Nursing Practice 1-8

March 26, 2018 | Author: Iamkoala Si | Category: Id, Pregnancy, Birth Control, Anxiety, Childbirth



NURSING BOARD EXAM PRACTICE TEST 1 Situation I -- Nurse Caria is assigned in the emergency unit meeting.Varied opportunities that developed her nursing skills. 1. A 17-year old is admitted following an automobile accident He is very anxious, dyspneic, and in severe pain. The left chest wall moves in during inspiration and balloons out when he exhales. The nurse understands these symptoms are most suggestive of: a. Hemothorax b. Flail chest c. Atelectasis d. Pleural effusion 2. A young man is admitted with a flail chest following a car accident. He is intubated with an endotracheal tube and is placed on a mechanical ventilator (control mode, positive pressure). Which physical finding alerts the nurse to an additional problem in respiratory function? a. Dullness to percussion in the third to 5th intercostals space, midclavicular line b. Decreased paradoxical motion c. Louder breath sounds on the right chest d. pH of 7.36 In arterial blood gases 3. The nurse is caring for a client who has just had a chest tube attached to a water seal drainage system (Pleur-evac). To ensure that the system functions effectively the nurse should: a. Observe for intermittent bubbling in the water seal chamber b. Flush the test tube with 30 to 60 ml of NSS 4 to 6 hours c. Maintain the client in an extreme lateral position d. Strip the chest tubes in the direction of the client 4. The nurse enter the room of a client who has a chest tube attached to a water seal drainage system and notices the chest tube is dislodge from the chest. The most appropriate nursing intervention is to: a. Notify the physician b. Insert a new chest tube c. Cover the insertion site with new petroleum gauze d. Instruct the client to breath deeply until the help arrives 5. A 71-year old is admitted to the hospital with congestive heart failure. She has shortness of breath and a +3 - 4 peripheral edema. The care plan to reduce the client's edema should include nursing strategies for: a. Establishing limits on activity b. Fostering a relaxed environment c. Identifying goals for self care d. Restricting IV fluids Situation 2 - Oxygen is the most vital physiologic need for survival. 6. Mr. Sison, 65 years old has been smoking since he was 11 years old. He has long history of emphysema. Mr. Sison is admitted to the hospital because of a respiratory infection, which has not improved with outpatient therapy. Which finding would the nurse expect to observe during Mr. Sison's nursing assessment? a. Electrocardiogram changes b. Increased anterior-posterior chest diameter c. Slow labored respiratory pattern d. Weight-Height relationship indicating obesity 7. Mr. Sison is ordered oxygen via nasal prongs. The nurse administering the oxygen via the low-flow system recognizes that this method of delivery: a. Mixes room air with oxygen b. Delivers a precise concentration of oxygen c. Requires humidity during delivery d. Is less traumatic to the respirator tract 8. Which statement by Mr. Sison indicates that client teaching regarding oxygen therapy has been effective? a. "I was feeling fine so I removed my nasal prongs." b. "I've increased my fluids to six glasses of water daily." c. "Don’t forget to come back quickly when you get me out of the bed; I don't want to be without my oxygen for too long." d. "My family was angry when I told them they could not smoke in my room." 9. Supplemental low-flow oxygen therapy is prescribed for a man with emphysema. Which is the most essential for the nurse to initiate? a. Anticipate the need for humidification b. Notify the physician that this order is contraindicated c. Place client in high Fowler's position d. Schedule nursing care to allow frequent observations of the client Situation 3 - Mr. Silverio, 56 years old, has had significant problem with alcohol abuse for the past 15 years. His wife brings him to the emergency department because he is increasingly confused and is coughing blood. His medical diagnosis is cirrhosis of the liver. He has ascites and esophageal varices. 10. Assessment of Mr. Silverio would reveal all of the following, except: a. Bulging flanks b. Protruding umbilicus c. Abdominal distension d. Bluish discoloration of the umbilicus 11. Which laboratory value would the nurse expect to find in a client as a result of liver failure? a. Decreased serum creatinine b. Decreased sodium c. Increased ammonia d. Restricted sodium 12. The major dietary treatment for ascites calls for: a. High protein b. Increased potassium c. Restricted fluids d. Restricted sodium 13. A Sengstaken-BIakemore tube is inserted in an effort to stop the bleeding. Base on this information, the first action the nurse should take is to: a. Deflate the esophageal balloon b. Encourage him to take the deep breath c. Monitor his vital signs d. Notify the physician 14. Because the detoxification of alcohol damages tissues a high-calorie diet, fortified with vitamins should be encouraged to protect Mr. Silverio's: a. Liver b. Kidneys c. Adrenals d. Pancreas Situation 4 - Rape is one of the most tragic things that could happen to anyone especially with young girls. Incidence such as these could develop into a crisis situation involving not only the rape victims but also their families. 15. This type of crisis could be an example of which of the following? a. Combination of developmental and situational b. Situational c. Emotional d. Developmental 16. Noemi, a staff nurse in the emergency room, realizes that she has an important role to play as a patient advocate to rape victims. To demonstrate this role, she takes note of one of the responsibilities? a. Since this is a legal case, call the press about the incidence of rape b. Perform thorough physical assessment and documenting objectively all the evidences of rape c. Ask the patient to stay in one isolated room first to provide privacy while attending to other patients d. Provide emotional support first and postponed physical assessment when patient is already calm 17. Which of the following is a form of active, focused, emotional environmental first aid for patients in crisis? a. Attitude therapy b. Psychotherapy c. Crisis intervention d. Re-motivation technique 18. Which of the following is true with regards to crisis? a. Crisis is self-limiting b. After crisis, the individual always return to a pre-crisis state or condition c. Crisis always result in adaptive behavior d. The person in crisis is not susceptible for any help 19. If help is not provided in a crisis situation, an individual may spontaneously resolve in negatively or positively by returning to pre-crisis state, usually within which of the following duration? a. 2-3 weeks b. 3-4 weeks c. 1-2 weeks d. 4-6 weeks Situation 6 - One Important fact that will guide the nurse in the practice of the profession is her knowledge of the nursing law. 20. The nurse practice Act of 1991 regulates the practice of nursing in the Philippines. Which of the following statements about this Act is true? a. This Act delineates the practice of nursing and midwifery b. It was enacted in November 1991 c. The primary purpose is to protect the public d. The Act defines the practice of nursing in the Philippines 21. When a nurse starts working In a hospital but without a written contract, which of the following is expected of her? a. She's not bound to perform according to the standards of nursing practice b. Provides nursing care within the acceptable standards of nursing practice c. She's not obligated to provide professional service d. The employer does not hold the nurse responsible for her action 22. A patient, G8P5, refused to be injected with the 3rd dose of Depoprovera. The nurse insisted inspite of the patients refusal and forcibly injected the contraceptive. She can be sued for which of the following? a. Misrepresentation b. Assault and Battery c. Malpractice d. Negligence 23.A patient has been in the ICU for 2 weeks. The relatives have consented to a "Do not resuscitate order," When the patient develops a cardiac arrest, the nurse will carry out which of the following actions? a. Only medication will be given b. All ordinary measure will be stopped c. Basic and advance life support will not be given d. Mechanical ventilation and NGT will be stopped 24. When a patient falls from bed, which of the following is your immediate action? a. Report to the head nurse and calls someone to help b. Determine any injury or harm c. Refer to the resident on duty d. Put back patient to bed Situation 7 - Ms. May Mansur encountered vehicular accident on her way to the office and he remains conscious. Police officers brought her to the hospital. 25. You have to observe for increase intracranial pressure. Which of the following is not a sign of increased intracranial pressure? a. Headache b. Vomiting c. Vertigo d. Changes on the level of consciousness 26. Which of the following drug may be given to reduce increase intracranial pressure? a. Scopalamine b. Lanoxin c. Coumadin d. Mannitol 27. Since she medicated to reduce increased intracranial pressure. What nursing measure must be done to prevent further complication? a. Encourage her to observe bed rest b. Check blood pressure every shift c. Observe complete best rest d. Measure intake and output 28. In what manner would you be able to assess accurately her motor strength? a. Observe how he talks b. Instruct her to squeeze her hands c. Allowing him to stand alone d. Pricking her skin with pin 29.Which of the following activities would cause her a risk in the increase of intracranial pressure? a. Coughing b. Reading c. Turning d. Sleeping Situation 8 - Basic Psychiatric concepts a nurse should be aware of... 30. Mental experiences, operate on different levels of awareness. The level that best portrays one's attitudes, feelings, and desire is the: a. Conscious b. Unconscious c. Preconscious d. Foreconscious 31. The ability to tolerate frustration is an example of one of the functions of the: a. Id b. Ego c. Superego d. Unconscious 32. In the process of development the individual strives to maintain, protect, and enhance the integrity of the self. This normally accomplished through the use of: a. Affective reactions b. Ritualistic behavior c. Withdrawal patterns d. Defense mechanisms 33. Sublimation is a defense mechanism that helps the individual: a. Act out in a reverse something already one or thought b. Return to an earlier, less mature stage of development c. Exclude fro the conscious things that are psychologically disturbing d. Channel an acceptable sexual desire into socially approved behavior " Situation 10 . Echopraxia 42. is hospitalized because of alcoholism. Reduce the neurotic syndrome b.Aisa. Association c. To make her seem more independent d. Dissociation b. Elevated blood pressure d. the nurse is aware that: a. This type of speech is known as: a. Joan denied that she has a problem with alcohol. The major reasons for treating severe emotional disorders with tranquilizers is to: a. The accepting attitude of the client’s family c. In addition to weakness and fatigue. The client's emotional or motivational readiness d.Nurse Medie has been encountering schizophrenic and different psychotic disorders. "You'll find you need their support. Hypoxia of selected areas of brain tissue d." answers. Joan asks if attendance of Alcoholics Anonymous is required. "No its best to wait until you feet you really need them. Most alcoholics become polydrug abusers c. "The man is bad. With dependence and independence d. Prevent secondary complication c. Which of the following would reflect the nurse's reply? a. 40. "Yes. "Do you have feelings about going to these meetings?" c. Displacement d. is a 4-year old with severe anemia. Aggressive acting out behavior b. clammy skin b. Cold. She is seen by the nurse in the clinic. In identifying who is creating the problem 37. Resisting any demands made by others d. To iive up to others' expectation c. age 34. Addictive individuals tend to use hostile abusive behavior d.Joan. To make her look better in the eyes of others 36." b. In telling the truth b. The nurse recognizes that dementia of the Alzheimer's type is characterized by : a. Neologism d. denial. The availability of community resources b. Projection." d. Reality testing d." This is example of: a.34. An example of displacement is: a. The nurse understands the client is using this behavior because which of the following difficulties? a. Pent-up emotion directed to other than the primary source Situation 9 . Logic b. Most polydrug abusers also abuse alcohol b. The qualitative level of the client's physical state 39. An unhappy childhood is a causative factor in many addictions 38. Transference c. Ignoring unpleasant aspects of reality c. Autism b. Areas of brain destruction called senile plaques Situation 11 . To reduce her feelings of guilt b. Imaginative activity to escape reality b. The most important factor in rehabilitation of a client addicted to alcohol is: a. The nurse understands that Joan uses denial for which of the following reasons: a. because you will learn how to cope with your problem. Periodic remissions and exacerbations c. 45. A disturb client starts to repeat phrase that others have just said. Echolalia c. Cyanosis of the nail beds . rationalization. and distortion by hallucinations and delusions are examples of a disturbance in: a. Prevent destructiveness by the client d. When thinking about alcohol and drug abuse. Joan appears suspicious of others and blames them for her personal problems. Make the client more amenable to psychotherapy 44. "Good evening. Reaction formation 41. which of the following problems should the nurse expect Aisa to exhibit? a. Later a nurse on the unit greets the client by saying. . Meeting an ego ideal c. How are you?" The client who has been referring to himself as "man. 35. Increased pulse rate c. The thought process 43. A male client who has delusions of persecution and auditory hallucination is admitted for psychiatric evaluation after stabbing a friend. who has urinary retention catheter in place. Nephrosis d. A routine urinalysis is ordered for Mr. Take no special action b. Check the patency of the catheter d. Avoid giving Aisa orange or other citric juices with the iron preparation 48. Aisa is to have blood transfusion. Mr. Decreased level of serum glucose 47. which is an invasion of rights d.46. Seminal vesicle d. Monitor urinary specific gravity b. This is due to: a. Store on dry side of utility room d. The nurse understands that the structure that encircles the male urethra is the: a. Fluid imbalance b. The nurse can best prevent the contamination from Mr. The family of an elderly. Include irrigating solution in any 24 hour urine tests order . Pineda. Have Aisa take the diluted iron preparation through a straw d. Allergic response c. Treatment without consent of the client. A catheter inserted for the client's benefit b. Hormonal secretions c. Pineda experiences difficulty in voiding after his indwelling urinary catheter is removed. Mrs. Pyelonephritis 55. Pulmonary edema d. Insufficient cerebral oxygenation c. A treatment that does not need a separate consent form c. Hemolytic reaction Situation 12 . Record urinary output every hour c. If the specimen cannot be sent immediately to the laboratory. Proximity of the urethra and anus 56. Refrigerate the specimen c. complaints of discomfort in the bladder and urethra the nurse should first: a. A sudden drop in blood pressure d. Perineal cleansing b. A urinary retention catheter is inserted following the procedure. 49. Discard and collect a new specimen later 50. Which of the following problems is most likely associated with blood transfusion? a. Subtract irrigant from output to determine urine volume d. Inability to obtain consent for treatment because the client was aphasic 57. Cystitis c. Pineda. Pineda's recent sedentary lifestyle c. the nurse should: a. aphasic client complain that the nurse failed to obtain a signed consent before insertion of indwelling catheter to measure hourly output. Epididymis b. Bulbourethral gland 51. When Mr. Pyelitis b. frequency. This is probably related to: a. urgency. Irrigating the catheter d. Alcantara has a higher risk of developing cystitis than does a male. Which of the following directions would be appropriate for the nurse to teach Aisa's mother? a. Cleansing around the meatus periodically 52. Milk the tubing gently c.Eric Pineda is admitted to hospital to have his urethra dilated by the physician. Aisa is to receive a liquid iron preparation. Administer this at least an hour before meals b. and dysuria. Irrigate the catheter with prescribed solutions 53. the nurse should: a. 54. An inflammation of the inner ear b. This is an example of: a. When caring for a client with continuous bladder irrigation. An interruption in normal voiding habits d.Helen Alcantara is admitted to hospital with complaints of hematuria. Nervous tension following the procedure Situation 13 . Alcantara's signs and symptoms would most likely be associated with: a. Position of the bladder d. Serum hepatitis b. Which of the following problems associated with anemia best explains why Aisa becomes dizzy during periods of physical activity? a. Encouraging fluids c. Pineda's retention catheter by: a. Prostate gland c. Mr. Altered urinary pH b. Mrs. Notify the physician b. Explain that loose stools are common with iron c. Upper extremities are paralyzed b. As close to normal possible Situation 15 . Rich in protein b. Be appropriate hour before breakfast b. is withdrawn and non communicative. Gabatan on his abdomen. Carbachol injection b. Client education c.58. age 16. Pilocarpine hydrochloride (Pilocar) Situation 14 .10cm c. breathing satisfactorily. Are not necessary. and cover him with any material available d. The primary step toward long-range goals in Mr. Gabatan. Adriatico's rehabilitation involves his: a. Readiness to accept an altered body function c. High in carbohydrate d. . Gabatan and his family b. Lower extremities are paralyzed c. Adriatico should follow a diet that is: a. Use of tilt board d. A drug is used to relieve urine retention is: a. the client is unable to empty the bladder. One side of the body is paralyzed d. Gabatan lying on his back with instructions to move and then go seek additional help b. Colostomy d. Leave Mr. because he will probably not able to work again Situation 16. and lying on the back complaining of pain in the back and an inability to move his legs. place. Cecostomy 60. Once admitted to hospital the physician indicates that Mr. When teaching Mr. because he will return to former activities d. rush him to the nearest medical institution 65. Roll Mr. Rehabilitation plans for Mr. When performing the colostomy irrigation. Gabatan will be: a. She spends most of her time lying on her bed. He is conscious. the nurse inserts the catheter into the stoma: a. Gabatan to have some spasticity of the lower extremities. Adriatico to care for a new stoma. a pad under his head.Karen Boltron.Mr. Bethanecol (Urecholine) d. Quadriceps setting d. Should be considered and planned for early in his care c. Adriatico is a (an): a. 5cm b. Gently lift Mr. Mastery of techniques of ostomy care b.Arman Adriatico is admitted to hospital with extensive carcinoma of the descending portion of the colon with metastasis to the lymph nodes. The nurse recognizes that the major early problem for Mr. Use of aids for ambulation 67. Adratico's usual daily time for elimination d. Active exercise b. careful consideration must be given to: a. The nurse explains that: a.20cm 63. Gently raise Mr. The family asks the nurse what that means. The time selected should: a. Provide ample uninterrupted bathroom use at home c.Richard Gabatan.15cm d. Are not necessary. Be about halfway between the two largest meals of the day 62. the nurse should advice him that irrigations be done at the same time every day. suffered a spinal cord injury in a motor vehicle accident resulting to paraplegia. Gavatan into a flat piece of lumber and using any available transportation. Neosporin GU irrigant c. Proper positioning 68. The nurse should first: a. Colectomy c. When urinary catheter is removed. A nurse finds Mr. The operative procedure that would probably be perform to Mr. 64. Should be left up to Mr. The nurse should expect Mr. Knowledge of the necessary dietary modifications 61. Bladder control b. To prevent the development of contractures. a. Awareness of available community resources d. 59. lleostomy b. Both lower and upper extremities are paralyzed 66. Low in fiber content c. Approximate Mr. Gabatan to a sitting position to see if the pain either c. a 32-year-old car salesman. Deep massage c. Gubatan is a paraplegic. Gabatan under the wreckage of the car. Which is the best plan of nursing intervention to encourage Karen to talk: a. Go back to regular activities b. Help her understand that it is harmful to withdraw from situations 72. Compliment her on her lovely figure c. Stimulate him to express his ritualistic actions regularly c. "You think you're so damned perfect ad good. Which intervention should the nurse make when dealing with Danny's fear of doorknobs? a. Introducing an element of pleasure into fearful situations Situation 18 . He is listening to voices telling him that the doorknobs are unclean c. Involve her in activities throughout the day c.69." Which response should the nurse make? a. Focus oh non threatening subjects c. "Stink? I don't understand. He believes that the doorknobs are contaminated and refuses to touch them except with the tissue. Call the unit whenever upset c. Explain to him that this idea about doorknob is part of his illness and is not necessary c. On being discharged. can I?" 73. Leave her alone when these appears to be a disinterest in the activities at hand 70. She has lost 10 kg in 5 weeks. age 16. He wants to unconsciously control unacceptable impulses or feelings d. The most appropriate way to decrease a clients anxiety is by: a. 74. Explain the value of good nutrition b. Which of the following is an important aspect of nursing intervention when caring for Karen? a. Which intervention should be included in Danny's initial treatment plan? a. Her daily intake is 10 cups of coffee. Acquiring skills with which to face stressful events d. you're in a bad mood. Which action by the nurse would most likely decrease Danny's anxiety? a. Which nursing intervention would be the most appropriate way to help Karen accept the realities of daily living? a. Determine the purpose of the ritualistic behavior d. Ask simple questions that require answers d. Supply rim with paper tissue to help him function until his anxiety is reduced b. Sit and look magazines with her 71. Find a group that has similar problem Situation 17 . He has a need to punish others by carrying out an annoying procedure 76. Try to establish a relationship of trust d. She is very thin but excessively concerned about being overweight. Encourage him to touch doorknobs by removing all available paper tissue until he learns to deal with the situation 75. has an obsessivecompulsive behavior disorder. "Boy. i think you stink. age 63. Encourage her to discuss why mixing with other people is avoided d. Assist her to care for personal hygiene needs b. Encourage her to join the other clients in group singing d. Encourage him to participate in his therapeutic plan of care d. Suggest a symptom substitution technique to refocus the behavior 78. "You seem angry with me. Deny his time for the ritualistic behavior b. Encourage him to scrub the doorknobs with a strong antiseptic so he does not need to use tissues d. Avoiding unpleasant objects and events b. Which nursing intervention should the nurse initially perform for Jennifer? a." b. Encourage her to keep up with school studies c. "I can't be all that bad.Jennifer Yadao. Give a schedule for the ritualistic behavior c.Danny Dasigao. He is using the method to punish himself b. 79." c. a client with psychiatric problems should be encouraged to: a. Provide him with an environment that is both supportive and non-opinionated 77. One day Karen suddenly walks up to the nurse and shouts. Prolonged exposure to fearful situation c. Which stimulus is possibly motivating Danny to use paper towels to open doors? a. Continue in an after care situation d. Try to get her discuss feelings b. is admitted with the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. Help keep her oriented to reality b. Explore the reasons why she does not eat 80. Explore with him the nature of his anxiety b. Which stimulus is the most likely cause of Jennifer's disorder? ." d. Albumin b. It will take another person to direct the client into activities to relieve anxiety d. Increase phone calls allowed the client by or a per day for each pound gained c.a. This disorder can be carried by either male or female but occurs in the sex opposite that of the carrier d. Moderate c. in hospital gown and slippers after she voids 82. Weigh the client each day at 6:00 A. The client has a more realistic self-control Situation 19 . Hospital protocol for handling anxious clients requires at least two people 85.Joel is a toddler who has classical hemophilia. Another patient. Severe d. Intestines c. Anger directed at the parents d. When S return. Explore alternate methods for dealing with the cause of his anxiety Situation 20 . Expiam the physiologic responses of anxiety d. Hemophilia is an X-linked disorder in which the mother is usually the carrier of the illness but is not affected by it 88. Feelings of unworthiness c. Factor VIII concentrate d. I don't see why you don't. Pascua when he is having a panic attack? a. Cerebrum d. Fresh frozen plasma c. It is important to recognize if additional help is required because: a. 17 years old. Teach Mr. He says he is having a heart attack but refuses to rest. "It sounds as if you are manipulating me. Which is appropriate to include in the nursing care plan? a. Pascua is pacing about the unit and wringing his hands.What should the nurse include in the care plan to Mr. At which of the following sites is the most common for the child with hemophilia to bleed? a. 87. Panic 86. Which of the following statements should guide the nurse in her response? a. Joel has some internal bleeding. He is breathing rapidly and complains of palpitations and nausea and he has difficulty focusing on what the nurse is saying. "OK. is also diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. Joints