Olivetti PR2E Service Manual

March 21, 2018 | Author: Dritani Shkabajve | Category: Electrical Connector, Usb, Printer (Computing), Electronics, Office Equipment



PrinterSERVICE MANUAL Code Y 100250-4 PUBLICATION ISSUED BY: Olivetti TECNOST, S.p.A. Documentazione 77, Via J e ~ i s 10015 lvrea (Italy) Copyright O 2001, Olivetti All rights reserved This Service Manual provides you with all the technical information needed to install, test and service the PR2 E specialized printer. Consult this manual when the Operator Manual, included in the printer packaging, does not provide the information needed to correct a determined error condition. SUMMARY This manual is divided into chapters, where each chapter is organized in a way that the information can be accessed as simply and quickly as possible. The first two chapters give an overview of the machine and describe its major functions; Chapter 3 describes installation and testing procedures while the remaining chapters provide the information needed to effectively service the machine. - BIBLIOGRAPHY: - SECTORIPRODUCT RANGE: - DISTRIBUTION: PR2 E Operator Manual PR2 E Programmer's Manual PR2 E Spare Parts Catalogue Q2 PR2 General (G) April, 2001 - FIRST EDITION: NOTICE Olivetti TECNOST S.p.A. reserves the right to make changes to the product described in this manual at any time and without notice. Y 100250-4 Service Manual iii. TABLE OF CONTENTS l. PRODUCT OVERVIEW l 1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 . INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 1 l .l .l PR2 E FACTORY CONFIGURATION ............................................................... 2 GENERAL MACHINE CHARACTERISTICS ..................................................... 3 HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE/MICR FEATURES .................................... 4 PRODUCT VARIABLES .................................................................................... 5 DOCUMENTS HANDLED BY THE BASIC MACHINE ...................................... 6 1.5. l 1.5.2 SINGLE AND MULTI-COPY FORMS ............................................................... 6 SAVINGS BOOKS ............................................................................................ 7 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 11 ACCESSORIES ................................................................................................. 8 LOCATING THE PRINTER'S MAJOR COMPONENTS .................................... 9 LOCATING THE PRINTER'S MAJOR INTERNAL COMPONENTS ............... 10 GENERAL BLOCK DIAGRAM ........................................................................ 11 1.9.l BASIC MACHINE ........................................................................................... 11 12 13 FIRMWARE AND CHARACTER GENERATORS............................................ 12 l . 10.1 MACHINE FIRMWARE ................................................................................... 1.10.2 CHARACTER SETS ....................................................................................... l . 10.3 PRINT MODES AND CHARACTER FONTS .................................................. 13 2. OPERATING COMMANDS ....................................................................... l 2.1 2.2 POWERSWITCH ............................................................................................... 2 CONSOLE .......................................................................................................... 2 2.2. l 2.2.2 2.2.3 FUNCTIONS OF THE CONSOLE BUTTONS .................................................. 3 MEANING OF THE CONSOLE LEDS .............................................................. 4 ERROR MESSAGES ........................................................................................ 4 2.3 BUTTON AND LED FUNCTIONS IN THE ISM 9068 (4722) EMULATION ........ 6 2.3. l 2.3.2 BUTTON FUNCTIONS ..................................................................................... 6 LEDINDICATIONS ........................................................................................... 6 Y 100250-4 Service Manual v 2.4 BUTTON AND LED FUNCTIONS IN THE SNI 4915 (4904) EMULATION ........ 7 2.4.1 BUTTON FUNCTIONS ................................................................................... 7 2.4.2 LED INDICATIONS ........................................................................................... 7 2.5 BUTTON AND LED FUNCTIONS IN THE ISM PROPRIN TER ///X24 EPSON LQ 2550 EMULATION ............................. 8 . 2.5.1 BUTTON FUNCTIONS .................................................................................... 8 2.6 UPPER MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY LIFTING LEVER ..................................... 9 3. INSTALLATION ......................................................................................... 1 3.1 GENERAL INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS ............................................... 1 3.1. ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY ...................................................................... l I 3.1.2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ................................................................... l 3.1.3 LOCATING THE MACHINE .............................................................................. l 3.2 UNPACKING AND INSTALLING THE MACHINE .............................................2 a 3.2. l 3.3 UNPACKING THE MACHINE .......................................................................... 2 3.2.2 INSTALLING THE MACHINE............................................................................ 4 OFF-LINE TESTS...............................................................................................4 STARTING AND STOPPING THE PRINT TEST .............................................. 4 3.3.1 3.3.2 PRINT TEST CONTENTS ................................................................................ 5 3.4 CONNECTION TO THE SYSTEM ......................................................................8 RE 232C SERIAL INTERFACE (STANDARD).................................................. 8 3.4. l 3.4.2 OPTIONAL SERIAL INTERFACE + USB INTERFACE CARD ......................... 9 3.4.3 OPTIONAL IEEE 1284 PARALLEL INTERFACE CARD ................................ l l 3.5 3.6 3.7 FINAL TESTING...............................................................................................13 INFORMATION FOR THE OPERATOR ......................................................... 13 OPERATING PROCEDURES ..................................................................... 14 4 3.7. l INSERTING A DOCUMENT WITH AUTOMATIC ALIGNMENT ..................... 1 4 3.7.2 INSERTING A SAVINGS BOOK .................................................................... 15 3.7.3 INSERTING A CHECK FOR HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE/MICR READ OPERATIONS ............................................................. 1 6 3.7.4 EXPULSION OF PROCESSED DOCUMENTS ............................................. 17 3.7.5 REPLACING THE RIBBON CARTRIDGE ...................................................... 17 3.7.6 PAPERJAMS ................................................................................................. 20 4 . AUTODIAGNOSTICS. SET-UP AND ADJUSTMENTS ............................. 1 4.1 4.2 4.3 POWER-ON DIAGNOSTICS .............................................................................. 1 PRINTTEST .................................................................................................... 2 PRINTER SET-UP .............................................................................................. 2 4.3. l ACTIVATING THE SETUP ............................................................................... 2 4.3.2 SUPPORT SOFTWARE ................................................................................... 2 4.3.3 CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS .................................................................. 3 4.4 SETTINGS ....................................................................................................... 14 4.4. l 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5 4.4.6 4.4.7 PHOTOSENSOR CALIBRATION ................................................................... 1 4 B/-DIRECTIONAL PRINT ALIGNMENT CALIBRATION ................................ 20 TOP OF FORM (TOF) CALIBRATION............................................................ 22 LEFT PRINT MARGIN CALIBRATION ........................................................... 24 DOCUMENT LENGTH MEASUREMENT ...................................................... 26 SKEWAND SIGNAL AMPLITUDE CONTROL .............................................. 28 SIGNAL AMPLITUDE CONTROL .................................................................. 28 5. PRODUCT DIAGNOSIS ............................................................................ 1 5.1 SERVICING MODES .......................................................................................... 1 5. l . l FAULT DETECTION ANALYSIS ......................................................................... 5.1.2 ANALYSIS OF THE OPERATING CONDITIONS ........................................ 5.1.3 IDENTIFYING THE MALFUNCTION ................................................................ 5.1.4 FINDING THE CAUSE ...................................................................................... 5.1.5 SOLVING THE PROBLEM ............................................................................... 5.1.6 TESTING THE MACHINE .............................................................................. 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 l 2 2 2 2 FAULT CLASSIFICATION .................................................................................. 3 POWER ON FAULTS ......................................................................................... 4 DOCUMENT WRITE FAULTS ............................................................................ 5 DOCUMENT HANDLING FAULTS ....................................................................6 MAGNETIC STRIPE READNVRITE FAILURES .............................................. 7 Y 100250-4 Service Manual vii 6 . ELECTRICAL INTERCONNECTIONS .....................................................l 6.1 6.2 GENERAL PRINTER INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM ................................... 1 BAPRZMAINBOARD ..................................................................................... 2 6.2.1 MAIN BOARD VIEWAND LOCATION OF CONNECTORS .............................. 2 6.2.3 CONNECTOR PIN-OUT ...................................................................................... 3 6.3 MAGNETIC OPTIONS CARD ............................................................................ 5 6.3. l 6.3.2 CARD LOCATION AND lDENTlFlCATlON OF CONNECTORS ...................... 5 VIEW OF THE PRZMAGN CARD .................................................................... 6 6.4 SERIAL AND US6 INTERFACE CARD ........................................................8 6.4.7 6.4.2 CARD VIEWAND LOCATION OF CONNECTORS ......................................... 8 CONNECTOR PIN-OUT ................................................................................... 9 6.5 10 PARALLEL INTERFACE CARD .................................................................. 6.5. l 6.5.2 CARD VIEW AND LOCATION OF CONNECTORS ....................................... 10 CONNECTOR PIN-OUT ................................................................................ l l 6.6 6.7 CONSOLE........................................................................................................ 12 ALIPRZE CARD ........................................................................................... 13 6.7.1 6.7.2 CARD VIEW AND LOCATION OF CONNECTORS ....................................... 13 CONNECTOR PIN-OUT AND FUSE .............................................................. 13 7. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ............................................................... 1 7.1 CLEANING......................................................................................................... 1 7.1.l 7.1.2 7.1.3 CLEANING THE CASE .................................................................................... I CLEANING THE PAPER PATHS ...................................................................... l CLEANING THE MAGNETIC READ HEAD ..................................................... l 7.2 7.3 MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................2 3 LUBRICATION ................................................................................................... 7.3.l 7.3.2 LUBRICATION POINTS ON THE BASIC MACHINE ........................................ 3 HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE/MICR LUBRICATION POINTS ............... 4 viii Y 100250-4 8. MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENTS 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 .............................................................. 1 DOCUMENT FEED BELT ADJUSTMENT ......................................................... 2 PRINT BAR ADJUSTMENT .............................................................................. 3 PARALLELISM ADJUSTMENT BETWEEN THE PRINT BAR AND LEAF ........ SPRING LOAD IN THE BASIC MACHINE ......................................................... 4 TABADJUSTMENT .......................................................................................... 5 FRONT TAB OPENING CHECK ........................................................................ 6 ROLLERGEARADJUSTMENT ........................................................................ 7 FRONT PRESSURE ROLLER ADJUSTMENT .................................................8 9 TAB OPENING ADJUSTMENT ......................................................................... HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE/MICR OPTIONCARRIAGE FEED BELT TENSION ADJUSTMENT ................................................................................ 10 HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE/MICR DOOR ADJUSTMENT ................11 ... kr 8.10 8.11 HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE/MICR PRESS POSITIONING ................ 12 8.12 POSITIONING THE ASSEMBLY ON THE HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE/MICR .................................................................................................. 13 9. DISASSEMBLYIREASSEMBLY PROCEDURES .....................................1 9.1 9.2 GENERAL DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY PRECAUTIONS .......................... 2 DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY OF THE BASIC MACHINE .............................3 9.2. l 9.2.2 9.2.3 9.2.4 9.2.5 9.2.6 9.2.7 9.2.8 9.2.9 CASE DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY ............................................................. 3 CONSOLE DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY ..................................................... 4 MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY ........................... 5 PRINTHEAD FLAT CABLE DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY............................ 6 PRINTHEAD DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY .................................................. 8 PRINTHEAD PHOTOSENSOR DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY ..................... 9 SUPPER PART OF THE MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY ...................................................................... 1 0 PAPER FEED MOTOR DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY ................................ 1 1 PRINTHEAD MOVEMENT MOTOR DlSASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY ............ 12 9.2.10 CARRIAGE RESET PHOTOSENSOR DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY ........ 1 3 Y 100250-4 Service Manual ix ............ 15 9...................... ...........9.....14 PRINT BAR DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY.................2.. 1 6 9....16 POWRER SUPPLY ASSY DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY ....... 21 9.............22 9.........................2..........3................................ 19 9......2.......3................................. ...2.... 14 9....3 HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE/MICR DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY ....2... 23 HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE/MICR HEAD ASSY DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY..........13 FEEDER PHOTOSENSORS DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY ......................3 BASIC MACHINE OPTIONS DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY............ l 9.12 SERVICES MOTOR DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY.......................... l l ROLLER SUPPORT TRAY DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY .....................22 HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE/MICR MOTOR DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY ........................3.................15 MAIN BOARD DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY .2........ 20 9............. 24 .........2 9... PRODUCT OVERVIEW 1. to which it maintains complete compatibility as far as the firmware and accessories are concerned. INTRODUCTION l The PR2 E is a specialized mid-range banking printer. This printer model can also be configured with different interfaces and emulations. the design and loadirrg of user character fonts. design and storage of a user logo and the on-line loading of character generators l 0 0 to 130 and 200 to 240 VAC 10% switching power supply unit Optional fan for delaying the activation of the thermal protection when printing complex graphics Dual-interfacefunctionality in all emulations IBM 9068 and IBM X24 emulations. With respect to the PR2. It can handle ordinary stationary (single and multicopy forms) and savings books for depositlwithdrawl transactions. + Y 100250-4 Service Manual 1-1 . It can be equipped with a horizontal magnetic device for readinglwriting horizontal magnetic bands. Very versatile. this printer can also be used in Public Administration front-office environments and in Post offices. or with a horizontal magnetic device and MlCR (Magnetic Ink Character Reader) reader for reading the code lines printed on checks. The PR2 Enhanced representsthe evolution in terms of quality and performance of the PR2. the PR2 E carries the following significant differences: Updated design Improved printing speed Interchangeable communication ports thanks to the possibility of installing supplementary snap-in interface cards Availability of support software for on-line setup.1. 1 PR2 E FACTORY CONFIGURATION The followitlg table indicates the different PR2 E factory configurations: Commercial Name PR2 E S12 PR2 E S12 M X X X X .1.1. RS 232C serial + USB .S.L.Q. X24. 245 X 450 mm max. DRAFT. The machine will generate an error message.Centronics parallel. PRINTING SPEED PRINT QUALITY RIBBON CARTRIDGE PAPER FEED PAPER SIZE CONSOLE EMULATIONS INTERFACE DIMENSIONS POWER CONSUMPTION Stand-by: 5 15 W During operation: 170 W max (worst case) POWER SUPPLY Switching power supply: 100 to 130 VAC 5 10% 200 to 240 VAC 10% + Y 1002504 Service Manual 13 . N.5 Kg. L. 70 X 65 mm min..5. If the mqgnetic device is present.2 GENERAL MACHINE CHARACTERISTICS PRINTING MODULE Dot-matrixprintheadwith 24 diamond-shapedneedles and overtemperature protection Printing capability: 1 original + 4 copies Savings book handling features 86 cps @ l 0 cpi in LQ 130 cps @ l 0 cpi in NLQ 260 cps @ 10 cpi in DRAFT 350 cps @ l 0 cpi in HSD H. the savings book must be aligned manually. Width: 384 mm Depth: 280 mm Height: 195 mm Weight: 10. it has three buttons and five LEDs PR40+.5 M characters Front feeder with automatic document alignment. with a life span of 3. IBM 9068 Standard RS 232C serial with the possibility of installing the following interface cards: . SNI 4915.D. Indelible fabric.1.Q. PR2 E and IBM PP II. Located on the printer cover.. For more information refer to section 1. l . E13B: In this case the characters are continuous (not bars) and have a precise shape. .3 HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVlCElMlCR FEATURES The Horizontal magnetic devicelMlCR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) device reads characters printed on checks with magnetic ink.The following figure gives an overall view of the printer. The magnetic reader must also interpret the amplitude of the wave form and therefore not only its variation in time. CMC7: This standard uses a coding technique similarto bar codes. Horizontal magnetic deviceIMICR applications are compatible with the CMC7 and E13B standards.l PR2 E Printer 1. Fig. In this case the character consists of seven black bars of equal width and spaced by four narrow gaps and two wide gaps. 4 PRODUCT VARIABLES VOLTAGE AND FREQUENCY TEN 023 TEN 204 COR 005 COR 041 COR 042 COR 043 COR 050 COR 080 1101120V 50160 Hz 2201240V 50160 Hz Europe Switzerland Great Britain Australia USA South Africa POWER CORD CRT FIRMWARE Olivetti standard + IBM X24 IBM 9068 + IBM X24 SNI 4915 + EPSON LQ 2550 Y 1002504 Service Manual 1-5 .1. 28 mm Up to 25% and uniform 40 to60g/m2 20 to 34 g/m2 1+5 with average paper weight and in the NLQILQ print mode 1+4 with average paper weight and in the NLQlLQ print mode 1 Original 50 g/m2.5. last copy 60 g/m2 At head or on the side NLQ or LQ .1.5 DOCUMENTS HANDLED BY THE BASIC MACHINE 1.1 SINGLE AND MULTI-COPY FORMS lblaximum width Minimum width Maximum recommended length Maximum accepted length Minimum length Single sheet weight Single sheet thickness Transparency Multicopy weight (chemical) Carbon paper weight Maximum printable copies with chemical paper Maximum printable copies with carbon paper Recommended weight Multicopy glueing Maximum weight of multicopy forms Print quality (with multicopy forms) 1 1 1 1 1 I II 1 I 245mm 65mm 297mm 450mm 70mm 60 to g/m2 O.l to 0. 150 mm15. 220 mm 165 mm Y 1002504 Service Manual 1-7 . 