
March 20, 2018 | Author: evaldassv | Category: Nāstika, Schools Of Buddhism, Buddhist Philosophy, Mahayana, Buddhist Philosophical Concepts



,}R/-:PR-28A-.R<-IA-:.R/-(-:1$?-=3-2PR.-0:A->A%-g-28$?-?R, Within is “The Chariot Traversing the Noble Path” - the preliminaries in four parts. !, ,, ,eJ?-29%-+J, ,{-$?%-,$?-GA?-.%R?-12?-)R=-.-$?R=, ,.0=JAY ZUNG TAY $*A? kindness, KU SUNG TUK CHI NGODRUB TSOLDU SOL grant the blessing conferring the accomplishment of body, speech & mind. Two !,, w/-hR-eJ-:(%-.2%-<A$?-!/-H2-2.$-]-3-!k-0, ,.GA=-:#R<-!/-IA-:L%-$/?-YA.-8A:A-.0=-I<-;A-.3Glorious Dorje Chang, universal lord of all Buddha families - the Lama Karmapa, Homage to Marpa yidam Dorje Naljorma, source of all mandalas, Homage to Milarepa i=-:LR<-3, ,UA/-=?-!/-IA-LJ.-0R<-.2%-2+<-(R?-*R%-2J<-&/-t3-S=-=, ,i=-:LR<-lJ-$&A$-$?-0?-:..the practitioner, with one-pointed devotion, bows down and requests Ngondro }R/-:PR dharma protector Dorje Bernagchen and consort, powerful masters of all enlightened activity, .R-:V=-3J.-,$?-eJ?-*R%-2<-36S., ,12-2o.-<A/-0R-(J-;A-=3-YR=-=?, ,L%-2:A-LA/-_2?-(-2R:A-o/-(J/-0R,, to be inseparable from the protection of your compassion. The precious accomplished lineage - the path of practice is the source of a great river of continuous blessings. Homage to Gampopa Homage to Dusum Khyenpa (1st Karmapa) ,.0=-w/-l-2:A- ]-3-<A/-0R-(J, ,2.$-$A-,A- PALDEN TSAWAI LAMA RINPOCHE $&A$ Glorious root-lama, precious one, 2R<-0.-^:A-$./-28$?-=, ,2!:-SA/-(J/-0R?-|R-/?KADRIN CHENPUR GONAY WOR PAIDAI DEN SHUG LA through your great upon a lotus & moon-disc, Homage to Tilopa DAG GI CHI who crowns me One !, Homage to Dorje Chang Homage to Naropa ,2.$-$A?-2>J?-$*A/-3%-=-2!J/-L?-+J, ,*3?-?-]%?-/?-L%-(2-?J3?-2*J.-KA<, ,hR-eJ:A-$?%-i3?-$?=-2!R.-0?, ,:1$?-=3-2PR.-0:AThrough much listening and learning from great masters, $?3 >A%-g-3(R$ ,=3-:.A<-8$?-0:A-{=-#/-i3?, ,3-;J%?-2lR/-:P?-w/-0<-36S., the Noble Path”, you fortunate ones who enter this path “The Great Chariot Traversing I arrange clearly these vajra verses: experience has arisen and so, to arouse the enlightened mind, .J-;%-}R/-:PR:A-(R?-:.A-i3?-o/-HJ<-.-LJ.-0:A-KA<-,/-IA-d-1?-2{=-2:AThis ngondro, (preliminary), text can be practiced daily. During retreat one should arise at the time of calling proceed with unwavering diligence. Three !, 5K-/:%-, KA-:.=-OA3?-GA-.$J-aR%-.$J-5=-.$J-2~J/-$%-;A/-0:A-2a2-0-.%-3,/-0?-w%-2, /%-(R/-:)$-$A-L%-(2-?J3?-2*J.-.%-w/-0?-:5S$?-=, .!R/keeping the outer discipline of the monk, novice or layman, whatever is appropriate to your training and circumstance, ,$*A?-0-$R.-2&.-,3?-&.-3A-g$-&A%-, ,|R?-?-:PR-2:A-5K-YR$-(-2<-:S, ,/3-:(A-(-3J.->A-5K-<R-<-:I<,, GURSU DROWAI TSESOG CHUBUR DRA NYIPA NURCHU TAMCHEY MITAG CHING especially the life-force of sentient beings which is like a bubble. Secondly the entire universe and its contents are impermanent, 28A .J-=-(R?-GA?-1/-KA<-2lR/-0?-212, =?-o-:V?-/A, then only the dharma is of benefit, so practice with diligence. Karma, cause and fruit: DELA CHOCHI PENCHIR TSONPAY DRUB GEWAI JAWAE TAGTU DAWA JA and accumulate virtue continuously until death. At the time of death we die alone and ones body becomes a corpse, $?3-0->A-5K-<%-.2%-3A-:.-2<, ,=?-/A-2.$-$A<-L-KA<-#A$-0SUMPA SHI TSE RANGWANG MIDU WA Thirdly, at the time of death one’s freedom will be lost, %%?. ..$J-2:A-L-2?-g$-+-:.:-2<-L, ,8J?-2?3-*A/-<J-<%-o.-*A.-=-2g$ PANG NAMCHI CHAMAY SHI TSE RORU JUR SHEY SAM NYIN RAYRANG JU NYI LA TAG With this in mind, examine one’s motivation everyday. LAYNI DAG GIR JACHIR DIGPA usurped by one’s karma; therefore abandon defilements :#R<-2:A-*J?-.3A$?-/A, Reflect on the faults of samsara: 28A-0-:#R<-2:ASHIPA KHORWAI Fourthly, all places Four !, and having the sincere motivation to generate bodhicitta, assemble together. =-:LR<-<A/-(J/-:.-.=-$-s<. inseparable from an equanimous mind.. }R/-:PR 8J/-:OA?-2&. :(A-2-3A-g$-0-/AA..R/-L-/A. . 8J?-0?-.-$R. .A. DANGPO GOMJA DALJOR RINCHEN DI Firstly meditate on the precious eighteen conditions TOBKAH JIGLA DARAY DUNYUH JA hard to obtain.!:-:)A$-a-.R.0R/-IA-2!:-. easy to lose. and diligently strive for enlightenment. .$:-!R/-v<.#R%-0R-l-2-$&A$-=-.=-:LR<-fJ. with its eighteen conditions so difficult to find: .IJ?-0:A-.-.2?-.%-.<-0:A-=3-.2?-3<DUNDU TSO-U PAGSAM JUNSHING GI In front of one is a lake.Without succumbing to the power of the eight worldly dharmas.-<%-8A%-&A-L?-.R/-. Death and impermanence: Ngondro Prostrate with devotion to the refuge jewels./-. Then.R-~3-0?-8=-:.%-0R-2|R3-L-. :)A$Keeping the commitments and instructions of the secret-mantra Vajra Master one should take ones place in the row seated in the five-point meditation posture }R/-:PR gJ/-(R?-2o.J-/?-o.$-0<-LJ. and at the time of chanting keep unwavering concentration.-GA-:.3-5B$-=-$/?-0?-28$?-P=-.LJ<-3J.R/-. .2%-. wealth and so on continuously causes torment of the three sufferings.-0:A-$>J.R2-.J%?-0<-1-. which this time should be used with purpose.!:-2:A-OA.-. Taking refuge and generating bodhichitta: SURSAR TRIPAI SHEYMAI GATUN TAR instead of celebrating as the hangman leads you to your death.#$-2}=-$?3-IA?-g$-+-3/<-2:A-KA<. ..-/?-2lR/-0?-L%-(2-12?.?-?-. to become a suitable lineage receptacle so that ones actions becomes a cause to progress along the path to liberation.%-. Ngondro NAY DROG DAYJOR SOG 3./-3R%-$A-}R/-:PR-28A-.%-<A$-0-3-.$?R.-=?-2?3-$+/-IA-(R?-}-.R/-/A.R/-IA-. turn ones thoughts entirely to dharma.$/?-PR$?-2.-GA-%$-:. Recite the teaching on the human body 0<-.-3:A-. enjoyments.-3*3-0<-28$-/?-3A-=?-.%-. :PR-?J3?-2*J.%-w/-0?-:#R.-3-?R%-2<-:(A-(R?-. and in its centre a wish-fulfilling tree TONGPO TSAWA CHIGLA YALGA NGAR with a single trunk and five branches JAYPAI U-MAR in the centre where the branches divide 3(R$-$A-gJ/-=-$?-0?-K$-:5=.-. $?%-2-}$?-GA-hR-eJ-aR2-.-35S-.. DUG NGAL SUMJI TAGTU NARWAI CHIR friends.-:PR-2-*2?They were the four ordinary preliminaries.0$-2?3-uR/->A%-$A . SHENTRI CHEYNAY TSONPAY JANGCHUB DRUB cut through attachments.J-:LR<-?R$?. .-<J?-.-L.-OA..-?<-OA. -GA?TSOTAH NEO SENG TENGDU KHACHAB CHI TSOK JAMTSO KOR Beside the lake upon a verdant meadow and pervading the sky multitude of their kind./-i3?-=-*2?-?- JEH CHOMDEN DEY NAMLA CHABSU CHIO victorious Buddhas.:1$?-0:A-.A-./-:#R<- SANGJEH DANG DENTRI OGTU CHOCHONG SUNGMA NAM JABTU DAMCHO YUNDU GENDUN DANG to the right the buddhas. I take refuge. In the exalted sangha I take 2. MAGEN TAMCHEY KURPAR JURPA LAY .J->J?-GA-. YIDAM CHILKHOR JI LHA TSOK NAMLA CHABSU CHIO In the host of yidams.-]-3?-2{R<.%-.3?-&.3-. .$J-:.3-0-i3?-=-*2?-?-3(A:R..%-.-l-2:A-]-3-/A. or as many times as one Six !. PAHWO KHANDRO CHOCHONG SUNGMAI TSOG YESHE CHI CHENDANG DENPA NAMLA CHABSU CHIO In the host of deities possessing the wisdom-eye. SANG In the S$ o?-2&R3-w/-:. lotus.-3#:-H2-GA.0=-w/-]-3-. CHIO refuge.A-..3-$. I take refuge. 5S$?-o-35S?-2{R<. dakinis.?J%-OA-0E-.$. .3-(R?-$.lJ-$&A$-.35S-3.-:#R.R/-.:-/J:-?J%-!J%-.hR-eJ-:(%-=-2!:-2o. upon which is one’s root-lama DUNDU YIDAM YAYSU DORJE CHANG LA KAJU LAMAE KOR In front are the yidams. .3-c/-.-0<-I<-0-=?. PAGPAI GENDUN NAMLA CHABSU CHIO 3(A:R.?-i3?-=-*2?-?-3(A:R.%-w/-0-i3?-=-*2?-?-3(A:R. DAMPAI CHO NAMLA CHABSU CHIO In the pure dharma I take refuge../-. all of my previous mothers appear. . moon. sun. .GA=-:#R<-IA-z-5S$?-i3?-=-*2?-?-3(A:R. I take refuge. .-.3. I take refuge.*A-^:A-!J%-. SOSOI RIGTUN KHOR and below the throne are the host of dharma protectors and guardians.?%?PALDEN LAMA DAMPA NAMLA CHABSU CHIO In the glorious lamas./-/3-*J<-$&A$-$3-&A-/?Repeat seven. the superior ones. s ?%?-o?-.?R-?R:A-<A$?-3. the deities of the mandalas. TSECHIG YICHI all of us one-pointedly . .