Notification for ELBO Regulation-2014

April 3, 2018 | Author: Katu | Category: Electrician, Diploma, High Voltage, Test (Assessment), License



AR,B HU BA N ******** NOTIFICATION ES W GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY No………9553… Dtd.03.12.2014 EL-MISC-28/13 (Pt.) In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 180 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (Central Act 36 of 2003) read with Regulation 29 (1) of the Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) HA Regulation-2010 and in suppression of all previous notifications on the subject, O DI S the Governor of Odisha pleased to direct that the grant of licenses, certificates of competency and permits to Electrical Contractors, Supervisors and Electrical workmen respectively shall with effect from the date of issue of the order be D, governed in the whole of the state of Odisha by following regulations, namely:- AR Electrical Licensing Board Regulation, Odisha, 2014. 1. TITLE AND COMMENCEMENT:- BO a) These regulations may be called “Electrical Licensing Regulation of Odisha” for issue of:- Licenses to Electrical Contractors. (ii) Certificates of Competency to Electrical Supervisors. IN G (i) NS (iii) Permits to Electrical Workman. CE b) They shall come into force on the date of their final publication in the official LI gazette. 2. DEFINITIONS:- AL In these regulations unless the context otherwise requires:- EL EC TR IC a) “The Board” means the Electrical Licensing Board, Odisha appointed under Regulation 3. b) “Secretary” means Secretary to the Electrical Licensing Board, Odisha. c) “The Chairman” means the Chairman of the Board. d) “Member” means Member of the Board. e) “The Electrical Inspector” means the Electrical Inspector to the Government of Odisha. Page | 1 ES W AR f) “Supervisor” means the Electrical Supervisor qualified under these Regulations. g) “Workman” means an Electrical Workman qualified under these Regulations. h) “Form” means a form appended to these regulations. ,B HU BA N i) “Permit” means the permit granted under this regulation to workman. j) “SCC” means the supervisor certificate of competency granted under this regulation to supervisors. k) “Learner Permit” means a permit issued to a person to work under direct guidance of a person having appropriate category of supervisory certificate of competency for the purpose of learning. HA l) “MV” means the voltage class not exceeding 650 Volt. O DI S m) “HT” means the voltage class not exceeding 33 KV. n) “EHT” means the voltage class exceeding 33 KV. o) “Prescribed fees” the Govt. may notify the fee for issue / renewal etc for license SCC / Permit from time to time. D, p) All other words and expressions used in this regulation and not defined AR shall have the meanings respectively assigned in the Electricity Act-2003 BO and Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulation-2010. G 3. (A) A board shall be constituted as Electrical License Board, Odisha (ELBO) to NS regulation. IN exercise such functions & perform such duties as assigned to it under this (B) The Board shall be constituted by Govt. of Odisha consisting of following CE members namely:: Chairman. LI (1) E.I.C (Elecy)-Cum-PCEI (O), (Ex-Officio) (2) Electrical Inspector (Hq.) & Secretary, E.L.B.O. (Ex-Officio) AL : EL EC TR IC (3) Chief Engineer (Testing, Calibration & Licensing) or CEI (T&D), Odisha, Bhubaneswar (Ex-Officio) : Member, Secretary Member (4) Joint Apprenticeship Advisor O/O-Director of Technical Education & Training, Odisha, Cuttack (Ex-Officio) : Member. (5) C.G.M. (Construction) OPTCL, Bhubaneswar (Ex-Officio) : Member. Page | 2 Member. (8) A Representative of Distribution Licensee having Degree in Electrical Engg. & working not below the rank of General Manger (O&M) : Member. (9) A Representative of Large Industrial Organizations (Having criteria mentioned below) : Member. HA : O DI S Criteria For:- AR Member. ,B HU BA N (7) A Representative of all Odisha Electrical Contractors Association (Having criteria mentioned below) : ES W (6) Deputy Director of Mines, Safety (Ele.) Govt. of India, S.E. Zone, Ranchi (Ex-Officio) (a) Member from Electrical Contractors Association:(i) Degree in Electrical Engineering or equivalent, and D, (ii) Possession of HT Contractor License from Electrical License Board, Odisha for a minimum period of 15 years. AR (b) Member from Large Industries of Odisha:- BO (i) Degree in Electrical Engineering, and (ii) Twenty years electrical engineering working experience in Large IN G Industries. 4. TERMS OF OFFICE:- NS A member of the Board other than Ex-Officio member of the Board shall CE hold office for a term of three years from the date of his appointment or LI such period as the State Government may direct. FILLING OF VACANCIES AND WITHSTANDING VACANCIES:- POWER TO FUNCTION NOT AL 5. EL EC TR IC (a) Filling of vacancies of members:- If a Member of the Board other than an Ex-Officio member remain absent in consecutive three meetings or express an unwillingness to continue, another member may be appointed in his place for a term of three years or such period as Govt. may direct. (b) The Board shall have power to act not withstanding any vacancy in its Membership. Page | 3 AR FUNCTION OF THE BOARD:- ES W 6. (i) To grant and cancel of licenses to Electrical Contractors who satisfies the conditions stipulated in this regulation. ,B HU BA N (ii) To grant and cancel Certificates of Competency to Supervisors and permits to Electrical Workman who satisfies the conditions contemplated in this regulation and also ratify the SCC and Permits approved by Chairman provisionally in the exemption cases as per regulation No.11(iv). (iii) To conduct examination for Supervisor and Electrical Workman. (iv) To grant and cancel of temporary contractor license and contractor license HA who satisfies the condition stipulated in this regulation and also to ratify the O DI S provisional licenses approved by Chairman. (v) To advise the State Government regarding all matters related to issue of licenses, certificates or permits. In case of any changes / amendments D, required in the licensing procedure / criteria, Board may recommend the same to Govt. for consideration and incorporation in the license regulation AR through proper notification by Govt. BO (vi) To decide on the violation of any of the provision of these regulations on the part of Electrical Contractors, Permit holders and Supervisors as per G Regulation No.32 & 33 based on the enquiry. MEETINGS OF THE BOARD:- IN 7. The Board shall meet once in six months NS and at such other time as may be required in the opinion of the Chairman for CE transacting business, which can not be disposed of by circulation of papers. At LI least seven days prior notice of all meetings shall be sent to each Member. APPOINTMENT OF SUB-COMMITTEE:- The Board shall have power to AL 8. appoint sub-committees or nominate a person and delegate such of its powers EL EC TR IC and function to these sub-committees or a person as the Board may consider 9. appropriate. QUORUM:- Any five Members shall form the quorum at any meeting. It shall however be necessary for either the Chairman or the Secretary to be one of these five members present to enable the meeting to be held. Page | 4 CHAIRMAN OF THE MEETING:- The Chairman or in his absence, one of AR 10. ES W the members present in that meeting may be elected as the Chairman of the meeting and shall exercise his voting power in case of the equality of votes. FUNCTION OF THE CHAIRMAN:- ,B HU BA N 11. (i) To preside over all the meetings of the Board unless deprived of attending any meeting due to unavoidable circumstances. (ii) To approve the list of examiners to be appointed for conducting the different examinations/tests to be held under these regulations for grant of Supervisor Certificate of Competency and Workman Permit. pending ratification by the Board. HA (iii) To grant temporary contractor license / contractor license provisionally O DI S (iv) Endorsement of outside contractor license / supervisor license issued by other State Licensing Board pending ratification by the Board. (v) To grant the Supervisor Certificate of Competency and Workman Permit for D, exemption cases pending ratification by the board. AR (vi) To grant the contractor license in case of contractor applies to remain in lower class when he fails to maintain required qualifying Workman or BO Supervisor. (vii) To grant for renewal of SCC after verification of Medical Certificate G furnished by the supervisors. IN (viii) To grant duplicate license, SCC & Permit. NS (ix) Enquire or to arrange to enquire into violation of any of the provision of CE these rules on the part of Electrical Contractors, Supervisors & Workman Permit holders and to initiate appropriate action as decided by the Board. LI (x) To approve all expenditure relating to conduct of examination of workman AL / Supervisors and related meetings. IC 12 (A) FUNCTION OF THE SECRETARY:- EL EC TR (i) To take all actions as required and considered necessary in connection with Board’s meetings, recording the proceedings of the meetings and all correspondences in accordance with the decisions of the Board. (ii) To notify the dates of examinations, scrutinize applications received, fix up programme for the examinations at various centers and take all such Page | 5 Page | 6 .B HU BA N (iv) To scrutinize all applications received for grant of electrical contractors licenses and put up to the board for their consideration. (vii) To issue duplicate licenses / certificates of competency. examinations and put up to the Board for their consideration. certificates of competency and permits have been issued by the Board. (v) To issue licenses / certificates of competency / permits on the basis of the decisions of the licensing Board and make all correspondences as is necessary in this connection. G (x) To issue of Supervisor Certificate of Competency and Workman Permit on IN exemption basis after grant by Chairman.AR actions as is considered necessary for holding the examinations and processing the results. (viii) To take action as required in connection with complaints and allegations made against holder of licenses / certificates of competency / Workman D. Workman Permits O DI S as required. after it is notified centrally by the Secretary fixing the programme for the examination at various centers and to take all such actions as considered necessary for holding the examination and submit the results to the Secretary for obtaining approval of electrical licensing board. CE NS (xii) To do all other things directed by the Chairman or the Board. Permits as per licensing regulation. (vi) To renew licenses / certificates of competency / Workman Permits as HA required. (ii) To conduct the examination. (xi) To conduct the EHT Workman Permit examination. ES W (iii) To scrutinize all exemption cases claimed from appearing in the . (B) DELEGATION OF FUNCTION OF SECRETARY:- LI On behalf of the ELBO the Electrical Inspector of concerned Zone AL shall discharge the following functions in their respective jurisdictions:- EL EC TR IC (i) To scrutinize all the applications received for issue of Workman Permits/ Renewal of Workman Permits up-to HT work. AR (ix) To maintain the registers of contractors/supervisors and workman to whom BO licenses. Secretary as and O DI S when required may delegate or withdraw any functions with the approval of the Chairman. 