150 mm15. thickness with book open Max.9" min. difference in level between pages Cover thickness Type of binding Book preparation 1...5.3 mm19.1.5" max.2 mm 0.9" min.3 mm19. 220 mm 85 mm 3 to 14 mm radius Book with Horizontal Seam Open book width Maximurn length Minimum length 241.5 mm Thread-sewn.5" max.2 to 0. without metal staples or clips Must becarefullyflattened before being inserted intothe machine Book with Vertical Seam Open book width Maximum length Minimum leugth Union of external corners 241.2 SAVINGS BOOKS Max. 5 million characters. and lifting the print assembly by using the appropriate lever. Fig.6 ACCESSORIES This section describes the accessories available for the PR2 E printer. with a life-span of more than 3.1. INDELIBLE NYLON SNUG CART RIBBON CARTRIDGE The same as the BLACK NYLON SNUG CART but with indelible ink. The cartridge is installed in the machine by opening the printer cover. BLACK NYLON SNUG CART RIBBON CARTRIDGE Ribbon cartridge specific for the needle printhead. 1-2 SNUG CART Ribbon Cartridge . with automatic printhead positioning if the printer is powered on or manual positioning if powered off. 7 LOCATING THE PRINTER'S MAJOR COMPONENTS CONSOLE FRONT INSERTIONSLOT STANDARDSERIAL INTERFACE CONNECTOR OPENCOVERSENSO POWERSWITCH REAROUTPUTSLOT - INTERFACECARD.1. SERlAL+USBOR CENTRONICSPARALLEL LIFTINGLEVER Fig. 1-3 Locating the Printer's Major Components Y 100250-4 Service Manual 1-9 . 1-4 Locating the Printer's Major Internal Components .1.8 LOCATING THE PRINTER'S MAJOR INTERNAL COMPONENTS PRINTHEADFLATCABLE FRONT PAPER FEED SLOT POWERSUPPLY UNIT MAGNETICOPTIONSCARD INSTALLATIONPINS POWERSWI MAIN BOARD CONSOLE Fig. 1 BASIC MACHINE POWER CORD POWER SWITCH1 POWER SUPPLY UNIT BASIC MACHINE SERIAL INTERFACE PARALLEL INTERFACE MOTOR CONSOLE TRANSPORT MOTOR PRINTHEAD PHOTOSENSOR FRONTPAPER CARRIAGERESET PHOTOSENSOR PR2 E MAIN BOARD -I PHOTOSENSOR Y 1002504 Service Manual 1-11 .9.9 GENERAL BLOCK DIAGRAM 1.1. EPSON LQ 2550 industry-standard emulation. IBM environment: 9068 protocol emulation covering also the model 4722. The machine firmware includes the following emulations: Olivetti environment: STD 12/14 controlled protocol with the PR2 E native environment. IBM Proprinter II and Proprinter X24 industry-standard emulation. Asecond Flash EPROM (optional) of the same capacity and capable of hosting complex character sets and considerable macro and logo volumes.10 FIRMWARE AND CHARACTER GENERATORS 1.1. PR40+ and PR2845 emulation. Wincor-Nixdof environment: SNI 4915 protocol emulation covering also the models 4905. the printer management firmware is independently managed during the uploading operations so that all access to the character area for modification is rendered more flexible and immediate. . IBM Proprinter II and Proprinter X24 industry-standard emulation. can be installed on the main board.1 MACHINE FIRMWARE Separate from the character generator and character set. The printer's basic memory is provided by a 1 MB Flash EPROM.10. the character generators and character sets reside in this memory and can be replaced on-line. The management FW. D. CODE PAGE IS0 8859lX 1 CP SET STD 15 Each emulation in the machine has one or more associated character sets.L. OCR A ELIROBANKING ( I S 0 107311 I Print Specifications IS01831 Y 100250-4 Service Manual 1-13 . STD 15 Olivetti. 3. The character sets that are available with each emulation are listed in the following table: EMULATION 1 CHARACTER SETS OLIVETTI IBM CP SET.Q.10.S. OSl2.0. (Near Letter Quality) L.10. LlNlX WINDOWS 3.1 1 1 CHARACTER SETS CP SET.3 PRINT MODES AND CHARACTER FONTS The following table indicates the characteristics of the different print modes: 10 cpi 12 cpi 314 cps 260 CPS 130 cps 104 cps 15 cpi 327 cps 260 CPS - H. (High Speed Draft) DRAFT N. I S 0 CP SET. I S 0 1.1.Q.X. (Letter Quality) 350 cps 260 CPS 130 cps 86 cps 130 cps 131 cps The reference standards for the optical characters are the following: Font I Code Standard / ~ t dDimensionsIShape 1 .2 CHARACTER SETS Compatibility at system level for each character set is extended to the environments listed below: ENVIRONMENT PCIDOS WINDOWS 2. LQ2. NLQ1. LQ2. NLQ2. OCRB HSD. NLQl HSD. OCRA. NLQ2. NLQ1. DRAFT. ITALIC0 DRAFT ITALIC0 NLQ1. NLQ1. LQ2 DRAFT. OCRB DRAFT. NLQl I I FROM SET-UP FROM THE LINE . ITALIC0 NLQ2. OCRA. OCRA. NLQ1. NLQ2. NLQ1. OCRA. NLQ2. OCRA. ITALIC0 LQ2 Selection FROM SET-LIP FROM SET-UP 1 FROM THE LlNE FROM SET-UP FROM THE LlNE IBM PP 111x24 HSD. OCRB. DRAFT. OCRB HSD. LQ2. DRAFT. LQ2. DRAFT. DRAFT.Relationship between write cycles and emulation environment: Emulation PR501PR2845 Print Styles HSD. OCRB DRAFT. NLQ2. NLQ1. 2. 2.7 Operating Commands Y 1002504 Service Manual 2-1 . CONSOLE BrnoNS UPPERMECHANICAL ASSEMBLY LIFTING LEVER Fig. OPERATING COMMANDS The machine's operating commands are the following: switch console buttons upper mechanical assembly lifting lever. 1 POWER SWITCH The printer is equipped with atwo-pole power switch. During the machine set-up (section 4.4) phases.3) or adjustment (section 4. 2-2 Console The console is also equipped with a circuit breaker (Dry-reed) that informs the board logics when the printer's top cover is opened. the buttons perform different functions according to the procedures in which they are used. 2.2. 0 READY 0 ON en~~* p - / Fig. The switch onloff command is provided by means of a rod that crosses the printer longitudinally. .2 CONSOLE The printer console has five LEDs and three buttons. 2. You can access the different machine states by powering on or resetting the printer while holding down one or more buttons. 2): (') According to the selected emulation. The following table provides the meaning of the console buttons in both cases.1 FUNCTIONS OF THE CONSOLE BUTTONS The buttons on the console perform the following functions: STATION l : Reserves operator 1 (Olivetti STD 12/14) or assigns the printer to operator 1 (') Reserves operator 2 (Olivetti STD 12/14) or assigns the printer to operator 2 (') Toggles the printer between the on-line and off-line states Ejects the paper of operator 1 or ejects the paper present (') Ejects the paper of operator 2 (') STATION 2: LOCALIBREAK: EJECT (ST. 1 ST.2. 1 MACHINE STATE Print test Clear paper jam procedure Printer set for the on-line updating of the firmware (onto Flash-EPROM) Access to the following procedures: a) Photosensor adjustment b) User TOF setting c) Left-hand margin setting d) Paper or savings book length measurement e) Print alignment adjustment f) Photosensor adjustment printout X 1 1 I X 1 Disable cover open signal Service Manual . Local 1 1 1 ST.. The buttons assumedifferentfunctionsdependingon whether the printer top cover is opened or when the printer is powered on or reset while holding down determined console buttons. l ) : EJECT (ST. 2 zr w . 3 ERROR MESSAGES The table on the next page shows the different LED configurations (with the exception of the ON LED which is always on) and their meaning.2. This error locks the machine and can only be cleared by powering off the printer and proceeding with all necessary repairs. .2 MEANING OF THE CONSOLE LEDS When on.2. (2) Operator-correctable error (paper jam) that can be cleared by removing the cause and then pressing the ST1 key with the cover open. the LEDs inform of the following machine states: ON: READY: LOCAL: STATION 1: Machine powered on Printer on-linelin receive mode or document present (*) Machine in LOCAL (off-line) When on: Waiting for a document from operator 1 (Oliveti STD 12/14) or machine assigned to operator 1 or document present (*) When flashing: Waiting for a document from operator 1 or data present in the buffer (*) When on: Waiting for a document from operator 2 (Oliveti STD 12/14) or machine assigned to operator 2 or document present (*) When flashing: Waiting for a document from operator 2 STATION 2: (*) According to the selected emulation. The faults are classified as follows: (1) Fatal error. 2.2. 1 FAULT IDENTIFICATION CHART ON Power supply unit failure On-board failure: .2.Eprom .Motors Activation board failure READY OFF ST1 OFF LOCAL OFF ST2 OFF 1 I OFF OFF OFF OFF The motors are not working I Y 1002504 Service Manual 2-5 .2.Driver .ROM .Fuse .3.Microprocessor Failure caused by: . 2. SW-monitored button.3. indicates that the machine is powered on.2 LED INDICATIONS When on. . Yellow LED. STATION 1 Yellow LED. Yellow LED. Assigns the printer to operator 2. indicates that the printer is assigned to operator 2. 2.3 BUTTON AND LED FUNC'TIONS IN 'THE IBM 9068 (4722) EMULATION This section describes the button functions and LED indications of the PR2 E printer when in the IBM 4722 emulation. indicates that the printer is off-line. indicates that the printer is on-line and that a document is present. Assigns the printer to operator 1.2. Pressing the STATION 2lEJECT button while powering on the printer prints the self-test. their functions and usage may vary according to the application SW being used.1 BUTTON FUNCTIONS The buttons have the following functions: LOCALIBREAK STATION 11EJECT STATION 2lEJECT Toggles the printer between the on-line and off-line states. indicates that the printer is assigned to operator 1. Since the buttons and LEDs are managed via SW. the LEDs inform of the following machine states: ON READY LOCAL Green LED.3. STATION 2 Yellow LED. SW-monitored button. Y 100250-4 Service Manual 2-7 . indicates that the printer is on-line.IECT button while powering on the printer prints the self-test.1 BUTTON FUNCTIONS The buttons have the following functions: LOCALIBREAK STATION 11EJECT STATION 21EJECT Toggles the printer between the on-line and off-line states Assigns the printer to operator 1 and ejects the document of operator 1 Assigns the printer to operator 2 and ejects the document of operator 2. Yellow LED. when on indicates that a document is present. Yellow LED. when flashing indicates that the printer is waiting for a document from operator l .2 LED INDICATIONS When on.2. 2. when flashing indicates that the printer is waiting for a document from operator 2. Yellow LED. Pressing the STATION 21E.4. when on indicates that a document is present.4. Yellow LED. hv 2. STATION 2 L A specific console different than the one used on the standard product is available for this PR2 E version.4 BUTTON AND LED FUNCTIONS IN THE SNI 4915 (4904) EMULATION This section describes the button functions and LED indications of the PR2 E printer when in the SNI 4915 (4904) emulation. indicates that the printer is off-line. indicates that the machine is powered on. the LEDs inform of the following machine states: ON READY LOCAL STATION 1 Green LED. 5 BUTTON AND LED FUNC'TIONS IN 'THE IBM PROPRINTER 111x24 EPSON LQ 2550 EMULATION This section describes the button functions and LED indications of the PR2 E printer when in the IBM Proprinter 111x24. . STATION 2 A specific console different than the one used on the standard product is available for this PR2 E version. 2. - 2. indicates that the printer is off-line.1 BUTTON FUNCTIONS The buttons have the following functions: LOCALIBREAK STATION IIEJECT STATION 21E. EPSON LQ 2550 emulation.2 LED INDICATIONS When on. the LEDs inform of the following machine states: ON READY LOCAL STATION 1 Green LED. indicates that the machine is powered on. Yellow LED. Pressing the STATION 21EJECT button while powering on the printer prints the self-test. indicates that the printer is on-line. when on indicates that a document is present. Not used. Yellow LED. when flashing indicates that data are present in the buffer.IECT Toggles the printer between the on-line and off-line states Ejects the document present.5. No indication.2.5. Yellow LED. 2. lift the printer cover about 45 degrees until it stops. Fig. 2-3 Opening the Cover Service Manual 2-9 . To access this lever.6 UPPER MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY LIFTING LEVER The upper mechanical assembly lifting lever (1) is located on the left-hand side of the printer and is used to lift the upper part of the mechanical assembly so that you can access the internal paper path so that paper jams can be cleared without needing to power off the printer. 2-4 Upper Mechanical Assembly Lifting Lever Pushing this lever as far as it goes lifts the upper part of the mechanical assembly thus granting you access to the paper path. Fig.Fig. 2-5 Removing a Jammed Sheet of Paper . Install the printer in a position so that paper jams can be cleared easily. Common office equipment (calculating machines.1. Do not plug the printer to electrical wall outlets that are already being used by equipment that could cause electrical noise and excessivevoltagefluctuations (fans and air conditioners. dirt and smoke can cause the parts in motion to wear excessively. High temperatures and low humidity can cause problems due to static electricity. bear in mind the information provided in the following sections. small fotocopiers. and so on).3. Do not obstruct the printer's ventilation slots. 3.1 ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY Make sure that the electrical wall outlet to which the printer is connected has a valid ground and that it is able to supply the power needed by the machine. INSTALLATION 3. large photocopiers. Dust. make sure that condensation does not form as the result of extreme environmental variations. make sure that it has good ventilation so as to avoid overheating.2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS The environmental conditions in which the product can remain for an indefinite period of time are indicatedby the AB quality objectives referringto a normal climatized office environment (environmental temperture of 15135 OC. lift motors. typewriters. TV radio transmitters and signal generators. terminals and personal computers) can share the same outlet as long as they do not cause excessiveelectrical noise.1. high frequency safety devices. Y 1002504 Service Manual 3-1 . ee 3.relative humidity of 15185%).1 GENERAL INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS To ensure optimim printer functionality and to avoid making service calls for problems that are not directly caused by the product itself.1. During machine storage and operation. A wall outlet without ground can cause functional problems and can be a safety hazard. If the printer is installed in a cabinet. vibration-free surface.3 LOCATING THE MACHINE The printer must be installed on a flat. heat sources or in direct sunlight. short circuits (in the presence of a high degree of humidity) and readlwrite errors during operation. b v 3. Do not position the machine near air conditioning systems. 2. 3-1 Package Contents . Fig.3.1 UNPACKING THE MACHINE Checking the box contents The following items should be contained in the packaging: - PR2 E printer Power cord Operator Manual Ribbon cartridge Magnetic head cleaning card (not shown in the figure below) for models equipped with this option.2 UNPACKING AND INSTALLING THE MACHINE 3. Install the ribbon cartridge (section 3. Push forward the two red plastic retainers that lock the print carriage (illustration 1 in the following figure). Open the printer's top cover completely. 3-2 Removing the Transportation Retainers - Quickly check that the printer was not damaged during transportation. - Y 100250-4 Service Manual 3-3 . Fig. - Lift the upper part of the mechanical assembly (illustration2 in the following figure) and then remove the two retainers (illustration 3 in the following figure).5) Close the machine. forcing it to a horizontal position.7.Unpacking and Setting-Up the Printer - Remove the machine from its protective bag. refer to section 2. The sheet of paper is automatically expelled at the end of the test. Plug the power cord into the electrical wall outlet and then power on the printer. insert an A4 sheet of paper into the front feed slot until triggering the paper alignment photosensor. The machine will automatically feed the sheet of paper and start printing the test. Make sure that the voltage rating indicated on the electrical data plate corresponds to the local mains.Power off the printer - Power on the printer while pressing the STATION 2lEJECT button on the console. power off the machine.1 STARTING AND STOPPING THE PRINT TEST Proceed as follows to activate the print test: .1.2. making sure that it complies with the information provided in section 3. To stop the print test.2.3 "Error Messages". . After printer initialization.3.2 INSTALLING THE MACHINE Positionthe machine for operation. To repeat the test simply insert a new sheet of paper.3 OFF-LINE TESTS A print test can be run to make sure that the printer works correctly before actually connecting it to the system.3. 3. Make sure that the printer powers on by checking the mechanical reset and the lighting of the ON LED on the console. 3. If other LEDs other than the ON LED remain lit. Y 1002509 Service Manual 3-5 . 3-4) of the information provided by the tests. The content of the test depends on the FW release installed on the printer. 3-3 and Fig. power off the printer The following pages provide examples (Fig.2 PRINT TEST CONTENTS The print test provides the following information: - The release and version of the firmware and character generators installed A graphical represetnation of 24-needle functionality (Needles test) The configuration of the printer The parameters defined for the IBM-PP and Olivetti emulations. - To stop the print test.3.3. 6 1 / 2 4 0 i nch LINE LENGHT: REPLY SYNCRON.00E VER. NORMAL NLQ1 FIRST LINE Y DUAL OLIVETTI 9 600 8 1 Y Y IBM Y N DRAFT SPEED: LQ TYPE: PAPER WIDTH: BUZZER: INTERFACE: RS1 EMULATION: BAUD RATE: BIT/CHAR: PARITY-:. I 1 Y VERTICAL L 437 (:[NT) TABLE 2 N DRAFT 10 PC N N 80 12 Y Y PR2E Y OLIVETTI ST15INT DRAFT 10 16. : STATUS REQUEST: NO WAIT N Fig.EDGE DETEC. 0 1 0 W CG VER. 000 Needles t e s t : CONF I G .: SPECIAL FORMS: IBM-PP EMULATION: PASSBOOK : BINDING: SIDE: CHAR SET: PC CHAR SET: PC TABLE: CHAR DEFINITION: CPI : LF=LF+CR: CR=CR+LF : ZERO SLASH: LINE LENGHT: FORM LENGTH: BOF IBM-PP LIKE: TOF IBM-PP LIKE: OLIVETTI EMULATION: PASSBOOK : NONE N P. P. 1. STOP B I T : DSR : DCD : CX EMULATION: STROBE ACTIVE: PAP. 3-3 Print Test Example .F REL.PR2 E Basic Version 3-6 Y 1002504 . P. 002 N e e d l e s test: .11 N L PC 437 ( I N T ) TABLE 2 DRAFT 10 N N N 80 12 Y Y I SO' I S 0 8859/5 DRAFT N 10 16.. : LF+CR : L I N E LENGHT: REPLY SYNCRON.---._..PR2 E + Horizontal Magnetic Device Y 100250-4 Service Manual 3-7 .__.._. O E I I DRAFT SPEED: L 9 TYPE: PAPER WIDTH: BUZZER : INTERFACE: R S 1 EMULATION: BAUD RATE: BI T/CHAR : PARITY: STOP B I T : DSR : DCD : CX EMULATION : STROBE ACT I : VE PAP.-- __.6 1/216inch 90 N NO W A I T .-.-.PP EMULATION: PASSBOOK : SIDE: CHAR SET: PC CHAR SET: PC TABLE: CHAR D E F I N I T I O N : CPI: LF+CR : CR+LF : ZERO SLASH: L I N E LENGHT: FORM LENGTH: BOF IBM-PP L I K E : TOF IBM-PP L I K E : OL I V E T T I EMULATION: PASSBOOK : SIDE: CHAR SET: I B M CHAR SET: I S 0 SET: CHAR D E F I N I T I O N : CPI: COMPRESSED : VERTICAL RESOL.. 028 CG VER. : SPEC I AL FORMS : IBM.--. 0 0 E VER.. W 1 .F REL.7-. 3-4 Print Test Example . I B M 3604 C STANDARD N Y 3 NORMAL Fig.: STATUS REQUEST: OPT I ON HOR MSRW STANDARD : END-SENTINEL: DISPLACEMENT: DUPLICATE: DOUBLE F 1ELD: RETRY: STRIPE HANDLING: NORMAL NLPl FIRST L I N E Y DUAL OLIVETTI 9600 8 NONE P. EDGE DETEC.___.__.____ --.- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 CONFIG. One of the following two optional interface cards can be installed in the slot on the rear of the printer: - RS 232C serial interface + USB interface card Centronics parallel interface card In its dual-port configuration.3. STOP BIT. the printer is equipped with an on-board standard RS232 C interface and a slot for the installation in field of an optional interface card that connects to the specific connector on the main board.4. the printer can operate in run-time mode on the available interfaces so as to satisfy specific application requirements. and therefore configured with the standard serial interface and serial interface + USB interface card orwith the standard serial interface and parallel interface card. DSR and DCD.3. 3-5 Standard RS232 C Serial Interface . 3. BITICHAR.4 CONNECTION TO THE SYSTEM In its basic configuration.2) program the following interface parameters: BAUD RATE. 0--4 RECEIVED DATA TRANSMITlED DATA DATA TERMINAL READY PROTECTIVE GROUND DATA SET READY 0 4 9 o SIGNAL GROUND Fig. Via Set-up (Section 4. PARITY.1 RS 232C SERIAL INTERFACE (STANDARD) Attach the serial cable to the interface located on the rear of the printer. Revision 1. This interface card is shown in the following figure.2 OPTIONAL SERIAL INTERFACE + USB INTERFACE CARD The optional serial interface + Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface card hosts both interfaces and is installed in the specific slot alongside the standard first serial interface on the rear of the printer.l has a transfer rate o f ? 200 kBps.4. while the USB reference standard and interface complies with the Universal Serial Bus Specification . (RS232 Serial Interface) (US6 Interface) 1 n 2 3 4 VBUS DMENO DPlU GND Fig. USB CONNECTOR I l SERIAL CONNECTOR I JZ J1 CONNECTOR J1 FOR CONNECTION TO THE MAIN BOARD Fig.3. 3-7 USB lnterface Pin-Out Y 100250-4 Service Manual 3-9 . 3-6 Serial lnterface + USB lnterface Card This serial interface has the same characteristics as the main board serial interface. Insert the interface card in the slot and slide it along the guideways until it plugs into the related connector on the main board. When a signal is received by any one of the two interfaces. break off the slot cover of the optional serial interface on the rear of the printer. - Fig.Proceed as follows to install this optional card: - Power off the printer Using a screwdriver. the printer polls the two ports to see which one will be assigned. Tighten the card's two side screws to secure it in place. Push firmly to ensure proper connection.with an empty buffer and in an out of paper condition. . the two interfaces have the same parameter settings. The assignement of the interfaces is mutually exclusive. only the two serial interfaces are operational simultaneously. the printer switches to the receiving interfaceand maintains this condition until the end of the print job. In addition to the active emulation. The active emulation can be changed by an on-line command. 