April 5, 2018 | Author: akv9005 | Category: Personal Protective Equipment, Chemistry, Energy And Resource, Nature



OISD-STD-105 Revision - I September 2004 FOR RESTRICTED CIRCULATIONWORK PERMIT SYSTEM OISD – STANDARD - 105 Revision - I, September 2004 Oil Industry Safety Directorate Government of India Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas OISD-STD-105 Revision – I September 2004 FOR RESTRICTED CIRCULATION WORK PERMIT SYSTEM Prepared by Committee on Work Permit System OIL INDUSTRY SAFETY DIRECTORATE 7TH FLOOR, NEW DELHI HOUSE 27, BARAKHAMBA ROAD NEW DELHI – 110 001 These documents are intended to supplement ra ther than replace the prevailing statutory requirements. Though every effort has been made to assure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in these docum ents. OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss o r damage resulting from their use. (ii) .NOTE OISD Publications are prepared for the use in the Oil and Gas Industry unde r the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. These are the property of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas and shall not be reproduced or copied or loaned or exhi bited to others without written consent from OISD. As such variety of practices have b een in vogue because of collaboration / association with different foreign compa nies and governments. coupled with feed back from some serious accidents that occurred in the recent past in India and abroad. Barakhamba Road New Delhi-110 001 (iii) . The first document on "Work Permit System" was published by OISD in February 1988 and was amended in July 1998. New Delhi House 27. staffed from with in the industry. This. emphasised the need for the industry to review the existing state-o f-art in designing. if implemented objectively. Attempts have been made to incorporate the latest technological changes. formulating and implementing a series of self regulatory m easures aimed at removing obsolescence. The present document on “Work Permit System” is the first revision of this OISD Standar d. OISD constituted number of f unctional committees comprising experts nominated from the industry to draw up s tandards and guidelines on various subjects. operating and maintaining oil and gas installations. standardising and upgrading the existing standards to ensure safer operations. Standardization in design philosophies and operating & mai ntenance practices at national level was hardly in existence.FOREWORD Oil Industry in India is over 100 years old. the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas in 1986 constituted a Safe ty Council assisted by the Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD). will go a long way in impr oving the safety in oil and gas industry. It is hoped that the pr ovision of this document. This document will be reviewed periodi cally for improvements based on the experience and better understanding. With th is in view. expe rience gained after the implementation of standards and relevant updation in the various national and international codes and practices. Accordingly. Suggest ions from industry members may be addressed to: The Coordinator Committee on “ Work Permit System” Oil Industry Safety Directorate 7 th Floor. Moorthy Shri A.Sharma Indian Oil Corporation Limited.K.Puthli Shri N.Gogoi Shri M.N.V. (Refinery) MEMBER CO-ORDINATOR Shri S.Sreekumar CO-OPTED MEMBERS Shri A.C.N.V.V.Trehan Oil Industry Safety Directorate Oil I ndia Limited Madras Refineries Limited Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited H industan Petroleum Corporation Limited Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited O il & Natural Gas Corporation Limited Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited Oil I ndia Limited Cochin Refineries Limited Amended Edition – July 1998 LEADER Shri T.Nand akumar Shri K.Lal Shri V.Varad arajan MEMBER CO-ORDINATOR Shri B.Save Shri G.K. (Refinery) Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limi ted Bongaigaon Refinery & Petrochemicals Limited Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited.Ram esh Shri M.Seshadri Shri K.Anjaneyulu MEMBERS Shri R.N. (R&P Division) Madras Refineries Limited Cochin Refineries Limited Bha rat Petroleum Corporation Limited.Mathur Oil Industry Safety Directorate (iv) .A.Raghunathan Shri S.Varghese Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited MEMBERS Shri V.Sinha Shri A.COMMITTEES ON “WORK PERMIT SYSTEM” First Edition – February 1988 LEADER Shri T.S.Sharma Shri T.K.K.S.Raghavan Shri E. (v) . Guwahati Refinery. Mumbai. limited.P.Tilwankar Shri M K Manocha Shri A H Kara nde Indian Oil Corporation Limited.Abdul Raheem Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited.First Revision . D uliajan Shri R. Mumbai. V. Nagpur Oil India Limited.2004 LEADER Shri S. Chennai Shri S M Sing h Shri A.. MEMBER-CO-ORDINATOR S K Aggarwal Oil Industry Safety Directorate. Guwahati. Visakh Refinery. Limited. Kochi Deptt of Explosives. Bharat Petroleum Corp. Kurup Shri K. Kochi Refineries Limited. MEMBERS GAIL (India) Limited.Lokhande Shri C. several other experts from the industry contributed in the preparation. Mumbai Oil and Natural Ga s Corp. review and finalization of this document. Mumbai Refinery.Singh Shri Suhas Kate Shri A.T. Indian Oil Corp. Noida. Visakh Bharat Petroleum Corporation limited. Hindustan Petroleum Corp.Bose. Pipelines Division. New Delhi In addition to the above. Shri V. Limited. Pata.K. Garg. 0 CONTENTS Introduction PAGE No.0 Type of Work Permits 5.0 Scope 3. 