Numerical Index of DEPs

March 26, 2018 | Author: simba8661 | Category: Pump, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Gas Compressor, Casing (Borehole), Pipeline Transport



Numerical Index of DEPsNumber Revision Apr. 2003 Jul. 2008 Jul. 2008 Nov. 2006 DEP publications Index to DEP publications Index to standard drawings Content and drafting of a functional specification, and a technical specification, and the classification of products, processes and services (endorsement of ISO 13879, ISO 13880 and ISO/TR 13881) Standard forms index The use of SI quantities and units (endorsement of ISO 31, ISO 1000 and ISO 80000) Definition of temperature, pressure and toxicity levels Preparation of process flow schemes and process engineering flow schemes Preparation of safeguarding memoranda and process safeguarding flow schemes Asset breakdown for onshore facilities Preparation and microfilming of technical drawings Steam injection systems for safeguarding thermal cracking units Basic data and phase behaviour methods Glycol-type gas dehydration systems Heat transfer fluid (HTF) systems Fuel systems Fouling resistances for heat transfer equipment Human factors engineering in projects Human factors engineering - summary of ISO standards Human factors engineering - investment justification model Human factors engineering - valve analysis Human factors engineering - Application during construction Human factors engineering - human/machine interface and control room design Human factors engineering - attention hierarchy coding for graphical displays Human factors engineering - design and procurement of skid-packaged units Equipment in LPG installations Title Jul. 2008 Dec. 2007 Mar. 2001 Apr. 2003 Oct. 2001 Dec. 1998 Oct. 1995 Dec. 1994 Apr. 2003 Jan. 2005 Apr. 2006 Nov. 2006 Dec. 1998 May 2007 Aug. 2005 Nov. 2003 May 2004 Jan. 2005 May 2004 Apr. 2006 Nov. 2006 Nov. 2003 31 30. 2004 Nov.48.10 30. 2001 Pressurised bulk storage installations for LPG LPG bulk transfer and transportation ESD systems for loading and discharging refrigerated and pressurised LNG and LPG carriers Requisitions index Metallic materials .prevention of brittle fracture Materials and fabrication requirements for Cr-Mo heavy wall pressure vessels (amendments/supplements to API RP 934) Plant model construction and review Welding of metals (amendments/supplements to API RP 582) Welding on pressurised pipes (amendments/supplements to ANSI/API RP 1107) Oxidation of stainless steel weldments Cathodic protection Design of cathodic protection systems for onshore buried pipelines Design of cathodic protection systems for offshore pipelines (amendments/supplements to DNV RP B401) Installation and commissioning of cathodic protection systems Thermal insulation (amendments/supplements to the CINI handbook) Painting and coating of new equipment Cement lining of pipes Thermal spray coatings of aluminium and 85/15 zinc/aluminium alloy Electroless nickel plating (amendments/supplements to ASTM B 733) Rubber-lined process equipment Design and installation of chemical-resistant linings for concrete structures Design and installation of chemical-resistant brick lining for process equipment Glass lined steel process equipment Water-tube boiler installations Gas turbine heat recovery steam generators Chemical injection facilities 30. 2008 Aug.73.70.13 30.11 30.41. 2006 Jul.30.33 30.30 30.10. 2007 . 30.selected standards Non-metallic materials .10.00. 1996 30.31 30.31 31.48. 2007 Dec.60. 2003 Aug. 1995 Dec.10.30. 2003 Dec.10.60.10 30. 2005 Jul.10.10. 1998 Nov. 2003 Dec.13 and application Metallic materials .60.12 30. 2008 Sep. 2008 Jan.31 30.10.10 Jan.60.11 30.18 30.10.30 30.31 30. 1998 Jul.30 30.10. 