Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 10.0 - User and Administration Guide

March 26, 2018 | Author: SaiKiran Vaddi | Category: Image Scanner, Hyperlink, Search Engine Indexing, Portable Document Format, Keyboard Shortcut



Open Text Imaging Enterprise ScanUser and Administration Guide Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan is the scan client for scanning, indexing and archiving documents. It features high-quality and highvolume scanning and mass scan scenarios. This manual describes the usage and administration of Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan User and Administration Guide CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Rev.: 2011-Jan-23 This documentation has been created for software version 10.0. It is also valid for subsequent software versions as long as no new document version is shipped with the product or is published at Open Text Corporation 275 Frank Tompa Drive, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 0A1 Tel: +1-519-888-7111 Toll Free Canada/USA: 1-800-499-6544 International: +800-4996-5440 Fax: +1-519-888-0677 Email: [email protected] FTP: For more information, visit Copyright © by Open Text Corporation, Open Text Inc. Open Text Corporation is the owner of the trademarks Open Text, The Content Experts, Open Text ECM Suite, Open Text eDOCS, eDOCS, Open Text FirstClass, FirstClass, Open Text Exceed, Open Text HostExplorer, Open Text Exceed OnDemand, Open Text Exceed 3D, Open Text Exceed Freedom, Open Text Exceed PowerSuite, Open Text Exceed XDK, Open Text NFS Solo, Open Text NFS Client, Open Text NFS Server, Open Text NFS Gateway, Open Text Everywhere, Open Text Real Time, Open Text Eloquent Media Server, Open Text Integrated Document Management, Open Text IDM, Open Text DocuLink, Livelink, Livelink ECM, Artesia, RedDot, RightFax, RKYV, DOMEA, Alchemy, Vignette, Vizible, Nstein, LegalKEY, Picdar, Hummingbird, IXOS, Alis Gist-in-Time, Eurocortex, Gauss, Captaris, Spicer, Genio, Vista Plus, Burntsand, New Generation Consulting, Momentum Systems, DOKuStar, and RecoStar among others. This list is not exhaustive. All other products or company names are used for identification purposes only, and are trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Table of Contents PRE Introduction 9 i ii iii iv What is Enterprise Scan? ........................................................................ 9 About this documentation ...................................................................... 11 Structure of this guide ............................................................................ 12 Respect for legal guidelines................................................................... 15 Part 1 Basic tasks 1 Sorting the paper documents................................................. 19 2 Starting the scanner and Enterprise Scan............................. 21 3 Starting the scan operation .................................................... 25 3.1 3.2 3.3 Scanning from external storage ............................................................. 26 Scanning from fax .................................................................................. 27 Dual stream scanning ............................................................................ 28 17 4 Postprocessing the scanned pages....................................... 31 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 Selecting pages and documents............................................................ 32 Navigating through documents and pages ............................................ 32 Rotating pages ....................................................................................... 33 Copying and pasting pages into other applications ............................... 34 Dragging image files to the Thumbnails view ........................................ 34 Sorting documents ................................................................................. 35 Separating or joining documents ........................................................... 36 Merging documents................................................................................ 37 Deleting pages ....................................................................................... 38 Changing the document group, batch or folder ..................................... 39 Changing the index ................................................................................ 40 Homogenizing colors.............................................................................. 41 Marking documents for further processing ............................................ 41 Sending files........................................................................................... 42 Printing documents ................................................................................ 42 CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan iii Table of Contents iv 5 Exporting documents ..............................................................45 5.1 5.2 Exporting to file system .......................................................................... 45 Exporting to external storage ................................................................. 45 6 Indexing and archiving documents ........................................47 7 Settings and options ...............................................................51 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Customizing toolbars ............................................................................. 51 Customizing keyboard shortcuts............................................................ 51 Configuring user options ........................................................................ 52 Configuring display of thumbnails .......................................................... 53 Part 2 Profiles and advanced configuration 8 Working with profiles ..............................................................57 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Preparations........................................................................................... 57 Creating a profile.................................................................................... 58 Modifying existing profiles...................................................................... 62 Validating profiles................................................................................... 64 9 Configuring input.....................................................................65 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 Configuring the format checker.............................................................. 66 Configuring file input .............................................................................. 68 Configuring an external storage............................................................. 69 Configuring file import ............................................................................ 71 Configuring ISIS scanners ..................................................................... 71 Configuring Kofax certified scanners and VirtualReScan...................... 78 Configuring fax input .............................................................................. 79 10 Configuring processing...........................................................83 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 Configuring page processing ................................................................. 84 Separating documents (document creation)........................................ 104 Configuring batch/folder creation or assignment ................................. 108 Configuring document processing ....................................................... 113 Configuring document classification .................................................... 115 11 Configuring indexing and archiving .....................................119 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Configuring indexing and archiving scenarios ..................................... 119 Configuring an Init-Profile script........................................................... 122 Configuring indexing ............................................................................ 123 Configuring a Pre-Archive script .......................................................... 150 Configuring archiving ........................................................................... 152 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 55 CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Table of Contents Part 3 Administration tasks 12 Configuring workstation options ......................................... 181 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 Configuring general workstation options.............................................. 181 Configuring the document index .......................................................... 182 Configuring global script functions ....................................................... 184 Configuring document groups, batches and folders ............................ 184 Configuring the scanning view ............................................................. 185 Configuring Configuration Management settings................................. 186 13 Defining areas for recognition.............................................. 189 13.1 Configuring area sets ........................................................................... 190 14 Changing permissions.......................................................... 193 15 Sharing, exporting and importing the configuration .......... 195 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 Working with the registry mode - local Configuration Management .... 197 Working with the server mode - Archive Server .................................. 199 Working with the server mode - Capture Center server ...................... 201 Uploading and downloading Enterprise Scan 10.0 configurations ...... 203 16 Defining archiving settings................................................... 207 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 Configuring Server and Document Pipeline settings ........................... 207 TCP sign in........................................................................................... 210 Content Server sign in ......................................................................... 210 SAP sign in........................................................................................... 212 Configuring archiving from leading application .................................... 213 17 Monitoring archiving through Document Pipeline .............. 215 18 Backing up............................................................................. 217 18.1 18.2 18.3 Backing up the document stack ........................................................... 217 Backing up the Document Pipeline directory ....................................... 217 Backing up external storage repositories............................................. 218 19 Troubleshooting Enterprise Scan ........................................ 219 19.1 19.2 General recommendation .................................................................... 219 Troubleshooting Enterprise Scan......................................................... 220 20 Troubleshooting Document Pipelines for Enterprise Scan 225 20.1 20.2 20.3 Restarting Document Pipeline ............................................................. 225 The spawncmd utility............................................................................ 225 Spawner and Document Pipeline log files ........................................... 229 CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 179 v Table of Contents vi Part 4 Reference 21 Menus and icons....................................................................233 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 21.7 21.8 File menu ............................................................................................. 233 Edit menu ............................................................................................. 233 View menu ........................................................................................... 235 Page menu........................................................................................... 235 Document menu................................................................................... 237 Profile menu ......................................................................................... 239 Tools menu .......................................................................................... 239 Help menu............................................................................................ 240 22 Using a template for scan operator checklists ....................241 23 Working with scripts for indexing and archiving.................245 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 Scripts in the interactive phase ............................................................ 245 Scripts in the export phase .................................................................. 251 Global function depot ........................................................................... 253 Scripting examples............................................................................... 256 24 Example: Separating documents by barcode and sorting into groups using regular expressions ................................265 25 Rendering PDF with external tool.........................................269 26 Working with placeholders for notes ...................................271 27 Using color reduction methods ............................................273 28 Working with regular expressions........................................275 29 Improving the quality of scanned pages..............................279 30 Frequently asked questions..................................................281 30.1 30.2 30.3 General questions ................................................................................ 281 Questions about scanners ................................................................... 281 Questions about barcodes ................................................................... 282 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 231 CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 .....Table of Contents Part 5 Appendix 31 Administering the Enterprise Scan Webinterface .... 287 GLS Glossary 293 IDX Index 297 CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 285 vii ....... . As to Document Pipeline in the above setup Capture Center de-couples CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan ix . Enterprise Scanalso provides support for sorting and archiving. Several functions are available to improve contrast and legibility. Example 2: Enterprise Scan together with Open Text Capture Center In this scenario Enterprise Scan is one of several sources for Capture Center to receive images. straightened and cleaned up. Example 1: Enterprise Scan together with Document Pipeline This is the most often used scenario. however there is a remote pipeline by which the Document Pipeline runs on Archive Server. After processing the documents along with index data is passed to a Document Pipeline which transfers them into the target system. the pages can be checked carefully. thus as the document is being transferred the Enterprise Scan operator can continue scanning. With Enterprise Scan.Preface Introduction i What is Enterprise Scan? Enterprise Scan is the solution for mass scanning and indexing of documents at one or more scan stations. Enterprise Scan either drives a scanner to acquire images or picks them up from some other input source. The following examples demonstrate typical scenarios for Enterprise Scan. workflows can be implemented from receipt by post through scanning and linking to the leading application. Document Pipeline runs asynchronously to Enterprise Scan. Document Pipeline typically runs one the same workstation as Enterprise Scan. through to archiving. After scanning. This is a convenient setup for lower volume scenarios. In addition Capture Center allows for intelligent document classification and data extraction with optical character recognition (OCR). Example 4: Scan and index from Content Server In this scenario Enterprise Scan is invoked from Content Server. This is an ad-hoc scanning scenario. Example 3: Enterprise Scan connected directly to Content Server In this scenario Enterprise Scan stores the scanned documents directly into Content Server without use of Document Pipeline. x Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . It also allows for efficient and distributed manual document indexing. The user starts Enterprise Scan from its Content Server Web client. Capture Center will typically run on a separate server and receive input from multiple Enterprise Scan workstations.Introduction image processing and data transfer to the target system from the scanning operation. Introduction Example 5: Multistage processing with Enterprise Scan Even without using Capture Center as described above some limited form distributed indexing with Enterprise Scan is possible. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide xi . there are various user groups for Enterprise Scan. ii About this documentation This documentation describes the administration and how to use Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan (Enterprise Scan). Another instance of Enterprise Scan then loads this “External Storage” as if it would have been scanned. This is special storage format of the intermediate data in the file system.i Target readership According to different tasks and knowledge background. ii. It can also be useful if scanning is delegated to an external service bureau. A first instance of Enterprise Scan is used to scan the images and store them in “External Storage”. There might be overlap between the different user groups because one task might be carried out by one target group or the other. This scenario can be used if one employee scans the images while other employees do the indexing. basic postprocessing and archiving documents (see “Basic tasks” on page 17) • Basic Windows knowledge • Basic knowledge of the leading application Experienced scan operators • Scanning. xii Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 .Introduction Target group Tasks Knowledge Unskilled scan operators Scanning. basic postprocessing and archiving documents (see “Basic tasks” on page 17) • Experienced postprocessing (see knowledge • Expert image processing knowledge • Experienced postprocessing (see • Expert Windows “Configuring processing” on page 83) Scan administrators • Basic Windows “Configuring processing” on page 83) • Configuring profiles (see “Working with profiles” on page 57) • Administration tasks (see “Administration tasks” on page 179) knowledge • Expert image processing knowledge • Expert administration knowledge • Preparing scan operator instruc- tions (see “Using a template for scan operator checklists” on page 241) Open Text Global Services members • Configuring basic profiles in collaboration with the scan administrator (see “Working with profiles” on page 57) • Preparing scan operator instruc- • Expert administration knowledge • Expert knowledge of Open Text products tions (see “Using a template for scan operator checklists” on page 241) iii Structure of this guide The structure is geared to the different target groups. • “Basic tasks” on page 17 This chapter describes the basic tasks of a scan operator. Thus each user can quickly find the required information: • “Introduction” on page 9 This chapter introduces you to the Enterprise Scan functionality and helps you find your way around the manual. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan . See also the Customization Guide or Scenario Guide of the respective leading application. the required product belongs to the Open Text Content Server family.ii How to find documentation You can find the product documentation as follows: • The product ISO image comprises the complete product CD-ROM in one *. See the Release Notes for details and links.Installation Guide (CLES-IGD) This manual covers the installation and upgrade of Enterprise Scan. Note: You can find the latest information on manuals and online help files for each product in the corresponding Release Notes. and then click the Documentation link. select the product family page. • “Reference” on page 231 The reference part provides an overview of all menus and icons. This includes the identification codes of the current documentation. • The documentation of all products and all supported versions is available in the Open Text Knowledge Center. The product ISO image is available in the Open Text Knowledge Center: Select the product family page and then click the Downloads link. The current version of the Release Notes is available in the Open Text Knowledge Center. you need administration rights. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide xiii . In case. In the Knowledge Center. click the Content Server Module Documentation link and select the product from the list. iii. • “Administration tasks” on page 179 This chapter describes all administration tasks for Enterprise Scan. For these tasks.Introduction • “Profiles and advanced configuration” on page 55 This chapter describes the configuration of profiles and advanced postprocessing. a template for a scan operator checklist and other useful information. iii. as well as any last-minute changes regarding the documentation which should be made known.iso file.i Documentation overview The following documentation is available for Enterprise Scan: Release Notes The Release Notes describe in detail the software supported by the product and important dependencies. the installation of the Document Pipelines and the Enterprise Scan Webinterface. It is also used for example data. KEY NAMES Key names appear in ALL CAPS. in the Knowledge Center. For example. notes. Hyperlink or Weblink (http://www. External cross-references External cross-references are usually text references to other documents. paths. Open Text recommends copying from the HTML version of the These formats are used for links. and commands at the command prompt. Internal cross-references Click the cross-reference to go directly to the reference target in the current document. if a document is available in HTML format. be aware that PDFs can contain hidden characters. Read this information carefully and follow all instructions. <server_name> becomes serv01. (Hyperlink) or on the Internet (http://www. if it is available. <Variable name> Angled brackets < > are used to denote a variable or placeholder.iii Conventions User interface This format is used for elements in the graphical user interface (GUI).com). These are active references to other locations in the documentation. for example: Press CTRL+V. Note: If you copy command line examples from a PDF. text to be entered in text boxes. and tips Caution Cautions help you avoid irreversible problems. such as buttons. However. URLs. xiv Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . commands. Warnings. and fields.opentext. Filenames. Important Important notes help you avoid major problems.opentext.Introduction iii. menu items. for example. The user replaces the brackets and the descriptive content with the appropriate value. names of icons. and sample data This format is used for file names. external references may be active links to a specific section in the referenced document. and other literals. The Open Text Knowledge Center (https://knowledge. which includes developer documentation and programming samples for Open Text products. iii. • Discussion forums.exe/open/OpenTextOnli neCommunity) provide the following resources: • Usage Note: Notes provide additional information about a task. The Knowledge Center is the official source for the following: • Product downloads. you should make sure that the documents are actually available in the leading software system. and best practices for customers and partners. iv Respect for legal guidelines Since electronic archives often contain a company's entire business correspondence. You can access the following support sources through Open Text Online: • Communities • Knowledge Center Open Text Online Communities (http://communities. A few remarks about how the scan functionalities of Enterprise Scan conform to and support these requirements are made here. the legal requirements relating to electronic archives are as strict as those for conventional archives. If documents are CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide xv . you can find Open Text Corporate Support Contacts at http://support. you should take special care when storing and assigning individual pages to documents. After If you need additional assistance. and the Knowledge Base.opentext. patches. Online Communities. To do this. which are stored incorrectly in an electronic archive are very difficult to locate. you can check the Document Pipeline to ensure that processing was successful.iv Contact information Open Text Online (http://online. Electronic archives are also subject to audits and checks. Tip: Tips offer you quicker or easier ways of performing a task. • Information on product releases.opentext. • A fundamental accounting principle is that archives should be maintained correctly and should be open to inspection. help files. and documentation including Release is a single point of access for the product information provided by Open Text. • User groups and forums where you can ask questions of Open Text experts. Since individual is Open Text's corporate extranet and primary site for technical support. • Open Text Developer Network (OTDN). national retention periods for documents. However. The paper archive should be clearly structured and permit rapid access to documents. • The scanning software allows you to delete pages. • If a scan operation is interrupted. there is no guarantee that all the pages will be available in the scan dialog.Introduction only scanned and archived after the data is entered into the leading system. • A legal basis of all business operation is the prompt execution of operations. Therefore. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . check carefully to see if all the pages have been scanned and that documents are complete. take the necessary organizational actions to ensure that scanning and archiving is coordinated with the processes on the leading application. When deleting. there is a risk that the pages for archiving may not be complete. this basic principle is not directly applicable. as the time needed for scanning and archiving depends on the timely accounting in the leading software system. Keep in mind that these actions have to meet your local legal requirements. if relevant pages or documents are deleted. your business may also be required to store the paper originals for all documents archived electronically. xvi • For tax purposes. you should do spot checks to ensure that they are archived correctly. make sure that the paper original of the corresponding page is still available. Before deleting pages. you should also observe any mandatory. For electronic archiving with Enterprise Scan. In this case. Part 1 Basic tasks . As these tasks contain company-specific elements. but rather a more general view. for example profile names. this manual cannot provide exact step-by-step instructions. 18 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 .Part 1 Basic tasks This part deals with the basic tasks of a scan operator. In most of the cases the scan administrator prepares an additional checklist for the scan operators where the company-specific parts are described. you must sort the paper pages according to the configured profiles based on contents and paper quality: • Sort the documents according to the contents (for example invoices). workflows.Chapter 1 Sorting the paper documents Before you can start scanning pages. • Sort the documents according to their legibility (for example bad. But in some cases it is necessary to insert separator pages between the individual documents. because the documents will be dealt with differently in terms of their technical processing. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 19 . In most cases the documents are separated by barcodes or patch codes. storage durations and access rights. medium. Thus. because legibility can be improved automatically if you choose the right profile. good). the documents are separated during scanning and the blank pages are removed automatically during postprocessing. . right-click and select Properties. Tip: You can start Enterprise Scan with a preselected profil. and enter <Path to the Enterprise Scan installation>\EnterpriseScan. as shown in Figure 2-1. How to start your scanner is described in the scanner documentation.Chapter 2 Starting the scanner and Enterprise Scan You have to start the scanner before Enterprise Scan. To do so. some advanced functions like configuring subprofiles aren't available. Note: If you have started Enterprise Scan directly from Content Server. To start Enterprise Scan: • Go to Programs>Start>Open Text>Enterprise Scan. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 21 . Refer to the Release Notes for supported scanners.exe -p<<another profile name>> in the Target field. Enterprise Scan starts and shows the last used profil. Figure 2-1: The areas of the user interface Enterprise Scan user interface comprises several distinguishable areas. create a programm shortcut on the desk. Thumbnails Displays an overview of either all scanned documents or the selected documents in a miniaturized form (thumbnails). To customize the toolbars. The following views are available: 22 View name Usage Documents Lists all documents currently opened in the document stack. You can filter the Tree view to show only documents classified into a certain Group (see “Tree view” on page 39). also known as Views. This view can be used for actions with the whole document. This view can be used for actions with one or more pages (of the same document or of different documents). To customize the size of the thumbnails. A rightclick opens a context menu that provides often used commands from the Page and Document menu. View Displays the currently active page in the Thumbnails view. see “Customizing toolbars” on page 51. You can use this view for actions with a single page. You can change the View view to a floating window (see “Floating view pane” on page 33). Tree Lists all documents in a hierarchical tree structure.Chapter 2 Starting the scanner and Enterprise Scan (1) Toolbars You can find a list of the available toolbars in the reference part (see “Menus and icons” on page 233). with Batch as the top branch and Folder as sub branch. A right-click opens a context menu that provides often used commands from the Page and Document menu. (2) Views You can open different frames in the program window. A right-click opens a context menu that provides often used commands from the Page and Document menu. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . see “Configuring display of thumbnails” on page 53. The build number gets updated when applying a patch. (3) Status bar At the bottom of the screen to the right. Group You can classify the documents into several groups. with batches on top and folders below batches (see “Changing the document group. Page section Endorser Some scanner models support endorsing. the status bar is located. When used in conjunction with Capture Center the value of this field is mapped to the document class. Batch and Folder You can subdivide documents into a hierarchical structure. In Late archiving with bacode it hold the detected patch code or barcode value. Indexing Shows the indexing form if an Archiving profile with indexing mask is selected. It reports the number of documents archived in the last archive operation and the number of pages scanned in the last scan operation. You can define one or more area(s) per index field (see “Indexing TCP multivalue attributes” on page 127 and “Indexing multi-row attributes from Content Server” on page 133). go to File>About Enterprise Scan. then this view will show the area which contains the indexing information. It also shows which document in the document stack has the focus and which page in this document has the focus Build number To display the build number of Enterprise Scan. this means a stamp is printed on each scanned sheet to confirm scanning. When document scanning and indexing is done with Enterprise Scan at two different workstations this field can be used to select a set of scanned documents (see “Exporting to external storage” on page 45). If more than one page is selected. When the user fills an index field. the item view will focus on the area of the document which belongs to that index field. All other properties cannot be changed manually. Document section Index This the main index field of the document and serves different purposes depending on the scanning scenario. batch or folder” on page 39). only those properties are displayed that are the same for each page.View name Usage Properties Shows the properties of the currently selected page. This field displays the endorser stamp. Index Items If indexing areas are defined (see “Assigning zooming areas to indexing fields” on page 148). CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 23 . Doubleclick Add or Remove Programs. in the Comments line. go to Start>Control Panel. Mark the entry Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan <version> and click Click here for support information.Chapter 2 Starting the scanner and Enterprise Scan Patch level Accessibility To display the patch level of Enterprise Scan. go to File>Exit. 24 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . All functions are available via keyboard. All available shortcuts are listed in “Menus and icons” on page 233. among others. the product version and. the patch level. Pages that are scanned but not archived are saved locally on your computer. Note: To close Enterprise Scan. The Support Info window displays. Select the respective profile in the list box of the Profiles toolbar. This new batch is created during scanning. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 25 . Notes: Depending on the configuration. the Select Batch dialog box opens. • External Storage: Select the external storage and the required document group (see “Scanning from external storage” on page 26). Select the Batch from the list or enter a name for a new batch. you might get prompted with one or more of the following dialog boxes: • If Classification by User was defined for the chosen profile. Go to File>Scan to start the scan operation. • If Batch Creation or Assignment by User was defined for the chosen profile.Chapter 3 Starting the scan operation To start the scanning operation: 1. the Select Folder dialog box opens. Note: Depending on the kind of input device. The scanned pages are assigned to the selected batch. the Select Group dialog box opens. • File import: Define the directory from where the files should be imported (see “Configuring file import” on page 71). • Fax: Select the faxes that should be scanned (see “Scanning from fax” on page 27). • CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 If Folder Creation or Assignment by User was defined for the chosen profile. The scanned pages are assigned to the selected group. This new group is created during scanning. Select the Group name from the list or enter a name for a new group. additional steps might be necessary: 2. you can rescan it with 300 dpi. Rescan To rescan pages. A dialog box opens. the complete scan operation is cancelled. 26 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . To cancel the scanning operation. If you do not have the permission to change the input device settings. Click Scan & Close to start the rescan. for example if they have not been scanned correctly. 3. a second time. not only the selection. click Stop. For details. The scanned pages are assigned to the selected folder. you can perform actions on the documents in the stack while scanning is in progress. If the scanning process is configured appropriately. For example. you can only rescan with the same settings as in the initial scan. Enterprise Scan is blocked until the scanning is completed.Chapter 3 Starting the scan operation Select the Folder from the list or enter a name for a new folder. Otherwise. open the File menu and click Rescan. select the pages. if you have scanned a document with 100 dpi.1 Scanning from external storage When you choose External Storage as an input device. The scanning process is started and the scanned documents are added to the document stack. according to the selected input sub profile. makes sense in case of a paper jam or a similar problem with the physical scanner. you can (temporarily) change the input device settings. If you click Cancel in the Select <Name> dialog box. Enterprise Scan first checks whether there are scanning-enabled documents in the defined storage. This new folder is created during scanning. This. however. If you have the appropriate permission. 3. see “Configuring the scanning view” on page 185. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 27 . a dialog box displays the contents of the fax lines. 2. Click Scan.2 Scanning from fax Enterprise Scan supports scanning faxes from Exchange and Lotus Notes fax connectors. Select a storage type in the list. Click the group you want to scan.3. Groups of documents Displays the Group name and the Number of documents in the group. you do not get a message.2 Scanning from fax External Storage Lists storage types that have been registered in the Profile Configuration dialog box. When a fax arrives. The content of the dialog box is the same for both connectors. To start the scanning operation: 1. 3. When no external storage is configured. the list is empty. 3. Select one or more of the faxes shown in the dialog box. the GUI gets updated and monochrome image data is displayed. Number. Click Scan. 2. Preview Displays a preview of the pages using the page scroll tool (when the Enable preview option is enabled). 3. To start the scanning operation: 1. Dual stream scanning splits the color data into 2 streams.3 Dual stream scanning Enterprise Scan supports dual stream scanning to improve the scanning speed for color images. When the processing is finished. 28 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Sender and Received attributes of all received faxes. All processing operations will use monochrome data to make scanning and processing faster. ID.Chapter 3 Starting the scan operation Received faxes Shows the Fax line. source color data and monochrome data. Enterprise Scan configures the scanner driver to send 2 streams (monochrome and color) for each scanned color page (see “Configuring Page settings for ISIS scanners” on page 72). The archived image will remain unchanged. The following types of dual stream scanning are available in Enterprise Scan: Software emulation Enterprise Scan internally extracts the monochrome image from the scanned color image to create two streams (see “Configuring input” on page 65). despeckle. Enterprise Scan will export the source color data. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 29 . and so on. They will show the effect only on the monochrome image. Hardware dual stream This option is only available for scanners that support multi streaming. for example rotation. not the processed monochrome image data. • Do not use image manipulation functions.3.3 Dual stream scanning Important • When archiving. . Separate or merge the document manually (see “Separating or joining documents” on page 36). The document index is wrong. Merge the two documents (see “Merging documents” on page 37). manual postprocessing steps are rarely necessary. Automatic classification into groups went wrong. see “Rescan” on page 26. batch or folder” on page 39). you have to check the documents in the Enterprise Scan for completeness. Nevertheless. order and legibility. Correct the index manually (see “Changing the index” on page 40). Delete the pages and scan the document again (see “Deleting pages” on page 38) or use the Rescan command in the File menu. Rotate the document to the right orientation (see “Rotating pages” on page 33). you can mark documents for further corrections (see “Marking documents for further processing” on page 41). Correct the document group manually (see “Changing the document group. Adjust the colors (see “Homogenizing colors” on page 41). Due to the very high quality of modern scanners and to well-prepared profile management by the Enterprise Scan administrator. The document's legibility is poor. The automatic separation during scanning did not work correctly.Chapter 4 Postprocessing the scanned pages After scanning the paper documents. Most of the postprocessing is performed automatically during scanning (see “Configuring processing” on page 83). The pages of a document are in the wrong order. If the postprocessing will be done by another person. problems may occur that must be solved manually: Problem Manual postprocessing task The document is scanned using the wrong orientation. an experienced scan operator or the administrator can use additional advanced correction functions (see “Configuring page processing” on page 84). Pages from a double-sided original have been scanned in by a device that can only scan one side at a time. If these simple correction steps do not work. The paper document was folded during scanning and the scanned page cannot be used. Sort the document (“Sorting documents” on page 35). CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 31 . There are several possibilities to select one or more pages: • Select the pages in the Thumbnails view with the mouse using the Shift and Ctrl keys.2 Navigating through documents and pages Navigation toolbar and shortcuts Zooming This toolbar is invisible by default and can be activated in the View menu by selecting Navigation Toolbar. if the Page. • Draw a frame with the mouse in the Thumbnails view. you can select the marked pages with Edit>Select Marked Pages (see “Marking documents for further processing” on page 41).Chapter 4 Postprocessing the scanned pages 4. For the function of the toolbar icons and the corresponding keyboard shortcuts see the bottom of the table in “Edit menu” on page 233. Document or Thumbnails view is in the focus. Selecting documents and pages is very similar to the Windows standard: Select one or more documents Select one or more pages Select the document(s) with the mouse in the Documents view. Select all pages Use Edit>Select All to select all pages in the document stack.key to shrink the currently active page in the View view. In the Indexing view. These shortcuts work like the navigation shortcuts: directly. use the + key to enlarge and the . The navigation keyboard shortcuts work the same way in the Page. All postprocessing actions are only valid for the currently selected pages and/or documents. Document and Thumbnails view. together with the Alt key in the Indexing view. Its icons are also available via the Edit menu by selecting Go To. For zooming. Zooming icons are available in the main toolbar and in the View menu (see the bottom of the table in “View menu” on page 235). Invert selection If you want to select nearly all pages in the document stack with several exceptions. 32 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . press the Alt key together with them to achieve the same effect. 4. Scale Lock causes that every new displayed page is scaled to the size specified when lock was set. • Select a single page in the Thumbnails view and expand the selec- tion with the arrow keys. The Fit Page commands are also accessible by right-clicking in the View view and selecting Scale in the context menu. you can select the exceptions first and then invert the selection with Edit>Invert Selection.1 Selecting pages and documents A document consists of one or more pages. Select marked pages If one of your colleagues already marked the pages that need postprocessing. 1. Documents or View view. To switch back to the monochrome view. even outside the Enterprise Scan window. select another document or page and then change back. the View view displays a monochrome image of the originally scanned color image. it is docked at this location. so the view gets scrollbars. When you move the floating view pane with the mouse inside the Enterprise Scan window. To navigate on a page with scrollbars in the View view without using the mouse.4. you can relocate the floating view pane with the mouse on the screen wherever you want. Scrollbars in the View view In the View view. All processing operations will apply to the monochrome image. Enterprise Scan will export the source color data. you might select a larger scale to see details on the displayed page. This is indicated by (B/W Mode) in the header of the View view. you can perform the same actions as in the View view. 4. If you drag the floating view pane to one of these icons. Select each page you want to rotate in the Thumbnails. The page you select in the Thumbnails view is displayed in the floating view pane.3 Rotating pages Some pages may have been scanned using the wrong orientation. Floating view pane You can change the View view into a floating view pane. right-click to open the context menu and click View source image. by double-clicking the header bar of the view or by dragging the View view from its location. Rotate these pages before the document is archived to avoid having to rotate the pages in the viewer each time the document is retrieved. for example to a second monitor which allows you to see a much larger display of the selected page. You can enlarge the floating view pane by resizing its window. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 33 . In the floating view pane.3 Rotating pages B/W Mode in the View view If the dual stream feature is enabled. To restore the View view. To display the original color image. double-click on the header bar of the floating view pane or drag it back into the Enterprise Scan window. keep the CTRL key pressed and use the arrow keys of the numeric keypad. docking icons are displayed on the margins and in the middle of the window. Furthermore. Important When archiving. not the processed monochrome image data. The import is useful if you want to add pages with barcode after you have scanned documents without barcodes. 4. for example in the Windows Explorer. Select the appropriate item in the Page menu (see “Page menu” on page 235): Rotate 180° to flip the selected pages. Rotate Left or Rotate Right to rotate selected pages by 90 degrees. 3. To paste the page. Note: You cannot copy pages from Enterprise Scan and paste them into the file system. for example Microsoft Word or Microsoft Paint. 5. Otherwise the import will not work.5 Dragging image files to the Thumbnails view You can import image files as new pages into the Thumbnails view of Enterprise Scan by drag and drop. Navigate to the location you want to insert the page to. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Use the Export function. for example in the Windows Explorer. 4. only the first page of the selection is copied to the clipboard. The page is pasted into the application as a bitmap. instead. To copy a page and paste it to other image editing applications: 1. As a prerequisite. the stack must contain at least one document. press CTRL + V. 34 In the file system. The following scenarios are possible: • “To drag image files from the file system:” on page 34 • “To copy images from another image editing application:” on page 35 To drag image files from the file system: 1. To copy the page. Note: If you select more than one page. Select each page you want to copy in the Thumbnails view. Multipage TIFF files are added as pages.4 Copying and pasting pages into other applications You can copy pages in Enterprise Scan to the Windows clipboard and paste them into other image editing applications. select each image file you want to import to Enterprise Scan.Chapter 4 Postprocessing the scanned pages 2. 2. Open the image editing application you want to paste the page into. not as a new document. press CTRL + C or select Edit>Copy from the menu. 4. Note: Importing documents to Enterprise Scan by Drag and Drop will skip all processing steps that are defined in the processing subprofile for the current active profile. Cut the page(s) using Ctrl + X. 3. Select each page you want to move in the Thumbnails view. Complete documents might be at the wrong place in the document stack. The page(s) are inserted after the selection. In Enterprise Scan. • Enterprise Scan does not support copying of more than one image at a time. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 35 . 2. as follows: To move page(s) using the clipboard: 1. In the image editing application.6 2. paste the image. The image is added in the Thumbnails view as a new page after the selected page. 3. To copy the image. press CTRL + C. 4. select the image you want to import to Enterprise Scan. Go to the correct position and insert the page(s) using Ctrl + V. Tip: Enterprise Scan indicates the drop position. for example Microsoft Word or Microsoft Paint. To copy images from another image editing application: 1. All files in the folder are added to the document as new pages.4. This can be corrected. Tip: You can also import a complete folder of image files. where you want to insert them.6 Sorting documents The pages of a document can be in the wrong order or a page belongs to the wrong document. using CTRL + V or selecting Edit>Paste from the menu. 2. Sorting documents Drag the selected files to the position in the Thumbnails view. Notes: • Copying image files from the file system and pasting them into Enterprise Scan is not possible. The files are added to the document as new pages. Drag and drop them with the mouse to the correct position. 4. Both views indicate the drop position. 1. a patch code. or defined after a certain amount of pages (see “Separating documents (document creation)” on page 104). 2. The first page of a document is indicated by a barcode. The document has to be divided into two documents: 36 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Enter or select a position in the Move document dialog box. Right-click and select Document Operation>Move to Group. Two problems may occur: • Separating documents If a separation condition is not recognized by Enterprise Scan. 3. Move document(s) via context menu Move • Move to Group 1. 4. It is important to check the documents after automatic separation to make sure that the documents have been separated correctly. reverse the order of the pages. Enter or select a group name in the Move Document to Group dialog box. • Move to Position 1. 2. Right-click and select Document Operation>Move to Position. 3.7 Separating or joining documents In mass scanning scenarios. or a blank page. Select each document you want to move. Reverse the order If the complete document is scanned in the wrong order. Right-click and select Document Operation>Reverse. Select the document in the Documents or Thumbnails view. it appends the document to the end of the preceding document. Tip: Thumbnails and Documents views allow scrolling while dragging. Specify if the document is inserted above or below the selected position. 