Occitan Descriptive Grammar Of

March 28, 2018 | Author: Alejandro Reza Rodríguez | Category: Perfect (Grammar), Grammatical Tense, Grammatical Gender, Pronoun, Linguistic Morphology



Descriptive Grammar ofthe Occitan Language PHONOLOGY AND WRITING  Alphabet (Alfabet) Letter Aa [a], [ ] Bb [b], [ß] Cc [s], [k] Dd [d] Ee [ ], [e] Ff [f] Gg [g], [d ], [t ] Pp [p] Hh [...] Phonetic Value Letter Phonetic Value Ii [i] Jj [d ] Ll [l] Mm [m], [n] Nn [n] Oo [u] Qq [k] Letter Phonetic Value  Rr [ ], [ ], [...] Ss [s], [z] Tt [t]  Uu [y] Vv [b], [ß] Xx [gz] Zz [z] See the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).    Occitan orthography uses acute and grave accents (as in é and è) and a few letter combinations (ch, tg, tj, lh, nh, tz, gn, rr and mp) for some specific sounds. The cedile (,) is used under the letter c to mark its pronunciation as [s] in front of a, o and u. Three other letters -- K, W and Y -- are used in names and words of foreign origin. Pronunciation (Prononciacion) Vowels (Vocalas) Consonants (Consonantas)  Vowels Sound a O O e E casal tumbledown house annada year veniá he was coming sec dry venguèt he came [ka'zal] [annadO] [be'njO] [sek] [Ben'GEt] Sign a, à a á e, é è Examples farà he'll do cabra she-goat farmaciá pharmacy espés thick après afterwards [fa'ra] ['kabrO] [farma'sjO] [es'pes] [a'prEs] i, í o, ó ò u, ú i U O y tiri I pull Tolosa Toulouse aquò that luna moon ['tiri] [tU'lUzO] [a'kO] ['lynO] aquí here urós happy pòrti I wear dessús above, over [a'ki] [y'rUs] ['pOrti] [de'sys]  Diphthongs Sound aj aw ej Ej ew Ew Uj Oj Ow iw paire father laurar to plough veire to see èime [good] sense deute debt nèu snow coire copper còire to cook plòure to rain viure to live Sign ai au ei, éi èi eu èu oi, ói òi òu iu Examples ['pajre] [law'ra] ['Bejre] ['Ejme] ['dewte] [nEw] ['kUjre] ['kOjre] ['plOwre] ['Biwre] faire to do, make causa thing créisser to grow pèira stone beure to drink tèune thin conóisser to know fòire to hoe mòure to move siure cork ['fajre] ['kawza] ['krejse] ['pEjrO] ['bewre] ['tEwne] [kU'nUjse] ['fOjre] ['mOwre] ['siwre]  Consonants Position before e, i final all positions final all positions final Sign g g j m n n Sound dJ tS dJ n n roge red freg cold mièja half f. clarum clearness vent wind [r'UdJe] [fretS] ['miEdJO] [kla'ryn] [ben] [ma[n]] Examples fugís he runs away puèg hill [fu'dJis] [puEtS] fum smoke [fyn] ... camin way ... [ka'mi[n]] often mute man hand [n] [ls]. [s] or [ø] [ns]. [n] [ns]. [ts].. to wet [ba'Na] banh bath [ban] . or [ø] [ns]. gaug joys cors lecture. [tS].. cantatz you sing [pl. tòrç bent bèls tall or beautiful -cs -ts -ps -ns -ms -nhs -elhs -chs.] .r v final all positions mute b/B cantar to sing vila town [kan'ta] ['BilO]. [s].. -rç -ls . [s] or [ø] [s] or [r] [bEls] or [bEs] Examples carn meat sacs bags cantats sung taps corks pans loaves of bread rams boughs banhs baths embolhs quarrels lachs milks. -gs* -rs. [kan'tats] Pronunciation of consonnant clusters in final syllables Cluster -rn Sound [rt]. [nks]. [j] [ts]. [s] or [ø] [ps]. [s] or [ø] [ts]. [tS].. [n] or [ø] [ks]. [tS]. [r]. ['bi-] professor teacher aver to have [prUfe'sU] [a'Be]. [ts]. [tS]. [a'be]  Consonantic Digraphs Position all positions initial & middle final initial & middle final all positions all positions Sign ch lh lh nh nh tj tz   Sound tS L l N n tS ts quichar to press palha straw talh cutting edge vinha vine planh moan vilatjon hamlet dotze twelve [ki'tSa] ['paLO] [tal] ['BiNO] [plan] [bila'tSU] ['dUtse] Examples chòt owl balhar to give telh lime-tree [tSOt] [ba'La] [tel] banhar to bathe. the feminine forms of nouns and adjectives are derived by adding an -a at the end of the words (as in Spanish). and the others are masculine. -rb. Accentuation (Accentuacion)  The stress position in Occitan may be recognized in spelling according to three simple rules: 1. -rd.