Omicron Sec.injection Kit

March 28, 2018 | Author: cpgeorge | Category: Relay, Amplifier, Automation, Parameter (Computer Programming), Electrical Impedance



World Leader in Innovative Power System Testing SolutionsSECONDARY TESTING C M - L I N E C A T A L O G Company Profile About OMICRON electronics OMICRON electronics is an international company providing innovative solutions for primary and secondary testing. Combining innovation, leading edge technology, and creative software solutions, OMICRON continues to assert its position as world leader within its markets. With sales in more than 100 countries, offices in Europe, the United States, and Asia, and a worldwide network of distributors and representatives, OMICRON has truly established its reputation as a supplier of the highest quality. The automated testing and documentation capabilities of OMICRON testing solutions are important benefits in light of the changing market conditions resulting in restructured organizations required to "do more with less". Today, OMICRON's products revolve around a testing concept which provides the solutions to many challenges in the marketplace. This integration of lightweight and reliable hardware with flexible and user-friendly software is referred to as the OMICRON Test Universe. Services in the areas of consulting, commissioning, relay testing and training make OMICRON´s product range complete. Specialization in power system testing along with visionary leadership allows OMICRON to continue with innovative developments for its testing solutions to meet the customer needs of the 21st century. ISO 9001 certified Other sales literature PRIMARY TESTING - CP line catalog OMICRON´s product range in the area of primary testing. For a detailed list on literature currently available, please refer to or 2 Table of Content Software Software Options ......................................................................4 OMICRON Control Center..........................................................5 Test Object Definition with XRIO ...............................................6 Hardware Configuration............................................................6 Pause Module, Text View, ExeCute.............................................6 Test Wizard...............................................................................7 Automatic Reporting.................................................................7 CM Engine - Programming Interface .........................................7 QuickCMC.................................................................................8 State Sequencer .......................................................................9 Ramping .................................................................................10 Pulse Ramping ........................................................................10 Overcurrent .............................................................................11 Autoreclosure ..........................................................................11 Distance .................................................................................12 Differential ..............................................................................12 Transient Ground Fault ............................................................13 Synchronizer............................................................................13 Advanced Distance ..................................................................14 VI Starting...............................................................................15 Advanced Differential ..............................................................16 TransPlay - Transient Playback Utility ........................................18 Harmonics...............................................................................18 Advanced TransPlay .................................................................19 Annunciation Checker .............................................................20 Binary I/O monitor ..................................................................20 CB Configuration ....................................................................20 NetSim - Network Simulation Software ...................................21 Meter......................................................................................22 Transducer ..............................................................................23 EnerLyzer.................................................................................24 TransView ...............................................................................26 Field Calibration Software cm_FCS...........................................27 Scheme Testing Tools ..............................................................28 Test Sets CMC 256 - 4 Phase Voltage/6 Phase Current Test Set ..............32 CMC 156 - 3 Phase Voltage/3 Phase Current Test Set...............32 CMC 151 - 1 Phase Voltage/1 Phase Current Test Set ...............37 Amplifiers CMA 156 - 6 Phase Current Amplifier .....................................38 CMA 56 - 3 Phase Current Amplifier ......................................38 CMS 156 - 3 Phase V and I Amplifier .....................................38 CMS 251/252 - High Power 1-/2 Phase V or I Amplifier ..........38 Binary Input/Output Unit CMB IO-7 ................................................................................41 Accessories Synchronization Unit CMGPS...................................................42 Polarity Checker - CPOL ...........................................................42 CMLIB B set ............................................................................43 Scanning heads.......................................................................43 CMLIB A - Low level signal connector ......................................43 Automated Switching Box CM ASB2 .......................................44 Current Clamp C-Probe 1 ........................................................44 Parallel port for notebook computers SPP-100.........................44 Recloser Controller Test Cable, 14 Pin Connector .....................45 Generator Combination Cable .................................................45 Transport Cases.......................................................................45 Other Accessories....................................................................46 Contacts Substation Communication IEC 61850 and UCA 2.0 Testing Solutions ...............................30 IEC 60870-5-103 Testing Solutions ..........................................31 3 Software Software Options Advanced Protection Measurement                       OMICRON users benefit from a wide range of powerful software options. Various packages contain a selection of test modules that are function-oriented and can operate either on a stand-alone basis or can be embedded in test plans for automated testing. Additional software modules for special applications complete the range. Software packages Protection Software/Module QuickCMC TransPlay Harmonics State Sequencer Ramping Control Center Package Overcurrent Distance Differential Autoreclosure Pulse Ramping Advanced Distance Quick and easy manual testing, includes results reporting. Play back of COMTRADE files, recording of binary input status. Generation of signals with superimposed harmonics, direct or via COMTRADE export. Determining operating times and logical timing relations by state-based sequences. Determining magnitude, phase, and frequency thresholds by ramping definitions. Automation tool, document-oriented test plan, template and report form. Including OMICRON Control Center (OCC), Test Wizard, CMEngine, Pause Module, ExeCute, TextView Manual or automatic testing of positive/negative/zero sequence overcurrent characteristics including directional control with fault modeling. Impedance element evaluations using single-shot definitions in the Z-plane. Operating and harmonic element evaluation in single-phase mode. Testing of autoreclosure function with integral fault model. Determining magnitude, phase, and frequency thresholds by pulse ramping definitions. Impedance element evaluations using automatic testing modes and fault modeling. Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un                                  VI Starting Testing the VI starting function of distance relays. Advanced Differential Comprehensive three-phase testing with up to 9 currents for differential relays. Advanced TransPlay Import/Export, replay, editing, modifying and automatic assessment of transient files using COMTRADE/PL4/CSV formats. Synchronizer Ground Fault Annunciation Checker Transducer Meter Binary IO Monitor CB Configuration cm_FCS Automatic testing of synchronizing devices. Simulation of steady state and transient ground-faults using system fault model. Verifying the correct marshalling and wiring of protection devices. Testing of all kinds of measuring transducers (voltage, current, frequency, power). Testing of single and multifunction energy meters (load / no load, creep, dial and register test). Status display of all binary inputs/outputs of the connected test set(s). Module for setting the CB simulation with the CMC 256. For self tests and calibrations of CMC 256/156. Additional Software TransView Transient signal analysis for COMTRADE files. EnerLyzer Analog measurements and transient recording with the CMC 256. Includes TransView. NetSim Network simulator for relay testing under real life conditions. Scheme testing tools: Testing of various logic schemes found in modern relays, meters and IEDs. CommPro, LogicPro, DLogicPro, PQPro GSSE configuration module Sets up the NET-1 hardware option for testing with GSSEs according to IEC 61850 ("UCA GOOSE") Operating systems / User interface languages Win 98 Win 2000           English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Japanese Chinese Chinese      PTS 103 Monitoring, simulating, and analyzing the "protection protocol" IEC 60870-5-103 Ordering Options Packages: see page 33 (CMC ordering options) Individual modules: on request Russian 4 Win XP           Universal                        Meter Basic Basically. ExeCute. an OCC document comprises the following elements: Used device(s).) Number and type of embedded test modules depending on the complexity of the tests to be performed. Text View. automatically created test report (customizable to meet the organization´s requirements). Unique. For similar tests. instruction texts. Results (after testing) To adapt a test plan for a certain parameter. as they are set relative to the device parameters. a powerful test object environment to describe/model all test object parameters and settings. 5 .g. an efficient and customizable tool for the automatic generation of optimized Control Center test plans. deleting the results of the previous test and restarting will perform the test again with the exact same settings. defined within an OCC document. however. Re-usability OCC documents can easily be used as templates for the same or similar tests: Simply copying the OCC file. are the automation possibilities the OMICRON Control Center offers. testing times can be significantly reduced.) supported by Pause Module. Contains all test results in secure format with exact data.OMICRON´s software modules feature comprehensive functionality for conventional manual or automatic testing. in substations with several feeders). check instructions. automatic assessment of the test points according to tolerances. wiring (Hardware configuration) Test object data Test function 1 Defined in XRIO. outputs and throughout a test plan for all embedded test functions/modules. Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un OMICRON Control Center     Test object data (XRIO) With the OMICRON Control Center (OCC) technology all functions of a test object can be tested with one test plan. wiring connections Test modules with test settings (test points. etc. XRIO Converters make the setting transfer from the relay to the test software fast and easy. only this single parameter needs to be changed in XRIO – all test settings adapt automatically. etc. Test Wizard. completes OMICRON´s “toolbox” for automatic testing and test plan creation. and test specifications. etc. inputs. Present device(s). Test function 2 Information on the Specified in Hardware Configuration Component (HCC). maintained and distributed. where only the parameterization differs (e. With the LinkToXRIO technology. Comprehensive test plans can easily be built. configuration. Test function n Optional: Graphics. Tests automatically adapt to changed test object settings. Test object data can be entered manually or may be imported. all "general" test modules have access to the XRIO parameters and allow the definition of test settings relative to test object parameters. Guides the tester through the testing process according to test specifications (connection diagrams. simple copying of the OCC file and adjustment of the parameters is all that is required. the test setup (used generators/amplifiers. The test plans will still perform their specified test using the now changed parameter. inclusion of a wiring diagram). Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Pause Module. The data can easily be adapted to the actual settings of individual test objects. XRIO converters can be written and customized by the users. 6 . LinkToXRIO All test modules supporting LinkToXRIO allow the direct use of a defined test object parameter for testing. installed with the software. automatic re-parameterization of a relay during type testing). Pause Module Allows the setting of breakpoints in automatic tests. Export and import functions allow easy distribution of specific hardware configurations. making them available across any existing test plans. auxiliary CTs. Test designers can specify instructions to be displayed as pop up messages (e. ExeCute Allows for execution of external applications (programs) along with file or data parameters during Control Center execution for an automatic test using an OCC document (e. ExeCute     These small modules run within OCC and support certain automation aspects. the test plans which use it do not need to be modified. Text View. Text View Allows for embedding and displaying a text file or log file during an automatic text execution.) and the wiring between the testing equipment and test object is configured with ultimate flexibility. A number of helpful examples are included in the software.Software Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Test Object Definition with XRIO       All the relevant data for a device to be tested is kept in the standard XRIO format (eXtended Relay Interface by OMICRON).g. Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Hardware Configuration       In Hardware Configuration Component (HCC). additionally provides a comprehensive collection of typical test object data of different manufacturers. This means that if a certain parameter changes.g. The corresponding data can either be manually entered via Test Object or alternatively it can be imported. VTs. etc. Test object parameters can also be exported. XRIO Converters XRIO Converters optionally allow for the fast and easy entry and conversion of the data available in the test objects´ own parameter structure. Test Library A test library. the report view. It is also possible to control the CMC test hardware from thirdparty applications that support Microsoft Automation. After testing is finished. 