OETC 2012 Capability Statement-Final.pdf



Issue: 2012As Approved by the Authority for Electricity Regulation Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012-2016) 2012 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 1 Preface This Transmission Capability Statement is provided by the Oman Electricity Transmission Company according to Transmission and Dispatch Licence Condition number 27 and in accordance to the Grid Code / Planning Code. The Statement describes in detail the transmission system capability over the coming five years 2012-2016. The Statement provides up-to-date transmission system data in order to identify those parts of the system, which offer the opportunity for future development of existing and potential users of the system. In this Capability Statement, the results of load flow and short circuit analysis are presented based on the planned system expansion reinforcement to meet the demand forecast provided by the Oman Power and Water Procurement Company and the distribution companies. The OETC grid model has been updated to include new project schedule, generation data, system data and control settings. The existing and planned development in the generation and transmission system is described, including the introduction of the three new power plants: 2000MW at Sur, 750MW at Barka and 750MW at Sohar, in addition to the new 400kV transmission lines from Sur to Jahloot, Sur to Izki and Izki to Misfah. Eng. Ali Said Al Hadabi Chief Executive Officer Oman Electricity Transmission Company Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 2 Contents Preface 1 List of Figures 4 List of Tables 5 Document History and Status 6 1. Executive Summary 7 2. Introduction 24 2.1 Licence Conditions, Codes and Standards 24 2.2 System Development since the 2011-2015 Statement 24 2.3 Improvements in the Preparation of the Statement 25 3. Technical Requirements for Compliance with the Grid Code and Licence 27 3.1. System Frequency 27 3.2. System Voltage 27 3.3. Security of Supply 28 4. OETC System Design and Planning Standards 29 4.1 Oman Electrical Standard OES 11 29 4.2 Oman Electrical Standard OES 25A and 25B 29 4.3 Oman Electrical Standard OES 27 29 4.4 Oman Electrical Standard OES 32 29 4.5 Other Standards 29 5. OETC Transmission System 30 5.1 Existing 220/132 kV Transmission System 30 5.2 Future System Development Projects 32 5.2.1 Projects Completed to Meet the 2012 Peak Demand 32 5.2.2 Projects Expected to be Completed to Meet the 2013 Peak Demand 33 5.2.3 Projects Expected to be Completed to Meet the 2014 Peak Demand 33 5.2.4 Projects Expected to be Completed to Meet the 2015 Peak Demand 34 5.2.5 Projects Expected to be Completed to Meet the 2016 Peak Demand 34 5.3 Summary 34 6. Existing and Planned Developments in Generation 40 6.1 Existing Generation 40 6.2 Planned Retirements of Existing Plant 44 6.3 Planned Future Generation (2012 – 2016) 45 6.4 Non-Contracted Generating Capacity 45 6.5 Interconnections 46 6.5.1 Interconnection with the UAE (Abu Dhabi Transco) and the rest of the GCC Grid 46 6.5.2 Interconnection with PDO 46 6.6 Economic Dispatch 47 6.7 Spinning Reserve 47 7. Demand Forecast and Generation Availability 48 7.1 System Demand 48 7.2 Demand Forecast 50 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 3 7.3 System Maximum Demand Forecast and Generation Availability 54 8. Transmission System Performance 59 8.1 Power Flow and Voltage Profiles 59 8.2 Fault Levels 69 9. Development Opportunities 71 9.1 Review of the Generation Versus Load Balance on an Area Basis 71 9.2 Available Grid Station Capacity 82 10. Derogations 87 Appendix A Review of Future Developments 92 A.1 Summery of projects to be completed annually between 2012-2016 peak demand 92 A.2 Projects expected to be completed to meet the 2012 peak demand 92 A.3 Projects expected to be completed to meet the 2013 peak demand 95 A.4 Projects expected to be completed to meet the 2014 peak demand 97 A.5 Projects expected to be completed to meet the 2015 peak demand 100 A.6 Projects expected to be completed to meet the 2016 peak demand 102 Appendix B Transmission System data 103 B.1 Substations Loads and Capacitor data 104 B.2 Overhead Line Circuit Capacities and Parameters 107 B.3 Transformer data 110 B.4 Grid Station Transformer Data at 2012 Peak 113 B.5 Grid Station Transformer Data from From 2012 to 2016 118 Appendix C Power System Studies 122 C.1 Summary of Load Flow Study results 122 C.2 Summary of Fault Level Study results 122 C.3 Diagrames of the model for the Load Flow Study Results 122 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 4 List of Figures Figure 1: OETC existing transmission system in 2012 35 Figure 2: Expected development by 2013 36 Figure 3: Expected development by 2014 37 Figure 4: Expected development by 2015 38 Figure 5: Expected development by 2016 39 Figure 6: OETC System Load on 2011 Peak Day (18/06/2011) 48 Figure 7: OETC System Load on 2010 Minimum Load Day (16/01/2010) 52 Figure 8: Reduction of number of out-of-firm transformers during 2012-2016 63 Figure 9: Reduction of number of out-of-firm transmission lines during 2012-2016 65 Figure 10: Voltage profile (p.u.) at Airport Heights Grid Station 66 Figure 11: Voltage profile (p.u.) at MSQ Grid Station 67 Figure 12: Transmission power losses at peak demand of the years 2012-2016 68 Figure 13: Peak load growth over the period 2012-2016 69 Figure 14: Future OETC Transmission System (2016) 74 Figure 15: Generation and load balance in Muscat area 78 Figure 16: Generation and load balance in Al Batinah South area 78 Figure 17: Generation and load balance in Al Batinah North area 79 Figure 18: Generation and load balance in Al Bureimi area 79 Figure 19: Generation and load balance in Al Dhahirah area 80 Figure 20: Generation and load balance in Al Dakhiliah area 80 Figure 21: Generation and load balance in Al Shaqiyah area 81 Figure 22: Used and available MVA in Muscat area at 2016 peak demand 83 Figure 23: Used and available MVA in Al Batinah South area at 2016 peak demand 84 Figure 24: Used and available MVA in Al Batinah North area at 2016 peak demand 84 Figure 25: Used and available MVA in Al Bureimi and Al Dhahiriah area at 2016 peak demand 85 Figure 26: Used and available MVA in Al Dakhiliah area at 2016 peak demand 85 Figure 27: Used and available MVA in Al Sharqiah area at 2016 peak demand 86 Figure C.1 OETC Transmission System 2012 Max. Load Flow Condition 149 Figure C.2 OETC Transmission System 2013 Max. Load Flow Condition 150 Figure C.3 OETC Transmission System 2014 Max. Load Flow Condition 151 Figure C.4 OETC Transmission System 2015 Max. Load Flow Condition 152 Figure C.5 OETC Transmission System 2016 Max. Load Flow Condition 153 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 5 List of Tables Table1: Summary of Planned Developments on OETC Transmission System (2012 - 2016) 10 Table 2: Existing and Committed Future Generating Capacity 42 Table 3: New Contracted and Planned Generating Capacity 45 Table 4: Non-Contracted Generating Capacity 45 Table 5: Centrally Dispatched Generating Capacity on OETC Transmission System 46 Table 6: Historic Growth in Peak Demand and Transmission Losses (2003 – 2011) 49 Table 7: Expected oad Transfers amounge Grid Supply Points (2012- 2016) 53 Table 8: OETC Transmission System Demand Forecast by Grid Station 54 Table 9: Comparison of Demand Forecast with Available Generating Capacity including Planned Retirements 57 Table 10: Comparison of Demand Forecast with Available Generating Capacity with Retirements Postponed and Non-Contracted Generation in service 58 Table 11: Summary of Connected Generation used in Load Flow Studies of Maximum Demand 60 Table 12: Summary of Connected Generation used in Load Flow Studies of Minimum Demand 61 Table 13: Estimated Power Surplus and Power Deficit on an Area Basis (2012 - 2016) 75 Table 14: Available Grid Station Capacity of more than 10 MVA in 2016 82 Table 15: Expected Over head lines/ cables which will not comply with Transmission Security Standard (First Outage) at peak demand in 2012 89 Table 16 (A): Expected Grid stations132/33 kV which will not comply with Transmission Security Standard (First Outage) at peak demand in 2012 90 Table 16 (B): Expected Grid stations 132/33 kV which will not comply with Transmission Security Standard (Second Outage) at Maintanance Period in 2012 91 Table B.1: Load and Capacitor Data for Grid Stations (2012 - 2016) 105 Table B.2: 2012 Branch Data Listing 108 Table B.3: Progressive Changes to Branch Circuit Data for 2013-2016 111 Table B.4: Grid Stations Transformer Data at peak 2012 114 Table B.5: Grid Stations Transformer Data from 2013 to 2016 119 Table C.1: Transformer Loading (%) at Grid Station (2012-2016) 123 Table C.2: Available Capacity at Grid Stations (2012 – 2016) for Connection of New Demand 126 Table C.3: Overhead Line and Cable Circuit Loading (%) at Peak Demand (2012-2016) 129 Table C.4 (a): Transmission System Voltage Profile at Peak Demand (2012- 2016) 132 Table C.4 (b): Transmission system voltage profile at minimum demand (2012 – 2016) 136 Table C.5: Estimation of Transmission Losses and Generation Margin at Peak Demand (2012-2016) 140 Table C.6: Maximum 3-Phase Short Circuit Fault Levels 141 Table C.7: Maximum 1- Phase Short Circuit Fault Levels 146 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 6 Document History and Status Revision Date issued Prepared by Approved by Date approved Revision type D.0 16/3/2011 Eng. Hilal Al Hadi First draft Dr. Omar Hanafy Abdalla “ Eng. Hisham Al Riyami “ Eng. Ahmed Al Nadabi “ Eng.Meera Al Abri “ Eng. Musabah Al Syabi “ Suad Al Bahloli “ Distribution of Copies Revision Copy no Quantity Date Issued to V.0 1 1 27/3/2012 Eng. Ali Al Hadabi 2 1 27/3/2012 Eng. Thani Al -Khusabi 3 1 27/3/2012 Eng: Mohamed Al Mazroui 4 1 27/3/2012 Eng: Younis Al Rawahi 5 1 27/3/2012 Eng: Masoud Al Reyami 6 1 27/3/2012 Eng. Rashid Al Badwawi 7 1 27/3/2012 Eng. Alastair Johnson 8 1 27/3/2012 Final version submitted to the AER for approval V.1 1 1 29/8/2012 Revised version submitted to the AER for approval Printed: 27 March 2012 Last saved: 15 December 2012 11:25 AM Author: Strategic Planning and Studies Section Name of organisation: Oman Electricity Transmission Company S.A.O.C Name of document: Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Document version: V.1 " As Approved by the Authority for Electricity Regulation on the 10 Decemebr 2012" Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 7 1. Executive Summary This Capability Statement presents the Oman Electricity Transmission Company’s development plans for the 400kV, 220kV and 132kV transmission systems for the years 2012 to 2016. The Statement includes data for the generators, loads, overhead lines, cables, transformers and capacitor banks used in the development of transmission system models for the power system studies undertaken with OETC’s DIgSILENT power system analysis software, version 14, in preparation of this Capability Statement. The Statement also includes the results of power system analysis of the transmission system that defines system performance when operating under the extremes of peak and minimum demand in each of the five years. From this analysis an assessment has been made of the opportunities for the connection of new generation and new demand on the system. Table 1 lists the schedule for committed and planned system development projects on the 400 kV, 220 kV and 132 kV transmission systems, although it should be noted that not all of the projects listed have full authorisation at this time. Implementation of these system development projects will increase the number of 220/132 kV grid stations from eight to fourteen before the summer peak of 2016, with an additional installed firm grid substation capacity of 6,000 MVA. The number of 132/33 kV grid stations will also increase from the forty-six in service at the beginning of 2012 to sixtey five by the summer peak of 2016. In 2010 the company has introduced direct voltage transformation from 132 kV to 11 kV on the transmission system with respective 132/11 kV substation for the major residential/tourism developments at Azaiba Coast (Wave Project) in Muscat area. In addition, during 2012 the company introduced direct voltage transformation from 220kV to 33kV on the transmission system with respective of 220/33 kV substation for the major residential/tourism developments at Blue City in Batinah South area. It is also one of OETC’s strategic planning concepts to complete a 220kV double circuit ring around northern Oman. In 2010 the 220kV connection between the Sohar Interconnector Station (SIS) and Mahadah (Al-Wasit) was completed to help in linking the main load centre in Oman (Muscat) with the UAE (Abu Dhabi Transco) and the rest of the GCC Grid via Sohar and the rapidly developing Sohar port and industrial area. By the year 2012 the 220kV transmission systems will also be extended from Misfah in the Muscat area to Jahloot and further eastwards to Sur. In addition, OETC plans to complete building a 220 kV line between Mahadah to Ibri before summer 2012 to support the voltage and meet the expected load growth in the area. Morever, OETC will introduce the first 400kV system which includes 400kVconnection between Jahloot grid station and Sur power station, 400kV connection between Sur power station and Izki grid station and 400kV connection between Izki grid station and Misfah grid station. Four 400/220kV grid stations will be installed at Sur, Jahloot, Izki and Misfah areas. In accordance with Condition 27 of OETC’s Transmission Licence, the power flow studies presented in this Capability Statement are based on demand forecast data provided by the Oman Power and Water Procurement Company (OPWP) as per its recent Seven-Year Statement. The forecast has been disaggregated by grid station, according to available Distribution companies (DISCO) data, for detailed power system analysis. To be able to perform the studies and produce the results presented in this statement, the Strategic Planning and Studies team has set a deadline to receive data from various parties (OPWP, DISCO, OETC internal departments) as per the Grid Code requirements. Any information received after the deadline will be included in the next Five- Year Annul Transmission Capability Statement (2013-2017). Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 8 In order to model future system development as accurately as possible the distribution companies are required by the Grid Code to provide OETC with information that identifies their load transfer plans, including the load to be transferred, the timing and the grid stations involved, data that is also provided to OPWP for its own forecast of generation requirements. From the individual demand forecasts of the distribution companies, OETC has developed its own demand forecast inline with most of distribution companies provided system forecast for the transmission system as a whole, including the load transfers between grid stations that are then incorporated into the power system models for each year. The forecast average annual growth in system demand of about 10.22 % over the period 2012 –2016 drives many of the planned grid station reinforcements with a large portion of the additional demand supplied to the distribution companies through the 132/33 kV grid stations. To meet security of supply requirements and provide load relief to the heavier loaded grid stations it will be necessary to transfer excess load to the new or existing grid stations. Comparison of the demand forecast with generation availability as defined in the latest OPWP Seven- Year Statement shows sufficient availability in generation capacity after introducing the new generating capacity from Barka Phase-3 (750MW), Sohar Phase-2 (750MW) and Sur IPP (2000MW). As the demand grows, there is a greater need to extend the 220kV transmission systems so that bulk power is transmitted at this voltage rather than 132kV in order to avoid overloads, improve voltages and reduce power losses. Consequently, it is OETC’s objective to operate 220kV as the main transmission voltage and use 132kV for sub-transmission. From Table 1 a total of 54 transmission projects are planned over a five year period, most of projects are designed to increase the transmission system capacity so that it can meet future growth in demand and satisfy the security criteria. This is a major programme of capital investment in its infrastructure that will be spread across the whole network to improve transmission system performance across northern Oman. Power system studies presented in this Statement confirm that the planned investment in 400/220 kV, 220/132 kV and 132/33 kV grid stations and transmission circuits will provide substantial spare capacity on the transmission systems to well beyond 2016. The major technical issue identified in the studies was with high short-circuit fault levels on the 132 kV bus bars at 4 grid stations in the Muscat area. The grid stations at Ghubrah, Bousher, Rusail and Madinat Sultan Qaboos (MSQ) were all shown in earlier studies (OETC Five Year Capability Statement 2008-2012) to have high 132 kV fault levels. Accordingly, OETC has taken appropriate remedial action to address this problem by implementing in the short–term, measures to split the 132 kV bus bars at Rusail and Ghubrah. In 2011, the 132 kV bus bars were split at Rusail and Ghubrah power stations to reduce the short circuit current with zero cost. This will be continued in 2012. In 2013 Rusail will no longer need splitting due to the network development and reconfiguration works which will take place to facilitate the addition of new IPPs, and therefore the Rusail bus bars will be returned to normal operation. In 2014, many generating units at Ghubrah power plant will be retired and no more splitting will be needed. Load flow studies have confirmed that the voltage levels across the transmission system can be maintained within the ±10 % limits as defined in the Grid Code. At Al Hail and at other remote locations, such as Sur at the eastern end of the transmission system, there is a strong case for the deployment of reactive compensation as a cost effective means of improving the system Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 9 voltage. Similarly, with the demand in the Muscat area continuing to grow there are occasions when some grid stations in the Muscat area suffer reduced voltages at times of heavy load. To overcome this problem, Muscat Electricity Distribution Company (MEDC) has installed new capacitor banks on the 33 kV bus bars at Bousher, MSQ, Mawalleh, Mabellah, Qurum, and Jahloot grid stations in 2010 and these capacitor banks produced a significant improvement in the voltage profile across the Muscat area. Also, Majan and Mazoon Distribution Companies have installed capacitor banks at some places in their network. With these capacitor banks the voltage profile has been significantely improved. The voltage problems experienced in the Al Dhahirah area has led OETC to review its plans for system reinforcement to this area with the 220 kV system extended from Mahadah (Al Wasit) to Ibri, with Ibri scheduled upgraded before the 2012 peak. When this work is completed, the transmission system in this area will be fully compliant with the voltage requirements set by the Grid Code and the Transmission Security Standard requirements set by Licence Condition 26. The Statement has reviewed the opportunities for the connection of new generation and new demand and identified those grid stations with substantial spare capacity where it should be possible to connect new demand to the system. Section 2 of the Statement provides an introduction to the document, identifying the main related documentation and the key changes that have taken place on the transmission system since the previous issue of the Statement. Section 3 identifies the technical requirements of the Grid Code and the Transmission Licence with specific attention to system voltage, frequency and security of supply. Section 4 describes the main engineering standards used by OETC in its planning and design of the transmission system. Section 5 describes the existing transmission system and summarises the planned developments in each year over the period 2012 to 2016. Section 6 identifies the existing and planned developments in generation and describes the interconnections both inside Oman and internationally, i.e. PDO and the UAE (Abu Dhabi Transco) respectively. Section 7 presents the demand forecast and compares this with the generation capacity available. Section 8 discusses transmission system performance and presents the results of load flow and short-circuits studies that show the performance of the transmission system at both maximum and minimum peak demand in each year from 2012 to 2016. Section 9 identifies the development opportunities for the connection of new demand and new generating plant to the transmission system. Section 10 presents the areas of the network where network components will be operating above firm capacity during the period 2012 - 2016 and identifies the need for new or renewed derogations from application of the Transmission Security Standard. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 10 Table1: Summary of Planned Developments on OETC Transmission System (2012 - 2016) Project No Project Title Expected Completion Date Status Main Equipment Purpose Peak 2012 1 Adding Fourth 125MVA transformer at Bousher grid station Q4 2011 Energized - 1 x 125MVA transformer - 2 no 132kV GIS - To meet Transmission Security Standard - Load transfer from existing grid station - To cater for the new demand in the area - The 132kV GIS will be connected/operated on the same bus bars, and the 33kV bus will be as two separate bus bars 2 New 132/33 kV grid station at Yitti connected to new 132 kV busbars at Jahloot grid station via 132 kV line Q1 2012 Testing & Commissioning - 2 x 125 MVA transformers. - 25 km 132 kV line route length. From Jahloot. - 8 no 132kV GIS - Dedicated load for Yitti Resort. - For local Yitti load. - Load transfer. 3 New 132/33 kV grid station at Qurum Area Q1 2012 Testing & Commissioning - 2 x 125 MVA transformers. - 8 no.132kV GIS. - 10km 132kV O/H route length. - Load transfer from Wadi Adai & MSQ. - To cater the load of new developments within the area. 4 New 132/33 kV grid station at Muttrah Area Q1 2012 Testing & Commissioning - 2 x 125 MVA transformers. - 10km 132 kV O/H lines route length. - 3.5km underground cables route length.. - 8 no. 132kV GIS. - Load transfer from Wadi Kabir and Al Falaj grid stations. - To cater for the new load at Muttrah Area. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 11 Table1 (Continued): Summary of Planned Developments on OETC Transmission System (2012 - 2016) Projet No Project Title Expected Completion Date Status Main Equipment Purpose Peak 2012 5 Replacing of the wooden pole O/H lines with steel tower between Mahadah (Al Wasit) and Bureimi grid stations and 132 kV line between Dank and Al Hail grid stations Q1 2012 Under Testing & Commissioning - Part1: New 132 kV double circuits line between Mahadah and Bureimi grid stations (30.73km OH and 5.47km underground cable 2500mm 2 route length) - Required to meet Transmission Security Standard - Voltage support - Replacement of the wooden poles with steel towers 6 New 220/33 kV grid station at Blue City Area Q1 2012 Energized - 2 x 160 MVA transformers - 10 no 220kV GIS - Two runs 16 km 220 kV O/H line - Two runs 12km underground cable (2500mm 2 ) - Dedicated to supply load at Blue City & local load 7 Adding Third transformer 125MVA at Barka Main grid Q1 2012 Testing & Commissioning - 1 x 125MVA Transformer - To meet Transmission Security Standard for the existing grid station 8 Upgrade Seeb Main 132/33kV grid station from 2 x 63 MVA to 2 x 125 MVA transformers Q1 2012 Testing & Commissioning - 2 x 125 MVA transformers. - 12 no.132kV GIS. - To meet the security standard requirement - To connect the new proposed Mabailah-2 (Al Khoudh) grid station - Seeb will be connected to Airport Height Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 12 Table1 (Continued): Summary of Planned Developments on OETC Transmission System (2012 - 2016) Project No Project Title Expected Completion Date Status Main Equipment Purpose Peak 2012 9 Upgrading of Dhahirah system from 132kV to 220kV Q1 2012 Partialy energized while the rest is under testing and comissioning - 145km 220kV O/H route length. between Ibri and Mhadah grid stations - 2 x 500MVA transformers at Ibri grid station - 50km 132kV O/H route length. between Ibri and Dank grid stations - 2x 125MVA transformers at Ibri grid station - To meet Transmission Security Standard at Ibri and Dank grid stations - To meet the demand growth in the area - Improving voltage issues and reactive demand for Dhahirah area system - Supporting the Interconnection with the UAE - Replacement of the wooden pole O/H lines with steel towers - Preparing the area for new expected development in future 10 New 220kV Grid Station at Sohar for the new Sohar-2 IPP Q1 2012 220kV GIS energized & OHL is Under Construction - 10 no. 220kV GIS at Sohar-2 - 2 no. 220kV GIS at SIS grid station - 2.6 km 2500mm 2 cable route length between Sohar-2 and first gantry of SIS O/H line - 36.9km 220kV O/H line routes length connecting the new Sohar-2 IPP to the SIS grid station - To connect the new Sohar-2 IPP (750MW) to the Main Interconnected Transmission System at SIS grid station. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 13 Table1 (Continued): Summary of Planned Developments on OETC Transmission System (2012 - 2016) Project No Project Title Expected Completion Date Status Main Equipment Purpose Peak 2012 11 New 132/33 kV grid station at Quriyat Area Expected to be in service Q2 2012 Grid station is under Testing & OHL is under Construction - 2 X 125 MVA transformers - 6 no. 132kV GIS - 50km 132kV route length. Double circuits line - Currently load supplied at 33 kV via long lines (>60km). This scheme will address voltage problems - To cater for new demand and load transfer from Jahloot grid - For New high expected load within the area 12 Reconnection of 132kV lines within Muscat Area (Phase-2 of cable replacement Part-1) Expected to be in service Q2 2012 Partialy energized - 9 km underground cables route length. Connecting Seeb Main from Airport Heights grid station - 7.3km underground cables route length. (2500mm 2 ) connecting Rusail and Mawalleh grid stations - To meet Transmission Security Standard for Mawalleh-Rusail 132kV O/H line - To save cost of pre-planned underground cable project for Bousher-Rusail lines (31.5km) 13 New Misfah 220kV and Barka grid stations and installation of required O/H lines Expected to be in service Q2 2012 220kV GIS energized & OHL is under Construction - 12 no. 220kV GIS at Misfah grid station - 10 no. 220kV GIS at Barka-3 IPP - 58.2km O/H line 220kV route length between Barka-3 and Misfah grid stations - 10.2 km underground cables (2500mm 2 ) route length from new Barka-3 IPP to first gantry of Misfah O/H line - LILO at Misfah grid station of the 220kV line of Airport Heights- MSQ - To connect the new Barka IPP (750MW) to the Grid - To increase the system reliability by connecting the 220kV lines from Filaj and Barka-3 - To evacuate the received power from Sur - To secure the power supply within interconnected 220kV stations - To provide the system power flexibility flow from different sources (Filaj, Barka-3 , Sur , Ghubrah and Rusail) Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 14 Table1: Summary of Planned Developments on OETC Transmission System (2012 - 2016) Project No Project Title Expected Completion Date Status Main Equipment Purpose Peak 2013 14 Replacing of the wooden pole O/H lines with steel tower between Mahadah (Al Wasit) and Bureimi grid station and 132 kV DCCT line between Dank and Al Hail grid stations Part 2: Expected to be in service Q3 2012 Under Construction - Part 2: New 132kV double circuits line between Dank and Al Hail (52.6km) - Required to meet Transmission Security Standard - Voltage support - Replacement of the wooden poles with steel towers 15 New 220/132 kV grid station at Sur Expected to be in service Q3 2012 Under Construction - 2 x 500 MVA transformers - 130.3km 400 kV line route length (operated initially at 220kV) between Jahloot and Sur grid stations - Required to support voltage in Sur and most of Sharqiah area grid stations - To meet load requirements - Power Evacution for new Sur IPP 16 Upgrading Jahloot to 220kV Expected to be in service Q4 2012 Under Construction - 2 x 500MVA transformers - 10 no. of 220 kV GIS - 54.9km of 220kV route length. Double circuits line between Misfah and Jahloot grid stations. - To meet load growth requirements - To evacuate power coming from Sur Power Plant - To connect Hamryah 220kV grid station - To cater for the new load within the area (Jahloot, Yitti, Quriyat and Al Amrat) grid stations 17 Upgrading of Izki grid station from 2 x 40 MVA to 2 x 125 MVA transformers Expected to be in service Q4 2012 Under Construction - 2 x 125 MVA transformers - 2 no. 132kV AIS - 33kV switch board - To meet load growth requirements - To meet Transmission Security Standard Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 15 Table1 (Continued): Summary of Planned Developments on OETC Transmission System (2012 - 2016) Projet No Project Title Expected Completion Date Status Main Equipment Purpose Peak 2013 18 Upgrade of Mudhaibi grid station from 2 x 63 MVA to 2 x 125 MVA transformers Expected to be in service Q4 2012 Under Construction - 2 x 125 MVA transformers - 4 no. 132kV AIS - To meet load growth requirements - To meet Transmission Security Standard 19 Upgrade of Rustaq grid station from 2 x 63 MVA to 3 x 125 MVA transformers Expected to be in service Q3 2012 Under Construction - 3 x 125 MVA transformers - 6 no. 132kV AIS - New Double bus bar - To meet load growth requirements - To meet Transmission Security Standard 20 Upgrading of Dhahirah system from 132kV to 220kV Part2: Expected to be in service Q4 2012 Under Construction - 2x 63 MVA transformers at Dank grid station - To meet Transmission Security Standard at Ibri and Dank grid stations - To meet the demand growth in the area - Preparing the area for new expected development in future Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 16 Table1 (Continued): Summary of Planned Developments on OETC Transmission System (2012 - 2016) Project No Project Title Expected Completion Date Status Main Equipment Purpose Peak 2013 21 New 220/132 kV grid station at Al Hamriyah (Wadi Adai-2) Area Expected to be in service Q4 2012 Under Construction - 2 x 500MVA transformers 220kV - 8 no. 220kV GIS - 14 no. 132kV GIS - 35km 220kV overhead lines route length. From Jahloot to Hamryah - LILO the 132 kV Wadi Adai- Wadi Kabir & Qurum-Muttrah lines to Al Hamriyah grid station - To supply the load of the area - To support the voltage at Muscat area Grids ( Wadi Adai, Wadi Kabir, Muttrah , Qurum and AlFalaj) - To evacuate the power coming from Sur via Jahloot grid station - To increase the system reliability within Muscat area grid stations. - To increase and maintain the system security of 132kV lines within the area. 22 New 132/33kV grid station at Ghubrah area Expected to be in service Q1 2013 Under Construction - 2 x 125MVA transformers - 16 no. 132kV GIS - Totally around 6km under ground cables - 33 kV switch board - To replace the existing old GIS - To meet Transmission Security Standard - To cater for load growth - To maintain the short circuit issues 23 New 132kV grid station at Ayjah Expected to be in service Q2 2013 Under Construction - 31.1km 132kV O/H line route length. - 2x125MVA transformers - 6 no. 132kV GIS - To cater for the new load growth at Ras Al Had area - Solve the issue of voltage drop of 33kV lines. Currently this area is fed by 33kV feeders from Sur grid (60km) - Load transfer from existing Sur grid 24 Phas-1:Sur Power Station ( 220 kV GIS) Expected to be in service Q2 2013 Under Construction - 22 no. 220kV GIS - LILO of 220kV OHL Sur- Jahloot to Sur PS - To evacuate power from Sur Power Plant to Jahloot and Sur grid stations Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 17 Table1: Summary of Planned Developments on OETC Transmission System (2012 - 2016) Project No Project Title Expected Completion Date Status Main Equipment Purpose Peak 2014 25 Replacement of 132 kV Seeb - Mawalleh OH line to underground cable. (Phase-2 of cable replacement Part-1) Expected to be in service Q4 2013 Awarded - 8 km 132kV 2500mm 2 route length underground cable. - Government requirement - To cater the load growth at Seeb area - To meet Transmission Security Standard 26 Adding new 132kV GIS at Mawalih to connect Seeb and Airport Heights(A/H) grid stations and adding Fourth transformer to the old grid station Expected to be in service Q4 2013 Tendering - 1 x 125 MVA - 10 no. 132kV GIS - To connect Seeb Grid station from A/H - to maintain security supply - to maintain the security standard requirement for Rusail-Mawalih 132kV lines - To reduce the short circuit current on Mawalih 27 Upgrade of Sumail grid station from 2 x 63 MVA to 2 x 125 MVA transformers Expected to be in service Q4 2013 Tendering - 2 x 125 MVA transformers - 1 no. 132kV AIS - To meet load growth requirements - To meet Transmission Security Standard 28 New132/33 kV grid station at Ghala area ( Madinat Al Arfan Muscat) Expected to be in service Q4 2013 Tendering - 2 x 125 MVA transformers - 12 no. 132kV GIS - Will be connected to Airport Heights grid station - 4km U/G 2500mm2 - To cater for the expected load growth in the area - Load transfer - To supply the new Al Arfan area load 29 Upgrade of Shinas grid station from 2 x 63 MVA to 2 x 125 MVA transformers Expected to be in service Q4 2013 Tendering - 2 x 125 MVA transformers - 6 No. 132kV AIS - New double bus bar - To meet load growth requirements - To meet Transmission Security Standard Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 18 Table1 (Continued): Summary of Planned Developments on OETC Transmission System (2012 - 2016) Projec t No Project Title Expected Completion Date Status Main Equipment Purpose Peak 2014 30 New132/33kV grid station at Bureimi (Bureimi-2) Expected to be in service Q4 2013 Tendering - 2 x 125 MVA - 8 no. 132kV GIS - Will be connected to the existing Mahadah-Bureimi 132kV LILO with additional O/H lines around 4km - Load transfer from the existing Bureimi Grid - To cater for the new load within the area 31 Adding Third & Forth transformers 125MVA at Sohar grid Expected to be in service Q4 2013 Tendering - 2 x 125MVA - 2x 132kV CBs - 33kV CBs - To cater for the load growth at Sohar area. - To meet Transmission Security Standard 32 New 132/33 kV grid station at Madinat Nizwa area Expected to be in service Q4 2013 Tendering - 2 x 125 MVA transformers - 6 no. 132kV GIS - 10km 132kV route length ,double circuit line from Nizwa grid station - Load transfer - To meet load growth requirements in the area 33 New 132/33 kV grid station at Al Kamil & Al Wafi Expected to be in service Q4 2013 Tendering - 2 x 125 MVA transformers - 8 no. 132kV GIS - Complete outdoor , 132kV double busbars. - 2x10 km O/H line route length connected to the existing Al kamil-Sur line by LILO. - 6x132kV AIS at JBB Ali grid station. - Load transfer - To meet load growth requirements in the area. - System security Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 19 Table1 (Continued): Summary of Planned Developments on OETC Transmission System (2012 - 2016) Project No Project Title Expected Completion Date Status Main Equipment Purpose Peak 2014 34 Madinat Barka 132kV grid station at Barka Area Expected to be in service Q2 2014 Tendering - 2x 125MVA transformers - 8 no. 132 kV GIS (Will be connected between Filaj and Muldah 132kV O/H lines) - To cater for the load growth at Barka area - To meet Transmission Security Standard - load transfer from Barka Main 35 Replacement of Rusail 132kV GIS Expected to be in service Q2 2014 Design - 12 no. 132 kV GIS - 4 x 125MVA - 2km U/G cable 2500mm2. - Replacement of old 132 kV and 33 kV switch gears due to 132 kV and 33 kV short circuit effects - Replacement of old 75MVA transformers 36 New 132/33 kV grid station at Amerat area Expected to be in service Q2 2014 Tendering - 2 x 125 MVA transformers - 8 no. 132kV GIS - 5km LILO of 132kV lines route length between MSQ and Jahloot - Load transfer from Jahloot and Wadi Adai - To meet the high load growth at Amrat area - To maintain 33kV voltage issues 37 New Mabellah-2 ( Al Khoudh) 132/33kV grid Station at Mabellah Area (Muscat) Expected to be in service Q2 2014 Design - 2x 125MVA transformers - 15.7km 132kV (2500mm 2 ) cables route length. - 10 no. 132kV GIS - Connected to existing Mabellah and Seeb Main grid stations - To cater for the load growth at Mabellah - Load transfer from grids in this area (Mawalleh , Seeb Main and Mabellah 38 Adding two 220kV GIS at Mhadah grid station (Al Wasit) to connect the 400kV system between Oman and GCC link by UAE Expected to be in Q2 2014 Tendering - 2 x 220kV GIS - To connect the GCC link Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 20 Table1 (Continued): Summary of Planned Developments on OETC Transmission System (2012 - 2016) Project No Project Title Expected Completion Date Status Main Equipment Purpose Peak 2014 39 132kV Linking System between Al Falaj, Muttrah and Wadi Kabiar Grid stations Expected to be in service Q2 2014 Design - 3km 132kV 2500mm 2 cables between Muttrah-Al Falaj GSs - 3km 132kV two Ct Single YEW between Muttrah-Wadi Kabair GSs - 10 x 132kV GIS at Wadi Kabair GS - 1 x 132kV GIS at Muttrah GS - 7 x 132 GIS at Al Falaj - Replacement of a portion of 132kV O/H Wadi Adai –Al Falaj to cable (0.5km 2500mm2) at Al Falaj end - To secure the loads and meet Transmission Security Standard. - Safety clearance and environment issues. 40 Phase-2: New 400 kV OH line between Sur Power Plant and Izki grid stations Expected to be in Q2 2014 Tendering - 250km 400kV lines route length. At Izki: - 2x 500 MVA (400/220kV) Transformers - 2x 500 MVA (220/132kV) - 10 no. 400kV GIS 8 no. 220kV GIS - To evacuate the power from Sur Generation (2000MW) - To support the voltage and power flow to Al Dakhliah area - To comply with TSSS requirements 41 Phase-2: Upgrading Sur Power Plant and Jahloot 220kV to 400kV system Expected to be in Q2 2014 Design At Jahloot: - 4 x500MVA ,400/220kV transformers . - 10 no. 400kV GIS. - 2 no. 220kV GIS. At Sur Power Plant: - 5 x 750MVA 400/220kV transformers - 13 no. 400kV. - 1 no. 220kV GIS - To evacuate the power from Sur Generation (2000MW) Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 21 Table1 (Continued): Summary of Planned Developments on OETC Transmission System (2012 - 2016) Project No Project Title Expected Completion Date Status Main Equipment Purpose Peak 2014 42 Replacement of Mahadh (AlWasit) 132kV AIS to GIS Expected to be in service Q2 2014 Planning 14 no. 132kV GIS (6 FDRs , 4 for TXs. 1 no. Bus Section, 1 no. Bus Coupler and 2 no. Spare) To replace the existing AIS to GIS due to: - Lightening - Maintenance Issus - Old Assists - System reliability - System security 43 New 132/33kV grid station at Al Khadra Expected to be in service Q2 2014 Design - 2 x 125MVA transformers - 10. No. 132kV GIS - To cater for the new demand within the area - load transfer from Al Khaborah & MIS grid stations Peak 2015 44 New 132/33kV, 2 x 125MVA grid station within existing MIS grid station Expected to be in service Q1 2015 Planning - 2 x 125 MVA Txs - 2 x 132kV GIS - To cater for the new demand within the area - load transfer from existing MIS grid Station 45 New 132/33kV, 2 x 125MVA grid station within existing Muladah grid station. Expected to be in service Q1 2015 Planning - 2 x 125 MVA Txs. - 2 x 132kV GIS - To cater for the new demand within the area - Load transfer from existing Muldah grid Station 46 New 132kV grid station at Hajarmat (Al Dreez) Expected to be in service Q1 2015 Planning - 2 x 125 MVA - 38km 132kV O/H Lines - 8 x 132kV GIS. - To cutter new demand within the area. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 22 Table1 Summary of Planned Developments on OETC Transmission System (2012 - 2016) Project No Project Title Expected Completion Date Status Main Equipment Purpose Peak 2015 47 Upgrading Liwa grid station to 220kV system Expected to be in service Q1 2015 Planning - 2x 500 MVA transformers - 10 no. 220kV GIS - 2km UG cable as LILO of 220kV OHL Sohar I-SIS - To cope with the load growth. - To meet Transmission Security Standard. - To supply the free zone area industrial loads. 48 New 132/33kV Free Zone (Sohar) grid station Expected to be in service Q1 2015 Planning - 2x125MVA transformers - 12x 132 kV GIS - LILO from Wadi Jizzi-Liwa OHL - To cope with the load growth. - To meet Transmission Security Standard. - To supply the free zone area industrial loads. 49 New Ibra 132/33kV grid station Expected to be in service Q1 2015 Planning - 6 no. 132kV GIS at Ibra grid station. - 30 km O/H line 132kV route length between Mudharib and Ibra grid stations. - 2x 125MVA transfromers - To meet load growth requirements - To meet Transmission Security Standard. - Some feeders are very long such as Wadi Tayeen and the customers have suffered from excessive voltage drop 50 Installing 220kV GIS and adding Fourth 125MVA transformer at MSQ grid station (MSQ-B) Expected to be in service Q2 2015 Planning - 1 x 125MVA transformer - 6 no. of 220kV GIS - 2 x 132 kV GIS - To meet load growth requirements. - To meet Transmission Security Standard - To cater for the new demand in the area. - Load transfer from existing MSQ grid station. 51 Adding Fourth 125MVA transformer at Wadi Kabir grid station( Wadi Kabir-B) Expected to be in service Q2 2015 Planning - 1 x 125MVA transformer - 1 x 132kV AIS - To meet Transmission Security Standard. - To cater for the new demand in the area. - Load transfer from existing Wadi Kabir grid station. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 23 Table1 (Continued): Summary of Planned Developments on OETC Transmission System (2012 - 2016) Project No Project Title Expected Completion Date Status Main Equipment Purpose Peak 2015 52 Phas-2:New 400kV O/H lines between Izki and Misfah Expected to be in service Q2 2015 Design - 100km O/H lines 400kV. - 3 x 500MVA (400/220kV) transformers. - 11 no. 400kV GIS - 3 no. 220kV GIS - To support Sur IPP (2000MW) power plant to maintain the security requirement, to support Al Dakhliyah System. - To complete the 220kV transmission ring for all regions. Peak 2016 53 New 220kV grid station connected to Mabailah-1 Expected to be in service Q1 2016 Planning - 2 x 500MVA - LILO of Al Falig-Air Port Hight 220kV OHL lines - 8 no. 220kV GIS - Supporting Mabailah demand. - Securing of the supply within the area. 54 Linking Izki-Ibri 220kV System Expected to be in service Q1 2016 Planning - Converting the 132kV, (150km) lines to 220kV O/H lines between Ibri-Izki. - 2 no. 220kV GIS - System security - Converting 132kV lines to 220kV O/H - Completing the 220kV ring between Al Dahirah and Al Dakhliah. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 24 2. Introduction 2.1 Licence conditions, Codes and Standards This Transmission System Five-Year Capability Statement covers the period 2012 – 2016 which has been prepared by the Oman Electricity Transmission Company S.A.O.C. (OETC) in accordance with the requirements set down under Licence Condition 27 of the Electricity Transmission and Dispatch Licence granted to the Company on 1 May 2005 by the Authority of Electricity Regulation (AER). The Licence has been granted under the powers invested in the Authority by Article (2) of the Law for the Regulation and Privatisation of the Electricity and Related Water Sector promulgated by Royal Decree 78/2004. The purpose of the Statement is to provide up-to-date transmission system data for potential and existing users of the transmission system so they can identify those parts of the transmission system which offer the opportunity for future development. The Statement is required to be updated annually so that users and potential users of the transmission system are furnished with the latest information. Potential users of the transmission system should be aware of the following main documents that influence the planning and future development of the transmission system infrastructure: i) The Grid Code for the Sultanate of Oman. ii) The Electricity Transmission and Dispatch Licence granted to OETC, notably Licence Condition 26, which defines the requirements for the Security Standards and the maintaining of an Efficient and Economic Transmission System. iii) The approved Transmission Security Standards prepared in accordance with Condition 26 of OETC’s Transmission and Dispatch Licence. iv) The Statement of Charges for Connection to the OETC Electricity Transmission System. v) The Statement of Charges for the Use of the OETC Electricity Transmission System. 2.2 System Development since the 2011-2015 Statement Since the issue of the previous Capability Statement, covering the period 2011 – 2015, the following projects have been or will be completed and energized in time to meet 2012 system peak demand: 1. Installation of fourth 125 MVA transformer at 132/33 kV Bousher Grid Station. 2. Construction of the 132/33kV grid station at Yitti and the associated 132 kV transmission system. 3. Construction of the 132/33kV grid station at Qurum and the associated 132 kV transmission system. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 25 4. Construction of the 132/33kV grid station at Muttrah and the associated 132 kV transmission system. 5. Replacing of the wooden pole O/H lines with steel tower between Mahadah (Al Wasit) and Bureimi grid stations. 6. Construction of the 220/33kV grid station at Blue City. 7. Installation of third 125 MVA transformer at 132/33 kV Barka Main Grid Station. 8. Upgrade Seeb Main 132/33kV grid station from 2 x 63 MVA to 2 x 125 MVA transformers. 9. Upgrade of Dhahirah system from 132kV to 220kV. 10. Construction of 220kV grid station at Sohar for the new Sohar-2 IPP. 11. Construction of the132/33kV grid station at Quriyat and the associated 132 kV transmission system. 12. Reconnection of 132kV lines within Muscat Area. 13. Construction of Misfah 220kV and Barka grid stations and installation of required O/H lines. 2.3 Improvements in the preparation of the Statement Since the issue of the Transmission System Capability Statement for 2011 – 2015 there have been a number of improvements in the data and the power system modelling upon which the studies that are discussed in the Statement are based. The most significant of these are: i. The Statement presents solutions of all problems reported in the Five Year Capability Statement (2008-2012). By the end of the period covered by the present Statement, problems of line and transformer loadings, voltage, and fault current issues will be completely removed. ii. The OETC demand forecast is based on the data provided by the OPWP and distribution companies. iii. Updating the rating of OHL and underground cable conductors. The rating of the double circuit 132kV OHTL with 400mm2 AAAC twin-Yew conductors according to the Oman Electrical Standards OES-32 is 300MVA, while the value used in previous capability statements is 261MVA and the rating of the double circuit 220kV OHTL twin-Araucaria conductors is 673MVA, while the value used in previous capability statements is 762MVA. These changes because of the updated calculation for the overhead lines currents taken into consideration Oman climate condition such as; Wind speed (), Solar irradiance ( ), Ambient temperature ( ), Emissivity factor () and Solar absorption Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 26 coefficient (). The updated values of the line rating in this statement represent the worst weather condition with low wind speed and emissivity factor and with high solar irradiance, ambient temperature and solar absorption coefficient. These values will be used for the planning propose and in the real operation the weather condition is better and the lines can take more power when the wind speed is high and ambient temperature is low (the updated values will not have any implications on connected costumers or power plants). iv. Detailed representation of Sohar Aluminum power plant in the Model. v. Updating Barka-3, Sohar-2 and Sur power plants’ data. vi. Updating the operational limits of generating units according to the received information from the OPWP. The improvements in the demand forecast and the power system modelling should result in similar improvements being achieved in the accuracy of the power system studies upon which network development planning is based. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 27 3. Technical requirements for compliance with the Grid Code and Licence In order to comply with Condition 26 of the Electricity Transmission and Dispatch Licence the transmission system must be planned, designed and operated to provide a secure, efficient and economic supply of electricity that is of an acceptable quality to its users. Whilst Condition 26 specifically sets out the Security of Supply requirements, the most important characteristics that determine the quality of supply are frequency and voltage. The requirements for maintaining transmission system frequency and voltage within specified operating limits are set out in the Grid Code, and most clearly defined under conditions CC.6.1.1 and CC.6.1.2 respectively of the Connection Conditions Code. Other issues that relate to the planning of an economic and cost effective transmission system that provides a voltage supply of acceptable quality, such as standardisation of equipment ratings, limitation of system losses, and the control and limitation of disturbing factors that affect the voltage waveform are covered by relevant Omani and/or International Standards. 3.1 System Frequency In accordance with condition CC.6.1.1 of the Connection Conditions Code, OETC is required to maintain System Frequency within the following limits: a) During normal operating conditions, the nominal system frequency of the transmission system shall be 50.00Hz and will be controlled normally between 49.95Hz and 50.05Hz. b) During exceptional steady state conditions, frequency deviations will not exceed 49.90Hz to 50.10Hz unless disturbed circumstances prevail. c) Under disturbed conditions, system frequency could rise transiently to 51.50 Hz or fall to 48.0 Hz, but not exceed these limits. As CC.6.1.1 points out, the frequency of the total system is responsive to changes in the balance between the active power demand and total available generation capacity. OETC must therefore ensure that sufficient generation capacity and demand is available and connected to the system at all times to respond automatically to active power imbalances and correct any frequency change. 3.2 System Voltage In accordance with condition CC.6.1.2 of the Connection Conditions Code, OETC is required to control system voltage within the following limits: a) The voltage on the 220 kV and 132 kV parts of the Transmission System at each site with a user connection will remain within the limits of ±10% of the nominal voltage level. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 28 b) The voltage on the 66kV, 33 kV and 11 kV sides of transmission transformers at Connection Sites with Users will normally remain within the limits of ±6% of the nominal value unless abnormal conditions prevail. During some system disturbances, such as where short circuits occur, the voltage could collapse transiently to zero at the point of fault until the fault is cleared. Voltage regulation requires both active and reactive power flows across the transmission system to be carefully controlled. The physical characteristics of the plant on the transmission system also give rise to the generation and absorption of reactive power. Reactive power flows across the transmission system can give rise to substantial voltage differences and it is therefore necessary to maintain reactive power balances between sources of capacity and demand on a “zone” basis. Unlike frequency, which is consistent across an interconnected transmission system, voltages at different points on an interconnected system are determined by the local sources of demand and capacity, by the prevailing network configuration and by the reactive power flows across the network. The management of voltage requires control of reactive power and centrally dispatched generators, transformer tap-changers, can provide this by the connection of capacitor banks at 33 kV or below, or by means of static compensation. 3.3 Security of Supply In accordance with Condition 26 of the OETC Transmission Licence the capacity of the Transmission System to transmit electricity shall not be reduced in the event that a single electric line, cable, transformer, circuit breaker and/or associated plant is not in service, provided that during a period in which such single electric line, cable, transformer, circuit breaker and/or associated plant is not in service. The operating voltage of the Transmission System may reduce to any level specified from time to time for such purposes in the Grid Code. In effect, the transmission system should be planned and operated to meet the Transmission Security Standard requirements. The Transmission System taken over by OETC in 2005 had several components that failed to meet the Transmission Security Standard requirement, and the Licence recognised that it might take two years. However, by system peak 2013 all grid stations and overhead lines will meet most of required standards and criteria to bring the whole system into full compliance. To date some of these out of firm situations have been addressed, but equally the steep growth in demand has caused further circuits / transformers to become out of firm. Section 10 summarizes the system grid condition. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 29 4. OETC System Design and Planning Standards In addition to the technical requirements of the Transmission Licence and the Grid Code, the principal electrical standards used by OETC in its planning and design of the 220 kV and 132 kV transmission systems are: 4.1 Oman Electrical Standard OES 11 The standard covers the topic “General Specifications for Electrical Materials and Equipment” and defines the worst case conditions for system design purposes by the following parameters: a) maximum ambient temperature (50˚C) b) maximum surface temperature for metal surfaces (80˚C) c) altitude (between sea level and 30 metres above sea level) d) maximum wind velocity (125km per hour) e) average annual rainfall (100mm) f) maximum relative humidity (100%) The standard also defines the design parameters for the 132 kV systems in terms of highest voltage (145 kV), design fault level (31.5 kA) and the requirement that the system be solidly earthed. Currently it does not specify corresponding figures for the 400 kV and 220 kV systems. 4.2 Oman Electrical Standard OES 25A and 25B These standards define the requirements for aluminium conductor steel reinforced and aluminium alloy conductor overhead lines and aluminium alloy stranded conductor overhead lines. 4.3 Oman Electrical Standard OES 27 Volume 1 of the standard covers the design requirements for a 132/33 kV, 2 x 125 MVA substation with 132 kV gas insulated switchgear, including the 33 kV switchgear. Volume 2 covers similar requirements for the 132/33 kV, 2 x 63 MVA substation with 132 kV outdoor SF6 switchgear. 4.4 Oman Electrical Standard OES 32 The standard covers the design requirements for 132 kV double circuit overhead transmission lines with 400mm 2 All Aluminium Alloy Twin Conductors (AAAC) on lattice steel towers that are deployed across much of the 132 kV transmission system. 4.5 Other Standards In cases where an Omani Standard is not applicable it is usual OETC practice to adopt the appropriate IEC Standard. This particularly applies to the design of the 400kV and 220 kV transmission systems. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 30 5. OETC Transmission System 5.1 Existing 220/132 kV Transmission System The Oman Electricity Transmission Company is authorized to undertake all regulated activities of electricity transmission and dispatch in northern Oman at voltages of 132 kV and above. The existing transmission system has two operating voltages, i.e. 220 kV and 132 kV. It extends across the whole of northern Oman and interconnects bulk consumers and generators of electricity located in the Governorate of Muscat and in the regions of Batinah, Dhahirah, Dakhliyah and Sharquiya. The transmission system was first established under the Ministry of Electricity and Water (MEW) in 1983 and underwent rapid expansion during the 1990s. Consequently much of it has less than 15 year service experience. After the electrical sector was unbundled, the OETC took over the operation of the transmission system on 1 May 2005. The present OETC transmission system consists of:  1344.6 circuit-km of 220 kV overhead transmission lines  3061.46 circuit-km of 132 kV overhead transmission lines  55.4 circuit-km of 220 kV underground cables  98.68 circuit-km of 132 kV underground cables  7630 MVA of 220/132 kV transformer capacity  320 MVA of 220/33 kV transformer capacity  10299 MVA of 132/33 kV transformer capacity  150 MVA of 132/11 kV transformer capacity  Five 220 kV interconnection grid stations  Two 220/132 kV grid stations  One 220/33 kV grid station  Six 220/132/33 kV grid stations  Forty 132/33 kV grid stations  One 132/11 kV grid station The transmission system is interconnected at 220 kV from Mahadah (Al Wasit) grid station with the transmission system of UAE (Abu Dhabi Transco) and through this interconnection it will form part of the GCC Grid that links the electricity supply systems of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE and Oman. This should provide increased security of supply and benefits to the member countries in the form of cost savings from the sharing of reserve capacity and energy resources. The interconnector has been energised and brought into service in Q4 2011. The OETC transmission system is also interconnected with the Sohar Aluminum system at 220 kV via a double circuit cable line that runs between SPS on the OETC system and Sohar Aluminum 220kV busbar. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 31 Under normal conditions the power transfer across the interconnection is forecasted to be negligible, but in the event of an emergency on either network the interconnection can facilitate a power transfer of up to 300 MW to address the shortfall. The OETC transmission system is also interconnected with the PDO transmission network at 132 kV via a single circuit overhead line that runs between Nizwa on the OETC system and Nahda on the PDO system. Under normal conditions the power transfer across the interconnection is forecasted to be negligible, but in the event of an emergency on either network the interconnection can facilitate a power transfer of up to 60 MW to address the shortfall. The transmission system is supplied with electricity generated from ten gas-based power stations located at Ghubrah, Rusail, Wadi Jizzi, Manah, Al Kamil, Barka (ACWA), Barka SMN, Barka III, Sohar I and Sohar II. In addition the transmission system may be supplied from direct customers, such as Sohar Aluminium, PDO, Sohar Refinery, OMCO and OMIFCO. Three Distribution Licence holders, i.e. Muscat Electricity Distribution Company (MEDC), Mazoon Electricity Company (MZEC) and Majan Electricity Company (MJEC), take the bulk of the power transmitted through the main grid, from the 220/132/33 kV, 220/33kV, 132/33 kV and 132/11 kV grid stations. In addition to the three distribution companies, ten large private customers are directly connected to the transmission system. Six of these are connected to the transmission system in the Sohar Industrial Area. The existing private customers are:  220 kV Connections i. Sohar Aluminium Smelter ii. Shadeed Steel  132 kV Connections i. Sohar Industrial Estate ii. Sharq Steel iii. PDO iv. OMCO v. Aromatics vi. Sohar Refinery vii. OMIFCO Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 32 viii. VALE The following new customers will be directly connected during the period covered by the Statement:  Sun Matel (Zoom load) will be connected with the 220 kV Sur IPP grid station in 2015.  The New Muscat International Airport (Ministry of Transport) will be connected to Airport Heights grid station in 2012.  Muscat Steel will be connected with 132kV Rusail grid station in 2013.  