1998 Dec.60. 2005 May 2004 Dec.02.10.12 30.10 30.48.02. 1995 Oct.32 Jan.73.02. 2003 Oct.40.10.46. 2002 Apr.31 30.48. 2000 Apr. 2000 Jan.48. 1992 Jul.10.31 30.73. 2005 Aug. 2005 Dec.10.75.20 1999 Jun.32 Nov.60.73. 31 31.20. 2004 Dec. 2007 Oct.Selection and application Shell and tube heat exchangers (amendments/supplements to ISO 16812) Selected construction materials for shell-and-tube heat exchangers Plate and frame heat exchangers (amendments/supplements to ISO 15547) Printed circuit heat exchangers .21.40. 2001 Jan.32 31.35 31.00. 2001 Aug.31 Aug.24.21.32 2005 May 2004 Mar.70. 2007 Jan.01. 2002 Jan.Design and fabrication Brazed aluminium plate-fin heat exchangers (amendments/supplements to ISO 15547-2) Air-cooled heat exchangers (amendments/supplements to ISO 13706) Rotating disc contactors Gas/liquid separators .31 31.31 31.21.00. 2002 Jan.01.10.10 31.12 31. 2007 Mar.03.31 31. 2007 Nov.22. 2000 Loading facilities for bulk road vehicles Material traceability and positive material identification (PMI) Noise control (amendments/supplements to ISO 15664) Symbols and identification system . Division 1 and Division 2) Glass-fibre reinforced epoxy. 2006 Dec.Type selection and design rules Liquid/liquid and gas/liquid/liquid separators .01.11. 2005 Dec.31 31.33 31.10.11 31.Mechanical Gaseous oxygen systems Internals for columns Printed circuit heat exchangers .32 31. 2005 May 2004 Dec. 2004 Sep.34 31. 2001 Sep.30 31.22.11 31.22.11 31. 2005 Dec. 2001 Sep.14 31.30 31.24.31 31.10 31.31 31.20. 2005 Dec. 2002 Dec.Type selection and design rules Pressure vessels (amendments/supplements to PD 5500) Manufacturing report for pressure vessels Unfired pressure vessels (amendments/supplements to EN 13445) Pressure vessels (amendments/supplements to ASME VIII.01. 2008 Mar.00. polyester and vinyl ester vessels and tanks Fired heaters (amendments/supplements to ISO 13705) Calculation of heater-tube thickness (Endorsement of ISO 13704) Fabric expansion joints (endorsement of RAL-GZ 719) Materials for high-temperature conversion process furnace parts .01.21. 2007 May 2004 Dec.10.05. 29. 2008 31.40.00.special purpose applications (amendments/ supplements to ISO 10441) Pumps .32 Nov.49.00.06. 1998 .12. 2003 Dec.30 31. 2007 Jun.30 31. 2007 Jul. 1999 31.30 31.33 Nov. 2007 Jun. 2008 Dec. centrifugal and expander compressors (amendments/supplements to API Std 617) Reciprocating compressors (amendments/supplements to API Std 618) Rotary-type positive displacement compressors (amendments/supplements to API 619) Packaged. 2003 Fabrication of heater piping Hoisting facilities and weather protection for rotating equipment Filters for removing particles from hydroprocesser feeds . 2008 Nov.30 31.32 31.29. 1999 Mar.00.40. 2004 Jan.42. 2006 Dec. 2007 Apr. Jul.40.21. centrifugal plant and instrument air compressors (amendments/supplements to API 672) Packaged reciprocating gas compressors (amendments/supplements to ISO 13631) Liquid ring vacuum pumps and compressors (amendments/supplements to API STD 681) Centrifugal fans (amendments/supplements to API 560 Appendix E) Dec. 2003 Nov.type selection and design rules Dry electrostatic precipitators Installation of rotating equipment (amendments/supplements to API RP 686) Condition monitoring and safeguarding of rotating equipment Oil mist lubrication systems Petroleum and natural gas industries .29.29.10 31. 1999 Dec.29.29.00. 2003 Nov.31 31.30 31. integrally geared.47.type selection and procurement procedure Centrifugal pumps (amendments/supplements to ISO 13709:2003) Centrifugal submerged motor pumps (in refrigerated product or pressurised storage service) Seawater lift pumps Reciprocating positive displacement pumps and metering pumps (amendments/supplements to API 674 and API 675) Compressors . 