One Point Acupressure Treatment _ Acupressure Research, Training and Treatment Sansthan - Allahabad

April 4, 2018 | Author: Shrini1000 | Category: Urinary System, Heart, Cardiac Arrhythmia, Human Anatomy, Diseases And Disorders



8/22/13One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Research, Training and Treatment Sansthan - Allahabad Each One Teach One. Each One Treat One. Each One Reach On HOME AIMS & OBJECTIVES OVERVIEW OF SANSTHAN NOTICE WALL MESSAGE BOARD NEWS EXTRACTS VIEWS COLUMN CONTACT US His tory of Sans than Sans than Office Bearers Sans than Lecturers Free Treatm ent Centers Affiliation to Sans than Sans than Publications Acupres s ure Ins trum ents Sans than Training Univers ity Acupres s ure Cours es Introduction to Acu Therapies Chines e Acupres s ure (TCM) Electro Acupuncture According to Voll (EAV) Sujok Acupres s ure Ayurvedic Acupres s ure Em ergency Acupres s ure Treatm ent Current Sans than Res earch Im portant Cas e His tories Data Bank 22. B Asthma 16. 19. Aphasia Arterial Tension 1. 4. 7. 10. 13. Abdomen A ONE POINT ACUPRESSURE TREATMENT Note: For location of points, see Sujok Acupressure - Figures (Byol Meridians). Legend: Tonification by white byol magnets - ↑. Sedation by yellow byol magnets - ↓. Inde x 2. 5. 8. 11. 14. 17. 20. 23. Acne Affections of eyes, nose, ear, brain Allergy Animal/insect bite Anus inflammation Appendicitis Arthritis Atony 3. 6. 9. 12. 15. 18. 21. Adenitis Alcoholism Amnesia Anger Aortitis Arms Problem Ascites Ageing – to slow down Albuminuria Anemia Angina Search 1. 4. 7. 10 13 C 1. 4. 7. 10 13 D 1. 4. 7. 10 E 1. 4. F 1. Back problems Bad breath Blood pressure Body pain - only at night Bronchitis 2. 5. 8. 11 14 Bathing Bleeding Blood disorders Brain tumor Breathlessness 3. 6. 9. 12 15 Belching Blood chemistry disorders Bone disorders Brain fag Burn injuries Cancer Cheeks – inflammation Coma Colic Cramps 2. 5. 8. 11 14 Cellulitis Chest – oppression Common Cold Constipation Cyanosis – skin 3. 6. 9. 12 Choleriform Chilblain Coldness Cough Deaf-mutism Diarrhea Disequilibrium Dysphagia 2. 5. 8. Diabetic neuropathy Diaphragm disorders Drooling 3. 6. 9. Diabetes Diphtheria Dysentery Ear disorders Eosinophilia 2. 5. Epistaxis Expectoration 3. 6. Epilepsy Eye disorders Face discoloration 2. Facial tics 3. Fear/Phobia 1/22 8/22/13 One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Research, Training and Treatment Sansthan - Allahabad 4. 7. 10 G 1. H 1. 4. 7. 10 13 I 1. 4. 7. J 1. L 1. 4. 7. M 1. 4. N 1. 4. O 1. 4. P 1. 4. Occipital headache/heaviness Osteomyelitis 2. Oedema (swelling) 3. Osteitis Nausea & vomiting Nerve problems 2. 5. Neck stiffness Neuralgia 3. 6. Nephroptosis Nose Disorders Male diseases Menier ’s disease 2. 5. Measles (rubeola) Mental diseases 3. 6. Memory problems Mouth, lips, throat problems Larynx Problems 2. 5. 8. Legs Problems Lithiasis Lumps/Knots 3. 6. Liver abscess Lumbar Problems Jaundice Inability Inflammation Immunity 2. 5. 8. Infant’s diseases Influenza Intoxication 3. 6. 9. Infection – chronic Inguinal trouble Injury Hair fall Hemiplegia Hiccup Hotness of palms Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) 2. 5. 8. 11 14 Head Problems Heart problems Hip joint disease Herpes zoster Hypothermia 3. 6. 9. 12 Headache Heel pain Hoarseness of voice Hunger Gastro intestinal tract disorders 2. Ghost possession Female diseases Fistula Fontanel 5. 8. Fainting Fissure 6. 9. Finger contracture Fits of weeping Limpness of muscles Lungs Pain Pneumonia 2. 5. Parkins on’s disease Paronychia 3. 6. Portal hypertension Phlegm- excess 7. Piles 8. Pituita Precocious senility Prostate gland enlargement 9. Poornima/amavasya problems Problems after bathing 10 13 R 1. S 1. Poisoning Progressive muscular atrophy 11 14 12 Rayna ud’s disease 2. Rectum problems 3. Resuscitation (restoration of life) Scoliosis 2. Sciatica 3. Sebaceous glands 2/22 Terror in children 4. Ulcers 2. Acne (eruptions of papules on s kin) 3. Urinary diseases V 1 Veins problems 2. Somnambulism 9. Yawning Weakness Writer ’s cramp 2. Y 1. Skin diseases 7 Sleep Disorders 8. Torticolis/ wryneck 9.html 3/22 .Allahabad 4.8/22/13 One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Research. thigh. Thirst 5. 4. Adenitis (inflam m ation of a gland) Adenitis of lum bar. knee Swollen glands of neck GB 30 ↑ CV 19 ↓ acusansthan-ald. Training and Treatment Sansthan .in/content-23. Spasm (contracture) 10 Speech problem 11 Spinal marrow disorders 12 Spine Problems 13 Spleen disorders 14 Stomach disorders 15 Stool disorders 16 Study & teaching problems 17 Sunstroke 18 Suffocation 19 Suppuration (formation of pus) Suffocation 20 Sweating 21 Swelling 22 T 23 Synovitis 1. Throat problems 6. Vomiting W 1. Weight loss 3. Abdomen (lower) colic & s pas m Treatment Point Sp 4 ↓ K 2↓ 2.No Disease 1. Tonsil disorders Travel sickness 8. Sickness in morning 5. Teeth (Including gums & jaws) problems 2. Worms A Sr. Toxins – to expel 10 U 11 Trembling – any body part 1. Vertigo 3. Tuberculosis of lymph node 3. Tongue disorders 7. Sinusitis 6. breathles s nes s ) Liv 3 ↓.Allahabad Scrofula (TB of cervical lym ph node) Adenitis . Animal/insect bite 12. ear. H 7 ↓. Sp 6 ↑ 7.8/22/13 One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Research. Arterial Tension To decreas e To increas e Liv 5 ↓ Liv 5 ↑ K 2↓ 20. St 36 ↑ 13.html 4/22 . 