NPJ 2009 Sept-Oct



NuclearPlant Journal Cooper, USA ISSN: 0892-2055 Nuclear Plant Journal Plant Maintenance & Advanced Reactors September-October 2009 Volume 27 No. 5 SO09.indd 1 9/23/2009 11:00:54 AM How can I improve plant performance? Look to AREVA NP for the engineering expertise to deliver a full spectrum of innovative, integrated solutions. For your peace of mind, we have the right resources to deliver the best value and quality engineering solutions. With U.S. market leadership and global resources, AREVA NP provides unmatched project expertise and predictable cost and schedule performance. With the opening of our BWR Center of Excellence in San Jose, we deliver complete, plant-wide engineering solutions to improve performance. Expect certainty. Count on AREVA NP. © Copyright 2009 AREVA NP Inc. KEY QUESTION FOR THE FUTURE SO09.indd 2 9/23/2009 10:46:52 AM You expect the best performance AND THE MOST RELIABLE INSPECTION SOLUTIONS. THE NEW DYNARAY™ SYSTEM FROM ZETEC REDEFINES THE POTENTIAL OF PHASED ARRAY UT TECHNOLOGY, TO GIVE YOU COMPLETE ASSURANCE FOR TODAY AND FOR TOMORROW. DYNARAY™PHASED ARRAY UT PERFORMANCE: - Up to 256 sImultaneously actIve elements for phased array beam formIng, and up to 512 channels In total - DynamIc adaptatIon of focal laws, for superIor InspectIon qualIty on complex surfaces - Up to 4096 dIfferent focal laws - HIgh data throughput, up to 20 Mbytes/s - UltraVIsIon© J software, offerIng JD work envIronment for creatIon of components and data vIsualIzatIon H I G H - P E R F O R MA N C E P H A S E D A R R AY U T FROM THE TOTAL SOLUTION NDT PROVIDER FOR THE POWER GENERATION INDUSTRY w w w. zet ec. com WITH PHASED ARRAY YOU HAVE TO BE SO09.indd 3 9/23/2009 10:46:56 AM Your Partner for New Nuclear Energy. Today. For those companies looking at new nuclear, UniStar Nuclear Energy provides economies of scale and scope through coordinated and systematic development of a standardized fleet of AREVA EPR TM new nuclear energy facilities. To find out more about UniStar, call 410.470.4400 or visit For information on AREVA’s U.S. EPR TM technology, visit For monthly photo updates of construction progress, send your e-mail address to [email protected]. EDF’s Flamanville construction site for a new EPR TM nuclear energy facility (September 2009). ©2009 EDF Group SO09.indd 4 9/23/2009 10:47:00 AM Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 5 Plant Maintenance & Advanced Reactors ® Articles & Reports Shared Expectations with the Licensee 20 By Michael Johnson, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Improved Cost & Schedule 23 By Christofer M. Mowry, Babcock & Wilcox Modular Nuclear Energy, LLC. Committed to Safety & Quality 26 By Mike McMahon, Day & Zimmermann Power Services Solving Equipment Reliability Issues 31 By Craig Irish, Nuclear Logistics, Inc. Benefiting from Standardization 34 By George Vanderheyden, UniStar Nuclear Energy Development of Advanced Nuclear Reactors Worldwide 36 By Sama Bilbao y León, International Atomic Energy Agency Industry Innovations A Unique & Visionary ECT Program 44 By Bob Lisowyj, Omaha Public Power District and Zoran Kuljis, Westinghouse Plant Profile Continued Focus on Excellence 48 By Nebraska Public Power District Departments New Energy News 8 Utility, Industry & Corporation 11 New Products, Services & Contracts 14 New Documents 18 Meeting & Training Calendar 19 Journal Services List of Advertisers 6 Advertiser Web Directory 40 On The Cover Cooper Nuclear Station is located in Nebraska. Cooper station furnishes about 20 percent of the power Nebraska Public Power District generates for Nebraska citizens. See page 48 for a profile. Nuclear Plant Journal September-October 2009, Volume 27 No. 5 Nuclear Plant Journal is published by EQES, Inc.six times a year in February, April, June, August, October and Decem- ber (Directory). The subscription rate for non-qualified readers in the United States is $150.00 for six issues per year. The additional air mail cost for non-U.S. readers is $30.00. Payment may be made by American Express ® , Master Card ® , VISA ® or check and should accompany the order. Checks not drawn on a United States bank should include an additional $45.00 service fee. All inquiries should be addressed to Nuclear Plant Journal, 799 Roosevelt Road, Building 6, Suite 208, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-5925; Phone: (630) 858-6161, ext. 103; Fax: (630) 858-8787. *Current Circulation: Total: 12,000 Utilities: 4,600 *All circulation information is subject to BPA Worldwide, Business audit. Authorization to photocopy articles is granted by EQES, Inc. provided that payment is made to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923; Phone: (978) 750- 8400, Fax: (978) 646-8600. The fee code is 0892-2055/02/$3.00+$.80. © Copyright 2009 by EQES, Inc. Nuclear Plant Journal is a registered trademark of EQES, Inc. Printed in the USA. Staff Senior Publisher and Editor Newal K. Agnihotri Publisher and Sales Manager Anu Agnihotri Editorial & Marketing Assistant Michelle Gaylord Administrative Assistant QingQing Zhu 27th Year of Publication Mailing Identification Statement Nuclear Plant Journal (ISSN 0892-2055) is published bimonthly in February, April, June, August, October and December by EQES, Inc., 799 Roosevelt Road, Building 6, Suite 208, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-5925. The printed version of the Journal is avail- able cost-free to qualified readers in the United States and Canada. The digital version is available to qualified readers worldwide. The subscription rate for non-qualified readers is $150.00 per year. The cost for non-qualified, non-U.S. readers is $180.00. Periodicals (permit number 000-739) postage paid at the Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 and additional mailing offices. POSTMAS- TER: Send address changes to Nuclear Plant Journal (EQES, Inc.), 799 Roosevelt Road, Building 6, Suite 208, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-5925. SO09.indd 5 9/23/2009 10:47:02 AM 6 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 Nuclear Plant Journal Rapid Response Fax Form To: _________________________ Company: __________________ Fax: ___________________ From: _______________________ Company: __________________ Fax: ___________________ Address:_____________________ City: _______________________ State: _____ Zip: _________ Phone: ______________________ E-mail: _____________________ I am interested in obtaining information on: __________________________________________________ Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________ List of Advertisers & NPJ Rapid Response September-October 2009 Nuclear Plant Journal Advertisers’ fax numbers may be used with the form at the bottom of the page. Advertisers’ web sites are listed in the Web Directory Listings on page 40. Page Advertiser Contact Fax/Email/URL 2 AREVA NP, Inc. Donna Gaddy-Bowen ( 434) 832-3840 21 Bechtel Power 37 Black & Veatch Keith Gusich (913) 458-2491 35 Ceradyne Patti Bass (714) 675-6565 33 Enertech, a business unit of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Company Tom Schell [email protected] 13 HSB Global Standards Catherine Coseno (860) 722-5705 45 Kinectrics Inc. Cheryl Tasker (416) 207-6532 29 NACE International 43 Nuclear Logistics Inc. Craig Irish (978) 250-0245 25 Power House Tool, Inc. Laura Patterson (815) 727-4835 41 Radiation Protection Systems, Inc. (RPS) Marc Greenleaf (860) 446-1876 17 Rolls-Royce Gordon Welsh 25 Seal Master Thomas Hillery (330) 673-8410 7 The Babcock & Wilcox Company Heidi Brizendine [email protected] 47 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Scientific Instruments Division, CIDTEC Cameras & Imagers Tony Chapman (315) 451-9421 52 Trentec, a business unit of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Company Don Murphy (301) 682-9209 4 UniStar Nuclear Energy Mary Klett (410) 470-5606 27 Urenco Enrichment Company Ltd. Please e-mail [email protected] 39 Westerman Nuclear Jim Christian (740) 569-4111 15 Western Space and Marine, Inc. Scott Millard (805) 968-0027 51 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC Karen Fischetti (412) 374-3244 10 WM Symposia, Inc. Mary E. Young [email protected] 9 Zachry Nuclear Engineering, Inc Lisa Apicelli (860) 446-8292 3 Zetec, Inc. Patrick Samson (418) 263-3742 SO09.indd 6 9/23/2009 10:47:02 AM SO09.indd 7 9/23/2009 10:47:04 AM 8 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 New Energy News India AREVA submitted a bid to Indian utility NPCIL for the design and construction of two EPR™ reactors. The plants will be built on the Jaitapur site in the state of Maharastra and commissioning is scheduled for late 2017 and end of 2018. Within the scope of the site development plan, NPCIL expects Jaitapur to accommodate up to six units. To move this ambitious program forward rapidly, AREVA has submitted an early works agreement to NPCIL to launch initial design and book the manufacturing capacities needed for the major components. In parallel, AREVA is joining forces with a number of local companies: The group has entered into a strategic alliance with Bharat Forge by signing an agreement which lays down the main conditions of the joint-venture which is set to build a forged parts manufacturing plant in India. AREVA has finalized the terms of a framework agreement with the Indian engineering company TCE Consulting Engineers Limited (TCE), a subsidiary of the Tata Sons Limited. Contact: Julien Duperray, telephone: 33 1 34 96 12 15. Finland Construction by AREVA of the Olkiluoto 3 EPR™ reactor in Finland reached a major milestone with the installation of the reactor building dome. The steel component weighing 210 tons and measuring almost 47 meters across was hoisted by two cranes and lowered into place 44 meters above the ground. The inner section of the reactor building is now completely covered and to seal it, the dome will be welded around its circumference and covered with 7,000 tons of concrete. Contact: Julien Duperray, telephone: 33 1 34 96 12 15. Czech Republic Energy company CEZ, Czech Republic, has opened the public tender for the selection of a supplier for two nuclear units for Temelin location. CEZ has published its announcement concerning opening the public tender on the information server providing a list of public tenders in the Czech Republic and the same announcement is expected to be published on the all-European web site as well. Apart from the requirement for delivery of two new nuclear units, the public tender includes a requirement for unilateral option for the benefit of CEZ regarding construction of up to 3 more nuclear units in other potential locations within Europe. Contact: Marek Svitak, telephone: 420 381 102 328, email: marek.svitak@ Italy Enel and EDF announced the creation of the equal basis joint venture “Sviluppo Nucleare Italia Srl” aimed at developing the feasibility studies for the construction of at least 4 advanced third generation EPR units as improvised in the agreement Enel and EDF signed on February 24, 2009 during the Franco- Italian summit in Rome. Enel and EDF will hold a 50% stake in the joint venture respectively and the company will be headquartered in Rome, Italy. Once the studies have been completed and the necessary investment decision taken, individual companies will be instituted to build, own and operate each of the EPR power plants. Contact: David Newhouse, telephone: 33 1 40 42 32 45. Uranium Enrichment Global Laser Enrichment (GLE) announced the start-up of a “test loop” to evaluate a next-generation uranium enrichment technology that GLE is developing to increase the United States’ supply of enriched uranium for nuclear power plants worldwide. GLE, a business venture of GE, Hitachi Ltd. and Cameco, will use the test loop’s results in determining whether to commercialize laser-based enrichment technology in the first such full-scale commercial production facility in the world. GLE’s facility could support U.S. high-tech manufacturing employment by potentially creating hundreds of permanent engineering and support staff positions, as well as providing supply chain growth across the United States. During construction, the project could create more than 500 temporary trade jobs. The test loop is designed to validate the commercial feasibility of the technology and advance the design of the equipment, facility and processes for the planned commercial production facility. While the results will be proprietary, Tammy Orr, president and CEO of GLE, noted, “We are very encouraged with the results we have obtained to date and with the pace of our progress on Global Laser Enrichment.” GLE anticipates gleaning sufficient data from the test loop by the end of 2009 to decide whether to proceed with plans for a full-scale commercial enrichment facility. At that time, the company also would refine its projected schedule for bringing the plant online. Contact: Ned Glascock, telephone: (910) 819-5729, email: edward. [email protected]. Public Support Eighty-four percent of Americans living near nuclear power plants favor nuclear energy, while an even greater number—90 percent―view the local power station positively, and 76 percent support construction of a new reactor near them, according to a new public opinion survey of more than 1,100 adults across the United States. The survey contacted people residing within the 10 mile-radius of an operating nuclear power plant and excluded electric company employees. The survey also found that 88 percent give the nearest nuclear plant a “high” safety rating, 91 percent have confidence in the company’s ability to operate SO09.indd 8 9/23/2009 10:47:06 AM Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 9 (Continued on page 10) the power plant safely, and 86 percent believe the company is doing a good job protecting the environment. The telephone survey of 1,152 randomly selected plant neighbors—18 adults within 10 miles of each of the nation’s 64 nuclear power plant sites— was conducted in mid-July, 2009. Survey results are available at: documentlibrary/ newplants/reports/third- biennial-nuclear-power-plant-neighbor- public-opinion-tracking-survey. Contact: Nuclear Energy Institute, telephone: (202) 739-8000, email: [email protected]. Early Site Permit The Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion’s Office of New Reactors has issued an Early Site Permit (ESP) and Limited Work Authorization (LWA) to Southern Nuclear Operating Company for the Vog- tle site near Augusta, Georgia. The ESP, valid for up to 20 years, is the fourth such permit the NRC has approved. Successful completion of the ESP process resolves many site-related safety and environmental issues, and determines the site is suitable for possible future construction and operation of a nuclear power plant. The LWA allows a narrow set of construction activities at the site. Southern Nuclear filed its ESP application on August 15, 2006, and filed its LWA request on Aug. 16, 2007, seeking permission for construction activities limited to placement of engineered backfill, retaining walls, lean concrete, mudmats, and a waterproof membrane. Contact: Office of Public Affairs, telephone: (301}) 415-8200, email: OPA. [email protected]. Uranium Enrichment Facility The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has accepted for formal review an application by General Electric-Hitachi Global Laser Enrichment for a license to construct and operate a uranium enrichment plant using laser technology in Wilmington, N.C. GE-Hitachi submitted the application in two stages: an environmental report, submitted on January 30, 2009 and a safety report, tendered on June 26, 2009. The NRC staff has completed an initial acceptance review and determined that the application is sufficiently complete for the agency to begin its formal licensing reviews. The agency has already requested additional information from the applicant. Contact: Office of Public Affairs, telephone: (301}) 415-8200, email: OPA. [email protected]. Pebble Fuel Heads In a first for Africa, South Africa’s Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR) company – in collaboration with Necsa (the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation) – has manufactured High Temperature Reactor fuel spheres or “pebbles” containing 9.6% enriched uranium. Sixteen of these graphite spheres were shipped to Russia for irradiation tests to demonstrate the fuel’s integrity under reactor conditions. The achievement follows PBMR and Necsa’s successful manufacturing in December 2008 of enriched uranium- coated particles, 14,000 of which are The U.S. nuclear renaissance is on the horizon, and Zachry is ready with forward-thinking people, services and capabilities. Combining 85 years of construction expertise and 35 years of engineering experience, Zachry brings a rich history, comprehensive services and unwavering integrity. As the industry advances, we are a visionary force for the nuclear future. Zachry—a visionary force for the nuclear future. SO09.indd 9 9/23/2009 10:47:06 AM 10 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 New Energy... Continued from page 9 contained in a pebble. It is the first time that High Temperature Reactor fuel has been manufactured in the southern hemisphere. Contact: Tom Ferreira, telephone: 22( 0) 83 264 6188, email: tom.ferreira@ License Renewal PSEG Nuclear submitted applications to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to extend the operating licenses of its Salem and Hope Creek Generating Stations by 20 years. Salem is a dual unit station with a generating capacity of 2,345 megawatts. Salem Unit 1’s current 40 year operating license expires in 2016 with Unit 2’s operating license expiring in 2020. Hope Creek is a single unit station with a generating capacity of 1,211 megawatts. Its original operating license expires in 2026. Contact: Joe Delmar, telephone: (856) 339-1934. China The Shaw Group Inc. and Westinghouse Electric Company, its AP1000 Consortium team member, announced, along with China’s State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (SNPTC) and Nuclear Construction Company #5, the successful placement of the first major structural module at the Sanmen nuclear power plant project. Weighing approximately 1,020 tons (with rigging apparatus) and measuring 69 feet wide, 44 feet long and 69 feet high, Auxiliary Building Module CA-20 is the largest of the project’s more than 200 structural and mechanical modules. Its placement ranks as one of the heaviest and largest on record for the nuclear energy industry. Shaw provided engineering and project management services leading up to and throughout the module’s lift and placement, which was executed safely and without incident. The Module CA-20 partially makes up the walls, floors and rooms of the auxiliary building, one of six buildings that comprise the nuclear island of an AP1000™ nuclear power plant. Contact: Gentry Brann, telephone: (225) 987-7372, email: gentry.brann@ Lithuania Lithuania’s State Nuclear Power Safety Inspectorate (VATESI) has issued a license to Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (Ignalina NPP) for construction of solid radioactive waste management facilities. The license has been issued under certain preconditions that will have to be fulfilled prior to the beginning of operation of the waste management facilities, i.e. during the construction stage Ignalina NPP will have to properly ensure physical protection and to install security equipment at the construction site. Moreover, Ignalina NPP has to demonstrate that the contractor has enough qualified manpower to perform specific operations, and to provide VATESI with the schedules for supervising the progress of construction works and inspection of equipment. At the management site of solid radioactive waste all waste of the mentioned type from operation and decommissioning of Ignalina NPP will be managed and stored for a fifty-year period. The commissioning of the new waste processing equipment in the existing territory of Ignalina NPP, Drūkšiai Village, Visaginas Municipality is scheduled for the year 2012. Contact: A. Gostauto, telephone: 370 5 262 4141, email: [email protected]. Hosted and sponsored by the Universit y of Arizona, the American Nuc lear Soc iet y, the American Soc iet y of Mec hanical Engineers, the Institute of Nuc lear Engineers, The Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals™ (AHMP) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development / the Nuc lear Energy Agenc y. IMPROVING THE FUTURE BY DEALING WITH THE PAST WM Symposia A non-pro0t ded|coted to educot|on ond opportunity is pleased to announce - For more |n|ormot|on, contoct WMS at +1 520- 696- 0399 - Registration & Hotel information at - Exh|b|tors/$ponsors contoct Morv Young ot +1 480-ºó8-755º or [email protected] PLAN NOW TO ATTEND OUR 36TH MEETING! Morch 7-11, 2010 Phoenix Convention Center Phoenix, Arizona SO09.indd 10 9/23/2009 10:47:08 AM Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 11 Utility, Industry & Corporation Utility Teach for America The Entergy Charitable Foundation announced a gift of $355,000 to Teach for America, the national corps of top recent college graduates. Louisiana State University (LSU) will receive a grant of $45,000 from the Entergy Charitable Foundation as a match toward the cost of developing a curriculum to train students to work in the nuclear industry. The LSU grant is part of a larger effort to develop an educated and highly trained workforce for the energy industry. The U.S. Department of Labor reports that by 2012 large numbers of energy industry workers will be eligible for retirement. Contact: Michael Burns, telephone: (504) 576-4238, email: mburns@entergy. com. Industry Education Grants The Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion has awarded nearly $20 million to 70 institutions to boost nuclear education and expand the workforce in nuclear and nuclear-related disciplines. Congress pro- vided the NRC funding for a $5 million Educational Curriculum program and an additional $15 million to supplement the NRC’s grant program for scholarships and fellowships, faculty development, trade schools, and community colleges, with $5 million of this amount designated for the Integrated University Program. The Integrated University Program funds are coordinated and awarded through the NRC, Department of Energy, and Na- tional Nuclear Security Administration to support multi-year research projects that do not align with programmatic missions but are critical to maintaining nuclear en- gineering and science. The NRC awarded 102 grants for scholarships ($2.9 million) fellowships ($5.4 million), faculty development ($4.8 million), trade and community college scholarships ($1.8 million) and nuclear education and curriculum development ($4.8 million). Recipients are located in 29 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Additional details are posted on the NRC’s Web site at about-nrc/grants/awards.html. Contact: Technical questions should be directed to either John Gutteridge, at (301)-492-2313, for the $15 million program or Randi Neff, at (301) 492-2301, for the $5 million program. Administrative questions should be directed to Kathleen Shino, at (301) 492-3636, in the Division of Contracts. (Continued on page 12) Nuclear Plant Journal's Product & Service Directory 2010 2010 Directory All nuclear power industry suppliers who are not listed in the 2009 Directory may request a complete information package by sending an email to [email protected] with complete contact information. Suppliers listed in Nuclear Plant Journal's 2009 Directory will receive the 2010 Directory mailing with a list of their products and services as they appeared in the 2009 Directory. Deadlines: Input Form- November 18, 2009 Ad Commitment- November 18, 2009 Nuclear Plant Journal Phone: (630) 858-6161, ext. 103 Fax: (630) 858-8787 E-mail: [email protected] Nuclear Plant Journal An International Publication Published in the United States Cost-free 5 Listings & Organization's Contact Information SO09.indd 11 9/23/2009 10:47:09 AM 12 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 Corporation Galaxy IT Platform Accenture and UniStar Nuclear Energy (UNE) have extended their agreement to design, build, operate, and maintain the ‘Galaxy’ IT platform, capable of supporting the data needs of nuclear energy facilities. The new agreement, which adds to the original contract signed in April 2008, covers additional work necessary for Accenture to support business processes, including configuration management of detailed design data and management of data associated with required inspections; testing, and analyses; and use of acceptance criteria involved with the construction of nuclear energy facilities. The agreement also calls for Accenture to market and distribute Galaxy in collaboration with UNE to companies engaged in the design, construction and operation of nuclear energy facilities. Contact: Christine Fields, telephone: (216) 535-5092, email: Christine.fields@ Joint Venture AREVA and Day & Zimmermann have formed a joint venture to offer comprehensive engineering, construction and maintenance services to the nuclear utilities in the United States. The integrated, end-to-end solutions will primarily focus on the Balance of Plant (BOP), implementing both major and minor nuclear plant modifications. The joint venture will operate as AREVA DZ LLC, with AREVA’s Gary Mignogna serving as President and Day & Zimmermann’s Mike McMahon as Executive Vice President. AREVA DZ services include design/build BOP projects, standard plant modifications, BOP major component replacements, decommissioning, power uprates, plant upgrades, and other large and complex projects. Contact: Susan Hess, telephone: (434) 732-2379, email: Susan.hess@ SG Replacement Babcock & Wilcox Canada Ltd. (B&W Canada) shipped the second of two replacement nuclear once-through steam generators (OTSGs) for Progress Energy Florida’s Crystal River Unit 3. Each replacement OTSG weighs 465 tons, measures 73 feet long and 12 feet in diameter and will replace the existing nuclear steam generators at the 860 megawatt Unit 3. The completed vessel shipped from the Cambridge, Canada facility by rail on August 7, 2009 to the Port of Toronto, where it was loaded onto a heavy lift ship for transport to the Port of Tampa on August 10, 2009. Contact: Natalie Cutler, telephone: (519) 621-2130, email: nacutler@ Reactor Heads Babcock & Wilcox Nuclear Power Generation Group, Inc. (B&W NPG) has completed the manufacture of the first of two nuclear reactor closure heads as part of a contract to AREVA NP for Pacific Gas & Electric’s Diablo Canyon Power Plant located in San Luis Obispo County, California. The closure head left The Babcock & Wilcox Company’s (B&W) Mount Vernon, Indiana, plant in July, 2009 en route to California. Contact: Ryan Cornell, telephone: (330) 860-1345, email: rscornell@ Management Program Day & Zimmermann announced that it has partnered with WorkForce Soft- ware to develop a Worker Fatigue Man- agement Program. The program is in re- sponse to the Code of Federal Regulation 10 CFR 26 Subpart I requirements, which mandate the number of consecutive hours and days that personnel at nuclear facili- ties are permitted to work. Day & Zimmermann’s new program will remove the burden of managing sup- plemental worker populations from its customers, particularly during outages, when there is a rapid increase of workers. The software accounts for all of the vari- ous nuances in the federal regulation, and supports all Nuclear Regulatory Com- mission required reporting. In addition to generating real-time reports, the software tracks worker hours and rest periods to forecast possible violations, and creates data that can be exported into many exist- ing software programs, making manage- ment as seamless as possible. Contact: Maureen Omrod, telephone: (215) 299-2234, email: Maureen. [email protected]. Strategic Alliance Newton Research Labs, Inc., a Seattle based manufacturer of robotics, machine vision and optical automation, and Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. (GPI) an engineering and construction services firm announced their agreement to develop and market robotic methods to inspect and provide protective coating and other maintenance services for commercial nuclear power plants and Department of Energy nuclear facilities. Under the terms of the agreement, the firms will develop and market a robotic approach to engineering and construction tasks heretofore performed by humans. Robots are particularly well suited to performing complex, repetitive tasks in hostile environments. Sophisticated sensing devices and end-effectors make tasks like inspection, data collection, information management, welding and painting routine even under the most adverse conditions. Contact: Anita Garrahan, telephone: (631) 587-5060. Name Change Radiation Protection Systems, Inc. (RPS) and Nuclear Fuel Services (NFS) are no longer affiliated companies. To minimize any confusion or implication of possible affiliation, RPS has formally changed its Delaware Corporation registration to “Radiation Protection Systems Inc.” (RPS). Contact: Marc Greenleaf, telephone: (860) 445-0334, email: greenleafm@ Supplier Award Rockbestos-Surprenant Cable Corporation (RSCC) received the AREVA US Certified Nuclear Supplier Award on June 4, 2009. The supplier selection process to receive this Certification and award was based on multiple criteria that embraced partnering strategies, technological innovation, teaming strategies, outstanding product quality, and engineering support. Corporation... Continued from page 11 SO09.indd 12 9/23/2009 10:47:20 AM Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 13 RSCC was presented this AREVA US Certified Nuclear Supplier Award and Certification by Ann Lauvergeon AREVA CEO. RSCC President, Dennis Chalk, RSCC National Sales Manager Utility Group, Mark St. Onge, and Utility Cell General Manager, Steve Sandberg received the award. Contact: Jim Belanger, telephone: (860) 653-8377, email: jim.belanger@r- Acquisition Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC has acquired CS Innovations, LLC, an Instrumentation and Control (I&C) nuclear product supplier to the digital I&C safety system upgrade market. Located in Scottsdale, Arizona, United States, CS Innovations will become known as CS Innovations, a subsidiary of Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC. CS Innovations offers the only non-software-based solution that meets current requirements for digital safety systems, and is approved by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Contact: Vaughn Gilbert, telephone: (412}) 347-3896, email: gilberhv@ Welding School Westinghouse Electric Company announces the opening of a new WEC Welding Institute in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Currently, 10 students are enrolled in the no-cost program that is equipped to train and graduate up to 288 welders per year to perform work in both nuclear and non-nuclear plants. Westinghouse also has a WEC Welding Institute in Rock Hill, South Carolina. Together the welding institutes have the capacity to graduate more than 700 welders a year. The Chattanooga WEC Welding Institute is equipped with 48 weld booths and certifies students after they complete an average of five months of hands-on training. After training, they can take the American Society of Mechanical Engineers” (ASME) welding qualification exam. Once students pass the exam and receive certification, they must work for Westinghouse for 2,000 hours. They have the opportunity to work as apprentices at power plants or at any facility where Westinghouse is performing welding. To attain journeyman status, students must complete an additional 2,000 hours of welding. Contact: Vaughn Gilbert, telephone: (412}) 347-3896, email: gilberhv@ MOU Williams Industrial Services Group, LLC a subsidiary of Global Power Equipment Group Inc. and ENERCON announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to offer integrated design engineering and construction services to specific nuclear clients. The new alliance was recently awarded security upgrade projects for the entire Entergy Nuclear fleet of northern and southern plants. Both Williams and ENERCON have principal offices in the Atlanta, Georgia area. Contact: Dan Daniels, telephone (770) 879-4034. As the world turns to nuclear energy, turn to the world leader in nuclear certification. The world is once again turning to nuclear power to meet its future energy needs.You can rely on the leadership and experience of HSB Global Standards for all RCC-M and ASME code inspection and certification requirements. • The world leader in nuclear plant & equipment inspections • More than 500 engineers, inspectors and auditors worldwide • Our extensive nuclear capabilities support your global growth • We provide certification assistance & training in ASME and RCC-M code compliance Go to www.hsbgsnuclear.comfor more information, local contacts or to request a nuclear code training program. NUCLEAR CERTIFICATION Worldwide: +1 860-722-5041 Toll-free: 800-417-3437 x25041 (USA and Canada only) SO09.indd 13 9/23/2009 10:47:20 AM 14 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 New Products, Services & Contracts New Products Analyzer A2 Technologies, Scotland, an- nounced that its iPAL FTIR analyzer is now available with sampling technology and pre-loaded methods specifically de- signed for measurement of chemical spe- cies of significant importance to the nu- clear power industry. Battery powdered, portable iPAL analyzers are rapidly being adopted in nuclear power plants through- out the world to ensure reliable facility operation, regulatory compliance as well as supporting pro-active maintenance programs. iPAL systems easily handle some of the most time consuming chemical measurements - analyses that would typically take hours or even days off site are now handled by the iPAL system right on-site in a matter of minutes. A2 Technology also offers the PAL analyzer, a bench top version of the iPAL, for customers who do not require battery operation or portability. Contact: telephone: 44 7765 9702120, email: [email protected]. Laser Removal CSA, Inc. has developed laser scanning technology that has been used successfully for nuclear plant equipment removal/replacement activities. With CSA’s PanoMap™ software, interference checking can be done directly against the laser scanned area, providing more accurate results than a 3D model. The new design can be verified against the laser scanned data (as-built) at an early stage and adjusted as needed. The identified interferences are clearly color-coded. The rigging simulation can optimize the removal path, to provide substantial savings of time and dose. PanoMap’s many features include precise measurement, dimensioning, intelligent labels that can tie to plant’s other databases, tag numbers and activity designations (the construction schedule). PanoMap can integrate with other CAD systems; it can use data from any laser scanner and runs on standard PCs. Contact: Olga Burger, telephone: (770) 955-9518, email: burger.o@csaatl. com. Flaw Detector Weighing only 2.2 pounds, the USM Go is a light and portable ultrasonic flaw detector available from GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies. The USM Go is designed for ease of prolonged operation in the harshest inspection environments. The instrument is pressure-respon- sive, has joystick control, ergonomic de- sign and features data display resolution on a screen with a large pixel count. Contact: Amanda Fontaine, telephone: (978) 437-1446, email: [email protected]. Lift Crane Mammoet announced the introduc- tion onto the market, in Q3 2011, of two New Generation cranes, developed in- house for the very heaviest lifts. These two cranes, the PTC 120 DS (maximum load moment 120,000 ton meters (metric tons multiplied by the radius)) and the PTC 160 DS (160,000 ton meters) intro- duce a whole new range of world cranes. The key feature to the new generation is that the cranes combine capacity with versatility to facilitate a new approach to heavy lift and construction projects. Contact: Jennifer Lovell-Butler, telephone: (281) 369-2200, email: [email protected]. PWR Scanners Phoenix Inspection Systems, United Kingdom, has launched new, updated versions of two of its nuclear power plant inspection scanners. Both SAGE and APSIS are designed specifically for use on pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and have proven track records within the industry. SAGE is used for the inspection of pipe and nozzle welds and in the latest revision, MAXI-SAGE has been designed to inspect critical welds on the primary circuit. The scanner can be assembled in less than 10 minutes to minimize the time operators spend in contaminated areas. It allows for the simple interchange of probes, allowing greater flexibility to use different numbers and configurations. APSIS - the Automatic Pressurizer Surge Line Inspection System – is used for testing transition, austenitic and thermal sleeve welds on the pressurizer surge line and the surge line to primary loop welds. It can be deployed with Pulse- Echo, TOFD and Phased Array ultrasonic techniques. Contact: Pauline Rawsterne, telephone: 0161 860 6063, email: [email protected]. Duct Tape Uticom Systems, Inc, a manufacturer of nuclear grade graphics has helped develop a new product - U89NG nuclear grade, clean removing- duct tape-that has a halogen and sulfur c of c- and is an UL723, HUD, ANSI/ASME NQA-1- 2008 and BOCA compliant alternative to traditional duct tape. Uticom’s U89NG removes cleanly for up to six months from most opaque surfaces even after exposure to sunlight and temperature extremes. Additionally, this nuclear grade duct tape will stay on for up to one full year without deterioration even after application in harsh conditions such as direct sunlight and precipitous/wet environments. Contact: telephone: (610) 854-2655, email: [email protected]. Services Lifecycle Management Faced with equipment repairs/ replacements, increasing regulatory pressures, and growth standardization initiatives, Plant Lifecycle Management (PLM) from BCP Engineers & Consultants is essential for any capital intensive facility and power plant organization that desires to be efficient and effective over the entire lifecycle of their plant. PLM impacts the entire lifecycle, reduces risk in all lifecycle phases, integrates and provides access to plant data, and captures fleet synergies. SO09.indd 14 9/23/2009 10:47:23 AM Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 15 Contact: Chris Staubus, telephone: (727) 736-3151, fax: (727) 736-4157, email: [email protected]. Tax Specialist BCP Engineers & Consultants provides experienced, trained engineers and tax specialists to directly support the tax department's Research & Development (R&D) claim needs. BCP delivers comprehensive detailed reports complete with audit trail and supporting documentation providing the necessary support and backup to substantiate a R&D claim. Contact: Chris Staubus, telephone: (727) 736-3151, fax: (727) 736-4157, email: [email protected]. Traveling Wave Reactor Burns and Roe is providing architectural and engineering support for the conceptual design of a Traveling Wave Reactor (TWR) for TerraPower, LLC. The conceptual design will be for a nuclear electric power plant with a 3000 thermal MW reactor using a revolutionary core design. Contact: Don Flood, email: dflood@ Crane & Hoist Morris Material Handling, the original equipment manufacturer of P&H ® Cranes, Hoists, and Replacement Parts, provides crane and hoist modernization services to improve overall performance of overhead lifting systems. Morris Material Handling can perform a complete overhaul of cranes and hoists—including vintage models—to help customers achieve a higher level of productivity, efficiency, and safety. Service modernizations from Morris Material Handling help customers achieve maximum real-time return on investment, restoring faulty or outdated overhead lifting systems to peak performance and reliability. Modernizations can correct a wide range of crane and hoist deficiencies, including mechanical instability, inadequate capacity, high spare parts turnover, high maintenance costs, poor diagnostics, obsolete components, and changes in manufacturing standards. Strategically planned, modernizations can result in increased performance and reliability, reduced maintenance and emergency repairs, proper machinery classification, and better spare parts availability. Contact: Steve Kirschner, telephone: (513) 421-1169, email: skirschner@ Contracts Diesel Generators Alstom has won an order to supply eight new emergency diesel generators (EDGs) to the Taishan nuclear power plant in Guangdong, China, the country’s first EPR-based plant. The contract was signed between a consortium regrouping Alstom Power Turbomachines, Alstom Wuhan Engineering & Technology Co. Ltd. and MAN Diesel SAS, and an AREVA-led consortium with the China Nuclear Power Engineering Co, Ltd. and the owner TSNPC. With a scope of $40 million in the contract, Alstom, as the leader of the consortium will supply the design, manufacturing and procurement for 8 x 9.1 MW EDGs, and provide the on-site support service. These EDGs will be due for commissioning in 2013. Contact: Susanne Shields, telephone: 33 1 41 49 27 22, email: Susanne.shields@ EPC AREVA and its U.S. consortium partner Bechtel Power Corporation announced that they have signed a term sheet with Baltimore-based UniStar Nuclear Energy outlining the terms and conditions for an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract for UniStar’s proposed Calvert Cliffs 3 nuclear energy facility project in Maryland. The EPC term sheet agreement is a critical step in negotiating an overall EPC contract. The EPC contract for Calvert Cliffs 3 is planned to be the first in a series of standardized EPC contracts for a fleet of U.S. EPR™ facilities that will be licensed, developed and constructed as part of the UniStar Nuclear Energy business model. Contact: Susan Hess, telephone: (434) 732-2379, email: Susan.hess@ Nuclear Fuel AREVA has signed a 6-year contract with Central Nuclear de Trillo for the supply of approximately 240 fuel (Continued on page 16) LUVS LUVS LUVS LUVS LUVS Save Cr i t i c al Pat h Ou t ag e Ti me & Mo n e y Re d u c e Exp o s u r e wi t h WSM’s “ The per f ec t obj ec t r et r i eval syst em” Fast , easy debr i s r emoval i n l i qui d f i l l ed t anks U.S. Patent No. 6,352,645 53 Aero Camino Goleta, CA 93117 (805) 968-3831 FAX (805) 968-0027 WESTERN SPACE & MARINE, INC FOSAR ALARA Li g h t we i g h t Un d e r wat e r Vac u u m Sys t e m [email protected] SO09.indd 15 9/23/2009 10:47:23 AM 16 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 Contracts... Continued from page 15 assemblies and related services for the CNT 1 reactor, located in Guadalajara, Spain. This award, to take effect in 2010, follows the long-standing cooperation between AREVA and Central Nuclear de Trillo. Contact: Julien Duperray, telephone: 33 1 34 96 12 15. SG Tubes AREVA and Sandvik Materials Technology, Sweden, a subsidiary of Sandvik group, signed a multi-year contract to supply steam generator tubes, valued at almost 200 millions euros. This agreement, as part of the AREVA long-term strategy, secures critical supplies and enables the group to meet the strong global demand for future nuclear power plants. This agreement reinforces the two companies’ cooperation and marks another important stage in the relationship between the two groups. Steam generators tubes first deliveries will occur at the end of 2013. Contact: Julien Duperray, telephone: 33 1 34 96 12 15. Maintenance Contract Day & Zimmermann has been awarded a multi-year contract by PSEG Nuclear. The scope includes full-service maintenance and modification work as well as selected project work at their Salem and Hope Creek Nuclear Stations in Hancocks Bridge, NJ. With the award of this contract, PSEG Nuclear and Day & Zimmermann renew a successful long- term relationship that began in 1997. Contact: Brian Hartz, telephone: (717) 391-3138, email: brian.hartz@ Service Contract Day & Zimmermann NPS (DZNPS) announced that it has been awarded a $50Million Dollar contract by the Ten- nessee Valley Authority (TVA). Under this contract, DZNPS will provide ser- vices to assist in the completion of TVA’s Watts Bar Unit 2 Nuclear Plant in Spring City, Tennessee. DZNPS will be provid- ing managed task, maintenance and mod- ification, and refurbishment services in support of TVA and their partners. This effort will consist of the replacement, refurbishment, modification, and instal- lation of major plant components by per- forming mechanical, electrical and civil work primarily in the plant’s Turbine Building and other areas. Contact: Brian Hartz, telephone: (717) 391-3138, email: brian.hartz@ Digital Control Computers L-3 MAPPS has won an order from Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) to replace the Gentilly-2 Nuclear Generating Station’s Digital Control Computers (DCCs). DCC systems are used to monitor and control the major reactor and power plant functions at CANDU nuclear power plants. The DCC replacement project is part of a plant refurbishment project which will extend the life of Gentilly-2 until approximately the year 2040. Contact: Andre Rochon, telephone: (514) 787-4953. Simulator Upgrade L-3 MAPPS has signed an agreement with Eletrobrás Termonuclear S.A. – Eletronuclear of Brazil to upgrade its Angra 2 simulator at the Almirante Álvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Station. The project will commence in summer 2009 and will span approximately two years. Contact: Andre Rochon, telephone: (514) 787-4953. PCB Capacitors Removal Siempelkamp Nuclear Services, Inc. (SNS) has been contracted by Argonne Na- tional Laboratory to remove Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) capacitors from the his- toric Intense Pulse Neutron Source (IPNS) Facility. Federal programmatic needs have recently changed the state of use of the historic IPNS from operational status to facility transition mode. Part of the IPNS transition scope is to safely remove and dispose off-site, approximately 350 PCB capacitors. SNS will provide the necessary planning, management, labor and equipment to electrically and mechanically dismantle, remove, package, and relocate the capacitors to a staging area prior to disposal. Contact: Steve Garner, telephone: (803) 796-2727, email: sgarner@ DOC Approval The United States Department of Commerce (DOC) approved a contract for the JSC Techsnabexport (TENEX), Russia, to supply low enriched uranium (LEU) directly to the American utility Constellation Energy Nuclear Group. The contract, the sixth amongst those concluded between US utilities and TENEX in May-July 2009, provides for the LEU deliveries between 2015 and 2025. Contact: telephone: 7 495 545 00 45, email: [email protected]. Engineering Contract The Shaw Group Inc. announced the Maintenance and Fossil & Nuclear segments of its Power Group and Westinghouse Electric Company have been awarded a new long-term alliance contract with South Carolina Electric & Gas Company (SCE&G) to provide nuclear maintenance, modification, refueling outage and design engineering services to its V.C. Summer Nuclear Station Unit 1, located in Jenkinsville, South Carolina. The contract is an extension of the relationship established by Shaw and Westinghouse to provide engineering, procurement and construction services for two new AP1000™ nuclear power units, V.C. Summer Units 2 and 3, operated by SCE&G and the South Carolina Public Service Authority (Santee Cooper). Under the new contract, Shaw will provide maintenance, modification, refueling outage and design engineering services to V.C. Summer Unit 1 immediately and Units 2 and 3 once they are complete. Units 2 and 3 are scheduled for commercial operation dates of 2016 and 2019, respectively. Contact: Gentry Brann, telephone: (225) 987-7372, email: gentry.brann@ SO09.indd 16 9/23/2009 10:47:23 AM After 30 years of success, the next chapter begins. Data Systems & Solutions has transferred its nuclear instrumentation and controls activities to the parent company Rolls-Royce, specifically to our new Civil Nuclear division. A division with the significant industrial infrastructure needed to play a major role in the global renaissance of nuclear power. Right now our state-of-the-art technology is operating in over 100 reactors worldwide. So for Data Systems & Solutions customers it’s business as usual. Trusted to deliver excellence For DS&S customers it’s business as usual. SO09.indd 17 9/23/2009 10:47:24 AM 18 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 New Documents Book Nuclear Engineering Handbook, by Ken Kok. This book provides an introduction to basic nuclear power and nuclear engineering development. After a historical review of nuclear reactors, the book examines current changes in technology and explores future directions. It describes all aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle from mining, milling, and enrichment of uranium and thorium fuel resources, to fuel fabrication, nuclear materials transportation, fuel processing, and waste disposal. ISBN-1420053906, 786 pages. Price: $139.95. EPRI 1. EPRI Yucca Mountain Total System Performance Assessment Code (IMARC) Version 10. Product ID: 1018712, Published June, 2009. This report summarizes IMARC, Version 10, beginning with an overview of the code, followed by detailed descriptions of individual IMARC components, including linkages, testing, and benchmarking. Major IMARC FEPs are also described, with emphasis on climate change; net infiltration; focusing of unsaturated zone groundwater flow; groundwater percolation into repository drifts; degradation of drip shields, cladding, and waste packages; waste form dissolution; radionuclide transport through the drifts, unsaturated zone, and saturated zone; and multiple exposure pathways in the biosphere. 