Nypro SR 2011 Web

March 24, 2018 | Author: Deepankar Shree Gyan | Category: Sustainability, Supply Chain Management, Employment, Innovation, Goal



customerspeople communities Nypro Sustainability n y p r o 2 0 1 1 s u s t a i n a b i l i t y r e p o r t world Who is Nypro? Nypro is a leading global, custom precision plastics products manufacturer. With $1.2 billion in sales in Fiscal 2011, we operate 41 locations in 14 countries employing more than 17,000 people. Nypro’s mission is “To serve our customers with integrated, innovative and environmentally sound manufacturing solutions , built on Nypro’s global plastics leadership, creating value for our team members, communities and shareholders.” Nypro is committed to the concept of “shared value”— operating in a manner that builds our business and the society we serve. As a vertically integrated leader in plastics manufacturing, Nypro offers virtually all aspects of the plastics production processes required by the world’s leading companies, including product design and development, mold making and design, precision injection molding, advanced decoration, assembly, contract manufacturing for fully finished and shipped goods, supply chain management and diversity supply. Markets we serve are Healthcare, Consumer & Electronics and Packaging, along with additional markets through our strategic companies. 6 12 18 22 customers people communities world innovative and environmentally sound manufacturing solutions. we have always taken pride in hiring and developing engineers who can partner our knowledge of plastics with the leading global companies in healthcare. we are constantly developing our own ideas. you will see the term “shared value” many times in this report — it means that we believe that our efforts should benefit our society at large as they benefit our business and our customers. responsibility and respect. thank you. president and ceo nypro inc. it would be technology. less invasive healthcare devices that minimize time spent in a hospital setting. we were the first plastics molder created specifically to mold engineered plastics. reuse and repurpose. and the world needs plastics companies that take to heart the need to reduce. ted lapres technology with time-honored traditions of simplicity and frugality. creating value for our team members. in our chosen markets. packaging and consumer electronics. had a middle name. we know that patients need better. consumers need helpful products and packaging that combine complex modern 2 promise the nypro corporate mission makes our intentions clear — “to serve our customers with integrated. we have approached these challenges by adhering to strong principles that promote sustainability. navigating through dramatic changes in the plastics space. built on nypro’s global plastics leadership. and employing the good ideas of others. communities and shareholders. to satisfy our customers with improved products that delight their markets. our business has been growing steadily for 56 years. and our communities are where our team members work and live. since nypro was founded in 1955. so this company really is all about our own people and how they serve our customers. please let us know if you have any questions about sustainability at nypro or if you have any suggestions about improvements that we could make in our sustainability activities. we have grown through the years and continue to have excellent prospects because we recognize this unique connection and we demonstrate it to our customers and ourselves every day.” we have team members who are stockholders all over the world. our livelihoods depend on it. if nypro inc. numerous recessions and a constant migration of markets all over the world.Dear Reader: the challenges facing manufacturing have never been greater than they are today. . our goal is to provide quality products and services that meet the needs of our customers. innovative and environmentally sound manufacturing solutions. adaptability. it is a basic value of nypro that all team members be viewed by others as highly ethical and thoughtful. our team members. responsible and continually improving. ethical behavior is at the root of all nypro decisions and actions. all team members deserve respect. create jobs. our customers. build equity for its employees. we do this with total commitment to our customers and to their customers. communities and shareholders. trust and transparency. we believe in treating others as we would have them treat us. objectives and solutions. our society and our environment. our success is derived from a passion to serve. built on Nypro’s global plastics leadership. we are committed to making a contribution to our communities. characterized by flexibility. our systems and facilities are designed to provide a safe and positive working environment. sustained growth and profitability are essential to our health and prosperity as a company. . all jobs within our organization have a real value. we believe in respect and civility. creating value for our team members. innovation. supportive and dignified manner. nypro team members actively consider the intended and unintended consequences of all activities carried out in the company’s name and act accordingly. we collaborate actively through common goals. we behave toward each other in a positive. pay taxes and uphold our long tradition of service and success. nypro team members do what we say we