One Line Rv 10 Users Manual

March 25, 2018 | Author: MiguelAngelCedanoBurrola | Category: Electrical Substation, Email, Electrical Engineering, Technology, Software



ASPENOneLiner Version 10 User's Manual Advanced Systems for Power Engineering, Inc. NOTICE ASPEN OneLiner™ is a proprietary computer program of Advanced Systems for Power Engineering, Inc. (ASPEN). The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Advanced Systems for Power Engineering, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. Copyright  1988-2005 Advanced Systems for Power Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. HOW TO ORDER MORE MANUALS This User's Manual may be duplicated by the Licensee for its own use. You can order a new copy by writing to the address below. Please refer to document OL-UM -2005. HOW TO REACH ASPEN Mailing address: ASPEN 34 N. San Mateo Drive San Mateo, CA 94401 U.S.A. Telephone: Fax: eMail (tech support in English): eMail (tech support in Spanish): eMail (tech support in Portuguese): Web Site: (650)347-3997 (650)347-0233 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Our office hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Pacific time (GMT-8 in the winter, GMT-7 in the summer), Monday through Friday. _________________________________________________________________________________ ASPEN OneLiner™, ASPEN Power Flow™, ASPEN Overcurrent Relay Editor™, ASPEN Distance Relay Editor™, ASPEN DistriView™, ASPEN Batch Short Circuit Module™, ASPEN PowerScript™, ASPEN Breaker Rating Module™ and ASPEN Relay Database™ are trademarks of Advanced Systems for Power Engineering, Inc. PSS/E™ and PSS/U™ are trademarks of Power Technologies, Inc.® IBM  is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Incorporated. Microsoft  is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. Windows™ is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. Contents SECTION 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 9 ONELINER FEATURES........................................................................................................................................................9 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................................15 NETWORK SUPPORT ........................................................................................................................................................15 SYSTEM SIZE LIMITATION ............................................................................................................................................15 BATCH SHORT CIRCUIT MODULE................................................................................................................................15 BREAKER RATING MODULE...........................................................................................................................................16 RELAY DATABASE..............................................................................................................................................................16 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL............................................................................................................17 2.1 INSTALLING THE WORKING MODEL ..........................................................................................................................17 2.2 STARTING THE WORKING MODEL..............................................................................................................................18 2.3 INSTALLING THE PRODUCTION VERSION.................................................................................................................18 2.4 STARTING THE PRODUCTION VERSION.....................................................................................................................19 2.5 FILES......................................................................................................................................................................................19 2.6 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................................21 2.7 ONE-LINE SYMBOLS .........................................................................................................................................................22 2.8 ONELINER QUICK TUTORIAL........................................................................................................................................23 OPENING A BINARY DATA FILE......................................................................................................................................23 MOVING SYMBOLS ON THE ONE-LINE DIAGRAM.....................................................................................................24 REVIEWING AND EDITING EQUIPMENT PARAMETERS ..........................................................................................25 REVIEWING AND EDITING RELAY PARAMETERS......................................................................................................27 DELETING AND RESTORING EQUIPMENT..................................................................................................................29 ADDING EQUIPMENT........................................................................................................................................................31 GETTING AROUND..............................................................................................................................................................35 SIMULATING AND DISPLAYING FAULTS......................................................................................................................40 DISPLAYING RELAY OPERATING TIME ON THE 1-LINE DIAGRAM.......................................................................46 DISPLAYING POST-FAULT SOLUTIONS ON OVERCURRENT RELAY CURVES...................................................47 VIEWING DIFFERENT FAULTS ........................................................................................................................................50 TRIAL ADJUSTMENT OF OVERCURRENT RELAYS ....................................................................................................51 ADJUSTING OVERCURRENT RELAY SETTINGS..........................................................................................................52 GETTING RELAY TEST VALUES.......................................................................................................................................53 DISPLAYING POST-FAULT SOLUTION ON DISTANCE RELAY CURVES ...............................................................54 CHECKING RELAY COORDINATION..............................................................................................................................57 IMPORTING A NETWORK DATA FILE IN TEXT FORMAT..........................................................................................60 IMPORTING A RELAY DATA FILE IN TEXT FORMAT .................................................................................................64 CREATING A BUS FAULT SUMMARY.............................................................................................................................65 PERFORMING A VOLTAGE SAG ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................................66 GETTING ONLINE HELP ABOUT OneLiner ...................................................................................................................68 EXITING OneLiner ...............................................................................................................................................................69 TO EXPLORE FURTHER.....................................................................................................................................................69 2.9 BATCH SHORT CIRCUIT QUICK TUTORIAL...............................................................................................................70 STARTING BATCH SHORT CIRCUIT ...............................................................................................................................70 OPENING A BINARY DATA FILE......................................................................................................................................71 ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 Contents • i SIMULATING FAULTS ........................................................................................................................................................72 GETTING ONLINE HELP ABOUT Batch Short Circuit.................................................................................................75 EXITING Batch Short Circuit.............................................................................................................................................77 TO EXPLORE FURTHER.....................................................................................................................................................77 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE............................................................................................................................79 3.1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................................79 3.2 MAIN WINDOW COMMANDS ......................................................................................................................................80 FILE MENU......................................................................................................................................................................82 NEW COMMAND................................................................................................................................................................82 OPEN BINARY DATA FILE COMMAND........................................................................................................................83 OPEN TEXT DATA FILE COMMAND.............................................................................................................................84 CLOSE COMMAND.............................................................................................................................................................85 SAVE COMMAND...............................................................................................................................................................86 SAVE AS COMMAND.........................................................................................................................................................87 FILE COMMENTS COMMAND........................................................................................................................................88 STATISTICS COMMAND...................................................................................................................................................89 MERGE FILE COMMAND .................................................................................................................................................90 EXPORT NETWORK DATA COMMAND.......................................................................................................................91 EXPORT BREAKER DATA COMMAND.........................................................................................................................94 EXPORT SUBSTATION DATA COMMAND..................................................................................................................95 READ CHANGE FILE COMMAND...................................................................................................................................96 PRINT SETUP COMMAND................................................................................................................................................97 PRINT ONE-LINE DIAGRAM COMMAND ....................................................................................................................98 EXPORT ONE-LINE DIAGRAM COMMAND ..............................................................................................................100 EXIT COMMAND..............................................................................................................................................................101 NETWORK MENU ......................................................................................................................................................102 PROPERTIES COMMAND ...............................................................................................................................................102 OPTION COMMAND........................................................................................................................................................103 NEW | BUS COMMAND....................................................................................................................................................104 NEW | GENERATOR COMMAND...................................................................................................................................111 NEW | LOAD COMMAND................................................................................................................................................116 NEW | SHUNT COMMAND..............................................................................................................................................119 NEW | SWITCHED SHUNT COMMAND........................................................................................................................122 NEW | LINE COMMAND ..................................................................................................................................................125 NEW | SERIES CAPACITOR/REACTOR COMMAND ..................................................................................................128 NEW | 2-WINDING TRANSFORMER COMMAND ......................................................................................................130 NEW | PHASE SHIFTER COMMAND .............................................................................................................................135 NEW | SWITCH COMMAND............................................................................................................................................138 NEW | 3-W TRANSFORMER COMMAND.....................................................................................................................140 NEW | 2-TERMINAL DC LINE COMMAND..................................................................................................................145 NEW | MUTUAL COUPLING PAIR COMMAND .........................................................................................................148 NEW | ANNOTATION COMMAND................................................................................................................................149 DELETE | OBJECT COMMAND ......................................................................................................................................151 DELETE | ALL IN AREA/ZONE COMMAND ................................................................................................................152 DELETE | ALL INSIDE REGION COMMAND ...............................................................................................................153 DELETE | ALL OUTSIDE REGION COMMAND...........................................................................................................154 DELETE | ALL BREAKERS COMMAND........................................................................................................................155 DELETE | MUTUAL COUPLING PAIRS INVOLVING SELECTED LINE COMMAND ...........................................156 DELETE | MUTUAL COUPLING PAIR COMMAND ...................................................................................................157 RESTORE COMMAND .....................................................................................................................................................158 CHANGE | NOMINAL kV COMMAND..........................................................................................................................159 CHANGE | T TO 3-W TRANSFORMER COMMAND...................................................................................................161 ii • Contents ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 CHANGE | LINE TO SERIES CAPACITOR/REACTOR COMMAND..........................................................................163 CHANGE | BUSES IN REGION COMMAND..................................................................................................................164 TOGGLE SWITCH COMMAND ......................................................................................................................................165 TAKE OUT OF SERVICE COMMAND...........................................................................................................................166 PUT IN SERVICE COMMAND.........................................................................................................................................167 COPY COMMAND ............................................................................................................................................................168 PASTE COMMAND...........................................................................................................................................................169 SPLIT BUS COMMAND....................................................................................................................................................171 MERGE BUSES COMMAND............................................................................................................................................172 INSERT TAP BUS COMMAND .......................................................................................................................................173 REMOVE TAP BUS COMMAND ....................................................................................................................................174 MUTUAL COUPLING | MUTUAL GROUP PROPERTIES COMMAND...................................................................175 MUTUAL COUPLING | MUTUAL COUPLING PAIR PROPERTIES COMMAND..................................................177 SET GENERATOR REF. ANGLE COMMAND ..............................................................................................................179 RESET ALL TRANSFORMER TAPS TO NOMINAL COMMAND.............................................................................180 BOUNDARY EQUIVALENT COMMAND .....................................................................................................................181 OUTAGE LIST COMMAND.............................................................................................................................................187 DIAGRAM MENU........................................................................................................................................................188 COPY ONE-LINE GRAPHICS TO CLIPBOARD COMMAND.....................................................................................188 OPTIONS COMMAND......................................................................................................................................................189 kV COLOR CODE COMMAND........................................................................................................................................191 EQUIV. BRANCH COLOR CODE COMMAND.............................................................................................................193 PLACE BUSES COMMAND .............................................................................................................................................194 BUS SYMBOL | DOT/HORIZONTAL BAR/VERTICAL BAR/ LONGER/SHORTER/ROTATE COMMANDS ......196 BUS SYMBOL | SHOW (OR HIDE) ID COMMAND......................................................................................................197 HIDE BUSES | SELECTED BUS COMMAND .................................................................................................................198 HIDE BUSES | INSIDE/OUTSIDE REGION COMMAND..............................................................................................199 SHOW BUSES | INSIDE/OUTSIDE REGION COMMAND............................................................................................200 SHOW / HIDE AREA OR ZONE COMMAND................................................................................................................201 SNAP TO STATE PLANE COORDINATES COMMAND.............................................................................................202 ATTACH/DETACH ANNOTATION TO/FROM OBJECT COMMAND....................................................................203 RESET TEXT POSITION COMMAND............................................................................................................................204 INSERT LINE KINK COMMAND....................................................................................................................................205 SCALE/SHIFT ONE-LINE COMMAND...........................................................................................................................206 VIEW MENU ..................................................................................................................................................................207 FIND BUS BY NAME COMMAND.................................................................................................................................207 FIND BUS BY NUMBER COMMAND............................................................................................................................208 FIND ANNOTATION COMMAND.................................................................................................................................209 GO TO END BUS COMMAND ........................................................................................................................................210 HIGHLIGHT ATTACHED OBJECT COMMAND.........................................................................................................211 PLAIN 1-LINE COMMAND..............................................................................................................................................212 IMPEDANCES ON 1-LINE COMMAND.........................................................................................................................213 MUTUAL PAIRS ON 1-LINE COMMAND ....................................................................................................................214 BRANCH NAMES ON 1-LINE COMMAND ..................................................................................................................215 AREAS, TIE LINES ON 1-LINE COMMAND .................................................................................................................216 TTY WINDOW COMMAND ............................................................................................................................................217 TOOLBAR COMMAND....................................................................................................................................................218 DEVICE PALETTE COMMAND......................................................................................................................................219 RELAY MENU................................................................................................................................................................220 PROPERTIES COMMAND ...............................................................................................................................................220 OPTIONS COMMAND......................................................................................................................................................223 NEW RELAY GROUP COMMAND.................................................................................................................................225 DELETE RELAY GROUP COMMAND...........................................................................................................................226 ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 Contents • iii VIEW RELAY CURVES COMMAND...............................................................................................................................227 OPEN CURVE COLLECTION COMMAND....................................................................................................................228 OVERCURRENT/DISTANCE RELAY WINDOW COMMAND....................................................................................230 PLACE IMPORTED RELAY COMMAND......................................................................................................................231 FORM COORDINATION PAIR COMMAND................................................................................................................232 CREATE RELAY TEST FILE COMMAND .....................................................................................................................234 IMPORT RELAY COMMAND.........................................................................................................................................240 EXPORT RELAY COMMAND.........................................................................................................................................241 REPORT COMMAND .......................................................................................................................................................242 DELETE ALL RELAYS COMMAND ...............................................................................................................................243 FAULTS MENU............................................................................................................................................................244 SPECIFY CLASSICAL FAULT COMMAND...................................................................................................................244 SPECIFY SIMULTANEOUS FAULT COMMAND ........................................................................................................249 SHOW SOLUTION ON 1-LINE COMMAND..................................................................................................................252 SHOW PHASORS COMMAND ........................................................................................................................................256 SOLUTION REPORT COMMAND..................................................................................................................................259 VOLTAGE-SAG ANALYSIS | RUN COMMAND...........................................................................................................262 VOLTAGE-SAG ANALYSIS | SHOW 3LG/2LG/1LG/LL FAULTS SOLUTION ON 1-LINE COMMAND ...............264 BUS FAULT SUMMARY COMMAND...........................................................................................................................265 GROUND CURRENT CALCULATOR COMMAND.....................................................................................................268 FAULT LOCATOR COMMAND .....................................................................................................................................270 OPTIONS COMMAND......................................................................................................................................................273 CHECK MENU .............................................................................................................................................................275 PRIMARY/BACUP RELAY COORDINATION COMMAND.......................................................................................275 OC MINIMUM PICKUP COMMAND............................................................................................................................280 OC INSTANTANEOUS SETTING COMMAND ............................................................................................................283 RELAY LOADABILITY COMMAND..............................................................................................................................287 NETWORK ANOMALIES COMMAND..........................................................................................................................289 DATA COMPATIBILITY COMMAND ..........................................................................................................................292 TOOLS MENU ...............................................................................................................................................................293 UNDO COMMAND...........................................................................................................................................................293 DATA BROWSER COMMAND .......................................................................................................................................294 SCRIPTING | EDIT/CREATE SCRIPT COMMAND.......................................................................................................301 SCRIPTING | RUN SCRIPT COMMAND........................................................................................................................302 USER-DEFINED COMMANDS | SETUP COMMAND..................................................................................................303 RUN CONFIGURATION PROGRAM COMMAND......................................................................................................304 RUN DISTANCE RELAY EDITOR COMMAND ...........................................................................................................305 HASP KEY UPDATE | REQUEST KEY UPDATE CODE COMMAND .......................................................................306 HASP KEY UPDATE | APPLY KEY’S SERIAL NUMBER UPDATE CODE COMMAND........................................308 3.3 CURVES WINDOW COMMAND...................................................................................................................................309 MISC MENU...................................................................................................................................................................310 SELECT PRINTER COMMAND.......................................................................................................................................310 PRINT GRAPH COMMAND............................................................................................................................................311 EXPORT GRAPH COMMAND........................................................................................................................................313 COPY GRAPH TO CLIPBOARD COMMAND...............................................................................................................314 VIEW CURVE COLLECTION COMMAND ....................................................................................................................315 SAVE THIS CURVE COLLECTION COMMAND ..........................................................................................................316 OPTIONS COMMAND......................................................................................................................................................318 CLOSE WINDOW COMMAND........................................................................................................................................320 ADD MENU ....................................................................................................................................................................321 RELAY CURVES COMMAND..........................................................................................................................................321 CONDUCTOR DAMAGE CURVE COMMAND............................................................................................................322 iv • Contents ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 TRANSFORMER DAMAGE CURVE COMMAND .......................................................................................................324 DAMAGE CURVE FROM LIBRARY COMMAND.......................................................................................................327 ANNOTATION COMMAND ...........................................................................................................................................328 PICTURE FROM CLIPBOARD COMMAND.................................................................................................................329 REMOVE MENU ..........................................................................................................................................................330 RELAY CURVE COMMAND............................................................................................................................................330 DAMAGE CURVE COMMAND ......................................................................................................................................331 ALL BUT 1ST RELAY CURVE COMMAND....................................................................................................................332 FAULT COMMAND..........................................................................................................................................................333 ANNOTATION COMMAND ...........................................................................................................................................334 PICTURE COMMAND......................................................................................................................................................335 EDIT MENU ...................................................................................................................................................................336 RELAY SETTING COMMAND........................................................................................................................................336 TRIAL RELAY ADJUSTMENT COMMAND.................................................................................................................337 SHIFTING FACTOR COMMAND...................................................................................................................................339 DAMAGE CURVE PARAMETERS COMMAND ..........................................................................................................341 LEGEND COMMAND.......................................................................................................................................................342 TRANSPARENT PICTURE COMMAND........................................................................................................................343 REARRANGE CAPTIONS COMMAND .........................................................................................................................344 SHOW MENU.................................................................................................................................................................345 RELAY OPERATIONS FOR ALL FAULTS COMMAND..............................................................................................345 RELAY OPERATIONS FOR 1 FAULT COMMAND .....................................................................................................346 TEST VALUES COMMAND.............................................................................................................................................348 TTY WINDOW COMMAND ............................................................................................................................................349 FAULT BROWSER COMMAND......................................................................................................................................350 3.4 DS RELAYS WINDOW COMMANDS..........................................................................................................................351 MISC MENU...................................................................................................................................................................352 SELECT PRINTER COMMAND.......................................................................................................................................352 PRINT GRAPH COMMAND............................................................................................................................................353 EXPORT GRAPH COMMAND........................................................................................................................................354 COPY GRAPH TO CLIPBOARD COMMAND...............................................................................................................355 OPTIONS COMMAND......................................................................................................................................................356 GRID ON/OFF COMMAND .............................................................................................................................................357 LOAD REGION COMMAND ...........................................................................................................................................358 CLOSE WINDOW COMMAND........................................................................................................................................360 ADD MENU ....................................................................................................................................................................361 RELAY CHARACTERISTICS COMMAND ....................................................................................................................361 REMOTE BRANCH IMPEDANCES COMMAND.........................................................................................................363 ANNOTATION COMMAND ...........................................................................................................................................364 PICTURE FROM CLIPBOARD COMMAND.................................................................................................................365 REMOVE MENU ..........................................................................................................................................................366 ALL BUT 1ST RELAY COMMAND..................................................................................................................................366 REMOTE BRANCH IMPEDANCES COMMAND.........................................................................................................367 ANNOTATION COMMAND ...........................................................................................................................................368 PICTURE COMMAND......................................................................................................................................................369 EDIT MENU ...................................................................................................................................................................370 RELAY SETTING COMMAND........................................................................................................................................370 ANNOTATION COMMAND ...........................................................................................................................................371 TRANSPARENT PICTURE COMMAND........................................................................................................................372 FIND ORIGIN COMMAND..............................................................................................................................................373 SECOND RELAY ORIGIN COMMAND..........................................................................................................................374 REARRANGE CAPTIONS COMMAND .........................................................................................................................375 ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 Contents • v SHOW MENU.................................................................................................................................................................376 RELAY OPERATIONS FOR ALL FAULTS COMMAND..............................................................................................376 RELAY OPERATIONS FOR 1 FAULT COMMAND .....................................................................................................377 TTY WINDOW COMMAND ............................................................................................................................................379 3.5 TTY WINDOW COMMANDS........................................................................................................................................380 CLEAR COMMAND..........................................................................................................................................................381 SELECT FONT COMMAND.............................................................................................................................................382 PRINT SELECTED TEXT COMMAND...........................................................................................................................383 SAVE SELECTED TEXT COMMAND.............................................................................................................................384 CLOSE WINDOW COMMAND........................................................................................................................................385 SELECT ALL COMMAND................................................................................................................................................386 COPY SELECTED TEXT TO CLIPBOARD COMMAND .............................................................................................387 FIND COMMAND .............................................................................................................................................................388 SECTION 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 NETWORK MODELS .................................................................................................................................389 BUSES..................................................................................................................................................................................389 GENERATORS, LOADS,AND SHUNTS........................................................................................................................389 TRANSMISSION LINES & SERIES CAPACITORS/REACTORS..............................................................................391 PHASE SHIFTERS.............................................................................................................................................................392 TRANSFORMERS - GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................392 2-WINDING TRANSFORMERS......................................................................................................................................395 3-WINDING TRANSFORMERS......................................................................................................................................397 ZERO-SEQUENCE MUTUAL COUPLING.....................................................................................................................400 PREFAULT VOLTAGE PROFILE....................................................................................................................................401 SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT ....................................................................................................................403 5.1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................................................403 5.2 FILE HEADER ....................................................................................................................................................................404 5.3 SYSTEM PARAMETERS.................................................................................................................................................404 5.4 FILE COMMENTS.............................................................................................................................................................406 5.5 BUS DATA .........................................................................................................................................................................406 5.6 BUS REGULATION DATA..............................................................................................................................................408 5.7 GENERATOR DATA ........................................................................................................................................................408 5.8 LOAD DATA .....................................................................................................................................................................411 5.9 SHUNT DATA ...................................................................................................................................................................411 5.10 SWITCHED SHUNT DATA ..........................................................................................................................................412 5.11 TRANSMISSION LINE DATA......................................................................................................................................414 5.12 PHASE SHIFTER DATA ................................................................................................................................................416 5.13 2-WINDING TRANSFORMER DATA .........................................................................................................................417 5.14 3-WINDING TRANSFORMER DATA .........................................................................................................................420 5.15 SWITCH DATA...............................................................................................................................................................422 5.16 DC LINE DATA ...............................................................................................................................................................424 5.17 MUTAL COUPLING DATA ..........................................................................................................................................425 5.18 AREA DATA ...................................................................................................................................................................426 5.19 ZONE DATA ....................................................................................................................................................................427 5.20 BREAKER DATA ............................................................................................................................................................427 5.21 BREAKER NAMEPLATE DATA .................................................................................................................................430 5.22 BREAKER CONNECTION DATA ................................................................................................................................431 SECTION 6 RELAY DIALOG BOXES ...........................................................................................................................433 6.1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................................................433 6.2 OVERCURRENT GROUND RELAYS..............................................................................................................................433 6.3 OVERCURRENT PHASE RELAYS..................................................................................................................................442 vi • Contents ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 ............................6 6...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................466 SECTION 9 9...............................................2 RELAY DATA IN ONELINER AND ASPEN RELAY DATABASE ....................................................................3 INSTRUCTIONS......................474 SHORTCUTS FOR THE DIALOG BOXES ................................................................................451 SECTION 7 RELAY DATA FORMAT ....................................................................................................................................................................................................475 APPENDIX...........................................................................................2 RELAY LOCATION INFORMATION.....................................................................................................448 DISTANCE GROUND RELAYS...............................485 F.................................................................................................485 F.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 6.5 FUSES ...484 E...........................479 APPENDIX C: TIME DIAL CALCULATOR ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................463 7....10 SAMPLE RELAY DATA FILE..........457 7..................................................446 RECLOSERS.....2 9......1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................................................1 SHORT CIRCUIT SOLUTION .........4 9..............................................................................................................................477 APPENDIX A: SOLUTION ALGORITHM.................................................................................................................................................................................471 SHORTCUTS FOR THE MAIN WINDOW ...............................................................................................................................................................459 7............6 RECLOSERS..................................481 C..........................450 DISTANCE PHASE RELAYS................................................................................................1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................484 APPENDIX F: CASE COMPARISON PROGRAM.......................................................481 APPENDIX D: OVCURRENT RELAY LIBRARY............................................................................................................................................................463 SECTION 8 SOLUTION IN TEXT.................................................................1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................4 OVERCURRENT PHASE RELAYS..3 OVERCURRENT GROUND RELAYS.................................................................................................3 ENABLING RELAY DATABASE CONNECTION...............455 7...484 E....................................490 G............................................................478 A.................................................................................7 DISTANCE GROUND RELAYS..........458 7..........................................455 7.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 LINKING RELAYS IN ONELINER AND RELAY DATABASE...........................................................................490 G.............................479 B........................................................................................471 SHORTCUTS FOR THE CURVES WINDOW ......2 OVERCURRENT RELAY LIBRARY..................................................................481 C......................................................5 6............473 SHORTCUTS FOR THE DS RELAY WINDOW ..........490 G.............................................................................1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................482 D............................................................................................................................................................................1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................490 G..............................................................2 SPARSE MATRIX AND VECTOR METHODS ........................................1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................473 SHORTCUTS FOR THE TTY WINDOW .........460 7......................486 APPENDIX G: LINKAGE TO RELAY DATABASE.........465 8......................2 APPLICATION NOTES ....................................................................................................................................................................................................461 7..............................................................................................................................................7 FUSES .....................................................482 D.........................................456 7...................................................................491 ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 Contents • vii ......................455 7...............................................................................................................................................................................................3 9..........................474 KEYBOARD ACCELERATORS ........8 DISTANCE PHASE RELAY........................................................................................................................1 9......................................................................6..............................6 DETAILS AND TECHNIQUES......9 RELAY GROUP COMMENTS .........................................................................478 APPENDIX B: 2-WINDING TRANSFORMERS ...482 APPENDIX E: DISTANCE RELAY LIBRARY..........................2 TITLE PAGE ...................................3 FAULT SOLUTIONS...........................................................2 TIME DIAL CALCULATOR........1 SHORT CIRCUIT SOLUTION IN TEXT FORMAT..........................................................................................................................................485 F..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................478 A............................................................465 8.................................................................................................5 9..............................................................................2 THE DISTANCE RELAY LIBRARY...................465 8......... ................................................................................................................................................................................................493 Sample data mapping scripts ..........................................493 Data mapping script code generator and editor......................................................................................................493 INDEX...............................................................................................................................................................................5 DATA MAPPING.....................................................................................................................................................................................492 Data mapping PowerScript program file structure .....492 PowerScript data mapping variables..................................................................................................................................................................................................G.......................................................................................................491 Direct mapping ..........................492 Data mapping using PowerScript ...........................................................................495 viii • Contents ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .............. and 3-winding transformers. fault location. plus automatic checking of overcurrent relays’ pickup and instantaneous settings.7 and 1. Comes with extensive relay library that can be edited by the user (See Appendix D). and overcurrent and distance relays. ANAFAS.1 ONELINER FEATURES ASPEN OneLiner is a PC-based short circuit and relay coordination program for relay engineers. • Data importing facilities for short circuit data in ANAFAS. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION • 9 . loads. reclosers. and XP with built-in PC network support. OneLiner is a productivity tool. and more.5 and 1. Doble and other formats. • Built-in scripting language using the BASIC programming language. • Lightning fast solution speed • Advanced analysis tools: boundary equivalence.6). generators. 1. as well as simultaneous faults. voltage sag analysis. • Graphical display of post-fault solution and relay operating time on the one-line diagram and the phasor diagram (figures 1. lines. bus fault summary.1.4). Electrocon.3). Tranmission-2000 and other formats.SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1. • Exporting of fault data for relay testing in COMTRADE. dc lines. ME. phase shifters. • Virtually unlimited system size with modest memory requirement. switches. The engineer can change the relay settings and network configuration and see the results of the change immediately. • Data exporting in PTI PSS/E. OneLiner works very quickly under the control of the engineer. • High-quality printed outputs on a large variety of printers and plotters (figures 1. and line-end. The following are some highlights of OneLiner: • Native Microsoft Windows program with easy-to-use interactive graphics interface under Windows 98. • Accurate modeling of 2.2 and 1. • Automatic checking of overcurrent and distance relay coordination (figure 1. • Built-in short circuit program that simulates all classical fault types (bus faults. CYME. shunts and zero-sequence mutual coupling. It relieves the engineer from the tedious and time-consuming tasks of leafing through stacks of printouts and plotting and re-plotting relay curves and one-line diagrams. line-out and intermediate faults). and GE data formats. series capacitors and reactors. 2000.8). • Detailed modeling of fuses. NT. • Automatic plotting of overcurrent and distance relay characteristics on the screen (figures 1. GE. PTI (PSS/E and PSS/U). • Proven reliability at major utilities in the U. The phase angles in degrees are shown after the 'A' symbol.1: OneLiner shows the post-fault voltages and currents on the one-line diagram for the fault described in the status bar at the bottom of the window. FU if from a fuse. The phase-A bus voltages in kV. 10 • SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The branch currents shown in this case are Ia in amps. OG if from an overcurrent ground relay. The relay operating time is shown next to each relay group. Figure 1. are shown under the bus names. The time in seconds is preceded by OP if it is from an overcurrent phase relay. line-to-ground. ZPn if from a distance phase relay (n is the zone number) and ZGn if from a distance ground relay. and abroad.S.2: OneLiner displays the relay operating time for the fault indicated on the status line. Figure 1. Figure 1. This picture clearly shows that in this line-to-line fault. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION • 11 .4: The TTY Window shows the results of a relay-coordination checking run.Figure 1.3: A “probe” feature allows the user to see readily the voltage and current phasors at any point in the one-line diagram. the current in phase 'c' leads the quadrature voltage Va -Vb. The program flags the cases in which the coordination time interval is outside the range of acceptable values. The impedance of the transmission line is shown as a slanted line from the origin. The fault impedance Va/Ia is plotted as a point on the complex plane. 12 • SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .6: OneLiner displays the characteristics of two distance relays on the same graph in primary ohms. Figure 1.5: OneLiner displays overcurrent characteristics for a fault. The user can also store a series of curve collections in a binary file for later recalling. The relay current and operating time is shown in text and as points on the relay curves.Figure 1. The user has the option of having the curves shifted automatically or manually. kV 16 2.kV 18 2141@109 IOWA DELAWARE 9.kV 24 ILLINOIS 3.kV 29 17@177 1.2@-178 29@-14 29@166 220@-44 3.7@-172 ARKANSAS 33.ALASKA 33.kV 10 HANCOCK 137@-16 33.kV 17 33.kV 30 1.8@-169 28@-7 499@113 32@174 531@-61 CALIFORNIA COLORADO 33.8kV 11 3097@102 TEXAS TENNESSEE OREGON 0.00@0 2.kV 3 0.1@-178 9485@-74 33.3@-173 73@81 117@-17 KENTUCKY 33.kV 23 INDIANA 252@-58 552@120 3.1@178 3.2@-171 25@15525@-25 32@-6 FLORIDA 125@-67 33.00@0 0.kV 19 1376@107 5769@104 3.00@0 33.00@0 132.kV 26 531@119 33.kV 5 46@103 203@-80 192@-75 1.0@0 220@136 422@-78 137@164 334@135 1332@-75 0.0@-180 0@0 0.kV 22 381@-54 3.5@-173278@126 2141@-71 1266@102 WASHINGTON MARYLAND 422@102 33.kV 15 73@-99 3.0@-173 85@115 252@122 33.kV 27 28@173 1.7: An unretouched printed output from OneLiner showing the zero-sequence post-fault currents (3Io) and voltages for a single-line-to-ground fault at bus WASHINGTON 33kV (near the center).5@-178 49@89 324@-81 348@-79 86@-65 148@99 227@95 191@105 CLAYTOR 193@109 132.9@-168 0.8kV 13 5769@-76 [email protected]@-173 13.4@-172 193@-71 132.0@0 0.00@0 3926@98 1298@99 ROANOKE 139@-76 1376@-73 1332@105 13.2@-170 46@103 186@106 187@-74 21@102 22@-78 123@-82 Figure 1.2@-177 NEW HAMPSHR VERMONT 0@0 33.kV 25 2.kV 6 148@-81 3.kV 12 3.3@-173 MINNESOTA 334@-45 278@-54 381@126 33.2@-175 0.3@-173 33.kV 20 117@163 3.6@-17517@-4 HAWAII 33.kV 2 FIELDALE 50@-91 1.kV 21 33. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION • 13 .00@0 99@-77 99@103 132.kV 4 99@102 132.2@-171 552@-60 2.4@-176 NEVADA 6. 8: An unretouched printed output from OneLiner showing overcurrent relay curves and damage curves. The relay current and operating time is shown both as points on the curves and as text within the description boxes.Figure 1. 14 • SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The fault description on the left indicates that the voltages and currents were taken from an intermediate fault on a transmission line. and XP. output options and a series of faults to be simulated. NetBIOS and TCP/IP protocols. which is an important value for determining the short-circuit duty of circuit breakers. and line-to-line. It automatically simulates a large number of faults and outputs the results to a text file. in a tabular form.2 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Hardware Requirements OneLiner runs on Intel Pentium-based PCs and compatibles. NT. ME. The program simulates bus faults.1. OneLiner supports IPX/SPX. The 100-bus version has an artificial limit of 100 buses. It effectively complements ASPEN OneLiner. or voltage sag analysis for voltage sensitive customers. single-line-to-ground. 1. The program can give you a summary of bus faults. The network configuration is a cost-effective way to share the OneLiner software among different engineers in the company. 60 Mbytes of available hard-disk space.or 3-button mouse. 1. Memory: 256 Mbytes minimum. line-end faults and line-out faults with all the classical phase connections: 3-phase.3 NETWORK SUPPORT OneLiner lets any PC on a local area network (LAN) execute the program as long as the number of simultaneous executions does not exceed the license limit. A 2.000 buses. The Batch Short Circuit Module is a valuable tool for users who need text output for a large number of fault simulations. line-end faults and line-out faults. which is designed to simulate faults and relay operations on a case-by-case basis.4 SYSTEM SIZE LIMITATION OneLiner can handle power systems with up to about 30. Novell NetWare. Any graphics-capable printer or plotter that works under Windows. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION • 15 . Software Requirements Microsoft Windows 98. Other hardware requirements include: • • • • • A 800-by-600 or better color monitor. The user can apply the selected fault types and phase connections to all the buses in the system or apply them selectively to all buses in an area or a zone. 512 Mbytes recommended. 2000 or XP. bus number and bus name are within a certain range. or to all buses whose nominal kV. It works in LANs and WANs with servers running Windows NT. 2000. The program also computes the ANSI X/R ratio.5 BATCH SHORT CIRCUIT MODULE The Batch Short Circuit Module works much the same way as a classical short circuit program. and others. plus their ANSI X/R ratios. It is also a time saver for engineers who routinely perform breaker-rating studies. The command file specifies the file name. The input to the Batch Short Circuit Module can be either a text data or a binary data file. You can use the program to compose a text command file and frequently execute the file later without further user input. 2-line-to-ground. 1. The output file can be printed on any 132-column printer. computes the ANSI X/R ratios. The Breaker Rating Module is not a standard part of OneLiner and must be purchased separately. and compares the fault currents to the rating of the breakers. The output is a text report showing the fault current as a percentage of the rating. The Breaker Rating Module is selfcontained: It simulates the faults.7 RELAY DATABASE The ASPEN Relay Database is designed to store the physical data of relays and circuit breakers. If you have OneLiner and the Relay Database installed on the same computer. including an Unlimited Version that utilizes MS Access tables and two Client/Server versions that utilize MS Sql Server and Oracle engines. the Relay Database is not a standard part of OneLiner and must be purchased separately. Additional information on this module is available in the on-line help file labeled “Breaker Rating Help” in the OneLiner folder. you can enable direct transfer of relay and breaker data from the Relay Database to OneLiner. Examples of the physical data of a relay include the characteristic angle and zone impedances. This is contrast to the electrical data required by OneLiner for short circuit simulation. The report calls attention to those breakers that are operating at or near their short circuit ratings and therefore warrants closer scrutiny by the protection engineers. For this reason.6 BREAKER RATING MODULE The Breaker Rating Module is designed to streamline the otherwise tedious work of checking the rating of circuit breakers against the short circuit currents they need to interrupt. 1. The ASPEN Relay Database is ideal for keeping settings and maintenance records of relays and breakers. 1. Several versions of the ASPEN Relay Database are available. 16 • SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . but it is not necessary to run OneLiner. By physical data we mean the actual knob and dip-switch settings of the physical device. The Batch Short Circuit Module is a standard part of ASPEN OneLiner. In future version of OneLiner this link will work in both directions.The output of the Batch Short Circuit Module is a text file that is identical in format to that generated by the Fault | Solution Report command in OneLiner. then on Run. it should look something look like this: 4. Follow the instructions on the screen. you will see a Windows program group called "OneLiner Working Model”. When you open it. Note: When you are done with the working model. Insert the Working Model CD into your CD-ROM drive. In the edit box labeled Command Line type D:\1L\SETUP.2 to start the working model. (We assume your CD driver is d:). 2. 3.1 INSTALLING THE WORKING MODEL The installation of the Working Model will only take a few minutes. The installation program will start.SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL 2. The working model requires about 6 Mbytes of free space. you can uninstall it using the Add/Remove Program icon within the Control Panel. The default directory is C:\ASPENWM1 When the setup program finishes. Click on Start. A dialog box will appear. Click on OK. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 17 . 1. Proceed to Section 2. The contents of this folder look like this: 18 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . you will see a folder labeled “ASPEN V10” on your Windows desktop. When you have finished installing the program. The first time you start the Working Model a dialog box will appear asking for a name and a numeric key. and press OK. 2. Consult the printed Working Model Manual for the Name and Key that you need to enter.3 INSTALLING THE PRODUCTION VERSION The instructions to install the Production version are in a separate document entitled. Getting Started with ASPEN OneLiner & Power Flow V10.2 STARTING THE WORKING MODEL Start Up the Working Model: 1. look for a program group called OneLiner Working Model.2. On the Windows desktop. The Main Window will appear when the program starts up. Double click on the OneLiner icon to start the program. This is one of the outputs of the ASPEN Case Comparison Program when you compare two data files.DXT extension. look for a program group called ASPEN V10. These are text files that contain the network data. See Appendix F for more information on the Case Comparison Program. The . • Change files with . These are text files with relay data created by the Relay | Export Relay command in the Main Window. Double click on the OneLiner icon to start the program. create new curves. The . Relay data files can be imported into OneLiner using the Relay | Import Relay command. You can read in an OLR file with the File | Open Binary Data File command.ANA change file is compatible with ANAFAS software.5 FILES This section describes all the input and output files of ASPEN OneLiner.RAT extension. Most commonly. Change file contains commands that will make the network and relay data of one of the files to be the same as the other. The relay data format is described in Section 7.2. You will see the Main Window when the program starts up. Text data files can be imported into the program with the File | Open Text Data File command in the Main Window and saved as OneLiner binary data files.OLR extension. • Text data files with .ANA extension.4 STARTING THE PRODUCTION VERSION START UP ONELINER: 1. The full path name of the relay library folder used by ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 19 . The text data file format is described in Section 5. OneLiner reads these relay libraries to get the curve parameters for overcurrent relays and fuses. The Main Window will take up the entire screen and be ready for your commands. text data files came from one of the many data conversion programs. which is used widely in many Brazilian utilities.RLY. OneLiner can also add the contents of a text data file to an existing binary data file with the File | Add Network command in the Main Window. You can use Overcurrent Relay Editor to edit the existing curves. On the Windows desktop. • Relay data files with . Enlarge the window by clicking the mouse once on the maximize box at the upper-right corner. These are binary files that contain the system parameters as well as graphical and relay information.CHF or . The input data files are these: • Binary data files with .CHF change file format is very similar to that described in Sections 5 and 7. • Overcurrent Relay libraries *. and to copy curves from other relay libraries. 2. 2. LOG. These are text files containing electrical parameters of various types of lines and cables. You can specify the location of the Overcurrent Relay Library Directory by running the OneLiner/Power Flow Configuration Program. These are text files that contain the short circuit solutions in the traditional text form.REP extension. OneLiner deletes the temporary files automatically at the end of each session. The correctness of the relay curves has not been verified by ASPEN. ASPEN collects the relay curves periodically and distributes them to all the users. While it is running.LTB extension.OneLiner is stored in the Window registry under "LibraryPath=" entry in the [OneLiner] section. You can create a script file with the Script Editor in OneLiner or with any text editor. the temporary files will be left behind on the disk. CFG1L. Text data files contain system parameters but no graphical or relay information. the method name and parameter list for distance relays. The output files are generated when you invoke the Faults | Solution Report command of the Main Window. NOTE: The curves in the relay libraries were created by users of OneLiner. 2. DO NOT delete these files while OneLiner is running.BAS extension. OneLiner reads this library to get the type names.EXE. OneLiner generates the following files: • Log file ASPEN. The Relay | Report command in the Main Window. If you see any of the temporary files on the directory when OneLiner is not running. These are binary files created by OneLiner within the Curve Collection dialog box.TMP extension and names that begin with ~1L. These are text files that contain a report of the network or relay data in the traditional text form. 2.PCC extension. CFG1L.OUT extension. These are text files containing programs written in the Basic programming language. You can generate a text data file with the File | Export Network command. You can specify the name and location of the default relay library by running the OneLiner/Power Flow Configuration Program. • Output files with . • Distance Relay Library ASPEN. • Previous Curve Collection Files with . Import a text data file with the File | Open Text File command in the Main Window. The full path name of the distance relay library referenced by OneLiner is stored in the Window registry under "DSlibrary=" entry in the [OneLiner] section. Note: It is important for users to check the distance relay models against the manufacturers' specifications before applying them. The program reads this file when it begins execution. OneLiner creates a temporary file in the root directory or in the temporary directory (usually c:\windows\temp). 3. These are text files that contain a list of errors when you: 1. descriptions and annotation in the exact position as before. You can use the Distance Relay Editor to edit the existing relay types and to create new types. The description of the output file is given in Section 8. • Temporary files with . In the event the program bombs out before the end of a session.DRL (or other names you specified). The Menu | Save Selected Text command in the TTY Window. Execute changes in a change file with the File | Read Change File command in the Main Window. The Network | Report command in the Main Window. The full path name of the line table file used by OneLiner is stored in the Window registry under "LineTable=" entry in the [OneLiner] section. • PowerScript files with . • Text Data Files with . the program displays the curves. you can reclaim the disk space by deleting them. The report files are generated when you invoke the following commands: 1. You can specify the name and location of the default line table file by running the OneLiner/Power Flow Configuration Program. • Lines Table Files with . • Report files with .DXT extension. When you recall a previous curve collection. 20 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .EXE. It is important for users to check these curves against the manufacturers' specifications before applying them. Drag: Hold down the mouse button while moving the mouse. OneLiner creates a Window Metafile or Enhanced Window Metafile with extensions . • Previous Curve Collection Files with . Message box: A simple dialog box that contains a message.PCC extension. Dialog box: A pop-up window used for various purposes. The picture below illustrates several common components of a dialog box. • Backup files with . • Windows metafiles with . such as Word and AutoCAD.6 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS You need to be familiar with a few basic terms that are used throughout this manual.WMF or . When you update an existing binary data file using the File | Save or File | Save As commands. Click: Quickly press and release the mouse button. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 21 .• Relay data files with .BAK extension.EMF that corresponds to the current state of the one-line diagram. These are text files that contain the relay data. The metafiles are vector-graphic files that can be imported to other Windows programs. This file serves as a backup in case you want to revert back to the original file. These are binary files created by OneLiner within Curve Collection dialog box. The relay data format is described in Section 7.BAK extension. This file stores a series of overcurrent relay collections for later recalling. When you execute the File | Export One-Line Diagram command.WMF extension. Relay data files can be exported using the File | Export Relay command.RAT extension. OneLiner saves the original data file under the . Double click: Click the mouse button twice in rapid succession. 2. If you prefer the European symbol (bottom figure). The program uses the American transformer symbol by default (top figure).7 ONE-LINE SYMBOLS The one-line diagram symbols are labeled in the figures below.2. WITH AMERICAN TRANSFORMER SYMBOLS WITH EUROPEAN TRANSFOMER SYMBOLS 22 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . you can easily change it by (1) selecting the Options command from the Diagram menu and then (2) selecting 'European' in the Transformer Symbol group box and clicking on "OK". 1. Click once on the file name 'SAMPLE30. If not.2. After a short time the one-line diagram of the 30-bus system will appear in the Main Window.2 or 2.3) and started the program (Section 2. The dialog box will disappear. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 23 . The name will appear in the File Name edit box.4). You will now open its binary data file. do so now. 2.7 if you are unsure of the meanings of the various symbols. We assume you have installed OneLiner (Section 2. A dialog box will appear asking you for the name of the binary data file that you want to open.8 ONELINER QUICK TUTORIAL This tutorial is designed to acquaint new users with the basic functions of OneLiner. OPENING A BINARY DATA FILE A 30-bus system is used in most of this tutorial. Then click the left mouse button on 'Open Binary Data File'. Open the file SAMPLE30. Select the File | Open Binary Data File command. This tutorial will take about an hour to complete.OLR as follows. Click on the "Open" button. Note: See Section 2. Note: To select this command you first click the left mouse button on 'File' to open its pull down menu.OLR' in the list box.1 or 2. MOVING SYMBOLS ON THE ONE-LINE DIAGRAM You can manipulate the symbols on the one-line diagram by dragging them with the mouse. 2. The bus name can only be moved within a certain distance of the bus symbol. When you release the mouse button. You never have to type in x-y coordinates. The horizontal segments can be moved vertically and vertical segments can be moved horizontally. Move a transmission line. 1. 24 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Move a bus name by dragging the name. load. 4. The bus symbol can be moved anywhere. the move will be completed. The bus name will be replaced by a rectangle while it is being moved. or phase shifter by dragging the symbol. Move a bus by dragging the bus symbol. 3. or shunt by dragging the symbol. The bus name and all the equipment attached to the bus will automatically move with the bus symbol. transformer. The symbol can be moved to either side of the bus symbol. Move a generator. Segments attached to a bus are constrained by the extent of the bus symbol. Try it now! Note: “Dragging” means to first click the left mouse button on the symbol you want to move and then move the mouse while you continue to hold down the mouse button. Edit the transmission line parameters. The same procedure can be used to review and edit other types of equipment. A dialog box for this line will appear. 2. Double click the LEFT mouse button on the transmission line between VERMONT 33 kV and OREGON 33 kV as indicated by the arrow cursor. The procedure below is for a transmission line.03” to change the positive -sequence reactance to 0. The line symbol will turn dotted red. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 25 . Move the text cursor to the edit box labeled “X=” with the <Tab> key. The text cursor (a blinking vertical bar) will initially be in a box labeled Name. Type “0. except for relays (which will be covered next).03.REVIEWING AND EDITING EQUIPMENT PARAMETERS You can review and edit the parameters of any piece of equipment by pointing and clicking with the mouse. 1. 5. The dialog box will disappear. 4. The help topic is set automatically for this dialog box. The on-line help window will disappear. Click on the "OK" button to close the line dialog box. Click on the "Help" button at the lower right corner.3. The on-line help window will appear. Select the File | Exit command to close the on-line help window. 26 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Click the right mouse button on the third relay group on the right hand side of the bus labeled NEVADA as indicated by the arrow cursor. Click on the Properties command. 1. and a floating menu will appear. The relay group symbol will turn dotted red.REVIEWING AND EDITING RELAY PARAMETERS You can model both distance and overcurrent relays in OneLiner. The following relay-group dialog box will appear. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 27 . Relay groups are placed on terminal of branches that are protected by relays. The relays are stored in an object called the relay group. Repeat this step if the bus or the entire line turns dotted red. 2. You can review and edit the parameters of any relay by pointing and clicking with the mouse. The symbol for a relay group is a small rectangle that looks like the traditional circuit breaker symbol. The list box near the top lists all the relays and fuses that are in this relay group. The relay parameters are explained in Section 6.2.3. Have a look at the dialog box for a distance relay by repeating steps 3 and 4 for the distance relay labeled 'DS ground relay NV_Reusen G1'. The relay parameters dialog box will disappear. 'Overcurrent Ground Relays' in the On-Line Help. 5. A dialog box with the parameters of this overcurrent ground relay will appear. Click on the overcurrent relay labeled 'OC ground relay NV-G1' in the list box and click on the "Get Info" button. Note: OC stands for overcurrent and DS stands for distance. Click on the "Cancel" button to close the dialog box. Click on the "Done" button to close the Relay Group dialog box. 28 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 6. 4. Click on the Delete command. and a floating menu will appear. The equipment you deleted is kept in a buffer until the end of the session. The selected transmission line will disappear from the one-line diagram. Click the right mouse button on the transmission line between Vermont 33. Similar procedure works for other types of equipment. A message box will appear asking you to confirm the deletion. The procedure below is for a transmission line. DELETING A TRANSMISSION LINE: 1. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 29 .0 kV and Oregon 33.DELETING AND RESTORING EQUIPMENT You can delete any piece of equipment by pointing and clicking with the mouse. OneLiner will automatically update the system model. Repeat this step if the line does not turn dotted red. 3. The line symbol will become dotted red. You may restore any deleted equipment later if you choose to do so. Click on the "OK" button in the message box.0 kV. 2. A dialog box will appear. Note: The "Take Out of Service" and "Put In Service" commands are very similar to the "Delete" and "Restore" commands. In this case. except that out-ofservice equipment remains visible on the screen (in dotted black line) and is kept in the data file when you save the file. and (3) click the left mouse button on 'Branch'. the “Undo” command works only for the last eight commands you executed. Note: You can also use the Tools | Undo command to restore deleted equipment. 30 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The line you deleted will reappear on the one-line diagram.RESTORING A DELETED TRANSMISSION LINE: 1. The list box will display in alphabetical order all of the branches that can be restored. However. Click on the "Restore" button. 3. (2) click the left mouse button on 'Restore' to open its second level menu. 2. OneLiner will update the system model automatically. Note: To select this command you (1) click the left mouse button on 'Network' to open its pull down menu. Select the Network | Restore | Branch command. Click on the line identifier in the list box. The line identifier will become highlighted. there is only the one line you just deleted. You will learn in the following how to create new buses and lines. Select command View | Device Palette to show the Device Palette if it is not already visible Click the New bus button on the Device Palette. Click on an empty space in the diagram to place the new bus. ADDING A NEW BUS: 1. Mark the ‘Show ID on one-line diagram’ check box. Type “33” in the edit box labeled 'Nom. The cursor will change into a cross with a bus symbol attached to it. Modify the bus data. Select ‘Vertical bar’ for the symbol style. Similar procedures apply to other types of equipment. A dialog box will appear showing the parameters of the new bus. 2. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 31 . The Bus dialog box should look like this. kV'.ADDING EQUIPMENT You can add new equipment to the system by selecting the equipment type from the device palette and dropping a new device on the diagram. 3. Type “New Bus” in the edit box labeled 'Name'. is for circuit breaker information. The breaker data are used by the ASPEN Breaker Rating Module (an optional module of ASPEN OneLiner) to evaluate the adequacy of the breaker interrupting rating. labeled 'Breaker Data'. 4. 32 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The dialog box will disappear and a new bus will appear at the location you selected in step 2. Click on the "OK" button.Note: The second page of the bus dialog box (not visible). 2. Click the left mouse button on the Vermont 33 kV bus. The other end of the line will move with the cursor. The cursor will change into a cross with a line symbol attached to it. Release the mouse button.ADDING A TRANSMISSION LINE: You will now add a new transmission line between the new 33 kV bus and the Vermont 33 kV bus. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 33 . the bus symbol will turn dotted red. move the mouse toward the “New Bus”. Click the New line button on the Device Palette. When the cursor is near the “New Bus 33kV” bus. 1. Without releasing the left button. A dialog box will appear showing the data of the new line. A line symbol will appear with one end attached to Vermont 33 kV bus. 34 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .3 perunit in the zero sequence. (You can change this behavior in the Network | Options dialog box.1 per-unit in the positive sequence and 0. 5. A new line will appear between the selected buses. 4. Type “0. the line data is set equal to that of the previous line object. Give this line a reactance of 0. That is why the line impedances are already set to a nonzero value.3” in the edit box labeled 'X0'. Type “0. Press the <Esc> key on your keyboard to exit from the Add-Equipment mode.) 3.1” in the edit box labeled 'X'. Click on the "OK" button.By default. The mouse cursor will change back to the normal arrow cursor. If you have a mouse with a wheel. 3. Also. Click on the name “California 33. The selected bus will appear at the center of the screen. SCROLLING TO VIEW DIFFERENT SECTIONS OF THE NETWORK: 1. These features are described in the following sections. Split Screen: View the one-line diagram in two different panes at the same time. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 35 . This can be accomplished by using either the bus name or number. Scroll: Move the viewport horizontally or vertically. kV 26” in the list box. use the Find Bus command mentioned above. Note: If the network disappears. A floating menu will appear. Note: You can locate a bus by its number by selecting the Find Bus By Number command in step 2. FINDING A BUS BY NAME: 1. Click the right mouse button in a vacant section of the screen. moving the mouse with the wheel pressed down will cause the viewport to move with the mouse. rotating the wheel will scroll the oneline diagram vertically. 2. Scroll the one-line diagram vertically and horizontally by clicking the mouse on the scroll bars of the window or by dragging the scroll bar button. 4. Click on the "OK" button. OneLiner has several features that let you to navigate from one part of the system to another: • • • • Find Bus: Move the viewport to the location of a given bus. Note: You can also press the F key on the keyboard to bring up this dialog box. The number 26 is the bus number. A dialog box will appear showing an alphabetical listing of all the buses in the network.GETTING AROUND Your computer monitor usually can display only a portion of your system's one-line diagram. Zoom: Show the one-line diagram in the viewport with different magnifications. Click on the Find Bus By Name command. Your screen will look like this. Zoom into a specific area on the one-line diagram. While still holding the right mouse button. Change the zoom setting by dragging the zoom slider control on the tool bar. Release the mouse button. Click the right mouse button at a location.ZOOMING TO VIEW DIFFERENT SECTIONS OF THE NETWORK: 1. A floating menu will appear. 36 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . drag the mouse to delineate a rectangular area that you wish to magnify. 2. 3. The screen will show a detailed view of the network that was enclosed in the dotted rectangle. Click on the "Zoom In" command. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 37 . You can also view in the two panes the fault currents and relay operating times at the same time. you can position the split window to see what is happening at both ends at the same time. as shown below. and may display different quantities. 2. The viewport will now be split into two panes. You can now scroll the two sections and modify each independently. The possibilities are endless. The active pane will have a yellow tint at the bottom of the screen. 38 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 1. drag the double bars to the center of the screen. Move the arrow cursor over to the left side of the viewport until it turns into two double bars with arrows pointing inward. The two panes have independent zoom and scroll controls. The split window view greatly improves the ease of use: When you are coordinating the relays at two ends of a branch. Now while holding the left mouse button down. The other pane is updated automatically.USING THE SPLIT SCREEN OPTION: You can split the main one-line window into two panes. You can edit the one-line in either pane. Click on the "No" button. a dialog box will appear asking you whether you want to save the changes. At the bottom of the menu. Click on the menu item “SAMPLE30. If you are running the working model.OLR should be among the files listed. Close the file. The name SAMPLE30. Re-Open the file SAMPLE30. 