OnGuard Web Applications Setup & Troubleshooting Guide



WEB APPLICATIONS: wAAM wVV IDVM Setup & Troubleshooting GuideTable of Contents Install IIS ...................................................................................................................................................................... - 4 Create an admin account for the LS Application Server ............................................................................................. - 4 Perform a custom install of OnGuard ......................................................................................................................... - 5 Add the SQL Login for the new user ........................................................................................................................... - 5 Start the Application Server using a specific user account ......................................................................................... - 5 Configure IIS permissions ............................................................................................................................................ - 5 Allow ASP.NET ............................................................................................................................................................. - 6 Configure Internet Explorer permission ..................................................................................................................... - 6 Important Files ............................................................................................................................................................ - 7 Run Forms Translator .................................................................................................................................................. - 7 Restart IIS .................................................................................................................................................................... - 7 Restart the LS Application Service .............................................................................................................................. - 7 Adding ability to run reports from wAAM .................................................................................................................. - 8 Setting up single sign-on for wAAM and wVV ............................................................................................................ - 8 Using SSL for the OnGuard web services .................................................................................................................... - 8 - Installing wAAM, wVV, and IDVM ........................................................................................................................................................... IDVM (Web Based Visitor Management) ................................................................................................................................................ System Requirements ............................................................................................................................................... - 10 Create a Directory ..................................................................................................................................................... - 10 Setup Single Sign On ................................................................................................................................................. - 10 Test to make sure Single Sign On is working properly .............................................................................................. - 10 Link a Directory to a Cardholder ............................................................................................................................... - 10 An explanation of Single Sign-On and its use in IDVM .............................................................................................. - 11 Important Files .......................................................................................................................................................... - 11 Configure IIS permissions .......................................................................................................................................... - 12 Restart IIS .................................................................................................................................................................. - 13 Restart the LS Application Service ............................................................................................................................ - 13 IDVM HOST.................................................................................................................................................................... - 14 Installation ................................................................................................................................................................ - 14 Getting to and using the IDVM Host ......................................................................................................................... - 14 Permissions needed for Users logging into the IDVM Host ...................................................................................... - 14 IDVM ADMIN TOOL ....................................................................................................................................................... - 15 Installation ................................................................................................................................................................ - 15 -1- .....................................20 LS Application Server starts then stops................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................... ....... or the error.......................15 Permissions need for Users who will be using the IDVM Admin Tool ......................................................... ........................................................................................ ........................................................................... ........19 - Troubleshooting .21 Unable to view video – Recorder in a different domain/workgroup................18 Add Visitor Email Fields .......................................................................................................19 Confirm that the Email Field for Visitors was added: ................... .................16 Permissions needed for Front Desk Attendant .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................15 IDVM FRONT DESK ......... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .... ................................. Error! Bookmark not defined................ .................................................21 Single Sign-On Issues..................... ................................................21 If you do not see the directory listed in the sign on dropdown ...................................21 Is there an Auto Log Off option in our web applications? ...................20 How to test if IIS is installed and working .... ..........18 Open the Kiosk application ..........18 Install the Kiosk software ........................21 If you receive the following message about error communicating with the web service ................................................................................................................................................20 Page cannot be found ..........16 Using IDVM Front Desk ........................................................................................................... Installing OnGuard with Web Apps .............................................................................................17 IDVM KIOSK .............................. ............. “Error: ‘firstChild’ is null or not an object”................................ ...... ................................................................................... ............................22 -2- ..........16 Installing the Snapshell IDR ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....19 Visitor email notification when they are scheduled for a visit: ...................................... ..22 If you see the error.................................................................................................... ............................................ ....................................................................................................................................................................................21 Opening wAAM or wVV ..............15 Specific Permissions needed in Internet Explorer ......................................................................................... .................20 INTERNAL ONLY: Run the web server on a domain controller ....... “Error: ‘True’ is undefined” .................................................................................................................................... .............................................18 Install TouchIt Keyboard ............................18 Add Visit Key to System ......................................................... make the following changes:.21 If IIS is installed to a non-standard location................ ............................... ..................................................................................... ......................................... ................ .....................................................................................................16 Installation ............................................................................................... IIS Troubleshooting ........................................................................................... ..19 Permissions needed for Users logging into the Kiosk application: .............................................20 If you receive a SOAP error ................................................. .............................................16 Using the Snapshell IDR ...........................................................................Getting to and using the IDVM Admin Tool ... ......... 25 The following error about endpoints appears when trying to start the Kiosk application: ...................25 Things that can be customized on the kiosk: ............25 - -3- ................................................................. .................................................................. .............................................................. .....................................................................22 If a window does not pop open when you press the Run Reports… button ........................................................................... .............................................................................22 Visit types do not show in IDVM ................ ................................................................. ....................................... .................22 Receive a message stating that the Crystal..............................................24 The following error appears when trying to start the Front Desk application: .................................................22 wAAM Report Issues .................................................................................................................. ...................... .......... The badge status for sign out must be configured............................................................................................................................................24 If the page will not load ....................24 IDVM Kiosk Troubleshooting............................23 IDVM Admin Troubleshooting .................................................................... ........................................... ......................................................................... ..................................... ...... ..........................24 IDVM Front Desk Troubleshooting ..........................................................................................................................If the sign in box opens up immediately .............. .................................. ........................................................ ........ ......24 Need to change default printer in IDVM Front Desk ....................................................25 Certain fields cannot be viewed..23 If you are unable to add the visit key to the system ......................25 The wrong printer shows up as the default printer: ........................ ..................................................” .............................................25 Badge prints look different in IDVM than in the stand alone Visitor Management .............23 IDVM Host Troubleshooting .............................. ........................... ........... known as the NTLM error ..........22 Unable to link cardholders to directory accounts.........................................................................25 Things that cannot be changed in the kiosk display include: ..............................................................23 If you get an error about Javascript needing to be enabled for this page to display ...............................................................23 Get the following error.. ......................................23 “Could not sign out visit event........................ ............ in Kiosk under cardholder information.....22 If the report button does not show .........22 IDVM General Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................. or can be viewed......... ................................................................................................................ .......................... .....................22 If a message shows about being unable to load report template ... .............................................NET engine cannot be found when you attempt to run a report ....................... Click [Locations. Deselect 'User must change the password at next logon' 5... Select LSApplication from the list 2.mspx?mfr=true Create an admin account for the LS Application Server 1.aspx 2.aspx Click [Locations. This should add the LSApplication User to the list of Members for Administrators > Click [OK] 2. Windows XP: http://www... If the system is on a domain then us a domain user who is also a Local Admin a. This should add the domain user to the list of Members for Administrators > Click [OK]. Click [OK] v.] iv. Windows Server 2008: http://technet. The 'Enter the object name to select' field should be populated now with localMachineName\LSApplication > Click [OK] c.] iv. Left mouse click on Groups (under Local Users and Groups) > Right click on the Administrators Name > select and IDVM Install IIS 1.Installing wAAM.] > select the domain as the location. Right click on Users > select New User.10).microsoft.. Windows Server 2003: Select the domain user from the list 2. Windows Vista: http://technet. wVV. Click [Add..] User name: LSApplication 2. 1.aspx 4.] ii.. Right click on My Computer > Select Manage > Expand out Local Users and Groups Click [Find Now] 1. The 'Enter the object name to select' field should be populated now with domain\domain user > Click [OK].. i.. Left mouse click on Groups (under Local Users and Groups) > Right click on the Administrators Name > select properties. Password: Application!2345 3. Right click on My Computer > Select Manage > Expand out Local Users and Groups b. Click [OK] v.] > select the local machine as the location.. Click [Create] b. iii.. If the system is not on a domain then create a local User with a strong password a. -4- . Click [Advanced. c.10). Click [Add. Place a checkmark on 'Password never expires' 6. i.65). Click [ iii. Confirm password: Application!2345 4. Click [Find Now] 1. 3. Configure IIS permissions 1.Web > Select Properties a. Go to Start > Run > type services.] iii. c. e.. ii... Click [Locations. place a check mark next to db_datareader and db_datawriter d. Select LSApplication or domain user from the list v. Right click on Logins > New Login. Click [Find Now] iv. Uncheck Anonymous access.] > select the local machine or domain as the location.] located next the text field for Login name: i.. iv. Right click on LS Application Server service > select properties a.. Click [OK]. Expand out Services and Applications > Expand out Internet Information Services > Expand out Web Sites > Expand out Default Web Site. Click [Browse.. Select LSApplication or domain user from the list. Place a check mark next to the AccessControl Database. a. Click [OK] b. Click [Locations. Click [Advanced. Add the SQL Login for the new user 1. Right click on Lnl. Navigate to the User Mapping Page i. Click [OK]. Type the password for the LSApplication user 2 times (Password and Confirm Password fields).. Open SQL Management Studio Express > login with Windows Authentication or as SA if using SQL Authentication. v...] > select the local machine or domain as the location.Perform a custom install of OnGuard 1. ii. d. Click [Advanced. Go to the Directory Security tab > Click *Edit…+ under Authentication and access control i. i. Click [Search. -5- . Select the Windows Authentication Radio Button c.. The 'Enter the object name to select' field should be populated now with localMachineName\LSApplication or domain\domain user. Click [Find Now].. Close out of SQL Management Studio Start the Application Server using a specific user account 1. Click [OK] 4.. ii. At the "Database role membership for: AccessControl" section. Select the Log On tab > the radio button for 'This account:' b. Click [OK]..msc 2.] i. i..] iii.OG. Restart the LS Application Server service. 2. You will want to include the Application Server as part of the custom installation. Right click on My Computer > Select Manage 2. Expand out Security in the Object Explorer 3. OG. Go to the ASP. ii. Replace <servername> with the actual server name for where IIS is running. Expand out Services and Applications > Expand out Internet Information Services 4. iii. 1. ii.0. If entering the address without https. then you will need to upgrade the version of ASP. the address will need to be https://<servername> 1. a. make sure that you are using ASP. then you will need to upgrade the version of ASP. Select Enable for ‘Access data sources across domains’. ii. b. make sure ‘Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone is UNCHECKED. If running 5. 1.NET 1. Go to the Miscellaneous section. If this is not allowed. Otherwise. iv. i. make sure that you are using ASP.ii.NET.12.NET version is 2.NET 1. Check Integrated Windows authentication. iii.NET version is 2. Select Enable for ‘Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls’. Otherwise. 1. If you are using SSL. Right click on Lnl.12. Make sure that the proper version of ASP. then click [Allow]. iii. b.012. Click the Trusted Sites > Click [Sites] i. c. Go to the ActiveX controls and plug-ins section. Click [OK].14. 1. Configure Internet Explorer permission 1. Allow ASP. Select Enable for ‘ File Download’. make sure that ASP.012. iii. Click [OK] 4. If running 5. Go to the Security tab a. Go to the ASP.NET tab i.0.NET 1. Click [Close]. This step is only needed if running Windows Server 2003 2.NET tab i. Click on Web Service Extensions. If this is not the case. Check Integrated Windows authentication. make sure that ASP. add http://<servername> in the text box.NET is Allowed.50727. Go to the Downloads section.WebService a. b.14. Go to the Directory Security tab > Click *Edit…+ under Authentication and access control i. Right click on My Computer > Select Manage 3. Unless using SSL. Go to Internet Explorer > Tools menu > Internet Options 2. Go to the User Authentication section -6- . Click *Custom level…] i. Click [OK]. Uncheck Anonymous access. If this is not the case.50727. c. 1.NET. Click [OK]. Click [Add] iv. Select Automatic logon with current user name and password for ‘Logon’ v. Click [OK] when Forms Translator finishes successfully. Click [OK] d. i. <servername> should be replaced with the actual server name that is running IIS. Update the path with the correct location Run Forms Translator 1. ***NOTE*** The SA password can NOT be blank/null.1. For a non-standard installation. 