3-8 Installing the Serial lnterface + USB lnterface Card Once the optional serial interface + USB interface card is installed. In this configuration. 10 Parallel lnterface Pin-Out Y 1002504 Service Manual 3-11 .3Kohm) 36 INRII I SELECT IN Fig. 32 ERROR 33 LOGIC GROUND ?dNC 35 t5 V (PUU-UP: 3. 3. This card is shown in the following figure. CENTRONICS INTERFACE J1 CONNECTOR J1 FOR CONNECTION TO THE MAIN BOARD Fig. The ECP data exchange protocol is used. 3-9 Parallel Interface Card STROBE Ol DATAOM DATA l lU DATA 2 Ul DATA 3 05 DATA A M DATA 5 07 DATA 6 08 DATA 7 C Q ACKNOWEDGE 10 BUSY 1 l PAPER EMPTY 12 ON LINE 13 AUTOFEED Xl l A NC 15 LOGIC GROUND 16 FRAME GROUND 17 r 5 V 18 19 GROUND 20 GROUND 21 GROUND 22 GROUND 23 GROUND 24 GROUND 25 GROUND 26 GROUND 27 GROUND 28 GROUND 29 GROUND 30 GROUND 31 INIT. It is suggestedto use an interface cable up to 1.5 meters long. .3 OPTIONAL IEEE 1284 PARALLEL INTERFACE CARD The optional parallel interface card hosts a 36-pin Centronics parallel interface. It is installed in the specific slot alongsidethe first serial interface on the rear ofthe printer.4.3. Fig. When a signal is received by anyone of the two interfaces. Push firmly to ensure proper connection. . the printer switches to the receiving interface and maintains this condition until the end of the print job.11 Installing the Parallel Interface Card In a printer dual-port configuration consisting of the standard serial interface + parallel interface.Proceed as follows to install this optional card: - Power off the printer. in particular. in an empty buffer and out of paper condition the printer polls the two ports to see which one will be assigned. Dual-port functionality is configured during printer set-up. Insert the interface card in the slot and slide it along the guideways until it plugs into the related connector on the main board. 3. Using a screwdriver. Tighten the card's two side screws to secure it in place. break off the slot cover of the optional serial interface on the rear of the printer. active emulation can be set on each of the two interfaces and can be changed in run-time mode by means of a specific command. Removing a jammed document from the printer by using the lever for lifting the upper mechanical assembly. The PR2 E ha a resident runin test which is useful to check the outcome of the ordinary maintenance intervention. Make it clear to the operator that observing these simple precautions ensures good printer operation in time. Upon completion of the reset routine. Y1002504 Service Manual 3-13 . - - Stress the importance of good internal ventilation and therefore the need to keep the printer vents unobstructed (from forms or other types of paper).5 FINAL TESTING After connecting the printer to the system. the field engineer has the responsibility of informing the operator on how to use the printer. wrinkled. close the printer cover and insert an A4 sheet of paper (for the printing of the self-test). interpreting the error messages and unlocking the machine whenever necessary. Inserting a savings book and sheets of paper into the front insertion slot. making sure to avoid using documents that are torn. press the LOCALIBREAK and STATION 21 EJECT buttons simultaneously (RUN-IN test). 3. test its interface parameters. If failures should arise. stapled or he1 together with paper clips.the operator should promptly call the fielb enineering-service. When the sheet of paper is expelled. In this test mode. Power off the printer to exit from the run-in test mode. stressing the importance of avoiding the use of crumpled or torn paper or savings books with jutting spines. Proceed as follows to perform this test: - Power on the PR2 E by pressing the STATION 2lEJECT button with the printer cover open. It is suggested that a practical demonstration be given for the following operations: a* - Using the console. The test lasts about 45' and vertical bars are printed. Show how to insert the sheet of paper (automatic alignment) and the savings book (manual alignment). how to replace the cartridge and how to clear paper jams. lnserting a check or tab in the optional check reader. Replacing the ribbon cartridge.6 INFORMATION FOR THE OPERATOR After installation. however. the efficiency of the machine's mechanics and electronics is tested just like at the factory. folded.3. 1 INSER'TING A DOCUMENT WITH AUTOMATIC ALIGNMENT The front shelf on the case helps to insert the document in the printer.3. 3. place the document at the center of the front slot and then insert it into the feed slot.7 OPERATING PROCEDURES 3. Release the document as soon as the automatic alignment system is activated.7. Fig.12Automatic Document Insertion . - With the printer powered on. Fig. 3. 3.3. Place the open savings book on the front shelf with the magnetic stripe on the bottom. open it and press it along its spine so that it remains completely open horizontally.13 Manual lnsertion of a Savings Book Fig. Make sure that pages of the book are not folded or ripped so as to prevent a poor print quality and errors during book insertion.14 Manual Insertion of a Savings Book with Magnetic Stripe Y 100250-4 Service Manual 3-15 .7.2 INSERTING A SAVINGS BOOK Before inserting a savings book. 3 INSERTING A CHECK FOR HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVlCElMlCR READ OPERATIONS On the front of the machine cover there is a reference stripe to be used when inserting checks.15 References for the Insertion of Checks . 3.7. I l l Fig.3. 7. in the following ways: - Returning back to where the documents were manually inserted (paper feed slot) From the printer's rear slot.76 Lifting the Upper Mechanical Assembly Y 100250-4 Service Manual 3-17 . it can even be performed with the machine powered off.5. starting from the front feed slot If the documents that are expelled from the front feed slot: - are less than 100 mm long.3.This procedure is to be performedwith the machine powered off.7.1 REPLACING THE RIBBON CARTRIDGE WITH THE MACHINE POWERED OFF Proceed as follows to change the ribbon cartridge: - Power off the machine.5 REPLACING THE RIBBON CARTRIDGE The ribbon cartridge must be changed when printing is incomplete or faded. or when there are frequent optical read errors on the printed documents.they will remain gripped bythe last set of rollersto avoid that the document tails off the front shelf.4 EXPLlLSlON OF PROCESSED DOCUMENTS The processed documents can be expelled from the printer. they will be released from the feed rollers are 100 mm long or longer. according to the application program.7. 3. Lift the upper mechanical assembly by pushing the appropriate lever. 3. Open the printer top cover. 3. if necessary. Fig. however. 3-18 Inserting the Ribbon Cartridge . Fig 3-1 7 Removing the Ribbon Cartridge - Insert the cartridge into the feed gears. Fig. hooking it on the two sides and making sure to insert pin (1) into the related hole of the ribbon feed knob. Remove the old cartridge by pulling it outwards.- Push the ribbon guide downwards until it releases from the print carriage. Y 100250-4 Service Manual 3-19 . 3.Close the printer cover. Fig. completely lower the upper part of the mechanical assembly containing the printhead and ribbon cartridge.Power on the machine. . .- Insert the ribbon guide frontwards and then lift it until it hooks on to the two eleastic pins on the carriage's open slots behind behind the printhead platen (a "clack" sound is heard).19 Hooking the Ribbon Guide - Turn the carriage knob counterclockwise (2) until the ribbon is taut and then remove tab (3). 3-20 Removing the Tab - Using the specific lever. Fig. folded or badly preserved paper Stapled paper or with paper clips (this can seriously damage the machine) Multicopy forms where the sheets are poorly glued together. Close the printer cover.Obstructed paper path (for example. residual pieces of paper) - Paper skew Paper weight or size non-compliant with the specifications Crumpled. 'The areas where jams are more likely to occur are: - front document feed slot inside the printer rear document output slot .7.3. Jamming could be caused by one of the following: . Lift the upper mechanical assembly by using the appropriate lever. Remove the used cartridge and replace it with a new one as previously described.7. Note: DO NOT move the printhead manually. 3. printing stops automatically.2 REPLACING THE RIBBON CARTRIDGE WITH THE MACHINE POWERED OFF The ribbon cartridge can be changed with the machine powered on and by following the procedure listed below: - Open the printer cover. Lower the upper machanical assembly by using the appropriate lever.6 PAPER JAMS The paper could jam along its path inside the machine.5. Remove the jammed document by carefully pulling it from the printer. 3-22 Removing a Document from Inside the Printer Service Manual 3-21 . Lift the upper mechanical assy by using the upper mechanical assy lifting lever.1 PAPER JAMS AT THE FRONT DOCUMENT FEED SLOT To remove a jammed document from the front feed slot. 3-21 Removing the Document from the Front Feed Slot Fig. carefully pull the document from the printer to avoid ripping it.2 PAPER JAMS INSIDE THE PRINTER Proceed as follows to remove a document from inside the printer: - Open the cover without powering off the machine.6. Fig. 3. 2) Wait for an audible signal to sound.3 PAPER JAMS AT THE REAR OUTPUT SLOT To remove a document from the rear output slot.7. without opening the cover carefully pull the document outward trying not to tear it. 3-23 Removing a Document from the Rear Output Slot . Fig.If pieces of paper are jammed in unaccessible areas inside the machine. 3) Press STATION 1/EJECT andlor STATION 21EJECT to move the paper forwardlbackward so that the jam can be cleared.6. 4) Power off the machine and close the cover before powering it back on again. proceed as follows to remove them: 1) Open the cover and power on the printer while pressing the STATION 11EJECT button. ROM Microprocessor l OFF l OFF 1 ST1 l LOCAL OFF OFF 1 ST2 OFF 1 OFF OFF - Failure with: Fuses Drivers Motors ON Activation board failure The motors do not perform any kind of movement Y 1002504 Service Manual 4-1 . ON READY I Power supply assy failure On-board failure: .4.Eprom . SETUP AND ADJUSTMENTS 4. Upon the successful completion of the autodiagnostic routine the printer switches to the READY state (ON and READY LEDs lit). AUTODIAGNOSTICS.1 POWER-ON DIAGNOSTICS At power on. The table below indicates the meaning of the LEDs according to the type of failure detected during the autodiagnostic phase. besides a general reset the printer runs an autodiagnostic routine that checks the efficiency of all machine components. The flow charts on the following pages indicate the different ways in which the various set-up environments can be accessed.Reference command sets STD 12/14 PR2E . Off-line Testing.1 ACTIVATING THE SET-UP To enter the set-up environment.4.~12000. power off the machie and then power it back on again while pressing the ST1 (Station l ) and ST2 (Station 2) buttons simultaneously.Promotional demo The program features an appropriate product presentation format and exploits all the operating modes and options available.3 PRINTER SET-LIP The Set-up environment should only be accessed by the service engineer and programmer since some of the selectable parameters are used to customize the machine or option installed and must therefore not be changed. It highlights the features and performance offered by the printer in every configuration and optimizes the operational cycle so as to reach the maximum performance obtainable. 4. 4. The instructions to run this test are given in section 3.Font and logo management software A program used to create unusual graphical representations or special fonts.3. they integrate the entire range of features handled by industry-standard applications. load an A4 sheet of paper: the machine will print a line with ta description of the functions of all the keys in this environment. Upon completion of the printer reset phase. - Drivers Based on the Olivetti native protocol.2 PRINT TEST The print test provides a printout of the machine's set-up parameters. WIN 95/98 .DLL driver provided WIN NT 4.Set-up management software A specific program developed for set-up management on-line. It displays the product's set-up parameters and makes it possible to change them. handshaking included.2 SUPPORT SOFTWARE The software tools include all tools and languages that the product needs for the environments in which it will be used.Environment DLL WOSA .3. . 4. .3. . . An incorrect intervention by the operator could cause printer malfunction. Type of parity checking.PROGRAMMABLE BUZZER: N . Activatesldeactivates acoustic signaling The optional interfaces are: LQTYPE: NLQl .OPTIONAL . Qll 1.USB (DUAL-compatible) (DUAL-compatible) (when) RS232C (1) EMULATION: OLIVETI-I .4800 .Y DCD N-Y Interfacedefault emulation Data transmissionelreception rate 7. Data Carrier Detector handled or not.LQ2 I r PAPER WIDTH: FIRST LINE .DUAL .3.Y INTERFACE: RS 232 (1) .1200 BITICHAR: 7 .ODD .3.3 CONFlGLlRATlON PARAMETERS This section provides the description and possible values of the printer's different set-up parameters.EVEN STOP BIT: DSR: N . Determines the LQ type that can be activated via SW and by default Determines document positionlwidth measurement position.or 8-bit data format.2 Y 100250-4 Service Manual 4-3 .RS 232 (2) .3.HIGH Determines the Draft mode that can activated via SW and by default.NLQ2. 'The default value is indicated in bold. 4.PARALLEL .2400 .IBM BAUD RATE: 9600 .8 PARITY: NONE .1 CONFIGURATION MODE MENU PARAMETERS DRAFT SPEED: NORMAL .4. Number of stop bits Data Set Ready handled or not. Causes a paper jam (ESC r 1) in the Olivetti environment. For electronic HW reasons. SPECIAL FORMS: N .Y When enabled (Y). inhibits the printing of lines that are wider than the sheet inserted.Y When enabled (Y). every paper movement is performed with the printhead positioned outside the margins of the sheet of paper. the width of the document is automatically measured only during the document insertion phase. Therefore if the sheet of paper loaded has a variable width. Stores or not the settings made. This makes it possible to use the lightest forms indicated in the paper specifications thus avoiding the forms to crumple. the different size will not be detected during the printing phase.PAPER EDGE DETECTION: N .N . SAVE PARAMETERS: Y . II (when) X24 .X 24 Selects the IBM emulation wanted AGM: N . SIDE : C . Selecting "L (Left)" ensures SW compatibility with the PR50 with left-hand alignment.Y PASSBOOK: N . Indicates whether the printer is enabled or not to handle savings books. Selects the type of savings book binding (horizontal or vertical). Selecting "R (Right)" ensures SW compatibility with the PR50 with right-hand alignment. (when) Passbook Y BINDING: VERTICAL . (GR) (E) (LATIN 1) (GREEK) (LATIN 2) (CYRILLIC) (LATIN 5) (LATIN EURO) (P) (IL) (CANADIAN FRENCH) (ARAB IC) (NORDIC) (CYRILLIC) (PC WIN Latin2) (PC WIN Latinl) Y 1002504 Service Manual 4-5 .IS0 PC CHAR SET: Character generator selection.R CHAR SET: (when) PC .EMULATION: P.P.Y Enablesldisables the AGM function.HORIZONTAL Used when the "PASSBOOK: Y" setting is made. If horizontal binding is selected. during a savings book print job the printhead will move outside the margins of the savings book so as to improve the feed of the savings book itself. FORM LENGTH: 11 .DRAFT Selects the character generator table.7 mm. Selects or not the execution of an automatic line feed each time a carriage return command is received.Y Selects the form's bottom margin (BOF).23 mm.The Bottom of Form value is 4.TABLE 2 CHAR DEFINITION: LQ . ZERO SLASH: LINE LENGTH: N-Y 80 .12 BOTTOM MARGIN IBM-PP LIKE: N . Selects the maximum form length expressed in inches. Selects the print pitch expressed in number of characters per inch. . Selects the character definition. N . Selects or not the execution of an automatic carriage return each time a line feed command is received. Y . Selects maximum print line length expressed in number of character at 10 cpi.(when) I S 0 SET: OLI-UNIX IS0 885911 IS0 885912 IS0 885915 IS0 885916 IS0 885917 IS0 885918 IS0 885919 IS0 8859115 PC TABLE: TABLE 1 .The Bottom of Form value is 13.90 Enablesldisables slashed zero printing. PNS #4501 : U .N Y 1002504 Service Manual 4-7 . Selects a 115" spacing value.23 mm for documents and 7.Y SAVE PARAMETERS: Y .Y Selects the form's top margin (TOF). N .The Top Of Form value will be 4.4 for passbooks. Stores or not the settings made. upon reception of a Form Feed command the document is expelled regardless of the form length selected.The Top Of Form value will be included between 4.23 mm (defined by the adjustment) for documents and 7. PNS SELECTION: L-Y Selecting (Y) grants access to the PNS selection menu in the IBM environment.TOP MARGIN IBM-PP LIKE: N . (when) PNS SELECTION: Y PNS#4192:N-Y If enabled.4 mm per savings books. Y . HORIZONTAL Used when the "PASSBOOK: Y setting is made. Selects the type of savings book binding (horizontal or vertical).PR40 (when) PR40+ LINE BUFFER PR40 LIKE: N .Y Sets the reception buffer length like the PR40 (1K byte) or to 8 K byte. Enables the printer to handle savings books. Selecting "R (Right)" ensures SW compatibility with the PR50 with right-hand alignment.OLIVElTI Selects the character generator. SIDE : L . If horizontal binding is selected. during the printing on a savings book the printhead is positioned outside the margin of the savirlgs book so as to improve the feed of the book itself. IBMIPC .Y (when) Passbook Y BINDING: VERTICAL . .R CHAR GENERATOR: (when) IBM CHAR SET: PC I S 0 - IBM emulation PC or I S 0 character sets regardless of the selection made. Selecting "L (Left)" ensures SW compatibility with the PR50 with left-hand alignment. TOF management with fixed (PR40) or adjustable mechanical header.Y TOP MARGIN PR40 LIKE: N . Selects the 01-IVETTI emulation (when) PR2E PASSBOOK: N .Olivetti Menu EMULATION: PR2E . (when) PC CHAR SET: DWN DK 210 220 (GR) (E) 437 850 851 852 855 857 858 860 862 863 864 865 866 1250 1252 (LATIN 1) (GREEK) (LATIN 2) (CY RILL IC) (LA-TIN 5) (LATIN EURO) (P) (IL) (CANADIAN FRENCH) (ARABIC) (NORDIC) (CYRILLIC) (PC WIN Latin2) (PCWINLatinl) (when) I S 0 SET: OLI-UNIX I S 0 885911 I S 0 885912 I S 0 885915 IS0 885916 I S 0 885917 I S 0 885918 I S 0 885919 I S 0 8859115 Y 100250-4 Service Manual 4-9 (when) OLIVET'TI CHAR SET: USA D P E E2 DKIN F I SISF CH UK YU IL GR CND STD 31 SDC TR ARABIC USSR Cl BC CHAR DEFINITION: DRAFT - LQ - OCRA - OCRB CPI: 5 - 1 0 - 1 2 - 1 5 - 16.6- 17.1 COMPRESSED: Selects the character definition. Selects the print pitch. 1. - 17,1 66 Defines the spacing selected with ESC > Selects the vertical resolution. Selects whether to execute or not an automatic carriage return each time a line feed command is received. VERTICAL RESOLUTION: 11216" - 11240" LINE LENGTH: 90 - 94 Selects the maximum print line length expressed in numper of characters at 10 cpi. PRINTER REPLY SYNCRONIZED: STATUS REQUEST: NO WAIT - WAIT -Y DSR management during a transmission Determines the timing of the status reply upon reception of an ESC j command. By selecting NO WAIT, the reply will be provided as soon as possible and simultaneously with the execution of a print job or paper movements. By selecting WAIT, the status reply will be provided at the end of the print job. (if the Horizontal Magnetic devicelMlCR is present) OPTION HORIZONTAL MSRW This message warns that the option is installed. There is no selection to be made, and the next option available is printed right after it. If the Horizontal magnetic device1MICR option is will present, the caption "+MICRN appear next to "MSRW. Sets the magnetic standard. STANDARD: DINIISO - ANSI - ISM 3604 (when) IBM 3604 END-SENTINEL: C - F Sets the end-sentinel code. DISPLACEMENT: STANDARD + l 0 +20 Defines the position of the magnetic stripe. DUPLICATE: N-Y Selects field duplication or not. Selects double field check or not Defines the read attempts. Defines normal or fast magnetic stripe reading. When Normal is selected, at each magnetic stripe read or write operation a savings book length measurement is performed so as to determine the exact position of the stripe. When Fast is selected, the length of the savings book is measured randomly with the procedure explained in the specific chapter; savings book measurements are not made during stripe readlwrites thus speedi~g stripe management. DOUBLE FIELD CHECK: N - Y RETRY: 3 - 1 STRIPE HANDLING: NORMAL - FAST Y 100250-4 Service Manual 4-11 (when) SIDE : R AFF : STD - USA LINE BUFFER PR2845 LIKE: Selects print line width. N- Y Defines the reception buffer length like the 2845 (512 Bytes) or to 8 Kbytes. NATION: USA D P E E2 DKIN F I SISF CH UK YU IL GR CND STD 31 SDC TR IS CHAR DEFINITION: DRAFT - LQ CPI: Selects the character definition. Selects the print pitch. Selects the line feed. 1012 LF: 1 1 5 " - m WARNING: END OF PAPER - PHOTO SENSORTOP Selects the indication for out of paper or for photosensor covered. TOP OF FORM: 1- 2 Selects the first or second printable line. Determines the timing of the status reply upon reception of an ESC j command. By selecting NO WAIT, the reply will be provided as soon as possible and simultaneously with the execution of a print job or paper movements. By selecting WAIT, the status reply will be provided at the end of the print job. Stores or not the settings made in this Set-up section. STATUS REQUEST: NO WAIT - WAIT SAVE PARAMETER ? : 41_ - N Y 1002504 Service Manual 4-13 4.4 SETTINGS 4.4.1 PHOTOSENSOR CAI-IBRATION All machine photosensors are calibratedat the factory. However, a change in the electrical characteristics of the photosensors used or the use of non-standard paper may call for the photosensors to be recalibrated at the customer's site. All the photosensors present in the machine require calibration; the following are installed: - Paper detection photosensor assembly This assembly consists of two LEDs and two photoreceivers that are the first to detect when a document is inserted in the front insertion slot. The ray of light is transmitted by fibre optics. Paper font alignment photosensor assembly These photosensors are included in the same mechanical assembly as the paper detection photosensors, indicated in this manual as Front photosensor assembly. The paper front alignment photosensors check the alignment of the document before it reaches the printhead. The assembly consists of four LEDs and four photoreceivers, all connected via fibre optics. Autoborder photosensor Fitted on the printhead, it detects the paper so as to measure the position of the first print column. If selected from Set-up, with this sensor it is also possible to control printing interruption in cases when the paper is narrower than the line being printed and sent from the system. - - The location of the individual photosensors in the machine is shown in the figure on the following page. Rear oftheprinter Printhead reset photosensor (does not require calibration) lmpactprinlheadcamage Paper edge detedion p h o l ~ ~ e n s u U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Photo1 photo2 P M 3 Photo4 mm Fibreoptics Fibreopt~ur ............................................................................. Fibreoptics Fibre optics Frontpaperalignment photosensors 0 m 0 Front oftheprinter 0 n 0 PhotoN' 1 Frontpaperdetection ' Photo N 2 Front paperdetectlon Fig. 4- 1 Locating Machine Photosensors Y 100250-4 Service Manual 4-1 5 Provided below is the photosensor calibration block diagram. ST2 PRESSEDWHILE POWERING ON THE * READ PHOTOSENSOR LED ST2 ON AND ALL THE STAMPA DEI VALORI DI 4 ACOUSTICSIGNAL AND LEDS ON MOVE THE PRINTHEAD TO THE LEFT AND CLOSE THE COVER BUTTON THE SHEET IS NOT EXPELLED.A LONG BEEPSOUNDS.THE FLASHINGLEDSIDENTIFY THE FAULTYPHOTOSENSOR (SEETHE TABLE ON THE PREVIOUSPAGE) PRESSANY BUTTON I LEDS IDENTIFY THE FAULNPHOTOSENSOR THE PRINTER Proceed as follows to calibrate the photosensors: 1. Power on the printer with its cover open and while holding down the three buttons on the console. 