2. Click on the File menu to display the menu items. The Main Window of OneLiner will show the word “ASPEN” on a gray background.OLR. Proceed to step 2. After a short time. Select the File | Close command. the Main Window will again show the one-line diagram of the 30-bus system. just above the Exit command. the file will close now. If you are running the production version. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 39 . Drag the splitter bar back to the left edge so that only one pane is visible.CLOSE AND RE-OPEN THE BINARY DATA FILE: 1.OLR” to open the file. The current example file will be closed. you will see the file name of the last four files you opened. Repeat this step if the bus or the entire line turns dotted red. The relay group symbol will turn dotted red. and a floating menu will appear. Click on the Specify Fault command. 2. 2LG: Two phase to ground fault. 1.SIMULATING AND DISPLAYING FAULTS The following instructions show you how to simulate faults in the vicinity of a relay group. The “1LG” check box should already been marked. 40 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 1LG: Single phase to ground fault. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the faults to be simulated. Note there are four fault types within the Phase Connection group box: 3LG: Three-phase fault. L-L: Line to line fault. Click the right mouse button on the third relay group on the right hand side of the bus NEVADA 132kV. 4. • Close-in fault: A fault immediately in front of the selected relay group.3. • Remote bus fault: A bus fault at the far end of the branch. Click on the "Simulate" button. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify branch outages. • Line-end fault: A fault at the far end of the branch with the branch disconnected from the remote bus. This specifies that the intermediate faults are at 44% of the distance between NEVADA 132 kV and REUSENS 132 kV. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 41 . and the fault impedance to zero ohms. The fault-specification dialog box should look like this. • Close-in fault with end opened: A fault immediately in front of the Selected relay group with the far end of the branch disconnected. Click on each of the 12 check boxes labeled 'No outage' and 'With outage' to select all the available fault types. Move the text cursor to the edit box labeled '%' and type in the value 44. • Intermediate fault with end opened: A fault in the middle of a transmission line with the far end of the branch disconnected. 5. We will leave the phase connection to 1LG. This option is not available to relay groups on transformers or phase shifters. • Intermediate fault (also called a sliding fault): A fault in the middle of a transmission line. which stands for single line to ground. kV. The list box at the top of the dialog box shows the twelve faults that you just simulated. Select the Faults | Show Fault Solution on 1-line command. 42 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The zero-sequence quantities are displayed by default for a single-line-to-ground fault. View other quantities on the one-line diagram. A dialog box will appear to inform you of the program's progress. The fault being displayed is selected by default. You will see a line that reads "1LG Interm.kV 1L 1LG Type=A… " in the status area at the bottom of the Main Window. A dialog box will appear asking you to select the display options.6 REUSENS 132. This outage will be taken for all the fault types for which the "With outage" check boxes were marked. The bus voltages are shown directly beneath the bus names and nominal kV. At the end of the simulation the dialog box will disappear and the last fault simulated will be displayed on the one-line diagram. Both the voltage and the current will be displayed as complex numbers in polar coordinates. The '@' symbol separates the magnitude on the left from the phase angle (in degrees) on the right.6. kV – 28 ARIZONA 132. mark the checkbox for the first entry “6 NEVADA 132. 7. 8. kV 1L” to select a line outage. Fault on: 6 NEVADA 132. In the list box. The branch currents are shown on the branch symbols. Click on "OK" to begin the fault simulation. This is a description of the fault that is being displayed. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 43 . of tiers' edit box. You may easily display other quantities by clicking on one of the toolbar shortcut buttons. View other quantities using the toolbar buttons. Note the letter 'A' between the magnitude and angle of the branch currents.Notice the '3' in the 'No. Click on the "Phase a" radio button to display the phase 'a' voltages and currents. and the currents in amperes. 11. The radio button labeled "Physical" at the lower-left corner is highlighted (by default) to indicate that the voltages will be in units of kV line-toground. 10. The dialog box will disappear. Click on the “Display” button. 9. The one-line diagram will be refreshed to show the phase 'a' currents and voltages. This tells OneLiner that you want to see the solution for all the equipment within three buses back from the fault. You can click on the scroll bars of this window to bring the other parts of the summary into view. respectively. 13. the Thevenin impedance. The summary includes the fault MVA. phase 'B' and phase 'C' quantities. Click on the ‘TTY’ button on the toolbar. the fault current. kV” at the upper left corner tells you that the phasors shown are for the NEVADA end of this line. and '-' buttons are for displaying the zero-. '+'. The TTY Window will disappear. 14. View the fault summary in text. and the voltage at both ends of the relay branch. 'B' and 'C' buttons are for displaying the phase 'A'. You can see this summary by opening the TTY Window. The one-line diagram will be re-drawn showing the phase 'B' quantities. You will see the last part of the summary when the window opens. positive. Use the Phasor Probe. Click the right mouse button on the transmission line between NEVADA 132 kV and OHIO 132 kV. A pop-up window will show you the voltage and current phasors at one end of the NEVADA-OHIO line. The TTY Window will appear. The 'A'.The '0'. Select the TTY | Close Window command to close the TTY Window. the relay current. OneLiner always prepares a summary for the fault being displayed.and negative. The words “Solution at NEVADA 132. Click on the 'B' shortcut button to display the phase 'B' quantities. 12.sequence quantities. The button that resembles a 'clock' is used for displaying the relay operating times. Click on the View Phasors command. 44 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The line will become highlighted and a floating menu will appear. The phasor at the OHIO end of the selected line will appear. Click on "Done". Click on the “Show Opposite Bus” button near the bottom. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 45 . The phase-probe dialog box will disappear.Click on Sequence within the “Current from this bus” box to see the current phasors for each of three sequences. The words 'No active relay' are shown if there are no relays of the type being displayed within the relay group. 'ZG2'. 1. 46 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 3 and 4 are the zone numbers. The quantity '9999s' is shown if none of the relays of the type being displayed has operated. The operating time is preceded by the symbol: • 'FU' if it is from a fuse. 2. 'ZG3' or 'ZG4' if it is from a ground distance relay. Click on the relay operating time shortcut button on the toolbar. 'ZP2'. The numbers 1. The fastest relay time in each relay group is displayed above the relaygroup symbol. • 'ZG1'. 'ZP3' or 'ZP4' if it is from a phase distance relay. The screen will look something like this. 2. The numbers 1. • 'RP' if it is from a phase recloser.DISPLAYING RELAY OPERATING TIME ON THE 1-LINE DIAGRAM You can display the relay operating time directly on the one-line diagram. • 'RG' if it is from a ground recloser. • 'ZP1'. 3 and 4 are the zone numbers. • 'OG' if it is from an overcurrent ground relay. • 'OP' if it is from an overcurrent phase relay. 2. 3. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 47 . Select the entries for NV Fuse. The relay parameters will be shown inside a box to the right of the plot. Increase the ‘No of tiers’ to 1. We will add the curves of several neighboring relays to this plot.DISPLAYING POST-FAULT SOLUTIONS ON OVERCURRENT RELAY CURVES OneLiner lets you plot overcurrent relay curves on the Curves Window. A floating menu will appear. The relay group on the line between NEVADA 132 kV and REUSENS 132 kV should still be highlighted. Click on the "OK" button. Click on the View Relay Curves command in the floating menu. 5. Click on it with the right mouse button. A dialog box will appear asking you which of the relays in the relay group you want to display. 4. Select the Add | Relay Curves command. The Curves Window will appear showing the characteristics of the overcurrent relay NV-G1. Click on the entry 'OC ground relay NV-G1' in the list box. 1. NV-G2 and RE-G1 in the list box by marking the check box in front of each name. The list box labeled "Relays in Vicinity" contains the relays that are in the vicinity of the relay being displayed. A dialog box will appear asking you to select the relay curves to be added to the plot. We are now ready to display the relay operations on the plot. A dialog box will appear asking you to select one of the fault solutions. 7. Click on the “OK” button. Select the Show | Relay Operations for 1 Fault command. The parameters of the added relays will also be shown in boxes to the right of the plot. The dialog box will disappear. Note the relay curves and the parameter boxes are numbered from 1 through 4. The characteristics of the three relays you selected will be displayed on the same plot as the first relay.6. The fault being displayed on the one-line diagram is selected by default. 48 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 49 . The relay current and operating time will be added to the respective parameter boxes and the fault description will be shown below the relay-parameter boxes. Scroll the list to the first fault. Click on the "Display" button. The dialog box will disappear. Click on 'Hatch' within the Fuse Curves box to fill in the area between the total clear and minimum melt curves. 9. The Curves Window will be refreshed to show the time-current points on each of the curves. Select the Misc. You can specify different options that will dictate how the curves are displayed using the Misc. The Curves Window should appear as shown below. | Options dialog box. '1LG Close-in fault on: 6 Nevada 132 kV-8 Reusens 132 kV 1L 1LG Type=A'. Select ‘Manual’ in the Horizontal Shift option. Click on "OK" to close the Misc. Click on 'Decades only' within the Grid Style box to display only the decade lines on the Curves Window. | Options command. A dialog box will appear allowing you to set certain parameters within the Curves Window. and select it.8. | Options command. 1. Select Show | Fault Browser to display the Fault Browser VCR buttons bar if it’s not already visible. 50 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Press the VCR-like buttons to view the relays’ response to different faults.VIEWING DIFFERENT FAULTS You can view relay operation for another fault that has been simulated. will change. OneLiner lets you experiment with the time-dial and pickup setting to see its effects on the relay's time delay. the time dial value. The time dial value is shown below the scroll bar. 1. Click on the 'Relay trial adjustment' command. The relay type and the relay current are shown at the top of the dialog box. Click the right mouse button on the parameter caption of the fourth relay. 3. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 51 . Click on the up arrow of the vertical scroll bar to increase the time dial setting. This feature allows you to find the time dial and pickup setting needed to reach a desired time delay for coordination. 2. In this example. we will experiment with the settings of the fourth relay. A dialog box will appear.TRIAL ADJUSTMENT OF OVERCURRENT RELAYS Prior to adjusting a relay. The relay operating time in seconds is shown inside the box labeled "Operating Time". A pop-up menu will appear. As you click on the scroll bar. as well as the relay's time delay. 52 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . as well as the relay's time delay. A dialog box with the parameters of this relay will appear. In this example.5 to 1. The pickup setting is shown below the scroll bar. 1. 600 : 5 for a 600A-to-5A CT. Note: If you had clicked on the "Apply It" button the program would have implemented the new time-dial and pickup setting.g. we will adjust the setting of the fourth relay to increase the delay. Please make a mental note of the position of this relay curve. the pickup setting. e. The dialog box will disappear and the relay curves will be redrawn to reflect the new setting.. 5. Click on "Cancel" to abandon the changes. As you click on the scroll bar. as shown below. Double click the left mouse button within the parameter caption of the fourth relay. The new relay operating time will be shown in the parameter box. will change. Use the <Tab> key to move the text cursor to the 'Time Dial' edit box and change the time dial setting from 0. 2.4. The dialog box will disappear. Note that CT ratio can be a numeric value. It can also be in the form of XXX : YYY or XXX / YYY. the program will automatically re-compute the relay operating time and display the new curves. Click on the right arrow of the horizontal scroll bar to increase the pickup setting. After each adjustment. Click on the "OK" button. ADJUSTING OVERCURRENT RELAY SETTINGS You can adjust the relay settings while the overcurrent relay curves are being displayed.4. Click on the 'Show relay test values' command. Click on "Done" to close the dialog box. We will close the Curves Window.Note that the fourth relay curve is shifted upward as a result of increasing the time dial setting. GETTING RELAY TEST VALUES After changing the settings of a relay in OneLiner. 5. A pop-up menu will appear. 4. 2. We will use the fourth relay again in the following. 1. These values will enable the technicians to set the relay in the field. The Curves Window will close and you will be back to the Main Window within OneLiner. A table with the test current (in primary and secondary amps) and the associated time delay will be displayed in the TTY window. You can also change the relay type if needed. Click the right mouse button on the parameter caption of the fourth relay. Similar procedures can be used to adjust the pickup setting. and other relay parameters. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 53 . Select the Misc | Close Window command. the instantaneous setting. the program gives you the test values that are necessary to set the relay in the field. Click on the 'DS phase relay NVPhase1' relay in the list box. OneLiner will also show the relay currents and operating times. Click on the View Relay Curves command in the floating menu. which of the relays in the relay group you want to display. A dialog box will appear asking you. 54 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Select the Misc. 2. 1. The relay group on the line between NEVADA 132 kV and REUSENS 132 kV should still be highlighted. Then. The relay parameters will be shown inside a box to the right of the plot. click on the "OK" button. The Distance Relay Window will appear showing the characteristics of the distance relay NVPhase1. Click on the relay group with the right mouse button. | Options command. A floating menu will appear. 4.DISPLAYING POST-FAULT SOLUTION ON DISTANCE RELAY CURVES OneLiner lets you plot the characteristics of distance relays in much the same way as overcurrent relays. 3. A dialog box will appear allowing you to set certain parameters within the Distance Relay Window. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 55 . A dialog box will appear asking you to select one of the fault solutions. Click on the "Display" button. Select the Show | Relay Operations for 1 Fault command. The dialog box will close. which color to use for the circular grid and the desired font size. 5. 6. Click on "Cancel" to accept the default settings. The fault description will be shown below the relayparameter box. The close-in fault is already selected by default. We are now ready to show the relay operations for one of the faults. The dialog box will disappear and the window will be refreshed to look like the figure below.These parameters include which units of time to display. each relay type is modeled using phase and magnitude comparators that are appropriate for that relay type. click on Help | DS Relay Editor Help to see the on-line version). The tripping information (in text. In some cases – such as this one – the relay may trip even though none of the apparent impedances are within the relay characteristics.The apparent impedances plotted on the complex plane are for informational purposes only. within the parameter box) is the output of this detailed model. OneLiner determines the operation of this KD relay from the XYZ-triangle principle. The Distance Relay Window will close and we will be back to the Main Window of OneLiner. Details on distance relay modeling can be found in Section 2 of the Distance Relay User’s Manual (In the Main Window. In general. 7. Select the Misc | Close Window command. 56 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Select the relay group of interest. 4. With the <Shift> key held down. A message box will appear asking you to confirm the formation of the coordination pair. The primary-backup relay pairs have to be specified before this feature can be used. We will now begin to check the relay coordination. 3-phase faults or single-line-to-ground faults. You may also instruct the program to consider single and/or double contingencies. 1. Select a primary relay group. Click on the Form Coordination Pair menu item. Click the left mouse button once on the relay group at the left end of the line between NEVADA 132 kV and REUSENS 132 kV. click the right mouse button once on the relay group at the right end of the line between NEVADA 132 kV and OHIO 132 kV as shown.CHECKING RELAY COORDINATION OneLiner has an automatic relay coordination checking feature that checks the coordination of a selected relay group against either its backup relays or the relays that it backs up. A pop-up menu will appear. Select the backup relay group. 3. The coordination check can be done with line-to-line faults. The results will warn you of cases where the coordinating time interval is outside the range of acceptable limits you specified. Click on "OK" to form the coordination pair. 2. The coordination pairs are stored within the binary data file once they are specified. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 57 . Click the left mouse button once on the relay group at the left end of the line between NEVADA 132 kV and REUSENS 132 kV as you did in step 1. the CTI (Coordinating Time Interval) criteria and the fault type. The TTY window will appear displaying the program's progress and the coordination report. 3. The branches are numbered 1. etc. At the beginning of the coordination report is the name of selected relay group. 2. The dialog box will disappear. the report shows the names of primary and backup relays and a list of branches that will be taken out of service. Select the Check | Primary/Backup Coordination command to check the coordination of the primary-backup relays. A dialog box will appear allowing you to enter the relay checking parameters. Click on the "OK" button to begin checking coordination of the relay groups. 5. Following this summary. Enter all of the settings as shown in the picture below. 58 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . if any. • The current and operating time of the primary and backup relays. 7. The dialog box will disappear and the main screen will turn gray. Close the example file. Click on the "No" button. Select the Menu | Close Window command to close the TTY Window. 6. For each fault. • The difference in the two operating times. "W1". • Fault description. If you are running the Working Model. if the operating time exceeds Max CTI value or is below the Min CTI value. • A warning flag. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 59 . the table will show: • The names of the primary and backup relays that operate fastest in the overcurrent relay groups.The program will check the coordination of these two relay groups by simulating faults on the protected line and comparing operating time of relays in coordination pair. The TTY Window will disappear. • Line outages. A message box will appear asking if you would like to save the changes to the file. Select the File | Close command. the file will close now. Proceed to next page. The program will show the results in a tabular form. Select the File | Open Text Data File command. Electrocon. Then click on the “Open” button.IMPORTING A NETWORK DATA FILE IN TEXT FORMAT The network import feature is used by new users to create the one-line diagram for the first time. the users can then use the import feature to create the one-line diagram. We will demonstrate the import feature with a small 7-bus system. GE. The network data and the graphical information are stored in a binary data file. Click on the “Place Buses” command in the floating menu. (The data conversion programs are available free of charge to OneLiner users. 3. The buses that have been placed are designated by the letter ‘A’ at the end of the bus identifier. A dialog box will appear to let you select the buses to be placed.DXT in the list box. A message box will appear informing you that 7 buses have been read in and none are visible now. A floating menu will appear. New users of OneLiner will need to first convert their existing short circuit data to an ASPEN text data file. ASPEN has a number of data conversion programs for data in the PTI PSS/E. you will see a blank Main Window. ANAFAS and other popular formats. A dialog box will appear asking you for the name of the text data file to open.) After converting the data to the ASPEN format. Click the right mouse button once near the middle of the window. 1. Click once on the file name EXAMPLE. The dialog box will disappear. 2. PTI PSS/U. Place the bus WOODSIDE 115kV and its neighbors. 60 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The left list box shows all the buses in the system. After a brief pause during which OneLiner reads and process the text data file. Click on the "OK" button to close the message box. 4. CYME. This procedure needs to be done only once. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 61 . Both of these buses are highlighted because the default option is to place all the neighbors along with the selected bus. As a general rule. Click on the "OK" button. All the immediate neighbors of WOODSIDE 115kV are displayed in the right list box. The bus WOODSIDE 115 kV will appear at the position of your last mouse click. A solid bus symbol means all the neighbors of that bus are visible on the screen. Its neighboring buses MTN. OneLiner will automatically add the generator. The buses are listed in alphabetical order by bus name and nominal kV. load and shunt at the new buses. The generator at this bus is automatically added by OneLiner. Tidy up the one-line diagram by dragging the symbols with the mouse. representing the four branches. Use the picture below as a guide. Note the bus symbol for WOODSIDE is solid. OneLiner will add four lines. as well as all the branches between them and the buses that are already on the screen. while the symbols for its neighbors are hollow. A hollow symbol means one or more neighbors remain hidden.Click on the name “WOODSIDE 115kV 1” on the left list box. VIEW 115 kV and SANTA CLARA 115 kV are also automatically placed. between WOODSIDE 115kV and its neighboring buses. 62 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . VIEW is hollow. After the last bus is placed on the screen. 6. We know MTN. a message box will appear. A similar place-bus dialog box will appear. The two invisible neighbors. The 7-bus system should look something like this. VIEW 115kV. The buses PALO ALTO and MENLO PARK will appear on the screen. Use the diagram on this page as a guide for the placement of the buses. A floating menu will appear.5. Click on the "OK" button. informing you that the one-line diagram has been completed. Click on the “OK” button. Click on the “Place Buses” command. VIEW has one or more invisible neighbors because the bus symbol of MTN. The bus WOODSIDE 115kV is highlighted on the left. PALO ALTO and MENLO PARK are highlighted. Place the neighbors of MTN. Its neighbors are shown on the right. VIEW 115kV. Click the right mouse button once on the bus MTN. Place remaining buses by repeating step 5. The exported text data file can be in ASPEN format or one of the following foreign formats: PTI PSS/E format. GE short circuit format. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 63 . or ANAFAS format. GE PSLF format.There is also an Export Network command. which produces a text data file based on the network data stored in the binary data file. please skip to the next page.IMPORTING A RELAY DATA FILE IN TEXT FORMAT The relay import feature is designed to facilitate the transfer of a large amount of relay data from a text file into a OneLiner binary data file. Once OneLiner accepts the file name. 1. Relays that have valid location data are placed automatically by the OneLiner. There is also an Export Relay command. Click on the "Open" button. Click once on file name RELAY. 64 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .RAT. (Users of the ASPEN Relay Database can transfer relay data to OneLiner through a different mechanism. which produces a text data file that corresponds to the relay settings stored in the binary data file. The Relay | Exp ort Relay command is the Import Relay command in reverse.RAT in the list box.) We will demonstrate the relay import feature with a text data file called RELAY. Part of the data for each relay tells the program where it resides in the network. If you are running the working model. This command is used most commonly to transfer relay data from a foreign relay database into OneLiner. Select the Relay | Import Relay command. the dialog box will disappear and the TTY Window will appear. A dialog box will appear asking you for the name of the relay data file to open. OneLiner will display in this window the program's progress as well as any data errors found within the text data file. The text file must be in the ASPEN Relay format described in Section 7. Note: This feature is not enabled within the working model. When the simulation and file output are complete. 3. Type in the output file name SAMPLE30 and click on "Save".CREATING A BUS FAULT SUMMARY This command simulates 3-line-to-ground. Click on "OK". 1. 2. Both the 'Save to File' and 'Bus Fault Summary' dialog box will disappear. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the buses to be faulted. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 65 . Select the Faults | Bus-Fault Summary… command. the program will display a message box asking if you want to view the output file in a spreadsheet program. Leave everything else at the default settings. single-line-to-ground and line-to-line faults at a number of buses and produces a tabular output of the fault currents and Thevenin impedances. The 'Save to File' dialog box will appear in which you must specify the output file name. 2-line-to-ground. Click on Yes to see the tabular results. the location of a voltage sensitive customer) and tabulate the voltage at the monitored bus. The bus symbol will be highlighted in dotted red and a popup menu will appear.. 1. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the input parameters. The faults are applied first at the monitored bus. 66 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .kV’ bus. and two buses away. 3.e. The voltage threshold is used as a stopping criterion for the fault simulations. and so on. 2. Faults that cause the monitored voltage to dip below the threshold are flagged.6. Select the Fault | Voltage Sag Analysis command. then at lines and buses one bus away. until the monitored-bus voltage for faults at a certain number of buses away is above the threshold of 0.6 per unit. Click right mouse button on ‘California 33. Leave 'Voltage threshold (Per unit)' at its default setting of 0.PERFORMING A VOLTAGE SAG ANALYSIS This command will automatically simulate bus faults and intermediate faults in the vicinity of a monitored bus (i. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 67 . The program will place an intermediate fault at the midpoint of all transmission lines. the 'Sag Analysis Progress' dialog box will disappear.4. OneLiner will display the voltage-sag results on the one-line diagram. The more severe the voltage sag at the monitored bus caused by a fault. of intermediate faults for each line' at its default setting 1. The program will also paint a colored halo around each faulted bus to help you visualize its effect on the monitored bus. When the simulations and file output are complete. The result will be displayed on the one-line diagram When the analysis is complete. Leave the 'No. Specifically. the monitored-bus voltage in per unit will be shown below each faulted bus name. Click on "OK". 5. the darker halo will be painted around the faulted bus. Note: To access on-line help for dialog boxes with multiple pages press the <F1> key while the dialog box is displayed. from beginning to end. Then press the <F1> key. Its client area shows the contents of the on-line help topics that are shown underlined. Click on the Help | Contents command. The Help Window will appear showing the help topic of the corresponding command. 4. We demonstrated this method at the beginning of this tutorial when we added a new transmission line to the network. Click on the “Help” button in any dialog box. Get help on a specific command.GETTING ONLINE HELP ABOUT OneLiner We can use one of the three ways to get online help: 1. 3. 68 • SECTION 2 Click on the File | Exit command to close the help file. Use the up or down arrow keys on your keyboard to highlight the menu item of interest. Get help through the Table of Contents. The on-line help contains the full text and graphics of this User’s Manual. Click on the top menu to bring down the list of menu commands. INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Click on one of the topics to page to the sub-index or the detailed explanations. The Help Window will appear. 2. (Not included in the Working Model. You can find tutorials for the ASPEN Overcurrent Relay Editor and the ASPEN Distance Relay Editor in Section 2 of the respective User's Manual. (The manual is available as an on-line help file in the Working Model. a dialog box will appear asking you whether you want to save the changes. which cover a wide range of topics that include the solution method and techniques for transformer modeling. The remaining instructions will take you back to the Windows desktop. the program will close now and you are done. You can find a detailed description of all the commands in Section 3 of the OneLiner User's Manual. TO EXPLORE FURTHER This tutorial covered only a small subset of the commands in OneLiner. Click on the "No" button. If you are running the working model. Finally. You will be back on the Windows desktop. Select the File | Exit command. The tutorial for the Batch Short Circuit Module is in the next Section.) You may also read Section 4 to see how OneLiner models the various network elements. OneLiner will close. 1. If you are running the production version.EXITING OneLiner This ends the quick tutorial for OneLiner.) ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 69 . you may wish to browse through the appendices. This tutorial will take about 20 minutes to complete.9 BATCH SHORT CIRCUIT QUICK TUTORIAL This tutorial is designed to acquaint new users with the basic functions of the Batch Short Circuit Module. do so now. If not. you will see the Main Window. Enlarge the window by clicking the mouse once on the maximize box at the upper-right corner. look for a program group called ASPEN OneLiner or OneLiner Working Model. Double click on the Batch Short Circuit icon to start the program. We assume you have installed OneLiner (Section 2.3). When the program starts up. 2. The Main Window will take up the entire screen and be ready for your commands. Inside the program group are a number of program icons that look like this: Start Up Batch Short Circuit: 1. The Batch Short Circuit Module is installed along with OneLiner. STARTING BATCH SHORT CIRCUIT On the Windows desktop. 70 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .2.1 or 2. Open the file SAMPLE30. Note that the data file name is listed on the title bar.OLR or . Click once on the file name SAMPLE30.DXT File'. The program will report on its progress while reading in the 30-bus system. The Program Progress Report will appear. Note: To select this command you first click the left mouse button on 'File' to open its pull down menu. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 71 . The dialog box will disappear. Select the File | Open . A dialog box will appear asking you for the name of the data file that you want to open. 3. You will now open its binary data file.DXT File command.OLR or .OPENING A BINARY DATA FILE An example 30-bus system is used for this tutorial. 2.OLR. 1. Then click the left mouse button on 'Open .OLR and then click on the "Open" button. The word "Ready" will appear when the program is ready for your commands. Change the 'Bus numbers from' edit boxes to read 16 to 17. bus 16 and bus 17. Click on "OK" in the 'Fault Specification' dialog box. Select the fault type and phase connections. Click on "Show bus list" to view the buses that will be faulted. both 3-phase and single-phase to ground. These options are the default selections. Another dialog box will appear. We want to simulate bus faults. Select the bus number range. 5. 4. The dialog box should now look like this. asking you to specify the output parameters. 72 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the faults to be simulated. 1. so no entries are needed.SIMULATING FAULTS You will simulate faults on two of the buses. Select the Faults | Specify Faults command. 3. 2. A dialog box will appear listing the buses that will be faulted. Click on "Done" to close the 'Selected Fault Buses' dialog box. 6. 4.7. The Batch Short Circuit Progress dialog box will appear. (The R-only case and the X-only case are needed to compute the ANSI X/R ratios. respectively. and then click on "Save". 8.OUT. both the Fault Specification dialog box and the Save to File dialog box will disappear. the R-only case and the X-only case. indicates the total number of faults to be simulated.) ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 73 . Click on the "Write to New File" button. in this case. The 'Output Style' dialog box will be replaced with the 'Save to File' dialog box in which you must specify the output file name. Type in the output file name SAMPLE30. The number above the top bar. Once the Batch Short Circuit Module accepts the file name. The first three bars and the number immediately to the right indicate the number of faults that have been simulated in the R+jX case. OUT. When the simulation and file output are complete. You will see this message box. showing the first page of the output. The Output Viewer will appear. the Batch Short Circuit Progress dialog box will disappear and the Main Window will report that 4 faults were written successfully to the file C:\ASPEN\IEEE30.The bottom-most bar and the number to the right indicate the number of faults that have been written to the output file. The is result of the the 3-phase fault on OREGON 33 kV. Click on Yes to view the output file. Click on Next! on the menu bar to see the next page. 74 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Click on one of the topics to page to the sub-index or the detailed explanations. 2. Then press <F1> key. GETTING ONLINE HELP ABOUT Batch Short Circuit We can use one of the three ways to get online help: 1.When done. Click on the Help | Contents command. click on File | Exit. Click on the top menu to bring down the list of menu commands. Use the up or down arrow keys on your keyboard to highlight the menu item of interest. The Help Window will appear. Get help on a specific command. Get help through the Table of Contents. Listed in the client area are the topics of the online help file. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 75 . Click on the “Help” button in any dialog box. 76 • SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .3. The Help Window will appear showing the help topic of the corresponding command. You can find a detailed description of all the commands in Batch Short Circuit User's Manual. Batch Short Circuit will close. The remaining instructions will take you back to the Windows desktop.EXITING Batch Short Circuit This ends the quick tutorial for Batch Short Circuit. Select the File | Exit command. 1. TO EXPLORE FURTHER This tutorial covered only a small subset of the commands in Batch Short Circuit. This manual is also available as an on-line help file “Batch Sckt.” ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION AND TUTORIAL • 77 . Help. You will be back on the Windows desktop. . The commands in the DS Relays Window are described in Section 3. The commands in the Curves Window are described in Section 3. ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ TTY Window Commands The TTY Window displays the program outputs in the traditional text form.5.1 INTRODUCTION This section documents the commands in the Main Window.3.2.SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE 3. the DS Relays Window and the TTY Window. __________________________________________________________________________ ___ ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 79 . ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Curves Window Commands The Curves Window displays the characteristics of overcurrent relays. ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ DS Relays Window Commands The DS Relays Window displays the characteristics of distance relays. The commands in the TTY Window are described in Section 3. The commands in the Main Window are described in Section 3. ____________________________ Main Window Commands The Main Window displays the one-line diagram of the network. the Curves Window.4. 3. A zoom slider on the toolbar controls the zoom setting. The other pane is updated automatically. OneLiner shows the one-line diagram of the power system in the Main Window after a binary data file has been opened or created. for example. The two panes have independent scroll controls. Toolbar The 25 icons on the toolbar are shortcuts to the following frequently used commands. Zoom Slider The two panes may display different quantities: you may have the system impedance on one pane and the shortcircuit solution on the other. which is indicated by a thin yellow bar at the bottom. You can split the main window into two panes by dragging the thick vertical line on the left side of the window. The status bar at the bottom of the window displays the fault description when a short-circuit solution is being shown. You can edit the one-line in either pane. The name of the binary data file is shown in the caption area. The zoom commands you issue will affect only the active pane.2 MAIN WINDOW COMMANDS The Main Window is initially gray when the program begins execution. There is a toolbar immediately below the menus. File | New File | Open Binary Data File File | Save Tools | Undo Tools | Data Browser Faults | Specify Classical Faults Faults | Specify Simultaneous Fault Faults | Show Solution on 1-line Display Zero Sequence Quantities (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Display Positive Sequence Quantities (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Display Negative Sequence Quantities (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Display Phase 'A' Quantities (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Display Phase 'B' Quantities (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Display Phase 'C' Quantities (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Display Relay Operating Times (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Display First Fault Solution (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Display Previous Fault Solution (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Display Next Fault Solution (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Display Last Fault Solution (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Tools | Scripting | Run Script View | Device Palette View | TTY Window Relay | Curves Window 80 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . You can make a pane active by clicking the mouse on it. simply select the object from the Device Palette and then click the mouse on the diagram where you want to place the new object. load or annotation. click on the Pointer pane in the Device Palette or press the <Esc> key on your keyboard. and the drag-drop model building technique makes the task of constructing OneLiner oneline diagram models intuitive and effortless. If you click on an empty place. To add a new two-terminal branch such as a line. Modal operation: Once you have selected an object type in the Device Palette. or dc line. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 on the palette. follow the same direction for two-terminal branches to place the first two buses. To create a 3-winding transformer. If there is an existing bus in the vicinity of the mouse clicks. You can add a new object to the diagram by simply selecting it the Palette with the mouse and placing it on the one-line diagram. General drag-and-drop technique: To add single-terminal objects such as a bus. click first on the Paste button above to place the pasted object on the 1-line. first select the object from the Device Palette. You can add new objects of the selected type repeatedly. switch. shunt. Use the technique described SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 81 . the program goes into the Add Object mode.THE DEVICE PALETTE The Device Palette. switched shunt. To paste an object from clipboard. 2-winding transformer. The tertiary is initially not connected to any existing bus. and perform a limited set of related commands while you are in this mode. the program will attach a terminal of the new branch to that bus. To exit the Add Object mode. The program will create the tertiary bus automatically at a position between the first two terminals. generator. the program will create new bus(es) to anchor the new device. Device supported: You can show or hide the Palette by selecting command View | Device Palette or by clicking on the corresponding button on the main toolbar. series capacitor/reactor. but you can easily merge it with any existing bus of the same nominal kV. phase shifter. and then click and drag the mouse to place one end of the branch and then the other. 82 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 2. Select the File | New command. The screen will turn to a white background with nothing on it. The new file is named "untitled" until you save it and give it a name. Click on the "OK" button to close the dialog box. Enter the system base MVA if you wish to use a value other than 100. Note: The system base MVA cannot be changed once this dialog box is closed. A dialog box will appear asking you for the system base MVA.Main Window FILE MENU NEW COMMAND The New command in the Main Window lets you create a new binary data file TO CREATE A NEW BINARY DATA FILE: 1. You can enter buses and branches using commands under the Network | New menu or with the drag/drop palette. A read-only file can be saved only under another file name. TO OPEN AN EXISTING BINARY DATA FILE: 1. Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the name of the binary data file. Select the File | Open Binary Data File command. When another user attempts to open the same file. A new dialog box will appear showing you the progress in reading and processing the data. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 83 . A dialog box will appear asking you for the name of the binary data file to open.Main Window FILE MENU OPEN BINARY DATA FILE COMMAND The Open Binary Data File command in the Main Window lets you open an existing binary data file for editing and for simulating faults and coordinating relays. with the File | Save As command. Click on the "OK" button. this dialog box will disappear and the Main Window will display the one-line diagram of the selected binary data file. OneLiner will warn him or her that the file can be opened for "read only". After a short time. The program locks the file you open with the "exclusive write" privilege until you close the file or exit the program. At the minimum. You can make one or more buses visible on the one-line with the Diagram | Place Bus command. the equipment you wish to fault must be visible. If errors are encountered.LOG. If you wish to view the message file. In most cases. A dialog box will appear asking you for the name of the text data file to open.DXT. the text data file is the output of a data conversion program. 84 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .Main Window FILE MENU OPEN TEXT DATA FILE COMMAND The Open Text Data File Command in the Main Window reads in a text data file that contains the network parameters of a power system. Select the File | Open Text Data File command. Click on the "OK" button. you can place them and make them visible on the one-line with the Diagram | Place Bus command. Please refer to the documentation of the Diagram | Snap to State Plain Coordinates command for details. the errors are listed both in the TTY Window and in the message file ASPEN. The dialog box will disappear. based on their coordinates. the program will ask you whether you want to place those nodes automatically. Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to select the text data file. If any of the nodes are not visible on the diagram. the dialog box of the Snap-to-State-Plain-Coordinates command will appear. If one or more nodes have non-zero state-plane coordinates. If no errors are found. a dialog box will appear informing you of the size of the system that has been read in and that none of the buses are visible. A text data file has extension of . The TTY Window will open automatically. If you answer ‘Yes’. TO OPEN A TEXT DATA FILE: 1. use an editor such as Notepad. click on "No". Click on "Yes" if you wish to save the changes to the PCC file. click on "No". If a previous curve collection (PCC) file is currently open and it has been changed. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 85 . Select the File | Close command. TO CLOSE A BINARY DATA FILE: 1. otherwise. if any. otherwise. is saved under the .Main Window FILE MENU CLOSE COMMAND The Close command in the Main Window closes the current data file (the one-line diagram of which is being shown on the main window). The dialog box will disappear. another dialog box will appear asking you whether the changes should be saved.BAK extension. If the current binary data file has been modified. The changes you made during the session will be lost. The Main Window will show the ASPEN icon with a gray background. a dialog box will appear asking you whether the changes should be saved. Click on "Yes" if you wish to save the updated data to disk under the current file name. The original binary data file. the program will ask you for the name of the binary data file. Click on "OK". The old binary data file is saved under the . Note: This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if (1) if the file has not been modified or (2) the file was opened for "read only". 86 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .Main Window FILE MENU SAVE COMMAND The Save command in the Main Window saves the current case to the disk under the current binary data file name. TO SAVE A BINARY DATA FILE: 1. Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to enter the binary data file name. The cursor will turn into an hourglass while the current binary data are being written to the disk. Select the File | Save command. It is wise to periodically save a file on which you are editing to guard against information loss in the event of a program or system failure.BAK extension. If the file was created with the File | New command or imported with the File | Open Text Data File in the same session. You may continue working with the current file after the cursor is restored to the original arrow shape. The cursor will turn into an hourglass while the current binary data file is being written to the disk. You may continue working with the new file after the cursor is restored to the original arrow shape. You should name all your binary data files with the .BAK extension. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 87 . Select the File | Save As command. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the name of the binary data file. The current binary data file is not altered. 2. Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the name of the binary data file.Main Window FILE MENU SAVE AS COMMAND The Save As command in the Main Window saves the current case to disk under a different binary data file name. Note: If this operation overwrites an existing data file. the original file is saved automatically under the . 3. TO SAVE THE BINARY DATA FILE UNDER A NEW NAME: 1. The new file name will appear in the title bar of the Main Window. Click on the "OK" button.OLR extension. click on "Cancel" after you have looked at the comments.Main Window FILE MENU FILE COMMENTS COMMAND File comments are notes that describe the binary data file. 88 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . If you wish to review the file comments only. Click on the "OK" button to save the new comments. The File Comments command in the Main Window allows you to review and edit previously entered comments and to add new comments. A dialog box will appear showing the current file comments. A file comment can have up to 5999 characters. You can force the program to start a new line by hitting <Enter> with the <Ctrl> key held down. The file comments are printed on the title page of the output when you use the Solution Reports commands. edit the comments or add new comments. A blinking text cursor indicates where new text will appear. Using the mouse and the keyboard. 2. TO EDIT FILE COMMENTS: 1. Select the File | File Comments command. It also shows the total number of annotations. TO VIEW SYSTEM STATISTICS: 1. including fuses. lines and generators. The system MVA base is shown at the top of this dialog box. The top listbox shows the number of network objects. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 89 . lines and relays. relays and coordinating pairs. generators. such as buses. A dialog box will appear showing the system statistics. Click on Done when you are finished.Main Window FILE MENU STATISTICS COMMAND The Statistics command in the Main Window shows you the statistics of various objects in the current file. 2. These include the number of buses. Select the File | System Statistics command. reclosers. The bottom listbox shows the number of protective equipment. move the viewport to an empty space where you want to place the center of the added network.Main Window FILE MENU MERGE FILE COMMAND The Merge File command in the Main Window allows you to augment an existing data file with contents of another binary data file. If a bus is found in both files. 90 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . A list of these duplicate buses is shown in the TTY window. A dialog box will appear asking you for the name of the data file that you wish to add. 4. You will then be able to use this command. because you will be able to move the added network later in step 4. 2. With the scrollbar controls. Place the added network. To add data from a DXT file. you can then manually combine these bus pairs (with the Merge Bus command) as needed to “stitch together” the two files. After the files are merged. With the mouse. the program automatically adds a ‘~’ character at the beginning of one of the bus names. Click on the "OK" button. Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the name of the data file. TO MERGE NETWORK DATA FROM ANOTHER DATA FILE: 1. Note: This command in Version 9 allowed you to added data from a DXT file. This “center” location need not be exact. Once OneLiner accepts the file name. This feature is no longer supported in Version 10. Select the File | Merge File command. Clicking the mouse outside the ghosted image will permanently place it on the screen. 3. we suggest that you first open the DXT file and saved it as an OLR file. drag the ghosted image to the desired location in the viewport. the dialog box will disappear and the one-line diagram of a ghosted image of the added network will appear on the screen. (The exception to this rule is PTI version 27 and later. loads. we suggest you first execute the Check | Data Compatibility command to see if there are any data incompatibilities. All bus names are truncated to 8 characters. TO EXPORT NETWORK DATA TO A NEW TEXT DATA FILE: 1. Also. ANAFAS format. and. OneLiner will perform certain fix-ups to the data during a PTI.Main Window FILE MENU EXPORT NETWORK DATA COMMAND The Export Network Data command in the Main Window lets you create a new text data file that corresponds to the current state of the network. if so. • Branches and generating units with blank circuit IDs are given an ID of ‘1’. • For PTI conversion only: Multiple shunt units on a bus are lumped into a single shunt. the letter ‘b’ is added to the beginning of the ID of shunts (if the ‘b’ is not there already). ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 91 . Generators and loads are not aggregated • 3-winding transformers are converted to the standard T model.. branch names are truncated to 8 characters and are exported as the branches’ “long ID”. fix them before you export the data. Note: The graphical information of the one-line diagram is not included in the exported file. in which case. GE Short Circuit format.) The T-model conversion is temporary and does not affect the existing 3-winding transformer parameters. each 3-winding transformer in ASPEN is exported as a 3winding transformer object in PTI format. A dialog box will appear asking you for the extent and format of the report. If you are planning to export to a PTI PSS/E or GE PSLF format. Select the File | Export Network command. phase shifters and dc lines are ignored. GE or ANAFAS conversion: • Buses with zero bus number are given a unique positive bus number. and GE Power Flow (PSLF) format. The ID assignments are temporary. PTI PSS/E format. • Switches are exported as lines with a very small reactance. The exported file is a text file in one of the following formats: ASPEN text data file format (see Section 5 for details). • For GE Conversion only: For bus shunts. All these changes are temporary. • For ANAFAS conversion only: Shunts. These bus number assignments are temporary. Click on the radio button "Zone no. A “tie line” is a branch that spans the selected area or zone and one of its neighbors. The default file extension is shown at the bottom of the dialog box. even though some of the tie-line bus terminals do not belong in the selected area or zone. Click on the radio button "Entire Network" to export everything. 92 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .. When this option is turned on." in the TTY Window. To export the network using the GE Power Flow (PSLF) format. 3. select a zone in the drop down list box to export only the equipment within that zone. you will see the line "Close this window to continue. Skip the rest of the instructions for this command. PTI: To export the network using the PTI PSS/E format. Click on the OK button. ANAFAS OR GE FORMAT: A dialog box will appear asking you to name the new text data file. Select the output data format. select an area in the drop down list box to export only the equipment within that area. Click on: ASPEN: To export the network using the ASPEN format. Click on the radio button "Area no. Then.. Then. the program will export all the tie lines and their terminal buses. After the system is exported. Select the Menu | Close Window command to close the TTY Window. Select either the entire network or an area or a zone. Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the name of the text data file. ANAFAS: To export the network using the ANAFAS format (a PECOlike format widely used by Brazilian utilities for data exchange. GE PSLF: 4. The TTY Window will appear on top of the Main Window to inform you of the program's progress. IF YOU SELECTED ASPEN.2.) GE Short Circuit: To export the network using the GE Short Circuit format. This option is meaningful only if you are exporting the network data from a single area or zone. IF YOU SELECTED THE PTI FORMAT: A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the PTI version number and starting bus numbers.". Click on ‘Include tie lines’ to included them in the text data file.". Enter first bus number: for buses with no bus numbers. The assigned bus number will become a permanent part of the bus data. OneLiner will assign bus numbers. starting with this number. Click on "OK". Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the name of the PTI Raw Data file. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the name of the new PTI Raw Data file and PTI Sequence Data File. to buses whose number is 0. Enter first fictitious bus numbers: for 3-winding transformer midpoint buses. The program will assign bus numbers to the equivalent T model of 3-winding transformers starting with this number. Click on "OK" to close the "ASPEN-to-PTI…" dialog box and start the conversion. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 93 .Select the PTI format you want. unless you have specified a nonzero fictitious bus number in the 3-winding transformer dialog box. Main Window FILE MENU EXPORT BREAKER DATA COMMAND The Export Breaker Data command in the Main Window lets you create an ASPEN Change File that contains the data of all the circuit breakers. You can import the breaker data to another network at any time with the File | Read Change File command. A File Save dialog box will appear asking you for the name of the data file. Select the File | Export Breaker Data. TO EXPORT BREAKER DATA TO A TEXT DATA FILE: 1. The program will automatically assign file extension CHF. 94 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Click OK to export. Use the controls in the dialog to select location and enter the name for the data file. You can also use this file as a separate depository for breaker data. Click on Save to start the export. You can direct this command to produce substation data file for all the group numbers. Enter the Base MVA of distribution network file.CHF. 3. A dialog will appear asking you to specify the output file name. The following are the rules for assigning group numbers: • Assign a unique group number to a bus in OneLiner if the corresponding substation has no possibility of being interconnected with other substations. TO EXPORT A SUBSTATION DATA FILE: 1. hence there is no harm in applying a change file with more change commands than you need in DistriView or OneLiner. Select the File | Export Substation Data command. For each of “substation buses” in OneLiner. The file type can be DistriView change file with extension . Select a substation group number to export or select _ALL to export all groups. you must assign a non-zero substation group number in the Bus info dialog box. 4.Main Window FILE MENU EXPORT SUBSTATION DATA COMMAND The Export Substation Data command in the Main Window outputs a text file containing the equivalent impedances of all the substation buses. ASPEN OneLiner and ASPEN DistriView program users can use the change file created by this command to update the substation-bus impedances with a single command. . or for just a single selected group number. The name and kV of the substation buses in OneLiner or DistriView distribution network file must match the name and nominal kV of the corresponding buses in your OneLiner file.DVC or OneLiner change file with extension . Click on Export. Click on Bus List to see the name of buses that belong to the selected group. • Assign a unique group number to a group of buses in OneLiner if the corresponding substations are interconnected (or have the possibility of being interconnected). ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 95 . This mu st be the same as the base MVA of the DistriView or OneLiner network to which you plan to apply the update. A dialog box will appear: 2. Note: DistriView and OneLiner will ignore change commands for substations that do not exist. a dialog box will appear. Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the name of the change file. Click on: Yes: to confirm the current command.CHF or . COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The change file includes three types of information: • Commands to delete network elements or protective equipment • Commands to add network elements or protective equipment • Commands to modify the network elements or protective equipment TO READ A CHANGE FILE: 1. No: to ignore the current command but continue to read the remaining commands. The program will automatically place new branches that span existing buses. A series of dialog boxes will now appear asking you to confirm the changes. Rest OK: to confirm the current command and the remaining commands. After all the commands have been processed. Change files can have either . 96 • SECTION 3 Optional: Use the Save command to save the updated system including the graphical information to the disk. A dialog box will appear asking you for the name of the change file. (See Appendix F for information on the ASPEN Case Comparison Program). You can change their appearance with the mouse at any time. 2. Select the Menu | Close Window command to close the TTY Window. Select the File | Read Change File command. the TTY Window will appear listing all of the changes made to the network. Confirm or skip the changes. When a change-file command is encountered. Note: This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated after you have deleted one or more objects.ANA extension. 3. The change file can be of the ASPEN format (with CHF extension) or the ANAFAS format (with ANA extension). Click on the "OK" button. Cancel Rest: to ignore the current command and the remaining commands. one at a time.Main Windows FILE MENU READ CHANGE FILE COMMAND The Read Change File command in the Main Window allows you to modify the network of a binary data file using a change file produced by the ASPEN Case Comparison Program. The program will show the remaining branches when you place the buses 4. Main Window FILE MENU PRINT SETUP COMMAND The Print Setup command in the Main Window allows you to set up your printer. 1. Select File | Print Setup command. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 97 . You should follow the procedure outlined in your Windows User’s Manual to configure your printer. A dialog box will appear asking you for the scaling factor.Main Window FILE MENU PRINT ONE-LINE DIAGRAM COMMAND The Print One-Line Diagram command in the Main Window lets you print the one-line diagram using the current printer. The scaling factor allows you to adjust the size of the image on the printed page. 2. the magnification will be reduced allowing a larger portion of the one-line diagram to be copied onto the printed page. the arrow pointer associated with mouse will change to a small hand.0. This window has the same aspect ratio as the printed page.) TO PRINT THE ONE-LINE DIAGRAM: 1. The name of the printer will be shown at the top of the dialog box. When the scaling factor is 1. A pop-up window will appear to show you the portion of the one-line diagram that will be printed.0. You should experiment with different values of the scaling factor to find the one that works best for your printer and paper size. Enter a scaling factor to enlarge or reduce the image. The bus names and other text in the Preview window are drawn with a screen font that emulates the printer font’s typeface and size. Enter the desired margin on all sides of the printed page. 4. Click on the Preview button to see how the one-line diagram will appear on the printed page. 98 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . OneLiner will map the portion of the one-line diagram visible on the screen to the printed page. Select the File | Print One-Line command. (You may change the current printer using the Select Printer command described on the previous page. Within the preview window. When the scaling factor is less than 1. 3. Common fonts are Courier. 7. Mark the check box labeled ‘Print black and white’ if you want to print the oneline diagram in black and white even though the printer has color capability. Text printed using a 10-point font will be 10/72 inch high no matter what the value of the scaling factor happens to be. Click on the "OK" button to close the font dialog box. you should specify a small font size to go with a small scaling factor. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the font. OneLiner uses Arial to paint on the screen. Font size controls the height of the type in units of points where one point is defined to be 1/72 of an inch. For this reason. Arial and Times Roman. Close the Preview Window by double clicking on the control menu box at the upper left corner. The fonts shown in the list box are those available on your printer. You may wish to select another font if Arial is not available on your printer or you prefer the appearance of another font.You can change the contents of the printed page by dragging the hand icon with the mouse. Click on the "Change Font" button to select the printer font. 5. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 99 . The font size is unaffected by the scaling factor. Use the controls in the standard font selection dialog box to select the font and font size you want. Optional: Press the Preview button to see how the new font looks on the one-line diagram. Click on the "OK" button to close the dialog box and commence printing. 6. The extension of the file will be automatically set depending on your choice. Press OK to continue. such as Word and AutoCad. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the name of the file. Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the name of the file and whether it should be a window metafile or an enhanced window metafile.Main Window FILE MENU EXPORT ONE-LINE DIAGRAM COMMAND The Export One-Line Diagram command in the Main Window creates a Window Metafile or Enhanced Window Metafile that corresponds to the current state of the one-line diagram. Metafiles are vector-graphic files that can be imported to other Windows programs. 100 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . TO SAVE ONE-LINE DRAWING AS A WINDOWS METAFILE OR ENHANCED WINDOWS MATA FILE: 1. A message box will appear informing you that the network data has been exported. Select the File | Export One-Line command. TO EXIT OneLiner: 1. a dialog box will appear asking you whether the changes should be saved. 2. If the current binary data file has not been changed. is saved under the . OneLiner will shut down and its window will disappear.Main Window FILE MENU EXIT COMMAND The Exit command in the Main Window lets you close the current binary data file and shut down OneLiner. The changes you made during the session will be lost. The original binary data file. Click on "Yes" if you wish to save the updated data to disk under the current file name. The dialog box will disappear. If the current binary data file has been modified. Select the File | Exit command. if any. the Main Window of OneLiner will simply disappear. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 101 .BAK extension. Make necessary modifications and click on "OK". 102 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The properties dialog box for the element will appear. Select the network element. Click the left mouse button once on the element you want to review or edit. To execute this command you must first select the network element. TO REVIEW OR EDIT THE PARAMETERS OF A NETWORK ELEMENT: 1. The element will turn dotted red when selected. The dialog box will disappear and the modifications will be applied to the element.Main Window NETWORK MENU PROPERTIES COMMAND The Properties command in the Main Window lets you review or edit the parameters of a network element. Select the Network | Properties command. 2. 0001 per unit or larger. instead of the Faults | Options dialog box. Select the Network | Option command. However.RAT) are enclosed by quotes. Note: The reactance value selected must be small to avoid introducing unwanted changes to the network model. 3. This option is put here. Select string delimiter. Select switch reactance OneLiner models switches as low-impedance branch. You can choose either the single quote or the double quote for that purpose. the program will automatically use data from the last entered object as default values when it displays the data dialog box for new objects. 2. Otherwise. The single quote was used exclusively prior to version 9. When checked. The same impedance is als o used to simulate a bypassed series reactor or capacitor. 4. TO CHANGE NETWORK OPTIONS: 1. switches with very small impedance can cause numerical problems and result in incorrect short circuit solutions. because the ignore-phase-shift option will affect both short circuit and power flow simulations. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 103 . The smallest switch impedance one can use is a function of the system being modeled. The double quote was added as an option because it allows users to have apostrophes in names and comments. 5. the program will show you a blank info dialog box for new objects.Main Window NETWORK MENU OPTION COMMAND The Option command lets you change modeling settings that affect both short circuit and power flow simulations. This command also allows you control the default values used for new objects and the string delimiters in exported data files. Character strings in text data files (*. the impedances should be 0. Select default parameters for new objects. The network option dialog box will appear. In most cases. Select check box "Ignore Phase shift" to ignore the phase shifts of wye-delta transformers and phase shifters.DXT) and relay data file (*. Main Window NETWORK MENU NEW | BUS COMMAND The New | Bus command in the Main Window lets you add a new bus to the network. TO ADD A NEW BUS USING MENU COMMAND: 1a. also. You can add new breakers with this command. '$' and the string delimiter (single or double quotation mark). A dialog box will appear asking for the parameters of the new bus. except '#'. 104 • SECTION 3 Input the bus parameters. Click the left mouse button once at the desired position of the new bus. Name: A 12-character name for the bus. Bus. 3. Click on the One-line where you want to place the new bus. inclusive. To execute this command you must first select a position with the left mouse button. (For PTI PSS/E compatibility. Select the Network | New | Bus command. kV: Nominal line-to-line bus voltage. must have a unique value in the range 1 to 9999999. Any alphanumeric characters can be used. you should limit the bus number between 1 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . No. The 'bus' object is linked to the circuit breaker information. if not zero. The cursor will become a cross with a bus symbol attached to it.: The bus number. Click on the New Bus button on the Device Palette. A dialog box will appear asking you for the parameters of the bus. Select the bus location. 2. 2a. Nom. TO ADD A NEW BUS USING MENU COMMAND: 1. line-end and intermediate faults. You can use the Diagram | Snap to State Plane Coordinates command to automatically place all the bus on the oneline diagram.) You will get a warning if the bus number you chose is already in use.: A zone number between 0 and 999. Mark the check box labeled “Tap Bus” if this dialog box is for a tap bus.and 999997. 6. inclusive. inclusive. Enter a non-zero group number to designate this bus as a substation bus. The program skips over tap buses when applying remote bus. If there are any breakers at this bus. their names will appear in the list box on the left. Click on the 'Breaker Data' page. Midpoint” if this dialog box is for the fictitious midpoint bus of the T circuit of a 3-winding transformer. 4. Please refer to the documentation of the File | Export Substation Data command for explanation of the substation group number. This option is designed primarily for users who work with network data of ANAFAS format. Select the bus symbol style from the pull-down list Bus symbol can be vertical bar. 8. Note: You must enable the “show ID on one-line diagram” option to see the solution voltages on the one-line diagram for short circuit and power flow simulations. Zone No. 5. 7. Enter state place coordinates The state-plane coordinates are floating point numbers that specifies the geographical location of the bus. Area No. Select whether or not to show the bus ID one one-line diagram.: An area number between 0 and 999. Tap buses are usually used to break down a transmission line into different sections. inclusive. Select the bus type. inclusive. The 'Breaker Data' page is for circuit breakers that are linked to this bus. Mark the check box labeled “Transf. Substation Group No. Location: An 8-character location name. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 105 . A bus is a ‘real bus’ otherwise.: The group number must be between 0 and 999. OneLiner does not make use of this datum at this time. horizontal bar or dot. A dialog box will appear asking you to enter the circuit breaker parameters.TO ADD A BREAKER: 1. Click on "Add" to add a circuit breaker to this bus. ANSI/IEEE total-current rated breaker properties screen: 106 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . For breakers that are using IEC standards. The circuit breaker name is limited to 12 characters. For breakers that are rated on a total-current basis using ANSI/IEEE standards.Symmetrical current: for breakers that are rated on a symmetricalcurrent basis using ANSI/IEEE standards. enter ‘Rated breaking amps’. 5. have a look at its nameplate ratings. enter ‘Rated short circuit amps’. Breakers made in the US before 1965 are rated this way. ‘Percentage dc component’ and ‘Rated ac making amps’.IEC rated breaker properties screen: 2. When in doubt on the breaker type. Enter the circuit breaker capabilities: For breakers that are rated on a symmetrical-current basis using ANSI/IEEE standards. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 107 . Breakers made by European manufacturers are rated this way. Most breakers made in the US after 1964 are rated this way. IEEE . IEC: for breakers that are rated using IEC standards. Click on the 'Rating method' drop down list box and select either: IEEE . whereas the rating for an IEEE symmetrical-current rated breaker is in amperes. 4. enter ‘Rated short circuit MVA ’ and ‘Rated momentary amps’. IEC breaker nameplate usually shows both rated breaking current and rated making current in amperes. 3.Total current: for breakers that are rated on a total-current basis using ANSI/IEEE standards. The rating for an IEEE total-current rated breaker is in MVA. Enter the circuit breaker name. Enter the circuit breaker’s maximum designed kV or rated kV in ‘Maximum design kV’ box. This input is ignored for breakers rated using IEC standard. The No-ac-decay ratio is defined as: NACD = (Itotal . Breaker interrupting time should be between 0 and 8 cycles.6. 12. Enter breaker Interrupting time for breakers that are rated using ANSI/IEEE standards. Enter breaker description in 'Description'. The default value for NACD ratio is 1. Enter rated short-circuit current percent dc component for breakers that are rated using IEC standards. Enter the ‘No-ac-decay ratio’ for breakers that are rated using ANSI/IEEE standards. Thus when K equals 1. Select the number of reclosing operation and enter the reclosing intervals in seconds for breakers that are rated using ANSI/IEEE standards. Enter the circuit breaker’s operating voltage in 'Operating kV'. The default value of this quantity is equal to the nominal kV of the breaker bus. For breakers that are rated using ANSI/IEEE standards the voltage range factor defines a range of voltage in which breaker interrupting capability is inversely proportional to the operating voltage. 8a. the rated interrupting capability of the breaker must be used even when the breaker being operated at lower than its maximum design kV. The description must be less than 32 characters in length. K. NOTE: The rated interrupting capabilities of only oil circuit breakers and air magnetic circuit breakers need to be derated for reclosing. Mark the Do not derate this breaker check box if applicable. 3-cycle breaker: minimum contact parting time 2 cycles. Contact parting time must include relay tripping delay and breaker energization time.5 cycles. 11. 8b. 10. 5-cycle breaker: minimum contact parting time 3 cycles. Enter the voltage range factor. Breaker contact parting time should be between 0 and 12 cycles.Ilocal)/Itotal Where: Itotal: total breaker short circuit current. which implies that the short circuit current comes entirely from remote sources and no AC decay should be considered in calculating breaker short circuit duty. 9.5 times the generator subtransient reactance. 2-cycle breaker: minimum contact parting time 1. This value usually 108 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 7. Ilocal: short circuit current from local generators that are located no more than one transformation away or have external reactance in series which is less than 1. Enter breaker contact parting time for fault on each of the 2 groups devices protected by this breaker. Following table shows typical minimum contact parting time (without relay tripping delay) for different breakers: 8-cycle breaker: minimum contact parting time 4 cycles. 13. We are back to the Breaker Info dialog box. Click on “Max. Repeat step 13 and 14. Each group can contain up to 10 devices. Enter devices that the breaker must protect. Click on "OK" to close the 'Breaker Info' dialog box. Select the check box in from of the equipment name to add it to the group. 15. Therefore one can use the default value of 1 when screening out breakers that clearly have sufficient fault interrupting capability. shunts. The list includes the breaker bus and all generators. This input is ignored for breakers rated using IEC standard. For in-depth breaker duty studies. When a branch is selected. the NACD ratio can be determined by simulating short circuit with and without local generators in service and calculating the ratio of breaker current in the two cases. The list does not include equipment. 14. device current” if the breaker must interrupt the highest current flowing through the devices listed. which belongs to the other protected device group of this breaker. 16. each having a different contact parting time setting. These are devices that the breaker disconnects from the network when its contacts open. but for the second device group if necessary. Click on “Total group current” if the breaker must interrupt the sum of currents flowing through all the devices listed above. Click on OK to close the Protected Devices dialog box. The following dialog box will appear. Click on the Edit button in each protected device group box to change the list of devices. and branches found in the vicinity of the breaker bus.yields the highest breaker duty result. it’s assumed that the near end bus of the branch is the one that will be disconnected by the breaker operation. For more flexibility in modeling you can include the devices into two separate groups. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 109 . A breaker info dialog will appear to allow data input on new breaker name and connection information. Protected device group information will not be copied when breaker is being pasted to a different location. In the Breaker Data page of the Bus Dialog Box. TO DELETE A BREAKER: 1. In the Breaker Data page of the Bus Dialog Box. select breaker(s) you want to copy and click on "Copy”. TO EDIT BREAKER INFORMATION: 1. click on "OK" to close the 'Bus Info' dialog box. Select a breaker in the list box and click on 'Get Info' to edit or view its parameters. 110 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Out-of-service breakers will not be included in the breaker checking TO COPY BREAKER DATA TO CLIPBOARD 1. The dialog box will disappear and the symbol for the new bus will appear on screen. In the Breaker Data page of the Bus Dialog Box. TO CLOSE THE BUS INFO DIALOG BOX: 1. select breaker(s) you want to delete in the list box and click on "Delete" to remove the circuit breaker from this bus.TO TOGGLE BREAKER IN/OUT-OF-SERVICE 1. In the Breaker Data page of the Bus Dialog Box. When you are done editing bus and breaker data. Note: If no breaker data is found in the clipboard the “Paste” button will be grayed out. TO PASTE BREAKER DATA FROM CLIPBOARD 1. on "Paste”. select breaker(s) you want to change the status and click on "In/Out-of service”. 2a. 2b. Click on the New Generator button on the Device Palette. and (3) the “TO EDIT OR DELETE A GENERATING UNIT” will show you how to edit an existing generating unit. TO ADD A NEW GENERATOR TO A BUS USING MENU COMMAND: 1b. There are three sections below: (1) the "TO ADD A NEW GENERATOR TO A BUS" section shows you how to add a new generator to a bus. A dialog box will appear asking you for the parameters of the generator. The bus symbol will turn dotted red when selected. You can specify the impedance of each unit and whether it is on-line or off-line. A bus can have at most one generator . Each bus can have only one generator. Click on the One-line where you want to place the new generator. Note: You can click on an existing bus to place the new generator on the bus. Select the bus.Main Window NETWORK MENU NEW | GENERATOR COMMAND The New | Generator command in the Main Window lets you add a new generator to a bus. (2) the "TO ADD A NEW GENERATING UNIT TO AN EXISTING GENERATOR" section shows you how to add more units to an existing generator. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 111 .The program will display an error message if the bus or node already has a generator. This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if the bus already has a generator. A dialog box will appear asking you for the generator data. but the generator may have up to 32 generating units. Different units on the same bus are differentiated by their 2-character identifiers. Refer to the section below "TO ADD A NEW GENERATING UNIT TO AN EXISTING GENERATOR" to add more generating units. The cursor will become a cross with a generator symbol attached to it. but the generator may have up to 32 generating units. TO ADD A NEW GENERATOR TO A BUS FROM THE DEVICE PALETTE: 1a. Note: A bus can have at most one generator. Click the left mouse button once on the bus to which you want to add a generator. Select the Network | New | Generator command. 4. A dialog box will appear asking you for the generating unit parameters. Angle command to automatically set the reference angle of all the generators in the network. 112 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Note: Instead of entering the reference angle manually. Click on the "New" button to add a new generating unit to the bus. Fixed P+jQ output: If you want the generator's real and reactive power output to be constant. select the bus whose voltage magnitude is to be regulated by this generator. Enter the target voltage magnitude (in pu) in the 'Hold V' edi t box. They have no effect in flat-bus and power-flow voltage start options. In the drop down list box. The magnitude and angle of the generator’s internal voltage source are used in flat-generator-voltages start option only. Input the open-circuit voltage and the reference angle. Please refer to the description of that command and see Section 4. we suggest you use the Network | Set Generator Ref. Click on: Regulates voltage: If you want the generator to regulate the voltage magnitude at its own terminal bus or at another bus.9 for details. Select the type of power flow regulation. 5.3. transient impedance. negative -sequence impedance and zero-sequence impedance. Note: All the generating unit’s impedances are based on its MVA rating. The program automatically initializes the ID of a new generating unit to a numeric value that has not been used by another unit on the same bus. 7. Enter the scheduled generation. 8. 10. transient or synchronous) will be used in the positive-sequence model for short circuit studies. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 113 . Please refer to the Faults | Options command for more information. only one edit box (MW) will be displayed. The generator impedances are based on this MVA rating. Input the MVA rating of the generating unit in 'MVA'. The unit ID is a 2-character identifier used to differentiate between different generating units on the same bus. Input the following generating unit impedances: Subtransient impedance. Enter the actual neutral impedance without multiplying it by 3. Input the generating unit identifier in 'ID'. you can enter the subtransient impedance and press the Copy button to copy the same impedance to all the other impedance edit boxes. synchronous impedance. Note: You can specify which impedance value (subtransient. Input the neutral impedance (in ohms) in 'Neutral Impedance …'. 9. and NOT the system rating. Refer to the Diagram | Equivalent Branch Color Code command for further discussion. As a shortcut.6. This identifier can be used to mark the generating unit as a fictitious source generated by network equivalence. and not on the system MVA. Note: If the generating unit is to regulate voltage. Pmax: Maximum real power output in MW. Select the Network | Properties command. 4. press the Done button in the Load dialog box. Subsequent generating units will be labeled 'Unit 2'. Enter the generation limits. A dialog box will appear listing all the load units that are within this load. The load-unit dialog box will appear. 12. A dialog box will appear listing all the units that are within this generator. Click the left mouse button once on the generator to which you want to add a generating unit. Click on the New button. Click the left mouse button once on the generator to which you want to add a generating unit. Enter the real (MW) and reactive (MVAR) power generation in the edit boxes. 3. 11. Select the Network | Properties command. Select the generator. 2. Repeat step 3 above for each load unit. Note: The generating unit you entered is listed in the list box as 'Unit 1'.Enter the real power generation in MW. The generator data dialog box will be displayed. 114 • SECTION 3 Click on a generating unit. TO EDIT OR DELETE A GENERATING UNIT: 1. The dialog box will disappear and a new generator symbol will be shown attached to the bus. Click on "Done" to close the generator data dialog box. two edit boxes (MW + jMVAR) will be displayed. 13. 2. When done. Click on "OK" to close the generating unit dialog box. 'Unit 3'. Select the generator. Qmin: Minimum reactive power output in MVAR. Qmax: Maximum reactive power output in MVAR. Enter the necessary information and press OK. and so on. but they may be used to limit the output of the system and area slack generators in later versions. 3. Note: If the generating unit is to maintain a fixed P+jQ output. TO ADD A NEW UNIT TO AN EXISTING GENERATOR: 1. The Rating and the Pmin and Pmax limits are not used in this version of the program. COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Pmin: Minimum real power output in MW. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 115 . Click on Edit to change the parameters of the generating unit. 7. press the Done button in the Generator dialog box. Click on Delete to delete a generating unit. 6.4. Click on On/Off-Line to toggle a generating unit from off-line to on-line or vise versa. 5. When done. 116 • SECTION 3 Specify whether the load is grounded or not. Note: A bus can have at most one load. constant-current and constant impedance components. You can also specify whether each load unit is on-line or off-line. Refer to the section below "TO ADD A NEW LOAD UNIT TO AN EXISTING LOAD" to add more load units. The program will display an error message if the bus already has a load. 2b. Select the Network | New | Load command. Note: You can click on an existing bus to place the new load on the bus. Each bus can have only one load. You can break down the total MW +jMVAR consumption of a load into constant-power. Click the left mouse button once on the bus to which you want to add a load. Different units on the same bus are differentiated by their 2character identifiers. A bus can have at most one load. Select the bus. 2a. Click on the One-line where you want to place the new load. and (3) the “TO EDIT OR DELETE A LOAD UNIT” section shows you how to edit an existing load unit. The bus symbol will turn dotted red when selected.Main Window NETWORK MENU NEW | LOAD COMMAND The New | Load command in the Main Window lets you add a new load to a bus. TO ADD A NEW LOAD TO A BUS USING MENU COMMAND: 1b. A dialog box will appear asking for the parameters of the new load. but the load may have up to 32 load units. The cursor will become a cross with a load symbol attached to it. but the load may have up to 32 load units. Click on the New Load button on the Device Palette. This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if the bus already has a load. (2) the "TO ADD A NEW LOAD UNIT TO AN EXISTING LOAD" section shows you how to add more units to an existing load. TO ADD A NEW LOAD FROM THE DEVICE PALETTE: 1a. 3. There are 3 sections below: (1) the "TO ADD A NEW LOAD TO A BUS" section shows you how to add a new load to a bus. A dialog box will appear. COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The dialog box will disappear and a new load symbol will be shown attached to the bus. For each load unit. Click on the "OK" button to close the individual load unit dialog box. 4. you can break down the total MW +jMVAR consumption into constant-power. MW: Megawatts consumed by the load unit when the voltage is 1. MVAR: Megavars consumed by the load unit when the voltage is 1. Mark the Load not grounded check box if the load is not grounded. Input the load unit parameters.0 per unit. Click on "Done" to close the load dialog box. 2. Click on the "New" button to add a new load unit to the bus. A dialog box will appear listing all the load units that are within this load. Input the load unit identifier in 'ID'. Click the left mouse button once on the load to which you want to add a load unit. This selection will be applied to all the load units in this load. The unit ID is 2-character identifier used to differentiate between different load units on the same bus. Select the load.0 per unit. The load unit is ignored if all the MW and MVAR values are zero. The load unit dialog box will be displayed. Note: The constant-current load model is not yet working in this version. Note: This button is disabled if the load already has 32 units.A load is grounded by default. Select the Network | Properties command. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 117 . TO ADD A LOAD UNIT TO AN EXISTING LOAD: 1. 