%-. . . each surrounded by an ocean-like Five !../-OA:A-:R$-+-(R?-*R%-Y%-3-i3?. behind the pure dharma./-.3-0:A-(R?-i3?-=-*2?-?-3(A:R. the dakas. twenty-one.$J-:. to the left the sangha. dharma protectors and guardians. .0:-2R-3#:-:PR-(R?-*R%-Y%-3:A-5S$?-./-.-. in the form of Dorje Chang. . .?-?SENGTRI PEMA DANG NYIDAI TENGDU TSAWAI LAMA NI is a lion-throne.A.. surrounded by the Kagyu lamas. . .o2-+-. R/-+/-UA/-=?-.:-.-$&A$-+-2#?-0:A-%R-2R<-I<-0.-KR$?-2&-..3?-&.%-/3-3#:A-3.-/A-2a2-0-=:%-..L%-(2-?J3?-/A-2*J. .-GA-3%:-2.A.L%-(2-~A%-0R<-3(A?-GA-2<.J-28A/resolved on taking refuge.3?-&. 2. . can.(R?-GA-1%-0R-!R%-U$- SHEGPA TAMCHEY CHI KU SUNG TUG YONTEN TRINLAY TAMCHAY CHIGTU DURPAI NGOWO JURPA of the body.-2IA-8A%-.)A-v<-}R/-IA-2.$?-/A-2*J. CHO DANG JANGCHUB SEMPAH YI in the dharma and bodhisattvas TSOG LA-ANG the host of }R/-:PR .0:A-2a2-0-=.$ ..?%?-o?-i3?-=-*2?-?-3(A.0:-.J-. PAGPAI GENDUN TAMCHEY CHI NGAR DAG the master of all of the noble Sangha. DEYDAG RIMSHIN NAYPA TAR through their successive levels. ./-. DAGDANG NAMKHAI TARDANG NYAMPAI SEMCHEN TAMCHEY CHOGCHU DUSUM JI DESHIN I and all sentient beings throughout the universe take refuge in the embodiment. speech.$-.$?-. mind. .SA/-&/-l-2-.-&-l-28A:A-:L%-$/?.(R?-.-0<-2&?-0:AJERCHI TSA SHI JUNGNAY thousand dharma collection. . .3?-&. and quality of all of the Buddhas of the ten directions and the three times. Ngondro CHABDRO SEMCHEY JUR .J-$>J$?-GA?. . for the benefit of all sentient beings JANGCHUB SEMNI CHEYJI SHING I will generate bodhicitta DESHIN DUNI LABPA LA-ANG and in the same way train. the very essence }R/-:PR 2>J$?-0-. Until the heart of enlightenment is realized.%-.?-$?3-IA-. DESHIN DROLA PENDUN DU likewise. DRINCHEN TSAWA DANG JUPAR CHEYPAI the kind root and lineage ones.:1$?-0:A-. DESHIN CHABSU CHIO realized ones.%-3*3-0:A-?J3?-&/-.$-<A3-28A/-$/?-0-v<.. .L%-(2-?J3?--.R/-.$J-:.-GA-{-$?%-. JANGCHUB TUGNI CHEYPA DANG JITAR NGONJI DESHEG CHI engendered the enlightenment-heart Just as the realized ones of the past JAMGCHUB SEMPAI LABPA LA and the bodhisattva training Ngondro 2eR. activity.%-L%-(2-?J3?-. CHOCHI PUNGPO TONGTRAG source of the eighty four 2o.3?-&. . . *2?-:PR-?J3?-2*J.%-2o.5S$?-=:%SANGJEH NAMLA CHABSU CHIO JANGCHUB NYINGPOR CHIKYI BAR I take refuge in the Buddhas.-I<.J-28A/-*2?-?-3(A. I take refuge. ..J-28A/-. .J-28A/-:PRR-=-1/-.L%-(2-..-0-. $-.R%?-29%-8A%-.R/-.fR$-0<-3A-:I<-. 8J?-.-/A-2.R. .J-.J-. DUCHI LAYNAM PUNGWA SHOG may those with harmful intent be repelled.3?-&. DANI DAG GI CHINAY CHANG In the future I will always <A$?-..L%-2-/A.<A3-0-28A/-.?J3?-&/-i3?-=-2. From today my life has become fruitful After that “expel one’s breath” (dedicate): 2.?-2.AMIYI DENGDUR DAGTSE DREBU YUR Repeat three times.$R%?-:P2->R$ .L%-(2-?J3?-./ YA.%-w/-I<-&A$ .$-!/- CHEY DEYDANG DENJUR CHIG beings have happiness NGENDRO TAMCHEY TAGTU TONGPAR SHOG may all the lower realms be forever empty JANGCHUB SEMPAH GANGDAG SAR SHUGPA may the bodhisattvas complete their objectives DEYDAG KUN and in this way Eight !. DERING SANGJEH RIGSU CHEY SIPA LEGPAR TOB my human life has become worthy SANGJEH SAYSU DAGDENG JUR today I have been born into the Buddha’s family from today I become a child of Buddha.-0-=J$?-0<-..$-?<-28$?-0.$-5K-:V?-2-.%-.-2a2-0<-2IA. .J-<A%-?%?-o?-<A$?-?-*J?. .3?DRODUN TUGLA GONG DRUB SHOG fulfil their objectives for the benefit of others GONPO YINI GANG GONGPA and through their all-enfolding protection SEMCHEN NAMLA DEYJOR SHOG may all sentient beings have abundant happiness. .-g$-+-!R%?-0<->R$ . RIGDANG TUNPAI LAY TSAM TEY behave in accordance with this association !.A?-/A-$%-. .Then other praises: ../-0:A-=?-2l3?-+J. 8J?-=/-$?3.*R/-3J.. .2$?-.$R%?-0. SEMCHEN TAM May all sentient &.%/-:PR-.J:A-eJ?-?-<%-. . :PR-.%-3.J%-I<. JANGCHUB SEMPAH NAMCHI NI May all of the bodhisattvas 2o. $8/-$9J%?-2!R..RIMPA SHINDU LABPAR JI throughout the succeeding levels.3$R/-0R-. . Seven .J%-.0:-i3?-GA?-/A.-24/-0:A-<A$?-:. . faultless family NYOGPAR MINJUR DEYTAR JA remains undefiled.3A-.R2.?%?-o?-Y?-?-2.?%?-o?-i3?-GA?-.-2.A-=.. .J-:LR<->R$ . SANGJEH NAMCHI YONG ZUNG SHING Through the Buddhas accomplishments.L%-(2-?J3?-. .2.$-$A?-&A-/?-G%-. .0:-$%-.?J3?-&/-. CHUNMAY TSUNPAI RIGDI LA so that our noble.J-v<-L..$?-=-.-GA-=?-i3?-%R%-2<->R$ . 0-/.J-<A%-*R2-0-.J-=-3PR/-. . ~R3?-(J/-0R-=-$/?-0<-I<-&A$ NYOM CHENPO LA NAYPAR JUR CHIG beyond attachment or aversion. and so on. Ngondro }R/-:PR 2}=-IA-o-.%-V=-2<-I<-&A$ #$-2}=-3J.$R%-/?-$R%-..2-0-/A.J-2-.%-2.%-. *J?-0-*3?-0-3J.R.J-$>J$?-*A.:-3<-*2?-.. ?J3?-&/-.3?-&. CHEYPA NYAMPA MAYPA DANG where it exists may it never wane GONGNAY GONGDU PELWA SHOG but continuously increase.-:1J=-2<->R$ .3-3A-V=-2<-I<-&A$ *J-<A%-($?-#%-$*A?-.%-3A-:V=-8A%-.L%-(2-. thus gods & mortals. Three times.$-.-8-2. (R/-=3-$.L%-(2-?J3?-.-=-$8R=-2-.-.J-2-.JI MONLAM DRUBPAR SHOG may all the aspiration prayers be fulfilled.-0-.-2.-0:A-2.-2.2. #A$-1A2-..$-$A?-. DUG NGAL DANG DUG SEMCHEN TAMCHEY DEYWA DANG DEYWAI JUDANG DENPAR JUR CHIG Then may they be free from May all sentient beings have happiness and the causes of happiness.3-*J?-0-i3?-*J?-I<-&A$. rejoice.-0-hR-eJThe Dorje Sempa practice .%-z-3A/-=-?R$?-. .$:-2<-IA?./-}<-:PR-2-2. DUG NGAL MAYPAI DEWA DAM MIDRELWA JUR CHIG NGALJI JUDANG DREL WA JUR CHIG may they be inseparable from the joy-beyond-suffering suffering and the causes of suffering.=-:R.J-2:A-o-. . NYERING CHAGDANG NYI DANG DRELWAI TANG may they remain in the great equanimity 3.%-. today.%-/A. =/-$?3.$-0<-LJ. ? TAHMAR CHABYUL O-SHU DAGDANG DREY Lastly the source of refuge melts into light which merges with me. . DAG GI DERING CHOBPA TAMCHEY CHI I.%-w/-0<-I<-&A$ #$-2}=-. Then recite aspiration prayers: LHA DANG LHAMIN LASOG GAHWA JI BARDU DEYLA DRONDU BURZIN JI and until then enjoy happiness L%-(2-?J3?-/A-<A/-0R-(J. JANGCHUB SEMDANG MIDREL SHING May we be inseparable from bodhicitta JANGCHUB CHURLA SHOLWA DANG may bodhisattva conduct be diligently engaged.2<-. before the entire refuge CHEN NGAR DROWA DESHEG NYIDANG NI invite all beings to attain enlightenment }R/-:PR z-. JANGCHUB SEMNI RINPOCHE May the precious bodhicitta MACHEY PANAM CHEYJUR CHIG take birth where it is not existing.3?-&.%-V=-2:A-2+%- Ngondro IA-(R/-=3-:P2-0<->R$ .%-#$- 2<-.%-.%-:SJ?.%-.-GA. 8J?-. .-2R?-9A/-IA?. OM BENZA SATO HUNG 8J?-&A-/?-2^?. ?j-+-. . ?-0RXR-3J-S-7.-9J<-IA?-. ?j-?A:A-gJ-T-. Nine LAMA DORJE SEMPA JENDEN KAR RANG GI CHIWOR PAYDAI DENJI TENG Above my head. 0?-.R/-0?-SA=-2-:6B/-&A%-*A=-N%-28$?..%-.8=-$&A$is the lama.?J3?-. ?j-!k-?-4-3J..-?+-= HO . upon a lotus. and moon-disc which purifies defilements and obscurations: BHAGAWAN . with palms joined at the heart: SARWA TATHAGATA BENZA MAMAY MUTSA BENDZI BHAWA MAHA SAMAYA SATO AH SARWA KARMA SUTSA MAY 8J?-.:!-<->-@-@-@-@SUTO KAYO MEH BHAWA SUPO KAYO MEH BHAWA AHNU RAKTO MEH BHAWA SARWA SIDDHI MEM TRAYATSA 2& @R: S-$-7/.!<.A-2R<-0.-$-+-2#-3-3J-3O-2#A-S-7-3-@-?-3-.<Repeat as much as you are able.-^:A-$. .<-+J. 3$R/-0R-2.:-./-IA-!J%-.A$-2o-0-. . in his right hand a dorje. 3.-&A$. !. Dorje Sempa. white.LAMA DORJE SEMPA RANGSHEN NAMKHAI TAHDANG NYAMPAI SEMCHEN TAMCHEY Lama Dorje Sempa. . seated in the vajra posture. creating the embodiment of all sources of refuge. I pray that the accumulation of defilements.]-3-hR-eJ-?J3?-.]-3-3$R/-0R?-*2?-26S.<%-$A-. .$ K$-$*A?-$./-S%?-+J-2!A3- and in the left he holds a bell.!R/-3(R$-!/-:.$?-!:A-:R. The hundred syllables.%-3*3-0:A-?J3?-&/-. protector and refuge Ten !. %$-+. obscurations. GONPO DAGNI MISHEY MONGPA YI Lord. CHAG NYI YAYPAY DORJE DANG two arms.3?-&. LAMA GONPOE CHABDZUR CHIG lama.J->J?-0:A-5S$?-. . SHALCHIG with one face.o. A-/-<RR-3J-S-7. 4BX)-XA-.?-+R-XR-3J-S-7. faults and downfalls Then: .?