Modern Steel will be connected with 132kV Rusail grid station in 2015. In 2011, the system gross peak demand was 4000MW which occurred at 15:00 hours on 18 June, an increase of 10.68 % on the 2010 peak demand. During 2011, the Electric Energy Delivered (EED) to the MIS system from connected generating plants was 18,924,219 GWh whilst that exported from the MIS to the distribution companies was 18,507.886 GWh resulting in transmission system energy losses of 416.333 GWh, which equates to a transmission system energy loss of 2.25 %. 5.2 Future System Development Projects The power system studies presented later in this Capability Statement and used to define the constraints and opportunities that exist on the transmission system over the next five years have been performed on the basis that the committed and planned development projects detailed in Appendix A and summarised below will proceed as planned and be completed to the current schedule. 5.2.1 Projects completed to meet the 2012 peak demand A geo-schematic diagram of the existing transmission system in 2012 is shown in Figure 1. In section 2.2 of this Statement it was noted that a number of projects had been completed since the 2011– 2015 Capability Statement was published and that the new works were being energised so that they were available to meet the peak demand in summer 2012. These projects will provide load relief to some of the heavily loaded grid stations and transmission circuits in addition to improving the voltage profile. The projects designed to meet the 2012 system demand include a new 132kV grid station at Muttrah, Qurum Yitti and Quriyat. And new 220kV grid station at Blue City, Sohar-II IPP, Misfah and Barka-III IPP. The upgrade of the 132 kV double circuit line between Mahadah (Al Wasit) and Bureimi. Also, the replacement of overhead lines with underground cables in Muscat area. A number of grid stations cannot maintain the Transmission Security Standard requirement and additional 125 MVA third transformer capacity is being provided at Barka Main, a fourth transformer of 125MVA capacity is added at Bousher, and the upgrading of Seeb Main transformers from 2 x 63 MVA to 2 x 125MVA to meet the demand in 2012. Other major projects scheduled for that period are the 220 kV systems which will be extended into the Al Dhahirah area. These include construction of a new 220 kV double circuits overhead transmission line from Mahadah (Al Wasit) to Ibri, where a new 220/132 kV, 2 x 500 MVA Ibri grid station will be Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 33 established. This project will help in transferring the flow of the bulk electric power to the more efficient 220 kV system, thus improving the voltage profiles in this area, and reducing power losses. Also, construction of new 132 kV line between Ibri and Dank and upgrading Ibri transformers to 125 MVA. The main investment to meet the 2012 peak is in the extension of the 220 kV transmission systems from Barka-III IPP to Misfah grid station. The new IPPs at Barka and Sohar will be connected to the 220 kV transmission system through new 220 kV GIS substations at Barka-III and Sohar-II. Sohar-II will be connected to SIS (Sohar Interconnector Station) at 220 kV via a double circuit connection. However, part of the route near the power station will have to be run underground because of difficulties in obtaining a right of way for another overhead line. 5.2.2 Projects expected to be completed to meet the 2013 peak demand Figure 2 shows in geo-schematic form the system development plan to meet the demand in 2013 peak demand. The new projects scheduled for completion in time to meet the summer peak demand in 2013 are at various stages of development and the major projects for which a consultant has been appointed for construction. The projects designed to meet the 2013 system demand include a new 132/33kV grid station at Ghubrah, Ayjah, Sur, Hamriyah (Wadi Adai-2) and upgrading of Jahloot to 220kV. The upgrade of the 132 kV double circuit line between Dank and Al Hail grid station will be completed by 2013. Further upgrading projects are also required at Izki grid station from 2x40MVA to 2x125MVA transformers, Mudhaibi grid station from 2x63MVA to 2x125MVA transformers, Dank grid station from 2x15MVA to 2x63MVA transformers and Rustaq grid station from 2 x 63 MVA to 3 x 125 MVA tarnsformers. Sur power station Phase-1 220kV GIS installation is scheduled to be completed to meet the system demand in 2013. The main investment to meet the 2013 peak is in the extension of the 220 kV transmission systems from Misfah to Jahloot and on to Hamriyah (Wadi Adai-2) and Sur grid stations. To cater for future growth in demand, consideration is being given to constructing Sur-Jahloot line for operation at 400 kV, but operating initially at 220kV. The other major projects planned for completion before summer 2013 are the new 220/132 kV, 2 x 500 MVA grid stations to be established at Sur, Al Hamryah and Jahloot. 5.2.3 Projects expected to be completed to meet the 2014 peak demand Figure 3 shows in geo-schematic form the system development plan to meet the 2014 system peak demand. The new projects scheduled for completion in time to meet the summer peak demand in 2014 are at various stages of development and the major projects for which a consultant has been appointed for construction. The projects designed to meet the 2014 system demand include the construction of new 132/33 kV grid stations at Ghala (Madinat Al Arfan), Buremim-2, adding third and fourth transformers at Sohar, Madinat Nizwa, Al Kamil & Al Wafi, Madinat Barka, Al Amerat, Mabellah-2 (Al Khoudh) and Al Khadra. Other projects that are required to meet the 2014 system demand are replacement of 132kV GIS at Rusail, replacement of 132KV AIS to GIS at Mahadh (Al Wasit), adding two 220kV GIS bays at Mahadah (Al Wasit) grid station to connect the GCC link between Oman and UAE, linking Al Falaj, Muttrah and Wadi Kabir grid stations by one circuit, new 400kV overhead line between Sur Power Plant Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 34 and Izki 400/220/132kV grid station. Further upgrading projects are also required at Sumail and Shinas grid station from 2x63MVA to 2x125MVA transformers. The other major project planned for completion before summer 2014 is replacement of 132kV Seeb- Mawalleh overhead line to underground cable and adding new 132kV GIS at Mawalleh to connect Seeb Main and Airport Heights grid stations and adding fourth transformer of 125MVA capacity at Mawalleh grid station. Another major project planned for operating the 220 kV line between Jahloot and Sur grid station to 400 kV with the new 400/220 kV gird stations to be established at Jahloot and Sur. This line is planning to operate to 400 kV to evacuate the full power from Sur power plant (2000 MW). 5.2.4 Projects expected to be completed in time to meet the 2015 peak demand Figure 4 shows in geo-schematic form the system development plan to meet the 2015 peak demand. One of the major projects expected to be connected to the transmission system by summer 2015 is the construction of new 132kV grid station at Free Zone, Ibra, Hajarmat, adding third and fourth transformers at MIS and Muladah, upgrading MSQ from 132kV to 220kV and adding fourth transformer of 125 MVA capacity at MSQ grid station (MSQ-B), adding fourth transformer of 125MVA capacity at Wadi Kabir grid station (Wadi Kabir-B), upgrading Liwa to 220kV and new 400kV Overhead lines between Izki and Misfah with 400kV GIS, 400/220kV at Misfah grid station. 5.2.5 Projects expected to be completed in time to meet the 2016 peak demand Figure 5 shows in geo-schematic form the system arrangement to meet the 2016 peak demand. A project expected to be connected to the transmission system by summer 2016 are converting 132kV OHL Nizwa- Ibri to 220kV in addition to 220kV Overhead line to Izki grid station and new 220kV grid station connected to Mobailah-1 by LILO Filaj-Airport Heights OHL. 5.3 Summary Table 1 in the Executive Summary has summarised the development plans for the OETC Transmission System on a project by project basis at the time of this Statement. The table identifies the projects to which OETC are already committed and those projects that are considered likely to proceed. The power system studies presented later in this Capability Statement to show the expected performance of the transmission system over the period 2012-2016 have been performed on the basis that the committed and planned development projects in Table 1 and detailed in Appendix A will proceed as planned and to be completed on schedule. The system studies are used to identify areas of the transmission system where there are opportunities for connecting new demand and new generation and where constraints should be applied to further development. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 35 Figure 1: OETC existing transmission system in 2012. Madiant Nizwa Madinat Barka G Muscat Al Batinah South Al Batinah North Ad Dhahirah Al Wusta UAE Alkamil Sur Mudhirib Mudaybi Adam Manah Nizwa Bahla Ibri Alhayl Dank Bureimi Wadi Al Jizzi Shinas Sohar SIS SIP SRC Saham Khaburah MIS Rustaq S u m a il Izki Al Filaj Barka Main Seeb Main - A&B G houbrah MSQ AlFalaj Wadi Kabir Ja h lo o t G Fawah (Oha) Yitti Quriyat Qurum Wadi Sa’a Oman Sea Mhadah (Alwasit) G Nakhal Blue City Al Bureimi KSA Al-Sharqiyah Al-Dakhiliah Misfah SPS G G S M N B a r k a - 3 A C W A G Airport High Rusail OMIFCO B o s h a r -A & B G Mabailah-1 Muladah Ghoubrah OETC Transmission System (2012 System Peak) Private Customer 400kV Double Circuit 400kV Grid Station G 220kV Grid Station 220kV Double Circuit 220kV Double Circuit Cable 132kV Grid Station 132kV Double Circuit Power Plant 132 kV Double Circuit Cable Legend Muttrah 3 132kV Single Circuit Wooden Pole Liwa G G G G G Mawalih South Mawalih North (Wave ) G Wadi Adai Future 220kV System Future 132kVSystem OETC System JBB Ali G S o h a r - 1 S o h a r - 2 S o h a r A l u m i n u m Prepare By: Strategic Planning & Studies Section Nhadah (PDO) 1 2 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 36 Figure 2: Expected development by 2013. Madiant Nizwa Madinat Barka G Muscat Al Batinah South Al Batinah North Ad Dhahirah Al Wusta UAE Alkamil Sur Mudhirib Mudaybi Adam Manah Nizwa Bahla Ibri Alhayl Dank Wadi Al Jizzi Shinas Sohar-A&B SIS SIP SRC Saham Khaburah MIS Rustaq S u m a il Izki Al Filaj Barka Main Ghoubrah MSQ AlFalaj Wadi Kabir Ja h lo o t G F a w a h (O h a ) Yitti Q u riy a t Qurum Wadi Sa’a Oman Sea Mhadah (Alwasit) G Nakhal Blue City Al Bureimi KSA Al-Sharqiyah Al-Dakhiliah Misfah SPS G G A lH a m ry a G Airport High Rusail OMIFCO Boshar-A&B G Mabailah-1 Muladah Ghoubrah OETC Transmission System (2013 System Peak) Muttrah Aijah 3 3 G S u r I P P Liwa G G G G G Mawalih South Mawalih North (Wave ) G Wadi Adai OETC System JBB Ali G S o h a r - 1 S o h a r - 2 S o h a r A l u m i n u m S M N B a r k a - 3 A C W A Private Customer 400kV Double Circuit 400kV Grid Station G 220kV Grid Station 220kV Double Circuit 220kV Double Circuit Cable 132kV Grid Station 132kV Double Circuit Power Plant 132 kV Double Circuit Cable Legend 132kV Single Circuit Wooden Pole Future 220kV System Future 132kVSystem Prepare By: Strategic Planning & Studies Section Nhadah (PDO) Bureimi 1 Seeb Main -A&B Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 37 Figure 3: Expected development by 2014. Madiant Nizwa Madinat Barka G Muscat Al Batinah South Al Batinah North Ad Dhahirah Al Wusta UAE Alkamil Sur Mudhirib Mudaybi-A&B Adam Manah Nizwa Bahla Ibri Alhayl Dank Bureimi Wadi Al Jizzi Shinas Sohar-A&B SIS SIP SRC Saham Khaburah M IS Rustaq S u m a il Izki Al Filaj Barka Main Ghoubrah MSQ-A &B AlFalaj Wadi Kabir G Fawah (Oha) Yitti Q u riy a t Qurum Wadi Sa’a Oman Sea G Nakhal Blue City Al Bureimi KSA Al-Sharqiyah Al-Dakhiliah G h a la Misfah SPS G G A lH a m ry a G Airport High Amerat Rusail OMIFCO Mabailah-1 Muladah Ghoubrah Kamil Wal Wafi Madinat Nizwa Madinat Barka OETC Transmission System (2014 System Peak) Private Customer 400kV Double Circuit 400kV Grid Station G 220kV Grid Station 220kV Double Circuit 220kV Double Circuit Cable 132kV Grid Station 132kV Double Circuit Power Plant 132 kV Double Circuit Cable Legend Muttrah Aijah 3 3 132kV Single Circuit Wooden Pole G Bureimi-2 M a b a i l a h - 2 S u r I P P Liwa G G G G G Mawalih South-A&B Mawalih North (Wave ) G Wadi Adai Future 220kV System Future 132kVSystem OETC System JBB Ali 1 1 G 1 S o h a r - 1 S o h a r - 2 S o h a r A l u m i n u m S M N B a r k a - 3 A C W A Prepare By: Strategic Planning & Studies Section Mhadah (Alwasit) Sawihan (GCCIA) G Nhadah (PDO) Al Khadra 1 Boshar-A&B Seeb Main -A&B Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 38 Figure 4: Expected development by 2015. Madiant Nizwa Madinat Barka G Muscat Al Batinah South Al Batinah North Ad Dhahirah Al Wusta UAE Alkamil Sur Mudhirib Mudaybi-A&B Adam Manah Nizwa Bahla Ibri Alhayl Dank Bureimi Wadi Al Jizzi Shinas Sohar-A&B SIS S I P SRC S a h a m K h a b u r a h M IS -A & B Rustaq S u m a il Izki Al Filaj Barka Main Ghoubrah MSQ-A&B AlFalaj Wadi Kabir Jahloot F a w a h ( O h a ) Yitti Q u r i y a t Qurum Wadi Sa’a Oman Sea G Nakhal Blue City Al Bureimi KSA Al-Sharqiyah Al-Dakhiliah Ghala SPS G G Al Khadra A lH a m r y a G Airport High Rusail OMIFCO Boshar-A&B Mabailah-1 Muladah- A&B Ghoubrah Kamil Wal Wafi Madinat Nizwa Madinat Barka OETC Transmission System (2015 System Peak) Private Customer 400kV Double Circuit 400kV Grid Station G 220kV Grid Station 220kV Double Circuit 220kV Double Circuit Cable 132kV Grid Station 132kV Double Circuit Power Plant 132 kV Double Circuit Cable Legend Muttrah Aijah 3 3 132kV Single Circuit Wooden Pole G Bureimi-2 M a b a ila h -2 S u r I P P L iw a G G G G G Mawalih South-A&B Mawalih North (Wave ) G Wadi Adai Future 220kV System Future 132kVSystem OETC System Ibra JBB Ali 1 G 1 G S o h a r - 1 S o h a r - 2 S o h a r A l u m i n u m S M N B a r k a - 3 A C W A Prepare By: Strategic Planning & Studies Section Mhadah (Alwasit) Sawihan (GCCIA) G F r e e Z o n e Misfah Nhadah (PDO) Hgarmat 1 A m e r a t 1 Seeb Main -A&B Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 39 Figure 5: Expected development by 2016. Madiant Nizwa Madinat Barka G Muscat Al Batinah South Al Batinah North Ad Dhahirah Al Wusta UAE Alkamil Sur Mudhirib Mudaybi-A&B Nizwa Bahla Nhadah (PDO) Ibri Alhayl Dank Bureimi Wadi Al Jizzi S h in a s Sohar-A&B SIS SIP SRC Saham K h a b u r a h M I S - A & B R u s ta q S u m a il Izki Al Filaj Barka Main Ghoubrah MSQ-A&B AlFalaj W a d i K a b ir Ja h lo o t Fawah (Oha) Yitti Quriyat Qurum Wadi Sa’a Oman Sea Mhadah (Alwasit) G Nakhal Blue City Al Bureimi KSA Al-Sharqiyah Al-Dakhiliah Ghala Misfah SPS G A l K h a d r a A lH a m ry a G S o h a r - 1 Airport High A m e r a t Rusail OMIFCO B o s h a r - A & B G M a b a i l a h - 1 Muladah- A&B Ghoubrah Kamil Wal Wafi Madinat Nizwa M a d in a t B a rk a OETC Transmission System (2016 System Peak) Private Customer 400kV Double Circuit 400kV Grid Station G 220kV Grid Station 220kV Double Circuit 220kV Double Circuit Cable 132kV Grid Station 132kV Double Circuit Power Plant 132 kV Double Circuit Cable Legend Muttrah Aijah 3 3 1 132kV Single Circuit Wooden Pole G Bureimi-2 M a b a i l a h - 2 S u r I P P Liwa G G G G G Mawalih South-A&B Mawalih North (Wave ) Sawihan (GCCIA) G S o h a r - 2 S o h a r A l u m i n u m Hgarmat Wadi Adai Future 220kV System Futur 400kV System OETC System Ibra JBB Ali 1 G 1 G Adam Manah G F r e e Z o n e 400kV In Evaluation Stage S M N B a r k a - 3 A C W A Prepare By: Strategic Planning & Studies Section 1 Seeb Main -A&B Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 40 6. Existing and Planned Developments in Generation 6.1 Existing generation The OETC transmission system in 2012 will be supplied by ten gas-based power stations: - Ghubrah and Rusail in Muscat region (Muscat Electricity Distribution Company supply area). - Barka (ACWA), Barka SMN and Barka III in Al Batinah South region, Manah in Al Dakhilya region and Al Kamil in Al Sharqiyah region (Mazoon Electricity Company supply area). - Sohar I and Sohar II in North Al Batinah region and Wadi Jizzi in Al Bureimi region (Majan Electricity Company supply area). The ten power stations are described briefly below: a) Ghubrah Power and Desalination Plant The initial development of Ghubrah Power Station started in 1976 and the installation of the power and desalination plant was accomplished in six phases, four of which included the commissioning of new generating units. The layout of the site is complex and is a mixture of thirteen gas turbines and three steam turbines of various ratings. The net generation capacity is approximately 447MW. b) Rusail Power Station Rusail Power Station is located in the Rusail Industrial Estate. The power station has eight Frame 9E gas turbines installed and operating in open-cycle. The gross site rating of the units varies from 81.5 MW to 95.9 MW. The units were installed progressively between 1984 and 2000. The net generation capacity of the power station is approximately 687 MW. c) Wadi Jizzi Power Station Wadi Jizzi Power Station comprises eight Frame 6B gas turbines (with gross site ratings in the range of 29.1 - 32.5 MW) where are all operating in open cycle. The units were installed progressively from 1982 and the net generation capacity is approximately 245 MW. d) Manah Power Station Manah Power Station is owned by the United Power Company and when commissioned in 1996 was the first Independent Power Project (IPP) to be built in Oman. The station comprises three GE PG6541B gas turbines (each site rated at 28.8 MW) and two GE PG9171E gas turbines (site ratings of 93.5 MW). The net generation capacity is approximately 273 MW. e) Al Kamil Power Station Al Kamil Power Station is another IPP and was commissioned in 2002. The station comprises three GE PG9171E gas turbines (site rating 98.9 MW) operating in open cycle and the net generation capacity is approximately 297MW. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 41 f) Barka Power and Desalination Plants There are three power stations in Barka: 1. The BarkaI Power and Desalination Plant was commissioned in 2003 by AES (ACWA recently) and was developed as an Independent Water & Power Plant (IWPP). The power plant comprises two Ansaldo V94.2 gas turbines (manufactured under licence from Siemens) and a steam turbine operating in combined cycle. The net generation capacity is approximately 434MW. 2. The Barka II SMN plant is an Independent Water & Power Plant (IWPP) and was commissioned in 2009. There are three gas turbines of 130 MW capacity each and two steam turbines of 161 MW capacity each. The total net generation capacity is approximately 681 MW. 3. Barka III Power Plant is an Independent Power Plant (IPP) and is commissioned in early 2012. There are two gas turbines of 247.5 MW capacity each are available in 2012 and a steam turbine of 249.9 MW capacity which will be available in 2013. The total early generation capacity is approximately 494.9 MW in 2012. g) Sohar Power and Desalination Plant 1. Sohar I Power and Desalination Plant was also developed as an IWPP by the Sohar Power Company. The plant consists of three Siemens V 94.2 gas turbines (Ansaldo Extraction Type), a steam turbine and four desalination units. The three gas turbines came into service during summer 2006. The net power plant capacity is 605 MW. 2. Sohar II Power Plant is an Independent Power Plant (IPP) and is commissioned in early 2012. There are two gas turbines of 247.5 MW capacity each are available in 2012 and a steam turbine of 249.9 MW capacity which will be available in 2013. The total early generation capacity is approximately 494.9 MW in 2012. Table 2 lists on a yearly basis the existing and committed future generating capacity over the period 2012- 2016. The table presents the gross and net maximum capacity for each generating unit at each power station and takes account of the desalination load where appropriate. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 42 Table 2: Existing and committed future generating capacity Power Station Type Unit Net Generating Capacity (MW) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Al-Ghubrah Power & Desalination Plant Steam Turbine ST 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Steam Turbine ST 4 37.0 37.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Steam Turbine ST 5 30.0 29.2 29.2 29.2 29.2 Steam Turbine ST 6 30.0 29.2 29.2 29.2 29.2 Gas Turbine GT1 16.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Gas Turbine GT2 16.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Gas Turbine GT3 16.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Gas Turbine GT4 16.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Gas Turbine GT5 16.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Gas Turbine GT6 16.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Gas Turbine GT7 16.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Gas Turbine GT8 16.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Gas Turbine GT9 16.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Gas Turbine GT10 26.3 26.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Gas Turbine GT11 26.3 26.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Gas Turbine GT12 91.0 88.6 88.5 88.5 88.5 Gas Turbine GT13 91.0 88.6 88.5 88.5 88.5 Gen sub-total 475 325 235 235 235 Desalination load 28 28 28 28 20 Net Generation 447 297 207 207 215 Rusail Power Plant Gas Turbine GT 1 81.5 81.5 81.5 81.5 81.5 Gas Turbine GT 2 81.5 81.5 81.5 81.5 81.5 Gas Turbine GT 3 81.5 81.5 81.5 81.5 81.5 Gas Turbine GT 4 83.9 83.9 83.9 83.9 83.9 Gas Turbine GT 5 83.9 83.9 83.9 83.9 83.9 Gas Turbine GT 6 83.9 83.9 83.9 83.9 83.9 Gas Turbine GT 7 95.9 95.9 95.9 95.9 95.9 Gas Turbine GT 8 94.9 94.9 94.9 94.9 94.9 Net Generation 687 687 687 687 687 Wadi Al-Jizzi Power Plant Gas Turbine GT3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Gas Turbine GT4 29.8 29.8 29.8 0.0 0.0 Gas Turbine GT5 29.8 29.8 29.8 0.0 0.0 Gas Turbine GT6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Gas Turbine GT7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Gas Turbine GT8 29.1 29.1 29.1 0.0 0.0 Gas Turbine GT9 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 Gas Turbine GT10 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 Gas Turbine GT11 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 Gas Turbine GT12 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 Gas Turbine GT13 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 Net Generation 245 245 245 157 157 Al Kamil Power Plant Gas Turbine GT 1A 98.9 98.9 98.9 94.0 94.0 Gas Turbine GT 1B 98.9 98.9 98.9 94.0 94.0 Gas Turbine GT 1C 98.9 98.9 98.9 94.0 94.0 Net Generation 297 297 297 282 282 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 43 Table 2 (continued): Existing and committed future generating capacity Power Station Type Unit Net Generating Capacity (MW) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Manah Power Plant Gas Turbine GT1A 28.8 28.8 28.8 28.8 28.8 Gas Turbine GT1B 28.8 28.8 28.8 28.8 28.8 Gas Turbine GT1C 28.8 28.8 28.8 28.8 28.8 Gas Turbine GT2A 93.5 93.5 93.5 93.5 93.5 Gas Turbine GT2B 93.5 93.5 93.5 93.5 93.5 Net Generation 273 273 273 273 273 Barka I Power & Desalination Plant Gas Turbine GT 1 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5 Gas Turbine GT 2 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5 Steam Turbine ST 220 220 220 220 220 Gen sub-total 459 459 459 459 459 Desalination load 25 25 25 25 25 Net Generation 434 434 434 434 434 Sohar Power & Desalination Plant Gas Turbine GT 1 139 139 139 139 139 Gas Turbine GT 2 139 139 139 139 139 Gas Turbine GT 3 139 139 139 139 139 Steam Turbine ST 220 220 220 220 220 Gen sub-total 636 636 636 636 636 Desalination load 31 31 31 31 31 Net Generation 605 605 605 605 605 Barka II Power & Desalination Plant Gas Turbine GT 1 130 130 130 129 129 Gas Turbine GT 2 130 130 130 129 129 Gas Turbine GT 3 130 130 130 129 129 Steam Turbine ST1 161 161 161 161 161 Steam Turbine ST2 161 161 161 161 161 Gen sub-total 713 712 711 710 710 Desalination load 31.2 31.2 31.2 31.2 31.2 Net Generation 681 681 680 679 679 Barka III Power Plant Gas Turbine GT 1 247 247 246 245 245 Gas Turbine GT 2 247 247 246 245 245 Steam Turbine ST 0.0 250 250 250 250 Net Generation 495 745 742 740 740 Sohar II Power Plant Gas Turbine GT 1 247 247 246 245 245 Gas Turbine GT 2 247 247 246 245 245 Steam Turbine ST 0.0 250 250 250 250 Net Generation 495 745 742 740 740 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 44 6.2 Planned Retirements of Existing Plant There are a number of planned retirements of the existing units in 2012 and further retirements are planned before 2014. The planned retirements are as follows: a) Ghubrah Power and Desalination Plant In 2013, it is planned to retire the existing units GT1-9 (144 MW). In addition, ST4 (37 MW), GT10 (26.3 MW) and GT11 (26.3 MW) will be retired in 2014. b) Wadi Jizzi Power Station In 2015, it is planned to retire the existing units GT4 (29.8 MW), GT5 (29.8 MW) and GT8 (29.1). 6.3 Planned future generation (2012 – 2016) There are three main generation developments planned for the period 2012 to 2016: a) Barka III Power Station (IPP) Barka III Independent Power Plant (IPP) has been commissioned recently. There are two gas turbines of 247.5 MW capacity each are available in 2012 and a steam turbine of 249.9 MW capacity which will be available in 2013. The total net generation capacity will be 744.9 MW in 2013. b) Sohar II Power Station (IPP) Sohar II Independent Power Plant (IPP) has been commissioned recently. There are two gas turbines of 247.5 MW capacity each are available in 2012 and a steam turbine of 249.9 MW capacity which will be available in 2013. The total net generation capacity will be 744.9 MW in 2013. c) Sur Power Station (IPP) Sur Independent Power Plant (IPP) will be commissioned in 2013 and 2014. There are five gas turbines of 244MW capacity and only two (217MW each) will be available in 2013. In 2014 the total capacity will reach 2000MW working in a combined cycle with two steam turbines of 311MW and one steam turbine 157MW. Table 3 summarises the net capacity of the additional future generating plant over the period 2012 to 2016 assumed in this Capability Statement. The table shows that an additional 3500 MW of generating capacity from these plants is planned to be in service before the 2014 peak. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 45 Table 3: New Contracted and Planned Generating Capacity Power Station Net Generating Capacity (MW) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Barka Phase III Phase 1 495 495 492 490 490 Phase 2 - 250 250 250 250 Net Generation 495 745 742 740 740 Sohar Phase II Phase 1 495 495 492 490 490 Phase 2 - 250 250 250 250 Net Generation 495 745 742 740 740 Sur IPP Phase 1 - 433 488 488 488 Phase 2 - - 1512 1512 1512 Net Generation - 433 2000 2000 2000 6.4 Non Contracted Generating Capacity There are a number of private industrial customers directly connected to the transmission system that either operate or plan to operate their own on-site generation. The largest generating plant among these is Sohar Aluminium, which may export up to 300 MW. The interconnected system and the private customer generating plants can with the customer’s agreement be made available to support the contracted generation under emergency conditions in order to avoid power cuts in northern Oman because of a shortfall in the contracted generation. These generators are termed “non-contracted” generating plants. Table 4 shows the non-contracted generating capacity Table 4: Non-Contracted Generating Capacity Power Station Net Generating Capacity (MW) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 UAE Interconnector 200 200 200 200 200 PDO 60 60 60 60 60 Sohar Aluminium 300 300 300 300 300 Oman Refineries and Petrochemicals Co. 15 15 15 15 15 Oman Cement Company (OCC). 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 Oman Mining Company (OMCO). 20 20 20 20 20 Ministry of Defense 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 Oman Indian Fertilizer CO. 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 Net Generation 610 610 610 610 610 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 46 Table 5 summarises the Centrally Dispatched Net Generation Capacity available over the period 2011– 2016, with the new generation at Barka III, Sohar II and the Sur IPP plant in service with the planned retirement of generating units at Al Ghubrah and Wadi Al-Jizzi taken into account. Table 5: Centrally Dispatched Generating Capacity on OETC Transmission System Power Stations 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Al-Ghubrah Power & Desalination Plant 455 447 297 207 207 215 Rusail Power Plant 642 687 687 687 687 687 Wadi Al-Jizzi Power Plant 249 245 245 245 157 157 Manah Power Plant 273 273 273 273 273 273 Al Kamil Power Plant 273 297 297 297 282 282 Barka I Power & Desalination Plant 434 434 434 434 434 434 Sohar I Power & Desalination Plant 569 605 605 605 605 605 Barka II Power Plant 476 681 681 680 679 679 Barka III Power Plant - 495 745 742 740 739 Sohar II Power Plant - 495 745 742 740 739 Sur Power Plant - - 433 2000 2000 2000 Total Generating Capacity (MW) 3371 4660 5442 6912 6805 6811 Retirements 0 - 80 - 144 - 89 - 89 0 6.5 Interconnections 6.5.1 Interconnection with the UAE (ABU DHABI TRANSCO) and the rest of the GCC Grid The 220 kV transmission interconnection with the United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi Transco) was completed in the first quarter of 2007. The interconnection connects Mahadah grid station (Al Wasit) to Al Foah grid station in Al Ain in the UAE. The interconnection is via a 220 kV double circuit overhead transmission line with twin Araucaria. In the longer term the principal technical benefit to be obtained from connecting Oman to the GCC Grid is in a reduced spinning reserve requirement, which will be shared between the members of the GCC Grid. However, operation of the interconnection will allow Oman to import/export power from the GCC Grid to meet any potential generation shortfall. 6.5.2 Interconnection with PDO The OETC transmission system is interconnected with the transmission system of the Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) which provides electricity to its sites across the central region of Oman for the purpose of oil exploration and development. The interconnection is made at 132 kV between Nizwa grid station on the OETC system and Nahda 132 kV substation on the PDO 132 kV network by a 67 km Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 47 overhead line with a single Elm. The over head line is owned by PDO. Under normal conditions the power transfer between the two networks is allowed to float around zero MW, with power transfers balanced out over a period. The interconnection essentially allows OETC and PDO to share spinning reserve and supply limited power to each other in emergency conditions on either system. 6.6 Economic Dispatch The Load Dispatch Centre of OETC dispatches generation based on its availability as stated by the Generator on a day-ahead basis, and its price as listed by the Oman Power and Water Procurement Co. (OPWP). Under circumstances where the system frequency is seen to stray outside the specified limits, LDC will issue dispatch instructions to Generators based on Merit Order to rectify the situation. 6.7 Spinning Reserve The Load Dispatch Centre strives to maintain a spinning reserve equal to the rating of the largest generating unit connected to the transmission system. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 48 7. Demand Forecast and Generation Availability 7.1 System Demand Maximum demand usually occurs on the OETC transmission on a weekday in the months of May, June or July, during a period of particularly high temperature and humidity. The growth in air conditioning equipment in domestic and commercial premises in Oman has ensured that peak demand usually occurs during the afternoon. Figure 6 shows the 24-hour demand profile for the transmission system on the day of the 2011 system peak demand (i.e. 18/06/2011). The 2011 system peak demand of 4000.3 MW was recorded at 15:00 hours by the OETC Load Dispatch Centre. The historic growth in system peak demand over the period (2003-2011) is shown in Table 6. Figure 6: OETC System Load on 2011 Peak Day (18/06/2011) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 L o a d ( M W ) Time (hrs) Max Demand Profile Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 49 Table 6: Historic growth in peak demand and transmission losses (2003 – 2011) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 System Max Demand (MW) based on gross demand 2232 2371 2495 2613 2773 3139 3546 3614 4000.3 Annual growth rate based on gross demand (%) --- 6.2 5.2 4.7 6.1 13 12.9 1.9* 10.7 System Max Demand (MW) based on net demand 2139 2294 2395 2505 2662 3033 3342 3504 3765.1 Transmission System Losses (MW) at system peak 35 38 40 37 40 61 80 60 61.9 Transmission System Losses (%) 1.64 1.66 1.67 1.47 1.5 2 2 1.7 1.6 *The reduction in the annual growth is due to the Phet Cyclone Minimum demand generally occurs on the transmission system during night-time in December/January when electricity consumption in all major load categories is reduced. In 2011 the system minimum demand was 909 MW and this occurred on 8 January 2011 at 04:00 AM. The 2011 system minimum demand was 22.72 % of the 2011 system peak demand. The 24-hour profile for the day of minimum demand is shown in Figure 7. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 50 Figure 7: OETC System Load on 2011 Minimum Load Day (08/01/2011) 7.2 Demand Forecast Under clause 3 of Condition 27 of the OETC Transmission and Dispatch Licence it is stated that: “The Licensee shall, when preparing the Capability Statement …. ensure that the forecasts of electricity flows and loading on each part of the Transmission System are consistent with the prevailing electricity demand forecasts prepared and used by the OPWP for the purposes of the Statement of future capacity requirements required by Condition 5 of the OPWP licence”. The OPWP demand forecast is based on data supplied to them by the three distribution companies (i.e. Muscat EDC, Mazoon EC and Majan EC) and includes demand forecasts for the major customers that are, or will be, directly connected to the OETC transmission system at either 220 kV or 132 kV in their respective supply areas. The distribution company forecasts are provided in terms of: a) The growth in major industrial loads b) The growth in major tourism loads c) The annual domestic growth d) The growth in other major loads 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 L o a d ( M W ) Time (hrs) Min Demand Profile Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 51 The forecasts supplied to OPWP relate to the totals for each distribution company and do not indicate how this load is allocated to the individual grid supply points. The forecast data provided to OPWP does, however, include major future connections and the cumulative increase in load over the seven-year period covered by the OPWP Statement. OPWP has then reviewed this data and taken a view as to the probability that the individual schemes will proceed and if so, the rate at which their load will develop. The outcome of this review is presented as the OPWP Demand Forecast in its Seven-Year Statement. The OPWP Demand Forecast was therefore taken as the starting point for developing the demand forecast presented in this OETC Capability Statement. The OETC forecast, however, is required to identify the future demand at individual grid stations at the system peak for each year over the period 2012 to 2016, since this information is required for the power flow studies. Analysis of the demand forecast data used by OPWP in developing its Seven-Year Statement (2012 – 2018) identified basic annual percentage rates of 12.23% for the growth in peak demand in the Mazoon EC, Muscat EDC and Majan DC supply areas. These rates have been applied to the grid station demands in the respective supply areas as noted by the OETC Load Dispatch Centre at the 2011 system peak (i.e. 18/06/2011, 15:00 hour). The demand associated with major industrial and tourism projects as assessed by OPWP (with diversity taken into account) was then superimposed on to the steady growth in the basic demand to produce a basic forecast. Section 5 identified a number of new grid supply points that are scheduled to come into service to meet the summer peak demands from 2012 onwards. These gird stations will provide load relief to the more heavily loaded grid stations and in some cases supply new loads. The distribution companies’ plans for load transfers from existing grid stations that are heavily loaded to new grid stations are one of the most important elements of the demand forecast. Table 7 summarises the load transfers adopted in the studies based on consideration of what is required and what OETC has considered viable. OETC, however, acknowledges that this aspect of the forecast needs to be improved in future and believes that it would be helpful if distribution companies were to give greater consideration to feasible load transfers when planning their distribution networks, and to develop proposals for load transfers in coordination with OETC. Also, the TSS requirement shall be considered at every GSP and all new requirement shall be indicated clearly as indicated by in the Grid Code. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 52 Table 7: Expected Load Transfers between Grid Supply Points (2012-2016) From Grid Station To Grid Station Load Transfer (MW) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Muscat Area Rusail Misfah 37.5 Ghubrah Airport Heights 20 Ghubrah New Ghoubrah 25 Ghubrah (Temp. 40MVA) New Ghoubrah 31.2 Wadi Adai Yitti 9 Wadi Adai Qurum 20 26 Wadi Adai Amerat 15.2 Wadi Kabir-A Muttrah 17.6 Wadi Kabir Tx.3 Wadi Kabir-B 56.7 Al Falaj Muttrah 28.8 MS Qaboos-A MSQ Tx. 3 37.8 28 MS Qaboos-A Quraum 18.3 Jahloot Quriat 37.7 Jahloot Amerat 34.8 Mawallah South-A Mabailah-2 (Al khoudh) 57 Mawallah South-A Mawallah South-B 45.1 Seeb Main-A (63 MVA) Seeb Main-B 40 Seeb Main (Temp. 63MVA) Seeb Main-B 21 Seeb Main (Temp. 63MVA) Seeb Main-A (63 MVA) 4 Bousher-A Bousher-B 63.5 Bousher-A Madinat Al Arfan( Ghala) 31.1 Bousher-A MS Qaboos-B (Tx 3,4) 10 Mabailah-1 Seeb Main-B 20 Mabailah-1 Mabailah-2 (Al khoudh) 30 Bousher-B Ghubrah 30 Bousher-B Bousher-A 8 Bousher-B MS Qaboos-B (Tx 3,4) 10 MSQ (Tx3) MS Qaboos-B (Tx 3,4) 69.7 Total (MW) 355.2 76.2 279.2 172.4 0.0 Mazoon Area Barka Main Mabailah-1 18 Barka Main Madinat Barka 58 Barka Main Barka Tx-3 50 Barka Tx-3 Barka Main 20 Madinat Barka MIS-A 30 Muladah-A Blue City 47.8 40 Muladah-A Muladah-B 60 Blue City Madinat Barka 30 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 53 Table 7 (Continue): Expected Load Transfers between Grid Supply Points (2012-2016) From Grid Station To Grid Station Load Transfer (MW) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Mazoon Area (Con’t) Izki Temp Izki 23.2 Nizwa Madinat Nizwa 45 Bahla Madinat Nizwa 14.8 Mudhaibi-A (63 MVA) Mudhaibi-B 60 Mudhairib Al Kamil 32 Al Kamil Mudhairib 32 Mudhairib Ibra 54 JBB Ali Alkamil 60 Sur Al Aijah 60 14.6 Sumail-A (63 MVA) Samail Temp 40 Sumail Temp. Tx 63MVA Samail-B 42 Adam Bahla 5 MIS-A MIS-B 70 Total (MW) 155.8 183.2 321.4 246 0 Majan Area Ibri-B Hygermat 29.5 Ibri-A (63 MVA) Al Hayl 21.6 Al Hayl Ibri-A (63 MVA) 20 Al Hayl Hygermat 21.7 Mhadah(Al Wasit) Wadi Saa 9.7 Bureimi Buraimi-2 34.3 30 Liwa SIP-A 20 Liwa Sohar-A 30 Liwa Sohar-B 5 Liwa Liwa-2( Free Zone) 90 Liwa-2( Free Zone) Liwa 10 Sohar-A Liwa 30 Sohar-A Sohar-B 92.8 Sohar-B Liwa 5 SIP-A Liwa 20 Khaborah Al Khadra 61.8 Total (MW) 49.7 0 223.9 257.8 0 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 54 7.3 System Maximum Demand Forecast and Generation Availability Table 8 shows the grid station demand forecast for the period 2012 – 2016 with prospective load transfers taken into account and the forecast developed in accordance with the methodology described in sub- section 7.2. Table 8: OETC Transmission System Demand Forecast by Grid Station Grid Station Total Demand by Grid Station (MW) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 MUSCAT Rusail 128.0 100.7 103.3 106.9 141.7 147.3 Ghubrah 33 39.1 25.0 - - - - Ghubrah (Temp. 40MVA) 30.0 31.2 - - - - Upgrading Ghoubrah - - 56.2 89.6 94.9 98.7 Wadi Adai 122.0 117.3 99.0 85.3 60.6 61.5 Wadi Kabir 97.0 81.3 82.6 83.8 85.1 86.3 Wadi Kabir Third Tx.3 54.0 55.1 55.9 56.7 - - Al Falaj 100.0 75.2 76.7 79.8 81.0 82.2 MS Qaboos-A 143.0 94.1 98.8 76.7 79.7 82.9 Jahloot 108.5 80.6 86.2 56.6 60.0 62.4 Mawallah South-A 163.5 170.0 176.8 81.8 83.5 85.1 Seeb Main-A (63MVA) 82.0 50.1 52.6 55.2 56.3 57.0 Seeb Main (Temp. 63MVA) 25.0 - - - - - Bousher-A 151.0 101.1 110.2 97.0 88.9 90.7 Mobalah-1 94.0 96.7 99.6 72.1 73.9 76.1 Muttrah - 46.4 47.3 48.0 48.8 49.5 Airport Heights 62.0 86.3 89.8 92.5 94.3 98.1 Qurum - 18.3 39.4 41.8 70.3 74.5 Bousher-B 47.0 114.7 125.1 98.3 93.2 97.9 Azaiba Cost (Wave Project) - 16.2 17.4 18.8 20.3 20.6 Yitti - 9.0 10.1 60.5 61.4 62.3 Quriat - 37.7 40.3 43.2 46.2 49.4 Misfah - 67.5 71.6 75.8 80.4 85.2 Ghala (Madinat Al Arfan) - - - 64.1 68.6 72.7 Mobalah-2 (Al Khoud) - - - 87.0 94.0 97.7 Amerat - - - 50.0 57.5 66.1 Mawalih South -B 39.0 42.1 45.5 92.4 96.1 99.9 MSQ Third Tx - 37.8 39.7 69.7 0.0 0.0 MS Qaboos-B (Yx: 3 &4) - - - - 89.7 95.1 Wadi Kabir-B( Tx3,4) - - - - 56.7 60.1 Seeb Main-B (125MVA) - 81.0 85.9 90.2 94.7 99.4 Muscat Steel - - 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 Modran Steel - - - - 30.0 30.0 R.O Ghoubrah - - - 25.0 25.0 25.0 Transport (Muscat area) 0.0 0.0 20.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 Total (MW) 1485.1 1635.4 1775.0 1973.8 2107.8 2188.7 Growth % - 10.1% 8.5% 11.2% 6.8% 3.8% Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 55 Table 8 (continued): OETC Transmission System Demand Forecast by Grid Station Grid Station Total Demand by Grid Station (MW) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 MAZOON Barka Main 155.0 93.2 96.9 62.8 65.3 66.6 Muladah-A 151.0 118.3 90.1 99.1 49.1 54.0 Muladah-B - - - - 60.0 64.2 Izki 47.0 51.7 76.5 79.5 81.1 82.7 Izki Temporary 23.0 23.2 - - - - Nizwa 102.0 110.2 117.9 81.1 86.8 92.9 Madinat Nizwa - - - 59.8 64.0 68.5 Bahla 80.0 84.0 88.2 82.8 86.1 89.6 Mudhaibi-A(63MVA) 88.0 93.7 38.4 40.3 40.7 41.1 Mudhaibi-B(125MVA) - - 60.0 63.0 66.2 69.5 Mudhairib 107.0 114.0 123.1 99.7 84.7 90.6 Ibra - - - - 54.0 57.8 JBB Ali 114.0 121.4 131.1 80.3 85.9 91.9 Sur 106.0 112.9 63.1 52.9 56.6 60.5 Sumail-A(63MVA) 83.0 47.2 49.5 52.0 54.6 57.3 Sumail Temp. Tx 63MVA - 40.0 42.0 - - - Sumail-B(125MVA) - - - 68.6 72.0 75.6 Rustaq ( Three transformers) 86.0 91.2 94.8 98.6 102.5 106.6 Adam 36.0 36.9 37.8 33.8 34.6 35.5 MIS-A 105.0 111.8 117.4 92.1 58.6 62.7 MIS-B - - - - 70.0 74.9 Blue City 0.0 47.8 89.7 93.3 97.0 99.9 ALKamil - - - 92.0 60.9 61.5 Al Ayjah - - 60.0 80.6 85.4 92.3 Nakhal 43.0 47.3 51.1 55.2 59.6 63.2 Barka Main Third Tx - 50.0 53.5 37.2 39.9 42.6 Madinat Barka - - - 88.0 64.2 68.7 Al khadhra - - - 61.8 66.1 70.8 Sun Matel (Zoom load) (Sur Area) - - - - 300.0 300.0 Total (MW) 1326.0 1394.8 1481.1 1654.5 2045.9 2141.5 Growth % - 5.2% 6.2% 11.7% 23.7% 4.7% Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 56 Table 8 (continued): OETC Transmission System Demand Forecast by Grid Station Grid Station Total Demand by Grid Station (MW) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 MAJAN Ibri-B (125MVA) 89.0 91.7 95.3 99.2 73.6 76.6 Ibri-A (63MVA) - 20.0 20.8 21.6 - - Dank 19.0 19.6 20.2 20.8 21.4 22.0 Al Hayl 44.0 25.3 26.1 26.9 27.6 28.4 Hugermat (Dreez) - - - - 51.2 52.2 Mhadah(Al Wasit) 23.0 15.1 16.7 18.0 19.4 21.0 Bureimi 98.0 107.8 116.4 89.1 64.5 68.3 Shinas 74.0 77.7 81.6 85.7 89.9 94.4 Liwa 94.0 99.8 124.1 99.0 81.9 88.5 Sohar-A 139.0 149.4 156.9 95.7 66.6 67.3 Sohar-B - - - 97.8 94.3 95.7 Khaborah 124.0 129.0 134.1 77.7* 80.8 84.0 Saham 83.0 86.3 88.0 89.8 91.6 93.4 SIP-A 27.0 47.4 48.1 48.9 29.6 30.0 Wadi Sa'a - 18.7 28.9 31.2 31.5 41.8 Liwa 2 (Free Zone) - - - - 80.0 84.8 Buriami Industrial - - - 34.3 66.7 71.4 Aromatics connected to 132 kV (SIP-A) 40.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 SSSRM connected to 132 kV(SIP-A) 19.0 35.0 63.0 63.0 63.0 63.0 Shadeed connected to 220 kV(SIP-A) 20.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 CVRD(VALE) connected to 132 kV(SIP-A) 29.5 120.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 Garamco connected to 132 kV(Liwa) 0.0 0.0 31.0 31.0 31.0 31.0 Free Zone - - - 0.0 30.0 30.0 Total (MW) 922.5 1127.8 1286.2 1264.5* 1329.6 1378.9 Growth % - 22.3% 14.0% -1.7% 5.2% 3.7% Muscat EDC 1485.1 1635.4 1775.0 1973.8 2107.8 2188.7 Mazoon EC 1326.0 1394.8 1481.1 1654.5 2045.9 2141.5 Majan EC 922.5 1127.8 1286.2 1264.5 1329.6 1378.9 Total (MW) 3734 4158 4542 4893 5483 5709 * This is due to load transfere from Khaborah grid station (Majan Area) to Al Khadra grid station (Mazoon Area) in 2014. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 57 Table 9 compares the total demand forecast with the available generating capacity from Table 5 including planned retirements. Table 9: Comparison of Demand Forecast with Available Generating Capacity including Planned Retirements Power Stations 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Al-Ghubrah Power & Desalination Plant 455 447 297 207 207 215 Rusail Power Plant 642 687 687 687 687 687 Wadi Al-Jizzi Power Plant 249 245 245 245 157 157 Manah Power Plant 273 273 273 273 273 273 Al Kamil Power Plant 273 297 297 297 282 282 Barka I Power & Desalination Plant 434 434 434 434 434 434 Sohar I Power & Desalination Plant 569 605 605 605 605 605 Barka II Power & Desalination Plant 476 681 681 680 679 679 Barka III Power Plant - 495 745 742 740 740 Sohar II Power Plant - 495 745 742 740 740 Sur Power Plant - - 433 2000 2000 2000 Total Generating Capacity (MW) 3371 4660 5442 6912 6954 6811 Demand Forecast (MW) 3734 4158 4542 4893 5483 5709 Calculated Losses (MW) 60 87 76 73 70 71 Surplus/Deficit Capacity (MW) (Generation-Demand-Losses) -423 415 824 1946 1401 1031 Retirements 0 - 80 - 144 - 89 - 89 0 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 58 Table 10 compares the total demand forecast with the available generating capacity from Table 5. Table 10: Comparison of Demand Forecast with Available Generating Capacity and Non-Contracted Generation in service Power Stations 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Al-Ghubrah Power & Desalination Plant 455 447 297 207 207 215 Rusail Power Plant 642 687 687 687 687 687 Wadi Al-Jizzi Power Plant 249 245 245 245 157 157 Manah Power Plant 273 273 273 273 273 273 Al Kamil Power Plant 273 297 297 297 282 282 Barka I Power & Desalination Plant 434 434 434 434 434 434 Sohar I Power & Desalination Plant 569 605 605 605 605 605 Barka II Power & Desalination Plant 476 681 681 680 679 679 Barka III Power Plant - 495 745 742 740 740 Sohar II Power Plant - 495 745 742 740 740 Sur Power Plant - - 433 2000 2000 2000 Total Generating Capacity (MW) 3371 4660 5442 6912 6954 6811 Demand Forecast (MW) 3734 4158 4542 4893 5483 5709 Calculated Losses (MW) 60 87 76 73 70 71 Surplus/Deficit Capacity (MW) (Generation-Demand-Losses) -423 415 824 1946 1401 1031 Non-Contracted Generating Capacity (MW) 675 610 610 610 610 610 Surplus/Deficit Capacity (MW) Including Non-Contracted Generation 252 1025 824 1946 1401 1031 Retirements 0 - 80 - 144 - 89 - 89 0 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 59 8. Transmission System Performance The transmission system data used in the power system studies to determine the system performance over the period from 2012 to 2016 is presented in Appendix B of this document. 8.1 Power Flow and Voltage Profiles The extreme cases of maximum and minimum system demand are used to define the performance of the OETC transmission system when it is most heavily stressed. From the studies of these extreme conditions it is possible to identify where the system is strong and has capacity to spare and, conversely, where it is weak and will need strengthening before new connections could be considered. The peak demand case identifies where there is a risk of overloading, of operation above firm capacity, or of system voltages falling below the voltage limits as defined in the Grid Code. The system data described and presented in Appendix B has been used in a series of load flow studies to establish the performance of the OETC transmission system at peak demand in each year from 2012 to 2016 inclusive. The studies were undertaken on the basis that all circuits and plant will be available at system peak in each of the five years and that the system will be developed in accordance with the plans described in Section 5 of the Statement. The studies also assume that the demand will grow in accordance with the Demand Forecast, which is consistent with that produced by the OPWP and distribution companies, and that sufficient generation will be available from both Contracted and Non- Contracted Generating Plants to meet each annual system peak as indicated in the OPWP latest 7 Year Statement. Table 11 shows the summary of the generating plants power assumed to be in service at peak load in each year of the study from 2012 to 2016. Under peak load conditions it is assumed that capacitive support will be switched on, i.e. capacitor banks at 33 kV grid stations are properly adjusted to provide required reactive power and voltage support. In the studies generator terminal voltage and generator-transformer taps are set to control the voltage on the transmission system at the target busbar to within the allowable limits. A second series of load flow studies were undertaken with the transmission system supplying minimum demand. The minimum demand case identifies where there is a risk of the busbar voltages rising above the voltage limits defined in the Grid Code and where additional generation has to be operated to absorb excess reactive power, since there are no reactors connected to the system. At the system minimum demand, the generation is reduced to a level that provides the necessary margin of reserve capacity that is consistent with the operational practices adopted by LDC to handle minimum load conditions. Table 12 shows the generating plants assumed to be in service at minimum load in each year of the study. For 2012, real data are listed in the table. These actual values have been obtained from the LDC Daily Report of the 2012 minimum load which occurred on the 29 th of January 2012 at 04:00 am. The total generation was 1274 MW on that time, which is about 28.86% of expected maximum summer peak (4415MW). Under minimum load conditions it is assumed that all capacitor banks are switched out and some lightly loaded transmission lines are off to avoid overvoltage due to excessive capacitive reactive power. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 60 Table 11: Summary of Connected Generation used in load flow studies of maximum demand Power Stations 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Spare Gen Total Spare Gen Total Spare Gen Total Spare Gen Total Spare Gen Ghubrah 475 35 440 325 44 281 235 63 172 235 40 195 235 33 203 Rusail 687 51 636 687 94 593 687 184 503 687 118 569 687 95 592 Wadi Al-Jizzi 245 18 227 245 33 212 245 66 180 157 27 130 157 22 135 Manah 273 20 253 273 37 236 273 73 200 273 47 226 273 38 235 Al Kamil 297 22 275 297 40 256 297 79 217 282 48 234 282 39 243 Barka I 459 34 425 459 62 397 459 123 336 459 79 380 459 64 395 Sohar I 636 47 589 636 87 549 636 170 466 636 109 527 636 88 548 Barka II 713 53 659 712 97 615 711 190 521 710 122 588 710 98 612 Barka III 495 37 458 745 101 643 742 199 543 740 127 613 739 102 637 Sohar II 495 37 458 745 101 643 742 199 543 740 127 613 739 102 637 Sur IPP - - - 433 59 374 2000 536 1464 2000 344 1656 2000 277 1723 External Sources 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Gen (MW) 4775 356 4419 5557 757 4800 7027 1882 5145 6920 1189 5731 6918 958 5960 Grid Load (MW) - 4158 - 4542 - 4893 - 5483 - 5709 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 61 Table 12: Summary of Connected Generation used in load flow studies of minimum demand Power Stations 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Spare Gen Total Spare Gen Total Spare Gen Total Spare Gen Total Spare Gen Ghubrah 274 88 186 236 47 189 235 36 200 235 34 201 235 28 207 Rusail 261 84 177 260 52 208 261 40 221 260 38 223 261 31 230 Wadi Al-Jizzi 30 10 20 30 6 24 29 4 25 31 4 26 31 4 27 Manah 216 69 147 216 43 173 122 19 104 122 18 105 122 15 108 Al Kamil 198 63 134 198 39 158 99 15 84 94 14 80 94 11 83 Barka I 340 109 231 340 68 272 340 52 288 340 49 290 340 41 299 Sohar I 139 44 94 277 55 222 139 21 118 139 20 119 139 17 122 Barka II 421 135 286 421 84 337 291 44 246 290 42 248 290 35 255 Barka III - - - - - - 246 37 208 245 35 210 245 30 216 Sohar II - - - - - - 246 37 208 245 35 210 245 30 216 Sur IPP - - - - - - - - - 489 71 418 489 59 430 External Sources 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Gen (MW) 1878 602 1276 1977 394 1583 2008 306 1702 2490 360 2130 2491 300 2191 Grid Load (MW) - 1154 - 1464 - 1581 - 2000 - 2058 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 62 The key results of the load flow and fault level studies on the OETC transmission system are presented in detail in Appendix C for each year over the period 2012 to 2016. System diagrams are showing the results of the peak demand. Load flows have also been produced and are available in Appendix C. The results include the following:  Table C.1 shows the transformer percentage loading of all grid stations at system peak demand.  Table C.2 shows the available spare capacity at each grid station in relation to firm capacity at system peak demand. It should be noted that although spare MVA capacities are available at some individual grid stations, there is no guarantee that all can be exploited simultaneously. Lack of available generation and/or voltage level limits may restrict simultaneous utilization of all spare MVA capacities.  Table C.3 shows the percentage loading of each overhead line and underground cable in the transmission system at system peak demand.  Table C.4 shows the voltage profile at each 400 kV, 220 kV, 132 kV and 33 kV bus-bar at maximum and minimum load.  Table C.5 shows the calculated transmission losses at peak demand.  Tables C.6 and C.7 show the maximum three-phase and single-phase to earth short-circuit fault levels respectively. The principal findings from the power system studies are: Grid Stations Firm Capacities a) All 400/220 kV grid stations developed during 2014 to 2016 will have firm capacities as indicated in table C.1. Moreover, these grid stations will have appreciable amount of spare transformer capacities during the same period and for future needs. b) The existing eight 220/132 kV grid stations have adequate amounts of spare capacity available over the period from 2012 to 2016 to cope with growth in demand. The six new 220/132 kV grid stations that will be commissioned over the period 2013 – 2016 at Jahloot, Al-Hamriyah, Sur, Izki, Liwa and Mobalah, will substantially increase the amount of grid transformer capacity connected to the transmission system to facilitate further development of the transmission system. The 220/33 kV grid station at Blue City consists of two 160 MVA transformers. Azaiba Coast (Wave Project) 132/11kV grid station will remain within its firm capacity during the period 2012 to 2016 and beyond this period. This grid station consists of 3x50 MVA transformers with a firm capacity of 100 MVA. c) The 132/33 kV grid stations show some constraints in 2012 and 2013. For example, at the summer peak in 2012, thirteen out of forty seven grid stations will operate above their firm capacity; this represents about 28% of the total grid stations. None of them will be overloaded. In 2013 to 2016, a number of 132/33 kV grid stations will be upgraded and new ones are Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 63 introduced to remove over firm conditions at some locations. In the period 2014 to 2016 all 132/33 kV grid stations will be operating within their firm capacity. d) The number of out-of-firm grid stations during the period 2012 to 2016 are: - 2012 – 13 - 2013 – 13 - 2014 – 0 - 2015 – 0 - 2016 – 0 This is shown graphically in Figure 8. Figure 8: Number of out-of-firm grid stations during 2012-2016. e) Seven temporary transformers are used in 2012 to mitigate over firm issues and provide additional capacity at some 132/33 kV grid stations. The number of these temporary transformers will decrease to five in 2013, three in 2014-2015 and then to only one in 2016. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 N o . o f O u t - o f - F i r m G r i d S t a t i o n s Years Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 64 f) The number of 132 kV overhead and underground lines operating above firm capacity over the summer peak period 2012-2016 will be as follows: - 2012 – 3 - 2013 – 2 - 2014 – 0 - 2015 – 0 - 2016 – 0 Figure 9 shows the reduction in the number of out-of-firm transmission lines during the study period 2012-2016. There will be no overloaded lines up to the end this period. Figure 9: Reduction of number of out-of-firm 132kV transmission lines during 2011-2015. g) The single-circuit 132 kV overhead transmission line between Dank and Al-Hail will be upgraded by Q3-2012 to be compliant with Transmission Security Standard requirements. h) Implementation of the development projects described in Section 5 and the modest load transfer programme of Table 7 will restore the full system to compliance with Transmission Security Standard requirements. 0 1 2 3 4 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 N o . o f O u t - o f - F i r m D o u b l e C i r c u i t s Years Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 65 Voltage I ssues i) The voltage at the 400 kV, 220 kV and 132 kV busbars will be maintained within the ±10 % voltage limit at the extremes of maximum and minimum demand during years 2012-2016. j) The 33 kV busbar voltages at all grid stations will be maintained within ±6 % of nominal voltage during these extreme load conditions of maximum and minimum demand, i.e. all 33kV busbars will be within the acceptable operating range specified in the Grid Code. In fact, the voltage at all 33 kV busbars is well regulated to be within around 1.0 p.u. in all cases by exploiting the automatic on-load tap-changer of the 132/33 kV transformers and the capacitor banks regulators. k) Figures 10 and 11 show samples of voltage profiles at Airport Heights and MSQ grid stations. These grid stations have three voltage levels: 220 kV, 132 kV and 33 kV. Although the voltage at 220 kV and 132 kV busbars can change within the allowable range (depending on the load), the voltage at the grid supply points is well regulated at almost 33 kV level (1.0 p.u.). Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 66 Figure 10: Voltage profile (p.u.) at Airport Heights Grid Station. 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 220kV Busbar V (Max Load) V (Min Load) 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 132kV Busbar V (max Load) V (Min Load) 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 33kV Busbar V (Max Load) V (Min Load) Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 67 Figure 11: Voltage profile (p.u.) at MSQ Grid Station. 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 220kV Busbar V (Max Load) V (Min Load) 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 132kV Busbar V (Max Load) V (Min Load) 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 33kV Busbar V (Max Load) V (Min Load) Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 68 Transmission Losses l) The calculated active power loss on the transmission system at peak demand over the period 2012 to 2016 ranges between 1.96% and 1.19% of respective total generation as shown in Table C.5 and Figure 12. The average power loss is about 1.47%, which is well within international norms. Figure 12: Transmission power losses at peak demand of the years 2012-2016. Load Growth m) The high growth rate of the existing load coupled with major new industrial developments in Sohar and major tourism projects around the coast to the east and west of Muscat presents a major challenge to OETC in providing the capacity needed to satisfy demand over the next five years. Table C.5 shows that the expected peak load increases from 4332 MW in 2012 to 5889 MW in 2016; which amounts to an increase of about 36% during the study period. Figure 13 shows the expected peak load growth from 2012 to 2016. This peak load includes grid, industrial, auxiliary and desalination loads, but excludes transmission losses. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 % o f P o w e r L o s s Years Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 69 Figure 13: Peak load growth over the period 2012-2016. n) The load flow studies show that the planned 400 kV, 220 kV and 132 kV transmission developments will add substantial new capacity to the transmission system that will enable the transmission system as a whole to cope with new demand in compliance with the Transmission Security Standard. Consequently opportunities for the connection of new load should be available where spare capacity exists. 8.2 Fault levels a)- Three-Phase Short Circuit Studies The maximum 3-Phase and Single-Phase short-circuit fault levels have been determined in accordance with IEC 60909 and as such the calculation excludes the contribution to fault level from sources at lower voltages, e.g. from induction motors connected at 11 kV or below. The method is valid and consistent with that followed by other transmission companies in the absence of data from the distribution companies for short-circuit back-feeds to the grid station 33 kV busbars. Table C.6 summarises the results of the 3-phase fault studies over the period 2012-2016: a) All of the 400 kV busbars have fault levels within the corresponding switchgear ratings. b) All of the 220 kV busbars have fault levels within the corresponding switchgear ratings. c) All the 132 kV buses have fault levels within the corresponding switchgear ratings. 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 P e a k L o a d G r o w t h ( M W ) Years Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 70 d) The 3-phase short-circuit level at all 33 kV busbars does not exceed the switchgear rating. b)- Single-Phase Short Circuit Studies Table C.7 summarises the results of maximum single-phase short circuit studies for years 2012 to 2016. In the years 2012 to 2016 the fault levels across the transmission system are within the corresponding switchgear short-circuit ratings. During 2012, busbar splitting at Ghubrah in addition to Rusail will be adopted to reduce fault level to be within existing switchgear ratings. In 2013, splitting will be implemented at New Ghubrah grid station only. In 2014 and 2016 there will be no need to apply the splitting technique at any busbars in the system. All busbars will be operating normally without the need for splitting. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 71 9. Development Opportunities From the results of the load flow and fault level studies, and from analysis of the magnitude and location of generation and demand on the transmission system it is possible to give some indication as to where future generation and demand can be connected to the transmission system without causing or exacerbating any critical technical issues. 9.1 Review of the generation versus load balance on an area basis The performance of the transmission system is affected by the transfer of power, both real and reactive, from one region to another. Large power transfers between regions over long distances increase the voltage drop across the transmission system. They also increase the power losses and reduce the efficiency of the system. Ideally if the balance between generation and demand is maintained on a regional or area basis then power transfers over long distances can be minimised, thus leading to improvement of the transmission system efficiency and voltage regulation. Figure 14 shows the connectivity of the OETC transmission in 2016 as it extends over the northern regions of Oman, a distance of around 500km from Shinas in the North West to JBB Ali in the south-east. To assess how generation and load is distributed over the transmission system the whole supply area has been split into seven geographic areas: a) Muscat b) Al Batinah South c) Al Batinah North d) Al Bureimi e) Al Dhahirah f) Al Dakhiliah g) Al Sharqiyah Table 13 compares the generation capacity installed in each of the seven areas with the forecast demand at the grid station at the annual system peak over the period 2012 to 2016. Muscat area, although geographically the smallest area, is by far the most heavily populated, with the highest demand (1635.4MW in 2012, rising to 2188.7MW in 2016) and with limited amount of connected generation (1134MW in 2012, falling to 902MW in 2016). This will result in power deficits of 501MW in 2012 and 1287MW in 2016. Muscat area has two power plants; Ghubrah (447MW in 2012, reducing to 215MW in 2016) and Rusail (687MW during the period 2012-2016). Much of the generation currently operating at Ghubrah is the most inefficient in the system. The oldest and inefficient generating units at Ghubrah will be retired in 2013 and 2014, reducing Ghubrah generation to less than 50% of its available capacity of 2012. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 72 Al Batinah South area covers the coastal strip between Barka on the western outskirts of the Muscat area and Sohar. This area is likely to develop as Sohar port grows, since the main road link between Muscat and Sohar runs through it. It also has been chosen for the Blue City Development which is a major residential and tourist development. Currently, there are three power plants in Al Batiniah South; Barka Phase-I (434MW), Barka Phase-II (681MW) and Barka Phase-III (495MW). As shown in table 13,the load in this area rises from 559.6MW in 2012 to 774.2MW in 2016. The power surplus increases from 1051MW in summer peak 2012 to 1078MW in summer peak 2016. Al Batinah North area is rapidly developing around the new port at Sohar with new industry seeking connections to the OETC transmission system or the distribution system of the Majan Electricity Company. Some of the larger industrial customers in the area, such as Sohar Aluminium Company and Sohar Refinery Company operate their own generating plant and on occasions supply power to the transmission system on a non-contracted basis. The load in Al Batinah North area significantly increases from 829.6MW in 2012 to 997MW in 2016, as shown in table 13. Al Batinah North area has two power plants; Sohar-I (434MW during the period 2012-2016) and Sohar-II (495MW, 745MW, 742MW, 740MW and 739MW in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 respectively). This will result in power deficits of 68MW in 2012.The generation surplus in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 will be 217.2MW, 252.4MW, 200.3MW and 176MW respectively. The transmission system in the Al Bureimi area provides the interconnection with the UAE (Abu Dhabi Transco) and supplies a number of grid stations that feed the Majan distribution system to supply a number of small towns and villages in this remote area. Wadi Al Jizzi power plant is the only generation in Al Bureimi area with power capacity of 245MW in 2012, 2013 and 2014 respectively reducing to 157MW in 2015, and 2016 due to retirement of old inefficient generating units starting from 2012 through 2016. In 2012 the generation surplus is 103.4MW decreasing to 83MW, 72MW in 2013, and 2014 respectively. In 2015 and 2016 the deficiency in generation will be 25.1MW and 45.5MW respectively. Al Dhahirah has no local generartion while the load in this area significantly increases from 156.6MW in 2012 to 179.2MW in 2016, as shown in table 13. Power is transmitted from Wadi Al Jizzi generating plant over about 160km to supply the grid stations at Ibri, Dank and Al Hail. However, the development plan for the period 2012 – 2016 will see the extension of the 220kV systems from Al Wasit in Bureimi area to Ibri and this should produce a remarkable improvement in the voltage quality. Al Dakhiliah area with its provincial load centres is exhibiting a moderate growth and has a local generating power plant at Manah (273MW) connected to the 132kV transmission system. A connection between OETC and PDO is available in the area through the 132kV Nizwa-Nahada transmission line. Power of 60MW maximum can be exchanged between OETC and PDO systems with an annual zero balance. The deficiency in generation rises from 120.2MW in 2012 to 229.1MW in 2016. Al Sharqiyah area has provincial load centres that are exhibiting moderate growth up to 2013. However, a huge industrial load of 300MW is expected to be requested in 2015 by the Sun Metals Company Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 73 (ZOOM). With the existing power station at Al-Kamil (297MW) the power deficiency is 145MW in 2012. In the Sur area a private customer (OMIFCO) has installed generation that can provide support when required again on a non-contracted basis. In 2013 and 2014, Al Sharqiyah area will see a major generation development by building a power plant at Sur having an early power capacity of 433MW by summer 2013 and a total of 2000MW by summer 2014. The power surplus in this area will be 254MW, 1788MW, and 1448MW, 1417MW in 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 respectively. Compared to other areas in Oman, Al Sharqiyah area with Sur power plant of 2000MW will have the largest surplus generating power of 1788MW, 1448MW, and 1417MW in 2014, 2015, and 2016 respectively. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 74 Figure 14: Future OETC Transmission System (2016). Madiant Nizwa Madinat Barka G Muscat Al Batinah South Al Batinah North Ad Dhahirah Al Wusta UAE Alkamil Sur Mudhirib Mudaybi-A&B Nizwa Bahla Nhadah (PDO) Ibri Alhayl Dank Bureimi Wadi Al Jizzi S h in a s Sohar-A&B SIS SIP SRC Saham K h a b u r a h M I S - A & B R u s ta q S u m a il Izki Al Filaj Barka Main Ghoubrah MSQ-A&B AlFalaj W a d i K a b ir Ja h lo o t Fawah (Oha) Yitti Quriyat Qurum Wadi Sa’a Oman Sea Mhadah (Alwasit) G Nakhal Blue City Al Bureimi KSA Al-Sharqiyah Al-Dakhiliah Ghala Misfah SPS G A l K h a d r a A lH a m ry a G S o h a r - 1 Airport High A m e r a t Rusail OMIFCO B o s h a r - A & B G M a b a i l a h - 1 Muladah- A&B Ghoubrah Kamil Wal Wafi Madinat Nizwa M a d in a t B a rk a OETC Transmission System (2016 System Peak) Private Customer 400kV Double Circuit 400kV Grid Station G 220kV Grid Station 220kV Double Circuit 220kV Double Circuit Cable 132kV Grid Station 132kV Double Circuit Power Plant 132 kV Double Circuit Cable Legend Muttrah Aijah 3 3 1 132kV Single Circuit Wooden Pole G Bureimi-2 M a b a i l a h - 2 S u r I P P Liwa G G G G G Mawalih South-A&B Mawalih North (Wave ) Sawihan (GCCIA) G S o h a r - 2 S o h a r A l u m i n u m Hgarmat Wadi Adai Future 220kV System Futur 400kV System OETC System Ibra JBB Ali 1 G 1 G Adam Manah G F r e e Z o n e 400kV In Evaluation Stage S M N B a r k a - 3 A C W A Prepare By: Strategic Planning & Studies Section 1 Seeb Main -A&B Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 75 Table 13: Estimated power surplus and power deficit on an area basis (2012- 2016) Area Grid & Power Stations Grid Station loads at System Peak Demand 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Muscat Ghubrah Power Plant 447.0 297.0 207.0 207.0 215.0 Rusail Power Plant 687.0 687.0 687.0 687.0 687.0 Total Generation (MW) 1134 984 894 894 902 Rusail 100.7 103.3 106.9 141.7 147.3 Ghubrah 25 - - - - Ghubrah Temporary 31.2 - - - - Upgrading Ghoubrah - 56.2 89.6 94.9 98.7 Wadi Adai 117.3 99 85.3 60.6 61.5 Wadi Kabir-A 81.3 82.6 83.8 85.1 86.3 Wadi Kabir Third Tx 55.1 55.9 56.7 - - Al Falaj 75.2 76.7 79.8 81 82.2 MSQ-A 94.1 98.8 76.7 79.7 82.9 Jahloot 80.6 86.2 56.6 60 62.4 Mawalleh-A 170 176.8 81.8 83.5 85.1 Seeb Main-A 50.1 52.6 55.2 56.3 57 Bousher-A 101.1 110.2 97 88.9 90.7 Mabellah-1 96.7 99.6 72.1 73.9 76.1 Muttrah 46.4 47.3 48 48.8 49.5 Airport Heights 86.3 89.8 92.5 94.3 98.1 Qurum 18.3 39.4 41.8 70.3 74.5 Bousher-B 114.7 125.1 98.3 93.2 97.9 Azaiba Cost (Wave Project) 16.2 17.4 18.8 20.3 20.6 Yitti 9 10.1 60.5 61.4 62.3 Quriyat 37.7 40.3 43.2 46.2 49.4 Misfah 67.5 71.6 75.8 80.4 85.2 Ghala - - 64.1 68.6 72.7 Amerat - - 50 57.5 66.1 Mawalleh -B 42.1 45.5 92.4 96.1 99.9 Mabellah-2 9Alkhoudh) - - 87 94 97.7 MSQ Third Tx 37.8 39.7 69.7 0 0 MSQ-B(Tx3,4) - - - 89.7 95.1 Wadi Kabir-B( Tx3,4) - - - 56.7 60.1 Seeb Main-B (125MVA) 81 85.9 90.2 94.7 99.4 Transport (Muscat area) - 20 30 30 30 Muscat Steel - 45 45 45 45 Modran Steel - - - 30 30 R.O Ghoubrah - - 25 25 25 Total Load (MW) 1635.4 1775.0 1973.8 2107.8 2188.7 Power Surplus/Deficit (MW) -501 -791 -1080 -1214 -1287 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 76 Table 13 (continued): Estimated power surplus and power deficit on an area basis (2012 - 2016) Area Grid & Power Stations Grid Station loads at System Peak Demand 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Al Batinah South Barka phase-I Power Plant 434 434 434 434 434 Barka phase-II Power Plant 681 681 680 679 679 Barka-III Power Plant 495 745 742 740 739 Total Generation (MW) 1610 1860 1856 1853 1852 Barka Main 93.2 96.9 62.8 65.3 66.6 Madinata Barka - - 88.0 64.2 68.7 Muladah-A 118.3 90.1 99.1 49.1 54.0 MIS-A 111.8 117.4 92.1 58.6 62.7 Blue City 47.8 89.7 93.3 97.0 99.9 Nakhal 47.3 51.1 55.2 59.6 63.2 Barka Main Third Tx 50.0 53.5 37.2 39.9 42.6 Rustaq 91.2 94.8 98.6 102.5 106.6 Al Khadra - - 61.8 66.1 70.8 Muladah-B - - - 60.0 64.2 MIS-B - - - 70.0 74.9 Total Load (MW) 559.6 593.5 688.1 732.3 774.2 Power Surplus/Deficit (MW) 1051 1266 1168 1121 1078 Al Batinah North Sohar-I Power Plant 434 434 434 434 434 Sohar-II Power Plant 495 745 742 740 739 Total Generation (MW) 929 1179 1176 1174 1173 Shinas 77.7 81.6 85.7 89.9 94.4 Liwa 99.8 124.1 99.0 81.9 88.5 Sohar-A 149.4 156.9 95.7 66.6 67.3 Sohar-B - - 97.8 94.3 95.7 Khaborah 129.0 134.1 77.7 80.8 84.0 Saham 86.3 88.0 89.8 91.6 93.4 SIP-A 47.4 48.1 48.9 29.6 30.0 Liwa 2 (Free Zone) - - - 80.0 84.8 Aromatics connected to 132 kV (SIP- A) 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 SSSRM connected to 132 kV(SIP-A) 35.0 63.0 63.0 63.0 63.0 Shadeed connected to 220 kV(SIP-A) 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 CVRD(VALE) connected to 132 kV(SIP-A) 120.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 Garamco connected to 132 kV(Liwa) - 31.0 31.0 31.0 31.0 Free Zone - - - 30.0 30.0 Total Load (MW) 829.6 961.8 923.6 973.7 997.0 Power Surplus/Deficit (MW) -68.0 217.2 252.4 200.3 176.0 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 77 Table 13 (continued): Estimated power surplus and power deficit on an area basis (2011 - 2016) Areas Grid & Power Stations Grid Station loads at System Peak Demand 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Al Buraimi Wadi Jizzi Power Plant 245 245 245 157 157 Total Generation (MW) 245 245 245 157 157 Mhadah(Al Wasit) 15.1 16.7 18.0 19.4 21.0 Bureimi 107.8 116.4 89.1 64.5 68.3 Wadi Sa'a 18.7 28.9 31.2 31.5 41.8 Bureimi-2 - - 34.3 66.7 71.4 Total Load (MW) 141.6 162.0 172.6 182.1 202.5 Power Surplus/Deficit (MW) 103.4 83.0 72.4 -25.1 -45.5 Al Dhahirah Total Generation (MW) 0 0 0 0 0 Ibri-A 20.0 20.8 21.6 - - Ibri-B 91.7 95.3 99.2 73.6 76.6 Dank 19.6 20.2 20.8 21.4 22.0 Al Hayl 25.3 26.1 26.9 27.6 28.4 Hugermat (Dreez) - - - 51.2 52.2 Total Load (MW) 156.6 162.4 168.5 173.8 179.2 Power Surplus/Deficit (MW) -156.6 -162.4 -168.5 -173.8 -179.2 Al Dakhiliah Manah Power Plant 273 273 273 273 273 Total Generation (MW) 273 273 273 273 273 Izki 51.7 76.5 79.5 81.1 82.7 Izki Temporary 23.2 - - - - Nizwa 110.2 117.9 81.1 86.8 92.9 Madinata Nizwa - - 59.8 64.0 68.5 Sumail-A 47.2 49.5 52.0 54.6 57.3 Sumail Temporary 40.0 42.0 - - - Sumail-B - - 68.6 72.0 75.6 Adam 36.9 37.8 33.8 34.6 35.5 Bahla 84.0 88.2 82.8 86.1 89.6 Total Load (MW) 393.2 411.9 457.6 479.2 502.1 Power Surplus/Deficit (MW) -120.2 -138.9 -184.6 -206.2 -229.1 Al Sharqiyah Al Kamil Power Plant 297 297 297 282 282 Sur Power Plant - 433 2000 2000 2000 Total Generation (MW) 297 730 2297 2282 2282 Mudhaibi-A 93.7 38.4 40.3 40.7 41 Mudhaibi-B - 60.0 63.0 66.2 69.5 Mudhairib 114.0 123.1 99.7 84.7 90.6 JBB Ali 121.4 131.1 80.3 85.9 91.9 Sur 112.9 63.1 52.9 56.6 60.5 ALKamil - - 92.0 60.9 61.5 Ayjah - 60.0 80.6 85.4 92.3 Ibra - - - 54.0 57.8 Zoom load (Sur area) - - - 300.0 300.0 Total Load (MW) 442.0 475.7 508.8 834.4 865.2 Power Surplus/Deficit (MW) -145 254 1788 1448 1417 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 78 Figures 15 to 21 show graphically the generation and load in each of the seven areas. The significant differences in generation and load imbalance in areas such as Muscat, Al Batinah South, and Al Sharqiah necessitate high development and investment in the transmission system to facilitate power transfer among the different areas in order to supply the growing loads. Figure 15: Generation and load balance in Muscat area. Figure 16: Generation and load balance in Al Batinah South area. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Generation (MW) Total Load (MW) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Generation (MW) Total Load (MW) Muscat Area Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 79 Figure 17: Generation and load balance in Al Batinah North area. Figure 18: Generation and load balance in Al Bureimi area. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Generation (MW) Total Load (MW) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Generation (MW) Total Load (MW) Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 80 Figure 19: Generation and load balance in Al Dhahirah area. Figure 20: Generation and load balance in Al Dakhiliah area. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Generation (MW) Total Load (MW) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Generation (MW) Total Load (MW) Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 81 Figure 21: Generation and load balance in Al Sharqiyah area. 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Generation (MW) Total Load (MW) Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 82 9.2 Available grid station capacity Table C.2 in Appendix C identifies the available capacity at grid stations for the connection of new demand over the period 2012 to 2016. Table 14 lists the grid stations where spare grid transformer capacity of more than 10 MVA is available to supply new demand, on the same area basis as that presented in sub-section 9.1. The MVA figure quoted refers to the available capacity in 2016. The available capacity was determined in relation to the firm capacity of the substation. Figures (22) to (27) show graphical representation of available capacities. Table 14: Available Grid Station Capacity of more than 10 MVA in 2016 Region Grid Station Name Available Capacity (MVA) Grid Station Name Available Capacity (MVA) Muscat Airport Heights 21.33 Muttrah 70.66 Al Falaj 35.13 Misfah 34.52 Amerat 51.93 Quriyat 70.34 New Mobalah 21.38 Qurum 42.57 Bousher-A 24.42 Rusail-A 46.99 Bousher-B 16.23 Rusail-B 46.99 Ghubrah 15.99 Seeb Main 19.79 Ghala 48.38 Wadi Adai 58.12 Jahloot 58.24 Wadi Kabir 28.79 MSQ 34.38 Wadi Kabir-B 58.74 MSQ-B 20.23 Yitti 56.58 Mawalleh 35.22 Azaiba Coast (Wave) 78.25 Mawalleh-B 18.64 Mobalah 44.52 Al Batinah South Blue City 54.4688 Barka Main 54.01 Muladah 65.57 Muladah-B 53.51 MIS 55.34 MIS-B 41.81 Nakhal 57.45 Madinata Barka 50.26 Rustaq 129.51 Al Khadra 45.54 Al Batinah North Khaborah 31.13 Liwa 27.09 Free Zone 31.47 Saham 19.80 Shinas 20.82 Sohar-B 18.63 Sohar 51.16 SIP-A 92.56 Al Buraimi Bureimi-B 44.07 Wadi Sa'a 16.80 Al Dhahirah Dank 39.47 Ibri 43.60 Hugerment 68.35 Al Dakhiliah Bahla 27.26 Izki 36.44 Nizwa 25.61 Madinata Nizwa 51.74 Sumail 43.71 Al Sharqiyah Al Kamil 58.70 Ibra 61.17 Ayjah 23.40 JBB Ali 25.31 Mudaibi 17.96 Mudaibi 48.71 Mudarib 25.33 Sur 59.69 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 83 (a) (b) Figure 22: Used and available MVA in Muscat area at 2016 peak demand. 0 25 50 75 100 125 Available MVA Used MVA 0 25 50 75 100 125 Available MVA Used MVA Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 84 Figure 23: Used and available MVA in Al Batinah South area at 2016 peak demand. Figure 24: Used and available MVA in Al Batinah North area at 2016 peak demand. 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 Available MVA Used MVA 0 25 50 75 100 125 Available MVA Used MVA Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 85 Figure 25: Used and available MVA in Al Bureimi and Al Dhahiriah area at 2016 peak demand. Figure 26: Used and available MVA in Al Dakhiliah area at 2016 peak demand. 0 25 50 75 100 125 Available MVA Used MVA 0 25 50 75 100 125 Available MVA Used MVA Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 86 Figure 27: Used and available MVA in Al Sharqiyah area at 2016 peak demand. 0 25 50 75 100 125 Al Kamil Ayjah Mudaibi 2 x 63MVA Mudarib Ibra JBB Ali Mudaibi 2 x 125MVA Sur Available MVA Used MVA Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 87 10. Derogation The load flow studies summarised in Appendix C and discussed in Sections 8 and 9 of this Statement indicate a number of out-of firm grid stations and circuits in the early years of the Statement. In this final section, we review each station / circuit, which is currently failing to meet the Transmission Security Standards; we describe the development activities that OETC is undertaking or planning to undertake to address this non-compliance; and we indicate the expected time by which, in each instance, full Transmission Security Standards compliance should be achieved. It should be noted that the Transmission Security Standard on the transmission system would change in future as demand on the system increases and as the system configuration changes. It is possible that further non-compliances might arise in the future until the overall system becomes substantially more robust through interconnection. OETC will keep this situation under review, and the non-compliance status will be updated in the 2013 Capability Statement. As indicated in sections 8, 9, and summarized in tables 15 and 16 (A &B), there are some grid stations and overhead lines, which do not comply with the Transmission Security Standard. Therefore, it will be necessary for a further location and duration specific derogations to be put in place by the Authority for each of the out of firm circuits noted in table 15, and for each of the stations which do not comply with the Transmission Security Standard at peak and maintenance time noted in table 16 (A) and 16 (B) respectively. The following points should be noted: 1- The loading values show in tables C1 and C3 (Appendix C), are those at the peak load conditions. The system peak lasts only for a period of less than one hour in one day during the relevant year. (For example, refer to Figure 6 of 2011daily load curve peak day). 2- According to the most recent OPWP data, there are two forecast cases: (i) expected case, and (ii) high case. The difference between the high and expected case in 2012 is 147 at the peak. This difference increases in the subsequent years and reaches 1078 MW in 2016, indicating uncertainty in the forecast over the coming years especially with regards to new industrial loads. OETC supports OPWP’s view that the likelihood of the high case demands being realized is heavily dependent on the rate of recovery of the current global economic and financial conditions. OETC intends to monitor closely, in coordination with OPWP, the situation in order to assess the probability associated with the high case projection. 3- It is not prudent to invest in uncertain expansion. OETC will, of course, initiate new projects as new demand becomes more certain. Therefore, in Tables 15 and 16 we concentrate on covering the conditions at the peak in 2012. 4- The modelling reflects all load transfer schemes that have been formally accepted by the relevant distribution company and included in their load forecasts. In addition, the modelling includes certain load transfer schemes, which are not yet confirmed by the distribution company concerned, but which Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 88 in the view of OETC are technically feasible and where no technical impediment to implementation exists. OETC has adopted a three-fold approach to addressing these out of firm situations: 1) Reinforcement plans: strategic upgrading to add new circuits and/or to increase the capacity of grid stations within a minimum of two to five years. This will not just solve the problem; but it will also strengthen the transmission system for future development. This type of solution can only be applied as a longer term solution because of the time taken to implement. Reinforcement is the most robust long term solution for secure system development, but may not necessarily be the least cost solution to address the immediate out of firm conditions on the network. 2) Installing third transformers at heavily loaded grid stations, such as MSQ, Mawalleh, Wadi Kabir, Barka Main, Sumail, Ghubrah and Izki. These will provide a temporary solution to the out-of- firm problems at the heavily loaded grid stations until a permanent solution is put in place. 3) Load Transfer: through agreement with distribution companies, load can be transferred from heavily loaded grid stations to more lightly loaded grid stations over the next three years. This would reduce the loading issues and balance the system during peak time. This is a mid-term solution which could be implemented with the cooperation of distribution companies in certain cases. Given the uncertainty of mid-term load forecasts in Oman at present, this is in some circumstances the most appropriate and economic action to address out of firm conditions on the network. Tables 15 and 16 (A) indicate a number of locations on the system where, at present, the out of firm condition of certain circuits or transformers is shown to exist. Table 16 (B) shows the grid stations which are classified as group E (>100 MW) as per the Transmission Security Standard. Some of them will not comply with Transmission Security Standard (Second Outage) at 2012 maintenance period. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 89 Table 15: Expected Over headlines/ cables which will not comply with Transmission Security Standard (First Outage) at peak demand in 2012 No Send Bus Receive Bus Voltage (kV) No. of Circuits Circuit Type Conductor Size/Type Circuit length (km) Circuit Rating (MVA) Loading (%) Indicative Date for full Compliance with the Transmission Security Standard Remarks 1 Airport Heights Seeb Main (OHL) 132 2 OHL 240 ACSR 7.8 101 69.42 Q4 2013 9 km underground cables route length. Connecting Seeb Main from Airport Heights grid station 2 MSQ Wadi Adai 132 2 OHL YEW x 2 8.2 293 62.31 Q4 2012 Part of 220 kV Hamryah (Wadi Adai project). 3 Wadi Kabir Wadi Adai 132 2 OHL YEW x 1 6 146 50.48 Q2 2014 Linking Muttrah-Wadi Kabair GSs by a 132kV singal circuit Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 90 Table 16 (A): Expected Grid stations 132/33 kV which will not comply with Transmission Security Standard (First Outage) at peak demand in 2012 No Location Total Transformer Capacity (MVA) Substation Firm Capacity (MVA) Loading (%) Indicative Date for full Compliance with the Transmission Security Standard Remarks 1 Dank 2 x 15 15 70.96 Q4 2012 Upgrading the transformers to 2x63 MVA. 2 Izki 2 x 40 40 70.19 Q4 2012 Upgrading from 2 x 40 MVA to 2 x 125 MVA transformers 3 JBB Ali 2 x 125 125 54.72 Q4 2013 Load transfer to new Al Kamil grid station 4 Khaborah 2 x 125 125 56.41 Q2 2014 Load transfer to Al Khadra grid station 5 Mawalleh- A 2 x 125 125 74.45 Q2 2014 Load transfer to Mabailah-2 (Al Khoudh) and Mawalleh-B grid stations 6 Mudhaibi 2 x 63 63 84.70 Q4 2012 Load transfer to Mudhaibi-B grid station 7 Mudarib 2 x 125 125 51.05 Q4 2013 Load transfer to Al Kamil grid station 8 Muladah 2 x 125 125 51.40 Q1 2013 Load transfer to Blue City grid station. 9 Rustaq 2 x 63 63 80.71 Q4 2012 Upgrade of Rustaq grid station from 2 x 63 MVA to 3 x 125 MVA transformers 10 Shinas 2 x 63 63 65.37 Q4 2013 Upgrade of Shinas grid station from 2 x 63 MVA to 2 x 125 MVA transformers 11 Sohar-A 2 x 125 125 63.59 Q4 2013 Adding Third & Forth transformers 125MVA at Sohar grid station 12 Sur 2 x 125 125 51.12 Q2 2013 Load transfer to Al Aijah grid station 13 Wadi Adai 2 x 125 125 50.76 Q1 2013 Load transfer to Qurm grid station Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 91 Table 16 (B): Expected Grid stations 132/33 kV which will not comply with Transmission Security Standard (Second Outage) at Maintenance Period in 2012. Grid Station Name Tx capacity (MVA) No of Txs Demand Forecast Transformer Loading Peak Demand Forecast During Maintenance Transferable Load in case of Second Outage During Maintenance Transmission Security Standard Compliant (MW) (%) (MVA) (MVA) During Second Outage Muscat Wadi Adai 125 2 117.3 50.76 84.6 50 No Mawellah-A 125 2 170.0 74.45 124.1 75 No Mazoon Nizwa 125 2 110.2 47.55 79.3 75 No Sur 125 2 112.9 51.12 85.2 0 No JBB Ali 125 2 121.4 54.72 91.2 25 No Mudharib 125 2 114.0 51.05 85.1 0 No MIS 125 2 111.8 48.88 81.5 50 No Muladah 125 2 118.3 51.40 85.7 75 No Majan Buraimi 125 2 107.8 46.43 77.4 25 No Sohar Grid 125 2 149.4 63.59 106.0 125 Yes Khabourah 125 2 129.0 56.41 94.0 75 No Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 92 Appendix A: Review of Future Developments A.1 Summary of Projects to be completed between 2012-2016 Peak Demand The OETC transmission network is undergoing widespread and rapid development due to the expansion requirements of distribution companies, large private customers, and new generation requirements based on the yearly demand growth and further reinforcements on the transmission network to ensure the security, quality and reliability of the system. An important change to the Omani electricity sector is the new interconnector between Oman and the UAE (TRANSCO Abu Dhabi). The 220kV interconnector has been energized. A new 400 kV connection between Oman and UAE has been proposed by TRANSCO Abu Dhabi and is currently under consultancy stage. The line will be connected between Mahadah in Oman and Swaihan in UAE. There are a significant number of projects required to meet the annual peak demands over the period of this Statement (2012-2016). These projects are considered below under the following categories: - Projects of 2012 peak demand. - Projects that are at design stage. - Projects that are at the tender evaluation stage prior to appointment of the preferred EPC Contractor. - Projects for future developments that represent the least cost options to address problems with system growth, voltage profile, non-complince with the Transmission Security Standard by transmission system reinforcement. The entire programme of ongoing and future projects which are planned for implementation over the period 2012 to 2016 are listed and described below. It should be noted that the project numbers referred in this Appendix are identical to those in Table 1 of the Executive Summary, and it should also be noted that not all of the projects described have full authorisation at this time and to be supported by pre investment appraisals document to approve and to select the proper option for each project. A.2 Projects expected to be completed to meet the 2012 peak demand Project #1: Adding fourth transformer 125MVA at Bousher grid station A fourth transformer was added within Bousher grid station as new group demand connected to the third transformer as Bousher-B. It will be operated separately from the existing transformers at 33kV voltage level by shifting part of the existing load from Bousher-A to Bousher-B. The two groups will be connected on one bus bar at132kV voltage level. This project was energised in Q4’2011. A transfer switch will be installed between the 33kV Bousher-A and Bousher-B busbars to facilitate compliance with the TSSS during maintenance periode. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 93 Project #2: 132/33 kV Grid Supply Point at Yitti The new Yitti tourist resort in the Muscat Governorate will be supplied from a new 132/33kV, 2 x 125 MVA transformer grid station at Yitti, which in turn will be fed from a new 132 kV bus-bar arrangement installed at Jahloot 132/33 kV grid station via a 132 kV double circuit line. The new GSP will also supply the existing Yitti load, which is currently supplied from Jahloot at 33 kV. The overhead line has been designed to 220kV standard, but operated at 132kV. The 220 kV design makes provision for a possible future upgrade of the supply to 220 kV in the event that demand in the Yitti area grows to the extent that a higher transmission voltage is required to supply the area. This project is expected to be in service by Q2 2012. Project #3: New 132/33 kV grid supply point at Qurum The new 132/33 kV, 2 x 125 MVA transformer grid station is constructed to supply new developments in Ras Al Hamra and Qurum and to receive load transfers from MSQ and Wadi Adai grid stations. This project is expected to be in service by Q2 2012. Project #4: New 132/33 kV grid supply point at Muttrah A new 132/33 kV 2 x 125 MVA transformer grid station is constructed at Muttrah to take load transfers from Wadi Kabir and Al Falaj 132/33 kV grid stations. The new grid station will be supplied directly from Qurum 132/33 kV grid station by construction of a new 132 kV double circuit line. The Muttrah area is currently supplied from the existing Al Falaj and Wadi Kabir grid stations, which were both operating above firm capacity at 2011 peak load conditions. The new grid station at Muttrah is preferred to the alternative of reinforcement of the existing Al Falaj and Wadi Kabir grid stations. This project is expected to be in service by Q2 2012. Project #5: Upgrade of the 132 kV double circuit lines between Al Wasit and Bureimi and Dank Al Hail Part-1: New 132kV double circuits line between Mahadah and Bureimi grid stations (30.73km O/H and 5.47km 2500mm 2 underground cable) This project was previously divided into two projects Mahadah-Bureimi and Dank- Al Hail. However, due to the urgency of the requirement of the Dank- Al Hail, it is merged in one project. The existing 132 kV, 33 km double circuit line between Mahadah (Al Wasit) and Bureimi was operating over-firm at 2011 peak load conditions. And to increase the capacity of the single ‘Elm’ conductor per phase to be replaced with twin ‘Yew’ conductor. Approximately 5.47 km of the route will be by underground cable (2500mm 2 ). This project is expected to be in service by Q2 2012. Project #6: New 220/33 kV grid supply point at Blue City The electricity supply to the new Blue City development in the South Batinah region will be fed from a new 220/33 kV grid supply point connected between the MIS and Filayj grid stations by routing the 220kV MIS – Filayj double circuit connection through the new grid station in a line-in-line-out (LILO) arrangement. The diversion will require two 220 kV double circuit overhead lines over part of the route and four 220 kV 2500mm 2 cable circuits over the last 6 km of the route as it reaches the Blue City grid Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 94 supply point. The project will supply the Blue City project as requested by Mazoon Electricity Company and for surrounding area. This project has been already energized. Project #7: Adding third transformer 125MVA at Barka Main A third 132/33 kV 125 MVA transformer will be installed at Barka Main to shift around 50MW from the existing two transformers to relief loading on the existing transformers. This project is expected to be in service by Q2 2012. Project #8: Upgrade of the 132/33 kV grid station at Seeb Main The existing grid station with an installed transformer capacity of 2 x 63 MVA was loaded above its firm capacity during 2011 peak load conditions. The proposed scheme is to construct new 2 x 125 MVA transformers. This project is currently under testing and commissioning stage. This project is expected to be in service by Q2 2012. Project #9: Upgrading of Dhahirah system from 132kV to 220kV (Part 1) This project is designed to be as 220kV system to connect Al Dhahirah area with 220kV system by adding 2x 500MVA transformers at Ibri grid station, 145km OHL of 220kV between Ibri - Mahadah and 50km of 132kV OHL between Dank-Ibri . This project will support the area by the reactive power to improve the voltage. The project consists of upgrading of Ibri to 2x 125MVA as the station is currently out of firm. This project will support the voltage in the area and it will meet the Transmission Security Standard requirement for all 132kV lines. The existing wooden-pole lines will remain and the link between Wadi Sa’a and Dank will be opened and used for emergency only. In addition, this project will support the interconnection with UAE and the GCC systems. The project is expected to be in service by Q2 2012. Project #10: New 220kV grid station at Sohar for the new Sohar II IPP This project will be constructed to connect the new IPP power at Sohar by construction of 220kV grid station connected to the SIS grid station with 36.9km of 220kV over headlines and 2.6km of 2500mm 2 underground cables. The 220kV GIS ia already energized.This project is expected to becompletely in service by Q2 2012. Project #11: New 132/33kV GSP at Quriyat area The demand at Quriyat is currently supplied at 33 kV from Jahloot, a distance of 50km, which causes reduced voltage during peak load conditions. The planned 132/33 kV 2 x 125 MVA transformer grid station at Quriyat supplied from Jahloot via a 132 kV double circuit line will address the voltage problems around Quriyat area. This project is expected to be in service by Q2 2012. Project #12: Re-connecting of 132kV lines within Muscat area This project is divided into two parts. Part one: Part one is to connect the fourth circuit of Ghubrah-MSQ to be connected to Bousher. The circuit will be as Ghubrah- Bousher –MSQ. By doing this connection Bousher will be secured by another supply source from MSQ. The 132kV GIS of Bousher-Rusail will be used for connecting this circuit as LILO. The Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 95 process of this work is included in the underground project. This part is expected to be in service by Q2 2012. Part two: The objective of this part is to supply Seeb Main grid station directly from Airport Heights grid station instead of suppling it from Mawalleh grid station. This will be accomplished by constructing new underground double circuits from Airport Heights to Mawalleh end of the OHL between Mawalleh and Seeb Main grid stations. This will reduce loading of the currently out of firm Rusail-Mawalleh line and make it compliance with the TSSS. Also this connection will help in using of the 220kV lines between Filaj and Airport Heights in efficient way, considering Ghubrah will feed the total required demand to MSQ which is the nearest grid to the load. This project will also reduce the cost of the proposed underground cable project for Rusail- Bousher 132kV line. By doing this project the other part of the Bousher-Rusail that is passing close to Mawalleh will be dismantled. This project is expected to be in service by Q2 2012. Project #13: New Misfah 220kV interconnection grid station This project will be constructed to connect the new IPP power at Barka to Misfah. This grid will be connected through 58.2km of 220kV overhead lines and 10.2km of 2500mm 2 cables. MSQ-Airport 220kV line will be connected to Misfah grid station for flexibility and reliability of the 220kV system between Sur and Muscat Systems. This project is expected to be in service by Q2 2012. A.3 Projects expected to be completed to meet the 2013 peak demand Project #14: Upgrade of the 132 kV double circuit line between Al Wasit and Bureimi and Dank Al Hail Part-2: New 132kV double circuits line between Dank and Al Hail grid stations (52.6km O/H). This project is part of project no.5 above. This part of the project is upgrading of the Dank Al Hail 132kV lines from wooden pole to steel tower double circuit line. The current single circuit wooden pole is not compliant with the Transmission Security Standard requirements. Al Hail area also suffers the worst voltage conditions on the OETC transmission system because of its remote location on the system and its single circuit connection. Upgrading the connection to a double circuit is considered a high priority scheme and is required at the earliest date. This project is expected to be in service by Q3 2012. Project #15: New 220/132kV grid station at Sur Upgrading of Sur to 220kV system by adding 2 x 500MVA transformers that will allow the flow of power from Sur power plant to Sur area (Sur and Ayjah grid stations) and Sharqiah grid stations (AlKamil, JBB Ali, Mudhaibi and Mudharib) from Sur power plant grid station. This project will also support the reactive power for Sharqiah area. This project is expected to be in service by Q3 2012. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 96 Project #16: Upgrading Jahloot to 220kV system Upgrading of Jahloot to 220kV system by adding 2 x 500MVA transformers that will be connected to Misfah 220kV grid station by using 220kV OHL (54.9km) and to Sur grid 130km (desined 400kV operated initially at 220kV). Jahloot system will be also connected to Hamryah 220kV which will be connected to Muscat area grid stations (Wadi Adai, Wadi Al Kabir, Muttrah, Al Falaj and Qurum) through 132kV system network within the area. Upgrading of Jahloot grid station to 220/132 kV system will eliminate voltage problem and strengthen the supply in Jahloot area. This project is expected to be in service by Q4 2012. Project #17: Upgrading Izki grid station The objective of this project is to upgrade the transformers at Izki grid station from 2 x 40MVA to 2 x 125MVA to address both overloading and voltage issues. This project is expected to be service by Q4 2012. Project #18: Upgrade 132/33 kV Mudhaibi grid station The objective of this project is to upgrade the two transformers of Mudhaibi grid station from 63MVA to 125MVA. The project will have an impact on reducing the overloading on the grid station and also will support the voltage in the area. The project is expected to be in service by Q4 2012. Project #19: Upgrade of Rustaq grid station The objective of this is to upgrade Rustaq grid station from 2x63MVA to 3x125MVA transformers. This will address the current overloading and voltages problems within the area. The 63MVA transformers will be used for upgrading Dank grid station. This project is expected to be in service by Q4 2012. Project #20: Upgrading of Dhahirah system from 132kV to 220kV (Part 2) The project consists of upgrading of Dank to 2x 63MVA transformers (these transformers are released from upgrading Rustaq grid station). This station is currently out of firm. This project will support the voltage in the area and it will meet the Transmission Security Standard requirement. The existing wooden lines will remain and the link between Wadi Sa’a and Dank will be opened and used for emergency only. This project would reinforce the transmission system voltage and further load demand in the area. This project is expected to be in service by Q4 2012. Project #21: New 220kV grid station at Al Hamriyah (Wadi Adai-2) area The grid will be connected through 35km of 220kV overhead lines from Jahloot grid station. This project will support evacuation power from Sur and Barka III power plants. For that reason, this project is at the middle of the Muscat area loads (Wadi Adai, Wadi Kabir, Muttrah, Al Falaj and Qurum grid stations). It is located around 5km away from Wadi Adai grid and the proposed land location is close to Wadi Adai- Wadi Kabir 132kV and also the new proposed 132kV of Qurum- Muttrah lines. Both 132kV lines will be reconnected to the new Hamriyah 220/132kV grid station which will give the system in the area a high reliability and operation flexibility in case of emergency within Muscat area. In the same time, it will give alternative supply to MSQ, Bousher and Ghubrah grid stations. By construction of this grid, the stressed Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 97 132kV line between MSQ and Wadi Adai will be released and the voltage will be improved in the area. This project is expected to be in service by Q4 2012. Project #22: New 132/33kV grid station at Ghubrah Area Currently this grid is 2 x 42MVA and not maintaining the Transmission Security Standard requirements. The proposed new scheme will be 2 x 125MVA transformers with the GIS outside the Ghubrah power plant. By construction of this project, Ghubrah will meet the Transmission Security Standard and accommodate the new growth in Bousher area. This project is expected to be in service by end of Q1 2013. Project #23: New 132/33kV grid station at Al Ayjah The objective of this project is to construct a new 132/33kV, 2 x 125MVA transformers at Al Ayjah which will be supplied from Sur grid station through 31.1km double circuit OHL. This grid station will supply the new tourism load in Ras Al Had area, to support the voltage with and to release Sur grid station from the overloading. The location of this grid station was selected in coordination with Mazoon Electricity Company. This project expected to be completed by Q2 2013. Project #24: Phase-1:Sur power station ( 220 kV GIS) This project consists of establishing 220kV GIS (22 Bays) at Sur Power Station with LILO of Sur – Jahloot 220kV double circuit line. The main purpose of this project is establishing a transmission network for exporting early power from Sur power station to Jahloot and Sur grid stations. This project is expected to be completed in Q2 2013. A.4 Projects expected to be completed to meet the 2014 peak demand Project #25: Replacement of 132kV Seeb-Mawalleh O/H lines This project will be as replacement of the existing 132kV single conductor OHL which is currently out of firm by underground cable 2500mm 2 around 8km. This line will be connected to the Airport Heights grid station at Mawalleh end. This project is expected to be in service at Q4 2013. Project #26: Adding New 132kV GIS and fourth transformer 125MVA at Mawalleh North grid station A fourth transformer will be added within Mawalleh North grid station as a new group demand connected to the third transformer as Mawalleh-B. It will be operated separately from the existing transformers at 33kV voltage level by shifting part of the existing load on Mawalleh-A to Mawalleh-B to maintain the Transmission Security Standard. The two groups will be connected at 132kV busbar. This project expected to be in service at Q4 2013. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 98 Project #27: Upgrade of Sumail grid station Upgrade of Sumail grid station from 2x63MVA to 2x125MVA transformers. This will address the current overloading and voltages problems. The project is expected to be in service by Q4 2013. Project #28: New 132/33kV grid station at Ghala (Madinat Al Arfan, Muscat area) The objective of this project is to construct a new 132/33kV, 2 x125MVA transformers grid station to meet the load requirements in Ghala area. This grid station will be connected to Airport Heights grid station by 4km double circuits underground cable. This grid will release load from Bousher grid station, cater for load growth in the area and to supply Madinat Al Arfan new load. This project is expected to be in service by Q4 2013. Project #29: Upgrading of Shinas grid station The existing grid station at Shinas is with 2 x 63MVA transformers and due to high demand growth in the area it will be upgraded to 2 x125MVA transformers to meet the Transmission Security Standard. This project is expected to be in service by Q4 2013. Project #30: New 132/33kV grid station at Bureimi (Bureimi-B) The objective of this project is to construct a new 132/33kV, 2 x 125MVA transformers grid station to meet the load growth in Bureimi area. It will be supplied from the existing Mahadah-Bureimi 132kV line by LILO connection. This grid station will release load from the existing Bureimi grid station and cater for load growth in the area. This project is expected to be in service by Q4 2013. Project #31: Adding third and fourth 125MVA transformer at Sohar grid station Third and fourth 125 MVA transformers will be added at Sohar grid station to meet the Transmission Security Standard requirements by shifting load from existing Sohar grid station and to cater for the high demand growth within the area. The two groups will be as Sohar-A and Sohar-B connected at 132kV busbar. This project is expected to be in service by Q4 2013. Project #32: Construction of new Madinat Nizwa 132/33kV grid station Construct new 132/33kV GSP (2 x 125MVA transformers) with 132kV GIS double busbar at Nizwa to meet the load requirement in the area. This grid station will be connected to the existing Nizwa grid station (10km from Nizwa grid station) by using double circuit overhead line. It will release the loaded Nizwa grid station and will cater for load growth within the area with expected industrial load at existing Nizwa grid station. This project is expected to be in service by Q4 2013. Project #33: Construction of new 132/33kVgrid station at Al Kamil and Al Wafi Construct a new 2x125MVA transformer grid station at Al Kamil area by LILO(20km) of Al Khamil- Sur OHL. This is required to meet load growth in the Sharqiya area. The project is expected to be in service by end of Q4 2013. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 99 Project #34: New Madinat Barka 132/33kV grid station New grid station will be constructed at Barka area (Batinah South) as 132/33kV, 2 x 125MVA transformer grid station and it will be connected as LILO Filaj-Muladah 132kV line. This project will secure load at this high growth area, to maintain required TSS and to transfer load from Barka Main grid station. This project is expected to be in service at Q2 2014. Project #35: Replacement of Rusail 132kV GIS The existing 132kV GIS at Rusail need to be replaced due to high cost of maintenance and short circuit effect. The existing 4 x 75MVA transformers will be replaced due to many complaints regarding leaking, operational difficulties, unavailability of spare parts, etc. Accordingly, new 4 x 125MVA transformers will be installed with new 33kV circuit breakers which are also having maintenance and operational scheme problems. This project is expected to be in service at Q2 2014. Project #36: New 132/33kVgrid station at Amerat (Muscat area) The objective of this project is to construct a new 132/33kV, 2 x 125MVA transformers grid station to meet the load growth in Amerat area. It will be supplied from the MSQ-Jahloot 132kV line by LILO (5km) connection. This grid station will support the voltage in Amerat area which is currently fed from Jahloot grid station. Also, this grid station will release load from Jahloot grid station and can be used to transfer load from Wadi Adai grid station. This project is expected to be in service by Q2 2014. Project #37: New 132/33kV grid station at Mabellah (Al Khoud, Muscat) New grid station will be constructed at Mabellah area as 132/33kV, 2 x 125MVA transformer grid station and it will be connected to Seeb Main grid station and Mabellah grid station by 132kV double circuit underground cable. This project will secure load at this high growth area and to maintain load flow between Seeb Main and Mabellah grid station. This grid station will release load from Mawalleh, Mabellah, and Seeb Main grid stations. This project is expected to be in service at Q2 2014. Project #38: Adding 2Nos. 220kV GIS Bays at Mahadah (Al Wasit) grid station This project consists of installing 2 Nos. new 220kV GIS bays at Mahadah (Al Wasit) grid station to connect the transmission system between Oman and the GCC Link using 400kV system. Also this connection will allow the power flow between Oman (OETC) and UAE (Abu Dhabi Transco) systems. This will strengthen the network and improve the effectiveness of the cross-border interconnector. This project is expected to be completed in Q2 2014. Project #39: Linking of the 132kV lines between Al Falaj, Mattrah and Wadi Al Kabir grid stations The objective of this project is to construct a 132kV single circuit underground cable (2500mm 2 ) between Mattarh and Al Falaj grid stations and 132kV single circuit OHL between Mattarh and Wadi Kabir grid stations to maintain the TSSS requirments for the three grid stations (Al Falaj, Muttrah and Wadi Kabir). This project is expected to be in service at Q2 2014. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 100 Project #40: New 400kV OHL between Sur power plant and Izki grid station This project will be used to evacuate the power from Sur power plant to Dahkhliah area. The length of the line is 250km of 400kV OHL between Sur power plant and Izki grid station. The project includes also construction of 400kV GIS, 400/220kV, 2 x 500MVA and ,220kV GIS,220/132kV, 2 x 500MVA transformers at Izki grid station. Additionally, upgrading of Izki to 400kV and 220kV system will facilitate connection of Muscat and Dhahirah areas to Dahkhliah area. This project is expected to be in service by Q2 2014. Project #41: Upgrading of Sur power plant and Jahloot grid station from 220kV to 400kV This project will be done by upgrading the proposed 220kV system at Sur power plant to 400kV system when the full capacity of Sur power plant is completed. The proposed OHL between Sur power plant and Jahloot will be operated at 400kV voltage level. This project includes construction of 400kV GIS, 400/220kV transformers, 4 x 500MVA at Jahloot grid station and 5 x 750MVA at Sur power plant. This project is expected to be in service at Q2 2014. Project #42: Replacement of Mahadah (Al Wasit) 132kV GIS The existing 132kV Outdoor Air insulated switchgear (AIS) is expected to be converted to Indoor 132kV GIS. This will cover the problems of heavy fog and mist during winter and summer which causing frequent tripping of busbar due to flash over of equipment insulators. This project is expected to be completed in Q2 2014. Project #43: New 132/33kV grid station at Al Khadra (Batinah South) A New grid station will be constructed at Al Khadrah at Batinah south area as 132/33kV, 2 x 125MVA transformers which will be connected as LILO to MIS-Khaborah 132kV OHL. This grid will release load from Khaborah grid station. This project is expected to be in service by Q2 2014. A.5 Projects expected to be completed to meet the 2015 peak demand Project #44: New 132/33kV, 2 x 125MVA grid station within the existing MIS grid station This project consists of constructing a new grid station 132/33kV, 2 x 125MVA transformers within the existing 132/33kV MIS grid station. This project will ensure Transmission Security Standard compliance and meet the increased load demand in MIS area. This project is expected to be in service at Q4 2014. Project #45: New 132/33kV, 2 x 125MVA grid station within the existing Muladah grid station This project consists of constructing a new grid station 132/33kV, 2 x 125MVA transformers within the existing 132/33kV Muladah grid station. This project will ensure Transmission Security Standard compliance and meet the increased load demand in Muladah area. This project is expected to be in service at Q4 2014. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 101 Project #46: New 132/33 kV grid station at Hajarmat area The new 132/33 kV, 2 x 125 MVA transformers grid station is required to supply the consumers in Hajarmat as per the request from Majan Electricity Company. This gird station will be supplied by 38 km 132kV double circuit overhead line from Ibri grid station. This project is required by Majan as there are long lengths of 11kV and 33kV lines in the area fed from Al Hayl and Dank grid stations leading to severe voltage drop. The project is expected to be completed by Q1 2015. Project #47: Upgrading Liwa grid station to 220kV system This project will be as new grid connected to the existing Liwa grid station by adding 2 x 500MVA, 220/132kV transformers. Liwa 220kV grid station will be connected by LILO of SoharII-SIS 220kV line. This grid station is required to maintain TSSS for the demand group at Liwa area. This project is expected to be in service by Q4 2014. Project #48: New 132/33kV grid station at Free Zone (Sohar) New grid station will be constructed at Free Zone (Sohar area) as 132/33kV, 2 x 125MVA transformers and it will be connected to the existing Liwa – Wadi Al Jizzi 132kV line by LILO arrangement. This project is requested by Majan Electricity Company to supply the expected new load at Free Zone area. This project is expected to be in service by Q4 2014 Project #49: New Ibra 132kV grid station New grid station will be constructed at Ibra area as 132/33kV, 2 x 125MVA transformers and it will be connected from Mudharib grid station by a 132kV double circuit line around 30km. This project will be implemented to meet the load growth, to solve voltage drop at Wadi Al Taeen area and to meet Transmission Security Standards requirements. This project is expected to be in service by Q1 2015. Project #50: Adding new 220kV & 132kV GIS and fourth transformer 125MVA at MSQ grid station A fourth transformer will be added within MSQ grid station as new group demand connected to the third transformer as MSQ-B. This group will be operated separately from the existing transformers at 33kV voltage level by shifting part of the existing load from MSQ-A to MSQ-B. The two groups will be connected at the132kV busbar. Also new 220KV GIS will be installed to MSQ grid station. This project is expected to be in service by Q2 2015. Project #51: Adding fourth transformer 125MVA at Wadi Kabir grid station A fourth transformer will be added within Wadi Kabir grid station as new group demand connected to the third transformer as Wadi Kabir-B. This group will be operated separately from the existing transformers at 33kV voltage level by shifting part of the existing load from Wadi Kabir-A to Kabir-B. The two groups will be connected at 132kV busbar. This project is expected to be in service by Q2 2015. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 102 Project #52: New 400kV overhead line between Izki and Misfah grid stations This project consists of construction of 100km of 400kV overhead line and installation of 11 bays of 400kV GIS at Misfah in addition to 400/220kV 3x500MVA transformers. This project is implemented to support the power evacuation from Sur power plant (2000MW) and for maintaining the Transmission Security Standard requirements during outage of the Sur–Jahloot 400kV line. Also this project is required to complete the 400kV transmission ring connecting all the regions. This project is expected to be in service by Q2 2015. A.6 Projects expected to be completed to meet the 2016 peak demand Project #53: New 220/132kV grid at Mabailah grid station Upgrading of Mabailah to 220kV system by adding 2 x 500MVA transformers. It will be connected to 220kV Filaj-Airport Heigths line by LILO connection. This will support Mabailah demand and securing the supply within the area. This project is expected to be in service by Q1 2016. Project #54: Linking Izki – Ibri 220kV System This project consists of upgrading of the existing 132kV OHL between Nizwa-Ibri of 150km to 220kV overhead line and constructing a new 220kV OHLbetween Nizwa-Izki and installation of 2 bays of 220kV GIS at Izki. This project is implemented to maintain the Transmission Security Standard and also to complete the 220kV Transmission ring connecting all regions. This project is expected to be in service by Q1 2016. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 103 Appendix B: Transmission System Data B.1 Substations Loads and Capacitor data. The grid station real and reactive power load at system peak demand for the period 2012 to 2016 and the respective reactive power support from capacitor banks connected at the grid station 33 kV busbars is shown in Table B.1. 1 This data was used in the power flow studies of system peak demand presented in Section 8 of this Capability Statement. B.2 Overhead Line Circuit Capacities and Parameters. The continuous thermal rating of a circuit is the maximum power flow that can be carried by that circuit on a continuous basis. The thermal rating of an overhead line is the power flow that can be carried by that line without infringing the statutory clearances and causing a risk to public safety and to the line itself. The thermal rating of an underground cable, however, is the maximum power flow that the cable can carry without either causing the cable to fail or to effectively reduce its projected lifespan through a deterioration of the cable insulation. Although the thermal rating of an overhead line is affected by climatic conditions, for the purpose of assessing spare capacity on the transmission system the key climatic condition that limits the circuit rating is the summer rating when the temperature is at its highest and the solar radiation is at its peak. This also corresponds to when the electricity demand is at or near to its peak. The circuit data presented in Table B.2 for the first year of the Statement period (2012) comprises the voltage, resistance, reactance, susceptance and thermal rating of the line and cable circuits. It also shows the circuit length and the type of overhead conductor or underground cable for each circuit. Table B.3 shows the changes to the circuit data required in each of the other four years covered by the Statement. B.3 Transformer data The data used to model the grid supply point transformers in the power flow studies of the 2012 summer peak demand condition is listed in Table B.4. The data comprises the transformer voltage ratio, the resistance and reactance, the tap range and step size. Table B.5 lists changes to the transformer data for the remaining four years of the Statement. 