OnlBSBMGT502B Assessment Tasks 22 Mod

March 22, 2018 | Author: Gaetano Buongiorno | Category: Competence (Human Resources), Performance Indicator, Swot Analysis, Educational Assessment, Goal



ASSESSMENT TASKSUnit of competency: Student’s full legal PERFORMANCE name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance MANAGEMENT PLAN Key Result Area ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS Cleric administration Overview Prior to commencing the assessments your assessor Key Performance -policies and procedures followedwill explain each task and the terms and submission of your task. Please consult your assessor if you are unsure of any questions. It is Indicator/Target store and keep confidential documents important that you understand adhere to the terms and conditions and addresses fully each task. present comapny If any task I not fully address than your assessment task will not be marked. The assessor will support you throughout this process. Activity Targets/Measures/Milestones Results/Comments /Timing Written work the byunderstanding Be always and up to date The assessmentHave tasks are usedknowledge to measure your underpinning skills and knowledge of this unit of competency. When answering please ensure you address each criteria revising them and know and sub point, demonstrate your research each of the questions and cover the topic in a logical what is new and structured manner. Active participation Policies and It is a condition of enrolment that you actively participate in your studies. Active participation is procedurescompleting all tasks on time. If you do not participate you will be required to report to Student Services Coordinator Keep Plagiarism Plagiarism is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and representing confidential files No one should be able to Data kept secret them as your own. Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a student’s exclusion from a see but about youincluding and the work of other authors in your assessment, course. When you havethem any doubts please consult your trainer/assessor. The following list outlines some of the activities for which a manager student can be accused of plagiarism:  Presenting any work by another individual as one's own unintentionally  Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another student  Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work  Handing in assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including assessments taken totally or in part from the Internet Meetings Agendas of meetings, Be there-successful If it is identified that you have plagiarised within your assessment task, then we will organise a take minutes, meeting meeting to discuss this with you. set dates and time Present Copyright You must be careful when copying the work of others. The owner of the material may take legal action against you if the owner's copyright has been infringed. You are allowed to do a certain amount of copying for research or study purposes. Generally, 10% or one chapter of a book is company Presentation, welcoming Customer feedback acceptable, where the participant is studying with, or employed by, an educational institution. guests and doing Competency Outcome correspondance There are two outcomes of assessments: S=Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory. You will be awarded C=Competent if you have completed all tasks. Assessment appeals process © 2016 Microsoft Condizioni BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Privacy e cookie Sviluppatori Page 1 of 26 ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance If you feel that you have been unfairly treated during the assessment and you are not happy with your assessment and you are unhappy with the outcome you have a right to lodge an appeal. You must first discus with your trainer/assessor. If you would like to proceed further with the request you need to lodge an appeal to the Course Coordinator in writing outlining the reason(s) for the appeal. Special Needs Candidate with special needs will have their request for adjusts to suit these needs addressed immediately. Application of the unit This unit applies to all managers and team leaders who manage people. It covers work allocation and the methods to review performance, reward excellence and provide feedback where there is a need for improvement. The unit makes the link between performance management and performance development, and reinforces both functions as a key requirement for effective managers. This is a unit that all managers/prospective managers who have responsibility for other employees should strongly consider undertaking. Elements Performance Criteria Assessment Tasks 1. Allocate work 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4 / 1.5 / 1.6 Task 1 2. Assess performance 2.1 / 2.2 /2.3/2.4 Task 2 3. Provide feedback 3.1 / 3.2/3.3/3.4/3.5 Task 3 4. Manage follow-up 4.1 /4.2 /4.3/4.4/4.5/4.6/4.7 Task 4 Required Skills & Knowledge Evidence of the following is essential:    BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V.1 Issued 3/3/2015 documented performance indicators and a critical description and analysis of performance management system from the workplace techniques in providing feedback and coaching for improvement in performance knowledge of relevant awards and certified agreements. Page 2 of 26 developing work plans. Operational goals are determined by the lowest level of the organisation and relate to specific teams within each department. Goals Explanation of the goals STRATEGIC Strategic goals are statements of what your organisation would like to achieve over the next five to ten years.