13. Government of India shall be included in the list of Examiners for issuing Certificate of Competency in respect of installations in Mines. AL (iv) Every examination shall be conducted at a place where the candidate’s IC knowledge can be practically examined. A representative of the Directorate of Mines. (C) Not withstanding anything contained in Regulation. (vi) To take action as required in connection with complaints and allegation made against the holders of Workman Permit as per this Regulation. to ascertain their competency and the LI adequacy of their practical experience to the satisfaction of the Board. (v) To issue duplicate Workman Permit as and when required.12 (B). AR (i) The Examinations shall be held at least once a year for grant of (a) Supervisor Certificate of Competency (b) Permits to Electrical Workmen. .AR (iii) To issue new permits on the basis of the approval of the Electrical ES W Licensing Board. EXAMINATION: - D. (iii) Every examination shall be of such a nature as to test the practical CE knowledge of the candidates. EL EC TR (v) Examiners:(a) The Secretary with the approval of the Chairman shall appoint local examiners for the purpose of conducting examinations at different centers. Page | 7 .B HU BA N (iv) To renew Workman Permits of candidates in their respective jurisdiction. (vii) To maintain register of Workman to whom permits have been issued by HA the Board. Odisha and make all correspondences as necessary in this connection. G (ii) Examinations under these regulations shall be held at such places and on IN such dates as may be notified by the Secretary from time to time in the NS Odisha Gazette. and local news papers. BO The periodicity of holding these examinations shall be decided by the Board from time to time. (e) Xerox copy of Identity proof such as Voter ID card / PAN card / Xerox copy of address proof such as Telephone Bill / Electricity Bill / AR (f) D. (i) Original treasury chalan in support of payment of the fees (non- NS IN (h) WORKMAN PERMIT EXAMINATION SHALL BE CONDUCTED FOR ISSUING WORKMAN PERMIT INTENDED TO WORK FOR THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES:- EL EC TR IC AL LI 14.B HU BA N Supervisor Certificate of Competency and Workman Permit examination shall make an application in the prescribed format to Secretary. of recent passport size colour photograph with white G background. ELBO / Electrical Inspector of concerned Zone within the dates notified for the receipt together with. Xerox copy of Educational & Technical qualifications with self O DI S attestation.AR (b) The examiners so appointed shall receive such honorarium as ES W approved by the Government from time to time. specimen signature. CATEGORY PERMITTED TO WORK i) Electrical Workman-MV : a) Wireman-MV : (with Learner permit for Lineman-MV) Domestic & Industrial Installations with Under Ground installation including equipment upto 650V. Driving Licenses / Aadhar card / Passport with self attestation. 3 (three) nos. 3 (three) nos. CE refundable) for the examination. (a) Conduct Certificate (From a gazetted officer) (b) Practical Experience as required in different category with self (c) HA attestation. interested candidates for applying the . (d) Xerox copy of proof of date of birth with self attestation. Bank Pass Book / Gas Card / any other proof in support of address (g) BO with self attestation. Page | 8 . (vi) On notification for examination. b) Lineman-MV : (with Learner permit for Workman-HT) Overhead & Under Ground installation including equipment upto 650V. For this purpose it will be necessary to test the candidate’s knowledge of the safety rules for working in mines.B HU BA N ES W AR ii) Electrical Workman-HT : (with Learner permit for Workman-EHT) All these examinations shall be conducted through viva-voce and O DI S the syllabus shall be as per Annexure-I. 11 KV or 33 KV. Odisha Govt.Overhead / underground installations & equipments upto 33KV including Under ground. QUALIFICATION FOR WORKMAN PERMIT EXAMINATION:- (A) Candidates for the examination of “WIREMAN-MV PERMIT” (with Learner permit for Lineman-MV) shall be a person- IN G BO 15. registered under Factory Act 1948 and having connected load more than 250 KW shall obtain experience certificate from Supervisor having valid SCC of Govt. oral test out of 50 marks for being declared to have passed the AR examination for issue of permits. (ii) Who has worked for at least for two years as helper assisting the workman (Wireman) under the Supervision of an electrical engineer of Odisha Government. iii) Electrical Workman-EHT: All overhead and under ground electrical installations work and also installation of electrical equipment of all voltage class. A candidate must secure a minimum of 20 marks in the practical and D. Page | 9 . (i) Who has passed minimum Class-VII and has been trained in NS electrical works at least two years under a person possessing a valid CE Supervisor Certificate of Competency granted by the Board. v) Endorsement for Mining for each Category. The experience certificate should be signed by the Licensed Contractor and EL EC TR IC AL LI Supervisor (MV/HT/EHT) describing the nature of work. of Odisha duly counter signed by the employer. undertaking and Distribution Licensees. iv) Endorsement for cable: Jointing. Persons working in industry. The syllabus may be amended from time to time as may be considered necessary by the Board. HA . (For this purpose a practical test in cable jointing work will be necessary). AR The experience certificate shall be obtained from the Higher Technical Authority (not below the rank of Executive Engineer / Manager) describing ES W the nature of work (this provision is extended for one year only from the date of notification of this regulation). Odisha Govt. (ii) Who has worked for at least for three (03) years as helper assisting NS the lineman under the supervision of an electrical engineer of Odisha CE Government. Who has successfully passed the course prescribed for Electrical . The experience certificate shall be obtained from the Higher Technical Authority LI (not below the rank of Executive Engineer / Manager) describing the nature AL of work (this provision is extended for one year only from the date of (iii) Who has successfully passed ITI course prescribed for Electrician trade from a recognized Industrial Training Institute of the State or any equivalent examination (approved by NCVT) is exempted from appearing examination. Supervisor (MV/HT/EHT) describing the nature of work. Candidate for the examination of “LINEMAN-MV PERMIT” (with learner permit for Workman-HT) shall be a person:- HA (B) (i) Having learner Lineman-MV permit and has been trained in MV O DI S works at least for two (02) years under a person possessing a valid Supervisor Certificate of Competency granted by the Board. The experience certificate should be signed by the Licensed Contractor and AR D. registered under Factory Act 1948 and BO having connected load more than 250 KW shall obtain experience certificate from Supervisor having valid SCC of Govt. EL EC TR IC notification of this regulation). Page | 10 . Persons working in industry. of Odisha duly IN G counter signed by the employer. undertaking and Distribution Licensees.B HU BA N (iii) Wireman Trade/Electrician Trade from a recognized Industrial Training Institute of the State or any equivalent examination (approved by NCVT) is exempted for examination. The experience certificate shall be obtained from the Higher Page | 11 . certificate from Supervisor having valid SCC of Govt. Persons working in industry. OPTCL. registered under Factory Act 1948 and having connected load more than 250 KW shall obtain experience D. The experience certificate shall be obtained from the Higher NS Technical Authority (not below the rank of Executive Engineer / Manager) describing the nature of work. The Xerox copy of the training certificate is mandatory. EL EC TR IC training. Having learner Workman-HT permit and worked for at least two BO (ii) years HT works assisting the lineman under the supervision of an electrical G engineer of Odisha Government.B HU BA N exempted from appearing examination.AR (iv) Who has successfully passed ITI Wireman trade from a recognized ES W Industrial Training Institute of the State or any equivalent examination (approved by NCVT) having two year apprentices training as Lineman is (C) . Odisha Govt. Having ITI Electricians Trade employed by OPTCL and successfully CE (iii) LI completed one year training under OPTCL training centre are exempted AL from appearing examination on completion of one year experience after Technical Authority (not below the rank of Executive Engineer / Manager) describing the nature of work which should be counter signed by CGM (O&M). The experience certificate HA should be signed by the Licensed Contractor and Supervisor (HT/EHT) O DI S describing the nature of work. of Odisha duly AR counter signed by the employer. Candidate for the examination of “WORKMAN-HT PERMIT” (with Learner permit for Workman-EHT) shall be a person:(i) Having learner Workman-HT permit and has been trained in HT works at least for two years under a person possessing a valid Supervisor Certificate of Competency granted by the Board. undertaking and Distribution IN Licensees. B HU BA N has assisted in EHT works at least for three years under a person possessing a valid Supervisor Certificate of Competency granted by the Board. GRANT OF WORKMAN PERMIT:- (i) Workman permit in Form-“F” shall be granted by the board to every successful candidate who passed the examination for electrical Workman Permit. under a D. appear in the examination. The NS experience certificate shall be obtained from the Higher Technical Authority CE (not below the rank of Executive Engineer / Manager) describing the nature LI of work which should be counter signed by CGM (O&M). OPTCL.AR ES W Candidate for the examination for “WORKMAN-EHT PERMIT” shall be a person:- (D) (i) With ITI Electrician trade having learner Workman-EHT permit and . The experience certificate shall be obtained from the Higher Technical Authority (not below the rank of Executive Engineer / Manager) describing the nature of work. With ITI Electricians trade employed by OPTCL having learner G (iii) IN Workman-EHT permit successfully completed two years experience. Page | 12 . person possessing a valid Supervisor Certificate of Competency granted by the Board. A candidate for the examination for Workman Permit shall be a TR IC person not below the age of 20 (twenty) years on the date of application to EL EC 17. In case of persons working under the contractor the experience certificate shall be obtained describing the nature HA of work and signed by the contractor & EHT supervisor. MINIMUM AGE FOR OBTAINING PERMIT: AL 16. The experience certificate describing the nature of work shall be AR obtained from higher technical authority not below the rank of Executive BO engineer / Manager describing the nature of work and recommended by OPTCL higher authority (not below the rank of General Manager). Having learner Workman-EHT permit and employed by OPTCL O DI S (ii) successfully completed one year training under OPTCL training centre and has been trained in EHT works at least for five years after training. The examination for Supervisor Certificate of Competency is intended for a AL person who directly supervises Electrical Installation work. EL EC TR IC (a) The examination for Supervisor Certificate of Competency shall be comprised of written paper and oral test for MV & HT. of Odisha have reciprocal arrangements and issue equivalent appropriate category of permit after verification.B HU BA N Licensing Board under regulation 29 (1) of the Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulation – 2010 with which Govt. the NS experiences thereafter will be considered for further up-gradation and CE endorsement.AR (ii) The board may also grant to any person who qualifies as per the regulation ES W -15(A)(iii). EXAMINATION FOR SUPERVISOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY:- LI 19.15(B)(iii) & (iv) and 15(C)(iii). Page | 13 . (iii) ELBO shall also recognize the workman permit issued by other States . IN After conversion of new categories brought into effect. the existing permit holder of different categories Existing Categories Converted Categories Wireman-MV (with Learner permit for Lineman-MV) Lineman-MV (with Learner permit for Workman-HT) Workman-HT (with learner permit for Workman-EHT) G BO AR D. The Viva-Voce test can be taken either in English / Odia / Hindi for the convenience of the candidate. i) Wireman – C ii) Wireman – B i) Wireman – A ii) Lineman – C i) Lineman – B ii) Lineman – A O DI S will be brought over to new permit categories as mentioned below. However the board may permit a candidate to answer in Odia. 18. The examination question papers shall be set in English and the candidates are required to answer in English normally. CONVERSION OF PERMIT:- HA Since the existing 6 categories of workman permits has been restructured into four categories only. E. Minimum 50 marks out of 100 is again to be secured in oral tests for being declared to have passed the O DI S examination for issue of certificate of competency in case of MV & HT. construction.B HU BA N knowledge on technical standards and specification. For this purpose Page | 14 . III & IV. ES W Rules / Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulation-2010 for the installations in addition to . QUALIFICATION FOR SCC EXAMINATIONS:- (A) For Supervisor Certificate of Competency (SCC-MV):- D. The syllabus may be added to or amended from time to time as may be considered by the board or CEA guidelines. AR Candidates for examination of Supervisor Certificate of Competency (General or Mining) must comply with Regulation-13(vi) of this regulation BO and must have passed Degree in Electrical Engineering or Diploma in Electrical engineering having 02 (two) years working experience or G Electrician Trade from an ITI with 05 (five) years experience or +2 Science IN having valid Workman Permit with 06 (six) years experience in electrical NS installation work (The candidates having +2 Science qualification will be allowed for one year from the date of issue of Regulation). EL EC TR (B) For Supervisor Certificate of Competency (SCC-HT):Candidates for examination of SCC (HT) must have in possession of SCC (MV) with knowledge and experience (of at least two years for Degree Electrical Engineers and three years for Diploma Electrical Engineers) about HT installations towards inspections. (b) The syllabus for the written and oral test shall be the common syllabus as per Annexure –II. design. In the AL case of a person working under industry the certificate is to be counter IC signed by the employer. For this purpose CE a certificate of experience describing the nature of work is to be furnished LI from a SCC (MV) holder and to be counter signed by the contractor. operation and maintenance. 