Opening of a Loan Account

March 25, 2018 | Author: anilvaddi | Category: Financial Transaction, Loans, Debits And Credits, Debit Card, Interest



OPENING OF A TERM LOAN ( NON SUBSIDY AND SUBSIDY ) / DEMAND LOAN ACCOUNT In finacle all type of loan andadvances are handled under the scheme type : o ALAA For Term Loan and Demand Loan o BCCA For Cash Credit Acounts o CODA For Over Draft Accounts Again above scheme type are hard coded and Various scheme codes are maintained under these scheme type’s. Account opening for a loan account is similar to any other customer account saving or current account. The difference is some additional information are to be filled in the loan account . These additional information enables user to control and monitor the loan account in a better way. Some important additional information which are incorporated in the loan account given below. Invoke menu option OAAC 1- Function : A To add new record. 2- Sub option : abcdefghiG S V I E D M U H General Details Scheme Details M I S Details Interest details Repayment details Disbursement details Message Management Un computerized Detail Limit history Details Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Optional Optional Mandatory Users Tenor : A- Free : If users has free tenor , he can open an account across the sol and transact across the sol also. B- Captive : If users has captive tenor , he can open an account to which sol he belongs. Verification of the account should be done using menu OAACAU. GENERAL DETAILS – SUB OPTION “G” - MANDATORY Many of the information is default populated based on scheme parameter set up and the customer master. Mode of operation: This is MANDATORY & only an information field. This is displayed in TM Screen. Based on the value set up here and displayed during Transactions in TM the user can take appropriate procedural steps. Account Mgr: This is the user ID created using UPM menu. If any value is mentioned here, it means that this account is looked after by that particular person. Many operations can be done based on this value like interest calculation, statement printing, inquiries etc. Some important fields : 1. Customer preferential interest rates both debit and credit would be default populated if it is mentioned at customer level and the parameter is set at scheme for default population. The values can be over-ridden by the user. 2. ‘Account Preferential’ is another field through which the users can specify special rates of interest to the account. 3. Interest credit flag, Interest debit flag, Interest debit account, Interest credit MISCELLANEOUS CODES – SUB OPTON “V” .MANDATORY The user must enter various codes for generation of accurate MIS here. If the interest rate is fixed during the entire tenor of the account then value should be set as “Y” for the field “Account pegged?” 6.“E”The system recovers what is available in the operative account. Interest table code is a mandatory field and must be changed from ZERO to applicable rate code. e. User has to enter the number of installments to arrive at the installment amount . The system validates for this value also based on the scheme level set up and appropriate exception would be raised. The system validates whether the amount indicated here is within the range mentioned at product level.MANDATORY The user can set up a repayment schedule for the loan sanctioned using this sub option. ‘Intt. REPAYMENT SCHEDULE – SUB OPTON “E” . Becomes due after a particular period.“N” – Then no recovery would be done.. No validations are done based on any of those fields. then the user can enter value for the fields “Pegging review date” and “Pegging Frequency(Mnths/Days) /” 7. Fields on the next Screen relate to various information relating to the account with regard to Refinance. C. Tax details are not applicable for Loan Accounts. Value set for the field “Repayment Method” will decide how repayment will be made. system populates the EI amount based on the number of installments indicated and the user can over ride it. 2. where Intt.MANDATORY The system by default populate most of the values based on the set up done at scheme level. Else an exception would be raised based on the set up. Loan amount is the amount of loan sanctioned. Subsidy etc. An exception is also associated with this for doing necessary validations 2. SCHEME DETAILS – SUB OPTION “S” – MANDATORY 1. If the account is opened under equated installment scheme then the system default populates the flow id based on the set up done at scheme level. Education Loan etc. If the value is set as “Y” for the above field. If the value is set as “Y” for the field “Hold In Operative A/c For Amount Due?” then the user can run LALIEN menu and mark lien on the operative account to the extent of ‘demand’ in the loan account 4. 5. The user can over ride these information. Once the account is opened. 