-nc.: . cuélher. all nouns ending in -a are feminine. and -ges [laches. reng row cant song. Generally. -nd. redond round bomb bound berc notch. cf. cf. sèrv serf Note: There is a tendancy to form the plural in -ches. gauges] =>[etses]. MORPHOLOGY  Noun (Nom) General Notions Feminine (Femenim) Plural General Notions Nouns in Occitan are classified as masculine and feminine. like mar sea. -mb -rc. penós. an s or an n (only in conjugation) are stressed on the antepenultimate syllable. There are however many exceptions: words in -ista can be masculine as well as feminine: ecologista is either a man or a woman. The above rules are almost the same as in Spanish. -rv  [nk] or [n] [nt] or [n] [mp] or [n] [rk] or [r] [rt] or [r] [rp] or [r] banc bench. for instance. All the exceptions are marked by a written accent on the stressed syllable. Words terminated by a vowel. Words terminated by a consonant (save s) or a diphthong are stressed on the ultimate syllable. -ng. -rp. rg. -nt. cantan (they) sing. voler to want. cf. 3. and there are many simple feminine words ending in a consonant. gaton cat. [etSes]. -rt. cf. Note that this final -a is pronounced [ ]. -mp. The Feminine As a rule. 2. larg wide sèrp snake. mecanica mechanics. : o o o anglés : angleses. -xt. In some cases the final -s is doubled in plural (-sses). or add special suffixes. congrès : congrèsses. -st.: o mas : mases o ris : rises.: òme : òmes color : colors femna : femnas There occur a lot of particularities in dependence of the various word terminations: 1. rus : russes. Plural Generally. -x. cf. Note that according to the rules of the graphic accentuation -às. vivus. -sh. -g [=Engl. a lot of varieties concerning the different types of word endings as well as the dialects. un parent a relative => una parenta. precís : precises. There exist. Languedocian (Lengadocian) and Vivaro-Alpine (Central Alpine):  General rule: The suffix -s is added to the words. -ús are transformed into -ases -eses -ises -oses -uses. however. the plural is made by adding -s to the nouns and adjectives. -ís. lo conhat the brother-in law => la conhada the sister-in-law.:  nòu (from L. -és. v => u) alive => viva. un polit nebot a beautiful nephew => una polida neboda a beautiful niece. sh]. The final consonant of the derived feminines is usually voiced. famós : famoses. un jogaire a player => una jogaira. Words terminated in sg. v => u) new => nova. un obrièr a worker => una obrièra. . cf. -z form plural by adding -es. cf. cf. -ch. by -s.:  un lop a wolf => una loba a she-wolf. institutor : institutrix). cf. viu (from L. In some cases the feminines restore a consonant that is vocalized in masculine. -ós. un institutor a male-teacher => una institutritz (from L. -sc. -tz. cf. -ç. In the following lines we'll make an overview of the plural forms in the main Occitan dialects. novus.: o o o pas : passes. : o o o movedís : movedisses. risc : risques.: o o o o romanch : romanches nuèch : nuèches. cf. cf. -xt => -xtes. -sc => -sques. cf. cf. -ch => -ches. -tz => -ses. mixt : mixtes.: o o o atròç : atròces. There occur also the following orthographic modifications in plural: -ç => -ces. fach : faches.: o o o o apendix : apendixes. prètz : prèses.According to the rules of the graphic accentuation -às -és -ís -ós -ús become in plural -asses -esses -isses -osses usses. -x => -xes.: o o o gigantesc : gigantesques. gost : gostes. ortodòx : ortodòxes.: o o o arbust : arbustes. fix : fixes. . bòsc : bòsques. còst : còstes.: o o o calculatritz : calculatrises crotz : croses. espés : espesses. brèç : brèces. fax : faxes. -st => -stes. dich : diches.: o o tèxt : tèxtes. cf. doç : doces. cf. cf. grandàs : grandasses. cf. o un : unes. o iris : iris.: o qualqu'un : qualques unes. o virus : virus. The words in -z are rare and are borrowed recently. o el : eles. estratèg : estratègs. -es. cf. The words terminated in sg.: o autofòcus : autofòcus. 2.e.-g [=E. catalòg : catalògs. -z => -zes. o certan : certanes. by -as.   See the Plural of Nouns and Adjectives in Central Provençal (Rhodanian and Maritime). long : longs. cf. sh] => -ges.: o o merguèz : merguèzes. -is. cf. estug : estuges. cf. -os. o cèrt : cèrtes. 3.: o o o o o larg : largs. cf.: o o malgash : malgashes. o tènis : tènis. o còsmos : còsmos. o tant : tantes. o tot : totes. i. o plan : planes. centrifug : centrifugs. gaug : gauges. o aquel : aqueles. See the Plural of Nouns and Adjectives in Rhodanian and Maritime Provençal. .: o o o o o assag : assages. baug : bauges. by adding -s. -us and stressed on the penultimate syllable remain unchanged in plural. Note that in a few words the final -g is pronounced [k] and then the plural is formed according to the general rule. note that the final -z is pronounced [s]. A few adjectives and pronouns form irregular plural by -es. quirguiz : quirguizes. cf. brush : brushes The words in -sh are rare and are borrowed recently. -sh => -shes. puèg : puèges. Gender of the Adjectives (Genre dels Adjectius) As a rule. cool. Adjective (Adjectiu) Gender of the Adjectives (Genre dels Adjectius) Adjectives of two forms Adjectives of one form Plural of the Adjectives (Plural dels Adjectius) Degree of the Adjectives (Gra dels Adjectius) Comparative degree (Gra Comparatiu) Superlative degree (Gra Superlatiu) Irregular Degrees (Comparatius e Superlatius irregulars) As in the other Romance languages (and unlike in English). Adjectives ending in the masculine by a voiceless consonant voice that consonant before adding -a to form their feminine. Adjectives of two forms Adjectives ending in the masculine by -e or -èu change -e or -u to -a to form their feminine.:   dròlle educat educated boy : dròlles educats educated boys. suau : suava mild. dròlla educada educated girl : dròllas educadas educated girls. sord : sorda deaf.:   nòu : nòva new. contemporanèu : contemporanèa contemporary. cf. Auvergnat. the feminine of the adjective is obtained by adding -a to the masculine.:     novèl : novèla new. See the Plural of Nouns and Adjectives in Niçois dialect.:   nòble : nòbla noble. fresc : fresca fresh. tardièr : tardièra late.:      pesuc polit mut cortés mièg : pesuga heavy : polida beautiful : muda dumb : cortesa courteous : mièja half Some adjectives ending in the masculine by -u change that -u to -v before adding -a to form their feminine. the adjectives in Occitan agree in gender and number with the nouns they refer to. cf. Limousin.   See the Plural of Nouns and Adjectives in Gascon. . cf. cf. cf. cf. tròç : tròces pieces See for more details Plural of the Nouns.:   volador : voladoira which can fly. They are no longer productive. She is as quick as her mother. viu : viva alive. spirits La Parròquial place name Plural of the Adjectives (Plural dels Adjectius) Termination vowel consonant stressed vowel Plural + -s + -s + -es Examples nòble : nòbles . volador : voladors anglés : angleses. and are only to be found in compound substantives. + que Examples Es mai bèl que Joan. conductor : conductritz conductive. Soi mens inteligent que tu. -tritz. Adjectives of one form Some adjectives have only one form for masculine and feminine. He is taller than Juan. -tor. Except for the adjectives ended by a. I am less inteligent than you. Degree of the Adjectives (Gra dels Adjectius) Comparative Degree of Superiority of Equality of Inferiority . Es tant biaissuda coma sa maire. . Formation mai (plus) + ADJ + que tant + ADJ + coma mens + ADJ. or isolated adjectives. gos : gosses dogs. polida : polidas grand : grands. the majority of the other uniform adjectives was inherited in Occitan from the Latin adjectives of the third declension. Some adjectives have a suffix for either gender -dor. place names.    Masculine partit comunista communist party òme jove young man ostal màger big(ger) house Feminine organizacion comunista communist organization femna jove young woman carrièra màger high street aigardent brandy. -doira. fòrça. over here. Examples sobrebèl very big. swiftly atal like this. + mens + ADJ. reduplication of the ADJ. very beautiful subrenaut very high plan grand very big fòrça mal very bad mai que mai pèc very stupid pichòt pichòt very small Aquò es lo mai vièlh It is the most ancient. aval below. Absolute Analytical Relative of Superiority DEF. mai bèl mai manit mai alt mai bas melhor pièger màger mendre superior inferior Superlative Regular Irregular plan bon fòrça mal mai que mai grand manit manit fòrça alt plan bas ---mínim (rare) suprèm (rare) ínfim (rare) Adverb (Advèrb) List of Basic Adverbs Derived Adverbs Degree of the Adverbs (Gra dels Advèrbs) Comparative Degree (Gra Comparatiu) Superlative Degree (Gra Superlatiu) Adverbials (Locucions adverbialas) List of Basic Adverbs Time ara in this moment. downstairs aicí here. Foguèt la mens biaissuda She was the least skilful. now antan the last year passat ièr the day before yesterday abans previously. yonder abans before aicí here Manner exprès intentionally. yonder ailà there ailà there. so. still ièr yesterday quand when despuèi after puèi then ongan this year Place enbàs. + mai (plus) + ADJ. lèu-lèua fast. bèl big manit little alt high bas low  Comparative Regular Irregular mai bòn mai mal mai grand. Relativo of Inferiority DEF. quasiment almost. Foguèt la mai biaissuda She was the most skilful. mai que mai + ADJ.Superlative Degree Absolute Synthectic Formation sobre-. on purpose naut aloud aviat. that way. quickly. subre. ART. Irregular Degrees (Comparatius e Superlatius irregulars) Adjective bòn good mal bad grand.