O&M Manual Plante Batteries

March 27, 2018 | Author: mahesh415 | Category: Battery Charger, Battery (Electricity), Electricity, Electromagnetism, Electrical Engineering



INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE FOR EXIDE PLANTE’ TYPE STANDBY BATTERIES COMPLETE WITH FIRST CHARGE INSTRUCTIONSAND MAINTENANCE PRACTICE -1- GENERAL : In order to ensure safety, it is essential to operate and maintain your batteries in accordance with the recommendations in this booklet. a) ACID : Batteries contain dilute sulphuric acid which is poisonous and corrosive. It can cause burns on contact with skin and eyes. If acid is split on skin or clothing, wash plenty of clean water. If acid gets in to the eyes wash well with plenty of clean water and get IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION. GASES : Batteries can give off explosive gases. Keep sparks, flames and lighted cigarettes away from battery and battery room. Ensure connections are tight before switching on, using only insulated tools. Areas where batteries are kept or charged must be adequately ventilated. ELECTRICITY : Use only insulated tools to make connections to a battery. Check the circuit to ensure it is safe before making a connection to the battery. Before working on a battery, always remove personal metal effects, such as rings, watches, bracelets, necklaces, etc. b) c) ALWAYS PROTECT THE EYES. -2- Report shortages/ damages promptly to Exide Industries Limited in writing within 30 days of receipt. The cells are to be stored in single layer only. tilt etc. care should be taken to avoid pressure on the sides of the crate pallet.1. 3. to avoid damages. cut the hoop iron straps and lift the outer part of the crate from the top. Loading / Unloading & handling: The Plante type cells are packed in such a manner so as to avoid rough handling by the transporter. 2. The pallets are designed for lifting with sling wires. Then cut the hoop iron straps of the inner crate and dismantle the crate carefully by using crowbar / hammers etc. It is advisable to unpack all the cases and crates as soon as possible upon arrival at site It is preferable to unpack all the materials supplied in one go for checking correctness of materials quantity wise and quality wise before erection rather than going for unpacking and erection cell by cell. provided the cells are kept as advised below. They should be kept in a dry cool place avoiding chance of mechanical damage. It is advisable to carry the packed cells in crate pallet upto the Battery Room floor by overhead crane. To open the crate pallet. away from direct sunlight and rain. Take out the cells one by one manually. jerk. Unpack and check all items carefully against the accompanying delivery challan / material specifications. Free replacement would only be entertained if such reports are received within the stipulated time period. Care should be taken during loading / unloading of the cases / pallets on / from the trucks. to avoid damage. If the dry & uncharged cells are kept loose. Care should be taken in handling the cells and other components to avoid damages. The cases / pallets having cells and cases having accessories to be stored in dry & cool covered place. provided the transit insurance is covered by the Company. adequate care should be taken to keep the Vent Plugs totally closed and the vent holes kept closed with adhesive tapes. Storage & Preservation: The maximum shelf life of dry & uncharged cells is 24 months from the date of manufacture. Unpacking / Handling: Care should be taken in the unpacking and subsequent handling of cells and other components of the battery. -3- . preferably with forklifts or suitable mechanical means. without pressure on the sides. Arrange for repairs/ replacement of damaged/ short received materials to ensure the complete battery material is available when installation commences. The cells to be shifted to battery room by convenient way ensuring no damages during such handling. The crates should be opened in the battery room floor and shifted to the battery room with care. Never handle cells using the terminals as this might create fatal damage to the cells. This is required to charge the battery banks e. A notice should be exhibited in the battery room PROHIBITING SMOKING. Battery Room The battery room should be well ventilated.75 vpc for 100 Ah type battery bank. dust fee covered place. garments etc. 4. Any spillage of acid on the floor is to be washed and neutralised. will reduce the capacity available but do not harm the battery so far as the life is concerned. The exhaust calculation can be available from the Guaranteed Technical Particular of the specific installation. The voltage required for initial charging is about 3 times the number of cells in the battery bank. For any deviation and / or modification please contact Exide Industries Ltd.. The capacity requirement of the exhaust system depends on the relative size of the battery room and the battery being accommodated in that.36 vpc & 6 Amps DC Constant Current (finishing rate) up to 2. screwed on firmly). The battery will give the best results when working at room temperatures of 250 C to 350 C. to avoid leakage path. for the personnel working in the battery room.e. C. The floor and walls of the battery room should preferably have acid resistant coating. having provision for natural exhaust. A damp room is dangerous due to possible earth leakage from the battery. clean and dry. The ventilation system of the battery room has to be designed accordingly. good artificial light should be made available. supply capable of delivering the constant current specified in the technical specifications will be required. 