2. Risk-Informed Method to Determine ASME Section XI Appendix G Limits for Ferritic Reactor Pressure Vessels: An Optional Approach Proposed for ASME Section XI Appendix G. Product ID: 1016600, Published June, 2009. A risk-informed procedure has been developed to define an optional alternative to the current ASME Section XI, Appendix G deterministic method for determining leak test temperature and heat-up and cool-down pressure- temperature limits. This method is simple to understand and implement and remains consistent with the structure of the current ASME Section XI, Appendix G deterministic methodology. 3. BWRVIP-218: BWRVIP Vessel and Internals Project, Alloy X-750 Charac- terization Study. Product ID: 1019070, Published July, 2009. This report provides a review of the alloy X-750 components, as well as their properties and fabrication methods that are present in operating BWRs. This information is used to evaluate the vari- ability of the materials and to establish a basis from which prototypical alloy X-750 microstructures can be identified and/or manufactured for future testing to accurately assess the performance of this material in BWR environments. 4. Hot Cell Examination of Hatch 1 and 2 Fuel Rods. Product ID: 1019314, Published June, 2009. Two sound GE13 fuel rods were examined in the GE Hitachi Vallecitos Nuclear Center hot cells. The rods— one each from the Hatch 1 and Hatch 2 reactors—were retrieved to characterize their performance over three cycles relative to the presence of thick tenacious crud and a common cladding material lot that experienced corrosion-related failures in Browns Ferry 2, which is documented in EPRI report 1013421. 5. Nondestructive Evaluation: Program Description for Performance Demonstra- tion of Pressurized Water Reactor Upper Head Penetration Examination (2009 Update), Product ID: 1019478, Published July, 2009. The Materials Reliability Program (MRP) has directed the Inspection Issues Task Group (ITG) to establish a qualifi- cation program for the examination of pressurized water reactor (PWR) reactor pressure vessel upper head penetrations. This new qualification program is being implemented to provide the utilities with a consistent and reliable examination ap- proach for the upper head penetrations. 6. Nuclear Maintenance Applications Center: Post Trip Voltage Prediction at Nuclear and Other Generating Stations. Product ID: 1018535, Published June, 2009. The objective of this Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) project is to investigate the possibility of predicting the switchyard voltage in a nuclear power plant (NPP) following a trip of a nuclear unit. Two methods of post-trip voltage prediction are investigated. 7. Program on Technology Innovation: Review of Interaction Between Deforma- tion and Oxidation/Corrosion in Environ- mentally-Assisted Cracking of LWR Ma- terials. Product ID: 1019036, Published August, 2009. This report provides a comprehensive review of the current state of knowledge of environmentally assisted cracking (EAC) cracking of materials used in light water reactors (LWRs). 8. Fuel Reliability Program: GNF PCI Guidelines Support Analyses: BWR Fuel PCI Margin Assessment. Product ID: 1018038, Published August, 2009. A series of EPRI fuel reliability Guidelines were issued in 2008 in support of INPO’s Zero-by-2010 initiative. For the PCI Guideline (EPRI report 1015453, Dec 2008) development, the fuel vendors, AREVA, GNF, and Westinghouse had provided considerable proprietary infor- mation. This report is a reference report to supplement the PCI Guideline, con- taining details which are unique to GNF fuel. 9. Baseline Inspections of Global Nuclear Fuels (GNF) Fuel at Peach Bottom 2. Product ID: 1019101, Published August, 2009. This report summarizes two post- irradiation examination reports of GE-14 fuel operated at the Peach Bottom Unit 2 (PB2)—the plant had been identified as a “High Priority” plant (“Priority #1”) for GE-14 fueled plants and was recommended for inspection prior to the end of 2010. The above documents may be obtained from EPRI Order and Conference Center, 1300 West WT Harris Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28262; telephone: (800) 313-3774, email: orders@epri. com. SO09.indd 18 9/23/2009 10:47:25 AM Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 19 Meeting & Training Calendar 1. International Conference on Integrat- ed Radioactive Waste Management in Future Fuel Cycles, October 25-29, 2009, Charleston, South Carolina. Contact: Dirk Gombert, Idaho Na- tional Laboratory, telephone: (208) 526-4624, email: Dirk.Gombert@inl. gov. 2. International Conference on Oppor- tunities and Challenges for Water- Cooled Nuclear Power Plants in the 21 st Century, October 27-30, 2009, Vienna, Austria. Contact: Irina Or- lova, International Atomic Energy Agency, email: [email protected]. 3. 6 th Canadian Nuclear Society In- ternational Steam Generator Confer- ence, November 8-11, 2009, Hilton Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Contact: Denise Rouben, telephone: (416) 977-7620, email: cns-snc@ 4. Nuclear Waste: The Challenge of Underground Storage and Disposal, November 9-10, 2009, London, United Kingdom. Contact: Melissa Fuentes, VIB Events, telephone: 44 20 7936 6677, email: melissafuentes@ 5. Conference on Nuclear Power for the People, November 11-14, 2009, Hotel Bolyarski, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria. Contact: Bulgarian Nuclear Society, telephone: 359 2 979 5472, email: [email protected]. 6. 2009 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 13-19, 2009, Lake Buena Vista, Florida. Contact: Melissa Torres, telephone: (212) 591-7856, email: [email protected]. 7. American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo, November 15-19, 2009, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C. Contact: Sharon Bohlander, telephone: (800) 250-3678, email: bohlander@ 8. “Facility Decommissioning” Training Course, November 16-19, 2009, Tuscany Suites & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada. Contact: Lawrence Boing, Argonne National Laboratory, telephone: (630) 252-6729, email: [email protected]. 9. The 2 nd Annual Nuclear Power Congress, December 1-2, 2009, Naples, Florida. Contact: Kristy Perkins, American Conference Institute, telephone: (212) 352-3220 ext. 493, email: K.Perkins@ 10. UK Nuclear Supply Chain Summit, December 7-9, 2009, Dexter House, Tower Hill, London, United Kingdom. Contact: IQPC, telephone: 0800 652 2363, email: [email protected]. 11. International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Challenges and Opportunities (FR09), December 7-11, 2009, Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan. Contact: Martina Khaelss, International Atomic Energy Agency, telephone: 43 12600 21315, email: [email protected]. 12. Nuclear Power International, December 8-10, 2009, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada. Contact: Libby Smith, PenWell Corp., telephone: (918) 831-9560, email: nuclearconference@ 13. Nuclear Power Asia, January 26- 27, 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Contact: Zaf Coelho, Synergy Conference and Exhibitions, telephone: 65 6407 1498, email: zaf@ 14. Nuclear Spent Fuel Academy, February 2-4, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia. Contact: Chris DeLance, NAC International, telephone: (770) 447- 1144, email: [email protected]. 15. International Conference on Public Information Materials Exchange: De- fining Tomorrow’s Vision of Nuclear Energy PIME 2010, February 14-17, 2010, Budapest, Hungary. Contact: Kirsten Epskamp, European Nucle- ar Society, telephone: 32 2 505 30 54, email: kirsten.epskamp@euronuclear. org. 16. Nuclear New Build, March 2-3, 2010, London, United Kingdom. Contact: Robert Hayman, The Nuclear Institute, fax: 020 8695 8229, email: [email protected]. 17. Waste Management Symposia WM2010, March 7-11, 2010, Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix, Arizona. Contact: Mary Young, telephone: (520) 696-0399, email: mary@ 18. Nuclear Industry, China 2010: The 11 th China International Nuclear Industry Exhibition, March 23-26, 2010, Beijing, China. Contact: Lin Yi, Beijing International Exhibition and Economic Relations & Trade Association, Inc., telephone: 0086 10 6526 8150, 65260852, email: [email protected]. 19. World Nuclear University School on Radioisotopes, May 15- June 4, 2010, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Contact: John Ritch, telephone: 44 207 451 1520, email: rischool@world-nuclear- 20. European Nuclear Conference, May 30-June 3, 2010, Barcelona, Spain. Contact: European Nuclear Society, telephone: 32 2 505 30 54, fax: 32 2 505 39 02, email: enc2010@, website: www. 21. 2010 American Nuclear Society Topical Meeting and Decommission- ing, Decontamination, & Reutiliza- tion and Technology Expo, August 29-September 2, 2010, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Contact: Teri Ehresman, tele- phone: (208) 526-7785, email: Teri. [email protected]. SO09.indd 19 9/23/2009 10:47:26 AM 20 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 Shared Expectations with the Licensee By Michael Johnson, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Michael Johnson Mike Johnson joined the NRC in 1986 and has held increasingly responsible positions including Deputy Division Director in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Director of the Office of Enforcement, and Deputy Director of the Office of Research. He began his current position, as Director of the Office of New Reactors in May 2008. He received a B.S. degree in Ocean Engineering from the U.S. Naval Academy and served in the nuclear submarine force for 7 years. An interview by Newal Agnihotri, Editor, Nuclear Plant Journal at the Utility Working Conference in Amelia Island, Florida on August 4, 2009. 1. How is the quality of applications being submitted by the utilities? And also, to what extend are they meeting USNRC’s expectations? We all along have said we want high quality submittals. As a matter of fact, we work with the applicant before we get the application to try to make sure they understand the process, understand what we expect in the application in addition to the written requirements that we have. I would say not all of the applications meet our expectations on quality but we have been able to accept the overwhelming majority of applications that we’ve gotten and we have been able to get, sometimes with additional questions, sufficient details to be able to set the schedule and begin our reviews. I think it’s going fairly well and we expect the quality of applications will continue to improve and in fact we’re going to work to make sure the quality of applications continue to improve in the future. 2. How many combined operating license applications have been received by USNRC? Right now I think the count is up to 18 applications for 28 units. We expect a few more to trickle in. But we have a majority of those applications that we thought we were going to get in this first wave. 3. How does NRC comply with Freedom of Information Act in making the plant documents available to the public? Actually what we have is an electronic system that we call ADAMS (Agency Document and Management System) and you can go into ADAMS and find each of the applications we are reviewing. You can go electronically and pull up those applications and look through what has been submitted in terms of the application with the exception of portions that aren’t publicly available. But by-and-large those applications are available to the public to review and all you need is access to the internet. We really rely on making it available electronically. 4. What is the current process of public hearings in the new licensing system? The process is called a one step process compared to the previous process that was referred to as the two step process. This process works like this, an application is submitted by the applicant, we take it in, we issue a notice that we received that application, we review the application to make sure it’s sufficient and everything is complete, and then we accept that application. Then we will begin our review. The other thing we do shortly thereafter is publish an opportunity to make the public aware that if they have contentions with respect to an application that there is a process they can go through to raise those contentions. Then we have the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board that will review those contentions as we review the application. We complete our review of the application, and if there are contentions those get dealt with by the licensing board. If there are no contentions at the end of the process there is a mandatory hearing. Following that we issue the license and that is authority for the licensee at that point to build a plant. 5. How does NRC ensure that the plant has been constructed in accordance with the design which was submitted to the NRC and approved by NRC during the combined operating license application? If we find that the licensee built the plant in accordance with the license by inspecting things called Inspections, Tests, Analyses & Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC) we’ll check those off, we’ll agree that they’re finished. The process is very disciplined. The opportunity for public intervention happens before the licensing, once we are into construction there isn’t any additional chance for contending that an ITAAC wasn’t met. What we’ve done is provide ample opportunity early in the process for the public to be comfortable and to have their issues addressed before the licensing decision. It is a much more tight rigorous process up front; same opportunity for public intervention but much more predictable than the previous two step process. (Continued on page 22) SO09.indd 20 9/23/2009 10:47:26 AM Bechtel Power has been the active world leader in the nuclear industry for more than 60 years with more than 74,000 MW of nuclear design, construction and operating plant support experience. We have designed and/or built more than half of the nuclear power plants in the United States and 150 nuclear power plants worldwide. Today, we are leading the nuclear renaissance in the United States. From plant restarts and completions to steam generator replacements and extended power uprates, we’re helping customers get the most out of existing assets. We also offer a full range of services for new-generation nuclear plants, including construction and operating license applications, EPC, and owner’s engineer/program management. BECHTEL POWER Frederick, Maryland, USA ◆ 1-301-228-8364 ◆ San Francisco ◆ Houston ◆ London ◆ New Delhi ◆ Shanghai Bechtel Nuclear: Building on the Past Powering the Future SO09.indd 21 9/23/2009 10:47:37 AM 22 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 There are specific criteria that the licensee has to meet. I think AP1000 has roughly 800 or 900 ITAAC. Every one of those ITAAC has to be certified by the licensee as met. We’ll review them, and about 35% we will actually inspect that they have been met. When the Commission finds that they are met then the licensee can load fuel and begin operating the plant. The AP1000 is going to contain modules and some of the ITAAC relate to the modular construction, so one of the things we’re going to do is actually go to where those modules are going to be constructed to make sure that again if there is an ITAAC that relates to that module then in fact the applicant has to make sure that we know that they satisfied that aspect, that the piece of the ITAAC is being satisfied and we have to make sure that it’s being satisfied so that when that module is brought to the site and loaded in we’re comfortable. It’s the responsibility of the licensee to make sure every one of those ITAAC are met. We are in a role of reviewing. Those things have to be met to ensure that the plant that is sitting there at the end of construction matches the design of what we approved. 6. How does NRC communicate with the applicant ensuring that the applicant understands NRC’s expectations? We’ve done a lot to share expectations with the applicants. We have something called a Standard Review Plan which is what our reviewers use to review the submittal. We’ve revised that and we share that so that applicants know what we’re going to be looking at when we review their application. We’ve issued a regulatory guide which describes the form and content of what that application has to look like. So now we’ve told them what the application should look like, and we told them what we’re going to use to review their application and they have all of that information before they submit the application. So that’s one example of sharing the expectations. In addition to that, in pre-application, before they even submit the application we meet with them. We make sure that they don’t have any questions, and we provide lots of opportunities to them so they understand what the application needs to look like before they send it. 7. How does USNRC communicate with the licensee indicating their schedule expectation so that the review proceeds in a timely manner? With respect to the schedule, once we have their application and we look through their application in detail and decide to accept it, we’ll then decide how long it’s going to take us to go through the review to get to the point where we can issue the license. If they have a really complete application and if they don’t try anything exotic then that’s an application that’s predictable and that’s a review that will be shorter. If they have an application where they want to try a new analysis that we, haven’t approved of, or they want to try a new design that we haven’t seen, there will have to be some additional testing and analysis on their part, and review on our part. Then the application begins to take a little bit longer in terms of the schedule. Whatever it will take, we share that schedule with them, we talk about the schedule before we issue it, we share that schedule in detail, and we make that schedule publicly available. That schedule exists in what we call an Enterprise Project Management system and we use that schedule for all of our reviewers to be able to schedule their time in reviewing the applications. We’ve scheduled reviewers’ times on specific aspects of that application. So, for example, let’s suppose we review a section of the application that relates to the balance of plant, we then have questions we want to ask. We have a schedule that says if we’re going to ask questions we’re going to ask them at this time frame and we’re going to assume that the applicants take this much time to get back to us. If it’s going to take longer you need to let us know because we’re not just reviewing your application, we’re reviewing other applications. That schedule really is an agreement between us and the applicant about how we’re going to proceed through the review of that application. So that’s another example of how we try to make sure that there are shared expectations. The detailed schedule has major milestones, for example for the first plant-- the reference combined operating license plant has a six phase review. Phase two for example is that we will complete the safety evaluation report with open items, that is we’ll write as much as we can and where we have open items we will spell out what those open items are. There is a date associated with that draft for all the chapters we are reviewing. We then take that to phase three where we take all of those chapters to our Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards and they’ll review it and give us comments on it. The last phase is the issuance of the final safety evaluation report. That’s all publicly available, it’s agreed upon in advance with the applicant and we have expectations for us and we have expectations for their response times. If you go to new-reactors/col.html, you can go to a specific plant and find the review schedule that we have issued to them. 8. What is the work force working in reviewing the current license applications? We have approximately 500 people working in the new reactor area, including managers and staff. Not all of them are in my office, but a majority of them are. We also have attorneys. Contact: Donna Williams, US NRC, 11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852; telephone (301) 415-1322, fax (301) 415-6323, email: donna.williams@ Shared Expectations... Continued from page 20 SO09.indd 22 9/23/2009 10:47:43 AM Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 23 (Continued on page 24) Improved Cost & Schedule By Christofer M. Mowry, Babcock & Wilcox Modular Nuclear Energy, LLC. Christofer M. Mowry Christofer M. Mowry is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Babcock & Wilcox Modular Nuclear Energy, LLC. In this role, Mr. Mowry is leading the development, licensing and delivery of B&W mPower(tm) nuclear power plants. Christofer holds a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He also earned a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and a Bachelor of Arts in Astronomy from Swarthmore College in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. He holds four U.S. patents related to digital control systems. Responses to questions by Newal Agnihotri, Editor of Nuclear Plant Journal. 1. Please provide the status of B&W’s efforts in licensing its mPower. B&W notified the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in April 2009 of our intent to submit an application for design certification of our new B&W mPower™ modular nuclear reactor. We have now begun licensing activities with the NRC, with the first public pre-application meeting having been held on July 7, 2009. B&W intends to submit our Design Certification Application (DCA) in early 2012. In parallel with the NRC review of our design, we anticipate engaging a lead plant customer by 2011, when we are in the final phase of the reactor design program. A combined operating license application (COLA) would be submitted to the NRC as early as 2012. That would support construction of a plant starting in 2015. This schedule could then potentially bring the first B&W mPower reactor online in 2018 or 2019. Clearly, everyone involved in nuclear power understands that timely regulatory approval is critical to the success of commercial power projects, and we believe B&W has two critical advantages that will help us through the licensing process. First, we have had exceptional and early interest from utilities, which has provided significant credibility to our program. This interest stems from B&W’s demonstrated ability to design, license, manufacture, and construct nuclear reactors. We have the only operational manufacturing facilities in North America for heavy nuclear components and pressure vessels, a unique set of assets that provides industry with the assurance that we can deliver a modular nuclear reactor in the near term. 2. Which utilities internationally have expressed interest in mPower plants? Please include any alliances already established with International utilities. Over the past year we have been in discussions with numerous U.S. and international utilities about the ability of the B&W mPower reactor design to address their needs, and there is broad customer interest in our solution. Many of these utilities serve on our Industry Advisory Council, which is giving us solid guidance as our reactor development work continues. In addition to the domestic U.S. utilities who sit on our Council, we have the European utility Vattenfall and the Canadian-based Bruce Power participating. They provide us with a global perspective on the application of nuclear energy for commercial power generation and ensure that our design broadly envelopes a wide range of functional and licensing requirements. 3. What modular construction techniques or other advanced construction techniques are used in B&W’s mPower plants? The B&W mPower reactor is funda- mentally modular in a way that is differ- ent from other attempts to modularize the construction of more traditional large nu- clear reactors. The entire B&W mPower nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) is manufactured as an integral module within one pressure vessel in our exist- ing facilities across North America. We have a very short, vertically integrated supply chain for this NSSS module, one that gives us significant cost and quality advantages over the traditional approach to constructing the nuclear island at the plant site. In fact, the only significant elements of the module that B&W will probably not manufacture itself are the internal pumps and the forgings. This is a very limited external supply chain, and one that we still would like to keep Amer- ican. In addition to the B&W mPower re- actor NSSS module, we also plan to have the turbine generator manufactured as a complete module and shipped to the plant site, ready for installation. As such, we view the B&W mPower nuclear plant construction process more like that of a combined-cycle gas turbine power plant than a traditional commercial nuclear plant. This modular approach, with its significant use of factory assembled sys- tems, allows us to provide customers with the improved project cost and schedule certainty that they need to proceed with new build projects. 4. Are there any safety features built into B&W mPower to address post 9/11 safety issues? SO09.indd 23 9/23/2009 10:47:43 AM 24 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 The most significant new security feature is that the entire nuclear island, including the reactor, containment, and engineered safeguards, is located below ground level. This underground nuclear island design approach mitigates against the potential risks from external threats and has many technical and cost advantages in meeting the NRC’s new airplane impact rule. In addition, all used fuel from the reactor is stored within the underground containment, making the facility more secure against potential security threats. 5. Please describe briefly key design features of B&W mPower. The B&W mPower reactor will be a passively safe advanced light water reac- tor (ALWR). This ALWR embraces the best features of today’s proven nuclear designs, integrating them into a single, self-contained reactor module. As a re- sult, we believe the B&W mPower re- actor should be considered Generation III ++ nuclear technology, a technology that embraces the most reliable, most ef- ficient, and most practical elements of already-demonstrated capabilities with- out expanding into untested fourth gen- eration concepts. More specifically, the passively safe light water reactor design and robust reactor operating margins should minimize NRC certification challenges by conforming to existing licensing protocol. Use of conventional fuel, reactor coolant, and power conversion equipment contributes to reliable, efficient plant operations by building on today’s exceptional light water reactor industry operating experience. The scalable nature of the B&W mPower reactor will provide customers with practical, meaningful 125 megawatt power increments, an approach designed to meet local energy needs within existing transmission and site constraints. A nuclear plant built with our reactor modules can be constructed sequentially, an approach that should promote better coordination with evolving regional energy demands and improve overall project financial performance. There are many other technical in- novations that we believe will lower risk, lower cost, and enhance nuclear security. Among them, the five-year operating cycle between refueling outages, the pro- tected underground containment that can store spent fuel throughout the planned 60-year plant life, and the use of standard low-enriched uranium (<5%) that is cur- rently in use with all operating Light Wa- ter Reactors in the United States. Equally important, by avoiding the use of water- cooled condensers, by building the con- tainment underground, and by creating a reduced site footprint, the B&W mPower reactor design philosophy helps minimize the environmental impact of new power generation. 6. Do NSSS vendors in the current day and age have more licensing, design, and construction responsibility than the vendors in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s? In many respects, yes they do. The new licensing approach in the U.S. starts with the certification of a standard nuclear reactor design. In principle, this is solely the responsibility of the NSSS vendor and is an activity that is independent of any particular utility sponsored construction program. Once the NSSS vendor has a certified design, nuclear operating companies are looking for that vendor to step forward with a more turnkey, firm priced offering that shifts the burden of project execution excellence more strongly toward the vendor. We believe this is a permanent shift in market dynamics, and our B&W mPower reactor is well suited for turnkey type projects with its factory manufactured systems and modular design that enhances cost certainty and reduce project schedules. 7. How is construction of B&W mPower financed in the United States and in other countries worldwide? Construction of nuclear power plants around the world is financed using a vari- ety of mechanisms, including direct util- ity investment, financial institution lend- ing, government loan guarantees, and di- rect government subsidies. One or more of these methods could be used to finance construction of a B&W mPower reactor, depending on the customer’s location and ownership structure. Interestingly, one reason we see the B&W mPower reac- tor as a potential “game-changer” for the commercial nuclear power industry is its ability to mitigate project financing chal- lenges, particularly for small and medi- um-size utilities. In today’s financial environment the cost of a large nuclear power project is more than the entire market capitalization of all but the larg- est utilities. The B&W mPower reactor, Improved Cost... Continued from page 23 Four B&W mPower(tm) nuclear reactors configured as a 500 megawatt nuclear power plant SO09.indd 24 9/23/2009 10:47:47 AM Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 25 with its scalable modular design, brings with it inherently improved project cash flow and a flexible plant size that can be increased in 125 megawatt increments. Additional reactor modules at a plant site can be deployed to coincide with chang- ing regional energy demands and there- fore soften project capital requirements. We view the B&W mPower reactor in many ways as the nuclear power solution for the common man. It will be practical and affordable, as well as safe and reliable – not just for the large nuclear operating companies, but also for the broader global energy market. 8. Does B&W plan to form EPC alliances for constructing mPower plants in the United States or in other countries? B&W is still early in the process of developing our project construction approach, so we’re looking at all the possibilities, including forming alliances. We haven’t made any firm decisions on how we will proceed with this aspect of the program. 9. Do new countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia consider mPower due to their limited grid capability? The ability to provide flexible, scal- able nuclear generation is a key advan- tage for our B&W mPower reactor. We can size the B&W mPower reactor nu- clear plant to match local constraints on transmission grid capacity and electri- cal demand. Typically any single power plant should not supply more than about 10 percent of a transmission grid’s total electrical load to ensure good system re- liability. For developing countries with limited grid capacity and electrical loads, nuclear plants in the 250-500 MWe size range may be most appropriate consider- ing this constraint. Since B&W mPower reactor modules can be added in 125 MWe increments, nuclear plant generat- ing capacity can also grow as the electri- cal load increases. 10. What are your plans for promoting B&W’s mPower plants in China, India and any other countries? The B&W mPower reactor has al- ready demonstrated diverse, global ap- peal. Our plans are to focus first on get- ting U.S. NRC design certification and securing a lead plant customer using the NRC licensing framework. However, we expect that the business will grow quickly across other regions of the world, includ- ing both developed nuclear markets such as Europe and Canada, as well as emerg- ing markets. Clearly, India is an attrac- tive future market given its huge demand for new power generation and the stated desire for nuclear to provide a significant fraction of the overall energy supply. But we also see this reactor having appeal in other developing regions where clean, reliable power generation is in demand. The Middle East is one such area where we believe that the B&W mPower reac- tor, for all the reasons we have been dis- cussing, will be in strong demand. I’ve talked to utilities, industry experts, gov- ernment officials and journalists all over the world since we publicly introduced our B&W mPower reactor program in June, 2009. We’ve gotten a tremendous level of interest no matter where we’ve been. This reactor hits the sweet spot for power generation needs in many, many areas around the globe. Contact: Michael E. Shepherd, Babcock & Wilcox Modular Nuclear Energy, LLC, 800 Main Street, Lynchburg, VA 24504; telephone: (434) 522-5163, email: [email protected]. SEAL MASTER CORPORATION 368 MARTINEL DRIVE, KENT, OH 44240-4368 USA (800) 477-8436 / (330) 673-8410 • FAX (330) 673-8242 E-mail: [email protected] SEALS, ACTUATORS, GRIPPERS & PNEUMATIC SPECIALTIES FABRIC-REINFORCED FOR STRENGTH & STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY “Technical expertise, enthusiasm, creative problem solving, unmatched experience and follow-through… that’s Seal Master for sure!” DESIGN ASSISTANCE OFFERED – WWW.SEALMASTER.COM © 2009 Seal Master Corporation Serving the nuclear industry since 1974. Speed Heating Applications: Q Turbine Horizontal Joints Q Main Steam Valves Q Boiler Feed Pumps Q Loop Stop Isolation Valves Q Stop/Reheat Valves Q Reactor Coolant Pumps Power House Tool Inc. 626 Nicholson Street, Joliet, IL 60435 Phone: 815 727-6301 Fax: 815 727-4835 JNT Technical Services Inc. 85 Industrial Avenue Little Ferry, New Jersey 07643 Phone: 201 641-2130 Fax: 201 641-2309 SO09.indd 25 9/23/2009 10:47:51 AM 26 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 Committed to Safety & Quality By Mike McMahon, Day & Zimmermann Power Services. Mike McMahon Mike McMahon is president, Power Services, for Day & Zimmermann, a provider of diversified services and products, headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Power Services group, which McMahon oversees, includes all maintenance and modification operations and related specialty services provided through the Day & Zimmermann NPS ® and DZ Atlantic businesses. McMahon holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Drexel University and has completed graduate coursework at The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Responses to questions by Newal Agnihotri, Editor of Nuclear Plant Journal. 1. How does Day & Zimmermann ensure optimal radiation protection, ensuring the safety of its workers during its projects? Safety is first and foremost in everyone’s mind as they accomplish various projects. Day & Zimmermann Power’s Safety program centers on the Construction Industry Institute's (CII) Five Pillars Program, which is a program of values, best practices, culture, and commitment that establishes an attainable goal of zero injuries, based on the belief that all safety incidents are preventable. The five pillars are safety planning, training and orientation, fitness for duty programs, safety recognition, and incident reporting and investigation directed at an uncompromising intolerance for “at-risk” behaviors. Optimal radiation protection is ensured first by following and coordinating with the owner’s ALARA and radiation protection programs and procedures. Prior to beginning work on a site, it is important to prepare site and project specific safety plans and implement dose estimate planning and prejob briefings. There should be health physics training and clearly established expectations for all workers, centering on fitness for duty and the qualifications to perform the work. During work on a project, recognized human performance tools such as two- minute reviews (a commonly practiced integrated safety management and human performance error prevention tool where a worker or group of workers takes two minutes to stop when arriving at the job site where a task is be performed, to ensure conditions have not changed from the pre- job brief, hazards have been mitigated, the correct component has been identified and each worker fully understands their individual and collective responsibilities), peer checking, and mock-ups should be used. Observation programs, both direct and remote, should be instituted. Tracking and monitoring of exposure is important for possible corrective action. 