7 . test results and assessments are entered automatically to complete the report..allows users of CMC test sets to write their own programs.Programming Interface     For very special applications.). or exported to standard office applications using Rich Text Format. Defined standard report settings are quickly and easily generated. missing only the test results. autoreclosure.g. Like an assistant. data are entered in tabular and/or graphical form.Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Test Wizard     Test Wizard is a simple and efficient tool for the automatic generation of application tailored test plans in the OCC. representing also a powerful platform for the creation. each module adds its specific piece of data to the overall report.a command language library for 32-bit Windows platforms (Windows 98/2000/XP) . can easily be included. The basis of the Test Wizard is its “knowledge base“. the programming interface CM Engine . a database of pre-defined individual test plans for individual standardized test object types. Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un CM Engine . the user selects the functions to be tested and Test Wizard automatically puts the corresponding testing functionality into a structured OCC document. Customizing test reports based on individual requirements is easy. by just selecting or deselecting items from the list. From this list. Reports can easily be printed. saved. Once the test object has been identified (e. With the Report Configuration function the visible content of test reports can be defined completely independently from the recorded data. and loaded. etc. This database can be customized and extended by the user. Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Automatic Reporting       All OMICRON test modules have one view in common . The programs can be written in one of the common programming languages such as C/C++. If several modules are used within OCC to comprise a test. specific test and control requirements can be met. company specific elements like logos etc. In this a fully formatted report is available. saved on file or in a database. distribution and maintenance of standardized test templates. Depending on the individual test module the results come from. a certain distance relay). Visual Basic or Pascal. Recorded data will always remain available regardless of whether the user chooses to include it in the reports. Thus. The unique Test Wizard is of immense value in particular for use with multifunctional relays. such as factory acceptance tests as performed by protection relay manufacturers. Test Wizard provides a list of all protective functions available within this object (distance. Test Wizard guides the tester through the process of selecting the required testing functions in an application-oriented way and automatically combines them for a complete test plan in an OCC document. the values are displayed graphically in the vector or impedance view.) are increased or decreased by a specified value with a mouse click. The module includes a Fault Calculator which automatically converts the entered values to determine the correct output quantities (voltage. or by dynamically positioning the elements in the vector diagram. or seconds/cycles. two and three-phase faults. power. Output values may be defined numerically. etc.). The residual voltage and current is also automatically calculated and generated. In step mode. Fault Calculator transfers the values into voltages and currents generated by a CMC and/or amplifier. 8 . Input/measuring functions 10 binary inputs can be used to monitor dry or wet contacts and make corresponding time measurements. variable frequency for each individual channel. The output values of a transducer connected to the analog dc inputs can also be displayed. a step function test is carried out until an input toggles or the user stops the test. According to the selected mode. absolute/relative. Output functions QuickCMC provides simple control of test signals. while also offering powerful functions for performing manual tests for all kinds of secondary devices. step or ramp function for all quantities • Fault Calculator providing different operation modes • Timing measurements • Vector view and impedance plane       QuickCMC provides an easy and intuitive user interface. Step or ramp mode Step or Ramp Mode operation is provided for finding limiting values. the selected quantities (currents. Channels where no fault model is assigned can be set without any restriction (unbalanced signal generation. so that individual comments may be added to the report. The pulse ramping functionality allows easy testing of protection elements with overlapping characteristics.Software Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un QuickCMC Quick and easy manual testing • Simultaneous control of up to 16 generators (voltage/current outputs) • Steady state. such as pick up and drop off. etc. or starting of a relay. or by using input modes for absolute or relative impedance values. Reporting Results of tests with QuickCMC can be stored for later use. impedances. Output quantities can either be entered in the classical way as voltages and currents. the QuickCMC reporting feature provides a “notepad” function. the report style and content can be customized. In ramp mode. In addition. Similar to all other testing modules in the OMICRON Test Universe. power flow. voltages. or the interactive impedance plane with the mouse. The unit manager function allows for easy toggling between the handling of values in primary/secondary. as well as numerically in a table. Regardless of which input mode is chosen. or symmetrical components. current and phase angle) for single. powers or symmetrical components. powers. State Sequencer supports the binary input/output unit CMB IO-7. Once defined. Z with I or V constant. currents and binary inputs) can be displayed graphically to aid in studying the reaction of the relay. test points can directly be defined in the interactive impedance plane. For distance relays.e. A level assessment is positive. After a test execution this table also contains the measured actual times and deviations. Timing conditions can be specified for the test assessment (e. or by pressing a key. The report functionality is identical to all other automatic test modules. Assessment and Reporting The measurement conditions are displayed in a table. if defined states at the relay outputs connected to the binary inputs are logically true throughout a certain state. Several individual states can be strung together in order to define a test sequence. a given relay should trip within two cycles of inception of the fault state). showing the specifications of the actual loaded XRIO test object file. These can be used to check the correct operation of the relay. otherwise. The transition from one state to the next may take place after a fixed time. symmetrical components. All of the time signals (voltages. fault values. Definition of individual states Within one state. Static output of individual states is possible. If the measured time is within this range. with the ability to zoom in on specific points in time. Data cursors facilitate scrolling through the time signals to find the values at specific times.. Changes of binary values are not required. Line-Line. binary outputs) and a condition for the ending of the state. Besides the direct input of the individual voltages and currents. a GPS synchronization pulse. the test is “passed”. Individual trip times and deviations (positive and negative) can be specified for each measurement condition. g. it is “failed”. up to 16 signals can be set independently in amplitude. Signals can be enabled individually. The last column contains the “passed” or “failed” information.Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un State Sequencer     State Sequencer is a very flexible tool for determining operating times and logical timing sequences. Trip) level assessments can be made. Apart from timing measurements (always triggered by an event i. 9 . Measurement Time measurements can be defined based on this string of states. the integrated fault calculator allows the automatic calculation of the test quantities entered by one of the following input modes: Line-Neutral. and frequency. states and timing conditions can easily be copied and pasted into sequence. phase. after a trigger condition on the binary inputs of the CMC. A state is defined by the output conditions (voltage and current. • motor protection. The flexibility of this module allows two synchronized simultaneous ramps of different variables and functions with up to five consecutive ramp segments each.Software Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Ramping     Ramping generates ramps of amplitude. phase. • generator protection. e. accurate and thorough determination of pickup values of multifunctional relays is easily done. or frequency for the current and voltage outputs. This removes a potential source of error as no reparameterization of the relay is required. Other functions include: • Distance protection fault model with XRIO interface • Reset state definition • End-to-End testing using a GPS trigger • Automatic report creation • Automatic result assessment Typical applications: Pick-up testing of • multifunctional relays with overlapping elements. Application Example Overcurrent: Without Pulse Ramping. Pulse Ramping allows for testing a protection element pickup value without disabling associated functions. It can also determine limiting values. quick. With Pulse Ramping the determination of the I>> pickup value is easy because the 200ms pulses never lead to a trip in the I> region.g. Automated tests can be performed with ramps that allow testing of both simple and complex functions. Features • Automated testing using ramp sequences • Simultaneous ramps for two independent variables and functions (e. the I>> pickup (instantaneous) cannot be determined because the ramp already leads to a trip in the I> (Timed Overcurrent) area. • rate of change relays (including df/dt). such as minimum pick-up or switching hysteresis. V/Hz) • Definition of up to five consecutive ramp segments • Visual control of the output values (time view) • Display of the test results with automatic assessment • Test repetition feature with statistic calculations • Ratio calculations of the two ramp values. 10 . The use of Pulse Ramping also avoids high continuous testing current for electromechanical relays with high instantaneous settings. Trip is the only contact required. • overcurrent relays with multiple elements. resetting ratio • Unique one-step-back feature for quick and accurate testing • Automatic result assessment Typical Applications • Pick up/Drop-off testing • Evaluation of the resetting ratio Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Pulse Ramping    With Pulse Ramping.g. The generation of the fault quantities makes no assumptions for the nature of protection. The software displays the characteristic of the relay on a time vs. Key Features • Assessment for each test point • Automated testing • Characteristic for zero and negative sequence • Definition of a test point sequence • Testing of the starting characteristic/automatic assessment • Testing with or without load current • Automatic reporting Four different characteristics can be set for each relay: line to earth fault. line to line fault. time table or a variety of pre-defined relay characteristics.112). Essential criteria. 11 . Autoreclosure automatically sets up test conditions for the successful and unsuccessful sequence. The time characteristics or curves can either be based on a user-defined current vs. Test automation is supported by a simple test point definition in a user-defined test point list. the fault can be specified in the impedance plane. distance. Each test point is defined in this characteristic and then added to a test point list.Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Overcurrent Automatic • Overcurrent trip time testing • Overcurrent curve evaluation • Pick-up/drop-off testing    Overcurrent serves to manually or automatically test overcurrent relays (directional and nondirectional). supported by the integrated fault calculator and the LinkToXRIO functionality. OMICRON´s relay interface (XRIO) allows importing and exporting of relay data. Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Autoreclosure    Configuration of the test sequences for the autoreclosure (AR) is both effective and time saving. The relay characteristics available from the OMICRON templates are: standard inverse curves as defined by IEC 255-4 (BS 142) and relay specific curves based on the IEEE standard formula (PC37. so overcurrent. are automatically evaluated as well. The fault specification is done by fault type and fault quantities. An assessment is made for each test point. The user may modify the measurement conditions to special needs. The test sequence is displayed over time and a list of events with assessments is reported. A graphical user interface displays the output values in the vector diagram. zero sequence. or line differential relays with AR can be tested. and negative sequence. current diagram. For testing distance protection. based on the pre-defined tolerance for the trip time. like the three phase final trip at the end of an unsuccessful sequence. GE BDD. Starting. and transformer differential protection relays. slope test) and the inrush blocking function (harmonic restraint test). and no-trip zones can be defined by using pre-defined elements.). or Westinghouse HU) can be addressed. Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Differential    Differential provides a compact testing solution for line. 12 . or for every fault loop separately. Time measurements between different points can be made using cursors. B-N. the test points are determined by the differential current and the percentage of the superimposed harmonic. as well as numerically in the test point table. The impedance settings for the zones are entered and displayed in primary or secondary values. When a test is performed. Differential also tests the harmonic restraint function. Definition of relay characteristics A graphical characteristic editor makes for quick and easy definition of the nominal relay characteristics and settings. the test point lists belonging to the individual fault loops are processed in turn. Definition of tests Tests are defined in the impedance plane: Test points are added to a test point table with the mouse or by keyboard entry. For this function. It performs single-phase tests of the operating characteristic (pick up value. Variable tap settings.g. The standard XRIO interface makes it possible to directly import the relay data from the relays parameter setting software. The test currents belonging to the test points are injected into the relay and the reaction of the relay is assessed. etc.g. A complete overview of all defined zones is provided. Test points can be defined for several fault loops at the same time (e. test points are defined in the Idiff/Ibias plane either by the mouse or by using the keyboard. extended. A-B. The results are displayed graphically in the impedance plane.Software Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Distance    Distance provides the functionality to define and perform tests of distance relays by impedance element evaluations using single-shot definitions in the Z-plane with graphical characteristic display. For a more in-depth analysis of the results. The reaction of the relay is compared to the specified nominal settings and an assessment is made. For the operating characteristic test. A graphic user interface makes the test definition easy. trip. the voltages and currents belonging to a test point and the relay´s reaction (switching of output contacts) can be graphically displayed. as for some older electromechanical relays (e. for all single-phase loops). busbar. as chosen by the user. generator. This table is divided according to the different fault loops (A-N. C-N. The output signals are shown in a separate view. the adjustment control commands (f . It produces the transient voltages and currents during a ground fault from a fault simulation with a pre-defined network model. taking the CB closing time into account. and the changes of voltage and frequency. With a CMC 256. V ) may be used to control the second voltage output. the steady-state fault quantities after the decay of the transient process can be continuously output. V . three-phase to singlephase synchronization is possible. The calculated quantities are determined by the parameters of the line and the feeding network. can be monitored graphically in order to follow the progress of the synchronization. the generator or system to be synchronized. System 1 is fixed at a specified amplitude and frequency. To allow for the testing of relays in both the forward and the reverse direction. For synchronizing devices that have automatic adjustment functions. For a single-phase to single-phase synchronization. • checking the relay´s directional characteristic.g.Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Transient Ground Fault   Transient Ground Fault tests the directional decision of transient ground fault relays. 13 . and magnitude. A synchronoscope is implemented in the software. if a CMS 156 voltage amplifier is used together with the CMC 256/156 test set. the fault can be applied on different feeders. Both three-phase systems and two-phase systems (e. a dynamic generator model is available. The control of the second output is variable following different test modes. For testing the directional decision of steady-state ground fault relays. The software automatically detects the circuit breaker closing command from the relay and. They can also be displayed or printed with the automatically generated test report. The module performs an automatic assessment of the measured data based on the user´s specific application. The test execution can be manually initiated or synchronized by using an external trigger signal. System 2 is controlled by the software in amplitude and frequency. To simulate the real system as closely as possible.e. The model simulates a spur line. The binary contact sequences of the adjustment commands. Synchronizing relays are designed to measure adjoining systems with respect to voltage phase angle. no additional amplifier is needed. f . The second voltage output represents system 2. which eliminates the need for additional test instruments when testing synchronizing devices. Synchronizer can be used in single phase mode to simulate two systems to be synchronized (1 and 2). frequency. the test equipment needs to emulate the application in which the relay is used. some railway systems) can be simulated. i. The module is of particular assistance when • setting the relays. using the additional fourth voltage phase to represent one of the systems. Synchronizer allows for a three-phase to three-phase synchronization. The network simulation provides testing with realistic current and voltage waveforms. to safeguard against the interconnection of two unsynchronized systems. Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Synchronizer   In order to test a synchronizing relay. evaluates if the synchronization takes place within the synchronizing window. The frequency and amplitude can be changed linearly depending on the ramping time constants of the generator. and Check test At a Shot test (the only mode provided in the Distance module). Zone transitions are searched along search lines specified in the impedance plane. or angle values. All defined search lines are stored in a table for automatic processing. At a Search test. Search. but are instead referred to zone reaches and the line angle. Test points and test (search/check) lines defined relative to the line angle are twisted according to the setting of the line angle in the XRIO test object file. This gives a quick verification of whether the specifications are met. X. At a Check test. Mouse commands. test points in the test point table are automatically processed. Z. the whole test settings are processed sequentially. A test in Advanced Distance can have any combination of Shot. context menus and keyboard shortcuts facilitate data input. The relative settings can be applied to reaches and to angles. Parameters can be precisely defined by numerical inputs. Adding test points and test lines to the tables is possible in a variety of ways. Advanced Distance provides the constant source impedance test model which is useful in special cases where parameters such as SIR (Source Impedance Ratio) are important. At test execution. zone reaches are determined automatically. particularly for routine tests.g. test points are automatically set at the tolerance boundaries of zones. but test points are only set at the intersections of the check lines with the zone tolerances. The setup is done with test lines (check lines) similar to a search test. With this feature. using an optimized algorithm. Search tests. A magnetic cursor supports the choosing of useful values. Test points defined relative to zone reaches (e.Software Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Advanced Distance   Advanced Distance provides advanced functionality in addition to the base functionality of Distance: • Search and Check tests • Test settings relative to zone reaches and line angle ("relative shots") • Testing multiple fault loops Shot tests. either combined or individually. Relative Test Definitions A revolutionary feature is that the test settings can be made relative to the characteristic of the distance relay. or Check tests. 110 % of zone 1. …) have the magnitude of the impedance automatically adjusted to the actual values defined in the test object data. re-usable test templates that adopt themselves to the actual relay settings can be created. This versatile system offers a wide range of testing possibilities. Constant Source Impedance Model In addition to the constant test current and constant test voltage models from Distance. Test points are not entered in absolute R. or specified by pointing to certain locations in the characteristic diagram. 90 % of zone 2. The Check test is an efficient overall test of the relay with minimum testing time. 90 % of zone 1. 14 . Using this. It is possible to define a series of search lines in a single step. it is easy to comply with testing philosophies and regulations. Load Current To verify special behavior of certain relays which occurs only when a prefault (load) current is present (e. two-phase and three–phase faults • Vector diagram with additional numeric display of the test quantities • Automatic result assessment • Automatic test report generation • XRIO interface for VI characteristics 15 .g. search. accelerated tripping performance). but for the common case of equal settings in related fault types. a load current can be superimposed. and Check tests and the impedance plane. Time Signal View The voltages. the drop-off value and the ratio. it is a perfect tool for many tests on overcurrent and undervoltage functions. The actual line is determined by pointing in the impedance plane or by a selection in one of the test tables. Testing multiple fault loops in one test module Advanced Distance provides special support by performing the tests for multiple fault loops within one test module. During and after the test execution. Test definitions are made in this view. This is useful to perform more detailed investigations (e. time measurements using cursors). Multi-windows user interface The user interface can be configured individually. Additionally. currents. It is also possible to define test points and view the assessments in the diagram. For every fault type. Vector Diagram The vector diagram shows the phasors of the voltages and currents. this view displays the results numerically in the tables and graphically in the impedance plane. The corresponding numerical values are displayed in the attached table. Advantages • Automatic finding of characteristics • Automatic testing according to specified characteristics • Automatic determination of pick-up and drop-off values • Separate characteristics for phase-to-ground and phase-to-phase starting • Intuitive operation with graphical representation of the test • Clear representation of results in tabular and graphical form Features • Easy fault specification with fault type and fault quantities • Generation of realistic test quantities with models for phase-to-ground. and binary signals after a completed shot are shown in this view. individual test settings can be made. For any specified test point. For all test modes (shot. it finds the pick-up value. Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un VI Starting Automatic testing of VI starting of distance relays   VI Starting tests the voltage dependent overcurrent starting characteristic used in many distance relays. Z/t Diagram This view shows the graded trip time curve over the impedance along a certain line. using the following elements: Test View This view holds the test point tables for the Shot. Search. both for the phase quantities and the sequence components. check) multiple tabs are provided with a separate test point table for every fault type. there are functions to make the same settings in multiple fault types simultaneously.g. and cost efficient. The test module Diff Configuration tests: • Secondary wiring and interposing transformers (electromechanical and numerical relays) • Correct parameter setting of digital relays (specification of protected object) • Zero-sequence elimination 16 . the assessment of the measured values is based on: • Operating characteristic • Bias calculation • Zero sequence elimination If a suitable combination of test set and amplifier is used. such as testing generator differential protection. These test modules are also suitable for testing other differential relay functions such as an overcurrent back up protection function or an overload function integrated into the relay. This test solution provides: • Testing with all fault types (L-N. CT connection) and the relay characteristics provides the data for the computations required to facilitate testing. The four test modules in detail: Diff Configuration This module simulates through-faults to verify that the protection is stable for faults outside the protected zone. Testing the correct operation of the relay becomes simple. secondary. Since investigation of the stability may require the observation of multiple measurements. L-L. vector group) • CT ratios and connections • Fault type • Fault/supply side (primary. Extensive modeling of the protected object (power transformer). automatic calculation of currents to be injected are based on: • Transformer data (nominal data. the secondary equipment (CTs. time saving. For non-transformer applications. It is particularly suitable for transformer differential schemes with up to 3-windings and up to 9 currents to be injected. the modules can control up to 9 currents for comfortable testing of three winding transformer protection.Software Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Advanced Differential   Advanced Differential is a set of test modules which form a complete testing solution for differential schemes.) • Load current • Amplitude and phase correction For the protective relay. L-L-L) • Shot tests at pre-defined test points or search tests • Evaluation and assessment of results against characteristics and tolerances • Report generation including graphical representation of the results in the characteristic diagrams • No blocking of voltage related functions required (important for testing of multifunctional relays) For transformers. etc. the module gives the tester the option to check the readings before proceeding with the test. the current calculations are done without the transformer model. The automatic calculation of the test currents eliminates the most time consuming and error-prone manual tasks. The actual values read from the relay under the fault conditions (operating or restraint currents of the different phases) can be entered for full documentation in the report. Diff Harmonic Restraint Diff Harmonic Restraint tests the inrush and CT saturation blocking function of a differential relay. For simulating different inrush conditions. either trip or no trip. Diff Trip Time Characteristic measures tripping times at specified differential currents. The currents injected into the relay are calculated from ldiff/Ibias value pairs specified in the ldiff/lbias plane. The actual current configuration for a particular differential current is automatically calculated. Currents with superimposed 2nd or 5th harmonics are injected for this test. Diff Trip Time Characteristic This module tests the dependency of the trip time from the magnitude of the differential current. the initial phase shift between fundamental and harmonics can be specified. 17 . is assessed against the specified characteristic. The correct reaction of the relay.Diff Operating Characteristic The Diff Operating Characteristic module tests the operation of the protection for faults inside the protected zone. The test points are defined in the harmonic restraint characteristic diagram. where the differential current is drawn over the harmonic content of the test current. This relates directly to how manufacturers commonly specify the operating characteristic. The test points are defined in the trip time characteristic diagram and the measurements are assessed against this characteristic. can initiate the playback of a transient file at a specific time. The software supports the following file formats: • IEEE COMTRADE • Windows WAV TransPlay also includes synchronizing capability for use with an external trigger. such as EMTP. 18 . In static output mode the tool puts out values as long as it is in the ON condition. such as a time pulse from a GPS satellite receiver (i. The response time is indicated. Signal: set signal including harmonics 3. Files which are converted from COMTRADE to WAV format can be automatically played back. CMGPS). Post signal: only fundamental wave A timer starts at the moment of harmonic injection and stops on a trigger event. These signals may be simple harmonic waveforms or actual power system faults recorded from a digital fault recorder or from a simulation program. In sequence mode a sequence consisting of three states can be injected: 1. Pre signal: only fundamental wave 2. The fundamental for three voltages and three currents as well as mixtures of harmonics for any of the voltage or current channels can be defined.Software Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un TransPlay . An external trigger. This results in the injection of these signals into the relay.Transient Playback Utility       TransPlay as a utility program allows the loading and playback of transient files containing voltage and current analog transient waveforms. Harmonic signals can be output directly or exported as COMTRADE files.e. The THD (total harmonic distortion) of the signal (for each channel) is indicated. Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Harmonics       Harmonics produces harmonics with frequencies up to 1000 Hz with even and odd harmonics up to the 20th harmonic at 50 Hz or 16th harmonic at 60 Hz. e. Advanced TransPlay provides a repetition mode. COMTRADE (C37. obtained from fault recorders or network simulation programs. Additional binary signals (e.Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Advanced TransPlay Ideal tool for • troubleshooting with fault records • relay evaluation with transient files (e. During playback. These markers are the basis for time measurements. as well as average and standard deviation values (statistic functions). EMTP calculations) • End-to-End testing   Advanced TransPlay is a universal tool for using the CMC system to test with transient signals. and binary signals are applied to the protection device. Transient signal data. 19 . Markers can be set in order to point out significant events in the recording. TRF and CSV file formats are supported by Advanced TransPlay. This makes it possible to investigate: • if the relay scatters (differences between recording and actual behavior during playback). etc. The reaction of the protection device is measured and assessed on the basis of time measurements.111/D11). it also can replay the binary signals in a fault recording via the CMC´s relay and transistor outputs. current. The reaction of the protection device tested with such signals is recorded and assessed. carrier send/received signals from communication-based schemes) can be added. If necessary. the selected voltage. It is possible to repeat parts of the signal. After a transient file has been loaded. and replayed with Advanced TransPlay.g. playback can be synchronized via GPS or by a time pulse applied to a binary input.111-1991 and P37. Advanced TransPlay not only plays back voltage and current signals.. the individual results for each repetition. for extending the pre-fault time. • Relative measurements compare the relay´s reaction during playback to its behavior stored in the recording (reference).g. irrelevant parts are hidden. and a test report is generated. tripping. are displayed. the part of the signal to be replayed is selected by markers. such as fault inception.g. • how a different protection device operates under the same conditions. PL4 (PC formatted ASCII). can be loaded and viewed. processed. Absolute and relative time measurements are possible: • Absolute time measurements determine for instance starting or trip times of the relay during signal playback. starting. simulates the auxiliary contacts during a test. Each cell of the grid corresponds to a signal indicator at a certain location. The CB simulation. It can be used either as a stand-alone module or embedded in the OMICRON Control Center. In particular when working with the CMB IO-7 (with its large number of binary inputs and outputs) this tool provides considerable benefit.g. running in a CMC 256. Signals stimulate a protective device and are generated as shots or steady states. A time signal display shows the actual situation. It performs actuation of the auxiliary CB contacts (52a. The test specification is done in a signal/location grid. A typical application is the testing of the control logic of a bay control device. Annunciation Checker helps the commissioning engineer to verify that the allocation of each message to its expected location (marshalling) and the wiring has been done correctly. The test engineer can navigate through the test grid in any order (e. 20 . This is very useful during the creation of a test sequence or for troubleshooting.Software Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Annunciation Checker   Today´s protection devices emit hundreds of different status signals or measured analog values. Each signal can be displayed at various locations. 52b) in response to trip and close commands. Depending on the available binary inputs and outputs. Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Binary I/O monitor       Binary I/O Monitor displays the status of all binary inputs/outputs of the connected test set(s). Main functions: • All connected binary inputs and outputs are monitored • Runs in parallel with any OMICRON test module • Transient changes can be indicated through the "Indicate state change” function • Display can be frozen by the "Hold” function • Display names assigned in the Hardware Configuration are displayed as labels for the state indicators Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un CB Configuration       (for CMC 256) For many protection relays. The CB Simulation consists of two items: • The CB Configuration module that is used to specify the timing parameters and mode of operation of the CB Simulation. it is necessary to have the auxiliary contacts of the circuit breaker (CB) connected and operating for proper functioning. it is possible to simulate one-pole and three-pole operation of the CB. signal by signal or location by location). A test specification can be created prior to the test and can also be flexibly adapted while a test runs. The test results are summarized in a tabular test report. • The CB Simulation is running in the CMC firmware. A hold function enables the user to freeze the display for detailed investigations. It can also indicate transient changes that occur between regular updates of the displayed information. The response of the indicator is evaluated manually. Standard network configurations with a simple parameter setup provide instant "click and run" simulations with signal output via the CMC test set. mutual coupling • Circuit breakers • CT saturation Power Swing Testing The realistic power system quantities generated by NetSim are essential for successfully testing advanced power swing blocking functions in modern relays.NetSim . The synchronous power swing test case simulates a transient oscillation that returns to a stable state.g. tapped lines become more and more frequently installed. cable tap on overhead line) or topographical layout (e. L-L-E. distance protection may have serious reach problems with this configuration. parallel lines (including mutual coupling).g. and three terminal lines • Power Swings Customized test cases can be produced on request. where simple impedance ramps or sequences of impedance states will mostly fail. Finding optimized protection settings for this difficult case is substantially supported. Three Terminal Line Due to obvious cost benefits. Test Cases • Short circuit events on single lines. L-L-L.Network Simulation Software VESM5100 This test module brings power system network simulations and testing with transient signals within the scope of the commissioning engineer and the routine tester. tap close to one end). L-N Fault with CT saturation Voltages and currents during an asynchronous power swing Impedance locus during an asynchronous power swing simulated with NetSim (displayed in TransView) 21 . Asynchronous power swings can also be generated with multiple pole slips for effectively testing Out-of-Step (OST) functions. Applications • Relay testing under real-life conditions • Evaluation of relay settings for difficult protection applications • Testing of advanced protection algorithms • Easy End-to-End testing of line protection with GPS time synchronization The transient voltages and currents are calculated from a digital network model. Event Simulation • Fault types L-E. as: • Voltage sources • Lines. L-L. L-L-L-E • Selectable fault location • Selectable fault resistance (arc simulation) • Simultaneous faults on parallel lines • Open phase • Spur line • Switch-onto-fault • Power Swing • Automatic repetition of tests with varying parameters • COMTRADE export for simulated waveforms The simulation of the power system takes all essential components and parameters into account. The three terminal line configuration is an ideal test case for investigating the conditions on tapped lines. Depending on impedance values (e. providing optimal approximation of the real events in a power network. In this case the standard deviation is displayed together with the meter error. The CMC test sets not only provide the test signals. including the assessment (passed or failed). can eliminate errors of the CMC. The automatic test is controlled by a test point table. which can be run in one of the following modes: Load test Accuracy of measurement unit (time power method) Mechanism test Accuracy of entire meter including display Gated Mechanism test Testing internal meter registers Injection test Quick check (wiring. Until now. During a load test the pulses of the meter under test. This makes a reference meter unnecessary for most cases. For a manual test. generating any test quantities. but not very accurate. The test can by performed with any balanced or unbalanced load for: • Single phase meters (or a single measurement element of a 3-phase meter) • 3-wire meters • 4-wire meters All parameters can be specified in a detail view independently for each phase. without defining a complete test procedure. in combination with a reference meter. a table per test function is available (multiple tabs). can quickly check the correct functioning of meters. power source. without the need for repeating the whole test.Software Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Meter    OMICRON´s approach significantly simplifies the testing of energy meters. For testing the meter´s behavior with harmonics or dc components. current and power vector diagrams on the right of the screen. Testing of the following meter functions is supported: • Wh importing/exporting • varh importing/exporting • VAh • I2h and U2h (load/no-load losses of transformers) • Qh (Quantity hour) The results of an automatic test are clearly summed up in a tabular test report (one line per test point). When testing with a reference meter. the usual method has been to use a stabilized. in case it is not known or if there are doubts about it. using the same test points. Each line of this table represents a test point. In this mode the constant of a meter can also be determined. Apparent. nominal behavior). To this end. The latter form the reference for error calculation. those assessed as failed) can be repeated after a test run is finished. and the result of the test. testing against a 0. the CMC is used as a current and voltage source. which allows conclusions of the correctness of the test itself. active and reactive power is indicated for each phase and the whole rotary system. the set assessment criteria (tolerance. For multifunctional meters. Meter allows for manual or automated testing of energy meters. are displayed. sense of rotation) No-load test No start-up at zero load Creep test Start-up at low loads In the columns of the table the individual test parameters. Furthermore. Single test steps (e. the following current signal waveforms are available: • Sine • Sine + Harmonics • Sine + dc The test quantities are displayed graphically by means of the voltage. OMICRON provides test sets that are so accurate and stable. as well as those of the reference meter are registered.01 % reference before a test is run.g. optical scanning heads for capturing pulses emitted by infrared LEDs are available. but also have inputs for the meter pulses allowing closed loop testing. or meters with two directions of rotation. By using state of the art hardware technology.02 or 0. 22 . that the signal source itself represents the reference (applies especially to the extended precision (EP) option of CMC 156 or CMC 256 test sets). Test lines can be repeated several times. The error of a transducer is determined by comparing the theoretical signal and the actually measured output signal.Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Transducer   The software module for testing measurement transducers allows for manual or automatic testing of any measurement functions. 23 . the average error is indicated. The "manual test” mode is used. facilitating the definition of an automatic test of the transducers characteristic. it is easy to switch between significant points of a characteristic. power) • Signed average of currents The module supports testing of the following types of characteristics: • Linear • Compound • Quadratic • Symmetrical or non-symmetrical The definition of the characteristic corresponding to the test object settings is easy and is displayed graphically. the test points represent the input value of the measurement transducer. If remote displays should be checked during the test run. The table includes: • Input value • Output value • Class error • Assessment (test passed or failed) During the automatic test run all test points are processed in a sequence. absolute and class errors are derived and graphically displayed in a diagram. voltage. A default test setting is derived from the test object definition. Measuring transducers for three-wire (Aaron circuit) as well as four-wire systems can be tested. if a measurement transducer is to be readjusted. V-V. as well as the documentation and assessment of the results. Relative. Here. Every desired input quantity can be generated for the transducer. such as • Real power single.or three-phase • Frequency • Current • Voltage (phase-to-ground. the test can also be controlled manually. where the error of the transducer is shown at a certain input value. New generation transducers often no longer have classical mA or Vdc output. phase-to-phase) • cos ϕ • Phase angle (V-I. The mode "open loop testing" supports testing this type of transducer. the behavior at changing input voltage or frequency can be performed as an option. If multiple test runs are performed. To achieve higher accuracy for calibration and testing it is recommended that the EP (Extended Precision) option of the CMC 156 or the CMC 256 is used.or three-phase • Reactive power single. Single test points or test sequences can be added to the test point table.or three-phase • Apparent power single. They rather transmit the measured data via transfer protocol or/and visualize values at a display. An automatic test includes the sequential output of a pre-defined test point table. In addition. The transfer characteristic including all test points (passed or failed) is displayed graphically. Current as well as voltage can be generated as pure sine signals or superimposed with harmonics or dc components. Furthermore. I-I) • dc quantities (current. EnerLyzer displays the following quantities: • rms value and phase of the fundamental • Frequency. The maximum recording time depends on the sampling rate and on the number of channels to be recorded (one channel recorded at 3 kHz yields a recording time of over 5 min. the CMC 256 can be used as a powerful 10 channel transient recorder. EnerLyzer can be used concurrently with any active Test Universe test module. Thus a CMC 256 together with EnerLyzer becomes a multifunctional measurement and recording unit. Five measurement ranges make use of the optimal accuracy.Software EnerLyzer VESM2050 EnerLyzer is a software option for the CMC 256. This can be a certain voltage. generator/network). Multimeter Multimeter In this mode. Ac or dc values can be measured. pre-trigger time and recording time can be set for each recording. Recording may be triggered manually or by a defined trigger. enabling powerful analog measurement functions. reactive.g. rms value and THD of the overall signal • rms value and phase of the harmonic Signals can also be captured using a "snapshot” function and displayed graphically. and apparent power per phase and three-phase • cos ϕ • dc values for voltage. I (ac) • Symmetrical components • Line-to-line voltage • Two frequencies • Active. Alternatively. Harmonic Analysis Transient recording With EnerLyzer. With this option. The measurement data can be displayed as secondary or primary values. current and power Harmonic analysis This mode allows the on-line analysis of a signal up to the 64th harmonic (at 50/60 Hz). Transient Recording. Voltages of up to 600 Vrms can be measured. currents can also be measured by using current clamps with voltage outputs or measurement shunts. each of the ten binary inputs can be reconfigured for use as analog measurement inputs. or a certain power quality phenomena. two different frequencies can be determined (e. Each recording is stored in COMTRADE format. For ac. Results can be summarized in a measurement report.). matching the signals to be measured. Triggers 24 . all ten inputs can either be used as voltage or as current inputs. EnerLyzer displays the following quantities: • rms value and phase for V. current or binary level with rising or falling slope. Sampling rate. • Frequency: Triggers when the frequency goes outside the specified deviation of the nominal frequency in Hertz. • Frequency Change: Triggers when the rate of change of frequency exceed the specified rate. Visualization and in-depth analysis of transient recordings can be performed with TransView provided with EnerLyzer. If the limit is exceeded recording is continued and the oldest samples are removed from the chart. EnerLyzer supports the binary input/output unit CMB IO-7. Power Quality Triggers Trend Recording Records the following quantities over time: • Frequency 1 (any channel) • Frequency 2 (any channel) • Currents (rms value) • Voltage (rms value) • Phase angles • Real power (single and three phase) • Reactive power (single and three phase) • Apparent power (single and three phase) • cos ϕ Trend Recording Each type of quantity (e. frequencies. The amount of samples in all charts together is limited to 4 million. Replaying of transient recordings is possible using either Advanced TransPlay or TransPlay. or real powers) is displayed in a separate diagram over time. Measurements over a very long period of time are possible by choosing a large measurement rate . 