+ ADJ. preferably encara yet. nearly clar clearly coma as. (Literary usage) plan. there dedins in defòra outside aquí there. like. this way ailà thither. such as rai see note (1) . thus bas silently ben plan well gaireben. ART. previously dedins inside darrièr behind. actually Negation jamai never ni neither non no tampauc also not. mainly in aqùo rai or rai d'aquò. order: primierament first. Rai. . etc. on top. (only) just tirat. doubt: possiblament possibly. neither Doubt benlèu maybe. perhaps. perhaps. possibly saique maybe.uèi today jamai never lèu soon deman tomorrow mentre while. ultimament ultimately. hardly. It is used in the same way in Catalan: "Això rai!" Go back to => Derived Adverbs A lot of adverbs are derived regularly from the feminine forms of the adjectives by adding the suffix ment (this pattern appeared in the Vulgar Latin). quora? when? quant? how much (many) perqué. only just pro enough gairebenalmost tant as much (many) tròp too. òi yes tamben also de verai really. overhead. ver pauc little tant. levat with the exception of suau calmly See also Derived Adverbs. upstairs près. levat but. probablament probably. can be loosely rendered by "It's OK!" or "No problem(s)!". too Inclusion Order après after Designation òu behold! see! there! here! Interrogation ont? to where? d'ont? where? coma? how? quand. perdequé? why? §1. sufficiently mai more mens less fòrça a lot of. exclusion: exclusivament exclusively. except. formerly. simplament simply. on top. not much apenas barely. whilst sempre . much pro enough.    clar : clarament bèl : belament trist : tristament These adverbs correspond to the English adverbs formed by -ly. hardly. upstairs en fàcia de in front of defòra outside luenh away plan planet slowly dur hard excèpt exceptedly mal badly lèu soon fòrt strongly rude brutally tirat. nearby abans ahead. yet ja already. possibly Exclusion apenas barely. cf. lèu early pasmens still. after ont where ennaut above. by now. totjorn ever tard late d'ora. perhaps. near. unicament uniquely. much. sure òc. yet fins a till. yet amont above. The derived adverbs are of:       manner (mainly): clarament clearly etc.. Quantity gaire some. solament solely. possibly bensai maybe. affirmation: efectivament effectively. levat but sol only tampauc also not de mai moreover apasmens still. de tot tant that much Affirmation atal thus segur certainly. until meteis even tamben also. prèp close. save titat. clearly adv.. etc. de fes sometime fin finala at last.. Degree of the Adverbs (Gra dels Advèrbs) Comparative Degree (Gra Comparatiu) Normal tristament rapidament ben.. finally Place a l'ostal home a drecha .Some adverbs are formed from the adjectives by the way of conversion (in other words their forms coincide with the masculine forms of the adjectives). a man esquèrra to the left debàs downstairs d'ara endavant henceforward de cap a fons downwar d'ont from here.m de matin since the morni de nuèch at night de còps. dur hard adj.. gaire few adj. plan tristament fòrça. dins l'escuresina in the dark a la galaupada in full speed a la bobosa disorderly .:      clar clear adj. lent slow adj. some adv. a òrbas blindly a cavalhons piggyback a tustas e a bustas disorderly d'escondons secretely a pès junts stubbornly a tòrt e a travèrs disorderly d'amagat silently. indoors endacòm somewhere a l'ostal at home Manner a palpas. slowly adv. p. plan bon fòrça. plan mal - Relative Superiority lo mai tristament lo mai rapidament lo mai lo mens Inferiority lo mens tristament lo mens rapidament - Adverbials (Locucions adverbialas) Time d'ara endavant hereafter de vèspre tonight de davant beforehand de jorn in the day de lanuèch al matin overnight de tantòst afternoon. inside. cf. from where endedins de within. plan rapidament fòrça.plan mal fòrça pauc Comparative Superiority mai tristament que mai rapidament que melhor (mai bon) piéger (mai mal) mai mens Equality tant tristament coma tant rapidament coma tant ben tant mal - Inferiority mens tristament que mens rapidament que