting period. To execute the bulk change. There is no VIM functionality available in the test mode but you can add and change the displayed fields.Chapter 16 Running year end/month end procedure for parked and DP documents Settings New Posting Date This field is mandatory. All selected invoices are updated with the entered posting date and displayed in a new view. but the processing of the document is not completed in that year.All ranges in this area are standard search criteria for DP invoices. as well. If the posting date has to be changed. 124 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Exclude empty posting dates Select this check box only in special cases where the posting date is not filled and should not be updated.1 Symptoms A document (Non PO based FI document) is parked in a particular fiscal year.3 Processing Non PO based FI documents 16. asking for confirmation. the runtime workflow instances based on this parked document will be rendered unusable as the object key of the parked document is changed now. 3. Document options . Test mode (display invoices) This check box is selected by default. In the dialog box. clear the Test mode check box and click . you still can cancel the whole processing. All the OpenText application tables will be out of sync. 2. The bulk change also updates VIM Analytics and writes an entry in the process logs.3. 16. using the standard SAP layout button. At this stage. A dialog box opens. The invoices resulted from the search are only displayed. Confirm the execution. It is carried over to the next year. keep the posting period open a little longer.3. the document is carried over to the next year (2008). the workflows that are referencing to the original parked document will have runtime errors because the original object with fiscal year 2007 as its object key no longer exists. Processing Non PO based FI documents 16.4 Solution details You can prevent the entire scenario: Make sure that all parked documents created in a particular fiscal year get posted in the same year. When the document is originally parked. If custom extensions were implemented that store the SAP parked document number. 16. You must follow the solution described below only if the posting date has to be changed before posting them in the new fiscal year. nothing needs to be done. 16. the fiscal year is part of the object key that identifies a particular parked document object. Possibly. the fiscal year is calculated from the posting date specified (for example year 2007). OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 125 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .3. At this stage. Now.3. If the business needs mandates that the parked documents have to be carried over to the next year. the posting date is changed using the FBV4 transaction. The original parked document object (with fiscal year 2007) is changed with the new fiscal year (2008) in the standard SAP ERP system.3 Preconditions and cause The fiscal year of an accounting document is calculated from the posting date of the parked document. So. 16. Runtime instances of parked document workflows might have been created in a previous fiscal year. implement the solution described below. and. you have to make appropriate code corrections to avoid inconsistencies.3.2 Reference SAP note The following is an important SAP OSS note that pertains to the issues with standard SAP ERP system regarding parked document changes relating to fiscal year change: 99775 FIPP: FBV4 bulk change of posting date/fiscal year You can also search for other relevant notes in the SAP Market Place in case of issues you find during testing of this process. at the current time (2008). If they are present in the system and their posting date does not need to be changed before posting them. you have to run two reports: • Year end procedure • Month end procedure To run the year end procedure: 1.3. • If changing the posting date leads to no fiscal year change. Run the report. In the batch mode. Run the /n/OPT/VIM_YEND_NPO transaction. taking the following considerations into account: • You can run the report either in an online mode or scheduled as a batch job.Chapter 16 Running year end/month end procedure for parked and DP documents 16.5 Running the year end and month end procedure To actually implement the solution. run the /n/OPT/VIM transaction and navigate to SAP menu > Reports > Periodic Processing > Year End Run > Year End Report Run . all the parked documents that match the selection criteria will be processed automatically without user intervention. • You must specify the new posting date so that all the documents will have the posting dates modified to the new date. Alternatively.Non PO Based Invoices 2. Make sure the posting period for the new posting date is open. 126 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . use the month end report. In the batch mode. all the parked documents that match the selection criteria will be processed automatically without user intervention. Run the /n/OPT/VIM_MEND_NPO transaction. • If changing the posting date leads to no fiscal year change. In dialog mode.3. • The selection options Company Code and Fiscal Year are mandatory. In dialog mode. taking the following considerations into account: • You can run the report either in an online mode or scheduled as a batch job. use the month end report. you can restrict the output set by using the various selection criteria available. Alternatively. run the /n/OPT/VIM transaction and navigate to SAP menu > Reports > Periodic Processing > Month End Run > Month End Report Run - Non PO Based Invoices 2. Processing Non PO based FI documents • You can run the /OPT/VIM_YEND_NPO transaction with certain filter if needed. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 127 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Run the report. • You can run the /OPT/VIM_MEND_NPO transaction with certain filter if needed. you can restrict the output set by using the various selection criteria available. 16. To run the month end procedure: 1. When the document is originally parked.4. at the current time (2008). requesting the user to enter a Parking reason. but the processing of the document is not completed in that year. the runtime workflow instance based on this parked document will be rendered unusable as the object key of the parked document is changed now. 128 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Also.4. If the posting date has to be changed. The original parked document object (with fiscal year 2007) is deleted from the system and a new object with the new fiscal year (2008) is created by the standard SAP ERP system.Chapter 16 Running year end/month end procedure for parked and DP documents 16. It is carried over to the next year.4 Processing PO based documents (LIV invoices) 16. use the MIR4 transaction to post it in the new posting period. as well. the fiscal year is part of the object key that identifies a particular parked document object. Now.1 Symptoms A document (Logistics Invoice Verification) is parked in a particular fiscal year. and. At this stage.3 Preconditions and cause The fiscal year of an accounting document is calculated from the posting date of the parked document. the document is carried over to the next year (2008). the posting date is changed using the MIR4 transaction. the fiscal year is calculated from the posting date specified (for example year 2007). the user exit to collect the Parking reason is triggered. So.4.2 Reference SAP notes The following are some of the important SAP OSS notes that pertain to the issues with standard SAP ERP system regarding parked document changes relating to fiscal year change: 598018 MIR4: New Document number: Information is lost 554030 MIR4: Fiscal year / document type change 366965 MIR4: Changing posting date of parked documents 137988 FIPP: not all original documents are reassigned You can also search for other relevant notes in the SAP Market Place in case of issues you find during testing of this process. 16. All the OpenText application tables will be out of sync. 16. Run the /n/OPT/VIM_YEND_PO transaction. run the /n/OPT/VIM transaction and navigate to SAP menu > Reports > Periodic Processing > Year End Run > Year End Report Run . 16. If custom extensions were implemented that store the SAP parked document number. Runtime instances of parked document workflows might have been created in a previous fiscal year. you have to make appropriate code corrections to avoid inconsistencies. implement the solution described below. nothing needs to be done. the workflows that are referencing to the original parked document will have runtime errors because the original object is deleted by SAP ERP. If they are present in the system and their posting date does not need to be changed before posting them. you have to run two reports: • Year end procedure • Month end procedure To run the year end procedure: 1. keep the posting period open a little longer. If the business needs mandates that the parked documents have to be carried over to the next year. Alternatively. 16. 16.5 Running the year end and month end procedure To actually implement the solution.4 Solution details You can prevent the entire scenario: Make sure that all parked documents created in a particular fiscal year get posted in the same year.PO Based Invoices OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 129 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . You must follow the solution described below only if the posting date has to be changed before posting them in the new fiscal year.4. Possibly. Processing PO based documents (LIV invoices) At this stage.4.4. • The selection options Company Code and Fiscal Year are mandatory. • If changing the posting date leads to no fiscal year change. use the month end report. Make sure the posting period for the new posting date is open. all the parked documents that match the selection criteria will be processed automatically without user intervention. In the batch mode. taking the following considerations into account: • You can run the report either in an online mode or scheduled as a batch job. Alternatively. Run the report. run the /n/OPT/VIM transaction and navigate to SAP menu > Reports > Periodic Processing > Month End Run > Month End Report Run - PO Based Invoices 130 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .Chapter 16 Running year end/month end procedure for parked and DP documents 2. Run the /n/OPT/VIM_MEND_PO transaction. To run the month end procedure: 1. • You must specify the new posting date so that all the documents will have the posting dates modified to the new date. In the batch mode. • Run the programs in the order mentioned.5. Run the report. taking the following considerations into account: • You can run the report either in an online mode or scheduled as a batch job. • If changing the posting date leads to no fiscal year change. Testing the year end procedure 2.5 Testing the year end procedure OpenText highly recommends that you consider the following as you conduct your testing for the year end procedure: • Simulate various scenarios. all the parked documents that match the selection criteria will be processed automatically without user intervention. 16. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 131 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . 16. • Make sure the image links are transferred correctly. use the month end report. you can restrict the output set by using the various selection criteria available. • Make sure the comments are showing up properly. In dialog mode. • Make sure the logs and reports show the correct information. • You can run the /OPT/VIM_MEND_PO transaction with certain filter if needed. Alternatively. Access the approver's inbox and execute the workitem. Create an invoice using the FV60 transaction. The following is an example scenario you can be use for testing: To test the year end procedure: 1. 5.) 2. depending on how it is configured. • Keep the log for the program executions so that you will have a record of what invoices were changed in case something goes wrong. Run VIM Analytics and give the new document key. See if the result shows the old document number in the details. Make sure the comments are showing up properly.Chapter 16 Running year end/month end procedure for parked and DP documents • The programs can be run in dialog mode to investigate any errors that might be encountered. Start a Document processing workflow. you can use the following transaction to reprocess the errors so that all the data is consistently updated. 6. 8. the step can differ. Insert some comments during parking. To invoke the Year End Run Log: • Run the /n/OPT/VIM_YEND_AUDIT transaction. 7. run the /n/OPT/VIM transaction and navigate to SAP menu > Reports > Periodic Processing > Year End Run > Year End Run Log 132 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . 16. Make sure the image can be displayed properly from FBV3 or any invoice display transaction. You need to run this only if the invoice posting date has changed but there was an error that occurs in updating various tables etc. 4. 10. 3. You should notice that the new fiscal year and possibly new document number is there in the details. Depending on what is implemented at your site. Check if the OpenText Dashboard (accessable from the Object Services menu from invoice display transaction) shows the correct information for the new invoice key. 9. Choose an approval parking reason and select the appropriate requestor. you need to come up with a set of scenarios to be tested. Check to see if the approver gets a workitem to approve in the web portal or in the SAP GUI. Run the year end transactions as appropriate.6 Using the Year End Run Log If certain errors happen during the processing of the year end procedure. (Depending on if OCR is implemented or not. 16. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 133 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Using the Year End Run Log You can use the log to check for a list of all documents that were processed through year end processing.6. . 3. Data archiving removes bulk data from the database. when the data is not required in everyday tasks and it is not relevant from auditing perspective. The data from the following tables is archived: OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 135 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Important OpenText recommends archiving data of the VIM tables only. the archiving object /OPT/DOC is enhanced to delete VIM change documents. 2.Chapter 17 Archiving VIM information You can archive the DP invoices and the reporting data from Central Reporting. Make absolutely sure that you run license reporting before you archive data. Otherwise. This refers to the change document tables CDHDR and CDPOS. see “Using the ICC and VIM License Report” on page 140. key /OPT/VIM_IDXDAT. Note: You must first archive all DP invoices from all connected SAP ERP systems before you run the archiving of the reporting data. Use the archiving object /OPT/DOC to archive the DP invoices. For more information. Note: Starting with VIM 7. Follow the SAP standard archiving processes for the archive object /OPT/DOC.5 SP4. Run the standard SAP transaction SARA. The old data can be written to and retrieved from some storage system. To archive DP invoices: 1. you might lose data that is needed for license reporting. Bulk data is no longer required in the system but must be retained accessibly. Chapter 17 Archiving VIM information • /OPT/VIM_1HEAD • /OPT/VIM_1ITEM • /OPT/VIM_1PROC • /OPT/VIM_1WI_AGT • /OPT/VIM_2HEAD • /OPT/VIM_CWHTAX • /OPT/VIM_HD_DP • /OPT/VIM_HD_PO • /OPT/VIM_MSG_T • /OPT/VIM_PO_WIH • /OPT/VIM_PO_WID • /OPT/VIM_HD_NPO • /OPT/VIM_NPO_WIH • /OPT/VIM_NPO_WID • /OPT/VIM_TITEM • /OPT/VIM_WHTAX • /OPT/VIM_1ATM_H • /OPT/VIM_1BDCLOG • /OPT/VIM_1LOG • /OPT/VIM_1OCRLOG • /OPT/VIM_1PO_DN • /OPT/VIM_8HEAD • /OPT/VIM_8LOG • /OPT/AT_APPR_HIS • /OPT/AT_LBA_LOG • /OPT/CT_LG_EXC • /OPT/CT_LG_HIST • /OPT/CT_PMC_RG03 • /ORS/STACK_HDR • /ORS/STACK_BODY • /ORS/INV_ADD • /ORS/INV_DATA • /ORS/APPR_LOG 136 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . • /ORS/PS_ITEM • /PTGWFI/M_PRKMTR • /PTGWFI/F_PIRMTR • /PTGWFI/F_BIRMTR • /PTGWFI/F_BIRMWI • /PTGWFI/F_DELINV • /PTGWFI/F_LIXMWI • /PTGWFI/F_LIXMTR Note: The /OPT/VIM_LIC_VD table is not deleted using the standard archiving because it is relevant for licensing. To archive reporting data: Note: You must first archive all DP invoices using the archive object /OPT/DOC from all connected SAP ERP systems before you run the archiving of the reporting data. 1. Run the standard SAP transaction SARA. 2. Use the archiving object /OPT/REP to archive the VIM Central Reporting information. 