Omore Report

March 28, 2018 | Author: Sameer Ur Rahman | Category: Brand, Advertising, Sampling (Statistics), Science, Marketing



SUBMITTED by:MOHAMMED ASIM KHAN SHAHZADA ADEEL MUHAMMED ARSALANFAHIMA FATANI SAMEER RAHMAN LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL December 12, 2011 Miss Saadiyeh Saeed, Institute of Business Management, Korangi Creek, Karachi. Dear Madam, We take enormous pride in submitting you the comprehensive report for the course MBR. Our report is based on the analysis of Omore‟s position in our local ice cream industry. This report gives far-reaching information about the factors influencing Omore‟s demand and provides detailed analysis of the subject.. Adhering with all your requirements, we wish that you will find the report inclusive in matter and framework. However, if you require any help in interpreting the report, we are keen to help you. OMORE Page 2 LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION Dear Reader, The report prepared on “Omore ice cream” was authorized by Miss Saadiyah Saeed, instructor for “MBR” at the Institute of Business Management (IoBM), on December 12, 201. The report extensively covers all the aspects of business research methods which we were asked to apply and provides extensive details on the topic.The report is one of the pre-requisites for the course of MBR. Sincerely, OMORE Page 3 ..................................................... 8 ANALYSIS OF THE QUESTIONS ................................................................................. 37 APPENDIX .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 SAMPLE .......................................................................... 7 RESULTS ......................................................TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ................................................ 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................................................... 38 OMORE Page 4 .................................................................................................................................................................. 5 INTRODUCTION ........................................................ 2 LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................ 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................... 35 RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................ 8 CONCLUSION ................. RESULTS Results are based on the questions that were asked 1. High brand consciousness when buying an ice cream 4. This report is based on the data collected through self administered questionnaires and interpretation on the results that were gathered. The fundamentals behind the purchase decision 3. Develop Better affiliation of brand to product 2. Advertisement influences buying decision 5. Consensus on ice cream consumption once a week 3. OBJECTIVES To find out omores current position in market in terms of preference and consumption 1.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This research is a descriptive research with in-depth analysis on Omore‟s position in the market. Omore rank second in the mind share within the Ice cream industry 2. Perceptions about omore which could help in improvement of the product. Brand Image Development OMORE Page 5 . Retain Consumers: 3. Unavailability affects the demand CONCLUSION Consumers consider Omore as a “good” brand not “excellent” RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Effectiveness of different promotional strategies and their evaluation. Overall good perception of Omore 6. 150 is taken as the sample size and stratified sampling on the basis of age. service and availability 2. OMORÉ Ice Cream has initially introduced to limited cities across Pakistan such as Karachi. and has a production capacity capable of producing more than 4. After almost 2 years of its launch. Multan.5 million liters of dairy ice cream a year.4. caramel as well as many more. vanilla. mango. Hence conducting a research at this stage seems to be a necessity in order to obtain feedback on the following context. Sahiwal. OMORE Page 6 . It is marketed in major cities of Punjab. Target Female consumers 5. quality taste service availability general perceptions preferences and reputation in the market The study is a composition of self-administered questionnaires filled by a sample of 