2. (vi) .0 Definitions 4.0 References Specimen Formats of Work Permit Annexure-1 Cold Work Permit Annexure-II Hot Work / Confined Space Entry Permit Annexure-III Electrical Isola tion / Energisation Permit.0 Procedure for Work Permit System 6.0 Explanatory Notes to Work Permit Forms 7.INDEX SECTION 1. where the pot ential for flammable vapors. and (d) company philosophy.OISD-STD-105 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WORK PERMIT SYSTEM 1. e) f) Issuer: Designated per son authorized to issue work permit. marketi ng installations. Apron. i) j) k) b) c) l) d) m) Should: Indicates provisions that are recommended but not mandatory. SCBA .0 INTRODUCTION Working in hydrocarbon processing / handling installation prese nts special risk and in order to provide safe working conditions and to carry ou t the work safely. 2. explosive. as appropriate: (a) risk / benefit analysis. Safety shoes. Receiver: Designated person authorized to receive work permit. a work permit system shall be followed. combined with a hose and source of fresh air generally in the form of a cylinder of compressed air. tation of these provisions shall be based upon the consideration of the gs. Hot Work: An activity that can produce a spark or flame or ot her source of ignition having sufficient energy to cause ignition. This is also referred as Lower Explo sive Limit (LEL) May: Indicates optional provisions that are g) h) PPE . Exposure limits are usually expressed as parts per millions or milligram s per cubic meter. Lube Blending plants etc. and is usually not well ventilated . respi rator). refineries. The basic purpose of the work permit system is to ensure that work is carried out in the safest possi ble manner to prevent injuries to personnel. n) Upper Flammability Limit Implemen followin (c) comp (UFL): I . oil port terminals. avoid fire etc. In hydrocarb on industry iron sulfide is the most commonly observed pyrophoric substance and is called as pyrophoric iron. is not normally occupied by people. It is an apparatus consi sting of a suitable mask. pipelines & pipeline installations. Some of PPEs are Safety gog gles. any experience. (b) company standards. gases. This is usually expresse d as volume percentage of the vapor in air.Personal Protective Equipment: Devices or clothing used to insulate an ind ividual from the chemical. 3.Self Contained Breathing Apparatus. drilling and workover rigs. Pyrophoric substance: S ubstances that ignites spontaneously in air at ambient temperature. or dust exists. Confined space: It i s an enclosure with known or potential hazards and restricted means of entrance and exit. Lower Flammable Limit (LFL): Is the minimum concentration of a vapor in air (or other oxidant) below which propagation of f lame does not occur on contact with an ignition source. thermal.0 DEFINITIONS a) Cold Work: An activity which does not produce sufficient heat to ignite a fl ammable air . Chemicalresistant gloves etc. Shall: indicates provisions that a re mandatory.hydrocarbon mixture or a flammable substance. LPG bottling plants. electric shock or other hazards p resented by the environment in which one is working. crude oil and product installati ons. Exposure Limit: Measure of the maximum airborne concentration limit for toxic substances to which person may be exposed without protection (for example.0 SCOPE This standard shall be applicable to all hydrocarbon proces sing / handling installations such as onshore / offshore oil and gas processing plants & platforms. protect property from damage. s the maximum concentration of a vapor in "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or dam age resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. " . chipping. This work permit shall be in minimum three copies.2 Hot Work Permit: All hot work such as welding. duplicate to the Fire & Safety Section and triplicate retained in the book. " . hot bolting. 4. "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or dam age resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. gas cutting. pipelines etc. falling objects. the foll owing minimum type of work permits shall be used.2 meter deep. Original shall be issued to the receiver. This is usually expressed as a volume percentage of vapors in air. The number of copies shall b e four where Fire and Safety sections are separate. toxic and flammable materials. Copy of permission for excavation shall be attached to the work permit. Excavation more than 1. entry on float ing roof tanks when the roof are more than 3 meter down from the top. tightening of flanges. power driven equipment etc. shall be performed through Cold Work Permit. excavation.1 Cold Work Permit: Work falling under the category of c old work such as opening process machinery. • • • • • Electrical permit isolation an d Energisation Cold Work Permit Hot Work Permit Confined Space Entry Composite Permit OR Composite permit for Hot work and Entry to confined space is described at item 4 . The original should be in yellow colour and the copy should have the word "COPY" printed in large yell ow letters. This Permit shall be in minimum two copies. En try and operation of petrol or diesel driven vehicles or equipment in hazardous area also falls in the category of hot work. A feed back system shall be in place to inform all the concerned de partment /section about the completion of work. soldering.0 TYPES OF WORK PERMITS: Based on the nature of work to be performed. The original should be in colour 4. and shall be performed under the ho t work permit. drain channels etc. telephone lines. boilers. For excavation work regardle ss of the depth. Original shall be issued to the receiver. painting etc. space loca ted below ground level such as pits. it shall comply with all the requirements o f individual permits. burnin g. blinding & deblinding. However. shall be carried out through Hot Work Permit. also fall under the con fined space The permit shall be in minimum three copies. Specimen format for the cold work permit is enclosed as Annexure-I. ca bles. open fire. The original s hould be in pink colour and copies should have the word "COPY" printed in large pink letters. inspection.3. use of certain non -explosion proof equipment etc. This is also referred as Higher Explosive Limit (HEL) 4. grinding.OISD-STD-105 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------air (or other oxidant) above which propagation of flame does not occur on contac t with and ignition source. sewers. retaining the duplicate in the book. storage tanks. 