NTCC Regulations & Guidelines-2

April 2, 2018 | Author: Rajat Goyal | Category: Experiential Education, Thesis, Internship, Educational Assessment, Turnitin



REGULATIONSNON-TEACHING CREDIT COURSES (Registration, Conduct, Supervision, Progress Monitoring, Assessment & Grading) AMITY UNIVERSITY UTTAR PRADESH GAUTAM BUDDHA NAGAR CONTENTS S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Definitions Institution Project Committee (IPC) NTCC Review Committee Types of NTCC Procedure for Conduct of NTCC Finalization of place to undertake NTCC Procedure for Registration Allocation of Faculty Guide Approval of Topic, Synopsis and Work Schedule Procedure for Conduct and Progress Monitoring of NTCC Assessment Plan and Continuous Assessment Submission of Continuous Internal Assessment Marks Plagiarism Submission of Final Report Student Not Meeting the Eligibility Criteria Final Assessment Grading Improvement of Scores / Grades Course-wise Detailed Guidelines – Domain-wise/Institution-wise Description Page No. 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 8 9 9 11 11 REGULATIONS FOR NON-TEACHING CREDIT COURSES (Under Section 7(c ), 7(p) and 28(g) of The Amity University Uttar Pradesh Act, 2005, Art. 6(3)(b)(viii) of First Statutes, and Clause 10 of the First Ordinances) 1. DEFINITIONS: (1) In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires – a) “NTCC” shall mean Non Teaching Credit Courses which cannot be effectively taught in the Academic Environment such as Term Paper, Seminar, Field Work, Summer Internship, In-house Practical Training, Major Project, Dissertation etc. b) “Academic Year” is a period of nearly 12 months devoted to completion of requirements specified in the Scheme of Teaching and the related examinations. c) “Board of Examiners” shall mean a Board constituted with the approval of the Vice Chancellor for the conduct of practical examinations, workshops, viva-voce examination and evaluation of student performance at the Departments and Constituent Units of the University. d) “Course Unit “ is a component of an Academic Programme for which a syllabus and required number of contact hours per week are specified e) “Course Code” shall mean a curricular component identified by a designated code number normally consisting of a string of alphanumeric characters. f) “Course Credits” shall mean an integer number indicating the weightage assigned to a Course Unit, project, research work or any other academic component, on the basis of contact hours per week on all learning activities. g) “SGPA” shall mean the Semester Grade Point Average in a semester. h) “CGPA” shall mean the Cumulative Grade Point Average at the end of semester / programme. q) “Ordinances” shall mean the Ordinances of Amity University Uttar Pradesh framed Under Section 4(e) of the Act. the Statutes and the Ordinances shall apply unless the context requires otherwise. seminars etc. j) k) “External Examiner” shall mean a person who is not in the employment of the Amity University Uttar Pradesh or its Constituent Units and is appointed as an Examiner. r) “Scheme of Teaching and Examination” shall mean the scheme of teaching and examination for a programme as approved by the Academic Council. misbehaviour. s) “Year” means the academic year. t) “Institution NTCC Committee (INC)” shall mean a committee at institutional level to approve the area / topic. including a paper setter and evaluator who is a teacher of the University and its Constituent Units. . o) “Maximum Registration Period” shall mean the maximum period specified in the Scheme of Teaching and Evaluation for a degree. diploma and certificate programme for which a candidate may be registered.i) “End Term Examination” means an examination conducted by the Amity University Uttar Pradesh at the end of year/semester as prescribed in Scheme of Evaluation of a programme. viva-voce. p) “Minimum Registration Period” shall mean the minimum period specified in the Scheme of Teaching and Evaluation of a degree. m) “CIA” (Continuous Internal Assessment) shall mean Continuous Internal Assessment of a course during the semester. workshop practice. (2) Definitions specified in the Act. work schedule of NTCC. u) “NTCC Review Committee (NRC)” shall mean a review committee at the University level to examine and review the cases for considerations by the Vice Chancellor. n) “Internal Examiner” shall mean an Examiner for practical. “Examination Discipline Committee” shall mean the Committee constituted by the Vice Chancellor at the University to consider and decide the cases relating to the acts of misconduct. diploma and certificate programme for which a candidate may be registered. (3) “He” & “His” imply “he”/ “she” and “His”/ “Her” respectively. l) “Grade Points” shall mean Grade Points of a course. indiscipline and/or use of unfair means by the students in the examinations. d) The recommendations of the HoIs for all such cases with detailed explanation given by students shall be submitted to the office of Controller of Examinations for consideration of NTCC Review Committee. INSTITUTION NTCC COMMITTEE (INC) : a) There shall be an Institution NTCC Committee at the Institutional level constituted by the Vice Chancellor. Two third members shall form the quorum of the meeting. The decisions of the Committee shall be sent to Academic & Examination Department through HoI for records. f) NTCC Review Committee shall decide the eligibility of the students after approval of the Vice Chancellor. work schedule of NTCC after the presentation before the committee on specified date. to consider the cases of the students not meeting the eligibility criteria for submission of report. e) All such recommendations shall be submitted atleast 10 days prior to the final assessment date for examination. Chairperson Member of the University Member Member Member Secretary . Specified by the Head of the Institution. 3. There shall be at least two meetings of the Committee. NTCC REVIEW COMMITTEE: a) There shall be a NTCC Review Committee at the University level constituted by the Vice Chancellor to examine the cases for consideration by the Vice Chancellor shall be as under: Pro VC/Dean/HOIs nominated by Vice Chancellor One nominee of VC from Academic Office One HoI Two Professors / Associate Professors from the University Controller of Examinations b) The tenure of the committee shall be of one academic session. c) Function of the committee will be. time and venue. c) Functions of the Institution NTCC Committee shall be to approve the area / topic. b) The composition of the Institution NTCC Committee shall be as under: (i) (ii) (iii) Head of Institution / Nominee of HoI Two Professors / Associate Professors Area Expert Chairperson Member Member The tenure of the committee shall be of one academic session. one prior to registration for NTCC and 2nd before conduct of viva-voce.2. with late registration fine of Rs. initially. on roles and responsibilities. b) Detailed Guidelines on methodology. with late registration fine of Rs. Dissertation etc. ii) From 11th day to 15th day of the date of registration.provided student meets the requirement of minimum duration of the course. b) The Institution NTCC Committee shall decide the place of work. 2000/. assessment and submission as per the Guidelines of NTCC. with late registration fine of Rs. student is on approved official duty and in case where institution arranged the internship. supervision. . OTHER UNIVERSITIES ETC. provided the student did not opt for self arrangement. with late fine of Rs. c) The student shall be allowed to register late for NTCC at AUUP or approved external organisation with late registration charges as given below : i) Upto 10 days after the date of registration for course. Field Work. In-house Practical Training. 5. field work or analysis of data for each NTCC shall be defined separately by the Institution/Faculty of studies as per the Regulations of the University. 5000/. iii) 16th day to 20th day of registration. PROCEDURE FOR REGISTRATION a) The students shall register on-line on AMIZONE for all NTCCs. 1000/-. lab experiments. Summer Internship / Industry Internship.. FINALISATION OF PLACE TO UNDERTAKE NTCC (INSTITUTION OR OUTSIDE IN INDUSTRY. 