2. The group name is displayed with the document in the Documents view.Chapter 4 Postprocessing the scanned pages Move page(s)/document(s) with the mouse 1. 2. Select each document you want to move. Select each page (each document) you want to move in the Thumbnails or Documents view. the individual documents can be separated automatically during scanning. 2. the document is divided into two documents that belong together. This is useful when pages from a double-sided original have been scanned in by a device that can only scan one side at a time. you get two scanned documents for each original document. The index information is empty.8 Merging documents 1. Note: To keep the original index information also in the new document. As a result. the Join operation joins the selected with the next document. In the Documents or Thumbnails view. select one document to which you want to add document(s). • Joining documents If a separation condition has been mistakenly recognized. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 37 . In the Document menu. 2. click Separate>Separate before Selection. A new document is created. beginning with the selected page. first with the page facing down. The documents have to be joined again: 1. the registry key of type REG_SZ HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IXOS\IXOS_ARCHIVE\6. select Join. It has a row of its own in the Documents and Thumbnails view and its own document header. The pages of the last selected documents are appended to the first selected document. One document contains the even pages of the original.0\Scan\HKLM\Doc umentIndex\B:InheritIndexForSeparation must be set to “True”. 3. In this case. 4. Select the page that should be the first page of the new document.8 Merging documents Merging interleaves the pages of two documents. then with the page facing up.4. select the document(s) you want to add. The original document keeps the original index information. In the Document menu. Note: If only one document is selected. and the other contains the odd pages. Additionally. the stack is scanned in twice. select them and press Shift+Del or select Delete from the Page menu. a page gets folded during scanning. for example. before deleting the page. use the Delete Marker in the Page menu to mark pages intended for deletion. you also ensure compliance with local legal requirements. However. To delete document(s) and page(s). A popup window asks you to confirm the deletion. click Merge.Chapter 4 Postprocessing the scanned pages 1. If you do not want to delete immediately. When you decide to delete the marked pages 38 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . you may need to modify the scanning configuration settings before you rescan the page. If. 2. To improve the quality the second time. However. In the Document menu. there are conditions of which you should be aware. you must archive electronic images of all documents with all their pages in such a way that the documents can be retrieved rapidly. You must also store documents for the time period required by commercial or industrial authorities in your area. Select the documents you want to merge in the Documents view. 4. make sure that the paper original is still available. To ensure that the archiving of documents is complete and comprehensive. you may need to smooth the paper original and rescan it. you can delete it and scan the page again. Important This scanning software allows you to delete pages. In this way.9 Deleting pages If you discover that a scanned page is illegible. The document groups are filled with documents by means of classification rules. In the Properties view. A popup window asks you to confirm the deletion. In most cases. If no parameters for classification into groups. Furthermore. batches and folders for your workstation (see “Configuring document groups. for example. The corresponding toolbar icons are listed in “Page menu” on page 235. 4.4. with batches as top branch and folders below batches. enter the name of the group. to exchange documents between several employees. Use these groups. batches and folders” on page 184). or assignment to batches and folders have been configured. The subdivisions are filled with documents by means of assignment rules. enter the name or select the name from the list box. and click OK. See “Configuring batch/folder creation or assignment” on page 108 for details. see “Marking documents for further processing” on page 41. If the automatic document classification or assignment went wrong.10. the classification into document groups and the assignment to batches and folders is performed automatically during scanning. select Move to Group. batch or folder manually: 1.1 Tree view Enterprise Scan can depict the subdivision of documents into batches and folders in a hierarchical tree view. Move to Batch or Move to Folder from the Document menu. For details on working with markers. batch or folder permanently. These static subdivisions are displayed in the list box in the Properties view. you can subdivide individual documents into a hierarchical structure. 2. batch or folder You can classify documents into several groups. See “Configuring document classification” on page 115 for details. batch and folder <none>. Note: You can define static groups.10 Changing the document group. batch or folder manually or select the name from the list box. Select each document you want to move to another group. select them and press Ctrl+D or choose Delete Marked in the Page menu. Alternatively. batch or folder in the Thumbnails view. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 39 . Enterprise Scan stores the documents in the default group. 4. you can change the name of the group.10 Changing the document group. batch or folder manually: To change document group. 2. 3. Select the document whose index you want to change. Tip: The Archive action is also available for single documents in the Tree view. In the Document menu. click Tree in the View menu. The Tree view displays the batches as primary nodes. The connection between the business object in the leading application and the scanned document are established with a barcode.11 Changing the index If you use the scenario Late archiving with barcode the documents are scanned and archived after the business transaction has been processed in the leading application. 40 Enter the correct barcode number. If the automatic barcode recognition failed. • Click Rename to change the name of the currently selected batch or folder. Select the Filter by Group check box to select a group from the drop-down-list and display only documents that belong to the selected group. A right-click on a node opens a context menu providing the following actions: • Click Archive to archive the documents below the selected node. you can change the document index manually: To change the index: 1. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Note: Whether the index can be modified depends on the options set in the Document Index tab (see “Configuring the document index” on page 182). click Change Index. 4. and the folders as secondary nodes with the documents below the folders.Chapter 4 Postprocessing the scanned pages To show the Tree view. the marker is removed (“toggle”). If the page has already been marked. contact an experienced scan operator or your administrator to use advanced filter methods (see “Configuring page processing” on page 84). 2. Modern professional scanners improve the document's legibility automatically during scanning and the administrator can configure scan profiles that correct the most common legibility problems automatically. Click the icon of the respective marker: Bookmark marker Insert this marker if you want to label for example the last page you have corrected before lunch break. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 41 . Select the page(s) you want to mark. For keyboard shortcuts and additional icons for navigation between markers see “Edit menu” on page 233.12 Homogenizing colors In most cases. 4. 2. Quality marker Insert this marker if you have legibility problems with a special page and your administrator should solve this problem. Click OK. However. 4. Select the document in the Documents view.13 Marking documents for further processing When checking scanned pages.12 Homogenizing colors 4. increase the color depth to the same value for all pages of a document. you may want to mark those that need further processing. 4. Open the Document menu and click Homogenize. Pages without the selected marker get the marker. if the legibility is still poor.1 Setting markers 1. Delete marker Insert this marker if there are pages that should be deleted. it is not necessary to correct the document quality manually. If there are still legibility problems. 1.13. These pages can be deleted afterwards either manually (see “Selecting marked pages” on page 42) or automatically (see “Configuring deletion of marked pages” on page 155).4. the pages are converted to the highest color depth that occurs in the document. 15 Printing documents You can print documents from the document stack. In the File menu. Click OK. click Send.2 Selecting marked pages You can select all pages marked with a specific marker at one time. improving quality. Click OK. 2. 4. for example if you want your administrator to check a problem. 1. All pages marked with the chosen marker are selected.Chapter 4 Postprocessing the scanned pages 4. Complete the e-mail and send it. In the Edit menu. 3. Select each document or page you want to send. Enter the output settings (see “Defining advanced settings for archiving” on page 170). Select the marker type. A new e-mail message appears with the pages attached.13. and then proceed with actions such as deleting. 2. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . In the File menu. 2. click Configure Printing. 3. You can specify some print configuration settings in the Configure Printing dialog box. Note: The Custom marker option is only used for project specific solutions where the markers have be defined for example by a plug-in. 1. 42 In the Appearance group.14 Sending files You can send scanned pages to a mail recipient. To specify print configuration settings: 1. using the standard print function of your computer: In the File menu. click Select Marked Pages. click Print. 4. specify scaling and margins settings. 5. 4. The Configure Printing dialog box opens. or sorting. The Advanced Settings dialog box opens. The result is that the image is printed completely. If the page size is bigger than the paper size of your printer. Select Use printer margins to ensure that the printer takes the non-printable margin into consideration and prints the image inside the margins. In the Document range group. Use printer margins check box This setting refers to the fact that most printers cannot print at the very edges of the paper. smaller pages stay untouched. This setting is only useful if the image has margins itself. that means. enlarges smaller pages and compresses larger pages. printing crops the document. This can be useful when a document contains several different page formats. and not cut at the edges. click Print. select the documents or pages to print: All documents Prints all documents in the document stack. 3. Leaving Use printer margins unchecked leads to the assumption that the entire paper is available for printing. 6. specify printing orientation and paper size. In this case. Fit larger pages only Compresses only the images that are larger than the paper size selected in the printer properties. Selected documents Prints only selected documents. Fit all pages Scales all images to the paper size selected in the printer properties. Orientation Select Portrait or Landscape orientation for the printed document. To save the print configuration settings and close the dialog box. Paper Select the paper size from the drop down menu. use the Fit all pages or Fit larger pages only setting. 5. In the Printer group. only the part of the page that fits into the paper is printed. To open the standard print dialog box.15 Printing documents Keep original size Prints the document in its original size.4. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 43 . Printing may cut the image at the edges. Selected pages Prints all selected pages of the current document. 4. click OK. . 5. 6. Select the documents you want to export. if the exported documents should be removed from the document stack. the data exchange is performed via external storage. Click the Advanced button to define some advanced export settings (see “Defining advanced settings for archiving” on page 170). Select the Remove exported pages check box. The export function creates a sub folder and a fixed file name for each document. using File Input. perform the following steps. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 45 . Click the OK button to start the export. Select the documents you want to export. Select the relevant profile. Thus the archiving for invoices. orders or complaints can be performed by different employees. In the File menu. 5. This means that the documents are stored in the file system with the benefit that they are stored in different folders according to their different group. If the administrator has configured the external storage scenario (see “Archiving to an external storage” on page 170). 4.1 Exporting to file system You can use the export function to export documents to a shared folder.Chapter 5 Exporting documents You can export the documents in the document stack either to the file system or to external storage. 5. A different user can import them. The Export dialog box opens. Choose a file directory in the Export to field. for example to archive the documents. 1. 2. 2. click Export.2 Exporting to external storage If the scanning is performed by external providers or the scanning and archiving is performed by different employees. 1. 3. Note: You can stop the exporting process with Cancel.Chapter 5 Exporting documents 3. 46 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . select Archive Selected. After all documents are exported. the document stack is empty. In the Document menu. The exporting process is started. • Indexing fields that are highlighted in light blue color contain values valid for all documents. • If you select more than one document from the stack (multi-selection). This part highlighted in the View view in a defined color (default: red) so that the area can be seen in context of the whole page. They display the value of the last selected document. the indexing fields that contain different values are highlighted in salmon color. Indexing fields properties You add indexing values in the indexing fields of the Indexing view.Chapter 6 Indexing and archiving documents After the documents are scanned and processed you can start indexing and archiving. the salmon color vanishes from the indexing field because now the value is identical for all selected documents. The following provides general information on indexing fields. Index Item view In the Index Item view the document part where the needed information for indexing can be read is enlarged. They are persistent when archiving but they are lost if the (sub)profile is changed or if Enterprise Scan is shut down. your actions have the following results: Navigating by mouse-click You move from one indexing field to another. Navigating by TAB key You move from one indexing field to the next one. This affects all selected documents. You only change the value if you edit the field. When you navigate through the indexing fields. This affects all selected documents. • Indexing fields without highlight contain values valid for the particular document. that means they do not change even if a different document is selected in the stack or if Enterprise Scan is shut down. They are persistent. You only change the value if you edit the field. Navigating by ENTER key You assign the current value to all selected documents and move to the next indexing field. In case you have changed the indexing field value. • Mandatory fields are marked with . Note: You can move the indexing items (the highlighted areas) in the Indexing view as shown in the table: CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 47 . you will not be able to archive the document before correcting the error. Notes: 4. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . 3. In the Indexing view you enter the properties of the document that are later used to retrieve the document in the archive. icon and an error message • This correctness check allows you to go on with another indexing field and correct the error later. Press Enter to go to the next index field. in the Index Item view and enter it in the corresponding field in the Indexing view. two new views that may look similar to the screenshot below open. 48 • If the entered values are not correct. Read the property. However. for example the customer name. Thus fill all index fields for the document. The cursor is in the first indexing field. the pop-up appear behind the index field. 2.Chapter 6 Indexing and archiving documents Function Keyboard Key Highlighted area left Alt+Ctrl+Left arrow of the numeric keypad Highlighted area right Alt+Ctrl+Right arrow of the numeric keypad Highlighted area up Alt+Ctrl+Up arrow of the numeric keypad Highlighted area down Alt+Ctrl+Down arrow of the numeric keypad To index and archive documents: 1. If an indexing is needed for this scenario. Select the relevant profile. The entered values are checked and the detailed information for the next index field is displayed in the Index Item view. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 49 . The document is archived and the next document in the document stack appears in the Index Item view. • You can cancel the archiving operation with Stop. click OK. the Details dialog box looks different (see “Configuring archiving” on page 152). In this case the already archived documents are handed over to the leading application.5. 8. Tips: 6. Thus perform the indexing of all documents in the document stack. The document stack is empty. The documents are archived. 7. see “Configuring general workstation options” on page 181. The Archive Documents dialog box displays the following values: Output device Current archiving profile Archive mode Current archive mode Name Name of the external storage. press F2. click Details. Tip: To skip the archive confirmation dialog. To start archiving. To display details. Depending on the settings in the Archiving subprofile. 9. Press F12 to archive the document. instead of Archive Mode. Only used for external storage output device. the other documents stay in the document stack of Enterprise Scan. • To archive all documents in the document stack. . 2. Click on the Remove button to delete it in the toolbar. 1. Move your mouse over the toolbar you want to customize and select the context menu item Customize. 3. 7.2 Customizing keyboard shortcuts 1. The Customize Toolbars dialog box opens.. Select large or small icons for the toolbar in the Icon options drop-down menu.1 Customizing toolbars Toolbars can be configured according to your preferences. Select the button you want to add to the toolbar in the Available toolbar buttons list.. Click on the Add button to append it to the toolbar. 4.Chapter 7 Settings and options You can specify the settings of Enterprise Scan to fit your needs. 7. adjust the options of the program and change the display for different views. Select the button you want to remove from the toolbar in the Current toolbar buttons list. Open the Tools menu and select Customize Keyboard.. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 51 . Choose the Category and the Command you want to create a keyboard shortcut for. If you select System. 52 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Define your user-specific settings: Language Specify the language in which you want to work with Enterprise Scan. 7.3 Configuring user options You can adapt the settings of Enterprise Scan to your requirements to help you work more efficiently. To do so. Note: This function is available for all menu commands. open the Tools menu and select User Options. Create the new shortcut by clicking into the text field and pressing the corresponding key(s) on the keyboard.Chapter 7 Settings and options 2. the regional settings of the operating system will be used. Click Assign to store the new shortcut. 4. Note: After specifying the language. you must restart Enterprise Scan. Units Specify the units of measurement in which you want to work with Enterprise Scan. You can only select languages for which language components have been installed. 3. 5. Define your user-specific settings: Generate page thumbnails Select this check box to display a miniaturized view of all pages. Normally. Thumbnail size Define the thumbnail size in the Maximum width and Maximum height fields. select Icon Spacing from the Item dropdown list and enter a value in the Size box. 7. Icon spacing You can configure the size of icons in the Thumbnails view by changing Windows system settings.7. 4. click the Appearance tab 3.4 Configuring display of thumbnails You can adjust the appearance of the Thumbnails view.4 Configuring display of thumbnails Log Level Select the logging level. set the log level to Extended. The pages under a document are wrapped according to the size of the Thumbnails view. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 53 . To do so. Go to Start>Control Panel>Display. Click Advanced. Displayed documents Choose between Show all documents and Show selected documents. Default is set. open the View Configuration context menu item in the Thumbnails view. To configure the icon size: 1. For troubleshooting purposes. In the Advanced Appearance dialog. Click OK. ThumbnailsWrap Select this check box to group the pages of a document under a headline showing the document number. In the Display Properties dialog box. 2. . Part 2 Profiles and advanced configuration . . Pages can be scanned and processed in the same way. manual postprocessing should be the exception. you should distinguish scanning (or input) scenarios from archiving scenarios. external storage. create a profile for each scanning scenario and one for each archiving scenario. A profile can contain up to three subprofiles: • Input: Specify the source of the data (see “Configuring input” on page 65). Thus. • Archiving: Documents can be archived in different ways: through the Document Pipeline into Archive Server. you can configure individual processing settings for each of them. You can define the archiving method in the profile (see “Configuring indexing and archiving” on page 119). Tip: In most cases.Chapter 8 Working with profiles A profile is a collection of configuration steps for a specific scenario. Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Notes)? • Of what quality are the paper documents? CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 57 . batches and folders and define how the pages are to be classified into groups during scanning (see “Configuring processing” on page 83).1 Preparations The profiles for the Enterprise Scan are defined in coordination with Open Text Global Services. A scanning or input scenario usually needs an Input subprofile and a Processing subprofile. Before you can define these profiles. An archiving scenario needs an Archiving subprofile. but the resulting documents are archived in different ways and vice versa. You can specify the rules by which scanned pages are to be separated into documents. 8. Thus the scan operator's work becomes faster and more efficient. • Processing: In order to attain optimum quality in scanning different types of original documents. Then add and configure the required subprofiles. through Capture Center or directly into a leading software system or to external storage. The majority of scanning and archiving tasks should be covered by a profile. you have to analyze the company circumstances: • How many documents should be handled per day? • Do you use different document sources (scanners. you do not delete the referenced subprofiles. • When deleting a profile. They remain in the corresponding subprofile lists. In the Profile menu. In this dialog box. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Create a profile.2 Creating a profile The procedure for creating a profile is always the same. processing and archiving are listed. a. You cannot delete the default profile (marked with ). regardless of the type of subprofile you want to use: 1. Notes: 2. all existing profiles with the corresponding subprofiles for input. so that you can use them for other profiles. You can change existing profiles via the Modify. but it is also possible to extend and modify the profiles if your requirements change.Chapter 8 Working with profiles • Which leading application is used for document retrieval? Most profiles are defined during initial configuration of the Enterprise Scan. 8. click Manage Profiles. The Profile Creation Wizard opens. 58 • Click Create. Rename and Delete buttons. The Profile Manager dialog box opens. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 59 . Use a name that is as descriptive as possible.8. d. The steps 2 to 4 of the Profile Creation Wizard follow. Enter a profile name. you can use an existing profile as a template for the new one: Check the Copy from option and select the respective profile.2 Creating a profile b. Click Next. If you have a similar profile. c. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . The step 1 of the Subprofile Creation Wizard opens. Click Create.Chapter 8 Working with profiles 3. Navigate to the subprofile you want to create with Back and Next. 60 Create each required subprofile for the profile: a. b. Click Finish to complete the profile configuration. • The subprofile Processing (see “Configuring processing” on page 83). • The subprofile Archiving (see “Configuring indexing and archiving” on page 119). Check the check box for the subprofile you want to use in the new profile. Confirm with OK. 6. The selected subprofiles are listed in the Page flow field. Define the detailed configuration of the subprofile: e. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 61 . Creating a profile Enter the profile name and click Next. • The subprofile Input (see “Configuring input” on page 65). Click Validate. A message displays if a subprofile is not valid (see “Validating profiles” on page 64).2 c. d. The step 2 of the Subprofile Creation Wizard opens. 5.8. You return to the Profile Manager dialog box. 4. The Profile Manager opens (see “Creating a profile” on page 58). Click on the respective profile or subprofile button in the Profiles toolbar.3 Modifying existing profiles To modify existing profiles you can use the Profiles toolbar: 1. Configure subprofile Use Profile>Configure Input.Chapter 8 Working with profiles 8. 2. 62 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Select the respective profile or subprofile in the list box of the Profiles toolbar. Manage Profiles menu item Use Profile>Manage Profiles to modify any existing profile. Click the tab for the kind of subprofile you want to modify. Configure Current menu item Use Profile>Configure Current to modify the active profile. Configure Processing or Configure Archiving to modify the active subprofile. Delete To remove a subprofile. Processing and Archiving tab After clicking Modify. If you want to delete a subprofile. Select (highlight) the subprofile whose name you want to change. 2. The functionality available here depends on which tab you have open: Input tab After clicking Modify. A dialog box appears. where you can create the new subprofile.8. Next. Rename To rename a subprofile 1. the Create button opens the corresponding Subprofile Creation Wizard. you can change the input source. Enter a new name for the subprofile. To configure the parameters for the selected input source. Configure This button is only available in the Input subprofile. Click on the Rename button. you can change the settings and parameters of the selected subprofile for Processing and Archiving. The Rename Subprofile dialog box opens. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 63 .3 Modifying existing profiles Create Based on the tab (Input. • A subprofile that is being used by a profile cannot be deleted. Click on the OK button. Processing. select the one you want to remove. 3. Notes: • An active subprofile cannot be deleted. Select the correct input source from the Scanners list in the Configure Input subprofile dialog box. where you can change the settings of the currently selected input device. or Archiving) you have clicked. 4. clear its check box. Modify Highlight the subprofile you want to change and click on the Modify button. click Configure. click on the Delete button. 64 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Comments beneath each subprofile offer hints for solving various profile configuration problems. click Validate.4 Validating profiles To check the settings you have created for the profile.Chapter 8 Working with profiles 8. The dialog box shows whether the combination of subprofiles used is valid. For example. in the Processing subprofile. you cannot use Separate by Barcode unless Barcode recognition is enabled first. Kofax certified scanners. Go to Profile>Configure Input. File Input. External Storage. To configure input: 1. 2. File Import. Options Check input file format Checks the files before scanning. Click Properties to set the parameters for checking.Chapter 9 Configuring input As input media. you can choose among ISIS scanners. you select the input device for electronic pages to be scanned. Do not create a new document Adds the files to the last document. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 65 . Click Configure to set the options for your scanning operation. Lotus Notes or Microsoft Exchange. Define the settings: Scanners Here. Otherwise the pages will be scanned into a new document. Define the settings: Check Minimum size for X and Y values of the document pages. Note: The fields that are active in this dialog box depend on the input source you have selected. In the user interface. Note: If you select an ISIS scanner as input device. 66 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 .1 Configuring the format checker You can set parameters to run a check on the input file format. this check box is not visible. 9. select the Check input file format check box and click Properties. only monochrome images are displayed. Multipage tags searches for multipage tags in the file (tags that are significant for a multipage TIFF file). To configure the format checker: 1. Go to Profile>Configure Input. 2.Chapter 9 Configuring input Emulate dual stream mode Enables the software emulated dual stream (see “Dual stream scanning” on page 28). the Format Checker Result dialog box opens. enabling this option and selecting the correct color may fix the problem. If the option Photometric interpretation is selected. files without information about photometric interpretation will be repaired. incorrect multipage tags will be fixed.9. The value sets the color of the background. Fix If the Multipage tags option is selected. If the scanned images are inverted. Format Checker Result dialog box Click OK. Directory for Bad Files Path for the directory where files that cannot be repaired (bad files) will be stored. Check if the listed pages are sorted into the right group and if you have selected the right profile. You need write permissions to this directory. If Check input file format was activated in the Input subprofile and some scanned documents do not fulfill the defined requirements. it will be replaced by the value entered in the fields. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 67 . If the Resolution in X and Resolution in Y options are selected and the source file contains invalid resolution information.1 Configuring the format checker Compression enables file compression. 3. If you use File input as the input device and enable the option Delete scanned files. the original files on the disk are deleted without warning. Scan Options Delete scanned files Deletes the original files automatically after scanning.Chapter 9 Configuring input 9. TIFF. BMP and JPG files. and then an error occurs. With both options. you can read PDF. For File Input. while for File Import the directory is chosen during scanning. it is configured in the input subprofile. Warning You can lose original data if the original image is in the wrong format or if the scanning profile configuration uses plug-ins and so does not support the color depth of the scanned page. select File Input and click Configure. 68 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . 2. The only difference is the time of directory configuration. you can read pages from a file or directory that is configured in the subprofile. Go to Profile>Configure Input. With File Input or File Import. To configure input: 1. further automatic processing is possible according to the configured profile. Define the settings: Root directory for scanning Directory in which the files are located. File Input and File Import are nearly the same functions.2 Configuring file input With File Input. For details. there is a high risk of two or more people importing the same document more than once. This means that this input source cannot be used to distribute work to different operators by putting it on a network file share. After the documents are processed and imported into Enterprise Scan. the scanned documents are not locked.9. The Name is only displayed if the registered external storage has been configured as the document export target in the archiving subprofile. while quality control.3 Configuring an external storage Unlike in File Input. Click OK. A message displays asking whether you want to ignore and possibly delete the file. cleaning and sorting are performed at another workstation. click Register. Scan files from subdirectories Scans files from the subdirectories of the specified root directory. To define an external storage location as an input directory. and the documents are archived at a third workstation. here. in this case. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 69 . 3. see “Archiving to an external storage” on page 170. Registered External Storage Displays a list of the external storage locations that have been created. This is a useful option in case the processing of scanned documents is distributed among multiple workstations. If the option is disabled. Skip non-image files Skips or ignore non-image files during scanning. you can only read in pages that have been archived (or. Document Options Create new document for directory Creates a new document for every subdirectory present with the directory specified under Root directory. Warning When you scan from the file system in this way. 9.3 Configuring an external storage Scan files from root Scans files that are located directly in the root directory. a note appears that the file is not an image file. For example. the pages may be scanned at one workstation. In this case. Filename as document index Uses the file name of the first file in the directory as the index for the document. they are deleted from the location (based on the option above). buffered) in this external storage from within Enterprise Scan. The workstations exchange the documents in piles of documents. Remove Deletes the external storage location. where the quality and completeness of the documents are verified. into temporary storage in the file system (external storage). 70 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 .00000000\ Choose one of the following options: • Select the Delete Group Folder check box to delete the <group name> folder after scanning.Chapter 9 Configuring input Register Specifies the directory in which the external storage is located. Exporting to external storage creates the following folder structure on the file system: <configured folder>\<group name>\<serial number>\ Example: C:\extstorage\MyGroup\00000002. Delete images Deletes the data in the directory after scanning. according to the number of operators doing the indexing and archiving in the next step. The scan station converts paper documents into electronic images and stores them. The dedicated scan station must also separate the documents into groups. Once they have been successfully processed and indexed. since it is possible to separate the scanning. there is a dedicated scan station equipped with a highperformance scanner. Delete Group Folder The Delete Group Folder check box is only enabled if the Delete images check box is selected. This allows correct synchronization because each indexing station gets exclusive access to one group. using the archiving command. • Clear the Delete Group Folder check box to delete only the files and folders contained in the <group name> folder. using an external storage. In the typical scenario. quality control and possibly the indexing. The documents are then read from external storage by checking stations. The empty <group name> folder will remain on the file system. the documents are archived from these checking stations directly into the archive. Example 9-1: External storage used for distributed scanning Your workload may be better balanced if you distribute it among multiple workstations. Edit Edits the path specification for the external storage. The following is an example for using an external storage. select your scanner and click Configure. Note: Each ISIS driver supports one or more scanners. 2.9.4 Configuring file import File import is used if the scan operator must add files to the document stack. you can see all installed scanners available. 9. see “Configuring input” on page 65. For detailed information about the Options.5 Configuring ISIS scanners When working with ISIS scanners. In the Configure Input Subprofile dialog box. To configure ISIS scanners: 1. To make work easier. where the scan operator can select the files from the file system. marked with a green scanner icon in the Configure Input Subprofile dialog box. This function is used rarely and usually by administrators when defining the profiles in order to quickly import test documents. A dialog box opens. you should only install the relevant driver. In the Configure ISIS Scanner dialog box define the settings: CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 71 .4 Configuring file import 9. Go to Profiles>Configure Input. 3. Page Paper Size Specifies the settings for Page format. Select the Deskew check box to deskew the page. Advanced Set Border detection to On to recognize page borders and determining the Page format. So you can. • Default resets the fields on the active tab only. 9. • There can be dependencies between scanning parameters. These tabs are only available if the driver supports at least one of the corresponding parameters. For edit boxes.1 Configuring Page settings for ISIS scanners In the Page tab. valid for all fields in the Configure ISIS Scanner dialog box • Your changes are validated immediately for all controls except edit boxes. Left and Top offset. Orientation. easily select A4 size with a 5 mm safety margin. Optional tabs There may also appear Advanced and Endorser tabs and special tabs for some scanners. Note: The options available depend on the functions supported by the connected scanner. you can select the paper source and the size and offset of the region that you want to scan. If you select Automatic and there is a stack of paper pages in the feeder. Enter a size in Overscan to enlarge the scanning area by the specified size. this box can be selected only if Border detection is set to On. With some scanners. where you can set the parameters for the paper format and image quality options.Chapter 9 Configuring input Common rules. the value is checked when the focus is moved to another box. This means that if you change one value. This box can be selected only if the scanner supports this function. Paper source You can select whether to scan pages from the scanner's stack Feeder. Also. Width. Height. they will all be scanned as single- 72 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . For example. for example. Standard tabs In the Configure ISIS Scanner dialog box. you always see the standard tabs Page and Image. or to scan each page individually from the Flatbed scanner. other values may change automatically to make the whole configuration valid.5. you can select Compression only if 1bit B&W color depth is selected. the available options for a parameter may be limited by the current value of other parameters. • When you click Configure for the ISIS scanner. one image from the flatbed scanner will be scanned. Dual stream is disabled. The following settings are available: None Default setting. select the scanner id from the list. Hardware Enables the hardware dual stream provided by the scanner. Define the settings in the Configure Device Settings dialog box: Selected Device In case you have multiple scanners attached to the computer. • If you switch to another input device (profile) and then switch back to the ISIS input device.9. Double-sided scanning Specifies if you want to scan both sides of a document. Rescan Bus button Updates the list of attached scanners. Dual stream option For general information about dual stream scanning. Note: The Hardware radio button is only available if the image color depth is 24bit color. see “Dual stream scanning” on page 28. • Once per scan session. Emulated by software The dual stream is similar to the Emulate dual stream mode option for nonISIS input devices in the Configure Input dialog box (see “Configuring input” on page 65). Show device dialog Select this check box to display the Configure Device Settings dialog box. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 73 . If there is no paper stack. the compression is not set to None. once. Default Page Size Sets the default page size for scanning. on the first scanning. Note: The Emulated by software radio button is only available if the image color depth is 24bit color and the compression is not set to None (see “Configuring Image settings for ISIS scanners” on page 74).5 Configuring ISIS scanners sided. on the first scanning. Feeder timeout Sets the length of time in seconds that the scanner can wait for another document without interrupting the scanning operation. and the scanner hardware supports Multi Streaming. Note: Scanning with a large number of colors requires a powerful computer with a large memory. However. Dithering improves the quality of pictures in 1 bit monochromatic mode but may damage text or barcodes.Chapter 9 Configuring input 9. the optimized setting for the scanner is used. The greater the percentage value you select here.5. It is recommended that you use 300 dpi for black and white scanning and 100 dpi for color or gray scale scanning. Since this setting is dependent on the pages that are to be scanned. at high resolutions. Advanced Dithering Switches the dithering mode and can turn dithering off. The higher the selected resolution. Brightness The greater the percentage value you select here. but only if the scanner supports this function. Resolution Sets the resolution. Note: The options available depend on the functions supported by the connected scanner. For fast scanners. If Automatic is selected. 9. this may influence the speed of the whole scanning process.2 Configuring Image settings for ISIS scanners The Image tab contains fields for specifying the basic properties of the images that are to be produced.3 Configuring Advanced settings for ISIS scanners The Advanced tab contains some special scanning options that can be selected if supported by the scanner. 74 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . The most suitable compression setting depends on the overall profile configuration. the lighter the electronic page will appear. Contrast Sets the contrast.5. the better the result. the higher the contrast in the electronic page. you must test the settings to find which one provides the best results. scanning takes longer and requires more storage space. Image Format Color depth Color depth options depend on the color settings that are supported by the selected scanner. Compression Sets the type of compression used when images are transferred from the scanner to the application. the check box is selected. Create a registry entry S:ErrorCodes (Type: String) under 2.0\Scan\HKLM\Sca nGlobalSettings.5 Configuring ISIS scanners Note: The options available depend on the functions supported by the connected scanner. Invert image Inverts the color of each pixel in the image. Prompt scanner internal error during scanning When an internal error occurs inside the scanner during scanning.9. Select this check box to enable these error messages. Outline extraction Makes edges black while leaving monochrome areas white. If you clear this check box. White level follower Compensates non-white background. User and Administration Guide 75 . Mixed scan Optimizes scanning for pages containing both images and text. You can enable a retry option for any scanner error during scanning by creating a registry entry. To abort the scanning operation. the user will not be notified of an internal error inside the scanner during scanning. To enable a retry option for scanner errors: 1. By default. Add the error codes for which you want to enable a retry option. Scanning will be aborted silently. Example: The following screenshot shows an error message when a paper jam has occurred in the scanner feeder. Emphasis Enhances the image. Enterprise Scan will display an error message along with the error code. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IXOS\IXOS_ARCHIVE\6. click OK. The Canon 5020/5080 imprinter functionality is available through the Endorser tab. Mode Specifies how the stamp is printed. You can use the manual setting for pages that have already been time stamped. enter the value -4426 for S:ErrorCodes. to enable a retry option in case of paper jam. Note: The options available depend on the functions supported by the connected scanner. clear the paper jam and click Retry. only the OK option will be available in the error message. Disabled No stamp is printed.Chapter 9 Configuring input In the example above. 9. To change the value used for the next page.5. To continue scanning.4 Configuring Endorser settings for ISIS scanners The Endorser tab contains some special scanning options that can be selected if supported by the scanner. Automatic Counter This counter increases by 1 after every scanned page. To abort the scanning operation. If you want retry option for multiple errors. click Cancel. enter the value into the field. Manual No stamp is printed during scanning. For all errors whose error code is not added in the registry. separate the error codes by semicolon. Automatic Prints the stamp automatically on every scanned page. However. you can enter a stamp identification manually by using the Properties view. 76 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Example: The following screenshot shows the paper jam error message with the error code added in the registry. use %T. Note: This tab is hidden by default and displayed by holding the SHIFT key while opening ISIS configuration.5 Configuring ISIS scanners Endorser string Defines the printed appearance of the endorser: • %c: Computer name • %n: Serial number of the page.5 Configuring Drivers settings for ISIS scanners The Driver tab contains the drivers settings for your ISIS scanner. If %n is already in the string. This list box is always disabled. 9.5. If you need high accuracy. 9. ScannerID Select the ScannerID in the list box. More and Area to open the native ISIS dialog boxes. • %d: The current date • %t. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 77 . %T: The current time. Otherwise it will be only displayed when you have switched to another driver. • %u: The user name Position Specifies the position of the stamp on the page relative to the margins. use %t. Only administrators should define these settings. Show this page always Displays the Driver tab permanently in the Configure ISIS Scanner dialog box. Driver Settings Defines the settings for the chosen driver by entering the device name in the Select Device field and choosing the properties to be ignored in the Property not used list boxes. Native ISIS dialog boxes Use Standard. Only administrators should define these settings. it does not matter whether %t or %T is used. the performance is lower due to different strings on different pages.5. This check box is always disabled. Note: This tab is hidden by default and can be displayed by holding the SHIFT key while opening ISIS configuration. Using this counter will reduce performance of fast scanners.6 Configuring All Settings for ISIS scanners The All Settings tab contains all other available settings for the ISIS scanner. because different strings must be generated for each page and the scanner cannot scan in advance.9. For higher performance but less accuracy. This integration offers high-volume scanning. refer to the manual for the Kodak scanner.5. Variance rate Adjusts the level of gray at which the pixel is regarded as being black or white. VRS performs a multipoint inspection of each document. and image clarity. contrast. 9. not for normal work. brightness.5. Threshold Increases the accuracy of low-contrast documents. refer to the manual for the Fujitsu scanner.7 Configuring Kodak special tab The Kodak tab contains special options for Kodak scanners if supported by the scanner. Smoothing Adjusts character edges to improve Optical Character Recognition (OCR).8 Configuring Fujitsu IPC tab The Fujitsu IPC tab contains special options for Fujitsu scanners with IPC board if supported by the scanner. Manual feed Controls the automatic feeder. VirtualReScan VirtualReScan (VRS) is an electronic checkpoint for scanned images. Skew stop Stops the scanning when a skewed sheet of paper is detected. VRS instantly checks and adjusts for alignment (skew). Contact Open Text Global Services in these cases.6 Configuring Kofax certified scanners and VirtualReScan Kofax certified scanners Kofax certified scanners are supported in Enterprise Scan by using the ImageControls toolkit. If enabled. 9. Adaptive thresholding Adapts the threshold to optimize scanning. Invert image Inverts the color of each pixel in the image. For further information.Chapter 9 Configuring input This tab is meant for support cases in which everything else fails. Gradation Specifies the gamma correction in Auto I mode. automated recognition and image cleanup. Any inconsistencies are immediately corrected by VRS 78 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . 9. the user must press a button on the scanner before each page. As quickly as images pass through the scanner. For further information. It enables the automatic brightness option. Enterprise Scan receives the images directly from the scanner or via VRS. The VRS settings are independent from the scanner's settings.9. for example Faxination. for example.7 Configuring fax input Enterprise Scan can read in faxes received via Lotus Notes. select it in the Configure Input Subprofile dialog box and click Configure. To open the VirtualReScan Interactive Properties dialog box. A dialog box showing the initialization progress appears. most readable images are moved into your application. Configuration VRS properties To configure a Kofax certified scanner. For further information on VRS settings. 