3. Follow the SAP standard archiving processes for the archive object /OPT/REP. The data from the following tables is archived: • /OPT/VT_ATM_SRC • /OPT/VT_DOC_HEAD • /OPT/VT_KPI_SRC • /OPT/VT_KPI_SRCE OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 137 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 Chapter 17 Archiving VIM information • /OPT/VT_WORKITEM • /OPT/VT_WI_AGENT • /OPT/VT_WI_AGNT • /OPT/VT_WI_ACTN • /OPT/VT_WI_STEPS • /OPT/VT_DOC_H • /OPT/VT_WI • /OPT/VT_WI_ACTV • /OPT/VT_WORK 138 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 Chapter 18 License reporting License audit for VIM and ICC is based on SAP System Measurement, using transaction USMM. For more information, see the SAP documentation (http:// content.htm). VIM and ICC are configured to be included into the SAP system measurement. For more information, see “Auditing using SAP System Measurement” on page 139. For details and prerequisites running the SAP tools, check the SAP documentation, for example about required SAP authorizations. VIM provides an additional license report. You can use it to get a more detailed output and to select in a more flexible manner. For example, it lists the number of invoices triggering a VIM DP workflow and number of invoices in VIM without any workflow. You should use this report if a license audit is requested by OpenText and you do not want to provide the full SAP output of USMM to OpenText. 18.1 Auditing using SAP System Measurement If you are responsible for licenses, you must run a report once a year, to find out how many ICC extractions have been performed and how many VIM workflows have been started in the observation period (1 year). You must send the report to SAP. For this auditing purpose, you can use SAP System Measurement. To check your system for SAP System Measurement: 1. Run the SM30 transaction and open table TUAPP. Note: The VIM package contains two TUAPP entries, one for VIM, and one for ICC. 2. Check the existence of the two SAP defined applications IDs with function modules for ICC and VIM license measurement. They should look like in the following screenshot: OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 139 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 Chapter 18 License reporting Note: Make sure you use the application numbers 1150 for VIM and 1151 for ICC. 3. If your SAP system allows period type C, enter C as Period type. C is available in newer SAP versions, at least since SAP ECC 6.0 EHP5. If C is not allowed, leave Period type empty. After you have checked the system, trigger SAP System Measurement. For more information, see the SAP Documentation ( installations/measurement/information/Documentation.html). ICC and VIM are counted separately. 18.2 Using the ICC and VIM License Report The License Report counts the following documents: • ICC is selected Counts all ICC documents with status Extraction Completed at some point of time in the selected period. • VIM is selected Counts all VIM documents with start date in the selected period and status in VIM workflow or completed. Background - The values in tables /OPT/VIM_HD_DP, /OPT/VIM_HD_NPO, and / OPT/VIM_HD_PO are basis for the selection. The License Report checks if a workflow process (dialog and/or background steps) exists for the selected entries. Table entries without VIM related workflow process are listed in the output list of the report but do not count in the license audit. This situation occurs if customers configure the system to include invoices in the VIM Analytics report that are posted outside VIM. Depending on the global VIM settings, these invoices are shown in VIM Analytics, but no work process is started. For more information, see “Linking events for VIM workflows” on page 45 (entries “VIM Analytics” or “VAN” in table column Usage comments). • Business Center If OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions is installed, the Business Center license report /OTX/PF00_P_LIC is run and the output protocol is added. For more information, see section 15 “License audit” in OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions - Configuration Guide (BOCP-CGD). Prerequisites • In a multiple backend environment, the logical system names must be unique for every client and for every system. • If a multiple backend system is configured, it must use central numbering where DOCIDs are unique. 140 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 you can run the License Report on the central system with satellite system data collection active. For example. The line length used in the output log is too high for a common output device that is using the X_65_80 format. To use the selection screen: 1. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 141 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . background You can create. Instead. you must perform the archiving after running the License Report.2. use an output format with higher line length like X_65_132. you will lose information. In a multiple backend system with all satellite system clients in use. 18.2. Run in dialog To run the License Report in dialog. With such a device. run the /n/OPT/LIC_COUNT transaction. Using the ICC and VIM License Report • If VIM tables are archived periodically. Ensure that a large enough time interval is maintained. Run in You can use the report /OPT/VIM_COLLECT_NUMBERS in a background job definition. For large systems.1 Running the License Report You must run the License Report on every VIM system and client in productive use. 18. save and use report variants. save and use report variants. OpenText recommends that you run the License Report in background. To open the selection screen. archive those entries that are at least 2 years old. You can create. This applies mainly to VIM table /opt/vim_1log. run the /n/OPT/LIC_COUNT transaction. Option Y is the fixed set used in SAP licensing: • last calendar year • one year back from the current date up to current date • current calendar year up to current date 142 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .Set of yearly values: Typical period is a year. The most common values used in SAP licensing are supported: • C . • Y .Chapter 18 License reporting 2.Calendar year values: Last calendar year. Periods Click one of the options. • M .Monthly values With options C and M. you can select a number of periods. using the following parameters: Products Select ICC and/or VIM. Configure the selection. w/o Process VIM entries without process: Not relevant for licensing. This date refers to the start date of the VIM workflow / the date when Extraction Completed has been reached by ICC. The date is prefilled with the current system date.2. Include all local clients To include the local clients in the count.Calendar year values and M . The following data is shown: License count Total number of licensing relevant items (VIM entries with workflow) DP proc Licensing relevant items with Document ID NonDP proc Licensing relevant items without Document ID. After finishing your selection.Monthly values. 18. Important It is not possible to include clients on satellite systems. select this check box. there will be entries in this field. select this check box. Include satellite systems To include the satellite systems in the count. Number of months / years Enter the number of months/years that shall be counted into the past. mainly relevant for older VIM versions where parked workflows did not create a Document ID.2. Tip: License count is the sum of DP proc and NonDP proc. That OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 143 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . You can change the satellite systems. Using the ICC and VIM License Report Time Frame End date for collection Enter the collection end date for the selection of documents. This selection applies to the Periods selections C . You can change it to a previous date. This number represents entries in VIM Analytics. Satellite Systems Satellite systems (clients) In a multiple backend system. click the button to run the License Report. Clients This area contains data on the local system clients.2 Understanding license report results The result list displays the result of the license analysis. which are not related to an actual VIM process. 18. 3. Chapter 18 License reporting means invoices posted directly in SAP standard.3 Gaining additional information from the output protocol The output protocol of the OpenText license report looks like the following screenshot: 144 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . but which are shown in VIM Analytics. 18. for which no VIM process is started. You can print the result list or save it to a file for delivery.2. 2. This field counts the documents with a DP workflow. or posted approval workflow. They must be identical with the values calculated by the USMM transaction. but with another VIM workflow. DP proc DP process. which is to be licensed. It also explains unexpected values. blocking workflow. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 145 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . The number includes documents that will proceed to be VIM documents in the future as well as documents that will not be processed further. NonDP proc Non-DP Process. but are still in a status before a DP workflow was created. The output protocol provides additional information. Logical system This field shows the logical system name that documents belong to. The following additional information can be contained: Input Channels This field lists all channels that are used for the selected documents. This field counts the documents without DP workflow. Using the ICC and VIM License Report The highlighted values are used by the SAP user measurement. for example parking workflow. Number of documents that have not arrived in VIM This field counts the documents in the selected time range that have been extracted. This allows a better understanding of the document counts. for example image discarded or rejected in validation. 18. This number is not included in the license count.monthly values. If you use values there that are not standard VIM. This section explains how you can find out the status values and how you can add them to the license count algorithm.2. Tip: If you have many documents and the runtime of the report is too long. 146 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .calendar year and M . for example by event linking. It is empty if the report is executed for more than one client. You can use the default value with product VIM and period C .Chapter 18 License reporting w/o process Without process. Total Totals are generated for selections C . However. VIM provides a way to customize your own status values in a maintenance view called /OPT/VIM_STS_V. see “Finding and adding customer status values” on page 146.4 Finding and adding customer status values The counting algorithm for the documents is based on the document status in the / OPT/VIM_HD_DP table. see “Finding and adding customer status values” on page 146. VIM highest docid in selected period This field shows the highest document number in the selected time range. VIM lowest docid in selected period This field shows the lowest document number in the selected time range. clean your tables using the /OPT/VIM_CLEAN_HD_TABLES report and run the license report again. If the value is zero. For more information. you find a line on extra status in the output protocol. Run the /OPT/LIC_COUNT transaction to run the OpenText license report. 18. you will get false document counts. For more information. but do not have a VIM workflow. The count of these documents is displayed for information. use monthly periods. If the program detected extra status values. Extra status not customized and not counted This field informs about the extra status values that are found in the documents of the selected time range and that are not configured in table /OPT/ VIM_LIC_STS. Current VIM number level This field shows the current numbers in the number ranges used. Extra status customized and counted This field informs about the extra status values configured in table /OPT/ VIM_LIC_STS.last calendar year. see the following screenshot. To find out status values and add them to the license count: 1. This field counts the documents that have been created. Run the SM30 transaction. You can add a description for each value optionally. Add the extra values as new entries. 2. Using the ICC and VIM License Report Note: You might find an empty status in the list. b.2. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 147 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . If you have a high number of documents with empty status. They might not have been used in the selected period. Add these status values in the table of customer status values. 18. 3. The output protocol looks like the following. enter view /OPT/VIM_STS_V and click Maintain. If you know of other customer status values. add these values as well. c. After adding the status values. run the OpenText license report again. investigate this separately. Optional Add the empty status to the customer status value table as well. which is probably not a customer status. This status can be caused by VIM malfunctions or by malfunctions of the customer modifications. a. Chapter 18 License reporting 18. However. Make sure that you have maintained table TUAPP correctly. the function modules in the OpenText license report and in the SAP user measurement are not identical.5 Simulating SAP user measurement You can run the SAP user measurement report (USMM). there is a simulation program /OPT/VIM_LIC_COUNT_SIMUL_USMM using exactly the function modules for the SAP user measurement. You can run the program using the SM38 transaction.2. 148 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Technically. The total counts related to periods must be identical in the OpenText license report and in the SAP user measurement. Part 4 Troubleshooting and Monitoring . This part also describes how to handle frequent abnormal functioning of workflows due to missing or erroneous configuration in the role resolution or due to an invoice lock happening during the approval process. VIM provides some helpful tools to monitor and administer VIM workflows. 