5. Male . St 37 ↓ Liv 2 ↓ 18. Angina (ches t pain due to oxygen deficiency in heart m us cles . GV 14 ↓. due to s pleen deficiency Liv 2 ↓ K 3 ↑. Aortitis (inflam m ation of aorta) 16. m ay radiate to arm ) H 9 ↑. Lu 6 ↓ Lu 2 ↓ Lu 6 ↓ Lu 5 ↓. Lu 1 ↓ 9. CV4 ↑.Sp 4 (R) ↑. UB 23 ↑ Sp 6 ↑. Allergy General Allergy to food s m ell (s ym ptom s – los s of appetite. Arthritis (inflam m ation of joints ) acusansthan-ald. Anemia (deficiency of red blood cells /haem oglobin) 11. Lu 2 ↓. Albuminuria (pres ence of s erum album in in urine) 8. UB 67 ↑ K 6 ↑. hiccups . nose. Arms Problem Shoulder pain & adduction problem (inability to bring arm clos er to the body) Shoulder pain & inability to rais e arm Upper arm pain Elbow extens ion/flexion problem Elbow pain Elbow s pas m Elbow paretic lim pnes s Fis t. Anger Short tem pered due to liver fire Below 20 years of age. Lu 6 ↓ TW 5 ↓ TW 4 ↓. P 6 ↓ (R). Appendicitis (inflam m ation of appendix) Acute Chronic St 36 1/2 ↓. Fem ale . P 6 ↓ (L).Sp 4 (L) ↑. Sp 10 ↓. Anus inflammation 15. brain 6. GB 36 ↑ /red 10. naus ea. CV 12 ↓ GB 20 ↑ UB 55 ↓ St 36 ↑ GB 20 ↓ 4.inability to clos e Palm hot Hand pain Lu 2 ↓ LI 1 ↑. Aphasia (defect/los s of power of expres s ion) Sudden los s of voice 17. Affections of eyes. P 9 ↑ SI 3 ↑ H 5↑ 14. due to kidney deficiency Old age. UB 50 ↓ H 7 ↓. Alcoholism Acute Chronic St 45 ↓ CV 6 ↑ K 3 ↑. P 6 ↑ Lu 6 ↓ Lu 7 ↓ LI 3 ↓ 19. Liv 3 ↓ CV 4 ↓.acute Tum our Tum our or s welling on neck Popliteal (area behind knees ) adenitis Ageing – to slow down CV 19 ↓ P7 ↓. Training and Treatment Sansthan . Amnesia (m em ory im pairm ent) General Recent m em ory poor Lu 7 ↓ H 9↑ UB 15 ↑.in/content-23. Bone disorders Fracture. s weating. due to chronic deficiency of lungs Bathing problem – any type. Lu 5 ↓.to heal quickly Abs ces s of bone/tooth Rickets (bones deform ity. UB 13 ↓ H 5↑ K 6 ↑. itching .Allahabad Rheum atoid pain LI 8 ↓ CV 7 ↓. St 34 ↓ 21. Belching Belching – loud 4. Treatment Point GV 10 ↓ GV 1 ↓ K 3↓ UB 13 ↑ 2. etc in children due to vitam in D deficiency) Arthritis of foot GV 3 ↓ Sp 5 ↓ Sp 5 ↓ UB 67 ↑ acusansthan-ald.No 1. Asthma (recurrent attack of breathles s nes s along with wheezing) Acute bronchial as thm a (s udden ons et) Chronic bronchial as thm a (breathles s nes s even at res t in s itting pos ition) Cardiac as thm a (breathles s nes s on exertion) Renal as thm a (difficulty in inhalation) As thm a caus ed by Liver (lips and nails turn black) Allergic as thm a (due to allergy. Blood disorders Azotaem ia (exces s urea & creatinine in blood) Hem ophilia (hereditary hem orrhagic dis eas e in which blood fails to clot) Leukem ia (blood cancer) Platelets count reduced (to increas e) Thicknes s of blood (to caus e as pirin effect) Leucocytem ia (exces s white blood cells in blood) Acetonem ia (exces s ketone bodies in blood caus ing em aciation) St 25 ↓ TW 5 ↓ Sp 15 ↓. i.8/22/13 One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Research. K 7 ↑ Liv 3 ↓ Lu 11 ↓. Training and Treatment Sansthan . Blood pressure Hypos ys tole (weak or incom plete cardiac s ys tole) Hypotens ion (low blood pres s ure) Hypertens ion (high blood pres s ure) H 9↑ P 9 ↑. Sp 10 ↓ Sp 4 ↓. Disease Back problems Backache Back s tiffnes s Lower back pain Upper back pain. H 7 ↑ GB 20 ↓ 8. Blood chemistry disorders 7. K 2↓ St 34 ↓ P 7↓ P 7↓ Sp 6 ↑. 6.e. Lu 6 ↑ UB 17 ↓ 3. CV 22 ↓. etc. Liv 13 ↓ 23. Ascites (effus ion & accum ulation of s erous fluid in abdom inal cavity) 22. pos s ibly eos inophilia) As thm a caus ed by s pleen (exces s phlegm . Atony (lack of norm al tone or s trength) Chronic lack of tone Atonia of orbicularis (m outh) m us cles Atonia of duodenum Atonia of large intes tine Atonia of s m all intes tine SI 4 ↑ St 45 ↓ H 5↓ LI 4 ↑ SI 2 ↑ B Sr..html 5/22 . UB 20 ↓ TW 5 ↓ TW 5 ↑ LI 11 ↓ Liv 8 ↑ 9. Bad breath Bleeding – anywhere in body 5. gas in ches t) Lu 2 ↓. Lu 6 ↓. breathles s nes s & s s welling. St 40 ↓ 14.8/22/13 One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Research.html 6/22 . Bronchitis (inflam m ation of bronchus ) Acute Chronic UB 13 ↓ Lu 5 ↓. TW 15 ↑ 10. Constipation – chronic 12.only at night 11. Brain tumor (growth of m as s in brain) UB 6 ↓ or UB 8 ↓ oppos ite s ide GV13 ↑ 12.exces s GV 14 ↑ K7↑ Liv 3 ↓ K 7↑ GV 10 (s alt m oxa) St 37 ↓ Sp 1 ↓ CV 9 ↓ CV 6 ↑ 10. CV 8 ↑ pain relief Treatment Point UB 12 ↓. Coldness Ice cold extrem ities /bones Cold bones Cold feet Ice cold feet To prevent the cons equences of chilling Joints pain due to cold wind Chills & cold feet Chills Chills . Common Cold Due to expos ure to cold Due to expos ure to heat Lu 7 ↓ Lu 11 ↓ 9. Body pain . LI 11 ↓. P 9 ↑ CV12 ↓. St 36 ↓ CV 6 ↑ SI 7 ↓ SI 10 ↓ H5↓ Lu 9 ↑ 2. Disease Cancer (m alignant tum or) anywhere in body . CV 6 ↑ CV 7 ↓ 15. Cough acusansthan-ald. Choleriform (a dis eas e res em bling cholera) Cheeks – inflam m ation Chest – oppression 4. Coma (s tate of deep uncons cious nes s that cannot be arous ed) GV 19 ↑ 8. pain & rednes s of fingers / toes /ears due to m ild fros t bite) C Sr.Allahabad Dis location (dis union of bones ) Prom ote bone form ation in children & prevent bone degeneration in elderly SI 3 ↑ UB 11 ↑ LI 15 ↑. Breathlessness Acute dys pnea (difficult breathing) Painful dys pnea Dys pnea with nervous cough Burn injuries – to provide im m ediate cooling effect. 6. Brain fag (Brain fatigue caus ing nervous weaknes s & s om nolence) 13. Chilblain (recurrent localized itching.No 1. Training and Treatment Sansthan . Colic (acute abdom inal pain) Colic & diarrhea with flatulence Hepatic/nephritic colic (colic due to liver/kidney dis orders ) CV 3 ↓ UB 23 ↓ St 42 ↓. 