9. If the driver supports VRS. use software that can export received faxes via e-mail to Microsoft Exchange.1 Configuring fax input for Lotus Notes Specify where the faxes will arrive. right-click on the icon in the taskbar and select Preview or click Advanced in the Scanner Properties dialog box. You can also. the VRS icon appears in the Windows taskbar. VRS can be inserted between the scanner and the interface of Enterprise Scan. 9. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 79 . The language of the Scanner Properties dialog box depends on the installed scanner driver and may differ from Enterprise Scan language. via Microsoft Exchange or any software that supports this interface. refer to the Kofax documentation. This is transparent for Enterprise Scan. For a description of the values.7. refer to the VRS documentation. They are not handled by Enterprise Scan but by the VRS engine. Initialization Installed Kofax certified scanners are listed in the Scanners list of the Input subprofile. They are marked with a purple icon.7 Configuring fax input so that only the straightest. Initialization of the Kofax certified scanner driver is started automatically when you start scanning or configuring the scanner for the first time. if they are not yet present. In case of multiple attachments. only the first attachment will be scanned. The names provided in this dialog box are used. When Enterprise Scan fetches new fax messages. Configure your Fax software to create a single multi-page file instead of creating a file for each page.Chapter 9 Configuring input Lotus Notes server. Note: Scanning fax attachments from Lotus Notes is only possible from the Folders folder. Important When scanning fax attachments from Lotus Notes. Mail database Displays the Lotus Notes server and Mail database to be used. 80 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . the other attachments will be ignored. Values are taken from the Lotus Notes Client configuration and cannot be changed. these three folders are automatically created in the Folders folder of your Lotus Notes mailbox. enter names for the folders labeled Input. Remember user ID password. The automatic creation places the folders at the correct location. Error and Deleted. Folders If you want to change the default names. User ID password Select the Remember user ID password check box and enter the password for the mailbox that users do not have to enter a password for the mailbox every time the Notes server is contacted. 7. Only incoming e-mails that match these criteria will be shown in the Received faxes list in the Scan from Lotus Notes dialog box.7 Configuring fax input E-mail search engine You can enter criteria both for the Subject field and for the Body text. Error and Deleted. deleted items. enter names for the folders labeled Input.9. if they are not yet present. The automatic creation places the folders at the correct location. Microsoft Outlook profile Select the Microsoft Outlook profile to be used. contacts. and so on.2 Configuring fax input for Microsoft Exchange Specify where the faxes will arrive. Only incoming e-mails that match these criteria will be shown in the Received faxes list in the Scan from Exchange dialog box. using the folder names provided in this dialog box. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 81 . When Enterprise Scan fetches new fax messages. Folders If you want to change the default names. E-mail search engine You can enter criteria both for the Subject field and for the Body text. that means at the same level as calendar. Note: Scanning fax attachments from Microsoft Outlook is only possible from the faxlink folders located directly at the root of the mailbox. Note: Microsoft Windows must be configured to use Microsoft Outlook as the default e-mail client. Note: This must correspond to the mailbox that receives incoming faxes. 9. these three folders are automatically created in your mailbox directory. . In the Profile Manager dialog box select the profil you want to configure and click Modify. Go to the profile you want to configure. the obsolete blank pages can be removed automatically during scanning. This can be done in various ways: via barcode. However. Batch creation or assignment / Folder creation or assignment You can use batches and folders to build a hierarchical structure of your documents. click the Processing tab. This can be done via barcode. refer to “Scripting extension” on page 113. default group or patch CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 83 . blank pages. For details. For details. the beginning of a new document must be detected automatically. with batches as the highest level and folders under batches. Document processing If you are using blank pages to detect the end of a document.Chapter 10 Configuring processing To configure processing: 1. page processing is performed automatically during the scanning operation. the documents can be separated automatically into document groups. for example via Profile>Manage Profiles. The Configure Processing Subprofile dialog box is divided into the following parts: Page processing Page processing improves the legibility of the document. using a script. refer to “Configuring page processing” on page 84. For details. it might be necessary to improve the document quality manually. 2. Document classification During mass scanning. refer to “Configuring batch/folder creation or assignment” on page 108. In the Configure Profile dialog box. For details. For details. and then click Modify. Document creation During mass scanning. refer to “Separating documents (document creation)” on page 104. Usually. refer to “Removing blank pages” on page 113. select the subprofil. The scripting extension enables you to configure document processing. the page number or blank pages. remove the black and white borders and then save the reduced image. This saves archive space and improves the legibility of converted pages. Conversion of colors Use to reduce the size of the resulting images by reducing the number of colors in the image. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. For details. not to be used for flow. 10. Following operations are available: Black Border Use when you are using the deskew or crop function. gray scale images must be converted to color first. To configure page processing: 1. This step may be helpful if the incoming documents are colored and you often print the on B/W printers. Click OK. This is of course a trade off and depends on the specific scenario. 2. 4. Manually validation rule.Chapter 10 Configuring processing code. Go to the profil you want to configure. Pixels brighter than the threshold are set to white while others are set to black. refer to “Configuring document classification” on page 115. Add the operation you want to use to the Flow list and click Configure. Conversion to Gray Scale Use to convert color pages into scaled grays. 3. But in rare cases. For further information.1 Configuring page processing Page processing improves the legibility of the document. Works only with black and white images. In most cases the page processing is performed automatically during the scanning operation. The user can interactively select a threshold value. works only with color images (see “Configuring content extractor with preview (manual processing only)” on page 93). Content Extractor (Color) Use to convert images from color to black and white. 84 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Crop Filter Use to detect the image size. Works only over color images. see the appropriate chapter in “Configuring processing” on page 83. it might be necessary to improve the document quality manually. Content Extractor with Preview Use to convert color images to black and white. 2D Barcode Recognition must be set in the flow. you can speed up the scanning by rotating the A4 pages to landscape. it may not be possible to scan the documents always in the correct orientation. 10. Works only with black and white images. the settings for recognition of separation and classification requirements have to be defined for these operations: 3.10. This function rotates these pages automatically.1.1 Configuring 2D barcode recognition You can use 2D Barcode Recognition to separate documents. • “Configuring 2D barcode recognition” on page 85 • “Configuring barcode recognition” on page 87 • “Configuring blank page detection” on page 91 • “Configuring patch code recognition” on page 101 Click OK. Landscape to Portrait Use to rotate odd pages left and even pages right.inliteresearch. If you have a duplex A3 scanner and are scanning A4 pages. Regarding a license. Deskew Use to deskew skewed images. Rotation In mass scanning scenarios. Works only with black and white images. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 85 . Quality Indicator Use to automatically check the image quality during scanning. Thus the scan operator can search for the Bad Quality Marker and correct the quality manually. Despeckle (B&W) Use to correct dirty black/white pages. If an image does not meet the quality requirements. Smooth (Color) Use to correct dirty colored pages. if possible. assignment or classification. This function is able to correctly convert the scanned landscapes to original portraits. 2D barcode recognition must be licensed separately. preceding the document separation. contact Inlite Research (http://www. the page is marked with the Bad Quality Marker. assign documents to a batch or a for example when pages are much noised and Barcode or Patch Code Recognition is used. Works only with color images. or classify documents by 2D barcode. In addition to page processing steps.1 Configuring page processing DPI Resampling Use to change the resolution of an image. Go to the profile you want to configure. Add 2D Barcode Recognition to the flow list and click Configure. Barcode 2D Barcode To configure 2D barcode recognition: 1. Define the settings: Barcodes tab – Enterprise Scan supports the following types of 2D barcodes: 86 • Pdf417 • Data Matrix Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . 3.Chapter 10 Configuring processing Note: To distinguish simple barcodes from 2D barcodes. the term “barcode” always indicates the simple barcode whereas the term “2D barcode” always indicates the 2-dimensional barcode. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. 2. Configure tab – Define the settings: Restrict area for recognition Specifies the area to be checked for recognition. Checksum Examines the checksums of the recognized barcodes. Licence Indicates the license for the 2D barcode recognition. This option reduces the performance of the 2D barcode recognition. see “Questions about barcodes” on page 282. 10. The following values are possible: 4. Note: To distinguish simple barcodes from 2D barcodes. • Horizontal • Vertical • Diagonal (+– 45 degrees.1 Configuring page processing Recognize Barcodes Select the barcodes that you want to search for. lower performance) Click OK. assignment or classification. Find poor quality and damaged barcodes (lower performance) Recognizes 2D barcodes that are of poor quality or damaged. You must configure the area set before you can select it here (see “Defining areas for recognition” on page 189). For further information on checksums. Enterprise Scan needs this information for correct reading of 2D barcodes.10.2 Configuring barcode recognition You can use Barcode Recognition to separate documents. Recognize all barcodes on page Considers all 2D barcodes located on a page. Recognize from B/W copy Recognizes 2D barcodes from a B/W copy. If you select a 2D barcode without having an appropriate license. or classify documents by barcode. assign documents to a batch or a folder.1. Barcode orientation Select the orientation of the 2D barcodes on your paper. the term “barcode” always indicates the simple barcode whereas the term “2D barcode” always indicates the 2-dimensional barcode. Barcode Recognition must be set in the flow. a warning message is displayed. Move Up/Move Down Changes the sequence in which the barcodes are checked during scanning. preceding the document separation. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 87 . Chapter 10 Configuring processing Barcode 2D Barcode To configure barcode recognition: 1. Go to the profile you want to configure, see “To configure processing:” on page 83. 2. Add Barcode Recognition to the flow list and click Configure. 3. Define the settings: Barcodes tab – Lists the names of all available barcode types. Tip: To select all barcodes, press SHIFT and click one of the check boxes. Recognize barcodes Select the barcodes that you want to search for. 88 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 10.1 Configuring page processing Checksum Examines the checksums of the recognized barcodes. For further information on checksums, see “Questions about barcodes” on page 282. Remove checksum Removes the checksum. Regular expression Enter a regular expression against which the index is checked. Note: The strings, rules and separators should correspond to the conventions of the UNIX programming language. For examples of entries possible here, see “Working with regular expressions” on page 275. Remove chars Removes certain characters or strings from the index in accordance to the rules entered in this box. Examples: To remove the first four characters enter 1-4. To remove the first and the fourth character enter 1,4. Move Up/Move Down Changes the sequence in which the barcodes are checked during scanning. More Info Displays a technical specification of the selected barcode. Configure tab – Define the settings: Restrict area for recognition Specifies the area to be checked for recognition. You must configure the area set before you can select it here (see “Defining areas for recognition” on page 189). Recognize all barcodes on page Considers all 2D barcodes located on a page. Recognize horizontal barcodes first This option is available if you have selected From top or From bottom barcode orientation. Examines horizontally placed barcodes first. Otherwise, the first barcode to be detected on the page is recognized as the first barcode. This option is important if only one barcode is to be recognized even though various barcodes may be present on the page. Recognize barcodes on noisy ground (lower performance) Recognizes barcodes even on pages with noisy background. This option reduces the performance of the barcode recognition. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 89 Chapter 10 Configuring processing Barcode orientation Select the orientation of the barcodes on your paper. Enterprise Scan needs this information for correct reading of barcodes. Recognize rotated barcodes (+- 45°, lower performance) Recognizes barcodes that were placed at an angle and would normally not be recognized. Recognition tab – You can improve the settings to enhance recognition of the individual barcodes. Note: The values for recognition are measured in millimeters divided by one hundred (mm/100). Define the settings: Quiet space width Horizontal distance between a barcode and its surrounding text, graphics, and so on. If this value is reduced, barcodes located closer to the border or text are also recognized. Scan for barcode every Search interval for barcodes. If you reduce this value, a lower resolution is used. So, even very small barcodes can be found. Distance of compared lines Specifies the distance for comparison above and below the barcode. You can reduce this value to prevent the comparison from being performed too far above or below the barcode. If a possible barcode is found in a line (white space to edge and black bars), this line is compared with the lines above and below. Comparison attempts Specifies the frequency at which comparisons are performed. The higher the value, the more precise the result. Comparison tolerance Specifies the maximum horizontal distance between the lines to be compared. Minimum number of characters in the code Specifies the minimum number of characters that the code must contain before it can be registered as a barcode. Comparison shift Specifies the maximum horizontal shift of the lines that are to be compared. Increasing this value improves the recognition of oblique or less legible barcodes. Bad lines to stop smoothing When barcodes are being checked, an algorithm checks whether the upper and lower located lines match. Increasing this value results in a greater tolerance threshold during this check, which may in turn lead to better results in case of oblique barcodes. 90 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 10.1 Configuring page processing Maximum bar width Sets the maximum width a bar can have if it is to be recognized as part of a barcode. Minimum bar width Sets the minimum width a bar can have if it is to be recognized as part of a barcode. Minimum barcode height Sets the minimum height of a stripe if it is to be recognized as a barcode. This value prevents graphics, characters, badly scanned lines or dirty areas from being incorrectly identified as a barcode. Ignore barcode-like patterns Ignores patterns that look similar to a barcode. Recognize duplicates Compares the identified barcodes. If two identical barcodes appear on a page, then only one is considered. 4. Click OK. 10.1.3 Configuring black border To configure black border detection: 1. Go to the profile you want to configure, see “To configure processing:” on page 83. 2. Add Black Border to the flow list and click Configure. 3. Define the settings: Minimum white space [1/10 mm] Minimum space between the black border and page contents. This parameter is used to make border detection less sensitive to white dots within the borders. White areas that are narrower than the specified value are interpreted as part of the black border. Assume straight borders Select this box if the black border's boundary is a straight line, as is true in most cases. If you deselect it, processing will be a bit slower and the black border may have an arbitrary shape. 4. Click OK. 10.1.4 Configuring blank page detection You can remove blank pages inserted as separators. Set Blank Page Detection in the flow, preceding Blank Page Removal. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 91 Chapter 10 Configuring processing To configure blank page detection: 1. Go to the profile you want to configure, see “To configure processing:” on page 83. 2. Add Blank Page Detection to the flow list and click Configure. 3. Define the settings: Restrict area for detection Specifies the area to be checked for detection. You must configure the area set before you can select it here (see “Defining areas for recognition” on page 189). Tolerance Tolerance percentages for Blank Page Detection. The higher the value you choose, the less permeable the filter will be. 4. Click OK. 10.1.5 Configuring content extractor (color) The Content Extractor serves as an “intelligent” conversion of images from color to black and white, while saving as much image information as possible. If you are unsure whether all pages you want to scan are colored, include Conversion to xxx colors option in the flow. Conversion to xxx Colors must precede Content Extractor. To configure content extractor (color): 1. Go to the profile you want to configure, see “To configure processing:” on page 83. 2. Add Content Extractor (Color) to the flow list and click Configure. 3. Define the settings: Channel When the image is in true colors, pixels possess three values that identify the intensity of red, green and blue color values. The algorithm takes only one of these colors or channels into account. When you select Luminosity, a calculated value from all of these colors will be taken for the algorithm, according to the level of human sensitivity to these colors. Each pixel in the image is assigned a value that is taken from the channel intensity, and the threshold is calculated. All pixels with a value higher than this threshold result will be white. Threshold Select either Global or Adaptive. Global One threshold is calculated for the whole image. 92 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 10.1 Configuring page processing Global sampling Determines how many pixels are taken into account. It overlays the image with a system of grids. Global sampling determines the space between the grids. The higher the grids, the lower the resulting quality, but the faster the performance. Adaptive The image is split into squares, each with a specific threshold. Adaptive grids Determines the size of these squares in pixels. To suppress differences, the thresholds over pixels near borders are continuous. In other words, there are no jumps between pixels in adjacent squares. Secondary pass Additional function for the improvement of the image, in case some problem areas appear after conversion. These areas are then reevaluated in the second cycle. 4. Click OK. 10.1.6 Configuring content extractor with preview (manual processing only) Note: This function is intended to be used manually for postprocessing corrections on scanned pages. Therefore, it cannot be set in the process flow. You can set the threshold values for a manual conversion of images from color to black and white. Then you see the results of recent settings in a preview. To configure content extractor with preview: 1. Go to Page>Image Filter>Content Extractor with Preview. The histogram shows the number of pixels for all intensities (0 to 255) for the chosen channel. The representation of the number of pixels (vertical lines in the histogram) is adjusted to fit this rectangle. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 93 taken from the channel intensity. all pixels possess three values that identify the intensity of red. and the threshold is calculated. Conversion can be performed with regard to one channel only (default: 100 for all channels). Pixels with values higher than this threshold result will be white. 94 Click OK. green and blue color values. The algorithm takes only one of these colors or channels into account. 3.Chapter 10 Configuring processing 2. according to the channel selected. Define the settings: Channel When the image is in true colors. Threshold The threshold is the value that determines how the image will be converted. a calculated value from all of these colors will be taken for the algorithm. All pixels with an intensity smaller than this threshold value are converted to black. When you choose Luminosity. You can set only one threshold at a time. and all others to white. Preview A simplified preview of the image shows the potential result of the conversion to black and white. A value is assigned to each pixel in the image. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . according to the level of human sensitivity to these colors. For further information on dithering methods. • Conversion to Gray Scale You can either include this feature in the Processing subprofile or perform it manually via the Page menu. To configure color conversion: 1. Add Conversion to Gray Scale to the flow list.1 Configuring page processing 10. this method produces a satisfactory result. Floyd-Steinberg is always set as the default. • Conversion to 256 Colors Setting this method you must define the dithering method for the conversion. You can only configure Conversion to 2 Colors and Conversion to 256 Colors. see “Using color reduction methods” on page 273. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. To configure conversion to gray scale: 1. 4. There are no configuration parameters for this function. Click OK. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 95 . For most graphics. Add Conversion to xxx Colors to the flow list and click Configure. You need to test the various methods to determine which best meets your requirements.1. Define the settings: Dithering method The best dithering method depends on the type of graphic. 2. 10.1. The same dithering method is used to reduce color depth.10. The same dithering method is used to reduce color depth.7 Configuring color conversion You can change the color depth of pages: • Conversion to 16 Million Colors • Conversion to 2 Colors Setting this method you must define the dithering method for the conversion.8 Configuring conversion to gray scale You can use the Conversion to Gray Scale filter to turn color pages into scaled grays. 2. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. Go to the profile you want to configure. Go to the profile you want to configure. available colors and whether the graphic is to be displayed or printed. 3. This saves archive space and improves the legibility of converted pages. and select the Resampling method you want to use.9 Configuring crop filter The Crop Filter function detects the image size. The background color is important because only borders filled with background color will be cropped (removed). Ignore dots smaller than Crops only empty borders. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. This is slightly slower and sometimes may produce unwanted results. Add Crop Filter to the flow list and click Configure. 3.1. To configure crop filter: 1. 4.Chapter 10 Configuring processing 3. Click OK. removes the black or white border and saves the reduced image. barcodes are recognized. 2.1. The probability of correct barcode or patch code recognition on noised pages is higher if you select higher resolution values. Reserve borders Crops only borders that exceed this size. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. Click OK. You use DPI Resampling in cases where pages are much noised and barcode or patch code recognition is used. Go to the profile you want to configure. Specifies the size of dots that are ignored when detecting whether an area is empty. Go to the profile you want to configure. Define the Resolution for X and Y. Define the settings: Mode Specifies whether the background of the documents is white or black. 2. Pages with lower resolution will need less space on Archive Server. The pages are scanned in high resolution. 3. Add DPI Resampling to the flow list and click Configure. 10.10 Configuring DPI resampling You can change the resolution of an image. and then the resolution is reduced. To configure DPI resampling: 96 1. The resolution can be set from 50 DPI to 600 DPI. Alternatively. 10. you can select Detect background color so that the color will be recognized automatically. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . You can eliminate this problem during the scanning operation using the deskew option. are difficult to use and occupy unnecessary storage space. 3.1. 10. and is not rotated. 2. 4. To configure deskew: 1. Example A: Maximum angle This setting is useful if you are sure that the scanner never draws in pages obliquely at more than a specific angle. In the left-hand figure. whereas on the right-hand side it was set to 45°. The higher this parameter. Since the text is skewed by more than 5° and this value is greater than the filter setting. Any angle greater than that shown here is not considered to be skewed and is therefore ignored. the better the results of deskewing will be. Define the settings: Algorithm Precision Specifies sampling frequency. or not scanned in straight. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 97 .1 Configuring page processing 4. Click OK. the page is considered to be correct. for example that graphics that are supposed to lie obliquely are not accidentally deskewed during scanning. However. This means. Background color Defines the background color. Go to the profile you want to configure.11 Configuring deskew Documents that are skewed. setting a high value will lengthen execution time. This color is used as a filling color to areas that are new after deskewing is performed. the angle was set to 5°. Add Deskew to the flow list and click Configure. Click OK. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. Maximum Angle [deg] Specifies the angle that the scanner is to take into account.10. precision is achieved at the expense of speed . the slower scanning becomes. The higher the selected value. the original graphic is very complex and detailed. In this example. 98 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 .the higher the value you set. the more precise the result. However. the better the result. too.Chapter 10 Configuring processing Example B: Algorithm precision The higher the sampling value. here. 10. To do this. Go to the profile you want to configure.1.1 Configuring page processing 10. 3.12 Configuring despeckle (B&W) Gray paper and traces of dirt can result in individual black dots during scanning and can impair the quality of scanned images. 2. To configure despeckle: 1. Add Despeckle (B&W) to the flow list and click Configure. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. Define the settings: CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 99 . use Despeckle for black/white pages and Smooth for colored pages (see “Configuring smooth (color)” on page 103). You can eliminate these dots during the scanning operation. thereby improving the legibility of the document and reducing the file size. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. Add OCR to the flow list and click Configure. Go to the profile you want to configure. 10.1. 2. Go to the profile you want to configure. 3. To configure OCR: 1. There are no configuration parameters. The activation of the OCR results requires scripting.Chapter 10 Configuring processing Type Specifies the type of speckles to be removed. Click OK. To configure landscape to portrait: 1. Add Landscape to Portrait to the flow list.13 Configuring landscape to portrait You can rotate odd pages left and even pages right. You must configure the area set before you can select it here (see “Defining areas for recognition” on page 189). Click OK. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. You can remove black speckles from a white background or white speckles from a black background.1. The following languages are supported: 100 • English • German • French Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Define the settings: Area for recognition Specifies the area to be checked for recognition. Language Select the language to be recognized. 2.14 Configuring OCR (optical character recognition) Optical character recognition (OCR) automatically detects text in a picture file during scanning. Maximum speckle size Specifies the maximum size of the speckles to be removed. 4. 10. 3. The indicator automatically sets the Bad Quality Marker to those images. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 101 . 5. Patch Code tab – Define the settings: Patch Codes Names of each patch codes. Click OK.1. You must configure the area set before you can select it here (see “Defining areas for recognition” on page 189). 3. Restrict area for recognition Specifies the area to be checked for recognition. Add Patch Code Recognition to the flow list and click Configure. The highlighted code is shown in the Preview. the OCR result can be accessed with PageAttributes. For a description of the settings. 4.1 Configuring page processing • Spanish • Italian In the processing script. 4.1.16 Configuring quality indicator The quality indicator detects images that do not meet the quality requirements. (see “Scripting extension” on page 113).15 Configuring patch code recognition You can separate or classify documents by Patch Code. 2.10. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. Recognition tab – You can improve the settings to enhance recognition of the individual patch codes. 10. 10. Orientation Specifies whether the code is to be read vertically or horizontally by checking the corresponding box. Go to the profile you want to configure. To configure patch code recognition: 1. Click OK. preceding Document separation or Classification. see the Recognition tab of the Barcode recognition (see “Recognition tab” on page 90). Images that do not meet the quality requirements should not be archived.GetOcrText(). The higher this parameter. The minimum value is 0. 2. • Contrast Checker (for colored images) • Contents Overflow (for black/white images) • Character Compactness (for black/white images) • Black Speckles or White Speckles (for black/white images) Click OK. see “To configure processing:” on page 83.1. Add Quality Indicator to the flow list and click Configure. the lower contrast density will be accepted as correct in the scanned image. the smaller distance between characters will be accepted as correct in the scanned image. Sensitivity Specifies the acceptable division of characters in the image. 10.16. 10.2 Configuring content overflow checker The contrast overflow checker verifies if no part of the page content (for example text) appears outside the borders of the scanned image.1. Sensitivity Specifies the contrast density of images. Go to the profile you want to configure. the maximum value is 0. You can select following checkers: 4. minimum and standard height of the characters.3 Configuring character compactness checker The character compactness checker verifies if characters in the image are not divided into too many parts (for example very light copies).Chapter 10 Configuring processing To configure quality indicator: 1.16. the better your contrast checking results will be.16. However. 102 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . The lower you set the checker. Characters Height Specifies the maximum. 10.79 inches. setting a high value will lengthen execution time.1. 3.1 Configuring contrast checker The contrast checker verifies the density of color images. Algorithm Precision Specifies the sampling frequency. Ignore Objects Specifies the maximum length and width of an object to be omitted. or 20 mm. The lower you set the checker. 1. and can impair the quality of scanned images. To configure smooth (color): 1.1. 10.1 Configuring page processing 10. 3. To configure rotation: 1. 10. Add Rotation to the flow list and click Configure. Define the settings: Left The page is rotated 90 degrees to the left. use Despeckle for monochrome pages and Smooth for colored pages. 3. 4. The lower you set the checker. Add Smooth (Color) to the flow list and click Configure. the more speckles will be accepted. thereby improving the legibility of the document and reducing the file size. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. Define the settings: CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 103 . Both checkers are configured in the same way. You can eliminate these dots during the scanning operation.18 Configuring smooth (color) Gray paper and traces of dirt result in individual black dots (noise) during scanning.16. Go to the profile you want to configure.10. 180° The page is rotated 180 degrees. Go to the profile you want to configure. 2.1.17 Configuring rotation You can automatically rotate pages to the correct orientation for scanning. To do so. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. 2. Maximal Speckles Size Specifies the maximum height and width of allowed speckles. Right The page is rotated 90 degrees to the right. Click OK. Sensitivity Specifies how speckled an image can be.4 Configuring black (or white) speckles checker The black (or white) speckles checker verifies the image for black or white speckles. all pages will be scanned into one document. Go to the profile you want to configure. the size option is disabled. • Min .2 Separating documents (document creation) If you do not define any separation criteria. All methods reduce the noise (dirty pixels) of the image and improve the quality. To avoid this manual work. 2. It sorts the pixels by color and determines the pixel in the middle.Max The Min-Max filter is a weaker variant of the Median filter. 4. this filter may be unable to remove it at all. you can define separator pages specifying the end of one document and the beginning of a new one. The color value of this pixel is then assigned to all pixels in the array. Click OK. It does not lose as much relevant data. For this method. Size Specifies the area size for the Average method. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. If the dirty area is large. you must split this document manually into several documents. • Median The Median filter takes an array of 3x3 pixels into account. 10. • Average The Average filter computes the value of a pixel as an average of the pixels in the surrounding area. the size option is disabled. To separating documents: 104 1. You can select following document separation: • Separation by 2D barcode • Separation by barcode • Separation by blank page • Separation by Filename • Separation by Nth Page • Separation by Patch Code Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . After scanning. but is able to remove only some kind of noise.Chapter 10 Configuring processing Method Specifies the cleaning method. The size of the considered area is configured under Size. For this method. 2 Configuring separation by barcode You can specify how individual documents will be recognized and separated by means of a barcode during scanning. Click OK. 10. Go to the profile you want to configure.10. 3. Set Barcode recognition in the flow. see “Working with regular expressions” on page 275. preceding Separation by 2D Barcode. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. Click OK. preceding Separation by Barcode. you can select exactly one 2D barcode or all 2D barcodes.1 Configuring separation by 2D barcode You can specify how individual documents will be recognized and separated by means of a 2D barcode during scanning. Define the settings: Separate only if (otherwise ignore) Barcode type matches Separates the document only if the identified 2D barcode matches the selected one. you might use leading pages containing only the 2D barcode. To configure separation by 2D barcode: 1.2.2 Separating documents (document creation) 3.2. Options For separation. Barcode text matches regular expression The string you enter in the following field matches the detected string. 4. Add Separation by 2D Barcode to the flow list and click Configure. Note: Here. Set 2D Barcode recognition in the flow. Separate by Filename function will also set the index of the document to the barcode. You can delete these pages automatically during scanning or mark them for manual deletion. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 105 . For examples of entries possible here. 10. Options for correctly recognized The document will only be separated if: Checksum is OK The checksum is correct. 2. 4. preceding Separate by Blank Page.Chapter 10 Configuring processing To configure separation by barcode: 1. Options For separation. Note: Here. 106 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Options for correctly recognized The document will only be separated if: Checksum is OK The checksum is correct. but may be not correctly recognized. Define the settings: Separate only if (otherwise ignore) Barcode type matches The document is only separated if the identified barcode matches the selected one. 2. Add Separation by Barcode to the flow list and click Configure. Click OK. 10. Recognition result The document will only be separated if: Correctly recognized only The barcode is identified and correctly recognized.2. Set Blank Page Detection in the flow. Go to the profile you want to configure. 3. If you want only a few barcodes to be used as separators. you might use leading pages containing only the barcode. Barcode text matches regular expression The string you entered in the Barcode Recognition in the Regular Expression field matches the detected string. Correctly and not correctly recognized The barcode is identified.3 Configuring separation by blank page You can insert blank pages as separator pages between individual documents so that they can be automatically separated during scanning. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. add Separate by barcode to the processing flow as often as needed. you can select exactly one barcode or all barcodes. You can delete these pages automatically during scanning or mark them for manual deletion. Separate by Filename function will also set the index of the document to the file name.2 Separating documents (document creation) To configure separation by blank page: 1. Click OK. Separate by Nth Page function will set the index of the document to the file name. Select the Paper color used for the blank pages. When certain third-party fax-software packages are used to receive faxes. 4. Go to the profile you want to configure. 2. Enter the page after which a new document is to be created. 10. you can define every nth page as a separator page. Add Separation by Nth Page to the flow list and click Configure. To configure separation by filename: 1. Set Separate by Filename in the flow and no further configuration is then needed. they may save the multipage faxes in such a way that each fax page is imported into Enterprise Scan as a separate one-page document.10. 3. No further configuration is needed.4 Configuring separation by filename This option is intended for use when importing documents using FaxLink. Add Separation by Filename to the flow list. Go to the profile you want to configure. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 107 . 3. see “To configure processing:” on page 83.2.2. or select the Accept any color check box. Add Separation by Blank Page to the flow list and click Configure. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. In such cases. 2. see “To configure processing:” on page 83.5 Configuring separation by nth page If all documents have the same number of pages. To configure separation by nth page: 1. 10. Go to the profile you want to configure. 2. Click OK. 3. But only for the first document and not for the subsequent documents. the Separate by Filename function creates one document for each fax file and separates the imported fax pages into the relevant multipage documents. 4.2. Go to the profile you want to configure. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. Choose the patch code from the list box. and folders under batches. with batches as the highest level. 10. 3. 2. so the following sections refer to batches and folders. pages are assigned to existing or newly created batches/folders according to the rules set in the profile configuration. Click OK. Add Separation by Patch Code to the flow list and click Configure. • After scanning. Go to the profile you want to configure.3 Configuring batch/folder creation or assignment You can use batches and folders to build a hierarchical structure of your documents. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. For an overview. and select the option you want to use. To configure batch/folder creation or assignment: 108 1. To configure separation by patch code: 1. during scanning. 2. Note: Enable the option Delete page with recognized patch code if the separation pages only contain the patch code. Click OK. Assignment must always be connected with a proper separation of documents. Set Patch Code recognition in the flow (see “Configuring patch code recognition” on page 101). preceding Separate by Patch Code. see “Changing the document group. batch or folder” on page 39. pages can be assigned according to the rules set in the Document menu and the Move to Batch or Move to Folder menu item. 10. and if these pages should be deleted automatically. Classify documents in either mode by: • 2D barcode • barcode Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 .6 Configuring separation by patch code You can specify that. The configuration is identical for batches and folders. There are two ways to assign documents to batches/folders: • During scanning. the individual documents will be recognized and separated by means of a patch code.Chapter 10 Configuring processing 4. preceding Batch Creation or Assignment by 2D Barcode/Folder Creation or Assignment by 2D Barcode. To configure batch/folder creation or assignment by 2D barcode: 1. add Batch/folder creation or assignment by user to the operation flow in the Processing subprofile. This means.1 Configuring batch/folder creation or assignment by 2D barcode You can assign documents to batches/folders by means of 2D barcodes.3 Configuring batch/folder creation or assignment • patch code Alternatively. Go to the profile you want to configure. the user can directly select a batch or a folder to scan documents into. • Enter a name for a new batch/folder to be created during scanning. Batch/Folder You have the following options: CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 • Select a batch/folder name from the list box. Checksum and Regular expression are not checked by default. Click OK. By default. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. • Select [NewBatch]/[NewFolder] from the list box. A new batch/folder (with a name containing timestamp) will be created automatically during the scan process whenever the conditions are met. before scanning is started. 2. Add Batch/folder Creation or Assignment by 2D Barcode to the flow list and click Configure.3. Define the settings: Add an assignment rule Click Add to add a new line at the end of the list. the first batch/folder name appears in the Batch/Folder column. The configuration of 2D barcode parameters for batch/folder creation or assignment is identical with the configuration of simple barcodes. multiple batches/folders might be created during one scanning session. To use this function. To configure this scenario.10. User and Administration Guide 109 . 10. make sure 2D Barcode Recognition is set in the flow. 3. and the first 2D barcode from the 2D barcodes list appears in the Recognize Barcodes column. 3. and the first 2D barcode from the 2D barcodes list appears in the Recognize Barcodes column. 2. Define the settings: Add an assignment rule Click Add to add a new line at the end of the list. The regular expression must be consistent with the UNIX standard. the first batch/folder name appears in the Batch/Folder column. Checksum Assigns the document into the selected batch/folder only if the checksum is valid. Set Barcode Recognition in the flow. see “Example: Separating documents by barcode and sorting into groups using regular expressions” on page 265.Chapter 10 Configuring processing Recognize Barcodes Select the 2D barcode that should be recognized. 4. To configure batch/folder creation or assignment by barcode: 1. 3. if you want all 2D barcodes to be recognized. Move Up/Move Down Changes the sequence in which the barcodes are checked during scanning. Remove Deletes the selected line. Go to the profile you want to configure. Tip: For an example. Add Batch/folder Creation or Assignment by Barcode to the flow list and click Configure. 110 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . preceding Batch Creation or Assignment by Barcode/Folder Creation or Assignment by Barcode. or select All. see “Working with regular expressions” on page 275. Regular expression Uses a regular expression for the assignment. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. Click OK. 10. Checksum and Regular expression are not checked by default. Each document with the selected 2D barcode(s) will be assigned to the batch/folder selected in this line.3. The configuration of barcode parameters is similar to the one outlined in the Barcode Recognition section (see “Recognition tab” on page 90). By default. For further information.2 Configuring batch/folder creation or assignment by barcode You can assign documents to batches/folders by means of barcodes. 10. Click OK. Regular expression Uses a regular expression for the assignment. Go to the profile you want to configure. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. Move Up/Move Down Changes the sequence in which the barcodes are checked during scanning. Add Batch/folder Creation or Assignment by Patch Code to the flow list and click Configure.3 Configuring batch/folder creation or assignment by patch code You can assign documents to batches/folders by means of patch codes. if you want all 2D barcodes to be recognized.3. Each document with the selected 2D barcode(s) will be assigned to the batch/folder selected in this line. The configuration of patch code parameters for batch/folder creation or assignment is identical with the configuration of classification into groups by patch code. For further information. multiple batches/folders might be created during one scanning session. 2. Remove Deletes the selected line. 4. preceding Batch Creation or Assignment by Patch Code/Folder Creation or Assignment by Patch Code. Checksum Assigns the document into the selected batch/folder only if the checksum is valid. This means. Recognize Barcodes Select the 2D barcode that should be recognized. or select All. • Enter a name for a new batch/folder to be created during scanning.3 Configuring batch/folder creation or assignment Batch/Folder You have the following options: • Select a batch/folder name from the list box. The regular expression must be consistent with the UNIX standard. see “Working with regular expressions” on page 275. • Select [NewBatch]/[NewFolder] from the list box. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 111 .10. To configure batch/folder creation or assignment by patch code: 1. A new batch/folder (with a name containing timestamp) will be created automatically during the scan process whenever the conditions are met. Set Patch Code Recognition in the flow. the first batch/folder name appears in the Batch/Folder column. multiple batches/folders might be created during one scanning session. Remove Deletes the selected line. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . To configure batch/folder creation or assignment by user: 1. • Enter a name for a new batch/folder to be created during scanning. A new batch/folder (with a name containing timestamp) will be created automatically during the scan process whenever the conditions are met. Select a Batch or a Folder name from the list or enter a name for a new batch or a new folder. Click OK. the Select Batch or Select Folder dialog box opens.Chapter 10 Configuring processing 3. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. Recognize Patch Codes Select the patch code that should be recognized. 4. and all scanned pages are assigned to this batch or folder. When you start scanning. This new batch or folder is created during scanning. This means. 10.3. Each document with the selected patch code(s) will be assigned to the batch/folder selected in this line.4 Configuring batch/folder creation or assignment by user You can assign the documents directly to a batch or folder during scanning. Move Up/Move Down Changes the sequence in which the barcodes are checked during scanning. By default. Note: This creation or assignment function does not require a preceding “Separation” or “Recognition” rule. Batch/Folder You have the following options: • Select a batch/folder name from the list box. Define the settings: Add an assignment rule Click Add to add a new line at the end of the list. • Select [NewBatch]/[NewFolder] from the list box. and the first 2D barcode from the 2D barcodes list appears in the Recognize Patch Codes column. 112 Go to the profile you want to configure. 4. for example for the following purposes: • Assign documents to a batch or a folder. like simple or 2D barcodes and OCR results. • Classify documents into a group. where the reverse side of a sheet is scanned even though it is blank.4 Configuring document processing 2. 10. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 113 . preceding Remove Blank Pages.2 Scripting extension You can configure document processing by scripting. 