2. Wait for the audible signal indicating that the printer has switched to the calibration and adjustment procedures. 3. Manually position the printhead towards the left-hand side and then close the cover. 4. Press the "Station 1" button twice to enter the menu. 5. Upon the completion of this phase, the sensors have stored the electrical current ratings with the printer in an out of paper condition. 6. Insert a sheet of 60 gr/m2paper, in the landscape position, into the front insertion slot. During this phase the motor continues to turn forcing the paper against the brush. L 7. Press the "Station 2" button. Wait for the sheet feed and expulsion movement to be completed. If no failure is detected, after the expulsion of the sheet of paper the console LEDs will remain off; the reloading of an A4 sheet of paper will allow you to print the values read and selected for each single photosensor. Y 1002504 Service Manual 4-17 3. . front paper presence Rear paper detection photos. 4. instead. front paper presence Photos. the other calibrations or measurements may not be performed. 1. The following table indicates the parameters that need to be checked. 1. Note: The parameters indicated above are useful indications to determine in which operating segment the PR2 E is positioned as far as document acceptance is concerned. front paper alignment Photos.If calibration does not end successfully. front paper alignment Photos. If. load an A4 sheet of paper in order to print the calibration values. Check for correct operation. 0 READY / - Photosensor Current Photos. Zq XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX 0 XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX 0 XX Paper edge printhead photos. In this case. 2. Pressing one of the console buttons allows you to identify any other faulty photosensor. front paper alignment Photos. 2.A 2000 MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE VALUE Perform a further check by inserting a form with a check format code 152136J at the two sides and center of the insertion slot and with its shortest side parallel to the axis of the photosensors. the faulty photosensor is identified through specific LED configurations. front paper alignment Photos. calibrationwas successful. 1 AI l 1 B I XXXX Parameters to be checked 1) MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE VALUE 2800 3) B . The sheet is inserted. The printer automatically switches to the next calibration phase. When reset is completed. 3. printed and automatically expelled.1 PRINTING PHOTOSENSOR CALIBRA TlON VALUES Printing photosensor calibration values iis useful as reference between one calibration and the next. 4. Y 1002504 Service Manual 4-19 .4.1. 2. Qr 6. Power on the printer with its cover open and while holding down the three buttons on the console. insert an A4 sheet of paper. 5.4. Press the STATION 1 button. Press the LOCAL button. Proceed as follows for alignment calibration: 1. Wait for the audible signal to sound indicating that the printer has switched to the calibration and adjustment phase. then close the printer cover. .4. ST1.2 BI-DIRECTIONAL PRINT ALIGNMENT CALIBRATION Provided below is the bi-directional print alignment calibration block diagram. LOCAL.4.++ + ' LEDSST1 AND BUTTON W O LINES PRINTEDAND ALIGNMENT LEFT MARGIN TO THE LEFT BUTTON LEFT MARGIN TO THE RIGHT 1 1 -9 PARAMETERSSTORED CALIBRATION MOVES TO THE PRINT MODE AND TO THE NEXT SPACING W Note: The printer switches between modes and spacings automatically. STZ PRESSED WHILE POWERING ON THE LEDS ON r -L . Pressing the Station 1 and Station 2 buttons before step 5 stores approximate default values. The three console buttons are now active. Press the "Local" button twice to permanently store the alignment setting for the current print mode and to automatically switch to the next adjustment. In both cases the printer will switch to the main menu. Bi-directional printing alignment can be optimized by means of a calibration procedure which must be performed for each of the following print modes: - High Speed Draft Draft Draft Near letter quality Letter quality 10 cpi 10 cpi 12 cpi 10 cpi 10 cpi Each print mode has two types of calibration. Y 100250-4 Service Manual 4-21 . The "Station 1" button activates printing ahead of time while "Station 2" delays printing. Repeat steps 7 and 8 cyclically until the calibrations are completed.Alignment calibration corrects any bi-directionalprinting misalignment possibly caused by the printer's mechanical tolerances. for all the print modes. Proceed as follows to calibrate the alignments: Power on the printer with its cover open and while holding down the three console buttons. Forthis reason twospecific texts will be printed. One type of calibration is for the printing of lines without tabulation stops and the other is forthe printing of lines with tabulation stops. Press the Station 1 button. Calibrationends when all the print modes are completed or by simultaneously pressingall three console buttons. one for each print mode to be calibrated. very close to the correct ones. Wait for the audible signal indicating that the printer has switched to the calibration mode and then close the printer cover. Press the Station 2 button. Press "Station 1" andlor "Station 2" to calibrate the alignments. Insert an A4 sheet of paper into the front feed slot to check the print alignment status. STZON. LOCAL.4.4.3 TOP OF FORM (TOF) CALIBRATION Provided below is the Top Of Form (TOF) calibration block diagram.LOCAL. LEDSON COVEROPEN ST1. I P 1 1 AUDlBLESIGNAL. STZ BUTTONS PRESSED WHILE POWERING ON THE PRINTER I I LEDSST1 ANDSTZON I r .0 BUTTON LEDSST1. INSERT AN A4 SHEETOF + sT2 TOF UPWARD I + LOCAL TOP OF FORM OK DOWNWARD v PARAMETERSSTORED 1 . 3. 4. 5. 2. Insert an A4. the three console buttons are now active. Y 1002504 Service Manual 4-23 . The adjustment can only be activated if the "TOP MARGIN PR40 LIKE" parameter in the PR40+ emulation setup was set to "Nu. Press "Local" twice to permanently store the TOF and to automatically move on to the next calibration.This calibration sets the distance between the form TOF and the first print line. sheet of paper into the front feed slot to check the status of the current TOF. Press "Station 1" andlor "Station 2" to decrease or increase the TOF. printing may occur off the sheet of paper. Wait for the audible signal indicating that the printer has switched into the calibration and adjustment procedures. 8. By pressing Station 1 you can reduce the TOF while by pressing Station 2 you can increase it. Press the Local button and then wait for the printer to complete its reset. Press the Station 1 button. Ifthe current TOFvalue is too high. Power on the printer with its cover open and while holding down the three buttons on the console. 7. Repeate points 6 and 7 cyclically until the calibrations are complete. This check is made by printing a specific test. 6. Proceed as follows to perform this calibration: 1. 4. LOCAL. ST2 BUTTONS PRESSEDWHILE POWERING ON THE MACHINE 4 A v AUDIBLESIGNALS LEDSON ST 2 ST1 LEDON ST 1 LOCAL LEDON .4.4 LEFT PRINT MARGIN CALIBRATION Provided below is the left print margin calibration block diagram. COVEROPEN STI. Press Local and wait for the machine to complete its reset. Press Station 2. Press the Station 1 button until hearing a prolonged dual-tone signal (different from the previous). 6. 9. Insert an A4 sheet of paper and wait for the printed page. recalibrate the photosensor. Proceed as follows to perform this calibration: 1. 4. 2.5 mm with console calibration completely to the left. Press Local twice. If this condition is not met.95 k 0. 5. The minimum distance between the left edge of the document and the beginning of the character must be a maximum of 0. Check according to the requirements of step 6. 7. Power on the printer with its cover open and while holding down the three buttons on the console. move the left margin rightward until reaching 6. Y 1002504 Service Manual 4-25 . 3.This calibration sets the distance between the left edge of the and the first print character The left margin value will always be used. Check that the left margin has the required measurement. without the need for set-up configurations. Wait for an audible signal to indicate that the printer has switched to the calibration and adjustment mode.55 mm defined by the DlMA code 4732842 (check made by inserting an A4 sheet of paper) 10. By pressing Station 2. 8. 5 DOCUMENT LENGTH MEASUREMENT Provided below is the document length measurement block diagram.T*I VALUE ISSTORED - . COVER OPEN ST1.4.4. LOCAL. BUTTONS PRESSEDWHILE POWERING ON THE MACHINE 4 Y AUDIBLESIGNAL LEDSON l LOCAL ST1 LED ON S T l LED ON PRESS LOCAL * OoCUUEMLENT. the value provided by the form measurement procedurewill be used to determine the position of the magnetic stripe and to position the stripe above the magnetic head without needing to further measure the length of the savings book. repeat step 5. By selecting the "S'TRIPE HANDLING: FAST" set-up option. Insert an A4 sheet of paper into the front insertion slot and then press Station 1. Press the Local button and wait for the completion of machine reset. 5. 2. Wait forthe audible signal indicatingthat the printer has switched into the calibrationand adjustment mode.Form length measurement is necessary for a rapid handling of a savings book magnetic stripe. Power on the printer with its cover open and while holding down the three buttons on the console. If necessary. Y 1002504 Service Manual 4-27 . 6. Proceed as follows to make this calibration: 1. Press Local twice to permanently store the form length value measured and to automatically switch to the next calibration. 3. The sheet will be inserted and expelled automatically. For this feature to work correctly the same savings books measured must be used. This entails greater time saving during savings book management. 4. Record the signal read when the printhead moves from right to left. Record the signal read when the printhead moves from right to left.4.4.7 SIGNAL AMPLITUDE CONTROL This control must be performed in the same way as the previous. Using an oscilloscope with memory. 4-2 Using an oscilloscope with memory. The printer will perform a read cycle before expelling the chart. Insert the "Amplitude and Skew Sample" chart code 7518842 into the front feed slot from the Jitterl Ampl.4.6 SKEW AND SIGNAL AMPLITUDE CONTROL This check must be performed with the machine completely assembled and after having configured and specified. proceed as follows: - Insert the "Amplitude and Skew Sample" chart code 7518842 into the front feed slot from the Skew Control side. checktheamplitude ofthe signal read which must be uniform and must have a value of no less than 4V peak-to-peak. the magnetic device installed on the printer. The signal source must be exclusively the following card: - AMPI-ITUDE AND SKEW SAMPLE code 713483R for horizontal magnetic unit. replace the printhead.4V. - 4. durirlg set-up. I I I I I SKEW JllTER Fig. Insert a sample chart so that the jitter and amplitude of the sample stripe are read. No action is required. If the signal recorded does not reach the value of 4V. . side. The check must be made when the printhead moves from right to left within the horizontal magnetic reader. The signal recorded must not have a spread greater than 0. 5. especially if the printer is installed in furniture. For fault diagnosis purposes.lFALILT DETECTION ANALYSIS The user who detected product malfunction can give information regarding the operating mode the printer was in when the malfunction occurred and the related error indications that were provided. Y 100250-4 Service Manual 5-1 . it is important to establish whether the fault is repetitive or random. Forms.5. Make sure there is no internal damage caused by the insertion of documents with metal clips. 5. PRINTER OPERATING CONDITION Check that the internal parts of the machine have no dirt deposited or residue of paper or ink that could interfere with the performance of the printer's different components. Ensure that the parts specified are correctly lubricated.1.1 SERVICING MODES The following pages provide a technical approach to servicing that could be useful to less experienced field engineers. PRODUCT DIAGNOSIS 5. The repetition of the fault. when possible. Make sure that the machine's internal ventilation slots are not blocked. ACCESSORIES AND FORMS Make sure that the accessories installed in the machine are originals and in good condition.1. e. hot or humid could be the cause of certain malfunctions.2 ANALYSIS OF THE OPERATING CONDITIONS WORK ENVIRONMENT An environment that is too cold. Check that the documents inserted in the printer comply with the machine specificationsand are in good condition. staples. pins or similar. can help with its identification. documents or office equipment located . The machine must not be positioned near air conditioning system vents or exposed to direct sun light. 7.1. 8 and 9 can be of help. been corrected and that no others have occurred in the mean time.1.5. to make sure that the malfunction has the machine (section 3. 5.) to recognize and identify the machine malfunction to be corrected.3 IDENTIFYING THE MALFUNCTION Carefully examine all the information collected (from the Operator. repetition of the error when the machine is powered on.6 TESTING THE MACHINE When the repair is completed. etc. give the machine a general cleaning and then run a complete test on possibly with the Operator present. .5).4 FINDING THE CAUSE Using experience togethe with the information given in this section as a guide. starting from the most probable cause throught to the most remote possibility until faulty part is found. 5.1. 5.5 SOLVING THE PROBLEM Repair the machine so that it correctly resumes to operate as normal.1. At times a malfunction is generated by more than one cause: it is important in such cases to isolate the faults and deal with them one at a time. The information provided in Chapters 6. analysis of the documents where the fault has occurred. printer error signals. take a logical path to find the fault. if the fault detected is not described herein.3 5. the faults have been classified as follows: - 5.2 FAULT CLASSIFICATION To make the search easier.5. The classification provided in this chapter cannot cover all the faults that could occur on the machine. Service Manual .4 Power-on faults Document write faults Document handling faults Magnetic stripe readlwrite faults 5. refer to the description of a similar fault.5 5.6 Each fault classification lists the more probable failures and their possible causes. 3 POWER ON FAULTS POSSIBLE CAUSE .5. 5.4 DOCUMENT WRITE FAULTS CJ) POSSIBLE CAUSE Roller gear adjustment Front pressure roller adjustment Carriage movement belt adjustment X X X X Y 100250-4 Service Manual 5-5 . 5 DOCUMENT HANDLING FAULTS Document not within specifications I Ruined document Closing levers o en Faul front hotosensors Faulty pa er photosensor Fault rear hotosensor Faultv services motor 1 Faulty paper feed motor l Faultv main board ( Document feed belt adjustment I Needle-~laten distance adiustment Ribbon-needle protectionfin adjustment P a ~ e~hotosensor r adiustment Print bar adjustment Stra~ adiustment Roller gear adjustment Front Dressure roller adiustment 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 X ! I X x I x X I I I 1 x 1 1 x 1 I I 1 x 1 I I X X X X X X X I I I I I 1 I I I 1 X .5. 5.6 MAGNETIC STRIPE READWRITE FAILURES POSSIBLE CAUSE Y 100250-4 Service Manual 5-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STAMPANTE PR2 E CATALOGO PARTI DI RICAMBIO Codice XYAA2112-03 . PUBBLICAZIONE EMESSA DA : Olivetti S.p.p.A (GESTIONE RICAMBI E SCORTE). Via Camillo Olivetti .A. QUESTO CATALOGO E’ L’ UNICO DOCUMENTO AL QUALE FARE RIFERIMENTO PER ORDINARE LE PARTI DI RICAMBIO. STATO DI AGGIORNAMENTO DATA 03/2003 03/2004 01/2006 032006 CODICE XYAA2112 XYAA2112-01 XYAA2112-02 XYAA2112-03 . by Olivetti Tutti i diritti riservati Stampato in Italia da : IMPORTANTE PUBBLICAZIONE REDATTA DA OLIVETTI S. 8 10011 Agliè ( Italia ) Copyright © 2006. . .............................................. GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE CON MAGNETICO ORIZZONTALE ………… GRUPPO MAGNETICO ORIZZONTALE / MICR……………………………………...... GRUPPO STAMPA ………………………………………………………………………...................................... GRUPPO PRESSORI POSTERIORI .............................................. GRUPPO FONDELLO E ALIMENTATORE ................................................................................................................ GRUPPO PRESSORI POSTERIORI CON MAGNETICO VERTICALE ……………..INDICE COMPLESSIVO....................................................................................................................... GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE 1............................................................ GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE 2.............................................. GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE 3..................................... MODELLI …………………………………………………………………………………… CARROZZERIA ................................... PIASTRE ELETTRONICHE ……………………………………………………………… MINUTERIA .............................................................................................. GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE PASSAPORTO ………………………………… GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE CON MAGNETICO VERTICALE …………….......................................... GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE SCANNER ……………………………………… GRUPPO PRESSORI POSTERIORI SCANNER ……………………………………… GRUPPO SCANNER ……………………………………………………………………… 3 4 5 6 7 8-9 10 11 12-13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 INDICE GENERALE DEI CODICI 24 XYAA2112-03 Catalogo parti di ricambio 1 ..... 2 Catalogo parti di ricambio XYAA2112-03 . COMPLESSIVO PR2E XYAA2112-03 Catalogo parti di ricambio 3 . MODELLI MODELLO PR2 S 10 E PR2 S 10 E PASS PR2 S 12 E PR2 S 12 M E PR2 S 13 E PR2 P 10 E SC/F PR2 U 10 E SC/F B MODELLO BASE MODELLO PASSAPORTO MODELLO MAGNETICO ORIZZONTALE MODELLO MICR MODELLO MAGNETICO VERTICALE MODELLO SCANNER FRONT MODELLO SCANNER FRONT / BACK DESCRIZIONE PR2E 4 Catalogo parti di ricambio XYAA2112-03 . OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M.CARROZZERIA RIF. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CODICE DESCRIZIONE 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B XYAA3415 GRUPPO SCOCCA XYAA3407 RIPARO POSTERIORE XYAA3411 GRUPPO COPERTURA SUPERIORE 752610 J 473540 D 759410 R MAGNETE PER COPERTURA CERNIERA PERNO PER CERNIERA ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA3406 CONSOLE XYAA3409 GRUPPO FRONTALE XYAA2112-03 Catalogo parti di ricambio 5 . 1 2 3 4 CODICE 473034 R DESCRIZIONE MOLLA CORSOIO INTERRUTTORE 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA3400 GRUPPO FONDELLO TAPPETO ANTISCIVOLO XYAA3575 CORSOIO INTERRUTTORE XYAA5795 GRUPPO ALIMENTATORE 220V XYAA5796 GRUPPO ALIMENTATORE 115V 6 Catalogo parti di ricambio XYAA2112-03 .GRUPPO FONDELLO E ALIMENTATORE RIF.OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M. OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA6332 GRUPPO FIBRE OTTICHE RICO XYAA3419 SPORTELLO DEFLETTORE 473069 C 395038 X 473075 S 473073 Y 473072 X 473074 Z 473018 Z GRUPPO MOTORE SERVIZI GOMMINO SMORZATORE STRUTTURA PORTAMOLLA PRESSORI ALBERO SUPPORTO PRESSORI CAMMA SERVIZI PONTE COMANDO PRESSORI BOCCOLA SINISTRA ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA2112-03 Catalogo parti di ricambio 7 .GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE 1 RIF. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 CODICE 473028 T 395055 Y PENNELLO DESCRIZIONE GRUPPO ALBERI DI TRASCINAMENTO 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M. DOCUM. TRAVERSA STAMPA POSTERIORE PERNO PER ZAVORRA CENTRALE SILENZ. TRAVERSA STAMPA ANTERIORE PERNO PER ZAVORRA DESTRA ZAVORRA DESTRA GR.GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE 2 RIF. (Z=210) PULEGGIA TENDICINGHIA ZAVORRA SINISTRA GRUPPO TRAVERSA DI STAMPA SILENZ.