20.AR It is also necessary for candidates to be well conversant with the I. (c) A candidate must secure a minimum 50 marks out of 100 in written paper HA to appear for practical and oral tests. testing and commissioning. Central Public Sector Undertaking (CPSU) and Private industries registered under factory Act-1948 in the state of Odisha. College or Institution recognized by the State Government and who has working experience for at least three years in CE case of Diploma holder and two years in case of Degree holder either in LI Government of Odisha / in any fully owned Govt. MINIMUM AGE FOR COMPETENCY (SCC): OBTAINING SUPERVISOR CERTIFICATE OF . G (ii) The board may also grant SCC (MV) to a person on exemption from appearing examination:- IN Who has obtained a Diploma or Degree in Electrical Engineering NS from any Engineering School. D.AR a certificate of experience about his knowledge is to be furnished from a certificate is to be counter signed by the employer. The experience certificate shall be obtained from the higher Technical Authority (not below the rank of Superintending Engineer / General Manager) describing the nature of work. In the case of a person working under industry the A candidate for the examination / exemption for Supervisor Certificate of Competency shall be a person not below the age of 23 (twenty three) years on the date of application. O DI S (i) Supervisor Certificate of Competency (SCC-MV) in Form-“C” shall be granted by the board to a candidate on receipt of application in prescribed format with a chalan in support of payment of the prescribed fees (nonrefundable) subject to .B HU BA N 21. (a) Who has passed the examination for Supervisor Certificate of Competency held by the (Electrical Licensing) Board in accordance with Regulation-19. Central EL EC TR IC Govt.. Page | 15 . GRANT OF SUPERVISOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY (MV):- HA 22. BO AR (b) Who has obtained a similar certificate of competency from any other electrical licensing board who have adopted the common syllabus and with whom the State Government have reciprocal arrangements in this respect. This SCC (MV) granted under this regulation however can be utilized only for the organization he is serving during his period of service and can not supervise and give certificate for such supervision for any other work not belonging to his respective employment. of Odisha Undertaking / AL OHPC / OPTCL / GRIDCO / OPGC and Distribution Licensees. ES W SCC (HT / EHT) holder. GRANT OF SUPERVISOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY (HT):- AR 23. of Odisha D. EL EC TR IC 24. The experience certificate shall be obtained from the Higher Technical Authority (not below the rank of NS Superintending Engineer / General Manager) describing the nature of work. / in any fully owned Govt. testing. CE The SCC (HT) granted under this regulation. however can be utilized only for the organization he is serving during his period of service and can not LI supervise and give certificate for such supervision for any other work not AL belonging to his respective employment. ES W (i) Supervisor Certificate of Competency shall be endorsed in Form. commissioning. GRANT OF SUPERVISOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY (EHT):- Supervisor Certificate of Competency shall be endorsed in Form. has obtained a Diploma/Degree O DI S Who HA (ii) The board may also grant SCC (HT) to a person on exemption from appearing examination:in Electrical Engineering & directly working under Govt.‘C’ to a candidate on receipt of application in prescribed format subject to. (a) Who has passed the examination for SCC (HT) in accordance to Regulation-19. (b) Who has obtained a similar certificate of competency from any other electrical licensing board who have adopted the common syllabus and with whom the State Government have reciprocal arrangements in this respect.‘C’ to a candidate on receipt of application in prescribed format with a chalan in . of Odisha / OHPC / OPGC / OPTCL / GRIDCO / Central Govt. undertaking / Distribution Licensee / Central Public Sector Undertaking / AR Private industries registered under Factory Act 1948 operating in the State of Odisha having at least 10 (Ten) years in service out of which 5 (Five) BO years for Degree Engineers and 7 (Seven) years for Diploma Engineers spent in the field of construction/ Repair / Maintenance / Testing / IN G Inspection / Commissioning of HT works.B HU BA N support of payment of the prescribed fees (non-refundable) subject to . Page | 16 . (a) Who has obtained a Degree in Electrical Engineering or equivalent and in possession of SCC (HT) with knowledge and experience of at least 7 (seven) years in EHT installations on design. 100/. (b) The applicant must have attained the age of 18 (Eighteen) years as on D.AR construction. EL EC TR IC (e) Page | 17 . GRANT OF ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR’S LICENSE: An Electrical HA 25. operation and maintenance. of Odisha / OPTCL / OHPC / OPGC / Central Govt. the date of application and has passed 10th (Tenth) standard (c) AR examination. he shall not be eligible for grant of another license either as a proprietor or as a partner or as a Director as the case may be. In case of private industries Operating in Odisha registered under Factory Act-1948 the experience certificate should be counter signed by the employer. If the license is sought for a partnership firm. & Central Public Sector undertakings / Large Industries Operating in Odisha registered under Factory Act-1948 utilizing power supply above 33 KV. In case of a partnership firm all the partners of the firm and IN in case of a registered company not less TWO THIRD of total number NS of Directors may resolve and issue an authorization letter to the CE authorized signatory to sign the application on behalf of the firm or company as the case may be. the firm must have BO submitted partnership deed or if the License is sought for a registered company. For this purpose a certificate of experience about his knowledge is to be furnished from the ES W higher technical authority (not below the rank of Superintending Engineer / General Manager) describing the nature of work in case if employed in . who satisfies the conditions laid down below (a) The applicant must be a citizen of India. inspection. Where an applicant either as proprietor or partner of a firm or Director of a company is found to have been penalized as per the provision of regulation 33. the same must have been registered with the Registrar of G Companies.B HU BA N Govt. The Authorization letter shall be on The applicant shall not be an employee of a State or Central AL (d) LI Rs. Contractor License shall be granted in Form-‘D’ only to a person (or a Firm) O DI S approved by the Board. Government or Public Sector undertaking.stamp paper. (d) Any of the photo identity proof of the applicant such as Passport. Page | 18 . Affidavit from the contractor indicating the name of workman / supervisor with their permit and license number indicating all the workman & supervisors are working under his establishment. Photocopy of PAN card with self attestation. (a) (b) . driving license. Bhubaneswar in prescribed format with a chalan in support of payment of the prescribed fees (non-refundable).B. ES W contractor license shall be made to the Secretary. (e) AR Bank passbook with self attestation or an affidavit sworn before the Notary.. Voter O DI S (c) identity card. The HA photograph shall be self attested at the back side. If the license is sought for a partnership firm.O.B HU BA N Every Application form for Contractor License shall be accompanied by the followings:Original Treasury challan for having remitted the requisite fee. (j) EL EC TR IC (i) Affidavit from the Workman & Supervisor indicating they are the sole employment of the contractor to be furnished individually.ISSUE OF LICENSE TO ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS: An application for a AR 26. (k) Proof of execution of work done including adherence to the quality in case of EHT contractor as stipulated as the provision in this regulation. a copy of registered BO (f) partnership deed and if the license is sought for a registered company. G copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association approved by the IN Registrar of Companies and authorization letter in original issued to the NS authorized signatory by the partnership firm or company as the case may be. Specimen signature and three recent passport size colour photographs with white background showing the complete face of the applicant. Proof of address of business such as Telephone bill / Electricity bill / D. E. PAN card & Aadhar card with self attestation.L. Copies of the appointment letter of Supervisors & Workman signed by CE (g) Willingness letter obtained from Supervisor. signature with date along with the original Permit and SCC. Workman with their full AL (h) LI the contractor with date. 26 (A) Issue of MV Contractor License:- HA (a) He shall either himself hold a Supervisor Certificate of Competency and personally execute and supervise all works undertaken by him OR have O DI S at least one whole-time supervisor holding a Supervisor Certificate of Competency (MV) in his employment for the supervision of works undertaken by him. Page | 19 . of Odisha.B HU BA N (n) appropriate permits issued by ELBO. (b) Should have in his full time employment of minimum 1 (one) Wireman MV. NS (d) He shall always maintain the following testing instruments in good CE working condition. D. • One Earth Tester with accessories • Tongue tester. duly calibrated for carrying out the tests required LI under the Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulation-2010 and shall present them whenever AL required to do so for checking and inspection by any officer of the EL EC TR IC Electrical Inspectorate Govt. (ii) 1 (one) Lineman MV. • Hand drilling machine. (o) Verification certificate of Workman & Supervisor under his sole employment. • Multi-meter • Phase sequence indicator. Undertaking regarding possession of the instruments and T&P as per ES W (m) regulation.Copies of educational qualification along with proof of age with self AR (l) attestation. BO AR (i) (c) He should submit an undertaking to engage at least 50% full time G workman possessing appropriate permits issued by ELBO for the IN execution of works undertaken by him. • One Insulation Tester – 500 volt class. Undertaking to engage at least 50% full time Workman possessing . AR • instruments and T&P during application and renewal.5KV / 5KV Class • Live Line Tester (One for each Workman) • Multi-meter • Phase sequence indicator • Tongue tester. ES W He should submit an undertaking regarding possession of the above and furnish an undertaking to that effect. BO (c) He should submit an undertaking to engage at least 50% full time Workman possessing appropriate permits issued by ELBO for the G execution of works undertaken by him. 26. (B) Issue of HT Contractor License:- (i) The applicant:- . IN (d) He shall always maintain the following testing instruments in good NS working condition duly calibrated for carrying out the tests required CE under the Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulation-2010 and shall present them whenever LI required to do so for checking and inspection by any officer of the AL Electrical Inspectorate Govt. • One Earth Tester with accessories Page | 20 . O DI S of Competency (HT) in his employment for the supervision of works (b) Should have in his full time employment of minimum 1 (one) Workman HT.B HU BA N (e) He should maintain appropriate establishment to conduct his business (a) He shall either himself hold a HT Supervisor Certificate of Competency HA and personally execute and supervise all works undertaken by him OR have at least one whole-time supervisor holding a Supervisor Certificate undertaken by him. of Odisha. EL