3. within the above mentioned range. Site should demand a copy of the same from the procurement authority.Store the cells (with the vent plugs & vent-cum float guide. Alternately acid proof paints to be provided which would automatically require periodic renewal. body. charger design to be 3 volts per cell. The layout of the cells should be in line with the layout suggested by Exide Industries Limited for the specific case. If it is not possible to provide windows. -4- . The battery room should be well lit at all times of the day and night. High temperatures increase the capacity but decrease the life of the cells. It will function satisfactorily when operating at temperatures between 50 C and 500 C. 12 Amps DC Constant Current up to 2. It is advisable to provide acid proof tiles on the floors and on the sides of the wall. Low temperatures. A wash basin to be provided in the battery room.g. It is always better to pump in filtered cool air in the battery rooms. Power Requirement: A D. Warning signs should be put on the walls indicating dangers of explosion in using naked flames for smoking inside the battery room. Proper exhaust fans to be provided to remove hydrogen gas from the battery room during boost charging. and other accessories in a dry cool. so that the battery room will be slightly at higher pressure. Direct sunlight on the cells should be avoided. suitably placed for washing of accidental acid splash on eyes. i. ELECTRICAL OR ANY SPARKS AND USE OF NAKED FLAMES. + BULB HYDROGEN GAS -5- . The RMS limit is 5% in amperes of the C10 capacity over the frequency range of 100 Hz to 360 Hz. Charger: The charging system must be capable of providing a steady voltage within ±1%V. Each installation shall have a dedicated relevant layout drawing of the battery. They should be followed very carefully. To ascertain the polarity of the charging leads connect a lamp in series and dip the end in a glass of slightly saline water.75 volts per cell during boost charging. The charger should also have facility for float charge at a voltage of 2.25 + 0. Stands and Supports Suitable Stands / Stillages are normally provided for the support of the cells and are designed in a manner so that each cell will be easily accessible for inspection. This should be a constant current charger capable of supplying 12 Amps DC for 100 Ah battery to start with and 6 Amps DC for 100 Ah battery at the finishing stages of charging.02 volts per cell. 6. Battery charger should be available at site for necessary initial charging of the battery bank. For equalizing charge.5. Polarity of Charging Leads It is of utmost importance that the positive terminal of the battery is connected to the positive lead of the charging source. Fine bubbles of gas will be give off from the negative lead The lamp connected in series eliminates the dangers of accidental short circuits. Switch on the supply. 7. the charger shall be capable of supplying 3 Amps DC per 100 Ah battery. The charger should be capable of providing 6% of the rated capacity of cells at 2. maintenance etc. Charger output or load induced current ripple can cause permanent damage and a reduction in battery life. Add the acid in a thin stream. The acid as well as the distilled water to be used for diluting the acid should conform to Indian Standard Institution specification IS: 266 – 1993 & IS: 1069 – 1993 respectively.190 Quantity of water in litres 87 66 86 56 Quantity of acid in litres 18 40 18 45 Note : When acid and water are mixed. neutralise spot with 5 to 10% ammonia or soda solution and wash thoroughly in water. slowly. Acid / DM Water i) The acid to be used in the battery for initial filling is battery grade Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4)of specific gravity 1.1993.400 1.825 1. 4. 2. stirring the solution with a long glass rod or tube. All job to be done under supervision of authorised personnel only. ii) iii) To dilute strong acid. Gravity 1. ALWAYS ADD ACID TO WATER.190 + 0. Do not use metal vessels other than lead. there is a volume contraction. Gr. This is normally supplied with the battery. DM water should conform to IS:1069 (latest) for topping up of cells. rubber gloves and rubber apron. hence columns 3 & 4 do not total 100. 3. If the acid is obtained in concentrated form it is necessary to dilute it to 1. A copy of IS:1069 enclosed. Gravity 1. the quantities required for mixing are given below: For 100 litres Dilute Acid: Initial Sp. -6- . Seek medical aid immediately. at 270 C. Keep ready Bi-carbonate of Soda solution or 5% to 10% Ammonia solution to take care of accidental spill / splash of acid on skin. NEVER ADD WATER TO ACID. Remove garment immediately. A copy of IS:266 – 1993 is enclosed at the end of the manual.400 Final Sp. When working with acid or electrolytes always use protective goggles. IT WILL SPURT DANGEROUSLY.8.825 1.840 1. Clean vessels of hard rubber. (iv) Caution: 1.190 1. On skin / eyes: flush with large quantities of water.005.190 1.190 Sp. eyes or garments. plastics. 