b. All the girls will be normal and the other son a carrier b. Which of the following statements is true regarding Joel's disorder? a. If the client is out of control. Pascua is experiencing a high degree of anxiety. "Who is your primary nurse. you should have eaten everything. Joel's parents ask if-their other children will be affected by the disorder. An unconscious fear of growing up 81 Jenifer is to be placed on behavior modification. . Kara says to you. Hemophilia follows regular laws of Mendelian inherited disorders such as sickle ceil anemia c. and the girls will be all carriers. another person will help to decrease his anxiety level b." c. "My primary nurse trusts me. Allow self-esteem b. Pascua problem solving in relation to his anxiety c. Each son has 50% chance of being affected or a carrier. Mild b. Being alone with an anxious client is dangerous c. All the girls will be carriers and one half the boys will be affected c. but S was assigned to be with you.M. • 84. The client gains one pound per week c. You have been assigned to sit with her while she eats her dinner. Remind frequently the client to eat all the food served on the tray b. The nurse would be Interpret his level of anxiety as: a. Kara. The client eats meals in the dining room b. Which of the following blood products is most likely to be given to Joel? a. Vll." d. Each son has a chance of being affected and each daughter a 50% chance of being a carrier d. Which observation of the client with anorexia indicates that the client is improving? a. IX. deep breathing and modication as ordered b. Hemophilia is an autosomal dominant disorder in which the woman carries the trait b. Factor II. Calm reassurance. Mr." Your best response is: a. "I do trust you.Mr. X complex 90." b." 83. Ends of the log bones 89. The client attends group therapy sessions d. Include the family with the client in therapy sessions two times per week d. "Divided doses produce greater cytotoxic effects on the diseased cells. Eliminate the need for preoperative enemas c. and showing signs of acute respiratory distress. Vagina d. Villa needs frequent monitoring of arterial blood gases. HC03 of 35. Fallopian tube 98. The nurse is interpreting the results of a blood gas analysis performed on an adult client. "This schedule will reduce the side effect of the drug. Which assessment is most useful in assessing the adequacy of the oxygen therapy? a.The nurse is assigned in a counseling clinic about preventive measures for cancers. What is the first step toward effective cancer control? a. the nurse's first intervention should be: a. Relieved the symptoms with an ordered antihistamines Situation 19 . Apply pressure to the puncture site for 5 minutes c. Administered medication which has been ordered for pain d. 92. Encourage the client to cough an deep breath b. Treat cancer of the colon .A client has just completed a course in radiation therapy and is experiencing radio-dermatitis. The nurse finds him extremely restless." b.Mr. The value include pH of 7. Mr. "Because these drugs prevent cell division. The most effective method of treating the skin is to: a.35. Slow the flow rate c. Respiratory rate b. incoherent.His physician has specified divided doses of the antimetabolite. Keep the client on bed rest for 2 hours 95. Avoid applying creams or lotion to the area 99. The client is in metabolic acidosis b. An order is written for oxygen by nasal cannula at 2 liters per minute. The client is in compensated respiratory acidosis Situation 20 . Increasing governmental control of potential carcinogens b. Prevent infection postoperatively b. A client has possible malignancy of the colon. The appropriate response is: a. Assess vital signs and neural vital signs c. and 02 of 60." c. Uterine body c." d." 100. if an allergic reaction to the blood occurs. Following the drawing of arterial blood gasses it is essential for the nurse to do which of the following? a. Educating public and professional people about cancer 97. The best initial action by the nurse is to: a. Wash the area with soap and warm water b.A client with cancer that has metastazised to the liver is started on chemotherapy. Call respiratory therapy for a prescribed ABG (arterial blood gas) analysis 93. the nurse should understand that the most common site of cancer for a female is the: a. Cancer is the second major cause of death in this country. Decreased and retard the growth of normal bacteria in the intestines d. The rationale for administering Neomycin preoperatively is to: a. Conducting more mass screening programs d. Color of mucus membranes c. Arterial blood gases 94. Which interpretation is most accurate? a. In order to educate clients. The client asks why he could take the drug in divided doses. and surgery is scheduled. The client is in compensated metabolic alkalosis c. Administered oxygen as ordered b. Apply a cream or lotion to the area c. Uterine cervix b. Pulmonary function tests d. Villa who was admitted to the respiratory floor with COPD.91. The client is in respiratory alkalosis d. A child is to receive a blood transfusion. Leave the skin alone until it is clear d. Call the physician b. Shake the vial of blood before transporting it to the lab d. He Is using accessory muscles for breathing and Is diaphoretic and cyanotic. Changing habits and customs that predispose the individual to cancer c. Stop the blood immediately d. 96. they are more effective in divided doses. pC02 of 60. " There really is no reason your doctor just wrote the orders that way. Insert the product by applicator no more than 1 hour prior to coitus c. When can trained hilot attend to a delivery? a. The will of god 5. Six n-onths of non-use 13. Provides a nutritionally complete food for the young infant b. A woman uses a diaphragm as contraceptive. Stimulation IV. A vaginal infection d. When the worker is considered to have a high risk pregnancy d. Sleep III. Punishment for wrong doings c. III. Strengthens the infants immune system. For immunization of pregnant women. The nurse correctly describe the stool as being: a. You would instruct her to return to the clinic to have hem diaphragm fit checked after which of the following circumstances? a. Ca d. Comfort II. III. II. II. Pasty and yellow c. b. no licensed personnel trained on maternal care is around b. Offer water with meals c. c. Most common manifestation of Anemia a. Which drug is not contraindicated to a patient in a first trimester of pregnancy. A weight gain of 20 pounds c. IV c. TT3 b. black. What mineral supplement is given to a pregnant woman in the third trimester of pregnancy? a. When a woman uses a vaginal spermicide. The following are benefits of breastfeeding to the infant except: a. Cervical infection b. I. When the patient is living in a remote area c. I. When he/she asks where he/she came from. which tetanus toxoid is given as early as possible during pregnancy? a. Fatigue c.NURSING BOARD EXAM PRACTICE TEST 2 1. When he/she shows interest in story telling. TT4 c. A new mother asks the nurse to describe the normal stool pattern of a breast-fed neonate.C b. Poor digestion 6. The following are needs of infants I. Watery and greenish brown 11. preventing many infections c. d. Wait until the child reaches age of majority. Cytoxan c. Which can be given to a patient with hyperemesis gravidarum to relieve the signs & symptoms? a. A necessary part of life d. TT1 d. and odories d. which of the following techniques should she use? a. Let the patient choose what she feels like eating d. When can you inform an adopted child that he/she is adopted? a. 9. IV b. Watery and greenish 10. Provides a natural method of delaying pregnancies 4. The mother requested the hilot to attend to the delivery 2. Paracetamol b. FolicAcid 3. Let the patient stay on bed until the feelings of nausea subsides. Perception of a toddler about illness is: a. Terbutahe d. Ahorexia d. III 7. a. Vit. II. I. Weight loss b. When at a time of delivery. Life threatening b. Reduces the infant's exposure to infection d. Keep a feminine hygiene product available to use in case her supply of spermicide runs out . Coitus should be followed by a douche within 6 hours b. Watery and golden yellow b. Modern paraphernalia a. Thick. Calcium Lactate 8. Have the patient eat crackers before rising from the bed in the morning b. TT2 12. Fe c. IV d. 14. as lochia cessation nears d. at night c." d. The woman who has just completed her 13th weeks of pregnancy comes in for her monthly visit. “Not more than 2 to 3 Ibs. She asks the nurse "what is happening right now in the development of the baby?" The nurse answer: a. the nurse explains than lochia will be heavier. Estrogen 16. "You may be six months along. I cannot remember exactly my last menstrual period. Blood-soaked pads must be returned in a plastic bag to the hospital after discharge d. Which hormone causes spinnbarkeit and ferning to occur? a. If the patient is in too much pain c. The patient asks." b." Upon auscultation the nurse hears fetal heart sounds. Prostaglandin 15. The pads should be' applied and removed in a front-to-back direction 21 . the nurse should teach the non-lactating postpartum woman to: a. "No weight gain is expected this soon. "I must be about four months pregnant.d. "When your milk comes down. What vitamin supplement should be recommended? a. "The brain is dividing into section. If the patient is not going into labor b." c. "I do not recommend breast-feeding. Choose correct pre-operative teaching before planned .When teaching the postpartum woman about peripads." 24. "As soon as possible after delivery." d. "Lanugo and vernix caseosa are forming to protect the embryo. FS H b." b. "About 10lbs. C c. Maintain loose-fitting clothing over her breast b." b.To prevent breast engorgement. At what point would the nurse DC the infusion. a. In explaining the pattern of discharge following delivery." c. She can change tampons when the initial perineal soreness goes away b. Pump the breast briefly if they become painful c. Assess the uterine fundus regularly for firmness 20. "You are not quite four months. Progesterone d. how much weight should I have gained by now? The answer is: a. in the morning b. The pregnant patient asks the nurse when she should start breastfeeding." 18. The nurse replies: a.The patient is being administered oxytocin at 14 mi U/min. "The heart is beginning to pump bloods. "The embryo is becoming a fetus and sex is determined. A b. B12 19. Place the product near the vaginal orifice for immediate contact instead of back of the vagina. "You are in your fifth months.” c. The hormone that is secreted by the corpus luteum and prepares the endometrium implantation is: a. D d. Contractions lasting more than 6 seconds 25. "In two or three days when you are feeling better." 23." 17. Reposition the woman from side to side c. but I have been feeling the baby kicking for 3 to 4 weeks now. The nurse expresses concern regarding the weight gain. The nurse is doing an initial assessment with the pregnant patient who states that she is a strict vegetarian. the nurse should tell her that: a.The best method to prevent hemorrhage after caesarian birth is to: a. a. 'Well.A new patient states. Gn RH c. Luteinizing c. "You are probably seven months pregnant. Contractions lasting more than 40 seconds d. usually hold more lochia than regular pads c. "Not more than 10 Ibs. toward the end of lactation 26. Estrogen b." d. Wear a well-fitting bra or breast binder constantly 22.The pregnant patient is in her third month when she makes her second prenatal visit. Observe vital signs for falling blood pressure d. Progestorene d." d. The nurse stales that this assessment indicates: a. Pads having cold packs within them." b." ' c. Limit fluid intake to suppress milk production d. Provide regular analgesics to enhance urination b. Thin. Is in mutually monogamous relationship d. Eating raw vegetables or fruits c. a. Nausea suggests that stroke may be imminent c. Choose the safety teaching related oral contraceptives? a. rather than the infant so that she can recuperate d. Wash hand thoroughly before inserting a tampon or diaphragm into the vagina d. The woman will be asked to take deep breaths and cough regularly after birth. a mother a lies in bed resting although she will be discharged in another 12 hours. The intrauterine device is an appropriate contraceptive for the woman who: a.caesarian birth. Steralization is an easier procedure to perform after the postpartum period 30. A toxic shock syndrome is more likely to occur when the pill is used d. The goals of maternal and child health nursing are: I. slippery.A newborn is rooming in with his teenage mother. who is watching TV. What is the probable reason for her behavior? a. She shows behaviors that may lead to postpartum depression c. clear. She should breast feed until several months after birth to be certain that the infant is healthy b. Encourage the mother to feed the infant before he begin crying 29. c. 27. A barrier method should also be used to protect from infection b. Falls slightly at ovulation and is higher during the last half of the cycle 37. Was recently hospitalized for treatment of a pelvic infection c. At about the same time each day c. An ovulation. and should stretch to at least 6 centimeter c. The woman who is receiving methorexate for an ectopic pregnancy should be cautioned to avoid: a. women should be taught to: a.To reduce the risk for toxic shock syndrome. To ensure that every that every expected and nursing mother maintain good health. On an empty stomach with a full glass of water b. Use a diaphragm with spermicidal jelly during the menstrual period c. Pick the baby up and point out his behaviors to the mother b. Is higher during the first half of the cycle than in the last half d. Avoid changing tampons until they are thoroughly saturated b. Taking vitamin with folic acid 34. The nurse notes that the baby is awake and quite. Falls and remains low for the last half of the cycle. That every child lives and grows up in a family unit with love and security II. Before every episode of intercourse d. She is still affected by medications given during labor d. She is still in the taking in phase maternal adaptation b. The nurse should counsel her that: a. Driving or operating machinery b. Thin and tinged with a small of blood 36. a. Oral intake will be limited to clear fluids for 12 hours before surgery b. Rises abruptly and then falls after 1 or 2 days b. The procedure should be considered permanent and irreversible c. and should stretch to at least 6 centimeter b. Twelve hours after birth. Has unplanned intercourse with several partners b. How should a woman take oral contraceptives? a. with a mild odor. She may be dissatisfied with some aspect of the new born 28. To ensure that every mother has a normal delivery and . the basal body temperature usually: a. Using latex condoms for intercourse d. Cervical mucus at ovulation should be: a. Tell the mother to pick up her baby and talk with him while he is awake c. A woman is considering having a tubal ligation after she giyes birth to her second child. Intravenous fluids are usually continued for two days after birth c. Cloudy. d. Thick. The nurse will help her ambulate to the restroom to urine within 4 hours of birth. In the morning and at bed time 31. III. Limit the use of super absorbent tampons to the times when the flow is heavy 35. Has had two ectopic pregnancies 33. Focus care on the mother. Increase fluids if urinary frequency or urgency occurs 32. and of a large quantity d. she does not ask about her baby provide any care. except: a. In the care of "high risk" pregnant women. 12 39. 1 year c. Which of the following are risk factors for pregnancy? I. 5 d. IV c. Writing the name of the patient in red ink in the prenatal register 42.2. prolonged labors b. I. and pulse rate is normal c. weight. ll. infection 47. IV d. II. This provide a valuable index for evaluation of the newborn infant’s condition at birth: a. 3 b. IV d. 3 months d. boiled razor blade c. In goiter endemic areas. full term II. III. 6 months b. b. IV c. Midwife b. The following are qualified for home. Rural Health Nurse d. uterus is contracted and hard b. II. a. 4 c. a mother should have at least how many prenatal visits during preqnancy? a. A home delivery hit should contain a complete set of gadgets needed during delivery. exhaustion c. III. BP .o. I. Which of the following is optional? a. 4th pregnancy IV. Barangay officials 43. I. APGAR score b. I. A standard prenatal physical examination per visit should be performed.5 cm . age-under 18 y. Heart rate 46. pair of scissors d. length – 49. b. Height c. To achieve healthy sexual development and maturation.bears healthy children. III. Any abnormally detected during physical examination of the newborn should be reported to the physician. IV 38. I. III b. a. This should include: a. BP.The major cause of maternal deaths is: a. In areas where licensed heath personnel are not available. IV. clean towel 45. more than 4 pregnancies III. Which of the following is not included in the routine examination? a.350 cms c. conjunctive of the eyes 40. II. Lymph nodes d. I. 4 months 41. When giving a nursing care to a mother after delivery. I. III b. II IV 44. height-less than 145 cm tall lII. Muscle tone c. Cephalic presentation a. II. Assigning the mother under "high risk" group c. IV d. III. III.33 cm d. III. II. I. Placing a name tag around patients wrist. Placenta must be complately expelled d. hemorrhage d. Trained hilots c. I. IV 49. I. who shall be trained to regular prenatal visits using the Home Based mother's Record to identify danger signs: a. History of previous caesarian section a. Milk production is adequate 48. Adequate pelvis IV. head circumference 34 cm b. Respiratory effort d. the following should be checked. chest circumference. II. II. III b. "tagging" the prenatal record means: a. IV c. suction bulk b. all pregnant women shall be given one iodized oil capsule every: . Based on the DOH program. Writing the letters "HR" in red ink against the entry in the prenatal register d. has finished feeding her 5-day old neonate but is having difficulty burping him.D. cephalhematoma 57.D. Fetal sleep b. "Give him water and hold him on his side" b.tetanus vaccine? a. P. except: a. Which is the most reliable early indicator of neonated infection? a. Hold him with his head slightly elevated and rub his stomach" 58. 2 year care program. IV 53. the nurse should be especially careful to: a. I. At which age should her baby receive her initial dose of the diptheria . Avoid cleaning his umbilical cord stump b. Which of the following will you expect to find? I. III. 2 months c. Which assessment findng is not a contraindication for using tocolytic agent to manage preterm labor? a. the nurse notes an edematous area over the pariental are that does not cross the sagittal suture line. 4 months d.50. Excessive mucos 59. IV d. cranlosyntostosis c. When assessing a. Smiles spontaneously II. IV c. Monitoring feedback d. 1 month b. A decrease in the baseline FHR may be caused by all of the following factors except: a. 651 51. Wash his scalp every day d. III. Dental Health Services Clinic 55. a. Maternal fever 62. A palpable mass d. BCG b. caput succedaneum b. cranlotables d. Which instructions should the nnurse give her? a.pertussis . b. A change in feeding pattern c. Training Program d. When bathing a newborn.The following are strategies used for the attainment of goals of the DOH Dental health program. Measles 52. Active vaginal bleeding . This is most likely indiates a. OPV d. 6 months 61. DPT c. Dental curative Program b. Which of the following is not one of the direct services offered by the Dental Health Program. III b. Give his pacifier and hold im face down" d. Mrs. This law requires compulsory immunization against hepatitis B for infants and children below eight (8) years old. a. Oral Habilitation and Rehabilitation Program c. Maternal drug administration d. Social mobilization b. Dental Preventive Program 56. Orientation Training on Comprehensive dental health program c. Which of the following immunization can be given any time after birth? a. Keep him warm 60 A mother asks the nurse about scheduling her daughter for routine immunizations.neonate a few hours after birth. RA 7846 c. P. 1066 d. "Hold him upright against your shoulder and pat his back" c. I. A mother together with her 3 year old daughter came to the Dental Health clinic for check up. This project will be a continuous solicitation of donation for new kiddie toothbrushes: a. "Sang Milyong Sipilyo Project" d. Immerse him in warm water only c. II. II. Rotate the head from side to side III. When assessing a 3 month old infant . II. 996 b. Networking with other services c. Fetal hypoxia c. P. An elevated temperature b. Sits without support IV. Home visits 54. I. briefly holds toy in hand a. Presidential Proclamation No. 5cm cervical dilation b. Her ability to cope with the discomfort of labor c. is caused by umbilical cord compression 71. March 10 d.Which factor would be most helpful in assessing the adequacy of placentas perfusion in Mrs Og? a. -3. At the level of the pelvic inlet b. 66. Her last mentrual period began on June 3. a 25 year old has missed 2 menstrual periods and is making her initial visit to the antepartal clicnic. Which assesement finding indicates hypoglycemia in a neonate? a. Is caused by uteroplacental insufficiency c. 1 cm below the iscial spines d. Tremors b. Breast engorgement 65. the fetal presenting part is: a. Keep the diaper below the cord II.The LOA position means that the: a. Initial assessment reveals cervical dilation of 5 cm. Between contractions c. Which adverse effect may occur in a patient receiving bromocriptine mesylate (parlodel) to prevent postpartal lactation? a. The fetal monitor strip shows an FHR deceleration occurring during the increment of the contraction. February 24 (Questions to 66 to 72 refer to this situaltion) d. Hypotension b. Right upper quadrant a. Left upper quadrant b. At the level of the ischial spines c. Based on the initial assessment findings. 80% cervical effacement c. frequency of contractions 5 to 8 minutes. Tachycardia c. is connected to an external fetal monitor. During the Increment of a contraction b. March 24 c. membranes ruptured spontaneousely 1 hour before admission. The duration of the rest phases between contractions d. The effectiveness of her breathing techniques during a contraction 73. 40 to 50 seconds. The fetal heart rate should be most audible in which dominant quadrant? a. Apply antibiotic ointment to the cord twice daily . Tug gently on the cord as it begins to dry III. 3 station 70. Projectile vomiting c. Contractions every 5 to 8 minutes d. the nurse would calculate her expected date of delivery as: a. Which assessment finding would necessitate bedrest for Mrs. Right lower quadrant 68. Cervical dilatation of 4 to 5 cm 63. d. During the decrement of a contraction d. Og? a. Using the nagele's rule. reaching its lowest point at the acme of the contraction. Lie is longitudinal and the fetal occiput is directed toward the left anterior portion of the maternal pelvis. April 3 b. Which actions would the nurse teach the mother to perform? I. fetal distress c. Lie is transverse and the fetal mentum is directed toward the left posterior portion of the maternal pelvis c. Lie is oblique and the fetal anterior fontanel is directed toward the left posterior portion of the maternal pelvis 69.When should the nurse assess Mrs. This type of deceleration: a. presentation vertex and possition left occiput anterior (LOA). Only sponge bath the infant until the cord fails off IV. Diarrhea d. indicates fetal distress b. A nurse is demonstrating cord care to a mother of a neonate. Cervical assessment 80% station. During the acme of a contraction 72. jaundice 64. Bradycardia d. Lie is longitudinal and the fetal occiput is directed toward the left posterior portion of the maternal pelvis b. Og's blood pressure? Situation: Mrs Og gravida 2 para 1 is accompanied to the labor and delivery are by her husband. At the perineum 67. and returning to the baseline during the decrement of the contraction. Left lower quadrant c. Mrs Bugna. duration of contractions.b. Indicates fetal vagal nerve stimulation d. Both have attended lamaze classes. Cervical dilatation of 2 to 3 cm d. Mrs Og. The duration and intensity of her contractions b. Gentian violet c.a. Pelvic contracture d. III 74. Maternal anemia c. Pathologic jaundice d. II b. ectopic pregnancy b. photophobia. Abruptio placenta b. III c. is easily cured b. Increasing the mobility of the uterus c. the nurse should expect the physician to order: a. petechiae c. Bulging anterior fontanel.The nurse teaches that the most frequent side effect associated with the use of IUDs is: a. Syphilis is not considered contagious in the: a. I. Secondary stage 87. Can produce sterility d. Syphilis b. Fever. One of the most common causes of hypotonic uterine dystocia is: a. Twin gestation b. The nurse explains that the IUD provides contraception by: a. the nurse should state that it: a. nuchal rigidity b. When the client is diagnosed as having gonorrhea. A nurse is caring for a 3-year-old with viral meningitis. Hypothermia. It is best timed: a. Fowlers c. Dydatidiform mole 86. With in 1 to 2 days of presumed ovulation 78. Cephalhematoma c. Just before the next menstrual period d. fever. Acute salpingitis is most commonly the result of: a. Chloramphenicol 83.A client seeking advice about contraception asks the nurse about an IUD. nuchal rigidity. IV d. Pregnancy-induced hypertension 79. Tertiary stage b. photophobia 75. Cures the Infection b. incubation stage d. Spirochete 84. Expulsion of the IUD c. Lithotomy d. I. 1 week after ovulation b. Actinomycin d. Prone b. Tile oral drug that is most likely to be prescribed for treatment of Trichomonas vaginalis is: a. When teaching a client about the drug therapy for gonorrhea. IUDs interfere with either fertilization or implantation. The safest position for the woman in labor when the nurse notes a prolapsed cord is: a. Is limited to the external genitalia 82. Nystatin (Mycostatin) d.The nurse reaches the client that gonorrhea is highly infectious and: a. The nurse understands that the organism that causes a trichomonal infection is a: a. Trendeirnburg 80. Penicillin b. Protozoan d. Colistin b. A diagnostic test used to evaluate the fertility is the post coital test. Blocking the cervical os b. Preventing the sperm from reaching the vagina d. Gonorrhea d. Compression of the cord 81 . Fungus c. Immediately after menses c. Yeast b. Abortion c. II. Fever. Primary stage c. Occurs very rarely c. Which signs and symptoms would the nurse expect to find during the initial assessment? a. Rupture of the uterus d. A birth hazard associated with breech delivery may be: a. I. Ceftriaxone c. nuchal rigidity. irritability d. Promoting contraception 77. Prevents complications . Excessive menstrual flow 76. Metronidazole (Flagyl) 85. A 4-year-old has a seizure disorder and has been taking phenytoin(Dilantin) for 3 years.When performing a physical assessment of a newborn with Down Syndrome. PKU is transmitted by an autosomal dominant gene d. Anterior fontanel c. Insulin b. Food preferences of the peer group 99. the nurse should carefully evaluate the infant's: a. Usually becomes malignant c. the nurse should: a. Treatment for PKU includes life long medications c. Offer the urinal frequently b. Reverses pathologic changes 88. Placing the infant in a semi-sitting position d. Lower extremities 95. Mumps b. If monocular strabismus in children is not corrected early enough: a. Blood urea nitrogen c. Amblyopia develops in the weak eye d.c. The best choice for between meal nourishment for a preschool-age child with a urinary infection would be: a. Rubeola d. Pupillary reaction d. Toilet training c. Accidents b. Fresh fruit c. A nurse should be aware that benign prostatic hypertrophy: a.The major influence of eating habits of the early schoolaged child is: a. Adequate nutrition d. With cancer of the prostate. Predispose to hydronephrosis d. The infant is tested for PKU immediately after delivery . Nursing care for an infant after the surgical repair of a cleft lip should include: a. Heart sounds b. Arrange transfer to a private room c. Observe for flushing of the face d. Creatinine b. Keeping the baby NPO b. Anticonvulsant 97. Vision in both eyes will be diminished 96. Chickenpox 98. Steroids c. Causes an eievated acid phosphatase 91. is a congenital abnormality b. monitoring the serum level of: a. the nurse would speak to them about: a. Antibiotics d. it is possible to follow the course of the disease by . Wear a gown and gloves when giving direct care d. Smell and appearance of food c. the nurse should plan to include the fact that: a. When teaching the parents of an infant diagnosed with PKU. Chickenpox can sometimes be fatal to children who are receiving: a. Skim milk b. Institute droplet precautions b. Creamed soup 94. Availabilitv of food selections b. To prevent cross contammiation. Example of parents at meal time d. Hard candy d. An important nursing measure for the child would be to: a. Check for pupilary reaction c. Prostate specific antigen 89. A client is diagnosed with herpes genitalis. Non protein nitrogen d. Dyslexia will develop b. Rubella c. A viral Infection characterized by a red blotchy rash and Koplik's spots in the mouth is: a. Close the door and wear a mask when in the room 90. Peripheral vision will disappear c. Spoon feeding for the first 2 days after surgery 100. Mental retardation occurs if PKU is untreated b. Keeping the infant from crying c. Controls its transmission d. In terms of preventive teaching for the parents of a 1year-old. Sexual development 93. Administer scrupulous oral hygiene 92. 