5. CV 14 ↓. Cellulitis (inflam m ation of s oft or connective tis s ues ) 3. due to Eos inophilia.8/22/13 One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Research. St 37 ↓ K 7 ↑. D Sr. Lu 11 ↓ CV 18 ↓ St 4 ↑ St 25 ↓. caus ing heavy breathing Heavines s & dis com fort K 3 ↓ LI 6 ↓ UB 12 ↓ 6.Allahabad Bronchitis . Cramps (painful. Training and Treatment Sansthan . Dysentery (frequent s tool containing blood & m ucus along with inflam m ation of intes tines ) 10.html 7/22 . Dysphagia (difficulty in s wallowing) E acusansthan-ald. Diabetic neuropathy (dis order of nerves due to diabetes ) 3. Liv 3 ↓ CV 4 ↓ CV 9 ↓ GB 44 ↓ SI 4 ↓.general Cram ps in abdom en Cram ps along with abdom inal dis tention Cram ps in calf/forearm Writer’ s cram ps (cram ps affecting finger m us cles after prolonged writing) Cyanosis – skin (bluis h dis coloration of s kin due to oxygen/ hem oglobin deficiency) Liv 2 ↓. throat or larynx) Disequilibrium – phys ical. due to Chronic cough Cough with profus e. 8. Diabetes Along Along Along Along with with with with 4. Disease Deaf-mutism (deafnes s & dum bnes s ) Treatment Point GV 15 ↑ St 40 ↑ P 8↓ increas ed m us cle tone weight los s decreas ed urine & dry s kin/m outh/tongue im potency/itching in genitals TW K3 K1 K2 4↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 2. Diarrhea (loos e s tools ) Chronic diarrhea Acute diarrhea St 25 ↓ Sp 4 ↑ 5. caus ing uns table gait CV 18 ↓. K 2 ↓ 7. Drooling (flow of s aliva outs ide of lips ) 9. Diaphragm disorders Spas m Blockage. UB 15 ↓.No 1. s pas m odic m us cular contracture) Cram ps . white s ticky phlegm Dry hacking (haltingly) cough Nervous cough with dys pnea (cough with difficult breathing of nervous origin) Spas m odic cough (cough along with m us cular contracture) Spas m odic cough with dys pnea (cough along with m us cular contracture and breathing difficulty) Whooping cough (barking cough m os tly affecting children) UB 12 ↓ UB 17 ↓ Lu 11 ↓ Lu 5 ↓ CV 16 ↑ CV 6 ↑ GV 11 ↓ GV 10 ↑ Lu 1 ↓ 13. H 3↓ Liv 3 ↓ 14. Diphtheria (acute infectious dis eas e m arked by form ation of gray-white ps eudo m em brane within nos GB 37 ↓ GB 37 ↓ LI 1 ↓ GV10 ↑. Epistaxis (nos e bleed) CV 1 ↓ St 40 ↓ 3. Lu 8 ↓ Lu 3 ↑ UB 12 ↓ K 10 ↓. abnorm al m otion phenom ena.No Disease Treatment Point 1. etc) Epileps y s eizure during day Epileps y s eizure during night UB 62 ↓ K6↓ UB 17 ↓ 4. tinnitus (nois e in the ears ) & vertigo Red and s wollen ear lobe Inflam m ation of external ear canal CV 6 ↑ TW 10 ↓ TW 20 ↓ SI 19 ↓ 2. Disease Face discoloration Blacknes s of face (due to kidney problem ) Conges ted s carlet face Cyanos is (bluenes s due to oxygen deficiency) Treatment Point K 1↓ GV 19 ↓ Liv 3 ↓ Lu 5 ↓ 2. Eosinophilia (increas e in num ber of eos inophils in blood) 5. repetitive m us cular contraction of face) 3. GB 37 ↓ SI 18 ↓ St 8 ↓ F Sr. P 7 ↓ H 7↓ CV 22 ↓.acute Glaucom a (increas e of intra ocular pres s ure) Infection/inflam m ation Inflam m ation of external corner of eye Optic nerve s hrinkage Myopia (near s ightednes s ) Mydrias is (dilation of pupil) Trachom a (a contagious dis eas es of conjunctiva & cornea) Inability to open eyes Night blindnes s (due to deficiency of vitam in A) Uncontrolled twitching of eye m us cles Intens e eye pain/continuous uncontrolled twitching/uncontrolled m ovem ent of eye ball/exophthalm os (abnorm al protrus ion of eyes ) GB 20 ↓ St 36 ↑ SI 7 ↓ CV 6 ↑. Eye disorders All affections Blurred vis ion & declining eye s ight – aged Cys t of eyelid Cataract (opacity of eye lens ) Blepharo – conjunctivitis (inflam m ation of eye lids & conjunctiva) Conjunctivitis (inflam m ation of conjunctiva) . Training and Treatment Sansthan . Fear/Phobia Fear of clos ed s pace (claus trophobia) Fear of crowd (agoraphobia) Fear of cold Fear of dark Fear of exam ination/s tage Fear of water Fear of wind Fearful child Lu 3 ↑.html 8/22 . GB 37 ↓ Ly 2a ↓ GB 43 ↓ GB 37 ↓ K 5↑ GV10 ↑ SI 4 ↑ GB 44 (oppos ite s ide) LI 1 ↑. Ear disorders Otorrhoea (dis charge from the ear due to infection) Hardnes s of hearing.8/22/13 One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Expectoration (coughing up and s pitting out of m aterial from lungs ) Fetid (foul odor) & exces s expectoration To expel phlegm from ches t CV 5 ↓ St 40 ↑ 6. involuntary. Epilepsy (dis turbance of electrical activity of brain res ulting in uncons cious nes s . UB 12 ↓ UB 12 ↓ K 1↓ acusansthan-ald. Facial tics (s pas m odic.Allahabad Sr.No 1. Allahabad Terror in children Nocturnal terror Fear and exces s ive res tles s nes s Lu 11 ↓ GV 20 ↑ K 2↓ 4. CV 3 ↓ UB 22 ↑. Female diseases Mis carriage (prem ature expuls ion of fetus from uterus before com pletion of pregnancy) Uterine fibroid. G Sr. Liv 5 ↓ CV 14 ↓ CV 3 ↓ CV 3 ↓ Liv 6 ↑ LI 11 ↑ CV 2 ↑ St 44 (m oxa) CV 5 ↓ TW 5 ↓ CV 14 ↓.continuous Painful period Atrophy of genitals . ovary. Fistula (an abnorm al pas s age between two internal organs or between an internal organ & body s urface) 8.8/22/13 One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Research. fibrom a in breas t Frigidity (non arous al of s exual des ire in a fem ale) Inflam m ation in pelvic area. CV 4 ↑ Liv 11 ↑ UB 67 ↑ Liv 5 ↓ Liv 5 ↑ SI 8 ↓ H 8↑ St 25 ↓. St 25 ↓. Liv 8 ↑ SI 1 ↓. Fissure (any cleft or groove) CV 12 ↓ Lu 3 ↑ CV 6 ↑ LI 4 ↓ CV 3 ↓ CV 4 ↓ St 17 ↓ Sp 4 ↓. Sp 5 ↓ 5. Fainting Finger contracture – s m all finger 6. 