150 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .Part 4 Troubleshooting and Monitoring This part covers administration tasks for troubleshooting and monitoring. Chapter 19 Security topics This section provides an overview of security-related topics in VIM. see the SAP documentation. SSL-based HTTPs communication is supported if additional security is required. To prevent misuse of dialog transactions. Make sure the roles are assigned to proper users.1 “Installation prerequisites” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . In this scenario. For more information. Where applicable. coding. two views are normally created. Approval Portal. this section adds links to more detailed descriptions. For more information. For more information.3 “System architecture” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions - Installation Guide (VIM-IGD). 19.“Security” in ICC/BCC Administrator's Guide. in both J2EE and NetWeaver portal deployment scenarios. For more information. see section 13. For more information. see “Configuration” on page 69. The communication with SAP ERP backends is done with trusted RFC connections. one for approvals and one for administrative tasks like setting up server connections. there is a corresponding check box available on the Configuration tab of the Admin console.Installation Guide (VIM-IGD). To prevent Click Jacking and Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF). OpenText recommends that you create this user as a system user and not a dialog user. a dedicated area Security Configuration is available. On the Configuration tab of the Admin console. For Click Jacking. Fiori-based applications for approval. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 151 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . see section 13. If you deploy the Approval Portal inside of the SAP NetWeaver Portal. with the authenticated SAP user. the X-FRAME options have been restricted to same origin. In all deployment scenarios.1 Technical security and authentication ICC ICC documentation discusses security topics related to ICC user authentication and the data transfer between SAP systems and ICC. runs VIM application logic of all portal users using the same CPIC SAP user. NetWeaver user authentication will take place. and exception handling Fiori-based applications use SAP user authentication. see chapter 6 . Approval Portal Browser authentication is possible through a single sign on mechanism like SPNego and SAML. You must verify the use of these override options and switch them off if they are unwanted.8 “User authorization” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . and misuse chances are minimized. For more information. see section 7.2 Data and functional security General authorization checks When implementing VIM.4. In addition. see section 14.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). The responsibility based (COA) setup is used in Invoice Approval. This configuration must be verified and restricted if needed.1. depending on your process. During invoice processing. especially section 5. Roles typically used for invoice processing are delivered in BC sets and are normally created during VIM installation.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). This is normally part of the project authorization concept. see section 5 “Roles” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions .5 “Maintaining Chart of Authority” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . For example. to performing workflow items either from the SAP inbox or VIM Workplace. dialog might allow invoice processors to modify the agent list.Configuration Guide (VIM- CGD). but you can adjust it in the context of the implementation.2 “COA maintenance” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . VIM roles are used in DP and invoice exceptions workflows.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD) 19. see section 18.. posting of an invoice in dialog mode results into the call of FB60 or MIRO transactions.Chapter 19 Security topics For more information. in addition to the authorizations for standard SAP transactions. VIM Workplace authorization checks VIM Workplace provides the concept of action authority groups. COA maintenance authorization checks The COA maintenance transactions for Invoice Approval allow you to restrict the data that is displayed and maintained by checking authorization for company code and user groups (from SAP user master records). This depends on the process option override settings. running SAP transactions from within VIM can be required. OpenText recommends that you restrict the access to administrative (configuration) transactions and utilities reports through SAP authority checks like S_TCODE and S_PROGRAM. The called standard transactions implement their own authority checks. For more information.. Similarly. invoice processors should be restricted. Invoice Approval has options that can allow to override the next approver automatically. This helps to ensure that the data gets processed by the right agents. using the authorization checks by company code allows to maintain COA in parallel. Ideally.5 “Defining action authority groups for the VIM 152 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . For more information. as long as different maintaining users are responsible for different company codes. Tip: The standard Refer to. depending on the invoice data. Roles and COA VIM provides means to direct invoices to specific persons or groups. 1 “Reporting” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . the company code authorization is checked. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 153 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . for each KPI Dashboard user. For more information.4. For more information.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). Data and functional security Workplace” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions - Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). Reports authorization checks VIM reports. Supplier Self Service authorization checks Users of the SAP NetWeaver Gateway are grouped in roles.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). see section 18. KPI Dashboard authorization checks Access is limited to users that have a SAP user on the central SAP ERP system. see section 26.Configuration Guide (VIM- CGD).Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). For example. see section 7.2. For more information. this refers to the authorization for the SWIA transaction and potentially for other workflow administration functions.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). see section 26. see section 23. you can configure that. You must enhance the roles with the authorizations contained in the authorization template / IWFND/RT_GW_USER.3 “Authorizations” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . 19.1. These checks are imposed by SAP if you are managing work items of other users.10. allow you to restrict the displayed data by checking authorization for company code.6 “Company code authority check” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . Note: Running actions in other users’ view may require you to have additional SAP authorizations. Using Z constant KPI / DO_NOT_CHECK_BUKRS.3 “Configuring Gateway users” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions - Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). In particular. For more information. including VIM Analytics and central reporting. see the subsections of section 7.1 “Available authorization checks” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions .6 “Configuring scanning in VIM Workplace” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . an authorization check is performed. When VIM Workplace is started.1. you can restrict the use of other users’ view. For more information. VIM Workplace supports several authorization checks that allow you to restrict different functions. Note: For lists and descriptions of authorization objects that are available for specific VIM components. . For VIM processes.Chapter 20 Monitoring VIM workflows OpenText recommends monitoring the VIM workflows on a regular basis (daily or weekly). the following workflow templates exist: WS00275269 Document process workflow (from receiving the scanned invoice info until the invoice is parked or posted or the document is marked as obsolete or duplicate) WS00275260 Parked PO invoice workflow (from the time a PO invoice is parked until the invoice is posted or deleted) WS00275254 Non PO parked invoice workflow (from the time a Non PO invoice is parked until the invoice is posted or deleted) WS00275252 Web approval of parked invoice workflow (from the time an invoice is sent for web approval action until approval is completed or invoice is fully rejected) WS00275264 Blocked PO invoice workflow (from the time a PO invoice is blocked for payment until it is released or cancelled) WS00275266 Blocked PO invoice header level action workflow (from the time that a blocked invoice is authorized for header level action until the action is completed or AP sends back) To monitor VIM workflows: 1. run the SWI1 transaction. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 155 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . This helps to quickly detect invoices or processes which are in trouble so they can be handled timely. To access the Selection Report for Work Items. Use the standard SAP transaction SWI1 (Selection Report for Work Items) to monitor the VIM workflows. click Goto > Variants > Save as variant. Time created Enter time range. also subworkflow) Task Click the multiple selection button to enter all workflows: • WS00275269 • WS00275260 • WS00275254 • WS00275252 • WS00275264 • WS00275266 Date created Enter date range. Tip: You can save the selection criteria as a variant. All VIM workflows that have been started during the specified interval are displayed on the Work item selection screen. From the menu. To run the report. Enter the following information in the selection screen: Type F (for Workflow.Chapter 20 Monitoring VIM workflows 2. click . 156 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . 3. double-click the respective line. click the button in the application tool bar to display a list with technical details. 2 = quantity block). OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 157 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . To display further details of a workflow instance. In the Workflow log screen. Possible states in the Status column: STARTED Workflow is in progress. the type of parked invoice workflow and other workflow item text. The Work item text column indicates the type of block (1 = price block. COMPLETED Workflow is completed. 4. CANCELLED Workflow has been cancelled. 5. A workflow might be in Error status.Chapter 20 Monitoring VIM workflows The St (Status) column indicates the status of each individual step of the workflow: Ready for processing In process. but not completed Completed Error Click the icon next to a workflow step to display the agents who own this work item (or possible or excluded agents). 158 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . >. In the Workflow Log (View with technical details).. If the error message shows the indicator Error or exception resolving role <.. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 159 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . role maintenance is required through the role maintenance transaction. click the highlighted Error field to display the error messages generated by the system. . 1 Determining a role error in a workflow The following steps describe how to retrieve workflow instances with a role error. This chapter describes the following tasks: • “Determining a role error in a workflow” on page 161 • “Restarting workflow after fixing a role error” on page 164 21. Enter the following information in the selection screen: Type F (for Workflow. a workflow results in an error because the agent resolution fails. This kind of error is called a role error. 2.Chapter 21 Solving a role error in a workflow In some situations. also subworkflow) Status ERROR OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 161 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . run the SWI1 transaction. To determine a role error in a workflow: 1. SAP ERP cannot determine a valid user ID for a workflow role. To access the Selection Report for Work Items. click the button in the application tool bar to display a list with technical details. double-click the respective line. 162 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . In the Workflow log screen. To display details of a workflow instance. All VIM workflows with status Error that have been started during the specified period are displayed on the Work item selection page. From the menu. 4. Time created Enter time range. Tip: You can save the selection criteria as a variant.Chapter 21 Solving a role error in a workflow Task Click the multiple selection button to enter all workflows: • WS00275269 • WS00275260 • WS00275254 • WS00275252 • WS00275264 • WS00275266 Date created Enter date range. To run the report. click . 3. click Goto > Variants > Save as variant. 21.1. Determining a role error in a workflow 5. In the Workflow Log (View with technical details), click the highlighted Error field to display the error messages generated by the system. A role error is indicated with a message reading Error or exception resolving role <...>. 6. In the Workflow Log (View with technical details), click the icon next to the error indicator to view the workflow container. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 163 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 Chapter 21 Solving a role error in a workflow The element ACTOR or Next Role indicates which role is causing the error. In the example above, the error role is INFO_PROVIDER. 7. Fix the error, using standard SAP workflow debugging methods. 21.2 Restarting workflow after fixing a role error After the role error has been corrected, you must restart the respective workflow instance. To restart a workflow after fixing an error: 1. To access the Workflow Restart After Error screen, run the SWPR transaction. 164 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 21.2. Restarting workflow after fixing a role error 2. Enter the following information in the selection screen: Task ID Click the multiple selection button ( ) to enter all workflows: • WS00275269 • WS00275260 • WS00275254 • WS00275252 • WS00275264 • WS00275266 Tip: You can save the selection criteria as a variant. From the menu, click Goto > Variants > Save as variant. 3. To display all workflows in error status, click . 4. Select the workflow you want to restart and click the Restart workflow button. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 165 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 Chapter 21 Solving a role error in a workflow If the workflow is restarted successfully, the entry in the Status column changes from ERROR to STARTED. 166 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 Tip: If you leave the Invoice Type and Invoice Key fields empty. • for PO invoices: <invoice number> + <fiscal year> Test Only Select this check box and click to display invoices that are currently locked. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 167 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . In the Invoice Lock Clean up program screen. you can release a locked invoice. enter the following information: Invoice Type • for Non PO invoices: BKPF • for PO invoices: RMRP Invoice Key Enter the invoice key which is composed as follows: • for Non PO invoices: <company code> + <invoice number> + <fiscal year> Example: An invoice with company code 1000. 2. invoice number 1900000036 and fiscal year 2009 results in the invoice key 100019000000362009. In some cases. click . 