7. but awaits confirmation. 6. RESEARCH LABS. b) A student having genuine reason may be permitted for late registration on grounds such as ill health. TYPES OF NTCC Various types of NTCCs are Term Paper. the conduct and monitoring process. iv) After 21st day to 30th days of registration. 500/.4. PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCT OF NON TEACHING CREDIT COURSES a) The procedure shall apply to all NTCCs and shall provide information to both faculty-guides and students.provided student meets the requirement of minimum duration of the courses. Seminar.) a) The NTCC shall be done at the Institution or outside facilities as per the nature of the course/choice of student. Major Project. ALLOCATION OF FACULTY GUIDE a) Each student shall be assigned a faculty guide for the NTCC well in advance in a formal manner.d) The late registration charges may change from time to time as recommended by Finance Committee. by Institution NTCC Committee. depending on the number of students per faculty member. 10. the available specialization among the faculty guides. ASSESSMENT PLAN AND CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT a) The weightage of Continuous Internal Assessment and Final Assessment shall be as under: . b) The area/topic. cleared by the IPC and approved by HoI shall be sent to Academic Office in AUUP HQ and CoE. b) The allotment / allocation of faculty guide shall not be left to the individual student or teacher. The final list. student shall not be promoted to next year especially if he/she has failed in fieldwork / or industry internship etc. e) The students who have not registered for the NTCC as per regulations shall be treated as failed in the course. f) Further. 11. the students shall have two guides – a faculty guide from the institution and an external guide from the concerned organisation. PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCT AND PROGRESS MONITORING OF NTCC The detail procedure for conduct and progress monitoring of Non Teaching Credit Courses shall be given in the Guidelines of NTCC. c) In case a student is undertaking NTCC outside in an industry or research lab or other university. 8. APPROVAL OF TOPIC. SYNOPSIS AND WORK SCHEDULE a) Student shall finalise the broad area /topic. In such cases of joint guidance. d) The external guide shall be provided with brief guidelines for performance monitoring and assessment of the student of NTCC. synopsis work schedule of NTCC shall be approved by the Institution NTCC Committee (IPC). before the date for submission of first Weekly Progress Report. 9. synopsis and work schedule of his / her NTCC in consultation with the faculty guide. the main guide shall be the faculty guide. 1 2 3 Activity Timely Registration Topic and Synopsis Approval WPRs (No. shall be as decided by the Institution.5 1.Sl. d) The faculty guide shall assess the project report as part of Continuous Internal Assessment as under: S. 1. No. 2. c) The break up (components and their weightage) of Continuous Internal Assessment in case of CIA = 30%.5 Weightage (15) 2 2 .No. No. 1 2 3 Continuous Internal Assessment 50 40 30 Final Assessment 50 60 70 Credit Units > 8 Credit Units 5-8 Credit Units Upto 4 credit Units b) The break up (components and their weightage) of Continuous Internal Assessment shall be as under: Sl. Parameter Introduction and Statement of the Problem Review of Literature: Weightage (10) 1. of WPRs Submitted) (Satisfactory WPR) 2 Periodic Progress Review by a board of faculty through presentation 1st Draft on time 2nd Draft on time Final Report (Plagiarism Report with <10% Plagiarism) * Final Report timely submission Final Report Assessment Marks (CIA = 40%) 01 02 08 07 08 01 01 01 01 10 Marks (CIA = 50%) 01 02 10 10 08 01 01 01 01 15 4 5 6 7 8 9 * As per Plagiarism Prevention Policy of the University. 13. data. The content which is based on existing published work must come from properly quoted material and from the references cited section. In case the marks of external guide are not received the Institution NTCC Committee shall review the case and put up its recommendations to HoI and CoE. iii) The average of marks given by faculty guide and converted marks of external guide shall be treated as final Continuous Internal Assessment marks for NTCC. if required to cite the words of others. all the debts (for words. arguments and ideas) have to be appropriately acknowledged. After checking the accuracy of the citations and references of such content the plagiarism report should not return similarity index of . 12. b) CoE shall declare the list of eligible students for the final assessment. iv) It is the responsibility of the student and faculty guide to ensure the external guide forwards the assessment on time to the institution. and student learning outcomes. the weightage of Internal assessment shall be equally divided between both the supervisors (faculty guide and external guide) as per following: i) The faculty guide shall give the Continuous Internal Assessment marks as per the university guidelines. f) In case the NTCC is under joint supervision of faculty guide and external guide. It is mandatory that each project report shall be checked for plagiarism through Turnitin or similar software before submission. Analysis. However.3 4 5 6 7 Methodology/methods/Approach Data Collection. SUBMISSION OF CONTINUOUS INTERNAL ASSESSMENT MARKS a) The institution shall send the Continuous Internal Assessment marks along with all the reports from AMIZONE and supporting documents of all the students to Controller of Examinations (CoE). PLAGIARISM The NTTC report must be written in students own words. Results findings/Outcomes and conclusions Future scope and Limitations outlined Quality of work and written expression Student Learning Outcomes 1 3 1 1 1 2 4 1 2 2 e) The institutions / faculty of studies may define the components of report assessment and their weightage as per the course objectives. after examining all the cases. for specific course. ii) The marks provided by external guide shall be converted into 30/40/50 as the case may be on Continuous Internal Assessment norms. professional ethics are given in Plagiarism Prevention Policy of the University. However. Any report with higher than this percentage matching must be explained by the student. SUBMISSION OF FINAL REPORT a) The student shall write the project report / dissertation and submit the final report as per instructions given in Guidelines. 15.< 80% = 12 marks deducted 70 . b) Following shall be submitted along with final report. the index of 15% could still be considered plagiarism.more than 15% in any circumstance. 14. if the matching text is one continuous block. < 70 % = Re-do the NTCC Action < 90 % of WPRs were submitted .89% = 10 marks deducted 75 . ii) Topic. iii) Atleast 90 % of WPRs were submitted iv) Atleast 80% of the WPRs were satisfactory v) Under special circumstances. STUDENTS NOT MEETING THE ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA a) The students who are not eligible to submit the report shall re-submit the report as per the following norms: Parameter Online Registration for the NTCC course not done Has not taken the approval of the Topic. Synopsis and Project Plan by the faculty guide Re-do the NTCC Re-do the NTCC Penalty in Continuous Internal Assessment marks as under: 80 . Vice Chancellor may condone upto 5% of eligibility criteria for submission of report.