mens ben mens mal - Superlative Degree (Gra Superlatiu) Superlative Normal Synthetic tristament rapidament ben. a man drecha to the right a esquèrra. hard adv. plan mal fòrça pauc tristament rapidament - Absolute Analytic fòrça. ø. I am cooking a few cakes. For example:  Fau de còcas. especially  Determiners (Determinants) Articles (Articles) Possessive Adjectives (Adjectius Possesius) Demonstrative Adjectives (Adjectius Demonstratius) Interrogative Adjectives (Adjectius Interrogatius) Exclamatives Indefinite Adjectives (Adjectius Indefinits) Negative Adjectives (Adjectius Negatius) Articles (Articles) Indefinite Article Singular Plural m f m f un una de (d') de (d') Definite Article Basic Forms lo (l') la (l') los las Contracted Forms a al als de del dels per pel pels sus sul suls - The apostrophized forms d' and l' are used in front of words beginning with a vowel. sure d'efièch de facto. Dialect variations Gascon has slightly different forms for the indefinite articles:  un. I am cooking cakes. The form de is the true undefinite form for plural. in fact res a faire in no way de verdad verily. ø.passat ièr the day after tomorrow per ara presently per campèstre overland ont que siá anywhere en luòc nowhere endacòm mai elsewhere per tot everywhere per aquí this way en luòc no where Quantity per lo mens at least per lo mai at most de fòrça of much de pauc of some de tot of all gaire mai (de) aproximately Affirmation / Negation a de bon sure de segur sure de verai sure segur of course ben segur of course d'acòrdi in agreement de segur certainly. really en correcto estado OK d'efièch in effect segurament certainly als uèlhs vesents apparently de segur of course sens dobte undoubtedly a la moda modish al contrari just the opposite de grat of good will sul còp suddenly. subran suddenly de badas in vain en general in total. unas rather mean some. ua [y ]. fast de ressabuda. . offhand per bona espècia intentionally de mal esquiç unwillingly de racacòr unwillingly aviat fast sul pic suddenly subte. in general por malastre unfortunately a pus près aproximately subre tot above all. unes. a few. Fau unas còcas. mèi) toun (ta.The forms of the definite articles are more diversified:  In the area between Toulouse. nouesti) voueste (vouesto. sèi) noueste (nouesto. f n Aiceste / Aqueste Aicesta / Aquesta Eiçò / Aiçò Aicestes / Aquestes Aicestas / Aquestas =Sg. These should not be regarded as French influences. si) noste (nosto. In the northern areas. les. eras. In some Pyreneans valleys (Coseran. Indeterminate distance --Ço --=Sg. They should rather be seen as the evolution of Latin demonstrative ille => le. since they occur in documents previous to the French presence in this area. the forms are quite different: eth. eths. las may be sounded [l . vouesti) soun (sa. Foix e Carcassonne. sèi) Possessives in Rhodanian:       moun (ma.   Possessive Adjectives (Adjectius Possesius) One owner singular mon ma ton ta son sa plural mos mas tos tas sos sas singular nòstre nòstra vòstre vòstra lor Person 1 2 st Man masculine feminine masculine feminine masculine feminine nd 3 rd Dialect variations Possessives in Maritime:       moun (ma. era. nosti) voste (vosto. tèi) soun (sa. f n m Pl. Long distance Aquel Aquela Aquò (Aco) / Ailò Aqueles Aquelas =Sg. Comenges and Bigorre). ti) soun (sa. . whereas the evolution has been illum => lo elsewhere. si) Demonstrative Adjectives (Adjectius Demonstratius) Short Distance m Sg. along with the general trend to turn non-stressed [a] into [ ] in this area. vosti) soun (sa. the masculine forms are le. la. mi) toun (ta. l s]. little pro enough fòrça. Feminine autra una caduna mantuna tanta tota autres unes some. so much . tantas totas . quant what a. each one mantun several tant (tan) as much tot all.. Interrogative Adjectives (Adjectius Interrogatius) Variable Singular Masculine quant? how much? Feminine quanta? Masculine quants? Plural Feminine quantas? qui? que? qual? quin? who? what? Invariable qual? quala? what? which ? quales? qualas? Exclamatives Qual. each qualque (quauque) some. aquéu (aquelo. few -mantuns tant. !  