EC TR IC • One Insulation Tester – 500V & 1000V / 2. AR D. • Hand drilling machine. (i) (iii) 1 (one) Wireman MV. (ii) 1 (one) Lineman MV.Hand rubber Gloves tested as per ISS4770 (not to be used beyond three years of manufacture). Issue of HT Contractor License endorsement with cable jointing:In the event where H. Proof of such execution of works including adherence to EL EC TR IC the quality shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the Board. cable Jointing and shall have his H. Contractor desires to take up H.B HU BA N • Discharge Rod. Page | 21 .T. License endorsed for H.T.T electrical LI installation works or EHT work having temporary project license in last AL three years. • Hand operated and hydraulic crimping tool. HA (e) He should maintain appropriate establishment to conduct his business (C) O DI S and furnish an undertaking to that effect. Cable D.e. up to 11KV or 33KV). ES W • Pedestal drilling machine • Tree cutting power saw. • Hand Rubber gloves tested as per ISS4770 (not to be used beyond three years of manufacture).T contactor license for a minimum continuous period of three years and must have executed the installation and CE commissioning work of not less than 5 (five) number of H. cable jointing indicating the voltage upto Issue of EHT Contractor License:- G (D) BO which the cable jointing is endorsed (i. laying/jointing works. He should submit an undertaking regarding possession of the above instruments and T&P during application and renewal. IN (i) The applicant:- NS (a) Shall have a valid H.T.T) in his employment for direct supervision of works undertaken by him.T. (b) He shall either himself hold a Supervisor Certificate of Competency (E.T) & personally execute and supervise all works undertaken by him OR have at least one whole-time supervisor holding a Supervisor Certificate of Competency (E.H.H.T. he shall have in full time employment a workman AR with endorsement for H. .AR • Lead Lift with different type pulley. EL EC TR IC AL • Page | 22 .AR (i) 2 (two) Workman E. • Discharge Rod. • Hand operated and hydraulic crimping tool. • LI three years of manufacture). • Vibrator • Camalong clamp for different conductor and earth wire. (ii) 2 (two) Workman HT. • Gas cutting set. One 5KV Motorized Insulation Tester • One 1000V Insulation Tester • One Earth Tester with Accessories • Tong Tester • Two Digital Multi-meters • Two Hydraulic Compressor / Motorized Compressor • Four sets Lead Lift with different types of Pulley • Theodolite. • Rubber Hand Glove tested as per ISS4770 (not to be used beyond CE NS IN G BO AR D.B HU BA N (iii) 1 (one) Wireman MV.H. • Single phase welding generator. ES W (c) Should have in his full time employment of minimum . • Pedestal Drilling machine. (e) He shall always maintain at least the following testing instruments and HA equipments in good working condition duly calibrated for carrying out the tests required under the Central Electricity Authority (Measures O DI S relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulation-2010 and shall present them whenever required to do so for checking and inspection by any officer of the Electrical Inspectorate Govt.T. of Odisha. (d) He should submit an undertaking to engage at least 50% full-time workman possessing appropriate permits issued by ELBO for the execution of works undertaken by him. Safety Belt. are met for corresponding types of work for which temporary license is G required.AR He should submit an undertaking regarding possession of the above ES W instruments and T&P during application and renewal. (f) He should maintain appropriate establishment to conduct his business . This may be extended to a maximum period of five years or the contract period NS which ever is lower with required fees. the temporary contractor D. ISSUE OF TEMPORARY CONTRACTOR LICENSE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE: Subject to fulfillment of the conditions as laid down in Regulation 26 a temporary contractor license is issued for specific project. specific period and for specific purpose to a person/firm not possessing requisite HA contractor license issued by ELBO to take up the project. and chalan for the prescribed fee (non-refundable) may be made to the Secretary ELBO. If the Chairman is satisfied about the need. license shall be granted provisionally pending ratification by Board. 27 A.25 & 26 of this regulation. CE For issue of temporary contractor license verifications of workman & LI supervisor are required. EL EC TR 27 B. The AR conditions based on which permanent licenses are issued for the various BO categories of work as laid down in Regulation. ENDORSEMENT OF OUTSIDE CONTRACTOR LICENSE ISSUED BY OTHER STATE LICENSING BOARD:The contractor having Electrical Contractor license issued by licensing board of other States will be allowed to take up the work in the state of Odisha through endorsement subject to fulfillment of following conditions Page | 23 .B HU BA N and furnish an undertaking to that effect. An application in the prescribed format alongwith a copy of the work O DI S order. On receipt of application if there is no objection / correspondence AL regarding defects then after one month from the date of receipt it is will be IC presumed that documents are correct and license is to be issued. Such a license shall be issued for a period of one year or the IN completion time as mentioned in the work order whichever is earlier. Page | 24 . D. (c) The experience certificate / qualification of the supervisor is to be submitted and the persons is to be personally verified along with their license book issued by other State by ELBO. (ii) The Supervisor is to abide to all other stipulation laid down in this regulation.AR (i) Needs verification of authenticity of license of the Contractor.B HU BA N (a) He should submit one self declaration regarding the authenticity of (b) The affidavit to the correctness of all the documents submitted are to be furnished. ENDORSEMENT OF OUTSIDE SUPERVISOR CERTIFICATE COMPETENCY (SCC) ISSUED BY OTHER STATE LICENSING BOARD:- OF G The supervisor having SCC issued by licensing board of other States will IN be allowed to take up the work in the state of Odisha through endorsement NS subject to fulfillment of following conditions CE (i) Needs verification of authenticity of SCC issued by other licensing board LI for which:- (a) He should submit one self declaration regarding the authenticity of SCC AL issued by other State. Workman ES W Permit of workman and Supervisor Certificate Competency of supervisor working under the contractor for which:- license / SCC / permit issued by other State. BO 27 C. (ii) The Contractor is to abide to all other stipulation laid down in this AR regulation. . O DI S (d) Adjustment of appropriate category of workman according to this regulation verifying their experience is to be approved by the Chairman for the workman permits issued by other States. EL EC TR IC (b) The affidavit to the correctness of all the documents submitted are to be furnished. (c) The experience certificate / qualification of the supervisor & permit holder are to be submitted by the contractor and the persons are to be HA personally verified along with their license book issued by other State by ELBO. B HU BA N a time till attaining the age of 62 years on payment of non-refundable renewal fees as prescribed. CE (iv) The application for renewal in the prescribed format together with the permit. certificate of competency / contractor’s license and the challans in LI support of the prescribed fees shall be submitted. then the SCC / Permit holder has to apply afresh for new SCC / Permit of their same category and it will be issued on qualifying in the examination. Page | 25 . CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY AND ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR’S LICENSES:- AR 28. If there is any need for verification the NS contractor may be directed to verify all the staffs.VALIDITY AND RENEWALS OF PERMITS. below the rank of District Medical Officer / Chief District Medical Officer. If the SCC & Permits are required to be issued after expiry of all grace period. Provided further that late renewal for permit. Provided that. Medical Officer not AR D. 01 clear month before EL EC TR IC AL the expiry but not before 03 clear months. SCC and Contractor License may also be granted within a period of 12 (twelve) months from the date of expiry with prescribed penalty and invalidating the late period. (ii) Supervisor Competency Certificate granted under these regulations shall be valid for a period of 3 (three) years and shall be renewed periodically not exceeding 3 (three) years at a time till attaining the age of 60 (sixty) HA years on payment of non-refundable renewal fees as prescribed. (iii) The contractor license granted under these regulation shall be valid for a BO period of 03 (three) years and shall be renewed periodically not exceeding 03 (three) years on payment of nonrefundable renewal fees as prescribed G and submission of continuation certificate by the staff with counter IN signature of the contractor. ES W (i) The permits granted under these regulations shall be valid for a period of five years and shall be renewed periodically not exceeding 5 (Five) years at . grant or renewal of Supervisor Certificate of O DI S Competency to the applicant / Certificate holder after attaining the age of sixty years shall be issued for a period not exceeding 3 (three) years upto 70 years on production of physical fitness from a Govt. On being satisfied that an original Permit / Certificate or License granted under these regulations has been lost or destroyed. SUPERVISORS AND NS IN 31. 12 (twelve) months from the date of expiry) the contractor has to apply afresh for new license. The report shall be signed by the Supervisor under whose supervision the work has been carried out and Page | 26 . In case lost or destroyed. Both the supervisor and the workman should work full time for him.AR If the contractor license is required to be issued after expiry of all the ES W grace period (i. G renewals. CE (i) As per provision of Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety LI and Electric Supply) Regulation-2010. After completion of such electrical installation work.Separate registers shall be maintained for AR 30. endorsements and any other attributes shall be duly recorded. no electrical installation works undertaken by the holder of a valid contractor license shall be carried out AL without the direct supervision of a person possessing a certificate of EL EC TR IC competency and at least fifty percent (50%) of the Electrical Workmen employed in any such work in possession of a valid permit. three O DI S specimen signature and three recent passport size colour photographs.e.B HU BA N 29. Contractors’ License BO including temporary contractor license in which the dates of issue. Certificates of Competency. a test / completion report shall be furnished by the contractor to the supplier/consumer/owner or occupier. duplicate permit / certificate or license will D. Workman Permits. be issued if applied latest before completion of one year of expiry. on application in the prescribed format the Secretary may grant a duplicate permit / certificate or license on payment of the fee prescribed for each category HA after submission of FIR copy along with an affidavit as per Annexure –V in case of lost and an affidavit from a Notary in case of destroyed. MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS:. OBLIGATION OF LICENSED ELECTRICAL WORKMAN:- (A) LICENSED CONTRACTORS:- CONTRACTORS. ISSUE OF DUPLICATE COPY OF PERMIT / CERTIFICATE OR LICENSE:- . Proper record of the names of the supervisor and workman engaged in each work shall be maintained to ascertain designated persons.) . (iii) A quarterly return giving the details of works executed during a quarter. failing which the license shall be invalid. Such register maintained under above obligation shall be produced before the Electrical Inspector or any person authorized by him on his HA behalf when required and if on inspection Electrical Inspector finds that the O DI S designated person(s) does/do not fulfill the required qualification. BO such form and within such time as may be prescribed for this purpose G Return shall be filed online in the ELBO website within 15th day of IN the following month of each quarter (i. D. he shall recommended the removal of the name of such persons from the register under intimation to the ELBO. the license shall be deemed to have been cancelled.e. If within 3 (three) months of the license becoming so invalid and the license is not revalidated after fulfilling the required conditions. 