2. What planning is undertaken by Day & Zimmermann before it commences its maintenance or refueling outage tasks? Standard practices prior to beginning work on maintenance or refueling tasks include developing work plans and train- ing orientations and developing safety plans specific to the outage. In addition, we perform estimates and develop and maintain cost control activities, cost tracking, and cost reporting. Scheduling and resource loading, including developing ramp up and ramp down histograms that support the work scope and budget must be completed. Finally, we perform independent outage readiness assessments. Overall planning occurs over an eighteen month cycle and follows the T-Minus regimen beginning at T-12 months. The T-12 regimen is the planning activity used by nuclear facilities that specifies the scheduled and required actions and milestones leading up to the start of a refueling outage at a nuclear power plant. As the beginning of the outage draws near, the efforts center on pre-outage supervisors who are ideally assigned to the site approximately six (6) to ten (10) weeks prior to the arrival of the larger number of project staff and craft necessary for execution. This group ensures the work crews will have an efficient and identified path to accomplish the various outage scopes and that there is clear line of sight on industrial and radiological safety goals, work process efficiency, and that the necessary human performance tools are in place to address the assigned scope of work. The pre- outage atmosphere established by these supervisors for their work crews also defines the questioning attitude that the crews will embrace during the outage. The specificity and intensity of these standard practices increase to include establishing work facilities such that the group will have required equipment, materials, and facilities to perform their scheduled work. There must be a full review of project scope, starting with a review of individual work packages for work required to ensure steps support the identified task. Technical documentation provided in work packages must be reviewed for completeness, appropriate components and models. (Continued on page 28) SO09.indd 26 9/23/2009 10:47:52 AM confidence in the future Our uranium enrichment technology is a revolutionary force in the nuclear fuel cycle. As the cleanest and most energy-efficient technology, it provides a sustainable energy supply for nuclear power which helps ensure security of supply and affordability. In so doing, it ensures nuclear energy is a viable option as part of a balanced energy mix. As an independent energy and technology group with global leadership in centrifuge technology, Urenco is ideally placed to give a reliable and flexible source of support to the nuclear industry. SO09.indd 27 9/23/2009 10:48:16 AM 28 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 A walk down of worksites for each package determines whether work can be performed safely and to plan. This includes a variety of tasks such as identifying the need for scaffold, insulation, temporary power and light, rigging services needed, identifying heavy loads and safety related load paths, Foreign Material Exclusion (FME) controls, equipment isolation requirements, confined space entries, heat stress management, chemical use planning, lay down areas in the power block, other work scheduled in the area, and accessibility of components. Supervisors have the responsibility for ensuring the worksite begins with and maintains a safe working and housekeeping environment during the maintenance period. Additionally, they must establish the proper mental atmosphere to maintain a questioning attitude and instill that attitude in all of their work crews. Requirement for support equipment, diagnostic equipment, or special tools to perform repairs must be determined, as well as special requirements for interface with other groups for inspections or documentation. This would include points of contact and schedules. Redundant or duplicated work tasks should be identified in order to optimize work scheduling. Identification of required parts and their status as to procurement, QA acceptance (if appropriate) and staging must be completed. Prior to any work beginning, we es- tablish skill requirements and training needed to perform all documented work within the scope. These requirements result in identification of the specific technical qualifications for each group of workers, and the necessary additional training to meet all generic and unique requirements imposed by the work scope. Supervisors can then coordinate with the training resources to establish qualifica- tion requirements and schedule necessary training events. Work must be scheduled so that resource requirements support outage windows and the timeframe allowed. Level loading of resources can soften peaks and determine the appropriate hiring and release dates to support schedule. Resource cost estimates identify conformance or impact on the assigned budget. All work schedules and resource ramp plans should then be bound to the requirements of 10CFR26 “Fatigue Rule” limits. 3. How does Day & Zimmermann ensure the quality of its maintenance tasks during normal plant operation and during refueling outage? Day & Zimmermann Power does not typically coordinate preventative maintenance tasks during normal plant operation. We are usually providing maintenance and modification services. Principle actions are safety planning and adherence, modification and construction oversight, establishing clear expectations for supervisory oversight, high quality workmanship, and verbatim procedural adherence. Day & Zimmermann Power’s senior management and project managers have a weekly conference call that allows the sharing of best practices and lessons learned from our experience around the country and the updating of the database we maintain for future reference. Specialty services provided by Day & Zimmermann Power such as its Valve Division are almost entirely focused on refueling outages. Here again, the quality of the work relies on a questioning attitude by both the individual worker and the supervisors. Push back on work package elements or items of inconsistency are encouraged. The highlighting of industry “best practices” and bringing them to the attention of the utility/supervision has always been a method of ensuring quality and efficiency in worker performance. 4. How does Day & Zimmermann train its staff (crafts and engineering) for its maintenance and refueling outage projects? Training is largely dependent on work scope and comes in many varieties, including Day & Zimmermann Power’s internal technical and safety training programs; special journeyman training (welding, electrical, valve, etc.) developed with owners, trade school, and local com- munity colleges; union apprentice train- ing; off and on-site mock-up training, and just-in-time efforts. The core elements of this program are ‘Just in Time’ training of supervisors, fostering a safety-conscious work environment (SCWE), human per- formance, basic supervisory skills, and supervisor safety expectations. ’Just in Time’ training of supervision (foremen and above) is conducted on-site prior to an outage evolution, approximately one to two weeks prior to the outage/orientation efforts. Human Performance training is behavior-based and focuses on error detection and prevention tools, managing defenses, handling employee concerns properly, and protected activity and retaliation. Basic Supervisory Skills training teaches effective communication, how to motivate employees, handling perfor- mance problems, importance of good documentation, and handling harassment and sensitivity issues. 5. What organizational efforts are implemented to ensure that the plant is returned to normal operation within the allotted time it’s scheduled for refueling outage? Day & Zimmermann Power believes ensuring a return to normal operations requires definitive buy-in and insistence that safety plus quality will equal productivity (S+Q = P). This commitment is executed by preparing a good plan; ensuring proper resource loading, availability of materials, etc.; monitoring productivity through the schedule and establishing contingency plans. Day & Zimmermann Power’s organizational efforts have also included the development and digitization of web-based tools for safety, outage planning, and project management for the past three years that allow a constant “scorecard” on these efforts, facilitating coordination between the owner and the outage contractor. 6. What guidelines, industry standard, and regulation are followed by Day & Zimmermann to ensure safe and efficient maintenance and refueling outage of its projects? To ensure safe and efficient maintenance and refueling activities Day & Zimmermann Power adheres to and is Committed to... Continued from page 26 SO09.indd 28 9/23/2009 10:48:17 AM Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 29 in compliance with industry standards imposed upon nuclear utility licensees. These include the applicable sections of the American Society of Mechanical Engineer Codes, Sections III, V, IX, and X. Applicable ASME/ANSI Standards including, but not necessarily limited to ANSI 18.1, ANSI 3.1, and N45.2.6 assist to ensure the qualification of personnel. ASME Section III – Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components ASME Section V – Nondestructive Examination ASME Section IX – Welding and Brazing Qualifications ASME Section XI – Rules for In- service inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components ANSI N18.1, 1971 – “Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel” ANSI/ASME N45.2.6, 1978 – “Qualification of Inspection, Examination and Testing Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants” ANSI/ANS- 3.1 – “American National Standard for Selection, Qualification and Training of Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants” Day & Zimmermann Power’s Quality Assurance Program is written to meet the requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, Appendix B with supporting daughter standards. The program is regularly audited internally and by Nuclear Procurement Issues Committee (NUPIC) teams to ensure compliance to requirements. Day & Zimmermann’s internal guidelines includes its in-house PET (Project Execution Tool) program, peer reviews, readiness assessments, the Construction Industry Institute’s Zero Injury program in conjunction with our internal web-based ESH tool (Environmental, Safety, Health), and consistent reviews of best practices and lessons learned efforts. 7. Typically how many months before the refueling outage does Day & Zim- mermann start planning to ensure crew training? The planning for some work scopes usually follows a range of six (6) to twelve (12) months. Many specialty areas do not have a continuous on-site presence. Training assessments for these areas center on the project group brought to site prior to the outage. This varies from contract to contract and plant to plant but allows an assessment of training required. A plan is developed that balances the work scope requirements against the qualifications currently to identify gaps. Day & Zimmermann Power employs various training regimens to deal with any disparities. As an ongoing solution Day & Zim- mermann Power continues its work with the EPRI Standardized Task Evaluation group to establish portable qualifica- tions which meet the need of the utilities. Many of our workers are already quali- fied in this area. We are working with utilities and providing training and skill evaluation at the sites both prior to the outages and as an ongoing program for non-outage periods. (Continued on page 30) What does it take to be a nuclear coating inspector? More than a background check! Nuclear Power Plant Training for Coating Inspectors The frst coating inspection training specifcally designed for the nuclear power generation industry. |laa| cearse fer ìêêº: Neºem|er 1ã - ìê, ìêêº - Neastea, !/ Visit for more information and to register. SO09.indd 29 9/23/2009 10:48:17 AM 30 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 8. How does Day & Zimmermann ensure that the maintenance and outage man- agement staff and supervisors complete the maintenance and outage experience critique documents after the maintenance and refueling outages are completed for future reference? Specific activities with maintenance and outage management staff and super- visors include conducting exit interviews and written suggestions for improvement, real-time documented delay/impact forms support, help recording issues for best practices and lessons learned, structured post-outage self-assessments noting is- sues encountered during the outage, and an on-going commitment to the resultant corrective actions going forward. Day & Zimmermann Power also makes signifi- cant use of pre and post-outage assess- ment and challenge teams. Additionally, Day & Zimmermann uses an internal planning system called “blueprinting” for all its professional contingency talent. The process allows these individuals to plan their outage schedules for as much as twelve to eighteen months in advance. This process produces a high return rate of these professionals for future outages and their understanding of the processes and value of critique documents and other business practices important to the nuclear industry. All processes and procedures are monitored and revised as necessary in order to maintain compliance with the dynamic environment of the nuclear industry. 9. Is Day & Zimmermann considering modular construction (fabrication) to support the new nuclear power plant construction? Day & Zimmermann Power’s recent acquisition and major renovations to fa- cilities in Moss Point, Mississippi have created a 20 acre, 190,000 square foot site that is capable of substantial modular assembly/construction, fabrication, and machining services for all but the largest pressure vessels involved in new nuclear power plant construction. Day & Zim- mermann Power is proceeding with “N” and “NPT” stamp accreditation at the urging of customers and original equip- ment manufacturers (OEM’s). The facil- ity’s production and quality processes are already in compliance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors in support of our “R”, “S”, and “U” code stamps for any non- nuclear construction that will apply to this market. The facility’s ISO 9001:2000 accreditation is eminent. Contact: Mike McMahon, Day & Zimmermann Power Services, 1866 Colonial Village Lane, Suite 101, Lancaster, PA 17601; telephone: (717) 481-5600, email: mike.mcmahon@ Committed to... Continued from page 29 Corporate Capabilities Section 2010 Di scounts do not appl y to the Corporate Capabilities Section. For more information, please contact: Nuclear Plant Journal 799 Roosevelt Road Building 6, Suite 208 Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-5925 USA Phone: (630) 858-6161, X103 Fax: (630) 858-8787 E-mail: [email protected] Corporate Capabilities Section Organizations have an opportunity to list their products and services in the Corporate Capabilities section. In last year’s Directory, about 120 organizations listed their products and services in the Corporate Capability section. Features This section includes a comprehensive listing of an organization’s featured products and services in one central location. Each listing in the Corporate Capabilities section will include the supplier’s contact information (name, mailing address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail and web site addresses). The company logo (black and white or color) may also be included with the contact information at an additional cost. Corporate Capability Listing Cost There will be $35 flat fee plus an additional cost of $7.50 per product or service included in the Corporate Capabilities section. The supplier contact information will be included with the Corporate Capabilities listing at no additional cost. Logo Cost & Specifications The company logo may be used to enhance the Corporate Capabilities listing for an additional cost (per logo) of: black & white .............................. $200 2-color logo ................................... $500 4-color logo ................................... $850 The logo must be smaller than 2" wide by 1" deep and may be submitted electronically. Nuclear Plant Journal's Product & Service Directory 2010 The NPJ Product & Service Directory provides the most current industry information every year. SO09.indd 30 9/23/2009 10:48:18 AM Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 31 (Continued on page 32) Solving Equipment Reliability Issues By Craig Irish, Nuclear Logistics, Inc. Craig Irish Mr. Irish is the Vice President of Sales & Marketing for Nuclear Logistics, Inc. (NLI). Joining the company 15 years ago when there were only 15 employees, Mr. Irish has been instrumental in the company’s growth, which now includes over 130 employees and approximately 35 vendor partner companies. With a B.S. in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Lowell, he started his career in the Navy, going on to expand his capabilities within the corporate environs of National Technical Systems (NTS); he continues to expand his considerable nuclear expertise with NLI. Mr. Irish has over 20 years of extensive experience with material certification, dedication, qualification and custom manufacturing within the industry. Responses to questions by Newal Agnihotri, Editor of Nuclear Plant Journal. 1. What is Nuclear Logistics Inc.’s contribution in digital upgrade at nuclear power plants? NLI is a leader in the nuclear industry in regards to performing upgrades of commercially available digital equipment for safety-related use within NPPs. We have extensive experience with upgrading many different digital equipment types including trip units, chiller controls, timing relays, PLC’s (programmable logic controller), bargraph indicators, flow meters, excitation equipment, temperature controllers, VFD’s (variable frequency drive) and many more. All digital upgrades are in accordance with IEEE Std 7-4.3.2 “IEEE Standard Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Generating Stations”; EPRI TR-102348 (NEI 01-01) “Guidelines for Licensing of Digital Upgrades” Revision 1; EPRI TR-106439 “Guidelines on Evaluation and Acceptance of Commercial Grade Digital Equipment for Nuclear Safety Applications”; ASME NQA-2a-1990, Part 2.7 and NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-22. The software Verification and Validation (V&V) of digital equipment includes all activities associated with upgrading digital equipment including seismic testing, environmental analysis, EMI/RFI testing, software assurance, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), dedication, etc. 2. Does Nuclear Logistics Inc. maintain spare part stock inventory? Describe the equipment, and instrument categories for which these parts are maintained. One of NLI’s largest service areas is the design, manufacture, qualification and supply of replacement motor control center (MCC) cubicles. As a result of supplying thousands of these replacement cubicles, NLI stocks all the necessary components at our Fort Worth, Texas corporate office, which allows for expedited delivery of replacement components in the event emergent needs develop. NLI also maintains an extensive inventory of frequently purchased products such as power supplies, replacement C&D Technologies battery charger circuit boards, and PCP (Power Conversion Products) circuit boards. All components are stocked in accordance with the NLI 10CFR50 Appendix B, 10CFR21 and ASME NQA-1 Quality Assurance Program. Most items are stocked to ANSI N45.2.2 (“Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage and Handling of Items for Nuclear Power Plants”) Level B requirements, except for circuit boards which are stored to Level A requirements. 3. What is Nuclear Logistics Inc.’s role in supporting the new nuclear power plant design, licensing, and construction? NLI is actively involved in the design, fabrication, qualification and supply of equipment unique to new nuclear plant construction. We have been supporting new construction in Taiwan and Korea for many years; this experience—in combination with whole system change- outs in the domestic nuclear fleet—has refined our capabilities and expertise to the extent that we have become an OEM of many different equipment types. We take on full responsibility for the design, fabrication, qualification and supply of the equipment to meet our clients’ unique requirements. To that end, NLI will be supporting new U.S. nuclear plant construction in many different equipment areas including Standby Power (batteries, battery racks, DC switchgear, MCCs, battery chargers and UPS equipment), Electrical Distribution (LV and MV switchgear, MCCs, distribution panels, and transformers), HVAC (chillers, A/C units, air-handlers, cooling coils, fans, and filtration units), ASME Section III Equipment (valves, pumps, tanks and vessels, and heat exchangers), and Instrumentation (level and flow meters, power supplies, PLCs, paperless recorders and meters/gauges). 4. What incentives are provided by Nuclear Logistics Inc. to organizations who have stopped manufacturing a certain equipment or instrument to reconsider reviving the production in view of the new nuclear power plant industry? NLI partners with many different companies who have stopped manufacturing a certain product line or have left the nuclear industry altogether. In order to keep supplying needed equipment to the nuclear industry, we use different business models to develop acceptable solutions with each individual manufacturer. These models may include NLI acquiring the design SO09.indd 31 9/23/2009 10:48:18 AM 32 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 and manufacturing right to the equipment so that we can manufacture and supply the equipment to the nuclear industry, or, we will work with the original manufacturer but assume all engineering, quality assurance and qualification responsibilities. These options—or any combination thereof—gives NLI the license to supply the nuclear industry with equipment which is still needed, while allowing manufacturers to sell their equipment commercially without worrying about issues that are nuclear- specific, such as qualification, quality assurance, dedication and documentation: NLI takes all the responsibility for these requirements and procedures. 5. How do you certify your suppliers for safety related equipment? NLI certifies our suppliers in accordance with the NLI 10CFR50 Appendix B, 10CFR21 and ASME NQA-1 Quality Assurance Program. Methods 2 “Commercial Survey”, and 3 “Source Surveillance”, of EPRI NP-5652 are used to control commercial grade suppliers. Our suppliers are audited on various frequencies depending on the complexity of the product being supplied. For example, harsh environment qualified components are audited more frequently to monitor material changes which could adversely affect the original qualification in accordance with IEEE Std. 323. Another example is digital equipment, which requires strict audit frequency to verify no hardware or software changes have been made which would adversely affect the original Software V&V. 6. What is Nuclear Logistics Inc.’s most challenging job in meeting a utility re- quirement in the last 18 years? NLI specializes in solving our clients’ most difficult equipment reliability issues by supplying new replacement equipment or performing refurbishment aimed at increasing reliability. As mentioned earlier, examples of complex equipment we provide include 125VDC batteries, low and medium voltage replacement breakers, digital equipment, ASME Section III equipment, MCC cubicle replacements, chillers, and many other equipment types. An example of one project which involved a significant amount of engineering, fabrication and testing would be a recent project that consisted of replacing analog controls on a chiller with digital controls, which included a digital controller, new sensors, cabling, seismic mounting brackets and ASME Section III thermowells. Extensive engineering was required to design the replacements, which also required increased reliability as well as enhanced control and monitoring capabilities per client specifications. Using a mock- up chiller at our Fort Worth facility, we installed the new digital controls and then performed exhaustive testing to prove the design. Once the design was complete the new control system was qualified in accordance with IEEE Std. 323 (mild environment), IEEE Std. 344 (seismic), EPRI TR-102323 (EMI/RFI) and IEEE Std. 7-4.3.2 (Software V&V). Detailed dedication testing was then performed in accordance with Method 1, 2 and 3 of EPRI NP-5652. Finally, the new digital control system was installed during a seven-day Limited Condition of Operation (LCO). The project required all facets of our experience and expertise, including innovative design, detailed engineering, comprehensive production testing and detailed quality assurance. 7. Does Nuclear Logistics Inc. have alliances in non U.S. countries in order to deploy its services at a short notice? If so, please give the names of the organizations supporting Nuclear Logistics Inc. in non U.S. countries. NLI has approximately 35 teaming relationships with various manufacturers of non-competing product lines across all equipment types; more partnerships are currently on the table, as we look to provide a comprehensive line of products and services to the nuclear industry. We’ve formed teaming relationships with respected companies such as Square-D Services (global), GNB (US-based), Krohne (Germany and France), Trane (global), and Standard Alloys (US-based), which allow for the supply of various equipment lines. Service is provided from international or domestic locations with support from the NLI corporate office as required. Contact: Craig Irish, Nuclear Logistics, Inc., 7450 Whitehall Street, Fort Worth, TX 76118; telephone: (978) 250-1684, fax: (978) 250-0245, email: [email protected]. Solving Equipment... Continued from page 31 January-February International Trade & Waste & Fuel Management Issue March-April Plant Maintenance & Plant Life Extension Issue May-June Outage Mgmt. & Health Physics Issue July-August New Plants & Vendor Advertorial Issue September-October Plant Maintenance & Advanced Reactors Issue November-December Annual Product & Service Directory Issue Annual Editorial Schedule SO09.indd 32 9/23/2009 10:48:18 AM The Goulds 3171 is used across the nuclear industry in a broad range of Sump applications The Goulds 3420 horizontal split case pump successfully operates in critical Cooling Water and Service Water applications Goulds VIC/VIT vertical turbines are ideal for the Condensate and Service Water systems Introducing the Goulds 3196 i-FRAME TM Now every Goulds 3196 ANSI process pump features an onboard monitor that continuously tracks vibration and temperature at the thrust bearing. Flashing lights alert you to operational problems, so that changes to the process or machine can be made before failure occurs. Further enhancements in bearing technology, oil sump design, and bearing isolators provide years of worry-free operation. Reliability-Based Maintenance Made Easy Enertech 866.211.6840 [email protected] 2950 Birch Street, Brea, CA 92821 Proven Pump Solutions for the Life of a Nuclear Plant SO09.indd 33 9/23/2009 10:48:20 AM 34 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 Benefiting from Standardization By George Vanderheyden, UniStar Nuclear Energy. George Vanderheyden As President and Chief Executive Officer of UniStar Nuclear Energy (UNE) George Vanderheyden is responsible for leading UNE’s efforts to develop and deploy the first new generation of nuclear power plants in North America in more than 30 years. Mr. Vanderheyden also serves as Senior Vice President, Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, overseeing Constellation’s new nuclear interests, and President of UniStar Nuclear, LLC, a joint venture with AREVA, NP, to market a version of AREVA’s EPR (evolutionary power reactor) technology, adapted specifically for the U.S. He joined Constellation Energy in 2003 as Constellation Generation Group’s Vice President of Asset Optimization. Within a few months, he became Vice President at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant. Mr. Vanderheyden holds a bachelor’s degree from Northern Illinois University in nuclear engineering technology. He is a member of the Engineering / Engineering Technology / Electronics Programs Advisory Council for the College of Southern Maryland, and a Board Member for the USS Constellation Museum. He was a member of IBEW Local 15 for five years. An interview by Newal Agnihotri, Editor, Nuclear Plant Journal at the Utility Working Conference in Amelia Island, Florida on August 4, 2009. 1. Is supply chain for EPR™ a challenge for UniStar? UniStar’s fleet model was designed to address some of those issues, and it is quite different from what other people have been doing and pursuing in nuclear. UniStar has a four unit model which we identified from the very beginning as key for establishing the economies of scale necessary to pursue new nuclear in the United States. Our parent company EDF is considering a four unit model in the U.K. with its British Energy venture, as well as in Italy through its joint venture with Enel. So the concept of the UniStar model is starting to gain recognition for the benefits it brings in terms of economies of scale and standardization -- from licensing through construction and on into operation. As AREVA’s EPR becomes more widely accepted across the globe as one of the new units of choice, the United States is competing with the rest of the globe for access to that technology. Our biggest challenge is going to be if the rest of the globe continues to pursue nuclear energy at the rate it has, and the U.S. continues its current pace. The reality is the global supply chain can only support a limited number of units on a per year basis. I think that’s the biggest challenge. So while the UniStar model originally envisioned four nuclear energy facilities one year apart, I think now the optimum timeline for EPRs in the United States would probably be more in the range of two to two-and-a-half years between EPR, instead of one per year. So our four unit model now spans out over about eight years. 2. What have been UniStar’s challenges in the design and construction of the EPR? The EPR is the only technology that has the benefit of a design that’s evolved based on construction and operating experience at existing plants in the U.S., France, Germany, and other countries. That being said, there will be some design modifications to meet codes and standards in the U.S.; however, they represent a small percentage of the EPR’s overall design and don’t fundamentally impact performance. Features that are key to the EPR’s design – 60-year design life, four separate safety trains, dual containment – will remain the same. One of the benefits of UniStar’s business model is that it brings together all of the large companies required to actually make an EPR happen in the United States. We have strategic partnerships with AREVA, the technology provider of the EPR; Alstom, the turbine generator supplier for the EPR; Bechtel, who will be the constructor and main architect engineer. We’ve added additional partnerships with Excel Services for licensing capability and Accenture to develop our information technology platform, Galaxy. So we bring everyone together that’s necessary not only to get an EPR licensed, but actually built and commercially developed, tested and online in a rather predictable time frame. We can say that because we are taking advantage of the information that we already have from Olkiluoto and more importantly from Flamanville, which is owned by EDF and the reference site for Calvert Cliffs 3. 3. How are the lessons learned in Olkiluoto and Flamanville being applied to the U.S. EPR TM ? The challenges at Olkiluoto are well documented. The project got off to a very quick start with a very aggressive schedule and a very aggressive commercial operation date. The real challenge began though when the agreement was signed to start construction even though the detailed SO09.indd 34 9/23/2009 10:48:22 AM Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 35 design engineering phase of the project was less than 10 percent complete. Based on lessons that were learned at Olkiluoto, the Flamanville project started with about 30-40 percent of the detailed design engineering complete. At UniStar we believe the first U.S. EPR project will be our proposed Calvert Cliffs 3 in southern Maryland. Our plan is to have the detailed design engineering about 70- 80 percent complete by the time we pour our first safety related concrete. By the time we get our second proposed project underway, which is Nine Mile Point 3 in New York, we plan on having the detailed design engineering 100 percent complete. In addition, we have personnel who are participating in the Flamanville construction right now and bringing those lessons learned back to UniStar. For instance Flamanville developed a process for welding the containment liner rings in a way that allows for acceptance testing using a radiographic source 360 degrees around the weld. We’ll be bringing that process to the U.S. EPR for the Calvert project. 4. How do you keep track of all the lessons learned and make them available for future use? UniStar’s Galaxy information technology platform, which we developed with Accenture for the U.S. EPR fleet of nuclear energy facilities, captures all of our lessons learned to create a project knowledge management tool for future builds. One of the lessons learned from the last round of new builds in the U.S. is how all the design information, construction drawings, field change requests, and Inspection, Test, Analysis, and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC) information have to come together in order to actually be able to commission and start up a reactor according to schedule. Additionally you have to have the complete design, licensing and construction basis to operate successfully for 60 or 80 years, especially when you start talking about license renewal. Many utilities had to go through design phase reconstruction at some point in their life, and many utilities paid millions and millions of dollars to do it. Galaxy creates an information technology system that captures all of that information generated by all of the new build vendors and processes it in a way that facility operators will have access to information when they need it. Another thing we have been able to achieve with the Galaxy platform, which is critical path for today, is streamlining documents for the licensing process. The industry made the commitment to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that the first round of Combined Operating Licenses (COLAs) would be developed in a standardized fashion in order to make the review process of subsequent COLAs more efficient. With Galaxy we are able to standardize the compilation of COLA related material so that if you look at any page of our reference plant COLA, an 8,000 page document, and put it side by side with the COLA for our Bell Bend project in Pennsylvania it would be 70 percent identical. The information that’s different is bracketed and highlighted yellow so that it’s easily identifiable to the NRC. This allows for a more efficient review process at a more accelerated pace because of how standardized we’ll be able to make those licensing documents. We envision that all the way through the start up testing and commissioning. Contact: Kelly Shanefelter, UniStar Nuclear Energy, 750 E. Pratt Street Baltimore, MD 21202; telephone: (410) 470-7047, email: Kelly.Shanefelter@ Ceradyne Boron Products (formerly Eagle Picher) has provided the global commercial nuclear power industry with high purity stable isotopes for more than 30 years. - Enriched Boric Acid (E 10 BA) - 7 Lithium Hydroxide-Monohydrate - Depleted Zinc - Enriched Sodium Pentaborate (NaP 10 B) Highest Purity Stable Isotopes for Nuclear Power Plant Chemistries 714-384-9465 [email protected] SO09.indd 35 9/23/2009 10:48:23 AM 36 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 (Continued on page 38) Development of Advanced Nuclear Reactors Worldwide By Sama Bilbao y León, International Atomic Energy Agency. Sama Bilbao y León Sama Bilbao y León is the Technical Head of the IAEA Water Cooled Reactors Technology Development Unit and she is in charge of IAEA activities in support of the development and near term deployment of advanced water cooled reactors and their associated fuels. Dr. Bilbao y León’s previous experience includes nuclear safety analysis in support of plant operation at Dominion Generation (USA) and advanced research at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Dr. Bilbao y León is an expert in experimental and computational thermal-hydraulics, nuclear safety analysis methods development, and energy and environmental policy. She is one of the founders of the North American Young Generation in Nuclear (NA-YGN) and currently serves on the Board of Directors of the American Nuclear Society (ANS). This article has been prepared with valuable support from John Cleveland, and with the indispensable contributions from the IAEA Leads for technology development of the various reactor lines: Vladimir Kuznetsov (Small and Medium Size Reactors), Alex Stanculescu (Fast Reactors) and Bismark Tyobeka (Gas Cooled Reactors). Introduction By mid-2009, there were 436 nuclear power plants in operation worldwide, with a total capacity of 370.2 GWe. Further, 52 units were under construction. During 2007 nuclear power produced 2,608.2 billion kWh of electricity, which was 14.2% of the world’s total. Based on information provided by its Member States, the IAEA projects that nuclear power will produce between 2,748 and 2794 billion kWh annually by 2010, between 3,207 and 3,946 billion kWh annually by 2020, and between 3,522 and 5,551 billion kWh annually by 2030 [1]. Various organizations, including de- sign organizations, utilities, universities, national laboratories, and research in- stitutes are involved in the development of advanced nuclear plant concepts. The IAEA follows global trends in advanced reactor design and associated technol- ogy development and summarizes them periodically in a balanced and objective manner. The IAEA classifies advanced reactor designs in two categories: evolutionary designs and innovative designs. Evolutionary designs achieve improvements over existing designs through small to moderate modifications, with a strong emphasis on maintaining proven design features to minimize technological risks. Their development requires utmost engineering and confirmatory testing. Innovative designs incorporate radical changes in design approaches or system configuration in comparison with existing practice. Substantial R&D, feasibility tests, and a prototype or demonstration plant are probably required. In the near term, most new nuclear plants will likely be evolutionary designs often pursuing economies of scale. In the longer term, innovative designs which promise even shorter construction times and lower capital costs could help to pro- mote a new era of nuclear power. Several innovative designs are in the small-to- medium size (SMR) range (the IAEA classifies plants as: Large- 700 MWe and larger, Medium- 300-700 MWe, and small- below 300 MWe) and could be par- ticularly attractive for the introduction of nuclear power into developing countries and for use in remote locations. Light Water Reactors In addition to its extensive nuclear power programme with PWRs, WWERs and HWRs supplied by foreign vendors, China has also developed and operates its own domestic medium-size PWR designs. Furthermore, the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) has developed the evolutionary China Nuclear Plant (CNP- 1000) incorporating the experience from the design, construction and operation of the existing plants in China. Two CNP- 1000 units are in operation (Lingao 1 & 2) and several more units are under construction and planned. The State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (SNPTC), which was created in May 2007, is responsible for the assimilation of the Westinghouse AP-1000 technology to develop the Chinese large scale passive design CAP1400, as well as some other advanced reactor concepts, including SMRs and Supercritical Water Cooled Reactor (SCWR). In France and Germany, AREVA has designed the European Pressurized Water Reactor (EPR), which meets European utility requirements. The EPR’s power level of 1600+ MWe has been selected to capture economies of scale relative to the latest series of PWRs operating in France (the N4 series) and Germany (the Konvoi series). The first EPR is presently under construction for TVO of Finland at the Olkiluoto site. Commercial operation is planned for 2012. Also, Electricite de France is constructing an EPR at Flamanville (Unit 3), with commissioning scheduled for 2012, and is planning to start construction of an EPR at Penly beginning in 2012. Two EPR units are SO09.indd 36 9/23/2009 10:48:25 AM BUILDING A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE ® Offering full-service nuclear power engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) capabilities, Black & Veatch is prepared to meet the challenges of nuclear power’s future. We deliver total solutions, from concept to construction, as owner’s engineer or turnkey provider, on all regulatory, security and safety matters. We bring it all together – our tools, technologies and teams – to manage risk and create value for our clients. Whether providing environmental sustainability, reliable energy, clean air and water, safety or security, we are passionate in our mission, Building a World of Difference. For more information about Black & Veatch, please email [email protected] or visit Committed to meeting your nuclear energy needs Black & Veatch’s nuclear offerings include: > New-build capabilities > Operating plant services > Safety & quality programs > Reactor technology evaluation SO09.indd 37 9/23/2009 10:48:37 AM 38 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 Development of... Continued from page 36 also under construction in China at Taishan, Units 1 and 2. Areva’s U.S. EPR design is currently being reviewed by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (US NRC) for design certification in the United States, and by the UK HSE for Generic Design Assessment (GDA) in the United Kingdom AREVA is also working with Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, Ltd in a joint venture to develop the 1100+ MWe ATMEA-1 Pressurized Water Reactor, and is working with several European utilities to develop the 1250+ MWe KERENA Boiling Water Reactor. In Japan, the benefits of standard- ization and series construction are being realized with the large-size ABWR units designed by General Electric, Hitachi Ltd, and Toshiba Corp. Two ABWRs are under construction in Taiwan, China, and several have been proposed for construc- tion in the United States. Also in Japan, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) has developed the advanced pressurized water reactor (APWR+), which is a larger version of the large advanced PWR designed by MHI and Westinghouse for the Tsuruga-3 and 4 units. MHI has submitted a US version of the APWR, the US APWR to the US NRC for design certification. A European version of the APWR, the EU-APWR, is currently under evaluation against the European Utility Requirements (EUR). With the goals of sustainable energy through high conversion (a conversion ratio equal to or beyond 1.0) of fertile isotopes to fissile isotopes, Hitachi Ltd. is developing in Japan the large-size, reduced moderation Resource-Renewable BWR (RBWR) and JAEA is developing the large-size Reduced Moderation Water Reactor (RMWR). In the Republic of Korea, the benefits of standardization and series construction are being realized with the 1000 MWe Korean Standard Nuclear Plants (KSNPs). Ten KSNPs are in commercial operation. The accumulated experience has been used by Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP) to develop an improved version, the 1000 MWe Optimized Power Reactor (OPR), of which four units are under construction in Shin-Kori 1 and 2 and Shin Wolsong 1 and 2 with grid connection scheduled between 2010 and 2012. KHNP’s Advanced Power Reactor APR-1400 builds on the KSNP experience with a higher power level to capture economies of scale. The first APR-1400 unit is under construction at Shin-Kori 3. Activities are underway in the Republic of Korea to design an APR+ of approximately 1500 MWe, with the goal to complete the standard design by 2012. In the Russian Federation evolutionary WWER plants have been designed building on the experience from currently operating WWER-1000 plants. WWER-1000 units are currently under construction at the Kalinin and Volgodonsk sites and WWER-1200 at the Novovoronezh-2 and Leningrad-2 site. Additional WWER-1200 units are planned by 2020 at Novovoronezh, Leningrad, Volgodon, Kursk, Smolensk and Kola. A WWER-1000 evolutionary unit will be constructed in Belene, Bulgaria using some features of AES-2006 design basis. Two evolutionary WWER-1000 units were connected to the grid at Tianwan, China and the construction of another WWER-1000 unit is underway in the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the USA, designs for a large APWR (the Combustion Engineering System 80+) and a large ABWR (General Electric’s ABWR) were certified by the USNRC in 1997. Westinghouse’s mid-size AP-600 design with passive safety systems was certified in 1999. Westinghouse has developed the AP-1000 applying the passive safety technology developed for the AP-600 with the goal of reducing capital costs through economies- of-scale. In February 2006, the AP-1000 received design certification from the USNRC, and an amendment is presently under review by the US NRC. General Electric is designing the large Economical Simplified BWR (ESBWR), applying economies of scale and modular passive system technology. The ESBWR is currently in the design certification review phase with the US NRC. A prototype or a demonstration plant will most likely be required for the su- percritical water cooled systems, which have been selected for development by the Generation-IV International Forum (GIF). In a supercritical system, the re- actor operates above the critical point of water (22.4 MPa and 374°C) resulting in higher thermal efficiency than current LWRs and HWRs. Thermal efficiencies of 40-45% are projected with simplified plant designs. The large-size thermody- namically super-critical water-cooled re- actor concept being developed by Toshi- ba, Hitachi and the University of Tokyo is an example. The European Commis- sion is supporting the High Performance Light Water Reactor (HP-LWR) project for a thermodynamically supercritical LWR. Activities on thermodynamically super-critical concepts are also ongoing at