150 people from the target population and hence was a result of constructive data collection. the OMORÉ brand is considered to be the favorite in its hometown Lahore. kulfi. Lahore. orange. The brand OMORÉ has been well established since 2009. strawberry. OMORÉ Ice Cream is one of the few brands in Pakistan to manufacture pure dairy ice cream. It is manufactured by Engro Foods Limited. Karachi has finally tasted omore. Today. Availability INTRODUCTION OMORÉ Ice Cream is a famous ice cream brand in Pakistan. Islamabad. OMORÉ has a fully automatic ice cream manufacturing facility. including chocolate. OMORÉ Ice Cream produces a variety of flavors. SAMPLE POPULATION Population includes the habitants of Karachi.METHODOLOGY The study was conducted through self-administered questionnaires that were distributed and collected by the group members and resulted in ease of data collection and an economical source that wasn‟t time consuming. As mentioned in the start of the report. effective measures to conduct the research could not be implemented. people who are ice cream lovers and find it important when it comes to sweet dish. TYPE It is a descriptive research as it didn‟t include problem identification but the market position of Omore and evaluation statistics occupied through the questionnaires. 18-25. 25+. the basic objectives were to have a quick look at the market evaluations of Omore brand for improvement purposes. SAMPLE SIZE Sample size of 150 was selected as instructed by our teacher Miss Saadiyeh Said OMORE Page 7 . The population was divided into three stratas on the basis of age that is 18-. SAMPLING METHOD Stratified sampling is used as the sampling bases but as the funds are limited. After which people were selected on the basis of convenience as of the limited funds. And on the basis of gender 78 participants out of 150 were males and the rest (72) were females. The results are based on two areas:1. ANALYSIS OF THE QUESTIONS OMORE Page 8 . Gender based As seen on the basis of age groups made 29 out of 150 participants were under the age of 18 while 92 were between 18 and 25 and the rest (29) were above the age of 25.RESULTS The questionnaire included 13 questions which are presented with their results below. Age based 2. 0 18. 93 out of 150 participants answered that they prefer ice-cream. falooda and other.1.1 1.0 92.0 150.0 CAKE 7.3 1.0 ICECREAM 18.0 5.0 5.0 3. Expected Count AGE OF THE PARTICIPANT * MOST PREFERED SWEET DISH Cross tabulation MOST PREFERED SWEET DISH CUSTARD AGE OF THE PARTICIPANT 1818-25 25+ Total 1.7 40.7 24.0 3. 40 answered that they prefer have a cake as a sweet dish while the rest of the 17 answered amongst custard.0 93.0 FALOODA 1.0 As analysed from the data the figures suggest that the majority of the participants from all 3 age groups answered that the most preferred sweet dish is ice-cream.0 OTHER 1.0 57.1 1.4 7. GENDER * MOST PREFERED SWEET DISH Cross tabulation Expected Count OMORE Page 9 .5 7.0 Total 29.0 29.4 4. 0 150.6 2.6 2.0 72.6 93.6 3.0 FALOODA 2.4 5.8 19. falooda and other.0 For the same question 48 out of 78 male participants said that they prefer ice-cream 21 said that they prefer cake and the rest of the responses were amongst falooda.0 OTHER 2.0 Total 78. When you think of ice-cream.4 5.MOST PREFERED SWEET DISH CUSTARD GENDER MALE FEMALE Total 3. The female participants 44 out of 72 answered in favor of ice-cream and 19 for cake and the rest in favor of custard.4 44.2 40. custard and other.0 ICECREAM 48.0 CAKE 20. 2. what is the brand that comes first in your mind? OMORE Page 10 .4 7. 0 8.0 The data suggests that all 3 age groups have answered in the favor of wall‟s coming first to their minds first when they think about ice-cream as 81 out of 150 have answered in favor of walls. 44 of 150 have answered for Omore. Omore is even good because it is new and yet it has managed to capture 30% of the mindshare for ice-cream. 10 for Hico and 12 for others.0 150. This means that walls is the leading brand in ice-cream and it is the 1st name that comes into people‟s mind when it‟s about ice-cream.0 29.Expected Count MIND SHARE WALLS AGE OF THE PARTICIPANT 1818-25 25+ Total 15.0 OMORE 8.8 .7 81.5 27.7 15.0 OTHER 2.3 7. OMORE Page 11 . Another thing noticed was that neither of the participants under 18 answered for any ice-cream other than walls and Omore.4 2.0 IGLOO .3 12.7 49.0 92.6 3.6 1. 