4. shot blasting.3 Confined Space Entry permit: This permit is required for the protection of personnel entering a confined spa ce such as Vessels. Integrated permit for cold / hot / entry to confined space / electrical isol ation work etc may be used. large diameter piping etc against ha zards such as oxygen deficiency. permission from various sections shall be obtained with precaut ions to be taken for the underground facilities viz. entry to confined space and co ld / hot work inside the confined space. Based on the work to be performed.0 PROCEDURE FOR WORK PERMIT SYSTE M Following procedure shall be adopted for implementation of Work Permit System: (a) The Work Permit System shall always operate on "Owner . format for the Electrical isolation / energisation is enclosed at Annexure-III.Chief Chemist. A syst em of colour coding is recommended to identify the various types of permits. The original sho uld be in color different than the other permits and copies should have the word "COPY" printed in large letters.Dep ot In-charge. (Example: Process Unit Shift In-charge. All permits shall be serially numbered. " .OISD-STD-105 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------different than the cold and hot work permit and other copies should have the wor d "COPY" printed in large letters. The concerned management shall issue the appropriate authority levels for various installations and type of permits based on this concept. Section-A shall b e used for electrical isolation and Section-B for energisation. Original copy shall be issued to the receiver .In-charge" concept. Composite Permit may be used for the various jobs such as hot work outside the confined space. Sketches shou ld be attached wherever possible to avoid miscommunication. Permit for electrical isolation and energisation shal l be in triplicate and in two sections with tear off facility. For details refer OISD-STD-137 and IS: 5216. Pipelines Installation. Installation .4 Electrical isolation and energisation permit: Before issuing any work permit . Electrical secti on authorized person on isolation / energisation of the equipment / circuit shal l return the original to the issuer keeping copy for record. General instructions applicable to the type of the permit should be printed on the overleaf. Checklist points of the composite permit may be sectionalized under various heads as given in th e specimen copy. 5. (d) The work permit shall be f illed up carefully and accurately in clear writing ensuring that detailed and co mplete information is provided in all the sections / sub sections. Specimen "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or dam age resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. Confined Space Entry Permit shall be supplemented with hot or cold work permit as per the type / nature of work. it is essential that the equipment / facility to be worked on is electrically safe and electrical power is isolated to the extent necessary for the safe condu ct of the authorized work. Additions and altera tions on the original shall also be endorsed on all the copies. The checklist of composite permit must address all the applicable aspects. (b) A duly authorized written permit shall be obtained for performing a work in hydr ocarbon processing / handling installation by the designated person other than t he operating personnel of that area for executing the work.Shift In-charge etc). the duplicate to the Fire & Safety Section and triplicate retained in the book . Depot . 4.Installation Manager. The permit form shall have sufficient space (not less than two lines) against description of wor k to give clear and complete description of the work. Original along with a copy shall be issued to the electrical section for electrical isolation / energisation. (c) Permits should b e in printed form preferably in the form of books with tear off facility. relevant section checklist a long with the general section shall be duly ticked. A specimen of the composite permit for "Hot work" and "Entry to Confined space" is enclosed as Annexure-II. Laboratory . vapor or dust (n) Gas test for hydrocarbon. dyke cutting etc for safe execution of the work. In either case. fume. equi pment box up. if he considers that th e conditions are not safe for the work. (l) For construction activities to be undertaken in non-operating areas . vapor or dust.OISD-STD-105 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(e) Supplementary formats / checklist should be used for working at height. he may suspend the work and inform the W ork Permit Issuing Authority to restore the safe conditions so that work can be restarted. (j) Issuer should make periodic check of the work sites and see that the work is being carried out in safe manner and as per conditions laid down in the work permit. vapors or dust and unless. which may be present so that to bring its level within the permissible limits and to prevent any ingres s of such gas. In small installat ions where no such independent supervisor exists. In instances like plant turn around. supplem entary permits as required by the local statutory bodies are also to be issued. the owner-in-charge may issue the permit to the contractor's authorized supervisor directly and obtain his sig nature. road cutting. Entry permit in writing has bee n issued based on the test carried out that the space is reasonably free from da ngerous gas. toxic gases etc shall be "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or dam age resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. (h) Plot plans of the installation and the operating blocks should be di splayed in the Fire Station and concerned Unit