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA7928 GRUPPO BANDELLA IN RESINA CON LEVA XYAA3394 SCHERMO RULLINI 473020 X 473012 K 759413 G GRUPPO MOTORE INTERLINEA STAFFA GUIDA FLAT STAFFA DI FISSAGGIO MECCANICA 8 Catalogo parti di ricambio XYAA2112-03 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 CODICE 473052 T 473050 D 473051 S 473174 S 751171 D 473479 C 473049 G 395116 S 395153 X 473056 X 395152 W 473047 W 473048 F 475871 X 473058 H 473071 W DESCRIZIONE MOLLA GRUPPO BANDELLA BILANCIERE COMANDO BANDELLA MANOVELLA COMANDO BANDELLA GRUPPO COMANDO RULLINI PRESSORI CINGHIA TRASC. BALESTRA AMMORTIZZATORI ZAVORRA CENTRALE INGRANAGGIO DI RINVIO 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M.OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M. GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE 2 PR2E XYAA2112-03 Catalogo parti di ricambio 9 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CODICE 473175 T GIUNTO 474953 Y BOCCOLA 474943 W GRUPPO RULLINI ALLINEAMENTO 473192 M FIBRA OTTICA L=80 473191 L FIBRA OTTICA L=100 473091 K MOLLA RULLINI ALLINEAMENTO 473083 K MOLLA PRESSORE 473265 D MOLLA PETTINE 473085 M SUPPORTO CARTA FOTO ANTERIORE 473077 U PETTINE 474954 Z SUPPORTO PETTINE 473197 J MOLLA PRESSORE NERA ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● DESCRIZIONE 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M.GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE 3 RIF.OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 10 Catalogo parti di ricambio XYAA2112-03 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CODICE 473173 Z 473244 G 395079G 473166 S 473172 Y 473171 X 473248 L 473167 T 473175 T DESCRIZIONE MOLLA TORSIONE GRUPPO RULLINI ANTERIORI SUPPORTO PRESSORI PULEGGIA CINGHIA DENTATA Z=28 BOCCOLA SINISTRA GRUPPO RULLINI PRESSORI POSTERIORI BOCCOLA CENTRALE GIUNTO 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M.OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M.GRUPPO PRESSORI POSTERIORI RIF.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA2112-03 Catalogo parti di ricambio 11 . GRUPPO STAMPA RIF. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 CODICE 751272 J 473123 P 473135 K 473137 M 475601 H 473141 Z 471244 E 473127 K 473150 E 474996 L 395133 K 474999 X 473158 A 395060 H 473156 Y 710769 X 473151 T 473182 K 473180 V 473139 X 473138 W 474400 B 395143 V 473498 Y 473131 P DESCRIZIONE PULEGGIA DI RINVIO CINGHIA TRASPORTO CARRELLO SCHERMO FLAT TESTINA SUPPORTO FLAT GRUPPO MOTORE TRASPORTO AMMORTIZZATORE MOTORE TRASPORTO STUD PER FISSAGGIO MOTORE ALBERO SUPPORTO CARRELLO FELTRO LUBRIFICAZIONE CARRELLO GRUPPO FOTOSENSORE TASTATURA CARRELLO SUPPORTO TESTINA LEVA APERTURA STRUTTURA SUPERIORE STAFFA COLLEGAMENTO TERRA PER LEVA FOTO AZZERAMENTO CARRELLO STAFFA COLLEGAMENTO TERRA PIASTRINO FISSAGGIO MOTORE TRASPORTO MOLLA PER LEVA DI BLOCCAGGIO BALESTRINA PER GRUPPO BOCCOLA GRUPPO COMANDO RULLINI PRESSORI STAFFA DX GUIDA FLAT STAFFA BLOCCAGGIO FLAT FLAT TESTINA LANCIA SCAMBIATORE INGRANAGGIO COMANDO NASTRO 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M.OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA1264 GRUPPO TESTINA DI STAMPA IMBALLATA XYAA9394 RUOTA TRASCINAMENTO NASTRO 12 Catalogo parti di ricambio XYAA2112-03 . GRUPPO STAMPA PR2E XYAA2112-03 Catalogo parti di ricambio 13 . PIASTRE ELETTRONICHE RIF.p.OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA1885 PIASTRA MAGNETICO ORIZZONTALE XYAA2037 PIASTRA MAGNETICO VERTICALE DX SX XYAA5699 PIASTRA MICR PR2E ( * ) B6862 ( * ) B6877 PRM45 .A.PIASTRA USB – RS232 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA6388 PIASTRA SCANNER CENTRONICS PR2E XYAA6389 PIASTRA SCANNER USB PR2E ( * ) ORDINARE A OLIVETTI TECNOST S. 1 2 3 4 5 6 CODICE 128589 Z DESCRIZIONE PIASTRA BASE SERIALE – BAPR2E 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M. 14 Catalogo parti di ricambio XYAA2112-03 .PIASTRA CENTRONICS PRM40 . 10 passacavi Nr. 10 passacavi Nr.9 x 9.3 Nr.5 Nr.9 x 16 Nr. 10 viti Screwplast 2. 10 colonnine esagonali Nr.9 x 13 Nr.9 Nr. 1 CODICE XYAA2102 DESCRIZIONE KIT VITI 2 XYAA2109 Nr.MINUTERIA RIF.2 x 9. 30 staffe 3. 30 staffe 1. 30 staffe tenuta fonoassorbente 3 XYAA2106 KIT PASSACAVI Nr. 10 rondelle dentate Nr. 30 staffe 4 Nr. 30 staffe 2. 10 viti M 4x6 con rondella Nr. 5 fascette per smorzatore XYAA2112-03 Catalogo parti di ricambio 15 .5 Nr. 10 distanziali Nr. 10 dadi autobloccanti M3 Nr. 30 perni per insonorizzante Nr. 30 staffe 7 Nr. 20 ponticelli Nr. 10 viti autofilettante testa esagonale 2. 10 stud M3 4x1.2 Nr. 5 fascette per smorzatore Nr. 10 passacavi Nr. 10 viti autofilettante testa esagonale 2.5 PR2E KIT STAFFE ELASTICHE Nr. 10 viti Screwplast 6. 10 perni per schermo Nr. 30 staffe 5 Nr.9 Nr. 10 viti Screwplast 2.5 x 2. ORIZZ.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B XYAA3703 CONVOGLIATORE CARTA ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 16 Catalogo parti di ricambio XYAA2112-03 .GR. STRUTTURA INF. 1 2 3 4 5 6 CODICE 473315 X 473317 Z 473314 W 473499 Z 473320 G DESCRIZIONE MANOVELLA PER CAMMA MANOVELLA PRESSORE ALBERO SUPPORTO PRESSORE GRUPPO TRAVERSA PRESSORE MOLLA PRESSORE 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M.OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M. RIF. CON MAGN. MAGNETICO ORIZZONTALE / MICR RIF. MOTORE TRASPORTO MAGN. ORIZZ. ● XYAA2112-03 Catalogo parti di ricambio 17 . MICR CON SCHERMO 395047 Y 473487 M 474992 Q MYLAR SCHERMO MOTORE MAGN. TESTINA MAGNETICA CINGHIA MAGNETICO ORIZZONTALE ( Z=360) PULEGGIA DI RINVIO SETTORE DENTATO 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M. ORIZZ.OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA6261 GR. GRUPPO FOTO AZZERAMENTO GRUPPO SEMITIRANTE MOLLA CHIUSURA SPORTELLO CARRELLO TESTINA MAGNETICA STAFFA BLOCC.GR. TESTINA MAGN. TESTINA MAGNETICA ORIZZONTALE XYAA6262 GR. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CODICE 473486 L 473285 S 710682 H 473308 R 473330 A 473309 J 471514 M 474952 X 471501 Z 473311 T 473302 B 473303 C DESCRIZIONE SPORTELLO DI CHIUSURA PONTE APERTURA SPORTELLO SMORZATORE MOTORE TRASPORTO GR. / MICR SPORTELLO DEFLETTORE MICR ● ● ● ● XYAA3419 SPORTELLO DEFLETTORE MAGNETICO ORIZZ. GR. STRUTTURA INFERIORE PASSAPORTO RIF. 1 2 3 CODICE 474990 S 474967 W DESCRIZIONE SPORTELLO DEFLETTORE PASSAPORTO MOLLE PRESSORI GIALLE 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● XYAA0209 BARRA DI STAMPA PASSAPORTO 18 Catalogo parti di ricambio XYAA2112-03 .OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M. OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M. VERTICALE SX GRUPPO SUPPORTO MAGNETICO VERTICALE 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M.GR. ALBERI TRASCINAMENTO MAGN. 1 2 3 4 5 CODICE 473376 C 473396 Z 473346 E 473395 Y 473020 X 150370 S DESCRIZIONE GR. VERTICALE DX MOTORE INTERLINEA MAGN. VERT. VERT. ALBERI TRASCINAMENTO MAGN.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA3017 BANDELLA PREMI CARTA SX XYAA5322 BANDELLA PREMI CARTA DX XYAA2112-03 Catalogo parti di ricambio 19 . DX SCHERMO MOTORE MAGN. VERTICALE DX MOTORE INTERLINEA MAGN. STRUTTURA INFERIORE CON MAGNETICO VERTICALE RIF. SX GR. ROSSA 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M. VERT.GIALLA BARRA DI TORSIONE . CINGHIA DENTATA Z=55 BOCCOLA PRESSORE MAGN. ALBERO POSTERIORE MAGN. RULLINI ANTERIORI MAGN. VERT. SX GR. SX SUPPORTO ALBERO CINGHIA DENTATA Z=88 BARRA DI TORSIONE . DX BARRA DI TORSIONE . DX BOCCOLA ALBERO PRESS.VERDE BOCCOLA PRESSORE MAGN. PRESSORI POSTERIORI CON MAGNETICO VERTICALE RIF. DX MANOVELLA MOLLA A SPILLO GRUPPO MYLAR STUD ALBERO BANDELLA BARRA DI TORSIONE . DX GR. VERT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 CODICE 473364 G 475932 L 473366 A 473385 W 473372 G 473386 X 473377 D 475935 P 473382 T 473298 F 473378 N 473356 G 473393 W 473394 X 473390 F 473392 V 473379 P 473370 J 473353 D 475009 B 473355 F 473348 Q 473296 V 473295 U DESCRIZIONE GR. DX SUPPORTO PRESSORI MAGN.BLU BARRA DI TORSIONE .GRIGIA 20 Catalogo parti di ricambio XYAA2112-03 . VERT. VERT. ALBERO CONTRASTO MAGN. VERT. VERT. RULLINI ANTERIORI MAGN. VERT. SX GR. MAGN. ALBERO CONTRASTO MAGN. SX SUPPORTO PRESSORI MAGN. DX GR. VERT.GR. VERT. VERT.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA5190 BARRA DI TORSIONE . VERT.BIANCA PULEGGIA PER MAGN.OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M. ALBERO POSTERIORE MAGN. SX GR. 1 2 3 4 CODICE 395103 W 475253 B 475249 P 475248 N DESCRIZIONE GRUPPO RULLO CONTRASTO SCANNER GRUPPO ALBERI TRASCINAMENTO SCANNER SPORTELLO DEFLETTORE SCANNER SPORTELLO DEFLETTORE SCANNER MICR 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA5506 CONSOLE SCANNER XYAA2112-03 Catalogo parti di ricambio 21 .GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE SCANNER RIF.OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M. VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA4897 SUPPORTO PRESSORI 22 Catalogo parti di ricambio XYAA2112-03 .GRUPPO PRESSORI POSTERIORI SCANNER RIF.OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CODICE 475114 Q 473393 W 473394 X 475116 J 475122 Q 473173 Z 473392 V DESCRIZIONE GRUPPO RULLINI PRESSORI POSTERIORI MANOVELLA MOLLA A SPILLO GRUPPO RULLINI ANTERIORI CONTRASTO ALBERO RULLINI ANTERIORE MOLLA TORSIONE STUD ALBERO BANDELLA 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M. VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B XYAA5095 GRUPPO SCANNER FRONT XYAA5151 GRUPPO SCANNER BACK 475127 M GRUPPO MOVIMENTO SCANNER ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA6358 GRUPPO ENCODER SCANNER XYAA5259 CAVO CONNESSIONE SCANNER FRONT XYAA5260 CAVO CONNESSIONE SCANNER BACK XYAA2112-03 Catalogo parti di ricambio 23 .GRUPPO SCANNER RIF. 1 2 3 4 CODICE DESCRIZIONE 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M.OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M. INDICE GENERALE DEI CODICI Codice ( * ) B6862 ( * ) B6877 128589 Z 150370 S 395038 X 395047 Y 395055 Y 395060 H 395079 G 395103 W 395116 S 395133 K 395143 V 395152 W 395153 X 471244 E 471501 Z 471514 M 473012 K 473018 Z 473020 X 473020 X 473028 T 473034 R 473047 W 473048 F 473049 G 473050 D 473051 S 473052 T 473056 X 473058 H 473069 C 473071 W 473072 X 473073 Y 473074 Z 473075 S 473077 U 473083 K 473085 M Pag. 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 8 10 11 12 12 10 10 10 11 11 10 17 20 20 20 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 Codice 473320 G 473330 A 473346 E 473348 Q 473353 D 473355 F 473356 G 473364 G 473366 A 473370 J 473372 G 473376 C 473377 D 473378 N 473379 P 473382 T 473385 W 473386 X 473390 F 473392 V 473392 V 473393 W 473393 W 473394 X 473394 X 473395 Y 473396 Z 473479 C 473486 L 473487 M 473498 Y 473499 Z 473540 D 474400 B 474943 W 474952 X 474953 Y 474954 Z 474967 W 474990 S 474992 Q Pag. 16 17 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 22 20 22 20 22 19 19 8 17 17 12 16 5 12 10 17 10 10 18 18 17 Codice 474996 L 474999 X 475009 B 475114 Q 475122 Q 475127 M 475248 N 475249 P 475253 B 475601 H 475871 X 475932 L 475935 P 710682 H 710769 X 751171 D 751272 J 752610 J 759410 R 759413 G XYAA0209 XYAA1264 XYAA1885 XYAA2037 XYAA2102 XYAA2106 XYAA2109 XYAA3394 XYAA3400 XYAA3406 XYAA3407 XYAA3409 XYAA3411 XYAA3415 XYAA3017 XYAA3419 XYAA3419 XYAA3575 XYAA3703 XYAA4897 XYAA5095 Pag. 14 14 14 19 7 17 7 12 11 21 8 12 12 8 8 12 17 17 8 7 8 19 7 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 Codice 473091 K 473123 P 473127 K 473131 P 473135 K 473137 M 473138 W 473139 X 473141 Z 473150 E 473151 T 473156 Y 473158 A 473166 S 473167 T 473171 X 473172 Y 473173 Z 473174 S 473175 T 473175 T 473180 V 473182 K 473191 L 473192 M 473197 J 473244 G 473248 L 473265 D 473285 S 473295 U 473296 V 473298 F 473302 B 473303 C 473308 R 473309 J 473311 T 473314 W 473315 X 473317 Z Pag. 12 12 20 22 22 23 21 21 21 12 8 20 20 17 12 8 12 5 5 8 18 12 14 14 15 15 15 8 6 5 5 5 5 5 19 7 17 6 16 22 23 24 Catalogo parti di ricambio XYAA2112-03 . Codice Pag. XYAA2112-03 Catalogo parti di ricambio 25 . Codice Pag. 23 20 23 23 19 21 14 6 6 17 17 7 23 14 14 8 12 Codice Pag.INDICE GENERALE DEI CODICI Codice XYAA5151 XYAA5190 XYAA5259 XYAA5260 XYAA5322 XYAA5506 XYAA5699 XYAA5795 XYAA5796 XYAA6261 XYAA6262 XYAA6332 XYAA6358 XYAA6388 XYAA6389 XYAA7928 XYAA9394 Pag. PRINTER PR2E SPARE PARTS CATALOGUE Code XYAA2112-03 . CREATED BY THE OLIVETTI S. 8 10011 Agliè ( Italy ) Copyright © 2006. Via Camillo Olivetti .PUBLICATION ISSUED BY : Olivetti S.A. by Olivetti All rights reserved Printed in Italy by : IMPORTANT THIS PUBLICATION.p.p. UPDATING STATUS DATE 03/2003 03/2004 01/2006 03/2006 CODE XYAA2112 XYAA2112-01 XYAA2112-02 XYAA2112-03 .A ( SPARE PARTS DEPARTMENT ) REPRESENTES THE ONLY REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION FOR ORDERING SPARE PARTS. ..... LOWER SECTION WITH PASSPORT ………………………………… ...... LOWER SECTION GROUP 1 ........... HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE WITH MICR……………………………………...................................... LOWER SECTION WITH SCANNER ……………………………………… ..................................................................................... REAR PRESSURE UNIT SCANNER ……………………………………… .......................... LOWER SECTION GROUP 3 ...................................................................................... 3 4 5 6 7 8-9 10 11 12-13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 GENERAL INDEX CODES 24 XYAA2112-03 Spare parts catalogue 1 .................................. DETAILS..................................................................... LOWER SECTION GROUP 2 ....................................... BASE UNIT AND POWER SUPPLY ...... REAR PRESSURE UNIT ........................................................................... CASING ....................................... MODELS ……………………………………………………………………………………...... PRINTING UNIT ……………………………………………………………………….............. ................................. LOWER SECTION WITH VERTICAL MAGNETIC READER DEVICE ……………......... LOWER SECTION WITH HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC READER DEVICE …………............... REAR PRESSURE UNIT VERTICAL MAGNETIC READER DEVICE …………….......................................... SCANNER UNIT ……………………………………………………………………… ............................................................................... ELECTRONIC BOARDS ……………………………………………………………… ...............................................INDEX OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................... 2 Spare parts catalogue XYAA2112-03 . OVERVIEW PR2E XYAA2112-03 Spare parts catalogue 3 . MODELS MODEL PR2 S 10 E PR2 S 10 E PASS PR2 S 12 E PR2 S 12 M E PR2 S 13 E PR2 P 10 E SC/F PR2 U 10 E SC/F B BASE MODEL PASSPORT MODEL HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE MODEL MICR MODEL VERTICAL MAGNETIC DEVICE MODEL SCANNER FRONT MODEL SCANNER FRONT / BACK MODEL DESCRIPTION PR2E 4 Spare parts catalogue XYAA2112-03 . CASING REF.OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CODE DESCRIPTION 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B XYAA3415 BODY ASSEMBLY XYAA3407 REAR PROTECTION XYAA3411 UPPER COVER 752610 J 473540 D 759410 R COVER MAGNET HINGE HINGE FOR PIN ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA3406 CONSOLE XYAA3409 FRONT SECTION ASSEMBLY XYAA2112-03 Spare parts catalogue 5 . OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA3400 BASE UNIT WITH SLIDE-PROOF PAD XYAA3575 SLIDING SWITCH XYAA5795 220V POWER SUPPLY UNIT XYAA5796 115V POWER SUPPLY UNIT 6 Spare parts catalogue XYAA2112-03 .BASE UNIT AND POWER SUPPLY REF. 1 2 3 4 CODE 473034 R DESCRIPTION SLIDING SWITCH SPRING 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M. LOWER SECTION GROUP 1 REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 CODE 473028 T 395055 Y BRUSH DESCRIPTION FEED SHAFT GROUP 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA6332 OPTICAL FIBER GROUP RICO XYAA3419 DEFLECTOR FLAP 473069 C 395038 X 473075 S 473073 Y 473072 X 473074 Z 473018 Z MOTOR SERVICE UNIT DUMPING RUBBER FRAME PRESSURE SPRING HOLDER PRESSURE SUPPORT ARM SERVICE CAM LINK FOR MECHANICAL PRESSURE LEFT GUIDE BUSH ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA2112-03 Spare parts catalogue 7 .OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M. (Z=210) BELT TENSION PULLEY LEFT BALLAST PRINTER CROSSFLIGHT UNIT REAR PRINTING BAR DUMPENER CENTRAL BALLAST PIN FRONT PRINTING BAR DUMPENER RIGHT BALLAST PIN RIGHT BALLAST SPRING DUMPER UNIT CENTRAL BALLAST INTERMEDIATE GEAR 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M.LOWER SECTION GROUP 2 REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 CODE 473052 T 473050 D 473051 S 473174 S 751171 D 473479 C 473049 G 395116 S 395153 X 473056 X 395152 W 473047 W 473048 F 475871 X 473058 H 473071 W DESCRIPTION FLAP UNIT SPRING FLAP EQUALIZING DRIVE UNIT FLAP CONTROL MECHANISM CONTROL ROLLER PRESSURE DOCUMENT FEED BELT.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA7928 PAPER PRESSURE FLAP & OPENING LEVER XYAA3394 ROLLER SCREEN 473020 X 473012 K 759413 G LINE SPACING MOTOR UNIT FLAT CABLE GUIDE BRACKET MECHANICAL UNIT SECURING BRACKET 8 Spare parts catalogue XYAA2112-03 .OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M. LOWER SECTION GROUP 2 PR2E XYAA2112-03 Spare parts catalogue 9 . OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 10 Spare parts catalogue XYAA2112-03 .LOWER SECTION GROUP 3 REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CODE 473175 T JOINT 474953 Y GUIDE BUSH 474943 W ALIGNMENT ROLLERS UNIT 473192 M OPTICAL FIBER L=80 473191 L OPTICAL FIBER L=100 473091 K ALIGNMENT ROLLER SPRING 473083 K PRESSURE SPRING 473265 D COMB SPRING 473085 M FRONT PHOTO SUPPORT 473077 U COMB 474954 Z SUPPORT COMB 473197 J BLACK PRESSURE SPRING ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● DESCRIPTION 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M. REAR PRESSURE UNIT REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CODE 473173 Z 473244 G 395079 G 473166 S 473172 Y 473171 X 473248 L 473167 T 473175 T DESCRIPTION TORSION SPRING FRONT ROLLERS UNIT PRESSURE SUPPORT UNITS PULLEY BELT Z=28 LEFT GUIDE BUSH REAR PRESSURE ROLLERS UNIT CENTRAL GUIDE BUSH JOINT 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA2112-03 Spare parts catalogue 11 .OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M. VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA1264 PRINT HEAD UNIT XYAA9394 RIBBON FEED WHEEL 12 Spare parts catalogue XYAA2112-03 .OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M.PRINTING UNIT REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 CODE 751272 J 473123 P 473135 K 473137 M 475601 H 473141 Z 471244 E 473127 K 473150 E 474996 L 395133 K 474999 X 473158 A 395060 H 473156 Y 710769 X 473151 T 473182 K 473180 V 473139 X 473138 W 474400 B 395143 V 473498 Y 473131 P SNUB PULLEY CARRIAGE MOVEMENT BELT PRINT HEAD FLAT CABLE SCREEN FLAT CABLE SUPPORT TRANSPORT MOTOR UNIT TRANSPORT MOTOR DUMPER MOTOR ANCHORAGE STUD CARRIAGE SUPPORT SHAFT CARRIAGE LUBRIFICATING PAD SENSOR HEAD PHOTO UNIT HEAD SUPPORT CARRIAGE OPENING LEVER FOR UPPER STRUCTURE LEVER GROUND CONNECTION BRACKET CARRIAGE RESET PHOTO GROUND CONNECTION BRACKET TRANSPORT MOTOR ANCHORAGE PLATE LOCKING LEVER SPRING BUSH UNIT LEAF SPRING PRESSURE ROLLER DRIVE UNIT RIGHT FLAT CABLE GUIDE FLAT CABLE ANCHORAGE PRINT HEAD FLAT CABLE LANCE EXCHANGER RIBBON DRIVE GEAR DESCRIPTION 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M. PRINTING UNIT PR2E XYAA2112-03 Spare parts catalogue 13 . OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA1885 HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE BOARD XYAA2037 VERTICAL MAGN.USB – RS232 BOARD ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA6388 SCANNER CENTRONICS PR2E BOARD XYAA6389 SCANNER USB PR2E BOARD ( * ) ORDER TO OLIVETTI TECNOST S.p. 14 Spare parts catalogue XYAA2112-03 .A. DEVICE BOARD LEFT-RIGHT XYAA5699 MICR PR2E BOARD ( * ) B6862 ( * ) B6877 PRM45 – CENTRONICS BOARD PRM40 .ELECTRONIC BOARDS REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 CODE 128589 Z DESCRIPTION SERIAL MAIN BOARD – BAPR2E 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M. 5 Nr. 30 soundproof studs Nr. 5 dumper straps Nr.5 Nr. 10 hexagon head cap screw tap screws 2. 10 Screwplast screws 2. 10 cables hitches Nr.3 Nr. 10 lock washers Nr. 30 soundproof brackets 3 XYAA2106 CABLE HITCH KIT Nr. 10 cables hitches Nr.9 x 16 Nr.9 x 9. 30 brackets 1. 10 spacers Nr. 30 brackets 7 Nr.9 Nr. 20 jumpers Nr.2 Nr.DETAILS REF 1 CODE XYAA2102 DESCRIPTION SCREW KIT 2 XYAA2109 Nr.5 PR2E ELASTIC BRACKET KIT Nr. 5 dumper straps XYAA2112-03 Spare parts catalogue 15 . 30 brackets 4 Nr. 10 cables hitches Nr. 30 brackets 2. 10 screen studs Nr. 30 brackets 3.9 Nr. 10 Screwplast screws 6. 10 studs M3 4x1. 30 brackets 5 Nr. 10 Screwplast screws 2.2 x 9.5 x 2. 10 hexagon head cap screw tap screws 2. 10 hexagon columns Nr.9 x 13 Nr. 10 self-locking nuts M3 Nr. 10 screws M 4x6 with washer Nr. VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B XYAA3703 HORIZ. MAGNETIC READ DEVICE PAPER FEED ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 16 Spare parts catalogue XYAA2112-03 . REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 CODE 473315 X 473317 Z 473314 W 473499 Z 473320 G CAM LEVER PRESSURE LEVER PRESSURE SUPPORT TREE PRESSURE BAR UNIT PRESSURE SPRING DESCRIPTION 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M.OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M.LOWER SECTION HORIZONTAL MAGN. / MICR. VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA6261 HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE HEAD UNIT XYAA6262 HORIZ. MAGNETIC / MICR MOTOR SHIELD MICR DEFLECTOR FLAP ● ● ● ● XYAA3419 HORIZ.HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE WITH MICR REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CODE 473486 L 473285 S 710682 H 473308 R 473330 A 473309 J 471514 M 474952 X 471501 Z 473311 T 473302 B 473303 C COVER FLAP OPENING JOINT TRANSPORT MOTOR DUMPER HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC TRANSP MOTOR UNIT PHOTO INITALIZING UNIT BRACE GROUP FLAP CLOSING SPRING HEAD MAGNETIC CARRIAGE LOCKING MAGNETIC HEAD UNIT HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC BELT ( Z=360) SNUB PULLEY SECTOR GEAR DESCRIPTION 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M.OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M. MAGN. MAGNETIC DEFLECTOR FLAP ● XYAA2112-03 Spare parts catalogue 17 . DEVICE HEAD UNIT WITH MICR 395047 Y 473487 M 474992 Q MYLAR HORIZ. LOWER SECTION WITH PASSPORT REF 1 2 3 CODE 474990 S 474967 W DESCRIPTION FRONT FLAP COVER PASSPORT YELLOW PRESSURE SPRING 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M.OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● XYAA0209 PRINT BAR PASSPORT 18 Spare parts catalogue XYAA2112-03 . MAGNETIC FEED SHAFT GROUP VERTICAL MAGNETIC MOTOR SHIELD RIGHT VERTICAL MAGNETIC SPACING MOTOR LEFT VERTICAL MAGNETIC SPACING MOTOR VERTICAL MAGNETIC SUPPORT GROUP 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA3017 LEFT MYLAR FLAP XYAA5322 RIGHT MYLAR FLAP XYAA2112-03 Spare parts catalogue 19 .OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M.LOWER SECTION WITH VERTICAL MAGNETIC DEVICE REF 1 2 3 4 5 CODE 473376 C 473396 Z 473346 E 473395 Y 473020 X 150370 S DESCRIPTION LEFT VERT.MAGNETIC FEED SHAFT GROUP RIGHT VERT. MAGNETIC FRONTS ROLLER UNIT LEFT VERT.