will do. nypro is focused on helping our customers and partners to succeed and in turn sharing our financial success with our team members. nypro uses its growing profitability to assure that it can efficiently serve its customers. our mission 3 To serve our customers with integrated.Nypro Values and Core Beliefs nypro’s vision is to build a superb global organization that is sustainable. nypro believes in profitable performance. we believe in individual worth and integrity. we promote individual initiative and creativity. or result in business interruption. . as well as a measure of their success with nypro. sales or profits. nypro’s four dimensions of sustainability are customers. • • • improve our eHs programs and performance through periodic evaluation. our environmental. HealtH and safety policy nypro is committed to being an industry leader in conducting our business responsibly to protect our employees. visitors. we will not consider nypro to be a successful company. drive environmentally sound and suitable manufacturing methods and techniques throughout the organization. contractors. regardless of how well we do in production. it is our objective to meet or exceed all applicable eHs laws and regulations in our business activities. make behavior consistent with this policy a condition of employment for our employees and contractors. sustainability is an evolving process. people. the public and the environment. our sustainability program is an outgrowth of this belief. one ambitious yet attainable goal that we have set for this decade is to slow the growth of our water. design and operate nypro facilities and equipment so as to prevent events that could have an adverse impact on people’s health and safety and the environment. we have committed ourselves to measuring and reporting our progress in order to mark our accomplishments. customers and the communities in which we operate. All Nypro employees and contractors are responsible for working to promote safe and healthy environments for our co-workers. communities and the world. in addition. our people. and by focusing on behavior safety. and drive us toward our sustainability goals. unless the principles of this policy are followed to the best of our ability. • provide each employee with appropriate training necessary to acquire the skills and techniques needed for the safe and healthy performance of his or her work. our communities and our planet. learn from our setbacks and weaknesses. environmental. Health and safety (eHs) commitment is a core value and an integral part of our business activities. we intend to earn this status through strategically balancing business opportunities with social. ted lapres chief executive officer nypro inc. economic and environmental responsibilities. review. cause significant property loss. and as we at nypro set forth toward that end. we believe that performance must be measured in financial terms as well as by our service to our customers. • encourage and expect our employees to participate in the development and implementation of eHs programs and activities. and implementation of appropriate corrective and preventive actions. nypro employees at every level are aware that our success is intrinsically connected to the success of others.nypro inc. we will continually work to achieve the following eHs objectives: • Nypro’s Sustainability Priorities and Goals our goal at nypro is simple and yet very challenging — to be the world’s most respected plastics molding company in terms of sustainability. as a contract manufacturer wholly dependent upon ongoing service to customers. energy and carbon footprint to a rate that is less than 50% of our revenue growth. corporate board of directors on the issues of environment. senior director eHs&s. cfo & chief strategy officer. Kristine lesso. paul Kayser. Jim peck. vp. an environmental. eHs. Greg adams. the sustainability council is chaired by Kristine lesso. this board meets quarterly and assures that eHs&s issues are deliberated and demonstrated from the top down throughout the company. nypro has established three top level boards — an environmental. the eHs board of directors assists in assuring that issues of interest to the company also are addressed from the bottom up. at all levels throughout the global structure of nypro. consumer & electronics. operations. Health and safety & sustainability (eHs&s) council. vp. senior director eHs&s. Group president for packaging. packaging. they work at all levels through nypro’s global organization to continue the rich traditions of caring and commitment that have signified nypro and its people since the company was founded 56 years ago. Health and safety (eHs) board of directors and a sustainability council. people. europe. . the members of the council include the entire top management team — Jim buonomo. this board is chaired by Jim buonomo. Global eHs manager. ted lapres.Our Management’s Commitment to Sustainability to assure that nypro operations and people everywhere have a clear understanding of their obligations under the company commitment to sustainability for customers. this council is comprised of key stakeholders from the value chain and is responsible for operationalizing the sustainability vision set forth by the eHs&s executive council in addition to measuring. Healthcare. boris levin. the eHs&s executive council is chaired by nypro president and ceo. vp. Kris nielsen. Human resources. communities