March 30, 2018 | Author: Elmer Gratil Doronila | Category: Business, Sociological Theories, Accountability, Politics, Leadership



DEPED RPMS form – For Head of Office | 1RESULTS – BASED PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Office Performance Commitment and Review Form The Department of Educati on (DepEd) i s commi tted to provi de the members of i ts organi zati on wi th opportuni ti es to:  Li nk thei r i ndi vi dual achi evements and make a meani ngful contri buti on to the attai nment of the i nsti tuti on’s Vi si on and Mi ssi on.  Promote i ndi vi dual and team growth, parti ci pati on and commi tment.  Grow professi onal l y and personal l y. In l i ne wi th thi s Phi l osophy, DepEd i mpl ements a Resul ts -Based Performance Management System. It i s a shared undertaki ng between the superi or and the empl oyee that al l ows an open di scussion of job expectati ons, Key Resul ts Areas, Objecti ves and how these al i gn to overal l departmental goal s . It provi des a venue for agreement on standards of performance and behavi ors whi ch l ead to professi onal and personal growth i n the organi zati on. Thi s form i s di vi ded i nto four parts: PART I Accomplishments of KRAs and Objectives - Each empl oyee pl ays a vi tal part i n the achi evement of hi s/her department’s objecti ves. At the begi nni ng of the Resul ts -Based Performance Management Cycl e, the empl oyee and hi s/her superi or joi ntl y determi nes goal and measures that wi l l l ead to the ac hi evement of the overal l departmental goal s. After whi ch, wei ghts are assi gned to those goal s based on pri ori ti es. The total of the wei ghts shoul d not exceed 100. At the end of the performance cycl e, the empl oyee i s rated on the effecti veness/qual i ty, effi ci ency (i ncl udi ng cost), and ti mel i ness i n del i veri ng the goal s agreed upon. PART II Competencies - The success of the empl oyee i n ful fi l ling hi s/her rol e and del i veri ng excepti onal performance i s dependent on how s/he appl i es vari ous competenci es on the job. The empl oyee i s rated based on the effecti veness and consi stency by whi ch s/he demonstrates behavi ors rel evant to the competenci es. The overal l rati ng i s computed by addi ng the rati ng for each competency and di vi di ng the sum by the total number of competenci es. Hal f-poi nts (e.g. 3.5) may be gi ven i f the empl oyee’s performance l evel fal l s i n between descri pti ons of the scal e posi ti ons. PART III Summary of Ratings for Discussion PART IV Development Plans - The areas where the empl oyee excel s and areas for devel opment are both i denti fi ed. In thi s manner, the empl oyee’s strengths are hi ghl i ghted and recogni zed. Devel opment needs on the other hand are addressed through formal and i nformal trai ni ng and devel opment approaches. DEPED RPMS form – For Head of Office | 2 These ratings refer to the accomplishment of targets or objectives. Eval uati on shoul d be based on i ndi cators and measures. CS C MC NO. 13, SERI ES OF 1999 (REVI SED Pol i ces on the Performance Management System) have the fol l owi ng descri pti ons: Outstanding – performance exceedi ng targets by 30% and above of the pl anned targets on the previ ous defi ni ti on of performance exceedi ng tar gets by at l east fi fty (50%) Very Satisfactory – performance exceeding targets by 15% to 29% of the planned targets; from the previous range of performance exceeding targets by at l east 25% but falls short of what i s consi dered an outstandi ng performance. Satisfactory – performance of 100% to 114% of the planned targets. For accomplishments requiring 100% of the targets such as those pertaini ng to money or accuracy or thos e whi ch may no l onger be exceeded, the usual rati ng of ei ther 10 for those who met targets or 4 for those who fai l ed or fel l short of the targets shal l sti l l be enforced. Unsatisfactory – performance of 51% to 99% of the pl anned targets; and Poor – performance fai l i ng to meet the pl anned targets by 50% or bel ow. Appeals A Performance Review Committee (PRC) shall be created is DepEd composed of the Undersecretary for Regional Operations, Assistant Secretary for Planning, highest ranking official in charge of personnel management and two representatives from the rank and file nominated by the accredited employee association in the agency as members. 