-GA-%R-2R<-2|R3-=. YUNPAE DRILBU DZIN CHING CHILTRUNG SHUG Imagine that light radiates from his heart invoking a host of wisdom deities ]-3-hR-eJ-?J3?-. ornamented. Then.%-.0:-o/-w/.<-2#-?<->. TSITTAM SHRI YEH KURU HUNG HAHA HAHA .?-0?-hR-eJ-. .0:-<%-$8/-/3-3#:A-3. .A?.$-/A-3A->J?-kR%?-0-. in my ignorance and confusion DAMTSIG LAYNI GALSHING NYAM I have broken and contradicted my commitments.=-3R-~A%-#<-.0:A-2|R3?-2^?-/A.$. that melt into him.3-5B$-=?-/A-:$=-8A%-*3?. 0?-2. SOL DORJE SEMPAE DAG GI UG YUNG SHING U-SHU DAGLA TIMPAE NYIMAY JUR Dorje Sempa blows on me and melts into light that melts inseparably with me.$?-!<-^-2:A-!J%of myself and all sentient beings limitless like the sky.-L%-8A%-.A3-0?-$*A?-3J.A-$J-2o-0?-2{R<-2-=?-2.-I<.-&/. faults and downfalls.%-. GANGWAE DIGDRIB NYERTUNG TAMCHEY DAGPAR JUR entirely purifying defilements. 2.$-$A-. SOLWA TABPAE DORSEM CHI TUGKAR DAWAI TENG Through my supplication. I beseech you to bestow your blessing to purify completely the accumulation of defilements and obscurations.-3.3-5B$-*3?-($-. completely filling my body encircled by the hundred syllables from which a stream of nectar continuously pours. and the nectar then flows from his body $%-2?-#A$-1A2-*J?-v%-..-. mistakes and broken commitments.->-$A-3.-lA-22?.L%?-8A%-. ? Ngondro TSOWO DORJE DZINPA CHEY 5S$?-$*A?-mR$?-0<The mandala practice which fulfills the two GA-#A$-1A2-*J?-v%-$A-5S$?-.-8-2.$?-l-2-.<-.2$?-. vajra holder. lord of all beings.3?-&.-v%-$A-5S$?-.$4S-2R-hR-eJ-:6B/-0-GJ.3?-&. .$-=-. speech and mind. are entirely cleansed and purified.#A$-1A2-*J.-./-=$TUGJAY CHENPOI DAGNYI CHEN oh master. DROWAI TSOLA DAG CHABCHI of great compassion and benevolence.R=-=R-2>$?-?R.$-*2?-3(A. $?R=..{-$?%-.$?-eJ-(J/-0R:A-2. ..$-0<-I<. to you I prostrate. KU SUNG TUG TSAWA DANG YENLAG I confess and abandon all root and branch }R/-:PR $A-.hR-eJ-?J3?-. $?R=-2-2+2-2?-hR<-?J3?-GA-.:PR-2:A-$4S-=-2. ...3?-&. OM BENZA SATO SAMAYA MANU PALAYA BENZA SATO TEHNOPA TIKTA DRIDHO MEHBHAWA Ngondro CHI DIGDRIB NYER TUNG GI TSOG TAMCHEY JANGSHING DAGPAR DZAYDU SOL .$-0<-LA/-IA?-_2-+- GI DAMTSIG NYAMCHAG TAMCHEY TOL-LO SHAG SO DIGDRIB NYERTUNG GI TSOG TAMCHEY JANG SHING DAGPAR JINJILAB TU breakages and downfalls of the commitments of my body.%-{-=?-2.$-$A-5%?-2$-/?-8$?-=?DAG GI TSANGBU NAY SHUG LU DU HUNG TAR YIGE JAPAE KORWA LAY DUTSI JUN JUNGWA DANG KULAY DUTSI BAB in through my crown aperture.-$?R=.:R. . 3-/-0-=-.-lA:A-o/-L%-2-. 2#-?<-<J-/R-0-+AN-SF-[R-3J-S-7.3?-&.$-*A. .-L%-8A%-. obscurations.$-0<-36. the syllable Hung appears within Dorje Sempa’s heart. }R/-:PR . . <-2#-?<-?-3-. LHO DZAMBULING the south. L%-1-3A-~/.3./-$.LJ.-<A3-0-28A/. LANGPO RINPOCHE the precious elephant.%-d-.J-*A. and before them.%-1-3A-~/-IA-^.R. zR-63-2-\A%. LU DANG LUPAG Lu and Lupag. . Balangcho./-. Dzambuling. Buddhas. 3SHEN YODEN DANG LAMCHOG DRO Yoden and Lamchogdro. the assemblage of refuge jewels and in the spaces between them 3(R. Luphagpo. d-.!R/-3(R$-s<-2*J. an ocean of dharma protectors and so forth.%-.0$-2?3-IA->A%-.R/-. Draminyen.!R/-3(R$-i3?. dharma and sangha respectively each surrounded by a host of their own kind $8/-. . MURPAI LOTOG the spontaneous harvest.-0:A-30=-/A.?-#%-. NORBU RINPOCHE the precious jewel. .?-o2-. /R<-2-<A/-0R-(J.2-. SHAR LURPAGPO In the east. :.%-.(R?-*R%-o-35S-=-?R$?-. LUNPO RINPOCHE the precious minister.. Twelve 2&-$&A$ ]-3-. KHORLO RINPOCHE the precious wheel. g-3(R$-<A/-0R-(J..R. DUNYAY JABDANG YUNDU RIMPA SHIN YIDAM SANGJEH CHO DANG GENDUN DANG accumulations.%-=3-3(R$-:PR.-5S3-2-s-2!R/-.-/-. . NUB BALANGCHUR the west.-/A. thus we are in the presence of the perfect gathering for making accumulations.%-$.A-. . 24/-3R-<A/-0R-(J..3-?%?-o?-(R?-.$J-:. PAGSAM JI SHING the wish-fulfilling tree. TACHOG RINPOCHE the precious horse./-353?-?.%-. to their right. JANG DRAMINYEN the north.R-w/-./-IA-/3-3#:A-. 3.3-0-28$?-0:A-S%-. MA kR?-0:A-=R-+R$ :#R<-=R-<A/-0R-(J. 12-0:A-30=-. $. NGAYAB DANG NGAYAB Ngayab and Ngayabshen 2&-$*A? $8/. 1-3A-~/-.-:6S:A-2. DUR DZOI BA the cow of abundance. behind and to their left are the RANGRIG KHORCHEY yidams.5S$?-GA-8A%-3(R$-. =?-. W&-=?-$8=-.><-=?-:1$?-0R. DRAMI-NYEN DANG DRAMI-NYENJIDA Draminyen and Draminyenjida.. <A/-0R-(J:A-<A-2R.2?-?- !. If one has an Accomplished Mandala then upon that appears the syllable Dhrum which becomes a palace.- TSOGCHI SHINGCHOG DAMPA SHUGPAI DRUNG CHOCHONG JAMTSO LASOG KUNCHOG NAM SHENYANG DEN TSAM SU Eleven LAMA DANG . TSUNMO RINPOCHE the precious queen.<%-<A$?-:#R<-2&?- .%-=?-:1$?. and the five heaps become the refuge jewels. .2- !. \%-0R-<A/-0R-(J.R. /2-2-=%-.%-$. ]R/-0R-<A/-0R-(J. DUNJI NAMKHAI U-SU Before one in the centre of the sky are the Lamas. RINPOCHEI RIWO the precious mountain. TRENGWA MA the goddess of garlands. |J$-3R-3. NYIMA the sun. Ngondro MAGPUN RINPOCHE 5S$?-0-3-5%-2-3J.J.0=-:LR<-1/-?3CHAB MA the goddess of perfume. GEGMO MA the goddess of grace. SAthe precious general.A$OM BENZA SATO.A-.-/?-:2=-2-i3?-KR$?-3. a perfect $?J<-IA-?-$8A. RINPOCHEI DUG U-SU LHA DANG MI PALJOR PUNSUM CHOGLAY NAMPAR JALWAI JALTSEN the precious parasol. Ngondro RABJAM JAMTSOI DULJI DRANGLAY DAYPA NGONPAR KURDAY TSOKPA MATSANGWA MAYPA . of flowers..J2?-0-. <A/-0R-(J:A-$..-0. <-2#-?-<---?R$?-. DUGPUR MA the goddess of incense. OM BENZA REKE AH HUNG CHICHAG RIKHOR YUG GI RAWAE YONGSU KORWAI U-SU RI JALPO RIWO CHOGRAB At the border. $9%-:6B/-IA?-2#?-0:A-<%-$8/-IA-o.$-$A-<-2?-. $%-$?=-3. UJ%-2-3. 0:A-30=-=$-+-]%?-/?. hundred syllables.$-0<-2?3-=.. ^-2.R/-8A%-. LU MA the goddess of song. powerful gold. $8A-i3-0<-. *A-3. 5S3-2-2!R..3$-.2%-(J/OM BENZA BHUMI AH HUNG SHI NAMPAR DAGPA WANGCHEN As foundation. like a vast ocean of atoms glorious.-GA-#A$-1A2-. DRI }R/-:PR (2-3. Om Benza Sato. DAWA the moon. yidams. Buddhas. \-3. h=-$4%-8A%-. etc.2?-?-<A:A-o=-0R-<A-2R-3(R$-<2. NANGSAL MA the goddess of light.?-0-3%R/-0<-2!R. an unbroken ring of iron mountains and in their centre the king of mountains Mt Meru./-L-!J. $+J<-(J/-0R:A-23-0. repeat the <-2#-S-3A-=>. and in the centre all celestial and human wealth the banner proclaiming victory in all directions.$-0<-KA-2:A-5K. ]-3-. then holding the visualization clearly with the recitation offer the heaps at their respective locations. SERJI SA SHI base of pure. 5B$-:.$?.<. beyond comprehension.R%?-?-2{R<-2:A-. . KR$?-=?-i3-0<-o=-2:A-o=-35/. TER CHENPOI BUMPA the vase of treasures. GAR MA MEYTOG MA the goddess the goddess of dance. $<-3. 3J-+R$-3.%-3A:A-.-.0R/-<A/-0R-(J.3-?%?-o?-L%-(2an infinite number of offerings.. complete without omission. <-2#-<J-#J-=>. KA-t$?-<A-:#R<-.. <2-:L3?-o-35S:A-h=-IA-P%?-=?-:.R/-$?=-:. 2. LAMA YIDAM SANGJEH JANGCHUB to the host of lamas.$-%R?-3.2?-?-z-. Taking hold of the Offering Mandala and wiping it clean of all its impurities you should imagine that you purify yourself and others of the defilements and obscurations of mind and appearance: }R/-:PR 2o-2eR.$-0-. sprinkled with perfume and flowers.%-2&.. and so on.$-8A%-=-.R.A-. dakkas. If mandalas are being counted. DUSUM DESHEG MA the host of yidams.%-.%-2&?.$?-eJ?-:PR-2:ASEMPAH PAHWO KHANDRO CHOCHONG SUNGMAI TSOG DANG CHEYPA NAMLA BULWA JIO TUGJEY DROWAI bodhisattvas. SANGJEH SHINGDU MIGTEY PULWA YI I visualize and offer to the field of enlightened ones. DROKUN NAMDAG SHINGLA CHURPAR SHOG may all beings enter the pure lands. kindly accept it and grant your blessings.-0<-3A-:O=-8A-2<JANGCHUB LAMLA BARCHEY MIJUNG SHING remove the obstacles on the path to enlightenment. NAMKHA NYAMPAI DROWA DROLWAR SHOG may sentient beings.. ..?-$?3-28$?-0-. dakinis.-28J?-?-$?R=.3A$?-+J-1=-2-. to the realized ones of the three times ... Of the ten directions and the three times The foundation. limitless like the sky. .