5. If it is equated installment. then the user has to enter additional information in sub option “U” – uncomputerised details.account are not applicable in this case. If the value is set to either “P” – Post dated cheques or “D” – Electronic clearing. If the value is set as A. 3. If the value is set as “Y” for field “Transfer in A/c”. Flow ID field can have value which is of Equated installment demand. B. then the user can get a report on such accounts and all further processes is procedural. INTEREST DETAILS – SUB OPTION “I” .“T” – The system creates a TOD and recovers the entire dues from the operative account. then all these information will be the property of the account and system will not look into the scheme level any further for future processing on the account.g. Start date of the installment should always be greater than the account open date 3. Principal demand or Interest demand type. 4. Loan period is the tenor of the loan. Demand Effective Date’ should be entered in case of such Loan Accounts. Staff Loans on Simple Intt. These flow IDs are created using flow code maintenance. 1. and “amount”.OPTIONAL The user can optionally have a disbursement schedule and monitor the disbursement. By default once the user enters the details in the limits screen and <accept> he would be taken to the drawing power details screen. Normally these information are captured in case of accounts which are transferred from another branch or when migration is done from one application to another application or from the manual system to computerised system. the user enters the message directly into the text field. Note: Please note that visit of sub option “H” is not mandatory during account opening. The other two fields in the function block are not applicable for this scheme type. The user cannot indicate a date which is earlier to expiry date. system by default populates various values that are available and puts into appropriate fields. If the user does not visit this sub option. However. If the user is coming in modify mode. margin cannot be collected from the borrower through this sub-option. UNCOMPUTERISED DETAILS – SUB OPTION “U” – MANDATORY FOR TRANSFERIN ACCOUNTS This information is required only if the value for the field “Transfer in A/c?” is “Y”. 2. user can enter the values for the field “number of instalments”. In absence of such schedule. ‘credit a/c number’ should not be entered . The drawing power indicator in this case should be mentioned as “E” – equal to sanction limit as other values are not valid for this scheme type. Even then system will not halt the process of account opening. If the transaction type is ‘cash’ . 1. Detailed procedure is given separately. Interest details are not applicable for this scheme type 3. Depending upon the parameter set at product level. Penal interest can be from the date of expiry or beyond the expiry date. MESSAGE MAINTENANCE – SUB OPTION “M” . LIMIT HISTORY DETAILS – SUB OPTION “H” . when the user goes in the modification mode he will be forced to enter those unfilled mandatory information. 1. This information is stored till the account is verified and transactions are put through to the account and demands are uploaded to the system.MANDATORY The user has to enter the details of the limits sanctioned and the drawing power using this sub option. These messages can be in the form of free text or through a coded mode. disbursements may be made in as many installments as required. The user should enter all the relevant data during account opening itself as no further modification is possible once the account is opened. If the user wants to disburse the amount he has to invoke this sub option and furnish information required for creation of transaction. User can enter the messages without the help of codes also.OPTIONAL As a part of account opening. The user can modify this amount if he wants. then the original repayment schedule can be modified. the user can maintain information with regard to the account in the form of messages. There are two different screens to capture the details. This sub option has details regarding limit and the drawing power. The system does a validations if the number of instalments and the tenor of the loan does not match and an exception would be raised. System by default populates the loan amount as sanctioned limit. The system will not populate values for all the mandatory fields. However.4. DISBURSEMENT DETAILS – SUB OPTION “D” . The user can disburse the entire amount or a part of the amount based on his requirement. In such cases. DISBURSEMENT DETAILS – SUB OPTION “D” .OPTIONAL The application provides a feature to disburse the loan amount as a part of the account opening itself. The system validates whenever a disbursement is made whether it is as per the disbursement schedule or not and appropriate exception would be raised if set up is done. The user will be taken to the option block directly. 5. 4.2. In the ACLHM menu option the user has to indicate operation as “S” or “D” depending upon what he is modifying . 