25 .Power Quality Triggers Different power quality criteria can be combined to trigger signal recording: • Swell & Sag triggers: Trigger when a certain swell or sag occurs in a certain channel. currents. • Notch: Triggers after a certain number of notches of a certain duration and amplitude occur.g.setting a rate of 10 s will allow a continuous measurement over several weeks. • Harmonic: Triggers when either a certain harmonic or the total harmonic distortion exceed a certain level specified as a percentage of the nominal value. g. Zone settings can be imported using the XRIO format. The harmonics are determined using a full-cycle DFT (Discrete Fourier Transformation).g. of the two ends of a line. CMC 256 EnerLyzer. which were recorded with transient recorders (relay-internal recording. TransView supports data in COMTRADE format (IEEE Standard Common Format for Transient Data Exchange for Power Systems). Time signals Here analog and binary signals are represented as a function over time. The signals are arranged in rows. Vector diagrams This view visualizes measured and calculated quantities (e. The amplitude values are given in absolute values and as a percentage of the fundamental. amplitude and time measurements can be performed using two cursors. Harmonics The Harmonics view shows the rms values of harmonics of selected measured quantities as bar graphs. 26 . The quantities can be represented as primary or secondary values in different views: • Time signals • Vector diagrams • Locus diagrams • Harmonics • Value tables For the analysis of a transient recording. Value table The Table view shows the values of several signals at the cursor positions. It processes the recorded data graphically and calculates further quantities of the energy system out of the measurement data. The zoom function allows the representation of the values in every view with optimal scale. The voltage and current values on the cursor positions are displayed in the vector diagram or the value table. Impedance locus diagrams can be represented together with tripping zones of distance relays.Software TransView VESM2051 TransView is a software for visualization and analysis of recorded analog and binary signals. where the individual columns contain the respective values. e. symmetrical components) as complex vectors at defined points in time. like impedances. etc.. Locus diagrams This view visualizes complex quantities as locus diagrams. power vectors. Analog quantities can be displayed as instantaneous or rms values. often transients in the network. rms values. disturbance recorder). TransView allows for simultaneous analysis of multiple recordings. A calibration can be performed with any suitable reference device with sufficient accuracy. CMC test sets have very little drift over many years and thus the need for a factory calibration arises only very rarely. As long as the results documented in the calibration report are within specifications there is no need for a factory calibration. CMC 256 users can perform a self check utilizing the CMC test set´s own analog measuring inputs.Ba Pr AP Me Mt Un Field Calibration Software cm_FCS       The Field Calibration Software cm_FCS supports users when performing a calibration or a self check. A number of test templates are available for CMC 256 and CMC 156/151 test sets. Before a unit is sent back to OMICRON for a factory calibration (always includes a readjustment) a field calibration using cm_FCS shall be performed at the customers location. The number of included test points can be adapted according to the users´ needs. 27 . The software guides the user through the procedure and provides a calibration report. meters. These are based on user defined line parameters. meters and IEDs. DLogicPro for distribution protection logic scheme testing and PQPro for power quality logic scheme testing. fault location. to continue the tests. Schemes include: • • • • • • • • • • Direct Underreaching Transfer Trip Directional Comparison Blocking Permissive Underreaching Scheme Current Reversal Logic Scheme Permissive Overreaching Scheme Weak Infeed Logic Scheme Permissive Underreaching Unblocking Echo Logic Scheme Permissive Overreaching Unblocking Current Transformer Supervision 28 . or IEDs and how they interact within the communication-based or logic-based scheme chosen. The Test Objectives and Hardware Requirements views provide information about the different stages executed by the CMC system and the fault stimulation utilized. making acceptance testing much easier. Multiple Scheme Tests This feature allows several schemes to be tested in sequence. if necessary. which can functionally check the relay´s response while operating in a communication-based or logic-based scheme mode. CommPro CommPro is designed to test 9 communication-based schemes in transmission line distance relays. Training Tool The fault and logic sequence of the selected scheme can be reviewed through the Animation Mode. test objectives and automatic test results are available. Printing options of all relevant settings. and time settings.Software Scheme Testing Tools OMICRON´s Scheme Testing Tools is a suite designed to test various logic schemes found in modern relays. breaker and communications equipment signals. which reflect the actual application in use. Single Scheme Test The software performs several essential tests. These tools eliminate the complexity of testing these schemes and provide four distinct operational benefits: Benchmark Testing Using standardized tests and a given set of device settings. It monitors the operation of relay distance elements and sending of permissive or blocking signals. It consists of CommPro and LogicPro for line protection logic scheme testing. This permits direct comparison of different manufacturers´ implementation of the same logic schemes. the test engineer can evaluate the complex logic of different protective relays. It simulates pre-fault. fault and post-fault conditions. prompting the test engineer to change the communication scheme setting or logic option in the device. Broken Conductor Detection. However. LogicPro. and test case execution where the power system is simulated by the CMC. for all the tests the user can enter their specific settings based on the standard being used and make them the default since they are saved in a separate file. manufacturing facilities and utilities are voltage variation events that may result in service or process interruptions resulting in significant losses. Breaker Failure. CT & VT Supervision. It contains 13 of the most common power quality logic detection schemes and gives the user the ability to understand and test these power quality monitoring functions that are based on fundamental frequency components. Industries define their own voltage variation withstand characteristics usually in accordance with a specific operational or design standard (like the CBEMA curve in the USA). (Cold-Load Pickup. Block Reclosing. Feeder Blocking. Single or Three-Pole Breaker status and other control signals. scheme animation. Sympathetic Trip Logic. and Bus Protection Logic) found in feeder protection. Fuse Saving. A main concern of sensitive industrial. PQPro contains the following tests: • • • • • Instantaneous/Momentary/Temporary voltage sag Instantaneous/Momentary/Temporary voltage swell Short/Temporary/Sustained voltage interruption Power factor/Voltage/Frequency variation Voltage unbalance CM Engine is required to utilize these modules Ordering options: T&D Scheme Testing Tools (CommPro. LogicPro) Power Quality Scheme Testing Tool PQPro VESM5750 VESM5700 VESM5770 29 . hardware connections. The default settings for the Sags and Swells are based on IEEE 1159. It simulates the System Fault conditions.LogicPro LogicPro is designed to test 14 non-communication based schemes in transmission line distance relays. Switch-onto-fault. It monitors different relay scheme logic elements and single or three phase trip signals. It includes test objective. Selective Overcurrent Logic and Backup Tripping. It contains 13 of the most typical schemes. Schemes include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Switch-onto-fault Power Swing Trip Remote End Opened Power Swing Block Loss of Potential Pole Dead Logic Load Encroachment Evolving Fault Zone 1 Extension Block Reclosing Single Pole Tripping Breaker Failure Protection Stub Bus Protection Current Transformer Supervision DLogicPro DLogicPro is designed to test logic schemes found in distribution feeder protection relays. PQPro PQPro is the fourth tool in the Scheme Testing Tools Suite and offers multiple advantages as a power quality training and evaluation tool. DLogicPro) Transmission Scheme Testing Tools (CommPro. This mechanism is an extension of the GSSE (former UCA GOOSE) used with UCA 2. Connections via classical SCADA protocols such as DNP and IEC 60870-5-103 provided additional information and features to be used by the SCADA system. which require analysis and testing to investigate problems and verify proper functioning. Having access to the information on the substation network becomes a necessity for performing protection testing. there are many issues surrounding the interface between protection and SCADA. even mission critical information may be sent over the communication networks. For testing. There are also devices according to the UCA 2. OMICRON addresses the related testing issues by providing solutions for the protection engineer. while the signalling for the core functionality was still performed by hard wired binary contacts.Substation Communication Protection and Communications Protection engineers are increasingly affected by communication issues.0. Setting up subscriptions in the GSSE configuration module 30 . the protection engineer needs access to these data. with the advent of network based technologies according to IEC 61850 utilizing real-time status signalling via Ethernet. Recently. Setting up subscriptions in the GOOSE configuration module The standard IEC 61850 describes the communication of devices in substations. GOOSE (Generic Object Oriented Substation Event) messages transport binary status signals over the substation network and are also used for tripping and interlocking. IEC 61850 and UCA 2.0 specification which operate on this principle. The NET-1 hardware option for OMICRON CMC 256 test sets is required for protection testing with Ethernet-based substation communication protocols. Nevertheless. The modules perform the subscribtions and simulations of the messages and set up the mappings between the binary I/Os of the test set and the status indicators in the GOOSE or GSSE messages. One important issue relevant to protection specialists are the real time (process bus) protocols for transmitting binary status and sampled value data.0 Testing Solutions The GOOSE Configuration Module and GSSE Configuration Module extend the capabilities of the OMICRON protection testing solutions to applications with real-time messaging in substation communication networks. the GOOSE Configuration Module and GSSE Configuration Module can only be used with the NET-1 hardware option. even for messages in the private (manufacturer specific) range • Offline analysis of captured messages • Reading fault records from relays without dedicated relay software • Import of protocol logfiles into OMICRON Control Center test plans for comprehensive reporting Applications • Relay testing with simultaneous protocol monitoring • Troubleshooting on IEC 60870-5-103 links • Commissioning of IEC 60870-5-103 links • Reading fault records from relays Monitoring Monitoring is capturing messages from an established data link between a primary and a secondary station. Simulation In Simulation mode the PTS 103 performs the active role of either a primary or a secondary station. This is useful during commissioning for setting up data links when the installation is still incomplete or for other testing purposes. For the simulation mode of the PTS 103.IEC 60870-5-103 Testing Solutions PTS 103 The protocol test system PTS 103 is a software for monitoring. like protection testing with a relay only. Messages from both directions (Master to Slave. Ordering options: PTS 103 DP1 Set PTS 103 Software PTS DP1 VESC0020 VESC0010 VEHC0030 31 . simulating and analyzing the "Protection Protocol" IEC 60870-5-103. For the monitoring mode of the PTS 103. it is a dual. and Slave to Master) can be captured simultaneously. PTS DP1 This interface adapter provides easy access to optical (820 nm glass fiber) communication links. it works as a fully transparent repeater with two monitoring (RS232) interfaces. Benefits • Configurable filters allow focused capturing of messages • Plain text interpretation of messages. It is intended to be used with the PTS 103. bidirectional RS232 to optical converter. Ideal for 3 x 12.).5 A / 3 x 25 A outputs 6 x low level outputs (rear side) 2 x counter inputs (rear side) dc supply (0 . All current and voltage outputs are fully overload and short-circuit proof and are protected against external high-voltage transient signals and overtemperature. The electronic design of the internal amplifiers and the use of switch-mode power supply units ensure a minimum of weight and volume. No switching of ranges is necessary. portability and reliability. 