2. 1. Make sure that http:// is being used and not https://.og. Locate the line: var g_lnl_pfx_webservice_serverAddress = "http://<servername>".WebService b.config"/> ii. preferences.FormTranslator. Click [OK]. 2. Look for an executable called Lnl. Restart IIS 1. web.js b. find the line: <add key="baseConfigFilePath" value="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\lnl. a. Located at C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Lnl. Right click on the LS Application Server service > All Tasks > Restart -7- . Open My Computer 2. Select "Restart Internet Services on <IIS SERVER NAME>" from the dropdown list. Double click to run the . Located at C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Lnl..exe b.js a.OG.msc > click [OK] 2. Click [OK]. b.. Go to START > Run > type services.config a.webservice\pfxwebservice\web.Tools.Web > preferences.exe for editing. Right click on Internet Information Services > All Tasks > Restart IIS. Important Files 1. Type in the User Name and Password: i.exe a. The User Name needs to be SA ii. Click [OK] Restart the LS Application Service 1. Expand out Services and Applications 3. Open in Notepad. Browse to C:\Program Files\OnGuard 3. this file must be modified as outlined below i. c. If installing to a non-standard location. Make sure the directory says <Internal> c. Save and exit file. unless using SSL 3. Type in the password for the OnGuard SA account 1. Right Click on My Computer > Click Manage 2.OG. Open the preferences.dylanbeattie. this is used for temporary report storage. 2. 3. To add SSL ensure the Certificate Authority (CA) is installed by opening up the Certificates console snap-in a. Restart IIS. Be sure that the Crystal. Change the false to a true. If there isn’t a CA.js file for editing 2.js file for editing a. Change http to https before the server name -8- . Using SSL for the OnGuard web services <add key="reportDSN" value="Lenel"></add> i. Go to the Directory Security Tab and click [Server Certificate] in the “Secure communications” section 6. Locate the “var g_lnl_pfx_webservice_serverAddress” line b.OG. Go to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\lnl. The value is case sensitive. follow the instructions in the URL and then skip to step i.js file for editing 3. After verifying the CA is installed open the IIS Management Utility from Start>Settings>Control Panel>Administrator Tools 3. Right click on the “Default Web Site” and choose “Properties”. A folder also needs to be created in the following path: C:\Temp\LnlWebServiceReports.html.NET components have been installed from the prerequisites on the supplemental disc Setting up single sign-on for wAAM and wVV 1. Add the following lines to the end of the file: var g_lnl_og_aam_showReportsTask = true. 6. The value within the quotes is the database name c. There should only be one certificate in the box. choose that and click [Next] 8. <add key="reportDatabaseUsername" value="lenel"/> d.og. Steps for creating a self-signed certificate can be found at http://www. You then need to enter in the reporting details into the web. 4. This URL also details how to create the certificate needed in step g.config file in the Lnl. Choose “Assign an existing certificate” option and click *Next] 7. Restart the LS Application Server service. <add key="reportDatabase" value="AccessControl"></add> i.WebService folder a.web\Extensions and open the preferences.Web. If there is not a CA it needs to be created which is the responsibility of the customer. 2. Open the preferences. The value within the quotes is the password for the lenel user 4. be sure to make true all lower case. 5. 4.OG.Adding ability to run reports from wAAM 1. <add key="reportDatabasePassword" value="MULTIMEDIA"/> i. 5. The value within the quotes is the name of the DSN for OnGuard b. Go to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Lnl. Find the following line: var g_lnl_useSingleSignOn = false. Expand out until “Default Web Site” is displayed. The line should then look like this: var g_lnl_useSingleSignOn = true. Click the [Edit…] button in the “Secure communications” section and check the “Require secure channel (SSL)” check box and click [OK] 10. 5. Keep the SSL port at 443 and then click [Next] and then choose [Finish] 9. aspx Web Based Video Viewer: http://<SERVERNAME>/lnl.og.aspx There is more configuration below for IDVM.At this point.web/lnl_og_videoviewer. Web Based Area Access Manager: http://<SEVERNAME>/lnl. you should be able to run Web Based Video Viewer and Web Based Area Access Manager.web/lnl_og_aam. -9- .og. then this user will be linked to an OnGuard User.yourCompany. An example may look like: windows. 3.. b. when a person logs into a Windows machine with an Active Directory account. 5. Click [Add]. a. http://server. Click [Search]. 7. Attempt to log into System Administration. For example. Therefore. Click [OK]. 3. a. Select the Directory Accounts tab. most people use Microsoft Active Directory. b. 7.10 - . Most corporations use Microsoft Active Directory. Click the Current Windows account radio button. Go to the Directory Accounts tab. as soon as you try to open an OnGuard Application.IDVM (Web Based Visitor Management) System Requirements 1. a. Search for the cardholder that will be creating the Visit Events. Create a Directory 1. Go to System Administration > Administration > Users. The system MUST be on a Domain. 2. 4. a. Log into Windows using the Active Directory account that you just added. 2. you will automatically Click [OK]. Click [Link]. 8. 6. in this case IDVM. 8. This User will also be the person that you want to be able to sign into IDVM. This will automatically fill out the Name text box with the same name. This will return all Active Directory entries. . Select the Active Directory user that will be linked to the OnGuard User. 3. Type in the Last Name and First Name for the cardholder that you want to find. You should log directly in without being asked for credentials. Type the name of the Domain in the Domain: text box a. then go back to Step 2 of the IDVM section. c. IDVM will not work with a local Workgroup. Click [Search]. b. Select the Directory that you created in Step 2 from the dropdown list. 10. Go to System Administration > Administration > Directories… 2. 9.. Test to make sure Single Sign On is working properly 6. 5. Setup Single Sign On 1. Click [OK]. Select the type of directory that you want to add. Click [Modify]. Find the User that you want to use Single Sign On. Go to the Authentication tab. Go to System Administration > Administration > Cardholders… 2. 