Notification Dec 2010



ek[kuyky prq o s Z n h jk"Vª h ; i=dkfjrk ,oa la p kj fo'ofo|ky;¼eè; iz n s ' k fo/kulHkk ds vf/kfu;e Øeka d 15] 1990 }kjk LFkkfir½ M AKH AN LAL CH ATURVEDI N ATION AL UNIVER SITY OF JOU RN ALISM & COMMUNIC ATI ON (Set up by Act No. 15, 1990 of M.P. Legisl ati ve Assembl y) No: Exam-1/Dec. 2010 Exams/555 To, HOD, All Teaching Departments All the Study Institutes. Bhopal, Dated : 7-8-2010 NOTIFICATION FOR DECEMBER 2010 EXAMINATIONS (1) (2) The University is planning the next Semester Examinations in December 2010. The detailed TimeTable shall be sent and displayed on university website in due course of time. (a) S. No. The following dates are being notified for submission of Online Examination Forms for both the Computer and Media Courses. Particulars Last Date of submission of Exam Forms in Study Institute by the Students Last Date for submission (payment) of Online Exam Forms by the Study Institutes A-For Ist Semester Regular Students Exam forms of all courses 1. 2. Without Late Fee With Late Fee of Rs. 500/- per form 15 September 2010 01 October 2010 22 September 2010 06 October 2010 B-For all other Students 1. 2. Without Late Fee With Late Fee of Rs. 500/- per form 25 September 2010 01 October 2010 01 October 2010 06 October 2010 Note:- Online form/forms will be treated as submitted only when payment is made. Unpaid forms will not be considered for further processing. (b) The last date for submission of Enrolment Forms has already been notified vide letter No. 461 dated 18/06/2010. Please ensure that the all Enrolment forms are submitted online on or before 15 September 2010 and there printouts along with all required documents as mentioned in Enrolment Notification will be received in the University office till 20 September 2010. The schedule denotes the dates of Online forms. After due date no Online Payment of Examination form will be accepted under any circumstances. Teaching Departments/All Study Institutes have to submit the Enrolment & Examination forms Online only. No Offline manual form will be accepted from Study Institutes. Detailed Information and procedure in this regard is given on MP Online website i.e. The In charge of study Institute or any other authorized person will have to check and Approve all the entries, Name, Address, Photo, Paper Codes, Stream etc. before payment of form Online. It is sole responsibility of Study Institute/UTD to submit the exam forms of all eligible Students within above mention time celling. (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Facility for Corrections in Online submitted forms as per rules will made available between 7th October to 16th October 2010. Late Fees will be levied on all such corrections. To facilitate the student, M.P. Online will give facility to view the paid Examination forms and also to take printout of their examination forms. To avail this facility they will have to log on the website of MP Online Ltd. i.e. and click on View filled exam form, then student will have to enter his/her enrolment number to view his/her filled Exam Form. Study Institutes should inform about this provision to every student and also display it on Notice Board. Exam forms may be accepted after the last date or in Offline/Manual format with Demand Draft only in individual cases on compassionate grounds, with the prior approval of the Vice Chancellor. (h) (i) (3) Enrolment / Registration: Kindly refer to our circular letter No. 461, dated 18/06/2010. The instructions given in the above circular are to be strictly followed for submission of Enrolment Forms. Note: ENROLMENT FEES IS ALSO TO BE PAID ONLINE THROUGH M. P. ONLINE. (4) Selection of Stream/Paper Code/Optional Subject While filling Online Examination form Every Study Institute is required to check before payment that correct Stream/Paper Code/Optional Subject in any course should be selected. Once the Stream/Paper Code/ Optional Subject is selected it can not be changed. It is required to select both the paper codes form one stream only. Once the form is filed and payment is made, no requested for change of stream/paper code will be entrained. (5) Study Institute are required to check that while filling the Online exam form, correct Enrollment No. should be selected. On selection of wrong Enrollment No.(wrong student) and payment, request for change will not be accepted. Offline Examination Forms will be accepted only in exceptional cases as per the schedule mentioned in para 2(a) and where prior approval is obtained as per para 2(i). Following instructions should be followed:(a) (b) The format of Examination Form for the ensuing Examination is enclosed. Students must write their Paper Code and the Title of the Paper in the space provided. Study Institutes should also check the Paper Code and the Title of the Paper in both the Computer Data Sheet and Application Form. Change of the Paper Code and Title of the Paper shall not be acceptable after the receipt of the Application Form in the University office. Study Institutes must ensure that passport size Black & White photograph should be pasted at the space provided on