5. conforming to IS: 266 . porcelain or leadlined MS tanks/ Wooden Boxes only should be used for storage & handling of acid & DM water. 10. Similarly.0007 to the specific gravity as read on the hydrometer. Temperature Correction The specific gravity of the electrolyte varies with temperature. Electrical Sparks and Open Flame should be strictly prohibited in the battery room.6. The positive end of the battery has to be connected to the positive output of the charging equipment and negative end of the battery to the negative of the charger . -7- . The correction should therefore be made as follows : For every 10 C above 270 C add 0. Installation The following should be kept in mind while finalising the battery layout: a) b) Easy access to the individual cells of the battery Locating the take-offs for easy connection to the charging equipment/load. Keeping interior connections adjacent to walls for providing easy support and keeping the passage in between clear. Any reading observed on the hydrometer should therefore be corrected to 270 C . Welding Arcs. Extreme care should be taken while handling of metallic parts within battery room to prevent their accidental falling / touching of live parts and causing short circuit.0007 from the specific gravity as read from the hydrometer. 7. Only insulated tools should be used for live parts.as all the specific gravity values indicated by us are at 270 C. 9. Arrange cells to that the positive terminal lug of one cell adjoins the negative terminal lug of the next throughout the battery. For Seismic stands no Stand/ Stillage Insulator required as these are grouted to the floor. Use a wooden spacer to ensure even spacing out of cells. for every 10 C below 270 C subtract 0. The positive and negative ‘take-off ’ of the battery should have sufficient space between them to avoid short circuits c) d) e) (i) Place the cells in position on the Stand/ Stillage Suitable insulators should also be used between the stand or Stillage and the floor. Smoking. This is desirable for easy access to the cells for allowing easy removal of cells for service attention . whenever required. (at 270 C ). the ends of the latter being bolted on the terminal lugs of the battery. connectors and terminal pillars. -8- . connect them together Smear a little petroleum jelly on the threads. For YHP range Copper bars/ Crimped Cable Ends for Flexible Connectors are used. Clean off any flux and bind the exposed end of the cable with self adhesive tape starting well back on the cable insulation and ending just at the lead cable socket. one on the bolt head and one on the nut. Each end of the copper rod/ cable (For YKP & YAP) is soldered into the socket of the cable-ends provided or Crimped type Flexible cable connectors. Cover the whole length of each terminal pillar with petroleum jelly and tighten the bolt connectors firmly using two spanners.005 Sp. After bolting-up the cells smear petroleum jelly over the nut. bolt head and washers. If necessary.0. Charging a cell of the whole battery in the wrong direction will cause permanent damage. (iv) Connect cells together : When the cells are in position on the stands. INITIAL FILLING-IN OF ELECTROLYTE Sufficient quantity of battery-grade sulphuric acid and a little spare must be available at the site for the initial filling of the cells. (iii) Cells in Rows If the cells are arranged in more than one row. bolting faces and in the bolt holes before bolting up. Finally. (v) Connecting to charger : Connect positive terminal of the battery to the positive lead of charging source and negative terminal of the battery to negative lead of the charging source after identifying the polarity of the connections. The connection between the two rows may be made with the necessary length of copper of the size used between the switchboard and the battery. apply an even coating of petroleum jelly to the bolts. nuts. ensure that the positive terminal lug of the end cell of one row is connected to the negative terminal lug of the end cell of the other row. washers. check again that the cells are connected in the correct sequence. The sulphuric acid should be 1.190 +/. Note particularly that the positive terminal of one cell is connected to negative terminal of the next throughout the battery leaving the positive terminal of the first cell and negative terminal of the last cell of the battery bank free for connection to the charging source. Gr. 11. All copper work should be painted with two coats of acid resisting enamel paint before the cells are filled with acid.