NTRO Recruitment

May 14, 2018 | Author: Koushik Ray | Category: Academic Degree, Electronics, Postgraduate Education, Engineering, Recruitment



No. V(A)/11/7/Estt.-l/NTR0/2017- ~ ~1~ Government of India National Technical Research Organisation Block-Ill, Old JNU Campus, New Delhi-110067 Dated, the oy December 2017 Subject: Filling up the vacancy in the grade of Scientist 'E' in NTRO on Deputation/Absorption (for Ex-servicemen Deputation/Re- employment) failing which by Direct Recruitment basis. Kindly refer to this organisation letter No. V(A)/11/7/Estt.& Pers (R-l)/NTR0/2017- 2870 dated 26. 10.2017 vide which a recruitment notice was issued inviting applications for filling up of vacancies in the grade of Scientist 'E' in the pay scale of Level - 13 in the Pay Matrix in NTRO on Deputation/Absorption (for Ex-servicemen : Deputation/Re- employment) failing which by Direct Recruitment basis. 2. The advertisement to this effect is likely to be published in the Employment News dated 09 - 15 December 2017. As such the last date of receipt of applications has been extended upto 8th January 2018 accordingly. C Bhuyan) Assistant Director (Pers/R-1) Distribution : As per the list annexed No. V(A)/11/7/Estt& Pers(R·l)/NTR0/2017· .28 ry.-u Government of India National Technical Research organisation Block-Ill, Old JNU Campus, New Delhi-110067 Dated: ~~ Oct, 2017 Subject: :Filling up vacancies in the grade of Scientist 'E' in NTRO. The un~ersigned is directed to forward herewith a recruitment notice inviting applications to \fill up six (06) vacancies in the grade of Scientist 'E' in Level - 13 in the Pay Matrix in National Technical Research Organisation. The detailed eligibility criteria, I pay scale, met1od of recruitment, etc are mentioned in the said recruitment notice. 2. It is repuested that this recruitment notice may please be widely circulated amongst the eligible candidates of your organisation/department. The applications duly filled by willing and eligible officers in prescribed proforma (Annexure-1) &Certification by 1 the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority (Annexure-11) may be forwarded through proper channel jso as to reach on the following address, by 30th November, 2017:- Assistant Director (Pers/R1) National Technical Research Organisation Block-Ill, Old JNU Campus/Room No.204 New Delhi -110067 3. It is stated that incomplete applications and/or those received late and/or not accompanied by supporting certificates/documents in support of their claim in the application for~ against eligibility criteria may not be processed for determining the eligibility of the !candidates for the selection . No correspondence in this regard would be entertained. I Encl.: As abo~e. Distribution: 1s per the list enclosed. RECRUITMENT NOTICE I NATIONAL TECHNICAL RESEARCH ORGANISATION Applica ~ions are invited from eligible candidates from Central Government Ministries/Depa1tments for filling up six vacancies in the grade of Scientist 'E' in the pay scale of Level - 13* in the Pay Matrix in NTRO by the method of recruitment mentioned as under:- SI Name of the No. of Method of Recruitment No. Post Vacancy (i)' Scientist 'E' 06 (six) Deputation/Absorption (for Ex-servicemen: Post Code : Deputation/Re-employment) failing which by SCE- 1 Direct Recruitment I * In addition, $pecial Allowance @ 20% of Basic Pay will be admissible. However, no Deputation Dut/ Allowance will be paid. 1 2. The eli@ ibility conditions are as under:- .(A). Fo r~ Deputation/ Absorption (for Ex-servicemen: Deputation/Re-employment): Office~s of the Central Government:· (a) (i) Holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent Cadre or I Department; or (ii)IWith four years of regular service in Level - 12 of the Pay Matrix (p ~e-revised PB-3 Rs 15600-39100 with Grade Pay of Rs 7600/-); and (b) Po~sessing essential qualifications and experience as mentioned below for Dir~ct Recruitment. I (B) Essential Qualification for Direct Recruitment: I (i) First Class Master's Degree in Physics I Electronics I Mathematics from a recogn jsed University or Institute; or First Class Bachelor's Degree in Engineering or Technology in Electronics I Electrohics & Communication I Electronics & Telecommunication I Computer Scienc~ I Information Technology I Electrical I Electrical & Electronics I Radar I Comm ~ nication Engineering from a recognised University or Institute; and (ii) Ten) years of research or design or development or technology application or operatibnal experience in Surveillance/Tracking or Phase Array Radar System over- G~ound/Maritime/Airborne platform and its sub-systems and testing of the same/do mmunication Systems/Electronics Systems/ Satellite Payload Integration ; and (iii) Knowledg e of Computer Application (C) Desirable Qualification for Direct Recruitment: (i) P~ D Degree in Physics I Electronics I Mathematics; or Master1s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Electronics I Electronics & Comm ~ nication I Electronics & Telecommunication I Computer Science I Information Technology I Electrical I Electrical & Electronics I Radar I Comml!mication Engineering from a recognised University or Institute; (ii) Certificate course in a foreign language other t an English from a recognised University or Institute. I (iii)Certificate course in Computer Applications from a recognised University or Institute. Note-1: Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of t~e Central Government for the reasons to be recorded in writing in the case of candidates!otherwise well qualified. Note-2 : The Qualification(s) regarding experience is- relaxable at the discretion of Central Government for the reasons to be recorded i'n writing in the case of the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes or the Sch~duled Tribes if at any stage of selection, the Central Government is of the opinion that ~ufficient number of candidates from these communities possessing the requisite experienbe are not likely to be available to fill up the vacancy reserved for them. I Note-3 : The Departmental Officers in the feeder categoty who are in the direct line of I promotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appoi~tment on deputation. Similarly, deputationists shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on promotion. Note-4: The maximum age limit for appointment on deputation shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of the receipt of the application. For Ex-Servicemen : Deputation/Re-employment : The Armed Force personnel due to retire or who are to be tran:sferred to reserve within a period of one year and having the requisite experience and qualifications prescribed shall also be considered . Such persons would be given deputation term upto I, the date on which they are due for release from the Armed Forces; thereafter, they may be continued on re-employment. I Age Limit for Direct Recruitment : Not exceeding 45 yearsl as on the last date of receipt of application (Relaxable for Government servants up to five yeans in accordance with instructions or orders issued by Central Government). I I 3. How to apply - Neatly filled applications typed on ,lf.-4 size paper in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-1 & Annexure-11) should be sent to Assistant Director (Pers/R1), National Technical Research Organisation, Block-Ill, Old JNU Camp us (Room No.204), New Delhi 1 -110067. i 4. The last date of receipt of application is 30lli Novem b~ r, 2017. 5. Attested copies of educational qualification, exp~rience and other certificates should be enclosed with the application in support of th~ir claim against the requisite eligibility criteria. Candidates may be required to prdduce original certificates for verification at the time of interview/selection. I I 6. Applications in the prescribed proforma (Annexu te-1 & Annexure-11) are to be forwarded through proper channel along with disciplinary?vigilance clearance certificate and attested photocopies of APARs for the last five years. I I 7. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidat~ . ***** Page 1 of 5 ( SCE-1 ) ANNEXURE-1 BIO-DATA I CURRICULUM VITAE PROFORMA Please paste recent passport size colour photograph Reference No: V(A)/11/7/Estt &Pers{R-1)/NTR0/2017 I Post applied for: Scientist 'E' ( Post Code· 1) 1. Name and Address (in Block Letters) Contact No:- I Email:- 2. Date of Birth (in Christian era) 3. i) Date of entry into s~rvice ii) Date of retirement under Central/State Government Rules 4. Educational Qualifications 5. Whether Education ~nd other qualification required for the post are satisfiecj. (If any qualification has been treated as equivale~t to the one prescribed in the Rules, state the autHority for the same) Qualifications/Experience required as mentioned in Qualifications/experience possessed by the the advertisement/vacancy circular officer Essential I Essential .® For Deputation/:4bsorption (Ex-Servicemen: Deputation/Re-emplo~ment): Officers of the Central Government; (a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent Cadre or Department; or ~f (ii) With four years regular service in Level - 12 of the Pay Matrix i (pre-revised PB-3 Rf 15600-39100 with Grade Pay of . Rs 7600/-); and (b) Possessing esser tial qualifications and experience as mentioned below for Direct Recruitment (the candidates applying for Deputation/Absorption (Ex- servicemen : Deput~tfon!Re-employment) are required to mention qualification and experience possessed by them against the DirJct Recruitment as below). {fil For Direct Recru itment: (i)Qualification: I (a) First Class Master's Degree in Physics/Electronics/ Mathematics from a recognised University or Institute; or ~ v ~ or Master's Degree in Engineering or Technology in Electronics I Electronjcs & Communication I Electronics & Telecommunication I Computer Science I Information Technology I Electrical I Electrical &Electronics I Radar I Communication Engineering from a recognised University or Institute. and (b) Knowledge of Computer Application. (ii) Certificate course in a Foreign language other than English from a recognised University or Institute. 6. (ii) Experience : Ten years of Research or Design or Development or Technology Application or Operational Experience in the field of Surveillance/Tracking or Phase Array Radar System over Ground/Maritime/Airborne platform and its sub-systems and testing of the same/ Communication Systems/Electronics Systems/ Satellite Payload Integration. Desirable Desirable (i) PhD Degree in Physics/Electronics/ Mathematics. 7. Note: Borrowing Department are to provide their specific comments/ views confirming the relevant Essential Qualifications/Work experience possesses by the Candidate (as indicated in the Bio-data ) with reference to th~ post applied. Note: In the case of Degree and Post Graduate Qualifications Elective/main subjects and subsidiary subjects may be indickted by the candidate. Please state clearly wr ether in the light of entries made by you above. Office/institution Pcost held From To * Pay Band and Nature of Duties o ~ regular Grade Pay/Pay (in detail) basis Scale of the post highlighting held on regular experience basis required for the post applied for . (iii) Certificate course in Computer Applications from a recoQnized University or Institute. in chronological order. you meet the requisite Essential Qualifications and work experience of the post. if the spac::e below is insufficient. Details of Employment. Page 2 of 5( SCE-1 ) First Class Bachelor's Degree in Engineering or Tchnology in Electronics I Electronics & Communication I Electronics & Telecommunication I Computer Science I Information Technology I Electrical I Electrical & Electronics I Radar I ~ommunication Engineering from a recognised Universityior Institute. Enclose a separate sheet duly authenticated by your signature. Total emoluments per month now drawn Basic Pay in the Level in the Pay Matrix I Grade Pay Total Emoluments Pav Band (Applicable if anv) ~ I . give the date from which the rJvision took place and also indicate the pre-revise. Pah Band and Grade Pay From To drawn u der ACP/MACP Scheme 8.asis please state- a) The date of I c) Name of the parent d) Name of the post initial appointment office/organisation to which the and pay of the post applicant belongs held in substantive I capacity in the parent oraanisation. Vigilance Clearance and Integrity certificate. deputation/ contract b.d scale. Page 3 of 5 ( SCE-1 ) *Important: Pay-Band $nd Grade Pay granted under ACP/MACP are personal to the officer and therefore. 