Application form and on computer data sheet and also signed by the candidate below the photograph in the space specified. A photocopy of the filled up Examination form of each student should be kept by the Study Institute for record. Offline Examination Form should contain demand draft of requisite fees and late fees. Incomplete Examination Form in any manner will not be accepted by the University at any cost. It is the responsibility of the Study Institute to check all the entries before forwarding the same to the University. (6) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (7) Eligibility and Rules for acceptance of Examination Forms (a) It is the responsibility of the Institute to check the eligibility of the students before granting them admission for the courses and submitting their examination forms. All study Institutes [2] (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) are required to strictly follow the instruction laid down in Enrolment Notification. Students who have not cleared the Supplementary or Backlog Examination should not be granted admission. If at any point of time it is found that the student does not possess the eligibility for the said course the admission will be cancelled forthwith, the consequences of which shall lie entirely with the Institute. BCA Candidates shall not be admitted in the 5th Semester ( 3rd year ) unless he/she has cleared the first and second semesters. W.e.f. July 2009 and As per Notification no 2664 dated 29/6/2009, - “After the notification of new syllabus the students shall be eligible to attempt the backlog exam on the basis of old syllabus in next ensuing semester only. After this single attempt opportunity, student shall have to appear in the backlog exam on the basis of current syllabus only. Fresh Students and Backlog StudentsNo Student is eligible to fill an examination form as fresh candidate simultaneously in lower and higher semester. In such case examination form of higher semester will be treated as cancelled. A fresh student for a particular semester is one who is appearing in semester exam for first time. 1. A student will be deemed to be a failure only if he fills in the exam form for appearing in the exam wherein the Roll No. is granted and admission card is issued to him, after due consideration of his eligibility and appears in one or more papers but fails. 2. The Backlog facility shall be available only to a candidate who has failed in the previous semester in one or more papers. 3. A student who does not fill up an exam form for exam of a class can not avail of backlog facility for that semester. 4. A student who fills up an exam form for a class but remains absent in all the papers (theory, Practical, Internal, PPS etc.) shall be deemed to have not appeared in the exam. He also can not avail of the backlog facility. In case a study institute is closed, the students formerly at the study centre should submit their exam forms through existing Study Institute within time limit. The university can not be held responsible by students or by any one, for the delays, omissions and commissions, of the study institutes. Application Forms received after due date will be treated as cancelled Similarly students who are otherwise not eligible to appear in the Examination, their Forms will also be cancelled. Examination forms of those students whom enrolment/registration series is laps or Time ceiling for completion of course is over, will be treated as cancelled. In case of transfer from one Study Institute to another Study Institute candidate shall not be admitted without NOC/TC From the original Study Institutes. In the absence of such NOC/TC Examination form will be rejected. In Online form submission system the Study Institute where student takes transfer has to send Online Student Transfer request and also required to submit NOC of student within 5 days to University Enrolment Department. Where association of an institute is cancelled by the University, the students are free to take admission in any other institute of their choice and for this the NOC of the cancelled Institute will not be required. While submitting the Offline Examination Forms (in exceptional cases only), the Study Institute should ensure that a single Bank Draft of full Examination Fee with Enrolment Fees is sent alongwith such forms. Examination Forms which are not accompanied with full fees will be rejected for which the Study Institutes themselves will be responsible. NO INSTITUTE SHOULD SEND FOR A PARTICULAR COURSE. EXAMINATION FORMS IN EXCESS OF THE SEATS ALLOTTED TO IT [3] (j) (k) (l) Study Institutes are requested to issue an Identity Card in Prescribed Format given below to every Student (Regular /Backlog). (9) (10) IDENTITY CARD Session : __________ to __________ Name of Study Institute : __________ ______________________________ Code No. Separate Examination forms should be filled for separate class/semester. Exam fees payable is Rs. The decision of UFM Committee is binding to all the concerned students. of Student ________________ Sig.U. The Examination Forms forwarded by such Study Institutes whose