OpenText Document Management EDOCS DM 5 3 1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes
OpenText Document Management EDOCS DM 5 3 1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes
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OpenText eDOCS DM Release NotesVersion 5.3.1 Suite Patch 6 April 2, 2015 Contents 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 5 2 About OpenText eDOCS DM 5.3.1 Patch 6 .................................................................................. 5 2.1 New Features ............................................................................................................................ 5 2.1.1 DM Security Vulnerability Update (DM-32057) ............................................................ 5 2.1.2 Folder Metadata Inheritance (DM-9588) ...................................................................... 7 2.1.3 DM Footer Enhancements (DM-22572) ....................................................................... 7 2.1.4 Encrypted Email Support (DM-26423) ....................................................................... 12 2.1.5 DM API Support for the Advanced Search Interface (DM-26835) .............................. 12 2.1.6 DM Extension API Refresh Specific Frames (DM-27441) .......................................... 12 2.1.7 Request for DM 5.3 documentation on the DM Library Database Indexes. (DM-28627) ................................................................................................................ 12 2.1.8 DM Interceptor Support for 64 Bit Applications (DM-28937) ...................................... 13 2.1.9 DM Content Cache – Pre-Cache Enhancement (DM-32278) .................................... 18 2.1.10 Search Across Multiple Libraries with Different Schema’s (DM-33169) ..................... 19 2.1.11 Office 2013 Translations (DM-33576) ........................................................................ 20 2.1.12 Outlook Startup Change – Delay Logon (DM-34435) ................................................ 20 2.1.13 Email Filing QuickFile Options (DM-34829) ............................................................... 20 2.2 Language-Neutral Patch .......................................................................................................... 21 2.3 Backwards Compatibility ......................................................................................................... 21 3 Packaging and Documentation .................................................................................................. 23 3.1 DM 5.3.1 Patch 6 Files ............................................................................................................ 23 3.2 Packaging and Delivery Information ........................................................................................ 24 3.3 Documentation Updates .......................................................................................................... 25 3.3.1 DM 5.3.1 Documentation Location ............................................................................. 25 4 Installation and Upgrade Notes .................................................................................................. 26 4.1 Patch Rollback ......................................................................................................................... 26 4.2 Running Library Generator ...................................................................................................... 26 4.3 eDOCS DM 5.3.1 Suite Patch 2 Web Server MSI ................................................................... 26 4.4 eDOCS DM 5.3.1 Web Server Translated Versions ................................................................ 26 4.5 Special Configuration for Windows 2012 ................................................................................ 27 4.5.1 HTTP 404.3 Error ....................................................................................................... 27 4.6 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 ................................................................................................ 28 4.7 Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime ........................................................................... 28 OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.3.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 2 The Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime must be installed on all client machines running Office 2010 without SP1. The download is located here: ............ 28 4.8 Microsoft Office 2007 PIAs ...................................................................................................... 28 4.9 Microsoft Office 2010 “.NET Programmability” ........................................................................ 28 4.10 User Interface Installation Instructions ....................................................................... 28 4.11 Command Line Installation Instructions ..................................................................... 29 5 Supported Environments and Compatibility ............................................................................. 31 5.1 Server Machines ...................................................................................................................... 31 5.1.1 DM Server................................................................................................................... 31 5.1.2 Document Server ........................................................................................................ 32 5.1.3 DM Web Server .......................................................................................................... 33 5.2 DM User Workstations ............................................................................................................. 33 5.3 Supported Applications ............................................................................................................ 34 5.3.1 Integrated Applications ............................................................................................... 34 5.3.2 Email Applications ...................................................................................................... 35 5.3.3 Open Text Supported Products .................................................................................. 36 6 Fixed Issues .................................................................................................................................. 36 7 Known Issues ............................................................................................................................... 37 8 What’s New in eDOCS DM 5.3.1 (Past Patches) ........................................................................ 42 8.1 New Features in DM 5.3.1 Patch 1 ......................................................................................... 42 8.1.1 Unicode Support ......................................................................................................... 42 8.1.2 Support for Microsoft Office 2010 (64 bit) .................................................................. 42 8.1.3 DM API (64 bit) ........................................................................................................... 42 8.1.4 Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Support........................................................................... 42 8.1.5 New MSI for the DM Admin Tools ............................................................................... 42 8.1.6 64 Bit DM Viewer for Windows 7 64 bit machines ...................................................... 42 8.1.7 New Save User Interface Profile Form Selection Options ......................................... 42 8.1.8 New Help Files for DM Extensions ............................................................................. 43 8.1.9 Document Attachments Open with Launch Method for the Attachment Type Rather than the Parent Launch Method ..................................................................... 43 8.2 New Features in DM 5.3.1 Patch 2 ......................................................................................... 43 8.2.1 Windows 8 Desktop Support ...................................................................................... 43 8.2.2 Windows Server 2012 ................................................................................................ 43 8.3 New Features in DM 5.3.1 Patch 3 ......................................................................................... 43 8.3.1 eDOCS DM App ......................................................................................................... 43 8.4 New Features in DM 5.3.1 Patch 4 ......................................................................................... 44 OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.3.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 3 8.4.1 Adobe Acrobat Integration .......................................................................................... 44 8.4.2 Search Enhancement (Not available with MS SQL 2005).......................................... 