(ii) Fasteners (Bolt & Nuts) Before connecting up. warm the petroleum jelly to ensure a thin even coating. Gr. The total quantity of acid required is obtained by multiplying the quantity per cell by the number of cells adding 10% to compensate for spillage. (iii) First Charge Commence charging not later than 24 hours after filling in the first cell with acid. Test polarity of the charging leads and connects the positive terminal of the battery to the positive lead of the charger. Recording of individual cell voltage. Recording the total battery voltage and comparison thereof with the sum total of individual cell voltage. The battery is now ready for initial charging. up to the maximum recommended level.190 Sp. (i) First Charge Charging Equipment Ensure that the charging equipment is in order and is capable of delivering the specified current and voltage .The approximate quantity of acid required per cell is given in the data sheet. Initial charging must commence with in 24 hours of electrolyte filling & it is therefore essential to ensure that the charger is in proper working condition prior to electrolyte filling of the cells. Caution : Charging a cell or battery in the wrong direction will ruin it. -9- . following are to be ensured prior to commencement of initial charging:a) b) c) Checking of correct polarity of all the cells connected in the circuit. After filling in allow the cells to stand for a period of 8-12 hours. 12. The acid should be brought to equilibrium with the room temperature and of 1.190 Sp. After filling in all the cells. This acid should be carefully poured into the cells. Gravity. The plates will absorb the electrolyte and the electrolyte level will drop. Restore the electrolyte level at the end of this 8-12 hours period by adding more acid of 1. (ii) Connections – Polarity Check and check again to ensure the cells are all connected in series and all fastenings and connections are tight. whichever happens later. c. Charging at this rate shall continue till the potential of the battery rises to 2. Voltage and specific gravity readings from the pilot cells will indicate the state of charge of the whole battery. During charge take reading every 4 hourly reading up to 80% of charge followed by 1 hourly readings of : a. (v) Second Portion The second portion of the charge must be given at the finishing rate as mentioned in the relevant technical particulars. The exact figure is not so important as long as a Voltage around 2.36 volts per cell. if any) out of every 24 cells or part thereof.65 Volts is attained. Typical . Specific Gravity Voltage Temperature (vi) Completion of charge The signs of the completion of charge (Clause 12 (v) ) are as under a) Specific Gravity : For some hours after starting the charge . The charge should be continued until the specific gravities have attained constant figures for three (3) successive hourly readings in all cells. At the completion of this portion of the charge a rest of not more than 12 hour and not less than 2 hours should be given.10 - b) . Reduce charging current if temperature of electrolyte exceeds 500 C.(iv) First Portion The first portion of the charge should be given at any rate between the starting/ finishing currents depending on the output of the charger. (vi) Pilot Cells As pilot cells select any one cell (except the end cell or regulating cell. Voltage : The cell Voltage at the beginning of the charge will be a little over 2 volts and will rise during the charge finally attaining a steady figure. This is very important for the life of the battery that the first charge be administered very particularly so far as the Ah input is concerned. This stage to continue till either the signs of completion of charge are observed or the minimum Ah input required (as mentioned in the relevant technical particulars) is administered. the specific gravity of the electrolyte will fall after which it will begin to rise slowly and continue to rise throughout the charge until finally it ceases to rise and remain constant. b. depending on the prevailing electrolyte temperature . About one hour afterwards. (viii) Electrolyte Level Maintain the level throughout charging adding 1.11 - . Where ambient temperatures are normally high. If any cell fail to gas or is late in gassing or if it ‘s gravity is lower than those of other cells. the specific gravity and temperature should be recorded. This can be observed in transparent containers only. If necessary. as mentioned above. use the finishing rate for the first portion of the charge as well. When charging is suspended due to attainment of high temperatures. it is recommended that charging be carried out during the night and suspended during the day. it should be closely examined to find the cause. When found and corrected the charge should be continued until the cell is brought upto the fully charged state like the others. Colour of plates: The positive plates should assume a full rich chocolate colour and negatives a smooth light grey when fully charged. when higher than 27 Deg C.190 Sp. (vii) Interruptions The charging of the battery can be carried out either continuously or in cycles of 8 hours charge and not more than 16 hours rest. Suspend the charge if the temperature reaches 500 C and resume charging after the battery has cooled to about 450C. c) Gassing: The reduction of current during charge. but at the end of the charge all the cells should gas freely and vigorously. which. tends to depress the voltage slightly from the ideal top of charge of 2.75V at 27 Deg