14. If any post held on Deputation in the past by the applicant. Nature of present employment i. Are you in revised Scale of Pay? If yes.e. In case the present employment is held on b) Period of appointment on deputation/contract. Please state whether vou are working in the same department and are in. date of retu~n from the last deputation and other details I 11 . may be in!dicated as below: Office/institution Pay. Note: In case of officyrs already on deputation . Additional details atiout present employment: Please state whether ~orking under (indicate the name of your employer against the relevant column) I a) Central Go vernment 1 b) State Government c) AutonomoJs Organisation d) Governmeht Undertaking e) Universities f) Others I 12. Details of ACP/MACP with present Pay Band and Grade Pay where such benefits have been drawn by the Candidate. IOnly Pay Band and Grade Pay/Pay Scale of the post held on regular basis to be I mentioned. Adhoc or Temporary or Qu asi-Permanent or permanent 9. the applications of such officers should be forwarded by the parent cadre/Department along with Cadre Clearance. 10. Note: Information unaer Column 9(c) & (d) above must be given in all cases where a person is holding a post on deputation outside the cadre/organisation but still maintaining a lien in his parent cadre/orQanisation. the feeder grade or feeder to feeder made. should not be mentioned. 13. Basis Pay with scale of Dearness Pay/interim relief/other Total emoluments Pay and rate of increr ent Allowances etc. if the space is insufficient) (8). The information/ details provided by me are correct and true to the best of my knot ledge and no material fact having a bearing on my selection has been suppressed/ withheld. (iv) Patents registere1 in own name or achieved for the organisation (iv) Any research /inn0vative measure involving official recognition (vi) any other information. (A). Candidates of non-Government Organisations are eligible only for short Term Contract) # (The option of I 'STC'/'Absorption'/'Re-employment' are available only if the vacancy circular specially mentioned recruitment by "STC" br "Absorption" or "Re-employment") I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware that the information furn ished in the jBio data/Curriculum Vitae duly supported by the documents in respect of Essential . Page 4 of 5 ( SCE-1 } 15. relevant to the post you applied for in support of your suitability for the post. Additional information. In case the applicant belongs to an organisation which is not following the Central Government Pay-scale. I (Signature of the candidate) Date _ _ _ _ _ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . if any. (with break -up details) 16. Achievements: The candidates are requested to indicate information with regard to: (i) Research publications and reports and special projects (ii) Awards/Scholarships/Official Appreciation (iii) Affiliation with the professional bodies/institutions/societies and.Qualification/ Work Experience submitted by me will also be assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of sel~ct ion for the post. the latest salary issueb by the organisation showing the following details may be enclosed.. (This among other things may provide information with regard to (i) additional academi ~ qualification (ii) professional training and (iii) work experience over and above prescribed in the Vacancy Circular/Advertisement) (Note: Enclose a separate sheet.# (Officers under Central/State Governments are only eligible for "Absorption". Please state whett:ier you are applying for deputation (STC)/Absorption/Re-employment Basis. (Note: Enclose a se~arate sheet if the space is insufficient) 17. He/she possesses educational qualifications and experience mentioned in the vacancy circu lar. (as the case may be) Countersigned (Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority with Seal) . _ __ _ ii) His/ Her integrity is certified. 2. Also certified that: I i) There is no vigilance or disciplinary case pending/ contemplated against Shri/Smt. If selected. he/she will be relieved immediately. Page 5 of 5 (SCE-1) ANNEXURE-11 Cer ification by the Employer/Cadre Contr?lling Authority I The information/details I provided in the above application by the applicant are true and correct as per the facts availablH on records. iii) His/ Her APAR classier in original is enclosed/photocopies of the APARs fo r the last 5 years I duly attested by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary of the Govt.. iv) No major/ minor pj nalty has been imposed on him/her during the last 10 years Or A list of major/ minor penalties irnpo~ed on him/her during the last 10 years is enclosed . of India or above are enclosed . Old JNU Campus. It is stated that incomplete applications and/or those received late and/or not accompanied by supporting certificates/documents in support of qualification and experience claimed by the candidates may not be processed for determining the eligibility of the candidates for the selection.-l/NTR0/2017·. Encl. 2017 Subject: Filling up of vacancies in the grade of Administrative Officer and Assistant Administrative Officer in NTRO on Deputation basis . 4. A recruitment notice is enclosed herewith inviting applications to fill up two vacancies in the grade of Administrative Officer in Level-10 of the pay matrix and five vacancies in the grade of Assistant Administrative Officer in Level-7 of the pay matrix in National Technical Research Organisation on Deputation basis.3 3·11- Government of India National Technical Research organisation Block-Ill.Recruitment Notice. IMMEDIATE No.: As above.204) New Delhi· 110067 3. No correspondence in this regard would be entertained. New Delhi-110067 Dated: D?' December. J Assis~rs/R1) Distribution: As per the list enclosed . The last date for receipt of application is 30 days from the date of publishing of this recruitment notice in the Employment News. It is requested that the above mentioned recruitment notice may please be widely circulated. V(A)/12/1/Estt. The applications duly filled by willing and eligible officers in prescribed proforma (Annexure-1) with Certification by the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority (Annexure-11) may be forwarded through proper channel along with attested photocopies of APARs for the last 05 years so as to reach on the following address :- Assistant Director (Pers/R-1) National Technical Research Organisation Block-Ill. Old JNU Campus (Room No. 2. Assistant 05 Level-7 Administrative [pre-revised PB-2 Rs . However. no deputation Duty Allowance. and (b) Possessing three years experience in dealing with Administration and Establishment matters in the Central Government Department.9300-34800 +GP Rs. Contd . Assistant Officers under the Central Government or Defence services :- Administrative Officer (a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis.4600/-] Officer * Subject to increase/decrease. of Level in the Pay Matrix # No. Special Allowance @ 20% of Basic will be admissible. # In addition. The essential eligibility criteria for the aforementioned posts are as under:- SI No Name of the Eligibility Criteria Post (i). or (ii) Section Officer/equivalent (Group 'B' Gazetted) having two years of regular service in Level-8 of the pay matrix. and (b) Possessing three years experience in dealing with Administration and Establishment matters in the Central Government Department. or having three years of regular service in Level-7 of the pay matrix. Administrative Officers under the Central Government or Defence services:- Officer (a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis. Post Vacancies* (i)..15600-39100 +GP Rs . 2/- .5400/-1 (ii).. or (ii) Having five years of regular service in Level-6 of the pay matrix. Administrative 02 Level-10 Officer [pre-revised PB-3 Rs. (ii). Restricted RECRUITMENT NOTICE NATIONAL TECHNICAL RESEARCH ORGANISATION Applications are invited from eligible candidates from Central Government Ministries/Departments to fill up the following vacancies in NTRO on deputation basis :- SI Name of the No. 2. The last date of receipt of application is 30 days from the date of publication of advertisement in the Employment News. Note-3: The maximum age limit for appointment on deputation shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of the receipt of the application. The applications which had been received earlier in response to the previous recruitment notice No. deputationist shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on promotion. will be notified in the said website. if any. Similarly. Note-2: The period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization/department of the Central government shall ordinarily not exceed three years . 6.The application duly filled by willing and eligible officers in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-1) & Certification by the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority (Annexure-11) may be forwarded through proper channel along with attested photocopies of APARs for the last 05 years so as to reach on the following address :- Assistant Director (Pers/R-1) National Technical Research Organisation Block-Ill. The applications in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-1 & 11) may be forwarded through proper channel along with disciplinary/vigilance clearance/ integrity certificate and attested copies of APARs for the last 5 years.V(A)/12/1 /Estt. Incomplete applications and those received late and/or without the requisite documents may not be processed for determining their eligibility for selection. dated 091h Feb 2017 but could not be processed further for selection due to revision in the RRs. 7. How to apply . The extension of last date of receipt of application .in for information. -2- Note-1: The Departmental Officers in the feeder category who are in the direct line of promotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation. No correspondence in this regard would be entertained . 3.gov. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate.204) New Delhi . Old JNU Campus (Room No. The detailed Recruitment Notice is also available on the website ntro. 8. ***** .-l/NTR0/2017-366.110067 4. will also be considered alongwith the fresh applications received in response to this recruitment notice for scrutiny with reference to the eligibility criteria mentioned therein. 5. and Possessing three years experience in dealing with Administration and Establishment matters in the Central Government Department. or {ii) Section Officer/equivalent (Group 'B' Gazetted) having two years of regular service in Level-8 of the pay matrix. . Whether Education and other qualification required for the post are satisfied.-l/NTR0/2017 I Post applied for: Administrative Officer 1. Name and Address (in Block Letters) Contact No : Email 2. Educational Qualifications 5.. Date of Birth (in Christian era) 3. i) Date of entry into Government service ii) Date of retirement under Central/State Government Rules 4. Note: In the case of Degree and Post Graduate Qualifications Elective/main subjects and subsidiary subjects may be indicated by the candidate. or having three years of regular service in Level-7 of the pay matrix. (a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis. (If any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the Rules.. .. . state the authority for the same) Qualifications/Experience required as mentioned in Qualifications/experience possessed by the the advertisement/vacancy circular officer {to be mentioned by the applicant clearly) Essential Essential Officers under the Central Government or Defence services. '. Page 1 of 5 {Administrative Officer) ANNEXURE·I BIO-DATA/ CURRICULUM VITAE PROFORMA (Please affix a recent passport size colour photograph) Reference No: V(A)/12/1 /Estt.. '• Page 2 of 5 (Administrative Officer) 6. Q . Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above. Office/institution Post/Rank From To * Pay Band and Nature of Duties (in held on Grade Pay/Pay Scale detail) highlighting regular basis of the post held on experience required for regular basis the post applied for *Important: Pay-band and Grade Pay granted under ACP/MACP are personal to the officer and therefore. office/organisation to pay of the post held in which the applicant substantive capacity in the belonqs parent orqanisation. you meet the requisite Essential Qualifications and work experience of the post. in chronological order. Details of Employment. Pay Band and Grade Pay From To drawn under ACP/MACP Scheme 8. Enclose a separate sheet duly authenticated by your signature. Adhoc or Temporary or Quasi-Permanent or permanent 9. Details of ACP/MACP with present Pay Band and Grade Pay where such benefits have been drawn by the Candidate. Note: Borrowing Department are to provide their specific comments/ views confirming the relevant Essential Qualifications/Work experience possesses by the Candidate (as indicated in the Bio-data) with reference to the post applied. In case the present employment is held on deputation/ contract basis please state- a) The date of b) Period of appointment on c) Name of the parent d) Name of the post and initial appointment deputation/contract. if the space below is insufficient. Only Pay Band and Grade Pay/Pay Scale of the post held on regular basis to be mentioned. should not be mentioned.e. Nature of present employment i. 7. may be indicated as below: Office/institution Pay. Please state whether you are working in the same department and are in the feeder grade or feeder to feeder grade. 13. Basis Pay with scale of Dearness Pay/interim relief/other Allowances Total emoluments Pay and rate of increment etc. the applications of such officers should be forwarded by the parent cadre/Department along with Cadre Clearance. if any. If any post held on Deputation in the past by the applicant. Total emoluments per month now drawn Pay Band (Gth CPC) or Level in the Pay Matrix (7th CPC) Basic Pay in the PB (as per 6th CPC) or Grade Pay/ Pay in the Pay Total Emoluments Level in the Pay Matrix (as per 7th CPC) Matrix 15. give the date from which the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale. Are you in revised Scale of Pay? If yes. Note: Information under Column 9(c) & (d) above must be given in all cases where a person is holding a post on deputation outside the cadre/orqanisation but still maintaining a lien in his parent cadre/organisation. the latest salary issued by the orqanisation showinq the followinq details may be enclosed. (A). 14. date of return from the last deputation and other details 11. Vigilance Clearance and Integrity certificate. 10. In case the applicant belongs to an organisation which is not following the Central Government Pay-scale. relevant to the post you applied for in support of your suitability for the post. if the space is insufficient) .. (with break-up details) 16. Additional information. (This among other things may provide information with regard to (i) additional academic qualification (ii) professional training and (iii) work experience over and above prescribed in the Vacancy Circular/Advertisement) (Note: Enclose a separate sheet dul~ signed. Page 3 of 5 (Administrative Officer) Note: In case of officers already on deputation. Additional details about present employment: Please state whether working under (indicate the name of your employer against the relevant column) a) Central Government b) State Government c) Autonomous Organisation d) Government Undertaking e) Universities D Others 12. (iv) Patents registered in own name or achieved for the organisation (iv) Any research /innovative measure involving official recognition (vi) any other information. if the space is insufficient) 17. The information/ details provided by me are correct and true to the best of my knowledge and no material fact having a bearing on my selection has been suppressed/withheld. Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware that the information furnished in the Bio data/Curriculum Vitae duly supported by the documents in respect of Essential Qualification/ Work Experience submitted by me will also be assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. (Note: Enclose a separate sheet duly signed. Page 4 of 5 (Administrative Officer) (8). Achievements: The candidates are requested to indicate information with regard to: (i) Research publications and reports and special projects (ii) Awards/Scholarships/Official Appreciation (iii) Affiliation with the professional bodies/institutions/societies and. (Signature of the candidate) Date_ __ __ _ Address_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . iii) His/ Her APAR dossier in original is enclosed/photocopies of the APARs for the last 5 years duly attested by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary of the Govt. iv) No major/ minor penalty has been imposed on him/her during the last 10 years Or A list of major/ minor penalties imposed on him/her during the last 10 years is enclosed. If selected. he/she will be relieved immediately. of India or above are enclosed . 2. Also certified that: i) There is no vigilance or disciplinary case pending/contemplated against Shri/Smt. _ __ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ ii) His/ Her integrity is certified. He/she possesses educational qualifications and experience mentioned in the vacancy circular. Page 5 of 5 (Administrative Officer) ANNEXURE-11 Certification by the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority The information/details provided in the above application by the applicant are true and correct as per the facts available on records. (as the case may be) Countersigned (Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority with Seal) . (a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis. Name and Address (in Block Letters) Contact No: Email 2. (If any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the Rules. or (ii) Having five years of regular service in Level-6 of the pay matrix. Page 1 of 5 (Assistant Administrative Officer) ANNEXURE·I BIO-DATA I CURRICULUM VITAE PROFORMA (Please affix a recent passport size colour photograph) Reference No: V(A)/12/1/Estt. (b) Possessing three years experience in dealing with Administration and Establishment matters in the Central Government Department. . Whether Education and other qualification required for the post are satisfied . Educational Qualifications 5. Note: In the case of Degree and Post Graduate Qualifications Elective/main subjects and subsidiary subjects may be indicated by the candidate. Date of Birth (in Christian era) 3. i) Date of entry into Government service ii) Date of retirement under Central/State Government Rules 4.-l/NTR0/2017 Post applied for: Assistant Administrative Officer 1. state the authority for the same) Qualifications/Experience required as mentioned in Qualifications/experience possessed by the officer the advertisement/vacancy circular (to be mentioned by the applicant clearly) Essential Essential Officers under the Central Government or Defence services. Only Pay Band and Grade Pay/Pay Scale of the post held on regular basis to be mentioned. In case the present employment is held on deputation/ contract basis please state- a) The date of b) Period of appointment on c) Name of the parent d) Name of the post and pay initial appointment deputation/contract. Nature of present employment i. 7. Pay Band and Grade Pay From To drawn under ACP/MACP Scheme 8. should not be mentioned. Details of ACP/MACP with present Pay Band and Grade Pay where such benefits have been drawn by the Candidate. in chronological order. office/organisation to of the post held in which the applicant substantive capacity in the belonqs parent orqanisation. Note: Borrowing Department are to provide their specific comments/ views confirming the relevant Essential Qualifications/Work experience possesses by the Candidate (as indicated in the Bio-data) with reference to the post applied. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above. Enclose a separate sheet duly authenticated by your signature. Adhoc or Temporary or Quasi-Permanent or permanent 9. if the space below is insufficient. . Details of Employment.e. may be indicated as below: Office/institution Pay. Office/institution Post/Rank From To * Pay Band and Nature of Duties (in held on Grade Pay/Pay Scale detail) highlighting regular basis of the post held on experience required for regular basis the post applied for *Important: Pay-band and Grade Pay granted under ACP/MACP are personal to the officer and therefore. you meet the requisite Essential Qualifications and work experience of the post. Page 2 of 5 (Assistant Administrative Officer) 6. If any post held on Deputation in the past by the applicant. if the space is insufficient) . Total emoluments per month now drawn Pay Band (61h CPC) or Level in the Pay Matrix (7th CPC) Basic Pay in the PB (as per 6th CPC) or Grade Pay/ Pay in the Pay Total Emoluments Level in the Pay Matrix (as per 7th CPC) Matrix 15. Basis Pay with scale of Dearness Pay/interim relief/other Allowances Total emoluments Pay and rate of increment etc. give the date from which the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale. Page 3 of 5 (Assistant Administrative Officer) Note: In case of officers already on deputation. Please state whether you are working in the same department and are in the feeder grade or feeder to feeder grade. Are you in revised Scale of Pay? If yes . 14. 10. Vigilance Clearance and Integrity certificate. if any. In case the applicant belongs to an organisation which is not following the Central Government Pay-scale. Additional information. 13. date of return from the last deputation and other details 11. Note: Information under Column 9(c) &(d) above must be given in all cases where a person is holding a post on deputation outside the cadre/organisation but still maintaininq a lien in his parent cadre/orqanisation.. (This among other things may provide information with regard to (i) additional academic qualification (ii) professional training and (iii) work experience over and above prescribed in the Vacancy Circular/Advertisement) {Note: Enclose a separate sheet dulv sianed. (with break-up details) • 16. relevant to the post you applied for in support of your suitability for the post. Additional details about present employment: Please state whether working under (indicate the name of your employer against the relevant column) a) Central Government b) State Government c) Autonomous Organisation d) Government Undertaking e) Universities D Others 12. the applications of such officers should be forwarded by the parent cadre/Department along with Cadre Clearance. (A). the latest salary issued by the organisation showing the following details may be enclosed. Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware that the information furnished in the Bio data/Curriculum Vitae duly supported by the documents in respect of Essential Qualification/ Work Experience submitted by me will also be assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. Page 4 of 5 (Assistant Administrative Officer) (8). (Note: Enclose a separate sheet duly signed... Achievements: The candidates are requested to indicate information with regard to: (i) Research publications and reports and special projects (ii) Awards/Scholarships/Official Appreciation (iii) Affiliation with the professional bodies/institutions/societies and... (iv) Patents registered in own name or achieved for the organisation (iv) Any research /innovative measure involving official recognition (vi) any other information .-.