46 8.5 New Features in DM 5.3.1 Patch 5 ......................................................................................... 47 8.5.1 Multi-Value Field Support for OTRM........................................................................... 47 8.5.2 Ability to Hide Document Type in Dynamic Views for Groups and Not Only Users .......................................................................................................................... 47 8.6 New Platform Support ............................................................................................................. 48 8.6.1 Windows 8.1 Desktop Support ................................................................................... 48 9 Contact Information ..................................................................................................................... 49 OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.3.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 4 3.1 Suite Patch 6 is a cumulative update which contains all updates from previous patches for each component. 2015 we issued a DM Security Alert and subsequently updated the alert on March 12 with the details on the configuration options on how to prevent the security vulnerability issue. 5.1.1 DM Security Vulnerability Update (DM-32057) On March 10. If upgrading from a release prior to DM 5.3.opentext. OpenText recommends that you read these Release Notes in conjunction with the documentation included with the software package. refer to the Knowledge Base Article 58528481 or contact your local Customer Support office.3.3. OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.3. you must first upgrade to DM 5.1 Patch 6 This section provides an overview of OpenText eDOCS DM 5.1 version.1.1 Suite Patch 6.1 Suite Patch 6. This is the latest patch for the eDOCS DM 5.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 5 .1 Suite Patch 6 include the following new features.3.1 Suite Patch 6.0.1 and 10.5. 2. This software can be applied as an upgrade on top of DM 5. We also recommend that you check the OpenText Knowledge Center (https://knowledge. If any conflicts exist.3. as well as the Hotfixes for DM Patch 1.1. For more information.1 Patch 6.1 New Features OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.1 software.3.3.1 product line.1 Patch 1 and then apply DM 5.0.1 Patch 1 is a complete ISO image and the baseline install for the DM 5. the Release Notes supersede the other documentation.3. 2 About OpenText eDOCS DM 5.3. 5. including new features. 2. Important The eDOCS DM 5. Consult the eDOCS DM 5.1 Introduction These Release Notes provide an overview of OpenText eDOCS DM 5.com/) for any patches or documentation updates that may have been posted after the initial release of OpenText eDOCS DM 5. eDOCS DM 5.3 and Patch 1 Release Notes for complete information about the eDOCS DM 5.3.3. and supported platforms.3.3. This software is also the image to use for new installs of the DM 5.1 release. 5. delivery information. dll and configured to use the DM Security Token logic that addresses the security vulnerability by default.1.1 Patch 6 update is installed with the fixes in the PCDServerIF.1 Patch 6.3. The DM Server 5. This also requires that the DM client desktops contain the supplied DM API PCDClient.3. DM Server Registry Setting: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Hummingbird\DOCSFusion\Security Reg_DWORD: DisableSecureDST = 0 (Default and security issue resolved) DisableSecureDST = 1 (Manually changed and security vulnerability present with Auto Login enabled) Note:The DM Server DisableSecureDST setting needs to be set back to 0 as soon as you have updated your DM Extensions with 5.x Web Services application programming interface (API) security vulnerability that could be exploited to allow a bad actor to programmatically authenticate as any valid eDOCS user and act with permissions and privileges associated with that account if the Allow Auto Logon feature is enabled.1 Patch 6 software includes the resolution to this issue. as well as an additional configuration option that will allow you to deploy the updates as part of a phased upgrade.1 How to perform a phased upgrade: If you are not able to update your DM Extensions in a short period of time and want to keep the Auto Login feature enabled for the DM Extensions in your environment. The DM Server can be configured not to use the new DM Security DST logic and continue to use the Auto Login feature with the previous DM extension clients.1.The eDOCS DM 5. OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.) your environment still have the eDOCS DM 5. 2.dll and PCDClient.3.3.dll if you want to continue to use DM Extensions with the Allow Auto Logon feature enabled.3.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 6 . Important Security Notice If you change the DisableSecureDST registry setting on the DM Server to a value that is greater than zero (0. perform the following. Note: The eDOCS DM 10 version includes additional functionality for controlling metadata inheritance where the DM administrator can define additional fields that they do not want to inherit from a folder.2 Folder Metadata Inheritance (DM-9588) The eDOCS DM Extensions can be configured to not inherit the Author and Document Type fields when initially saving a new document to a DM Library folder. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Hummingbird\PowerDOCS\Core\Plugins\Fusion\Settings If this key is not present or present and set to 0. This functionality can be enabled by setting the following registry on the client desktop: DWORD "InheritAuthorDocType" registry key and set the value to 0 to not inherit the Author and Document Type fields. text. See the eDOCS DM 10 Release Notes for additional details. and alignment of the information in the footer.1.3.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 7 . DM Extensions will continue to inherit the Author and Document Type from the folder. metadata. 2.2.1. font. OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.3 DM Footer Enhancements (DM-22572) The DM Insert DM Footer for the Microsoft Word and Excel 2010. 2013 integrations have been enhanced to provide you with more control over the layout. click the DM tab. Tip: To select all items. OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5. In the DM Actions section. select the XML text and delete. 2013 To insert a DM footer: 1. Notice that as you select the check boxes. the associated XML text dynamically populates in the text pane.3.1 Inserting DM Footers in Word 2010. Conversely. Or.2.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 8 . In Word. you can change the font. Tab. and the field alignment. Description Date Library Text – This allows you to insert customized text. page number alignment. to clear all items. You can use any font and size that Word recognizes. The eDOCS DM Footer Options dialog box appears. or None for field alignment. 3. You can edit the XML by clicking the Edit check box. and LEFT for page number alignment. select the Select All check box. select the Select All check box twice.3. You can use NewLine. 2. Document Number Document Version Document Name Page Numbers – This allows you to insert page numbers. Document Author Document Type Application Font – This allows you to specify the font name and size. Under the Options section.select the following check boxes that you want to appear in the footer. click Insert>DM Footer. In the XML text.1. You can use RIGHT. CENTER. or new documents are created within the application. The TEXT1 specifies anything you want. if unsuccessful. The footer information appears at the bottom of each page. Hover your mouse over the red circle to view additional error details. Select the Auto-Update check box to make the application update the footer when new versions. a green circle with a check mark appears. this will prevent it from displaying.” The TEXT2 specifies anything you want. 5. Click this to validate the XML text. 2. The FONT specifies which font to use.3. for example.Example: Note: The order you select the check boxes determines the order of appearance in the DM footer.1.2 Page Numbering in XML The PAGENUMBERS portion of the XML includes the following attributes: FONT. OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5. 6. “Page. for example. To edit the footer. SIZE. “of. Select the Don't show this dialog check box to bypass this dialog box and use the selected settings for subsequent footers. 8.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 9 . TEXT1. 7. The SIZE specifies the font size to use. click INSERT>Footer>Edit Footer. 4. If successful. and TEXT2. the Validate XML link becomes available. subversions.” You can set the value to an empty string. When you select the Edit check box. Click OK.3. a red circle with an exclamation point appears. the associated XML text dynamically populates in the text pane. 3. CENTER.1. Tab.2.3. Or. The eDOCS DM Footer Options dialog box appears. Description Date Library Text – This allows you to insert customized text. In the DM Actions section. You can edit the XML by clicking the Edit check box. In Excel. Notice that as you select the check boxes. to clear all items. Tip: To select all items. Conversely. and LEFT for page number alignment. select the Select All check box twice. 