7. Fits of weeping Fontanel (a s oft s pot on an infant’ s s kull) – retarded clos ure 10. Training and Treatment Sansthan .html 9/22 . SI 1 ↓ GB 34 ↓ Liv 5 ↓ K 3 ↑. GB 21 ↓. Liv 5 ↑. K 7 ↑. GB 41 ↓ GB 21 ↓ SI 1 ↓ GB 41 ↓ Liv 1 ↑ Liv 8 ↑ Liv 8 ↑ GB 41 ↓. Mas titis (inflam m ation of breas ts ) Nipple pain Genital pain Leucorrhoea (whitis h dis charge from vagina) Delayed or difficult birth Mal pos itioning of fetus Metritis (inflam m ation of uterus ) Vagina prolaps e/s hrinkage Sp 4 ↓ CV 4 ↑ CV 3 ↑ CV 7 ↓ K 9↑ K 5↑ Lu 7 ↓ CV 3 ↓ CV 2 ↓ Liv 2 ↓.No 1. Disease Gastro intestinal tract disorders Aerocoly (large intes tine dis tention due to gas ) Aerophagia (habitual s wallowing of air) Sluggis h diges tion Chronic dys peps ia (indiges tion) Dys peptic eructation (belching with burning in ches t & throat) Treatment Point CV 17 ↓ CV 17 ↓ St 41 ↑ CV 14 ↓ CV 5 ↓ acusansthan-ald. urethra or vagina Problem s of pregnancy Stopping or ins ufficiency of m ens es Uterine bleeding Lack of lochea dis charge during labor Menopaus al s yndrom e Menorrhagia (exces s ive m ens truation) Oophoritis (inflam m ation of ovary) Tym pam ium with pain(gas and pain in intes tines during pregnancy) Predated m ens trual cycle Prolonged m ens truation Pos t dated /exces s m ens truation Irregular m ens trual cycle Non norm alization of dilated uterus after delivery Dys m enorrhoea along with vertigo Acute burning s ens ation in urethra/vagina Painful child birth (for painles s delivery) Acute dis com fort during pregnancy Intens e pruritus (itching) /burning in vagina Chronic uterus com plaint Breas t cancer Uterus prolaps e Ins ufficient lactation after delivery Sens ation of cold after delivery Agalactia (abs ence or failure of m ilk s ecretion) Breas ts ulcer Hem orrhagic dis charge . CV 12 ↓ Sp 4 ↓ CV 4 ↓ CV 17 ↓ UB 21 ↑. cold feet and red eyes CV 4 ↓ St 41 ↑ 4.. diarrhea (loos e s tools ) CV 2 ↓ CV 6 ↑. St 21 ↓ UB 21 ↓ GB 40 ↑ CV 5 ↓ Liv 6 ↓ St 45 ↓ SI 3 ↑ LI 4 ↑ St 25 ↓. les s than 60 per m inute) Pacem aker problem (inability of s ino atrial node & other heart cells to properly initiate heart beats ) Left ventricle hypertrophy (enlargem ent) Myocarditis (inflam m ation of heart m us cles ) Tachycardia (abnorm ally rapid heart beat) CV 4 ↓ CV 14 ↓ H 7↓ P 7↓ CV 12 ↓ H 7↓ H 5 ↑. St 34 ↓ UB 17 ↓ acusansthan-ald. us e original EAV point H 6a (R )↑ P 7↓ UB 64 ↓ H 7 ↓.html 10/22 .No Disease 1. Heart problems Continuous heart pain Chronic cardiac dis orders All acute valve affections . GV 25 ↑.e..s tenos is (narrowing). aggravates on walking/touching Frontal with heat in head. Heel pain (tatalgia) 7. UB 21 ↓ UB 21 ↑ UB 15 ↓ CV 3 ↓ St 45 ↓ H 9 (pres s ) CV 7 ↓ Lu 1 ↑ CV 9 ↓ CV11 ↓ CV 3 ↓ 2. P 7 ↓ St 43 ↓ 6. i. i. ins ufficiency. ches t & abdom en Avers ion to food and its s m ell Cram ps & dis tens ion of s tom ach Hard and s tretched abdom en Flatulence (gas in s tom ach/ intes tines ) with colic (abdom en pain). Training and Treatment Sansthan .in/content-23. Hair fall Graying of hair Treatment Point UB 54 ↑ St 39 ↓ 2. Headache Interm ittent.e. H 9 ↑. Alternatively. K 7 ↑ H 6 (R) ↑.heavines s Head . Hiccup General St 40 ↓. Ghost possession P5↓ H Sr.s haking GB 41 ↓ GV 1 ↑ GV 1 ↑ 3.8/22/13 One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Research. etc Hypertrophied (enlarged) heart Palpitation – violent Arrhythm ia (irregular heart beat) Bradycardia (s low heart beat. Hemiplegia (paralys is of one s ide of body) Liv 6 ↑ (on good s ide) 5. Head Problems Headache – top/vertex Head .Allahabad Eructation (belching) im m ediately after food Enteritis (inflam m ation of intes tine) Duodenal enteritis (inflam m ation of duodenum ) Enterocolitis (inflam m ation of s m all intes tine & colon) Hepatitis (inflam m ation of liver) Acute gas tritis (inflam m ation of s tom ach) Chronic gas tritis Hepatic deficiency (s luggis hnes s & contracture of liver) Hyperacidity in s tom ach Any liver problem Conges tion in liver Intes tinal obs truction caus ing s toppage of food m ovem ent Intes tinal occlus ion (narrowing /clos ure) Intes tinal paras ites Intes tinal rum bling Aerogas tria (gas form ation & dis tention of s tom ach) Gas tric heavines s Indiges tion Food in wind pipe Burning s ens ation in throat. No Disease 1. Inability to lie s upine (on back) Infant’s diseases Vom iting out of m ilk Venereal dis eas e (s exually trans m itted dis eas e) Vom iting Vom iting & loos e m otion Cerebral pals y (m otor dis order due to brain dam age. LI 11 ↓ Liv 2 ↓ K 1↓ 14. Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Along with palpitation Due to tens ion Due to Liver fire Due to anger /wind Due to kidney dis order H 7↓ GB 20 ↓ Liv 3 ↓. UB 13 ↓ GB 36 ↓ St 7 ↑. gingivitis (inflam m ation of gum s ) Biological clock dis turbance (s leep during day. i.. pain in hip & leg. Herpes zoster (eruption of groups of s m all ves icles along the cours e of a nerve or nerves along with neuralgic pain. 4. H 9 ↑ Lu 10 ↓ Lu 10 ↓. Hypothermia (tem perature below norm al) Liv 4 ↑. Hotness of palms Hotnes s of palm s without s weating Hotnes s of palm s along with other dis eas es P 9↑ Lu 8 ↑ 11.e. Inflammation acusansthan-ald. halitos is (foul odor in m outh). CV 5 ↓ UB 21 ↑ St 45 ↓ Sp 3 ↑ UB 15 ↑ H 7↓ Sp 15 ↓ 13. Hunger Voracious (exces s ive) hunger Quick s atiation of exces s hunger with little food Exces s food intake due to laptin horm one deficiency & weight gain Anorexia (lack or los s of appetite) due to dieting Lack of appetite All dis turbance of appetite Exces s & frequent hunger (bulim ia nervos a) TW 4 ↓. P 9 ↑.Allahabad Cons tant CV 6 ↑ CV 16 ↑ 8. Hoarseness of voice 10. m os tly during delivery) Severe gas tro enteritis (inflam m ation of s tom ach & intes tines ) Dys entery/diarrhea Mouth ulcer. Training and Treatment Sansthan . Inability Im pos s ibility of rais ing the arm Inability to rais e arm along with pain in s houlder & fore arm Intolerance of horizontal pos ition Inability to clench fis t/inability to bend or s tretch elbow/inability to lift arm up to head. GB 31 ↓ 12. awake & cry during night) Indiges tion & fever Chronic cough Pigeon breas t (prom inence of s ternum bone on ches t) Frequent awakening & crying Maras m us (em aciation due to m al nutrition/m al abs orption) Infection – chronic CV 16 or CV 17 (m oxa) GB 36 ↑ TW 19 (m oxa) UB 21 ↓ or brown color GV 15 ↑ Sp 4 ↓ or brown colour on original point CV 8 (m oxa) P 8 ↓ /m oxa GV 20 (finger m oxa).8/22/13 One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Research.html 11/22 . GB 40 ↑ St 42 ↑ GV 14 ↓ TW 15 ↓ Lu 2 ↓ Lu 3 ↓ Lu 6 ↓ Lu 1 ↓ Treatment Point 2. Hip joint disease . GV 14 ↑/ red I Sr. leg thinned out & lengthened 9. caus ed by chicken pox virus ) TW 6. coccygeal region GV 3 ↓ J Sr. Influenza (acute viral infection of res piratory tract) 6. Sp 4 ↓ 2. St 29 ↓ K 2a ↓ (original) Sp 9 ↓ K 15 ↓ LI 2 ↓ Sp 6 ↓ Sp 4 ↓ K 10 ↓ GB 20 ↓.in/content-23. pain..8/22/13 One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Research. Disease Jaundice (dis eas e m arked by yellownes s of s clera & s kin) Treatment Point Sp 15 ↓ L Sr. LI 11 ↓ Sp 4 ↓ K 2 ↓ Sp 13 ↓ St 28 ↓. St 29 ↓ UB 50 ↓ UB 51 ↓ LI 10 ↓ Lu 11 ↓ St 44 ↓ St 25 ↓ St 45 ↓. knot. Injury . to enhance 7. 8. SI 19 ↓ TW 13 ↓ TW 3 ↓ UB 36 ↓ GV 24 ↓ Sp 6 ↓.peripheral nervous s ys tem /s acro . Sp 6 ↓ TW 15 ↑ 5. Disease Larynx Problems Laryngitis (inflam m ation of larynx) Paralys is Treatment Point Ly 4a ↓ (original) St 42 ↓. Legs Problems Calf pain Foot pain Foot drop. i.e. GB 29 ↓ GB 23 ↓ St 28 ↓.html 12/22 . Training and Treatment Sansthan . walking difficulty Soles hot Legs cold Feet pain/num bnes s /heavines s St 45 ↓ St 45 ↓ St 42 ↑ UB 67 ↓ GB 37 ↓ UB 61 ↑ acusansthan-ald. Inguinal trouble .No 1. Intoxication Intoxication by drugs Intoxication by carbon dioxide (s uffocation due to oxygen deficiency) UB 13 ↓ Lu 3 ↑ 9. hernia Immunity – weak.Allahabad Auditory m eatus (external ear canal) Neck Larynx Upper lim bs Lacrim al gland Internal inflam m ation .any where in body Heart Spleen Pelvis Kidney Vagina Ovaries Parotid gland Uterus Tes ticles Labia m ajor Cecum Abdom en (lower) Urinary tract Anus Hip/buttocks Sub m axillary gland Throat Thyroid gland TW 22 ↓.No 1. Mental diseases Des pair (s ens e of hopeles s nes s ) Apathy (lack of feeling or em otion) GV 9 ↓ K 7↑ acusansthan-ald. Liver abscess Limpness of muscles – legs . uterus Knots /s welling in lym ph gland Lum ps /knots below s kin St 40 ↓ TW10 ↓ St 40 ↓ M Sr. Measles (rubeola) Acute Chronic LI 4 ↓ GV 6 ↓ 3. eyes . St 45 ↓ St 31 ↓ St 45 ↓ Liv 7 ↓ UB 15 ↑. 5. Memory problems Forgetfulnes s Forgetfulnes s – recent Inability to com prehend Poor m em ory Mem ory recall problem Inability to forget Menier ’s disease (deafnes s . tinnitus & dizzines s due to ear dis order) Lu 7 ↓. elbows . Disease Male diseases Painful erection – at night Fatigue due to m as turbation Erotic m ania (exces s ive s exual thoughts ) Chronic m as turbation habit Orchitis (inflam m ation of tes tis ) Maturing problem Hypertrophy (enlargem ent) of pros trate Ins ufficient s perm s Exces s ive Sexual des ire (s atyrias is ) Interrupted intercours e (inveterate onanis m ) Shrunken tes ticles /as cended tes tis /im potency Neuralgia of s crotum Treatment Point CV 2 ↓ GV 6 ↑ CV 7 ↓ GV 3 ↓ UB 22 ↑.No 1. 5.any problem Calf . GB 25 ↓ 3. Training and Treatment Sansthan . Liv 6 ↓ CV 6 ↑ UB 28 ↓ K 2↓ GV 13 ↓ GV 3 ↓ St 29 ↑ CV 7 ↓ 2. Lumps/Knots Lum ps in thyroid. H 9 ↑.any problem Thigh . H3↓ Lu 7 ↓ H 9↑ Liv 1 ↑ Lu 11 ↓ LI 11 ↓ GV 20 ↑.html 13/22 .8/22/13 One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Research. CV 5 ↓ 8. Lu 3 ↑ UB 23 ↑ UB 51 UB 54 UB 57 St 45 ↓ SI 7 ↓ GB 40 ↑.Allahabad Leg pain Leg . 4. Lumbar Problems Pain along with difficulty in bending Pain radiating to s crotum Pain – acute/s evere Lungs – heavines s /burning UB 51 ↓ St 39 ↓ UB 56 ↓ 7.any problem St 31 ↓. Lithiasis (form ation of s tones ) 6.inability to rais e Knee pain with s ound Knee bending problem Knee arthritis Knee pain & s welling Buttocks . GB 43 ↓ 4. worry Depres s ion. Mouth. GV 13 ↓ P4↓ N Sr. grief. confus ion Depres s ion.frequent Depres s ion/s adnes s . Nephroptosis (downward dis placem ent of kidney) 4. res entful) Hallucination (a fals e s ens e perception of s ight/ touch/ s ound/s m ell/ tas te) Hypochondrias is (m orbid anxiety of one’ s health) Intolerance Irritation Des ire to kill Maniac s tate (dis ordered m ental s tate of extrem e excitem ent/obs es s ive preoccupation with s om ething) Mental Dis order Negligent Neuros is (an em otion anxiety dis order caus ed by unres olved conflicts ) Over excitem ent Ps ycho .neuros is Exaggerated reflexes Sem antic dis turbance (inability to com prehend/us e words ) Sadnes