3. You MUST use the Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) when connecting to IDVM. 4. If this is not working. 2. Click [OK]. a. In order to eliminate any confusion. Click [OK] at the bottom of the Users page to save all modifications. Link a Directory to a Cardholder 1. a. Click [Search]. 5.xml b.xml b. this allows the Assistant to configure Visits for the President. The President relies on the Assistant to create Visits and to add Visitors. Select the Active Directory user that will be linked to the OnGuard User. Then. Make sure that http:// is being used and not https://.OG. Open in Notepad. b. FlexApplicationConfiguration. Now we must figure out who to link to the Cardholder. Located at C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Lnl. the Assistant will be the person logging into IDVM in order to add the Visitor and create the Visit for the President. i.Services/IdvmService. This will enable the person logging into IDVM to be the Host for Visit events that they create. Save and exit file. Click [OK] to save all modifications. a. ii. Click [Link]. This is how you will be logged into IDVM 2. unless using SSL 2. i.exe for editing. 3. Open in Notepad. Locate the line: <serviceurl>http://<FQDN>/Lnl. The Cardholder will be the Host for a Visit. unless using SSL 2. a.xml a. Make sure that http:// is being used and not https://. 2. Important Files 1.svc?wsdl</wsdlurl> 1.Services\WebHost > FlexApplicationConfiguration. . 8. 2. An example that may explain this better: a.a. you linked an Active Directory Account to a Cardholder.exe for editing. 6. Therefore. ii. Located at C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\AdminApp > SilverlightApplicationConfiguration.Services/IdvmService. 4. SilverlightApplicationConfiguration. Let’s say that there is a President and an Assistant to the President.OG. ii. The President wants it to appear that s/he has created the Visit and wants to be the Host for the event. First. Save and exit file. the OnGuard User will be linked to his/her own OnGuard Cardholder. Click [OK]. 1. a. This will return all Active Directory entries. In most common situations. The President could have his/her Active Directory Account linked to his/her OnGuard User (just in case the president ever wanted to log in to IDVM) c. 9. <FQDN> should be replaced with the actual Fully Qualified Domain Name for the server that is running IIS. a. i.xml a. An explanation of Single Sign-On and its use in IDVM 1. The Cardholder will show as the Host. the Assistant’s Active Directory Account would be linked to the Assistant’s OnGuard User Account. However. 7.OG. Locate the line: <wsdlurl>http://<FQDN>/Lnl. The President’s Active Directory Account can also be linked to his/her Cardholder (In a rare case where the President needs to add his/her own Visit event). you linked an Active Directory Account to an OnGuard User.svc</serviceurl> 1. You may have to scroll through the tabs with the right arrow in order to find the Directory Accounts tab. In this situation. <FQDN> should be replaced with the actual Fully Qualified Domain Name for the server that is running IIS. The Assistant’s Active Directory Account would be linked to the President’s Cardholder. i. Select the Directory that you created in Step 2 from the dropdown list. i. 4.11 - . 12 - . c. c. If this is not the case. 1. Go to the Directory Security tab > Click *Edit…+ i.NET. Go to the Directory Security tab > Click *Edit…+ i. Right click on AdminApp > Select Properties a. Check Integrated Windows authentication. Click [OK]. Go to the ASP. Click [OK] 4.Services > Select Properties a. Make sure that ASP. Make sure that ASP.NET. b.50727. Check Integrated Windows authentication. then you will need to upgrade the version of ASP. If this is not the case.OG. then you will need to upgrade the version of ASP. 6. . Check Anonymous access. ii. 1. Go to the ASP. ii.NET tab i.0.NET tab i. iii. Check Anonymous access. iii. 7. Go to the ASP. Go to the Directory Security tab > Click *Edit…+ i.50727.NET tab i. Expand out Services and Applications > Expand out Internet Information Services > Expand out Web Sites > Expand out Default Web Site. Click [OK]. Right click on FrontDeskClickOnce > Select Properties a. Click [OK]. b. d. c. Check Integrated Windows authentication.NET version is 2. 1. Go to the ASP. 5. Right click on KioskClickOnce > Select Properties a. Click [OK].NET tab i. Check Anonymous access.50727.0. Go to the Directory Security tab > Click *Edit…+ i. Check Integrated Windows authentication. Right click on IdvmHost > Select Properties a.NET. iii. c. Click [OK].50727. Check Anonymous access. Check Integrated Windows authentication. Click [OK].NET version is 2. then you will need to upgrade the version of ASP. Check Anonymous access. Go to the Directory Security tab > Click *Edit…+ b. Right click on Lnl. If this is not the case. Make sure that ASP. ii. Make sure that ASP. Click [OK].Configure IIS permissions 1. 1.0. i.NET version is 2.0. Click [OK]. ii. b. 3. then you will need to upgrade the version of ASP.NET version is 2. Right click on My Computer > Select Manage 2.NET. ii. If this is not the case. iii. Click [OK] Restart the LS Application Service 1. a. Go to the ASP.. Select "Restart Internet Services on <IIS SERVER NAME>" from the dropdown list. Right click on Internet Information Services > All Tasks > Restart IIS. then you will need to upgrade the version of ASP.NET.13 - .50727. Restart IIS 1. Go to START > Run > type services. 1. Click [OK].NET version is 2. If this is not the case.NET tab i. c. Right Click on My Computer > Click Manage 2. Make sure that ASP.msc > click [OK] 2.b. Right click on the LS Application Server service > All Tasks > Restart .. Expand out Services and Applications 3. b.0. . Locate the OnGuard User that will be logging into IDVM Host application and make sure they have the following permissions: a. See the IDVM User Guide for more on how to use the application. Once you are logged in. Permissions needed for Users logging into the IDVM Host 1.IDVM HOST This will be used by anybody that is scheduling Visit events. then you will need to log in. You can get to the IDVM Host by going to http://<FQDN>/idvmhost a. etc… 4. Log into the IDVM Host. Add/Modify Visitors.14 - . This is the base IDVM application. If Single Sign On is configured for web applications. If Single Sign On is not configured. 2. the IIS Server must be restarted. 3. Getting to and using the IDVM Host 1. 