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA5190 GREY – TORSION BAR 20 Spare parts catalogue XYAA2112-03 . MAGNETIC CONTRAST SHAFT RIGHT VERT. MAGNETIC FRONTS ROLLER UNIT RIGHT VERT.MAGNETIC PRESSURE SUPPORT YELLOW – TORSION BAR GREEN – TORSION BAR RIGHT VERT.REAR PRESSURE UNIT WITH VERTICAL MAGNETIC DEVICE REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 CODE 473364 G 475932 L 473366 A 473385 W 473372 G 473386 X 473377 D 475935 P 473382 T 473298 F 473378 N 473356 G 473393 W 473394 X 473390 F 473392 V 473379 P 473370 J 473353 D 475009 B 473355 F 473348 Q 473296 V 473295 U DESCRIPTION LEFT VERT. MAGNETIC PRESSURE BUSHING SHAFT SUPPORT BELT TIMING Z=88 BLUE – TORSION BAR RED – TORSION BAR 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M. MAGNETIC PRESSURE BUSHING VERTICAL MAGNETIC HANDLE VERTICAL MAGNETIC PIN SPRING VERTICAL MAGNETIC MYLAR GROUP SHAFT STRAP STUD WHITE – TORSION BAR VERTICAL MAGNETIC PULLEY BELT TIMING Z=55 LEFT VERT.MAGNETIC PRESSURE SUPPORT RIGHT VERT. MAGNETIC CONTRAST SHAFT LEFT VERTICAL MAGNETIC SHAFT BUSH LEFT VERT.OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M. MAGNETIC REAR SHAFT GROUP LEFT VERT. MAGNETIC REAR SHAFT GROUP RIGHT VERT. VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA5506 SCANNER CONSOLE XYAA2112-03 Spare parts catalogue 21 .OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M.LOWER SECTION WITH SCANNER REF 1 2 3 4 CODE 395103 W 475253 B 475249 P 475248 N DESCRIPTION SCANNER CONTRAST ROLLER GROUP FEED SHAFT GROUP SCANNER SCANNER DEFLECTOR FLAP SCANNER MICR DELECTOR FLAP 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M. REAR PRESSURE UNIT SCANNER REF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CODE 475114 Q 473393 W 473394 X 475116 J 475122 Q 473173 Z 473392 V DESCRIPTION REAR PRESSURE ROLLERS UNIT HANDLE PIN SPRING FRONT ROLLER UNIT FRONT ROLLERS SHAFT CONTRAST TORSION SPRING SHAFT STRAP STUD 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA4897 PRESSURE UNIT SUPPORT 22 Spare parts catalogue XYAA2112-03 .OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M. OR 12 M E MICR 13 E M.SCANNER UNIT REF 1 2 3 4 CODE DESCRIPTION 10 E 10 E PASS 12 E M.VER PR2E 10 E SC/F 10 E SC/F B XYAA5095 SCANNER FRONT UNIT XYAA5151 SCANNER BACK UNIT 475127 M SCANNER MOVEMENT UNIT ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● XYAA6358 ENCODER SCANNER UNIT XYAA5259 SCANNER FRONT CONNECTION CABLE XYAA5260 SCANNER BACK CONNECTION CABLE XYAA2112-03 Spare parts catalogue 23 . GENERAL INDEX CODES Code ( * ) B6862 ( * ) B6877 128589 Z 150370 S 395038 X 395047 Y 395055 Y 395060 H 395079 G 395103 W 395116 S 395133 K 395143 V 395152 W 395153 X 471244 E 471501 Z 471514 M 473012 K 473018 Z 473020 X 473020 X 473028 T 473034 R 473047 W 473048 F 473049 G 473050 D 473051 S 473052 T 473056 X 473058 H 473069 C 473071 W 473072 X 473073 Y 473074 Z 473075 S 473077 U 473083 K 473085 M Page 14 14 14 19 7 17 7 12 11 21 8 12 12 8 8 12 17 17 8 7 8 19 7 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 Code 473091 K 473123 P 473127 K 473131 P 473135 K 473137 M 473138 W 473139 X 473141 Z 473150 E 473151 T 473156 Y 473158 A 473166 S 473167 T 473171 X 473172 Y 473173 Z 473174 S 473175 T 473175 T 473180 V 473182 K 473191 L 473192 M 473197 J 473244 G 473248 L 473265 D 473285 S 473295 U 473296 V 473298 F 473302 B 473303 C 473308 R 473309 J 473311 T 473314 W 473315 X 473317 Z Page 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 8 10 11 12 12 10 10 10 11 11 10 17 20 20 20 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 Code 473320 G 473330 A 473346 E 473348 Q 473353 D 473355 F 473356 G 473364 G 473366 A 473370 J 473372 G 473376 C 473377 D 473378 N 473379 P 473382 T 473385 W 473386 X 473390 F 473392 V 473392 V 473393 W 473393 W 473394 X 473394 X 473395 Y 473396 Z 473479 C 473486 L 473487 M 473498 Y 473499 Z 473540 D 474400 B 474943 W 474952 X 474953 Y 474954 Z 474967 W 474990 S 474992 Q Page 16 17 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 22 20 22 20 22 19 19 8 17 17 12 16 5 12 10 17 10 10 18 18 17 Code 474996 L 474999 X 475009 B 475114 Q 475122 Q 475127 M 475248 N 475249 P 475253 B 475601 H 475871 X 475932 L 475935 P 710682 H 710769 X 751171 D 751272 J 752610 J 759410 R 759413 G XYAA0209 XYAA1264 XYAA1885 XYAA2037 XYAA2102 XYAA2106 XYAA2109 XYAA3017 XYAA3394 XYAA3400 XYAA3406 XYAA3407 XYAA3409 XYAA3411 XYAA3415 XYAA3419 XYAA3419 XYAA3575 XYAA3703 XYAA4897 XYAA5095 Page 12 12 20 22 22 23 21 21 21 12 8 20 20 17 12 8 12 5 5 8 18 12 14 14 15 15 15 19 8 6 5 5 5 5 5 7 17 6 16 22 23 24 Spare parts catalogue XYAA2112-03 . GENERAL INDEX CODES Code XYAA5151 XYAA5190 XYAA5259 XYAA5260 XYAA5322 XYAA5506 XYAA5699 XYAA5795 XYAA5796 XYAA6261 XYAA6262 XYAA6332 XYAA6358 XYAA6388 XYAA6389 XYAA7928 XYAA9394 Page 23 20 23 23 19 21 14 6 6 17 17 7 23 14 14 8 12 Code Page Code Page Code Page XYAA2112-03 Spare parts catalogue 25 . Printer SERVICE MANUAL . Printer SERVICE MANUAL . A.PUBLICATION ISSUED BY: Ollvettl Lexlkon. Via Jervis . .p. by Olivetti All rights reserved Pnnred m Italy by.10015 lvrea (Italy) Copyright O 1997. Documentazione 77. S. just ignore the parts referring to them. S. This manual should be consulted whenever it has not been possible to eliminate a fault through the solutions suggested in the operating manual which is enclosed with the printer. reserves the right to modify the equipment described in this manual at any time and without notice. If models for some of these options are not present. w The first t o chapters deal with the machine and the main commands.p.PREFACE This service manual provides the technical information needed to install. reference has been made to machines with all the options (maximum configuration). The sequence of the chapters is arranged to aid the technician when searching for information. Where possible. chapter three describes the installation and tests. . 68331O H Service Manual 11 1. test and service the PR 2 specialized printer.A. the remaining chapters give further information for efficient field servicing. This manual is divided into chapters. - BIBLIOGRAPHY: PR 2 User manual PR 2 Programmer's Manual PR 2 Spare parts catalogue SECTORIRANGE PRODUCT: DISTRIBUTION: FIRST EDITION: Q2 PR 2 General (G) March 1997 - NOTICE Olivetti Lexikon. . ........................................................... 3-9 SAVINGS BOOK INSERTION WITH MANUAL ALIGNMENT ....1 2........................................................................ 3-5 TEST ANALYSIS AND EXITING THE TEST ENVIRONMENT ........................................................... 3-2 3-2 UNPACKING ............ 3-6 RS 232C SERIAL INTERFACE ................................................................ MACHINE INSTALLATION ............................................................. CHARACTER SET ........................ 3-7 FINAL TESTING ....................1-1 MACHINE GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................................ 2-1 2................................................................. 3-8 OPERATING PROCEDURES ............................................................................................. 3-1 ..................................................... 3-8 INFORMATION FOR THE OPERATOR ...........................................................................................................................................................2 2................................ 1-13 PRINT MODES AND CHARACTER FONTS ........................... 3-4 STARTING THE PRINT TEST ..................................................... 2-4 UPPER MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY LIFTING LEVER ................................. 2-4 ERROR MESSAGES ......................2.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-2 PRODUCT VARIABLES ............................3 2..........3-1 UNPACKING AND INSTALLATION .................................1-8 LOCATION OF MAJOR CONTROLS ............................................TABLE OF CONTENTS 1............................................................................................................................................................................2......3-10 REPLACING THE RIBBON CARTRIDGE .....................3 POWER SWITCH .......................................................................................................................................... 2-3 MEANING OF THE LEDS ..................................................................................................... 3-6 CONNECTION TO THE SYSTEM ....................................................... 1-12 1-12 MACHINE FIRMWARE . 1-7 ACCESSORIES .............................................................................................................................................................................................. OVERVIEW .. MOVING THE MACHINE ...................................................................................................................................... 3-9 EXPLlLSlON OF PROCESSED DOCUMENTS ....................................................... 3-15 68331O H Service Manual v .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-6 IEEE 1284 PARALLEL INTERFACE .....................................................................................................................................................................3-4 PRINT TEST CONTENTS .............................................................................................1-14 2 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 INTRODUCTION ................... 1-9 1-10 LOCATION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS .................................................................................................... 1-6 SINGLE AND MULTICOPY MODULES ..................................... 2-2 2-2 CONSOLE ............................. OPERATING COMMANDS .....................................................................................................................................................1 2........................ 3-4 OFF-LINE TESTS ....................................................................................................2.2 2.................................................................................. 1-11 FIRMWARE AND CHARACTER GENERATORS .... 3-9 DOCUMENT INSERTION WITH AUTOMATIC ALIGNMENT ................................................................................................................... GENERAL BLOCK DIAGRAM ............................................... 1-6 BANK BOOKS ............. 2-6 GENERAL INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS ............................................................. MEANING OF THE KEYS .......................... 3-1 ELECTRIC POWER SUPPLY 3-1 ENVIRONMENT CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................. 1-1 PR 2 FACTORY DEFAULT CONFIGURATION ............................. 3-11 PAPER JAMS ................................................................... 1-5 DOCUMENTS THAT CAN BE PROCESSED BY THE BASIC MACHINE ......................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... ................................................................ ............ .............................................................................................. 5-2 SOLVING THE PROBLEM ................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......... 4-32 ADJUSTING THE VERTICAL MAGNETIC UNlT OPTION .................................................................................. 4-34 ADJUSTING THE CHECK READER ON THE PR 2 ............................................... ..................................................... 6-14 CONSOLE ...................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5-3 POWER ON FALILTS .................................................................................................................................................................................................... PR2MAGN BOARD LAYOUT AND LOCATION OF CONNECTORS ................................. 4-36 5............ 5-1 INFORMATION CONCERNING THE FAULT ............................... .................................. 6-2 BOARD VlEW AND LOCATION OF CONNECTORS .................... ................................................................................................... ............................ ....................................... ......................... 4-2 MACHINE SET-UP ........................................ ........................................ ............. ................................................. ................................ 6-2 BOARD LAYOUT AND LOCATION OF CONNECTORS ........................ 4-30 HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC UNlT OPTION ADJUSTMENT ................................ 6-16 ............................................... 4-1 POWER-ON DIAGNOSTICS ............ 4-6 ADJUSTMENTS THE PHOTOSENSORS ............... ........................ 6-9 6-9 BOARD VlEW AND LOCATION OF CONNECTORS ............................................................ ............................ ELECTRICAL INTERCONNECTIONS ................. ............................................ 6-12 PR2VER BOARD LAYOUT AND LOCATION OF CONNECTORS ................ DIAGNOSTICS GUIDE ... ...........5-1 SERVICING METHODS ...... 5-5 DOCUMENT HANDLING FAULTS ..SKEW AND SIGNAL AMPLITUDE CONTROL ..4.............................. .... 5-1 OPERATING CONDITIONS ANALYSIS ..1 PRINT TEST .....................................SKEW AND SIGNAL AMPLITUDE CONTROL .................... ................................... 6-7 CONNECTOR SIGNALS AND FUSE VALUES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4-28 MEASURING THE LENGTH OF THE DOCUMENT .................................................. .. 4-2 CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS ....................................................... 5-1 PINPOINTING THE PROBLEM ..... 4-18 ADJUSTING BIDIRECTIONAL PRINTING ALIGNMENT .............................................................................................. AUTODIAGNOSTICS.. 5-6 MAGNETIC STRIPE READlWRlTE FAILURES ........ ........... .....6-7 BOARD VlEW AND LOCATION OF COMPONENTS ............................... 6-1 GENERAL PRINTER CABLING DIAGRAM ............................... ......... .......................... .......... .................................... . 6-8 BOARDS FOR MAGNETIC AND MlCR OPTIONS . 5-2 FINDING THE CAUSE ............ SETLIP AND SETTINGS .................. ..................... 5-4 DOCUMENT WRITE FAULTS ............................................................................... ................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ......... 6-10 PR2MIMAG BOARD LAYOUT AND LOCATION OF CONNECTORS .... 6-3 CONNECTOR SIGNALS ............ 6-1 BAPR2 MAIN BOARD ...... 5-2 CLASSIFYING 'THE FAULTS .............. ............................................ 4-24 ADJUSTING THE TOF OF FORM (TOF) ......................... 5-7 6...................... 4 .................................................... ..................................... 5-2 MACHINE TESTING .... 4-2 SET-UP ACTIVATION .......... 6-5 ALIPR2 BOARD .............................................4-26 ADJUSTING THE LEFT PRINT MARGIN ............................................................................................................................. ... ................ ....3 ......................7-3 7.......1.........7-1 CLEANING THE READING HEAD FOR HORIZONTAWERTICAUMICR MAGNETIC STRIPS ...........................1 7..............7 ADJUSTING THE ROLLER GEARS .............. ...............................................1..................1 BASIC MACHINE ADJUSTMENTS .. 7-1 CLEANING ..........................2 7........... 8-10 8... ......................... 8............... .........................1 HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE/MICR OPTION .....2............. ............................ ............... 8-6 ............................. ...................i-. 7-3 7............ 7-4 7...........3 HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICVMICR OPTION ...........3 VERTICAL MAGNETIC DEVICE LUBRICATION POINTS ......1.......1..?ENT FEED BELT .......1......... .....................2 ADJUSTING THE D1STP........................2 A3JUSTMENTS FOR BASIC MACHINE OPTIONS ..POSITIONING THE FRAME ASSEMBLY '..................................l ADJUSTING THE DOCL:1..............1 BASIC MACHINE LUBRICATION POINTS ... ....................................................................................................1..g ADJUSTING TAB OPENING ....................... ............... ....2............................................................... 7-1 LUBRICATION .................................................1 7................... .... .......................................... ....... 7-1 CLEANING THE PRINTER CASE ......1. 8-5 8.................... ...............................4 ADJUSTING THE PAPER PHOTOSENSOR ......................................................2...................... 8-2 8.... 8-1 1 8.......................4 HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE OPTION ..8-12 8.......... .2............................................... 8-15 6833 1O H Service Manual vll ............. 7-1 CLEANING THE PAPER PATHS .................................. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ..............................1.......................... 8-3 8..8 ADJUSTING THE FRONT PRESSURE ROLLERS ................................2 HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE LUBRICATION POINTS ...................................1..........l0 ADJUSTING THE TENSION OF THE CARRIAGE MOVEMENT BELT ..PRESS POSITIONING .................................. .................7.. 8-7 8..........................................3 ADJUSTING THE DISTANCE OF THE RlBBONlNEEDLE PROTECTION FIN .....2............ MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENTS ............................. ............................ADJUSTING THE TENSION CF THE CARRIAGE FEED BELT ................................2 7.........................................................................1.................... ................................................8-4 8.... ..... ..........2........1.............. ....1.....CE BETWEEN PLATEN AND NEEDLES .. 7.............................. 8-14 8.... 8-8 8.............1....8-9 8.............8-1 8.5 ADJUSTING THE PRINT BAR .......6 TAB ADJUSTMENTS .............ADJUSTING THE DOOR ....................7-5 8.................... 8-2 8....8-12 8......................... 8-13 8........22 HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE/MICR OPTION .............. ............................... 9-19 DISASSEMBLINGIREASSEMBLING THE VERTICAL MAGNETIC HEAD .................15 9............................. 9-19 DISASSEMBLINWREASSEMBLING THE HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE AND MlCR ASSEMBLY .........................................2 9.......9..2 ...... 1 9-1 DISASSEMBLINGIREASSEMBLING THE FEEDER PHOTOSENSORS ................... 9-8 DISASSEMBLINGfREASSEMBLlNGTHE PAPER FEED MOTOR ...................... 9-10 DISASSEMBLINGIREASSEMBLING THE SERVICES MOTOR .............2.................................1 0 9...............................9-15 DISASSEMBLINGIREASSEMBI-ING THE TOROIDAL TRANSFORMER .................2......................3...............2..............4..................................4 9....... 9-6 DISASSEMBLINGIREASSEMBLING THE UPPER MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY ..........2.......8 9............1 9.....................1 2 9....3 9..2...2..2............. 9-3 DISASSEMBLINWREASSEMBLING THE CASE ........1 4 9......................................................................2.......7 9. 9-3 DISASSEMBLINWREASSEMBLING THE CONSOLE ......3 9........9 9..........12 DISASSEMBLINGIREASSEMBLING THE REAR PHOTOSENSOR ..............2............2..............................1 9....................16 9.............................. 9-9 DISASSEMBLINWREASSEMBLINGTHE PRINT HEAD MOVEMENT MOTOR .5 9.................9-22 viii ..........................2.........3............. 9-2 BASIC MACHINE DISASSEMBLYIREASSEMBLY PROCEDLIRES .......9-17 REPLACING THE FUSE ..... 9-21 DISASSEMBLINWREASSEMBLING THE MICR HEAD ASSEMBLY ...........9-13 DISASSEMBLINGIREASSEMBLING THE MAIN BOARD ........................................................................... 9-20 CHECK READER OPTION DISASSEMBLYIREASSEMBLY ................................................ 9-21 DISASSEMBLINGIREASSEMBLING THE CHECK MODULE SERVICES MOTOR .........2.......2 9..... 9-18 BASIC MACHINE OPTIONS DISASSEMBLYIREASSEMBLY PROCEDURES ......................................2............................. 9-1 PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS ........9-5 DISASSEMBLINWREASSEMBLING THE PRINT HEAD FLAT CABLE ............4.....4 9.......6 9................................ 9-14 DISASSEMBLINGIREASSEMBLING THE TRANSFORMER ...... 9-4 DISASSEMBLINGIREASSEMBLING THE MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY ..............1 9......1 1 9...............1 9.............................. 9-16 DISASSEMBLINGIREASSEMBLING THE POWER ASSEMBLY ....................2........2. 9-7 DISASSEMBLINWREASSEMBLING THE PRINT HEAD .....................................13 9............ 9........2...2 9. DISASSEMBLYIREASSEMBLY 9............................................................ 1. OVERVIEW 1. INTRODUCTION l The PR 2 is a specialized mid-range printer specifically designed for the banking environment. It can handle documents (single or multicopy) or savings books used during cash deposit or withdrawl transactions. Very versatile, this printer can also be used in the Public Administration front office environments and in Post Offices. It is equipped with two options, one for automatic form feeding and the other for the reading of code lines on checks. 