3. Add Batch/folder Creation or Assignment by User to the flow list. You can select following document processing: 3. You can write scripts to access the page attributes.4.10. 2. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. and process them. Add Remove Blank Pages to the flow list and click Configure. Click OK. Click OK. • Removing blank pages • Scripting extension Click OK. 3. To configure removing blank pages: 1. Blank Page Detection must be set in the flow.4 Configuring document processing Document processing comprises a function for automatically removing blank pages and a scripting extension. Go to the profile you want to configure. The function is also useful in cases of double-sided scanning. 10. 4. In order to use this function. or select the Accept any color check box. Go to the profile you want to configure. 2. Select the Paper color used for the blank pages. No further configuration is needed. To configure document processing: 1.1 Removing blank pages You can automatically remove blank separator pages that have been inserted in the paper stack before scanning. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. 10. Flags. see “Working with scripts for indexing and archiving” on page 245.Folder = "FOLDER XYZ". Click Open Global Function Depot to display the Global Function Depot. Document properties (to be passed to the separation action) var props = Separation.Separate(props.Batch = "BATCH XYZ". To configure scripting extension: 1. 4. props. see “Global function depot” on page 253. 3. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. If you want to use 2D barcodes. Use References to add a reference to third party libraries. For details about scripting.DeletePage). In the Configure Processing Extension Script dialog box. Add Scripting Extension to the flow list and click Configure. props. Save and Compile to open. enter your script for document processing. var bc2d = PageAttributes.GetBarcode(index). simple barcodes or OCR text in your processing script. Separation.Get2DBarcode(index).Separate(props. • The OCR result can be accessed with: PageAttributes. // separates and deletes the current page //Separation. Separation.Chapter 10 Configuring processing • Separate documents.CreateDocumentProperties().Index = "INDEX XYZ". The scripting interface in the processing script looks like the following: Page attributes • Simple and 2D barcodes: var bc = PageAttributes.Separate(props).GetOcrText().MarkPageForDelete).Flags. 114 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 .Group = "GROUP XYZ". make sure the respective plug-ins are properly configured in the Page processing flow. props. Go to the profile you want to configure. see “Assigning third party libraries” on page 145. 2. store and test the scripts. props. // separates and sets the delete-marker for the current page Separation. Separation // separates only //Separation. Click Load. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 115 . Click OK. add Batch/folder creation or assignment by user to the operation flow in the Processing subprofile. Classification divides documents into groups depending on the rules you set. the user can directly select a batch or a folder to scan documents into.5. pages are classified according to the rules set in the profile configuration. 10. To configure document classification: 1. before scanning is started.5 Configuring document classification Documents can be assigned to groups. To configure this scenario.1 Configuring classification by 2D barcode You can classify documents to groups by means of 2D barcodes. Classification must always be connected with a proper separation of documents. especially when you archive into External Storage. 3. Classify documents in either mode by: • 2D barcode • barcode • patch code Alternatively. Groups correspond with directories in the file system. preceding Classification by 2D Barcode. so only the desired group of documents can be selected for further processing. Click OK. 2. There are two ways to classify documents: • During scanning. The configuration of 2D barcode parameters for classification is identical with the configuration of simple barcodes. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. Set 2D Barcode Recognition in the flow. Go to the profile you want to configure. To configure classification by 2D barcode: 1. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. Using groups gives a better overview of scanned documents and simplifies your work.10. • After scanning. Go to the profile you want to configure.5 Configuring document classification 5. pages can be classified according to the rules set in the Document>Classify menu item. This is known as Classification. 10. Tip: For an example. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. Group Select a group name from the list box. For further information. and the first 2D barcode from the 2D barcodes list appears in the Recognize Barcodes column. Checksum and Regular expression are not checked by default.2 Configuring classification by barcode You can classify documents into groups by means of barcodes. To configure classification by barcode: 1. 4.Chapter 10 Configuring processing 2. Checksum Assigns the document into the selected batch/folder only if the checksum is valid. 3. or enter a name for a new group to be created during scanning. Define the settings: Add an assignment rule Click Add to add a new line at the end of the list. see “Working with regular expressions” on page 275. By default. see “Example: Separating documents by barcode and sorting into groups using regular expressions” on page 265. Add Classification by 2D Barcode to the flow list and click Configure. 10. The configuration of barcode parameters is similar to those outlined in the Barcode Recognition section (see “Recognition tab” on page 90). Move Up/Move Down Changes the sequence in which the barcodes are checked during scanning.5. preceding Classification by Barcode. the first group name appears in the Group column. 116 Go to the profile you want to configure. if you want all 2D barcodes to be recognized. The regular expression must be consistent with the UNIX standard. Each document with the selected 2D barcode(s) will be classified into the group selected in this line. or select All. Recognize Barcodes Select the 2D barcode that should be recognized. Remove Deletes the selected line. Set Barcode Recognition in the flow. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Click OK. Regular expression Uses a regular expression for the assignment. Regular expression Uses a regular expression for the assignment.5. Group Select a group name from the list box. preceding Classification by Patch Code. Add Classification by Barcode to the flow list and click Configure. To configure classification by patch code: 1.3 Configuring classification by patch code You can classify documents into groups by means of patch code. Define the settings: Add an assignment rule Click Add to add a new line at the end of the list. 3. Go to the profile you want to configure. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. and the first 2D barcode from the 2D barcodes list appears in the Recognize Barcodes column. 4. Checksum Assigns the document into the selected batch/folder only if the checksum is valid. 10.10. or select All. see “Working with regular expressions” on page 275. Click OK. The regular expression must be consistent with the UNIX standard. By default. Add Classification by Patch Code to the flow list and click Configure. Move Up/Move Down Changes the sequence in which the barcodes are checked during scanning. or enter a name for a new group to be created during scanning. Recognize Barcodes Select the 2D barcode that should be recognized. the first group name appears in the Group column. Set Patch Code Recognition in the flow. 3. 2. Remove Deletes the selected line. Each document with the selected 2D barcode(s) will be classified into the group selected in this line. Checksum and Regular expression are not checked by default. Define the settings: CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 117 . The configuration of patch code parameters is similar to the method outlined in the Patch Code Recognition section (see “Configuring patch code recognition” on page 101). if you want all 2D barcodes to be recognized. For further information.5 Configuring document classification 2. Group Select a group name from the list box. For further information.5. To configure classification by user: 118 1. Checksum Assigns the document into the selected batch/folder only if the checksum is valid. Click OK. or select All. The regular expression must be consistent with the UNIX standard. 2. 3.Chapter 10 Configuring processing Add an assignment rule Click Add to add a new line at the end of the list. or enter a name for a new group to be created during scanning. Click OK.4 Configuring classification by user You can assign the documents directly to a group during scanning. Select a Group name from the list box or enter a name for a new group. the Select Group dialog box opens. and the first patch code from the patch codes list appears in the Recognize Patch Code column. Move Up/Move Down Changes the sequence in which the barcodes are checked during scanning. Regular expression Uses a regular expression for the assignment. and all scanned pages are assigned to this group. When you start scanning. Recognize Patch Codes Select the patch codee that should be recognized. see “To configure processing:” on page 83. see “Working with regular expressions” on page 275. Note: This classification function does not require a preceding “Separation” or “Recognition” rule. Each document with the selected patch code(s) will be classified into the group selected in this line. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Add Classification by User to the flow list. 10. the first group name appears in the Group column. This new group is created during scanning. Remove Deletes the selected line. By default. Go to the profile you want to configure. 4. if you want all patch codes to be recognized. No further configuration is needed. In order to define the appropriate settings in Enterprise Scan. a workflow can be started. checked. sorted and combined to form documents and groups.1. Enterprise Scan exports the document to Content Server and starts a workflow if specified. Create the archiving subprofile and configure it for Content Server (see “Archiving documents on Content Server” on page 159). This chapter describes the following archiving scenarios: • Storing in Content Server. 11.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving In the Archiving subprofile. To archive a document on Content Server: 1. you must know which archiving scenario is being used. Optionally.1 Configuring Content Server archiving scenario In this scenario. 3. based on the documents.1 Configuring indexing and archiving scenarios Once the pages have been scanned. Configure the relevant Content Server objects. see “Configuring Content Server archiving scenario” on page 119 • Early Archiving (SAP). Archive the document.Content Server Administration (LLESWBA-H-AGD)). see “Configuring TCP indexing and archiving scenario” on page 121 11. and Late Archiving with barcode (SAP). and pre-indexing (TCP). The Archiving subprofile must be configured according to the processing workflow and the leading application. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 119 . 2. the documents are sent to a Content Server folder and stored on Content Server. see “Configuring SAP indexing and archiving scenario” on page 120 • Archiving (TCP). you can define where and how the scanned and processed pages will be stored. categories and workflow maps on Content Server (see Open Text Content Server Admin Online Help . you can start the indexing and archiving process. patch code or another indexing method is used to join the documents to the corresponding business entries in SAP. 2. 4. 2. Tip: For preconditions in SAP. If necessary. 5. This establishes the link between the data in SAP and the archived document. 3.1. In Open Text Administration Client. activate archiving from SAP using (see “Configuring archiving from leading application” on page 213). Scan the document. 5. indexing by barcode. SAP controls the documents and routes them throughout the company. archive ID) is sent to SAP. Late Archiving with Barcode In the Late Archiving with Barcode scenario. Scan the document.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving 11.Administration Guide (AR-ACN)). The scenario names depend on the SAP product version. and the unique identification of the document in the archive (document ID. To archive a document using Early Archiving: 1. To archive a document using Late Archiving with Barcode: 120 1. Install Open Text Document Pipeline for SAP® Solutions. Archive the document. 3.2 Configuring SAP indexing and archiving scenario Early Archiving In the Early Archiving scenario. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Documents are identified by a barcode or patch code on their first page. refer to the corresponding customizing guide. Index the document. paper documents are passed through the office and are not archived until all document-related work has been completed. The corresponding scenario names are Storing for subsequent entry and Storing for subsequent assignment. create an archive mode with Late_Archiving scenario (see section 11 "Configuring scan stations" in Open Text Archive Server . paper documents are scanned and attached to a workflow as soon as the documents arrive in the office. Configure the Open Text Document Pipeline for SAP Solutions with the archive mode defined in Open Text Administration Client (see “Configuring Server and Document Pipeline settings” on page 207). Install Open Text Document Pipeline for SAP Solutions. Index the document. If documents are archived in this way. The corresponding scenario name is Late storing with barcode. All business tasks concerning the documents are performed with the electronic document and use the workflow. The document is archived. 4. 11. A (TCP) user can use these properties to retrieve the document. In Open Text Administration Client. Scan the document. 3. The document is archived. you can store additional document properties along with the scanned document in Archive Server. Archive the document. 4.1 Configuring indexing and archiving scenarios 6. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 121 . the document appears as an attachment of a work item in the indexing work queue of TCP. To archive a document using Pre-Indexing: 1. create an archive mode with the following preconditions and assign the mode to the scan station: DMS_Indexing scenario (see section 11 "Configuring scan stations" in Open Text Archive Server Administration Guide (AR-ACN)).3 Configuring TCP indexing and archiving scenario Archiving (Late Indexing) With the Archiving (Late Indexing) scenario. In Open Text Administration Client. 6. create an archive mode with the following preconditions and assign the mode to the scan station: DMS_Indexing scenario (see section 11 "Configuring scan stations" in Open Text Archive Server Administration Guide (AR-ACN)).Administration Guide (TCP-AGD)). In the archive mode. After archiving. 5. These steps take place in the Open Text Document Pipeline for SAP Solutions. is sent to SAP. Further steps like sending a notification or starting a process depend on the configuration of Document Pipelines for TCP. Archive the document. 2. Configure the Document Pipelines for TCP with the archive mode defined in Open Text Administration Client and select DMS doctype (see “Configuring Server and Document Pipeline settings” on page 207). Pre-Indexing With the Pre-Indexing scenario. Index the document. archive ID). 11. The link between the entry in SAP and the archived document is established by the matching of barcodes or patch codes. To archive a document using Late Indexing: 1. and the unique identification of the document in the archive (document ID. In the archive mode. along with the barcode or patch code. you can store a scanned document in Archive Server. set the Extended Conditions: PS_ENCODING_BASE64_UTF8N (see Open Text Transactional Content Processing . Install Document Pipelines for TCP. set the Extended Conditions: PS_ENCODING_BASE64_UTF8N (see section 9 "TCP Document Pipelines for TCP Business Object Layer" in Open Text Transactional Content Processing .1.Administration Guide (TCP-AGD)). Go to Profile . 122 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. • Switching between main profiles. 3. See “Global function depot” on page 253. 11. select the Init-Profile Script tab and click Edit. 8. The following actions activate an archiving subprofile: • Starting Enterprise Scan. 5.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving 2. Index the document. write the script in the Script field. Define the pre-indexing form in the Archiving subprofile (see “Configuring indexing” on page 123). Further steps like sending a notification or starting a process depend on the configuration of Document Pipelines for TCP. see “Assigning third party libraries” on page 145. 4. you can write an Init-Profile script that is called whenever the user activates an archiving subprofile. Configure the Document Pipelines for TCP with the archive mode defined in Open Text Administration Client and select DMS doctype (see “Configuring Server and Document Pipeline settings” on page 207).2 Configuring an Init-Profile script In the archiving subprofile. Archive the document. Save and Compile to open. 7. Configure the Transactional Content Processing Sign In (see “TCP sign in” on page 210). To configure an Init-Profile script: 1. Use Load. Use Open Global Function Depot to open the Global Function Depot where you can collect all your Enterprise Scan scripts. Scan the document. Install Document Pipelines for TCP. • Switching between the archiving subprofiles within a main profile.Configure Archiving. store and test the script. Use References to add a reference to third party libraries. 2. 6. In the Configure Init-Profile Script dialog box. if(Context["b_check"] == false) { MessageBox.Show("Precondition not met.Show("Some Initialization". Each archiving subprofile has just one indexing mask. Go to Profile>Configure Archiving. } else { Context["b_check"] = true. } 11. see “Configuring a Pre-Archive script” on page 150.Forms. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. In this dialog box you define the indexing fields for the archiving profile shown in the heading. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 123 . } Script for the Configure Pre-Archive Script dialog box: import System.Windows.3 Configuring indexing The indexing masks are linked to the archiving subprofiles.MessageBoxButtons."). For details on the Pre-Archive script. and validate the results of this check and conditionally cancel archiving.StopArchivingSilent = true.YesNo)==DialogResult. Application. Archiving not possible.3 Configuring indexing Example 11-1: Checking precondition in Init-Profile and conditionally cancel archiving in Pre-Archive A possible use for the Init-Profile script could be to check some precondition. Script for the Configure Init-Profile Script dialog box: import System. if(MessageBox.Window.Forms.11. "InitProfile". select the Indexing tab. To configure indexing: 1.No) { Context["b_check"] = false. The attributes must be defined in the Content Server administration. • Import from Oracle: Imports the attributes from Oracle Web Service (see “Importing Oracle Web Service attributes” on page 136). 3. and in the context menu select the way to define the indexing fields: • New field: Defines own index fields (see “Configuring custom index fields” on page 125). • Import from TCP: Imports the records from TCP Business Object Layer (see “Importing records from TCP” on page 127). you must deactivate this option. Click Add. Click References to add a reference to third party libraries. The set name is first part of the field name separated by colons. If you have imported the index fields from Content Server. • Import from Content Server: Imports the attributes from Content Server (see “Importing Content Server attributes” on page 129). The records must be defined in the Open Text TCP Modeler. Click Field areas to define the area in the document where the scan operator will find the required information for editing the selected indexing field (see “Assigning zooming areas to indexing fields” on page 148). To do this. you can group the fields in the indexing form according to the set names. 4. 5. Define the order of the index field with the arrow buttons. This is only necessary if you are using advanced scripting possibilities (see “Assigning third party libraries” on page 145 and “Working with scripts for indexing and archiving” on page 245).Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving 2. Note: If you have imported the index fields from TCP Business Object Layer. check the Group fields by sets option. 124 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . 6. 11. Define the settings: Name Name of the field. Type Select the field type. Now the Indexing view opens with this index fields when the scan operator selects this profile (see “Indexing and archiving documents” on page 47). 3. Go to Profile>Configure Archiving.11. To configure custom index fields: 1. select the Indexing tab.3 Configuring indexing 7. dependencies among the input fields. and so on.1 Configuring custom index fields You can influence the behavior of the indexing input fields by writing scripts. Click OK.3. 2. Click Add>New field or Edit (if you have selected an existing indexing field). Export and import of these scripts are available as well. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 125 . In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. where you can define the initial values. Indexing fields of type Global are highlighted in light blue in the Indexing view and in the Indexing tab of the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. They are persistent. Maximum. 5. see “Scripts in the interactive phase” on page 245. You can select the following scripts: • Initialization script • Selection script • Validation script • Update script For details. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . see “Global function depot” on page 253. only relevant for multivalue indexing. 4. store and test the scripts. see “Indexing the Content Server attribute type User” on page 135. Mandatory Select this check box if the scan operator must fill this field. 6. More Only enabled for importing TCP relations. Save and Compile to open. Click Open Global Function Depot to display the Global Function Depot. They are persistent when archiving but they are lost if the (sub)profile is changed or if Enterprise Scan is shut down. Count. For details about scripting. Display String Name that is displayed in the index form. Global The values in indexing fields with the owner Global are valid for all documents.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving Content Server Only active if type User is selected. that means they do not change even if a different document is selected in the stack or if Enterprise Scan is shut down. Click Load. see “Configuring TCP relations” on page 128. Owner Select Document or Global. Locked Number of rows for the indexing field. Document The values in indexing fields with the owner Document are valid for the particular document. Assign scripts to the index field. see “Indexing TCP multivalue attributes” on page 127 and “Indexing multi-row attributes from Content Server” on page 133. see “Working with scripts for indexing and archiving” on page 245. 126 Click OK. 2 Importing records from TCP You can import records from TCP Business Object Layer. 3. In the Indexing view. Default value is 1. configure the number of rows (Count) that are displayed initially in the Indexing view. add and remove rows for indexing multivalue attributes by clicking the and icons. 4. there is no upper limit for the number of rows. If needed. select the Indexing tab and click Add>Import from TCP. Click Import.2.3.1 Indexing TCP multivalue attributes To index TCP multivalue attributes: 1. Note: Only one document type can be specified whereas any number of data object types can be imported. For single-value properties: To make sure that the number of lines cannot be changed in the Indexing view. 2. In the Configure Field dialog box. configure such a limit with the checkbox Maximum and the corresponding value. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. The document type will contain the scanned document itself. 5. For multivalue fields imported from TCP.3. 6. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. Select one or more data object types. Sign in to TCP (see “TCP sign in” on page 210) to display the Import Record Types dialog box. Go to Profile>Configure Archiving.3 Configuring indexing 11.11. Import records from TCP (see “Importing records from TCP” on page 127). select Locked. Go to Profile>Configure Archiving. Note: Prior to importing. select the Indexing tab. 3. 11. the records' attributes are automatically passed to TCP Business Object Layer. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 127 . 2. Mark the indexing field you want to change and click Edit. 5. To import record types from TCP Business Object Layer: 1. 4. the records must have been defined in Open Text TCP Modeler. 7. Select one document type. When the scan operator fills the index fields and archives the document. Notes: • 128 Relations with compound mapping properties are not supported. the corresponding mapping properties are imported.Customization Guide (TCP-CGD) to learn about the use of relations in TCP scenarios. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . This induces duplicate entries in the list of Indexing fields in the Indexing tab of the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving Configuring TCP relations See section 31. The duplicates are shown in red.11 "Relationships (also external and cross-data dictionary relationships)" in Open Text Transactional Content Processing . Along with relations.3. select the Displayed property type to be displayed in the Indexing view and the Fetchlimit. delete them.dms:DisplayName. If they are not needed. To index TCP relations: 1. and click Edit. They are however imported because this scenario cannot always be identified by the software without knowledge of the semantics of the data model. Decide if the Indexing view shall show the mapping properties or the relations. In the Properties for Relation Account dialog box. Note: As a default. In the Configure Field dialog box. Content Server must support UTF-8. for example the customer number or select the customer from a list of customer names. As a prerequisite. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. the maximal number of lines displayed for this property type in the Indexing view. 3. 4. Alternatively. the display property is ixos.11. keep both fields. click More. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 129 . • The relevant system attributes defined by Content Server instance are automatically imported as well.3 Importing Content Server attributes Attributes to be imported from Content Server must be defined in the Content Server administration before.3. so the scan operator can choose either to insert. Notes: • Enterprise Scan supports Unicode (UTF-8) strings for indexing values when archiving through the Document Pipeline for Content Server. This is only of use if it is maintained in the TCP application.3 Configuring indexing • Relations where a key of the record to be created is inserted as a foreign key in the related record are not supported. You must remove these fields manually in the Configure Archiving subprofile: Mark the indexing field and click Remove. 11. 2. mark the indexing field of an imported relation. and remove the other field. 3. Go to Profile >Configure Archiving. To import Records Management attributes for indexing: 1. the Records Management web service (for supported versions. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. Limitation Enterprise Scan does not support the import of the following Records Management fields: 130 • Record Type • RSI Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . 4. select the Include RM attributes check box. select the Indexing tab and click Add >Import from Content Server. Prerequisite The Records Management attributes to be imported must have the Show option checked for Add Item Page. Enterprise Scan communicates to Content Server through web services. The Enterprise Scan indexing module can process such default values and initialize the Indexing view accordingly. 11. see Release Notes) needs to be installed and configured for Content Server. Sign in to Content Server (see “Content Server sign in” on page 210).1 Importing Records Management attributes Enterprise Scan enables you to import Records Management attributes for indexing and releasing to Content Server using the Document Pipeline for Content Server.Administering Records Management (LLESRCM-H-AGD). select the Indexing tab and click Add >Import from Content Server. 3. Note: The tree view in the Import Attributes dialog box is not relevant for importing Records Management attributes. category or workflow and click Import. Thus. see Open Text Records Management .3.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving • Enterprise Scan constructs a correct indexing form when Copy is used in the Content Server web interface. To import Content Server attributes: 1. Sign in to Content Server (see “Content Server sign in” on page 210). 2. • The default value for an attribute defined in Content Server can contain quote or double quote characters. In the Import Attributes dialog box. 2. 3. select the required folder. This needs to be configured in Content Server. you can combine importing Records Management attributes with importing Content Server attributes (see “Importing Content Server attributes” on page 129). However. Click Import to import all Records Management attributes that have the property Add Item Page from Content Server. In the Import Attributes dialog box. Go to Profile>Configure Archiving. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 131 . this field is displayed as a special field that allows to select the Records Management classification for the current document.11.3 Configuring indexing • Other Addressee(s) • Update Cycle Period • Originating Organization The imported Records Management attributes are mapped to the corresponding indexing fields and are shown in the indexing mask. Click OK. The additional mandatory indexing field RM:Classification is added to the indexing tab. In the Indexing view. Each Records Management attribute name gets an RM prefix in the indexing field. 5. 132 Click the icon next to the Classification field. If you want to use default classification values. 1. you must enter the values manually in the Initialization script. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 .Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving Once the document is released from Enterprise Scan to Content Server indirectly (using the Document Pipeline for Content Server). Note: Enterprise Scan does not support the import of default classification values. the Records Management attributes are written to the IXATTR file for further processing of the Document Pipeline for Content Server module. To select the Records Management classification in the Indexing view: Note: You can only select classifications of type RM Classifications defined in Content Server. select a classification from the list box of classifications that are available to the group. browse through all available Records Management classifications and select one. Select from the Classifications drop down list how to import the classification: Browse Classification In the Classifications Tree. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 133 . Configure the field parameters of each attribute (see “Configuring custom index fields” on page 125). User Pick List In the Classifications Tree.3 Configuring indexing 2. Group Pick List In the Classifications Tree. Import attributes from Content Server (see “Importing Content Server attributes” on page 129).3.11.2 Indexing multi-row attributes from Content Server To index multi-row attributes from Content Server: 1. 2. My Favorites In the Classifications Tree. select a classification from the Favorites list.3. select a classification from the list box of classifications that are available to the user. 11. Go to Profile>Configure Archiving. enter the number of rows (Count) to be displayed initially in the Indexing view for the attribute. Minimum value is 1. In the Indexing view. Mark the indexing field you want to change and click Edit. select the Indexing tab. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. 5. Otherwise. Supported attribute types Indexing multi-row attributes is supported for the following attribute types: 134 Type Possible display type in the Indexing view Date: Field Date: Popup Flag: Checkbox Integer: Field Integer: Popup Real: Field String: Field String: Multiline String: Popup User: Field Classification: Field Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Note: The initial number at Count corresponds with the “default” value defined for the multi-row attribute in Content Server. 4. Items with index between “default” and “max” do not have a default value because this value is not defined in Content Server. when the number of rows added in the Indexing view exceeds the maximum available count of rows for a multi-row attribute defined in Content Server. In the Configure Field dialog box.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving 3. you can add as many new rows as defined in the parameter “max” for the respective attribute in Content Server. 6. check Locked to make sure that the number of lines cannot be changed in the Indexing view. 7. Note: An overflow of the “max” number can happen. The default value for a multi-row attribute results from the default value definition inside the corresponding category in Content Server. Define a Maximum number of rows. Use the icon to reduce number of rows. Click the icon near the appropriate indexing field. The scan operator should know the “max” number of rows to avoid this problem. 3. In order to use this functionality for existing subprofiles you must re-import the indexing fields from Content Server or edit them manually in the Configure Field dialog box. • Existing archiving subprofiles.Value: Still can be used to set or get field value (first index for arrays). Field.3. Field. Field. • The Document Pipeline for Content Server (see “Archiving documents on Content Server via Document Pipeline (searchable PDF files)” on page 163). Field.Count: Gets number of fields in the array. Limitations Indexing of multi-row attributes is not supported for: • Export script plug-ins (see “Scripts in the export phase” on page 251). 11. The following methods/properties for field objects are available in Initialization/Selection/Validation/Update scripts: Field. the multi-row feature for each individual attribute in this first row of the set is fully supported.SetValue(index. see “Working with scripts for indexing and archiving” on page 245. Multi-row attributes of type Set As a Set can include nested multi-row attributes. remove the Locked checkmark and set Count and Maximum suitably. Initialization scripts are called just once.3 Configuring indexing Scripting Selection/Validation/Update scripts are triggered for every item in the array.GetValue(index): Returns value of the field with given index.3 Indexing the Content Server attribute type User To index the Content Server attribute type User: 1. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 135 . Enterprise Scan can import the first row of such a multi-row Set only. To do so. a text field similar to the one below is displayed in the Indexing view.11. However.Current: Gets current index in the array (0-based index). If the attribute User is selected in the Configure Field dialog box (see “Configuring custom index fields” on page 125). For details about scripting. value): Sets value of the field with given index. Select a search parameter (for example User Last Name). In the Oracle Attributes dialog box. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. Go to Profile>Configure Archiving. Click the user icon User. select the Indexing tab and click Add >Import from Oracle. Tip: To expand all nodes. 4. click Expand All.4 Importing Oracle Web Service attributes Enterprise Scan provides a feature for importing attributes from Oracle Web Service and using these attributes for indexing. 2. The search is performed in the Content Server User Database. To import Oracle Web Service attributes: 1. enter a search term in the field and click Find.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving 2. Select the user from the listed results and click OK. 11. open the InvoiceInfoType node.3. to the right of the text field to open the dialog box Select 3. 136 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 137 . • The information if the field can be used for indexing one time or multiple times: Single or Multiple icon indicates a complex field that contains one or more simple or The complex fields that provide: 3. • The attribute name. right-click on the respective line and click Input Count.11. The icon indicates a simple field that provides: • The attribute name. for example String.3 Configuring indexing To collapse all nodes. for example BillBack that is used as the label for a group of indexing fields in the Indexing. click Collapse All. for example billBackStatus that is used as the label for the indexing field in the Indexing view. • The data type. • The information if the field can be used for indexing one time or multiple times: Single or Multiple If you want to use a field multiple times for indexing. <complex field name> (may be more than one):<single field name> Example: Oracle:InvoiceInfo. All Oracle attributes (simple fields) are imported in the Indexing tab of the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. The exact format is required to display the fields in the Indexing view. Repeat step 3 to step 4 for all fields you want to use multiple times for indexing.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving 4.attachment1:description Oracle:InvoiceInfo. 9. The value of Count and Maximum must be 1. Example: Oracle:InvoiceInfo. as indicated in the Oracle Attributes dialog box. used as label of the indexing field in the Indexing view. see “Configuring custom index fields” on page 125. you can use the field names: 138 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 .tenant:tenantName In case you have defined some fields to be displayed multiple times in the Indexing view. index numbers are added to the field name. You can perform some editing and also scripting to the indexing fields. For further information. In the Count dialog box. 7. In scripting. The Configure Field dialog box opens. enter the number of times you want the field to be displayed in the Indexing view and click Ok. select the Group fields by sets check box. the Locked check box must be selected. 8. select one line and click Edit. select the Mandatory check box. Click Import. In the Indexing tab. Remove the Oracle attributes you do not need from the Indexing fields.BillBack. 6. Type Data type. Important Do not change the indexing field Name. using the following mapping: Name Oracle:InvoiceInfo. To configure that the field must be filled in the Indexing view before the document can be archived. To have the indexing fields grouped by complex fields in the Indexing view.attachment2:description Display string <single field name>. 5. = "Open Text". Example 11-2: Oracle indexing configuration and resulting Indexing view The following screenshots show a set of Oracle indexing fields in the Indexing tab and the resulting Indexing view.reason2. to occur multiple times in the Indexing view. you can add the index numbers along with the field name during scripting. see “Working with scripts for indexing and archiving” on page 245. you can reference the particular index numbers (1/2/3/…) in scripts.reasonCode Oracle:InvoiceInfo.11.reasonCode For details about scripting. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 139 .reason1.Vendor:taxRate"] = "ID25555". For a complex field that allows multiple occurrences in the Indexing view.Vendor:VendorID"] Fields["Oracle:InvoiceInfo.Vendor:VendorName"] Fields["Oracle:InvoiceInfo. = "20%".3 Configuring indexing Example: Fields["Oracle:InvoiceInfo. If you have chosen an Oracle field. for example Reason. like in the following example: Example: Oracle:InvoiceInfo. • The Document Pipeline for DocuLink (SCR3) must be installed (see section 4.5 Configuring indexing for SAP You might want to use the Document Pipeline for DocuLink to archive documents with indexing attributes for SAP. the following prerequisites have to be met: 140 • A customer specific table in SAP must be configured (see Open Text DocuLinkfor SAP Solutions .Customizing and Administration Guide (DC-CGD)).Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving 11. • The scan scenario must be Early R3 Indexing (see “Configuring SAP indexing and archiving scenario” on page 120). To perform indexing for SAP.1.Administration Guide (AR-ACN)).Installation Guide (AR-IDPDP)). • The archive mode must be configured (see section 11 "Configuring scan stations" in Open Text Archive Server .3 "Installing Open Text Document Pipeline DocuLink" in Open Text Document Pipeline . Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 .3. 3 Configuring indexing Configuring indexing for SAP differs from the indexing configuration for TCP and Content Server. Example 11-3: IXATTR file template NEWDOC R3_CLIENT ATTRIBUTES ATTRIBUTES ATTRIBUTES ATTRIBUTES ATTRIBUTES R3_CLIENT R3_SAP_OBJ R3_AR_OBJ ARCHIVIDATTR DOCIDATTR CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 ZDEMO1|MANDT|CC|%s| ZDEMO1|KUNDENNUMMER|CC|1234567| ZDEMO1|RECHNUNGSNUMMER|CC|12345678| ZDEMO1|DATUM|DD|19981111| ZDEMO1|LIEFERSCHEINNUMMER|NN|123456| ZDEMO1|BETRAG|CC|124444| TOAV0|MANDT|CC|%s|ZDEMO1| TOAV0|SAP_OBJECT|CC|%s|ZDEMO1| TOAV0|AR_OBJECT|CC|%s|ZDEMO1| TOAV0|ARCHIV_ID|CC|%s|ZDEMO1| TOAV0|ARC_DOCID|CC|%s|ZDEMO1| User and Administration Guide 141 .Customizing and Administration Guide (DC-CGD)). in the application tool bar. In SAP. Configure indexing information in the Configure Field dialog (see “Configuring indexing information” on page 142).11. Click Write structure to file ( 5. In the Attribute Objects tab. For SAP indexing.3. In the New Attribute Object dialog box. In the DocuLink customizing. 6.1 "General" in Open Text DocuLinkfor SAP Solutions . you have to create/define the indexing fields manually. you create templates for the IXATTR file and the COMMANDS file (see section 11. Create templates via DocuLink for the IXATTR file and the COMMANDS file. Choose the IXATTR and COMMANDS templates. These files control the indexing and archiving process (see “Creating templates” on page 141). 4. click 3. 4. 3. using the customer specific table in SAP. Add a script in the Set Document Pipelines Attributes dialog box (see “Adding a Document Pipeline Attributes script” on page 144). To configure indexing for SAP: Creating templates 1. open the DocuLink Customizing.1. To create templates for IXATTR and COMMANDS: 1. ). Adapt the pipeline script scanr3. 2. select the General (see “Adapting pipeline script” on page 142). Select the destination path for the templates. where you can simply import the indexing information. 2. "script 'scanr3. For general information about this dialog. <SAP client name> R3_CLIENT R3_DESTINATION <SAP system ID> _ _ R3 SAP OBJ <SAP object> R3_AR_OBJ <archive object> # script with a project script !!!\n" . see “Configuring custom index fields” on page to: sub service { my $docdir = shift. " ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"). see section 9.. <column_name> Name of the column in the SAP table <r3_table_name>. Change the following lines of the scanr3.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving Example 11-4: COMMANDS file template DOCTYPE FAX COMP' done").. "script 'scanr3. " ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n" . #return(0. only necessary for user exits or automatic field entry in SAP tables using DocuLink: R3_TABLE_DETAILS <r3_table_name>|<DocuLink project>|<DocuLink attribute object> For details on automatic field entry. Adapting pipeline script After installing Document Pipeline for DocuLink (SCR3).. The change you must perform tells the script that there is no need to run additional custom scripts for the SCR3 scenario. This entry has the following syntax: ATTRIBUTES <r3_table_name>|<column_name>|<col_type>|<value>| <r3_table_name> Name of the SAP table in which entries are to be is located in: %ProgramFiles%\Open Text\DocuLink Document Pipeline <version>\scripts\perl\.3 "Automatic entry of field values using DocuLink" in Open Text Document Pipelines' has not been replaced by a project script").. The parameters you configure for SAP indexing are transferred into an entry in the IXATTR file. 142 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . IXOS::DTLogging::logmsg(IXOS::DTLogging::_ERROR().no need to run additional custom scripts } Configuring indexing information Configure the indexing information manually in the Configure Field dialog. # return success .4. " ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n" .3. " You have to replace the TIFF .Overview and Import Interfaces (AR-CDP). the pipeline script file scanr3. return(1. "\n" . " ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n" .. my $dttype = shift. Important Whenever the IXATTR file is modified in the Set Document Pipeline Attributes script. %d. The ATTRIBUTES lines in the template can help to define the fields. yourself. Important The separator must be a colon. For further information.MM. the automatic IXATTR creation with indexing information does not take place.. In this case. To get the desired syntax in the IXATTR file.3. you have to generate the entire contents for IXATTR by script. The following data types are used for SAP indexing: CC NN D2 Character strings Character strings comprising numbers only Standard date format DD.).. according to the following table: Type field <col_type> string in IXATTR <value> format in IXATTR String CC <input> Integer NN <input> CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 143 .4 "IXATTR for SAP applications/DocuLink" in Open Text Document Pipelines .11. Otherwise indexing will fail.[YY]YY.Overview and Import Interfaces (AR-CDP). see section 9. Type Your entries in the Type field in the Configure Field dialog result in values for the <col_type> and <value> parameters in the IXATTR file. . Name The field name must be <r3_table_name>:<column_name>. This is converted to database format internally. <value> Value to be entered either in plain text or as a placeholder specifying the value type (%s. you need to define the indexing fields in the Configure Field dialog the following way: Note: See also “IXATTR file template” on page 141.3 Configuring indexing <col_type> Data type of the <value>. By parsing the COMMANDS file.YYYY DateTime CC DD.2 144 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 .COMMANDS += "R3_TABLE_DETAILS <Table name>|<DocuLink project>|<DocuLink attribute object>" Most entries in the COMMANDS file are passed by Enterprise Scan. directly. enter the following script that will be evaluated for the COMMANDS file: Note: See also “COMMANDS file template” on page 142. see section 9.MM.3.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving Type field <col_type> string in IXATTR <value> format in IXATTR Flag CC true or false Decimal CC <input> Time CC hh:mm:ss Date D2 DD. The entries are passed to the COMMANDS file by the Set Document Pipeline Attributes script. For a comprehensive description.MM.COMMANDS = "R3_SAP_OBJ <SAP object>\n" Document.COMMANDS += "R3_CLIENT <SAP client name>\n" Document.COMMANDS += "R3_AR_OBJ <archive object>\n" Document.4. the link table information is transferred to the IXATTR file.YYYY:hh:mm:ss Figure 11-1: Indexing fields for SAP indexing Adding a Document Pipeline Attributes script In the Set Document Pipeline Attributes dialog box (see “Defining Document Pipeline attributes” on page 155). Document. The template can help you to define the script. Example 11-6: COMMANDS file produced by Enterprise Scan DOCTYPE FAX COMP 1..2009| ZDEMO1|LIEFERSCHEINNUMMER|NN|123456| ZDEMO1|BETRAG|CC|124444| TOAV0|MANDT|CC|%s|ZDEMO1| TOAV0|SAP_OBJECT|CC|%s|ZDEMO1| TOAV0|AR_OBJECT|CC|%s|ZDEMO1| TOAV0|ARCHIV_ID|CC|%s|ZDEMO1| TOAV0|ARC_DOCID|CC|%s|ZDEMO1| Note: A NEWINSERT entry is generated in the IXATTR file if multiple tables are referenced in the indexing fields.3.6 Assigning third party libraries You can add a reference to third-party libraries (*.11.Overview and Import Interfaces (AR-CDP).. 11.. only necessary for user exits or automatic field entry in SAP tables using DocuLink: R3_TABLE_DETAILS <r3_table_name>|<DocuLink project>|<DocuLink attribute object> Note: For details on automatic field entry.3. Examples The following examples show the IXATTR and COMMANDS files generated by Enterprise Scan with the indexing fields and the Set Document Pipeline Attributes script.dll). _ R3 CLIENT <SAP client name> (Example: 800) <SAP system ID> (Example: PSD) R3_DESTINATION R3_SAP_OBJ <SAP object> (Example: YAR_BEL_GH) _ _ R3 AR OBJ <archive object> (Example: YAR_FAX) # TIFF .3 "Automatic entry of field values using DocuLink" in Open Text Document Pipelines .4.06....Overview and Import Interfaces (AR-CDP). as described above: Example 11-5: IXATTR file produced by Enterprise Scan NEWDOC R3_CLIENT ATTRIBUTES ATTRIBUTES ATTRIBUTES ATTRIBUTES ATTRIBUTES R3_CLIENT R3_SAP_OBJ R3_AR_OBJ ARCHIVIDATTR DOCIDATTR ZDEMO1|MANDT|CC|%s| ZDEMO1|KUNDENNUMMER|CC|1234567| ZDEMO1|RECHNUNGSNUMMER|CC|12345678| ZDEMO1|DATUM|D2|08.3 Configuring indexing "Entries in SAP link tables" in Open Text Document Pipelines .. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 145 . see section 9. Click Add. reference a *. Click References. similar to the following. • If the referenced library is added with an absolute path.NET Framework permission problem: The following scenario will produce a . In any of the scripting hooks. 2. You can modify or strip the path of the selected library or enter the name of the library in the path field without browsing.dll and click OK.NET Framework error: 1. Click OK.dll file in the file system. ensure that this path is also valid on other computers that will use that configuration. is displayed. Access the global script from the processing or archiving subprofile. 4. 2. A . To assign third party libraries: 1.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving Notes: • Only .NET assemblies are supported (see “Working with scripts for indexing and archiving” on page 245). select the Indexing tab. 3.Net Framework error message. Write a script that accesses the *. To solve a . 3. Go to Profiles>Configure Archiving. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. If the library is installed in <Enterprise Scan Home>\bin directory you can add the referenced library without path.dll from the network. 146 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . 5. Click Browse to select the *. by default.dll to the <InstallDir>/bin directory of Enterprise Scan. due to the CasPol syntax. It should match anything with a URL that starts with CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 147 .exe Use CasPol to fully trust some shares that you control and that you know are safe. group 1. However. Otherwise use the extended configuration of your local . Example 11-7: Elevating permissions for selected file shares using CasPol.exe.exe -m -ag 1.3 Configuring indexing Reason Network shares get LocalIntranet permissions only.2 -url file://\\FS01/Tools/* FullTrust Parameter explanation -m Modifies the computer level of the policy. To trust everything on the share \\FS01\Tools. -url file://\\FS01/Tools/* Sets the membership condition for the new code group as an UrlMembership condition. so the new code group that you are creating will only be checked if the file comes from the intranet.2 is the LocalIntranet group. use CasPol.11. use the following command: CasPol. -ag 1. since the machine level is where all of the default policy lives. In the default policy.2. To do so. the command to trust shares is not immediately obvious. Solution The easiest workaround is to copy the required *. for example.Net Framework to elevate permissions for selected file shares.2 Adds a code group under group 1. This is needed. Go to Profiles>Configure Archiving. 2. FullTrust Sets the permission to grant to assemblies that match the code group.3. meaning that any file on the \\FS01\Tools share will match this code group.7 Assigning zooming areas to indexing fields For every indexing field.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving file://FS01/Tools. select the Indexing tab. In this case. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. To assign a rectangular zooming area: 148 1. you can assign a rectangular zooming area that will be displayed in addition to the full page view. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . FullTrust. 11. Click Field areas. 11. Click Add. In the Configure Area Set dialog box. 4. Move the rectangle to the correct position and define the size. A rectangle is added to the page and a new row is added to the List of rectangles tab. 5.3 Configuring indexing 3. navigate to the document page that is representative for the documents that should be processed with this profile. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 149 . Select the index field for which this area is valid in the list box of the Indexing field column. Go to Profile>Configure Archiving. Use Load. export and import global functions. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. see “Assigning third party libraries” on page 145. 2. the script gets executed before the documents are passed to the export flow. which is located at <Enterprise Scan Home>\bin\. see “Sharing. Assume you have five documents with the following attributes on the stack: # Index Pages Batch 1 IND01 3 B01 2 IND02 3 B02 3 IND03 1 4 IND04 1 5 IND05 1 B01 2. In the Configure Pre-Archive Script dialog box. Example: To access document attributes and conditionally cancel archiving: 1. add ScanDocumentModel. the imported global functions are appended to the existing.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving 6.Collections. Add the following script to the Configure Pre-Archive Script dialog box: import System. exporting and importing the configuration” on page 195. Click OK. You can share. To configure a Pre-Archive script: 1. 3. Every time the end user confirms the Archive command. write the script in the Script field. In the Configure Pre-Archive Script dialog box. 7.4 Configuring a Pre-Archive script You can write a Pre-Archive script that is called once per export session. Save and Compile to open. 150 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . store and test the scripts. If you import global functions on a computer with existing global functions. 11. Note: The rectangular area is automatically displayed in the Index Item view when the input focus is in the corresponding index field in the Indexing view. Use References to add a reference to third party libraries. For details. select the Pre-Archive Script tab and click Edit.dll to the References. DocumentModel.ToString()+". strSelectedDoc:String.PageCount. i:int. } } catch(Exception) { MessageBox.DocumentCount+"\n".DocumentStackCount+"\n". selectedDoc = Application. i<selectedDoc. strIndex = doc.ToString()+"\n". if(MessageBox."+"Batch="+doc. var var var var var selectedDoc:IDocumentSelection."+"Group ="+doc["Group"]+". for(i = 0. i++) { var strIndex:String. } var strOutput:String."+"Pages ="+doc. try { strTotalDoc = "Total no:of Documents in the stack = "+Application. strGroup = doc.11. strOutput= strTotalDoc+"*********************************\n"+strSelectedDoc.Scan.No) { Application.Show(strOutput+"\n"+"Do you want to archive?\n".StopArchivingSilent = true.Count. strTotalDoc:String. doc= selectedDoc[i].MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)==DialogResult. strSelectedDoc = "Total no:of documents for archiving="+Application.DocumentIndex. strSelectedDoc= strSelectedDoc+"Index ="+doc["Index"]+".Group.4 Configuring a Pre-Archive script import Ixos.Show("Exception caught"). doc:IDocument."Archiving details".ScanBatch+"\n".ArchivingDocuments. strSelectedDoc= strSelectedDoc+"Doc"+i. var strGroup:String. } CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 151 . In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. 5.5 Configuring archiving You can define the steps that have to be performed before the archiving and the archiving targets. 152 Go to Profile>Configure Archiving. Select documents 2. The following Archiving details dialog box is displayed. To configure archiving: 1. 11. Click Archive and confirm in the Archive Documents dialog box.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving 4. 3 and 4. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . The following Archiving details dialog box is displayed. select the Archiving tab. Click Archive All and confirm in the Archive Documents dialog box. Delete Marked Pages Deletes the pages that are marked for deleting (see “Configuring deletion of marked pages” on page 155). 3. its validation and archiving via an interface (see “Exporting to Capture Center” on page 156). Document export Capture Center Exports documents to Capture Center for OCR.11. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 153 . • The document processing operations must be performed before the document export operations. • There must be exactly one document export operation and it must be the last operation in the flow.NET script (see “Configuring additional document attributes” on page 154). Select the operations and click Add. Notes: 4.5 Configuring archiving 2. Set Document Pipeline Attributes Defines attributes for the Document Pipeline (see “Defining Document Pipeline attributes” on page 155). Correct the order of the operation in the Flow field with Up and Down. Select the respective operation in the Flow field and click Configure to define the properties of the operation: Document processing Add Document Attributes Allows a modification of the indexing information for the document by using a . 154 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Write the script in the Script field. Content Server Archives the documents on Content Server (see “Archiving documents on Content Server” on page 159).5.1 Configuring additional document attributes You can configure a script to modify the document indexing information before archiving. 6. For details about scripting. select the Archiving tab. use OCR and so on (see “Archiving documents on Content Server via Document Pipeline (searchable PDF files)” on page 163). This has the advantage that you can render the document. Click Ok.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving Capture Center (via shared folder) Exports documents to Capture Center for OCR. its validation and archiving via shared folders (see “Exporting to Capture Center via shared folder” on page 157). In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. Go to Profile>Configure Archiving. see “Working with scripts for indexing and archiving” on page 245. Save and Compile to open. Document Pipeline for TCP Archives the documents on Archive Server (see “Archiving with the Document Pipeline for TCP” on page 168). To configure additional document attributes: 1. 3. External Storage Archives the documents for data exchange to an external storage (see “Archiving to an external storage” on page 170). Click Validate to check the flow for correctness. Add Add Document Attributes to the Flow list and click Configure. Document Pipeline for Content Server Archives the documents on Content Server via Document Pipeline. Document Pipeline for SAP Archives the documents on Archive Server (see “Archiving with the Document Pipeline for SAP” on page 165). 11. store and test the script. Use Load. 5. Document Pipeline for Oracle Applications Archives the documents on Content Server and stores attributes in Oracle Web Service (see “Archiving through the Document Pipeline for Oracle Applications” on page 164). 2. To configure deletion of marked pages: 1. Use References to add a reference to third party libraries. Add Delete Marked Pages to the Flow list and click Configure. See “Global function depot” on page 253. store and test the script. Use Open Global Function Depot to open the Global Function Depot where you can collect all your Enterprise Scan scripts. you can add some extra entry into the IXATTR file and the COMMANDS file that will be generated while archiving using the Document Pipeline. 3. Save and Compile to open. select the Archiving tab. Add Set Document Pipeline Attributes to the Flow list and click Configure. 2. Go to Profile>Configure Archiving. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. Use Load. 3. Go to Profile>Configure Archiving. see “Assigning third party libraries” on page 145. see “Working with scripts for indexing and archiving” on page 245. 11.5.3 Defining Document Pipeline attributes You can add a script to define attributes of the Document Pipeline. Select the marker type: • delete for the delete marker • quality for the bad quality marker • bookmark for the bookmark marker The Default marker is the delete marker. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box.2 Configuring deletion of marked pages You can delete previously marked pages automatically before the document is archived. For example. Write the script in the Script field. To configure Document Pipeline attributes: 1.11. select the Archiving tab. 11. Click OK. see “Assigning third party libraries” on page 145. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 155 . For details about scripting.5 Configuring archiving Use References to add a reference to third party libraries. 4. 2.5. Enterprise Scan uses an OCC Profile configured on the Capture Center server.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving Use Open Global Function Depot to open the Global Function Depot where you can collect all your Enterprise Scan scripts. proceed with the configuration in Enterprise Scan. select the Archiving tab. Port number Port number of Capture Center. 11. 4. its validation and archiving are delegated to Capture Center. OCC Profile Select the Capture Center profile from the list of configured profiles on the Capture Center server. 2.5. Click OK. If the profile does not exist. configure Capture Center first and make it ready for document import. Add Capture Center to the Flow list and click Configure. Afterwards. OCR. following text information is exported to Capture Center by fields: Field name Value Comment _SCAN_HOST <Computer name> The scan station’s computer name _SCAN_USER <User name> The scan operator’s login name _SCAN_TIME <Date and time> Example: Date and time of scanning 2010-03-23 12:40:09Z 156 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 .4 Exporting to Capture Center When exporting documents to Capture Center. Define the settings: Server name Server name of Capture Center. The images and their attributes are transfered via an interface. You can edit the profile name if the configured profiles cannot be retrieved from the selected Capture Center server. Additional content that is transferred to Capture Center In addition to the scanned images. To configure the export to Capture Center: 1. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. See “Global function depot” on page 253. 3. To avoid this. Go to Profile>Configure Archiving. the export from Enterprise Scan fails with a time out message. Additional barcodes are stored as alternatives. After receipt. Code39 Standard:6505A256 _SCAN_BARCODE2D <2D barcode type>:<2D barcode value> Example: Data Matrix:3070430070029 910225100000 _SCAN_PATCHCODE <Patchcode name> Example: Patch VI <Indexing field name> Example: <Indexing field value> Example: Location Waterloo A document may contain more than one 2D barcode. _SCAN_GROUP <Group name> The group name is determined by processing or user. Ensure that indexing field names match the following regular expression: <Indexing field name> := [_a-zA-Z][-_.0-9a-zA-Z]{0. the path to the shared folder has the following syntax: \\<server name>\OpenTextCaptureCenterData\<profile name> CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 157 . If you use invalid field names. A document may contain more than one patchcode.5 Exporting to Capture Center via shared folder When exporting documents to Capture Center. See the note below. The images and their attributes are stored for handover in a shared folder (directory). 11. Capture Center removes the stored files from the shared folder.5. _SCAN_BARCODE <Barcode type>:<Barcode value> Example: A document may contain more than one barcode. The indexing field name is specified by indexing configuration dialog. Enterprise Scan does not implement this restriction so that indexing field names can be configured that are not valid in Capture Center. OCR.99} See also “Working with regular expressions” on page 275. Additional 2D barcodes are stored as alternatives. its validation and archiving are delegated to Capture Center. the export to Capture Center will fail.11.5 Configuring archiving Field name Value Comment _SCAN_INDEX <Document index> The document index _SCAN_BATCH <Batch name> The batch name is determined by processing or user. _SCAN_FOLDER <Folder name> The folder name is determined by processing or user. Additional patchcodes are stored as alternatives. Note: Field names of Capture Center must be XML compliant element names. In regular configurations. To configure the export to Capture Center: 1. Go to Profile . proceed with the configuration in Enterprise Scan. 2.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving This folder is created and configured by Capture Center. 4. _SCAN_FOLDER <Folder name> The folder name is determined by processing or user. Afterwards. Click OK. the export from Enterprise Scan fails with an error message. select the Custom directory check box and enter the directory in the Directory field. _SCAN_GROUP <Group name> The group name is determined by processing or user. select the Archiving tab. Port number Port number of Capture Center. If the folder does not exist. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Custom directory If the path does not match the syntax above. Define the settings: Server name Server name of Capture Center. Additional content that is transferred to Capture Center In addition to the scanned images. configure Capture Center first and make it ready for document import. Add Capture Center (via shared folder) to the Flow list and click Configure. 3.Configure Archiving. following text information is exported to Capture Center by fields: Field name Value Comment _SCAN_HOST <Computer name> The scan station’s computer name _SCAN_USER <User name> The scan operator’s login name _SCAN_TIME <Date and time> Example: Date and time of scanning 2010-03-23 12:40:09Z 158 _SCAN_INDEX <Document index> The document index _SCAN_BATCH <Batch name> The batch name is determined by processing or user. To avoid this. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. The indexing field name is specified by indexing configuration dialog. 11.99} See also “Working with regular expressions” on page 275. Ensure that indexing field names match the following regular expression: <Indexing field name> := [_a-zA-Z][-_. you define Content Server and the folder to which the documents will be passed.6 Archiving documents on Content Server To configure this scenario.5. 2.5 Configuring archiving Field name Value Comment _SCAN_BARCODE <Barcode type>:<Barcode value> Example: A document may contain more than one barcode.0-9a-zA-Z]{0. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. A document may contain more than one patchcode. Code39 Standard:6505A256 _SCAN_BARCODE2D <2D barcode type>:<2D barcode value> Example: Data Matrix:3070430070029 910225100000 _SCAN_PATCHCODE <Patchcode name> Example: Patch VI <Indexing field name> Example: <Indexing field value> Example: Location Waterloo A document may contain more than one 2D barcode. See the note below. If you use invalid field names. Additional barcodes are stored as alternatives. Additional 2D barcodes are stored as alternatives. the export to Capture Center will fail. To archive documents on Content Server: 1. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 159 . select the Archiving tab. Note: Field names of Capture Center must be XML compliant element names. Go to Profile>Configure Archiving.11. Enterprise Scan does not implement this restriction so that indexing field names can be configured that are not valid in Capture Center. Additional patchcodes are stored as alternatives. Add Content Server to the Flow list and click Configure. i. Tip: Enterprise Scan supports folders with different types of languages (for example Chinese. Japanese. Arabic. see screenshot). Root: Target folder on Content Server where the documents will be archived. 160 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Multilingual support is also provided for archiving using the Document Pipeline for Content Server.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving 3. Click Browse and sign in to Content Server. Latvian. Document tab a. 11. anonymous submission” on page 211. Otherwise archiving will not be possible. You return to the Document tab. you are only entitled to archive into your Personal Workspace in Content Server. In the Select Folder dialog box. Important • All folders with at least READ permission are listed. Dynamic Folder: Path to the folder where the files will be archived. User and Administration Guide 161 . • CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Click Insert to define a pattern. For details. you can bypass this restriction by using anonymous submission. Make sure that the selected folder has the sufficient rights for archiving. see “Document Pipeline for Content Server 9. iii. select the target Content Server folder.5 Configuring archiving ii.7 and higher: Impersonate vs. However. The pattern will be replaced with the real values during archiving. Click OK. • If you sign in as a user without administrator privileges. for example <INDEX><GROUP><USER><COMPUTER>. b. the archiving will be aborted. As shown in the screenshot. 162 Advanced: Adjusts the output file format as described in “Defining advanced settings for archiving” on page 170. use the colon (“:”) as a separator. If the document does not exist. Document Name: Specifies the document name. see the Content Server documentation. Japanese. e. Arabic. • Enterprise Scan supports Unicode for folders and documents with multilingual names while archiving (for example Chinese. Notes: • Some characters are not valid in a document name. The same multilingual names will be created or updated in Content Server. For a list of invalid characters. 4. Latvian). Check this option if you want to create a new version of an existing document.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving To define a folder hierarchy. a new document will be created. therefore. c. • Click Insert to define a pattern. ensure your selection in this dialog box does not generate invalid characters. Create new version if already exists: Creates a new version of an existing document. you can choose and specify multilingual folders and file names. d. Content Server Workflow tab – Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . for example <INDEX><GROUP><USER><COMPUTER>. If this option is not checked and a document with the same name already exists. Each colon specifies a new directory level. The pattern will be replaced with the real values during archiving. e.5 Configuring archiving a. Note: Software and licenses for Rendition Server must be purchased separately. Click OK. Prerequisite Document Pipeline for Content Server must be installed. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 163 . Contact your Open Text sales representative. 11.5. Click OK. Click Advanced to adjust the output file format as described in “Defining advanced settings for archiving” on page 170. f. 5. b. d. Select Start workflow. Define the patterns for the Workflow name.7 Archiving documents on Content Server via Document Pipeline (searchable PDF files) You can generate searchable PDF files using the Open Text Rendition Server (Rendition Server). Define how you want to attach the documents to the workflow in the Attach a document as fields.11. c. Click Browse to select the Workflow map. 4. Configure a new archiving profile (see “Configuring archiving” on page 152). Go to Profile>Configure Archiving. 11. Configure the Use local Document Pipeline section. All documents archived now with this scenario are rendered to PDF format. documents are written directly to the desired logical archive on Archive Server by means of the Document Pipeline for Oracle Applications. 3. see Open Text Rendition Server . you must configure the Document Pipeline location. To configure the Document Pipeline for Oracle Applications: 164 1. Prerequisite To use the Document Pipeline for Oracle Applications. documents are released to Content Server. 5. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. Define the settings: Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . 3. Add Document Pipeline for Oracle Applications to the Flow list and click Configure. Click OK. see “Archiving documents on Content Server” on page 159. select the Archiving tab. Go to Profile>Configure Archiving. see “Configuring Server and Document Pipeline settings” on page 207. For details. Rendering profile Rendering profile that you have defined on Rendition Server. Define the settings: Use rendering server Check this option if you want to render the archived documents to PDF format.5. Indexing attributes are stored in Oracle Applications through Oracle Web Service. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. Additionally. only. Add Document Pipeline for Content Server to the Flow list and click Configure. the Advanced button in the Configure Export to Content Server dialog box is disabled.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving To archive searchable PDF files via Document Pipeline for Content Server: 1.8 Archiving through the Document Pipeline for Oracle Applications In this scenario. select the Archiving tab.Installation and Administration Guide (RS-IGD). Configure Settings for Content Server export. 2. The output file format is set to the default value TIFF. 2. Note: If you use Rendition Server. Click OK. ignore these parameters. 3. Important For all archiving scenarios using Document Pipeline. documents are written directly to the desired logical archive on Archive Server by means of the Document Pipeline. Information about the document . an archive mode must be configured in Open Text Administration Client and selected in the archiving subprofile on the Enterprise Scan workstation.Overview and Import Interfaces (AR-CDP).0?WSDL Use Http Authentication. see “Configuring remote Document Pipelines” on page 166. see “Archiving documents on Content Server” on page 159). Define the settings: Archive server Displays the name of Archive Server to which you are connected. 4. For details. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 165 . click Configure Content Server. Go to Profile>Configure Archiving. or by HTTP/HTTPS.9 Archiving with the Document Pipeline for SAP The R3SC Document Pipeline for SAP files scanned documents from Enterprise Scan into SAP Solutions. select the Archiving tab. For details. including support of attributes.3. For further information. see section 9. The connection from Enterprise Scan to the Document Pipeline is either established by RPC. In this scenario. using a file system.11.5 Configuring archiving Web Service End Point Web Service URL where the Document Pipeline for Oracle Applications connects for communication about attributes/field release. Add Document Pipeline for SAP to the Flow and click Configure. To configure the Document Pipeline for Content Server. Use Web Service Authentication As the current implementation does not use any of these authentication methods. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box.the document ID and the archive ID . To configure the Document Pipeline for SAP: 1.5. without a local pipeline. sent to the leading application and assigned to the specific business data of the leading application. 2. Example: http://<server address>/orabpel/AP_V01_01/OTOS_AcceptScannedInvoice/1.1 "SAP Document Archiving Document Pipelines" in Open Text Document Pipelines . 11. the Remote Pipeline offers the following features: 166 • It is installed on a separate computer.9. instead of RPC and file system. 4. Restart Enterprise Scan to update the archive modes. ask your Archive Server administrator to create and assign it to the scan station in Open Text Administration Client. see “Working with placeholders for notes” on page 271. During archiving.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving Archive mode Select the desired archive mode from the list of archive modes. If you change Archive Server in the menu Tools>Server and Document Pipeline Settings (see “Configuring Server and Document Pipeline settings” on page 207). Click Details to view the configuration properties of the selected archive mode (see “Viewing archive details for Document Pipeline” on page 168). Note Format Placeholders for a note. For a list of supported placeholders. Advanced Adjust the output file format as described in “Defining advanced settings for archiving” on page 170.5. • It pushes the scanned images to the individual pipelines. for example the Document Pipeline for SAP. 11. Default Note You can enter a note here if a note is not specified by the leading application. Note: Archive modes are automatically downloaded from the connected Archive Server each time Enterprise Scan starts. • It is accessed via HTTP or HTTPS. Click OK. the placeholders are replaced with actual values and the note is stored together with the document. These archive modes are configured on the connected Archive Server. Unlike the locally installed Document Pipelines. DMS Doctype This setting is only needed for the Document Pipeline for TCP. The note can contain a note that was sent by the leading application. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 .1 Configuring remote Document Pipelines Enterprise Scan supports remote document pipelines that use HTTP or HTTPS. Enterprise Scan always uses the Document Pipeline specified in the archive mode. the archive modes from this Archive Server will not be available. If the required archive mode is not available on the list. the local pipeline is used.11. 3. 4. open the Open Text Administration Client. In the Pipeline host panel. For details. As archive administrator. see section 11. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 167 . Set the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS). 2. If there is no remote pipeline specified in the archive mode or no archive mode is found. select Connect to Pipeline.3 "Archive mode settings" in Open Text Archive Server Administration Guide (AR-ACN). To configure the remote Document Pipelines: 1. and go to the Archive Modes tab. Click OK. the pipeline host and the port.5 Configuring archiving Note: Enterprise Scan always uses the Document Pipeline specified in the archive mode. see “Configuring remote Document Pipelines” on page 166 and section 11. Add Document Pipeline for SAP to the Flow and click Configure. In this scenario. 4.5. These settings are defined in the Open Text Administration Client in the Archive Modes tab. In the Configure Document Pipeline dialog box. The connection from Enterprise Scan to the Document Pipeline is either established by RPC. select the Archiving tab. Click OK. For further information. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Go to Profile>Configure Archiving. see “Configuring remote Document Pipelines” on page 166. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. click Details.2 Viewing archive details for Document Pipeline To view archive details for the Document Pipeline: 1.Administration Guide (AR-ACN). Remote Pipeline Displays the settings for the remote pipeline. and may be different from the underlying Archive Server. without a local pipeline.9.5. 11.4. see section 9. using a file system. For details. if a remote pipeline is configured. see section 11.10 Archiving with the Document Pipeline for TCP The SCDMS Document Pipeline for TCP files scanned documents from Enterprise Scan into TCP. an archive mode must be configured in Open Text Administration Client and selected in the archiving subprofile on the Enterprise Scan workstation.1 "TCP Document Pipelines" in Open Text Document Pipelines .Overview and Import Interfaces (AR-CDP).Administration Guide (AR-ACN). The following properties are displayed read-only: Archive Settings Displays the settings for the selected archive mode. 3. 2.3 "Archive mode settings" in Open Text Archive Server . These settings are defined in the Open Text Administration Client in the Archive Modes tab. or by HTTP/HTTPS. documents are written by means of the Document Pipeline into TCP Business Object Layer. For details.3 "Archive mode settings" in Open Text Archive Server .Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving 11. Important 168 • For all archiving scenarios using Document Pipeline. For details. Optionally a process is started with every document processed. • The TCP Business Object Layer server is configured in the TCP Document Pipeline configuration. ask your Archive Server administrator to create and assign it to the scan station in Open Text Administration Client. Restart Enterprise Scan to update the archive modes. see “Working with placeholders for notes” on page 271. The entered value is written into COMMANDS file under the DMS_DOCTYPE key. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. DMS Doctype Select the document type. the placeholders are replaced with actual values and the note is stored together with the document.5 Configuring archiving To configure the Document Pipeline for TCP: 1. Archive mode Select the desired archive mode from the list of archive modes. During archiving. 4. Add Document Pipeline for TCP to the Flow and click Configure. Note: Archive modes are automatically downloaded from the connected Archive Server each time Enterprise Scan starts. 2. If you change Archive Server in the menu Tools>Server and Document Pipeline Settings (see “Configuring Server and Document Pipeline settings” on page 207). select the Archiving tab. These archive modes are configured on the connected Archive Server. The note can contain a note that was sent by the leading application. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 169 . The document type was configured by TCP Modeler and stored on TCP Business Object Layer (formerly known as TCP Context Server). Advanced Adjust the output file format as described in “Defining advanced settings for archiving” on page 170. Enterprise Scan always uses the Document Pipeline specified in the archive mode.11. the archive modes from this Archive Server will not be available. Click Details to view the configuration properties of the selected archive mode (see “Viewing archive details for Document Pipeline” on page 168). This should be one of the record types imported in indexing. For a list of supported placeholders. If the required archive mode is not available on the list. Default Note You can enter a note here if a note is not specified by the leading application. Click OK. Define the settings: Archive server Displays the name of Archive Server where the configuration is stored. Note Format Placeholders for a note. 3. Go to Profile>Configure Archiving. Define the settings: Directory Directory for the external storage where the scanned documents will be archived. For example the index can be set by barcode recognition.5. Archive ID Archive name where the documents are to be archived later on Archive Server. Click OK. or in a network directory). see “Configuring an external storage” on page 69. and TIFF Encoding Settings for the archived document. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. 3. • Endorser: Only documents with a stamp are stored. Name Name of the external storage.12 Defining advanced settings for archiving You can define the Output File Format. but not on Archive Server. 4. select the Archiving tab. OCR Options. • Group: The documents must belong to a group. To configure archiving to an external storage: 1. select the Archiving tab. • Barcode: The document index must be set. Add External Storage to the Flow list and click Configure. 11. the documents and their group structure are stored in the file system (for example on hard disk on the Enterprise Scan computer. This is because the indexing form on a different computer might be different. To define advanced settings for archiving: 1. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 .11 Archiving to an external storage To archive documents to an external storage.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving 11. 170 Go to Profile>Configure Archiving. no indexing values are retained. Color Images Quality settings.5. Note: When storing to an external storage. Go to Profile>Configure Archiving. For further information configuring the external storage. 2. Conditions Specify conditions that must be met in order to store the documents in an external storage. Define the settings: Notes: • CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Scanning PDF files: If you want to store PDF files in the archive as PDF without any modifications you must select Emulate dual stream mode (B/W images in UI) in the File Import or File Input dialog. add it to the Flow list and click Configure.5 Configuring archiving 2. Click Advanced. User and Administration Guide 171 .11. 4. In this case the Advanced Settings are ignored. 3. Select the operation. JPEG 2000 TIFF documents containing more than one page should be handled as multipage TIFF files. OCR doctool The OCR doctool DT_OCR. you can enable TIFF compression 6 mode by selecting the Use TIFF compression 6 (Compatibility Mode) check box. TIFF.1 Patch DPL-0971-038 must be installed Document Pipelines for TCP The OCR doctool is currently not supported. JPEG for color images. Document Pipeline Base 9. You can read the archived files by using the Acrobat Reader. each page of the document will be stored as a single file. 172 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Enterprise Scan uses the newer TIFF compression 7.7.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving Without the dual stream mode setting the displayed PDF placeholder image gets archived and the imported PDF data gets lost. Document Pipeline for LES 9. PDF (text).0 Patch DPL-0971-003 must be installed Open Text Document Pipeline for SAP Solutions 9. color depth and page size. • The OCR doctool is not supported when using the Document Pipelines for TCP. Output File Format TIFF for B/W. archiving of a document may take some minutes. This is necessary for the OCR doctool to work. select the TIFF documents as multipage files check box. Otherwise. See also “Rendering PDF with external tool” on page 269.msi (available at https://knowledge. This applies for all Document Pipelines. By default.7. • If you want to use the output formats PDF/A (image).com/go/14710919) must be installed. PDF (image) Enterprise Scan releases the documents to the Document Pipeline as a multipage TIFF. resolution. Therefore. The Document Pipeline then converts the TIFF into PDF. and PDF/A (text). • Depending on the number of pages. the following prerequisites must be fulfilled.7. If you select TIFF as output file format.1 Patch DPL-0971-039 must be installed Document Pipeline for DocuLink 9.opentext. dependant on the Document Pipeline you want to use.1 Patch DPL-0971-037 must be installed if you want to use any of the following Document Pipelines. but you cannot search for text in these files. TIFF with JPEG compression (colored TIFF) images are also supported.7. %. 5. You can set some options for the OCR operation in OCR Options. OCR Options This area is only enabled if you select the PDF (text) or PDF/A (text) output format. The OCR doctool then converts the TIFF into PDF/A. Language Select the language from the list box. Click OK. Open Text recommends to select this check box. Extend the OCR to recognize special symbols and characters Select this check box to also recognize special symbols (like $. you can use Open Text Rendition Server (Rendition Server). The PDF/A (text) output format complies with the PDF/A-1b standard. Prerequisites The following applications must to be installed: CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 173 . The recognized characters must have the same character set as the selected language. for example German umlauts if you have selected English language. Contract Lifecycle Management must be deployed inside the scripting of Enterprise Scan in the sections Add document attributes and Set Document Pipeline Attributes. The PDF/A (image) output format complies with the PDF/A-1b standard. PDF/A (text) Enterprise Scan releases the documents to the Document Pipeline as a multipage TIFF and includes all parameters required for the OCR operation. In effect. 11. PDF (text). You can read the archived files by using the Acrobat Reader. ^) and characters from foreign languages. You can search for text in these files. The OCR doctool then converts the TIFF into PDF or PDF/A.13 Configuring connector for Content Server Barcode Module (Contract Lifecycle Management) In combination with Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM). the OCR operation will recognize more strings.5.11. select Extend the OCR to recognize special symbols and characters. #.5 Configuring archiving PDF/A (image) Enterprise Scan releases the documents to the Document Pipeline as a multipage TIFF. To allow less strict rules for the OCR operation. to store scanned documents as searchable PDF files in Content Server using the Document Pipeline. but you cannot search for text in these files. To connect with the CLM module hosted by Content Server. The cover letter is printed and associated with the document. CLM is referenced by the term ContractManagement.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving • Content Server • Document Pipeline for Content Server • Contract Lifecycle Management For supported versions see Release Notes. To configure storing searchable PDF files with the CLM solution: 1. The script adds three document attributes: NodeID. Later the cover letter is scanned with the document body using Enterprise Scan and processed accordingly. volID|nodeID)). 3. VolID and document name. creates a placeholder for a document inside the directory structure of Content Server. // ATTENTION: This sample demonstrates the use of the Extended LAPI function. // The sample utilizes the existing functionality of EnterpriseScan. • In the scripting level. The placeholder for the document and the path to that location is then associated with a barcode value. Contact your Open Text sales representative. CLM basics The CLM solution enables you to mix electronic and scanned documents on Content Server. 2. NodeID and VolID attributes are later used in the script of Set Document Pipeline Attributes. select the Archiving tab. on user request. Notes: • Software and licenses for Rendition Server must be purchased separately. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. The user request is triggered by selecting the menu item Print Barcode inside the pop up menu for a folder object. 4. The barcode is recognized and used for document creation (Separate by barcode) as well as for connection with the CLM module and conversion of the barcode value to the tuple ((name. Copy the following script in the Configure Additional Document Attributes dialog box. The relation between components is implemented by means of barcode technology. path) or (name. Configure a new archiving profile (see “Configuring archiving” on page 152). How does it work? CLM contains a module that. a script is necessary (see below). Content Server generates a cover letter that includes information about the document and barcode. Go to Profile>Configure Archiving. CLM consists of a number of loosely coupled components. Therefore 174 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Add Add Document Attributes to the Flow list and click Configure. var session: LLSession = null // credentials are managed by EnterpriseScan .Session // initialize the real LAPI session used by the script.api import ContractManagement import System.5 Configuring archiving // the workspace needs be inserted before the scanning is carried out.Password.Scan.the login persistency // by accessing the SessionManager object Scan provides the LL login dialog in case that // session manager does not have the up-to-date access token available. // process the result .Username. // the SessionManager is persistent for the entire run of EnterpriseScan var getCredentialsSession: ILapiSession = SessionManager.ConfigManager. getCredentialsSession.Clients. use credentials from getCredentialsSession // save the session if we have not already done so. The workspace // definition is part of EnterpriseScan configuration and cannot be dynamically // processed. var index: int = Document["Index"]. import Ixos.GetDataForBarcode(index. // Call LAPI Extension var status:int = cm. we can the recycle it in other scripts within this profile if(Context.Port.opentext.Windows. "". // Instanciate the LAPI extension var cm: BARCODE = new BARCODE(session).Forms import Ixos.Livelink import com.Extension. if( status == 0 ) CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 175 . getCredentialsSession.setAssocNotSet().. getCredentialsSession.Contains("lapisession")) { session = LLSession(Context["lapisession"]) } else { session = new LLSession( getCredentialsSession. bcData). null ) Context["lapisession"] = session } // reserve the return value container var bcData: LLValue = (new LLValue()).Server..11. add Document Pipeline for Content Server to the Flow list and click Configure to determine the location in Content Server for the processed documents.dll Click OK.COMMANDS += Fields["NodeID"] //***********************Script End******************************************************* 9. 6. index). In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box. Skipping this document. //***********************ScriptStart***************************** ************************** Document. add Set Document Pipeline Attributes to the Flow list and click Configure. 176 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . 7. 8. In the References dialog box. Fields.toString("Path")).SetInt("0:Barcode". Fields. For details. Tip: There must be exactly one document export operation and it must be the last operation in the flow. add following references: • ConfigManager_Scan.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving { Fields.DLL • ContractManagement. Copy the following script in the Configure Additional Document Attributes dialog box.SetString("document_name".COMMANDS += Fields["VolID"] Document.COMMANDS += "LLNODEID " Document.COMMANDS += "\n" Document. Fields. Click References.SetString("folder_structure". bcData.SetString("node". see “Archiving documents on Content Server” on page 159. Click OK.dll • LAPI_NETp.toString("nodeID") + "|" + bcData.ErrorMessage = "The barcode " + index + " was not found in LES. bcData. } 5.".COMMANDS += "LLVOLID " Document.StopArchiving = 1. } else { Application.toString("volID")).toString("docname")). Application. bcData. In the Configure Archiving Subprofile dialog box.dll • ScanExtension. Create new version if already exists Check this option if you want to create a new version of an existing document. and nodeID. Like for the Dynamic Folder.5 Configuring archiving Root Define the start location in Content Server where the documents were saved. For example: Public int GetDataForBarcode( int barcode. a new document will be created. ContractManagement Namespace Container for the class that implements the remote access to functions that extend the LAPI functionality for the CLM scenario. LLValue ret). Click OK. the document name is dynamically created based on the value of the attribute <document_name>. This scenario does not support HTTP or HTTPS. Important Unlike the direct release to Content Server scenario (see “Archiving documents on Content Server” on page 159). Dynamic Folder Leave this empty because dynamic folder is identified by NodeID and VolID. in combination with the scripting plug-in inside Enterprise Scan constitutes technical means for releasing scanned documents in selected location inside Content Server. Document Name Provide the name of the document. The parameter is a barcode recognized for the document. It can handle only LAPI extensions implemented for ContractManagement. volID.BARCODE BARCODE. ContractManagement. GetDataForBarcode Method Get the designation for the document reserved in Content Server. 10. the archiving will be aborted. The barcode technology provides reliable business standards for tagging documents intended for automated processing. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 177 . BARCODE Class A proxy object that serializes/de-serializes the extended LAPI calls. which are filled in Add document attributes script and added to commands file through Set Document Pipeline Attributes script.11. ContractManagement does not support any other connection than native Content Server (typically port 2099). ContractManagement module reference The Barcode Module for CLM. If the document does not exist. The designation consists of path. If this option is not checked and a document with the same name already exists. The attribute is defined inside the Add Document Attributes plug-in. document name. Setup file. To do so.5.Chapter 11 Configuring indexing and archiving Parameter int: integer value of a recognized barcode. 11. volID Volume ID nodeID Node ID Return Value Return error code. set variable LLCATEGORY4FOLDERS = <0|1> in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Open Text\BASE Document Pipeline\config\setup\DT_DOCTOLES. When using Document Pipeline for Content Server it is possible to change the behavior of the associations of categories with the dynamically created folders defined in the archiving sub-profile. LLValue: reference to data container. The data structure contains the following items: path Path to the document in Content Server docname Document name for the released document.14 Using IDs instead of path to reference an Content Server location In previous releases it was required to set LLCATEGORY4FOLDERS = [0|1] as a custom registry key or flag in DT_DOCTOLES. 178 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . This value is always used as document index unless user overrides the settings. Zero means OK. other values represent failure.Setup file to enable support for certain scenarios. Part 3 Administration tasks . . 0\Scan\HKLM.opentext. and the profiles and subprofiles assigned to this user. Go to Tools>Workstation contact Open Text Customer Support. You can find the contact information for your region at http://www. You can share. In the Configure Workstation Options dialog box. Caution Be very careful when changing registry entries. The path to the storage and thumbnails cache can be customized in the registry entry: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IXOS\IXOS_ARCHIVE\6. the default paths in the LocalApplicationData folder are used. 12. Tip: If you require additional help with technical problems.html. click the General tab. typically in directory C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Application Data\Open Text\EnterpriseScan\. because errors in the registry can disrupt the functionality of your computer.Chapter 12 Configuring workstation options You can set parameters that are valid for the current user. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 181 . Note: These settings are stored in the registry in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IXOS\IXOS_ARCHIVE\6.1 Configuring general workstation options To configure general workstation options: 1.0\Scan\HKLM\CustomSet tings] "S:PageThumbnailsPath"="C:\\Ixos\\Thumbnails" "S:StoragePath"="C:\\Ixos\\Storage" If registry keys do not exist or the paths to storage and thumbnails cache are not accessible. export and import them. Max. 182 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Define the settings: Show notice before configuration update The user is notified of configuration changes when starting Enterprise Scan and can accept or refuse the changes. without showing the Archive Documents dialog box (see “Indexing and archiving documents” on page 47). The upper limit is 100. the configuration is updated automatically without notification. Skip Archive Confirmation Dialog Starts archiving immediately. selects the last document that has been scanned.Chapter 12 Configuring workstation options 2. Undo Level Number of actions that can be reversed.2 Configuring the document index You can configure index behavior and index modification possibilities. If the checkbox is not selected. Select last document after scanning When scanning new documents has finished. Enable Undo Disable and enable the Undo and Redo functions in the Edit menu. Log Usage Statistics Triggers the statistics function of Enterprise Scan (see “Enterprise Scan statistics” on page 222). 12. Not recognized If a barcode has been found but its type is not known.12. Validate manual index Never Prevents automated checking for whether the manually entered index fulfills the set barcode conditions. <none> or manually entered If no barcode has been found or when Barcode recognition is not defined or when the index has been entered manually. you can specify here the cases in which the index in the document header can be manually edited (see “Changing the index” on page 40). or the barcode does not meet the set barcode conditions. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 183 . Against regular expression Enables automated checking against regular expressions. In the Configure Workstation Options dialog box. Define the settings: Index can be modified if If Barcode recognition is used for document separation. Automatically recognized If the barcode has been recognized and automatically filled in.2 Configuring the document index To configure the document index: 1. Enter the required regular expression (see “Working with regular expressions” on page 275). Go to Tools>Workstation Options. click the Document Index tab. 2. For further information. click the Static Groups. 