- . if the space is insufficient) 17. The information/ details provided by me are correct and true to the best of my knowledge and no material fact having a bearing on my selection has been suppressed/withheld. (Signature of the candidate) Date _ _ _ __ _ Address. He/she possesses educational qualifications and experience mentioned in the vacancy circular. of India or above are enclosed . (as the case may be) Countersigned (Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority with Seal) . iii) His/ Her APAR dossier in original is enclosed/photocopies of the APARs for the last 5 years duly attested by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary of the Govt. 2. Also certified that: i) There is no vigilance or disciplinary case pending/contemplated against Shri/Smt. If selected. he/she will be relieved immediately. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ii) His/ Her integrity is certified. iv) No major/ minor penalty has been imposed on him/her during the last 10 years Or A list of major/ minor penalties imposed on him/her during the last 10 years is enclosed. Page 5 of 5 (Assistant Administrative Officer) ANNEXURE-11 Certification by the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority The information/details provided in the above application by the applicant are true and correct as per the facts available on records.. 6600/-) in National Technical Research Organisation on Deputation/Absorption (For Ex-Serviceman: Deputation/Re- employment) basis. in support of qualification and experience claimed by the candidates may not be processed for determining the eligibility of the candidates for the selection . the CJ Nov.+ Grade Pay Rs. No. No correspondence in this regard would be entertained. A recruitment notice is enclosed herewith inviting applications to fill up 12 (Twelve)# vacancies in the grade of Aviator-I in Level -11 of the Pay Matrix (pre-revised PB-3 Rs.15600-39100/.3 oS-3 Government of India National Technical Research organisation Block-Ill. 4.110067 3. New Delhi-110067 Dated. Encl. 204 New Delhi . Old JNU Campus/Room No. 2017 Subject: Filling up of vacancies in the grade of Aviator-I in NTRO on Deputation/Absorption (For ex-Serviceman: Deputation/ Re-employment) basis. #Vacancies are subject to increase or decrease. 2.(NC Bhuyan) Assistant Director (Pers/R-1) Distribution: As per the list enclosed . It is stated that incomplete applications and/or those received late and/or not accompanied by supporting certificates/documents. The last date for receipt of application is 30 days from the date of publication of this recruitment advertisement in the Employment News. It is requested that the above mentioned recruitment notice may please be widely circulated amongst the eligible candidates of your organisation/department. The applications of willing and eligible officers in prescribed proforma (Annexure-1) & duly completed Certification by the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority (Annexure-11) may be forwarded through proper channel along with attested photocopies of ACRs/APARs for the last 05 years in the following address: - Assistant Director (Pers/R-1) National Technical Research Organisation Block-Ill. Old JNU Campus. V(A)/15/2/Pers-R1/NTR0/2017. d-.: As above. The essential eligibility conditions for the aforementioned post are as under:- SI Name of Eligibility Criteria No the Post 1. Note-1 : Candidates may be required to qualify such tests as may be prescribed to assess their knowledge of system. having flying/ operating experience for 100 hours or Corps of Engineers/Signals/EME in Army or equivalent Engineering/Technical branch in Navy and Indian Air Force. * Iii! addition.with Five years of regular service in Level -10 of the Pay Matrix. or (ii).Aviator-I 12 (Twelve) (Pre-revised PB-3 Rs. RECRUITMENT NOTICE NATIONAL TECHNICAL RESEARCH ORGANISATION Applications are invited from officers of Central Government to fill up the following vacancies in National Technical Research Organisation on Deputation/Absorption (For Ex- servicemen: Deputation/Re-employment) basis :- SI. and (ii) having experience of working as Internal Pilot/Observer (Image Interpreter/System Engineer/Special payload Operator) or in related areas on tactical/strategic Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Note-3 : Period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization/ department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed four years. and (b) Possessing the following educational qualification and experience:- (i) Bachelor's degree from a recognised University or equivalent facilitated by Defence Academy(s). Name of the post No.15600-39100/. the deputationist shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment by promotion. holding analogous post on regular basis. vacancies# Level 11 in the Pay Matrix I. No Deputation Duty Allowance will be paid. . . 6600/-) # Vacancies are subject to increase or decrease. Aviator-I Officers of the Central Government including Defence Services (a) (i). Note-2 : The Departmental Officers in the feeder category who are in the direct line of promotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation. 2. of Pay Scale* No. Similarly.+Grade Pay Rs. Special Allowance @ 20% of Basic Pay will be admissible. thereafter. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate . The candidates willing to serve anywhere in India only need to apply. On selection. The incomplete applications and/or those received late and/or not accom ~anied by supporting certificates/documents. 6. ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi . · Assistant Director (Pers/R1) National Technical Research Organisation Block-Ill. Old JNU_Campus/Room No. ' 3. in support of their claim against the eligibility criterila may not be processed for determining their eligibility for selection . No request for change of initial place of posting will be entertained. Such persons would be given deputation term upto the date on whidh they are due for release from the Armed Forces. the officers on their appointment as Senior Aviator in NTRO ar~ liable to serve anywhere in India. The last date for receipt of application is 30 days from the date of publication of the above recruitment advertisement in the Employment News. 7. How to apply . 5.The applications duly filled by willing and eligible officers in prescribed I proforma (Annexure·I) & Certification by the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority (~nnexure· II) may be forwarded through proper channel along with attested photocopies of AP/i)Rs for the last 05 years in the following address :. 204 New Delhi -110067 4.Note-4 : The maximum age limit for appointment on deputation/reemployment s~all be not exceeding fifty six years as on the closing date of the receipt of the application. This recruitment notice Will also be available at NTRO website ntro. For ex-Serviceman: Deputation/Re-employment The Armed Forces personnel due to retire or who are to be transferred to reserv:e within a period of one year and having the requisite experience and qualifications prescribed! shall also be considered . they may be continued on re-emplo~ yment.in for information. No correspondence in this regard would be entertained.gov. (If any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the Rules. Date of Birth (in Christian era) 3. Page 1of5 (AVIATOR-I) ANNEXURE-1 BIO-DAT A I CURRICULUM VITAE PROF OR. and . Rank. Educational Qualifications 5.MA (For Deputation/Absorption) (For ex-Serviceman : Deputation/Re-employment} Affix recent passport size colour photograph duly signed across the application form Reference No: V A /15/2/Pers-R1/NTR0/2017 Post: Aviator-I 1. Service No.with Five years of regular service in Level - 10 of the Pay Matrix. . or (ii). Name (in Block Letters) (in CAPITAL letters) Address ( in CAPITAL letters) for correspondence E-mail: Contact Number : 2. state the authority for the same) Qualifications/Experience required as Qualifications/experience possessed by the mentioned in the advertisement/vacancy officer circular Essential Essential (a) Officers of the Central Government including Defence services (i) . i) Date of entry into Government service ii) Date of retirement under Central/State Government Rules 4. holding analogous post on regular basis. Whether Education and other qualification required for the post are satisfied. Note: Borrowing Department are to provide their specific comments/ views confirming the relevant Essential Qualifications/Work experience possesses by the Candidate (as indicated in the Bio-data ) with reference to the post aoolied. 7. Office/institution Post held From To * Pay Band and Nature of Duties (in on regu lar Grade Pay/Pay detail) highlighting basis Scale of the post experience required held on regular for the post applied basis for . you meet the requisite Essential Qualifications and work experience of the post. (Please attach self signed photocopy of relevant certificates) (c) Note: In the case of Degree and Post Graduate Qualifications Elective/main subjects and subsidiary subjects may be indicated by the candidate. Details of Employment. if the space below is insufficient. Page 2 of 5 (AVIATOR-I) (b) Possessing the following educational qualification and experience:- (Please attach self signed photocopy of relevant certificates) (i) Bachelor's degree from a recognised university or equivalent facilitated by Defence Academy(s) . Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above. Enclose a separate sheet duly authenticated by vour sianature. 6. in chronological order. having flying/operating experience for 100 hours or Corps of Engineers/Signals/EME in Army or equivalent Engineering/Technical branch in Navy and Indian Air Force. and (ii) having experience of working as Internal Pilot/Observer (Image Interpreter/ System Engineer/Special Payload Operator) or in related areas on tactical/strategic Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) . Vigilance Clearance and Integrity certificate . Note: Information under Column 9(c) &(d) above must be given in all cases where a person is holding a post on deputation outside the cadre/organisation but still maintaining a lien in his parent cadre/organisation . 13. Ad hoc or Temporary or Quasi-Permanent or permanent 9. Are you in revised Scale of Pay? If yes . the applications of such officers should be forwarded by the parent cadre/Department along with Cadre Clearance. Please state whether you are working in the same department and are in the feeder grade or feeder to feeder qrade.:. Details of ACP/MACP with present Pay Band and Grade Pay where such benefits have been drawn by the Candidate. If any post held on Deputation in the past by the applicant. Nature of present employment i. should not be mentioned. Additional details about present employment: Please state whether working under (indicate the name of your employer against the relevant column) a) Central Government b) State Government c) Autonomous Organisation d) Government Undertaking e) Universities f) Others 12. 10. parent and pay of the post office/organisation to held in substantive which the applicant capacity in the parent belongs organisation. date of return from the last deputation and other details 11.> c:::::::. Page 3 of 5 (AVIATOR-I) *Important: Pay-band and Grade Pay granted under ACP/MACP are personal to the officer and therefore. give the date from which the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale. Total emoluments per month now drawn Pay Band (6th CPC) or Level in the Pay Matrix (7th CPC) Basic Pay in the PB (as per 6th CPC) or Grade Pay Total Emoluments Level in the Pay Matrix (as per 7th CPC) c . ~ . In case the present employment is held on deputation/ contract basis please state- a) The date of initial b) Period of appointment c) Name of the d) Name of the post appointment on deputation/contract. Note: In case of officers already on deputation. Pay Band and Grade Pay From To drawn under ACP/MACP Scheme 8. Only Pay Band and Grade Pay/Pay Scale of the post held on regular basis to be mentioned.e. 14. may be indicated as below: Office/institution Pay. (with break-up details) 16. Additional information. In case the applicant belongs to an organisation which is not following the Central Government Pay- scale. Please state whether you are applying for Deputation/ Absorption or Deputation/Re-employment. 