and the world. packaging. James o’Gorman. americas. chuck porch. board members are Kristine lesso. chief technology and information officer. nypro Kánaak. maria fung. 5 eH&s executive council. health. Kent yiu. senior director. a partner with the advisory firm environmental resource management also are on the council. Global director. operations. John casali. managing director. monitoring and reporting sustainability results throughout the organization. tom frost. eHs&s and stacey lucas. safety and sustainability. nypromold and John taupier. these nypro executives and specialists have taken responsibility to implement and report regularly to the nypro inc. corporate vp & General counsel. Julio oropeza. Group president for consumer & electronics. consumer & electronics. np medical. Healthcare. cfo & chief strategy officer and a member of the collectively. Group president for Healthcare and nelson ngai. the council defines the eHs&s strategy for the company and sets the overall direction for all eHs&s activities. this board ensures that all nypro operations throughout the nypro world are in alignment with corporate eHs&s objectives. steve Holland. operations. Healthcare. vp operations. senior director. 6 our customers Developing sustainable. functional technologies that lessen the environmental impact of our customers’ products is a primary focus. . sustainability is essential to any product offering and contract manufacturing service. a nypro company. this model enables the passing on of shared value for the company and its society from our operations to our customers and concurrently to their customers. 7 . as part of our mission to offer an integrated insight to manufacturing model. need less energy to transport and meet or exceed green supply chain criteria. in the new market reality.The greening of our performance is the greening of our customers’ performance. strives to create product innovation and development solutions that are manufactured using less material. radius product development. coating and advanced manufacturing. nypro’s technology team shares innovations through the release of “technology spotlights” for our customers. for 56 years. our communities and our planet matters.su s ta i n a b l e t e cH n o l oG y a n d i nnovation at nypro. . this knowledge management outreach enables us to continue evolving as a leader in technical innovation for sustainability. responsibility to our customers. to enrich and share our accumulated knowledge. nypro has been an innovation leader in material science. our people. our communities and our planet matters. functional technologies that lessen the environmental impact of our operations and our customers’ products is a primary focus. responsibility to our customers. our people. developing sustainable. employees and partners. nypro has sponsored symposia on sustainable topics in the plastics industry. At Nypro. providing shared value across the value chain for our business partners 8 customers and society at large. 9 The result is an innovative and unique product that uses 90% less plastic and produces 90% less carbon than standard spray bottles throughout its life cycle. the radius-designed replenish spray bottle is a sustainably-evolved. light and strong screens with machines designed for compact disk production. a consumer receives the equivalent of four traditional bottles from a single pod. closing the loop. responding to these concerns. . the replenish system gives customers four times the product. traditionally. helping to stretch battery life and providing shared value by ultimately reducing energy use.) onto a durable. etc. these thin. technological progress has placed increased strain on batteries. contains biodegradable and non-toxic liquid. two-part bottle and pod concentrate system. the result is an innovative and unique product that uses 90% less plastic and produces 90% less carbon than standard spray bottles throughout its life cycle. and at the end of its useful life. durable screens use less power to illuminate graphics and text. deriving a solution from the same process used to create optical disk media. inverting the bottle and filling it with tap water. the founder of the replenish system came to radius product development. heavy to transport and not designed for end-of-life reclamation which makes them liable to end up in landfills. nypro approached this problem from a systems-level approach. retailers and manufacturers who are seeking products with minimal environmental impact. case study — flo ® flo® enables mobile phones to deliver powerful graphics on enhanced displays while optimizing battery life. most containers for household liquids have been single-use. can be dropped into any recycling bin. reusable bottle. with the challenge to design and manufacture an entirely reusable and recyclable system that could reduce the burden on both the planet and consumers’ wallets.c a se s t u d y — t H e r e p l e n i s H system the ecological impact of packaging for household liquids is a challenge for consumers. by snapping a pod of liquid concentrate (household cleaner. laundry liquid. as consumers demand fast “G-plus” connection-speeds and high-resolution displays. the flo® platform quickly and efficiently delivers clear. a nypro company. in short. we re-engineered the paint line process to produce twelve times as many components by layering and rotating the parts as they travelled down the paint line. our customers and our society. maxistm uses a systems approach product development cycle. We re-engineered the paint line process to produce twelve times as many components by layering and rotating the parts as they travelled down the paint line. while using less energy and producing less paint waste — another example of shared value to nypro. while decreasing waste. delivering products in half the time of traditional methods. . maxistm still allows product design evolution during ideation and conception. 