que de mond! so many people! que d'aiga! so much water! Indefinite Adjectives (Adjectius Indefinits) Variable Singular Masculine autre other un one cadun. and agree with number and gender:  quant (polit) animal! what a (beautiful) animal! quantas nécias! what foolish women! Que (de) .. much cada every. a few qualques (quauques) tant. what. plan (de) many. quin. can be either adjectives or pronouns.The following variations also occur in the speech. aquélei / aquéli).. the whole. so many .. every one.... aquésti)... tantes totes every Plural Masculine Feminine autras unas -mantunas Invariable un pauc de a little gaire few.   aquest (aquesto. ges (de) no.  Possessive Pronouns (Pronoms Possessius) One owner Singular m lo mieu la miá / mieuna çò mieu lo tieu la tiá / tieuna Many owners Plural Singular lo nòstre la nòstra çò nòstre lo vòstre la vòstra Plural los nòstres las nòstras -los vòstres las vòstras los mieus las miás / mieunas -los tieus las tiás / tieunas 1st person f n m f 2nd person ... none Masculine -- Feminine Pronouns (Pronums) Personal and Reflexive Pronouns (Pronoms Personals e Reflexius) Possessive Pronouns (Pronoms Possessius) Demonstrative Pronouns (Pronoms Demonstratius) Relative Pronouns (Pronoms Relatius) Interrogative Pronouns (Pronoms Interrogatius) Indefinite Pronouns (Pronoms Indefinits) Negative Pronouns (Pronoms Negatius)  Number Personal and Reflexive Pronouns (Pronoms Personals e Reflexius) Person 1 2 st Subject ièu I tu you el he ela she el it -nosautres / nos we nosautras / nos we vosautres / vos you vosautras / vos you eles they elas they -- Direct Object me (m') me te (t') you lo (l') him la (l') her o it se him/her/itself nos us vos you los them las them se themselves Indirect Object without preposition me to me te to you li / to him.Negative Adjectives (Adjectius Negatius) Variable Singular Masculine degun nobody  Plural Feminine deguna Invariable -cap (de). are polite forms only. 3rd 1st 2nd Pl. 3  rd . m f m f m f reflex. Note: nos and vos.. 1st and second person plural subject forms. nd Sg. . to her se to him/her/itself nos to us vos to you li / lor to them se themselves with preposition a ièu to me a tu to you a el to him a ela to her a el to it a el to him/herself a nosautres (as) to us a vosautres (as) to you a eles to them a elas to them a se to themselves mf mf m f n reflex.. ..  Demonstrative Pronouns (Pronoms Demonstratius) Variable Singular Plural Invariable Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine (Neuter) aiceste this aqueste this / that aquel that lo de.. . for insistance: lo mieu paire my father. que whose Plural Feminine la que la quala dont.n m 3rd person  çò tieu lo sieu la siá / sieuna çò sieu -los sieus las siás / sieunas -- çò vòstre lo lor.... §1. aicesta aquesta aquela la de aicestes aquestes aqueles los de aicestas aquestas aquelas las de aiçò this l'autre the other l'autra los autres las autras aquò this.. los sieus las lors. That dog is my father's (that of my father): the definite article has retained its original demonstrative value. que   . Aquel can es lo de mon paire.  Relative Pronouns (Pronoms Relatius) Variable Singular Masculine lo que (he)who lo qual (he)who dont.. las sieunas -- f n ... These forms can also be adjectives. whom qui who. that aquò that  . que que who . lo sieu la lor. whom Masculine los que los quales dont. (1) the one of. que Invariable Feminine las que las qualas dont. qual ? who? Plural Feminine Masculine Feminine qui... qual ? Invariable que? who? what? . Interrogative Pronouns (Pronoms Interrogatius) Variable Singular Masculine qui.. .. la sieuna çò lor / çò sieu -los lors. Negative Pronouns (Pronoms Negatius) Invariable Persons Things degun nobody res nothing  Pronominal adverbs Occitan uses the adverbs en and i in pronominal functions. The pronominal adverb en has two main functions:  replacing direct object of a verb (the direct object must not be preceded by a determiner): As comprat de lach? Have you bought milk? . The pronominal adverb en It has four distinct forms:     full: ne reduced: ’n reinforced: en elided (before vowels or h-): n’.. Indefinite Pronouns (Pronoms Indefinits) Variable Singular Masculine Feminine qualqu'una (quauqu'una) tota tanta una caduna Plural Masculine qualques uns (quauques uns) some.. everyone cadun (some)one.... NOTE: In Occitan grammars en and i are usually referred adverbial pronouns.. everyone qualques unas (quauques unas) totas tantas unas -òm someone quicòm something qual que siá whoever que que siá whatever   . few totes tantes unes -qual que sián que que sián Invariable Feminine qualqu'un (quauqu'un) somebody tot all tant as much un (some)one. .