Control Rooms respectively. (g) The work may be planned to be done either departmentally or through a co ntractor. may also be included in the work permit format as applicable to meet the statutory requirements. Additional checklist items / monitoring parameters / In structions etc. depending upon the criticality of the area and the job. oxygen deficiency . Supplementary checklist as per the checkpoints of OISD-STD-192 shall be use d for working at height. (f) No hot / cold job shall be undertaken without a work permit except in the ar eas pre-determined and designated by the owner-in-charge. (m) No person shall be required or allowed to enter any confined space. For critical and for long duration works the authorizing level should be elevat ed. The s ite of hot jobs should be indicated on these plot plans with red pins. until all practicable measures have been taken to remove any gas. (i) The Safety Officer / Fire Officer / Officer authorized should make periodic check of the work sites and see that the work is being carried out as per condit ions laid down in the work permit. All work permits shall be issued by the authorized person of the area where work is to be carried out. This help s the incoming supervisor /s (both in Fire station and operating departments) to get a quick idea of the hot jobs being undertaken and help in identifying the a reas which require inspection / attention. At any point of time. segregated from the rest of the operating facilities and properly barricaded. the same permit may be revalidated / extended shift wise for a period not exceeding seven calendar days in the succeeding shifts by authorized person afte r satisfying the permit conditions. In addition to the regular work permit. (k ) Permit shall be issued only for a single shift. " . Work shall be suspended in case the conditions are not safe. the work permit should be received and signed by the m aintenance / project /construction supervisor of the company. work pe rmit of extended duration may be used with the approval of designated senior man agement. "Wo rk at height shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of OISD-STD192. Work Permit of validity not exceeding one month with periodic checks may be issu ed with the approval of the designated senior management. Where the work has to be conti nued. fume. fumes. ensure that all the cables as per the practices. The oxygen leve l should be at least 19. the permit shall be closed . Fur ther all the person authorized to issue / receive or involved with the work perm it shall be given a minimum of one day training once in two year on the work per mit system and records maintained. Flash back arrestor should be provided for cutting torch . it may be desirable to blockoff/divert public traffic for the d uration of the job as a precautionary measure. Radiograph y should be carried out when occupancy is least. (q) While performing weldi ng / cutting jobs in confined spaces. nitrogen. Vessel entry. and the concentration of toxic gases below the threshold limits. C old work permit may be used if it is done with radio-active isotopes. the permit system shall address both the hazards of entry and of doing work inside the confined space.) before closing the permit. No hot work should be permitted unless the Explosive meter reading i s zero. ensure that cylinders (oxygen. Entry with an airsupplied mask may be permitted with LEL of upto 20%. a system of monitor ing either by automatic or by manual periodic verification shall be resorted to depending upon the prevalent conditions of the operating area. (w) Copies of completed / used permits shall be properly f iled and kept as records for future reference for at least Three months from the date of completion of work or the successful commissioning of the facility for which the work permit was issued which ever is later. (r) For work in close proximity of a public road. Where gas-free co nditions are not fully ensured for the duration of hot work. Adequate warning signs on the outskirt of cordoned area shall be provided. (t) Radiography with X-ray machine shall be carried out under hot work permit. Similarly issuer shall satisfy him self regarding completion of the job and that the area has been cleaned before c losing the permit. acetylene. (o) A careful analysis should be made of the potential hazards and the operations to be performed to determine the appropriate safeguards and required personal protective equipment prior to starting work. may be permitted u nder extra precautionary measures based on the careful analysis of the potential hazards if combustible gases are up-to 5% of lower explosive limit (LEL). area shall be cordoned off. " . Receiver shall satisfy himself about the completion of the job (thoroughly che ck the area for clearing of debris. (v) After completion or stoppage of the job. (u) Work should be stopped if any unsafe condition arises during the cour se work. The permit will be treated "Closed" only after signing by Iss uer and the Receiver. argon etc) are kept outside separately and hoses for the gases are in good working condition. for example in the case of a trunk pipeline. removal of temporary electrical installation s & machines etc.OISD-STD-105 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------conducted as applicable as a pre-requisite to issue permit for hot work / vessel entry etc. (s) Welding machine should be loc ated in a non-hazardous and ventilated area and shall be properly earthed. it is essential to provi de "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or dam age resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. Since several maintenance/ construction jobs are often carried out with assistance from contractors. (p) When work req uires entry to confined space. Warning lights should be used for night radiog raphy. Befor e commencing the welding job.5 % vol. It immediately and earthing connections are standard welding codes / should be switched off on completion of the job. where no hot work is to be carried out. (x) Any person who is auth orized to issue or receive the work permit shall be imparted training for a peri od of not less than one day covering various aspects of work permits system. Based on the maximum allowable radiation. . 