10 customers case study — maxis tm in recent years. a highly optimized and reconfigurable modular tooling platform. both slowing production and resulting in low paint transfer efficiency. nypro developed a manufacturing solution that increased throughput and asset utilization.c a s e s t u d y — pa i n t l i n e s traditional methods for painting plastic components used to spraycoat one part at a time. demands of the consumer electronics business have Nypro developed a manufacturing solution that increased throughput and asset utilization. the maxistm systems approach demonstrates nypro’s ingenuity to create a world-class value chain to deliver scalable and sustainable manufacturing solutions globally. nypro’s maxistm modular precision injection tooling platform represents the convergence of manufacturing and business innovation to create shared value for nypro. despite a break-neck production pace. dramatically shortened production cycles while still requiring complex part designs for intricate devices. this method dramatically increased production capacity. when nypro became a major manufacturer of mobile phone parts in the 1990s. while decreasing waste. our customers and our society. we demonstrated an ingenuity that ultimately spurred our rapid growth. emissions and pollution generated for each component. this initiative further exemplifies the beneficial relationship between nypro’s efforts toward sustainability and the health and safety of our customers and our planet. which evaporate into the air and result in potential health and environmental damage. halving the time. biocoatings reduce environmental impact through their use of renewable material and lower-emission solvents. traditional processes can require multiple coats. 11 . as an alternative. halving the time. compounding the damage.c a se s t u d y — b i o c o at i nGs applying embellishment and coatings to plastics parts requires the use of solvents. Monocoatings combine paint and topcoats. Biocoatings reduce environmental impact through their use of renewable material and lower-emission solvents. both of which release fewer toxic emissions. emissions and pollution generated for each component. nypro has developed offerings of biocoatings or monocoatings. monocoatings combine paint and topcoats. these compounds usually contain high levels of volatile organic compounds (vocs). .12 our people Ethical behavior is at the root of all Nypro decisions and actions. the consistent dedication shown by nypro employees separates us from our competitors. our priority is a safe and healthy workplace where diversity is respected as well as promoted. we encourage individual aspirations for professional development and provide training and advancement opportunities to facilitate these desires. and always has.People are unequivocally Nypro’s most valuable asset. 13 . through our new a.) theory to practice.year over year safety performance (all nypro manufacturing sites) 1.194 m) Level 5 Nanda Devi (7. the nypro accident rate was an impressive 82% below our industry average. we are proud to report a 50% reduction in recordable injuries over the past two years. driving toward a culture of growth where employees “ascend” to a higher level of safety.m. on top of a safety record that was already among the best in the business. our safety record illustrates a comprehensive approach to safety integration.i. program brings nypro’s commitment to safety from 0. last year.8 0. i.610 m) Level 4 Mount McKinley (6.) 4 6 5 2 3 1 Level 1 Mount Wachusett (611 m) Level 2 Mont Blanc (4.m. plants routinely assess their current safety status and map out a plan for continued improvement.811 m) Level 3 Pico de Orizaba (5. *NAICS Code 326119. 14 people i n Jury rat e 1. program.S.2 s a f e t y a s c e n s i o n im p r o v e m e nt m odel ( a. a.m .i.I.m.0 the a.M. Last year.848 m) Reactive — Hazard Recognition — Focus on Unsafe Conditions Proactive — Focus on Unsafe Behaviors . Bureau of Labor and Statistics The Ascension Improvement Model (A. in short. 2010 U.2 0 fy08 fy09 2007 2008 fy10 2010 2011 fy11 Our safety record illustrates a comprehensive approach to safety integration.6 0.4 trir (total recordable injury rate) dart (days away restricted or transferred) ltir (lost time injury rate) 0.824 m) Level 6 Mount Everest (8. we strive to integrate safety into all of our operations. to provide substantial facility-wide improvement. is a system of continuing improvement.i. the Nypro accident rate was an impressive 82%* below our industry average. payroll and benefits information. latin america. pr o f i t s H a r i nG a n d s t o cK owners H ip nypro has had its program of profit sharing and stock ownership for more than forty years. operating globally. europe and asia. this past year more than 500 nypro employees and more than 100 non-employees — including customers. located at convenient spots around nypro facilities. nypro university nypro university has been in operation for more than 30 years. nypro university is comprised of its own staff as well as nypro specialists who serve as faculty. inventory and labor expenses. nypro university also has “virtual” facilities at nypro facilities in asia and latin america. 