15th Oct. ELBO in (Annexure – VI). by 15th July. (iv) The holder of a contractor’s license shall be either in possession of a valid AL supervisor certificate of competency or retain on his sole employment at EL EC TR IC least one supervisor holding a valid supervisor certificate of competency and the minimum number of Workman of different categories specified under Regulation-26. Any suppression of CE facts of the work undertaken will be considered as violation of ELBO LI Regulation. Failing to file return for 03 (three) consecutive quarter will be considered to be deemed cancelled of the license.B HU BA N (ii) Every licensed contractor shall maintain a register of all supervisors and workman employed by him. Page | 27 . 15th Jan and NS 15th April). the supervisor and the electrical workman engaged in each work and such AR other information incidental to it shall be furnished to the Secy.AR countersigned by the holder of the contractor’s license who shall be wholly responsible for the proper execution of the work (Signature of the ES W Supervisor & Contractor should tally with the specimen signature given by them during issue of Licenses / Certificates from ELBO. Page | 28 .O.B.B HU BA N engaged for each of the work undertaken by him. (ix) The holder of the license shall have in his possession the instruments and BO undertaken by him. As & when Govt. the contractors shall mobilize their manpower / machineries and other resources to undertake restoration work immediately. • (xii) Mobile number within 7 (seven) days of such change.AR (v) License contractor may apply to endorse his license to a lower class of license when he fails to maintain the required qualifying workman and ES W supervisor. At the time of Disaster like situation (like Cyclone / Flood etc) the contractors have to discharge obligation for restoration of electricity supply. Authorized representative or dissolution of partnership within seven AL • EL EC TR IC days (in case of death within one month). AR T&P specified in Regulation-26 for carrying out the different types of work (x) The holder of the license shall intimate the Secretary in writing within the G period specified below as to every change of the following for updating the IN data. (vi) The contractor shall maintain a register of the Workman / Supervisors . ELBO for cancellation.. BBSR.L. D. directs. ELBO or any Electrical Inspectors for verification. HA Supervisor / Workman for terminating the contract of employment under (viii) If the holder of the license accepted an employment under any other firm or person shall surrender the license to the Secy. Failing to adhere to the above instruction shall lead to cancellation of NS contractor license:- Address of the place of business within seven days of such change. • Proprietorship within seven days of such change (in case of death CE • LI within one month). The register should be produced at any time on demand by Secretary. (vii)The Contractor shall have obligation to give 3 months prior notice to the O DI S intimation to E. It should contain the Name. Odisha. Address with Mobile number & Signature of the Workman / Supervisors along with date of work undertaken by them. L. Any change in employment shall be reported to the secretary within a week. D. (iv) The Supervisor should be present at the time of inspection by the electrical BO (v) The holder of the SCC shall intimate the Secretary in writing within the period specified below as to every change of the following for updating the G data.. he cannot rejoin in employment of same contractor in the next 06 (six) month. Odisha. HA (iii) The Supervisor shall have obligation to give 3 (three) months prior notice to O DI S the contractor for resigning from the employment under intimation to the E. AR inspector if asked for.B. Failing to adhere to the above instruction shall lead to cancellation of Present Address of the Supervisor within seven days of such change. he cannot rejoin in employment of same contractor in the next 06 (six) month. (i) Persons holding valid workman permit in sole employment of any employer AL shall not work in installation not covered under the scope of his EL EC TR IC employment. (ii) The person having valid Workman Permit shall have obligation to give 3 (three) months prior notice to the contractor for resigning from the employment under intimation to the ELBO. Bhubaneswar.SUPERVISOR:- AR (B) ES W (i) Every person who holds a valid supervisor certificate of competency shall remain in the sole employment of one licensed contractor at any time and the Secretary. . Further. BBSR.B HU BA N he shall report any change in employment within a week of such change to (ii) Persons who have been exempted from appearing in the examination and granted a certificate of competency by virtue of their departmental status shall be treated as supervisors only for the specific purpose. Page | 29 .O. Further. CE NS • WORKMAN:- LI (C) IN Supervisor Certificate of Competency. They shall not give certificate for supervision of any other installation work not covered under the scope of respective employment. • Mobile number within seven days of such change. by the appropriate authority or wound up IC dissolved. Page | 30 .B HU BA N certificate / permit shall make the license / certificate / permit liable for cancellation by the Secretary. MISCONDUCT OF LICENSED CONTRACTORS. MUTILATIONS OR DEFACEMENTS OF THE LICENSE / CERTIFICATE / PERMITS:- ES W 32. or portioned. organization or to any G person with regard to license or SCC or Permit either before or after IN obtaining the same. certificate of competency or license HA as the case may be. the O DI S license / certificate / permit holder is liable to produce it. certificate or license. the Secretary may require the production of the permit. AL (f) Is declared bankrupt or insolvent. (c) Has played fraud or misrepresented to any authority. Any mutilation or defacement or any unauthorized entry in any license / . undertaking in relation to electrical CE works. LI (e) Has violated any tender condition reported by the officer’s of the State Govt. before him for inspection and on such requisition.AR UNAUTHORIZED ENTRIES. or has been convicted by a court of law or black listed by any Govt. The decision of the Board in this respect shall be final if appeal is made within 30 (thirty) days of such cancellation. SUPERVISORS AND ELECTRICAL WORKMAN:- D. / Central Govt. NS (d) Has misbehaved with any officers or officials. & its undertaking. 33. (1) Whenever it appears any licensee or SCC holder or Permit holders:(a) Has violated any provisions of these rules. AR (b) Has violated any of the terms and conditions of the license or SCC or BO Permit. For the purpose of ascertaining whether there has been any mutilation or defacement or any unauthorized entry in any permit. EL EC TR (g) Has wrongly represented to any authority with regard to the quality of electrical installation work carried out by him [ if the electrical installation work has not been or is not being carried out in accordance with provision of CEA (Measures relating to safety and Electric Supply) Regulation2010]. the licensee / SCC holder HA / Permit holder shall not carry out any work until the suspension is revoked O DI S by a separate order as per the decision of the Board. except after giving the licensee / SCC holder / Permit holder. Based on the enquiry report the Board may cancel the license / SCC / Permit for a minimum period of THREE AR years or revoke the suspension. an opportunity of making NS representations. he shall make a representation to the Board enclosing the order of the Board / Chairman.AR The Board may suspend license / SCC / permit. he shall make Page | 31 . to revoke such cancelled license or SCC or Permit. The period of such suspension shall be ordinarily not exceeding 06 (six) months. The Board may revoke the cancelled license or SCC or Permit. (2) Where the license / SCC / Permit is suspended. before the Board the enquiry report. CE (4) Where the license / SCC or Permit is cancelled. the licensee / SCC holder / LI Permit holder shall not be eligible to carry out any work until the cancellation is revoked by a separate order as per the decision of the Govt. (3) The Chairman may order for an enquiry by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy Electrical Inspector and place D. IN G Provided that. Further. as the case may be ES W pending enquiry in to alleged contravention of any of the rules/regulation for a period which may be upto the period of validity of license / SCC / . or the Board. to revoke such suspension of BO license / SCC / Permit. Such an order may be passed by the Chairman if he is prima facie of the view that the licensee / SCC holder / Permit holder is guilty of an offence. a representation to the Board enclosing the order of the Govt. EL EC TR IC (5) Further.B HU BA N Permit. AL or the Board. no license or SCC or Permit shall be cancelled. Department of Energy. “Annexure – II” Syllabus for Electrical Supervisor Competency (SCC – MV).B HU BA N Secretary. may appeal to the . By order of Governor Sd/(S. AR D. EL EC TR IC AL LI CE NS IN G This notification supercedes earlier notifications issued on Electrical Licensing Board Odisha (ELBO) Regulation in this Department.AR APPEALS:- ES W 34. Page | 32 . Certificate of “Annexure – IV” Syllabus for Electrical Supervisor Competency (SCC – EHT). O DI S HA “Annexure – I” BO 35. “Annexure – VI” Return Form for Electrical Contractor. Certificate of “Annexure – V” For Duplicate License / SCC / Permit. Syllabus for Electrical Workman Permit. Mohapatra) Principal Secretary to Govt. Certificate of “Annexure – III” Syllabus for Electrical Supervisor Competency (SCC – HT).C. Government of Odisha within a period of thirty days form the date of receipt of the order by him. (2) The order of the Government shall be final. (1) Any person aggrieved by the order of the Board. O/O Directorate of Technical Education & Training.12. Secretary to Government Page | 33 .12.. Sd/Addl. Bhubaneswar / Electrical Inspector (Hq. Secretary to Government AR D. Electrical Licensing Board.12. / All Heads of Department for information and necessary action. the 03.Director General Mines.______9555_____/Dated. Ranchi. Odisha. the 03.(A&E). Kanke Road. the 03. Odisha for information and necessary action. Secretary to Government Sd/Addl. Secretary to Government EL EC TR IC AL LI CE Memo No. Bhubaneswar / Director Mines Safety (Elect. Odisha / CMD.)Cum-Secy.B HU BA N ES W Memo No. Sd/Addl.12.2014 Copy forwarded to Engineer-in-Chief. Bhubaneswar / Chief Electrical Inspector (Generation).______9554_____/Dated. Electricity-cum-Principal Chief Electrical Inspector. O/O Dy. Jharkhand for information and necessary action.______9557_____/Dated.2014 Copy forwarded to All Departments of Govt. the 03. NALCO.RT-3 Building (Old).______9558_____/Dated.2014 Copy forwarded to Chief Electrical Inspector (T&D). Secretary to Government HA Memo No. Odisha. NS IN G BO Memo No.2014 Copy forwarded to Joint Apprenticeship Advisor.12. the 03.2014 Copy forwarded to Finance Departments / A. Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action.). Sd/Addl. Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action. O DI S Memo No. Sd/Addl.G. He is requested to upload the Notification in his own Departmental Website Portal.______9556_____/Dated. 3rd Floor. Odisha.AR . CMPDI Campus. the 03. Sd/Addl.D. CESU. Page | 34 . the 03. Electrical Contractors Association. Bhubaneswar / Cuttack. Odisha.12. Odisha.2014 Copy forwarded to the Director of Printing Stationery and Publication.B HU BA N Memo No. At/Po: Courtpetta Square.D.______9560_____/Dated. IRC Village. O DI S Sd/Addl.AR ES W HA .______9561_____/Dated. WESCO.N-1/22.Plot No. Memo No. Berhampur. Corporate Office.OPGC. Dist: Ganjam for information and necessary action. OPTCL. Bhubaneswar / Chief Executive Officer. EL EC TR IC Copy to Guard File. Bhubaneswar/ CMD. Central Service Office (NESCO/ WESCO/ SOUTHCO) . Bhubaneswar / Chief Executive Officer. Dist: Balasore/ M. Dist: Sambalpur / M.12.D. the 03. Corporate Office.______9559_____/Dated. Bhubaneswar-15/ M. Secretary to Government BO AR D. Bhubaneswar / M. Secretary to Government Sd/Addl. At/po: Burla. Cuttack for publication of the Notification (statutory) in the next issue of the Odisha Gazette and supply 100 copies of the Notification to this department. At/po:Januganj. NESCO. Corporate Office.2014 Copy forwarded to the Utkal Chamber of Commerce. SOUTHCO.2014 Copy forwarded to Chairman-cum-Managing Director. Secretary to Government AL LI CE NS IN G Memo No. Nayapalli. OHPC.12. Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action.D. • Making straight & T-joint in solid & stranded conductors and soldering them. fans with regulators. insulators. running earth. Page | 35 . conduit. switches (including 2 way). measuring insulation resistance by insulation tester and continuity tester. BO (vi) Connections and diagrams for main switches.C systems (Generation. cleat. GI IC pipe earthing. both single phase & three phase in case of A. current. phasing out of circuits. EC TR (x) Testing for fault. HA (ii) fuse wires. electrical voltage. Transmission & Distribution. NS (viii) Installation work of the classes and with the kinds of cables & wires for building CE wirings (for fans. (v) Methods of testing out of polarity. resistors. (iii) Selection and use of proper sizes. IN (vii) Different types of wiring. semiconductors. bells.C & D. EL (xi) JOINTING & SOLDERING: .Importance of earthing.C system) General knowledge about conductors. MCB. D. rotary switches and changeover switches etc.AR ES W ANNEXURE – I SYLLABUS FOR ELECTRICAL WORKMAN PERMIT (See Regulation 13) For Electrical Wireman (MV) . small motors and other appliances for domestic use) with CTS. (iv) Use of test lamps. lights.B HU BA N (A) (a) Domestic Installation upto 650 Volts (i) General knowledge about A. power & energy both in AC & DC O DI S systems. (ix) EARTHING OF INSTALLATIONS: . use of wire gauge etc. plugs. grades of solid & stranded conductors. G MCCB. • Soldering plugs & sockets on wires & cables and finishing off & insulating. fittings & other devices required for domestic wiring. wood casing and capping and other systems of wiring LI permitted under Indian standards (BIS) and safety regulation 2010 of Central AL Electricity Authority. sockets. buzzer. RLCB. lamp holders. ELCB. continuity tester & battery in the testing AR requirements of circuits. plate earthing etc. distribution boards ceiling roses. Knowledge about power & energy with simple calculations. energy meters etc. Crimping Lugs to the conductor of the cable. battery charging equipment. Page | 36 . (ix) Station Batteries. HA (iv) Measuring earth resistance with an earth testing instrument (earth tester) (v) Laying & jointing of cables of voltage up-to 650 V used in industrial wiring. generators with associated control gears with various type of wires and cables. connection and maintenance of different types of street lights. maintenance and operation of overhead and underground lines TR & installations including equipments upto 650 V. electric shock to a person. familiarity with normal type of faults and diagnoses of fault location. IN (ii) NS (iii) Reading of energy meters. connection to Bus Bar. IC (vi) Construction. O DI S (vi) Practice in terminating an underground cable to a Bus Bar chamber. generators with associated control gears. inverters etc. Choice & selection of appropriate size & grade of wires & cables for industrial appliances of various purpose of use. voltmeter. (x) Knowledge about the use of stabilizers. insulation tester and earth LI resistance tester. first aid and shock treatment. filtering of transformer oil. ventilation system & lift. substation equipment.(i) AR ES W (b) For Industrial Installation up-to 650 V Wiring of 3-phase motors. simple methods for ascertaining the correctness of meter readings by use of lamps for fixed time. For Electrical Lineman (MV) BO (B) (i) Knowledge of 3-phase & single phase voltage system up-to 650 V for G connection of voltmeters. CE (iv) Use of clamp on tester (ammeter). (v) Giving service connection in single & 3-phases and attending to the AL consumers’ complaints. ammeters.B HU BA N (ii) used for industrial wiring. Knowledge of current carrying capacity of different sizes of wires & cables . loop connection for other circuit etc. EC (vii) Maintenance of different switch gears. D. EL (viii) Knowledge about operation of air-conditioning. (iii) Knowledge of working of motors. (vii) General Knowledge of safety precautions for personnel & equipments. fire AR fighting. Maintenance & Operation of over head lines installation. Earthing of HV systems.AR (xi) Knowledge about the standard conventional symbols used for electrical equipments. LI (v) AL (vi) Principle & working of Alternating Current & Direct Current motors and their speed characteristics. IC (vii) General use of protective switchgears. (viii) Simple estimation of requirements of the materials.e. Workman (HT) with the following syllabus. (Overhead and underground installations and equipments upto 33 KV) The syllabus prescribed for Lineman (MV) is common to the syllabus of (i) AR D. if during practical test they are found to have acquired adequate knowledge and experience in cable jointing work for cables of different types and For Electrical Workman (HT) O DI S (C) HA installations. relays. (ii) Construction. distribution system etc. IS NS standards for HV systems. Page | 37 . ES W (xii) Industrial switch boards. G substations and equipments upto 33 KV. Transmission & BO Distribution). CTs. RECs. PTs. (iv) Principle and working of alternating current. direct current.e. generators and their CE parallel operations. ENDORSEMENT FOR CABLE JOINTING – Workman possessing Wireman – MV & Lineman – MV permits will have endorsement for jointing upto 650 volts.B HU BA N underground lines upto 650 volt. construction standards i. i. IN (iii) Knowledge about the line & substation. (xiii) Acquaintance with safety regulation 2010 of CEA for overhead and . EL EC (ix) Measurement of power. Lightening TR arresters etc. Principle & working of Transformers and their parallel operation. General knowledge about the HV systems (Generation. the drawings thereon and toolkit. (xi) Different Circuit Breakers used in HV systems. power factor and improvement of power factor in both (x) single phase and 3-phase system. systems. controls etc. Earth testing and its continuity.AR ENDORSEMENT FOR CABLE JOINTING – Workman possessing Workman – ES W HT permits will have endorsement for jointing upto 33 KV. G automatic haulages. TESTING AND FAULT ATTENDANCE – Detection and location of earth other faults in electrical apparatus and cables. • Power and lighting transformers and capacitors. pump units and IN compressors. • Shot firing apparatus including AL LI cables. their uses routine tests and maintenance. testing of leakage protective device. Elementary calculation knowledge about power. D.Wiring layouts of different types such as cleats. WIRING: . NS electric locomotives and battery charging station. energy EL EC TR IC consumption in pumping.Electrical connections for DC & AC generators. tests for insulation resistance to earth. low voltage and remote control circuits. switch Board & Transformer etc. Insulation and continuity tests. • Rectifier. if during practical test they are found to have acquired adequate knowledge and experience in cable jointing work for cables of different types and installations. cab type sheathed for lighting purposes at the surface and armoured cables for HA power and lighting installation underground. Page | 38 . their controls gears and starters. lead covered. switch fuse units and gate switches. . their starters and regulators. hauling and other machineries etc. load. O DI S CIRCUIT KNOWLEDGE: .B HU BA N Additional Syllabus for Mining Workman:- Workman of MV & HT category will have endorsement for working in the mines. AR APPARATUS INCLUDING FLAME PROOF APPARATUS SUITABLE FOR BO USE IN HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS IN COAL AND OIL MINES: INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF . ventilating fans. DC & AC Motors. rotary convertors.. rectification of faults. • Safe signaling equipment including telephone equipment. • Portable and transportable CE apparatus. Distribution boards with circuit breakers. Battery charger and lamp cabin.: Electrical winders including contrivances. CE LI AL (b) NS 2. efficient . 4. SAFETY AND PROTECTIVE DEVICES .V. Simple knowledge about Tower members. High Voltage & E. Use of H. For Electrical Workman (E. Types of Tower. HA FIRE PRECAUTIONS – Fire extinguishing appliances & their use in mines & oil fields. cartridge. 8. Width. O DI S SAFETY RULES – working knowledge of the Safety Regulation-2010 of CEA with particular reference to chapter for Mining and Oil field. conventional guyed towers. shapes & geometry:- (a) Self-supporting towers. Testing of towers -: Testing requirements.Knowledge of earth of metal frames of machineries. Tower anatomy. Special Towers. 5.H. maintenance fault detection. Overload. Bolts & nuts etc. Safe & minimum clearance above the ground of lowest conductor of over head lines or over D.T) AR (D) BO The syllabus prescribed for Workman (HT) is common to the syllabus of Workman EHT with the following syllabus.R. EC TR (c) EL 7. Advantage of High Voltage & Extra Voltage Systems. system in India. Tension Tower.H. Transmission and Distribution IN G 1.C.H. foundation. no-volt and earth leakage protection of circuit breakers and starters.C. Tower Height.AR FLEXIBLE TRAILING CABLES FOR PORTABLE AND TRANSPORTABLE APPARATUS – Knowledge of different types of flexible cables including pliable ES W armoured cables. Voltage A. head cables. Spacing between conductors. Knowledge in Extra High Voltage transmission system. member selection & redundant members. Tower designation-: Suspension Tower. General knowledge about power Generation. & D. Safe electrical clearance of E.C System. 6. Chainette Guyed Towers. Transposition IC Towers.B HU BA N repairs by vulcanized joints and testing. Lines. 3. fuse in circuit breaker as back up protection. their installation. Page | 39 . LI lightning arrester. equipment position. AR 9. ES W 10. moisture content test. Energy Meters. Cable Termination Crimp Connections. Power Factor Meters. CT. Dumpy level. Gin pole / Deric pole. Insulation test. gas analyzing. equipment elevation. ratio NS check. battery charger. (ii) Types of bus bar materials. EHV underground cable. jumper. capacitor bank etc. Hot line stringing of EHV lines. oil & winding IN temperature calibration. Post BO Insulators. BDV test. SUB-STATION – Standard layout of Sub-station. Pre-locating the fault distance. 11. 12. polypropylene rope. clearance of equipments and rigid conductors HA (i) (iii) Earthing practice.PT. CT. earth mat. (vii) Transformer’s testing & maintenance of transformers. earth switch. bay size. Inspection of Cables. pinpointing of cable fault.CVT.CVT. Voltmeter. Ammeter. (v) Surge / lightning arrester. wave trap. Methods of fault location. Bucholz relay.B HU BA N winch etc. D. (iv) Earth measurement 3 point & 4 point method. transformers. . Tap changer. Cable Joints. oil test. (xii) Control equipments. stringing span. (ii) Isolation & restoration of system to work on permit. Earth wire. oil level check. cooling fan operation. (ix) Duties of operation persons in Sub-station. permissible bending of cables. IC AL (i) Station batteries. PI value check. (xi) Protective relays used for EHV systems. Fault locating in U/G cables. single shane pulley Hydraulic compressor. cable laying. maintenance batteries. Metering.Conductors used in EHV. Depth of layings. O DI S spacing for phase strung bus. standard bus. Tools used in EHV lines: Theodolite. Isolators. Breakers. CE (viii) Maintenance schedule of breakers. Line Permit. AR (vi) Transformer. Bushing CT Check. G Checks: Silica gel. Maintenance.PIs.PT. Earth Tester. oil filtration etc. EL EC TR (x) Page | 40 . Earth insulator. earth pit. Examination O DI S PART – I (Common Syllabus for General & Mining category) D. Effect of heat and moisture on insulation. Magnetic. Electricity Theory (Elementary Knowledge) AR Principles of Electricity – Electric voltage. circuit breakers. Examination HA Part – I & Part – III for Mining Category of S.C.C. switches. Practical units of voltage. Generation of Electricity – Sources of natural energy. cutouts. current. G resistance. etc. NS Electro Magnetism – Concept of Electro Magnetic Force (EMF). Relation between electrical power unit (KW) and IN Mechanical Power Units (HP). cables. Transformer oil.C. Chemical and heating effects of electric current. Page | 41 .C. Magnetic properties of material. power and energy. Flemings Right and Left Hand Rules. Materials – Conductors. EL EC TR Lubricants and their uses. Semiconductors and insulator materials and their IC relative merits. CE production of E..B HU BA N ES W SYLLABUS FOR ELECTRICAL SUPERVISOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY (SCC – MV) Electrical Engineering Paper (Written Test) Part – I & Part – II for General Category of S.F. AL LI Electromagnets and their various applications. Current and resistance. Ohm’s BO law – specific resistance. series and parallel circuits.M. Different types of wires.AR ANNEXURE – II . Laws of resistance and their application for calculating voltage drop. Renewable and Non-Renewable source methods of production of electricity both Alternating Current and Direct Current. Series and parallel circuits. temperature rise. ES W feature. speed control and reversal of