5. The program automatically initializes the ID of a new load unit to a numeric value that has not been used by another unit on the same bus. constant-current and constantimpedance components. A dialog box will appear asking you for the load unit parameters. 6. 118 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Click on Edit to change the parameters of the load unit. press the Done button in the Load dialog box. 7. Click the left mouse button once on the load to which you want to add a load unit. TO EDIT OR DELETE A LOAD UNIT: 1. Select the Network | Properties command. Click on the New button. 2. press the Done button in the Load dialog box. When done. Click on On/Off-Line to toggle a load unit from off-line to on-line or vise versa. The load-unit dialog box will appear. Repeat step 3 above for each load unit. Enter the necessary information and press OK. 5. When done. Click on a load unit. Select the load. A dialog box will appear listing all the units that are within this load.3. 4. 3. Click on Delete to delete a load unit. 4. Click on the New Shunt button on the Device Palette. and (2) the "TO ADD A NEW SHUNT UNIT TO AN EXISTING SHUNT" section shows you how to add more units to an existing shunt. Each bus can have only one shunt. A dialog box will appear asking you for the shunt data. Click the left mouse button once on the bus to which you want to add a shunt. A bus can have at most one shunt. Refer to the section below "TO ADD A NEW SHUNT UNIT TO AN EXISTING SHUNT" to add more shunt units. Select the bus. You can specify the admittance of each unit and whether it is on-line or off-line. Click on the One-line where you want to place the new shunt.Main Window NETWORK MENU NEW | SHUNT COMMAND The New | Shunt command in the Main Window lets you add a new shunt to a bus. Click on the "New" button to add a new shunt unit to the bus. Note: You can click on an existing bus to place the new shunt on the bus. 3. Note: A bus can have at most one shunt. but the shunt may have up to 32 shunt units. 2b. This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if the bus already has a shunt. The bus symbol will turn dotted red when selected. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 119 . 2a. The program will display an error message if the bus already has a shunt. There are 3 sections below: (1) the "TO ADD A NEW SHUNT TO A BUS" section shows you how to add a new shunt to a bus. Different units on the same bus are differentiated by their 2character identifiers. Select the Network | New | Shunt command. A dialog box will appear asking you for the shunt unit parameters. TO ADD A NEW SHUNT TO A BUS USING MENU COMMAND: 1b. and (3) the “TO EDIT OR DELETE A SHUNT UNIT” section shows you how to edit an existing shunt unit. TO ADD A NEW SHUNT FROM THE DEVICE PALETTE: 1a. but the shunt may have up to 32 shunt units. The cursor will become a cross with a shunt symbol attached to it. A dialog box will appear asking for the parameters of the new shunt. You must enter the values G0 and B0 manually. MVAR: MVAR consumed by the shunt when the voltage is 1. such as a zig -zag grounding transformer. 120 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .4. click on the "Convert" button.0 per unit. MW: MW consumed by the shunt when the voltage is 1. Enter a positive number for a shunt reactor.2 for the shunt model and Section 5. Set both G0 and B0 to zero for an ungrounded shunt. Another dialog box will appear. OneLiner will show the tertiary circulating current for the transformer when the "3-winding transformer shunt" option is chosen. Input the shunt unit identifier in 'ID'. 6. 5. It has no other effect on the solution or on the output. Click on "Convert". In the printed output. B: Positive-sequence admittance in per unit.0 per unit. Set both G and B to zero for a zero-sequence shunt. The ID is a 2-character identifier used to differentiate between different shunt units on the same bus.9 for the definition of the shunt parameters. G. The 'Convert Shunt Data' dialog box will disappear and the program will update the admittances G and B based on the MW and MVAR values. Input the shunt parameters. The program automatically initializes the ID of a new shunt unit to a numeric value that has not been used by another unit on the same bus. See Section 4. G0. B0: Zero-sequence admittance in per unit. If you want to derive the admittances from the MW and MVAR ratings of the shunt. and a negative number for a capacitor. Input the shunt parameters. You can input the positive and zero sequence admittances of the shunt directly. Click on the "3-winding transformer shunt" check box if the shunt is part of the T model of a 3-winding transformer. Click the left mouse button once on the shunt to which you want to add a shunt unit. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 121 . A dialog box will appear listing all the units that are within this shunt. Select the Network | Properties command. Click on On/Off-Line to toggle a shunt unit from off-line to on-line or vise versa. Click on Delete to delete a shunt unit. TO EDIT OR DELETE A SHUNT UNIT: 1. 5. 4. When done.7. 3. Click the left mouse button once on the shunt to which you want to add a shunt unit. When done. Click on the New button. press the Done button in the shunt dialog box. Click on the "OK" button. 2. Select the shunt. The shunt-unit dialog box will appear. A dialog box will appear listing all the shunt units that are within this shunt. 4. 2. Click on a shunt unit. TO ADD A SHUNT UNIT TO AN EXISTING SHUNT: 1. Select the Network | Properties command. Click on Edit to change the parameters of the shunt unit. 7. The selected bus symbol will remain highlighted and a new shunt symbol will be shown attached to the bus. Enter the necessary information and press OK. Select the shunt. 6. press the Done button in the Shunt dialog box. 3. Repeat step 3 above for each shunt unit. TO ADD A NEW SWITCHED SHUNT FROM THE DEVICE PALETTE: 1a. Note: You can click on an existing bus to place the new switched shunt on the bus. 3. TO ADD A NEW SWITCHED SHUNT TO A BUS USING MENU COMMAND: 1b. Select the Network | New | Switched Shunt command. A dialog box will appear asking for the switched shunt data. Each bank can be turned on in steps or it can be turned on in a continuous manner. Each switched shunt can have up to eight banks of capacitors and reactors. Click on: Fixed: Discrete: 122 • SECTION 3 If the susceptance of the switched shunt is fixed at the value of susceptance (B) you enter. COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 2b. Click the left mouse button once on the bus to which you want to add a switched shunt. Select the bus.Main Window NETWORK MENU NEW | SWITCHED SHUNT COMMAND The New | Switched Shunt command in the Main Window lets you add a new switched shunt to a bus. A dialog box will appear asking you for the data. Note: A bus can have at most one switched shunt. The program will display an error message if the bus already has a switched shunt. Click on the One-line where you want to place the new switched shunt. If the susceptance of the shunt banks is switched on and off incrementally in discrete steps to regulate voltage. The bus symbol will turn dotted red when selected. The cursor will become a cross with a switched shunt symbol attached to it. A bus can have at most one switched shunt. This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if the bus already has a switched shunt. Click on the New Switched Shunt button on the Device Palette. 2a. Specify the control mode. This value of B is taken to be the susceptance of the switched shunt when the control mode is on “Fixed. are not in used. When the program turns on one or more capacitor banks. Enter the maximum and minimum target voltage in per-unit. Enter the positive -sequence susceptance. and so on. It should be noted that the program logic for regulating voltage does not mix reactor and capacitor banks. If a switched shunt contains banks of reactors (B<0) and capacitors (B>0). and a negative value for a reactor.” You must specify the banks in the order they are switched on because the program logic is designed to exhaust the susceptance available in the first bank before it uses those in the second bank. 4. This information is ignored when the control mode is on “Fixed.” 5. you must list the reactor banks first. This information is ignored when the control mode is on “Fixed. B: ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 Per-unit positive-sequence susceptance of the switched shunt. and a negative value for a reactor. as well as all subsequent banks. B0: Per-unit zero-sequence susceptance of each step of a bank. B: Per-unit positive-sequence susceptance of each step of a bank. You can see the value of B0 in use in the Data Browser. Enter zero if the bank is ungrounded. Enter a positive value for a capacitor. of steps”. this value of B is considered to be the initial value of the switched shunt. of steps: The number of steps for a bank must be an integer between 1 and 9. The number of steps in each bank can be any integer between 1 through 9. You must make sure that the value you enter can be realized by switching on the capacitor or reactor banks available. inclusive. Enter a positive value for a capacitor. “B/step” and “B0/step. Enter the parameters of the banks. A continuous shunt can have multiple banks. Click on the drop down list box and select a controlled bus. You can enter their parameters in the 8 rows of edit boxes under the heading of “No. the zerosequence of the switched shunt is calculated automatically by the program.” Otherwise.Continuous: If the susceptance of the shunt banks is adjusted continuously to regulate voltage. 7. A value of 0 means that this bank. Enter a positive value for a capacitor. and a negative value for a reactor.” No. In all cases. SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 123 .” 6. inclusive. A switched shunt can have up to 8 banks of capacitors and reactors. The step size is taken into account when the control is “discrete”. the prior reactor banks are switched off. The step size and the number of steps are used only to calculate the maximum and minimum susceptance of the switched shunt when the control is “continuous. 124 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .8. Click on “OK”. The selected bus symbol will remain highlighted and a new switched shunt symbol will be shown attached to the bus. Note: The Line menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if the nominal kVs of the two terminal buses are different. They must have the same nominal kV. Clicking on the end segment of an existing branch will place the new line in series with that branch. 2b. Drag-and-Drop the new line Click the left mouse button on the one-line diagram where you want to place the first end of the new line. The cursor will become a cross with a line symbol attached to it. A dialog box will appear asking you for the line data. 2a. Release the mouse button where you want the line to terminate. the New Line command will be ignored. move the cursor toward the spot where you want to place the other end of the line.Main Window NETWORK MENU NEW | LINE COMMAND The New | Line command in the Main Window lets you add a new transmission line between two buses. Select the two terminal buses. Select the Network | New | Line command. NOTE: If you place the second end too close to the first one. Both bus symbols will turn dotted red when selected. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 125 . Note: Clicking on an existing bus will attach the new line to that bus. The first bus you select will be the Bus1 of the line model and the second will be Bus2. the bus symbol will be highlighted in red. Enter nominal kV for the new line’s terminals where neither terminal is connected to an existing bus. Select New Line on the Device Palette Click on the New Line pane on the Device Palette. TO ADD A NEW LINE FROM THE DEVICE PALETTE: 1a. Note: When you move the line’s far end over an existing bus having the same nominal kV. TO ADD A NEW LINE USING MENU COMMAND: 1b. A dialog box will appear asking you for the line data. Then with the <Shift> key held down. A new line symbol will appear with its far end moving with the cursor. click the left button once on the other bus terminal. The two terminal buses of a line must have the same nominal kV. Click the left mouse button once on one of the terminal buses. With the mouse button held down. You can release the mouse button to attach the second end of the line to that bus. Refer to the Diagram | Equivalent Branch Color Code command for further discussion. X0: Zero-sequence impedance in per unit. G2. B1: Positive-sequence shunt admittance in per unit at the Bus1 side. G10. and the second Bus2. R. 4. "m" or "km". G1. You can either input the parameters directly or have OneLiner calculate it for you. Input the transmission line's electrical parameters. Input the transmission line identifiers. Unit: Select unit of length: "mi". X: Positive-sequence impedance in per unit. Ckt ID: A two-character circuit identifier that is commonly used to differentiate between parallel lines. Name: A 12-character name for the transmission line. The line’s terminal buses are listed at the top of the dialog box. G20. R0. The circuit ID can also be used to mark the line as a fictitious line generated by network equivalence. B2: Positive-sequence shunt admittance in per unit at the Bus2 side. TO ENTER THE PARAMETERS MANUALLY: Input the following parameters. 126 • SECTION 3 Length: Physical length of line. "ft". The program automatically initializes the circuit ID of a new line to a numeric value that has not been used by a parallel line.3. "kt". B10: Zero-sequence shunt admittance in per unit at the Bus1 side. using information in the Line Table File. B20: Zero-sequence shunt admittance in per unit at the Bus2 side. The first bus listed will be referred to as Bus1. COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . This item and the ‘Unit” are used for informational purposes only. Click on the “Mutuals” button to display the mutual coupling parameters. etc. 7. You can enter up to four current ratings for the line in amperes. 5. Click on the "OK" button. emergency rating. the Power Flow Program checks for overloads with these ratings. The Line Table contains the parameters of various lines and cables. 6. You can edit this file with any text editor. "ft". ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 127 . Type: Select one of the types available in the Line Table File. Input current ratings in 'A'. 'B'. Note: This button is enabled only if the line is mutually coupled to one or more lines in the zero sequence. This option is for Power Flow users. "m" or "km". These ratings can be the summer rating. 'C' and 'D'. winter rating. The selected bus symbols will remain highlighted and a new line symbol will be shown connecting the two terminal buses.10 for definitions of the line parameters.3 for the line model and Section 5. TO HAVE OneLiner CALCULATE THE PARAMETERS FOR YOU: Enter the following data. Select a metering location. "kt" (1000 ft). Unit: Select unit of length: "mi". The Check | Relay Loadability command utilizes these ratings. Also. See documentation for the Network | Mutual Coupling | Mutual Coupling Pair Properties command for details. Select the end at which the losses and the inter-area flow (if it is a tie line) will be computed. Click on "Recompute from table" button. OneLiner will now calculate the series impedances and shunt admittances for the transmission line and put them into the edit boxes. 8.See Section 4. Length: Physical length of line in the unit to be selected next. A dialog box will appear asking you for the series capacitor/reactor data. Enter nominal kV for the new series capacitor’s terminals when neither terminal is connected to an existing bus. Drag-and-Drop the new series capacitor Click the left mouse button on the one-line diagram where you want to place the first end of the new series capacitor/reactor. Both bus symbols will turn dotted red when selected. You can release the mouse button to attach the second end of the series capacitor to that bus. TO ADD A NEW SERIES CAPACITOR/REACTOR FROM THE DEVICE PALETTE: 1a. and the second will be Bus2.Main Window NETWORK MENU NEW | SERIES CAPACITOR/REACTOR COMMAND The New | Series Capacitor/Reactor command in the Main Window lets you add a new series capacitor or series reactor between two buses. With the mouse button held down. A new series capacitor symbol will appear with its far end moving with the cursor. Note: Clicking on an existing bus will attach the first end of the new series capacitor to that bus. the bus symbol will be highlighted in red. Note: When you move the series capacitor’s far end over an existing bus having the same nominal kV. The first bus you select will be Bus1 of the series-capacitor model. Select New Series Capacitor/Reactor on the Device Palette Click on the Series capacitor/reactor button on the Device Palette. Select the two terminal buses. Note: Two buses can be connected by a series capacitor only if they have the same nominal kV. the program will ignore the command. The cursor will become a cross with a capacitor symbol attached to it. Note: If you place the second end too close to the first one. move the cursor toward the spot where you want to place the other end of the series capacitor/reactor. TO ADD A NEW SERIES CAPACITOR USING MENU COMMAND: 1b. Clicking on end segment of an existing branch will place the new series capacitor/reactor in series with that branch. Then with the <Shift> key held down. 128 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Release the mouse button where you want the series capacitor to terminate. click the left button once on the other terminal bus. 2a. (The nominal kV values appear on the oneline diagram below the bus names.) Click the left mouse button once on one of the terminal buses. The protective level current is used to characterize the MOV that is in parallel with the series capacitor. The iteration logic is ‘off’ by default. Note: The Series Capacitor/Reactor menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if the nominal kVs of the two terminal buses are not the same.414*X). Name: A 12-character name for the series capacitor/reactor. A dialog box will appear asking you for the series capacitor data. Select the Network | New | Series Capacitor/Reactor command. Please refer to Section 4. 5. where Vpk is the maximum capacitor voltage maintained by the MOV. the program will model the series capacitor or reactor with a very small reactance (the switch reactance) in place of the capacitor/reactor reactance. Reactance: The reactance of the capacitor/reactor in per unit. Bypass flag: When this flag is checked.5 times the rated current of the capacitor bank. Click on the "OK" button. Note: MOV-protected series capacitors are nonlinear device. Input the series capacitor/reactor identifiers.0 to 2. and X is the reactance of the capacitor bank. Enter a negative value for a capacitor and positive value for a reactor. Please refer to the documentation for the Network | Options command for details on the switch reactance. The protective-level current is typically 2. MOV-bypass protective level current: This parameter is for series capacitors only. A new series capacitor/reactor symbol will be shown connecting the two terminal buses.2b. The protective-level current is defined as Vpk/(1. You can turn it ‘on’ in the Faults | Options dialog box. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 129 . the short circuit logic has to iterate the solution until convergence. Input the series capacitor’s electrical parameters. The series capacitor/reactor’s terminal buses are listed at the top of the dialog box. 4. To simulate these devices properly.3 for more information on MOV-protected series capacitor modeling. 3. Ckt ID: A two-character circuit identifier that is commonly used to differentiate between parallel branches. Both bus symbols will turn dotted red when selected. Select the two terminal buses. A new 2-winding transformer symbol will appear with its far end moving with the cursor. A dialog box will appear asking you for the transformer parameters.Main Window NETWORK MENU NEW | 2-WINDING TRANSFORMER COMMAND The New | 2-Winding Transformer command in the Main Window lets you add a new 2-winding transformer between two buses. Note: Clicking on an existing bus will attach the first end of the new transformer to that bus. The cursor will become a cross with a transformer symbol attached to it. Clicking on end segment of an existing branch will place the new transformer in series with that branch. With the mouse button held down. Select New Transformer on the Device Palette Click on the 2-winding transformer button on the Device Palette. Enter the nominal kV for the new transformer’s terminals when one or both terminals are not connected to an existing bus. the bus symbol will be highlighted in red. Note: When you move the transformer’s far end over an existing bus. Drag-and-Drop the new transformer Click the left mouse button on the one-line diagram where you want to place the first end of the new transformer. 2a. 2b. the program will ignore the command. Click the left mouse button once on one of the terminal buses and then with the <Shift> key held down. click the left button once on the other terminal bus. TO ADD A NEW 2-WINDING TRANSFORMER USING MENU COMMAND: 1b. You can release the mouse button to attach the second end of the transformer to that bus. 130 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . TO ADD A NEW 2-WINDING TRANSFORMER FROM THE DEVICE PALETTE: 1a. Release the mouse button where you want to place the second terminal. Note: If you place the second end of the transformer too close to the first one. Select the Network | New | 2-W Transformer command. move the cursor toward the spot where you want to place the other end. A dialog box will appear asking you for the transformer data. The program automatically initializes the circuit ID of a new transformer to a numeric value that has not been used by a parallel branch of the same type. Zigzag-Wye. wye lags 30 degrees 7. 1. The following winding configurations are shown graphically in the dropdown listbox. This ID can be used to mark the transformer as a fictitious transformer generated by network equivalence. delta leads 30 degrees 5. and the second Bus2. The British labels (British Standard BS171 1970) are listed enclosed in parentheses. Select a winding configuration. 4. Name: A 12-character name for the transformer. Refer to the Diagram | Equivalent Branch Color Code command for further discussion. Delta-Delta 6.3. Input the transformer identifiers. Ckt ID: A two-character circuit identifier that is commonly used to differentiate between parallel transformers. The American labels are listed first. delta lags 30 degrees 4. Zigzag-Wye. Wye-Delta. The first bus listed will be referred to as Bus1. Zigzag-Delta Note: The winding configurations are labeled in the lower left corner with both American and British transformer labels. The transformer’s terminal buses are listed at the top of the dialog box. Wye-Delta. wye leads 30 degrees 8. Auto-Wye 3. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 131 . Wye-Wye 2. To change the MVA base of an existing transformer. A line shunt is a shunt that is switched on and off with the transformer. G10. G1. with the delta leading or lagging. G2. X: Positive-sequence impedance in per unit (based on the transformer’s MVA base and tap voltages).Select a winding configuration by scrolling through the selections in the graphical drop-down list box and choose one by clicking the left mouse button once on the picture. B2. Note: The program will automatically initialize the winding configuration to wye-wye or wye-delta. G10. B2: Positive-sequence admittance of the line shunt on the Bus2 side in per unit (based on system base MVA and nominal kV of Bus2). you must first press the “Change” button. X0: Zero-sequence impedance in per unit (based on the transformer’s MVA base and tap voltages). 5. COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . MVA1. Zgn: Grounding impedances in ohms. B10. You can enter the MVA base directly in the edit box if the transformer object is new. Zg2. R0. G1. G20. B1: Positive-sequence admittance of the line shunt on the Bus1 side in per unit (based on system base MVA and nominal kV of Bus1). Input the transformer parameters. Zg1. B20: Zero-sequence admittance in per unit of the line shunt on the Bus2 side. 132 • SECTION 3 Tap kV: The tap voltages are set initially to the bus nominal kV rating. MVA2. B0: Zero-sequence magnetizing susceptance in per unit (based on the transformer’s MVA base and tap voltages). B: Positive-sequence magnetizing susceptance in per unit (based on the transformer’s MVA base and tap voltages). MVA Base: MVA base for all per-unit quantities – with the exception of the line shunts admittances. B1. G20. The Power Flow Program checks for overloads using these ratings. A dialog box will ask you for the new MVA base: R. The tap voltages affect the turns ratio of the transformer and the short circuit impedances. and B20. which are always based on system base MVA and the nominal kVs. G2. MVA3: MVA ratings of the transformer. depending on the phasing of the two terminal buses. B10: Zero-sequence admittance in per unit of the line shunt on the Bus1 side. Max: Maximum tap in per unit based on the center-tap kV. See also Appendix B for answers to some commonly asked questions about the modeling of 2-winding transformers. Swap terminal buses if needed. Select the end at which the losses and the inter-area flow (if it is a tie line) will be computed. 3. 7. You may need to change them if they are not zero. The parameters here have no effect on short-circuit simulations.6 for a discussion of the transformer model. A dialog box will appear asking you for the load tap changer (LTC) parameters. Min: Minimum tap in per unit based on the center-tap kV. The terminal buses of the transformer are listed on the two Tap kV group boxes.5 and 4. At Bus1: If the movable tap is connected to the Bus1 terminal. Specify the LTC tap settings. Select the metering location. if possible. The reason is that they may complicate the computation of relay currents. TO SPECIFY THE LOAD TAP CHANGER PARAMETERS: 1. 2. This option is intended for power flow users. The tap voltages are also swapped with the terminal bus names. We recommend that you NOT use them. 6.Note: The line shunts were implemented mainly for PSS/E compatibility. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 133 . Center: Center tap position in kV. The neutral impedances are not swapped. Note: See Sections 4. At Bus2: If the movable tap is connected to the Bus2 terminal. Click on: None: If the transformer does not have movable taps. Click on the "Swap Sides" button to swap the two terminal buses when you have a wye-delta transformer and the delta winding is on the Bus1 side. Note: The LTC is for Power Flow users only. The left and right terminal buses correspond to the left and right windings in the configuration box. Click on the "LTC” button. Select the location of movable taps. 003pu) define the upper and lower limits for the Power Flow program to control the bus voltage level. A new 2-winding transformer symbol will be shown connecting the two terminal buses. 7. 4. 134 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Minimum V (pu): Minimum controlled bus voltage level in per unit. Specify the controlled quantity limits. Click on "OK" to close the transformer properties dialog box. Click on "OK" to close the LTC properties dialog box. 6. The program will move the tap to regulate the voltage magnitude of the controlled bus. Enter zero if continuous. These values (plus/minus a tolerance of 0. 5. Maximum V (pu): Maximum controlled bus voltage level in per unit. Controlled bus: Select controlled bus from the dropdown list. TO CLOSE THE TRANSFORMER DIALOG BOX: 1. The "Voltage" radio button in the 'Controls' box is automatically selected. Click on the "at" drop down list box and select the controlled bus.Step size: Step size in per unit based on the center-tap kV. The program adds a diagonal slash to the symbol when the LTC is active. The cursor will become a cross with a phase shifter symbol attached to it. Select the two terminal buses. the program will ignore the command. Note: If you place the second end of the phase shifter too close to the first one. Both bus symbols will turn dotted red when selected. 2b. Click the left mouse button once on one of the terminal buses and then with the <Shift> key held down. Select the Network | New | Phase Shifter command. the bus symbol will be highlighted in red. (The shift angle is defined below). 2a. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 135 .Main Window NETWORK MENU NEW | PHASE SHIFTER COMMAND The New | Phase Shifter command in the Main Window lets you add a new phase shifter between two buses. Note: When you move the phase shifter’s far end over an existing bus. TO ADD A NEW PHASE SHIFTER USING MENU COMMAND: 1b. A new phase shifter symbol will appear with its far end moving with the cursor. move the cursor toward the spot where you want to place the other end. You can release the mouse button to attach the second end of the phase shifter to that bus. click the left button once on the other terminal bus. With the mouse button held down. Release the mouse button where you want to place the second terminal. Drag-and-Drop the new phase shifter Click the left mouse button on the one-line diagram where you want to place the first end of the new phase shifter. A dialog box will appear asking you for the phase shifter data. TO ADD A NEW PHASE SHIFTER FROM THE DEVICE PALETTE: 1a. Select New Phase Shifter on the Device Palette Click on the phase shifter button on the Device Palette. Clicking on end segment of an existing branch will place the new phase shifter in series with that branch. Note: Clicking on an existing bus will attach the first end of the new phase shifter to that bus. Note: The order in which you select the buses is unimportant as long as you choose the correct sign for the shift angle. Enter the nominal kV for the new phase shifter’s terminals when one or both terminals are not connected to an existing bus. 4. The terminal buses of the phase shifter are listed at the top of the dialog box. Input the phase shifter identifiers. 3. where Bus1 and Bus2 are the two bus names listed at the top of the dialog box. based on the phase shifter’s MVA base and nominal kV. The first bus listed will be referred to as Bus1. and the second Bus2. you must first press the “Change” button. Input the phase shifter parameters. You can enter the MVA base of the phase shifter directly in the edit box if the phase shifter object is new. Refer to the Diagram | Equivalent Branch Color Code command for further discussion. This ID can also be used to mark the phase shifter as a fictitious phase shifter generated by network equivalence. Ckt ID: A two-character circuit identifier that is commonly used to differentiate between parallel phase shifters.A dialog box will appear asking you for the parameters of the new phase shifter. Name: A 12-character name for the phase shifter. X: 136 • SECTION 3 Positive-sequence impedance in per unit. To change the MVA base of an existing phase shifter. MVA Base: MVA base for all per-unit quantities. A positive value will cause Bus1 to lead Bus2 in the positive sequence. COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . R. A dialog box will ask you for the new MVA base: Shift Angle: The phase shift angle in degrees. The program automatically initializes the circuit ID of a new phase shifter to a numeric value that has not been used by a parallel phase shifter. R0. Specify whether the phase shifter angle is fixed or adjustable in the Power Flow Program. 5. The program requires the maximum angle to be more than 1 degree larger than the minimum angle. B2. Otherwise.R2. These values are ignored when the MW flow control is off. 6.11 for the definitions of the phase shifter parameters. The negativesequence impedance of an actual phase shifter is always equal to the positive-sequence value. Only equivalent branches generated by network equivalence have different values in the positive and negative sequences. These values are ignored when the MW flow control is off. B0: Positive-. MW is positive when flowing from Bus1 to Bus2. X0: Zero-sequence impedance in per unit. Specify maximum and minimum angle limits in degrees. and negative when flowing from Bus2 to Bus1. The selected bus symbols will remain highlighted and a new phase shifter symbol will be shown connecting the two terminal buses. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 137 . X2: Negative-sequence impedance in per unit. Otherwise. 8. based on the phase shifter’s MVA base and nominal kV. and ‘On’ otherwise. the Power Flow Program will adjust the phase shift between these limits. Specify maximum and minimum target range for real power flow in megawatts. based on the phase shifter’s MVA base and nominal kV. Click on the "OK" button to close the dialog box. B. negative.and zero-sequence magnetizing susceptance in per unit. based on the phase shifter’s MVA base and nominal kV. Click on ‘Off’ if the angle is fixed.4 for the phase shifter model and Section 5. 7. Note: See Section 4. Enter nominal kV for the new switch’s terminals where neither terminal is connected to an existing bus. Note: Clicking on an existing bus will attach the switch to that bus. the bus will be highlighted in red. move the cursor toward the spot where you want to place the other terminal. The cursor will become a cross with a transformer symbol attached to it. The two terminal buses must have the same nominal kV. Note: When you move the second terminal over an existing node having the same kV. Then with the <Shift> key held down. The program does not allow parallel switches between two buses.Main Window NETWORK MENU NEW | SWITCH COMMAND The New | Switch command in the Main Window lets you add a new switch between two buses of the same nominal kV. TO ADD A NEW SWITCH FROM THE DEVICE PALETTE: 1a. A dialog box will appear asking you for the switch data. OneLiner model switches as low impedance branches. You can release the mouse button to attach t he switch to this node. Both bus symbols will turn dotted red when selected. Clicking on the end segment of an existing branch will place the new switch in series with that branch. click the left button once on the other terminal bus. TO ADD A NEW SWITCH USING MENU COMMAND: 1b. 2a. You can adjust the impedance in the Network | Options command. Drag-and-Drop the new switch Click the left mouse button on the one-line where you want to place the first terminal of the switch. Select New Switch on the Device Palette Click on the New Switch button on the Device Palette. the New Switch command will be ignored. Select the two terminal buses. Select the Network | New | Switch command. A new switch symbol will appear with its second terminal moving with the cursor. 138 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Note: The Switch menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if the nominal kVs of the two terminal buses are not the same. Click the left mouse button once on one of the terminal buses or nodes. 2b. With the mouse button held down. Note: If you place the second terminal too close to the first one. A dialog box will appear asking you for the switch data. Release the mouse button where you want to place the second terminal. Name: A 16-character name for the switch. Current rating in amps: The Power Flow program uses this rating to check for overloaded switches. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 139 . Click on "OK" to close the 'Switch Info' dialog box. A new switch symbol will be shown. 4. Enter the switch parameters. Switch position: Click on either 'Open' or 'Close'.3. You can release the mouse button to attach the second end of the transformer to that bus. With the mouse button held down. Click the left mouse button once on the first terminal bus. A new 3-winding transformer symbol will appear with its far end moving with the cursor. Note: After completing data input for the new transformer. you can connect its terminal to any existing node having the same kV using the Merge Bus command. Release the mouse button where you want to place the second terminal. Select New 3-Winding Transformer on the Device Palette Click on the 3-winding transformer button on the Device Palette. 2a. move the cursor toward the spot where you want to place the second end. The transformer’s third terminal will be shown connected to a new bus. click the left mouse button once on the second bus and once on the third bus. the bus symbol will be highlighted in red. The cursor will become a cross with a transformer symbol attached to it. with the <Shift> key held down. Drag-and-Drop the new transformer Click the left mouse button on the one-line diagram where you want to place the first end of the new transformer. Note: Clicking on an existing bus will attach the first end of the new transformer to the bus. the program will ignore the command. 140 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . A dialog box will appear asking you for the transformer data.Main Window NETWORK MENU NEW | 3-W TRANSFORMER COMMAND The New | 3-W Transformer command in the Main Window lets you add a new 3-winding transformer among three buses. Note: If you place the second end of the transformer too close to the first one. Note: When you move the transformer’s far end over an existing bus. Clicking on end segment of an existing branch will place the new transformer in series with that branch. Then. TO ADD A NEW 3-WINDING TRANSFORMER FROM THE DEVICE PALETTE: 1a. TO ADD A NEW 3-WINDING TRANSFORMER USING MENU COMMAND: 1b. Select the three terminal buses. Enter the nominal kV for the new transformer’s terminals when one or more terminals are not connected to an existing bus. The three bus symbols will turn dotted red when selected. In that case. Select the Network | New | 3-W Transformer command. Auto-wye-wye ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 141 . Bus3 is also called the “tertiary”. 1. The first bus listed will be referred to as. Select a winding configuration. The transformer’s terminal buses are listed at the top of the dialog box. The following nine winding configurations are shown graphically in the drop-down listbox. from left to right. Ckt ID: A two-character circuit identifier that is most commonly used to distinguish between parallel transformers. The circuit ID can also be used to mark the transformer as a fictitious transformer generated by network equivalence. 3.Note: The third bus you click on should always be the tertiary bus. Refer to the Diagram | Equivalent Branch Color Code command for further discussion. 2b. the bus that is connected to the wye winding must be selected first. The order in which you click on the first two buses is important only if you are making a wye-delta connection. Name: A 12-character name for the transformer. Input the transformer identifiers. Wye-wye-wye 2. 4. A dialog box will appear asking you for the parameters of the new 3winding transformer. Bus2 and Bus3. Bus1. you can alternatively enter the T-model impedances in per unit (based on the transformer’s base MVA and the tap voltages). Wye-delta-delta. Input the transformer parameters. The Power Flow Program checks for overloads using these MVA ratings. A dialog box will ask you for the new MVA base: Tap kV: The transformer tap kV at the three bus terminals. To change the MVA base of an existing transformer. Click on the radio button Classical T-Model Impedances and enter the following: Zpm0. Zpt. Zst0: Zero-sequence short -circuit impedances in per unit (based on the transformer’s base MVA and the tap voltages). Zpmo is the impedance between Bus1 and the middle bus. Impedances: Press this button to get a set of zerosequence impedances that is “equal” to the positivesequence parameters Zps. For wye-wye-delta transformers. Zsm0. Zps0. delta leads 5. you must first press the “Change” button. MVA Base: MVA base for all per-unit quantities. delta lags 6. delta leads 7. The word “equal” is in quotes because a transformer with same winding impedances in the positive and zero sequence may not have equal short-circuit impedances when tested with positiveand zero-sequence voltage sources. Wye-wye-delta. Delta-delta-delta Select a winding configuration by scrolling through the selections in the graphical drop-down list box and choose one by clicking the left mouse button once on the picture. Zmg0: Impedance of the T model in per unit (based on the transformer’s base MVA and the tap voltages). delta lags 4. Auto-wye-delta. You can enter the MVA base of the transformer directly in the edit box if the transformer object is new. 142 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 5. Estimate from + Seq. Zst: Positive-sequence short -circuit impedances in per unit (based on the transformer’s base MVA and the tap voltages). Wye-wye-delta. delta lags 8. Zpt0. MVA2. Zps. and Zmg0 is the impedance between the middle bus and ground. Wye-delta-delta. Zpt and Zst.3. Auto-wye-delta. Zsm0 is the impedance between Bus2 and the middle bus. MVA1. We recommend that you use this method to get the zero-sequence impedances when there is no zero-sequence test information available. delta leads 9. MVA3: MVA ratings of the transformer. A dialog box will appear asking you for the load tap changer (LTC) parameters. Center: Center tap position in kV. The parameters here have no effect on short circuit simulations. Bus1 Label: If the movable tap is connected to the Bus1 terminal. Zg3. B0: Positive. Click on: None: If the transformer does not have movable taps. Bus No: When you convert the network data to PTI PSS/E format (Version 26 or prior) and GE PSLF format. Fict. Select the location of movable taps. 2. The program will move the tap to regulate the voltage magnitude of the controlled bus. Enter zero if continuous.7 and Appendix C for discussions of the transformer model. Note: See Sections 4.5 and 4. Bus2 Label: If the movable tap is connected to the Bus2 terminal. Note: The LTC is for Power Flow users only. 4. TO SPECIFY THE LOAD TAP CHANGER PARAMETERS: 1. Specify the LTC tap settings. Max: Maximum tap in per unit based on the center-tap kV. the conversion logic will assign this bus number to the middle bus of the Tequivalent. Min: Minimum tap in per unit based on the center-tap kV. Zg1. Zgn: Grounding impedances in ohms. Step size: Step size in per unit based the center-tap kV V. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 143 . The "Voltage" radio button in the 'Controls' box is automatically selected. Click on the "at" drop down list box and select the controlled bus.B. 3. 5. Zg2. Click on the "LTC” button. Some of these edit boxes may be hidden.and zero-sequence magnetizing susceptances in per unit (based on the transformer’s base MVA and the tap voltages). Minimum V (pu): Minimum controlled bus voltage level in per unit. TO CLOSE THE TRANSFORMER DIALOG BOX: 1. Click on "OK" to close the LTC properties dialog box. 7.6. Controlled bus: Select controlled bus from the dropdown list.003pu) define the upper and lower limits for the Power Flow program to control the bus voltage level. Specify the controlled quantity limits. Maximum V (pu): Maximum controlled bus voltage level in per unit. These values (plus/minus a tolerance of 0. A new 3-winding transformer symbol will be shown connecting the terminal buses. The program adds a diagonal slash to the symbol when the LTC is active. 144 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Click on "OK" to close the transformer properties dialog box. Note: If you place the second end of the dc line too close to the first one. Note: When you move the dc line’s far end over an existing bus. You can release the mouse button to attach the second end of the dc line to that bus. Select the two terminal buses. Release the mouse button where you want to place the second converter terminal. Note: Clicking on an existing bus will attach the first converter terminal of the new dc line to that bus. TO ADD A NEW DC LINE FROM THE DEVICE PALETTE: 1a. 2a. 2b. A dialog box will appear asking you for the dc line data. Drag-and-Drop the new dc line Click the left mouse button on the one-line diagram where you want to place the first converter terminal of the new dc line. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 145 . Enter the nominal kV for the new dc line’s converter terminals when one or both terminals are not connected to an existing bus. TO ADD A NEW DC LINE USING MENU COMMAND: 1b. the bus symbol will be highlighted in red. Both bus symbols will turn dotted red when selected. move the cursor toward the spot where you want to place the other end. A dialog box will appear asking you for the parameters of the new dc line. The dc line object includes the commutation transformers at both terminals. the program will ignore the command. A new dc line symbol will appear with its far end moving with the cursor. Select New 2-Terminal DC Line on the Device Palette Click on the dc line button on the Device Palette. Select the Network | New | 2-Terminal DC Line command.Main Window NETWORK MENU NEW | 2-TERMINAL DC LINE COMMAND The New | 2-Terminal DC Line command in the Main Window lets you add a new 2-terminal dc line between two buses. Click the left mouse button once on one of the terminal buses and then with the <Shift> key held down. Clicking on end segment of an existing branch will place the new dc line in series with that branch. click the left button once on the other terminal bus. With the mouse button held down. The cursor will become a cross with a dc line symbol attached to it. 3. This value must be positive. 4. COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Reverse flow: Press this button to change the role of the two converter terminals: The rectifier will become the inverter. the first bus you selected is assumed to be the rectifier terminal. Enter the control target in the edit box. constant power at the inverter. and “at (A)” if constant current. The program automatically initializes the circuit ID of a new dc line to a numeric value that has not been used by a parallel dc line. Scheduled dc voltage: Scheduled dc voltage magnitude in kV. The caption of the two group boxes will change accordingly. Name: A 12-character name for the dc line. When the dc line is under constant-power control and the rectifier’s voltage is too low. Margin: Enter the control margin in per-unit. Input the dc line parameters. The two converter terminals of the dc line are listed as captions of two large group boxes. the program will reduce the MW target by this amount. or constant current. This value must be positive. At: The exact labeling is “at (MW)” if constant power. Initially. Input the dc line identifiers. the inverter will become the rectifier. and the second the inverter terminal. DC line R: 146 • SECTION 3 Resistance of the dc line in ohms. Maintains: Select one of three possible control modes in the dropdown listbox: constant power at the rectifier. Ckt ID: A two-character circuit identifier that is commonly used to differentiate between parallel dc lines. This value must be positive. MVA rating per bridge: The MVA rating of each commutation transformer. (The nominal kV at the ac side is assumed to be the nominal kV of the terminal bus.) Transformer R. enter the step size in per-unit.0 per unit at the beginning of each power flow solution. or minimum gamma at the inverter. Otherwise. Enter the following parameters for both the rectifier and the inverter. Transformer tap max: Maximum tap position of the commutation transformer in per-unit. X: The impedance of the commutation transformer in perunit. or maximum gamma at the inverter. A new dc line symbol will be shown connecting the terminal buses. Input the converter parameters. 6. Angle Max: Maximum value of alpha in degrees at the rectifier. Transformer tap min: Minimum tap position of the commutation transformer in per-unit. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 147 . The movable tap is assumed to be on the ac side of the transformer. based on the “MVA rating per bridge” and the nominal kVs. Transformer tap: The tap is initialized to 1. this edit box shows the tap position given by the power flow solution. After convergence. No. Nominal kV on dc side: The nominal kV at the dc side of the commutation transformer.5. Transformer tap step size: Enter 0 if the tap can be moved continuously. This value must be a positive integer. Click on "OK" to close the dialog box. Angle Min: Minimum value of alpha in degrees at the rectifier. of bridges: Number of bridges that are connected in parallel on the ac side and in series on the dc side. is the same. The dialog box will disappear and the two lines you selected will remain highlighted. Z: The mutual impedance in per-unit. Base impedance for per unit values is computed as follow: Zbase = (kV1*kV2)/MVAbase Where: kV1 and kV2 are nominal kV of the two lines and MVAbase is the system MVA base. Click on the "OK" button. The line symbols will turn dotted red when selected. TO CREATE A MUTUAL COUPLING PAIR: 1.8 for details on the mutual coupling model. This value should be positive if the orientation of the two lines. click the left mouse button once on the second line. Input the mutual coupling parameters. 5. Click the left mouse button once on one of the two lines of the new mutual pair and then with the <Shift> key held down. Select the two lines. Note: This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if the lines you selected in Step 1 are already a mutual coupling pair. A mutual coupling data dialog box will appear. To execute this command you must first select the two lines. Select the Network | New | Mutual Coupling Pair command. 4. Use the View | Mutual Pairs on 1-line command to display the mutual pairs identifiers on the 1-line diagram. NOTE: See Section 4. percent: Starting and ending point of mutual coupling section on line 1.Main Window NETWORK MENU NEW | MUTUAL COUPLING PAIR COMMAND The New | Mutual Coupling Pair command in the Main Window lets you specify the zero-sequence mutual coupling between two transmission lines. The value should be negative if the orientation of the two lines is opposite. 148 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 2. percent: Starting and ending point of mutual coupling section on line 2. as implied by the order of the endbus names. Click the left mouse button once on the desired location of the new annotation. The annotations will be saved within the .OLR file. To execute this command you must first select the location where you would like the annotation to appear. When you move the object. Select the Network | New | Annotation command. therefore. 4. Choose a color from the drop down color menu. 3. Select the annotation location. The header can have up to 50 characters. You can attach one or more annotations to any object on the one-line diagram. A dialog box will appear to let you enter the new annotation. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 149 . you can highlight it by clicking on it with the mouse button and you can change it by double-clicking. This part of the annotation will appear on the one-line diagram. You can use the annotations to label the substations or to highlight certain features and modifications that warrant special attention. the program will automatically move the attached annotations. The user interface for the annotations is the same as that for the network elements: You can move an annotation with the mouse. You can also use the annotations as temporary labels for printing and delete them immediately afterwards.Main Window NETWORK MENU NEW | ANNOTATION COMMAND The New | Annotation command in the Main Window lets you add an annotation anywhere in the one-line diagram. Type in the annotation in the Header box. The annotation will be drawn with this color. they stay on the oneline diagram once you have created them. 2. TO ADD A NEW ANNOTATION: 1. 6. Click on the "OK" button to close the memo dialog box. Attach the annotation to an object. A floating menu will appear.5. but it will not be shown on the one line diagram. To attach the annotation to an object first left click on the annotation and then shift-right click on the object to be attached to. The annotation will appear at the location you selected with the mouse. The memo box allow you to type in additional comments of up to 500 characters. The ellipses symbol (…) after the annotation indicates the presence of the associated memo. If an annotation is already attached to an object it can be detached as follows: First right clicking to bring up the floating menu and choosing the "Detach from Object" command. Click on the "Attach annotation to Object" menu item to attach the annotation. This feature is designed to reduce the clutter on the one-line diagram. Detach an annotation from an object. You can attach more than one annotation to an object. TO DETACH AN ANNOTATION FROM AN OBJECT: 1. A "*" at the beginning of the note indicates that it is attached to an object. Enter additional text in the memo field. 150 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . TO ATTACH AN ANNOTATION TO AN OBJECT: 1. Click the left mouse button once on the piece of equipment you want deleted.Main Window NETWORK MENU DELETE | OBJECT COMMAND The Delete | Object command in the Main Window lets you delete a piece of equipment from the network. TO DELETE A PIECE OF EQUIPMENT: 1. PHASE SHIFTER OR TRANSFORMER: The selected equipment will disappear from the one-line diagram. load and shunt on the bus as well as all the connected branches. Select the Network | Delete | Object command. IF YOUR ARE DELETING A LOAD. LINE. SHUNT. The program will automatically update the network data. This includes the generator. GENERATOR. 2. IF YOU ARE DELETING A BUS: When you delete a bus. To execute this command you must first select the equipment. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 151 . The equipment symbol will turn dotted red when selected. OneLiner automatically deletes everything that is attached to the bus. The bus and the attached equipment will disappear from the one-line diagram. Select the Network | Delete | Delete All in Area/Zone command. including buses. 3. All of the equipment. The deleted elements are removed from the one-line diagram.Main Window NETWORK MENU DELETE | ALL IN AREA/ZONE COMMAND The Delete | All In Area/Zone command in the Main Window lets you delete all the buses in a specific area or zone. switches and other branches that connect the area/zone being deleted to the rest of the system. TO DELETE ALL EQUIPMENT IN AN AREA OR ZONE: 1. transformers. The program also deletes all the equipment that is attached to these buses. 2. 152 • SECTION 3 Repeat step 2 if needed. Select the areas and zones to be deleted. When done. branches and relays. Mark the “Retain all tie branches” check box if you want the program to keep lines. in the selected area or zone will be deleted. COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . A dialog box will appear asking you to select the area or zone in which you would like to delete all equipment. press the Done button. Click on “Delete”. Hold down the Shift key if you wish to highlight more than one entry in the list box. Note: To retain the tie branches will necessitate retaining some of the boundary buses of the area or zone to be deleted. The program will automatically update the network data. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 153 . The program will also delete all the equipment that is attached to these buses. Select the Diagram | Delete | All Inside Region command. 2. The program will automatically update the database. Click mouse button on an empty space outside of the rectangle to deactivate it. The program will also delete all the equipment that is attached to these buses. Drag with the right mouse button down to delineate a rectangular region on the one-line diagram. TO DELETE BUSES AND EQUIPMENT INSIDE A REGION: 1. The deleted equipment will disappear from the one-line diagram. The region will be enclosed by a rectangle drawn with the dotted red pen. Remove the dotted red rectangle.Main Window NETWORK MENU DELETE | ALL INSIDE REGION COMMAND The Delete | All Inside Region command in the Main Window lets you delete all the buses that are within a rectangle region you define with the mouse. Specify the region. 3. The program will delete all the buses that are within the region. Note: This command is dimmed and cannot be activated if there are no buses within the region. Remove the dotted red rectangle. Specify the region. 154 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The program will also delete all the equipment that is attached to these buses. TO DELETE BUSES AND EQUIPMENT INSIDE A REGION: 1. The program will automatically update the database. Note: This command is dimmed and cannot be activated if there are no buses outside the region. Select the Diagram | Delete | All Outside Region command. Drag with the right mouse button down to delineate a rectangular region on the one-line diagram. The program will delete all the buses that are within the region. Click mouse button on an empty space outside of the rectangle to deactivate it. 2. The deleted equipment will disappear from the one-line diagram. The program will also delete all the equipment that is attached to these buses. The region will be enclosed by a rectangle drawn with the dotted red pen. 3.Main Window NETWORK MENU DELETE | ALL OUTSIDE REGION COMMAND The Delete | All Outside Region command in the Main Window lets you delete all the buses that are outside of a rectangular region you define with the mouse. The dialog box will disappear and all the circuit breakers will be deleted from your binary data file.Main Window NETWORK MENU DELETE | ALL BREAKERS COMMAND The Delete All Breakers command in the Main Window allows you to delete all the circuit breakers in your binary data file. 3. Enter ‘Delete all’ (without the quotes) in the edit box. Select the Network | Delete | All Breakers command. TO DELETE ALL CIRCUIT BREAKERS: 1. Click on OK. A dialog box will appear asking you to confirm the deletion of all breakers. Note: This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if there are no breakers in your binary data file. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 155 . 2. Main Window NETWORK MENU DELETE | MUTUAL COUPLING PAIRS INVOLVING SELECTED LINE COMMAND The Delete Mutual Coupling Pairs Involving Selected Line command in the Main Window removes all mutualcoupling pairs of which the selected line is a member. You must select a line on the one-line diagram before executing this command. TO DELETE MUTUAL COUPLING PAIRS INVOLVING A LINE: 1. Select a line that is a member of one or more mutual coupling pairs. You can most easily see which lines are mutually coupled if you execute the View | Mutual Pairs on 1-Line command. Click the left mouse on the lines. The line symbol will appear highlighted. 2. Select the Network| Delete | Mutual Coupling Pairs Involving Selected Line command. Note: This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if the selected line does not belong to any mutual-coupling pair. A dialog box will appear asking you to confirm the deletion of all mutual coupling pairs. 3. Click on “OK”. The dialog box will disappear and all mutual coupling pair involving the selected line will be deleted. 156 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 Main Window NETWORK MENU DELETE | MUTUAL COUPLING PAIR COMMAND The Delete Mutual Coupling Pair command in the Main Window lets you to remove the mutual coupling between two transmission lines. You must select the lines on the one-line diagram before executing this command. TO DELETE A MUTUAL-COUPLING PAIR: 1. Select the two lines. You can most easily see which lines are mutually coupled if you execute the View | Mutual Pairs on 1-Line command. The lines you select for this command must belong to the same mutual pair. Click the left mouse on one of the lines. With the Shift key held down, click the left mouse on the other line. Both lines will appear highlighted. 2. Select the Network | Delete | Mutual Coupling Pair command. Note: This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if the selected lines do not belong a mutual coupling pair. A dialog box will appear asking you to confirm the deletion of the mutual coupling pair. 3. Click on “OK”. The dialog box will disappear and all mutual coupling pair between the selected lines will be deleted. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 157 Main Window NETWORK MENU RESTORE COMMAND The Restore command in the Main Window lets you restore a bus, generator, load, shunt or branch that was deleted earlier in the session. (Note: A session ends when you issue the New, or the Open, or the Import, or the Exit command under the File menu.) Equipment that was deleted in previous sessions cannot be restored. Note: You may want to consider using the Tools | Undo command if the item you want to restore was deleted recently in the same session. TO RESTORE A GENERATOR, LOAD OR SHUNT: 1. Select the Network | Restore | Gen., Load, or Shunt command. A dialog box will appear. The list box in the dialog box will display in alphabetical order all the generators, loads and shunts that can be restored. 2. Select a generator, load or shunt to restore by clicking once on the name of the piece of equipment and then clicking on Restore. The restored generator, load or shunt will be drawn on the one-line diagram. The symbol will be highlighted. If the bus to which the generator, load or shunt is attached is not active, you get the following error message when you issue the restore command. TO RESTORE A BUS OR BRANCH: The instructions for restoring a bus or a branch are similar to restoring a generator, load or shunt. Please refer to the previous section for instructions. 158 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 Main Window NETWORK MENU CHANGE | NOMINAL kV COMMAND The Change | Nominal kV command in the Main Window lets you change the nominal kV of one or more buses that are connected via transmission lines and switches. Depending on the options you specify, the program will also modify the impedances and tap voltages of the network elements that are connected to one or more of the affected buses. You must select a bus before executing this command. TO CHANGE THE NOMINAL kV: 1. Select a bus by clicking the left mouse button once on its symbol. The bus symbol will turn dotted red when selected. Your selection will define a set of buses that are connected via transmission lines and switches. The nominal kV of these buses will be changed by this command. 2. Select the Network | Change | Nominal kV command. A dialog box will appear to let you specify the new nominal kV and whether or not to modify the network impedances and transformer taps. The number of affected buses is shown at the top. 3. Press the "Bus List" Button to see a list of buses that will be affected by this command. 4. Input the new nominal kV in the edit box. 5. Specify update options on PU Impedances (excluding those of transformer). This option will affect all the network elements (generators, shunts, loads, transmission lines, switches and phase shifters) that are connected to one or more of the affected buses. None of these options will automatically change the MW and MVAR of the loads or the per-unit impedances of the phase shifters. Do not change: ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 Click this button if you want the program NOT to change any of the per-unit impedances of transmission lines, generators and shunts. SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 159 Update automatically for the new nominal kV : Click this button if you want the program to recalculate the per-unit impedances for the new nominal kV. The program will scale the per-unit impedances of transmission lines, generators and shunts by the ratio (kVold/kVnew)**2. Update manually one by one: Click this button if you want to change the parameters for each piece of equipment by hand. A series of Info dialog boxes will appear to let you modify the parameters. The mutual coupling impedances are updated automatically if your option is not set to “Do not change.” 6. Specify update options on Transformer taps. This option will affect all the 2- and 3-winding transformers that are connected to one or more of the affected buses. None of these options will automatically change the per-unit impedance of the transformers. Do not change: Click this button if you want the program NOT to change the transformer tap voltages. Update automatically to the new nominal kV: Click this button if you want the program to automatically reset the transformer tap voltages to the new nominal kV. Update manually one by one: Click this button if you want to change the tap voltages and the per-unit impedances for each transformer by hand. A series of Info dialog boxes will appear to let you modify the transformer parameters. 7. Click on the "OK" button. The program will change the nominal kV of the affected buses. Depending on the options you specified, the program will automatically update the per-unit impedances and transformer tap voltages, or will display a series of Info dialog boxes to let you update them manually. Note: The default option is to have the program (1) adjust the per-unit impedances of generators, shunts, transmission lines and the mutualcoupling parameters automatically for the new nominal kV, and (2) not change the transformer taps, the per-unit impedances of transformers and phase shifters, the MW and MVAR of loads. With these options and in the absence of loads on the affected buses, the fault impedances will remain the same before and after the nominal kV changes. 160 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 Main Window NETWORK MENU CHANGE | T TO 3-W TRANSFORMER COMMAND The Change | T to 3-W Transformer command in the Main Window lets you convert the old T model for wye-wyedelta transformers to OneLiner’s 3-Winding transformer model. Two classical ‘T’ equivalent circuits for a wyewye-delta 3-winding transformer, one with the tertiary bus and one without, are shown below. The branch between the fictitious bus and the primary or secondary bus can be a transmission line or 2-winding transformer. The shunt connected to the fictitious bus in the second ‘T’ circuit is a reactor, representing the effect of the delta winding on the zero-sequence current. To execute this command you must first select the fictitious bus with the mouse. TO CHANGE "T" EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT TO 3-W TRANSFORMER: 1. Select the fictitious bus. Click the left mouse button once on the fictitious bus. The bus symbol will turn dotted red when selected. 2. Select the Network | Change | T to 3-W Transformer command. Note: This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if the positive sequence admittance (G+ jB) of the shunt is not zero, or if there is a load or generator on the fictitious bus. If the ‘T’ circuit is the second one without the tertiary bus, a dialog box will appear asking you for the nominal kV of the tertiary bus. Enter the nominal kV of the tertiary bus in the last edit box. Press OK. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 161 The program will automatically erase the old fictitious bus and all the branches and the shunt on it and then create a new 3-winding transformer with the correct parameters. Note: The second ‘T’ circuit does not provide sufficient information to compute Zpt. The program computes Zpto and sets Zpt to be the same as Zpto. 162 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 Main Window NETWORK MENU CHANGE | LINE TO SERIES CAPACITOR/REACTOR COMMAND The Change | Line to Series Capacitor/Reactor command in the Main Window lets you change a transmission line to a series capacitor or series reactor. You must select a line before executing this command. TO CHANGE A LINE TO A SERIES CAPACITOR: 1. Select a line by clicking the left mouse button once on its symbol. The line symbol will turn dotted red when selected. 2. Select the Network | Change | Line to Series Capacitor/Reactor command. Note: This menu item is enabled only if all the following conditions are met: (1) the line’s resistances R and R0 are zero, (2) the line’s positiveand zero-sequence reactances are the same (X=Xo), and (3) the line’s shunt admittances (B,Bo,G,Go) are all zero, and (4) the line is not mutually coupled to other lines. The Series Capacitor/Reactor dialog box will appear. The program automatically copies the name, circuit ID and the reactance of the line to this new series-capacitor/reactor object. The protective-level current is initially zero. 3. For MOV-protected capacitor only: Enter the protective -level current in amperes. 4. Press OK to close the dialog box. The line symbol will be replaced by a series capacitor or reactor symbol on the one-line diagram. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 163 Main Window NETWORK MENU CHANGE | BUSES IN REGION COMMAND The Change | Buses in Region command in the Main Window lets you change the area or zone number of all the buses that are within in a rectangular region on the one-line diagram. You must create a region on the one-line diagram before executing this command. TO CHANGE BUSES IN REGION: 1. Specify the region. Drag with the right mouse button down to delineate a rectangular region on the one-line diagram. You can do this under any zoom setting. The region will be enclosed by a rectangle drawn with the dotted red pen. 2. Select the Network | Change | Buses in region command. If there are hidden buses in the region, the program will display a dialog box allowing you to choose whether or not to include them in the change command. The Change Buses In Region box will appear. The program automatically lists and highlights the name of buses found in the selected region. 3. Highlight the bus name to include it in the list. 4. Making the change Select the change type. You can change the zone or area number for all selected buses in the list. Click on Do It to make the change. A dialog box will appear asking for the new area or zone number Enter new Area or Zone number and click on OK. 5. 164 • SECTION 3 Click on Done to close the Change dialog box COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 Main Window NETWORK MENU TOGGLE SWITCH COMMAND The Toggle Switch command in the Main Window changes the switch position from open to close, or vise versa. This command works on regular switch objects as well as bypass switch of series capacitor/reactors. TO TOGGLE A SWITCH: 1. Select the switch or series capacitor/reactor. Click the left mouse button once on a switch or a series capacitor/reactor. The object symbol will become highlighted. 2. Select the Network | Toggle Switch (or Toggle Bypass Switch) command. The object will remain highlighted and the switch position will change. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 165 out-of-service equipment remains part of the one-line diagram and can be put back in service at any time even after the current session has ended. when applied to a bus. 166 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The symbol will turn dotted red when selected. This command. Unlike deleted equipment. or the Open. TO TAKE A PIECE OF EQUIPMENT OUT OF SERVICE: 1.) To execute this command you must first select a piece of equipment. or the Exit command under the File menu. Select a branch. shunt or bus. or the Import. (Note: A session ends when you issue the New. Click the left button once on the symbol of the piece of equipment you want to take out of service. generator. load. Select the Network | Take Out Of Service command. will take all of the attached equipment out of service. 2. The selected equipment will be taken out of service and the symbol will be drawn with a dotted black line.Main Window NETWORK MENU TAKE OUT OF SERVICE COMMAND The Take Out of Service command in the Main Window lets you take a piece of equipment out of service. Select a branch. The symbol will turn dotted red when selected. Note: The menu item will be dimmed and cannot be activated if the equipment selected had not previously been taken out of service. Select the Network | Put In Service command. 2. generator load. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 167 . The selected equipment will be put back in service. The symbol(s) will be drawn in its normal style and color. To execute this command you must first select a piece of equipment. This command. TO PUT A PIECE OF EQUIPMENT BACK IN SERVICE: 1. when applied to a bus. all attached equipment will be put back in service. shunt or bus. If you have selected a bus in step 1 above.Main Window NETWORK MENU PUT IN SERVICE COMMAND The Put In Service command in the Main Window lets you put back in service a piece of equipment that was previously taken out of service. will put all of the attached equipment in service. Click the left button once on the symbol of the piece of equipment you want to put back in service. Specify the region. This command. transmission lines. Select the Network | Copy command.and 3-winding transformers.Main Window NETWORK MENU COPY COMMAND The Copy command in the Main Window lets you copy network elements. Double click the left mouse on the relay group of interest. 2. The data for the selected region will be copied to the clipboard. The system elements that you can copy include generators. Click the left mouse button once on the system component you want to copy to the clipboard. TO COPY EQUIPMENT AND RELAYS IN A REGION TO THE CLIPBOARD: 1. 168 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . series capacitors. with all the relays listed in a listbox. switched shunts. Select the relay you want to copy and press the Copy button. The data for the selected relay will be copied to the clipboard. 2. The data for all the relays within the relay group will be copied to the clipboard. Select the relay group. is designed to help you copy system components from one location to another. Open the relay group. as well as relays. Drag with the right mouse button down to delineate a rectangular region on the one-line diagram. A dialog box will appear. 2. and switches. phase shifters. TO COPY THE DATA OF ALL THE RELAYS IN A RELAY GROUP TO THE CLIPBOARD: 1. The relay-group symbol will turn dotted red when selected. 2. TO COPY THE DATA OF A SINGLE RELAY IN A RELAY GROUP TO THE CLIPBOARD: 1. The data for the system component will be copied to the clipboard. 2. protective relays and network region into the Windows clipboard. in conjunction with the Paste command. shunts. The system component symbol will turn dotted red when selected. The region will be enclosed by a rectangle drawn with the dotted red pen. TO COPY DATA OF A NETWORK ELEMENT TO THE CLIPBOARD: 1. Select the Network | Copy command. This command will copy devices attached to busses and branches. Click the left mouse button once on the relay group you want to copy. Select the network object. loads. Select the Network | Copy Equipment in Region to Clipboard command. 2. Note: The first bus you select will be bus1. Then. 2. A symbol for the pasted equipment will appear. with the <shift> key held down. is designed to help you copy system components from one location to another. Select the destination bus by clicking on it with the left mouse button. A symbol for the pasted transformer will appear on the highlighted bus. Use drag-drop technique to place the element to the desired location on the oneline diagram. Select the Network | Paste command. SHUNT. A symbol for the pasted equipment will appear on the highlighted bus. 2. You can paste relay data into a relay group. Select the first bus by clicking on it with the left mouse button. TO PASTE A LOAD. Select the Network | Paste command. The cursor will become a cross with a symbol of the copied element attached to it. OR PHASE SHIFTER BETWEEN TWO BUSES USING MENU COMMAND: 1. Select the Network | Paste command. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 169 . TO PASTE A 3-WINDING TRANSFORMER BETWEEN THREE BUSES USING MENU COMMAND: 1. OR SWITCHED SHUNT ONTO A BUS USING MENU COMMAND: 1. Then. SWITCH. This command. TO PASTE A NETWORK ELEMENT USING THE DEVICE PALETTE: 1. You can paste a region anywhere on the 1-line diagram. 2. 2-WINDING TRANSFORMER. Note: This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if there is no system component data in the clipboard or if there is an incompatibility between the object in the clipboard and the item you selected. in conjunction with the Copy command. click on the second bus. Select the first bus by clicking on it with the left mouse button. Click on the Paste button on the device palette. Note: This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if there is no system component data in the clipboard or if there is an incompatibility between the object in the clipboard and the item you selected. You can use either the drag-drop method with the device palette or the menu command methods for pasting an element. the first bus you select will be the wye side winding. and the third will be the tertiary bus. GENERATOR. with the <shift> key held down. You can paste network element data onto a bus. the second will be bus2.Main Window NETWORK MENU PASTE COMMAND The Paste command in the Main Window lets you paste data from the clipboard. or between two or three buses. click on the second bus and then the third bus. TO PASTE A LINE. Note: If you are pasting a wye-delta transformer. The pasted equipment will appear on the screen in a ghosted form. as well all the relays within it will be pasted onto on end of the branch. Click on the branch symbol near the terminal where you want to paste the relay group. Select the Network | Copy command. Note: When necessary. Select the destination branch. 2. TO PASTE A RELAY GROUP ONTO ANOTHER RELAY GROUP: 1. All the relays in the Windows clipboard will be added to the destination relay group. the program will alter the name of pasted relays to avoid having mu ltiple relays with the same name in a relay group. The relay-group symbol will turn dotted red when selected. The relay group. the program will alter the name of pasted relays to avoid having multiple relays with the same name in a relay group. 2. Select the Network | Copy command. Select the Network | Paste Equipment command. You will see its name listed in the listbox. Select the destination relay group. Press the Paste button. A dialog box will appear. the program will alter the name of pasted buses to avoid having multiple buses with the same name and nominal kV. Click the mouse button at an empty spot on the one-line diagram.TO PASTE A RELAY GROUP ONTO A BRANCH USING MENU COMMAND: 1. TO PASTE EQUIPMENT AND RELAYS IN A REGION USING MENU COMMAND: 1. Double click the left mouse on the relay group of interest. Note: When necessary. 2. 2. Clicking the mouse outside of the ghosted area will finalize the pasting process. TO PASTE A SINGLE RELAY ONTO A RELAY GROUP USING MENU COMMAND: 1. The relay will be pasted. The branch symbol will turn dotted red when selected. with all the relays listed in a listbox. You can move the equipment with the mouse. This spot will become the center of the pasted equipment. Click on the destination relay-group symbol. Open the relay group. 170 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Note: When necessary. the bus symbol will appear to have both solid and dotted portions. You cannot split a bus that is shown as a dot. Click the left mouse button once on a point on the bus symbol between the two groups of attached equipment. All equipment that is to remain attached to the old bus should be moved to the upper portion of the bus symbol if the bus is a vertical bar. To execute this command you must first rearrange the attached equipment on the selected bus. The program will automatically assign an unused name to the new bus and hide the name from displaying on the diagram.Main Window NETWORK MENU SPLIT BUS COMMAND The Split Bus command in the Main Window lets you split a bus into two buses. TO SPLIT A BUS: 1. After the command is executed successfully. The bus will be split at the point where you click on it in Step #2. Before issuing this command use the mouse to rearrange the attached equipment. 3. Click on the "OK" button. Specify where to split the bus. Actually. The bus symbol will turn dotted red when selected. 4. Note: You can split a bus only if it is shown as either a horizontal bar or a vertical bar. The split will be made where you click on the bus. Edit the one-line diagram to assign the attached equipment to the correct bus. Select the Network | Split Bus command. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 171 . or to the left portion if the bus is a horizontal bar. Use the mouse to drag one of the symbols away from the other. you are seeing two bus symbols with the new highlighted bus next to the old bus. 2. To change new bus attributes double click on it’s symbol and follow direction in the command Network | New Bus. All equipment that is to remain attached to the new bus should be moved to the remaining portion of the bus symbol. Release the mouse button when the second node turns dotted red. Drag and drop the first bus on the second bus Hold down the <Ctrl> key and drag the first bus over the second bus. Drag the first bus until its symbol is aligned with that of the second bus symbol. Align the two buses. TO MERGE BUSES USING MENU COMMAND: 1b. Click the left mouse button once on the first bus. The first bus will be merged into the second bus. 3b. 2b. This command is the Split | Bus command in reverse. TO MERGE BUSES USING THE MOUSE: 1a. After the buses are merged. The buses being merged must have the same nominal kV. with the <Shift> key held down. 172 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . click the left button once on the bottom bus. Then. the bus you dragged will no longer exist. Both bus symbols will turn dotted red when selected. NOTE: This command is dimmed and cannot be activated if the two buses being merged have different nominal kVs. Select the Network | Merge Buses command.Main Window NETWORK MENU MERGE BUSES COMMAND The Merge Buses command in the Main Window lets you merge two buses into one. Note: If the second node has a different nominal kV it will not turn dotted red and the merge will not happen when the button is released. All its equipment will be attached to the merged bus. Select the two buses. Main Window NETWORK MENU INSERT TAP BUS COMMAND The Insert Tap Bus command in the Main Window lets you insert a tap bus into a transmission line. The transmission line symbol will turn dotted red when selected. A small ‘T’ is drawn below this bus to indicate that it is a tap bus.. Then. Select New Bus in the device palette. the program will automatically change the mutual coupling parameters to account for the tap bus. Enter the position of the tap bus as a percentage of the length of the line. Go to step 3 below. Click the left mouse button once on the transmission line to which you want to insert the tap bus. Select a transmission line. 2b. click on "OK". ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 173 . You can change the bus name by double clicking on the tap bus. A tap bus will appear at an intermediate point of the line. If you use a percentage value near either extreme. .01% to 99. TO INSERT A TAP BUS USING MENU COMMAND: 1b. A dialog box will appear asking where you want to locate the tap node. you should check the impedance of the shorter line segment to make sure that it is not too small. 3. Note: The percentage is limited to 0. Select the Network | Insert Tap Bus command. “Bus0”. The name of the tap bus is assigned by the program – e. TO INSERT A TAP NODE FROM THE DEVICE PALETTE: 1a. The cursor will become a cross with a 2a.9%. Click on the line to which you want to insert a tap node. If the original line is mutually coupled to one or more lines.g. A dialog box will appear asking where you want to locate the tap bus. Click on the New Bus button node symbol attached to it. Please consider using the Tools | Undo command if the tap bus was inserted recently in the same session. The tap bus will be deleted and the two transmission lines will be merged together. Select a tap bus. TO REMOVE A TAP BUS: 1. This is the exact opposite of the Network | Insert Tap Bus command. The bus symbol will turn dotted red when selected. To execute this command you must first select a tap bus. Click the left mouse button once on the tap bus you want to remove. 174 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The Undo command will work even if the original line was mutually coupled.Main Window NETWORK MENU REMOVE TAP BUS COMMAND The Remove Tap Bus command in the Main Window lets you remove a tap bus and merge the attached line segments into one. Select the Network | Remove Tap Bus command. 2. Note: This command does not work if the line segments on either side of the tap bus are mutually coupled. To execute this command you must first select a mutually coupled line. The bottom grid lists the lines in the mutual group that may be mutually coupled to the line in the top grid.Main Window NETWORK MENU MUTUAL COUPLING | MUTUAL GROUP PROPERTIES COMMAND The Mutual Coupling | Mutual Group Properties command in the Main Window lets you edit the parameters of a zero-sequence mutual group. Select the Network | Mutual Coupling | Mutual Group Properties command. which is a collection of lines that are directly or indirectly mutually coupled to each other. Note: We have done away with the concept of mutual groups in Version 10. TO VIEW MUTUAL COUPLING PARAMETERS: 1. Select a mutually coupled line. or two lines that belong to the same mutual group. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 175 . A dialog box will appear. Click on one of the lines on the bottom grid. The line you selected will be highlighted in the top grid. Please do not use this command if you are not familiar with the mutual-group concept. Click the left mouse button once on a line that is a member of one or more mutual pairs. The line symbol will turn dotted red when selected. We kept this command for users who are accustomed to the mutual group concept. The first entry in the bottom grid is highlighted by default. Note: This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if the line you selected is not mutually coupled. 4. Base impedance for per unit values is computed as follow: Zbase = (kV1*kV2)/MVAbase Where: kV1 and kV2 are nominal kV of the two lines and MVAbase is the system MVA base. Click on "OK" to close the ‘Mutual Coupling Data’ dialog box. The mutual parameters in the bottom grid will be updated automatically to reflect the mutual coupling between the highlighted lines in the two grids. Select other line pairs by clicking on the top and bottom grid.This row will become highlighted. 6. A dialog box will appear to let you edit the mutual coupling parameters. Input the mutual coupling parameters. as implied by the order of the endbus names. percent: Starting and ending section of line 1 that is mutually coupled to line 2. Note: See Section 4. The value should be negative if the orientation of the two lines is opposite. is the same. 176 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Press the Edit button. Modify their parameters as needed. Z: The mutual impedance in per-unit. The main ‘Mutual Coupling Data’ dialog box will close and the changes made to the mutual group will be saved. 5. 2. percent: Starting and ending section of line 2 that is mutually coupled to line 1. Edit the mutual coupling parameters. Click on "Done" to close the Mutual Coupling Data dialog box. 3.8 for details on the mutual coupling model. This value should be positive if the orientation of the two lines. Click the left mouse button once on a line that is a member of one or more mutual pairs. Click the left mouse button once on one of the lines. To execute this command you must first select a mutually coupled line. click the left mouse button on the other line. Go to step 2 below. Click on one of the mutual pairs in the list. This row will become highlighted. A dialog box will appear to let you edit the mutual coupling parameters. Press the Edit button. Note: This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if the line you selected is not mutually coupled. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 177 . With the <Shift> key held down.Main Window NETWORK MENU MUTUAL COUPLING | MUTUAL COUPLING PAIR PROPERTIES COMMAND The Mutual Coupling | Mutual Pair Properties command in the Main Window lets you edit the parameters of a zero-sequence mutual pair. Select two lines that belong to the same mutual pair. or two lines that are mutually coupled. The line symbol will turn dotted red when selected. TO VIEW MUTUAL COUPLING PAIR PARAMETERS BY SELECTING TWO LINES: 1b. TO VIEW MUTUAL COUPLING PAIR PARAMETERS BY SELECTING ONLY ONE LINE: 1a. Select the Network | Mutual Coupling | Mutual Coupling Pair Properties command. The line symbol will turn dotted red when selected. Select a mutually coupled line. A dialog box will appear showing list of mutually coupling pairs of which the selected line is a member. Z: The mutual impedance in per-unit. Note: This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if two lines you selected are not mutually coupled. percent: Starting and ending section of line 2 that is mutually coupled to line 1. COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .Select the Network | Mutual Coupling | Mutual Pair Properties command. Edit the mutual coupling parameters. Base impedance for per unit values is computed as follow: Zbase = (kV1*kV2)/MVAbase Where: kV1 and kV2 are nominal kV of the two lines and MVAbase is the system MVA base. A dialog box will appear to let you edit the mutual coupling parameters. is the same. 2. as implied by the order of the endbus names.8 for details on the mutual coupling model. 178 • SECTION 3 Click on "OK" to close the ‘Mutual Coupling Data’ dialog box. The value should be negative if the orientation of the two lines is opposite. percent: Starting and ending section of line 1 that is mutually coupled to line 2. This value should be positive if the orientation of the two lines. Note: See Section 4. 3. 2 and 4. 3. The TTY window will appear showing the changes made to generator reference angles. Select a reference bus by clicking on it with the mouse. Click on OK. TO SET GENERATOR REFERENCE ANGLE: 1.) Please refer to Sections 4. with one of the generators being the reference (with angle equal to zero).Main Window NETWORK MENU SET GENERATOR REF. Angle command. ANGLE COMMAND The Set Generator Reference Angle command in the Main Window automatically sets the reference angle of all the generators. Select the Network | Set Generator Ref. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 179 .9 for a detailed explanation of the generator model. Select the Menu | Close Window command to close the TTY Window. A dialog box will appear to let you select a reference generator whose angle will be set to zero. This is a prerequisite for using the “Start from a linear network solution” starting option (formerly the “flat generator voltage” option. It is intended for power flow users.and 3-winding transformer to the nominal kV of the respective terminals.0 perunit voltage.0 per-unit voltage. Resetting the tap kVs is useful for comparing the fault currents of OneLiner to those from another short-circuit program that assumes nominal transformer taps. 180 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .and 3-winding transformers to 1. Mark the second check box to reset the center position of all LTCs on 2and 3-winding transformers to the nominal kV of the tap-side bus. the program will limit the center position to the range of [0.95. the program will set the center position to the midpoint between the maximum and minimum positions. It also resets the center position of all LTCs to 1. Whenever possible. A dialog box will appear. Note: In the event that the nominal kV is not within the LTC’s range of tap positions. Select the Network | Reset All Transformer Taps To Nominal command.05] perunit. 