2013 To insert a DM footer: 1. OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5. 2. click Insert>DM Footer. You can use any font and size that Word recognizes. and the field alignment. you can change the font.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 10 . click the DM tab. page number alignment. You can use NewLine. or None for field alignment. You can use RIGHT. select the following check boxes that you want to appear in the footer. Document Author Document Type Application Font – This allows you to specify the font name and size. Under the Options section. In the XML text. Document Number Document Version Document Name Page Numbers – This allows you to insert page numbers. select the Select All check box. select the XML text and delete.3 Inserting Footers in Excel 2010.3. ” You can set the value to an empty string. To edit the footer. 7.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 11 .1. The footer information appears at the bottom of each page. or new documents are created within the application. a green circle with a check mark appears.3. if unsuccessful. If successful. this will prevent it from displaying. “of. Click OK. Select the Don't show this dialog check box to bypass this dialog box and use the selected settings for subsequent footers.” The TEXT2 specifies anything you want. Click this to validate the XML text. 6. SIZE.4 Page Numbering in XML The PAGENUMBERS portion of the XML includes the following attributes: FONT. Select the Auto-Update check box to make the application update the footer when new versions.3.Example: Note: The order you select the check boxes determines the order of appearance in the DM footer. “Page. for example. 4. subversions. 2. a red circle with an exclamation point appears. for example. Hover your mouse over the red circle to view additional error details. When you select the Edit check box. The TEXT1 specifies anything you want. 5. click INSERT>Footer>Edit Footer. The SIZE specifies the font size to use. 8. and TEXT2. TEXT1. the Validate XML link becomes available. The FONT specifies which font to use. OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5. However. "DOCSOPEN. developers could use the "DOCSOPEN.1.DoVerb(Nothing.RefreshAllViews" to refresh the DM Extensions interface which updated all the frames.1 Patch 5 or prior. How to use this new function: Dim pObjArray As New BCObjectArray pObjArray.3.3.6 DM Extension API Refresh Specific Frames (DM-27441) In the DM Extensions API version 5. Nothing) 2.1. "Contents". 2.1.2.RefreshREDView".7 Request for DM 5.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 12 .5 DM API Support for the Advanced Search Interface (DM-26835) When building a custom application that uses a custom search interface. 0. the Refresh button would only refresh the frame/view that had the current focus.3 documentation on the DM Library Database Indexes. when the users selects profile search the custom application interface is presented to the user.CustomClass". (DM-28627) The eDOCS DM 5. The DM API has been enhanced to present the user with the Advanced Search interface instead of the custom interface when they perform an Advanced Profile Search. on the DM Toolbar. 2010. A 'RefreshREDView' property has been added to use in DOVerb calls so that Application Integration code can call this right after the QuickSave API call.1 Administration Guide has been updated with the following chapters: OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.1. The DM Extensions API has been enhanced to support updating the frame/view that has the current focus. The following registry key needs to be in place: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hummingbird\PowerDOCS\Forms]SearchCriteriaForm="Cus tomDLL.4 Encrypted Email Support (DM-26423) The eDOCS DM software now includes support for saving encrypted emails into DM from the Microsoft Outlook 2007. and 2013 clients.3. 2. The 64 bit interceptor installs the Interceptor_x64. InterceptorRes_x64.3.exe.8.dll in the Program Files (x86)\Open Text\DM Extensions directory.dll. 2.8 DM Interceptor Support for 64 Bit Applications (DM-28937) The DM Interceptor feature has been enhanced to include a 64 bit Interceptor. The eDOCS DM Interceptor 32-Bit version settings are located in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Hummingbird\PowerDOCS\AppIntegration\Interceptor The eDOCS DM Interceptor 64-Bit version settings are located in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Hummingbird\PowerDOCS\AppIntegration\Interceptor_x6 4 The Windows Task tray will show the DM icon. APPENDIX H: Microsoft SQL Table and Index Listing APPENDIX I: Oracle Table and Index Listing The Administration Guide is available here: https://knowledge. InterceptorTuner_x64. the 32 bit Interceptor. and the new 64 bit Interceptor icon with the number 64 as an overlay on the icon.dll/Open/26345148 2. When applying the DM Extensions (x64) Patch 6. the 64 bit version will be installed in conjunction with the 32 bit Interceptor application.dll.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 13 . NOTE: The Interceptor 64 bit version only integrates with 64 bit applications.dll.com/knowledge/llisapi.opentext.1.1 Notepad 64 Bit Configuration Example OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5. The Interceptor 32 bit version still needs to be used to intercept 32 bit applications. InterceptorHooks_x64. InterceptorCore_x64.1. exe. The DDE Settings should be left blank. In DM Library Maintenance create a new application launch method for Notepad. Select the Settings option OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5. 2. 3. Note: This example shows C:\Windows\Notepad.3. From the DM Extension select Right Click on the Interceptor 64 bit icon 4.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 14 . If you previously integrated the 32 bit version of Notepage the settings would be C:\Windows\System32\Notepad.exe which is the 64 bit version of the application. 1. 5. Select the Application Settings teb 6.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 15 .3. Select Windows Properties and confirm the properties OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5. Select Notepad 7. Select Edit and confirm the settings 8. Select OK 13. Select the Application Dialogs tab 10. Select the Launch Methods tab 16. Select Edit and confirm the properties 15. Select Notepad OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.3. Select Open 11. Select Edit and confirm the properties 12. Select Save As 14. 9.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 16 . Select Enable 18. Confirm the Launch Method settings 19.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 17 . OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.3. 17. The Notepad application will have a green status indicator and is ready to intercept the Notepad commands. To enable the process the following registry keys/values must be added. 2.3.1 Creating a Content Cache Pre-Population Search The DM Extensions user interface is used to create the searches that will be used by the content cache pre-population process.1. These values only need to be added to a single server with content cache installed. generally during off hours. In OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.9. 2.3.2 Manual Registration Requirements The eDOCS DM 5. The search must then be added to the content cache registry to be picked up by the pre-population process (see below).1.1 software release does not provide an administration user interface for the content cache pre-population feature.9.2.9 DM Content Cache – Pre-Cache Enhancement (DM-32278) The eDOCS DM Content Cache Pre-Population feature allows an eDOCS administrator to set up each library with one or more saved searches that can be used to pre-populate the content cache directory at a specified time of day. Simply define the search as you would any other search and save the search to the library. You might want to rename the search so that its purpose is more clearly visible within the user interface.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 18 .1. just the name. For example “02:30” means that the pre-population process will run at 2:30 AM each day. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Hummingbird\DOCSFusion\Content Cache PreCache A String value that can be set to either “Enabled” or “Disabled” to turn the pre-cache process on or off.Test” is the name of a quick search that will select all MS WORD documents with the word ‘Test’ in the document content.Test” where “EXLIB1” is the library name and “MS WORD. OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5. 