2006 Dec. 1999 Jan.29.29.33 Jun.high-speed special-purpose gear units (amendments/supplements to ISO 13691) Shaft sealing systems for centrifugal and rotary pumps (amendments/supplements to ISO 21049:2004) Flexible couplings for mechanical power transmission .31 31. testing and installation Axial.29.29.10 31.34 31.29.10 31.10 31. 2003 Dec.27.31 31. 2001 Nov.11 31.30 31. 2006 Apr.24.Selection.40.29. 2007 31.02. testing and installation General-purpose steam turbines (amendments/supplements to API Std 611) Special-purpose steam turbines (amendments/supplements to ISO 10437) Lubrication.38.12 31.pipeline valves (amendments/supplements to ISO 14313) Hydraulic systems for remote operation of shut-off valves Instrument air supply Piping classes . and production Piping classes .38.38.29. 2007 Jan.31 31. 2005 Dec.30 31.29. 1999 Dec. testing and installation Combustion gas turbines (amendments/supplements to API 616) Gas turbine combustion air intake and exhaust systems Diesel engines Spark ignited gas fuelled engines Pipeline transportation systems .29.10 31. 2005 Aug.01.refining and chemicals ( class 150 ) Piping classes .01.exploration and production ( class 1997 Apr.31 31.38.13 31.exploration and production ( class 600 ) Piping classes . 2006 Aug.56.exploration and production ( class 150 ) Piping classes .31 31. 2005 Nov.Selection.90.11 31. 1998 Jan.29.refining and chemicals ( class 1500 ) Piping classes .12 31. 2000 Aug.70. 2005 Aug.60.12 31.15 31. 2006 Aug.37.01.12 31.30 31. 2005 Aug.basis of design Piping .refining and chemicals ( class 2500 ) Compilation of bill of material for piping isometrics Piping classes .70.01. 2006 Jan. 2006 Jan. 2006 Jan.30 Dec.38.38.01.refining and chemicals ( class 900 ) Piping classes .29.refining and chemicals Piping classes . 2001 Oct.01.29. 2005 Apr. 2000 Mar.12 31. 2006 Jan.11 31.15 31.Selection.38.01.exploration and production ( class 300 ) Piping classes .12 31. 2006 .01.29.29. 2006 Steam jet vacuum ejector sets Steam turbines . 2001 Sep. shaft-sealing and control oil systems and auxiliaries (amendments/supplements to API 614) Combustion gas turbines .15 31.15 31.01. 1999 Dec.32 31.refining and chemicals ( class 600 ) Piping classes .60.00. 2005 Apr.refining and chemicals ( class 300 ) Piping classes .30 31. 2005 Aug. 31.30 31. 2005 Aug. 1998 Dec.32 Dec.general requirements Piping classes . 2003 Aug.01. 38. 1998 Piping classes .40.40.15 31.38.33 31.01.900 ) 2003 Dec.40.38. 1995 Sep. 2005 Dec. 2005 Aug.13 31.40. 2006 Jan. 2006 Dec.21. 2007 Apr. 2007 Jul.15 31.10. 2007 Dec.40.38.20. 2000 Jun.40.20 31. 2007 Aug. 2005 Oct.82. 2003 Dec.11 31.32 31.10. 2002 Dec.37 31.00.30 31. 1998 Jan. 1998 Nov. 2001 31.40.01. 2006 Sep. 2002 Nov.10 31. 2006 Apr. 2006 Nov.10.38.21 31.20.14 31.16 31.20.36 Dec.10.exploration and production ( class 2500 ) Compilation of a specification for piping systems Pipe supports Shop and field fabrication of piping Protective steam heating of piping systems Hot-tapping on pipelines.19 31.40.exploration and production ( class 1500 ) Piping classes . Jan. 1999 Mar.60. piping and equipment PTFE bellows Pipeline engineering (amendments/supplements to ISO 13623) Corrosion mitigation strategy for wet sour gas carbon steel pipelines Riser design Design of multiple-pipe slug catchers Design of pipeline pig trap systems Pipeline overpressure protection Analysis of spans for submerged pipelines Upheaval buckling of pipelines Pipeline/trawlgear interaction Glass-fibre reinforced plastic pipeline and piping systems Spoolable fibre-reinforced plastic pipes CRA clad or lined steel pipe (amendments/supplements to API Spec 5LD) Linepipe induction