2. Go to System Administration > Administration > Users… 2. View Upcoming Events. ***NOTE*** After any changes are made to User Permissions. This is the standard Application for IDVM. Installation 1. you can create Visit Events. There are no additional installation steps needed to get into the IDVM Host. then you should be logged in automatically. ***NOTE*** You will need to change the <FQDN> with your actual FQDN. a. b. 3. the IIS Server must be restarted. ***NOTE*** You will need to change <FQDM> with your actual FQDM. You can get to the Admin Tool website by going to the following URL http://<FQDM>/adminapp a. Set the security level for this zone to medium-low. Log into the Admin a. In Internet Explorer.IDVM ADMIN TOOL This tool is used to configure the different Front Desk and Kiosk locations. 2. Use the Visitor Administration User Guide for more information. This needs to be installed on any machine that will be logging into the IDVM Admin Tool. Once in the Admin Tool. Getting to and using the IDVM Admin Tool 1. 5. 2. you can configure the information about the different Front Desks that you have. Locate the OnGuard User that will be logging into the IDVM Admin Tool application and make sure they have the following permissions: a. 3.15 - . Permissions need for Users who will be using the IDVM Admin Tool 6. Install SilverLight from http://www. ***NOTE*** After any changes are made to User Permissions. add the Visitor Administration URL to the list of Trusted Sites on the Security tab of the Internet Options. Specific Permissions needed in Internet Explorer 1. 4. Go to System Administration > Administration > Users… 7. You can also configure the settings and appearance for the Kiosks with this a. The following options must be configured in the custom security settings: . Installation 1. JavaScript should be enabled for the browser. Click [Install] 2.VM.IDVM FRONT DESK This is typically used at a receptionist desk. 12. Additional Notes: . 9. ID & Passports and check Business Card Click[ Next] Uncheck ScanShell 800\R (Vista Compliant) Click [Next] Click [Next] Click [Finish] Plug in scanner Do not connect to the internet Install Automatically Click [Continue Anyway] on the driver warning Click [Finish] Using IDVM Front Desk 1.OG. If the system does not find an match then there will just be the option to select [New Visitor]. Open the Front Desk application and log in. Open Internet Explorer and go to http://servername/frontdeskclickonce.16 - .FrontDesk. 13. 4. 7. 14. This will scan the business card. Open Snapshell driver SDK Double click on sdk_setup. Browse to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\FrontDeskClickOnce b. It will also search for existing Visitor records that match the business card. Double Click on the file called Lnl. Press the purple button on front of scanner. Click [Install] 3. If the system finds a match. The person at the desk will be able to view. 8. then click [Next] Uncheck Driver License. 16. add. 4. or if using SSL use https b. Install from disk: a. 5. Installation 1. Install from web server: a. 2. 3. 10. 15. Copy the FrontDeskClickOnce folder to an available network location b. 3. 2.exe Click [Next] Click [Next] Change destination if necessary. 6. 5. Place a business card facedown on the scanner. Go to START > Programs > Lenel Systems International > OnGuard Front Desk Using the Snapshell IDR 1. 11.application c. then you will have the option to edit that Visitor’s information or you will have an option add a new Visitor with the [New Visitor] button.View. Install using the Install from disk instructions replacing the folder location with the network location Installing the Snapshell IDR ***Do not plug the camera in before running the install*** 1. and sign in/out Visits and Visitors. Install from network location: a. Locate the OnGuard User that will be logging into the Front Desk application and make sure they have the following permissions: a. This error occurs only if you press the scan button without a business card placed on the scanning surface. Permissions needed for Front Desk Attendant 1. ***NOTE*** After any changes are made to User Permissions. Unfortunately. We do not support scanning licenses at this time with this device. Only business cards can be scanned with this device. Go to System Administration > Administration > Users… 2.17 - . However. b. c. the IIS Server must be restarted. .a. this error will not be produced every time. the only way to close this message is to completely log out of Front Desk and then log back in. Occasionally. You are able to scan a business card at any time and from any screen within Front Desk. you may see the following error message. View.VM. Click [Install].18 - . 4. Install TouchIt Keyboard 1. Go to START > Programs > OnGuard > Forms Designer 2. Select Full installation from the drop-down. Install from web server: a. 2. You may choose to have shortcut icons. Double-click on LogOnKeyboard. e. 10. Double-click on it to start the installation. f.application. Be sure to run the Forms Translator to update the forms in the web applications. Copy the KioskClickOnce folder to an available network location b. Click [Next]. Select Visit from the list and click [OK]. Choose the data directory. Choose the destination location. c. Install using the Install from disk instructions replacing the folder location with the network location Open the Kiosk application 1. Click [Next]. c. c. Log in. Go to START > Programs > Lenel Systems International > OnGuard Kiosk Add Visit Key to System A visit key is a unique identifier assigned to a scheduled visit. click [Finish]. If you used the default location. 3. d.IDVM KIOSK This allows a visitor to sign themselves into their visit. Click [Install].exe to start the installation. From the Insert menu. Make sure that you have a valid and up to date backup of your database. Select the radio button stating that this is true. When it is complete. Install TouchIt. Double click on the file called Lnl. Therefore. Browse to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\KioskClickOnce b. 5. 7. no additional resources/people are needed. select View Only Control.exe.ini. Install from disk: a. When the installation is complete. 3. it should be C:\Program Files\Chessware\TouchIt Install the Kiosk software 1. or if using SSL use https b. Click [OK] to accept the default settings for the control. It is used to sign visitors in or out and must be configured for the Kiosk. Open Internet Explorer and go to http://servername/kioskclickonce. 4. Click [Next]. 9. The template will be installed. refer to the FormsDesigner User Guide. Install keyboard templates. a. Repeat this step for MixedKeyboard. Select Visit Key from the list and click [OK]. (The visit key cannot be edited. Browse to Supplemental CD Revision 8\Support Center\TouchIt Keyboard 2. click [Close].Kiosk. a. Save the form and exit FormsDesigner. TouchIt.exe and NumericKeyboard. 