1 The 33 kV busbars at the grid supply points and the capacitors connected to them are owned and operated by the distribution companies. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 104 Table B.1: Load and Capacitor Data for Grid Stations (2012 - 2016) Grid Stations 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 P Load (MW) Q Load (MVAr) Caps (MVAr) P Load (MW) Q Load (MVAr) Caps (MVAr) P Load (MW) Q Load (MVAr) Caps (MVAr) P Load (MW) Q Load (MVAr) Caps (MVAr) P Load (MW) Q Load (MVAr) Caps (MVAr) Adam 36.9 12.1 0.0 37.8 12.4 0.0 33.8 11.1 0.0 34.6 11.4 0.0 35.5 11.7 0.0 Al Falaj 75.2 54.4 40.0 76.7 55.5 40.0 79.8 57.8 40.0 81.0 58.6 40.0 82.2 59.5 40.0 New Mobalah - - - - - - 87.0 28.6 0.0 94.0 30.9 0.0 97.7 32.1 0.0 Amerat - - - - - - 50.0 16.4 0.0 57.5 18.9 0.0 66.1 21.7 0.0 Al Hail 25.3 15.7 10.0 26.1 16.2 10.0 26.9 8.8 10.0 27.6 9.1 10.0 28.4 9.3 10.0 Al Kamil - - - - - - 92.0 30.2 0.0 60.9 20.0 0.0 61.5 20.2 0.0 Al Wasit 15.1 5.0 0.0 16.7 5.5 0.0 18.0 5.9 0.0 19.4 6.4 0.0 21.0 6.9 0.0 Airport Heights 86.3 53.5 40.0 89.8 55.7 40.0 92.5 30.4 40.0 94.3 31.0 40.0 98.1 32.2 40.0 Azaiba Coast 16.2 5.3 0.0 17.4 5.7 0.0 18.8 6.2 0.0 20.3 6.7 0.0 20.6 6.8 0.0 Al Khadra - - - - - - 61.8 38.3 0.0 66.1 21.7 0.0 70.8 23.3 0.0 Ayjah - - - 60.0 19.7 0.0 80.6 26.5 0.0 85.4 28.1 0.0 92.3 30.3 0.0 JBB Ali 121.4 39.9 0.0 131.1 43.1 0.0 80.3 26.4 0.0 85.9 28.2 0.0 91.9 30.2 0.0 Bahla 84.0 27.6 0.0 88.2 29.0 0.0 82.8 27.2 0.0 86.1 28.3 0.0 89.6 29.5 0.0 Blue City 47.8 15.7 0.0 89.7 29.5 0.0 93.3 30.7 0.0 97.0 31.9 0.0 99.9 32.8 0.0 Barka Main 93.2 69.9 40.0 96.9 72.7 40.0 62.8 47.1 40.0 65.3 49.0 40.0 66.6 50.0 40.0 Barka Main Third Tx 50.0 16.4 0.0 53.5 17.6 0.0 37.2 12.2 0.0 39.9 13.1 0.0 42.6 14.0 0.0 Boushar-A 101.1 67.9 40.0 110.2 74.1 40.0 97.0 65.2 40.0 88.9 59.7 40.0 90.7 61.0 40.0 Boushar-B 114.7 37.7 0.0 125.1 41.1 0.0 98.3 32.3 0.0 93.2 30.6 0.0 97.9 32.2 0.0 Buraimi-A 107.8 66.8 40.0 116.4 72.1 40.0 89.1 55.2 40.0 64.5 40.0 40.0 68.3 42.3 40.0 Buraimi-B - - - - - - 34.3 11.3 0.0 66.7 21.9 0.0 71.4 23.5 0.0 Dank 19.6 14.7 10.0 20.2 15.2 10.0 20.8 15.6 10.0 21.4 16.1 10.0 22.0 16.5 10.0 Ghoubrah 25.0 8.2 0.0 56.2 18.5 0.0 89.6 29.5 0.0 94.9 31.2 0.0 98.7 32.4 0.0 Ghoubrah Temporary 31.2 10.4 0.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - Ghala - - - - - - 64.1 21.1 0.0 68.6 22.5 0.0 72.7 23.9 0.0 Ibri 63MVA 20.0 9.7 10.0 20.8 10.1 10.0 21.6 10.5 10.0 - - - - - - Ibri 91.7 30.1 40.0 95.3 31.3 40.0 99.2 32.6 40.0 73.6 24.2 40.0 76.6 25.2 40.0 Izki 51.7 17.0 0.0 76.5 25.1 0.0 79.5 26.1 0.0 81.1 26.7 0.0 82.7 27.2 0.0 Izki Temporary 23.2 7.6 0.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - Jahloot 80.6 60.5 40.0 86.2 64.7 40.0 56.6 42.5 40.0 60.0 45.0 40.0 62.4 46.8 40.0 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 105 Table B.1 (continued): Load and Capacitor Data for Grid Stations (2012 - 2016) Grid Stations 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 P Load (MW) Q Load (MVAr) Caps (MVAr) P Load (MW) Q Load (MVAr) Caps (MVAr) P Load (MW) Q Load (MVAr) Caps (MVAr) P Load (MW) Q Load (MVAr) Caps (MVAr) P Load (MW) Q Load (MVAr) Caps (MVAr) Misfah 67.5 22.2 0.0 71.6 23.5 0.0 75.8 24.9 0.0 80.4 26.4 0.0 85.2 28.0 0.0 Khabourah 129.0 79.9 40.0 134.1 83.1 40.0 77.7 33.1 40.0 80.8 34.4 40.0 84.0 35.8 40.0 Liwa 99.8 32.8 0.0 124.1 40.8 0.0 99.0 32.5 0.0 81.9 26.9 0.0 88.5 29.1 0.0 Liwa 2 (Free Zone) - - - - - - - - - 80.0 26.3 0.0 84.8 27.9 0.0 Mawellah 170.0 91.8 40.0 176.8 95.4 40.0 81.8 44.2 40.0 83.5 45.1 40.0 85.1 45.9 40.0 Mawellah-B 42.1 13.8 0.0 45.5 15.0 0.0 92.4 30.4 0.0 96.1 31.6 0.0 99.9 32.8 0.0 Mudharib 114.0 37.5 0.0 123.1 40.5 0.0 99.7 32.8 0.0 84.7 27.8 0.0 90.6 29.8 0.0 MIS 111.8 36.7 0.0 117.4 38.6 0.0 92.1 30.3 0.0 58.6 19.3 0.0 62.7 20.6 0.0 MIS-B - - - - - - - - - 70.0 23.0 0.0 74.9 24.6 0.0 Muladah 118.3 76.4 40.0 90.1 58.2 40.0 99.1 64.0 40.0 49.1 36.8 40.0 54.0 40.5 40.0 Muladah-B - - - - - - - - - 60.0 19.7 0.0 64.2 21.1 0.0 Mobalah 96.7 70.0 40.0 99.6 72.1 40.0 72.1 52.2 40.0 73.9 49.7 40.0 76.1 51.1 40.0 MS Qaboos 94.1 30.9 40.0 98.8 32.5 40.0 76.7 25.2 40.0 79.7 26.2 40.0 82.9 27.2 40.0 MS Qaboos -B 37.8 12.4 0.0 39.7 13.0 0.0 69.7 22.9 0.0 89.7 29.5 0.0 95.1 31.3 0.0 Mudaybi - - - 60.0 19.7 0.0 63.0 20.7 0.0 66.2 21.8 0.0 69.5 22.8 0.0 Mudaybi 63 MVA 93.7 30.8 0.0 38.4 12.6 0.0 40.3 13.2 0.0 40.7 13.4 0.0 41.1 13.5 0.0 Muttrah 46.4 15.3 0.0 47.3 15.5 0.0 48.0 15.8 0.0 48.8 16.0 0.0 49.5 16.3 0.0 Nakhal 47.3 35.5 40.0 51.1 38.3 40.0 55.2 41.4 40.0 59.6 44.7 40.0 63.2 47.4 40.0 Nizwa 110.2 36.1 0.0 117.9 38.8 0.0 81.1 26.7 0.0 86.8 28.5 0.0 92.9 30.5 0.0 Madinata Nizwa - - - - - - 59.8 19.7 0.0 64.0 21.0 0.0 68.5 22.5 0.0 Madinata Barka - - - - - - 88.0 28.9 0.0 64.2 21.1 0.0 68.7 22.6 0.0 Qurum 18.3 13.7 40.0 39.4 29.6 40.0 41.8 31.4 40.0 70.3 52.7 40.0 74.5 55.9 40.0 Quriyat 37.7 12.4 0.0 40.3 13.2 0.0 43.2 14.2 0.0 46.2 15.2 0.0 49.4 16.2 0.0 Rusail-A 50.4 16.5 0.0 51.7 17.0 0.0 53.5 17.6 0.0 70.9 23.3 0.0 73.7 24.2 0.0 Rusail-B 50.4 16.5 0.0 51.7 17.0 0.0 53.5 17.6 0.0 70.9 23.3 0.0 73.7 24.2 0.0 Rustaq 91.2 30.0 0.0 94.8 31.2 0.0 98.6 32.4 0.0 102.5 33.7 0.0 106.6 35.0 0.0 Saham 86.3 28.2 0.0 88.0 28.9 0.0 89.8 29.5 0.0 91.6 30.1 0.0 93.4 30.7 0.0 Seeb Main 81.0 26.6 0.0 85.9 28.2 0.0 90.2 29.6 0.0 94.7 31.1 0.0 99.4 32.7 0.0 Seeb Main 63MVA 50.1 16.5 0.0 52.6 17.3 0.0 55.2 18.1 0.0 56.3 18.5 0.0 57.0 18.7 0.0 Shinas 77.7 48.2 40.0 81.6 50.6 40.0 85.7 53.1 40.0 89.9 55.7 40.0 94.4 58.5 40.0 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 106 Table B.1 (continued): Load and Capacitor Data for Grid Stations (2012 - 2016) Grid Stations 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 P Load (MW) Q Load (MVAr) Caps (MVAr) P Load (MW) Q Load (MVAr) Caps (MVAr) P Load (MW) Q Load (MVAr) Caps (MVAr) P Load (MW) Q Load (MVAr) Caps (MVAr) P Load (MW) Q Load (MVAr) Caps (MVAr) SIP-A 47.4 15.6 0.0 48.1 15.8 0.0 48.9 16.1 0.0 29.6 9.7 0.0 30.0 9.9 0.0 Sohar Grid 149.4 80.6 40.0 156.9 84.7 40.0 95.7 51.7 40.0 66.6 35.9 40.0 67.3 36.3 40.0 Sohar-B - - - - - - 97.8 32.1 0.0 94.3 31.0 0.0 95.7 31.5 0.0 Sumail 63MVA 47.2 15.5 0.0 49.5 16.3 0.0 52.0 17.1 0.0 54.6 17.9 0.0 57.3 18.8 0.0 Sumail - - - - - - 68.6 22.5 0.0 72.0 23.7 0.0 75.6 24.8 0.0 Sumail Temporary 40.0 13.1 0.0 42.0 13.8 0.0 - - - - - - - - - Sur 112.9 37.1 0.0 63.1 20.7 0.0 52.9 17.4 0.0 56.6 18.6 0.0 60.5 19.9 0.0 Wadi Adai 117.3 72.7 40.0 99.0 61.4 40.0 85.3 52.9 40.0 60.6 37.6 40.0 61.5 38.1 40.0 Wadi Kabir 81.3 61.0 40.0 82.6 62.0 40.0 83.8 62.9 40.0 85.1 63.8 40.0 86.3 64.7 40.0 Wadi Kabir-B 55.1 18.1 0.0 55.9 18.4 0.0 56.7 18.6 0.0 56.7 18.6 0.0 60.1 19.8 0.0 Wadi Sa'a 18.7 6.0 0.0 28.9 9.5 0.0 31.2 10.3 0.0 31.5 10.4 0.0 41.8 13.7 0.0 Hajarmat - - - - - - - - - 51.2 16.8 0.0 52.2 17.2 0.0 Ibra - - - - - - - - - 54.0 17.7 57.8 19.0 Yitti 9.0 3.0 0.0 10.1 3.3 0.0 60.5 19.9 0.0 61.4 20.2 0.0 62.3 20.5 0.0 Total 33 kV load 3918.0 1799.7 750.0 4148.3 1891.1 750.0 4464.0 1869.4 750.0 4694.3 1906.1 740.0 4920.0 1993.2 740.0 Shadeed Aluminium (SIP-A 220 kV) 50.0 16.4 0.0 50.0 16.4 0.0 50.0 16.4 0.0 50.0 16.4 0.0 50.0 16.4 0.0 VALE (SIP-A 132kV) 120.0 39.4 0.0 150.0 49.3 0.0 150.0 49.3 0.0 150.0 49.3 0.0 150.0 49.3 0.0 SSSRM (SIP-A 132 kV) 35.0 11.5 0.0 63.0 20.7 0.0 63.0 20.7 0.0 63.0 20.7 0.0 63.0 20.7 0.0 Aromatics (SIP-A 132 kV) 35.0 11.5 0.0 35.0 11.5 0.0 35.0 11.5 0.0 35.0 11.5 0.0 35.0 11.5 0.0 Garamco (132 kV liwa) - - - 31.0 10.2 0.0 31.0 10.2 0.0 31.0 10.2 0.0 31.0 10.2 0.0 Zoom Load (Sur Area) - - - - - - - - - 300.0 98.6 0.0 300.0 98.6 0.0 Free Zone - - - - - - - - - 30.0 9.9 0.0 30.0 9.9 0.0 Muscat Steel (132kV) - - - 45.0 14.8 0.0 45.0 14.8 0.0 45.0 14.8 0.0 45.0 14.8 0.0 Modren Steel - - - - - - - - - 30.0 9.9 0.0 30.0 9.9 0.0 RO Ghubrah - - - - - - 25.0 8.2 0.0 25.0 8.2 0.0 25.0 8.2 0.0 Transport (Muscat) - - - 20.0 6.6 0.0 30.0 9.9 0.0 30.0 9.9 0.0 30.0 9.9 0.0 GRAND TOTAL 4158.0 1878.6 750.0 4542.3 2020.6 750.0 4893.0 2010.4 750.0 5483.3 2165.4 740.0 5709.0 2252.6 740.0 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 107 Table B.2: 2012 Branch Data Listing From Substation To Substation Voltage (kV No. Circuits Conductor Type (OHL) Length (Km) R[Ω/km] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Conductor Type (Cable) Length (Km) R[Ω/km] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Al Wasit Al Oha (UAE) 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 46.7 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 − − − − − − Barka Power station Filaj 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 10 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 − − − − − − Barka Power station Filaj 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 10 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 − − − − − − Filaj Airport Heights 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 34 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 − − − − − − Airport Heights Misfah 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 16 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 − − − − − − Misfah MS Qaboos 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 26 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 − − − − − − MIS SIS 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 107 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 − − − − − − SPS SIS 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 38 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 2500mm2 XLPE cable 3 0.01074 0.312 91.11 625 SPS Sohar Industrial Area 'A' 220 2 − − − − − − 2500mm2 XLPE cable 3 0.01074 0.321 91.11 625 Al Wasit SIS 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 66 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 − − − − − − Blue City MIS 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 45.3 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 2500mm2 XLPE cable 6 0.01074 0.321 91.11 475 Filaj Blue City 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 33.2 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 2500mm2 XLPE cable 6 0.01074 0.312 91.11 475 Al Wasit Ibri 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 145 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 − − − − − − Sohar IPP-2 SIS 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 36.9 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 2500mm2 XLPE cable 2.6 0.01074 0.321 91.11 625 Barka IPP-3 Misfah 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 58.2 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 2500mm2 XLPE cable 7.1 0.01074 0.321 91.11 625 Al Kamil JBB Ali 132 2 YEW x 2 55 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Al Kamil Mudharib 132 2 YEW x 2 51.2 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Al Kamil Sur 132 2 YEW x 2 73.1 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Barka Main Filaj 132 2 YEW x 2 6.3 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Dank Al Hail 132 1 225 AAAC 52.6 0.1503 0.4101 2.83 293 − − − − − − Filaj Muladha 132 2 YEW x 2 46.5 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Izki Mudaybi 132 2 YEW x 2 62.1 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Izki Nizwa 132 2 YEW x 2 31.1 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Manah Nizwa 132 2 YEW x 2 19.7 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 108 Table B.2 (continued): 2012 Branch Data Listing From Substation To Substation Voltage (kV No. Circuits Conductor Type (OHL) Length (Km) R[Ω/k m] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Conductor Type (Cable) Length (Km) R[Ω/km] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Airport Heights Seeb Main 132 2 240 ACSR 7.8 0.1472 0.4111 2.6 101 2500mm2 XLPE cable 9 0.04282 0.08361 122.522 375 Mawellah Rusail 132 2 − − − − − − 2500mm2 XLPE cable 7.3 0.04282 0.08361 122.522 375 MIS Khabourah 132 2 YEW x 2 53.4 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Mabalah Barka Main 132 2 YEW x 2 11.6 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − MS Qaboos Jahloot 132 2 YEW x 2 44 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − MS Qaboos Wadi Adai 132 2 YEW x 2 8.2 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Mudhabi Mudharib 132 2 YEW x 2 60.1 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Muladha MIS 132 2 YEW x 2 11.4 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Nizwa Nahda (PDO) 132 1 ELM x1 67 0.1944 0.4207 2.71 89 − − − − − − Nizwa Bahla 132 2 YEW x1 32 0.0857 0.3948 2.85 146 − − − − − − Nizwa Ibri 132 2 YEW x 2 123.5 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Rusail Boushar 132 2 240 ZTACIR 31.5 0.152 0.4192 2.6 293 − − − − − − Rusail Mabalah 132 2 YEW x 2 13.1 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Rusail Sumail 132 2 YEW x 2 31.2 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Rustaq Muladha 132 2 YEW x 2 29.5 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − SIS Sohar Grid 132 2 YEW x 2 27.5 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Sohar Grid Wadi Jizzi 132 2 YEW x 2 24.7 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Sohar Industrial Area 'A' Sohar Refinery Co. 132 2 − − − − − − 2500mm2 XLPE cable 2.2 0.04 0.08 122.52 375 Sumail Izki 132 2 YEW x 2 61 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Wadi Adai Al Falaj 132 2 YEW x 2 3 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Wadi Jizzi Al Wasit 132 2 ELM x 2 36.7 0.0972 0.3168 3.8 178 − − − − − − Wadi Kabir Wadi Adai 132 2 YEW x1 6 0.0857 0.3948 2.85 146 1200mm2 XLPE cable 1.63 0.04 0.143 64.7 289 Manah Adam 132 2 YEW x 2 47 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Ghubrah Boushar 132 3 − − − − − − 2500mm2 XLPE cable 2.323 0.04 0.08 122.52 375 Boushar MS Qaboos 132 1 YEW x 2 1.7 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 2500mm2 XLPE cable 1.5 0.04 0.08 122.52 375 Ghubrah MS Qaboos 132 3 YEW x 2 1.7 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 2500mm2 XLPE cable 4.8 0.04 0.08 122.52 375 Airport Heights Wave 132 2 − − − − − − 2500mm2 XLPE cable 8.806 0.04 0.08 122.52 375 Wadi Jizzi Liwa 132 2 YEW x 2 28 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Liwa Shinas 132 2 YEW x 2 20 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Khabourah Saham 132 2 YEW x 2 40 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Saham SIS 132 2 YEW x 2 30 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 109 Table B.2 (continued): 2012 Branch Data Listing From Substation To Substation Voltage (kV No. Circuits Conductor Type (OHL) Length (Km) R[Ω/km] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Conductor Type (Cable) Length (Km) R[Ω/km] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Airport Heights Seeb Main 132 2 240 ACSR 7.8 0.1472 0.4111 2.6 101 2500mm2 XLPE cable 9 0.04282 0.08361 122.522 375 Al Wasit Wadi Sa'a 132 2 225 AAAC 32.0 0.1503 0.4101 2.83 89 − − − − − − Wadi Sa'a Dank 132 2 225 AAAC 56.5 0.1503 0.4101 2.83 89 − − − − − − Jahloot Yitti 132 2 ARCURIA x 2 25.1 0.0258 0.321 3.82 404 − − − − − − Rusail Misfah 132 2 YEW x 2 10.0 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Misfah Wadi Adai 132 2 YEW x 2 36.0 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Filaj Nakhal 132 2 YEW x 2 26.0 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Al Wasit Buraimi 132 2 YEW x 2 30.73 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 2500mm2 XLPE cable 5.47 0.04 0.08 122.52 375 MS Qaboos Qurum 132 2 YEW x 2 10 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Qurum Muttrah 132 2 YEW x 2 10 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 2500mm2 XLPE cable 3.5 0.04 0.08 122.52 375 Ibri Dank 132 2 YEW x 2 55 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Jahloot Quriyat 132 2 YEW x 2 50 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 110 Table B.3: Progressive Changes to Branch Circuit Data for 2013-2016 2013 Deletions From Substation To Substation Voltage (kV No. Circuits Conductor Type (OHL) Length (Km) R[Ω/km] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Conductor Type (Cable) Length (Km) R[Ω/km] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Rusail Boushar 132 2 240 ZTACIR 31.5 0.152 0.4192 2.6 250 − − − − − − Wadi Kabir Wadi Adai 132 2 YEW x1 6 0.0857 0.3948 2.85 146 − − − − − − Qurum Muttrah 132 2 YEW x 2 9.7 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 2500mm2 XLPE cable 3.5 0.04 0.08 122.52 375 Dank Al Hail 132 1 225 AAAC 52.6 0.1503 0.4101 2.83 89 − − − − − − 2013 Additions From Substation To Substation Voltage (kV No. Circuits Conductor Type (OHL) Length (Km) R[Ω/km] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Conductor Type (Cable) Length (Km) R[Ω/km] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Sur PS Jahloot 220 2 Quad YEW 130.3 0.0211 0.2578 5.18 975 − − − − − − Sur PS Sur 220 2 − − − − − − 2500mm2 XLPE cable 3 0.01074 0.321 91.11 625 Misfah Jahloot 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 54.9 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 − − − − − − Jahloot Sur 220 2 Quad YEW 130.3 0.0211 0.2578 5.18 975 − − − − − − Jahloot Al Hamryah 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 35 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 − − − − − − Sur Ayjah 132 2 YEW x2 31.1 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Al Hamryah Wadi Kabir 132 2 YEW x1 4.5 0.0857 0.3948 2.85 146 − − − − − − Al Hamryah Wadi Adai 132 2 YEW x1 4.5 0.0857 0.3948 2.85 146 − − − − − − Qurum Al Hamryah 132 2 YEW x 2 5.7 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Al Hamryah Muttrah 132 2 YEW x 2 4 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 2500mm2 XLPE cable 3.5 0.04 0.08 122.52 375 Dank Al Hail 132 2 YEW x 2 52.6 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 111 Table B.3 (continued): Progressive Changes to Branch Circuit Data for 2013-2016 2014 Deletions From Substation To Substation Voltage (kV No. Circuits Conductor Type (OHL) Length (Km) R[Ω/km] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Conductor Type (Cable) Length (Km) R[Ω/km] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Sur PS Jahloot 220 2 Quad YEW 130.3 0.0210914 0.2577821 5.18 957 − − − − − − MS Qaboos Jahloot 132 2 YEW x 2 44 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Al Wasit Buraimi 132 2 YEW x 2 30.73 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 2500mm2 XLPE cable 5.47 0.04 0.08 122.52 375 Filaj Muladha 132 2 YEW x 2 46.5 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Al Kamil sur 132 2 YEW x 2 73.1 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Airport Heights Seeb Main 132 2 240 ACSR 7.8 0.1472 0.4111 2.6 101 2500mm2 XLPE cable 9 0.04 0.08 122.52 375 MIS Khabourah 132 2 YEW x 2 53.4 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 261 − − − − − − 2014 Additions From Substation To Substation Voltage (kV No. Circuits Conductor Type (OHL) Length (Km) R[Ω/km] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Conductor Type (Cable) Length (Km) R[Ω/km] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Jahloot Sur PS 400 2 Quad YEW 130.3 0.0210914 0.2577821 5.18 1774 − − − − − − Sur PS Izki 400 2 Quad YEW 250 0.0210914 0.2577821 5.18 1774 − − − − − − Airport Height Ghala 132 2 − − − − − − 2500mm2 XLPE cable 10 0.04 0.08 122.52 375 Al Wasit New Buraimi 132 2 YEW x2 33 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − New Buraimi Buraimi 132 2 YEW x2 3 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 2500mm2 XLPE cable 5.47 0.04 0.08 122.52 375 MS Qaboos Amerat 132 2 YEW x2 22 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Amerat Jahloot 132 2 YEW x2 22 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Nizwa Madinata Nizwa 132 2 YEW x2 10 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Filaj Madinata Barka 132 2 YEW x2 10 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Madinata Barka Muladha 132 2 YEW x2 36.5 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Mobalah New Mobalah 132 2 − − − − − − 2500mm2 XLPE cable 6.4 0.04 0.08 122.52 375 New Mobalah Seeb Main 132 2 − − − − − − 2500mm2 XLPE cable 6 0.04 0.08 122.52 375 Muttrah Al Falaj 132 1 − − − − − − 2500mm2 XLPE cable 2.3 0.04 0.08 122.52 375 Muttrah Wadi Kabir 132 2 YEW x1 3.7 0.0857 0.3948 2.85 146 − − − − − − Al Kamil New Al Kamil 132 2 YEW x 2 35 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − New Al Kamil Sur 132 2 YEW x 2 42 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Airport Height Mawellah-B 132 2 − − − − − − 2500mm2 XLPE cable 9 0.04 0.08 122.52 375 Mawellah-B Seeb Main 132 2 − − − − − − 2500mm2 XLPE cable 8 0.04 0.08 122.52 375 Khabourah Al Khadra 132 2 YEW x 2 26.7 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Al Khadra MIS 132 2 YEW x 2 26.7 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 112 Table B.3 (continued): Progressive Changes to Branch Circuit Data for 2013-2016 2015 Deletions From Substation To Substation Voltage (kV No. Circuits Conductor Type (OHL) Length (Km) R[Ω/km] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Conductor Type (Cable) Length (Km) R[Ω/km] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Sohar IPP-2 SIS 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 36.9 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 2500mm2 XLPE cable 2.6 0.01074 0.321 91.11 625 2015 Additions From Substation To Substation Voltage (kV No. Circuits Conductor Type (OHL) Length (Km) R[Ω/km] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Conductor Type (Cable) Length (Km) R[Ω/km] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Izki Misfah 400 2 Quad YEW 100 0.0210914 0.2577821 5.18 1774 − − − − − − Sohar IPP-2 Liwa 220kV 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 6 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 2500mm2 XLPE cable 2.6 0.01074 0.321 91.11 625 Liwa 220kV SIS 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 30.9 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 − − − − − − 2016 Deletions From Substation To Substation Voltage (kV No. Circuits Conductor Type (OHL) Length (Km) R[Ω/km] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Conductor Type (Cable) Length (Km) R[Ω/km] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Filaj Airport Heights 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 34 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 − − − − − − Nizwa Ibri 132 2 YEW x 2 123.5 0.04283 0.2821 3.98 293 − − − − − − 2016 Additions From Substation To Substation Voltage (kV No. Circuits Conductor Type (OHL) Length (Km) R[Ω/km] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Conductor Type (Cable) Length (Km) R[Ω/km] X[Ω/km] B[MS/km] Rating (MVA) Izki Nizwa 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 30 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 − − − − − − Nizwa Ibri 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 123.5 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 − − − − − − Filaj Mobailah 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 10 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 − − − − − − Mobailah Airport Heights 220 2 ARCURIA x 2 24 0.0258 0.321 3.82 673 − − − − − − Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 113 Table B.4: Grid Stations Transformer Data at 2012 peak Substation Tx. No Rating Voltage Vector Tap Tap Step Neutral Min Max Off-Nominal Tap range Reactance (MVA) (kV) Group Side (%) Tap Tap Tap Upper (pu) Lower (pu) (% on rating) Al Wasit 1 315 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.1 6 1 20 5.5 -15.4 13.98 2 315 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.1 6 1 20 5.5 -15.4 13.955 Filaj 1 500 220/132 YNa0d1 LV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.25 2 500 220/132 YNa0d1 LV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.26 MS Qaboos 1 500 220/132 YNa0d1 LV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.24 2 500 220/132 YNa0d1 LV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.3 SIP-A 1 500 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.1 6 1 20 5.5 -15.4 21.227 2 500 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.1 6 1 20 5.5 -15.4 21.238 SIS 1 500 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 21.37 2 500 220/133 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 21.38 MIS 1 500 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 21.35 2 500 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 21.43 Airport Hight 1 500 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.81 2 500 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.9 Ibri 1 500 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.28 2 500 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.28 Blue City 1 160 220/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.5 2 160 220/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.5 Seeb-B 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.5 -15.54 17.42 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.5 -15.54 17.46 Ibri 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.443 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.378 Al Falaj 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.67 4 1 13 5 -15 19.56 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.67 4 1 13 5 -15 19.49 Al Hail 1 40 132/33 YNd11 HV 1.25 5 1 17 5 -15 11.92 2 40 132/33 YNd11 HV 1.25 5 1 17 5 -15 11.69 Al Wasit 1 30 132/33 YNd11 HV 1.67 7 1 13 10 -10 12.33 2 30 132/33 YNd11 HV 1.67 7 1 13 10 -10 12.49 Bahla 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 6 1 19 5.5 -14.3 18.023 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 6 1 19 5.5 -14.3 18.2 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 114 Table B.4: (continued): Grid Stations Transformer Data at 2012 peak Substation Tx. No Rating Voltage Vector Tap Tap Step Neutral Min Max Off-Nominal Tap range Reactance (MVA) (kV) Group Side (%) Tap Tap Tap Upper (pu) Lower (pu) (% on rating) Al Wasit 1 315 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.1 6 1 20 5.5 -15.4 13.98 Barka Main 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.67 4 1 13 5 -15 17 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.67 4 1 13 5 -15 17 Boushar-A 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.44 Buraimi 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.82 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.91 Dank 1 15 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.352 10 1 19 12.17 -12.17 11.2 2 15 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.352 10 1 19 12.17 -12.17 11.2 Ghubrah 1 42 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.352 10 1 19 12.17 -12.17 13.2 2 42 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.352 10 1 19 12.17 -12.17 13.2 Ibri 1 63 132/33 YNd11 HV 1.25 5 1 17 5 -15 11.8 2 63 132/33 YNd11 HV 1.25 5 1 17 5 -15 11.97 Izki 1 40 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 6 1 19 5.5 -14.3 10.36 2 40 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 6 1 19 5.5 -14.3 10.31 Jahloot 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 7 2 21 5.5 -15.4 19.03 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 7 2 21 5.5 -15.4 19.27 JBB Ali 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 7 2 21 5.5 -15.4 17.84 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 7 2 21 5.5 -15.4 17.76 Khaburah 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.67 4 1 13 5 -15 18.21 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.67 4 1 13 5 -15 18.03 Mawalleh 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.25 5 1 17 5 -15 18.7 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.25 5 1 17 5 -15 18.7 Mudarib 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 7 2 21 5.5 -15.4 17.66 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 7 2 21 5.5 -15.4 17.85 Muladah 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.43 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.436 Mobalah 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.35 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.35 MSQ 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.67 4 1 13 5 -15 17.44 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.67 4 1 13 5 -15 17.62 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 115 Table B.4: (continued): Grid Stations Transformer Data at 2012 Peak Substation Tx. No Rating Voltage Vector Tap Tap Step Neutral Min Max Off-Nominal Tap range Reactance (MVA) (kV) Group Side (%) Tap Tap Tap Upper (pu) Lower (pu) (% on rating) Rusail 1 75 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.25 5 1 17 5 -15 17.32 2 75 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.25 5 1 17 5 -15 17.14 3 75 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.25 5 1 17 5 -15 17.98 4 75 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.25 5 1 17 5 -15 18.21 Rustaq 1 63 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 14.56 2 63 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 14.56 Seeb 1 63 132/34.8 YNd5 HV 1.1 6 1 19 5.5 -14.3 15.38 2 63 132/34.8 YNd5 HV 1.1 6 1 19 5.5 -14.3 15.57 Shinas 1 63 132/33 YNd11 HV 1.67 4 1 13 5.01 -16.7 10.27 2 63 132/33 YNd11 HV 1.67 4 1 13 5.01 -16.7 10.29 SIP-A 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.54 18.7 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.54 18.59 Sohar 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 6 1 19 5.55 -14.3 17.78 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 6 1 19 5.55 -14.3 17.81 Sumail 1 63 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 14.87 2 63 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 14.74 Sur 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 7 2 21 5.5 -15.4 17.85 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 7 2 21 5.5 -15.4 17.72 Wadi Adai 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.114 6 1 19 5.57 -14.47 17.94 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.114 6 1 19 5.57 -14.47 17.88 Wadi Kabir 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.4 17.609 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.4 17.31 MIS 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.44 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.64 Liwa 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.01 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.236 Saham 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.31 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.56 18.267 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 116 Table B.4: (continued): Grid Stations Transformer Data at 2012 Peak Substation Tx. No Rating Voltage Vector Tap Tap Step Neutral Min Max Off-Nominal Tap range Reactance (MVA) (kV) Group Side (%) Tap Tap Tap Upper (pu) Lower (pu) (% on rating) Mudaibi 1 63 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 15.21 2 63 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 15.32 Nizwa 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 6 1 19 5.5 -14.3 18.647 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 6 1 19 5.5 -14.3 17.923 Rusail 1 75 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.25 5 1 17 5 -15 17.32 2 75 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.25 5 1 17 5 -15 17.14 3 75 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.25 5 1 17 5 -15 17.98 4 75 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.25 5 1 17 5 -15 18.21 Rustaq 1 63 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 14.56 2 63 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 14.56 Seeb-A 1 63 132/34.8 YNd5 HV 1.1 6 1 19 5.5 -14.3 15.38 2 63 132/34.8 YNd5 HV 1.1 6 1 19 5.5 -14.3 15.57 Shinas 1 63 132/33 YNd11 HV 1.67 4 1 13 5.01 -16.7 10.27 2 63 132/33 YNd11 HV 1.67 4 1 13 5.01 -16.7 10.29 SIP-A 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.54 18.7 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.54 18.59 Sohar 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 6 1 19 5.55 -14.3 17.78 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 6 1 19 5.55 -14.3 17.81 Sumail 1 63 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 14.87 2 63 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 14.74 Sur 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 7 2 21 5.5 -15.4 17.85 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 7 2 21 5.5 -15.4 17.72 Wadi Adai 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.114 6 1 19 5.57 -14.47 17.94 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.114 6 1 19 5.57 -14.47 17.88 Wadi Kabir 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.4 17.609 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.4 17.31 MIS 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.44 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.64 Liwa 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.01 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.236 Saham 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.31 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.56 18.267 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 117 Table B.4: (continued): Grid Stations Transformer Data at 2012 Peak Substation Tx. No Rating Voltage Vector Tap Tap Step Neutral Min Max Off-Nominal Tap range Reactance (MVA) (kV) Group Side (%) Tap Tap Tap Upper (pu) Lower (pu) (% on rating) Airport Hight 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.31 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.379 Azaiba Coast 1 50 132/11 YNd1 HV 1.105 5 1 19 4.42 -15.47 32.29 2 50 132/11 YNd1 HV 1.105 5 1 19 4.42 -15.47 32.25 3 50 132/11 YNd1 HV 1.105 5 1 19 4.42 -15.47 32.21 Adam 1 40 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 19 5.55 -14.43 11.793 2 40 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 19 5.55 -14.43 11.72 Wadi Sa'a 1 63 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 15.34 2 63 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 15.3 Yitti 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.54 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.45 Qurum 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.28 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.507 Misfah 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.39 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.39 Muttrah 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.5 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.32 Nakhal 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.063 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.074 Boushar-B 3 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.561 4 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.561 Wadi Kabir Third Tx 3 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.14 6 1 19 5.7 -14.82 18.4 Mawalleh Third Tx 3 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.5 -15.54 17.24 MSQ Third Tx 3 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.4 17.291 Ghubrah Temporary 1 40 132/34.8 YNd5 HV 1.1 6 1 19 5.5 -14.3 10.27 Seeb Temporary 1 60 132/33 YNd11 HV 1.11 5 1 19 4.44 -15.54 16.8 Izki Temporary 1 40 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 6 1 19 5.5 -14.3 10.26 Quriyat 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.443 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.104 5 1 19 4.42 -15.46 18.41 Sumail Temporary 1 63 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 19 5.55 -15.54 16.97 Barka Third Tx 3 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.67 4 1 13 5 -15 17 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 118 Table B.5: Grid Stations Transformer Data from 2012 to 2016 2013 Changes Substation Tx. No Rating Voltage Vector Tap Tap Step Neutral Min Max Off-Nominal Tap range Reactance (MVA) (kV) Group Side (%) Tap Tap Tap Upper (pu) Lower (pu) (% on rating) Deletions Izki 1 40 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 6 1 19 5.5 -14.3 10.36 2 40 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 6 1 19 5.5 -14.3 10.31 Dank 1 15 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.352 10 1 19 12.17 -12.17 11.2 2 15 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.352 10 1 19 12.17 -12.17 11.2 Rustaq 1 63 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 14.56 2 63 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 14.56 Ghubrah 1 42 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.352 10 1 19 12.17 -12.17 13.2 2 42 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.352 10 1 19 12.17 -12.17 13.2 Ghubrah Temporary 1 40 132/34.8 YNd5 HV 1.1 6 1 19 5.5 -14.3 10.27 Izki Temporary 1 40 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.1 6 1 19 5.5 -14.3 10.26 Additions Jahloot 1 500 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.28 2 500 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.28 Sur 1 500 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.28 2 500 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.28 Hamryah (Wadi Adai-2) 1 500 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.28 2 500 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.28 Ghubrah 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 Ayjah 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 21 5.55 -15.4 17.85 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 21 5.55 -15.4 17.85 Dank 1 63 132/33 YNd11 HV 1.25 6 1 17 5 -15 10.9 2 63 132/33 YNd11 HV 1.25 6 1 17 5 -15 10.9 Izki 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 Rustaq 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 3 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 Mudaibi-B 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 119 Table B.5: (continued): Grid Stations Transformer Data from 2012 to 2016 2014 Changes Substation Tx. No Rating Voltage Vector Tap Tap Step Neutral Min Max Off-Nominal Tap range Reactance (MVA) (kV) Group Side (%) Tap Tap Tap Upper (pu) Lower (pu) (% on rating) Deletions Shinas 1 63 132/33 YNd11 HV 1.67 4 1 13 5.01 -16.7 10.27 2 63 132/33 YNd11 HV 1.67 4 1 13 5.01 -16.7 10.29 Sumail Temporary 1 63 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 19 5.55 -15.54 16.97 Additions Sur 1 750 400/220 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23 2 750 400/220 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23 3 750 400/220 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23 4 750 400/221 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23 5 750 400/220 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 22.075 Jahloot 1 500 400/220 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 22.075 2 500 400/220 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 22.075 3 500 400/220 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 22.075 4 500 400/220 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 22.075 Izki 1 500 400/220 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 22.075 2 500 400/220 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 22.075 1 500 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.28 2 500 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.28 Al Khadra 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 Sumail 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 Kamil 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 Amerat 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 Madinata Nizwa 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 Madinata Barka 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 New Mobalah 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 Sohar-B 3 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 4 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 120 Table B.5: (continued): Grid Stations Transformer Data from 2012 to 2015 2014 Changes Substation Tx. No Rating Voltage Vector Tap Tap Step Neutral Min Max Off-Nominal Tap range Reactance (MVA) (kV) Group Side (%) Tap Tap Tap Upper (pu) Lower (pu) (% on rating) Addition Ghala 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 Shinas 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 New Buraimi 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 Forth Mawaleh TX 4 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 2015 Changes Substation Tx. No Rating Voltage Vector Tap Tap Step Neutral Min Max Off-Nominal Tap range Reactance (MVA) (kV) Group Side (%) Tap Tap Tap Upper (pu) Lower (pu) (% on rating) Additions Liwa 220kV 1 500 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.28 2 500 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.28 Misfah 1 500 220/133 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.28 2 500 220/134 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.28 3 500 220/135 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.28 MIS-B 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 Muladah-B 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 Free Zone (Liwa) 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 Ibra 1 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 2 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 17.26 Forth MSQ TX 4 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.4 17.291 Forth Wadi Kabair TX 4 125 132/33 YNd5 HV 1.14 6 1 19 5.7 -14.82 18.4 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 121 2016 Changes Substation Tx. No Rating Voltage Vector Tap Tap Step Neutral Min Max Off-Nominal Tap range Reactance (MVA) (kV) Group Side (%) Tap Tap Tap Upper (pu) Lower (pu) (% on rating) Additions Mabailah 220kV 1 500 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.28 2 500 220/132 YNa0d1 HV 1.11 6 1 20 5.55 -15.54 23.28 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 122 Appendix C: Power System Studies C.1 Summary of Load Flow Study results The expected performance of the system at peak and minimum demand for each year from 2012 to 2016 are summarised in a series of tables and presented pictorially. The study results are presented in the following tables: Table C.1 – Grid transformer loadings at Peak Demand (2012 – 2016) Table C.2 – Available capacity at Grid Stations (2012 – 2016) for connection of new demand Table C.3 – Overhead line and cable circuit loadings at peak demand (2012 – 2016) Table C.4 (a) – Transmission system voltage profile at peak demand (2012 – 2016) Table C.4 (b) – Transmission system voltage profile at minimum demand (2012 – 2016) Table C.5 – Estimation of transmission losses and generation margin at peak demand (2012-2016) C.2 Summary of Fault Level Study results The expected maximum busbar 3-phase and single phase fault levels are presented in tabular form as follows: Table C.6 – Maximum 3-Phase Short Circuit Fault Levels (2012 – 2016) Table C.7 – Maximum Single-Phase Short Circuit Fault Levels (2012 – 2016). C.3 Diagrames of the model for the Load Flow Study Results The result of peak demand load flow studies for the years 2012 through to 2016 are presented as Figures C.1 to C.5 respectively. Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 123 Table C.1: Transformer Loading (%) at Grid Station (2012-2016) Location Total Transformer Capacity (MVA) Substation Firm Capacity (MVA) Transformer loading (%) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 400/220 kV Transformers Sur 5 x 750 3000 31.30 29.44 30.39 Jahloot 4 x 500 1500 42.23 29.16 29.44 Izki 2 x 500 500 32.32 29.02 36.10 Misfah 3 x 500 1000 14.19 11.93 220/132 kV Transformers Airport Heights 2 x 500 500 22.97 26.66 41.65 42.79 25.79 Al Wasit 2 x 315 315 11.67 26.75 35.64 23.24 28.01 Filaj 2 x 500 500 40.80 37.60 47.38 49.69 42.75 Jahloot 2 x 500 500 14.83 23.09 24.45 26.06 MSQ 2 x 500 500 46.67 39.03 34.46 39.10 40.66 MIS 2 x 500 500 26.58 28.97 31.46 32.98 33.75 SIS 2 x 500 500 30.43 34.76 34.24 25.05 26.65 SIP-A 2 x 500 500 24.14 31.79 31.20 29.09 29.15 Ibri 2 x 500 500 45.07 27.68 7.40 9.82 18.64 Al Hamryah 2 x 500 500 22.70 40.73 35.06 35.65 Sur 2 x 500 500 29.27 29.82 29.42 31.25 Izki 2 x 500 500 32.27 28.97 22.32 Liwa 2 x 500 500 32.38 33.57 Mobalah 2 x 500 500 28.32 220/33 kV Transformers Blue City 2 x 160 160 15.66 29.66 30.71 31.92 32.98 132/33 kV Transformers Adam 2 x 40 40 48.37 51.49 46.58 45.58 46.80 Airport Heights 2 x 125 125 35.92 38.16 39.64 40.32 41.47 Al Falaj 2 x 125 125 32.78 34.26 35.16 35.31 35.95 Al Hail 2 x 40 40 34.47 36.24 36.90 37.10 37.90 Al Wasit 2 x 30 30 27.17 31.24 32.88 35.26 38.21 Al Kamil 2 x 125 125 39.93 26.15 26.52 Ibra 2 x 125 125 23.66 25.53 New Mobalah 2 x 125 125 37.81 40.69 41.45 Al Khadra 2 x 125 125 27.49 29.48 31.78 Ayjah 2 x 125 125 26.32 35.27 37.36 40.64 Amerat 2 x 125 125 22.25 25.27 29.23 Bahla 2 x 125 125 36.69 40.25 37.55 37.52 39.09 Barka Main 2 x 125 125 38.92 42.18 27.25 27.56 28.40 Barka Main Third Tx 1 x 125 Nill 42.16 46.74 32.17 34.38 36.93 Bousher-A 2 x 125 125 41.94 50.44 42.18 39.06 40.23 Bousher-B 2 x 125 125 49.04 56.33 44.07 41.16 43.51 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 124 Table C.1 (continued): Transformer Loading (%) at Grid Station (2012-2016) Location Total Transformer Capacity (MVA) Substation Firm Capacity (MVA) Transformer loading (%) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 132/33 kV Transformers Bureimi 2 x 125 125 46.43 52.84 40.38 28.55 30.54 Bureimi-B 2 x 125 125 15.55 30.14 32.37 Dank 2 x 15 15 70.96 Dank 2 x 63 63 17.78 18.09 18.30 18.68 Ghubrah 2 x 42 42 25.85 Ghubrah 2 x 125 125 24.77 39.86 41.70 43.60 Ghubrah Temporary 1 x 40 Nill 86.71 Ghala 2 x 125 125 27.52 29.29 30.65 Ibri 2 x 63 63 16.81 18.16 18.55 Ibri 2 x 125 125 39.22 42.29 43.33 31.61 32.56 Izki 2 x 40 40 70.19 Izki 2 x 125 125 34.38 34.74 34.63 35.43 Izki Temporary 1 x 40 Nill 62.82 Jahloot 2 x 125 125 34.78 37.41 24.85 26.21 26.71 JBB Ali 2 x 125 125 54.72 60.22 34.53 36.96 39.88 Khaborah 2 x 125 125 56.41 62.22 34.39 35.89 37.55 Liwa 2 x 125 125 43.86 58.88 45.76 36.13 39.16 Free Zone 2 x 125 125 35.19 37.41 Hugerment 2 x 125 125 22.49 22.66 MSQ 2 x 125 125 40.43 43.66 33.96 34.42 36.25 MSQ-B 2 x 125 125 39.30 41.91 MSQ Third Tx 1 x 125 Nill 32.60 35.08 62.68 Mawalleh 2 x 125 125 74.45 77.65 34.26 35.09 35.91 Mawalleh-B 2 x 125 125 39.17 40.81 42.55 Mawalleh Third Tx 1 x 125 Nill 36.20 39.08 Mobalah 2 x 125 125 41.74 43.06 31.01 31.81 32.19 Mudaibi 2 x 63 63 84.70 34.91 35.30 35.19 35.75 Mudaibi 2 x 125 125 27.52 27.83 28.90 30.52 Mudarib 2 x 125 125 51.05 56.80 43.78 36.95 39.87 Muladah 2 x 125 125 51.40 40.28 44.56 21.83 23.77 Muladah-B 2 x 125 125 26.55 28.60 Muttrah 2 x 125 125 19.95 20.89 21.27 21.32 21.74 Misfah 2 x 125 125 28.99 30.60 32.05 34.05 36.19 MIS 2 x 125 125 48.88 53.00 40.89 25.88 27.86 MIS-B 2 x 125 125 30.90 33.27 Nakhal 2 x 125 125 19.75 22.45 23.68 25.79 27.02 Nizwa 2 x 125 125 47.55 53.06 36.03 37.09 39.76 Madinata Nizwa 2 x 125 125 26.59 27.36 29.31 Madinata Barka 2 x 125 125 38.37 27.77 29.90 Quriyat 2 x 125 125 16.72 17.85 19.28 20.35 21.86 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 125 Table C.1 (continued): Transformer Loading (%) at Grid Station (2012-2016) Location Total Transformer Capacity (MVA) Substation Firm Capacity (MVA) Transformer loading (%) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 132/33 kV Transformers Qurum 2 x 125 125 7.60 16.91 18.09 30.71 32.97 Rusail-A 2 x 75 75 35.18 36.86 Rusail-B 2 x 75 75 36.03 36.82 Rusail-A 2 x 125 125 22.52 29.95 31.20 Rusail-B 2 x 125 125 22.52 29.95 31.20 Rustaq 2 x 63 63 80.71 Rustaq 3 x 125 250 28.48 29.44 30.67 32.13 Saham 2 x 125 125 37.38 40.36 40.30 41.09 42.08 Seeb Main 2 x 63 63 43.72 46.32 48.52 49.22 49.99 Seeb Main 2 x 125 125 34.46 37.26 39.04 40.79 42.08 Shinas 2 x 63 63 65.37 74.29 Shinas 2 x 125 125 39.74 40.15 41.67 Sohar 2 x 125 125 63.59 71.62 42.90 29.13 29.54 Sohar-B 2 x 125 125 43.96 41.83 42.55 SIP-A 2 x 125 125 19.90 21.28 21.18 12.80 12.98 Sumail 2 x 63 63 39.37 43.02 44.54 46.52 48.99 Sumail 2 x 125 125 29.59 30.86 32.52 Sumail Temporary 1 x 63 Nill 67.69 74.14 Sur 2 x 125 125 51.12 27.50 22.78 24.34 26.13 Wadi Adai 2 x 125 125 50.76 44.01 38.13 26.15 26.75 Wadi Kabir 2 x 125 125 34.79 36.16 37.47 37.59 38.48 Wadi Kabir-B 2 x 125 125 24.86 26.50 Wadi Kabir Third Tx 1 x 125 Nill 48.72 50.35 51.15 Wadi Sa'a 2 x 63 63 16.06 25.91 27.33 27.44 36.66 Yitti 2 x 125 125 4.02 4.49 26.84 26.86 27.37 132/11 kV Transformers Azaiba Coast (Wave Project) 3 x 50 100 11.40 12.45 13.49 14.48 14.50 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 126 Table C.2: Available Capacity at Grid Stations (2012 – 2016) for Connection of New Demand Location Total Transformer Capacity (MVA) Substation Firm Capacity (MVA) Available Capacity (MVA) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 400/220 kV Transformers Sur 5 x 750 3000 1826.13 1895.84 1860.29 Jahloot 4 x 500 1500 655.33 406.45 395.90 Izki 2 x 500 500 176.83 209.83 139.05 Misfah 3 x 500 1000 787.22 821.05 220/132 kV Transformers Airport Heights 2 x 500 500 270.34 233.36 83.45 72.05 242.12 Al Wasit 2 x 315 315 198.27 146.48 90.45 168.59 138.51 Filaj 2 x 500 500 91.97 123.97 26.17 3.08 72.46 Jahloot 2 x 500 500 351.66 269.12 255.54 239.41 MSQ 2 x 500 500 33.27 109.72 155.40 108.95 93.38 MIS 2 x 500 500 234.17 210.32 185.39 170.17 162.46 SIS 2 x 500 500 195.68 152.35 157.62 249.48 233.49 SIP-A 2 x 500 500 258.60 182.10 188.02 209.06 208.45 Ibri 2 x 500 500 49.32 223.19 425.99 401.85 313.56 Al Hamryah 2 x 500 500 272.97 92.69 149.36 143.47 Sur 2 x 500 500 207.25 201.81 205.84 187.46 Izki 2 x 500 500 177.28 210.29 276.77 Liwa 2 x 500 500 176.15 164.35 Mobalah 2 x 500 500 216.82 220/33 kV Transformers Blue City 2 x 160 160 109.90 65.07 61.72 57.86 54.47 132/33 kV Transformers Adam 2 x 40 40 1.31 -1.19 2.74 3.53 2.56 Airport Heights 2 x 125 125 35.20 29.59 25.91 24.19 21.33 Al Falaj 2 x 125 125 43.04 39.35 37.10 36.72 35.13 Al Hail 2 x 40 40 12.42 11.01 10.48 10.32 9.68 Al Wasit 2 x 30 30 13.70 11.26 10.27 8.84 7.07 Al Kamil 2 x 125 125 25.17 59.63 58.70 Ibra 2 x 125 125 65.84 61.17 New Mobalah 2 x 125 125 30.48 23.29 21.38 Al Khadra 2 x 125 125 56.28 51.30 45.54 Ayjah 2 x 125 125 59.20 36.83 31.59 23.40 Amerat 2 x 125 125 69.38 61.83 51.93 Bahla 2 x 125 125 33.27 24.37 31.13 31.19 27.26 Barka Main 2 x 125 125 27.71 19.56 56.89 56.09 54.01 Barka Main Third Tx 1 x 125 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Bousher-A 2 x 125 125 20.14 -1.09 19.54 27.34 24.42 Bousher-B 2 x 125 125 2.40 -15.81 14.82 22.10 16.23 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 127 Table C.2 (continued): Available Capacity at Grid Stations (2012 – 2016) for Connection of New Demand Location Total Transformer Capacity (MVA) Substation Firm Capacity (MVA) Available Capacity (MVA) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 132/33 kV Transformers Bureimi 2 x 125 125 8.93 -7.10 24.06 53.63 48.64 Bureimi-B 2 x 125 125 86.14 49.65 44.07 Dank 2 x 15 15 -6.29 Dank 2 x 63 63 40.59 40.21 39.94 39.47 Ghubrah 2 x 42 42 20.28 Ghubrah 2 x 125 125 63.08 25.34 20.74 15.99 Ghubrah Temporary 1 x 40 Nill 0.00 Ghala 2 x 125 125 56.19 51.78 48.38 Ibri 2 x 63 63 41.81 40.11 39.63 Ibri 2 x 125 125 26.95 19.29 16.67 45.97 43.60 Izki 2 x 40 40 -16.15 Izki 2 x 125 125 39.06 38.16 38.43 36.44 Izki Temporary 1 x 40 Nill 0.00 Jahloot 2 x 125 125 38.04 31.48 62.88 59.48 58.24 JBB Ali 2 x 125 125 -11.80 -25.56 38.67 32.61 25.31 Khaborah 2 x 125 125 -16.03 -30.55 39.03 35.27 31.13 Liwa 2 x 125 125 15.34 -22.20 10.59 34.67 27.09 Free Zone 2 x 125 125 37.03 31.47 Hugerment 2 x 125 125 68.79 68.35 MSQ 2 x 125 125 23.92 15.84 40.09 38.94 34.38 MSQ-B 2 x 125 125 26.74 20.23 MSQ Third Tx 1 x 125 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mawalleh 2 x 125 125 -61.12 -69.12 39.34 37.28 35.22 Mawalleh-B 2 x 125 125 27.07 22.96 18.64 Mawalleh Third Tx 1 x 125 Nill 0.00 0.00 Mobalah 2 x 125 125 20.65 17.35 47.48 45.48 44.52 Mudaibi 2 x 63 63 -43.72 19.01 18.53 18.65 17.96 Mudaibi 2 x 125 125 56.20 55.42 52.76 48.71 Mudarib 2 x 125 125 -2.62 -17.01 15.55 32.62 25.33 Muladah 2 x 125 125 -3.51 24.30 13.60 70.42 65.57 Muladah-B 2 x 125 125 58.63 53.51 Muttrah 2 x 125 125 75.11 72.78 71.82 71.70 70.66 Misfah 2 x 125 125 52.52 48.50 44.87 39.87 34.52 MIS 2 x 125 125 2.79 -7.50 22.77 60.30 55.34 MIS-B 2 x 125 125 47.75 41.81 Nakhal 2 x 125 125 75.62 68.87 65.79 60.53 57.45 Nizwa 2 x 125 125 6.12 -7.64 34.93 32.27 25.61 Madinata Nizwa 2 x 125 125 58.52 56.61 51.74 Madinata Barka 2 x 125 125 29.08 55.59 50.26 Quriyat 2 x 125 125 83.20 80.38 76.80 74.13 70.34 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 128 Table C.2 (continued): Available Capacity at Grid Stations (2012 – 2016) for Connection of New Demand Location Total Transformer Capacity (MVA) Substation Firm Capacity (MVA) Available Capacity (MVA) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 132/33 kV Transformers Qurum 2 x 125 125 106.01 82.72 79.77 48.22 42.57 Rusail-A 2 x 75 75 22.23 19.71 Rusail-B 2 x 75 75 20.95 19.78 Rusail-A 2 x 125 125 68.70 50.12 46.99 Rusail-B 2 x 125 125 68.70 50.12 46.99 Rustaq 2 x 63 63 -38.70 Rustaq 3 x 125 250 143.19 139.62 134.98 129.51 Saham 2 x 125 125 31.54 24.11 24.24 22.28 19.80 Seeb Main 2 x 63 63 7.91 4.64 1.86 0.98 0.01 Seeb Main 2 x 125 125 38.84 31.85 27.40 23.02 19.79 Shinas 2 x 63 63 -19.37 -30.61 Shinas 2 x 125 125 25.64 24.63 20.82 Sohar 2 x 125 125 -33.98 -54.04 17.76 52.16 51.16 Sohar-B 2 x 125 125 15.11 20.43 18.63 SIP-A 2 x 125 125 75.25 71.80 72.05 93.01 92.56 Sumail 2 x 63 63 13.39 8.80 6.87 4.39 1.27 Sumail 2 x 125 125 51.04 47.85 43.71 Sumail Temporary 1 x 63 Nill 0.00 0.00 Sur 2 x 125 125 -2.79 56.25 68.04 64.15 59.69 Wadi Adai 2 x 125 125 -1.90 14.98 29.68 59.62 58.12 Wadi Kabir 2 x 125 125 38.03 34.60 31.31 31.03 28.79 Wadi Kabir-B 2 x 125 125 62.85 58.74 Wadi Kabir Third Tx 1 x 125 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wadi Sa'a 2 x 63 63 42.77 30.36 28.57 28.43 16.80 Yitti 2 x 125 125 114.94 113.78 57.89 57.84 56.58 132/11 kV Transformers Azaiba Coast (Wave Project) 3 x 50 100 82.90 81.33 79.76 78.28 78.25 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 129 Table C.3: Overhead Line and Cable Circuit Loading (%) at Peak Demand (2012 - 2016) Send Bus Receive Bus Voltage (kV) No. of circuits Circuit Rating (MVA) Circuit Loading at Max Demand (%) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Sur PS Jahloot 400 2 1774 23.81 16.44 16.60 Sur PS Izki 400 2 1774 11.98 15.97 16.73 Izki Misfah 400 2 1774 6.00 5.04 Al Wasit SIS 220 2 673 37.75 32.54 19.85 16.94 14.47 Barka IPP Misfah 220 2 673 17.54 31.59 27.14 29.34 30.47 Sohar IPP SIS 220 2 673 16.84 31.74 26.96 Filaj Airport Heights 220 2 673 34.59 37.48 17.67 17.45 Filaj Mobalah 220 2 673 28.93 Mobalah Airport Heights 220 2 673 8.88 Airport Heights Misfah 220 2 673 17.56 18.00 21.10 15.85 12.77 Misfah MSQ 220 2 673 34.68 29.00 25.60 29.06 30.21 Barka Power station Filaj 220 4 673 44.98 43.58 37.33 41.08 42.90 Filaj Blue City (OHL) 220 2 673 26.99 22.64 25.41 29.03 25.87 Filaj Blue City (UGC) 220 2 475 Blue City MIS (OHL) 220 2 673 25.92 20.21 21.73 25.36 22.11 Blue City MIS (UGC) 220 2 475 MIS SIS 220 2 673 5.49 5.50 2.76 1.49 3.98 SPS SIS 220 2 673 37.38 31.01 20.81 27.04 29.10 SPS SIP-A 220 2 625 23.34 29.64 29.08 27.41 27.46 Al Wasit Ibri 220 2 673 33.49 20.57 5.50 7.29 4.23 Misfah Jahloot 220 2 673 21.08 19.20 7.55 8.12 Jahloot Al Hamryah 220 2 673 16.85 30.22 26.02 26.45 Sur IPP Jahloot 220 2 975 4.49 Sur IPP Sur 220 2 673 23.39 23.82 23.50 24.97 Sohar IPP Liwa 220 2 673 31.20 32.38 Liwa SIS 220 2 673 7.48 7.81 Izki Ibri 220 2 673 11.26 Al Kamil JBB Ali 132 2 293 23.37 25.72 14.75 15.79 17.03 Al Kamil Mudharib 132 2 293 12.58 49.79 34.76 39.36 41.08 Al Kamil Sur 132 2 293 21.83 28.70 Al Kamil New Kamil 132 2 293 17.66 19.29 19.98 New Kamil Sur 132 2 293 28.49 26.88 27.87 Al Wasit Buraimi 132 2 293 18.83 21.42 Al Wasit Buraimi-2 132 2 293 22.45 23.61 25.34 Buraimi-2 Buraimi 132 2 293 16.03 11.35 12.08 Barka Main Filaj 132 2 293 25.62 28.00 33.80 35.91 20.01 Al Wasit Wadi Sa'a 132 2 89 11.35 18.30 19.31 19.39 25.90 Wadi Sa'a Dank 132 2 89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Dank Al Hail 132 1 89 30.93 Dank Al Hail 132 2 293 4.95 5.04 5.07 5.18 Filaj Muladha 132 2 293 34.02 27.32 Filaj Madinata Barka 132 2 293 37.62 38.89 41.82 Madinata Barka Muladha 132 2 293 21.53 27.32 29.32 Filaj Nakhal 132 2 293 8.39 9.54 10.06 10.95 11.48 Ghubrah Boushar 132 3 375 12.05 18.83 14.01 13.47 14.32 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 130 Table C.3 (continued): Overhead Line and Cable Circuit Loading (%) at Peak Demand (2012 - 2016) Send Bus Receive Bus Voltage (kV) No. of circuits Circuit Rating (MVA) Circuit Loading at Max Demand (%) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Ghubrah MSQ 132 3 375 22.60 5.02 11.18 9.02 8.77 Boushar MSQ 132 1 375 0.00 31.28 23.62 19.49 19.15 Ibri Dank 132 2 293 8.23 8.53 8.66 8.72 8.89 Izki Mudabi 132 2 293 31.88 12.86 5.43 9.30 10.40 Izki Nizwa 132 2 293 44.68 14.62 34.13 23.50 10.82 Manah Nizwa 132 2 293 46.49 40.99 28.70 36.76 37.76 Nizwa Madinata Nizwa 132 2 293 11.36 11.69 12.52 Manah Adam 132 2 293 6.56 7.04 6.37 6.18 6.35 Airport Heights Seeb Main (OHL) 132 2 101 69.42 74.77 Airport Heights Seeb Main (UGC) 132 2 375 18.59 20.02 Airport Heights Mawellah-B 132 2 375 28.67 29.59 6.21 Mawellah-B Seeb Main 132 2 375 29.89 31.10 8.93 Rusail Mawellah 132 2 375 30.85 32.39 24.48 25.30 26.15 MIS Khabourah 132 2 293 20.69 19.73 MIS Al Khadra 132 2 293 20.61 19.68 18.45 Al Khadra Khabourah 132 2 293 9.08 7.30 5.11 Mobalah Barka Main 132 2 293 0.00 0.00 16.19 17.96 0.00 MSQ Jahloot 132 2 293 23.15 0.00 MSQ Amerat 132 2 293 0.00 0.00 0.00 Amerat Jahloot 132 2 293 9.49 10.78 12.47 MSQ Wadi Adai 132 2 293 62.31 24.89 12.70 12.18 12.88 Mudhabi Mudharib 132 2 293 15.50 26.89 16.63 14.84 14.71 Muladha MIS 132 2 293 5.70 7.80 16.10 12.79 13.52 Nizwa Bahla 132 2 146 31.35 34.39 32.08 32.06 33.40 Nizwa Ibri 132 2 293 46.02 19.08 22.08 14.47 Mobalah New Mobalah 132 2 375 5.24 7.06 27.85 New Mobalah Seeb Main 132 2 375 10.30 11.28 15.05 Rusail Boushar 132 2 293 18.30 Rusail Mobalah 132 2 293 17.73 18.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rusail Sumail 132 2 293 20.82 17.43 19.86 15.89 17.21 Rusail Misfah 132 2 293 13.77 13.07 13.69 14.54 15.46 Misfah Wadi Adai 132 2 293 8.