6. Integumentary b. "You need to follow the doctor's advice. The most serious problem with an external shunt is. Teach muscle tightening exercises c. "I will wear a broad . A patient who has a diagnosis is metastatic cancer of the kidney is told by the physician that the kidney needs to be removed. would indicate to the nurse the need for further instruction? a." c. Teach the procedure for irrigation of the stoma d. Genital Herpes b. 20 to 39 years b." b. Diet high in fat b. an external shunt may be used for clients who require hemodialysis. Middle . Wheezes on auscultation d. Which of these groups should a nurse target when planning a community education presentation about testicular cancer? a. Respiratory d. The patient asks the nurse. Scatter rugs c. An observation consistent with complete-airway obstruction is: a. and a cystectomy and an ileal conduit are scheduled. "What does your family want you to do. 65 years and older 9. Senior citizens c. Which one of the following would pose the greatest hazard to the client's safe use of crutches at home? a. Measles d. reported to a nurse by a 20 year old male patient. Snack tables d. Altered with maintenance related to non compliance c. Exposure to pesticides c. "What does your family want you to do. Which of the following conditions. A 10-year-old boy who is in the terminal stages of Duchenne muscular dystrophy is being cared for at home. To gain access to a vein and an artery.brimmed heat when I am in the sun" 5. Loud crowing when attempting to speak b. A 4-year old cocker spaniel b.” b. A patient who has kaposis sarcoma has all of the following nursing diagnoses. would indicate a risk for development of testicular cancer? a. if made by a patient who has had a basal cell carcinoma removed. "I will use sunscreen with at least a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15. Which one would indicate a risk factor for developing cancer of cervix? a.aged men d. Undescended testicle c. Provide cleansing enemas and laxatives as ordered 12. Hopelessness. A woman reports all of the following data when giving his history to a nurse. "What should I do?" Which of the following responses by the nurse would be most therapeutic? a." d. Clot-formation c. Preoperatively. 40 to 49 years c. the nurse plans to: a. "Let's talk about your options. a nurse would give priority to assessing which of the following body systems? a. Neurological c." 8. A nurse is planning a community education presentation about testicular cancer. a. Sclerosis of vessels ." d. Which of the following statements. 50 to 64 years students 7. Day care providers b. "I will use tanning booths rather than sunbathing from now on. The large groups should be men aged: a. Altered thought processes related to lesions b. Gastrointestinal 10. Gradual 2. The nurse assesses the client's home environment for the safe use crutches. Diet high in fat 3. Septicemia b. "I wouldn't have the surgery done without a second opinion. When evaluating for major complications of this disease. To which one should the nurse give priority? a.NURSING BOARD EXAM PRACTICE TEST 4 1. Hydrocele 11. "I will stay out of the sun between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM" d. "I wouldn't have the surgery done without a second opinion. Exsanguination d. Inability to cough c. Limit fluid intake for 24 hours b. Defensive coping related to loss of boundaries d. related to inability to control disease process 4. A client has been diagnosed as having bladder cancer." c. High . A client with myasthenia gravis has been receiving Neostigmine (Prostigmin). Potassium permanganate baths d. Bloodstream is invaded by microorganisms from the biliary tract 25. Skin lesions d. Autoimmunity b. Client's resistance is lowered because of bile in the blood d. which would be evidenced by: a. Fracture of the neck of the femur d. a. Provide cleansing enemas and laxatives as ordered 14. Avoiding exposure to the sum b. The nurse must help the client with pemphigus vulgaris deal with the resulting: a. Multiple petechiae c. Teach the procedure for irrigation of the stoma c. The nurses should assess a client with psoriasis a. When operating the TENS unit the nurse should a. Cleansing the drainage valve and removing it from the catheter bag c. the nurse should assess for signs of respiratory complications because the: a. Slipped epiphysis of the femur b. Fracture of shaft of the femur c. Internal rotation with extension of the knee b. Although no cause has been determined for scleroderma. Turn the machine several times a day for 10 to 20 minutes c. Internal rotation with flexion of the knee and hip c. and a cystectomy and an ileal conduit are scheduled. Impaired digestion 21. Infertility b. the nurse plans to: a. The nurse bases the reply on the knowledge that there is: a. Accelerating transmission along neural swaths 17. Intertrochanteric fracture of the femur is thought to be caused by: 13. Wiping the catheter with alcohol and draining it into a sterile test tube d. Teach muscle-tightening exercises d. Inadequate absorption of fat-soluble K . Stimulating the cerebral cortex b. Ocular motility c. Limit fluid intake for 24 hours b. Replacing deficient neurotransmitters d. Apply the color-coded electrodes anywhere it is comfortable for the client 19. Pruritic lesions b. Topical application of steroids c. Intramedullary nailing is used in the treatment of: a. Incision is in close proximity to the diaphragm b. Shiny. cleansed catheter 24. scaly lesions d. the desirable position for the a. A reduced amount of neurotransmitter acetylcholine c. Preoperatively. A client with myasthenia gravis ask the nurse why the disease has occurred. Adjust the TENS dial until the client perceives pain relief and comfort d. Following an abdominal cholecystectomy. Debridement of necrotic plaques 22. The nurse should explain to the client with psoriasis that treatment usually involves: a. Disconnecting the catheter and draining it into a clean container b. External rotation with extension of the knee and hip 16. Defective sebaceous gland formation 20. Using a sterile syringe to remove it from clamped. A client has been diagnosed as having bladder cancer. following a fracture of the neck of the femur. Erythematous macules 23. A urine specimen for ketones should be removed from a client's retention catheter by: a. This drug acts by: a. The nurse should know that. Paralysis c. A client with an inflamed sciatic nerve is to have a conventional transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) device applied to the painful nerve pathway. Blocking the action of cholinesterase c. Maintain the same dial setting everyday b. External rotation with flexion of the knee and hip d. The nurse assess the client with cholecystitis for the development of obstructive jaundice. An inhibition of the enzyme ACHE leaving the end plates folded 18. Increased amino acid metabolism d. A genetic in the production acetylcholine b. Length of time required for surgery is prolonged c. A decreased number of functioning acetylcholine receptor sites d. Bleeding oral ulcerations 28. Chest pain b. Metabolic acidosis d. Middle-aged adults 33. A moderate area of serosanguinous oozing c. Epithelialization under the non-adherent dressing d. Following a bilateral lumbar sympathectomy a client has a sudden drop in blood pressure but no. An inability to wrinkle the forehead 36. A bitter metallic state b. To limit these spasms the nurse should: a. Homan's sign b. Young children d. An early response that may be associated with possible damage to the motor branch of the facial nerve is: a. Vomiting c. Older adult b. yellow skin c. Advance the catheter to relieve the pressure against the prostatic fossa 37. yellow sclerae 26. After 1 week a client with acute renal failure moves. Chvostek's skin . A reallocation of the blo6d supply d. into the diuretic phase. An inadequate fluid intake b. clay colored stools. After a prostatectomy. Clients with fractured mandibles usually have them immobilized with wires. The life-threatening problem that can develop postoperatively is: a. putty-colored stools. Shoulder discomfort d. itchy skin d. The occurrence of chronic illness is greatest in: a. Chronic renal failure 38. Light amber urine. Hernation of the diaphragm 30. Position the client on the affected side b. the nurse should: a. Separation of the edges of the non-adherent dressing 34. Deep breathe and cough d. irrigate the Foley catheter with 60 ml of normal saline c. Scoliosis b. care of the donor site includes immediately reporting. a. A client with full-thickness burns on the chest has a skin graft. Administer a narcotic every 4 hours b. Paradoxical respiration c. Hyperkalemia c. A client has ear surgery. immediately after the procedure. Osteomyelitis d. Periodically rotate the catheter 35. The after effects of anesthesia c. During this phase the client must be carefully assessed for signs of: a. a client complains of painful bladder spasms. evidence of bleeding. Begin frequent monitoring of vital signs c. The liver is manufacturing inadequate bile d. As a result of fractured ribs. Shortness of breath c. Romberg sign c. Dryness of the lips and mouth c. the client may develop: a. The nurse recognizes that this is most likely caused by: a. Hypovolemia b. There is inadequate closure of the Ampulla of Vater 27. Bronchospasm 29. An increased level of epinephrine 32. dark brown stools. Fatty foods are hard to digest b. Dark-colored urine. A sensation of pain behind the ear d. Infection b. A client has a bone marrow aspiration performed. During the 1s124 hours after a skin graft. Drink 8 ounces of water c. A client with cholelithiasis experience discomfort after ingesting fatty foods because. After about 3 minutes the client develops carpopedial spasm. Small amount of yellowish green oozing b. During peritoneal dialysis the nurse observes that drainage of dialysate from the peritoneal cavity has ceased before the required amount has drained out The nurse should assist the client to: a. The nurse checks for hypocalcemia by placing a blood pressure cuff on a client's arm and inflating it. Straw-colored urine. a. Adolescents c. Briefly apply pressure over the aspiration site 31. Turn from side to side b. Obstructive lung-disease d. Bile flow into the intestine is obstructed c. Encourage the client not to contract his muscles as if he were voiding d.b. The nurse records this finding as a positive: a. The chief complaint in a client with Vincent's Angina is: a. Cleanse the site with an antiseptic solution d. Any sedative type of medication has recently been administration c. Exercise d. The instruction should include mention that the best time to perform this task is: a. Has a high incidence of early metastasis c. To keep the drainage to light pink 43.d. Which of the following is correct? a. Which of the following statements might place the client more at ease and willing to give a. in most states. Dorn has vasectomy. The nurse is: a. Which of the following can be stated as a probably cause of cancer of the penis? a. "When dud you first notice this problem? b. The sperm count will not be negative until his testosterone level decrease b. Cannot be detected by laboratory tests d. A probe will be inserted into the rectum c. This procedure uses x-rays to produce a visual image 47. To run at 60 drops per minutes b. . the nurse should know that testicular carcinoma: a. The foreskin should not be retracted except by a physician d. A diet high in acidic foods b. Must first be biopsied to confirm the diagnosis 48. A client is scheduled for a below-the-knee amputation of the right leg. and abdominal pain. Immediately before going to bed c. According to the client's oral intake c. The nurse is assigned to check a client's continuous bladder irrigation. The scrotum is carefully washed with sterile normal saline 45. The nurse wraps the man's hand in soiled cloth and drives him to the nearest hospital. When continuous bladder irrigation is used following prostate surgery. The foreskin is retracted and the area beneath the foreskin is cleansed c. the nurse should plan to relate that: a. A nurse is assigned to instruct a client in the method of testicular self-examination. Hydrogen peroxide b. He asks the nurse why he just use a method of birth control because today he. the rate of flow is adjusted: a. Plain water 42. Mr. The nurse is assigned to give perineal care to an uncircumcised male client. Trosseau's sign 39. Poor personal hygiene c. The nurse is assigned to teach a class in health behaviors to young man. The procedure is performed using a cystoscope b. the client may not sign the operative consent if: a. Which one of the following solution is normally used for continuous or intermittent bladder and catheter irrigations? a. A discussion of alternative with 2 physicians have not been performed and recorded d. After a warm bath or shower 49. A flat disk is placed on the abdomen d. To describe the procedure to the client. buy the Good Samaritan Law d. Legally. Protected for these actions. Practicing under guidelines of the Nurse Practice Act c. a fractured am and leg. a condom is still recommended for 1 to 2 years 50. A complete history and physical have not been performed 41. To maintain an output of 500 ml every 8 hours d. Rarely metastasizes b. Circumcision 44. Even though a vasectomy is performed. A nurse stops at the scene of an accident and finds a man with a deep laceration on his hand. A client is scheduled for a cystectomy and asks the nurse what the physician will be able to see during the procedure. "Do you think you sexual dysfunction is psychological?" d. history of his problem? a. The most correct answer is: a. Ambivalent feelings regarding operation are present b. "Why do you think you have a problem?" c. Some minor surgery usually is necessary to ensure sterilization c. A client is scheduled for an ultrasound examination of the prostate. had a sterilization procedure. Treating a health problem that can and should be handled by a physician 40. The anal area is washed at a separate time b. To effectively teach men the importance of testicular selfexamination. In the morning after breakfast d. Negligent and can be sued for malpractice b. Immediately after getting out of bed in the morning b. A female nurse is assigned to obtain a history from & client with a urinary tract problem an sexual dysfunction. Bacteriostatic water c. "Does your sexual dysfunction seem to be related to your urinary tract problem?" 46. Some live sperm will be present in the ejaculatory fluid for a period of time d. Sterile normal saline d. The nozzle is inserted downward and backward within the vagina 57. Drug therapy usually helps control the collection of fluid 52. High fever 54. which is used mainly to detect: a. She asks the nurse how this condition is treated. Patency of the fallopian tube c. Which of the following is correct? a. Bruce. The physician asks the nurse to describe the laparoscopy procedure for sterilization to Ms.The most correct reply is the: a. The nurse is participating in a health class for young women. Which one of the following is correct? a. the cotton ball or wash cloth is gently directed: a. Ask the client to void prior to inserting the suppository b. Cervical cancer d. Stay in bed for the next 5 days d. Barrows. Hull to: a. The nurse is asked to discuss the signs and symptoms of vaginitis caused by the fungus candida albicans with Ms. Upward from the anus to the pubic area d. The most prominent early symptoms is an irregular menstrual cycle 53. Usually the problem requires more medical or surgical intervention b. She is instructed to use the special sitz bath tub. This type of cancer has a high cure rate c. The nurse is assigned to teach health-seeking behaviors to young women. Chemotherapy is not used for treating ovarian cancer d. Uterine infections 58. Left lateral position 59. The physician asks the nurse to position a client for a vaginal examination. Cannot supply water that is of the desired temperature for this procedure c. The temperature of the solution should be between 80°F and 84°F d. Decrease in urinary output d. Prostate and ureters d. Insert the applicator tip gently and with an upward and forward motion d. Applies heat to the legs and alters the desired effect of heat directed to the pelvic region d. Pain high in the abdomen b. Edwards a vaginal suppository. Early symptoms of cancer of the ovary are vague b. Douche the next day to remove debris and blood cloth b. which is inserted by means of a special applicator supplied with the drug. When cleansing the perineum. The nurse prepares to give Ms. Lubricate the tip of the suppository with petroleum jelly c. Bladder and rectum c. Lithotomy position b. She asks the nurse why the regular bath tub cannot be used. the nozzle is lubricated with petroleum jelly c. Which of the following is part of a correct explanation of this procedure? . The nurse is assigned to administer a vaginal irrigation (douche). Nurse assistant attending a nursing conference hears that one of her clients has hydrocele. Avoid straining and heavy lifting until the physician permits this activity c. The most correct reply is based on the fact that a regular bath tab: a. who has had an abdominal hysterectomy. The most common response is: a. a sitz bath. Sim's position c. Surgery may be necessary to correct the problem c. Urethra and bladder 51. One topic the nurse plans to includes is the importance of the Pap test. The nurse is assigned to give Ms. The nursing assistant is assigned to give Ms. Following the procedure the nurse should instruct Ms. Milton perineal care. Side to side across the labia majora b. Wearing a scrotal support usually corrects She problem d. Kidney and ureters b. Dorsal recumbent position d. Cannot be kept as clean as a special sitz bath tub 61. Before inserting. Insert the applicator approximately ½ inch and depress the plunger 55. Prom the urinary meatus to the vagina 56. Is more slippery and is dangerous when used for surgical clients b. Which of the following statements is correct? a. Downward from the pubic area to the anus c. Bailey. One subject is cancer of the ovary. Ovarian cyst b. The irrigation is best administered with the client standing in a bathtub b. Return in bed for the next 5 days 60. Which of the following position is normally used for this type of examination? a. Intensive vaginal and perineal itching c. Which one of the following is a usual sign and symptoms of this infection? a. Ms. Hull has had an electrocauterization of her cervix for chronic cervicitis. Wrap them in a warm blanket d. Which of the following are included in the instructions for a client having a pelvic examination? a. Genital herpes in the mother-has no effect on the infant c. 14 days d. which are caused by a human . Sheppard. preferably in the evening b. Are best taken in the morning before breakfast 66. 7 days c. Which of the following solutions would be best for the nurse to use when cleaning the inner cannula of a tracheostomy tube? a. The nurse is asked to plan a health teaching program for women of child-bearing age with genital herpes. Dodd has been told by her physician that she has genital warts. 21 days 65.papilloma-virusinfection. Which of the following nursing action would be best a. Can be treated with an antibiotic. Do not douche for 2 to 3 days before this test b. Reeves who states that she usually has symptoms when she ovulates. Manning is scheduled for Papanicolaou test (Pap Smear) at the time of the next visit to the physician's office. Do not eat or drink fluids after midnight 68. Perform passive range of motion during each shift b. She asks the nurse if there is any danger or problems associated with this condition. Help to change positions to achieve comfort c. Which one of the following should the nurse include in a teaching session? a. Can be prevented of the individual takes birth control pills d. Which one of the following instructions should the nurse give to Ms. This procedure is performed vaginally d. Which one of the following suggestions can be included in this teaching session? a. Consequently. IsopropyI alcohol b. Bring a sanitary napkin with you because bleeding usually occurs after this week 64. The nurse is assigned to teach young women attending a gynecology clinic. Reeves has a normal menstrual cycle. Apply a hot water bottle b Use an electric heating pad c. Douche the day before the examination d. Appear to increase the risk of cancer of the vulva. Avoid the use of large sanitary pads d. Chest pains . Take a diuretic at the onset of menstruation c. The nurse obtains a health history from Ms. 3 days b. Fleming suddenly develops? a. in form the physician of a history of genital herpes 63. Sheppard that oral contraceptive: a. Sodium hydrochloride c. which one of the following nursing measures should be carried out? a.a. Manning? a. If pregnant. Are started on the first day of menstruation d. Do not drink coffee or alcoholic beverages for 2 days before this test c. If Ms. Void immediately before the examination c. Drake tells the nurse her feet are cold. Avoid using super absorbed tampons b. how many days after ovulation should menstruation begin? a. Ms. Must be taken on an empty stomach c. Ms. Which of the following would indicate to the nurse that the stationary thrombus in Ms. The nurse observes that the client's knee is swollen and painful. The physician will prescribe an antiviral drug as a pregnancy is confirmed b. If Ms. Use a tampon on(y during the night 69. This procedure requires the consent of the sexual partner 62. Ambulate with him at frequent intervals d. Are of no danger and need not be treated 67. vagina. Providone-iodine 70. and cervix c. such as penicillin or tetracycline b. The nurse should instruct Ms. The most correct response-is based on the fact that genital warts: a. Encourage quadriceps setting exercises 71. Hydrogen peroxide d. The physician asks the nurse to discuss the use of an oral contraceptive with Ms. Elevate her feet on a stool 72. Hospitalization for 4 to 5 days is normally required c. The physician suggests that the nurse include explaining ways to prevent toxic shock syndrome. Wait until the infection has been cured before becoming pregnant d. It will be necessary to fast from midnight the night before the test d. Two small abdominal incisions are made to introduce the instrument b. Are taken at the same time each day. Self-administer an enema or take a laxative for 2 nights prior to the examination b. Barry Heywood. "Move your upper body first then legs. he should: a." b. the nurse explains that this medication is also used to: a. Leave the room until he has worked through his anger b. he sees that his forearm is missing. Following a total abdominal hysterectomy Ms. A foam square 80. to the client's lower back. Covers the wet gauze with a towel 74. On his back with his head and knees straight 81. Heywood has a herniated intervertebral disk in the lumbar spine. "Avoid twisting your body while moving. Flex both his knees b.b. The physician prescribes warm moist compresses for the client's affected leg." 79. pus-filled lesions 75. Relax skeletal muscles c. Numbness in