universities, research centres and de- sign organizations in Canada, USA, Ja- pan, Germany, India, Republic of Korea, Russia, China and the Ukraine. Heavy water reactors In Canada, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (AECL) is working on the Enhanced CANDU 6 (EC6) concept based on the latest CANDU 6 plant built in Qinshan, China that has been updated to meet the latest codes and standards and incorporates the latest regulatory requirements. AECL is also developing the large-size, evolutionary Advanced CANDU Reactor, the ACR-1000, using slightly enriched uranium and light water coolant and incorporating improvements derived from research and development conducted in recent decades. Also, as a part of the GIF initiative, AECL is developing an innovative pressure tube reactor design with heavy water moderator and supercritical light-water coolant. In India, a process of evolution of HWR design has been carried out since the Rajasthan 1 and 2 projects. India’s 540 MWe HWR design incorporates feedback from the indigenously designed 220 MWe units, and in September 2005 and August 2006 the two 540 MWe units at Tarapur began commercial operation. India is also designing an evolutionary 700 MWe HWR, and a 300 MWe Advanced Heavy Water Reactor using heavy water moderation with boiling light water coolant in vertical pressure tubes, optimized for utilization of thorium, and with passive safety systems. Research is also underway on heavy SO09.indd 38 9/23/2009 10:48:39 AM Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 39 water moderated, pressure tube designs with thermodynamically supercritical water coolant. Gas-cooled reactors (GCRs) The experience of 50 years in the operation of gas cooled reactors for electricity generation, mostly in the United Kingdom, is currently being used towards their potential use in processes requiring high temperatures like hydrogen generation, enhancing coal gasification, oil recovery in tar sands etc. In several countries, prototype and demonstration GCR plants with helium coolant using the Rankine steam cycle for electric power generation have been built and operated. Currently, two helium-cooled test reactors are in operation: the High-Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) at the JAEA in Japan and the HTR-10 at the Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology in China. The USA, China and South Africa are currently the leading countries in the quest to deploy a high temperature reactor by 2018. Whilst China’s HTRs are geared towards electricity production, South Africa’s and the United States’ designs are more focused on the cogeneration market, mainly process heat. China is developing the modular HTR-PM, with each module having a capacity of 250 MWt/100 MWe. It is a high temperature gas cooled reactor with pebble bed fuel and an indirect supercritical steam energy conversion cycle. Demonstration of a full size module is planned for 2013. A license application has been filed and is under review. A two-module plant configuration is foreseen for the commercial version of this reactor, yielding an electric output of 200 MWe. In South Africa, the 165 MW(e) pebble bed modular reactor (PBMR), a high temperature gas cooled reactor with pebble bed fuel originally employing a direct gas turbine Brayton cycle, has undergone a design strategy change. It will now be implemented first with an indirect steam power conversion cycle. Its demonstration at full size is still scheduled by 2014, and future configurations will include 4 and 8-module plants. Brayton cycle turbomachinery, which would be incorporated in the future modifications of this design, is under development in the Russian Federation by OKBM. Collaboration is underway between the USA and Russia on a Gas Turbine Modular Helium Reactor (GT-MHR) small reactor concept for destruction of weapons grade plutonium in conjunction with electricity production. Other small helium-cooled reactor concepts are being developed by JAEA and Fuji Electric in Japan, and the Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group (NRG) in the Netherlands. Small and Medium Sized Reactors Several small and medium sized water cooled designs are of the integral type with the steam generator, pressurizer and, in some cases, control rod drives housed in the same vessel as the reactor core to eliminate primary system piping, (Continued on page 40) SO09.indd 39 9/23/2009 10:48:39 AM 40 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 Development of... Continued from page 39 NPJ Advertiser Web Directory minimizing the scope of possible loss of coolant accidents (LOCA) and reactivity initiated accidents (RIA). The Argentinian CAREM (from Spanish: Central ARgentina de Elementos Modulares) reactor is cooled by natural circulation, and has passive safety systems. Argentina plans to construct and operate a small prototype of 27 MW(e) by about 2011, followed by larger projects with higher power ratings of up to ~300 MWe. The SMART (System Integrated Modular Advanced Reactor) 330 MWt design developed in the Republic of Korea is an integral PWR for electricity production and seawater desalination. Construction of a pilot or demonstration plant is planned. The IRIS design of integral type pressurized water reactor developed by an International consortium led by Westinghouse Electric Company (USA) has unit power of 335 MW(e) but allows for twin unit NPPs. It is entering the detailed design stage and its design certification by the US NRC is scheduled to start in 2012. As another example, the NuScale company in the USA is designing a 45 MWe small integral PWR for a multi-modular NPP of 540 MWe. More recently, B&W announced their plans to deploy by 2018 their new 125 MWe integral reactor design, the mPower, with a refueling cycle of 5 years. In Russia, the Experimental Design Bureau of Machine Building (OKBM) has developed the KLT-40S, a small barge- mounted NPP design for electricity and heat, for which construction was started in June 2006. Assembly of the first reactor for the floating plant was completed in early 2009 and the assembly of the second one is well underway. The floating plant will deliver 300 MWt/70 MWe with two water cooled KLT-40S reactors on board. Activities are in full swing by the Kazakhstan Russian joint venture to finalize detailed design of the VBER- 300 reactor of 295 MW(e) for a land based cogeneration plant, also allowing for twin units. VBER-300 is essentially a larger version of the KLT-40S, and could also be located on a barge. There are plans to build the first VBER-300 units in Kazakhstan before 2015, and sites for the location of these plants have already been selected. In Japan, the Toshiba Corporation, in cooperation with the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) and Westinghouse Electric Company, is developing the 4S sodium cooled reactor. It has a design power of 10 MW(e) and a refueling interval of 30 years. The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission began a pre-application review in 2007, and the formal licensing process is scheduled to start in October 2010. Construction of a demonstration reactor and safety tests are planned for the first half of the next decade. Innovative SMRs are under development for all principal reactor lines and some non-conventional combinations. More than 45 innovative SMR concepts and designs are at different stages of development within national or international R&D programmes, involving both developed and developing AREVA NP, Inc. Bechtel Power Black & Veatch Ceradyne Enertech, a business unit of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Company HSB Global Standards Kinectrics Inc. NACE International Nuclear Logistics Inc. Power House Tool, Inc. Radiation Protection Systems, Inc. (RPS) Rolls-Royce Seal Master The Babcock & Wilcox Company Thermo Fisher Scientific, Scientific Instruments Division CIDTEC Cameras & Imagers Trentec, a business unit of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Company UniStar Nuclear Energy Urenco Enrichment Company Ltd. Westerman Nuclear Western Space and Marine, Inc. Westinghouse Electric Company LLC WM Symposia, Inc. Zachry Nuclear Engineering, Inc Zetec, Inc. SO09.indd 40 9/23/2009 10:48:40 AM Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 41 countries. Most allow for, or explicitly facilitate, non-electrical applications such as potable water or hydrogen production. Fast reactors Fast reactors have been under development for many years in several countries, primarily as breeders. Plutonium breeding allows fast reactors to extract sixty-to-seventy times more energy from uranium than thermal reactors do - a capability that will allow very substantial increases in nuclear power in the longer term. Fast reactors can also contribute to reducing plutonium stockpiles, and to reducing the required isolation time for high-level radioactive waste by utilizing transuranic radioisotopes and transmuting some long-lived fission products. The design and operation of sodium- cooled fast reactors, such as the small size Prototype Fast Reactor in the United Kingdom, the prototype Phénix in France, the BN-350 in Kazakstan (part of its thermal energy was used for sea-water desalination), the demonstration BN- 600 in Russia, Monju in Japan, and the commercial size Superphénix in France, have provided an experience base of more than 400 reactor-years. In addition, there is a considerable base of experience with lead-bismuth (eutectic) cooled propulsion (submarine) reactors operated in Russia. Currently there are two experimental fast reactors in operation (BOR-60 and FBTR) and one under commissioning (CEFR); one power fast reactor in operation (BN-600), one under re-start preparation (Monju), one in the stage of end-of-life tests (Phénix), and two under construction (PFBR and BN-800). Examples of current activities include: completion of the construction in China of the small size Chinese Experimental Fast Reactor with criticality scheduled for fall 2009; the development of the medium size KALIMER 600 design in the Republic of Korea; the successful operation of the Indian Fast Breeder Test Reactor and its utilization for fast reactor R&D, especially fuel irradiation and materials research; the medium size Prototype FBR in India for which construction started in 2004 and commissioning is planned for 2010- 2011; and, in France, the end-of-life experimental programme at Phénix that will be shut down in fall of 2009, as well as design work for a medium size new generation fast reactor (ASTRID), as a test-bed for system and technological innovation, having the capability for materials and fuel testing, and demonstration of advanced recycle strategies. In China, component installation work for the pool-type China Experimental Fast Reactor (CEFR, 65MWth/20MWe) was completed. Two hundred-fifty tons of nuclear grade high purity sodium was shipped to the plant. Filling of the primary and secondary loops was completed in April 2009. Fuel loading was planned to start by August 2009, with first criticality before the end of the year. Grid connection at 30% power is planned for mid-2010. France just completed the definition of the test program in view of the final shut- down of the 280 MWe fast reactor Phénix. Research and technology development activities are ongoing in two areas: the gas-cooled and the sodium-cooled fast reactor concepts. France is planning an experimental reactor (ETDR, possibly as an European project) in the range of 50 MWth to demonstrate the viability of key gas-cooled fast reactor technologies. For the sodium-cooled concept, design work is ongoing for the 250 – 600 MWe GEN IV prototype sodium-cooled fast reactor ASTRID (to be commissioned in 2020), as a test-bed for system and technological innovation, having the capability for materials and fuel testing, and demonstration of advanced recycle strategies. In India, the design and analysis of all major systems and components of the 500 MWe Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR, under construction at Kalpakkam) have been completed. At the same time, R&D activities in the fields of reactor physics, component development, thermal hydraulics, structural mechanics, materials and metallurgy, safety, fuel chemistry and reprocessing are focused towards future fast breeder reactors. For closing the fuel cycle, a Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle Facility (FRFCF) is under construction at Kalpakkam. The layout of the FRFCF has been planned in such a way that expansion is possible to meet the requirements of two more 500 MWe (Continued on page 42) Radiat ion Prot ect ion Syst ems, I nc. P. O. Box 890, Grot on, CT 06340 T 888. 637. 7779 · Email: support @rpsct . com · Web: www. rpsct . com Patented mobile shield panels save hundreds of man-hours over traditional concrete block or built up shield walls. x Roll in place positioning. x Lockable security barrier. x Gamma/Neutron attenuation x Immediate exposure and cost savings! x Significant exposure reduction in outages or in service. x Rapid containment access and closure. x Custom designs for any application where repeatable fast access & closure is required. Install and remove 35,000 lbs. of shielding in 5 minutes! Modular Shield Wall System SO09.indd 41 9/23/2009 10:48:40 AM 42 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 FBRs, which are planned to be built also at the Kalpakkam site at later date. Japan just completed the Monju modification work, the functional testing of the modified systems as well as the entire system functional testing. Based on a Japanese policy decision, the Fast Reactor Cycle Technology Development (FaCT) Project was launched aiming at the commercialization of fast reactor cycle technology. The main development issues were identified (13 fast reactor technology issues and 12 fuel cycle issues). Design studies and R&D of innovative technologies are in progress, with the twofold objective of providing, by 2010, the basis for deciding which innovative technologies to adopt, and delivering, by 2015, the conceptual designs of demonstration and commercial facilities. In Russia, the construction of the BN-800 fast reactor at Beloyarsk is progressing. BN-800 commissioning is planned for 2014. In addition, R&D programs are pursued in several areas such as the design of the BN 800 MOX- fuel manufacturing pilot plant, the development of advanced sodium cooled fast reactors development and the R&D on fast reactors with heavy liquid metal coolant (lead-bismuth-cooled SVBR-100, lead-cooled BREST ОD 300, lead-cooled research fast reactor BIRS). Within the framework of a distinct track in the GIF sodium-cooled fast reactor system research plan, the USA is preparing a small-size sodium-cooled modular fast reactor concept whose characteristics are long life, proliferation resistance, inherent safety and potential for remote locations deployment. As far as lead-cooled fast reactor R&D, the US focuses on a small-size concepts, like the lead-cooled secure transportable autonomous reactor (STAR) fuelled with nitride fuel. Conclusions With a 14% share, nuclear power contributes significantly to the world’s electricity supply and has great potential to expand, and to contribute to emerging needs such as seawater desalination, hybrid electric vehicles and hydrogen production. Considerable development is on-going for new, advanced nuclear power plants with competitive economics and very high safety levels. References [1] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC EN- ERGY AGENCY, Energy, Electricity and Nuclear Power Estimates for the Period up to 2030, IAEA Reference Data Series No. 1, IAEA, Vienna (2008). [2] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC EN- ERGY AGENCY, HWRs: Status and Projected Development, IAEA Technical Reports Series, TRS-407, IAEA, Vienna (2002). [3] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC EN- ERGY AGENCY, Status of Ad- vanced Light Water Reactor Designs: 2004, IAEA-TECDOC-1391, IAEA, Vienna (2004). [4] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC EN- ERGY AGENCY, Liquid Metal Cooled Reactors: Experience in Design and Operation, IAEA-TEC- DOC-1569, IAEA, Vienna (2007). [5] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC EN- ERGY AGENCY, Review of Na- tional Accelerator Driven System Programmes for Partitioning and Transmutation, IAEA-TECDOC- 1365, IAEA, Vienna (2003). [6] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC EN- ERGY AGENCY, Current Status and Future Development of Modular High Temperature Gas Cooled Re- actor Technology, IAEA-TECDOC- 1198, IAEA, Vienna (2001). [7] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC EN- ERGY AGENCY, Design Features to Achieve Defence in Depth in Small and Medium Sized Reactors (SMRs) IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NP-T-2.2 (2009). [8] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC EN- ERGY AGENCY, Status of Small Reactor Designs Without On-site Refuelling, IAEA-TECDOC-1536 (2007). [9] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC EN- ERGY AGENCY, Innovative Small and Medium Sized Reactors: De- sign Features, Safety Approaches, and R&D Trends, IAEA-TECDOC- 1451, Vienna (May 2005). [10] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC EN- ERGY AGENCY, Advanced Nuclear Plant Design Options to Cope with External Events, IAEA-TECDOC- 1487, Vienna (February 2006). [11] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC EN- ERGY AGENCY, Status of Innova- tive Small and Medium Sized Re- actor Designs 2005: Reactors with Conventional Refuelling Schemes, IAEA-TECDOC-1485, Vienna (March 2006). [12] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC EN- ERGY AGENCY, Advanced Appli- cations of Water-Cooled Reactors, IAEA-TECDOC-1584 (2008). [13] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC EN- ERGY AGENCY, Improving Eco- nomics and Safety of Water-Cooled Reactors: Proven Means and New Approaches, IAEA-TECDOC-1290, IAEA, Vienna (2002). [14] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC EN- ERGY AGENCY, Evolutionary Water-Cooled Reactors: Strategic Issues, Technologies and Economic Viability, Proceedings of a sympo- sium held in Seoul, 30th November- 4th December 1998, IAEA-TEC- DOC-1117, IAEA, Vienna (1999). Contact: Sama Bilbao y León, International Atomic Energy Agency, Wagramer Strasse 5, PO Box 100, A2569, 1400 Vienna, Austria; telephone: 43 (1) 2600-22865 or 22803, fax: 43 (1) 2600- 29598, email: [email protected]. Development of... Continued from page 41 Safety Vessel of Indian Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor Lowered into Reactor Vault in Kalpakkam, India SO09.indd 42 9/23/2009 10:48:41 AM Your chiller system should be this easy to operate. And with our digital control system, if very nearly can be. This innovative upgrade eliminates control system obsolescence and reduces chiller operating costs while offering improved serviceability and higher reliability. And, the new digital control system can be used on literally any chiller used in the nuclear industry. Next time you hear that annoying alarm, call us. We’ll help you keep your cool. >the single source Developed in conjunction with Trane, the Adaptiview features a touchscreen (shown here) that is easy to read and use, as well as an ergonomic arm that allows viewing from virtually any height or angle. Supplied as Class 1E or for nonsafety applications. U 800.448.4124 © COPYRIGHT 2008 NUCLEAR LOGISTICS INC SO09.indd 43 9/23/2009 10:48:49 AM 44 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 A Unique & Visionary ECT Program By Bob Lisowyj, Omaha Public Power District and Zoran Kuljis, Westinghouse. Bob Lisowyj Bob Lisowyj was awarded a Ph.D. in 1978 from the University of Leeds in England for work on grain boundary embrittlement effects in Magnox AL 80. He is a holder of six U.S. material patents. He became a Chartered Engineer with the Engineering Council, UK, 2007, and a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, 2007. He was enrolled as an International Professional Engineer, 2008. Currently he is working with Omaha Public Power District, Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station as a Materials Project Manager. Nuclear Energy Institute’s Top Industry Practice (TIP) Awards highlight the nuclear industry’s most innovative techniques and ideas. They promote the sharing of innovation and best practices, and consequently improve the commercial prospects and competitive position of the industry as a whole. This TIP Award Entry won the Ralph Sylvia Best of the Best Award at the Nuclear Energy Institute’s Nuclear Energy Assembly held in Washington, D.C. in May, 2009. The team members who participated included: Bob Lisowyj, Materials Project Manager, Omaha Public Power District and Zoran Kuljis, Principal Engineer, Westinghouse. Summary The Problem: Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) consists of two stages, an incubation stage followed by a crack propagation stage. The crack propagation stage can be determined fairly accurately by using Arrhenius energy values. However, the incubation stage can take long periods of time (20 years is not uncommon), and is far less predictable with no indication of how incubation is progressing. Currently, there is no method for assessing when the transition from incubation to cracking will occur, or if it is occurring. Stress corrosion cracking is therefore difficult to control and is usually found only after through-wall cracking has produced a leak. This problem is particularly applicable to stainless steel and inconel alloys in the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) where risk assessments are more critical to safe plant operations. Specific Areas of Concern: In the nuclear industry, SCC has occurred in inconel alloys and stainless steel alloys. However, at Fort Calhoun station, the specific areas of concern were the Control Element Drive Mechanism (CEDM) seal housings. Fort Calhoun Station needed to assess the status of its own seal housings, and decide whether preventative replacement was necessary or cost effective. Inspection Goals and Choice of NDE Methodology: The inspection goals were to: define the material condition, and to reduce operational risk by better understanding the incubation period prior to the onset of SCC. Eddy current testing (ECT) was cho- sen as the NDE technique of choice, be- cause it is so sensitive to surface changes. In fact ECT is hampered by material per- meability variations, which challenge the detection capabilities of a sensor by limit- ing the resolution of flaw signatures. It is this ability to find permeability variations that has made ECT so promising in char- acterizing the SCC process. ECT acquisition and impedance output is proportional to field driver orientation, sensor pickup type, probe lift- off, and the voltage/frequency settings. Material conditions such as surface effects from cold working may cause the production of martensite or material nonhomogeneities both of which can be detected by ECT. Material Investigation: Failed CEDM seal housings were sectioned at the EPRI NDE Center and then sent to Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories for an analytical transmis- sion electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy study. Prior to sec- tioning, ECT was performed on the 304 stainless steel housings, and four zones of high permeability were found with all the cracking being associated with these zones of high permeability. The study at Battelle found no unusual material con- ditions, such as changes in precipitate density, no abnormally high dislocation concentrations, or areas of martensite, which could explain the high permeabil- ity detected by ECT. However, surface oxidation will alter the orbital spin in materials such as stainless steels and inconel alloys creating magnetic dipole alignment. This local magnetic dipole change at the surface of the 304 stainless seal housing would change the material from a paramagnetic to a ferromagnetic state. The zones of ferromagnetic surface layers found by ECT are anodic areas from which SCC will initiate. All cracking has been found to emanate from these anodic, high permeability areas. The mechanism of transitioning to a ferromagnetic state is described in “Transitioning from Paramagnetic to Ferromagnetic Surface Oxidation,” an article published by Materials Performance in November 2003 and written by Kirby Woods and Bob Lisowyj. FCS Program: A voluntary program at Fort Calhoun Station using Wesdyne Intraspect ECT technology was started in 1999. In order to directly compare local permeability, normalized ECT values have been used. The normalized value is defined as an arithmetic ratio of the absolute measure- ment of local permeability (amplitude) to the ECT signal value (amplitude) for the same characteristic calibration standard notch. This normalized value is then ex- pressed as a percentage. The same axially oriented notch was used for all the Fort Calhoun Station measurements, and on the failed CEDM seal housings. For the (Continued on page 46) SO09.indd 44 9/23/2009 10:48:53 AM Nuclear Experts NEW PLANT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT • Advanced Reactor Equipment Qualification & Type Testing • Seismic Qualification & Testing • EMI / RFI Testing • Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) • Environmental Testing & Studies OPERATING PLANT ISSUES SUPPORT Nuclear Safety Margins & Performance Demonstration • Equipment Qualification Testing & Studies • Operability Simulations & Testing • Probability Risk Assessment Analysis • Licensing & Regulatory Affairs Support Sustaining or Improving Equipment Reliability • Field NDE (VT to Phased Array UT methods) • Electrical Equipment & Cable Condition Assessment • Mechanical Testing • Rotating Machine Monitoring & Condition Assessment • Root Cause Failure Analysis & Forensic Evaluation • Concrete Structure Assessment, Repair & Rehabilitation • Obsolescence Management & Reverse Engineering Enhanced Radiation & Environmental Protection • Tritium Management • Radioactive Materials Characterization • Fish Protection / 316 (a)&(b) Solutions • Environmental Assessment & Thermal Studies Product Quality & Performance Validation • Commercial Grade Dedication (CGD) • Seismic Qualification • EMI / RFI Testing Advanced Services by Kinectrics Companies • Field Inspection – CGSB & ASNT NDT & Level III Services by Axiom NDT Corp. • Nuclear Regulatory, Safety, Licensing, Health & Environmental Services by Candesco Corporation Life Cycle Management Solutions Nuclear Knowledge Kinectrics offers unique testing and assessment capabilities to help utilities and suppliers make and validate critical decisions for existing nuclear plant operations and, new station design / build projects. Kinectrics delivers proven solutions that provide reliable cost-effective support through- out the entire component and plant life cycle. SO09.indd 45 9/23/2009 10:48:54 AM 46 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 permeability measurements a lower fre- quency was used because it is more sensi- tive to local permeability changes. All 37 Fort Calhoun Station 304 stainless steel CEDM seal housings have been inspected by the ECT methodology since 1999 (see the visual). Additionally data has been collected on the Alloy 600 reactor vessel head nozzles during the 2005 refueling outage (RFO). No indication of cracking was found in any of the housings or nozzles at Fort Calhoun Station. The highest normalized ECT value from the Fort Calhoun Station housings (73.9%) is less than half the ECT normalized value (152.4%) from uncracked housings at another plant. If any normalized ECT values at Fort Calhoun Station exceed a conservative, normalized value of the housings (140%), then that housing would be recommended for replacement by an available Fort Calhoun Station spare housing. To date, little change of permeability has been observed in the retested Fort Calhoun Station housings. During the 2008 RFO, the eight highest normalized ECT CEDM seal housings were retested to find out if any changes in permeability are occurring. No cracking was found at any of the Fort Calhoun Station CEDM seal housings, and the normalized permeability values were unchanged. This lack of change shows that no active progression towards SCC failure was occurring in any of the CEDM seal housings at Fort Calhoun Station. This data provides good justification for less frequent examinations at Fort Calhoun Station. The almost identical CEDM seal housings at another plant failed after 19 years of operation. It may well be that the failed CEDM seal housings contained initially higher, localized permeability values, however the advantage of the this TIP is that it provides a mechanism for tracking the change in permeability with time and finding areas that are susceptible to SCC. The change in permeability at the plant that had failures in their CEDM seal housings would have been a good indicator that incubation was progressing, and that SCC failure was likely. This is the essence of this TIP, which provides a method of enhancing plant safety by predicting SCC susceptibility, and avoiding early and costly replacement of expensive plant components resulting in savings and productivity increases. The methodology is fully transferable to other plants. Safety The tracking of the ECT permeability signal enhances nuclear safety by not only detecting flaws, but by monitoring the progress of the incubation stage and projecting when cracking will occur. This ability to project when and where cracking will occur results in fewer inspections, removes the probability of through-wall leaks, and results in lower radiation exposures by reducing examination frequency. Radiation Protection Savings is 10- 50 person-rem. Initial Savings would come from avoiding replacement of CEDM Seal Housings Cost Savings Since the inception of the ECT Program in 1999, the total cost of inspections has been ~$500,000. Without the ECT Program, all the CEDM housings would have been replaced during the 2006 RFO for a cost of ~$5,000,000. Additionally, this replacement would have needed 7 outage days for a cost of $2,100,000, and an estimated plant labor cost $200,000. Innovation The ECT Program is unique and visionary, because for the first time a method for tracking the incubation stage of SCC has been achieved. The accuracy of projecting when SCC is occurring is therefore significantly improved. The process is also innovative in its simplicity of field work, and analysis of ECT data. The anodic, high permeability, potential cracking zones are very easy to discriminate on the ECT display from Intraspect, and actual testing is accomplished in less than half a day. Transferability The ECT Program for permeability monitoring can be used at any plant to as- sess the condition and extent of the incu- bation stage, which has been a huge area of uncertainty prior to the ECT Program. The normalized amplitude ECT value can provide every plant with a measurable pa- rameter that can be used to achieve greater system reliability by avoiding unexpected SCC failures. In general any progressive increases in normalized amplitude ECT values would be indicative of an active incubation period in which SCC would occur. If no changes in normalized per- meability values are observed then the mechanism is not active and fewer, less frequent inspections are necessary. The methodology would be particularly ben- eficial to stainless steels and inconel al- loys in the RCS where operational risk is the highest. Contact: Bob Lisowyj, Omaha Public Power District, Fort Calhoun Station, 9610 Power Lane, Blair, NE 68008; telephone: (402) 533-6491, fax: (402) 533-7390, email: [email protected]. A Unique... Continued from page 44 SO09.indd 46 9/23/2009 10:48:55 AM The Thermo Scientific MegaRAD series of radiation hardened CID imaging cameras are capable of operating in high dose environments and provide excellent image quality to total dose levels over 100 times the tolerance of conventional solid state cameras. • Color and Monochrome imaging to beyond 3 MegaRAD • High resolution CID imager technology • Small remote detachable head Look closer at the Thermo Scientific line of radiation hardened cameras. Visit or contact us today about new innovative imaging products. Tel: 1-315-451-9410 • Email: [email protected] Got Radiation? See what you’ve been missing The world’s only color rad hard camera Innovative Preamp per pixel CID design allows high radiation tolerance and excellent image quality even in low light conditions. Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific © 2 0 0 9 T h e r m o F i s h e r S c i e n t i f i c I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . A l l t r a d e m a r k s a r e t h e p r o p e r t y o f T h e r m o F i s h e r S c i e n t i f i c I n c . a n d i t s s u b s i d i a r i e s . SO09.indd 47 9/23/2009 10:48:58 AM 48 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 Continued Focus on Excellence By Nebraska Public Power District. Brian O’Grady Brian O’Grady, site vice president of Cooper Nuclear Station, joined Nebraska Public Power District in September 2008. He most recently served as Site Vice President at Tennessee Valley Authority’s Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, where he was responsible for restarting Unit 1 following 22 years of shutdown and the day to day operation of Units 2 & 3. While at Entergy previously, he served as Vice President of Operations Support for Entergy Nuclear Northeast, following two years as General Manager, Plant Operations, at James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant. He is also a former Operations Manager of Point Beach Nuclear Plant for the Nuclear Management Company. Mr. O’Grady has more than 23 years experience in the commercial nuclear power industry. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pa., with a major in metallurgical and material engineering and a minor in economics. In just a few months, the first decade of the new millennium will be history. For the Nebraska Public Power District NPPD) Cooper Nuclear Station, it’s been a historic 10 years. Like much of the rest of the nuclear industry at the turn of this century, Cooper Nuclear Station (CNS), in southeastern Nebraska, faced an uncertain future. But the nuclear renaissance has come quickly and dramatically to the 835 MW facility. In 2000, it appeared likely that the station would shut down when its license expired in 2014. But by early 2003, the prospects for nuclear energy had changed to the point where the NPPD Board of Directors was considering a license renewal. To begin laying the groundwork for a possible operating license renewal application, NPPD signed a 10-year management support services contract with Entergy Nuclear in summer of 2003. NPPD continues to own the plant and the license, but Entergy personnel are involved in the day-to-day management of the plant. This relationship brought long-term management stability to Cooper, and the benefits of being part of a large, successful nuclear fleet. Performance improved, and the NPPD Board subsequently declared its intention to seek a license renewal to operate the station to 2034. NPPD then embarked upon an intensive $300 million investment program to improve the station’s material condition and boost its long term reliability. • New low pressure turbines. In early 2005, Cooper replaced both low pressure turbines with new Siemens turbines. • New feedwater heaters. In 2005 Cooper began the three- cycle process of replacing all eight feedwater heaters. The old heaters, installed when the plant was built in the late 1960s, were experiencing wall thinning, and required repairs every refueling outage. Four new heaters will be installed during the fall 2009 outage. • New intake screens. Cooper draws its circulating water from the fast-flowing Missouri River. Over three decades of service, the silt and debris in the river took its toll on the equipment in the intake structure, and divers were needed several times a year to clear debris from the intake bays. In 2007, CNS replaced all nine traveling screens, and the trash rack/trash rake system. The modern intake equipment boosted condenser performance by excluding debris that passed through the old screens and fouled the condenser tubes. Today divers are rarely needed for these cleaning services at Cooper, which greatly reduces industrial safety concerns. • Sonar System. Cooper also was one of the first stations in America to install leading- edge sonar technology in the service water intake bay. The sonar system enables the Control Room to monitor silt and debris buildup in the bay, in real time. Before the sonar was installed, operators took frequent manual “soundings” at the service water intake. Along with the intake structure work, Nebraska Public Power District installed a series of “turning vanes” in the Missouri River bed. These scientifically designed baffles, precisely placed using the global positioning system, produce eddies and vortices in the river that cause silt and sediments to keep moving downriver instead of being drawn into the intakes. The combination of the turning vanes and the advanced sonar system has enhanced the safety margin and significantly reduced the maintenance of the service water system. • Cooper purchased the old Surry unit 1 Westinghouse main generator stator in May 2006, put the 1.2 million pound component on a barge in Virginia, and over the course of five months, threaded it along many waterways to bring it to Cooper in October 2006. The station built a huge soft-sided fabric structure (Continued on page 50) SO09.indd 48 9/23/2009 10:48:59 AM Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 49 Radiation-101, An Internet-Based Course on Radiation Fundamentals With 2.4 CEUs (24 PDHs) from the Illinois Institute of Technology Start Date: November 30, 2009 Fax Registration to (630) 858-8787 With 2.4 CEUs from the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago Course Topics for November 30, 2009 Session Week 1: (November 30-December 6, 2009) 1. “Radiation--As Old As the Universe.” 2. “Unstable Nuclei Make Material Radioactive.” 3. “The Unit of Activity, The Becquerel.” Week 2: (December 7-13, 2009) 1. “Radionuclides & Your Body.” 2. “Healing Radiation.” Week 3: (December 14-20, 2009) 1. “Industrial & Consumer Applications.” 2. “Radiation Protection Across Borders.” 3. “Dose, Dose Rate and Dose Limits.” Week 4: (January 4-10, 2010) 1. “Ionizing Radiation & Health.” 2. “Any Harm from Small Doses?” Week 5: (January 11-17, 2010) 1. “Late Health Effects of High Doses.” 2. “Acute Health Effects of Very High Doses.” Week 6: (January 18-24, 2010) 1. “Nuclear Accident or Incident?” 2. “Radioactive Releases and Radwaste.” Week 7: (January 25-31, 2010) 1. “True and False About Chernobyl.” 