3 for igloo.9 10.5 44.0 Total 29.0 HICO 1.9 6.1 1. 4 3.0 72.0 OMORE 22.0 IGLOO 1.2 5.2 4. Omore is on number 2 as 23 of 78 males and 21 of 72 females said that the first name that comes to their mind is Omore when it‟s about ice-cream. what is the brand that comes first in your mind? Expected Count MIND SHARE WALLS GENDER MALE FEMALE Total 42.9 81.9 21.1 44. OMORE Page 12 .0 As on the basis of gender 42 of 78 males and 39 of 72 females answered in the favor of walls which makes walls being the leader in having the mind share.8 12.0 Total 78.When you think of ice-cream.6 1.0 HICO 5.0 OTHER 6.0 150.1 38. Igloo and Hico come at the bottom of the mindshare list.8 10. 0 ONCE A WEEK 13.3 10. The response from the participants between the ages of 18 and 25 suggested that the majority of them has ice-cream once a week (43 out of 92).6 29.9 6.3.0 On the basis of age groups the majority from the participants under the age of 18 said that they had ice-cream once a week and almost an equal response between having ice-cream everyday and having ice-cream once a month. OMORE Page 13 .3 17.0 Total 29.6 17.0 150.0 92.8 5.0 MONTH 5.0 29. We can say that people mostly have ice cream once a week.6 20.5 70. Expected Count How often do you have ice-cream? FREQUENCY OF CONSUMPTION ONCE A EVERYDAY AGE OF THE PARTICIPANT 1818-25 25+ Total 6.9 13.6 34. The participants over the age of 25 even said that they had ice cream once a week and the responses thus from all age groups were the same in ratios.4 3.5 42.0 OCCASIONALL Y 3. response were almost equal again of having ice cream every day and having ice-cream once a month. 9 29.0 ONCE A WEEK ONCE A MONTH OCCASIONALLY 36.0 150.0 72.8 8.How often do you have ice-cream? Expected Count FREQUENCY OF CONSUMPTION EVERYDAY GENDER MALE FEMALE Total 17.0 15.4 33.0 Total 78.3 34.2 17.7 16. The rest of the respondents were from the minority who answered „occasionally‟ OMORE Page 14 .1 13.6 70. On the 2nd rank the results of having ice-ream everyday and having ice-cream once a month because 18 male and 16 female participants suggested that they had ice-cream everyday where as 15 male and 14 female participants said that they had icecream only once a month.0 8.0 On the basis of gender it is seen that 36 out of 78 males and 33 out of 72 female participants said that they have ice-cream once a week. 5 15.0 150. OMORE Page 15 .0 On the basis of age groups participants under the age of 18 mostly replied „yes‟ to being brand conscious but there was not a significant difference between the people who answered yes and no. But a major thing was noticed that the respondents over the age of 25 were less brand conscious than the rest of the groups.0 NO 13.0 Total 29.3 79.5 13.7 43. same goes for the age group of 18 to 25 because 48 of 92 participants replied that they are conscious while the rest of the 44 replies that they weren‟t brand conscious about ice-cream.0 29.3 48.4. Expected Count Are you brand conscious when it comes to buying ice-cream BRAND CONCIOUS IN BUYING YES AGE OF THE PARTICIPANT 1818-25 25+ Total 15.0 92.7 71. 9 34.0 On the basis of gender it shows that the male participants who answered „no‟ to being brand conscious about ice-cream were more than those who answered yes whereas amongst the female population the number of female participants who said they were brand conscious about icecream was more than those who said that they weren‟t.1 37.1 71.0 Total 78.0 150.9 79.0 NO 36. OMORE Page 16 .0 72. Hence we can say that the female participants are slightly more brand-conscious about ice cream than the male participants.Are you brand conscious when it comes to buying ice-cream Expected Count BRAND CONCIOUS IN BUYING YES GENDER MALE FEMALE Total 41. 0 Total 29.2 58.0 41. OMORE Page 17 .3 4.0 150.1 13. participants between the age of 18 and 25 majorly answered yes that their demand for ice-cream is influenced by and advertisement of icecream where as participants over the age of 25 majorly said that their demand for ice-cream is not influenced by an advertisement.0 NO 4.5. Hence advertisements can influence the demand of the people of the age between 18 and 25. Does an advertisement of ice-cream make you want to have ice-cream? Expected Count INFLUENCE OF ADVERTISEMENT YES AGE OF THE PARTICIPANT 1818-25 25+ Total 11.0 29.8 15.2 35.6 11. their demand is sensitive to advertisement influence.0 92.8 25.0 SOMETIMES 13.0 67.0 On the basis of age groups