s Extravagant s peech Suicidal tendency Inability to coordinate thoughts Tim idity Los t s ens e of values Fear of death Spas tic (uncontrolled/unjus tified) laughter Uncontrolled s eizure of laughter Laughter – inces s ant/loud Depres s ion.8/22/13 One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Research. Training and Treatment Sansthan . Nerve problems To tonify the nerves deeply Neuritis GV 6 ↑ Sp 2 ↑ 5. anxiety. Neck stiffness 3.No 1. Neuralgia (paroxys m al pain along cours e of a nerve) acusansthan-ald. St 34 ↓ P 7 ↓. aloofnes s Ins anity Brain power. to im prove Hys teria (m ental dis order m arked by lack of control over acts & em otions ) Pres ence of m ind – reduced 6. crying . forgetfulnes s .in/content-23.html 14/22 . TW 5 ↑ GB 25 ↓ 2. Disease Nausea & vomiting Treatment Point St 21 ↑. throat problems Inflam m ation of m outh Dry m outh with avers ion to drinking Drynes s in m outh & pharynx Dry m outh with great thirs t Blis ters on lips & m outh due to fever Difficulties in m as tication Violent contracture of lips Red rim m ed m outh ulcer Lock jaw Food s tuck in throat Sanguinolent s aliva (bloody tinge in s aliva) Uncontrolled flow of s aliva Food/ water in wind pipe Sialorrhoea (Exces s s alivation but m outh feels dry) Stom atitis (generalized inflam m ation of the m outh cavity) Bitter tas te in m outh Bitter tas te in m outh with naus ea & dizzines s GV 12 ↓ GV 11 ↓ Lu 9 ↑ TW 4 ↑ CV 24 ↓ TW 20 (m oxa) TW 21 ↑ LI 7 ↓ TW 22 ↓ CV 16 ↑ SI 15 ↑ St 39 ↓ H 9 (pres s ) CV 7 ↑ St 42 ↓ CV 2 ↓ CV 3 ↓ Lu 5 ↓ or GV 6 ↓ GV 10 ↑ GV 19 ↓ CV 5 ↓ GV 1 ↓ Liv 8 ↑ GV 13 ↓ GV 12 ↓ GV 11 ↓ GV 11 ↓ Lu 9 ↑ GV 10 ↑ UB 65 ↓ GV 11 ↓ St 40 ↓ GV 13 ↑ SI 3 ↑ CV 7 ↑ GV 11 ↓ GV 15 ↓ GV 19 ↑ CV 6 ↑ GV 12 ↓ H 7↓ Lu 7 ↑ LI 5 ↓ P 8↓ Lu 3 ↑ Lu 3 ↓ Lu 7 ↓ K 4↑ GV 16 ↓ GV 25 ↑ St 40 ↓.Allahabad Dem oniac pos s es s ion (pos s es s ion by ghos ts ) Dis traught (m ental res tles s nes s ) Exces s excitability Erethis m us (tendency to m ake m ountain out of m ole hill. lips. LI 16 ↓ SI 18 ↓ GB 7. UB 9 ↓. GV 2 ↓. St 8 ↓ GB 1. SI 11 ↓ Lu 3 ↓. LI 2 ↓. GB 31 ↓. St 35 ↓ UB 53 ↓. CV 24 ↓. UB 53 ↓ GB 35 ↓. LI 15 ↓.Allahabad Axilla neuralgia Cranial neuralgia Trigem inal neuralgia Facial Neuralgia Cheek neuralgia Frontal neuralgia Tem ple neuralgia Ocular (eye) neuralgia Dental neuralgia Lower teeth neuralgia Upper teeth neuralgia Neck neuralgia Occipital neuralgia Scrofula neuralgia Intercos tals neuralgia Ches t neuralgia Breas t neuralgia Shoulder neuralgia Scapula neuralgia Thoracic nerve neuralgia Dors o lum ber neuralgia Sacral neuralgia Lum ber neuralgia Uterus neuralgia Abdom en neuralgia Epigas trium neuralgia Lower abdom en neuralgia Genital neuralgia Scrotum neuralgia Inguinal neuralgia Leg neuralgia Lower lim b neuralgia Thigh neuralgia Thigh inner m us cle neuralgia Thigh s kin neuralgia Knee neuralgia Popliteal neuralgia Calf neuralgia Fibular neuralgia Ankle neuralgia Foot dors um neuralgia Wris t neuralgia Arm neuralgia Radial nerve neuralgia Arm anterior s urface neuralgia Arm neuralgia with intercos tals neuralgia Shoulder pos terior s urface neuralgia Scapula to wris t neuralgia Scapula to elbow neuralgia Forearm neuralgia Forearm to neck Elbow neuralgia Finger neuralgia Ring & little finer neuralgia Ring finger neuralgia Index & m iddle finger neuralgia Thum b neuralgia Bas e of thum b neuralgia Palm & finger neuralgia Palm neuralgia GB 40 ↓ GB 7 ↓ Lu 7 ↓ Lu 7 ↓. LI 5 ↓.No Disease Treatment Point acusansthan-ald. St 3 ↓. UB 28 ↓. St 2 ↓.GB 32 ↓. GB 34 ↓ St 34 ↓. St 4 ↓. TW 5 ↓ H 7 ↓ (oppos ite s ide) TW 5 ↓ (oppos ite s ide) P 7↓ Lu 7 ↓ Lu 7 ↑. St 7 ↓. K 8 ↓ UB 59 ↓ Liv 8 ↓ GB 30 ↓. St 18 ↓. GB 37 ↓. Sp 1 ↓. GB 36 ↓ GB 37 ↓ GB 42 ↓ SI 10 ↓. SI 2 ↓.8/22/13 One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Research. UB30 ↓ Liv 1 ↓. St 6 ↓. LI 3 ↓. SI 1 ↓. SI 17 ↓ UB 13 ↓ UB 27 ↓. LI 5 ↓(s am e s ide) SI 7 ↓ LI 13 ↓ 6. CV 3 ↓ UB 28 ↓ St 23 ↓ St 26 ↓.in/content-23. TW 3 ↓ Lu 8 ↓ Lu 9 ↓. SI 2 ↓.html 15/22 . St 3 ↓. LI 10 ↓ TW 12 ↓ LI 14 ↓ Lu 9 ↓. Lu 4 ↓ UB 5 ↓. K 4 ↑ UB 58 ↓ GV 25 ↓ O Sr. K 6 ↓ GB 39 ↓. H 3 ↓ GB 43 ↓ UB 2 ↓. UB 53 ↓ UB 47 ↓ CV 7 ↓ St 45 ↓ Sp 6 ↓. GB 37 ↓ UB 9 ↓. GB 27 ↓.TW 1 ↓. LI 4 ↓ UB 11 ↓. Nose Disorders Rhinophym a (chronic s kin dis eas e of nos e m arked by rednes s & s welling) Nos e bleed Nos e blocked Allergic rhinitis (inflam m ation of nos e due to allergy) GV 25 ↓ UB 64 ↓. UB 14 ↓ St 5 ↓. UB 28 ↓. TW 1 ↓ LI 11 ↓.GB 38 ↓ Liv 1 ↓. Lu 2 ↓ Liv 3 ↓ Liv 3 ↓. LI 13 ↓ Lu 9 ↓ LI 2 ↓ LI 6 ↓ LI 11 ↓ SI 1 ↓. GB 26 ↓. LI 12 ↓. GV 3 ↓. LI 14 ↓. LI 6 ↑ (oppos ite s ide) Lu 9 ↓. LI 3 ↓ Lu 5 ↓. Training and Treatment Sansthan . Pain Acute pain Pain aggravated by cold water & inhibited by hot fom entation Piercing pain (aggravates on m ovem ent) Ribs pain Calf m us cles pain Chronic heel pain (Tatalgia) Pain of entire arm Pain in hip. Portal hypertension (high B.P. thick nas al dis charge) GB 39 ↑ CV 6 ↑ .8/22/13 One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Research.No Disease 1. leg along with cold feet Dis location of s houlders with s evere pain Sciatica pain accom panied by weaknes s Inflam m ation of ankle joint Intercos tal/lum bar neuralgia Inflam m ation of dors um of foot Acute lower back s prain Perifocal inflam m ation of s houlder Pain & s welling of fingers Pain in bottom of foot Inflam m ation . Pneumonia 5.) CV 6 ↑ or CV 3 ↓ CV 6 ↑ Liv 2 ↓ TW 6 UB 57 St 43 ↓ LI 7 ↓ St 34 ↑ SI 8 ↓ GB 33 ↑ UB 59 ↑ GB 25 ↓ GB 42 ↑ GV 26 ↓ St 38 ↓ TW 2 ↓ UB 63 ↓ Lu 5 ↓ P 9 ↑. in portal vein) Liv 1 ↓ UB 13 ↓ CV 9 ↓ St 40 ↓. Pituita (acute. face.s tart treatm ent two days prior 9. Paronychia (s kin infection near finger/toe nail) 6.excess 7.html 16/22 .anywhere Sudden inflam m ation of brain & s pinal cord Pain in dors um of foot Parkins on’s disease (chronic dis eas e of nervous s ys tem m arked by trem ors . Piles Chronic Hem orrhagic (bleeding) CV 6 ↑ K 7↑ 8. knee.anywhere Edem a of abdom en. Occipital headache/heaviness GV 16 ↓ 2. lim bs along with borborygm as (rum bling nois e in intes tines ) GB 40 ↓ H 9↑ UB 13 ↑ CV 9 ↑ St 43 ↓ 3. Osteitis (inflam m ation of bone) Sp 5 ↓ CV 6 ↑ 4. Training and Treatment Sansthan . 