15 This past year more than 500 Nypro employees and more than 100 non-employees have taken classroom courses to help them advance in their plastics-related careers. and it partners with colleges and universities in the united states. nice provides employees with convenient access to company news and personal information. based at corporate headquarters in clinton. . among its offerings are certificates and degrees ranging from english for speakers of other languages to associates certificates. employees of successful nypro businesses and high performing individual employees are rewarded for their achievements. special allocations of stock are distributed to employees around the world who are deemed to be performing at the highest levels. including new job openings. bachelors and master degrees. through this program. these programs combine profit sharing based on employee-driven factors such as on-time shipments. suppliers and even competitors — have taken classroom courses to help them advance in their plastics-related careers.n y p r o i n t r ane t c a f e f o r e mployees ( nice ) nice is a computer-based series of kiosks. massachusetts. tnwinc. an intense skills assessment and development project was introduced worldwide throughout the company. this is done at the corporate level and also for all individual business units. nypro conducts an all-employee survey which provides employees the opportunity to provide valuable feedback in a number of areas related to job satisfaction. anyone can email the ethics Hotline at www. please see page 3 for the complete statement on nypro values and core beliefs. nypro has recently initiated a number of other talent management programs designed to assure that the skills and potential of our employees are identified and supported to bring the best possible results for them and nypro. . separate telephone numbers for 12 different global regions are available to employees and other persons interested in nypro to report suspected unethical. nypro grew from less than a hundred people at one facility in clinton. all employees know that the nypro people with whom they interact in other lands and other languages are being compensated in roughly equal terms to themselves for the same types of effort and results. confidential etH ics Hotline nypro maintains an ethics hotline and publishes a Guide to business ethics to assist any nypro stakeholders in making ethical decisions about the business and in reporting any concerns that they might have about the ethics of actions or activities by members of the nypro community. this process has helped to facilitate the continual review and upgrade of processes and programs and their associated success and impact as perceived by employees. massachusetts to 41 locations in 14 countries employing more than 17. this has been accompanied by a carefully planned succession planning program and enhanced efforts in talent acquisition and performance management to assure that nypro has the people and nypro people have the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve the company’s strategic goals. during the past year.com/nypro or call in the united states by dialing 866-697-7699. illegal or unsafe activity. G l o b a l b a n d i nG over 56 years. a ”global banding” project was completed over the past three years which has resulted in grouping all employees worldwide into a series of job level “bands” with equivalency standards applied for relative pay and benefits.000 people. 16 people satisfaction surveys annually.ta l e n t m a n aGe m e n t in addition to 25 years of success with nypro university. to assure that all nypro employees are treated fairly and as equally as possible in terms of compensation and available benefits. dividends from sealaska’s profits allow sealaska to provide economic. and Sealaska’s Native Alaskan values. Haida and tsimshian tribes guided by their collective traditions of environmental stewardship and community. benefits and cultural strength for their people. with the goal of delivering customers the highest quality custom injection molding and enhanced supply chain diversity. nypro Kánaak unites the wisdom and foresight of two companies’ combined heritage: nypro’s core value of exceptional customer service and expert manufacturing abilities. nypro Kánaak is majority-owned by sealaska which is wholly owned by the first peoples of alaska. daily operations and majority ownership rest with sealaska. as a certified minority business enterprise. . sealaska is the largest landowner and for-profit private employer in southeast alaska with over $300 million in assets. while our status can help customers meet their required goals. 