3. all currently locked invoices are displayed. the invoice can be locked. As a VIM workflow administrator. Run the /ORS/RELEASE_LOCK transaction. To release an invoice lock for Invoice Approval: 1. To release the lock.Chapter 22 Releasing invoice lock for Invoice Approval The Invoice Approval process has a web front-end which approvers can log in to approve invoices. A confirmation message is displayed. if the user closes the web browser window incorrectly without logging out of an invoice. . Chapter 23 Administering workflows This chapter covers general activities for checking the system status of VIM. 23.1 Monitoring alerts System availability and performance depend on the availability of the underlying SAP ERP system. It is possible to deactivate some of the VIM features using various criteria, as described in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions - Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). • You can conduct system performance checks using the SAP standard tools. The SE30 transaction, for example, provides a runtime analysis of projects and components. • Resource consumption information can be monitored using the SM50 transaction and other SAP administration utilities that are part of the SAP Computing Center Management System (CCMS). • You can use all the SAP standard logs and other infrastructure like the SM13 and SM21 transactions for monitoring. The following sections describe how to use the SAP Standard CCMS functionality for alert monitoring. For more information, see the SAP NetWeaver Administrator’s Guide (https:// frameset.htm). 23.1.1 Setting up central alert monitoring VIM is completely embedded inside the SAP ERP system. Hence, you can use the entire general alert monitoring infrastructure for checking the health of the system and VIM. VIM does not need a separate Central Monitoring System (CEN) system. To monitor VIM, use the existing CEN system that is connected to the SAP ERP system on which VIM is installed. For configuring the CEN, see the SAP online help: http:// frameset.htm OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 169 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 Chapter 23 Administering workflows 23.1.2 Registering a CCMS agent VIM is an ABAP Add-On and all the functionality is embedded in the SAP ERP ABAP system. The standard CCMS agent SAPCCM4X can be used. If the underlying SAP ERP system is already registered in a CEN, you do not need to register anything. See the SAP online help for registering a CCMS agent: saphelp_nw70/helpdata/EN/ca/118110ff542640b7c86b570cc61ae3/frameset.htm. 23.1.3 Monitoring using CCMS templates Various monitors based on CCMS templates are available for system checking purposes. You can use the following SAP CCMS Monitor Templates monitor sets: Notes • The VIM SAP Shared Service Framework integration (OTVIMSSF) is based on ABAP core technology and standard CCMS. Therefore, you can use CCMS monitoring templates to monitor the VIM SAP Shared Service Framework integration. • Depending on your SAP ERP system, some of the templates might not be available. Monitor Usage Availability: Availability monitoring of selected systems and their application servers Selected Systems Background Background processing of the SAP ERP systems and their application Processing servers Buffers The various SAP buffers, their hit rates, and swap rates Change & Transports for a system Transport System Communicatio Data transfers (SAPconnect, SAP Gateway, Application Link Enabling, ns LDAP, RFC) Data Archiving Monitored data archiving sessions Database Database (such as table status, performance, backups, data consistency) Dialog Overview of the dialog system, broken down by performance attributes Overview Enqueue Enqueue service. This service allows ABAP applications to lock data so that only they can use it. The locking of the data avoids parallel changes to the data, which would lead to data inconsistency. Entire System Entire system (including detailed information about SAP services) Operating Operating system data for any application servers and host systems System 170 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 23.1. Monitoring alerts Security Security Audit Log and security-relevant messages in the system log Spool System Spool system of the SAP ERP system and the individual output servers Syslog System log broken down by application servers and individual topic areas System Number of logged-on users and configuration settings of application Configuration servers You can copy these monitors and change them. See the SAP online help for more details: 83493b6b82e908e10000000a11402f/content.htm. To start a CCMS templates based monitor: 1. Run the RZ20 transaction and select the menu option Extras > Activate maintenance function. In the CCMS Monitor Sets screen, expand the SAP CCMS Monitor Templates menu. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 171 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 Chapter 23 Administering workflows 2. Double-click a monitoring tree element (MTE), for example Background Processing. 172 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 Return to the SAP CCMS Monitor Templates screen. Click on a line item. for example AbortedJobs. Double click on a line item. to see details.1. 23. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 173 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . 4. for example Utilisation. Monitoring alerts 3. The Monitoring: Properties and Methods screen displays other settings like methods used and threshold values set. and click the Properties button in the application tool bar. VIM does not require specific values for the property thresholds. SAP basis needs to decide the level and to set the thresholds for this. click . To set threshold values: a. Enter the threshold values and save. In the Monitoring: Properties and Methods screen. b. 174 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .Chapter 23 Administering workflows As CCMS is a standard monitoring tool from SAP. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 175 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . To analyze the system performance: 1. see “Frequently used SAP workflow administration transactions” on page 177. use the standard ABAP tool set as the ABAP based components of VIM reside inside the SAP ERP system. select the menu option System > Utilities > Performance trace 2. Run the ST05 transaction.2 Monitoring activity VIM uses the SAP Workflow Engine to realize the process setup of the business processes. 23. You can effectively use the workflow runtime and administration tools to monitor the activity and resources as the business processes are proceeding. 23. Monitoring activity 23. For activity monitoring purposes. Select the required trace modes and click on the appropriate button under Trace Requests to start the performance analysis.2. Alternatively.3 Analyzing system performance For analyzing the system performance. For further details. company codes etc. you can use the SM21 transaction to check system activities. See “Frequently used SAP workflow administration transactions” on page 177 for transactions you can use for activity logging and traces. Users log on to VIM using the SAP GUI logon screen which supports virtual IP addresses and hostnames.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD).4 Using logs and traces VIM uses the SAP Workflow Engine to realize the process setup of the business processes. you can activate and use traces to check specific sets of activities as a part of problem analysis. SAP workflow logs are written for every activity of the process and therefore are always available. VIM also writes log to the standard system log infrastructure. 23.5 Using Solution Manager Diagnostics After the Solution Manager Diagnostics add-on is installed. so that VIM is active only in those business scenarios. See “Working with the application log“ on page 187 for details.Chapter 23 Administering workflows 23. It is possible to selectively roll out VIM. Hence. any adaptive computing technologies are supported.6 System availability The availability of VIM is based on the availability of the underlying SAP ERP system. In addition to the standard system logs. Therefore. 23. 176 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . 23. No separate external logs are generated during the use of VIM.7 Adaptive computing VIM as an ABAP based component is running on SAP ERP system. There is no separate starting mechanism because the process is controlled by the underlying SAP settings in SAP ArchiveLink® and workflow as well as in the VIM configuration. you have access to all the necessary information for performing a root-cause analysis through the Solution Manager tools. based on a set of criteria including document types. see the rollout criteria sections in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . See the description in “Reassigning open SAP work items to a different user” on page 113.9 Frequently used SAP workflow administration transactions There are a couple of SAP workflow administration transactions that you can use to administer VIM workflows: SWIA: Execute work items without agent check To reassign open SAP work items to a different user. 23. run the SWE2 transaction. There are no other asynchronous interfaces for VIM. Restart mechanism 23. all workflows in error status can be restarted after performing an appropriate configuration or runtime data changes.8 Restart mechanism In general. wait step. See the description in “Linking events for VIM workflows” on page 45. See the description in “Monitoring VIM workflows“ on page 155. SWE2: Event Type Linkages To display or change event type linkages for VIM workflows. run the SWI1 transaction. 23. background task) based on a custom selection. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 177 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . SWEL: Display Event Trace To display lists of events published during a specific duration: 1. Run the SWEL transaction.8. run the SWIA transaction. SWI1: Selection Report for Work Items To display all work items (workflow template. dialog task. 178 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . click . To execute. Select the Creation date and Creation time range.Chapter 23 Administering workflows 2. the Receiver function module and the status of the action is displayed. select the SAP menu option Tools > Business Workflow > Development > Reporting > Work Item Analysis.10 Analyzing work items To access the work item analysis reports. Amongst others. Analyzing work items 3.10. Select a line item and click to display details. SWI2_DEAD: Work Items With Monitored Deadlines Analyze work items by preset deadline. agent and task. 23. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 179 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . 23. You can also access the reports directly by their transaction codes: SWI2_FREQ: Work Items Per Task Analyze work items grouped by date. SWI2_DURA: Work Items By Processing Duration Analyze work items by duration of their execution. an additional check is applied to retrieve the user type (dialog or background). In function SWW_WI_FORWARD. You do not have to assign specific authorizations to the user. Correction instructions: Create a dummy user of type dialog user in the SAP ERP system. For a list of workflow templates for the VIM process. SWI5: Workload Analysis Retrieve open work items belonging to a specific user. using the SM30 transaction. See “Retrieving open SAP work items of a specific user” on page 111. According to OSS 1227739. Solution: Work items that have to be executed by a non SAP user must be assigned to a dialog user and not to WF-BATCH. 180 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .Chapter 23 Administering workflows Note: This is not applicable for VIM process work items. You can apply the correction according to the OSS note or the corresponding SAP Support Package. it is no longer possible to forward dialog work items to a background user. see “Monitoring VIM workflows“ on page 155. Then overwrite the existing default entry WF-BATCH for parameter SAP_PROXY_ID (Product Code IAP) in table /PTGWFI/Z_CONST with the dummy user. The following list shows all dialog standard tasks that can be used for SAP standard reports: TS00275278 DP Document Dashboard TS00275267 PO Blocked Invoice Dashboard (Header WF) TS00275265 PO Blocked Invoice Dashboard (Line Level) TS00275262 PO Parked Invoice Dashboard TS00275260 Non PO Parked Invoice Dashboard TS00275253 Invoice awaiting web approval Note: The web approval work items are always assigned to WF-BATCH because the actual action is performed by the user on the web approval page. The agent assignment information for a particular work item is deleted once the work item is completed. Frequently used SAP workflow tables 23.11 Frequently used SAP workflow tables The following list shows SAP workflow tables that are frequently used for VIM: SWWWIHEAD Work item header table for all types of work items SWW_CONT Container contents for work item (non-object referenced) SWW_CONTOB Container contents for work item (objects only) SWIVOBJECT Join SWW_CONTOB with SWWWIHEAD SWELOG Event log table SWWORGTASK Agent assignment of work item. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 181 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . 23.11. . run the SA38 transaction with program /OPT/CR_PDF_LOG. However. Enter selection criteria and processing options. Selection Fields Use these fields to select the DP documents for which a PDF history log shall be created. see section 31. in the following cases. For more details to the PDF history log in general. Processing Options This section comprises the following fields: OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 183 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Run the /n/OPT/VIM_PDF_LOG transaction. 2. the PDF history log file can be created automatically at the end of the VIM process. this means at the end of the DP document workflow. Alternatively. If configured properly.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD).Chapter 24 Creating a PDF history log file You can use report /OPT/CR_PDF_LOG to create a PDF log file with history information of the VIM process.3 “PDF history log” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . it may be required to create the PDF history log file manually: • in case of an error • in case of old scenarios (direct posting or direct parking) • for testing purposes To create a PDF history log file manually: 1. the test mode is supported for a maximum of 5 DP documents only. you get a dialog box to enter printer parameters. It is neither archived nor linked to the DP document. Report output Test mode When running the report in test mode. click on the application toolbar. Enter the OutputDevice. 3. Clear this check box if you want to create the PDF history log. 184 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . If no language key is selected. In the print preview. you can enter the function code PDF! to create a PDF document of the PDF history log. Test mode Select this check box if you want to test the PDF history log in display mode only. You can use printer LP01 for test purposes. To create the PDF history log. To view the PDF history log. archive it and link it to the DP document. Note: For handling reasons. use the Print preview button.Chapter 24 Creating a PDF history log file Language Key Select a language key to specify in which language the PDF history log shall be created. the language key from the PDF customizing profile is taken. Real mode When running the report with the Test mode check box cleared. and linked to the DP document and its SAP invoice. a PDF history log file is created. archived. A final protocol informs you about any issues. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 185 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . . For more information about the PDF history log. IDOC number. The application log is also used to store any issues during the creation of the PDF history log. you can identify the area that is generating the message. 25.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD).3 “PDF history log” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . for example the DP Document number. To view the application log. LOG_POINT The log point is a unique identifier of the calling application or application area. or Financial Document number. see SAP Help for more details.1 Creating the application log The application log is used to store various information mainly on irregularities.Chapter 25 Working with the application log This section describes how to create and display VIM application log. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 187 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . run the SLG1 transaction. see section 31. Work Item. Use function module /OPT/VIM_APPLICATION_LOG to store the application log: FUNCTION /opt/vim_application_log. *"------------------------------------------------------------ *"*"Local interface: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(OBJECTID) TYPE BALNREXT OPTIONAL *" VALUE(LOG_POINT) TYPE /OPT/IC_LOGPOINT_DE *" TABLES *" MESSAGE TYPE BAL_T_MSG *" EXCEPTIONS *" LOG_HEADER_INCONSISTENT *" LOG_NOT_FOUND *" MSG_INCONSISTENT *" LOG_IS_FULL *" SAVE_NOT_ALLOWED *" NUMBERING_ERROR *"------------------------------------------------------------ Input parameters OBJECTID The Object ID is the currently processing document number. Note: Some of the functions described here are standard SAP functions. Using this value. The log point determines the program and screen from where the error is generated. double-click the appropriate line. Therefore. 4. In case the log level is not maintained at Log Point level. To open the Details view. the log point also determines them. To open. run the /n/OPT/VIM_LOG_CFG transaction. 3. double-click its line.Chapter 25 Working with the application log MESSAGE Actual system message that will be used to store. Since the system is maintained using Object and Sub-object. 188 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . To maintain log points: 1. 25. the Details view for a log point.1. 2.1 Log point The log point is a unique identifier for application or application area which helps in finding the area that is generating the message. Run the /n/OPT/IT_LOG_PNTV transaction. you can maintain it at Object and Sub-object level. 1. run the SLG0 transaction. To maintain object and sub- object. for example the object /OPT/VIM and the sub-object ICC.1. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 189 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Select the Object Vendor Invoice Management and double-click Sub-objects in the navigation panel. Creating the application log 25. 25.2 Object and SubObject Every log entry is associated with an object and possibly with one of its sub-objects. To view log messages in a report: 1. Supply the following parameters: • Object • Sub-object • External ID: Enter the DP document number or the IDoc number.1. Run the SLG1 transaction. 2. 190 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .3 Log classification Log messages are classified in the following log levels: Very important logs all error messages Important logs all error and warning messages Less important logs messages of all types 25.Chapter 25 Working with the application log 25.2 Displaying log messages You can view the log messages in a report or use a function module to display the log. 5. To get the application log using a function module: 1. *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Lokale Schnittstelle: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(OBJECT) LIKE BALHDR-OBJECT DEFAULT SPACE *" VALUE(SUBOBJECT) LIKE BALHDR-SUBOBJECT DEFAULT SPACE *" VALUE(EXTERNAL_NUMBER) LIKE BALHDR-EXTNUMBER DEFAULT SPACE *" VALUE(OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE) DEFAULT 0 *" VALUE(SUBOBJECT_ATTRIBUTE) DEFAULT 0 *" VALUE(EXTERNAL_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE) DEFAULT 0 *" VALUE(DATE_FROM) LIKE BALHDR-ALDATE DEFAULT SY-DATUM *" VALUE(TIME_FROM) LIKE BALHDR-ALTIME DEFAULT '000000' *" VALUE(DATE_TO) LIKE BALHDR-ALDATE DEFAULT SY-DATUM *" VALUE(TIME_TO) LIKE BALHDR-ALTIME DEFAULT SY-UZEIT *" VALUE(TITLE_SELECTION_SCREEN) DEFAULT SPACE *" VALUE(TITLE_LIST_SCREEN) DEFAULT SPACE *" VALUE(COLUMN_SELECTION) LIKE BALDISP STRUCTURE BALDISP DEFAULT *" '11112221122 ' *" VALUE(SUPPRESS_SELECTION_DIALOG) DEFAULT SPACE *" VALUE(COLUMN_SELECTION_MSG_JUMP) LIKE BALDISP2-MSG_JUMP DEFAULT *" '1' *" VALUE(EXTERNAL_NUMBER_DISPLAY_LENGTH) TYPE I DEFAULT 20 *" VALUE(I_S_DISPLAY_PROFILE) TYPE BAL_S_PROF OPTIONAL *" VALUE(I_VARIANT_REPORT) TYPE SY-REPID DEFAULT SPACE *" EXPORTING *" VALUE(NUMBER_OF_PROTOCOLS) LIKE SY-DBCNT *" EXCEPTIONS *" NO_AUTHORITY *"----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.Specify the log class of the messages you want to display. Log class . Time restriction .Specify a date and time range to display the messages generated in a particular period. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 191 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Enter (at least) the following parameters: • OBJECT • SUBOBJECT • EXTERNAL_NUMBER • DATE_FROM • SUPPRESS_SELECTION_DIALOG: enter X. 25.2. Displaying log messages 3. Click to execute your query. 4. Use the function module APPL_LOG_DISPLAY to display the application log. The object for the VIM CRM component is /OPT/VIM. 192 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .3 Application logging for the CRM system To view the application log in the CRM system.Chapter 25 Working with the application log 25. Note: In the CRM system. Select the Object /OPT/VIM and double-click Sub-objects in the navigation panel. run the SLG1 transaction in the CRM system. custom configuration for application logging is not available as it is in the ERP system. see section 4. • VIM logging table is empty because the VIM administration team did not activate BC set /OTEXVIM/VIM60_SP3_KPI during upgrade from a previous version to VIM 7. the icon can be displayed.” The following list shows possible reasons for this behavior. meaning: “Business rule run was not logged. • VIM administration team changed the business rule (in the document type configuration) or the business rule framework configuration. For more information. conditional. During simulation. You can check that by looking into table /OPT/CT_LG_REG: Make sure that most of the log events are active. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 193 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . according to the configuration.4 “Simulating business rules” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . you can also bypass further rules.User Guide (VIM- UGD). or once. periodic. • VIM has been recently upgraded to a new version and the document existed before. rule inactive. • Business rule framework contains check types random. Note: The icon can disappear if the user performs an activity that triggers the rules for another run.0. Events not set active are parking and posting events from outside VIM. • User changed the document type of the document. If the system is configured accordingly.Chapter 26 Troubleshooting business rules simulation The simulate business rules option in the DP dashboard provides access to all business rules that have been or will be processed for the corresponding document. counter based. . The range for amount class 2 is changed from 1.000 Euro to 10. After the customizing change. The VIM invoice 4711 has a gross amount of 5.000 to 100. In this case.000 Euro whereas the invoice has a gross amount of 5.1 Changing KPI customizing You can change the KPI customizing. for example the amount class ranges or the mapping of vendors to vendor groups. the VIM invoice was treated as a medium amount invoice (amount class 2).Chapter 27 Troubleshooting SAP NetWeaver BW This chapter describes troubleshooting for the SAP NetWeaver BW component of VIM. VIM documents already loaded to BW keep their characteristic values whereas the meaning of this value may have changed. But it could also be confusing as amount class 2 (medium amounts) now stands for invoices from 10. the VIM invoice is treated as a small amount invoice (amount class 3). Before the customizing change. This may be what is wanted because this VIM invoice was a medium amount invoice at the point of time when it was loaded into the BW system. For a detailed description of the SAP NetWeaver BW component.000 Euro. start the KPI collection report with an appropriate range for the process start date without the Delta mode processing option. Example 27-1: Changes in amount class Amount class 2 stands for invoices with medium amounts.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). One way to reclassify old invoices is to reload the affected invoices.000 to 10. you must recalculate the characteristics of these invoices. Then start reloading the VIM invoices into the BW. The VIM invoice is already loaded to an InfoCube with amount class 2 (medium amount).000 Euro.000 to 100. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 195 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .000 Euro. This can influence the evaluation of VIM data in BW. see section 25 “SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse content” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . Solution If you want to reclassify old invoices according to the most current KPI customizing settings. 27. . configure the COA. Solution Check if the coder determination is set to another value than Use requester. In the SWE2 transaction. verify if the following event linkages are active: • /OPT/B2081 ZWFI_PARKED • /OPT/FIPP ZWFI_CREATED OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 197 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . For general information about configuring Invoice Approval.Configuration Guide (VIM-CGD). Note: For the /ORS/000007_SUBMIT_INV program. Using the process option Start approval workflow.Chapter 28 Troubleshooting Invoice Approval This section lists some common issues that can occur in the context of Invoice Approval. if coders are provided for the company code used in the invoice. Symptom: Approval workflow does not start (for DP and parked invoices) Reason The most common reason is missing or wrong configuration of the COA. The /ORS/000007_SUBMIT_INV program can help if there is no dialog DP work item but the DP workflow is waiting for the approval workflow to finish. you must provide the object type (BKPF. • Another common reason is inactive event linkage. In case of DP documents. Symptom: Approval workflow does not start for parked invoices Reason There may be several reasons: • The parking monitor table does not have a requester stored. verify in the COA maintenance whether the coder list is maintained accordingly. and solutions. DPNPO or DPPO) and the object key. In case of parked invoices. the workflow does not start. RMRP. If this is not possible. If necessary. the DP workflow creates a dialog work item. see section 13 “Invoice Approval” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . for example. reasons. When starting the approvals. In this case. the parked workflow creates a work item for the background user. See symptoms. This can happen if parking is done in background. start the approval process with this work item. VIM must be able to find the first approver (coder or requester). You can try to start the approval workflow using the /ORS/ 000007_SUBMIT_INV program. or if you use a custom parking reason. You can also use asterisks in place of cost element values. You can use multiple cost elements per COA line. and whether the posted SAP document is actually blocked for payment. In these cases. verify the general posted approval settings in VIM customizing. as described in Symptom: Approval workflow does not start (for DP and parked invoices) on page 197. the invoice is not moved into the resubmission folder Reason This can happen if authorizations are missing. Solution Verify that all approvers working in SAP GUI are given the authorization S_WF_WI. try restarting the workflow with the /ORS/ 000007_SUBMIT_INV program. which can be switched on in configuration. the “Refer” task is not assigned to anyone Solution Verify that the referral task is set to general in the PFTC transaction. the task may be not set to general. Under certain circumstances. Symptom: In case of approval referrals. Then. Symptom: When referring an invoice with the Wait for feedback check box set.Chapter 28 Troubleshooting Invoice Approval Solution Fix the configuration. you might miss some combinations of cost elements. paying attention to the use of asterisks and different flags set for the AFS ID that corresponds to the invoice data. For Approval Portal and Mobile Approval Portal. the CPIC user must have this authorization. depending on different cost elements. Symptom: The next approver cannot be found Reason The COA is not properly maintained. Invoices with special handling are excluded from automatic posting by VIM design. 198 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . In addition. Solution Verify the COA data. If you have upgraded from a very old VIM version. the COA structure becomes very complicated. Symptom: Approval workflow does not start for posted SAP documents Solution Configure the event linkage /ORS/INVAP POSTED to be active and the processing set to Event queue. activity 12 (resubmit). Symptom: Invoice is not automatically posted after the final approval Solution Check if a special handling instruction (entered by a coder) exists for the invoice. This can happen if you use many records per level. using the SWIA transaction. the invoice is forwarded into your inbox. Note: If sending back does not work. and you are not that approver’s substitute. for example. Do you want to send it back to the following original approver?” Reason This may happen if the invoice is assigned to another approver. Solution Confirm the message to send the invoice to the actual approver because you are not authorized for that invoice. Symptom: You open an invoice from SAP inbox and get a message: “You are not setup to approve this invoice. you can use the Replace or Forward functions of the SAP inbox. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 199 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . However. . You see a Severity drop down list on the right hand side. For information about configuring and administering the Approval Portal.1 Log files Approval Portal provides default log for troubleshooting. the Approval Portal provides log files and trace files. You can set the log level to suit your needs or to help identify issues you are experiencing. the default level is Info. To change the log level: 1. Log in to Visual Admin. See “To change the size and number of log files:“ on page 202.1 Working with log and trace files For troubleshooting. 2.1. Navigate to Instance > Server > Services > Log Configurator. 29. 4. 29.Chapter 29 Monitoring and troubleshooting the Approval Portal This chapter describes monitoring and troubleshooting of the OpenText Approval Portal (Approval Portal). see “Administering the Approval Portal“ on page 59. Mainly Info and Error log levels are used in the application. Select the VIMIAP application under the Applications tab. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 201 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . On the right panel. You can change the size and number of the Approval Portal log files. 3. select the Runtimes > Categories tab. Log level Error is used to log in the exception blocks. according to your needs: • Apply to current node only • Apply to all "server nodes" For more details. Log level Info is used to log the initial Servlet loading information and when an RFC is called. To change the size and number of log files: 1. The name of the log will be VimlapLog<Logindex>. These logs will contain all application's Info log level. for example E: \usr\sap\T38\JC01\j2ee\cluster\server0\log\applications\com\opentext\ vim\portal. Select the Severity level you need. Logs are created under \applications\com\opentext\vim\portal in the log directory in the SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java (NWAS). Log in to Visual Admin. 2.log. Up to 10 files will be created and will be reused. also consult the SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java Administration Guide.Chapter 29 Monitoring and troubleshooting the Approval Portal 5. click Save and select one of the following options. 202 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Navigate to Instance > Server > Services > Log Configurator. In the Log Controllers area. click VIMIAP. Click the right destination. Working with log and trace files 3. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 203 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . 4. 29. and click Edit.1. Click the To advanced mode button. 5. For details about the J2EE Config Tool. Change the following parameters: Note: See SAP Help for more details.Installation Guide (VIM-IGD). the additional RFC trace files will also be created under \applications\com\opentext\vim\portal in the log directory in the NWAS. export parameters of functions. and the RFC the application is calling. The name of the trace will be VimIapTrace<Logindex>.2 Trace files If Debug or All is set for the severity. Limit for log file size Count for number of log files 29. Change this setting to NO. ForceSingleTraceFile will be YES. For NetWeaver 7. see section 15.4.2 “Preparing the installation” in OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . Make sure that you turn the level back to Info or Error in the production environment. These trace files include the import. the trace is written only to \logs\defaultTrace. Then NWAS will produce multiple trc files. Then. for example: E:\usr\sap\T38\JC01\j2ee\cluster\server0\log \applications\com\opentext\vim\portal.1.trc.Chapter 29 Monitoring and troubleshooting the Approval Portal 6. These trace files are useful to troubleshoot any error when connecting and retrieving data from SAP ERP.trc.3 and 7. By default. To determine that NWAS writes the trace files to the location specified above instead of defaultTrace. 204 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Up to 10 files will be created and will be reused.trc. you must perform the following setting. this is configured in the J2EE Config Tool. In the Destinations field. Click the To advanced mode tab in the right frame.3 Log configuration for vimIapTraceLogindex. Select the destination trace path and click Edit. 7. 4. Note: Do not select any other destinations. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 205 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .1. Click the LogUtil node.trc for logging: 1. 5. To configure vimIapTrace<Logindex>. 29. 2. the severity will always be set to All. the destination trace path is displayed. Expand the ROOT LOCATION node under the Locations tab. If you do not perform the following steps. 3. 6.trc This configuration allows you to configure the log severity. Go to Services > Log Configurator. Working with log and trace files 29. Expand the com node until you see LogUtil.1. Log in to SAP Visual Administrator with Administrator credentials. Chapter 29 Monitoring and troubleshooting the Approval Portal The Destinations tab is displayed with the default Severity All. Click Save and then Apply to current node only. 206 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Select the required severity level from the Severity drop-down list. 9. 8. You can use them to check the system status. If you want the application to write different Logging and Tracing. So. You can use them to check the program flow and to detect program errors. you first must disable ForceSingleTraceFile in the Log Manager.4) 29. Login to the J2EE Config Tool.4 requires manual implementation to support additional logging and tracing.xml file that is built-in to the application. Logging (Categories) Categories contain log information for the system administrator.2. Click ForceSingleTraceFile.2 Working with logging and tracing (NetWeaver 7. Working with logging and tracing (NetWeaver 7.4 no longer supports the log-configuration. Navigate to cluster > data > instance > managers > LogManager.3 and 7. Tracing (Locations) Locations contain trace information that is intended for the developer. 3. the application can implement its own logic. To disable ForceSingleTraceFile: 1. NetWeaver 7. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 207 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . By default. 2.3 and 7.4) NetWeaver 7. 29.3 and 7.3 and 7. the severity level is set to Info. Chapter 29 Monitoring and troubleshooting the Approval Portal 4.1 Logging (Categories) To create an approval portal entry in the applications category: 1. enter /Appliccations/ VIMIAP and click OK. A new application entry VIMIAP is created. Set the Custom Value to No and save. Login to the J2EE Config Tool. 2. To change the severity level: 1.2. Note: You might need to restart the cluster. Click New. Login to the J2EE Config Tool. 208 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Navigate to cluster > data > instance > log configuration > categories > Root Category > Applications. 3. 29. In the New Log Controller dialog box. 29. Click the applications_log destination. Working with logging and tracing (NetWeaver 7. 5. Change the Severity and save. Click New. 3. create a folder named VIMIAP in the following location: <Instance directory>/usr/sap/<instance name>/J<instance number>/ j2ee/cluster/server/log Example: D:\usr\sap\W73\J00\j2ee\cluster\server0\log Note: All generated Log and Trace files will be generated in this folder. To create destinations: 1.log file. Navigate to cluster > data > instance > log configuration > categories > Root Category > Applications > VIMIAP. Navigate to cluster > data > instance > log configuration > destinations. 3. you have to manually create the destination. 2. Login to the J2EE Config Tool. 4.2. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 209 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . As a prerequisite. Destination If you do not want the application to write to the default application.4) 2.3 and 7. Click the created destination and change the Pattern value to the following: . 210 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . 7. otherwise. Enter a name. you must perform this step. 8. The created destination is displayed. for example VIMIAP. If you want to change the default severity level.Chapter 29 Monitoring and troubleshooting the Approval Portal 6. Click OK and save./ log/VIMIAP/VIMIAP_${NODE_INDEX}.log The following step is optional. you can skip it. 4) Note: The default severity level is Info.3 and 7.2. 29. 29.2. Navigate to cluster > data > instance > log configuration > destinations 3. Navigate to cluster > data > instance > log configuration > categories > Root Category > Applications > VIMIAP. 10. Click Add and select the destination you just created. 11. Click the applications_log destination. 2. Click OK and save. Login to the J2EE Config Tool. Note: You might get prompted to restart the cluster. 4. 9. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 211 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .2 Tracing (Locations) To create a destination for Trace files: 1. Working with logging and tracing (NetWeaver 7. Click New. 6./ log/VIMIAP/VIMIAPTrace_${NODE_INDEX}. Enter a name. Note: The default severity level is Info. The created destination is displayed. Click the created destination and change the Pattern value to the following: .trc The following procedure is optional. Login to the J2EE Config Tool. otherwise. Navigate to cluster > data > instance > log configuration > locations > Root Location > com > opentext > vim > portal > util > LogUtil. If you want to change the default severity level. To change the severity level: 1. you can skip it.Chapter 29 Monitoring and troubleshooting the Approval Portal 5. 2. 212 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . for example VIMIAPTrace and click OK. you must perform this step. Destination If you do not want the application to write to the default application.log file. Change the severity and save. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 213 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .3 and 7. Click New. Click any destination. Enter a name. for example VIMIAPTrace.4) 3. 5. Working with logging and tracing (NetWeaver 7. you have to manually create the destination. 4. Navigate to cluster > data > instance > log configuration > destinations. 2. To change destinations: 1. 29.2. 3. Login to the J2EE Config Tool. Regarding Introscope Instrumentation and PBD file. Note: You might get prompted to restart the Navigate to cluster > data > instance > log configuration > locations > Root Location > com > opentext > vim > portal > util > LogUtil. 7. and all SAP JCo communicating classes and methods are monitored.3 Monitoring and measuring performance Approval Portal provides default monitoring capability using the Generic Request and Message Generator (GRMG). Log in to Visual Administrator with Administrator privileges and navigate to Server > Services > Monitoring > GRMG Customizing.Chapter 29 Monitoring and troubleshooting the Approval Portal 6. Click Add and select the destination you just created. 8. 9.htm 1. Standard Introscope Instrumentation is implemented for performance measuring. 29. Application start and shutdown. Click OK and save. To configure Visual Administrator for GRMG: See also SAP Help for more details: http://help. contact the SAP Supportability Team or OpenText Customer Support for more details. 214 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Invoice List f0/49fd3f0521c842e10000000a1550b0/frameset. Click OK and save. com/com.heartbeat component. Click on the sap.3. 29.engine. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 215 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Monitoring and measuring performance 2. The default GRMG Customizing scenario with default values is displayed in the right The default scenstarturl for the scenario should be http:// <NWAS>:<NWASPORT>/GRMGHeartBeat/EntryPoint. You also must monitor the JCo connection from Approval Portal to SAP ERP.local:50100/GRMGHeartBeat/ EntryPoint 3. 216 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Configure HTTP: Property name url Property value http://<NWAS>:<NWASHOST>/vimportal<Support Package>/ GRMGServlet For example: http://opwast38:50100/vimportalSP3/GRMGServlet 4.optura.Chapter 29 Monitoring and troubleshooting the Approval Portal For example http://OPWAST38. Configure the Java Connector (JCo). increment the index suffix to JCo. 29. In the application. Monitoring and measuring performance While configuring a single JCo component. If you need to configure multiple SAP ERP backend systems.3. JCo3. give the name as JCo1. the list of components is read with the component name from scenario. add an index number to identify the specific component. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 217 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . As the JCo component can be repeated multiple times. like JCo2. 218 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .Chapter 29 Monitoring and troubleshooting the Approval Portal 5. Note: It is not necessary to enter a value for the Component type field. Enter values. Navigate to the JCo component and click Add. 6. see screenshot above. 3. Monitoring and measuring performance 7. like you did for the component in Step 6 on page 218. Enter the following properties parameters for the Application Host. Navigate to properties and click Add. This is the same information already entered in the SAP Connection tab of the Administration page. propname: client propvalue: the SAP ERP Client propname: username propvalue: the CPIC user ID OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 219 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . 29. Enter the JCo component properties. see “SAP Connection for JCo2” on page 61. 192.2.49 propname: sysnumber propvalue: 00 Enter the following properties parameters for the Message host: propname: client propvalue: the SAP ERP Client propname: username propvalue: the CPIC user ID propname: password propvalue: the CPIC user password propname: language propvalue: the language propname: mhost propvalue: the message host propname: r3name propvalue: the R/3 name propname: group propvalue: the group 220 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .Chapter 29 Monitoring and troubleshooting the Approval Portal propname: password propvalue: the CPIC user password propname: language propvalue: the language propname: apphost propvalue: the application host propname: sysnumber propvalue: the system number Example 29-1: Properties parameters for the Application Host propname: client propvalue: 800 propname: username propvalue: otapportal propname: password propvalue: xxxxxx propname: language propvalue: EN propname: apphost propvalue: 10. so only the files located in <Approval_Portal_installdir>. such as invoiceCfg. section “Monitoring Portal Availability”: https://help. The propname: r3name propvalue: T38 propname: group propvalue: 00 Monitoring with the GRMG scenario in SMD See the appropriate guide and SAP Help for more details: http://help.htm For NetWeaver Managing backup and restore Example 29-2: Properties parameters for the Message host propname: client propvalue: 800 propname: username propvalue: otapportal propname: password propvalue: xxxxxx propname: language propvalue: EN propname: mhost propvalue: 10.htm http://help.htm. follow the steps in the SAP NetWeaver Administration Guide.xml file stores the configuration data. If you need more assistance. also perform an online backup of the log and trace files. contact OpenText Customer Support.4. need to be backed up. In addition to the 60cdd0d3fdeb4cb8cbc4eac681f961/ files). this is necessary if any troubleshooting is needed. these files can be redeployed from the delivery and reconfigured in a short amount of time. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 221 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . 29. Follow your corporate standard on how often you should back up logs and for how old.3 and 7.4 Managing backup and restore There is no database. Even without backup.192.xml and the language resources saphelp_nwesrce/helpdata/en/47/1027b37dfe4ef9e10000000a1553f6/content. and also some language resources files (.com/saphelp_nw70/helpdata/EN/cf/ 504a550ae6274495e2ce30d176f33b/content. • Ask the end user to try to access the application to see if everything is working. see “Managing backup and restore” on page 221 for information how to restore. All the configurations are done through the Administration page and are stored in configuration.Chapter 29 Monitoring and troubleshooting the Approval Portal Also backup a copy of the .5 Restoring the application If an unexpected crash occurs. do the following: To perform a restore: 1. perform the following actions: • Check in the Visual Admin if the application has been restarted and is running.8 High availability and load balancing concept Approval Portal supports standard SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java high availability and load balancing. If a restore is needed. 