< 75% = to be permitted by Vice Chancellor on recommendations of NTCC Review Committee with cap of B+ in grading or deduction of 15 marks from Continuous Internal Assessment. The details of copy rights.: i) WPR ii) NTCC Dairy iii) Plagiarism Report c) A student shall be eligible to submit his/her report and final assessment provided he/she meets following conditions: i) Did Online Registration on Amizone for the NTCC course. vi) Similarity index not more than 15 % as per Plagiarism Prevention Policy. Synopsis and Project Plan are approved by the faculty guide. . FINAL ASSESSMENT a) The final assessment and submission of NTCC shall be done only for eligible students. e) For such cases same rules shall be applicable as those for examinations of teaching courses. c) It shall be mandatory for the students to appear for final assessment as per scheduled date and time. shall be required to provide detailed justification for special consideration by the NTCC Review Committee. the student is required to re-write the report/thesis provided meets all the other criteria. d) All such recommendations shall be submitted atleast 10 days prior to the final assessment date for examination. b) The final assessment of NTCC shall be treated as End Semester Examination. The students re-submitting the thesis due to plagiarism shall be eligible for the grade earned by him provided he/she has submitted same atleast 10 days prior to the final assessment of the batch. The assessment of ‘I’ category students shall be done within one month of final assessment of the batch. he/she shall be treated as absent. If in plagiarism report the similarity index is >15%. d) If a student fails to appear in the final assessment as per schedule. Similarity index more than 15 % as per Plagiarism Prevention Policy. If the student fails to submit the revised thesis in the prescribed time he / she shall not be awarded more than B+ grade. e) NTCC Review Committee shall decide the eligibility of the students after approval of the Vice Chancellor 16. Important: The students not meeting the eligibility criteria.< 80% of the WPRs were satisfactory <80-75% = 10 marks to be deducted <75-70% = to be permitted by Vice Chancellor on recommendations of a committee with cap of B+ in grading or deduction of 15 marks from Continuous Internal Assessment. The students who shall re-do the NTCC shall be awarded grade not more than B+. b) Duly constituted NTCC Review Committee shall examine the cases of students for special consideration by Vice Chancellor c) The recommendations of the HoIs for all such cases with detailed explanation given by students shall be submitted to the office of Controller of Examinations for consideration of NTCC Review Committee. GRADING a) Absolute Grading for a Class of students upto 30 and Relative Grading for a Class of more than 30 students shall be followed.2.0 < A AB+ B BC+ C F Lower Limit of Marks starts at And 91 Grade Upper Limit of Marks ends at ≤ 100 But not more than 49 0≤ .1.5 x¯ 1.5 < x¯ .‘A’ for NTCC (For Both UG and PG Courses) A+ x¯ + 1. g) The evaluation shall be done separately by each evaluator and duly signed copy of same shall be forwarded to CoE on the same day.0. b) For NTCC with ≥ 15 credits.5 < x¯ .5 x¯ x¯ 0. letter grades shall be ‘S’ for Satisfactory and ‘U’ for Unsatisfactory.0 x¯ + 0.f) The board of evaluators shall assess the eligible students as per prescribed guidelines and assessment sheets.5 x¯ + 1. i) The CoE shall appoint an observer and the observer shall submit the report as per the regulations of the University.5 < x¯ < x¯ .1.0 Table . h) The evaluators shall be paid the honorarium as per the rules of the university. Assessment & Evaluation of Non Teaching Credit Courses”.0 x¯ 1. Grades shall be decided based on regulations and guidelines on “Conduct.0 < x¯ + 0.5 x¯ 2.‘A’ for NTCC (For Both UG and PG Courses) TABLE – B of Regulation 01 Lower Range of Marks Grade Upper Range of Marks > x¯ + 1.5 x¯ + 1. 17.0 < x¯ . c) Arithmetic Mean in case of Relative Grading shall be ‘B+’ Grade while calculating Grades for NTCCs as under: Table . The student shall not be awarded grade more than B+. NTCC. IMPROVEMENT OF SCORES / GRADES The students shall be allowed to improve his / her Scores / Grades as under: a) The student who has passed in the NTCC but failed in semester where semester has only one course i. g) If Continuous Internal Assessment is below the required criteria as given in guidelines then student shall not be allowed to appear for Viva-voce. the table for calculation of grades shall be as under: Table . b) The student shall apply to repeat the NTCC to his HoI within fifteen days of result declaration. h) ‘S’ Grade shall be awarded on more than 50% of the marks obtained in total for PG and 45% marks for UG. . 18. provided the student meets the eligibility of submission of project report as per the guidelines for NTCC. e) For Absolute Grading..e.d) For NTCC Courses.‘B’ for NTCC (For Both UG and PG Courses) Grade A + Range of Marks 100-91 90-81 80-71 70-61 60-51 50-45 44-40 (for PG) 44-35 (for UG) 39-37 (for PG) 34-32 (for UG) Less than 37 (for PG) Less than 32 (for UG) A A B - + B B C - + C F f) It shall be mandatory to qualify in Continuous Internal Assessment. the student may be allowed to re-do the NTCC again. the minimum percentage of Marks for award of A+ grade shall not be less than 91%. f) The student shall do the NTCC on a new topic and shall be assigned the faculty guide as per the guidelines. e) The students shall complete the mandatory time required for the course. submission of Continuous Internal Assessment. ********** . 19. submission of report and final assessment shall be done as per the regulations and guidelines of the University. final report and final assessment of NTCC shall be announced by CoE along with block examination calendar and with supplementary examinations. Institution shall submit new Continuous Internal Assessment marks.c) HoI shall send the recommendation to the CoE for consideration of NTCC Review Committee and for approval of Vice Chancellor. The students shall register again for the NTCC course as per the regulations and guidelines of the University. COURSE-WISE DETAILED GUIDELINES – DOMAIN-WISE/INSTITUTION-WISE Faculty of Studies / Institutions shall follow the detailed guidelines for each NTCC being conducted by respective institutions as per the Regulations and Guidelines of the University. g) The progress monitoring. The previous marks of Continuous Internal Assessment shall be treated as NULL and VOID once the student is registered again. The date of registration. d) The student shall repeat NTCC in corresponding semester or immediately after the final semester result declaration or during extended period. continuous assessment. Progress Monitoring. Assessment & Grading) AMITY UNIVERSITY UTTAR PRADESH GAUTAM BUDDHA NAGAR . Conduct.GUIDELINES NON-TEACHING CREDIT COURSES (Registration. Supervision. No.CONTENTS Sl. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Introduction Objectives of Non Teaching Credit Course: Types of Non Teaching Credit Courses Credit Units Student Learning Outcomes: Issues in Conducting of NTCC Guidelines for Conduct of Non Teaching Credit Courses Assessment Plan and Continuous Assessment Plagiarism Submission of Final Report Students Not Meeting the Eligibility Criteria Procedure for Examination of Cases for Special Consideration Final Assessment Components of Final Assessment Report Requirements Guidelines for Writing the Report Improvement of Scores & Grade Course-Wise Detailed Guidelines – Domain-wise/Institution-wise Description Page No. 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 9 11 11 12 13 13 14 16 17 19 19 . The internship programme can best be described as an attempt to institutionalize efforts to bridge the gap between the professional world and the academic institutions. Non Teaching Credit Courses (NTCCs) have proved to be great tools to achieve the objectives of student centric learning. These facets can only be learned through direct. on-the-job experience working with successful professionals and experts in the field. Entire effort in NTCCs is in terms of extending the program of education and evaluation beyond the classroom/laboratory of a university or institution. Following are attributes of Non-Teaching Credit Courses (NTCCs): NTCCs are part of Programme Structure and are compulsory have credit units assigned to them not conducted as regular class lecture. lab practical or tutorial are self exploratory / application oriented /field work oriented in nature are done under the supervision/guidance of faculty guide and/or external guide depending upon the place of course being undertaken conducted during the summer break or during the semester allows students to pursue their area of interest to greater depth help students to relate theory to actual practice in the industry help students to be innovative. INTRODUCTION The academic philosophy of Amity University revolves around student centric learning. It inspires and gives the chance to the student to operate. other research labs or universities in India and abroad. 