6. The menu used for verification is same. This menu has two operations – Modifications to sanction limit and modification to drawing power details. GENERAL INFORMATION The user will have to invoke menu ACM for modification of general information of the account except Limit and Interest details. In order to modify the drawing power details the operation should be “D” in .Modification of the sanction limit will check whether the amount already disbursed will cover the new sanction limit or not. After modifying the required information. if the transaction type is ‘Transfer’. LIMIT DETAIL MAINTENANCE It is possible for the user to modify the loan amount (sanctioned limit) for a loan account also. The changes to the limits should be done through menu ACLHM. 7. 2. On an <accept> from here the user is taken to sub option block from where he can give a <commit>. For further modification / maintenance of the account user has to use the following menu options ACM . INTEREST RELATED CHANGES The user has to invoke a menu INTTM for changing any of the interest related parameters including pegging and preferential interest rates. MODIFICATION OF AN ACCOUNT Once the account is opened and verified the usage of OAAC and OAACAU are over. This modification requires verification by another user. General details with sub option Related party details with sub option Scheme details with sub option MIS codes with sub option Repayment schedule with option Disbursement schedule with option Message maintenance with option “0” “A” “S” “V” “E” “D” “L” Once the user modifies any of the above information the modification needs to be verified. Invoke menu option : ACM Function :M modify record Sub option : 1. 3. Once the user enters all the relevant data. he can do a <commit> from the option block. After modifying the details user has to <accept> to come back to option block from where a final <commit> would be done. Supercede field is not accessible and value will always be “Y”. From there he has to invoke the concerned sub options where changes have been done and visit those information before giving a final <commit>. This modification requires verification and to be done by the other person. then the user has to enter the account number to which the credit should be made. Verification of the account opening will create the necessary transaction as shown above. The verification of any modification is to be done using the same menu option. he can give a <commit>. which has to be noted for verification. In addition SRM record is to be created and verified for every TL/DL Account. The user can modify the limit. The system gives the user the account number. Cursor will be placed in the field “ Rephasement “ schedule block . 1. Points to be noted : Ensure that the total repayment amount is equal to the liability as on the date of rephasement.Enter P .Enter N. The rephasement of the loan has to be done individually for non EI type of loans using the ACM – Account maintenance option. -Adjustment Of Interest rate changed. 2.the first screen of ACLHM menu option. The start date for repayment should be greater than BOD date . The system will not insist for up to date calculation of intt. After verification go in inquire mode and see the different repayment schedules for the account . This modification requires verification also. Explode from that position will show the previous repayment schedule. Rephasement of E I based loan accounts on account of any other reason other than changes in interest rates and / or prepayment . Functionality -Adjustment of Amount / Period : 1. If there are more than 2 repayment schedules go on exploding from one schedule to another schedule till the original repayment schedule is displayed. Rates applicable in the accounts . Correcting the schedule already given. The modification requires verification by another user. This menu option rephase the accounts : where there is a change in the intt.Enter Y – if rescheduling is to be done for interest rate change . then user has to choose option 1 otherwise the user chooses re-schedule option 2. User has to accept from the function block to go to data block. This option is based on ‘Rephasement ?’ Flag of ACM menu option. This should be taken care of to arrive at actual liability before rephasing the loan.Enter A – for changing EI amount and keeping the period same. . The user has to come in modify mode and invoke sub option “E” – Repayment schedule. Make necessary changes and commit.Enter Y – if rescheduling is to be done due to prepayment . where there are prepayments ( Advance recovery ) in the accounts.if there is no interest rate change -Prepayment ( Advance recovery ) 1. Re-schedule loan 2. same procedure should also be followed. the existing procedure of rephasing the account using menu option ACM – E repayment schedule as applicable in Non EI based loans . The system by default shows the latest repayment schedule and the cursor will be in the dummy block of repayment schedule detail. REPHASEMENT OF E I TYPE OF LOAN A/CS Invoke Menu option REPHASEI in modify mode where scheme type is LAA and scheme code is EI type. 1. 