6. and Hot Surfaces covered: Flammable gases may be released from nearby sewers. hazardous chemicals etc. g) Equipment electrically isolated and tagged: Before issuing a permit. Sk etches should be attached wherever possible to avoid miscommunication. Manholes. The work procedure shall be approved by the owner and adopted for carry ing out the work safely under work permit system. Hot uninsulated sur faces (equipment / pipelines) may provide a source of ignition and therefore. i) Eq uipment blinded / disconnected / closed / isolated / wedge opened: Equipment for which the work permit is being issued. all personnel are out. storage.) in accordance with the site specific fac ilities. AVU / 12 C . no maintenan ce gear is left behind and debris removed.OISD-STD-105 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sufficient exposure to contractor and his employees as well on the work permit s ystem. switches are locked-out and cautionary tags duly signed with d ate and time are attached. Blinds should be installed as close to the equipment as possible. liquids. b) Descripti on of work: Precise description of the work to be performed shall be written. it should be ensured that the fire water system including firewater pumps. " . f) Hazard from other routine / nonroutine operations considered and persons alerted: Other activities (routine / non-routine) being carried out near-by. handli ng lifting equipment. it should be ensured that the work is complete. For example. Tank farm A. these should be disconnected and the open ends should be "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or dam age resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. Blinding is one of the most effective ways of isolati on. c) Equipm ent / Area inspected: Equipment or area where work is to be conducted. confined space entry.101. is checked and kept ready for immediate use. th ese are to be properly covered to prevent fires. should be isolated from the rest of the plant in order to ensure that there is no change in the work environment with re spect to presence of toxic / flammable gases. it shall be ensured that electrical isolati on has been done. rags. should be taken into consideration and the conc erned persons should be alerted accordingly. (y) Companies / locations shall develop work practices / procedures for t he safe execution of jobs (hot work. Tank 501 etc. which can create conditions unsafe for performance of the permit work. radiography etc. network etc. e ) Sewers. It should be cleanedup to remove flammable material such as oil. d) Surrounding area checked / cleaned : Unsafe conditions for performance of work may arise from surrounding area. grass etc. In case of equipment / vessel box-up permit. vehicle entry. In order to meet any contingency. h) Running water hose / Portable extinguisher provide d / Fire water system available: Running water hose and portable fire extinguish er are required to flush / dilute in case of release of any hazardous chemical o r to quench sparks and to put out small fires immediately. Closed Blow Down (CBD) etc. in the course of the work. should be inspected to ensure that it is safe to carry out the work and assess other safe ty requirements / stipulations. If lines c annot be blinded.0 EXPLANATORY NOTES TO WORK PERMIT FORMS Explanatory notes to fill up the work permit and its check-listed i tems are elaborated below to amplify the underlying concepts and highlight their significance: a) Exact Location (Area / Unit / Equipment no): Exact location of the area or the unit in which the work is to be carried out shall be written ag ainst it. k) Equipment properly steamed / purged: Purging of equipment (tanks. as the case may be. Nickel Carbonyl. q) Area cordoned off and cauti on boards provided: To prevent any unwarranted entry in the work area and also t o caution other personnel taking actions which may endanger people working on th e permit job. Steam / Inert Gas is used for gas freeing of vessels and pipes in re fineries and other locations. Measurement of lead in air is required for entering tanks (which stored leaded g asoline earlier) and personal protective equipment shall be worn before entering the tank. All high poi nt vents should be unplugged while purging. shields a re to be provided to contain the sparks generated. v essels.OISD-STD-105 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------made safe by installing pipe caps / plugs. These are also required for speedy dispersal of fumes generated by welding job. (ii) (iii) Oxygen Deficiency by Oxygen Meter Toxic gases like Hydrogen Sulphide. The shield material should be non-flammable and should be kept wet with water. Sometimes. and Chlorine etc.Men at m) Gas / Oxygen deficiency test done: Gas test includes measurement of: (i) Hydr ocarbons by Explosive meter "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or dam age resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. j) Equipment prope rly drained / depressurised: Equipment under pressure should be depressurised af ter isolation. n) Shield against sparks provided: Hot works like welding. laterals in pipe work etc. This should be followed by draining / purging / water flushing et c. by techniques like Indicator Tube meth od. pipelines etc. o) Proper ventilation and ligh ting provided: Where natural ventilation is not available. Equi pment metallurgy must be considered before using sea / saline water. p) Proper means of exit provided: Proper means of exit is required in case of emergencies developed on account of the work