2.1.10 Search Across Multiple Libraries with Different Schema’s (DM-33169) The recommendation when setting up multiple Libraries to be remote to each other is to always use the same schema and Library type (Legal with Legal) for this type of configuration to allow the users to perform searches across all the Libraries. The default is “00:00” (Midnight). The search for each library is executed individually so the actual QuickSearch definition can be tailored to the library within which it resides.other words. For example. PreCache Search List A Multi-String value containing a list Library/QuickSearch or */QuickSearch pairs that will be used to select documents to be added to the content cache directory.3. if the content cache is accessed by a cluster of servers. “EXLIB1/MS WORD. The */QuickSearch format is used to specify that a QuickSearch of the given name resides in more than one library and the pre-cache process should execute the QuickSearch for each library within which the QuickSearch resides. In environments where the Library schemas do not match you will now be able to perform a search across multiple Libraries instead of receiving an error message relating to the different SQL structures.” PreCache Time A String value that contains a time in 24-hour format at which the pre-population process should execute. The default is “Disabled. The actual QuickSearch definition does not have to be the same in each library. only one server in the cluster needs to be set up for cache pre-population.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 19 . Installation 20. or save to a DM Folder using the QuickFile feature and the emails would be copied to the Email Filing Service and saved into DM in the background.3.5\Settings DelayLogon (DWORD) -> 0:off/ 1:on If the logon dialog box is canceled.1 Office 2013 Integration v2. Restart the Office Applications and DM.MSI installation 21.ini and AppTrans1.12 Outlook Startup Change – Delay Logon (DM-34435) The DM Extension for Outlook can be configured to load on Startup or delayed until the end user selects a DM action. This document can be referenced for modifying the eDOCS DM 5.1.ini and AppTrans1.3.11 Office 2013 Translations (DM-33576) The translated resource files for the DM Integration with Microsoft Office 2013 have been included with Patch 6 and can be found in the Office 2013 Translations sub-folder.2 (x64) or (x86).1 Patch 5 and Email Filing 4.3. Italian and Spanish are included.dll to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Open Text\DM Extensions\EMail Integration directory and replace the existing file 23.1.ini files to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Open Text\DM Extensions directory and replace the existing versions 22. https://knowledge.1 Office 2013 Integration v2.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 20 . German.ini files replace the English ones that were installed with the eDOCS DM 5. The eDOCS DM 5.2 (x64) or (x86). 2.exe.2.3. Copy the translated AppTrans.13 Email Filing QuickFile Options (DM-34829) When using the DM Extension for Outlook and Email Filing together users can drag and drop emails from Outlook to DM.opentext.dll/Open/26411687 2. then the user will not have the opportunity to log into DM Extensions until Outlook has been restarted. The AppTrans.1 Silent Install Samples document provides additional information on the scripting and configuration options that can be used for silent deployments. The Registry setting to control this with DM 5. French.1.3.2: OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5. The Delay Logon feature can be configured by the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Hummingbird\EMail Integration\1.MSI programs to include the translated files for your respective language.com/knowledge/cs. Copy the EIRes. The translated files for Dutch. 5.5. With this setting if the Exchange Cached Mode setting was disabled in Outlook the save was successful but the user receive a warning message that the operation “Can’t move the items” from Outlook. If you upgrade the DM Server and Library to support this new feature.3.2.1 Patch 1 (or later) Extensions in the environment.3.5 or 5.1 Suite Patch 6 is language neutral.1.1 Patch 6 software is backwards compatible with the DM client components of eDOCS DM 5. which means it can be applied against any translated version of eDOCS DM 5. For information about the release dates and subsequent support expiry dates for OpenText eDOCS products.3. New configuration with DM 5. 2.3: SaveToEmailFiling = 2 Save using Email Filing with Exchange Cached Mode disabled in Outlook. Important! For customers using DM Extensions Patch 1 or later. These versions are currently in Past-Maintenance mode and you should not plan to keep these older versions on any end user machines for extended periods of time.5\Settings SaveToEmailFiling = 0 Normal DM save SaveToEmailFiling = 1 Save using Email Filing. 5.3 Backwards Compatibility The eDOCS DM Server 5.3.2 Language-Neutral Patch The eDOCS DM 5.REG_DWORD: SaveToEmailFiling HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Hummingbird\EMail Integration\1.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 21 .2. you can only use DM 5. 2. we recommend you upgrade as soon as possible.1.1.0. This configuration option no longer presents the user with the “Can’t move the items” warning message.0.1 Patch 6 and Email Filing 4.1. Note: The new Unicode metadata feature for profile fields is not enabled by default because it is not backwards compatible with the previous versions of DM Extensions. consult the table provided at the following location: OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.3. https://knowledge.3.opentext.dll/Open/21149218 OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 22 .com/knowledge/cs. 1 Web Server Patch 6. This update needs to be run prior to running any of the updates included in Patch 6 if you are upgrading from DM 5.msp 14.2 (x64).3.3. If you have previously run the DM 5.zip o Office 2013 French Resources.exe runs updates against the Patch 1 *. EXE.3. This update needs to be run prior to running the DM Web Server Patch 6.3.exe while applying Patch 2 or later you do not need to run this update again with patch 6. DM 5.2 (x86).1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 23 .exe while applying Patch 2 or later you do not need to run this update again with patch 6. eDOCS DM 5. Note: The DM Web Server Installer Update.1 Extensions (x86) Patch 6.zip o Office 2013 Italian Resources. eDOCS DM 5. eDOCS DM 5.1 Patch 1 Installer Update.msi that will reflect the correct Patch number in the install dialog.3.msp 4.3.1 Web Server Multilingual Patch 6. Microsoft Office 2013 Translations: o Office 2013 Dutch Resources.3.3.msp 5.3.msp 8.1 Patch 1 Installer Update.1 DM 5.1 Office 2013 Integration v2.1 Patch 1 *.1 Office 2013 Integration v2. eDOCS DM 5. eDOCS DM 5.3 Packaging and Documentation Downloads and documentation for OpenText eDOCS DM are available in the OpenText Knowledge Center (https://knowledge.3. eDOCS DM 5.1 DM Admin Tools Patch 4.zip o Office 2013 Spanish Resources.exe 3.msp if you are upgrading from DM 5.1 Patch 1. eDOCS DM 5.exe runs updates against the Patch 1.3.1 Patch 1 Installer Update.1 Web Server Patch 2.zip file contains the following individual MSP.msi that corrects an issue uninstalling the Webtop Server.msp 10.3. eDOCS DM 5.msp 12. 1.1 Extensions (x64) Patch 6.opentext.3. files and MSI’s that can be applied on top of the original installation of DM 5.3.msp 13.3.3.msp 7. DM Web Server Installer Update.1 DM API Patch 6.3.1 Patch 1 or greater.3. eDOCS DM 5.1 DM API x64 Patch 6.msp 6.1 Workflow Server Patch 6. 3. eDOCS DM 5. eDOCS DM 5.com/).3.1 RM Administration Tool Patch 6. If you have previously run the DM Web Server Installer Update.1 Patch 6 Files The eDOCS DM 5. OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5. eDOCS DM 5.msp 9. eDOCS DM 5.1 Suite Patch 6 MSP.1 Server Patch 6.zip Note: The DM 5.msi 16.msi 15.msi 11.3.exe 2.3.zip o Office 2013 German Resources. 1 Using DM Webtop.1 Patch Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 24 .1 Administrator Guide.3.pdf eDOCS DM 5.pdf eDOCS DM RM 5.1 Suite Patch 2.1 Library Maintenance Tool.pdf eDOCS DM 5.1 Extensions API Programmers Guide.3.1 Installation Guide.1 Designer Guide.pdf eDOCS RM 5.1 WorkFlow User Reference Guide.pdf eDOCS DM 5.3.pdf eDOCS RM 5.pdf eDOCS DM Imaging.3.pdf eDOCS DM RM 5. we provided a new English MSI for the DM Web Server in order to provide support for Windows 2012.pdf eDOCS DM 5. With the release of DM 5.1 API Overview Guide.3.1 Web Server Patch 2.msi needs to be run prior to patching the Web Server to Patch 6 if upgrading from any version of English DM prior to DM Data Dictionary.ISO image and was extracted to the Documentation folder on the Image.3.pdf eDOCS DM 5.3.3.pdf eDOCS DM 5.pdf eDOCS DM 5. Note: The DM 5.1 Patch 1 .3.1 Webtop Customization Guide.pdf eDOCS DM 5.3.1 API Reference Guide.2 Packaging and Delivery Information The software documentation was included in the 5.1 Administration Guide.3.pdf OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5. 