Npi vs Ferronickel

March 28, 2018 | Author: arkent98 | Category: Nickel, Iron, Steel, Pig Iron, Crystalline Solids



FERRONICKEL VS NPI: TWO DIFFERENT PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL NICKEL STUDY GROUP October 55-6, 2010 Denis LENCOU-BAREME DES ALLIAGES, DES MINERAIS ET DES HOMMES. Nickel Pig Iron: a substitute to FeNi ? Product analysis a) ISO classification: Chemical analysis FeNi (*) (*) Physical aspect/size Ni C Si P S 15-80% Max 2.5% Max 4% Max 0.030% Max 0.40% Cr Max 2% Chips size between 2 and 50mm According to ISO6501 norm "FeNi-specification and delivery requirement" NPI not ISO standardized There is confusion in China between Nickel Pig Iron and Ferronickel. Ferronickel according to ISO norm must have a minimum content of 15% nickel. Therefore Nickel Pig Iron produced in China cannot be called Ferronickel for at least 95% of the production available on the market. Source: Eramet Ni Research - 2 / 7 5% 1% 0.6% NPI 5% Ni 5% 6% 6% 0.060% 6% impurities • 20 times more P in NPI Kg per ton Ni P S than in FeNi • 6 times more S in NPI than in FeNi In 25% FeNi * 0.4 2 In NPI 5% Ni 8 12 * In example typical analysis of SLN25 used as reference Source: Eramet Ni Research .4 / 7 .010% 0.050% 0.3 / 7 Differentiating Ferronickel from Nickel Pig Iron Product form Ferronickel in shots (such as SLN25) Nickel Pig Iron = Uneven Ingot shape Grain size: 4-60mm Free of fines Source: Eramet Ni Research .040% 0.Nickel Pig Iron: no substitute in terms of quality Product analysis b) Comparison of a 25% Ni FeNi * and a 5% Ni NPI Chemical analysis 25% FeNi* Ni C Si P S Cr 25% 1. 5 / 7 Differentiating Ferronickel from Nickel Pig Iron Consistency of quality thanks to upstream integration FeNi producers integrated up to ore extraction can offer:  Accurate technical specification meeting stainless steel makers requirements. on time shipments with quantity and quality as per contract requirements. Source: Eramet Ni Research . avoiding numerous and costly systematic sampling and analysis operations. such as low P content  Reliability on the respect of the specification. Source: Eramet Ni Research .6 / 7 .Differentiating Ferronickel from Nickel Pig Iron Sampling and analysis Homogenized analysis for FeNi (for example 1 analysis per lot for SLN25) : > Enormous simplification for stainless steel makers. Differentiating Ferronickel from Nickel Pig Iron High usage value of FeNi as specialty product qualified for converter use EAF use NPI / NBF Charge product in basket AOD use Not optimized (Impurities.7 / 7 . size) Used in continuous additions : FeNi (at 22% or above) In basket or through EAF roof  Controls Liquid metal temperature  Increases AOD productivity. with more tons/minute Helps to increase Ni yield in the meltshop Source: Eramet Ni Research .
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