or otherwise. Lead Acetate Paper etc. precautionary tags / boards are to be provided to display like "No Entry" sign on roads or "Caution . small nozzles / bleeders on v essels. blind flanges etc. Carbon Mon oxide. grinding e tc generates sparks which can provide source of ignition to the surroundings. l) Equipment water flush ed: Water flushing is an effective means of cooling. There may be a possibility of overlooking of liquid collected in p ockets or inaccessible areas such as level gauges. Other means of purging is by displacement with wat er and final traces of gas removed by properly earthed air eductor. " . cleaning and even gas freei ng of equipment. fans / air eductors a re provided. It is also employed to remove traces of acids / chemicals. Availability of a n alternate route of escape should be considered. Only approved reduced voltage extension lights (not exceeding 24 vo lts) are to be allowed for work inside vessels from consideration of personal sa fety. It should be done in a systematic ma nner to cover the entire equipment / plant and continued till the concentration of toxic / flammable gas is lowered to allowable level. In order to protect operating area from the hazards of sparks generated. Equipment containing liquid hydrocarbons should be draine d completely.) is done to make them free of flammable hydrocarbon and t oxic gases. flushing with demineralised water would be necessary depending upon the metallur gy of the equipment. All low point drains should be in unplugged c ondition. from which department. work permit issuer shall decide the type of standby to be provided i.OISD-STD-105 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Work Inside" on the manhole of a vessel. r) Portable equipment / Hose nozzles properly grounded: As a precaution against static electricity generation. and Petrochemical Plants. API Standard 2015 . portable equipment / hose nozzles e. Gas Plants. clearance shall be obtained from al l the concerned sections. nozzle of a shot blasting gun. s) Standby person provided for entry to confined space: Whenever a person is entering in a confine d space. x) Checked for oil / gas trapped behind lining in equipment: Before undertakin g hot jobs. of which level. Guidelines and Procedures for entering and cleanin g petroleum storage tanks.. The P etroleum Rules 2002 API-2016. / telephone lines / cables / pipelines etc. Cutting. it should be ensured that dyke would be reconstructe d in the shortest possible time. Road cutting ca n hamper the movement of the fire vehicles. 30 mili-amp circuit breaker shall be installed on electrical circuits / cables feeding power supply to portable equipment. a check should be done for oil / gas trapped behind lining in the eq uipment.Radiography in progress" etc. Safe Welding. "Danger . Further. w) Checked spark arrestor on mobile equipment: No vehicle / engine without spark arrestor shall be permitted in operating areas . Use of hydrocarbon lines for earthing should be avoided. " . API Publication 2009.0 References: a) b) c) Work Permit systems in India and Abroad. how many and also additional fire figh ting support facilities etc. u) Iron Sulphide removed / kept wet: Pyrophoric sub stances may be present in operating area / equipment handling hydrocarbon. The designated person shall be in constant communication with the persons i nside the confined space. Markers should be put around the area where excavation is to be done and the depth to be indicated in the work permit. Loss a nd Prevention in Process Industry by Frank P Lees. any mishap in the tank farm can lead to a free flow of oi l to outside the bund.2001 "Req uirements for safe entry and cleaning of petroleum storage tanks. are to be grounded. minimum two designated persons shall be kept at the manhole or entry po int. A higher level authority should be designated for authori zing dyke cutting. These should be either removed to safe locations or kept wet all the time to prevent their a uto-ignition. initial clearance should be obtained from Fire Department and final approval from the higher designated authorities. Iron Sulphide scale is the most common pyrophoric substance encountered.g. and othe r Hot Work Practices in Refineries. When the dyke is cut. t) Standby personnel provided for fire watch from Proc ess / Maintenance / Contractor / Fire Department: Depending on the criticality o f the job. 7. d) e) v) Clearance obtained for excavation / Road cutting / dyke cutting etc: For a ny excavation work which may affect underground sewers f) "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or dam age resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. e. ______________ Work clearance from_ ________hrs of date_________ To ______ ___hrs of date ________(Valid for the shift unless renewed) Issued to (Department / Section / Contractor) ______ ___________________________ ___________________________ Exact Location of work (Area / Unit / Equipment no. no. 7 Equipmen t properly steamed / cleaned and covered purged 3 Equipment blinded/disconnected / 8 Proper ventilation and lighting closed / isolated / wedge opened provided A rea cordoned off & caution 4 Equipment properly drained and 9* boards / tags pro vided. depressurized 5 Equipment electrically isolated 10 Gas test: HCs / Toxic etc. ________________________________________________________________________________ ______ "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or dam age resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. 1. Reqd. --------------------------Toxic gas = ppm Remarks: The activity has the following expected residual hazards (Tick th e relevant items): Lack of Oxygen / H2S. Boiler suit): Face Shield / Apron / Goggles / Dust Respirator / Fresh Air Mask / Lifeline / Safety Belt / Airline / Earmuff etc. Hand gloves. Toxic Gases / Combustible gases / Pyrop horic Iron / Corrosive Chemicals / Steam – Condensate / Others _____________ Follo wing additional PPE to be used in addition to standards PPE (Helmet. 