3.3.pdf eDOCS DM 5.3.1 Extensions User Guide.3.pdf eDOCS DM 5. The following product documentation is available: eDOCS DM 5.1 API Overview Guide.1 WorkFlow Administration Guide.1 Using DM Extensions.3.pdf eDOCS RM 5. dll/open/16707646.com/knowledge/llisapi.3x This new guide contains a comprehensive list of registry keys and Registry Settings settings used with DM 5.3.opentext.1 The eDOCS DM 5.3.3x.1 DM 5. new guides are posted immediately to the location listed above. When documentation is updated.3. OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5. Document Name Documentation Update Description eDOCS DM 5.dll/Open/26345148 3.1 folder by going to the following location: https://knowledge. 37074&objAction=Download eDOCS DM 5.3 Documentation Updates The following updates have been included in the following documents.opentext.opentext.1 documentation is available on the Open Text Knowledge Center under the eDOCS DM 5. This standalone guide is available at the following location: https://knowledge.1 Documentation Location All eDOCS DM 5.3.com/knowledge/cs. The Knowledge Center will always contain the most recent updated guides.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 25 .1 Administration Guide has been updated with the Administration following chapters: Guide APPENDIX H: Microsoft SQL Table and Index Listing APPENDIX I: Oracle Table and Index Listing The Administration Guide is available here: https://knowledge.com/knowledge/llisapi. 1 Web Server Translated Versions If upgrading a DM Web Server other than English the following upgrade steps need to be followed: If upgrading from a DM 5. and then select the respective Open Text eDOCS module.3. you can apply the DM 5.2.3. For example.3. To perform a Rollback of a DM patch from the Control Panel’s Program and Features. select the Uninstall option to uninstall the Patch. If you are upgrading from DM 5. a new English MSI was introduced to install the English DM Web Server on this platform in DM 5.3.1 patches without removing eDOCS DM itself.1.3.4 Installation and Upgrade Notes 4.msi (Patch 1) (Or other translated language) 2. The patch that is currently applied will appear under the selected item. DM 5.1 Patch Rollback The benefit of using the . 4. if you remove Patch 6. 4.3.1 Suite Patch 2. This MSI is provided with Suite Patch 6 for convenience and is required to be run on any English DM Web Server that is currently at DM 5.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 26 .1 Patch 1 installation and setup programs remain unchanged. Run the DM WebServer Installer Update.1 (without Patch 1). If upgrading from an initial DM 5.3.3. you will need to select the Show Updates check box on the window dialog.3.1 Web Server Multilingual Patch 6.exe 3.3.msp type of patch installation is that you can easily remove eDOCS DM 5.4 eDOCS DM 5. the original eDOCS DM 5.0 or eDOCS DM 5.1 Web Server that has already been upgraded to Patch 3 or greater. running Library Generator is NOT required.3.1 French Web Server. Apply the eDOCS DM 5.1 Web Server Patch 1 or installing a new Web Server 1.1 Suite Patch 2 Web Server MSI In order to support Microsoft Window Server 2012 and Internet Information Server (IIS) Patch 1. Installs the eDOCS DM 5.5.2 Running Library Generator If you are upgrading from DM 5. 5. you must run Library Generator on all DM Libraries.1 Patch 1 or later. 4.1.1 Web Server Multilingual Patch 6.3.msp OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.0.3 eDOCS DM 5.3. NET 3. OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.5 Features . and specify the following variables: Request Path: *.5 ASP ASP.5 Special Configuration for Windows 2012 In order to successfully install and run DM Web Server on a Windows Server 2012 R2 machine.NET Framework 4. To do this. Add Script Mapping.5 Features . 2.NET Framework 4.5 (includes .NET Framework 4.5 COM+ Network Access Web Server (IIS) support Web Server (IIS) Web Server Application Development .NET 2.1 HTTP 404. the following feature and roles need to be installed.4.0 and . You can install them using Server Manager>Add Roles and Features Wizard.5.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 27 .5 ASP.NET Extensibility 3.dll Name: ASPClassic (or any name you like) 3.NET Framework 3.0) . Restart IIS.3 Error If you encounter an HTTP 404.NET 4.5 ISAPI Extensions Server Side includes Features: .3.asp Executable: %windir%\syswow64\inetsrv\asp. Server Roles: Application Server . go to IIS Manager>Sites>Default Web Site>CyberDOCS>Handler Mappings. you need to manually add the handler mapping for ASP.NET Framework 3.5 . 1.NET 3.5 4.3 error.NET Extensibility 4. 3. If Office 2010 is already installed on the computer. You must install . the VSTO Runtime must be installed on the Server. 4.NET Programmability” When installing Microsoft Office 2010 you will need to expand the options for the individual modules (Word.9 Microsoft Office 2010 “.microsoft.4.NET Framework 4.com/downloads/details.3.com/en-us/download/details. To install.7 Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime The Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime must be installed on all client machines running Office 2010 without SP1.5 on both the client and server machines.microsoft. To install.aspx?familyid=59DAEBAA-BED4-4282-A28C- B864D8BFA513&displaylang=en 4. please download the redistributable PIA’s from the Microsoft Download Center.msi file. For DM 5. go to the Control Panel. Select the sub-item “. the patch is delivered as a *. 4.1 Suite Patch 6 through the user interface is similar to installing eDOCS DM 5.1 Patch 1 and later. http://www. OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.1 Extensions and later.5 is a prerequisite for all products. then select Office 2010>Change.5 The . 4. The download is located here: http://www.msp file. Instead of being delivered as a *.3.8 Microsoft Office 2007 PIAs The Office 2007 Primary Interop Assemblies (PIA) are a prerequisite for the Application Integration with DM 5. Application Integration requires that the Office 2010 Primary Interop Assemblies be installed on the user’s desktop for the DM integration to work.1 Patch 1.NET Programmability Support” for the installed Office applications.NET Framework 4.3. select Program and Features. etc…) and check to see if the sub-item “.10 User Interface Installation Instructions Installing eDOCS DM 5. please download the Framework from the Microsoft Download Center. Excel.3.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 28 .aspx?id=20479 Note: If running eDOCS DM in a Citrix environment and installing DM Explorer Extensions on a Windows 2008 R2 server.NET Programmability Support” is set to “Run from My Computer” for the install.6 Microsoft .NET Framework 4. depending on which component is being applied. To apply the patch. the Windows Installer Shell dialog box will appear with the option to Change. Type the following command-line parameter: Msiexec –p “eDOCS DM 5. 2.1 Patch 6. with or without the progress bar. type the following: Msiexec –p “eDOCS DM 5. refer to the Champion Toolkit document "eDOCS DM 5. If you want the installation progress bar to appear.log 4.3.3.msp). type cmd.1 Extensions (x86) Patch 6. In addition. click Repair.1 Suite Patch 6. the eDOCS DM Server 5.3.3. 2.1 Extensions (x86) Patch 6.msp” –l filename. type the following: Msiexec –p “eDOCS DM 5.msp” –qb Note: The above file names are examples and should be replaced by the actual file name. OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.1 MSI Silent Install Samples" located here. For more information about eDOCS DM 5. or Remove. Repair. If you want to include logging. 4.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 29 . To install Suite Patch 6 through a command-line procedure: 1.3. From Window’s Run dialog box.msp” 3.1 Extensions (x86) Patch 6.1 and the Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI).msp file. Double-click the eDOCS DM 5. If you double-click the *.msp file for the component you want to install (for example. you can have a log file generated through the command-line procedure. Complete the installation.11 Command Line Installation Instructions You can install Suite Patch 6 through a command-line procedure.3.3.To install the patch through the user interface: 1.3. 3.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 30 .OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5. Microsoft Hyper-V and Citrix XenServer. we recommend a dedicated server-class machine with a minimum of 2GB of RAM.1 DM Server Processor Windows Server 2003 SP2 with Xeon processor 1. 5. support a set of certified operating systems and hardware.2008 R2.1 Patch 6 release. 2012 in Compatibility Mode (80) or SQL-92 standard (mode 90 &100) Oracle 10g R2 Oracle 11g R2 1 For Optimal SQL server performance. OpenText does not explicitly support the virtualization application since it operates as a hardware abstraction layer. The virtualization applications." not specific hardware configurations. irrespective of whether they are running in a virtual environment or not.1. OpenText supports "operating systems.5 Supported Environments and Compatibility The following tables list the supported environments for the eDOCS DM 5.1 Server Machines 5.9 Ghz or greater Windows Server 2008 R2 minimum 1. 2 OpenText will support customers who run DM products on supported operating systems. such as VMware.