participants under 18 answered that they are sometimes influenced by the advertisements and the rest answered yes and no. It suggests that advertisement can be a useful tool to increase the demand for icecream amongst the female population and also the population between the ages of 18 to 25.0 SOMETIMES 34.0 72.0 150. OMORE Page 18 .2 67. Whereas the female participants mostly answered „yes‟. meaning that their demand for ice-cream is sensitive to advertisement.0 Total 78.8 58.0 On the basis of gender the male participants majorly answered that their demand for having icecream is sometimes and not always influenced by advertisements.Does an advertisement of ice-cream make you want to have ice-cream? Expected Count INFLUENCE OF ADVERTISEMENT YES GENDER MALE FEMALE Total 30.2 27.8 32.0 NO 13.0 25.0 12. This means that Omore has been advertising more than walls lately as the majority of the age classes say that they have been through an advertisement of Omore.0 92.1 109.0 29.2 6.1 66.6.4 20.5 .0 HICO .0 OMORE 21.8 4.4 33. Expected Count You have recently gone across an advertisement of? RECENTLY WENT ACROSS AN ADVERTISEMENT WALLS AGE OF THE PARTICIPANT 1818-25 25+ Total 6.0 150. OMORE Page 19 .9 21.8 2.5 .0 Total 29.0 IGLOO .0 All the age groups mostly answered that they had gone across an advertisement of Omore recently and some of the participants answered that they had gone across advertisements of WALLS lately.8 2.8 4. 1 1.0 Analyzing on the basis of gender both male and female participants suggest that they have been went across an advertisement of Omore which also means that the brand advertisement recall is stronger for Omore as compared to Walls and other brands but walls according to the stats has not fallen below the number 2 position.8 33.0 OMORE 56.1 1.You have recently gone across an advertisement of? Expected Count RECENTLY WENT ACROSS AN ADVERTISEMENT WALLS GENDER MALE FEMALE Total 17.7 52.0 IGLOO 2.0 HICO 2. the participants‟ response suggests that the brand advertisement recall is very weak for Igloo and Hico and is not comparable with that of walls and Omore.2 15.9 4.0 72.3 109. Also that on the basis of gender and age.0 Total 78.0 150. OMORE Page 20 .9 4. 2 6.0 Total 29.0 On the basis of age classes we can see that participants under the age of 18 suggest majorly that Omore is „Good‟ and the rest of them say that their perception of Omore is „excellent‟.9 4.0 29.0 GOOD 14. Participants over the age of 25 have answered majorly between „good‟ and „average‟.7 1.7 76.0 AVERAGE 9.0 92. OMORE Page 21 .1 28.7 46. Participants between the ages of 18 and 25 say mostly that Omore is „good‟ whereas some people think that it‟s average.1 12.1 21. This suggests that Omore‟s overall perception is good and there is space for improvement. Expected Count Your overall perception of Omore OVERALL PERCEPTION OF OMORE EXCELLENT AGE OF THE PARTICIPANT 1818-25 25+ Total 4.0 POOR 1.0 150.7.8 9.2 3.1 47.6 14. some think that its „excellent‟ while the rest think that their perception of Omore is „poor‟. 0 72.9 6.0 GOOD 39.5 36. OMORE Page 22 .Your overall perception of Omore Expected Count OVERALL PERCEPTION OF OMORE EXCELLENT GENDER MALE FEMALE Total 10.6 47.1 2.9 10.0 On the basis of gender the data suggests that the male population‟s perception of Omore is good and the female population‟s perception of Omore is also good with a slight decline to „average‟.1 21. This means that Omore should develop strategies to improve their perception amongst the population because there is room for improvement.4 22.0 Total 78.5 76.0 POOR 3.0 150.0 AVERAGE 24. 4 33. family and etc.7 3.7 19.6 5. Whereas people also got influenced to try Omore because of curiosity. OMORE Page 23 . billboards and the word of mouth by other people like friends.7 11.2 16.0 92.0 Total 29.7 43.0 WORD OF MOUTH 3.0 150. A majority from all three age groups voted for the TV ads influencing them to try Omore.0 29.0 On the basis of age classes the major factor which made people try Omore was the colorful TV ads which Omore used at the time of its launch.2 27.8.5 13. Expected Count What influenced you to try Omore? INFLUENCED PEOPLE TO TRY OMORE COLOURFUL TV ADS AGE OF THE PARTICIPANT 1818-25 25+ Total 13.4 20.0 BILLBOARDS 6.2 6.7 71. but we can surely say that the colorful TV ads played the most vital role in influencing the people to try Omore.0 CURIOSITY 5. 