1.Main Window NETWORK MENU RESET ALL TRANSFORMER TAPS TO NOMINAL COMMAND The Reset All Transformer Taps to Nominal command in the Main Window automatically resets the tap kVs of all the 2. The reset-LTC feature has no effect on short-circuit solutions. Press OK. Mark the first check box to reset the tap kVs of all 2. TO RESET ALL TRANSFORMER TAPS AND LTCS’ CENTER KV TO NOMINAL: 1. Mark the checkbox “Retain all existing equipment at these buses” if you wish to keep the original branches between the retained buses. The wizard will ask you which buses you wish to keep. At the end of this command. The first page will ask you what you want to do. the fictitious branches generated by the network-equivalence algorithm may subsume these branches. Press the ‘>’ button to move that bus to the listbox on the right. 1. TO COMPUTE A BOUNDARY EQUIVALENT: 1. 2. The Boundary Equivalent wizard will appear. OPTION 1: REDUCE THE NETWORK TO A SMALL NUMBER OF BUSES: A typical application is to reduce the network to the terminal buses of a transmission line. Otherwise. This command employs a “wizard” interface to guide you through the process of specifying the portion of the network that you want to eliminate or the portion that you want to retain. Select the Network | Boundary Equivalent command. Choose one of the three choices and press Next. Repeat this process for each bus. The three choices are explained in the following. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 181 .Main Window NETWORK MENU BOUNDARY EQUIVALENT COMMAND The Boundary Equivalent command in the Main Window computes the multi-port Thevenin equivalent for one or more buses in the network. locate its name in the listbox on the left listbox. so that the reduced system can be studied further using the EMTP. Specify which buses to retain. Select the bus by clicking on it. For each bus to be retained. the equivalent network will appear on the one-line diagram. . This will bring up a dialog box that will enable you to move buses by area.e. The wizard will ask you which buses you wish to delete. 182 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . your network) to the boundary buses. Specify which buses to delete. 1. tier. locate its name in the listbox on the left listbox. Alternatively. That is why you must delete your neighbor’s network before reducing the remainder (i. Press the ‘>’ button to move that bus to the listbox on the right. etc. For each bus to be delete. Skip to the subsection “CONFIRM YOUR SELECTION AND FINISH BUILDING THE EQUIVALENT” OPTION 2: DELETE A PORTION OF THE NETWORK AND REDUCE THE REST TO THE BOUNDARY: A typical application is when your neighbor asks you for an equivalent of your company’s network at the company boundary.Press “Next>”. We assume that the file you are using has both your network and your neighbor’s. zone. Select the bus by clicking on it. press the ‘>>’ button. If needed. The equivalent network will contain only these buses. Mark the checkbox “Retain all existing equipment at these buses” if you wish to keep the original branches between the boundary buses. Otherwise. 3. Press “Next>” Skip to the subsection “CONFIRM YOUR SELECTION AND FINISH BUILDING THE EQUIVALENT” ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 183 . Check the boundary buses identified by the program. This page lists the boundary buses in a listbox on the right. Press “Next>” 2. add or remove bus from the list of boundary buses using the “>” button and the “<” button.The wizard should look something like this. these branches may be subsumed by the fictitious branches generated by the network-equivalence algorithm. The equivalent network will contain only these buses. 1. For each bus to be included. This will bring up a dialog box that enables you to move multiple buses by area. add or remove bus from the list of boundary buses using the “>” button and the “<” button. 184 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .OPTION 3: REDUCE A PORTION OF THE NETWORK TO THE BOUNDARY AND LEAVE THE REST OF THE NETWORK UNCHANGED: A typical application is when you have a file that contain your system and your neighbor’s system. zone. locate its name in the listbox on the left listbox. etc. and you wish to reduce your neighbor’s system to an equivalent network at the boundary and leave your own system unchanged. This page lists the boundary buses in a listbox on the right. Press the ‘>’ button to move that bus to the listbox on the right. If needed. Specify the network to be left unchanged. The wizard should look something like this. Check the boundary buses identified by the program. Select the bus by clicking on it. The wizard will ask you to specify the network to be left unchanged. press the ‘>>’ button. Press “Next>” 2. Alternatively. Press the “Browse” button to specify the file name and location with the standard file dialog box. Press “Next>” CONFIRM YOUR SELECTION AND FINISH BUILDING THE EQUIVALENT: The following steps are common to all three options. If it is not correct.OLR) that will contain the reduced network. 2. Check the information displayed at the top of this page. Mark the checkbox “Retain all existing equipment at these buses” if you wish to keep the original branches between the boundary buses. Otherwise. press the “<Back” button to go back to the previous pages and fix the problem. The output file is a binary data file (with extension .3. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 185 . the fictitious branches generated by the network-equivalence algorithm may subsume these branches. if needed. Enter the full path name of the output file. 1. Finished. and the one-line diagram of the equivalent network will appear. This final page tells you that the equivalent network has been created successfully. Check the box “Transfer all existing annotations to the equivalent file” to keep all existing text annotations in the equivalent network. 186 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 4. Press “Finish” The output file name will appear at the top of the main window. Press “Next>” 4. An equivalent branch with per-unit impedance greater than this number will be ignored.3. Specify the impedance threshold for the equivalent branches. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 187 . TO GET AN OUTAGE LIST: 1. The TTY window will appear displaying a list of all the deleted and out of service equipment. Select the Network | Outage List command.Main Window NETWORK MENU OUTAGE LIST COMMAND The Outage List command in the Main Window creates a TTY report listing all deleted and out-of-service equipment. A dialog box will appear informing you that a portion of the one-line diagram has been copied to the clipboard. or partially within. 188 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Drag with the right mouse button down to delineate a rectangular region on the one-line diagram. Click mouse button on an empty space outside of the rectangle to deactivate it. You can paste the picture into other Windows programs. 3. Remove the dotted red rectangle. The graphical data is stored in the enhanced Windows metafile format in the clipboard. The region will be enclosed by a rectangle drawn with the dotted red pen. Click OK to continue. such as Microsoft Word and AutoCad.Main Window DIAGRAM MENU COPY ONE-LINE GRAPHICS TO CLIPBOARD COMMAND The Copy One-Line Graphics to Clipboard command in the Main Window lets you to copy a region of the oneline diagram graphics to the window clipboard. TO COPY A PORTION OF THE ONE-LINE DIAGRAM TO CLIPBOARD: 1. Select the Diagram | Copy One-Line Region to Clipboard command. Specify the region. the rectangle. 2. Note: The picture in the clipboard will include the objects that are within. (4) sorting preference. (3) choice of American or European transformer symbols. Click on either ‘Bus names’ or ‘Bus numbers’. Select the Diagram | Options command. (2) the unit of time. 5. 2. 4. "Cycles 50 Hz" to use cycles as the units of time. Select sorting preference.Main Window DIAGRAM MENU OPTIONS COMMAND The Options command in the Main Window lets you specify the various options that affect the appearance of the main window. Select your color preference. This is the default setting if you have a color monitor or a black-and-white monitor with multiple shades of gray. Click on: "Seconds" to use seconds as the units of time. Some users that have black-and-white monitors with multiple shades of gray prefer this setting because the screen is more legible. bus numbers and annotations (6) the font size and (7) the unit of length. The program will store your preferences in Window registry on your PC. TO SPECIFY OPTIONS FOR THE MAIN WINDOW: 1. "Back and white" radio button to display everything in black and white. assuming 60 hertz. Click on: "In color" to displ ay everything in color. Select the units of time. (5) whether to show tapbus names. Select either "American" or "European" to display either American or European (IEC) transformer symbols. These include (1) whether to show the one-line diagram in color or black & white. "Cycles 60 Hz" to use cycles as the units of time. assuming 50 hertz. This selection will affect the textual output of the relay operating times on the one-line diagram. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the main window options. 3. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 189 . "m" or "km". The dialog box will disappear and the new options will take effect immediately. Your preferred unit will be used as the default for new transmission lines and as the unit for existing lines of zero length. 11. Click on the "OK" button to save the options. 9. Click on "Tap bus names" to hide the identifier of tap buses. Select whether to hide annotations. the bus identifier of tap buses will appear on the one-line diagram. Click on "Bus numbers" to not show the bus numbers. Select whether to hide tap bus names. Select the screen font size. 8. and reports. Otherwise. Otherwise. "mi". the annotations will appear on the one-line diagram. "kt" (1000 ft). 7. Click on the 'Preferred Unit of Length' drop down list box and select the desired unit of length. Font sizes 8 to 28 are available. Select the unit of length. . is shown as part of the bus identifier on the oneline diagram. OneLiner will use the selected font size for the text in the one-line diagram.. data browsers. 6. 10. Select whether to hide bus numbers. 190 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Click on the 'Screen Font Size' drop down list box and select the desired font size. Click on "Annotations" to not show the annotations on the one-line diagram. Otherwise. the bus number. Units of length available are: "ft". if not zero.This option will affect how the program sorts items within dialog boxes. Six triangular knobs are attached to the bottom of the ruler marking the kV ranges. One of the knobs will be colored and the square with its color will be highlighted in the lower portion of the dialog box. } } else { if ( The equipment has a visible color ) { Draw the equipment with the color corresponding to its kV value. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 191 .) As OneLiner draws the one-line diagram. delete or take out of service any equipment.Main Window DIAGRAM MENU kV COLOR CODE COMMAND The kV Color Code command lets you customize the appearance of the one-line diagram by using colors to distinguish different voltage ranges. it colors each piece of equipment according to the follow logic: if ( The equipment is an equivalent branch ) { if ( The equivalent branch color* is not "invisible" ) { Draw with the color corresponding to the kV of the equivalent branch. } } } Note: You can assign the equivalent branch color using the Diagram | Equivalent Branch Color Code command. You can also use this command to hide equipment in certain voltage ranges by giving them the color "invisible". 2. (Note: Coloring equipment "Invisible" has no effect on the system. TO ASSIGN COLORS TO DIFFERENT kV RANGES: 1. Select the kV range. Click the left mouse button on the triangular knob at the minimum value of the kV range and drag it to the new desired voltage. A window will appear to show you the current color assignments. The dialog box has a horizontal ruler with markings between 0 kV and 1000 kV. These changes affect only the visual appearance of the one-line diagram and DO NOT remove. } else if ( Only one end bus of the transformer has a visible color ) { Draw the visible half normally and the invisible half with dotted lines. } } else { if ( The equipment is a branch ) { if ( All the end buses of the branch have visible colors ) { Draw each portion of the branch with the color corresponding to the kV of the end bus to which it is attached. Select the Diagram | KV Color Code command. 3. The knobs and the ruler will be drawn to show the new selection. Click the left mouse button once on the triangular knob at the minimum value of the kV range.All the knobs can be dragged except for the leftmost one. Select the color of the kV range. Select the Menu | OK command. its position is shown at the upper left corner. 192 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Click the left mouse button once on the new color square. As the knob is dragged. The knob will become highlighted. Each knob controls the maximum voltage of the kV range to its left and the minimum voltage of the kV range to its right. 4. The dialog box will disappear and the one-line diagram will be redrawn with the new color scheme. transformer. Select the color for the equivalent branches and generators. Select the Diagram | Equivalent Branch Color Code command. A dialog box will appear. 2. 4. This change affects only the visual appearance of the one-line diagram and does NOT remove. Only the equipment with the special circuit ID will be considered as equivalent. The equivalent branches and generators on the one-line diagram will be redrawn with the new color. Select equipment by clicking on it once with the left mouse button. (The logical steps used to determine the color used for each piece of equipment are discussed in the kV Color Code command description. select the Network | Properties command and enter the new circuit identifier in the 'Ckt ID' edit box. This color overrides the color that would have been assigned on the basis of the equipment's nominal kV. The Equivalent Branch Color Code command in the Main Window allows you to assign a unique color to identify all the equivalent branches and generators in the one-line diagram. 3. You should designate all equivalent branches and generators as such by giving them a special circuit identifier such as 'N' or '3'. or phase shifter with this circuit ID is considered to be an equivalent branch. 5. Click on "OK" to close the dialog box. or at a later time by editing the circuit ID field in the properties dialog box for that equipment. Note: Coloring the equivalent branches and generators "Invisible" has no effect on the system.Main Window DIAGRAM MENU EQUIV. Click on the "OK" button. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 193 . Any line. You can assign this circuit identifier when you create the equipment. Enter in the Equivalent Branch ID in the edit box. Then. These branches and generators will not be drawn if you click on the Invisible button. Re-assign equipment circuit identifiers. Any generator with this ID is considered to be an equivalent generator. delete or take out of service any equipment. Click on the drop down list box and select the appropriate color. You can also use this command to hide all equivalent branches and generators by giving them the color "invisible".) TO ASSIGN A COLOR TO EQUIVALENT BRANCHES AND GENERATORS: 1. The equipment will be redrawn using the equivalent branch color. BRANCH COLOR CODE COMMAND Branches and generators are fictitious network elements created by network reduction. before it was hidden. You may alternatively select them individually. enter one or more digits of the bus number. TO PLACE A BUS ON THE ONE-LINE DIAGRAM: 1. Click on "Use Old Location" to place buses at their previous locations. depending on your bus-sorting selection in the Diagram | Options dialog box. the letter ‘A’ denotes visible buses. If the bus to be placed was hidden previously with the Diagram | Hide Bus command. Click on "Place All" if you want to place not only the selected bus but also all its neighboring buses. One of these buses is selected. or (2) they were placed and subsequently made invisible with the Diagram | Hide Bus or Diagram | Hide Area commands. 194 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Select the Diagram | Place Buses command. Select a bus to be placed on the one-line diagram. A dialog box will appear. The program will automatically display any branches connecting this bus to neighboring buses that are already visible on the one-line. 3. Displayed in the left list box are all the buses in the system in ascending order of bus name or bus number. The list box on the right shows its neighboring buses . enter one or more characters of the bus name in 'Search For'. If the buses are sorted by bus number. Again. The bus with the best match will automatically appear in the window highlighted. The “Use Old Location” option is dimmed and unavailable if there is no previous location information. Select the neighboring buses to be placed on the one-line diagram. 2. If the buses are sorted by name. The visible buses are shown with the letter ‘A’ following the bus name. 4. A bus has a “previous location” if it was visible at one time. This Place Buses command in the Main Window lets you place a hidden bus on the one-line diagram and make it visible. you have the option of restoring the bus to its old position.Main Window DIAGRAM MENU PLACE BUSES COMMAND Some buses in the system may not be visible on the one-line diagram because (1) they came from a text data file and have not been placed previously. If the selected bus is out of the viewable portion of the screen. A bus is drawn with a hollow bus symbol if it has one or more invisible neighbors. The selected bus and its neighboring buses will be drawn on the screen.5. After the last bus is placed on the screen a message box will appear informing you that the one-line diagram has been completed. The dialog box will disappear. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 195 . such as generator. The neighboring buses will automatically be placed around the bus. All of the branches that connect the bus to its neighboring buses will be automatically added along with any attached equipment. OneLiner will scroll the one-line diagram to bring the selected bus to the center of the Main Window. Click on "OK". load or shunt. 196 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Click the left mouse button once on the bus you would like to hide. Select a bus. TO MAKE BUS SYMBOL LONGER: Select the Diagram | Bus Symbol | Longer command. 1. TO MAKE BUS SYMBOL SHORTER: Select the Diagram | Bus Symbol | Shorter command. Select the symbol or action. and they have no effect on faultsimulation results. You must first select the bus you would like to change before executing any of these commands. or vise versa. TO SHOW A BUS AS HORIZONTAL BAR: Select the Diagram | Bus Symbol | Vertical Bar command. The bus symbol will change from a horizontal bar to a vertical bar. 2. It will turn dotted red.Main Window DIAGRAM MENU BUS SYMBOL | DOT/HORIZONTAL BAR/VERTICAL BAR/ LONGER/SHORTER/ROTATE COMMANDS This set of Bus Symbol commands in the Main Window lets you change the way a bus is displayed on one-line diagram. TO SHOW A BUS AS A DOT: Select the Diagram | Bus Symbol | Dot command. TO SHOW A BUS AS VERTICAL BAR: Select the Diagram | Bus Symbol | Vertical Bar command. TO ROTATE BUS SYMBOL: Select the Diagram | Bus Symbol | Rotate command. These commands change only the appearance of the one-line diagram. Main Window DIAGRAM MENU BUS SYMBOL | SHOW (OR HIDE) ID COMMAND This Bus Symbol | ID command in the Main Window lets you toggle display status of the “bus ID”. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 197 . Select a bus. These commands change only the appearance of the one-line diagram. TO HIDE OR SHOW THE BUS ID: 1. You must first select the bus before executing this command. bus number and nominal kV. It will turn dotted red. Click the left mouse button once on the bus you would like to hide. 2. Select the Diagram | Bus Symbol | Show (or Hide) Bus ID command. which include the bus name. and they have no effect on fault-simulation results. It also includes the solution voltage when the solution of a power flow or short circuit is being displayed. The appearance of the bus ID will change accordingly. 198 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Select a bus. and it has no effect on fault-simulation results. TO HIDE A BUS: 1. Select the Diagram | Hide Bus command. Neighboring buses that are connected to the hidden bus will be drawn with a hollow bus symbol. This command changes only the appearance of the one-line diagram. including generators. Click the left mouse button once on the bus you would like to hide. shunts and branches. loads. Its symbol will turn dotted red. The bus and all the attached components will disappear. You must first select the bus you would like to hide before executing this command. 2.Main Window DIAGRAM MENU HIDE BUSES | SELECTED BUS COMMAND This Hide Bus | Selected Bus command hides a bus and all the attached components. The region will be enclosed by a rectangle drawn with the dotted red pen. and they do not affect fault-simulation results. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 199 . The program also hides all the equipment that is attached to these buses.Main Window DIAGRAM MENU HIDE BUSES | INSIDE/OUTSIDE REGION COMMAND This Hide Bus | Inside Region and Hide Bus | Outside Region commands in the Main Window let you hide all the buses that are within (or outside of) a rectangular region you define. Remove the dotted red rectangle. These commands change only the appearance of the one-line diagram. Select the Diagram | Hide Buses | Inside Region or Diagram | Hide Buses | Outside Region command. TO HIDE BUSES AND EQUIPMENT INSIDE OR OUTSIDE A REGION: 1. Click mouse button on an empty space outside of the rectangle to deactivate it. 2. 3. The program will hide all the buses that are within (or outside of) the region. Drag with the right mouse button down to delineate a rectangular region on the one-line diagram. The program also hides all the equipment that is attached to these buses. Specify the region. 3. These commands change only the appearance of the one-line diagram. Drag with the right mouse button down to delineate a region on the oneline diagram. Specify the region. and they have no effect on fault-simulation results. Select the Diagram | Show Buses | Inside Region or Diagram | Show Buses | Outside Region command. 200 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . TO SHOW BUSES AND EQUIPMENT INSIDE OR OUTSIDE A REGION: 1.Main Window DIAGRAM MENU SHOW BUSES | INSIDE/OUTSIDE REGION COMMAND This Show Bus | Inside Region and Show Bus | Outside Region commands in the Main Window let you show all the hidden buses that are within (or outside of) a region you define. The program will you show all the hidden buses that are within (or outside of) the region. The program also makes visible all the equipment that is attached to these buses. 2. The region will be enclosed by a rectangle drawn with the dotted red pen. Click mouse button on an empty space outside of the rectangle to deactivate it. The program also makes visible all the equipment that is attached to these buses. Remove the dotted red rectangle. The one-line diagram will be updated accordingly. you must have placed the buses in that area or zone previously with the Diagram | Place Bus command. 2.Main Window DIAGRAM MENU SHOW / HIDE AREA OR ZONE COMMAND This command lets you hide or display all of the network elements located in a specific area or zone. This command changes only the appearance of the one-line diagram. and it has no effect on fault-simulation results. Show: To display all the buses and branches in the selected area or zone. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 201 . Select an area or zone by clicking on it in the list box. Hide: To hide all buses and branches in the selected area or zone. A dialog box will appear asking for the area or zone you would like to hide or display. 3. Click on: 4. Select the Diagram | Show/Hide Area or Zone command. To show the equipment in an area or zone that is currently invisible. TO HIDE OR SHOW AN ENTIRE AREA OR ZONE: 1. Click on "Done" to close dialog box. The program will fill in the three edit boxes with estimates computed based on the coordinates available. These estimates work well in most cases. If the buses’ state-plane coordinates are within these files.0) will not be moved. Click on the 'Place All Invisible Buses …' check box to have the program place all hidden buses that have state-plane coordinates. the user can use this command to place all the buses automatically according to their geographic location. 2. 4. 202 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Select the Diagram | Snap to State Plane Coordinates command. All the buses with state plane coordinates will be re-positioned according to their coordinates. You can edit them if you wish. TO ALIGN ALL NODES TO THEIR COORESPONDING GPS COORDINATE: 1. The 'Snap to State Plane Coordinates' dialog box will disappear.Main Window DIAGRAM MENU SNAP TO STATE PLANE COORDINATES COMMAND The Snap to State Plane Coordinates command in the Main Window re-positions all the buses according to their state-plane coordinates. In 'Screen Width in State Plane Coordinates'. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the screen parameters. Click on "OK". 3. This command also makes visible all the buses that have state-plane coordinates but were not placed previously. Buses and nodes with coordinate of (0. Many users create their text data files by exporting information from their GIS database. 5. Enter in 'X' and 'Y' the state-plane coordinate for the position being displayed at the center of your screen. enter the width of the computer screen in state-plane coordinates. Select Diagram | Attach Annotation to Object command. Select the note or annotation by clicking on it with the left mouse button. Hold down the <Shift> key and click on the object to which the note is to be attached. TO ATTACH A NOTE TO AN OBJECT: 1. A dotted red box will be drawn enclosing the note. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 203 . Once the note is detached from the object. an object on the one-line diagram. A note that is attached to an object will move with the attached object. The object will turn dotted red.Main Window DIAGRAM MENU ATTACH/DETACH ANNOTATION TO/FROM OBJECT COMMAND The Attach Annotation To Object and Detach Annotation from Object commands in the Main Window let you attach an annotation to. or detach it from. A * will appear at the beginning of the note signifying that it is attached to an object. and the * marking will disappear. Select the note by clicking on it with the left mouse button. 2. Then select the Diagram | Detach Annotation from Object command. 3. TO DETACH A NOTE: 1. Any symbol that was highlighted dotted red should become black. 204 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The text blocks associated with this branch will be moved to their default position. Click the left mouse button once on an empty area on the diagram away from visible objects. 2. 2. Select the object. transformer. Un-select any object that is currently selected.Main Window DIAGRAM MENU RESET TEXT POSITION COMMAND The Reset Text Position command in the Main Window lets you reset the position of the text blocks to their default positions. loads and shunts) and branches (lines. load. TO RESET TEXT POSITION ON THE ENTIRE ONE-LINE DIAGRAM: 1. A confirmation dialog will occur. TO RESET TEXT POSITION OF A SINGLE OBJECT: 1. phase shifters and switches). Text blocks are used to display text associated with bus equipment (generators. Select Diagram | Reset Text Position command. Click on Yes to reset position of all text blocks to their default position. You can reset position of all text blocks on the one-line diagram or just the text blocks of a single object. Click the left mouse button once on the symbol of a generator. Select Diagram | Reset Text Position command. The symbol will turn dotted red when selected. shunt or branch. The figure below shows the effect of inserting a kink on the graphic symbols of a line. Note: This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if the selected transmission line already has a total of 49 vertical and horizontal segments. Before inserting After inserting TO INTRODUCE MORE SEGMENTS INTO A LINE SYMBOL: 1. Edit the line symbol.Main Window DIAGRAM MENU INSERT LINE KINK COMMAND The Insert Line Kink command in the Main Window lets you introduce more segments into a line symbol. Select the branch. 2. The line symbol will turn dotted red when selected. Edit the line by dragging different portions of the line until the result is esthetically pleasing. This command changes only the visual appearance of the one-line diagram and has no effect on the system mode or simulation results. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 205 . Select the Diagram | Insert Line Kink command. Click the left mouse button once on the line symbol. 3. The kink will be inserted near where you clicked. Ymin. A dialog box will appear asking you for the scaling/shifting parameters 'a'. TO SCALE OR SHIFT THE ONE-LINE: 1. 'b'. and 'c'. The one-line diagram is within a rectangle with the following coordinates: Xmin. Xmax. Note: Sometimes unexpected placement of symbols results when you cascading two or more Scale/Shift commands. This is done by multiplying all x and y coordinates by a scaling factor ‘a’ that you specify. Ymax. Input the scaling/shift factors. We suggest that you undo a scale/shift operation before re-applying it with different scale and shift factors. Select the Diagram | Scale/Shift One-Line command. The program will use the following formula to calculate the new coordinates ( x'.Main Window DIAGRAM MENU SCALE/SHIFT ONE-LINE COMMAND The Scale/Shift One-Line command in the Main Window lets you scale or shift the entire one-line diagram. a: Scaling Parameter: expands (a >1) or shrinks (a < 1) the oneline diagram. The dialog box will disappear and the Main Window will display the modified one-line diagram. y' ) on the one-line diagram: x' = a * x + b y' = a * y + c 2. b: Horizontal Shift Parameter: shifts the one-line diagram right or left. 3. Click on the "OK" button. 206 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . c: Vertical Shift Parameter: shifts the one-line diagram up or down. A common usage is to blow up the entire diagram to give more room between adjacent symbols. Click on the "OK" button. if it is not selected already. Select the bus.Main Window VIEW MENU FIND BUS BY NAME COMMAND The Find Bus by Name command in the Main Window helps you quickly locate a bus by its name and nominal kV. Each entry consists of the bus name. the nominal kV and the bus number. The program also displays a green arrow next to the target bus to help you finding it. Select the View | Find Bus By Name command. 2. 3. Use the scroll bar as needed to locate the bus name. Click on the bus name to select it. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 207 . A dialog box will appear displaying an alphabetical listing of all the buses in the network. TO FIND A BUS BY NAME: 1. Type in one or more characters of the bus name. The dialog box will disappear and the selected bus will appear highlighted in dotted red in the center of the screen. The bus name will appear in the list box highlighted. A dialog box will appear displaying a list of all the buses in the network.Main Window VIEW MENU FIND BUS BY NUMBER COMMAND The Find Bus by Number command in the Main Window helps you quickly locate a bus by its bus number. Select the View | Find Bus By Number command. TO FIND A BUS BY BUS NUMBER: 1. Click on the "OK" button. Use the scroll bar as needed to locate the bus. The dialog box will disappear and the selected bus will appear highlighted in dotted red in the center of the screen. Select the bus. if it is not selected already. 208 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . the nominal kV and the bus number. 2. Type in one or more digits of the bus number. A bus with the number you entered will appear in the list box highlighted. Each entry consists of the bus name. 3. in ascending order of the bus number. Click on the bus name to select it. The program also displays a green arrow next to the target bus to help you finding it. The dialog box will disappear and the annotation will appear in the center of the screen.Main Window VIEW MENU FIND ANNOTATION COMMAND The Find Annotation command in the Main Window helps you quickly locate an annotation by its text. Click on OK. A dialog box will appear displaying a list of all the annotations in alphabetical order. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 209 . Select the annotation by clicking on it. The “Header” portion of each annotation occupies one line in the dialog box. Select the View | Find Annotation command. 3. TO FIND ANNOTATIONS: 1. This feature effectively allows you to use the annotations as bookmarks in the one-line diagram. Type in one or more characters of the annotation. The annotation that begins with the letters you entered will appear in the list box highlighted. 2. Select the annotation. 2.Main Window VIEW MENU GO TO END BUS COMMAND The Go to End Bus command in the Main Window helps you move quickly between the end buses of a transmission line or 2-winding transformer. Select the View | Go To End Bus command. Using the command repeatedly will toggle between the two ends of a line or transformer. If you selected a relay group. 210 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Click on a bus on the list and click on OK. OneLiner will automatically scroll the oneline diagram to bring the other end bus to the center of the screen. Select a transmission line. or a relay group that is on a transmission line or 2-winding transformer. OneLiner will automatically center the one-line diagram on the end bus that is farthest from the center of the screen. TO GO TO THE END BUS: 1. a 2-winding transformer. Click the left mouse button on the line or transformer or relay group of interest. If you selected a line or transformer. the program will pop up a dialog box to ask you to select either a tap bus or one of the line ends. If you selected a line and there is one or more tap buses on that line. The selected symbol will turn dotted red when selected. Select the View | Highlight Attached Object command.Main Window VIEW MENU HIGHLIGHT ATTACHED OBJECT COMMAND The Highlight Attached Object command in the Main Window helps you identify quickly the object to which the selected annotation is being attached. OneLiner will automatically scroll the one-line diagram to bring the object to the center of the screen and highlight it in dotted red. Click the left mouse button on the annotation of interest. 2. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 211 . TO HIGHLIGHT ATTACHED OBJECT: 1. Select a annotation that has been attached to an object. The selected symbol will turn dotted red when selected. TO SHOW A PLAIN ONE-LINE DIAGRAM: 1. 212 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . currents. If voltages. currents or branch impedances are being displayed the screen will be redrawn to show a plain one-line diagram.Main Window VIEW MENU PLAIN 1-LINE COMMAND The Plain 1-Line command in the Main Window lets you view the one-line diagram without additional information such as voltages. Select the View | Plain 1-line command. branch impedances or mutual pair information. Select the View | Impedances on 1-line command. generator impedances. For lines. generator impedances. the impedances Zst and Zsto next to the secondary bus and the impedances Zpt and Zpto next to the tertiary bus. and load MW and MVAR. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 213 . the short-circuit impedances Zps and Zpso will be shown next to the primary bus.Main Window VIEW MENU IMPEDANCES ON 1-LINE COMMAND The Impedances on 1-Line command in the Main Window displays the branch impedances. TO SHOW IMPEDANCES ON THE ONE-LINE DIAGRAM: 1. the positivesequence impedances will be displayed at one end of the branch symbol and the zero-sequence impedances at the other end. phase shifters and 2-winding transformers. and load MW and MVAR on the one-line diagram. shunt admittances. For 3-winding transformers. The one-line diagram will be redrawn showing the branch impedances. The branch impedances shown are as follows: 1. shunt admittances. 2. Select the View | Mutual Pairs on 1-Line command. you will see “Pairs x. if the number ‘x’ is shown on both lines. The one-line diagram will be redrawn showing the mutual-pair information.…” where x. 214 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . On each transmission line that is mutually coupled. y. TO SHOW MUTUAL PAIRS ON THE ONE-LINE DIAGRAM: 1. are mutual pair numbers. Two lines are members of mutual pair x. and they may change within a session when you introduce tap buses or edit the mutual information. z. y. z. The numbers need not be consecutive.Main Window VIEW MENU MUTUAL PAIRS ON 1-LINE COMMAND The Mutual Pairs On One-Line command in the Main Window displays for transmission lines that are mutually coupled the mutual-pair numbers on the one-line diagram. Please be aware that the mutual numbers are merely labels. etc. Select the View | Branch Names on 1-Line command. Branch names are optional and are entered in the 'Name' edit field in the properties dialog boxes. The one-line diagram will be redrawn showing the branch names. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 215 .Main Window VIEW MENU BRANCH NAMES ON 1-LINE COMMAND The Branch Names on 1-Line command in the Main Window displays the branch names on the one-line diagram. TO SHOW BRANCH NAMES ON THE ONE-LINE DIAGRAM: 1. The one-line diagram will be redrawn displaying the area and tie line labels. Select the View | Areas. This command is intended for power flow users.Main Window VIEW MENU AREAS. Tie Lines on 1-Line Command in the Main Window displays (1) the area and zone numbers for each bus and (2) a “Tie Line” on transmission lines and transformers that are tie lines. The area and zone numbers for each bus are shown below the bus identifier next to the bus symbol. TIE LINES ON 1-LINE COMMAND The Area. A transmission line or 2-winding transformer is labeled “tie line” if it spans two buses with different area numbers. TO DISPLAY AREA AND TIE LINE LABELS ON THE ONE-LINE DIAGRAM: 1. Tie Lines On 1-Line command. 216 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 2. The TTY Window will appear on top of the Main Window. Use the scroll bars on the TTY Window to bring different sections of the window into view.Main Window VIEW MENU TTY WINDOW COMMAND The TTY Window command in the Main Window lets you open the TTY Window and view its contents. 3. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 217 . The horizontal and vertical scroll bars let you browse through the contents of the window. The TTY Window will disappear. TO VIEW THE TTY WINDOW: 1. Select the View | TTY Window command. Close the TTY Window by selecting the Menu | Close Window command. Select the View | Toolbar command. 218 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .Main Window VIEW MENU TOOLBAR COMMAND The Toolbar command in the Main Window lets you show or hide the toolbar. You can use the toolbar for quick access to commonly used commands. TO SHOW OR HIDE THE TOOLBAR: 1. The toolbar will either be displayed or hidden. Note: You can also hide the toolbar using the -T command line option. Main Window VIEW MENU DEVICE PALETTE COMMAND The Device Palette command in the Main Window lets you show or hide the Device Palette. TO SHOW OR HIDE THE DEVICE PALETTE: 1. The device palette allows you to build the one-line diagram conveniently and effortlessly. A picture of the palette is shown below. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 219 . The palette will either be displayed or hidden from view. Select the View | Device Palette command. fuses and reclosers. A dialog box will appear. TO ADD COMMENTS FOR A RELAY GROUP: 1. The relay group symbol will turn dotted red when selected. Select the Relay | Properties command. You can add new relays to the relay group or remove existing relays from the group.Main Window RELAY MENU PROPERTIES COMMAND The Properties Command in the Main Window lets you review or edit the properties of a relay group. Enter notes in the "Comments" edit box near the bottom. TO REVIEW OR EDIT THE PARAMETERS OF A RELAY: 1. Relay Dialog Boxes. for instructions on how to add relays. You may enter up to 240 characters in this box. you can edit the parameters of relays that are within the group. Click the left mouse button once on the relay group you want to review or edit. Within this dialog box. One of these devices is highlighted. Please see Section 6. fuses and reclosers that are currently within the relay group. 2. Select a relay group. 220 • SECTION 3 Select the device you would like to review or edit. The list box at the top shows a list of all the relays. TO GET INFO ON A DEVICE: 1. COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . To execute this command you must first select the relay group you would like to review. You can also edit the coordination-pair and protection scheme information. If the relay type name you are seeking is not in the list. fuse or recloser in the list and press Show Curve. FUSE OR RECLOSER TO A RELAY GROUP: 1. Select a relay. fuse or recloser will appear. TO TOGGLE ON-LINE STATE OF A DEVICE: 1. Click the ‘Add’ button. Please refer to Section 6. Relay Dialog Boxes. fuse or recloser in the list and press On/Off-line. Select a device you want to remove and click on "Delete". ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 221 . Its name will disappear from the list box. Highlight a relay type and press OK.2. The OC Curves Window or the DS Curves Window will appear showing you the curve of the selected device. FUSE OR RECLOSER: 1. you must first exit OneLiner and add the new relay type to the Distance Relay Library using the Distance Relay Editor. for more information. If you adding a distance relay. Click on one of the radio buttons and press OK. a dialog box will appear asking you for the relay type. The dialog box for the relay.2 through 6. Please refer to Sections 6. Select a relay. TO DELETE A RELAY. The program will not compute operating time of off-line devices. The Relay Group dialog box will disappear.6 for more information on these dialog boxes. Click on "Get Info" to review or edit the device parameters. TO ADD A RELAY. The device will be removed from the relay group. A dialog box will ask you want you want to add. fuse or reclose you selected. The indicator to the right of the relay ID will change to reflect the new state. The relay type name is generally the relay's actual trade name. TO SHOW THE RELAY CURVE: 1. A dialog box will appear listing the parameters of the relay. TO CLOSE THE RELAY GROUP DIALOG BOX: 1. FUSE OR RECLOSER BY PASTING THE DATA FROM THE CLIPBOARD: 1. FUSE OR RECLOSER IN OR OUT OF SERVICE: 1. The new device will appear in the list. If you just created a new relay group. An offline device is not considered when computing the operating time at a relay group. FUSE OR RECLOSER TO THE CLIPBOARD: 1. Click on the 'Protection Schemes' tab to review or edit the coordination pairs and pilot protection schemes for this relay group. The program will copy the data of the selected device to the clipboard. The status of the device will toggle between on-line and off-line.TO COPY A RELAY. Select a device you want to copy and click on "Copy". 222 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The 'Protection Schemes' page will appear. the program will insert a relay group symbol at the end of the selected branch. TO VIEW AND EDIT PROTECTION SCHEMES: 1. Please refer to the Relay | Form Coordination Pair command and Relay | Pilot Protection Scheme command in the Main Window for more information concerning coordinating pairs and Pilot Protection Scheme. TO TAKE A RELAY. Click on "Done". Note: The Paste button is enabled only where there is relay data in the clipboard. Select a device and click on "On/Off Line". The program will create a device using data from the clipboard. Click on the Paste button. TO CREATE A NEW RELAY. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 223 . When this “Extrapolate curves” option is selected.0 times the pickup setting and how relay curves are looked up in relay libraries. The program will plot a vertical line for the instantaneous unit in the Curves Window. 5. 2. The line impedances are displayed when you click on the "Line Impedances" button on the distance relay dialog box. 85%. Enter the percentage of the positive -sequence line impedance you would like to display from within the distance relay dialog box. Click on "Ignore file name when looking up curves in relay libraries" if you want the program to use only relay curve name in library searches.0 times pickup" to use the value of the pickup setting as the starting point of the relay curve. You can also specify program relay operating time report option. Select the Relay | Options command. TO SPECIFY RELAY OPTIONS: 1. The default percentages are 80%. For distance relays you may specify four separate percentages. even though it is not used for time-delay calculations. Click on "Ignore Instantaneous units" to ignore the instantaneous unit on all overcurrent relays when (1) plotting the time-current points on the relay curves and (2) calculating the relay operating times. 4.0 times pickup and will show a finite operating time for relay currents larger than the pickup. Most relay manufacturers draw their relay curves with the minimum current at 1. 3. When the "Ignore file name when looking up curves in relay libraries" option is selected the program will use first curve with matching name it finds in any of the overcurrent relay library files in the program overcurrent library directory. For overcurrent relays you may (1) ignore instantaneous units and/or (2) extrapolate curves to 1. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the relay options.Main Window RELAY MENU OPTIONS COMMAND The Options command in the Main Window lets you specify certain options pertaining to relays. the program will extrapolate all relay curves to 1. even though the relays may operate with current smaller than this value. which will be used when displaying the positive-sequence impedance of the line.6. 'Distance Phase Relays' for more information. You can specify up to four separate values.25 or 1.50 times the pickup setting. 150% and 200%. See Section 6. Click on "Extrapolate curves to 1. Click on "Output text report to TTY window when showing relay operating time on 1-line" if you want the program to produce a table with relay operating time every time relay operating time is displayed on the 1-line.6. 7. 224 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The options you specify in this command are saved to the binary file when you exit. Click on "OK" to close the dialog box. Select the Relay | New Relay Group command. Initially the relay group contains no relays or coordinating pairs. Otherwise. 2. To execute this command you must first select a branch. The branch symbol will turn dotted red when selected.or 3-winding).Main Window RELAY MENU NEW RELAY GROUP COMMAND The New Relay Group command in the Main Window lets you create a new relay group for a line. Select a branch. Click on Done if you do not wish to add any relays to the group at this time. please refer to the Relay | Properties command for more information. The program will insert a relay group at a terminal bus of the selected branch that is closest to the last mouse click. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 225 . TO ADD A NEW RELAY GROUP ON A BRANCH: 1. Click the left mouse button once on the branch to which you want to add a new relay group. Note: The Relay group menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if the selected branch already has relay groups at all its terminal buses. A dialog box will appear. phase shifter or transformer (2. 3. Click on "Yes" to delete the relay group. the program will also remove all the coordinating pairs and pilot schemes that involve the deleted relay group.Main Window RELAY MENU DELETE RELAY GROUP COMMAND The Delete Relay Group command in the Main Window lets you delete a relay group and all of its relays. A dialog box will appear asking if you want to delete the relay group and all of its relays and fuses. To execute this command you must first select the relay group. 226 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 2. Select the Relay | Delete Relay Group command. TO DELETE A RELAY GROUP FROM THE NETWORK: 1. fuses and reclosers from the network. The relay group symbol will turn dotted red when selected. Click the left mouse button once on a relay group. When a relay group is deleted. The relay group symbol will disappear from the one-line diagram. Select a relay in the list box and click on the "OK" button. TO VIEW A RELAY CURVE: 1. The relay group symbol will turn dotted red when selected. 3. If you select an overcurrent relay. 2. the same fault is displayed in the other window. the program will display a confirmation dialog box: Click on Yes to add selected curve to the Curves Window. you can arrange the windows side by side and execute commands in both windows. You can work on the Main Window and the Curves Window (or DS Relays Window) at the same time. A dialog box will appear asking you which of the devices in the group you want to display. fuse or recloser. the Curves Window will appear showing the time-versus-current characteristics of the device you selected. the DS Relays Window will appear showing the impedance characteristics of the relay you selected. If your monitor is not large enough to see both windows at the same time. Select the relay group. To execute this command you must first select a relay group. If the DS Relays Window is currently open the program will closed it first.Main Window RELAY MENU VIEW RELAY CURVES COMMAND The View Relay Curves command in the Main Window lets you view the time-versus-current characteristics of an overcurrent relay or the impedance characteristics of a distance relay. you can minimize the OC Curves window (or DS Relays Window) while you view the one-line diagram. If you select a distance relay. If a Curves Window is currently open. Click the left mouse button once on the relay group that contains the relay you want to display. When you display a fault in one of the windows. If you have a large monitor. Select the Relay | View Relay Curves command. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 227 . Click on No to display selected curve in a fresh screen. Select the curve collection you would like to display and click on "Show". Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the name of the PCC file. If the present PCC file has been changed. Each entry in the list box shows the name of the collection as well as the device names and the number of damage curves that it contains. TO VIEW A CURVE COLLECTION: 1. "Save as" and enter the appropriate information in the standard file dialog box to save the curve collections to a PCC file of a different name. Click on "OK". The Curve Window will appear showing all of the curves contained in the collection. such as adding. The curve collection information dialog box will appear. Select the Relay | Open Curve Collection command. Click on: "Open" and enter the appropriate information in the standard file dialog box to open a new PCC file. The Open Curve Collection command in the Main Window lets you recall. This dialog box shows the name of the PCC file and lists all the curve collections that it contains. 228 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . view or edit a curve collection with a PCC file. You can perform various operations on this window. a dialog box will appear asking you the name of the PCC file that you wish to open. TO OPEN ANOTHER PCC FILE OR SAVE AN OPENED PCC FILES: 1. The file dialog box will disappear. reclosers. 2. another dialog box will appear asking you whether the change should be saved. "Save" to save the curve collections to the PCC file you open previously. damage curves as well text and graphic annotation that were displayed on the Curves Window. and the curve collection information dialog box will appear. removing and editing the curves. Select the Relay | Open Curve Collection command. If a PCC file has not been opened. You can also display faults that you simulated on the curves.Main Window RELAY MENU OPEN CURVE COLLECTION COMMAND A “curve collection” contains the time-versus-current characteristics of overcurrent relays. The program lets you store one or more curve collections in binary files called Previous Curves Collection (PCC) files. fuses. TO RENAME OR REMOVE A CURVE COLLECTION: 1. The curve collection information dialog box will appear. Select the Relay | Open Curve Collection command. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 229 .Click on "Done" to close the dialog box. Select a curve collection and click on: "Remove" to remove the curve collection. Click on "Done" to close the dialog box. "Rename" and enter the appropriate information as prompted to rename a curve collection. Note: The menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if the Curves Window or Distance Relay Window has not been opened. TO OPEN RELAY WINDOW: 1. These commands are most useful for calling up the relay window when it is hidden behind other windows or has been minimized. 230 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .Main Window RELAY MENU OVERCURRENT/DISTANCE RELAY WINDOW COMMAND The Overcurrent Relay Window and Distance Relay Window command in the Main Window makes the curves window or the distance relay window the active window and brings it to the top. Select the Relay | Open Overcurrent or Distance Relay Window command. The relay window screen will appear in the foreground. Please use the Relay | View Relay Curves command to open a relay window if it has not been opened. 4. These relays are said to be in the “holding tank”. A dialog box will appear displaying a list of imported overcurrent and distance relays that you can place into the selected relay group. TO PLACE AN IMPORTED RELAY WITH NO LOCATION INFORMATION: 1. Click on "Remove" to remove the selected relay from the holding tank. They have to be placed manually because the location information was either missing or invalid. 7. Select a relay you want to place into a relay group. 6. 3. The “imported relays” come from the Relay | Import Relay command in the Main Window. Click the left mouse button once on the relay group to which you want to place the imported relay. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 231 . 2. Select the relay group. Click on "Done" to close the dialog box. The relays you selected will be placed into the selected relay group. Click on "Place" to place the selected relay into the selected relay group. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for all the relays that you want to (1) place into the selected relay group and (2) remove from the list box. Note: This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if there is no imported relay.Main Window RELAY MENU PLACE IMPORTED RELAY COMMAND This command lets you place an imported relay into a relay group. This command effectively deletes the selected relay. The selected relay group will turn dotted red. 5. Select the Relay | Place Imported Relay command. The top list boxes contain the backups of the selected relay group. A dialog box will appear informing that the coordinating pair has been form. If you want to create a new coordinating pair. There are two methods for forming relay coordination pairs. Select a relay group. requires the selection of only one relay group. The Form Coordination Pair command in the Main Window allows you to add coordinating pairs. The relay group symbols will turn dotted red when selected. the updated information is recorded in the binary data file. Once you have added a coordinating pair. Then. There are two list boxes. One of the methods described below also allows you to remove coordinating pairs. The coordination pair information is used by the coordination checking features within OneLiner. Select the Relay | Form Coordination Pair command. Click the left mouse button once on the primary relay group. you can select either the primary relay group or the backup relay group.Main Window RELAY MENU FORM COORDINATION PAIR COMMAND A coordinating pair consists of two relay groups: a "Primary" group and a "Backup" group. Click the left mouse button once on a relay group. The relay group symbol will turn dotted red when selected. 2. with the <Shift> key held down. A dialog box will appear. 1. TO ADD OR REMOVE COORDINATION PAIRS: This is the second of two methods of forming a coordinating pair. The bottom list box contains the relay groups for which the selected relay is a backup. TO ADD A COORDINATION PAIR: This is the first of two methods of forming a coordinating pair. 232 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . This method requires you to select two relay groups with the mouse prior to executing the command. click the left mouse button once on the backup relay group. An alternative method described below. This method requires you to select only one relay group prior to executing the command. Select the primary relay group and the backup relay group. You can also use this method to remove existing coordinating pairs. 1. under "To Add or Remove Coordination Pairs". Select the Relay | Form Coordination Pair command. 2. click on the ‘+’ button to the right of the top list box. Select a relay group and click on OK. click on the ‘+’ button to the right of the bottom list box. Add coordination pairs for this relay group. and then click on the "-" button on the right. This “Neighboring Relay Groups” dialog box will disappear. The method of selecting a relay group is the same as above.3. If you want the current relay group to backup a neighboring relay group. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 233 . The relay group you selected will appear in the top list box of the original dialog box. A dialog with candidate relay groups will appear. 4. A message box will appear asking you to confirm the removal. Remove a coordination pair. Select a relay group in one of the list boxes. If you want a neighboring relay groups to backup the current relay group. Click on the "OK" button to remove the coordination pair. g. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the test data file format. Select the location where the test file will be used. This command can be used to create a test file for relays at a single location. The test files can be in one of the following formats: COMTRADE files. 2. Most current test equipment can read this file format “Doble SS1” to create test file with Doble SSIMUL macro. “Excel CSV” to create test file in CSV format. Select the output format by clicking on of the radio buttons: “COMTRADE” and enter sampling rate in the edit box to create COMTRADE file. You may alternatively create a sequence of faults that the relays may “see”. comma delimited files (CSV). This file format can be read by Doble ProTest software. a dialog box will appear asking you to specify the relay in the group you want to test. If you have highlighted a relay group. and tab delimited text files. an intermediate fault near the remote bus.Main Window RELAY MENU CREATE RELAY TEST FILE COMMAND The Create Relay Test File command in the Main Window creates one or more files for relay testing purposes. TO CREATE RELAY TEST FILES: 1. Click on OK. The relay test file contains simulated voltage and current quantities for one or more short-circuit conditions that you have simulated in OneLiner as well as prefault and post-fault states. You can open this file format in Microsoft Excel and other spread sheet software. or it can be used to create multiple files for end-to-end testing. Doble SS1 files. “Text -delimited text file” to create test file in text. Simulate the faults that you want to be included in the test file. You may want to test the relay with fault that should trip the relay as well as faults that should not trip the relay. 3. skip to step 2. Click on either a relay group or on one end of a branch symbol. 234 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . If you have highlighted a branch terminal. Select the Relay | Create Relay Test File command. Prior to executing this command.. followed by a line-end fault. e. you must simulate the faults and select one of the test locations on the one-line diagram. Mark the check box in front of the relay that you want tested. OR Click on entry labeled RELAY to create a generic test file for any relay at this location. Click on OK to close the Select Test Relay dialog. The Relay Test Quantities dialog will appear. 2. Specify relay test quantities: Enter a unique name to describe this set of test data. The name cannot be longer than 44 characters. Select CT location and connection from the ‘CT at’ combo box ‘CT at’. Enter CT ratio in the Ratio edit box to the right. Specify PT location from the dropdown ‘PT at’ combo box. Mark the check box “PT on line side” for PTs that are on the line side of the circuit breaker. These PTs will have a zero voltage signal in when the circuit breaker is opened. Enter PT ratio in the edit box. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 235 Note: Select “N/A” in one of the above dropdown combo box if corresponding signal is not wanted in the output file. Specify prefault state by entering load current and power factor in the edit boxes. Prefault voltage is assumed to be 1.0 per unit. Select analog channels to be included in the test file. Available channels are phase and sequence quantities. Transformer neutral current and tertiary winding circulating current can also be selected if the relay CT is on a transformer. Skip to the ‘Click on OK…’ paragraph at the end of this step if you are not exporting to a COMTRADE file Specify COMTRADE digital recording channels: you can create COMTRADE digital channel for binary signals along side with analog voltages and currents to control the relay test-equipment function during the relay test. Click on ‘Add’ to insert a new digital channel. The digital channel dialog will appear. Enter channel ID Enter channel initial channel state. To insert a new state transition click on ‘Add’. A dialog will appear. Enter duration of interval since last state transition in the edit box and click OK. To remove a state transition: highlight it in the list and click ‘Delete’ button. To move a state transition up or down the list: highlight it in the list and click ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ button. To change duration of interval between state transitions highlight it in the list and click ‘Edit’ button. Click OK when all state transitions are entered for the digital channel. You will be back in the Relay Test Quantities screen. 236 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 To edit setting of a digital channel: highlight it in the channel list and click on ‘Edit’ button. To remove a digital channel: Highlight it in the channel list and click on ‘Delete’ button. Enter comment in the edit box. Information you type in this box will appear in COMTRADE header file. Click on OK . Create Relay Test file screen will appear with summary of relay test quantities you have just specified. 3. Specify additional set of test quantities or edit existing set. To edit setting of an existing test quantities set in the list, highlight it in the list and click on ‘Edit…’ Skip the rest of this step if you are not planning to do ‘end-to-end testing’ To do ‘End-to-end’ test on transmission line voltage and current test quantities at both ends of the line are required. Click on ‘Add’ button in the ‘Relay Quantities to Record’ list. The Relay selection dialog box will appear. Repeat step 1 and 2 to specify additional set of test quantities to record. 4. Specify the relay test plan. A relay test plan consists of a number of steps with different network states that you wish to store in the relay test file. The program automatically creates an initial two-step test plan with a NO FAULT and an OPEN BREAKER state of 5 cycles duration. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 237 To add new step click on ‘Add’ button. To edit an existing step highlight it in the list and click on ‘Edit’. A dialog box will appear for you to specify setting of the step. Select the network state in this step from the dropdown combo list. Available states are: ‘NO FAULT’: 1 per-unit voltage and specified prefault current will be reported. ‘FAULT’: Fault voltage and current will be reported. All faults you simulated prior to this command will be available in the list. ‘OPEN BREAKER’: Zero current will be reported. If the PT is on the line side, a zero voltage will be reported. Otherwise the open breaker voltage will be 1 per-unit. Enter the state duration in the edit box. All durations are in cycles. Click OK to close this dialog box. You will be back at the Create Relay Test file screen with updated test plan. Click on ‘Simulate breaker contact opening at zero crossing of current’ to align signal transition from Fault state to Open Breaker state exactly at a zero crossing of the current. Note: this option can be selected only when creating COMTRADE files. Click on ‘Simulate single pole tripping’ to ask the program to record transition from Fault to Open Breaker state only for the faulted phases. 238 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 4. Write the test file. Click on ‘Write test file’ button when you finish entering all recorded quantities setting and test plan. A standard File Save dialog will appear. Use the controls in this dialog to enter test file name and location. For each set of test quantities you specified, the program will ask for one file name. COMTRADE header file (.hdr) and configuration file (.cfg) will have the same name that you assigned to the data file (.dat) in the File Save dialog. After all test files have been created, the program will display an information message box. Click OK to go back to the Create Test File screen. 5. Specify another test plan or exit. Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4 to create anther set of test files. Click on ‘Done’ button to exit this command. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 239 Main Window RELAY MENU IMPORT RELAY COMMAND The Import Relay command in the Main Window is designed to facilitate the transfer of a large amount of relay data, including coordination pairs and pilot protection schemes from a text file into an OneLiner binary data file. The text file must be in the ASPEN relay data format described in Section 7. TO IMPORT RELAY DATA FROM A TEXT FILE: 1. Select the Relay | Import Relay command. A dialog box will appear asking you for the name of the text file to import. The default extension is .RAT. 2. Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the relay data file that you wish to import. Click on the "OK" button. Once OneLiner accepts the file name the dialog box will disappear. If any data errors are found when importing a relay, the program ignores only that relay. Data errors and error messages, if any, will be displayed in the TTY Window (use the View |TTY Window to open it) and written to a text file "ASPEN.LOG" in the current directory. Part of the data for each relay tells the program where it resides in the network. Relays that have valid location data are place automatically by the OneLiner. Those that have invalid or missing location information are put into a "holding tank" in the binary data file. You can later place these relays using the Relay | Place Imported Relay command. Coordination pairs that have valid location data are formed automatically by the OneLiner. Those that have invalid or missing location information are ignored. 3. 240 • SECTION 3 Optional: Use the Save command to save the new relay information to disk. COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 Main Window RELAY MENU EXPORT RELAY COMMAND The Export Relay command in the Main Window lets you export the present relay settings for a selected set of overcurrent and distance relays as well as their coordination pairs to a text file. This file will be in the ASPEN Relay format. See Section 7 for more information. The data file generated by this command is formatted for computer usage. Use the Relay | Relay Report command to generate English-like reports. TO EXPORT RELAY DATA TO A TEXT FILE: 1. Select the Relay | Export Relay command. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify which relays and the type of relays to be exported to the text data file. 2. Select relays to be exported. Click on: "All relays" radio button to export all the relays in the file. "Relays in area" or "Relays in zone" radio button and select an entry from the drop down list box to export just those relays in the selected area or zone. "Relays within" and enter a tier limit in the "tiers of selected bus" edit box to export just those relays that are within a certain distance from a selected bus. This option is dimmed and cannot be selected unless you selected a bus with the left mouse button prior to Step 1. 3. Select the types of relays to be exported. Click on the "overcurrent and/or the "distance" radio button to export data on overcurrent relays and distance relays. 4. Enter a date in the "mm-dd-yyyy" edit box to export the relays that were created or changed since that time. 5. Click on the "OK" button. A dialog box will appear asking you to name the relay data file. Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the name of the relay data file. You should name all your text relay files with the .RAT extension. 6. Click on the "OK" button to close the dialog box. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 241 Main Window RELAY MENU REPORT COMMAND The Report command in the Main Window creates an English-like report on relay parameters and writes it to a text file. TO CREATE A RELAY DATA REPORT: 1. Select the Relay | Relay Report command. Note: This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if a binary data file has not been opened. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the relays and relay types that should be included in the relay report. 2. Select relays to be included in the report. Click on: "All relays" to include all the relays. "Relays in area" and select an area from the drop down list box to include just those relays in the selected area. "Relays in zone" and select a zone from the drop down list box to include just those relays in the selected zone. "Relays within" and enter a tier limit in the "tiers of selected bus" edit box to include just those relays that are within a certain distance from a selected bus. This option is dimmed and cannot be selected unless you selected a bus with the left mouse button prior to Step 1. 3. Select the types of relays to be included in the report. Click on the "overcurrent" radio button and/or the "distance" radio button to include overcurrent relays and distance relays, respectively. 4. Enter a date in the "mm-dd-yyyy" edit box to include the relays that were created or changed since that time. 5. Click on the "OK" button. A dialog box will appear asking you to name the report file. Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the name of the report file. You should name all your report files with the .REP extension. 6. 242 • SECTION 3 Click on the "OK" button to close the dialog box. COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 Main Window RELAY MENU DELETE ALL RELAYS COMMAND The Delete All Relays command in the Main Window allows you to remove all of the relays and relay groups within your binary data file. This command also removes all coordinating-pair and pilot-scheme information. TO DELETE ALL RELAYS: 1. Select the Relay | Delete All Relays command. Note: This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if there are no relays in your binary data file. A dialog box will appear asking you to confirm the deletion of all relays. 2. Enter ‘Delete all’ (without the quotes) in the edit box. 3. Click on “OK”. The dialog box will disappear and all relays will be deleted from your binary data file. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 243 Main Window FAULTS MENU SPECIFY CLASSICAL FAULT COMMAND The Specify Classical Fault command in the Main Window lets you specify and simulate one or more classical faults. To activate this command you must first select either (1) a relay group if you wish to simulate a close-in fault, an intermediate fault, or a line-end fault, or (2) a relay group or a branch if you wish to simulate an intermediate or a line-end fault, or (3) a bus if you wish to simulate a bus fault. These three methods are explained in turn. TO SPECIFY CLOSE-IN, INTERMEDIATE OR LINE-END FAULTS BY SELECTING A RELAY GROUP: 1. Select a relay group. Click the left mouse button once on a relay group. The relay group symbol will turn dotted red when selected. 2. Select the Faults | Specify Classical Fault command. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the faults to be simulated. The initial selections are those of the last fault simulation. 3. Clear fault options (optional) Click on Clear Options to remove the check mark from all the fault simulation options and to reset the fault impedance to zero. 4. Select the fault types. Click on check boxes labeled "No outage" and "With outage" to select one or more of the following fault types. "No outage" means no branch outage will accompany the fault. "With outage" means one or more branch outages will be taken when the fault is applied. In the case of "with outages" another dialog box will appear later to let you specify the branch outages. Close-in fault: A fault immediately in front of the selected relay group. Close-in fault with end opened: A fault immediately in front of the selected relay group with the far end of the branch disconnected. If the branch is a transmission line with intermediate tap buses, the far end of the first segment will be disconnected. 244 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 OneLiner will simulate four intermediate faults at 20%.". Zero percent is defined to be at the selected relay group. For example.0 undisturbed.0 to 100. if you type in a percentage of 20 and leave the default range of 0. 40%. If the line has intermediate tap buses. the remote-bus fault will be applied to the "real bus" at the opposite end. This option is not available to relay groups on transformers or phase shifters. Click on: 3LG: 2LG: 1LG: L-L: Three phase fault. The first intermediate fault will occur at the minimum allowed percentage of the range with succeeding faults appearing at increments of the line length specified by the percentage in the '%' edit box. Enter the location increment in the edit box labeled '%'.) As another example. click on "Auto seq. if you type in a percentage of 10 and specify a range from 4 to 40. Line-end fault: A fault at the far end of the branch with the far end of the branch disconnected. 6. The percentage you specify will be for the whole line. If the branch is a transmission line with intermediate tap buses. Intermediate fault with end opened: A fault in the middle of a transmission line with the far end of the line disconnected. 60% and 80%.01 and 99.) The location of the fault is specified in the next step. and the percentage range in 'From' and 'To'. To simulate multiple intermediate faults on the line. (The end points are excluded because the allowed locations must lie between 0. OneLiner will automatically simulate four intermediate faults at 4%. Click on radio button to select phase ID for each fault connection. To simulate an intermediate fault on a single position on the line. 14%. enter the location of the fault as a percentage of the distance between the nearend and far-end of the line in '%'. One hundred percent is defined to be at the farend bus. the line end fault will be applied to the last segment of the line. Two phase to ground fault. Intermediate faults must have a location percentage in the range 0. or at the near-end bus of the line. If the branch is a transmission line with intermediate tap buses. Select one or more phase connections. 24% and 34%. The location of the fault is specified in the next step. This option is not available to relay groups on transformers or phase shifters.99%.Remote-bus fault: A bus fault at the far end of the branch. Two additional edit boxes labeled "From" and "To" will appear. The connections you select will apply to all the fault options selected. If you selected any of the intermediate faults. (On a line with intermediate tap buses the "far end" refers to the end of the entire line.01 to 99.99. 5. the percentage is for the entire line. Single phase to ground fault. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 245 . Intermediate fault (also called a sliding fault): A fault in the middle of a transmission line. Line to line fault. you must specify the location of the faults. the last solution is shown. Specify the fault impedance. Over time.Following figure illustrates the four different phase connections: 7. The Main Window will automatically display the one-line diagram with the post-fault solution. Specify the branch outage options. 9. 8. If you checked any of the 'With outage' check boxes skip down to step 10. Click on "Clear previous results" to discard all previous fault simulations. a dialog box will appear asking you to specify branch outages. You can access any of these results by using the Faults | Show Solution on 1-line. The list box contains all the branches in the neighborhood of the fault point. Enter the fault impedance in 'Fault Z (ohm)'. 10. The outages you specify in this step will apply to all the fault types that have the "With outage" option selected. OneLiner may accumulate a “stack” of many simulation results. The dialog box will disappear and OneLiner will begin the fault calculations. See figure in Step 6 for the position of the fault impedance. The following restrictions apply: 1) At most five branches can be taken out of service at once. Click on "Simulate". This “Clear previous results” option allows you to clear the stack and start afresh. If you marked one or more of the six check boxes labeled 'With outage'. A dialog box will appear to inform you of the program's progress. 246 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Normally OneLiner appends new simulation result to previous results. or Faults | Solution Report commands. If more than one fault is simulated. Relay | View Relay Curves. Mark the check box in front of line name. TO SPECIFY INTERMEDIATE OR LINE-END FAULTS BY SELECTING A BRANCH: 1. the nearest branch terminal will be defined as 0%. All at once: To take all the selected branches out of service simultaneously. but not both. To take two branches out of service at a time. Select branches out of service.2) At most two bus terminals of a 3-winding transformer can be disconnected at once. you will see a line that reads: "xxx faults successfully simulated" in the status bar at the bottom of the Main Window. the fault will be applied to the opposite end of the branch. The relay group symbol will turn dotted red when selected. The dialog box will disappear and OneLiner will begin the fault calculations. At the end of the simulation. Select a branch. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 247 . The same fault-specification dialog box will appear. this method will cause all previous fault solutions to be cleared from the result stack. The bus symbol will turn dotted red when selected. TO SPECIFY BUS FAULTS: 1. You may select one of the two branches to be taken out of service. 12. To see the post-fault solutions. you must select either the Faults | Show Solution on 1-line or the Relay | View Relay Curves command. OneLiner will automatically select all possible pairs of branches among those that you selected. Click the left mouse button once on the bus symbol. Click the left mouse button once on a branch symbol. primary-secondary and primary-tertiary. In the list box. 11. For a line-end fault. However. Select a bus. Ground outaged lines at both ends and enter grounding resistance in ohm: To take a line out of service and ground both ends with the grounding resistance. A dialog box will appear to inform you of the program's progress. The only difference is that the first four check boxes involving close-in faults will be grayed and disabled. Note: You can alternatively take the branches out of service with the Network | Take Out of Service command prior to fault simulation. Select the branch outage options. each 3-winding transformer is listed as two branches. Click on one or more of the following: 1 at a time: 2 at a time: To take one branch out of service at a time. Click on "OK" to begin fault simulation. 2. The position you clicked on is important: For an intermediate fault. Select the Faults | Specify Classical Fault command. 248 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The options in this dialog box are similar to those for the relay-group based method of fault selection and will not be repeated here. fault impedance and outages.2. Select the Faults | Specify command. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the phase connection. Brandwajn and W. press the Clear All button to remove all the network modifications and short circuits from the list box. A file open dialog box will appear. 3. Otherwise. 2.F. Use the standard controls in the file open dialog box to select the file you would like to load and click Open. OneLiner will automatically display the solution on the one-line diagram.FLT. The program logic for this command is based on an algorithm developed by V. any combination of simultaneous network modifications and short circuits can be solved with the same generality. TO SPECIFY A SIMULTANEOUS FAULT: 1.Main Window FAULTS MENU SPECIFY SIMULTANEOUS FAULT COMMAND The Specify Simultaneous Fault Command in the Main Window lets you specify and simulate a fault with up to ten simultaneous unbalanced network modifications and short circuits. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 249 . After the simulation of a simultaneous fault. With this method. Select the Faults | Specify Simultaneous Fault command. skip to step 3. If needed. Press the Add button to add a network modification or a short circuit. or if you wish to start from scratch. The saved fault specification will be displayed in the list box. Press the Load button. Load fault specifications from file If you have not saved any fault specification to file. Tinney in the early 1980s. the list box will contain your last simultaneous fault specifications. A dialog box with a large list box will appear. the list box is blank. so that you can start over from the beginning. A Simultaneous Fault dialog box will appear. 4. The fault specification files have extension of . If you have simulated a simultaneous fault earlier in the session. Then select the fault connection and phase type. bus-to-bus fault. and enter the fault impedances. and enter the fault impedances. Then select the fault connection and phase type. Enter the location of the fault by entering a percentage in the edit box labeled “%=”. Bus Fault: Select the bus to be faulted by clicking on its name in the list box. Then select one of the entries under “Phase Type” to specify which phase of Bus1 is shorted to which phase of Bus2. Branch Outage: Select the branch to be outaged by selecting the bus terminals in the two list boxes. 250 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . if any. and enter the fault impedances. The end of the branch you highlighted in the left list box (BUS1) is assumed to be 0%. branch outage. The short circuit will be applied to the Bus2 side of the branch after the Bus2 end has been disconnected. if any. line-end fault. Intermediate Fault: Select the affected line by highlighting the two bus terminals. intermediate fault. Line-End Fault: Select the affected branch by highlighting the two bus terminals. two-phase-open fault. Enter a fault impedance if there is a finite impedance between the two shorted phases. Bus-to-Bus Fault (also called a crosscountry fault): Select the two buses to be shorted by clicking on their names in the two list boxes. if any. one-phase-open fault. The picture shown above is for the bus fault. The appearance of the dialog box changes depending on the fault type. and the other end 100%. Then select the fault connection and phase type. A second dialog box will appear for bus-to-bus fault and for other fault types involving branches. and 3-phase-open fault.Click on one of the radio buttons in the Fault Application group box to select a fault type: Bus fault. and in a text form in the TTY window. A file dialog will appear asking you to specify the file name. Repeat step 2 for all the network modifications and short circuits that you wish to simulate simultaneously. For a phase-to-phase fault. click on an entry in the list box and press Delete. When done. The phase-open fault will be on the side of the bus you highlighted in the left listbox (Bus1). only Zg and two of the other impedances can be specified. click on an entry in the list box and press Edit. To delete a network modification or short circuit you specified. There is a maximum of 10 network modifications and short circuits. 5. only Zg and one of the other impedances can be specified. Then. To review a network modification or short circuit you specified. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 251 . For a 3-phase fault. 6. The fault impedances are based on the following diagram. Press the Save button to store fault specification list to a file. for 1-phase-open and 2phase-open faults. OneLiner will present the fault solution in a graphical form on the one-line diagram. the impedance Zg is infinite. all four impedances can be specified separately. For a 2-phase fault. and only two of the impedances on the affected phases can be specified. press Simulate to begin simulation. For a singleline to ground fault.Phase-Open Faults: Select the affected branch by highlighting the two bus terminals. select one of the entries under “Phase Type” to indicate which phase or phases are opened. 4. 252 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . OneLiner will display the solution for buses and branches within n tiers of the fault. The direction of the current arrow is based on the phase angle of the current (rounded to the nearest 45-degree increment). The arrow is a useful visual aid in most cases.Main Window FAULT MENU SHOW SOLUTION ON 1-LINE COMMAND The Show Solution On 1-Line command in the Main Window lets you display a post-fault solution and location directly on the one-line diagram. Click the 'Show current arrows' check box to display the current arrow with the branch current. voltages and relay operating times. of tiers' edit box. There is no built-in upper limit on the tier parameter although a large value may increase computational time. Note: The menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if no faults have been simulated or if you have modified the network since the last fault simulation. The faults to be displayed must have been simulated previously using the Fault | Specify command. Select the Faults | Show Solution on 1-line command. Input the number of tiers in the 'no. It may not be meaningful for line-to-line and certain other type faults. The tier parameter determines the extent over which the network solution will be displayed. 2. If you specify a tier limit of n (where n is a non-negative integer). Select a fault. You can select a fault by clicking on any line in its description. TO DISPLAY SOLUTION ON THE ONE-LINE DIAGRAM: 1. You can use the probe function to show the voltage and current phasor of network elements once a post-fault solution is displayed on the one-line diagram. 3. A dialog box will appear asking you to select the fault and the display options. The quantities that can be displayed under this command include currents. Select the fault to be displayed by clicking once on the fault description. In addition. Phase-'c' voltages and currents. The symbol that separates the magnitude and angle of the complex number denotes the quantity that is being displayed: 'A'.and negative-sequence quantities. and c-phase quantities and '@'. OC Ground: OC Phase: DS Ground: DS Phase: Overcurrent ground relays and reclosers. positive. The dialog box will disappear and the one-line diagram will be redrawn to show the output of the quantities requested. The fault current being displayed will change depending on the quantity being shown. You can skip this section if you are displaying relay operating times.5. Click on the 'physical' radio button to display the voltages in kilovolts (line-to-ground) and the current in amperes. Select the output display units. 3. The angle of a generator current is between -90 and 90 degrees if it flows out of the generator and into the bus. For example. The magnitudes are in either per-unit or kV (line-to-ground) and the angles are in degrees. The generator currents are shown immediately above the generator symbols. 'P' and 'N' for zero-. 2. Overcurrent phase relays. Click on the "Display" button. Phase-'b' voltages and currents.u. If voltages and currents are being displayed: 1. 7. Click on the "Relay Operating Time" radio button to display the relay operating times. 6. the solution will be displayed on both panes. If you are using the splitwindow feature. Negative-sequence voltages and currents. Select the relay groups to be displayed by clicking on one or more of the following check boxes. Positive-sequence voltages and currents. b-. The program will display the fastest operating time in each relay group. 0 seq: + seq: . 'B' and 'C' for a-. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 253 . A red “X” will appear at the location of the fault. The magnitudes are in either per-unit or amperes and the angles are in degrees. Bus voltages are shown immediately beneath the bus names and nominal kVs. a summary of the fault is written to the TTY Window. the phase 'a' current is shown next to the fault location when phase 'a' quantities are being shown. Distance phase relays. Phase-'a' voltages and currents. Voltages and currents are shown as complex numbers in polar form. Click on one of the following six radio buttons to display the sequence or phase voltages and currents." radio button to display the voltages and currents in per unit. regardless of the fault type. Distance ground relays. fuses and reclosers.seq: Pha a: Pha b: Pha c: Zero-sequence voltages and 3 times the zero-sequence currents. Click on the "p. Select quantities to be displayed. The words 'No relay' are shown if the relay group has no relays of the type being displayed. 2. OG: if it is from an overcurrent ground relay. ZP3 or ZP4: if it is from a phase distance relay. The branch arrows are shown after the branch currents to indicate the direction of current flow. 3 and 4 are the zone numbers. RG: if it is from a ground recloser. 3 and 4 are the zone numbers. ZG1. 2. the current angle will be about -90 degrees if it is flowing out of the bus into the branch and about +90 degrees if it is flowing out of the branch into the bus. ZG2. The magnitudes are in either per-unit or amperes and the angles are in degrees. The branch currents are shown next to where the branch connects to the bus. 254 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .4. The quantity '9999s' is shown if none of the relays of the type being displayed has operated. 