C. and the minimum Ah input required (as mentioned in clause 12(v)) is administered. the charge should be terminated. If necessary. such stoppages should be noted carefully and the duration shall be suitably extended to compensate for such stoppages. . During charging the electrolyte temperature of the cell should not exceed 500C. till it is completed.75 Volts per cell at the finishing rate of charge . is to limit the amount of gassing. Acid if necessary. Gr.figures range from 2.65 – 2. when the gas bubbles have cleared away. d) When all these signs of completion of charge have been observed. slightly lower the recommended charging rate in case of very high ambient temperatures. and the temperature of the pilot cell. free technical advice will be given so that the battery is maintained in optimum conditions. Subsequently. A record book is supplied with each battery of 60 volts and above. as required. give an extended charge at a constant current 6% of rated capacity of the cells. give it an extended charge until the hydrometer shows as constant specific gravity reading for 3 hours. and a note that levels were correct in each cell. If one copy of this record sheet is sent periodically to the nearest office of the Company. Before using the battery again. for smaller batteries this can be obtained at nominal charge. . Never make an adjustment on cell which does not gas on charge. withdraw some electrolyte and add pure water.12 - .195 after both voltage and specific gravity have remained constant over 3 consecutive hours.0.200 specific gravity acid or by withdrawing excess electrolyte. If at the end of first charge the specific gravity of the electrolyte is below 1. Check generally that everything. stand on floor.200 +/. (xii) Storage If the battery is to remain unused for 2 to 6 months after commissioning. (x) Final Readings/ Record Book After correcting specific gravity and electrolyte levels.(ix) Adjust Specific Gravity of Each Cell If at the end of the first charge the specific gravity of the electrolyte exceeds 1. continue the charge so that the water and acid mix thoroughly. The first page should record the specific gravity readings of each cell. Final specific gravity should be 1. (xi) Cleaning up Wipe down the outside of all cells and clean up any acid which may have dripped or have been split on the cell lids. Record details of periodical charges and discharges etc. is in order. Adjust the levels of electrolyte in all cells by adding 1. Keep plates covered by adding pure distilled water to the prescribed level. start a record book for the whole life of the battery. withdraw some electrolyte and add acid of 1.400 specific gravity continuing the charge in the meantime. give an extended charge at least once every month.205.005 in all the cells. The first charge sheet supplied with the battery should be filled up with the readings obtained during initial charge and returned to the Company for comments. 02 vpc 360C – 450C 2.26±0. NOTE ON BATTERY CHARGING Constant Potential Charging – on Service: The proper operation and correct adjustment of the charging supply ensures trouble-free operation and life of the battery. It determines the rate and amount of charge received and thus indirectly it’s temperature and water requirements. Adjust Float / Trickle charge current to the required value as per instructions given by the manufacturer. .29±0.27 volts per cell based on the ambient temperature as per the chart given below : Temperature Float Voltage <5 deg.02 vpc 200C – 350C 2.25 – 2.13 - . Additional information/ clarification if required can be obtained from the nearest office of Exide Industries Ltd at the addresses shown on the outside back cover. The battery should then be put on Float / Trickle charge when in a fully charged condition. The Float / Trickle charge should be adjusted to give an optimum battery voltage of 2. Make sure that the instruction Display Board is hung in a prominent and accessible location in the battery room.02vpc (iii) Additional Information All specific gravity’s referred to above are at 270 C. Operation (i) It is important that the battery should be operated in accordance with the instructions given by the manufacturer. C 2.24±0.13. (ii) It is strongly recommended that the batteries which are to be operated on Float / Trickle charge be subjected to 2-3 cycles of charge and discharge. if more current than necessary is furnished.14 - . . if charging voltage is maintained 2. the battery life will be shortened. to protect the charging source from overload.The re-charging of the batteries is accomplished with the float charger supplying current to the battery. therefore. the battery will run down and eventually fail to cater the back-up time.28 volts per cell – the exact value depending upon the ambient temperature of the installation. Life of the battery will be shortened. Safe limits of operating temperature. On the other hand. therefore. Correct adjustment of the charging rate ensures: a) b) c) d) Proper amount of charge without applicable overcharge.C source. Charging voltage: This is controlled by means of suitable regulators. The value of the charging current. Temperature will be high which in turn