bends (amendments/supplements to ISO 15590-1) Welded and seamless duplex and super duplex stainless steel line pipe (amendments/supplements to API Spec 5LC) Linepipe for non-critical service (amendments/supplements to ISO 3183-1) Weldable martensitic stainless steel line pipe for use in oil and gas operations (amendments/supplements to API spec 5LC) Linepipe for critical service (amendments/supplements to ISO 3183-3) Pipeline fittings (amendments/supplements to ISO 15590-2) Pipeline isolating joints (amendments/supplements 31.31 31.17 31.15 31.35 31.01.10. 2006 Apr.40. 1997 Apr.29 31.30.12 31.10 31.40.40. 2006 Mar. 1999 .31 Dec.38.21.40. 31.40.40. 1998 Jul.incident management Data acquisition & control architecture (DACA) procedural controls . and commissioning of HVAC systems Data acquisition and control architecture (DACA) Data acquisition & control architecture (DACA) roles and responsibilities Data acquisition & control architecture (DACA) procedural controls . Dec. testing and balancing. 2007 Jan.30 31. 2007 Pig signallers: Intrusive type Carbon and low alloy steel pipeline flanges for use in oil and gas operations (amendments/supplements to ISO 15590-3) Concrete coating of linepipe External polyethylene and polypropylene coating for line pipe External fusion-bonded epoxy powder coating for line pipe Bituminous enamel coating of steel linepipe Thermoplastic lined pipelines Internal coating of line pipe for non-corrosive gas transmission service (amendments/supplements to ISO 15741) Elastomer coatings and monel sheathing for offshore riser protection External field joint and rehabilitation coating systems for line pipe Hydrostatic pressure testing of new pipelines Precommissioning of pipelines Pipeline leak detection Pipeline repairs Quarter-turn on/off actuators Acoustic insulation for piping (amendments/supplements to ISO 15665) Side-entry mixers for storage tanks and vessels Heating.01. 2005 Sep. 2006 Dec. 2007 Jan.40.33 31.11 32. 2007 .40.disconnection procedure Data acquisition & control architecture (DACA) - 31.30 2005 31.backup and restore Data acquisition & control architecture (DACA) procedural controls .22.34 Sep.76.31 31.40.01. 1998 Apr.32 31. 2002 Apr.20. 2007 Jun.46. 1997 Apr.12 32.36 31.10 32. ventilation and air conditioning for plant buildings Installation.01.23. 2003 Apr.10 32.40.13 32. 2007 Mar. 1999 Apr.30.10 31.21.33 31. 2005 Nov. 2006 Jun. 2006 Aug.22. 2003 Oct.40.31 31. 2008 Nov. 2001 Dec.34 2008 Mar.30.10 32.30. 1999 Dec.configuration management Data acquisition & control architecture (DACA) procedural controls .12 31. 2006 Dec.31 31.22.35 Dec.40.01.11 MSS SP-75) 31.38 31. 2002 Jun.51.30 31. 2006 Jan.11 32. 31 32.11 32. gas and smoke detection systems Instrument engineering procedures Instruments for measurement and control Instrumentation documents and drawings 32.030 or S 24.risk assessment Smart fields .01.technical controls . 2003 32.10 32.18 32.37 Dec. 2007 32.31.32 32.01.System for an automatically-started. 2007 32. 2007 Data acquisition & control architecture (DACA) technical controls .virus management Data acquisition & control architecture (DACA) system security .minimal access Data acquisition & control architecture (DACA) technical controls .24. gas fired.024 and S 24. 2007 Nov. Control system and instrumented protective functions for fired equipment . 1999 Dec.authentication and authorisation Data acquisition & control architecture (DACA) technical controls . 32. 2006 32.42 Apr.26.01.infrastructure architecture 32.wireless security Data acquisition & control architecture (DACA) technical controls . 2002 Jul.23.01. 2007 Jun.System for a manually-started.20.19 Jan.PCD network drawings Data acquisition & control architecture (DACA) technical controls . natural draught. 