3. The numbers 1. If relay operating times are being displayed: 1. RP: if it is from a phase recloser. The relay operating time in seconds is shown above each relay group. OP: if it is from an overcurrent phase relay. 2. For branches near the fault. The numbers 1. The operating time is preceded by: FU: if it is from a fuse. ZP1. ZP2. ZG3 or ZG4: if it is from a ground distance relay. For a detailed look at the voltage and current phasors for the network elements please refer to the View | Phasor command located on the next page. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 255 . line. Note: This command is dimmed if a fault is not presently being shown on the one-line diagram. 2. It will turn dotted red when selected. Sequence voltages. 256 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . you must make sure that tier limit is sufficiently high to show the voltage and currents on the network element of interest. Click on one of the following radio buttons. Vab (Va -Vb). The voltage phasor will be redrawn and voltage values will be updated reflecting the voltage selected. Va. Select the network element. L-G: L-L: Sequence: Line-to-ground voltages. TO DISPLAY VOLTAGE AND CURRENT PHASORS: 1. Click the left mouse button once on the element of interest. See the Faults | Show Solution on 1 -line command.Main Window FAULT MENU SHOW PHASORS COMMAND The Show Phasor command in the Main Window allows you to display and print the voltage and current phasors of any generator. Line-to-line voltages. and transformer or phase shifter. Vo. 3. Vc. Select the voltage to be displayed. V+. A dialog box will appear displaying the voltage and current phasors. Vbc (Vb -Vc). you must simulate the fault and display the voltage and currents on the one-line diagram. Vca (Vc -Va). V-. shunt. Select the View | Phasors command. Before using this function. load. In addition. Vb. Click on one of the following radio buttons: Phase to phase: The program automatically select this button when showing 3LG and LL fault result. Note: This radio button is available only if the selected network element is an autotransformer. I-. Select the voltage and current scaling. 6. By default. Click on the "Neutral" radio button if you want to see the neutral current of an autotransformer. Phase: Sequence: Phase currents. Click on one of the following radio buttons. Ic. Note: This radio button is available only if (1) the selected network element is a 3-winding transformer. Click on the "Tertiary" radio button if you want to see circulating current in the delta winding of a 3-winding transformer. Ib. Sequence currents. A dialog box will appear asking you to select the method by which the voltage and current phasors are scaled. 5. The current phasor will be redrawn and current values updated reflecting the current selected. Click on the "Change" button. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 257 . Select the current to be displayed. the program scales the voltage phasors using the nominal kV of the network element. Enter the zero sequence impedance compensation factor K in the edit box and click on Refresh to display phase to ground apparent impedance calculated using this new value. Ia. I+.4. Phase to ground: The program automatically select this button when showing 1LG and 2LG fault result. Note: This command will be disabled if the element selected is a bus. and (2) you are viewing the phasors on the tertiary terminal (press the "Show Opposite Bus" button to change terminal). The current phasors are scaled automatically such that the longest current phasor takes up the full width of the plot. 3Io. Select the apparent impedance to fault to be displayed. after the words "Solution at". Click on the "Send to printer" button to print the phasor diagram. which will be drawn at zero degree. the phasor probe shows you the voltages and currents at one terminal at a time. The name of the terminal bus being display is shown at the top of the dialog box. 11. Otherwise. the fault solution and description. 10. The rest of the voltage and current phasors will be redrawn with the same relative position with respect to the reference phasor you selected. 258 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . transformer or phase shifter. 9. Note: This button is visible only if the network element is a line. Click on the "OK" button. Click on the "Done" button to close the dialog box. 8.Click on the "Auto" radio button in the Voltage Scaling group box if you want the program to select a scaling factor based on the length of the longest voltage phasor. 7. Click on the "Send to TTY" button to print the fault solution and description to TTY window. Click on the "Show Opposite Bus" button to display voltage and current phasors on another terminal of a branch. click on the "Scaled by" radio button in the Voltage Scaling group box and enter a scaling factor in kV. The dialog box will disappear and the voltage and current phasors will be redrawn reflecting the scaling factors you selected. Click on the 'Reference' drop down list box and select a voltage or current phasor. For a branch. Change the Current Scaling similarly. Select the phasor reference. Specify additional buses. Click on: All XX Case(s): To output all of the cases.Main Window FAULTS MENU SOLUTION REPORT COMMAND The Solution Report command in the Main Window writes all of the cases or just the case being displayed to (1) a text file. Click on the “Bus Selector” button to select additional buses. 4. Physical units: To have the voltages shown in kV (line-to-ground) and the current in amperes. Select the number of cases to be wr itten out. Specify buses to include in report Enter number of tiers from fault. Note: This menu item is dimmed if you have modified the network since the last fault simulation. OR A PRINTER: 1. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 259 . A bus selector dialog will appear. The output format is identical to that of the ASPEN Batch Short Circuit Module. 5. THE TTY WINDOW. Current Case: To output only the current case being displayed on the one-line diagram. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the coverage and output source of the fault solution(s). Enter the number of lines per page in 'Lines per page'. (2) the TTY Window. This value is ignored when the output is written to the TTY Window. or (3) a printer. This value is set initially to 60. TO WRITE THE FAULT SOLUTION(S) TO AN OUTPUT FILE. Click on: Per Unit: To have the currents and voltages shown in per unit. Select the Faults | Solution Report command. Printers vary in the number of lines of text they can conveniently fit on a page. Select the output units. The total number of available cases is listed here. 2. This option is disabled if a fault solution is not being displayed. 3. click on “>>” or “<<” to. Enter number of tiers to define the scope of selection. Click on: Per Unit: To copy all buses from one list to the other. Highlight one or more buses in one list and click on “>” or “<” button to move them to the other list. Add To List dialog will appear. Buses in zone(s): To copy only buses in specified zone(s). Buses in area(s): To copy only buses in specified area(s). The list box on the right shows list of buses selected for output Click on “Sort by Name” or “Sort by Number” to arrange bus names in the lists accordingly. 260 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . To move buses between lists using certain criteria.The list box on the left of this dialog shows list of buses in the network. Enter bus name or number in the “Search for…” edit box to lookup bus in the lists. Buses in vicinity of the selected bus on the 1-line. Buses from file: To copy only buses in bus list file. Click on "To Printer" to send the fault solution(s) to the printer. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 261 . The 'Solution Report' dialog box will disappear.Enter additional selection criteria: number of neighbor tiers. Once OneLiner accepts the file name. Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the name of the output file. bus number range. 9. A dialog box will appear asking you to name the output file. 8. This text will appear on the top of the first page. You should name all your output files with the . 6. the dialog box will disappear. Click on "To File" to write the fault solution(s) to a text file. Use the controls in the standard font dialog box to specify the font size used for the printed text.OUT extension. 7. The TTY Window will appear with the fault solution(s) on it. nominal kV range. Click on "To TTY" to write the fault solution(s) to the TTY Window. Edit the first page heading. TO RUN VOLTAGE SAG ANALISYS: 1.7%. NOTE: This command will be dimmed and cannot be selected if no monitored bus is selected on the 1-line. and then two buses away.3% and 66. etc. ‘2’ means two intermediate faults at 33.Main Window FAULTS MENU VOLTAGE-SAG ANALYSIS | RUN COMMAND The Voltage-Sag Analysis | Run command can help you study the voltage variations at a voltage-sensitive customer's bus caused by short circuits in the vicinity. You must select the monitored bus before running this command. A dialog box will appear asking you for voltage sag analysis parameters. or Printer. and so on. 1LG or L-L. Definition of these fault specifications is given in help section of the Specify Classical Fault command. tier-2 buses. Enter fault impedance in ohm. 262 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . ‘1’ means a single intermediate fault at 50% will be simulated for each line. Enter voltage sag analysis parameters. This feature has an automatic stopping criterion that ends the simulations when the monitored voltage is above the threshold for all the faults at a certain distance away. Select the Voltage Sag Analysis | Run command. The program will continue simulating faults until the voltage magnitude at the monitor bus stays above the voltage threshold when faults are applied to all the buses in tier-n. Report file. Enter stopping voltage threshold in per unit. 2. Click on phase connection in fault: 3LG. Select the output option: CSV file. The program automatically simulates bus faults and intermediate faults in the vicinity of the monitored bus and tabulates the voltage at the monitored bus. TTY Window. and so on. We refer to these fault buses as tier-1 buses. Enter number of intermediate fault to be simulated on each transmission line beside bus faults. Buses where faults caused the monitored voltage to drop below the threshold are flagged on the 1-line. and then it will fault all the buses and lines that are one bus away from the mo nitored bus. 2LG. The program begins by faulting the monitored bus. Specifically. When the analysis is complete. 3. In the sample one-line display below. Click on OK to start the analysis. the dialog box will disappear. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 263 . Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the name of the output file. the darker halo will be painted around the faulted bus. the monitored-bus voltage in per unit will be shown below each faulted bus name. The program will also paint a colored halo around each faulted bus to help you visualize its effect on the monitored bus. the bus Oregon 33kV is the monitored bus.Click on check box “Output only cases with voltage below threshold” to include in the output only cases in which the voltage magnitude at the monitored bus is below the voltage threshold. OneLiner will display the voltage-sag results on the one-line diagram. Once OneLiner accepts the file name. If you selected file output option. a Save File dialog box will appear asking you for file name. The more severe the voltage sag at the monitored bus caused by a fault. Select the Faults | Voltage-Sag Analysis | Show 2LG Faults Solution On 1-Line Command. Select the Faults | Voltage-Sag Analysis | Show 3LG Faults Solution On 1-Line Command. the darker halo will be painted around the faulted bus. TO DISPLAY 3LG FAULT VOLTAGE SAG RESULT: 1. Specifically. The more severe the voltage sag at the monitored bus caused by a fault. You must complete the Voltage Sag Analysis command before running this command. TO DISPLAY 2LG FAULT VOLTAGE SAG RESULT: 1. The program will also paint a colored halo around each faulted bus to help you visualize its effect on the monitored bus.Main Window FAULTS MENU VOLTAGE-SAG ANALYSIS | SHOW 3LG/2LG/1LG/LL FAULTS SOLUTION ON 1-LINE COMMAND The Voltage-Sag Analysis | Show 3LG/2LG/1LG/LL Faults Solution On 1-Line Command in the Main Window lets you display voltage sag at a monitored bus that is caused by fault at other buses in the system. Select the Faults | Voltage-Sag Analysis | Show 1LG Faults Solution On 1-Line Command. 264 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . TO DISPLAY LL FAULT VOLTAGE SAG RESULT: 1. Select the Faults | Voltage-Sag Analysis | Show LL Faults Solution On 1-Line Command. OneLiner will display the voltage-sag results on the one-line diagram. TO DISPLAY 1LG FAULT VOLTAGE SAG RESULT: 1. the monitored-bus voltage in per unit will be shown below each faulted bus name. A dialog box will appear asking you for bus fault summary parameters. Enter fault impedance R and X in the edit boxes. Enter Bus Fault Summary parameters. Click on OK to create bus fault summary. 3. a Bus selector dialog will appear. 2. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 265 .Main Window FAULTS MENU BUS FAULT SUMMARY COMMAND The Bus Fault Command in the Main Window lets you quickly create a table with fault current and X/R ratio at every bus in the system. If you selected Apply bus fault to selected bus. Select the Faults | Bus Fault Summary command. This impedance will be applied to all the faults. TO CREATE BUS FAULT SUMMARY: 1. Select check box ‘Exclude tap buses’ if you do not want to include tap buses in the result. Click on: Entire network: To simulate fault at every bus in the network. Enter header text for fault summary report. Selected bus: To simulate fault at the selected buses only. This text will be shown at the beginning of the report file. The result is written to file in CSV format that can be opened by most spreadsheet programs. A File Save dialog will appear. The program will create the output file at the location specified. Click on Save when done.Use the bus selector controls to build list of buses where you want to get fault current and X/R ratio summary. Click on Yes to open bus fault summary file in spreadsheet program. Click OK when done. 266 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Bus fault summary file data fields are: NO: Bus number BUS: Bus name KV: Bus nominal kV LOCATION: Bus location field. As information dialog box will appear when the output file is complete. Use the standard controls in the dialog to specify name and location of the comma delimited (CSV) output file. and zero-sequence Thevenin equivalent in ohms. X/R: 3LG fault current in amps and X/R ratio. SCFLAG_LL: List of MOV-protection of series capacitors that operated in fault. X/R: Z+. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 267 . LL(A). SCFLAG_2LG. SCFLAG_1LG. If you need ANSI/IEEE X/R ratios. Z0: LL fault current in amps and X/R ratio. Positive-. Note: The X/R ratios are not ANSI/IEEE X/R ratios. X/R: 2LG fault current in amps and X/R ratio. negative.3LG(A). 2LG(A). Z-. SCFLAG_3LG. X/R: 1LG fault current in amps and X/R ratio. 1LG(A). we suggest that you run the Bus Fault Summary command in the Batch Short Circuit Program. Use the bus selector dialog box to select a number of buses. The neutral currents of a transformer will be included if one or both terminal buses are in the list. such as step and touch potential calculation or substation grounding mat design. The Bus selector dialog box will appear. The ground currents are always saved in the CSV format. The zero-sequence fault current is included if the fault was applied to one of the buses in the list. This information is useful in many studies. Specify output file name Use standard controls in the dialog to specify name and location of output file. Select the Faults | Ground Current Calculator.Main Window FAULTS MENU GROUND CURRENT CALCULATOR COMMAND The Ground Current Calculator Command in the Main Window lets you tabulate and total all ground currents at a number of buses you specify. loads and generators will be included if these devices are attached to any of the buses in the list. The neutral current of shunts. Click on Save to create the ground-current report file. grounding banks. Click OK when done. 2. A confirmation dialog will appear. TO CALCULATE THE TOTAL GROUND CURRENT: 1. 268 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 3. A File Save dialog will appear. Specify buses. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 269 .Click on Yes to open ground current report file in spreadsheet program. 3. TO LOCATE A FULAT ON A TRANSMISSION LINE: 1. It reports the best-matched cases in the fault location report. Before running this command you must first click on branch terminal or relay group where the recorded fault quantities were obtained. This command works by simulating a large number of intermediate faults on the line and comparing the recorded fault quantities to simulation results. If the fault recorder location you selected is not on a transmission line. The Fault Locator dialog box will appear.Main Window FAULTS MENU FAULT LOCATOR COMMAND The Fault Locator Command in the Main Window finds the most probable location of a fault on a transmission line given the voltages and/or currents recorded near the fault. Click the mouse once on one end of a line. Mark the check box in front of the faulted line to select it. 2. Select the location of the fault recorder. you must start over from the beginning. the Fault Locator dialog will appear. 270 • SECTION 3 Check the fault-recorder location in the Fault Locator dialog box to make sure it is correct. If not. a dialog will appear asking you to select the faulted line. Go to step 3. Select the Faults | Fault Locator command If the fault recorder location you selected in step 1 is on a transmission line. COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . transformer. The branch symbol will become highlighted. phase shifter or switch at which the faulted voltages and/or currents were recorded. Click on OK. line-to-neutral. Currents are entered in amperes and voltage in kV. Enter fault resistance range to be applied in simulation. RMS values. 7. ‘1LG’. Click on Locate to start the fault location. Click on check boxes ‘3LG’ . 6. Leave edit boxes blank or enter N/A if you do not have recorded value for the corresponding quantity. the fault location report will be shown on the TTY window. The program will start simulating fault on every 1% of selected line(s) to find the ones that best match the recorded fault quantities. Enter number of best-matched cases to be included in the report. 5. When the simulation is competed. Specify search and reporting parameters. The line to be faulted is showed within the “Check for fault on line” group box. ‘LL’ to select fault connection to be simulated. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 271 . Specify the faulted line. Click on the browse button to specify a different faulted line. Enter recorded fault current and voltages Phase and sequence voltages and currents must be entered as primary quantities. ‘2LG’.4. Click on check box ‘Also check on neighboring lines’ to expand scope of the search to transmission lines that are connected to end buses of the selected line. 272 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 2. the program will automatically prompt you to solve the power flow when you simulate a short circuit.9 for more detailed discussion on Prefault Voltage Profile selection. The default is 1. Click on: Assumed “Flat”:To set all prefault bus voltages to a fixed voltage magnitude and angle of zero degrees. Select the prefault voltage profile. To use this option with a standalone Power Flow Program. Enter the desired prefault voltage magnitude in the edit box below. From a Power Flow solution: To use a true power flow solution as the prefault voltage profile. you must first solve the power flow within the Power Flow Program and save the case in the OLR file. See section 4. From a linear network solution: To compute the positive-sequence prefault voltages with a dc load flow in which each generator is modeled by a voltage source in series with the generator impedance. You can specify the generator’s open-circuit voltage (magnitude and angle) in the generator info dialog box.0 per-unit. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 273 . Select the Faults | Options command. A dialog box will appear asking you for the short-circuit solution parameters. To use this option with a combined OneLiner/Power Flow executable.Main Window FAULTS MENU OPTIONS COMMAND The Options Command in the Main Window lets you change several parameters that will affect how the short circuits are simulated. TO CHANGE FAULT SIMULATION PARAMETERS: 1. . L-L. as well as all the shunt (i. OneLiner computes MVA using prefault voltage by default. This option will be ignored for a power-flow-solution start.1 and 1. Click on either ‘Current times prefault voltage’ or ‘Current times nominal voltage’ as definition of fault MVA. The fault currents and voltages on an outaged line can be different from zero if the line is (1) mutually coupled to in-service lines in the same rightof-way and (2) the outaged line is grounded on both ends through grounding chains. The program applies this factor to update equivalent impedance of MOVseries capacitors between iteration. Click on "Transmission line G+jB" to ignore all the shunt admittances of transmission lines. Click on OK. Mark the check box if you want the display quantity (a phase or sequence quantity or relay operating time) to remain the same when you browse a series of fault of different types (3LG. Select this check box if you want the to see the voltage and current results of outaged branches to appear in the TTY window and fault solution report.3. 6.e. Select method for simulating MOV protected series capacitors. 7.). 5. This option will be ignored for a powerflow-solution start. The factor must be between 0. Select which generator impedance to use for the positive -sequence model for short circuit studies. reactors and capacitors that are attached to buses) that have a positive -sequence component. Click on "Shunts with + seq values" to ignore all switched shunts. Specify whether you want the program to include outaged branches in solution report. Enter Acceleration factor to be used in MOV iterative solution. Select check box Iterate Solution to enable iterative solution of MOV protected capacitor devices. etc. 9. Specify the “Ignore in Short Circuit” options: Click on "Loads" to ignore all the loads. 8. 274 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Specify whether you want the program to change the display quantities when you browse the results from multiple faults. 4.0. Select definition of fault MVA. 1LG. This option will be ignored for a power-flowsolution start. The new options will take effect next time you simulate a fault. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 275 . Selected relay group against its backups: Click on this option to check the relays within the selected relay group against relays in backup relay groups. This command can also be used to check the coordination between a relay and a recloser. The program flags any case in which the coordinating time interval is outside the range of acceptable values. Specify the checking extent. Click the left mouse button once on a relay group. This command works with primary and backup relays of virtually any combination of types (phase.Main Window CHECK MENU PRIMARY/BACUP RELAY COORDINATION COMMAND The Primary/Backup Relay Coordination command in the Main Window helps you check the coordination between coordinating pairs. The first three options are grayed and cannot be selected if you did not select a relay group prior to issuing the command. The selected relay group will turn dotted red. taking into account the reset time of the relay. TO CHECK PRIMARY/BACK RELAY COORDINATION: 1. Select the Check | Primary/Backup Relay Coordination command. The results are shown in a tabular form. The user can check all the coordinating pairs in the system. etc. ground. There are six different “Extents” options available. 3. A dialog box will appear asking you to enter the checking criteria. overcurrent and distance). There are six options available. Selected relay group against relays that it backs up: Click on this option to check the relays within the selected relay group against relays in relay groups that are backed up by the selected group. 2. or just those pairs that are within certain areas and zones. . Optional: Select a relay group before issuing this command if you wish to check coordinating pairs involving a single relay group or if you wish to check coordinating pairs in the vicinity of a specific relay group. and so on.. 1LG faults: single-line-to-ground faults. e.7. Set tier to ‘1’ to check coordinating pairs whose primary relay group is within one bus away. DS Backup / DS Primary: To check coordinating pairs with distance relays as primary and distance relays as back ups.. OC Backup / Recloser Primary: To check coordinating pairs with reclosers as primary and overcurrent relays as back ups. Press the button “…” on the right if you need help in composing the area string. Entire network: Click on this option to check all coordinating pairs.Vicinity of selected relay group: Click on this option and enter a tier limit to check relay groups that are in the vicinity of the selected relay group. Select which contingencies. L-L faults: line-to-line faults.1012”. COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . if any. should be checked. Select the fault types to be used. Area(s): Click on this option and enter the area numbers to check coordinating pairs whose primary relays are within the selected areas. Click on: Double: To consider cases with double branch outages (excluding double transformer outages). Click on one or both options: Ground: To check ground relays. 7.6.1012”. Zones(s): Click on this option and enter the zone numbers to check coordinating pairs whose primary relays are within the selected zones. 5. 2LG faults: 2-line-to-ground faults. The area string can contain a mixture of ranges and numbers. and ‘2’ for two buses away. The multi-point method is used. Select the coordinating types checked: Select one of the six options available: OC Backup / OC Primary (classical): To check coordinating pairs with overcurrent relays as primary and overcurrent relays as back ups using the classical method (described below). Single: 276 • SECTION 3 To consider cases with single branch outages. Select the relay types to be checked. Click on one or more options: 3LG faults: 3-phase faults. “3-5. OC Backup / OC Primary (multi-point): To check coordinating pairs with overcurrent relays as primary and overcurrent relays as back ups using the multi-point method (described below). OC Backup / DS Primary: To check coordinating pairs with overcurrent relays as primary and distance relays as back ups. Press the button “…” on the right if you need help in composing the zone string.g. The zone string can contain a mixture of ranges and numbers. 4. “3-5. The multi-point method is used.g.6. e. DS Backup / OC Primary: To check coordinating pairs with distance relays as primary and overcurrent relays as back ups. The multi-point method is used. Phase: To check phase relays and fuses.7. 6. If there is no instantaneous operation or if the primary relay is on a transformer. The results are approximate if the line is mutually coupled. The method is so called because it has been in used in the industry for years. This condition usually generates the highest relay current in the primary relay group.0 and go to step 3. and it was the only method available in OneLiner prior to version 9. 10. See figure below. 2) Compute the scaling factor Iinst/I. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 277 . especially when many relays are being checked. The classical method works as follows: 1) A close-in fault of the type selected is applied to the primary relay group with the remote end of the branch open. The program will automatically flag any case in which the coordinating time interval is below the minimum CTI or higher than the maximum CTI. 9. set the scaling factor to 1. where I is the relay current of the relay that operated instantaneously and Iinst is the instantaneous setting of that relay. Specify the range of acceptable coordinating time interval (CTI). This effectively simulates an intermediate fault in front of the primary relay in which the primary relay current is just below the instantaneous value. Select where the results will be written. 11. The dialog box will disappear and the TTY window will appear showing the program's progress. The coordinating time interval is defined as the operating time of the backup relay minus the operating time of the primary relay. OUTLINE OF THE CLASSICAL OC/OC COORDINATION CHECKING ALGORITHM: One of the two methods for checking overcurrent/overcurrent relay coordination is labeled “Classical”. The choices are either the TTY Window or a report file. 3) Multiply the primary and backup relay currents by the scaling factor.8. Click on “Report only flagged cases” to limit the output to cases with problems. In 'Min (s)' and ‘Max (s)’ enter the CTI range in seconds. The relay operating time of the relays in the primary relay group is checked. This option will reduce the amount of output. Note: This method is exact if the primary relay is on a transmission line that is not mutually coupled. Click on "OK" to begin coordination checking. OUTLINE OF THE MULTI-POINT COORDINATION CHECKING ALGORITHM: In contrast to the “classical” method. 4) If the contingency options are tuned on. The above steps are repeated with no outages and then. then this algorithm simply checks the CTI between the recloser curve and the relay curve.4) Compute the relay operating times. (b) If the primary group is on a line. intermediate faults on every 10%. The report shows the position of the backup relay at the end of this sequence in two ways: (1) As the percent disk travel (100% being the position that causes the contacts to close). If the relay reset time is zero. OUTLINE OF THE RELAY/RECLOSER COORDINATION CHECKING ALGORITHM: The Relay/Recloser coordination checking logic is designed to detect possible mis -coordination between an upstream relay that backs up a recloser. with the remote end of the branch open and closed. for the respective currents. the multi-point method works like this: 1) The program simulates the following faults on the branch where the primary relay group is located: (a) Close-in faults in front of the primary relay group. This algorithm takes into account the relay’s finite reset time. steps 1 through 3 are repeated with single and/or double outages of branches that are adjacent to the primary relay group. Specifically. which checks the primary/backup coordination for a single fault. if selected. and (2) As the time remaining to trip. 2) The program simulates the relay’s disk build-up through the sequence of fast and slow operations of the recloser. 278 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . (d) Remote bus faults. The checking algorithm works as follows: 1) The program simulates close-in faults in front of the recloser with the branch’s remote end opened. which prevents the relay disk from being reset completely between consecutive recloser operations. The program then calculates the CTI. This situation is assumed to generate the largest fault currents through the recloser and backup relay. with single and double outages of branches that are connected to the primary bus. with the remote end of the branch closed and opened. 2) In each of faults simulated. with the remote end of the line closed and opened. the multi-point method checks the coordination for a large number of faults along the primary branch. (c) Line-end faults. the program calculates the operating time of selected relays in the primary and backup groups. No branch outages are considered. 3) Depending on the selected report option the program will report the checking result for every fault. or only for faults that result in CTI violations. 3) Step 2 is repeated with the recloser current and the relay current decrease in steps of 10% (of the initial current of step 1) until the recloser stops tripping. and (3) the fault type. Each section lists the following: 1) the names of the primary and backup relays that operate fastest in the relay groups.OUTLINE OF COORDINATION CHECKING REPORT: The coordination report heading will include (1) the name of the selected relay group. 3) the current and operating time of the primary and backup relays. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 279 . 5) a warning flag. "W1". 2) line outages. Following the last section is a listing of overcurrent relay parameters for those relays checked. if the difference in operating time exceeds Max CTI value or is below the Min CTI value. Following the heading are one or more sections. Each section shows the coordination between a primary relay with one or more backups. 4) the difference in the two operating times. An example coordination report follows. At the beginning of each section are the names of primary and backup relays. and a list of branches that will be taken out of service. if any. (2) the CTI criteria. Specify the checking extent. 3. and ‘2’ for relays within two buses away. Area(s): Click on this option and enter the area numbers to check the relays within the selected areas. There are five options available. the report shows only the primary currents at the relay location. Set tier to ‘1’ to check relays that are within one bus away. Branch contingencies are automatically considered for the faults on the remote bus.Main Window CHECK MENU OC MINIMUM PICKUP COMMAND The OC Minimum Pickup command in the Main Window lets you check the pickup settings of overcurrent ground and phase relays to make sure that they are set low enough to detect faults on the remote-bus and remote line ends. 2. This option works even if the selected relay group has no relays. Selected relay group only: Click on this option to check the relays within the selected relay group only. The area string can contain a mixture of 280 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The results are shown in a tabular form. Click the left mouse button on a relay group. Select the Check | OC Minimum Pickup command. The program flags any case in which the relays’ pickup settings are too low. A dialog box will appear asking you to enter the checking options. The selected relay group will turn dotted red. In the absence of relays. TO CHECK THE PICKUP CURRENT OF OVERCURRENT RELAYS: 1. Vicinity of selected relay group: Click on this option and enter a tier limit to check the relays that are in the vicinity of the selected relay group. and so on. The first two options are grayed and cannot be selected if you did not select a relay group prior to issuing the command. Optional: Select a relay group if you want to check the relays at the selected group only or if you want to check relays in the vicinity of the selected group. “3-5. Click on "Remote line-end faults" to check the pickup settings for remote line-end faults.. OUTLINE OF ALOGORITHM USED TO CHECK PICKUP SETTINGS: When checking the pickup settings at the relay group as shown in the figure below.6. Click on “Report only flagged cases” to limit the output to cases with problems. The sample output for one relay group is shown below.10-12”. Zones(s): Click on this option and enter the zone numbers to check the relays within the selected zones.7. 5. especially when many relays are being checked.7. The zone string can contain a mixture of ranges and numb ers. a margin of 0. The choices are either the TTY Window or a report file.ranges and numbers. 8. This option will reduce the amount of output.. the relay current must be greater than the pickup value divided by this margin. and (b) line-end faults on branches connected to bus B without outages. Click on "Remote bus faults" to check the pickup settings for remote bus faults.g. OUTLINE OF REPORT FOR CHECKING PICKUP SETTINGS: The checking report will appear either on the TTY Window or in a text report file. “3-5. e.0.6. To be considered acceptable. the program simulates (a) bus faults at bus B with and without line outages. Note ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 281 .91 means that the relay currents for the various faults must be at least 10% higher than the pickup. Enter the margin of the pickup setting in "Margin". 7. Entire network: Click on this option to check all the relays. Press the button “…” on the right if you need help in composing the zone string. Click on "OK" to begin checking the pickup settings. Click on "Check double contingencies" to consider cases with double branch outages (excluding double transformer outages) in addition to single contingencies. The dialog box will disappear and the TTY window will appear showing the program's progress. e. For example.10-12”. Select where the results will be written. 6. Specify checking options. The margin must be less than or equal to 1.g. Press the button “…” on the right if you need help in composing the area string. 4. kV 13. and the phase relays are check with 3-phase faults.0 3575.5 0. The faults applied should not have tripped the instantaneous unit.0 3175.000 E4 3LG Remote Bus 5 NV-P1 125.000 E4 1LG Remote Bus 7 NV-G1 375.8kV 132.1 Tue Aug 05 15:50:20 2003 Minimum Pickup Checking Report Checking extent: Selected relay group only: 6 NEVADA 132.0 3434.5 0.0 3145.000 E4 1LG Remote Bus 5 NV-G1 375.3 0.kV 132.0 3496.000 E4 Outage branches: 1.3 0. 6 NEVADA 7. The relay current is too low to trip the relay when it should have.0 3115. 'Instantaneous unit trip'. the relay will trip.0 0.000 E4 3LG Remote Bus 7 NV-P1 125.000 E4 1LG Remote Bus 1 NV-G1 375.000 E4 1LG Remote Bus 2 NV-G1 375.000 Number of relay groups checked= 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Checking minimum pickup of relay group on 6 NEVADA 132.0 3491.5 2. The relay current is greater than the pickup.5 0.8 0.0 3071.0 3013.kV - 28 7 2 10 0 4 10 ARIZONA OHIO CLAYTOR NEW HAMPSHR DOT BUS TENNESSEE NEW HAMPSHR 132.000 E4 3LG Remote Bus 3 NV-P1 125.0 2830.kV 132.000 E4 3LG Remote Bus 4 NV-P1 125.0 0.9 0.0 3751.kV 33.that the ground relays are checked with single-line-to-ground faults. 'Relay may not pick up'.kV 132.000 E4 1LG Remote Bus 3 NV-G1 375. which are explained below: E3: W3: E4: 'Relay does not trip'.kV 1 L Nev/Reusens ____Fault_____Outage__Relay_Name__________Pickup(A)__Current(A)__Time(s)__Flag_ 1LG Remote Bus None NV-G1 375.000 E4 1LG Remote Bus 4 NV-G1 375. 6 NEVADA 2. Hence. except perhaps for the warning flags.kV 132. =============================================================================================== ASPEN OneLiner and Power Flow Version 9. but it is smaller than the pickup divided by the margin.4 0.8 0. 2500 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 282 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .kV 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L L L X X P T Nev/Ariz Nev/Ohio Clav/Nev Nev/NH/Rnk Nev/NH/Rnk Ten/Nev Nev/NH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parameters of relays checked: _OC_Relay_Name_______Type_____________________CTR_____Tap______TD___INST.kV 132.0 3569.4 0.kV 132. but not reliably.kV 132.0 3149. The tabular output should be self-explanatory. The relay current is greater than the instantaneous setting. 2.000 E4 1LG Remote Bus 6 NV-G1 375. 6 NEVADA 132. 6 NEVADA 6. 6 NEVADA 4.5 0.000 E4 3LG Remote Bus 2 NV-P1 125. Following the last section is a listing of overcurrent relay parameters for those relays checked.000 E4 3LG Remote Bus None NV-P1 125.kV 1 L Nev/Reusens Margin= 1. 6 NEVADA 5.0 3175.kV 8 REUSENS 132.4 0.___Inst_Delay__Reset NV-G1 Ground IAC-77 100.4 0.kV 8 REUSENS 132.000 E4 3LG Remote Bus 1 NV-P1 125.kV 33.000 E4 3LG Remote Bus 6 NV-P1 125.0 3213. 6 NEVADA 3.kV 132. An example checking report for a single relay group follows.0 3020.5 0. The selected relay group will turn dotted red. The first two options are grayed and cannot be selected if you did not select a relay group prior to issuing the command. 3. Click the left mouse button on a relay group. 2. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 283 . The program flags any case in which the relays’ instantaneous settings are set either too high or too low. In the absence of relays. This option works even if the selected relay group has no relays. The results are shown in a tabular form. A dialog box will appear asking you to enter the checking options. without any adjustment by the dcoffset multiplier. There are five options available. Selected relay group only: Click on this option to check the relays within the selected relay group only. Select the Check | OC Instantaneous Setting command. Optional: Select a relay group if you want to check the relays at the selected group only or if you want to check relays in the vicinity of the selected group. Branch contingencies involving mutually coupled lines automatically consider the case where the outaged line is grounded on both ends. Specify the checking extent. TO CHECK THE INSTANTANEOUS SETTING OF OVERCURRENT RELAYS: 1. the report shows only the primary currents at the relay location.Main Window CHECK MENU OC INSTANTANEOUS SETTING COMMAND The OC Instantaneous Setting command in the Main Window lets you check the instantaneous settings of overcurrent ground and phase relays to make sure that they are set properly. Branch outages are considered for the faults on the remote bus. The instantaneous unit may or may not trip. Set tier to ‘1’ to check relays that are within one bus away. Click on "Remote bus faults" to check the operating time for remote bus faults. e. Zones(s): Click on this option and enter the zone numbers to check the relays within the selected zones. the margin is also not used because no warning messages are issued for line-end faults.Vicinity of selected relay group: Click on this option and enter a tier limit to check the relays that are in the vicinity of the selected relay group. Press the button “…” on the right if you need help in composing the area string. Click on "Check double contingencies" to consider cases with double branch outages (excluding double transformer outages) in addition to single contingencies. the instantaneous setting is acceptable if the adjusted relay current (of item 5) is less than the instantaneous setting. The offset current multiplier allows the checking logic to take the dc offset current into account for relays that are marked as “Sensitive to dc offset” in the relays’ info dialog boxes. Specify checking options. For the close-in fault. The area string can contain a mixture of ranges and numbers. “3-5. The branch currents contain a dc component for a very short time after the onset of a fault. Older relays cannot distinguish between the ac fault current and the dc component and therefore.10-12”. The instantaneous unit should trip on a close-in fault.. For line-end faults. Entire network: Click on this option to check all the relays. Click on “Close-in fault” to check the operating time for close-in faults. act on currents that are higher than the symmetric ac fault currents computed by OneLiner. 6.7. The instantaneous unit should not trip.6.g. The zone string can contain a mixture of ranges and numbers. Modern relays have input filters that eliminate this dc component. Press the button “…” on the right if you need help in composing the zone string. Area(s): Click on this option and enter the area numbers to check the relays within the selected areas. “3-5. and ‘2’ for relays within two buses away. e. Select “Compute based on X/R ratio” to have the program calculate dcoffset multiplier value using network X/R ratio at the relay location. Select dc-offset multiplier options. Enter the instantaneous margin in "Margin". 5.7. depending on the protection philosophy.6. Select “Use fixed value of” and enter multiplier value in edit box to use it in checking instantaneous setting. Click on "Line-end fault" to check the operating time for line-end faults. No margin is used. and so on. 4.10-12”.g. 284 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .. the program simulates (a) a close-in fault to make sure that the relays trip instantaneously. If the relays being checked are on a line that is mutually coupled to a parallel line. The margin must be 1. Note that the ground relays are checked with single-line-to-ground faults. 8. OUTLINE OF INSTANTANEOUS CHECKING ALGORITHM: When checking the instantaneous units at the relay group shown below. and the phase relays are check with 3-phase faults.10 means that the instantaneous setting must be at least 10% higher than the adjusted fault current. except perhaps for the warning flags.0 or larger. The sample output for one relay group is shown below. No warnings are issued for line-end faults because opinion varies on whether the instantaneous should trip. a margin of 1. especially when many relays are being checked. the instantaneous setting is considered acceptable if it is greater than the adjusted relay current (of item 5) by a margin you enter here. The tabular output should be self-explanatory.For the other faults (remote-bus fault and remote line-end fault on mutually coupled lines) for which the instantaneous unit should not trip. Click on "OK" to begin instantaneous checking. Finally. 7. the program simulates (c) remote bus faults with and without outage to make sure that the instantaneous setting is greater than the fault current. OUTLINE OF REPORT FOR CHECKING INSTANTANEOUS SETTINGS: The checking report will appear either on the TTY Window or in a text report file. This option will reduce the amount of output. The dialog box will disappear and the TTY window will appear showing the program's progress. the program also performs (d) a line-end fault on the parallel line to make sure that the relays do not trip instantaneously. Select where the results will be written. Click on “Report only flagged cases” to limit the output to cases with problems. The choices are either the TTY Window or a report file. 9. which are explained below: ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 285 . It then simulates (b) a line-end fault. For example. E5: E4: W4: W6: “Instantaneous unit does not trip on close-in fault”. after adjusted for dc offset (if any). but it is too close to the instantaneous setting to allow for a margin of safety. Following the last section is a listing of overcurrent relay parameters for those relays checked.5 0. is less than the instantaneous setting. =============================================================================================== 286 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 2.0 3575.5 0. 8 REUSENS 132. E4: Instantaneous unit trips.0 3658.2 0.000 E4 Outage and remote branches: 1.000 1LG Line-end None NV-G1 2500.kV 8 REUSENS 132.000. is greater than the instantaneous setting.0 4000.5 2.kV 8 REUSENS 132.000 E4 3LG Close-in None NV-P1 2000.1 0. “Instantaneous unit may trip”.2 0.kV 1 L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parameters of relays checked: _OC_Relay_Name_______Type_____________________CTR_____Tap______TD___INST.(A)__Current(A)__Time(s)__Flag_ 1LG Close-in None NV-G1 2500. The relay current.7 0.kV 1 L Nev/Reusens ____Fault_____Outage__Relay_Name___________Inst.0 3496.000 3LG Line-end None NV-P1 2000. DC-offset current multiplier= 1. is less than the instantaneous setting. “Instantaneous unit trip”. =============================================================================================== ASPEN OneLiner and Power Flow Version 10. E5: Instantaneous unit does not trip on close-in fault.000 1LG Remote Bus None NV-G1 2500.0 6480. The relay does not have an instantaneous unit.000 E4 3LG Remote Bus 1 NV-P1 2000.000 3LG Remote Bus None NV-P1 2000.0 5897.8 0.000 E4 1LG Remote Bus 1 NV-G1 2500. 2500 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Error and warning flags: W4: Instantaneous unit may trip.0 4180.kV 1 L Nev/Reusens Margin= 1.1 Wed Aug 06 10:49:36 2003 Instantaneous Setting Checking Report Checking extent: Selected relay group only: 6 NEVADA 132. after adjusted for dc offset (if any).___Inst_Delay__Reset NV-G1 Ground IAC-77 100.0 3855. after adjusted for dc offset (if any).000 Number of relay groups checked= 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Checking instantaneous settings of relay group on 6 NEVADA 132.kV - 28 ARIZONA 132. The relay current.8 0. The relay current. W6: No Instantaneous unit. “No instantaneous unit”. causing the relay to trip when it should not have. An example checking report is shown below. and ‘2’ for relays within two buses away. without any adjustment by the dcoffset multiplier. This option works even if the selected relay group has no relays. the report shows only the primary currents at the relay location. Therefore you must enter a current rating for every transmission line on which you want to check the relay loadability. Vicinity of selected relay group: Click on this option and enter a tier limit to check the relays that are in the vicinity of the selected relay group. In the absence of relays. 2. There are five options available. TO CHECK RELAY LOADABILITY: 1. Selected relay group only: Click on this option to check the relays within the selected relay group only. Set tier to ‘1’ to check relays that are within one bus away. The program simulates load condition according to NERC recommendation 8A which relies on the current ratings of transmission lines. The first two options are grayed and cannot be selected if you did not select a relay group prior to issuing the command. Select the Check | Relay Loadability command. Specify the checking extent. and so on.Main Window CHECK MENU RELAY LOADABILITY COMMAND The Relay Loadability command in the Main Window allow you to quickly determine if any of the phase distance relays and phase overcurrent relays in the system will trip in heavy loading condition. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 287 . A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the checking parameters. . The default is 0. “3-5. Click on the check box “Output flagged cases only” to include in the report only relays that trip under heavy load conditions. Voltage magnitude: The program will apply this per-unit voltage to the relays being checked.g. Note: The kV range will not apply if you check Selected relay group only. Select “Output to TTY Window” to send checking report to the TTY Window. the program will display a standard File Save dialog asking you to specify name and location of the report file. 6.10-12”. The zone string can contain a mixture of ranges and numbers. The default multiplier is 1. These limits pertain to the nominal kV of the relays.6. Relay loadability checking report will contain list of checked relay in following format: 288 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .7. Specify output options. Press the button “…” on the right if you need help in composing the zone string. Only relays in the specified kV range will be checked. e.10-12”. Select “Output to file” to send the checking report to a file.7. Press the button “…” on the right if you need help in composing the area string. A lagging power factor is assumed. Enter current multiplier and select line current rating basis: This calculated current magnitude will applied to relays being checked.85 per-unit. Zones(s): Click on this option and enter the zone numbers to check the relays within the selected zones. Specify checking quantities. The area string can contain a mixture of ranges and numbers.g.5. “3-5. 5. e. 4. 3. Enter line angle: The program will simulate this phase angle between current and voltage when checking relay. Enter lower limit in ‘Less than’ and upper limit in ‘greater than or equal to’ edit boxes. Specify voltage range.Area(s): Click on this option and enter the area numbers to check the relays within the selected areas.6.. If you selected “Output to file” option. Click on OK to start checking. Entire network: Click on this option to check all the relays. Here. A dialog box will appear asking you to select which network anomalies to look for. branch impedances that are 0. Branches with very small impedance can cause numerical problems and result in grossly incorrect short circuit solutions. 3. The program will report on both 2. Select the Check | Network Anomalies command. TO CHECK FOR NETWORK ANOMALIES: 1. 2. one with the delta leading and the other with the delta lagging. The same is done for 3-winding transformers. the subtransmission system is connected to the transmission system though two wyedelta transformers. Click on "Transformer with wrong phasing" to look for transformers with incorrect phase shift. 4. The smallest impedance one can use for lines and transformers is a function of the system being modeled.and 3-winding transformers with incorrect phasing.001 per-unit or larger do not cause problems. In most networks. The program will list any 2-winding transformers whose tap KVs are outside of the “normal” range you specified. The user can also direct the program to automatically check for anomalies each time when a binary file is opened. Click on "Transformer tap too high" and enter a threshold value (in per unit) to look for transformers with unusually high tap ratios. Click on "Branch impedance too small" and enter a threshold value (in per unit) to look for branches with impedances smaller than the threshold. Click on "Transformer tap too low" and enter a threshold value (in per unit) to look for transformers with unusually low tap ratios. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 289 . An example of a system with wrong phasing is shown below.Main Window CHECK MENU NETWORK ANOMALIES COMMAND The Network Anomalies command in the Main Window looks for anomalies in the network data and reports its findings in the TTY Window. If you want the program to set the generator reference angle automatically. When you double-click on any of these 3-winding transformers. The details are in the TTY Window. Click on “Generators with wrong reference angle” to look for generators whose reference angles are inconsistent with the phase shift of the network elements. Mark the two checking options available if you want the program to perform the checks automatically when it opens an OLR file. 290 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .Note: The program will check only the transformers that are in the same contiguous network as the generator being shown in the “Generator Angle Ref” drop-down listbox. Note: The program will check only the generators that are in the same contiguous network as the generator being shown in the “Generator Angle Ref” drop-down listbox. or equal to. Parallel lines must have different circuit IDs so that the program can tell them apart. Click on "Parallel branches with same circuit ID" to look for parallel transmission lines and 2-winding transformers that have the same circuit ID. Click on “3-W transformers with questionable parameters” to look for 3winding transformers with dubious short-circuit impedances or winding configurations. Select a generator in the “Generator Angle Ref” drop-down list box below. The program will use this generator’s angle as the reference and temporarily compute the reference angle of all the other generators in the same contiguous network. Specifically. b) Transformers with unusual test configurations. This function also looks for parallel switches. 7. Parallel switches are not allowed. 5. See the Faults | Options command for more information on prefault voltage profile. phase shifters. Select “Things to check when an OLR file opens”. and other branch types. The same is true with transformers. Note: The generator’s reference angles are not changed by this command. The program will show a message box when it detects any anomalies. see the Network | Set Generator Ref Angle command. Perform this check only if you are using the “from a linear network solution” starting option for short circuit simulations. the program will report on: a) Wye-wye-delta transformers with Zpso greater than. The program will then compare the computed reference angle to the reference angle in the generators’ info dialog boxes. 8. you will see the old dialog box instead of the new dialog box of version 9. 6. It will report on any differences found. Zps. Close the TTY window when you are done. you must correct them manually.9. The program will look for all of the anomalies you selected above and output the result to the TTY Window. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 291 . Anomaly checking will commence if you have marked one or more items in the “Things to check now” group box. If there are any anomalies. Click on "OK" to close the dialog box. or A through Z. TO CHECK FOR DATA COMPATIBILITY: 1. Select the Network | Data Compatibility command. Note: The OK button is disabled when the “ASPEN” option is active. or A through Z. • Generator IDs longer than 1 character. The data in the file is ASPEN compatible. • Branch Ids with characters other than 1 through 9. 2. The OK button is not enabled when this option is selected. • Generator Ids with characters other than 1 through 9. The program will not fix any of these problems. bus names over 8 characters. 3. You must do it manually.Main Window CHECK MENU DATA COMPATIBILITY COMMAND The Data Compatibility command in the Main Window will check for zero bus numbers. • Bus names longer than 8 characters. Click on: ASPEN: This is the default. Select the data type. Specifically these include: • Area names longer than 8 characters. 292 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . • Bus names longer than 8 characters. Specifically these include: • Area numbers less than 0 or greater than 99. • Zone names longer than 8 characters. Close the TTY window when you are done. The TTY Window will appear showing any warnings found. Click on "OK" to begin checking. by definition. • Zone numbers less than 1 or greater than 100. GE (EPC): To check for any possible data compatibility problems associated with the PTI format. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify which format you would like to check for possible data compatibility problems. and other potential problems when converting data to either PTI or GE PSLF format. PTI: To check for any possible data compatibility problems associated with the PTI format. Main Window TOOLS MENU UNDO COMMAND The Undo command in the Main Window allow you to discard changes in network and in the one-line diagram brought about by recent commands or drag/drop editing. • Network | Boundary Equivalent command. Note: The actual label of this menu will show the name of the command to be undone. Diagram | Options and Faults | Options command. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 293 . At any time. but these few exceptions: • File | Open. Virtually all commands in OneLiner can be undone. The network and one-line diagram will be brought back to the state that existed prior to the command being undone. Select the Tools | Undo ‘command_name’. • File | Read Change File command. File | Close and File | Save As commands. TO UNDO A COMMAND: 1. • Network | Options. you can undo up to the last 8 commands. You can customize each page of the Browser by specifying which parameters you want listed and the sort order. Lines: Attributes of transmission lines. 2-Winding: Attributes of 2-winding transformers. series capacitors.Main Window TOOLS MENU DATA BROWSER COMMAND This command activates the Data Browser. circuit breakers. One load unit per line. Zones: Attributes of zones. shunts. a tool that allows you to review and edit data for all the network elements and protective devices. Zero-sequence Mutuals: Line pairs and their zero-sequence mutual coupling impedance in per-unit. The “Scale Generator” and “Scale Load” commands are available within the generator and load pages. Each page of the browser lists one type of object. Switches: Attributes of switches. Series Capacitors: Attributes of MOV-protected series capacitors. For ease of viewing. Transformers. loads. Loads: Attributes of loads. One shunt unit per line. Select the type of object to be listed. Click on the Type drop down list box and select one of the following: Areas: Attributes of areas. One generating unit per line. Otherwise. Breakers: Attributes of circuit breakers. Generators: Attributes of generators. Overcurrent phase relays 294 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 2. The bus type is “PV” if it is a generator bus and it regulates voltage. The Area and Zone pages provide the only means of modifying the area and zone data. Select the Tools | Browser command. Shunts: Attribute of capacitors and reactors. switched shunts. it is a “PQ” bus. mutual-coupling parameters. transmission lines. 2-winding transformers. The Browser dialog box is resizable: You can make it bigger or smaller by clicking on an edge and drag it with the mouse. The Data Browser will appear on the screen. generators. Transformers. 3-winding transformers. you may filter the output by the objects’ area and zone affiliation and by their nominal kV. areas. TO OPEN THE DATA BROWSER: 1. DC Lines: Attributes of 2-terminal dc lines. dc lines. including those that are not visible on the one-line. 3-Winding: Attributes of 3-winding transformers. including the scheduled inter-area import/export schedule and area slack bus. Switched Shunts: Attributes of switched shunts. zones. phase shifters. There are separate pages for buses. switches. See “TO CUSTOMIZE THE DATA BROWSER” below. and relays. Phase Shifters: Attributes of phase shifters. Buses: Attributes of buses. The “Lines” page is shown below. The area/zone option is set initially to “**ALL”. The Data Browser will display only those network elements and relays within the selected area or zone. Click on the 'Area/zone' drop down list box and select an area or a zone of interest. 4. which means all voltages. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 295 . which means all zones and areas. Filter the list by area or by zone.Overcurrent Ground Relays Fuses Distance Phase Relays Distance Ground Relays Reclosers The Data Browser will display the information you selected. Note: This option is disabled when area or zone information is being displayed. Note: This option is disabled when area or zone information is being displayed. The Data Browser will display only those network elements and relays that match the nominal kV you selected. Filter the list by nominal kV. Click on the 'Nominal kV' drop down list box and select a voltage level. This option is set initially to “**ALL”. 3. Then click on the Locate on 1-Line button. Select a network element or relay on the grid by click on its row. Edit a network element or relay. The element will toggle between in service and out of service. Select an element and click on "In/Out Serv. Search the grid for a specific string. select the element and click on "Edit". Note: Areas and zones cannot be deleted. to list just those generators or loads that you wish to scale. Change the sort order or a column. Successive clicking on the same column toggles the sort order between ascending and descending. as needed. Alternatively. Press Done when you are finished searching. Select a column using the Look In drop down list box. Click on the title bar of any column to have the grid sorted by the items in that column. 8. 6. Take a network element or relay in or out of service. The element will be deleted. TO TAKE AN OBJECT IN OR OUT OF SERVICE: 1. The item you selected will appear highlighted on the screen. TO SCALE GENERATION OR LOAD: 1. Click on the Search button near the upper right corner of the Data Browser. Locate a network element or a relay on the one-line diagram. Press Find Forward or Find Backward to locate the next match. TO DELETE AN OBJECT: 1. Double-click on a row in the grid. and will disappear from the list.5. The Data Browser will disappear. Enter in the For text edit box the string or substring that you are seeking. Select an element and click on "Delete". Change the Area/Zone and kV filters. The dialog box will disappear and the grid will be updated automatically.". The properties dialog box for the element will appear. 296 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 2. A dialog box will appear. Click on the Type drop down list box and select either Generator or Load. 7. Make necessary modifications and click on "OK". Delete a network element or a relay. A dialog box will appear asking you for the MW and MVAR scaling factors. Enter the scaling factors and click on "OK". Any alphanumeric characters can be used except for the string delimiter (single or double quotation mark). A dialog box will appear displaying all of the buses within this area. The MW and/or MVAR value for all the elements listed on the current page will be multiplied by the scaling factors you entered. TO VIEW AND EDIT AREA DATA: 1. Name: A 12-character area name. The Power Flow Program will adjust the MW output of this generator to enforce the net-export constraint. Select “Area” in the Type drop down list box. Specify a scaling factor and scale the load or generation. Select “__none (floating area)” if you do not want the Power Flow Program to enforce the Net MW Export constraint. Area No. 2. View bus and tie-line lists for an area. Click on the Buses button in the Area dialog box. the program automatically updates the area number of all the buses within the area. Click on "Scale". When you change the area number. Net MW Export: Net MW export target. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 297 . Select an area in the grid and click on Edit. A dialog box with the area data will appear.3. A positive value means power is shipped out of the area through tie lines. Area Slack Bus: Click on the drop down list box and select the area slack bus. View and edit Area data.: Area number ranging from 0 to 999. The Data Browser is the only place where you can view and edit area data. : Zone number ranging from 1 to 999. View and edit Zone data. The Data Browser is the only place where you can view and edit zone data. The area number of the neighbor is shown at the end of each entry. 2. A dialog box will appear displaying all the transmission lines. the program automatically updates the zone number of all the buses within the zone. View bus list for a zone. Name: A 12-character zone name. and 2-winding transformers that span the current area and its neighbors. Click on "OK" to close the 'Tie Lines in Area' dialog box. Select “Zone” in the Type drop down list box. TO VIEW AND EDIT ZONE DATA: 1. When you change the zone number. phase shifters. Select a zone in the grid and click on Edit. Zone no. A dialog box with the zone data will appear. 298 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Click on the Buses button in the Zone dialog box. Click on the Tie Lines button to see a list of tie lines.Click on "Done" to close the 'Buses in Area' dialog box. A dialog box will appear displaying all of the buses within this zone. TO CREATE A REPORT WITH THE CONTENTS OF THE GRID: 1.CSV) that you can use as input to Microsoft Excel.) ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 299 . you can specify which parameters you want displayed and assign a column number to each of the visible parameters. Click on “Save as type” and select Bus List File (*. you can specify the original sort order for the page. Click on "Report" to generate a text file containing the equipment or information that is being displayed by the Data Browser. Click on the “Type” drop-down list box to open the page of interest. (This one is for the “Lines” page. Your preferences are stored in the Windows Registry. TO CUSOMIZE THE DATA BROWSER The Data Browser is user customizable. Click on the “Option…” button at the upper right corner of the dialog box. Click on "OK" to close the standard file dialog box. A dialog box will appear asking you to enter the name of the report file in CSVformat (*. In addition. The program will follow them in all subsequent sessions.Click on Done to close the 'Buses in Zone' dialog box. 2. Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the name of the report file. A dialog box will appear.TXT) to create a bus list file for the equipment being displayed. For each page. 1. Bus list files can be used in OneLiner Bus Selector dialog when selecting buses for various commands. 300 • SECTION 3 Click on "Done" to close the Data Browser. Specify which items are to be displayed and change the column order. TO CLOSE THE DATA BROWSER: 1. mark the items that you want to see displayed in the grid.3. In the Column Order listbox. Use the controls within the “Sort” group box on the right to specify how the data will be sorted. Highlight any one of the checked items in the list box. COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Change the sort order. \4. Remove the checkmark for those items you want to omit. press the “Move Up” or “Move Down” button to change the column order. Please refer to the PowerScript User’s Manual for additional information. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 301 . TO OPEN THE SCRIPT EDITOR: 1. The Script Editor will open. To close the Script Editor. a tool that allows you create and edit scripts. execute the File | Exit command on the menu bar of the Script Editor. Select the Tools | Scripting | Create Script command.Main Window TOOLS MENU SCRIPTING | EDIT/CREATE SCRIPT COMMAND This command starts the PowerScript editor. Please refer to the PowerScript User’s Manual for additional details on how to create and run scripts. The Script editor has command to open existing script file and to create new ones. TO EXECUTE A SCRIPT: 1. Select the Tools | Scripting | Run Script command. Select the script file you want to run and click on OK.BAS extension. A standard File Open dialog box will appear asking you to locate a script file with a . The Script will start running. Please refer to the PowerScript User’s Manual for additional details. You must have created the script previously using the Script Editor or a text editor. 302 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .Main Window TOOLS MENU SCRIPTING | RUN SCRIPT COMMAND This command executes an existing script. When done. TO CUSTOMIZE USER DEFINED COMMANDS: 1. Customize a command. Repeat step 2 for commands you want to customize. The information on this dialog box is divided evenly into five groups. 3. click on the Browse button to the right to locate it. A dialog box will appear. Enter a menu label that describes what the command will do. one for each of the five user-defined commands. etc.Main Window TOOLS MENU USER-DEFINED COMMANDS | SETUP COMMAND The Tools | User-Defined Commands menu has space allocated for five user-defined commands. If needed. Select the Tools | User-Defined Commands | Setup command. Command 2. These commands are initially listed as Command 1. click on OK to close the dialog box. You can give each command a meaningful name and assign to it a script file. 2. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 303 . OneLiner will execute the script file when a user selects the menu item. This User-Defined Command | Setup command enables you to customize the user-defined commands. Enter the full path name of a script file in the edit box labeled Script File. The Configuration Program will appear. TO LAUNCH THE CONFIGURATION PROGRAM: 1. A message box will appear to remind you to restart the OneLiner program after you have made changes to the program configuration. Press Help to see the documentation for the Configuration Program. 304 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .Main Window TOOLS MENU RUN CONFIGURATION PROGRAM COMMAND The Run Configuration Program command in the Main Window allows you to launch the Configuration Program for OneLiner and Power Flow. Select the Tools | Run Configuration program command. The main window of the Distance Relay Editor will appear. A message box will appear to remind you to restart the OneLiner program after you have made changes to the relay library. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 305 . Select the Tools | Run Distance Relay Editor command. with a relay library already opened. TO LAUNCH THE DISTANCE RELAY EDITOR: 1.Main Window TOOLS MENU RUN DISTANCE RELAY EDITOR COMMAND The Run Distance Relay Editor command in the Main Window allows you to launch the Distance Relay Editor from within OneLiner. This library is the distance relay library being referenced by OneLiner. Enter your company name. There are two steps to updating the serial number on a key.Main Window TOOLS MENU HASP KEY UPDATE | REQUEST KEY UPDATE CODE COMMAND The commands under Hasp Key Update are for users who has received the following message when OneLiner starts up: You can ignore this topic altogether if you have not seen this message or if the commands under Tools | Hasp Key Update are dimmed. Send request by eMail. TO REQUEST THE KEY UPDATE CODE 1. All the fields. with the exception of “Fax”. Press “Send” to send the message to ASPEN. 2. are required. 3a. 306 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . and your telephone and fax number. A dialog box will appear. your name. This Request Key Update Code command is for the first step. Select the Tools | Hasp Key Update | Request Key Update Code command. Note: Use this option only if your company is connected to the Internet. Press “Send by eMail” to send the necessary information to ASPEN via eMail. Your eMail program will appear showing a new message with all the necessary information in the body of the message. The TTY Window will appear with text similar to this example. Send request by fax. Use the mouse the highlight the lines of text. Press “Write to TTY” to write the necessary information to the TTY Window. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 307 . Use the TTY | Print Selected Text command to print the request. The fax number is (650)347-0233. Fax the printed request to ASPEN.3b. This Apply Key’s Serial Number Update Code command is for the second and final step. You can ignore this topic altogether this command menu is dimmed. Enter the code you received from ASPEN and press Apply. There are two steps to updating the serial number on a key. 308 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . A dialog box will appear. DistriView will update the serial number of your key using information contained in the code. TO APPLY THE KEY UPDATE CODE 1.Main Window TOOLS MENU HASP KEY UPDATE | APPLY KEY’S SERIAL NUMBER UPDATE CODE COMMAND The Hasp Key Update | Apply Key’s Serial Number Update Code command is for users who have sent a key update code request to ASPEN and have received from ASPEN an update code. Select the Tools | Hasp Key Update | Apply Key’s Serial Number Update Code command. You can open this window through the Relay | View Relay Curves command from the Main Window. simply double-click on the window icon at the bottom of the screen. The curves are redrawn immediately after you change the parameters.3 CURVES WINDOW COMMAND The Curves Window displays the characteristics of overcurrent relays.3. the relay curves. To restore the Curves window. damage curves. You can change the parameters of any protective equipment or damage curves by double-clicking on its caption box. the fault description and the legend will reappear in the exact same arrangement on the window. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 309 . You can also have up to 6 transformer damage curves. In addition. an L-shaped symbol spanning the initial mouse position and the current mouse position will appear on the screen. When you display a fault in one of the windows. When you recall the curve collection later with the Relay | Open Curve Collection command in Main Window. You can move the caption boxes for protective equipment and damage curves by dragging with either mouse button. The Curves Windows offers a wide variety of grid styles. colors and time units. The fault description is also movable. you can minimize the Curves window while you view the one-line diagram. You can also add text annotations and graphics anywhere on the graph. fuse and recloser curves on the same plot. If you have a large monitor. The commands in the Curves Window are described in this section. you can arrange the windows side by side and execute commands in both windows. conductor annealing curves and other damage curves. The relay curves can be shifted or unshifted depending on the preferences you set in the Misc | Preferences command. relay descriptions. the current cursor coordinates and the extent of the L-shaped symbol are shown in the lower left portion of the window. The cursor coordinates are shown in the lower left portion of the window when you drag with either mouse button. You can edit the legend at the bottom of the graph by double-clicking on it. When dragging with the left mouse button while depressing the Control <Ctrl> key. If your monitor is not large enough to see both windows at the same time. The list of commands within the floating menu varies depending on the item you clicked on. or with the Misc | View Curve Collection command in the Curves Window. fuses and reclosers. You can store the curves being displayed in the Curves Window to a ‘curve collection’ in a PCC file. You can work on the Curves Window and the Main Window at the same time. annotations. Clicking the right mouse on the Curves Windows will bring up a floating menu of commonly-used commands. You can have up to 20 relay. the same fault is displayed on the other window. Curves Window MISC MENU SELECT PRINTER COMMAND The Misc | Select Printer command in the Curves Window allows you to set up your printer. 1. You should follow the procedure outlined in your Windows or Windows User’s manual to configure your printer. 310 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Select Misc | Select Printer command. Click on "OK". Use the controls in the standard font selection dialog box to select the font. For best results. When the scaling factor is 1. Font size controls the height of the type in units of points where one point is defined to be 1/72 of an inch. font style and size you want. Select the Misc | Print Graph command.0. The scaling factor allows you to adjust the amount of the graph that will be printed. only smaller. OneLiner uses Arial to paint on the screen. Click on "Change" inside the Printer Font box to change the typeface and size of the printer font. Click on "OK". The fonts shown in the list box are those available on your printer. A dialog box will appear asking you for the printing parameters. 2. 3. When the scaling factor is less than 1.Curves Window MISC MENU PRINT GRAPH COMMAND The Print Graph command in the Curves Window prints the entire x-y plot of relay curves and damage curves. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the font. the printer should be setup for the portrait orientation. 4. Enter the desired margin on all sides of the printed page. the contents of the Curves Window are scaled to fit on the paper. TO PRINT THE GRAPH: 1. Common fonts are Courier. Click on “Change…” to bring up the Printer Setup dialog box to change printer and paper setting. the entire graph will be printed.0. The current printer and page selection is shown inside the dialog box. Enter a scaling factor in "Scaling factor". You may wish to select another font if (1) Arial is not available on your printer or (2) you prefer the appearance of another font. Arial and Times Roman. When the scaling ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 311 . You can vary the width of the curves. 312 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 8. only a portion of the graph will not appear on the paper. Check the box “Print today’s date in the legend box” if you want to date stamp the curve printout. 6. 7. 5.factor is larger than 1.0. Check the box "Print black and white" to print the curves in black and white. Click on "Legend…" to bring up the Curve Legend dialog box to enter legend information. The unit of width is point. Click on "OK". A thicker curve may be desirable to make it stand out. The scaling factor does not affect the font size. Select a curve width. or 1/72 of an inch. 9. The dialog box will disappear and the graph will now be printed. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the name of the file. These are vector graphic files that can be imported to other Windows programs such as Microsoft Word and AutoCAD. TO SAVE RELAY CURVES AS A WINDOWS METAFILE OR ENHANCED WINDOWS MATA FILE: 1. The extension of the file will be automatically set depending on your choice. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 313 . A message box will appear informing you that the picture has been exported. Press OK to continue. Select the Misc | Export Graph command. Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the name of the file and whether it should be a window metafile or an enhanced window metafile.Curves Window MISC MENU EXPORT GRAPH COMMAND The Misc | Export Graph command in the Curves Window lets you create a Window Metafile or Enhanced Window Metafile that corresponds to the curves and other graphics currently displayed on the screen. A dialog box will appear informing you that the graph is copied to the clipboard. You can paste the picture into other Windows programs such as Microsoft Word and AutoCad. 314 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Select the Misc | Copy Graph to Clipboard command. The picture is stored in the clipboard in the enhanced Windows metafile format.Curves Window MISC MENU COPY GRAPH TO CLIPBOARD COMMAND The Misc | Copy Graph to Clipboard command in the Curves Window lets you copy the entire graph being displayed to the window clipboard. TO COPY THE GRAPHS DISPLAYED: 1. Click OK to continue. Curves Window MISC MENU VIEW CURVE COLLECTION COMMAND This command is the same as the Relay | View Curve Collection command in the Main Window. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 315 . Please refer to that command for instructions. Enter the name you would like to assign to the current curve collection in "Name" and click on "OK". When you exit the program. "Save to a new PCC file" to create a new PCC file. Select the Misc | Save This Curve Collection command. a file dialog box will appear. "Append to another PCC file" to fill the buffer with the contents of another PCC file and append this curve collection to the buffer. a dialog box will appear asking you to name this curve collection. "Replace" to replace the curve collection of the same name in the buffer with the curve collection shown on the Curves Window. This file name can be an existing PCC file or a new PCC file that you wish to create. there must be a file name associated with the curve-collection buffer. If you selected "Append to another PCC file" or "Save to a new PCC file". skip down to step 3. The buffer is emptied and then this collection is copied to the buffer. The Save This Curve Collection command in the Curves Window lets you save the curve collection to the curve-collection buffer in random access memory. 316 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . A dialog box will appear asking you where to save the current curve collection in the Curves Window. Click on: "Append" to append the curve collection to the buffer. The dialog box will disappear and the curve collection will be copied to the buffer. The name can have up to 20 characters. TO SAVE THE CURVE COLLECTION: 1. Click on: In order to save a curve collection. Select where you would like to save the curve collection. the curve-collection buffer will be saved to a PCC file. 2. If only the last two radio buttons are visible.Curves Window MISC MENU SAVE THIS CURVE COLLECTION COMMAND A “curve collection” contains the time-versus-current characteristics of overcurrent relays. If you click on an option other than “Replace”. fuses and conductor damage curves that were displayed on the Curves Window. Use the controls in the curve collection file dialog box to enter the PCC file name. 3. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 317 . a dialog box with only two options will appear asking you where to save the current curve collection. Click on "OK". A curve collection file dialog box will appear. The name can have up to 20 characters. The curve collection will be saved to the PCC file you specified when you exit the program. The curve collection will be saved to the PCC file you specified when you exit the program. The dialog box will disappear and the curve collection will be appended to the PCC buffer. Skip remaining instructions. A dialog box will appear asking you to name this curve collection. If a PCC file has not been opened when the Save This Curve Collection command is executed. Select where you would like to save the curve collection. Click on: "Append to a PCC file" to fill the buffer with the contents of an existing PCC file and copy this curve collection to the end of the buffer. "Save to a new PCC file" to create a new PCC file. Enter the name you would like to assign to the current curve collection in "Name" and click on "OK". Use the controls in the curve collection file dialog box to enter the PCC file name. The buffer is emptied and this collection is copied to the buffer. Click on "OK". 5. (7) whether to display the relay test quantity in the TTY window. Click on: "Seconds" to use seconds as units of time. Click on "Light green". Select the Axes style.Curves Window MISC MENU OPTIONS COMMAND The Options command in the Curves Window lets you specify the options for the Curves Window. (3) layout and style of axes. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the options for the overcurrent relay plot. 3. Click on "Log-log" or "Semi-log". The log-log plot uses a logarithmic scale for both axes. Select the Misc | Options command. "Cycles 50 Hz" to use cycles as units of time. Select the units of time. (6) whether to hatch fuse curves. Select the Grid Style. (4) shifted curve style. The axis is linear below 2 seconds and logarithmic above 2 seconds. 2. "Light blue" or "Yellow". "Cycles 60 Hz" to use cycles as units of time. This selection will affect the textual output of the relay operating times on the one-line diagram. (2) grid color and style. (5) curve description location. The semi-log plot uses a logarithmic scale for the horizontal axis (current) and a mixture of logarithmic and linear scales for the vertical axis (time). These include the (1) unit of time. 4. (8) test point and (9) font size. TO SPECIFY THE OPTIONS FOR THE CURVES WINDOW: 1. assuming 50 hertz. 318 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . assuming 60 hertz. Select the Grid Color. Click on "Full grid" or "Decades only". Click on "Hatch" in "Fuse Curve" group box to fill the area between the totalclear curve and the minimum-melt curve with a hatch pattern. 10. The fault description. 14. you can move the descriptions with the mouse. the TP=xxx entry will not be shown in the relay description. Select where you would like the X axis to start.and post-fault voltage and secondary current of the relays will be displayed in TTY Window when executing the “Relay Operations for 1 Fault” command. Click on "Font size" and select the desired font. Your options are stored in the Window registry. Click on "Left" or "Right".0. 9. unless you change them with this command. The "Do not stop" option extends the curves beyond that point. Click on "1 A or 1 MVA" or "10A or 10MVA". OneLiner will use the selected font size for the text in the client area of the Curve Window. Click on "Shown in TTY" to display the Relay Test Quantity on the TTY Window. Font sizes 8 to 14 are available. 7. As always. is below the last relay curve description. Click on "OK". The program will show in the relay description the time delay at a test point. The dialog box will disappear and the graph will be redrawn with the options you selected. The "Stop at fault I" option displays the relay curves only for currents less than the fault current. To display the horizontal axis in MVA. You can select and copy the relay test quantities in the TTY Window to the clipboard. Click on "Stop at fault I" or "Do not stop". TP=xxx. 12. Select the units for the X axis. Select the Location of the Curve Description. 13. The default value of 5. if any.0 means that the time delay is for 5 times the pickup setting. 8. Specify whether you want the automatically shifted curves to continue beyond the total fault current. and then paste the data from the clipboard to your text data file for relay testing. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 319 . Click on: "in A": "in MVA": To display the horizontal axis in A. The pre. 11. Enter the test point in "Test Point". The program will use the left side or the right side of the grid as the default location of the relay curve descriptions. They will be used automatically from now on.6. The other side of the grid is the default location of the damage curve descriptions. in the form. If the test point is set to 0. COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 320 • SECTION 3 Select the Misc | Close Window command to close the Curves Window. TO CLOSE THE CURVES WINDOW: 1.Curves Window MISC MENU CLOSE WINDOW COMMAND The Close Window command in the Curves Window lets you close the Curves Window and return to the Main Window. You can add relays in the vicinity of the first relay in the plot. the branch name. .Relays in vicinity: Set tier number to 0 to list relays at the same bus as the first relay. TO ADD RELAY CURVES IN VICINITY: 1. as determine by the coordinating-pair information. relays in primary or backup groups. Click on "OK" when done. 2. The dialog box will disappear and the relay curves you selected will be displayed on the plot. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 321 . A dialog box will appear asking you to select the relay curves to be added to the plot.Relay on remote bus: Lists relays at the remote end of the first relay’s branch.Relays backed up by this group: Lists relays that are backed up by the first relay. or relays on the remote bus. Select from the dropdown list at the upper-left corner what relays you want to be include in the list box. Select one or more relays by marking check box in front of relay name. .All primary and backup relays of this group: List relays in coordinating pairs involving the first relay. Each relay in the list is identified by the relay name. .Relays in this relay group.Curves Window ADD MENU RELAY CURVES COMMAND The Relay Curves command in the Curves Window allows you to add relay curves to the plot. List only relays that are within the same relay group as the first relay on the plot. . Note: This command is dimmed and cannot be activated if there are already 20 relay curves on the plot. and the branch name. 1 for relays at buses that are one bus away. . and so on.Backup relays of this group: Lists the first relay’s backups as determine by the coordinating-pair information. Select the Add | Relay Curves command. . 3. TO ADD A CONDUCTOR DAMAGE CURVE: 1. "Cable Polyvinyl chloride 75C/150C". select one of the following strings. In the drop-down combo box. A dialog box will appear asking you for the conductor damage curve parameters. select “User defined”. "Conductor AAC”. The corresponding value of ‘K” will appear in the edit box. Enter the conductor crosssectional area in circular mills in 'A'. Note: This command is dimmed and cannot be activated if there are already 6 damage curves on the plot. "Cable XLPE 75C/250C". Select the Add | Conductor Damage Curve command. is a function of the conductor and insulation type. "Cable Rubber insulated 75C/200C". This parameter. Caution: There is no industrial standard for values of ‘k’ for different conductor types. In the drop-down combo box. In the drop-down combo box.Curves Window ADD MENU CONDUCTOR DAMAGE CURVE COMMAND The Conductor Damage Curve command in the Curves Window allows you to add a conductor damage curve to the overcurrent relay plot. ENTER CONDUCTOR SIZE ‘A’ MANUALLY: 3a. Enter the conductor and insulation parameter (k) in 'k'. 