2 x counter inputs (rear side) 4 x binary outputs dc measuring inputs 10 x binary inputs 32 .3 Phase Voltage/3 Phase Current Test Set The compact solution for three-phase 3 x 125 V outputs testing of relays. Making use of leadingedge technology in both development and quality assurance. Unique measurement and transient recording functionality.5 A outputs applications requiring a high degree of 6 x low level outputs (rear side) portability (routine testing. voltages or power. OMICRON has set new standards for advanced three-phase testing equipment in terms of flexibility.. The low-level signals can also be used for test objects which have a low-level input facility. all kinds of meters and transducers. Every device is developed according to international IEC standards and verified by independent certification bodies including UL and TÜV.4 Phase Voltage/6 Phase Current Test Set The universal solution for old and new generation relays. phase and frequency..Test Sets Unique test sets from the technology leader OMICRON´s commitment to innovation is evident in the outstanding features and the absolute quality of its test sets. resulting in highly accurate testing signals even at small amplitudes. CMC 256 . etc. meters and transducers. accuracy. which can be used to control external amplifiers for applications requiring more signal channels or higher currents. phase. weighing only 9. CMC 156 . recording and analysis of transient signals.. etc. power measurement.). All generators are continuously and independently adjustable in amplitude. harmonics.8 kg / 22 lb. OMICRON´s PC-controlled test sets generate the test signals digitally (DSP technology). Independent channels with low-level signals are available at the back of the test sets. 4 x 300 V outputs 6 x 12. event trigger etc. The inputs are usable with current clamps with voltage output or external shunt and standard current clamp. The first choice for applications requiring the highest versatility (commissioning. 264 V) 4 x binary outputs dc measuring inputs 10 x binary inputs / Analog measurement inputs (with EnerLyzer option) Supplements all ten binary inputs with analog measurement functions for voltages of up to 600 V and currents (with current clamps). Amplitude. frequency. 0 . simultaneously installed. device calibration. or product demonstration. This extremely high precision also makes a CMC 256 or CMC 156 ideal for relay manufacturers for their development process. EP and NET-1. The NET-1 option for CMC 256 replaces the parallel interface and provides the new control interface for the test set. a CMC test set becomes an ideal instrument for the testing of energy meters. it is possible to test energy meters of up to class 0.0 running on Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows XP operating systems. Class 0. MTRJ connector). 300 V three-phase for a CMC 256-EP) without an additional reference meter. such as the GOOSE/GSSE messaging according to IEC 61850-8-1 or UCA 2.0 can be provided by future firmware options.CMC Test Set Options EP (Extended Precision) Available for CMC 256 and CMC 156 Equipped with the hardware option EP (Extended Precision). It is required for interfacing to Ethernet-based substation communication protocols. acceptance testing. type testing. • 100 Mbit/s fiber optic (100Base-FX. Test sets with the NET-1 option no longer have a parallel port interface. Support for specific substation protocols. This proven network technology offers many new opportunities in excess of just replacing the parallel interface. The new way of controlling the test set is performed via Ethernet. Another advantage is the support of substation communication according to IEC 61850 and UCA 2.0. Due to the extremely high accuracy of the EP option. CMC ordering options CMC 256 VE002519 VE002419 VE002319 VE002619 VE002219 VE002119 VEHO1002 1 CMC 156 VE001514 VE001414 VE001314 VE001614 VE001214 VE001114 VEHO1001 VEHO0001 Basic Package Protection Package Advanced Protection Package Meter Package Measurement Package Universal Package Option EP if ordered with a new unit Option EP if ordered as an upgrade Option NET-1 if ordered with a new unit Option NET-1 if ordered as an upgrade (factory) Option NET-1 if ordered as an upgrade (field) VEHO00021 VEHO1009 VEHO1010 VEHO1011 1 1 1 1 - The CMC 256 can have both options. 33 . The EP option can be ordered together with a new unit or an existing CMC 256 or CMC 156 can be upgraded at any later stage. On the PC controlling the test set.2S according to IEC 62053 (formerly 60687...05% Wo rking Sta n d ard NET-1 Available for CMC 256 Several developments in computer and communication technologies have created a need for alternative communication interfaces in protection test sets. like controlling the test set over a network. auto-crossover. this option requires Test Universe Software Version 2. The NET-1 option can be ordered with a new device or as an upgrade for a CMC 256. auto-sensing. The technical data section on the following pages provides detailed information on where a EP version differs from a standard CMC. These protocols are also based on Ethernet. RJ45 connector for CAT5 twisted pair cables). The NET-1 option has two Ethernet interfaces: • 10/100 Mbit/s "copper" (10/100Base-TX. 05 % guar.025 % typ. 300 V (VL4(t) automatically calculated: VL4 = (VL1+VL2+VL3)*C or free programmable) 3 x 0 . error < 0..3+N) 6 x 0 .02 % typ. 27 A 1-phase ac (L-N) Group A and B in series Output power [VA] 80 1-phase ac (L-L) 1-phase ac (3L-N) 300 1-phase ac (L-L) 200 40 3-phase ac (L-N) 100 3-phase ac (L-N) 10 25 Output current [A] 50 75 0 Output current [A] 12. compliance voltage (L-N)/(L-L) Connection error < 0..02 % typ.025 % typ.1 % guar. 15 Vpk / 40 Vrms..) < 0... error < 0.03 % typ.) 1 x 100 VA at 250 V 1 x 90 W at ± 125 V 100 1 x 140 VA at 255 V 1-phase ac (L-L) 1-phase ac (L-N) 150 Output Power [VA] 1-phase ac (L-N) 1-phase ac (L-L) Output power [VA] 3-phase ac (L-N) 50 3-phase ac (L-N) 0 0 150 300 Output Voltage [V] 600 0 Output voltage [V] 125 250 Accuracy Distortion (THD+N)1 Ranges Resolution Connection Current generators/-amplifiers Setting range 6-phase ac (L-N) 3-phase ac (L-N) 1-phase ac (3L-N) dc (3L-N) Power 6-phase ac (L-N) 3-phase ac (L-N) 1-phase ac (3L-N) 1-phase ac (L-L) 1-phase ac (L1A-L1B) dc (3L-N) error < 0.07 % guar. B) 2... 127. (< 0.5 A 1 x 65 VA at 21 A 1 x 75 VA at 12. 600 V 4 x 0 . (< 0.. 600 V typ.. ± 300 V 3 x 85 VA at 85 .5 A 500 Output power [VA] 400 4mm banana sockets/amplifier combination socket 3 x 0 .) 150 V / 300 V error < 0. 75 A (Group A II B) 2 x 0 ..) 1 x 360 W at ± 300 V 200 3 x 0 .. 300 V error < 0.. 12. 60 Vpk 4mm banana sockets/amplifier combination socket (Group A only) error < 0.. 300 V 1 x 200 VA at 100 ..) < 0..) 1. 300 V guar.05 % guar. ± 30 A 3 x 40 VA at 12.) (< 0.02 % typ.... ± 125 V 3 x 50 VA at 125 V 1 x 100 VA at 125 V with EP Option 4 x 0 .025 % typ. 25 A (Group A II B) 1 x 0 ..) 12.. 255 V 3 x 0 . 300 V 1 x 0 .5 A 500 μA 4 Vrms.5 A (40 Vrms.5 A 1 x 0 .5 A 6 x 70 VA at 7.. 125 V 1 x 0 .2. (< 0. 300 V < 0....5 A 1 x 75 VA at 27 A 1 x 0 .1 % guar.. (< 0.. ± 127. 12 Vpk 4mm banana sockets/amplifier combination socket 1. (< 0. 250 V 3 x 0 .03 % typ...1 % guar..5 A 1 x 60 W at ± 12.1 % guar.) (< 0.. 300 V 4 x 50 VA at 75 .05 % guar..5 A 1 x 0 ..5 V 1 x 0 .02 % typ.05 % guar..02 % typ..07 % guar.... (< 0. 300 V 1 x 85 VA at 85 .25 A / 12.5 A 1 x 280 VA at 15 A (Group A II B) 2 x 140 VA at 7.. (1 x 150 VA at 150 .5 A (Group A..05 % guar. 21 A 1 x 0 . (< 0.. ± 17.. 12.) < 0. 6 Vpk / 8 Vrms..05 % guar..) 125 V 6 mV error < 0. (< 0.Technical Data Voltage generators/-amplifiers Setting range 4-phase ac (L-N) 3-phase ac (L-N) 1-phase ac (L-L) dc (L-N) Power 3-phase ac (L-N) VL4 ac (L-N) 4-phase ac (L-N) 1-phase ac (L-N) 1-phase ac (L-L) dc (L-N) CMC 256 Standard with EP Option CMC 156 Standard 3 x 0 ..015 % typ. ± 35 A (Group A II B) 2 x 0 ..05 % guar..025 % typ..5 V 1 x 200 VA at 200 .) 127.) at 30 . (1 x 150 VA at 75 . (< 0.. 600 V guar. 37.5 A 50 μA / 500 μA 34 .) < 0...5 V 5 mV / 10 mV in range 150 V / 300 V 4mm banana sockets/amplifier combination socket (VL1. (<0.... 300 V typ.015 % typ.5 21 Accuracy Distortion (THD+N)1 Ranges Resolution (for respective range) Max. (< 0.....5 A 3 x 0 ..5 A / 25 A (Group A II B) 50 μA / 100 μA / 500 μA / 1 mA 10 Vrms. Group A and B in series) 1 x 470 W at ± 35 A (Group A II B) 2 x 235 W at ± 17.25 A / 12.) at 30 .5 A 3 x 140 VA at 15 A (Group A II B) 1 x 420 VA at 45 A (Group A II B) 2 x 210 VA at 22.5 A 1 x 280 VA at 7. 8 A max..025 % typ. 3. 132 Vdc.5 A (Group A or B) 0. 5 Vrms 2 mA error < 0.. 12.. 12.) 3. 600 V ± 2 mV.. analog measurement inputs at full-scale value.) temperature drift Low level outputs Setting range Max. 3..) linear.02° guar.5 A (current amplifier group A or B) at 50/60 Hz Permissible load current outputs: Range 1. Permissible load voltage outputs: max..) 250 μV < 0.02° typ. 100 V.. ± 600 Vdc threshold or potential free 100 mV. 1 V. (< 0.02° typ. 100 Hz at nominal value.5 Ω and max. error < 0. 1 VA...1 kHz ± 0. in the frequency range of 10 . ± 200 mV.. ± 20 mV. input voltage Isolation Connection - - 6 x 0 . (< 0.001 %/°C typ.1 kHz ± 0. (< 0. (< 0. 125 V.05 % typ.. 0. 50 .) 4 mm banana sockets 10 Toggling of potential-free contacts or dc voltage compared to threshold voltage 0 . (< 0.5 ppm / ± 1 ppm 5 μHz .. (< 5 % guar. 35 .025 % typ..1 % guar.) Reference signal on binary input 10 (40 .CMC 256 Standard Generators.1° guar.1° guar..5 ppm / ± 1 ppm 5 μHz ... 240°).. 25 ms / 0 .. 1 2 THD+N: Values at 50/60 Hz with 20 kHz bandwidth Data are valid for set value from 0.02° guar. (< 0.015 % typ.5 … 1.5 A: 0 … 0.. 70 Hz) rel.005° typ.360° .015 % typ. ± 20 V in ranges 10 kHz 100 μs infinite 0 .5 V 10 kHz 100 μs infinite < 3 kHz at pulse width > 150 μs 2 galvanically isolated groups (4 + 6) 250 Vdc 4 mm banana sockets or measurement combination socket 2 100 kHz > 3 μs 6V 2V ± 30 V SELV 16 pin combination socket (rear side) Guaranteed values valid over one year within 23°C ± 5°C (73°F± 10°F).07 % guar. Rogowski Yes SELV completely independent from internal amplifier outputs 16 pin combination socket (rear side) 0 ..4 A / 0 . (< 0.001 %/°C typ. 0. 10 V... +360° 0. cos ϕ = 0. error < 0.. and 0. +250 Vdc threshold or potential free 250 Vdc 1. 0.. input voltage Connection Counter inputs 100 kHz Number Max..1 ... 1000 Hz dc . 50 W error < 2 % typ. general Frequency range sine signals range transient signals accuracy/-drift resolution Phase angle range resolution error at 50/60 Hz Synchronized operation Bandwidth (-3dB) Output power accuracy2 10 . +360° 0. cos ϕ = 0. 264 Vdc. 120°.05 %/°C guar.. 10 Vpk 250 μV < 0.5 … 1 Range 12.1 % guar.) rel.. 6 VA. (< 0.5 … 1. 66 Vdc. (< 0.001° < 0. 12.05 % typ.. (< 0. counting frequency Pulse width Threshold voltage Voltage hysteresis Max.. 10 Vpk 1 mA error < 0... 10 VA at 50 V … full scale voltage (CMC 156: 125V/CMC 256: 300V)..) at 50/60 Hz. and 0.25 A: 0 … 1 Ω and max..05 % guar... ± 2 V..1 kHz - < 0. 25 ms < 3 kHz at pulse width > 150 μs 5 galvanically isolated groups (2+2+2+2+2) 600 Vrms (850 Vpk) 4 mm banana sockets 2 100 kHz > 3 μs 6V 2V ± 30 V SELV 16 pin combination socket (rear side) 6 x 0 .1 % guar.1 kHz - with EP Option CMC 156 Standard 10 . ) at 1 ..) at 10-63 Hz.5 A 0. Specifications for three-phase systems under symmetrical conditions (0°.) < 0..) linear SELV completely independent from internal amplifier outputs 16 pin combination socket (rear side) 10 Toggling of potential-free contacts or dc voltage compared to threshold voltage 0 ..2 A / 0 . output current Accuracy Resolution Distortion (THD+N)1 Unconventional CT/VT simulation Overload indication Isolation Usability Connection Auxiliary dc supply Voltage ranges Power Accuracy Connection Binary Inputs Number Trigger criteria Input characteristics Ranges (in rms values) Resolution of threshold Sample rate Time resolution Max.. (< 0.. cos ϕ = 0.. 50 .005° typ. measuring time Debounce/Deglitch time Counting function Galvanic isolation Max.1 .) 3.. 300 V. (< 0..1 .05 % guar. 1000 Hz dc .360° .05 %/°C guar.001° with EP Option < 0. .. 65 Hz 1. CAN/CSA-C22. frequency. 1-phase 99 . harmonic. +70°C (-13 .. ± 10 V error < 0. IEC 61000-4-2/3/4/5/6/11 EN 61010-1. relays Type Number Break capacity ac Break capacity dc Connection Binary outputs. IEC 61010-1. ± 1 mA.02% guar... power quality trigger: sag...48 kHz... +122°F) -25 .6 kVA at 230 V 10 A Standard ac socket (IEC 60320) 0 .. non-condensing IEC 68-2-6 (20 m/s2 at 10 .. software controlled 4 Vmax: 250 Vac / Imax: 8 A / Pmax: 2000 VA Vmax: 300 Vdc / Imax: 8 A / Pmax: 50 W 4 mm banana sockets open collector transistor outputs 4 10 kHz 5 mA 16 pin combination socket (rear side) 0 . (< 0.. EN 60950+A1. ± 10 V error < 0.. 10 kHz 28. 9.... input voltage Galvanic isolation Connection Power supply Nominal input voltage Permissible input voltage Nominal frequency Permissible frequency range Power consumption Rated current Connection Environmental conditions Operation temperature Storage temperature Humidity range Vibration Shock EMC Emission Immunity Safety CMC 256 potential-free relay contacts. EN 61000-3-2/3. frequency. 0 . 1 V. +122°F)3 -25 . 63 Hz < 600 VA 6A Standard ac socket (IEC 60320) 0 . notch Idc.) 15 Ω 4 mm banana socket ac + dc analog voltage inputs 10 100 mV. 95 %..003 % typ. Vdc... transient recording capability for all channels Yes Yes 600 Vrms (850 Vpk) 5 groups (2+2+2+2+2) 4 mm banana sockets (combined with binary inputs) 110 .. (< 0.05% guar. IEC 61000-4-2/3/4/6 EN 61010-1.02% guar. 600 V error < 0.44 kHz.Technical Data (continued) Binary outputs. for 1 input channel threshold voltage... (< 0.. ± 20 mA error < 0.. 150 Hz) IEC 68-2-27 (15g/11ms half-sine) CE conform (89/336/EEC) EN 50081-2.. 95 %..16 kHz 500 kΩ // 50pF 3..) 1 MΩ 4 mm banana sockets 0 . Vac.. 240 Vac.2 No 1010.01 % typ.. +70°C (-13 ... (< 0. EN 61326-1 EN 50081-2. +50°C (+32 . 1-phase 99 . transistor Type Number Update rate Imax Connection dc voltage measuring input Measuring range Accuracy Input impedance Connection dc current measuring input Measuring range Accuracy Input impedance Connection Analog ac+dc measuring inputs1 Type Number Nominal input ranges (rms values) Amplitude accuracy Bandwidth Sampling frequency Input impedance Transient input buffer at 28 kHz Transient input buffer at 3 kHz Transient trigger Measurement functions Input overload indication Input protection Max. 264 Vac 50/60 Hz 45 . FCC Subpart B of Part 15 Class A EN 50082-2... energy.1 CMC 156 potential-free relay contacts.) dc . EN 61000-3-2/3.1 36 . ± 20 mA error < 0.) 1 MΩ 4 mm banana sockets or measurement combination socket 0 .. software controlled 4 Vmax: 300 Vac / Imax: 8 A / Pmax: 2000 VA Vmax: 300 Vdc / Imax: 8 A / Pmax: 50 W 4 mm banana sockets open collector transistor outputs 4 10 kHz 5 mA 16 pin combination socket (rear side) 0 . CAN/CSA-C22. +158°F) Relative humidity 5 .. IEC 61010-1.5 s for 10 input channels / 35 s for 1 input channel 31 s for 10 input channels / 5 min...05% guar. power. FCC Subpart B of Part 15 Class A EN 50082-2. 100 V.. UL 3111-1. UL 3111-1.. frequency change. non-condensing IEC 68-2-6 (20 m/s2 at 10 . EN 60950+A1.2 No 1010. 240 Vac.2 kVA at 115 V2 / 1. 264 Vac 50/60 Hz 47 ..06 % typ..003 % typ. 150 Hz) IEC 68-2-27 (15g/11ms half-sine) CE conform (89/336/EEC). harmonics. phase.. (< 0..) 15 Ω 4 mm banana sockets or measurement combination socket - 110 . Iac.01 % typ. swell.... 3. 10 V.. +158°F) Relative humidity 5 ..15 % guar. +50°C (+32 . TÜV-GS. ± 21 A ac: 65 VA at 21 A dc: 80 W at 12.. restricted to single-mode.9 lb.. binary input auxiliary dc supply.. binary/analog input All voltage and current generators are continuously and independently adjustable in amplitude. The specifications of a CMC 151 test device differ from a CMC 156 in the following values1: Voltage generator/amplifier Setting range Power ac: 0 .7 x 10.. 