(de) qué? what? quant? how much / many?   quanta? quantes? (de) qué? quantas? . This phenomenon occurs in many other contemporary Romance languages. . . .. òm ne parla ben. In the spoken language. . a seten. a onzen. a ochen. a (cinquen. everyone speaks well [about her]. . una dos. . primièra segond. => O i dirai. . Idiomatic uses The pronominal adverbs en and i may occur also in many idiomatic expressions:   Me’n vau. Since she’s dead.  Numerals (Numerals) See the Latin Numerals.. Ara que ess morta. everyone speaks well about Carmen. òm parla ben de la Carme. The pronominal adverb i The pronominal adverb i (fromthe Latin ibi here) is a location adverb:  I vau. a dotzen.. a (quatren. a tèrç. a) noven. . a (tresen.. . . . a (oiten. a etc. I go there.doas tres quatre cinc sièis sèt uèch (uéit. . I’m leaving.. Numerals (Arabic) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Cardinal un. I'll tell it to him. it can replace the pronoun li:  O li dirai. a desen.. I a un dròlle aquí. There is a boy here. . Since she’s dead. a) quint. a) quart.N'as comprat? Have you bought (of) it [milk]?  replacing a phrase introduced by the preposition de: Ara que és morta. a) seisen. Multiplicative (1) simple doble triple quadruple quintuple sextuple septuple octuple nonuple decuple Fractions (2) -mitat tèrç quart cinquen seisen seten ochen noven desen . uòch) nòu dètz onze dotze tretze quatorze Ordinal primièr. . . . tres còps mai.. a etc. for 1/2. Go back => . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3. . . de quatre parts una. mil dètz mila cent mila un milion un miliard . . oitanten nonanta cent cent un dos cents tres cents quatre cents cinc cents sièis cents sèt cents uèch cents nòu cents mila. a vinten. . Notes:   §1. . . . de tres parts una. . Again. centen. 1/4. . . . milionen miliarden .. . popular usage prefers the analytic forms: dos còps mai. milen . . . . . . . . .. . . detz-e-noven. . . . . . To those forms. .. . . . . . . .Verb (Verb) Auxiliary verbs . . vinten vint-e-unen trenten etc.. . . . quatre còps mai. . . popular usage prefers the analytic forms: de doas parts una. .. . . . . . etc. centen etc. etc. . . . . . . . . . . a . . Go back => §2. . . . derived from Latin. centuple . .15 16 17 18 19 20 21 30 31 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 101 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 10 000 100 000 1 000 000 1 000 000 000 quinze setze dètz-e-sèt dètz-e-uèch dètz-e-nòu vint vint-e un trenta trenta un quaranta cinquanta seissanta setanta ochanta. :  Ai acabat. transitive verbs have aver as an auxilliary verb. => I think I could recognize him. constructed with the auxialiaries èstre (èsser) or aver and the past participle. I've had the opportunity to eat ostrich-meat. Another particularity of Occitan conjugation is the use of surcompound tenses to indicate that an action was done at least once in the past. there will be problems. . I conjugation: -ar amar to love comprar to buy hablar to speak passar to go. . whereas untransitive and pronominal verbs have èstre. n'ai agut manjat. Unlike French and Catalan. -er.. Italian and Portuguese.:   I a tres dròllas que nos agachan There are three girls looking at us. D'estruci. I happened to see him that man in the street. make dever (deure) must There is a wide variety of compound tenses. l'ai agut vist dins la carrièra. ii aurà (de) problèmas. pass II conjugation: -ir dormir to sleep sentir to hear pedir to ask finir to finish III conjugation: -re. yet which left an impact in the mind of the speaker:   Aquel òme. there are. The one most used is the present perfect. I have finished. It is also used in a fundamental construction i aver there is. Aver The verb aver to have has retained its semantic usage and is (with èsser) an auxiliary for constructing compound tenses. Se venon pas.Aver | Téner (Tenir) | Èsser (Èstre) Tenses (Tempses) Reflexive Verbs Irregular Verbs Negation The Occitan verbs fall in three conjugational pattern discerned by the endings of the present infinitive. As a general rule. the subjonctive imperfect is still a living tense: it is widelly and commonly used. => I know what it tastes like. As in Spanish.. and contrary to French. cf. cf. èstre is its own auxilliary: soi estat versus French j'ai été and Catalan