322 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . "Conductor ACAR". select “User defined”. ENTER THE VALUE OF ‘K’ MANUALLY: 2a. Hence you may find different values of ‘k’ for the same conductor type in different handbooks. The equations and parameters in this command are designed specifically for annealing damage to bare conductors and insulated cables caused by excessive short-circuit current. We strongly recommend that you research this subject carefully before using this function. You will not be able to edit this value. "Conductor Copper". "Cable XLPE 90C/250C". The determination of ‘k’ depends on assumption on the melting point of the metal conductors and the conductor’s normal operating temperature – plus other factors. The equation of the damage curve is shown near the top. k. HAVE ONELINER ENTER THE VALUE OF ‘K’ FOR YOU: 2b. "Cable Thermoplastic polyethylene 75C/150C". "Conductor ACSR”. The corresponding value of the cross-sectional area will appear in the edit box ‘A’. 4.HAVE ONELINER ENTER CONDUCTOR SIZE ‘A’ FOR YOU: 3b. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 323 . Click on "OK" to draw the damage curve. select one of the standard AWG sizes. Enter any comments up to 32 characters in 'Comments'. 5. In the drop-down combo box. You will not be able to edit this value. 2a. This additional adjustment is the key to showing the transformer damage curve correctly for all fault types. When the dialog box appears. 324 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . relay or recloser that is protecting the transformer.109 standard of 1985. click on the top radio button labeled “Automatic”. TO ADD DAMAGE CURVE AND INRUSH CURVE MANUALLY: 1b. In the drop-down combo box below. You can enter the damage-curve parameters manually or have OneLiner compute it for you. Skip to step 4 below.including parallel transformers. Select the Add | Transformer Damage Curve command. TO ADD DAMAGE CURVE AND INRUSH CURVE USING THE AUTOMATIC FEATURE: 1a. These transformer damage curves conform to the ANSI/IEEE C57. The program will automatic get the transformer data and compute the necessary parameters for the damage curve. and all network topology -. We suggest you choose this automatic feature unless you feel compelled to specify the damage curve manually. Select the Add | Transformer Damage Curve command. click on the second radio button labeled “Manual”.Curves Window ADD MENU TRANSFORMER DAMAGE CURVE COMMAND The Transformer Damage Curve command in the Curves Window allows you add a transformer damage curve and inrush curve to the overcurrent relay plot. Select a curve. all winding configuration. The device you select must be on one end of the transformer of interest. It is an improvement over the old “link damage curve to relay curve” feature by further shifting the damage curve by the ratio: Maximum winding current / Relay current in primary amps. Note: This command is dimmed and cannot be activated if there are already 6 damage curves on the plot. select a curve for a fuse. The “automatic” feature is new in this Version 10. When the dialog box appears. for either the high or low side of the transformer. and impedance values. Otherwise. Select a transformer in the list by clicking on it. Input the damage curve parameters. Rating: The transformer’s MVA rating.or the low-side kV. A dialog box will appear showing list of 2.2b. If you have selected a linked relay curve that is attached to a transformer. and its ratings MVA1. Within the “MVA rating” dropdown list are the MVA base of the transformer. Base I: The one per-unit base current (also known as the selfcooled current) in amps. Press the “Select transformer from list” button if you want the program to help you fill in the transformer MVA rating. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 325 . the program will automatically highlight that transformer. The damage curve will be based on this nominal kV. Click on “Plot on” dropdown list to select either the high. The dialog box will disappear. 3b. Press the “Select transformer from list” button. Select on the ratings in the “MVA rating” edit box or type in a value by hand.and 3-winding transformers that are in the vicinity of the first relay. skip to step 3b and enter the values by hand. MVA2 and MVA3. base current. The damage curve will be based on the MVA value you select or enter here. Click OK when done. and the program will fill in the three numeric edit boxes in the Damage-Curve dialog box. Skip Step 3b and go to step 4. Enter comments with up to 63 characters in 'Comments'.X: 4. 6. Click on "OK". 326 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 5. Your comments will be displayed on the screen as part of the curve identification. Click on the box “Show inrush curve also” if you want the program to draw an inrush curve in addition to the damage curve. but it will not adjust it with the additional shifting factor. The inrush curve is a function of the full-load current. Under the “automatic” option. OneLiner will shift the inrush curve with the relay curve. The transformer leakage reactance in per unit based on the transformer's MVA rating. The value of X is between 5% and 15% for most transformers. The dialog box will disappear and the transformer damage curve will be drawn on the plot. the curve must have been entered into a relay library specifically as a damage curve. The Curve Selector will appear. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 327 . 3. Enter comments with up to 32 characters in 'Comments'. Select the Add | Damage Curve from Library command. 4. The dialog box will disappear and the damage curve will be drawn on the plot. Click on "Select this curve".Curves Window ADD MENU DAMAGE CURVE FROM LIBRARY COMMAND The Damage Curve From Library command in the Curves Window allows you add a damage curve from the relay library to the plot. See ASPEN Overcurrent Relay Editor User's Manual for details. Any damage curve can be shown here. TO ADD A DAMAGE CURVE FROM A RELAY LIBRARY: 1. including conductor burn down curves and insulation damage curves. Select a damage curve from the Curve Selector. Note: This command is dimmed and cannot be activated if there are already 6 damage curves on the plot. Your comments will be displayed on the screen as part of the curve identification. 2. In order to show a damage curve with this command. 5. The dialog box will close and the crosshair will be replaced by the new annotation. A red crosshair will appear at that location. To execute this command you must first select the annotation location with the left mouse button. The user interface for the annotations is the same as that in the Main Window. 328 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Click on "OK". A dialog box will appear to let you enter the new annotation. You can use the annotations to label the curves or to mark certain features and modifications that warrant special attention. Select the annotation location.Curves Window ADD MENU ANNOTATION COMMAND The Annotation command in the Curves Window lets you add an annotation anywhere in the plot. Click on "Mark the annotation" to put a diamond shaped marker just left of the text. 3. 4. TO ADD A NEW ANNOTATION: 1. The annotations can be saved with a curve collection into the PCC file. Select the Add | Annotation command. 2. Click the left mouse button once on the desired location of the new annotation. Enter an annotation with up to 50 characters in the edit box. You can also use the annotations as temporary labels for printing and delete them immediately afterwards. or from another drawing program such as Illustrator or AutoCad. Click the left mouse button once on the desired location of the new picture. To resize the picture. To execute this command you must first select a location with the mouse button.Curves Window ADD MENU PICTURE FROM CLIPBOARD COMMAND The Add | Picture From Clipboard command in the Curves Window lets you paste a picture that you have previously copied to the Windows clipboard. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 329 . click left mouse button near an anchor point on a side or corner and drag the mouse until the new size has been achieved. The picture can come from the main window of DistriView. Select the Add | Picture from Clipboard command. To move the picture. A red crosshair will appear at that location. click left mouse button inside the picture and drag to the new location. The pictures can be saved with a curve collection into the PCC file. 3. Select the picture location. 2. You can paste up to 16 pictures anywhere on the plot. NOTE: The command will be dimmed if the Windows clipboard contains no picture in compatible format. Resize and Move picture. TO ADD A NEW PICTURE: 1. The picture will be displayed at the location you have selected. FUSE OR RECLOSER CURVE: 1. The dialog box will close. 330 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Within the list box are the curves that are being displayed. and the selected curve will be removed from the plot. Select the curve to be removed and click on "OK".Curves Window REMOVE MENU RELAY CURVE COMMAND The Relay Curve command in the Curves Window lets you remove a relay. 2. TO REMOVE A RELAY. A dialog box will appear. fuse or recloser curve from the overcurrent relay plot. Select the Remove | Relay Curve command. Note: This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if the plot contains only a single relay curve. TO REMOVE A DAMAGE CURVE: 1. 2. A dialog box will appear asking you to select the damage curve to be removed.Curves Window REMOVE MENU DAMAGE CURVE COMMAND The Damage Curve command in the Curves Window lets you remove a damage curve from the overcurrent relay plot. Select the damage curve to be removed and click on "OK". Select the Remove | Damage Curve command. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 331 . The damage curve will be removed from the plot. The dialog box will close. The screen will be redrawn showing only the first relay curve.Curves Window REMOVE MENU ALL BUT 1ST RELAY CURVE COMMAND This command lets you remove all but the first relay curve from the plot. All the damage curves will also be removed. TO CLEAR ALL BUT THE FIRST RELAY CURVE: 1. Select the Remove | All But 1st Relay Curve command. 332 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 333 . The screen will be redrawn showing only the relay curves. Select the Remove | Fault command.Curves Window REMOVE MENU FAULT COMMAND This command lets you remove fault description in curve window. TO CLEAR FAULT DESCRIPTION: 1. Click the right mouse button once on the annotation you want to delete. 334 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . TO REMOVE AN ANNOTATION: 1. To execute the command. you must first select an annotation with the mouse. The annotation will be removed from the screen. 2. Select the annotation you want to delete. The annotation will be highlighted.Curves Window REMOVE MENU ANNOTATION COMMAND The Annotation command in the Curves Window lets you remove an annotation. Select the Remove | Annotation command. Select the picture you want to delete. To execute the command. The picture will be removed from the screen. TO REMOVE A PICTURE: 1. 2. The picture frame will become dotted.Curves Window REMOVE MENU PICTURE COMMAND The Remove | Picture command in the Curves Window lets you remove a picture. Click the left mouse button once on the picture that you want to delete. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 335 . Select the Remove | Picture command. you must first select a picture with the mouse. Select a relay and click on "OK". Relay Dialog Boxes. TO ADJUST THE CURVE SETTING: 1. See Section 6. 3. Within the list box are the curves that are being displayed. A dialog box will appear asking you to select a relay curve that you want to adjust. fuses and reclosers being displayed in the Curves Window. Make the necessary adjustments in the info dialog box and click on "OK". Select the Edit | Relay Setting command. An info dialog box for the selected device will appear. The dialog box will disappear.Curves Window EDIT MENU RELAY SETTING COMMAND The Relay Setting command lets you adjust the settings of one of the relays. The dialog box will disappear and the curve of the selected device will be updated to reflect the new parameters. 2. for details. 336 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Another dialog box will appear asking for the relay current. TO MAKE TRIAL RELAY ADJUSTMENTS: 1. the dependence of the relay operating time on its time-dial and pickup setting. the pickup value. Select a relay and click on "OK". 2.Curves Window EDIT MENU TRIAL RELAY ADJUSTMENT COMMAND The Trial Relay Adjustment command in the Curves Window allows you to examine. This command also lets you update the relay parameters with the adjusted time dial setting. Select the Edit | Trial Relay Adjustment command. A second dialog box will appear allowing you to adjust the time dial setting. Click on "Change Amps" to use a current other than the actual fault current for trial adjustments. A dialog box will appear asking you to select a relay curve. 3. and the relay current. Note: This item is dimmed and cannot be activated unless you have (1) simulated a fault using the Fault | Specify command in the Main Window and (2) displayed a specific fault with the Show | Relay Operations for 1 Fault command in the Curves Window. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 337 . The dialog box will disappear. for a given fault current. The relay current and operating time are shown. Manipulate the scroll bar to change the time dial setting. The relay operating time is updated automatically as you make this adjustment. and display the relay current and operating time in the dialog box titled 'Trial Adjustments'.Enter the relay current in 'Amps' and click on "OK". 5. For the purpose of this command. Click on "Apply It" to transfer the new time dial and pickup settings to the relay. The program will (1) update the curves to reflect these changes and (2) update the relay parameters with the adjusted time dial setting. the relay is treated as nondirectional. The dialog box titled 'Trial Adjustment Current' will disappear. 338 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The program will use the relay current you specified to compute the trial setting. 4. An operating time of 9999s means the current is too low to trip the relay. Adjust the time dial setting with the 'T dial' vertical scroll bar. The dialog box will disappear. B=1. The shifting factors are stored in the PCC file when you save the curve collections. A dialog box will appear asking you for the horizontal shifting factor H. have no effect on the relay operating time on the one-line diagram in the Main Window. Horizontal shifting is used most commonly to account for the difference in current on the two sides of a transformer. This shifting factor moves the curve horizontally.Curves Window EDIT MENU SHIFTING FACTOR COMMAND The Shifting Factor command in the Curves Window allows you to shift the relay curves in the plot by specifying their horizontal and vertical shifting factors. and the vertical shifting factors B and C. 2. The shifting factors affect the shape and position of the relay curves as well as their operating times shown on the Curves Window. or let the program shift the curves automatically when you execute the Show | Relay Operations for 1 Fault command. TO SHIFT THE RELAY CURVES: 1. A dialog box will appear displaying the shifting factors for all the curves being displayed. 3. Enter the horizontal shifting factor. and C=0. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 339 . You have the option of specifying the shifting factor manually (as you do here). H. Select a relay curve and click on "Change". however. The curve is moved to the right if H is greater than 1 and to the left if H is less than 1. The program uses the following formulas to shift the curve: i' = H * i t' = B * t + C The curve is not shifted if the shifting factors are at their default values: H=1. in 'H'. The shifting factors. Select the Edit | Shifting Factor command. 7. 8. along with the vertical shifting factor. lets you stretch and move the curves in the vertical direction. C. The factor C is a time adder. Repeat steps 2 through 6 for all the relays that you want to shift manually. B. The relay curves and operating points will be updated to reflect the new shifting factors. Click on "Done" to close the dialog box.0. in 'Time Adder'. The vertical shifting factor B is a time multiplier. 9. and mo ves down when B is less than 1. the relay operating time on the Curves Window will not agree with those on the one-line diagram in the Main Window. The 'Change Shifting Factor' dialog box will disappear. 6. Click on "Reset" to reset all of the shifting factors to their default values. Click on "OK". 340 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . B. Enter the vertical shifting factor. 5.4. This factor. Each of the relay parameter boxes on the plot will display its shifting factors if they are not at the default values. The list box will be changed showing the latest shifting factors. in 'Time Multiplier B'. Note: If you specify vertical shifting factors other than the default values.0. The curves moves up when B is greater than 1. Enter the vertical shifting factor. Curves Window EDIT MENU DAMAGE CURVE PARAMETERS COMMAND This command allows you to change the parameters of a damage curve being displayed in the Curves Window. Another dialog box for the selected damage curve will appear. 3. Select a damage curve and click on "OK". Add | Transformer Damage Curve and Add | Damage Curve from Library commands in the Curves Window for details on the damage curves. Select the Edit | Damage Curve Parameters command. See the Add | Conductor Damage Curve. Modify the parameters in the dialog box and click on "OK". TO CHANGE DAMAGE CURVE PARAMETERS: 1. A dialog box will appear asking you to select a damage curve. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 341 . The 'Adjust Damage Curve' dialog box will disappear. The dialog box will disappear and the selected damage curve will be redrawn reflecting the new parameters. 2. Both 'For' and 'Comment' edit boxes can have up to 80 characters.: Numerical identifier. 3. By: Name or initials of person who edited the curves. A dialog box will appear with the existing legend. The dialog box will disappear and the legend will appear at the bottom of the plot. Comments: Notes or helpful comments concerning this plot. Date: The date on which revisions were made. 2. The rest can have up to 12 characters. Click on "OK" when you have finished editing the legend box. Select the Edit | Legend command. 342 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Enter the desired text.Curves Window EDIT MENU LEGEND COMMAND The Legend command allows you to edit the legend of the plot that appears at the bottom of the Curves Window. under the horizontal axis. @ Voltage: kV rating of transmission line the relay group is protecting. TO EDIT THE LEGEND OF A PLOT: 1. The legend can be saved with a curve collection into the PCC file. No. For: Name of transmission line. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 343 . An opaque picture has a solid background that you cannot see through. A transparent picture is one that has a transparent background. or vise versa. The background of the selected picture will change from transparent to opaque.Curves Window EDIT MENU TRANSPARENT PICTURE COMMAND The Transparent Picture command allows you to toggle the background of a selected picture between transparent and opaque. TO MAKE THE BACKGROUND OF A PICTURE TRANSPARENT OR OPAQUE: 1. Select the picture. Click the right mouse button on a picture that was pasted on the Curves Window. Select the Edit | Transparent Picture command. 2. is placed below the last relay curve description. The relay curve descriptions will be on the left or the right. Select the Edit | Rearrange Captions command The captions of all the curves will be relocated to their default positions in the Curves Window.Curves Window EDIT MENU REARRANGE CAPTIONS COMMAND The relay and damage curve descriptions can be moved anywhere on the plot. depending on your preference in the Misc | Options command in the Curves Window. The damage curve descriptions will be located opposite of the relay curve descriptions. The fault description. TO PUT THE CAPTIONS BACK AT THEIR DEFAULT POSITIONS: 1. This command will place them back in their default locations. if any. 344 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Note: The menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if no faults have been simulated or if you have modified the network since the last fault simulation. Select the Show | TTY Window command to open the TTY Window. time) for all the faults that have been simulated. A tabular output is also written to the TTY Window. Curves and operating points will be shifted if you have specified horizontal and vertical shifting factors with the Edit | Shifting Factor command. These points are indicated by small rectangles. Any fault solutions being displayed in the Main Window prior to this command will be cleared. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 345 . This command will also automatically produce a table of relay currents and operating times in the TTY Window.Curves Window SHOW MENU RELAY OPERATIONS FOR ALL FAULTS COMMAND This command shows graphically the relay operating points (current. Select the Show | Relay Operations for All Faults command. 2. time) for all the faults that have been simulated. The screen will be redrawn to show on each relay curve the operating points (current. TO SHOW THE RELAY OPERATIONS FOR ALL FAULTS: 1. You can change this value to scale all the relay currents.0 by default. 3. This option is so called because you can shift each curve manually by changing its shifting factor ’H’ in the Edit | Shifting Factor command.'Manual': to horizontally shift each of the relay curves by the shifting factor 'H'. 4. Select a Horizontal Shift option. 2. This option is most commonly used to check relay coordination with relay currents that are larger or smaller than the actual fault currents. The program will simultaneously display the solution on the one-line diagram in the Main Window. Note: The menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if no faults have been simulated or if you have modified the network since the last fault simulation. . Click on the drop down list and select one of the options: . . Enter a 'Current Multiplier' to scale the relay current by a constant.'Align curves with custom current': to shift each relay curve horizontally by the factor: (custom current) / (relay current). 346 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The curves and operating times on the plot can be shifted manually or automatically. A dialog box will appear asking you to select a fault. The program will display a dialog box asking you to enter the custom current. time) on the relay curves for a fault that was simulated previously. If the fault description takes more than one line. The list box will contain all the faults that have been simulated. which is 1 by default. The current multiplier is set to 1. This is the same as the old “Automatic” option in previous versions. you can select it by clicking on any one of those lines. TO SHOW THE RELAY OPERATIONS FOR A FAULT: 1. Select the Show | Relay Operations for 1 Fault command.'Align curves with total fault current': to shift each relay curve horizontally by the factor: (total fault current) / (relay current). The curves are not shifted if you did not specify the manual shifting factors.Curves Window SHOW MENU RELAY OPERATIONS FOR 1 FAULT COMMAND This command lets you show graphically the operating points (current. Select a fault. The Curves Window will be redrawn to show the operating point (current. time) for each of the curves. 6. The Main Window will be als o redrawn to show the same fault on the oneline diagram. When the curves are shifted automatically. In addition. The result is that relay curve #xx stays where it is. regardless of the Horizontal Shift Option you select. the relay current and operating time are added below the relay identifiers. while all the other relays curves are shifted so that their operating points are aligned with that of the relay curve #xx. A summary of the fault is written to the TTY Window.'Align curves with relay #xx ': to shift each relay curve horizontally by the factor: (relay #xx current) / (relay current). Optional: Select the Show | TTY Window command to open the TTY Window. The dialog box will disappear. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 347 . Click on "OK". The relay test quantities (consisting of the currents and voltages before and after the fault) are also written to the TTY Window if the “Write to TTY” option within the “Relay Test Quantities” group box is selected. Note: The program will use the vertical shifting factors 'B' and 'C' in all cases. See example below.. the program will ignore the manual horizontal shifting factor ‘H’. The shifting factors and options have no effect on the relay operating time on the one-line diagram. the shifting factors will be based on the total fault current. 5. Note: if the reference relay #xx does not operate on the fault. The fault description is shown. 2. The test values are unaffected by any of the shifting factors. If the time unit for the Curves Window is in cycles (50 or 60 Hz).Curves Window SHOW MENU TEST VALUES COMMAND The Relay Test Values command in the Curves Window lets you compute one or more test values for a relay that is being displayed. Select Menu | Close Window to close the TTY Window. Select one of the relays and click on "OK". 4. A table of the time delays versus test currents will be shown on the TTY window. Click on "Done" to close the dialog box. 3. The test values (in the form of X times pickup and Y seconds delay) are for the most recent relay settings. the table will also list the time delays in cycles. A dialog box will appear listing the relays being displayed in the Curves Window. Select the Show | Relay Test Values command. 348 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . TO OBTAIN THE TEST VALUES: 1. TO SHOW THE TTY WINDOW: 1. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 349 . Select the Show | TTY Window command. 3. 2. Use the scroll bars to view different parts of the window. Select the Menu | Close Window command to close the TTY Window. The TTY Window will appear on top of the Curves Window.Curves Window SHOW MENU TTY WINDOW COMMAND This command lets you open the TTY Window to view its contents. The horizontal and vertical scroll bars let you browse through the contents of the window. The program will show or hide the fault browser toolbar accordingly. 350 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Note: This command is available only in showing relay operation for one fault.Curves Window SHOW MENU FAULT BROWSER COMMAND This command lets you show or hide the fault browser toolbar. The Fault Browser looks like this: The default position of the Browser is the upper left corner of the Curves Window. Select the Show | TTY Fault Browser command. The Fault Browser is a VCR-button-like device to help you go quickly from one fault result to another. TO SHOW/HIDE THE FAULT BROWSER TOOLBAR: 1. You can open this window with the View | Relay Curves command from the Main Window. Key 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Approximate Extent 4x 3 ohms 9x 6 ohms 17x 12 ohms 35x 25 ohms 70x 50 ohms 140x100 ohms 280x200 ohms The relay parameters are shown within rectangular description boxes. You can move these boxes with either mouse button. You can work on the DS Relays Window and the Main Window at the same time.3. When the characteristics of a second relay are being displayed. you can view the offset and the direction (forward or reverse) of this relay by double clicking the left mouse button on the small crosshair at its origin. The axes are in primary ohms. You can also press one of the shortcut keys to enter corresponding zoom level. you can minimize the DS Relays Window while you view the one-line diagram. You can change the extent of the x and y axes in primary ohms and consequently. simply double-click on the window icon at the bottom of the screen. the same fault is displayed on the other window. the scaling of the distance relay characteristics using the zoom slider on the toolbar. Clicking the right mouse button on the DS Relays Window will bring up a floating menu of commonlyused commands.4 DS RELAYS WINDOW COMMANDS The DS Relays Window displays the characteristics of distance relays. You can change the offset of the relay with respect to the origin of the graph by dragging the crosshair with the mouse. An optional circular grid can be toggled on and off with the Misc | Grid On/Off command. If your monitor is not large enough to see both windows at the same time. When you display a fault in one of the windows. To restore the DS Relays Window. you can arrange the windows side by side and execute commands in both windows. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 351 . If you have a large monitor. Up to two distance-relay characteristics can be displayed in this window at one time. You can open the info dialog box by double-clicking the left mouse button within the description box. The cursor coordinates are shown in the lower left portion of the window when you drag with either mouse button. The commands in the DS Relays Window are described in this section. 1. You should follow the procedure outlined in your Windows User’s manual to configure your printer. 352 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Select Misc | Select Printer command.DS Relays Window MISC MENU SELECT PRINTER COMMAND The Misc | Select Printer command in the DS Relays Window allows you to set up your printer. a larger portion of the plot will be printed. 3. Select the Misc | Print command. Click on "Print black and white" to print the curves in black and white. The dialog box will disappear and printing will begin. Use the controls in the standard font selection dialog box to select the font. When the scaling factor is less than 1. 2. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the font. Click on "OK". The current typeface and font size are shown within the Font group box. 5. The scaling factor does not affect the font size. 6. The Margins control the dimension of the empty spaces. Click on "Change" to change the font. 4. TO PRINT THE CONTENTS OF DS RELAYS WINDOW: 1. The plot will be surrounded by empty spaces on four sides. Click on "OK". A dialog box will appear asking you for the printing parameters. Enter the page margins.0.DS Relays Window MISC MENU PRINT GRAPH COMMAND This Misc | Print Graph command lets you print the contents of the DS Relays Window. Note: The print preview feature is not available for relay curves. Enter a scaling factor in "Scaling factor". For best results the printer should be set up for the landscape orientation. The scaling factor allows you to adjust the size of the image on the printed page. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 353 . font style and size you want. Select the Misc | Export Graph command. A message box will appear informing you that the picture has been exported. Press OK to continue. The extension of the file will be automatically set depending on your choice. These are vector graphic files that can be imported to other Windows programs such as Microsoft Word and AutoCAD. 354 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .DS Relays Window MISC MENU EXPORT GRAPH COMMAND The Misc | Export Graph command in the DS Relays Window lets you create a Window Metafile or Enhanced Window Metafile that corresponds to the curves and other graphics currently displayed on the screen. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the name of the file. TO SAVE RELAY CURVES AS A WINDOWS METAFILE OR ENHANCED WINDOWS MATA FILE: 1. Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the name of the file and whether it should be a window metafile or an enhanced window metafile. DS Relays Window MISC MENU COPY GRAPH TO CLIPBOARD COMMAND The Misc | Copy Graph to Clipboard command in the DS Relays Window lets you copy the entire graph being displayed to the window clipboard. Select the Misc | Copy Graph to Clipboard command. TO COPY THE GRAPHS DISPLAYED: 1. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 355 . A dialog box will appear informing you that the graph is copied to the clipboard. You can paste the picture into other Windows programs such as Microsoft Word and AutoCad. The picture is stored in the clipboard in the enhanced Windows metafile format. Click OK to continue. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the options for various aspects of the distance plot. The pre. Your options will be stored in the Window registry and will be used automatically from now on. 7. Click on "Font size" and select the desired font.DS Relays Window MISC MENU OPTIONS COMMAND This command lets you specify the options for the DS Relays Window. assuming 60 hertz. OneLiner will use the selected font size for the text in the client area of the DS Relays Window. (2) color of the grid. You can select and copy the relay test quantities in the TTY Window to the clipboard. Click on "Show dynamic characteristics" to display the relay’s dynamic characteristics on the screen. This option works only on mho relays. Click on "Light green". 3. "Cycles 50 Hz" to use cycles as the units of time. TO SPECIFY THE OPTIONS FOR THE DS RELAYS WINDOW: 1.and post-fault voltage and secondary current of the relays will be displayed in TTY Window when executing the “Relay Operations for 1 Fault” command. Click on "Shown in TTY" to display the Relay Test Quantity on the TTY Window. This selection will affect the textual output of the relay operating times on the one-line diagram. and then paste the data from the clipboard to your text data file for relay testing. Select the units of time. Select the Grid Color. assuming 50 hertz. Click on "OK". The dialog box will disappear and the graph will be redrawn with the options you selected. 6. Note: Use the Misc | Grid On/Off command to display the gird. "Cycles 60 Hz" to use cycles as the units of time. Font sizes 8 to 14 are available. 5. 356 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 2. Select the Misc | Options command. (3) whether to display the relay test quantity in the TTY Window and (4) font size. "Light blue" or "Yellow". 4. These include the (1) unit of time. Click on: "Seconds" to use seconds as the units of time. DS Relays Window MISC MENU GRID ON/OFF COMMAND This command lets you turn the circular grid on or off. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 357 . TO TURN THE CIRCULAR GRID ON OR OFF: 1. Select the Misc | Grid On/Off command. The graph will be redrawn with the circular grid on or off. the power factor is equal to the cosine of the line angle. Enter the minimum power factor of the load. TO DISPLAY THE LOAD REGION: 1. Enter the maximum load in MVA or amperes. A value is 0. If the “line angle” is known. 6. Click on "Show" to display the load region. 358 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .DS Relays Window MISC MENU LOAD REGION COMMAND This command displays a specified load region on the complex plane. A voltage that is lower than one per-unit will make load encroachment more likely. 2. Enter the load’s nominal kV and per-unit value. 5. Click on “Forward load region” or “Reverse load region”. NERC’s recommendation 8A recommends a value of 150% of the line’s long-term current rating.85 per-unit is recommended by NERC’s recommendation 8A. This is designed as an aid to avoid load encroachment on distance characteristics. The load region will appear on the distance relay window. Select the Misc | Load Region command. 4. A dialog box will appear asking for the load region parameters. 3. ” ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 359 . Click on "Hide. Remove the load region from the distance relay window.6. Select the Misc | Load Region command. The previous dialog box will appear. DS Relays Window MISC MENU CLOSE WINDOW COMMAND This command lets you close the DS Relay Window and return to the Main Window. COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . TO CLOSE THE DS RELA Y WINDOW: 1. 360 • SECTION 3 Select the Misc | Close Window command to close the DS Relay Window. Select the Add | Relay Characteristics command.Backup relays of this group: Lists the first relay’s backups as determine by the coordinating-pair information.Relays in vicinity: Set tier number to 0 to list relays at the same bus as the first relay. List only relays that are within the same relay group as the first relay on the plot. .All primary and backup relays of this group: List relays in coordinating pairs involving the first relay. . Each relay in the list is identified by the relay name. Select from the dropdown list at the upper-left corner what relays you want to be include in the list box. and so on. and the branch name. . 2. . Note: This menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if two relay curves are already being displayed. . A dialog box will appear asking you to select the relay to be added. Select the relay want to add to the plot by marking its check box. as determine by the coordinating-pair information.Relays in this relay group.Relays backed up by this group: Lists relays that are backed up by the first relay. TO ADD A SECOND DISTANCE RELAY TO THE PLOT: 1. . 1 for relays at buses that are one bus away.DS Relays Window ADD MENU RELAY CHARACTERISTICS COMMAND This Add | Relay Characteristics command in the DS Relay Window lists the distance relays that are in the vicinity of the first relay and lets you add one of them to the plot in either the forward or reverse direction. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 361 . the branch name. 3.Relay on remote bus: Lists relays at the remote end of the first relay’s branch. Select the orientation.4. Specify the position of the origin for the second relay. The dialog box will disappear and the characteristics of the selected relay will be displayed on the same plot. respectively. 6. Enter the coordinates in polar form.” edit boxes. The offset is initialized to the magnitude and characteristic angle of the line impedance if the branch of the first relay group is a line. with the magnitude (in primary ohms) and angle (in degrees) in the “Ohm” and “Deg. 5. Click on "Forward" to display the second relay characteristics with a forward orientation. Click on "OK". Click on “Reverse” to display in the opposite orientation. The parameters of the added relay will be shown in a box to the right of the plot. 362 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . DS Relays Window ADD MENU REMOTE BRANCH IMPEDANCES COMMAND This Add | Remote Branch Impedances command in the DS Relays Window shows graphically the impedance of transmission lines that are attached to the remote bus. The impedances of the remote transmission lines will be displayed as dotted lines on the plot. You rearrange position of these notation boxes using the mouse Note: Because of infeeds. This graphical display is useful for checking the coverage of zone 2 as a percentage of the remote line impedances. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 363 . Select the Add | Remote Impedances command. TO ADD REMOTE BRANCH IMPEDANCES: 1. The program displays line information in separate notation boxes. The length and orientation of the dotted lines reflect the impedance of the lines in primary ohms. you should not expect the impedance of faults on these remote lines to always lie directly on the line characteristics. 5. 3. A dialog box will appear to let you enter the new annotation. The user interface for the annotations is the same as that in the Main Window. Click on "Mark the annotation" to put a diamond shaped marker just left of the text. TO ADD A NEW ANNOTATION: 1. You can also use the annotations as temporary labels for printing and delete them immediately afterwards. Select the annotation location. Enter an annotation with up to 50 characters in the edit box. Click on "OK". Select the Add | Annotation command. 4. The dialog box will close and the crosshair will be replaced by the new annotation. 364 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 2. You can use the annotations to label the relay characteristics or to mark certain features and modifications that warrant special attention.DS Relays Window ADD MENU ANNOTATION COMMAND The Annotation command in the DS Relays Window lets you add an annotation anywhere in the plot. A red crosshair will appear at that location. Click the left mouse button once on the desired location of the new annotation. To execute this command you must first select the annotation location with the left mouse button. 3. TO ADD A NEW ANNOTATION: 1. Note: The command will be dimmed if the windows clipboard contains no picture in compatible format. The picture can come from the main window of DistriView. or from another drawing program such as Illustrator or AutoCad. Click the left mouse button once on the desired location of the new annotation. Resize and Move picture. To resize the picture. To move the picture click left mouse button in side the picture and drag to the new location. The picture will be displayed at the location you have selected. You can paste up to 16 pictures on the plot. Select the annotation location. Select the Add | Picture from Clipboard command. 2.DS Relays Window ADD MENU PICTURE FROM CLIPBOARD COMMAND The Add | Picture From Clipboard command in the lets you paste a picture that you have previously copied to windows clipboard anywhere in the plot. To execute this command you must first select a location with the mouse button. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 365 . click left mouse button near an anchor point on picture side or corner and drag the mouse until the new size has been achieved. The screen will be redrawn to show only the characteristics of the first relay. 366 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Select the Remove | All But lst Relay command. TO REMOVE THE SECOND DISTANCE RELAY FROM THE PLOT: 1.DS Relays Window REMOVE MENU ALL BUT 1ST RELAY COMMAND This command removes the second distance relay from the plot. TO REMOVE REMOTE BRANCH IMPEDANCES: 1. Select the Remove | Remote Branch Impedances command. The screen will be redrawn to show only the characteristics of the relays. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 367 .DS Relays Window REMOVE MENU REMOTE BRANCH IMPEDANCES COMMAND This command removes the remote-branch impedances that was added using the Add | Remote Branch Impedances command. 368 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 2. Select the Remove | Annotation command. Select the annotation you want to delete. TO REMOVE AN ANNOTATION: 1. To execute the command. The annotation will be removed from the screen. you must first select an annotation with the mouse. Click the left mouse button once on the annotation you want to delete. The annotation frame will become dotted.DS Relays Window REMOVE MENU ANNOTATION COMMAND The Remove | Annotation command in the Curves Window lets you remove an annotation. The picture will be removed from the screen.DS Relays Window REMOVE MENU PICTURE COMMAND The Remove | Picture command in the Curves Window lets you remove a picture. TO REMOVE A PICTURE: 1. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 369 . To execute the command. Select the Remove | Picture command. Select the picture you want to delete. Click the left mouse button once on the picture you want to delete. you must first select a picture with the mouse. The picture frame will become dotted. 2. TO CHANGE THE RELAY SETTINGS: 1. The Adjust Relay dialog box will be replaced by the Info dialog box for the selected relay. The Info dialog box will disappear and the characteristic curves of the relay will be redrawn to reflect the new parameters. Modify the parameters in the Info dialog box and then click on "OK". 2. A dialog box will appear asking you to select the name of the relay to edit. Select the Edit | Relay Setting command. Relay Dialog Boxes.DS Relays Window EDIT MENU RELAY SETTING COMMAND This command allows you to change the settings of one of the relays being displayed in the DS Relays Window. 370 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 3. for details on relay parameters. See Section 6. Select the relay you want to edit and click on "OK". 3.DS Relays Window EDIT MENU ANNOTATION COMMAND This command lets you edit an annotation on the DS Relays Window. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 371 . The annotation dialog box will appear. Select the Edit | Annotation command. 2. Edit the annotation and press OK. TO EDIT AN ANNOTATION: 1. Select the annotation. Click the left mouse button on the annotation of interest. 372 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . or vise versa. The background of the selected picture will change from transparent to opaque. Select the picture. TO MAKE THE BACKGROUND OF A PICTURE TRANSPARENT OR OPAQUE: 1.DS Relays Window EDIT MENU TRANSPARENT PICTURE COMMAND The Transparent Picture command allows you to toggle the background of a selected picture between transparent and opaque. Select the Edit | Transparent Picture command. 2. Click the right mouse button on a p icture that was pasted on the DS Relays Window. Select the Edit | Find Origin command.DS Relays Window EDIT MENU FIND ORIGIN COMMAND This Edit | Find Origin command causes the DS Relay Windows to be refreshed with the origin of the plot back to its default location near the lower left corner of your monitor. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 373 . This command is useful after you have scrolled the DS Relays Window or changed the zoom setting. The axes and characteristics of the relays will be redrawn on the plot using the default position of the origin. TO REDRAW THE DS RELAYS WINDOW WITH THE ORIGIN AT THE LOWER LEFT CORNER: 1. A dialog box will appear.DS Relays Window EDIT MENU SECOND RELAY ORIGIN COMMAND This command will let you adjust the position of second relay shown on the plot. Click on "OK" to close the dialog box. This Second Relay Origin Command lets you change the position of the second relay characteristics at any time if the default position does not suit your needs. Select the orientation. 3. Select the Edit | Second Relay Origin command. with the magnitude (in primary ohms) and angle (in degrees) in the “Ohm” and “Deg.” edit boxes. 4. Click on “Reverse” to display in the opposite orientation. you can specify the origin and orientation of the second relay. When you add a second relay to the DS Relays Window with one the commands under the Add menu. Specify the position of the origin for the second relay. 374 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Click on "Forward" to display the second relay characteristics with a forward orientation. Note: The menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if the characteristics of only one relay are being displayed. TO SPECIFY THE POSITION AND ORIENTATION OF THE SECOND RELAY CHARACTERISTICS: 1. The second relay will be redrawn with the new origin and orientation you specified. Enter the coordinates in polar form. respectively. 2. The fault description. The relay descriptions will be at the upper right corner.DS Relays Window EDIT MENU REARRANGE CAPTIONS COMMAND The relay descriptions can be moved anywhere on the plot. TO REARRANGE THE CAPTIONS: 1. This command is useful after you have moved the relay descriptions. or changed the zoom size of the plot. scrolled the DS Relays Window. if any. will be located below the last relay description. Select the Edit | Rearrange Captions command. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 375 . The captions of all the relays will be relocated to their default positions in the DS Relays Window. This command causes all the descriptions to be put back to their default locations. The screen will be redrawn to show the fault impedances for all the faults that have been simulated. TO SHOW RELAY OPERATIONS FOR ALL FAULTS: 1. operating times and apparent impedances to the TTY Window. Select the Show | Relay Operations for All Faults command. Note: The menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if no faults have been simulated or if you have modified the network since the last fault simulation. This command will also automatically write a table of relay zones.DS Relays Window SHOW MENU RELAY OPERATIONS FOR ALL FAULTS COMMAND This command lets you graphically display the operations of the selected distance relays for all the faults that have been simulated. 376 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . and Vc are the phase voltages. and Ic are the phase currents. Select a fault and then click on "Display". A dialog box will appear asking you to select a fault. K = (Zo-Z1)/(3Z1). Ia. the following 3 quantities are plotted: A Unit: B Unit: C Unit: Va / (Ia+3KIo) Vb / (Ib+3KIo) Vc / (Ic+3KIo). you can select it by clicking on any one of those lines. A-B Unit: (Va-Vb)/ (Ia-Ib) For most ground relays. Io is the zero sequence current.DS Relays Window SHOW MENU RELAY OPERATIONS FOR 1 FAULT COMMAND This command lets you show graphically the operations of the selected distance relays for a fault that was previously simulated. The fault description is shown below the relay parameter box. For most phase relays. The dialog box will disappear and the window will be redrawn to show the apparent impedances. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 377 . the following 3 quantities are plotted: B-C Unit: (Vb-Vc)/ (Ib-Ic) C-A Unit: (Vc-Va)/ (Ic-Ia). The list box will contain all the faults that have been simulated. The program will simultaneously update the solution on the one-line diagram in the Main Window. Vb. The apparent impedances that are plotted vary depending on the relay type. Va. 2. If the fault description takes more than one line. Select the Show | Relay Operations for 1 Fault command. Ib. Note: The menu item is dimmed and cannot be activated if no faults have been simulated or if you have modified the network since the last fault simulation. TO SHOW RELAY OPERATIONS FOR A FAULT: 1. | Options command. The logic that determines tripping is completely separate from the logic that draws the relay characteristics and the apparent impedances. The relay test quantities (consisting of the currents and voltages before and after the fault) are also written to the TTY Window if the “Relay Test Quantities” option is selected within the Misc. The units that are tripped are highlighted by a red check mark. for a relay to trip when the apparent impedance is outside of the static characteristics. 378 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .It is important to note that the graphical characteristics and the apparent impedances shown are for information purposes only. This includes all of the operating quantities used to determine whether the relay trips or not. and not on the graphical display of the relay characteristics or the apparent impedances. The time delay is also shown. (Details on the tripping logic can be found in Section 2 of the Distance Relay Editor User’s Manual. The result of the tripping logic is shown in text below the apparent impedances. It is possible. A summary of the fault is written to the TTY Window.) The relay characteristics shown are the so-called “static” characteristics that assume no cross polarization or voltage memory. therefore. When in doubt. It indicates which units are tripped and which are restrained. you should rely on the tripping results shown in text. The actual tripping area can be larger than the static characteristics. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 379 . TO SHOW THE TTY WINDOW: 1. 2. 3. Use the scroll bars to view different parts of the window. Select the Show | TTY Window command. The TTY Window will appear on top of the DS Relays Window. Select the Menu | Close Window command to close the TTY Window.DS Relays Window SHOW MENU TTY WINDOW COMMAND This command lets you open the TTY Window to view its contents. The horizontal and vertical scroll bars let you browse through the contents of the window. The text shows a table of relay operations for all the faults that have been simulated. Thereafter. The program stores the contents of the TTY Window in a buffer.) OneLiner writes to the TTY Window when: • A text data file is being imported. The TTY Window opens automatically in some of these cases. • Fault solutions are being written to an output file using the Fault | Solution Report command in the Main Window: The text informs you of the program's progress. any additional text is wrapped around to the beginning of the buffer. • Reference angle of all generators are automatically set using the Network | Set Generator Ref. 380 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . you must open the window manually using the TTY Window command in the Main Window. The size of the buffer grows as more text is put into it. exported or added to the system: The text informs you of the program's progress and reports any data errors.5 TTY WINDOW COMMANDS The TTY Window displays program output in the traditional text form. • The fault operating points are being displayed for a single fault by execution of the Relay Operations for 1 Fault command in the Curves Window or the DS Relays Window. You can minimize the TTY Window while you view one-line diagram or relay curves. For the remainder. Angle command in the Main Window: The text informs you of any changes in generator reference angle. • You press on the Write to TTY button in the overcurrent relay test value dialog box: The TTY shows a table of test currents and time delays. the Curves Window and the DS Relays Window. the standard text -only terminal used with early computers. • A relay data file is imported: The text informs you of any data errors and the total number of relays imported. The text shows the summary of the fault and relay quantities. The commands in the TTY Window are described in this section. The default output shows just a fault summary but you can get a detailed textual output if you click on the "Write to TTY Window also" check box in the Solution on 1-line dialog box. until the size reaches roughly 100 pages of text. • Relay coordination is being checked: The text shows the relay current. • Out of service equipment are listed using the Network | Outage List command in the Main Window. You can clear the TTY buffer at any time with the Menu | Clear command.3. • The fault operating points are being displayed for all faults by execution of the Relay Operations for All Faults command in the Curves Window or the DS Relays Window. • A change file is being processed: The text informs you of any data errors and the number of changes made. relay operating time and the coordinating time interval. • Fault solutions are being displayed graphically in the Main Window by using the Faults | Show Solution on 1-line command in the Main Window. (Historical note: TTY stands for "Teletype". The TTY Window will be redrawn to show a blank screen.TTY Window MENU TTY CLEAR COMMAND This command lets you clear the contents of the TTY Window. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 381 . Select the TTY | Clear command. TO CLEAR THE CONTENTS OF THE TTY WINDOW: 1. and size of the text displayed in the TTY Window. font style. Use the controls in the standard font-selection dialog box to select the font. The dialog box will disappear and DistriView will use the selected font to display the text in TTY Window. TO SELECT THE FONT USED IN THE TTY WINDOW: 1. Click on "OK". font style and size you want. 382 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .TTY Window MENU TTY SELECT FONT COMMAND This command lets you choose the font. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the font. Select the TTY | Select Font command. For best effects. Note: This command is dimmed and cannot be activated if no text has been selected. 3. Select the text that you want to print. TO PRINT SELECTED TEXT: 1. Click on "OK". Select the TTY | Print Selected Text command. 2.TTY Window MENU TTY PRINT SELECTED TEXT COMMAND This command lets you print the text that you have selected. You must select one or more lines of text before issuing this command. The dialog box will disappear and printing will begin. The standard font dialog box will appear asking you to specify the font. “Courier New” or “LinePrinter”. such as “Courier”. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 383 . The selected text will become highlighted. you should select a fixed-pitch font. Use the controls in the standard font-selection dialog box to select the font you want for printing. The selected text will become highlighted. Select the TTY | Save Selected Text command. Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the output file name. A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the name of the output file. You must select one or more lines of text before issuing this command TO SAVE SELECTED TEXT TO A FILE: 1. Note: This command is dimmed and cannot be activated if no text has been selected.TTY Window MENU TTY SAVE SELECTED TEXT COMMAND This command lets you save the text that you have selected to a file. 384 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Select the text that you want to save. It is recommended that you name all your output report files with the . 2. 4. 3. The dialog box will disappear and the selected text will be written to the file. Click on "OK".REP extension. TO CLOSE THE TTY WINDOW: 1. The TTY Window will disappear. Select the Menu | Close window command.TTY Window TTY MENU CLOSE WINDOW COMMAND This command lets you close the TTY Window. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 385 . The contents of the TTY Window are not affected by this command. TTY Window EDIT MENU SELECT ALL COMMAND This command lets you select all the text in the TTY Window. TO SELECT ALL OF THE TEXT IN THE TTY WINDOW: 1. 386 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Select the Edit | Select All command. All the text in TTY Window will become highlighted. Select the Edit | Copy Selected Text to Clipboard command. The selected text will be copied to the clipboard. Select the text that you want to print. It is designed to help you transfer text to other Windows programs. TO COPY SELECTED TEXT TO CLIPBOARD: 1. The selected text will become highlighted. You must select one or more lines of text before issuing this command.TTY Window EDIT MENU COPY SELECTED TEXT TO CLIPBOARD COMMAND This command copies text that you have selected to the clipboard. 2. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE • 387 . Note: This command is dimmed and cannot be activated if no text has been selected. such as text editors or word processors. If a match is found the line will be highlighted on TTY window. 388 • SECTION 3 COMMAND REFERENCE ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . You can search for multiple occurrences of the string in forward or backward direction from current selection TO FIND A TEXT STRING: 1. A Search TTY dialog box will be shown. 3. Select the Edit | Find command. Type the search string into the edit box labeled Find text. You can continue to search either forward or backward till the last occurrence of the search string in that direction. Click the "Done" button when the search is completed. Click on Find Forward or Find Backward to look for the string in the corresponding direction from currently selected line. The search window will be closed.TTY Window EDIT MENU FIND COMMAND This command lets you search for a string in the TTY text buffer. 2. 4. R0+jX0 is the zero-sequence impedance. There are three different impedances for the positive sequence: the subtransient impedance. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 4 NETWORK MODELS • 389 . Optional data include a bus number. The models for generators.SECTION 4 NETWORK MODELS 4. a shunt and a switched shunt. The equivalent in the negative and zero sequences consists of an impedance only. The equivalent in the positive sequence consists of a voltage source in series with an impedance. an area number and a zone number. the transient impedance and the synchronous impedance. LOADS.2 GENERATORS. Rg+jXg is the impedance between the neutral of the generator and ground. A bus can be associated with one or more circuit breakers. shunts and switched shunts are described in the following sections. R1+jX1 is the positive-sequence impedance.. a load. Short Circuit Studies In short circuit simulations. The user can select any one of these three impedances in the Faults | Options command.1: Generator model. Generators Each bus can have at most one generator.AND SHUNTS Each bus can have a generator. a location name (usually the name of the substation). R2+jX2 is the negative-sequence impedance. See figure below. v is the voltage across the internal voltage source. but each generator can have up to 32 units. the generator is modeled by a Thevenin equivalent in each sequence network. 4.1 BUSES A bus is identified by its name and nominal kV. loads. Figure 4. Please refer to the Breaker Rating Module User’s Manual for description of the breaker model. 0 per-unit) at 0. A voltage-controlling generator can control the voltage magnitude at its local bus terminal or the voltage magnitude at a remote location. Each unit has a constant-power. An ungrounded shunt can be modeled with a zero-sequence admittance of zero. The open-circuit voltage and reference angle you specified in the generator’s info dialog box if “From a linear network solution” voltage profile option is selected. Shunts Each bus can have at most one shunt. The bus voltage. In both short-circuit and power-flow studies. See Section 4. The shunts in the positive and zero sequence can be specified separately. The positive. the power consumption of the constant-impedance and constant-current portions of the load are updated to reflect the load’s dependence on voltage. without any special treatment. is equal to: • • • The voltage you specified in the Faults | Options dialog box and at 0. The constant-power portion of the load is modeled as is. v. Switched Shunt Each bus can have at most one switched shunt. • The power flow solution voltage if starting from a solved power flow case. • The calculated voltage if starting from a “from a linear network solution” voltage profile. unless you specify that the load is ungrounded.and negative-sequence shunts are assumed to be the same.The internal voltage of the generator. 390 • SECTION 4 NETWORK MODELS ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . line-to-ground). Short Circuit Studies The aggregate load at each bus is modeled as a constant shunt admittances between the bus terminal and ground. The program uses the same shunt admittance is used in all three sequences.0 degree if starting from a flat bus voltage profile. constant-current and constant-impedance component. A value based on the power flow solution if starting from a solved case. A switched shunt is a bank of reactors and/or capacitors that can be switched on and off to regulate voltage. See Section 4.9 for details. is equal to: • A fixed voltage magnitude (usually 1. Y (in mhos) is computed from the formula: Y = f*/(3*v*v) where f is the load (MW+jMVAR) and v is bus voltage (kV. Power Flow Studies In each iteration of the power flow. shunts are modeled as passive admittances between the bus terminal and ground. An ungrounded load has infinite impedance in the zero sequence. but each load can have up to 32 units. v. Loads Each bus can have at most one load. but each shunt can have up to 32 units. The load admittance.9 for details. The switched shunts are modeled the same way as fixed shunts. Power Flow Studies A generator bus can be controlling voltage or having fixed MW and MVAR schedule.0 degree when the Assumed “flat” option is selected. See figure below. A series capacitor/reactor is a simplified line with a capacitor or reactor between the two terminals. R+jX is the series impedance. and X is the reactance of the capacitor bank.414*X). The shunt admittances at the two ends of the line can be different. 4.) The simultaneous-faults logic in OneLiner was modified to handle the MOV-protected series capacitors based on the Goldsworthy model.5 times the rated current of the capacitor bank. The reactances X and X0 are assumed to be the same and R and R0 must be zero. “A linearized Model for MOV-Protected Series Capacitors. the overall impedance of the MOV/capacitor assembly is a function of the protective-level current. The unbalanced shunts can be used to model reactors or capacitors that are switched on and off with the line.0 to 2. Goldsworthy. The solution is done in the phase domain (and not in the sequence domain) because the MOVs on the three phases of a series capacitor can have unequal impedances in an unbalanced fault. G10+jB10 and G20+jB20 are defined similarly in the zero sequence. The protective-level current is typically 2. lines with unbalanced shunt admittances cannot be mutually coupled to other lines. Vol. No. However.2: The transmission line model. The parameters R0+jX0. When a series capacitor is modeled with MOV protection. In the positive and negative sequence.L. where Vpk is the maximum capacitor voltage maintained by the presence of the MOV.4.3 TRANSMISSION LINES & SERIES CAPACITORS/REACTORS Each transmission line is modeled as a pi-circuit. The shortcircuit solution has to be iterative because the MOV characteristics are nonlinear.” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. This model of the MOV-protected series capacitor was originally proposed by Goldsworthy (D. Figure 4. You can turn on or off the iteration logic for simulating MOV-protected capacitors using the Fault | Option command ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 4 NETWORK MODELS • 391 . November 1987. defined as Vpk/(1. and G1+jB1 and G2+jB2 are the shunt admittances. PWRS-2. "Matrix Representation of Three-Phase N-Winding Transformers for Steady State and Transient Studies. An automatic control feature in the Power Flow Program adjusts the shift angle to control the MW flow through the phase shifter. 4. Output explicitly. including auto-transformers and transformers with complicated neutral connections. The input data for each transformer consist of its physical parameters that can be obtained readily from the manufacturer's data sheets or from parameters of existing equivalent circuits.4. and never by the user. The same method is used in the Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP) for modeling multi-phase transformers. "a" is the phase shift.I.W.3: Phase shifter model. The impedances and phase shift angle are specified by the user.and 3-winding transformer models.GENERAL INFORMATION OneLiner offers a wide variety of 2. Dommel and I. The equivalent circuits for the transformers are formulated by the program. The transformer models in OneLiner are based on the paper: V. The parameters R0+jX0 and jB0 are defined similarly in the zero sequence. Avoid the use of fictitious buses. June 1982. The parameters R2+jX2 and jB2 are defined similarly in the negative sequence." IEEE Trans. Figure 4. Brandwajn. on PAS. Some general features of the transformer models are described in the following sections. A positive value causes the voltage angle of Bus1 to lead that of Bus2 in the positive sequence. 392 • SECTION 4 NETWORK MODELS ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .4 PHASE SHIFTERS The phase shifter model for both short-circuit and power-flow studies is shown below.5 TRANSFORMERS . R+jX is the leakage impedance and B is the magnetizing susceptance in the positive sequence. H. Represent complicated transformer types exactly. the neutral current for each auto-transformer and the tertiary circulating current for each 3-winding transformer. Dommel. This approach enables OneLiner to: • • • • Model the plus or minus 30 degree shift in wye-delta transformers. in amps. The program has provisions for modeling the magnetizing susceptance of 2. The tap voltages you specify must be in kV. The magnetizing impedance of most transformers is very large (>50 per unit) and can be ignored in short circuit studies.and 3-winding transformers. singlephase units. Bus2 and the tertiary bus. Zps. Impedances of 3-Winding Transformers Each 3-winding transformer has three terminal buses: Bus1. it is not possible to measure a finite zero-sequence short -circuit impedance. you have the option of entering the zero-sequence short -circuit impedances Zpso.) The user should consider the modeling of magnetizing impedance of 3-leg-core transformers if high accuracy is desired. Tap Voltages The tap voltages of the transformer windings affect the turns ratio of the transformer as well as the short-circuit impedance values. (See the last paragraph under "Short Circuit Impedances". line-to-line.and zero-sequence impedances are always the same for a transformer that is made up of separate. please note that Zpso should be smaller than Zps. The three short-circuit impedances of a 3-winding transformer are defined as follows: Zps: Zpt: Zst: Impedance measured at the Bus1 terminal with the Bus2 terminal shorted to ground and the tertiary open-circuited. Zpto and Zsto. In some cases it is as low as 1. When a set of 3phase windings is excited by zero-sequence current. The zero-sequence magnetizing impedance of three-leg-core transformers is a notable exception. The short-circuit impedance of the transformer. (Otherwise.) The positive. The impedances of a 3-winding transformer are in per-unit based on the transformer’s base MVA and the tap voltages (and not the nominal voltages). Impedance measured at the Bus2 terminal with the tertiary shorted to ground and the Bus1 terminal open-circuited. The short-circuit impedances are in per-unit based on the transformer’s base MVA and the tap voltages (and not the nominal voltages).Impedances of 2-Winding Transformers Each 2-winding transformer has two terminal buses: Bus1 and Bus2. The low impedance is a direct result of the 3-leg-core construction. the three fluxes are forced out of the iron core to return through the air or oil where the magnetic permeability is much smaller than that of iron. If you decide to enter the short-circuit impedances. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 4 NETWORK MODELS • 393 . the Bus1 terminal is assumed to be connected to the wye winding. or the impedances of the classical T model. The low permeability in the flux path results in low apparent impedance of the windings.) The transformer terminals are assumed to be connected to the same physical winding taps in the short-circuit test as in actual use. Impedance measured at the Bus1 terminal with the tertiary shorted to ground and the Bus2 terminal open-circuited. For wye-wye-delta transformers. Magnetizing Impedance The magnetizing impedance of a transformer is the apparent impedance measured at a terminal with the other terminals open-circuited.0 per unit. In the case of a wye-delta transformer. (Susceptance is -1/reactance. is measured in a short circuit test in which the Bus1 terminal is excited while the Bus2 terminal is shorted to ground. 5: A three-leg-core transformer. 394 • SECTION 4 NETWORK MODELS ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . This figure shows the fluxes produced by zero-sequence current.Figure 4. Note that in the case of a wye-delta transformer.4. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 4 NETWORK MODELS • 395 .7 shows how this can be done for the basic configuration with two wye connected windings. the wye-connected winding is attached to the Bus1 side. Figure 4.6 2-WINDING TRANSFORMERS The program offers 2-winding transformer models in five basic configurations shown in figure 4. Figure 4. A number of variations can be derived from these five basic configurations by varying the grounding impedances.6.6: Basic two-winding transformer configurations. the program also supports three zigzag winding configurations: Zigzag-wye with wye leading 30 degrees Zigzag-wye with wye lagging 30 degrees Zigzag-delta (with no phase shift) 396 • SECTION 4 NETWORK MODELS ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Note that infinite impedance is signified by the value 1. In addition to the transformer winding configurations of Figure 4.Figure 4.0E8.0E8 + j1.7: Four variations of the basic wye-wye configuration.6. a number of variations can be derived from these basic configurations by varying the grounding impedances. See Figure 4.8. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 4 NETWORK MODELS • 397 .7 for examples on how this can be done for the basic configuration where the first two windings are wye-connected. Figure Basic three-winding transformer configurations in use. Again. The basic configurations available are shown in Figure 4.7 3-WINDING TRANSFORMERS The program offers a variety of 3-winding transformer models. The allowable test configurations for 3-winding transformers are shown in Figure 4. The 'in use' configurations must be one of the configurations shown in this figure. See Figure 4.Figure 4.8 (continued): Basic three-winding transformer configurations in use. 398 • SECTION 4 NETWORK MODELS ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .7. Numerous variations can be derived from the three basic forms on this page. 8 (continued): Basic three-winding transformer configurations in use.Figure 4. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 4 NETWORK MODELS • 399 . 4.8 ZERO-SEQUENCE MUTUAL COUPLING Transmission lines with balanced pi representation may be coupled to each other in the zero sequence. The user can specify the mutual coupling between any two transmission lines. The mutual coupling parameters include: • • The per-unit mutual coupling impedance. For each line, the beginning and ending percentage that is mutually coupled to the other line. The mutual impedances between two lines can be positive or negative, depending on the orientation of the two lines. The orientation of a line is implied by the order of the end-bus names. We will illustrate this idea with the example below. For Line a, the specification "122 39" implies one orientation, while "39 122" implies an opposite one. If the line pair consisting of Line a and Line b is specified as either: Line a Line b 122 39 79 443 or Line a Line b 39 122 443 79 then the mutual parameters Rab+jXab is positive because the orientation corresponds directly with the physical layout of the two lines. If the line pair consisting of Line a and Line b is specified as either: Line a Line b 122 39 443 79 or Line a Line b 39 122 79 443 then the mutual parameters Rab+jXab is negative because the orientation of Line ‘a’ is opposite to the physical layout of Line ‘b’ in each case. 400 • SECTION 4 NETWORK MODELS ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 4.9 PREFAULT VOLTAGE PROFILE The program has three prefault-voltage options, (1) Assumed “flat”, (2) From a linear network solution and (3) from a power flow solution. You can select one of these options using the Fault | Options command in the Main Window. The "Assumed flat" option is the default. Assumed “flat” option All the bus voltages are set to a fixed magnitude (usually 1.0 per-unit) at 0 degrees in prefault under this option. The user can specify the flat-bus voltage magnitude in the Faults | Options dialog box. A uniform voltage profile requires zero current flow in prefault state. Whenever necessary, the program inserts artificial current sources in the network to compensate all prefault current flows. These current sources are used in the following cases: 1) 2) In parallel with any positive-sequence shunts or loads. The output of these current sources are labeled as "fictitious current sources" in the printed output. At both terminals of a phase shifter and wye-delta transformer. The outputs of these current sources are not shown in the printed output because the current injected into one terminal of a branch is canceled by an equal but opposite current source at the other terminal. “From a linear network solution” option Under this option (called ‘Flat generator start’ in previous versions of OneLiner) each generator is modeled by an internal voltage source behind the generator impedance. The user can specify the magnitude and angle of the internal voltage source in the generator’s info dialog box. The terminal voltages of the generators, as well as the voltages of the other buses, are computed explicitly by the program before any fault simulations. The magnitude of the prefault voltages may or may not equal to the generators’ open-circuit voltage, depending on the network configuration. You can see the prefault voltages in: 1) 2) the printed output, and the TTY Window when you display the fault results on the one-line diagram. The prefault voltages are uniform across the network if, and only if, there is no current flows in any of the branches before the fault is applied. In practical terms, this means that: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) There can be no loads or shunts in the positive sequence, and The magnitude of the open-circuit voltage of all the generators are the same, and The tap kVs of the transformers are set to the nominal kV of the terminal buses. The generators are phased properly. You can use the Network | Set Genenerator Ref. Angle command to set all the generator reference angles automatically. All the transformers have correct phase shift. You can verify this with the Check | Network Anomalies command. Even when all of the above conditions are met, the prefault voltage magnitudes may still come out slightly different the generators’ open-circuit voltage. The possible causes are: 1) Voltage rise caused by the very small shunt capacitances that were inserted into the branches by the program to avoid numerical singularity. 2) The presence of phase shifters. “From a Power Flow Solution” option A true, non-linear power flow solution is used as the prefault voltage profile. All the loads are converted to constant impedances for this simulation. To use this option when your Power Flow Program is a standalone executable, you must first solve the power flow within the ASPEN Power Flow Program and save the case within the OLR file. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 4 NETWORK MODELS • 401 If you use this option when your Power Flow Program is in the same executable file as OneLiner, the program will automatically prompt you to solve the power flow before solving a short circuit. 402 • SECTION 4 NETWORK MODELS ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT 5.1 INTRODUCTION The text data file is a text file that contains the parameters of the power network. The text data file is intended primarily as a medium of exchange between ASPEN programs and foreign programs. OneLiner and Power Flow reads the text data file under the File | Open Text Data File command, and it produces a network data file under the File | Export Network command. The text data file contains the following information: • Miscellaneous system parameters • File comments • Bus data • Bus regulation data • Generation data • Load data • Shunt data • Switched shunt data • DC line data • Transmission line data (also for series capacitors) • Phase shifter data • Two-winding transformer data • Three-winding transformer data • Zero-sequence mutual coupling data • Area data • Zone data • Breaker data The format of this data is described in this section. It should be noted that the text data file format is designed for computer readability. Users should not try to read the text data file nor edit it by hand. The following guidelines pertain to the text data file format: 1. All alphanumeric data must be within quotation marks. You can specify whether to use single or double quotation mark as the string delimiter in the Network | Options dialog box. You choice of the string delimiter is stated in the beginning of the text data file. See item 6 in the [SYSTEM PARAMETERS] section. 2. Adjacent data items must be separated by one or more spaces. 3. Adjacent sections are separated by one blank line. 4. If the data for an object takes more than one line, add the character ‘\’ to the end of each line (except the last one) to let the program know that more data for the same object will follow. 5. The sections do not have to be in the order shown, except (a) the [ONELINER AND POWER FLOW DATA] section must be first, (b) the [BUS DATA] section must precede sections that refer to bus names, (c) the [BUS REGULATION DATA] section must precede the [GENERATOR DATA] section, and the [TRANSMISSION LINE DATA] section must precede the [MUTUAL DATA] section. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT • 403 6. 7. 8. Each object must have all the values listed before the equal sign, which are needed for identification purposes. Users should enter all the values after the equal sign. If the data stream for the object terminates before all the data values are read in, the program will replace the values omitted (after the last value entered) by their default values. All per-unit values are in system base, except as noted otherwise. 5.2 FILE HEADER The file contains the key words [ONELINER AND POWER FLOW DATA] and the name and version of the program that created the text file. Section Header The first line in this data section must say: [ONELINER AND POWER FLOW DATA]. This is followed by the data described below. A blank line ends the section. The program-version line is required. File Header Format The file information begins immediately after the section header. The data format is described below. 1. String delimiter You can specify whether character strings are enclosed by single or double quotation marks. The syntax is: delimiter=’ or delimiter=” The default is the single quotation mark. This line is optional, but if you want to use it, it should be the first one in the section. 2. Application Program Name The program name that follows 'app= ' is the program that created this file, enclosed by quotation marks. 3. Program Version The numbers that follow ‘ver=’ are the year the program was released, the version letter enclosed by quotation marks, and the major and minor version number, separated by a period. 4. Creation Date The date following 'date= ' is the date on which the network text file was created, enclosed by quotation marks. An example of this section is shown below. [ONELINER AND POWER FLOW DATA] delimiter=’ app= 'ASPEN OneLiner and Power Flow' ver= 2003 'A’ 9.1 date= 'Fri Aug 08 10:58:15 2003' 5.3 SYSTEM PARAMETERS This section contains the system MVA as well as a number of parameters that are used in OneLiner and Power Flow. Section Header The first line in the section must say: [SYSTEM PARAMETERS]. This is followed by the data described below. A blank line ends the section. 404 • SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 System Parameters Format The system parameters begin immediately after the section header. Only the Base MVA item is required. The others are optional and can be omitted. The data format is described below. 1. Base MVA The number following ‘mva=’ is the system per-unit base MVA. The default value is 100. 2. Generator Impedance for Short Circuits The number following ‘genZtype=’ tells the program which of the positive-sequence generator impedances to use for short circuit simulations: 0 for subtransient, 1 for transient, and 2 for synchronous. Zero is default. 3. Power Flow Parameters The parameters following ‘pf=’ are for power flow simulations. The parameters are, in this order: Maximum Iterations: The iterative solution will stop when the iteration count reaches this number, even if the power flow has not converged. The default value is 20. MW Tolerance: The power flow is considered converged if the maximum MW and MVAR bus mismatches are less than their respective tolerances and the auto adjustment constraints (if any) have been enforced. The default value is 1.0 MW. MVAR Tolerance: See explanation for MW Tolerance. The default value is 1.0 MVAR. P Adj. Threshold: Real power adjustment threshold. This value is meaningful only if the LTC, MVAR-limit, area-interchange or remote voltage-control constraints are being enforced. The program checks and enforces these constraints whenever the maximum MW and MVAR bus mismatches are below this threshold and the Q Adj. Threshold, respectively. The auto adjustment thresholds (P Adj. and Q Adj. thresholds) must be at least twice as large as the convergence tolerances. The default value is 20 MW. Q Adj. Threshold: See explanation of the P Adj. Threshold. The default value is 20 MVAR. Enforcement Options: A bit field containing the automatic adjustment options used. The default is 0 for no automatic adjustments. 4. Short Circuit Parameters The parameters following ‘sc=’ are for short circuit simulations. They are listed below: Prefault Voltage option: 0 for “From linear network solution”; 1 for “Assumed flat”; and 2 for “From power flow solution”. 1 is the default. Ignore Instantaneous: 1 to ignore the instantaneous unit of overcurrent relays; 0 otherwise. 0 is the default. 5. Ignore Loads: 1 to ignore loads; 0 otherwise. 0 is the default. Ignore Shunts: 1 to ignore switched shunts and shunts with + seq. components; 0 otherwise. 0 is the default. Ignore Line G+jB: 1 to ignore the shunt admittances of transmission lines; 0 otherwise. 0 is the default. Extend to 1.0 Pickup: 1 to extrapolate overcurrent relay curves to 1.0 times pickup; 0 otherwise. 0 is the default. Ignore Phase Shift: 1 to ignore phase shift of wye-delta transformers and phase shifters; 0 otherwise. 0 is the default. Size Information (optional) The size information lets the program know, at the very beginning of the file, roughly how many objects of different kinds are in the file. This information enables the program to allocation the memory for these objects just once, instead of doing it piecemeal as data are read in. This has the effect of speeding up the reading of ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT • 405 very large files, sometimes by as much as a factor of 10. The size information include one or more of the following, on separate lines: 'NObus= ': Total number of buses ‘NOgen=’: Total number of generators ‘NOload=’: Total number of loads ‘NOcap=’: Total number of shunts ‘NOline=’: Total number of transmission lines ‘NOxfmr=’: Total number of 2-winding transformers An example system-parameters section is shown below. [SYSTEM PARAMETERS] mva= 100 genZType= 0 pf= 20 1 1 20 20 6 sc= 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 NObus= 30 NOgen= 6 NOload= 21 NOline= 35 NOxfmr= 4 5.4 FILE COMMENTS The file comments section contains comments on the system. The comments can be any description or notes the user may want to attach to the file. Section Header The first line in this section must say: [FILE COMMENTS]. File Comments Section Format This is followed by the comments, which can have up to 74 lines of text. Each line must be enclosed by quotation marks and can have a maximum of 79 characters. A blank line ends the section. An example file comments section with 3 lines is shown below. [FILE COMMENTS] ' 29-BUS TEST SYSTEM' 'Summer peak load in 1998' 'Transformer between NEVADA and REUSENS is taken out of service' 5.5 BUS DATA The bus data section contains bus names and other parameters. Section Header The first line in the bus data section must say: [BUS DATA]. This is followed by the data described below. A blank line ends the section. Bus Data Format The bus data begins immediately after the section header. The data format for each bus is described below. 406 • SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 1. Bus Name: Name of the bus, left justified, with a maximum of 12 characters. Any alpha-numeric characters can be used, except for ‘#’ , ‘$’ and the string delimiter (single or double quotation mark). The bus name is enclosed in quotation marks. 2. Base kV: Nominal, line-to-line, voltage of the bus in kV. 3. Bus Number: Numerical identifier for the bus. Each bus may be assigned a number between 0 and 99999, inclusive. The bus number is optional. However, if the bus number is not 0, it must be unique. 4. Area Number: Area number of the area in which bus resides. The area number must be in the range 0-999, inclusive. The default value is 1. 5. Zone Number: Zone number of the zone in which bus resides. The zone number must be in the range 0-999, inclusive. The default value is 1. 6. Location Name: Location name for bus, maximum of 8 characters. The default value is first 8 characters of bus name. The location name is enclosed in quotation marks. The location name is generally the name of the substation. 7. Tap Bus Flag: 0 if it is a regular bus; 1 if it is a tap bus at the junction of two line sections. 8. Bus Voltage (real part): Real part of the bus voltage from a power flow solution, in per-unit. 9. Bus Voltage (imaginary part): Imaginary part of the bus voltage from a power flow solution, in per-unit. 10. State Plane X Coordinate: This is a floating-point number. 11. State Plane Y Coordinate: This is a floating-point number. The Y coordinate is assumed to increase in the “Up” direction. 12. DistriView Substation Group Number: The DistriView substation group number must be in the range 0-999, inclusive. 13. Transformer Midpoint Flag: 1 if this bus is a transformer midpoint; 0 otherwise. 14. Bus Symbol Length: 1 if the bus symbol is a dot, otherwise the length of the bus symbol in pixels. A minus number means the bus was placed once, but it is currently hidden. Zero means the bus has never been placed. 15. Bus Symbol Angle: Meaningful only when the bus symbol is not a dot. An angle of 0 means the bus bar is horizontal; 90 means the bus bar is vertical. 16. Bus Symbol X Coordinate: Meaningful only when the bus symbol length is not zero. This must be an integer between –32000 and 32000. 17. Bus Symbol Y Coordinate: Meaningful only when the bus symbol length is not zero. This must be an integer between –32000 and 32000. This Y coordinate increase in the “Down” direction”. 18. Substation group: Substation group number for this bus. The default value is 0. 19. Mid-point bus flag: 0 if it is a regular bus. 1 if it is mid point of a 3-winding transformer represented as Tequivalent. 18. Comment: Comments with a maximum of 64 characters. Any alpha-numeric characters can be used, except for the string delimiter (single or double quotation mark). The comment text is enclosed in quotation marks. An example bus data section is shown below. [BUS DATA] 'MARYLAND' 33= 18 3 1 'MARYLAND' 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 '' 'MINNESOTA' 33= 15 3 1 'MINNESOT' 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 '' 'MONTANA' 33= 14 3 1 'MONTANA' 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 '' 'NEVADA' 132= 6 1 1 'NEVADA' 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 'Revised 19/9/1999' ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT • 407 5.6 BUS REGULATION DATA The bus regulation data section lists the generator regulation parameters. Section Header The first line in the bus regulation data section must say: [BUS REGULATION DATA]. This is followed by the data described below. A blank line ends the section. Bus Regulation Data Format The bus regulation data begins immediately after the section header. The data format is described below. 1. Bus Name: Name of the bus to which the generator is attached. The bus name is enclosed in quotation marks. 2. Base kV: Nominal kV of the generator bus. 3. Generator Reference Angle: The angle of the voltage source in the generator model. This angle and the open-circuit voltage (item 8) are used in the flat-generator-voltage start option of OneLiner only. The default value is 0.0. 