the foot d. Which of the following should the nurse use to provide support to Mr. Looks shiny over boy prominences b. Bend from the waist 76. rushed to surgery where his arm is amputated above the elbow. Rumsey reacts from the anesthesia. Urinating 83. called a hydrocollator. Before being discharged. Patches of redness covered with silvery scales c. Is moist and warm 78. age 29. Heywood is receiving 10 mg of Diazepam (Vatium) orally t. Which of the following is the best action the nurse can take at this time? a. a construction worker. Position the client on rubber ring 77. Rumsey. On his back with the head and knees elevated b." d. Tell him to get control of himself d. who has not regained consciousness. A bed board d. Besides diminishing anxiety. Now. Stay with him quietly in the room at his bedside c. When Mr. Areas of redness surrounded by crusts d. An air mattress c. The physician suspects that Mr. Leg cramps c. Lift with arms extended d. Betty Lynch. Eating b. Heywood the most comfort? a. The nurse applies a commercially made hot moist pack. Heywood's spine? a." c. Lynch's skin for areas of psoriasis. Ms. Swelling of the knee 73. Reduce emotional depression b. Heywood is to remain in bed for the time being. Mr. Resting d. Appears red when pressure in relieved c. A sheep skin pad b. Sara Fleming develops a slightly elevated temperature and swelling in the right call of her leg. When examining Mr. Weeping lesions on the trunk of the body b. Before turning Mr. which instruction should the nurse provide to minimize his discomfort? a. Uses a sterile technique c. in addition to the pain that radiates into his buttocks. "Hold your breath as you are turning. "Curl up in a ball before you move. Mr. Wrap the pack in several thick towels b. A rash characterized by raised. Heywood's coccyx is becoming impaired? The skin: a. he has some numbness and tingling in his legs.i. Heywood that when he picks up something. On his abdomen with his head to the side d. Which position would the nurse find gives Mr. Heywood to wash his back. Sneezing c. Call the hospital chaplain for him . To reduce the potential for a thermal injury the nurse should plan to: a. Heywood must be taught principles f good body mechanics. On his side with hips and legs straight c. Place a pillow between hint and the back d. Rub skin lotion over the back area c. Promote restful sleep d. Mr. The nurse would be correct in telling Mr. Heats the water to 120°F b. He screams obscenities and sobs uncontrollably. Mr. Keep his feet together c. the nurse should look for: a. has been experiencing periodic bouts of law back pain. holes that she has recently developed a skin problem and makes an appointment to be seen in a clinic specializing diagnosis of psoriasis is made by the physician. While assessing the disk to indicate that the pain is increased when: a. Feels cool and clammy d. Inspect the skin every 4 hours d. Which of the following nursing actions is correct when applying the warm moist compress? The nurse: a. Mr. Relieve inflammation 82. Which one of the following observations would most indicate to the nurse that the skin over Mr.d. the upper half of his anterior trunk and the anterior and posterior portions of his left lower extremity. Which on of the following nursing measures would be most helpful for relieving the swelling while preparing to obtain the x-ray of Ms. Facial flushing and twitching . Decreased heart rate b. She' has pelvic-belt traction. Supine extended c. Where it is most comfortable 87. sore joints b. When she evaluated the patient. Which of the following is the BEST estimate of the burn? a. Apply tomato juice and ointment over the area 92. Elkins leaves the emergency department. Ms. Her ankle feels painful c. Moist rates c. It is essential that the nurse tells Ms. When the nurse admits Ms. Blood urea nitrogen c. Following an injury in which Ms. In what position should the nurse place Mr. Below the knee b. Generalized fatigue c.blood value determinations is most likely be useful to evaluate the adequacy of the fluid replacement? a. Steve Rumsey's arm gets caught in a corn auger. Stiff. Elkin's lower leg? a. Rizal has acute rheumatoid arthritis. 54% 93. During a farming accident Mr.84. The nurse is administering the prescribed IVF. Increasing urine output 86. Stabbing hand pain d. Dark and scant urine output b. Ms. He sustained second degree and third degree burns of the anterior portion of BOTH arms. Across the phalanges d. Exercise the foot d. Increasing bowel sounds d. Her toes appear swollen d. The physician directs the nurse to wrap Ms. Level with the iliac crest d. . At the emergency room. Hematocrit level d. Apply clean dressing to the affected area c. Rumsey to the hospital in shock? The client would have: a. Rizal is most likely to tell the nurse that the first symptoms that caused her to seek health care was: a. On his side with his neck 85. which she uses intermittently throughout the day. the nurse demonstrates hew to apply the roller bandage. Leona Elkins while climbing stairs. Elkins to loosen-the bandage if: a. Where should the nurse begin applying the bandage? a. Her toes feel fairly warm b. Before Ms. 27% d. Disuse of fingers 88. C02 tension 94. the nurse assessed the extent of the burn on the patient's body. Above the knee c. Freeman apply the pelvic traction. Immobilize the foot SITUATION: Mr. Bradycardia and hypotension d. The x-ray reveals that the bones are intact. 45% c. Angela Freeman has acute low back pain. Based on the rules of nine. Elkins that she has severely sprained ankle. The physician tells Ms. Her physician has sent her to the hospital for x-ray. she suspected fluid overload because of which finding? a. she experiencing immediate swelling of her ankle and pain on movement. His lower left arm and band are crushed. Rumsey while continuing with his assessment and care? a. Which of the following assessments would the nurse typically find when the paramedics bring Mr. She wears a cotton sock 89. Her hands and spine are involved. On his back with his legs elevated d. Even with her waistline c. The BEST initial management of burns that can be employed at the scene is generally which of the following: a. Ramos was barbecuing outdoors when the gas tank exploded. Pour cold water over the burned areas b. She is told to remove it for approximately 20 minutes and re-apply it three times a day. Elevate the foot c. Decreasing blood pressure c. Creatinine levels b. Prone b. it would be best to place the top of the belt: a. When the nurse helps Ms.' 91. Just below the ribcage b. 36% b. Elkins foot with an elastic roller bandage referred to by some as an Ace bandage. Rinse the area with mild soap and water d. At the metatarsals 90. Which one of the following . Dangle the foot b. Immediately check the bottle for leaks c. 5. reduce anxiety . Clamp the tube with the use of forceps b. The doctor orders MAFENIDE for application over the bum area. Cover the wound with wet sterile gauze and send someone to calf the physician 99. get ideas on interpretation of findings c. she should: a. Hypothesis b. If the nurse sees vigorous and continuous bubbling in the second bottle. purposive sampling b. study group c. let him express his feelings to reduce his anxiety 6. You decided to do a review of literature. A closed drainage bottle with sterile water and no external opening 98. It must be constantly applied c. the nurse should do which action first? a. Mr. improve your library reading skills b. Rubber tube that is left open to air d. Variables d. If the tube accidentally displaces from the chest of the patient. Tinio is: a. Water-seal chest drainage involves attaching the chest tube to a: a. she should: a. Momentarily clamp the tube to note for air leak b. Apply vaselinized gauze to the opening NURSING BOARD EXAM PRACTICE TEST 5 Situation 1: An understanding of the usefulness of scientific finding is more and more essential for quality nursing practice. universe 4. a cardiovascular patient has been hospitalized for 4 months and his doctor has ordered for discharge. Administer oxygen to the patient c. Suction machine directly b. The sampling method where each member of the study population has an equal chance to be selected as a subject is called : a. Which part of the study relates to validity and reliability criteria? a. If the nurse sees fluid moving up and down during inspiration and expiration on the water seal bottle. Methodology c. random sampling d. Attempt to change a new bottle d. It causes lactic acidosis b. Tinio. Pull the chest tube out to remove the air leak 100. advice him to take all his medication regularly c. Rubber tube/glass tube that is submerged underwater c. Obtain a new set of tubing and submerge the tube on the water c. It has minimal eschar penetration d. convenient sampling 3. It is bacteriostatic SITUATION: MARK Lester had been diagnosed with Stage 1 bronchogenic cancer. Instrument Situation 2: Mr. Prone b. Left side 97. The most important reason for doing so is to: a. explain why he has to have certain activity limitation d. selective sampling c. The study population where you will select your study subjects is referred to as the: a. An immediate need for Mr. Do nothing as this is expected b. He had undergone lobectomy on the left lower lung. A two-bottle drainage system is inserted. formulate a conceptual framework for the study d. Call the physician immediately and damp the chest tube d. The patient is placed on bed post-operatively in what position? a. Right side d. The best response you would give is: a. Trendelenburg c.95. Attempt to reinsert the tube d. 1. explore with him his fears and allow him to verbalize feelings b. population d. decide on a sampling method 2. Tinio appears anxious about numerous aspects of his home care. research subjects b. The nurse understands that one disadvantage of this drug is that: a. 96. B. Retrospective c. postponed pregnancy to save money. Performance in class d. for Mrs. prevent health complaints b. Performance in class is associated with eating breakfast Situation 4: Mrs. She visits her physician because complaints of increasing pelvic pain. preventing further complications c. family’s emotional support d. which would be the independent variable? a. 16. 13. security and comfort d. Student's characteristic b. laboratory findings c. plan his activity of living d. result of endometrial biopsy . lungs d. There is a positive correlation between eating habits class performance b. d. edema and increase in weight c. edema 14. a pathological condition due to abnormal proliferation of uterine lining d. The physician prescribes danazol (Danocrine.b. pinching a fold of skin d. Cardiac rehabilitation goals in long-term. dietary needs to be well c. neck vein distention d. weight gain b. The greatest effect on his home recovery will be his: a. measuring intake and output Situation 5: Mrs. ollguria c. menses stops d. If you decide to study the relationship of eating breakfast and performance in class. Descriptive b. Santos. skin indentation when pressed my finger b. There is a relationship between eating breakfast and performance in class c. Santos). The nurse anticipates the needed health teaching when she tells her that while taking this drug. ex post facto d. family's health 18. Endometriosis is best described as: a. reaching an activity level required for self-care b. The most appropriate statement of your hypothesis is: a. In order to get the most accurate reading the nurse . diminished menstrual flew b. • 10. Which is the main excretory organ for regulation of fluid electrolyte balance? a. more independent in outlook c. laparoscopy and biopsy results b. Eating breakfast 12. Meal patterns c. acceptance of his condition 8. quasi-experimental 11. anovulation 19. a major cause of primary dysmenorrhea c. Alcantara. gastro intestinal tract c. avoid exposure to infection 9. restore individual to optimum health and: a. comparing present with previous weight c. she can expect to experience all of the following except: a. another myocardiac infarction attack d. slow down progress of disease c. expectation to go back to work b. a defect in the endometrial lining b. the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus 17. a 56 years old cardiovascular patient has edema of the lower limits. understanding of the cause d: his illness Situation 3: A survey of first year students in your school showed that about 40% do not eat breakfast before coming to school. You suspect some electrolyte imbalance. dysmenorrhea and dyspareunia from a series of diagnostic evaluations the physician ruled out in endometriosis. Cardiac rehabilitation programs in the acute stage aids the person in: a. The most appropriate research design for the study is: a. B. These are signs of fluid volume excess Except: a. 5 years married. Kidneys b. conserve energy 7. Performance in class is more likely to be affected when eating breakfast d. skin 15-Which is the best way to assess degree of edema? a. The criteria used to confirm a diagnosis of endometriosis is: a. knows the reason for tier feelings of anxiety Situation 8: Mercedes is admitted with acute depression." c. panic 26. severe d. You will tell him that feeding begin as soon as: a. provide opportunity for interacting with others d. at the same time every day immediately after awakening and before rising Situation 6: Justice Yu is scheduled for cholecystectomy in the morning. prevent abdominal distention b. "You are very upset. saying " I'm dying. Post operative order is NPO. A minor tranquilizer to relieve Mrs. Santos to take her BBT: a. a. The therapeutic environment for a depressed client is one which a. Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) c. 20. Diazepam (Valium) d. Bronchlectasis b. prevent nausea and vomiting c. pneumonia Situation 7: Mrs. before going to bed in the evening d. induces sleep easily d. "What you are feeling is part of your illness. ventricular hypertrophy 23. Let me help you. Mrs. "You are not dying. is excreted from the body more rapidly 27 An example of minor tranquilizer is: a." The nurse appropriately responds by sayings a. does not impair intellectual activity c. Cayetano is experiencing what level of anxiety: a. B. "We are trying to help you with your feelings. promote drainage 21." c. absence of bowel sound is appreciated 22. Cayetano's anxiety is ordered because this medication: a. allows her to verbalize her feelings b. the rationale for his having NGT is to: a. 29." d. within half and hour after rising b. Let me help you. causes fewer undesirable side effects b. bile leakage d. moderate b. allows freedom to select her own daily activities 31. understand the rationale for taking the prescribed medication d." 25. Pancreatitis b. post operative jaundice c. perspiring profusely and breathing rapidly. Mercedes says to the nurse "! am a worthless person I should be dead. peristalsis returns c. mild c. this important factor should be considered: a. Upon admission. 24. Cayetano's progress." It will lessen as you get better." b. From the recovery room he was brought back to the ward with nasogastric tube. Assessment data revealed that she was terminated from her job as a secretary two (2) months ago." The nurse therapeutically says. In the initial nurse-client interaction. Imipramine Hcl (Trofranil) 28. The rationale of your supervising properly how he does the coughing exercise is to prevent him from developing: a. sensory-perceptual a!teration b. "Don’t says that. atelectasis d." 30. abdominal spasm b. can change her method of handling anxiety c. Cayetano is screaming. "What make you feet worthless?" It: must be awful to feel that way" d. Upon discharge to evaluate Mrs. Bronchopneumonia c. Mrs. I can't breathe.Informs Mrs. recognizes the need of describing situations proceeding her feeling of anxiety b. you are not a worthless person. Cayetano is brought to the emergency room complaining of chest pain. pays particular attention to her physical needs c. d. "We are here to help you. impaired adjustment . forty-eight hours is over d. promote hydration . immediately before rising c. Amitryptyline (Elavil) b. . "Why are you saying that?" b. The appropriate nursing diagnosis is: a. Which of these is not likely to happen as his post operative complication: a. Except: a. ail depressed clients are potentially suicidal b. impaired social interaction d. This symptom is known as: a. Because of limited coping skills in dealing with anxiety. One of the following statements is true with regard to the care of a depressed patient like Flora: a. the nurse knows that: a. Feeling of indifference to the distressing symptom b.c altered thought process d. Insomnia c. Aphasia b. 37. age 70. Apraxia c. the nurse identifies this nursing diagnosis: a. Help Anna socialize with other patients b. Grandiosity b. psychomotor retardation d. manifested progressive memory impairment and confusion. perseveration d. Imipramine HCL (Trofanil) c: Phenelzine sulfate (Nardil) d. The relief of physical symptoms will help resolve the psychological problems c. suppression 43. has been suffering from peptic ulcer for one year. Help Anna perform activities of daily living c. Increased ability to cope with anxiety in the future Situation 11: A teacher. repression c. altered thought process c. 41. self esteem disturbance 32. Use of symptom to decrease anxiety c. The following behaviors indicate recurrence of depression. There are no pathological findings that would cause the symptoms d. 34. 52 years old. Flora. disturbance in self esteem d. confabulation Situation 10: A 29 year old assistant manager of a prestigious bank. "Go away and leave . allow her to cheese what she wants to do each day b. Patients with severe depression. In caring of patients with psychophysiology disorders. maintains her self esteem c. Diazapam (Vallium) b. Initial nursing diagnosis would be: a. Help Anna identify situations which increase anxiety 40. On admission. This is: a. Introjection d. Aling Maring .Aling Maring makes up stories about events she can not recall because it: a. impaired social interaction 35. social isolation c. One morning Flora says to the nurse. reduces feeling of isolation b. impaired adjustment b. observe for signs which will indicate her willingness to participate in any activity d. MAO inhibitor anti depressant drug was ordered. reduces her feelings of frustration d. The nurse instructs tier husband to observe signs of depression. increases her feeling of security 36. Interpersonal benefits the patient derives from illness d. impaired adjustment b. She is observed to be repeating the same word oyer and over again. Alleviate physical symptoms d. Psycho physiologic disorders are not usually a medical emergency b. Primary gain In Illness refers to: a. uses this defense mechanism: a. Her past history regaled she had suicidal ideation and has expressed feelings of helplessness. the chance of suicide decreases as depression lessen 42. feeling of hopelessness Situation 9: during the past two years. the most appropriate nursing intervention in planning activities for Flora is: a. During the initial stage of hospitalization. with severe depression was admitted to the hospital. schedule one's activity per day to give her time to rest 44. Amitryptyline (Elavil) 33 Mercedes is being prepared for discharge. ineffective individual coping 39. Psychological stress can precipitate physical disorders 38. provide daily schedule of activities for her to follow c. Anna. most suicidal persons give no warning c only rnentally ill persons commit suicide d. the nurse priorities one of the following nursing intervention: a. Projection b. "If you come any closer. reminiscence group b." c. "When would you like me to return. Ask her family what they prefer 50. You're safe here. Millie asks you. "Don't worry. "I am going to stay with you for a while." 47. encourage her to discuss discharge plans her family Situation 12: Millie R. I die." One of the following would be the appropriate nursing intervention. He had agreed to inpatient care as an alternative to a 30 day jail sentence fro reckless driving. K. All I want is rest. Passive-aggressive personality disorder d. Borderline personality disorder c. Which of the following would be the best intervention? a. Which at the following would be an appropriate strategy in reorienting a confused client to where her room is? a. checking dosage of prescribed medication Situation 14: Mr. discussion group d. "You're at the community nursing home. Situation 13: Ronald. Millie. Millie has had difficulty sleeping since admission. The best action for the nurse to take is to a. Passive-dependent personality disorder . The nurse's continued assessment should include a. The diagnostic title that best describes Mr. idea of reference 52. Race pictures of her family on the bedside stand b." b. he refuses to go and the nurse has to resort inn pleading with him to attend. Hallucination b. She has difficulty herself. What did your family tell you?" d. "Why do you want me to leave." b. Ask the physician for a mid sedative c. accept her appraisal of the situation and explore their alternatives c. no one wants to live with me. sing-along c. 54. AS the nurse approaches Ronald he alone. give the client step-by-step instructions for dressing herself d. Tell me more about this d. When a scheduled group therapy session in announcement. explain to the client why he should dress herself c. Provide her with a glass of warm milk b. 24 years old. to convince the judge that a higher level of psychiatric care would be in everyone's best interest. "Since you say you are tired. Do net allow Millie to take naps during the day d. exercise class 49. a." Where am I?" The best response of the nurse to make is a. He has been under psychiatric care for three years. disorientation. has a long history of petty crimes. He uses ether client to his own needs and often pioneers causes that are disruptive to the milieu. Which activity would you engage Millie in at the nursing home? a. Let the ether residents knew where the client's roan is 48. 51. and negativistic behavior." 45." The nurse response therapeutically when she replies: a.Millie R. illusion d. Delusion c. The best response for the nurse to make to this behavior is: a. "I have to get away from those doctors! They are trying to commit me to the state hospital". Flora is being prepared for discharge. ages 74. she says "I am afraid to go home. "Where do you think you are?" c." d. clarifying information with the doctor b. discourage her from thinking that no one wants to live with her d. 46. was admitted on a voluntary basis to psychiatric services. allow enough time for the client to dress herself. was recently admitted to a nursing home because of confusion. The nurse hears him saying. How can I hurt you? b. have the client to wear hospital gowns b. That's a silly thing to say 53. I'll check you later.." This is an example of: a. was voluntarily admitted to the inpatient unit with a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia. renewing history of involuntarily commitment d. Antisocial personality disorder b. has self-care deficit. observing Ronald for rising anxiety c. Ronald is pacing the halls and is agitated. However. I'm the nurse c. Put her name in large letters on her forehead c. involve the family in planning for discharge of Flora b. Ks behavior is a. Her family states that Millie is in good health. and was able with help of his therapist. Remind the client where her room is d. 23 years old. driving under the influence of alcohol and over speeding. Please try to get me out. The nurse is in the day room with the group of the client who has been quietly watching TV suddenly jumps up screaming and runs out of the room. a." c. "Ill stay with you a few minutes. K is most likely to: a. the initial intervention would be to say a. and I'm on a tour. "I am a new staff member. 18 months old." • Situation 16: Defense mechanisms are used by individuals." d. in order to cope with anxiety and stress in life. ignore the incident because these outbreak are frequent. In planning care for Mr. A nurse observes the client sitting alone in her room crying. tell the clients how he should behave d. when the nurse meets with the client the agreed-upon time. 58. to discuss important feelings when the time of the interview is up. staff and client are consonant struggle for control of the milieu c." b. Let's continue. "Sometimes it helps to talk. Turn off the TV and ask the group what they think about the client's behavior b. "Yesterday you were talking about some very important feelings. Nothing and wait for the client to introduce the topic. "Good morning. I'll come back and talk with you. staff and client feel threatened by one another d. The nurse is required by law to a. 64. “What would you do if you were out of the hospital?" b. How to childproof the apartment d. Have the mother arrested d. At the time of discharge the nurse understands that Mr. how are you today?" b. avoid limit setting b. A student failed her psychology final exam and spent the entire evening berating the teacher and the course. "I don't belong here. Send another client out of the room to check on tile agitated client. A new staff is on orientation tour with the head nurse. "I'm feeling sad. staff and client agree when setting treatment goals b. testify in court on the injuries.55. A client approaches her and says.S don't want to talk now." The nurse's best response would be a. 65. in which of the areas would the nurse provide health teaching? a. b. The next day. K at his request c." 63." c. assisting him to identity and clarify his feelings b. making expectations about his behavior dear as well as consequences for same. Parenting skills Situation 16:. As the nurse approaches her. c." d. Normal growth and development b. Compensation . The following questions refer to anxiety and stress disorders/defense mechanisms. be committed to a virtuous and socially acceptable life-style c. d Setting firm limit with clear consequences 57. Trust may develop in the nurse -client relationship when the nurse a. She is reviewing her notes about: Nurses -Client relationship/Therapeutic Communication 60. Bonding techniques c. Follow after the client to see what has happened. The nurse's priority intervention would be to a. Uses consistency in approaching the client. Reports suspected child abuse c. has been admitted for second degree burns surroundings the genital area. revert to pre hospitalization behaviors Situation 15: Tammy.Annie. Her mother told the nurse that Tammy grabbed the hot coffee cup and spilled it on herself. This behavior would be an example of which defense mechanisms? a. K it is important for the nurse to recognize that all of the following are likely to occur except a. Key intervention for a client with an antisocial personality disorder include all of the following except: a. A client has just begun. be committed to another facility for a longer length of stay b. "I’ll come back when you feel like talking. 