2. creative and through independent study The courses are conducted either at institution.1. so that he/she could train himself to be independent and develop oneself to be a good professional. . manage and monitor his/her own learning process under the supervision and the guidance of a faculty supervisor. which takes into consideration their varied learning needs and significantly accelerates their retention of both knowledge and skills. industry. OBJECTIVES OF NON TEACHING CREDIT COURSE: There are certain phases of every student’s professional development that cannot be effectively taught in the academic environment. Industry. Field Work: Fieldwork provides an opportunity to students to integrate theory and practice from courses to an organizational context. The learning process in the NTCC seeks out and focuses attention on many latent attributes. They are generally intended to describe an event. research. Intellectual ability. This opportunity to observe. Research and its importance in experiential learning through NTCC. design projects etc. It also helps the students to decide the area of specialization or career path. and perform independently in a supportive environment is especially useful for students without previous experience in the field. These experiential learning attributes through NTCC include: – – – – – – – – 3. practical experience. Summer Internship/Industry Internship: Summer internship / industry Internship programme is an integral part of the academic curriculum of most of the programmes. Sense of responsibility Developing professional Skills Application of theory. applying the theoretical knowledge to a real life situation. Experiential Learning outside classroom through self exploration. field experience. participate. Seminar: A Seminar is an important component of learning in a programme where the student learns to prepare a report and presentation on a particular topic. select and use a range of methodologies and tools to the Chosen/Given project. This enables the students to explore an industry/organistion. build a relationship with a . Inter-disciplinary approach. Skills for data handling. concepts in given industry /practical / field scenario TYPES OF NON TEACHING CREDIT COURSES Various types of NTCCs include Term Paper: A 'term paper' is a research paper written by students during a specified semester or summer break. a topic. Professional judgment and decision making ability. to put forth a point.The objectives of the NTCCs are To provide an opportunity to students to demonstrate the ability to devise. live experience. Ability in written and oral presentation. a concept. which do not surface in the normal class room situations. It aims at widening the student's perspective by providing an exposure to real life organisational and environmental situations. Research by source of Data: – Primary research – Secondary research . Research: Research is an integral part of any NTCC. In-house Practical Training: In-house Practical training is mainly for technical programme. However. in some cases this period could be extended. It also provides a platform to demonstrate ability to draw appropriate conclusions argued from the evidence presented and also a forum to demonstrate the skills of structuring and present a balanced informed. Research can generally be classified by Purpose or by Method or by Source of Data. Research by Method: – deductive research and – inductive research. clear and concise written argument. Dissertation provides an opportunity to the students to demonstrate the ability to devise. Research by purpose: – Basic Research – Applied Research. but not more than 18 weeks. Project is also design based where a group of students on various aspects of an integrated design. to show the application of skills of data collection. Ideally the duration of the Industry internship is six to eight weeks.prospective employer. Dissertation: A substantial. which demonstrates scholarship at an appropriate level and in an area relevant to the chosen degree of the student. The objective of this training is to provide the students with sufficient skills to meet the practical requirements of the course in-house (within Department/Institution/Faculty) and to develop design and experimental skills. critical analysis and concept synthesis necessary for formation of defensible conclusions. Major Project: Major Paper/Project is a scholarly essay/research project/design project that shows evidence of critical analysis and understanding of the topic. sustained and independent exercise in research or scholarship produced by an individual student involving substantial data collection in the field and/or the laboratory with the work presented as a written report. The internship also provides invaluable knowledge and networking experience to the students. or simply enhance their skills in a familiar field. complete. No. level and duration of NTCC’s as given below: S.06 08 .04 03 . 5 to 6 credit Units) .3 credit units (i.22 01 .30 02 .15 01 .Corporate experience Creative Advertising Digital Portfolio Film Making Computer Animation Survey Camp different Credit Units 01 .16 08 08 – 12 04 08 – 10 06 – 09 28 08 – 12 08 – 12 12 08 08 08 10 10 10 02 modes of b) Following are the Credit Units associated with Teaching/Learning: – Lecture : 100% – Tutorials : 100% – Laboratory : 50% – Field Work/Self Exploratory Learning in Lab : 15-20% c) Therefore eight weeks full-time NTCC will have credit units: – 40 days × 8hrs per day/6hrs = 5.e.4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Course Title Term paper In-house Practical Training Industry/Summer Training/Internship/ Assignment Minor Project Major Project Field work Seminar/Conference Dissertation School Experiences Performing & Fine Arts in Education Reflection Journal of Practices & Experiences Clinical Training /Internship Orientation to Clinicals Physiotherapy Clinicals Rural Camps Block Placement Empirical Research Landscape Architecture Thesis Public Relations & Events Photography Electronic Communication project Media Marketing & Planning –corporate experience Client Servicing & Account Planning.10 03 . CREDIT UNITS a) The range of credit units of NTCCs is from 1-30 credits depending upon nature.30 16 02 01 04 .12 04 . faculty guide must ensure the minimum efforts put in by students commensurate with the prescribed credit units of a course. 6. To enable students to follow prescribed guidelines for the course. of days required in Full-time mode : 495hrs/8hrs per day = 62days = 2months No. methodology. To provide students taking NTCC with a valuable learning experience. To support faculty guides in the supervision. these guidelines are described as Guidelines for all the NTCCs. output. It aims: To provide a systematic approach to NTCCs across the university. The guidelines give a methodical approach to NTCC that will ensure effective supervision and manage student expectations to improve student learning experience. Therefore. of Days required in part-time mode : 495days/3hrs per day:=165 days = 5 to 6 months e) Therefore. ISSUES IN CONDUCTING OF NTCC Lack of Clarity of objectives Lack of Clarity about Expectations Lack of proper guidelines about conduct of course Relationship between objectives. . these must be clearly defined keeping in mind the programme objectives and course objectives. progress monitoring and assessment of NTCC. a student must put in self efforts: – – – 9 credits × 55 to 60 hrs / per credit = 495 to 540 hrs No. To enable students to develop as independent learners To promote the dissemination of effective practice.d) To earn 9 credit units for a NTCC. 5. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7. quality and credit units Commencement & Duration Progress Monitoring & Report Role of Faculty & Guidance Discipline & deadlines Originality of Work / Plagiarism Output and Quality Evaluation Scheme Non Submission of marks on time Conduct of back paper of a NTCC GUIDELINES FOR CONDUCT OF NON TEACHING CREDIT COURSES Irrespective of the nature of the NTCCs. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: The student learning outcomes are very critical for every course. a) These Guidelines apply to all NTCC’s and provides information to both faculty-guides and students. the conduct & monitoring process. lab experiments. e) to send regularly Weekly Progress Report (WPR) to Faculty guide f) maintain a record of supervisory meetings.2 Roles and Responsibilities of students a) Commit to a schedule of meetings. assessment and submission. A faculty guide will be identified for each student. i) recognise ethical responsibilities and understand the regulations with regard to plagiarism. 7. field work or analysis of data. d) These guidelines do not offer guidance on detailed methodology. 7. c) manage tutorial / gap lectures/ briefing sessions effectively by preparing for same in advance.1 Briefing the Students about NTCC Regulations & Guidelines A briefing session for all the students and concerned faculty guides must be organized by the institutions well in advance so that the students and faculty guides are able to prepare well & proceed for the course as per guidelines. b) use supervisory time allocated effectively. . c) There will be clarity regarding the role and responsibilities of the student. in order to ensure that the agreed schedule is adhered to and deadlines met. d) keep appointments which have been arranged. to maximise the benefit of tutorial support. faculty guide. and (ii) the industry/research lab/ external university on their own or with the help of Institution. The Guidelines for concerned NTCC must also be uploaded on AMIZONE for students and faculty guides. and external guide and NTCC Review committee. on roles and responsibilities. g) act responsibly and professionally during fieldwork /industry internship/work in external labs etc h) make use of AUUP guidance and documentation to plan and monitor progress of the NTCC. and to implement the feedback and approved action plan for development of the project. For example the briefing for Project / Dissertation in final semester for UG / PG students must be done in mid of odd semester of the academic session so that the students are able to finalise: (i) the broad area of work. b) The prime responsibility for managing the NTCC lies with the student and the faculty guide. supervision. These aspects of each NTCC must be defined separately by the Institution/Faculty of studies as per the Regulations/Guidelines of the University. other universities etc) a) The NTCC can be done at the Institution or outside facilities as per the nature of the b) c) d) e) course/choice of student.4 Finalisation of Place to undertake NTCC Course (institution or outside in industry.3 Roles and Responsibilities of Faculty Guide/Supervisor To advise on: the topic. If the training/project etc is organized by the institution in an industry etc. The student can arrange outside organisation for NTCC on his /her own also.5 a) The students are required to register on-line on AMIZONE for the NTCC courses as per the guidelines. including AUUP material. For example a student is required to register for a summer Internship in industry during summer break or during the semester as the case may be. where appropriate methodologies referencing / plagiarism ethical practice. as appropriate information sources. Further. research labs. to support planning. The student is given the choice to either arrange the external organisation for NTCC on his own or avail the institutional facilities. Social work. certain courses can only be done in industry. Registration for the Course 7. Clinical Psychology & legal practice etc. b) A student having genuine reason may be permitted for late registration on following grounds: . To contact any student who fails to attend supervisory sessions To advise the student of NTCC who are considered exemplary 7.7. such as Industry internship. before joining the company. then the student has to undertake his NTCC in the assigned organisation. synopsis and work schedule of NTCC and its resources To assist the student in identifying problems/issues and suggest/agree on specific action to address those risk assessment. Certain courses can be done at both internally or externally. monitoring progress of the NTCC structure and presentation of NTCC To discuss progress of NTCC To offer feedback on partial versions of NTCC To maintain regular supervisory contact. In such cases the student has to take permission from HoI / Faculty Coordinator atleast three months prior to the commencement of the NTCC course so that ‘Bonafide Student Letter’ (maximum seven organisations chosen by the student) can be given to students by the institution as per guidelines of the university. The Institution NTCC Committee will decide the place of work. initially. e) The students who have not registered for the NTCC course as per regulations will not be permitted to submit any report and will be treated as having failed in the course. seminars. placements activities etc. but awaits confirmation provided the student did not opt for self arrangement. . student will not be promoted to next year specially if he/she has failed in fieldwork / or industry internship etc.i) Ill health . b) Incase a student is undertaking NTCC outside in an industry or research lab or other university.. ii) From 11th day to 15th day of the date of Registration with late registration charges of 1000/-. ii) Institution arranged the internship. the students will have two guides – a faculty guide from the institution and an external guide from the concerned organisation.provided the student has informed the institution on time and had taken sick leave from HoI.provided student meets the requirement of minimum duration of the courses. Further. c) The allotment / allocation of supervisor shall not be left to the individual students or teacher. In Such cases of joint guidance. iii) Student is on approved Official Duty. iii) 16th day to 20th day of Registration with late registration charges of 2000/provided student meets the requirement of minimum duration of the courses iv) After 21st day to 30 days of Registration with late charges of 5000/.6 Allocation of Faculty Guide f) a) Each student shall be assigned a faculty guide for the NTCC well in advance in a formal manner depending on the number of students per faculty member. c) The student will be allowed to register late for NTCC at AUUP or approved external organisation upto a certain period with certain late registration charges as per following conditions: i) Upto 10 days after the date of registration for course with late registration Charges of 500/. d) The late registration charges may change from time to time as recommended by Finance Committee. 7. the available specialization among the faculty guides by Institution Project Commiittee. representing university/ institution in competitions. the main guide will be faculty guide. If faculty guide feels certain lacuna in the synopsis and work schedule. d) The area/topic. Synopsis and Work Schedule a) Student will finalise the broad area /topic. .d) The external guide must be provided with brief guidelines for performance monitoring and assessment of the student of NTCC. the student will work on the topic. to be provided with advice on academic style. be guided on resources and the development of a topic / area. he/she will provide broad area of NTCC course at the time of Registration. 7. e) The faculty guide from Amity must closely interact with the external guide and monitor the progress of the student in NTCC at the host institution/ industry/ research lab etc. whichever is earlier. before the date of first Weekly Progress Report.8 Approval of Topic. be provided with feedback on their NTCC and apply the comments they receive through processes of reflection and action-planning to other parts of their development work. he / she will discuss with the external guide and finalise same in order to meet the Course Objectives (COs) and Learning Outcomes (LOs) in accordance with Programme Learning Objectives (PLOs). synopsis and work schedule of his / her NTCC in consultation with the faculty guide. c) The work / project Schedule (Project Plan) to be prepared using GANTT or PERT chart as per attached appendix. The final list cleared by the INC and approved by HOI will be sent to Academic Office in AUUP HQ and CoE. The student will make a presentation before the INC on specified date. However. work schedule of NTCC will be approved by the Institution NTCC Committee (INC). 