1 Equipment / Wo rk Area inspected 6 Equipment water flushed Surrounding area checked. Additional prec aution if any: _________________________________________________________________ ____________________ 2 Not Reqd. 2. Checklist items marked with asterisk ( * ) shall be co mplied by receiver) Sr item Done Not Sr Item Done no. Safety Shoe s. etc)___________________________________________________ Description of work ____ ____________________________________________________________________________ ___ ________________________________________________________________________________ _______ THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHALL BE CHECKED BEFORE ISSUING THE PERMIT (Tick mar k in the appropriate box.No. 3. and tagged vide HCs = % LEL Permit no. " .OISD-STD-105 9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Annexure-I (NAME OF COMPANY) (LOCATION) COLD WORK PERMIT Sl. Designation and Signature "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or dam age resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. Designation & Signature Receiver's Name. Date & Time Name & Designation Signature Date & Time Name & Designation Signature Clearance renewal Date From Time To Additional precautions if any. Otherwise mention “NIL” Issuer's Na me.OISD-STD-105 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Issuer Nam e & Designation Issuer Signature Receiver Name & Designation Receiver Signature Closing of the work permit: Receiver : Certified that the subject work has been Issuer: Verified that the job has been completed and area completed / stopped an d area cleared cleared and is safe from any hazard. " . This clearance on the same permit can be renewed / ex tended upto a maximum of seven calendar days. For renewal of work clearance.OISD-STD-105 11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------General Instructions: 1. 8. On completion of the work. 5. Appropriate safe guards and required personnel protective e quipment (PPEs) shall be determined by a careful analysis of the potential hazar ds and the operations to be performed prior to starting the work. the issuer shall ensure that the conditions are satisfactory for the work to continu e. Th e industry may add other relevant instruction based on their operating and maint enance practices. "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or dam age resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. 3. Requirement of standby personnel from Process / Maintenance / Contractor / Fire / Safety etc i f any shall be mentioned in the additional requirement. 7. In case of fire alarm / siren. The work permit shall be filled up carefully and accura tely in clear handwriting ensuring that complete information is provided in all the sections / subsections. it may be necessary to issue a new permit or amend the existing permit. " . If the conditions have changed. 2. 6. 4. Sketches should be provided wherever possible to avo id miscommunication. all work must immediately be stopped. the permit shall be closed. This permit must be available at w ork site at all times. cleaned and covered Se wers. Checklist items marked with asterisk (*) shall be complied by receiver) Sr no Item General points Equipment / Work Area inspected Surrounding area checked. Equipment blinded/disconnected / closed / isolated / wedge opened Equipment properly drained and depressurized Eq uipment properly steamed / purged Equipment water flushed Iron sulfide removed / kept wet Equipment electrically isolated and tagged vide permit no. Sr no. Checked for oil and Gas trapped behind the lining in Equipment Shield provid ed against spark Portable equipment / nozzles properly grounded Standby persons provided for entry to confined space Done Not Reqd A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12* 13* B 1 2 3 4 5* 6* 7* C 1* . manholes. CBD etc and hot surfaces nearby covered Considered hazard from o ther operations and concerned persons alerted. O2 = % Running water hose / Fire extinguisher provid ed. etc)___ ________________________________________________ Description of work ___________ _____________________________________________________________________ __________ ________________________________________________________________________________ THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHALL BE CHECKED BEFORE ISSUING THE PERMIT (Tick mark in th e appropriate box. Gas test : HCs = %LEL Toxic gas = ppm._____ ____ Work clearance from __________hrs of date__________To________hr s of date __________(Valid for the shift unless renewed) Issued to (Department / Section / Contractor) __________________________________ ____________________ Exact Location of work (Area / Unit / Equipment no.OISD-STD-105 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Annexure-I I (NAME OF COMPANY) (LOCATION) WORK PERMIT for HOT WORK / ENTRY TO CONFINED SPACE Sl. Area cordoned off and Precautionary tags / Boar ds provided. Fire water system available. Done Not Reqd. Item For Hot work / Entry to confined Space Proper ventilation and Lighting providing Proper means of exit / escape provided Standby personnel provided from Process / Maint / Contractor / Fire / Safety de pt.No. " . "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or dam age resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. D 1 For Excavation works Clearance obtained for excavation / road cutting / Dyke cutting from concerned d epart.For Vehicle Entry Spark Arrestor on the mobile equipment / vehicle provided. Hand gloves. " . 3.