3. rigidity & peculiar gait. Phlegm. Poisoning Carbon m ono oxide pois oning Food Pois oning Lu 3 ↑ K 9↑ acusansthan-ald. Sp 9 ↓ H 7 ↓ St 42 ↑ UB 7 ↓. Poornima/amavasya problems 10. UB 15 ↑ or UB 15 ↓ Treatment Point 2. Osteomyelitis (inflam m ation of bone due to pyogenic infection) P Sr. etc. Oedema (swelling) Pitted edem a of face & neck Tendency to edem a Edem a of lungs Pitted type edem a .Allahabad 1. pus containing les ions of s kin) Dry. Problems after bathing K 2↓ SI 3 ↑ Liv 4 ↑ 13. Scoliosis (lateral curvature of vertebral colum n) Treatment Point UB 64 ↑ 2. Rayna ud’s disease (vas cular dis eas e m ainly affecting fingers /toes & m arked by num bnes s . Sickness in morning TW 4 ↑. aggravated by touch of cloth Throat abs ces s Bone abs ces s Vaginal pruritus (itching) Urethra/vulva pruritus Intens e pruritus – whole body St 41 ↑ K 2 ↓. CV 1 (pres s ) S Sr. Rectum problems Sudden anal prolaps e Inflam m ation of anus Resuscitation (restoration of life)– after drowning CV 8 (m oxa) UB 50 ↓ 3. Liv 5 ↑ acusansthan-ald. Ly 3 ↓ 5.html 17/22 . Sinusitis (inflam m ation of paranas al s inus ) 6. inflam m ation & dis coloration) Treatment Point Lu 9 ↑ 2. CV 12 ↑ LI 4 ↑. Training and Treatment Sansthan .8/22/13 One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Research.Allahabad 11. Liv 5 ↑ CV 3 ↓.in/content-23. LI 11 ↓ CV 2 ↓ St 15 ↓ H 5↓ Sp 5 ↓ CV 7 ↓. GB 31 ↓ CV 2 ↓ 3.No Disease 1.No Disease 1. Progressive muscular atrophy (gradual decreas e in s ize of m us cular tis s ues ) Prostate gland enlargement (s ym ptom s – frequent urination at night. Precocious senility (unus ually early phys ical and m ental deterioration as s ociated with old age) GV 4 ↑ 12. drop by drop urination) 14. Sciatica Lum ber pain & pain at back of leg Lum ber pain & pain on lateral s ide of leg UB 60 ↓ GB 30 ↓. Sebaceous glands (glands s ituated below s kin & s ecreting s ebum & opening into hair follicles ) inflammation 4. elevated. R Sr. CV 7 ↓. GB 38 ↓ LI 11 ↑ GV 6 ↑ CV 13 ↓ UB 54 ↑. Skin diseases Erys ipelas (rednes s &s welling of s kin with fever& other s ys tem ic s ym ptom s ) Furuncle (boil) Furunculos is (occurrence of m any boils at a tim e) Pus tules (s m all. hot s kin Any type of s kin dis eas e Abs ces s of uterus neck Pain in s kin. Spleen disorders General dis orders Splenom egaly/inflam m ation of s pleen Splenom egaly along with m alaria Sp 15 ↓ Liv 7 ↓. Study & teaching problems To com prehend teachings To teach with clarity H 9↑ Lu 11 ↓ GV 26 ↓. UB 65 ↓ Sp 10 ↓. Spinal marrow disorders 12. GV 20 ↓ UB 13 ↑. K 1 ↓ 17. chills Dis tention & pain due to gas St St Sp Sp 25 ↓ 34 ↓ 15 ↓ 3 ↓. Speech problem Aphonia (los s of voice) Weak voice Inability to com prehend s peech Extravagant s peech H 5↑ Lu 9 ↑ SI 3 ↑ GV11 ↓ K 7↑ 11.B. Spine Problems Spine – exces s ive extens ion Strengthen/s traighten s pine in cas e of chronic backache Lum bo s acral pain/ tail bone pain Spinal T.Allahabad Sim ple pruritus – whole body Infection & itching in groin Ulcers anywhere in body Urticaria (trans ient appearance of s lightly elevated red/pale patches on s kin) Prickly heat Form ication (s ens ation of ins ect crawling on s kin) Proud fles h (granulated m as s over an abs ces s ). Stomach disorders Gas tritis (inflam m ation of s tom ach) . K 6 ↓ . UB 54 ↓ CV 15 ↑ SI 4 ↓. fis s ures . Stool disorders Fetid (foul odor) s tool with undiges ted m atter Dis coloured s tool Dis colored s tool with golden yellow urine Enteriform (s em i s olid) s tool with m ucous Lu 1 ↓ Liv 6 ↓ UB 23 ↓ CV 4 ↓ 16.8/22/13 One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Research. St 40 ↑. Sunstroke acusansthan-ald.html 18/22 . UB 62 ↑ CV 6 ↑. Somnambulism (sleep walking) 9.acute/chronic Pain – s evere Dis tention due to gas . UB 62 ↓ GV 19 ↑. Spasm (contracture) Es ophageal s pas m Gas tric s pas m Internal s pas m Violent s pas m or contracture of the s tom ach Spas m of the lower extrem ity GV 11 ↓ St 40 ↓ Liv 2 ↓ GV 8 ↓ GB 32 ↑ 10. CV 6↑ 13. CV 12 ↓ Liv 10 ↓ CV 6 ↑ CV 7 ↓ UB 52 ↓ Sp 1 ↓ St 45 ↓ Sp 5 ↓ 8. K 6 ↑. Sleep Disorders Ins om nia (inability to s leep) Hypers om nia (exces s ive s leep) Chronic ins om nia To caus e a patient to s leep Ins om nia of the aged Ins om nia due to fear Pacing the whole night/ inability to lie down Dream dis turbed s leep Nightm are GV 19 ↓. GV 16 ↓ Sp 3 ↑ GV 19 ↓. chaps CV 3 ↓ K 2↓ Sp 11 ↓ UB 65 ↓ St 32 ↓. boils . H 5 ↑ 7. Sp 15 ↓ Liv 13 ↓ 14. Training and Treatment Sansthan . due to Paralys is Lu 11 ↓ St 39 ↓. Training and Treatment Sansthan . Lu 7 ↓ Lu 5 ↓ GB 41 ↓ GV 21 ↑ 2.html 19/22 . Sweating Sweating at night Sweating on head while eating (due to s tom ach heat) To caus e a patient to