17 today. for over a decade. fulfilling diversity regulations for state and federal government contracts. cultural and social benefits for native alaskan peoples. these core competencies provide a crucial strategy and performance to meet customer needs in today’s diverse marketplace. nypro Kánaak can assist customers in meeting their diversity supplier requirements.000 shareholders are comprised of members of alaska’s tlingit. they bring together wisdom and foresight of their combined heritage to create an enduring corporation that provides business opportunities. the real value of our diversity is the strength of creativity and innovation we bring to the table every day. sealaska’s 20. Honeywell and dell computers. Nypro Kánaak unites the wisdom and foresight of two companies’ combined heritage: Nypro’s core value of exceptional customer service and expert manufacturing abilities. nypro Kánaak provides the best of both worlds — superior custom injection molding with the benefits of supplier diversity. and sealaska’s native alaskan values. these native alaskan tribes are legendary traders who are deeply connected to their lands which has enabled them to successfully adapt to constantly changing environments and global economies. the nypro Kánaak companies have provided superior manufacturing solutions as both a certified minority business enterprise and small disadvantaged business to companies such as proctor and Gamble.l e a d e r i n s u p p ly c Ha i n di versity: n ypro Kánaa K nypro Kánaak represents a partnership between the sealaska corporation and nypro. 18 our communities Over the years. . we have learned that a company is only as strong as the communities that host it. 000 employees worldwide. nypro has a geographically-dispersed impact on communities around the globe. in recognition of the role that our communities have in nypro’s performance. 19 . we encourage employee involvement in activities that improve communities wherever we operate and support programs that strengthen our hometowns globally.With 41 locations in 14 countries and 17. we are dedicated to engaging and meaningfully giving back to our hosts through local outreach programs and charitable offerings. the foundation also has spearheaded employee drives to respond to humanitarian disasters around the world with generous donations toward relief efforts. more than 20 first alumni have joined nypro as employees. nypro recently donated more than $300. nypro employees team with community volunteers and parents to mentor students from clinton High school in the clinton High school/nypro first robotics team. the company is helping to drive tomorrow’s technical innovation and developing leaders for the future. the Nypro Foundation has awarded more than $1. as part of its long-term vision. nypro has contributed more than $2 million in financial support and donated 23.5 million to not-for-profits working in health and human services. . an international competition where high school students vie to build the best robot in a sports-like challenge. Since 1999. nypro supports tomorrow’s leaders in scientific and technological innovation. nypro’s participation in first demonstrates true shared value. the Gael force team has won 18 awards and championships. the students have earned $300. nypro has been a sponsor of first. education. arts and culture and disaster relief.supportinG tomorrow’s leaders — for inspiration and recoGnition of science and tecHnoloGy (first) for 21 years. since 1999. over the past decade.000 in science and engineering scholarships and one national championship team even got to meet the president of the united states in the rose Garden at 20 communities nypro foundation nypro established the nypro foundation to put its spirit of service into action by supporting charitable organizations important to nypro communities and team members. the white House.000 employee hours toward this endeavor. each year. education. and the investment has certainly paid off. by sharing the expertise of its employees.5 million to not-for-profits working in health and human services.000 to science education in massachusetts universities. arts and culture and disaster relief. the foundation has awarded more than $1. arts & culture groups have received $108.860 and $57. nypro intends to continue its relations with Habitat for Humanity by assisting in the construction of homes in five more communities where nypro packaging operations are located. we are involved in sponsorship programs with two local soccer teams and have partially funded a youth club trip for 45 local children under 11 to visit a premiership match in the uK.000 $800.000 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 nypro i reland Health/Human services education disaster relief community/civic arts & culture nypro ireland is a healthcare technology manufacturing facility located in bray. to help. nypro donated its employees’ time and the cost of construction materials. this year.000. Habitat volunteers and local families. more than 21 clubs. . educational groups have received $410. last year.000 $400. additionally. charities and societies across a broad spectrum were supported by nypro ireland either directly or through our employees.000 $1. the nypro packaging Group joined with Habitat for Humanity to help build homes for families in need.782. ireland.540.000 $1. our long-term goal is for every employee to have the opportunity to put their passion for service into action by building homes side-byside with co-workers.600.000 $600. community/ civic organizations have received $591.GivinG at nypro $1.400. one inspired employee climbed mount Kilimanjaro in aid of healthcare projects in ireland and abroad.453. nypro employees in massachusetts and north carolina spent three days constructing homes and building team spirit for the company and their towns. Health and Human services organizations have benefitted from $292. the above chart shows the distribution record of the nypro foundation.500 has gone to disaster relief.200.000 $1.000 $200. 