-0<->R$ RIRAB LINGSHI NIYDAY JENPA DI Mt Meru and the four continents. ./3-3#:-3*3-0:A-:PR-2-1R=-2<->R$ MINAY SHING nor remaining inactive in nirvana.L%-(2-=3-=-2<-(. <A-<2-\A%-28A-*A-^?-2o/-0-:. guardians.-.A?.0:-.%-.$R%?-0-gR$-0-. &J?-o?Combine Fourteen !.. SASHI PURCHUR JUGSHING MEYTOG TRAM The foundation.%-. DUNDU SHEYSU SOL SHEYNAY JINJILAB TU SOL for the benefit of all sentient beings. 30=-P%?-2?R$?-0-. .A/-/.KR$-2&-. SIPAR MITRUL SHIWA DUSUM DERSHEG GONGPA TOGPA DANG Neither being deluded in samsara may the realized ones of the three times be aware of us. their entourages and followers. .J-$>J$?-3SANGJEH JANGCHUB SEMPAH DANG Buddhas. 2&-28A 3A-$/?->A%-.3-z-5S$?-:#R<-. CHOKCHU DUSUM SHUGPA YI SASHI PURCHUR.:PR-!/-i3-.%-.?-28A-%R?-(?-?R$?-. 28J?-/?-LA/-IA?-2_2-+-$?R=. attain liberation.R/-.. .-3A-:L%-8A%-. dharma protectors.?-$?3-2.?%?-o?-8A%-.0:-2R-3#:-:PR-(R?-*R%-Y%-3:A-5S$?-.]-3-hR-eJ-aR2-.?-$?3-2.0:-. .?-$8A-%R?-(?-L$?->A%-3J-+R$-2N3.A. .2=-2<-IA:R.J<-$>J$?-. LAMA DORJE LOBPON DANG YIDAM LHATSOG KHORDANG CHEY the lama vajra master. in your compassion 2&-$?3 . ?%?-o?-L%-(2-?J3?-.YA..-0-i3?-=-.0R/-. and their followers. bodhisattvas. then from here: . . Thirteen !.. . ornamented with the sun and moon.?J3?-. I offer. ..A. . offerings. and dedications.$-$A?-&A-2?$?-0. and the rest LINGSHI JEYWA TRAGJA DANG these four continents I offer a hundred million times.A-<%-2{=-8A%-$?R=-2-.-$?R=.%-. .. Then: 3*J?-LJ.-$%-YA. }R/-:PR =R%?-. NYERJEY MANDAL ZANGPO DI PULWAY Through the excellent act of offering this pleasing mandala Ngondro LULA .%R?-P2-)=-.-3(R$-$A-. :5=-2-.A.%-3(R. inner..]-3J. JEYWABUM DANG DUNGCHUR TEY a hundred-thousand million ten million times.$J-2-&%-9. Thus.%-.$R%?-28J?-?-$?R=. MURLOR GONGMA NAMLA BUL with deep devotion I offer to the exalted ones. Mt Meru.%-K<-+J.-2..\A%-28A-<A-<2-2&?-0-.K$LONGCHUR NANGSI YONGSHEY LA wealth.%-. supplicating (to remain).{-$?3-. unsurpassed accomplishments. requesting (to teach). . .%R?-P2-)=-. GEWA CHUNGZEY DAG GI CHISAG PA TAM whatever little merit I may have accumulated =?-=. .LJ-2-:23-. JEYSU YIRANG KULSHING SOLWAYI rejoicing. bestow the greatest..%-.K$-o-(J/-0R:A-.-&A%-2>$?-0-.A-1=-2?. .. .. . confession. 8J?-. TUGJAY TSERGONG SHEYSU SOL in your compassionate kindness please accept it <-30=-0-6-3J-. .3?- TSALWA DANG CHURCHING SHAGPA DANG Through prostrations.<-+J. .%-. .-?-3-S-%-<-E-?-3-. the concise & extended offerings.28J?-/?-LA/-IA?-2_2-+-$?R=. . MANDAL CHIGTU DUR NAYNI all united in a single mandala }R/-:PR 3R?-]R<-$R%-3-i3?-=-:2=. .\A%-28A-LJ-2-U$-2o-.30=-$&A$-+-2#?-/?-/A.-$?R=.R%?-mR$?-]-3:A-5S$?-i3?-=.R%?-28J?-=.$-=?KUSUM YONGDZOG LAMAI TSOGNAM LA CHI NANG SANG SUM DESHIN NYICHI CHUR To the host of lamas who have fully realized the three kayas. I offer the outer. offer to the best of one’s ability and then: SHEYNEY JINJILAB TU SOL and receiving it kindly grant your blessings. DAGLU receive my body.KA-/%-$?%-$?3-. . secret and absolute offerings. .J-28A/-*A.R.2.%-. without exception LINGSHI RIRAB CHEYPA DANG I offer the four continents.-GA?-3(R.$?-eJ?-2lJ<-.-.J-=>. Ngondro 2#?-{2?-. OM MANDALA PUDZA MEYGHA SA MUDRA SAPARANA SAMAYEH AH HUNG 8J?-0-$%-<A$?-5<-&A-/?-?-:2=-=-eJ?-?.eJ?-?-.-30=-29%-0R-:. and the entire external world CHAGJA CHENPOI NGODRUB TSALDUSOL LAMEY CHOG GI NGODRUB TSALDUSOL CHAG may accomplishment of mahamudra be realized. -$<-.&. SHEGDANG JUNPAI TSENMA MI NGAR YANG without arriving or departing you appear CHUDA SHINDU GAR MIG TER NANGWA whenever one thinks of you like the moon reflected in water.J%-:. .:PR-!/-5S$?-$*A?-<2DAGSHEN KHA NYAM DOKPA KUNPUL NAY I dedicate to the full realization of potential. Fifteen CHEY DZOGPAI JANGCHUB CHENPOR NGO .3A$?DZER PALDEN HERUKA host.0%?-:)R3?KHA SHIN like the sky.-. H. coming or going 2&-S$ 3#:-28A/.-mR$?-0:A-L%-(2-(J/-0R<-2}R-.$-*A.%R?-0R-!/-IA-<%-28A/-&/.(-^-38A/-. LAMA YIDAM KHANDRO KHORDANG CHEY lamas. .2. OM CHABDAG NGOPO KUNJI RANGSHIN CHEN All-pervading lord.H2-2. DURPUNG JOM Conqueror of Mara’s 36. 2o. DROKUN TSOG NYI RAB Through offering the possessions of myself and others filling the sky. . the great enlightenment.-8-2. therefore to unquestionably receive these powerful blessings.A-(J-2?-.$-.2.-:PR-:R%-V=-2-/3TSO TO TSEG TROMDU TSOG ocean-like assembly of refuge jewels. proceed with an unfaltering one-pointed mind: !.-.$-. . DAG GI DAYPAE DENGDIR SOLDEB NA here.-0<-?$?-0R:A-2!:Faith and devotion is a The Guru Yoga practice.]-3-. with faith I supplicate MIG that Sixteen !.$>J$?-.%-<R-3*3-I<.R$-0-!/-1=-/?.-:)$-0<-LJ. .3-3#:-:PR-:#R<-.5S$?-8A%-:R.$/?-3J. The source of refuge melts into light becoming one-taste with me. .-{.-5S$?. <. 2.0=-w/-@J-<-! . . ..3A$?-. may all beings completely LA/-_2?-M<-.A-. entourages and followers. yidams.%-. to quickly receive blessings.A<-$?R=-:.%-2&?.J<-$%-2.$-$8/-3#:-3*3-2.. khandros. TU GANGJUR TEY ? TSOK SHING U-SHU DAGDANG RO NYAM JUR fulfill the two accumulations. NAYMAY DRO-ONG DRELWA NAM beyond location..-0<-?J3?-lJ-$&A$-0?. from today.J2?-/.A/-0?-eJ?-:)$-i3?-G%-LA/-_2?-:. .J-5S3?-3J.-3R?-$?-GA-2!:-22?-.-0?-. glorious Heruka.$-$A?-. great source of all virtue.35S-.%-:LR/-0:A-35/-3-3A-3%:-.-0:A-]-3:A-i=-:LR<-/A.R-2lJ$?-OR3-. . .-$&A$-$A?-eJ-24/-hR-eJDAGNYI KEYCHIG GI JETSUN DORJE I instantly appear as the exalted Dorje special attribute of the Dagpo Kagyu tradition. 2&R-s +-$%-I<-+J.2.. . LUDANG LONGCHUR YICHI TRULPA YI My body.o/-w/-hR<-SA=-:6B/-0:A-K$-o-2$R=.%-$. .R$-. with a red body.3?-&./-28$?-2o.-~A%-eJ:A-.?-hR-eJ-35/-0:A-PA-$$-..<%through the power of your impartial compassion.A. .. wealth.A<-$?=-36S. NGARJAY DIGPA MALU SHAGPAR JA DIGPA SHENYANG LENCHEY MIJI DO I confess and lay aside all of my defilements.-. DROKUN I rejoice i=-:LR<-3-{-3.%-=R%?-. the right hand holding a vajra-topped hooked blade and the left a skull-cup full of nectar .R. .:PR-!/KUNJI CHURCHING TURPAR JI them all with deep devotion.-GA?-3=-0-.R. glorious lama I prostrate.?-$?3-?%?-o?-!/-IA-%R-2R-*A.-&A%-2!R.3(R.LA%?-GA-1R-V%-/?.3-0-=-K$-:5=.A-2R<-0E-*A-^:A-$.2%-$A?-:. without exception. with all ornaments and decorations complete and whole.-0SEM CHOKUR NGOSUM TUN DZEYPA you clearly show my mind to be the dharmakaya PALDEN LAMA DAMPA LA CHAGTSAL to the supreme. holding a dorje and bell in joined-crossing mudra DORJEI DENSHUG JUPAI LAMA DANG and seated in vajra position..0=-w/-]-3-. you clearly manifest here.R.3J. . .-.2%-0R..%-a/-(.-lA?-$%-2NALJORMA KUDOK MARMO SHELCHIG CHAG NYI CHAGYAY DORJE TSENPAI DRIGUG DANG YUNPAI TURPA DUTSI GANGWA }R/-:PR i3?-0-P-3R-#->%-$-.=?-.l-2:A-]NAMPA DRUMO KHATANG-GA YURPA JEN CHALUG TAMCHEY YONGSU DZOGPAI KU JUR in the crook of the arm a Khatangga. .3<-3R-8=-$&A$-K$-$*A?-K$-$.-0-2o/-(-=$?-.}<-L?-#A$-0-3-=?-2>$?-0<-L. . surrounded by the lineage lamas.R%?-?-mR$?-0:A-{-I<. . DUSUM SANGJEH KUNJI NGOWO NYI OGMIN CHOCHI YINGCHI PODRANG NAY RANG the very essence of all the Buddhas of the three times From a palace in the Ogmin dharmadhatu }R/-:PR ?J3?-(R?-{<-3%R/-?3-!R/-36.-0<-2IA.%-.. one face.R. KUNCHOG JA along with an Ngondro Naljorma.!R/-3(R$-oMA DORJE CHANGWANG PO lama as Dorje Chang JENDEN DORDRIL DZINPAI CHAGJA NOL ornamented.-0:A-]-3-.-3A-2IA.:R$-3A/-(R?-GA-.-. . and vow never to repeat them again. ./-!J%-. two arms.#A$-0-28/-. .A..hR-eJ:A-$.-0. ...R/-0:A-. . CHIWOR PEMA NYIDAI DEN TENG DU Seated on my head upon a lotus and moon-disc TSAWAI LA is the root 3-hR-eJ-:(%-.-0-2. and all mental appearances CHURPA I offer Ngondro MEH NYINGJEI WANG GI DIRSAL DZUH !/-IA?-3(R. . (a Situpa emanation).0=-w/-|3-0R-0. master of all Buddha activity. . NYINGPOI DUNZIG JOWO METRIPA lord Metripa. master of the ocean of tantra. . remain I beseech you 2&-2.