100 Hz at nominal value. easy use. voltage amplifier output.5 A 4 9. For line input voltages below 150 V. 240°).) Current generator/amplifier Setting range Power Timer/measuring Binary inputs Weight The operating software for controlling the CMC 151 is based on the CMC 156 software.. 1 2 Only in connection with the EnerLyzer option. 120°. For an operational temperature above +30°C a duty cycle of up to 50 % may apply. ± 125 V ac: 100 VA at 125 V dc: 90 W at ± 125 V ac: 0 . CUL Guaranteed values valid over one year within 23°C ± 5°C (73°F ± 10°F). automatic archiving and reporting. 21 A dc: 0 . in the frequency range of 10 .5 kg (20. Optionally. binary transistor outputs and counter inputs 100 kHz which are not available with the CMC 151. current amplifier group A/B. without handle) PC connection Signal indication (LED) Connection to ground (earth) Hardware diagnostics Galvanic separated groups 15.7 kg (34. analog measurement inputs at full-scale value. other: mains. 125 V dc: 0 . 37 .g. voltage/current amplifier output.) 450 x 145 x 390 mm (17. All voltage and current generators are continuously and independently adjustable in amplitude.. phase and frequency. CUL Certifications TÜV-GS.7 x 15. All other technical specifications (e.7 x 5.1 Phase Voltage/1 Phase Current Test Set The CMC 151 test set is designed for single phase applications while incorporating the unique benefits of the CMC 156 test system. Specifications for three-phase systems under symmetrical conditions (0°. All current and voltage outputs are fully overload and shortcircuit proof and protected against external high-voltage transient signals and overtemperature. the maximum output power of a single amplifier) are not affected. the CMC 151 can be upgraded to a three-phase CMC 156 at any later stage. high accuracy.CMC 256 Miscellaneous Weight Dimensions (W x H x D. and lightweight are the key features of the CMC 151 test set.6 lb. CMC 151 ordering options: CMC 151 with Protection Package CMC 151 with Measurement Package CMC 151 upgrade to CMC 156 VE001409 VE002409 VE001010 1 Specifications are equivalent to the data given for CMC 156 standard unit in this catalog except for low level outputs (no external amplifiers supported). phase and frequency.8 lb..8 kg (21.) 343 x 145 x 268 mm (13.4“) Standard: parallel port (IEEE1284-C connector) Option NET-1: Ethernet (see page 33) > 42 V for voltage outputs and AUX DC 4 mm banana socket (rear side) Self diagnostics upon each start up CMC 156 9. UL. 3 CMC 151 .. playback of transient signals.5 x 5.. All current and voltage outputs are fully overload and shortcircuit proof and protected against external high-voltage transient signals and overtemperature. UL. Up to three inputs can be used for measuring rms values without the EnerLyzer option. a derating of the simultaneously available sum output power of the voltage/current amplifiers and the AuxDC will occur. Versatility.6“) parallel port (D-Sub 25 connector) > 42 V for voltage outputs Self diagnostics upon each start up The following groups are galvanically separated from each other: The following groups are galvanically separated from each mains.. • higher power in the voltage/current path. CMS 251/252 voltage [V] 200 3 Current 0 0 Current [A] Voltage -200 Time [ms] 10 -3 20 38 . a power of up to 420 VA and current up to 150 A can be delivered. The interconnection between the CMC and the amplifier units is effected by means of a control cable to be connected at the back of the units. CMA 156 . 1500 VA) VEHV1050/VEHV1060 The high power amplifier units CMS 251 and CMS 252 allow the testing of even the highest burden electromechanical relays of all types (overcurrent. plug-setting 0. arranged in two isolated groups (A. serial. which allows testing a wide range of electromechanical relays.g. Up to 4 current amplifier units can be paralleled for up to 3-phase.Amplifiers The extensive range of OMICRON amplifiers The following intelligent amplifiers can be used in combination with any multiple phase CMC test set listed on the previous pages to extend the testing range and power. for testing 3-winding transformer differential protection). • up to 9 (with CMC 256) independent current phases (e. 12. ground fault relays. Amplifier outputs can be configured in various ways (connected in parallel.g. etc. B). The CMA 156 contains 6 independent current channels.). In single-phase applications an output power up to 420 VA and a current up to 150 A is possible. undervoltage.High Power 1-/2 Phase V or I Amplifier (125 V. • in single-phase applications an output power of up to 210 VA and currents up to 75 A is possible. for example. CMA 56 .3 Phase V and I Amplifier (3 x 250 V. By connecting all six current phases in parallel.5 A. CMS 156 .6 Phase Current Amplifier (6 x 25 A) VEHV1010 Recommended for tests requiring • higher currents/power in the current path.g. Application example Required voltage waveshape for an electromechanical inverse time earth fault relay. for testing synchronizing devices with 6 independent voltages). 200 A output.g. • more than 3/6 current channels (e.).3 Phase Current Amplifier (3 x 50 A) Recommended for tests requiring • higher currents/power in the current path • more current channels VEHV0010 For three-phase applications the outputs provide a range of 0 to 50 A at a maximum power of 140 VA per phase. etc. CMS 251/252 . test current: 2 A. 3 x 25 A) VEHV1030 Recommended for tests requiring • higher current/voltage. for testing differential relays) or • 6 independent voltage phases (e. The single-phase CMS 251 and the two-phase CMS 252 provide dual mode amplifiers that can independently function either as a voltage source or as a current source (user selectable). The outputs of the amplifier units are galvanically separated from the input and the ground and can be used independently and additionally to those of the CMC 256/156 (e.2 A. for differential protection testing). 50 A 1 x 0 .5 A CMS 252: 1 x 0 .. ± 12.5 - 150 1-phase ac (L-N) 1-phase ac (L-L) Output power [VA] 75 3-phase ac (L-N) 0 0 75 150 250 Output voltage [V] 500 39 .. 500 V 1 x 212 W at ± (150 .26° 0 ..5 % guar.26°/0. 50 A (Group A II B) 1 x 0 ..) 1 kHz 0. (< 0. 125 V 1 x 0 .5 2 x 140 W at ± 10..03 % typ.. ± 50 A 3 x 140 VA at 15 A 1 x 420 VA at 45 A 1 x 280 VA at 15 A 3 x 0 ..07°/1. ± 25 A 3 x 70 VA at 7. 12. at 8. (< 1 % guar. ) < 0. 5 V 10 A / V 15 Vpk / 30 Vpk < 0.28° 0 . 250 V) at 230 V mains: 1000 VA contin. 5 V 2.) > 8 kHz 1...3 % guar..07°/1.5 A 1200 VA..5 A 3 x 140 VA at 15 A (Group A II B) 1 x 420 VA at 22.. output power ac (L-N) ac (L-L) error < 0. (< 0. 25 A 1 x 0 ...) error < 0..± 12.) > 8 kHz 1.03 % typ. cos ϕ<0...1 % typ..5A - at 230 V mains: 1000 VA contin..2 % typ..5 A 1400 VA for t < 1 min at 115 V mains: 700 VA contin. 2x0.. output power ac (L-N) ac (L-L) CMA 156 6 x 0 .. 125 V CMS 252: 1 x 0 ... at 8. (< 0......) > 6 kHz 1... 25 A CMS 251: 1x0 ... 250 V 1 x 150 VA at 75 . (< 0. 250 V - Max. ± 25 A 1 x 0 . at 8... 75 A 1 x 0 .5 A CMS 251: 1 x 0 . (< 0.5 A CMS 252: 2 x 0 .) error < 0.1 % guar.3 % guar. 250 V 1 x 0 ..5 A 1200 VA...1 % guar.03 % typ..32° 0 .5 A CMS 252: 1x0... (< 0. (< 0. 5 V 5A/V < 0..5 A 1400 VA for t < 1 min at 115 V mains: 700 VA contin...5 A / V 177 Vpk / CMS 252: 2 x 0 .. t<1min..Technical Data Current generators/-amplifiers1 Setting range 6-phase ac (L-N) 3-phase ac (L-N) 2-phase ac (L-N) 1-phase ac (L-N) dc (L-N) Power 6-phase ac (L-N) 3-phase ac (L-N) 1-phase ac (3L-N) 1-phase ac (L-L) dc (L-N) Max.5 A 1 x 210 VA at 22.) error < 0. at 8. 150 A (Group A II B) 2 x 0 .5 A 1 x 140 VA at 7... cos ϕ<0. 500 V 3 x 0 ..5 A 1 x 280 W at ± 21 A 1 x 280 W at ± 21 A (Group A II B) - - - Output power [VA] per phase Output power [VA] per phase 120 120 Output power [VA] per phase 3/6 phase operation 160 160 3-phase ac (A II B) 70 3-phase ac (L-N) 80 3-phase ac (L-N) 80 6-phase ac (L-N) 40 40 0 0 30 20 10 Output current [A] 40 50 0 0 30 10 20 Output current [A] 40 0 50 0 12.1 % guar... ± 250 V < 0..3 % guar. 150 A 1 x 0 ...1 % typ..5 A 1 x 420 VA at 45 A (Group A II B) 1 x 280 VA at 7.1 % typ. 25 A 3 x 0 . 12.5 Output current [A] 25 single phase operation 450 400 350 300 Output power [VA] A(3L-N) and B(3L-N) in parallel 420 225 1-phase ac (3L-N) - 150 A(3L-N) and B(3L-N) in series A(L-L) and B(L-L) in series Output power [VA] 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 25 210 Output power [VA] 1-phase ac (3L-N) 1-phase ac (L-L) 1-phase ac (L-L) 75 0 50 75 Output current [A] 100 125 150 0 75 45 Output current [A] 150 0 25 50 Output current [A] 75 Accuracy Distortion (THD+N)2 Bandwidth (-3dB) Phase lag at 50/60 Hz Input voltage Amplification Voltage generators/-amplifiers Setting range 3-phase ac (L-N) 2-phase ac (L-N) 1-phase ac (L-N) 1-phase ac (L-L) dc (L-N) Power 3-phase ac (L-N) 1-phase ac (L-N) 1-phase ac (L-L) dc (L-N) Max.1 % typ.... 250 V 1 x 150 VA at 150 . compliance voltage (L-N)/(L-L) 15 Vpk / 60 Vpk - - - 3 x 75 VA at 75 . ± 50 A 6 x 70 VA at 7.88°/2.± 25 A..... t<1min.5 A 1 x 140 W at ± 10.5 A - CMA 56 - CMS 156 - CMS 251/252 3 x 0 . 5 V 5A/V 15 Vpk / 30 Vpk 3 x 0 .28° 0 . .9 lb...2 No 1010..03 % typ.1 % typ.. THD+N: Values at 50/60 Hz with 20 kHz bandwidth. 5 V 50 V / V CMS 251/252 error < 0.5 kVdc CMS 252: 1.02° typ....360° . 65 Hz < 1000 VA Standard ac socket (IEC 60320) 0 ..1 14.. +122°F) -25 ..001° < 0...... 1000 Hz dc .5 % guar. 240°). +360° 0. EN 60950+A1. 240 Vac..360° ... non-condensing IEC 68-2-6 (20 m/s2 at 10 .001° < 0.. +122°F) -25 .1° guar.. 5 V 25 V / V > 100 kΩ 1.) < 0... 150 Hz) IEC 68-2-27 (15g/11ms half-sine) CE conform (89/336/EEC) EN 50081-2. without handle) Certifications Guaranteed values valid over one year within 23°C± 5°C (73°F± 10°F). Specifications for three-phase systems under symmetrical conditions (0°. non-condensing IEC 68-2-6 (20 m/s2 at 10 .2 No 1010...7 x 5. UL..4“) 110 .) 6 mV 0.. UL 3111-1. Self diagnostics of the hardware upon each start up. CAN/CSA-C22. EN 60950+A1. +360° 0. +50°C (+32 . +158°F) Relative humidity 5 . 1000 Hz dc ..360° . +70°C (-13 .47° 0 .... FCC Subpart B of Part 15 Class A EN 50082-2. UL.7 x 15.) 450 x 145 x 390 mm (17.) 450 x 145 x 390 mm (17.5 mA Miscellaneous Weight Dimensions (W x H x D. 240 Vac... 3.) CMS 252: 18.7 x 15. +122°F) -25 .) < 0.) 450 x 145 x 390 mm (17.5 kVdc 1. 240 Vac. 264 Vac 50/60 Hz 45 ... FCC Subpart B of Part 15 Class A EN 50082-2 IEC 1000-4-2/3/4/5/6/11 EN 61010-1. 95 %..2 No 1010.7 x 5. CAN/CSA-C22...7 x 5. (< 0. (< 0.6 lb.1 % guar. 95 %.... +360° 0. 1 kHz ± 0. UL 3111-1... +70°C (-13 .. IEC 801-2/3/4 EN 61010-1.360° ....5 kVdc CMA 156 CMA 56 CMS 156 error < 0..5 ppm / ± 1 ppm 5 μHz .1 CMS 251: 14. 264 Vac 50/60 Hz 45 . UL 3111-1..7 x 15.34° 0 ..4 kg (40. in the frequency range of 10 ..7 x 15..5 ppm / ± 1 ppm 5 μHz . (< 0..7 x 5....7 kg (32.03 % typ.1 15. (< 0. 3..2 No 1010. (< 1 % guar. +122°F) -25 .. +50°C (+32 . EN 61000-3-2/3. +50°C (+32 . IEC 801-2/3/4 EN 61010-1. 120°.1° guar. (< 0.1 14. 1-phase 85 . corrected by a CMC) Input voltage Amplification Amplifiers..5 kVdc 4mm banana sockets - - > 40 kΩ 1.. UL.) 450 x 145 x 390 mm (17.. if controlled by a CMC Frequency range sine signals range transient signals accuracy/-drift resolution Phase angle range resolution error at 50/60 Hz Output voltage resolution Output current resolution Power supply Nominal input voltage Permissible input voltage Nominal frequency Permissible frequency range Power consumption Connection Environmental conditions Operation temperature Storage temperature Humidity range Vibration Shock EMC Emission Immunity Safety 0 . EN 61000-3-2/3. (< 1° guar. UL 3111-1. IEC 801-2/3/4 EN 61010-1. 240 Vac.. 95 %. All current and voltage outputs are fully overload and short-circuit proof and protected against external high-voltage transient signals and overtemperature...) 1 mA 110 . 264 Vac 50/60 Hz 45 ....6 lb..02° typ..) 1 kHz 0.) > 6 kHz 1.1 kHz ± 0.9 kg (32.....8 kg (32..1° typ. 1000 Hz dc . 1 2 3 For higher current/power requirements: CMA units can be switched in parallel. CUL Amplifiers. FCC Subpart B of Part 15 Class A EN 50082-2....Technical Data (contin. +360° 0.... non-condensing IEC 68-2-6 (20 m/s2 at 10 . non-condensing CE conform (89/336/EEC) EN 50081-2..4 kg (34.1° guar.. FCC Subpart B of Part 15 Class A EN 50082-2.) Voltage generators/-amplifiers Accuracy Distortion (THD+N)2 Bandwidth (-3dB) Phase lag at 50/60 Hz (autom.4“) TÜV-GS...) 2 mA 10 ..4 lb. 65 Hz < 1000 VA Standard ac socket (IEC 60320) 0 ... 65 Hz < 1000 VA Standard ac socket (IEC 60320) 110 ... general3 Input impedance Galvanic isolation Input/Output Galvanic isolation amplifier groups Connection > 40 kΩ 1.4“) TÜV-GS. +158°F) Relative humidity 5 . +70°C (-13 . CAN/CSA-C22. CAN/CSA-C22.. 150 Hz) IEC 68-2-27 (15g/11ms half-sine) CE conform (89/336/EEC) EN 50081-2.5 kVdc 1. EN 60950+A1. 40 ..5 ppm / ± 1 ppm 5 μHz .. 264 Vac 50/60 Hz 45 . +50°C (+32 . CUL 0 ..0 lb. 1-phase 99 ...1 kHz ± 0.. +158°F) Relative humidity 5 .95°/2. 100 Hz at nominal value. (< 0. 3..39°/0.) 12 mV 1 mA 110 .5 kVdc 4mm banana sockets/ amplifier combination socket 10 . EN 61000-3-2/3.5 ppm / ± 1 ppm 5 μHz .001° < 0. 1-phase 99 . 65 Hz 1200 VA at 115 V 1600 VA at 230 V Standard ac socket (IEC 60320) 10 .2 % typ. EN 61000-3-2/3. 1-phase 99 ..02° typ.001° < 0. +158°F) Relative humidity 5 .4“) TÜV-GS.1 % guar. 1000 Hz dc . CUL 4mm banana sockets / amplifier combination socket 10 .. +70°C (-13 .5 kVdc 6mm banana sockets > 40 kΩ 1.. 150 Hz) IEC 68-2-27 (15g/11ms half-sine) CE conform (89/336/EEC) EN 50081-2. EN 60950+A1. 95 %.1 kHz ± 0. Later module upgrades are possible.Binary Input/Output Unit CMB IO-7 VE000700 The CMB IO-7 performs testing of multi input/output devices. 300 VA 4A Standard ac socket ( IEC 60320) 0-66 / 132 / 264 Vdc at 0. 1. PLUSCON-VC. Pulse Ramping.. • One system ensures familiarity and thus reduces overall training costs.4”) 8....8 / 0. 65 Hz max.7 x 15. + 50 °C (+32 . NetSim. Possible Configurations The CMB IO-7 Basic is the minimum configuration consisting of a CMB IO-7 with one Input Module INP1-24 and one Output Module OUT1-16.. 100 mAdc 4 groups (4 x 4) Phoenix Contact. PLUSCON-VC.7 x 5. The CMGPS is a GPS-based synchronization unit which is used with CMC /CMB test sets.8 lb) w. IEC 61000-4-2/3/4/5/6/11 EN 61010-1. • Considerable savings in time and money as a result of standardized tests and report generation. EN 60950.. Second parallel port required.5 ms Vmax: 300 Vac. Enerlyzer. For each module a connector will be provided. EN 61000-3-2/3.7 kg (19. When performing end-to-end tests of line protection schemes. 40 pins 7 slots for IO modules (rear side) 0 ..phase 85 . it is necessary to start several test sets simultaneously. 25 ms) Phoenix Contact. measuring time Galvanic isolation Debouncing/Deglitching Connection 2 3 4 41 . 40 pins Output state reacts on input change 24 Potential free or dc-voltage compared to threshold voltage up to 300Vdc 0 .Standard Delivery (1 INP1-24 + 1 OUT1-16) • Modules: 1 input INP1-24. 6 ms appr. Purchasers may order any combination of modules up to a maximum of seven and containing at least one INP1-24 and one OUT1-16.3 kg (22.. Imax: 8A.. + 70 °C (-13 . 2.. PLUSCON-VC.2 A max. 40 pins Power Supply Nominal input voltage Permissible input voltage Nominal frequency Permissible frequency range Power consumption Rated current Connection Aux. 240 Vac. Imax: 8A. 1 output OUT1-16. Overall input/output delay time: 300 μs (stand alone) 400 μs (synchronized to a CMC) Binary output module OUT1-16 Relay output module Binary output module OUT2-16 Solid state output module Output sequences Binary input module INP1-24 Number of inputs Trigger criteria Input voltage range Sampling rate Max. manual • Test Universe software modules: State Sequencer. 