2008 Jun.architectural requirements for applications utilising production data Data acquisition and control architecture (DACA) system security .24.20.31. forced draught. multi-burner furnace or boiler (S 24.034) Control system and instrumented protective functions for fired equipment .34 Sep.23.Production-critical real-time data Instrument symbols and identification on process engineering flow schemes Control system and instrumented protective functions for fired equipment . 2007 Dec.10 32. 2007 Jun.40.14 32. 1998 32.23.30 Jun.20. 2006 Mar.10.20.15 Mar.01.021) Control system and instrumented protective functions for fire equipment .25. 2007 Mar. 2007 Apr.remote user access Data acquisition & control architecture (DACA) technical controls . multi-burner furnace.11 32.01. multi-burner furnace or boiler (S 24. 2006 32.24.System for a singleburner furnace (S 24.12 32.patch management Data acquisition & control architecture (DACA) assurance .00. forced draught.24. 1985 Jul. 2006 Apr.20.026) Control system and instrument protective functions for fired equipment System for an automatically started. 1995 .38 Apr.33 Dec.00.Systems for Co-fired gas turbine waste heat recovery units Fire. safeguarded by pilot burners (S 24. 71.31. 1997 Dec.10.Analyser houses Turbine fiscal metering systems for liquid hydrocarbons Fiscal flow measurement of natural gas Flow rate measurement in wet gas environments by means of venturi tubes and tracer dilution technology Control valves .11 and operation Electrical network monitoring and control system specification Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements Synchronous AC machines (amendments/supplements to IEC 60034-1 and IEC 60034-14) 32.10 32. 2001 May 2004 Nov.13 May 2004 Apr.31. 2005 Sep.09. 2007 Jul.11 32.12 32.71.Analysers On-line process stream analysis . 2002 Jun. 2001 Jun.80. 1993 Oct.64.12 32.10.11. 1999 Jan.64. 1998 May 2004 Apr.14 2003 Oct.10 32.31.Sample conditioning On-line process stream analysis .00.10 32.00. 1996 Dec.71.50. sizing and specification Installation of on-line instruments Instrument signal lines Instrumentation of depressuring systems Plant telecommunication Telecommunication standards Telecommunications for offshore platforms Drilling communications Telecommunications towers and guyed masts Design and installation of telephone cabling Structured cabling systems for telecommunications Microwave systems Classification and implementation of instrumented protective functions Management of instrumented protective functions Alarm management Instrumented protective systems Electrical engineering design Electrical network monitoring and control system application Electrical supply and generation .00.00.12 32.65.80. 1997 Jul.71.00.32. 2003 Jul.16 32.33 33.13 32. 1999 Jan.36.32. 2003 Aug.32 33. 2008 Jan.11 32.10 32. 2002 Jun.10. 2003 Sep.31.Sample take-off and transportation On-line process stream analysis .50.71.31 32.32.31 Apr. 1996 Jan. 2007 .selection.30 33.10 1995 Jul.00.11 33. 1999 Sep.10 32.37. 2008 Oct. 32.10. 2007 Jul.00. 2002 Apr.71.11 32.20. 1998 Dec.00. 2008 Instrumentation for equipment packages On-line process stream analysis .10.13 32.12 32. 2003 Dec.00.32 33.C.17.05.20. 2000 Dec. 2007 Apr. 2002 Sep. uninterruptible power supply unit (static A.11.65. 2000 Nov.31 34.13. 1999 Apr.01.00. UPS unit) Solar power systems Electrical machines .31 Apr.31 33.17.30 34. slope protection and fencing Drainage and primary treatment facilities Design and engineering of buildings Blast resilient and blast resistant control buildings/field auxiliary rooms Laboratories Portable blast-resistant modules Mobile camps . 