29. Redeploy the backup or the original delivery of the . 29. 222 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .xml and language resource files to the <Approval_Portal_installdir> location.6 Performing periodic tasks There are no periodic tasks needed except doing the backup of log and trace files. See “Managing backup and restore” on page 221 for details. 29.Installation Guide (VIM- IGD). If restoring is needed. or the . Replace the backup version configuration.sda file.xml.sda file. • Login to the Administration page of the Approval Portal to see if all the configurations are still correct.7 Technical configuration data There is no technical configuration data. or . See OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions . See symptoms and solutions. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 223 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . the initial load time of the Approval Portal is improved by reducing the Read Preference RFC calls. Issue #2: Not able to update the configuration Symptom You are not able to save the Configuration information to the configuration.9. Standard starting and stopping application in Visual Administrator applies. it can be started and stopped from Visual Administrator. • JS Minified version is available from the VIM 7.11 Performance improvements The following improvements regarding performance of the Approval Portal have been implemented: • With VIM 7.5 SP3 JCo3 version for good performance. 29. Send the NWAS server trace and the VIM trace to OpenText.9 Restart and monitoring of asynchronous interfaces concept Standard SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java monitoring and Introscope instrumentation is implemented. Restart and monitoring of asynchronous interfaces concept 29.10 Starting and stopping Approval Portal If there is a need to start or stop the Approval Portal.5 SP4 and later. These browsers have a good cache mechanism to improve the performance. 29.12 Troubleshooting The following issues can occur on the Approval Portal. 29. 29. Note: Use latest browsers like Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 11 or Google Chrome™. Issue #1: The user received an exception message Symptom The end user receives a message: “Exception: Please consult with your administrator” Solution Review the logs and check for relevant information. xml file Solution Make sure the <Approval_Portal_installdir>/invoiceCfg folder has write permission. security_XX.X (for NetWeaver Server 7.12. this might be due to the release date of the build. <drive>:\usr\sap\<SAP instance>\JC00\j2ee\cluster\server0\log\ system\httpaccess where <drive> is the SAP NetWeaver Portal instance having Approval Portal.1 Where to find logs? Where can you find all logs that are needed for analyzing the issue? What log is for what situation? Approval Portal provides access to different types of application and customized logs.1.Chapter 29 Monitoring and troubleshooting the Approval Portal Issue #3: The invoice image is not working Symptom The user is not able to view the image and the SAP ERP side is configured correctly.log (for NetWeaver Server 7.0).12.XX.1 Application logs Approval Portal logs the information about Protocols.3) 224 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Pick the latest files. Capture the following files: responses. Security and other actions performed on the application that are described in the following.0). responses_XX. Pick the latest files. SAP ABAP logs might also be relevant.X (for NetWeaver Server 7.trc (for NetWeaver Server 7. 29. <drive>:\usr\sap\<SAP instance>\JC00\j2ee\cluster\server0\log\ system where <drive> is the SAP NetWeaver Portal instance having Approval Portal.XX. Solution Make sure the Image Display Type in the Configuration section of the Administration page is configured correctly. 29. Protocol logs (http logs) Http response log information is available in the following path.3) Security logs Security related log information is available in the following path. Capture the following files: security. Change accordingly or contact OpenText Customer Support to obtain the latest language properties files. Solution The language properties file for that language might not have the translation. Issue #4: Some of the texts in other languages display in English only Symptom Some of the texts in other languages display in English only when user selects other languages. Troubleshooting Application logs Application log information is available in the following path. Deployed Approval Portal Support Package and its version.X. 29. b. Compatibility with SAP backend system connected to Approval Portal e. Pick the latest files. In NetWeaver 7. c.12. SAP NetWeaver Portal administrator access to Content Administration for accessing iViews.2 Customized logs See “Working with log and trace files” on page 201 for NetWeaver 7. X and defaultTrace_XX. For example: http://<host>:<port>/nwa 3. Approval Portal does not have any automated process of capturing customer specific Correction Instruction (CI) applied on any Support Package.1.trc files.2 Preparing a remote debugging session For a remote debugging session. capture applications_XX.XX.4)” on page 207 about the customization of logs. The following screenshot helps in identifying the deployed Approval Portal version and build information. capture applications. 4. This access is required to view the troubleshooting logs available under server directories and OpenText Configuration files. SAP NetWeaver Portal administrator privileges to access the SAP NetWeaver Portal instance where Approval Portal is deployed.12. SAP NetWeaver Portal administrator access to View or Modify Configuration settings. 1. For example: http://<host>:<port>/irj/portal 2. prepare the following information.12.3 SAP ABAP logs For information about SAP ABAP logs. see “Using logs and traces” on page and “Working with logging and tracing (NetWeaver 7. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 225 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Capture the following files: In NetWeaver 7. Keep track of this information and forward it before a remote session.12. Here.3 and 7. the log location will be defined at the time of configuration. 29. Build date of the deployed Support Package.log and defaultTrace. Configurations about the Admin Console page d. 29. Note: This is the default log location for both standalone WAS and NetWeaver landscapes.0. <drive>:\usr\sap\<SAP instance>\J00\j2ee\cluster\server0\log where <drive> is the SAP NetWeaver Portal instance having Approval Portal.XX. 29. Deployed Approval Portal Support Package information: a. if OPTURA is configured as the Windows domain. Example 29-3: Windows domain In the COA table. make sure the OPTURA domain is also configured in the Configuration tab of the Admin console. See the following screenshots of the COA table and the Admin console. do not forget to specify the Windows domain. which is configured in the COA table. 226 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 .Chapter 29 Monitoring and troubleshooting the Approval Portal When the Approval Portal version is deployed on standalone landscapes. 29.12. Troubleshooting OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 227 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . • OpenText recommends that you set an External breakpoint at the beginning and end of the function before debugging is started. Note: Do not forget to delete the breakpoint(s) that you have set for debugging.Chapter 29 Monitoring and troubleshooting the Approval Portal Access to debugging editor • The SAP User or the Communication User should have Dialog user access to debug the function modules in the Function Builder screen (SE37 transaction). 228 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Troubleshooting 29. By default.12.12. In your Advanced settings. the error log will open. Depending on your settings.12. 29. The only hint of a JavaScript error would be if the page did not respond properly (something did not load for example). 29. In the developer tools (press F12 as shortcut key). 29. this might be the only place that would indicate if there is an error on the page. if there was a JavaScript error on the page. In this case. there is another approach available for viewing JavaScript errors. the status bar is not visible. even if you have the status bar visible.1 Viewing JavaScript errors from the developer tools The status bar is no longer reliable for viewing if there was a JavaScript error on the page. you will not know there was an error.3 Is debugging of the Java portal possible? No. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 229 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . you might have cleared the Display a notification about every script error option. However. • Another approach to show the status bar is to right-click the title/tab area and select Status bar from the context menu.12.4. If you double-click anywhere on the status bar. the Console tab shows all JavaScript errors on the page since the Developer Tools window has been opened. • You can turn on the status bar through the menu: press ALT on the keyboard to show the menu bar and then navigate to View > Toolbars > Status bar. you must repeat the action that triggered the error in the first place.4 JavaScript errors JavaScript error reporting is a bit different in Internet Explorer 9 and 10 compared to previous Internet Explorer browsers. debugging of Java code is not possible in Productive Client Environments. To see the error in the Console tab. The trick with the Console tab of the developer tools is that the error log only starts logging errors after the developer tools window is opened. The following is a screenshot of the Console tab with a JavaScript error logged. use the following troubleshooting techniques to resolve the invoice image problem(s). click F12 developer tools on the Tools menu.Chapter 29 Monitoring and troubleshooting the Approval Portal The Console tab of the developer tools (F12) will also give you a list of all JavaScript errors that happened on the page. Click the Network tab. 3. To provide information for troubleshooting JavaScript or Client Side issues: 1.12. 230 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . 29. and then click Start capturing. 2. Before accessing the Approval Portal in the browser.5 Invoice image troubleshooting You might encounter the following error message while trying to view the invoice image on Approval Portal. In this case. Save the Network traffic in XML and send it to OpenText Customer Support for further investigation. 29. Therefore.12. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 231 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . cross-check the settings that are configured in the Mobile Configuration tab of the Admin console of Approval Portal.5. To always see pop-ups for the site. For more information. Google Chrome To manually allow pop-ups from a site: 1. 2.4 Supported documents on browser The configurations above might be in place and you still encounter issues in viewing the images.3 Web Viewer configuration for Web and Mobile If you are using Web Viewer to access the invoice image. perform the following settings when accessing images on the respective browser type. 29. select Always show pop-ups from [site].5. In this case.5.12. It should display the Web Viewer is up home page: http://<Configured ip:port>/ WebViewer/. Check the SU53 transaction for the CPIC user ID when this error is shown. The site will be added to the exceptions list. 29.2 Image RFC does not return URL Run the RFC /ORS/000007_IMAGE_DISP_URL and verify whether the IMAGE_URL is returned from RFC or not. 3. click the pop-up blocker icon .12. 29. It is important to check if Web Viewer is up and running where the Web Viewer is installed. see “Configuring the Web Viewer integration” on page 103. invoke the following URL. 29. check if the invoice image file type is supported by the respective browser.5 Pop-up blocker Approval Portal is supported on different browsers.1 Authorization issues with CPIC When SAP GUI perfectly displays the invoice image and when only Approval Portal shows the error message when viewing the image.5.12. At the end of the address bar. Troubleshooting 29. which you can manage in the Content Settings dialog. cross-check that the necessary authorizations are granted for the logged-in user in viewing the images.5. To ensure that Web Viewer is up and running. Click the link for the pop-up window that you want to see.12.12. 3. click the Save button. Click Turn Off Pop-up Blocker. 3. Select the settings gear.Chapter 29 Monitoring and troubleshooting the Approval Portal Internet Explorer To manually allow pop-ups from a site: 1. 232 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Log in to the SAP NetWeaver Portal as an administrator using the following link: http://<host>:<port>/nwa 2.6 Issue with repeated authentication In SAP NetWeaver Portal 7. Click Authentication and Single Sign-On. Click the menu button and click Options. 29. open the Content panel. Mozilla Firefox To manually allow pop-ups from a site: 1. 5. change the Used Template value to ticket. Clear the check box Block pop-up windows. To resolve the repeated authentication issue: 1. On the Authentication Stack tab. then click Preferences. enter opentext in the Policy Configuration Name column and Web in the Type column. Mac users click Safari > Preferences.3 and higher versions. and point to Pop-up Blocker. In the Options dialog box. Approval Portal might again prompt for authentication even after a successful login into SAP NetWeaver Portal. 4. Access the Configuration tab. Click Security at the top of the window. Mac OS Safari To manually allow pop-ups from a site: 1. 2. Then. Select the Approval Portal application instance and click the Edit button. 6. Open the Tools menu. 3. To filter the components. Clear the Block pop-up windows check box. 2. 