1.l PR2 FACTORY DEFAULT CONFIGURATION .l The basic version of the PR2 is configured at the factory in two versions that differ according to the type of main board used: - PR 2 equipped with a main board with an RS232 C serial interface: PR 2-S10 - PR 2 equipped with a main board with a double interface, an IEEE 1284 bidirectional parallel interface and an RS232 C serial interface: PR 2-D10. By means of the Setup facility, the autoswitching of the interface can be selected. When equipped with a horizontal magnetic band read/write unit, the PR2 printer is named PR 2-S12 depending on the type of interface it is equipped with. When the printer is equipped with a MlCR check reader in addition to the horizontal magnetic band readhvrite unit, it is named PR 2-S12MMICR. When equipped with a vertical magnetic band read/write unit, the printer is named PR 2 4 1 3 . In case the printer comes with the vertical magnetic band option, it will be necessary to specify the savings book alignment to either the left (DOC 007) or right (DOC 009) of the input slot. 68331O H Service Manual 1-1 1.2 MACHINE OVERALL CHARACTERISTICS PRINT MODULE 24-needle impact print head Printing capabilities: loriginal + 4 copies Savings book handling capabilities 76 cps @ 1/ l 0" in LQ mode 115 cps @ 1/10" in NLQ mode 230 cps @ 1110" in DRAFT mode 310 cps @ 1110" in HSD mode 460 cps @ 1/15" in VHSD mode V.H.S.D., H.S.D., DRAFT, N.L.Q., L.Q. Indelible fabric lasting approximately 2.5 M chars. Front feeder with automatic document alignment facility 245 X 450 mm max. 70 X 70 mm min. See section 1.4 for more details Located on the printer case, it has three keys and five LEDs PR 2845, PR 40+, Native PR 2, IBM Proprinter II. The optional IBM 47221111 and SIEMENS NIXDORF ND90 emulations can also be loaded, but are not compatible with the vertical magnetic band unit and with the MlCR check reader. ' PRINT SPEED PRINT MODE RIBBON CARTRIDGE PAPER FEED DOCUMENT SIZE CONSOLE EMULATIONS INTERFACE DIMENSIONS Serial RS 232C Width 384 mm; Depth 280 mm; Height 203 mm; Weight 10.5 Kg. POWER ABSORPTION Stand- by:^ 15 W In operation: 170 W max. (worst case) POWER SUPPLY 115 V (L10%) 220 to 240 V (L 10%) (depending on the country of destination) Fig. 1 - 1 PR 2 Printer with Rounded Cover 6833 1OH Service Manual 1-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IMPORTANT THIS PUBLICATION IS WRITTEN BY OLIVETTI LEXIKON (SPARE PARTS DEPARTMENT). THIS CATALOGUE IS THE ONLY DOCUMENT TO WHICH REFERENCE MAY BE MADE FOR ORDERING SPARE PARTS. QUESTO CATALOGO È L' UNICO DOCUMENTO AL QUALE FARE RIFERIMENTO PER ORDINARE LE PARTI DI RICAMBIO.PRINTER PR 2 CATALOGO PARTI DI RICAMBIO SPARE PARTS CATALOGUE Code 687760Q-00 IMPORTANTE PUBBLICAZIONE REDATTA DA OLIVETTI LEXIKON (GESTIONE RICAMBI E SCORTE).STAMPANTE . . S. Documentazione 77. Via Jervis .10015 Ivrea (Italy) Copyright © 1999.PUBBLICAZIONE EMESSA DA: PUBLICATION ISSUED BY: Olivetti Lexikon. by Olivetti All rights reserved Printed in Italy by: .A.p. ................ Pag............................................... GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE .................................................................................................................................................................3 4 6 8 14 16 PR2/S12 COMPLESSIVO ......... " 43 44 46 48 54 56 57 58 INDICE GENERALE DEI CODICI .................................. CARROZZERIA ....................................................................... " 36 PIASTRE ELETTRONICHE MOD.... Pag........... GRUPPO STAMPA ............................................................................... " 25 26 28 30 32 PR2/S12 M COMPLESSIVO ....................... " 22 PR2/S13 COMPLESSIVO ........... 40 MINUTERIA ............................................................................................................ GRUPPO FONDELLO E ALIMENTATORE ..... + MICR ......................................................................... GRUPPO FONDELLO E ALIMENTATORE ............ 33 GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE CON MAGN............................................... " GRUPPO PRESSORI POSTERIORI .................................................................................................................................................................................... PR2/S10-PR2/S12-PR2/S12 M-PR2/S13 PIASTRE ELETTRONICHE........ Pag..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GRUPPO PRESSORI POSTERIORI .......... Pag................................................................................. " " " " " Pag............................................................................................................... " 20 GRUPPO MAGNETICO ORIZZONTALE .. ORIZZ.......................................................................... " GRUPPO SCANNER ..................................................................................................... 19 GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE CON MAGN................................................................................... CARROZZERIA ........................................................................................................................................................................................... ORIZZ.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... " 34 GRUPPO MAGNETICO ORIZZONTALE + MICR ......................................................................... " GRUPPO STAMPA ........PR2 INDICE PR2/S10 MACCHINA BASE COMPLESSIVO ...................................................... " 42 PR2 SCANNER COMPLESSIVO .......................................................................... .............................................. " GRUPPO MECCANICO SCANNER .......................................................................... Pag....................................... 61 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 1 .................................................................................................. " GRUPPO PRESSORI POSTERIORI ................................................................. " GRUPPO MAGNETICO VERTICALE ................................................................................................................. Pag.................................................................................................. " GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE ..................................................................................................... " GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE ......................... GRUPPO FONDELLO E ALIMENTATORE ............................................................ ......................................................................................................... " LOWER SECTION GROUP ................................. " REAR PRESSURE UNIT ........ " SCANNER MECHANICAL UNIT ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40 DETAILS ............................................ Pag............................................................................................................................................................................... Pag......................... " BASE UNIT AND POWER SUPPLY.............................. " 42 STANDARD PR2/S10 VERSION OVERVIEW .... " 43 44 46 48 54 56 57 58 GENERAL INDEX.......................... " 16 PR2/S12 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ " 36 ELECTRONIC BOARD MOD............................................................................................ 3 CASING ................................................ MAGN............................................................................................ Pag....................... " 22 PR2/S13 OVERVIEW ........................................................................ DEVICE ...... " 4 BASE UNIT AND POWER SUPPLY.................................................................................PR2 INDEX STANDARD PR2/S10 VERSION OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 33 LOWER SECTION WITH HORIZ.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 61 2 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q ............... " 8 REAR PRESSURE UNIT ...................................................................................................................... " PRINTING UNIT .......................................................................................................................................................................................... " REAR PRESSURE UNIT .......................................................................... " VERTICAL MAGNETIC DEVICE GROUP ....... " 14 PRINTING UNIT ...................................................... " 20 HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC READING DEVICE ............................................................................................................................ Pag......................................................................................... " 34 HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC READING DEVICE ................ Pag............ BASE UNIT AND POWER SUPPLY.... 19 LOWER SECTION WITH HORIZ.................................................................................................................................................................................. DEVICE ................................................................................................................................................... MAGN............. " LOWER SECTION GROUP .................................................................................................................................................. Pag................................................................ PR2/S10-PR2/S12-PR2/S12 M-PR2/S13 ELECTRONIC BOARD ............................................ Pag........................................................................................ CASING ............................................................. " SCANNER UNIT ..... " 25 26 28 30 32 PR2/S12 M OVERVIEW .............................................................. " 6 LOWER SECTION GROUP ..................................... COMPLESSIVO OVERVIEW PR2 MODELLO VERSION PR2/S10 .D12 DESCRIZIONE MODELLO BASE MODELLO BASE + MAGNETICO ORIZZONTALE MODELLO BASE + MAGNETICO ORIZZONTALE + MICR MODELLO BASE + MAGNETICO VERTICALE MODELLO BASE + SCANNER DESCRIPTION STANDARD VERSION STANDARD VERSION + HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE STANDARD VERSION + HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE + MICR STANDARD VERSION + VERTICAL MAGNETIC DEVICE STANDARD VERSION + SCANNER PR2/S12M .MACCHINA BASE PR2/S10 .STANDARD VERSION 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 3 .D10 PRS/S12 .PR2/D10 .D12M PR2/S13 .PR2/D10 .D13 PR2/SC PR2/S10 . ) DESCRIPTION BODY ASSEMBLY UPPER COVER ASSEMBLY COVER FOR HALIFAX COVER MAGNET HINGE HINGE FOR PIN FRONT SECTION ASSEMBLY PR2/S10 3 4 5 6 7 FRONT DEADENING FRONT DEADENING FOR ORIZONTAL MAGN.) SOUND ABSORBENT FOR HEAD SPACE (M.O.) 8 9 10 4 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q . CONSOLE REAR PROTECTION SOUND ABSORBENT FOR HEAD SPACE (M. ANT.CARROZZERIA CASING REF. PER MAGN.B.B. ORIZZ. CONSOLE RIPARO POSTERIORE INSONORIZZANTE VANO TESTINA (M. 1 2 CODE 474468 A 474469 B 474463 V 752610 J 473540 D 759410 R 474471 V 473506 Y 473503 V 475354 G 474475 Z 473501 T 473472 V DESCRIZIONE GRUPPO SCOCCA GRUPPO COPERTURA SUPERIORE COPERTURA PIANO PER HALIFAX MAGNETE PER COPERTURA CERNIERA PERNO PER CERNIERA GRUPPO FRONTALE FONOASSORBENTE ANTERIORE FONOASSORB.O.) INSONORIZZANTE VANO TESTINA (M. CARROZZERIA CASING PR2/S10 4 3 2 5 9 1 6 8 10 7 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 5 . TRASFORMATORE 240 V. CLASSE B CONTENITORE GRUPPO RETE SCHERMO PER PIASTRA SCHERMO CONNETTORI CAVO PIASTRINO ALIMENTAZIONE STAFFA FISSAGGIO MECCANICA STUD FISSAGGIO TRASFORMATORE GOMMINO SOSPENSIONE TRASFORMATORE INTERRUTTORE RETE DESCRIPTION BASE UNIT SLIDING SWITCH SPRING SLIDING SWITCH 220/240 V TRANSFORMER B CLASS 240 V TRANSFORMER 115 V TRANSFORMER B CLASS 115 V TRANSFORMER PR2/S10 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 NETWORK UNIT COMPARTMENT BOARD SCREEN CONNECTOR SCREEN CABLE FOR POWER SUPPLY BOARD MECHANICAL FIXING ROD TRANSFORMER FASTENING STUD RUBBER SUPPORT FOR TRANSFORMER NETWORK SWITCH FUSE 2A-115V-5x20 FUSE 1.6A-220V-5x20 471839 T 475327 V GRUPPO PRESA RETE PIASTRINO ALIMENTATORE 14 15 6 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q .GRUPPO FONDELLO E ALIMENTATORE BASE UNIT AND POWER SUPPLY REF.6A-220V-5x20 NETWORK SOCKET UNIT POWER SUPPLY BOARD 5358331 H FUSIBILE 2A-115V-5x20 5373182 A FUSIBILE 1. 1 2 3 4 CODE 474472 W 473034 R 473033 Q 473108 H 475764 B 473109 A 475765 C 473031 N 473030 Z 473032 P 474402 Z 759413 G 723349 K 723352 E 5183323 H DESCRIZIONE GRUPPO FONDELLO MOLLA CORSOIO INTERRUTTORE CORSOIO INTERRUTTORE TRASFORMATORE 220/240 V. TRASFORMATORE 115 V. CLASSE B TRASFORMATORE 115 V. GRUPPO FONDELLO E ALIMENTATORE BASE UNIT AND POWER SUPPLY PR2/S10 7 6 5 8 9 4 1 3 13 2 14 15 12 11 10 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 7 . ALBERI DI TRASC. SERVICE CAM PRESSURE SPRING HOLDER BRUSH PR2/S10 8 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q . (Npz = 3) SPORTELLO DEFLETTORE ALBERO SUPPORTO PRESSORI PONTE COMANDO PRESSORI CAMMA SERVIZI PORTAMOLLA PRESSORI PENNELLO DESCRIPTION PAPER FEED DAMPING RUBBER FRAME MOTOR SERVICE UNIT LEFT GUIDE BUSH FEED SHAFT GROUP (Pcs = 3) DEFLECTOR FLAP PRESSURE SUPPORT ARM LINK FOR PRESSURE MECH. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 CODE 473186 473013 473069 473018 473028 473253 473073 473074 473072 473075 473037 P L C Z T H Y Z X S L DESCRIZIONE CONVOGLIATORE CARTA GOMMINO SMORZATORE STRUTTURA GRUPPO MOTORE SERVIZI BOCCOLA SINISTRA GR.GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE LOWER SECTION REF. GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE LOWER SECTION PR2/S10 11 5 4 3 2 1 6 10 7 9 8 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 9 . DOCUM. (Z=210) BILANCERE COMANDO BANDELLA MOLLA GRUPPO BANDELLA MOLLA LEVA FOTOSENSORI MANOVELLA COMANDO BANDELLA LEVA FOTOSENSORI SERVIZI GR. BANDELLA PREMICARTA INGRANAGGIO DI RINVIO LEVA APERTURA BANDELLA GRUPPO MOTORE INTERLINEA SILENZIATORE TRAVERSA STAMPA POST. DESCRIPTION PR2/S10 ROLLER SCREEN BELT TENSION PULLEY DOCUMENT FEED BELT (Z=210) FLAP EQUALIZING DRIVE UNIT FLAP UNIT SPRING PHOTOELECTRIC LEVER SPRING FLAP CONTRO MECHANISML PHOTOELECTRIC SERVICES LEVER CONTROLS FOR ROLLER PRESSURE LEFT BALLAST PRINTER CROSSFLIGHT UNIT CENTRAL BALLAST (Pcs = 2) CENTRAL BALLAST PIN RIGHT BALLAST PIN RIGHT BALLAST BALLAST ANCHORAGE PLATE BAR WASHER SPRING DAMPER UNIT PAPER PRESSURE FLAP INTERMEDIATE GEAR FLAP OPENING LEVER LINE SPACING MOTOR UNIT FRONT PRINTING BAR DAMPENING (10 x 70) REAR PRINTING BAR DAMPENING (6 x 70) 10 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q .GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE LOWER SECTION REF. SILENZIATORE TRAVERSA STAMPA ANT. GR. COMANDO RULLINI PRESSORI ZAVORRA SINISTRA GR. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CODE 473024 473479 751171 473050 473052 473065 473051 473053 473174 473049 473040 473058 473056 473047 473048 473063 473064 473059 473054 473071 473057 473020 473066 473067 P C D D T Y S U S G B H X W F W X A V W Y X Z S DESCRIZIONE SCHERMO RULLINI PULEGGIA TENDICINGHIA CINGHIA TRASC. BALESTRA AMMORTIZZ. TRAVERSA DI STAMPA ZAVORRA CENTRALE (Npz = 2) PERNO PER ZAVORRA CENTRALE PERNO PER ZAVORRA DESTRA ZAVORRA DESTRA PIASTRINO FISSAGGIO BALESTRA RONDELLA PER BARRA GR. GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE LOWER SECTION PR2/S10 9 8 7 6 5 4 13 24 3 14 2 1 23 11 15 12 20 21 10 18 19 16 17 22 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 11 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CODE 473085 473077 474954 473175 473091 473088 473192 473191 473087 473240 473265 473332 473083 M U Z T K Y M L P Q D Y K DESCRIZIONE SUPPORTO CARTA FOTO ANTERIORE PETTINE SUPPORTO PETTINE GIUNTO MOLLA RULLINI ALLINEAMENTO BOCCOLA CENTRALE FIBRA OTTICA L=80 FIBRA OTTICA L=100 BOCCOLA LATERALE GRUPPO RULLINI ALLINEAMENTO MOLLA PETTINE (Npz = 2) TRAVERSA DI SUPPORTO FOTO MOLLA PRESSORE (Npz = 3) DESCRIPTION FRONT PHOTO SUPPORT COMB SUPPORT FOR COMB JOINT ALIGNMENT ROLLER SPRING CENTRAL GUIDE BUSH OPTICAL FIBER L=80 OPTICAL FIBER L=100 SIDE GUIDE BUSH ALIGNMENT ROLLERS UNIT COMB SPRING (Pcs = 2) PHOTO SUPPORT BAR PRESSURE SPRING (Pcs = 3) PR2/S10 PR2/S10 12 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q .GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE LOWER SECTION REF. GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE LOWER SECTION PR2/S10 PR2/S10 8 7 9 6 5 4 10 13 11 13 3 13 11 2 1 12 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 13 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CODE 473244 473160 473166 473172 473171 473248 473167 473173 473175 G G S Y X L T Z T DESCRIZIONE GRUPPO RULLINI ANTERIORI SUPPORTO PRESSORI PULEGGIA CINGHIA DENTATA Z=88 BOCCOLA SINISTRA GRUPPO RULLINI PRESSORI POSTERIORI BOCCOLA CENTRALE MOLLA TORSIONE ((Npz = 3) GIUNTO DESCRIPTION PR2/S10 FRONTS ROLLER UNIT PRESSURE UNITS SUPPORT PULLEY COGGED BELT Z=88 LEFT GUIDE BUSH REAR PRESSURE ROLLERS UNIT CENTRAL GUIDE BUSH TORSION SPRING (Pcs = 3) JOINT 14 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q .GRUPPO PRESSORI POSTERIORI REAR PRESSURE UNIT REF. GRUPPO PRESSORI POSTERIORI REAR PRESSURE UNIT PR2/S10 8 7 5 6 9 1 4 2 3 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 15 . PLATE BELT TENSION SPRING PRINT HEAD FLAT CABLE FLAT CABLE ANCHORAGE ROD EXCHANGER RIBBON DRIVE GEAR RIBBON FEED WHEEL LANCE PRINT HEAD UNIT 16 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q . TERRA AMMORT. NASTRO LANCIA GR. MOTOR ANCHOR. UNIT RIGHT FLAT CABLE GUIDE ROD PRESSURE ROLLER DRIVE UNIT BUSH UNIT LEAF SPRING LOCKING LEVER SPRING TRANSP. TASTATURA STAFFA DX GUIDA FLAT GR. BALESTRINA PER GR. PIASTRINO FISS. SNUB PULLEY BELT TENSION SUPPORT CARRIAGE MOVEMENT BELT PRINT HEAD FLAT CABLE SCREEN SUPPORT FOR FLAT CABLE TRANSPORT MOTOR UNIT EARTH ROD TRANSPORT MOTOR DAMPER MOTOR ANCHORAGE STUD SENSOR HEAD PHOTOELEC. FOTOSENS. BOCCOLA MOLLA PER LEVA DI BLOCC. MOLLA TENDICINGHIA FLAT TESTINA STAFFA BLOCCAGGIO FLAT SCAMBIATORE INGRANAGGIO COMANDO NASTRO RUOTA TRASCIN. TESTINA DI STAMPA DESCRIPTION PR2/S10 CARRIAGE SUPPORT SHAFT CARRIAGE LUBRICATING PAD HEAD SUPPORT CARRIAGE OPENING LEVER FOR UPPER SEC. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 CODE 473127 473150 473130 473129 751272 473149 473123 473135 473137 473140 473156 473141 471244 475287 473139 473180 473182 473151 710769 473155 474400 473138 473498 473131 753720 473159 150376 K E S V J H P K M C Y Z E W X V K T X X B W Y P R B L DESCRIZIONE ALBERO SUPPORTO CARRELLO FELTRO LUBRIFICAZIONE CARRELLO CARRELLO SUPPORTO TESTINA LEVA APERTURA STRUTTURA SUP. MOTORE TRASPORTO STUD PER FISSAGGIO MOTORE GR.GRUPPO STAMPA PRINTING UNIT REF. COMANDO RULLINI PRESS. PULEGGIA DI RINVIO SUPPORTO TENDICINGHIA CINGHIA TRASPORTO CARRELLO SCHERMO FLAT TESTINA SUPPORTO FLAT GRUPPO MOTORE TRASPORTO STAFFA COLLEG. MOTORE TRASP. GRUPPO STAMPA PRINTING UNIT PR2/S10 8 9 10 11 12 13 7 6 2 1 27 5 4 20 19 18 3 14 25 26 24 21 22 23 25 16 17 15 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 17 . . . STANDARD VERSION + HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 19 .COMPLESSIVO OVERVIEW PR2/S12 PR2/S12 .MACCHINA BASE + MAGNETICO ORIZZONTALE PR2/S12 . NOTE: 20 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q . MAGN. READER DEVICE CAM LEVER PRESSURE LEVER PRESSURE SUPPORT ARM PRESSURE BAR UNIT PRESSURE SPRING NOTA: Per le parti comuni fare riferimento alla PR2/S10 MACCHINA BASE descritta in precedenza. ORIZZ. For parts common to the Standard version PR2/S10 please refer to the preceding section. LOWER SECTION WITH HORIZ. READER DEVICE REF. CON MAGNETICO ORIZZ. MANOVELLA PER CAMMA MANOVELLA PRESSORE ALBERO SUPPORTO PRESSORE GRUPPO TRAVERSA PRESSORE MOLLA PRESSORE DESCRIPTION PR2/S12 PAPER FEED FOR HOR.MAG. 1 2 3 4 5 6 CODE 474951 473315 473317 473314 473499 473320 W X Z W Z G DESCRIZIONE CONVOGLIATORE CARTA PER MAGN.GRUPPO STRUTTURA INF. MAGN. LOWER SECTION WITH HORIZ.GRUPPO STRUTTURA INF. READER DEVICE PR2/S12 5 4 3 2 1 6 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 21 . CON MAGNETICO ORIZZ. ORIZZ. DEVICE HEAD UNIT HEAD CARRIAGE LOCKING MAGNETIC HEAD UNIT HORIZ. GRUPPO FOTO AZZERAMENTO BARRA GUIDA SUPERIORE (L=357) GRUPPO SEMITIRANTE MOLLA CHIUSURA SPORTELLO BARRA GUIDA INFERIORE (L=327) GRUPPO TESTINA MAGNETICA ORIZZ. DEVICE BELT (Z=360) SNUB PULLEY PULLEY PIN SECTOR GEAR 22 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q . TRANSPORT MOTOR UNIT PHOTO INITIALIZING UNIT UPPER TRACK (L=357) BRACE GROUP FLAP CLOSING SPRING LOWER TRACK (L=327) HORIZ. STRUTTURA MAGN. MAGNETICA CINGHIA MAGNETICO ORIZZ. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 CODE 473485 473486 473285 710682 473308 473330 473312 473309 471514 473313 471530 474952 471501 473311 473302 473301 473303 K L S H R A U J M V Z X Z T B A C DESCRIZIONE GR. MAG. READER DEVICE COVER FLAP OPENING JOINT TRANSPORT MOTOR DAMPER HORIZ. SPORTELLO DI CHIUSURA PONTE APERTURA SPORTELLO SMORZATORE MOTORE TRASPORTO GRUPPO MOTORE TRASPORTO MAGN. (Z=360) PULEGGIA DI RINVIO PERNO PER PULEGGIA SETTORE DENTATO DESCRIPTION PR2/S12 HORIZ. CARRELLO TESTINA MAGNETICA STAFFA BLOCCAGGIO TEST.GRUPPO MAGNETICO ORIZZONTALE HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE REF. MAG. ORIZZ. MAG. MAG. .GRUPPO MAGNETICO ORIZZONTALE HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE PR2/S12 8 6 7 9 3 2 1 10 5 4 15 14 13 16 12 17 11 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 23 . . COMPLESSIVO OVERVIEW PR2/S13 PR2/S13 .STANDARD VERSION + VERTICAL MAGNETIC DEVICE 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 25 .MACCHINA BASE + MAGNETICO VERTICALE PR2/S13 . 