direction. starters. Star LI and delta connections. Periodicity or CE frequency. their uses. Nickel. Lead acid cells. Interpoles. transformer tappings. use and maintenance. Circuit. instrument transformer. simple associated switch board and its accessories.AR A.C. Phasing out. Generators (Alternators) – Essential components and constructional synchronizing. Single phase and three phase systems. Phase sequence. method of starting.C. Iron or Alkaline cells. Maintenance of batteries. Use of Hydrometers. Methods of voltage regulation. HA Batteries – Primary cells. Resistance. circuit breakers. causes for sparking. method of starting. inductance and capacitance in an A. installation. their construction. Charging circuits and their calculations. AL Controlling and Regulating Gear – Knowledge of various types of IC switches. D. Generators – Essential components and constructional features. and D. IN G their uses. Power and power factor.C. Page | 42 . auto transformer. A.C. series and compound dynamos and their characteristics. their adjustment and care. parallel working. Circuits – Knowledge of vectors. shut and compound wound type motors. regulators and protective devices for EL EC TR both A.C. cutouts. Shunt. O DI S Initial and subsequent charging of batteries. simple associated switch board and its accessories. Carbon brushes. Motors – Theory of induction (squirrel cage and slip-ring type) AR synchronous and commutator motors.B HU BA N D. installation. Commutators and their maintenance. Transformation – Knowledge of single phase and three phase transformers.C.C. motors and their wiring with the motors. Motors – Theory of series. Conditions for parallel operation. Methods of voltage and frequency control conditions and methods for . D.C. BO speed control and reversal of direction. Dry cells. NS A. Phase and phase difference. storage or secondary batteries or accumulators and their installations. EL EC level. digital distributed control. Station batteries and charging methods. fluorescent lamp circuits. Testing of electrical & mechanical testing equipments. voltage. winding temperature. bending. struts. D. BO Illumination – Metal filament lamps. length of spans. stays. jointing. recorder. reactive power. alignment and current. Earthing.AR Conversions – Principle of operation of motor generator sets. Standby and emergency power and lighting AL systems. arrangement of unit auxiliary and CE (a) NS Generation: – IN lighting. its use for primary detection of faults. brackets. Joint box compound. insulation. Underground and above ground junction boxes. Handling. effect of temperature. medium and high voltage lines.B HU BA N Overhead Lines – Simple calculations and general principles of construction of low. rotary ES W convertors and mercury are rectifiers. HA lighting conductors and their testing and fault location. Size of conductors. station lighting and automatic changeover. melting of compound and AR filling boxes with compound. Insulators. tester. simple calculations and general principles of laying cables direct in ground. tension on wire. Transmission and Distribution – . Time switches. Photometric units and simple measurements. O DI S Underground Cables – underground cables. cross arms. Distribution board and pillars. strength of poles. spacing of conductor. high voltage luminous tube sign installations. vibration. Page | 43 . frequency. sag. guard wires and other protective devices. IC (b) Testing & Measurement – Working principle and basis of instrument and TR measurements. data acquisition system. auto controllers. Testing and fault location. wind pressure. introughs and pipes. power. temperature. ice and snow. UPS etc. G General requirements of efficient lighting and elementary calculations. LI station service boards. plumbing. flow. Details of measuring instruments for pressure. Street DC and AC power supply for auxiliaries. energy. lighting arrestors. transformer and fire fighting and emulsifyer type protection. EL EC TR IC AL LI CE NS IN G BO AR D. fire protection of generators. general machine ES W start/stop.AR (c) Control & Protection – Sequential operation & interlocks. Page | 44 .B HU BA N SAFETY RULES – Working Knowledge of – (a) Safety regulation -2010 of CEA (Measures relating to safety and electric supply) (b) Fire safety procedures. sequence of operation. regarding Factory Act. . O DI S Protection and restoration of persons suffering from electric shock. Electricity HA Act-2003. together with the load statement for each circuit. earthing of domestic appliances. Small motors for pumps and electric lifts. estimate of materials and cost of different types of HA installations. cab type sheathed. use of lighting arrestors. and NS A. ™ TESTING AND FAULT ATTENDANCE – Detection and location of faults in AL domestic appliances and wiring installations. wood casing and capping. Tests for insulation resistance to earth. (ii) Lifts with ™ D. switches and cutouts etc. Wiring of temporary installations and portable appliances. IC Rectification of faults. PROTECTIVE DEVICES – Elementary knowledge of the use of fuses and cutouts. motors etc.ES W Electricity Utilization for – . for house service. cookers. their safety devices.C. ™ O DI S CIRCUIT DIAGRAM – Electrical connections of various circuits for (i) House wiring including those for main and sub-distribution boards. ™ IN G ENERGY MEASUREMENT AND CHARGES – Energy meters both D.C. LI elementary knowledge of methods of charging for energy. Insulation and continuity test. BO refrigerators and other domestic appliances. EL EC TR ™ Page | 45 . Electric bells and indicators.Wiring layout of different types such as cleat.B HU BA N Domestic installation – ™ AR PART – II Syllabus for General Category of SCC (MV) WIRING . metal sheathed. AR APPARATUS – Installations and maintenance of heaters. Earth testing. conduit and armoured cable for lighting and power installations in residential premises together with the necessary switchgear. ™ CE SIMPLE CALCULATION – Simple calculations relating to cost of energy. fuses including high rupturing capacity fuses. electric furnaces. Battery charging machinery. elementary knowledge of methods of charging for demand and ™ LI TESTING AND FAULT ATTENDANCE – Detection and location of faults in D. generators. D. Estimates of materials and cost of different type of installations. Wattmeters. electric welding plants. haulage and winding AR machines. Converting HA their O DI S PUMP INSTALLATIONS – General principles and elementary calculations of head. switches. metal sheathed. machines.C. cab type sheathed. Use of lighting arrestors. power factor G correction by capacitors. with the .C. EL EC ™ PROTECTIVE DEVICES – Elementary knowledge of earthing of generators. thermal trips. circuit breakers.C. electric lifts.™ AR Industrial installation – ES W WIRING – Wiring layouts of different types such as cleat.C. motors. & A. Main and sub-distributing boards with circuit breakers.C.B HU BA N necessary switchgear. & A. IC Rectification of faults. over load and no volt protections. cutouts. ™ equipments. D. Motors.C. ™ APPARATUS – Installation and maintenance of generators. Insulations and continuity tests. & A. Tests for insulations TR resistance to each earth testing. installations and appliances. energy meters both D. motors. electric instruments and apparatus and wiring installations. Motors. ™ BO POWER AND ENERGY MEASUREMENT AND CHARGES – Measurement of power. NS energy. electric motors. their starters regulators. starters regulators. overhead distribution lines and underground AL cables.C. cooling and heating appliances. filed breaking switches and over speed protection.C. wood casing and capping. Lifts with their safety devices. conduit and armoured cables for lighting and power installations in industrial premises together.. fuse units with load statement for each circuit. power and energy requirements. IN ™ SIMPLE CALCULATION – Simple calculations relating to cost of power and CE energy. Wiring of temporary installations and portable appliances. Page | 46 . ™ CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS – Electrical connections for – D. & A. C. & A. energy meters both D. Insulation and continuity test. Test for insulation resistance to earth. transformers etc. EL EC TR ™ PROTECTIVE DEVICES – Elementary knowledge of earthing of metal frames of machineries. different types of trailing cables and their use. D. Wattmeters. Over-load. convertors and electric O DI S haulages and pump units. Testing of IC leakage.B HU BA N cab type sheathed for lighting purposes and armoured cables for power installations. Drill panels with drill units and their control systems.C. • D. conveyors. power and energy consumption in pumping. generators. BO hauling and winding installations and other working face machineries. their control gears and starters. & A. Earth testing. ™ POWER AND ENERGY MEASUREMENT AND CHARGES – Measurement G of power. • Portable and transportable machineries.C. protective devices. gate-end switches. • General principles and AR elementary calculations of load. AL Rectification of faults.C. • Distribution boards with circuit breakers switches.C.ES W AR PART . NS energy.e.C. power factor IN correction by capacitors. ™ CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS – Electrical connections for –: • D. fuse units and gate-end switches. Page | 47 . • Rectifiers rotary locomotives. coal cutting machines. ™ APPARATUS – Installation and maintenance of –: • Electrical Winders. HA their starters and regulators. lead covered. Use of fuses. Simple calculations relating to cost of power and CE energy. SAFETY RULES – Working knowledge of –: The CEA Safety Regulation - 2010 i. switch boards. no-volt and earth leakage protection of circuit breakers.III Syllabus for Mining Category of SCC(MV) Mines installations – WIRINGS – Wiring layouts of different types such as cleats. Elementary knowledge of methods of charging for demand and ™ LI TESTING AND FAULT ATTENDANCE – Detection and location of earth or other faults in electrical apparatus and cables. ™ . & A. (Measures relating safety and Electric supply) for mining installation. motors. loaders. Foundation. insulators and AR • Types and size of conductors. plumbing of cables. associated hardware.ES W AR ANNEXURE -III . Fault locations. HT Overhead Lines – 11 KV & up to 33 KV: and Construction equipments.B HU BA N SYLLABUS FOR ELECTRICAL SUPERVISOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY (SCC – HT) PART – I (FOR GENERAL CATEGORY) 1. crimp connection. G • Knowledge about construction standards of REC & CBIP for lines. effect of temperature. Construction standards. HA • Survey. lighting on conductors. Subject covered under the syllabus for supervisor (MV) and the following:-. Page | 48 . Design. Each type of earthing. power factor of cables. sub- IN station and other equipments utilized in this HT system. Erection. termination. rating EL EC TR IC factors for intermittent loading. size of earth CE conductor. Stringing O DI S • Testing. 2. lighting arresters. types of cables. including safety devices and testing equipments. guard wires. relays and other protective devices. struts. recommendation and checklist for supervising cable laying work. continuous current AL ratings of underground cables. pole earthing. cross arms brackets. D. HT Cables – 11 KV & 33 KV and Control Cables: LI 3. • Guidelines for cable laying. • Underground and surface junction boxes. NS • General requirements of earthing. lighting arrester earthing etc. Maintenance and Protections. • Criteria for selection of power cables. power cable sheath fault. ice and snow on tension of conductors. spacing of BO conductors. Equipments used & methodology for locating fault in pilot cable etc. Length of spans. commissioning. Fault locating in underground cables. stays. sag. • Selection of supports. jointing. short time loading of power cables. wind pressure. 10. • Power and distribution transformers. Use and maintenance of High Voltage apparatus like x-ray machines. neon signs etc. Working of Alternators. Construction standards of HT Transformers and associated equipments (i. Generation. AR • Installation. Insulators. oscilloscopes Ammeters. Multimeters. Sub-station earthing. Illumination.). BO • Working of generating plants and power stations (Hydro Thermal. EL EC TR IC 9. Nuclear etc. Gas insulated switchgear & sub-station. PTs . LAs. Commissioning.e. HV testing Kits etc. Design. HT Sub-stations and Control Room: ES W • Layout. protection and Control and Maintenance of HT Industrial Motors. 7. LI CE NS 6. HA • Testing. fault locations and maintenance. Operational knowledge on measuring instruments i. Capacitors.) including auxiliaries and their maintenance. operating temperatures. Inter-State and the Central Net-Work. Commissioning and Maintenance of Control Room equipments including station batteries and communication system. 