62. discontinue treatment with the outpatient therapist d. staff and client use the same defense mechanism when interacting 56. changing staff assigned to Mr. reaction-formation b. "1 think you should talk with the head nurse about that. Tammy’s mother is 17 years old. 61. Refer the mother to counseling 59. encourage the client to use "testing" behaviors c. a 4th year BSN student will have their duty in psychiatric hospital." c." The staff nurse's response would be. the client states. "I can't do anything about that. d. "What would you like to talk about today?" d. "lt will help you feel better if you talk about it. the nurse Seams that the symptoms began 3 months ago after the client was forced into early retirement. 75. This client continually focuses on gastrointestinal problems and constantly rings for a nurse to meet her every demand. supportive environment b. Set limits and restrict client's behavior d. focus attention on non threatening task c. When the client's manipulations are not successful. Say with the client during the stressful time. c. with this diagnosis? a. Go over the agreed-upon time. b. 71. This day. A social crisis b. but another nurse will discuss his feelings with him. another person will help to decrease his anxiety level. 69. place her In bed to reduce stimuli and allow rest c. Bid just as agreed. restlessness and insomnia. A client is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder following a rape by an unknown assailant. Discuss client's nightmare and reactions. but do not respond her every demand. Provide for the client's basic needs. Acting out 66. A female client has just received the diagnosis of hypochondriasis. Assign various staff members to work with the client so no staff member will become negative. b. During an interview. c. Hospital protocol for handing anxious clients requires at least two people. The most effective nursing intervention for a severely anxious client who is pacing vigorously would be to a. 72. a. The client will have little or no awareness of the psychogenic cause of her deafness. Tell client that is time to end the session now. Tile client's need for the symptom should be respected. It is important to recognize if additional help is required because a. c. d. The first nursing intervention should be to" a. The nurse recognizes that the client is probably experiencing: a. The nurse has been interviewing the client who ha snot been able to discuss any feelings. Ask direct questions about the client's behavior c. b. ignore the demands because the nurse knows it is net necessary to respond. allow tier to walk unit she becomes physically tired d. A mate client on the psychiatric unit becomes upset and breaks a chair when a visitor does not show up. Which principles is it important for the nurse to Know in planning the care of a person. control others d. decrease anxiety to tolerate level b. A situational crisis . b. Control aggressive behavior c. which reinforces secondary gains. d. Nursing intervention should be guided by which one of the following? a. Anticipate the client's demands and spend them with her even though she does not demand it. c. The nurse knows that this behavior is probably most basically an attempt to: a. Set an extra meeting time a little later to discuss these feelings. Ran with the client on hew he can better handle frustration. anxiety will increase. instruct her to sit down and quit pacing b. Situation 17: A 60-year old client complains of headaches. The best nursing approach is to a. The intervention is to a. Being alone with an anxious client is dangerous. give her PRN medication and walk with her at a gradual slewing pace 67. 74. d. thus. d. The defense mechanisms of suppression and rationalization are involved in creating symptom. A client with a diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder constantly does repetitive cleaning. The nurse should appeal to the client's sense of loyalty in adhering to the rules of the community. decrease. c. A client is experiencing high degree or anxiety. 5 minutes before the time is over. Person with personality disorders are known to be manipulators. The client will probably express much anxiety about her deafness and require much reassurance. The establishment of a nurse-client relationship will decrease the client's manipulations. Deal with the client's anxiety d. A client's deafness has been diagnosed as convention disorder. as the client is finally able to discuss important feelings. the time available for interaction with people. if the client is out of control. Projection d. the client begins to talk about important feelings. d. 70. It will take another person to direct the client into activities to relieve anxiety.c. 73. b. but tell the client these are very important feelings and he can continue tomorrow. 68. One of the primary goals of nursing care for this client would be to. secondary gains should be allowed. The nurse should allow manipulation so as to not raise the client's anxiety b. Establish safe. and respirations of 20 c. direct. 85. Zepetee is a client with a history of abuse of multiple drugs. Make certain the nurse is assigned to administer only nonnarcotic medications. confrontation of these judgmental attitudes is'' the client 86. The nursing supervisor helps the staff to decide that the most therapeutic way to handle the nurse's return would be to: a. the minimal long term goal in crisis intervention is: a. How will the client deal with successive crisis d. the initial concern of the nurse is: a. The nurse can best overcome their expectation by using: a. available situational supports c. methadone c. and nuts d. After a visit from several friends the nurse finds a client with a known history of opiate addiction in a deep sleep and unresponsive to attempts at arousal The nurse assesses the client's vital signs and would evaluate that an overdose of opiates had occurred if the findings showed a: a. acceptance and consistency In the approach b. barbiturates d. blood pressure of 180/100 mm Mg. underlying unconscious conflict d. desire to become independent b. and eggs c. milk products. c. convulsions. reassurance that nonjudgmental attitudes exists c. papillary constriction. The nurse recognizes that the failure to achieve pain relief from indicates that she is probably experiencing the phenomenon of: a. a pulse of 84. developmental history b. 79. drowsiness b. A client with a long history to alcohol abuse is placed on a diet in vitamin B1 (Thiamine). yawning d. muscle aches. The nurse aware that opiates are most commonly used because the individual. self-disclosure to promote a therapeutic relationship d. constipation c. Fish. How is the individual affecting others? c. blood pressure of 70/40 mm Hg. straightforward manner b. a. When planning care for her. organ meat. Relief of acute symptoms b. and respirations of 28. Lean pork. tolerance b." ' . With a tentative diagnosis of opiate addiction. Relief of panic-level anxiety . Poultry. Addicted clients commonly expect prejudice and hostility from psychiatric personnel. A development crisis 76. willingness to restructure the personality 78. Whether the individual can go back to daily activities Situation 17: Ms. dilated pupils. the nurse should assess this recently hospitalize client for signs of opiate withdrawal. pulse of 120. Ms. What was the precipitating factor? b. After surgical repair the nurse notes that the client's pain does not seem to be relieved by the prescribed IM mepericline hydrochloride. According to crisis theory. attempts to blur reality and reduce stress d. Reorganization and reordering of the personality 77. psychologic 83. habituation c. heroin b. An economic crisis d. rhino rhea. "Leafy and green vegetables and citrus fruits. amphetamines 80. When Interviewing in a crisis situation. The most critical factor for tine nurse to determine during crisis intervention is the client's: a. At a staff meeting the question of a staff nurse returning to work after a dug rehabilitation program Is discussed.c. a pulse of 76. blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg. lacrimation vomiting. physical addiction d. The nurse should be aware that the most serious life-threatening symptoms during withdrawal usually result from: a. Offer the nurse support In a. These signs would include: a. "The nurse would know that the diet is understood when the client states" I will select something for each meal from among: a. Restoration of the origins functioning level d. Zepetee is treated for multiple stab wounds to the abdomen. and breads b. a pulse of 72. enjoys the social interrelationship that occur 82. Assigns another staff member to keep the nurse under dose observation d. nausea. wants to fit In with the peer group c. and respirations of 18 84. Avoid mentioning the problem unless the nurse brings up the topic c. aged cheese. abnormal temperature 81. blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg.and respirations of 10 b. d. Which of the following would you first do? a. research studies the world of reality d. patient's bills forwarded to billing office 95. principles of conduct becoming a nurse c. You are expected to: a.87. explain a nursing phenomenon c. family empowerment e. research relies on observable evidence 98. often have a character direct that defeats their will power Situation 18: ethical and legal responsibilities are part of your nursing practices 88. family health work d. Keeping a time schedule b. doctor's bill have been issued b. physiologically require the substance in their body c. keep a log for the day b. initiating "code blue" c. family education for life b. statement in the improvement is TRUE? a. charting completed on time c. basic research c. request health in your work 96. attend first to patients without watchers d. understand man as human being 99. right ways of giving nursing care d. which of the following is the best approach? a. When you start the practice of professional nursing you assume "ipso facto" obligations to uphold the noble traditions of the professions. ethics prescribed what are right and wrong conduct b. morals as human conduct is also a legal rights d. When you participate in nursing research your main activity is to: a. organize activities by priority b. The scope of nursing practice based on RA 7164 the following responsibilities. Which of the following measures would be most helpful in keeping tract of work time? a. an unethical act is immoral 89. safeguard public health c. family health organization Situation 19: You often do not finish your nursing work on the time for shift endorsement 93. care of women during pregnancy. research seeks the unknown b. This type of research that attempts to solve practical nursing problems. using a log book c. reading ward 94. interpreting results of sensitivity test b. Which of the following statements is true? a. The Code for Nurse best describes: a. quasi-experimental research 100. The nurse is aware that tile reason some alcoholics are unable to stop drinking even though they begin to attend AA meetings is that they: a enjoy the feeling caused by drinking alcohol b. solve a nursing problem d. Which of the following. ethics and morals are synonymous c. The most import art value of research to practicing nurse is: a. research resolve a problem c. fulfill your civic duties 91. earn a living b. Research contributes to the acknowledge-based on professional nursing. What evidence will indicate your effective use of time? a. society's norm in the practice of nursing 90. it improve clinical competence . suturing laceration d. ask an attendant to help you c. rules that protect public interest and welfare b. develop problem solving skills b. a. This is an indicator of effective use of your time: a. are trying to drastically stop after a long-standing habit d. To develop independence of families in health. EXCEPT: a. clinical-problem research b. applied research d. all serious patients have been cared d. none of the above 97. abide by the law d. You knew that in practice effective use of time is good management. do a time analysis d. labor and delivery 92. plan your work activities c. checking Kardex cards d. Persons who committed crimes by indirect participation such as assisting in its consummation can be accused of being: a. both A and C 4. the Licensure Members of the Board of Nursing is composed of: a. a Filipino citizen 3. Seven members only d. it develops analytical skills c. 2. rating not below 69% in any subjects 4. Considered only when a harm occurs to the person touched d. An act that puts the victim in fear of harm to himself c. According to the Annotated Philippine Nursing Act of 2002. An unconsented touching of another person b. To qualify she must possess the following: 1. 2 and 4 3. a principal c. a witness d. A chairperson and six member’s b. 1. with good health and with good moral character a. All of the above . 1 and 3 b. and 3 c. graduated from a recognized College of Nursing 4. A chairperson and three members c. age must be 21 years old 2. 1. In order for the examinee to pass the Philippine Nurses Licensure examination.9% that could be round off into 75% 2. and 4 d. 3. genera! average rating of 75% and above 3.and 4 b. and 4 2. A chairperson and five members 5. A battery is: a. an accessory b. she must obtain an average of: 1.b. 2. A newly graduate nursing student applied at the PRC to take the Philippine Nurses Licensure Examination. it demonstrate professionalism NURSING BOARD EXAM PRACTICE TEST 6 1.3. 2 and 3 c. 1 and 4 d. rating not below 60% in any subjects a. 1.2. general average rating of 74. it contribute to new knowledge d. Set at extra meeting time a little later to discuss these feelings. They need to reenact the attempt so that they understand exactly what happened. have at least 2 years experience 2. 1 and 2 b. she must serve the country for: a. Filipino citizenship 3. Miss Montessa applied for the Philippine Nurses' Board Examination. The client must be post-menopausal b. Can't you let me stay in bed and have some peace before I die?" In responding. Started at a high dose then gradually decreased 13. the nurse must keep in mind that: a. but another nurse will discuss his feelings with him. and muscle relaxants c. but tell the client these are very important feelings and he can continue tomorrow. b. Professional Regulation Commission . c. RA 7164 d. Having experienced a sense of loss.3. and 4 c. The intervention is to: a. 3 and 4 c. the nurse should understand that depression is most directly related to a person's: a. RA 7877 11. the client begins to talk about important feelings. be currently license to practice professional nursing a. Legal Division. 16 A client makes a suicide attempt on the evening shift. It act on the cause of diagnosis b. The refusal issue a certificate of registration for reasons cited in RA 877 as amended by RA 4704 rests on: a. 2 years b. d. Thoughts of disease are common in depressed clients. To qualify she must posses the following: 1.6. The law which provides for the use of generic terminology in the promotion. Used anesthetics. . Go over the agreed-upon time. PRC 10. End just as agreed. Antidepressant medications frequently cause vaginal spotting. In assessing the situation. Tell the client that it is time to end the session now. Nurses abroad are very in-demand nowadays. "I know I have cancer of the uterus. be a Filipino citizen 4. as long as she likes ' 9. RA6675 c. and 3 d. Allow her to walk until she becomes physically tired d. Board of Nursing c. making many request of the nurse. RA4226 b. Clients suffering from depression can be demanding. prescription. d. 2. Place her in bed to reduce stimuli and allow rest c. 5 minutes before the time is over. While opportunities may be better abroad. This day. b. 1. ln working with a depressed client. Which of the following is accurate about benzodiazepines: " a. The staff intervenes in time to prevent harm. 1. Stage in life. the most important rationale for the staff to discuss the incident is that: a. a 54year-old female client approaches the nurse and says. and 4 7. Remembering his traumatic childhood. be single 3. 2. 1 year c. age 21 years old 2. d. 2 and 3 d. anticonvulsants. Philippine Association of Board Examiners b. The nurse has been interviewing a client who has not been able to discuss any feelings. good health and good moral character a. Has less problem of dependence and withdrawal d. The most effective nursing intervention for a severely anxious client who is pacing vigorously would be to: a. Give her PRN medication and walk with her at a gradually slowing pace 12. c. 14. A staff nurse must: 1. Experiencing poor interpersonal relationships with other. Three days after admission for depression. and dispensing of drugs: a. d. 6 months d. 1 and 2 b. 2 and 4 8. 3. graduated from recognized college of nursing 4. 15. as the client is finally able to discuss important feelings. c. Instruct her to sit down and quit pacing b. "I can see many good qualities about you. Maintaining objectivity regarding the patient's remarks d. c. Artificial tears 26. c. A patient who has a borderline personality disorder praise one nurse and asserts that all other staff members are terrible. A client who is depressed states. Spend time alone c.When preparing a teaching plan for a client about imipranine (Tofranil). He is unable to remain seated during mealtime Song enough to eat adequately." d. Evidence of psychosis b. The praised nurse should respond by: a. The nurse denies the request of a dient with major depression and psychotic features. which of the following substances will the nurse tell the client to avoid while taking the .medication? a. A nurse enters a client's roams and the client is demanding release from the hospital. Caffeinated coffee b. b. The primary nurse is performing an admission assessment on a client admitted with pneumonia. Being gravely disabled c. The nurse would expect the physician to order which of the following dosages for this client? a." b. The physician orders flouxetine (Prozac) orally every morning for a 72-year-dd a client with depression. 18. Showing appreciation for the patient's positive evaluation b. Do nothing. When should the nurse begin discharge planning for this client? a. c. Ran a program of self-fulfillment d. to leave the hospital because commitment papers have been initiated by the physician. "Let's discuss what you haw done correctly. 25 mg d. Diagnosis of mental illness 25. as organizing a game is considered therapeutic. a nurse should encourage the patient to: a. Which of the following . in his behavior might have warned them that he was contemplating suicide. "I am an awful person." 24. Which of the following actions will the nurse take? a. Tile nurse renews the client's record and notes that the client was admitted 2 days ago for treatment of an anxiety disorder and that the admission was voluntary. Tell the client that discharge is not possible at this time. I can't do anything right. and distractibility. The staff needs to file an incident report so that the hospital administration is kept informed. When the client's condition is stabilized c. Contact the physician d. 30 mg 23. Take the client outside for a walk. Call the client's family c. Because the client made one suicide attempt. An appropriate nursing intervention is to: a." . Risk of harm to self or others d. The day after discharge b. b. there is high probability he will make a second .attempt in the immediate future 17. hyperactivlty. Discontinue medication when symptoms disappear 21. d. admitted involuntarily. Sunscreen c. Everything about me is bad.When teaching a patient who has a diagnosis of schizophrenia about successful independent living in the community. A client with bipolar behavior manic phase is exhibiting euphoria. When the physician writes the discharge order 19. Persuade the client to stay a few more days 20. "Everybody around here likes you. "You were able to bathe daily. d.A client with the diagnosis of manic episode is racing around the psychiatric unit trying to organize games with the clients. Which of the following would the nurse identify as a criterion for the client to be legally committable? a. The staff needs to discuss the client's behavior to determine what cues. Alcohol d. Establish a structured daily routine b. Have the client play Ping-Pong.b. Conveying acceptance of the patient's need for a false belief system 22." Which of the following responses by the nurse would be most therapeutic? a. 10 mg c. Providing reassuring information about the patient's psychological integrity c. Suggest video exercises with the other clients.5 mg b. 0. At the admission time d. 6to2. Which of the following statements by the nurse would be appropriate handling of the patient's behavior? a. Harassment 36. Cut-up vegetables 27. Which of the following activities the registered nurse rather than the licensed practical nurse would perform? a. Vary the methods by which rewards are given 34.3 to 4. A nurse administers a unit of blood to a client without receiving informed consent. Have the client sign an AMA form d. Prevent the client from leaving b. Suppress the inflammatory process d. "I won't eat cheese if one of my visitors bring me some." b. Drawing a blood sample for a lithium level 31. The other patient is removed from her presence. "Why did you hit that patient?" b. Assault d. Diazepam (Valium) is prescribed for a patient with Sow back pain. Battery 33. Lessen muscle spasticity 30." 29. "I like active exercise. Establish a specific schedule for activities c. A patient who has begun taking a tricyclic antidepressant is given instructions regarding its use. for a client In rapid atrial fibrillation. Administer the dose. 1. Which of the following' comments would indicate that the patient understands the information? a. Asking the patient whether he hears voices other people do not hear d. How should the nurse proceed? a. Explain to the child why the behavior is disturbing d. The parent reports that the child is disruptive at home.5 to 1. lettuce. 0. Malpractice b." d.5mEq/L b. Question the physician about that order. Eliminate pain sensation c. Performing a procedure. Breach of confidentiality d.6 to 3. Assault and battery b. 2. A nurse is counseling a parent whose 11-year-old child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Administer 0." c. Administering a stat dose of lorazepam (Ativan) 2 mg intramuscularity (IM) b. but I guess i can tolerate that. b.4 mg I. but I won't be able to do it while I'm on this medication. then monitor the client closely.V. and tomato sandwich b. "This medicine will make my ears ring. Admitting the patient to the psychiatric unit c. What should the nurse do? a. tee cream cone d. The nurse analyzes the client's serum lithium level. Reduce anxiety levels b. A patient is brought to the psychiatric unit. then administer the dose. What is the most common tort filed against health care providers by clients? a. 35. Negligence c. 3. because the physician most likely meant to write that dosage c. Bacon. The physician prescribes digoxin 4mg IV. Fraud c. Notify the physician c. "You will have to stay in the seclusion room to keep . A 32-year-old woman is admitted to a psychiatric unit for evaluation after terrorizing her co-worker with a knife. "I don't feel any better. d. Which of the approaches should the nurse suggest that the parent take? a. The desired therapeutic action of valiurn in this situation is to: a. Call a security guard to help detain the client 32. One afternoon. but I've only been taking the medicine for a week. noting that it is therapeutic when the level is within which of the following ranges? a. such as administering blood products. Confine the child to the bedroom b.0 rnEq/L 28.5mEq/L c.2 mEq/L d."finger foods" would most benefit this client? a. Assess the client's apical rate. A client with acute mania has been taking lithium (Lithium Carbonate) 600 mg PO three times daily for 14 days.abusive. without receiving informed consent can lead to which of the following charges? a. she starts hitting another female patient without any apparent provocation. She is verbally . Cheeseburger c. A client asks to be discharged from the health care facility against medical advice (AMA). . When a pediatric nurse tries to take an admission history on a 3-year-old. Which of the following nursing interventions is given priority in a care plan for a person having panic disorder? a. 41. Cross out error completely d. Lorazepam (Ativan) b. d. Which of the following nursing interventions would help a patient to feel less frightened? a. "You don't look fat at all." Which of the following responses by the nurse would be MOST appropriate? a. Encourage the mother to verbalize her fears concerning her child's illness. d. Sit on the chair to prove that the chair is safe. Ask the patient. "Hitting others is dangerous." Which of the following approaches would be most helpful in dealing with patient's delusional system? a. Ask the mother to join her husband in the waiting room. Controlling behavior symptoms with low-dose psychotropics. Tell the client to take deep breaths. While documenting on a client's patient care flow sheet the nurse notices that she made a mistake? How-should the nurse proceed? a. d. Tell the patient. c. which of the following medications would the nurse anticipate administering if the client developed extrapyramidat sidejeffiects? a. "Why do you think anyone would plot to destroy you. Olanzapine (Zyprexia) 42." 40. 