- DEN PALDEN GAMPOPA Gampopa. beholding the essence of appearance.-:LR%?-2-.+-=?-3=-{<-gR$?-0<-LA/-IA?JALWA SAYCHEY NAMCHI TOGPA TAR just as it did for the host of Buddhas and bodhisattvas !. TU .J->J?-.. DAGGI NGONSUM TOGPAR JINJILOB grant your blessing that I clearly manifest this accomplishment. TEGCHOG LAMAY CHOKHOR KORWAR KUL and turn the wheel of dharma of the incomparable vajrayana. JAMDANG NYINGJAY CHOGMAY JONGPA DANG Through the realization of infinite love and compassion DUNDAM LHENCHIG CHEYPAI YESHE DEY the wisdom of the nature of reality spontaneously arises Seventeen !.$J-2-!/-=-eJ?-.. :.-0:A-.K$-o-(J-2fJ?-.0=-w/->-2-<A.-#J-o-35S:A-3%:-2.$?R=-2ZIG PAGPA LUDRUB DANG you who sees the nature of reality.-(R?-:#R<-2{R<-2<-2{=. .$-zR-V$-0. GEWA KUNLA JEY YI RANG JANGCHUB CHOG GI JURNI NGOWA JI in the virtue of all beings. who was prophesied by Buddha Saakyamuni.J.~A%-0R:A-. .M-%/-3A-:. . SOLWA bestow DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL the spontaneous wisdom I pray..$?R=-2-:. JUDEY JAMTSOI NGARDAG LHODRAGPA Marpa. . . mahasiddha of the land of snow../ . who achieved mahamudra. .$9A$?-:1$?-0-[-12-. CHAGJA CHE NYER PALDEN SHAWARI glorious Shawari. JULU TRULKUR TOGPAR JINJI Grant your blessing that I realize my illusionary body to be the Nirmanakaya.o.:-28$?-0<-$?R=-2-:.$%?-&/-P2-0:A-$4S-2R-3A-=-eJ.R/-. . GANGCHEN DRUBPAI TSOWO MILA JEH lord Milarepa.L3?-.J$-3(R$-]-3J.$-$A?-3%R/-?3-gR$?-0<-LA/-IA?-_R2?.3.%-.o=-2:A-UA/-=?-3%:-2..J->J?-)R=.A-<%-.J->J?-)R=. . JALWAI TRINLAY NGARDAG DUSUMCHEN Dusum Khyenpa.%-~A%-eJ-KR$?-3J.3-z/-&A$-*J. .2.?-$?3-3HJ/.J2?-?R-z/-*J?-.$-. SOLWA DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL bestow the spontaneous wisdom I pray.L%-(2-3(R$-$A-o<-/A-2}R-2<-2IA.J2?. . . Eighteen 2&R-2o. .J2?-?R-z/-*J?-.o=-2?-=%JALWA LUNG glorious 2!/-. NYA NGEN MIDAH SHUGPAR SOLWADEB and dedicate it to the greatest perfection. .%-.R/-$9A$?-)R-2R-3N-QA-0. Never abandon samsara. (1st Karmapa). o=-2-Y?-2&?-i3?-GA?-gR$?-0-v<. $?R=-2-:.$-. (a Situpa emanation). Ngondro LOB .0=-w/-!k-0.YR$-lR=-=R%?-{<-gR$?-0<-LA/-IA?-_R2?.J2?-?R-z/-*J?-.-. Drogon Rechen. .=-36. Then. CHO NYI DUN Nagarjuna.:1$?-.. CHARWA JINJILOB the three kayas to be inseparable.J2?-?R-z/-*J?-. . NGAGRIG DRUBPAI JALWA YUNGTUNPA Victorious Yungtonpa.:63-\A%-o/-I<SOLWA DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL DAG RANGJUNGWA bestow the spontaneous wisdom I pray.{-$?3-.SOGTSOL LONGKUR TOGPAR JINJILOB grant your blessing that I realize my life-force to be the sambhogakaya.J-/?-K$-(J/-2o.J2?-/A.$. holder of the two perfections. NGODRUB NYI NYER DRUBCHEN ORJENPA mahasiddha Orgyenpa.%R?-P2-$*A?-2fJ?-P2-(J/-AR-o/-0..0=-w/-hR-eJ-:(%-. .$?R=-2-:. .=-P2-0:A-$4S-2R-?-<[email protected]:A-]-3:A-$?R=-:. . . . the supplication to the lamas of the mahamudra lineage: RANGSEM CHOKUR TOGPAR JINJILOB grant your blessing that I realize my mind to be the dharmakaya.-mR$?-3. DZAMLING TENPAI NGAR Rangjungpa.%R?-!/-H2-2. (IIIrd Karmapa) _R2?. DULKAH DUL DZAY PALDEN KARMAPA glorious Karma Pakshi (IInd Karmapa). SACHUI WANG Lodro Rinchen K$-]R-PR?-<A/-(J/-82?. foremost of the Indian siddhas.-.J2?-?R-z/-*J?-.J->J?-)R=. SOLWA DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL bestow the spontaneous wisdom I pray. .?-2&:A-. of the world’s teachings. traverser of the generation and completion stages. KUSUM YERMEY grant your blessing that I realize . . who conquers the difficult-to-tame.R/CHUG LODRO RINCHEN SHAB master of the tenth level. .=-. .J->J?-)R=..2%-K$-:PR-3$R/-<?-(J/-82?. lord of universal reality.:-KA/-o=-Y?-%R3-V$-0. PAGYUL DRUBPAI TSOWO SARAHA Saraha. .(R?-*A. }R/-:PR :(<-2<-LA/-IA?-_R2?.!:-:.<%-?J3?-(R?-{<-gR$?-0<-LA/-IA?-_R2?. of great power and might.$?R=-2-:.!R2?-. . who accomplished the tantra lineage. master Ngondro CHEY DZOG TARCHIN JALSAY POMDRAGPA TOB WANGCHUG DROGON RECHEN SHAB 2. SOLWA DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE bestow the spontaneous wisdom I }R/-:PR )R=. .J->J?bodhisattva Pomdragpa.}$?-<A$?-P2-0:A-o=-2-$.2%NGURKUN CHABDAG PALDEN DORJE CHANG Glorious Dorje Chang.2*J.:63-\A%-2!/-0:A-3%:- TSOL pray. DZAMLING JENJUR Rolpai Dorje.%-!R/-0. .$-<%-L%-2. .LJ<-3J. -35/-LA/-_2?- !.J2?-?R-z/-*J?-.$?-eJ:A-2.!/-2.+-:U=-S-2:A-#-.R/-gR$?-gR$?-w/-3#:-. . WAMYIG JURMAY CHOYING DORJE LA Choying Dorje.A$-:I<-3J.-.0$-3J. pinnacle ornament of the emperor.%-.J2?-?R-z/-*J?-.0=-:LR<SOLWA DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL bestow the spontaneous wisdom I pray. CHOG GI TRULKU YESHE NYINPOI SHAB Yeshe Nyingpo. VIth Shamarpa).$-$<-. . master of all mandalas. . *A-> :(%-. SOLWA DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE bestow the spontaneous wisdom I 2&-. who is truly Dorje Chang. NAYLUG DUNTOG TOGDEN KHACHUR WANG togden Khachu Wangpo.J2?-?R-z/-*J?-. resplendent throughout samsara and nirvana.A$-K$-o-(J/-0R-?J%-$J:A-OA<.$?R=-2-:. SACHONG TSUGJEN CHOJAY DESHIN SHEG Deshin Shegpa. whose very nature . Twenty LA . . KUNDAG WANGCHUG DORJEI SHAB Dorje.2%-hR-eJ-:(%-.-(R?-. .2%-K$-hR-eJ:A-82?. . (VIIth Shamarpa).J->J?-)R=.:V?-o. TUGJEI DAGNYI PALJOR Paljor Dhundrub. PAGMAY U-TSEN JINLAB You with the signs and blessings (Chokyi Wangchuk. TSOL pray.J-. who understands the actuality of all things. changeless like the syllable Wam. DREYJU CHABDAG GARWANG DORJE CHANG fruit of the lineage.$?R=-2-:. DORJE CHANG NGUR JAMPAL ZANGPO DANG Jampal Zangpo.%-.-:R.-H2-2.2%-.YA.R<-hR-eJ-?J3?.3#?-0:A-.$?R=-2-:.-8A:A-. EH YIG CHAGJA CHENPO SENG-GEI TRIR you enthroned on the mahamudra lion-throne of the syllable Eh.$-*A. SOLWA DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL bestow the spontaneous wisdom I pray..2%-0R-<_-S-S:A-82?.%R?-:)3-. .J->J?-)R=.J->J?ROLPAI DORJE SHAB ornament jewel of the world. (IXth Karmapa). JU-TRUL DRAWAI KHAJOR DORJE SEM Tantric vajra being of the web of illusion.J->J?-~A%-0R:A-82?.0=-29%-0R-. (Vth Karmapa).$/?-=$?-. the greatest tulku.$ )R=.<R=-0:A-hR-eJ:A-82?.3(R$-$A-3=-{-. . (VIth Karmapa). SOLWA DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE bestow the spontaneous wisdom I )R=.7)-. lord of all. .R/-w/TSOL pray. powerful Dorje Chang.R%-2-.. (a Situpa emanation).R.J-28A/-$>J$?.. (IInd Sharmapa).AJ-. . (Xth Karmapa). .0=-I<-3. .-. =.?-*R%-$4$-o/-(R?-eJ-. .J2?-?R-z/-*J?-. KHEPAI WANGPO RATNA BHADRAI SHAB Ratnabhadra.$?R=-2-:. . Nineteen !.$-. with the power of great learning.. . .LA%?-hR-eJ-=. SISHI PALJUR TONGWA DUNDEN Tongwa Donden.J->J?- CHANG DAY DANG of limitless light.hR-eJ-:(%-. the inseparability of bliss and emptiness. SAMSHIN KU TREL CHODRAG PALZANG LA Chodrag Palzang.PAI NURPOB CHEN extensive discrimination and understanding. SOLWA DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL bestow the spontaneous wisdom I pray.JR.J->J?-)R=. .J->J?-{. .35%?-3J.2N->A?-. .-0/-:6B/. NAMCHU LO-DRUR JER with the confidence of one’s potential arising from Ngondro SOLWA DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL 0:A-/?-%R2?-&/.o=bestow the spontaneous wisdom I pray.$?R=-2-:.-]R-PR?-o?KUN NGOWO YESHE DORJE LA Yeshe Dorje. ZABDANG JACHEI CHO TSUL JI NYEPAR Holding the profound.-hR-eJ:A-$<-IA-i3-<R=-0.J2?CHEN CHOCHI JEY dharma lord TASHI PALJOR SHEYJAR RAB TRAGPA Tashi Paljor (Ist Sangye Nyenpa).-0<.J->J?-)R=.GA=-:#R<SO LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL spontaneous wisdom I pray. VIIIth Karmapa).J->J?-)R=. (Kunchog Yenlag.92-. RIGDRUG CHABDAG JALCHOG KARMAPA exalted Karmapa.i3-. . SOLWA DEB bestow the ?R-z/-*J?-. with wish-fulfilling emanations. CHILKHOR Wangchuk Ngondro DUNDRUB SHAB .-3$R/-E-.$?R=-2-:.J2?-?R-z/-*J?-.