8. Click Install 3. Locate the file. b. b. Install from network location: a. You may move the field to the desired location on the form and add a label for it. 1.exe.) 6. Click [Next].and move it to the TouchIt directory on the computer. Click [Next]. For more information. . The new field will be inserted on the form.OG. there is no e-mail field for a visitor. and Delete). Select the radio button to save and preserve your settings. Make sure to select “Internet Email” in the vCard drop-down list on the Field Settings form. and Delete). Insert a new label field. It is recommended that you increase the field length to accommodate e-mail addresses. Select the radio button stating that this is true. Log in. A good name for the object might be “Visitor Email Label”. you must add one if you wish to send e-mail notifications to visitors about visits. Modify. A good name for the object might be “Visitor Email”. ***NOTE*** In order for email to work properly. Click [OK]. Go to System Administration > Administration > Cardholder Options 2. Go to System Administration > Administration > Users… 2. 7. Place a check mark next to: include host’s email by default 3. Select the Person Email Fields tab. Cardholder Permission Groups > Cardholder tab > Check Directory Accounts and Link/Unlink. 8. make sure to select the field that you just added in step i.). Go to START > Programs > OnGuard > Forms Designer 3. a. Select the Visits tab. Be sure to run the Forms Translator to update the forms in the web applications. i. and it is selected by default. select Save. Make sure that you have a valid and up to date backup of your database. the IIS Server must be restarted. 6. 4. 5. ***NOTE*** After any changes are made to User Permissions. On the Visitor tab: a. 2. See the System Administration User Guide for more information on how to set this up. Modify. Select Visitor from the list and click [OK]. Cardholder Permission Groups > Visitor Management tab > Check Kiosk (Add. Notice that the Visitor E-mail field that you just added is now listed in the Visitor e-mail fields listing window. the Global Output Server must be configured. Insert a new text field for the visitor’s e-mail address. From the Form menu. Cardholder Permission Groups > Visitor Management tab > Sign-In Location (Add. In the Assigned field drop-down list (“Visitor E-mail” if you followed the suggested naming convention. 9. Go to System Administration > Administration > Cardholder Options 2. Permissions needed for Users logging into the Kiosk application: 1. Confirm that the Email Field for Visitors was added: 1. 4. Visitor email notification when they are scheduled for a visit: 1.Add Visitor Email Fields By default.19 - . Locate the OnGuard User that will be logging into the Front Desk application and make sure they have the following permissions: a. ***NOTE*** The default length of the field is 15 characters. . a. b. Add the SQL Login for the new user c. Installing OnGuard with Web Apps LS Application Server starts then stops 1.OG. Verify correct installation and configuration of all the following areas: a. ii. If IIS is not installed the following error will show in 6. This folder should be placed in C:\Inetputb\wwwroot\Lnl.OG. You likely have an issue with permissions.20 - .249. Forms Translator must be run prior to using Web Apps a. If this folder does not exist.Troubleshooting IIS Troubleshooting How to test if IIS is installed and working 1. the LS Application Server will not stay running.3. Be sure to have IIS installed prior to installing OnGuard i. or copy the bin folder from Lnl. No error will be presented in previous versions. you will see the following screen at the address: http://<server name> a. go to the Install IIS section If you receive a SOAP error 1. Start the Application Server using a specific user account d.WebService folder on the server. the reinstall will be necessary. Server 2003: Windows XP: 2. If IIS is working properly.WebService folder on the root of the CD. it will give a message about stopping due to having nothing to do. If Forms Translator has not been run. you will need to either uninstall and reinstall OnGuard. If IIS was not installed prior to the LS Application Server. . If this is not installed. Create an admin account for the LS Application Server b. There is a hard coded file path in two of the files that must be updated.21 - . The first file is the web. a. make the following changes: 1.NET. Note the address does not have the server name.Page cannot be found 1. Verify that it is a domain directory. is not allowed.webservice\pfxwebservice\web. Verify that the client you are viewing from has Use Simple File Sharing disabled in folder options 2. Create a shared folder with full access to everyone on the LNVR with the problem 3.NET is either not installed. Workstations will not show up in the dropdown list. If IIS is installed to a non-standard location. Find the line: 1.WebService folder i.js file has the address as http://localhost. but you get the following screen when attempting to reach wAAM or wVV.config file in the PFXWebService folder under the Lnl. The entry states localhost because the preferences. there is no way to set a log off time for our web applications.NET in Server 2003. Update the path with the correct location Is there an Auto Log Off option in our web applications? 1. Change this to the proper server name. the issue is likely that ASP. or if it is Server 2003.WebService folder. Unable to view video – Recorder in a different domain/workgroup 1. be sure the same user/password combinations are on all of the machines in the workgroup . <add key="soapDispenserPath" value="C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Lnl. Opening wAAM or wVV If you receive the following message about error communicating with the web service 1. The system will stay logged in. No. Update the path with the correct location b.config"/> ii. The second file is the web. Also be sure to use https if you are using SSL If you do not see the directory listed in the sign on dropdown 1.js file needs to be updated with the server name: a. Install ASP.og.OG. If this is a workgroup. If all appears to be configured correctly.config file in the Lnl.OG. Find the line: 1. The preferences. or go here for how to allow ASP. <add key="baseConfigFilePath" value="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\lnl.WebService\"></add> ii. i.PFx. This must be lower case as the line is case sensitive. Go to each section and verify the configuration..NET has not been installed on the machine running the LS Application Server. If a window does not pop open when you press the Run Reports… button 1. Check for the following license in license admin: Maximum Number of Cardholders with Directory Accounts (SWG-ALXXX) STD.22 - .NET engine cannot be found when you attempt to run a report 1.WebService. It may be necessary.Single Sign-On Issues If you see the error. 