39." c." . Board of Nursing c. 37. b. During an acute psychotic episode. Continue to take the history. Let the patient know that the staff will assist him/her in maintaining control. All of the above 43. They also fear losing control over their own impulses. d." d. Ask the mother to assist in the admission physical assessment. b. They have planted a bomb under this chair. stimulating environment at all times. Dissociative behavior d. Decreasing or discounting any nonessential medications 45. Substance abuse 46. Manipulating the environment to increase orientation. "I don't understand why you think you are fat. I am not going to allow you to repeat this behavior. Nursing Practice Law b. A patient refuses to sit in a chair offered by the nurse during a ward away from other patients. Use correction fluid and continue to document b. c. the child's mother burst into tears and cannot answer any questions. in no time. The patient claims that. Keep the patient in a well-lighted. Assure the patient that his/her sensory experiences wilt disappear." 38. Paroxetine (Paxil) d. Erase error 44.A client with panic disorder should be monitored for the existence of which of the following other psychosocial problems? a.When developing the plan of care for a client receiving haloperidol. "You seem to think you are fat but \ see you as very thin. Nursing Licensure and Practice are regulated by: a. b. "No one is trying to destroy you and I am certainly not one of those who you think want to kill you. b. "I am going to discuss your behavior with other patients at the next ward meeting. Allow the patient to select his/her own chair. "They are trying to destroy me. Draw a single line through the entry c. c. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. Benztripine mesylate (Cogentin) c. patients can become frightened of their own ^ bizarre sensory experiences." b "Why do you say you are fat?" c. Correcting the underlying causative condition or illness. Keep potentially harmful objects out of patient's reach." c. A patient who is diagnosed with an eating disorder describes herseif as "a very fat person. Developmental disability c. Which of the following would be most critical when caring for a client who is experiencing delirium? a. Professional Regulations Commission d. Attention deficit hyperacidity disorder (ADHD) b." d." He accuses the nurse as being "one of them. A client suspected of haying a posttraumatic stress disorder should assessed for which of the following problems? a. Trust 52. 55. b. The client's decision to separate from the marital partner. Which of the following client statements indicates an understanding of survivor guilt? a. The child can't stop lying to parents and teachers. Assist the client to develop an exercise program. Which of the following statements is typical of a client with social phobia? a.b." b. "Without people around. 58." 49. This nurse is demonstrating characteristics of which of the following roles? a. Suicide d. Which of the following interventions should the nurse initially implement when caring for a client with panic disorder? a. Teach the client to identify cognitive distortions. "I think I can see the purpose of my survival” b. "Sundown" syndrome 51. Manager b. Which of the following psychological symptoms would the nurse expect to find in a hospitalized client who is the only survivor of a train accident? a. "I've lost my phobia for water. Autocrat c. She's an excellent role model but has no formal authority over her peers." d." c. b. Systematic desensitization 50. Contact the supervisor and physician for approval c." 54. d. d. Which of the following behavior modification techniques is useful in the treatment of the phobias? a. Indifference c. A staff nurse influences the behaviors of her colleagues by guiding and encouraging them. I just feel so lost. Ask the client about the cause of the attack. "I wish I could stop sabotaging my family relationships" 53. Allow the client to view his chart b. When discussing this situation with the couple. What should the nurse do first? a. Aversion therapy b. The child has been fighting with peers for the past month. Encourage the client to verbalize feelings. Irritation or modeling c. Tell the client that he isn't permitted to view his chart. Denial b. which of the following factors would help the . A client with paranoid personality disorder tells a nurse of his decision to stop talking to his wife. Perfectionism d. Make the client role-play the panic attack. c. b. The client's need to be alone and have time for self. Which of the following areas should be assessed? a. The effectiveness of monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor drug therapy in a client with posttraumatic stress disorder can be demonstrated by which of the following client self-reports? a. Positive reinforcement d. "I knew I can’t accept that award for my brother. "I've lost my craving for alcohol. Teach the client to identify sources of anxiety. The wife of the client diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder tells the client she wants a divorce. "There is nothing wrong with my behavior. c. "I'm not losing my temper as much. The client's doubts about the partner's loyalty. d. c. 56. d. Authority 57. c. Leader d." d. The child expresses concerns about grades. Eating disorder b." c "I like to be the center of attention. Have the client talk about the anxiety. The child has gained 15 pounds in the past month. Schizophrenia c." c. 48." d. Ask the client if he has concerns about his care d. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect when talking about school to a child diagnosed with a generalized anxiety disorder? a. 47. "I'm sleeping better and don’t have nightmares” b. "I can't help but feel that everything is their fault. "I new understand why I'm not able to forgive myself. A 42-year-old client admitted with an acute myocardial infarction asks to see his chart. The client's fears about becoming too much like the partner. 61. Which management style is this manager demonstrating? a. making it impossible for the client to leave his room for dinner. Risk management c. having the post-operative nurses teach the patient because she'll be too anxious before surgery 63. A schizophrenic client tells his primary nurse that he's scheduled to meet the King of Samoa at a special time. Which of the following responses by the nurse is most appropriate? a. Which of the following goals is most appropriate for a client with antisocial personality disorder with a high risk . Quality management 64." 66. Inappropriate mood 67. Antisocial behavior b. Which of the following terms best describes the nurse's observation? a. Which of the following characteristics or situations is indicated when a client with borderline personality disorders has a crisis? a. Encourage the client to identify traumatic life events. Relationship problems d. Which quality improvement process is she utilizing? a. Democratic c. "People who don't eat." d. providing all of the preoperative teaching before surgery d." The nurse observes that he's smiling when he says it. The nurse manager is concerned because she received many time-off requests from her staff for the upcoming holiday season. 62. c. Performance improvement d. Inappropriate affect b. that the client is well educated about her surgery by: a. c. Intense jealousy c. Flat affect . Identify situations that are out of the client's control. Auditory hallucinations 65. Which of the following short-term goals for a client with an antisocial personality disorder and a history of polysubstance abuse? a. Let's go so you can eat. Odd beliefs b. on this unit aren't being cooperative. Exploitation of others d. Self-destructive tendencies 59. Laissez-faire 60. b. Learn to express feelings in a nondestructive manner. Extrapyramidal c. Which of the following conditions or characteristics is related to the cluster of symptoms associated with disorganized schizophrenia? a. Autocratic d." b. A registered nurse who works in the preoperative area of the operating room notices that a client is scheduled for a partial mastectomy and axillary lymph node removal the following week. She decides to gather data from other surgical centers and compare their teaching methods to her center's methods. Denied grief b.for violence directed at others? a. "Your physician expects you to follow the unit's schedule. Develop goals for personal improvement. The client will develop a list of resources to use when anger escalates. Suspicious behavior c. Participative b. The client will be given something to destroy to displace the anger. The nurse should make sure. "The King of Samoa told me to take you to dinner” c. d.A Client diagnosed with schizophrenia several years ago tells the nurse that he feels "very sad. She has come up with several possible solutions to the staffing dilemma and has scheduled a staff meeting to present ideas to the staff.nurse form a care plan for this couple? a. making sure that the post-anesthesia recovery unit nurses know what to teach the patient before discharge c. The client will understand the difference between anger and physical symptoms. d. taking with the nursing staff at the physician's office to find out what the client has been taught and her level of understanding b. Benchmarking b. b. A new nurse-manager is trying to determine the best way to implement client teaching in her outpatient surgical center. "It's meal time. The client will discuss the desire to hurt others rather than act. Insight d. a client diagnosed with schizophrenia was taught self-symptom management as part of a relapse prevention program. Tell the client the voices aren't real. A client diagnosed with schizophrenia has been taking haloperidol (Haldol) for 1 week when a nurse observes that the client's eyeball is fixated on the ceiling. Which of the following terms describes the client's perception? a. When the client becomes verbally abusive. A client approaches a nurse and tells her that he hears a voice telling him that he's evil and deserves to die. Which of the following nursing diagnosis is most appropriate for a client with acute schizophrenic reaction? a. Risk for other-directed violence related to perceptual distortions 71. 72. d.c. A client tells a nurse voices are telling him to do "terrible things. The client is staggering. "When I'm feeling stressed. Disturbed steep patterns related to impaired thinking ability d. Refuse to float to the ICU b. the nurse obtains leather restrains and threatens to place the client in the restraints. Call the nursing supervisor d. 1 to 4 b. Impaired mobility related to fear of hostile impulses c. Which of the following is the most appropriate nursing action? a. Hallucinations d. Social isolation related to impaired ability to trust b. Delusion b. Find out what the voices are telling him. Tardive dyskinesia 75. attached to a syringe containing a clear liquid. Persecution 73.client that the physician will need to perform an assessment prior to the. assault b." 74. and verbally abusive. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome c. administration of medication. Akathisia b. Aggression b. Oculogyric crisis d. Which of the following statements indicates a client understands symptom monitoring? a. b. Idea of reference 69. 4 to 7 c. Report to the ICU and identify tasks that can be safely performed 77. A registered nurse arrives at work and is told to report (float) to the intensive care unit (ICU) for the day because the ICU is understaffed and needs additional nurses to care for the clients. The coworker is about to insert a needle. Disorganized speech c. c. Guilt c." Which of the following actions is part of the initial therapy? a. Let him go to his room to decrease his anxiety. The most . Waxy flexibility d. The nurse has never worked in the ICU. I become afraid I’ll relapse. Which of the following numbers of members in a therapy group is ideal? a. Inferiority d. I go to a quiet room by myself and do imagery. A client arrives in the emergency room and is assessed by a nurse. "My parents aren't involved enough to be aware if I begin to relapse. confused." c. 10-to15 70.1n preparation for discharge. A nurse who works on the night shift enters the unit and finds a coworker with a tourniquet wrapped around the upper arm. These delusions are a defense against which of the following underlying feelings? a. battery c. Begin talking to the client about an unrelated topic. invasion of privacy 76." b. Which of the following specific conditions is the client exhibiting? a. Systematized delusions 68. negligence d. The nurse explains to the . Call the hospital lawyer c. A client is preoccupied with his belief that the CIA has been planning to take him away to save the agency from his influence. into the antecubital area. "My family is more protected from stress if J keep them out of my illness process. The client complaints of a headache from drinking alcohol and is asking for medication. "When I hear voices." d. 7 to 10 d. With which of the following can the client legally charge the nurse as a result of the nursing action? a. The bill will be discussed by the senators and the congressman. Observing others while they disrobe b. Remaining with the client and assisting her through the crisis 80. Wearing clothing of the opposite sex c. Encouraging the client to enroll in a self-defense class d. Which of the following concerns for this client should be the nurse's first priority? a. A client with a diagnosis of sexual masochism b. Using rubber sheeting for sexual arousal 84. Call security c. "I can't live this lie any more. Assess triggers that stimulate the behaviors. Place the client is the seclusion room. If a bill has been approved by the joint conference Committee of Congress. Visit transsexual bars d. Sexual activity with corpses d. Historical d Evaluation 86. A client who's a homosexual 83. b. Obscene phone calling b. the nurse should not place which of the following clients with a client who has a diagnosis of sexual sadism? a. Administration of psychotic agents d. A 35-year-old male who has been married-for 10 years arrives in the psychiatric clinic stating. she's crying. Have the primary health care provide order and antidepressant medication. I need a man. Sexual activity with animals c. To inform his employer of the reason for hospitalization d. Attend psychotherapy c. This means that: a. Which of the following interventions is important for a client who engages in sexual act with animals (zoophilia)? a. To attend all meetings on the unit b.appropriate initial action by the nurse is which of the following? a. The bill is now a law b. I don't want my wife. Which of the following definitions best describes necrophilia? a. Rubbing against a no consenting person d. Electroconvulsive therapy b. Filing a police report b. Calling the client's family c. Call the police b. The nurse is obtaining a health history from a client when he states he has been diagnosed with voyeurism. Longitudinal b. 79. A study describing the evaluation of aseptjc technique would be which type of study? a. To verbalize appropriate methods to meet sexual upon discharge 82. Positive reinforcement and group therapy 81. A client who's an exhibitionist d. See a surgeon 88. A 38-year-old woman was returning home from the store late one evening and was sexually assaulted. When working with a client with paraphiliac disorder. To use triggers to initiate sexual behaviors c. Which of the following therapies may be used with a client who admits to frottage? a. When assessing rooms for clients. Relaxation therapy c. Call the nursing supervisor 78. because 'he feels trapped in his male body. Tell his family and friends b. d. The bill will be sent to the President of the Philippines c. A 39-year-ofd mate wishes to undergo a sexreassignment operation. Counsel the client not to discuss his sexual behaviors with anyone. Descriptive c." Which of the following initial actions would be most appropriate from the nurse? . c. When she's brought to the emergency department. Sexual arousal by contact with urine 85. for its merit d. Lock the coworker in the medication room until help is obtained d. Which of the following actions is the next step the client should take if he wants to have the operations? a. The bill will be print out and distributed 87. A client with a diagnosis of voyeurism c. The nurse knows which of the following actions is characteristic of a voyeur? a. I wish I were a woman. which of the following goals is appropriate for the client? a. 5 d. Gender identity disorder c. Example of intentional torts includes: a. In a certain hospital whenever there are patients in the recovery room. One nurse had not had a coffee break that morning. Pedophilia d.# 557 Series 1988 c. Tell the client's sister to mind her own business. Encourage the client to continue doing what is comfortable for her. Stay because hospital policy expects there to be . Encourage the client to verbalize her feelings.V. d. Taking photographs of the client without consent b. b. 2 nurses are usually present. 3. N. Call the primary health care provider. The devise or technique an investigator employs to collect data is called: a. Allow the client to deal with her sister. Which drug class is associated with this problem? a. Aggravating 98. Being an I. Which of the following initial nursing interventions is most appropriate? a. A privilege 5. Sit down with the client. R. Voyeurism b. #1955 Series 1989 b. the nurse may be released right away. The fact That morphine sulfate was meant to be given to a relative as prescribed by a licensed physician considered to be a a. malpractice and assault b. Sample b. Anticoagulants b. N. Threatening to place the client in restraints d. A vested interest 3. Her sister tells the nurse that the client wishes a sexual reassignment operation.4 93. and talk about his feelings. Mitigating c. malpractice and negligence c. there are 2 nurses on duty and 2 patients in the recovery room who have had minor surgeries performed that morning. Mrs. N. R.3. it is renewed? a. If found to be telling the truth. it depends d. 90.4 c. Steroids 91. Peralta was also issued a professional license by the Professional Regulation Commision. Fetishism 92.2. 1. Means to protect society and promote general welfare a. Instrument c. The hospital policy expects the nurses to take their breaks before patients arrive from surgery. It is a: 1. Hypothesis d. #08 Series 1994 d. Justifying circumstances b.3. R.a. Performing a surgical procedure without consent 97.3 b. # 633 Series 1984 94. The client tells the nurse she just wants to be left. c. A nurse lawyer provides an education session to the nursing staff regarding client's rights. he tells the nurse that he has been experiencing delayed ejaculation. N. 89 A female client enjoys wearing men's clothing. c. A legal right 4. Licensed Nurse. A permanent right 2.4. What's the medical term for the client's disorder? a. b. Antihypertensive d. d. Antibiotics c. Have the client admitted. V. A staff nurse asks the lawyer to describe an example that might relate to invasion of client privacy. Exempting d. Concept 95. Which of the following indicates a violation of the right? a. Nursing Resolution concerning with 1. R. every 6 months c. 2. negligence and invasion of privacy 99. 1. Telling the client that he or she cannot leave the hospital c. The nurse should: a. false imprisonment and battery d. On this particular day. every 2 years b. Encourage the client to speak to his wife. A client in a psychiatric unit has been identified as peeping Tom. During the initial assessment. Training Program: a. no renewal at all 96. A male client brings a list of his prescribed medications to the clinic. Henderson b. Abdellah 2. Its compassionate and caring role b. Dorothea Orem c. Dorothy Johnson d. Roy c. a. Orem d. Ida Jean Orlando d. A well-defined body of knowledge and expertise d. d. Which of the following adverse reactions complicates the treatment of this eating disorder? a. Talk with the nursing supervisor and secure permission from him/her. 5. Nausea NURSING BOARD EXAM PRACTICE TEST 7 Situation: A sound scientific basis is essential for quality professional practice. Madeleine Leininger . b. Its caring role c. Drowsiness b. basics drives and wishes b. Jean Watson 6. Leave for coffee break because there are only 2 patients in the recovery room and one nurse can handle 2 patients quite easily. 1. c. Leave to get coffee and come right back. Which of the following nursing theorists introduced Transcultural Nursing Model? a. Imogene King b. Horence Nightingale conceptualizes that nursing is. Resorvoir of psychic energy 4. 100. what is unique in professional nursing? a. Moral arm of the personality d. d. Light-headedness d. Which of the following nursing theorists conceptualizes that all persons strive to achieve self-care. a. Its environment in nursing research 3. Myra Levine c. a unique profession. When you assist an individual to do what be cannot normally do in illness. According to Freud. A client with anorexia nervosa has started taking flouxetine hydrochloride (Prozac). Dry mouth c. you are using which nursing theory? a. the act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery b. in that it is concerned with all the variables affecting an individual’s response to stressors. the ego serves this function: a. Like other professions. assisting the individual sick or well in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery or to peaceful death c. Resorvoir of instincts. Sister Callista Roy b. Reality testing c. a humanistic science dedicated to compassionate concern with rehabilitating the sick or disabled.two nurses in attendance while there are patients in the recovery room. The nurse should calibrate the IVF to: a. What is the normal temperature of a child who is 1-3 year of age? a. Crouching. The nurse's first action when caring for Lady Lee should be to: a. Polio 2 15. Health as Right. Measles c. and extended neck d. What immunization will be given if Baby Girl Lee is 9 months old? a. ½ glass of water+1 tbsp. Leaning forward. 37 C d. What is the vision of the Department of Health a. Begin respiratory precautions immediately c. Solve for the gtt/min. anxiety. What is your initial nursing action before you suction the patient? a. leaning with hands stretched out in back. 25 gtts/min c. and a muffled voice c.4 F 12.1 C b. implemented. Regulates health goods and services c. DOH should work to make enjoyment of the right to health a reality. the neighbor of Baby Boy Noel was brought also to the clinic by her mother for the immunization. 8. Drop factor is 12 gtt/ml. 106. of salt + 3 tbsp. hyperventilate the patient d. by promoting the means to better health b. Baby Boy Noel was admitted and the doctor ordered D5NSS 1L x KVO. of salt b. preservation or restoration of the health of the people though the provision and delivery of health services. To convert the body temperature of 38 C to F. dispose the equipment and ensure availability for the next suction Situation: Lady Lee. 15 gtts/min d. perform suctioning b. All of the above 9. Responsible for the formulation. Schulman and Mekler’s theory Stuation: The primary function of the Department of Health is the promotion. planning. 95 F d. and knee-chest position 18. 17. Obtain I. document relevant data c. 24-5 gtts/min b. Ruddy complexion. Obtain a tracheostomy set and notify the physician b. drooling. 1 glass of water + 1 pinch of salt + 1 tbsp. 20 gtts/min 14. who reports that Lady Lee has a sore throat and fever and will not eat or drink. and oxygen equipment d.2 F c. 100. distended neck veins. by encouraging providers of health goods and services d none of the above 10. age 5 is brought to the pediatric clinic by her mother. of sugar c. hoarseness and moaning b. restlessness. Obtain a cardiac monitor and an emergency equipment cart .7. what’s the answer? a. The physician diagnosis epiglottitis.5 gtts/min d. Which symptoms are associated with epiglottitis? a. BCG b. To prepare for the solution. Dyspnea. 35 C c. of sugar d. Which of the following moral theories is based on respect for other humans and belief that relationships are based on mutual trust? a. Health for all Filipinos by the year 2000 and Health in the hands of the People by the year 2020 d. Freud’s theory d. 2 ½ glasses of :water + 2 tbsp. 5 gtts/min b. 26 gtts/min 13. ORESOL has been introduced to the barangay for dehydration. V. Kohlberg's theory c. What is the mission of DOH? a. of salt + ½ tbsp. 39. 2 glasses of water + ½ tbsp. Erikson’s theory b. 10 gtts/min c. and coordination of policies and programs in the field of health b.9 F b. what will be the desired amount? a. by planning the programs in the field of health c. protection. Baby Girl Lee. of sugar 16. a. The Rural Health Doctor orders Dextran 12% 1000 ml within 8 hours for a client. 38 C 11. 25. 107. DPT d. Partially compensatory 26. Mixed feeding b. Supportive-educative c. You stressed to him and to the finally the importance of the following food that will help in the production of RBC. a. Breastfeeding Situation: Mr. outside b. both lower extremities sustained second and third degree burn. 61% 25. EXCEPT: a. ampalaya 29. Estimate the total percentage of body surface area burned using the Rule of Nines. check the vital signs 30.500 ml of blood was ordered for his blood transfusion. liver c. Medicate the client with narcotic analgesic c. broccoli d. 59 years old is a frequent visitor of Lions Club. After washing and rinsing. respirator c. Apply a topical antimicrobial ointment 24. Your health teaching to his family is to serve food rich In Iron and this is: a. Hold the hands higher than the elbows during hand wash b. 60% b. 62% d. Hand washing is important in every setting including hospitals. Leave the baby in the nursery d. Larry’s anterior trunk. Lately. lean meat d. gizzard Situation: Larry was admitted at Manila Doctor's Hospital because of a second-degree burn wound. the nurse should do which of the following? a. Let the running water run from the fingertips to the elbows Situation: A place in Brgy. egg yolk c. Your nursing responsibility before the start of blood transfusion is: a. Administer acylovir (Zovirax) IV d. Wholly compensatory d. Bottle feeding c. Before debriding a second-degree burn wound in the left lower leg. use a towel to dry one hand thoroughly in a rotating motion from the elbow to the fingers d. ampalaya c. a. mandarins b. 63% c." 21. liver d. 27. 23.19. egg yolk b. Which of the following are considered goitrogenics? a. check if Benadryl is ordered for injection d. kangkong c. he became inefficient with his work and complaining of dizziness. talaba b. cannula b. Tracheostomy is an opening through the neck into the trachea through which an indwelling tube maybe inserted which of the following is not a part of tracheostomy set? a. sheath c. which nursing intervention would you render to a one hour post-operative patient? a. both front upper extremities. cassava 22. Which of the following are rich source of Iodine? a. Canla has a common cause of Iodine deficiency where their main products are "Goitrogenics. Which of these should the nurse first encourage? a. What area of CHN bag is considered sterile? a. lean meat . 