-. TSULSHIN TOGPAI DUN NYI LHUNDRUB LA spontaneously comprehending the way to fulfill the two aims. Vth Shamarpa). renowned master.J->J?-hR-eJ-=.J2?-?R-z/-*J?-.%-o-(J:A-(R?-5=-)A-~J.$?R=-2-:. .$?R=-2-:. }R/-:PR (J/-(R?-GA-eJ. U-PAGMAY GON SHAMAR CHURPEN DZIN Lord Amitabha.$-o=-3(R$-!k-0. a source of all blessings. . TSUNGMAY LAMA DRUB Incomparable lama. . .0=-29%-=.-]-3-P2is compassion. JINLAB JUNGNAY CHODRAG JAMTSO LA Chodrag Gyamtso. VIIIth Shamarpa).J->J?-)R=. .R/-$*A?-z/-P2-=.-z/-*J?-. (Chokyi Dhundrub. JAL }R/-:PR !/-%R-2R-. (aka Mikyo Dorje..2. mahasiddha.<A$?-S$-H2-2.$8R3-3J.H2-2. .LJ<-3J. SOLWA DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL bestow the spontaneous wisdom I pray. essence of all Buddhas. .0=-:LR<-8J?-L<-<2-P$?-0.:R.J2?-?R-z/-*J?-.0$-3J.LA/-_2?-:L%-$/?-(R?-P$?-o-35S-=.R. . (XIth Karmapa). . holder of the red crown. SOLWA DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL bestow the spontaneous wisdom I pray.5=-28A/-gR$?-0:A-. DEY TONG YERMAY LHEN CHEY YESHE KU Spontaneous wisdom body. (VIIth Karmapa). . extensive teachings on the meaning of everything.J-!R%-. CHABDAG DUR Lord of all. .2?3-28A/-{-3=-(R?-P$?-. . .J2?-?R-z/-*J?-. lord of the six families.$?R=-2-:. . SHOM MAY DORJEI GARJI NAMROLPA the invincible vajra’s dance of the play of appearance.3<-&R. .J->J?-)R=.$-$.R/-P2-82?. LA%?. omniscient lama.$-0E-*A/-LJ.3A->A$?-~A%-0R:A-<%-28A/-3%R/-$9A$?NALJOR TENPAI NYINJAY GANGDAY LA the yogi known as Tenpai Nyinje. (XIIth Karmapa).$-!R/-0-{-s:A-hR-eJ-:(%-.!/-3HJ/-]-3-L%-(2-hR-eJ-=. .-K$-o-(J/-0R:A-. the dharmadhatu KUNCHEN LAMA JANGCHUB DORJE LA MICHEY DORJE SHIYI GARROL PA SOLWA Jangchub Dorje. . (aka Chokyi Jungne.J foremost guardian.J2?-?R-z/-*J?-. Pema Nyinje.J->J?-)R=.-=. (XIVth Karmapa). SOLWA DEBSO bestow the spontaneous z/-*J?-. MISHIG NYINGPOI RANGSHIN NGON ZIG Unmistakably realizing the indestructible essence of everything . Twenty One MAI GONPO CHOCHI YING CHABDAG TUNPA KU NGAI DORJE CHANG Lord of all..JLEKTUNPA clearly manifest in your face SOLWA DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL RIGKUN CHABDAG PEMA NYINJEY LA bestow the spontaneous wisdom I pray.J2?-?R-z/-*J?-. . . presiding master of all lineages.$ .$R%?-0-3#:-v<-.R%?-P2-.!R%-*A.-3J. .J2?-?R-z/-*J?-. .J->J?-)R=.$?-eJ:A-$%-2-!/-=-H2. . (Ist Jamgon Kongtrul).A-$<-<R=-0.$?R=-2-:.5.-36K?-3?-3%R/-:H. dance of your undiminished Four Vajras Generation.$?R=-2-:. DEYTONG YERMAY CHAGJA CHENPOI DUN showing mahamudra bliss and emptiness inseparable.J-!R%-.3%R/-I<-?%?-o?-.J-=. .2. . VIIIth Situpa). !.-hR-eJ-28A-. TSEYMAY TUGJEI NANGWA KUNLA CHAB the all-pervading light of your limitless compassion..$?R=-2-:. . (IXth Situpa).=J$?-!R/-0. bestow *J<-$&A$ :. YONGDRUB YE Your thoroughly accomplished wisdom *J<-$*A? >J?-.:1R-:I<-2. Dorje Chang who reveals the five kayas. i=-:LR<-2!/-0:A-*A/-LJ.R/LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL wisdom I pray.J-2-:6$-3J.J2?-?RSHAY GONGPA KHATAR DAG viewing everything purely like the sky. embraced by the charming form of emptiness.-hR-eJ-:(%-. NGONJUR SANGJEH YUN Yonten Gyamtso.-. DROWAI NYIMA TEGCHOG DORJE LA Tegchog Dorje. .J$-3(R$-hR-eJ-=. DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL POJUR DEWA DZAGMAY LAM CHINGPA TONGNYI DZEYMAY NGON CHUR DORJE CHANG the spontaneous wisdom I pray. Dorje Chang..-=3-2&A%?-0. the sun for all beings. Twenty Two !. binding the bliss of movement with the path of non-dropping.R/.<A$?-!/-H2-2. .H2-2. . SOLWA DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL bestow the spontaneous wisdom I pray. .3A-KJ.$?R=-2-:. .J->J?-)R=.-$%-.3:A-3$R/-0R-(R?-GA-.:PR-2:A-*A-3-.LJ<-3J.J->J?-)R=. . J->J?-)R=. fearless conqueror.0E:A-o=-52-o=-2!/-:PR-2:A-3$R/. of unparalleled depth and clarity. ZABSAL TSUNGMAY PEMA WANGCHOG LA Pema Wangchuk. Ngondro TEN JAMTSO LA 0-H2-2h=-.-3:A-[R%-PR=-hR-eJ-:(%-.. .A-$9$?-!k-!: . }R/-:PR .+/-o-35S:A-82?. .J->J?-3(R$-=-. PALDEN MIPAM CHODRUB JAM glorious Mipham Chodrub Gyamtso.$-$. . KHOR DAE NYAM NYI DECHEN DURMA JAY The great bliss of samsara and nirvana brought together undifferentiated. (Guru Rinpoche). .-2.. SOLWA DEB bestow the /?.$?R=-2-:. (Xth Shamarpa).J2?-?R-z/-*J?-. effortlessly. DUNDAM CHOKUI RANGSHAL the dharmakaya. The all-pervading expanse of the bestow the spontaneous wisdom I pray. . SOLWA DEBSO LHENCHEY bestow the spontaneous }R/-:PR . 35S-=. reality as it is.?-$?3-o=-2:ASOLWA DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL the Buddha manifest. . . embodiment of the buddhas Lord of all others in the expanse of liberation. .:)A$?-3J.-3J.-.2%-3R?-0-.-0E-. guardian of Buddha’s teachings and beings. (XIIIth Karmapa). .%-!R/.3-(R?-{:A-<%-8=TSO LA SOLWA DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL bestow the spontaneous wisdom I pray.=-L:A-#3?-.92-$?=-35%?-3J. .$?-eJ-5.-.-2.$?-[R%-<R=CHIZUG KARMAKA TUGJAY TSAYMAY KHACHAB DORJE LA of the three times.?-3-L?. . Karmapa JAMGON TUGLONG ROL SOLWA DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL Khakyab Dorje.LA%?. L3?-3$R/-. .$?R=-2-:. PEMAI JALTSAB JALTEN DROWAI GON regent of the lotus.$?-eJ:A-<R=-0-&A<-.J-~J. of infinite compassion. DULJAI KHAM WANG MURPA DUMAI NGOR Taming beings according to their many capacities & inclinations.:I<-3J.J->J?-)R=.J2?-?R-z/-*J?-. DEY NYEY TUGJEI ROLPA CHIR YANG TUN bringing them closer through manifesting the play of compassion in any circumstance. Dorje Chang.=-2:A-hR-eJ-=.J->J?-)R=.. .$. (XVth Karmapa).J2?PA CHABDAL YING play of Maitreya’s mind.:#R<-:..2%-3(R$-=. . Ngondro NEY .R/-.-5S$?-:..J-(J/-:.0=-w/-3A-13-(R?-P2-o- YESHE TSOL wisdom I pray. .R.J->J?-)R=.$?R=-2-:.J2?-?R-z/-*J?-.?-3*3-*A.H2-2. DUSUM JALWAI CHABDAG DURMAI LONGDROL DORJE CHANG bestow the spontaneous wisdom I pray.-3#:-H2-hR-eJ-=..-3:A-%R<. (XIth Situpa). .J2?-?R-z/-*J?JURMEY YESHE CHOG LA WANG JURWA having dominion over the supreme unchanging wisdom JIGMAY DUR TSOG DULWAI DORJE LA Dudul Dorje.2%-2+<-2.$?R=-2-:.$?R=-2-:. :#R<-:. within whom :.. . . KHORDAY NGOKUN SALSHAG PANG LANG DANG may the state of neither rejecting nor grasping at anything within samsara or nirvana.gR$?-L-gR$?-LJ.-=-?R$?DEYTAR SOLWA TABPAI JINLAB CHI Through the blessings of these prayers. (XVIth Karmapa). !. . YURMEY LASOG separate from and yet the foundation of *J<-28A !/-V=-!/-IA-$8A.-:)3-3$R/-3HJ/-2lJ:A-:R.- JEY DRIBPA PANGMAY PAR nothing to obscure. Dorje Chang.. .-3J. .<2-:L3?-. DRIBJA DRIB with nothing to be obscured and LJ. principal in the mandalas.$-<A$-0:A-hR-eJ-=. all of the buddhas of the three times reside.%-. mahamudra. (IInd Jamgon Kongtrul).$?R=-2-:.?-8=-(R?-GA-eJ. .$?R=-2-:.2N-<R:A-i3-:U=-12-2o.3A$?->A%-.<%-L%-H2-2.?-0:A..R2-L-. .-L-2PR. . self-arising master of all.$/?-=$?-$8A-.J->J?-)R=. RIGTONG ZAGMEY CHOYING RABJAM DANG With an undefiled vision of emptiness. .J-v<-$?R=-2-2+2-0:A-LA/-_2?-GA?. . guardian of the teachings of the practice lineage *J<-$?3 3$R/.R2-LJ.<A$-!R%-9$-3J..?R-z/-*J?-.-=3-=?-<2-:. DUSUM JALKUN Lord of dharma.GA=-:#R<-$4S-2R-hR-eJ-:(%-. be realized.?-. RANGJUNG CHABDAG RIGPAI DORJE LA Rigpai Dorje.35%?-3J.?-$?3-o=-!/TSUNGMAY JAMGON CHENTSEI O-ZER CHOG GON Jamgon Khyentse Ozer. the incomparable. .=3-IA-K$-o-(J/-0R-3%R/-I<->R$ .J2?-?RRABJAM CHIL KHOR TSOWO DORJE CHANG DU SHEL CHOCHI JAY having profound understanding.J->J?-)R=. Twenty Three SO LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL SOLWA DEBSO bestow the . LAMJI CHAGJA CHENPO NGON JUR SHOG may the path as mahamudra become manifest. NAYLUG SHIYI CHAG JA CHEY TOG SHOG the basis of actuality.2PR.J2?-?R-z/-*J?-. .R. TOGJA TOGJAY TOGPA MAMIG SHING With nothing to be realised and noone to realise may I keep the view of non-realisation.-(R?