aggravates the condition (a) & (b) above. Minimum water consumption. the charger shall bring the battery to a fully charged condition promptly and then furnish only the current to maintain it fully charged. Under these conditions of constant voltage charging. When properly adjusted. an adjustable series resistance is installed to limit the current with a discharged battery. Under normal conditions. It is.26 vpc.24 to 2. It is therefore highly important than the charging is proper for the life & performance of the battery bank. Any deviation from the standard setting should be corrected immediately as a very small variation in voltage.26 vpc. The battery is float charged from a D. very necessary that the voltmeter used is accurate. However. voltage should be adjusted between 2. Water requirement will be high and possible fall in the level of electrolyte. the battery regulates it’s own charging current. If sufficient current is not available from the charger. Under ordinary conditions. the battery should be in a high state of charge – ready for an emergency discharge and a low steady Trickle Current. The effect of HIGH and LOW voltage settings are: HIGH VOLTAGE SETTING: a) b) c) d) The battery will be overcharged. Prolonged life. gives a rough indication of the state of charge. produces a large variation in current. The load current as well as any other current supplied by the battery must be restored to the battery in service. The output of which is controlled to keep the voltage at the battery terminals at nominal value 2. 4. the specific gravity of the battery would read as 1. 2. “Equalising charge” should also be administered every time the battery is subjected to a C10 capacity discharge.03 volts or the specific gravity variation is of the order of ± 0. A higher specific gravity every time would indicate that voltage setting is too high.LOW VOLTAGE SETTING: a) b) c) Insufficient charge will cause starvation and resultant operating failure. e.010. or abnormal working conditions. initial differences between individual cells. If the Lead Acid cell remains under-charged over long periods.cell variation of the float voltage is of the order of ± 0.g. the resulting sulphation in the cells may become so heavy that the cells may go beyond repair.205 to 1. under constant potential charge. given in order to bring all the cells in the battery bank to a healthy state. “Equalising Charge” is to be administered to a battery bank standing on constant current float charging for a long duration and the cell – to . these should be made initially at short intervals of a week or so and the results carefully logged and reviewed on . Possible damage to the battery due to over-discharge and shopping for repairs. 3. The battery should be charged at a constant current of 3 Amps DC per 100 Ah rated C10 capacity for 12 – 24 hours. and particularly the time interval between the inspections. which are inter-related and are of equal importance: 1. Shortened life.15 - .215 measured at 27°C. In the fully charged condition. INSPECTION & RECORD: In order to determine the nature of routine maintenance needed in service. differences in charge acceptance. due to excessive water loss and a lower specific gravity would indicate that the battery is not receiving sufficient amount of charge. Proper cleaning. This may occur due to various reasons. Water consumption. there is a chance of imbalance amongst the cells in the bank. EQUALISING CHARGE: During the operation of the battery. As a result some cells shall remain continually undercharged. Charging voltage across the battery. Specific gravity is an indication of the state of charge of a battery. BATTERY MAINTENANCE: Routine maintenance must take account of the following factors and maintain proper record. When temperature of the electrolyte differs from the standard temperature of 27°C it is necessary to correct readings of Specific Gravity observed on the hydrometer to the equivalent specific gravity at 27°C. Specific gravity measurement. Equalising charge is an extended charge at low Amps. monthly and yearly maintenance. 3. B. Excess water loss may occur due to internal short. Check electrolyte level of all cells and if required. . the interval between inspections can probably be increased. Never use metal vessels for topping up because of the risk of electrolyte contamination and accidental short circuit. Symptoms of developing trouble can be quickly detected by regular study of the battery records card and the necessary corrective measures can be taken in time to prevent any serious trouble. Once this experience has been gained. Corrective measures to be taken immediately. DAILY MAINTENANCE A daily general maintenance should include a check and record of the following : 1. The actions to be taken. The batteries should not be allowed to over-charge. Systematic inspection programmed and carefully kept records of the operation of the battery and its charging equipment as found at each inspection is one of the best-known methods of controlling battery maintenance. At the same time it should be ensured that they do not depart from the fully charged condition for the reason that partly discharged battery would not be very reliable source of power in case of emergency. checks and recording required are given herewith.each occasion. top-up with battery grade water conforming to IS 1069. 