2.Web and Lnl. Give the user Full Control in order to make all temporary file locations available to the user 3. Add the IIS user that is listed in the Anonymous Access section of the Directory Security for Lnl. If the pop up still does not show. This should only be necessary if the directory security is set to anonymous for Lnl. it may be getting blocked by Internet Explorer. Verify that you have the necessary license a. Try it a second time. “Error: ‘firstChild’ is null or not an object”. or the error. If a message shows about being unable to load report template 1. Go to the Security tab and then click [Add] under Group or user names c. Crystal. a. Verify that the user logged in has the correct permissions a.js file likely needs to be updated. This is accomplished through right clicking on the Inetpub folder and choosing Properties b. It could be a result of the IIS configuration or the Internet Explorer configuration. Cardholder Permission Groups ->Cardholder: Directory Accounts and Link/Unlink must be selected . The issue is that a capital T was used in the line var g_lnl_useSingleSignOn = true.WebService d. The security may need to be changed on this IDVM General Troubleshooting Unable to link cardholders to directory accounts 1. Correct the line using the steps here. The same steps as above may be necessary for the temporary path created for reports. wAAM Report Issues If the report button does not show 1. Verify that this count has not been exceeded 2. If the sign in box opens up immediately 1.OG.Web or Lnl. if you get write errors or permission problems on execution of a report to grant full access to the Inetpub folder for the IIS user.OG. The line in the preferences. Verify that the pop up blocker is not enabled. “Error: ‘True’ is undefined” 1.OG.OG. The default location is C:\Temp\LnlWebServiceReports. Receive a message stating that the Crystal. The proper temporary path for the reports has not been created. Go to Internet Options. This can be verified by checking the title bar of the Forms Designer application to see if it says Forms Designer or Forms Designer Lite. known as the NTLM error 1. Click [Add] c.” 1. Select Visit Type and add entries “Could not sign out visit event. go to Administration -> Cardholder Options -> Visits 2. 3. If you are unable to add the visit key to the system 1. Click [OK]. IDVM Host Troubleshooting If you get an error about Javascript needing to be enabled for this page to display 1. Enable the option then close out the window by clicking [OK] 4. Go to Internet Options. Click [Modify] and configure an option under “Badge status for sign out:”. Trusted Sites. Find the option under Scripting called “Scripting of Java applets” 3. Custom Level 2. In System Administration. Sites b. Set all security settings under Custom Level to match the standard settings for the Trusted Sites zone. Go to Administration -> List Builder c. .Visit types do not show in IDVM 1. Open System Administration b. Enter the visit types through List Builder a. If you are using Forms Designer Lite you cannot add the key. Intranet Sites. Click [OK] again to close internet options Get the following error. The badge status for sign out must be configured. You may need to get Forms Designer Full.23 - . Add this site to the Intranet zone a. Restart the LS Application service. and Delete. b. Restart IIS. Go to System Administration > Users… > Cardholder Permission Groups > Visitor Management a. Ensure that the Sign in Location is selected as well as Add. c. Log into Front Desk 2. Uninstall IDVM Front Desk on the client using Add/Remove Programs. Install application again the same way it was installed before.24 - . 2.IDVM Admin Troubleshooting If the page will not load 1. Choose My Account 3. 3.deploy a. 2. Find all three instances of localhost and change to the server name 4. Save Changes . Set Default Printer by clicking [Make Default] button next to desired printer 4. Run Forms Translator. Modify. Edit the file named: serviceModelClient. After making the changes to Cardholder Permissions: a. 1.config. Need to change default printer in IDVM Front Desk 1. Sign In Locations not showing in Front Desk application Verify cardholder permissions in System Administration for the user that you are attempting to log into Front Desk with. Verify that Microsoft Silverlight is installed IDVM Front Desk Troubleshooting The following error appears when trying to start the Front Desk application: 1. Verify that the IDVM Host application will load 2. Go to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\FrontDeskClickOnce\config on the server. Printing choices made in the web environment cause any box designed to not show to print on web badges. we eliminate this possibility. So. Badge prints look different in IDVM than in the stand alone Visitor Management 1. a. There has been a change in how word wrap and the new fonts work. To fix this. then it will shrink the size of the text. If the system feels that the text is too large for the text box. KioskClickOnce\config\serviceModelClient. These are fonts that are listed in C:\Windows\Fonts. When this is done. the text will be the same size. but will look bolded. 1. Install application again the same way it was installed before. Certain fields cannot be viewed. a. All settings for User Defined Visitor can be modified to affect what users can see in the kiosk. Disabling Camera 2. There are no other changes that can be made at this point to get both web apps and application to print exactly the same. To fix this. Things that can be customized on the kiosk: 1. make all text box fields extremely large.deploy b. Disable Auto Print on Sign In 3.config. or can be viewed.25 - . When creating the badge in Badge Designer. 2. Adding a custom logo to the splash screen. The wrong printer shows up as the default printer: 1. Badge Type for Printing 4. We also can only print True Type/Open Type fonts. by making all text fields really large. Things that cannot be changed in the kiosk display include: 1. in Kiosk under cardholder information. What cardholder information can be viewed/edited . uninstall and reinstall the kiosk so that it shows the printer choice box again as this only displays on initial load.IDVM Kiosk Troubleshooting The following error about endpoints appears when trying to start the Kiosk application: 1. Change View/Edit Field Page Permissions. Find all three instances of localhost and change to the server name 2. find the following file location on the installation location and update it as listed below.
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