28. Nancy who just delivered a baby boy works as an executive for a big company. Universal b. According to Orem's Mode!. Reyes. sides Situation: These are nutritional needs of the mother during her pregnancy. inside d. Maintaining the hands uppermost when applying soap c. Which of the following is inappropriate during hand washing when observing a sterile technique. obturator d. check the amount of blood available b. tomato d. check the label of the bottle with blood c. cuff 20. Apply Lindane (Kwell) to the affected area b. kangkong b. Situation: The following questions pertain to the nurse and responsibilities. 31. Concerned with the care of school-children, the nurse does the following. EXCEPT: a. provides for a safe environment b. detects, diagnose, and treats children with health problems c. identifies and refers children with eye problems d. conducts health education classes 32. An important reason why erasures In the patient's chart should be avoided is: a. chart would look dirty and reflects, the nurse personality b. recording maybe illegible c. chart is a legal document d. chartings are essential for endorsement and follow-up care of patient Situation: This pertains to human anatomy and physiology. 33. The principal factor-causing vaginal pH to be acidic: a. Action of Doderlein's bacillus b. Cervical mucus changes c. Secretions from Skene's glands d. Secretions from the Bartholin’s glands Situation: In one of your conference with the midwives, you answered the question pertaining to computation and presentation of statistical data at the Rural' Health Unit. Some of the questions are the following among others. 34. The following measures is used as a numerator to capture for the infant mortality rate: a. Total number of deaths from maternal causes in same year b. Total number of registered live births of a given year c. Total number of deaths less than 1 year of age registered in same calendar year d. Total number of deaths registered in same calendar year 35. In order to present the frequency of occurrence of new cases of PNA In the municipality you have to compute for the: a. prevalence rate b. case fatality rate c. proportionate mortality rate d. incidence rate Situation: Nursing as a profession benefits from the use of nursing diagnosis process in professional clinical practice. 36. The most important values of the use of nursing diagnosis in care planning is: a. highlights your critical thinking and decision-making b. focuses in cause of the illness c. helps to define what is health d. identifies what the nurse can prescribe Situation: The following questions pertain to nursing care of child with cardiovascular, disorders. 37. Amy, 6 years old, Is admitted with an impression of rheumatic fever. To help establish the diagnosis of rheumatic fever, which of these questions should the nurse ask? a. Did Amy travel abroad recently? b. Did Amy remark of fatigability? c. Did Amy have sore throat recently? d. Did Amy have viral infections? 38. Nurse Jo reviews the laboratory data of Amy. Of these data, one would be supportive of a diagnosis of rheumatic fever? a. low hematocrit b. increased leukocyte count c. high erythrocyte sedimentation rate d. elevated antibody level 39. Bob who is diagnosed with rheumatic fever is prescribed with Aspirin. The purpose of this medication is to: a. reduce inflammation b. relieve anxiety c. control headache d. decrease fever Situation: Professional nursing practice primarily aims to promote health and prevent illness. 40. The meet basic goal of health promotion is: a. healthy b. absence of disease c. no illness d. wellness 41. You are a factory nurse in a bottling industry. What priority health promotion program can you undertake? a. Physical fitness program b. Accident prevention program c. Formulating work strategy d. Relaxation exercises Situation: Your 13 year old daughter tells you that she is having her menarche and that she fees awful. To comfort her, you would explain the menstrual cycle. informs her that a side effect of this medication may be: 42. You start by defining menstruation is: a. Expelling of the unfertilized egg which causes the bleeding b. Soughing off the perimetrium c. Sign of an aborted pregnancy d. Monthly sloughing off of the uterine tiring that had been prepared to nurture a fertilized egg. 43. Ovulation usually occurs on the: a. 28th day of a 28 day menstrual cycle b. 1st week of a 28 day menstrual cycle c. last week of a 28 day menstrual cycle d. 14th ay of a 28 day menstrual cycle 44. The secretory phase is characterized by the secretion or storage nutrients, glycogen and mucin. This is due to the action of: a. prolactin b. estrogen c. androgen d. progesterone 45. To allay the fears of your daughter regarding losing too much blood during menses, you would tell her that the average blood lost per cycle is: a. 80ml b. lOOml c. 120 ml d. 30 ml Situation: Mrs. Mia Sandoval, a newly-married couple, plan to start a family planning clinic to choose the most appropriate contraceptive method for them: 46. Mrs. Sandoval is Interested in IUD. The nurse tells her that its insertion is usually done at this period of the menstrual cycle: a. 7th to 10th days b. 18th to 20th days c. 12th to 16th days d. 1st 104th days 47. Upon further discussion, the nurse talks about the diaphragm which after intercourse must be kept in place for: a. 6-8 hours b. 12-24 hours c. 11-20 hours d. 9-10 hours 48. Mrs. Sandoval talks about friend's infertility problem that was prescribed with Clomid by her physician. The nurse a. multiple gestation b. headache c. transitory depression d. hypertension Situation: The following pertains to some concepts and principles of community health nursing (CHN) that a nurse must apply in carrying out CHN services. 49. Community health Nursing is a service that is provided in an environment that is constantly changing. This implied that the community health nurse to be able to provide relevant services. a. must involve other disciplines In carrying out health care services in various settings b. must provide a service that is community-based c. must provide a service that is integrated and comprehensive d. must update her knowledge on the current and evolving characteristics of health care system 50. Promotion of health is a major responsibility of the CHN, This refers to; a. Activities that seek to protect clients from potential or actual health threats and their harmful consequences b. Activities directed toward developing the resources of clients that maintain or enhance well-being c. Activities directed toward decreasing the probability of specific illness or dysfunctions in individuals d. Activities aimed to prevent to spread of microorganisms to Individual Situation: The public health nurse performs varied functions and activities in her place of work. 51. In dealing with a primigravida who is afraid of childbirth due to her beliefs and misconceptions. The first thing that the nurses should do is: a. help woman recognize the sign of abnormalities in pregnancy to enable her to report to the midwife b. identify the beliefs and misconceptions and their source c. immediately correct the beliefs and misconceptions d. refer to midwife for regular follow-up visit 52. Kwashiorkor is a condition usually seen among pre- school children. This is characterized by which of the following signs? a. all these signs b. retarded growth and hairs c. loss of appetite d. edema 53. Vitamin A deficiency will lead to which of the following conditions? a. high blood pressure b. swollen face, body and limb c. inability to see in the dark d. enlargement of the neck 54. Grace was referred to you by a midwife. In order to determine whether Grace is suffering from severe calorie deficiency, which of the following condition will you take note of? a. thin, sparse hair b. an extreme wasting away of fat muscle c. paleness of the inner side of the lips d. generalized swelling of the body Situation: You are the new Public Health Nurse in the Municipality of Pontevedra. This municipality has the following data in 2003: Population - 30,000 Total infants death - 11 Total number of cases examined for PTB - 200 Total births - 500 All causes -74 Number of confirmed positive of PTB cases - 5 55. You need to gather a lot of data about the community. Which of these can be given least priority? a. community's belief and practice b. community s political leadership c. community's knowledge in health d. community's way of life 56. You studied the figures of disease and accidents that occurred in Pontevedra for the last 2 years. These figures are referred to as: a. mortality statistics b. mortality and morbidity statistics c. rates and ratios d. morbidity statistics 57. Which of the following gives a good reflection of the state of health of Pontevedra? a. maternal morbidity rate b. age-specific death rate c. infant mortality rate d. crude death rate Situation: In one of your home visits you discovered that Tristan, 2 years old who lives with Mang Tero his lolo is still on bottle feeding. No supplementary feeding given: 58. Supplementary feeding should be started: a. at the age of 8 -12 months b. at the age of 8 months c. not earlier than 2 months but not later than 4 months d. not earlier than 4 ninths but and later than 6 moths 59. You're Interested to know whether Tristan has signs of malnutrition. Hence, you will: a. weigh the child and perform physical assessment b. weigh the child c. perform a physical assessment d. refer to physician or nearest health facility Situation: Atypical teenager, Susan, 17 years old, is in her 3rdyear high school. Besides sports and other school activities, she volunteers for community outreach programs in her school, among them going to the slums of Tondo. 60. Susan wears contact lenses. But she claims that these are so comfortable she forgets to removes them at night. As the school nurse, you caution that she should not sleep with her soft contact lens because they can damage one of these: a. sciera b. optic nerve c. cornea d. pupil 61. In one of her information- sharing, Susan mentions that her mother was taking diethyistijbestrd (DES) when she was pregnant withjier. The nurse feels that she must suggest 'to Susan one ofthese. \Wch os correct? a. "I wiH take your Pap smear for laboratory exams." b. "Do nd use the pi!! for contraception." c. "Please see a gynecologist as soon as possible." d. "Avoid us! ng lampoons during menstruation." Situation: Miss Go is a clinical instructor in Community Health Nursing discussing about vital statistics, epidemiology and laws affecting Public Health and practice of Community Health Nursing. 62. It is concerned with the study of factors that influence the occurrence and distribution of diseases, defects disability or deaths. This is: a. Epidemiology b. Statistics c. Public Health d. Community Health Nursing 63. The Republic Act that refers to the Magna Carta of Public Health Workers: Participate in the promotion of mental health among families and the community b. INH b. race c. except: a. Teach parents the Importance of providing emotional support to their children d. ordinal petition In the family d. A form of cancer therapy wherein a beam of high-energy electromagnetic radiation desires the cancer ceils? a. RN and holder of Master's Degree c. What TB drug is net given to children under age 6 who are too young to report visual disturbances? a. radiation therapy c. 3 months Intensive phase. A science which deals with measures employed to promote mental health. There are several risk factors with developing cancer. prevention of mental disorders. Category treatment regimen for TB Is prescribed. Citizen of the Philippines b. Be aware of the potential causes of breakdown and when necessary take possible preventive action 74. Help people in the community understand basic emotional needs c. and the nursing care of patients during mental illness and rehabilitation. Early detection Increases the survival rate of those afflicted.A 1062 c. Mental health is defined as: a. New pulmonary TB patients whose sputum is positive b. every ether month after menstruation d. 4 months maintenance phase b. When do you perform BSE? a. every other month before menstruation 70. R.a. 2 months intense phase. Ethambutol d. 5 months maintenance phase c. 10 years of continuous practice of the profession d. age b. R. Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing c. A nurse works in a mental health facility that a therapeutic community (milieu) to client. Republic Act 7164 known as the "Philippine Nursing Act of 1991" embodies the regulation of Practice of Nursing in the Philippines. 65. This is given: a.6 months maintenance phase Situation: Cancer ranks third in leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the Philippines. surgery b. A state of well-being where a person can realize his or her own abilities. 73. Weight gain d. Previously treated patients who are failures 66. The following are warning signs of cancer. Which one is not? a.A 2382 b. The following are nursing responsibilities in mental health promotion except: a. once a month before menstruation c. Efforts to train manpower have been done by the government through the National Mental Health Programs. to cope with the normal stresses of life and work productively.A 7305 d. d. 68. All of the above Situation: Mr. The following are risk factors of cancer. chemotherapy d. once a month after menstruation b. Category 3 treatment regimen for TB is prescribed to: a. R. is concerned with the promotion of mental health. R. to reduce the incidence of mental illness through preservation and early treatment. 2 months Intensive phase. a public nurse is conducting community class in Brgy. Previously treated patients who are on relapse c. A disturbance in a person's thoughts. feelings and behavior. Change In bladder and bowel habits b. c. Monthly examination (BSE) can help in early detection of breast CA.A 6425 64. Which of the following statements describes the nurse's role in this facility? a. Nagging cough or hoarseness 69. New pulmonary TB patients whose sputum is serumnegative for 3x and a chest x-ray of PTB minimal d. pallitive treatment Situation: Mental health covers the psychosocial concerns of daily living covering the stages of life. PZA 67. Primary caregiver . A member of the Board of Nursing must be: a. Laurel. Kawayan about pulmonary tuberculosis. Rifampicin c. 72. 3 months intensive phase. You are a nurse in a cancerprevention and screening clinic and are for health education. 2 months maintenance phase d. b. lifestyle 71. 80. Which of the following time is ideal to begin discharge planning? a. Which of the following factors is a component of informed consent ? a. measurable and realistic b. Initial care includes insertion of nasogastric tube (NGT). he calls for Satan. time-limited. At the time of admission b. use his phone and call the police b. 76. Affix the nasogastric tube to the nose with tape b. is brought to the hospital with complaints of nausea. Which actions should the nurse take? a. Durable power of attorney c. After the acute episode is resolved d. then continue inserting the tube c. Mr. Oral report from the nurse c. Oral c. realistic. tell the client to take a few sips of water and swallow as the tube is inserted. method used to check tube placement. A nurse gives the wrong medication to a client another nurse employed by the hospital as a risk manager will expect to receive which of the following communications? a. Assault and battery d. Remove the inserted tube and notify the physician b. Document in the chart the insertion. Which of the following interventions has priority? a. Incident report b. Open ail necessary kits and tubing 77. if taken by the nurse after insertion of nasogastric tube could harm Mr. Which of the following has the greatest effect on personal hygiene? a. When she arrives at his house. Pause until the gagging stops. A nurse is performing an admission assessment on a client with exacerbation of asthma. Beach of confidentiality 82. Copy of the medication Kardex d. Distinctly seperate from the psychiatrist 75. Madonna. Client-focused. The day before discharge c. Performing a procedure on a client in the absence of Informed consent can lead to which of the following changes? a. flexible. and tells her to back away. and measurable d. remind him who she is and that she has nothing to fear Situation: Mrs. realistic and measurable c. Which of the following steps should the nurse take first when preparing to insert a nasogastric tube? a. realistic. shouts at her. Freedom from coercion b. Fraud b. and measurable 83. you are aware that proper documentation in the patient's chart is a legal responsibility. none of the above 86. Enteric b. Supervision more than counseling d. Javier begins to gag. talk to him In a calm voice to reduce his agitation d. remain safe by leaving the house c. vomiting. Check tube placement by instilling 100ml of water into the tube to check for stomach filling d. Private insurance coverage d. Which of the following steps. Apply a mask and gown d. When the discharge order is written 84. Parenteral d. Nurse-focused. A community mental health nurse visits a client diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. a. knowledge.b. Implementation of plan of action is done through: a. allow the client to rest. 78. Apply sterile gloves c. Which of the following characteristics of the client goal in the plan of care is correct? a. A nurse is witnessing consent from a client before a cardiac catheterization. Order changed signed by the physician 81. Disclosure of previous answers given by the client 85. and social influences . Javier. Sublingual Situation: As a nurse. dependent and independent measure c. Client-focused. independent and independent measure b. dependent and Interdependent measure d. The nurse on duty is inserting a nasogastric tube. time-limited. and client's response to the procedure 79. 46 years old. Nurse-focused. Wash hands b. Culture. Harassment c. flexible. Encourage the client to take deep breaths through the mouth while the tube is being inserted d. Check tube placement by aspirating stomach contents using a piston syringe c. Which of the following drug forms can be administered through a nasogastric tube? a. Stop the insertion. Member of the milieu c. and severe epigastric pain. physical environment and genetics c. d. Self awareness. Where Is the most common site of fractures to osteoporosis? a. Women over 50 years are very much at risk for fractures. and personnel available for assistance d. Exposure to sunlight d. Occupation. has been given a copy of her diet. Manganese Situation: Osteoporosis is considered a major health and economic problem. What is the main reason why Asian women are more in developing osteoporosis than African-American women? a. cereals 98. health and age 87. What factor is least associated with the disease? a. There are factors that predispose an individual for osteoporosis. Encourage the patient to increase hid fluid intake. Ricketts c. Tunnel vision b. Decreased level of oxygen b. c. Avoid bathing patient until the condition is remedied. The most common vitamin deficiency seen in alcoholics is: a. Floaters c. The most important nursing intervention to correct dryness is: a. fish d. pellagra d. Which one is not a function of calcium a. Which of the following diseases results from niacin deficiency? a. There are more post menopausal aged Asian women b. vegetable oil b. Muscle relaxation and contraction 89. femur b. Zinc d. Night blindness d. Beri-beri d. diabetes b. Which among these is not a micronutrient? a. Vitamin A b. milk c. The richest source of Vitamin E is: a. Amino acids 92. Thiamne b. Situation: The following questions are concerned with nutrition. He consulted you about her prescribed diet. Nutrients are classified according to their structures. Absorption of iron and the formation of hgb c. megaloblastjc anemia 97. Bone and teeth mineralization b. use nonirritating soap when bathing the patient. One in every four women over age 50 is believed to have this disease. Ask the physician to refer the patient to a dermatologist and suggest that the patient wear home-laundered sleepwear. Blood clothing d. Lack of exercise 95. Window vision 90. Selenium c. Consult the dietician about increasing the patient's fat intake. Socio-economic status. and necessary measures to prevent infection. beriberi c. Kwashiorkor b. 96. time of day. 88. hips Situation: Mrs. Xerophthalmia is characterized by: a. and apply lotion to the involved areas. What mineral works with Vitamin E to protect body compounds from oxidation? a. Pyridoxine . Asian women have lesser bone mass compared to AfricanAmerican women 94. Iodine d. M. A deficiency in protein leads to: a.b. and notify the physician b. Calcium deficiency c. Iron c. forearm c. African-American women eat more compared to Asian women d. Riboflavin c. Hemorrhage 91. vertebrae d. 93. He also asked about Vitamin E. Banes of Asian women are 30-40% less dense than that of African-American women c. Sodium b. pernicious anemia d. The cost of care is affordable to community and country 3. health personnel and specialized training . bones that fracture easily Situation 1. 99. 1.1 & 2 d. 2 & 3 d. pinpoint peripheral hemorrhages c. Community heatlth nursing is a field of nursing which utilize 1. CHN promotes client participation in determining their own health a. Which of the following features should the nurse incorporate in her practice of community health nursing (CHN)? 1. a patient in MS ward. 1. which of this following should be done by the Public Health Nurse? 1. grapefruits c. Tell the community leaders what to do for their health problems a. In order to strengthen community participation in health activities in the community. Concepts of epidemiology and bio-statistics 3. Knowledge about the history and philosophy of public health practices 2. 1 & 2 only d. CHN involves interdisciplinary collaboration 4. 2. Identify the existing and potential leaders of the community 2. oranges 100.. CHN emphasize health 3. redness and edema of the gums b. 3 & 4 b. Essential health care accessible and acceptable to individual and families in the community 2. wants to increase his Vitamin C intake. The setting is in tertiary hospitals 4. green and yellow vegetables d. 1 & 2 C.3 & 4 c.2 & 3 4. CHN is oriented to population 2. Vitamin C deficiency is characterized by the following except: a. Formulate action program for health 4. 1. Require. S. 3 & 4 b. 1. 1. The following pertains to some concepts and principles of community health nursing that a nurse must apply in carry out CHN services. 2 & 3 3. He also asks you several questions about nutrition. 2.2 & 3 2. Form a core group for health 3. 3 & 4 only c. Principles of leadership and management 4 Principles of social change a. Which of the following foods is not well-known source of Vitamin C? a.1 & 3 b. Which of the following characterize Primary Health Care? 1. Pantothenic acid NURSING BOARD EXAM PRACTICE TEST 8 Situation: Mr. tomatoes b.d. During labor. From the nurse's assessment findings of Leopold maneuvers TS revealed a soft. The PHN will only enjoy her work if she accepts her role and is able to perform that role 2.1 & 2 b. During assessment. The PHN can walkthrough mud. second d. Karachi fever b. RSP 7. 1 & 2 d. Divert bar attention d. 2 & 3 5. Which of the following techniques should the nurse use? a. Kawasaki fever d. apart with rectal pressure and bloody show d. The PHN wish only give bedside nursing care 4. apart lasting 30 seconds and are felt as strong as menstrual cramp. Which among the treatment below was ordered by the physician for Cristina's mother to buy from the "Botika sa barangay"? . Upon assessment. Cristina a three years old girl came to RHU due to fever unresponsive to antibiotics. Contractions are 3-5 min. the nurse noticed that she has "strawberry tongue ". The PHN is a community health nurse if she is able to establish rapport with the community officials and members 3. What would you do to her? a. An early childhood febrile syndrome affecting the lymphodes was identified by the Public Health Nuse(PHN) 11. above the umbilicus on her left side b. 2 & 3 d. duration and intensity of Cynthia's contractions. below the umbilicus of Mona's left side 9. The nurse continues with her admission assessment. Moving of her ringers of one hand over the uterus pressing into the muscle c. Contractions are 5-10 min. ROP b. apart lasting 60 seconds and in increasing intensity c. Contractions are 5 min. you have observed that Cristina was irritable with mood changes and cervical lymphadenopalhy. Gradually lift one legs after the other d. Which of the following statements about the PHN’s role in the community is/are correct? 1. Which of the following best describe the fetal presentation and position? a. Health teaching during the prenatal period emphasize the expectant mother's need to go to the hospital when: a. irregular nodules on Cynthia's right side and a hard prominence on her right. 1 & 4 b. LSA d. above the umbilicus on her right side c. When the doctor arrived. Spank her 13. contractions are 2-3 min apart lasting 90 seconds and membranes have ruptured 8. 