4. Regulation Type Flag: 0 if the generator regulates voltage. 1 if the generator has fixed MW and MVAR output. 2 if the generator is on the system slack bus. The default type is 0. 5. Scheduled Voltage: Scheduled voltage magnitude in per-unit. This value is used only if the generator is regulating voltage. The default value is 1.0. 6. Regulated Bus Name: The name of the bus whose voltage magnitude is to be regulated by the generator. The regulated bus name is enclosed in quotation marks. The default name is the local bus name. In most cases, the generator regulates the voltage at its own terminal. If the generator regulates the voltage at another bus, the bus being regulated must be a load bus. 7. Regulated Bus Base kV: Nominal kV of the regulated bus. The default value is nominal kV of the local bus. 8. Generator’s Open Circuit Voltage: The magnitude of the voltage source in the generator model, in per-unit. This value and the referenced angle are used in the flat-generator-voltage start option of OneLiner only. The default value is 1.0. An example bus regulation data section is shown below. [BUS REGULATION DATA] 'CLAYTOR' 132= 0 0 1 'CLAYTOR' 132 1 'FIELDALE' 132= 0 0 1 'FIELDALE' 132 1 'GLEN LYN' 132= 0 0 1 'GLEN LYN' 132 1 'HANCOCK' 13.8= 0 0 1 'HANCOCK' 13.8 1 5.7 GENERATOR DATA The generator data section contains parameters of generating units. All per-unit impedances for generators are based on the rating of the units and not the system MVA. Section Header The first line in the generator data section must say: [GENERATOR DATA]. This is followed by the data described below. A blank line ends the section. Generator Data Format 408 • SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 The generator data begins immediately after the section header. The data format is described below. 1. Bus Name: Name of the bus to which the generator is attached, enclosed in quotation marks. 2. Base kV: Nominal kV of the generator bus. 3. Generating Unit Identifier: A two-character identifier used to differentiate between multiple generating units on the same bus. The identifier is enclosed in quotation marks. 4. In-Servi ce Flag: 1 if the generator is in-service; 0 if it is not. The default value is 1. 5. R": The subtransient resistance (per-unit on generator base) in the positive-sequence generator model. 6. X": The subtransient reactance (per-unit on generator base) in the positive-sequence generator model. R” and X” cannot both be zero. 7. R': The transient resistance (per-unit on generator base) in the positive-sequence generator model. 8. X': The transient reactance (per-unit on generator base) in the positive-sequence generator model. R’ and X’ cannot both be zero. 9. R: The synchronous resistance (per-unit on generator base) in the positive-sequence generator model 10. X: The synchronous reactance (per-unit on generator base) in the positive-sequence generator model. R and X cannot both be zero. 11. R2: The internal resistance (per-unit on generator base) in the negative-sequence generator model. 12. X2: The reactance (per-unit on generator base) in the negative-sequence generator model. R2 and X2 cannot both be zero. 13. R0: The internal resistance (per-unit on generator base) in the zero-sequence generator model. 14. X0: The internal reactance (per-unit on generator base) in the zero-sequence generator model. R0 and X0 cannot both be zero. 15. RN: Resistive component of neutral impedance in ohms (do not multiply by 3). The default value is 0.0. 16. XN: Reactive component of neutral impedance in ohms (do not multiply by 3). The default value is 0.0. 17. MVA: MVA rating of the generating unit. The default value is the system MVA . 18. Scheduled MW: Scheduled MW output. The default value is 0.0. 19. Scheduled MVAR: Scheduled MVAR output. This value is used only if the generator has fixed MW and MVAR output (specified in the Bus Regulation Section). The default value is 0.0. 20. Minimum MW: Minimum MW output. The default value is -9999.0. 21. Maximum MW: The maximum MW output. The default value is 9999.0. The MW limits are not used in this version of the program, but they will be used to limit the output of the system and area slack generators in future versions. 22. Minimum MVAR: Minimum MVAR output. The default value is -9999. 23. Maximum MVAR: Maximum MVAR output. The default value is 9999.0. The MVAR limits are used only if the generator is regulating voltage. During the power solution, the generator initially regulates voltage. The program starts checking the MVAR output after several iterations. If the MVAR output goes beyond the limits, the generator is changed to the fixed MW+jMVAR mode, with the MVAR held at the relevant limit. In subsequent iterations, the program checks the voltage magnitude to see if the initial constant-voltage mode can be restored. If so, the generator is reverted back to regulating voltage. 24. Actual MW Generation: Actual MW generation, from a solved power flow solution. 25. Actual MVAR Generation: Actual MVAR generation, from a solved power flow solution. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT • 409 An example generator data section is shown below.2 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0. [GENERATOR DATA] 'CLAYTOR' 132 '1'= 1 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.2 0 0.1 0 0 100 0 0 -9999 9999 -9999 9999 0 0 'GLEN LYN' 132 '1'= 1 0 0.1 0 0 100 0 0 -9999 9999 -9999 9999 0 0 'HANCOCK' 13.1 0 0.2 0 0.1 0 0.2 0 0 100 0 0 -9999 9999 -9999 9999 0 0 'FIELDALE' 132 '1'= 1 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0 100 0 0 -9999 9999 -9999 9999 0 0 410 • SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .2 0 0.8 '1'= 1 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0. The data format is described below. 3. This is followed by the data described below. 11.9 SHUNT DATA The shunt data section contains parameters of shunt units.0. In-Service Flag: 1 if the load is in-service.0. Bus Name: Name of the bus to which the shunt is attached. enclosed in quotation marks. MW Constant Impedance: Megawatts (constant-impedance component) consumed when the voltage is at 1. The default value is 0. 1. This is followed by the data described below. Load Unit Identifier: A two-character identifier used to differentiate between multiple load units on the same bus.0. 1 if it is ungrounded. 2. 7.0.0 per unit. Section Header The first line in the load data section must say: [LOAD DATA]. enclosed by quotation marks. 10. An example load data section is shown below. The identifier is enclosed in quotation marks.0 per unit. 1. The constant-current component is not yet working in this version. 0 if it is not. The default value is 0. 5. 9. Bus Name: Name of the bus to which the load is attached. The default value is 0. 8.3 0 0 0 0 0 'CLAYTOR' 132 '1'= 1 21. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT • 411 .0 per unit.6 1. The default value is 1. A blank line ends the section. Base kV: Nominal kV of the bus. 4. [LOAD DATA] 'ALASKA' 33 '1'= 1 10. MVAR Constant Current: Megavars (constant-current component) consumed when the voltage is at 1.9 0 0 0 0 0 'CALIFORNIA' 33 '1'= 1 3.0. Section Header The first line in the shunt data section must say: [SHUNT DATA]. Grounding Flag: 0 if the load is grounded. The data format is described below.5 2.5. MW Constant Power: Megawatts (constant-power component) consumed. MVAR Constant Impedance: Megavars (constant-impedance component) consumed when the voltage is at 1. Shunt Data Format The shunt data begins immediately after the section header. The constant-current component is not yet working in this version.7 0 0 0 0 0 5.8 LOAD DATA The load data section contains load parameters. MW Constant Current: Megawatts (constant-current component) consumed when the voltage is at 1. 6.0. The default value is 0. The default value is 0. Load Data Format The load data begins immediately after the section header.0 per unit. The default value is 0. MVAR Constant Power: Megavars (constant-power component) consumed. The default value is 0.7 12. A blank line ends the section. G. In-Service Flag: 1 if the shunt is in-service. Bus Name: Name of the bus to which the switched shunt is attached. 3.0. 9. The default value is 0. B.3 0. You can see the value of B0 in use within the Data Browser.0. Switched Shunt Data Format The switched shunt data begins immediately after the section header.0. It has no effect on the solution. 5. The data format is described below.8 0 'ROANOKE' 13. The default value is 1. This value is ignored when the control mode is on "Fixed". Shunt Unit Identifier: A two-character identifier used to differentiate between multiple shunt units on the same bus. The default value is 0. 6. 0 if is not. 8. [SHUNT DATA] 'OHIO' 132 '1'= 1 0 0 0.2.7 0 'WASHINGTON' 33 '1'= 1 0. An example shunt data section is shown below. The identifier is enclosed in quotation marks. The default value is 1. B: Positive-sequence shunt susceptance. The default value for B is 0. 0 if it is not. 412 • SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . B0 is positive for capacitors and negative for reactors.0. 4. In-Service Flag: 1 if the switched shunt is in-service. 7. Base kV: Nominal kV of the bus. B0: Zero-sequence shunt susceptance in per unit.7 0 5. 2 if the susceptance of the shunt banks is adjusted continuously to regulate voltage. 4. in per unit. The same value is used in the negative sequence.3 0. The same value is used in the negative sequence. B is positive for capacitors and negative for reactors. This flag is for output purposes only. 5. The same value is used in the negative sequence. B. enclosed by quotation marks.0. B is positive for capacitors and negative for reactors. Control Mode Flag: 0 if the susceptance of the switched shunt is fixed. G: Positive-sequence shunt conductance. 1 if the susceptance of the shunt banks is switched on and off incrementally in discrete steps to regulate voltage.5 0. The default value is 0. B: Positive-sequence shunt susceptance.07 0.3 0. Section Header The first line in the switched shunt data section must say: [SWITCHED SHUNT DATA]. A blank line ends the section. in per unit.2 0. Base kV: Nominal kV of the bus. 6. 1. This is followed by the data described below. The default value is 0. The default value is 0. in per unit.8 '1'= 1 0. Min Target Voltage: Minimum target voltage in per-unit.10 SWITCHED SHUNT DATA The switched shunt data section contains switched shunt parameters. G0: Zero-sequence shunt conductance in per unit. 3-Winding Transformer Shunt Flag: 1 if the shunt is part of the T model of a 3-winding transformer. 2. 3.0. The default value is 0.01 0. 0 if it is not. The zero-sequence of the switched shunt is calculated automatically by the program. 13. This value is ignored in the current version of OneLiner. Bank #5 G/Step: This value is ignored in the current version of OneLiner. 16. 11. Bank #6 Number of Steps: Number of steps for the sixth bank of capacitors and reactors. Bank #6 G/Step: This value is ignored in the current version of OneLiner. Max Target Voltage: Maximum target voltage in per-unit. 28. Bank #5 Number of Steps: Number of steps for the fifth bank of capacitors and reactors. 24. Bank #1 B/Step: Per-unit positive-sequence susceptance of each step for the first bank.7. 8. 30. 20. Bank #7 G/Step: This value is ignored in the current version of OneLiner. 33. 9. This value is ignored in the current version of OneLiner. Bank #3 B/Step: Per-unit positive-sequence susceptance of each step for the third bank. 29. The default value is 0. 27. Bank #8 Number of Steps: Number of steps for the eighth bank of capacitors and reactors. Bank #7 Number of Steps: Number of steps for the seventh bank of capacitors and reactors. 35. Bank #4 Number of Steps: Number of steps for the fourth bank of capacitors and reactors. Bank #2 Number of Steps: Number of steps for the second bank of capacitors and reactors. 32. 31. 34. A switched shunt can have up to 8 banks of capacitors and reactors. Number of Banks: Number of banks in the switch shunt. Bank #2 B/Step: Per-unit positive-sequence susceptance of each step for the second bank.0. The bus name is enclosed in quotation marks. Bank #4 G/Step: This value is ignored in the current version of OneLiner. This value is ignored when the control mode is on "Fixed". Bank #8 B/Step: Per-unit positive-sequence susceptance of each step for the eighth bank. Controlled Bus Name: Name of the bus whose voltage magnitude is to be regulated by the switched shunt. Bank #6 B/Step: Per-unit positive-sequence susceptance of each step for the sixth bank. 26. 10. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT • 413 . 18. Bank #3 Number of Steps : Number of steps for the third bank of capacitors and reactors. 17. Bank #1 Number of Steps: Number of steps for the first bank of capacitors and reactors. 14. 12. Bank #3 G/ Step: This value is ignored in the current version of OneLiner. 15. The susceptance is positive for a capacitor and negative for a reactor. The number of steps in each bank can be any integer between 1 through 9. Bank #7 B/Step: Per-unit positive-sequence susceptance of each step for the seventh bank. A value of 0 means that the bank as well as all the subsequent banks are not in use. 23. Bank #1 Go/Step: Per-unit zero-sequence conductance of each step for the first bank. Bank #2 G/Step: This value is ignored in the current version of OneLiner. 21. Controlled Bus Base kV: Nominal kV of the bus whose voltage magnitude is to be regulated by the switched shunt.0. Bank #1 G/Step: Per-unit positive-sequence conductance of each step for the first bank. 25. Bank #8 G/Step: This value is ignored in the current version of OneLiner. Bank #5 B/Step: Per-unit positive-sequence susceptance of each step for the fifth bank. 22. 19. The default value is 0. Bank #4 B/Step: Per-unit positive-sequence susceptance of each step for the fourth bank. inclusive. series capacitors and reactors.7 0 0. 46. Bank #4 Bo/Step: Per-unit zero-sequence susceptance of each step for the fourth bank. All the impedances are based on the system MVA base and the nominal kV of the bus terminals. 47. Bank #3 Bo/Step: Per-unit zero-sequence susceptance of each step for the third bank. The default value is 0. Section Header The first line in the transmission line data section must say: [TRANSMISSION LINE DATA]. An example switched shunt data section is shown below.88 1. 45. 42. 43.5 0 0.1 'REUSENS' 132 8 1 2 2 4 8 3 3 8 / 0 0. Bank #5 Go/Step: This value is ignored in the current version of OneLiner.5 5. Bank #5 Bo/Step: Per-unit zero-sequence susceptance of each step for the fifth bank. 49.3 0 0.11 0 0.36. Bus2 Base kV: Nominal kV of Bus2. This must be the same as Bus1’s base kV. The data format is described below. Bank #6 Bo/Step: Per-unit zero-sequence susceptance of each step for the sixth bank. Bank #8 Go/Step: This value is ignored in the current version of OneLiner. 3. Bus1 Name: Bus name at one end of the branch. The zero-sequence mutual coupling data are specified later in Section 5. 37.7 0 0.3 0 0. Bank #4 Go/Step: This value is ignored in the current version of OneLiner.11 TRANSMISSION LINE DATA The transmission line data section contains positive. 414 • SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Bus1 Base kV: Nominal kV of Bus1.12 0 0. 50. The susceptance is positive for a capacitor and negative for a reactor.4 0 0. This is followed by the data described below. 1. [SWITCHED SHUNT DATA] 'OHIO' 132= 1 5. Bank #8 Bo/Step: Per-unit zero-sequence susceptance of each step for the eighth bank. 40. 4.7 0 0. 41. Bank #7 Bo/Step: Per-unit zero-sequence susceptance of each step for the seventh bank.2 / 0 0. Bus2 Name: Bus name at the other end of branch. Bank #7 Go/Step: This value is ignored in the current version of OneLiner. Bank #1 Bo/Step: Per-unit zero-sequence susceptance of each step for the first bank. Bank #2 Bo/Step: Per-unit zero-sequence susceptance of each step for the second bank.22 0 0. Bank #3 Go/Step: This value is ignored in the current version of OneLiner.45 0 0.15. A blank line ends the section. enclosed in quotation marks.0.6 0 0. 39. 48.44 0 0.24 1 0. Bank #2 Go/Step: This value is ignored in the current version of OneLiner.and zero-sequence parameters for transmission lines. Enter zero if the bank is ungrounded. 44. 38. Transmission Line/Series Capacitor Data Format The transmission line data begins immediately after the section header. enclosed in quotation marks. Bank #6 Go/Step: This value is ignored in the current version of OneLiner. 2.2 0 0. Branch Name: A 12-character name for the line. in per unit. The type name is enclosed in quotation marks. in per unit. MOV protected level current: For series capacitor. The default value is 0. The type name is blank by default. 7. The circuit identifier is enclosed in quotation marks. Xo must be negative for a series capacitor. No other values are allowed. Ro and Xo cannot both be zero.0. but unbalanced lines cannot be mutually coupled. B2 can be different from B1.0 if the line is metered at Bus1. In-Service Flag: 1 if the branch is in-service. The default value is G1. 16. 18. Circuit Identifier: A two-character circuit identifier. B20: Zero-sequence shunt susceptance on the Bus2 side. The same value is used for the negative sequence. Unit of Length: Unit of length for transmission line. The default is 0. if not blank. 21. This value is required when the Type Name is not blank. The default value is 0. B2: Positive-sequence shunt susceptance on the Bus2 side. 15. The same value is used for the negative sequence. 11. in per unit. Parallel branches must have different circuit identifiers. The default value is G1. in per unit. The same value is used for the negative sequence. The default value is B1. It is required when the Type Name is not blank. 100. in per unit. 19. mi. 0 if it is not. The branch name is blank by default. in per unit.0. B10: Zero-sequence shunt susceptance on the Bus1 s ide. 29. 20. but unbalanced lines cannot be mutually coupled. 2. 26. The type name. Type Name: A 12-character name for the configuration type used to calculate the electrical parameters for the transmission line. enclosed in quotation marks. The same value is used for the negative sequence. m or km.0. 8. The default value is 0. 17. in per unit. in per unit. Current Rating #2: Current rating in ampere. The default value is G10. ASPEN. enter the protected level current of the MOV in kA. Current Rating #4: Current rating in ampere. 10.0. The default value is B1. The same value is used for the negative sequence. 24. X must be negative for a series capacitor. 3 or 4. Current Rating #3: Current rating in ampere. The default value is 0. X0: Zero-sequence series reactance in per unit. The default value is B10. 12. The unit of length must be one of the following: kt (for 1000 feet). 27. G10: Zero-sequence shunt conductance on the Bus1 side.5. It must be 0. must match one of the type names in the ASPEN Line Table File. which must be positive. 23.0. Number of Current Ratings: Number of current ratings to follow. 13. 25. ft. G1: Positive-sequence shunt conductance on the Bus1 side. R0: Zero-sequence series resistance in per unit. Length: Physical length of transmission line. B1: Positive-sequence shunt susceptance on the Bus1 side. The same value is used for the negative sequence. The default value is 0. 22. X: Positive-sequence series reactance in per unit. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT • 415 . 28. 9. enclosed in quotation marks.0. 1. Meter Flag: 0.0. The default value is 0. Current Rating #1: Current rating in ampere.LTB. G20: Zero-sequence shunt conductance on the Bus2 side. 6. 14.0 if it is metered at Bus2. R: Positive-sequence series resistance in per unit. The default value is 1.0. G2 can be different from G1. The default value is 0. G2: Positive-sequence shunt conductance on the Bus2 side. R and X cannot both be zero. 7.0102 0 0. on phase shifter’s own MVA base).0066 0 0. 4. 13. A positive shift angle will cause the voltage angle of Bus1 to lead that of Bus2 in the positive sequence. The data format is described below. 1.0452 0. on phase shifter’s own MVA base). Bus2 Base kV: Nominal kV of Bus2. 6. The branch name is blank by default. 1 for in-service series capacitor/reactor. Meter Flag: 0.0102 0 0. on phase shifter’s own MVA base). 9. 10. The default value is 0. A blank line ends the section. R: Positive-sequence series resistance (in per unit. B must be zero or negative.30.0192 0. The default value is X. The default value is R. The default value is B. enclosed in quotation marks.0452 0. 3.0384 0.12 PHASE SHIFTER DATA The phase shifter data section contains the parameters of phase shifters. Bus1 Name: Bus name at one end of the phase shifter. B: Positive-sequence susceptance (in per unit. Bus1 Base kV: Nominal kV of Bus1. 5. X: Positive-sequence series reactance (in per unit. Bus2 Name: Bus name at the other end of the phase shifter. The circuit identifier is enclosed in quotation marks. on phase shifter’s own MVA base). 100. 416 • SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . on phase shifter’s own MVA base). All the impedances and admittances are based on the phase shifter’s own MVA base and the nominal kV of the branch terminals.0132 0. [TRANSMISSION LINE DATA] 'GLEN LYN' 132 'CLAYTOR' 132 '1'= 1 0 'Glen/Clay' '' 0 'ft' / 0. An example transmission line data section is shown below. 15. on phase shifter’s own MVA base). enclosed in quotation marks. 12. 2. R0 and X0 cannot both be zero. Circuit Identifier: A two-character circuit identifier.0.0102 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 5. R0: Zero-sequence series resistance (in per unit. 0 if it is not.0066 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 'GLEN LYN' 132 'TEXAS' 132 '1'= 1 0 '' '' 0 'ft' / 0. Branch Name: A 12-character name for the phase shifter.0575 0 0. No other values are allowed. This feature is not being used in this version. Phase Shifter Data Format The phase shifter data begins immediately after the section header. This is followed by the data described below. Parallel phase shifters must have different circuit identifiers.0132 0 0.1852 0 0. B0: Zero-sequence susceptance (in per unit.1852 0 0. X0: Zero-sequence series reactance (in per unit. 2 for bypassed series capacitor/reactor. 14. B0 must be zero or negative.0 if it is metered at Bus2.0 if the phase shifter is metered at Bus1. 8.0102 0. Section Header The first line in the phase shifter data section must say: [PHASE SHIFTER DATA]. R and X cannot both be zero. 11. Shift Angle: Phase shift in degrees. enclosed in quotation marks. Series compensation flag: Enter 0 for transmission line.115 0 0. In-Service Flag: 1 if the phase shifter is in-service. The default value is 1. 16. 2-Winding Transformer Data Section Header The first line in the 2-winding transformer data section must say: [2W TRANSFORMER DATA]. MW Flow Control Flag: 0 if the phase shifter angle is fixed. The default value is 0. The default value is 0. 2. 4. The default value is 0. R2: Negative-sequence series (in per unit. Bus2 Name: Bus name at the other end of the transformer. [PHASE SHIFTER DATA] 'TENNESSEE' 132 'NEVADA' 132 '1'= 1 0 'Ten/Nev' 5 0. 23. 22. 21. An example phase shifter data section is shown below. Base MVA: The MVA base for all the impedances. enclosed in quotation marks. 3.0119 0. A blank line ends the section. With the exception of the line shunts. Min Angle Limit: See item 22 above.0045 0. This value is ignored when the MW flow control is off. Bus1 Base kV: Nominal kV of Bus1. Max Angle Limit: The Power Flow Program will adjust the phase shift between this value and the minimum angle limit (item 23 below).0414 -0.0119 0. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT • 417 . R2 and X2 cannot both be zero. Number of Ratings: Must be 1. The program requires the maximum angle to be more than 1 degree larger than the minimum angle. 20. on phase shifter’s own MVA base). The data format is described below. on phase shifter’s own MVA base). 1 if it is adjusted in the Power Flow Program to automatically control real power flow. B2: Negative-sequence susceptance (in per unit. 25. MVA Rating: This feature is not being used in this version. all the per-unit impedances and admittances for 2-winding transformers are based on the transformer’s own MVA base and the tap kVs.0. Max Target MW: Maximum target range for flow of real power in megawatts.0045 0. The default value is R. X2: Negative-sequence series reactance (in per unit.0.03 0. enclosed in quotation marks. 18.0414 -0. The default value is B.13 2-WINDING TRANSFORMER DATA The 2-winding transformer data section contains parameters for 2-winding transformers.0045 1 100 / 0 0 0 0 0 100 5. This value is ignored when the MW flow control is off. See #16 above. 19. 2-Winding Transformer Data Format The 2-winding transformer data begins immediately after the section header. Bus1 Name: Bus name at one end of the transformer. on phase shifter’s own MVA base). 17.12 -0. Bus2 Base kV: Nominal kV of Bus2. Min Target MW: Minimum target range for flow of real power in megawatts. 1.0. The grounding impedances are in ohms and should be entered without any multiplication by 3. The default is the system base MVA. 26. The admittances of the line shunts are based on the system MVA base and the nominal kV of the bus terminals. This is followed by the data described below. The default value is X. B2 must be zero or negative. 24. Auto-Transformer Flag: 1 if the transformer is an auto-transformer. Delta-Delta: Winding configuration=’DD’. Parallel transformers must have different circuit identifiers. Bus2 Winding Configuration in test: (Note: The Bus1 winding configuration in test is assumed to be ‘G’ always. test configuration=’GG’. 24. Auto flag=0. test configuration=’GD’. Auto-Wye: Winding configuration=’GG’. 0 if it is not. The same value is used in the negative-sequence model. X: Imaginary part of the positive-sequence short -circuit impedance measured at the Bus1 terminal with the Bus2 terminal short circuited. XG2: Grounding reactance in ohms. The same value is used in the negative-sequence model. R: Real part of the positive-sequence short -circuit impedance measured at the Bus1 terminal with the Bus2 terminal short circuited. 2. 23. Wye-Delta. 21. Meaningful only if the Bus1 winding configuration is G. Bus2 Winding Configuration: ‘G’ if wye connected. 7. except X0 is for the zero sequence. 6. 20. Bus1 Winding Configuration: ‘G’ if wye connected. Meaningful only if the Bus2 winding configuration is G. Auto flag=1. XGN: Grounding reactance in ohms. ‘D’ if delta connected and the delta is lagging the wye winding. Auto flag=0. Meaningful only if both winding configurations are G. See table in item 18. 18. 17. The default is ‘G’. See Figure 4. line-to-line. except B0 is for the zero sequence. 12. 11. 13. R0: Same meaning as R.5. 418 • SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . B0: Same meaning as B. The default value is 1. delta lags: Winding configuration=’GD’. Meaningful only if both winding configurations are G. XG1: Grounding reactance in ohms.0 if it is metered at Bus2. The default is the nominal kV of Bus1. The same value is used in the negative-sequence model. 10. test configuration=’GG’. Meaningful only if the Bus1 winding configuration is G. RGN: Grounding resistance in ohms. 25. In-Service Flag: 1 if the transformer is in-service. RG1: Grounding resistance in ohms. R and X are in per-unit based on transformer’s own MVA base and the tap voltages. Wye-Wye: Winding configuration=’GG’. 100. 4. Bus2 Tap kV: The Bus2 winding tap voltage in kV.) The Bus2 winding configuration in test is G if wye connected. R and X cannot both be zero. 0 if it is not. Wye-Delta. test configuration=’GD’.0 if the transformer is metered at Bus1. or ‘E’ if delta connected and the delta is leading. B: Positive-sequence susceptance (in per-unit on transformer’s own MVA base and tap voltages). 14. enclosed in quotation marks. The default is the nominal kV of Bus2. line-to-line. test configuration=’GG’. 9. Auto flag=0. 22. except R0 is for the zero sequence. Auto flag=0. Branch Name: A 12-character name for the transformer. The table below lists winding configuration codes for the different transformer types supported by the program: 1. No other values are allowed. ‘D’ if delta connected. Meaningful only if the Bus2 winding configuration is G. See table in item 18. Circuit Identifier: A two-character circuit identifier. B must be zero or negative. 15. 19. An auto-transformer is assumed to be wye-connected. Bus1 Tap kV: The Bus1 winding tap voltage in kV. The circuit identifier is enclosed in quotation marks. D if delta connected and the delta was closed during the test. X0: Same meaning as X. Meter Flag: 0. 8. RG2: Grounding resistance in ohms. 16. delta leads: Winding configuration=’GE’. 5. The branch name is blank by default. 3. 26.6 for location of neutral impedances. 27. Number of Ratings to follow: Must be 3. 28. MVA Rating 1: Three-phase MVA rating of transformer. Default value is 0.0. 29. MVA Rating 2: Three-phase MVA rating of transformer. Default value is 0.0. 30. MVA Rating 3: Three-phase MVA rating of transformer. Default value is 0.0. 31. LTC Side: 0 if the transformer does not have a movable tap or if the tap is locked. 1 if the movable tap is at the Bus1 side. 2 if the movable tap is at the Bus2 side. 32. LTC Type: 0 if the LTC regulates the voltage magnitude. 1 if the LTC regulates the MVAR flow. The MVAR regulation has not been implemented in the current version. 33. Minimum Tap: Minimum tap voltage in per-unit. The default is 0.51. 34. Maximum Tap: Maximum tap voltage in per-unit. The default is 1.50. 35. Step Size: The tap increment in per-unit. Specify 0.0 if the tap is continuous. The default is 0.00625. 36. Minimum Target: The minimum per-unit voltage or the minimum MVAR flow. The default is 0.51. 37. Maximum Target: The maximum per-unit voltage or the maximum MVAR flow. The default 1.50. 38. Regulated Bus Name: Name of the bus whose voltage magnitude is to be regulated by the LTC. The bus name is enclosed in quotation marks. 39. Regulated Bus Base kV: Nominal kV of the bus whose voltage magnitude is to be regulated by the LTC. Set the Regulated Bus Name to blank and the Regulated Bus Base kV to 0 if the LTC is locked or if it is regulating MVAR flow. 40. G1: Positive-sequence conductance of the line shunt on the Bus1 side. All line-shunt admittances are based on the system MVA base and the nominal kV of the branch terminals. The default value is 0.0. 41. B1: Positive-sequence s usceptance in per unit of the line shunt on the Bus1 side. The default value is 0.0. 42. G2: Positive-sequence conductance in per unit of the line shunt on the Bus2 side. The default value is 0.0. 43. B2: Positive-sequence susceptance in per unit of the line shunt on the Bus2 side. The default value is 0.0. 44. G10: Zero-sequence conductance in per unit of the line shunt on the Bus1 side. The default value is 0.0. 45. B10: Zero-sequence susceptance in per unit of the line shunt on the Bus1 side. The default value is 0.0. 46. G20: Zero-sequence conductance in per unit of the line shunt on the Bus2 side. The default value is 0.0. 47. B20: Zero-sequence susceptance in per unit of the line shunt on the Bus2 side. The default value is 0.0. 48. Base MVA: With the exception of the line shunts, all the transformer impedances and admittances are based on this MVA base. The default is the system MVA base. 49. LTC center tap kV: Load tap changer center position in kV. An example 2-winding transformer data section is shown below. [2W TRANSFORMER DATA] 'NEVADA' 132 'NEW HAMPSHR' 33 '1'= 1 0 'Nev/NH' 132 33 0 0 0.556 0 0 0.556 0 / G G G 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0.51 1.5 0.00625 0.51 1.5 '' 0 / 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 'VERMONT' 33 'TENNESSEE' 132 '1'= 1 0 '' 33 132 0 0 0.256 0 0 0.256 0 / G D D 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0.51 1.5 0.00625 0.51 1.5 '' 0 / 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT • 419 5.14 3-WINDING TRANSFORMER DATA The 3-winding transformer data section contains parameters for 3-winding transformers. All the per-unit impedances and admittances for 3-winding transformers are based on the transformer’s own MVA base and the tap voltages. The grounding impedances are in ohms and should be entered without any multiplication by 3. 3-Winding Transformer Data Section Header The first line in the 3-winding transformer data section must say: [3W TRANSFORMER DATA]. This is followed by the data described below. A blank line ends the section. 3-Winding Transformer Data Format The 3-winding transformer data begins immediately after the section header. The 3-winding transformer data format is described below. 1. Bus1 Name: Bus name at one end of the transformer, enclosed in quotation marks. 2. Bus1 Base kV: Nominal kV of Bus1. 3. Bus2 Name: Bus name at the other end of the transformer, enclosed in quotation marks. 4. Bus2 Base kV: Nominal kV of Bus2. 5. Tertiary-Bus Name: Bus name at the tertiary terminal, enclosed in quotation marks. 6. Tertiary-Bus Nominal kV: Nominal kV (line-to-line) of the tertiary-terminal bus. 7. Circuit Identifier: A two-character identifier. Transformers with two or more terminal buses in common must have different circuit identifiers. The circuit identifier is enclosed in quotation marks. 8. In-Service Flag: 1 if the transformer is in-service; 0 if it is not. The default value is 1. 9. Meter Flag: 0 if the transformer is metered at Bus1; 100 if it is metered at Bus2. No other values are allowed. 10. Branch Name: A 12-character name for the transformer, enclosed in quotation marks. The branch name is blank by default. 11. Bus1 Tap kV: The Bus1 winding tap voltage in kV, line-to-line. The default is the nominal kV of Bus1. 12. Bus2 Tap kV: The Bus2 winding tap voltage in kV, line-to-line. The default is the nominal kV of Bus2. 13. Tertiary Tap kV: The tertiary tap voltage in kV (line-to-line). The default is the nominal kV of the tertiary terminal. 14. Auto-Transformer Flag : 1 if the transformer is an auto-transformer; 0 if it is not. 15. RPS: Real part of the positive-sequence short -circuit impedance measured at the Bus1 terminal with the Bus2 terminal short circuited and the tertiary terminal open. RPS and XPS are in per-unit, based on the transformer’s own MVA base and the tap kVs. 16. XPS: Imaginary part of the positive-sequence short -circuit impedance measured at the Bus1 terminal with the Bus2 terminal short circuited and the tertiary terminal open. 17. RPT: Real part of the positive-sequence short -circuit impedance measured at the Bus1 terminal with the tertiary terminal short circuited and the Bus2 terminal open. RPT and XPT are in per-unit, based on the transformer’s own MVA base and the tap kVs. 18. XPT: Imaginary part of the positive-sequence short -circuit impedance measured at the Bus1 terminal with the tertiary terminal short circuited and the Bus2 terminal open. 420 • SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 19. RST: Real part of the positive-sequence short -circuit impedance measured at the Bus2 terminal with the tertiary terminal short circuited and the Bus1 terminal open. RST and XST are in per-unit, based on the transformer’s own MVA base and the tap kVs. 20. XST: Imaginary part of the positive-sequence short -circuit impedance measured at the s Bus2 terminal with the tertiary terminal short circuited and the Bus1 terminal open. 21. B: Positive-sequence magnetizing susceptance in per unit, base on the transformer’s own MVA base and the tap kVs. The same susceptance is used in the negative-sequence model. B must be zero or negative. 22. RPS0: Same meaning as RPS, except RPS0 is for the zero sequence. 23. XPS0: Same meaning as XPS, except XPS0 is for the zero sequence. 24. RPT0: Same meaning as RPT, except RPT0 is for the zero sequence. 25. XPT0: Same meaning as XPT, except XPT0 is for the zero sequence. 26. RST0: Same meaning as RST, except RST0 is for the zero sequence. 27. XST0: Same meaning as XST, except XST0 is for the zero sequence. 28. B0: Same meaning as B, except B0 is for the zero sequence. 29. Bus1 Winding Configuration: ‘G’ if wye connected; ‘D’ if delta connected. The default value is ‘G’ The table below lists the winding configuration codes for the different transformer types supported by the program: 1. Wye-wye-wye: Winding config.=’GGG’; Test config.=’GGG’; Auto flag=0 2. Auto-wye-wye: Winding config.=’GGG’; Test config.=’GGG’; Auto flag=1 3. Wye-wye-delta, delta lags: Winding config.=’GGD’; Test config.=’GGD’; Auto flag=0 4. Wye-wye-delta, delta leads: Winding config.=’GGE’; Test config.=’GGD’; Auto flag=0 5. Auto-wye-delta, delta lags: Winding config.=’GGD’; Test config.=’GGD’; Auto flag=1 6. Auto-wye-delta, delta leads: Winding config.=’GGE’; Test config.=’GGD’; Auto flag=1 7. Wye-delta-delta, delta lags: Winding config.=’GDD’; Test config.=’GDD’; Auto flag=0 8. Wye-delta-delta, delta leads: Winding config.=’GEE’; Test config.=’GDD’; Auto flag=0 9. Delta-delta-delta: Winding config.=’DDD’; Test config.=’GGG’; Auto flag=0 30. Bus2 Winding Configuration: ‘G’ if wye connected, ‘D’ if delta connected and the delta is lagging the wye winding, or ‘E’ if delta connected and the delta is leading. See table in item 29. 31. Tertiary Winding Configuration: G if wye connected, D if delta (lagging) connected and E if delta (leading) connected. The default value is G. 32. Bus2 Winding Configuration in Test: (Note: The Bus1 winding configuration in test is assumed to be ‘G’ always.) The Bus2 winding configuration in test is G if wye connected; D if delta connected and the delta was closed during the test. See table in item 29. 33. Tertiary Winding Configuration in Test: G if wye connected; D if delta connected and the delta was closed during the test. See table in item 29. 34. RG1: Grounding resistance in ohms. This is meaningful only if the Bus1 winding configuration in use is G. 35. XG1: Grounding reactance in ohms. Meaningful only if the Bus1 winding configuration in use is G. 36. RG2: Grounding resistance in ohms. Meaningful only if the Bus2 winding configuration in use is G. 37. XG2: Grounding reactance in ohms. Meaningful only if the Bus2 winding configuration in use is G. 38. RGN: Grounding resistance in ohms. Meaningful only if both Bus1 and Bus2 winding configurations in use are G. 39. XGN: Grounding reactance in ohms. Meaningful only if both Bus1 and Bus2 winding configurations in use are G. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT • 421 40. RG3: Grounding resistance in ohms. Meaningful only if the tertiary winding configuration in use is G. 41. XG3: The grounding reactance in ohms. Meaningful only if the tertiary winding configuration in use is G. 42. Number of Ratings to follow: Must be 3. 43. MVA Rating 1: Three-phase MVA rating of transformer. Default value is 0.0. 44. MVA Rating 2: Three-phase MVA rating of transformer. Default value is 0.0. 45. MVA Rating 3: Three-phase MVA rating of transformer. Default value is 0.0. 46. Fictitious Bus Number: The fictitious bus number must be in the range 1-99999, inclusive. The default value is 0. When exporting the data to the PTI format (Version 26 or earlier) and the GE PSLF format, Power Flow assigns this number to the middle, fictitious bus of the equivalent T model. 47. Base MVA: All the transformer impedances and admittances are based on this MVA base. The default is the system MVA base. 48. LTC Side: 0 if the transformer does not have a movable tap or if the tap is locked. 1 if the movable tap is on the Bus1 side, 2 if it is on the Bus2 side, and 3 if it is on the Bus3 side. 49. LTC Type: 0 if the LTC regulates the voltage magnitude. 1 if the LTC regulates the MVAR flow. The MVAR regulation has not been implemented in the current version. 50. Minimum Tap: Minimum tap voltage in per-unit. The default is 0.51. 51. Maximum Tap: Maximum tap voltage in per-unit. The default is 1.50. 52. Step Size: The tap increment in per-unit. Specify 0.0 if the tap is continuous. The default is 0.00625. 53. Minimum Target: The minimum per-unit voltage or the minimum MVAR flow. The default is 0.51. 54. Maximum Target: The maximum per-unit voltage or the maximum MVAR flow. The default 1.50. 55. Regulated Bus Name: Name of the bus whose voltage magnitude is to be regulated by the LTC. The bus name is enclosed in quotation marks. 56. Regulated Bus Base kV: Nominal kV of the bus whose voltage magnitude is to be regulated by the LTC. Set the Regulated Bus Name to blank and the Regulated Bus Base kV to 0 if the LTC is locked or if it is regulating MVAR flow. 57. LTC center tap kV: Load tap changer center position in kV. An example 3-winding transformer data section is shown below. [3W TRANSFORMER DATA] 'NEVADA' 132 'NEW HAMPSHR' 33 'DOT BUS' 13.8 '1'= 1 0 'Nev/NH/Rnk' 132 33 13.8 1 / 0 0.318 0 0.416 0 0.318 0 0 0.27995 0 0.416 0 0.318 0 G G D G D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0.51 1.5 0.00625 0.51 1.5 '' 0 33.0 5.15 SWITCH DATA The switch data section contains parameters for switches. Section Header The first line in the switch data section must say: [SWITCH DATA]. This is followed by the data described below. A blank line ends the section. Switch Data Format The switch data begins immediately after the section header. The data format is described below. 422 • SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 1. Bus1 Name: Bus name at one end of the switch, enclosed in quotation marks. 2. Bus1 Base kV: Nominal kV of Bus1. 3. Bus2 Name: Bus name at the other end of switch, enclosed in quotation marks. 4. Bus2 Base kV: Nominal kV of Bus2. This must be the same as Bus1’s base kV. 5. In-Service Flag: 1 if the line is in-service; 0 if it is not. The default value is 1. 6. Name: A 15-character name for the switch, enclosed in quotation marks. 8. Status: 1 if the switch is closed; 0 if it is open. 9. Current Rating: Current rating of the switch in amperes. Default is 0. An example switch data section is shown below. [SWITCH DATA] 'ROANOKE' 13.8 'DOT BUS' 13.8 ''= 1 'ROANOKE' 7 100 ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT • 423 5.16 DC LINE DATA The dc line data section contains parameters of 2-terminal dc lines. Section Header The first line in the dc line data section must say: [2-TERMINAL DC DATA]. This is followed by the data described below. A blank line ends the section. In the following “Converter 1” refers to the converter at the Bus1 side, and “Convert 2” refers to the converter at the Bus2 side. DC Line Data Format The dc line data begins immediately after the section header. The data format is described below. 1. Bus1 Name: Name of the converter terminal at one end of the dc line, enclosed in quotation marks. 2. Bus1 Base kV: Nominal kV of Bus1. 3. Bus2 Name: Name of the converter terminal at the other end of dc line, enclosed in quotation marks. 4. Bus2 Base kV: Nominal kV of Bus2. 5. Circuit ID: A two-character ID enclosed in quotation marks. Parallel dc lines must have different circuit IDs. 6. In-Service Flag: 1 if the dc line is in-service; 0 if it is not. The default value is 1. 7. Name: A 12-character name for the dc line, enclosed in quotation marks. 8. Rectifier Side: 0 if the Convert 1 is the rectifier; 1 if the Converter 2 is the rectifier. 9. Control Mode: 0 to control MW at rectifier; 1 to control MW at inverter; 2 to control current (amperes). 10. Control Target: MW or amperes to be held fixed by the controller. This value must be positive. 11. Control Margin: The MW target is to be reduced by this amount when the rectifier voltage is too low. 12. Scheduled dc Voltage: Scheduled dc voltage at the inverter. This value must be positive. 13. Resistance of the dc line: Resistance of the dc line in ohms. This value must be positive. 14. Number of Bridges at Converter 1: This integer value must be positive. 15. Max Angle Limit at Converter 1: This limit, in degrees, is alpha max if Converter 1 is the rectifier, and gamma max if Converter 1 is the inverter. 16. Min Angle Limit at Converter 1: This value must be positive. 17. Nominal kV of Commutation Transformer at Converter 1: The nominal kV at the dc side of the transformer in kV, line-to-line. This value must be positive. 18. Tap Position of Commutation Transformer at Converter 1: The position of the LTC tap on the ac side of the transformer, in per-unit. 19. Max Tap Position of Commutation Transformer at Converter 1: The max position of the LTC tap on the ac side of the transformer, in per-unit. 20. Min Tap Position of Commutation Transformer at Converter 1: The min position of the LTC tap on the ac side of the transformer, in per-unit. This value must be positive. 21. Tap Step Size of Commutation Transformer at Converter 1: Step size of the LTC tap, in per-unit. Set to zero if continuous. 22. Resistance of each Commutation Transformer at Converter 1: Resistance of the transformer, in per-unit, based on the MVA rating of the transformer (item 24). 424 • SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 23. Reactance of each Commutation Transformer at Converter 1: Reactance of the transformer, in per-unit, based on the MVA rating of the transformer (item 24). 24. MVA Rating of Each Commutation Transformer at Converter 1: The resistance and reactance are assumed to be based on this MVA rating. The program assumes that there is one commutation transformer for each bridge. 25-35: Same as items 14-24, except these are for the Convert 2. An example switch data section is shown below. [2-TERMINAL DC DATA] 'BUS1' 100 'BUS0' 100 '1'= 1 '' 0 0 100 0.1 400 10 / 2 90 10 160 1 1.1 0.91 0.00625 0 0.1 50 / 2 89 11 170 1 1.2 0.92 0.00625 0.001 0.101 50.5 5.17 MUTAL COUPLING DATA The mutual data section contains zero-sequence mutual coupling parameters for transmission lines. See Section 4.8 for more information. Mutual Data Section Header The first line in the mutual data section must say: [MUTUAL DATA]. This is followed by the data described below. A blank line ends the section. Mutual Data Format The mutual data begins immediately after the section header. The mutual data is aggregated into “mutual groups”, each of which may be up to 240 lines. Each group must begin with the ‘groupSize=’ keyword and ends with the ‘endGroup’ keyword. The number that follows the ‘groupSize=’ keyword is the number of lines in the group. This number must be greater than 1 and less than, or equal to, 90. Between the ‘groupSize=’ and ‘endGroup’ keywords must be the data for n(n-1)/2 of mutual coupled pairs, where n is the number of lines in the group. The data format of each mutual coupled pair is described below. 1. Bus1 Name: Bus name at one end of the first line in the mutually coupled pair. The bus name is enclosed in quotation marks. 2. Bus1 Base kV: Nominal kV of Bus1. 3. Bus2 Name: Bus name at the other end of the first line in the mutually coupled pair. The bus name is enclosed in quotation marks. 4. Bus2 Base kV: Nominal kV of Bus2. 5. Circuit Identifier: A two-character circuit identifier for the first line in the mutually coupled pair. The circuit identifier is enclosed in quotation marks. 6. Bus3 Name: Bus name at one end of the second line in the mutually coupled pair. The bus name is enclosed in quotation marks. 7. Bus3 Base kV: Nominal kV (line-to-line) of Bus3. 8. Bus4 Name: Bus name at the other end of the second line in the mutually coupled pair. The bus name is enclosed in quotation marks. 9. Bus4 Base kV: Nominal kV (line-to-line) of Bus4. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT • 425 10. Circuit Identifier: A two-character circuit identifier for the second line in the mutually coupled pair. The circuit identifier is enclosed in quotation marks. 11. RM: The real part of an off-diagonal term in the Z matrix associated with the coupling between lines BUS1BUS2 and BUS3-BUS4. This value is in per-unit. The default value is 0.0. 12. XM: The imaginary part of an off-diagonal term in the Z matrix associated with the coupling between lines BUS1-BUS2 and BUS3-BUS4. This value is in per-unit. The default value is 0.0. 13. % From of first line: The starting point, with 0% being the beginning, of the section of lines that are mutually coupled. The default value is 0.0. 14. % To of first line: The ending point, with 100% being the end, of the section of lines that are mutually coupled. The default value is 100.0. 15. % From of second line: The starting point, with 0% being the beginning, of the section of lines that are mutually coupled. The default value is 0.0. 16. % To of second line: The ending point, with 100% being the end, of the section of lines that are mutually coupled. The default value is 100.0. An example mutual data section is shown below. [MUTUAL DATA] groupSize= 2 'NEVADA' 132 'ARIZONA' 132 '1' 'REUSENS' 132 'ARIZONA' 132 '1'= 0 5.73921e-006 0 100 0 100 endGroup groupSize= 3 'GLEN LYN' 132 'CLAYTOR' 132 '1' 'GLEN LYN' 132 'TEXAS' 132 '1'= 0 5.73921e-006 0 100 0 100 'GLEN LYN' 132 'CLAYTOR' 132 '1' 'GLEN LYN' 132 'CLAYTOR' 132 '2'= 0 5.73921e-006 0 100 0 100 'GLEN LYN' 132 'CLAYTOR' 132 '2' 'GLEN LYN' 132 'TEXAS' 132 '1'= 0 5.73921e-006 0 100 0 100 endGroup 5.18 AREA DATA The area data section contains area interchange parameters. Area Data Section Header The first line in the area data section must say: [AREA DATA]. This is followed by the data described below. A blank line ends the section. Area Data Format The area data begins immediately after the section header. The data format is described below. 1. Area Number: Area number ranging from 0 to 999, inclusive. 2. Area Name: Name of the area with a maximum of 12 characters. Any alphanumeric characters can be used, except for the string delimiter (single or double quotation mark). The area name is enclosed in quotation marks. 3. Regulation Flag: 1 if you want the Power Flow to regulate the output of the area slack generator to enforce the net area export. The default value is 0. Must be 1 if area slack bus is not blank. 426 • SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 4. Area Slack Bus Name: Area slack bus name enclosed in quotation marks. The program will adjust the MW output of this generator to enforce the net-export constraint. The area slack bus name is blank by default. 5. Area Slack Bus kV: Nominal kV of the area slack bus. The default value is 0.0. 6. MW Export: Net MW export target. A positive value means power is shipped out of the area through tie lines. A negative value means power is imported from another area. The default value is 0.0. 7. Export Tolerance: Must be greater than zero. The default value is 10.0. An example area data section is shown below. [AREA DATA] 1= 'AA' 0 '' 0 0 10 2= 'CC' 0 '' 0 0 10 3= 'BB' 0 '' 0 0 10 5.19 ZONE DATA The zone data section contains zone numbers and names. Zone Data Section Header The first line in the zone data section must say: [ZONE DATA]. This is followed by the data described below. A blank line ends the section. Zone Data Format The zone data begins immediately after the section header. The zone data format is described below. 1. Zone Number: The zone number must be in the range 0-999, inclusive. The default value is 0. 2. Zone Name: Name of the zone with a maximum of 12 characters. Any alphanumeric characters can be used except for the string delimiter (single or double quotation mark). The zone name is enclosed in quotation marks. An example zone data section is shown below. [ZONE DATA] 1= 'ZONE NA' 2= 'ZONE NB' 5.20 BREAKER DATA The breaker data section contains circuit breaker parameters. Breaker Data Section Header The first line in the breaker data section must say: [BREAKER DATA]. This is followed by the data described below. A blank line ends the section. Breaker Data Format The breaker data begins immediately after the section header. The data format is described below. 1. Bus Name Name of the bus to which the breaker is attached. The bus name is enclosed in quotation marks. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT • 427 2. Base kV Nominal kV (line-to-line) of the bus to which the breaker is attached. 3. Breaker Name Name of the breaker with a maximum of 12 characters. Any alphanumeric characters can be used, except for the string delimiter (single or double quotation mark). The breaker name is enclosed in quotation marks. 4. In-Service Flag This value will always be 1. Circuit breakers cannot be taken out of service. 5a. IEEE rated breaker Interrupting Time Interrupting time of the breaker in cycles. The default value is 3. 5b. IEC rated breaker %dc Component Rated percent dc component of the breaker. 6. Rating Method Rating method of the breaker. Enter 0 for 'IEEE-Symmetrical Current'; 1 for 'IEEE-Total current'; 2 for ‘IEC’. Default is 1. 7. Contact Parting Time 1 Contact parting time of the breaker for protected devices in group 1, in cycles. Contact parting time must include relay tripping delay and breaker energization time. The default value is 4. 8. Contact Parting Time 2 Contact parting time of the breaker for protected devices in group 2, in cycles. Contact parting time must include relay tripping delay and breaker energization time. The default value is 4. 9a. IEEE Rated Short Circuit Current or MVA Rated short circuit current in amps if the rating method is 'Symmetrical current'. Rated short circuit MVA if rating method is 'Total current'. The default value is 0.0. 9b. IEC Rated Breaking Current Rated short circuit breaking current in amps. The default value is 0.0. 10a. IEEE Rated Momentary Current Rated momentary current of the breaker in amps. This is only used when the breaker rating method is 'Total current'. The default value is 0.0. 10b. IEC Rated ac making current Rated ac making current of the breaker in amps. 11. Number of Operations Number of breaker reclosing operations. Possible choices are 0, 2, 3 and 4. The default value is 0. This is only used when the breaker is IEEE rated. 12. First Reclosing Interval First reclosing interval in seconds. The reclosing interval is the elapse time between successive breaker opening and reclosing. You must enter (n-1) positive values, where n is the total number of operations to lockout. The default value is 0.0. This is only used when the breaker is IEEE rated. 13. Second Reclosing Interval Second reclosing interval in seconds. This is only used when the breaker is IEEE rated. 14. Third Reclosing Interval Third reclosing interval in seconds. This is only used when the breaker is IEEE rated. 15. Breaker Operating kV Operating kV of the breaker. The default value is nominal kV (line-to-line) of the bus. 16. Max Design kV Maximum design kV of the breaker. The default value is nominal kV (line-to-line) of the bus. 428 • SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 22. (4) Bus2 name enclosed in quotation marks. on separates lines. If the protected device is a Line. Breaker rating check method for group 1 Specifies the current that the breaker must interrupt: 0 for total current of devices in the group. T for 2-winding transformer. (3) Bus1 base kV. This is only used when the breaker is IEEE rated. 21. The default value is 1. zero.17. The field can contain up to 50 characters. followed by (2) the unit ID enclosed in quotation marks. 26. 23. 20. enter: (1) The device type code: U for Generator unit. Phase Shifter or Transformer. [BREAKER DATA] 'NEVADA' 132= 'bk6' 1 7 0 11.1 1 0 1 0 0 0 132 132 1 0 0 1 / '' / 'AC' / 'SEL-321' / 2 2 / X 'NEW HAMPSHR' 33 'NEVADA' 132 '1' / X 'NEVADA' 132 'NEW HAMPSHR' 33 'MV' / B / X 'NEW HAMPSHR' 33 'NEVADA' 132 '2' ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT • 429 .0. The default value is 0. Breaker RDB S01 field S01 field enclosed in quotation marks. (5) Bus2 base kV. 19. The field can contain up to 50 characters. Breaker rating check method for group 2 Specifies the current that the breaker must interrupt: 0 for total current of devices in the group. enter: (1) The device type code: L for Line. 25. 24. 1 for maximum individual device current in the group. This information is used for connecting to the Relay Database. Shunt unit or Load unit. If the protected device is a Bus: Enter (1) the letter B only. Number of Protected Devices in Group 1 This must be an integer greater than. or equal to. Number of Protected Devices in Group 2 This must be an integer greater than. The comments can contain up to 32 characters. Breaker Derating Flag 0 if the breaker is to be derated because of reclosing operation: 1 if it is not. An example breaker data section is shown below. This information is used for connecting to the Relay Database. Breaker Comments Breaker comments enclosed in quotation marks. kV Range Factor kV range factor for breaker. X for 3-winding transformer. Breaker RDB location field Location ID enclosed in quotation marks. List those in Group 1 first. and (6) the circuit ID enclosed in quotation marks. or equal to. then those in Group 2. zero. P for phase shifter. 1 for maximum individual device current in the group. Protected Device Identifiers For each protected device in Group 1 and Group 2. If the protected device is a Generator unit. 18. the following data are expected.1 11. S for shunt unit. This is only used when the breaker is IEEE rated. W for switch (2) Bus1 name enclosed in quotation marks. D for load unit. In-Service Flag This value will always be 1. 4. Rated short circuit MVA if rating method is 'Total current'. Breaker Name Name of the breaker with a maximum of 12 characters. Second Reclosing Interval Second reclosing interval in seconds. Number of Operations Number of breaker reclosing operations. in cycles. Circuit breakers cannot be taken out of service. 10. You must enter (n-1) positive values. Breaker Data Section Header The first line in the breaker nameplate data section must say: [MODIFY BREAKER NAMEPLATE DATA]. 13. The default value is 0. Rated Momentary Current Rated momentary current of the breaker in amps. First Reclosing Interval First reclosing interval in seconds.0. Rating Method Rating method of the breaker. Contact parting time must include relay tripping delay and breaker energization time. Any alphanumeric characters can be used. 14. A blank line ends the section. 1. where n is the total number of operations to lockout. The default value is 4. This section can be used with MODIFY keyword in the Change File only. The data format is described below. 7. Third Reclosing Interval Third reclosing interval in seconds. The default value is 0. 12.0. 8. 11. Base kV Nominal kV (line-to-line) of the bus to which the breaker is attached. The breaker name is enclosed in quotation marks. 3 and 4. Contact Parting Time 1 Contact parting time of the breaker for protected devices in group 1. 2. 3. 1 for 'Symmetrical current'. Contact Parting Time 2 Contact parting time of the breaker for protected devices in group 2. 430 • SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 6. The reclosing interval is the elapse time between successive breaker opening and reclosing. Rated Short Circuit Current or MVA Rated short circuit current in amps if the rating method is 'Symmetrical current'. The default value is 3. This is followed by the data described below. 5.0. Interrupting Time Interrupting time of the breaker in cycles. Breaker Data Format The breaker data begins immediately after the section header. Bus Name Name of the bus to which the breaker is attached. This is only used when the breaker rating method is 'Total current'. except for the string delimiter (single or double quotation mark). The default value is 4. Contact parting time must include relay tripping delay and breaker energization time.21 BREAKER NAMEPLATE DATA The breaker nameplate data section contains circuit breaker nameplate parameters. 9. Enter 0 for 'Total Current'. The default value is 0. Possible choices are 0. 2. in cycles. The default value is 0.5. The bus name is enclosed in quotation marks. Default is 1. 20. The data format is described below. Breaker Comments Breaker comments enclosed in quotation marks.0. 23.1 11. This is followed by the data described below. 19. This data section can be used with the MODIFY keyword in change files only. 21. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT • 431 . kV Range Factor kV range factor for breaker. This information is used for connecting to the Relay Database. The default value is nominal kV (line-to-line) of the bus. Max Design kV Maximum design kV of the breaker. The comments can contain up to 32 characters. The field can contain up to 50 characters. A blank line ends the section. Breaker Connection Data Format The breaker data begins immediately after the section header.1 1 0 1 0 0 0 132 132 1 0 0 1 / '' / 'AC' / 'SEL-321' / 5.15. The default value is 1. Bus Name Name of the bus to which the breaker is attached. The field can contain up to 50 characters. 18. Breaker RDB S01 field S01 field enclosed in quotation marks. Breaker RDB location field Location ID enclosed in quotation marks. Breaker Operating kV Operating kV of the breaker. 1 for maximum individual device current in the group. [MODIFY BREAKER NAMPLATE DATA] 'NEVADA' 132= 'bk6' 1 7 0 11. 2. Breaker Connection Data Section Header The first line in the breaker connection data section must say: [MODIFY BREAKER CONNECTION DATA]. Breaker rating check method for group 2 Specifies the current that the breaker must interrupt: 0 for total current of devices in the group. 17. 16. 22.22 BREAKER CONNECTION DATA The breaker connection data section contains circuit breaker connection information. 1. 1 for maximum individual device current in the group. The bus name is enclosed in quotation marks. The default value is nominal kV (line-to-line) of the bus. This information is used for connecting to the Relay Database. Breaker Derating Flag 0 if the breaker is to be derated because of reclosing operation: 1 if it is not. The default value is 0. An example breaker data section is shown below. Breaker rating check method for group 1 Specifies the current that the breaker must interrupt: 0 for total current of devices in the group. Base kV Nominal kV (line-to-line) of the bus to which the breaker is attached. 5. 8. Number of Protected Devices in Group 1 This must be an integer greater than. (5) Bus2 base kV. and (6) the circuit ID enclosed in quotation marks. zero. the following data are expected. Breaker rating check method for group 1 Specifies the current that the breaker must interrupt: 0 for total current of devices in the group. Any alphanumeric characters can be used. (3) Bus1 base kV. or equal to. 1 for maximum individual device current in the group.3. Protected Device Identifiers For each protected device in Group 1 and Group 2. [MODIFY BREAKER CONNECTION DATA] 'NEVADA' 132= 'bk6' 0 1 / 2 2 / X 'NEW HAMPSHR' 33 'NEVADA' 132 '1' / X 'NEVADA' 132 'NEW HAMPSHR' 33 'MV' / B / X 'NEW HAMPSHR' 33 'NEVADA' 132 '2' 432 • SECTION 5 NETWORK DATA FORMAT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . D for load unit. enter: (1) The device type code: L for Line. 7. zero. (4) Bus2 name enclosed in quotation marks. 4. Breaker Name Name of the breaker with a maximum of 12 characters. An example breaker data section is shown below. except for the string delimiter (single or double quotation mark). If the protected device is a Generator unit. If the protected device is a Line. 1 for maximum individual device current in the group. Number of Protected Devices in Group 2 This must be an integer greater than. on separates lines. The breaker name is enclosed in quotation marks. or equal to. then those in Group 2. If the protected device is a Bus: Enter (1) the letter B only. (2) Bus1 name enclosed in quotation marks. followed by (2) the unit ID enclosed in quotation marks. Phase Shifter or Transformer. 6. Shunt unit or Load unit. S for shunt unit. enter: (1) The device type code: U for Generator unit. P for phase shifter. List those in Group 1 first. T for 2-winding transformer. X for 3-winding transformer. Breaker rating check method for group 2 Specifies the current that the breaker must interrupt: 0 for total current of devices in the group. ID: ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 A 20-character name for the relay. Enter the basic data.SECTION 6 RELAY DIALOG BOXES 6.2 OVERCURRENT GROUND RELAYS The following are instructions to enter the data for a new relay of this type: 1. We recommend that you include in the ID certain mnemonics that identifies the relay type. 6. reclosers and distance relays. For example. fuses.1 INTRODUCTION This section describes the contents of the dialog boxes for overcurrent relays. you may want to end the ID with the SECTION 6 RELAY DIALOG BOXES • 433 . enter one of the following 120. The vector of maximum torque defines a half plane. which is shown shaded in the following figure. CT ratio: The CT ratio is defined to be the primary/secondary turns ratio of the current transformer. 434 • SECTION 6 RELAY DIALOG BOXES ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 600/5 or 600:5. The time dial value should be set to 1. Delay: The time delay of the instantaneous element in seconds. A: The instantaneous setting may be left at 0.0 if the relay has only curve. Note: The characteristic angle edit box is not visible if both the time element and the instantaneous unit are both non-directional. The Curve Selector will appear. A zero-sequence polarized relay is assumed to pick up whenever Io lies within the shaded region. in degrees. 2. and 'P' for phase relays.letter 'G' for ground relays. for a 600A-to-5A CT. is the angle between the polarizing voltage and the vector of maximum torque. angle: The characteristic angle. Click on the button marked ‘…’ next to the 'Curve' edit box. Select the relay type.0 if the relay does not have an instantaneous element. This should be left at 0. Note: You can use the Time Dial Calculator to calculate the time dial from input values of time delay and multiple of pickup. You can either a number value or a ratio in the form of xxx/yyy or xxx:yyy. For example. Time dial: The time dial can have any value between the minimum and maximum time-dial levers of the selected overcurrent relay. The characteristic angle is initialized to -90 degrees.0 if the relay does not have an instantaneous unit. Pri. The ID only has to be unique among fuses and overcurrent relays in the same relay group. Otherwise the instantaneous setting should have the value 3Io (in amperes) at the primary side of the current transformer. See Appendix D for details. Char. A negative-sequence polarized relay is assumed to pick up whenever I2 lies within the shaded region. The Curve Selector will disappear. Click on Find. Click on ‘Find next ’ to go the next match if there’s any. Click on ‘Select this curve’. Specify search options: look for keyword in curve name. The name ‘N/A’ will be copied to the curve-name edit box. If an entry with matching keywords is found. The memo box on the right displays detailed information on the highlighted entry in the tree-list. TO SELECT A RELAY CURVE: Highlight curve name in the tree-list. The dialog will disappear.The tree-list on the left of this dialog box showing all relay curves from overcurrent relay library files located in the “Overcurrent Relay Library Directory” OneLiner configuration setting. annotation and/or library name. A dialog will appear. The name of the selected curve will be copied to the Curve edit box. Select check box ‘Match whole string only’ to ignore partially matched words. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 6 RELAY DIALOG BOXES • 435 . TO LOOK UP A RELAY CURVE USING KEYWORD: Click on Find. Recloser curves usually have only single time dial. TO SPECIFY AN INSTANTANEOUS/DEFINITE TIME RELAY ELEMENT: Click on ‘No curve required’. The Curve Selector will disappear. it will be highlighted. Click on ‘Show devices with multiples curves only’ to eliminate from the list curves with single time dial. NOTE: you can use the Find command described below to locate the curve you want to use. Enter key word(s) you want to search in the edit box. The program uses this datum when checking the settings of the overcurrent instantaneous units. enter the pickup value (in amperes) in the Pickup (A)' edit box. 7. Select the tap unit. Click on 'Sensitive to dc offset' if the relay’s instantaneous unit does not filter the dc offset and is affected by it. 4. Select the directional control. the program will correctly sense the common neutral current (select either of the Auto Neutral items). The relay can sense either the terminal current. If you wis h to enter a pickup value directly without referencing a tap unit. 436 • SECTION 6 RELAY DIALOG BOXES ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The list includes all tap units found in the relay library files. In the case of an autotransformer. or the current flowing in the primary or secondary neutral. respectively. Click on the 'Directional' check box within the 'Instantaneous Element' group box if the instantaneous unit is di rectional. you can also place the current sensor within the delta tertiary. Click on the 'CT location' drop down list box and select the desired location of the current sensor. Click on the 'Tap unit' drop down list box and select a tap unit. respectively. 6. Enter the pickup value. simply select ‘N/A’ and proceed to step 6. where ‘T’ is the time given by the unshifted curve. V2. V2 and I2 are the negativesequence voltage and current. Enter the time adder (in seconds) in 'time adder' and the time multiplier in 'Time multiplier'. I2 : Negative-sequence polarized relay. Select the location of the current sensor. Vo and Io are the zero-sequence voltage and current. Io: Zero-sequence polarized relay. Note: Ignore this step for transmission lines and phase shifters because their relays are always assumed to sense the terminal current. For a 3-winding transformer. Select the polarizing quantities. Click on the 'Polarized by' drop down list box and select one of the following: Vo. You may also create the tap unit you want with the ASPEN Overcurrent Relay Editor. 9.3. and ‘a’ is the time multiplier and ‘b’ is the time adder. The tap units are listed in alphabetical order. See the ASPEN Overcurrent Relay Editor for details. 8. Click on the 'Directional' check box within the 'Time Element' group box if the time delay element of the relay is directional. The time delay is given by T’=aT+b. For a Discrete Tap Unit. 5. either type in the pickup value (in amperes) or select one from the 'Pickup (A)' drop down list box. The CT Location list box contains a list of the possible current sensor locations for transformers. For a Continuous Tap Unit. your user name and password and click on OK to log into Relay Database. after a full travel at the maximum time dial. A dialog will appear to build the list of devices in the database that you would like to link to this OneLiner relay. Specify object(s) in RDB that are linked to this OneLiner relay.10. 3I2.and negative-sequence current. The operating time of the relay will depend on the magnitude of the selected current. Enter comments. 12. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 6 RELAY DIALOG BOXES • 437 . Click on the 'Operates on' drop down list box and select one of the following currents: 3Io. 11. 1. This is the time required for the ‘disk’ to rotate back to the original position. Click on Browse button next to the box labeled Linked Relays. The program uses this datum to check the coordination between relays and reclosers. Refer to Relay Database user manual for more information on Relay Database login procedure. respectively. You can enter any text up to 95 characters long in this field. Enter the reset time (in seconds) in 'Reset time'. Io or I2 Io and I2 are the zero. Select the operating quantities. LINK TO ASPEN RELAY DATABASE: This linkage is operational only if you already have ASPEN Relay Database client program installed on the same computer. Enter database name. A login dialog box will appear. Click on -> button or double click on relay name in a substation will add it to the list of linked relays. Select a script or **DIRECT MAPPING** from the list and click on Select to return to relay info dialog. The relay database link dialog will appear RELAY DIALOG BOXES ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Select data mapping script (Optional) Click on the browse button next to the “Data mapping” field. The order with which relay names are shown in the list will be used in data transfer between the two programs.button or double click on relay name in the list will remove it from the list. The linked relay list box should show the name and location of RDB relays you have selected. A dialog box will appear with list of available script programs. The selected data link script program will be executed every time data transfer takes places. 2. Click Up or Down button to position each relay in the list.Double click on substation name to see the list of relays at this location. 438 • SECTION 6 Click on Database button to open the link to relay database. Click on <. Click on OK button to close the dialog and return to relay info dialog. 3. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 6 RELAY DIALOG BOXES • 439 . and “R:” for TRELAY. Enter script name and description and click OK. [1]S. A drop-down list with contains name of all visible data fields for each of the linked relays will appear. Select the data field you want to assign to the OneLiner relay parameter on the same row. Create data mapping script Select “SCRIPT: Create New Script” in the Data mapping dropdown list. Script name must be a valid window file name. “Q:” for TREQUEST. For example: [1]R. After a confirmation request. OneLiner automatically generates a script file with template of data conversion subroutines and list of global variables that will be used to transfer relay data. For TSETTING fields. Select Setting request Click on the tabs to select one of the linked relays.4. a dialog box will appear. The file will be loaded in the script editor ready to be edited. Each item in the list shows the field name with a prefix that identifies the relay order number on the linked relay list and the table code: “S:” for TSETTING. The program will assign . skip to step 7 5. If you have selected a data mapping script in step2.BAS extension to the file and store it in the \SCRIPT subdirectory in the OneLiner program directory. The value of the data field from the Relay Database will be show in the “New Value” column. the code also contains settings’ group name. 6. Skip to step 7.1:CTR: Field CTR in group 1 in TSETTING table of the first relay in the list. Setup direct data mapping Click on the cell in “Data source” column. Click on the list of “Available Setting Request” to select the one you want to link to the OneLiner relay. Click ONCE outside the list.Serial Number: Data field serial number in TRELAY table of the first relay in the list. TREQUEST or TSETTING YYYY: Name of data fields in TRELAY and TREQUEST. .RDB2OLR with the logic for transforming relay database data to OneLiner. Note: OneLiner only makes use of subroutine RDB2OLR for transferring data from relay database to OneLiner.Edit data mapping program The data exchange global variables names show the type of the data item it contains: OLR_xxxx: OneLiner relay parameter xxxx. TTTT_YYYY_N: Database data field. and . It is separated from the rest of the code by a blank line.Line 2: Relay Database type. At the beginning of data transfer the variables always contain current value of relay data from OneLiner and relay database they represent. These input data would be used by the script program’s logic to evaluate new value of OneLiner relay model parameters or device settings 440 • SECTION 6 RELAY DIALOG BOXES ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . The header must have following format: . Where: TTTT: Data table identifier: TRELAY. Data transformation logic must be defined as two BASIC subroutines: . The Data Mapping script program consists of the file header section and data transformation logic section. or Combination of group name and setting name of data fields in TSETTING N: Order number of the linked device.Line 1: Signature line identifying the file .Line 3: OneLiner relay type. File header is a block of Basic comment lines at the beginning to the file. .OLR2RDB with the logic for transforming OneLiner data to relay database.File comments. Future version of the program will support data transfer in both directions. Transfer data Click on “RDB -> OneLiner” button to transfer the data shown in “RDB Value” column to corresponding OneLiner relay parameter. Debug | Step and Debug | Breaker point commands in the editor to test and debug the data translation logic. Edit new value (Optional) Click on a cell in the “New value” column to edit. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 6 RELAY DIALOG BOXES • 441 . click on the Save Link setting button to store updated RDB-to-OneLiner link settings without transferring any data. The data translation result will be shown in a separate output dialog. Alternatively. 7. Use Run | Start. See appendix H for more detailed discussion on the linkage to Relay database. Click on "OK" to close the 'Overcurrent Ground Relay Info' dialog box. This dialog will be closed and the Overcurrent Relay Dialog box will appear with updated parameter values.depending on the direction of data transfer. TO CLOSE THE OVERCURRENT RELAY DIALOG BOX: 1. Save the script and close the script editor when you are satisfied with the result. 8. OneLiner will automatically store in the binary data file the RDB-toOneLiner link and data mapping you made for this relay. After successful execution of the script program. newly evaluated relay data will be available in the form suitable in the destination program. Pri.0 if the relay has only one curve. The ID only has to be unique among fuses and overcurrent relays in the same relay group. 442 • SECTION 6 Enter the basic data.6. For example. For example.0 if the relay does not have an instantaneous unit. ID: A 20-character name for the relay. enter one of the following 120. 600/5 or 600:5. We recommend that you include in the ID certain mnemonics that identifies the relay type. and 'P' for phase relays. Note: You can use the Time Dial Calculator to calculate the time dial from input values of time delay and multiple of pickup. Time dial: The time dial can have any value between the minimum and maximum time-dial levers of the selected overcurrent relay. A: The instantaneous setting may be left at 0.3 OVERCURRENT PHASE RELAYS The following are instructions to enter the data for a new relay of this type: 1. You can either a number value or a ratio in the form of xxx/yyy or xxx:yyy. Otherwise the instantaneous setting should be the value of the phase current (in amperes) at the primary side of the current transformer. you may want to end the ID with the letter 'G' for ground relays. RELAY DIALOG BOXES ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . CT ratio: The CT ratio is defined to be the primary/secondary turns ratio of the current transformer. See Appendix D for details. The time dial value should be set to 1. for a 600A-to-5A CT. Vc Vc . This should be left at 0. The polarizing quantity of an overcurrent phase relay is assumed to be one of the following: Phase a: Phase b: Phase c: Vb . Vb and Vc are the phase voltages at the branch terminal. 3.Vb where Va.” You can change this library directory with the OneLiner/Power Flow configuration program. Select the relay type. angle: The characteristic angle. The tree list on the left hand side of this dialog box shows all the relay curves from overcurrent relay library files in the “Overcurrent Relay Library Directory. is measured between the polarizing quantity and the vector of maximum torque. The characteristic angle is initialized to 30 degrees. The vector of maximum torque defines a half plane. Char. Click on either the radio button "Wye" or "Delta" to specify a wye.Delay: The time delay of the instantaneous element in seconds. in degrees.0 if the relay does not have an instantaneous element. Click on the button marked ‘…’ next to the 'Curve' edit box.or delta-connected CT. Select the CT connection. 2. The memo box on the right ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 6 RELAY DIALOG BOXES • 443 .Va Va . Note: This edit box is visible only if either the time element or the instantaneous unit is directional. The Curve Selector will appear. The relay is assumed to pick up whenever the phase current lies within the shaded region. which is shown shaded in the figure below. This option will eliminate recloser curves that usually have only a single time dial. The tap units are listed in alphabetical order. Select check box ‘Match whole string only’ to ignore partially matches. If you wish to enter a pickup value directly without referencing a tap unit. For a Continuous Tap Unit. Mark the ‘Show devices with multiples curves only’ check box to omit from the list curves with a single time dial. Enter the keyword(s) you want to search in the edit box. Click on ‘Find next ’ to go the next match if there’s any. Note: You can use the Find command described below to locate the curve you want to use. 5. For a Discrete Tap Unit. The list includes all tap units found in the relay library files. The Curve Selector will disappear. The Curve Selector will disappear. it will be highlighted in the Curve Selector’s tree list. the curves’ annotation and/or the library name. See the ASPEN Overcurrent Relay Editor for details. TO SPECIFY AN INSTANTANEOUS/DEFINITE TIME RELAY ELEMENT: Click on ‘No curve required’. A dialog will appear. TO LOOK UP A RELAY CURVE USING KEYWORD: Click on Find. Specify search options: look for keyword in curve name. Click on Find. You may also create the tap unit you want with the ASPEN Overcurrent Relay Editor. enter the pickup value in the Pickup (A)' edit box. The dialog will disappear. 4. 444 • SECTION 6 RELAY DIALOG BOXES ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .hand side displays detailed information on the entry you highlighted in the tree list. either type in the Pickup (A) edit box or select an entry from the 'Tap (A)' dropdown list box. If an entry with matching keywords is found. Select the pickup value. Click on ‘Select this curve’. Select the tap unit. TO SELECT A RELAY CURVE: Highlight a curve name in the tree list. simply select ‘N/A’ and proceed to step 6. The name ‘N/A’ will be copied to the curve-name edit box. The selected curve name will be copied to the curve-name edit box. where ‘T’ is the time given by the unshifted curve.2 for further details. 12. and ‘a’ is the time multiplier and ‘b’ is the time adder. 10. The program uses this information for checking instantaneous units. Select the directional control. See Section 6. 8. You can enter any text up to 95 character long in this field. Click on the 'Directional' check box within the 'Time Element' group box if the time delay element of the relay is directional. after a full travel at the maximum time dial (assumed to be 10). Link to ASPEN Relay Database. The time delay is given by T’=aT+b. Enter the time adder (in seconds) in 'time adder' and the time multiplier in 'Time multiplier'. The program uses this information for relay-recloser coordination checking. Enter comments. 11. 7. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 6 RELAY DIALOG BOXES • 445 .6. Click on 'Sensitive to dc offset' if the relay’s instantaneous unit does not filter the dc offset and is affected by it. 9. Click on "OK" to close the 'Overcurrent Phase Relay Info' dialog box. Enter the reset time (in seconds) in 'Reset time'. Click on the 'Directional' check box within the 'Instantaneous Element' group box if the instantaneous unit is directional. This is the time required for the ‘disk’ to rotate back to the original position. See section 6. Enter 2 if you have two fuses in parallel and 3 for three fuses. We recommend that you include in the ID certain mnemonics that identifies the device as a fuse. you may want to end the ID with the letter 'F' to denote a fuse. Enter the basic data. 1. 446 • SECTION 6 RELAY DIALOG BOXES ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Inside tertiary winding if this fuse is installed inside delta winding of a 3winding transformer. The ID only has to be unique among fuses and overcurrent relays in the same relay group. Minimum-melt time multiplier: It is a common practice to lower the minimum-melt curve to account for pre-heating of the fuse.3 for details on this dialog box. For example. ID: A 20-character name for the fuse. and so on. Select On branch terminal if this fuse is installed on terminal of the equipment. or equal to. Current divider: Enter 1 unless you are paralleling more than one fuse of the same type to achieve a higher current rating.6. In some textbooks.) The minimum-melt time multiplier must be positive and less than. Enter fuse location. Fuse curve: Click on the ‘…’ button to bring up the Curve Selector and select a fuse curve.4 FUSES The following are instructions to enter the data for a new fuse: 1. 2. this time multiplier is referred to as the “K factor” (not to be confused with the K factor of a ground distance relay. the Breaker Rating Module will not include this fuse in the checking process. The curve you select is used for computing the fuse operating time. Enter the short circuit capability checking parameters: This information is needed if you plan to use the Breaker Rating Module to check the fuse rating in short circuit condition. Click on either the Total clear or Minimum melt radio button. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 6 RELAY DIALOG BOXES • 447 . 7. Link to ASPEN Relay Database. 6. See Section 6. and the minimum-melt curve. Select the fuse operating time. 4. 5. If this parameter is zero. Enter comments. Only one piece of information is needed for each fuse: Rated interrupting current in amperes. which is the upper curve.3. A fuse has two curves: the total-clear curve. Click on "OK" to close the 'Fuse Data' dialog box.2 for further details. You can enter any text up to 95 character long in this field. The ID only has to be unique among reclosers in the same relay group. ID: A 20-character name for the recloser. Enter the phase-unit curves. 448 • SECTION 6 RELAY DIALOG BOXES ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Total operations to lock-out: Enter the total number of reclosing operations. Click on the ‘…’ button next to ‘Fast’ and ‘Slow’ radio boxes to bring up the Curve Selector to select a recloser type in each one. 2. This number must be equal to. Reclosing intervals: Lapse time in seconds between an opening operation and the following closing operation. minus one. It is recommended that you include in the ID certain mnemonics that identifies the device as a recloser. of fast operations: Enter the number of operations in which the recloser will use the fast curve.5 RECLOSERS The following are instructions to enter the data for a new recloser: 1. No. the total operations to lockout minus one. the recloser will perform before it locks out and stops trying. This number must be positive. select ‘N/A’ for both curves and leave the rest of the parameters at their default values. The number of reclosing intervals you need to enter is equal to the number of operations to lockout. For example. Enter the basic data. fast and slow.6. you may want to end the ID with the letter 'R' to denote a recloser. If the recloser has no phase unit. or smaller than. Enter the Time Multiplier (dimensionless) and the Time Adder in seconds. The default values are 0. respectively.0A (which means the high-current trip is not in use). Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the ground unit. and ‘c’ is the minimum response time of the operating curve.0 and 0. The default value is zero. then select ‘N/A’ for the fast curve and leave the parameters of the fast curve at their default values. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 6 RELAY DIALOG BOXES • 449 . Enter the pickup current in amperes if the recloser curve is drawn as operating time versus ‘times minimum current’.3 for details on the Curve Selector. Optional: Enter a comment with up to 95 characters. Enter comments. Enter the phase-unit parameters. 4. The vast majority of recloser curves are drawn as operating time versus amperes.0 s. When the high-current-trip is not operating. but has zero fast operations. When the high-current-trip setting is not zero and it is exceeded by the recloser current. 3. 5. where ‘t’ is the operating time according to the operating curve.If the recloser has a phase unit. You can enter any text up to 95 characters long in this field. See section 6.0s. ‘a’ is the time multiplier. Enter the High Current Trip setting in amperes and delay in seconds. Leave the pickup current as 1A if the recloser curve is drawn as operating time versus amperes. Enter the Minimum Response time (Min time) in seconds. adjusted by the time multiplier (but not the time adder) of the operating curve. The default values are 1. Enter the ground unit curves and parameters. and 0. the program gives the operating time as the high-currenttrip delay. ‘b’ is the time adder. the program gives the operating time as the higher of two quantities: ( a*t+b ) and ( a*c+b ). 450 • SECTION 6 RELAY DIALOG BOXES ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 3Io (in secondary amps) that is required to trip the relay. The parameter K2 is used for the other zones.6 DISTANCE GROUND RELAYS The instructions for adding a ground distance relay are the same as those for adding a phase distance relay with following exceptions: 1. 2.and positive-sequence impedances of the transmission line. respectively. which is defined as (Zo-Z1)/(3Z1).6.) The parameter K1 is used for zone 1 only. (The parameters Zo and Z1 are the zero. The minimum current threshold for a ground relay is the minimum ground current. 3. The Line Impedance button will show you the value of K1 for the transmission line. There are four additional edit boxes for entering the magnitude and angle of K1 and K2. You should enter a nonzero value here to avoid spurious tripping. One of the phase currents must exceed this value in order for the relay to trip. Min I: Fault detector threshold in secondary amperes.7 DISTANCE PHASE RELAYS The following are instructions to enter the data for a new relay of this type: 1. 600/5 or 600:5.6. PT location: The default is the bus where current relay group is located. enter one of the following 120. You should enter a non-zero value here to avoid spurious tripping. Enter the basic data. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 6 RELAY DIALOG BOXES • 451 . ID: A 20-character name for the relay. Z1 Delay: Time delay in seconds when zone 1 trips. You can enter 12 additional characters in the unlabeled edit box below this one for comments or additional identification information. You can either a number value or a ratio in the form of xxx/yyy or xxx:yyy. For example. for a 600A-to-5A CT. The ID only has to be unique among distance relays in the same relay group. PT ratio: The PT ratio is defined to be the primary/secondary turns ratio of the voltage transformer You can either a number value or a ratio in the form of xxx/yyy or xxx:yyy. CT ratio: The CT ratio is defined to be the primary/secondary turns ratio of the current transformer. The program will automatically adjust the phase shift voltage signal according to the winding configuration of the transformer. You can alternatively select a neighboring bus that is on opposite terminal of a transformer. The program will try to preserve as many as the existing parameters as possible. The overcurrent relay is assumed to be nondirectional. In some cases. 452 • SECTION 6 RELAY DIALOG BOXES ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 5. You can specify the percentages the program will use with the Relay | Options command. A message box will appear displaying the line impedance in secondary ohms. Otherwise.3. Input the relay parameters in the data grid. Note: The program will ignore the zone-2 time-delay datum in the data grid. A detailed description of the Curve Selector can be found in section 6. Note: This button is dimmed and cannot be activated if the relay is not on a transmission line. you will need to enter new values. Display line impedances.2. A dialog box with a list of available distance relay types will be displayed. The meanings of the various relay parameters are explained in the Distance Relay Editor User’s Manual. 