1. Employees who feel aggrieved or dissatisfied with their final performance rating can file an appeal with the PRC within ten (10) days from date of receipt of their Performance Report Form from the PRC. Employees, however, shall not be allowed to protest the performance rating of their co-employees. Ratings obtained by other employees can only be used as basis or reference for comparison in appealing one’s performance rating; 2. The PRC shall decide on the appeals within one month from receipt. Appeals lodged at any PRC shall follow the hierarchical jurisdiction of various PRCs in an agency. For example, the decision of the Provincial PRC is appealable to the Regional PRC which decision is in turn appealable to the National/Central Office PRC. Only in exceptional instances when the decision of the PRC in the central offices of departments may be appealed further to the CSC Commission proper. The decision made on employees’ ratings by the PRC in the local government units maybe appealed to the Civil service Regional Office which has jurisdiction over these units. 3. An official or employee who was separated from the service on the basis of unsatisfactory or poor performance rating can appeal his separation to the CSC or its regional office within 15 days from receipt of the order or notice of separation. Scale Adjectival Description 5 Outstanding (130% and above) Performance represents an extraordi nary l evel of achi evement and commi tment i n terms of quality and ti me, techni cal ski l l s and knowl edge, i ngenui ty, creati vi ty and i ni tiative. Employees at this performance l evel should have demonstrated excepti onal job mastery i n all major areas of responsibility. Employee achievement and contributions to the organi zati on are of marked excel l ence. 4 Very Satisfactory (115% - 129%) Performance exceeded expectations. All goal s, objecti ves and targets were achi eved above the establ i shed standards. 3 Satisfactory (100% - 114%) Performance met expectations in terms of quality of work, efficiency and timel i nes. The most cri ti cal annual goal s were met. 2 Unsatisfactory (51% - 99% Performance failed to meet expectations, and / or one or more of the most critical goal s were not met. 1 Poor (50% or above) Performance was consistently below expectations, and/or reasonable progress towards cri ti cal goals was not made. Significant i mprovement is needed in one or more i mportant areas. DEPED RPMS form – DEPED RPMS form – For Head of Office | 3 Office Performance Commitment and Review Form Name of Empl oyee: Name of Rater: Posi ti on: Posi ti on: Revi ew Peri od: Date of Revi ew: Bureau/Center/Servi ce/Di vi si on: TO BE FILLED IN DURING PLANNING TO BE FILLED DURING EVALUATION MFOs KRAs OBJECTIVES TIMELINE Weight per KRA PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (Quality, Efficiency, Timeliness) ACTUAL RESULTS RATING SCORE* OVERALL RATING FOR ACCOMPLI- SHMENTS Rater Ratee * To get the score, the rating is multiplied by the weight assigned DEPED RPMS form – DEPED RPMS form – For Head of Office | 4 CORE BEHAVIORAL COMPETENCIES Self-Management 1. Sets personal goals and direction, needs and development. 2. Undertakes personal actions and behaviors that are clear and purposive and takes i nto account personal goals and values congruent to that of the organi zation. 3. Di splays emoti onal maturity and enthusiasm for and i s chal lenged by higher goals. 4. Pri oritize work tasks and schedules (through gantt charts, checkl ists, etc.) to achi eve goals. 5. Sets hi gh quality, challenging, realisti c goals for self and others. Professionalism and Ethics 1. Demonstrates the values and behavior enshri ned i n the Norms of Conduct and Ethi cal Standards for publ i c offi ci al s and empl oyees (RA 6713). 2. Practi ces ethi cal and professional behavi or and conduct taki ng i nto account the i mpact of hi s/her acti ons and deci s i ons. 3. Mai ntains a professional i mage: bei ng trustworthy, regul ari ty of attendance and punctuality, good grooming and communication. 4. Makes personal sacri fi ces to meet the organi zati on’s needs. 5. Acts wi th a sense of urgency and responsi bi l i ty to meet the organi zation’s needs, i mprove systems and hel p others i mprove thei r effecti veness. Result Focus 1. Achi eves results wi th optimal use of ti me and resources most of the ti me. 2. Avoi ds rework, mi stakes and wastage through effecti ve work methods by pl acing organizational needs before personal needs. 3. Del i vers error-free outputs most of the ti me by conformi ng to standard operating procedures correctly and consi stentl y. Abl e to produce very sati sfactory qual i ty of work In terms of useful ness/acceptability and completeness wi th no supervi si on requi red. 4. Expresses a desi re to do better and may express frustrati on at waste or i neffi ciency. May focus on new or more preci se ways of meeti ng goal s set. 5. Makes specific changes i n the system or i n own work methods to i mprove performance. Examples may i ncl ude doi ng somethi ng better, faster, at a l ower cost, more effi ci entl y; or i mprovi ng qual i ty, customer sati sfacti on, moral e, wi thout setti ng any speci fi c goal . Teamwork 1. Wi l lingly does his/her share of responsibility. 