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 3 of 26 . List three (3) goals which could impact on a manager’s decision making process.They focus on the responsibilities of individual employees. List these three goals and describe each one in detail. Refer to an organisation you are familiar or one your assessor has discussed with you. confirming performance standards. then the sales staff in the sales department. developing and agreeing on performance indicators and being able to conduct risk analysis in accordance with organisational and risk management plan and legal requirements. They indicate what level of achievement is necessary in the departments of the organization. may be trained in techniques used to enhance their customer service skills. if the organizations strategic goal is to increase sales by 5% in the next year. Using the example where the tactical goal of the sales department is to receive training to increase sales by 5%. . (Guide 50 to 80 words). For example. SWOT stands for an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses internal to the organization and opportunities and threats external to the organization TACTICAL OPERATIONAL Tactical goals and objectives must support the organizations strategic goals. code of conduct.ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance Assessment Task 1: Allocate work This task will give candidates an understanding of how to consult with relevant groups and individuals on allocating work. (in the long term) These goals are developed from the mission and vision statement and the SWOT analysis that you complete of the environment of the organization. BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V.for instance. individual employees then apply their new skills to ensure that sales increases. The Manager has decided that to stay on budget he would like to reconcile receipts and expenses monthly and annually.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 4 of 26 . Develop Excel spreadsheet with budget categories. Set up electroni c reminder on calendar s for each staff member for the Thursday prior and on the due date. Time during a department meeting to review the budget categories and process with the staff. Your assessor will observe your communication skills and how you engage with others in your class and provide you with feedback. Not receiving expense reports and receipts on time from staff members.ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: 2. Excel spreadsheet. tabs. Review expenses from last year to agree upon budget categories. WORK PLAN TEMPLATE Goal To be more organized and help department stay on budget by reconciling receipts and expenses monthly and annually. Complete binders by 6/3/15. Binder. Scenario Zanzibar is a small hospitality company based in Sydney. 4th Tuesday of each month. Task/s Collaborati on needs Resource needs Date due and frequency Anticipate d obstacle Solutio n Create budget binder with tabs for each member of the department. Create a tab for each department member. Each staff member gives me receipts and expense report using policy copies by the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Staff before have been uncooperative and not always handing in their expenses on time therefore he was unable to reconcile expenses monthly to give to this manager. Therefore he has decided to ensure that each staff member collaborates and is responsible for handing in receipts and expense report by a certain due date. BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance Read the scenario below and the sample of a “Work Plan Template” below and answer in the questions in small groups. marker. Progre ss a) Explain how the manager would consult and give clear instructions to each of the staff members BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V. ruler. For this reason he has to clarify when the receipts should be handed not only orally but with an electronic reminder both about meetings and receipts to be given. cost must be calculated to see how worth the task is. He has to let them know that receipts are necessary to keep track of the expenses and that they have to give them to him. if quality and quantity needs arethe ones that should be and if company has gains. The manager must have an idea of what his employees know and where they perform their best to make work be shared and done effectively and keeping the business in budget. In order to track the task's progress. and check whether everything is under control and helps realise the company's long term goals.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 5 of 26 . He should tell them what they have to do to be in budget. but code on conduct is about behaviour and what is right and wrong.g. The standards refer to quantity. it is important that he consults and meets team regularly. This can be assessed by setting what is acceptable behaviour BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V. b) Explain how the manager would ensure that the work allocation is aligned to the organisation’s operational plan. c) Explain how the manager would confirm each staff member’s performance standards and code of conduct (e. The manager should check how much money is spent. Also the code of conduct.ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance The manager must let the staf know that the company's budget must not be under control and that they all have to help with this.. agreed set of rules relating to employee behavior/conduct). The manager has to be sure that the employees perform under the company's standards and code of conduct. must be met and refers to the staff's behaviour compared to the business's expected behaviour. Performance should not be seen as something general. quality and quantity must be related and a profit must be made. conduct a risk analysis of the likelihood of a negative event preventing the manager from reaching its goals and the likely consequence of such an event on organisational performance. KPIs are commonly used by organisations to evaluate its success or the success of a particular activity that the organisation is engaged in. ‘Quantification’ is the process of determining the degree of risk in each of the identified areas. f) Based on the scenario above. BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 6 of 26 . It is important to take these risks in performance into consideration allowing for all vulnerabilities (that can then be quantified) to be worked into a suitable risk management plan. d) Explain the meaning of performance indicators and what performance indicators would the manager have to put in place to ensure that each staff member is working towards the agreed goals? Performance indicators or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is industry jargon for a measure of performance. a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a quantifiable metric that reflects how well an organization is achieving its stated goals and objectives. what must be achieved at each step in the process as well as how it is to be achieved e) Explain why you should conduct risk analysis when implementing goals? There is always risks associated with all work plans and projects. Feedback from managers employees and customers can help assess too. To ensure that each staff member is working towards the agreed goals you need to first identify each particular step in the work process. At an organizational level. Document your answer below.ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance and what is not. . But. Refer to the job description below and complete the following activities. there are a number of mitigation strategies you can implement to manage the risk.ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance Zanzibar hotel has to pay attention on budget and how money is spent when it comes to employees. g) Once risks have been identified and quantified. That is why managers should provide reminders and even ask staff to pay for their expenses when they don't hand the receipts. so employees have to give receipts to managers and managers have to store them in excel documents and calculate the overall expenses. if a task is really risky. If risk is medium the managers should have a plan b to change the plan when the risk appears. In this task. you will be able to demonstrate your ability to design performance management and review processes to ensure consistency with organizational objectives and policies. Businesses set goals but goals sometimes have risk when it comes to working towards them so managers should be able to work out plans so that the risk is minimum. if there is no real or big risk. BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 7 of 26 . If the employees do not give the receipt then an immediate risk is detected. If managers are not sure if the plan is risky they can get advice from specialists Assessment Task 2: Assess Performance . then managers should skip the negative result and work to achieve the goal. the money management will be unsucessful and company will have money issues so less profit. Explain what these mitigation strategies could be. This way employees will be made to do as told. For example. then the managers should thing twice before working to reach the goal. Scope The Administrative Clerk reports to the Senior Administrative Officer and is responsible for providing administrative and clerical services. Responsibilities Provide administrative support to ensure that municipal operations are maintained in an effective.ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance Job Description for Administrative Clerk Purpose of the position The Administrative Clerk is responsible for providing administrative and clerical services in order to ensure effective and efficient operations. Providing these services in an effective and efficient manner will ensure that municipal operations are maintained in an effective and efficient manner. up to date and accurate manner Main Activities:  Type correspondence. policies and procedures  Review and edit reports to the Board  Prepare correspondence for Board members  Prepare documents and reports on the computer  Schedule Board meetings  Prepare agendas for Board meeting Administrative Assistant  Prepare packages for Board meetings  Attend board meetings  Record minutes and submit minutes for approval Provide receptionist services Main Activities:  Greet and assist visitors  Answer phones  Direct calls and respond to inquiries Perform other related duties as required BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V. reports and other documents  Maintain office files  Open and distribute the mail  Take minutes at meetings  Distribute minutes  Coordinate repairs to office equipment Provide support to Council to ensure that Council is provided with the resources to make effective decisions Main Activities:  Maintain confidential records and files  Maintain records of decisions  Arrange for payment of honorariums  Research and assist with the preparation of motions.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 8 of 26 . like typing. c) What skills did Sally need to demonstrate to prove she was the person for the job? Sally must have relevant knowledge. Then some personal characteristics is important. a) Explain your understanding of a Performance Management System Performance management is a method used to measure and improve the effectiveness of people in the workplace . and be really responsible. briefly outline the performance requirements. b) Develop a Performance Management Plan for the position in the job description provided above.hers is a role that requires someone to rely on. standards and measures required. she has to keep all correspondance. one of your responsibilities is to assist in the development of a management plan for members of your team. It relies on documents and procedures that guide management and employees through performance and review process supplying feedback in regards to performance issue. titles and experience for the role of the clerk. d) Based on the skills in 3 above. As a manager. a member of your HR team is unclear about what review procedures are sufficient for Sally. Consult and negotiate with your colleagues in your class. Sally has recently been employed in your organisation as an Administration Clerk. and have a relevant certificate. A performance management system provides management with the key elements for the recruitment.Performance Management starts with goal setting. BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V. you need to not only look at individual goals. have good language skills on the phone. be multitasking and set priorities. You can use the template attached as Appendix “A”. She must be helpful when guests arrive. mails and face-to-face correspondance. and follow up of performance. assessment. you are to consult with your team and determine the Key Performance Indicators should be for this role as shown in the Job Description provided above. Christine.ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance Scenario As a Manager. as she has many responsibilities. using internet. She also must be able to work under stress. Also she must be trustworthy. appraisal.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 9 of 26 . but at the group as a whole so that you can develop and manage and develop in a way in which you can increase the probability that you will be able to ensure that both long and short term goals are met. To assist Christine. ask and provide help g) Reflect on this performance management plan. So the performance must be assessed in written form basically and some times by visiting the site where the task is performed .focus on weaknesses h) What should you do to make this performance management plan work effectively? BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V. about observations .take minutes at meetings> is she objective? . .assess his productivity during years .send emails. What were you hoping to achieve by using the performance management plan? The performance management plan is made so that the manager can make the most out of the employee.ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance . f) How will you track the performance plan you completed in Appendix “A”? Should it be formal or informal? Explain why? Employees must know whether they are doing well at work and what they need to do to get better. So they must be given feedback.typing skills> is she fast? e) Develop an individual performance plan. Managers can complete matrix about their performance and that show how sufficient the employee is.set objectives . phone calls> is she helpful? Is her manner professional? .1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 10 of 26 . You can use Appendix “B” to complete this activity.mail.employer can go where the employees are and assess the progress . documents no Coach BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V. acting as leading hand. Training Plan for: Department : What training is needed Kitchen Policies and procedures Does he comply? Business need solved Gaetano Buongiorno Date: Priority link to business’s strategic plan It is important for business strategy Time needed Planning needed Budget and notes 1 month Provide training . With a team member. discuss the skills that are required to perform your job and discuss their skills. In sally's case: she should be evaluated continuously and see how well she complies to the plan.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 11 of 26 . The solution comes through dialogue with the employee and training. Identify the variances in the skill level and determine what training is needed to bring their skills and knowledge to the level of manager within your organisation.ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance The performance management plan is developed with the goal to work effectively and motivate employee. conduct performance management in accordance with your organisational protocols and timelines and monitor and evaluate performance on a continuous basis. and when there is a problem give with solution.’ “Succession planning is the process and identifying internal people with the potential to fill key leadership positions in the company. Also manager has to be clear when setting his goals for the employee. This task will give you an opportunity to train your colleagues in the performance management and review process. 2.2011) You have been asked to choose a member of your team to learn how to learn all aspects of your job. “ (Wikipedia. Individually or in pairs read complete the activity. You can use the template below to complete this activity. Ensure you read each question in detail and provide detailed answers.2 Explain what methods will you use to give feedback to the team member? Give three methods.ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: Speed in preparation of meals Food styling BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance Increased productivity Customers served in time 2 months Coaching payment High level of produce Well satisfied customers 3 months Training Training and seminars cost seminars Assessment Task 3: Provide feedback Instructions to the students In this task you will learn how to provide feedback to staff on a regular basis. You must demonstrate your ability to conduct research and have engaged with others in your class to discuss these questions. He has to type and do correspondance. provide on-the-job coaching and document performance in accordance with the organisational performance management system. If there are weaknsses they must be addressed and goals be made clear. He has to be in in meetings prepare and store important information and be pleasant for those she contacts. 3. Reports and matrixes (employee's performance assessed) Meetings BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V. 3.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 12 of 26 .1 Refer to the assessment task 2 and discuss why you should be assessing this staff member? (Guide: 2 paragraphs) The administrative clerk must be present for most activities in the institution.A clerk's role can be assessed both as for the quality of services and the productivity. advise people of poor performance. so he must be professional and fast. ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance checking time employee uses for a task. Back of the employee performance is necessary. Feedback is important for the company to see the risks each role and member's performance entail and make contigency plans. for their performance to improve. so that the manager knows whether one under-performs and the impact it has on the business. because we want positive outcomes. Legislation that applies here : . It should be clear when analysed.3 What will you do with the results of your feedback and why? (Guide: Two or more paragraphs).anti. Refer to relevant legislation in your answer. It should comprise of employees performance and objectives to be compared.4 Explain the importance of conducting structured formal feedback in accordance with organisational policy and procedures. Feedback is formal or informal. and employees should comply with it. Formal feedback refers to quantity so that bigger goals can be set for employees. for example training. bonuses etc. the quality of his work too 3.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 13 of 26 . 3. Feedback is important and for the manager.discrimination act . as it shows the manager what he has to do to help staff.fair work act BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V. in order to be always effective and successful. Feedback is a tool to show problems but also good performance of the employee and improvement methods to be discussed. Weaknesses are not stressed. privacy act 3.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 14 of 26 . COACHING PLAN Name: Manager: Date of meeting: Employee activities -Manage priorities in specific time -managing his emotions -Managing employee's performance and assign activitie -manage change and unpredictable event Areas where excellence in performance has been demonstrated manage priorities Performance areas needing improvement Effective problem solving and managing performance Success Measures BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V. The team leader is intimidated about the position. Scenario Your team leader is underperforming and requires more one-on-one training.4 Read the scenario below and complete this task. You need to build the team leaders skills and knowledge to motivate the team leader and build his/her confidence.ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance . a) Use the template and develop a coaching plan to build the team leaders skills and knowledge. make recommendations on how you may close the gap.e.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 15 of 26 .ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance Time needed to make a decision for solving problems delegate tasks and monitor performance Additional items (i. Context: To achieve objectives by deadline Clarity: Ability to clarify objectives Commitment: Priorities set and to work towards realising them Course of action: develop a performance plan Confidentiality: To trust each other BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V. training and professional development needed) Training professional development Milestones To solve problems more quickly to be more objective Target Dates Nine months b) Use the seven key elements of coaching by Larson and Richburg (2000) to analyse whether the plan that you have worked together to fulfill is effective by completing the table below. If you find a lack in any area. reinforce excellence in performance through recognition. complete the following. monitor and coach individuals. Peter Wayne his manager has noticed that John’s performance over the past 6 months has declined. seek assistance from human resources specialists. (Guide: 2 paragraphs) BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V. Scenario John Smith works a sales representative for a large retail company. 4.ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance Chemistry: Compatibility between colleagues Assessment Task 4: Manage Follow Up Instructions to the students In this task you will learn how to how to write and agree on performance improvement and development plans. He seems to be demotivated and there has been a number of complaints from other sales representatives about John’s behavior.1Explain how you would approach John to address the issues surrounding his performance.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 16 of 26 . provide support. Read the scenario below and either individually or in pairs. counsel individuals and terminate staff in accordance with legal and organisational requirements. John’s sales figures has declined and some of his customers had gone to other companies as they were not happy with the service John was providing. (Guide: 2 paragraphs) There are five steps that the employer needs to follow: 1) identify the problem (why there is underperformance) 2) analyse the problem (why?.ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance When an employee under-performs manager should talk to him face to face and try to solve the problem. find things that motivate him. in productivity and relationships. Finally.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 17 of 26 .2Explain what steps you would have to take to write and agree on performance improvement and development plans in accordance with organisational policies. The manager should ask theemployee what the problem is and explain what problem this causes to the company.4How can Peter reinforce excellence in performance through recognition and continuous feedback? BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V. During the meeting the discussion should be open and they should both hear each other. how long the problem is there) 3) meeting to discuss the problem (in private) 4) find a solution through discussion 5) monitor performance and support employee 4.3What support services and specialist/s would you need to consult in order to review and put together a performance management plan for John? List at least three (3). but not only negative stuff should be mentioned. give him training to be confident give him technological means 4. the manager has to address it as a problem that needs solution . and discuss the objectives that need to be set(what the employee has to do step by step 4. Your colleague will act as the team member and your assessor will observe your coaching skills and complete the “Observation Checklist”.