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rustaq Muladha 132 2 293 17.38 18.25 18.86 19.65 20.59 SIS Sohar Grid 132 2 293 31.28 36.18 36.49 18.05 17.39 Sohar Grid Wadi Jizzi 132 2 293 6.63 10.54 6.10 12.55 13.61 Sumail Izki 132 2 293 10.83 13.80 7.44 7.59 7.51 Wadi Adai Al Falaj 132 2 293 14.00 14.63 7.83 10.57 11.07 Wadi Jizzi Al Wasit 132 2 178 22.42 2.23 11.77 14.59 13.00 Wadi Jizzi Liwa 132 2 293 32.51 46.82 42.13 Wadi Jizzi Free Zone 132 2 293 4.79 5.39 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 131 Table C.3 (continued): Overhead Line and Cable Circuit Loading (%) at Peak Demand (2012 - 2016) Send Bus Receive Bus Voltage (kV) No. of circuits Circuit Rating (MVA) Circuit Loading at Max Demand (%) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Free Zone Liwa 132 2 293 17.59 17.60 Liwa Shinas 132 2 293 14.07 15.99 16.98 17.15 17.80 Wadi Kabir Wadi Adai 132 2 146 50.48 Al Hamryah Wadi Adai 132 2 146 17.66 33.57 23.67 23.55 Al Hamryah Wadi Kabir 132 2 146 52.36 44.68 42.41 43.79 Khabourah Saham 132 2 293 7.82 6.89 5.65 8.05 10.96 Saham SIS 132 2 293 20.71 23.71 22.42 25.16 28.52 Jahloot Yitti 132 2 404 1.10 1.23 7.34 7.34 7.48 Jahloot Quriyat 132 2 293 7.10 7.58 8.19 8.64 9.29 Airport Heights Wave 132 2 375 4.81 4.75 4.77 4.83 4.88 Airport Heights Ghala 132 2 375 9.18 9.77 10.22 MSQ Qurum 132 2 293 11.17 12.12 7.30 7.38 8.05 Muttrah Wadi Kabir 132 1 293 10.31 11.56 12.34 Muttrah Al Falaj 132 1 375 14.80 8.91 8.65 Qurum Muttrah 132 2 293 7.98 Qurum Al Hamryah 132 2 293 5.41 10.94 8.95 8.98 Al Hamryah Muttrah 132 2 293 8.37 21.47 18.69 18.99 Sur Ayjah 132 2 293 11.24 15.06 15.96 17.36 Mudharib Ibra 132 2 293 10.11 10.91 Ibri Hajarmat 132 2 293 9.60 9.68 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 132 Table C.4 (a): Transmission System Voltage Profile at Peak Demand ((2012 - 2016) Location Busbar Voltage at Peak Demand (per unit) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 400 kV Busbars Sur 1.02 1.03 1.03 Jahloot 1.01 1.02 1.02 Izki 1.04 1.05 1.05 Misfah 1.05 1.05 220 kV Busbars Airport Heights 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 Al Wasit 0.99 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 Blue City 1.04 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 Barka Power Station 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 Barka IPP 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.05 Sohar IPP 1.03 0.99 1.03 1.02 1.01 Filaj 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 Jahloot 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 Misfah 1.03 1.01 1.01 1.03 1.03 MSQ 1.02 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 MIS 1.02 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 SIS 1.02 0.99 1.01 1.01 1.01 SPS 1.05 1.00 1.02 1.02 1.02 SIP-A 1.05 1.00 1.02 1.02 1.02 Ibri 0.94 0.95 0.98 0.99 1.01 Al Hamryah 0.99 0.98 1.00 1.00 Sur 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 Sur PS 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 Izki 1.01 1.03 1.03 Liwa 1.01 1.01 Mobalah 1.04 132 kV Busbars Ayjah 0.98 0.99 0.99 0.98 Adam 1.04 0.99 0.98 1.03 1.03 Amerat 0.97 0.98 0.98 Al Falaj 0.99 0.97 0.97 0.98 0.98 Al Hayl 0.96 0.94 0.96 0.98 0.99 Al Kamil Power Station 1.00 0.99 1.02 1.03 1.02 New Kamil 1.00 1.01 1.00 Al Wasit 1.00 0.96 0.98 0.99 0.99 New Mobalah 1.00 1.00 1.03 Al Khadra 0.97 0.97 0.96 Al Hamryah 0.97 0.97 0.98 0.98 Airport Heights 1.03 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.03 Azaiba Coast 1.03 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.03 Bahla 0.99 0.95 0.95 0.99 0.99 Barka Main 1.03 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Bousher 1.03 0.98 0.97 0.99 0.98 Buraimi 0.99 0.95 0.97 0.97 0.97 Buraimi B 0.97 0.97 0.97 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 133 Table C.4 (a) (continued): Transmission System Voltage Profile at Peak Demand (2012 - 2016) Location Busbar Voltage at Peak Demand (per unit) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 132 kV Busbars Dank 0.98 0.94 0.96 0.98 0.99 Filaj 1.03 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 Ghoubrah 0.98 0.97 0.99 0.98 Ghubrah-A 1.03 Ghubrah-B 1.00 New Ghubrah 0.97 0.99 0.98 New Ghubrah A 0.98 New Ghubrah B 0.98 Ghala 1.01 1.01 1.03 Ibri 0.98 0.95 0.97 0.99 1.00 Izki 1.00 0.96 0.99 1.01 1.01 Jahloot 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.99 0.99 JBB Ali 0.97 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 Khaborah 0.99 0.94 0.97 0.96 0.96 Liwa 0.99 0.93 0.95 0.99 0.98 Free Zone 0.98 0.98 MSQ 1.00 0.98 0.97 0.99 0.98 Manah Power Stataion 1.04 1.00 0.98 1.04 1.04 Mawalleh 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02 Mawalleh-B 1.00 1.01 1.03 MIS 1.00 0.97 0.98 0.98 0.97 Mobalah 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.03 Misfah 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02 Mudaibi 0.97 0.94 0.98 0.99 0.98 Mudarib 0.97 0.95 0.99 0.99 0.98 Muladah 1.00 0.97 0.98 0.98 0.97 Muttrah 1.00 0.97 0.97 0.98 0.98 Nakhal 1.03 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 Nizwa 1.01 0.97 0.97 1.01 1.01 Madinata Nizwa 0.97 1.01 1.01 Madinata Barka 0.99 1.00 0.99 Qurum 1.00 0.97 0.97 0.98 0.98 Quriyat 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.98 0.98 Rusail 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02 Rusail-A 1.05 Rusail-B 1.01 Rustaq 0.99 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 Saham 1.00 0.95 0.97 0.97 0.97 Seeb Main 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.02 Shinas 0.99 0.92 0.94 0.98 0.98 SIS 1.03 0.97 0.99 0.99 0.99 Sohar 1.01 0.95 0.97 0.98 0.98 SIP-A 1.03 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sumail 1.03 0.99 1.00 1.01 1.01 Sur 0.96 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 Wadi Adai 0.99 0.97 0.97 0.98 0.98 Wadi Jizzi Power Station 1.02 0.96 0.97 0.99 0.99 Wadi Kabir 0.99 0.97 0.97 0.98 0.98 Wadi Sa'a 0.99 0.95 0.97 0.98 0.98 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 134 Table C.4 (a) (continued): Transmission System Voltage Profile at Peak Demand (2012 - 2016) Location Busbar Voltage at Peak Demand (per unit) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 132 kV Busbars Dank 0.98 0.94 0.96 0.98 0.99 Yitti 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.98 0.98 Ibra 0.98 0.98 Hajarmat 0.98 0.99 33 kV busbars Ayjah 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Adam 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 Amerat 1.00 1.00 0.99 Al Falaj 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.01 Al Hayl 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 New Kamil 1.00 1.00 0.99 Al Wasit 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 New Mobalah 1.00 1.00 1.01 Al Khadra 1.00 0.99 1.00 Airport Heights 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.01 Bahla 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.99 1.00 Blue City 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 Barka Main 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.00 Barka Main Third Tx 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 Bousher-A 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 Bousher-B 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.99 Buraimi 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.99 Buraimi-B 0.99 1.00 1.00 Dank 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Ghubrah 1.01 Ghubrah Temporary TX 1.00 New Ghubrah 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Ghala 1.00 1.00 1.01 Ibri (125MVA) 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Ibri (63MVA) 0.99 0.99 1.00 Izki 0.99 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 Izki Temporary TX 1.00 Jahloot 0.99 1.00 0.99 0.99 1.00 JBB Ali 0.99 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 Khaborah 1.01 0.99 1.00 0.99 1.01 Liwa 0.99 1.00 0.99 0.99 1.00 Free Zone 1.00 0.99 MSQ 0.99 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 MSQ-B 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 Mawalleh 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 Mawalleh-B 1.01 0.99 1.01 1.01 1.00 MIS 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 MIS-B 0.99 1.00 Mobalah 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 Misfah 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 Mudaibi (125MVA) 1.00 0.99 0.99 1.00 Mudaibi (63MVA) 0.99 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 Mudarib 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.99 Muladah 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 135 Table C.4 (a) (continued): Transmission System Voltage Profile at Peak Demand (2012 - 2016) Location Busbar Voltage at Peak Demand (per unit) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 33 kV busbars Muladah-B 0.99 1.00 Muttrah 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Nakhal 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Nizwa 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 Madinata Nizwa 1.00 1.00 1.00 Madinata Barka 1.00 1.00 0.99 Qurum 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 Quriyat 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 Rusail-A 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 Rusail-B 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 Rustaq 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Saham 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 Seeb Main (125MVA) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Seeb Main (63MVA) 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 Shinas 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 Sohar 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.99 Sohar-B 1.00 1.00 1.00 SIP-A 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 Sumail (125MVA) 0.99 1.00 1.00 Sumail (63MVA) 1.01 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 Sumail Temporary 1.00 0.99 Sur 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 Wadi Adai 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 Wadi Kabir 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 Wadi Kabir-B 1.00 0.99 0.99 1.00 0.99 Wadi Sa'a 1.01 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.00 Yitti 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Ibra 0.99 0.99 Hajarmat 1.00 1.00 11 kV busbars Azaiba Coast 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 136 Table C.4 (b): Transmission System Voltage Profile at Minimum Demand (2012-2016) Location Busbar Voltage at Peak Demand (per unit) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 400 kV Busbars Sur 1.04 1.05 Jahloot 1.05 Izki 1.06 Misfah 220 kV Busbars Airport Heights 1.04 1.05 1.07 1.06 1.05 Al Wasit 1.04 1.06 1.06 1.05 1.05 Blue City 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.05 Barka Power Station 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.04 Barka IPP 1.08 1.07 1.06 Sohar IPP 1.04 1.02 1.01 Filaj 1.03 1.04 1.06 1.05 1.05 Jahloot 1.06 1.08 1.05 1.05 Misfah 1.05 1.07 1.06 1.05 MSQ 1.04 1.05 1.07 1.05 1.05 MIS 1.03 1.05 1.06 1.05 1.05 SIS 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.04 1.04 SPS 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.02 SIP-A 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.03 1.02 Ibri 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.08 Al Hamryah 1.05 1.08 1.05 1.04 Sur 1.06 1.09 1.02 1.03 Sur PS 1.09 1.02 1.03 Izki 1.07 Liwa 1.02 1.01 Mobalah 132 kV Busbars Ayjah 1.08 1.02 1.03 Adam 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.04 1.07 Amerat 1.05 1.04 Al Falaj 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 Al Hayl 1.04 1.07 1.07 1.05 1.04 Al Kamil Power Station 1.06 1.07 1.07 1.02 1.04 New Kamil 1.08 1.02 1.04 Al Wasit 1.04 1.06 1.06 1.05 1.04 New Mobalah 1.07 1.06 Al Khadra 1.04 1.04 Al Hamryah 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 Airport Heights 1.04 1.06 1.09 1.07 1.07 Azaiba Coast 1.04 1.06 1.09 1.07 1.07 Bahla 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.03 1.06 Barka Main 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.06 Bousher 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 Buraimi 1.04 1.06 1.06 1.05 1.04 Buraimi B 1.06 1.05 1.04 Dank 1.05 1.07 1.07 1.05 1.04 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 137 Table C.4 (b) (continued): Transmission System Voltage Profile at Minimum Demand (2012 - 2016) Location Busbar Voltage at Peak Demand (per unit) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 132 kV Busbars Filaj 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.05 Ghoubrah 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 New Ghubrah 1.04 1.04 1.04 Ghala 1.09 1.07 1.07 Ibri 1.05 1.06 1.06 1.04 1.04 Izki 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.03 1.08 Jahloot 1.03 1.05 1.04 1.05 1.04 JBB Ali 1.06 1.06 1.07 1.02 1.04 Khaborah 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.03 Liwa 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.02 1.02 Free Zone 1.02 1.02 MSQ 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 Manah Power Stataion 1.05 1.06 1.06 1.04 1.07 Mawalleh 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.03 Mawalleh-B 1.09 1.07 1.07 MIS 1.03 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.04 Mobalah 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.07 1.06 Misfah 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.03 Mudaibi 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.02 1.06 Mudarib 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.02 1.05 Muladah 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.04 Muttrah 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 Nakhal 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.05 Nizwa 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.04 1.07 Madinata Nizwa 1.05 1.04 1.07 Madinata Barka 1.06 1.05 Qurum 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 Quriyat 1.05 1.04 1.05 1.04 Rusail 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.03 Rustaq 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.04 Saham 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.03 Seeb Main 1.03 1.06 1.09 1.07 1.07 Shinas 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.01 SIS 1.04 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.03 Sohar 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.03 SIP-A 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.00 Sumail 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.03 1.04 Sur 1.06 1.06 1.08 1.02 1.03 Wadi Adai 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 Wadi Jizzi Power Station 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.03 Wadi Kabir 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.03 Wadi Sa'a 1.04 1.06 1.05 1.04 1.04 Yitti 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.04 Ibra 1.05 Hajarmat 1.04 1.04 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 138 Table C.4 (b) (continued): Transmission System Voltage Profile at Minimum Demand (2012 - 2016) Location Busbar Voltage at Peak Demand (per unit) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 33 kV busbars Ayjah 1.03 1.00 1.00 Adam 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Amerat 1.01 1.00 Al Falaj 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Al Hayl 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 New Kamil 1.01 1.00 1.00 Al Wasit 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 New Mobalah 1.01 1.00 Al Khadra 1.00 1.00 Airport Heights 1.00 1.01 1.04 1.02 1.01 Bahla 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Blue City 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 Barka Main 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 Barka Main Third Tx 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 Bousher-A 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Bousher-B 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Buraimi 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 Buraimi-B 1.00 1.00 1.01 Dank 0.99 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 Ghubrah 1.00 1.00 Ghubrah Temporary TX 1.02 1.03 New Ghubrah 1.00 1.00 1.01 Ghala 1.03 1.01 1.01 Ibri (125MVA) 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 Ibri (63MVA) 1.00 1.01 1.01 Izki 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.03 Izki Temporary TX 1.00 Jahloot 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 JBB Ali 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 Khaborah 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 Liwa 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Free Zone 1.01 1.00 MSQ 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 MSQ-B 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Mawalleh 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Mawalleh-B 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 MIS 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 MIS-B 1.00 1.00 Mobalah 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 Misfah 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 Mudaibi (125MVA) 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.01 Mudaibi (63MVA) 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.01 Mudarib 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Muladah 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 139 Table C.4 (b) (continued): Transmission System Voltage Profile at Minimum Demand (2011 - 2015) Location Busbar Voltage at Peak Demand (per unit) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 33 kV busbars Ayjah 1.03 1.00 1.00 Muladah-B 1.00 1.00 Muttrah 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 Nakhal 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Nizwa 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 Madinata Nizwa 1.00 1.00 1.01 Madinata Barka 1.00 1.00 Qurum 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 Quriyat 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Rusail-A 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Rusail-B 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Rustaq 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Saham 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Seeb Main (125MVA) 1.00 1.03 1.01 1.00 Seeb Main (63MVA) 1.02 1.05 1.09 1.06 1.06 Seeb Main Temporary 1.00 Shinas 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.99 Sohar 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sohar-B 1.00 1.00 1.00 SIP-A 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 Sumail (125MVA) 1.00 1.00 1.01 Sumail (63MVA) 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 Sumail Temporary 1.00 Sur 1.01 1.00 1.02 1.01 1.00 Wadi Adai 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Wadi Kabir 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Wadi Kabir-B 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Wadi Sa'a 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 Yitti 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Ibra 1.00 Hajarmat 1.00 1.00 11 kV busbars Azaiba Coast 1.00 1.01 1.04 1.02 1.02 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 140 Table C.5: Estimation of Transmission Losses and Generation Margin at Peak Demand (2012 - 2016) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 MW Mvar MW Mvar MW Mvar MW Mvar MW Mvar Transmission Losses Generation 4419 2019 4801 2119 5154 1684 5741 1709 5960 1819 External Infeed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Generation 4419 2019 4801 2119 5154 1684 5741 1709 5960 1819 Load (Grid+Industrial+Auxiliary+ Desalination) 4332 2005 4725 2153 5081 2172 5672 2328 5889 2414 Compensation Capacitor 636 615 484 454 474 Grid Active Power Losses (MW) 87 76 73 70 71 Grid Active Power Losses as a Percentage of Total Generation (%) 1.96 1.59 1.41 1.21 1.19 Generation Margin Installed Capacity 5254 6042 7542 7457 7457 Generation 4419 4801 5154 5741 5960 Load Growth Rate (%) --- 9.06 7.55 11.62 3.84 Margin 835 1241 2388 1716 1497 Margin (%) 15.9 20.5 31.7 23.0 20.1 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 141 Table C.6: Maximum 3-Phase Short Circuit Fault Levels Substations Voltage (kV) Switchgear Fault Rating (kA) Max Three-Phase Short Circuit Ik" (kA) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Sur PS 400 63 14.44 15.32 15.52 Jahloot 400 63 10.55 10.57 10.64 Izki 400 63 6.61 10.24 10.77 Misfah 400 63 10.04 10.30 Al Wasit 220 40 20.04 20.45 20.50 20.33 21.18 Airport Heights 220 40 18.15 21.32 23.41 25.79 25.31 Blue City 220 40 16.42 16.96 17.18 17.43 17.33 Barka PS 220 40 29.57 31.31 31.81 32.84 32.93 Barka IPP 220 50 9.90 13.78 14.15 14.70 14.69 Filaj 220 40 27.93 29.89 30.46 31.66 31.75 Jahloot 220 50 14.83 18.46 18.68 18.73 MIS 220 40 15.03 15.44 15.72 15.81 15.57 Misfah 220 50 16.69 20.97 23.05 26.85 26.76 MSQ 220 40 13.93 15.34 16.06 17.40 17.37 SIP-A 220 40 30.13 30.74 30.77 30.74 30.78 SIS 220 40 26.52 28.85 28.97 28.87 29.00 SPS 220 40 33.40 34.15 34.18 34.15 34.19 Sohar IPP 220 50 14.61 18.00 18.02 19.50 19.55 Sur PS 220 50 13.88 35.91 37.14 37.42 Ibri 220 50 6.30 6.34 6.42 6.42 8.41 Al Hamryah 220 50 11.86 13.24 13.42 13.44 Sur 220 50 13.48 32.51 33.51 33.74 Izki 220 50 10.23 12.25 14.41 Liwa 220 50 20.99 21.05 Mobalah 220 50 27.89 Ayjah 132 40 8.44 9.82 9.87 9.88 Amerat 132 40 8.77 8.80 8.81 Al Khadra 132 40 13.59 13.60 13.37 Al Hamryah 132 40 20.36 20.62 21.10 21.11 Adam 132 31.5 6.48 6.56 6.87 6.92 6.69 Al Falaj 132 31.5 17.47 18.14 19.57 20.01 20.02 Al Hail 132 31.5 2.11 3.42 3.44 3.45 3.37 Al Kamil 132 31.5 9.31 13.15 13.78 13.88 13.91 Al Wasit 132 31.5 18.73 18.93 18.96 19.33 19.61 Airport Heights 132 31.5 12.76 13.62 20.99 21.71 21.96 Azaiba Coast 132 31.5 12.07 12.83 19.15 19.75 19.96 JBB Ali 132 31.5 4.98 5.90 6.02 6.04 6.05 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 142 Table C.6 (continued): Maximum 3-Phase Short Circuit Fault Levels Substations Voltage (kV) Switchgear Fault Rating (kA) Max Three-Phase Short Circuit Ik" (kA) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Bahla 132 31.5 6.75 6.88 7.40 7.50 7.09 Barka 132 31.5 15.93 16.24 22.31 22.86 16.48 Boushar 132 31.5 10.84 20.72 21.41 21.99 21.99 Buraimi 132 31.5 9.22 9.26 8.56 8.63 8.69 Buraimi-B 132 40 9.19 9.27 9.33 Dank 132 31.5 4.91 4.93 4.98 4.98 4.82 Filaj 132 31.5 19.19 19.65 24.62 25.20 19.99 New Ghubrah-A 132 40 21.61 New Ghubrah-B 132 40 20.53 New Ghubrah 132 40 21.59 22.18 22.18 Ghubrah 132 31.5 21.59 21.57 22.15 22.16 Ghubrah-A 132 26.2 10.83 Ghubrah-B 132 31.5 21.13 Ghala 132 40 20.11 20.77 21.01 Ibri 132 31.5 9.07 9.14 9.32 9.33 8.77 Izki 132 31.5 12.53 13.56 19.66 21.25 21.57 Jahloot 132 31.5 8.27 11.81 13.03 13.09 13.11 khaburah 132 31.5 11.81 11.95 12.08 12.06 11.94 Liwa 132 31.5 10.16 10.21 10.21 20.80 20.86 Free Zone 132 40 20.34 20.40 Mawalih 132 31.5 16.64 20.45 21.10 21.21 21.23 Mawalih-B 132 40 20.76 21.43 21.86 Mudarib 132 31.5 7.53 8.85 9.30 9.40 9.42 MIS 132 31.5 18.62 18.98 19.68 19.78 19.10 Muladah 132 31.5 16.51 16.80 17.68 17.80 16.92 Manah 132 31.5 13.46 13.79 15.22 15.48 14.36 Mobalah 132 31.5 12.73 14.85 20.66 21.25 22.17 Misfah 132 31.5 16.76 16.10 16.50 16.57 16.59 MSQ 132 31.5 21.67 22.76 22.15 22.78 22.79 Mudaibi 132 31.5 7.89 8.61 9.58 9.79 9.84 Muttrah 132 31.5 12.21 17.33 19.58 20.02 20.03 Nakhal 132 31.5 10.39 10.53 11.79 11.93 10.62 Nizwa 132 31.5 14.05 14.61 17.19 17.70 15.59 New Kamil 132 31.5 13.56 13.65 13.68 New Mobalah 132 40 20.63 21.24 21.99 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 143 Table C.6 (continued): Maximum 3-Phase Short Circuit Fault Levels Substations Voltage (kV) Switchgear Fault Rating (kA) Max Three-Phase Short Circuit Ik" (kA) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Madinata Nizwa 132 31.5 13.30 13.60 12.32 Madinata Barka 132 40 20.25 20.59 17.57 Quram 132 31.5 15.84 19.73 19.61 20.06 20.07 Quraiyat 132 31.5 4.86 5.90 6.19 6.20 6.21 New Rusail 132 40 22.92 23.06 23.08 Rusail 132 31.5 22.15 Rusail-A 132 31.5 14.45 Rusail-B 132 31.5 17.76 Rustaq 132 31.5 9.03 9.12 9.37 9.40 9.15 Saham 132 31.5 13.76 13.97 14.05 13.98 13.93 Seeb 132 31.5 9.75 10.24 20.65 21.29 21.89 Shinas 132 31.5 7.55 7.58 7.58 12.19 12.21 SIP-A 132 31.5 16.77 16.87 16.88 16.87 16.88 SIS 132 31.5 22.78 23.43 23.52 23.28 23.28 Sohar 132 31.5 17.51 17.75 17.78 18.51 18.55 Sumail 132 31.5 11.39 13.94 15.20 15.43 15.47 Sur 132 31.5 5.08 15.21 20.38 20.59 20.64 Wadi Adai 132 31.5 19.18 19.99 20.22 20.70 20.70 Wadi Jizzi 132 31.5 19.68 19.87 19.89 23.49 23.59 Wadi Kabir 132 31.5 15.04 16.71 18.40 18.78 18.79 Wadi Sa'a 132 31.5 7.37 7.40 7.41 7.46 7.50 Yitti 132 31.5 5.91 7.53 8.01 8.03 8.04 Ibra 132 31.5 6.35 6.36 Hajarmat 132 31.5 6.32 6.07 Ayjah 33 25 15.42 16.48 16.51 16.52 Amerat 33 25 15.27 15.29 15.29 Al Khadra 33 25 18.64 18.65 18.54 Adam 33 25 8.85 8.89 9.02 9.04 8.94 Al Falaj 33 25 19.14 19.33 19.71 19.82 19.82 Al Hail 33 25 5.20 6.77 6.79 6.79 6.72 New Kamil 33 25 18.96 19.00 19.01 Al Wasit 33 25 8.48 8.49 8.50 8.51 8.53 Airport Heights 33 25 18.06 18.47 20.94 21.11 21.16 JBB Ali 33 25 11.76 12.96 13.11 13.13 13.13 Bahla 33 25 13.80 13.93 14.45 14.54 14.14 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 144 Table C.6 (continued): Maximum 3-Phase Short Circuit Fault Levels Substations Voltage (kV) Switchgear Fault Rating (kA) Max Three-Phase Short Circuit Ik" (kA) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Blue City 33 31.5 26.68 26.89 26.97 27.07 27.03 Barka 33 25 20.33 20.46 22.37 22.51 20.55 Barka Third Tx 33 25 11.83 11.87 12.49 12.53 11.90 Boushar-A 33 25 17.03 21.61 21.79 21.94 21.94 Boushar-B 33 25 17.48 20.87 21.04 21.17 21.17 Buraimi 33 25 15.94 15.98 15.44 15.50 15.54 Buraimi-B 33 25 15.89 15.96 16.00 Dank (15MVA) 33 25 4.15 Dank (63MVA) 33 25 9.19 9.24 9.24 9.10 Free Zone 33 25 21.03 21.04 Ghubrah 33 25 15.75 Ghubrah Temporary 33 25 6.28 New Ghubrah 33 25 21.87 21.86 22.01 22.01 Ghala 33 25 20.97 21.14 21.20 Ibri (125MVA) 33 25 15.82 15.87 16.00 16.01 15.59 Ibri (63MVA) 33 25 13.27 13.31 13.40 Izki 33 25 11.65 18.94 21.22 21.66 21.74 Izki Temporary 33 25 6.59 Jahloot 33 25 14.83 17.10 17.70 17.73 17.74 khaburah 33 25 17.67 17.75 17.82 17.81 17.74 Liwa 33 25 16.60 16.63 16.64 20.89 20.90 Mawalih 33 25 19.41 20.53 20.69 20.71 20.72 Mawalih-B 33 25 21.72 21.75 21.75 Mawalih Third Tx 33 25 11.99 12.40 Mudarib 33 25 14.71 15.86 16.21 16.28 16.30 MIS 33 25 20.30 20.41 20.60 20.63 20.44 MIS-B 33 25 20.53 20.34 Muladah 33 25 19.63 19.73 20.02 20.06 19.77 Muladah-B 33 25 19.96 19.67 Mobalah 33 25 18.06 19.00 20.86 21.01 21.21 Misfah 33 25 20.36 20.11 20.27 20.29 20.30 MSQ 33 25 21.75 22.01 21.87 22.02 22.02 MSQ Third Tx 33 25 12.50 12.59 12.54 MSQ-B 33 25 22.13 22.13 Mudaibi (125MVA) 33 25 15.78 16.54 16.70 16.73 Mudaibi (63MVA) 33 25 10.89 11.21 11.59 11.67 11.68 Muttrah 33 25 18.30 20.57 21.29 21.42 21.42 Nakhal 33 25 16.74 16.82 17.57 17.65 16.89 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 145 Table C.6 (continued): Maximum 3-Phase Short Circuit Fault Levels Substations Voltage (kV) Switchgear Fault Rating (kA) Max Three-Phase Short Circuit Ik" (kA) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Nizwa 33 25 18.73 18.98 19.94 20.11 19.37 New Mobalah 33 25 20.76 20.91 21.08 Madinate Nizwa 33 25 18.51 18.65 18.01 Madinate Barka 33 25 21.49 21.58 20.65 Quram 33 25 20.01 21.33 21.29 21.43 21.43 Quraiyat 33 25 11.52 12.85 13.18 13.20 13.20 Rusail-A (75MVA) 33 25 13.67 14.75 Rusail-B (75MVA) 33 25 13.55 14.21 Rusail-A (125MVA) 33 25 21.65 21.68 21.69 Rusail-B (125MVA) 33 25 21.65 21.68 21.69 Rustaq (63MVA) 33 25 11.66 Rustaq (125MVA) 33 25 19.88 20.17 20.21 19.92 Saham 33 25 18.55 18.64 18.68 18.65 18.62 Seeb (125MVA) 33 25 16.72 17.07 21.60 21.77 21.92 Seeb (63MVA) 33 25 10.43 10.58 12.36 12.42 12.47 Shinas 33 25 13.38 13.40 14.67 17.94 17.95 SIP-A 33 25 19.71 19.74 19.75 19.74 19.75 Sohar 33 25 20.34 20.42 20.43 20.67 20.68 Sohar-B 33 25 19.96 20.18 20.19 Sumail (125MVA) 33 25 19.34 19.43 19.45 Sumail (63MVA) 33 25 12.49 13.15 13.41 13.46 13.46 Sumail Temporary 33 25 7.24 7.45 Sur 33 25 11.91 19.48 21.20 21.26 21.27 Wadi Adai 33 25 20.77 21.00 21.06 21.19 21.19 Wadi Kabir 33 25 19.69 20.34 20.92 21.05 21.05 Wadi Kabir Third Tx 33 25 11.29 11.51 11.69 Wadi Kabir-B 33 25 20.29 20.29 Wadi Sa'a 33 25 10.66 10.67 10.68 10.71 10.73 Yitti 33 25 13.09 14.83 15.28 15.30 15.31 Ibra 33 25 13.42 13.43 Hajarmat 33 25 13.38 13.08 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 146 Table C.7: Maximum 1- Phase Short Circuit Fault Levels Substations Voltage (kV) Switchgear Fault Rating (kA) Max Single-Phase Short Circuit Ik" (kA) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Sur PS 400 63 16.30 17.10 17.27 Jahloot 400 63 9.91 9.93 9.97 Izki 400 63 5.73 9.02 9.46 Misfah 400 63 9.39 9.59 Al Wasit 220 40 16.62 16.83 16.95 16.85 17.25 Airport Heights 220 40 17.54 19.98 22.81 24.68 24.35 Blue City 220 40 15.82 16.18 16.36 16.60 16.57 Barka PS 220 40 33.81 35.39 36.00 36.92 37.30 Barka IPP 220 50 10.20 15.36 15.68 16.17 16.16 Filaj 220 40 29.53 31.06 31.95 32.88 33.87 Jahloot 220 50 14.67 18.64 18.82 18.86 MIS 220 40 13.80 14.08 14.43 15.24 15.09 Misfah 220 50 15.46 19.43 21.15 25.03 25.03 MSQ 220 40 14.31 15.72 16.29 17.43 17.42 SIP-A 220 40 35.67 36.27 36.30 36.29 36.32 SIS 220 40 21.93 23.57 23.76 24.16 24.22 SPS 220 40 38.93 39.66 39.70 39.68 39.72 Sohar IPP 220 50 13.72 18.96 18.98 21.27 21.31 Sur PS 220 50 15.89 43.39 44.65 44.93 Ibri 220 50 6.77 6.84 6.90 6.71 8.38 Al Hamryah 220 50 12.42 13.65 13.83 13.84 Sur 220 50 15.52 39.73 40.78 41.01 Izki 220 50 9.98 12.29 14.12 Liwa 220 50 21.74 21.79 Mobalah 220 50 27.63 Ayjah 132 40 9.54 10.74 10.78 10.79 Amerat 132 40 10.01 10.04 10.04 Al Khadra 132 40 14.66 14.74 14.56 Al Hamryah 132 40 24.95 25.56 26.23 26.24 Adam 132 31.5 6.65 6.71 6.93 6.96 6.80 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 147 Table C.7 (continued): Maximum 1- Phase Short Circuit Fault Levels Substations Voltage (kV) Switchgear Fault Rating (kA) Max Single-Phase Short Circuit Ik" (kA) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Al Falaj 132 31.5 20.00 20.82 24.62 25.22 25.23 Al Hail 132 31.5 2.62 4.04 4.06 4.06 3.99 Al Kamil 132 31.5 11.28 14.81 15.53 15.63 15.66 Al Wasit 132 31.5 19.21 19.36 19.52 19.77 19.96 Airport Heights 132 31.5 15.66 16.61 26.82 27.65 27.88 Azaiba Coast 132 31.5 14.77 15.61 24.18 24.86 25.05 JBB Ali 132 31.5 6.13 7.03 7.15 7.17 7.17 Bahla 132 31.5 7.85 7.96 8.45 8.53 8.17 Barka 132 31.5 18.25 18.54 25.70 26.20 18.95 Boushar 132 31.5 13.79 25.95 27.86 28.68 28.69 Buraimi 132 31.5 10.09 10.12 10.37 10.45 10.50 Buraimi-B 132 40 11.10 11.19 11.25 Dank 132 31.5 4.92 5.88 5.93 5.92 5.77 Filaj 132 31.5 22.24 22.67 28.23 28.77 23.73 New Ghubrah-A 132 40 27.08 New Ghubrah-B 132 40 25.68 New Ghubrah 132 40 28.10 28.94 28.95 Ghubrah 132 31.5 27.06 28.07 28.91 28.91 Ghubrah-A 132 26.2 13.77 Ghubrah-B 132 31.5 26.16 Ghala 132 40 25.62 26.37 26.59 Ibri 132 31.5 11.07 11.21 11.39 11.03 10.57 Izki 132 31.5 13.20 14.54 20.36 22.34 22.83 Jahloot 132 31.5 10.00 14.18 16.05 16.12 16.14 khaburah 132 31.5 12.53 12.65 13.11 13.11 13.01 Liwa 132 31.5 11.69 11.74 11.80 24.20 24.25 Free Zone 132 40 22.40 22.45 Mawalih 132 31.5 21.12 26.02 27.03 27.17 27.20 Mawalih-B 132 40 26.62 27.40 27.87 Mudarib 132 31.5 8.82 10.04 10.43 11.06 11.08 MIS 132 31.5 20.25 20.61 21.58 23.37 22.72 Muladah 132 31.5 17.96 18.46 19.35 21.09 20.25 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 148 Table C.7 (continued): Maximum 1- Phase Short Circuit Fault Levels Substations Voltage (kV) Switchgear Fault Rating (kA) Max Single-Phase Short Circuit Ik" (kA) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Manah 132 31.5 15.83 16.14 17.54 17.78 16.73 Mobalah 132 31.5 13.94 15.67 26.22 26.88 28.01 Misfah 132 31.5 18.51 17.32 17.69 17.75 17.76 MSQ 132 31.5 27.31 29.38 28.75 29.75 29.75 Mudaibi 132 31.5 8.33 10.46 11.42 11.64 11.68 Muttrah 132 31.5 13.64 19.84 24.67 25.28 25.29 Nakhal 132 31.5 11.25 11.36 12.36 12.46 11.47 Nizwa 132 31.5 15.89 16.41 19.66 20.14 18.07 New Kamil 132 31.5 14.31 14.38 14.40 New Mobalah 132 40 26.44 27.14 28.06 Madinata Nizwa 132 40 14.53 14.78 13.69 Madinata Barka 132 40 21.13 21.44 19.10 Quram 132 31.5 18.30 23.19 23.17 23.68 23.68 Quraiyat 132 31.5 5.98 7.01 7.30 7.31 7.32 New Rusail 132 40 29.47 29.64 29.67 Rusail 132 31.5 28.33 Rusail-A 132 31.5 17.24 Rusail-B 132 31.5 22.57 Rustaq 132 31.5 9.18 10.87 11.12 11.19 10.95 Saham 132 31.5 14.26 14.42 14.51 14.47 14.43 Seeb 132 31.5 12.00 12.51 26.59 27.33 28.05 Shinas 132 31.5 8.66 8.68 8.89 13.01 13.03 SIP-A 132 31.5 19.81 19.92 19.92 19.92 19.92 SIS 132 31.5 21.84 22.46 22.72 22.71 22.71 Sohar 132 31.5 17.68 17.86 19.96 20.56 20.59 Sumail 132 31.5 12.13 14.09 16.58 16.78 16.82 Sur 132 31.5 6.28 18.05 24.21 24.41 24.46 Wadi Adai 132 31.5 23.17 24.33 25.18 25.79 25.80 Wadi Jizzi 132 31.5 22.29 22.47 22.60 24.50 24.58 Wadi Kabir 132 31.5 17.33 19.34 22.15 23.01 23.01 Wadi Sa'a 132 31.5 7.59 7.61 7.62 7.66 7.69 Yitti 132 31.5 7.21 8.78 9.25 9.27 9.28 Ibra 132 31.5 7.62 7.63 Hajarmat 132 31.5 7.59 7.34 Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 149 Figure C.1 OETC Transmission System 2012 Max. Load Flow Condition V o l t a g e L e v e l s 2 2 0 . k V 1 3 2 . k V 3 3 . k V 2 0 . k V 1 9 . k V 1 7 . k V 1 5 . 7 5 k V 1 5 . k V 1 4 . k V 1 1 . 5 k V 1 1 . k V 0 . 4 1 5 k V OETC Planning Dpt. PowerFactory 14.0.523 2012 Peak Load in OETC Network Summer Peak Load Studied areas: Majan, Mazoon and Muscat (Master Model) Project: 2012 Graphic: Expanded Grid Date: 3/11/2012 Annex: OETC Nodes Branches External Grid OCC Wadi Adai Wadi Al Kabir Blue City Barka III PS Sohar I PS Sohar Aluminum PS Izki Muladha Sohar Musanna Interconnection SS (MIS) Sohar Ind Port-A (SIP-A) Sohar Interconnection SS (SIS) Sohar Refinery Sohar II PS SMN Barka PS AES Barka PS Ghubrah PS Air Port High Sumail Seeb Main Bousher Figure C.1 OETC Transmission System 2012 Max. load Flow Condition Rusail PS Jahloot Wadi Jizzi PS Liwa Al Kamil PS Manah PS Shinas Al-Misfah Yitti Quriat Azaiba Coast Mudhaibi Mudhairib AlMawalih Al Hail Al Buraimi OMIFCO OMCO BB Ali Nizwa PDO Ibri Wadi Sa'a Dank Al Wasit ( Mhadah) Al Khabourah Saham Rustaq Nakhal Mobalah MSQ Oman - UAE 220kV Interconnection AlFalaj Qurum Sur Bahla Muttrah Filaj Barka Main Adam 0.415 busbar 0.42 1.00 - 174.9 2 Misfah.. 33.24 1.01 158.9 3 Rusail 33kV (1) 32.91 1.00 158.2 9 Barka PS.. 229.6 1 1.04 - 33.79 M i s f a h 2 2 0 k . . 2 2 6 . 3 8 1 . 0 3 - 3 8 . 4 4 Soh Al 220kV 238.0 3 1.08 29.99 sps 220.. 230.2 3 1.05 - 38.35 Liwa 132kV 131.2 3 0.99 - 49.94 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.04 150.7 8 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.04 150.3 9 Izki 3.. 32.78 0.99 120.3 9 Izki 33kV(Temp) 32.88 1.00 120.7 8 Izki 13.. 131.7 0 1.00 - 85.89 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 67.65 Ibri 33kV(63MVA) 32.70 0.99 - 37.65 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 169.6 0 Ibri 33kV (125MVA) 32.78 0.99 139.6 0 Ibri 13.. 129.9 1 0.98 - 66.56 Seeb 33kV (63MVA) 33.31 1.01 164.8 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 165.2 0 Seeb132k.. 133.9 3 1.01 - 41.49 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 164.6 1 Seeb 33kV (125MVA) 33.15 1.00 165.3 9 Ghubrah Third 33kV 32.95 1.00 158.6 0 Ghubra.. 33.20 1.01 165.1 9 Ghoubrah132-B 132.4 2 1.00 - 46.52 Sumail Tem 33kV 33.03 1.00 118.6 6 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 148.6 6 Sumail .. 33.18 1.01 120.7 3 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 150.7 3 Sumail 1.. 135.5 2 1.03 - 86.23 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 171.0 7 Mawal lah132kV 132.6 3 1.00 - 48.48 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.04 148.6 2 Bousher-.. 32.95 1.00 118.6 2 0.415 busbar.. 0.44 1.05 149.4 0 Bousher-.. 33.08 1.00 119.4 0 Airport .. 226.7 0 1.03 - 37.74 Rusail 132kV A 138.8 9 1.05 - 85.29 Rusail 132kV B 133.0 6 1.01 - 48.31 Rusail 33kV-(A-1) 33.14 1.00 121.5 1 Ghoubrah132-A 135.4 6 1.03 - 86.67 MSQ-A3.. 32.77 0.99 159.5 8 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 170.4 2 Filaj 220.. 228.5 1 1.04 - 34.87 Airport.. 32.98 1.00 165.6 5 J a h l o o t . . 1 2 9 . 3 4 0 . 9 8 - 4 9 . 2 5 J a h l o o . . 3 2 . 7 9 0 . 9 9 1 5 7 . 2 5 0 . 4 1 5 b u s b a r . . 0 . 4 1 0 . 9 9 - 1 7 2 . 7 5 0 . 4 1 5 b u s b a r . . 0 . 4 1 0 . 9 9 - 1 7 2 . 7 5 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 142.5 6 Mudhaib.. 32.73 0.99 112.5 6 Al Wasit 220kV 218.5 4 0.99 - 47.98 Sohar 1.. 133.5 7 1.01 - 47.37 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 42.78 Aziba .. 11.01 1.00 - 72.78 Airport .. 135.4 1 1.03 - 40.78 Y i t t i . . 3 2 . 9 6 1 . 0 0 1 6 0 . 2 7 0 . 4 1 5 b u s b a r . . 0 . 4 1 1 . 0 0 - 1 6 9 . 7 3 Barka IPP220 231.0 8 1.05 - 35.84 0.415 busbar..0.42 1.00 - 169.6 2 MSQ-B33kV.. 33.09 1.00 160.3 8 Bousher.. 135.4 1 1.03 - 86.70 Wadi Al.. 134.0 0 1.02 - 47.76 Quram3.. 33.22 1.01 162.3 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 167.7 0 Misfah 132.. 132.2 8 1.00 - 48.47 MSQ132.. 131.9 9 1.00 - 46.69 Y i t t i 1 . . 1 2 9 . 2 5 0 . 9 8 - 4 9 . 3 7 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 171.6 9 Quriat .. 33.05 1.00 158.3 1 Quriat 1.. 128.4 0 0.97 - 50.12 Muttrah .. 33.27 1.01 160.9 9 SIP-A132.. 135.7 6 1.03 - 41.31 Aziba 13.. 135.4 2 1.03 - 40.81 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 164.3 5 Wadi Ad.. 130.7 7 0.99 - 47.99 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 9.35 Al Was.. 33.02 1.00 - 20.65 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 9.35 Quram13.. 131.8 2 1.00 - 46.99 Wadi Al .. 130.0 4 0.99 - 48.50 0 . 4 1 5 b u s b a r . . 0 . 4 2 1 . 0 1 - 1 6 2 . 2 0 N a k h l a . . 3 3 . 3 8 1 . 0 1 1 6 7 . 8 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 164.0 1 Barka Tem 33kV 33.11 1.00 165.9 9 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 163.6 2 Barka .. 33.25 1.01 166.3 8 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 7.02 wdk Tem 33kV 33.02 1.00 157.0 2 Wadi A.. 33.06 1.00 158.3 4 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 8.34 Sohar IPP 220.. 226.3 4 1.03 - 40.25 Sohar Refinery 132kV 135.7 6 1.03 - 41.31 Mawallah-.. 32.82 0.99 154.5 1 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 171.7 2 Mawallah Third 33kV 33.18 1.01 158.2 8 alkamil 132.. 132.1 5 1.00 - 93.28 SIS220.. 224.3 9 1.02 - 41.83 Wadi S.. 33.17 1.01 159.4 6 Sohar .. 32.93 1.00 156.7 4 Al Hay.. 32.87 1.00 - 41.61 Ibri 220kV 206.7 5 0.94 - 60.43 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 163.2 4 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 173.2 6 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 172.7 8 Mobalah.. 33.18 1.01 157.2 2 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 175.4 9 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 172.7 0 Wadi Ad.. 32.87 1.00 157.3 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 71.61 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 71.61 Rustaq.. 33.05 1.00 159.4 9 SIP-A3.. 33.32 1.01 166.7 6 Al Hayl.. 126.2 8 0.96 - 69.49 Bureim.. 33.11 1.00 155.0 8 Bureimi.. 130.3 6 0.99 - 50.51 Al Wasi.. 131.4 8 1.00 - 48.90 MSQ220.. 223.8 0 1.02 - 40.60 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 155.7 2 Adam33.. 33.13 1.00 125.7 2 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 159.0 2 blue ci.. 33.14 1.00 170.9 8 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 5.85 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 174.0 6 Liwa 33kV 32.80 0.99 155.9 4 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 169.9 1 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 171.4 9 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 168.0 1 MIS33k.. 32.96 1.00 161.9 9 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 168.2 8 Mulada.. 33.28 1.01 161.7 2 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 170.5 1 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 169.0 1 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 171.3 6 Al Fa.. 33.06 1.00 158.6 4 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 138.5 1 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 138.8 6 JBB Ali .. 32.70 0.99 108.8 6 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 141.7 3 Mudhairb.. 32.93 1.00 111.7 3 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.05 152.8 5 Bahla .. 33.02 1.00 122.8 5 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.05 153.4 2 Nizwa 3.. 33.02 1.00 123.4 2 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 108.1 9 Dank33.. 32.73 0.99 138.1 9 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 170.5 4 Sur 132k.. 126.9 6 0.96 - 97.03 Bahla 1.. 130.6 9 0.99 - 83.75 Al Fal.. 130.6 4 0.99 - 48.09 Saham33kV 32.92 1.00 160.0 9 Adam132.. 136.8 1 1.04 - 81.29 Manah13.. 137.6 3 1.04 - 80.58 Muttrah13.. 131.6 8 1.00 - 47.22 blue cit.. 228.1 4 1.04 - 37.47 Khaborah 33kV 33.29 1.01 158.5 1 Sur 33.. 32.95 1.00 108.5 1 Shinas3.. 33.12 1.00 - 24.15 Shinas13.. 130.4 9 0.99 - 50.64 Khaborah 132kV 130.7 9 0.99 - 46.41 JBB Ali 1.. 127.8 8 0.97 - 96.28 Wadi Sa.. 130.8 6 0.99 - 49.27 Dank132.. 128.9 6 0.98 - 67.73 Nahda132k.. 133.5 4 1.01 - 82.21 N a k h l a . . 1 3 5 . 9 5 1 . 0 3 - 4 0 . 2 8 Nizwa 1.. 133.2 0 1.01 - 82.14 Mudhaibi.. 128.0 2 0.97 - 91.16 Saham 132kV 132.6 5 1.00 - 46.35 MIS220.. 224.7 0 1.02 - 40.41 SIP-A22.. 230.0 4 1.05 - 38.49 SIS132.. 135.4 6 1.03 - 45.20 Rustaq .. 130.2 4 0.99 - 44.72 Mudhairb.. 128.4 1 0.97 - 93.76 MIS132kV 132.3 1 1.00 - 43.45 Filaj 132.. 136.5 7 1.03 - 39.77 Muladah.. 131.9 6 1.00 - 43.54 Mobalah.. 132.3 3 1.00 - 48.86 Barka 1.. 136.0 5 1.03 - 40.14 alw220 218.8 3 0.99 - 47.98 soh33_load 149.4 0 80.64 soh c ap2 0.00 - 19.92 4 bur33_load 107.8 0 66.81 bur ca p1 0.00 - 20.13 4 b u r i m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b u r i m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 OCC 0.00 MW 0.00 Mvar 1.00 rsl33_load -B(1) 50.35 16.55 R u s a i l 7 5 M V A x 2 ( 1 )50.51 20.42 36.03 12 R u s a i l 7 5 M V A x 2 ( 1 ) - 50.35 - 16.55 36.03 12 G~ sps ST1 203.5 8 105.9 1 83.45 s p s S T 1 T X 203.5 8 105.9 1 79.30 11 s p s S T 1 T X - 203.2 3 - 79.06 79.30 11 M u d h a . . 114.2 6 48.55 51.05 11 M u d h a . . - 114.0 0 - 37.47 51.05 11 G~ rsl_GT6 77.64 63.45 94.82 G~ rsl_GT1-2 150.7 6 114.6 5 69.13 r s l G T 6 T X - 77.49 - 56.42 69.31 3 r s l G T 6 T X 77.64 63.45 69.31 3 r s l G T 1 - 2 T X - 150.4 5 - 100.1 9 66.81 3 r s l G T 1 - 2 T X 150.7 6 114.6 5 66.81 3 Rusail-M.. 97.09 37.11 17.73 Rusail-M.. - 96.91 - 37.82 17.73 B a r k a I P P - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) B a r k a I P P - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) - 2 2 3 . 1 4 - 9 6 . 0 6 1 7 . 5 4 G~ Sohar Alu (ST1-2) 0.00 18.18 3.03 S T 1 - 2 T X - 0.00 18.18 3.13 10 S T 1 - 2 T X 0.27 - 16.98 3.13 10 G~ Sohar Alu (GT1-3) 0.60 - 19.11 2.83 G T 1 - 3 T X 0.60 - 19.11 3.16 10 G T 1 - 3 T X - 0.27 20.45 3.16 10 Smelter Load 0.00 0.00 Ax Sohar Aluminium 0.00 0.00 S o h A l - S P S 0.00 - 3.47 0.70 S o h A l - S P S - 0.00 0.00 0.70 G~ sps GT1-3 384.9 6 210.8 9 81.74 s p s G T 1 - 3 T X 384.9 6 210.8 9 74.32 11 s p s G T 1 - 3 T X - 384.3 3 - 165.5 4 74.32 11 izk33_load 51.70 16.99 izk33_load (Temp) 23.20 7.63 i z k T e m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 i z k T e m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 i z k 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 i z k 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 I z k i 4 0 . . 51.90 21.10 70.19 12 I z k i 4 0 . . - 51.70 - 16.99 70.19 12 I z k i T e m 4 0 M V A23.29 9.30 62.82 12 I z k i T e m 4 0 M V A - 23.20 - 7.63 62.82 12 Q u r a m - M u t t r a h 1 3 2 k V - 46.54 - 2.80 7.98 Q u r a m - M u t t r a h 1 3 2 k V 46.57 1.60 7.98 W A d a i - W K a b i r 137.0 3 50.86 50.48 W A d a i - W K a b i r - 136.7 0 - 49.96 50.48 B a r k a I P P - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) 224.0 3 - 14.37 18.22 B a r k a I P P - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) Jahloot-Yit.. 9 . 1 0 0 . 5 8 1 . 1 0 Jahloot-Yit.. - 9 . 1 0 - 3 . 7 7 1 . 1 0 I b r i 1 2 5 M V A x 2 91.90 27.62 39.22 12 I b r i 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 91.70 - 20.27 39.22 12 i b r 0 . 2 M V A ( 1 )0.00 0.00 0.00 3 i b r 0 . 2 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 ibr ca p2(3) 0.00 - 0.00 0 ibr ca p2(2) - 0.00 - 4.91 1 ibr33_load (63MVA) 20.00 9.69 I b r i 6 3 M V A x 2 20.10 5.55 16.81 12 I b r i 6 3 M V A x 2 - 20.00 - 4.78 16.81 12 i b r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 i b r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 ibr ca p2(1) 0.00 - 4.93 1 ibr ca p2 0.00 - 4.93 1 ibr33_load 91.70 30.14 s e b 0 . 1 5 M V A - 20.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s e b 0 . 1 5 M V A - 2 - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 seb33_load (63MVA) 50.10 16.47 S e e b 6 3 M V A x 2 50.26 20.53 43.72 17 S e e b 6 3 M V A x 2 - 50.10 - 16.47 43.72 17 s e b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s e b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 seb33_load 81.00 26.62 S e e b 1 2 5 M V A x 2 81.18 32.42 34.46 14 S e e b 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 81.00 - 26.62 34.46 14 SIS-Alwasit.. 504.8 7 97.35 37.75 SIS-Alwasit.. - 500.3 6 - 65.91 37.75 Al Wa sit- Burimi 132kV(OHL) 108.5 8 12.53 18.83 Al Wa sit- Burimi 132kV(OHL) A l W a s i t - B u r i m i 1 3 2 k V ( U G C ) A l W a s i t - B u r i m i 1 3 2 k V ( U G C ) - 108.0 4 - 36.35 15.39 gbr th ird33_load 31.20 10.25 G h u b r a h T h i r d 4 0 M V A 31.34 13.46 86.71 16 G h u b r a h T h i r d 4 0 M V A- 31.20 - 10.25 86.71 16 G~ Sohar II GT2 229.0 0 55.80 73.43 S o h a r I I T x G T 2 - 228.5 2 - 27.12 74.24 15 S o h a r I I T x G T 2 229.0 0 55.80 74.24 15 S o h a r I I T x G T 1 - 228.5 1 6.17 72.44 15 S o h a r I I T x G T 1229.0 0 21.26 72.44 15 G~ Sohar II GT1 229.0 0 21.26 71.65 Barka III Tx GT1 - 228.4 6 - 1.73 69.17 1 1 Barka III Tx GT1 229.0 0 27.01 69.17 1 1 G~ Barka III GT1 229.0 0 27.01 71.84 G~ Barka III GT2 228.5 8 12.63 71.32 B a r k a I I I T x G T 2 - 228.0 3 12.33 68.67 11 B a r k a I I I T x G T 2228.5 8 12.63 68.67 11 G~ brk ST1 203.5 8 72.77 77.21 G~ brk GT1-2 221.1 7 81.44 74.11 G~ brk ST1-2 Ph-2 297.9 7 93.33 76.95 G~ brk GT1-3 Ph-2 361.4 4 119.1 9 72.49 b r k S T 1 - 3 P 2 T X - 297.4 4 - 60.17 74.34 11 b r k S T 1 - 3 P 2 T X297.9 7 93.33 74.34 11 b r k S T 1 T X - 203.3 0 - 53.09 73.54 11 b r k S T 1 T X 203.5 8 72.77 73.54 11 b r k G T 1 - 3 P 2 T X - 360.8 8 - 81.12 70.04 12 b r k G T 1 - 3 P 2 T X361.4 4 119.1 9 70.04 12 b r k G T 1 - 2 T X - 220.8 3 - 60.84 70.59 12 b r k G T 1 - 2 T X221.1 7 81.44 70.59 12 g b r G T 1 - 3 T X - 44.26 - 18.54 64.89 3 g b r G T 1 - 3 T X44.40 23.18 64.89 3 gbr33_load 25.00 8.22 G h u b r a h 4 2 M V A x 2 - 19.17 - 9.34 25.85 11 G h u b r a h 4 2 M V A x 219.26 10.32 25.85 11 G~ gbr_GT1-3 44.40 23.18 55.65 G~ gbr_GT13 84.17 58.03 65.43 g b r G T 1 3 T X - 84.04 - 49.80 63.90 3 g b r G T 1 3 T X 84.17 58.03 63.90 3 G~ gbr_GT4-9 88.79 55.77 58.25 G~ gbr_ST5-6 55.44 16.79 71.07 g b r G T 4 - 9 T X - 88.59 - 46.78 62.41 3 g b r G T 4 - 9 T X 88.79 55.77 62.41 3 G h o u b r a h - M S Q ( U G C ) G h o u b r a h - M S Q ( U G C ) 215.7 0 105.1 8 22.60 g b r S T 5 - 6 T X - 55.25 - 12.72 77.23 3 g b r S T 5 - 6 T X 55.44 16.79 77.23 3 s u m l T e m p 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s u m l T e m p 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 suml Temp 33_load 40.00 13.15 S u m a i l T e m p 6 3 M V A 40.14 17.47 67.69 14 S u m a i l T e m p 6 3 M V A - 40.00 - 13.15 67.69 14 s u m l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s u m l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 suml33_load 47.20 15.51 S u m a i l 6 3 M V A x 2 47.36 18.75 39.37 15 S u m a i l 6 3 M V A x 2 - 47.20 - 15.51 39.37 15 S u m a i l - I z . . - 3.22 56.24 10.83 S u m a i l - I z . . 3.49 - 63.18 10.83 m s f 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m s f 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Airport Hei.. - 478.6 1 - 31.51 34.59 Airport Hei.. 480.5 7 42.44 34.59 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - S e e b M a i n ( U G C ) 132.2 8 14.04 18.59 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - S e e b M a i n ( U G C ) - 132.0 9 - 54.01 18.59 M i s f a h - M S Q 2 2 0 k V - 464.6 5 - 97.56 34.68 M i s f a h - M S Q 2 2 0 k V 4 6 6 . 1 5 1 0 6 . 2 0 3 4 . 6 8 Ibri-Dan k 132kV - 45.49 - 12.15 8.23 Ibri-Dan k 132kV 45.64 5.81 8.23 f i l a j - B l u e C i t y 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) 3 7 5 . 7 5 - 1 8 . 8 5 2 9 . 1 1 f i l a j - B l u e C i t y 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) - 375.6 7 - 35.53 29.11 Transport Load 0.00 - 0.00 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - S e e b M a i n ( O H L ) 132.0 9 54.01 69.42 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - S e e b M a i n ( O H L )- 131.4 4 - 52.95 69.42 B o u s h e r - M S Q ( O H L ) B o u s h e r - M S Q ( O H L ) 0.00 0.00 0.00 B o u s h e r - M S Q ( U G C ) 0.00 0.00 0.00 B o u s h e r - M S Q ( U G C ) bsr33_load A 101.1 0 67.94 b s r B 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b s r B 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 bsr33_load B 114.7 0 37.70 Boush er cap 2 0.00 - 20.10 4 Boush er cap 1 0.00 - 20.10 4 b s r A 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b s r A 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 B o u s h e r - B 1 2 5 M V A x 2114.9 6 49.26 49.04 14 B o u s h e r - B 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 114.7 0 - 37.70 49.04 14 B o u s h e r - A 1 2 5 M V A x 2101.3 2 36.13 41.94 15 B o u s h e r - A 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 101.1 0 - 27.73 41.94 15 A i r p o r t H e i g h . .235.3 5 24.69 22.97 15 A i r p o r t H e i g h . . - 235.1 1 - 11.08 22.97 15 Airport Height-Misfah 243.2 5 6.82 17.56 Airport Height-Misfah - 2 4 3 . 0 2 - 1 0 . 1 4 1 7 . 5 6 S I S - S P S 2 2 . .491.2 5 146.5 2 39.88 S I S - S P S 2 2 . . S I S - S P S 2 2 0 k V S I S - S P S 2 2 0 k V - 488.6 2 - 156.4 5 37.38 S o h a r I I - S I S 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) - 224.5 0 - 48.92 17.88 S o h a r I I - S I S 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) 224.5 2 25.07 17.88 S o h a r I I - S . . S o h a r I I - S . . - 224.0 0 - 57.04 16.84 Q u r u m - M u t t r a h 1 3 2 k V ( U G C ) Q u r u m - M u t t r a h 1 3 2 k V ( U G C ) - 46.53 - 17.66 6.65 G h o u b r a h - M S Q ( O H L ) - 215.3 7 - 135.3 6 28.98 G h o u b r a h - M S Q ( O H L ) G~ gbr_GT10-11 48.73 15.86 54.52 g b r G T 1 0 - 1 1 T X- 48.64 - 11.94 59.38 3 g b r G T 1 0 - 1 1 T X 48.73 15.86 59.38 3 Ax Rusail 7.00 3.59 R u s a i l - S u m a i . . 84.83 91.43 20.82 R u s a i l - S u m a i . . - 84.28 - 92.46 20.82 rsl33_load -A 50.35 16.55 R u s a i l 7 5 M V A x 2 ( 1 - 2 ) 50.52 20.21 35.18 15 R u s a i l 7 5 M V A x 2 ( 1 - 2 ) - 50.35 - 16.55 35.18 15 R u s a i l - B o u s h e r 85.59 41.38 18.30 R u s a i l - B o u s h e r - 84.45 - 41.33 18.30 R u s a i l - M . . - 212.6 5 - 93.87 30.85 R u s a i l - M . . 213.1 0 63.20 30.85 G~ gbr_ST4 34.22 12.94 56.29 g b r S T 4 T X - 34.16 - 10.57 52.79 3 g b r S T 4 T X 34.22 12.94 52.79 3 Dsl Gho 28.00 14.34 Ax Gho 7.00 3.59 G~ gbr_GT12 84.17 30.18 57.23 g b r G T 1 2 T X - 84.07 - 23.88 55.89 3 g b r G T 1 2 T X 84.17 30.18 55.89 3 Ghoubrah.. - 131.8 3 - 44.06 12.05 Ghoubrah.. 131.8 7 28.47 12.05 m s q 0 . 2 M V A - A- 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m s q 0 . 2 M V A - A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 MSQcap 2 0.00 - 19.72 4 MSQcap 1 0.00 - 19.72 4 msq33_load -A 94.10 68.13 M S Q - A 1 2 5 . .- 94.10 - 28.69 40.43 9 M S Q - A 1 2 5 . . 94.31 36.35 40.43 9 B a r k a P S - F i l a j . . 621.3 6 111.0 1 44.98 B a r k a P S - F i l a j . . - 620.3 8 - 102.8 7 44.98 B a r k a P S - F i l a j 1 . . - 620.3 8 - 102.8 7 44.98 B a r k a P S - F i l a j 1 . . 621.3 6 111.0 1 44.98 filaj-Bl.. 376.9 2 - 17.57 26.99 filaj-Bl.. Airport cap2 0.00 - 14.98 3 Airport cap1 0.00 - 14.98 3 Jahloot-Quri.. - 37.82 - 14.31 7.10 Jahloot-Quri.. 3 7 . 9 2 8 . 3 6 7 . 1 0 j a h l o o t c a p 2 0 . 0 0 - 1 9 . 7 5 4 j a h l o o t c a p 1 0 . 0 0 - 1 9 . 7 5 4 jah 0.315 MVA(2) 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 jah 0.315 MVA(2) - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 jah 0.315 MVA 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 jah 0.315 MVA - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 j a h 3 3 _ l o a d 8 0 . 6 0 6 0 . 4 5 Jahloo.. 8 0 . 7 8 2 7 . 0 9 3 4 . 7 81 3 Jahloo.. - 8 0 . 6 0 - 2 0 . 9 5 3 4 . 7 8 1 3 m u d b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m u d b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 mudb33_load 93.70 30.80 M u d h a i b i 6 3 M V A x 294.07 43.18 84.70 9 M u d h a i b i 6 3 M V A x 2 - 93.70 - 30.80 84.70 9 Mobala h-Barka Mai n 132kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mobala h-Barka Mai n 132kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 S o h a r - W a . . 31.98 - 22.74 6.63 S o h a r - W a . . - 31.94 19.51 6.63 M S Q - J a h l o o t 1 3 2 k V - 1 2 7 . 8 0 - 3 6 . 0 4 2 3 . 1 5 M S Q - J a h l o o t 1 3 2 k V 128.7 8 36.53 23.15 Izki -Ni zwa 132kV 263.5 2 11.63 44.68 Izki -Ni zwa 132kV - 260.9 1 1.25 44.68 M i s f a h - W a d i A d a i 22.21 - 44.57 8.59 M i s f a h - W a d i A d a i - 22.11 40.29 8.59 G~ wdj GT12-13 60.16 34.03 74.72 G~ wdj GT11 28.26 16.97 87.90 G~ wdj GT9-10 56.51 46.50 94.43 G~ wdj GT8 26.89 19.00 87.81 G~ wdj GT5 27.57 16.45 92.37 G~ wdj GT4 27.57 14.91 90.18 A z i b a 0 . 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 A z i b a 0 . 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 azb33_load 16.20 5.32 A z i b a . . 16.33 6.40 11.40 16 A z i b a . . - 16.20 - 5.32 11.40 16 G~ rsl_GT8 87.83 39.87 82.44 r s l G T 8 T X - 87.58 - 30.08 76.92 3 r s l G T 8 T X 87.83 39.87 76.92 3 G~ rsl_GT3 75.38 45.91 64.43 r s l G T 1 - 3 T X - 75.23 - 38.99 65.38 3 r s l G T 1 - 3 T X 75.38 45.91 65.38 3 G~ rsl_GT4-5 155.2 8 105.3 9 88.73 r s l G T 4 - 5 T X - 154.9 8 - 91.87 68.00 3 r s l G T 4 - 5 T X 155.2 8 105.3 9 68.00 3 G~ rsl_GT7 88.73 34.60 63.49 r s l G T 7 T X - 88.53 - 25.63 69.27 3 r s l G T 7 T X 88.73 34.60 69.27 3 w d j G T 1 2 - 1 3 T X - 59.91 - 28.91 73.14 9 w d j G T 1 2 - 1 3 T X 60.16 34.03 73.14 9 w d j G T 1 1 T X - 28.14 - 14.62 69.76 9 w d j G T 1 1 T X 28.26 16.97 69.76 9 w d j G T 9 - 1 0 T X - 56.23 - 40.06 83.37 9 w d j G T 9 - 1 0 T X 56.51 46.50 83.37 9 w d j G T 8 T X 26.89 19.00 76.57 9 w d j G T 8 T X - 26.76 - 16.37 76.57 9 w d j G T 5 T X - 27.43 - 13.29 83.04 9 w d j G T 5 T X 27.57 16.45 83.04 9 w d j G T 4 T X - 27.44 - 11.86 81.42 9 w d j G T 4 T X 27.57 14.91 81.42 9 dnk33_load 19.60 14.70 S h i n a s 6 3 M V A x 277.97 23.47 65.37 8 S h i n a s 6 3 M V A x 2 - 77.70 - 17.93 65.37 8 M S Q - W a d i . . 353.5 4 88.25 62.31 M S Q - W a d i . . - 352.2 0 - 80.55 62.31 Yitti .. 9 . 1 0 3 . 7 7 4 . 0 21 3 Yitti .. - 9 . 0 0 - 2 . 9 6 4 . 0 2 1 3 yitt 0.315 MVA 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 yitt 0.315 MVA - 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 y t t 3 3 _ l o a d 9 . 0 0 2 . 9 6 dnk c ap1 - 0.00 - 4.92 1 Ax New Barka 4.00 2.05 msq th ird33_load 37.80 12.42 m s q t h i r d 0 . 2 M V A- 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m s q t h i r d 0 . 2 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 M S Q T h i r d 1 2 5 M V A 37.89 15.01 32.60 13 M S Q T h i r d 1 2 5 M V A - 37.80 - 12.42 32.60 13 Qurumca p2 - 0.00 - 5.07 1 Qurumca p1 - 0.00 - 5.07 1 q r m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 q r m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 qrm33_load 18.30 13.72 Q u r a m 1 . . 18.41 4.59 7.60 14 Q u r a m 1 . . - 18.30 - 3.59 7.60 14 R u s a i l - M i s f . . - 45.55 - 66.72 13.77 R u s a i l - M i s f . . 45.63 65.84 13.77 M i s f a h 1 2 . .67.66 26.43 28.99 13 M i s f a h 1 2 . . - 67.50 - 22.19 28.99 13 MSQ-Quram.. 65.02 5.15 11.17 MSQ-Quram.. - 64.97 - 6.19 11.17 q r y t 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 q r y t 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Q u r i a t . . 37.82 14.31 16.72 11 Q u r i a t . . - 37.70 - 12.39 16.72 11 qryt33_load 37.70 12.39 SIP132kVVALEload 120.0 0 39.44 SIP132kVSSSRMload 35.00 11.50 a r p h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a r p h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 A i r p o r t . . 86.49 30.20 35.92 15 A i r p o r t . . - 86.30 - 23.52 35.92 15 arph33_load 86.30 53.48 A i r p o r t H . . 16.33 - 33.16 4.81 A i r p o r t H . . - 16.33 - 6.40 4.81 W a d i A d a i . . - 75.37 - 29.98 14.00 W a d i A d a i . . 75.40 29.74 14.00 A l W a s i t - W a d . . 18.85 4.02 11.35 A l W a s i t - W a d . . - 18.80 - 6.99 11.35 a l w 0 . 1 6 M V A ( 1 )0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a l w 0 . 1 6 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l w 0 . 1 6 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a l w 0 . 1 6 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 alw33_load 15.10 4.96 A l W a s i t . . 15.17 5.79 27.17 6 A l W a s i t . . - 15.10 - 4.96 27.17 6 W a d i A l k a b i r T e m 1 2 5 M V A 55.22 23.45 48.72 10 W a d i A l k a b i r T e m 1 2 5 M V A - 55.10 - 18.11 48.72 10 W a d i A l . . 81.48 26.50 34.79 12 W a d i A l . . - 81.30 - 20.84 34.79 12 N a k h a l c a p 2 0 . 0 0 - 1 0 . 2 3 2 N a k h a l c a p 1 0 . 0 0 - 1 0 . 2 3 2 n h l 3 3 _ l o a d 4 7 . 3 0 3 5 . 4 8 nhkl 0.315 MVA 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 nhkl 0.315 MVA - 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 brk Te m33_load 50.00 16.43 b r k T e m 0 . 2 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b r k T e m 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 B a r k a t h i r d 1 2 5 M V A 50.11 20.95 42.16 15 B a r k a t h i r d 1 2 5 M V A - 50.00 - 16.43 42.16 15 b r k 0 . 2 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b r k 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 brk ca p1 0.00 - 20.30 4 brk33_load 93.20 69.90 brk ca p2 0.00 - 20.30 4 B a r k a . . 93.41 36.49 38.92 10 B a r k a . . - 93.20 - 29.30 38.92 10 w d k T e m 0 . 2 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 w d k T e m 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 wdk Te m33_load 55.10 18.11 wdk ca p2(1) 0.00 - 20.07 4 wdk ca p2 0.00 - 20.07 4 wdk33_load 81.30 60.97 w d k 0 . 2 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 w d k 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 msf33_load 67.50 22.19 Dsl Ba rka ph1 25.00 12.81 Dsl Ba rka ph 2 31.20 15.98 Ax Ba rka ph1 6.00 3.07 Ax Ba rka ph-2 6.00 3.07 S o h a r R e f i n e r y - S I P - A 1 3 2 k V 0.00 - 9.94 1.29 S o h a r R e f i n e r y - S I P - A 1 3 2 k V - 0.00 - 0.00 1.29 Sohar Refinery 0.00 MW - 0.00 .. 1.00 Mobala h cap2 0.00 - 20.22 4 Mobala h cap1 0.00 - 20.22 4 Mawalla h cap2 0.00 - 19.78 4 Mawalla h cap1 0.00 - 19.78 4 maw thi rd 33_load 42.10 13.84 maw33_load A 170.0 0 91.76 M a w a l l a h T h i r d 1 2 5 M V A - 42.10 - 13.84 36.20 13 M a w a l l a h T h i r d 1 2 5 M V A 42.19 16.94 36.20 13 m a w t h i r d 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m a w t h i r d 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m a w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m a w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 M a w a l l a h - A . . - 170.0 0 - 52.20 74.45 10 M a w a l l a h - A . . 170.4 5 76.94 74.45 10 SIS-Soha.. 182.8 8 39.48 31.28 SIS-Soha.. - 181.7 5 - 36.00 31.28 W a d i A l J a z z i . . 179.3 9 67.87 32.51 W a d i A l J a z z i . . - 178.1 5 - 63.64 32.51 Al wasit-Ibr.. 428.4 8 95.45 33.49 Al wasit-Ibr.. - 420.7 0 - 48.88 33.49 I b r i 5 0 0 M V A x 2 420.7 0 48.88 45.07 20 I b r i 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 420.2 6 - 2.82 45.07 20 Ax New Sohar 4.00 2.05 alh cap(1) - 0.00 - 4.96 1 s i p A 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s i p A 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s o h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s o h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m o b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m o b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 w d a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 w d a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l h 0 . 2 M V A ( 1 )0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a l h 0 . 2 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l h 0 . 2 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l h 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 Mudharib-M.. - 84.93 16.79 15.50 Mudharib-M.. 85.52 - 20.73 15.50 W a d i A d . . - 117.3 0 - 33.02 50.76 11 W a d i A d . . 117.5 7 44.53 50.76 11 wda ca p1(1) 0.00 - 19.84 4 wda33_load 117.3 0 72.70 mob33_load 96.70 70.01 S o h a r 1 2 . . 149.7 7 58.74 63.59 12 S o h a r 1 2 . . - 149.4 0 - 40.80 63.59 12 soh c ap2(1) 0.00 - 19.92 4 D a n k - A l H a y l 1 3 2 k V 25.73 5.66 30.93 D a n k - A l H a y l 1 3 2 k V - 25.39 - 7.16 30.93 alh33_load 25.30 15.68 alh cap - 0.00 - 4.96 1 wda ca p1 0.00 - 19.84 4 M S Q 5 0 0 M V A x 2 464.6 5 97.56 46.67 15 M S Q 5 0 0 M V A x 2- 464.1 6 - 45.92 46.67 15 M I S - S I S . . 72.31 - 21.47 5.49 M I S - S I S . . - 72.17 - 17.97 5.49 A l H a y l 4 0 M . . 25.39 7.16 34.47 9 A l H a y l 4 0 M . . - 25.30 - 5.76 34.47 9 B u r e i m i 1 2 5 . . 108.0 4 36.35 46.43 11 B u r e i m i 1 2 5 . . - 107.8 0 - 26.55 46.43 11 Alkamil- Mud.. - 29.33 - 65.34 12.58 Alkamil- Mud.. 29.64 60.49 12.58 bur ca p2 0.00 - 20.13 4 Ax Sohar 6.00 3.07 W a d i S a ' a - D a . . 0.00 0.00 0.00 W a d i S a ' a - D a . . 0.00 0.00 0.00 M I S - b l u e . .327.6 9 17.72 25.92 M I S - b l u e . . M I S - b l u e . . M I S - b l u e . . - 326.3 4 - 74.38 24.35 OMIFCO - 0.00 MW 0.00 Mvar - 1.00 OMCO 0.00 MW - 0.00 .. 1.00 L i w a - S h i n . . 78.13 21.83 14.07 L i w a - S h i n . . - 77.97 - 23.47 14.07 a d m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a d m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b l u e 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b l u e 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s h n s 0 . 2 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s h n s 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 l i w a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 l i w a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 k h b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 k h b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m i s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m i s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m l d 0 . 2 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m l d 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 r t q 0 . 2 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 r t q 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m u t t r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m u t t r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l f 0 . 2 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l f 0 . 2 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s u r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s u r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b b a l i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b b a l i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m d r b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m d r b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b h l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b h l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 n z w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 n z w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 d a n k 0 . 2 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 d a n k 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 w d s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 w d s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 S u r 1 2 . . 113.1 6 47.98 51.12 10 S u r 1 2 . . - 112.9 0 - 37.11 51.12 10 sur33_load 112.9 0 37.11 J B B A l i . . 121.6 8 52.51 54.72 11 J B B A l i . . - 121.4 0 - 39.90 54.72 11 A l k a m i l - J B . .122.9 2 53.27 23.37 A l k a m i l - J B . . - 121.6 8 - 52.51 23.37 mdrb33_load 114.0 0 37.47 bhl33_load 84.00 27.61 N i z w a 1 . . 110.4 5 46.80 47.55 12 N i z w a 1 . . - 110.2 0 - 36.22 47.55 12 adm33_load 36.90 12.13 nzw33_load 110.2 0 36.22 A d a m . . 37.03 14.57 48.37 15 A d a m . . - 36.90 - 12.13 48.37 15 M u t t r a h . . 46.53 17.66 19.95 13 M u t t r a h . . - 46.40 - 15.25 19.95 13 A l F a l . . 