2006 Dec. 1987 Apr.68.civil site assessments Fireproofing of steel structures Reinforced concrete structures Steel stacks (amendments/supplements to CICIND Model Code) Reinforced concrete stacks Steel structures 33. 2008 Dec. 2003 Apr.31 34. 1996 . 2006 Jul.33 33.cage-induction types (amendments/supplements to IEC 60034-1 and IEC 60034-14) A.30 33.30 34. 2007 Jan.12 34.65. 2002 Apr. 2000 Jul.00.33 33.00.32 34.32 33. 2005 Jun.31 33.50.31 33.C.24.26. 2007 Packaged unit AC generator sets Power transformers (amendments/supplements to IEC 60076-1 and IEC 60076-11) Static DC uninterruptible power supply (DC UPS) units Static A.34 surfacing. 2003 Apr.32 33.00.31 34.20.31 Oct. 2006 Aug.40.10. 2007 Dec.11.31 34.27.14. 2001 Dec. 2003 Jul.65.33.11 34.31 2008 Dec. 2006 Nov.33 34.31 34. 2007 Nov.66.66. 1993 Sep.31 Jan. electrical variable speed drive systems Low voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies (amendments/supplements to IEC 60439-1) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies for rated voltages between 1kV and 52 kV (amendments/supplements to IEC 62271-200) Electrical heating system for frost heave prevention of refrigerated hydrocarbon storage tanks Electrical trace heating Electrical process heaters Navigational aids for offshore structures Structural design and engineering Site investigations Site preparation and earthworks including tank foundations and tank farms Geotechnical and foundation engineering Roads.80.17. 2008 Jan.20.30 34.51. 1999 Dec.30.19.67. paving. 2006 33.50.10 34.11 34. 1994 37.05.Selection and operation Mooring of mobile units Oil loading and discharge hoses for offshore mooring installations (amendments/supplements to OCIMF Guide) 34.19.30 Jul.10 37.10 37.10. 2005 Dec.00. 1998 Jul. 2008 Jul.10.30 Dec.00.10 37. 1998 Aug. 2008 37.32 37.30 Oct. 37.11 37.19.10 37.31 37.12 37.20.basic surface process safety systems (amendments supplements to ISO 10418) Design of sea water systems and utility heat transfer systems for offshore installations Diesel oil systems in oil and gas production facilities Design of hose bulk transfer facilities for offshore installations Site specific assessment of mobile offshore jack-up units (amendments/supplements to the SNAME guideline and recommended practice) Drain systems for offshore installations Design of offshore living quarters Design of offshore temporary refuges Design of steel substructures for fixed offshore platforms (amendments/supplements to API RP 2ALRFD) Weldable structural steels for fixed offshore structures (amendments/supplements to EN 10225 and EN 10025) Design of cathodic protection systems for new fixed offshore steel structures (amendments/supplements to DNV RP B401) Structural inspection of offshore installations Firewater pumps for offshore installations Subsea production systems (endorsement of ISO 13628 and API 17 series) Dynamically positioned (DP) vessels for construction activities .11 37.10.90. 2007 Apr.00. 2008 Mar.11. 2002 Dec.91. 2005 .30 Dec.10 2001 Aug.05.30 Dec.10 37.30 Sep.10. 2007 Jul.90.selection and design (based on EN 14015) Mounded horizontal cylindrical vessels for pressurised storage of LPG at ambient temperatures (endorsement of EEMUA publication No. 2006 Vertical carbon steel storage tanks . 2006 Feb. 2000 May 2004 37. 2004 Dec.10 2006 190) Demolition of storage tanks (endorsement of EEMUA 154) Design of jetty facilities (amendments/supplements to BS 6349-1/2/4) Metocean design and operating considerations (endorsement of ISO 19901-1) Offshore productions installations .19. 1995 37.10 35.91. 2007 Jan. 1998 Aug. 2007 Nov.30.10 Apr. 20.testing of heavy brines (endorsement of ISO 13503-3) Completion fluids and materials .10.30 2006 2007 Jun. 2004 Aug.80. 