2.12. change Logging You cannot view or extract logging information on mobile devices themselves. perform the following configurations. To avoid errors when using the Mobile Approval Portal. For a description of the configuration of the Mobile Approval Portal. JavaScript In the browser settings of the mobile device. To extract information. you can view detailed logging information on the Console OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 233 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Inside the Developer Tools. They offer various information and useful features. Login user To change the Login user. clear Browser cache. copy specific text parts out of the Console tab. information Instead. see “Configuring the Mobile Approval Portal“ on page 103. enable JavaScript before launching the Mobile Approval Portal. click Wrench Menu > Tools > Developer Tools. see the Google Developer Tools documentation: https:// developers. You can view network traffic on the Network tab. cookies and form data. you must open the Mobile Approval Portal URL on the Chrome desktop browser. If JavaScript is not AJAX calls to the server are interrupted and there is no response on the Mobile Inbox. To open the Developer Tools. For more information.Chapter 30 Troubleshooting the Mobile Approval Portal This chapter gives some troubleshooting hints for the Mobile Approval Portal. Developer Tools are part of Chrome. . management and retrieval of archived data and documents ArchiveLink document types Document types that need to be customized for ArchiveLink ArchiveLink Service integrated in the SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP for linking archived documents and the application documents entered in the SAP ERP system OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 235 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Approval Portal VIM web interface for approving invoices. utility). Job code). and HR objects (Position.Glossary AAK See SAP Add-On Assembly Kit (AAK). Cost Center). A data record loaded as After Image provides the status of the record after it has been changed. AP processor Accounts Payable personnel Application Component Hierarchy Hierarchy of folders to structure DataSources in SAP NetWeaver BW. Cost Objects (G/L account. Approval chart of authority (COA) The Approval chart of authority (COA) determines first approver and next approver for an invoice by combinations of Company Code (specific or range). Aging Report Part of the Central Reporting infrastructure. Expense Type (marketing expense. or after data has been added. After Image Technical option to realize an delta upload from the source systems into the SAP NetWeaver BW system. Archive system Computer system that enables storage. The Aging Report reports about the aging of documents and work items in the current system. BAdI can be inserted into the SAP ERP system to accommodate user requirements too specific to be included in the standard delivery. The BDC ID is used by the system to process an SAP transaction to create an SAP Document in user context. 236 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Automation Report Tool that provides data about automated and manual processing steps of VIM documents BAdI See Business Add-Ins (BAdI). Block Situation where an invoice has a price or quantity variance that prevents invoice from posting BTE See Business Transaction Event (BTE). Business Center Capture OpenText Business Center Capture for SAP Solutions. Business Center component for use in VIM. BDC ID Business Data Communication ID. BAPI® SAP programming interface: Business Application Programming Interface Baseline Set of functionality with pre-defined configuration and the starting point to implement VIM BasisCube See InfoCube. Automates the capture of paper invoices by using OCR to extract invoice data. Business Add-Ins (BAdI) Business Add-Ins (BAdI) is an SAP enhancement technique based on ABAP objects.Glossary Authorization profiles The SAP administrator assigns authorizations to the users that determine which actions a user can perform in the SAP ERP system. These authorizations are stored in Authorization profiles. Glossary Business Center OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions. Unit of Measure. Central Audit Report. COA See Approval chart of authority (COA). Characteristic Type of InfoObject in SAP NetWeaver BW that represents descriptions of fields. Central Reporting Reporting infrastructure that provides several reports that enable you to measure certain properties of VIM documents and their work items. and Summary Report. The main difference to VAN is that the Central Audit Report serves as a single point of access in a multiple backend scenario. Central Audit Report Part of the Central Reporting infrastructure. Invoice Number. This role is also responsible for negotiating and communicating with vendors. Central Reporting comprises the following individual reports: Aging Report. Coding Coding allocates an invoice to G/L account and cost object if required. VIM is tightly integrated with Business Center. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 237 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . definitions and constraints that apply to an organization Business Transaction Event (BTE) Event used for extending a Non PO invoice functionality to call a custom program Buyer Person who is in charge of the PO. Key Process Analytics Report. This role should have authorization to create and change the purchase order. in order to optimize working with VIM. Business rules Rules that describe the operations. and Posting Date. Productivity Report. The Central Audit Report is a slimmed VIM Analytics (VAN). Exception Analysis Report. OpenText product that helps receiving incoming documents. Contract agent Person who can create and modify SAP contracts. such as Vendor ID. and filing them within a SAP system. capturing processes. Non PO. DSO See DataStore Object (DSO). OCR. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Method for transferring data between different application systems in the form of messages.Glossary Dashboard User interface that organizes and presents information in a way that is easy to read. Duplicate analyzer Person who is responsible to identify duplicate invoices EDI See Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). SAP applications support EDI with messages sent in an SAP 238 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Data Transfer Process (DTP) Object in SAP NetWeaver BW to transfer data from source objects to target objects DataSource Set of fields in SAP NetWeaver BW that provide the data for a business unit for data transfer to the SAP NetWeaver BW system. Non OCR DP See Document Processing (DP). DataStore Object (DSO) Storage location for consolidated and cleansed data in SAP NetWeaver BW DocuLink OpenText™ DocuLink for SAP Solutions enables the archiving. management and retrieval of SAP CRM or SAP ERP documents from within the SAP infrastructure. DTP See Data Transfer Process (DTP). it contains an extract structure and an extraction function module. technically. Users can also perform actions from the dashboard. Document Processing (DP) VIM component that captures invoice metadata including line items for PO and performs preconfigured business rules Document type Type of document such as PO. of a business-oriented area. ICC See Invoice Capture Center (ICC). Exception Analysis Report Part of the Central Reporting infrastructure. an InfoCube is a quantity of relational tables arranged according to the OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 239 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Indexer Person responsible for entering index data Indexing Process of entering or storing data into the system InfoArea Folder in SAP NetWeaver BW to organize InfoCubes. Financial Accounting (FI) SAP module for the Finance and Accounting department IAP See Invoice Approval (IAP). VIM supports the creation of vendor invoices through the EDI/IDoc interface. Event Type Linkage Error handling method. InfoObjects. company code or vendor. Event Type Linkage determines what the application should do in case an error could not be handled. Exception Action that is not part of normal operations or standards FI See Financial Accounting (FI). and InfoObject Catalogs InfoCube Self-contained dataset in SAP NetWeaver BW. IE See Invoice Exception (IE). for example. grouped by exception. Glossary Intermediate Document (IDoc) format. The Exception Analysis Report reports all work items with exceptions. IDoc See Intermediate Document (IDoc). DataStore Objects. Key figures and Characteristics are collectively called InfoObjects. Invoice coder Person who enters the accounting info on invoices to allocate the cost 240 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . approving and rejecting invoices Invoice approver Person who approves invoices Invoice Capture Center (ICC) Optional VIM OCR component Invoice characteristic A value specific to each invoice (for example country) that allows flexible processing in VIM. InfoPackages Object in SAP NetWeaver BW that specifies when and how to load data from a given source system to the SAP NetWeaver BW system InfoProvider Object in SAP NetWeaver BW for which queries can be created or executed. An invoice characteristic is determined during runtime and depends on the corresponding index data of the document. InfoProviders are the objects or views that are relevant for reporting. Invoice Approval (IAP) VIM component that enables users to perform coding. Information provider Receiving role for option Refer for Information Intermediate Document (IDoc) Standard SAP message document format for the EDI interface.Glossary enhanced star schema: A large fact table in the middle surrounded by several dimension tables InfoObject Catalog Folder structure in SAP NetWeaver BW to organize InfoObjects InfoObject Smallest information unit in SAP NetWeaver BW. LIV See Logistic invoice (LIV). data resides in the BasisCubes. DataStore Object(s). Materials management is used for procurement and inventory management. such as Number of Invoices and Gross Invoice Amount. A MultiProvider is used as a layer for the creation of end user queries. in parked state and in posted state. and/or InfoObject(s). Key Process Analytics Report Part of the Central Reporting infrastructure. The Key Process Analytics Report reports about a variety of key figures regarding the VIM process: It shows the accumulated amounts of all documents in the DP workflow. Logistic invoice (LIV) purchase order invoice Materials Management (MM) Materials management module of the SAP ERP software package. Glossary Invoice Exception (IE) VIM component that handles the exceptions that arise after an SAP invoice is created Invoice requester Person who requested goods and services for Non PO invoices Key Figure Type of InfoObject in SAP NetWeaver BW that represents numeric values or quantities. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 241 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . Mobile Approval Portal VIM component for approving invoices on mobile devices. the MultiProvider itself does not contain any data. KPI Dashboard Tool for managers showing VIM related process data at a glance in graphical charts. MultiProvider Object in SAP NetWeaver BW that is based on InfoCube(s). MM See Materials Management (MM). rather. typewritten or printed text (usually captured by a scanner) into machine-editable text Park Situation where an invoice is not posted and is waiting for further processing Parked invoice document Temporary document that the AP processor can change and post. Related documents such as POs or good receipts may be created or changed to effect the invoice. Optical character recognition (OCR) Mechanical or electronic translation of images of handwritten.Glossary Namespace Name range reserved by SAP for customer objects and SAP objects to make sure that objects are not overwritten by SAP objects during the import of corrections or an upgrade Non purchase order (Non PO) Order that is not based on a PO Non purchase order (Non PO) invoice (PIR) Invoice based on a Non purchase order (Non PO) Number range Array of numbers that can be used for an object in the SAP ERP system OCR See Optical character recognition (OCR). Posted invoice document Invoice that has already been posted in SAP ERP. 242 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . it must be cancelled ( PO invoice) or reversed ( non-PO invoice). Persistent Staging Area (PSA) Data staging area in SAP NetWeaver BW. Only free-form text fields can be changed. If the document is not needed. It allows to check data in an intermediate location before the data is sent to its destinations in SAP NetWeaver BW. PIR See Non purchase order (Non PO) invoice (PIR). PO See Purchase order (PO). SAP assigned document number becomes real number when posted. The process type determines the initial actor and various collaboration options available to the various actors during the process flow. The purpose of the document is to order the delivery of goods or services. Purchase order (PO) invoice Invoice based on a Purchase order (PO) Purchase order (PO) SAP module. The Productivity Report reports about the productivity of users/roles and the activities of users/roles. Authorization. PO indicates a document sent from a buyer to a seller. Quantity variance Situation where the quantity on the invoice is different from the quantity in the purchase order Receiver Person who can create and reverse the goods receipt in SAP ERP Requisitioner Person who requested goods and services OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 243 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . used to automate. Productivity Report Part of the Central Reporting infrastructure. Process options Processing options for the user in the dashboard. visualize and monitor the processes. and Actions Process type Process type for a document. such as Referral. PSA See Persistent Staging Area (PSA). Glossary Price variance Situation where the price on the invoice is different from the price in the purchase order Process Chain Sequence of processes in SAP NetWeaver BW that are scheduled to wait in the background for an event. Glossary Roles Set of predefined roles for the SAP user SAP Add-On Assembly Kit (AAK) Standardized delivery procedure for software SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) SAP application that provides software for ticket systems. A swimlane comprises the process description. SAP Shared Service Framework SAP software that contains a rich set of tools to improve and automate Shared Service Center operations. Swimlane Diagram representing a specific VIM process. Scan operator Person who scans the invoices into images (may not have a SAP ID) Service approver Person who approves a service entry Service requisitioner Person who enters a service entry Summary Report Part of the Central Reporting infrastructure. simplifies. user interface and options of the process. SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse (SAP NetWeaver BW) SAP application that allows to integrate. roles. and consolidate relevant business information from productive SAP applications and external data sources. 244 OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . transform. and accelerates procure-to-pay processes for goods and services. The Summary Report provides a summary of all documents processed through VIM. SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SAP SRM) SAP application that automates. for example in the Accounts Payable department. Glossary Tax expert Person who advises on invoices that need tax audit. Transformation (TRF) Object in SAP NetWeaver BW to connect source objects to data targets. which allows users to display lists of their work items that meet a selection they have entered before. VIM provides values to customers in process efficiency. it allows to consolidate. VAN See VIM Analytics (VAN). VIM Workplace Tool for VIM super users. Vendor maintenance Person who is responsible for creating and maintaining the vendor master records VIM Analytics (VAN) VIM component that gives users a clear data report on their invoices in progress. Normally tax department personnel. Workflow SAP Business Workflows can be used to define business processes that are not yet mapped in the SAP ERP system. VIM Analytics allows to track the documents routed through SAP workflows via VIM. Vendor Invoice Management (VIM) Packaged business solution that solves a business problem – paying correct amount to vendors on-time and with the lowest cost. visibility and compliance. Users also can display work items of other users and of their team as a whole. VIM delivers not technology but best-practice business processes. OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions – Administration Guide 245 VIM070500-05-AGD-EN-2 . cleanse and integrate data TRF See Transformation (TRF).
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