7. be provided with direction to help them to manage the process. If the student is undertaking the NTCC outside Amity. it is mandatory for the students to attend the same whenever institution/faculty guide have scheduled the same: During such sessions students should expect to: discuss ideas and concerns. Therefore. time and venue. b) The student will sent the synopsis along with work schedule duly approved and signed by external guide to his faculty guide as per attached format. format and the scope of NTCC. He will also update the details on AMIZONE for approval of faculty guide. within ten days after the registration / joining the organisation. be provided with general feedback.7 Briefing Sessions/ Tutorials/Gap Lectures for students Briefing Sessions/Tutorial/Gap Lectures are very important for undertaking the NTCC. synopsis and work Schedule of his/her project /training/ dissertation under the guidance of external supervisor and faculty guide. Faculty guide must also strengthen the relationship with the host organisation of the student for future collaborative research and placement of the student in that organisation. b) The assessment will have clearly defined Continuous Internal Assessment and Final Assessment weightage. Faculty guide will also give feedback to students.7. b) The students will regularly report to their faculty guide for their weekly progress as per the prescribe format of Weekly Progress Report (WPR). g) Periodic progress Review by a faculty board will be done. 8. f) The student will maintain the record of interaction and feedback by Faculty Guide as per the attached Appendix-. The institution must chalk out the plan (Skype presentation etc) for periodic progress review of the students who are working out of country. ASSESSMENT PLAN AND CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT a) The institute will define the assessment plan and tools keeping in mind the Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs). A Sample format of WPR is attached. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and Course objectives. d) Faculty guide will mark the status of Weekly Progress Report (WPR) received and quality of work done on AMIZONE. For this institution will announce at the time of registration for the course. c) The weightage of CIA and Final Assessment will be as under: Continuous Internal Assessment 50 40 30 Final Assessment 50 60 70 Credit Units > 8 Credit Units 5-8 Credit Units Upto 4 credit Units 1 2 3 . e) The student will also maintain daily diary of the work done which need to be submitted to the faculty guide. c) The student is required to send regularly Weekly Progress Report (WPR) even if he/she is working outside Amity under the supervision of external Guide.9 Conduct and Progress Monitoring of NTCC a) The students will undertake NTCC as per the course requirement and work schedule. which have various components to assess various learning outcomes. for specific course. No.d) The breaks up (components and their weightage) of continuous internal assessment are given as under: S. ii) The marks provided by external guide will be converted into 30/40/50 as the case may be on CA/IA norms. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Timely Registration Topics & Synopsis Approval WPRs (No. f) In case the NTCC is under joint supervision of faculty guide and external guide. the weightage of Continuous Internal Assessment will be equally divided between both the supervisors (faculty guide and external guide) as per following: i) The faculty guide will give the CIA marks as per the university guidelines. level and duration of NTCC. of WPR Submitted) (Satisfactory WPR) 2 Periodic Progress Review by a board of faculty through presentation 1st Draft on time 2nd Draft on time Final Report (Plagiarism Report with <10% Plagiarism) Final Report timely submission Final Report Assessment Title Marks (CIA = 40%) 01 02 08 07 08 01 01 01 01 10 Marks (CIA = 50%) 01 02 10 10 08 01 01 01 01 15 e) The institution may define the weightage of each component depending upon type. learning student outcomes. . iii) The average of marks given by faculty guide and converted marks of external guide shall be treated as final CA/IA marks for NTCC. iv) It is the responsibility of the student and faculty guide to ensure the external guide sends the assessment on time. In case the marks of external guide are not received the Institution NTCC Committee will review the case and put up it recommendations to HoI and CoE. 2 Submission of Continuous Internal Assessment Marks a) The institution will send the CIA marks along with all the reports from AMIZONE and supporting documents of all students to CoE.8. b) It is mandatory that each project report shall be checked for plagiarism through Turnitin or similar software before submission. The details of copy rights. .No. PLAGIARISM a) The NTTC report must be written in students own words. Analysis. if the matching text is one continuous block. arguments and ideas) have to be appropriately acknowledged. However. 8. professional ethics are given in Plagiarism Prevention Policy of the University. if required to cite the words of others. 3 4 5 6 7 Parameter Introduction and Statement of the Problem Review of Literature: Methodology/methods/Approach Data Collection. the index of 15% could still be considered plagiarism. b) CoE will declare the list of students eligible for the final assessment after examining all the cases. 2. data. all the debts (for words.5 1.5 1 3 1 1 1 Weightage (15) 2 2 2 4 1 2 2 The institution / faculty of studies may define the component of report assessment as per the course objectives and student learning outcomes. After checking the accuracy of the citations and references of such content the plagiarism report should not return similarity index of more than 15% in any circumstance.1 Project Report Assessment: The faculty guide will assess the project report as part of IA/CA as under: S. Results findings/Outcomes and conclusions Future scope and Limitations outlined Quality of work and written expression Student Learning Outcomes Weightage (10) 1. However. 1. Any report with higher than this percentage matching must be explained by the student. 9. The content which is based on existing published work must come from properly quoted material and from the references cited section. Online Registration for the NTCC course b. Synopsis and Project Plan by the faculty guide Re-do the NTCC Re-do the NTCC Penalty in Continuous Internal Assessment marks as under: 80 . Approval of Topic.< 80% = 12 marks deducted 70 . 11 STUDENTS NOT MEETING THE ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA The students who are not eligible to submit the report will re-submit the theses as per the following guidelines: Parameter Online Registration for the NTCC course not done Has not taken the approval of the Topic.: o WPR o NTCC Dairy o Plagiarism Report e) A student will be eligible to submit his report and final assessment provided he/she meets following conditions: a. Followed by the submission second of draft of report after making necessary changes as suggested by the guide. Synopsis and Project Plan by the guide c. a) The student will start the project report / dissertation while doing his/her NTCC course as per the prescribed guidelines b) The students will submit 1st draft of the report to the guide for guidance. 80% of the WPR were satisfactory e. 90 % of WPR were submitted d. Similarity index not more than 15 % as per Plagiarism Prevention Policy. Therefore following must be ensured for producing quality report. SUBMISSION OF FINAL REPORT The most important aspect of the courses is the final report.89% = 10 marks deducted 75 . d) Following will be submitted along with final report.