2. After modifying the details he can <accept> to go to option block and <commit> modifications. In case of other scenario where rephasement of an EI base account is required .for changing Period and keeping EI amount same. If the Rephasement Flag is ‘Y’. REPHASEMENT OF A LOAN Re-scheduling the loan can be done in two ways. The system will display the information like Loan amount. T for Transfer Disbursement amount : Give the amount to be disbursed . Procedure is given below. Penal and Additional. : The account in which amount is to be credited. Credit a/c no.account closure TRANSACTION’ IN TERM / DEMAND LOAN ACCOUNT : 1. This work flow is simple to use and preferred to be used. The same procedure should also be followed for rephasement of EI based loan accounts on account of any reason other than changes in Interest Rates and / or Prepayment / . The number of repayment schedule that is currently active for the account is displayed. 2. Cursor will go to next block of information .TRANSACTION THROUGH T M IN TERM LOAN / DEMAND LOAN ACCOUNT After opening an account User’s have to put some transaction in the account . Loan Period . -Date range form to : Accounts for which either prepayment or interest rate change happened during the date range entered in these field will be selected for rephasment .demand creation (EMI type of accounts) . The following fields form part of the additional details for Term / Demand Loan account transaction. Press F4 to accept . Subsequent and multiple disbursement can also be handled through this menu.normal interest calculation through the menu option . Hence there is no need of verification .DISBUREMENT THROUGH WORK FLOW FOR LOAN : LADISB A work flow LADISB is given to disburse loan amount . Loan Amount Disbursed and Amount Available for Disbursement in the account. If disbursement is done by LADISB . System calculates interest which are of Normal. Transacton Type :Select Valid value C for cash . ( The overflow amount is the collection ( recovery ) received over Function Account Number Value date . QIS and Stock statement interest are not applicable for Loans scheme type. The system automatically creates the transaction in the account and get the voucher post / verify . Interest calculation is a process which is affected during the following events .account opening to arrive at the EMI rephasement of loan . The Term / Demand loan account number for which transaction is being done is displayed in Loan account Id field.upload of demands . disbursement can be done Either through TM or LADISB menu option . Some important fields are : : D For disbursement : Give a/c Id : Enter the value date for the disbursement being made in the account if any . In Loan accounts . INTEREST CALCULATION ON LOAN ACCOUNTS Interest Calculation depends mainly on the set up done at Scheme Level.otherwise enter N. 2.if there is no prepayment. The over flow amount ( Advance recovery ) if any for the account is shown in the Over flow account field.Enter N . Transactions to the account to be entered through T M . the system populate a second screen where additional detail such as Flow Id is to be entered . Interest and Charges etc. e.Account ID : Give the valid loan account ID 5. Flow Id is mandatory field . which is available in the PR menu option of the person invoking the interest application process. System will take the cursor to Demand type/ fee’s block .U For Un Scheduled payment C.FUNCTION CODE : A. The information regarding the adjustment of such interest can be taken from the interest application report generated by the system on the interest application date.W For Reversal of Maturity Processing 2. interest etc. Amount if there any charged to the account. Note down this number. VALUE DATED TRANSACTION abIf a value dated transaction is put to a Term / Demand Loan account . Press F4 system will take you to next screen . If the value date is such that other demands and collections have already been posted after value date. 4. Excess to LAPAY A/C: Valid values are Y : If excess credit is to be left to the Loan Payment a/c. System will give Transaction Id . All transaction in Term / Demand Loan accounts should be associated with a flow id . 2. Principal .RECOVERY IN TERM LOAN / DEMAND LOAN : A work flow Lapay ( Menu option ) is given for recovery proceeds. In this block system also display’s outstanding principal .