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 31 .3.3.4 GHz (x64 processor) or better Memory 2 GB or greater (1 GB minimum) 1 Operating System Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Server – 64 Bit Microsoft Windows 2012 Server – 64 Bit Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 Server – 64 Bit Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP2 (32 bit) Microsoft Terminal Server DM Server as a Virtual Machine 2 Databases Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008. and the customer and the virtualization vendor will be responsible for any interactions or issues that arise at the hardware or operating system layer as a OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.4 GHz (x64 processor) or better Windows Server 2012 R2 minimum 1. Accordingly. While DM products are expected to function properly in virtual environments.2 Document Server Operating System Novell Netware 6. 2008 Server R2 Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Microsoft Windows 2000 Server EMC Centera OpenText Enterprise Library (Read-Only) OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 32 . which can have significant impact on performance and scalability. particularly under peak load.1. OpenText does reserve the right to request our customers to diagnose certain issues in a native certified operating system environment without the virtual environment.5 Microsoft Windows 2012 Server. however. 2012 Server R2 Microsoft Windows 2008 Server. Analysis must be performed within the context of the specific application to be hosted in a virtual environment to minimize potential resource contention. which can invalidate DM's typical sizing and recommendations. OpenText will not require customers to recreate and troubleshoot every issue in a non-virtual environment.result of their use of virtualization software. OpenText will only make this request when there is reason to believe that the virtual environment is a contributing factor to the issue.3. 5. there might be performance implications. Memory 1GB or greater (recommended) Operating System Microsoft Windows 8.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 33 .1 – 64 bit version Microsoft Windows 8. Min 2GB with Vista or 7. 2GB of RAM with Win XP.3 DM Web Server Processor Windows Server 2003 SP2 with Xeon processor 1.1. Recommended: Any dual core processor (x86 or x64) running 2GHz or higher.8GHz.4 GHz (x64 processor) or better Windows Server 2012 minimum GHz (x64 processor) or better Memory 2 GB or greater (1 GB minimum) Operating System Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Server – 64 Bit Microsoft Windows 2012 Server – 64 Bit Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 Server – 64 Bit Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP2 (32 bit) Microsoft Windows Terminal Server Web Server Internet Information Server (IIS) 6.1 – 32 bit version Microsoft Windows 8 – 64 bit version Microsoft Windows 8 – 32 bit version Microsoft Windows 7 – 64 bit version Microsoft Windows 7 – 32 bit version Microsoft Vista (SP2) (32 bit) VMWare Workstation 2 Citrix XenAppServer Citirx XenDesktop Web Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 and 11 Mozilla Firefox 31 Apple Safari 5 OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5. 4GB with Vista or 7.2 DM User Workstations Processor Minimum: Pentium 4 – 1.0 or 8.7. 1GB RAM with Win XP.3.0 Client Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 and 11 Mozilla Firefox 31 Apple Safari 5 5.9 Ghz or greater Windows Server 2008 R2 minimum 1. 2013 (32 and 64 bit). 2010 (32 and 64 bit). 2013 (32 and 64 bit). The OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.3 Supported Applications 5.8 3Although Microsoft Office 2003 is listed as a supported application for DM 5.2007.7 and Millennium Edition 9.1 Patch 6.3.8 Lotus Word Pro 9. 2013 (32 and 64 bit). 5. 2013/365 subscription with the desktop clients (32 and 64 bit) Adobe Reader and Acrobat (Interceptor) X4.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 34 .2 OpenText will support customers who run DM products on supported operating systems. 2013/365 subscription with the desktop clients (32 and 64 bit) Microsoft Project 2003 3 .3. XI4 Freedom Scientific JAWS 15 Dragon Naturally Speaking 10.1 and 12 Corel Presentations X3 and X5 Corel Quattro Pro X3 and X5 Corel WordPerfect X3 and X5 Lotus 1-2-3 9.3. we have performed minimal testing with Microsoft Office 2003 and determined that integration is possible.2007. 2013/365 subscription with the desktop clients (32 and 64 bit) Microsoft Visio 2003 3 .2007.7 and Millennium Edition 9. 2013/365 subscription with the desktop clients (32 and 64 bit) Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 3 .2007.3.2007. 2010 (32 and 64 bit).1 Integrated Applications The following table lists the applications supported with eDOCS DM 5. 2010 (32 and 64 bit). 2010 (32 and 64 bit).1 Suite Patch 6: Microsoft Word 2003 3 . 2010 (32 and 64 bit). 2013/365 subscription with the desktop clients (32 and 64 bit) Microsoft Excel 2003 3 . 2013 (32 and 64 bit). XI4 Adobe Reader and Acrobat (Passive) X4. irrespective of whether they are running in a virtual environment or not. 2013 (32 and 64 bit). is supported only in the Notes Basic client. 8. The Notes Eclipse client supports the small footprint email integration that does not support Drag and Drop.3. X. 2013/365 subscription with the desktop clients (32 and 64 bit) Lotus Notes 5 7. and XI. Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat version X and XI are supported using Passive Integration. The new Unicode feature in DM 5. 2010 (32 and 64 bit).1 Patch 6.5.0. 5. 5 The DM Extension for Lotus Notes.0.3 Novell GroupWise 7.1 is not available with Office 2003 in the environment and you will be required to upgrade to a more current version of Microsoft Office to enable the Unicode feature.2007.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 35 .new Unicode feature in DM 5.1 Suite Patch 4. 4As of eDOCS DDM 5. OpenText encourages customers to upgrade to Microsoft Office 2010.2 Email Applications Microsoft Outlook 2003 3 .3. OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.1 is not available with Office 2003 in the environment and you will be required to upgrade to a more current version of Microsoft Office to enable the Unicode feature. 2013 (32 and 64 bit). we will continue to accept support cases from customers using DM 5.3. we have performed minimal testing with Microsoft Office 2003 and determined that integration is possible.1 Patch 6 with Microsoft Office 2003.0. which provides Drag and Drop from the user’s inbox to the DM Node in the left hand pane tree view.3. however. 8. if that is not possible. Integration using the DM Interceptor module is still available for 9.0 3 Although Microsoft Office 2003 is listed as a supported application for DM 5. 3. A list of fixed issues is also available by clicking the following link: https://knowledge.4.3.dll/open/12678460.1.1.5 OpenText Records Management for eDOCS Enterprise Library Services 10.dll/open/11568658 OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.5 OpenText Enterprise Process Services for eDOCS Version 2.0 R3.opentext.7.10.3 Wireless DMS for eDOCS Version 2.7.1 Suite Patch 6” from https://knowledge. You will also need to clear the check box for All Products and select the DM RM check box for your search.0 6 Fixed Issues You can find the issues that have been resolved in this release by searching the Open Text Knowledge Base for “5.0 OpenText Tempo Box for eDOCS Version 1.1.1 OpenText Archiving for eDOCS Enterprise Library Services 10.2.1 Suite Patch 6” or “This issue is resolved in DM 5.2.5 OpenText Email Archiving for Microsoft Exchange Version eDOCS Integration for SharePoint Version 5.opentext.com/knowledge/llisapi.0 OpenText MBPM Integration for eDOCS Version 1.3.3 Open Text Supported Products OpenText Email Filing Version 4.3.5.R4 eDOCS Integration for Autodesk AutoCAD Version 1.1. 10.2.3.com/knowledge/llisapi.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 36 . 10. 7 Known Issues This section provides information about known issues in this release.