2. “Radiation All Around Us All the Time.” Bulk registration costs are available for orders of 10+ participants. Radiation Fundamentals (Radiation-101) runs for seven weeks beginning November 30, 2009. Each week, participants complete a reading assignment and submit required tests electronically. A list of assignments is given at the right. The test responses are graded instantly, and participants may view their grades immediately. At the end of the course, a certificate with 2.4 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from the Illinois Institute of Technology will be issued to those participants who successfully complete the course work. The course registration fee is $245.00 per participant. Yes! Register me for the Radiation-101 class. Course Start Date: November 30, 2009 Course Fee: $245.00 per course per participant _____ Amount authorized (fee x # of participants) Check is enclosed. (Make checks payable to Nuclear Plant Journal.) Charge my credit card. American Express ® MasterCard ® VISA ® Card Number __________________________________ Expiration Date _________________________________ Card Holder Name (Print) ________________________ Signature ______________________________________ Date ______________________ Send payment with your order. Name ________________________________________ Birthday (Month/Day/Year) _______________________ Company ______________________________________ Address ________________________________________ __________________________________ Phone ________________ E-mail _________________________________________ Fax or mail your order to: Michelle Gaylord Phone: (630) 858-6161, X103 Nuclear Plant Journal Fax: (630) 858-8787 799 Roosevelt Rd., #6-208 E-mail: [email protected] Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 USA Photo Credit: Pavlicek/IAEA September, 2009 SO09.indd 49 9/23/2009 10:49:03 AM 50 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 Continued Focus... Continued from page 48 and during most of 2007 rebuilt the old Surry stator in the temporary building. During the spring 2008 outage, the old Cooper generator was replaced with the rebuilt Surry unit and a new Siemens rotor forged in Romania. The old Cooper stator was sold to another U.S. nuclear station. • Cooper also purchased a new 345 Kv switchyard transformer, installed state-of-the-art reactor vessel level controls, and is in the process of replacing both reactor recirculation motor generator set motors. Dry cask photo: By early 2010, Ne- braska Public Power will complete work on the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, and transfer fuel from the fuel pool to dry cask storage. In the photo, the last of 198 pilings are being driven 80 feet to the bedrock, to serve as the foundation for the dry cask pad. All this new equipment has had a dramatic effect. Cooper’s outage performance has improved markedly. In 2008 Cooper set a new continuous run record and a new gross generation record for a refueling and maintenance outage year. In early 2009, it implemented an appendix K power uprate to boost gross power rating from 801 MW to 835 MW. To get maximum benefit from vastly improved equipment reliability, a substantial number of non-operations employees – clerical staff, security officers, electricians, mechanics and many other disciplines – have completed the first half of the intensive non-licensed operator class. This built a broad and long- lasting reservoir of fundamental technical knowledge and understanding across the entire organization. The program directly resulted in a deep operational focus at Cooper, and has positioned Cooper for ongoing performance improvements. Cooper is located in a sparsely populated area in one of the most rural states in America. Cooper employees play a major role in their communities as business owners, school board and city council members, as volunteer firefighters and emergency medical technicians, as coaches, youth mentors, hospital volunteers, church leaders, and so on. Most of the 720 or so employees have deep roots in the communities around the station, and many people in southeastern Nebraska know or are related to someone who works at the power plant. Consequently, Cooper enjoys strong citizen support in the communities around the station. Complimenting this wellspring of support, NPPD actively reaches out to Nebraskans. Cooper has an active tour program and has forged education, training, energy research, and workforce development partnerships with local colleges and universities. Every summer, NPPD hosts an energy workshop for teachers across the state. The station also hosts a number of science tours for science classes across the region. Cooper, mirroring the industry of which it is a part, went from having an uncertain future less than a decade ago, to having a bright future today. The NRC has accepted Cooper’s license renewal application. Things are looking good for Cooper Nuclear Station, its employees, and NPPD customers. With a continued focus on excellence in safe nuclear power operations, the best is yet to come. Basic Statistics: • General Electric BWR 4, Mark I reactor. • June 1968 construction began. The station is located on 1,121 acres in Nebraska and 230 acres on the opposite side of the Missouri River in Missouri. • January 18, 1974 operating license granted by Atomic Energy Commission. • July 1, 1974 commercial operation began. • Station named in honor of Guy Cooper and his family. The Cooper family built one of the first power plants in Nebraska, in Humboldt, in 1890. Cooper family members were active in the Nebraska power industry for the next 85 years. • Cooper station furnishes about 20 percent of the power NPPD generates for Nebraska citizens. Cooper power is also sold in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, the Dakotas, and elsewhere. • Approximately 720 employees. Eighteen month refueling cycle. Flow loop simulator photo: In 2009 CNS designed and built a sophisticated safety and human performance flow loop training simulator. The elaborate structure of pipes, pumps, valves, and tanks present very realistic safety and human performance error traps nuclear workers often face when working on equipment. The simulator is constructed, so even people who never deal with nuclear power plant equipment will have opportunities to test their grasp of human performance tools and their knowledge of industrial accident precursors. Every person badged to Cooper undergoes flow loop simulator training at least once every cycle. Contact: Glenn Troester, Nebraska Public Power District / Cooper Nuclear Station, P. O. Box 93, 72676 648A Ave, Brownville, NE 68321; telephone: (402) 825-5768, email: [email protected]. SO09.indd 50 9/23/2009 10:49:04 AM W E S T I N G H O U S E E L E C T R I C C O M P A N Y L L C Westinghouse supplied the world’s frst full-scale commercial nuclear power plant in 1957 in Shippingport, Pennsylvania (USA). Today, Westinghouse technology is the basis for approximately one-half of the world’s operating nuclear plants, including 60 percent of those in the United States. With global pressurized water reactor (PWR) and boiling water reactor (BWR) technology and expertise, and skilled employees at locations around the world, we provide outage services and component inspections; upratings; major plant capital improvements, such as I&C systems upgrades, and other services that ensure safe and efcient nuclear plant operations. Westinghouse is committed to helping provide safe, clean and reliable electricity. Check us out at supporting operating nuclear plants. NO COMPANY IS MORE COMMITTED TO SO09.indd 51 9/23/2009 10:49:12 AM NO BONES ABOUT IT Scientech and Trentec have combined our world-class Equipment Qualification and Testing capabilities. Together, we're bigger and better. We offer a wide variety of EQ services and recently were confirmed to meet the AP1000 TM Main Steam Compartment harsh environment transient. We have seismic facilities in the midwest and southeast with over 100 standardized procedures, two LOCA facilities and over 20 test engineers. So bring on your project...we'll latch on to it and won't let go until it's done to your satisfaction. Contact us at 513.528.7900 or [email protected] or BRING IT ON AP1000 is a trademark of Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Scientech + Trentec SO09.indd 52 9/23/2009 10:49:14 AM KEY QUESTION FOR THE FUTURE How can I improve plant performance? Look to AREVA NP for the engineering expertise to deliver a full spectrum of innovative, integrated solutions. For your peace of mind, we have the right resources to deliver the best value and quality engineering solutions. With U.S. market leadership and global resources, AREVA NP provides unmatched project expertise and predictable cost and schedule performance. With the opening of our BWR Center of Excellence in San Jose, we deliver complete, plant-wide engineering solutions to improve performance. Expect certainty. Count on AREVA NP. © Copyright 2009 AREVA NP Inc. WITH PHASED ARRAY YOU HAVE TO BE You expect the best performance AND THE MO RELIABLE INSPECTION SOLUTIONS. THE NEW DYNARAY™ SYST FROM ZETEC REDEFINES THE POTENTIAL OF PHASED ARRAY TECHNOLOGY, TO GIVE YOU COMPLETE ASSURANCE FOR TOD AND FOR TOMORROW. DYNARAY™ PHASED ARRAY UT PERFORMANCE: Up to s mu taneous act e e ements for phase arra beam form n , an up to channe s n tota D nam c a aptat on of foca a s, for super or nspect on ua t on comp ex surfaces Up to fferent foca a s Mb tes s H h ata throu hput, up to H I G H - P E R F O R M A N C E P H A S E D A RR AY U T U traV s on soft are, offer n D or en ronment for creat on of components an ata sua at on FROM THE TOTAL SOLUTION NDT PROVIDER FOR THE POWER GENERATION INDUSTRY ©2009 EDF Group EDF’s Flamanville construction site for a new EPRTM nuclear energy facility (September 2009). Your Partner for New Nuclear Energy. Today. For those companies looking at new nuclear, UniStar Nuclear Energy provides economies of scale and scope through coordinated and systematic development of a standardized fleet of AREVA EPRTM new nuclear energy facilities. To find out more about UniStar, call 410.470.4400 or visit For information on AREVA’s U.S. EPRTM technology, visit For monthly photo updates of construction progress, send your e-mail address to [email protected]. Nuclear Plant Journal 27th Year of Publication Nuclear Plant Journal is published by EQES, Inc.six times a year in February, April, June, August, October and December (Directory). The subscription rate for non-qualified readers in the United States is $150.00 for six issues per year. The additional air mail cost for non-U.S. readers is $30.00. Payment may be made by American Express®, Master Card®, VISA® or check and should accompany the order. Checks not drawn on a United States bank should include an additional $45.00 service fee. All inquiries should be addressed to Nuclear Plant Journal, 799 Roosevelt Road, Building 6, Suite 208, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-5925; Phone: (630) 858-6161, ext. 103; Fax: (630) 858-8787. *Current Circulation: Total: 12,000 Utilities: 4,600 *All circulation information is subject to BPA Worldwide, Business audit. Authorization to photocopy articles is granted by EQES, Inc. provided that payment is made to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923; Phone: (978) 7508400, Fax: (978) 646-8600. The fee code is 0892-2055/02/$3.00+$.80. © Copyright 2009 by EQES, Inc. Nuclear Plant Journal is a registered trademark of EQES, Inc. Printed in the USA. Staff Senior Publisher and Editor Newal K. Agnihotri Publisher and Sales Manager Anu Agnihotri Editorial & Marketing Assistant Michelle Gaylord Administrative Assistant QingQing Zhu ® September-October 2009, Volume 27 No. 5 Plant Maintenance & Advanced Reactors Articles & Reports Shared Expectations with the Licensee By Michael Johnson, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 20 Improved Cost & Schedule 23 By Christofer M. Mowry, Babcock & Wilcox Modular Nuclear Energy, LLC. Committed to Safety & Quality By Mike McMahon, Day & Zimmermann Power Services Solving Equipment Reliability Issues By Craig Irish, Nuclear Logistics, Inc. Benefiting from Standardization By George Vanderheyden, UniStar Nuclear Energy Development of Advanced Nuclear Reactors Worldwide By Sama Bilbao y León, International Atomic Energy Agency 26 31 34 36 Industry Innovations A Unique & Visionary ECT Program By Bob Lisowyj, Omaha Public Power District and Zoran Kuljis, Westinghouse 44 Plant Profile Continued Focus on Excellence By Nebraska Public Power District 48 Departments New Energy News Utility, Industry & Corporation New Products, Services & Contracts New Documents Meeting & Training Calendar 8 11 14 18 19 Journal Services List of Advertisers Advertiser Web Directory 6 40 On The Cover Cooper Nuclear Station is located in Nebraska. Cooper station furnishes about 20 percent of the power Nebraska Public Power District generates for Nebraska citizens. See page 48 for a profile. Mailing Identification Statement Nuclear Plant Journal (ISSN 0892-2055) is published bimonthly in February, April, June, August, October and December by EQES, Inc., 799 Roosevelt Road, Building 6, Suite 208, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-5925. The printed version of the Journal is available cost-free to qualified readers in the United States and Canada. The digital version is available to qualified readers worldwide. The subscription rate for non-qualified readers is $150.00 per year. The cost for non-qualified, non-U.S. readers is $180.00. Periodicals (permit number 000-739) postage paid at the Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Nuclear Plant Journal (EQES, Inc.), 799 Roosevelt Road, Building 6, Suite 208, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-5925. Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2009 5 Inc. Westinghouse Electric Company LLC WM Symposia. Nuclear Plant Journal Rapid Response Fax Form September-October 2009 Nuclear Plant Journal To: _________________________ Company: __________________ Fax: ___________________ From: _______________________ Company: __________________ Fax: ___________________ Address:_____________________ City: _______________________ State: _____ Zip: _________ Phone: ______________________ E-mail: _____________________ I am interested in obtaining information on: __________________________________________________ Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________ 6 www. Young Lisa Apicelli Patrick Samson (315) 451-9421 (301) 682-9209 (410) 470-5606 [email protected] (913) 458-2491 (714) 675-6565 tschell@curtisswright. Advertisers’ web sites are listed in the Web Directory Listings on page 40. Inc Zetec. Inc. (978) 250-0245 (815) 727-4835 (860) 446-1876 www. Inc. Contact Donna Gaddy-Bowen Keith Gusich Patti Bass Tom Schell Catherine Coseno Cheryl Tasker Craig Irish Laura Patterson Marc Greenleaf Gordon Welsh Thomas Hillery Heidi Brizendine Fax/Email/URL (434) 832-3840 www. a business unit of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Company HSB Global Standards Kinectrics Tony Chapman Don Murphy Mary Klett Please e-mail Jim Christian Scott Millard Karen Fischetti Mary E. Power House (330) 673-8410 habrizendine2@babcock. CIDTEC Cameras & Imagers Nuclear Plant Journal. Bechtel Power Black & Veatch Ceradyne (740) 569-4111 (805) 968-0027 (412) 374-3244 mary@wmarizona. Radiation Protection Systems. Westerman Nuclear Western Space and Marine. Inc. NACE International Nuclear Logistics Inc.nace. September-October 2009 . a business unit of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Company UniStar Nuclear Energy Urenco Enrichment Company Ltd.rolls-royce. Scientific Instruments (860) 722-5705 (416) 207-6532 www. (RPS) Rolls-Royce Seal Master The Babcock & Wilcox Company Thermo Fisher (860) 446-8292 (418) 263-3742 52 4 27 39 15 51 10 9 3 Advertisers’ fax numbers may be used with the form at the bottom of the page. Zachry Nuclear Engineering. Inc.bechtel.List of Advertisers & NPJ Rapid Response Page 2 21 37 35 33 13 45 29 43 25 41 17 25 7 47 Advertiser AREVA NP. . svitak@ cez. individual companies will be instituted to build. Hitachi Ltd. as well as providing supply chain growth across the United States. Finland Construction by AREVA of the Olkiluoto 3 EPR™ reactor in Finland reached a major milestone with the installation of the reactor building dome. the dome will be welded around its circumference and covered with 7. The inner section of the reactor building is now completely covered and to seal it. Contact: Marek Svitak. glascock@ge. “We are very encouraged with the results we have obtained to date and with the pace of our progress on Global Laser Enrichment. Contact: Ned Glascock. Italy. During construction. for the selection of a supplier for two nuclear units for Temelin location.NuclearPlantJournal. AREVA has submitted an early works agreement to NPCIL to launch initial design and book the manufacturing capacities needed for the major components.” GLE anticipates gleaning sufficient data from the test loop by the end of 2009 to decide whether to proceed with plans for a full-scale commercial enrichment facility. will use the test loop’s results in determining whether to commercialize laser-based enrichment Czech Republic Energy company CEZ. a business venture of GE. telephone: (910) 819-5729. CEZ has published its announcement concerning opening the public tender on the information server providing a list of public tenders in the Czech Republic and the same announcement is expected to be published on the all-European web site as well. The survey also found that 88 percent give the nearest nuclear plant a “high” safety rating. technology in the first such full-scale commercial production facility in the world. Contact: David Newhouse. Public Support Eighty-four percent of Americans living near nuclear power plants favor nuclear energy. and 76 percent support construction of a new reactor near them. according to a new public opinion survey of more than 1. while an even greater number—90 percent―view the local power station positively. the company also would refine its projected schedule for bringing the plant online. September-October 2009 .com Nuclear Plant Journal. Contact: Julien Duperray. Once the studies have been completed and the necessary investment decision taken. AREVA is joining forces with a number of local companies: The group has entered into a strategic alliance with Bharat Forge by signing an agreement which lays down the main conditions of the joint-venture which is set to build a forged parts manufacturing plant in India. The plants will be built on the Jaitapur site in the state of Maharastra and commissioning is scheduled for late 2017 and end of 2018. email: marek. Italy Enel and EDF announced the creation of the equal basis joint venture “Sviluppo Nucleare Italia Srl” aimed at developing the feasibility studies for the construction of at least 4 advanced third generation EPR units as improvised in the agreement Enel and EDF signed on February 24. 91 percent have confidence in the company’s ability to operate Uranium Enrichment Global Laser Enrichment (GLE) announced the start-up of a “test loop” to evaluate a next-generation uranium enrichment technology that GLE is developing to increase the United States’ supply of enriched uranium for nuclear power plants worldwide. The test loop is designed to validate the commercial feasibility of the technology and advance the design of the Apart from the requirement for delivery of two new nuclear units.000 tons of concrete. email: edward. NPCIL expects Jaitapur to accommodate up to six units. GLE’s facility could support U. To move this ambitious program forward rapidly. has opened the public tender 8 www. Enel and EDF will hold a 50% stake in the joint venture respectively and the company will be headquartered in Rome. Within the scope of the site development plan. The steel component weighing 210 tons and measuring almost 47 meters across was hoisted by two cranes and lowered into place 44 meters above the ground. the public tender includes a requirement for unilateral option for the benefit of CEZ regarding construction of up to 3 more nuclear units in other potential locations within Europe. In parallel. president and CEO of GLE. At that time. telephone: 33 1 34 96 12 15. high-tech manufacturing employment by potentially creating hundreds of permanent engineering and support staff positions. own and operate each of the EPR power plants.S. and Cameco. 2009 during the FrancoItalian summit in Rome. noted. Czech Republic. The survey contacted people residing within the 10 mile-radius of an operating nuclear power plant and excluded electric company employees. Tammy telephone: 33 1 34 96 12 15. telephone: 420 381 102 328.100 adults across the United States. AREVA has finalized the terms of a framework agreement with the Indian engineering company TCE Consulting Engineers Limited (TCE). GLE.New Energy News India AREVA submitted a bid to Indian utility NPCIL for the design and construction of two EPR™ reactors. the project could create more than 500 temporary trade jobs. Contact: Julien Duperray. While the results will be proprietary. a subsidiary of the Tata Sons Limited. telephone: 33 1 40 42 32 45. facility and processes for the planned commercial production facility. The U.152 randomly selected plant neighbors—18 adults within 10 miles of each of the nation’s 64 nuclear power plant sites— was conducted in mid-July. submitted on January 30.the power plant of which are (Continued on page 10) Early Site Permit The Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Office of New Reactors has issued an Early Site Permit (ESP) and Limited Work Authorization (LWA) to Southern Nuclear Operating Company for the Vogtle site near Augusta. and 86 percent believe the company is doing a good job protecting the valid for up to 20 years.S. Southern Nuclear filed its ESP application on August 15. Zachry—a visionary force for the nuclear future. Successful completion of the ESP process resolves many site-related Uranium Enrichment Facility The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has accepted for formal review an application by General Electric-Hitachi Global Laser Enrichment for a license to construct and operate a uranium enrichment plant using laser technology in Wilmington. 2009. The agency has already requested additional information from the applicant. Zachry brings a rich history. Combining 85 years of construction expertise and 35 years of engineering experience.NuclearPlantJournal. email: media@nei. telephone: (202) 739-8000. [email protected] Nuclear Plant Journal. Contact: Nuclear Energy Institute. 2009. and Zachry is ready with forward-thinking people. and filed its LWA request on Aug. Georgia. lean concrete. South Africa’s Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR) company – in collaboration with Necsa (the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation) – has manufactured High Temperature Reactor fuel spheres or “pebbles” containing 9. As the industry advances. The achievement follows PBMR and Necsa’s successful manufacturing in December 2008 of enriched uraniumcoated particles. nuclear renaissance is on the horizon.6% enriched uranium. The NRC staff has completed an initial acceptance review and determined that the application is sufficiently complete for the agency to begin its formal licensing reviews. telephone: (301}) 415-8200. 2006. and a waterproof membrane. email: OPA. we are a visionary force for the nuclear future. The ESP. [email protected] 9 . September-October 2009 www. Survey results are available at: http://www. telephone: (301}) 415-8200. GE-Hitachi submitted the application in two stages: an environmental report. retaining walls. documentlibrary/ newplants/reports/thirdbiennial-nuclear-power-plant-neighborpublic-opinion-tracking-survey. seeking permission for construction activities limited to placement of engineered backfill. Pebble Fuel Heads In a first for Africa. The telephone survey of 1. services and and determines the site is suitable for possible future construction and operation of a nuclear power plant.zhi. N. Contact: Office of Public Affairs. 2007. email: OPA. The LWA allows a narrow set of construction activities at the site. 16. Sixteen of these graphite spheres were shipped to Russia for irradiation tests to demonstrate the fuel’s integrity under reactor conditions. safety and environmental issues. mudmats. Contact: Office of Public Affairs. is the fourth such permit the NRC has approved. 2009 and a safety report. tendered on June 26. comprehensive services and unwavering integrity. www. Ignalina NPP has to demonstrate that the contractor has enough qualified manpower to perform specific operations.211 megawatts. Shaw provided engineering and project management services leading up to and throughout the module’s lift and placement. Continued from page 9 contained in a pebble.brann@ shawgrp. which was executed safely and without incident. email: gentry.wmsym.New Energy. The license has been issued under certain preconditions that will have to be fulfilled prior to the beginning of operation of the waste management facilities. email: [email protected] megawatts. the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.. Contact: Joe Delmar. the Institute of Nuclear Salem is a dual unit station with a generating capacity of 2.ferreira@ At the management site of solid radioactive waste all waste of the mentioned type from operation and decommissioning of Ignalina NPP will be managed and stored for a fifty-year period. email: . Hope Creek is a single unit station with a is the largest of the project’s more than 200 structural and mechanical modules. WM Symposia IMPROVING THE FUTURE BY DEALING WITH THE PAST PLAN NOW TO ATTEND OUR 36TH MEETING! nity is pleased to an Phoenix Convention Center Phoenix. one of six buildings that comprise the nuclear island of an AP1000™ nuclear power plant. www. Salem Unit 1’s current 40 year operating license expires in 2016 with Unit 2’s operating license expiring in 2020.e. The Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals™ (AHMP) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development / the Nuclear Energy Agency. the American Nuclear Society. telephone: 370 5 262 4141. Contact: A.020 tons (with rigging apparatus) and measuring 69 feet wide. Contact: Tom Ferreira. i. Auxiliary Building Module CA-20 License Renewal PSEG Nuclear submitted applications to the U. floors and rooms of the auxiliary building. Gostauto. telephone: 22( 0) 83 264 6188.wmsym. during the construction stage Ignalina NPP will have to properly ensure physical protection and to install security equipment at the construction site. Visaginas Municipality is scheduled for the year or mary@wmarizona. along with China’s State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (SNPTC) and Nuclear Construction Company #5. It is the first time that High Temperature Reactor fuel has been manufactured in the southern and to provide VATESI with the schedules for supervising the progress of construction works and inspection of equipment. and Westinghouse Electric Company. China The Shaw Group Inc. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to extend the operating licenses of its Salem and Hope Creek Generating Stations by 20 years. the successful placement of the first major structural module at the Sanmen nuclear power plant project. 44 feet long and 69 feet high. Contact: Gentry Brann. Weighing approximately 1. Drūkšiai Village. Lithuania Lithuania’s State Nuclear Power Safety Inspectorate (VATESI) has issued a license to Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (Ignalina NPP) for construction of solid radioactive waste management facilities. generating capacity of 1. Arizona Hosted and sponsored by the University of Arizona. The Module CA-20 partially makes up the walls. telephone: (225) 987-7372. The commissioning of the new waste processing equipment in the existing territory of Ignalina NPP. Its original operating license expires in 2026. announced. Its placement ranks as one of the heaviest and largest on record for the nuclear energy WMS at +1 520-696-0399 Registration & Hotel information at www.S. telephone: (856) 339-1934. its AP1000 Consortium team member. Moreover. html. com. telephone: (504) 576-4238. for the $15 million program or Randi Neff. Industry Education Grants The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has awarded nearly $20 million to 70 institutions to boost nuclear education and expand the workforce in nuclear and nuclear-related disciplines. with $5 million of this amount designated for the Integrated University Program. trade schools. Department of Labor reports that by 2012 large numbers of energy industry workers will be eligible for retirement. Department of Energy. for the $5 million program. in the Division of Contracts.9 million) fellowships ($5. email: [email protected] million).000 from the Entergy Charitable Foundation as a match toward the cost of developing a curriculum to train students to work in the nuclear industry. at (301)-492-2313. Contact: Michael about-nrc/grants/ the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Congress provided the NRC funding for a $5 million Educational Curriculum program and an additional $15 million to supplement the NRC’s grant program for scholarships and fellowships.S. Deadlines: Input Form. The LSU grant is part of a larger effort to develop an educated and highly trained workforce for the energy industry. Suppliers listed in Nuclear Plant Journal's 2009 Directory will receive the 2010 Directory mailing with a list of their products and services as they appeared in the 2009 Directory. The U. and community colleges.Utility. trade and community college scholarships ($1. The NRC awarded 102 grants for scholarships ($2. Recipients are located in 29 states.nrc. faculty development ($4. 2009 Nuclear Plant Journal Phone: (630) 858-6161. 2009 Ad .November 18. at (301) with complete contact information.8 million) and nuclear education and curriculum development ($4. at (301) 492-3636. ext. Louisiana State University (LSU) will receive a grant of $45. (Continued on page 12) Nuclear Plant Journal's Product & Service Directory 2010 Cost-free 5 Listings & Organization's Contact Information Nuclear Plant Journal An International Publication Published in the United States 2010 Directory All nuclear power industry suppliers who are not listed in the 2009 Directory may request a complete information package by sending an email to [email protected] to Teach for America. the national corps of top recent college graduates. Industry & Corporation Utility Teach for America The Entergy Charitable Foundation announced a gift of $355. Additional details are posted on the NRC’s Web site at http://www. Contact: Technical questions should be directed to either John Gutteridge.November 18.8 million). and National Nuclear Security Administration to support multi-year research projects that do not align with programmatic missions but are critical to maintaining nuclear engineering and science. The Integrated University Program funds are coordinated and awarded through the NRC.4 million). faculty development. E-mail: michelle@goinfo. Administrative questions should be directed to Kathleen Shino. 103 Fax: (630) 858-8787 http://www. construction and maintenance services to the nuclear utilities in the United repetitive tasks in hostile environments. 2009. Robots are particularly well suited to performing complex. and creates data that can be exported into many existing software programs.. plant upgrades. AREVA DZ services include design/build BOP projects. end-to-end solutions will primarily focus on the Balance of Plant (BOP). standard plant modifications. Continued from page 11 SG Replacement Babcock & Wilcox Canada Ltd. construction and operation of nuclear energy facilities. a Seattle based manufacturer of robotics. Under the terms of the agreement. Canada facility by rail on August 7. the software tracks worker hours and rest periods to Supplier Award Rockbestos-Surprenant Cable Corporation (RSCC) received the AREVA US Certified Nuclear Supplier Award on June 4. measures 73 feet long and 12 feet in diameter and will replace the existing nuclear steam generators at the 860 megawatt Unit 3. telephone: (434) 732-2379. testing.fields@ accenture. capable of supporting the data needs of nuclear energy facilities. Each replacement OTSG weighs 465 tons. welding and painting routine even under the most adverse conditions. which mandate the number of consecutive hours and days that personnel at nuclear facilities are permitted to work. email: Christine. machine vision and optical automation. information The joint venture will operate as AREVA DZ LLC. telephone: (330) 860-1345. 2009 en route to California. making management as seamless as possible. . operate. Contact: Susan Hess. Management Program Day & Zimmermann announced that it has partnered with WorkForce Software to develop a Worker Fatigue Management Program. (B&W NPG) has completed the manufacture of the first of two nuclear reactor closure heads as part of a contract to AREVA NP for Pacific Gas & Electric’s Diablo Canyon Power Plant located in San Luis Obispo County. The integrated. Contact: Christine Fields. Contact: Anita Garrahan. Reactor Heads Babcock & Wilcox Nuclear Power Generation Group. and maintain the ‘Galaxy’ IT platform. Contact: Maureen Omrod. Inc. and supports all Nuclear Regulatory Commission required reporting. The software accounts for all of the various nuances in the federal regulation. California. build. covers additional work necessary for Accenture to support business processes. telephone: (860) 445-0334. and analyses. 2009. Indiana. Day & Zimmermann’s new program will remove the burden of managing supplemental worker populations from its customers. and Greenman-Pedersen. telephone: (631) 587-5060. and engineering support. Omrod@DayZim. Inc. forecast possible violations. (RPS) and Nuclear Fuel Services (NFS) are no longer affiliated companies.. The new agreement. plant in technological innovation. particularly during outages. The completed vessel shipped from the Cambridge. The closure head left The Babcock & Wilcox Company’s (B&W) Mount Vernon. Contact: Natalie Cutler. telephone: (215) 299-2234. email: greenleafm@ rpsct. 2009 to the Port of Toronto. RPS has formally changed its Delaware Corporation registration to “Radiation Protection Systems Inc.” (RPS). Inc. Joint Venture AREVA and Day & Zimmermann have formed a joint venture to offer comprehensive engineering. email: Maureen. where it was loaded onto a heavy lift ship for transport to the Port of Tampa on August 10. Contact: Ryan Cornell. with AREVA’s Gary Mignogna serving as President and Day & Zimmermann’s Mike McMahon as Executive Vice President. power uprates. (B&W Canada) shipped the second of two replacement nuclear once-through steam generators (OTSGs) for Progress Energy Florida’s Crystal River Unit 3. email: rscornell@ babcock. Sophisticated sensing devices and end-effectors make tasks like inspection. Name Change Radiation Protection Systems. Corporation Galaxy IT Platform Accenture and UniStar Nuclear Energy (UNE) have extended their agreement to design. The agreement also calls for Accenture to market and distribute Galaxy in collaboration with UNE to companies engaged in the design. Inc. telephone: (216) 535-5092. including configuration management of detailed design data and management of data associated with required inspections. The program is in response to the Code of Federal Regulation 10 CFR 26 Subpart I requirements. the firms will develop and market a robotic approach to engineering and construction tasks heretofore performed by humans. which adds to the original contract signed in April 2008.hess@ areva. The supplier selection process to receive this Certification and award was based on multiple criteria that embraced partnering strategies. Contact: Marc Greenleaf.Corporation. (GPI) an engineering and construction services firm announced their agreement to develop and market robotic methods to inspect and provide protective coating and other maintenance services for commercial nuclear power plants and Department of Energy nuclear Strategic Alliance Newton Research Labs. and other large and complex projects. To minimize any confusion or implication of possible affiliation. email: nacutler@ babcock. BOP major component replacements. telephone: (519) implementing both major and minor nuclear plant modifications. data collection. when there is a rapid increase of workers. and use of acceptance criteria involved with the construction of nuclear energy facilities. email: Susan. outstanding product quality. decommissioning.. teaming strategies. In addition to generating real-time Onge. telephone: (412}) 347-3896. The new alliance was recently awarded security upgrade projects for the entire Entergy Nuclear fleet of northern and southern plants. inspectors and auditors worldwide • Our extensive nuclear capabilities support your global growth • We provide certification assistance & training in ASME and RCC-M code compliance Go to www. Dennis Chalk. Arizona. Georgia area. CS Innovations offers the only non-software-based solution that meets current requirements for digital safety systems.000 hours of for more information. LLC has acquired CS turn to the world leader in nuclear certification.S. Tennessee. Steve Sandberg received the award. LLC. Contact: Vaughn Gilbert.RSCC was presented this AREVA US Certified Nuclear Supplier Award and Certification by Ann Lauvergeon AREVA CEO. local contacts or to request a nuclear code training program. MOU Williams Industrial Services Group. Together the welding institutes have the capacity to graduate more than 700 welders a year. NUCLEAR CERTIFICATION Worldwide: +1 860-722-5041 Toll-free: 800-417-3437 x25041 (USA and Canada only) . Once students pass the exam and receive certification. they must work for Westinghouse for 2. telephone (770) 879-4034. After training. Westinghouse also has a WEC Welding Institute in Rock Hill. email: gilberhv@ westinghouse. Mark RSCC President.You can rely on the leadership and experience of HSB Global Standards for all RCC-M and ASME code inspection and certification requirements. Both Williams and ENERCON have principal offices in the Atlanta. As the world turns to nuclear energy. Currently. an Instrumentation and Control (I&C) nuclear product supplier to the digital I&C safety system upgrade market. and ENERCON announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to offer integrated design engineering and construction services to specific nuclear clients. students must complete an additional 2. • The world leader in nuclear plant & equipment inspections • More than 500 engineers. To attain journeyman status. and Utility Cell General Manager. email: gilberhv@ westinghouse. LLC a subsidiary of Global Power Equipment Group Inc. United States.000 hours. The world is once again turning to nuclear power to meet its future energy needs. and is approved by the U. Acquisition Westinghouse Electric Company. Contact: Jim Belanger. RSCC National Sales Manager Utility Group. Contact: Vaughn Gilbert. LLC. South Carolina.belanger@rscc. They have the opportunity to work as apprentices at power plants or at any facility where Westinghouse is performing welding. Located in Scottsdale. email: jim. telephone: (860) 653-8377. telephone: (412}) 347-3896. The Chattanooga WEC Welding Institute is equipped with 48 weld booths and certifies students after they complete an average of five months of hands-on training. they can take the American Society of Mechanical Engineers” (ASME) welding qualification Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Welding School Westinghouse Electric Company announces the opening of a new WEC Welding Institute in Chattanooga.hsbgsnuclear. Contact: Dan Daniels. 10 students are enrolled in the no-cost program that is equipped to train and graduate up to 288 welders per year to perform work in both nuclear and non-nuclear plants. a subsidiary of Westinghouse Electric Company. CS Innovations will become known as CS Innovations. Contact: Olga Burger. announced that its iPAL FTIR analyzer is now available with sampling technology and pre-loaded methods specifically designed for measurement of chemical species of significant importance to the nuclear power industry. www. HUD. providing more accurate results than a 3D model. the USM Go is a light and portable ultrasonic flaw detector available from GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies. email: graphics@uticom. Lift Crane Mammoet announced the introduction onto the market. ergonomic design and features data display resolution on a screen with a large pixel count. The instrument is pressure-responsive. The rigging simulation can optimize the removal path.2 austenitic and thermal sleeve welds on the pressurizer surge line and the surge line to primary loop welds. With CSA’s PanoMap™ software. telephone: (770) 955-9518.o@csaatl. Contact: Jennifer Lovell-Butler. telephone: (978) 437-1446. allowing greater flexibility to use different numbers and configurations.duct tape-that has a halogen and sulfur c of c.the Automatic Pressurizer Surge Line Inspection System – is used for testing transition. ANSI/ASME NQA-12008 and BOCA compliant alternative to traditional duct tape. APSIS . Services & Contracts New Products Analyzer A2 Technologies. the PTC 120 DS (maximum load moment 120. and growth standardization initiatives. These two cranes. reduces risk in all lifecycle United Kingdom. has developed laser scanning technology that has been used successfully for nuclear plant equipment removal/replacement activities.U89NG nuclear PanoMap’s many features include precise measurement. a manufacturer of nuclear grade graphics has helped develop a new product .000 ton meters) introduce a whole new range of world cranes. PLM impacts the entire lifecycle. a bench top version of the Nuclear Plant Journal. email: intlinfo@a2technologies. Laser Removal CSA.NuclearPlantJournal. The new design can be verified against the laser scanned data (as-built) at an early stage and adjusted as needed. has joystick control.and is an increasing regulatory pressures. The key feature to the new generation is that the cranes combine capacity with versatility to facilitate a new approach to heavy lift and construction projects. September-October 2009 . Inc.New Products. of two New Generation cranes. Battery powdered. Scotland. email: Jennifer. interference checking can be done directly against the laser scanned area. It can be deployed with PulseEcho. A2 Technology also offers the PAL analyzer. TOFD and Phased Array ultrasonic techniques. Uticom’s U89NG removes cleanly for up to six months from most opaque surfaces even after exposure to sunlight and temperature PanoMap can integrate with other CAD systems. has launched new. dimensioning. Contact: telephone: 44 7765 9702120. SAGE is used for the inspection of pipe and nozzle welds and in the latest revision. Both SAGE and APSIS are designed specifically for use on pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and have proven track records within the industry. operators spend in contaminated and captures fleet synergies. developed inhouse for the very heaviest lifts. clean removing. integrates and provides access to plant data. The USM Go is designed for ease of prolonged operation in the harshest inspection environments. tag numbers and activity designations (the construction schedule). Duct Tape Uticom Systems. Plant Lifecycle Management (PLM) from BCP Engineers & Consultants is essential for any capital intensive facility and power plant organization that desires to be efficient and effective over the entire lifecycle of their plant. iPAL systems easily handle some of the most time consuming chemical measurements analyses that would typically take hours or even days off site are now handled by the iPAL system right on-site in a matter of minutes. intelligent labels that can tie to plant’s other databases. Contact: Amanda Fontaine. in Q3 2011. Inc. The scanner can be assembled in less than 10 minutes to minimize the time Services Lifecycle Management Faced with equipment repairs/ replacements. updated versions of two of its nuclear power plant inspection scanners. Contact: telephone: (610) 854-2655.000 ton meters (metric tons multiplied by the radius)) and the PTC 160 DS (160. Contact: Pauline Rawsterne. email: Pauline@turquoisepr. email: burger.Lovell@mammoet. it can use data from any laser scanner and runs on standard PCs. to provide substantial savings of time and dose. for customers who do not require battery operation or portability. 14 PWR Scanners Phoenix Inspection Systems. telephone: 0161 860 6063. email: Amanda. portable iPAL analyzers are rapidly being adopted in nuclear power plants throughout the world to ensure reliable facility operation. It allows for the simple interchange of probes. Additionally. MAXI-SAGE has been designed to inspect critical welds on the primary circuit. The identified interferences are clearly color-coded. com. this nuclear grade duct tape will stay on for up to one full year without deterioration even after application in harsh conditions such as direct sunlight and precipitous/wet environments. Flaw Detector Weighing only 2. telephone: (281) 369-2200. regulatory compliance as well as supporting pro-active maintenance programs. and provide the on-site support service. 6.NuclearPlantJournal. email: Susan. and MAN Diesel areva. trained engineers and tax specialists to directly support the tax department's Research & Development (R&D) claim needs.S. efficiency. Ltd. BCP delivers comprehensive detailed reports complete with audit trail and supporting documentation providing the necessary support and backup to substantiate a R&D claim. telephone: 33 1 41 49 27 22. and the owner The conceptual design will be for a nuclear electric power plant with a 3000 thermal MW reactor using a revolutionary core design.1 MW EDGs. China. Contact: Susanne Shields. reduced maintenance and emergency EPC AREVA and its U. including mechanical instability. Save Critical Path Outage Time & Money Traveling Wave Reactor Burns and Roe is providing architectural and engineering support for the conceptual design of a Traveling Wave Reactor (TWR) for TerraPower. telephone: (513) 421-1169. the country’s first EPR-based INC 53 Aero Camino Goleta. CA 93117 (805) 968-3831 FAX (805) 968-0027 Nuclear Fuel AREVA has signed a 6-year contract with Central Nuclear de Trillo for the supply of approximately 240 fuel (Continued on page 16) www. The EPC term sheet agreement is a critical step in negotiating an overall EPC contract. Ltd.645 WESTERN SPACE & MARINE. email: cls@bcpengineers. email: cls@bcpengineers. proper machinery classification. September-October 2009 . fax: (727) 736-4157. email: manufacturing and procurement for 8 x 9.Contact: Chris Staubus. provides crane and hoist modernization services to improve overall performance of overhead lifting systems.wsminc. www. FOSAR ALARA Crane & Hoist Morris Material Handling. EPR™ facilities that will be licensed. email: skirschner@ stimulusworldwide. and Replacement Parts. and safety. Alstom. telephone: (727) 736-3151. telephone: (727) 736-3151. and an AREVA-led consortium with the China Nuclear Power Engineering Co. Modernizations can correct a wide range of crane and hoist deficiencies. fax: (727) 736-4157.AlstomWuhan Engineering & Technology 15 Nuclear Plant Hoists. Service modernizations from Morris Material Handling help customers achieve maximum real-time return on investment. Contact: Chris Staubus. The contract was signed between a consortium regrouping Alstom Power Turbomachines. Contact: Don Flood. modernizations can result in increased performance and reliability. telephone: (434) 732-2379. With a scope of $40 million in the contract. procurement and construction (EPC) contract for UniStar’s proposed Calvert Cliffs 3 nuclear energy facility project in Maryland. high spare parts turnover.352.S. email: dflood@ roe. These EDGs will be due for commissioning in 2013. high maintenance costs. restoring faulty or outdated overhead lifting systems to peak performance and and changes in manufacturing standards. LLC.shields@ power. and better spare parts availability. LUVS Reduce Exposure with WSM’s Lightweight Underwater Vacuum System “The perfect object retrieval system” Contracts Diesel Generators Alstom has won an order to supply eight new emergency diesel generators (EDGs) to the Taishan nuclear power plant in luvs_info@wsminc. Strategically planned. poor diagnostics. The EPC contract for Calvert Cliffs 3 is planned to be the first in a series of standardized EPC contracts for a fleet of U. the original equipment manufacturer of P&H® Cranes. developed and constructed as part of the UniStar Nuclear Energy business model. obsolete components. Patent No. Morris Material Handling can perform a complete overhaul of cranes and hoists—including vintage models—to help customers achieve a higher level of productivity. Contact: Steve Kirschner. Tax Specialist BCP Engineers & Consultants provides experienced. Fast. consortium partner Bechtel Power Corporation announced that they have signed a term sheet with Baltimore-based UniStar Nuclear Energy outlining the terms and conditions for an engineering. as the leader of the consortium will supply the design. inadequate capacity. Contact: Susan Hess. easy debris removal in liquid filled tanks U. approximately 350 PCB capacitors.C. to take effect in 2010. the sixth amongst those concluded between US utilities and TENEX in May-July 2009.hartz@ dayzim. telephone: (803) 796-2727. Engineering Contract The Shaw Group Inc. and refurbishment services in support of TVA and their partners. Federal programmatic needs have recently changed the state of use of the historic IPNS from operational status to facility transition mode. Summer Nuclear Station Unit SNS will provide the necessary planning. procurement and construction services for two new AP1000™ nuclear power units. Summer Unit 1 immediately and Units 2 and 3 once they are complete.A. Under this email: brian. package. email: tenex@tenex. Contact: Gentry Brann. Steam generators tubes first deliveries will occur at the end of 2013. This agreement reinforces the two companies’ cooperation and marks another important stage in the relationship between the two The contract. South Carolina. management. signed a multi-year contract to supply steam generator tubes. labor and equipment to electrically and mechanically dismantle. The project will commence in summer 2009 and will span approximately two years. Spain. operated by SCE&G and the South Carolina Public Service Authority (Santee Cooper). Contact: Andre Rochon. September-October 2009 . to supply low enriched uranium (LEU) directly to the American utility Constellation Energy Nuclear Group. With the award of this contract. telephone: (514) 787-4953. a subsidiary of Sandvik group. electrical and civil work primarily in the plant’s Turbine Building and other areas. modification. Part of the IPNS transition scope is to safely remove and dispose off-site. remove. follows the long-standing cooperation between AREVA and Central Nuclear de Trillo. This effort will consist of the replacement. The scope includes full-service maintenance and modification work as well as selected project work at their Salem and Hope Creek Nuclear Stations in Hancocks Bridge. Continued from page 15 assemblies and related services for the CNT 1 reactor. Contact: Andre Rochon. NJ. telephone: (514) 787-4953. DCC systems are used to monitor and control the major reactor and power plant functions at CANDU nuclear power plants. refueling outage and design engineering services to its V. respectively. modification. email: brian. and installation of major plant components by performing mechanical. email: gentry. – Eletronuclear of Brazil to upgrade its Angra 2 simulator at the Almirante Álvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Station. Simulator Upgrade L-3 MAPPS has signed an agreement with Eletrobrás Termonuclear S. Digital Control Computers L-3 MAPPS has won an order from Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) to replace the Gentilly-2 Nuclear Generating Station’s Digital Control Computers (DCCs). located in Jenkinsville. Contact: Brian Hartz. DZNPS will provide services to assist in the completion of TVA’s 16 announced the Maintenance and Fossil & Nuclear segments of its Power Group and Westinghouse Electric Company have been awarded a new long-term alliance contract with South Carolina Electric & Gas Company (SCE&G) to provide nuclear maintenance. PSEG Nuclear and Day & Zimmermann renew a successful longterm relationship that began in 1997. The contract is an extension of the relationship established by Shaw and Westinghouse to provide engineering. DZNPS will be providing managed task. Under the new contract. Russia. modification. Tennessee. (SNS) has been contracted by Argonne National Laboratory to remove Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) capacitors from the historic Intense Pulse Neutron Source (IPNS) Facility. Shaw will provide maintenance. This agreement. V. maintenance and modification. Summer Units 2 and 3. The DCC replacement project is part of a plant refurbishment project which will extend the life of Gentilly-2 until approximately the year 2040. secures critical supplies and enables the group to meet the strong global demand for future nuclear power plants. telephone: 33 1 34 96 12 15. refueling outage and design engineering services to V. Contact: Steve Garner. Contact: Brian Hartz. refurbishment. and relocate the capacitors to a staging area prior to disposal. Maintenance Contract Day & Zimmermann has been awarded a multi-year contract by PSEG Nuclear.. SG Tubes AREVA and Sandvik Materials Technology. telephone: 33 1 34 96 12 15. Sweden. This award. Watts Bar Unit 2 Nuclear Plant in Spring City. valued at almost 200 millions euros.. telephone: (225) 987-7372. provides for the LEU deliveries between 2015 and 2025. Contact: Julien Duperray.Contracts. Units 2 and 3 are scheduled for commercial operation dates of 2016 and 2019. telephone: (717) 391-3138. as part of the AREVA long-term strategy. Nuclear Plant email: sgarner@ siempelkamp-na. DOC Approval The United States Department of Commerce (DOC) approved a contract for the JSC Techsnabexport (TENEX).C. located in Guadalajara. Service Contract Day & Zimmermann NPS (DZNPS) announced that it has been awarded a $50Million Dollar contract by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). Contact: telephone: 7 495 545 00 45. Contact: Julien Duperray.brann@ shawgrp.hartz@ dayzim. telephone: (717) 391-3138. PCB Capacitors Removal Siempelkamp Nuclear Services. Right now our state-of-the-art technology is operating in over 100 reactors worldwide. specifically to our new Civil Nuclear division. the next chapter begins. So for Data Systems & Solutions customers it’s business as usual.rolls-royce. A division with the significant industrial infrastructure needed to play a major role in the global renaissance of nuclear power.For DS&S customers it’s business as usual. Trusted to deliver excellence www. After 30 years of . Data Systems & Solutions has transferred its nuclear instrumentation and controls activities to the parent company Rolls-Royce. GNF. milling. 