- and above the total demand raised in the account till date or the advance recovery if any in the account ) .For Transfer Transaction 3. Enter the valid values i.S For Schedule Payment B. NOTE: While entering the transaction through T M option it is important to give valid Flow Id . the system will check if the value date is later than the date on which the currently active repayment schedule is specified to the account. the entire history of demands and collections is reworked and the data base updated by the system to reflect the correct picture.TRANSACTION TYPE : C – For cash transaction T . Press F4 and Press F10 . The system will also re . N : Else Excess transfer to loan account.Credit Amount : Give the amount 6. Select correct flow id for the transaction being posted.Cr. Invoke : LAPAY 1. cd- CLEARING TRANSACTIONS IN TERM / DEMAND LOAN ACCOUNTS : .calculate the interest in the account during the next interest run date and adjust the excess / less intt. Other wise At the time of post / Verification system will give error message. Press F4 to complete this operation.Value dated : If Transaction is value dated give Value date Press F4.M For Maturity Processing D – R For Reversal E. which can be viewed by invoking the menu option LAOPI . 3. 4. .e.This field can be entered only if the Reversal Flag field is set to ‘ Y’.Ensure that there is no pending transaction for the related account in entered status. In the additional transaction valid Flow Id’s to be given here. The date on which wrong transaction executed. .On entering the required information accept and submit the transaction and get the transaction verified.Then Enter the appropriate particulars in the Particulars field and then enter the field Value date field with the original transaction date (i. .The value in the field REVERSAL FLAG should be ‘Y’ . Get this modification verified.On pressing F4 the system shall calculate the up to date interest and create . . the first is reversal tran id i. Flow ID Particulars ACOLEC For reversing Debit transaction BDISBT For reversing Credit transaction The system identifies a transaction .This field consist of three parts .Now enter the account number and amount of transaction which is to be reversed. 5. Cursor will go to next screen using F6 . Similarly.Now the system will force the user to fill Additional details . and the second is the reversal tran serial number and their third part is the date of original transaction.Debit if the credit entry is to be reversed. And Press F4 to go to next block.In the field type of Part transaction enter D. REVERSAL OF TRANSACTIONS IN TERM / DEMAND LOAN ACCOUNTS For the reversal of a wrong transaction in Term / Demand Loan Account Invoke menu option : T M Function : A – To add the record.e. . And then Enter the account number in the valid field . as a reversal transaction whenever a debit transaction is entered with a flow id ‘ COLEC’ or a credit transaction is entered with flow Id ‘ DISBT ’ and the transaction is value dated with that original transaction.Then enter ‘ O ’ – General details in the option field Press F4 to accept . .Ensure that no Standing instruction is outstanding in the related loan account. . Modify the field ‘ Pay Interest ’ form ‘Y’ to ‘N’ .Then the tran id of transaction to be reversed is to be entered in the REVERSAL TRAN ID field.Modify Pay interest Field Invoke Menu option : ACM – Customer Account Maintenance in modify mode. The option of < List > is available for the transaction id and Explode is available for the reversal date.Ensure that all security attach to the account are deleted through S R M menu and verified also. Enter Sub type : T/ BI Bank induced or T/CI Customer induced. Else C – Credit if debit entry is to be reversed. 2. . .All the clearing transactions in the Term / Demand loan accounts should be routed through Sundries General Account. Any direct credit of a clearing transaction to a Term / Demand loan account and subsequent returning of the cheque will lead to incorrect overdue position in the account. the demand / Collection also get adjusted accordingly. . Procedure for closure of Term Loan / Demand Loan account : Ensure following steps before closure of Term loan / Demand Loan account : 1. . the original tran id that is being reversed.The system will identify this transaction as a reversal transaction and the effective interest amount debited to the account will be adjusted by the system whenever the interest is run in the account. ) and Then Press F4 to accept the transaction. Again Press F4 .When loan account balance is zero once again invoke menu option CAAC.Add To add new record b. 10.verify To verify the record c. System will populate the next screen for . Flow Id for the transaction will remain ‘COLEC’.The system displays a message at the bottom of the screen that the interest calculation is up to date. 13. 14. after interest calculation and post and verify the transaction to the office account through menu option TM and invoke menu option LAXFRINT for transferring the interest liability from office account to the loan account. 11. 6. If interest transaction is in Enter state.On pressing the F2 field ‘ Account number’ the system will display the list of account where verification of closure is pending. NOW’ is default populated as ‘N’ and the field is protected. X. Accounts opened under principal subsidy scheme are to be verified through OAACAU menu option. 