18. Page 4 of 5 {AVIATOR-I) 15.. relevant to the post you applied for in support of your suitability for the post. Date: _ __ _ _ _ __ __ (Signature of the candidate) . (iv) Patents registered in own name or achieved for the organisation (iv) Any research /innovative measure involving official recognition (vi) any other information. Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware that the information furnished in the Bio data/Curriculum Vitae duly supported by the documents in respect of Essential Qualification/ Work Experience submitted by me will also be assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. (This among other things may provide information with regard to (i) additional academic qualification (ii) professional training and (iii) work experience over and above prescribed in the Vacancy Circular/Advertisement) (Note: Enclose a separate sheet duly signed. In the event of selection and appointment to the post. Achievements: The candidates are requested to indicate information with regard to: (i) Research publications and reports and special projects (ii) Awards/Scholarships/Official Appreciation (i ii) Affiliation with the professional bodies/institutions/societies and. if the space is insufficient) (B). (Note: Enclose a separate sheet duly signed. if the space is insufficient) 17. if any. the latest salary issued by the organisation showing the following details may be enclosed. I am willing to serve anywhere in India. (A). The information/ details provided by me are correct and true to the best of my knowledge and no material fact having a bearing on my selection has been suppressed/withheld. Basis Pay with scale of Dearness Pay/interim Total emoluments Pay and rate of increment relief/other Allowances etc. If selected. iv) No major/ minor penalty has been imposed on him/her during the last 10 years OR a list of major/ minor penalties imposed on him/her during the last 10 years is enclosed . He/she possesses educational qualifications and experience mentioned in the vacancy circular. iii) His/ Her APAR dossier in original is enclosed/photocopies of the APARs for the last 5 years duly attested . Page 5 of 5 (AVIATOR-I) ANNEXURE-11 Certification by the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority The information/details provided in the above application by the applicant are true and correct as per the facts available on records . he/she will be relieved immediately. of India or above are enclosed .. ii) His/ Her integrity is certified . Also certified that: i) There is no vigilance or disciplinary case pending/contemplated against Shri/Smt.by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary of the Govt. (as the case may be) Countersigned (Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority with Seal) . 2. (NC Bhuyan) Assistant Director (Pers/R·I) Distribution: As per the list enclosed I . the 6f Nov. I 4. Old JNU Campus/Room No. I 2. V(A)/15/2/Pers-R1/NTR0/2017· Jo-b () Government of India National Technical Research organisation Block-Ill . ~ recruitment notice is enclosed herewith inviting applications to fill up 06 (Six)# vacancies in the grade of Senior Aviator in Level -12 of the Pay Matrix (pre-revised PB-3 1 Rs. 2017 Subject. I Encl.d Certification by the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority (Annexure-11) may be forw~rded through proper channel along with attested photocopies of ACRs/APARs for the l ~st 05 years in the following address:- Assistant Director (Pers/R-1) National Technical Research Organisation Block-Ill. in support of qualification and experiehce claimed by the candidates may not be processed for determining the eligibility of the ~andidates for the selection . It is stated that incomplete applications and/or those received late and/or not accomp?nied by supporting certificates/documents .: Filling up of vacancies in the grade of Senior Aviator in NTRO on Deputation/Absorption (For ex-Serviceman: Deputation/ Re-employment) basis. I ~ is requested that the above mentioned recruitment notice may please be widely circulate d amongst the eligible candidates of your organisation/department. No correspondence in this regard would be ente rtai~ed.: As above. The last date for receipt of application is 30 days from the date of publication of this recruitment advertisement in the Employment News . 204 New Delhi· 110067 3. No. The 1 applications of willing and eligible officers in prescribed proforma (Annexure-1) & duly completi.+ Grade Pay Rs. New Delhi-110067 Dated. 7600/-) in National Technical Research Organisation on Dep4tation/Absorption (For Ex-Serviceman: Deputation/Re-employment) basis .1560 p-39100/. #Vacanc/es are subject to increase or decrease. Old JNU Campus . RECRUITMENT NOTICE NATIONAL TECHNICAL RESEARCH ORGANISATION A. Note-1 :I Candidates may be required to qualify such tests as may be prescribed to assess their kno.wledge of system. 1he essential eligibility conditions for the aforementioned post are as under:- SI Name of Eligibility Criteria No .11 of the Pay Matrix. @ 04 tori IP/Observer and 02 for UAV System Engineer I 2.+Grade Pay i Rs. Note-2 :! The Departmental Officers in the feeder category who are in the direct line of promotidn shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation. having flying/ operating experience for 150 hours or Corps of Engineers/Signals/EME in Army or I equivalent Engineering/Technical branch in Navy and Indian Air Force. Name of the post No. Senior Officers of the Central Government I Aviator (a) (i).I the Post I 1. or (ii). holding analogous post on regular basis. ~ I . * In addi~ion. 7600/-) I # Vacan¢ies are subject to increase or decrease.with Five years of regular service in Level . Senior Aviator 06 (Six)@ (Pre-revised PB-3 Rs. Special Allowance @ 20% of Basic Pay will be admissible. Note-3 :I Period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held im111ediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization/ departm~nt of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed four years. vacancies# I i I Level 12 in the Pay Matrix I. and I (b) Possessing the following educational qualification and experience:- (i) Bachelor's degree from a recognised University or equivalent facilitated by Defence Academy(s). Similarly. of Pay Scale* No. the deputati~nist shall not be eligible for conside1·ation for appointment by promotion. and (ii) having experience of working as Internal Pilot/Observer (Image Interpreter/System Engineer/Special payload Operator) or in related areas on tactical/strategic Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).15600-39100/.pplications are invited from officers of Central Government to fill up the following I vacanciejs in National Technical Research Organisation on Deputation/Absorption (For Ex· servicemen: Deputation/Re-employment) basis :- 1 SI. No Deputation Duty Allowarce will be paid. the officers on their appointment as Senior Aviator in NTRO are liable to serve anywhere in India. in support of their claim against the eligibility crite ri ~ may not be processed for determining their eligibility for selection . The candidates willing to serve anywhere in India onl~f need to apply. 3. I I 7. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate.The applications duly fill ed by willing and eligible officers in prescribed proforma (Annexure·I) & Certification by the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority (Annexure· II) may be forwarded through proper channel along with attested photocopies of AP~Rs for the last 05 years in the following address :. they may be conti nued on re-employment.in for information. No correspondence in tHis regard would be entertained. The last date for receipt of application is 30 days from the date of publicat!ion of the above recruitment advertisement in the Employment News. >-Io~ ffi ffi ffi . 5. Old JNU Campus/Room No. Such persons would be given deputation term upto the date on which they are due for release from the Armed Forces. 204 New Delhi -110067 i 4. thereafter. On selection. I 6. No request for change of initial place of posting will be enterta ined. How to apply . This recruitment notice IJ\/ill also be available at NTRO website ntro. For ex-Serviceman: Deputation/Re-employment The Armed Forces personnel due to retire or who are to be transferred to reserve within a period of one year and having the requisite experience and qualifications prescribed shall also be considered.gov . ! Assistant Director (Pers/R1) National Technical Research Organisation Block-Ill.Note-4 : The maximum age limit for appointment on deputation shall be not exceeding fifty six years as on the closing date of receipt of application. The incomplete applications and/or those received late and/or not accom~anied by supporting certificates/documents . Rank. and . i) Date of entry into Government service ii) Date of retirement under Central/State Government Rules 4.. Service No. (If any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the Rules. holding analogous post on regular basis. Whether Education and other qualification required for the post are satisfied. Page 1of5 (SENIOR AVIATOR) ANNEXURE-1 BIO-DATA I CURRICULUM VITAE PROFORMA (For Deputation/Absorption) (For ex-Serviceman : Deputation/Re-emplo~ment) Affix recent passport size colour photograph duly signed across the application form Reference No: V(A)/15/2/Pers-R1/NTR0/2017 I Post: Senior Aviator 1. with Five years of regular service in Pay Level . Name (in Block Letters) (in CAPITAL letters) Address (in CAPITAL letters) for correspondence E-mail : Contact Number : 2. or (ii). Educational Qualifications 5. state the authority for the same) Qualifications/Experience required as Qualifications/experience possessed by the mentioned in the advertisement/vacancy officer circular Essential Essential (a) Officers of the Central Government (i). Date of Birth (in Christian era) 3.11 of the Pay Matrix. 6. you meet the requisite Essential Qualifications and work experience of the post. Note: Borrowing Department are to provide their specific comments/ views confirming the relevant Essential Qualifications/Work experience possesses by the Candidate (as indicated in the Bio-data ) with reference to the post applied. in chronological order. having flying/operating experience for 150 hours or Corps of Engineers/Signals/EME in Army or equivalent Engineering/Technical branch in Navy and Indian Air Force. (Please attach self signed photocopy of relevant certificates) (c) Note: In the case of Degree and Post Graduate Qualifications Elective/main subjects and subsidiary subjects may be indicated by the candidate. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above. Enclose a separate sheet duly authenticated by vour sia nature if the space below is insufficient. Page 2 of 5 (SENIOR AVIATOR) (b) Possessing the following educational qualification and experience:- (Please attach self signed photocopy of relevant certificates) (i) Bachelor's degree from a recognised university or equivalent facilitated by Defence Academy(s). Office/institution Post held From To * Pay Band and Nature of Duties (in on regular Grade Pay/Pay detail) highlighting basis Scale of the post experience required held on regular for the post applied basis for a . Details of Employment. and (ii) having experience of working as Internal Pilot/Observer (Image Interpreter/ System Engineer/Special Payload Operator) or in related areas on tactical/strategic Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). 7. . If any post held on Deputation in the past by the applicant. give the date from which the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale. Only Pay Band and Grade Pay/Pay Scale of the post held on regular basis to be mentioned. Pay Band and "Grade Pay From To drawn under ACP/MACP Scheme 8. Vigilance Clearance and Integrity certificate. In case the present employment is held on deputation/ contract basis please state- a) The date of initial b) Period of appointment c) Name of the d) Name of the post appointment on deputation/contract. 14.. 13.