6. b.3 & 4 C. when positioning a client on lithotomy. just above the symphisis. Nagasaki fever 12. first c. below the umbilicus of Mona’s right side a. LOA c. 2 & 4 Situation 2. Her membranes are placed. the mother wanted to bring her child to a tertiary hospital. She says she been having moderate contractions every 3-5 minutes lasting almost a minute. Which the following syndrome her diagnosis? a. Cynthia Payas at 30 weeks of gestation has been admitted to the labor room. third 14. Give medication c. The nurse assessed the frequency. Indenting the uterus in several places during and between contractions 10. Spreading the ringers of one hand tightly over the hand d. Which level of bars would you put Cristina in? a. Igarashi fever c. Holding the finger and palm over the area below the umbilicus b. the nurse should a. Make sure the legs are safety strapped on the stirrups b. 1. Put up hef client's leg together Situation 3. fourth b. 3 & 4 c. Which location should the nurse anticipate finding the fetal heart tones? a.d. Put her on semi-ceiling position first c. rounded mass. work under stress and eat with the people in the barangay a. Blame the mother b. 16. Nurses provide care to individuals in the various stages of health & illness. Using simple "charade" approach or strategy 18. Decisions made by the PRC relating the nursing practice 22. Consideration of needs of patients and others 23. Security of Tenure of regular employees c. Walking with assistance at least 24 hours after operation d. You are a graduate of new BSN curriculum feat aims to prepare a fully functioning nurse. Compassionate attitude to all those cared for d. Assessment or appraisal tools b. Accountability and responsibility in nursing practice is enhanced by utilization of a. Indifference and lack of interest in the environment b. Teaching the patient to avoid sneezing. Asks a family member about the client's d. Hearing. Collaboration with multi-sectoral groups c. is from what ancestry? a. Which of the following are internal factors that influence health practices? a. Board of Nursing resolutions and pronouncements b Legal rules and principles governing nursing practice c. Code of Ethics of nurse's c. The professional license is renewable every three years during which of the following periods? a.a. To establish relationship with him. Asian d. On or before one’s birth month 25. Children who have undetected hearing loss are likely to exhibit which of the following: a. Paracetamol d. Norms of society . Hand gestures while speaking Situation 5. Magna Carta of Public Health Worker b. Records for care plan d. Tympanic membrane perforation 20. Which of the following would be inappropriate in planning for his care? a. America Situation 4. Foreign body in the ear canal b. Standards of nursing practice d. Speaking slowly but aloud b. But also occurs among children. Regulation of nursing practice is mainly based on: a. One of your client's has just undergone an ear surgery. coughing and nose blowing 19. Which communication approach would you initiate? a. Sensitive awareness to the health needs of society b. As a professional nurse you take responsibility for personal & professional growth 21. Use verbal communication and observe the response b. 26. Which of the following conditions would an irrigation of the ear canal be appropriate intervention? a. Antihistamine c. Which of the following Acts means that "Health Workers" are all persons engaged in health relate work regardless of their employment status? a. Aryan b. An increased interest in reading d. Administration of anti-emetics and analgesics as ordered b. Post a sign "Patient deaf" 17. Every march 15 of each year c. Susceptibility of the syndrome that Cristina was affected with. Serious otitis c. Impacted cerumen d. To assess the degree of hearing impairment of a 70-yearold client. Daily irrigation of the ear canal c. Every January 20 of each year d. communication is best accomplished by: a. Immunoglobuline b. Give message to client in writing c. Caucasian c. Family practices b. Every April 15 of each year b. Which of the following best describe this graduate? a. Writing messages c. Salicylatea 15. Gesturing while speaking d. Hyperactivity c. Discrimination Prohibition d. While you are mating your routine rounds you were told that there is a client in the 1CU who is in respirator and who lip-reads. Code of Conduct and Ethical Standard of Public Officials and Employees Situation 6. impairment appears to be common among elderly patients. The nursing process 24. January 18 c. The Nurse calculates that her due date is: a. Luteinizing hormone d. Agree with the society's norms d. Constriction of the ureteral entrance at the trigone Situation 8. Pneumonia Carnii d. Can both be healthy or ill b. Different sources of essential nutrients are favored by different cultural groups 35. Health Beliefs Model states that one takes health action if: a. Most weight gain during pregnancy is fluid retention b. Tumors and opportunistic infections d.c. Developmental stage 27. Fever. Health enhancement b. Pregnant women must adhere to a specific pregnancy diet d. Human. 33. Cathy visits her gynecologist to confirm a suspected pregnancy. Cathy is now in her 8 weeks of pregnancy and complains of having to go to the bathroom often to urinate. trichomonas vaginalis b. What is the causative agent in HIV/AIDS? a. weight loss. January 10 b. Health action that keeps one's present level of health is referred to as: a. The nurse's best response would be that this occurs because of the a. night sweats and diarrhea 38. The nurse is aware that the nausea and vomiting commonly experienced by many women during the first trimester of pregnancy is an adaptation to the increased level of a. During the nursing history. Kaposi's Sarcoma b. Reduction in the secretion of hormones by the ovaries b. Is either not healthy or not ill 28. AIDS cases has been all over the country and yet only few are reported cases due to the stigma attach to it. The nurse in the prenatal clinic should provide nutritional counseling to all newly pregnant women because: a. Cathy states that some spotting occurred in May 8. Health-illness continuum refers to which of the following statements? A person a.Cathy is in the early first trimester of her first pregnancy. Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy b. Secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone produced by the pituitary. Production of estrogen and progesterone by the ovaries. The cause of death of most AIDS patients who develop . T-cell lymphotrophio virus c. Chorionic gonadothropin 34. Death prevention d. Estrogen b. c. health practice d. The nurse explains to her that urinary frequency often occurs because the capacity of the bladder during pregnancy is diminished by: a. Compression by the ascending uterus c. Atony of the detrusor muscle b. Health beliefs b. 31. Get support from family c. Staphylococcus bacteria 39. Compromise of the autonomic reflexes d. . Sudden loss of weight. Health maintenance Situation 7. Treponema pallidum d. A classic full blown AIDS case is identified by clinical manifestations such as: a. Chlamydia tranchomatis 37. Cathy asks the nurse why menstruation ceases once pregnancy occurs. February 15 32. Will prevent his getting sick 30. Health promotion c. Is either healthy or sick c. 36. One's ideas convictions and attitudes which influence his level of health is referred to as his: a. she states that her last menstrual period began April 11. Religious beliefs d. afternoon fever and general malaise c. Secretion of luteinizing hormone produced by the pituitary d. Is consistent of his health beliefs b. This is caused: a. Health habits c. February 12 d. Dietary allowance should not increase during pregnancy c. Pulmonary complications are the most common problem in caring for AIDS patients. health perceptions 29. Filterable Virus c. Progesterone c. Can be at the level of health & illness d. Weakened immune system impairs resistance to infection d. "I know how you feel about your condition". The nurse assessing a male client who has been admitted for treatment of alcoholism. Identify the courses of action open to the family and resources needed for each 3. with the aim of implementation self-deferral of blood donate who are risk of HIV infection 2. Which of the following choices best reflects the predischarge information the nurse should provide for the client's family regarding low-sodium diet? a. omit all canned foods. Implementation of the following activities can help prevent the transmission of AIDS through the blood. Her review of the family folder showed the following: GR-II. The doctor has ordered high carbohydrates." Situation 10. you are in good hands. Uy pre-eclampsia c. 3 & 4 C. 1 & 3 d. low-protein. Uy’s eldest son d. Conduct public education campaign. In helping the family decide on what actions to take you will. with slight edema. "Let me call a chaplain to see you. "I'm sure you are scared. 45. 1. who are very supportive. "Why are you scared?" 42. Weakened immune system impairs response to therapy b. 41. "You should be careful not to let your family know you're scared" d. "Do you think your wife might benefit from counseling?" c. Avoid canned and processed foods. The following situation would require you of your communication skills. "Don't worry. Family potential threat of cross-infection from H-fever 47. read the labels on packaged foods to determine sodium content. "I’m really scared. Discuss the consequences of each course of action available 4. The midwife refers to you a family who fails to take action regarding a sick member of the family despite her suggestions. "Have you discussed the situation with your doctor?" 44. Conduct surveillance of women attending anti-natal clinics 4. and avoid snacks food c. and remove salt shakes from table. 2 & 3 Situation 9. call a dietitian for help. A patient who is diagnosed to have terminal illness tells you. Am I dying?" What could be your most appropriate response? a. b. Nutritional status of Mrs. "Let us asks your doctor about your operation. Nurse Linda planned a home visit. soak vegetables well before cooking to remove sodium. Mra.multiple opportunistic infections is/are the following: a. You are encouraging your patient for major cancer operation to verbalize her fears." d. Influence me family to act on what you think is best for the . Avoid eating in a restaurant. She lives with her daughter and son-inlaw and their family. "How is your general health?" d. Which response by the nurse indicates as understanding of the situation? a. She remarked. Limit milk and dairy products." c. "You feel you need privacy when changing your colostomy?" d. b. Uy who missed her prenatal appointment date. Uy's eldest son who is sick with H-fever b. She is now ready for discharge. While you were going over the record of Mrs. Which of the following would you give priority in planning her for the family? a. Your appropriate response is a. "How much do you think?" b. Infection cannot be treated effectively 40. You are assigned as a public health nurse to oversee the different health activities in your community. "What other drugs do you use?" ." b. "Your wife's need to help you is a reality you should accept" b. One of the main fools of the nursing profession is the use of therapeutic communication. A 58-year-old male client tells the office nurse that his wife does not let him change his colostomy bag himself. low sodium diet for her and the family has asked for assistance in planning low-sodium diet meals. An 87 year old widow was hospitalized for treatment of chronic renal disease." c. Use potassium salts in place of table salt when coking and seasoning foods. Use of condoms of those found to be infected with HIV a. Explain the consequences of inaction 2. "Tell me about what you think. AH of these (a. b. 1. Mrs. do not use salt replacements substitute herbs and replaces for salt in cooking and when seasoning foods. Educate health care workers on the correct use of blood 3. cook separate meals that are low in sodium and encourage increased fluid intake d." I am afraid to do". Mrs. c. 1 & 2 b. Which question by the nurse is least appropriate? a. 46. "Why do you drink so much?" 43. Uy eldest son in underweight is sick of H-fever. BP=150/100. other clients in your situation feel the same way. PARA II. c) c. 60 years old and above b. Elisa is on her 1 1/2 month pregnancy. Immunization c. as early as possible during pregnancy . Demographic profile of the elderly population is important in the nursing profession and it is therefore important to know the basic facts about it 51. belong a. Which of the following statements is correct regarding Community Health Nursing (CHN)? a. 85 years old and above d. 58. 75 to 84 years old 52. b. Greet Client or household c. Starting the infant on bottle feeding d. 65 to 74 years old c. Home visit should have an objective or purpose. which of the following statements would you consider most important? a. 1 year after delivery d. Making medicine available Situation 11. 3 & 1 c. Sudden weaning can be harmful and can make the older child ill c. a. Planning of Home Visit should be flexible and practical. 2 & 3 d. the Nurse should include in her health teaching a. d. According to the definition of UN and WHO elderly people are who belong to the age bracket of a. Essential Tool used in Community Health Nursing. 4 only 48. Organizing me community for health c. Your response should be the following. In giving tetanus toxoid immunization for pregnant women. There are four classifications of elderly. Factors that affect Reproductive health includes. 75 to 84 years old d. a. Ask about client's health status. which should be done initially? a. Provision of CHN care is not any way affected by policies of the agency where the Nurse work c. that saves time and effort. 3rd Trimester c. Professional growth and development of the PHN is the responsibility of the Department health b. She can start giving solid foods in preparation for weaning when her child is 4 to 6 months old 49. 85 years old and above 53.W 55. In developing capability of people to assume more responsibility for their health. a. Family Planning d. Breast milk is only valuable until the child is 4 months old d. 57. c. Second Trimester b. Planning should revolve around the essential needs of the family. Status of Men d.situation a. After home delivery. except a. Identifying health problems with the people d. a. Socio-economic b. Her first child 3 1/2 months old. Wash hands b. EXCEPT: a. 1 & 4 b.A. Adolescent Reproductive Health c. which age group do old-old person. Bag technique b. Circumcision of the Infant b. 2. the first dose should be given. The PHN worked with community 19 for 6 years can solely determine the health needs of the community d. 65 to 74 years old c. V. Breast feeding of infant 59. Lead-lag in the health activities b. Breastfeeding during pregnancy is not harmful to either of the babies. Principles in Home Visit include. Element of Reproductive Hearth is responsible for the sex education for students. Thermometer Technique 56. b. Men's Reproductive Health b. She asked you if she should stop breastfeeding her first baby since she is now pregnant. 55 to 60 years old b. Public Health Bag c. except. Explain purpose of visits d. Status of Women c. Steps in Home Visit. Social and Gender Issues 54. Evaluation of the health status of individuals and families should be done in consultation with them 50. Planning revolves around the needs of the Nurse. BP Apparatus d. the disengagement theory d. PD 996 c. 2 & 4 c. The adics theory b. 2. Epidemic b. 3 years as a C. Genetic. The effect of the sun occurs mainly in dividing cells while the effects of aging are seen mainly in calls that no longer divide c. 66. BSN. In the "Wear and Tear" theory of aging continued use of the body is supposed to lead to worn out parts. People are our partners in health 63. Immediately inform the rural health physician of any unusual increases cases in the community disease. 2 & 4 b. the personal meaning theory 70. This could not explain aging because: a.O 51 d. 4 62. Theories proposed to explain aging are organized as: 1. 1. 1 & 4 d. The activity theory c. People can demand health services d. I a. Fatality rate d. 2. Prevalence rate b. RA7180 61. 1. The absence theory . Conduct epidemiological investigation on all reported outbreaks 3. Theories regarding the aging process were formulated in order to guide the health care profession in their care of the elderly patient. RN 3. 3 b. similar to the breakdown and wearing out ®f old machinery. Assist in the planning and implementing disease control measures during outbreak a. Sunscreens are now available to block out fee harmful ultraviolet rays b. Mortality rate Situation 13. Pandemic d. 2 d. d. The human body can’t be compared to machinery d. The functional capacity theory b. Continued use has little effect b. Masters degree in Nursing 4. Most cells contain mechanisms for the repair of DNA 69. Which of the following statements best explain the concept of people empowerment? a. Known and unknown 67. As a PHN you also have an active role in disease surveillance sod epidemiology of disease in the community. E. 1. Nothing over wears out completely c. People themselves are health resources c. Fully explanatory and partially explanatory b. Endemic c. The habitual presence of a disease or infectious agent within a given geographic area is: a. Greater use leads to improvement in some systems such as muscles 68. The legal mandate that supports the PHC act a. 4 c. Endemic c. Measures the frequency of occurrence of new cases of a certain disease during a given period of time a. The "Somatic Mutation Theory" states that low doses of radiation accelerate aging. The parling theory d. The disengagement theory c. Request the midwife to graph weekly disease incidence cases in the municipality 4. biochemical and sociopsychological d. Among others you also do the following. Which of the following explains that the critical factor in framing old age concerns is how well persons function in regards to activities of daily living? a. LOI 949 b.60. a. 1. The theory has been criticized for three reasons. Sporadic 65. Filipino citizen 2. Complete and incomplete c. The view of the older people "Withdraw" from the soclety is: a. 3. People are the health beneficiaries b. Which of the following is not of the reasons why this theory explains little about the aging process. The number of cells that undergo mutation is too small to account for overall aging. Requirements to be a Public Health Nurse Includes a. 3 & 4 64. 48 hours b. 12 hours c. the nurse's main contribution in the preparation of the total health care plan is the. Use of IUD since she is still on her postpartum period b. Treatment of disease c. Preparation of the nursing component of the plan . Cleanse the episiotomy with iodine solution d. preservation or restoration of the health of the people through. a. except a. Health workers and private practitioners 79. Elici: history of delivery 72. Knowing the policies if the National Family Planning Program which of these is the best contraceptive method to use for a couple who have already four children? a. Avoidance of smoking and betel chewing Situation 16. A method they will choose and use d. What will be first action of the nurse? a. Under the National Center Control Program. a. The way people view health and how they are using health care services c. Which of the following intervention will you first apply? a. Assess for signs of anemia b. Rehabilitation b. Data on quality assurance 82. In recent years. 10 hours d. Lagundi b. Mefhylergonovine oaaleate Situation 15. Castro is one-week post partum. Herba Buena d. Commercial social workers b. Mefenamic Acid c.Situation 14. In a rural health unit with full man power complement. but does not last longer than how many hours? a. All of these groups c. Administer antimicrobials as ordered b. General population d. Regulation and encouragement of providers of health goods and services b. The Department of Health implements various health programs and projects in order to achieve its goals and objectives. Upon inspection the nurse observes an edematous episiotomy site. The primary function of the Department of Health is the promotion. Ask for the possibility of sexual intercourse d. Which of the following herbal plants can be used to related perineal infection? a. Which of the following is an anti-inflammatory drug? a. None of these c. Provision and delivery of health services c. Reduction of morbidity and mortality 77. the government have given more emphasis of which of the following. The Community Health Nurse prepares/participate in the preparation of the community health care plan. 71. 81. Health status profile of the community d. Prevention of illness d. 76. a. the following are primary prevention measures implemented cancer of the mouth except a. Treatment and rehabilitation 78. Expose the wound to perilight c. Natural family planning method since her menstruation is still regular c. She visits health center because of fever and intense pain over the episiotomy site. Give oral analgesic 73. Metoprotol succinate b. In order to plan effectively. Upon inspection the nurse observes an edematous episiotomy site. None of these b. Guava Leaves 74. In your campaign against sexually transmitted disease which of these groups are your target audience for health education? a. 24 hours 75. Banana Leaves c. Improved dental hygiene d. Mrs. Tubal ligation as this is more permanent method 80. the nurse needs a -working knowledge on the following. Breast engorgement can also cause temperature elevation. Meperidine hydrochloride d. Avoidance of inverted cigarette smoking b. Determine nutritional status c. All of these except reduction of morbidity and mortality d. As a Public Health Nurse you are one of the implementers of these programs at the municipal level. Performance standard c.b. What is to be accomplished? d. Performance audit d. All of these statements d. infection b. Number of children who consulted for abdominal pain and anemia d. How to schedule the activities? b. What is the nurse most appropriate response? a. When observing Rebecca. Ward supplies and materials d. tumbling play 93. To increase the number of mothers coming for prenatal check-up by 25% in 6 months time. of the community health care plan? a. The nurse observes Rebecca at play in the clinic. Mission of the hospital 89. Number of children found positive for ascaris/ amebiasis/ hookworm. You were designated to be an officer-in-charge of your nursing unit. a. In unit planning which of the following questions initiate the process? a. Where to get unit supplies? 87. Medical diagnosis of patient c. Competitive play d. When Rebecca begins to lose deciduous teeth d. Between 2 and 3 years of age c. how could the nurse assist the mother to increase Rebecca's fluid intake? . To increase the number of children receiving food assistance 85. the nurse would expect her to engage in which type of play? a. She realizes that at this age. If the objectives of the health care plan is to decrease the number of children with parasitism: by 50% by the end of 2 years. To ensure adequate unit supplies/materials b. Build houses with blocks b. Number of nursing staff b. Which of the following statement would serve as a guide in the preparation. a 2 year old and her Mother are consulting the community health nurse 91. Is extremely possessive of toys c. 86. Identification of health problem of the barangays d. Recommendation for action should be stated in quantifiable terms b. To use the kardex system of charting c. This is an example of data that should be analyzed when identifying missing needs. Number of children examined for parasitism c. Which of the following tools can be most helpful in the evaluation of staff performance? a. The next time another family member goes to the dental 94. Attempts to stay within the hue when coloring d. Nursing service organizational chart d. Collation of the data on Health Statistics e. Parallel play b. Amuses herself with a picture book of 15 minutes 92. This is an example of a patient care unit objective a. Patient classification 88. Which of the following is a well-stated objective of a community health nursing care plan a. Who will do the planning? c. Rebecca. Solitary play c. Rebecca's mother asks the nurse when it would be appropriate to take her to the dentist for dental prophylaxis. Rebecca could be expected to exhibit which of the following? a. Problems goals and objectives should be stated in quantifiable terms 84. Before starting school b. b. which of these would be an appropriate evaluation indicator? a. To increase the coverage for immunization in 1 year time d. Considering Rebecca's development. Performance assessment b. Performance appraisal Situation 18. Analysis of the community survey data 83. To provide safe nursing 90. Number of children who were dewormed Situation 17. Your head nurse participated a 2-weeks seminar. The formulation of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the plans must be an aspect of planning c. To determine the number of nursing staff needed d. To accomplish the nursing unit work. Rebecca's mother say's that Rebecca consistently says "no” every time she is offered fluids. you should first get information about: a. To increase the number of home visits by 50% c. Nursing budget b. Objectives of the unit c. He wets his pants. 96. Trust b. In a child development. Readily accepting the nurse caring for him c. showing little or no interest in his surrounding 100. Distract her with some food b. The nurse is caring for a hospitalized toddler who was toilet trained home. Can manipulate his or her parents b. Along with the ability to "rake" objects toward themselves 97. Rebecca is well and is to be discharged.a. Between 9 & 12 month of age c. Actively follow movement of familiar persons with her eyes b. c. Responds to "No-No" c.Her mother asks the nurse why Rebecca persists in saying ''no'' to everything. Attention c. Evaluating a 1 month old infant normal developmental skills. The best response to this situation is to say? a. Copies negative behavior of sibling. Now lets get you cleaned up” c. what's wrong?" 99. You are the nurse assigned in the nursery unit and your patients are of various ages. "Its okay. Discipline d. Turns her head to a familiar noise d. Showing considerable interest in new toy d. Assessment an infant. Sitting quietly in the comer of the cab. Let Rebecca see that she is making her mother angry 95. "That's okay. try not to wet your pants next time” b. Is struggling between dependence and independence d. the nurse knows that a pincer grasp nornally appears a. Be firm and hand her the glass c. Is learning manual skills 98. Discriminates between family and strangers . the period of negativism begins when the child a. Between 5 & 7 month of age d. The nurse explains to Rebecca's mother that this negativism is helping Rebecca to meet a 2 year old need for which of the following? a. what happened?" d. "I know you understand how to use the toilet. the Nurse should observe that the infant a. "Your mom told me you don't wet anymore. At the same time as the palmar grasp b. Independence Situation 19. Offer her a choice of two things to drink d. Crying loudly when parents leave b. Which of the following behavior would a normal 18 moths old be likely to exhibit during the first few hours of hospitalization? a.
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