< 75% = to be permitted by Vice Chancellor on recommendations of NTCC Review Committee with cap of B+ in grading or deduction of 15 marks from Action < 90 % of WPRs were submitted . c) The final report shall be submitted after checking plagiarism through Turnitin or any other format subscribed by University.10. Copying material should not be more than 10% provided source is mentioned in the report along with proper acknowledgement and referencing as per plagiarism policy of the university. shall be required to provide detailed justification for special consideration by the NTCC Review Committee. PROCEDURE FOR EXAMINATION OF CASES FOR SPECIAL CONSIDERATION a) To examine the cases for consideration by Vice Chancellor. Important: The students not meeting the eligibility criteria. 13. . The students re-submitting the thesis due to plagiarism shall be eligible for the grade earned by him provided he/she has submitted same atleast 10 days prior to the final assessment of the batch. The students who shall re-do the NTCC shall be awarded grade not more than B+. b) The recommendation of HoIs of all such cases after detailed explanation given by students must be submitted to the CoE office atleast 10days prior the Final Assessment Date for examination to be decided by NTCC Review Committee after consideration by the Vice Chancellor. < 80% of the WPRs were satisfactory Similarity index more than 15 % as per Plagiarism Prevention Policy. It is mandatory for the students to appear for final assessment as per scheduled date and time. he/she will treated as absent. The assessment of I category students will be done within one month of final assessment of the batch. If fail to appear in the students final assessment as per schedule. FINAL ASSESSMENT a) The final assessment of NTCC need to be done only of those students who have qualified on the basis of Conduct and progress monitoring guidelines & Submission of report/thesis guidelines as stated above. For such cases same rules will be applicable as those for theory examination.Continuous Internal Assessment. the student is required to re-write the report/thesis provided meets all the other criteria. If in plagiarism report the similarity index is >15%. If the student fails to submit the revised thesis in the prescribed time he / she shall not be awarded more than B+ grade. 12. < 70 % = Re-do the NTCC <80-75% = 10 marks to be deducted <75-70% = to be permitted by Vice Chancellor on recommendations of a committee with cap of B+ in grading or deduction of 15 marks from Continuous Internal Assessment. the NTCC Review Committee for the Academic Session will be constituted at the University level as per norms prescribed in the regulations of NTCC. b) The Final assessment will be treated as end semester examination. viii) The Format for evaluation will be provided along with the list of students. faculty guide and board of evaluators will consider the following aspects: I. iv) Date of evaluation will be announced by CoE on the recommendations of HoI. institution. Observer CoE will appoint an observer and submit the report as per the regulations of the University. ix) The duly signed evaluation sheets along with attendance sheets and printout of consolidated marks from Amizone will be submitted on same day. v) A board comprising 03 members will be constituted. iii) Only eligible students will be assessed as per the approved list provided by CoE board-wise & according to approved guidelines. Institution: Institutional Project Committee must check the eligibility of all the students before sending the list to CoE. x) Faculty guide/ any other member of the institution will not try to influence the board evaluators for favouring /punishing any student appearing for final assessment.c) While evaluating the NTCC. The evaluation will be done separately by each evaluator and duly signed copy of same will be submitted before leaving the evaluation room. for each evaluator. The evaluators will be paid the honorarium as per the university policy. . vi) The institution will send the budget along with the list of external expert for assessment board to CoE for necessary approval as per the University regulations and Guidelines. vii) The assessment guidelines must be provided to evaluators. Two faculty members from any of the Institutions of AUUP and one service external expert from Industry/academia at the faculty guide will not be the member of the evaluation board for his/her own students. Board of Evaluators: i) ii) iii) The board of evaluators will assess the eligible students only as per the prescribed guidelines and assessment sheets. ii) Guidelines for the students and board of evaluators must be prepared and approved by competent authority/academic Council. i) II. III. data collection. 6 5 2. Parameter Introduction and Statement of the Problem Does the introduction provide a general overview of the issues surrounding the study? Is the problem under investigation clearly stated? Is evidence used to demonstrate the significance of the problem? Are important terms defined? Are assumptions clearly stated? Are major assertions that lay ground work for the study articulated? Review of Literature: Is the study grounded in a larger body of research? Is the review current and representative of the work in the area? Are related studies critically examined and gaps identified? Does the review provide a clear rationale of the study? Is the review well organized. and analytical procedures appropriately match the problem statement and research questions? Are the instruments or interview guides acceptable and appropriate for the study? Weightage (Marks) (60%) Weightage (Marks) (50%) 1. No. 7 6 3 4 3 . using sub-sections where appropriate? Methodology/methods/Approach Is the research design described clearly and appropriate for the study? Are the sample and participants fully described? Is the sampling plan appropriate for the study? Are the data gathering procedures fully explicated and appropriate for the study? Have the analytical procedures been fully explained and are appropriate for the study? Is the technical merit of instruments described clearly? Are issues related to limitations and/or trustworthiness satisfactorily identified and addressed? Do the sampling.14 COMPONENTS OF FINAL ASSESSMENT Sl. unbiased. research questions. Results findings/Outcomes and conclusions All pertinent results well reported and are in clear and concise in manner The arguments. Future scope and Limitations outlined Have all potential weaknesses of the study been described? Are the limitations appropriate to the methodology? 15 14 5 3 Quality of work and written expression Does the proposal demonstrate a high quality of written expression? Is the potential cohesive and coherent? Is it accurate? Is there consistency in conceptual framework and/or paradigm to unite the problem statement. Analysis. 5 Data Collection. and scientific? Are applicable support documents (appendices) included and satisfactory? Is appropriate style used correctly and consistently? Does the proposed study adhere to conventional wisdom related to ethics? Does the abstract summarize the contents of the proposal clearly Presentation and Communications Is Presentation in line with the report? Did relied on notes or presented as fluently in own words? 7 8 7 Was the quality of presentation material upto mark? Were the communication and presentation skills upto mark? Were the queries handled properly? Student Learning Outcomes 8 5 4 Have the students learning outcomes met? The institutions will develop detailed assessment parameters as per course objectives. which demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate the research results. based upon the research evidence. . student learning outcomes and guidelines as above for necessary approval of Academic Council.5. discussion A Clear presentation of fully justified findings and logical conclusions. and methods section? 6 10 8 Is the tone of the proposal impartial. 16.000 . The left and right margin of 1. Therefore must adhere to following parameters (word length. CREDIT UNITS Upto 2 Credits Word length (excluding) Upto 2. 