12. Go to Tools>Workstation Options. and Folder field of the Properties view. batches and folders. Then the scan operator can select these groups in the Group. Click Configure to define the barcode settings (see “Recognition tab” on page 90). You can insert and remove static document groups. Static Batches or Static Folders tab. 2. To configure global script functions: 1. In the Configure Workstation Options dialog box. Batch. Click Edit to open the Global Function Depot. batches and folders To configure document groups. batches and folders: 184 1. In the Configure Workstation Options dialog box. click the Global Script Functions tab. Go to Tools>Workstation Options.Chapter 12 Configuring workstation options Against barcode rules Enables automated checking against barcode rules. 12. see “Global function depot” on page 253. 2.4 Configuring document groups.3 Configuring global script functions You can view scripts that are located in the Global Function Depot. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . In the Configure Workstation Options dialog box. The number of scanned pages and the selected view of the scanned pages. scanning takes more time than in the other views. you can simultaneously work on already scanned documents.5 Configuring the scanning view 12. thumbnail or page. Scanning is performed in the background. Note: In the Thumbnails view. Go to Tools>Workstation Options. Standard view (background scanning) The Standard view (background scanning) works asynchronously. click the Scanning tab. You can cancel the scan operation with Stop. During scanning. • Add indexing data to documents. You can cancel the scan operation with Stop. User and Administration Guide 185 . In the Scanning in progress dialog box. you cannot perform any actions in Enterprise Scan. While the scan procedure is in progress. 2.5 Configuring the scanning view To configure the scanning view: 1. and perform the following actions: CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 • Navigate in the stack in the Thumbnails view or in the View view or in the Documents list. the number of scanned pages is displayed.12. is displayed. Define the settings: Thumbnails and Page The Thumbnails and Page views work synchronously. Thumbnails of the scanned pages are displayed in the Thumbnails view in the stack. Chapter 12 Configuring workstation options • All actions that are available by right-click on a page or document. Note: All actions that modify the document stack are disabled. Update Interval Select how often the thumbnail view of the scanned pages is updated. Selecting a longer interval accelerates the response to the actions that you are simultaneously performing on the stack. When Update Interval is set to zero and Select last document after scanning is checked in the General tab, the last scanned page gets selected and the Page view shows the last scanned page. The Page view gets updated with every incoming scanned page during background scanning. If Update Interval is greater than zero, then the last scanned document is selected. When Select last document after scanning is not selected, the document selection prior to scanning is retained. If there is no document selection prior to scanning, then, the first document is selected irrespective of the value of Update Interval. 12.6 Configuring Configuration Management settings To configure Configuration Management settings: 186 1. Go to Tools>Workstation Options. In the Configure Workstation Options dialog box, click the Configuration Management Settings tab. 2. Define the settings: Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 12.6 Configuring Configuration Management settings Selected configuration If you enter a configuration in this field, the Configuration Management tool will automatically try to download the configuration, if available. Enable permanent selection of the configuration Saves the selected configuration as the default configuration and displays the Store this configuration as your default logon configuration check box in the Select user configuration dialog box (see “Switching between configurations assigned” on page 204). To upload or download the configuration, see “Sharing, exporting and importing the configuration” on page 195. To select a Configuration Management, see step 6 in “Configuring Server and Document Pipeline settings” on page 207. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 187 Chapter 13 Defining areas for recognition You can define groups of rectangle areas on the scanned page. These areas can be set to be ignored, or to be the only part of the page where the relevant operation will be performed (for example searching for barcodes, patch codes, blank pages, and so on). Area sets are valid for all processing subprofiles. The subprofile's elements reference the areas defined here. These settings are stored in the registry in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IXOS\IXOS_ARCHIVE\6.0\Scan\HKLM. You can share, export and import them. To define areas for recognition: 1. In the Tools menu, click Areas Configuration. 2. In the Manage Area Sets dialog box define the areas: CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 189 Chapter 13 Defining areas for recognition Create Creates a new area. Copy Copies an areas. Remove Deletes an area. Configure Configures an area. Select the area in the Area sets list and click Configure. In the Configure Area Set dialog box you can enter the settings for the area (see “Configuring area sets” on page 190). Page Source for configuration dialog Scanned documents The selected page or the first page of the selected document will be used as the source. If the document stack is empty, this option is disabled. Configure page size Selects the paper size for the blank page. Select a Standard paper size or enter the parameters for Custom paper size. 13.1 Configuring area sets You can define separate rectangular areas within a set. To configure area sets: 190 1. In the Tools menu, click Areas Configuration. 2. In the Manage Area Sets dialog box, click Configure. 3. In the Configure Area Sets dialog box, the page preview displays either the selected page in the document stack (if Scanned documents has been selected in the Page Source for configuration dialog section) or a blank page. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 13.1 Configuring area sets In the Configure Area Sets dialog box, configure the settings: Scrolling to next/previous page or document When you use the document stack as a source, you can switch between pages and documents using Next Page, Prev Page (previous page), Next Doc and Prev Doc. Add Inserts a new rectangle. Then define its size by drawing rectangles with the mouse or by entering values into the list. Change size and position as CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 191 List of rectangles Shows a list of positions and sizes of existing rectangles. Areas are Define whether the areas are to be required or ignored. The selected rectangle shows handles for the frame and in the list of rectangles it is displayed in a different color. The unit of measure is set in the menu Tools>User Options. 192 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . you can see immediately whether the rectangle has been positioned correctly. Remove Deletes an area. In the page preview.Chapter 13 Defining areas for recognition desired. You can edit these values by using the keyboard. Created rectangles are shown in dotted-line frames. the Rescan operation will perform an immediate rescan. The scan user logs on to the scan host as a user of the Windows operating system. To change permissions: 1. Configure Input Subprofiles The user can create or configure Input subprofiles. Enterprise Scan uses the Windows user management and provides no special users for the front-end components. The Administrator can control access to certain menu items and functions to ensure an accurate working environment for Enterprise Scan. using the Configure Scanner and Rescan operations. using the same settings as in the initial scan. Define the settings: Configure Workstation Options The user can change the settings in Tools>Workstation Options. 2. Configure Processing Subprofiles The user can create or configure Processing subprofiles. then the user has administrator permissions and is an Administrator in the context of Enterprise Scan. which only makes sense if there was a paper jam or a similar error in the physical scanner. the emergency user concepts of Windows apply. Thus. the application is configured to prevent a scan operator from accessing settings that must not be changed. This permission is also evaluated for the Configure Scanner and Rescan operations in the File menu. Remove this permission to prevent end users from changing settings in the input subprofile. The permission levels described in the Permissions section then apply to all users logging into the scan host. Go to Tools>Permissions. Note: With the permission removed.Chapter 14 Changing permissions Enterprise Scan has no own authentication for front end components. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 193 . who are no members of the Administrator group. If the user is a member of the operating system’s Administrator group. Therefore. Configure Archiving Subprofiles The user can create or configure Archiving subprofiles. regarding an emergency user concept. opentext. see Knowledge Center entry https://knowledge. For further information.Chapter 14 Changing permissions Configure Profile The user can switch between existing subprofiles.dll/Open/15806606. Without any permission The user can switch between existing exporting and importing the configuration” on page 195). 194 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . export and import these settings (see “Sharing. You can share. exporting and importing the configuration The application configuration can be made available to other users who work with Enterprise Scan either on this computer or elsewhere in the network. you must also set the server settings accordingly. You also can upload and download the configuration to and from Archive Server or Capture Center server. 3. the following settings: • Profiles and subprofiles • Permissions • Workstation options • Areas configuration • Keyboard shortcuts Enterprise Scan supports different modes of Configuration Management. Click OK. 2. To select the Configuration Management: 1. 4. or export and import the configuration. you must share.Chapter 15 Sharing. among others. In the Server and Document Pipeline Settings dialog box. S:SCANCONFIGMO DE The registry key S:SCANCONFIGMODE is located in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IXOS\IXOS_ARCHIVE\6. but you can also define registry keys. There is a local Configuration Management and server Configuration Managements. You can select the Configuration Management in Enterprise Scan. To do so. The configuration includes. select the tab Server Settings. Go to Tools>Server and Document Pipeline Settings. In section Select Configuration Management select the Configuration Management: • Archive Server • Capture Center server • Local Configuration Management If you select a server mode.0\Scan. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 195 . Capture Center server: Users can only work with the configurations which are available at Capture Center server. If the key is present. If it is not present. the old key CONFIGMODE is deleted. create it in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IXOS\IXOS_ARCHIVE\6. no action is store the configurations on a selected server • 1 for registry mode (default mode) . The key S:SCANCONFIGMODE is used by Enterprise Scan to switch between registry mode and server mode of Configuration Management.Chapter 15 Sharing. If the CONFIGMODE key is not present. registry mode • If the registry entry is missing. The key ScanConfigServer is used by Enterprise Scan in server mode to switch between Archive Server and Capture Center server. the administrator has assigned to them via Archive Server. • If Configuration Management is set to registry mode this key is ignored. Users can only work with the configurations. as follows: • 0 for server mode . During installation of Enterprise Scan. It is necessary for uploading and downloading the configuration in server mode. Archive Server is used. Afterwards. the installer copies the value and creates a new key S:SCANCONFIGMODE. S:ScanConfigSe rver The registry key S:ScanConfigServer is located in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IXOS\OCC Server\ store the configurations in the local Windows registry Note: If the registry entry is missing. the administrator has shared through Make Configuration Shared. Set the value for the key S:SCANCONFIGMODE. The following table shows the differences of the 2 modes: Table 15-1: Behavior of the configuration in server mode and registry mode Configuration Server mode Registry mode Use of configurations Archive Server: Users can only work with the configurations. registry mode is used. • 0 for Archive Server • 1 for Capture Center server Notes: Server vs.0\Scan. exporting and importing the configuration This key replaces the behavior of the CONFIGMODE key which was used in earlier versions of Enterprise Scan. the installer will check for the CONFIGMODE key. 196 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . 15.1 Working with the registry mode - local Configuration Management Configuration Server mode Registry mode Make Configuration Shared This menu option is disabled. Shares the configuration. The behavior is the same as before. Startup of Enterprise Scan If the administrator has shared the configuration, the scan profile is not updated and no message is displayed (if configured). If the administrator has shared the configuration, the timestamp is compared, a message is displayed (if configured) and the scan profile is updated (if user chooses to). The behavior is the same as before. Configuration changes available for upload through the Configuration Management tool Any changes done to the configuration are available for upload through the Configuration Management tool. Configuration changes are not available for upload through the Configuration Management tool. Exporting and importing the configuration These menu options are disabled. The behavior is the same as before. Downloading configuration using Configuration Management tool and setting active The configuration is downloaded and set active. The configuration is downloaded but not set active. The following error message is written to the log file: “The downloaded configuration contains scan settings, but the scan application has been configured to ignore them.” 15.1 Working with the registry mode - local Configuration Management 15.1.1 Sharing the configuration Note: When sharing a configuration, all registry settings in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IXOS\IXOS_ARCHIVE\6.0\Scan\HKLM\ are copied to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\IXOS\IXOS_ARCHIVE\6.0\Scan\HKLM\. To share the configuration: • Go to Tools>Make Configuration Shared to make the configuration available to all users working on this computer. The next time a user opens Enterprise Scan on this computer, the configuration settings are updated. You can enable the option for a notice to be displayed to the user regarding this configuration update (see “Configuring general workstation options” on page 181). CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 197 Chapter 15 Sharing, exporting and importing the configuration 15.1.2 Exporting and importing the configuration To make the configuration available to other users in the network, export the configuration and then import it at other workstations. The imported configuration is valid for the user who did the import. If you want to make the imported configuration available for all users of the computer, use Make Configuration Shared after the import (see “Sharing the configuration” on page 197). The configuration from registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IXOS\IXOS_ARCHIVE\6.0\Scan\HKLM\ is written into an XML file. Warning Do not edit any configuration settings within the XML file. To export the configuration 1. Go to Tools>Export Configuration. 2. In the Export Configuration dialog box, select the profiles you want to export. 3. Check the All subprofiles box to export all subprofiles from your configuration. Otherwise, only the subprofiles currently active in the selected profiles are exported. 4. In the Save As dialog box, select the destination for the XML file. 5. Click OK. To update the configuration at other workstations, use Import Configuration. The configuration stored in the XML file is copied to the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IXOS\IXOS_ARCHIVE\6.0\Scan\HKLM\. To import the configuration 198 1. Start Enterprise Scan on the target computer. 2. Go to Tools>Import Configuration. 3. In the Open dialog box, navigate to the previously exported XML file and click Open. 4. In the Import Configuration dialog box, select the profiles you want to import. Select the Import mode: Check Replace to overwrite existing profiles, check Add to add the profiles to the configuration. 5. Click OK. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 15.2 Working with the server mode - Archive Server 15.2 Working with the server mode - Archive Server 15.2.1 Uploading and downloading the configuration You can upload and download the configuration of an Enterprise Scan client to and from Archive Server. The configuration includes all the settings Enterprise Scan is currently using, as reflected in the registry under HKCU\SOFTWARES\IXOS\IXOS_ARCHIVE\6.0\SCAN\HKLM. To upload the configuration, you must configure the settings inside Enterprise Scan and then upload the configuration to an Archive Server user group. The configuration of Enterprise Scan 9.7 and higher are not compatible with the configurations of Enterprise Scan 9.5 and below. You must migrate 9.5 configurations for use in Enterprise Scan 9.7 and higher. For uploading and downloading the configuration, as well as for migrating Enterprise Scan 9.5 configurations, you can use the Configuration Management tool. Notes: • If you are using Enterprise Scan 9.7 you do not need to migrate currently loaded configurations because Enterprise Scan 10.0 supports Enterprise Scan 9.7 configurations. • Due to additional features Enterprise Scan 10.0 configurations cannot be loaded by Enterprise Scan 9.7. Therefore the Configuration Management tool uploads configurations to a new 10.0 container in Archive Server. • To use the Configuration Management tool, Configuration Management must be set to server mode in the Server and Document Pipeline Settings dialog box (see “Sharing, exporting and importing the configuration” on page 195). This sets the registry key S:SCANCONFIGMODE to server mode. To start the Configuration Management tool: • Go to Start>All Programs>Open Text>Enterprise Scan Configuration Management. Notes: CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 • Enterprise Scan Configuration Management implicitly starts the Configuration Management tool that corresponds to your server mode selection. • The buttons in the Configuration Management dialog box are only available if you are signed in with administrator privileges. Otherwise, they are disabled. User and Administration Guide 199 Chapter 15 Sharing, exporting and importing the configuration 15.2.2 Downloading and migrating configurations of older versions If there are configurations of Enterprise Scan 9.5 existing on Archive Server, you can download them and convert them into the configuration for Enterprise Scan 10.0. For configurations of Enterprise Scan 5.1 existing on Archive Server, you have to upgrade them to Enterprise Scan 9.5 before migrating them to Enterprise Scan 10.0 (see “To upgrade Enterprise Scan 5.1 configurations to Enterprise Scan 9.5:” on page 201). Notes: 200 • Complete the migration process before using the Configuration Management tool (see “Switching between configurations assigned” on page 204). The modified configuration that is not uploaded yet will be overwritten by the Configuration Management tool. • You can download and migrate only one configuration at the same time. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 15.3 Working with the server mode - Capture Center server To download and migrate an Enterprise Scan 9.5 configuration: 1. Open Configuration Management, see “To start the Configuration Management tool:” on page 199. 2. Ensure that you are connected to the correct Administration Server. 3. In the Configuration Management dialog box, click Migrate. 4. In the Migrate 9.5 configuration to dialog box, select the configuration you want to download and click OK. The downloaded configuration is now the active configuration, as displayed in the Active Configuration line. If you want to change any settings in the migrated configuration, you must perform these changes in Enterprise Scan. Afterwards, you can upload the configuration to Administration Server. Once the upload operation is completed, the migration operation is completed. To upgrade Enterprise Scan 5.1 configurations to Enterprise Scan 9.5: 1. In an Enterprise Scan 9.5 environment, download the Enterprise Scan 5.1 configurations from Archive Server using CfgDownload.exe (available in <Installation directory>\bin) or the Livelink Imaging Configuration. 2. In the Enterprise Scan 9.5 environment, run ScanUpgrade.exe (available in the same path as CfgDownload.exe). The Enterprise Scan 5.1 configurations are upgraded to Enterprise Scan 9.5; so you can open them using Enterprise Scan 9.5. 3. In the Enterprise Scan 9.5 environment, upload the configurations to Archive Server as 9.5 configurations, using the Livelink Imaging Configuration. You can now proceed and migrate the Enterprise Scan 9.5 configurations to Enterprise Scan 10.0, as described in “To download and migrate an Enterprise Scan 9.5 configuration:” on page 201. 15.3 Working with the server mode - Capture Center server 15.3.1 Uploading and downloading the configuration You can upload and download the configuration of an Enterprise Scan client to and from Capture Center server. The configuration includes all the settings Enterprise Scan is currently using, as reflected in the registry under HKCU\SOFTWARES\IXOS\IXOS_ARCHIVE\6.0\SCAN\HKLM. To upload the configuration, you must configure the settings inside Enterprise Scan and then upload the configuration to a Capture Center server. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 201 Chapter 15 Sharing, exporting and importing the configuration Note: To use the Configuration Management tool, Configuration Management must be set to server mode in the Server and Document Pipeline Settings dialog box (see “Sharing, exporting and importing the configuration” on page 195). This sets the registry key S:SCANCONFIGMODE to server mode. To start the Configuration Management tool: • Go to Start>All Programs>Open Text>Enterprise Scan Configuration Management. Notes: 202 • Enterprise Scan Configuration Management implicitly starts the Configuration Management tool that corresponds to your server mode selection. • The buttons in the Configuration Management dialog box are only available if you are signed in with administrator privileges. Otherwise, they are disabled. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Tip: To update the list. To upload the active configuration to Archive Server: 1. Open Configuration Management. click Refresh. To download a configuration from Archive Server: 1.15. This current configuration will be uploaded to Capture Center server during the next steps.4 Uploading and downloading Enterprise Scan 10. In the User Authentication dialog box. click Upload. The Active configuration line still displays the last downloaded configuration. 2. Start Enterprise Scan and configure the application according to your needs. To upload the current configuration to Archive Server. 2. see “To start the Configuration Management tool:” on page 199. 3. click Upload and then confirm the messages. 4. Click Download and confirm the message. The Active configuration line displays the currently active configuration. This current configuration will be uploaded to Archive Server during the next steps. the User Name of the super user in Administration Server and the corresponding Password and then click OK. The configuration is uploaded to Archive Server and appears in the User Groups for current version on <ADMS name> list. Enter a new configuration name or select the configuration you want to upload to Capture Center server. 3. 3. To upload the active configuration to Capture Center server: 1.0 configurations You can upload and download the configuration to Archive Server or Capture Center server depending on the settings in the Server and Document Pipeline settings (see “Configuring Server and Document Pipeline settings” on page 207). CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 203 . 2. Start Enterprise Scan and configure the application according to your needs. see “To start the Configuration Management tool:” on page 199. see “To start the Configuration Management tool:” on page 199. Open Configuration Management. Open Configuration Management. Select the configuration you want to download from the User Groups for current version on <ADMS name> list. enter a name for the configuration in the User Group field.4 Uploading and downloading Enterprise Scan 10.0 configurations 15. Note: The configuration will be uploaded to Archive Server to a user group. To switch between configurations: 1. To download a configuration from Capture Center server: 1. as displayed in the Active configuration line. click Refresh. • The configuration will be downloaded only if the timestamp differs. 15. 3. available at <Installation directory>\bin. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . • Admin users can also use Download in the Configuration Management tool to switch between configurations. using ConfigurationDownload. Open Configuration Management. Notes: • ConfigurationDownload.Chapter 15 Sharing. exporting and importing the configuration The downloaded configuration is now the active configuration. 204 Execute ConfigurationDownload. the user can switch between those configurations.exe.exe. Select the configuration you want to download from the Availaible configurations list. Tip: To update the list.1 Switching between configurations assigned If there is more than one configuration mapped to the current user. The Active configuration line displays the currently active configuration. Click Download and confirm the messages. 2. • After installation of Enterprise Scan this tool is started automatically whenever the user logs on to the system. see “To start the Configuration Management tool:” on page 199.exe implicitly starts the download tool that corresponds to your server mode selection.4. select Store this configuration as your default logon configuration. Tip: If the Store this configuration as your default logon configuration check box is not displayed.0 configurations 2. Click OK. 3.15. see “Configuring Configuration Management settings” on page 186. If you want Enterprise Scan to load the selected configuration every time you log on. Select the configuration you want to make the active configuration. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 205 . 4.4 Uploading and downloading Enterprise Scan 10. . These settings are defined initially during installation. Go to Tools>Server and Document Pipeline Settings. Capture Center server and the Document Pipeline. To configure Server and Document Pipeline settings: 1. 16.Chapter 16 Defining archiving settings To enable your Archiving profile.1 Configuring Server and Document Pipeline settings If you archive your documents via the Document Pipeline. you have to define some settings for the leading applications. you can change the settings for Archive Server. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 207 . Archive Server Enter the Server name of Archive Server on which the archive modes are defined. In the Server and Document Pipeline settings dialog box. you must restart Enterprise Scan to update the archive modes. • When Configuration Management is set to Archive Server this server is also used for Configuration Management. Notes: 208 • The default port number is 8080.6. the Port number. go to the Server Settings tab.Chapter 16 Defining archiving settings 2. and select the Protocol.1 and older versions use port number 4060 by default. • When you change the Server name or the Port number. 3. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Only LEA Server 9. To use the remote interface for the Document Pipeline for Content Server.7 and higher. or Document Pipeline for Oracle Applications. The default values are shown in the particular fields. the Document Pipeline target as specified in the local configuration of Enterprise Scan will take preference. If your archiving configuration for Open Text Document Pipeline for SAP® Solutions includes an archive mode (stored on Open Text Administration Client). For further information. When it is enabled. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 209 . the Document Pipeline target configured for this particular archive mode takes precedence: Use local Document Pipeline In case a local Document Pipeline is configured in the archive mode. Notes: • The remote pipeline interface is supported by the Document Pipeline for Content Server version 9. neither connection to the server nor archiving through the Document Pipeline is possible. see Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan . 7. Open Text Document Pipeline for SAP® Solutions. 8. • The parameters for the Document Pipeline target are application global. the specified Document Pipeline target will be used. The Document Pipeline target that is configured in Enterprise Scan will be ignored. This local configuration may target either a local Document Pipeline or a remote Document Pipeline. For details about the remote pipeline. Use remote Document Pipeline In case a remote Document Pipeline is explicitly configured in the archive mode.16. Capture Center Server If Configuration Management is set to Capture Center server enter the Server name of Capture Center server and the Port number. Select Configuration Management – Select the Configuration Management. Document Pipeline Configuration Select the Use local Document Pipeline or Use remote Document Pipeline check box and enter the respective parameters. go to the Document Pipeline Configuration tab. They are used when releasing documents to Document Pipeline for Content Server.1 Configuring Server and Document Pipeline settings 4. see “Configuring remote Document Pipelines” on page 166. Select the Off-line mode check box if you want to toggle the off-line mode on. see “Configuring Configuration Management settings” on page 186. 6.Installation Guide (CLES-IGD). 5. In the Server and Document Pipeline settings dialog box. For further information. Those additional components are bundled inside the master setup for Document Pipeline for Content Server. install Document Pipeline Remote Interface and Core Services on the host where you want to run the Document Pipeline for Content Server. The name of Content Server is defined initially during installation. enter the sign in information in the Sign in tab. Note: If you change the Server. 16. 3. to enable the new sign in session. 16. you must restart Enterprise Scan.2 TCP sign in To define the sign in to TCP: 1. enter port 443. select URL sign in. 2. For HTTPS connection. For HTTP connection. you also have to configure the Secure connection. 3. the Secure Connect module must be installed on Content Server and on the scan host. Open the Options tab. see step 6 on page 211. 2. If the connection to Content Server is established using HTTP or HTTPS. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . In the TCP Sign in dialog box. Secure Connect must be licensed separately.3 Content Server sign in To define the sign in to Content Server: 1. Click OK. enter the Sign in information and the Server information. For direct sign in (RPC connection). enter port 80. Notes: 210 • When changing the connection type from RPC to HTTP or HTTPS. Contact your Open Text sales representative for details. 4. In the Tools menu. and you also must stop and restart the Archive Spawner service. • In order to use a HTTPS connection (SSL) to Content Server. select Direct sign in. click Content Server Sign in. you must restart Enterprise Scan to activate the setting. click TCP Sign in. enter port 12099. In the Content Server Sign in dialog box. In the Tools menu. • For the HTTPS connection. Click Sign in to test the connection to TCP.Chapter 16 Defining archiving settings 9. If the connection to Content Server is established using RPC. 3 Content Server sign in 5.svc?wsdl RecordsManagement (default URL path) http://<server name>/les-services-recordsmanagement/RecordsManagement. the credentials given by the user during the Content Server sign in are used to create the documents in Content Server. To enable the import of Records Management attributes.7 and higher: Impersonate vs. Example: https:\\bngimg-w2k301\livelink\livelink.1 Document Pipeline for Content Server 9. see Livelink ECM™ Secure Connect . For details of Records Management attributes.Installation Guide (LLESSC-IGD). the fields in the RecordsManagement tab are automatically filled with the default values: Authentication (default URL path) http://<server name>/les-services/Authentication. When you enter the server name in the Sign In tab. This check box and the Certificate folder could be used for server certificates issued by public entrusted Certificate Authorities but this is not supported in this version. Note: For further information on SSL and certificates. Do not select the Check server certificate check box. the Content Server communicates through the web service.exe Check the Use Windows credentials option if you want to use the Windows sign in for the connection. Copy and paste the URL from the browser into the URL field. select the Use Records Management service check box. If you have chosen the URL sign in.3. The Records Management web service must be installed and configured properly in the web server (for example IIS or Tomcat). Click Sign In to establish the connection to Content Server.svc?wsdl 8. access the Content Server sign in page of Content Server in a browser. For HTTPS connections only: Select Use SSL. 7. If the user signs in without administrator privileges. see “Importing Records Management attributes” on page 130.16. For retrieving the details of Records Management related functionality. Enter the WebService Urls (end points) for Authentication and RecordsManagement. Open the RM tab if you use the import Records Management attributes feature. anonymous submission When archiving through the Document Pipeline for Content Server. This behavior is called impersonate submission. When signed in with administrator CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 211 . 16. they are only entitled to archive to their Personal Workspace in Content Server. 6. 4 SAP sign in To define the sign in to SAP: 1. stop the Archive Spawner service and start it again to activate the changes.Setup file. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . the user is also entitled to archive to the Enterprise Workspace in Content Server. 16. This setting allows the user to archive to the Enterprise Workspace even if they are not signed in with administrator privileges. you can configure an anonymous submission to Content Server. click SAP Sign in. Configuring anonymous submission on profile level overrides the setting in the DT_DOCTOLES. However. • IGNOREDTCREDENTIALS must be typed in upper case letters. the default user (Admin) is used to create the documents in Content Server when archiving through the Document Pipeline for Content Server. as Admin user.setup file is available at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Open Text\BASE Document Pipeline\config\setup.Setup file.Chapter 16 Defining archiving settings privileges. Document. Profile To configure anonymous submission for certain profiles. that means. do not archive into the Personal Workspace in Content Server because. Notes: • When you perform changes to the DT_DOCTOLES. Impersonate submission is the default setting. It is possible to configure this setting on different levels: Global To configure anonymous submission for all documents archived through the Document Pipeline for Content Server. 212 In the Tools menu.COMMANDS += "IGNOREDTCREDENTIALS true\n". add a script like the following sample to Set Document Pipeline Attributes (see “Defining Document Pipeline attributes” on page 155): Document.Setup: IGNOREDTCREDENTIALS=true The DT_DOCTOLES.COMMANDS += "\n". you do not have the permission to write to your Personal Workspace. add the following line to the Document Pipeline for Content Server configuration file DT_DOCTOLES. Important If you are using the anonymous submission script in Set Document Pipeline Attributes. If you select First selected document.16. The notes are attached to the archived document (see “Working with placeholders for notes” on page 271). In the Configure Archiving from Leading Application dialog box. Click OK. define the settings: Archive Server Server name of Archive Server connected to Enterprise Scan (see “Configuring Server and Document Pipeline settings” on page 207).5 Configuring archiving from leading application 2. 3. Advanced In the Advanced Settings dialog box you adjust the output file format as described in “Defining advanced settings for archiving” on page 170. Go to Tools>Archiving from Leading Application. Click Sign in to test the connection to the SAP System. Default note Default note for each document. 2. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 213 . enter the Sign in information and the Server information.5 Configuring archiving from leading application Archiving of the documents in Enterprise Scan can be initiated from the leading application. To configure archiving from leading application: 1. 3. make sure the correct document is selected in the document stack before you start archiving. which is the default value. Options Remove deleted pages Pages that are marked as deleted are removed and not sent to the archive. Start Archiving from Specify which document is archived first when archiving is started from the leading application. 16. In the SAP Sign in dialog box. Note format Placeholders for the notes (see “Working with placeholders for notes” on page 271). . Use Document Pipeline Info to restart processing (see online help for details). Therefore. the document will be known to the leading application. Refer to the Archive Monitoring Web Client and Document Pipeline Info online help for detailed information on these tools. The Document Pipelines require regular monitoring to make sure that all scanned documents have been processed and sent to Archive Server. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 215 . they can be monitored using the same tools: Open Text Archive Monitoring Web Client (Archive Monitoring Web Client) and Open Text Document Pipeline Info (Document Pipeline Info).Chapter 17 Monitoring archiving through Document Pipeline Enterprise Scan uses (Document Pipeline)s in many archiving scenarios to process documents to be archived on Archive Server. the Monitor Server must be running on the computer running the Document Pipelines. but it will not be retrievable or viewable. Note: In order to use the Archive Monitoring Web Client. If anything should interrupt the archiving process after the document information is sent to the leading application but before the document is transferred to the archive. The document is still in the Document Pipeline. The Document Pipelines running on the Enterprise Scan workstation or on a dedicated computer are similar to the one running on an Archive Server. . Document stacks are user-dependent and are stored on the file system in the following directories: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Open Text\EnterpriseScan\StorageV1 (for example on a Windows XP workstation. scanned documents remain only temporarily in the Document Pipeline before they are sent to Archive Server. 18. document stacks are stored in %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Local Settings\Application Data\Open Text\Enterprise Scan\StorageV1) Note: By default. the Application Data directory is not visible in Windows Explorer because it is a hidden directory. In a normal operating state. no action is necessary except regular monitoring of the Document Pipeline (see “Monitoring archiving through Document Pipeline” on page 215). To make it visible. There is one document stack per user. it is created during the initial startup of Enterprise Scan.Document Pipeline scenarios use the Document Pipeline directory of Open Text Document Pipeline.2 Backing up the Document Pipeline directory Document Export . To find the location of the Document Pipeline directory CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 217 . In this case. then go to the View tab and enable the option Show hidden files and folders.1 Backing up the document stack All documents displayed in Enterprise Scan are temporarily stored in a document stack on the file system before they are archived. 18.Chapter 18 Backing up The document stack and External Storage repositories used by Enterprise Scan as well as the Document Pipeline directories may require a backup of their data in certain cases. it is recommended that you back up these document stacks between working sessions to avoid rescanning and reprocessing the documents in case of a problem. If a large number of documents that have not yet been archived remain in the document stacks. it is recommended that you back up these documents to avoid losing data before you address the problem. If a large number of documents get stuck in the Document Pipeline. click Tools>Folder Options in the Windows Explorer menu. 3 Backing up external storage repositories External Storage scenarios use External Storage repositories (file system directories). The external storage repositories are configured in the Enterprise Scan Archiving subprofiles. go to Tools>Server and Document Pipeline Settings. 218 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . If a large number of scanned documents are stored in the external storage repositories. The directory path name is the value of the Directory field (see “Archiving to an external storage” on page 170).Chapter 18 Backing up (DPDIR) on the Document Pipeline host computer. scanned documents are temporarily stored in these repositories before being processed further on the same or other Enterprise Scan workstations. In some scenarios. 18. it is recommended that you back up these repositories regularly to avoid having to rescan and reprocess the documents in case of a problem. It presents tools and methods that can help you find the cause of a problem. • Perform regular maintenance on your hardware. see “Monitoring archiving through Document Pipeline” on page 215. • Back up the Enterprise Scan data regularly (see “Backing up external storage repositories” on page 218). • Install the relevant patches. You can either browse Knowledge Center folders from the home page CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 219 . Use Document Pipeline Info to check the status of the different DocTools and archiving queues. For further information.1 General recommendation This chapter provides an introduction to troubleshooting and error analysis.dll/open/16296813. • Train administrators. use the Open Text Knowledge Center. • Verify that all documents passing through the Enterprise Scan Document Pipelines have been correctly processed and archived. For further information. For further information.Chapter 19 Troubleshooting Enterprise Scan 19. For advanced troubleshooting. • Follow the recommendations published in Release Notes and newsletters. • Make sure that there is enough free space available for Enterprise Scan data (document stacks. you should consider these helpful hints in your daily work. Document Pipeline directory. Therefore. You can use these tools remotely or locally. Release Notes are regularly updated in the Knowledge Center.opentext. • Monitor Enterprise Scan workstations and Document Pipeline hosts regularly with Archive Monitoring Web Client and Microsoft Event Viewer. see “Monitoring archiving through Document Pipeline” on page 215and “Troubleshooting Document Pipelines for Enterprise Scan” on page 225. see Knowledge Center entry external storage repositories) and for log files. It is better to avoid problems than to solve them. • Follow the upgrade strategy for Open Text Imaging and other system components. operators and end-users. opentext. This information can be used by the administrator to solve problems or can be sent to other administrators. you can perform a search request. Click Details to get more detailed information: 220 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . If you require additional help with technical problems. 19.dll/open/15529922) 19. contact Open Text Customer Support. Parts of the logging information (see log messages) are also displayed in the Imaging Clients Message Box. The log messages are displayed in the language selected for the Imaging Clients. Note: The content of the Knowledge Center entries is updated by Open Text Customer Support independently of the content of this documentation. Check that the information in the Knowledge Center entries corresponds to the version of the Open Text products you use. Useful Knowledge Center entries For example: • Which ports are used by the archive components? (https://knowledge.Chapter 19 Troubleshooting Enterprise Scan (https://knowledge.opentext. Different log files are written.dll/open/15783397.1 Error messages and Imaging Clients Message Box The Windows clients of Open Text Imaging display log messages in case of an error. These log files are also used by Open Text Customer Support for advanced troubleshooting. You can find the contact information for your region at http://www.opentext. Imaging Solutions Knowledge Base in the Knowledge Center See Troubleshooting Enterprise Scan All Open Text Imaging Clients log information into log files. depending on the clients and the scenario in or use the search capabilities of the Knowledge Center.opentext.html. From this 2 Troubleshooting Enterprise Scan Log messages are displayed chronologically. If disabled. If you disable a button. previous log messages will be shown along with new ones. the messages of the corresponding severity class will be removed from the message window. it will display only newly logged messages. Message Text This is the text of the log message. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 221 . Show The Show buttons filter the log messages to be displayed. Error.19. The number in brackets after the log severity class is the identifier of the log message. WARNING and IMPNOTE. Warning and Note. correspond to log message categories. Fatal. Warning and Note) are displayed. ERROR. When the Imaging Clients Message Box is displayed the next time. FATAL. Error. displayed in the language selected for the Imaging Clients. all buttons are selected. Warning and Note). Trace messages are not displayed in the Imaging Clients Message Box. which means that all classes of log messages are displayed (Fatal. with most recent at the top. Error. Messages Log messages contain three types of information. Only log messages (that is those of severities Fatal. displayed in two columns: Severity Severity classes. By default. The difference between log messages and trace messages is explained in “Logging and tracing” on page 223. Clear messages on dialog end This option is activated by default. go to the General tab. You can override the default file path manually in the registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\IXOS\IXOS_ARCHIVE\6. To activate the statistics file generation: 1. The maximum number of messages to be kept in the error message stack is 100 by default. 3. The statistics file is by default located in %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Open Text\Enterprise Scan\<version>\ScRep.2.2 Enterprise Scan statistics Enterprise Scan can generate a statistics file in XML format. not the contents of the error message stack. 19. The statistics file name is LLScanStatistics_YYYY. the Imaging Clients Message Box will not appear in case of an error.Chapter 19 Troubleshooting Enterprise Scan Send logfile to You can send the IXClient. The registry entry for maximum number of messages is HKCU\SOFTWARE\IXOS\IXOS_ARCHIVE\CWin\DeMoS\MaxSizeOfMsgStack.xml. and select Log Usage Statistics. In the Configure Workstation Options dialog box.log file to different applications or to mail recipients. Note: If the value of MaxSizeOfMsgStack is set to 0. 4. Note: Be aware that the content of the log file itself is sent.0\Scan\HKLM\CustomSett ings\S:StatisticsPath.xml for the year 2010. Click Send logfile to to select your destination. for example LLScanStatistics_2010. Click OK. The following data is logged in the statistics file: 222 • domain name • machine name • user name • start date and time • end date and time • number of scanned pages • number of deleted pages • number of archived pages Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Restart Enterprise Scan to start the statistics file generation. Go to Tools>Workstation Options. 2. you can use the setting Log level in the menu Tools>User Options for that purpose (see “Configuring user options” on page 52). This is the default log level value. log files are generated that contain the log messages and trace messages of all locally installed Windows clients of Open Text Imaging. The log messages are written in the log files in English but are displayed in the Imaging Clients Message Box in the language selected for the Imaging Clients.<ext> and the same settings for logging. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 223 . ERROR. This means that the new log level takes effect after the Imaging Clients are restarted. They use the same log files IXClient. Note: Do not forget to reset the log levels after troubleshooting to avoid generating unnecessarily large log files. Trace messages Trace messages are trace records written to the log files only. and also during application shutdown. “Log file settings” on page 224 describes the values to be changed in the registry.2 Troubleshooting Enterprise Scan • amount of archived kB The statistics file is updated every 30 minutes. 19. They are in English and are used for advanced troubleshooting. Log levels The available log levels are: Normal (4) = Logging Log messages of categories FATAL. These log messages are identified by identifiers. Within Enterprise Scan. Data is stored in XML format. Logging and tracing The distinction between log messages and trace messages is as follows: Log messages Log messages are log records written to the log files and also shown to the user in the Imaging Clients Message Box. • To change the log level via the client's GUI is dynamic and takes effect immediately.19. 