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 18 of 26 . 4. He is still negative and this is not having a good impact on the rest of the team. John is still not making any effort to respond to the improvement plan to improve their skills.5In this task.ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance Feedback is given to the employee so that he knows what to improve . We should see if he is dissatisfied with his joband it plays a role on how he performs. 4. We should offer to give him coaching or training and remake a plan for him.7 Explain how you engaged with John and explain to him his poor performance and get John’s support and “buy-in” during the coaching session. then maybe do some coaching. (Give three examples) BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V.identify the problems on the spot and help him. after all the training and discussions. Scenario After three months. You can use “Appendix C” to complete this task. 4.8 Explain how you would handle any resistance to change and to the coaching session.6 Read the scenario below and complete this activity and using your knowledge of counseling an coaching coach John. In a face to face meeting I tell him what I saw regarding his performance and ask him why his performance is still poor.we should stress the implortance of : -productivity -sales -customer service -initiative -participating in projects 4. you are required to develop a Performance Management plan for John. In John's case we must let him know that his role is important and that his success is part of the companys success . Scenario John even after the coaching and counseling session still has not improved. so that the termination is not unfair. and once decided give him a deadline for improvement.10Read the scenario below and complete this activity. His performance is still regarded as poor and his department has lost revenue again.identify why and see if it has to do with knowledge or interpersonal relations . and if he doesn't fire him according to the legislation with respect to his rights as a person and as an employeechecking with the Australian human Rights Commissionand the Fair Work Act calculating hispayments. There should be documents that show why John is terminated and that it is not unfair. 4. time for notices etc.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 19 of 26 . If the space below is not enough. The anti-discrimination board should be consulted too.9 If John continues to underperform after you have given him all the required support what disciplinary actions could you put in place? What rules and regulations would you have to be aware of when implementing a disciplinary action? (Guide: 100 to 200 words or half a page). BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V.discuss with the employee regarding their poor performance . type up your answer and attach it to the assessment task. The manager should thing whether it is worth keeping or sucking john.discuss th possibility of termination 4. the employer must be able to provide to the unuion or whomever else involved this documentation. In the end.ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance many employees resist to change and the manager should : . and research this website on how to terminate an Access the Fair Work Commission’s website: www. notice period  Unlawful dismissal rules and due process  Laws and legislations you need to be aware of e. Your report must be structured. well-formatted and at least 500 words.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 20 of 26 . Your organisation does not have procedures on how to terminate an employee.g. In your own words write a report to the General Manager and explain why you wish to terminate John’s employment. In your report you must also address the following:  Responsibilities of the employer when terminating an employee e. Industrial Relations.fairwork.ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance You have decided to write a report to your General Manager explaining John’s performance and recommend that you would like to terminate John’s employment. BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V. Equal Opportunity. Anti-discrimination. Attach your report with this assessment task. matrix. sexual. discriminationand violation of his rights. Then. assessment and coaching . First we need to let him know that he is terminated about a month before. feedback.considering how long he has worked for us. despite the training he was given. payments and reimbursementshould be made for making him redundant . We must also pay him his annual and any other relevant benefits. We should provide proof that the environment at work was healthy and that he was respected by his colleagues. with a significant loss to the company's profit. The law prevents aus to dismiss him with regards toreligious. All in all we should be able to prove that he was always supported and continuously trained and in regards to our demands. We must be very sensitive about illegal behaviour. BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V. we musthave all the excel sheets of his assessment so that the reasons for his dismissal are fair. He performs that bad that we have even lost many of our customers who went to other companies. We had a meeting three months ago and we talked about the issue but no improvement has been made. performance plan . Finally. racial or personal reasons. I suggest that we fire him with respect to the laws .ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance John Smith's Termination Performance: John Smith who is a sales representative does not perform according to the code of conduct.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 21 of 26 . and proof of his poor performance. Even the employees have given negative feedback for him. Please ensure that your report is typed up and ready to be submitted well before the due date and not on the last date of your course. Termination steps: we must be very careful about the termination since we don't have relevant documentation in our policies and procedures. Assessor’s Observation Checklist Ratings scale 1 2 3 N/A Area of strength Well done Adequate Meets expectations Area of weakness Below expectations Not relevant or applicable in the observed session Area Communication skills when coaching colleague Rating 1 2 3 N/A 1 2 3 N/A 1 2 3 N/A 1 2 3 N/A 1 2 3 N/A 1 2 3 N/A 1 2 3 N/A When engaging with colleague. Gave and received feedback regarding the client’s needs Supported colleague in setting appropriate goals Encouraged commitment from colleague Teamwork Consulted with others in class in a positive manner Supported others in class Problem solving skills Demonstrated ability to develop strategies to minimize risk Initiative and Enterprise Demonstrated ability to review organisation’s work practices and suggest improvements. used effective listening skills. nodding. Please complete this checklist. clarified issues. Technology and research skills Demonstrated ability to us business technology to prepare reports Planning and organising skills Demonstrated ability to develop coaching plans and schedules Demonstrated ability to plan and organize coaching sessions Self-management and Learning BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V.ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance Assessors Observation Checklist As an assessor you are required to observe the student’s ability to interact with others. participate in group discussions.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 22 of 26 . made eye contact. role-plays and any other in class activities relevant to this unit of competency. used friendly tone Demonstrated respect and empathy for others Used appropriate body language such as open arms. student observed. which will form part of the student’s overall assessment. relaxed to build rapport with colleagues. ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance Student was able demonstrate ability to prioritise task operational plan Student demonstrated the following knowledge: 1 2 3 N/A Relevant awards and certified agreements Performance measurement systems utilized within the organization Unlawful dismissal rules and due process Staff development options and information Relevant legislation from all levels of government that affects business operation Feedback to the student: Assessor I confirm that I have observed this student in the classroom and the student has demonstrated the above skills to a in a context as indicated in the above report.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Signature: Date: Page 23 of 26 . Name: BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V. set dates and time Be there-successful meeting Present company Presentation.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 24 of 26 . take minutes. welcoming guests and doing correspondance Customer feedback BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V.ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance Appendix A: Performance Management Plan PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PLAN Key Result Area Cleric administration Key Performance Indicator/Target -policies and procedures followed store and keep confidential documents present comapny Targets/Measures/Milestones/T Results/Comments iming Activity Policies and procedures Keep confidential files Have the knowledge by revising them and know what is new No one should be able to see them but you and manager Be always up to date Data kept secret Meetings Agendas of meetings. write + distribute minutes Maintain professional written verbal communication for council. Measurable objective for Year 1 Activities for Year 1 Impact for Year 1 Evaluation for Year 1 Provide high level customer service Answer phones Improve levels + standards of customer service Feedback from customers Communication Serve at counter Maintain high level reporting + meeting minutes for council Report writing analyse.ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance Appendix B – Individual Work Plan Goal: Maintain a high level of administrative activities in accordance with council goals Description for Year 1:Improve procedures to ensure council activities are achieved at the highest level.1 Issued 3/3/2015 Page 25 of 26 . Evaluate quality of reports minutes Ensure management of maintenance + office repairs are actioned + monitored Monitor office repairs+ maintenance Monitor repaire + maintenance Evaluate ongoing efficiency of office equipment BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V. 1 Issued 3/3/2015 Improving John's communication skills and customer service Targets/Measures/Milestones/T iming Results/Comments Be professional to those he talks to Poor 1-10 excellent Questionaires by customers positive. they don't go to other companies Poor 1-10 excellent Page 26 of 26 .ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit of competency: Student’s full legal name/ID: Assessor’s name: BSBMGT502B Manage People Performance Appendix C: Performance Management Plan PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PLAN Key Result Area Key Performance Indicator/Target Activity Improve communication Give good customer service (provide training) BSBMGT502B Assessment Task V.
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