0 CURIOSITY 14.What influenced you to try Omore? Expected Count INFLUENCED PEOPLE TO TRY OMORE COLOURFUL TV ADS GENDER MALE FEMALE Total 36.1 19.0 BILLBOARDS 17. But there was an interesting finding that the male population which voted for „curiosity‟ was more than that of the female population for the same option. Meaning that the population can be more curious to try Ice-cream than the female population.0 On the basis of gender both male and female participants mostly voted for colorful TV ads influencing the need to try Omore. a significant proportion of the male population was influenced by their curiosity to try Omore.0 Total 78.0 13.1 71.0 27. OMORE Page 24 . This means that apart from TV ads being the major influence.9 34.0 WORD OF MOUTH 9.0 72.0 150.2 15.9 9.8 33. 1 11. Participants above the age of 18 even voted for quality of the ice-cream being an important factor.6 86.1 6.9 41. Expected Count Which one of these is the most important factor when buying ice-cream AN IMPORTANT FACTOR BRAND PRICE AGE OF THE PARTICIPANT 1818-25 25+ Total 2.0 150.0 Total 29.1 7.7 2. Thus it can be deduced that taste and quality should be stressed upon if companies want their ice-cream to be successful and popular.6 52. Participants above 25 did not think at all that the most important factor is price.9.9 25.0 29.7 16. OMORE Page 25 .3 12.0 QUALITY 7. Price was also voted as important factor but only by some participants under the age of 25.0 A majority of participants from all three age classes voted for taste being the most important factor when it comes to buying ice-cream.0 92.3 7.0 TASTE 16. This may be because people under the age of 25 might be price conscious.4 2.0 LOYALTY 2. 7 5.0 72. both male and female participants voted mostly for taste of the ice-cream being the most important factor.0 QUALITY 21.3 11. A significant number of participants even voted for quality of the ice-cream being the most important factor.7 41.0 LOYALTY 6.0 150.3 19.7 41.0 TASTE 44.0 Total 78.3 86.2 5.8 12. OMORE Page 26 .Which one of these is the most important factor when buying ice-cream Expected Count AN IMPORTANT FACTOR BRAND PRICE GENDER MALE FEMALE Total 5.0 As judged on the basis of gender. 1 13. There were some participants who even disagreed to the statement but they did not have a significant number. OMORE Page 27 .0 41.1 9.0 29.0 92.1 47.0 150.0 DISAGREE 3.8 3.8 3.10. Having a popular brand ambassador or celebrity endorsement raises the demand for a product Expected Count CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENT RAISES DEMAND STRONGLY AGREE AGE OF THE PARTICIPANT 1818-25 25+ Total 3.1 9.0 Total 29.0 A majority of participants under the age of 25 voted to agree with the statement that it does raise the demand for a product while participants over the age of 25 mostly remained neutral and did not part on either side.8 9.5 .0 AREE 13.0 67.0 STRONGLY DISAGREE .8 4.1 16.0 NEUTRAL 9.8 2.1 16.1 28. 0 On the basis of gender most of the male participants and most of the female participants agreed.7 16.0 Total 78.9 4.0 72.7 16.6 47.Having a popular brand ambassador or celebrity endorsement raises the demand for a product Expected Count CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENT RAISES DEMAND STRONGLY AGREE GENDER MALE FEMALE Total 8.0 NEUTRAL 24.0 STRONGLY DISAGREE 2.1 1. Mostly female participants voted to stay neutral about the statement whereas the number of disagrees was higher in the male population as compared to that of the female.3 7. with the responses ranging from „strongly agree‟ to „agree‟ to the statement that celebrity endorsement does raise the demand for a product. OMORE Page 28 .0 AREE 34.0 150.4 22.8 32.2 67.0 DISAGREE 8. Hence it is deduced that having a popular brand ambassador or celebrity endorsement raises the demand for a product.3 7. 