75.37 29.98 32.78 8 A l F a l . . - 75.20 - 24.34 32.78 8 alf cap2(1) 0.00 - 15.05 3 alf33_load 75.20 54.44 R u s t a q 6 3 M V A x 291.55 41.09 80.71 10 R u s t a q 6 3 M V A x 2 - 91.20 - 29.98 80.71 10 rtq33_load 91.20 29.98 M u l a d a h . . 118.5 7 47.58 51.40 11 M u l a d a h . . - 118.3 0 - 35.72 51.40 11 mld33_load 118.3 0 76.41 mld ca p1(1) 0.00 - 20.35 4 M o b a l l a h . . 96.91 37.82 41.74 12 M o b a l l a h . . - 96.70 - 29.58 41.74 12 Nakhal 1.. 4 7 . 4 3 1 7 . 5 6 1 9 . 7 5 1 5 Nakhal 1.. - 4 7 . 3 0 - 1 5 . 0 1 1 9 . 7 5 1 5 blue33_load 47.80 15.71 B l u e C i t y 1 6 0 M V A x 2 - 47.80 - 15.71 15.66 17 B l u e C i t y 1 6 0 M V A x 2 47.97 17.81 15.66 17 M I S 1 2 5 . . 112.0 5 47.76 48.88 12 M I S 1 2 5 . . - 111.8 0 - 36.75 48.88 12 mis33_load 111.8 0 36.75 khb c ap1(1) 0.00 - 20.35 4 K h a b o r a h 1 2 5 M V A x 2 129.3 0 53.00 56.41 7 K h a b o r a h 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 129.0 0 - 39.24 56.41 7 M I S - K h a . . 120.6 3 7.62 20.69 M I S - K h a . . - 119.6 7 - 8.66 20.69 S a h a m 1 . . 86.49 35.25 37.38 13 S a h a m 1 . . - 86.30 - 28.37 37.38 13 sah33_load 86.30 28.37 S I P - A . . 47.53 18.16 19.90 15 S I P - A . . - 47.40 - 15.58 19.90 15 sip33A_loa d 47.40 15.58 liwa33_load 99.80 32.80 L i w a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 100.0 2 41.81 43.86 12 L i w a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 99.80 - 32.80 43.86 12 A l W a s i t 3 1 5 . . 71.88 - 12.49 11.67 15 A l W a s i t 3 1 5 . . - 71.78 14.62 11.67 15 W a d i S a ' a 6 . . 18.80 6.99 16.06 13 W a d i S a ' a 6 . . - 18.70 - 6.15 16.06 13 Nahada-Niz.. 0.00 - 3.23 3.57 Nahada-Niz.. - 0.00 0.00 3.57 Manah-Ad.. 37.11 8.06 6.56 Manah-Ad.. - 37.03 - 14.57 6.56 M a n a h - N i . . - 207.1 2 - 180.2 5 46.49 M a n a h - N i . . 208.9 0 189.1 1 46.49 B a h l a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 84.19 34.08 36.69 11 B a h l a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 84.00 - 27.61 36.69 11 N i z w a - B a h . . 84.84 33.91 31.35 N i z w a - B a h . . - 84.19 - 34.08 31.35 Ax Manah 6.00 3.07 Alkamil-sur.. - 113.1 6 - 47.98 21.83 Alkamil-sur.. 114.5 8 47.60 21.83 Khaborah-Sa.. - 9.63 - 44.34 7.82 Khaborah-Sa.. 9.72 39.42 7.82 khb c ap1 0.00 - 20.35 4 shns cap2 0.00 - 15.11 3 shns cap1 0.00 - 15.11 3 alf cap2 0.00 - 15.05 3 mld ca p1 0.00 - 20.35 4 m n h G T 1 - 3 T X - 79.71 - 32.63 62.72 4 m n h G T 1 - 3 T X 79.89 39.00 62.72 4 m n h G T 4 - 5 T X - 172.3 0 - 167.6 0 83.55 15 m n h G T 4 - 5 T X 173.0 0 198.0 0 83.55 15 khb33_load A 129.0 0 79.95 wds33_load 18.70 6.15 bbali 33_load 121.4 0 39.90 F i l a j 5 0 0 M V A x 2 383.2 7 180.8 8 40.80 18 F i l a j 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 382.8 5 - 141.1 8 40.80 18 M I S 5 0 0 M V A x 2254.0 3 95.85 26.58 15 M I S 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 253.7 6 - 79.75 26.58 15 S I P - A 5 0 0 M V A x 2237.7 9 84.68 24.14 15 S I P - A 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 237.5 3 - 70.67 24.14 15 S I S 5 0 0 M V A x 2279.9 2 134.1 1 30.43 18 S I S 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 279.6 2 - 113.3 4 30.43 18 shns33_load 77.70 48.15 muttr33_load 46.40 15.25 Muladah-.. 91.92 39.48 17.38 Muladah-.. - 91.55 - 41.09 17.38 D a n k 1 5 M V A x 219.76 6.49 70.96 7 D a n k 1 5 M V A x 2 - 19.60 - 4.86 70.96 7 Fila j-Nakhal 132kV 47.51 14.21 8.39 Fila j-Nakhal 132kV - 4 7 . 4 3 - 1 7 . 5 6 8 . 3 9 PDONetwork 0.00 MW - 0.00 .. 1.00 UAE 0.00 MW - 0.00 .. 1.00 G~ mnh GT1-3 79.89 39.00 76.48 Nizwa-Ib.. - 251.6 9 91.13 46.02 Nizwa-Ib.. 262.6 2 - 36.16 46.02 Ax Alkamil 6.00 3.07 I z k i - M u d h . . 182.2 3 31.53 31.88 I z k i - M u d h . . - 179.5 9 - 22.45 31.88 SIS-Saha.. - 96.21 - 74.67 20.71 SIS-Saha.. 96.74 73.87 20.71 dnk c ap2 - 0.00 - 4.92 1 G~ mnh GT4-5 173.0 0 198.0 0 79.68 S P S - S I P - A 2 2 0 k V 287.8 2 72.96 23.34 S P S - S I P - A 2 2 0 k V - 287.7 9 - 101.1 1 23.34 Dsl Sohar 31.00 15.88 SIP 220kVSh adeed lo ad 50.00 16.43 SIP132kVAro matics lo ad 35.00 11.50 Ax_wdj 7.00 3.59 Wadi Al .. 71.47 34.13 22.42 Wadi Al .. - 70.83 - 36.96 22.42 Muladah-.. 21.08 24.37 5.70 Muladah-.. - 21.07 - 25.85 5.70 F i l a j - M u l a . . - 189.4 2 - 61.21 34.02 F i l a j - M u l a . . 191.6 6 69.32 34.02 Filaj-Bark.. 143.6 9 57.65 25.62 Filaj-Bark.. - 143.5 1 - 57.44 25.62 Al was it-UAE220 kV 0.00 - 17.05 1.28 Al was it-UAE220 kV - 0.00 0.00 1.28 G~ alk GT1-3 274.6 3 218.2 5 96.44 a l k a m i l G T 1 - 3 T X - 273.1 5 - 164.4 3 98.85 11 a l k a m i l G T 1 - 3 T X 274.6 3 218.2 5 98.85 11 D I g S I L E N T Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 150 Figure C.2 OETC Transmission System 2013 Max. Load Flow Condition V o l t a g e L e v e l s 2 2 0 . k V 1 3 2 . k V 3 3 . k V 2 0 . k V 1 9 . k V 1 7 . k V 1 5 . 7 5 k V 1 5 . k V 1 4 . k V 1 1 . 5 k V 1 1 . k V 0 . 4 1 5 k V OETC Planning Dpt. PowerFactory 14.0.523 2013 Peak Load in OETC Network Summer Peak Load Studied areas: Majan, Mazoon and Muscat (Master Model) Project: 2013 Graphic: Expanded Grid Date: 3/11/2012 Annex: OETC Nodes Branches External Grid Figure C.2 OETC Transmission System 2013 Max. load Flow Condition Wadi Jizzi PS OCC Blue City Sohar Aluminum PS Sohar I PS Mhdhabi Izki Sohar Adam Mudairb Muladha Musanna Interconnection SS (MIS) Sohar Interconnection SS (SIS) Sohar Ind Port-A (SIP-A) Ibri Ghubrah PS Wadi Al Kabir AlFalaj Muttrah Qurum Liwa Al Kamil BB Ali Aijah Seeb Main Sohar Refinery Barka Main AES Barka PS Manah PS PDO Al Hamryah Air Port High Azaiba Coast Rusail PS Al-Misfah Al Khabourah Al Kamil PS Sohar II PS SMN Barka PS Barka III PS Wadi Adai Mobalah Yitti Quriat Saham Bahla Bousher AlMawalih Al Buraimi Jahloot MSQ Al Hail Nizwa Al Wasit ( Mhadah) OMIFCO OMCO Shinas Wadi Sa'a Dank Rustaq Nakhal Oman - UAE 220kV Interconnection Sur Sumail Filaj J a h l o o t . . 1 2 9 . 6 1 0 . 9 8 - 4 5 . 2 4 Rusail 33kV (A-2) 33.00 1.00 140.3 2 Misfah.. 33.02 1.00 140.6 9 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 169.0 1 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 168.3 1 Sur 33.. 33.13 1.00 161.6 9 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 169.1 0 Ayjah 33.. 32.89 1.00 160.9 0 Soh Al 220kV 238.0 3 1.08 29.99 Liwa 132kV 122.3 4 0.93 - 50.83 Rustaq.. 32.88 1.00 161.7 1 Mudhaibi 33kV(63MVA) 33.03 1.00 144.3 3 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 174.3 3 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.04 172.1 5 Izki 3.. 32.93 1.00 142.1 5 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 58.29 Ibri 33kV(63MVA) 32.78 0.99 - 28.29 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 178.9 3 Ibri .. 33.12 1.00 148.9 3 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 167.6 4 Seeb 3.. 32.88 1.00 162.3 6 Seeb 33kV (63MVA) 33.02 1.00 161.7 7 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 168.2 3 Barka IPP220 228.8 3 1.04 - 35.52 Mudhaib.. 33.10 1.00 144.5 8 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 174.5 8 Mudhaibi.. 124.0 7 0.94 - 63.07 Sohar 1.. 125.6 6 0.95 - 46.94 Mawallah.132.861.01-43.65 Airport .. 133.1 7 1.01 - 43.51 Sumail Tem 33kV 32.76 0.99 137.9 5 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 167.9 5 Sumail .. 32.94 1.00 140.1 7 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 170.1 7 Izki 13.. 127.0 1 0.96 - 64.84 Sumail 1.. 130.2 4 0.99 - 66.61 Bahla .. 32.71 0.99 140.9 0 sps 220.. 220.2 4 1.00 - 37.10 Sohar IPP 220.. 218.4 7 0.99 - 36.80 Bousher B 33kV 32.74 0.99 157.1 8 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.04 - 172.8 2 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 170.5 6 MSQ-B33k.. 33.04 1.00 159.4 4 Barka Third 33kV 33.04 1.00 164.0 0 Old Ghoubrah132 129.0 7 0.98 - 47.45 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 166.0 0 Barka 1.. 131.5 2 1.00 - 41.85 Barka-A.. 33.17 1.01 164.5 2 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 165.4 8 NewGh-A132kV-B 129.1 3 0.98 - 47.64 Wadi Al .. 127.7 7 0.97 - 48.19 Al Fal.. 128.0 7 0.97 - 48.05 Wadi A.. 32.81 0.99 158.5 5 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 8.55 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 7.20 WK Third 33kV 32.81 0.99 157.2 0 Muttrah13.. 128.2 5 0.97 - 47.91 Muttrah .. 33.15 1.00 160.2 5 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 169.7 5 Quram13.. 128.5 0 0.97 - 47.75 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 169.3 0 Quram3.. 32.97 1.00 160.7 0 SIS220.. 216.9 1 0.99 - 40.02 JBB Ali 1.. 125.7 8 0.95 - 54.96 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 179.8 6 JBB Ali .. 32.85 1.00 149.8 6 alkamil 132.. 130.5 7 0.99 - 51.62 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 171.3 1 MSQ-A33k.. 33.09 1.00 158.6 9 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 167.8 5 Quriat .. 33.08 1.00 162.1 5 Seeb132k.. 131.5 6 1.00 - 44.28 Mawallah-.. 32.81 0.99 136.3 4 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 166.3 4 Sohar Refinery 132kV 128.8 5 0.98 - 41.15 SIP-A132.. 128.8 5 0.98 - 41.15 Muladah.. 128.0 5 0.97 - 44.47 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 61.32 Al Hay.. 33.16 1.00 - 31.32 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 61.32 Sur PS 220kV 219.6 0 1.00 - 41.76 0 . 4 1 5 b u s b a r . . 0 . 4 1 1 . 0 0 - 1 6 4 . 1 5 Filaj 132.. 132.1 0 1.00 - 41.44 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 173.2 0 Sohar-A 33kV 32.68 0.99 156.8 0 Nizwa 3.. 32.76 0.99 141.5 5 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.04 171.5 5 Nizwa 1.. 128.0 5 0.97 - 63.64 Manah13.. 131.6 2 1.00 - 62.03 Nahda132k.. 128.3 8 0.97 - 63.71 Airport.. 33.12 1.00 162.8 2 Sur 220.. 219.5 1 1.00 - 41.92 M i s f a h 2 2 0 k . . 2 2 2 . 7 1 1 . 0 1 - 4 0 . 6 0 Rusail .. 133.4 9 1.01 - 66.21 Rusail 33kV (A-1) 33.04 1.00 140.4 9 Airport .. 223.9 3 1.02 - 39.95 Mobalah.. 132.7 3 1.01 - 66.77 Misfah 132.. 133.0 8 1.01 - 66.52 Ghubrah 33kV 32.87 1.00 160.3 4 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 169.6 6 NewGh-A132kV-A 129.0 7 0.98 - 47.45 H a m r y a h 2 2 0 k V 2 1 7 . 1 0 0 . 9 9 - 4 4 . 8 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 45.67 Aziba .. 10.94 0.99 - 75.67 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 167.1 8 Aziba 13.. 133.1 8 1.01 - 43.54 H a m r y a h 1 3 2 k V 1 2 8 . 3 4 0 . 9 7 - 4 7 . 8 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 170.6 9 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 163.1 4 SIP-A3.. 33.07 1.00 166.8 6 SIP-A22.. 219.9 7 1.00 - 37.28 MSQ132.. 128.9 6 0.98 - 47.48 Bousher A 33kV 32.99 1.00 158.1 1 MIS220.. 219.7 3 1.00 - 41.00 Filaj 220.. 228.2 5 1.04 - 36.97 Barka PS.. 229.9 6 1.05 - 35.99 Wadi Ad.. 33.07 1.00 158.1 3 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 171.8 7 Al Hayl.. 124.1 1 0.94 - 59.17 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 170.0 5 Mawallah-.. 32.83 0.99 140.0 5 Wadi Ad.. 128.2 2 0.97 - 47.94 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 169.2 1 Mobalah.. 33.23 1.01 139.2 1 Quriat 1.. 128.5 9 0.97 - 46.18 Y i t t i . . 3 3 . 0 1 1 . 0 0 1 6 4 . 2 2 0 . 4 1 5 b u s b a r . . 0 . 4 2 1 . 0 0 - 1 6 5 . 7 8 Y i t t i 1 . . 1 2 9 . 5 0 0 . 9 8 - 4 5 . 3 8 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 169.6 3 Saham33kV 32.95 1.00 160.3 7 Saham 132kV 125.3 6 0.95 - 46.01 N a k h l a . . 3 2 . 8 7 1 . 0 0 1 6 5 . 8 5 MSQ220.. 219.9 9 1.00 - 42.38 J a h l o o t . . 2 1 9 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 - 4 3 . 3 7 Ibri 22.. 209.4 6 0.95 - 53.45 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 172.1 6 MIS33k.. 33.05 1.00 160.9 9 J a h l o o . . 3 3 . 1 6 1 . 0 0 1 6 1 . 1 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.04 170.9 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 10.35 0.415 busbar 0.42 1.00 - 174.2 9 Bahla 1.. 125.2 7 0.95 - 65.46 Bureim.. 33.14 1.00 155.7 1 Al Wasit 220kV 213.1 2 0.97 - 45.56 Bureimi.. 125.0 1 0.95 - 49.56 SIS132.. 127.4 7 0.97 - 44.22 Ibri 13.. 125.3 3 0.95 - 57.16 Bousher.. 129.0 3 0.98 - 47.66 Mawalla.. 133.0 3 1.01 - 66.39 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 174.1 0 Adam33.. 33.08 1.00 144.1 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 162.0 1 blue ci.. 32.82 0.99 167.9 9 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 4.62 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 175.8 7 Liwa 33kV 33.00 1.00 154.1 3 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 168.1 9 Mulada.. 32.88 1.00 161.8 1 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 168.2 9 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 171.4 1 Al Fa.. 32.94 1.00 158.5 9 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.05 - 171.8 9 0 . 4 1 5 b u s b a r . . 0 . 4 2 1 . 0 0 - 1 6 8 . 9 0 0 . 4 1 5 b u s b a r . . 0 . 4 2 1 . 0 0 - 1 6 8 . 9 0 Sur 132.. 130.3 1 0.99 - 45.82 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 176.8 1 Mudhairb.. 33.10 1.00 146.8 1 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 10.35 Al Was.. 32.85 1.00 - 19.65 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 120.2 1 Dank33.. 33.14 1.00 150.2 1 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 170.3 0 Wadi S.. 32.77 0.99 159.7 0 Ayjah 132.. 129.2 7 0.98 - 46.66 Adam132.. 130.7 1 0.99 - 62.83 blue cit.. 225.6 1 1.03 - 39.07 Khaborah 33kV 32.72 0.99 157.8 4 Shinas3.. 33.03 1.00 - 25.38 Shinas13.. 121.4 4 0.92 - 51.68 Khaborah 132kV 124.6 6 0.94 - 46.72 Wadi Al.. 126.5 6 0.96 - 47.55 Wadi Sa.. 125.5 0 0.95 - 48.30 Dank132.. 124.6 1 0.94 - 58.47 Al Wasi.. 126.5 6 0.96 - 47.70 N a k h l a . . 1 3 1 . 3 2 0 . 9 9 - 4 2 . 0 2 Rustaq .. 126.3 6 0.96 - 45.79 Mudhairb.. 124.8 7 0.95 - 58.38 MIS132kV 128.3 2 0.97 - 44.25 alw220 (1) 213.4 0 0.97 - 45.56 O l d G h - N e w - 92.33 - 34.61 13.45 O l d G h - N e w 92.33 34.20 13.45 Ax Gho 7.00 3.59 Dsl Gho 28.00 14.34 G~ gbr_GT 12-13 153.2 0 143.4 0 87.80 g b r G T 1 2 - 1 3 - 152.9 0 - 125.6 4 66.38 3 g b r G T 1 2 - 1 3 153.2 0 143.4 0 66.38 3 Jahloot-Quri.. - 40.42 - 15.33 7.58 Jahloot-Quri.. 4 0 . 5 4 9 . 4 5 7 . 5 8 rsl33_load -B 51.65 16.98 OCC 0.00 MW 0.00 Mvar 1.00 msf33_load 71.60 23.53 mis33_load 117.4 0 38.59 m i s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m i s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 I b r i 5 0 0 M V A x 2 262.9 3 17.94 27.68 15 I b r i 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 262.6 7 - 0.00 27.68 15 Muscat Steel 45.00 14.79 Ax Rusail 7.00 3.59 s u r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s u r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 sur33_load 63.10 20.74 S u r 1 2 . . 63.25 24.63 27.50 13 S u r 1 2 . . - 63.10 - 20.74 27.50 13 A y j a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 A y j a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 Ayjah Load 60.00 19.72 A y j a h 1 2 5 . . 60.04 23.38 26.32 14 A y j a h 1 2 5 . . - 60.00 - 19.72 26.32 14 G~ Sohar Alu (ST1-2) 0.00 18.18 3.03 S T 1 - 2 T X - 0.00 18.18 3.13 10 S T 1 - 2 T X 0.27 - 16.98 3.13 10 G~ Sohar Alu (GT1-3) 0.60 - 19.11 2.83 G T 1 - 3 T X 0.60 - 19.11 3.16 10 G T 1 - 3 T X - 0.27 20.45 3.16 10 Smelter Load 0.00 0.00 Ax Sohar Aluminium 0.00 0.00 S o h A l - S P S 0.00 - 3.47 0.70 S o h A l - S P S - 0.00 0.00 0.70 G~ sps ST1 190.0 0 88.59 76.23 G~ sps GT1-3 359.4 0 175.7 7 74.50 s p s G T 1 - 3 T X359.4 0 175.7 7 71.13 11 s p s G T 1 - 3 T X - 358.8 2 - 134.2 3 71.13 11 s p s S T 1 T X 190.0 0 88.59 76.07 11 s p s S T 1 T X - 189.6 7 - 63.90 76.07 11 m u d b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 )0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m u d b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 mudb33_load (63MVA) 38.40 12.62 M u d h a i b i 6 3 M V A x 238.54 14.98 34.91 8 M u d h a i b i 6 3 M V A x 2 - 38.40 - 12.62 34.91 8 i z k 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 i z k 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 izk33_load 76.50 25.14 I z k i 1 2 5 M V A x 276.66 31.00 34.38 10 I z k i 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 76.50 - 25.14 34.38 10 I z k i - M u d h . . - 47.76 46.67 12.86 I z k i - M u d h . . 48.16 - 51.83 12.86 i b r 0 . 2 M V A ( 1 )0.00 0.00 0.00 3 i b r 0 . 2 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 ibr ca p2(3) 0.00 - 0.00 0 ibr ca p2(2) - 0.00 - 4.93 1 ibr33_load (63MVA) 20.80 10.07 I b r i 6 3 M V A x 2 20.90 5.95 18.16 9 I b r i 6 3 M V A x 2 - 20.80 - 5.14 18.16 9 i b r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 i b r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 ibr ca p2(1) - 0.00 - 5.04 1 ibr ca p2 - 0.00 - 5.04 1 ibr33_load 95.30 31.32 I b r i 1 2 5 M V A x 2 95.51 29.00 42.29 8 I b r i 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 95.30 - 21.25 42.29 8 Ibri-Dan k 132kV - 46.55 - 7.34 8.53 Ibri-Dan k 132kV 46.71 1.60 8.53 s e b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s e b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 seb33_load 85.90 28.23 S e e b 1 2 5 M V A x 2 86.09 34.74 37.26 13 S e e b 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 85.90 - 28.23 37.26 13 s e b 0 . 1 5 M V A - 20.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s e b 0 . 1 5 M V A - 2 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 seb33_load (63MVA) 52.60 17.29 S e e b 6 3 M V A x 2 52.77 21.80 46.32 16 S e e b 6 3 M V A x 2 - 52.60 - 17.29 46.32 16 G~ Barka III ST1 216.0 1 33.40 64.29 G~ Barka III GT2 213.8 0 32.00 67.35 B a r k a I I I T x G T 2 - 213.3 1 - 7.62 68.09 15 B a r k a I I I T x G T 2213.8 0 32.00 68.09 15 B a r k a I I I T x S T 1 - 215.5 2 - 10.73 61.96 15 B a r k a I I I T x S T 1216.0 1 33.40 61.96 15 m u d b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m u d b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 mudb33_load 60.00 19.72 M u d h a i b i 1 2 5 M . .60.14 23.80 27.52 8 M u d h a i b i 1 2 5 M . . - 60.00 - 19.72 27.52 8 M u d h a r i b - M . . 148.6 5 - 8.44 26.89 M u d h a r i b - M . . - 146.8 3 13.05 26.89 K a m i l - J B B A l i 1 3 2 k V - 131.4 1 - 57.56 25.72 K a m i l - J B B A l i 1 3 2 k V 132.9 2 60.26 25.72 Fila j-Muladah 132 kV 145.8 8 59.70 27.32 Fila j-Muladah 132 kV - 144.4 4 - 56.48 27.32 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - S e e b 1 3 2 k V ( U G C ) - 139.6 1 - 57.91 20.02 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - S e e b 1 3 2 k V ( U G C ) 139.8 4 19.34 20.02 Moball ah-Rusail 132kV 100.0 0 39.64 18.29 Moball ah-Rusail 132kV - 99.82 - 40.28 18.29 s u m l T e m p 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s u m l T e m p 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 suml Temp 33_load 42.00 13.80 S u m a i l T e m p 6 3 M V A 42.16 18.63 74.14 11 S u m a i l T e m p 6 3 M V A - 42.00 - 13.80 74.14 11 s u m l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s u m l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 suml33_load 49.50 16.27 S u m a i l 6 3 M V A x 2 49.67 19.83 43.02 12 S u m a i l 6 3 M V A x 2 - 49.50 - 16.27 43.02 12 S u m a i l - I z . . S u m a i l - I z . . 51.19 - 58.50 13.80 b s r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 2 )0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b s r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 2 ) - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 bsr33_load B 125.1 0 41.12 B o u s h e r B 1 2 5 M V A x 2125.3 9 54.88 56.33 10 B o u s h e r B 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 125.1 0 - 41.12 56.33 10 Breaker/S.. Breaker/S.. B o u s h e r - M S Q ( O H L ) B o u s h e r - M S Q ( O H L ) 83.10 - 33.03 31.28 B o u s h e r - M S Q ( U G C ) - 83.03 30.14 24.40 B o u s h e r - M S Q ( U G C ) M I S 5 0 0 M V A x 2258.4 8 130.0 0 28.97 15 M I S 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 258.2 0 - 111.1 3 28.97 15 m s q 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m s q 0 . 2 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 msq33_load -B 39.70 13.05 M S Q T h i r d 1 2 5 M V A- 39.70 - 13.05 35.08 11 M S Q T h i r d 1 2 5 M V A 39.79 15.86 35.08 11 brk Te m33_load 53.50 17.58 b r k T h i r d 0 . 2 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b r k T h i r d 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 B a r k a t h i r d 1 2 5 M V A53.62 22.68 46.74 12 B a r k a t h i r d 1 2 5 M V A - 53.50 - 17.58 46.74 12 Airport cap1 - 0.00 - 15.11 3 Airport cap2 - 0.00 - 15.11 3 b r k 0 . 2 M V A - A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b r k 0 . 2 M V A - A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 brk ca p2(1) 0.00 - 20.21 4 brk33_load -A 96.90 72.67 M I S - K h a b o r a h 1 3 2 k V 99.22 45.85 19.73 M I S - K h a b o r a h 1 3 2 k V - 98.37 - 47.03 19.73 G~ gbr_ST5-6 50.40 37.14 76.82 g b r S T 5 - 6 T X - 50.18 - 32.39 83.47 3 g b r S T 5 - 6 T X 50.40 37.14 83.47 3 G~ gbr_GT 10-11 45.40 14.17 50.60 g b r G T 1 0 - 1 1 T X - 45.31 - 10.45 57.86 3 g b r G T 1 0 - 1 1 T X 45.40 14.17 57.86 3 g b r S T 4 T X - 31.84 - 9.29 51.40 3 g b r S T 4 T X 31.90 11.54 51.40 3 G~ gbr_ST4 31.90 11.54 52.19 Ghoubrah.. - 152.8 2 - 139.7 0 18.83 Ghoubrah.. 152.9 0 125.6 4 18.83 Breaker/S.. Breaker/S.. Ax New Sohar(1) 6.00 3.07 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - S e e b 1 3 2 k V ( O H L ) 139.6 1 57.91 74.77 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - S e e b 1 3 2 k V ( O H L ) - 138.8 6 - 56.54 74.77 I P P S o h a r - S I S 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) I P P S o h a r - S I S 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) - 420.8 6 - 17.09 31.74 wdk ca p2 0.00 - 19.77 4 wdk33_load 82.60 61.95 wdk ca p2(1) 0.00 - 19.77 4 w d k 0 . 2 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 w d k 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 w d k T h i r d 0 . 2 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 w d k T h i r d 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 wdk33_load (1) 55.90 18.37 W K T h i r d 1 2 5 M V A 56.03 23.92 50.35 9 W K T h i r d 1 2 5 M V A - 55.90 - 18.37 50.35 9 W a d i A l . .82.78 28.34 36.16 11 W a d i A l . . - 82.60 - 22.42 36.16 11 M u t t r a h . .47.43 18.03 20.89 11 M u t t r a h . . - 47.30 - 15.55 20.89 11 H a m r y a h - M u t t r a h ( U G C ) H a m r y a h - M u t t r a h ( U G C ) - 47.43 - 18.03 6.96 muttr33_load 47.30 15.55 m u t t r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m u t t r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 Q u r a m 1 . . 39.52 11.49 16.91 12 Q u r a m 1 . . - 39.40 - 9.59 16.91 12 M S Q - Q u r a m . . 60.57 32.38 12.12 M S Q - Q u r a m . . - 60.51 - 33.30 12.12 Q u r a m - H a m r y a h 1 3 2 k V - 2 0 . 9 8 - 2 2 . 5 1 5 . 4 1 Q u r a m - H a m r y a h 1 3 2 k V q r m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 q r m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Qurumca p1 - 0.00 - 9.98 2 Qurumca p2 - 0.00 - 9.98 2 qrm33_load 39.40 29.55 M I S - S I S . . - 44.18 20.35 5.50 M I S - S I S . . 44.28 - 58.05 5.50 b b a l i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b b a l i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 J B B A l i . . 131.4 1 57.56 60.22 9 J B B A l i . . - 131.1 0 - 43.09 60.22 9 bbali 33_load 131.1 0 43.09 A l k a m i l - M u d . . - 272.0 4 - 44.69 49.79 A l k a m i l - M u d . . 277.3 6 73.11 49.79 Alkamil-sur.. 163.9 8 - 24.59 28.70 Alkamil-sur.. - 161.4 7 31.25 28.70 a l k a m i l G T 1 - 3 T X - 254.8 1 - 167.7 0 95.74 11 a l k a m i l G T 1 - 3 T X 256.2 0 218.2 5 95.74 11 m s q 0 . 2 M V A - A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m s q 0 . 2 M V A - A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 MSQcap 2 0.00 - 20.11 4 MSQcap 1 0.00 - 20.11 4 msq33_load -A(1) 98.80 71.53 M S Q - A 1 2 5 . .- 98.80 - 31.31 43.66 7 M S Q - A 1 2 5 . . 99.02 39.60 43.66 7 B a r k a I P P - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) - 4 1 9 . 8 6 - 9 4 . 9 1 3 1 . 5 9 B a r k a I P P - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V ( O H L )B a r k a I P P - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) B a r k a I P P - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) 422.8 2 15.27 33.61 G h o u b r a h - M S Q 3 ( U G C ) G h o u b r a h - M S Q 3 ( U G C ) 36.01 12.41 5.02 G h o u b r a h - M S Q 3 ( O H L ) - 35.99 - 42.08 6.46 G h o u b r a h - M S Q 3 ( O H L ) A l W a s i t - B u r i m i 1 3 2 k V ( c a b l e ) A l W a s i t - B u r i m i 1 3 2 k V ( c a b l e ) - 116.6 6 - 43.21 17.52 q r y t 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 q r y t 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 qryt33_load 40.30 13.25 Q u r i a t . . 40.42 15.33 17.85 11 Q u r i a t . . - 40.30 - 13.25 17.85 11 maw33_load A 176.8 0 95.43 Mawalla h cap2 0.00 - 19.76 4 Mawalla h cap1 0.00 - 19.76 4 m a w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m a w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 M a w a l l a h - A . . - 176.8 0 - 55.90 77.65 10 M a w a l l a h - A . . 177.2 8 82.74 77.65 10 Sohar Refinery 0.00 MW - 0.00 .. 1.00 S o h a r R e f i n e r y - S I P - A 1 3 2 k V 0.00 - 8.95 1.22 S o h a r R e f i n e r y - S I P - A 1 3 2 k V - 0.00 - 0.00 1.22 S o h a r - W a . . 42.70 - 40.28 10.54 S o h a r - W a . . - 42.59 37.88 10.54 M u l a d a h - . . 41.30 14.69 7.80 M u l a d a h - . . - 41.28 - 15.99 7.80 alh cap(1) - 0.00 - 5.05 1 a l h 0 . 2 M V A ( 1 )0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l h 0 . 2 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l h 0 . 2 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a l h 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 alh33_load 26.10 16.18 alh cap - 0.00 - 5.05 1 A l H a y l 4 0 M V A x 226.19 7.53 36.24 7 A l H a y l 4 0 M V A x 2 - 26.10 - 6.08 36.24 7 Filaj-Bark.. 150.9 4 63.24 28.00 Filaj-Bark.. - 150.7 3 - 62.75 28.00 G~ brk GT1-2 206.4 0 126.0 9 76.06 G~ brk ST1 190.0 0 112.0 6 78.78 G~ brk ST1-2 Ph-2 278.2 0 146.6 5 77.51 G~ brk GT1-3 Ph-2 336.6 0 182.0 3 72.89 G~ rsl_GT7 82.80 31.04 58.95 r s l G T 7 T X - 82.62 - 23.31 64.31 3 r s l G T 7 T X82.80 31.04 64.31 3 r s l G T 8 T X - 81.78 - 28.04 71.58 3 r s l G T 8 T X 82.00 36.52 71.58 3 G~ rsl_GT8 82.00 36.52 76.72 G~ rsl_GT1-3 211.2 0 126.5 7 59.91 r s l G T 1 - 3 T X - 210.8 1 - 108.6 1 60.80 3 r s l G T 1 - 3 T X211.2 0 126.5 7 60.80 3 Ax Sur 4.00 2.05 nhkl 0.315 MVA 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 nhkl 0.315 MVA - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 brk ca p2 0.00 - 20.21 4 B a r k a - A . . 97.12 40.07 42.18 8 B a r k a - A . . - 96.90 - 32.25 42.18 8 B a r k a - M o b a l l a h 1 3 2 k V 0.00 0.00 0.00 B a r k a - M o b a l l a h 1 3 2 k V0.00 0.00 0.00 W a d i S a ' a - D a . . 0.00 0.00 0.00 W a d i S a ' a - D a . . 0.00 0.00 0.00 soh-A 33_load 156.9 0 84.69 soh c ap2 0.00 - 19.61 4 soh c ap2(1) 0.00 - 19.61 4 s o h - A 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s o h - A 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 n z w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 n z w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 nzw33_load 117.9 0 38.75 N i z w a 1 . . 118.1 7 50.92 53.06 9 N i z w a 1 . . - 117.9 0 - 38.75 53.06 9 M a n a h - N i . . - 189.9 9 - 134.4 3 40.99 M a n a h - N i . . 191.3 7 140.9 1 40.99 G~ mnh GT1-3 74.70 57.08 80.87 G~ mnh GT4-5 161.4 0 123.6 4 61.61 m n h G T 1 - 3 T X - 74.48 - 49.22 69.64 5 m n h G T 1 - 3 T X 74.70 57.08 69.64 5 m n h G T 4 - 5 T X - 160.9 2 - 103.9 2 66.44 12 m n h G T 4 - 5 T X 161.4 0 123.6 4 66.44 12 Nizwa-Ib.. - 97.74 32.67 19.08 Nizwa-Ib.. 99.55 - 36.54 19.08 N a h a d a - N i z . . 0.00 - 2.98 3.44 N a h a d a - N i z . . - 0.00 0.00 3.44 PDONetwork 0.00 MW - 0.00 .. 1.00 S o h a r I I T x G T 1 - 213.3 0 13.43 67.42 11 S o h a r I I T x G T 1213.8 0 10.54 67.42 11 G~ Sohar II GT1 213.8 0 10.54 66.69 G~ Sohar II GT2 213.8 0 26.98 67.13 G~ Sohar II ST1 215.9 0 27.81 64.02 S o h a r I I T x G T 2 - 213.3 1 - 2.74 67.87 11 S o h a r I I T x G T 2 213.8 0 26.98 67.87 11 S o h a r I I T x S T 1 - 215.4 0 - 5.29 61.70 11 S o h a r I I T x S T 1 215.9 0 27.81 61.70 11 G~ Barka III GT1 213.8 0 21.99 66.96 B a r k a I I I T x G T 1 - 213.3 0 2.14 67.69 15 B a r k a I I I T x G T 1 213.8 0 21.99 67.69 15 G~ Sur PS GT1-2 374.0 0 26.63 57.86 S u r P S G T 1 - 2 T x - 373.0 0 6.64 57.68 11 S u r P S G T 1 - 2 T x374.0 0 26.63 57.68 11 S u r P S - S u r 2 2 0 K V287.8 9 21.53 23.39 S u r P S - S u r 2 2 0 K V - 287.8 6 - 47.07 23.39 J a h l o o t - . . 81.11 - 30.22 4.49 J a h l o o t - . . - 8 0 . 9 2 - 3 2 . 5 7 4 . 4 9 S u r 5 0 0 M V A x 2287.8 6 47.07 29.27 15 S u r 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 287.4 4 - 20.32 29.27 15 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V 228.7 4 86.10 18.00 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V - 2 2 8 . 4 9 - 8 9 . 1 1 1 8 . 0 0 M i s f a h - M S Q 2 2 0 k V 3 7 4 . 6 2 1 1 6 . 1 9 2 9 . 0 0 M i s f a h - M S Q 2 2 0 k V - 373.5 8 - 112.8 8 29.00 R u s a i l - S u m a i . . - 41.09 - 91.91 17.43 R u s a i l - S u m a i . . 41.47 90.12 17.43 rsl33_load -A 51.65 16.98 R u s a i l 7 5 M V A x 2 ( 1 - 2 ) 51.82 20.83 36.82 12 R u s a i l 7 5 M V A x 2 ( 1 - 2 ) - 51.65 - 16.98 36.82 12 Airport Hei.. - 496.3 8 - 131.1 9 37.48 Airport Hei.. 498.6 7 146.4 1 37.48 b r k S T 1 T X - 189.6 8 - 89.47 78.78 17 b r k S T 1 T X190.0 0 112.0 6 78.78 17 b r k G T 1 - 2 T X - 206.0 1 - 102.1 8 76.06 18 b r k G T 1 - 2 T X206.4 0 126.0 9 76.06 18 Jahlo ot-Hamryah 220 - 2 1 5 . 5 5 - 5 9 . 9 0 1 6 . 8 5 Jahlo ot-Hamryah 220 2 1 6 . 0 3 5 3 . 0 7 1 6 . 8 5 R u s a i l - M . . - 222.8 8 - 101.3 1 32.39 R u s a i l - M . . 223.3 9 70.53 32.39 M i s f a h - W a d i A d a i 0.00 0.00 0.00 M i s f a h - W a d i A d a i 0.00 0.00 0.00 gbr33_load 56.20 18.47 G h u b r a h 1 2 5 M V A x 256.32 22.20 24.77 11 G h u b r a h 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 56.20 - 18.47 24.77 11 G h o u b r a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 G h o u b r a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Hamryah 500MVAx2 2 1 5 . 5 5 5 9 . 9 0 2 2 . 7 01 5 Hamryah 500MVAx2 - 2 1 5 . 1 9 - 4 1 . 3 0 2 2 . 7 0 1 5 R u s a i l 7 5 M V A x 2 ( 3 - 4 ) 51.82 21.01 36.86 12 R u s a i l 7 5 M V A x 2 ( 3 - 4 ) - 51.65 - 16.98 36.86 12 A z i b a 0 . 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 A z i b a 0 . 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Transport 20.00 6.57 a r p h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a r p h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 A z i b a . . 17.53 6.89 12.45 15 A z i b a . . - 17.40 - 5.72 12.45 15 azb33_load 17.40 5.72 A i r p o r t . . 90.00 32.59 38.16 13 A i r p o r t . . - 89.80 - 25.44 38.16 13 arph33_load 89.80 55.65 A i r p o r t H . . 17.53 - 31.37 4.75 A i r p o r t H . . - 17.53 - 6.89 4.75 A i r p o r t H e i g h . .267.6 4 45.09 26.66 15 A i r p o r t H e i g h . . - 267.3 7 - 27.13 26.66 15 Hamryah-Muttrah (OHL) - 4 7 . 4 4 - 3 . 9 4 8 . 3 7 Hamryah-Muttrah (OHL) 4 7 . 4 5 3 . 4 9 8 . 3 7 R u s a i l - M i s f . . 71.84 27.31 13.07 R u s a i l - M i s f . . - 71.76 - 28.26 13.07 M i s f a h 1 2 . .71.76 28.26 30.60 14 M i s f a h 1 2 . . - 71.60 - 23.53 30.60 14 m s f 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m s f 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 G~ rsl_GT4-6 217.5 0 145.3 6 82.46 r s l G T 4 - 6 T X - 217.1 2 - 127.8 4 63.19 3 r s l G T 4 - 6 T X217.5 0 145.3 6 63.19 3 b r k S T 1 - 3 P 2 T X - 278.2 0 - 109.5 6 78.62 17 b r k S T 1 - 3 P 2 T X278.2 0 146.6 5 78.62 17 b r k G T 1 - 3 P 2 T X - 335.9 8 - 139.5 9 73.95 18 b r k G T 1 - 3 P 2 T X336.6 0 182.0 3 73.95 18 G~ wdj GT5 25.70 17.42 89.32 G~ wdj GT4 25.70 20.86 95.22 w d j G T 5 T X - 25.56 - 14.18 84.31 9 w d j G T 5 T X 25.70 17.42 84.31 9 w d j G T 4 T X - 25.55 - 17.26 88.95 9 w d j G T 4 T X 25.70 20.86 88.95 9 G~ wdj GT11 26.40 19.12 86.93 G~ wdj GT8 25.10 22.50 89.89 G~ wdj GT12-13 56.20 38.33 73.54 G~ wdj GT9-10 52.80 46.50 90.78 w d j G T 1 2 - 1 3 T X - 55.95 - 32.94 75.58 9 w d j G T 1 2 - 1 3 T X 56.20 38.33 75.58 9 w d j G T 1 1 T X - 26.28 - 16.63 72.44 9 w d j G T 1 1 T X 26.40 19.12 72.44 9 w d j G T 9 - 1 0 T X - 52.52 - 40.21 84.21 7 w d j G T 9 - 1 0 T X 52.80 46.50 84.21 7 w d j G T 8 T X 25.10 22.50 81.91 9 w d j G T 8 T X - 24.96 - 19.53 81.91 9 dnk33_load 20.20 15.15 dnk c ap1 - 0.00 - 5.04 1 SIP132kVSSSRMload 63.00 20.71 SIP132kVAro matics lo ad 35.00 11.50 s i p A 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s i p A 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 sip33A_loa d 48.10 15.81 S I P - A . . 48.23 18.46 21.28 11 S I P - A . . - 48.10 - 15.81 21.28 11 SIP132kVVALEload 150.0 0 49.30 Boush er cap2 0.00 - 14.99 3 Boush er cap1 0.00 - 14.99 3 fila j-Blue Cit y 220kV(OHL) 305.9 4 67.28 22.64 fila j-Blue Cit y 220kV(OHL) M S Q - W a d i A d a i . . 126.7 1 63.79 24.89 M S Q - W a d i A d a i . . - 126.5 0 - 63.46 24.89 M i s f a h - J a h . . 2 7 3 . 7 2 6 7 . 8 3 2 1 . 0 8 M i s f a h - J a h . . - 2 7 2 . 5 6 - 7 3 . 8 9 2 1 . 0 8 Hamryah-WAdai 4 9 . 6 5 7 . 2 8 1 7 . 6 6Hamryah-WAdai - 49.62 - 7.57 17.66 Hamryah-WKabir 1 3 9 . 0 7 5 3 . 0 4 5 2 . 3 6Hamryah-WKabir - 138.8 1 - 52.27 52.36 w d a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 w d a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 wda ca p1(1) 0.00 - 15.07 3 wda33_load 99.00 61.35 wda ca p1 0.00 - 15.07 3 W a d i A d . . - 99.00 - 31.22 44.01 9 W a d i A d . . 99.22 39.69 44.01 9 D a n k - A l H a y l 1 3 2 k V 26.25 1.40 4.95 D a n k - A l H a y l 1 3 2 k V - 26.19 - 7.53 4.95 m a w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A B0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m a w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A B - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 maw-B33_load 45.50 14.96 M a w a l l a h - B 1 2 5 M V A - 45.50 - 14.96 39.08 14 M a w a l l a h - B 1 2 5 M V A 45.60 18.57 39.08 14 S I P - A 5 0 0 M V A x 2 296.5 4 114.4 5 31.79 15 S I P - A 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 296.2 3 - 91.02 31.79 15 Dsl Sohar 31.00 15.88 Ax Sohar 6.00 3.07 Moball ah cap2 0.00 - 20.28 4 Moball ah cap1 0.00 - 20.28 4 m o b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m o b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 mob33_load 99.60 72.11 M o b a l l a h . . 99.82 40.28 43.06 12 M o b a l l a h . . - 99.60 - 31.56 43.06 12 yitt 0.315 MVA 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 yitt 0.315 MVA - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 Yitti .. 1 0 . 2 0 4 . 1 5 4 . 4 91 3 Yitti .. - 1 0 . 1 0 - 3 . 3 2 4 . 4 9 1 3 y t t 3 3 _ l o a d 1 0 . 1 0 3 . 3 2 s a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 S a h a m 1 . . 88.20 36.04 40.36 8 S a h a m 1 . . - 88.00 - 28.92 40.36 8 sah33_load 88.00 28.92 Khaborah-Sa.. - 36.05 - 12.21 6.89 Khaborah-Sa.. 36.13 7.74 6.89 SIS-Saha.. - 124.3 2 - 43.78 23.71 SIS-Saha.. 125.0 3 44.60 23.71 N h k a l c a p 1 - 0 . 0 0 - 9 . 9 2 2 N h k a l c a p 2 - 0 . 0 0 - 9 . 9 2 2 N i z w a - B a h . . 89.18 36.85 34.39 N i z w a - B a h . . - 88.40 - 36.15 34.39 S I S - A l w a s i t . . 426.3 4 51.88 32.54 S I S - A l w a s i t . . - 422.9 8 - 33.36 32.54 Al Wa sit-Burimi 132kV 117.3 6 22.46 21.42 Al Wa sit-Burimi 132kV - 1 1 6 . 7 7 - 2 2 . 4 5 2 1 . 4 2 M S Q - J a h l o o t 1 3 2 k V 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 M S Q - J a h l o o t 1 3 2 k V 0.00 0.00 0.00 J a h l o o t c a p 2 0 . 0 0 - 2 0 . 2 0 4 J a h l o o t c a p 1 0 . 0 0 - 2 0 . 2 0 4 Al wasit-I.. - 262.9 3 - 17.94 20.57 Al wasit-I.. 265.8 8 5.18 20.57 Ax New Barka(1) 6.00 3.07 I P P S o h a r - S I S 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) 422.7 1 4.95 34.13 I P P S o h a r - S I S 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) f i l a j - B l u e C i t y 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) f i l a j - B l u e C i t y 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) - 305.0 6 - 124.1 1 25.69 S P S - S I S 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) S P S - S I S 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) - 376.6 3 - 79.89 29.01 S I S - S P S 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) 378.2 1 60.05 31.01 S I S - S P S 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) k h b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 k h b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b h l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b h l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a l w 0 . 1 6 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l w 0 . 1 6 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b u r i m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b u r i m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 bhl33_load 88.20 28.99 B o u s h e r - A 1 2 5 M V A x 2110.4 6 54.68 50.44 10 B o u s h e r - A 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 110.2 0 - 44.07 50.44 10 bsr33_load A(1) 110.2 0 74.05 Jahloo.. 8 6 . 3 9 3 1 . 1 2 3 7 . 4 11 2 Jahloo.. - 8 6 . 2 0 - 2 4 . 2 5 3 7 . 4 1 1 2 Jahlo ot 500M.. 1 3 7 . 4 6 5 3 . 3 9 1 4 . 8 31 5 Jahlo ot 500M.. - 1 3 7 . 1 3 - 4 1 . 5 3 1 4 . 8 3 1 5 B a h l a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 88.40 36.15 40.25 8 B a h l a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 88.20 - 28.99 40.25 8 M S Q 5 0 0 M V A x 2 373.5 8 112.8 8 39.03 15 M S Q 5 0 0 M V A x 2- 373.1 9 - 76.52 39.03 15 W a d i A l J a z z i . . 240.0 6 103.5 5 46.82 W a d i A l J a z z i . . - 237.4 9 - 90.06 46.82 W a d i A d a i . . - 76.87 - 31.55 14.63 W a d i A d a i . . 76.90 31.34 14.63 bur33_load 116.4 0 72.14 B u r e i m i 1 2 5 . . 116.6 6 43.21 52.84 7 B u r e i m i 1 2 5 . . - 116.4 0 - 31.79 52.84 7 Jahloot-Yit.. 1 0 . 2 0 0 . 9 5 1 . 2 3Jahloot-Yit.. - 1 0 . 2 0 - 4 . 1 5 1 . 2 3 Izki -Ni zwa 132kV - 80.09 - 19.17 14.62 Izki -Ni zwa 132kV 80.37 16.97 14.62 bur ca p2 0.00 - 20.18 4 bur ca p1 0.00 - 20.18 4 SIS-Soha.. 201.5 1 31.80 36.18 SIS-Soha.. - 200.0 0 - 25.34 36.18 Al Wasit-Wad.. 29.16 8.53 18.30 Al Wasit-Wad.. - 29.01 - 11.01 18.30 Garamco (132 liwa) 31.00 10.19 Dsl Ba rka phase 1 25.00 12.81 Dsl Ba rka ph2 31.20 15.98 M I S - b l u e c i t y 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) 215.1 4 88.75 20.21 M I S - b l u e c i t y 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) M I S - b l u e c i t y 1 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) M I S - b l u e c i t y 1 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) - 214.3 0 - 150.3 5 19.47 OMIFCO 0.00 MW - 0.00 .. 1.00 OMCO 0.00 MW - 0.00 .. 1.00 L i w a - S h i n . . 82.10 25.72 15.99 L i w a - S h i n . . - 81.89 - 26.67 15.99 a d m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a d m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b l u e 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b l u e 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s h n s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s h n s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 l i w a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 l i w a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m l d 0 . 2 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m l d 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 r t q 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 r t q 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l f 0 . 2 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l f 0 . 2 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b s r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b s r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 jah 0.315 MVA(2) 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 jah 0.315 MVA(2) - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 jah 0.315 MVA 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 jah 0.315 MVA - 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 m d r b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m d r b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l w 0 . 1 6 M V A ( 1 )0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a l w 0 . 1 6 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 d a n k 0 . 2 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 d a n k 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 w d s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 w d s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 S u r - A y j a . .60.21 20.28 11.24 S u r - A y j a . . - 60.04 - 23.38 11.24 M u d h a i r i b . . 123.3 9 53.13 56.80 8 M u d h a i r i b . . - 123.1 0 - 40.46 56.80 8 mdrb33_load 123.1 0 40.46 adm33_load 37.80 12.42 A d a m . . 37.94 14.98 51.49 11 A d a m . . - 37.80 - 12.42 51.49 11 A l F a l . . 76.87 31.55 34.26 7 A l F a l . . - 76.70 - 25.65 34.26 7 alf cap2(1) 0.00 - 14.94 3 alf33_load 76.70 55.53 R u s t a q 1 2 5 M V A x 395.01 37.77 28.48 10 R u s t a q 1 2 5 M V A x 3 - 94.80 - 31.16 28.48 10 rtq33_load 94.80 31.16 M u l a d a h . . 90.30 35.81 40.28 10 M u l a d a h . . - 90.10 - 28.42 40.28 10 mld33_load 90.10 58.20 mld ca p1(1) - 0.00 - 14.89 3 Nakhal 1.. 5 1 . 2 3 2 1 . 4 3 2 2 . 4 5 1 3 Nakhal 1.. - 5 1 . 1 0 - 1 8 . 4 8 2 2 . 4 5 1 3 blue33_load 89.70 29.48 B l u e C i t y 1 6 0 M V A x 2 - 89.70 - 29.48 29.66 16 B l u e C i t y 1 6 0 M V A x 2 89.92 35.36 29.66 16 M I S 1 2 5 . . 117.6 7 50.60 53.00 9 M I S 1 2 5 . . - 117.4 0 - 38.59 53.00 9 khb c ap1(1) 0.00 - 19.66 4 K h a b o r a . . 134.4 2 59.24 62.22 5 K h a b o r a . . - 134.1 0 - 43.78 62.22 5 liwa33_load 124.1 0 40.79 L i w a 1 2 5 . . 124.3 9 54.15 58.88 5 L i w a 1 2 5 . . - 124.1 0 - 40.79 58.88 5 S o h a r - A 1 2 5 M V A 157.3 0 65.62 71.62 7 S o h a r - A 1 2 5 M V A - 156.9 0 - 45.46 71.62 7 A l W a s i t 3 1 5 . . 157.1 0 44.40 26.75 15 A l W a s i t 3 1 5 . . - 156.9 5 - 37.24 26.75 15 W a d i S a ' a 6 . . 29.01 11.01 25.91 10 W a d i S a ' a 6 . . - 28.90 - 9.50 25.91 10 alw33_load 16.70 5.49 Manah-Ad.. 38.03 9.16 7.04 Manah-Ad.. - 37.94 - 14.98 7.04 Ax Manah 6.00 3.07 khb c ap1 0.00 - 19.66 4 shns cap2 0.00 - 15.02 3 shns cap1 0.00 - 15.02 3 alf cap2 0.00 - 14.94 3 mld ca p1 - 0.00 - 14.89 3 khb33_load A 134.1 0 83.11 wds33_load 28.90 9.50 F i l a j 5 0 0 M V A x 2 348.5 3 175.2 9 37.60 15 F i l a j 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 348.1 5 - 141.4 2 37.60 15 S I S 5 0 0 M V A x 2326.8 7 103.1 5 34.76 15 S I S 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 326.5 4 - 76.40 34.76 15 shns33_load 81.60 50.57 S h i n a s 6 3 M V A x 281.89 26.67 74.29 4 S h i n a s 6 3 M V A x 2 - 81.60 - 20.52 74.29 4 Ax Ba rka ph-2 6.00 3.07 Ax Barka 6.00 3.07 n h l 3 3 _ l o a d 5 1 . 1 0 3 8 . 3 2 j a h 3 3 _ l o a d 8 6 . 2 0 6 4 . 6 5 Muladah-.. 95.42 36.66 18.25 Muladah-.. - 95.01 - 37.77 18.25 D a n k 6 3 M V A x 220.30 5.94 17.78 9 D a n k 6 3 M V A x 2 - 20.20 - 5.07 17.78 9 A l W a s i t 3 0 M V A x 216.78 6.44 31.24 4 A l W a s i t 3 0 M V A x 2 - 16.70 - 5.49 31.24 4 Fila j-Nakhal 132kV 51.33 18.48 9.54 Fila j-Nakhal 132kV - 5 1 . 2 3 - 2 1 . 4 3 9 . 5 4 UAE 0.00 MW - 0.00 .. 1.00 Ax Alkamil 6.00 3.07 dnk c ap2 - 0.00 - 5.04 1 B a r k a P S - F i l a j . . 577.4 8 201.8 6 43.58 B a r k a P S - F i l a j . . - 576.5 7 - 194.4 9 43.58 B a r k a P S - F i l a j 1 . . - 576.5 7 - 194.4 9 43.58 B a r k a P S - F i l a j 1 . . 577.4 8 201.8 6 43.58 S P S - S I P - A 2 2 0 k V 346.5 8 105.6 9 29.64 S P S - S I P - A 2 2 0 k V - 346.5 4 - 130.8 8 29.64 SIP 220kVSh adeed lo ad 50.00 16.43 Ax_wdj 7.00 3.59 Wadi Al .. 6.35 - 4.26 2.23 Wadi Al .. - 6.35 - 0.19 2.23 Al was it-UAE220 kV 0.00 - 16.22 1.24 Al was it-UAE220 kV - 0.00 0.00 1.24 G~ alk GT1-3 256.2 0 218.2 5 92.52 D I g S I L E N T Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 151 Figure C.3 OETC Transmission System 2014 Max. Load Flow Condition V o l t a g e L e v e l s 4 0 0 . k V 2 2 0 . k V 1 3 2 . k V 3 3 . k V 2 2 . k V 2 0 . k V 1 9 . k V 1 7 . k V 1 5 . 7 5 k V 1 5 . k V 1 4 . k V 1 3 . 8 k V 1 1 . 5 k V 1 1 . k V 0 . 4 1 5 k V OETC Planning Dpt. PowerFactory 14.0.523 2014 Peak Load in OETC Network Summer Peak Load Studied areas: Majan, Mazoon and Muscat (Master Model) Project: 2014 Graphic: Expanded Grid Date: 3/11/2012 Annex: OETC Nodes Branches External Grid Figure C.3 OETC Transmission System 2014 Max. load Flow Condition Sohar II PS Rusail PS OCC Al Khadra Sohar Refinery Blue City Sur PS Sohar Aluminum PS Sohar I PS OMIFCO Ibri Seeb Main Mhdhabi MSQ New Moballah Sur New Al Kamil Aijah Sohar Mudarib Muladha Musanna Interconnection SS (MIS) Sohar Interconnection SS (SIS) Sohar Ind Port-A (SIP-A) Oman - UAE 220kV Interconnection Shinas Madinata Barka Wadi Jizzi PS Ghubrah PS Izki Quriat Wadi Al Kabir AlFalaj Muttrah Qurum Liwa Al Kamil BB Ali Barka Main AES Barka PS Madinata Nizwa Manah PS PDO Al Hamryah Ghala Air Port High Azaiba Coast Al-Misfah Al Khabourah Al Kamil PS SMN Barka PS Barka III PS Wadi Adai Mobalah Yitti Saham Bahla Bousher AlMawalih New Buraimi Al Buraimi Amerat Jahloot Al Hail Nizwa Al Wasit ( Mhadah) OMCO Wadi Sa'a Dank Rustaq Nakhal Sumail Filaj Adam 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 120.2 9 Barka Third 33kV 33.07 1.00 - 150.2 9 Misfah.. 33.00 1.00 - 142.8 6 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 123.1 4 khadra 33kV 32.94 1.00 - 153.1 4 khadra 132kV 128.0 6 0.97 - 0.63 Khaborah 132kV 127.4 5 0.97 - 1.26 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 114.3 0 Quriat .. 32.80 0.99 - 144.3 0 Quriat 1.. 127.6 5 0.97 7.52 Sur PS 220kV 221.5 6 1.01 25.55 Sur PS 400kV 409.1 9 1.02 21.59 Soh Al 220kV 238.0 3 1.08 29.99 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 112.4 3 Mudhaib.. 32.77 0.99 - 142.4 3 Mudhaibi 33kV(63MVA) 32.71 0.99 - 142.6 9 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 112.6 9 Mudhaibi.. 128.9 1 0.98 10.08 Mudhairb.. 130.4 8 0.99 12.78 Ibri 33kV(63MVA) 32.95 1.00 28.62 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 1.38 Ibri 13.. 127.6 4 0.97 - 0.22 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 124.3 4 Ibri .. 32.89 1.00 - 154.3 4 Seeb 33kV (63MVA) 33.07 1.00 - 152.0 2 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 121.4 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 122.0 2 Seeb 3.. 32.95 1.00 - 151.4 0 Barka IPP220 229.0 8 1.04 13.20 Izki 400kV 414.3 8 1.04 18.15 Izki 220kV 222.5 8 1.01 14.39 New Kamil 132kV 132.1 5 1.00 18.72 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 104.8 8 New alkamil 33kV 32.90 1.00 - 134.8 8 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 102.9 2 Ayjah 33.. 32.94 1.00 - 132.9 2 Ayjah 132.. 130.2 0 0.99 20.33 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 100.7 0 Sur 33.. 32.81 0.99 - 130.7 0 Sumail .. 32.80 0.99 - 143.5 2 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 113.5 2 Sumail 33kV(63MVA) 33.03 1.00 - 144.0 9 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 114.0 9 Sumail 1.. 132.2 4 1.00 9.28 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.04 - 117.6 2 Bahla .. 32.93 1.00 - 147.6 2 Bahla 1.. 125.8 7 0.95 5.76 Liwa 132kV 124.7 7 0.95 - 4.71 Liwa 33kV 32.68 0.99 - 158.8 3 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 128.8 3 MIS132kV 129.6 2 0.98 0.74 Muladah.. 128.9 5 0.98 0.33 MIS33k.. 32.85 1.00 - 153.0 6 Al Wasit 220kV 219.1 7 1.00 1.65 alw220 (1) 219.4 7 1.00 1.65 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 129.0 5 Shinas3.. 32.71 0.99 - 159.0 5 Shinas13.. 123.6 7 0.94 - 5.55 Barka-A.. 32.98 1.00 - 149.7 9 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 119.7 9 Barka 1.. 131.9 3 1.00 2.61 Madinata Barka132kV 131.2 1 0.99 2.26 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 121.1 3 Madinata Barka 33kV 33.14 1.00 - 151.1 3 Old Ghoubrah132 128.6 4 0.97 2.89 Mawallah 132 kV-B 132.3 9 1.00 2.31 Mawallah-A132kV 134.7 4 1.02 10.27 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.04 - 112.9 3 Izki 3.. 32.71 0.99 - 142.9 3 Izki 13.. 130.7 4 0.99 10.24 Amerat 33k.. 32.99 1.00 - 144.1 2 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 114.1 2 Sur 220.. 221.4 8 1.01 25.39 J a h l o o t P S 4 0 0 k V 4 0 3 . 5 7 1 . 0 1 1 6 . 7 1 J a h l o o t . . 2 1 9 . 3 5 1 . 0 0 1 1 . 4 3 Sur 132.. 131.6 7 1.00 21.44 Wadi Al .. 127.6 3 0.97 2.93 Al Fal.. 127.8 0 0.97 2.96 Wadi A.. 33.05 1.00 - 150.3 1 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 59.69 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 58.25 WK Third 33kV 32.75 0.99 - 151.7 5 Muttrah13.. 127.8 3 0.97 2.99 Muttrah .. 33.03 1.00 - 148.8 9 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 118.8 9 Quram13.. 128.1 8 0.97 3.12 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 118.5 1 Quram3.. 33.24 1.01 - 148.5 1 SIS220.. 222.5 3 1.01 4.86 JBB Ali 1.. 132.6 0 1.00 15.31 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 107.9 2 JBB Ali .. 32.80 0.99 - 137.9 2 alkamil 132.. 135.0 6 1.02 17.20 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 119.9 6 MSQ-A33k.. 33.17 1.01 - 149.9 6 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 122.2 6 MSQ-B33k.. 33.18 1.01 - 152.2 6 Seeb132k.. 131.9 7 1.00 2.11 Mawallah-.. 32.98 1.00 - 143.1 5 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 113.1 5 Sohar Refinery 132kV 131.6 3 1.00 2.88 SIP-A132.. 131.6 2 1.00 2.88 Sohar-B 33kV 32.89 1.00 24.28 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 54.28 Sohar 1.. 127.8 1 0.97 - 1.69 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 4.47 Al Hay.. 32.82 0.99 25.53 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 4.47 0 . 4 1 5 b u s b a r . . 0 . 4 1 1 . 0 0 - 1 1 9 . 7 6 Filaj 132.. 132.3 7 1.00 3.16 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 125.4 9 Sohar-A 33kV 32.94 1.00 - 155.4 9 Nizwa 3.. 32.84 1.00 - 145.8 7 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.04 - 115.8 7 Nizwa 1.. 128.4 4 0.97 7.46 Manah13.. 129.7 9 0.98 8.92 Nahda132k.. 128.7 7 0.98 7.39 Madinata Nizwa132kV 128.0 8 0.97 7.18 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.04 - 115.2 4 Madinata Nizwa 33kV 32.95 1.00 - 145.2 4 Sohar IPP 220.. 225.9 7 1.03 7.37 Airport.. 32.96 1.00 - 151.2 5 M i s f a h 2 2 0 k . . 2 2 2 . 8 5 1 . 0 1 8 . 9 4 Rusail .. 135.0 6 1.02 10.42 Rusail 33kV-A 33.27 1.01 - 141.7 1 Airport .. 223.9 5 1.02 8.14 New Moballah 132 131.8 5 1.00 2.07 Mobalah.. 131.8 3 1.00 2.10 Misfah 132.. 134.6 3 1.02 10.10 Ghubrah 33kV 32.84 1.00 - 150.6 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 120.6 0 New Gh-A132kV 128.6 4 0.97 2.89 H a m r y a h 2 2 0 k V 2 1 6 . 6 1 0 . 9 8 8 . 7 9 Rusail 33kV-B 33.27 1.01 - 141.7 1 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 0.25 Ghala 132k.. 132.7 0 1.01 2.52 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.04 - 120.0 7 Ghala 33k.. 32.96 1.00 - 150.0 7 Aziba .. 11.02 1.00 - 29.75 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 121.2 5 Aziba 13.. 132.7 7 1.01 2.52 Airport .. 132.7 6 1.01 2.55 H a m r y a h 1 3 2 k V 1 2 8 . 0 7 0 . 9 7 3 . 2 8 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 112.8 6 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 119.1 5 SIP-A3.. 33.01 1.00 - 149.1 5 SIP-A22.. 224.4 6 1.02 6.60 MSQ132.. 128.5 8 0.97 3.02 Bousher B 33kV 32.90 1.00 - 151.1 7 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.04 - 121.1 7 Bousher A 33kV 32.92 1.00 - 150.9 2 MIS220.. 222.1 3 1.01 4.27 Filaj 220.. 228.6 3 1.04 9.00 Barka PS.. 230.3 1 1.05 9.82 Wadi Ad.. 32.69 0.99 - 150.4 8 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 120.4 8 Al Hayl.. 126.3 2 0.96 - 2.22 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 113.2 6 Mawallah-.. 33.26 1.01 - 143.2 6 Wadi Ad.. 127.9 3 0.97 2.99 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 58.47 New Moballah 33 32.87 1.00 28.47 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 120.8 3 Mobalah.. 33.29 1.01 - 150.8 3 J a h l o o t . . 1 2 8 . 7 7 0 . 9 8 8 . 5 3 Y i t t i . . 3 2 . 9 4 1 . 0 0 - 1 4 4 . 6 7 0 . 4 1 5 b u s b a r . . 0 . 4 1 1 . 0 0 - 1 1 4 . 6 7 Y i t t i 1 . . 1 2 7 . 9 1 0 . 9 7 7 . 7 1 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 124.4 3 Saham33kV 32.88 1.00 - 154.4 3 Saham 132kV 128.1 5 0.97 - 0.72 N a k h l a . . 3 3 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 - 1 4 9 . 7 6 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 124.5 3 Newbureimi.. 32.69 0.99 - 154.5 3 Newbureimi.. 127.8 8 0.97 - 3.04 Amerat 132k.. 128.1 4 0.97 8.02 MSQ220.. 220.0 5 1.00 7.42 Ibri 22.. 215.5 1 0.98 0.40 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 124.4 3 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 123.0 6 J a h l o o . . 3 2 . 7 7 0 . 9 9 - 1 4 3 . 9 4 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 56.81 0.415 busbar 0.41 0.99 - 126.9 3 Rustaq.. 33.08 1.00 - 153.6 0 Bureim.. 32.72 0.99 - 156.9 3 Bureimi.. 127.6 5 0.97 - 3.22 sps 220.. 224.7 3 1.02 6.78 SIS132.. 130.2 5 0.99 0.91 Bousher.. 128.5 6 0.97 2.87 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 114.6 2 Adam33.. 32.71 0.99 - 144.6 2 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 116.4 5 blue ci.. 32.98 1.00 - 146.4 5 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 123.7 3 Mulada.. 32.96 1.00 - 153.7 3 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 123.6 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 120.5 5 Al Fa.. 32.93 1.00 - 150.5 5 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.04 - 120.9 2 0 . 4 1 5 b u s b a r . . 0 . 4 1 0 . 9 9 - 1 1 3 . 9 4 0 . 4 1 5 b u s b a r . . 0 . 4 1 0 . 9 9 - 1 1 3 . 9 4 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 111.2 0 Mudhairb.. 32.82 0.99 - 141.2 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 56.81 Al Was.. 33.04 1.00 26.81 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 177.1 0 Dank33.. 32.93 1.00 - 152.9 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 123.8 9 Wadi S.. 32.75 0.99 - 153.8 9 Adam132.. 129.0 0 0.98 8.19 blue cit.. 226.8 0 1.03 6.59 Khaborah 33kV 32.89 1.00 - 154.4 3 Wadi Al.. 128.6 6 0.97 - 1.84 Wadi Sa.. 128.5 1 0.97 - 1.73 Dank132.. 126.8 6 0.96 - 1.52 Al Wasi.. 129.6 4 0.98 - 1.11 N a k h l a . . 1 3 1 . 6 3 1 . 0 0 2 . 5 3 Rustaq .. 127.2 0 0.96 - 1.03 brk Te m33_load 37.20 12.23 b r k T h i r d 0 . 2 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b r k T h i r d 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 B a r k a t h i r d 1 2 5 M V A37.28 15.02 32.17 13 B a r k a t h i r d 1 2 5 M V A - 37.20 - 12.23 32.17 13 OCC 0.00 MW 0.00 Mvar 1.00 msf33_load 75.80 24.91 k h a b o r a h - k h a d r a 1 3 2 k V 49.20 11.95 9.08 k h a b o r a h - k h a d r a 1 3 2 k V - 49.11 - 14.82 9.08 k h a d r a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 k h a d r a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 khadra 33_load 61.80 20.31 k h a d r a 1 2 5 M V A x 261.96 24.66 27.49 10 k h a d r a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 61.80 - 20.31 27.49 10 k h a d r a - M I S 1 3 2 k V - 111.1 6 - 36.60 20.61 k h a d r a - M I S 1 3 2 k V 111.6 4 36.19 20.61 Khaborah-Sa.. - 28.76 - 13.92 5.65 Khaborah-Sa.. 28.81 9.05 5.65 ROGhubrah 25.00 8.22 Muscat Steel 45.00 14.79 Ax Rusail 7.00 3.59 G~ Sur PS ST1-2 463.4 8 - 19.92 54.51 G~ Sur PS ST3 114.8 0 - 6.12 54.23 G~ Sur PS GT1-5 894.5 0 - 40.09 55.27 S u r P S S T 1 - 2 T x - 462.4 7 60.22 55.89 11 S u r P S S T 1 - 2 T x463.4 8 - 19.92 55.89 11 S u r P S S T 3 T x - 114.8 0 15.02 55.27 11 S u r P S S T 3 T x114.8 0 - 6.12 55.27 11 S u r P S G T 1 - 5 T x - 891.9 9 116.8 0 55.10 11 S u r P S G T 1 - 5 T x894.5 0 - 40.09 55.10 11 qryt33_load 43.20 14.20 q r y t 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 q r y t 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Q u r i a t . .43.32 16.49 19.28 11 Q u r i a t . . - 43.20 - 14.20 19.28 11 Jahloot-Quri.. - 43.32 - 16.49 8.19 Jahloot-Quri.. 4 3 . 4 6 1 0 . 8 4 8 . 1 9 Sur PS-Izki 400 kV 313.7 4 - 301.0 4 11.98 Sur PS-Izki 400 kV - 311.8 8 - 121.7 0 11.98 Sur 750MVA(400/2 20 kV) 1160. 44 - 214.3 4 31.30 1 5 Sur 750MVA(400/2 20 kV) - 1160. 07 310.2 5 31.30 1 5 J a h l o o t - S u r 4 0 0 k V - 8 4 0 . 3 7 - 1 4 1 . 5 3 2 3 . 8 1 J a h l o o t - S u r 4 0 0 k V 846.3 2 - 9.21 23.81 G~ Sohar Alu (ST1-2) 0.00 18.18 3.03 G~ Sohar Alu (GT1-3) 0.60 - 19.11 2.83 S T 1 - 2 T X- 0.00 18.18 3.13 10 S T 1 - 2 T X 0.27 - 16.98 3.13 10 G T 1 - 3 T X 0.60 - 19.11 3.16 10 G T 1 - 3 T X - 0.27 20.45 3.16 10 Smelter Load 0.00 0.00 Ax Sohar Aluminium 0.00 0.00 S o h A l - S P S 0.00 - 3.47 0.70 S o h A l - S P S - 0.00 0.00 0.70 G~ sps ST1 161.1 0 49.49 61.28 s p s S T 1 T X 161.1 0 49.49 61.15 11 s p s S T 1 T X - 160.8 7 - 33.04 61.15 11 G~ sps GT1-3 304.5 0 96.36 59.48 s p s G T 1 - 3 T X304.5 0 96.36 56.78 11 s p s G T 1 - 3 T X - 304.1 3 - 69.89 56.78 11 m u d b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m u d b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 mudb33_load 63.00 20.71 M u d h a i b i 1 2 5 M . .63.14 25.10 27.83 12 M u d h a i b i 1 2 5 M . . - 63.00 - 20.71 27.83 12 m u d b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 )0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m u d b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 mudb33_load (63MVA) 40.30 13.25 M u d h a i b i 6 3 M V A x 240.44 15.84 35.30 12 M u d h a i b i 6 3 M V A x 2 - 40.30 - 13.25 35.30 12 M u d h a r i b - M . . 95.06 7.86 16.63 M u d h a r i b - M . . - 94.36 - 11.34 16.63 ibr33_load (63MVA) 21.60 10.46 ibr ca p2(3) - 0.00 - 4.98 1 ibr ca p2(2) 0.00 0.00 0 i b r 0 . 2 M V A ( 1 )0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 i b r 0 . 2 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 I b r i 6 3 M V A x 2 21.70 6.32 18.55 10 I b r i 6 3 M V A x 2 - 21.60 - 5.48 18.55 10 i b r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 i b r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 ibr ca p2(1) - 0.00 - 4.97 1 ibr ca p2 - 0.00 - 4.97 1 ibr33_load 99.20 32.61 I b r i 1 2 5 M V A x 2 99.41 31.11 43.33 10 I b r i 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 99.20 - 22.67 43.33 10 seb33_load (63MVA) 55.20 18.14 s e b 0 . 1 5 M V A - 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s e b 0 . 1 5 M V A - 2 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 S e e b 6 3 M V A x 2 55.38 23.06 48.52 16 S e e b 6 3 M V A x 2 - 55.20 - 18.14 48.52 16 S e e b 1 2 5 M V A x 2 90.40 36.72 39.04 13 S e e b 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 90.20 - 29.65 39.04 13 s e b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s e b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 seb33_load 90.20 29.65 G~ Barka III GT2 180.1 0 26.48 56.71 B a r k a I I I T x G T 2 - 179.6 1 - 8.77 57.33 15 B a r k a I I I T x G T 2180.1 0 26.48 57.33 15 B a r k a I I I T x S T 1 - 182.5 1 - 11.26 52.47 15 B a r k a I I I T x S T 1183.0 0 28.00 52.47 15 G~ Barka III ST1 183.0 0 28.00 54.45 G~ Barka III GT1 180.1 0 15.65 56.32 B a r k a I I I T x G T 1 - 179.6 0 1.85 56.94 15 B a r k a I I I T x G T 1 180.1 0 15.65 56.94 15 I z k i 5 0 0 M V A T x ( 4 0 0 / 2 2 0 k V ) - 311.7 2 - 95.57 32.32 15 I z k i 5 0 0 M V A T x ( 4 0 0 / 2 2 0 k V ) 311.8 8 121.7 0 32.32 15 I z k i 5 0 0 M V A T x ( 2 2 0 / 1 3 2 k V ) - 311.2 7 - 64.49 32.27 15 I z k i 5 0 0 M V A T x ( 2 2 0 / 1 3 2 k V ) 311.7 2 95.57 32.27 15 Sur-New k amil 132kV - 161.1 7 39.02 28.49 Sur-New k amil 132kV 162.3 6 - 36.04 28.49 A l k a m i l - N e w K a m i l 1 3 2 k V - 68.41 74.68 17.66 A l k a m i l - N e w K a m i l 1 3 2 k V 68.93 - 77.16 17.66 N e w a l k a m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 N e w a l k a m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 N e w a l k a m i l 1 2 5 M V A92.23 38.15 39.93 13 N e w a l k a m i l 1 2 5 M V A - 92.00 - 30.24 39.93 13 New alk amil33_load 92.00 30.24 A y j a h 1 2 5 . .80.68 32.47 35.27 14 A y j a h 1 2 5 . . - 80.60 - 26.49 35.27 14 A y j a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 A y j a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Ayjah Load 80.60 26.49 S u r - A y j a . .80.97 30.15 15.06 S u r - A y j a . . - 80.68 - 32.47 15.06 s u r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s u r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 sur33_load 52.90 17.39 S u r 1 2 . .53.03 20.38 22.78 15 S u r 1 2 . . - 52.90 - 17.39 22.78 15 K a m i l - J B B A l i 1 3 2 k V - 80.48 - 32.31 14.75 K a m i l - J B B A l i 1 3 2 k V 80.97 27.68 14.75 s u m l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s u m l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 suml33_load 68.60 22.55 S u m a i l 1 2 5 M V . .68.77 27.63 29.59 13 S u m a i l 1 2 5 M V . . - 68.60 - 22.55 29.59 13 s u m l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 )0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s u m l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 suml33_load (63MVA) 52.00 17.09 S u m a i l 6 3 M V A x 252.17 20.96 44.54 13 S u m a i l 6 3 M V A x 2 - 52.00 - 17.09 44.54 13 I P P S o h a r - S I S 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) I P P S o h a r - S I S 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) - 354.8 0 - 94.16 26.96 b h l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b h l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 bhl33_load 82.80 27.22 B a h l a 1 2 5 M V A x 282.99 33.55 37.55 8 B a h l a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 82.80 - 27.22 37.55 8 N i z w a - B a h . . 83.67 33.75 32.08 N i z w a - B a h . . - 82.99 - 33.55 32.08 Ax New Sohar(1) 6.00 3.07 l i w a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 l i w a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 Garamco (132 liwa) 31.00 10.19 liwa33_load 99.00 32.54 L i w a 1 2 5 . . 