2. Promotes col laboration and removes barriers to teamwork and goal accomplishment across the organization. 3. Appl i es negotiati on principles in arriving at wi n-win agreements. 4. Dri ves consensus and team ownership of deci sions. 5. Works constructively and collaboratively wi th others and across organi zations to accomplish organizational goals and objectives. Service Orientation 1. Can expl ain and articulate organizational directions, issues and probl ems. 2. Takes personal responsibility for dealing wi th and/or correcting customer service i ssues and concerns. 3. Ini ti ates activities that promotes advocacy for men and women empowerment. 4. Parti cipates in updating of office vi sion, mi ssion, mandates and strategi es based on DepEd strategi es and directions. 5. Devel ops and adopts service i mprovement programs through si mplified procedures that wi ll further enhance service del ivery. Innovation 1. Exami nes the root cause of probl ems and suggests effecti ve sol uti ons. Fosters new i deas, processes, and suggests better ways to do thi ngs (cost and/or operati onal effi ci ency). 2. Demonstrates an ability to thi nk “beyond the box”. Conti nuously focuses on i mprovi ng personal producti vi ty to create hi gher val ue and resul ts. 3. Promotes a creative climate and i nspires co – workers to develop ori gi nal i deas or sol uti ons. 4. Translates creative thi nking into tangible changes and sol uti ons that i mprove the work uni t and organi zati on. 5. Uses i ngeni ous methods to accomplish responsibilities. Demonstrates resourcefulness and the abi lity to succeed wi th mi ni mal resources. COMPETENCIES 5 – Role model; 4 – Consistently demonstrates; 3 – Most of the time demonstrates; 2 – Sometimes demonstrates; 1 – Rarely demonstrates DEPED RPMS form – DEPED RPMS form – For Head of Office | 5 LEADERSHIP COMPETENCIES Leading People 1. Uses basic persuasion techniques i n a di scussion or presentation e.g., staff mobi lization, appeals to reason and/or emoti ons, uses data and exampl es, vi sual ai ds 2. Persuades, convi nces or i nfl uences others, i n order to have a speci fi c i mpact or effect. 3. “Sets a good exampl e”, i s a credi bl e and respected l eader; and demonstrates desi red behavi or. 4. Forwards personal , professi onal and work uni t needs and i nterests i n an i ssue. 5. Assumes a pi votal rol e i n promoti ng the devel opment of an i nspi ri ng, rel evant vi si on for the organi zati on and i nfl uences others to share ownership of DepEd goals, i n order to create an effecti ve work envi ronment. People Performance Management 1. Makes specific changes i n the performance management system or i n own work methods to i mprove performance (e.g. does somethi ng better, faster, at l ower cost, more effi ciently; i mproves quality, customer sati sfaction, morale, revenues). 2. Sets performance standards and measures progress of empl oyees based on offi ce and department targets. 3. Provi des feedback and technical assistance such as coaching for performance i mprovement and acti on planning. 4. States performance expectations clearly and checks understanding and commitment. 5. Performs al l the stages of resul t-based performance management system supported by evi dence and requi red documents/forms. People Development 1. Improves the skills and effectiveness of i ndividuals through empl oyi ng a range of devel opment strategies. 2. Faci litates workforce effecti veness through coaching and moti vati ng/developing people wi thin a work environment that promotes mutual trust and respect. 3. Conceptualizes and i mplements l earning interventions to meet i denti fied training needs. 4. Does l ong-term coaching or training by arranging appropriate and hel pful assignments, formal training, or other experi ences for the purpose of supporting a person’s l earning and devel opment. 5. Cul ti vates a learningenvi ronment by structuring interacti ve experi ences such as l ooki ng for future opportuni ti es that are i n support of achi evi ng i ndi vi dual career goal s. Note: These ratings can be used for the developmental plans of the employee. 5 – Role model; 4 – Consistently demonstrates; 3 – Most of the time demonstrates; 2 – Sometimes demonstrates; 1 – Rarely demonstrates DEPED RPMS form – DEPED RPMS form – For Head of Office | 6 PART III: SUMMARY OF RATINGS FOR DISCUSSION Employee-Superior Agreement The si gnatures bel ow confi rm that the empl oyee and hi s/her superi or have agreed to the contents of the performance as captured i n thi s form. Name of Employee Name of Superior Signature Signature Date Date PART IV: DEVELOPMENT PLANS Strengths Development Needs Action Plan (Recommended Developmental Intervention) Timeline Resources Needed Final Performance Results Rating Accomplishments of KRAs and Objectives Rater Ratee
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