March 26, 2018 | Author: Fray Dennis Pineda Osa | Category: Prayer, Grace In Christianity, Lord's Prayer, Saint, Trinity



NOVENA TO SAINT PANCRATIUSST. PANCRATIUS (Feast – May 12) Legend tells us he was born at the end of the third century and brought up by an uncle in Rome after the death of his parents. Both he and his uncle became Christians. Pancras was beheaded in 304 during Diocletian's persecution. He was only 14 years old. St. Pancratius was buried in a cemetery, which was later named after him. He is especially venerated in England because of the Benedictine monk Augustine of Canterbury, who dedicated his first church in England after Pancras. The relics of St. Pancras wer e presented as a gift the king of Northumberland. I grew up in a parish dedicated to the honor of this boy saint. And I must say, his story left an impression on me on how to be brave and steadfast in the Faith. His image is shown holding a book with the Latin words "Venite Ad Me et Ego dabo vobis omnia bona." which means "Come to me and I will give you all that is good." This text I believe came from Genesis 45:18. The Saint is shown with his right index finger pointing heaven ward suggesting that the prom ise in the open book he is holding comes from God. He is cloaked in a red cape similar to that of a centurion. He is also holding a palm leaf, indicating that he died a martyr. These prayers implore St. Pancratius to intercede with God in our behalf. Also known as St. Pancras, he is the patron saint for the children. My grandmother (lola in Pilipino) and auntie (tita in Pilipino) told me that St. Pancratius is especially called upon by those seeking for work or a source of livelihood. Novena Prayer Act of Contrition: Jesus, my God, how often have I offended Thee and, despite my firm promise never to sin again, how many times have I left Thy sweet company to follow the path of sin! Dearest Lord, I am sorry for my past negligences. all that Faith teaches. I know that there is time to make a new beginning. Glory be. and in this way you will avoid many disappointments. Do Thou. dear Jesus.. hopeful that despite so many past violations of Thy commandments.. I kneel in Thy presence. Heavenly Father. more than all riches of the world. Ask him fervently for this grace.. Our Father.I regret this weakness of mine. Prayer to the Eternal Father I believe. Amen. St. I can still repent. I would be ashamed to promise again that I will not sin were it not for the confidence I have in Thy love and Thy mercy. with Thy assistance I will do my utmost to serve Thee faithfully . Pancratius was greatly devoted. through the intercession of St. Prayer for each day to the Blessed Trinity. Pancratius grant us good health to fulfill our duties. and in that faith I wish to live and die. more than all beings. It is God Whom you have to love most... . you will live peacefully and will obtain his protection in all your needs.. help me. First Day Our hearts have been created to love. notwithstanding so many failures to correspond with Thy grace. Pancratius did it so and by it he obtained many favors from God. to whom St. With Thy aid I will strive to be faithful to Thee.and always. Hail Mary. . Pancratius did. Glory be. Hail Mary. through his intercession. Our Father... so that I may.Prayer to God the Son O good Jesus. Amen. Hail Mary. . Concluding Prayer: O glorious St.. Pancratius.. obtain work and success in all my undertakings... Pancratius always trusted in your Providence . Through his intercession I hope to obtain this grace and that of being free from adversities and from ill-intentioned persons.. Our Father.. but especially health and work. as St. Second Day It is the law of God to love our neighbor. so that I may appear before thee to thank God for the favors I received through your powerful intercession.. I beg thee to obtain for me all the graces that I need.. Glory be. Prayer to the Holy Spirit Grant me the virtue of Charity that I may love God above all things and my neighbor for the love of God.. grant me the virtue of Hope in your promises in the same measure that St. thus leading many souls in the right path to heaven. and for this reason God bestowed on him such a great power in behalf of those devoted to him. In this way. Pancratius possessed such a kind heart that he always sympathized with the poor and the unfortunate. fail to serve God wholeheartedly. Pancratius.but only in as much as this love does not hinder us from loving God. Pancratius not only tried to be good himself but also strived to lead other souls to heaven. especially those that you like to receive in this novena. for this reason he obtained so many graces from heaven. You too. many favors from God. (Prayer to the Blessed Trinity as on First Day) Third Day St. (Prayer to the Blessed Trinity as on First Day) Fourth Day The glorious St. Let us ask him from the depth of our hearts to give us the grace to love our neighbors as ourselves in order to love God better. You too. for the sake of God. St. . Pancratius in defending always the truth and the good. through his intercession. should imitate this virtue and thereby obtain. (Prayer to the Blessed Trinity as on First Day) Fifth Day There are many persons in the world who due to human respect. In this way you will gain many graces. but rather imitate St. Pancratius gave us the examples. should try to spread this devotion and to lead others to heaven. in this way we shall obtain many graces from the glorious St. Be not one of them. . Ask him fervently to help you. Pancratius who is always ready to hear your prayer. (Prayer to the Blessed Trinity as on First Day) Eighth Day Just as you treasure the picture of your parents and other dear persons. Be sure you will then be more at peace and will obtain for yourself and for your family graces that grow more than you can hope for. Pancratius to obtain for you this grace when someone has offended you. and thus succeeded in living happily and becoming a great saint amidst difficulties. great patience is needed for everything. (Prayer to the Blessed Trinity as on First Day) Seventh Day In this world. so also should you treasure the image of St. will obtain all that you need through the intercession of St. (Prayer to the Blessed Trinity as on First Day) Sixth Day One of the hardest things for the heart is to forgive those who have injured us. since he forgave even those who martyred him. Ask St. and he will grant you this grace and many others. The greater the fervor with which you do it the more he will intercede for you before God that he may grant you the graces you want to obtain in this novena. Imitate St. assured that from heaven above he sees you as you kneel before his altar. for more obstacles always come in our way than we expect. Pancratius who always conforms his will to the Holy Will of God. and thus obtain his protection for yourself and for your family. (Prayer to the Blessed Trinity as on First Day) Ninth Day Now that you are ending this novena. Be sure that he waits for you there. Pancratius and by it to make yourself worthy of attaining heaven where you will keep his company. and you will fulfill your duties faithfully.for you as well as for your family. you are encouraged and you feel a greater desire to love St. (Prayer to the Blessed Trinity as on First Day) . leading the life of a good Christian.
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