s weat SI 3 ↓. GV 25 ↓ TW 20 ↑. due to External wind heat attack. Suppuration (formation of pus) General treatm ent General tendency to s uppuration Os s eous s uppuration (pus form ation in bone) CV 6 ↑ TW 3 ↑ CV 9 ↓. Tuberculosis of lymph node 3. Terror in children Thirst Exces s thirs t Exces s thirs t with dry throat Intens e thirs t Continuous thirs t Sp 4 ↓ LI 6 ↓ LI 4 ↓. TW 5 ↓ H 9↓ 5. Suffocation Suffocation in reclining pos ition Suffocation . H 6 ↑ St 41 ↓ Liv 10 ↑ 21. due to Internal heat. s wollen tongue Pale & s tiff tongue Puffy tongue Flaccid (having deficient m us cular tone) tongue.8/22/13 One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Research. Sp 4 ↓ 6. LI 4 ↓ Lu 11 ↓ Lu 10 ↓ St 42 ↓. Swelling Swelling in body Swelling in Lim bs St 43 ↓ St 37 ↓ CV 3 ↓ 22. inability to s peak H 9↑ LI 4 ↓ Lu 7 ↓ TW 1 ↑ acusansthan-ald. St 44 ↓ LI 4 ↓. Throat problems Infection Occlus ion (obs truction/s tiffnes s ) Pharyngitis /s ore throat (inflam m ation of throat) External wind cold attack. Disease Teeth (Including gums & jaws) problems Inflam m ation of teeth Toothache . UB 17 ↓ Ly 4b ↓ (original) Lu 7 ↓. Tongue disorders Painful.No 1.lower Upper jaw pain/ inflam m ation/node Mas tication (chewing) problem Bleeding of gum s Lower jaw pain Infection in teeth Coldnes s in teeth Protrus ion of upper teeth Treatment Point Ly 2 ↓ LI 3 ↓.Allahabad 18.s St6 ↑ St 44 ↓ St 44 ↓ LI 6 ↓ LI 4 ↓. due to trachea obs truction Lu 2 ↓ LI 2 ↓ 19. Syncope (tem porary los s of cons cious nes s ) 23 Synovitis (inflam m ation of s ynovial m em brane) Liv 2 ↓ or K 2 ↓ T Sr. CV 6 ↑ 20. Allahabad 7. breathles s nes s .children Retention of urine Liv 8 ↑ GV 3 ↓ GB 25 ↓ UB 21 ↓ UB 21 ↓ CV 4 ↓ CV 7 ↓ CV 7 ↓ CV 4 ↑ CV 6 ↑. naus ea.. i. Urinary diseases Anuria (abs ence of urine form ation by kidneys ) Glycos uria (pres ence of glucos e in urine) Hydronephros is (dis tens ion of renal pelvis & calices with urine due to ureter obs truction Oliguria (dim inis hed form ation of urine) Polyuria (exces s ive excretion of urine) Urethritis (inflam m ation of urethra) Severe burning in urethra during/before/after urination Pain due to urethral s tone Album inuria (pres ence of s erum album in in urine) Incontinence of urine (inability to hold back urine) Incontinence of urine .e. earache..8/22/13 One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Research. i. dizzines s Aeroplane s icknes s . dizzines s Motor cycle/s cooter/cycle cram ps Travel illnes s . vom iting.html 20/22 . i. falling ill during travel Travel phobia. ulcer on varicos e veins Duodenal ulcer Treatment Point St 35 ↓ H 5↓ Sp 5 ↓ St 45 ↓ 2.e. deafnes s . frequent m otions . i.fem ales (due to weak s phincter) Prolaps e of urinary bladder Bed wetting . varicos e (dis tended) veins Varicos e ulcer Varicos e veins along with hem orrhoids (piles ) Treatment Point Sp 5 ↓ Sp 5 ↓ GB 38 ↓ acusansthan-ald. Tonsil disorders Tons il hypertrophy (enlargem ent) Swollen ulcerated tons ils Tons illitis (inflam m ation of tons il) Inflam m ation. Sea s icknes s .e. i. U Sr.e. i.. Travel sickness Mountain s icknes s dizzines s . Disease Veins problems Painful. LI 6 ↓ Sp 8 ↑.No 1. i. K 7↑ K 3↑ K 4 ↓. Training and Treatment Sansthan . Lu 9 ↓.No 1. Torticolis/wryneck (s tiff neck with tors ion) Toxins – to expel 9. urination & palpitation before travel Trembling – any body part GV 12 ↓ CV 14 ↓ GB 34 ↓ TW 10 ↓ Liv 3 ↓ CV 14 ↓ H 7↓ UB 15 ↓ 11. UB 64 ↑ K 8↑ 8. V Sr.all five types of tons ils TW 4 ↑ H 7↓ Lu 11 ↓ P 7↓ GV 14 ↓. 10. dizzines s Bus /car s icknes s . diarrhea.e.e. Disease Ulcers Ulcerating proces s in legs & feet Gas tric (s tom ach) ulcer Varicos e ulcer.e.. hand & forearm .No 1.Allahabad 2.. CV 6 ↑. (all points can als o be us ed together) Treatment Point 2. in s pite of proper diet 3. All Rights Reserved. Training and Treatment Sansthan. Weight loss (em aciation). weaknes s & fatigue Los s of phys ical & m oral energy Phys ical & m ental fatigue Inadequate growth in s pite of good diet Nervous pros tration. K 3 ↑ Copyright © Acupressure Research.. Training and Treatment Sansthan Vomiting Acute vom iting Vom iting along with convuls ion (repeated m us cular contraction) Vom iting during pregnancy CV 14 ↓ UB 21 ↓ CV 14 ↓ W Sr. i. Y Sr.8/22/13 One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Research. Liv 8 ↑.No Disease 1. i. Worms Intes tinal worm s Intes tinal paras ites Form ication (s ens ation of s m all ins ects creeping) all over the body Writer ’s cramp (s pas m odic contractions of m us cles of fingers . Developed & Hosted By Inet Revolution You are visitor number : acusansthan-ald. exces s fatigue Phys ical & m ental weaknes s Progres s ive em aciation Profound phys ical & m ental weaknes s Liv 8 ↑ CV 3 ↓ CV 6 ↑ GV 13 ↑ GV 3 ↓ Sp 5 ↓ GV 13 ↑ CV 10 ↑ CV 6 ↑ CV 4 ↑ CV4 ↑. Disease Yawning Frequent Treatment Point GV 13 ↑ Lu 9 ↑. Vertigo Vertigo (s ens ation of rotation) with tinnitus (nois e in ears ) Vertigo without tinnitus TW 10 ↓ TW 10 ↑ 3. Sp 10 ↓ St 25 ↓ St 32 ↑ H 3↓ 4.e.html 21/22 . CV 10 ↑. with neuralgic pain) UB 67 ↑. Weakness Em aciation (condition of being extrem ely lean) due to exces s acetone in blood As thenia (weaknes s ) Depletion of phys ical energy. intcontent.Allahabad acusansthan-ald. Training and Treatment Sansthan .html 22/22 .8/22/13 One Point Acupressure Treatment : Acupressure Research.23.
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