02 with a soft copy in CD.000 words No. of Copies Binding Type 1 02 copies Plastic Folder 2 3 to 4 Credits Upto 3. binding type etc) depending upon the credit units associated and course objectives.000 words 02 copies 02 with a soft copy in CD. Certificates etc. GUIDELINES FOR WRITING THE REPORT English (unless other wise specified in the course curriculum) A4 The text of the document must be justified. S.00 inch.No. Faculty Guide Approval Page. (if for instance. No. of Copies.000 . Language Paper size Margins .15.12. or word equivalent.000 . The top and bottom margin of 1. List of Tables.15.000 words 02 with a soft copy in CD. REPORT REQUIREMENTS The final report is important component of all NTCC.25 inches.000 words 5. Acknowledgement.000 words 10. practice-based and professional NTCC) should be specified in the module guide. Best project reports to be kept for longer period Institution/Central Library upto 3 Years Best project reports to be kept for longer period 3 5 to 8 credits Spiral Bound 4 9 to 15 credit Hard Bound 5 More then 15 credits 12. Plastic Folder Report Retention details upto 1 month of declaration of final result of semester by institution upto 1 month of declaration of final result of semester by institution 1 Academic session at institution level At institution level upto 2 years. a practical based. Word length.7. Table of Contents. List of Figures. Hard Bound Word length will be exclusive of Preface Copyright Page. ) centered from the bottom edge of the page. If it has a separate page. tabular material as necessary and appendix material as appropriate may be single space. 2. Faculty Guide Approval page d. this page should be the one following the page on which the table/figure was first mentioned. Acknowledgement. etc. Acknowledgement(s) e. and Figure 10. The pre pages—including the Copyright Page.2..Typing Pagination On One side of page only. with the widest margin at the binding edge. Each table and figure. right aligned. Each part has several sections.g.3). etc. which are normally arranged in the order as discussed below. References b. Each page must be numbered.5 lines. Preliminary Pages a. List of Figures and Abstract (if any) —will be numbered with lower-case Roman numerals (ii. Tables and figures that must be positioned horizontally (landscaped) will face the outer edge of the page. 1. the main Contents text. The first page that will show a page number is page ii. has a number in its own series. The first line of all paragraphs of running text will be indented 0.1. Table and figures. The text will follow line spacing of 1. List of Figures h. Figure 10.5inches. including any in the appendices. iii. Figure 10. Tables figures . iv. All remaining pages carry consecutive numerals (1. except the Title Page. Each series is numbered consecutively within chapters (e. The page number will be placed in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Abstract 2. Appendix and Each table of figure should be placed immediately after the paragraph in which it is mentioned. Table of Contents f. Text (usually divided into chapters and sections) 3.). Declaration c. Reference Material a. Centered material is to be centered between the left and right margins. 3. Table of Contents. Title page b. Tables and figures are numbered in separate series. List of Tables. Faculty Guide Approval Page. and the reference material. Arrangement of Every NTCC Project Report should have three parts: the pre pages. List of Tables g. The format for the references shall be given separately by each faculty of Study/institution. Include references for electronic sources of information e. 2010). Each appendix will be listed with its title in the Table of Contents (e. The first line of the citation starts at the left margin and the second and subsequent lines of that citation are indented 0.g. TITLE OF THE APPENDIX). The referencing style to be used as per the forma.g. References In the text. At the end of the study. articles. For further detail. Personal interviews/raw data (not retrievable) do not appear in the reference list. Any books. All titles/captions of Table & Figures will appear in the pre pages in the List of Tables and List of Figures. (Edwards. give the surname and date in parentheses. web pages. see Appendix 6. websites or other published sources (retrievable data) that have been used (cited in the text) either in direct quotation or by reference. APPENDIX A. Appendices contain supplementary or illustrative material or explanatory data too lengthy to be included in the text or not immediately essential to the readers’ understanding of the text. provide a section headed ‘References’ in which the references are listed alphabetically by family name. must be listed in the References. Appendices should be lettered in the order in which they are referred to in the text.g.5 inches. e. Appendices Standard Formats Various formats to be used as per the General Guidelines for NTCC of the University are as under: Format for Title Page Format for Declaration Format for Faculty Guide Certificate Format for Table of Contents .Each table and figure will be separately numbered.. submission of report and final assessment shall be done as per the guidelines. 18.The date of registration. submission of Continouns Internal Assessment. Frequency of meetings and contact time (face to face and virtual) ii. The previous marks of Continouns Internal Assessment shall be treated as NULL and VOID once the new Continouns Internal Assessment is submitted by the Institution for new NTCC. the student may be allowed to re-do the NTCC again. final report and final assessment of NTCC shall be announced by CoE along with block examination calendar and with supplementary examinations. MPROVEMENT OF SCORES & GRADE The students shall be allowed to improve his / her Score / Grade as under : a) The student who has passed in the NTCC but failed in semester where semester has only NTCC. Suggested Contents List for a NTCC Guidelines to be prepared by Faculty of Studies/Institutions may include: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Introduction Definition Course Objectives Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) Briefing Session Finalisation and approval of area/topic of NTCC and schedule of activities Allocation of Faculty Guides Role and expectations of Faculty Guides and External Guides i. Checklist for NTCC . The student shall not be given grade more than B+. g) The progress monitoring. continuous assessment. The students shall register for the NTCC course as per the university guidelines.17. e) The students shall complete the mandatory time required for the course. c) HoI shall send the recommendation to CoE for NTCC Review Committee for approval of Vice Chancellor. COURSE-WISE DETAILED GUIDELINES – DOMAIN-WISE/INSTITUTION-WISE Faculty of Studies / Institutions must develop detailed guidelines for each NTCC being conducted for the students as per regulations and general guidelines of the University for NTCC. Nature of tutorials/briefing sessions/gap lectures iii. f) The student shall do the NTCC on a new topic and shall be assigned the faculty guide as per the guidelines. d) The student shall repeat NTCC in corresponding semester or immediately after the final semester result declaration or during extended period. b) The student shall apply to repeat the NTCC to his HOI within fifteen days of result declaration. assessment plan and schedule l) m) n) o) p) q) Disciplines. checklist for NTCC Structure of NTCC. weighting of various components iii. Assessment components & tools for Learning Outcomes j) k) Assessment components and tools for learning outcomes i. responsibility for attending meetings ii. progress monitoring and activity calendar i. Registration. details about supervision log/record iii.i) Role and expectations of students i. Ethical issues and Plagiarism Quality of work Guidelines for writing the Reports /Term paper/Project /Dissertation etc Standard formats to be used Make-up policy NTCC Activities Calendar ************ . Registration and Conduct of the course. ii. Conduct of course. assessment criteria ii. progress monitoring (weekly by faculty guide and Periodically by Institutional Project Committee /Project Review Committee) iii.
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