- . . parent and pay of the post office/organisation to held in substantive which the applicant capacity in the parent belongs organisation.. Page 3 of 5 (SENIOR AVIATOR) *Important: Pay-band and Grade Pay granted under ACP/MACP are personal to the officer and therefore. date of return from the last deputation and other details 11.e. Total emoluments per month now drawn Pay Band (6th CPC) or Level in the Pay Matrix (?th CPC) Basic Pay in the PB (as per 6th CPC) or Grade Pay Total Emoluments Level in the Pay Matrix (as per 7th CPC) () 'D /---~ . Note: Information under Column 9(c) & (d) above must be given in all cases where a person is holding a post on deputation outside the cadre/organisation but still maintaining a lien in his parent cadre/on::ianisation. Additional details about present employment: Please state whether working under (indicate the name of your employer against the relevant column) a) Central Government b) State Government c) Autonomous Organisation d) Government Undertaking e) Universities f) Others 12. should not be mentioned . Please state whether you are working in the same department and are in the feeder grade or feeder to feeder Qrade. Note: In case of officers already on deputation. 10. may be indicated as below: Office/institution Pay. Nature of present employment i. Ad hoc or Temporary or Quasi-Permanent or permanent 9. the applications of such officers should be forwarded by the parent cadre/Department along with Cadre Clearance. Are you in revised Scale of Pay? If yes . Details of ACP/MACP with present Pay Band and Grade Pay where such benefits have been drawn by the Candidate. Please state whether you are applying for Deputation/ Absorption or Deputation/Re-employment. Page 4 of S (SENIOR AVIATOR) 15. Basis Pay with scale of Dearness Pay/interim Total emoluments Pay and rate of increment relief/other Allowances etc. Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware that the information furnished in the Bio data/Curriculum Vitae duly supported by the documents in respect of Essential Qualification/ Work Experience submitted by me will also be assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. In the event of selection and appointment to the post. (iv) Patents registered in own name or achieved for the organisation (iv) Any research /innovative measure involving official recognition (vi) any other information. (with break-up details) 16. (Note: Enclose a separate sheet duly signed.. (This among other things may provide information with regard to (i) additional academic qualification (ii) professional training and (iii) work experience over and above prescribed in the Vacancy Circular/Advertisement) (Note: Enclose a separate sheet duly signed. if any. In case the applicant belongs to an organisation which is not following the Central Government Pay- scale. (A). if the space is insufficient) 17. 18. The information/ details provided by me are correct and true to the best of my knowledge and no material fact having a bearing on my selection has been suppressed/withheld. if the space is insufficient) (8). I am willing to serve anywhere in India. Date: _ _ _ __ _ _ __ (Signature of the candidate) . relevant to the post you applied for in support of your suitability for the post. the latest salary issued by the organisation showing the following details may be enclosed. Additional information. Achievements: The candidates are requested to indicate information with regard to: (i) Research publications and reports and special projects (ii) Awards/Scholarships/Official Appreciation (iii) Affiliation with the professional bodies/institutions/societies and. Also certified that: i) There is no vigilance or disciplinary case pending/contemplated against Shri/Smt. iv) No major/ minor penalty has been imposed on him/her during the last 10 years OR a list of major/ minor penalties imposed on him/her during the last 10 years is enclosed. ii) His/ Her integrity is certified. Page 5 of 5 (SENIOR AVIATOR) ANNEXURE·ll Certification by the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority The information/details provided in the above application by the applicant are true and correct as per the facts available on records. If selected . iii) His/ Her APAR dossier in original is enclosed/photocopies of the APARs for the last 5 years duly attested by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary of the Govt. of India or above are enclosed . He/she possesses educational qualifications and experience mentioned in the vacancy circular. (as the case may be) Countersigned (Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority with Seal) . 2.. he/she will be relieved immediately. 4. It is requested that this Recruitment Notice may please be widely circulated amongst the eligible candidates.-l/NTR0/2017 · 331 / Government of India National Technical Research organisation Block-Ill. Encl. No correspondence in this regard would be entertained.: As above. V(A)/11/04/Estt. Distribution: As per the list enclosed . It is stated that incomplete applications and/or those received late and/or not accompanied by supporting certificates/documents. 15600 .39100/.110067 3. 2. 5400/-) in National Technical Research Organisation on Deputation/Absorption (For Ex-Serviceman: Deputation/Re-employment) basis. Old JNU Campus.10 of the Pay Matrix (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. Old JNU Campus/ Room No. The last date for receipt of application is 30 days from the date of publishing of this advertisement in the Employment News. the 08 December 2017 Subject: Filling up of vacancies in the grade of Scientist 'B' in NTRO on Deputation/Absorption (For ex-Serviceman: Deputation/ Re-employment) basis A recruitment notice is enclosed herewith inviting applications to fill up 08 (eight) vacancies in the grade of Scientist 'B' in Level . IMMEDIATE No. 204 New Delhi .+ Grade Pay Rs. in support of qualification and experience claimed by the candidates may not be processed for determining the eligibility of the candidates for the selection. New Delhi-110067 Dated. The applications duly filled by willing and eligible officers in prescribed proforma (Annexure-1) & Certification by the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority (Annexure-11) may be forwarded through proper channel along with attested photocopies of APARs for the last 05 years so as to reach on the following address:- Assistant Director (Pers/R-1) National Technical Research Organisation Block-Ill. no Deputation Duty Allowance will be paid. Special Allowance @ 20% of Basic Pay will be admissible. or Master's Degree in Engineering or Technology in Computer Science/ Electronics I Electronics & Communication I Electronics & Telecommunication I Information Technology/ Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics/ Communication/ Communication & Signal processing/ Electronics & Instrumentation from a recognised University or Institute. The eligibility criteria is as under:- (a) Officers of the Central Government:- (i) Holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent Cadre or Department. and (b) Possessing following essential qualifications:- (i) First Class Master's Degree in Physics I Electronics I Mathematics from a recognised University or Institute. or First Class Bachelor's Degree in Engineering or Technology in Computer Science/ Electronics I Electronics & Communication I Electronics & Telecommunication I Information Technology/ Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics/ Communication/ Communication &Signal processing/ Electronics & Instrumentation from a recognised University or Institute.39100 +GP Rs . Name of the post No. (ii) Certificate course in a foreign language other than English from a recognised University or Institute. (iii)Certificate course in Computer Applications from a recognised University or Institute. or (ii) With three years of regular service in Level . However. RECRUITMENT NOTICE NATIONAL TECHNICAL RESEARCH ORGANISATION Applications are invited from eligible candidates of Central Government Ministries/Departments to fill up the following vacancies in National Technical Research Organisation on @ Deputation/Absorption (For Ex-servicemen: Deputation/Re- employment) basis:- SI. 2. 5400) # Subject to increase/decrease. @ The period of deputation shall be for an initial period of 3 years which may be extended as per rules/relevant Government orders. and (ii) Knowledge of Computer Application Desirable Qualification (i) PhD Degree in Physics I Electronics I Mathematics. (Group -A Gazetted) (Eight) (Pre-revised PB 3 Rs 15600 . * In addition.8 of the Pay Matrix (Pre-revised PB-2 Rs 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs 4800/-). . vacancies# Scientist 'B' 08 Level -10 I. of Level in the Pay Matrix* No. if any. In such cases. The extension of last date of receipt of application. 6. For ex-Serviceman: Deputation/Re-employment The Armed Forces personnel due to retire or who are to be transferred to reserve within a period of one year and having the requisite experience and qualifications prescribed shall also be considered. Such persons would be given deputation term upto the date on which they are due for release from the Armed Forces. 4. ~ Contd . Old JNU Campus/ Room No. The last date for receipt of application is 30 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News. Candidates may be required to produce original certificates for verification at the time of interview/selection. How to apply . 60% will be taken as equivalent to first class for that Institute.. but could not be processed further for selection due to revision in the RRs. the equivalence may vary proportionally. 3. thereafter.75 (for a 10 point scale) will be taken as equivalent to 60% as per AICTE guidelines. For any other point scale of CGPA/CPI.gov.The applications duly filled by willing and eligible officers in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-1) & Certification by the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority (Annexure-11) may be forwarded through proper channel along with attested photocopies of APARs for the last 05 years so as to reach on the following address :- Assistant Director (Pers/R1) National Technical Research Organisation Block-Ill. 3/- . It may be noted that in case a particular Institute does not have any criteria for first class.in for information.l/NTR0/2016-2453 dated 29 Nov 2016... in case of non- availability of the conversion formula for determining clear percentage. Similarly. V(A)/11/4/Estt. Note-3 : The maximum age limit for appointment on deputation shall be not exceeding fifty six (56) years as on the closing date of receipt of application. will be notified/uploaded in the said website. they may be continued on re-employment. Attested copies of educational qualification.. The detailed Recruitment Notice is also available on the website ntro. deputationist shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment of promotion. 7. Note-2 : The period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization or department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed three years. CGPA/CPI of 6. Contd . experience and other certificates should be enclosed with the application in support of their claim against the requisite eligibility criteria. 204 New Delhi-110067 5. 2/- -2- Note-1 : Departmental Officers in the feeder category who are in the direct line of promotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation. will also be considered alongwith the fresh applications received in response to this recruitment notice for scrutiny with reference to the eligibility criteria mentioned therein. The applications which had been received earlier in response to the previous recruitment notice No. No correspondence in this regard would be entertained. The candidates who are willing to serve anywhere in India may apply. No request for change of place of posting will be entertained. Incomplete applications and/or those received late and/or not accompanied by supporting certificates/documents. On selection. 9. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate. -3- 8. ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi . the candidates appointed as Scientist 'B' in NTRO are liable to serve anywhere in India including service on sea platform. would be summarily rejected . 10. 