2004 Nov.10. 2003 Dec.38 Jun.80. 2006 Nov.80.10.water based fluids (endorsement of ISO 10414-1) Field testing of drilling fluids . 2007 38.36 38.80.30 38.10.specifications and tests (Endorsement of ISO 13500) Field testing of drilling fluids . 2006 Dec.80.32 38.procedures for measuring the long-term conductivity of proppants (endorsement of ISO 13503-5) Procedure for measuring stimulation and gravelpack fluid leakoff under static conditions (endorsement of ISO 13503-4) Completion fluids and materials .30 2004 .32 38.80. 2004 Nov.33 38. 2002 Apr. 2007 Nov.80.31 Dec. 2006 Sep.measurement of properties of proppants used in hydraulic fracturing and gravel-packing operations (endorsement of ISO 13503-2) Specifications for cements and materials for well cementing (endorsement of ISO 10426-1) Testing of well cements (Endorsement of ISO 10426-2) Performance testing of cementing float equipment (endorsement of ISO 10427-3) Bow-spring casing centralizers (Endorsement of ISO 10427-1) Centralizer placement and stop-collar testing (Endorsement of ISO 10427-2) Testing of deepwater well cement formulations (Endorsement of ISO 10426-3) Determination of shrinkage and expansion of well cement formulations at atmospheric pressure (Endorsement of ISO 10426-5) Preparation and testing of foamed cement slurries at atmospheric pressure (Endorsement of ISO 10426-4) Drilling and production hoisting equipment 38.80.34 38.80.Laboratory testing (Endorsement of ISO 10416) Drilling and fluids materials .35 Jun.80. 2005 Dec.34 38.37 Jun.36 Nov.80.80.35 38. 2007 38. 2004 Dec. 2004 Dec.oil-based fluids (amendments/supplements to ISO 10414-2) Measurement of viscous properties of completion fluids (Endorsement of ISO 13503-1) Drilling fluids .39 Jun.10.80.37 Nov. 2006 Offshore pedestal-mounted cranes (amendments/supplements to API Spec 2C) Drilling fluid materials . 2006 38.10. 2007 38.80.31 38.drilling fluids processing systems evaluation (Endorsement of ISO 13501) Completion fluids and materials .80.33 38. 31 39. 2007 Inspection.30 39.80.30 cavity pumps 38. 2005 Dec. tubing and coupling stock . 2000 39.80.36 39.35 39.01.30. 2005 .20.31 39. 2004 Dec.20.20.10. 2004 Aug. 2004 May 2004 Nov.2) Corrosion-resistant alloy seamless tubes for use as casing.30.01.11 39.30.40. 2004 Dec.32 38.10.80.side-pocket mandrels (endorsement of ISO 17078-1) Downhole equipment .33 Dec. 2005 Aug.80.10 39.Threading and gauging of rotary shouldered thread connections (endorsement of ISO 10424-2) Drill-through equipment (Endorsement of ISO 13533) Drilling and well servicing structures (Endorsement of ISO 13626) Selection of materials for life cycle performance (EP) L80 13%Cr casing and tubing (amendments/supplements to ISO/DIS 11960.30 39. 2004 39. tubing and line pipe (Endorsement of ISO 13678) Field inspection of new casing. 2004 Dec.30 Dec.80.34 39.50. 2004 Jan. 2000 Dec.80.technical delivery conditions (endorsement of ISO 13680) Care and use of casing and tubing (endorsement of ISO 10405) Testing procedures for casing and tubing connections (Endorsement of ISO 13679) Evaluation and testing of thread compounds for use with casing.32 38. 2006 Aug.packers and bridge plugs (Endorsement of ISO 14310) Downhole equipment . repair and remanufacture of hoisting equipment (Endorsement of ISO 13534) Drilling and well servicing equipment (Endorsement of ISO 14693) Steel drill pipe with weld-on tool joints (amendments/supplements to ISO 11961) Aluminium alloy drill pipe (Endorsement of ISO 15546) Marine drilling riser couplings (Endorsement of ISO 13625) Rotary drilling equipment .30.01. tubing and plain-end drill pipe (Endorsement of ISO 15463) Wellhead and christmas tree equipment (amendments and supplements to ISO 10423) Downhole equipment .32 39. maintenance.20.