19.3. WARNING and IMPNOTE are logged. Data may be analyzed or processed by custom tools.3 Enterprise Scan log files On every Imaging Clients workstation. • To change the log level via a registry editor is static.1 Setting log levels You can change the log level statically or dynamically.2.2. Chapter 19 Troubleshooting Enterprise Scan Extended (7) = Tracing In addition to the log messages. their number and their size. Location of the log file Registry entry: LogPath Default value: %TEMP%\Open Text\<version> Size of the log files in KB Registry entry: MaxSizeOfLogFile Default value: 3072 (KB) Number of copies to keep Registry entry: MaxCopiesOfLogFile Default value: 2 224 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 .002.2. All other settings are stored in <Registry_branch>\Software\IXOS\IXOS_ARCHIVE\CWin\DeMoS.log. IXClient.3. the trace messages of categories USER. The settings may be userspecific or user-independent. you can use the following: Registry editor The setting LogSeverity is stored in <Registry_branch>\Software\IXOS\IXOS_ARCHIVE\CommonClientSettings. See also “Setting log levels” on page 223. 7 is used for troubleshooting. To change these settings. These settings cannot be seen in the registry before they have been set. User-specific settings have priority over userindependent settings. 4 is the default log level. The following settings can be used: Log level Registry entry: LogSeverity The logging has two levels: 4 (normal) and 7 (extended). INFO and DEBUG are logged. User-independent settings They are located in the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM). predefined.001. and so on. User-specific settings They are located in the registry branch HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU). You can change the location of the log files. By default.2 Log file settings Log and tracing messages are written to log files named IXClient. 19. IXClient. hardcoded values are used. the different DocTools and processes used by the Document Pipeline are started by the Spawner. Commands and capabilities of the utility are described in “The spawncmd utility” on page 225. The Spawner. They can be queried and controlled using the spawncmd utility.Installation Guide (CLESIGD). the DocTools and other processes used by the Document Pipeline log information in log files (see “Spawner and Document Pipeline log files” on page 229). For details. This can be useful when you are performing diagnostic analysis. Once the Document Pipeline has been restarted. In such cases. You can also restart individual DocTools and processes.1 Restarting Document Pipeline There may be problems that cannot be identified with the tools and methods mentioned in this chapter. check the status of the different DocTools and processes using the spawncmd utility (see “Status of DocTools and processes” on page 226).log file (see “Spawner and Document Pipeline log files” on page 229). To restart the Document Pipeline and all its DocTools and processes. you can query the status of individual DocTools and processes and control them.Chapter 20 Troubleshooting Document Pipelines for Enterprise Scan In the same way as on an Archive Server. 20. it is often helpful to restart the Document Pipeline. The spawncmd utility is automatically installed when you install a Document Pipeline. which runs as a service on Microsoft Windows platforms. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 225 . 20. You can also use the Windows functionality to restart the Spawner.2 The spawncmd utility With the spawncmd utility. see Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan . For information on performing this action via a Command Prompt. stop and restart the Spawner service. see “Stopping and starting the Spawner” on page 228. Refer to your Windows documentation and online help for information about stopping and starting Windows services. or by reading the spawner. spawncmd -h scan02.Chapter 20 Troubleshooting Document Pipelines for Enterprise Scan 20. use the following command: spawncmd <command> (for example spawncmd status) Remote DP To connect to a remote Document Pipeline.2 Status of DocTools and processes To display a list of single DocTools and processes and their status) or spawncmd -h <Document Pipeline_IP_address> <command> (for example spawncmd -h 207.ixos.230. use one of the following commands: spawncmd -h <Document Pipeline_host_name> <command> (for example spawncmd -h scan02 status. enter the command in a Command Prompt: spawncmd status or spawncmd -h <Document Pipeline_host_name> status Here are output samples for different Document Pipelines for Enterprise Scan.46. List of commands To display the list of all spawncmd commands. Document Pipeline for Livelink ECM – Suite for SAP Solutions (Enterprise Scan component only) program-id sta pid start time stop time ------------------------------------------------------------------------cfbx R 2416 11/12/2003 16:47:06 docrm R 2424 11/12/2003 16:47:06 doctods_1 R 2432 11/12/2003 16:47:06 doctods_2 R 2440 11/12/2003 16:47:06 doctods_3 R 2448 11/12/2003 16:47:06 226 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . enter spawncmd in a Command Prompt window: D:\>spawncmd usage: spawncmd [-h exit # reread # start <service> # startall # status # stop <service> # kill <service> # stopall # host] <cmd> # cmd is one of: stop all services.219 status) Note: The Spawner must be running on the Document Pipeline computer in order to use the spawncmd utility.1 Using the spawncmd utility The spawncmd utility can be used for monitoring and administrating local or remote Document Pipelines.2. exit spawner reread servtab files start service start all services read status of all services stop service kill service stop all services 20.2. Local DP To connect to the local Document Pipeline. 2 The spawncmd utility dp stockist R T 2408 0 11/12/2003 16:47:05 11/12/2003 16:47:06 11/12/2003 16:47:08 Document Pipeline for Open Text Enterprise Process Services (Enterprise Scan component only) program-id sta pid start time stop time ------------------------------------------------------------------------R 2224 11/19/2003 17:20:55 docrm R 3148 11/19/2003 17:20:55 doctods_1 doctods_2 doctods_3 dp pmsdt stockist Output results R 1112 11/19/2003 17:20:55 R R R T 3864 1624 2408 0 11/19/2003 11/19/2003 11/19/2003 11/19/2003 17:20:55 17:20:54 17:20:55 17:20:55 11/19/2003 17:20:56 Here is the description of the different values for each column. Check this by reprocessing the spwncmd status command. start time Time when the DocTool or process started. Only few DocTools or processes should have this status. Most DocTools and processes should have this status. After a while. see “Spawner and Document Pipeline log files” on page 229.20. for example. For details about log files. Be aware that the dp process will have the S status for a long time if there are a lot of documents in the Document Pipeline. Archive Monitoring Web Client and Document Pipeline Info. Note: The correct status for each DocTool and process can be found in “Status of DocTools and processes” on page 226. • S means the process is starting and initializing. the status should change to R (running). pid The DocTool or process program ID. This happens when you start the Spawner. If the status of a DocTool or process is incorrect. program-id The DocTool or process name. • The information provided by the spawncmd status command is similar to that displayed by the Archive Monitoring Web Client (see “Monitoring archiving CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 227 . • T means the process has been terminated. stop time Time when the DocTool or process stopped. sta The DocTool or process status: • R means that the process is running. look at the corresponding log file and at the Spawner log file. About monitoring tools Here are the pros and cons for the different monitoring tools: Spawncmd. docrm. Tip: You can also enable or disable a single DocTool by using the Document Pipeline Info. information displayed by the Archive Monitoring Web Client is refreshed regularly (by default every two minutes).4. However. This should solve most problems caused by accidental termination of processes. 20. To start a single DocTool or process. to resubmit documents for processing and to delete documents from the queues (see “Monitoring archiving through Document Pipeline” on page 215). • The spawncmd utility gives accurate information more quickly than the Archive Monitoring Web Client. 20.4 Useful spawncmd commands 20. enter the following command: net start spawner Tip: Restarting the Spawner is the first action that should be taken if one or more DocTools or processes are terminated. enter the command spawncmd stop <service> where <service> is the name of the DocTool or the process. refer to the online help of the Document Pipeline Info. such as the amount of free log disk space. the Archive Monitoring Web Client provides information on the DocTools only. On the other hand.3 Stopping and starting the Spawner To stop the Spawner.2. 228 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . it allows an administrator or power user to start and stop single DocTools. look at the Spawner log files and the Document Pipeline log files (see “Spawner and Document Pipeline log files” on page 229).1 Starting and stopping single DocTools or processes To stop a single DocTool or process. the Archive Monitoring Web Client provides additional information.Chapter 20 Troubleshooting Document Pipelines for Enterprise Scan through Document Pipeline” on page 215). and detailed information about the objects being monitored (detailed DocTool status. number of documents in input and error queues). enter the command spawncmd start <service> where <service> is the name of the DocTool or the process.2.2. For details. Additionally. If not. enter one of the following commands: spawncmd exit or net stop spawner To start the spawner. • The Document Pipeline Info gives the same information about DocTools and document queues as the Archive Monitoring Web Client. not on the other Document Pipeline processes. On the other hand. Tip: To find the names of the DocTools used by a particular Document Pipeline.20.1 "Spawner log file" in Open Text Archive Server . enter the following command: spawncmd reread You normally need this command for advanced troubleshooting purposes only.2.2 Resubmitting documents to the DocTools If documents are locked in one or more error queues of the Document or https://<Document Pipeline_IP_address>:4061/cgi-bin/tools/log. see section 34. 20. To resubmit documents via the Command Prompt. For further information. 20. Tip: You can also resubmit documents to the DocTools by using the Document Pipeline Info tool. these documents must be resubmitted to the DocTools once the problem has been solved. The name of the log file is the name of the DocTool plus the extension .4. All the DocTools are listed here by Document Pipeline. refer to the online help of the Document Pipeline Info. so simply restarting them will not solve a problem. It is better to restart the Spawner itself (see “Stopping and starting the Spawner” on page 228). the Spawner log file and all Document Pipeline log files can be accessed via HTTP. Instead. Tip: If the Monitor Server is running on the Document Pipeline computer. and you want to use the new configuration without restarting the Spawner.3 Spawner and Document Pipeline log files The Spawner and Document Pipelines log files are all located in the <DP_ROOT>\var\log directory. For this.3 Rereading configuration files If the Document Pipeline configuration files (“servtab” files) have been modified. Document Pipeline log files There are no log files for Document Spawner log file The Spawner log file spawner. either enter the command spawncmd start stockist or restart the Spawner (see “Stopping and starting the Spawner” on page 228).log). use Document Pipeline Info or Archive Monitoring Web Client.log shows all DocTools and processes started and stopped on the Document Pipeline. 20. enter one of the following URLs in a browser: https://<Document Pipeline_host_name>:4061/cgi-bin/tools/log.log (for example the log file of the DocTool docrm is docrm.3 Spawner and Document Pipeline log files Note: Be aware that some processes must be started in a defined sequence.2. Mark the name of a CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 229 . where <DP_ROOT> is the installation directory of the Document Pipelines.Administration Guide (AR-ACN). For details.4. the processes of the different DocTools are logged into the corresponding DocTool log files. 1 "Spawner log file" in Open Text Archive Server . see section 34. For most processes. For further information. sort the <DP_ROOT>\var\log directory by date.log. the name of the log file is the name of the process plus the extension . The corresponding DocTool name is displayed (for example the Remove document from document pipeline processing step corresponds to the docrm DocTool).Administration Guide (AR-ACN). Then look at the log files that were modified when a problem occurred or look at the ones last modified. Some processes may use different log file names.Chapter 20 Troubleshooting Document Pipelines for Enterprise Scan processing step and look at the status bar. Tip: In order to find which process log files contain relevant information. especially if they are large. 230 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Part 4 Reference . . 21.2 Edit menu Command Icon Cut - Select All - Ctrl + A Edit>Select All Select All Invert Selection - Ctrl + Shift + I Edit>Invert Selection - Select Marked Pages - - Edit>Select Marked Pages - CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 233 .Chapter 21 Menus and icons Here you find an overview of all Enterprise Scan menus and icons.1 File menu Command Icon Shortcut Menu option Context menu Scan F11 File>Scan - Configure Scanner - File>Configure Scanner - Rescan File>Rescan Configure Printing - - File>Configure Printing Print - File>Print Export - File>Export Export>Export Send - File>Send Export>Send Exit - File>Exit - Shortcut Menu option Context menu Undo Ctrl + Z Edit>Undo Undo Redo Ctrl + Y Edit>Redo Redo Ctrl + X Edit>Cut Cut Copy Ctrl + C Edit>Copy Copy Paste Ctrl + V Edit>Paste Paste 21. as follows: Function 234 Menu option Context menu Edit>Go To Icon Shortcut To previous page (traverses over documents) Page Up To next page (traverses over documents) Page Down To first page of the current document Home To previous page in the current document (stops at the beginning of the current document) Left arrow To next page in the current document (stops at the end of the current document) Right arrow To last page of the current document End To first page of the first document Ctrl+Home To first page of previous document - To first page of next document - To first page of the last document Ctrl+End To previous bookmark marker Shift+F4 To next bookmark marker F4 To previous delete marker Shift+F5 To next delete marker F5 To previous quality marker Shift+F9 To next quality marker F9 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 .Chapter 21 Menus and icons Command Icon Shortcut Go To displays the icons of the navigation toolbar (see “Navigating through documents and pages” on page 32. 21. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 235 .3 View menu Command Icon Shortcut Menu option Context menu Main Toolbar - - View>Main Toolbar - Page Toolbar - - View>Page Toolbar - Document Toolbar - - View>Document Toolbar - Application Toolbar - - View>Application Toolbar - Navigation Toolbar - - View>Navigation Toolbar - Documents - - View>Documents - Indexing - - View>Indexing - Index Item - - View>Index Item - View - - View>View - Properties - - View>Properties - Thumbnails - - View>Thumbnails - Tree - - View>Tree - Lock GUI - - View>Lock GUI - Show Default View Layout - - View>Show Default View Layout - Zoom In + View>Zoom In Zoom Out - View>Zoom Out Fit Window Ctrl+O View>Fit Window In the View view: Scale>Fit Window Fit Width Ctrl+W View>Fit Width In the View view: Scale>Fit Width Fit Height Ctrl+H View>Fit Height In the View view: Scale>Fit Height 21.4 Page menu These commands are also available as context menu items in the View view.3 View menu 21. Chapter 21 Menus and icons Command 236 Icon Shortcut Menu option Context menu Black Border - Page>Image Filter>Black Border Image Filter>Black Border Content Extractor - Page>Image Filter>Content Extractor Image Filter>Content Extractor Content Extractor with Preview - Page>Image Filter>Content Extractor with Preview Image Filter>Content Extractor with Preview Crop - Page>Image Filter>Crop Image Filter>Crop Deskew - Page>Image Filter>Deskew Image Filter>Deskew Despeckle - Page>Image Filter>Despeckle Image Filter>Despeckle DPI Resampling - Page>Image Filter>DPI Resampling Image Filter>DPI Resampling Quality Indicator - Page>Image Filter>Quality Indicator Image Filter>Quality Indicator Smooth - Page>Image Filter>Smooth Image Filter>Smooth Conversion to 16 Million Colors - Page>Color Conversion>Conversion to 16 Million Colors Color Conversion>Conversi on to 16 Million Colors Conversion to 2 Colors - Page>Color Conversion>Conversion to 2 Colors Color Conversion>Conversi on to 2 Colors Conversion to 256 Colors - Page>Color Conversion>Conversion to 256 Colors Color Conversion>Conversi on to 256 Colors Conversion to Gray Scale - Page>Color Conversion>Conversion to Gray Scale Color Conversion>Conversi on to Gray Scale Rotate 180° - Page>Rotate 180° Rotation>Rotate>18 0° Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . 21.5 Document menu Most of these commands are also available as context menu items in the Documents view. Command Shortcut Menu option Context menu Separate before Selection F7 DocumentvSeparate>Separate before Selection Separate>Separate before Selection Separate by Barcode - Document>Separate>Sepa rate by Barcode Separate>Separate by Barcode Separate by Blank Page - Document>Separate>Sepa rate by Blank Page Separate>Separate by Blank Page Separate by every Nth Page - Document>Separate>Sepa rate by every Nth Page Separate>Separate by every Nth Page Separate by Patch Code - Document>Separate>Sepa rate by Patch Code Separate>Separate by Patch Code CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Icon User and Administration Guide 237 .5 Document menu Command Icon Shortcut Menu option Context menu Rotate Left - Page>Rotate Left Rotation>Rotate>L eft Rotate Right - Page>Rotate Right Rotation>Rotate>Ri ght Remove Blank Pages - Page>Remove Blank Pages Erase>Remove Blank Pages Delete SHIFT+DE L Page>Delete Erase>Delete Delete Marked CTRL+D Page>Delete Marked Erase>Delete Marked Bookmark Marker F3 Page>Bookmark Marker Marker>Book mark Marker Delete Marker DEL Page>Delete Marker Marker>Delete Marker Quality Marker F8 Page>Quality Marker Marker>Qualit y Marker 21. Chapter 21 Menus and icons Command 238 Icon Shortcut Menu option Context menu Classify by Barcode - Document>Classify>Class ify by Barcode Classify>Classify by Barcode Classify by Patch Code - Document>Classify>Class ify by Patch Code Classify>Classify by Patch Code Archive All F2 Document>Archive All - Archive Selected F12 Document>Archive Selected - Change Index Ctrl+I Document>Change Index Document Operation>Change Index Homogenize - Document>Homogenize Document Operation>Homogen ize Join F6 Document>Join Document Operation>Join Merge - Document>Merge Document Operation>Merge Move to Batch - - Document>Move to Batch Document Operation>Move to Batch Move to Folder - - Document>Move to Folder Document Operation>Move to Folder Move to Group - - Document>Move to Group Document Operation>Move to Group Move to Position Ctrl+P Document>Move to Position Document Operation>Move to Position Reverse - Document>Reverse Document Operation>Reverse Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . 6 Profile menu Command Icon Shortcut Menu option Context menu Manage Profiles - Profile>Manage Profiles - Configure Current - Profile>Configure Current - - Profile>Switch to - Configure Input Shift + F11 Profile>Configure Input - Configure Processing - Profile>Configure Processing - Configure Archiving - Profile>Configure Archiving - Shortcut Menu option Context menu - Tools>User Options - - Tools>Workstation Options - - Tools>Areas Configuration - Switch to - 21.6 Profile menu 21.7 Tools menu Command Icon User Options Workstation Options - Areas Configuration Permissions - - Tools>Permissions - Customize Keyboard - - Tools>Customize Keyboard - Export Configuration - - Tools>Export Configuration - Import Configuration - - Tools>Import Configuration - Make Configuration Shared - - Tools>Make Configuration Shared - Server and Document Pipeline Settings - - Tools>Server and Document Pipeline Settings - Transactional Content Processing Sign In - Tools>Transactional Content Processing Sign In - Content Server Sign In - Tools>Content Server Sign In - - Tools>SAP Sign In SAP Sign In CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 - User and Administration Guide 239 .21. Chapter 21 Menus and icons Command Icon Shortcut Menu option Context menu Archiving from Leading Application - - Tools>Archiving from Leading Application - Icon Shortcut Menu option Context menu in view Contents F1 Help>Contents - Search for Help on - Help>Search for Help on - 21.8 Help menu Command Index - - Help>Index - Customer Help - - Help>Customer Help - - Help>About Enterprise Scan - About Enterprise Scan 240 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . offers) • Document legibility (for example very good. Start Enterprise Scan via Programs>Start>Open Text >Enterprise Scan. Insert empty pages for separating the individual documents. Sort the documents according to the used scan profiles: • Document content (for example invoices. if needed. To scan the documents: 1. bad. 241 .Chapter 22 Using a template for scan operator checklists As the used scanning and archiving scenarios are very special for each company and the single scan operator often has not the time to read the whole Enterprise Scan user guide. 5. To prepare scanning: 1. normal. smooth the paper original. 3. 7. Insert additional preparation tasks. Which steps are required depends on the quality of the paper documents. This chapter should serve as the basis for this checklist. it is useful that the administrator creates a kind of checklist for the daily work of the scan operators. your type of separation and so on. 3. delete the items that are not relevant to your company and add your company-specific scanning and archiving scenarios (see the paragraphs with in angle brackets <>). Start the scanning operation with File>Scan. Archive the documents to the external storage with File>Archive all if the postprocessing will be done on another workstation. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan . Start the scanner. very bad) 2. or click 6. Copy the text to a text editor. Put the documents into the scanner. delete the page in Enterprise Scan with Page>Delete and rescan it with menu File>Scan. or click . Select the profile in the list box. If a page gets folded during scanning. 2. A good scanning preparation can simplify scanning and postprocessing of the documents. 4. • Subdivide a document into several documents if the automatic separation has failed during scanning: a. b. completeness and quality. Control all pages for order. Set the markers with Edit>Select Marked Pages and the following: Insert this marker for pages that need further inspection. Scan the documents from the external storage if the physical scanning has been performed on another workstation or by a service provider. Delete Marker Insert this marker for pages that exist more than once and should be deleted. Select each page you want to mark. 3. a.Chapter 22 Using a template for scan operator checklists The problems that occur regularly during scanning should be corrected automatically via the processing subprofile during the scanning. 242 Bookmark Marker Select the page that should be the first page of the new document. But there might occur additional problems that have to be corrected manually. modify or delete an index with Document>Change Index if the barcode or patch code was not recognized correctly. Quality Marker Insert this marker for pages with low legibility. Mark the pages that are not scanned correctly and need further processing: 4. Perform the required postprocessing steps: • Enter. 2. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . To postprocess the scanned pages: 1. please contact your administrator for further inspection: Attach each scanned page to an e-mail with File>Send and send the e-mail to your administrator. • Split the document with Document>Separate>Separate before Selection. Archive the documents to the external storage with Document>Archive all if the archiving will be done by another person. 5. 3. Select the archiving profile in the list box. Add your company-specific steps here. in the Index Item view and enter it in the corresponding field in the Indexing view. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 243 . 2. This part is also highlighted in the View view in a defined color (default: red) so that the area can be seen in context of the whole page. Mandatory fields are marked with . Read the property. Insert additional postprocessing tasks. you might delete it with Page>Delete and rescan it with File>Scan. or click . Scan the documents from the external storage if the scanning and postprocessing have been performed on another workstation or by a service provider. you enter the properties of the document that are later used to retrieve the document in the archive. there are few common steps. 7. In the Index Item view. • If a scanned page is illegible. 6.b. The archiving of the documents differs from one company to the other. • Increase the color depth to the same value of all document pages with Document>Homogenize. • Reduce or increase the color depth of a single page. It might be necessary to choose another profile or subprofile according to the document quality. The cursor is in the first index field. In the Indexing view. To index and archive the documents: 1. Correct pages with bad quality: • Search for marked pages with Page>Quality Marker. the document part where the needed information for indexing can be read is enlarged (only valid with the example script listed as step 12 in “Scripting examples” on page 256). for example the customer name. • Insert additional postprocessing tasks to increase the legibility. If you are not able to solve a problem by yourself. Therefore. the icon appears behind the index field. The document is archived and the next document in the document stack appears in the Index Item view. Perform the indexing of all documents in the document stack. Note: If the entered values are not correct. 244 Enter here your scenario-specific steps for the archiving. Press Enter to go to the next index field. 5. The documents are archived.Chapter 22 Using a template for scan operator checklists 4. Press F12 to archive the document. 7. the document stack is empty. After all documents are archived. The entered values are checked and the detailed information for the next index field is displayed in the Index Item view. Move with the cursor into the respective index field to get detailed error information. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . 9. Fill all index fields for the document. Press F2 to archive all documents in the document stack. 6. 8. These extensions can harness additional logic in the following distinct areas: • The processing phase • The interactive phase (see “Scripts in the interactive phase” on page 245) • The export phase (see “Scripts in the export phase” on page 251) 23. You can find a scripting example in “Scripting examples” on page 256. Four kinds of scripts can be attached to each indexing field: Initialization script This script is executed once per document to prefill each field with document specific values to ease the indexing process.1 Scripts in the interactive phase The scripting options in this phase are linked to the indexing fields in the indexing mask. General overview Scripting support is an extension to Enterprise Scan.NET family of languages because major parts of Enterprise Scan itself are written for the . Important Indexing as defined within Enterprise Scan is not document-centric. This means that the index information entered into an indexing form is not saved to a document. For improving the old Initialization script was renamed to Selection script and this new Initialization script was introduced. It is only transferred as metadata along with the document to the export process. which allows you to integrate business logic into the handling of the metadata as defined by the indexing process within Enterprise Scan. They are defined using the configuration wizard for the indexing form (see “Configuring indexing” on page 123). The scripting language is JScript.NET.Chapter 23 Working with scripts for indexing and archiving To enhance the functionality of the document indexing. part of the . you can attach scripts to each indexing field defined (see “Configuring custom index fields” on page 125). CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 245 . that is changes of field values by users were overwritten by the script.NET platform. In earlier versions of Enterprise Scan initialization was executed for every document selection. 7 (now Selection script) Example: // Incorrect: User entry will be overridden Field. for example: 246 1. Another benefit of new Initialization script is the correct display of multiple selection. The old configuration of Initialization script version 9. Specifying the number of decimals (Field.7 is automatically migrated to Selection script version 10.Scale) For every field with the owner Global. For fields with owner Document. Selection script This script is executed to implement additional configuration for the indexing mask: 1. When the user changes the number of selected documents (multiselection). Validation script This script is executed when the users modify a field value or the document is to be exported.Length) 5. Due to missing initialization field it could be displayed white (all field values are equal) in contradiction to subsequent initialization.0.Value = Document["Barcode"].Unit) 4.7 (now Selection script) The execution is not executed on multiple selection. Input is confirmed by ENTER key. The scripts are called in the order the fields visually appear in the indexing form from top to bottom. the script is not called.0 Example: // Correct Field. Initialization of pickup lists (Field. 2. Initialization script of version 9.Choices) 2. Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 .Value = Document["Barcode"].0 The execution is executed on each document of a multiple selection. Initialization script of version 9. this script is called when the user selects a document or changes the number of selected documents. Initialization script of version 10. Another control is activated by mouse click so that the control to be validated looses focus.Chapter 23 Working with scripts for indexing and archiving Initialization script of version 10. Locking in the field against modification (Field. the script is only called when the user selects a document.ReadOnly) 3. Changing the unit of field (Field. Limiting the length of value (Field. The picklist should be initialized by the Selection script. the script writer can also define a display value. realvalue) to the field value instead of a single value. This is done by assigning a pair of values: (displayvalue. Field. the focus stays on the field for immediate correction. read-only. Indexing field info (only for each indexing field): value Current value as seen by the scan user in the application GUI. Any access to the value from scripts returns the real value. var s:string = Field. The value should be initialized by Initialization script and validated by the Validation script. the following information is available: a. if the mask is completed. the next document is selected.Choices. It is specified in the configuration dialog.1 Scripts in the interactive phase 3.Add("Option 1") Field.Choices. Should be initialized by the Selection script. Within each script above.Value = "a value" choices List of all possible values for picklist type fields. based on the current field value. For every value.23. 4. If validation fails. Field.Add("Option 2") name Internal name of field (different from display name).Unit = "mm" CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 247 . A validation failure is reported by the indexing mask: When the input is confirmed by the ENTER or TAB key and validation succeeds. Field. the focus changes to the next field in the indexing mask or. Updating script This script is called after a successful validation and should be used by the script author to update the values of other fields. Another item from a pickup list is selected. This is displayed to the scan user in the GUI only.Name unit Specifies an abbreviation to display beside the string label that informs the user of the units of measure. Input is confirmed by TAB key. ReadOnly = true. This signals to the user that the data entered was not correct and Enterprise Scan leaves input focus inside the field in question. This is exposed as a hash container and can be considered storage for global variables.Length = 10 scale For decimal types.Chapter 23 Working with scripts for indexing and archiving b.Scale = 5 ReadOnly Method of type bool for all indexing fields. specifies the total number of digits before the decimal point (it should be less than length above). Validation result: Within the Validation script. the length of the string.Fail("error message") with an error message that is displayed by the scan application. Context["hello"] = "world" c. Should be initialized by the Selection script. That means. 248 Information about the current document (available in the Initialization script only): Information Code sample Barcode Document["Barcode"] 2D-Barcode Document["Barcode2D"] All barcodes in document Document["Barcode"] All 2D-barcodes in document Document["Barcode2D"] Patchcode Document["Patchcode"] Endorser Document["Endorser"] Ocr Text Document["OcrText"] Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . for decimal types. this information is lost. This can be used by the script writer to save log in information and so on. Field. When the user sets the field property ReadOnly to true. Fields["other field"]. Should be initialized by the Selection script. Data objects are defined in the table below: a. Context information: This is a persistent storage for the script writer. the script writer can at any time call the method Validation. Field. Field. Any information saved here will be kept across all script invocations if provided the scan user does not switch the profile. Should be initialized by the Selection script. the text box becomes non-editable. the total number of digits in the number).ReadOnly = true. the application restricts the user from entering any value manually in the text box through the GUI. length Specifies the maximum length of data entered into a field (for string types. If the profile is changed by the user. The message <MyMessage> is not logged in the log file. When application shutdown is triggered with a script like AppShutdown. Note: The AppShutdown.immediate shutdown!"). Information Code sample Index Document["Index"] Group Document["Group"] Pagecount Document.Pages[<page_no>] Barcodes on page N/A Page images (XImage) Document.Request("myLogMsg .Pages[<no>].Request script is only valid in indexing Initialization script.Data Unique ID Document["UniqueID"] Information valid for the whole application: Total number of documents inside scan Application. The following values for LCIDs are used in Enterprise Scan: • Czech: 1029 • English: 1033 • French: 1036 • German: 1031 • Japanese: 1041 • Portuguese: 1046 • Spanish: 1034 Immediate shutdown From within indexing Initialization script.UserLanguage This is an integer value holding the locale identifier (LCID) of the currently selected GUI language. only.Request(“<MyMessage>”). This is required for special customization projects.SelectedDocumentCount Language of the scan GUI Application.DocumentCount Total number of documents currently selected Application. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 249 .23.1 Scripts in the interactive phase b.PageCount Ixattr Document["IxAttrFile"] Commands Document["CommandsFile"] Page Document.Image. Sample script: AppShutdown. it is possible to trigger an immediate shutdown of the application. Update script only called if validation is successful. In summary a script writer can rely on the following workflow: 250 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Validate script called for every index field. Indexing multiple documents Indexing all documents at once Index mask contains values from previous Initialization script. User scenario User actions Scripts actions Note Indexing a single document Select one document Initialization script called (for all fields in indexing mask). Update script only called if a validate is successful. Selection script is not called for fields with owner Document. Multiselect documents (mouse or keyboard) Initialization script called for all fields that are not already initialized. Ctrl-F12 Validatation script called for every index field. This step is optional. Fill index mask Validatation script called for those indexing fields edited by the user. Fill index mask Validatation script called for those indexing fields edited by the user. Fill index mask Validation script and Update script called for those indexing fields edited by the user. F12 Validation script called for every index field. Initialization script called only once for each field. F12 Initialization script called for all fields that are not already initialized. This step is optional. A table that describes the possibilities as mapped to three different user scenarios is given below.Chapter 23 Working with scripts for indexing and archiving It is important to know in what situations the various scripts are executed by Enterprise Scan. Update script is called when validation is successful. In case of multi-selection. 2 Scripts in the export phase For batch processing scenarios. In this case. For this purpose. selection. User and Administration Guide 251 . Context This global object works exactly as in initialization. Application. putting the script in the export phase has the advantage of leaving less room for user errors. Application CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Used to communicate with the archiving procedure.SkipDocument Set to true to silently skip the current document.NET. Context["YourVal"] = "Abcd". The information and context available within this script is similar to the scripts in the interactive phase above with some differences. text assigned to this property will be displayed in the message box. User may choose whether to continue archiving. for example.2 Scripts in the export phase 23.ErrorMessage If stop archiving was set to true. that should be inserted typically as the first plug-in in the export processing steps. Application. it may be better to spare the user the task of entering data. update and validation scripts. Values are shared among all scripts. when the barcode of the document gives enough information to fill in the rest of the indexing form. Application. Add Document Attributes. The scripting language is JScript.DocumentCount Retrieves number of document in this archiving batch. Note: GUI operations should not be executed in this script as doing so will interfere with the GUI handling of the main scan application. Application. var s = Context["MyVal"]. there is a script available and it is defined within an export plugin.StopArchiving Set to true to display a message box to the user.23. copy the field names and remove the fields in question from the indexing mask. When modifying indexing data in the Add Document Attributes plug-in. 252 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . no log message is displayed in the log file.StopArchiving) Set to true to cancel the current archiving loop without prompting the user.StopArchivingSile nt(extension to Application.SetInt. Fields.SetBool("MyFieldName". it is important to follow the conventions for indexing field names. You can read and write this value. Fields. When script is executed. Otherwise the index fields will be ignored by the export plug-in. true) Overwrites (including type) or adds new boolean (Flag) field MyFieldName and sets it to true. Fields.Chapter 23 Working with scripts for indexing and archiving Application. Fields["MyFieldName"]. so it is also possible to set it. Fields. a change made to one document index values is not propagated to another document. • Content Server rules: <Category ID>[. Fields.Display Name Retrieve the display name of field with name MyFieldName. Each archived document receives a copy of the data. therefore. When setting value.RemoveField("MyFieldNa me") Removes field MyFieldName. Fields Read or modify indexing values for current document. Document The archived document.SetTime.SetDataTime Similar functionality as SetBool for other types.Value Get or set value of field MyFieldName. Fields["MyFieldName"]. Fields. The initial content of fields is taken from the interactive part of indexing (indexing mask). type of assigned value must match the existing value.SetString.SetDecimal.<Version>]:<Attribute name> 0:<System attribute name> • SAP rules: <Table name>:<Column name> • TCP rules: <Record type ID>:<Property type ID> It is recommended that you import the category specification or record type. Fields.SetDate. Fields. Works in the same way as other scripts. Pre-Archive script • Archiving .Update script • Archiving .3 Global function depot 23.Validation script • Indexing .Set Document Pipeline Attributes script The Global Function Depot enables you to collect script code in one global depot.Selection script • Indexing .3 Global function depot In Enterprise Scan.23. you can configure custom scripts in various places: • Init-Profile script (archiving subprofile) • Document processing script • Indexing . The Script field contains the script code available in the Global Function Depot.Initialization script • Indexing .Add Document Attributes script • Archiving . CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 253 . the script is saved and available across all main profiles and subprofiles wherever scripting is allowed. In any of the scripting configuration dialogs. the Global Function Depot provides conditional compilation statements. All scripting configuration dialogs have the Open Global Function Depot button. If the Global Function Depot contains a function which uses a script property.1 Conditional compilation statements The Global Function Depot enables you to define functions for all custom scripts. the imported global functions are appended to the existing. The following conditional compilation statements are available: @SCRIPT_TYPE_INITPROFILE Conditional compilation statements for the Init-Profile script.Chapter 23 Working with scripts for indexing and archiving When you enter script in the Script field and click OK. For example. Some properties. are only valid in a certain context. the Global Function Depot provides conditional compilation statements (see “Conditional compilation statements” on page 254). Use Load.3. you can enter script that calls a function that is defined in the Global Function Depot. However. 254 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Use References to add a reference to third party libraries (see “Assigning third party libraries” on page 145). for example Application. You can share. To avoid this. Each time a custom script is executed. a function defined for one custom script may not be valid in another custom script. 23. @SCRIPT_TYPE_INDEXING Conditional compilation statements for indexing scripts (initialization/selection/validation/update). the script from the Global Function Depot will also be compiled along with the current script.StopArchiving is only valid in Add Document Attributes and Pre-Archive scripts. Including the context specific functions within the conditional compilation statements will ensure that these functions are compiled only in the right context. To avoid compilation errors. So there are only two places where you can use this property. export and import global functions (see “Sharing. Save and Compile to open. If you import global functions on a computer with existing global functions. exporting and importing the configuration” on page 195). it will throw an error for compilation as well as for execution of the script. store and test the scripts. Currently InitProfile does not support any scripting proxies/attributes.StopArchving that is not valid for the current context or the current custom script. however. This would lead to compilation errors since the global functions always get compiled along with the custom scripts. Application. import System.DocumentCount.23. @SCRIPT_TYPE_SETDOCATTR Conditional compilation statements for the Set Document Pipeline Attributes script. //MessageBox.Value = "something from global " var i:int = Application. @SCRIPT_TYPE_PREARCHIVE Conditional compilation statements for the Pre-archive script.Get2DBarcode(1). @SCRIPT_TYPE_ADDDOCATTR Conditional compilation statements for the Add Document Attributes script. /*************************************/ @if (@SCRIPT_TYPE && @SCRIPT_TYPE_INDEXING) function indexing() { //Field. } @end /*************************************/ @if (@SCRIPT_TYPE && @SCRIPT_TYPE_PROCESSING) function processing() { var bc:String. bc = PageAttributes.3 Global function depot @SCRIPT_TYPE_PROCESSING Conditional compilation statements for the processing Scripting Extension script. } @end /*************************************/ @if ((@SCRIPT_TYPE && @SCRIPT_TYPE_PREARCHIVE) || (@SCRIPT_TYPE && @SCRIPT_TYPE_ADDDOCATTR)) CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 255 .Show(i. Example 23-1: Conditional compilation statements in the Global Function Depot @cc_on // Activates conditional compilation support.Windows. @SCRIPT_TYPE Conditional compilation statements for checking for various scripting types.Forms.ToString()). and you can import this configuration in Enterprise Scan via Tools>Import Configuration (see “Exporting and importing the configuration” on page 198). } @end /*************************************/ @if (@SCRIPT_TYPE && @SCRIPT_TYPE_ADDDOCATTR) function adddocattr() { Application.Scan.Chapter 23 Working with scripts for indexing and archiving import Ixos.dll/Properties/1225397066_5 14). 1.Show("Some global functions to call"). selectedDoc = Application. Accessing document information Switch to profile Invoice Indexing.ArchivingDocuments.opentext. All the examples given here can be accessed from the sample configuration as provided in the Knowledge Center (https://knowledge.StopArchivingSilent = += "something new" } @end /*************************************/ //////Common functions function global() { MessageBox.4 Scripting examples This section describes how to perform some typical tasks with scripting extensions. function prearchive() { var selectedDoc:IDocumentSelection. This will also help to illustrate some of the points above. } @end /*************************************/ @if (@SCRIPT_TYPE && @SCRIPT_TYPE_SETDOCATTR) function setdocAttr() { Document.DocumentModel. 256 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . } 23. S_WARNING. Severity can be passed with 7 different levels using OTlog as: System. Using dependent picklists Switch to profile “Business trip reports”.WriteLine("Information to log").4 Scripting examples The Initialization script for the field Barcode contains the code segment Field. You can retrieve a value from the Context hash with s = Context["mykey"].Diagnostics.log.Trace. OTlog. S_INFO. Severity can also be passed as an optional feature for better classification of the logs. S_ERROR. Logging steps in your script When using the standard . 2. This is done in the Update script of the “Car Make” field. it is recommended that you use log severity. For easier orientation in the scan logs. S_IMPNOTE) are available for both types of logs (normal and extended). the information is stored in the standard scan log file IXClient. do not forget to cast the value back to the appropriate type when retrieving it.Diagnostics. and S_DEBUG) are available to facilitate the script user with ease of classifying the log messages.23. 3. Accessing context information You can store a value in the Context hash with Context["mykey"] = "hello world". the check is done in the validate script of the Amount field. 3 more log severity levels (S_USER. 5.Value = Document["Barcode"]. In extended log.Trace.Fail("message informing the user of the error"). Try entering a number less than 5 in the Amount field. Validating information entered by the user To raise a validation fail message Validation. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 257 . 4. System. Selecting a “Car Make” will automatically refresh the values in the “Car Make” field. for example s = String(Context["mykey"]).S_ERROR) 4 severity levels (S_FATAL.NET logging.WriteLine("Information to log". Note: When using arbitrary objects. The value of the string objects will be “hello world”. This attribute is then used by Content Server export to create a dynamic folder. 9. Latest version of category 1234 will be used.<version>:yyy. 5). Modifying indexing data during archiving phase using Add Document Attributes plug-in Switch to profile “Add Document Attributes Demo”. Note: The Initialization script in this case gives an example of how to display a different label than the actual value contained in the Field. change the field name from 1234:yyy to 1234.getDisplayName())) In this case. The specific OCR engine to be used for this can be chosen by Open Text Consulting. 7.Chapter 23 Working with scripts for indexing and archiving 6. To add the document into category with id 1234 (category must exist on server.Add(new IndexingPair(et. The Initialization script and Update script of the Record types field are the place where the logic is written in this case.SetInt("0:xxx". 258 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . 5). Accessing the TCP system using ECR API Switch to profile “Accessing the TCP”. The Initialization scripts of the two index fields list the contents of the Enterprise Workspace and Personal Workspace respectively. 8. To set a system numeric attribute xxx to 5.getEntityId() is accessible.SetInt("1234:yyy". add following line to the script: Fields.getDisplayName() is shown in the GUI to the user. add this line: Fields. there must be an integer field named yyy and no other mandatory fields). et. Accessing Open Text Content Server using LAPI Switch to profile “Accessing Open Text Content Server”. If you wish to specify the version manually. To use this function you have to define an Initialization scripts in Enterprise Scan (see “Working with scripts for indexing and archiving” on page 245). but inside scripts (see the Update script) the value et. Zonal OCR enabling The image area associated with the index item is accessible to script authors within the init script in order to prefill index mask information.Choices. The archiving subprofile has the Add Document Attributes plug-in configured to add attribute FolderName. the value et.getEntityId().Value variable. The important aspect is the following line: Field. tif"). 