21 H a b i tat f o r H u m a n i t y supporting the communities that support us is both a responsibility and a privilege. groups. 22 our world At Nypro. we are responsible stewards of the environment. . We strive to meet or exceed all applicable regulatory requirements in all areas where we operate. our customers. we respect the communities that host us. the improvement of technology and processes in our operations and by working with customers and suppliers to do the same. nypro recognizes that our operations have a wide environmental impact. increasing clean energy generation and use.As a global manufacturer with 41 locations in 14 countries and over $1 billion in annual sales. Health. with corporate and business unit sections around the world. reducing natural resource use and driving a green supply chain. safety and sustainability department. compliance with regulatory requirements at all levels to assure that we are operating legally is very important to us. 23 . our commitment to this concept has been institutionalized with an environmental. we achieve this through the selection of renewable resources. our communities and our world by reducing our carbon footprint. our focus is to maximize shared value to our people. . . verifiable goals to improve our long-term production sustainability. . $1.992 carbon avoided (metric tons) . . . . .7% Kilowatt Hours avoided .440 cost avoided . . “what’s measured. . . . . 901 . Our performance during the first year of this program has surpassed our short-term objectives and left us confident the foundation we’ve laid will pave the way for us to meet our longer-term objectives of world-class environmentally efficient operations. . . . . . . . . 320. . . .Glance Kilowatt Hours used. . and facilitates nypro’s ability not only to meet. .033. . . . for several years. but to exceed. environmental compliance laws around the globe. . . . .420. . .el e c t r i c i t y a n d wat e r me a s u rements it has been said.384 efficiency improvement . . . . . . . 8. environmental i mprovement plan nypro’s new environmental improvement plan (eip) is a centralized system designed to track environmental performance at nypro’s production sites worldwide. . . 2. . . . . . . . . . . nypro has tracked our energy and water usage from each of our 18 manufacturing sites. . . 24 world Nypro enacted an “Energy Blitz” last year with the ambitious goal of $1 million cost avoidance. . . the system simplifies reporting for environmental managers. .284. . . .” and it’s true. . first year at-a. . . . matters. .726 annual autos avoided . we can use the data to create meaningful. 4. we know that by taking notice and marking our progress. now on the national register. adaptive reuse of t He old m ill the face of nypro’s commitment to sustainability is perhaps best encompassed in a 171-year-old. massachusetts corporate headquarters. switching to compressed air and insulating machine components. nypro saved on new material and kept hundreds of tons of bricks and beams from occupying a landfill. nypro recycled the historic “bigelow carpet mill” for our clinton.500 $1.000 160.500 $2. “landmark” brick and wood former carpet mill. by renovating the building’s 16acre interior. 25 enerGy b litz at-a-Glance 180. we had two requirements — economical and sustainable. while providing both employees and visitors physical evidence of our long-standing commitment to sustainable development.767 140.674 $2.285 $2. increases profits and creates a healthier community and environment for all of us. nypro helped preserve the community’s history. high-efficiency lighting. following proper shutdown procedures and turning off lights when leaving the room. rather than build a new structure.230 $1. sites that act to lower their energy usage are recognized as leaders in the company and held up as an example.000 0 $1. when nypro needed a new location in 1972. nypro enacted an “energy blitz” last year with the ambitious goal of $1 million cost avoidance. we focused on improving production efficiency through baseline energy audits. beautiful. it saves customers money.000 $1.000 100.000 80. by keeping the mill standing.000 20.s Har e d va l u e tH r o uG H a n e ner Gy b litz exploring ways to cut electricity consumption not only makes good business sense.000 40.000 $500 Q1 2006 Q2 2007 2008Q3 2009 2010 2011 Q4 $0 fy11 sales fy10 sales costs avoided .000 60. automated controls.000 tHousan ds ( kwh) 120. employees at every level have diligently contributed to this initiative by taking personal responsibility for things like turning off unused devices.000 tHousa nds ( $) $1. nc last year. Nypro’s Packaging plant in Mebane. North Carolina celebrated the installation of Nypro’s first alternative-energy generators for clean. which transfers into long-term savings and production predictability. renewable energy from solar and wind power. and the migration to an electronic invoicing and payments system for 100% of our suppliers. the replacement of outdated sodium ware26 world house lights with high efficiency florescent lights improving both energy efficiency and creating a safer work environment. north carolina celebrated the installation of nypro’s first alternative-energy generators for clean. renewable energy from solar and wind power.renewable p ower — mebane. and one small part of our efforts to provide genuine