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 37 .3. Issue Name Issue Description DM Server Web Services The DM Server Web Services API requires that the user supply Auto Login credentials from custom applications that use this integration method due to the changes that were required to address the DM Security Vulnerability Update (DM-32057).1 Patch 6 includes a 64 bit Interceptor version to 64 bit application support integrate 64 bit applications with DM.3. TYPE ( DM-34139) The DM client raises the standard error: Document Type: Control has invalid lookup data Content Suite10.ppa The missing file is available here on the Knowledge Center OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.3. The Interceptor 32 bit version still needs to be used to intercept 32 bit applications. DM Designer – Custom If you add a custom filter to the "DOCUMENT TYPE" lookup to Filter is ignored when remove a specific Document Type from the list like “Folder” and then dragging to a folder and use the custom form in the DM Extensions and you manually type the inheriting DOCUMENT value "FOLDER" it is not accepted in the DOCUMENTTYPE Field. This issue does not occur with a Microsoft SQL database this issue Unable to make only occurs with an Oracle database for the DM Library. macro DMIntegration_2010. document server operating system is “OTRM for eDOCS using EL / OTDS” DM-33126 DM Extensions MSI for The integration file is missing from the DM 5.1 Patch 1 master Microsoft Office. DM Interceptor 32 bit and The eDOCS DM 5.5 . documents read-only when the read-only We are still investigating the issue for an Oracle environment. The 64 bit version only intercepts 64 bit applications. the installer. m is not installed for https://knowledge. This issue is only observed with Windows 8 and Windows 8. Potential memory leak A potential memory leak has been found within .1 Operating Systems and client machines with an I7 processor. Files may be uploaded to the repository. An upgrade to . resulting in a 28459) zero byte file.Net 4.Net Framework 4.0 which.NET Framework 4. DM Imaging Does Not If an Imaging document has any double-byte characters in the Support Unicode (DM.dll?func=ll&objId=4943 PowerPoint. The .1. The title bar may not show the double-byte character.opentext.NET Framework 4. the log file will not be created. Client Deployment Utility Steps to Reproduce: OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 38 .com/knowledge/cs. After typing 2 or 3 characters. Using Office 2003 with double-byte characters is not supported in Microsoft Office 2003 eDOCS DM 5.3.0 with .5 on all DM servers where the operating system permits will resolve the issue. document name.3. but are not limited to: Documents may become unmanaged. the text may not (DM-32269) appear for a few seconds. the file is never uploaded on a Save.5 is not supported on Windows Server 2003 and if you are experiencing this issue in your environment the recommendation is to upgrade to a version of Windows Server which supports the . 4424&objAction=ArticleView&viewType=1 Possible delay while A potential delay up to 2 seconds may be observed when typing text typing text on search form into a search form. affects the DOCSFusion process. Does Not Support Unicode (DM-28320) Some issues that may occur.5. Outlook Logging Does Not When enabling Outlook Logging in the Client Deployment Utility Work when Enabled in the (CDU).NET Framework 4. in turn. 1) Launch the CDU. 9) The log file does not exist. for Outlook 2010 (DM.3. such as N.3. c:\DMLogs). 4) Select the Log check box.e. two windows will be presented: Reboot Required Prior to Running the Configuration OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.x to eDOCS DM 5. 3) From the Module drop-down select DM Outlook Addin. eg ‘C:\DMLogs\Outlook. 6) Launch Outlook 2010. the Value on the Profile Form Is Displayed Enter an uppercase letter. 0xFFFFFFFF) For 32-bit operating systems. after importing the document the profile form Full Text Indexing value is When Full Text Indexing displaying as "n" instead of No Indexing.y. 8) Review the log directory (i. 28462) 2) Select Logging Options. Y. As an example. Workaround: In the registry.3.log’) LogMask (dword32. and setting the Full Text Searching field value as "n".1 Patch 1. or P (No Indexing. Full Text as the Lowercase Value Instead of the Actual Indexing. at the end of the Reboot Required install. when upgrading the DM Server from Windows 2003 Server eDOCS DM 5.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 39 . 5) Close the CDU and save. manually add the following (Windows 7 64-bit is used in this example) HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Hummingbird\PowerDOCS\Outlo ok Client LogFile (string. this should be in same place minus the ‘wow6432node’ portion. 7) Log on to DM.p). or Profile Indexing). while creating an import set in the Document Import Document Import Utility Utility. Value (DM-28988) On Windows 2003 Servers. Value Is Set in an Import Set to a Lowercase Value Workaround: (n. 2. Go to DM Workflow Agent tab and click Start. Attempting to start the DM Workflow Agent from the Workflow Admin DM Workflow Agent will Tool will cause an error when running on a Windows 2012 machine." Workaround: Use the Admin Tools on the DM Server for administering DM. the install fails Install on a Client and returns the following error: Workstation on a Translated Version of DM "The Windows Installer service could not install the upgrade because (DM-30196) the program to be upgraded may be missing.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 40 . Wizard on Windows 2003 1. or the upgrade because another version of the update program. When attempting to apply the patch.DM Server Configuration Wizard The Windows 2003 DM Server needs to be rebooted before the Configuration Wizard can be run.msi is unable to run on any translated DM DM Admin Tools Fail to Admin Tool client. After the reboot. DM Admin Tool Patch 2. Resolution: This issue has been resolved in the eDOCS DM 10 version.Reboot required Servers (DM-29066) 2. Log in to DM Workflow Admin Tool. DM Server Configuration Wizard can be run from Start>Programs. Note: Running the DM Server Configuration Wizard before the reboot on a Windows 2003 Server could result in lost Indexes. Verify that the program for the upgrade on the computer and whether you have the correct upgrade patch.3. Not Start on Windows 2012 (DM-29709) Steps to Reproduce: 1. Error: "Cannot open DM WorkFlow Agent service" Workaround: OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5. Go to Services and start the OpenText eDOCS DM Workflow Routing Agent service manually.3.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 41 . OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5. 1 New Features in DM 5.1 (Past Patches) 8.1. use the following settings: <ProfileSelectComboVisible>True</ProfileSelectComboVisible> <ProfileFormComboEnabled>False</ProfileFormComboEnabled> When editing existing Profiles.2 Support for Microsoft Office 2010 (64 bit) Integration with Microsoft Office 2010 (64-bit version) Word. Release. a new DM API 64-bit client standalone MSI is now available.3.1.1 release now includes support for Unicode columns for the PROFILE table. included the following new features. 8.3. 8. Microsoft SQL Server 2012 is a supported database environment.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 42 . if you want the user to see the Profile Form selection.3.3. eDOCS DM Edition. 8. if you want the user to see the Profile Form selection. 8.5 New MSI for the DM Admin Tools eDOCS DM 5.1. your DM Administrator can use the Unicode Column Converter to convert the desired String columns from the PROFILE table to NVarChar for Unicode support.1 now includes a separate MSI for the DM Admin Tools so administrators can install the tools on any server or workstation. use the following settings: OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5. Excel.7 New Save User Interface Profile Form Selection Options When saving new documents. Project and Visio and Outlook are included with the eDOCS DM 5. but not be able to edit it.1 Patch 1 Version 5.3 DM API (64 bit) In eDOCS DM 5.8 What’s New in eDOCS DM 5.1. 8. Once your environment is all DM 5.1 Unicode Support The eDOCS DM 5. PowerPoint.1.1.4 Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Support In eDOCS DM 5.1 before this feature is enabled. 8. 8.3.1 Patch 1 OpenText Document Management.3.1.6 64 Bit DM Viewer for Windows 7 64 bit machines A 64-bit DM Viewer is now installed on Windows 7 64-bit workstations.3.3.3. This allows custom 64 bit applications to use a 64 bit API to integrate with the DM Server.3.3. but not be able to edit it. This feature requires that the DM Server and all the DM Extensions clients be version 5. 3.1 Patch 3 OpenText Document Management.2.1 Windows 8 Desktop Support The eDOCS DM 5.3. when you open it within the DM Extensions. DM Interceptor. Internet Explorer 10 is supported with the DM 5.1. similar to the Windows 7 user experience.1 Suite Patch 2 release now includes support for Windows 8 with the Desktop tile and includes the DM Extensions for Windows Explorer. anywhere access to eDOCS DM for Microsoft customers with an easy to use tile application designed from the ground up for the new tiled interface of Windows 8 and Windows RT.1 Patch 2 Version 5.3. It fully utilizes Windows touch-enabled actions to provide a consistent user experience whether interacting with eDOCS DM content from a Windows 8 desktop or on the road from a Windows RT-powered tablet. you can now open an attachment to an eDOCS DM document with the attachment's launch method. included the following new feature. For example. rather than using the attachment's parent launch method. if you perform a Compare operation on a Microsoft Word document and save the results as a PDF file (as an attachment to the Word document). OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5. DM Web Server and Document store. eDOCS DM Edition. Office suite integrations for authoring applications. 8.<ProfileSelectComboVisibleOnShow>True</ProfileSelectComboVisibleOnShow> <ProfileFormComboEnabledOnShow>False</ProfileFormComboEnabledOnShow> 8. included the following new Platforms. 