15. Select the valid account to be closed by pressing F4.Cancel To cancel record After Entering the valid option Press F4.However interest is being debited to the office account then . PROCEDURE FOR OPENING ACCOUNT: Invoke menu option OLAPS 1. V. Now in the same screen Following field shall populate. This transaction should be posted and verified. Print the interest application report through PR menu option. After entering the scheme code .The interest entry shall be in the entered state if any exceptions are encountered. accept and commit account closure. V – verify function in the field. 2. After ensuring this.After the interest applied to the account through menu option ‘ CAAC’. For the user’s convenience User can list the valid scheme code by pressing F2. Come out of the CAAC menu option. 12. system will display other information . 9. PRINCIPAL SUBSIDY SCHEME This work flow OLAPS facilitates the user’s to open principal subsidy related account. Ensure that field ‘RUNIN. Again User’s must note that this field does not provide the facility of listing the valid code’s by pressing F2.SCHEME CODE : Enter valid scheme code. Enter F4. 7. CALC. enter Account Number and press F4. 8.FUNCTION BLOCK : Valid option’s are a. get it post / verify through TM .CUSTOMER ID : As we have already discussed the procedure for creation of Customer Id in the Customer Master Maintenance chapter.The loan account should be credited by the debit balance amount through menu option TM. A. the system will show the exact liability in the account on the day of closure as the interest transaction is posted and verified.transaction for interest debit and post the same in the account under closure. After listing the scheme code user have to select valid scheme by pressing Ctrl+F4 .Accept the detail and then Commit to verify the account closure process.The account closure is to be verified through ‘CAACAU’ close an account menu option. general detail’s as opened in the OAAC Menu option. Again this account has to be verified by the another user. o Subsidy Agency : Enter the Agency from where Subsidy is received. Enter another field as discussed earlier.“T” – The system creates a TOD and recovers the entire dues from the operative account. 2. After making the entries in the mandatory field’s . System will generate Temporary Account ID. User have to press F10 . If subsidy is not received till the disbursement date . Press Tab and fill the date of claim of subsidy and Subsidy received date. . Else an exception would be raised based on the set up. If the value is set as A.“E”The system recovers what is available in the operative account. 5. Value set for the field “Repayment Method” will decide how repayment will be made. If the value is set to either “P” – Post dated cheques or “D” – Electronic clearing. o Subsidy Amount : Enter the Subsidy amount. The system validates for this value also based on the scheme level set up and appropriate exception would be raised. then the user can get a report on such accounts and all further processes is procedural.“N” – Then no recovery would be done. Remember like other account all verifier must visit all the screen as entered at the time of account opening. Press F4. SCHEME DETAILS – SUB OPTION “S” – MANDATORY 1. system will take cursor’s on the Operative account Id . The system validates whether the amount indicated here is within the range mentioned at product level. Detail guidelines are given in the loan account opening chapter 9. C. 3. System will take you to another SUBOPTION FIELD. Detail guidelines are given in the loan account opening chapter 9. Loan amount is the amount of loan sanctioned. Press F4. On pressing F4 following mandatory fields are to be filled . o Operative account Id: Give valid account Id . Loan period is the tenor of the loan.As we press F4 system take you to next screen where subsidy detail’s is to be entered . If the value is set as “Y” for the field “Hold In Operative A/c For Amount Due?” then the user can run LALIEN menu and mark lien on the operative account to the extent of ‘demand’ in the loan account 4. Press F4. Now user have to enter following mandatory details. User shall note down this ID. B. GSTUIGeneral Details Scheme Details Repayment Details M I S Details Interest Details Detail guidelines are given in the loan account opening chapter 9. Detail guidelines are given in the loan account opening chapter 9. Note : User’s have to attach security as discussed in the security register maintenance chapter 11. There is slight change in operation as the subsidy details fields open’s in addition to other field. 