2.16 - . A. weekly. Overall float voltage measured at the battery terminals Charger output current and voltage Specific gravity. The Inspection Register should be kept in a holder located on each Battery Room so that the desired information can be recorded. WEEKLY MAINTENANCE A weekly maintenance should include all the items mentioned in “daily maintenance” and the following : 1. voltage and temperature of pilot cells. Batteries shall receive regular monthly and annual inspection in addition to any other attention that the user may desire to give or which may be necessary. MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE The maintenance schedule given here is divided in daily. which might possibly result in a service failure. Each Cell should be marked with an identifying number. high voltage setting etc. D. 3. voltage and temperature of all cells in the battery bank. If abnormal or very high amount of sulphation on the terminals or connectors are observed. But for a bank. 3. QUARTERLY MAINTENANCE A quarterly maintenance shall include all checks listed under “daily”. the electrolyte temperature should lie within 3 – 5 deg. voltage and temperature of all cells in the battery bank. 2. In case of a deviation from this range. unless it has undergone a discharge within previous 24 hours. 3. cell integrity and acid leakage. 2. Check and record specific gravity. C higher than the corresponding ambient temperature. battery stands and battery room area for accessibility. Adjustment of specific gravity by addition of battery grade water is to be done only after charging and under skilled supervision (Never use acid for this purpose unless specifically suggested by manufacturer).4 volts per cell for a period of 2 hours for mixing of the electrolyte properly. the charger needs to be checked for its quality of power output in terms of the ripple contents in the charging voltage and current. Check and record specific gravity. Deposits to be cleaned with wet cloth followed by dry clean. If the specific gravity of most of the cells are found to be lagging by an average of 10 to 15 points. After adjustment of specific gravity. MONTHLY MAINTENANCE A monthly maintenance shall include all checks listed under “daily” and “weekly” maintenance schedule and also the following : 1. Corrective action should be immediately taken to avoid any deterioration in the battery bank due to this anomaly. charge the battery at a voltage around 2. The temperature of the electrolyte normally is higher than the ambient. take immediate action in removing them.17 - . the battery bank would call for an equalizing charge at a current equivalent to 3% . C.5% of its rated value for 6 – 10 hours to restore the state of charge to full. “weekly” and “monthly” maintenance schedule and also the following : 1. . Visually check the conditions of each cell and battery bank. Visually check the cleanliness of battery.2. Discharge the battery at C10 current for 10 hours followed by a constant current recharge. 2. The battery bank can be given back to the system after the equalising charge is over. The timings are to be noted so that the duration of charge can be compensated accordingly to ensure that the minimum Ah input requirement is fulfilled. Remove all corrosion product and clean connector thoroughly.E. HALF YEARLY MAINTENANCE A half yearly maintenance shall include all checks listed under “daily”. the charging to be stopped and the cells to be allowed to cool down till 400 C when the charging can be resumed. During charging it has to be ensured that a minimum Ah input of 125% of the previous discharged Ah is administered to the battery. is to be given an equalisation charge at a current equivalent to 3% .7 – 2. After the charging is over. The charging to start at the “starting rate” as mentioned in the product catalogue for the respective size till the cell voltage reached 2. The expected end-of-charge voltage is of the order of 2. Loosen all electrical connections. then. “weekly”. gravity and level adjustments are to be carried out after a rest of 4 hour. Use enough amount of petroleum jelly on the connectors to prevent farther corrosion and put back shrouds in place. “monthly” and “quarterly” maintenance schedule and also the following : 1. This would release all stresses on the terminals and connectors and ensure trouble free operation. 2.18 - . ‘weekly’ and ‘monthly’ maintenance schedule and also the following : 1. F. . YEARLY MAINTENANCE A yearly maintenance should include all items listed under ‘daily’. 5. The battery bank. and retighten them to the prescribed torque value. fasteners etc. The temperature during charging should not increase beyond 450 C.75 volts per cell. 4. The charging to be stopped when the cell voltage and specific gravity readings are constant for four consecutive half hourly readings. 