6. Dec 2008) development. Product ID: 1018038. and Westinghouse had provided considerable proprietary information. This method is simple to understand and implement and remains consistent with the structure of 18 www. Price: $139. 2009. the fuel vendors. September-October 2009 . EPRI Yucca Mountain Total System Performance Assessment Code (IMARC) Version 10. This report provides a comprehensive review of the current state of knowledge of environmentally assisted cracking (EAC) cracking of materials used in light water reactors (LWRs). email: orders@epri. 786 pages. and waste packages. Published June. This information is used to evaluate the variability of the materials and to establish a basis from which prototypical alloy X-750 microstructures can be identified and/or manufactured for future testing to accurately assess the performance of this material in BWR environments. nuclear materials transportation. NC 28262. to fuel fabrication. Published June. Nondestructive Evaluation: Program Description for Performance Demonstration of Pressurized Water Reactor Upper Head Penetration Examination (2009 Update). 5.NuclearPlantJournal. 2009. with emphasis on climate change. 3. AREVA.95. Appendix G deterministic methodology. 2. After a historical review of nuclear reactors. and saturated zone. Published August. cladding. and multiple exposure pathways in the biosphere. Nuclear Maintenance Applications Center: Post Trip Voltage Prediction at Nuclear and Other Generating Stations. which is documented in EPRI report 1013421. and waste disposal. The above documents may be obtained from EPRI Order and Conference Center. including linkages. 2009. 2009. telephone: (800) 313-3774. Published July. 8. Two methods of post-trip voltage prediction are investigated.New Documents Book Nuclear Engineering Handbook. Published June. Product ID: 1016600. This report provides a review of the alloy X-750 components. EPRI 1. Version 10. Product ID: 1018535. Product ID: 1019101. Published August. fuel processing. The Materials Reliability Program (MRP) has directed the Inspection Issues Task Group (ITG) to establish a qualification program for the examination of pressurized water reactor (PWR) reactor pressure vessel upper head penetrations. A series of EPRI fuel reliability Guidelines were issued in 2008 in support of INPO’s Zero-by-2010 initiative. and benchmarking. Program on Technology Innovation: Review of Interaction Between Deformation and Oxidation/Corrosion in Environmentally-Assisted Cracking of LWR Materials. This new qualification program is being implemented to provide the utilities with a consistent and reliable examination approach for the upper head penetrations. followed by detailed descriptions of individual IMARC components. This report summarizes two postirradiation examination reports of GE-14 fuel operated at the Peach Bottom Unit 2 (PB2)—the plant had been identified as a “High Priority” plant (“Priority #1”) for GE-14 fueled plants and was recommended for inspection prior to the end of 2010. Published June. For the PCI Guideline (EPRI report 1015453. 2009. 7. Product ID: 1019478. 9. the book examines current changes in technology and explores future directions. Fuel Reliability Program: GNF PCI Guidelines Support Analyses: BWR Fuel PCI Margin Assessment. net infiltration. Two sound GE13 fuel rods were examined in the GE Hitachi Vallecitos Nuclear Center hot cells. groundwater percolation into repository drifts. 2009. com. This book provides an introduction to basic nuclear power and nuclear engineering development. A risk-informed procedure has been developed to define an optional alternative to the current ASME Section XI. Charlotte. and enrichment of uranium and thorium fuel resources. focusing of unsaturated zone groundwater flow. It describes all aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle from mining. This report summarizes IMARC. The objective of this Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) project is to investigate the possibility of predicting the switchyard voltage in a nuclear power plant (NPP) following a trip of a nuclear unit. Alloy X-750 Characterization Study. Appendix G deterministic method for determining leak test temperature and heat-up and cool-down pressuretemperature limits. waste form dissolution. Baseline Inspections of Global Nuclear Fuels (GNF) Fuel at Peach Bottom 2. Risk-Informed Method to Determine ASME Section XI Appendix G Limits for Ferritic Reactor Pressure Vessels: An Optional Approach Proposed for ASME Section XI Appendix G. Product ID: 1019314. 2009. unsaturated zone. The rods— one each from the Hatch 1 and Hatch 2 reactors—were retrieved to characterize their performance over three cycles relative to the presence of thick tenacious crud and a common cladding material lot that experienced corrosion-related failures in Browns Ferry 2. degradation of drip shields. 2009. Hot Cell Examination of Hatch 1 and 2 Fuel Rods. testing. containing details which are unique to GNF fuel. Published July. as well as their properties and fabrication methods that are present in operating BWRs. 2009. This report is a reference report to supplement the PCI Guideline. ISBN-1420053906.. Published August. radionuclide transport through the drifts. Product ID: 1019070. beginning with an overview of the Nuclear Plant Journal. by Ken Kok. BWRVIP-218: BWRVIP Vessel and Internals Project. Product ID: 1019036. 4. the current ASME Section XI. 1300 West WT Harris Blvd. Product ID: 1018712. Major IMARC FEPs are also described. com. telephone: 359 2 979 London. email: r.. telephone: 0086 10 6526 8150. fax: 32 2 505 39 02. Georgia. telephone: (212) 591-7856. Conference on Nuclear Power for the People. email: nuclearconference@ penwell.C. United Kingdom. telephone: 32 2 505 30 54. Veliko Turnovo. Inc. November 13-19. 2010. International Conference on Integrated Radioactive Waste Management in Future Fuel Cycles. Contact: Dirk Gombert. Florida. 7. United Kingdom. PenWell Corp. Las 14. telephone: (520) Naples. email: European Nuclear Society. 5. email: enc2010@ euronuclear. Omni Shoreham Hotel. 4. 2010. 2009. Canada. telephone: (770) 4471144. Contact: Lawrence Boing. telephone: 44 20 7936 6677. Hilton Toronto. 19. Seoul. 2010. Contact: IQPC. telephone: (800) 250-3678. email: enquire@iqpc. 2010. enc2010. International Atomic Energy Agency. Japan. United Kingdom. Idaho National Laboratory. 2009. Toronto. The Nuclear Institute. Phoenix Convention Center. telephone: 0800 652 2363. European Nuclear Conference. Tuscany Suites & Casino. Charleston. January 2627. International Conference on Public Information Materials Exchange: Defining Tomorrow’s Vision of Nuclear Energy PIME 2010. telephone: 32 2 505 30 54. Contact: Lin Yi. Nuclear Waste: The Challenge of Underground Storage and Disposal. September-October 2009 www. December 8-10. Argonne National Laboratory.epskamp@euronuclear. Contact: European Nuclear Society.aibn. American Conference Institute. Idaho Falls.Meeting & Training Calendar 1. 2009. 10. & Reutilization and Technology Expo. International Conference on Opportunities and Challenges for WaterCooled Nuclear Power Plants in the 21st email: mary@ wmarizona. Contact: Zaf Coelho. 11.Perkins@ AmericanConference. Vienna. 2009. Contact: Robert Hayman. Las Vegas. March 19 . Spain. Hungary. telephone: 43 12600 21315. email: zaf@ synergy-events. December 1-2. 16. 2009. November Republic of Korea. Contact: Kristy Perkins. Bulgaria. 12. email: lboing@anl. email: K. 18. telephone: (212) 352-3220 ext. email: linyinic@126. telephone: (208) 526-4624. Contact: Mary Young. 2009. 2009. Lake Buena Vista. Kuala Lumpur. May 30-June 3. Nuclear Industry. Contact: Denise Beijing. Decontamination. Nuclear New Build. Washington. October 25-29. Contact: Chris DeLance. 2009. Atlanta. Contact: Teri Ehresman. Contact: Melissa Torres. email: Teri. November 8-11. May 15. 15. Contact: Kirsten Epskamp. Contact: Libby Smith. Dexter House. 2009. Contact: Martina Khaelss. Barcelona. March 23-26. November 16-19. 21. 2010. NAC International. telephone: (918) 831-9560. Kyoto. telephone: (208) 526-7785. website: www. Kyoto International Conference 2010. telephone: (630) 252-6729. Tower Hill. Contact: John August 29-September 2. VIB Events. telephone: 65 6407 1498. London. 20. 6th Canadian Nuclear Society International Steam Generator Conference. December 7-9. Austria. February 14-17. World Nuclear University School on Radioisotopes. 9. February 2-4.June 4. email: cns-snc@ on. November 9-10. Arizona. 2010. November 15-19. Hotel Bolyarski. March 2-3. Contact: Bulgarian Nuclear Society. Contact: Melissa Fuentes.bas.. 2. December 7-11. Las Vegas Convention Center. email: melissafuentes@ vibevents. email: torresm@asme. Beijing International Exhibition and Economic Relations & Trade Association.Gombert@inl. email: kirsten. telephone: (416) China 2010: The 11th China International Nuclear Industry Exhibition. Ehresman@inl. Synergy Conference and Exhibitions. “Facility Decommissioning” Training Course. 2010 American Nuclear Society Topical Meeting and Decommissioning. Nuclear Power International. 2010. The 2ndAnnual Nuclear Power Congress. 8. 2009. Nuclear Power Asia. email: Dirk. Nuclear Plant Journal. telephone: 44 207 451 1520. Waste Management Symposia WM2010. email: pripesho@inrne. UK Nuclear Supply Chain Phoenix. 6. London. October 27-30. 493. email: cdelance@nacintl. org. Contact: Irina D. email: m.khaelss@iaea. Nuclear Spent Fuel Academy. Nevada. 2009 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition.hayman@nuclearinst. 2009. 2009. 13. American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo. 2010. Malaysia. International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Challenges and Opportunities (FR09). Idaho. International Atomic Energy Agency.NuclearPlantJournal. Florida. email: bohlander@ earlbeckwith. South Carolina. Budapest. email: rischool@world-nuclearuniversity. Nevada. fax: 020 8695 8229. Contact: Sharon Bohlander. gov. 65260852. The process is very disciplined. Then we have the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board that will review those contentions as we review the application. sufficient details to be able to set the schedule and begin our reviews. we take it in. Director of the Office of Enforcement. and if there are contentions those get dealt with by the licensing board. He began his current position. Analyses & Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC) we’ll check those off. sometimes with additional questions.S. U. 2. Then we will begin our review. It is a much more tight rigorous process up front. and then we accept that application. We really rely on making it available electronically. But by-and-large those applications are available to the public to review and all you need is access to the internet. Editor. to what extend are they meeting USNRC’s expectations? We all along have said we want high quality submittals. we work with the applicant before we get the application to try to make sure they understand the process. How does NRC ensure that the plant has been constructed in accordance with the design which was submitted to the NRC and approved by NRC during the combined operating license application? If we find that the licensee built the plant in accordance with the license by inspecting things called Inspections.S. What is the current process of public hearings in the new licensing system? The process is called a one step process compared to the previous process that was referred to as the two step process. How many combined operating license applications have been received by USNRC? Right now I think the count is up to 18 applications for 28 units. You can go electronically and pull up those applications and look through what has been submitted in terms of the application with the exception of portions that aren’t publicly available.NuclearPlantJournal. and Deputy Director of the Office of Research. 1. As a matter of fact. How does NRC comply with Freedom of Information Act in making the plant documents available to the public? Actually what we have is an electronic system that we call ADAMS (Agency Document and Management System) and you can go into ADAMS and find each of the applications we are An interview by Newal Agnihotri. He received a B. September-October 2009 . Nuclear Plant Journal at the Utility Working Conference in Amelia Island. Naval Academy and served in the nuclear submarine force for 7 years. (Continued on page 22) www. The other thing we do shortly thereafter is publish an opportunity to make the public aware that if they have contentions with respect to an application that there is a process they can go through to raise those contentions. an application is submitted by the applicant. We expect a few more to trickle in. The opportunity for public intervention happens before the licensing. 3. once we are into construction there isn’t any additional chance for contending that an ITAAC wasn’t met. But we have a majority of those applications that we thought we were going to get in this first wave. 5. Following that we issue the license and that is authority for the licensee at that point to build a plant. We complete our review of the application. Florida on August 4. How is the quality of applications being submitted by the utilities? And also. degree in Ocean Engineering from the U. same opportunity for public intervention but much more predictable than the previous two step process. we’ll agree that they’re finished. If there are no contentions at the end of the process there is a mandatory hearing. we issue a notice that we received that application. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.Shared Expectations with the Licensee By Michael Johnson. This process works like this. I think it’s going fairly well and we expect the quality of applications will continue to improve and in fact we’re going to work to make sure the quality of applications continue to improve in the future. as Director of the Office of New Reactors in May 2008. we review the application to make sure it’s sufficient and everything is complete. I would say not all of the applications meet our expectations on quality but we have been able to accept the overwhelming majority of applications that we’ve gotten and we have been able to get. Nuclear Plant Journal. reviewing. Tests. 20 Michael Johnson Mike Johnson joined the NRC in 1986 and has held increasingly responsible positions including Deputy Division Director in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.S. What we’ve done is provide ample opportunity early in the process for the public to be comfortable and to have their issues addressed before the licensing decision. 4. understand what we expect in the application in addition to the written requirements that we have. Bechtel Nuclear: Building on the Past Powering the Future Bechtel Power has been the active world leader in the nuclear industry for more than 60 years with more than 74. construction and operating plant support experience. Maryland.000 MW of nuclear design. including construction and operating license applications. EPC. BECHTEL POWER Frederick. From plant restarts and completions to steam generator replacements and extended power uprates. and owner’s engineer/program management. Today. we are leading the nuclear renaissance in the United States. We have designed and/or built more than half of the nuclear power plants in the United States and 150 nuclear power plants worldwide. We also offer a full range of services for new-generation nuclear plants. we’re helping customers get the most out of existing ◆ Houston New Delhi Shanghai . USA San Francisco ◆ ◆ ◆ 1-301-228-8364 London ◆ ◆ bechtel. gov/reactors/ new-reactors/col. and about 35% we will actually inspect that they have been met. So that’s one example of sharing the expectations. We make sure that they don’t have any questions. we’re reviewing other applications. We are in a role of reviewing. Every one of those ITAAC has to be certified by the licensee as met. Continued from page 20 There are specific criteria that the licensee has to meet. that is we’ll write as much as we can and where we have open items we will spell out what those open items are. If you go to www. that the piece of the ITAAC is being satisfied and we have to make sure that it’s being satisfied so that when that module is brought to the site and loaded in we’re comfortable. 22 www. If they have a really complete application and if they don’t try anything exotic then that’s an application that’s predictable and that’s a review that will be MD 20852. We’ll review them. The AP1000 is going to contain modules and some of the ITAAC relate to the modular construction. September-October 2009 . What is the work force working in reviewing the current license applications? We have approximately 500 people working in the new reactor area. 6. it’s agreed upon in advance with the applicant and we have expectations for us and we have expectations for their response times.williams@ nrc. for example for the first plant-. The detailed schedule has major milestones. and we provide lots of opportunities to them so they understand what the application needs to look like before they send Nuclear Plant Journal. How does USNRC communicate with the licensee indicating their schedule expectation so that the review proceeds in a timely manner? With respect to the schedule. email: donna. Those things have to be met to ensure that the plant that is sitting there at the end of construction matches the design of what we approved. 7. I think AP1000 has roughly 800 or 900 ITAAC. so one of the things we’re going to do is actually go to where those modules are going to be constructed to make sure that again if there is an ITAAC that relates to that module then in fact the applicant has to make sure that we know that they satisfied that aspect. we share that schedule with them.. So that’s another example of how we try to make sure that there are shared expectations. So. in pre-application. we talk about the schedule before we issue it. If they have an application where they want to try a new analysis that we. there will have to be some additional testing and analysis on their part. Then the application begins to take a little bit longer in terms of the schedule. The last phase is the issuance of the final safety evaluation report.Shared Expectations.html. US NRC. haven’t approved of. It’s the responsibility of the licensee to make sure every one of those ITAAC are met. we then have questions we want to ask. we share that schedule in detail. 11545 Rockville Pike. you can go to a specific plant and find the review schedule that we have issued to them. including managers and staff. before they even submit the application we meet with them. We also have attorneys. Contact: Donna Williams. telephone (301) 415-1322. fax (301) 415-6323. and review on our part. So now we’ve told them what the application should look like. and we told them what we’re going to use to review their application and they have all of that information before they submit the application. There is a date associated with that draft for all the chapters we are reviewing. When the Commission finds that they are met then the licensee can load fuel and begin operating the plant.NuclearPlantJournal. We’ve issued a regulatory guide which describes the form and content of what that application has to look like.. That schedule exists in what we call an Enterprise Project Management system and we use that schedule for all of our reviewers to be able to schedule their time in reviewing the applications. That schedule really is an agreement between us and the applicant about how we’re going to proceed through the review of that application. but a majority of them are. We then take that to phase three where we take all of those chapters to our Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards and they’ll review it and give us comments on it. We’ve revised that and we share that so that applicants know what we’re going to be looking at when we review their application. We have a schedule that says if we’re going to ask questions we’re going to ask them at this time frame and we’re going to assume that the applicants take this much time to get back to us.nrc. 8. In addition to that. That’s all publicly available. If it’s going to take longer you need to let us know because we’re not just reviewing your application.the reference combined operating license plant has a six phase review. Not all of them are in my office. We’ve scheduled reviewers’ times on specific aspects of that application. and we make that schedule publicly available. Rockville. How does NRC communicate with the applicant ensuring that the applicant understands NRC’s expectations? We’ve done a lot to share expectations with the applicants. We have something called a Standard Review Plan which is what our reviewers use to review the submittal. we’ll then decide how long it’s going to take us to go through the review to get to the point where we can issue the license. Phase two for example is that we will complete the safety evaluation report with open items. let’s suppose we review a section of the application that relates to the balance of plant. or they want to try a new design that we haven’t seen. for example. once we have their application and we look through their application in detail and decide to accept it. Whatever it will take. we anticipate engaging a lead plant customer by 2011. and construct nuclear reactors. A combined operating license application (COLA) would be submitted to the NRC as early as 2012. This is a very limited external supply chain.NuclearPlantJournal. Mowry is leading the development. with its significant use of factory assembled systems. ready for installation. and we believe B&W has two critical advantages that will help us through the licensing process. This interest stems from B&W’s demonstrated ability to design. September-October 2009 www. B&W notified the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in April 2009 of our intent to submit an application for design certification of our new B&W mPower™ modular nuclear reactor. They provide us with a global perspective on the application of nuclear energy for commercial power generation and ensure that our design broadly envelopes a wide range of functional and licensing . Please provide the status of B&W’s efforts in licensing its mPower. we have the European utility Vattenfall and the Canadian-based Bruce Power participating.S. We have the only operational manufacturing facilities in North America for heavy nuclear components and pressure vessels. That would support construction of a plant starting in 2015. everyone involved in nuclear power understands that timely regulatory approval is critical to the success of commercial power projects. we also plan to have the turbine generator manufactured as a complete module and shipped to the plant site. patents related to digital control systems. This modular approach. We have now begun licensing activities with the NRC. 3. we have had exceptional and early interest from utilities. Which utilities internationally have expressed interest in mPower plants? Please include any alliances already established with International utilities. In addition to the B&W mPower reactor NSSS module. which is giving us solid guidance as our reactor development work continues. the only significant elements of the module that B&W will probably not manufacture itself are the internal pumps and the forgings. As such. Nuclear Plant Journal. First. Editor of Nuclear Plant Journal. What modular construction techniques or other advanced construction techniques are used in B&W’s mPower plants? The B&W mPower reactor is fundamentally modular in a way that is different from other attempts to modularize the construction of more traditional large nuclear reactors. and one that we still would like to keep American. 4. allows us to provide customers with the improved project cost and schedule certainty that they need to proceed with new build projects. manufacture. 1.Improved Cost & Schedule By Christofer M. Mowry Christofer M. with the first public pre-application meeting having been held on July 7. The entire B&W mPower nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) is manufactured as an integral module within one pressure vessel in our existing facilities across North America. Pennsylvania. one that gives us significant cost and quality advantages over the traditional approach to constructing the nuclear island at the plant site. Mowry is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Babcock & Wilcox Modular Nuclear Energy. Christofer holds a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Drexel University in Philadelphia.S. Christofer M. LLC. LLC. 2009. vertically integrated supply chain for this NSSS module. Are there any safety features built into B&W mPower to address post 9/11 safety issues? (Continued on page 24) 23 Responses to questions by Newal Agnihotri. Pennsylvania. In parallel with the NRC review of our design. a unique set of assets that provides industry with the assurance that we can deliver a modular nuclear reactor in the near term. He also earned a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and a Bachelor of Arts in Astronomy from Swarthmore College in Swarthmore. Mowry. Babcock & Wilcox Modular Nuclear Energy. when we are in the final phase of the reactor design program. Many of these utilities serve on our Industry Advisory Council. and international utilities about the ability of the B&W mPower reactor design to address their needs. Clearly. B&W intends to submit our Design Certification Application (DCA) in early 2012.S. we view the B&W mPower nuclear plant construction process more like that of a combined-cycle gas turbine power plant than a traditional commercial nuclear plant. license. We have a very short. which has provided significant credibility to our program. Mr. 2. He holds four U. In addition to the domestic U. Over the past year we have been in discussions with numerous U. and there is broad customer interest in our solution. licensing and delivery of B&W mPower(tm) nuclear power plants. In fact. This schedule could then potentially bring the first B&W mPower reactor online in 2018 or 2019. In this role. utilities who sit on our Council. the B&W mPower reactor design philosophy helps minimize the environmental impact of new power generation. by building the containment underground. The B&W mPower reactor. Please describe briefly key design features of B&W mPower. and the use of standard . Do NSSS vendors in the current day and age have more licensing. a technology that embraces the most reliable. self-contained reactor module. In principle. Four B&W mPower(tm) nuclear reactors configured as a 500 megawatt nuclear power plant advantages in meeting the NRC’s new airplane impact rule. How is construction of B&W mPower financed in the United States and in other countries worldwide? Construction of nuclear power plants around the world is financed using a variety of mechanisms. This ALWR embraces the best features of today’s proven nuclear designs. and our B&W mPower reactor is well suited for turnkey type projects with its factory manufactured systems and modular design that enhances cost certainty and reduce project schedules. nuclear operating companies are looking for that vendor to step forward with a more turnkey. Interestingly. Once the NSSS vendor has a certified design. One or more of these methods could be used to finance construction of a B&W mPower reactor. There are many other technical innovations that we believe will lower risk. and enhance nuclear security. The new licensing approach in the U. 7.. and construction responsibility than the vendors in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s? In many respects. reactor coolant. and most practical elements of The scalable nature of the B&W mPower reactor will provide customers with practical. 5. most efficient. the protected underground containment that can store spent fuel throughout the planned 60-year plant life. As a result. design. government loan guarantees. We believe this is a permanent shift in market dynamics. meaningful 125 megawatt power increments. lower cost. 6.. and direct government subsidies. financial institution lending. making the facility more secure against potential security threats. containment. Continued from page 23 The most significant new security feature is that the entire nuclear island. particularly for small and medium-size utilities. Equally important. including direct utility investment.Improved Cost. Use of conventional fuel. one reason we see the B&W mPower reactor as a potential “game-changer” for the commercial nuclear power industry is its ability to mitigate project financing challenges. In addition. Among them. and power conversion equipment contributes to reliable. This underground nuclear island design approach mitigates against the potential risks from external threats and has many technical and cost already-demonstrated capabilities without expanding into untested fourth generation concepts. depending on the customer’s location and ownership structure. by avoiding the use of watercooled condensers. and engineered safeguards. More specifically. is located below ground level.S. the five-year operating cycle between refueling outages. an approach designed to meet local energy needs within existing transmission and site constraints. we believe the B&W mPower reactor should be considered Generation III ++ nuclear technology. including the reactor. A nuclear plant built with our reactor modules can be constructed sequentially. this is solely the responsibility of the NSSS vendor and is an activity that is independent of any particular utility sponsored construction program. In today’s financial environment the cost of a large nuclear power project is more than the entire market capitalization of all but the largest utilities. integrating them into a single. The B&W mPower reactor will be a passively safe advanced light water reactor (ALWR). efficient plant operations by building on today’s exceptional light water reactor industry operating experience. all used fuel from the reactor is stored within the underground containment. firm priced offering that shifts the burden of project execution excellence more strongly toward the vendor. an approach that should promote better coordination with evolving regional energy demands and improve overall project financial performance. starts with the certification of a standard nuclear reactor design. and by creating a reduced site footprint. low-enriched uranium (<5%) that is currently in use with all operating Light Water Reactors in the United States. yes they do. the passively safe light water reactor design and robust reactor operating margins should minimize NRC certification challenges by conforming to existing licensing protocol. com SEAL MASTER CORPORATION 368 MARTINEL DRIVE.S. What are your plans for promoting B&W’s mPower plants in China. © 2009 Seal Master Corporation JNT Technical Services Inc. will be in strong demand. OH 44240-4368 USA (800) 477-8436 / (330) 673-8410 • FAX (330) 673-8242 E-mail: info@sealmaster. 800 Main Street.jnt-tech-serv. email: meshepherd@babcock. We can size the B&W mPower reactor nuclear plant to match local constraints on transmission grid capacity and electrical demand. Typically any single power plant should not supply more than about 10 percent of a transmission grid’s total electrical load to ensure good system reliability. SEALS. including forming alliances. creative problem solving. nuclear plant generating capacity can also grow as the electrical load increases. Additional reactor modules at a plant site can be deployed to coincide with changing regional energy demands and therefore soften project capital requirements. Do new countries such as Vietnam. Our plans are to focus first on getting U. LLC.speedboltheating.COM Turbine Horizontal Joints Boiler Feed Pumps Stop/Reheat Valves Main Steam Valves Loop Stop Isolation Valves Reactor Coolant Pumps www. IL 60435 Phone: 815 727-6301 Fax: 815 727-4835 www.with its scalable modular design. global appeal. However. Shepherd. Does B&W plan to form EPC alliances for constructing mPower plants in the United States or in other countries? B&W is still early in the process of developing our project construction approach. government officials and journalists all over the world since we publicly introduced our B&W mPower reactor program in June. many areas around the globe. This reactor hits the sweet spot for power generation needs in many. nuclear plants in the 250-500 MWe size range may be most appropriate considering this constraint. ACTUATORS.powerhousetool. 2009. Thailand. India and any other countries? The B&W mPower reactor has already demonstrated diverse. enthusiasm. But we also see this reactor having appeal in other developing regions where clean. so we’re looking at all the possibilities. NRC design certification and securing a lead plant customer using the NRC licensing framework. reliable power generation is in demand. as well as emerging markets. For developing countries with limited grid capacity and electrical loads. telephone: (434) 522-5163. and Indonesia consider mPower due to their limited grid capability? The ability to provide flexible. industry experts. VA 24504. scalable nuclear generation is a key advantage for our B&W mPower reactor. KENT. Since B&W mPower reactor modules can be added in 125 MWe increments. 10. for all the reasons we have been discussing. The Middle East is one such area where we believe that the B&W mPower reactor. 8. as well as safe and reliable – not just for the large nuclear operating companies. Babcock & Wilcox Modular Nuclear Energy. India is an attractive future market given its huge demand for new power generation and the stated desire for nuclear to provide a significant fraction of the overall energy supply. including both developed nuclear markets such as Europe and Canada. brings with it inherently improved project cash flow and a flexible plant size that can be increased in 125 megawatt increments. We view the B&W mPower reactor in many ways as the nuclear power solution for the common man. unmatched experience and follow-through… that’s Seal Master for sure!” DESIGN ASSISTANCE OFFERED – WWW. 626 Nicholson Street. we expect that the business will grow quickly across other regions of the world. New Jersey 07643 Phone: 201 641-2130 Fax: 201 641-2309 Power House Tool Inc. Contact: Michael E. Clearly. GRIPPERS & PNEUMATIC SPECIALTIES FABRIC-REINFORCED FOR STRENGTH & STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY Speed Heating Applications: “Technical expertise. I’ve talked to . We’ve gotten a tremendous level of interest no matter where we’ve Serving the nuclear industry since 85 Industrial Avenue Little Ferry. Lynchburg. 9.SEALMASTER. It will be practical and affordable. We haven’t made any firm decisions on how we will proceed with this aspect of the program. Joliet. but also for the broader global energy market. Optimal radiation protection is ensured first by following and coordinating with the owner’s ALARA and radiation protection programs and procedures. both direct and remote. How does Day & Zimmermann ensure optimal radiation protection. (Continued on page 28) www. During work on a project. and facilities to perform their scheduled work. McMahon holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Drexel University and has completed graduate coursework at The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. should be instituted. The preoutage atmosphere established by these supervisors for their work crews also defines the questioning attitude that the crews will embrace during the outage. a provider of diversified services and products. appropriate components and models.NuclearPlantJournal. The five pillars are safety planning. individual and collective responsibilities). This group ensures the work crews will have an efficient and identified path to accomplish the various outage scopes and that there is clear line of sight on industrial and radiological safety goals. In Nuclear Plant Journal. Day & Zimmermann Power Services. based on the belief that all safety incidents are preventable. There must be a full review of project scope. we perform estimates and develop and maintain cost control activities. Pennsylvania. training and orientation. As the beginning of the outage draws near. to ensure conditions have not changed from the prejob brief. starting with a review of individual work packages for work required to ensure steps support the identified task. There should be health physics training and clearly established expectations for all workers. fitness for duty programs. the correct component has been identified and each worker fully understands their Responses to questions by Newal Agnihotri. What planning is undertaken by Day & Zimmermann before it commences its maintenance or refueling outage tasks? Standard practices prior to beginning work on maintenance or refueling tasks include developing work plans and training orientations and developing safety plans specific to the outage. for Day & Zimmermann. materials. headquartered in Philadelphia. which McMahon oversees. which is a program of values. The specificity and intensity of these standard practices increase to include establishing work facilities such that the group will have required equipment. and mock-ups should be used. Prior to beginning work on a site. 26 Mike McMahon Mike McMahon is president. hazards have been mitigated. Technical documentation provided in work packages must be reviewed for completeness. culture. work process efficiency. 2. cost tracking. Overall planning occurs over an eighteen month cycle and follows the T-Minus regimen beginning at T-12 months.Committed to Safety & Quality By Mike McMahon. Power Services. Scheduling and resource loading. 1. Editor of Nuclear Plant Journal. we perform independent outage readiness assessments. and that the necessary human performance tools are in place to address the assigned scope of work. The T-12 regimen is the planning activity used by nuclear facilities that specifies the scheduled and required actions and milestones leading up to the start of a refueling outage at a nuclear power plant. Finally. recognized human performance tools such as twominute reviews (a commonly practiced integrated safety management and human performance error prevention tool where a worker or group of workers takes two minutes to stop when arriving at the job site where a task is be performed. Tracking and monitoring of exposure is important for possible corrective action. best practices. and commitment that establishes an attainable goal of zero injuries. peer checking. September-October 2009 . it is important to prepare site and project specific safety plans and implement dose estimate planning and prejob briefings. and incident reporting and investigation directed at an uncompromising intolerance for “at-risk” behaviors. centering on fitness for duty and the qualifications to perform the work. Observation programs. including developing ramp up and ramp down histograms that support the work scope and budget must be completed. The Power Services group. the efforts center on pre-outage supervisors who are ideally assigned to the site approximately six (6) to ten (10) weeks prior to the arrival of the larger number of project staff and craft necessary for execution. and cost reporting. Day & Zimmermann Power’s Safety program centers on the Construction Industry Institute's (CII) Five Pillars Program. includes all maintenance and modification operations and related specialty services provided through the Day & Zimmermann NPS ® and DZ Atlantic businesses. safety recognition. ensuring the safety of its workers during its projects? Safety is first and foremost in everyone’s mind as they accomplish various projects. com .urenco.confidence in the future Our uranium enrichment technology is a revolutionary force in the nuclear fuel cycle. As the cleanest and most energy-efficient technology. In so doing. it provides a sustainable energy supply for nuclear power which helps ensure security of supply and affordability. Urenco is ideally placed to give a reliable and flexible source of support to the nuclear industry. www. As an independent energy and technology group with global leadership in centrifuge technology. it ensures nuclear energy is a viable option as part of a balanced energy mix. Principle actions are safety planning and adherence. equipment isolation requirements. This commitment is executed by preparing a good plan. human performance. 