99.22 41.47 45.76 8 L i w a 1 2 5 . . - 99.00 - 32.54 45.76 8 A i r p o r t H e i g h . .418.2 6 69.65 41.65 15 A i r p o r t H e i g h . . - 417.8 4 - 27.28 41.65 15 M u l a d a h - . . 82.09 41.21 16.10 M u l a d a h - . . - 81.97 - 41.91 16.10 Jahlo ot 500MVA(400/2 20 kV) 8 4 0 . 3 7 1 4 1 . 5 3 4 2 . 2 3 1 5 Jahlo ot 500MVA(400/2 20 kV) - 8 3 9 . 8 3 - 5 6 . 8 2 4 2 . 2 3 1 5 W a d i A l J a z z i . . 218.4 6 96.73 42.13 W a d i A l J a z z i . . - 216.3 8 - 86.61 42.13 Al was it-UAE220 kV 0.00 - 17.15 1.28 Al was it-UAE220 kV - 0.00 - 0.00 1.28 SIS-Alwasit.. 261.8 9 44.24 19.85 SIS-Alwasit.. - 260.6 6 - 53.48 19.85 UAE 0.00 MW 0.00 Mvar 1.00 shns cap2 - 0.00 - 9.82 2 shns cap1 0.00 - 14.73 3 shns33_load 85.70 53.11 S h i n a s 1 2 5 M V A x 285.92 35.82 39.74 8 S h i n a s 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 85.70 - 28.56 39.74 8 L i w a - S h i n . . 86.16 34.95 16.98 L i w a - S h i n . . - 85.92 - 35.82 16.98 s h n s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s h n s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 Airport cap1 0.00 - 14.96 3 Airport cap2 0.00 - 14.96 3 b r k 0 . 2 M V A - A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b r k 0 . 2 M V A - A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 brk ca p2(1) 0.00 - 14.98 3 brk33_load -A 62.80 47.10 M a d i n a t a B a r k a 0 . 2 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 M a d i n a t a B a r k a 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 Madina ta Barka33_load 88.00 28.92 M a d i n a t a B a r k a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 88.20 36.16 38.37 8 M a d i n a t a B a r k a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 88.00 - 28.92 38.37 8 M a d i n a t a B a r k a - M u l a d a h 1 3 2 k V - 116.6 1 - 39.44 21.53 M a d i n a t a B a r k a - M u l a d a h 1 3 2 k V 117.3 1 39.16 21.53 G~ wdj GT4 21.80 20.86 86.79 w d j G T 4 T X - 21.67 - 17.92 79.88 9 w d j G T 4 T X 21.80 20.86 79.88 9 O l d G h - N e w - 9.61 - 19.07 2.92 O l d G h - N e w 9.61 18.66 2.92 Dsl Gho 28.00 14.34 Ax Gho 5.00 2.56 g b r G T 1 2 - 1 3 - 129.3 4 - 128.2 4 61.33 3 g b r G T 1 2 - 1 3 129.6 0 143.4 0 61.33 3 G~ gbr_GT 12-13 129.6 0 143.4 0 80.87 G~ gbr_ST5-6 42.80 39.70 71.63 g b r S T 5 - 6 T X - 42.61 - 35.57 77.84 3 g b r S T 5 - 6 T X 42.80 39.70 77.84 3 Ax New Barka(1) 6.00 3.07 S I S - S P S 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) 260.2 3 25.87 20.81 S I S - S P S 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) Breaker/S.. Breaker/S.. M a w a l l a h B - S e e b 211.4 1 42.30 29.89 M a w a l l a h B - S e e b - 210.9 4 - 75.63 29.89 Jahlo ot 500M.. 2 1 1 . 5 2 9 0 . 0 1 2 3 . 0 91 5 Jahlo ot 500M.. - 2 1 1 . 1 5 - 7 0 . 9 6 2 3 . 0 9 1 5 I z k i - M u d h . . 9.27 21.66 5.43 I z k i - M u d h . . - 9.21 - 29.61 5.43 i z k 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 i z k 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 izk33_load 79.50 26.13 I z k i 1 2 5 M V A x 279.67 32.41 34.74 13 I z k i 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 79.50 - 26.13 34.74 13 S u m a i l - I z . . S u m a i l - I z . . 29.76 - 31.24 7.44 A m e r a t 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 A m e r a t 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Amerat 33_load 50.00 16.43 A m e r a t 1 2 5 M V A x 2 50.14 19.83 22.25 11 A m e r a t 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 50.00 - 16.43 22.25 11 S u r P S - S u r 2 2 0 K V296.8 2 16.15 23.82 S u r P S - S u r 2 2 0 K V - 296.7 9 - 42.13 23.82 Ax Sur 12.00 6.15 OMIFCO 0.00 MW 0.00 Mvar 1.00 Jahlo ot-Hamryah 220 - 3 9 4 . 1 1 - 7 1 . 1 6 3 0 . 2 2 Jahlo ot-Hamryah 220 3 9 5 . 6 4 7 7 . 5 5 3 0 . 2 2 M i s f a h - J a h . . - 2 3 1 . 7 3 1 0 2 . 0 0 1 9 . 2 0 M i s f a h - J a h . . 2 3 2 . 6 7 - 1 1 0 . 7 4 1 9 . 2 0 S u r 5 0 0 M V A x 2296.7 9 42.13 29.82 15 S u r 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 296.3 6 - 14.49 29.82 15 M u t t r a h - F a l a j - 52.70 5.90 14.80 M u t t r a h - F a l a j 52.72 - 10.48 14.80 wdk ca p2 0.00 - 15.04 3 wdk33_load 83.80 62.85 wdk ca p2(1) - 0.00 - 20.05 4 w d k 0 . 2 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 w d k 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 M u t t r a h - W a d i K a b i r - 19.94 - 21.29 10.31 M u t t r a h - W a d i K a b i r 19.94 21.10 10.31 w d k T h i r d 0 . 2 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 w d k T h i r d 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 wdk33_load (1) 56.70 18.64 W K T h i r d 1 2 5 M V A 56.83 24.35 51.15 9 W K T h i r d 1 2 5 M V A - 56.70 - 18.64 51.15 9 W a d i A l . .83.99 33.95 37.47 10 W a d i A l . . - 83.80 - 27.75 37.47 10 M u t t r a h . .48.13 18.32 21.27 11 M u t t r a h . . - 48.00 - 15.78 21.27 11 H a m r y a h - M u t t r a h ( U G C ) H a m r y a h - M u t t r a h ( U G C ) - 120.8 0 - 28.94 17.10 muttr33_load 48.00 15.78 m u t t r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m u t t r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 Q u r a m 1 . . 41.92 13.11 18.09 11 Q u r a m 1 . . - 41.80 - 11.06 18.09 11 M S Q - Q u r a m . . - 14.28 37.80 7.30 M S Q - Q u r a m . . 14.30 - 38.97 7.30 Q u r a m - H a m r y a h 1 3 2 k V 5 6 . 2 5 - 2 6 . 4 1 1 0 . 9 4 Q u r a m - H a m r y a h 1 3 2 k V q r m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 q r m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 Qurumca p1 0.00 - 10.14 2 Qurumca p2 0.00 - 10.14 2 qrm33_load 41.80 31.35 M I S - S I S . . - 29.78 - 22.81 2.76 M I S - S I S . . 29.81 - 17.29 2.76 b b a l i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b b a l i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 J B B A l i . . 80.48 32.31 34.53 15 J B B A l i . . - 80.30 - 26.39 34.53 15 bbali 33_load 80.30 26.39 A l k a m i l - M u d . . - 194.9 8 - 49.33 34.76 A l k a m i l - M u d . . 197.5 6 59.16 34.76 a l k a m i l G T 1 - 3 T X - 216.1 3 - 164.5 9 82.50 11 a l k a m i l G T 1 - 3 T X 217.2 0 202.5 9 82.50 11 m s q 0 . 2 M V A - A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m s q 0 . 2 M V A - A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 MSQcap 2 0.00 - 15.15 3 MSQcap 1 0.00 - 15.15 3 msq33_load -A(1) 76.70 55.53 M S Q - A 1 2 5 . .- 76.70 - 25.22 33.96 7 M S Q - A 1 2 5 . . 76.87 30.53 33.96 7 m s q 0 . 2 M V A- 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m s q 0 . 2 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 msq33_load -B 69.70 22.91 M S Q T h i r d 1 2 5 M V A - 69.70 - 22.91 62.68 9 M S Q T h i r d 1 2 5 M V A 69.87 30.73 62.68 9 B o u s h e r - M S Q ( U G C ) - 66.35 8.29 18.43 B o u s h e r - M S Q ( U G C ) B o u s h e r - M S Q ( O H L ) B o u s h e r - M S Q ( O H L ) 66.39 - 11.27 23.62 B a r k a I P P - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) - 3 5 3 . 9 4 - 1 0 7 . 6 3 2 7 . 1 4 B a r k a I P P - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) B a r k a I P P - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) B a r k a I P P - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) 356.1 1 16.95 28.70 G h o u b r a h - M S Q 3 ( U G C ) G h o u b r a h - M S Q 3 ( U G C ) - 105.2 8 33.65 11.18 G h o u b r a h - M S Q ( O H L ) 105.3 5 - 62.93 14.35 G h o u b r a h - M S Q ( O H L ) New Burimi -Burimi (OHL) 89.39 16.15 16.03 New Burimi -Burimi (OHL) N e w B u r i m i - B u r i m i ( U G C ) N e w B u r i m i - B u r i m i ( U G C ) - 89.30 - 38.07 13.39 maw33_load A 81.80 44.15 Mawalla h cap2 - 0.00 - 9.99 2 Mawalla h cap1 - 0.00 - 9.99 2 m a w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m a w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 M a w a l l a h - A . . - 81.80 - 24.18 34.26 13 M a w a l l a h - A . . 81.98 30.40 34.26 13 Sohar Refinery 0.00 MW 0.00 Mvar 1.00 S o h a r R e f i n e r y - S I P - A 1 3 2 k V 0.00 - 9.34 1.25 S o h a r R e f i n e r y - S I P - A 1 3 2 k V - 0.00 - 0.00 1.25 s o h - B 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s o h - B 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 soh-B 33_load 97.80 32.15 S o h a r - B 1 2 5 M V A 98.05 41.33 43.96 9 S o h a r - B 1 2 5 M V A - 97.80 - 32.15 43.96 9 S o h a r - W a . . 7.35 - 33.80 6.10 S o h a r - W a . . - 7.31 30.80 6.10 alh cap(1) - 0.00 - 4.95 1 a l h 0 . 2 M V A ( 1 )0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l h 0 . 2 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a l h 0 . 2 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l h 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 alh33_load 26.90 16.67 alh cap - 0.00 - 4.95 1 A l H a y l 4 0 M V A x 227.00 8.33 36.90 9 A l H a y l 4 0 M V A x 2 - 26.90 - 6.78 36.90 9 Filaj-Bark.. 195.0 3 35.40 33.80 Filaj-Bark.. - 194.7 3 - 34.28 33.80 G~ brk GT1-2 175.0 0 120.5 7 66.83 G~ brk ST1 161.1 0 106.9 4 69.06 G~ brk ST1-2 Ph-2 235.8 0 138.5 1 67.40 G~ brk GT1-3 Ph-2 284.7 0 172.9 8 63.45 G~ rsl_GT7 70.20 18.79 48.45 r s l G T 7 T X - 70.08 - 13.57 52.85 3 r s l G T 7 T X70.20 18.79 52.85 3 r s l G T 8 T X - 69.35 - 19.29 58.91 3 r s l G T 8 T X 69.50 25.04 58.91 3 G~ rsl_GT8 69.50 25.04 63.14 G~ rsl_GT1-3 178.8 0 87.07 48.39 r s l G T 1 - 3 T X - 178.5 5 - 75.35 49.10 3 r s l G T 1 - 3 T X178.8 0 87.07 49.10 3 nhkl 0.315 MVA 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 nhkl 0.315 MVA - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 Fila j-Madinata Barka 132 kV 206.1 0 77.85 37.62 Fila j-Madinata Barka 132 kV - 205.5 1 - 75.32 37.62 brk ca p2 - 0.00 - 9.99 2 B a r k a - A . . 62.95 25.93 27.25 9 B a r k a - A . . - 62.80 - 22.14 27.25 9 B a r k a - M o b a l l a h 1 3 2 k V - 94.37 5.90 16.19 B a r k a - M o b a l l a h 1 3 2 k V94.50 - 6.67 16.19 W a d i S a ' a - D a . . 0.00 0.00 0.00 W a d i S a ' a - D a . . 0.00 0.00 0.00 soh-A 33_load 95.70 51.65 soh c ap2 - 0.00 - 9.96 2 soh c ap2(1) - 0.00 - 9.96 2 s o h - A 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s o h - A 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 n z w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 n z w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 nzw33_load 81.10 26.66 N i z w a 1 . . 81.28 32.79 36.03 10 N i z w a 1 . . - 81.10 - 26.66 36.03 10 M a n a h - N i . . - 159.0 2 - 37.78 28.70 M a n a h - N i . . 159.7 0 39.65 28.70 G~ mnh GT1-3 63.30 18.79 56.80 G~ mnh GT4-5 136.8 0 46.00 43.74 m n h G T 1 - 3 T X - 63.19 - 14.91 48.91 3 m n h G T 1 - 3 T X 63.30 18.79 48.91 3 m n h G T 4 - 5 T X - 136.5 0 - 35.29 49.34 9 m n h G T 4 - 5 T X 136.8 0 46.00 49.34 9 Nizwa-Ib.. 125.1 0 - 12.80 22.08 Nizwa-Ib.. - 122.5 9 13.23 22.08 N i z w a - M a d i n a t a N i z w a60.01 22.85 11.36 N i z w a - M a d i n a t a N i z w a - 59.96 - 23.80 11.36 Nahada-Niz.. 0.00 - 3.00 3.45 Nahada-Niz.. - 0.00 - 0.00 3.45 PDONetwork 0.00 MW 0.00 Mvar 1.00 M a d i n a t a N i z w a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 M a d i n a t a N i z w a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 M a d i n a t a N i z w a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 59.96 23.80 26.59 11 M a d i n a t a N i z w a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 59.80 - 19.66 26.59 11 Madina ta Nizwa33_load 59.80 19.66 S o h a r I I T x G T 1 - 179.6 1 - 45.61 60.31 15 S o h a r I I T x G T 1180.1 0 65.00 60.31 15 G~ Sohar II GT1 180.1 0 65.00 59.65 G~ Sohar II GT2 180.1 0 53.95 58.57 G~ Sohar II ST1 183.0 0 58.58 56.51 S o h a r I I T x G T 2 - 179.6 1 - 35.19 59.22 15 S o h a r I I T x G T 2 180.1 0 53.95 59.22 15 S o h a r I I T x S T 1 - 182.5 1 - 40.72 54.46 15 S o h a r I I T x S T 1 183.0 0 58.58 54.46 15 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V - 262.3 5 115.4 6 21.10 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V 2 6 2 . 6 9 - 1 1 7 . 3 1 2 1 . 1 0 M i s f a h - M S Q 2 2 0 k V 3 2 2 . 9 7 1 2 2 . 9 4 2 5 . 6 0 M i s f a h - M S Q 2 2 0 k V - 322.1 6 - 122.5 4 25.60 Moball ah-Rusail 132kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 Moball ah-Rusail 132kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 R u s a i l - S u m a i . . - 91.31 - 72.25 19.86 R u s a i l - S u m a i . . 91.82 71.15 19.86 rsl33_load -A 53.45 17.57 R u s a i l - A 1 2 5 M V A x 253.60 21.11 22.52 15 R u s a i l - A 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 53.45 - 17.57 22.52 15 Airport Hei.. - 155.9 1 - 185.1 1 17.67 Airport Hei.. 156.4 0 177.9 2 17.67 b r k S T 1 T X - 160.8 5 - 89.58 69.06 17 b r k S T 1 T X161.1 0 106.9 4 69.06 17 b r k G T 1 - 2 T X - 174.7 0 - 102.1 1 66.83 18 b r k G T 1 - 2 T X175.0 0 120.5 7 66.83 18 N e w M o b a l l a h - S e e b 1 3 2 - 65.12 - 41.35 10.30 N e w M o b a l l a h - S e e b 1 3 2 65.16 15.84 10.30 R u s a i l - M . . - 174.5 9 - 68.05 24.48 R u s a i l - M . . 174.8 7 36.05 24.48 M i s f a h - W a d i A d a i 0.00 0.00 0.00 M i s f a h - W a d i A d a i 0.00 0.00 0.00 gbr33_load 89.60 29.45 G h u b r a h 1 2 5 M V A x 289.80 36.99 39.86 10 G h u b r a h 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 89.60 - 29.45 39.86 10 G h o u b r a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 G h o u b r a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Ghoubrah.. - 129.3 8 - 82.48 14.01 Ghoubrah.. 129.4 3 68.45 14.01 Hamryah 500MVAx2 3 9 4 . 1 1 7 1 . 1 6 4 0 . 7 31 5 Hamryah 500MVAx2 - 3 9 3 . 5 7 - 2 5 . 9 8 4 0 . 7 3 1 5 rsl33_load -B 53.45 17.57 R u s a i l - B 1 2 5 M V A x 253.60 21.11 22.52 15 R u s a i l - B 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 53.45 - 17.57 22.52 15 A z i b a 0 . 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 A z i b a 0 . 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Transport 30.00 9.86 Ghala 33_load 64.10 21.07 G h a l a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 G h a l a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 G h a l a 1 2 5 M V . .64.26 25.64 27.52 13 G h a l a 1 2 5 M V . . - 64.10 - 21.07 27.52 13 a r p h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a r p h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 A z i b a . . 18.93 7.47 13.49 14 A z i b a . . - 18.80 - 6.18 13.49 14 azb33_load 18.80 6.18 A i r p o r t . . 92.70 35.05 39.64 13 A i r p o r t . . - 92.50 - 27.40 39.64 13 arph33_load 92.50 57.33 A i r p o r t H . . 18.94 - 30.55 4.77 A i r p o r t H . . - 18.93 - 7.47 4.77 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - M a w a l l a h B - 211.4 1 - 42.30 28.67 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - M a w a l l a h B 211.9 1 4.51 28.67 A i r p o r t - G h a l a 1 3 2 k V 64.29 8.42 9.18 A i r p o r t - G h a l a 1 3 2 k V - 64.26 - 25.64 9.18 Hamryah-Muttrah (OHL) - 1 2 0 . 8 6 - 1 5 . 0 5 2 1 . 4 7 Hamryah-Muttrah (OHL) 1 2 0 . 9 4 1 5 . 0 4 2 1 . 4 7 R u s a i l - M i s f . . 76.05 29.19 13.69 R u s a i l - M i s f . . - 75.97 - 30.12 13.69 M i s f a h 1 2 . .75.97 30.12 32.05 15 M i s f a h 1 2 . . - 75.80 - 24.91 32.05 15 m s f 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m s f 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 G~ rsl_GT4-6 184.2 0 100.0 4 66.07 r s l G T 4 - 6 T X - 183.9 5 - 88.79 50.63 3 r s l G T 4 - 6 T X184.2 0 100.0 4 50.63 3 b r k S T 1 - 3 P 2 T X - 235.8 0 - 110.4 7 68.37 17 b r k S T 1 - 3 P 2 T X235.8 0 138.5 1 68.37 17 b r k G T 1 - 3 P 2 T X - 284.2 3 - 140.8 2 64.37 18 b r k G T 1 - 3 P 2 T X284.7 0 172.9 8 64.37 18 G~ wdj GT5 21.80 12.37 72.11 w d j G T 5 T X - 21.70 - 10.20 68.07 9 w d j G T 5 T X 21.80 12.37 68.07 9 G~ wdj GT11 22.40 11.69 67.38 G~ wdj GT8 21.30 22.50 82.62 G~ wdj GT12-13 47.60 23.41 57.35 G~ wdj GT9-10 44.80 46.50 83.32 w d j G T 1 2 - 1 3 T X - 47.42 - 19.96 58.94 9 w d j G T 1 2 - 1 3 T X 47.60 23.41 58.94 9 w d j G T 1 1 T X - 22.32 - 10.10 56.15 9 w d j G T 1 1 T X 22.40 11.69 56.15 9 w d j G T 9 - 1 0 T X - 44.56 - 41.08 76.27 9 w d j G T 9 - 1 0 T X 44.80 46.50 76.27 9 w d j G T 8 T X 21.30 22.50 74.17 9 w d j G T 8 T X - 21.18 - 20.03 74.17 9 dnk33_load 20.80 15.60 dnk c ap1 - 0.00 - 4.98 1 SIP132kVSSSRMload 63.00 20.71 SIP132kVAro matics lo ad 35.00 11.50 s i p A 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s i p A 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 sip33A_loa d 48.90 16.07 S I P - A . . 49.03 18.79 21.18 13 S I P - A . . - 48.90 - 16.07 21.18 13 SIP132kVVALEload 150.0 0 49.30 b s r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 2 )0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b s r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 2 ) - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 bsr33_load B 98.30 32.31 B o u s h e r B 1 2 5 M V A x 298.52 41.02 44.07 10 B o u s h e r B 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 98.30 - 32.31 44.07 10 Boush er cap2 - 0.00 - 19.91 4 Boush er cap1 - 0.00 - 19.91 4 fila j-Blue Cit y 220kV(OHL) 352.1 5 36.44 25.41 fila j-Blue Cit y 220kV(OHL) M S Q - W a d i A d a i . . 17.62 69.14 12.70 M S Q - W a d i A d a i . . - 17.57 - 69.85 12.70 Hamryah-WAdai 9 5 . 3 1 - 0 . 1 1 3 3 . 5 7Hamryah-WAdai - 95.20 0.18 33.57 Hamryah-WKabir 1 2 1 . 0 7 3 7 . 4 6 4 4 . 6 8Hamryah-WKabir - 120.8 8 - 37.01 44.68 w d a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 w d a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 wda ca p1(1) 0.00 - 9.81 2 wda33_load 85.30 52.86 wda ca p1 0.00 - 14.72 3 W a d i A d . . - 85.30 - 28.33 38.13 10 W a d i A d . . 85.49 35.00 38.13 10 D a n k - A l H a y l 1 3 2 k V 27.05 1.97 5.04 D a n k - A l H a y l 1 3 2 k V - 27.00 - 8.33 5.04 m a w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A B0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m a w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A B - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 maw-B33_load 92.40 30.37 M a w a l l a h - B 1 2 5 M V A - 92.40 - 30.37 39.17 14 M a w a l l a h - B 1 2 5 M V A 92.61 37.65 39.17 14 N e w M o b a l l a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 N e w M o b a l l a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 New Moba llah33_load 87.00 28.60 N e w M o b a l l a h 1 2 5 M V A x 2 87.22 36.13 37.81 12 N e w M o b a l l a h 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 87.00 - 28.60 37.81 12 S I P - A 5 0 0 M V A x 2 297.3 4 113.6 0 31.20 15 S I P - A 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 297.0 3 - 90.96 31.20 15 Dsl Sohar 31.00 15.88 Ax Sohar 6.00 3.07 Mobala h-New Moballa h132kV - 22.10 5.22 5.24 Mobala h-New Moballa h132kV 22.10 - 32.47 5.24 Moball ah cap2 0.00 - 15.26 3 Moball ah cap1 0.00 - 15.26 3 m o b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m o b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 mob33_load 72.10 52.20 M o b a l l a h . . 72.26 26.56 31.01 12 M o b a l l a h . . - 72.10 - 21.68 31.01 12 yitt 0.315 MVA 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 yitt 0.315 MVA - 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 Yitti .. 6 0 . 6 5 2 3 . 4 9 2 6 . 8 41 1 Yitti .. - 6 0 . 5 0 - 1 9 . 8 9 2 6 . 8 4 1 1 y t t 3 3 _ l o a d 6 0 . 5 0 1 9 . 8 9 s a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 S a h a m 1 . . 90.00 36.92 40.30 10 S a h a m 1 . . - 89.80 - 29.52 40.30 10 sah33_load 89.80 29.52 SIS-Saha.. - 118.8 1 - 45.98 22.42 SIS-Saha.. 119.4 4 46.13 22.42 N h k a l c a p 1 0 . 0 0 - 1 0 . 0 0 2 N h k a l c a p 2 0 . 0 0 - 1 5 . 0 0 3 Al Wasit-New Bur.. 124.4 8 29.89 22.45 Al Wasit-New Bur.. - 123.7 8 - 29.67 22.45 N e w b u r i m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 N e w b u r i m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 New bur33_load 34.30 11.27 N e w b u r e i m . . 34.39 13.53 15.55 9 N e w b u r e i m . . - 34.30 - 11.27 15.55 9 A m e r a t - J a h l o . . - 50.14 - 19.83 9.49 A m e r a t - J a h l o . . 5 0 . 2 2 1 7 . 4 8 9 . 4 9 M S Q - A m e r a t . .0.00 0.00 0.00 M S Q - A m e r a t . . 0.00 0.00 0.00 J a h l o o t c a p 2 0 . 0 0 - 9 . 8 6 2 J a h l o o t c a p 1 0 . 0 0 - 1 4 . 7 9 3 Al wasit-I.. - 46.81 - 55.37 5.50 Al wasit-I.. 46.93 4.57 5.50 I b r i 5 0 0 M V A x 2 46.81 55.37 7.40 15 I b r i 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 46.65 - 53.22 7.40 15 I P P S o h a r - S I S 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) 356.1 2 72.85 28.75 I P P S o h a r - S I S 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) f i l a j - B l u e C i t y 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) f i l a j - B l u e C i t y 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) - 351.0 4 - 90.78 28.14 S I S - S P S 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) S I S - S P S 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) - 259.5 2 - 58.71 19.54 k h b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 k h b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m i s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m i s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l w 0 . 1 6 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a l w 0 . 1 6 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b u r i m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b u r i m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 B o u s h e r - A 1 2 5 M V A x 297.21 33.17 42.18 11 B o u s h e r - A 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 97.00 - 25.37 42.18 11 bsr33_load A(1) 97.00 65.18 Jahloo.. 5 6 . 7 4 2 1 . 2 9 2 4 . 8 51 3 Jahloo.. - 5 6 . 6 0 - 1 7 . 8 0 2 4 . 8 5 1 3 mis33_load 92.10 30.27 M S Q 5 0 0 M V A x 2 322.1 6 122.5 4 34.46 15 M S Q 5 0 0 M V A x 2- 321.8 3 - 93.99 34.46 15 W a d i A d a i . . - 27.27 - 35.01 7.83 W a d i A d a i . . 27.28 34.67 7.83 bur33_load 89.10 55.22 B u r e i m i 1 2 5 . . 89.30 38.07 40.38 10 B u r e i m i 1 2 5 . . - 89.10 - 30.64 40.38 10 Jahloot-Yit.. 6 0 . 7 3 2 1 . 3 5 7 . 3 4Jahloot-Yit.. - 6 0 . 6 5 - 2 3 . 4 9 7 . 3 4 Izki -Ni zwa 132kV 192.5 7 41.66 34.13 Izki -Ni zwa 132kV - 191.0 5 - 35.81 34.13 bur ca p2 0.00 - 9.83 2 bur ca p1 0.00 - 14.75 3 SIS-Soha.. 202.8 5 53.77 36.49 SIS-Soha.. - 201.3 1 - 47.30 36.49 Ibri-Dan k 132kV - 47.95 - 8.53 8.66 Ibri-Dan k 132kV 48.12 2.56 8.66 Al Wasit-Wad.. 31.48 9.38 19.31 Al Wasit-Wad.. - 31.32 - 11.96 19.31 Dsl Ba rka phase 1 25.00 12.81 Dsl Ba rka ph2 31.20 15.98 M I S - b l u e c i t y 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) 257.5 2 53.86 21.73 M I S - b l u e c i t y 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) M I S - b l u e c i t y 1 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) M I S - b l u e c i t y 1 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) - 256.5 6 - 114.7 3 20.68 OMCO 0.00 MW - 0.00 .. 1.00 a d m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a d m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b l u e 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b l u e 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m l d 0 . 2 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m l d 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 r t q 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 r t q 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a l f 0 . 2 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l f 0 . 2 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b s r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b s r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 jah 0.315 MVA(2) 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 jah 0.315 MVA(2) - 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 jah 0.315 MVA 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 jah 0.315 MVA - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 m d r b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m d r b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a l w 0 . 1 6 M V A ( 1 )0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a l w 0 . 1 6 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 d a n k 0 . 2 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 d a n k 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 w d s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 w d s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 M u d h a i r i b . . 99.92 41.47 43.78 13 M u d h a i r i b . . - 99.70 - 32.77 43.78 13 mdrb33_load 99.70 32.77 adm33_load 33.80 11.11 A d a m . . 33.92 13.24 46.58 11 A d a m . . - 33.80 - 11.11 46.58 11 A l F a l . . 79.98 29.11 35.16 7 A l F a l . . - 79.80 - 22.92 35.16 7 alf cap2(1) 0.00 - 14.94 3 alf33_load 79.80 57.77 R u s t a q 1 2 5 M V A x 398.82 39.36 29.44 10 R u s t a q 1 2 5 M V A x 3 - 98.60 - 32.41 29.44 10 rtq33_load 98.60 32.41 M u l a d a h . . 99.32 42.97 44.56 10 M u l a d a h . . - 99.10 - 34.08 44.56 10 mld33_load 99.10 64.01 mld ca p1(1) 0.00 - 14.97 3 Nakhal 1.. 5 5 . 3 4 1 9 . 6 1 2 3 . 6 8 1 3 Nakhal 1.. - 5 5 . 2 0 - 1 6 . 4 0 2 3 . 6 8 1 3 blue33_load 93.30 30.67 B l u e C i t y 1 6 0 M V A x 2 - 93.30 - 30.67 30.71 16 B l u e C i t y 1 6 0 M V A x 2 93.53 36.92 30.71 16 M I S 1 2 5 . . 92.31 38.03 40.89 11 M I S 1 2 5 . . - 92.10 - 30.27 40.89 11 khb c ap1(1) - 0.00 - 4.97 1 K h a b o r a . . 77.87 28.74 34.39 7 K h a b o r a . . - 77.70 - 23.17 34.39 7 S o h a r - A 1 2 5 M V A 95.91 39.77 42.90 9 S o h a r - A 1 2 5 M V A - 95.70 - 31.73 42.90 9 A l W a s i t 3 1 5 . . 213.7 2 66.06 35.64 15 A l W a s i t 3 1 5 . . - 213.5 1 - 53.98 35.64 15 W a d i S a ' a 6 . . 31.32 11.96 27.33 12 W a d i S a ' a 6 . . - 31.20 - 10.25 27.33 12 alw33_load 18.00 5.92 Manah-Ad.. 34.00 7.48 6.37 Manah-Ad.. - 33.92 - 13.24 6.37 Ax Manah 6.00 3.07 khb c ap1 - 0.00 - 4.97 1 alf cap2 - 0.00 - 19.91 4 mld ca p1 0.00 - 14.97 3 khb33_load A 77.70 33.10 wds33_load 31.20 10.25 F i l a j 5 0 0 M V A x 2 457.0 8 183.1 7 47.38 15 F i l a j 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 456.5 8 - 129.9 7 47.38 15 M I S 5 0 0 M V A x 2286.3 4 137.5 4 31.46 15 M I S 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 286.0 3 - 115.4 3 31.46 15 S I S 5 0 0 M V A x 2322.6 2 125.9 1 34.24 15 S I S 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 322.2 9 - 99.90 34.24 15 Ax Ba rka ph-2 6.00 3.07 Ax Barka 6.00 3.07 n h l 3 3 _ l o a d 5 5 . 2 0 4 1 . 4 0 j a h 3 3 _ l o a d 5 6 . 6 0 4 2 . 4 5 Muladah-.. 99.25 38.38 18.86 Muladah-.. - 98.82 - 39.36 18.86 D a n k 6 3 M V A x 220.90 6.56 18.09 11 D a n k 6 3 M V A x 2 - 20.80 - 5.64 18.09 11 A l W a s i t 3 0 M V A x 218.08 6.96 32.88 5 A l W a s i t 3 0 M V A x 2 - 18.00 - 5.92 32.88 5 Fila j-Nakhal 132kV 55.45 16.72 10.06 Fila j-Nakhal 132kV - 5 5 . 3 4 - 1 9 . 6 1 1 0 . 0 6 Ax Alkamil 6.00 3.07 dnk c ap2 - 0.00 - 4.98 1 B a r k a P S - F i l a j . . 483.4 9 203.0 9 37.33 B a r k a P S - F i l a j . . - 482.8 2 - 198.7 7 37.33 B a r k a P S - F i l a j 1 . . - 482.8 2 - 198.7 7 37.33 B a r k a P S - F i l a j 1 . . 483.4 9 203.0 9 37.33 S P S - S I P - A 2 2 0 k V 347.3 8 103.7 1 29.08 S P S - S I P - A 2 2 0 k V - 347.3 4 - 130.0 3 29.08 SIP 220kVSh adeed lo ad 50.00 16.43 Ax_wdj 7.00 3.59 Wadi Al .. - 39.30 - 11.82 11.77 Wadi Al .. 39.48 7.75 11.77 G~ alk GT1-3 217.2 0 202.5 9 81.65 D I g S I L E N T Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 152 Figure C.4 OETC Transmission System 2015 Max. Load Flow Condition V o l t a g e L e v e l s 4 0 0 . k V 2 2 0 . k V 1 3 2 . k V 3 3 . k V 2 2 . k V 2 0 . k V 1 9 . k V 1 7 . k V 1 5 . 7 5 k V 1 5 . k V 1 4 . k V 1 3 . 8 k V 1 1 . 5 k V 1 1 . k V 0 . 4 1 5 k V OETC Planning Dpt. PowerFactory 14.0.523 2015 Peak Load in OETC Network Summer Peak Load Studied areas: Majan, Mazoon and Muscat (Master Model) Project: 2015 Graphic: Expanded Grid Date: 3/11/2012 Annex: OETC Nodes Branches External Grid Figure C.4 OETC Transmission System 2015 Max. load Flow Condition Jahloot Sohar Aluminum PS OCC MSQ Ibra Al Kamil Wadi Jizzi PS Liwa Free Zone Sohar Refinery Sohar Ind Port-A (SIP-A) Hajarmat Muladha Al Khadra Blue City Sur PS Sohar I PS OMIFCO Ibri Seeb Main Mhdhabi New Moballah Sur New Al Kamil Aijah Sohar Mudarib Musanna Interconnection SS (MIS) Sohar Interconnection SS (SIS) Oman - UAE 220kV Interconnection Shinas Madinata Barka Ghubrah PS Izki Quriat Wadi Al Kabir AlFalaj Muttrah Qurum BB Ali Barka Main AES Barka PS Madinata Nizwa Manah PS PDO Al Hamryah Ghala Air Port High Azaiba Coast Rusail PS Al-Misfah Al Khabourah Al Kamil PS Sohar II PS SMN Barka PS Barka III PS Wadi Adai Mobalah Yitti Saham Bahla Bousher AlMawalih New Buraimi Al Buraimi Amerat Al Hail Nizwa Al Wasit ( Mhadah) OMCO Wadi Sa'a Dank Rustaq Nakhal Sumail Filaj Adam 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 119.4 3 Muladah33kV-A 33.04 1.00 - 146.6 7 Misfah.. 33.31 1.01 - 144.1 7 Ibra 33kV 32.71 0.99 - 141.5 6 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.04 - 111.5 6 Ibra132kV 129.8 9 0.98 10.67 Mudhairb.. 33.06 1.00 - 141.9 5 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 111.9 5 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 113.7 0 alkamil 132.. 135.3 1 1.03 16.52 Mudhairb.. 130.8 0 0.99 11.40 Ibri 13.. 130.4 1 0.99 2.79 Rusail 33kV-B 33.09 1.00 - 143.6 0 Rusail 33kV-A 33.09 1.00 - 143.6 0 Liwa 33kV 32.70 0.99 - 147.3 7 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 117.3 7 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 117.4 2 Free Zone 132kV 129.9 8 0.98 5.82 Free Zone33kV 32.87 1.00 - 147.4 2 Sohar Refinery 132kV 131.7 5 1.00 8.42 SIP-A132.. 131.7 5 1.00 8.42 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 112.8 0 SIP-A3.. 33.22 1.01 - 142.8 0 SIP-A22.. 224.2 3 1.02 11.90 Liwa 220kV 222.4 4 1.01 9.93 Hajarmat132kV 129.5 6 0.98 2.09 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.05 - 119.9 7 Hajarmat 33kV 33.03 1.00 - 149.9 7 Dank132.. 129.6 1 0.98 1.52 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 120.2 6 Ibri .. 32.97 1.00 - 150.2 6 M i s f a h 2 2 0 k . . 2 2 6 . 3 3 1 . 0 3 1 4 . 2 8 M i s f a h 4 0 0 k V 4 1 9 . 1 0 1 . 0 5 1 5 . 6 5 Izki 400kV 420.9 5 1.05 16.38 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 62.84 Muladah 33kV-B 32.73 0.99 32.84 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 116.6 7 Muladah.. 128.8 0 0.98 5.36 MIS33kV-B 32.78 0.99 32.77 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 62.77 MIS33kV-A 32.71 0.99 - 146.7 7 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 116.7 7 Khaborah 132kV 127.3 1 0.96 3.89 MIS132kV 129.3 3 0.98 5.69 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 118.3 1 khadra 33kV 32.83 0.99 - 148.3 1 khadra 132kV 127.8 1 0.97 4.38 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 111.4 9 Quriat .. 32.85 1.00 - 141.4 9 Quriat 1.. 129.4 1 0.98 10.44 Sur PS 220kV 221.7 4 1.01 24.98 Sur PS 400kV 412.4 0 1.03 21.40 Soh Al 220kV 238.0 3 1.08 29.99 Mudhaib.. 32.78 0.99 - 143.7 0 Mudhaibi 33kV(63MVA) 33.13 1.00 - 143.8 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 113.8 0 Mudhaibi.. 130.5 3 0.99 8.94 Seeb 33kV (63MVA) 33.25 1.01 - 146.6 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 116.0 8 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 116.6 0 Seeb 3.. 33.10 1.00 - 146.0 8 Barka IPP220 230.8 5 1.05 19.03 Izki 220kV 227.0 1 1.03 13.04 New Kamil 132kV 132.8 0 1.01 18.39 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 104.0 1 New alkamil 33kV 32.98 1.00 - 134.0 1 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 103.6 9 Ayjah 33.. 32.94 1.00 - 133.6 9 Ayjah 132.. 130.3 8 0.99 19.75 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 101.3 6 Sur 33.. 32.85 1.00 - 131.3 6 Sumail .. 33.00 1.00 - 144.7 3 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 114.7 3 Sumail 33kV(63MVA) 32.83 0.99 - 145.4 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 115.4 0 Sumail 1.. 133.1 3 1.01 8.17 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.04 - 117.7 8 Bahla .. 32.72 0.99 - 147.7 8 Bahla 1.. 131.1 1 0.99 5.78 Liwa 132kV 130.1 5 0.99 6.05 Al Wasit 220kV 220.1 9 1.00 6.56 alw220 (1) 220.4 8 1.00 6.55 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 118.3 8 Shinas3.. 32.88 1.00 - 148.3 8 Shinas13.. 129.0 2 0.98 5.24 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 114.9 5 Barka Third 33kV 33.18 1.01 - 144.9 5 Barka-A.. 33.21 1.01 - 144.3 3 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 114.3 3 Barka 1.. 132.5 5 1.00 8.14 Madinata Barka132kV 131.7 3 1.00 7.81 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 114.7 2 Madinata Barka 33kV 32.91 1.00 - 144.7 2 Old Ghoubrah132 130.3 9 0.99 7.49 Mawallah 132 kV-B 133.1 9 1.01 7.76 Mawallah-A132kV 134.6 3 1.02 9.09 0.415 busbar.. 0.44 1.05 - 113.7 7 Izki 3.. 33.09 1.00 - 143.7 7 Izki 13.. 133.7 7 1.01 9.38 Amerat 33k.. 32.98 1.00 - 141.5 3 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 111.5 3 Sur 220.. 221.6 7 1.01 24.82 J a h l o o t P S 4 0 0 k V 4 0 9 . 5 4 1 . 0 2 1 8 . 0 7 J a h l o o t . . 2 2 2 . 7 7 1 . 0 1 1 4 . 5 1 Sur 132.. 131.9 4 1.00 20.92 Wadi Al .. 129.4 8 0.98 7.34 Al Fal.. 129.6 6 0.98 7.40 Wadi A.. 33.12 1.00 - 145.9 4 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 64.06 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 64.99 Wadi Al Kabair33kV-B 33.00 1.00 - 145.0 1 Muttrah13.. 129.6 7 0.98 7.42 Muttrah .. 33.11 1.00 - 144.4 8 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 114.4 8 Quram13.. 129.9 2 0.98 7.52 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 115.2 2 Quram3.. 32.99 1.00 - 145.2 2 SIS220.. 221.8 7 1.01 9.37 JBB Ali 1.. 132.6 6 1.00 14.50 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 108.8 8 JBB Ali .. 33.14 1.00 - 138.8 8 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 115.5 2 MSQ-A33k.. 33.08 1.00 - 145.5 2 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 115.9 1 MSQ-B33k.. 32.92 1.00 - 145.9 1 Seeb132k.. 132.7 2 1.01 7.56 Mawallah-.. 32.92 1.00 - 144.4 1 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 114.4 1 Sohar-B 33kV 32.94 1.00 31.35 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 61.35 Sohar 1.. 129.3 9 0.98 5.23 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 1.44 Al Hay.. 33.09 1.00 28.56 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 1.44 0 . 4 1 5 b u s b a r . . 0 . 4 2 1 . 0 0 - 1 1 4 . 4 0 Filaj 132.. 132.9 2 1.01 8.74 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 117.4 5 Sohar-A 33kV 32.88 1.00 - 147.4 5 Nizwa 3.. 32.99 1.00 - 146.1 2 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.05 - 116.1 2 Nizwa 1.. 133.6 9 1.01 7.41 Manah13.. 136.7 2 1.04 8.85 Nahda132k.. 134.0 3 1.02 7.34 Madinata Nizwa132kV 133.3 2 1.01 7.13 0.415 busbar.. 0.44 1.05 - 115.4 3 Madinata Nizwa 33kV 33.11 1.00 - 145.4 3 Sohar IPP 220.. 223.4 1 1.02 10.55 Airport.. 32.75 0.99 - 145.9 3 Rusail .. 134.9 6 1.02 9.24 Airport .. 226.4 1 1.03 13.65 New Moballah 132 132.5 8 1.00 7.53 Mobalah.. 132.5 5 1.00 7.57 Misfah 132.. 134.5 0 1.02 8.90 Ghubrah 33kV 32.86 1.00 - 146.2 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 116.2 0 New Gh-A132kV 130.3 9 0.99 7.49 H a m r y a h 2 2 0 k V 2 2 0 . 1 2 1 . 0 0 1 2 . 3 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 5.48 Ghala 132k.. 133.5 4 1.01 7.96 0.415 busbar.. 0.44 1.05 - 114.7 8 Ghala 33k.. 33.14 1.00 - 144.7 8 Aziba .. 10.95 1.00 - 24.52 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 115.9 3 Aziba 13.. 133.6 1 1.01 7.96 Airport .. 133.6 1 1.01 7.99 H a m r y a h 1 3 2 k V 1 2 9 . 9 0 0 . 9 8 7 . 6 7 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 114.1 7 MSQ132.. 130.3 5 0.99 7.59 Bousher B 33kV 33.03 1.00 - 146.3 4 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.05 - 116.3 4 Bousher A 33kV 32.90 1.00 - 145.9 9 MIS220.. 221.8 9 1.01 9.40 Filaj 220.. 229.4 7 1.04 14.88 Barka PS.. 231.0 0 1.05 15.81 Wadi Ad.. 33.09 1.00 - 144.9 7 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 114.9 7 Al Hayl.. 129.0 6 0.98 0.83 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 114.5 9 Mawallah-.. 33.19 1.01 - 144.5 9 Wadi Ad.. 129.8 0 0.98 7.46 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 63.68 New Moballah 33 32.99 1.00 33.68 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 115.4 7 Mobalah.. 33.04 1.00 - 145.4 7 J a h l o o t . . 1 3 0 . 6 0 0 . 9 9 1 1 . 5 0 Y i t t i . . 3 3 . 0 2 1 . 0 0 - 1 4 1 . 7 1 0 . 4 1 5 b u s b a r . . 0 . 4 2 1 . 0 0 - 1 1 1 . 7 1 Y i t t i 1 . . 1 2 9 . 7 4 0 . 9 8 1 0 . 6 8 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 119.1 1 Saham33kV 32.90 1.00 - 149.1 1 Saham 132kV 128.2 8 0.97 4.67 N a k h l a . . 3 3 . 0 3 1 . 0 0 - 1 4 4 . 4 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 120.0 0 Newbureimi.. 33.02 1.00 - 150.0 0 Newbureimi.. 128.6 0 0.97 2.82 Amerat 132k.. 129.8 7 0.98 10.93 MSQ220.. 223.2 7 1.01 12.56 Ibri 22.. 218.8 1 0.99 3.99 J a h l o o . . 3 2 . 7 9 0 . 9 9 - 1 4 1 . 1 1 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 62.64 0.415 busbar 0.41 1.00 - 120.0 1 Rustaq.. 33.00 1.00 - 148.7 3 Bureim.. 32.85 1.00 - 150.0 1 Bureimi.. 128.4 8 0.97 2.68 sps 220.. 224.4 7 1.02 12.07 SIS132.. 130.6 4 0.99 6.49 Bousher.. 130.3 2 0.99 7.48 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 114.6 6 Adam33.. 32.96 1.00 - 144.6 6 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 111.0 1 blue ci.. 32.99 1.00 - 141.0 1 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 118.7 3 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 116.1 8 Al Fa.. 32.79 0.99 - 146.1 8 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.04 - 115.9 9 0 . 4 1 5 b u s b a r . . 0 . 4 1 0 . 9 9 - 1 1 1 . 1 1 0 . 4 1 5 b u s b a r . . 0 . 4 1 0 . 9 9 - 1 1 1 . 1 1 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 62.64 Al Was.. 33.19 1.01 32.64 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 179.9 0 Dank33.. 32.86 1.00 - 149.9 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 117.9 3 Wadi S.. 32.94 1.00 - 147.9 3 Adam132.. 135.9 6 1.03 8.18 blue cit.. 227.0 8 1.03 12.14 Khaborah 33kV 32.81 0.99 - 149.4 3 Wadi Al.. 130.6 2 0.99 5.89 Wadi Sa.. 129.2 4 0.98 4.23 Al Wasi.. 130.3 7 0.99 4.85 N a k h l a . . 1 3 2 . 0 6 1 . 0 0 8 . 0 6 Rustaq .. 126.9 6 0.96 3.95 khb c ap1 - 0.00 - 4.94 1 khb33_load A 80.80 34.42 khb c ap1(1) - 0.00 - 4.94 1 k h b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 k h b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 mld ca p1(1) 0.00 - 10.02 2 mld33_load -A 49.10 36.82 Mobala h-New Moballa h132kV - 30.11 16.29 7.06 Mobala h-New Moballa h132kV 30.12 - 43.82 7.06 I P P S o h a r - L i w a 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) 403.1 4 113.3 3 33.54 I P P S o h a r - L i w a 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) I P P S o h a r - L i w a 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) I P P S o h a r - L i w a 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) - 402.8 0 - 134.2 7 31.20 Liwa-SI S220kV(UGC) 99.00 12.11 7.48 Liwa-SI S220kV(UGC) - 98.92 - 22.75 7.48 S P S - S I S 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) 363.3 9 62.25 27.04 S P S - S I S 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) - 362.0 5 - 60.12 27.04 msf33_load 80.40 26.43 rsl33_load -B 70.85 23.29 OCC 0.00 MW 0.00 Mvar 1.00 H a m r y a h - M u t t r a h ( U G C ) H a m r y a h - M u t t r a h ( U G C ) - 106.3 6 - 29.90 15.00 Hamryah-Muttrah (OHL) - 1 0 6 . 4 1 - 1 5 . 5 8 1 8 . 6 9 Hamryah-Muttrah (OHL) 1 0 6 . 4 7 1 5 . 4 3 1 8 . 6 9 Ibra33 loa d 54.00 17.75 I b r a 1 2 5 M V A x 254.15 21.38 23.66 13 I b r a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 54.00 - 17.75 23.66 13 I b r a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 I b r a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 M u d h r - I b r a 1 3 2 k V54.27 18.15 10.11 M u d h r - I b r a 1 3 2 k V - 54.15 - 21.38 10.11 m d r b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m d r b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 mdrb33_load 84.70 27.84 mudb33_load 66.20 21.76 m u d b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m u d b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 M u d h a i r i b . . 84.89 34.26 36.95 13 M u d h a i r i b . . - 84.70 - 27.84 36.95 13 A l k a m i l - M u d . . - 224.5 3 - 41.34 39.36 A l k a m i l - M u d . . 227.8 6 56.01 39.36 Muscat Steel 45.00 14.79 Modran Steel 30.00 9.86 Ax Rusail 7.00 3.59 R u s a i l - B 1 2 5 M V A x 271.03 28.57 29.95 15 R u s a i l - B 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 70.85 - 23.29 29.95 15 rsl33_load -A 70.85 23.29 R u s a i l - A 1 2 5 M V A x 271.03 28.57 29.95 15 R u s a i l - A 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 70.85 - 23.29 29.95 15 Sun Matel (Zoom) 300.0 0 98.61 Ax Sur 12.00 6.15 S u r P S - S u r 2 2 0 K V293.7 1 10.71 23.50 S u r P S - S u r 2 2 0 K V - 293.6 9 - 36.76 23.50 Free Zone 30.00 9.86 L i w a - F r e e Z o n e 1 3 2 k V 100.0 3 16.72 17.59 L i w a - F r e e Z o n e 1 3 2 k V - 99.96 - 16.96 17.59 L i w a 5 0 0 M V A x 2 303.8 0 122.1 6 32.38 15 L i w a 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 303.4 8 - 97.87 32.38 15 l i w a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 l i w a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 liwa33_load 81.90 26.92 L i w a 1 2 5 . . 82.08 33.26 36.13 12 L i w a 1 2 5 . . - 81.90 - 26.92 36.13 12 F r e e Z o n e 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 F r e e Z o n e 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Free Zone33_load 80.00 26.29 F r e e Z o n e 1 2 5 M V A x 280.20 32.74 35.19 12 F r e e Z o n e 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 80.00 - 26.29 35.19 12 F r e e Z o n e - W a d i A l J a z z i 1 3 2 k V - 10.24 - 25.63 4.79 F r e e Z o n e - W a d i A l J a z z i 1 3 2 k V 10.26 22.66 4.79 Sohar Refinery 0.00 MW 0.00 Mvar 1.00 S o h a r R e f i n e r y - S I P - A 1 3 2 k V0.00 - 9.36 1.25 S o h a r R e f i n e r y - S I P - A 1 3 2 k V - 0.00 0.00 1.25 SIP132kVSSSRMload 63.00 20.71 SIP132kVAro matics lo ad 35.00 11.50 s i p A 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s i p A 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 sip33A_loa d 29.60 9.73 S I P - A . . 29.71 11.20 12.80 13 S I P - A . . - 29.60 - 9.73 12.80 13 SIP132kVVALEload 150.0 0 49.30 S I P - A 5 0 0 M V A x 2 278.0 0 103.1 7 29.09 15 S I P - A 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 277.7 1 - 83.36 29.09 15 SIP 220kVSh adeed lo ad 50.00 16.43 S P S - S I P - A 2 2 0 k V 328.0 4 93.20 27.41 S P S - S I P - A 2 2 0 k V - 328.0 0 - 119.6 1 27.41 H a j a r m a t 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 H a j a r m a t 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 H a j a r m a t 1 2 5 M V A x 251.34 20.20 22.49 12 H a j a r m a t 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 51.20 - 16.83 22.49 12 Hajarmat 33 loa d 51.20 16.83 I b r i - H a j a r m a t 1 3 2 k V51.46 16.91 9.60 I b r i - H a j a r m a t 1 3 2 k V - 51.34 - 20.20 9.60 Ibri-Dan k 132kV - 49.25 - 9.09 8.72 Ibri-Dan k 132kV 49.43 2.82 8.72 i b r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 i b r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 ibr ca p2(1) - 0.00 - 4.99 1 ibr ca p2 - 0.00 0.00 0 ibr33_load 73.60 24.19 I b r i 1 2 5 M V A x 2 73.76 24.24 31.61 12 I b r i 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 73.60 - 19.20 31.61 12 I z k i - M i s f a h 4 0 0 k V - 1 7 6 . 7 9 - 1 3 5 . 8 2 6 . 0 0 I z k i - M i s f a h 4 0 0 k V 176.9 9 - 44.68 6.00 B a r k a I P P - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) - 4 0 0 . 5 4 - 6 7 . 6 5 2 9 . 3 4 B a r k a I P P - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) Misfah 500MVAx3 1 7 6 . 7 9 1 3 5 . 8 2 1 4 . 1 91 5 Misfah 500MVAx3 - 1 7 6 . 7 4 - 1 2 4 . 4 0 1 4 . 1 9 1 5 M i s f a h - J a h . . - 1 5 . 4 1 8 2 . 0 4 7 . 5 5 M i s f a h - J a h . . 1 5 . 5 3 - 1 0 1 . 6 7 7 . 5 5 M u l a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - B 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 M u l a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - B - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 M u l a d a h 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - B60.16 23.98 26.55 11 M u l a d a h 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - B - 60.00 - 19.72 26.55 11 Mulada h 33 loa d-B 60.00 19.72 m l d 0 . 2 M V A - A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m l d 0 . 2 M V A - A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 mld ca p1 0.00 - 10.02 2 M u l a d a h 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - A49.23 19.53 21.83 11 M u l a d a h 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - A - 49.10 - 16.78 21.83 11 M u l a d a h - . . 103.2 0 40.35 19.65 M u l a d a h - . . - 102.7 2 - 41.07 19.65 m i s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - B0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m i s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - B - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 mis33_load -B 70.00 23.01 M I S 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - B 70.18 28.35 30.90 11 M I S 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - B - 70.00 - 23.01 30.90 11 m i s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m i s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 mis33_load -A 58.60 19.26 M I S 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - A 58.74 22.87 25.88 12 M I S 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - A - 58.60 - 19.26 25.88 12 M u l a d a h - . . 64.94 32.60 12.79 M u l a d a h - . . - 64.86 - 33.59 12.79 k h a b o r a h - k h a d r a 1 3 2 k V 39.28 9.54 7.30 k h a b o r a h - k h a d r a 1 3 2 k V - 39.22 - 12.61 7.30 k h a d r a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 k h a d r a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 khadra 33_load 66.10 21.73 k h a d r a 1 2 5 M V A x 266.27 26.53 29.48 10 k h a d r a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 66.10 - 21.73 29.48 10 k h a d r a - M I S 1 3 2 k V - 105.5 5 - 36.07 19.68 k h a d r a - M I S 1 3 2 k V 105.9 8 35.40 19.68 Khaborah-Sa.. - 41.76 - 17.92 8.05 Khaborah-Sa.. 41.86 13.41 8.05 ROGhubrah 25.00 8.22 G~ Sur PS ST1-2 523.5 3 - 19.89 61.56 G~ Sur PS ST3 129.9 0 - 6.13 61.34 G~ Sur PS GT1-5 1012. 00 - 40.17 62.52 S u r P S S T 1 - 2 T x - 522.5 2 70.18 63.12 11 S u r P S S T 1 - 2 T x523.5 3 - 19.89 63.12 11 S u r P S S T 3 T x - 129.9 0 17.51 62.52 11 S u r P S S T 3 T x129.9 0 - 6.13 62.52 11 S u r P S G T 1 - 5 T x - 1009. 49 136.1 6 62.33 11 S u r P S G T 1 - 5 T x1012. 00 - 40.17 62.33 11 qryt33_load 46.20 15.19 q r y t 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 q r y t 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Q u r i a t . .46.33 17.70 20.35 12 Q u r i a t . . - 46.20 - 15.19 20.35 12 Jahloot-Quri.. - 46.33 - 17.70 8.64 Jahloot-Quri.. 4 6 . 4 8 1 1 . 9 6 8 . 6 4 Sur PS-Izki 400 kV 467.8 1 - 349.7 8 15.97 Sur PS-Izki 400 kV - 464.0 0 - 59.60 15.97 Sur 750MVA(400/2 20 kV) 1056. 19 - 339.3 1 29.44 1 5 Sur 750MVA(400/2 20 kV) - 1055. 87 425.5 1 29.44 1 5 J a h l o o t - S u r 4 0 0 k V - 5 8 5 . 2 4 - 1 1 8 . 6 0 1 6 . 4 4 J a h l o o t - S u r 4 0 0 k V 588.0 6 - 75.73 16.44 G~ Sohar Alu (ST1-2) 0.00 18.18 3.03 G~ Sohar Alu (GT1-3) 0.60 - 19.11 2.83 S T 1 - 2 T X- 0.00 18.18 3.13 10 S T 1 - 2 T X 0.27 - 16.98 3.13 10 G T 1 - 3 T X 0.60 - 19.11 3.16 10 G T 1 - 3 T X - 0.27 20.45 3.16 10 Smelter Load 0.00 0.00 Ax Sohar Aluminium 0.00 0.00 S o h A l - S P S 0.00 - 3.47 0.70 S o h A l - S P S - 0.00 - 0.00 0.70 G~ sps ST1 182.2 0 53.28 69.03 s p s S T 1 T X 182.2 0 53.28 68.88 11 s p s S T 1 T X - 181.9 2 - 32.76 68.88 11 G~ sps GT1-3 344.4 0 103.4 7 66.97 s p s G T 1 - 3 T X344.4 0 103.4 7 63.93 11 s p s G T 1 - 3 T X - 343.9 3 - 69.91 63.93 11 M u d h a i b i 1 2 5 M . .66.34 26.48 28.90 13 M u d h a i b i 1 2 5 M . . - 66.20 - 21.76 28.90 13 m u d b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 )0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m u d b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 mudb33_load (63MVA) 40.70 13.38 M u d h a i b i 6 3 M V A x 240.84 15.97 35.19 12 M u d h a i b i 6 3 M V A x 2 - 40.70 - 13.38 35.19 12 M u d h a r i b - M . . 85.37 - 11.06 14.84 M u d h a r i b - M . . - 84.82 6.53 14.84 seb33_load (63MVA) 56.30 18.50 s e b 0 . 1 5 M V A - 2 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s e b 0 . 1 5 M V A - 2 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 S e e b 6 3 M V A x 2 56.48 23.56 49.22 16 S e e b 6 3 M V A x 2 - 56.30 - 18.50 49.22 16 S e e b 1 2 5 M V A x 2 94.91 38.79 40.79 13 S e e b 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 94.70 - 31.13 40.79 13 s e b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s e b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 seb33_load 94.70 31.13 G~ Barka III GT2 203.1 0 13.03 63.40 B a r k a I I I T x G T 2 - 202.6 0 8.77 64.10 15 B a r k a I I I T x G T 2203.1 0 13.03 64.10 15 B a r k a I I I T x S T 1 - 206.5 0 7.93 58.78 15 B a r k a I I I T x S T 1207.0 0 12.67 58.78 15 G~ Barka III ST1 207.0 0 12.67 61.00 G~ Barka III GT1 203.1 0 11.66 63.38 B a r k a I I I T x G T 1 - 202.6 0 10.13 64.07 15 B a r k a I I I T x G T 1 203.1 0 11.66 64.07 15 I z k i 5 0 0 M V A T x ( 4 0 0 / 2 2 0 k V ) - 286.8 9 - 82.49 29.02 15 I z k i 5 0 0 M V A T x ( 4 0 0 / 2 2 0 k V ) 287.0 2 104.2 7 29.02 15 I z k i 5 0 0 M V A T x ( 2 2 0 / 1 3 2 k V ) - 286.4 5 - 55.79 28.97 15 I z k i 5 0 0 M V A T x ( 2 2 0 / 1 3 2 k V ) 286.8 9 82.49 28.97 15 Sur-New k amil 132kV - 149.6 4 46.93 26.88 Sur-New k amil 132kV 150.7 0 - 44.86 26.88 A l k a m i l - N e w K a m i l 1 3 2 k V - 87.95 69.30 19.29 A l k a m i l - N e w K a m i l 1 3 2 k V 88.59 - 71.11 19.29 N e w a l k a m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 N e w a l k a m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 N e w a l k a m i l 1 2 5 M V A61.06 24.18 26.15 14 N e w a l k a m i l 1 2 5 M V A - 60.90 - 20.02 26.15 14 New alk amil33_load 60.90 20.02 A y j a h 1 2 5 . .85.49 34.69 37.36 14 A y j a h 1 2 5 . . - 85.40 - 28.07 37.36 14 A y j a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 A y j a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 Ayjah Load 85.40 28.07 S u r - A y j a . .85.82 32.59 15.96 S u r - A y j a . . - 85.49 - 34.69 15.96 s u r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s u r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 sur33_load 56.60 18.60 S u r 1 2 . .56.74 21.91 24.34 15 S u r 1 2 . . - 56.60 - 18.60 24.34 15 K a m i l - J B B A l i 1 3 2 k V - 86.09 - 34.79 15.79 K a m i l - J B B A l i 1 3 2 k V 86.65 30.62 15.79 s u m l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s u m l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 suml33_load 72.00 23.67 S u m a i l 1 2 5 M V . .72.18 29.10 30.86 13 S u m a i l 1 2 5 M V . . - 72.00 - 23.67 30.86 13 s u m l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 )0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s u m l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 suml33_load (63MVA) 54.60 17.95 S u m a i l 6 3 M V A x 254.78 22.22 46.52 14 S u m a i l 6 3 M V A x 2 - 54.60 - 17.95 46.52 14 b h l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b h l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 bhl33_load 86.10 28.30 B a h l a 1 2 5 M V A x 286.29 35.15 37.52 12 B a h l a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 86.10 - 28.30 37.52 12 N i z w a - B a h . . 86.98 35.11 32.06 N i z w a - B a h . . - 86.29 - 35.15 32.06 Ax New Sohar(1) 6.00 3.07 Garamco (132 liwa) 31.00 10.19 A i r p o r t H e i g h . .430.7 8 91.62 42.79 15 A i r p o r t H e i g h . . - 430.3 4 - 46.94 42.79 15 Jahlo ot 500MVA(400/2 20 kV) 5 8 5 . 2 4 1 1 8 . 6 0 2 9 . 1 6 1 5 Jahlo ot 500MVA(400/2 20 kV) - 5 8 4 . 9 9 - 7 4 . 9 1 2 9 . 1 6 1 5 Al was it-UAE220 kV 0.00 - 17.31 1.29 Al was it-UAE220 kV - 0.00 0.00 1.29 SIS-Alwasit.. 227.8 2 10.14 16.94 SIS-Alwasit.. - 226.9 2 - 23.50 16.94 UAE 0.00 MW 0.00 Mvar 1.00 shns cap2 - 0.00 - 9.93 2 shns cap1 0.00 - 14.89 3 shns33_load 89.90 55.72 S h i n a s 1 2 5 M V A x 290.13 38.76 40.15 11 S h i n a s 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 89.90 - 30.90 40.15 11 L i w a - S h i n . . 90.37 37.70 17.15 L i w a - S h i n . . - 90.13 - 38.76 17.15 s h n s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s h n s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 Airport cap1 0.00 - 14.77 3 Airport cap2 0.00 - 14.77 3 brk Te m33_load 39.90 13.11 b r k T h i r d 0 . 2 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b r k T h i r d 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 B a r k a t h i r d 1 2 5 M V A 39.98 16.22 34.38 13 B a r k a t h i r d 1 2 5 M V A - 39.90 - 13.11 34.38 13 b r k 0 . 2 M V A - A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b r k 0 . 2 M V A - A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 brk ca p2(1) 0.00 - 15.19 3 brk33_load -A 65.30 48.97 M a d i n a t a B a r k a 0 . 2 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 M a d i n a t a B a r k a 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Madina ta Barka33_load 64.20 21.10 M a d i n a t a B a r k a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 64.35 25.58 27.77 9 M a d i n a t a B a r k a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 64.20 - 21.10 27.77 9 M a d i n a t a B a r k a - M u l a d a h 1 3 2 k V - 147.7 2 - 50.27 27.32 M a d i n a t a B a r k a - M u l a d a h 1 3 2 k V 148.8 6 52.82 27.32 O l d G h - N e w - 15.22 - 8.70 2.37 O l d G h - N e w 15.22 8.29 2.37 Dsl Gho 28.00 14.34 Ax Gho 5.00 2.56 g b r G T 1 2 - 1 3 - 146.3 2 - 126.7 3 64.30 3 g b r G T 1 2 - 1 3 146.6 0 143.4 0 64.30 3 G~ gbr_GT 12-13 146.6 0 143.4 0 85.80 G~ gbr_ST5-6 48.40 29.06 69.27 g b r S T 5 - 6 T X - 48.22 - 25.19 75.27 3 g b r S T 5 - 6 T X 48.40 29.06 75.27 3 Ax New Barka(1) 6.00 3.07 S P S - S I S 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) 363.4 3 35.97 28.93 S P S - S I S 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) Breaker/S.. Breaker/S.. M a w a l l a h B - S e e b 216.0 7 58.63 31.10 M a w a l l a h B - S e e b - 215.5 7 - 92.29 31.10 Jahlo ot 500M.. 2 2 6 . 4 0 9 9 . 2 4 2 4 . 4 51 5 Jahlo ot 500M.. - 2 2 6 . 0 1 - 7 8 . 4 9 2 4 . 4 5 1 5 I z k i - M u d h . . 22.56 41.64 9.30 I z k i - M u d h . . - 22.36 - 48.99 9.30 i z k 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 i z k 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 izk33_load 81.10 26.66 I z k i 1 2 5 M V A x 281.27 33.04 34.63 14 I z k i 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 81.10 - 26.66 34.63 14 S u m a i l - I z . . S u m a i l - I z . . 44.42 - 0.69 7.59 A m e r a t 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 A m e r a t 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Amerat 33_load 57.50 18.90 A m e r a t 1 2 5 M V A x 2 57.65 22.98 25.27 12 A m e r a t 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 57.50 - 18.90 25.27 12 OMIFCO 0.00 MW 0.00 Mvar 1.00 Jahlo ot-Hamryah 220 - 3 4 1 . 9 3 - 7 6 . 3 4 2 6 . 0 2 Jahlo ot-Hamryah 220 3 4 3 . 0 6 7 7 . 3 4 2 6 . 0 2 S u r 5 0 0 M V A x 2293.6 9 36.76 29.42 15 S u r 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 293.2 6 - 9.65 29.42 15 M u t t r a h - F a l a j - 31.49 4.53 8.91 M u t t r a h - F a l a j 31.50 - 9.26 8.91 wdk ca p2 - 0.00 - 20.14 4 wdk33_load 85.10 63.83 wdk ca p2(1) 0.00 - 15.11 3 w d k 0 . 2 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 w d k 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 M u t t r a h - W a d i K a b i r - 25.92 - 20.71 11.56 M u t t r a h - W a d i K a b i r 25.93 20.53 11.56 w d k - B 0 . 2 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 w d k - B 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 wdk33_load -B 56.70 18.64 W a d i A l k a b i r 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - B 56.84 22.03 24.86 11 W a d i A l k a b i r 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - B - 56.70 - 18.64 24.86 11 W a d i A l . .85.29 34.94 37.59 11 W a d i A l . . - 85.10 - 28.58 37.59 11 M u t t r a h . .48.93 18.63 21.32 12 M u t t r a h . . - 48.80 - 16.04 21.32 12 muttr33_load 48.80 16.04 m u t t r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m u t t r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 Q u r a m 1 . . 70.46 27.31 30.71 12 Q u r a m 1 . . - 70.30 - 22.74 30.71 12 M S Q - Q u r a m . . 20.08 36.28 7.38 M S Q - Q u r a m . . - 20.06 - 37.48 7.38 Q u r a m - H a m r y a h 1 3 2 k V 5 0 . 4 2 - 1 0 . 8 1 8 . 9 5 Q u r a m - H a m r y a h 1 3 2 k V q r m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 q r m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 Qurumca p1 0.00 - 14.99 3 Qurumca p2 0.00 - 14.99 3 qrm33_load 70.30 52.72 M I S - S I S . . 1.80 - 20.08 1.49 M I S - S I S . . - 1.80 - 20.16 1.49 b b a l i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b b a l i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 J B B A l i . . 86.09 34.79 36.96 14 J B B A l i . . - 85.90 - 28.23 36.96 14 bbali 33_load 85.90 28.23 a l k a m i l G T 1 - 3 T X - 232.5 6 - 159.0 0 85.37 11 a l k a m i l G T 1 - 3 T X 233.7 0 199.5 8 85.37 11 m s q 0 . 2 M V A - A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m s q 0 . 2 M V A - A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 MSQcap 2 0.00 - 15.07 3 MSQcap 1 0.00 - 15.07 3 msq33_load -A(1) 79.70 53.56 M S Q - A 1 2 5 . .- 79.70 - 23.42 34.42 8 M S Q - A 1 2 5 . . 79.88 29.01 34.42 8 m s q 0 . 2 M V A - B- 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m s q 0 . 2 M V A - B 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 msq33_load -B 89.70 29.48 M S Q - B 1 2 5 M V A- 89.70 - 29.48 39.30 12 M S Q - B 1 2 5 M V A 89.90 36.50 39.30 12 B o u s h e r - M S Q ( U G C ) - 55.82 4.27 15.21 B o u s h e r - M S Q ( U G C ) B o u s h e r - M S Q ( O H L ) B o u s h e r - M S Q ( O H L ) 55.84 - 7.39 19.49 B a r k a I P P - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) B a r k a I P P - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) 403.1 0 - 19.78 31.28 G h o u b r a h - M S Q 3 ( U G C ) G h o u b r a h - M S Q 3 ( U G C ) - 85.31 22.54 9.02 G h o u b r a h - M S Q ( O H L ) 85.36 - 52.72 11.57 G h o u b r a h - M S Q ( O H L ) New Burimi -Burimi (OHL) 64.70 1.95 11.35 New Burimi -Burimi (OHL) N e w B u r i m i - B u r i m i ( U G C ) N e w B u r i m i - B u r i m i ( U G C ) - 64.65 - 24.32 9.46 maw33_load A 83.50 45.07 Mawalla h cap2 - 0.00 - 9.95 2 Mawalla h cap1 - 0.00 - 9.95 2 m a w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m a w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 M a w a l l a h - A . . - 83.50 - 25.16 35.09 13 M a w a l l a h - A . . 83.69 31.65 35.09 13 s o h - B 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s o h - B 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 soh-B 33_load 94.30 30.99 S o h a r - B 1 2 5 M V A 94.54 39.60 41.83 10 S o h a r - B 1 2 5 M V A - 94.30 - 30.99 41.83 10 S o h a r - W a . . - 61.43 - 37.58 12.55 S o h a r - W a . . 61.59 35.31 12.55 alh cap(1) - 0.00 - 5.03 1 a l h 0 . 2 M V A ( 1 )0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a l h 0 . 2 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l h 0 . 2 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a l h 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 alh33_load 27.60 17.10 alh cap - 0.00 - 5.03 1 A l H a y l 4 0 M V A x 227.70 8.65 37.10 10 A l H a y l 4 0 M V A x 2 - 27.60 - 7.05 37.10 10 Filaj-Bark.. 210.1 3 24.27 35.91 Filaj-Bark.. - 209.7 9 - 22.90 35.91 G~ brk GT1-2 198.0 0 114.9 4 71.99 G~ brk ST1 182.2 0 102.1 6 74.60 G~ brk ST1-2 Ph-2 266.6 0 133.8 4 73.52 G~ brk GT1-3 Ph-2 321.6 0 165.8 4 68.92 G~ rsl_GT7 79.40 20.00 54.59 r s l G T 7 T X - 79.25 - 13.37 59.55 3 r s l G T 7 T X79.40 20.00 59.55 3 r s l G T 8 T X - 78.41 - 18.98 66.07 3 r s l G T 8 T X 78.60 26.21 66.07 3 G~ rsl_GT8 78.60 26.21 70.82 G~ rsl_GT1-3 202.5 0 90.34 53.95 r s l G T 1 - 3 T X - 202.1 9 - 75.77 54.75 3 r s l G T 1 - 3 T X202.5 0 90.34 54.75 3 nhkl 0.315 MVA 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 nhkl 0.315 MVA - 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 Fila j-Madinata Barka 132 kV 213.8 4 81.19 38.89 Fila j-Madinata Barka 132 kV - 213.2 1 - 78.40 38.89 brk ca p2 0.00 - 15.19 3 B a r k a - A . . 65.45 22.46 27.56 9 B a r k a - A . . - 65.30 - 18.59 27.56 9 B a r k a - M o b a l l a h 1 3 2 k V - 104.1 9 15.19 17.96 B a r k a - M o b a l l a h 1 3 2 k V104.3 5 - 15.78 17.96 W a d i S a ' a - D a . . 0.00 0.00 0.00 W a d i S a ' a - D a . . 0.00 0.00 0.00 soh-A 33_load 66.60 35.95 soh c ap2 - 0.00 - 9.93 2 soh c ap2(1) - 0.00 - 4.96 1 s o h - A 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s o h - A 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 n z w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 n z w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 nzw33_load 86.80 28.53 N i z w a 1 . . 86.99 35.39 37.09 13 N i z w a 1 . . - 86.80 - 28.53 37.09 13 M a n a h - N i . . - 183.6 5 - 117.2 9 36.76 M a n a h - N i . . 