-. TOBJA TOBJEY With nothing to be obtained and Twenty Four !. SOLWA DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL bestow the spontaneous wisdom I pray.%R?-!/-2?=-28$-%%-]%-.-gR$?-0-3-. a profound understanding of the expanse of dharmas.%-.-LJ. BEROI NAMTRUL DRUBJU TENPAI manifestation of Vairochana.-2!/-0:Aspontaneous wisdom I pray.-0<.21A2-L-1A2- KUN DREL KUNJI SHI anything existing or non-existing. .-9J<-3(R$ .-1A2-0-%%-3J.LA%?-<2-:L3?-.A-K$-o-(J-gR$?->R$ .. may I not abandon any obscurations. DRURJA DRURJAY LAMLAY RAB DAYPAI with nothing to travel and no traveling may I transcend the concept of a path. . . holders of the four great and eight lesser lineages. may I keep the view of no attainment. Milarepa.?-$?3->J$-L-!/-3HJ/- CHAGJA CHNEPO NGON JUR SHOG DORJE CHANG CHEN TELO NARO DANG mahamudra.-0-:6B/-i3?-. may the fruit. knower of the three-times. . path & fruit of the mahamudra actuality.LJ<-3J. Drigung.-0. Telopa.R2-$*A?-3J. . MARPA MILA CHOJAY GAMPOPA DUSUM SHEGJA KUNCHEN Marpa.0=-w/-:V$-0-?R$?.3-&/-o-35S:A-5S$?-2&?-=. dharma-lord Gampopa. DRITAG TSALSUM PALDEN DRUGPA SOG the three. .%%?-.3A$?->A%-.$*$-3:A-<%-%R-3R.$?R=-2-:.%R?-l-2:A-]-3-=.:VA-!$-5=-$?3-. ..$-(R?-*R%-Y%-3:A-5S$?.-. you point out for me through your great kindness.3-z-5S$?-..2!:-#R..92-=3-K$-o-(J-=KARMAPA CHEYSHI CHUNGJEH JUPA DZIN NAM DANG Karmapa. the glorious Drugpa and so on. NGUR DREL NGURPO KUNJI RANGSHIN CHEN with abandoning and obtaining without duality.-2o. KAHDUR DAMCHEN JAMTSOI TSOG CHEY LA the ocean-like host of oath-bound ones of great commitment..J->J?-)R=.:V?-2:APANGTOB NYIMAY SHI DREL YERMAYPA none to obtain. DAG CHOCHONG SUNGMAI TSOG dharma protectors and guardians.J2?-?R-z/-*J?-. Taglung.J->J?-)R=. the basis and fruit inseparable.%-. SANGJEH KUN the true embodiment }R/-:PR . .UA/-=?-!/NGUR TSAWAI LAMA LA of all buddhas. }R/-:PR K$-o-(J/-0R-3%R/-I<->R$ DREYBUI divorced from existence and yet existent.3<-0-3A-=-(R?-eJ-|3-0R-0. NYUGMAI RANG NGO TRUR DZAY KADRIN CHEN my innate being.%R?-V=-.$?R=-2-:. and Tsalpa. SHILAY DREYBUI NAYLUG CHAGJA CHEY The basis. .%-. the true nature of all.-2!:-SA/-&/.-$8A-:V?-. SOLWA DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL bestow the spontaneous wisdom I pray. . masters of all activity.%-. omniscient Ngondro TOBPA MAMIG SHING !k-0. .-36. . the root-lama. .?%?-o?-!/spontaneous wisdom I pray. Naropa. ZABLAM CHAG JA CHEY LA the masters of the profound path z/-*J?-. Ngondro LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL . . SOLWA DEBSO LHENCHEY YESHE TSOL bestow the spontaneous wisdom I pray. TRINLEY KUN the host of 2.$8A-=?-:V?-2:A-$/?-=$?-K$-o-(J. . . .J2?-?R-z/-*J?-. ..%R?-0R-!/-IA-<%-28A/-&/.(J-28A-(%-2o.%R?-P2-$*A?-)R=-. NGODRUB NYI TSOL YIDAM LHA TSOG DANG The host of yidam deities who bestow the two accomplishments.J->J?-)R=.A-.R2-0-3-. be manifest! Great Dorje Chang. .hR-eJ-:(%-(J/-+N-=R-/-<R-. 3*3-3J. my mothers. . 3-/3-3#:-. .. SHENLOG GOMJI KANGPAR SUNGPA SHIN It is said that non-attachment is the foot of meditation. JUPA DZINNO NAMTAR JINJI LOB may the completely liberated lineage-holders bestow their blessings.3-/3-3#:-.-=. . . .:$$?-<R=-0<-:(<-2:A-|R3-(J/-=. SOLWA DEBSO KAJU LAMA NAM to the Kagyu lamas I supplicate.3%:-2fJ?-0:A.J2?-?R. *J<-s 2o.%-. .-0:A-|R3-(J/-=.<-LA/-IA?-_R2?. my mothers.%-3*3-0:A-?J3?-&/-.-0-:6B/-/R-i3-. ZAYNOR KUNLA CHAG SHEN MAYPA DANG without craving for food and wealth 5K-:.-0-.-0<-LA/-IA?-_R2?. limitless like the sky supplicate the Lama.. Twenty Five NGAR NYERPAI MANAM KHA DANG NYAMPAI All sentient beings.fJ. .3-/3-3#:-.. During retreat. the precious Buddha. MUGU GOMJI GOWOR SUNGPA SHIN It is said that devotion is the head of meditation.-]-3-?%?-o?-<A/-0R-(J-=-$?R=-2-:.9?-/R<-!/-=-($?-8J/-3J.3R?-$?-|R3-IA-3$R-2R<-$?%?-0-28A/.-]-3-!/-H2-(R?-GA-{-=-$?R=-2-:. the unequaled protectors of beings of the Dagpo Kagyu lineage. *J<-S$ :. here repeat the cycle of ‘Four Mothers’ (Manam Shi): .3?-&.-gR$?-0<-LA/-IA?-_R2?. limitless like the sky supplicate the Lama. .R?-.:#R<-:. .LJ<-3J. . .3?-&.-2!<-8J/-0-3J.%-3*3-0:AMANAM KHA DANG NYAMPAI SEMCHEN TAMCHEY LAMA KUNCHAB CHOCHI KULA SOLWA DEBSO All sentient beings.8J/-=R$-|R3-IA-b%-0<-$?%?-0-28A/. GAG ROLPAR CHARWAI GOMCHEN LA the great meditator does not get caught up in anything that arises.. my mothers.A:A-$.A<-3-/3-28A-{R<-IA-2~J/-0:3.?-. TSEDI DURTAG CHURPAI GOMCHEN LA the great meditator is detached from materialism in this life !. NYER KUR SHENPA MEYPAR JINJI LOB bestow your blessings that we are not attached to gain and honour.-]-3-i3?. inseparable.$-(R.%-3*3-0:A-?J3?-&/-. the all-pervading dharmakaya.$?R=-2-:.-:PR-3$R/-?$?-0R-2!:-2o.J2?-?R-2!:-2o. NYAMMAY DROGON DAGPO KAJU LA of mahamudra.353?-GA-{2?-?- KHORDAY YERMAY TOGPAR JINJI LOB bestow your blessings that we may realize samsara and nirvana. MANAM KHA DANG NYAMPAI SEMCHEN TAMCHEY LAMA SANGJEH RINPOCHE LA SOLWA DEBSO All sentient beings.. Twenty Six !.J2?-?R. %-3*3-0:A-?J3?-&/-. . the compassionate nirmanakaya. YENGMAY GOMJI NGUR SHIR SUNGPA SHIN It is said that non-distraction is the true basis of meditation. .%-V=-2<-LA/-IA?-_R2?..$?-eJ-3=-0:A-{-=-$?R=-2-:.J%?-3J.-|R3-IA-. as it is. GURMAY JULA CHEYWA JINJI LOB bestow your blessing to be continuously free from wants and desires.-=-*J-2<-LA/-IA?-_R2?.%-:(<-2-=.J2?-0:A-|R3-(J/-=.A?-.-0:A-]-3-=.%R?-$8A<-$?%?-0-28A/. repeat. CHEY LAMA TUGJAY TRULPAI KULA SOLWA DEBSO supplicate the Lama. . !k-0-3HJ/-/R. }R/-:PR . LAMA RINPOCHE LA SOLWADEB I supplicate the precious Lama.-]-3-2.3-/3-3#:-.-o. . the blissful sambhogakaya. my mothers. . Then: ]-3-<A/-0R-(J-=-$?R=-2-:.A/-&A<-. Ngondro }R/-:PR &.J2?.R. and mistrust in the dharma.J. limitless like the sky 2.o/-.$R?-3J.%-/.3?SEMCHEN TAMCHEY LAMA DECHEN LONGCHUH DZOGPAI KULA SOLWA DEBSO MANAM KHA DANG NYAMPAI SEMCHEN TAM limitless like the sky supplicate the Lama. All sentient beings. 2|R3-L-]R-. KARMAPA CHEN NO Karmapa know! ?R$?-L:R.3?-&. CHURMIN MUGU CHEYWA JINJI LOB bestow your blessing that uncontrived devotion arises.J2?-?R.-mR$?-0:A-{-=-$?R=-2-:.3GOMJA LODANG DRELWA JINJI LOB bestow your blessing that our meditations be free from the “rational mind”.?J3?-&/-.. .i3-gR$-%R-2R-(R?-{<-$?%?-0-28A/. . . NAMTOG NGOWO CHOKUR SUNGPA SHIN It is said that the dharmakaya is the essence of discursive thought. the Lama opens the door to the precious oral instructions JUNDU SOLWA DEBPAI GOMCHEN LA to the great meditators who make continuous supplications.J-!<-:)R$-0:A-|R3-(J/-=. CHOMIN NAMTOG GAGPAR JINJI bestow your blessing to stop doubts.2&R?-3A/-3R?-$?-*J-2<-LA/-IA?-_R2?.-]-3-.J2?-?R. . . yet whatever arises is apparent MA Ngondro MEN NGAG TERGO JAYPAI LAMA LA .$%-><-gR$?-0:A-%R-2R-?S-3-.$-:6B/-]R-. MACHUR DEYKAR JOGPAI GOMCHEN LA to the great meditators resting uncontrived. GANGSHAR TOGPAI NGOWO SOMADAY any discursive thought that arises has the nature of pristine awareness.J-(J/-=R%?-. CHIYANG MAYIN CHIRYANG CHARWA LA whatever arises doesn’t exist.%-3-.R%?-2<-LA/-IA?-_R2?.-$?R=-2-:.3-2&R?-.(R?-3A/-i3-gR$-:$$?-0<-LA/-IA?DAG DZIN LOYI TONGWA JINJI LOB bestow your blessing to abandon self-grasping.&A-... 3/-%$-$+J<-|R-:LJ. . and so on. -gR$?-0<-LA/-IA?-_R2?.2%-. RANG GI DRINPAR TIMPAE NGAG DRIB DAG melting into my throat purifying the obscurations of speech. .$%-YA.R2-&A%-~R3?-:)$-2|R3-=-. .UA/-=?-i3-28A:A-. cessation and dwelling.$ . ./ gR$?-0<-LA/-IA?-_R2?.$.=R%?ZER MARPO TRUR red light radiates.2%-28A-{<-.3.-._R2?.$?%-2:A-. .<%-$A-~A%-$<-.3<-0R-:UR?. RANG GI NYING GAR TIMPAE YI DRIB DAG melting into my heart purifying the obscurations of mind.2%-.$?-!:A-$/?-/?-:R. . >J<-. .-9J<-.2%-. . 2. TUGKAI NAYNAY U-ZER NGONPO TRUR From the place of his heart blue light radiates.$-=-(A/-LJ. You eminent glorious lamas.3-0-HJ.