4. The type name above the data grid will change accordingly. These are the time dial and pickup of the overcurrent relay being supervised by zone 2. Enter the time dial value and the pickup setting. leave the setting at '_Fixed' for a fixed zone-2 time delay. Select a distance relay type and click on "OK". The data grid is initially filled with the default values of all the parameters. The time delay of zone 2 will be based on the characteristics of the relay curve you select here. 3. When you select an overcurrent relay type other than '_Fixed'. Click on "Change Type” if you with to change the distance relay-type model being used for this relay. two additional edit boxes labeled 'Time dial' and ‘Pickup (A)’ will appear. Click on the ‘…’ button next to 'Zone 2 supervision' edit box to bring up the Curve Selector. Click on the 'Line Impedance' button. You can invoke this command any time after the CT and PT ratios have been entered. Select an overcurrent relay type if Zone 2 of this relay supervises an overcurrent relay. The 'Relay Type' dialog box will disappear. Select Zone 2 supervision. 6. Enter comments. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 6 RELAY DIALOG BOXES • 453 . You can enter any text up to 95 characters long in this field. Link to ASPEN Relay Database.7. RELAY DIALOG BOXES ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . See Section 6.2 for details. 454 • SECTION 6 Click on "OK" to close the 'Distance Phase' dialog box. 8. KV2. plus any number of blanks.1 INTRODUCTION You can import relay data into an ASPEN OneLiner binary file by: 1. Reclosers. BUS_NO2. Data items containing alphanumeric text. Please refer to Section 6. Fuses. This value is currently ignored by the program. The line delimiter=’ or delimiter=” specifies the string delimiter being used. You can change the string delimiter in the Network | Options command. Other information in this section includes the date. on one or more lines that follow. Relay Dialog Boxes. Importing the text file using the Relay | Import Relay command in the Main Window in OneLiner. Adjacent data items for a relay must be separated by a semicolon. 7. Data for different relays are separated by one or more blank lines. You are responsible for this step. The record for each relay begins with a line that identifies the relay type . Distance ground relays. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 7 RELAY DATA FORMAT • 455 . Relay data are briefly described in this section. Distance ground relays. which can be either a single quotation mark or a double quotation mark. and program name and version that generated the file. BUS2. must be enclosed by the string delimiter. "OC GROUND RELAY" for an overcurrent ground relay. such as bus names.for example. BUS_NO1: The bus number of the near-end bus. KV1. must be arranged in a specific order.SECTION 7 RELAY DATA FORMAT 7. Exporting the relevant data from the database into a text file in the form described in this document. Overcurrent phase relays. 2.2 RELAY LOCATION INFORMATION The following relay location information is common to all relay types: BUS_NO1. The relay data that follow may contain parameters of: • • • • • • Overcurrent ground relays. The file begins with an optional header section that begins with the line [ASPEN RELAY DATA] and ends with a blank line. The line width is limited to 132 characters. BTYP. for more information on relay parameters. CKT. The relay data. BUS1. e. CKT: The circuit ID enclosed by quotation marks. You may omit the relay location information by leaving all the above fields blank. 2 for a 2-winding transformer. INFO. CTR: CT ratio expressed as a single number. . RDBID. In this case. The bus name can have at most 12 characters.g. BTYP: The branch type. INST: Instantaneous setting in primary amps (3Io). CANG. BUS_NO2. POLAY. TD: Time dial.BUS1: The name of the near-end bus enclosed by quotation marks.. e. . Please refer to Section 6. It must match exactly an available tap type in the Relay Library referenced by the . This value is currently ignored by the program. OCLIB. The circuit ID can have at most 1 character. BUS_NO2: The bus number of the far-end bus. KV2: The nominal kV (line-to-line) of the far-end bus. TDIR. BTYP. (Use at least one blank for each field. LOC. KV1: The nominal kV (line-to-line) of the near-end bus. OC GROUND RELAY BUS_NO1.g. Set TDIR to 0 if the instantaneous element is not directional.0 if the relay has no instantaneous unit. the program will store the relay data and allow you to specify the relay location graphically within OneLiner at a later time. 456 • SECTION 7 RELAY DATA FORMAT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . It must match exactly an available relay type in the Relay Library referenced by the . .OLR file. Set TDIR to 1 if the time element is directional. INST. TTYP. .OLR file. CTR. Set IDIR to 1 if the instantaneous element is directional. CKT. BUS2: The name of the far-end bus enclosed by quotation marks. RELAY_ID. CANG is used only if the relay is directional. CANG: Characteristic angle in degrees. TAP. BUS2. 3 for a phase shifter.3 OVERCURRENT GROUND RELAYS The record for an overcurrent ground relay is shown below. KV2. set CTR to 120 for a 600A:5A CT.2 in the On-Line Help for definition. Set the type to 1 for a transmission line. Set INST to 0. . The record ends with a blank line. Set TDIR to 0 if the time element is not directional. RTYP: Relay type enclosed by quotation marks. KV1. IDIR: Instantaneous-element directionality flag. BUS1. TTYP: Tap type enclosed by quotation marks. TAP: Tap setting in secondary amps. The first line must have the words OC GROUND RELAY. The remaining data starts on the next line and can occupy one or more lines. The relay type can have at most 12 characters. RTYP. The name must match exactly a bus name in the short circuit data. . CTRATIO. . The relay ID can have up to 20 characters enclosed in quotation marks. The bus name can have at most 12 characters. The name must match exactly a bus name in the short circuit data. IDIR. TDIR: Time-element directionality flag. starting at column 1. . The tap type can have at most 8 characters.). RELAY_ID: An identifier for the relay. The ID must be unique among all the overcurrent relays and fuses in the same relay group. TD.. 7. LINKSCRIPT. INSTDELAY. and 10 for a 3-winding transformer. Set LOC to 1 if the CT is on the branch terminal.g.0 only. Set TADD to zero if not needed. IDIR. TTYP. OCLIB. Set LOC to 3 if the relay is on a transformer and the CT is on the neutral of BUS2. RDBID. The first line must have the words OC PHASE RELAY. RELAY_ID: An identifier for the relay. CTCNCT. The relay ID can have up to 20 characters enclosed in quotation marks. INST: Instantaneous setting in primary amps. INST. in the On-Line Help for definition. 0 if not. TD. CTR: CT ratio expressed as a single number. POLAR: Polarization Quantity. Set Polar to 1 if polarized by V2 and I2.0 if not needed. CANG: Characteristic angle in degrees. Set DCOFF to 1 if the instantaneous unit is sensitive to the dc offset. BUS1. RST: Reset time in seconds when the time dial is at maximum value. RDBID: Relay identifier string in ASPEN Relay Database. set CTR to 120 for a 600A:5A CT.. starting at column 1. TAP. The ID must be unique among all the overcurrent relays and fuses in the same relay group.LOC: Location of the CT. DCOFF: DC offset. Set to 0 if the relay is polarized by Vo and Io. CANG. TMULT: Time multiplier. This is set to 0 if the relay operates on 3Io and is polarized by Vo.3. CTR. Enter 0 for instantaneous element OCLIB: Overcurrent library file name 7. OC PHASE RELAY BUS_NO1. The remaining data starts on the next line and can occupy one or more lines. 2 if the relay operates on Io. LINKSCRIPT. Set INST to 0. e. CKT. 1 if the relay operates on 3Io and is polarized by V2. RTYP. Set OPER to 0 if the relay operates on 3Io. TD: Time dial. The record ends with a blank line. INSTDELAY. Set LOC to 2 if the relay is on a transformer and the CT is on the neutral of BUS1. TDIR. ISTDLY: Instantaneous delay in seconds. X:Y or X/Y.0 if the relay has no instantaneous unit. RELAY_ID. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 7 RELAY DATA FORMAT • 457 .4 OVERCURRENT PHASE RELAYS The record for an overcurrent phase relay is shown below. 2 if the relay operates on I2 and is polarized by V2. 1 if the relay operates on 3I2. BTYP. Can have up to 12 characters enclosed in quotation marks INFO: Comments INSTDELAY: Definite time element delay. Can have up to 255 characters enclosed in quotation marks LINKSCRIPT: Name of data mapping script. Please refer to Section 6. TADD: Time adder in seconds. CTRATIO. BUS2. CANG is used only if the relay is directional. BUS_NO2. OPER: Operating Quantity. Can have up to 50 characters enclosed in quotation marks CTRATIO: CT ratio as string in one of the following format X. INFO. KV1. PREV: For backward compatibility with OneLiner 4. Set TMULT to 1. KV2. Set OPER to 3 if the relay operates on I2. COMMENTS.OLR file. The ID can have up to 20 characters enclosed in quotation marks. BUS_NO2.0 for a fuse. OCLIB. INTR_CAPA. It must match exactly an available relay type in the Relay Library referenced by the . TD: Curve used for time calculations: 1 for minimum melt curve. the CT is 1. e. RTYP: Fuse type enclosed by quotation marks. Can have up to 50 characters enclosed in quotation marks CTRATIO: CT ratio as string in one of the following format X. RTYP. RELAY_ID. Enter 0 for instantaneous element OCLIB: Overcurrent library file name 7. Set TDIR to 0 if the instantaneous element is not directional. ISTDLY: Instantaneous delay in seconds. It must match exactly an available tap type in the Relay Library referenced by the . starting at column 1.TDIR: Time-element directionality flag. KV2. Set to 1 if the CT is in delta connected. Normally. The tap type can have at most 8 characters.5 FUSES The record for a fuse is shown below. BTYP. OC FUSE BUS_NO1.g.. TADD: Time adder in seconds. TMULT: Minimum melt time multiplier. RDBID: Relay identifier string in ASPEN Relay Database. RELAY_ID: An identifier for the fuse. TMULT. Must be positive and not greater than 1. RTYP: Relay type enclosed by quotation marks. 2 for total clear curve. The fuse type can have at most 12 characters. BUS2. 0 if not. X:Y or X/Y. Set IDIR to 1 if the instantaneous element is directional. RDBID. LINKSCRIPT. IDIR: Instantaneous-element directionality flag. RST: Reset time in seconds when the time dial is at maximum value. Set TMULT to 1. TMULT: Time multiplier. TAP: Tap setting in secondary amps.0 if not needed. DCOFF: DC offset. The record ends with a blank line. Can have up to 255 characters enclosed in quotation marks LINKSCRIPT: Name of data mapping script. Set TADD to zero if not needed. Set TDIR to 0 if the time element is not directional. Set DCOFF to 1 if the instantaneous unit is sensitive to the dc offset. Set TDIR to 1 if the time element is directional. TD.OLR file. CTR: CT ratio expressed as a single number. Can have up to 12 characters enclosed in quotation marks INFO: Comments INSTDELAY: Definite time element delay.OLR file. The remaining data starts on the next line and can occupy one or more lines. The relay type can have at most 12 characters. CKT. 458 • SECTION 7 RELAY DATA FORMAT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . CTR. TTYP: Tap type enclosed by quotation marks. The first line must have the words OC FUSE. CTCNCT: CT connection. It must match exactly an available fuse type in the Relay Library referenced by the . set CTR to 120 for a 600A:5A CT. BUS1. Set to 0 if the CT is in wye connected. The ID must be unique among all the overcurrent relays and fuses in the same relay group. KV1. OCLIB: Overcurrent library file name 7. RINT2: Second reclosing interval in seconds. P_FMINRESPONSE: P_SMINRESPONSE. P_FMINI. G_FAST G_FMINRESPONSE: G_SMINRESPONSE. This must be a positive floating point number if TOTALOPS is 4. G_STYPE. G_FTYPE. G_STMULT. This must be a positive floating point number if TOTALOPS is 2. The remaining data starts on the next line and can occupy one or more lines. The ID can have up to 20 characters enclosed in quotation marks. G_FMINI. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 7 RELAY DATA FORMAT • 459 . BUS2. The first line must have the words RECLOSER. G_FTMULT. RELAY_ID: An identifier for the recloser. TOTALOPS: Total number of operations to lockout. G_STADD. BTYP. Can have up to 50 characters enclosed in quotation marks COMMENTS: Comments as string. RECLOSER BUS_NO1. P_SMINRESPONSE: Minimum response time of the phase unit slow curve. The maximum is 4. This is usually equal to 1. in seconds. P_STADD. P_SMINI. P_FTYPE: Name of the fast curve in the phase unit. G_INSTDELAY. P_FTMULT: Time multiplier of the fast curve of the phase unit. OCLIB. This must either 0. G_SMINI. P_FAST. P_INSTDELAY. FASTOPS: Number of fast operations. KV1. P_STMULT: Time multiplier of the fast curve of the phase unit. P_FTYPE. This is usually equal to 1. P_STADD: Time adder of the slow curve of the phase unit. RINT1: First reclosing interval in seconds. Can have up to 255 characters enclosed in quotation marks LINKSCRIPT: Name of data mapping script. G_INST. P_SMINI: Minimum trip current of the slow curve of the phase unit in amperes. TOTALOPS. INTR_CAPA: Rated interrupting current in amperes. RINT2. RINT3.6 RECLOSERS The record for a recloser is shown below. in seconds. P_FTADD: Time adder of the fast curve of the phase unit. This must be a positive floating point number if TOTALOPS is 3 or 4. BUS_NO2. P_FTADD. 1. P_FMINRESPONSE: Minimum response time of the phase unit fast curve. CKT. P_STYPE. 3 or 4. 2. RELAY_ID.RDBID: Relay identifier string in ASPEN Relay Database. The ID must be unique among all the reclosers in the same relay group. P_FAST: 1 to report on the trip time of the fast curve. BUS1. P_FMINI: Minimum trip current of the fast curve of the phase unit in amperes. enclosed in quotation marks. G_FTADD. RINT1. P_INST. P_STYPE: Name of the slow curve in the phase unit. Enter ‘N/A’ if FASTOPS is equal to TOTALOPS or if the phase unit is not in use. P_FTMULT. or equal to FASTOPS. 3 or 4. P_STMULT. starting at column 1. Enter ‘N/A’ if FASTOPS is zero or if the phase unit is not in use. This must be an integer greater than. The record ends with a blank line. KV2. 0 to report on the trip time of the slow curve. FASTOPS. RINT3: Third reclosing interval in seconds. enclosed in quotation marks. Can have up to 50 characters enclosed in quotation marks. This is usually equal to 1. PTR. set CTR to 120 for a 600A:5A CT. PVALUE1. PINDEXn. This is usually equal to 1. CKT. G_FTMULT: Time multiplier of the fast curve of the ground unit. RDBID. PVALUEn. G_FTYPE: Name of the fast curve in the ground unit. Enter ‘N/A’ if FASTOPS is zero or if the ground unit is not in use. in seconds. RELAY_ID: An identifier for the relay. enclosed in quotation marks. It can have most 12 characters. 0 to report on the trip time of the slow curve. KV1. LINKSCRIPT. CTRATIO. BTYP. BUS1. TD. G_STYPE: Name of the slow curve in the ground unit. The remaining data starts on the next line and can occupy one or more lines. DS GROUND RELAY BUS_NO1. CTR: CT ratio expressed as a single number. TYPE. G_STADD: Time adder of the slow curve of the ground unit. KA. KM. Enter ‘N/A’ if FASTOPS is equal to TOTALOPS or if the ground unit is not in use.. in seconds. MINI. e. The relay ID can have up to 20 characters enclosed in quotation marks... . S_INST: Phase unit high current trip setting. S_SMINRESPONSE: Minimum response time of the phase unit slow curve.DRL file. G_FTADD: Time adder of the fast curve of the ground unit. enclosed in quotation marks. G_FAST: 1 to report on the trip time of the fast curve. The record ends with a blank line. MTYP: Manufacturer's type designation enclosed by quotation marks.P_INST: Phase unit high current trip setting. G_SMINI: Minimum trip current of the slow curve of the ground unit in amperes. BUS2. The first line must have the words DS GROUND RELAY. PTR: PT ratio expressed as a single number. 7. The relay type can have at most 18 characters. The ID must be unique among all the distance relays in the same relay group. OCLIB: Overcurrent library file name. P_INSTDELAY: Phase unit high current trip delay. BUS_NO2. G_FMINI: Minimum trip current of the fast curve of the ground unit in amperes. S_INSTDELAY: Phase unit high current trip delay. 460 • SECTION 7 RELAY DATA FORMAT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . G_STMULT: Time multiplier of the fast curve of the ground unit.7 DISTANCE GROUND RELAYS The record for a distance ground relay is shown below.. MTYP. TYPE: Relay type enclosed by quotation marks. starting at column 1. Pickup. S_FMINRESPONSE: Minimum response time of the phase unit fast curve. The manufacturer's type is used for informational purposes only.g.. RELAY_ID. KV2.. OCTYP. PINDEX1. It must match exactly an available distance ground relay type in the Distance Relay Library referenced by the . CTR. PINDEXn: Index for each parameter of the relay type... The relay type can have at mo st 12 characters. The record ends with a blank line. in secondary amps. Can have up to 50 characters enclosed in quotation marks CTRATIO: CT ratio as string in one of the following format X. TYPE.and zero-sequence impedance of the transmission line. RELAY_ID. otherwise it specifies the time dial of the overcurrent relay. VTBUSNAME: PT bus name. VTBUSKV: PT bus kV OCLIBNAME: Name of OC relay library file containing the zone-2 TOC timer. . TD: This value is ignored if the zone 2 has a fixed time delay.. K1 is usually set equal to (Zo-Z1)/(3Z1). MTYP. SECTION 7 RELAY DATA FORMAT • 461 . Set this value to '__Fixed' if zone 2 has a fixed time delay..OLR file. MINI: The minimum neutral current (3Io). PINDEX1. (See Section 2 of ASPEN Distance Relay Editor User's Manual for more information on relay types and methods. otherwise specify a relay type. PVALUEn: Value for each parameter of the relay type. PTR. PVALUE1. The first line must have the words DS PHASE RELAY.8 DISTANCE PHASE RELAY The record for a distance phase relay is shown below. Can have up to 12 characters enclosed in quotation marks. .. CKT. KM2: The magnitude of the parameter K2. DS PHASE RELAY BUS_NO1.KM1: The magnitude of the parameter K1. otherwise it specifies the pickup in secondary amps for the overcurrent relay. PICKUP: This value is ignored if the zone 2 has a fixed time delay. X:Y or X/Y.. BTYP.. CTR. BUS1. K2 is usually set equal to approximately the value of K1.. KV2. Can have up to 12 characters enclosed in quotation marks Z1DELAY: Zone 1 delay in seconds. where Z1 and Zo are the positive. PTRATIO: PT ratio as string in one of the following format X. Can have up to 255 characters enclosed in quotation marks LINKSCRIPT: Name of data mapping script.. MINI. The values KM1 and KA1 are used for zone 1 only. The values KM2 and KA2 are used for zone 2 and higher. the fault current must exceed in order for relay to operate. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 BUS_NO2.) RDBID: Relay identifier string in ASPEN relay database. KV1. It must match exactly an available relay type in the OC Relay Library referenced by the . BUS2. KA2: The angle of the parameter K2 in degrees. X:Y or X/Y. The remaining data starts on the next line and can occupy one or more lines. OCTYP: The zone-2 timer type enclosed by quotation marks. starting at column 1.. 7. The total number of parameters of a relay type is determined by the method of the relay model. KA1: The angle of the parameter K1 in degrees. . PTR: PT ratio expressed as a single number.. It must match exactly an available relay type in the program OC Relay Library. 462 • SECTION 7 RELAY DATA FORMAT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . PVALUE1. Can have up to 12 characters enclosed in quotation marks. The total number of parameters of a relay type is determined by the method of the relay model. that must be exceeded in order for relay to operate. The ID must be unique among all the distance relays in the same relay group.. X:Y or X/Y. CTRATIO. Can have up to 255 characters enclosed in quotation marks LINKSCRIPT: Name of data mapping script. OCTYP: The zone-2 timer type enclosed by quotation marks. set CTR to 120 for a 600A:5A CT.. RELAY_ID: An identifier for the relay. e. The relay type can have at most 18 characters. The relay ID can have up to 20 characters enclosed in quotation marks. PTRATIO: PT ratio as string in one of the following format X. MINI: The minimum phase current. . LINKSCRIPT. . Can have up to 50 characters enclosed in quotation marks CTRATIO: CT ratio as string in one of the following format X.. The relay type can have at most 12 characters.. PICKUP: This value is ignored if the zone 2 has a fixed time delay... MTYP: Manufacturer's type designation enclosed by quotation marks.. PINDEX1. X:Y or X/Y.T2. PINDEX1.. Can have up to 12 characters enclosed in quotation marks Z1DELAY: Zone 1 delay in seconds. It can have most 12 characters. . RDBID. OCTYP. TYPE: Relay type enclosed by quotation marks.. otherwise specify a relay type. CTR: CT ratio expressed as a single number. PICKUP... PINDEXn: Index for each parameter of the relay type. otherwise it specifies the pickup in secondary amps for the overcurrent relay. VTBUSKV: PT bus kV OCLIBNAME: Name of OC relay library file containing the zone-2 TOC timer. PVALUEn. It must match exactly an available distance phase relay type in the Distance Relay Library referenced by the . Set this value to '__Fixed' if zone 2 has a fixed time delay. PVALUE1. PVALUEn: Value for each parameter of the relay type.g. (See Section 2 of the ASPEN Distance Relay Editor User's Manual for more information on relay types and methods... PINDEXn. The manufacturer's type is used for informational purposes only.) RDBID: Relay identifier string in ASPEN relay database.. VTBUSNAME: PT bus name.DRL file. TD: This value is ignored if the zone 2 has a fixed time delay. otherwise it specifies the time dial of the overcurrent relay. in secondary amps. ''. 1. '1'. 11. 0.. 132. 0. 0. ''. '400:1'. 2150. 'CL-G1'. 1. 1. 'GE'. 0. ''. 20400. 'Two'. 132. 0. 17. 1. ''. '100:1'. 'CLAYTOR'. 0. 7. DS GROUND RELAY 2. 1. [[ASPEN RELAY DATA] delimiter=' app= 'ASPEN OneLiner' ver= 2005 'A' 10 2 date= 'Wed Jun 08 17:25:29 2005' OC GROUND RELAY 2. 1. 1. 6. 132. 0. 'IAC-77'. 2. 132. '1'. 'NEVADA'. 'GCXX'. 1. each of the lines except the last one must be terminate by the new line symbol: \n.. 'CLAYTOR'. The first line must have the words RELAYGROUP. BUS1. 0. 100. 100. 0. 1. 100. ''. 1. 132. 0. '__Fixed'. 30300. 132. 'GCX-Type'. 'NEVADA'. 0. KV2. 'NV Fuse'. 0. 6. '100:1'. 0. 0.. 1. 'NEVADA'. 132. 1. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 7 RELAY DATA FORMAT • 463 . 0. 0. 132. 1.5.9 RELAY GROUP COMMENTS The record for a relay group is shown below. 28. 1. 'CHANCE-H050'. 0. ''. 'CL-P1'. 'CHANCE' OC PHASE RELAY 2. 'CLAYTOR'. CKT. The record ends with a blank line. ''. 2000. 1. 6. 'Clator_NV G1'. 1.5.10 SAMPLE RELAY DATA FILE A sample relay data file is shown below. 'ARIZONA'. ''.. ''. '1'. The remaining data starts on the next line and can occupy one or more lines. 2. 0. 'CO-5'. 0. ''. ''. 'CLAYTOR'.. 0. 20200.6. 132. 0. OC FUSE 6. KV1. 75. BUS_NO2. 6. starting at column 1. 'Two'. BTYP. COMMENTS. 0. 10200. '1'. '100:1'. 30400. 0.. 0. 'NEVADA'. 1. ''. 30200.1. 0. RELAYGROUP BUS_NO1.7. If the comments contains more than one line. The comments can have up to 239 characters enclosed in quotation marks.. -90. ''. COMMENTS: Relay group comments. 'ABB'. 400. 0.. BUS2. 75. 10. 30200. 1. '35:1'. 6. 0. "CLAYTOR". 30100. ''. 1. 20100. 132. 75. 30500. "__Fixed". ''.5. 132. ''. 18. 10200. 10300. 30000. 20200..DS PHASE RELAY 2. 0. "CEY-Type". 20000. 464 • SECTION 7 RELAY DATA FORMAT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 132. 20400. 'CLAYTOR'. 75. 0. 0. 0. 35. 20300. ''. '10:1'. 30300.. 30400. 10. 75. 0. "1". "CEY52B". 1. 7. "NEVADA". "CLPhase2". 0. 75. the system statistics and options. The output is written to the TTY Window. The output format is explained in this section.2 SERIAL NO. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 8 SOLUTION IN TEXT • 465 .OLR NAME OF THIS FILE: C:\ASPEN\ONELINE.ASPEN OneLiner(Tm) -VERSION DATE AND TIME: 10. 1003 Wed Aug 13 10:39:04 2005 OLR FILE NAME: C:\ASPEN\SAMPLE30. The Batch Short Circuit Module produces textual outputs of the same format. 8.1 SHORT CIRCUIT SOLUTION IN TEXT FORMAT You can generate a textual output of the short circuit solutions in OneLiner by: • Selecting the Faults | Solution Report command in the Main Window. THIS FILE HAS: 29 6 21 0 35 4 1 1 2 BUSES GENERATORS LOADS SHUNTS LINES 2-WINDING TRANSFORMERS 3-WINDING TRANSFORMERS PHASE SHIFTERS MUTUAL COUPLING GROUPS FILE COMMENTS: 29-BUS TEST SYSTEM PREFAULT VOLTAGE PROFILE: FLAT BUS VOLTAGES IGNORE INSTANTANEOUS UNITS [ ] IGNORE PHASE SHIFT [ ] IGNORE LOADS [ ] IGNORE TRANSMISSION LINE G+jB [ ] DELETED AND OUT-OF-SERVICE EQUIPMENT: NONE.SECTION 8 SOLUTION IN TEXT 8. • Clicking the "Write to TTY Window Also" option in the dialog box for the Faults | Show Solution on 1-line command in the Main Window. The output is saved to a file or written directly to a printer.2 TITLE PAGE The first page of the output is a title page that contains some basic information about the output. An example follows: -.OUT BASE MVA = 100. The percentage in parentheses refers to the whole line and the other one refers to the segment. 1LG Interm. Z2 and Zo are the positive-.20165 X0/X1= 1.0@ 0. For example.8 0. fault location. The value R is computed using only the resistance of the network elements. Otherwise. kV 1L FAULT CURRENT (A @ DEG) + SEQ . ANSI X/R ratio (in outputs of the Batch Short Circuit Module only): This is the X/R ratio of the system at the fault location. For an intermediate fault on a transmission line with tap buses.4707 SHORT CIRCUIT MVA= 1595. In Batch Short Circuit Module.3901 1.4@ -79.8 2325.8 2325.0 X/R RATIO= 5. 2-line-to-ground. computed according to the ANSI/IEEE standard C37. the solutions are arranged in ascending order of the bus name at which the fault is applied. 466 • SECTION 8 SOLUTION IN TEXT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .REUSENS 132.02%( 5.55263 R0/X1= 0. a number of bus-oriented outputs follow.09521+j11.3 FAULT SOLUTIONS Following the title page are reports of one or more short circuit simulation. computed using the complex Thevenin impedances. for a single-line-to-ground fault. The fault summary ends with a line of dashes. See the Batch Short Circuit Module User's Manual for more information. Fault current in the sequence and phase domain: This is the total current at the fault point. This quantity is shown for 3-phase.4@ -79. Thevenin impedance: This is the Thevenin impedance of the system at the fault location before the fault is applied. In OneLiner. The value X is the Thevenin impedance computed using only the reactance of the network elements. kV . Short circuit MVA: The short circuit MVA is defined as the product of the prefault voltage and the postfault current.0@ 0.and zero-sequence Thevenin impedances.3901 2. and ohms if you requested the output to be in physical units.4@ -79.SEQ 0 SEQ A PHASE B PHASE C PHASE 2325.1@ -79.0 0.85621+j10. Fault Summary: The fault summary at the beginning of each fault solution contains the following: • • • • • • • Fault description: This includes the fault type. the solutions are in the order they were simulated. R and X are the real and imaginary part of the total impedance seen by the equivalent positive-sequence voltage source. Otherwise.0 THEVENIN IMPEDANCE (OHM) 1. The electrical quantities in the report are in amperes. The output for each fault begins and ends with a long line of equal signs. X/R ratio: This is the X/R ratio of the system at the fault location.8. fault 29. negative.85621+j10. Here. An example of a fault summary for an intermediate fault is shown below: ========================================================================================================================= 2. and X1 is the imaginary part of the positive-sequence Thevenin impedance. where Z1. Ratios Ro/X1 and Xo/X1: Ro+jXo is the zero-sequence Thevenin impedance.10401 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The output ends here if you specified a tier limit of -1.00%) on: NEVADA 132. outage list if any and fault impedance if nonzero. R+jX is given by Z1+Z2+Zo. kilovolts. These two ratios give a measure of the effectiveness of grounding at the fault location. single-line-to-ground and line-to-line faults. the fault location is specified by two percentages. they are in per-unit.8 6976. 1@ 106. the tap buses are always included in the output.0 914.8 16.2 CURRENT TO FAULT (A) > 2623.4 25.3 119.Bus-Oriented Output The remaining output for a fault is organized by buses.3@ -77.000@ 0.0 1T 105.1 [email protected] BRANCH CURRENT (A) TO > 28 ARIZONA 132.8 5 FIELDALE 132.0 1L 147.0 52.2 8 REUSENS 132.0 27.2@ 111.7 BRANCH CURRENT (A) TO > 6 NEVADA 132.0 15.4@ 102. If the fault solution covers more than one bus.0@ -30.3@ -80.9@ -82.5 @ 74. Bus voltage in sequence and phase domain.0 THEVENIN IMPEDANCE (OHM) > 9.6 11.8@ 100.0@ 0.2 27.0 216.4 275.8 4 TENNESSEE 132.0@ 0.0 1L 448.8@ 105.5 544. CURR.7@ -79.3 110.3@ 98.7 SHUNT CURRENTS (A) > FROM GENERATOR 315.8 A 4 TENNESSEE 132. SOURCE 110.0@ [email protected] 110.5 62. The output for each bus includes: • • • • The bus identifiers and prefault voltage. The following is a sample output for the two buses: NEVADA and CLAYTOR.8 110.8@ 89.2 10 NEW HAMPSHR 33.4 1 GLEN LYN 132.3 340. Branch currents in sequence and phase domain.8@ -36.4@ -68.0 1L 424.8 500.9 351.2@ 156.2@ 101.1@ 93. the bus-oriented outputs are arranged by the tier number.9@ 92.9@ 108.9 322.8@ 101.3 FROM FICT.6@ 100.4 69. you have the option of omitting the tap-bus outputs.1@ 113. Buses that are within the same tier are arranged in ascending order of the bus name.6 [email protected]@ -80.0KV AREA AA TIER 1 (PREFAULT V=1.2@ 118. In the Batch Short Circuit Module.1 713.7 390.1 128.5 97.2@ -77.3965@ 80.4@ -76.9 11.6@ 93. Buses that are closest to the fault are shown first.8@ -80.4 1347.0 PU) + SEQ .6 76.7@ -83.SEQ 0 SEQ A PHASE B PHASE C PHASE VOLTAGE (KV.9 1 GLEN LYN 132.1 267.3@ -78.8@ -95.8@ 107.4 11 ROANOKE 13.0@ 106.2 189.7@ 1.6 90.8@ 111.0@ 107. load and shunt currents in sequence and phase domain.5 61.0 PU) + SEQ .466@ 180.1@ -73.1 2623.0@ 17.0 0.3 498.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BUS 2 CLAYTOR [email protected] 110.32488@ 80.6 27.0 77.8 [email protected]@ 101.304@ 119.8 76.2@ -87.0 7 OHIO 132.423@ -1. L-G) > 65.1@ 95.5@ [email protected]@ 0.5 413. or the proximity to the fault.6@ 132.4@ -32.0@ -30. Generator. The output for each bus begins and ends with a long line of dashes.515@ -5.1@ 89. The number of buses in the output depends on the tier limit you specified.0@ 0.0 1L 130.2 315.5@ 102.0 0. The programs take into account the tap buses when assigning the tier number.0 12.0 10 NEW HAMPSHR 33.3@ 98.9 146.3@ 105.8 55.0 1L 544.8 77.0@ 101.9 29. In OneLiner.0 110. if any.1@ -73.4@ 114.6@ 95.3 0.1@ 96.4 446.2 5.0@ 89.3@ -77.5 413.5 [email protected]@ -80.4 115.9@ 96.3 27.SEQ 0 SEQ A PHASE B PHASE C PHASE VOLTAGE (KV.8 1X AUTO NEUTRAL CURRENT = 1477.7@ 96.7@ -81.8@ 101.2 130.0 1L 260.8@ 88.32488@ 80.2@ 104.3 119.7 1.1@ 97.1 110.4@ 102.628@ 121.8 649.9 146.5@ -72.7@ 95.8@ -80.3 52.2 27.1 9.0@ 99.6 59.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 8 SOLUTION IN TEXT • 467 .1 2623.6 192.0 24.2@ 108.0 1L 426.1 94.0@ 97.2@ 101.5 418.0KV AREA AA TIER 0 (PREFAULT V=1.9 53.4 50.4@ 85.1 0.2 2 CLAYTOR 132.2 43.7@ 109.5 123.6@ -83.1 10.2@ -56.0 505.3@ -92.5@ 103.000@ 0.9@ 113.2 952.7@ 100.1 7871.5@ -65.6 420.6@ -80.9@ 155.5@ 103.0 1P 705.0 1745.9 656.0 1X 277.1 1399.8@ 106.0 0.1@ -84.744@ 0.6 1341.5 59.0 2L 147.0 1L 68.9 29.8@ 94. L-G) > 51.2 362.4 418.2 TO LOAD 94.7@ -79. A more detailed explanation is listed after this sample output. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BUS 6 NEVADA 132.4@ 102.0@ 0. The new buses are given non-positive bus numbers. In the example below. The prefault voltage is the last item on the first line. The current is considered positive if it flows away from the bus. etc. next to the bus NEVADA. Because the fault currents are dependent on the prefault voltages. the bus name. Buses whose name contains the '$$' characters are new buses created by the program when simulating intermediate faults. The prefault voltage is always set equal to a fixed value at 0 degree if you requested the flat-bus-voltage option. Branch Currents: This section lists the currents flowing on all the branches attached to the bus. going to the other two end buses. The prefault voltage is a computed quantity if you requested the “start from a linear network solution” option. You will see an entry labeled "From Fict. Buses whose name starts with the '#' character are new buses created by the program when simulating line-end and line-out faults. No current is shown on the second line. In the branch-current section for bus NEVADA. Tier 0 includes the faulted bus. On the same line with the bus name is the tier number. The current on the first line is the total current leaving NEVADA. the branch current takes only one line in the report. you will see an additional entry labeled "CIRCULATING CURRENT". 3.1. For a 3winding transformer. Shunt currents: You will see a 'Shunt Currents' section if there are generators. Post-fault voltage: The post-fault voltage of the bus is located on the line that begins with the word 'Voltage'. NEW HAMPSHR and ROANOKE. See example below. This is total zero-sequence current (3Io) flowing in the transformer neutral. Current Source" if: 1) there is a load or a positive-sequence shunt on the bus and 2) you are using the flat-bus-voltage option. The fictitious current source is an ideal current source whose output is required to establish a flat bus profile in the presence of shunts and loads. Tier 1 includes buses that are 1 bus away from the fault. The reason is that the branch current in the textual report is for a bus fault. it is important that you check the prefault voltages when using the flat-generator-voltage option. the branch current takes two lines. For the tertiary bus of a 3-winding transformer. For 2. This is the zero sequence current (Io) circulating in the delta winding. the program creates the new bus #NEVADA. 468 • SECTION 8 SOLUTION IN TEXT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . For all branches except 3-winding transformers.and 3-winding autotransformers. The current is coming into the bus if its angle is in the vicinity of 90 degrees. loads or shunts attached to the bus. 4. for a line-end fault. the branch current on the faulted branch will not match that on the one-line-diagram display. the nominal kV and the area number. 2. These buses also have non-positive bus numbers. You can deduce the current direction from its phase angle (with the assumption that the system is primarily reactive): The current is leaving the bus if its angle is in the vicinity of -90 degrees. Note: In OneLiner only: If you are simulating a close-in fault. the current in the one-line diagram is for a close-in fault in front of the relay. Bus identifier and prefault voltage: The identifier includes the bus number. NEW HAMPSHR and ROANOKE appear on two separate lines. you will see an additional entry labeled "AUTO NEUTRAL CURRENT" on the following line. See above example for the 3-winding transformer between buses NEVADA. 25e-015@ -90.0 51.1 24.7 Ohms (Va-Vb)/(Ia-Ib)= [email protected] 0.8@ [email protected]@ 0.9@ -79.2@ -79.7 -8 #REUSENS 132.007@ 164.5 C PHASE 0.168@ 121.5 77.1@ -81.0 77.802@-121. etc.5 77.634@ 0.5.574@ 179.8 . Va/Ia.8 B PHASE 0. Monitored Branch Summary (for OneLiner only): The monitored branch is the branch on which you highlighted a relay group before specifying the fault.7 3Io= 4812.7 27.000@ 0. This section shows the relay current and the bus voltage on the two ends of the branch.1 77.8 A PHASE 4812.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 8 SOLUTION IN TEXT • 469 .0KV 1L RELAY CURRENT (A) + SEQ 1604.0 51. At the end of the summary are some derived quantities such as 3Io.168@ 121.1 24.576@ 179. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MONITORED BRANCH: 6 NEVADA 132.0000 @ 0.5 0.2@ -79.3 Ohms (Zo-Z1)/3Z1 = 0.8 A Va/Ia= 2.3@ -79.5 BUS VOLTAGES (KV.1@ -81. L-G) 6 NEVADA 132.8 0 SEQ 1604.7 27.SEQ 1604.0KV -> -8 #REUSENS 132.2@ 138.802@-121. 470 • SECTION 8 SOLUTION IN TEXT ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . click on the Copy command. When the floating menu appears. When the floating menu appears. click on the Copy command. click on the New Line or New 2-W Transformer command. with the <Shift> key held down. or relay group you would like to copy. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 9 DETAILS AND TECHNIQUES • 471 . When the floating menu appears. click on the Paste New 3W Transformer command. Copying and Pasting Branches Connected Between Two Buses Click the right mouse button on a line. shunt. If shortening a bus symbol. When the floating menu appears. Drag the mouse down to lengthen the bus. click the right mouse button on the bus or branch to which you would like to paste the device. When the floating menu appears. When the floating menu appears. you will be prompted to enter a unique name for each relay within that group. then. Adjusting Length of Bus Symbols Click the left mouse button on the bottom of the bus you would like to either shorten or lengthen. Then. then. Copying and Pasting Three-Winding Transformers Click the right mouse button on the three-winding transformer you would like to copy. click the right mouse button on the second bus. click the right mouse button on the tertiary bus. Then. If you are pasting a relay group. click on the Paste Device command. The cursor will change from the standard symbol to two arrows pointing away from each other. click the left mouse button on the secondary bus. generator. switched shunt. click the right mouse button on the second bus. then. you must move all attached equipment above the lowest position of the revised bus symbol prior to executing this command.SECTION 9 DETAILS AND TECHNIQUES 9. click the left mouse button on the first bus. the wye winding will be connected to the first bus you selected.1 SHORTCUTS FOR THE MAIN WINDOW Getting Information on a Piece of Equipment The fastest way to open the Info dialog box on a piece of equipment is to double-clicking the left mouse button on the equipment of interest. with the <Shift> key held down. click on the Copy command. When the floating menu appears. then. two-winding transformer. with the <Shift> key held down. Then. with the <Shift> key held down. If you are pasting a wye-delta transformer. Adding a Line or Transformer between Two Buses Click the left mouse button on the first bus. Drag the mouse up to shorten the bus. click the left mouse button on the primary bus. click on the Paste command. Copying and Pasting System Components to a Bus or Branch Click the right mouse button on a load. or phase shifter that you would like to copy. Scrolling You can scroll the one-line diagram both horizontally and vertically by pressing the arrow keys in the numerical keypad. such as applying a fault. horizontal text area.Using Buttons on Toolbar There is a toolbar immediately below the menus. The 26 icons on the toolbar are shortcuts to the following frequently used commands. This is equivalent to clicking the mouse on the horizontal and vertical scroll bars. The status bar displays the fault description when post-fault solutions are being shown. File | New File | Open Binary Data File File | Save Tools | Undo Tools | Data Browser Faults | Specify Classical Faults Faults | Specify Simultaneous Fault Faults | Show Solution on 1-line Display Zero Sequence Quantities (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Display Positive Sequence Quantities (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Display Negative Sequence Quantities (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Display Phase 'A' Quantities (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Display Phase 'B' Quantities (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Display Phase 'C' Quantities (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Display Relay Operating Times (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Display First Fault Solution (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Display Previous Fault Solution (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Display Next Fault Solution (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Display Last Fault Solution (shortcut for Faults | Show Solution on 1-Line) Tools | Scripting | Run Script View | Device Palette View | TTY Window Relay | Curves Window At the bottom of the window is a narrow. This is referred to as the “Status Bar” in this manual. The buttons on the toolbar are shortcuts for a number of frequently used commands. and viewing the relay characteristics. 472 • SECTION 9 DETAILS AND TECHNIQUES ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . viewing the fault currents on the one-line diagram. hitting the "-" key shows the previous fault. Changing the Offset and Orientation of the Second Relay Characteristics You can drag the origin of the second relay to change its position. Resizing Relay Description Caption Boxes You can resize the caption box encapsulating the distance relay description by clicking on the right vertical edge of the box and dragging it to the desired position.2 SHORTCUTS FOR THE CURVES WINDOW Changing Relay Settings or Damage Curve Parameters You can bring up the info dialog box of a relay or a damage curve by double-clicking the left mouse button on its description boxes. This is equivalent to executing the "Edit | Relay Setting" or “Edit | Damage Curve Parameter” command and selecting a relay or damage curve from the dialog box. This is equivalent to executing the Misc | Close Window command. A floating menu will appear when you release the mouse button. This is equivalent to executing the File | Exit command. Click on “Relay trial adjustment” or “Show relay test value”. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 9 DETAILS AND TECHNIQUES • 473 . This is equivalent to executing the Edit | Legend command.Viewing Different Faults The "+" and '-" keys let you sequence through the different faults you have simulated: Hitting the "+" key shows the next fault on the one-line. This is equivalent to executing the Edit | Relay Setting command and then selecting the relay from the dialog box. 9. Opening the Dialog Box for the Legend Box Double-click the left mouse button anywhere within the legend box. This is equivalent to executing the Show | TTY Window command. Closing the Curves Window You can close the Curves Window by double-clicking on the control menu box in the upper-left corner. Opening the TTY Window Double-click the left mouse button in an area not occupied by the description boxes or the legend box. 9. double click the left mouse button on the origin to open a dialog box in which you can specify the position and orientation (forward or reverse) of the second relay. Shutting Down OneLiner You can exit OneLiner by double-clicking on the control menu box in the upper-left corner of the Main Window. Alternatively. Making Trial Adjustments and Computing Test Values Click the right mouse button on the relay’s description box.3 SHORTCUTS FOR THE DS RELAY WINDOW Changing Relay Settings You can bring up the info dialog box of the relay being shown by double-clicking the left mouse button on the description box. 9. Pushing the Cancel Button Pushing the <Esc> key on the keyboard is equivalent to clicking once on the Cancel button.4 SHORTCUTS FOR THE TTY WINDOW Selecting Everything from the Mouse Position Onward Double-click the right mouse button on a line of text selects that line and all the lines that follow.5 SHORTCUTS FOR THE DIALOG BOXES Pushing the OK Button Pushing the <Enter> key on the keyboard is equivalent to clicking once on the OK button. Closing the DS Relays Window You can close the DS Relays Window by double-clicking on the control menu box in the upper-left corner. 9. 474 • SECTION 9 DETAILS AND TECHNIQUES ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .Opening the TTY Window You can bring up the TTY Window by double-clicking the left mouse button in an area not occupied by the description boxes. This is equivalent to executing the Misc | Close Window command. This is equivalent to executing the "Menu | Close Window" command. This is equivalent to executing the "Show | TTY Window" command. Closing the TTY Window Double-clicking on the control menu box of the TTY Window closes the window. Line Curves Window Accelerator Command <Ctrl> and A <Ctrl> and D <Ctrl> and F <Ctrl> and G <Ctrl> and P <Ctrl> and T <Ctrl> and U Add | Relay Curves Add | Conductor Damage Curve Show | Relay Operations for 1 Fault Add | Transformer Damage Curve Misc | Print Graph Edit | Rearrange Caption Show | Relay Operations for all Faults DS Relay Window Accelerator Command 1. you will see: Find Bus By Name F The accelerators for the various windows are listed below.2. is shown directly on the pop-up menu. experienced users will find that the fastest way to do certain operations is to use the keyboard accelerators. For example. clicking on the menu and selecting the Find Bus By Name command.7 or 8 <Ctrl> and A <Ctrl> and F <Ctrl> and G <Ctrl> and O <Ctrl> and P <Ctrl> and T <Ctrl> and U Zoom Size 1 though 8 (for backward compatibility with V9) Add | Relay Characteristics Show | Relay Operations for 1 Fault Misc | Grid On/Off Edit | Find Origin Misc | Print Graph Edit | Captions Show | Relay Operations for All Faults ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 SECTION 9 DETAILS AND TECHNIQUES • 475 . on the View | Find Bus By Name command.6 KEYBOARD ACCELERATORS While the mouse is the simplest way to execute commands in OneLiner.6. The keyboard-accelerator equivalent of a command.) Main Window Accelerator <Ctrl> and C <Ctrl> and V 1. (You can use either upper or lower case characters. 4 or 5 C D <Delete> E F N Q V Command Network | Copy Network | Paste Zoom Size 1 through 5 (for backward compatibility with V9) Relay | View Relay Curves Network | Delete Network | Delete View | Go To End Bus View | Find Bus By Name View | Find Bus By Number Relay | Form Coordination Pair Faults | Show Solution on 1. if available. using the View | Find Bus By Name command with the mouse means moving the mouse to the View menu.9.4.3. But you can do the same thing by striking the <F> key.5. 3. For example. 2. . APPENDIX ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 APPENDIX • 477 . Sparse matrix methods are well-known in the utility industry. The sparse vector methods exploit. Sparse vector methods were discovered only a few years ago. The new method is characterized by: • • The use of the admittance (Y) matrix for modeling the sequence networks. on Power Apparatus and Systems. The classical reference is: W.F. 1301-06. Brandwajn and S. Tinney. The solution in ASPEN OneLiner is based on an entirely new approach to short circuit computations developed recently by Vladimir Brandwajn and William F.M. "Direct Solutions of Sparse Network Equations by Optimally ordered Triangular Factorization. February 1985.1 SHORT CIRCUIT SOLUTION Most commercial short circuit programs today rely on classical short circuit solution methods." IEEE Trans." Proceedings of the IEEE.F. but it is extremely difficult to extend these methods to more general faults. June 1985. pp. V. in addition to the high percentage of zeroes in the matrix. Chan. which are characterized by: • The use of the impedance (Z) matrix for modeling the sequence networks • The use of equivalent circuits made up of sequence equivalents at the faulted buses The classical methods work well for a limited number of fault connections. any kind of fault. The original paper on the sparse vector method is the following: W. Tinney. pp. is solved with the same generality. V. Walker. "Sparse Vector Methods. 1801-09. Brandwajn and W.2 SPARSE MATRIX AND VECTOR METHODS ASPEN OneLiner employs the classical sparse matrix methods as well as the recently-developed sparse vector methods. A. 478 • APPENDIX ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .W. 295-301. With this new method. Tinney and J. the extremely sparse vectors in fault calculations.F.APPENDIX A: SOLUTION ALGORITHM A. pp. and they are much less well known." IEEE Trans. "Generalized Method of Fault Analysis. on Power Apparatus and Systems. The use of a phase equivalent at the faulted buses. ASPEN OneLiner also exploits a number of phase-oriented solution techniques that are used within the Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP). These advanced solution techniques are the key to the program's efficiency and modest storage requirements. whether single or simultaneous. Tinney. November 1967. wye connected with grounded neutral. The figure shows the positive. The most common assumption is that the per-unit impedance remains constant at all voltage taps. respectively.0% x ( 100MVA / 15. respectively. Q: How do I adjust the transformer impedance if the impedance given by the manufacturer was measured at different voltage taps than those being used? A: Experimental evidence indicates that the per-unit short-circuit impedance increases with the voltage tap.and zero-sequence impedances in percent. For this example. Q: How do I model a transformer with these parameters? Primary tap: 125kV line-to-line. Primary nominal kV: 115kV Secondary tap: 14. with the primary and secondary taps at 125kV and 14. 6. One may also compute the impedance using interpolation if the impedance is known at two or more voltage taps.4kV line-to-line.APPENDIX B: 2-WINDING TRANSFORMERS B. all that is necessary is to convert the transformer impedance to the system 100MVA base. The zero-sequence impedances are enclosed in parentheses.8kV Impedance: 6. wye connected with grounded neutral.4kV.400 pu In this equation we make use of the well-known fact that the per-unit impedance is directly proportional to the MVA base.1: The equivalent circuit of a 2-winding wye-delta transformer.0% or 0.1 INTRODUCTION The following are the answers to some commonly asked questions about the modeling of 2-winding transformers. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 APPENDIX • 479 . Secondary side nominal kV: 13. A: We will let Bus1 and Bus2 of the transformer model be the primary and secondary bus.0% based on a 15MVA base.0MVA ) = 40. but there is no simple analytical formula to convert the impedance from one voltage tap to another. The nominal kVs are 115 and 69. Q: I have a wye-delta transformer that is modeled by a branch and a shunt in my old short circuit program (Figure B. How do I model this transformer in ASPEN OneLiner and what value should I use for the infinite impedance? Figure B. The rest of the transformer parameters can be entered into the program as they are.1). 0 kV BUS2 tap voltage: 69.winding transformers in OneLiner.0+j0.0 kV That's all.) Winding configuration: Wye-delta with delta leading or lagging Positive -sequence impedance: R+jX = 0. R0 and X0 given. 480 • APPENDIX ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .A: Use these parameters for the transformer: (We assume the per-unit impedances have already been adjusted to the appropriate MVA base. There is never a need to specify infinite impedances or special shunts for 2.0462 pu BUS1 tap voltage: 115.0575 pu Zero-sequence impedance: R0+jX0 = 0.0+j0. X. The program automatically creates the appropriate equivalent circuits based on the winding configuration and the values of R. the tap multiple and the time dial are among the required inputs for overcurrent relays.2 TIME DIAL CALCULATOR In OneLiner. You simply enter the tap multiple and the time delay.1 INTRODUCTION The Appendix describes the ASPEN Time Dial Calculator.APPENDIX C: TIME DIAL CALCULATOR C. The Time Dial Calculator does away with the guesswork in finding the time-dial value corresponding to a given time delay and tap multiple. You can change the Overcurrent Relay Library Directory with the OneLiner/Power Flow Configuration Program. select a relay library and a relay type and click on the "Compute" button. This creates a problem for users who store their relay settings just using the tap multiple and the time delay and do not record the corresponding time dial settings. The program calculates and displays the equivalent time dial setting. The relay library files are those in the Overcurrent Relay Library Directory. an auxiliary program that computes the time dial setting of an overcurrent relay given the tap multiple and the time delay. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 APPENDIX • 481 . See picture below. C. rly NxtPhase.rly RTE.rly Calor_Emag. This appendix gives tips on how to manage this library of curves.rly Scheider_Electric.rly Shawmut.rly Elastimold.rly AREVA.rly Cutler_Hammer. D. fuses and reclosers.rly Merlin_Gerin.1 INTRODUCTION ASPEN provides you with an overcurrent relay library that contains time-current characteristics of overcurrent relays.rly Joslyn.APPENDIX D: OVCURRENT RELAY LIBRARY D.rly Federal_Pioneer. These files have file extension of .rly Chance.rly Southern_States.rly G&W_Electric.rly Cooper.rly Hi_Tech.rly There are over 3000 sets of curves in these files.rly ASPEN_Taps.RLY.rly Basler.rly ZIV. Please refer to the on-line help OC Curves List for a complete list of devices in these files.rly Bussmann.rly Nu-Lec. The following .rly Beckwith.rly S&C.rly Reyrolle.rly ElectroFusi.rly Multilin.rly Standard.RLY files are shipped with Version 10: ABB.rly Siemens.rly Kearney.2 OVERCURRENT RELAY LIBRARY The overcurrent relay library is a collection of binary file that stores the parameters of curves for overcurrent relays.rly GE.rly SEL.rly Combined_Tech. fuses and reclosers. 482 • APPENDIX ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . It is important that you check the curves against manufacturers' specifications before you use them in OneLiner.RLY files to a dedicated directory called the Overcurrent Relay Library Directory. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 APPENDIX • 483 . you are urged to submit them to ASPEN for distribution. If you wish to add relay curves or damage curves to the relay library.RLY files to the Overcurrent Relay Library Directory. This practice will greatly simplify the task of keeping the relay curves up to date. VERIFYING THE CURVES The curves within the overcurrent relay libraries were created by ASPEN and by users like you.RLY files provided by ASPEN. Store curves you made or modified in separate files. Please refer to the on-line help OC Relay Help for more information. ASPEN has not verified the correctness of all the curves. the setup program copies the above . If you have created new relay curves that may be useful to other users. You can change the Overcurrent Relay Library Directory at any time with the OneLiner Configuration Program. we recommend that you store them in separate .RLY files in a directory on a file server and make that directory the Overcurrent Relay Library Directory for all the users.RLY files. The reason is that these files will be automatically overwritten when you install a maintenance update from ASPEN. Do not edit the . Within OneLiner you can select curves in any of these files. We also welcome suggestions on which relays and fuses that you would like to see added to the relay libraries. OVERCURRENT RELAY LIBRARY DIRECTORY When you install OneLiner. we strongly recommend that you store the . The tool that facilitates access to the curves is called the Curve Selector.You can use the ASPEN Overcurrent Relay Editor to create your own relay curves. The default directory is C:\ASPEN1L_LIB. MANAGING THE OVERCURRENT RELAY LIBRARY Use a common library for all users: In an organization with many OneLiner users. You will be able to access the curves you created once you move these custom . You should see the new relay types listed in the distance relay dialog box. The procedure is as follows: 1.DRL extension: ABB. The default relay library ASPEN.DRL.DRL files contain additional distance relay types.DRL when it begins execution.1 INTRODUCTION ASPEN OneLiner provides you with a distance relay library that contains characteristics of different distance relays. The other three . This command will launch the Distance Relay Editor and open the default library at the same time. If you wish to use relays types in these files. Exit Distance Relay Editor and save changes you made to ASPEN. This section describes these library files and gives you suggestions on how to manage them. 484 • APPENDIX ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 2. Execute the Tools | Run Distance Relay Editor command.drl SIEMENS. execute the Type | Copy from Another Library command. Please see the on-line help file DS Relay Help for more information. Within the Distance Relay Editor. E. Start OneLiner.DRL that comes with OneLiner contains some of the more commonly used relay types. The program then uses the parameters within the relay library to compute the time delay of relays and to plot their characteristics.drl ASPEN OneLiner reads the relay library ASPEN.drl ASPEN. Follow instructions to copy one or more distance relay types from another library into ASPEN.DRL. Close OneLiner now and start it again. You can use the Distance Relay Editor to edit existing relay types and to create new distance relay types.APPENDIX E: DISTANCE RELAY LIBRARY E. 3. you must first move them to the default relay library using the Distance Relay Editor.drl ALSTOM.2 THE DISTANCE RELAY LIBRARY OneLiner comes with several distance relay library files with . OLR files. DIFFER.OLR files allows you to: • • Check for changes made between this year's and last year's base case.DXT files.OLR file and a .DXT file was implemented with the following application in mind.2 APPLICATION NOTES Comparing two . is designed to compare two ASPEN data files and to report on their differences in network parameters and relay settings (including coordination pairs).OLR file with a . but have different parameters. Once a year.REP extension. The change file contains a collection of commands that.1 INTRODUCTION The ASPEN Case Comparison Program. In the following. Text data files with the . The difference report is an English-like report listing all the differences between the two input files. we will refer to the first input file as 'FileA' and the second as 'FileB'.DXT file.APPENDIX F: CASE COMPARISON PROGRAM F. Company A is member of a reliability council. A . F.OLR extension. Check for changes between a base case and a case that has been altered.DXT file The ability to compare a . The program produces two output text files: • • A difference report with the . Three types of commands are in the change file: • • • Commands to delete network elements and relays that are in FileA but not in FileB. Commands to modify the network elements and relays that are in both files. the resulting file will have the same network parameters and relay settings as those of File B.OLR file and a .DXT extension. it receives from the council a data file that contains Company A's system plus some equipment of Company A's immediate neighbors.ANA extension. when it is applied to FileA. This program can also generate a change file that you can use in OneLiner and Power Flow to automatically update a data file. You can use this program to compare: • • • Two . (Optional) A change file with the .OLR files The ability to compare two . The format of the change file is identical to the ASPEN network data format described in Section 5 and the relay data format described in Section 6. This report is shown on the main window and can also be sent to the printer.2 Main Window Commands : File | Read Change File' for a description of this command for more information.EXE. Engineers in Company A must update their OneLiner data files to keep pace with this new information. or Two . The program accepts two types of input files: • • Binary data files with the .CHF or . Commands to add network elements and relays that are in FileB but not in FileA. Comparing a . ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 APPENDIX • 485 . See 'Section 3. 'File A'. A binary data file must have the . you will see the Main Window. which we will call V93.DXT. • Run OneLiner to update V93.OLR file with the new data from the council and then use the change file produced by The Case Comparison Program to update the .EXE to compare V93.OLR file using OneLiner or Power Flow. A text data file must have the . If a change file is wanted.CHF. 486 • APPENDIX ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .OLR with COUNCIL.DXT extension.3 INSTRUCTIONS 1. and click on "OK". A dialog box will appear asking you to specify the input for input data File A. Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the name of the second input data file.OLR file. and click on "OK". File A must be the file that needs to be updated later in OneLiner -. 2. When the program starts up.OLR using CHANGE. The network of the updated file will be identical to that of COUNCIL. Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the name of the first input data file. File A+Change File=FileB. 'File B'. Note: The order in which you specify the two input files is unimportant if you do not want to produce a change file.DXT.DXT. The procedure is the following: • Make a copy of the current . • Run DIFFER. Double click on the Case Comparison icon in the ASPEN OneLiner program group to start the program. F. The input file can be either a binary data file or a text data file.namely. and the change file. A better solution is to compare the existing data in the current . REPORT.REP.OLR. The dialog box for input File A will be replaced by a similar dialog box for input data File B. We will call the converted program COUNCIL.OLR extension.CHF. We will call the difference report. • Convert the data file from the council into a text data file in the ASPEN format using one of the conversion programs available from ASPEN. Select the File | Compare command to specify input files. CHANGE.The brute-force solution of importing the new data from scratch is not practical. 2 for discussions of boundary equivalence. transformer or phase shifter that has the circuit ID you specify in the edit box labeled Ckt ID. to compare equipment within areas 1. Please refer to the Diagram | Equivalent Branch Color Code and Network | Boundary Equivalent commands in Section 3. APPENDIX • 487 . enter a two-character boundary circuit identifier to compare just the equipment at the system boundary. The program will report on the differences in the parameters of boundary branches. For the purposes of this command. area 3. 3.5-9” (without the quotes) in the edit box and click on the “Inside” radio button. Select the portion of the network you would like to compare.The dialog box will disappear and another dialog box will appear allowing you to enter the comparison options. Zone no: ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 Same as area number. separated by commas. except this is for comparing equipment within zones. and areas 5 through 9. Click on: Entire Network: To compare the entire network. A boundary bus is defined as any bus that is connected to one or more boundary branches. enter “1. Area no: Click on “Inside” or “Outside area(s)” and enter a string of area numbers and ranges.3. For example. loads. shunts and generators connected to boundary buses. a boundary branch is any line. Boundary: Then. Transformers: To compare two. Click on: Name and kV: Two buses. 5. 488 • APPENDIX ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . Loads: To compare loads. Coordination pairs: To compare coordination pairs. A dialog box will appear asking you for the file name of the difference report. are considered to be same bus if they have the same non-zero bus number. Click on "OK". one from each input file. Overcurrent relays. DC lines: To compare 2-terminal dc lines.CHF Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the name of the change. Select the method in which the two files will be correlated. Then specify the difference and change file names. Another dialog box will appear reporting on the program's progress. 7. Click on "Produce Change File" if you want the program to produce a change file. 8. another dialog box will appear asking you for the name of the change file. Click on ‘ASPEN Format’ to produce a change file that you can use within OneLiner. the two buses are considered the same if their names and nominal kVs are identical.and three-winding transformers. Generators: To compare generators. Phase Shifters: To compare phase shifters. Click on: Buses: To compare buses. Areas and Zones: To compare Areas and Zones. Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to specify the name of the difference report and click on "OK". one from each input file. 6.4. fuses: To compare overcurrent relays and fuses. Mutual Coupling: To compare the zero-sequence mutual coupling between lines. Shunts: To compare shunts. If the bus numbers are both 0. are considered to be same bus if they have the same name and nominal kV. The default extension for the report file is .REP. Bus Number: Two buses. Select which elements to compare. If you selected the "Produce Change File" option. Click on "OK". The dialog boxes for the file name and the comparison options will disappear. Click on ‘ANAFAS’ to produce a change file in the ANAFAS format. Transmission Lines: To compare transmission lines. The default extension for the change files is . Distance relays: To compare distance relays. Switches: To compare switches. 9. When the comparison is finished. The full output. You can print either the difference report or the change file report by selecting the appropriate command in the File menu. Print either the Difference Report or the Change File. 8. some of the output may not be accessible by scrolling this window.Any differences detected by the program will be written out to the Main Window and to the output file. is always available in the output file. Note: Because of the limited capacity of the text buffer. Select the File | Exit command to exit the program. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 APPENDIX • 489 . the dialog box will disappear and the Main Window will look something like the following. however. users can download setting data of relays and other protective devices from the database to simulate their operations in OneLiner under various fault conditions. You will need to run the OneLiner setup program to select the correct version of ASPEN Relay Database that you have installed on the same computer. Form links between relay objects in OneLiner and devices in the Relay Database. and 3. etc. To utilize the linkage feature OneLiner users must complete 3 setup steps: 1. In-depth knowledge of these data structures is essential for planning and setup of the linkage between the two programs. programming settings. The TREQUEST part of this section can have up to 20 string data fields named S01 to S20 and up to 10 numeric data fields named N01 to N10. With direct access to the Relay Database and extensible data conversion capability of the OneLiner program. If your computer already has OneLiner installed without relay database 490 • APPENDIX ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . model etc. Enable Relay Database connection in OneLiner’s setup program. Examples of such physical data include serial number. Select or create data mapping scheme for transferring relay data from the database to OneLiner for each of the linked relays. Each device in the database can have only single TRELAY section. DIP-switch position. make. TSETTING fields are identified by a key consisted of a Group name and a Row number.APPENDIX G: LINKAGE TO RELAY DATABASE G. make. It is most suitable for storage of the device’s data that remain unchanged over time such as serial numb er. G. OneLiner relays are generic models that simulate fault-tripping functions of various relays employed in power system protection. The TSETTING part is defined individually for each device model to have any number of setting fields arranged in any order. Following model types are currently supported: overcurrent ground. zone impedance. G.2 RELAY DATA IN ONELINER AND ASPEN RELAY DATABASE The structure of relay data in OneLiner and Relay Database can differ significantly. CT ratio. etc. model. The linkage feature discussed in this document is supported in OneLiner V2001 or later and Relay Database V2000 or later.3 ENABLING RELAY DATABASE CONNECTION To enable direct connection from OneLiner to the Relay Database. Setting requests (TREQUEST&TSETTING): Each device in the database can have any number of setting requests. ASPEN Relay Database is a system for storage and management of physical data of relays and other protective devices. Examples of these settings include minimum pickup. The Relay Database is designed to be easily adaptable for any combinations of makes and models of devices that are deployed in a power system network.1 INTRODUCTION OneLiner-to-ASPEN Relay Database linkage allows protection engineers to transfer physical data stored in the relay database to OneLiner. overcurrent phase. fuse and a number of commonly used distance relaying type. Each of these protective equipment has a fixed set of setting parameters that OneLiner user must entered before relay operation can be simu lated. you must install both OneLiner and Relay Database programs on your computer. Each device stored in the database consists of two data sections: General data (TRELAY): This section can have up to 20 string data fields named S01 to S20 and up to 10 numeric data fields named N01 to N10. Customized labels can be defined for display with these fields in the database’s forms. 2. The data needed in OneLiner are generally referred to as electrical settings of relays. one for each zone. you will need to un-install the OneLiner program and select the correct version of the Relay Database. G.5 DATA MAPPING Given the differences in data structures in the two programs. The link between the relays in OneLiner and the Relay Database is realized by storing in OneLiner the key data fields of TRELAY section from each linked relay in the database: Location ID and S01. It is the user’s responsibility to make sure that the S01field value is not repeated among relays in the same location so that the program can correctly lookup linked relays. which can be obtained from your database administrator. Two methods of mapping are possible: direct mapping and mapping using PowerScript. It is possible to link a single OneLiner relay to one or several relays in the relay database.4 LINKING RELAYS IN ONELINER AND RELAY DATABASE The relay database browser in OneLiner’s relay properties dialog box allows the user to link that relay to a relay record in the relay database. An example of this one-to-many linkage is a 3-zone KD phase distance relay.connection. G. a mapping scheme must be defined before relay data can be transferred. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 APPENDIX • 491 . To open the OneLiner-Relay Database connection you will need to have correct login name and password. In OneLiner the KD relay actually correspond to three physical different KD relay records in the Relay Database. where N: Order number of linked relay T: Data section identifier: R for TRELAY. After successful execution of the script program.T. For TSETTING fields.Direct mapping This method maps each parameter of the OneLiner relay to a data field of the linked object in the Relay database. User can select any field in the list to map it to the OneLiner relay parameter listed on the same row. the data is transferred verbatim each time the data exchange takes place between the two programs. Where: TTTT: Section identifier: TRELAY. Therefore a common data mapping script program can be used to transfer data between OneLiner and relay database for all relays having the same types. Once the mapping has been defined. The program takes input relay data from one program and converts it into the form required by the other program every time the data transfer takes place. The direct mapping method requires that the relay data in the Relay Database to be the same as in OneLiner because no data transformation is possible. . Each field is shown in the format of [N]. Q for TREQUEST and S for TSETTING Nnnn: Name or label of the field. A data mapping script program is assigned to group of linked relays. or Combination of group name and setting name of data fields in TSETTING N 492 • APPENDIX Order number of the linked relay. This requirement can significantly limit the number of cases when direct data mapping is useful. Data mapping using PowerScript PowerScript programs can serve as powerful and flexible tool to carry out complex transformation of relay data from one program to the other. TREQUEST or TSETTING YYYY: Name of data fields in TRELAY and TREQUEST.TTTT_YYYY_N: Database data field.OLR_XXXX: OneLiner relay parameter XXXX. PowerScript data mapping variables A set of BASIC string global variables is declared for use as conduit for relay data transformation in data mapping script programs. the name is prefixed by the field’s group name separated by a colon. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . At the beginning of data transfer the variables always contain current value of relay data from OneLiner and relay database. Based on this input the script program’s logic evaluates new value of OneLiner relay parameters or relay database device settings depending on the direction of data transfer. When the mouse is clicked on a cell in the Data Source column in the Relay Data Mapping table a drop down list of data fields will appear. The current value of the mapped field will be copied to the “New value” column of the table. To show the nature of the data item each of these global variable contains their names are formulated as follows: . The composition of the set of data exchange global variables and the data transformation logic depends solely on the type of the OneLiner relay and that of the linked devices in the database.Nnnn. The set contains one variable for every parameter of the OneLiner relay and every data field of the linked devices in the database. OneLiner’s Relay Database Linkage screen offers conveniently way to select data field from the Relay Database to map to any OneLiner relay parameter. newly evaluated relay data will be available in the form suitable in the destination program. Data conversion code: the logic must be defined as two BASIC subroutines: . . When a script program is opened in the editor using the Edit script command in the Relay database linkage screen. To generate a template. A template script file will generated in the \Script subdirectory of the OneLiner program directory. Values of all data mapping global variables before and after execution will be shown side by side in a debug output screen. SEL etc.File comments.Line 2: Relay Database type.RDB2OLR with the logic for transforming relay database data to OneLiner. These are fully functional programs. which is separated from the code by a blank line. Future version of the program will support data transfer in both directions. . user must establish a link between OneLiner relay to its corresponding devices in the database. user can use the editor run command to execute the code. ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 APPENDIX • 493 . In the Relay Database Linkage screen for the link select “Create new script” in the Data mapping method drop down list. This file contains prototypes of RDB2OLR and OLR2RDB subroutines with complete list of global variables containing data of the linked relay types. Active debugging of data mapping script programs is supported in the script editor. For this purpose.OLR2RDB with the logic for transforming OneLiner data to relay database.File header: the header is a block of Basic comment lines. which can be used directly or can serve as starting point in developing more advanced code. The file will be automatically opened in the script editor window ready for editing. Data mapping script code generator and editor OneLiner can generate template of script program to be used as starting point for creating the data mapping script. which were developed by ASPEN and some industrial users of OneLiner.Line 3: OneLiner relay type. The header must have following content . corresponding setting template files (. Note: OneLiner only makes use of subroutine RDB2OLR for transferring data from relay database to OneLiner. and .rtp) are included with the program. . Sample data mapping scripts OneLiner is shipped with a number of data mapping scripts. This display makes it easy to validate the data transformation logic being implemented in the code. To use the sample scripts without modification you will need to make sure that correct setting templates are in use in the relay database.Line 1: Signature line identifying the file . These scripts contain sample implementation of data transformation logic for some commonly used relay: KD.Data mapping PowerScript program file structure . The code lines with these variables are shown commented out initially. . 483 Change File 19. 201 detach from objects 148 edit in DS Relays Window 369 find on one-line diagram 207 highlight attached object 209 remove from curves window 332 remove from Curves Window 332 remove from overcurrent relay window 366 Anomalies Checking 287 Area data 295 data in text data file 423 renumber 295 show area number on one-line 214 show tie lines on one-line 214 ASPEN DistriView updating substation impedance 93 B Backup File 21 Batch Short Circuit Module 15. 484 close 83 create new 80 open 81 save 84 save as 85 Boundary Equivalent 179 Branch Names on One-Line 213 ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 Breaker checking rating 16 data 104 data in text data file 424 delete all 153 export data 92 Breaker Rating Module 16 Bus adjust symbol length 469 change area and zone in region 162 change nominal kV 157 change symbol 194 data used for text file 404 delete 149 description of faults 243 find by name 205 find by number 206 go to end bus 208 insert tap bus into a line 171 merge 170 models 387 new 102 place 192 place using state-plane coordinates 200 remove tap bus from a line 172 restore 156 show and hide 195 split 169 Bus Fault Summary 263 C Case Comparison Program 19.Index A ANAFAS Format create change file 483 export to 89 read change file 94 Annotation add to distance relay window 362. 486 read 94 Change from Line to Series Capacitor/Reactor 161 Change Nominal kV 157 Change T to 3-Winding Transformer 159 Circuit Breaker See Breaker Classical Fault 242 Color Code by voltage class 189 for equivalent branches 191 COMTRADE Test File 232 Conductor Damage Curve add 320 edit parameters of 339 remove 329 Copy to Clipboard graphical data from Curves Window 312 graphical data from DS Relays Window 353 network and relay data in region 166 network data 166 one-line graphics in a region 186 Index • 495 . 70 Binary Data File 19. 483. 363 add to one-line diagram 147 add to overcurrent relay window 326 attach to objects 148. 378. 228 Device palette 79 Insert tap node 171 new 2-winding transformer 128 new 3-winding transformer 138 new dc line 143 new line 123 new load 114 new phase shifter 133 new series capacitor/reactor 126 new shunt 117 new switch 136 new switched shunt 120 new synchronous machine 109 Show/Hide 217 Distance relay Dynamic characteristics 354 Distance Relay 458. 378.relay data 166 text from TTY Window 385 Curve Collection 20 open 226. 449 line-impedance percentages 221 new phase relay 219 view characteristics 225 Distance Relay Window 349 496 • Index add annotation 362 add relay characteristics 359 add remote branch impedances 361 close 358 display load region 356 edit relay settings 368 find origin 371 find origin of 1st relay 371 find origin of 2nd relay 372 grid on/off 355 options 354 print 351 rearrange captions 373 remove all but 1st relay curve 364 remove annotation 366 remove picture 367 remove remote branch impedances 365 show relay operations for 1 fault 375 show relay operations for all faults 374 show TTY window 377 Doble SS1 Test File 232 Drag-and-Drop See Device palette Dynamic characteristics See Distance relay | Dynamic characteristics E End-to-End Relay Testing 232 Equivalent Branch Color Code 191 Exit Program 99 Export breaker data 92 graphical data from Curves Window 311 graphical data from Main Window 98 graphical data in DS Relays Window 352 network data 89 relay data 239 F Fault See Short Circuit Fault Browser in Curves Window 348 Fault Locator 268 Fault MVA definition 272 File backup 21 binary data files 19. 483. 460 dialog boxes 448. 442 Delete all in area or zone 150 all inside a region 151 all outside a region 152 all relays 241 network elements 149 relays or relay groups 224. 486 line table files 124 message files 20 output files 20. 313 save 314 save on exit 83 Curve Selector 441 D Damage Curve add from library 325 edit parameters in Curves Window 339 remove conductor or transformer 329 Data Browser 292 area data 295 customization 297 report 297 scale load and generation 294 zone data 296 DC Line data in text data file 421 new 143 Default parameters for new objects 101 Definite-Time Overcurrent Relay 433. 484 change files 19. 378 PowerScript file 20 previous curve collection files 20 ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . 141 LTC See Load Tap Changer M Macro See PowerScript Merge Buses 170 Merge Files 88 Message File 20 Models series capacitor 389 MOV simulation acceleration factor 272 turn on/off 272 Mutual Coupling Pair data in text data file 422 delete 154. 461 report files 20 text data file 19. 378. 484 Windows metafile 21 File Comments 86 Find Annotation on one-line 207 Find Bus by name 205 by number 206 Find Origin of cuves in distance relay window 371 Font size main window 188 Fuse add fuse curve 319 dialog box 444 remove fuse curve 328 G GE Format compatibility with 290 export to 89 Generator data in text data file 406 delete 149 models 387 new 109 referene angle set 177 restore 156 scale output 295 take out of service 164 Go To End Bus 208 GPS Coordinates 200 Grid On/Off 355 Ground Current Calculator 266 H Hardware Requirement 15 Help on-line help 68 Hide Bus by region 197 selected bus 196 I Ignore instantaneous settings 221 line G+jB 272 loads 272 phase shift 101 shunts 272 ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 Impedances on One-Line Diagram 211 Import network data 82 Inrush Curve 324 Insert Line Kink 203 Insert Tap Bus 171 Installing OneLiner 18 Instantaneous Ov ercurrent Relay 433. 442 K Keyboard Accelerators 473 kV Color Code 189 L Legend edit parameters of 340 Library distance relay 20. 155 edit parameters of 175 Index • 497 .relay data files 238. 482 overcurrent relay 19 Line See Transmission Line Line Table File 124 Load data in text data file 409 delete 149 models 387 new 114 restore 156 scaling 295 take out of service 164 Load Region on DS Relays Window 356 Load Tap Changer 2-winding transformer 131 3-winding transformer 141 reset center position 178 specifying parameters for 131. 401. 87 N NERC Recommendation 8A 285 Network anomalies checking 287 export data 89 hide equipment by area or zone 199 options 101 properties 100 show equipment by area or zone 199 show equipment by region 198 show/hide elements 199 Network Data importing 82 Network equivalent See Boundary equivalent Network Modeling 387 Neutral Current in phasor probe 255 Note See Annotation O One-Line Diagram creation 192 scale/shift 204 view solution on 250 On-Line Help 68 Operating System Supported 15 Options Curves Window 316 DS Relays Window 354 for fault simulation 271 Outage List 185 Output File 20. 460 dialog boxes 431. 316. 440. 440 extrapolate curve 221 remove curve 328 time dial calculator 479 view curve 225 Overcurrent Relay Library Directory 20. 441. 378 Overcurrent Relay 277. 481 managing 481 498 • Index Overcurrent Relay Window add annotation 326 add conductor damage curve 320 add damage curve from relay library 325 add picture 327 add relay curves 319 add transformer damage curve 322 close 318 edit legend 340 edit relay settings 334 edit shifting factors 337 picture background 341 rearrange captions 342 remove all but 1st relay curve 330 remove annotation 332 remove fault results 331 remove picture 333 remove relay or fuse curve 328 show relay operations for 1 fault 344 show relay operations for all faults 343 show relay test values 346 show TTY window 347 trial relay adjustment 335 P Palette See Device palette Paste from Clipboard network and relay data in region 168 network data 167 relay data 167 using drag/drop palette 79 Phase Shift ignore option 101 Phase Shifter data in text data file 414 models 390 new 133 Phase-Open Fault 249 Phasors 254 Picture background in DS Relays Window 370 background in overcurrent relay window 327 remove from Curves Window 333 remove from distance relay window 367 Place Buses 192 Plain One-Line Diagram 210 PowerScript customize user-defined commands 301 editor 299 run a script 300 Prefault Voltage Profile choosing 271 flat bus voltage option 399 ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 .modeling 398 new 146 Mutual Group edit parameters of 173 MVA base 2-winding transformer 130 3-winding transformer 140 generator 111 phase shifter 134 substation data interface 93 system 80. 432. 308. 378 exporting 239 format information 453 importing 238 sample 461 Relay Database 16 linkage with OneLiner 488 Relay Group add or remove coordinating pairs 230 check instantaneous 281. generator. or branch 156 Run Configuration Program 302 Run Distance Relay Editor 303 Index • 499 .from a linear network solution option 399 from a power flow solution option 399 Preferences sort by bus name or no. Fuse and Recloser delete 224. Distance Relay. 228 delete all 241 distancce phase relay 449 distance ground relay 448 fuse 444 options 221 overcurrent ground relay 431 overcurrent phase relay 440 properties 218 sample relay data file 461 test point 317 Relay Coordination multi-point checking method 276 Relay Coordination Checking classical method of OC/OC checking 275 instantaneous setting 281. 285 check minimum pickup 278 delete 224. shunt. 228 importing a relay into 229 new 223 pasting a relay into 167 Relay Loadability Checking 285 Relay on Remote Bus add to distance relay window 359 Relay on/off-line 219 Relay Operations for 1 Fault show in distance relay window 375 show in overcurrent relay window 344 Relay Operations for All Faults show in distance relay window 374 show in overcurrent relay window 343 Relay Setting edit in Curves Window 334 edit in distance relay window 368 Relay Test Values. load. 285 minimum pickup 278 primary/backup 273 recloser/relay checking 276 Relay Coordination Pair form 230 ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 Relay Curve add to overcurrent relay window 319 ignore library file name 221 remove all from Distance Relay Window 364 remove from Curves Window 330 remove relay or fuse curve 328 start a one time pickup 221 Relay Data File 19. or cycles 187 unit of length 188 Previous Curve Collection See Curve Collectiion Print distance relay window 351 graph in Curves Window 309 one-line diagram 96 overcurrent relay curves 309 selected text 381 Printer setup 95. 350 Properties network 100 relay 218 PTI Format compatibility with 290 export to 89 Put Equipment in Service 165 R Rearrange Captions in Curves Window 342 in distance relay window 373 Recloser 446 dialog box 446 Reference Angle of Generators 177 Relay See also Overcurrent Relay. 64. 187 time in sec.Show 346 Relay Testing File 232 comma delimited file 232 COMTRADE format 232 Doble SS1 format 232 Remote Branch Impedances add to distance relay window 361 remove from distance relay window 365 Remove Tap Bus 172 Report network data from Browser 297 relay data 240 relay data from Browser 297 Report File 20 Reset text position 202 Restore 156 bus. S Scale/Shift One-Line Diagram 204 Script See PowerScript Scrolling with mouse wheel 35 with scrollbars 35 Second Relay Origin find origin in distance relay window 372 Series Capacitor change from line 161 model 389 Series Capacitor/Reactor new 126 Setup OneLiner 18 Shifting Factor 337 Short Circuit algorithm used 476 bus fault summary 263 bus-to-bus fault 248 classical faults 242 close-in fault in front of a relay 242 cross-country fault 248 fault locator 268 ground current calculator 266 intermediate fault 243 intermediate faults at regular inteval 243 line-end fault 243 options 271 output format 463 phase-open fault 249 printing solution report 257 simultaneous faults 247 solution report in text 257 view solution on one-line 250 view voltage-sag results 262 Shortcuts for the dialog boxes 472 for the distance relay window 471 for the keyboard 473 for the main window 469. 470 for the overcurrent relay window 471 for the TTY window 472 main window toolbar 78 Show Bus by region 198 in area or zone 199 Show/Hide Area 199 Shunt currents 466 data in text data file 409 delete 149 models 387 new 117 500 • Index restore 156 Simultaneous Fault 247 Size Limitations 15 Snap to State Plane Coordinates 200 Solution On One-Line 250 Sorting Preference by bus name or bus number 187 Sparse Matrix and Vector Methods 476 Split Bus 169 State Plane Coordinates 200 in bus dialog box 103 Statistics 87 String Delimiter for Data Files 101 Substation Data Interface 93 Substation Group Number 93 Switch data in text data file 420 new 136 reactance 101 toggle 163 Switched Shunt data in text data file 410 models 387. 484 format information 401 open 82 Three Winding Transformer change from T model 159 data in text data file 417 new 138 tertiary current in phasor probe 255 tertiary current in text report 466 tertiary current sensed by relay 434 Time Dial Calculator 479 Toolbar 216. 388 new 120 T T Circuit Model of 3-Winding Tansformer 159 Take Out of Service 164 Tap Bus show or hide bus name on one-line 188 Tertiary Current displayed by phasor probe 255 in solution report in text 466 sensed by relay 434 Text Data File 19. 470 Transformer See also Two-Winding Transformer and Three-Winding Transformer 2-winding configurations 393 2-winding model 477 3-winding configurations 395 models 391 neutral current in phasor probe 255 ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 . tie lines on one-line 214 branch names on one-line diagram 213 distance relay characteristics 225 impedances on one-line diagram 211 ASPEN OneLiner Version 10 Index • 501 .new 2-winding 128 new 3-winding 138 reset taps to nominal 178 symbol. American or European 22 Transformer damage curve add 322 edit parameters of 339 how to 479 link to a curve 322 remove 329 Transformer Inrush Curve 324 Transmission Line change to series capacitor/reactor 161 data in text data file 412 description of faults 243 models 389 new 123 restore 156 view tie lines 214 Trial Relay Adjustment 335 TTY Window 378 clear contents of 379 close 383 copy selected text to clipboard 385 find text 386 print selected text 381 save selected text to file 382 select all text 384 select font and size of text 380 view in distance relay window 377 view in main window 215 view in overcurrent relay window 347 Tutorial Batch Short Circuit Module 70 OneLiner 23 Two Winding Transformer data in text data file 415 models 477 new 128 overcurrent relay curves 225 phasors 254 plain one-line diagram 210 solution on one-line diagram 250 toolbar on Main Window 216 TTY Window 215. 347. 377 Voltage Sag Analysis 260 W Windows Metafile 21 Working Model 17 Z Zero-Sequence Mutual Coupling See Mutual Coupling Pair Zig-zag grounding transformer 118 ZigZag-Delta 2-Winding Transformer 129 ZigZag-Wye 2-Winding Transformer 129 Zone data 296 data in text data file 424 renumber 296 Zoom Slider distance relay window 349 main window 78 U Undo 291 button on toolbar 78. American or European 187 symbols. 470 Unit of Length Preference 188 V View areas.
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