6. identifying heavy loads and safety related load paths. approximately one to two weeks prior to the outage/orientation efforts. Resource cost estimates identify conformance or impact on the assigned budget. rigging services needed. availability of materials. and regulation are followed by Day & Zimmermann to ensure safe and efficient maintenance and refueling outage of its projects? To ensure safe and efficient maintenance and refueling activities Day & Zimmermann Power adheres to and is 28 www. What guidelines. managing defenses. The highlighting of industry “best practices” and bringing them to the attention of the utility/supervision has always been a method of ensuring quality and efficiency in worker performance. or special tools to perform repairs must be determined. QA acceptance (if appropriate) and staging must be completed. electrical. Foreign Material Exclusion (FME) controls. including Day & Zimmermann Power’s internal technical and safety training programs. we establish skill requirements and training needed to perform all documented work within the scope. heat stress management. modification and construction oversight. lay down areas in the power block.. Additionally. diagnostic equipment. how to motivate employees. as well as special requirements for interface with other groups for inspections or documentation. Push back on work package elements or items of inconsistency are encouraged. How does Day & Zimmermann ensure the quality of its maintenance tasks during normal plant operation and during refueling outage? Day & Zimmermann Power does not typically coordinate preventative maintenance tasks during normal plant operation. and supervisor safety expectations. etc.. How does Day & Zimmermann train its staff (crafts and engineering) for its maintenance and refueling outage projects? Training is largely dependent on work scope and comes in many varieties. Supervisors have the responsibility for ensuring the worksite begins with and maintains a safe working and housekeeping environment during the maintenance period. insulation. and protected activity and retaliation.) developed with owners. Work must be scheduled so that resource requirements support outage windows and the timeframe allowed. These requirements result in identification of the specific technical qualifications for each group of workers. outage planning. and accessibility of components. ’Just in Time’ training of supervision (foremen and above) is conducted on-site prior to an outage evolution. valve. high quality workmanship. Day & Zimmermann Power’s senior management and project managers have a weekly conference call that allows the sharing of best practices and lessons learned from our experience around the country and the updating of the database we maintain for future reference. handling employee concerns properly. and project management for the past three years that allow a constant “scorecard” on these efforts. Day & Zimmermann Power’s organizational efforts have also included the development and digitization of web-based tools for safety. basic supervisory skills.NuclearPlantJournal. This includes a variety of tasks such as identifying the need for scaffold. and handling harassment and sensitivity issues.. etc. What organizational efforts are implemented to ensure that the plant is returned to normal operation within the allotted time it’s scheduled for refueling outage? Day & Zimmermann Power believes ensuring a return to normal operations requires definitive buy-in and insistence that safety plus quality will equal productivity (S+Q = P). importance of good documentation. industry standard. All work schedules and resource ramp plans should then be bound to the requirements of 10CFR26 “Fatigue Rule” limits. Requirement for support equipment. special journeyman training (welding. establishing clear expectations for supervisory oversight. monitoring productivity through the schedule and establishing contingency plans. and just-in-time efforts. union apprentice training. Specialty services provided by Day & Zimmermann Power such as its Valve Division are almost entirely focused on refueling outages. Supervisors can then coordinate with the training resources to establish qualification requirements and schedule necessary training events. the quality of the work relies on a questioning attitude by both the individual worker and the supervisors. Nuclear Plant Journal. confined space entries. Prior to any work beginning. temporary power and light. and the necessary additional training to meet all generic and unique requirements imposed by the work scope. facilitating coordination between the owner and the outage contractor.Committed to. We are usually providing maintenance and modification services. Human Performance training is behavior-based and focuses on error detection and prevention tools. Basic Supervisory Skills training teaches effective communication. other work scheduled in the area. September-October 2009 . Redundant or duplicated work tasks should be identified in order to optimize work scheduling. Identification of required parts and their status as to procurement. fostering a safety-conscious work environment (SCWE). trade school. ensuring proper resource loading. off and on-site mock-up training. handling performance problems. Continued from page 26 A walk down of worksites for each package determines whether work can be performed safely and to plan. 4. they must establish the proper mental atmosphere to maintain a questioning attitude and instill that attitude in all of their work crews. Here again. chemical use planning. Level loading of resources can soften peaks and determine the appropriate hiring and release dates to support schedule. and verbatim procedural adherence. The core elements of this program are ‘Just in Time’ training of supervisors. and local community colleges. 5. This would include points of contact and schedules. com 29 . A plan is developed that balances the work scope requirements against the qualifications currently to identify gaps. We are working with utilities and providing training and skill evaluation at the sites both prior to the outages and as an ongoing program for non-outage periods. 1971 – “Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel” ANSI/ASME N45. Day & Zimmermann’s internal guidelines includes its in-house PET (Project Execution Tool) program.1 – “American National Standard for Selection. Sections III. 7.1. Safety. This varies from contract to contract and plant to plant but allows an assessment of training required. ASME Section III – Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components ASME Section V – Nondestructive Examination ASME Section IX – Welding and Brazing Qualifications ASME Section XI – Rules for Inservice inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components ANSI N18. Typically how many months before the refueling outage does Day & Zimmermann start planning to ensure crew training? The planning for some work scopes usually follows a range of six (6) to twelve (12) months. As an ongoing solution Day & Zimmermann Power continues its work with the EPRI Standardized Task Evaluation group to establish portable qualifications which meet the need of the for more information and to register. Applicable ASME/ANSI Standards including.1.1. Health). Part 50.nace. V.2. (Continued on page 30) What does it take to be a nuclear coating inspector? More than a background check! Nuclear Power Plant Training for Coating Inspectors The first coating inspection training specifically designed for the nuclear power generation industry.NuclearPlantJournal. peer reviews. readiness assessments. Many of our workers are already qualified in this area.6 assist to ensure the qualification of personnel. The program is regularly audited internally and by Nuclear Procurement Issues Committee (NUPIC) teams to ensure compliance to requirements. but not necessarily limited to ANSI 18. IX. Qualification and Training of Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants” Day & Zimmermann Power’s Quality Assurance Program is written to meet the requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations. and consistent reviews of best practices and lessons learned efforts. September-October 2009 www. and X. Many specialty areas do not have a continuous on-site presence. 1978 – “Qualification of Inspection. Examination and Testing Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants” ANSI/ANS. and N45.6. Visit compliance with industry standards imposed upon nuclear utility licensees. Training assessments for these areas center on the project group brought to site prior to the outage. Nuclear Plant Journal.2. Title 10. Day & Zimmermann Power employs various training regimens to deal with any disparities. the Construction Industry Institute’s Zero Injury program in conjunction with our internal web-based ESH tool (Environmental. These include the applicable sections of the American Society of Mechanical Engineer Codes. ANSI 3. Appendix B with supporting daughter standards. structured post-outage self-assessments noting issues encountered during the outage.mcmahon@ dayzim.. In last year’s Directory. Corporate Capabilities Section 2010 Nuclear Plant Journal's Product & Service Directory 2010 Corporate Capabilities Section Organizations have an opportunity to list their products and services in the Corporate Capabilities section. Day & Zimmermann Power also makes significant use of pre and post-outage assessment and challenge teams.NuclearPlantJournal..... help recording issues for best practices and lessons learned. Day & Zimmermann Power is proceeding with “N” and “NPT” stamp accreditation at the urging of customers and original equipment manufacturers (OEM’s)..... X103 Fax: (630) 858-8787 E-mail: NPJ@goinfo.... Corporate Capability Listing Cost There will be $35 flat fee plus an additional cost of $7. Day & Zimmermann Power Services...... 9. Suite 101. For more information. $200 2-color logo ... and “U” code stamps for any nonnuclear construction that will apply to this www. The company logo (black and white or color) may also be included with the contact information at an additional cost.. The supplier contact information will be included with the Corporate Capabilities listing at no additional cost.. Discounts do not apply to the Corporate Capabilities Section. email: mike..... and an on-going commitment to the resultant corrective actions going forward.. September-October 2009 .Committed to..... Is Day & Zimmermann considering modular construction (fabrication) to support the new nuclear power plant construction? Day & Zimmermann Power’s recent acquisition and major renovations to facilities in Moss The NPJ Product & Service Directory provides the most current industry information every year. “S”. Additionally.... The facility’s ISO 9001:2000 accreditation is eminent. This process produces a high return rate of these professionals for future outages and their understanding of the processes and value of critique documents and other business practices important to the nuclear industry........ telephone: (717) 481-5600. All processes and procedures are monitored and revised as necessary in order to maintain compliance with the dynamic environment of the nuclear industry..... How does Day & Zimmermann ensure that the maintenance and outage management staff and supervisors complete the maintenance and outage experience critique documents after the maintenance and refueling outages are completed for future reference? Specific activities with maintenance and outage management staff and supervisors include conducting exit interviews and written suggestions for improvement..... fabrication...000 square foot site that is capable of substantial modular assembly/construction. $850 The logo must be smaller than 2" wide by 1" deep and may be submitted electronically... Each listing in the Corporate Capabilities section will include the supplier’s contact information (name.. Continued from page 29 8. e-mail and web site addresses)..... real-time documented delay/impact forms support. PA 17601. 1866 Colonial Village Lane. Lancaster.. 30 www... mailing Nuclear Plant Journal. please contact: Nuclear Plant Journal 799 Roosevelt Road Building 6.......... Contact: Mike McMahon.. Mississippi have created a 20 The facility’s production and quality processes are already in compliance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors in support of our “R”... and machining services for all but the largest pressure vessels involved in new nuclear power plant construction.. The process allows these individuals to plan their outage schedules for as much as twelve to eighteen months in advance. 190. about 120 organizations listed their products and services in the Corporate Capability section.50 per product or service included in the Corporate Capabilities section.. phone and fax numbers. $500 4-color logo .NuclearPlantJournal.. Features This section includes a comprehensive listing of an organization’s featured products and services in one central location.... IL 60137-5925 USA Phone: (630) 858-6161.......... Logo Cost & Specifications The company logo may be used to enhance the Corporate Capabilities listing for an additional cost (per logo) of: black & white . Day & Zimmermann uses an internal planning system called “blueprinting” for all its professional contingency talent. Suite 208 Glen Ellyn. PLC’s (programmable logic controller). As a Responses to questions by Newal Agnihotri. this experience—in combination with whole system changeouts in the domestic nuclear fleet—has refined our capabilities and expertise to the extent that we have become an OEM of many different equipment types.2 “IEEE Standard Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Generating Stations”. PLCs. qualification and supply of replacement motor control center (MCC) cubicles. etc. In order to keep supplying needed equipment to the nuclear industry. 10CFR21 and ASME NQA-1 Quality Assurance Program. ASME Section III Equipment (valves.NuclearPlantJournal. 1. except for circuit boards which are stored to Level A requirements. With a B. Irish is the Vice President of Sales & Marketing for Nuclear Logistics. Receiving. Joining the company 15 years ago when there were only 15 employees. These models may include NLI acquiring the design (Continued on page 32) www. Electrical Distribution (LV and MV switchgear. Nuclear Plant Journal.2 (“Packaging. fans. MCCs. A/C units. air-handlers.S. Mr. to organizations who have stopped manufacturing a certain equipment or instrument to reconsider reviving the production in view of the new nuclear power plant industry? NLI partners with many different companies who have stopped manufacturing a certain product line or have left the nuclear industry altogether. Storage and Handling of Items for Nuclear Power Plants”) Level B requirements. and construction? NLI is actively involved in the design. The software Verification and Validation (V&V) of digital equipment includes all activities associated with upgrading digital equipment including seismic testing. Irish has over 20 years of extensive experience with material certification. What incentives are provided by Nuclear Logistics Inc. battery racks. dedication. September-October 2009 result of supplying thousands of these replacement cubicles.7 and NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-22. dedication. fabrication. going on to expand his capabilities within the corporate environs of National Technical Systems (NTS). we use different business models to develop acceptable solutions with each individual manufacturer. qualification and supply of the equipment to meet our clients’ unique requirements. Inc. pumps. What is Nuclear Logistics Inc. What is Nuclear Logistics Inc. nuclear plant construction in many different equipment areas including Standby Power (batteries. All components are stocked in accordance with the NLI 10CFR50 Appendix B. bargraph indicators. Nuclear Logistics.2. and Instrumentation (level and flow meters.’s contribution in digital upgrade at nuclear power plants? NLI is a leader in the nuclear industry in regards to performing upgrades of commercially available digital equipment for safety-related use within NPPs. Editor of Nuclear Plant Journal. 2. (chillers. and transformers). EPRI TR-106439 “Guidelines on Evaluation and Acceptance of Commercial Grade Digital Equipment for Nuclear Safety Applications”.3. cooling coils. fabrication. replacement C&D Technologies battery charger circuit boards. (NLI). 3.Solving Equipment Reliability Issues By Craig Irish. We have been supporting new construction in Taiwan and Korea for many years. flow meters. chiller controls. timing relays. EMI/RFI testing. which allows for expedited delivery of replacement components in the event emergent needs develop. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA). environmental analysis. Inc. tanks and vessels. We have extensive experience with upgrading many different digital equipment types including trip units. Part 2. VFD’s (variable frequency drive) and many more. ASME NQA-2a-1990. Shipping. manufacture. Does Nuclear Logistics Inc.’s role in supporting the new nuclear power plant design. excitation equipment. which now includes over 130 employees and approximately 35 vendor partner companies. MCCs. DC switchgear. Most items are stocked to ANSI N45. EPRI TR-102348 (NEI 01-01) “Guidelines for Licensing of Digital Upgrades” Revision 1. paperless recorders and meters/gauges). distribution panels. 4. NLI will be supporting new U. power supplies. he started his career in the Navy. battery chargers and UPS equipment). and PCP (Power Conversion Products) circuit boards. and instrument categories for which these parts are maintained. HVAC Craig Irish Mr. he continues to expand his considerable nuclear expertise with NLI. software assurance. Irish has been instrumental in the company’s growth. qualification and custom manufacturing within the industry. To that end. Mr. temperature 31 . licensing. in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Lowell. NLI also maintains an extensive inventory of frequently purchased products such as power supplies. One of NLI’s largest service areas is the design. and filtration units). and heat exchangers). maintain spare part stock inventory? Describe the equipment. We take on full responsibility for the design. qualification and supply of equipment unique to new nuclear plant construction. All digital upgrades are in accordance with IEEE Std 7-4. NLI stocks all the necessary components at our Fort Worth. Texas corporate office.S. fabrication and testing would be a recent project that consisted of replacing analog controls on a chiller with digital controls. Contact: Craig Irish..Solving Equipment. more partnerships are currently on the table. 323. such as qualification. 5. Once the design was complete the new control system was qualified in accordance with IEEE Std. new sensors. low and medium voltage replacement breakers. We’ve formed teaming relationships with respected companies such as Square-D Services (global). 323 (mild environment). detailed engineering. Does Nuclear Logistics Inc. 7. IEEE Std. 10CFR21 and ASME NQA-1 Quality Assurance Program. seismic mounting brackets and ASME Section III thermowells. The project required all facets of our experience and expertise. 344 (seismic). 7450 Whitehall Street. NLI has approximately 35 teaming relationships with various manufacturers of non-competing product lines across all equipment types. Detailed dedication testing was then performed in accordance with Method 1. examples of complex equipment we provide include 125VDC batteries. Methods 2 “Commercial Survey”. & Health Physics Issue July-August New Plants & Vendor Advertorial Issue September-October Plant Maintenance & Advanced Reactors Issue November-December Annual Product & Service Directory Issue 32 www. Nuclear Logistics.S. countries.3. or. Service is provided from international or domestic locations with support from the NLI corporate office as required. which also required increased reliability as well as enhanced control and monitoring capabilities per client specifications. telephone: (978) 250-1684.NuclearPlantJournal. Another example is digital equipment. What is Nuclear Logistics Inc. 2 and 3 of EPRI NP-5652. the new digital control system was installed during a seven-day Limited Condition of Operation (LCO). Fort Worth. which included a digital controller. digital equipment.2 (Software V&V). we will work with the original manufacturer but assume all engineering. Trane (global). Annual Editorial Schedule January-February International Trade & Waste & Fuel Management Issue March-April Plant Maintenance & Plant Life Extension Issue May-June Outage Mgmt. GNB (US-based).com Nuclear Plant Journal. and Standard Alloys (US-based). Finally. we installed the new digital controls and then performed exhaustive testing to prove the design. dedication and documentation: NLI takes all the responsibility for these requirements and procedures. please give the names of the organizations supporting Nuclear Logistics Inc. How do you certify your suppliers for safety related equipment? NLI certifies our suppliers in accordance with the NLI 10CFR50 Appendix B.’s most challenging job in meeting a utility requirement in the last 18 years? NLI specializes in solving our clients’ most difficult equipment reliability issues by supplying new replacement equipment or performing refurbishment aimed at increasing reliability. quality assurance. These options—or any combination thereof—gives NLI the license to supply the nuclear industry with equipment which is still needed. 7-4. quality assurance and qualification responsibilities.. fax: (978) 250-0245. cabling. MCC cubicle and many other equipment types. including innovative design. and 3 “Source Surveillance”.. 6. harsh environment qualified components are audited more frequently to monitor material changes which could adversely affect the original qualification in accordance with IEEE Std. chillers. as we look to provide a comprehensive line of products and services to the nuclear industry. Continued from page 31 and manufacturing right to the equipment so that we can manufacture and supply the equipment to the nuclear industry. Extensive engineering was required to design the replacements. which requires strict audit frequency to verify no hardware or software changes have been made which would adversely affect the original Software V&V. Krohne (Germany and France). while allowing manufacturers to sell their equipment commercially without worrying about issues that are nuclearspecific. which allow for the supply of various equipment lines. Inc. Our suppliers are audited on various frequencies depending on the complexity of the product being supplied. of EPRI NP-5652 are used to control commercial grade suppliers. September-October 2009 .S. comprehensive production testing and detailed quality assurance. Using a mockup chiller at our Fort Worth facility. countries in order to deploy its services at a short notice? If so. email: cirish@nuclearlogistics. EPRI TR-102323 (EMI/RFI) and IEEE Std. have alliances in non U. An example of one project which involved a significant amount of engineering. For example. TX 76118. in non U. ASME Section III equipment. As mentioned earlier. CA 92821 . Flashing light alert you to operational problems. so that changes to the process or machine can be made before failure occurs. and bearing isolators provide year of worry-free enertech@curtisswright. Brea.Reliability-Based Maintenance Made Easy Introducing the Goulds 3196 i-FRAMETM Now every Goulds 3196 ANSI process pump feature an onboard monitor that continuously tracks vibration and temperature at the thrust bearing.211. Further enhancements in bearing technology oil sump design. Proven Pump Solutions for the Life of a Nuclear Plan Goulds VIC/VIT vertical turbines are ideal for the Condensate and Service Water systems The Goulds 3171 is used across the nuclear industry in a broad range of Sump applications The Goulds 3420 horizontal split case pump successfully operates in critical Cooling Water and Service Water applications Enertech 2950 Birch Street.cwfc.6840 http://enertech. K. NP. but actually built and commercially developed. he became Vice President at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant. tested and online in a rather predictable time frame. continues its current pace. Within a few months. a joint venture with AREVA. they represent a small percentage of the EPR’s overall design and don’t fundamentally impact performance. He was a member of IBEW in more than 30 years. UniStar has a four unit model which we identified from the very beginning as key for establishing the economies of scale necessary to pursue new nuclear in the United States. Germany. Vanderheyden holds a bachelor’s degree from Northern Illinois University George Vanderheyden in nuclear engineering technology. So while the UniStar model originally envisioned four nuclear energy facilities one year apart. The reality is the global supply chain can only support a limited number of units on a per year basis. Mr. Local 15 for five years. LLC. We’ve added additional partnerships with Excel Services for licensing capability and Accenture to develop our information technology platform. Vanderheyden also serves as Senior Vice President. Alstom. We can say that because we are taking advantage of the information that we already have from Olkiluoto and more importantly from Flamanville.NuclearPlantJournal. Editor. and it is quite different from what other people have been doing and pursuing in nuclear. the technology provider of the EPR. with its British Energy venture. and other countries. to market a version of AREVA’s EPR (evolutionary power reactor) technology.S. UniStar Nuclear Energy. France. Features that are key to the EPR’s design – 60-year design life. As AREVA’s EPR becomes more widely accepted across the globe as one of the new units of choice.S. overseeing Constellation’s new nuclear interests. there will be some design modifications to meet codes and standards in the U. September-October 2009 . and President of UniStar Nuclear. The real challenge began though when the agreement was signed to start construction even though the detailed An interview by Newal Agnihotri. and a and deploy the first new generation of Board Member for the USS Constellation nuclear power plants in North America Museum. the turbine generator supplier for the EPR. What have been UniStar’s challenges in the design and construction of the EPR? The EPR is the only technology that has the benefit of a design that’s evolved based on construction and operating experience at existing plants in the U. The project got off to a very quick start with a very aggressive schedule and a very aggressive commercial operation date. four separate safety trains. That being said. however.Benefiting from Standardization By George Vanderheyden. the United States is competing with the rest of the globe for access to that technology... who will be the constructor and main architect engineer. 2009. How are the lessons learned in Olkiluoto and Flamanville being applied to the U. He joined Constellation Energy in 2003 as Constellation Generation Group’s Vice President of Asset Optimization. as well as in Italy through its joint venture with Enel. 34 www. Galaxy. and the U. Florida on August 4. Our parent company EDF is considering a four unit model in the U.S. Constellation Energy Nuclear Nuclear Plant Journal. Is supply chain for EPR™ a challenge for UniStar? UniStar’s fleet model was designed to address some of those issues. So we bring everyone together that’s necessary not only to get an EPR licensed. As President and Chief Executive Officer He is a member of the Engineering / of UniStar Nuclear Energy (UNE) Engineering Technology / Electronics George Vanderheyden is responsible Programs Advisory Council for the for leading UNE’s efforts to develop College of Southern Maryland. EPRTM? The challenges at Olkiluoto are well documented.S. So our four unit model now spans out over about eight years. instead of one per year. So the concept of the UniStar model is starting to gain recognition for the benefits it brings in terms of economies of scale and standardization -from licensing through construction and on into operation. Bechtel. One of the benefits of UniStar’s business model is that it brings together all of the large companies required to actually make an EPR happen in the United States. 2. dual containment – will remain the same. Our biggest challenge is going to be if the rest of the globe continues to pursue nuclear energy at the rate it has. 3. I think now the optimum timeline for EPRs in the United States would probably be more in the range of two to two-and-a-half years between EPR.S. Mr. Nuclear Plant Journal at the Utility Working Conference in Amelia Island. I think that’s the biggest challenge. We have strategic partnerships with AREVA. which is owned by EDF and the reference site for Calvert Cliffs 3. 1. adapted specifically for the U. the Flamanville project started with about 30-40 percent of the detailed design engineering complete.NuclearPlantJournal. which is Nine Mile Point 3 in New York. Galaxy creates an information technology system that captures all of that information generated by all of the new build vendors and processes it in a way that facility operators will have access to information when they need it. an 8. September-October 2009 www. EPR for the Calvert project. and Inspection. which we developed with Accenture for the U. Pratt Street Baltimore.Enriched Boric Acid (E10BA) .Shanefelter@ constellation. telephone: (410) 470-7047. Analysis. Another thing we have been able to achieve with the Galaxy platform. which is critical path for page document.S. With Galaxy we are able to standardize the compilation of COLA related material so that if you look at any page of our reference plant COLA. We’ll be bringing that process to the U.Enriched Sodium Pentaborate (NaP10B) 714-384-9465 inquiry@ceradyneboron. MD 21202. we have personnel who are participating in the Flamanville construction right now and bringing those lessons learned back to engineering phase of the project was less than 10 percent complete.S. This allows for a more efficient review process at a more accelerated pace because of how standardized we’ll be able to make those licensing documents.S. 750 E. is streamlining documents for the licensing process. By the time we get our second proposed project underway. One of the lessons learned from the last round of new builds in the U. Based on lessons that were learned at 35 . and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC) information have to come together in order to actually be able to commission and start up a reactor according to schedule. Our plan is to have the detailed design engineering about 7080 percent complete by the time we pour our first safety related concrete. The information that’s different is bracketed and highlighted yellow so that it’s easily identifiable to the NRC. and many utilities paid millions and millions of dollars to do it.Depleted Zinc . email: Kelly. field change requests. Test. We envision that all the way through the start up testing and commissioning. The industry made the commitment to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that the first round of Combined Operating Licenses (COLAs) would be developed in a standardized fashion in order to make the review process of subsequent COLAs more efficient. Many utilities had to go through design phase reconstruction at some point in their www. UniStar Nuclear Energy. EPR fleet of nuclear energy facilities. licensing and construction basis to operate successfully for 60 or 80 years. In addition. How do you keep track of all the lessons learned and make them available for future use? UniStar’s Galaxy information technology platform. .7Lithium Hydroxide-Monohydrate . especially when you start talking about license renewal. For instance Flamanville developed a process for welding the containment liner rings in a way that allows for acceptance testing using a radiographic source 360 degrees around the weld. Additionally you have to have the complete Nuclear Plant Journal. construction drawings. we plan on having the detailed design engineering 100 percent complete. Contact: Kelly Shanefelter. At UniStar we believe the first U. and put it side by side with the COLA for our Bell Bend project in Pennsylvania it would be 70 percent identical. 4.ceradyneboron. is how all the design information. captures all of our lessons learned to create a project knowledge management tool for future builds. EPR project will be our proposed Calvert Cliffs 3 in southern Maryland. Highest Purity Stable Isotopes for Nuclear Power Plant Chemistries Ceradyne Boron Products (formerly Eagle Picher) has provided the global commercial nuclear power industry with high purity stable isotopes for more than 30 years. AREVA has designed the European Pressurized Water Reactor (EPR). and between 3. Dr. The first EPR is presently under construction for TVO of Finland at the Olkiluoto site. utilities. The IAEA classifies advanced reactor designs in two categories: evolutionary designs and innovative designs. and a prototype or demonstration plant are probably Nuclear Plant Journal. Bilbao y León’s previous experience includes nuclear safety analysis in support of plant operation at Dominion Generation (USA) and advanced research at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.207 and 3. Medium. and with the indispensable contributions from the IAEA Leads for technology development of the various reactor lines: Vladimir Kuznetsov (Small and Medium Size Reactors). Several innovative designs are in the small-tomedium size (SMR) range (the IAEA classifies plants as: Large. nuclear safety analysis methods development.522 and 5. She is one of the founders of the North American Young Generation in Nuclear (NA-YGN) and currently serves on the Board of Directors of the American Nuclear Society (ANS).700 MWe and larger.300-700 MWe.2 billion kWh of electricity. The IAEA follows global trends in advanced reactor design and associated technology development and summarizes them periodically in a balanced and objective manner. Two EPR units are (Continued on page 38) Light Water Reactors In addition to its extensive nuclear power programme with PWRs. China has also developed and operates its own domestic medium-size PWR designs. between 3. Evolutionary designs achieve improvements over existing designs through small to moderate modifications. Alex Stanculescu (Fast Reactors) and Bismark Tyobeka (Gas Cooled Reactors). as well as some other advanced reactor concepts. In the longer term. including design organizations. Introduction By mid-2009. Commercial operation is planned for 2012. innovative designs which promise even shorter construction times and lower capital costs could help to promote a new era of nuclear power. the IAEA projects that nuclear power will produce between 2. which meets European utility requirements. September-October 2009 . and is planning to start construction of an EPR at Penly beginning in 2012. Innovative designs incorporate radical changes in design approaches or system configuration This article has been prepared with valuable support from John Cleveland. and energy and environmental policy. Based on information provided by its Member States. Furthermore. universities. Also. Electricite de France is constructing an EPR at Flamanville (Unit 3). Substantial R&D. which was 14. 52 units were under construction. During 2007 nuclear power produced 2. is responsible for the assimilation of the Westinghouse AP-1000 technology to develop the Chinese large scale passive design CAP1400.2 GWe. WWERs and HWRs supplied by foreign vendors. Bilbao y León is an expert in experimental and computational thermal-hydraulics. In the near term. including SMRs and Supercritical Water Cooled Reactor (SCWR). Various organizations. most new nuclear plants will likely be evolutionary designs often pursuing economies of scale. the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) has developed the evolutionary China Nuclear Plant (CNP1000) incorporating the experience from the design.551 billion kWh annually by 2030 [1]. which was created in May 2007.748 and 2794 billion kWh annually by 2010.NuclearPlantJournal.946 billion kWh annually by 2020. Two CNP1000 units are in operation (Lingao 1 & 2) and several more units are under construction and planned. Their development requires utmost engineering and confirmatory testing. In France and Germany. International Atomic Energy Agency.2% of the world’s total. Further. feasibility tests.Development of Advanced Nuclear Reactors Worldwide By Sama Bilbao y León. national laboratories.608. and small. The State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (SNPTC). The EPR’s power level of 1600+ MWe has been selected to capture economies of scale relative to the latest series of PWRs operating in France (the N4 series) and Germany (the Konvoi series). with commissioning scheduled for 2012. Dr. with a strong emphasis on maintaining proven design features to minimize technological risks. and research institutes are involved in the development of advanced nuclear plant concepts. the existing plants in China. Sama Bilbao y León Sama Bilbao y León is the Technical Head of the IAEA Water Cooled Reactors Technology Development Unit in comparison with existing practice. and she is in charge of IAEA activities in support of the development and near term deployment of advanced water cooled reactors and their associated fuels. there were 436 nuclear power plants in operation worldwide.below 300 MWe) and could be particularly attractive for the introduction of nuclear power into developing countries and for use in remote locations. with a total capacity of 370. construction and operation of 36 www. For more information about Black & or visit www. as owner’s engineer or turnkey provider. Black & Veatch’s nuclear offerings include: > New-build capabilities > Operating plant services > Safety & quality programs > Reactor technology evaluation . procurement and construction (EPC) capabilities.BUILDING A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE® Committed to meeting your nuclear energy needs Offering full-service nuclear power engineering. We bring it all together – our tools. on all regulatory. reliable energy. security and safety matters. from concept to safety or security. we are passionate in our mission. Whether providing environmental Black & Veatch is prepared to meet the challenges of nuclear power’s future. please email energyinfo@bv. clean air and water. We deliver total solutions. technologies and teams – to manage risk and create value for our clients. Building a World of Difference. With the goals of sustainable energy through high conversion (a conversion ratio equal to or beyond 1. WWER-1000 units are currently under construction at the Kalinin and Volgodonsk sites and WWER-1200 at the Novovoronezh-2 and Leningrad-2 site. Two ABWRs are under construction in Taiwan. Bulgaria using some features of AES-2006 design basis.. Units 1 and 2. which is a larger version of the large advanced PWR designed by MHI and Westinghouse for the Tsuruga-3 and 4 units. Ten KSNPs are in commercial operation. Westinghouse’s mid-size AP-600 design with passive safety systems was certified in 1999. the EU-APWR. is currently under evaluation against the European Utility Requirements (EUR). evolutionary Advanced CANDU Reactor. India is also designing an evolutionary 700 MWe HWR. Activities are underway in the Republic of Korea to design an APR+ of approximately 1500 MWe. Ltd in a joint venture to develop the 1100+ MWe ATMEA-1 Pressurized Water Reactor. which have been selected for development by the Generation-IV International Forum (GIF). A European version of the APWR. Areva’s U.4 MPa and 374°C) resulting in higher thermal efficiency than current LWRs and HWRs. KHNP’s Advanced Power Reactor APR-1400 builds on the KSNP experience with a higher power level to capture economies of scale. In the Russian Federation evolutionary WWER plants have been designed building on the experience from currently operating WWER-1000 plants. USA. Research is also underway on heavy 38 www. Leningrad. AECL is also developing the large-size. and an amendment is presently under review by the US NRC. The ESBWR is currently in the design certification review phase with the US NRC.NuclearPlantJournal. Also in Japan. the AP-1000 received design certification from the USNRC. China and the Ukraine. the reactor operates above the critical point of water (22. The first APR-1400 unit is under construction at Shin-Kori 3. with the goal to complete the standard design by 2012. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) has developed the advanced pressurized water reactor (APWR+). India. (AECL) is working on the Enhanced CANDU 6 (EC6) concept based on the latest CANDU 6 plant built in Qinshan. is developing in Japan the large-size. Hitachi and the University of Tokyo is an example. Thermal efficiencies of 40-45% are projected with simplified plant designs. AECL is developing an innovative pressure tube reactor design with heavy water moderator and supercritical light-water coolant. Russia. research centres and design organizations in Canada. In the Republic of Korea. General Electric is designing the large Economical Simplified BWR (ESBWR). applying economies of scale and modular passive system technology. of which four units are under construction in Shin-Kori 1 and 2 and Shin Wolsong 1 and 2 with grid connection scheduled between 2010 and 2012. China. using slightly enriched uranium and light water coolant and incorporating improvements derived from research and development conducted in recent decades. Also. optimized for utilization of thorium. the benefits of standardization and series construction are being realized with the 1000 MWe Korean Standard Nuclear Plants (KSNPs). Volgodon. India’s 540 MWe HWR design incorporates feedback from the indigenously designed 220 MWe units. Kursk. A prototype or a demonstration plant will most likely be required for the supercritical water cooled systems. the 1000 MWe Optimized Power Reactor (OPR). and several have been proposed for construction in the United States. In India. as a part of the GIF initiative. Republic of Korea.S. Japan.. The accumulated experience has been used by Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP) to develop an improved version. Hitachi Ltd. and by the UK HSE for Generic Design Assessment (GDA) in the United Kingdom AREVA is also working with Mitsubishi Heavy Industry. China that has been updated to meet the latest codes and standards and incorporates the latest regulatory requirements.Development of. and in September 2005 and August 2006 the two 540 MWe units at Tarapur began commercial operation. and with passive safety systems. and Toshiba Corp. and is working with several European utilities to develop the 1250+ MWe KERENA Boiling Water Reactor. In the USA. Hitachi Ltd.0) of fertile isotopes to fissile isotopes. designs for a large APWR (the Combustion Engineering System 80+) and a large ABWR (General Electric’s ABWR) were certified by the USNRC in 1997. Germany. Smolensk and Kola. the ACR-1000. and a 300 MWe Advanced Heavy Water Reactor using heavy water moderation with boiling light water coolant in vertical pressure tubes. the benefits of standardization and series construction are being realized with the large-size ABWR units designed by General Electric. Two evolutionary WWER-1000 units were connected to the grid at Tianwan. The large-size thermodynamically super-critical water-cooled reactor concept being developed by Toshiba. EPR design is currently being reviewed by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (US NRC) for design certification in the United Nuclear Plant Journal. In a supercritical system. a process of evolution of HWR design has been carried out since the Rajasthan 1 and 2 projects. the US APWR to the US NRC for design certification. In February 2006. The European Commission is supporting the High Performance Light Water Reactor (HP-LWR) project for a thermodynamically supercritical LWR. Activities on thermodynamically super-critical concepts are also ongoing at universities. Continued from page 36 also under construction in China at Taishan. A WWER-1000 evolutionary unit will be constructed in Belene. MHI has submitted a US version of the APWR. reduced moderation Resource-Renewable BWR (RBWR) and JAEA is developing the large-size Reduced Moderation Water Reactor (RMWR). Additional WWER-1200 units are planned by 2020 at Novovoronezh. September-October 2009 . Heavy water reactors In Canada. In Japan. Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. China and the construction of another WWER-1000 unit is underway in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Westinghouse has developed the AP-1000 applying the passive safety technology developed for the AP-600 with the goal of reducing capital costs through economiesof-scale. September-October 2009 www. Whilst China’s HTRs are geared towards electricity production. Currently. two helium-cooled test reactors are in operation: the High-Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) at the JAEA in Japan and the HTR-10 at the Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology in China. pressure tube designs with thermodynamically supercritical water coolant. Other small helium-cooled reactor concepts are being developed by JAEA and Fuji Electric in Japan. Demonstration of a full size module is planned for 2013. Collaboration is underway between the USA and Russia on a Gas Turbine Modular Helium Reactor (GT-MHR) small reactor concept for destruction of weapons grade plutonium in conjunction with electricity production. In South Africa. the 165 MW(e) pebble bed modular reactor (PBMR). which would be incorporated in the future modifications of this design.NuclearPlantJournal. Gas-cooled reactors (GCRs) The experience of 50 years in the operation of gas cooled reactors for electricity generation. It will now be implemented first with an indirect steam power conversion cycle. is under development in the Russian Federation by OKBM. and the Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group (NRG) in the Netherlands. China and South Africa are currently the leading countries in the quest to deploy a high temperature reactor by 2018. in some cases. South Africa’s and the United States’ designs are more focused on the cogeneration market. is currently being used towards their potential use in processes requiring high temperatures like hydrogen generation. The USA.water moderated. a high temperature gas cooled reactor with pebble bed fuel originally employing a direct gas turbine Brayton cycle. oil recovery in tar sands etc. It is a high temperature gas cooled reactor with pebble bed fuel and an indirect supercritical steam energy conversion cycle. control rod drives housed in the same vessel as the reactor core to eliminate primary system piping. Small and Medium Sized Reactors Several small and medium sized water cooled designs are of the integral type with the steam generator. (Continued on page 40) Nuclear Plant Journal. pressurizer and. with each module having a capacity of 250 MWt/100 MWe. Its demonstration at full size is still scheduled by 2014. yielding an electric output of 200 MWe. prototype and demonstration GCR plants with helium coolant using the Rankine steam cycle for electric power generation have been built and operated. mostly in the United Kingdom. has undergone a design strategy 39 . China is developing the modular HTR-PM. Brayton cycle turbomachinery. mainly process heat. enhancing coal gasification. A two-module plant configuration is foreseen for the commercial version of this reactor. In several countries. A license application has been filed and is under review. and future configurations will include 4 and 8-module plants. a business unit of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Company enertech. The Argentinian CAREM (from Spanish: Central ARgentina de Elementos Modulares) reactor is cooled by natural Rolls-Royce www. The floating plant will deliver 300 MWt/70 MWe with two water cooled KLT-40S reactors on The Babcock & Wilcox Company www. a business unit of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Company and sites for the location of these plants have already been selected. The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission began a pre-application review in 2007. Scientific Instruments Division CIDTEC Cameras & Imagers www. and could also be located on a barge. in cooperation with the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) and Westinghouse Electric Western Space and Kinectrics UniStar Nuclear Energy www. It is entering the detailed design stage and its design certification by the US NRC is scheduled to start in 2012. 40 www. www..rolls-royce. (RPS) www. and the formal licensing process is scheduled to start in October 2010. with a refueling cycle of 5 WM Symposia.babcock. Innovative SMRs are under development for all principal reactor lines and some non-conventional combinations. Construction of a pilot or demonstration plant is planned.urenco.Development of. Argentina plans to construct and operate a small prototype of 27 MW(e) by about 2011. the Experimental Design Bureau of Machine Building (OKBM) has developed the KLT-40S.. www. B&W announced their plans to deploy by 2018 their new 125 MWe integral reactor design. In Ceradyne www.rpsct. September-October 2009 Zachry Nuclear Engineering. the Urenco Enrichment Company Seal Master www. VBER-300 is essentially a larger version of the KLT-40S. Inc Power House Nuclear Logistics Westinghouse Electric Company LLC www. Inc. It has a design power of 10 MW(e) and a refueling interval of 30 years.bechtel. HSB Global Standards www. NACE International www.areva.westermancompanies.cwfc.zhi.hsbgsnuclear.kinectrics.unistarnuclear.NuclearPlantJournal. also allowing for twin units. involving both developed and developing NPJ Advertiser Web Directory AREVA NP. Thermo Fisher Scientific. the Toshiba Nuclear Plant Journal.thermo. for which construction was started in June 2006. Construction of a demonstration reactor and safety tests are planned for the first half of the next decade. a small bargemounted NPP design for electricity and heat. As another Radiation Protection Systems. Inc.nuclearlogistics. There are plans to build the first VBER-300 units in Kazakhstan before 2015. More recently. and has passive safety Bechtel Power www. In Japan. Continued from page 39 minimizing the scope of possible loss of coolant accidents (LOCA) and reactivity initiated accidents (RIA). is developing the 4S sodium cooled reactor. The IRIS design of integral type pressurized water reactor developed by an International consortium led by Westinghouse Electric Company (USA) has unit power of 335 MW(e) but allows for twin unit NPPs. www. More than 45 innovative SMR concepts and designs are at different stages of development within national or international R&D followed by larger projects with higher power ratings of up to ~300 MWe.wsminc.westinghousenuclear. The SMART (System Integrated Modular Advanced Reactor) 330 MWt design developed in the Republic of Korea is an integral PWR for electricity production and seawater desalination. www. the NuScale company in the USA is designing a 45 MWe small integral PWR for a multi-modular NPP of 540 Westerman Nuclear www.nace. Enertech. Inc. Activities are in full swing by the Kazakhstan Russian joint venture to finalize detailed design of the VBER300 reactor of 295 MW(e) for a land based cogeneration plant. Assembly of the first reactor for the floating plant was completed in early 2009 and the assembly of the second one is well Black & Veatch www. www. www. design work is ongoing for the 250 – 600 MWe GEN IV prototype sodium-cooled fast reactor ASTRID (to be commissioned in 2020). and two under construction (PFBR and BN-800). Fast reactors can also contribute to reducing plutonium stockpiles. one in the stage of end-of-life tests (Phénix). France is planning an experimental reactor (ETDR.countries. and to reducing the required isolation time for high-level radioactive waste by utilizing transuranic radioisotopes and transmuting some long-lived fission products.NuclearPlantJournal. such as the small size Prototype Fast Reactor in the United Kingdom. Gamma/Neutron attenuation Immediate exposure and cost savings! Install and remove 35. the BN-350 in Kazakstan (part of its thermal energy was used for sea-water desalination). under construction at Kalpakkam) have been www. the medium size Prototype FBR in India for which construction started in 2004 and commissioning is planned for 2010. Monju in Japan.rpsct. Roll in place positioning.637. Lockable security barrier. In China.2011. Plutonium breeding allows fast reactors to extract sixty-to-seventy times more energy from uranium than thermal reactors do . the successful operation of the Indian Fast Breeder Test Reactor and its utilization for fast reactor R& · Web: www.O. the end-of-life experimental programme at Phénix that will be shut down in fall of 2009. Grid connection at 30% power is planned for mid-2010. R&D activities in the fields of reactor physics. as well as design work for a medium size new generation fast reactor (ASTRID). component installation work for the pool-type China Experimental Fast Reactor (CEFR. or explicitly facilitate. Custom designs for any application where repeatable fast access & closure is required. Filling of the primary and secondary loops was completed in April 2009. with first criticality before the end of the year. For closing the fuel cycle. component development. Two hundred-fifty tons of nuclear grade high purity sodium was shipped to the plant. Examples of current activities include: completion of the construction in China of the small size Chinese Experimental Fast Reactor with criticality scheduled for fall 2009. the design and analysis of all major systems and components of the 500 MWe Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR. structural mechanics. Modular Shield Wall System Radiation Protection Systems. the prototype Phénix in France. Research and technology development activities are ongoing in two areas: the gas-cooled and the sodium-cooled fast reactor concepts. the demonstration BN600 in Russia. P. September-October 2009 . of shielding in 5 minutes! Significant exposure reduction in outages or in service. and demonstration of advanced recycle strategies. France just completed the definition of the test program in view of the final shutdown of the 280 MWe fast reactor Phé 41 Nuclear Plant Journal.7779 · Email: support@rpsct. having the capability for materials and fuel testing. especially fuel irradiation and materials research. Box 890. At the same time. In India. non-electrical applications such as potable water or hydrogen production. 65MWth/20MWe) was completed. primarily as breeders. In addition. Groton. have provided an experience base of more than 400 reactor-years. The layout of the FRFCF has been planned in such a way that expansion is possible to meet the requirements of two more 500 MWe (Continued on page 42) Patented mobile shield panels save hundreds of man-hours over traditional concrete block or built up shield walls. as a test-bed for system and technological innovation. in France. Fast reactors Fast reactors have been under development for many years in several countries. having the capability for materials and fuel testing. as a test-bed for system and technological innovation.000 lbs. Most allow for. one power fast reactor in operation (BN-600). and demonstration of advanced recycle strategies. the development of the medium size KALIMER 600 design in the Republic of Korea. For the sodium-cooled concept. one under re-start preparation (Monju). and. Currently there are two experimental fast reactors in operation (BOR-60 and FBTR) and one under commissioning (CEFR). Fuel loading was planned to start by August 2009. materials and metallurgy. The design and operation of sodiumcooled fast reactors. there is a considerable base of experience with lead-bismuth (eutectic) cooled propulsion (submarine) reactors operated in Russia. possibly as an European project) in the range of 50 MWth to demonstrate the viability of key gas-cooled fast reactor technologies.a capability that will allow very substantial increases in nuclear power in the longer term. Inc. a Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle Facility (FRFCF) is under construction at Kalpakkam. fuel chemistry and reprocessing are focused towards future fast breeder reactors. and the commercial size Superphénix in France. thermal hydraulics. Rapid containment access and closure. safety. CT 06340 T 888. Vienna (2002). Based on a Japanese policy decision. Design Features to Achieve Defence in Depth in Small and Medium Sized Reactors (SMRs) IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. BN-800 commissioning is planned for 2014. lead-cooled research fast reactor BIRS). India entire system functional testing. Energy.. proliferation resistance. Status of Advanced Light Water Reactor Designs: 2004. [10] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY. by Nuclear Plant Journal. IAEA. IAEA Technical Reports Series. the construction of the BN-800 fast reactor at Beloyarsk is progressing. IAEA-TECDOC1451. Innovative Small and Medium Sized Reactors: Design Features. IAEA. the basis for deciding which innovative technologies to adopt. telephone: 43 (1) 2600-22865 or 22803. fax: 43 (1) 260029598. Vienna (March 2006). Considerable development is on-going for new. IAEA-TECDOC-1584 (2008). Continued from page 41 FBRs. [6] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY. IAEA. Vienna (2001).NuclearPlantJournal. [12] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY. and delivering. the development of advanced sodium cooled fast reactors development and the R&D on fast reactors with heavy liquid metal coolant (lead-bismuth-cooled SVBR-100. September-October 2009 . HWRs: Status and Projected Development. Vienna (2007). International Atomic Energy Agency. [2] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY. the conceptual designs of demonstration and commercial facilities. the Fast Reactor Cycle Technology Development (FaCT) Project was launched aiming at the commercialization of fast reactor cycle technology. Vienna (2003). IAEA-TECDOC-1391. Evolutionary Water-Cooled Reactors: Strategic Issues. IAEA-TECDOC1487. Review of National Accelerator Driven System Programmes for Partitioning and Transmutation. IAEA-TECDOC-1536 (2007). [13] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY. [5] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY. Vienna (1999). Safety Vessel of Indian Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor Lowered into Reactor Vault in Kalpakkam. email: S. PO Box 100. the USA is preparing a small-size sodium-cooled modular fast reactor concept whose characteristics are long life. hybrid electric vehicles and hydrogen production. [3] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY.2 (2009). In addition. [14] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY. and to contribute to emerging needs such as seawater desalination. TRS-407.Development of. IAEA. Contact: Sama Bilbao y León. Vienna (May 2005). IAEA-TECDOC-1117. As far as lead-cooled fast reactor R&D.Bilbao@iaea. by 2010. Conclusions With a 14% share. References [1] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY. which are planned to be built also at the Kalpakkam site at later date. [11] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY. inherent safety and potential for remote locations deployment. IAEA. Japan just completed the Monju modification work. A2569. like the lead-cooled secure transportable autonomous reactor (STAR) fuelled with nitride fuel. Design studies and R&D of innovative technologies are in progress. The main development issues were identified (13 fast reactor technology issues and 12 fuel cycle issues). Liquid Metal Cooled Reactors: Experience in Design and Operation. Current Status and Future Development of Modular High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor Technology. 1400 Vienna. IAEA. Proceedings of a symposium held in Seoul. Improving Economics and Safety of Water-Cooled Reactors: Proven Means and New Approaches. IAEA-TECDOC1365. Advanced Nuclear Plant Design Options to Cope with External Events. IAEA-TECDOC-1485. In Russia. Technologies and Economic Viability. the US focuses on a small-size concepts. [8] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY. lead-cooled BREST ОD 300. with the twofold objective of providing. the functional testing of the modified systems as well as the reactor system research plan. Vienna (2004). Status of Small Reactor Designs Without On-site Refuelling. Vienna (2002). Vienna (February 2006). Wagramer Strasse 5. R&D programs are pursued in several areas such as the design of the BN 800 MOXfuel manufacturing pilot plant. [4] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY. Vienna (2008). Status of Innovative Small and Medium Sized Reactor Designs 2005: Reactors with Conventional Refuelling Schemes. 1. Advanced Applications of Water-Cooled Reactors. Safety Approaches. IAEA. IAEA-TECDOC1198. IAEA. 30th November4th December 1998. 42 www. [9] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY.. and R&D Trends. IAEA-TECDOC-1569. Within the framework of a distinct track in the GIF sodium-cooled fast [7] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY. nuclear power contributes significantly to the world’s electricity supply and has great potential to expand. advanced nuclear power plants with competitive economics and very high safety levels. IAEA Reference Data Series No. Austria. IAEA-TECDOC-1290. Electricity and Nuclear Power Estimates for the Period up to 2030. Next time you hear that annoying alarm. if very nearly can be.412 . This innovative upgrade eliminates control system obsolescence and reduces chiller operating costs while offering improved serviceability and higher reliability. > the single source www.448.Your chiller system should be this easy to operate. the Adaptiview features a touchscreen (shown here) that is easy to read and 800. And with our digital control system. Supplied as Class 1E or for nonsafety applications. Developed in conjunction with Trane. We’ll help you keep your cool. And. call us.nuclearlogistics. as well as an ergonomic arm that allows viewing from virtually any height or angle. the new digital control system can be used on literally any chiller used in the nuclear industry. no abnormally high dislocation concentrations. The crack propagation stage can be determined fairly accurately by using Arrhenius energy values. and decide whether preventative replacement was necessary or cost effective. In fact ECT is hampered by material permeability variations. in 1978 from the University of Leeds in England for work on grain boundary embrittlement effects in Magnox AL 80.D. UK. This problem is particularly applicable to stainless steel and inconel alloys in the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) where risk assessments are more critical to safe plant operations. It is this ability to find permeability variations that has made ECT so promising in characterizing the SCC process. the incubation stage can take long periods of time (20 years is not uncommon). Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station as a Materials Project Manager. The normalized value is defined as an arithmetic ratio of the absolute measurement of local permeability (amplitude) to the ECT signal value (amplitude) for the same characteristic calibration standard notch. high permeability areas. FCS Program: A voluntary program at Fort Calhoun Station using Wesdyne Intraspect ECT technology was started in 1999. This TIP Award Entry won the Ralph Sylvia Best of the Best Award at the Nuclear Energy Institute’s Nuclear Energy Assembly held in Washington. and consequently improve the commercial prospects and competitive position of the industry as a whole. 2009. Material Investigation: Failed CEDM seal housings were sectioned at the EPRI NDE Center and then sent to Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories for an analytical transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy study. Omaha Public Power District and Zoran Kuljis. He was enrolled as an International Professional Engineer. In order to directly compare local permeability. (CEDM) seal housings. Materials Project Manager. Omaha Public Power District and Zoran Kuljis. which challenge the detection capabilities of a sensor by limiting the resolution of flaw signatures. and four zones of high permeability were found with all the cracking being associated with these zones of high Nuclear Plant Journal. Principal Engineer. The study at Battelle found no unusual material conditions. SCC has occurred in inconel alloys and stainless steel alloys. Inspection Goals and Choice of NDE Methodology: The inspection goals were to: define the material condition. However. Prior to sectioning. Minerals and Mining. The same axially oriented notch was used for all the Fort Calhoun Station measurements. because it is so sensitive to surface changes. and to reduce operational risk by better understanding the incubation period prior to the onset of SCC. material patents. For the (Continued on page 46) Summary The Problem: Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) consists of two stages. Eddy current testing (ECT) was chosen as the NDE technique of choice. an incubation stage followed by a crack propagation stage. or areas of martensite. probe liftoff. They promote the sharing of innovation and best practices. the specific areas of concern were the Control Element Drive Mechanism Nuclear Energy Institute’s Top Industry Practice (TIP) Awards highlight the nuclear industry’s most innovative techniques and ideas. or if it is occurring. However. September-October 2009 . The mechanism of transitioning to a ferromagnetic state is described in “Transitioning from Paramagnetic to Ferromagnetic Surface Oxidation. The team members who participated included: Bob Lisowyj. there is no method for assessing when the transition from incubation to cracking will occur.C. ECT acquisition and impedance output is proportional to field driver orientation.A Unique & Visionary ECT Program By Bob Lisowyj. Currently he is working with Omaha Public Power District. such as changes in precipitate density. However. sensor pickup type. All cracking has been found to emanate from these anodic. 44 www. and on the failed CEDM seal housings. He became a Chartered Engineer with the Engineering Council. This normalized value is then expressed as a percentage. D. at Fort Calhoun station. ECT was performed on the 304 stainless steel housings. normalized ECT values have been used. Fort Calhoun Station needed to assess the status of its own seal housings. magnetic dipole alignment. and a Fellow of the Institute of Materials.NuclearPlantJournal.” an article published by Materials Performance in November 2003 and written by Kirby Woods and Bob Lisowyj.S. surface oxidation will alter the orbital spin in materials such as stainless steels and inconel alloys creating Bob Lisowyj Bob Lisowyj was awarded a Ph. which could explain the high permeability detected by ECT. This local magnetic dipole change at the surface of the 304 stainless seal housing would change the material from a paramagnetic to a ferromagnetic state. 2008. Currently. Material conditions such as surface effects from cold working may cause the production of martensite or material nonhomogeneities both of which can be detected by ECT. The zones of ferromagnetic surface layers found by ECT are anodic areas from which SCC will initiate. 2007. in May. 2007. Stress corrosion cracking is therefore difficult to control and is usually found only after through-wall cracking has produced a leak. and the voltage/frequency settings. and is far less predictable with no indication of how incubation is progressing. Westinghouse. Specific Areas of Concern: In the nuclear industry. He is a holder of six U. Westinghouse. Safety. Licensing. • Nuclear . new station design / build projects. Health & Environmental Services by Candesco Corporation Nuclear Knowledge www.kinectrics. Repair & Rehabilitation • Obsolescence Management & Reverse Engineering Enhanced Radiation & Environmental Protection • Tritium Management • Radioactive Materials Characterization • Fish Protection / 316 (a)&(b) Solutions • Environmental Assessment & Thermal Studies Product Quality & Performance Validation • Commercial Grade Dedication (CGD) • Seismic Qualification • EMI / RFI Testing Advanced Services by Kinectrics Companies • Field Inspection – CGSB & ASNT NDT & Level III Services by Axiom NDT Corp.Kinectrics offers unique testing and assessment capabilities to help utilities and suppliers make and validate critical decisions for existing nuclear plant operations and. Nuclear Experts Life Cycle Management Solutions NEW PLANT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT • Advanced Reactor Equipment Qualification & Type Testing • Seismic Qualification & Testing • EMI / RFI Testing • Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) • Environmental Testing & Studies OPERATING PLANT ISSUES SUPPORT Nuclear Safety Margins & Performance Demonstration • Equipment Qualification Testing & Studies • Operability Simulations & Testing • Probability Risk Assessment Analysis • Licensing & Regulatory Affairs Support Sustaining or Improving Equipment Reliability • Field NDE (VT to Phased Array UT methods) • Electrical Equipment & Cable Condition Assessment • Mechanical Testing • Rotating Machine Monitoring & Condition Assessment • Root Cause Failure Analysis & Forensic Evaluation • Concrete Structure Assessment. Kinectrics delivers proven solutions that provide reliable cost-effective support throughout the entire component and plant life cycle. email: [email protected]. No cracking was found at any of the Fort Calhoun Station CEDM seal housings. The methodology is fully transferable to other plants.. If no changes in normalized permeability values are observed then the mechanism is not active and fewer. but by monitoring the progress of the incubation stage and projecting when cracking will occur. .com. all the CEDM housings would have been replaced during the 2006 RFO for a cost of ~$5. The anodic. this replacement would have needed 7 outage days for a cost of $2. Radiation Protection Savings is 1050 person-rem. Blair. normalized value of the housings (140%). little change of permeability has been observed in the retested Fort Calhoun Station housings. The highest normalized ECT value from the Fort Calhoun Station housings (73. To date. Innovation The ECT Program is unique and visionary. 9610 Power Lane. No indication of cracking was found in any of the housings or nozzles at Fort Calhoun Station. This ability to project when and where cracking will occur results in fewer inspections. Additionally data has been collected on the Alloy 600 reactor vessel head nozzles during the 2005 refueling outage (RFO). During the 2008 RFO. and analysis of ECT data. which provides a method of enhancing plant safety by predicting SCC susceptibility. This is the essence of this TIP. and that SCC failure was likely. the total cost of inspections has been ~$500. Transferability The ECT Program for permeability monitoring can be used at any plant to assess the condition and extent of the incubation stage. however the advantage of the this Initial Savings would come from avoiding replacement of CEDM Seal Housings Cost Savings Since the inception of the ECT Program in 1999.4%) from uncracked housings at another plant.000. removes the probability of through-wall leaks. and an estimated plant labor cost $200.. The normalized amplitude ECT value can provide every plant with a measurable parameter that can be used to achieve greater system reliability by avoiding unexpected SCC failures. Safety The tracking of the ECT permeability signal enhances nuclear safety by not only detecting flaws.000.A Unique.000. Additionally. Without the ECT Program. The change in permeability at the plant that had failures in their CEDM seal housings would have been a good indicator that incubation was progressing. Fort Calhoun Station. The process is also innovative in its simplicity of field work. telephone: (402) 533-6491. been inspected by the ECT methodology since 1999 (see the visual). and results in lower radiation exposures by reducing examination frequency. NE 68008. less frequent inspections are necessary.9%) is less than half the ECT normalized value (152. because for the first time a method for tracking the incubation stage of SCC has been achieved. In general any progressive increases in normalized amplitude ECT values would be indicative of an active incubation period in which SCC would occur. fax: (402) 533-7390. potential cracking zones are very easy to discriminate on the ECT display from Intraspect. All 37 Fort Calhoun Station 304 stainless steel CEDM seal housings have occurring in any of the CEDM seal housings at Fort Calhoun Station. and actual testing is accomplished in less than half a day. This lack of change shows that no active progression towards SCC failure was TIP is that it provides a mechanism for tracking the change in permeability with time and finding areas that are susceptible to SCC. then that housing would be recommended for replacement by an available Fort Calhoun Station spare housing. and the normalized permeability values were unchanged. Contact: Bob Lisowyj. This data provides good justification for less frequent examinations at Fort Calhoun Station.100. Omaha Public Power District. The accuracy of projecting when SCC is occurring is therefore significantly improved.000. Continued from page 44 permeability measurements a lower frequency was used because it is more sensitive to local permeability changes. It may well be that the failed CEDM seal housings contained initially higher. The almost identical CEDM seal housings at another plant failed after 19 years of operation. which has been a huge area of uncertainty prior to the ECT Program. If any normalized ECT values at Fort Calhoun Station exceed a conservative. high permeability. The methodology would be particularly beneficial to stainless steels and inconel alloys in the RCS where operational risk is the highest. localized permeability values. and avoiding early and costly replacement of expensive plant components resulting in savings and productivity increases. the eight highest normalized ECT CEDM seal housings were retested to find out if any changes in permeability are occurring. Visit www. • Color and Monochrome imaging to beyond 3 MegaRAD • High resolution CID imager technology • Small remote detachable head Look closer at the Thermo Scientific line of radiation hardened cameras. Tel: 1-315-451-9410 • Email: sales. and its The world’s only color rad hard camera Innovative Preamp per pixel CID design allows high radiation tolerance and excellent image quality even in low light conditions. All rights or contact us today about new innovative imaging products.©2009 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.thermo.cidtec@thermo. Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific . All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Got Radiation? See what you’ve been missing The Thermo Scientific MegaRAD series of radiation hardened CID imaging cameras are capable of operating in high dose environments and provide excellent image quality to total dose levels over 100 times the tolerance of conventional solid state cameras. He is also a former Operations Manager of Point Beach Nuclear Plant for the Nuclear Management Company. Along with the intake structure work. installed when the plant was built in the late 1960s. New intake screens. Cooper replaced both low pressure turbines with new Siemens turbines. and divers were needed several times a year to clear debris from the intake bays.. NPPD then embarked upon an intensive $300 million investment program to improve the station’s material condition and boost its long term reliability. NPPD continues to own the plant and the license. NPPD signed a 10-year management support services contract with Entergy Nuclear in summer of 2003.2 million pound component on a barge in Virginia. and the benefits of being part of a large. put the 1. In 2007.Continued Focus on Excellence By Nebraska Public Power District. • New low pressure turbines. CNS replaced all nine traveling screens. He most recently served as Site Vice President at Tennessee Valley Authority’s Browns heaters will be installed during the fall 2009 outage. he served as Vice President of Operations Support for Entergy Nuclear Northeast. where he was responsible for restarting Unit 1 following 22 years of shutdown and the day to day operation of Units 2 & 3. Performance improved. Nebraska Public Power District installed a series of “turning vanes” in the Missouri River bed. The modern intake equipment boosted condenser performance by excluding debris that passed through the old screens and fouled the condenser tubes. This relationship brought long-term management stability to Cooper. with a major in metallurgical and material engineering and a minor in economics. the prospects for nuclear energy had changed to the point where the NPPD Board of Directors was considering a license renewal. While at Entergy previously. The station built a huge soft-sided fabric structure (Continued on page 50) • • www. For the Nebraska Public Power District NPPD) Cooper Nuclear Station. Four new 48 Ferry Nuclear Plant. The combination of the turning vanes and the advanced sonar system has enhanced the safety margin and significantly reduced the maintenance of the service water system. and the NPPD Board subsequently declared its intention to seek a license renewal to operate the station to 2034. O’Grady has more than 23 years experience in the commercial nuclear power industry. In early 2005. the silt and debris in the river took its toll on the equipment in the intake structure. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant. at James A. site vice president of Cooper Nuclear Station. Today divers are rarely needed for these cleaning services at Cooper. Sonar System. it’s been a historic 10 years. Brian O’Grady Brian O’Grady. Cooper draws its circulating water from the fast-flowing Missouri River. but Entergy personnel are involved in the day-to-day management of the plant. and required repairs every refueling outage. installed. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Lehigh University in Bethlehem. Cooper also was one of the first stations in America to install leadingedge sonar technology in the service water intake bay. successful nuclear fleet. • New feedwater heaters. operators took frequent manual “soundings” at the service water intake. In 2000. But by early 2003. The sonar system enables the Control Room to monitor silt and debris buildup in the bay. and over the course of five months. following two years as General Manager. • Cooper purchased the old Surry unit 1 Westinghouse main generator stator in May 2006. Like much of the rest of the nuclear industry at the turn of this Nuclear Plant Journal. joined Nebraska Public Power District in September 2008. But the nuclear renaissance has come quickly and dramatically to the 835 MW facility.NuclearPlantJournal. produce eddies and vortices in the river that cause silt and sediments to keep moving downriver instead of being drawn into the intakes. which greatly reduces industrial safety concerns. in southeastern Nebraska. and the trash rack/trash rake system. Before the sonar was Mr. September-October 2009 . precisely placed using the global positioning system. Pa. in real time. Plant Operations. it appeared likely that the station would shut down when its license expired in 2014. In just a few months. faced an uncertain future. Over three decades of service. The old heaters. These scientifically designed baffles. In 2005 Cooper began the threecycle process of replacing all eight feedwater heaters. were experiencing wall thinning. To begin laying the groundwork for a possible operating license renewal application. threaded it along many waterways to bring it to Cooper in October 2006. Cooper Nuclear Station (CNS). the first decade of the new millennium will be history. “Nuclear Accident or Incident?” 2.” 2. “Industrial & Consumer Applications.4 CEUs (24 PDHs) from the Illinois Institute of Technology Start Date: November 30.” 2.” Week 7: (January 25-31. Fax or mail your order to: Michelle Gaylord Nuclear Plant Journal 799 Roosevelt Rd.” 2. “Healing 49 .” Week 3: (December 14-20. “Unstable Nuclei Make Material Radioactive.Radiation-101.” 2.NuclearPlantJournal. 2010) 1. (Make checks payable to Nuclear Plant Journal. “Dose.” Week 4: (January 4-10. “True and False About Chernobyl. The course registration fee is $245.” Bulk registration costs are available for orders of 10+ participants. participants complete a reading assignment and submit required tests electronically.” Week 6: (January 18-24. 2009 Radiation Fundamentals (Radiation-101) runs for seven weeks beginning November 30. 2009 Session Week 1: (November 30-December 6. #6-208 Glen Ellyn. “Ionizing Radiation & September. A list of assignments is given at the right. “The Unit of Activity. “Late Health Effects of High Doses.” 2. 2010) 1.” Week 2: (December 7-13. Course Start Date: November 30. 2009 Course Fee: $245. The Becquerel.” 3. a certificate with 2. 2009 With 2. “Radionuclides & Your Body. “Radioactive Releases and Radwaste. X103 Fax: (630) 858-8787 E-mail: NPJ@goinfo. 2010) 1. American Express® MasterCard® VISA® Card Number __________________________________ Expiration Date _________________________________ Card Holder Name (Print) ________________________ Signature ______________________________________ Date ______________________ Send payment with your order. 2009) 1. Name ________________________________________ Birthday (Month/Day/Year) _______________________ Company ______________________________________ Address ________________________________________ __________________________________ Phone ________________ E-mail _________________________________________ Photo Credit: Pavlicek/IAEA Week 5: (January 11-17.00 per participant.” 3.) Charge my credit card. IL 60137 USA Phone: (630) 858-6161. Dose Rate and Dose www. “Radiation All Around Us All the Time. and participants may view their grades immediately. 2009.4 CEUs from the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago Nuclear Plant Journal. 2010) 1. “Any Harm from Small Doses?” Yes! Register me for the Radiation-101 class. At the end of the course.radiationtraining.4 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from the Illinois Institute of Technology will be issued to those participants who successfully complete the course work. Fax Registration to (630) 858-8787 Course Topics for November 30. The test responses are graded instantly. 2009) 1. “Radiation--As Old As the Universe. 2009) 1.00 per course per participant _____ Amount authorized (fee x # of participants) Check is enclosed. Each week. An Internet-Based Course on Radiation Fundamentals With 2.. “Radiation Protection Across Borders.” 2. “Acute Health Effects of Very High Doses. September-October 2009 www. Most of the 720 or so employees have deep roots in the communities around the station. Cooper power is also sold in Iowa. The Cooper family built one of the first power plants in Nebraska. the Dakotas. Cooper has an active tour program and has forged education. During the spring 2008 outage. and workforce development partnerships with local colleges and universities.121 acres in Nebraska and 230 acres on the opposite side of the Missouri River in Missouri. Continued from page 48 • and during most of 2007 rebuilt the old Surry stator in the temporary building. telephone: (402) 825-5768. electricians. and tanks present very realistic safety and human performance error traps nuclear workers often face when working on equipment. the best is yet to come. Cooper is located in a sparsely populated area in one of the most rural states in America. security officers. mechanics and many other disciplines – have completed the first half of the intensive non-licensed operator class. Complimenting this wellspring of support. and NPPD customers. • June 1968 construction began. The station also hosts a number of science tours for science classes across the region. Kansas. the old Cooper generator was replaced with the rebuilt Surry unit and a new Siemens rotor forged in Romania. To get maximum benefit from vastly improved equipment reliability. to having a bright future today. The NRC has accepted Cooper’s license renewal application.Continued Focus. The elaborate structure of pipes. email: grtroes@nppd. church leaders. The station is located on 1. and has positioned Cooper for ongoing performance improvements. Station named in honor of Guy Cooper and his family. The old Cooper stator was sold to another U. P. Cooper employees play a major role in their communities as business owners. it implemented an appendix K power uprate to boost gross power rating from 801 MW to 835 MW.NuclearPlantJournal. Every summer. training. Things are looking good for Cooper Nuclear Station.. hospital volunteers. Basic Statistics: • General Electric BWR 4. Cooper family members were active in the Nebraska power industry for the next 85 years. Cooper station furnishes about 20 percent of the power NPPD generates for Nebraska Nuclear Plant Journal. NPPD actively reaches out to Nebraskans. 50 a substantial number of non-operations employees – clerical staff. Consequently. Every person badged to Cooper undergoes flow loop simulator training at least once every cycle. In early 2009. With a continued focus on excellence in safe nuclear power operations. in 1890. the last of 198 pilings are being driven 80 feet to the bedrock. July 1. and is in the process of replacing both reactor recirculation motor generator set motors. www. • • • • • January 18. and transfer fuel from the fuel pool to dry cask storage. youth mentors. Eighteen month refueling cycle. in Humboldt. Brownville. 72676 648A Ave. Contact: Glenn Troester. Cooper’s outage performance has improved markedly. energy research. installed state-of-the-art reactor vessel level controls. Nebraska Public Power District / Cooper Nuclear Station. In the photo. The simulator is constructed. In 2008 Cooper set a new continuous run record and a new gross generation record for a refueling and maintenance outage year. pumps. NPPD hosts an energy workshop for teachers across the state. Missouri.. to serve as the foundation for the dry cask pad. Box 93. as volunteer firefighters and emergency medical technicians. The program directly resulted in a deep operational focus at Cooper. NE 68321. its employees.S. Flow loop simulator photo: In 2009 CNS designed and built a sophisticated safety and human performance flow loop training simulator. Nebraska Public Power will complete work on the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation. Dry cask photo: By early 2010. All this new equipment has had a dramatic and so on. as coaches. Cooper also purchased a new 345 Kv switchyard transformer. school board and city council members. and many people in southeastern Nebraska know or are related to someone who works at the power plant. nuclear station. 1974 commercial operation began. Approximately 720 employees. valves. Cooper enjoys strong citizen support in the communities around the station. went from having an uncertain future less than a decade ago. and elsewhere. 1974 operating license granted by Atomic Energy Commission. O. mirroring the industry of which it is a part. Mark I reactor. Cooper. September-October 2009 . so even people who never deal with nuclear power plant equipment will have opportunities to test their grasp of human performance tools and their knowledge of industrial accident precursors. This built a broad and longlasting reservoir of fundamental technical knowledge and understanding across the entire organization. Check us out at www. we provide outage services and component inspections.westinghousenuclear. clean and reliable electricity. such as I&C systems upgrades. .NO C OMPANY IS MORE C OMMIT TED TO W E S T I N G H O U S E E L E C T R I C C O M PA N Y L L C supporting operating nuclear plants. including 60 percent of those in the United States. Westinghouse is committed to helping provide safe. and skilled employees at locations around the world. With global pressurized water reactor (PWR) and boiling water reactor (BWR) technology and expertise. Westinghouse technology is the basis for approximately one-half of the world’s operating nuclear plants. major plant capital improvements. Pennsylvania (USA). upratings. 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