1 CODE 473108 H 473109 A 473493 K 473494 L DESCRIZIONE GRUPPO TRASFORMATORE 220-240V GRUPPO TRASFORMATORE 115V MYLAR PROTEZ. MYLAR 2 3 NOTA: Per le parti comuni fare riferimento alla PR2/S10 MACCHINA BASE descritta in precedenza. SIDE PROTECT.V. M. TRASF. SX DESCRIPTION PR2/S13 220-240V TRANSFORMER ASSEMBLY 115V TRANSFORMER ASSEMBLY LEFT V. UPPER PROTECT .GRUPPO FONDELLO E ALIMENTATORE CON M.V. LATER. M. SX MYLAR PROTEZ. M. M. NOTE: 26 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q .M. REF. MYLAR LEFT V. TRASF. TRASF. SUPER.V. TRASF. For parts common to the Standard version PR2/S10 please refer to the preceding section. UNIT BASE AND POWER SUPPLY FOR V. PR2/S13 2 3 1 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 27 .M. BASE UNIT AND POWER SUPPLY FOR V.V.GRUPPO FONDELLO E ALIMENTATORE CON M. MAGN. REF. LINE SPACING MOTOR RIGHT VERTIC. VERTIC. FEED SHAFT GROUP RIGHT VERTIC. ALBERI TRASCINAMENTO M. MAGN. VERTIC. DX MOTORE INTERLINEA MAGN. LOWER SECTION GROUP FOR V. SX GR. SCHERMO MOTORE MAGN. MAGN.M.V. ALBERI TRASCINAMENTO M. 1 CODE 473376 C 473396 Z 473395 Y 473346 E 473083 K DESCRIZIONE GR.V.GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE CON M. FEED SHAFT GROUP VERTIC.V. MOTOR SHIELD PRESSURE SPRING (Pcs = 3) 2 3 4 28 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q . MAGN. DX MOLLA PRESSORE (Npz = 3) DESCRIPTION PR2/S13 LEFT VERTIC. M.GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE CON M.V. PR2/S13 1 3 1 1 2 4 4 4 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 29 . LOWER SECTION GROUP FOR V. DESCRIPTION PR2/S13 LEFT VERTIC.V. PRESSURE SUPPORT LEFT VERT. MAGN. RULLINI ANTERIORI M. MAGN. VERTICALE CINGHIA DENTATA Z=55 CINGHIA DENTATA Z=88 SUPPORTO ALBERO BARRA DI TORSIONE .V.YELLOW (Pcs = 2) LEFT VERTIC. PRESSURE BUSH VERTIC. MAGN.MAGN.V.V. RULLINI ANTERIORI M.MAGN.ROSSO (Npz = 1) GR. MYLAR GROUP TORSION BAR . MAGN. DX GRUPPO ALBERO CONTRASTO M. MAGN. REAR SHAFT GROUP RIGHT VERTIC. MAGN. MANOVELLA M.V. PIN SPRING VERTIC. DX BARRA DI TORSIONE . ALBERO POSTERIORE M. MOLLA A SPILLO M. SX SUPPORTO PRESSORI M.V. MAGN. CONTRAST SHAFT GROUP RIGHT VERT. PULLEY BELT TIMING Z=55 BELT TIMING Z=88 SHAFT SUPPORT TORSION BAR . ALBERO POSTERIORE M. MAGN. DX BARRA DI TORSIONE .V.GREEN (Pcs = 2) VERTIC. 1 CODE 473364 G 473383 U 473390 473378 473370 473353 473348 473355 473298 F N J D Q F F DESCRIZIONE GR.V. CONTRAST SHAFT GROUP TORSION BAR . FRONTS ROLLER UNIT RIGHT VERTIC. MAGN. SX GR.VERDE (Npz = 2) PULEGGIA PER MAGN.GIALLO (Npz = 2) SUPPORTO PRESSORI M.RED (Pcs = 1) LEFT VERTIC. DX GRUPPO MYLAR PER MAGN. REAR SHAFT GROUP TORSION BAR . BARRA DI TORSIONE .BLU (Npz = 1) BOCCOLA PRESSORE M. SX GRUPPO ALBERO CONTRASTO M.GRUPPO PRESSORI POSTERIORI REAR PRESSURE UNIT REF. HANDLE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 473354 E 473382 T 473372 G 473386 X 473295 U 473366 A 473385 W 473296 V 473356 G 473394 X 473393 W 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 30 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q . MAGN. FRONTS ROLLER UNIT VERTIC. MAGN. VERTIC. PRESSURE SUPPORT RIGHT VERTIC.V.V.V.BLUE ((Pcs = 1) VERTIC. SX GR. GRUPPO PRESSORI POSTERIORI REAR PRESSURE UNIT PR2/S13 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 7 6 15 5 4 3 2 1 16 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 31 . DESCRIPTION PR2/S13 VERTIC. VERTIC. MAG. MAGN. SUPPORTO MAGN. MOTOR UNIT 2 3 1 32 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q . TESTINA MAGNETICA MAGN. SUPPORT GROUP VERTIC. DEVICE HEAD UNIT VERTIC. VERTIC. MAGN. 1 2 3 CODE 150370 S 473351 B 473344 C DESCRIZIONE GR. GR. GRUPPO MOTORE MAGN. VERTIC.GRUPPO MAGNETICO VERTICALE VERTICAL MAGNETIC DEVICE GROUP REF. STANDARD VERSION + HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE + MICR 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 33 .MACCHINA BASE + MAGNETICO ORIZZONTALE + MICR PR2/S12 M .COMPLESSIVO OVERVIEW PR2/S12 M PR2/S12 M . MAG. ORIZZ. 1 2 3 4 5 6 CODE 474951 W 473315 X 473317 Z 473314 W 473499 Z 473320 G DESCRIZIONE CONVOGLIATORE CARTA PER MAGN. CON MAGNET. MAGN. E CON MICR PR2/S12 M LOWER SECTION WITH HORIZ. For parts common to the Standard version PR2/S10 please refer to the preceding section.GR. READER DEVICE WITH MICR REF. NOTE: 34 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q . READER DEVICE CAM LEVER PRESSURE LEVER PRESSURE SUPPORT ARM PRESSURE BAR UNIT PRESSURE SPRING NOTA: Per le parti comuni fare riferimento alla PR2/S10 MACCHINA BASE descritta in precedenza. ORIZZ. MANOVELLA PER CAMMA MANOVELLA PRESSORE ALBERO SUPPORTO PRESSORE GRUPPO TRAVERSA PRESSORE MOLLA PRESSORE DESCRIPTION PAPER FEED FOR HOR. STRUTTURA INF. CON MAGNET. MAGN. READER DEVICE WITH MICR 5 4 3 2 1 6 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 35 . ORIZZ. E CON MICR PR2/S12 M LOWER SECTION WITH HORIZ. STRUTTURA INF.GR. + MICR CARRELLO TESTINA MAGNETICA STAFFA BLOCCAGGIO TEST. READER DEVICE + MICR COVER FLAP OPENING JOINT TRANSPORT MOTOR DAMPER HORIZ. STRUTTURA MAGN. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CODE 473485 K 473486 L 473285 S 710682 H 473487 M 473330 A 473312 U 473309 J 471514 M 473313 V 473480 S 474952 X 471501 Z 473311 T 473302 B 473301 A 473303 C 473308 R 473483 R DESCRIZIONE GR. / MICR MOTOR SHIELD PHOTO INITIALIZING UNIT UPPER TRACK (L=357) BRACE GROUP FLAP CLOSING SPRING LOWER TRACK (L=327) HORIZ. MAG. MAG. ORIZZ. MAG.GRUPPO MAGNETICO ORIZZONTALE HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE REF. TESTINA MAGN. MAG. MAG. DEVICE BELT (Z=360) SNUB PULLEY PULLEY PIN SECTOR GEAR HORIZ. DEVICE + MICR HEAD UNIT HEAD CARRIAGE LOCKING MAGNETIC HEAD UNIT HORIZ. (Z=360) PULEGGIA DI RINVIO PERNO PER PULEGGIA SETTORE DENTATO GR. ORIZZ. + MICR SCHERMO TESTINA MICR DESCRIPTION PR2/S12 M HORIZ. + MICR SPORTELLO DI CHIUSURA PONTE APERTURA SPORTELLO SMORZATORE MOTORE TRASPORTO SCHERMO MOTORE MAGN. / MICR GRUPPO FOTO AZZERAMENTO BARRA GUIDA SUPERIORE (L=357) GRUPPO SEMITIRANTE MOLLA CHIUSURA SPORTELLO BARRA GUIDA INFERIORE (L=327) GR. MAGNETICA CINGHIA MAGNETICO ORIZZ. MAGN. MOTORE TRASP. ORIZZ. + MICR TRANSPORT MOTOR UNIT MICR HEAD SHIELD 36 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q . ORIZZ. .GRUPPO MAGNETICO ORIZZONTALE HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC DEVICE PR2/S12 M 8 7 6 9 1 3 5 4 15 14 13 12 17 16 2 10 11 19 18 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 37 . . ELECTRONIC BOARDS 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 39 .PIASTRE ELETTRONICHE PR2/S10-S12-S12M-S13 .PIASTRE ELETTRONICHE ELECTRONIC BOARDS PR2/S10-S12-S12M-S13 PR2/S10-S12-S12M-S13 . DEVICE PR2 VER. 474396 S PR2 VER.ORIZZ. PR2 MAGN.PIASTRE ELETTRONICHE ELECTRONIC BOARDS REF. 3 474415 M EPROM "PE 56" GEN. CHARS. 4 5 6 1 2 3 40 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q . DEVICE BOARD MICR + MAG. 474417 P EPROM "PE 58" GEN.VERTIC. PIASTRINO MAGN. 474636 S PIASTRINO MICR + MAGN. BOARD VERTIC. 1 2 CODE 566998 S 474651 H 474537 P 150418 F DESCRIZIONE BAPR2STD . MAGN. CARATTERI DAECO 474552 W PR2 MAGN. MAGN. PIASTRINO MAGN. CARATTERI STAND. BOARD HORIZ. DAECO EPROM “PE 58” GEN.PIASTRA BASE SERIALE EPROM "PE 76" FIRMWARE STANDARD EPROM "PE 64" FIRMWARE DAECO FLASH EPROM PREINCISA PR2/S10-S12-S12M-S13 DESCRIPTION SERIAL BASE BOARD BAPR2STD STANDARD EPROM FIRMWARE “PE 76” DAECO EPROM FIRMWARE “PE 64” PRE-RECORDED FLASH EPROM STANDARD EPROM “PE 56” GEN. CHARS. PIASTRE ELETTRONICHE ELECTRONIC BOARDS PR2/S10-S12-S12M-S13 4 5 6 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 41 . 3 STAFFA ø 3.5 SCREWPLAST SCREW ø 2.9X13 M3 NUT WASHER ø 3.2X6 WASHER ø 2.9x9.9x13 DADO M3 RONDELLA ø 3.5X4 DAMPER CLAMP HEXAGONAL WHEEL BOX M3X5 TOOTHED WASHER ø 3.5 VITE DI MASSA IN OTTONE M4 VITE TESTA CILINDRICA M2x8 VITE TESTA CILINDRICA M3x8 VITE TESTA CILINDRICA M46 VITE TESTA CILINDRICA M2.2x6 RONDELLA ø 2. PONTE COM.9X6.2x9.5 SCREWPLAST SCREW ø 2.5 VITE AUTOFORMANTE ø 2. M4X6 STAFFA ø7 PR2/S10-S12-S12M-S13 DESCRIPTION LINK FOR PRESSURE MECHANISM.5 THREAD-FOR.7X5 WASHER ø 2.5 BRASS EARTH SCREW CHEESEHEAD SCREW M2X8 CHEESEHEAD SCREW M3X8 CHEESEHEAD SCREW M46 CHEESEHEAD SCREW M2. DIAM.MINUTERIA DETAILS REF. HEADED SCREW M3X6 HEX. HEADED SCREW M4X6 ROD ø 7 42 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q .5x4 FASCETTA PER SMORZATORE COLONNINA ESAGONALE M3X5 RONDELLA DENT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CODE 750971 923032 920617 924710 924712 927005 927006 927013 938220 940098 940096 940095 945230 945320 945500 926319 664277 920007 921460 920057 921440 473328 723491 966321 945400 920843 920864 945700 J A S T R L M B E A Y X F H F Z Q T W U S C K T B V S P DESCRIZIONE DADO M4 BLOCC.9x6.2X9.7x5 RONDELLA ø 2. M3X6 VITE TESTA ESAG.5 VITE SCREWPLAST ø 2.2X7 ROD ø 4 HEX. M4 NUT THREE LOBED SCREW M3x6 CHEESEHEAD SCREW M4X16 THREAD-FOR.2 STAFFA ø 5 STUD FILETTATO M3x4x1.2X5 ROD ø 2.2X6.2x5 STAFFA ø 2.3 ROD ø 3.2x6. 4 VITE TESTA ESAG. SCREW ø 2. 3. PRESSORI VITE TRILOBATA M3x6 VITE TESTA CILINDRICA M4x16 VITE AUTOFORMANTE ø 2.5 VITE SCREWPLAST ø 2.2 ROD ø 5 STUD RIVET M3X4X1. SCREW ø 2.9X9.2X7 STAFFA DIAM. CON INT.5 VITE SCREWPLAST ø 2.5 SCREWPLAST SCREW ø 2. COMPLESSIVO OVERVIEW PR2 SC PR 2 SCANNER 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 43 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CODE 474468 A 474469 B 752610 J 473540 D 759410 R 474471 V 473506 Y 475354 G 474475 Z DESCRIZIONE GRUPPO SCOCCA GRUPPO COPERTURA SUPERIORE MAGNETE PER COPERTURA CERNIERA PERNO PER CERNIERA GRUPPO FRONTALE FONOASSORBENTE ANTERIORE CONSOLE RIPARO POSTERIORE DESCRIPTION BODY ASSEMBLY UPPER COVER ASSEMBLY COVER MAGNET HINGE HINGE FOR PIN FRONT SECTION ASSEMBLY FRONT DEADENING CONSOLE REAR PROTECTION PR2 SC 44 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q .CARROZZERIA CASING REF. CARROZZERIA CASING PR2 SC 4 3 2 5 1 6 9 8 7 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 45 . TRASFORMATORE 115 V.6A-220V-5x20 471839 T 475327 V 475430 Z GRUPPO PRESA RETE PIASTRINO ALIMENTATORE PIASTRA BASE SCANNER 14 15 16 46 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q . CONTENITORE GRUPPO RETE SCHERMO PER PIASTRA SCHERMO CONNETTORI CAVO PIASTRINO ALIMENTAZIONE STAFFA FISSAGGIO MECCANICA STUD FISSAGGIO TRASFORMATORE GOMMINO SOSPENSIONE TRASFORMATORE INTERRUTTORE RETE DESCRIPTION BASE UNIT SLIDING SWITCH SPRING SLIDING SWITCH 220-240 V TRANSFORMER 115 V TRANSFORMER PR2 SC 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 NETWORK UNIT COMPARTMENT BOARD SCREEN CONNECTOR SCREEN CABLE FOR POWER SUPPLY BOARD MECHANICAL FIXING ROD TRANSFORMER FASTENING STUD RUBBER SUPPORT FOR TRANSFORMER NETWORK SWITCH FUSE 2A-115V-5x20 FUSE 1. 1 2 3 4 CODE 475250 L 473034 R 473033 Q 473108 H 473109 A 473031 N 473030 Z 473032 P 474402 Z 759413 G 723349 K 723352 E 5183323 H DESCRIZIONE GRUPPO FONDELLO MOLLA CORSOIO INTERRUTTORE CORSOIO INTERRUTTORE TRASFORMATORE 220-240 V.GRUPPO FONDELLO E ALIMENTATORE BASE UNIT AND POWER SUPPLY REF.6A-220V-5x20 NETWORK SOCKET UNIT POWER SUPPLY BOARD SCANNER BOARD 5358331 H FUSIBILE 2A-115V-5x20 5373182 A FUSIBILE 1. GRUPPO FONDELLO E ALIMENTATORE BASE UNIT AND POWER SUPPLY PR2 SC 8 7 6 5 9 4 1 3 13 2 14 15 12 11 10 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 47 . ALBERI DI TRASC. SERVICE CAM 48 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CODE 473186 P 473013 L 473069 C 473018 Z 475108 B 475253 B 473037 L 475249 P 473075 S 473073 Y 473074 Z 473072 X DESCRIZIONE CONVOGLIATORE CARTA GOMMINO SMORZATORE STRUTTURA GRUPPO MOTORE SERVIZI BOCCOLA SINISTRA GR. (Npz = 3) PENNELLO SPORTELLO DEFLETTORE SCANNER PORTAMOLLA PRESSORI ALBERO SUPPORTO PRESSORI PONTE COMANDO PRESSORI CAMMA SERVIZI DESCRIPTION PR2 SC PAPER FEED DAMPING RUBBER FRAME MOTOR SERVICE UNIT LEFT GUIDE BUSH SCANNER CONTRAST ROLLER GROUP FEED SHAFT GROUP (Pcs = 3) BRUSH SCANNER DEFLECTOR FLAP PRESSURE SPRING HOLDER PRESSURE SUPPORT ARM LINK FOR PRESSURE MECH. RULLO CONTRASTO SCANNER GR.GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE LOWER SECTION REF. GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE LOWER SECTION PR2 SC 6 7 5 4 3 2 1 8 9 10 12 11 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 49 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 CODE 473024 P 473479 C 751171 D 473050 D 473052 T 473051 S 473174 S 473049 G 473040 B 473058 H 473056 X 473047 W 473048 F 473063 W 473064 X 473059 A 473054 V 473071 W 473057 Y 473020 X 473066 Z 473067 S DESCRIZIONE SCHERMO RULLINI PULEGGIA TENDICINGHIA CINGHIA TRASC. DESCRIPTION PR2 SC ROLLER SCREEN BELT TENSION PULLEY DOCUMENT FEED BELT (Z=210) FLAP EQUALIZING DRIVE UNIT FLAP UNIT SPRING FLAP CONTRO MECHANISML CONTROLS FOR ROLLER PRESSURE LEFT BALLAST PRINTER CROSSFLIGHT UNIT CENTRAL BALLAST (Pcs = 2) CENTRAL BALLAST PIN RIGHT BALLAST PIN RIGHT BALLAST BALLAST ANCHORAGE PLATE BAR WASHER SPRING DAMPER UNIT PAPER PRESSURE FLAP INTERMEDIATE GEAR FLAP OPENING LEVER LINE SPACING MOTOR UNIT FRONT PRINTING BAR DAMPENING (10 x 70) REAR PRINTING BAR DAMPENING (6 x 70) 50 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q . (Z=210) BILANCERE COMANDO BANDELLA MOLLA GRUPPO BANDELLA MANOVELLA COMANDO BANDELLA GR.GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE LOWER SECTION REF. TRAVERSA DI STAMPA ZAVORRA CENTRALE (Npz = 2) PERNO PER ZAVORRA CENTRALE PERNO PER ZAVORRA DESTRA ZAVORRA DESTRA PIASTRINO FISSAGGIO BALESTRA RONDELLA PER BARRA GR. SILENZIATORE TRAVERSA STAMPA ANT. DOCUM. COMANDO RULLINI PRESSORI ZAVORRA SINISTRA GR. BALESTRA AMMORTIZZ. GR. BANDELLA PREMICARTA INGRANAGGIO DI RINVIO LEVA APERTURA BANDELLA GRUPPO MOTORE INTERLINEA SILENZIATORE TRAVERSA STAMPA POST. GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE LOWER SECTION PR2 SC 7 6 5 4 11 21 9 13 10 18 19 8 16 17 14 22 3 12 2 1 15 20 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 51 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CODE 473085 M 473077 U 473197 J 474954 Z 473175 T 473091 K 474953 Y 473192 M 473191 L 473087 P 474943 W 473265 D 473083 K DESCRIZIONE SUPPORTO CARTA FOTO ANTERIORE PETTINE MOLLA PRESSORI CENTRALE SUPPORTO PETTINE GIUNTO MOLLA RULLINI ALLINEAMENTO BOCCOLA CENTRALE FIBRA OTTICA L=80 FIBRA OTTICA L=100 BOCCOLA LATERALE GRUPPO RULLINI ALLINEAMENTO MOLLA PETTINE (Npz = 2) MOLLA PRESSORE LATERALE (Npz = 2) DESCRIPTION PR2 SC FRONT PHOTO SUPPORT COMB CENTRAL PRESSURE SPRING SUPPORT FOR COMB JOINT ALIGNMENT ROLLER SPRING CENTRAL GUIDE BUSH OPTICAL FIBER L=80 OPTICAL FIBER L=100 SIDE GUIDE BUSH ALIGNMENT ROLLERS UNIT COMB SPRING (Pcs = 2) SIDE PRESSURE SPRING (Pcs = 2) 52 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q .GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE LOWER SECTION REF. GRUPPO STRUTTURA INFERIORE LOWER SECTION PR2 SC 9 8 7 6 5 11 13 12 10 3 4 13 2 1 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 53 . GRUPPO PRESSORI POSTERIORI REAR PRESSURE UNIT REF. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CODE 475103 W 473175 T 473393 W 473394 X 475116 J 475105 Y 475122 Q 473173 Z 473166 S 473172 Y 473171 X 475114 Q DESCRIZIONE SUPPORTO PRESSORI GIUNTO MANOVELLA MOLLA A SPILLO GRUPPO RULLINI ANTERIORI MYLAR CONTRASTO ALBERO RULLINI ANTERIORI MOLLA TORSIONE PULEGGIA CINGHIA DENTATA Z=88 BOCCOLA SINISTRA GRUPPO RULLINI PRESSORI POSTERIORI DESCRIPTION PR2 SC PRESSURE UNITS SUPPORT JOINT HANDLE PIN SPRING FRONT ROLLERS UNIT MYLAR FRONT ROLLERS SHAFT CONTRAST TORSION SPRING PULLEY COGGED BELT Z=88 LEFT GUIDE BUSH REAR PRESSURE ROLLERS UNIT 54 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q . GRUPPO PRESSORI POSTERIORI REAR PRESSURE UNIT PR2 SC 1 2 3 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 55 . GRUPPO SCANNER SCANNER UNIT REF. 1 2 CODE 475142 U 475127 M DESCRIZIONE GRUPPO SCANNER GRUPPO MOVIMENTO SCANNER DESCRIPTION SCANNER UNIT SCANNER MOVEMENT UNIT PR2 SC 1 2 56 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q . 1 2 3 4 CODE 475121 P 475128 W 475145 X 475251 H DESCRIZIONE GRUPPO CIRCUITO STAMPATO SCANNER MOTORE SCANNER CAMMA MOVIMENTO SCANNER PIGNONE SCANNER DESCRIPTION PR2 SC SCANNER PRINTED CIRCUIT UNIT SCANNER MOTOR SCANNER MOVEMENT CAM SCANNER PINION 4 3 1 2 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 57 .GRUPPO MECCANICO SCANNER SCANNER MECHANICAL UNIT REF. NASTRO INGRANAGGIO TRASCINAMENTO NASTRO GR. MOTORE TRASPORTO STUD PER FISSAGGIO MOTORE GR. TASTATURA STAFFA DX GUIDA FLAT GR. MOTOR ANCHOR. TESTINA DI STAMPA DESCRIPTION PR2 SC CARRIAGE SUPPORT SHAFT CARRIAGE LUBRICATING PAD HEAD SUPPORT CARRIAGE OPENING LEVER FOR UPPER SEC. PLATE BELT TENSION SPRING PRINT HEAD FLAT CABLE FLAT CABLE ANCHORAGE ROD EXCHANGER RIBBON DRIVE GEAR RIBBON FEED WHEEL RIBBON FEED TOOTHED WHEEL PRINT HEAD UNIT 58 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q .GRUPPO STAMPA PRINTING UNIT REF. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 CODE 473127 K 473150 E 473130 S 473129 V 751272 J 473149 H 473123 P 473135 K 473137 M 473140 C 473156 Y 473141 Z 471244 E 475287 W 473139 X 473180 V 473182 K 473151 T 710769 X 473155 X 474400 B 473138 W 473498 Y 473131 P 753720 R 473159 B 150376 L DESCRIZIONE ALBERO SUPPORTO CARRELLO FELTRO LUBRIFICAZIONE CARRELLO CARRELLO SUPPORTO TESTINA LEVA APERTURA STRUTTURA SUP. MOTORE TRASP. UNIT RIGHT FLAT CABLE GUIDE ROD PRESSURE ROLLER DRIVE UNIT BUSH UNIT LEAF SPRING LOCKING LEVER SPRING TRANSP. BALESTRINA PER GR. PIASTRINO FISS. FOTOSENS. MOLLA TENDICINGHIA FLAT TESTINA STAFFA BLOCCAGGIO FLAT SCAMBIATORE INGRANAGGIO COMANDO NASTRO RUOTA TRASCIN. BOCCOLA MOLLA PER LEVA DI BLOCC. SNUB PULLEY BELT TENSION SUPPORT CARRIAGE MOVEMENT BELT PRINT HEAD FLAT CABLE SCREEN SUPPORT FOR FLAT CABLE CARRIAGE TRANSPORT MOTOR EARTH ROD TRANSPORT MOTOR DAMPER MOTOR ANCHORAGE STUD SENSOR HEAD PHOTOELEC. TERRA AMMORT. PULEGGIA DI RINVIO SUPPORTO TENDICINGHIA CINGHIA TRASPORTO CARRELLO SCHERMO FLAT TESTINA SUPPORTO FLAT MOTORE TRASPORTO CARRELLO STAFFA COLLEG. COMANDO RULLINI PRESS. .GRUPPO STAMPA PRINTING UNIT PR2 SC 8 9 10 11 12 13 7 6 2 1 27 5 4 20 19 18 3 14 25 26 24 21 22 23 25 16 17 15 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 59. . PR 2 INDICE GENERALE DEI CODICI GENERAL CODES INDEX 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 61 . INDICE GENERALE DEI CODICI GENERAL CODES INDEX CODICE CODE PAGINA PAGE CODICE CODE PAGINA PAGE CODICE CODE PR 2 PAGINA PAGE 150370S 150376L 150376L 150418F 471244E 471244E 471501Z 471501Z 471514M 471514M 471530Z 471839T 471839T 473013L 473013L 473018Z 473018Z 473020X 473020X 473024P 473024P 473028T 473030Z 473030Z 473031N 473031N 473032P 473032P 473033Q 473033Q 473034R 473034R 473037L 473037L 473040B 473040B 473047W 473047W 473048F 473048F 473049G 473049G 473050D 473050D 473051S 473051S 473052T 473052T 473053U 473054V 473054V 473056X 473056X 473057Y 473057Y 473058H 473058H 473059A 32 16 58 40 16 58 22 36 22 36 22 6 46 8 48 8 48 10 50 10 50 8 6 46 6 46 6 46 6 46 6 46 8 48 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 473059A 473063W 473063W 473064X 473064X 473065Y 473066Z 473066Z 473067S 473067S 473069C 473069C 473071W 473071W 473072X 473072X 473073Y 473073Y 473074Z 473074Z 473075S 473075S 473077U 473077U 473083K 473083K 473083K 473085M 473085M 473087P 473087P 473088Y 473091K 473091K 473108H 473108H 473108H 473109A 473109A 473109A 473123P 473123P 473127K 473127K 473129V 473129V 473130S 473130S 473131P 473131P 473135K 473135K 473137M 473137M 473138W 473138W 473139X 473139X 50 10 50 10 50 10 10 50 10 50 8 48 10 50 8 48 8 48 8 48 8 48 12 52 12 28 52 12 52 12 52 12 12 52 6 26 46 6 26 46 16 58 16 58 16 58 16 58 16 58 16 58 16 58 16 58 16 58 473140C 473140C 473141Z 473141Z 473149H 473149H 473150E 473150E 473151T 473151T 473155X 473155X 473156Y 473156Y 473159B 473159B 473160G 473166S 473166S 473167T 473171X 473171X 473172Y 473172Y 473173Z 473173Z 473174S 473174S 473175T 473175T 473175T 473175T 473180V 473180V 473182K 473182K 473186P 473186P 473191L 473191L 473192M 473192M 473197J 473240Q 473244G 473248L 473253H 473265D 473265D 473285S 473285S 473295U 473296V 473298F 473301A 473301A 473302B 473302B 16 58 16 58 16 58 16 58 16 58 16 58 16 58 16 58 14 14 54 14 14 54 14 54 14 54 10 50 12 14 52 54 16 58 16 58 8 48 12 52 12 52 52 12 14 14 8 12 52 22 36 30 30 30 22 36 22 36 62 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q . INDICE GENERALE DEI CODICI GENERAL CODES INDEX CODICE CODE PAGINA PAGE CODICE CODE PAGINA PAGE CODICE CODE PR 2 PAGINA PAGE 473303C 473303C 473308R 473308R 473309J 473309J 473311T 473311T 473312U 473312U 473313V 473313V 473314W 473314W 473315X 473315X 473317Z 473317Z 473320G 473320G 473328C 473330A 473330A 473332Y 473344C 473346E 473348Q 473351B 473353D 473354E 473355F 473356G 473364G 473366A 473370J 473372G 473376C 473378N 473382T 473383U 473385W 473386X 473390F 473393W 473393W 473394X 473394X 473395Y 473396Z 473472V 473479C 473479C 473480S 473483R 473485K 473485K 473486L 22 36 22 36 22 36 22 36 22 36 22 36 20 34 20 34 20 34 20 34 42 22 36 12 32 28 30 32 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 28 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 54 30 54 28 28 4 10 50 36 36 22 36 22 473486L 473487M 473493K 473494L 473498Y 473498Y 473499Z 473499Z 473501T 473503V 473506Y 473506Y 473540D 473540D 474396S 474400B 474400B 474402Z 474402Z 474415M 474417P 474463V 474468A 474468A 474469B 474469B 474471V 474471V 474472W 474475Z 474475Z 474537P 474552W 474636S 474651H 474943W 474951W 474951W 474952X 474952X 474953Y 474954Z 474954Z 475103W 475105Y 475108B 475114Q 475116J 475121P 475122Q 475127M 475128W 475142U 475145X 475249P 475250L 475251H 475253B 36 36 26 26 16 58 20 34 4 4 4 44 4 44 40 16 58 6 46 40 40 4 4 44 4 44 4 44 6 4 44 40 40 40 40 52 20 34 22 36 52 12 52 54 54 48 54 54 57 54 56 57 56 57 48 46 57 48 475287W 475287W 475327V 475327V 475354G 475354G 475430Z 475764B 475765C 566998S 664277Q 710682H 710682H 710769X 710769X 723349K 723349K 723352E 723352E 723491K 750971J 751171D 751171D 751272J 751272J 752610J 752610J 753720R 753720R 759410R 759410R 759413G 759413G 920007T 920057U 920617S 920843V 920864S 921440S 921460W 923032A 924710T 924712R 926319Z 927005L 927006M 927013B 938220E 940095X 940096Y 940098A 945230F 945320H 945400B 945500F 945700P 966321T 5183323H 16 58 6 46 4 44 46 6 6 40 42 22 36 16 58 6 46 6 46 42 42 10 50 16 58 4 44 16 58 4 44 6 46 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 6 687760Q Spare parts catalogue 63 . INDICE GENERALE DEI CODICI GENERAL CODES INDEX CODICE CODE PAGINA PAGE CODICE CODE PAGINA PAGE CODICE CODE PR 2 PAGINA PAGE 5183323H 5358331H 5358331H 5373182A 5373182A 46 6 46 6 46 s 64 Spare parts catalogue 687760Q . 3rd EDITION 47 2720972F-02 11/1999 4a EDIZIONE .STATO DI AGGIORNAMENTO STA AGGIORNAMENT GGIORNAMENTO UPDA STA UPDATING STATUS DATA DATE PAGINE AGGIORNATE UPDATED PAGES PAGINE PAGES CODICE CODE 01/1996 1a EDIZIONE .1st EDITION 37 2720970S-00 08/1996 2a EDIZIONE .4rd EDITION 67 687760Q-00 .2nd EDITION 42 2720971T-01 05/1997 3a EDIZIONE .
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