5. Commissioning. AL welding machines. Tongue Testers. • Protective relays and measuring equipments and their networking. Electrical Traction and selection of motors for Electrical locomotives. VTVM. Voltmeters.e. Meggers. fault locations. HT cables and testing equipments. • Erection. Tower groundup. their erection. Transmission and Distribution of the State. maintenance and protection of O DI S • Design and installation of capacitor banks and their maintenance. Earth Mat. Page | 49 . 11. CBs. commissioning. Testing. IN G • Insulating materials.B HU BA N etc.AR 4. Fire fighting and Earthing systems including their maintenance. HT Motors and Generators (DC and AC): D. 8. Testing. CTs. convertors and rectifiers and their applications. ES W 12. tendering.B HU BA N operation and maintenance in electrical net-works. evaluation. inventory etc. power factor and billing. Specifications. CEA safety regulation and the O DI S 16. method of charging for demand and energy. Conversant with electricity Act -2003. representation. interpretation of electrical drawings and execution of electrical works. Page | 50 .AR Tariffs. stores. 14. Basics on operation and data analysis of computer. EL EC TR IC AL LI CE NS IN G BO AR D. HA purchase orders. procurements. analysis of electrical schemes. including HT Tariffs. 13. distribution code of OERC. Preparation. 15. as relevant to the . fault locations. maintenance of electric cable. Generator. maintenance and protection of HT cables and testing equipments. AR PART – II ( FOR MINING CATEGORY) Testing. commissioning. Construction Standards. • Testing commissioning.Syllabus covered for Supervisor Certificate 2. Design. relays and other proactive HT Cables – 11 KV and 33 KV and Control Cables: • BO 3. and maintenance. criteria for the selection of power cables. flexible cables CE for portable machines. Classification of cables. length of spans. Capacitors. HT Overhead Lines – 11 KV and up to 33 KV: • (MV) Survey. cable terminations. construction standards of HT transformers and associated equipments (i. Selection of supports. fault locations. CBs. Stringing and Construction equipments. stays struts insulators and HA • • O DI S associated hardwares. fault locations. brackets. lighting arresters. • Competency . etc) Power and distribution transformers – their erection. cable joints. CTs. maintenance and protections including safety devices and testing equipments.B HU BA N Examination with the following. cross arms. faults in underground cables system. effect of temperature. tension of conductors. sag. guard wires. of ES W 1. PVC & G XLPE underground cables. design. Page | 51 .e. flexible cable. wind pressure. safe IN handling of cable drums. Classification of tests for cables laying. Diesel Generator protection. Types and size of conductors. Isolators. • Protective relays and measuring equipments and their networking. Foundation Erection. AR devices. crimp NS connections. 4. commissioning. spacing of conductors. ice and snow on • D. lighting on conductor. Transformer protection. Earthings. methods of LI fault location underground cable system. PTs. HT Sub-Stations and Control Room: IC AL • EL EC TR • Layout. Las. Voltmeters. Multimeters. Meggers. protection maintenance of HT industrial motors. Flame proof equipment / intensically safe for underground switch board.e Oscilloscopes HA 6. BO execution of electrical works. Basics on operation and date analysis of computer as relevant to the CE operation and maintenance in electrical net-works. convertors and rectifiers and their applications. VTVM. 7. fire fighting and earthing systems including maintenance. Nuclear etc) including auxiliaries and their maintenance. interpretation of electrical drawings and AR D. IN G panels. testing.Design and installation of capacitor banks and their maintenance. testing. 9. Operational knowledge on measuring instruments i. Safety Regulation-2010 of CEA LI particularly to the relevant statutory requirements for mines. Thermal. • . • Erection. Preparation. and control and Working of Generating plants and power stations (Hydro. 8. commissioning and maintenance of control room ES W AR • equipments including station batteries and communication system. Working of Alternators. HV testing kits etc. Tongue Testers. commissioning. Illumination. 12. Page | 52 . 10. Conversant with electricity Act-2003. for underground. Knowledge AL about relevant Indian Standard for electrical equipments & installations of EL EC TR IC mines. HT Motors and Generators (DC and AC): • Installation. O DI S Ammeters. NS 11. breakers etc.B HU BA N 5. representation. jumpers & clearances. Principle of working. CAPACITOR BANK –Types. IC 8.B HU BA N (A) ES W SYLLABUS FOR ELECTRICAL SUPERVISOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY (SCC – EHT) 1. horizontal. routine maintenance. Layout & Location of Sub-Station i. • PDCC. • Transformer oil. Indicators & Alarms. Main equipments & specification of equipments. PROTECTIVE RELAYS – Types of relays. repair and maintenance. interlock with circuit LIGHTING ARRESTOR –: • Types. commissioning tests.AR ANNEXURE – IV SUB-STATION . failure and its causes. EL EC TR 9. The basic principle of protection of equipments/lines i. IN Rating and Accuracy class and testing. maintenance and repair. location LI 7. their testing and maintenance. Line Protection & New generation Relays. Transformer Protection. PLCC and protection through PLCC and Carrier inter tripping. rating. MOCB. Page | 53 . maintenance of Isolators. on load/off load Tap changer. mounting & bus bar mounting and clearances. CE breaker.) with and NS 6. REACTOR – Types. commissioning. breaking of circuits. earthing. their current rating. bushing of different types. installation and commissioning. 3. principle of working. ISOLATORS – Types (Tilting. filteration and its values to ascertain its condition. 400/220/132/33 KV. rating. failure and its causes. and testing of lighting arrestors & its maintenance. 4. rating.e. Local & back up protection. Working principle. • Transformer HA routine & type tests. Principle of working. operation & maintenance. indoor. CURRENT AND POTENTIAL TRANSFORMERS – types. installation. rating. conservator. 10. current rating. • Bus bar fitting / connectors. G 5. rotating. rupturing capacity. • Parallel operation O DI S of transformers. • Commissioning procedure. • Outdoor-Strung / Tubular type BO supports bus bars. repair and maintenance. testing.e. repair & maintenance. regulation & voltage control by tap-changing. BREAKERS –: • Function of different types of breakers i. TRANSFORMER-: • Basic principles of transformers & working principles of its accessories like coolers. installation and commissioning. vertical tandem etc. outdoor.e. Principle of working. breathers. without arching horns. Carrier AL Communication. • Normal current rating. Buchholz Relay. D. 2. SF6 etc. AR BUS BAR–: • Indoor & Outdoor capacity forces on them during short circuit. impedance. punching of bolts. recommended values of earth resistance and its measurement. • Remote control of breakers. hardwares and IN G 3. • Importance of DC supply & its function. bird guards. back BO 1. conductors and connectors. 4. procedure for line clearance. use AL stringing chant. charging and discharging and trickle charger. tighting. instruments on control boards and panels. anti-vibration dampers. CT. EL EC 10. LINES:- AR (B) D. Stringing equipments & use. Safety earthing. • Mimic diagram. method of earthing. PT. Page | 54 . circuit breaker. concreting. LI procedure. earth wires and sizes. anti climbing devices. Peterson coil earthing. Auxiliary DC supply maintenance of Battery system. • Different types of earth electrodes. 2. 8. Type of conductors. current carrying capacities. Tension & Sagging of conductors. • Control cables & power cables. Type of Insulators. . 12. Erection of towers. GAS INSULATED SWITCHGEAR – Construction of GIS. step bolts. Insulators resistance. isolators. importance & advantages of each type. 13. control panels.B HU BA N indicators in control boards and panels. filling. NS fittings. electrical clearances. phase plates. Earthing of Towers. O DI S 14. Testing conductor continuity. insulators. types of Tower earthing. ES W indicators. resistance. capacitors. TR IC 7. • Knowledge about step & touch potential. tap changers. jumpering. indoor & outdoor installations under GIS category. electrical/Mechanical characteristics.CONTROL ROOM –: • Necessity and function of control boards & panels. AUXILIARY SUPPLY & BATTERY –: • Battery ratings. danger plates. Types of Tower. 11. earth HA mats. number plates. • Design of earth mats. Template & Tower spotting. stub setting. Live Line testing. earthing of lighting arrestors. • Rectifiers. types of AR 11. statutory phase to phase & earth clearances. 6. stringing CE 5. 9. Safety procedure. Identification marks. Metal enclosures. bay connections. EARTHING –: • System Earthing. semaphore annunciation system including alarm & bell testing of relays and setting principle. Detailed survey and alignment of lines. surge arresters. solid. Charging / discharging of EHV Lines. circuit plates. Classification of fire. Fire hydrant system. Tools and plants. twin backles etc & testing equipments. cable terminations. investigation of foundations of Towers. pull-lift devices. different protective devices. bolted come-alongs. busbars. tests and measurements. short time loading of power cables. guidelines O DI S for cable laying. use of construction/maintenance tools & equipments – Theodolite. CABLES:- HV & EHV category cables. repairs of foundation of a Tower line in service. Maintenance. wire . IN types of fire extinguisher. Lineman’s rarchat. 14. AR (D) D. equipment and methodology. measuring tapes. Tower foundation. foundation defects & repairs. EHV tests on cables.B HU BA N ropes. • Provision of CEA EL EC TR IC Safety Regulation relating to sub-stations and lines. sheath fault locating HVDC:- DC transmission. instrument FIRE PROTECTION & FIRE FIGHTING:. Hot line stringing of HV lines. sheath fault. Manpower. Aerial trolleys. CO2 installation. Aerial rollers. Dumpy level. tests on HVDC CB. standard layout in sub-station. circuit breaker. mulsifyre NS system of protection. 13. HVDC structures. Page | 55 . fault locating in underground cables. winches. earthing system. crimp connections. General safety precautions and practices in operation & maintenance. CLEARANCE & COMPLIANCE OF CEA SAFETY REGULATION – • CE (F) LI Minimum clearance between phases and phase to ground and sectional AL clearance of equipments at different voltages level. conductor ES W jointing tools. cable joints. criteria for the selection of HA (C) cables. various G (E) BO transformers. spanners. clearances.AR 12. Dynamometers. Thermometers. 15. fire protection for power transformer. I undertake to surrender the same to the Electrical Licensing Board IN G Odisha (ELBO). as per the Odisha Stamp Duty Act) torn my License / SCC residing / Permit at at D.ES W AR ANNEXURE-V . for which I have lodged a police complaint vide BO No……………… dtd………………. Bhubaneswar. ………………………….………… …………………… has lost / S/o…………………………… O DI S I HA (To be executed on Stamp Paper. What I am stated above is true and correct to best of my knowledge and LI CE NS information and belief. solemnly affirm and state on oath as follows.. valid up to …………… is AR lost on ……………. IC to be attested ATTESTED BY NOTRAY EL EC TR by the Notary Page | 56 . That my License / SCC / Permit No……………. at that in the event of finding the lost License / SCC / Permit. Photo with SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT AL signature of the applicant SWORN TO BEFORE ME.B HU BA N AFFIDAVIT (FOR DUPLICATE LICENSE / SCC / PERMIT) ………………. ES W BH UB AN ANNEXURE-VI RETURN FORM FOR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Return for (Tick the appropriate box) for the year _______________________ O DI S HA . CT RI CA LL Full Signature of the Supervisor S. Jan-March Name & Address of the Contractor ______________________________________________________________________ 1 2 Cost of the work in Rs.e. 4 Permit No. Oct-Dec i. Name of Work and Type of installation AR Name of the owner of the installation Name of the Workman with permit/Workman without permit and Helper engaged for each installation Full Signature of the Contractor Electrical Contractor License No. Apr-Jun i.e. 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter i.C. Page | 1 .No.C.e. Name of the Supervisor & SCC No. Period on which the Workman and Helper were engaged Period on which the Supervisor was present for supervision and (date of final check) Remarks 5 6 7 8 IC EN SI N G BO 3 D.e. July-Sep i.
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