8 of the Pay Matrix (Pre-revised PB-2 Rs 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs 4800/-). V(A)/11/4/Estt &Pers(R·l)/NTR0/2017] ANNEXURE·I BIO-DATA I CURRICULUM VITAE PROFORMA Please paste recent passport size colour photograph Reference No: V{A)/11/4/Estt &Pers(R·l)/NTR0/2017 I Post applied for: Scientist 'B' 1. i) Date of entry into service ii) Date of retirement under Central/State Government Rules 4. Date of Birth (in Christian era) 3. Name and Address (in Block Letters) Contact No:- Email:- 2. Whether Education and other qualification required for the post are satisfied. or (ii) With three years of regular service in Level . (If any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the Rules. and ii) Knowledge of Computer Application . state the authority for the same) Qualifications/Experience required as mentioned in Qualifications/experience possessed by the the advertisement/vacancy circular officer Essential Essential {a) Officers of the Central Government:· (i) Holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent Cadre or Department. Page 1 of 5 ( Scientist 'B' ) [Ref No. or First Class Bachelor's Degree in Engineering or Technology in Computer Science/ Electronics I Electronics & Communication I Electronics & Telecommunication I Information Technology/ Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics/ Communication/ Communication & Signal processing/ Electronics & Instrumentation from a recognised University or Institute. Educational Qualifications 5. and (b) Possessing following essential qualifications:- (i) First Class Master's Degree in Physics I Electronics I Mathematics from a recognised University or Institute. Note: Borrowing Department are to provide their specific comments/ views confirming the relevant Essential Qualifications/Work experience possesses by the Candidate (as indicated in the Bio-data ) with reference to the post applied. Office/institution Post held From To * Pay Band and Nature of Duties (in detail) on regular Grade Pay/Pay Scale highlighting experience basis of the post held on required for the post regular basis applied for *Important: Pay-Band and Grade Pay granted under ACP/MACP are personal to the officer and therefore. Details of Employment. in chronological order. (Scientist 'B' ) Page 2 of 5 [Ref No. (iii) Certificate course in Computer Applications from a recognised University or Institute. Enclose a separate sheet duly authenticated by your signature. you meet the requisite Essential Qualifications and work experience of the post. if the space below is insufficient. 6. Adhoc or Temporary or Quasi-Permanent or permanent . Nature of present employment i. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above.e. (ii) Certificate course in a foreign language other than English from a recognised University or Institute. V(A)/11/4/Estt &Pers(R-l)/NTR0/2017] Desirable Desirable (i) PhD Degree in Physics I Electronics I Mathematics. may be indicated as below: Office/institution Pay. Details of ACP/MACP with present Pay Band and Grade Pay where such benefits have been drawn by the Candidate. should not be mentioned. Pay Band and Grade Pay From To drawn under ACP/MACP Scheme 8. 7. or Master's Degree in Engineering or Technology in Computer Science/ Electronics I Electronics & Communication I Electronics & Telecommunication I Information Technology/ Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics/ Communication/ Communication & Signal processing/ Electronics & Instrumentation from a recognised University or Institute. Note: In the case of Degree and Post Graduate Qualifications Elective/main subjects and subsidiary subjects may be indicated by the candidate. Only Pay Band and Grade Pay/Pay Scale of the post held on regular basis to be mentioned. Additional details about present employment: Please state whether working under (indicate the name of your employer against the relevant column) a) Central Government b) State Government c) Autonomous Organisation d) Government Undertaking e) Universities f) Others 12. Basis Pay with scale of Dearness Pay/interim relief/other Total emoluments Pay and rate of increment Allowances etc. Note: Information under Column 9(c) & (d) above must be given in all cases where a person is holding a post on deputation outside the cadre/organisation but still maintaining a lien in his parent cadre/organisation . (with break -up details) 16. if the space is insufficient) . 13. Total emoluments per month now drawn Basic Pay in the Level in the Pay Matrix I Grade Pay Total Emoluments Pay Band (Applicable if any) 15. Are you in revised Scale of Pay? If yes. if any. In case the applicant belongs to an organisation which is not following the Central Government Pay-scale. relevant to the post you applied for in support of your suitability for the post. give the date from which the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale. the latest salary issued by the organisation showinq the following details may be enclosed. date of return from the last deputation and other details 11. Note: In case of officers already on deputation. 14. office/organisation to which the pay of the post held in applicant belongs substantive capacity in the parent organisation. the applications of such officers should be forwarded by the parent cadre/Department along with Cadre Clearance.. (A). Page 3 of 5 ( Scientist 'B' ) (Ref No. In case the present employment is held on deputation/ contract basis please state- a) The date of b) Period of appointment c) Name of the parent d) Name of the post and initial appointment on deputation/contract. (This among other things may provide information with regard to (i) additional academic qualification (ii) professional training and (iii) work experience over and above prescribed in the Vacancy Circular/Advertisement) (Note: Enclose a separate sheet. V(A)/11/4/Estt &Pers(R·l)/NTR0/2017] 9. Please state whether you are working in the same department and are in the feeder grade or feeder to feeder qrade. Additional information. 10. If any post held on Deputation in the past by the applicant. Vigilance Clearance and Integrity certificate. Achievements: The candidates are requested to indicate information with regard to: (i) Research publications and reports and special projects (ii) Awards/Scholarships/Official Appreciation (iii) Affiliation with the professional bodies/institutions/societies and. Candidates of non-Government Organisations are eligible only for Short Term Contract) # (The option of 'STC'/'Absorption'/'Re-employment' are available only if the vacancy circular specially mentioned recruitment by "STC" or "Absorption" or "Re-employment")) 18. Page 4 of 5 ( Scientist 'B' ) [Ref No. (Note: Enclose a separate sheet if the space is insufficient) 17. Please state whether you are applying for Deputation(STC)/Absorption /Re-employment basis# (Officers under Central/State Governments are only eligible for "Absorption"._ __ __ __ _ . Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware that the information furnished in the Bio data/Curriculum Vitae duly supported by the documents in respect of Essential Qualification/ Work Experience submitted by me will also be assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. V(A)/11/4/Estt &Pers(R·l)/NTR0/2017] (B). The information/ details provided by me are correct and true to the best of my knowledge and no material fact having a bearing on my selection has been suppressed/ withheld. (Signature of the candidate) Date _ _ _ __ Address. (iv) Patents registered in own name or achieved for the organisation (iv) Any research /innovative measure involving official recognition (vi) any other information. iv) No major/ minor penalty has been imposed on him/her during the last 10 years Qr_A list of major/ minor penalties imposed on him/her during the last 10 years is enclosed. If selected. Also certified that: i) There is no vigilance or disciplinary case pending/ contemplated against Shri/Smt. (as the case may be) Countersigned (Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority with Seal) . he/she will be relieved immediately. _ _ __ ii) His/ Her integrity is certified. 2. Page 5 of 5 (Scientist 'B') [Ref No. V(A)/11/4/Estt &Pers(R·l)/NTR0/2017] ANNEXURE-11 Certification by the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority The information/details provided in the above application by the applicant are true and correct as per the facts available on records. iii) His/ Her APAR dossier in original is enclosed/photocopies of the APARs for the last 5 years duly attested by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary of the Govt. of India or above are enclosed. He/she possesses educational qualifications and experience mentioned in the vacancy circular. ~ ~ ~g Government of India National Technical Research organisation Block-Ill. It is stated that incomplete applications and/or those received late and/or not accompanied by supporting certificates/documents. in support of qualification and experience claimed by the candidates may not be processed for determining the eligibility of the candidates for the selection. A recruitment notice is enclosed herewith inviting applications to fill up 60 (sixty) vacancies (subject to increase or decrease) in the grade of Technical Assistant in Level -6 of the Pay Matrix (pre-revised PB-2 Rs. V(A)/14/3/Estt.+ Grade Pay Rs.: As above. No correspondence in this regard would be entertained. Old JNU Campus. 4.-l/NTR0/2017. the ff December 2017 Subject: Filling up of vacancies in the grade of Technical Assistant in NTRO on Deputation/Absorption (For ex-Serviceman: Deputation/ Re-employment) basis. New Delhi-110067 Dated. Old JNU Campus New Delhi -110067 3. It is requested that the above mentioned recruitment notice may please be widely circulated amongst the eligible candidates of your organisation/department. 4200/-) in National Technical Research Organisation on Deputation/Absorption (For Ex- Serviceman: Deputation/Re-employment) basis. Assistant Director (Pers/R-1) Distribution: As per the list enclosed . The last date for receipt of application is 30 days from the date of publication of this recruitment advertisement in the Employment News.9300-34800/. 2. ~ Encl. The applications of willing and eligible officers in prescribed proforma (Annexure-1) & duly completed Certification by the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority (Annexure-11) may be forwarded through proper channel along with attested photocopies of ACRs/APARs for the last 05 years so as to reach on the following address:- Assistant Director (Pers/R-1) National Technical Research Organisation Block-Ill. IMMEDIATE No. and (ii). P/2 . or Bachelor's Degree in Computer Application from a recognised university or institute.5 of the Pay Matrix or (iii). 2 The essential eliQibility criteria for the aforementioned pos are as under:- Name of Eligibility Criteria the Post Technical (a) Officers of the Central Government Assistant (i).34800 + GP Rs. with ten years of regular service in Level .. Bachelor's Degree in Science with Mathematics or Physics as one of the subjects from a recognised university.. or (ii). Contd . or Three Years Diploma in Engineering or Technology in Electronics/ Electronics & Communication/Electronics & Telecommunication/ Telecommunication/ Computer Science/ Information Technology/Radar Engineering from a recognised institute.6 Technical Assistant (Sixty (Pre-revised PB 2 Rs 9300 . with six years of regular service in Level . RECRUITMENT NOTICE NATIONAL TECHNICAL RESEARCH ORGANISATION Applications are invited from officers of Central Government to fill up the following vacancies in National Technical Research Organisation on Deputation/Absorption (For Ex· servicemen: Deputation/Re-employment) basis :- Name of the post No.. and (b) Possessing the following essential educational qualifications and experience:- (i).4 of the Pay Matrix. Special Allowance @ 20% of Basic Pay will be admissible. holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre or department. Must be possessing minimum two years of experience in operation and maintenance of electronics & communication network/equipment or remote sensing or imagery analysis or language interpretation. 