184.7 7 121.7 5 36.76 G~ mnh GT1-3 71.40 15.51 62.85 G~ mnh GT4-5 154.8 0 142.0 9 63.67 m n h G T 1 - 3 T X - 71.26 - 10.77 54.12 5 m n h G T 1 - 3 T X 71.40 15.51 54.12 5 m n h G T 4 - 5 T X - 154.3 0 - 121.1 4 68.67 15 m n h G T 4 - 5 T X 154.8 0 142.0 9 68.67 15 Nizwa-Ib.. 82.94 6.98 14.47 Nizwa-Ib.. - 81.89 - 17.18 14.47 N i z w a - M a d i n a t a N i z w a64.22 24.54 11.69 N i z w a - M a d i n a t a N i z w a - 64.16 - 25.58 11.69 Nahada-Niz.. 0.00 - 3.25 3.59 Nahada-Niz.. - 0.00 - 0.00 3.59 PDONetwork 0.00 MW 0.00 Mvar 1.00 M a d i n a t a N i z w a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 M a d i n a t a N i z w a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 M a d i n a t a N i z w a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 64.16 25.58 27.36 14 M a d i n a t a N i z w a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 64.00 - 21.04 27.36 14 Madina ta Nizwa33_load 64.00 21.04 S o h a r I I T x G T 1 - 202.6 2 - 45.46 67.61 15 S o h a r I I T x G T 1203.1 0 69.46 67.61 15 G~ Sohar II GT1 203.1 0 69.46 66.87 G~ Sohar II GT2 203.1 0 78.84 67.87 G~ Sohar II ST1 207.0 0 85.92 65.92 S o h a r I I T x G T 2 - 202.6 2 - 54.16 68.62 15 S o h a r I I T x G T 2 203.1 0 78.84 68.62 15 S o h a r I I T x S T 1 - 206.5 2 - 62.24 63.53 15 S o h a r I I T x S T 1 207.0 0 85.92 63.53 15 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V - 217.6 2 22.44 15.85 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V 2 1 7 . 8 2 - 2 6 . 3 0 1 5 . 8 5 M i s f a h - M S Q 2 2 0 k V 3 7 4 . 8 7 1 3 6 . 3 0 2 9 . 0 6 M i s f a h - M S Q 2 2 0 k V - 373.8 2 - 133.2 7 29.06 Moball ah-Rusail 132kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 Moball ah-Rusail 132kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 R u s a i l - S u m a i . . - 82.69 - 44.32 15.89 R u s a i l - S u m a i . . 83.01 42.00 15.89 Airport Hei.. - 213.1 6 - 114.0 7 17.45 Airport Hei.. 213.6 5 106.6 3 17.45 b r k S T 1 T X - 181.9 1 - 81.91 74.60 17 b r k S T 1 T X182.2 0 102.1 6 74.60 17 b r k G T 1 - 2 T X - 197.6 5 - 93.51 71.99 18 b r k G T 1 - 2 T X198.0 0 114.9 4 71.99 18 N e w M o b a l l a h - S e e b 1 3 2 - 64.13 - 55.73 11.28 N e w M o b a l l a h - S e e b 1 3 2 64.17 29.94 11.28 R u s a i l - M . . - 180.0 0 - 71.07 25.30 R u s a i l - M . . 180.3 0 39.17 25.30 M i s f a h - W a d i A d a i 0.00 0.00 0.00 M i s f a h - W a d i A d a i 0.00 0.00 0.00 gbr33_load 94.90 31.19 G h u b r a h 1 2 5 M V A x 295.12 39.49 41.70 11 G h u b r a h 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 94.90 - 31.19 41.70 11 G h o u b r a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 G h o u b r a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 Ghoubrah.. - 126.6 9 - 79.62 13.47 Ghoubrah.. 126.7 3 65.19 13.47 Hamryah 500MVAx2 3 4 1 . 9 3 7 6 . 3 4 3 5 . 0 61 5 Hamryah 500MVAx2 - 3 4 1 . 4 5 - 4 0 . 9 7 3 5 . 0 6 1 5 A z i b a 0 . 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 A z i b a 0 . 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 Transport 30.00 9.86 Ghala 33_load 68.60 22.55 G h a l a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 G h a l a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 G h a l a 1 2 5 M V . .68.77 27.58 29.29 13 G h a l a 1 2 5 M V . . - 68.60 - 22.55 29.29 13 a r p h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a r p h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 A z i b a . . 20.43 8.11 14.48 15 A z i b a . . - 20.30 - 6.67 14.48 15 azb33_load 20.30 6.67 A i r p o r t . . 94.51 36.94 40.32 14 A i r p o r t . . - 94.30 - 28.90 40.32 14 arph33_load 94.30 58.44 A i r p o r t H . . 20.44 - 30.40 4.83 A i r p o r t H . . - 20.43 - 8.11 4.83 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - M a w a l l a h B - 216.0 7 - 58.63 29.59 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - M a w a l l a h B 216.6 0 20.41 29.59 A i r p o r t - G h a l a 1 3 2 k V 68.80 10.14 9.77 A i r p o r t - G h a l a 1 3 2 k V - 68.77 - 27.58 9.77 R u s a i l - M i s f . . 80.67 31.25 14.54 R u s a i l - M i s f . . - 80.58 - 32.11 14.54 M i s f a h 1 2 . .80.58 32.11 34.05 14 M i s f a h 1 2 . . - 80.40 - 26.43 34.05 14 m s f 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m s f 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 G~ rsl_GT4-6 208.5 0 103.5 5 73.38 r s l G T 4 - 6 T X - 208.2 0 - 89.68 56.23 3 r s l G T 4 - 6 T X208.5 0 103.5 5 56.23 3 b r k S T 1 - 3 P 2 T X - 266.6 0 - 100.4 7 74.58 17 b r k S T 1 - 3 P 2 T X266.6 0 133.8 4 74.58 17 b r k G T 1 - 3 P 2 T X - 321.0 4 - 127.8 9 69.92 18 b r k G T 1 - 3 P 2 T X321.6 0 165.8 4 69.92 18 G~ wdj GT11 25.30 4.84 68.69 G~ wdj GT12-13 53.80 9.74 59.11 G~ wdj GT9-10 50.60 46.50 88.67 w d j G T 1 2 - 1 3 T X - 53.61 - 6.09 60.75 9 w d j G T 1 2 - 1 3 T X 53.80 9.74 60.75 9 w d j G T 1 1 T X - 25.21 - 3.19 57.24 9 w d j G T 1 1 T X 25.30 4.84 57.24 9 w d j G T 9 - 1 0 T X - 50.34 - 40.55 80.10 9 w d j G T 9 - 1 0 T X 50.60 46.50 80.10 9 dnk33_load 21.40 16.05 dnk c ap1 - 0.00 - 4.96 1 b s r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 2 )0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b s r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 2 ) - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 bsr33_load B 93.20 30.63 B o u s h e r B 1 2 5 M V A x 293.41 38.50 41.16 11 B o u s h e r B 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 93.20 - 30.63 41.16 11 Boush er cap2 0.00 - 14.91 3 Boush er cap1 0.00 - 14.91 3 fila j-Blue Cit y 220kV(OHL) 401.9 4 55.53 29.03 fila j-Blue Cit y 220kV(OHL) M S Q - W a d i A d a i . . 42.38 55.07 12.18 M S Q - W a d i A d a i . . - 42.33 - 55.84 12.18 Hamryah-WAdai 6 8 . 1 7 - 0 . 2 6 2 3 . 6 7Hamryah-WAdai - 68.12 0.07 23.67 Hamryah-WKabir 1 1 6 . 3 8 3 6 . 6 1 4 2 . 4 1Hamryah-WKabir - 116.2 1 - 36.26 42.41 w d a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 w d a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 wda ca p1(1) 0.00 - 10.05 2 wda33_load 60.60 37.56 wda ca p1 0.00 - 10.05 2 W a d i A d . . - 60.60 - 17.45 26.15 11 W a d i A d . . 60.75 21.05 26.15 11 D a n k - A l H a y l 1 3 2 k V 27.75 2.00 5.07 D a n k - A l H a y l 1 3 2 k V - 27.70 - 8.65 5.07 m a w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A B0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m a w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A B - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 maw-B33_load 96.10 31.59 M a w a l l a h - B 1 2 5 M V A - 96.10 - 31.59 40.81 14 M a w a l l a h - B 1 2 5 M V A 96.31 39.42 40.81 14 N e w M o b a l l a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 N e w M o b a l l a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 New Moba llah33_load 94.00 30.90 N e w M o b a l l a h 1 2 5 M V A x 2 94.24 39.44 40.69 12 N e w M o b a l l a h 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 94.00 - 30.90 40.69 12 Dsl Sohar 31.00 15.88 Ax Sohar 6.00 3.07 Moball ah cap2 0.00 - 15.03 3 Moball ah cap1 0.00 - 15.03 3 m o b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m o b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 mob33_load 73.90 53.50 M o b a l l a h . . 74.07 28.63 31.81 13 M o b a l l a h . . - 73.90 - 23.44 31.81 13 yitt 0.315 MVA 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 yitt 0.315 MVA - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 Yitti .. 6 1 . 5 5 2 3 . 8 6 2 6 . 8 61 2 Yitti .. - 6 1 . 4 0 - 2 0 . 1 8 2 6 . 8 6 1 2 y t t 3 3 _ l o a d 6 1 . 4 0 2 0 . 1 8 s a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 S a h a m 1 . . 91.80 37.78 41.09 10 S a h a m 1 . . - 91.60 - 30.11 41.09 10 sah33_load 91.60 30.11 SIS-Saha.. - 133.6 7 - 51.18 25.16 SIS-Saha.. 134.4 6 52.40 25.16 N h k a l c a p 1 0 . 0 0 - 1 0 . 0 2 2 N h k a l c a p 2 0 . 0 0 - 1 5 . 0 2 3 Al Wasit-New Bur.. 132.2 8 29.55 23.61 Al Wasit-New Bur.. - 131.5 1 - 28.89 23.61 N e w b u r i m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 N e w b u r i m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 New bur33_load 66.70 21.92 N e w b u r e i m . . 66.82 26.94 30.14 8 N e w b u r e i m . . - 66.70 - 21.92 30.14 8 A m e r a t - J a h l o . . - 57.65 - 22.98 10.78 A m e r a t - J a h l o . . 5 7 . 7 6 2 0 . 7 1 1 0 . 7 8 M S Q - A m e r a t . . 0.00 0.00 0.00 M S Q - A m e r a t . . 0.00 0.00 0.00 J a h l o o t c a p 2 0 . 0 0 - 9 . 8 7 2 J a h l o o t c a p 1 0 . 0 0 - 1 4 . 8 1 3 Al wasit-I.. - 92.93 - 29.90 7.29 Al wasit-I.. 93.27 - 19.27 7.29 I b r i 5 0 0 M V A x 2 92.93 29.90 9.82 15 I b r i 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 92.76 - 26.79 9.82 15 f i l a j - B l u e C i t y 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) f i l a j - B l u e C i t y 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) - 400.4 9 - 105.4 7 32.10 a l w 0 . 1 6 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l w 0 . 1 6 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b u r i m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b u r i m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 B o u s h e r - A 1 2 5 M V A x 289.10 36.86 39.06 12 B o u s h e r - A 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 88.90 - 29.92 39.06 12 bsr33_load A(1) 88.90 59.74 Jahloo.. 6 0 . 1 4 2 4 . 1 9 2 6 . 2 11 4 Jahloo.. - 6 0 . 0 0 - 2 0 . 3 1 2 6 . 2 1 1 4 M S Q 5 0 0 M V A x 2 373.8 2 133.2 7 39.10 15 M S Q 5 0 0 M V A x 2- 373.4 3 - 96.75 39.10 15 W a d i A d a i . . - 49.69 - 35.03 10.57 W a d i A d a i . . 49.70 34.72 10.57 bur33_load 64.50 39.97 B u r e i m i 1 2 5 . . 64.65 24.32 28.55 11 B u r e i m i 1 2 5 . . - 64.50 - 20.16 28.55 11 Jahloot-Yit.. 6 1 . 6 3 2 1 . 6 3 7 . 3 4Jahloot-Yit.. - 6 1 . 5 5 - 2 3 . 8 6 7 . 3 4 Izki -Ni zwa 132kV 138.2 0 - 18.20 23.50 Izki -Ni zwa 132kV - 137.4 8 18.52 23.50 bur ca p2 0.00 - 9.91 2 bur ca p1 0.00 - 9.91 2 SIS-Soha.. 100.2 4 26.11 18.05 SIS-Soha.. - 99.87 - 27.35 18.05 Al Wasit-Wad.. 31.78 9.46 19.39 Al Wasit-Wad.. - 31.62 - 12.07 19.39 Dsl Ba rka phase 1 25.00 12.81 Dsl Ba rka ph2 31.20 15.98 M I S - b l u e c i t y 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) 303.2 6 66.88 25.36 M I S - b l u e c i t y 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) M I S - b l u e c i t y 1 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) M I S - b l u e c i t y 1 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) - 301.9 6 - 123.3 3 24.03 OMCO 0.00 MW 0.00 Mvar 1.00 a d m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a d m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b l u e 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b l u e 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 r t q 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 r t q 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l f 0 . 2 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a l f 0 . 2 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b s r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b s r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 jah 0.315 MVA(2) 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 jah 0.315 MVA(2) - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 jah 0.315 MVA 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 jah 0.315 MVA - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 a l w 0 . 1 6 M V A ( 1 )0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l w 0 . 1 6 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 d a n k 0 . 2 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 d a n k 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 w d s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 w d s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 adm33_load 34.60 11.37 A d a m . . 34.72 13.57 45.58 15 A d a m . . - 34.60 - 11.37 45.58 15 A l F a l . . 81.18 30.50 35.31 8 A l F a l . . - 81.00 - 24.08 35.31 8 alf cap2(1) - 0.00 - 19.75 4 alf33_load 81.00 58.64 R u s t a q 1 2 5 M V A x 3102.7 2 41.07 30.67 10 R u s t a q 1 2 5 M V A x 3 - 102.5 0 - 33.69 30.67 10 rtq33_load 102.5 0 33.69 Nakhal 1.. 5 9 . 7 4 2 3 . 3 3 2 5 . 7 9 1 3 Nakhal 1.. - 5 9 . 6 0 - 1 9 . 6 6 2 5 . 7 9 1 3 blue33_load 97.00 31.88 B l u e C i t y 1 6 0 M V A x 2 - 97.00 - 31.88 31.92 16 B l u e C i t y 1 6 0 M V A x 2 97.23 38.59 31.92 16 K h a b o r a . . 80.98 30.53 35.89 7 K h a b o r a . . - 80.80 - 24.54 35.89 7 S o h a r - A 1 2 5 M V A 66.75 25.32 29.13 11 S o h a r - A 1 2 5 M V A - 66.60 - 21.06 29.13 11 A l W a s i t 3 1 5 . . 133.6 5 60.08 23.24 15 A l W a s i t 3 1 5 . . - 133.5 1 - 54.41 23.24 15 W a d i S a ' a 6 . . 31.62 12.07 27.44 12 W a d i S a ' a 6 . . - 31.50 - 10.35 27.44 12 alw33_load 19.40 6.38 Manah-Ad.. 34.79 7.08 6.18 Manah-Ad.. - 34.72 - 13.57 6.18 Ax Manah 6.00 3.07 alf cap2 0.00 - 14.81 3 wds33_load 31.50 10.35 F i l a j 5 0 0 M V A x 2 484.3 8 184.4 3 49.69 15 F i l a j 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 483.8 4 - 126.0 0 49.69 15 M I S 5 0 0 M V A x 2300.1 6 143.4 1 32.98 15 M I S 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 299.8 4 - 119.2 1 32.98 15 S I S 5 0 0 M V A x 2234.9 5 92.89 25.05 15 S I S 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 234.7 0 - 78.51 25.05 15 Ax Ba rka ph-2 6.00 3.07 Ax Barka 6.00 3.07 n h l 3 3 _ l o a d 5 9 . 6 0 4 4 . 7 0 j a h 3 3 _ l o a d 6 0 . 0 0 4 5 . 0 0 D a n k 6 3 M V A x 221.50 7.09 18.30 13 D a n k 6 3 M V A x 2 - 21.40 - 6.14 18.30 13 A l W a s i t 3 0 M V A x 219.49 7.54 35.26 5 A l W a s i t 3 0 M V A x 2 - 19.40 - 6.38 35.26 5 Fila j-Nakhal 132kV 59.87 20.54 10.95 Fila j-Nakhal 132kV - 5 9 . 7 4 - 2 3 . 3 3 1 0 . 9 5 Ax Alkamil 6.00 3.07 dnk c ap2 - 0.00 - 4.96 1 B a r k a P S - F i l a j . . 550.8 0 179.3 6 41.08 B a r k a P S - F i l a j . . - 549.9 9 - 173.2 9 41.08 B a r k a P S - F i l a j 1 . . - 549.9 9 - 173.2 9 41.08 B a r k a P S - F i l a j 1 . . 550.8 0 179.3 6 41.08 Ax_wdj 7.00 3.59 Wadi Al .. 50.32 - 11.72 14.59 Wadi Al .. - 50.04 7.86 14.59 G~ alk GT1-3 233.7 0 199.5 8 84.49 D I g S I L E N T Five-Year Annual Transmission Capability Statement (2012 - 2016) Page | 153 Figure C.5 OETC Transmission System 2016 Max. Load Flow Condition V o l t a g e L e v e l s 4 0 0 . k V 2 2 0 . k V 1 3 2 . k V 3 3 . k V 2 2 . k V 2 0 . k V 1 9 . k V 1 7 . k V 1 5 . 7 5 k V 1 5 . k V 1 4 . k V 1 3 . 8 k V 1 1 . 5 k V 1 1 . k V 0 . 4 1 5 k V OETC Planning Dpt. PowerFactory 14.0.523 2016 Peak Load in OETC Network Summer Peak Load Studied areas: Majan, Mazoon and Muscat (Master Model) Project: 2016 Graphic: Expanded Grid Date: 3/11/2012 Annex: OETC Nodes Branches External Grid Mobalah Figure C.5 OETC Transmission System 2016 Max. load Flow Condition Sohar Aluminum PS OCC MSQ Ibra Al Kamil Wadi Jizzi PS Liwa Free Zone Sohar Refinery Sohar Ind Port-A (SIP-A) Hajarmat Muladha Al Khadra Blue City Sur PS Sohar I PS OMIFCO Ibri Seeb Main Mhdhabi New Moballah Sur New Al Kamil Aijah Sohar Mudarib Musanna Interconnection SS (MIS) Sohar Interconnection SS (SIS) Oman - UAE 220kV Interconnection Shinas Madinata Barka Ghubrah PS Izki Quriat Wadi Al Kabir AlFalaj Muttrah Qurum BB Ali Barka Main AES Barka PS Madinata Nizwa Manah PS PDO Al Hamryah Ghala Air Port High Azaiba Coast Rusail PS Al-Misfah Al Khabourah Al Kamil PS Sohar II PS SMN Barka PS Barka III PS Wadi Adai Yitti Saham Bahla Bousher AlMawalih New Buraimi Al Buraimi Amerat Jahloot Al Hail Nizwa Al Wasit ( Mhadah) OMCO Wadi Sa'a Dank Rustaq Nakhal Sumail Filaj Adam Mobalah.. 33.00 1.00 - 142.7 9 Mobalah 220kV 227.9 2 1.04 13.97 Filaj 132.. 132.2 9 1.00 9.49 Barka 1.. 131.8 9 1.00 9.19 Mobalah.. 135.5 6 1.03 10.35 Barka-A.. 33.01 1.00 - 143.3 5 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 113.3 5 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 114.1 5 Barka Third 33kV 32.96 1.00 - 144.1 5 Misfah.. 33.20 1.01 - 144.9 7 Ibra 33kV 32.80 0.99 - 142.6 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.04 - 112.6 0 Ibra132kV 128.9 2 0.98 9.76 Mudhairb.. 32.76 0.99 - 143.0 8 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 113.0 8 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 114.6 3 alkamil 132.. 134.6 9 1.02 15.92 Mudhairb.. 129.9 1 0.98 10.56 Ibri 13.. 131.9 6 1.00 5.23 Rusail 33kV-B 33.00 1.00 - 144.3 1 Rusail 33kV-A 33.00 1.00 - 144.3 1 Liwa 33kV 32.97 1.00 - 146.1 7 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 116.1 7 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 116.2 1 Free Zone 132kV 129.7 4 0.98 7.24 Free Zone33kV 32.76 0.99 - 146.2 1 Sohar Refinery 132kV 131.6 7 1.00 10.17 SIP-A132.. 131.6 7 1.00 10.17 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 111.0 7 SIP-A3.. 33.20 1.01 - 141.0 7 SIP-A22.. 224.1 0 1.02 13.65 Liwa 220kV 222.2 3 1.01 11.50 Hajarmat132kV 131.0 9 0.99 4.54 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.05 - 117.5 7 Hajarmat 33kV 33.03 1.00 - 147.5 7 Dank132.. 131.0 9 0.99 3.96 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 117.9 4 Ibri .. 32.96 1.00 - 147.9 4 M i s f a h 2 2 0 k . . 2 2 6 . 1 2 1 . 0 3 1 4 . 0 7 M i s f a h 4 0 0 k V 4 1 8 . 2 9 1 . 0 5 1 5 . 1 4 Izki 400kV 419.7 8 1.05 15.70 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 63.14 Muladah 33kV-B 32.88 1.00 33.14 Muladah33kV-A 32.85 1.00 - 146.4 5 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 116.4 5 Muladah.. 128.0 2 0.97 5.81 MIS33kV-B 32.93 1.00 33.05 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 63.05 MIS33kV-A 32.87 1.00 - 146.4 6 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 116.4 6 Khaborah 132kV 126.6 4 0.96 4.62 MIS132kV 128.6 2 0.97 6.15 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 117.9 1 khadra 33kV 32.99 1.00 - 147.9 1 khadra 132kV 127.0 8 0.96 4.95 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 112.2 5 Quriat .. 33.06 1.00 - 142.2 5 Quriat 1.. 128.8 2 0.98 9.79 Sur PS 220kV 221.4 1 1.01 24.86 Sur PS 400kV 411.5 2 1.03 21.13 Soh Al 220kV 238.0 3 1.08 29.99 Mudhaib.. 32.95 1.00 - 144.6 3 Mudhaibi 33kV(63MVA) 32.93 1.00 - 144.6 9 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 114.6 9 Mudhaibi.. 129.8 1 0.98 8.11 Seeb 33kV (63MVA) 33.15 1.00 - 144.1 6 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 113.7 8 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 114.1 6 Seeb 3.. 32.92 1.00 - 143.7 8 Barka IPP220 230.6 9 1.05 19.02 Izki 220kV 226.3 3 1.03 11.46 New Kamil 132kV 132.2 4 1.00 17.90 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 104.5 4 New alkamil 33kV 32.83 0.99 - 134.5 4 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 104.4 0 Ayjah 33.. 33.11 1.00 - 134.4 0 Ayjah 132.. 129.7 5 0.98 19.27 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 101.8 5 Sur 33.. 33.07 1.00 - 131.8 5 Sumail .. 32.87 1.00 - 145.5 7 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 115.5 7 Sumail 33kV(63MVA) 33.09 1.00 - 146.2 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 116.2 0 Sumail 1.. 132.7 7 1.01 7.49 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.05 - 117.5 2 Bahla .. 33.05 1.00 - 147.5 2 Bahla 1.. 131.0 1 0.99 6.10 Liwa 132kV 129.9 2 0.98 7.47 Al Wasit 220kV 220.7 9 1.00 8.48 alw220 (1) 221.0 8 1.00 8.48 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 117.2 1 Shinas3.. 32.86 1.00 - 147.2 1 Shinas13.. 128.8 1 0.98 6.61 Madinata Barka132kV 131.0 3 0.99 8.48 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 114.2 5 Madinata Barka 33kV 32.69 0.99 - 144.2 5 Old Ghoubrah132 129.7 8 0.98 7.05 Mawallah 132 kV-B 135.3 6 1.03 10.11 Mawallah-A132kV 134.4 0 1.02 8.51 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.05 - 114.5 4 Izki 3.. 32.98 1.00 - 144.5 4 Izki 13.. 133.4 0 1.01 8.70 Amerat 33k.. 32.73 0.99 - 142.5 9 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 112.5 9 Sur 220.. 221.3 2 1.01 24.69 J a h l o o t P S 4 0 0 k V 4 0 8 . 5 2 1 . 0 2 1 7 . 7 7 J a h l o o t . . 2 2 2 . 1 6 1 . 0 1 1 4 . 1 6 Sur 132.. 131.4 7 1.00 20.55 Wadi Al .. 128.8 2 0.98 6.86 Al Fal.. 129.0 2 0.98 6.92 Wadi A.. 32.91 1.00 - 146.5 1 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 63.49 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 64.34 Wadi Al Kabair33kV-B 32.79 0.99 - 145.6 6 Muttrah13.. 129.0 3 0.98 6.95 Muttrah .. 32.94 1.00 - 145.0 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 115.0 0 Quram13.. 129.2 7 0.98 7.05 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 115.8 2 Quram3.. 33.15 1.00 - 145.8 2 SIS220.. 221.7 1 1.01 10.90 JBB Ali 1.. 131.7 8 1.00 13.74 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 109.9 3 JBB Ali .. 32.85 1.00 - 139.9 3 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 116.1 4 MSQ-A33k.. 32.85 1.00 - 146.1 4 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 116.5 2 MSQ-B33k.. 33.10 1.00 - 146.5 2 Seeb132k.. 135.2 2 1.02 10.08 Mawallah-.. 32.84 1.00 - 145.0 8 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 115.0 8 Sohar-B 33kV 32.86 1.00 32.68 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 62.68 Sohar 1.. 129.1 5 0.98 6.63 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 0.92 Al Hay.. 33.00 1.00 30.92 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 0.92 0 . 4 1 5 b u s b a r . . 0 . 4 1 1 . 0 0 - 1 1 3 . 8 7 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 116.0 9 Sohar-A 33kV 32.80 0.99 - 146.0 9 Nizwa 3.. 32.94 1.00 - 145.9 8 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.04 - 115.9 8 Nizwa 1.. 133.7 1 1.01 7.80 Manah13.. 136.7 3 1.04 9.32 Nahda132k.. 134.0 5 1.02 7.73 Madinata Nizwa132kV 133.3 1 1.01 7.51 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.05 - 115.2 4 Madinata Nizwa 33kV 33.07 1.00 - 145.2 4 Sohar IPP 220.. 223.2 2 1.01 12.14 Airport.. 33.17 1.01 - 143.8 2 Rusail .. 134.7 5 1.02 8.66 Airport .. 226.5 8 1.03 13.58 New Moballah 132 135.3 2 1.03 10.17 Misfah 132.. 134.2 6 1.02 8.30 Ghubrah 33kV 33.06 1.00 - 146.7 4 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 116.7 4 New Gh-A132kV 129.7 8 0.98 7.05 H a m r y a h 2 2 0 k V 2 1 9 . 3 5 1 . 0 0 1 1 . 9 2 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 7.62 Ghala 132k.. 135.3 4 1.03 10.12 0.415 busbar.. 0.44 1.05 - 112.7 7 Ghala 33k.. 33.17 1.01 - 142.7 7 Aziba .. 10.97 1.00 - 22.38 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 113.8 2 Aziba 13.. 135.4 2 1.03 10.13 Airport .. 135.4 2 1.03 10.16 H a m r y a h 1 3 2 k V 1 2 9 . 2 7 0 . 9 8 7 . 2 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 114.9 7 MSQ132.. 129.7 4 0.98 7.14 Bousher B 33kV 32.81 0.99 - 147.0 2 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.04 - 117.0 2 Bousher A 33kV 32.70 0.99 - 146.5 5 MIS220.. 221.2 1 1.01 9.92 Filaj 220.. 228.9 5 1.04 14.64 Barka PS.. 230.5 6 1.05 15.61 Wadi Ad.. 32.90 1.00 - 145.5 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 115.5 0 Al Hayl.. 130.5 1 0.99 3.27 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 115.3 4 Mawallah-.. 33.10 1.00 - 145.3 4 Wadi Ad.. 129.1 7 0.98 6.99 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 66.24 New Moballah 33 33.28 1.01 36.24 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 112.7 9 J a h l o o t . . 1 3 0 . 1 2 0 . 9 9 1 0 . 9 3 Y i t t i . . 3 2 . 8 8 1 . 0 0 - 1 4 2 . 3 6 0 . 4 1 5 b u s b a r . . 0 . 4 1 1 . 0 0 - 1 1 2 . 3 6 Y i t t i 1 . . 1 2 9 . 2 4 0 . 9 8 1 0 . 1 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 0.99 - 118.1 4 Saham33kV 32.75 0.99 - 148.1 4 Saham 132kV 127.8 0 0.97 5.74 N a k h l a . . 3 2 . 9 2 1 . 0 0 - 1 4 3 . 8 7 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 118.7 6 Newbureimi.. 32.89 1.00 - 148.7 6 Newbureimi.. 128.3 0 0.97 4.28 Amerat 132k.. 129.2 6 0.98 10.27 MSQ220.. 222.8 1 1.01 12.30 Ibri 22.. 222.4 9 1.01 7.50 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 118.7 4 J a h l o o . . 3 3 . 1 5 1 . 0 0 - 1 4 1 . 7 4 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 64.03 0.415 busbar 0.41 0.99 - 118.7 4 Rustaq.. 33.14 1.00 - 148.4 4 Bureim.. 32.69 0.99 - 148.7 4 Bureimi.. 128.1 5 0.97 4.13 sps 220.. 224.3 5 1.02 13.83 SIS132.. 130.3 9 0.99 7.84 Bousher.. 129.7 1 0.98 7.03 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 114.2 9 Adam33.. 32.94 1.00 - 144.2 9 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 111.0 6 blue ci.. 32.88 1.00 - 141.0 6 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 118.4 4 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.01 - 116.6 2 Al Fa.. 33.22 1.01 - 146.6 2 0.415 busbar.. 0.43 1.04 - 116.5 5 0 . 4 1 5 b u s b a r . . 0 . 4 2 1 . 0 0 - 1 1 1 . 7 4 0 . 4 1 5 b u s b a r . . 0 . 4 2 1 . 0 0 - 1 1 1 . 7 4 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 64.03 Al Was.. 33.13 1.00 34.03 0.415 busbar.. 0.41 1.00 - 177.5 0 Dank33.. 32.84 1.00 - 147.5 0 0.415 busbar.. 0.42 1.00 - 117.2 1 Wadi S.. 33.04 1.00 - 147.2 1 Adam132.. 135.9 4 1.03 8.63 blue cit.. 226.5 2 1.03 12.21 Khaborah 33kV 33.20 1.01 - 148.7 4 Wadi Al.. 130.4 3 0.99 7.36 Wadi Sa.. 128.7 6 0.98 5.62 Al Wasi.. 130.3 2 0.99 6.43 N a k h l a . . 1 3 1 . 4 6 1 . 0 0 8 . 7 6 Rustaq .. 126.0 9 0.96 4.32 Moball ah cap2 0.00 - 15.00 3 M o b a l l a h . . 76.27 30.61 32.19 15 M o b a l l a h . . - 76.10 - 25.10 32.19 15 I z k i 5 0 0 M V A T x ( 2 2 0 / 1 3 2 k V ) - 215.4 3 - 58.80 22.32 15 I z k i 5 0 0 M V A T x ( 2 2 0 / 1 3 2 k V ) 215.8 2 77.53 22.32 15 F i l a j - M o b a l a h 2 2 0 k V - 386.8 5 - 114.5 3 28.93 F i l a j - M o b a l a h 2 2 0 k V 387.2 5 115.5 6 28.93 F i l a j 5 0 0 M V A x 2 403.3 5 187.8 1 42.75 15 F i l a j 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 402.9 1 - 144.3 2 42.75 15 Mobala h-New Moballa h132kV - 212.6 0 - 25.38 27.85 Mobala h-New Moballa h132kV 212.9 4 - 2.73 27.85 M o b a l a h 5 0 0 M V A x 2289.5 0 47.57 28.32 15 M o b a l a h 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 289.2 1 - 27.88 28.32 15 B a r k a - M o b a l l a h 1 3 2 k V 0.00 0.00 0.00 B a r k a - M o b a l l a h 1 3 2 k V0.00 0.00 0.00 b r k 0 . 2 M V A - A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b r k 0 . 2 M V A - A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 brk ca p2(1) 0.00 - 15.01 3 brk33_load -A 66.60 49.95 brk ca p2 0.00 - 15.01 3 B a r k a - A . .66.75 23.98 28.40 9 B a r k a - A . . - 66.60 - 19.93 28.40 9 b r k T h i r d 0 . 2 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b r k T h i r d 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 brk Te m33_load 42.60 14.00 B a r k a t h i r d 1 2 5 M V A 42.69 17.48 36.93 13 B a r k a t h i r d 1 2 5 M V A - 42.60 - 14.00 36.93 13 Izki -I bri 220kV 146.6 5 - 0.07 11.26 Izki -I bri 220kV - 145.8 1 - 47.14 11.26 I P P S o h a r - L i w a 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) 419.1 4 115.1 2 34.81 I P P S o h a r - L i w a 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) I P P S o h a r - L i w a 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) I P P S o h a r - L i w a 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) - 418.7 8 - 135.6 4 32.38 Liwa-SI S220kV(UGC) 104.1 5 9.29 7.81 Liwa-SI S220kV(UGC) - 104.0 6 - 19.81 7.81 S P S - S I S 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) 392.0 2 62.49 29.10 S P S - S I S 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) - 390.4 8 - 57.69 29.10 msf33_load 85.20 28.00 rsl33_load -B 73.65 24.21 OCC 0.00 MW 0.00 Mvar 1.00 H a m r y a h - M u t t r a h ( U G C ) H a m r y a h - M u t t r a h ( U G C ) - 107.3 9 - 30.68 15.24 Hamryah-Muttrah (OHL) - 1 0 7 . 4 4 - 1 6 . 4 9 1 8 . 9 9 Hamryah-Muttrah (OHL) 1 0 7 . 5 1 1 6 . 3 6 1 8 . 9 9 Ibra33 loa d 57.80 19.00 I b r a 1 2 5 M V A x 257.95 22.97 25.53 12 I b r a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 57.80 - 19.00 25.53 12 I b r a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 I b r a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 M u d h r - I b r a 1 3 2 k V58.10 19.94 10.91 M u d h r - I b r a 1 3 2 k V - 57.95 - 22.97 10.91 m d r b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m d r b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 mdrb33_load 90.60 29.78 mudb33_load 69.50 22.84 m u d b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m u d b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 M u d h a i r i b . . 90.80 37.11 39.87 13 M u d h a i r i b . . - 90.60 - 29.78 39.87 13 A l k a m i l - M u d . . - 232.5 5 - 43.60 41.08 A l k a m i l - M u d . . 236.1 7 60.30 41.08 Muscat Steel 45.00 14.79 Modran Steel 30.00 9.86 Ax Rusail 7.00 3.59 R u s a i l - B 1 2 5 M V A x 273.84 29.83 31.20 15 R u s a i l - B 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 73.65 - 24.21 31.20 15 rsl33_load -A 73.65 24.21 R u s a i l - A 1 2 5 M V A x 273.84 29.83 31.20 15 R u s a i l - A 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 73.65 - 24.21 31.20 15 Sun Matel (Zoom) 300.0 0 98.61 Ax Sur 12.00 6.15 S u r P S - S u r 2 2 0 K V310.5 6 20.51 24.97 S u r P S - S u r 2 2 0 K V - 310.5 3 - 46.37 24.97 Free Zone 30.00 9.86 L i w a - F r e e Z o n e 1 3 2 k V 99.70 17.67 17.60 L i w a - F r e e Z o n e 1 3 2 k V - 99.64 - 17.91 17.60 L i w a 5 0 0 M V A x 2 314.6 3 126.3 5 33.57 15 L i w a 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 314.3 0 - 100.3 2 33.57 15 l i w a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 l i w a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 liwa33_load 88.50 29.09 L i w a 1 2 5 . . 88.70 36.27 39.16 11 L i w a 1 2 5 . . - 88.50 - 29.09 39.16 11 F r e e Z o n e 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 F r e e Z o n e 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Free Zone33_load 84.80 27.87 F r e e Z o n e 1 2 5 M V A x 285.01 34.98 37.41 12 F r e e Z o n e 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 84.80 - 27.87 37.41 12 F r e e Z o n e - W a d i A l J a z z i 1 3 2 k V - 15.38 - 26.94 5.39 F r e e Z o n e - W a d i A l J a z z i 1 3 2 k V 15.40 24.01 5.39 Sohar Refinery 0.00 MW 0.00 Mvar 1.00 S o h a r R e f i n e r y - S I P - A 1 3 2 k V0.00 - 9.35 1.25 S o h a r R e f i n e r y - S I P - A 1 3 2 k V - 0.00 - 0.00 1.25 SIP132kVSSSRMload 63.00 20.71 SIP132kVAro matics lo ad 35.00 11.50 s i p A 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s i p A 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 sip33A_loa d 30.00 9.86 S I P - A . . 30.11 11.35 12.98 13 S I P - A . . - 30.00 - 9.86 12.98 13 SIP132kVVALEload 150.0 0 49.30 S I P - A 5 0 0 M V A x 2 278.4 0 103.4 1 29.15 15 S I P - A 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 278.1 1 - 83.52 29.15 15 SIP 220kVSh adeed lo ad 50.00 16.43 S P S - S I P - A 2 2 0 k V 328.4 4 93.47 27.46 S P S - S I P - A 2 2 0 k V - 328.4 0 - 119.8 5 27.46 H a j a r m a t 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 H a j a r m a t 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 H a j a r m a t 1 2 5 M V A x 252.34 20.61 22.66 13 H a j a r m a t 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 52.20 - 17.16 22.66 13 Hajarmat 33 loa d 52.20 17.16 I b r i - H a j a r m a t 1 3 2 k V52.46 17.24 9.68 I b r i - H a j a r m a t 1 3 2 k V - 52.34 - 20.61 9.68 Ibri-Dan k 132kV - 50.66 - 10.07 8.89 Ibri-Dan k 132kV 50.84 3.68 8.89 i b r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 i b r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 ibr ca p2(1) - 0.00 0.00 0 ibr ca p2 - 0.00 - 4.99 1 ibr33_load 76.60 25.18 I b r i 1 2 5 M V A x 2 76.77 25.59 32.56 13 I b r i 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 76.60 - 20.19 32.56 13 I z k i - M i s f a h 4 0 0 k V - 1 3 7 . 0 7 - 1 2 7 . 4 0 5 . 0 4 I z k i - M i s f a h 4 0 0 k V 137.1 9 - 53.20 5.04 B a r k a I P P - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) - 4 1 6 . 3 3 - 6 6 . 0 5 3 0 . 4 7 B a r k a I P P - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) Misfah 500MVAx3 1 3 7 . 0 7 1 2 7 . 4 0 1 1 . 9 31 5 Misfah 500MVAx3 - 1 3 7 . 0 4 - 1 1 7 . 9 3 1 1 . 9 3 1 5 M i s f a h - J a h . . - 0 . 5 7 9 1 . 0 9 8 . 1 2 M i s f a h - J a h . . 0 . 7 1 - 1 1 0 . 3 8 8 . 1 2 M u l a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - B 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 M u l a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - B - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 M u l a d a h 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - B64.36 25.78 28.60 10 M u l a d a h 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - B - 64.20 - 21.10 28.60 10 Mulada h 33 loa d-B 64.20 21.10 m l d 0 . 2 M V A - A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m l d 0 . 2 M V A - A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 mld33_load -A 54.00 40.50 mld ca p1(1) 0.00 - 9.91 2 mld ca p1 0.00 - 14.86 3 M u l a d a h 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - A54.14 18.83 23.77 11 M u l a d a h 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - A - 54.00 - 15.73 23.77 11 M u l a d a h - . . 107.3 5 42.46 20.59 M u l a d a h - . . - 106.8 3 - 42.83 20.59 m i s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - B0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m i s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - B - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 mis33_load -B 74.90 24.62 M I S 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - B 75.09 30.52 33.27 10 M I S 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - B - 74.90 - 24.62 33.27 10 m i s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m i s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 mis33_load -A 62.70 20.61 M I S 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - A 62.85 24.61 27.86 11 M I S 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - A - 62.70 - 20.61 27.86 11 M u l a d a h - . . 66.97 36.74 13.52 M u l a d a h - . . - 66.89 - 37.66 13.52 k h a b o r a h - k h a d r a 1 3 2 k V 25.79 9.39 5.11 k h a b o r a h - k h a d r a 1 3 2 k V - 25.76 - 12.62 5.11 k h a d r a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 k h a d r a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 khadra 33_load 70.80 23.27 k h a d r a 1 2 5 M V A x 270.98 28.57 31.78 9 k h a d r a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 70.80 - 23.27 31.78 9 k h a d r a - M I S 1 3 2 k V - 96.76 - 37.96 18.45 k h a d r a - M I S 1 3 2 k V 97.14 36.97 18.45 Khaborah-Sa.. - 58.43 - 19.35 10.96 Khaborah-Sa.. 58.63 15.49 10.96 ROGhubrah 25.00 8.22 G~ Sur PS ST1-2 535.0 1 - 9.87 62.88 G~ Sur PS ST3 135.1 0 - 3.41 63.75 G~ Sur PS GT1-5 1052. 50 - 18.97 64.98 S u r P S S T 1 - 2 T x - 534.0 1 62.15 64.47 11 S u r P S S T 1 - 2 T x535.0 1 - 9.87 64.47 11 S u r P S S T 3 T x - 135.1 0 15.70 64.97 11 S u r P S S T 3 T x135.1 0 - 3.41 64.97 11 S u r P S G T 1 - 5 T x - 1049. 99 122.0 1 64.78 11 S u r P S G T 1 - 5 T x1052. 50 - 18.97 64.78 11 qryt33_load 49.40 16.24 q r y t 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 q r y t 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Q u r i a t . .49.53 18.99 21.86 11 Q u r i a t . . - 49.40 - 16.24 21.86 11 Jahloot-Quri.. - 49.53 - 18.99 9.29 Jahloot-Quri.. 4 9 . 7 1 1 3 . 4 6 9 . 2 9 Sur PS-Izki 400 kV 504.1 9 - 344.3 4 16.73 Sur PS-Izki 400 kV - 499.8 6 - 56.20 16.73 Sur 750MVA(400/2 20 kV) 1096. 54 - 325.1 3 30.39 1 5 Sur 750MVA(400/2 20 kV) - 1096. 20 416.1 8 30.39 1 5 J a h l o o t - S u r 4 0 0 k V - 5 8 9 . 1 4 - 1 2 0 . 8 1 1 6 . 6 0 J a h l o o t - S u r 4 0 0 k V 592.0 0 - 71.83 16.60 G~ Sohar Alu (ST1-2) 0.00 18.18 3.03 G~ Sohar Alu (GT1-3) 0.60 - 19.11 2.83 S T 1 - 2 T X- 0.00 18.18 3.13 10 S T 1 - 2 T X 0.27 - 16.98 3.13 10 G T 1 - 3 T X 0.60 - 19.11 3.16 10 G T 1 - 3 T X - 0.27 20.45 3.16 10 Smelter Load 0.00 0.00 Ax Sohar Aluminium 0.00 0.00 S o h A l - S P S 0.00 - 3.47 0.70 S o h A l - S P S - 0.00 - 0.00 0.70 G~ sps ST1 189.5 0 54.94 71.75 s p s S T 1 T X 189.5 0 54.94 71.59 11 s p s S T 1 T X - 189.2 0 - 32.87 71.59 11 G~ sps GT1-3 358.5 0 106.6 5 69.65 s p s G T 1 - 3 T X358.5 0 106.6 5 66.49 11 s p s G T 1 - 3 T X - 358.0 0 - 70.34 66.49 11 M u d h a i b i 1 2 5 M . .69.65 27.90 30.52 12 M u d h a i b i 1 2 5 M . . - 69.50 - 22.84 30.52 12 m u d b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 )0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m u d b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 mudb33_load (63MVA) 41.10 13.51 M u d h a i b i 6 3 M V A x 241.24 16.17 35.75 12 M u d h a i b i 6 3 M V A x 2 - 41.10 - 13.51 35.75 12 M u d h a r i b - M . . 83.65 - 13.45 14.71 M u d h a r i b - M . . - 83.11 8.94 14.71 seb33_load (63MVA) 57.00 18.74 s e b 0 . 1 5 M V A - 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s e b 0 . 1 5 M V A - 2 - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 S e e b 6 3 M V A x 2 57.19 23.94 49.99 18 S e e b 6 3 M V A x 2 - 57.00 - 18.74 49.99 18 S e e b 1 2 5 M V A x 2 99.62 41.11 42.08 15 S e e b 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 99.40 - 32.67 42.08 15 s e b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s e b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 seb33_load 99.40 32.67 G~ Barka III GT2 210.8 0 15.22 65.84 B a r k a I I I T x G T 2 - 210.3 0 8.17 66.57 15 B a r k a I I I T x G T 2210.8 0 15.22 66.57 15 B a r k a I I I T x S T 1 - 214.8 0 7.16 61.17 15 B a r k a I I I T x S T 1215.3 0 15.01 61.17 15 G~ Barka III ST1 215.3 0 15.01 63.48 G~ Barka III GT1 210.8 0 16.39 65.87 B a r k a I I I T x G T 1 - 210.3 0 7.02 66.59 15 B a r k a I I I T x G T 1 210.8 0 16.39 66.59 15 I z k i 5 0 0 M V A T x ( 4 0 0 / 2 2 0 k V ) - 362.4 7 - 77.46 36.10 15 I z k i 5 0 0 M V A T x ( 4 0 0 / 2 2 0 k V ) 362.6 6 109.4 0 36.10 15 Sur-New k amil 132kV - 155.5 1 45.67 27.87 Sur-New k amil 132kV 156.6 4 - 43.04 27.87 A l k a m i l - N e w K a m i l 1 3 2 k V - 93.16 68.68 19.98 A l k a m i l - N e w K a m i l 1 3 2 k V 93.85 - 70.13 19.98 N e w a l k a m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 N e w a l k a m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 N e w a l k a m i l 1 2 5 M V A61.66 24.45 26.52 14 N e w a l k a m i l 1 2 5 M V A - 61.50 - 20.21 26.52 14 New alk amil33_load 61.50 20.21 A y j a h 1 2 5 . .92.40 37.88 40.64 13 A y j a h 1 2 5 . . - 92.30 - 30.34 40.64 13 A y j a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 A y j a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 Ayjah Load 92.30 30.34 S u r - A y j a . .92.79 36.22 17.36 S u r - A y j a . . - 92.40 - 37.88 17.36 s u r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s u r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 sur33_load 60.50 19.89 S u r 1 2 . .60.65 23.53 26.13 14 S u r 1 2 . . - 60.50 - 19.89 26.13 14 K a m i l - J B B A l i 1 3 2 k V - 92.10 - 37.70 17.03 K a m i l - J B B A l i 1 3 2 k V 92.76 34.23 17.03 s u m l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s u m l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 suml33_load 75.60 24.85 S u m a i l 1 2 5 M V . .75.79 30.73 32.52 13 S u m a i l 1 2 5 M V . . - 75.60 - 24.85 32.52 13 s u m l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 )0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s u m l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 suml33_load (63MVA) 57.30 18.83 S u m a i l 6 3 M V A x 257.49 23.44 48.99 13 S u m a i l 6 3 M V A x 2 - 57.30 - 18.83 48.99 13 b h l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b h l 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 bhl33_load 89.60 29.45 B a h l a 1 2 5 M V A x 289.80 36.69 39.09 11 B a h l a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 89.60 - 29.45 39.09 11 N i z w a - B a h . . 90.54 36.92 33.40 N i z w a - B a h . . - 89.80 - 36.69 33.40 Ax New Sohar(1) 6.00 3.07 Garamco (132 liwa) 31.00 10.19 A i r p o r t H e i g h . .264.5 3 23.73 25.79 15 A i r p o r t H e i g h . . - 264.2 7 - 6.84 25.79 15 Jahlo ot 500MVA(400/2 20 kV) 5 8 9 . 1 4 1 2 0 . 8 1 2 9 . 4 4 1 5 Jahlo ot 500MVA(400/2 20 kV) - 5 8 8 . 8 8 - 7 6 . 4 2 2 9 . 4 4 1 5 Al was it-UAE220 kV 0.00 - 17.40 1.29 Al was it-UAE220 kV - 0.00 0.00 1.29 SIS-Alwasit.. 195.7 5 - 4.61 14.47 SIS-Alwasit.. - 195.0 9 - 11.80 14.47 UAE 0.00 MW 0.00 Mvar 1.00 shns cap2 0.00 - 14.88 3 shns cap1 0.00 - 14.88 3 shns33_load 94.40 58.50 S h i n a s 1 2 5 M V A x 294.64 37.12 41.67 11 S h i n a s 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 94.40 - 28.75 41.67 11 L i w a - S h i n . . 94.90 36.20 17.80 L i w a - S h i n . . - 94.64 - 37.12 17.80 s h n s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 s h n s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Airport cap1 0.00 - 15.15 3 Airport cap2 0.00 - 15.15 3 M a d i n a t a B a r k a 0 . 2 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 M a d i n a t a B a r k a 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Madina ta Barka33_load 68.70 22.58 M a d i n a t a B a r k a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 68.86 27.56 29.90 9 M a d i n a t a B a r k a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 68.70 - 22.58 29.90 9 M a d i n a t a B a r k a - M u l a d a h 1 3 2 k V - 158.9 6 - 49.42 29.32 M a d i n a t a B a r k a - M u l a d a h 1 3 2 k V 160.2 7 53.17 29.32 O l d G h - N e w - 25.00 - 16.03 4.03 O l d G h - N e w 25.00 15.62 4.03 Dsl Gho 20.00 10.25 Ax Gho 5.00 2.56 g b r G T 1 2 - 1 3 - 152.1 0 - 125.9 0 65.89 3 g b r G T 1 2 - 1 3 152.4 0 143.4 0 65.89 3 G~ gbr_GT 12-13 152.4 0 143.4 0 87.56 G~ gbr_ST5-6 50.20 32.78 73.56 g b r S T 5 - 6 T X - 50.00 - 28.42 79.94 3 g b r S T 5 - 6 T X 50.20 32.78 79.94 3 Ax New Barka(1) 6.00 3.07 S P S - S I S 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) 392.0 7 36.45 31.16 S P S - S I S 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) Breaker/S.. Breaker/S.. M a w a l l a h B - S e e b 42.28 18.25 8.93 M a w a l l a h B - S e e b - 42.25 - 54.07 8.93 Jahlo ot 500M.. 2 4 1 . 5 9 1 0 3 . 3 6 2 6 . 0 61 5 Jahlo ot 500M.. - 2 4 1 . 2 0 - 8 0 . 7 7 2 6 . 0 6 1 5 I z k i - M u d h . . 28.03 46.08 10.40 I z k i - M u d h . . - 27.78 - 53.00 10.40 i z k 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 i z k 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 izk33_load 82.70 27.18 I z k i 1 2 5 M V A x 282.88 33.80 35.43 14 I z k i 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 82.70 - 27.18 35.43 14 S u m a i l - I z . . S u m a i l - I z . . 43.84 - 0.83 7.51 A m e r a t 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 A m e r a t 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Amerat 33_load 66.10 21.73 A m e r a t 1 2 5 M V A x 2 66.27 26.75 29.23 12 A m e r a t 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 66.10 - 21.73 29.23 12 OMIFCO 0.00 MW 0.00 Mvar 1.00 Jahlo ot-Hamryah 220 - 3 4 5 . 4 0 - 8 1 . 8 8 2 6 . 4 5 Jahlo ot-Hamryah 220 3 4 6 . 5 7 8 3 . 4 4 2 6 . 4 5 S u r 5 0 0 M V A x 2310.5 3 46.37 31.25 15 S u r 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 310.0 8 - 16.71 31.25 15 M u t t r a h - F a l a j - 30.11 5.26 8.65 M u t t r a h - F a l a j 30.11 - 9.94 8.65 wdk ca p2 0.00 - 14.92 3 wdk33_load 86.30 64.72 wdk ca p2(1) - 0.00 - 19.89 4 w d k 0 . 2 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 w d k 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 M u t t r a h - W a d i K a b i r - 27.63 - 21.86 12.34 M u t t r a h - W a d i K a b i r 27.65 21.69 12.34 w d k - B 0 . 2 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 w d k - B 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 wdk33_load -B 60.10 19.75 W a d i A l k a b i r 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - B 60.24 23.50 26.50 11 W a d i A l k a b i r 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - B - 60.10 - 19.75 26.50 11 W a d i A l . .86.49 36.54 38.48 11 W a d i A l . . - 86.30 - 29.92 38.48 11 M u t t r a h . .49.63 18.93 21.74 12 M u t t r a h . . - 49.50 - 16.27 21.74 12 muttr33_load 49.50 16.27 m u t t r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m u t t r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 Q u r a m 1 . . 74.67 30.67 32.97 11 Q u r a m 1 . . - 74.50 - 25.60 32.97 11 M S Q - Q u r a m . . 24.08 38.20 8.05 M S Q - Q u r a m . . - 24.05 - 39.36 8.05 Q u r a m - H a m r y a h 1 3 2 k V 5 0 . 6 4 - 9 . 3 2 8 . 9 8 Q u r a m - H a m r y a h 1 3 2 k V q r m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 q r m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Qurumca p1 0.00 - 15.14 3 Qurumca p2 0.00 - 15.14 3 qrm33_load 74.50 55.87 M I S - S I S . . - 49.13 - 22.14 3.98 M I S - S I S . . 49.20 - 17.11 3.98 b b a l i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b b a l i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 J B B A l i . . 92.10 37.70 39.88 14 J B B A l i . . - 91.90 - 30.21 39.88 14 bbali 33_load 91.90 30.21 a l k a m i l G T 1 - 3 T X - 241.7 7 - 166.2 9 89.31 11 a l k a m i l G T 1 - 3 T X 243.0 0 210.5 5 89.31 11 m s q 0 . 2 M V A - A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m s q 0 . 2 M V A - A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 MSQcap 2 0.00 - 14.86 3 MSQcap 1 0.00 - 14.86 3 msq33_load -A(1) 82.90 55.71 M S Q - A 1 2 5 . .- 82.90 - 25.98 36.25 8 M S Q - A 1 2 5 . . 83.08 32.10 36.25 8 m s q 0 . 2 M V A - B- 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m s q 0 . 2 M V A - B 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 msq33_load -B 95.10 31.26 M S Q - B 1 2 5 M V A- 95.10 - 31.26 41.91 11 M S Q - B 1 2 5 M V A 95.31 38.98 41.91 11 B o u s h e r - M S Q ( U G C ) - 54.61 3.96 14.94 B o u s h e r - M S Q ( U G C ) B o u s h e r - M S Q ( O H L ) B o u s h e r - M S Q ( O H L ) 54.63 - 7.06 19.15 B a r k a I P P - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) B a r k a I P P - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) 419.1 0 - 18.41 32.52 G h o u b r a h - M S Q 3 ( U G C ) G h o u b r a h - M S Q 3 ( U G C ) - 81.29 23.13 8.77 G h o u b r a h - M S Q ( O H L ) 81.34 - 53.04 11.25 G h o u b r a h - M S Q ( O H L ) New Burimi -Burimi (OHL) 68.51 5.12 12.08 New Burimi -Burimi (OHL) N e w B u r i m i - B u r i m i ( U G C ) N e w B u r i m i - B u r i m i ( U G C ) - 68.46 - 27.35 10.13 maw33_load A 85.10 45.93 Mawalla h cap2 0.00 - 9.90 2 Mawalla h cap1 0.00 - 9.90 2 m a w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m a w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 M a w a l l a h - A . . - 85.10 - 26.13 35.91 13 M a w a l l a h - A . . 85.29 32.89 35.91 13 s o h - B 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s o h - B 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 soh-B 33_load 95.70 31.46 S o h a r - B 1 2 5 M V A 95.94 40.31 42.55 10 S o h a r - B 1 2 5 M V A - 95.70 - 31.46 42.55 10 S o h a r - W a . . - 67.68 - 38.63 13.61 S o h a r - W a . . 67.86 36.56 13.61 alh cap(1) - 0.00 - 5.00 1 a l h 0 . 2 M V A ( 1 )0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l h 0 . 2 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a l h 0 . 2 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a l h 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 alh33_load 28.40 17.60 alh cap - 0.00 - 5.00 1 A l H a y l 4 0 M V A x 228.50 9.28 37.90 11 A l H a y l 4 0 M V A x 2 - 28.40 - 7.60 37.90 11 Filaj-Bark.. 109.5 5 41.28 20.01 Filaj-Bark.. - 109.4 4 - 41.46 20.01 G~ brk GT1-2 206.0 0 120.0 1 74.97 G~ brk ST1 189.5 0 106.6 9 77.67 G~ brk ST1-2 Ph-2 277.4 0 139.9 3 76.57 G~ brk GT1-3 Ph-2 334.2 0 173.2 7 71.70 G~ rsl_GT7 82.60 21.76 56.95 r s l G T 7 T X - 82.44 - 14.54 62.12 3 r s l G T 7 T X82.60 21.76 62.12 3 r s l G T 8 T X - 81.60 - 20.01 68.91 3 r s l G T 8 T X 81.80 27.86 68.91 3 G~ rsl_GT8 81.80 27.86 73.86 G~ rsl_GT1-3 210.6 0 95.86 56.30 r s l G T 1 - 3 T X - 210.2 6 - 80.00 57.13 3 r s l G T 1 - 3 T X210.6 0 95.86 57.13 3 nhkl 0.315 MVA 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 nhkl 0.315 MVA - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 Fila j-Madinata Barka 132 kV 229.8 7 84.19 41.82 Fila j-Madinata Barka 132 kV - 229.1 3 - 80.73 41.82 W a d i S a ' a - D a . . 0.00 0.00 0.00 W a d i S a ' a - D a . . 0.00 0.00 0.00 soh-A 33_load 67.30 36.32 soh c ap2 - 0.00 - 4.94 1 soh c ap2(1) - 0.00 - 9.88 2 s o h - A 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s o h - A 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 n z w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 n z w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 nzw33_load 92.90 30.53 N i z w a 1 . . 93.11 38.31 39.76 13 N i z w a 1 . . - 92.90 - 30.53 39.76 13 M a n a h - N i . . - 191.8 6 - 115.3 6 37.76 M a n a h - N i . . 193.0 3 120.2 3 37.76 G~ mnh GT1-3 74.40 15.54 65.38 G~ mnh GT4-5 161.0 0 142.2 6 65.10 m n h G T 1 - 3 T X - 74.25 - 10.41 56.30 5 m n h G T 1 - 3 T X 74.40 15.54 56.30 5 m n h G T 4 - 5 T X - 160.4 8 - 120.4 1 70.21 15 m n h G T 4 - 5 T X 161.0 0 142.2 6 70.21 15 N i z w a - M a d i n a t a N i z w a68.74 26.56 12.52 N i z w a - M a d i n a t a N i z w a - 68.67 - 27.54 12.52 Nahada-Niz.. 0.00 - 3.25 3.59 Nahada-Niz.. - 0.00 0.00 3.59 PDONetwork 0.00 MW 0.00 Mvar 1.00 M a d i n a t a N i z w a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 M a d i n a t a N i z w a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 M a d i n a t a N i z w a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 68.67 27.54 29.31 14 M a d i n a t a N i z w a 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 68.50 - 22.51 29.31 14 Madina ta Nizwa33_load 68.50 22.51 S o h a r I I T x G T 1 - 210.3 2 - 45.66 70.09 15 S o h a r I I T x G T 1210.8 0 71.36 70.09 15 G~ Sohar II GT1 210.8 0 71.36 69.33 G~ Sohar II GT2 210.8 0 81.40 70.40 G~ Sohar II ST1 215.3 0 88.67 68.48 S o h a r I I T x G T 2 - 210.3 2 - 54.96 71.17 15 S o h a r I I T x G T 2 210.8 0 81.40 71.17 15 S o h a r I I T x S T 1 - 214.8 2 - 63.23 66.00 15 S o h a r I I T x S T 1 215.3 0 88.67 66.00 15 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V - 167.2 8 51.62 12.77 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - M i s f a h 2 2 0 k V 1 6 7 . 4 0 - 5 6 . 3 3 1 2 . 7 7 M i s f a h - M S Q 2 2 0 k V 3 8 6 . 5 4 1 4 9 . 2 3 3 0 . 2 1 M i s f a h - M S Q 2 2 0 k V - 385.4 1 - 145.1 0 30.21 Moball ah-Rusail 132kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 Moball ah-Rusail 132kV 0.00 0.00 0.00 R u s a i l - S u m a i . . - 89.58 - 47.34 17.21 R u s a i l - S u m a i . . 89.96 45.41 17.21 Mobala h-Airport He ightj 220kV - 97.26 - 75.35 8.88 Mobala h-Airport He ightj 220kV 97.35 66.96 8.88 b r k S T 1 T X - 189.1 9 - 84.73 77.67 17 b r k S T 1 T X189.5 0 106.6 9 77.67 17 b r k G T 1 - 2 T X - 205.6 2 - 96.77 74.97 18 b r k G T 1 - 2 T X206.0 0 120.0 1 74.97 18 N e w M o b a l l a h - S e e b 1 3 2 114.6 5 - 15.75 15.05 N e w M o b a l l a h - S e e b 1 3 2 - 114.5 6 - 10.98 15.05 R u s a i l - M . . - 185.4 1 - 74.17 26.15 R u s a i l - M . . 185.7 4 42.41 26.15 M i s f a h - W a d i A d a i 0.00 0.00 0.00 M i s f a h - W a d i A d a i 0.00 0.00 0.00 gbr33_load 98.70 32.44 G h u b r a h 1 2 5 M V A x 298.93 41.23 43.60 10 G h u b r a h 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 98.70 - 32.44 43.60 10 G h o u b r a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 G h o u b r a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Ghoubrah.. - 134.4 2 - 83.63 14.32 Ghoubrah.. 134.4 6 69.34 14.32 Hamryah 500MVAx2 3 4 5 . 4 0 8 1 . 8 8 3 5 . 6 51 5 Hamryah 500MVAx2 - 3 4 4 . 9 2 - 4 5 . 6 0 3 5 . 6 5 1 5 A z i b a 0 . 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 A z i b a 0 . 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Transport 30.00 9.86 Ghala 33_load 72.70 23.90 G h a l a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 G h a l a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 G h a l a 1 2 5 M V . .72.88 29.38 30.65 14 G h a l a 1 2 5 M V . . - 72.70 - 23.90 30.65 14 a r p h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a r p h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 A z i b a . . 20.73 8.24 14.50 16 A z i b a . . - 20.60 - 6.77 14.50 16 azb33_load 20.60 6.77 A i r p o r t . . 98.32 38.97 41.47 14 A i r p o r t . . - 98.10 - 30.49 41.47 14 arph33_load 98.10 60.80 A i r p o r t H . . 20.74 - 31.32 4.88 A i r p o r t H . . - 20.73 - 8.24 4.88 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - M a w a l l a h B - 42.28 - 18.25 6.21 A i r p o r t H e i g h t - M a w a l l a h B 42.30 - 22.14 6.21 A i r p o r t - G h a l a 1 3 2 k V 72.91 11.47 10.22 A i r p o r t - G h a l a 1 3 2 k V - 72.88 - 29.38 10.22 R u s a i l - M i s f . . 85.49 33.54 15.46 R u s a i l - M i s f . . - 85.39 - 34.32 15.46 M i s f a h 1 2 . .85.39 34.32 36.19 14 M i s f a h 1 2 . . - 85.20 - 28.00 36.19 14 m s f 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m s f 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 G~ rsl_GT4-6 216.9 0 109.8 4 76.64 r s l G T 4 - 6 T X - 216.5 7 - 94.71 58.73 3 r s l G T 4 - 6 T X216.9 0 109.8 4 58.73 3 b r k S T 1 - 3 P 2 T X - 277.4 0 - 103.7 3 77.67 17 b r k S T 1 - 3 P 2 T X277.4 0 139.9 3 77.67 17 b r k G T 1 - 3 P 2 T X - 333.6 0 - 132.2 0 72.74 18 b r k G T 1 - 3 P 2 T X334.2 0 173.2 7 72.74 18 G~ wdj GT11 26.30 5.51 71.65 G~ wdj GT12-13 56.00 11.09 61.72 G~ wdj GT9-10 52.60 46.50 90.59 w d j G T 1 2 - 1 3 T X - 55.80 - 7.15 63.43 9 w d j G T 1 2 - 1 3 T X 56.00 11.09 63.43 9 w d j G T 1 1 T X - 26.21 - 3.74 59.71 9 w d j G T 1 1 T X 26.30 5.51 59.71 9 w d j G T 9 - 1 0 T X - 52.33 - 40.29 81.94 9 w d j G T 9 - 1 0 T X 52.60 46.50 81.94 9 dnk33_load 22.00 16.50 dnk c ap1 - 0.00 - 4.95 1 b s r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 2 )0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b s r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 2 ) - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 bsr33_load B 97.90 32.18 B o u s h e r B 1 2 5 M V A x 298.12 40.87 43.51 11 B o u s h e r B 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 97.90 - 32.18 43.51 11 Boush er cap2 0.00 - 14.73 3 Boush er cap1 0.00 - 14.73 3 fila j-Blue Cit y 220kV(OHL) 355.5 3 58.10 25.87 fila j-Blue Cit y 220kV(OHL) M S Q - W a d i A d a i . . 46.56 56.53 12.88 M S Q - W a d i A d a i . . - 46.50 - 57.25 12.88 Hamryah-WAdai 6 7 . 4 9 - 0 . 0 3 2 3 . 5 5Hamryah-WAdai - 67.43 - 0.15 23.55 Hamryah-WKabir 1 1 9 . 2 9 3 8 . 5 9 4 3 . 7 9Hamryah-WKabir - 119.1 0 - 38.18 43.79 w d a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 w d a 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 wda ca p1(1) 0.00 - 9.94 2 wda33_load 61.50 38.11 wda ca p1 0.00 - 9.94 2 W a d i A d . . - 61.50 - 18.23 26.75 11 W a d i A d . . 61.65 21.96 26.75 11 D a n k - A l H a y l 1 3 2 k V 28.56 2.49 5.18 D a n k - A l H a y l 1 3 2 k V - 28.50 - 9.28 5.18 m a w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A B0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 m a w 0 . 3 1 5 M V A B - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 maw-B33_load 99.90 32.84 M a w a l l a h - B 1 2 5 M V A - 99.90 - 32.84 42.55 14 M a w a l l a h - B 1 2 5 M V A 100.1 2 41.28 42.55 14 N e w M o b a l l a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 N e w M o b a l l a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 New Moba llah33_load 97.70 32.11 N e w M o b a l l a h 1 2 5 M V A x 2 97.95 41.13 41.45 13 N e w M o b a l l a h 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 97.70 - 32.11 41.45 13 Dsl Sohar 31.00 15.88 Ax Sohar 6.00 3.07 Moball ah cap1 0.00 - 15.00 3 m o b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 m o b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 mob33_load 76.10 55.10 yitt 0.315 MVA 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 yitt 0.315 MVA - 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 Yitti .. 6 2 . 4 5 2 4 . 2 6 2 7 . 3 71 2 Yitti .. - 6 2 . 3 0 - 2 0 . 4 8 2 7 . 3 7 1 2 y t t 3 3 _ l o a d 6 2 . 3 0 2 0 . 4 8 s a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 s a h 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 S a h a m 1 . . 93.61 38.70 42.08 10 S a h a m 1 . . - 93.40 - 30.70 42.08 10 sah33_load 93.40 30.70 SIS-Saha.. - 152.2 3 - 54.19 28.52 SIS-Saha.. 153.2 5 56.92 28.52 N h k a l c a p 1 0 . 0 0 - 1 4 . 9 2 3 N h k a l c a p 2 0 . 0 0 - 1 4 . 9 2 3 Al Wasit-New Bur.. 140.9 2 35.61 25.34 Al Wasit-New Bur.. - 140.0 3 - 34.17 25.34 N e w b u r i m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 N e w b u r i m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 New bur33_load 71.40 23.47 N e w b u r e i m . . 71.52 29.05 32.37 8 N e w b u r e i m . . - 71.40 - 23.47 32.37 8 A m e r a t - J a h l o . . - 66.27 - 26.75 12.47 A m e r a t - J a h l o . . 6 6 . 4 1 2 4 . 7 4 1 2 . 4 7 M S Q - A m e r a t . . 0.00 0.00 0.00 M S Q - A m e r a t . . 0.00 0.00 0.00 J a h l o o t c a p 2 0 . 0 0 - 1 5 . 1 3 3 J a h l o o t c a p 1 0 . 0 0 - 1 5 . 1 3 3 Al wasit-I.. - 34.48 - 8.09 4.23 Al wasit-I.. 34.53 - 45.59 4.23 I b r i 5 0 0 M V A x 2 180.2 8 55.23 18.64 15 I b r i 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 180.0 7 - 46.51 18.64 15 f i l a j - B l u e C i t y 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) f i l a j - B l u e C i t y 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) - 354.3 8 - 111.7 9 28.87 k h b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 k h b 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l w 0 . 1 6 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a l w 0 . 1 6 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b u r i m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b u r i m i 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 B o u s h e r - A 1 2 5 M V A x 290.90 38.80 40.23 12 B o u s h e r - A 1 2 5 M V A x 2 - 90.70 - 31.50 40.23 12 bsr33_load A(1) 90.70 60.95 Jahloo.. 6 2 . 5 5 2 0 . 4 7 2 6 . 7 11 3 Jahloo.. - 6 2 . 4 0 - 1 6 . 5 3 2 6 . 7 1 1 3 M S Q 5 0 0 M V A x 2 385.4 1 145.1 0 40.66 15 M S Q 5 0 0 M V A x 2- 385.0 0 - 105.7 0 40.66 15 W a d i A d a i . . - 52.27 - 35.74 11.07 W a d i A d a i . . 52.29 35.44 11.07 bur33_load 68.30 42.33 B u r e i m i 1 2 5 . . 68.46 27.35 30.54 11 B u r e i m i 1 2 5 . . - 68.30 - 22.70 30.54 11 Jahloot-Yit.. 6 2 . 5 3 2 2 . 1 0 7 . 4 8Jahloot-Yit.. - 6 2 . 4 5 - 2 4 . 2 6 7 . 4 8 Izki -Ni zwa 132kV 60.68 - 20.26 10.82 Izki -Ni zwa 132kV - 60.53 16.83 10.82 bur ca p2 0.00 - 9.81 2 bur ca p1 0.00 - 9.81 2 SIS-Soha.. 96.07 26.15 17.39 SIS-Soha.. - 95.72 - 27.55 17.39 Al Wasit-Wad.. 42.23 14.22 25.90 Al Wasit-Wad.. - 41.94 - 16.47 25.90 Dsl Ba rka phase 1 25.00 12.81 Dsl Ba rka ph2 31.20 15.98 M I S - b l u e c i t y 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) 254.2 4 71.84 22.11 M I S - b l u e c i t y 2 2 0 k V ( U G C ) M I S - b l u e c i t y 1 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) M I S - b l u e c i t y 1 2 2 0 k V ( O H L ) - 253.2 5 - 131.9 9 21.10 OMCO 0.00 MW 0.00 Mvar 1.00 a d m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 a d m 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b l u e 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 b l u e 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 r t q 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 r t q 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l f 0 . 2 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l f 0 . 2 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b s r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 b s r 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 jah 0.315 MVA(2) 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 jah 0.315 MVA(2) - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 jah 0.315 MVA 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 jah 0.315 MVA - 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 a l w 0 . 1 6 M V A ( 1 )0.00 0.00 0.00 3 a l w 0 . 1 6 M V A ( 1 ) - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 d a n k 0 . 2 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 d a n k 0 . 2 M V A - 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 w d s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A0.00 0.00 0.00 3 w d s 0 . 3 1 5 M V A - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 3 adm33_load 35.50 11.67 A d a m . . 35.63 13.97 46.80 15 A d a m . . - 35.50 - 11.67 46.80 15 A l F a l . . 82.38 30.48 35.95 7 A l F a l . . - 82.20 - 24.03 35.95 7 alf cap2(1) - 0.00 - 20.27 4 alf33_load 82.20 59.51 R u s t a q 1 2 5 M V A x 3106.8 3 42.83 32.13 9 R u s t a q 1 2 5 M V A x 3 - 106.6 0 - 35.04 32.13 9 rtq33_load 106.6 0 35.04 Nakhal 1.. 6 3 . 3 5 2 1 . 5 0 2 7 . 0 2 1 3 Nakhal 1.. - 6 3 . 2 0 - 1 7 . 5 5 2 7 . 0 2 1 3 blue33_load 99.90 32.84 B l u e C i t y 1 6 0 M V A x 2 - 99.90 - 32.84 32.98 16 B l u e C i t y 1 6 0 M V A x 2 100.1 4 39.95 32.98 16 khb c ap1(1) - 0.00 - 5.06 1 K h a b o r a . . 84.19 31.97 37.55 6 K h a b o r a . . - 84.00 - 25.66 37.55 6 S o h a r - A 1 2 5 M V A 67.46 25.86 29.54 11 S o h a r - A 1 2 5 M V A - 67.30 - 21.50 29.54 11 A l W a s i t 3 1 5 . . 160.5 5 74.80 28.01 15 A l W a s i t 3 1 5 . . - 160.3 9 - 66.98 28.01 15 W a d i S a ' a 6 . . 41.94 16.47 36.66 11 W a d i S a ' a 6 . . - 41.80 - 13.74 36.66 11 alw33_load 21.00 6.90 Manah-Ad.. 35.70 7.51 6.35 Manah-Ad.. - 35.63 - 13.97 6.35 Ax Manah 6.00 3.07 khb c ap1 - 0.00 - 5.06 1 alf cap2 0.00 - 15.20 3 khb33_load A 84.00 35.78 wds33_load 41.80 13.74 M I S 5 0 0 M V A x 2302.3 8 154.1 3 33.75 15 M I S 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 302.0 5 - 128.8 4 33.75 15 S I S 5 0 0 M V A x 2249.5 9 99.22 26.65 15 S I S 5 0 0 M V A x 2 - 249.3 2 - 83.07 26.65 15 Ax Ba rka ph-2 6.00 3.07 Ax Barka 6.00 3.07 n h l 3 3 _ l o a d 6 3 . 2 0 4 7 . 4 0 j a h 3 3 _ l o a d 6 2 . 4 0 4 6 . 8 0 D a n k 6 3 M V A x 222.10 7.59 18.68 14 D a n k 6 3 M V A x 2 - 22.00 - 6.60 18.68 14 A l W a s i t 3 0 M V A x 221.09 8.21 38.21 5 A l W a s i t 3 0 M V A x 2 - 21.00 - 6.90 38.21 5 Fila j-Nakhal 132kV 63.49 18.84 11.48 Fila j-Nakhal 132kV - 6 3 . 3 5 - 2 1 . 5 0 1 1 . 4 8 Ax Alkamil 6.00 3.07 dnk c ap2 - 0.00 - 4.95 1 B a r k a P S - F i l a j . . 573.9 5 187.7 4 42.90 B a r k a P S - F i l a j . . - 573.0 6 - 180.7 4 42.90 B a r k a P S - F i l a j 1 . . - 573.0 6 - 180.7 4 42.90 B a r k a P S - F i l a j 1 . . 573.9 5 187.7 4 42.90 Ax_wdj 7.00 3.59 Wadi Al .. 44.07 - 12.98 13.00 Wadi Al .. - 43.86 8.94 13.00 G~ alk GT1-3 243.0 0 210.5 5 88.39 D I g S I L E N T
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