(Endorsement of ISO 13535) 38.40.01.Subsurface safety valves (endorsement of ISO 10432) Downhole equipment .01.lock mandrels and landing nipples (Endorsement of ISO 16070) Downhole equipment . 2005 Oct.01. 2004 Dec. 2005 Apr.34 39.34 Dec. 1995 Dec.31 2007 Dec.30 38. 2006 Aug.60.01.80. 31 70. 2001 Mar. 1993 61.30 80. 2005 Aug.11 70.11 70. 2003 May 2004 Jul.51. 1995 Dec.20.selection.32. 1999 62.11 Dec.11 63.11 80. 2007 Jul.Erection and testing (based on EN 14015) Collection and exchange of reliability and maintenance data for equipment (endorsement of ISO 14224) Equipment and tools for maintenance: Mechanical maintenance equipment.40.11 64.10 70. 2005 Aug. 2005 Jul.10. 2007 70.10. emergency depressuring. 1997 Jul.10. 2007 Downhole equipment .20.11 70. flare and vent systems 2008 Dec.80.Progressing cavity pump systems for artificial lift .10. 1998 Nov.36.40. 1999 Dec.10 70.30 64.10 Nov.Test equipment and tools Equipment record cards The preservation of old and new equipment and piping standing idle Cleaning of equipment Spare parts Maintenance painting Protective coatings for offshore facilities Field inspection.11.90. 1996 .51.10.10. 1998 Sep.10.00.08. 1997 Mar.24.11 44.00. 2007 Apr.00.31 70.90.10 Dec.30 70.30 Dec. 2000 Dec.11 61. 2006 Jun.10. sizing and specification Pressure relief.Surface-drive systems (endorsement of ISO 15136-2) Capital project coding system Refractory bricks and shapes Field inspection prior to commissioning of mechanical equipment Shop and field fabrication of orifice meter runs Welding of pipelines and related facilities(amendments/supplements to ANSI/API STD 1104) Field welding of duplex and super duplex stainless steel pipelines (amendments/supplements to API 1104) Inspection and functional testing of instruments Field commissioning and maintenance of electrical installations and equipment Refractory materials for sulphur recovery units (claus and scot) Insulating and dense refractory concrete linings Vertical tanks .08.31 Jul.38.45.10 61. 2002 Dec.10. maintenance and repair of vertical steel storage tanks Area classification (amendments/supplements to IP 15) Relief valves .13 70.for artificial lift (Endorsement of ISO 15136-1) 39.08. 2003 Aug.01.10. tools and bolt tensioning Electrical workshop .10. 1999 Jan. 00. 2006 .10 80.30 2002 80.00.11 Sep. 1998 Interlocking systems for safety/relief valves Water-based fire protection systems for offshore facilities Assessment of the fire safety of onshore installations Active fire protection systems and equipment for onshore facilities Fire-fighting agents and movable fire fighting equipment for onshore applications Fire-fighting vehicles and fire stations Electrical safety rules Offshore facilities life-saving appliance requirements (amendments/supplements to SOLAS) Control and mitigation of fires and explosions on offshore production installations (amendments/supplements to ISO 13702) Offshore production installations . 2005 Jan.10.30. 2005 Nov.32 80.10. 2007 Dec.47.80. 2000 Dec.10 Dec.13 Sep.10.47. 2000 Dec.10 82.10.Requirements and guidelines for emergency response (amendments/supplements to ISO 15544) Offshore production installations .00. 2007 Aug.Guidelines on tools and techniques for identification and assessment of hazardous events (amendments/supplements to ISO 17776) Project quality assurance Engineering information specification (EIS) Sector-specific quality management systems requirements for product and service supply organizations (Endorsement of ISO/TS 29001) 80. 2002 80. 1999 Jun. 2002 82. 1995 Aug. 80.00.33 Dec. Sep.47.30 80.47. 1999 Jan.12 80.
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