8. the attachment opens in Adobe Acrobat instead of Word.1 help files are now Windows CHM compiled HTML files and no longer require that the WinHelp program be installed on the Windows Desktop. DM Indexer. 8.2.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 43 .1 eDOCS DM App The eDOCS DM app supports anytime. eDOCS DM Edition.3.3. New Features in DM 5.3. 8.8 New Help Files for DM Extensions The DM Extensions 5.1 Patch 2 Webtop.9 Document Attachments Open with Launch Method for the Attachment Type Rather than the Parent Launch Method As of eDOCS DM 5.1 Patch 2 OpenText Document Management.2 Windows Server 2012 The eDOCS DM 5.1 Patch 3 Version 5.1 Patch 1. New Features in DM 5.3.1 Suite Patch 2 release now includes support for Windows Server 2012 for the DM Server. Interceptor Integration will continue to be supported for those customers that choose that method.0\Acrobat\plug_ins To achieve successful integration with Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader with eDOCS DM 5. Note: The installation of Passive Integration for Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader is a manual process and is not part of the Suite Patch 4 MSP’s for eDOCS DM Explorer Extensions. included the following new feature.com/windows/en-us/app/opentext-edocs-dm-app/ff224079-0aef-402e-a6f4- d43c092bc751/m/ROW 8.The eDOCS DM app lets you: • Access your eDOCS DM content from Windows 8 desktops or Windows RT powered tablets. eDOCS DM Edition.3. OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.3.0\Acrobat\plug_ins Adobe Acrobat 11: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 11.3. Passive Integration will be offered for Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader.3.1 Patch 4 OpenText Document Management.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 44 .4 New Features in DM 5. You will need to manually add the eDOCSAcrobat.0\Reader\plug_ins Adobe Acrobat 10: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.api file to the Adobe directory. the following launch method settings need to be configured. which are also available in the eDOCS DM Administration Guide. Locations for each supported version are listed below: Adobe Reader 10: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.1 Patch 4 Version 5.1 Adobe Acrobat Integration As of eDOCS DM Suite Patch 4.4. The files for Passive Integration can be found on the Knowledge Center here. • Easily browse your Recently Edited Documents • View and download these • Search for content in the DM repository • Browse DM Folders • Includes Context Sensitive appbar actions The eDOCS DM app can be downloaded from the Microsoft App Store at this location: http://apps. 8.microsoft.0\Reader\plug_ins Adobe Reader 11: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.api/eDOCSReader.1 Patch 4. bShowWelcomeScreen in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Adobe (product name) (version)\FeatureLockDown\cWelcomeScreen\bShowWelcomeScreen.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 45 . Topic Name: Command: Command (not running): Print DDE Settings Application Name: AIM Topic Name: AcroExch. and then clear the Enable Protected Mode at startup check box.Document Command: Print Command (not running): Print Note: You must disable the Acrobat splash screen (which shows recently edited documents) by creating the cWelcomeScreen registry key and a new DWORD value. otherwise. Set the bShowWelcomeScreen value to 0. native dialogs will appear instead of eDOCS DM dialogs. OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5. To disable Protected View: In Acrobat Pro 11.1. select Edit>Preferences>Security (Enhanced).3.4. In Acrobat Reader 11. 8. and then set Protected View to Off. Application ID: ACROBAT Command Line Parameter: %FULLPATH Integration Type: Full Integration Open DDE Settings Application Name: The Open DDE Settings should be left blank. select Edit>Preferences>Security (Enhanced).1 Disabling Protected View You must disable the Protected View feature in Acrobat. Important Microsoft SQL Server 2005 does NOT support this multi SQL insert capability introduced in Suite Patch 4 and needs to be disabled. In Acrobat Reader 10. 8.4. To disable the multi insert mode set this value equal to 0. in return providing better performance. In Acrobat Pro 10. This value is active by default (even when the key is absent). and then set Protected View to Off. OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5. select Edit>Preferences>General.3. and then clear the Enable Protected Mode at startup check box. This change will reduce the number of insert statements being made.2 Search Enhancement (Not available with MS SQL 2005) With eDOCS DM 5. To disable this feature the following DWORD value needs to be added to the registry on all DM Servers in the environment: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Hummingbird\Docsf usion\NoForInsertMultiples=0 Details about the NoForInsertMultiples key: NoForInsertMultiples (DWORD) This number defines the default behavior for how we handle Full Text searching when inserting temporary rows into the FULLTEXT_JOIN table. will use batch SQL INSERT statements – and the value indicates the size of the INSERT batch This value indicates the size of the batch inserts (max. The default value is 1000.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 46 .1 Suite Patch 4 content searches have been optimized to reduce the number of SQL calls made to return a result set. 1000 – anything higher than 1000 will use 1000). select Edit>Preferences>Security (Enhanced).3. Value = 0 – indicates that all full text joining records will NOT use batching of INSERT commands Value > 0 – indicates that full text joining. in Dynamic Views DM Extensions you can hide Document Types on a user by user basis. When using a multi-value column. support for the use of multi-value fields with OpenText Records Management for eDOCS (OTRM) is available. the ability to hide Document Types for a group is now available and supported.1 Suite Patch 5.3.3. included the following new feature.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 47 .2 Ability to Hide Document Type in Dynamic Views for Groups and Not Only Users Prior to eDOCS DM 5.0 Installation and Configuration Guide: https://knowledge.3.5 New Features in DM 5.xml file.1 Patch 5 Version 5.1 Suite Patch 5. As of eDOCS DM 5.5. For more information on the configuration of the application-metadata.opentext. the data will be stored as a string in Content Server rather than multi-value fields.1 Suite Patch 5. please refer to the Open Text Records Management Integration with eDOCS DM Version 1.dll/open/20452288 8.5. NOTE: Manual manipulation of the eDOCS DM Database is required to use this new feature. This column needs to be added to the SQL query stored in the <eDOCSSQL> tag.1 Multi-Value Field Support for OTRM As of eDOCS DM 5.xml file needs to be edited to take advantage of the new feature in Suite Patch 5.xml file to reference the multi-value data which specifies the NEW MultiValue=true attribute which must be set to true as below: For example: <propertyType Name="authors" MappedValue="[AUTHOR_LINK]" DataType="string" MaxLength="30" Searchable="true" MultiValue="true" /> If the multi-value attribute is missing from the application-metadata.3. the PERSONORGROUP column which currently holds the ID of the user that the Document Type is hidden for needs to be updated with the ID of the group that will now have the Document Type hidden.com/knowledge/cs.8. Please contact Customer Support for additional details OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5. In the eDOCS DM Database.3.1 Patch 5 OpenText Document Management.xml file. eDOCS DM Edition. in the Subscriptions table. eDOCS DM stores the multi-value data as a semi-colon delimited field on the Profile table. A <PropertyType> must also be added to the . 8. the application- metadata.3. 3.8. OpenText eDOCS DM Version 5.6.1 Suite Patch 5 release now includes support for Windows 8.3.3. similar to the Windows 7 user experience. Office suite integrations for authoring applications.1 Patch 5 Webtop.1 Windows 8. Internet Explorer 11 is supported with the DM 5. DM Interceptor.1 Desktop Support The eDOCS DM 5. 8.1 Suite Patch 5 of OpenText Document Management DM Edition includes support for the following new platforms.6 New Platform Support Version 5.3.1 with the Desktop tile and includes the DM Extensions for Windows Explorer.1 Suite Patch 6 Release Notes 48 . 49 .com Copyright ©2013 Open Text Corporation. OpenText is a trademark or registered trademark of Open Text SA and/or Open Text ULC. registered trademarks.com For more information. N2L 0A1 Email:
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. Ontario Canada. brands and service names mentioned herein are property of Open Text SA or other respective owners. company names. product names. The list of trademarks is not exhaustive of other trademarks. Visit online.opentext.9 Contact Information OpenText Corporation 275 Frank Tompa Drive Waterloo.com. visit www.com Knowledge Center: https://knowledge.
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