40 pins Output state reacts on input change 16 MOSFET (high side switch) 100 μs4 max.DC supply Output voltage ranges Power Accuracy Connection (I/O modules) General Data CMB IO-7 test setup with CMC 256 Modules Operation temperature Storage temperature Humidity range Dimensions (W x H x D) Weight PC-Connection CMC interface EMC Emission Immunity Safety Number of outputs Type Pick-up time Drop-off time Break capacity ac Break capacity dc Connection Output sequences Number of outputs Type Response time Voltage rating Current rating Galvanic isolation Connection 1 CMB IO-7 rear side 100 .. power cord with plug. Module connector Phoenix Contact. 300 Vdc max. Due to the high number of input/output channels complex operating conditions can be provided such as binary information for testing SCADA systems under real-time conditions. FCC Subpart B of Part 15 Class A EN 50082-2. • System down-times are kept to a minimum with the use of multiple card connectors which facilitate the initial test wiring. +300 Vdc 10 kHz (time resolution 100 μs) unlimited 2 groups (12+12) Configurable times (0 .3 lb). (< 5 % guar. Advanced TransPlay A fully equipped CMB IO-7 contains maximum 7 I/O modules (CMB IO-7 Basic + maximum 5 additional modules)..4 / 0. Pmax: 2000 VA Vmax: 300 Vdc.) Phoenix Contact. 10.. +158 °F) Relative humidity 5 . Pmax: 50 W Phoenix Contact. 40 pins Benefits • One integrated testing environment for complex test objects. connecting cable CMB to CMC. 50 W full scale error < 2 % typ. 95 %... connecting cable to PC.. 2 connectors Accessories: carrying bag. 7 modules Parallel port3 Synchronization with CMC 256 /156 CE conform (89/336/EEC).. It is capable of providing up to 144 wet (300 Vdc) or dry input channels and/or up to 96 output channels.. if CMB IO-7 is used in conjunction with a CMC 156/256. 264 Vac 50/60 Hz 45 . EN 61326-1 EN 50081-2.. non condensing 450 x 145 x 390 mm (17. PLUSCON-VC. PLUSCON-VC. The CMB IO-7 can be configured using up to seven input or output modules. IEC 61010-1 16 Potential free relay contacts (closing) appr. Options which can be ordered separately are: • Input Module INP1-241 [VEHZ0710] • Output Module OUT1-161 [VEHZ0720] • Output Module OUT2-161 [VEHZ0750] • Module connector [VEHZ0740] • SPP-100 parallel port PCMCIA card (see section Accessories) • CMGPS2 (see section Accessories) • Transport case with wheels (see section Accessories) CMB IO-7 Basic .. Binary I/O monitor. +122 °F) -25 . etc. it is necessary to start several test sets simultaneously. 5 min positive or negative 1 … 65535 s (in steps of 1 s) 200 ms Operating temperature Humidity range EMC Emission Immunity General Certifications Weight Dimensions (W x H x D) Delivery Contents CMGPS. IEC 61000-4-2/3/4 Synchronization of test sets (CMB. on a 16-pin plug (Pulse out 1) which is connected to the CMC test set (ext. The synchronizing pulse can be configured according to the requirements of the application. carrying bag OPTION: 2 x 20m antenna cable. UL. antenna. and polarity. Then the polarity at all terminals can be checked with CPOL as shown below.) (CMGPS only) 140 x 70 x 40 mm (5.. Specifications Pulse Out 1 Type Accuracy Pulse Out 2 Type Accuracy Galvanic isolation GPS data Time till ready for operation Pulse polarity Pulse rate Pulse width Power supply Input voltage Power consumption Plug-in power supply 8 … 30 Vdc (supplied via plug-in power supply or from test set CMC 256/CMB) 2.5 W Input: 100 … 240 Vac.5 x 2. The software is both integrated in the testing modules (like the State Sequencer) and also provided as a standalone application.0 and is enabled by the optional CPOL polarity checker hardware accessory. SMA adapters [VEHZ3003] TÜV-GS. non-condensing CE conform (89/336/EEC) EN 50081-1 EN 50082-2. S1 S1 S2 :-) S2 :-( 42 . to provide up to 40m. pulse rate. interf. +122 °F) Relative humidity 5 … 95%. Test voltage 3 kVrms typ. cable CMC-CMGPS. This clock output is then used as a trigger input to start the CMC test set. weight. +50 °C (+32 .Accessories Synchronization Unit CMGPS VEHZ3000 When performing end-to-end tests of line protection schemes.. Output: 18 Vdc 1 Environmental conditions CMOS-output error < ± 1 μs Open-collector output error < ± 5 μs Optocoupler. The CMGPS is a GPS-based synchronization unit which is used with the CMC/CMB test set. plug-in power supply. The CMGPS receives signals from the satellites of the Global Positioning System (GPS) and provides an output at a time specified by the user.97 lb.8 x 1.. Two independent timing pulses are available via separate connectors. because off the shelf GPS-receivers have many drawbacks (size.6”) (CMGPS only) 0 ..) and on two 4 mm banana plugs (Pulse out 2). isolation according to IEC 1010.CPOL VEHZ0650 Polarity Checker checks a series of terminals for correct wiring (replacement for battery checking method). CMGPS is typically ready for operation just 5 minutes after start up. A special continuous test signal (voltage or current) is injected at one point with the CMC. 15 m antenna cable.). complicated operation. It allows for the setting of: first output pulse. The CMGPS has been developed to fulfill the requirements of testing in the field. The polarity checker utility comes with Test Universe Software 2. CUL 440 g (0. 47 … 63 Hz. user´s manual. This procedure is much faster than the conventional method and can easily be performed by a single person. CMC)1 error < 100 μs / < 5 μs Error corresponds to amplifier output signals (voltage/current) of CMGPS synchronized test sets at configured GPS trigger event 5 μs: enhanced mode (CMC 256 only + State Sequencer) Polarity Checker . Following this procedure provides a clear indication as to whether the polarity is OK (green LED) or not (red LED). 3”) is available. connection cable CMLIB B to reference meter.15/1: VEHZ2004 The photoelectric scanning head TK323 is suitable for scanning of all known rotor marks of Ferraris meters and for scanning of LED´s up to the infrared wavelength range. It can be used on most electronic meters. It includes a spiral cable for the connection to a CMLIB B. CMLIB B was designed to make this interface simply “plug-and-test”. Rogowski) • Connection of any external amplifiers (which do not have an OMICRON connection socket) to the CMC low level signal outputs • Connection of OMICRON amplifiers to any controlling sources (which do not have an OMICRON connection socket) • Easy additional tapping of the signals between the CMC test set and OMICRON amplifiers The CMLIB A standard delivery contains the following connection material: • 16-pin "CMC" connection terminal to connect CMLIB A to the generator outputs of a CMC 156 (Gen. CMLIB B provides the following connection terminals: • 16-pin LEMO socket to connect CMLIB B to the External Interface of a CMC 256 or CMC 156 • One 2-pin socket for connecting the power supply • Two 5-pin-LEMO sockets to connect to a scanning head (TK323 or TVS6.15/1 Other scanning heads may be utilized at the user´s discretion. TVS6. and a power supply. TK323 CMLIB A .Low level signal connector VEHZ1105 CMLIB A can be used for tapping the analog low level signal outputs of a CMC and/or for connecting with the control inputs of amplifiers like CMA 156 and CMS 156. 1. The use of a dual function photoelectric scanning head is the most universal method of interfacing these differing types of counting pulses. TVS6. For scanning heads which require a 7-pin Tuchel-connector. fRef) for connecting pulses from a meter under test and/or a reference meter to a CMC test set (as an alternative to the 5-pin LEMO sockets) Scanning heads TK323: VEHZ2005. The CMLIB B works with these alternatives as well. 32 mm. connection cable to CMC units. The CMLIB B set comprises: CMLIB B. Applications: • Connection of the low level signal outputs of a CMC to a relay with low level signal inputs (unconventional transformer. the adapter-cable Tuchel-Lemo is available.15/1 (dia.Meter Accessories CMLIB B set VEHZ1102 CMLIB B provides a simple way to make the connections from the CMC to the meter under test and/or a reference meter.15/1) and/or to a reference meter´s pulse output • Five banana sockets (1-4 plus N) providing access to the transistor outputs of a CMC 256/156 • Two banana sockets (fin. Out 7-12) or to a CMC 256 (LL out 1-6) • 16-pin "Amplifier" connection terminal to connect CMLIB A to external amplifiers Accessories: connection cables can be ordered separately • BNC to BNC [VEHK0008] • BNC to 4mm banana cables [VEHK0005] (note: ordering number includes 1 cable) 43 . For electronic meters with optical pulse outputs the magnetic scanning head TVS6. There are numerous types of meters with various ways of producing the counting pulses. Manufacturer Conforms to Compatible to Bus interface Physical dimensions Connector Quatech Inc. if CMB IO-7 is used in conjunction with a CMC 156/256). for testing distance. Main applications: • Testing the I> element (with e. IEC 801-2. EN 50081-1.g. 801-4 PC parallel port (EPP) PCMCIA Card Standard 2. electromechanical relays).or 2-phase faults can be switched with the box.5° at 50/60 Hz length 230 mm (9.g.1 Type II (5 mm) PCMCIA card Std. which is connected to the CMC using a single control cable.Accessories Automated Switching Box CM ASB2 VEHZ1200 CM ASB2 allows for easier testing of relays with higher current or power requirements. • Using a CMS 252 (1 x I. DSUB-25 female via incl. 1 x U) without re-wiring when changing phases. EN 55022 EN 50082-1. 801-3. pigtail cable 44 . CM ASB2 is supported by the following modules: Manual control • Quick CMC • State Sequencer • Ramping • Advanced TransPlay Automatic control • Advanced Distance • Distance • Autoreclosure • VI starting • Overcurrent Current Clamp C-Probe 1 VEHZ4000 C-Probe 1 is an active ac and dc current probe with voltage output.g. It is the recommended accessory for measuring currents with the CMC 256 (EnerLyzer). 2 measuring ranges: Frequency range: Accuracy: Phase error: Size: 10 A and 80 A dc to 10 kHz error < 2 % for currents up to 40 A and frequencies up to 1 kHz <0. 50 A) of an overcurrent relay per phase by paralleling > the outputs of the CMC 256 • Switching up to 4 current outputs of the CMC 256 in series to gain four times higher voltage in the current path (e. Any 1.1”) Parallel port for notebook computers SPP-100 VEHZ0730 The SPP-100 .Parallel Port PCMCIA Card is the recommended accessory when using a notebook computer without a parallel port or if two ports are needed (e. The relay can be connected in a standard three-phase manner to CM ASB2. 5 x 14.) 616 x 494 x 220 mm (24. day to day transport Unit only Capacity Unit. 3 m (118.6 x 15.3 x 13.2 lb. 6. dustproof. Cable length: 15 ft.5 lb. shipping Light or medium stress.6 kg (23.4”) Large: 10. Included with the cable is a diskette containing a sample test plan.6 kg (12. Watertight.3 x 19.1”) Transport Cases Type Large size for CMC 256. airtight. Generator Combination Cable VEHK0103 Connection between the Generator-Combination-Plug of the CMC 256/156. end Safety Plug (4mm/0. • 1. or CMS [VEHP0016] Recommended use Heavy transport stress. Proven on the following Recloser Controllers: Cooper Form 4C. CMA. CMB.) Small: 5. cables. allowing the Recloser Controllers to be automatically tested under realistic system conditions. 45 . The cable brings three-phase current plus trip. close. CMS 156 or CMA 156 to the test object. 5. end Generator-Combination Plug 8-Pole • 2.0 kg (13. 52a and 52b status to the Controller end of the cable through the standard 14 pin test connector (three-phase voltage is also provided as breakout test leads). plus SEL-351R controllers. plus instructions for connecting the test cable and editing the sample test plan for the user´s specific Recloser settings. current clamps.) Description Sturdy transport cases with hard-foam interior.16”) black • 8 x 2.6”) Small: 525 x 390 x 340 mm (20. 156 or 56 test sets. chemical resistant and corrosion proof.7”) Weight 6. Field test results for these Controller types: Testing time reduced to an average of 30 minutes per Controller. CMB.2 lb. CMA.5 x 8. 14 Pin Connector VEHK0019 The Recloser Controller Test Cable connects Cooper style Recloser Controllers and CMC 256.Recloser Controller Test Cable. manual. CMS with wheels [VEHP0015] Small size for CMC 156 or CMC 151 without wheels [VEHP0101] Transport Case for light/medium stress for CMC 256.2 x 20. accessories Dimension Large: 690 x 520 x 370 mm (27.5 mm2. 6 x black) [VEHK0112] Soft bag colored (for CMC 256 size devices) [VEHP0012] Soft bag colored (for CMC 156 size devices) [VEHP0100] CMA 56 Leads.4”) [VEHK0003] Connection cable CMC to CMS 251/252 16-pole LEMO D-Sub. 1 m (39. 6 cm long (4 black) for paralleling current triple A and B [VEHZ0009] 46 CMS 251/252  CMC 256 CMA 156 CMC 156 CMS 156 CMC 151 .4”) [VEHK0300] Leads with 4 mm safety plugs 2m long. 1 m (39. misc. flexible. CMS 156.Other Accessories Quantity Description 1 Connection cable CMC 256 to PC [VEHK0108]    1 Connection cable CMC 156 to PC [VEHK0002] 1 Connection cable CMC to CMA 56/156.    1 12 1 1 4     2   12      12 Flexible terminal adapters [VEHS0008] 4 Jumper. 600 V (6 x red.7”). 2m long (78. CMB I-O7. accessories 16-pole LEMO cable. 10 mm2 [VEHK0109] •1 end 6 mm connector •2 end open SPA 156 balance resistor Required for using the CMA/CMS in single phase operation [VEHZ1001] Solid terminal adapters [VEHS0006]       CMA 56 The following accessories are either part of the CMx standard delivery or can also be ordered separately. Direct customer contact is essential in developing and building lasting relationships around the world. Avenida Somosierra 12 Escalera Derecha. USA 12 Greenway Plaza. Harbour City or www. Oficina 1H E-28700 San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid) Spain Phone: +34-91-6524-280 Fax: +34-91-6536-165 [email protected] OMICRON offices OMICRON sales partner OMICRON electronics UK Ltd. Staffordshire Technology Park 47 . TX 77046 / USA Phone: +1 713 830-4660 or 1 800-OMICRON Fax: +1 713 830-4661 [email protected]. Marconi Asia/Pacific OMICRON electronics Asia OMICRON has a worldwide customer base which continues to OMICRON Technologies España. OMICRON has an extensive network of more than 50 representatives. Hong Kong S. Suite 2006.L. S. Unit 9.omicronusa.omicron.omicron.R.A.Contacts North and South America OMICRON electronics Corp. Suite 1510 Houston. distributors and local offices. 20/ Europe/Africa/Middle East OMICRON electronics GmbH Oberes Ried 1 A-6833 Klaus / Austria Phone: +43 5523 507-0 Fax: +43 5523 507-999 [email protected] OMICRON electronics Deutschland GmbH Gewerbering 40 D-91341 Röttenbach Germany Phone: +49-9195-9475-1 Fax: +49-9195-9475-39 [email protected]. To achieve this. Tower 2 The Gateway. Phone: +852 2634 0377 Fax: +852 2634 0390 info@asia. Stafford ST18 0AP England Phone: +44-1785-251 000 Fax: +44-1785-252 000 info@uk. To identify the contact for your area please visit “Contact Us” on our website at www. www. Austria Phone:+43 5523 507-0 Fax: +43 5523 507-999 info@omicron. 4 . TX V.omicronusa. 5 . USA 12 Greenway Plaza. .at Asia. Phone:+852 2634 0377 Fax: +852 2634 0390 [email protected] www. Suite 2006.OMICRON Sales Service Centers Europe. Suite 1510 Houston. Pacific OMICRON electronics Asia www. USA Phone:+1 713 830 4660 1-800-OMICRON Fax: +1 713 830 4661 info@omicronusa. Africa.omicron.omicron. Middle East OMICRON electronics GmbH Oberes Ried 1 A-6833 North and South America OMICRON electronics Corp. 2 © OMICRON Subject to change without notice.omicron. 20/F. Tower 2 The Gateway Harbour City Kowloon HONG KONG S.A.
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