he estat. . at an indeterminate time. -r batre to beat tèner to hold far (faire) to do. If they don’t show up. cf. (Preterit Compausat de Indicatiu) Perfect Subjunctive (Passat de Subjonctiu) Pluperfect Subjunctive (Plus que Perfach de Subjonctiu) Perfect Conditional (Condicional Passat) . cf. which indicates an action in the future.: o Es pas per morir. He (she) was taking a walk. cf.:  Ten sas fenèstras de barradas. it is used in the periphrastic construction èsser per + infinitive. cf. it forms the passive voice of the transitive verbs. it is used as an auxiliary for constructing the compound tenses of the intransitive verbs.Téner (Tenir) The verb téner to hold may be used as an auxiliary in the periphrastic construction téner de + past participle with the meaning of continuity. Èsser (Èstre) The verb èsser to be has various functions:      it links a noun or noun group to a predicative..: o Èra a se passejar. state or condition. The king is loved by his people.. He keeps his windows shut.e. Compound tenses (Tempses compausats) Non-Finite Verbal Forms   Compound Infinitive (Infinitiu Compausat) Compound Gerund (Gerondiu Compausat) Simple tenses (Tempses simples) Non-Finite Verbal Forms     Present Infinitive (Present de Infinitiu) Present Active Participle (Participi Present) The Gerund (Gerondiu) Past Passive Participle (Participi passat) Finite Verbal Forms         Present Indicative (Present de Indicatiu) Future Indicative (Futur de Indicatiu) Imperfect Indicative (Imperfach de Indicatiu) Past Simple Indicative (Preterit de Indicatiu) Present Subjunctive (Present de Subjonctiu) Imperfect Subjunctive (Imperfect de Subjonctiu) Imperfect Conditional (Condicional Present) Present Imperative (Present de Imperatiu) Finite Verbal Forms        Present Perfect Ind.: o Soi anat a Marsilha. These peaches are the best ones I have eaten. (Passat Compausat de Indicatiu) Future in the Past Ind (Futur Anterior de Indicatiu) Pluperfect Indicative (Plus que Perfach de Indicatiu) Past Perfect Ind.: o Aquestes persècs son los melhors que ai manjat.: o El rei es aimat per son pòble. it is used also in the construction èsser a + infinitive to denote an action in progress. . I have gone to Marseilles. cf. i.. He is not going to die. cf. a word group indicating a quality. vos. se. pel.. = I don't see anything. s'. . lit. have contracted forms with the masculine definite article el: al.  Prepositions (Preposicions) davant before.. Him-find-not-nowhere. Sortís pas jamai. nos. after dèus towards dins in. about sota below. lit. per. which follows the verb. (They) have not spoken. about tras behind. I speak-not. to entre between fins till. t'. in exchange for darrièr behind daus towards  The prepositions a. in order to segon according to sens without sobre over. = They haven't spoken. until jos below. within en cò de + possessive at. = I don't find him anywhere. about dejós below. to. beneath. lit. Its translation is not (yes is said òc and no is said non). to al lòc de instead of amb with après after. in the presence of a cò de + possessive at. in the presence of de of. after vèrs towards . = He never goes out. beneath sus over. = I don't speak An pas parlat. I-see-not-nothing.. above. under per for. = Nobody came. te. a to. under despuèi from. In front of a vowel they become m'. above. since detràs behind. The reflexive forms are: me. from. Verb beginning with consonant Simple tense Compound tense Imperative se levar to get up Simple tense me lèvi te lèvas se lèva nos levam vos levatz se levan Compound tense Imperative -lèva-te -levem-nos levatz-vos -Gerund Past Participle Infinitive Gerund Past Participle Infinitive se levar . de. . del. jos.. Degun es pas vengut. sul. Nobody-is-not-come.. lit.   Parli pas. Pas may be combined with other negative words:     I vesi pas res. sus. toward abans before. jol. afterwards cap towards contra against. nos.. Lo tròbi pas enluòc. beneath. lit. under.Note that the reflexive verbs are normally conjugated in the compound tenses with the auxiliary aver. Goes out-not-never. s'.vos. inside. The basic negation is pas. se. lit.  Conjunctions (Conjonccions) Subordination  dou tèms que  enterin que  quand  quouro  tre que Cause  per ço que  perqué  que Coordination  adounc  car  dounc  e  ni  mai  o  pamens  que .
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