1.Transaction Type : . It’s a mandatory field.Function code : Valid code’s are A. By default this field is populated as BOD date.Function code AVX: TMPS : Valid codes are To Add To add new record To Verify record To cancel Record Give the valid account number of which subsidy it to be reversed on pro rata basis or complete. ELock in amount This field is kept blocked for future use. BSubsidy Agency Enter valid Agency . Enter the valid amount which is to be allowed to the loan account.TRANSACTION IN PRINCIPAL SUBSIDY ACCOUNT : For the maintenance of principal subsidy another work flow TMPS is given . It’s a mandatory field. . After entering the particular’s . Press F4 to accept this entry.Transaction Type : Enter C for crediting Subsidy and D for debiting the account. Press F4 . 1. FSource account Enter the account number from which subsidy is to be received. If after adjustment of subsidy. This work flow provide’s the following function related to subsidy. For reversal of Subsidy . Enter Period in Month. procedure is same .Verify To Verify the entered record3 X-Cancel To Cancel the entry After entering the valid code i. . Invoke menu option 1. 2. It’s a mandatory field. This entry also need verification with the same menu option by another user. User can press F2 for help.Loan Account no. GValue Date If there is any value dated adjustment of subsidy . CSubsidy Received Date Enter the Date on which Subsidy is received. Press F4. DLock in period If there is lock in period for the adjustment of subsidy . This account will automatically be closed.Debit of Principal Subsidy User have to invoke menu option TMPS. Give transaction type D. .Loan account No.e.Add To Add new record B. Enter the Valid date. REVERSAL OF SUBSIDY : For Debiting subsidy account and Reversal of Subsidy to the Loan or else . System will take the cursor on the next screen where following details are to be filled . A for adding a new subsidy record to a loan account. : 3. 2. ASubsidy Amount This is mandatory account . Press F4 .Credit of Principal Subsidy 2. It’s a mandatory field. Enter the valid account ( Only principal subsidy related account) 3. Dealing with the Subsidy. Balance of subsidy account becomes Zero. Enter the RABI / KHARIF If the transaction is value date give the date . G. Method : valid values are . SCKCC –Subvention Claim for Kisan Credit Cards This is a batch job which calculates the subvention claim for the disbursements done up til the batch run date. Remark : Give remark if any. Procedure is given below. If there is any refund amount of subsidy to issuing agency. A.Linked subsidy account : It is default populated. D.D for intermediate adjustment of subsidy. 1. System will generate the transaction Id. reversal and repayment are done by this menu option TMKCC. Else system will pickup the BOD date. 6. Since the Tran Type KCC account no. Again this transaction is to be verified by another user. B. Disbursment.Closure Adjust. Invoke menu option : TMKCC 1Function Code Valid function codes are. Debit : Valid values are . F. E.e. 5.Subsidy Adjustment amount : Give the amount to be adjusted towards loan account. Press F4 . Tran Amount Crop Name Tran Value Date : : : : : : : . This batch would only Report the Subvention Claim to be claimed by the bank for an account. After entering all the mandatory details. 2.Loan account number : It is default populated.System will take you next screen where following fields are to be entered . Note it down and verify the same by another user.C for closure of account . Press F4 to accept changes. 4.C Complete adjustment C. It would not do the Financial Transaction for the claim. -A To Add the record.Loan adjustment amount H. This batch would be enabled to be run in trial mode also. Give the valid amount. Give the account number of Kissan Credit Card.P On pro rata basis . This batch would calculate the Subvention Claim Amount on a date.Subsidy refund account : Give the valid code for subsidy refund.Subsidy refund amount Give the valid amount. If Repayment date is correct then Press F4. Enter the amount of transaction. charge’s collection . -I To inquire the record -V To verify record -X To cancel record 2Tran Nature Valid values are -D For disbursement -C Charge’s collection -R Repayment of Loan -Z Reversal of entry Press F4 . TRANSACTION IN KISSAN CREDIT ACCOUNT : Transaction in kissan credit card i. System will populate following fields. 3. Valid value for C – Cash and T for Transfer.Close or Adj. System will populate Repayment date field . After receiving the corresponding claim from the agency. the batch should be run in normal mode. The suggested process for the same should be as follows : 1. there is no reversal available for the same. Run the Batch in Trial Mode when the Subvention Claim Has to be done. However. a trial run has been enabled which will cater to the reversal requirements. 2. The next batch run will treat these claims as completed. . The claim details can be sent to the Agency.calculation logic of subvention claim is quite complex. This will clearly mark that the subvention claim has actually been done.
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