-.A3-0?-%$-1A2-.R2-l-_%-2|R3-=-.!<-. . CHUR DZOGKU DRUBPAI KALDEN JUR which will bring the excellent accomplishment of Sambhogakaya.<%-$A-3PA/-0<-.-1A2-.$/?-$?3-:R.-28A-M<-. .-$%-2-:I<-%J?-?-28$ TOGPAR JINJI LOB is realized to be dharmakaya.-i3?-GA?../-<A%-. Twenty Seven LOB TRINLAY NAMSHI NGODRUB TSAL DU bestow your blessing that the four transmissions quickly mature. SANGWAI WANG TOB TSALUNG GOMLA WANG bestowing the secret empowerment and the power to cultivate the channels and winds LONG *J<-2o. ..:O=-0-<%-?<-8A-2<-LA/-IA?-_R2?.%R?-P2-)=-. . white and blue Twenty Eight !.3<SHER WANG TOBCHING NYOMJUG GOMLA WANG bestowing the wisdom empowerment transmission and the power to cultivate equanimity DREYBU CHOKU DRUBPAI KALDEN JUR which will bring as its fruit the excellent accomplishment of Dharmakaya. .2%-. NAYSUM U-ZER KAR MAR From the three places red.<%-?J3?-*J-3J.-(A/-0<-LA/-IA?-_R2?.2o.DAGLA MINJAY WANGSHI KURDU SOL JUSHI NYURDU MINPAR JINJI LOB bestow on me the four ripening empowerments. NANGSI CHOKUR bestow your blessing that existence PALDEN LAMA DAMPA CHERNAM CHI Having called to the Lama from afar with great force for a long time then true change will be apparent. !.-mR$?-{-:P2-0:A-{=-w/-I<. . RANGSEM CHEYMAY TOGPAR JINJI LOB bestow your blessing that I realize the mind to be beyond birth.R. .-9J<-}R/-0R-:UR?. grant the accomplishment of the four kinds of enlightened activity.<-]-3-o%-:2R.A3-0?-. .0=-w/-]-3-.:V?-2-(R?-{-:P2-0:A-{=-w/-I<.9J<-..-$?R=. TRULPA RANGSAR SHIWA JINJI LOB bestow your blessing that confusions are pacified into themselves. .-(R?-{<- *J<-2.%-S$-=-.A. :#R<-i3?-:R.28A-0:A-. :)$-2}R-2-(R/-=3-/A. speech and mind and the lama’s Then the lama dissolves into light which melts into me.T=-2<-.36S. KHORNAM U-SHU TSOWOI KULA TIM the entourage melts into light that merges with the central figure.-=.-<R-$&A$-&A%-.-$?3-]-3-. }R/-:PR *A.23-0:A-. . of one taste. &J?-.A3-0?-=?NYI LA NAMPA LAMA NGOSU SAL JURPAI while appearing clearly in the form of the lama. RANG GI TRELWA TIMPAY LU melting into my forehead purifying the obscurations of 1A2-. .R2-K$-(J/-2|R3-=-.3.J-/?-]-3-:R. KALDEN JUR Svabhavikakaya.2%-. DZUR PUI NAYNAY U-ZER KARPO TRUR From the place of his forehead white light radiates. . .A/-0:A-}R/-:PR-28A-.DRIB DAG body. .<%-$A-.-8-<%-=-./-3R%-3-. . BUMPAI WANG TOB CHEYRIM GOMLA WANG bestowing the vase empowerment and the power to cultivate the development stage DREYBU TRULKU DRUBPAI KALDEN JUR which will bring as its fruit the excellent accomplishment of Nirmanakaya.$SHEYPAI SOLWA TABPAI MURNYI LA Through the intensity of this entreaty.-<A3-2|R3-=-.$4S-2R-.A3.2%-. .$ .hR-eJ-$?3-0R-.-8-$4S-2R:A-{-=-. NAYSUM LA TIM GOSUM DRIMA DAG melting into my three places purifying the impurities of the three doors. SHIPAI WANG TOB CHAGCHEN GOMLA WANG bestowing the fourth empowerment and the power to cultivate mahamudra NGOWO NYIKU DRUBPAI which will bring the excellent accomplishment of }R/-:PR 0:A-{=-w/-I<.-%:A-$/?-/?-:R.LJ<-3J.-9J<-.8J?-0:A-$?R=-2-2+2-0:A-3R.A3-|R-$?3-SA-3-.!<-0R-:UR?.3PA/-0:A-$/?-/?-:R.$ . CHERSO SUMDEN LHUNDRUB RANGDROL LO and the three appearances become spontaneously self-liberated.. . .2%-.-{-:P2light radiates. . DORJE SUMPO YERMAY RO CHIG CHING three vajras become inseparable. Then the dedication and aspiration prayers: Ngondro TING SUM TRUR .A%-$?3-:UR?. TSOWO KUNCHOG KUNDU DAG so that the central figure possesses true nature of all of the refuge jewels combined.:V?-2-3=-{-:P2-0:A-{=-w/-I<.-=.%R?-?-$?=-I<-0:A.A?-:PR-2-3-=?-hRGEDI DROWA MALU DOR Through this merit may all sentient beings without exception $?R=.HJ<-?R-$?3-w/-z/-P2-<%-PR=-=R.$J-:.?-2.A. .A3.<%-$A-=?-%$-. DRINPAI NAYNAY U From the place of his throat Ngondro SOL .i3-0-]-3-.%R-2R-*A.-*A.!R/-3(R$-!/-:. .A. the four parts of the extraordinary preliminary practices.A-<A3-0:A. Thus. .2%-.R2-2*J. RANG GI LU NGAG YI SUM LAMA YA DENAY LAMA U-SHU RANGLA TIM my body.$/?-$?3-=-. . R%?-=-2.M<-..-3A-:I<-2..R<-IA-OA.%?-/?./- PAR SHOG may it be so! !.-$?=-2<-:. or touching this text. SHEN MALU TSOG SAG DRIB JANG NEY May I and all sentient beings amass our accumulations. .?%?-o?-{-$?3-2fJ?-0:A-LA/-_2?-.A?.end.-2.J-.-?%?-o?-?-=-:$R. .PANG TSOL CHIR NGO GEWA DIYI NYURDU DAG to that end I dedicate.. purify our obscurations. united eternally.%-. hearing.%-.$-0:A-8A%-.eJ-?J3?. DAG eJ-24/-. (ie live long). SANGJEH KUSUM NYERPAI JINLAB DANG Through the blessings of the three bodies of the buddhas.:PR-2-$&A$-G%-3-=?-0.0=-w/-]-3-82?-0. through the blessings of the pure aspirations .$J-2-:.(R?-*A.g$-2. by travelling the vajra inner path attain the level of the Buddha itself - *J<-.3#:-3*3-. .J/-0:A-LA/-_2?-. PALDEN LAMA SHABPAY TENPA DANG KHA NYAM YONGLA DECHI JUNGWA DANG May the glorious lamas remain steadfast on their lotus-feet.-:.-. may all sentient beings take birth in the pure-land of great bliss! Thirty . ./-3A-KJ. may bliss and happiness spread far and wide like the sky.J-(J/-. .K$-o-(J/-0R-:P2-I<-/?.2%-K$-hR-eJ?-)=-0:A-K$-(J/-z/This compilation is taken from the collection named &A$-*J?-. .-:L%-2-. CHONYI MINJUR DENPAI JINLAB DANG Twenty Nine TAGDEY TABSHEY JORWAE CHIMAE CHI JEY SEM GENDUN MICHEY DUN through the blessings of the unchanging truth of the dharmata.-2g/-0-.A$-(J/-3R-=?.-GA.A-. . .A-M<-. .$ .%-.R<-2?-:(A-3J. .?%?-o?-*A.. (IXth Karmapa 1555-1603). NYURDU SANGJEH SALA GURPAR SHOG quickly being established at the level of the buddhas. .2. .J-. DROWA CHIG CHANG MALU PA DEYI SALA GUR that I may lead all sentient beings without exception to that level.%-.A-?-=-:$R.$J-:. SANGJEH NYICHI GO and may beings.$BUR JEH JUR CHIG rivers in the rainy season.-GA-$RNANG GI LAMNAE DORJER DROWA YI the permanent bliss of means and wisdom.-*J-2<-I<-&A$ “The Instructions for the Co-Emergent Mahamudra Practice” composed by Jetsun Wangchuk Dorje... :. remembering.R/-L-?R$?-#R=-L%-.J-*A. ?3-2&-LR/ $8/-3-=?-5S$?-2?$?-1A2-. 0<->R$ . CHAGJA CHENPO DRUBJUR NAE Through this merit may I quickly gain the accomplishment of mahamudra.-L?-0:A-./%-$A-=3-/?-hR-eJ<-:PR-2-.R?-S/-<J$-?J3?-&/-.3?-&. !. become vajra beings. By the virtue of seeing.-0<->R$ .2?->J?-.$J-2?-3.$ :1%-)R=-KA<-2}R-.-2.2<-o?-I<-&A$ .R%-. . . in this ocean of samsara KALPA KALPAI BARDU SHABTEN SOL please remain for aeon upon aeon.-82?-2g/-$?R=.J-(J/-5S$?-IA-:#R<-=R<-g$-<R=-0.-0<-2&?-0-YA. .$J:R. increase throughout the ten directions as the ornament of the world.. 0:A-LA/-_2?-GA?. YABSAE JUPAR CHEYPA SI TSO DIR the lineage holders and followers.$J:R. DECHEN TSOKJI KHORLOR TAG ROLPA You who continuously turn the wheel of the accumulation of great bliss. DUSUM JALWAI great treasure revealer of the }R/-:PR $+J<-(J/-!k-0.. . JITAR NGOWA MONLAM DRUBPAR SHOG may the aspirations and dedications be realized.A.R?-2?3-12-0-~A%-0R<-LJ<-0-.-/A. .?-$?3-o=-2:Aof the undiminished sangha.)A-g<-2}R-2-(R/-=3-:P2-0<->R$ ..3?-&. Karmapa. blazing with splendour.0=-:2<-!k-2!:-2o.. .2-Y?-2o. .2N->A?-.L<-IA-(-2R-vSANG SUNG GI SANGWA LA of the profound secret teachings.$J:R.?j-3. GANG GI ZAB The secret holders $?%-$?%?-$A-$?%-2-=. ..%R%-.A<. PONG DANG LOGPAI DENAM TAMCHEY NI may all of the gatherings of hermits and scholars YARJI CHUWO TA increase like Ngondro PAI JINLAB CHI . . reflecting and practicing you have taken them to your heart.. TURSAM DRUBPA NYINGPOR JERPA YI through listening.->R$ May all be Happiness! Happiness! Happiness! auspicious! }R/-:PR Ngondro May the auspicious Karma Kagyu teachings.2.2{=-0-2{=-0:A-2<-.. .. . .$%-$A?-92TERCHEN KARMAPA Buddhas of the three times. .%-[R$-0:A-#J-i3?-.-=).-35S-:.-2!/-0-KR$?-2&<-o?-0:A-:63-\A%-o/-.
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