4200) # Vacancies are subject to increase or decrease. or Diploma/Technical Proficiency Certificate in Electronics/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Telecommunication/ Telecommunication/ Computer Science/ Information Technology/ Radar Engineering/ OSS(Class- 1)/ OCC(Class-1)/ Cypher(Class-1)/JE NE/JE SYS awarded by Armed Forces. I\ (c) Having working knowledge of computer. * In addition. of Level in the Pay Matrix* vacancies# 60 Level . No Deputation Duty Allowance will be paid. Note-3 : The period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization or department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed three years... thereafter. How to apply . The last date for receipt of application is 30 days from the date of publication of the above recruitment advertisement in the Employment News. The candidates who obtain minimum qualifying marks in the Computer Based Examination may have to undergo the skill test. they may be continued on re-employment. Note-4 : The maximum age limit for appointment on deputation shall be not exceeding fifty six years as on the closing date of receipt of application. Contd . This recruitment notice will also be available at NTRO website ntro. P/3 . 3. · P/2 · Note-1 : Candidate shall be required to qualify tests as may be prescribed to assess their knowledge of Computer Application. This Organisation will have the full discretion to fix minimum qualifying marks in Computer Based Examination.The applications duly filled by willing and eligible officers in prescribed proforma (Annexure-1) &Certification by the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority (Annexure· II) may be forwarded through proper channel along with attested photocopies of APARs for the last 05 years so as to reach on the following address :- Assistant Director (Pers/R1) National Technical Research Organisation Block-Ill. if necessary. The Merit List will be drawn on the basis of performance in Computer Based Examination amongst the candidates who qualify the skill test. Similarly. if conducted. deputationist shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment of promotion. The extension of last date of receipt of application .The skill test would be of qualifying in nature. if any. 4. Old JNU Campus New Delhi . Selection Procedure: The selection procedure consists of Computer Based Examination. Note-2 : The departmental Officers in the feeder category who are in the direct line of promotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation..110067 5. . will be notified/uploaded in the said website.gov.in for information. Such persons would be given deputation term upto the date on which they are due for release from the Armed Forces. For Ex-Serviceman: Deputation/Re-employment The Armed Forces personnel due to retire or who are to be transferred to reserve within a period of one year and having the requisite experience and qualifications prescribed shall also be considered. The incomplete applications and/or those received late and/or not accompanied by supporting certificates/documents. in support of their claim against the eligibility criteria may not be processed for determining their eligibility for selection. 8. the candidates appointed as Technical Assistant in NTRO are liable to serve anywhere in India including service on sea platform. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate. · P/3 · 6. No request for change of initial place of posting will be entertained. No correspondence in this regard would be entertained. 7. On selection. . The candidates willing to serve anywhere in India are need to apply. or Bachelor's Degree in Computer Application from a recognised university or institute. Whether Education and other qualification required for the post are satisfied. 2800/-). i) Date of entry into Government service ii) Date of retirement under Central/State Government Rules 4. or y .4 of the Pay Matrix (pre-revised PB 1 + GP Rs . and (b) Possessing the following essential educational qualifications and experience:-(Please attach self signed photocopy of relevant certificates) i). 2400/-). Rank. Educational Qualifications 5. Page 1of5 (TECHNICAL ASSISTANT) ANNEX URE-I BIO-DATA I CURRICULUM VITAE PROFORMA Affix recent (For Deputation/Absorption) passport size {For ex-Serviceman : Deputation/Re-emplo~ment} colour photograph duly signed Reference No: V(A)/1 4/03/Estt-1/NTR0/2017 I Post: Technical Assistant 1. or (ii) With six years of regular service in Level . Service No.. Date of Birth (in Christian era) 3. or (iii) With ten years of regular service in Level . or Three Years Diploma in Engineering or Technology in Electronics/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Telecommunication/ Telecommunication/ Computer Science/ Information Technology/Radar Engineering from a recognised institute. Name (in Block Letters) & Trade: Address (in Block Letters) for correspondence E-mail ID: Contact Number: 2. (If any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the Rules. Bachelor's Degree in Science with Mathematics or Physics as one of the subjects from a recognised university. state the authority for the same) Qualifications/Experience required as mentioned in Qualifications/experience possessed by the the advertisement/vacancy circular officer Essential Essential (a) Officers of the Central Government (a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent Cadre or Department.5 of the Pay Matrix (pre-revised PB 1 + GP Rs. may be indicated as below: Office/institution Pay. Enclose a separate sheet duly authenticated by your signature.e. Must be possessing minimum two years of experience in operation and maintenance of electronics & communication network/ equipment or remote sensing or imagery analysis or language interpretation etc. . Pay Band and Grade Pay/Level in From To the Pay Matrix drawn under ACP/MACP Scheme 8. Note: In the case of Degree and Post Graduate Qualifications Elective/main subjects and subsidiary subjects may be indicated by the candidate. if the space below is insufficient. and (ii). Details of Employment. Only Pay Band and Grade Pay/Pay Scale of the post held on regular basis to be mentioned. (c) Havinq workinq knowledqe of computer. In case the present employment is held on deputation/ contract basis please state- a) The date of initial b) Period of appointment on c) Name of the parent d) Name of the post and appointment deputation/contract. Ad hoc or Temporary or Quasi-Permanent or permanent 9. should not be mentioned. you meet the requisite Essential Qualifications and work experience of the post. Details of ACP/MACP with present Pay Band and Grade Pay where such benefits have been drawn by the Candidate. in chronological order. Nature of present employment i. Note: Borrowing Department are to provide their specific comments/ views confirming the relevant Essential Qualifications/Work experience possesses by the Candidate (as indicated in the Bio-data ) with reference to the post applied. Page 2 of 5 (TECHNICAL ASSISTANT) Diploma/Technical Proficiency Certificate in Electronics/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Telecommunication/ Telecommunication/ Computer Science/ Information Technology/ Radar Engineering/ OSS(Class-1)/ OCC(Class-1)/ Cypher( Class-I)/ JENE/ JE SYS awarded by Armed Forces. 6. Office/institution Post/Rank From To * Pay Band and Nature of Duties (in held on Grade Pay/Level in detail) highlighting regular basis the Pay Matrix held experience required for on regular basis the post applied for *Important: Pay-band and Grade Pay granted under ACP/MACP are personal to the officer and therefore. office/organisation to which pay of the post held in the applicant belongs substantive capacity in the parent orQanisation. 7.. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above. 14. Page 3 of 5 (TECHNICAL ASSISTANT) Note: In case of officers already on deputation. Basis Pay with scale of Pay Dearness Pay/interim relief/other Total emoluments and rate of increment Allowances etc. the applications of such officers should be forwarded by the parent cadre/Department along with Cadre Clearance. if the space is insufficient) (B). Are you in revised Scale of Pay? If yes. the latest salary issued by the organisation showing the following details mav be enclosed . Please state whether you are working in the same department and are in the feeder grade or feeder to feeder grade. If any post held on Deputation in the past by the applicant. Total emoluments per month now drawn Pay Band (6th CPC) or Level in the Pay Matrix (71h CPC) Basic Pay in the PB (as per 6th CPC) or Grade Pay/ Pay in the Pay Total Emoluments Level in the Pay Matrix (as per 7th CPC) Matrix 15. relevant to the post you applied for in support of your suitability for the post. date of return from the last deputation and other details 11 . give the date from which the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale. (A). 13. (iv) Patents registered in own name or achieved for the organisation (iv) Any research /innovative measure involving official recognition (vi) any other information. Vigilance Clearance and Integrity certificate. (This among other things may provide information with regard to (i) additional academic qualification (ii) professional training and (iii) work experience over and above prescribed in the Vacancy Circular/Advertisement) (Note: Enclose a separate sheet duly signed. Note: Information under Column 9(c) & (d) above must be given in all cases where a person is holding a post on deputation outside the cadre/organisation but still maintaining a lien in his parent cadre/organisation .. Additional information. (with break-up details) 16. Achievements: The candidates are requested to indicate information with regard to: (i) Research publications and reports and special projects (ii) Awards/Scholarships/Official Appreciation (iii) Affiliation with the professional bodies/institutions/societies and. (Note: Enclose a separate sheet duly signed. if the space is insufficient) \ . Additional details about present employment: Please state whether working under (indicate the name of your employer against the relevant column) a) Central Government b) State Government c) Autonomous Organisation d) Government Undertaking e) Universities DOthers 12. 10. In case the applicant belongs to an organisation which is not following the Central Government Pay-scale. if any. Page 4 of 5 (TECHNICAL ASSISTANT) 17. (Signature of the candidate) Date_ __ __ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . Please state whether you are applying for Deputation/Absorption or Deputation/Re-employment 18. The information/ details provided by me are correct and true to the best of my knowledge and no material fact having a bearing on my selection has been suppressed/ withheld. In the event of selection and appointment to the post. I am willing to serve anywhere in India. Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware that the information furnished in the Bio data/Curriculum Vitae duly supported by the documents in respect of Essential Qualification/ Work Experience submitted by me will also be assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. If selected. (as the case may be) Countersigned (Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority with Seal) . He/she possesses educational qualifications and experience mentioned in the vacancy circular. iii) His/ Her APAR dossier in original is enclosed/photocopies of the APARs for the last 5 years duly attested by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary of the Govt. 2. Page 5 of 5 (TECHNICAL ASSISTANT) ANNEXURE·ll Certification by the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority The information/details provided in the above application by the applicant are true and correct as per the facts available on records. Also certified that: i) There is no vigilance or disciplinary case pending/contemplated against Shri/Smt. _ _ __ ii) His/ Her integrity is certified . of India or above are enclosed . iv) No major/ minor penalty has been imposed on him/her during the last 10 years Or A list of major/ minor penalties imposed on him/her during the last 10 years is enclosed .. he/she will be relieved immediately.
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