shared value to our business and our society by reducing our carbon footprint. the recycling of manufacturing (plastic) scrap to reduce landfill waste. additional initiatives from mebane include: an upgrade of 28% of the fleet to state-of-the-art all electric molding machines. these investments represent only the first step in nypro’s transition to renewable energy sources. these new sources of power provide equivalent energy to operate several of the injection molding machines at the plant. nypro’s packaging plant in mebane. . clean energy generation reduces exposure to escalating energy prices. tooling technologies and end-of-life use with the capabilities of our strategic supply chain partners. now our Global supply chain and packaging Group is working with machine suppliers to create an all-electric 500-ton injection molding machine that will be optimized for packaging production. i nvestin G in clean ener G y electric injection molding machines use less electricity than their hydraulic counterparts. while this might seem counter-intuitive. our approach is to develop solutions based on a full life-cycle and combine our extensive knowledge in design. while hydraulic machines must stay turned on to keep the hydraulic oil viable. manufacturing.su s ta i n a b l e t e cH n o l oG y and i nnovation a natural starting point for nypro in its pursuit to become as sustainable as possible has been to examine all points of the life cycle for the products that we make — from concept development through end-of-life. materials. there are a number of reasons for it. over the past ten years. the primary reason is that electric machines can be controlled to turn on only while they are actually in use producing parts. performance and end-of-life reclamation. our researchers are making strides in processing bio-based plastics and coatings that contain no petroleum. sustainable electric machines throughout our fleet. 27 . looking to the future. nypro has converted most of our machines in the size range under 300 tons of clamping pressure to electric machines. the raw material for most plastics today. this enables us to develop products and solutions that are truly sustainable in their manufacturing. through front-end integration. this project’s success will allow the adoption of efficient. which is the amount of carbon consumed by <1 tree seedling grown for 10 years. recognizing that we are much smaller and considerably less experienced at this type of reporting than they are. 22 lbs. ® registered trademarks of neenah paper. which would fill <1 garbage can. 74.com . sustainability is a long-term strategic approach to balancing business opportunities with social. calculations based on research by environmental defense fund and other members of the 6 lbs. which is enough water for 6 eight-minute showers. which is enough energy to power the average household for <1 day. text post consumer content: 100% quantity: 325 sheets (12" x 18") Classic Crest® Papers color: recycled 100 bright white paper weight: 100 lbs. cover post consumer content: 100% quantity: 75 sheets (12" x 18") with this sustainability report. inc.021 BTUs of energy. neenaHpaper. of emissions. we will refine our progress reporting and continue to improve upon our sustainability efforts as a company. a peer-reviewed study of the lifecycle environmental impacts of paper production and disposal. any numbers provided are derived from the best available information. paper task force. we recognize that we have much work ahead of us. of solid waste. we intend for this report to set a solid foundation in the tracking and accountability of our sustainability performance. the information in this report comes from reporting within the company from departments involved in sustainability efforts.a b o u t tH i s r e p o rt at nypro. environmental impact estimates for savings pertaining to the use of post consumer recycled fiber are based on the environmental defense fund paper calculator and research done by the paper task force. nypro will save the following resources: 73 lbs. which is equivalent to <1 tree that supplies enough oxygen for <1 person annually. economic and environmental responsibilities. we have tried to model it on some of the reports of our distinguished customers. this report is the first of its kind for nypro. 28 neenaH paper — environmental impact audit results Classic Crest® Papers color: recycled 100 bright white paper weight: 80 lbs. uses 100% certified renewable electricity 107 gallons of water. but have not been subjected to the type of inscrutable auditing that a reader would expect from our financial reporting. it is about making shared value work for ourselves. of wood. our customers and our world. f o r m o r e i n f o r m at i o [email protected] .com union street brand packaging andy.com consumer & electronics Group [email protected]@[email protected]@nypro. Health and safety & sustainability [email protected]@nypro.com radius product development [email protected]@nypro.com research & development mike.com Healthcare Group robert.com communications al.com Human resources schweta.com supply chain rashid. senior director of corporate environmental.com packaging Group nathan. p lease contact t He n y p r o s u s ta i n a b i l i t y council chair.gottlieb@nypro. 365.0236 | nypro.com . | 101 union street | clinton.368.Nypro Inc. ma 01510 | tel: 978.9721 | fax: 978.
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