2.23.Close() var _sc : LeadToolsOCRWeb. FileMode. if(Context. Define the SAP Sign In (see “SAP sign in” on page 212). Create the correct indexing script.Scan.GetZoneImage().ScanOCREngine.Indexing. import LeadToolsOCRWeb import System. You can copy one of the following example scripts and adapt it to your needs: SAMPLE #1: Create a new indexing field (String Popup) and in the Initialization script type the code below: CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 259 .tif") Note: This OCR scenario is completely independent from the OCR plug-in in the processing subprofile. see “Working with scripts for indexing and archiving” on page 245.Create). For details about scripting. Indexing for the SAP system A scripting module is provided to call a default function /IXOS/SC_GENERIC_FUNCTION on the SAP system.Value = _sc. To index in SAP: 1.recognize("c:\\tmp\\testocr.tif".Delete("c:\\tmp\\testocr.IO var fs: FileStream = new FileStream("c:\\tmp\\testocr.Contains("ocrsession")) { _sc = ScanOCREngine(Context["ocrsession"]) } else { _sc = new ScanOCREngine() Context["ocrsession"] = _sc } Field. try { Field.WriteTo(fs) } catch(e) { } fs.ToString() File.4 Scripting examples You can copy this example script and adapt it to your needs: import Ixos. 10. i++) { entry = companyList[i] Field.Bapi_Company_Getlist(&retVal.ActiveConnection Field.dll // ScanExtensionSAP.Clear() if (tconnection != null) { sapProxy = new IxosSAPProxy.Diagnostics System.Collections IxosSAPProxy SAP. // Reference these three libraries from \\<Enterprise Scan Home>\bin\ folder. field2] and in the Initialization script of the field1 type the code below: <CODE> 260 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . &companyList) var count:int = companyList.dll // SAP. // IxosSAPProxy.IxosSAPProxy= null var session:SessionManager= SessionManager.Chapter 23 Working with scripts for indexing and archiving <CODE> import import import import import import System System.IxosSAPProxy() sapProxy.Connector Ixos.Instance var tconnection= session.Choices.Count var i:int = 0 for(i = 0.Extension.Name1) } } </CODE> SAMPLE #2: Create a new indexing fields (String Popup) [field1. i< count.Connector.SAPExtension // Click on the "References" button.Add(entry.Scan.dll var sapProxy:IxosSAPProxy.Choices.Connection= tconnection } var retVal:BAPIRETURN = new BAPIRETURN() var companyList:BAPI0014_1Table = new BAPI0014_1Table() var entry:BAPI0014_1 if (sapProxy != null) { // call the SAP function BAPI_COMPANYCODE_GETLIST sapProxy. Value= "Value1" pctData.SAPExtension var sapProxy:IxosSAPProxy. try { sapProxy.Connector. entry= new IXOS_SC_S_DATA() entry.Connector Ixos. strValid:String = String.ActiveConnection Field.Empty entry:IXOS_SC_S_DATA if (sapProxy != null) { entry= new IXOS_SC_S_DATA() entry.Choices. var tconnection= SessionManager.Add(entry).Clear() if (tconnection != null) { sapProxy = new IxosSAPProxy.IxosSAPProxy= null // Click on the "References" button.dll // attention please !!! Declare tconnection without exact type.Fieldname= "field2" entry. // JSript.dll // SAP.Scan.Instance.Fieldname= "field1" entry.NET has some problems with casting types.IxosSAPProxy() sapProxy.23.Connection= tconnection } var var var var retVal:BAPIRET2 = new BAPIRET2() pctData:IXOS_SC_S_DATATable= new IXOS_SC_S_DATATable().dll // ScanExtensionSAP.Diagnostics System.Add(entry).4 Scripting examples import import import import import import System System.Collections IxosSAPProxy SAP.Ixos_Sc_Generic_Function("BAPI_COMPANYCODE_GETLIST ". &retVal.Extension. &pctData) CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 261 . // IxosSAPProxy. &strValid. // Reference these three libraries from \\<Enterprise Scan Home>\bin\ folder.Value= "Value2" pctData. } } catch(ex) { System. More than one barcode on a page If a scanned page contains more than one barcode.Message.Windows. there is a scripting option (Initialization script) to show the recognized barcodes' numbers in a field in the Indexing view. i< count. i < barcodes.Count var i:int= 0 var entry1:IXOS_SC_S_DATA for (i= 0.Show(ex.Chapter 23 Working with scripts for indexing and archiving var count:int= pctData.Length. separated by a “|” (see “Configuring custom index fields” on page 125 and “Working with scripts for indexing and archiving” on page 245).Forms. "Script Exception") SessionManager.SelectedDocumentCount > 0) { var barcodes:Array = Document["Barcodes"] if (barcodes != null) { var i:int.MessageBox.Choices.RenewConnection() } } </CODE> 11.Value).Instance. The corresponding script is: var result:String = "" if (Application.Length > 0) result = result + "|" } } result = result + barcodes[i] } Field. i++) { if (result. for(i=0.Add(entry1.Value = result 262 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . i++) { entry1= pctData[i] Field.Fieldname+ " " + entry1. as follows: Indexing initialization script: -------------------------------------cut-----------------------------------------import System. Enlarged barcode in the Index Item view For an easier manual control of barcodes and document index.IsEmpty() == false) { r.Top .right = Document["IndexArea"]. import System. a script is provided which shows the barcode enlarged in the Index Item view.4 Scripting examples 12.Bottom + margin + 100 r. Context["current"] = Document["UniqueID"] if (Context[Context["current"]] == null) { if (Document["Index"] != null) { Context[Context["current"]] = Document["Index"] } else { Context[Context["current"]] = "" } } if (Context["defaultRect"] == null) { Context["defaultRect"] = Field. no matter where the real position on the page is. This feature is intended to enhance the manual control procedure when the operator optically checks the barcode with the document index.margin = Document["IndexArea"].margin r. The barcode is always zoomed inside the Index Item view.IndexArea } var index:String index = Context[Context["current"]] var margin:int = 100. This script sets the area where the barcode has been found and recognized as a defined area.Indexing.bottom = Document["IndexArea"].23.Drawing. The script is.left = Document["IndexArea"]. once the Indexing view gets the focus. import Ixos.Windows.Scan. if (Document["IndexArea"]. var r:Rect.IndexArea = r CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 263 .Right + margin Field. The barcode is then automatically displayed enlarged in the Index Item view.Forms.Left . Value = index -------------------------------------cut-----------------------------------------Indexing validation script: -------------------------------------cut-----------------------------------------Context[Context["current"]] = Field.Length == 0 ) { Application.Value -------------------------------------cut------------------------------------------ Important Document index will not be changed within the indexing field.StopArchiving = true. Application.Chapter 23 Working with scripts for indexing and archiving } else { } Field. Export "Add Document Attributes" script: -------------------------------------cut-----------------------------------------if (Context[Document["UniqueID"]].IndexArea = Context["defaultRect"] Field. Use the following export scripting plug-in to get this effect.ErrorMessage = "Index cannot be empty!" } else { Document["Index"] = Context[Document["UniqueID"]] } -------------------------------------cut------------------------------------------ 264 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . To configure document separation by barcode and group classification using regular expressions: 1.Chapter 24 Example: Separating documents by barcode and sorting into groups using regular expressions The example shows the settings in the Processing subprofile which are needed to separate and classify documents by barcode and regular expressions. and 022 and 232 for group2. The third group (group3) will contain all documents which do not fit into one of the other groups. 2. Create a Processing subprofile and add the following operations to the flow: • to separate documents by barcode: Barcode Recognition (Page processing) and Separation by Barcode (Document creation) • to classify documents into groups: Classification by Barcode (Document classification) The following screenshot shows the overview of the subprofile. Create a new profile with the usual options you use for the input device. 021 and 131 for group1. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 265 . Other profile and subprofile settings are not explained. Two groups (group1 and group2) will identify specific barcode-groups. which begin with two different character strings. The example allows scanning into three different groups. Regular expression: ^[0][2][1][0-9]*|^[1][3][1][0-9]*|^[0][2][2][09]*|^[2][3][2][0-9]*|[0-9]* 266 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Regular expression: [0][2][2][0-9]*|[2][3][2][0-9]* • Group3: all barcodes that do not begin with 021. In the Configure tab. Enter the three groups. Configure the Classification by Barcode in the flow for document classification into the three groups (see also “Configuring classification by barcode” on page 116): Click Add to enter new classification rules for the three groups. the barcode type under Recognize Barcodes and the respective Regular expression: • Group1: all barcodes beginning with 021 and 131. Regular expression: [0][2][1][0-9]*|[1][3][1][0-9]* • Group2: all barcodes beginning with 022 and 232. select the Recognize all barcodes on page check box. see “Configuring barcode recognition” on page 87 4. Configure the next entry in the flow: Separation by Barcode. 232. For detailed information refer to “Configuring separation by barcode” on page 105. 5. For detailed information. Select the barcode type you want to search for and enter the settings according to your barcode. Configure Barcode Recognition in the flow. 131 and 022.Chapter 24 Example: Separating documents by barcode and sorting into groups using regular expressions 3. group2. or group3.Documents that fulfill the conditions are now assigned to group1. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 267 . . Save the command file used for All Users in <CommonApplication Data>\Open Text\Enterprise Scan\.jpg. Create a command file with the name convert_pdf. The path includes a backslash at the end (short path without blanks etc.cmd. To convert PDF into another document format: 1.cmd): • "C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-<version>\convert. Enterprise Scan creates for every matching PDF file a new subprocess and executes the command file with the following parameters: • %1: Fullpath of the input file (short path without blanks etc. You can render multipage PDF into multipage TIFF or another supported document format using.). Examples for an ImageMagick PDF command file (convert_pdf.Chapter 25 Rendering PDF with external tool Enterprise Scan supports PDF as file input format leveraging an external rendering tool in the file input step. 4. for example the tools ImageMagick and Ghostscript. If you want to use the command file for the Default User save it in <Application Data>\Open Text\Enterprise Scan\. The rendered documents must be created in the output directory with names that represent the correct order of the pages (alphabetically sorted names). CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 269 .exe" -density 150 %1 %2converted_%%03d. For supported document formats and external software versions. Tip: If a command file exists in <Default User – Application Data> it overrides an existing common handler or adds a new handler for the default user. 3. see Release Notes. and so on.jpg. converted_001. 2.) • %2: Fullpath of the output directory where the rendered images must be created by the command file. Open the command file and enter the command for rendition.jpg This command file creates a JPG image for every page of the input PDF file named converted_000. Install the external tool to render the PDF. see “Configuring file input” on page 68.exe:1772\Input. 270 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . After further processing the rendered images in the output directory are deleted by Enterprise Scan. implement an error handling for the rendition tool used by the command file. 5.exe:3360\Input. But if there are no files in the directory.cpp.cpp.341 MSG0 ErrorCode: 1 ERROR 2010/12/03 14:35:50:050 EnterpriseScan.FileSystem.FileSystem.dll:2984 fileinptbase.tif This command file creates a multipage TIFF image file containing all pages of the input PDF file. check the file input configuration: • If the check box Skip non image files is selected Enterprise Scan ignores the rendition failure but adds a log entry: ERROR 2010/12/03 15:00:14:552 EnterpriseScan.647 MSG0 Cannot render input file E:\FileInput\Images\Overview.cpp.FileSystem.cpp. • Exit Code 3221225786.dll:3844 renderimages. If the process exits normally Enterprise Scan verifies that at least one image file exists in the output directory.274 MSG0 Input file rendition process exit value is set ERROR 2010/12/03 14:35:50:050 EnterpriseScan.dll:3844 fileinptbase. -1073741510: The application is terminated as a result of CTRL+C. As Enterprise Scan cannot check whether all pages of the input file are rendered. Tips: • If the command window is closed by the x-button this is also recognized as an exit code and further processing of this file is aborted in Enterprise Scan. Troubleshooting for no rendered images If the command file returns without error (exit 0) Enterprise Scan checks the output directory for files.pdf If the user command file exits with an error the command file must provide an appropriate error handling. This indicates that the application has been terminated either by useàs keyboard input CTRL+C or CTRL+BREAK or closing the command window.dll:3844 renderimages. for example: ERROR 2010/12/03 14:35:50:050 EnterpriseScan.pdf • If the check box Skip non image files is not selected Enterprise Scan shows a dialog and asks for further handling.exe:1772\Input.Chapter 25 Rendering PDF with external tool • "C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-<version>\convert. 0xC000013A. If the process exits with the value != 0 (for example exit 1 in command file) Enterprise Scan aborts the handling of the input file and adds logging information.exe:1772\Input.exe" monochrome -density 200 -compress group4 %1 %2converted.FileSystem.655 MSG0 No rendered images created from input file E:\FileInput\Images\OEM Install. Troubleshooting for exit code Configure the input directory. year) %h:%m current time (hour in 24 hour format. month. placeholder replaced by %n note sent from the leading application \n line break (new line) © copyright character (no placeholder) \t tab character %u Windows log in name %b document index (barcode) %D.Chapter 26 Working with placeholders for notes The following placeholders can be combined as Note Format.%M. notes are generated and the placeholders are replaced by their current values.%Y current date (day. During archiving. minute) %I hour in 12–hour format %p AM/PM sign %% % character \\ \ character CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 271 . . Chapter 27 Using color reduction methods Floyd-Steinberg dithering Fastest algorithm for color dithering (reduction) for high-quality results. Nearest Color Fast color reduction method. but is slightly better than Nearest Color. Uses an algorithm for color dithering. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 273 . Note: This method is very costly in terms of time and required storage space. sometimes it can provide even better results than FloydSteinberg dithering. Note: This method is set by default since it provides satisfactory results in the majority of cases. Provides very low-quality results and does not use an algorithm for color dithering. Stevenson-Arce dithering Slowest color reduction method. Provides very low-quality results and does not use an algorithm for color dithering. However. Ordered dithering Fast color reduction method. . is used to find any document with the extension .Z. ^ “Not” operator Example: ^w matches any single character. Basically. but it does not match “wrd”. Syntax Regular expressions use.. the following elements: A. excluding “w”. a. the word “Scanner” would be a match. In this example search.. Enterprise Scan uses a public domain library. you can compare a regular expression with a wildcard character. used for searching in a file system. | “Or” connector. for example. Example: wo+rd matches “word”.z Uppercase and lowercase characters 0. as in *.. and “wooord” and so on.doc. “word”. + An element followed by + matches one or more of the predecessor. * An element followed by * matches zero or more of the predecessor.. However. Example: wo*rd matches “wrd”.Chapter 28 Working with regular expressions The barcode module allows checking the recognized text of barcodes against a regular expression.9 Digits . Definition A regular expression is a string of characters that describes a search pattern. and “woord” and so on ? An element followed by ? matches zero or one of the predecessor. The dot matches any single character. regular expressions are much more complex. it is possible to find all words beginning with “S” and ending with “R” without having to determine the characters in between. Example: wo?rd matches “wrd” and “word”. Regular expressions serve as a kind of filter for text. like the *. To match regular expressions. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 275 . It matches its predecessor element and its successor element. among others. “woord”...doc. Example: beard|board matches “beard” and “board”. . [-] Next character could be -. “wordword” and so on [. Example: (word)+ matches “word”. Ranges match any single character within the sequence inside the brackets. Example 28-1: Using regular expressions for barcode recognition Scenario 1 The following barcode values should be accepted: • LEA-0001-2345678 • LEA-0002-3456789 • LEA-1234 • LEA-3456 The following barcode values should be rejected: • LEA-2345 Regular expression: (LEA-(?^2345)[0-9]{4. Examples: b[eo]ard matches “beard” and “board”.Chapter 28 Working with regular expressions (.4}([-][0-9]*)?) Explanation LEA- The first four characters have to be LEA-..4} and optional ([-][0-9]*).] Brackets indicate a range. Scenario 2 276 The following barcode values should be accepted: • LEA-0001-2345678 • LEA-0002-3456789 • LEA-1234 • LEA-3456 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . ([-][0-9]*)? Matches LEA-(?!2345)[0-9]{4.4} The next 4 characters must not be 2345 and have to be a repetition of 4 times 0-9.. [0-9]* Characters 0-9 with a repetition from 0 to x.. [1-8] matches any digit from 1 to 8.) Parentheses indicate the grouping of elements. (?!2345)[0-9]{4. The following barcode values should be rejected: • LEA-2345 • LEA-6789 Regular expression: (LEA-(?!2345)(?!6789)[0-9]{4.4}([-][0-9]*)?) CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 277 . . Note: If problems with certain paper qualities recur frequently. you will have to adjust the scanning configuration settings. illegible details. Flaws in the paper original This includes unclear print. re-scan the sample and examine the image again.Chapter 29 Improving the quality of scanned pages If the quality of the scanned page is not optimal. it sometimes helps to clean the glass of the scanner and straighten up the original page. it may be useful to copy the page first and then scan it. you can improve the image quality by adapting the scanner settings. In other cases. Barcode cannot be recognized on some pages In addition to changing the settings for barcode recognition. a variety of reasons are possible: A poor-quality electronic image In this case. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 279 . In some cases. If an original is badly creased. Enterprise Scan provides you with filters that you can use to clean pages. very dark or dirty. contact the person sending you this type of paper. you will have to correct the page in Enterprise Scan after scanning. or “dirty copy”. . 1 General questions 1. for example 10.0. Which TIFF formats are supported by Enterprise Scan? Enterprise Scan supports all TIFF formats with the following compression: • CCITT Group 3. How can I cancel a time-intensive operation? Click Cancel in the progress window.Chapter 30 Frequently asked questions hier weiter warum ist dieses kapitel nicht unter troubleshooting? und apendix? 30.0. 30. (version number) 0 (minor release number). open About Enterprise Scan.290 (build number) 2.0.290 = 10. select the binary file in the File Manager or in Microsoft Windows Explorer and press ALT + ENTER to show the properties.BuildNumber.1 compression (for reading only) • CCITT Group 3. To get the build number of individual files.2 compression (for reading only) • CCITT Group 4 compression (reading and writing) • Huffman's compression (for reading only) • Packed bits compression (for reading only) • Uncompressed (for reading only) CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 281 . How can I get the build number? In the Help menu. The most important part of the version information is the version number.2 Questions about scanners 1. You will see all the version information for the selected file. The build number is displayed. 2. The version number is shown in the following format: VersionNumber. How do I show the Driver and the All Settings tabs for ISIS scanners in the scanner configuration dialog box? Hold Shift down while you call up the dialog box. 68 = 2 Result = 04338482 More info: The same algorithm is used for EAN13. If the message has an odd number of characters. Due to the interleaving of the characters. UPC Version A. to the nearest multiplication of 10. the checksum (the last digit of the result) is the difference between 4. and e. 282 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . the number of characters in an Interleaved 2 of 5 message must be even. if used. 2/5 IATA. add zero (0) to the beginning of the message. 70 . 4 + 3 + 4 = 11 c. Is there a limit to the length of recognized barcodes? The limit is 255 characters. EAN8. c. must be included in the character count. add the digits at the even positions. add results from 1. d. 2/5 Datalogic. add the digits at the odd positions and multiply the result by 3.3 Questions about barcodes 1. 2/5 Industrial. and 2. b. 70 e. round up the value from 3. Example: Checksumed number = 0433848 a. and 3. (0 + 3 + 8 + 8) * 3 = 57 b. Are there any requirements that a barcode of type 2/5 Interleaved should consist of an odd or even number of signs. 57 + 11 = 68 d. 30. 4. we use the public domain library (see “Working with regular expressions” on page 275). the number of the other signs (digits) must be odd.Chapter 30 Frequently asked questions • JPEG compression (for reading only) See also Release Notes. UPC Version E. The character. What is the syntax of the “regular expression” used during barcode recognition? For regular expression matching.. 2. 2/5 Inverted and 2/5 Matrix barcode symbologies. How is the checksum of the 2/5 Interleaved computed? Follow these steps: a. except the check sign? If there is a check sign (checksum). 3. ignored and checked for Checksum? Hold down the Shift key and click on the required check boxes column.3 Questions about barcodes 5. How can I select/deselect all the barcodes in the list (Configure Separation by Barcode dialog box) to be recognized. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 283 .30. . Part 5 Appendix . . The menu item Scan & Index appears in the context menu of a folder. Start Content Server. Prerequisites The following applications must to be installed prior to administer the Enterprise Scan Webinterface: • Content Server • Enterprise Scan Webinterface (see section 6 "Installation of Enterprise Scan Webinterface" in Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan . CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 287 .Installation Guide (CLESIGD)) To use the Enterprise Scan Webinterface: Scan & Index for folders: 1. 2. 3. The scanning functionality is accompanied by the indexing feature. Install Enterprise Scan on client side.Chapter 31 Administering the Enterprise Scan Webinterface Note: The module Enterprise Scan Webinterface brings scanning capacity to the user interface of Content Server. Users can scan an image and run an indexing session in the same user interface. an attribute Document Name is displayed. Attributes originate in system attributes as well as in categories. Project. The Indexing view constitutes a very important part of the user interface. Additionally. Important The Scan & Index function is only available for object type Folder. even when the focus switches to another document or the application is closed. Note: Indexing attributes in the Enterprise Scan Webinterface are “per document”. Indexing view – The user interface consists of several views. that means they persist with the document. The position and size of the views can be freely configured.Chapter 31 Administering the Enterprise Scan Webinterface 4. and so on. for example Document. in which the function Scan & Index has been called. Discussion. 288 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Select Scan & Index to start Enterprise Scan. The release is not supported for other object types. This view is dynamically built and reflects the system of attributes associated with the folder in Content Server. Channel. Behavior of the controls – The behavior of the controls imported from Content Server is very similar to the controls used in the Web interface of Content Server. If more documents are sent (by accident or by design). Assuming that the user value is higher than 100. Behavior of other attributes – The behavior of other attributes related either to the system node or to a category is inherited from Content Server. 5. This value however can be overridden by user configuration. However both sets and arrays (except array of sets) are imported without limitations. then only the first 100 elements in the array can be displayed in indexing form inside Enterprise Scan. In one indexing session. Enterprise Scan releases CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 289 .Document Name This field is always automatically added in the indexing form. The system node attributes are always associated with all the nodes of Content Server. Limitation of the indexing form – Enterprise Scan indexing form is somewhat limited compared with the Web interface. The indexing form is not able to display more than 100 rows for an array. The maximal value of elements in an array is preset in Content Server to value 50. Stock Item and User Name These fields are defined inside a category associated with the folder in Content Server. Content Server allows defining arrays for whole sets of attributes. Barcode and Text These fields are additional system node attributes. exactly one document can be released. Click Archive to release the document together with additional indexing data to Content Server. Enterprise Scan interprets the attribute arrays as well as group of attributes. Enterprise Scan then cannot process more than the first set in such an array. Enterprise Scan displays the following dialog box: 6. • Select No to skip the processing of the current document and proceed with the next one. Basically. Decide whether the release operation shall continue or not. Go to the Content Server Administration page. 3. 2. Click the link of the module Enterprise Scan Web Interface.Chapter 31 Administering the Enterprise Scan Webinterface the first document only and halts the execution for other documents. all other documents can be released as versions of the first document. This behavior is determined by the fact that the Document Name attribute is constant for all documents on the stack: • Select Yes to release the new version. The Enterprise Scan Web Interface Configuration page comprises the following configuration items: Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . • Select Cancel to interrupt the release operation immediately. Only the first document is actually released. To configure Enterprise Scan Web Interface: 290 1. Leave the field empty to apply no restriction. every user can access function Scan & Index. A misspelled group name results in preventing all Content Server users to use the function. fill in required indexing data and release that document to Content Server. However. If you have scanned more documents then the same set of attributes is used for all documents on the stack. This scenario is synchronous. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 291 . Enable Scanning Into Enterprise Workspace Controls the access to Enterprise Workspace.Scan Group Name Virtually. Enable Scanning Into Personal Workspace Controls the access to Personal Workspace. The mainstream scenario is: You navigate to Content Server into desired location and select the menu item from the folder pop up menu Scan & Index. This feature is designed to minimize the interaction between Enterprise Scan and user in administrative mode. Enterprise Scan is activated. How do I release a batch of documents to Content Server in different locations? You do not. The rules for form construction are based on the category definition and system nodes attributes specified for a given location in Content Server. The option Scan Group Name is especially sensitive. you can specify a valid group name to make the function accessible only for members of this group. you scan a document. Uncheck the check box to avoid that the menu item Scan & Index is displayed for any of the folders inside Personal Workspace. For more details about Content Server users and user groups refer to the Content Server documentation. Uncheck the check box to avoid that the menu item Scan & Index is displayed for any of the folders inside Enterprise Workspace. Note: Incorrect configuration of the module results in inaccessible functionality. All the profiles manipulation is made on the Content Server side and complete profile definition is delivered to Enterprise Scan. The menu item Scan & Index is not available for Personal and Enterprise Workspace and virtually does not exist. This version provides neither Browse nor Check buttons that would simplify the configuration of the field Scan Group Name. When user issues a request to archive them all then one document is created. Frequently Asked Questions How do I write my own script in this scenario? Scripting cannot be used in this scenario. All other scanned documents are eventually released as a new version to the first document. Profile definition includes indexing form that is dynamically generated. . batch is located above folder. Archive Mode Specifies the different archiving scenarios used by Enterprise Scan. Batch Hierarchical document attribute in Enterprise Scan. connection to and management of storage systems. the Enterprise Scan can detect barcodes or patch codes and separate the documents automatically. In the hierarchy of attributes. a database instance. The archive mode is configured in the Open Text Administration Client.dll is used for communication. The attributes are displayed in the Properties view. ArchiveLink The interface between SAP and the Archive Server. Then the barcode or patch code is displayed in the Index field of the Properties tab. The ArchiveLink DLL ixar2_32. Barcode During mass scanning. Hierarchical attributes can be assigned to documents automatically during scanning or manually.Glossary Administration Server Server software component running on the Archive Server and responsible (among others) for managing the Imaging Clients requests. Archive Server Archive Server stores the documents on long-term storage media. Archive Monitoring Web Client Short term for Open Text Archive Monitoring Web Client. It consists of several server software and services. and administration tools. See also: Open Text Administration Client. CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 293 . It is a graphical user interface for monitoring the Document Pipelines and additional data. Glossary Capture Center Capture Center is a solution for automatic document classification and data extraction using optical character recognition. Enterprise Scan and Capture Center work hand in hand to automate ingestion of document into repositories and of data into business solution. Configuration files Configuration files contain configuration information for a particular program. When the program is executed, it consults the configuration file to see what parameters have been set. Important configuration files for Open Text Imaging Clients are the install.ini file, which contains the installation configuration for Windows Viewer, DesktopLink, and Enterprise Scan, and the viewer.cfg files, which contain the configuration of Java Viewer and Web Viewer. DocTools Programs for automatically processing documents in a Document Pipeline. Document Group In the Enterprise Scan you can subdivide the documents in several groups. These groups can be used to divide the archiving tasks between several employees. Document Pipeline A collection of processing modules (DocTools) that are used, for example to transfer or otherwise process documents to and in the Archive Server. Document Stack All scanned or imported documents that are currently displayed in the Enterprise Scan. DPDIR The directory in which the documents are temporarily stored while being processed by the Document Pipeline. Endorser Some scanner models support endorsing, that is a stamp is printed on each scanned sheet to confirm scanning. The endorser is displayed in the Properties tab in the Enterprise Scan. Enterprise Scan Short term for Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan. It is a component of Open Text Imaging. Enterprise Scan is designed for mass scanning scenarios: you can scan documents from various input sources, sort them into documents and archive these documents. 294 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Glossary FaxLink Functionality of Enterprise Scan that connects Enterprise Scan to fax or mail servers (Microsoft Exchange Server, Lotus Domino Server). Folder Hierarchical document attribute in Enterprise Scan. In the hierarchy of attributes, folder is located below batch. Hierarchical attributes can be assigned to documents automatically during scanning or manually. The attributes are displayed in the Properties view. Index Special collection of information used to locate documents or data objects more rapidly during searches. The scan operator can define the index information in a form before archiving the document. The fields of this form are defined in Enterprise Scan itself, with the TCP Modeler or on Content Server. The term Index has also a second meaning in the Enterprise Scan: In the Index field of the Properties tab the recognized barcode or patch code is displayed (see Barcode). Indexing Provision of additional information (index) to speed up search functions. When record properties are indexed, values are entered in the properties fields of the records. In general, user input is required here, or the values are automatically extracted and entered from documents or from their context using special processing modules (for example in a Document Pipeline). Leading application Software solution connected to a Content Server product, for example SAP, Siebel, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, and so on. Open Text Administration Client Administrative tool for setting up and maintaining the Archive Server and its components (archives, devices, disk buffers, jobs, archive modes and users). Open Text Archive Monitoring Web Client See: Archive Monitoring Web Client Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan See: Enterprise Scan Patch code See: Barcode CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 User and Administration Guide 295 Glossary Registry The registry is an internal database used by Windows to store configuration information. It is used as a replacement for configuration files, that is to manage initialization data for applications. You can edit the registry directly with the registry editor (regedit.exe). Be very careful, because errors in the registry can prevent your computer from functioning correctly. Servtab files Configuration files of the Spawner, which specify which DocTools and processes to start and how. Spawner Service that starts and terminates the DocTools and processes of the Document Pipelines. 296 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Index 2D barcode batch creation or assignment 109 configuring classification 115 folder creation or assignment 109 separating documents 105 2D barcode recognition configuring 85 A Advanced settings for archiving 170 Archive Server defining archiving settings 207 server mode 199 Archiving advanced settings 170 configuring 152 from leading application 213 to external storage 170 Archiving documents on Content Server archiving subprofile 159 Archiving scenario TCP 121 Archiving scenarios configuring 119 Content Server 119 Archiving subprofile archiving documents on Content Server 159 archiving documents on Content Server via Document Pipeline 163 archiving to external storage 170 assigning third party libraries 145 configuring TCP relations 128 configuring additional document attributes 154 configuring document export 152 configuring document processing 152 CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 custom index fields 125 defining Document Pipeline attributes 155 deleting marked pages 155 Document Pipeline for Oracle Applications 164 Document Pipeline for SAP 165 Document Pipeline for TCP 168 export to Capture Center via shared folder 157 exporting to Capture Center 156 field areas 148 importing Content Server attributes 129 importing Oracle Web Service attributes 136 importing records from TCP 127 importing Records Management attributes 130 indexing 123 indexing Content Server attribute User 135 indexing for SAP 140 indexing multi-row attributes from Content Server 133 indexing TCP multivalue attributes 127 Init-Profile script 122 Pre-Archive script 150 remote Document Pipelines 166 Area sets configuring 190 Areas defining 189 Assigning third party libraries 145 Average cleaning method for configuring smoothing (color) 104 B Backing up Document Pipeline directory 217 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 297 Index document stack 217 external storage repositories 218 Barcode batch creation or assignment 110 configuring classification 116 folder creation or assignment 110 separating documents 105 Barcode recognition configuring 87 Barcodes scripting example 265 Batch creation or assignment by 2D barcode 109 by barcode 110 by patch code 111 by user 112 Batch selection 25 Batches configuring document groups, batches and folders in workstation options 184 Black (or white) speckles checker configuring 103 Black border detection configuring 91 Blank page configuring detection 91 separating documents 106 Build number 23, 281 C Capture Center archiving subprofile 157 configuring document export for an archiving subprofile 156 Capture Center server defining archiving settings 207 server mode 201 CD-ROM Product ISO image 13 Changing document group, batch or folder 39 index after scanning 40 Character compactness checker configuring 102 Check input file format configuring format checker 66 Classification configuring by 2D barcode 115 configuring by barcode 116 298 configuring by patch code 117 configuring by user 118 Cleaning method average 104 median 104 Min-Max 104 Color conversion configuring 95 Color Images Quality settings for archiving 170 Color reduction methods 273 Configuration exporting 195 importing 195 sharing 195 Configuration Management configuring settings in workstation options 186 registry mode 197 Configurations of version 10.0 downloading 203 switching 204 uploading 203 Configuring additional document attributes for an archiving subprofile 154 archiving 152 area sets 190 Configuration Management settings in workstation options 186 custom index fields 125 document groups, batches and folders in workstation options 184 format checker 66 general workstation options 181 indexing 123 ISIS scanner 71 scanning view for workstation options 185 TCP relations 128 the document index 182 workstation options 181 Content extractor configuring 92 Content extractor with preview configuring 93 Content overflow checker configuring 102 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Index Content Server archiving documents in an archiving subprofile 159 archiving documents via Document Pipeline for an archiving subprofile 163 archiving scenario 119 sign in 210 Content Server attribute User indexing 135 Content Server attributes importing 129 Content Server Barcode Module configuring 173 Contract Lifecycle Management deploying 173 Contrast checker configuring 102 conventions 14 Conversion to gray scale configuring 95 Copying and pasting pages to other applications 34 Crop filter configuring 96 Custom index fields configuring 125 Customizing keyboard shortcuts 51 toolbars 51 D Default Note Document Pipeline for SAP or TCP 166 Document Pipeline for TCP 169 Defining areas 189 Defining archiving settings leading applications 207 Deleting pages 38 Deleting marked pages archiving subprofile 155 Deskew configuring 97 Deskewing specifying maximum angle 97 specifying sampling frequency 97 DesktopLink troubleshooting 220 CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Despeckle (B&W) configuring 99 Dithering methods 273 DMS Doctype Document Pipeline for TCP 169 Document changing batch 39 changing folder 39 changing group 39 printing 42 Document export configuring archiving subprofile 152 Document groups properties view 23 Document index configuring in workstation options 182 Document Pipeline log files 229 monitoring 215 restarting 225 spawncmd utility 225 troubleshooting 225 Document Pipeline attributes defining for archiving subprofile 155 Document Pipeline directory backing up 217 Document Pipeline for Oracle Applications archiving subprofile 164 Document Pipeline for SAP archiving subprofile 165 Document Pipeline for TCP archiving subprofile 168 Document processing configuring archiving subprofile 152 Document stack backing up 217 user interface 22 Documentation overview 13 Documents indexing and archiving 47 merging 37 navigating through 32 selecting 32 separating or joining 36 sorting 19, 35 Documents archiving on Content Server archiving subprofile 159 User and Administration Guide 299 Index Documents archiving on Content Server via Document Pipeline archiving subprofile 163 Downloading Enterprise Scan 10. batches and folders in workstation options 184 H HTTP configuring remote Document Pipelines 166 I Importing Content Server attributes 129 Oracle Web Service attributes 136 records from TCP 127 Records Management attributes 130 Importing image files 34 Index changing after scanning 40 Indexing configuring 123 Content Server attribute User 135 multi-row attributes from Content Server 133 TCP multivalue attributes 127 Indexing and archiving documents 47 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . batches and folders in workstation options 184 Format checker configuring 66 G General workstation options configuring 181 Global function depot scripts 253 Global script functions configuring workstation options 184 Gray scale configuring subprofile 95 Group selection 25 Groups configuring document groups.0 configurations 203 DPI resampling configuring 96 Dual stream ISIS configuration 73 scanning 28 E Early archiving SAP 120 Endorser properties view 23 Enterprise Scan 294 configuring workstation options 181 settings 51 starting 21 Exit Enterprise Scan 24 Export to Capture Center via shared folder archiving subprofile 157 Exporting to Capture Center archiving subprofile 156 External storage archiving subprofile 170 configuring as input device 69 distributed scanning 70 scanning from 26 External storage repositories backing up 218 F Fax input configuring for Lotus Notes 79 configuring for Microsoft Exchange 81 FaxLink separating documents by filename 107 Field areas archiving subprofile 148 File import configuring 68 File input configuring 68 Filename separating documents 107 Floating view pane 33 300 Folder creation or assignment by 2D barcode 109 by barcode 110 by patch code 111 by user 112 Folder selection 26 Folders configuring document groups. log 223 spawner 229 Log level 223 Log messages 223 LogSeverity 223 Lotus Notes configuring fax input 79 scanning from fax 27 M Markers 41 MaxCopiesOfLogFile 224 MaxSizeOfLogFile 224 Median cleaning method for configuring smoothing (color) 104 Merging documents 37 Microsoft Exchange configuring fax input 81 scanning from fax 27 Min-Max cleaning method for configuring smoothing (color) 104 Monitoring Document Pipeline 215 Move to group 35 position 35 Multi-row attributes from Content Server indexing 133 N Navigating 32 Note format Document Pipeline for SAP 166 User and Administration Guide 301 .Index Indexing and archiving scenario SAP 120 TCP 121 Indexing for SAP 140 Indexing scenarios configuring 119 Init-Profile script configuring 122 Input subprofile configuring file import 68 configuring file input 68 configuring format checker 66 configuring ISIS scanner 71 external storage 69 ISIS configuration configuring dual stream 73 ISIS scanner configuring 71 configuring advanced parameters 74 configuring All Settings parameters 77 configuring drivers parameters 77 configuring endorser parameters 76 configuring Fujitsu parameters 78 configuring image parameters 74 configuring Kodak parameters 78 configuring page format 72 ISO image Product ISO image 13 IXClient.log 223 settings 224 J Joining documents 36 JPEG as output file format settings for archiving 170 K Keyboard shortcuts customizing 51 Kofax certified scanners and VirtualReScan configuring 78 L Landscape to portrait configuring 100 CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 Late archiving with barcode SAP 120 Late indexing scenario TCP 121 Leading application archiving from 213 Leading applications defining archiving settings 207 Legal guidelines 15 Log file settings 224 Log files Document Pipeline 229 IXClient. Index Document Pipeline for TCP 169 placeholders 271 Nth page separating documents 107 O OCR configuring 100 OCR Options settings for archiving 170 Open Global Function Depot configuring additional document attributes for an archiving subprofile 154 configuring Document Pipeline attributes 155 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan 295 Open Text Online 15 Oracle Web Service attributes importing 136 Output File Format settings for archiving 170 P Page processing configuring subprofile 84 Pages copying and pasting to other applications 34 deleting 38 importing image files 34 improving quality of scanned pages 279 navigating through 32 rotating 33 selecting 32 Patch code batch creation or assignment 111 configuring classification 117 folder creation or assignment 111 separating documents 108 Patch code recognition configuring 101 Patch level 24 PathOfLogFile 224 PDF rendering 269 PDF as output file format settings for archiving 170 PDF Files searchable 163 302 Permissions 193 Placeholders for notes 271 Ports of archived components 220 Postprocessing basic tasks 31 Pre-Archive script cnfiguring 150 Printing document 42 Processing configuring profiles 83 Processing subprofile configuring 2D barcode recognition 85 configuring barcode recognition 87 configuring black border detection 91 configuring blank page detection 91 configuring color conversion 95 configuring content extractor 92 configuring content extractor with preview 93 configuring conversion to gray scale 95 configuring crop filter 96 configuring deskew 97 configuring despeckle (B&W) 99 configuring DPI resampling 96 configuring landscape to portrait 100 configuring OCR 100 configuring patch code recognition 101 configuring quality indicator 101 configuring rotation 103 configuring smoothing (color) 103 removing blank pages 113 scripting extension 113 Profiles 57 configuring processing 83 Program window user interface 21 Q Quality indicator configuring 101 configuring black (or white) speckles checker 103 configuring character compactness checker 102 configuring content overflow checker 102 configuring contrast checker 102 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 . Index R Records Management attributes importing 130 Registry key SCANCONFIGMODE 195 ScanConfigServer 196 Registry mode local Configuration Management 197 Regular expressions 275 scripting example 265 Remote Document Pipelines archiving subprofile 166 Removing blank pages document processing 113 Rendering PDF 269 Reverse the order 36 Rotating pages 33 Rotation configuring 103 S SAP Document Pipeline for SAP 165 indexing and archiving scenario 120 sign in 212 SCANCONFIGMODE registry key 195 ScanConfigServer registry key 196 Scanning dual stream 28 from external storage 26 from fax 27 legal guidelines 15 starting 25 Scanning view configuring in workstation options 185 Scenarios indexing and archiving 119 Script configuring an Init-Profile script 122 Scripting example barcodes and regular expressions 265 Scripting extension document processing 113 Scripts examples 256 CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 for indexing and archiving 245 global function depot 253 Searchable PDF files archiving documents on Content Server via Document Pipeline 163 Selecting documents and pages 32 Sending scanned pages 42 Separating documents 36 Separating documents by 2D barcode 105 by barcode 105 by blank page 106 by filename 107 by nth page 107 by patch code 108 Server mode Archive Server 199 Capture Center server 201 Settings 51 Shared folders exporting with Capture Center archiving subprofile 157 Signing in Content Server 210 SAP 212 TCP 210 Smoothing (color) configuring 103 Sorting documents 35 Spawncmd displaying status 226 list of commands 226 local and remote use 226 output samples 226 overview 225 stopping and starting the Spawner 228 useful spawncmd commands 228 Spawner log file 229 spawncmd utility 225 Speckle size 100 type 100 Starting Enterprise Scan 21 User and Administration Guide 303 . batches and folders 184 configuring global script functions 184 configuring scanning view 185 configuring the document index 182 Z Zooming 32 U Uploading Enterprise Scan 10.0 configurations 204 T TCP archiving scenario (late indexing) 121 Document Pipeline for TCP 168 importing records 127 indexing and archiving scenario 121 late indexing scenario 121 sign in 210 TCP multivalue attributes indexing 127 TCP relations configuring 128 Third party libraries assigning 145 Thumbnails configuration 53 user interface 22 TIFF as output file format settings for archiving 170 TIFF Encoding Settings settings for archiving 170 Toolbars customizing 51 user interface 22 Trace messages 223 Tree view 39 Troubleshooting DesktopLink 220 Document Pipeline 225 Enterprise Scan 220 general recommendation 219 Windows Viewer 220 typography 14 User batch creation or assignment 112 configuring classification 118 folder creation or assignment 112 User interface program window 21 User options 52 V Views user interface 22 VirtualReScan configuring 78 W Webinterface administering 287 Windows Viewer troubleshooting 220 Working with profiles 57 Workstation options Configuration Management settings 186 configuring 181 configuring document groups.Index Statistics 222 Status bar user interface 23 Storing documents on Content Server via Document Pipeline archiving subprofile 163 Subprofile configuring page processing 84 Switching between Enterprise Scan 10.0 configurations 203 304 Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan CLES100000-UGD-EN-2 .
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