____________________ ________________________________________ _______________________________________ ____________________________________________ ___________________________________ __________________________________ 2. Toxic Gases / Combustible gases / Pyrophoric Iron / Corrosive Chemicals / Steam – Condensate / Others Following PPEs to be used in add ition to standards PPEs (Helmet.OISD-STD-105 13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REMARKS: 1 . Boiler suit): Face S hield / Apron / Goggles / Dust Respirator / Fresh Air Mask / Lifeline / Safety B elt / Airline / Earmuff etc. Toxic. Additional precautions if any:. Safety Shoes. The activity has the following expected residual hazards (Tick the relevant it ems): Lack of Oxygen / H2S. Issuer Name & Designation Issuer Signature Receiver Name and Designation Receiver Signature Clearance renewal Date From Time To Gas Test Values for HC's. Designation & Signature Receiver Nam e. Designation and Signature "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or dam age resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. Otherwise mention “NIL” Issuer's Name. O2 etc Additional precautions if any. 5. 11. 12. 2.OISD-STD-105 14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Closing of the work permit: Receiver: Certified that the subject work has been completed / stopped and area cleaned. the receiver must keep minimum two standby-designated persons at the manhole or entry point. The work permit shall be filled up carefully and accurately in clear handwrit ing ensuring that complete information is provided in all sections / subsections and none of column is left blank. 10. Appropriate safe guards and required personnel prote ctive equipment shall be determined by a careful analysis of the potential hazar ds and the operations to be performed prior to starting the work. This clearance on the same permit can be renewed / extended upto a maximum o f seven calendar days. "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or dam age resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices. No hot work should be permitted unless the explosive meter reading is Zer o. For r enewal of work clearance. Date & Time Name & Designation Signature Date & Time Name & Designation Signature General Instructions: 1. 13. 4. The industry may add other relevant instructions based on their operating a nd maintenance practices. the issuer shall ensure that the conditions are satisf actory for the work to continue. In case of fir e alarm / siren. 7. Sketches should be provided wherever possible to avoid miscommunication. 8. If the conditions have changed. it may be neces sary to issue a new permit or amend the existing permit. ensure that no men / materials are inside the vessel. When a person is entering confined space. the permit must be closed and kept as record. all work must immediately be stopped. 9. On completion of the work. 6. Issuer: Verified that the job has been completed and area cleaned and i s safe from any hazard. Welding machines should be located in non-hazardous and ventilated areas. 3. " . Before box up of any v essel manhole cover. This permit must be available at work site at all tim es. Only certified vehicle / engines and permitted type of electrical equipment and tools are allowed in oper ating areas. Request for Isolation: ___________________Time:___________________ Department / Section / Area issuing the permit _________________________________________________ Equipment number to be isolated: ________________________________________________ Name of the equip ment / circuit to be isolated: _______________________________________________ D ate: Sl.______________ Request for Energisation: Date: _____________________Time:__________________ Department / Section / Area issuing the permit__________________________________ _______________ Equipment number to be energized: ______________________________ ___________________ Name of the equipment / circuit to be energized:________________________________ ________________ "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or dam age resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices.No. Sl. ________________________ _____________________ Issuer Name ________________________ Designation Signature Date: Certificate of Isolation: ____________________Time:__________________ Cert ified that Equipment / Circuit no.No. Action s in respect of electrical isolation have been recorded in the electrical shift logbook. " .OISD-STD-105 15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Annexure-I II (NAME OF COMPANY) (LOCATION) Electrical Isolation / Energisation Permit Section-A: Isolation Permit. ___________________________ Name of Authorized Person _____________________ Designation _____________________ Signature Section-B: Energisation Permit.______________ The above-mentioned equipment / circuit shall be de-energized and isolated from all live conductors to carry out the maintenance work by _______________________ _____ section / for operational requirement. _____________________ of ____________________ _________plant has been electrically isolated by switches / isolators / links / fuses (tick as applicable) and the danger tag is put on the supply panel. _______________________ of ______________ _______plant has been electrically energized and the danger tag removed from the supply panel. _______________________ __ Issuer Name _______________________ Designation _____________________ Signatu re Certificate of Energisation: Date: ___________________Time:_____________________ Certified that Equipment / circuit no. This equipment / circuit may be energized. " .OISD-STD-105 16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Work on th e above mention equipment / circuit has been completed and all the applicable pe rmits closed. This is also recorded in the electrical shift logbook. ___________________________ ________________________ Name of Authorized Person D esignation _____________________ Signature "OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or dam age resulting from use of the OISD Standards/ Guidelines/ Recommended Practices.
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