3.5% of rated C10 capacity for 12-24 hrs. In such cases.36 volts per cell followed by charging at “finishing rate” pertaining to the specific size of the battery as mentioned in manufacturer’s catalogue. lighted pipe or cigarette near the battery. b) c) d) OVERHAULING Depending on visual inspection at site Plante battery bank may need partial or complete overhauling after 8-10 years. Recharge the battery. Take precautions particularly during charging. Read and record specific gravity of all cells. avoid short circuit by bridging the terminals with spanner while tightening terminal nuts & bolts. include the following checks and tests in sequence: a) Measure total voltage of battery on open circuit and under load. Never allow a flame. Locate the cause and rectify.EMERGENCY INSPECTION If battery failure or other difficulty is reported. which is probably the immediate cause of trouble. to keep the electrolyte at the correct level. Check all battery connections to ensure they are clean and tight. the battery has discharged with suitable load. Do not exceed “ finishing” rate”. Read voltage of individual cells at the same time looking for any hot cells or any other abnormal conditions. read their voltage under load and if it is quite low in comparison with other cells. when cells are gas . sparks. Top up as often as necessary with battery Grade Water conforming to IS 1069 (Latest Revision). If this is normal. MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTIONS: (i) a) b) c) General Instructions: Do not work on battery bank unless main battery leads are disconnected. Take particular care. If one or more cells are found reading low voltage. Leave no metal tools on the top of the cells. Rectify the low voltage cells / Replace with spare Cells to get the battery in service quickly. Give ‘Equalising Charge’ as recommended. on periodical basis.19 - d) e) f) g) h) . the actual failure is elsewhere than the battery. If it is low as a whole. It is therefore. repeat this equalising charge once in 20 days during idle stand.20 - . very important that there should be an optimum consumption of water since this indicates that a full state of charge is being maintained. Tong Tester: To enable readings the current flowing during charge.100 to 1.. (ii) (iii) Instruments and Tools Some important instruments and tools that are necessary for proper maintenance of battery are listed below: a) Digital Multimeter: To enable voltage readings of individual cells as well as total battery and main source voltage. Attend to weak cells immediately. Thermometer: An accurate thermometer of 0°C to 100°C range should be used to read the electrolyte temperature.300 should be used. Should be calibrated at regular interval or should be compared with a standard meter periodically to ensure accuracy. after the battery reaches about three-fourths of it’s charged conditions. b) c) d) . Syringe Hydrometer: A clean and accurate syringe hydrometer suitable to read specific gravity readings from 1. which occurs during later part of charging. first give it an equalising charge and if possible. Lower water consumption indicates abnormal conditions. i. Water Loss (General Comment): Water loss is caused by gassing and evaporation loss. Should be calibrated at regular interval or should be compared with a standard meter periodically to ensure accuracy. Steps should be taken immediately to eliminate the cause of low water consumption. e. If the battery is to stand idle.i) j) k) Keep battery and surroundings clean and dry. Water consumption markedly higher than usual suggests that the existence of a high charging voltage and this should be checked immediately and adjusted if necessary.e. Float and during discharge through the battery and form the main source. either a low charging voltage or excessive non-emergency discharges in consequence of which the battery is not being kept in a charged condition.g. free from dust and debris should be selected for storage space.(iv) Spare Batteries – Storage and Maintenance: a) General care: Spare charged battery should be given regular good house keeping care. Testing: Spare charged batteries should be checked at regular monthly intervals to determine the specific gravity. Batteries should be charged before the specific gravity drops 30 points below the specified fully charged readings. Continue charging until free gassing occurs. A clean. use the finishing rate. Charging: When charging is required.21 - . b) b) . Charging should not be suspended until specific gravity (corrected for temperature) of majority of the lowest cells has risen to the maximum and has shown no further rise for three consecutive hourly readings. Temperature affects the need for charges. cool dry place. Keep them with vent plugs on. Exide Industries Limited.743 128. West Bengal. Athpur. The company is ready to provide all supports and assistance to its valued customers on various issues related to the battery banks in use. Shamnagar. Requests for such assistance should be addressed to the Head – Industrial service & Customer Applications. giving full details of the battery. New Chord Road. inclusive of reference number shown on battery.22 - .ADVICE AND INSPECTION : It is of utmost importance to Exide Industries that our customers spend worryless time whilst using our product. F . 24 Parganas (North). 91.
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