4 23.0 29.0 NEUTRAL 4.0 150.0 6.1 4.4 14.4 1.0 Total 29.0 On the basis of age classes all the groups of participants agreed to the statement by either voting for „strongly agree‟ or „agree‟ others voted to stay neutral and a very insignificant number of participants chose to disagree with the statement.4 2.2 .2 94.11.0 92.0 19.0 31.0 AGREE 18.2 57. OMORE Page 29 .7 18. Rigorous marketing campaigns do increase the demand for a certain brand of ice-cream Expected Count MARKETING CAMPAIGNS INCREASES DEMAND STRONGLY AGREE AGE OF THE PARTICIPANT 1818-25 25+ Total 6.0 DISAGREE . However it was seen that only the female participants although a small number.0 2. disagreed to the statement.0 On the basis of gender.0 NEUTRAL 12.1 94.0 DISAGREE 1.0 72.0 AGREE 48.0 1. To sum it up it is deduced from the survey that rigorous marketing campaigns do increase the demand for a certain brand of ice-cream and it can be used as a tool to generate popularity for a brand and to boost its sales. While some chose to stay neutral.1 14. both male and female participants mostly agreed to the statement by choosing strongly agree and agree.0 Total 78. OMORE Page 30 .0 11.9 45.Rigorous marketing campaigns do increase the demand for a certain brand of ice-cream Expected Count MARKETING CAMPAIGNS INCREASES DEMAND STRONGLY AGREE GENDER MALE FEMALE Total 16.0 150.0 23.9 31. 6 24. Some participants told us that they agree to it keeping Omore‟s case in mind when Omore had created the demand by advertising a lot but the ice-cream was not available in the market.3 69.7 14.3 13.7 8. While some participants over the age of 18 even disagreed to it because they said that being brand loyal was more of an important factor for them.6 1.8 .6 2.6 14.7 4.7 40. The unavailability of a certain brand of ice-cream ruins the demand for that brand Expected Count UNAVAILABILITY RUINS DEMAND STRONGLY AGREE AGE OF THE PARTICIPANT 1818-25 25+ Total 7.0 92.12.0 NEUTRAL 4.0 STRONGLY DISAGREE .0 150.7 24.3 42.0 DISAGREE 2. This hence ruined the demand for Omore‟s ice-cream when it later came to the market OMORE Page 31 .6 3.0 29.5 7.0 AGREE 13.0 Total 29.0 The data suggests that participants from all age groups agreed to the statement that unavailability can ruin the demand for that brand. OMORE Page 32 .6 1.5 11.0 DISAGREE 7.8 19.9 33.0 STRONGLY DISAGREE 1.4 3.0 72.5 24.3 6.0 NEUTRAL 12.The unavailability of a certain brand of ice-cream ruins the demand for that brand Expected Count UNAVAILABILITY RUINS DEMAND STRONGLY AGREE GENDER MALE FEMALE Total 20.0 Total 78.0 Participants from both genders agreed to the statement by choosing to strongly agree and agree.0 AGREE 35. Hence the data provides enough evidence to prove that the unavailability of a certain brand of ice-cream can hamper the demand of that brand.7 14.0 150.1 69.2 40. There were a few who disagreed to the statement from both genders but generally there was no significant difference in the responses by the two genders. 7 3.13. strawberry and mango.0 MANGO 3.1 21.0 STRAWBERRY 4.8 17. But the leading demand goes in the favor of chocolate flavor.7 19. some even chose vanilla.7 11.6 55.0 29.7 3.0 92. Which of these flavors do you prefer the most in ice-cream? Expected Count MOST PREFERRED FLAVORS VANILLA AGE OF THE PARTICIPANT 1818-25 25+ Total 3.7 19.1 12.9 4.0 The majority of the participants in all three groups voted for chocolate. Participants under 18 did not vote at all for vanilla where as participants over the age of 18 years apart from the ones who chose chocolate.0 CHOCOLATE 17.0 Total 29.6 91.0 150.7 11. Omore should concentrate on expanding the range of chocolate ice-creams to capture a larger market OMORE Page 33 . 0 CHOCOLATE 47.1 19.7 91.0 150.9 9. Female participants preferred to vote strawberry more than the male participants who voted for strawberry and mango was seen to be equally voted for by both the genders.1 21.0 MANGO 9.3 43.0 STRAWBERRY 10. However the number of male participants in favor of vanilla was more than that of female participants.1 19.9 9. Omore should keep chocolate as the first priority for concentration.0 Total 78. mango at number 3 and vanilla at number 4 of the priority list limitations OMORE Page 34 .0 72.Which of these flavors do you prefer the most in ice-cream? Expected Count MOST PREFERRED FLAVORS VANILLA GENDER MALE FEMALE Total 9.9 10. strawberry at number 2.0 On the basis of gender yet again chocolate is the most popular choice in both male and female participants. Nonetheless. The research proves consumers being aware and loyal of the brand of ice-cream they eat. Results conclude that ice-cream advertisements are more effective on females than males. When asked what brand they think of first when asked of ice-cream Walls the most popular brand. has an excellent brand image established in the minds of the ice-cream loving market. 25% of respondents confirmed that advertisements create a feeling of consuming icecreams.CONCLUSION Our results show very little variation in responses from all age groups. They prefer it once a week or almost every day with male preferring to have ice-cream more frequently with giving highest priority to taste of ice-cream followed by the quality consistently being provided to them. Meaning with walls being the leading brand consumers most aware about has also established a strong loyal consumer base. Similarly these Ice cream eaters are also very brand conscious. what ad they had recently scene or could remember . being one of the oldest market players. As per our results we conclude that ice-cream is the most popular sweet dish amongst all age groups young and adults. Brands such as Hico and Igloo were completely lost in this segment but still walls managed to come in with a good 20%(approx) share. Although Omore came in quiet close in the 18-25 age group segment with 30% and 40% in total they still need to struggle harder to take walls place in the minds of the consumers. In an overall evaluation taste is the superior and most important factor that consumers look for in ice-cream which then followed by consistency in quality. Majority of respondents replied with “sometimes” again leading to a positive relation towards ice-cream advertisements. over 60% of respondents replied with Omore. Females are most sensitive to this science. males are more concerned about taste than females but however quality plays a significant role in both segments preference. OMORE Page 35 . Walls. Advertisements also play a significant role in driving consumers towards consuming icecream. The second link we found was that consumers like to eat ice-cream quiet often. Omore has clearly started to push itself into the minds of consumers by making sure it‟s ads are remembered by consumers. Cake as a sweet dish is the second most popular sweet dish again amongst all groups even if analyzed according to gender. Even responses from both genders seem to be uniform with one another. As per our result . When we asked them to recall . This was followed by billboards hence the two most popular channels to target masses were effectively used in Omore‟s market campaign. Consumers believe consistent exposure to an ad of a particular brand would lead them to want more of that brand. Further analysis indicates that it was the tv ads that persuaded consumers to experience Omore for the first time.Even though most participants remained to stay neutral to response of whether rigorous advertising would lead to better sales most males and females agreed to the statement. Some female respondents also decline to rating Omore as an “average” brand. OMORE Page 36 . They would also prefer to see popular brand ambassadors in these ads. Consumers consider Omore as a “good” brand not “excellent” . This experience let us to evaluate it‟s overall perception. Omore should try and change the perception of these respondents and further develop brand liking amongst population. Even though rigorous advertising has generated consumer demand and liking to the brand. Walls has a better one. Retain Consumers: If consumers are having ice-cream once a week and most consumers think of walls then Omore is losing heavy sales. OMORE Page 37 . The marketing campaign must still focus on building better affiliation between the two. Availability of Omore brand must be in competition with Walls otherwise Omore will eventually start losing consumers loyalty. Consumers still think of Walls when asked about ice-cream.RECOMMENDATIONS As per conclusion we make few recommendations to Omore which may help better their stance in the market against walls. It must develop strategies to improve this perception and further increase ratings of Omore as an independent brand. Hence they must build better strategy to retain consumers after they have experienced Omore for the first time. Availability: Although Omore has a very powerfull and widespread distribution channel . Develop Better affiliation of brand to product. Consistency in advertising budget and efforts may help achieve this. the marketing strategy has failed to affiliate the brand OMORE to the product ICE-CREAM. Target Female consumers: As per our result we concluded that in most areas ratings from female respondents were less in favor than male respondents. Brand Image Development: Omore as a brand is still only perceived as Good or Average. com 2. OMORE Page 38 . www.APPENDIX BIBLIOGRAPHY 1.
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