Registration /Association has been cancelled shall not be accepted under any circumstances. Study Institutes are required to keep printout of all paid Enrolment and Examination form/List of forms which contains payment transaction ID. ______________________ Address : _______________________ _______________________________ Phone No. The University shall not be responsible for the ineligible forms and those forms shall automatically be treated as cancelled. Once the Exam Centre is allotted it will not be changed under any circumstances.N. (1) As per decision of Academic Council and notified by Notification no. (n) (o) (8) Study Centrewise allotment list of Exam Centres is enclosed herewith. Incharge with seal In Online Enrolment & Examination form submission system for any further inquiry or any claims for correction. It is mandatory for the Study Institute to implement the decision of the UFM Committee.” Study Institutes will have to submit the duly signed forms Offline/Manual only along with Bank Draft of requsit fees and attested photocopy of the mark sheet of Semester Exam in which student is failed in Internal Assessment.J.C.per paper (Internal Assement). A single Bank Draft in favour of “Registrar M. of Study Inst.(m) The Study Institutes which have been put under “No Admission Category” should forward only Examination Forms of those eligible students belonging to higher or Backlog Classes.: ______________________ (11) Name of Student: ___________ Student’s __________________________ Photograph Father's Name: ______________ __________________________ Address: ____________________________ ____________________________________ Course : _____________________________ Admission Date: ______________________ ____________ Sig. (12) (2) (3) (4) (5) (13) Institute should be approved for the course as well as the Class / Semester [4] .” (Payable at Bhopal) should be sent for fees payable as mentioned below of all such students along with list & covering letter. Presently this is temporary allotment subject to change. the provision has made for students that “If a student is failed or absent in Internal Assessment Exam of any paper then He/She will be eligible to appear in Internal Assessment Exam for subsequent two semester or up to the validity of his enrolment/registration series whichever is earlier.C. Study Institutes are required to TOP-UP there KIOSK Account balance well before the last date of form submission for payment of unpaid forms. Acad/09/4704 dated 17-11-09 and Aca/09/5054dated 7-12-09. addition and substraction of Exam Centres according to final number of students appearing in the examination and availability of suitable Examination Centre as per norms. 1000/. They are also required to take signature of student in the printout of form and keep in record. Every examinee should keep a duly attested Identity Card with him in Examination Centre. PGDSTJ 2. 5. 6.) Part – A S.00 Rs. 750. Under no circumstance a newly permitted Institute can grant admission to higher semesters.00 Rs. Total Examination Fee for all the backlog papers of given Semesters. 500.000.00 Rs.00 Rs. 1. 750. (One time) Rs. for which the Institute is not approved. however. Fees ( for Fresh and Backlog students admitted in July. When Examinations of 1st Semester are over. it shall not exceed the amount of the Examination Fee per Semester. Backlog per paper (Theory) . No. BJ(1Year)/BJ(3Years)/BA(MC)/BLIS/BSc(EM) PGDDVG/ PGDM Rs. 3. after six months. 2010 Session. 1000. 1. The institution should not misguide the students by granting admissions in higher classes. 750.for each Backlog paper.00 Rs. 1. (14) (15) Since separate roll numbers are allotted for separate classes.) 8.Rs. they can admit eligible students in 2nd Semester.00 Exam Fees Per Paper [5] . 750.00 COMPUTER COURSES 4.00 Rs. 200/. The Examination Forms of the students of the course or the class.00 Exam Fees Per Paper (The Backlog candidate should pay an exam fee of Rs. for a course or courses. MEDIA COURSES 1.B 7.00 Part .00 Rs. 750.If an Institute is granted fresh permission.00 Rs. will be summarily rejected. BCA/BSc(IT)/MCA/MSc(IT)/MSc(CS) PGDCA DCA Rs. Courses Examination Fee Student Enrolment/Registration Fees (per semester) Rs. 200.00 Rs. 1. 750.00 Rs.000.250. Backlog per paper (Internal Assessment) Rs. they may grant admission to students in 1st semester only. MJ/MA(MC)/MA(BJ)/MA(APR)/ MSc (EM)/MA(AVC)/MA(MMC).000. 750. separate Examination Forms should be filled for separate Classes/Semesters. Rs. Teaching Departments/Study Institutes will have to submit the Revaluation Form Online only.Online ltd.Rs. * (16) (17) THE ABOVE FEES DO NOT INCLUDE TUITION FEE SHARE.Rs. Fees of Revaluation is Rs.00 . Degree/Diploma Fee .00 per copy 10. 500. Duplicate Marksheet 14. 18.Rs. 300. Bhopal. THE INSTITUTES ARE SUPPOSED TO DEPOSIT TUITION FEE SHARE AS PER THE PRESCRIBED NORMS OF THE UNIVERSITY.U.Rs. Duplicate Migration Certificate 16. 250. The Examination Fees for Offline Examination form remitted by Cash/Cheque will not be accepted under any circumstances.00 for each verification .250.Rs. Revaluation (a) Revaluation facility is available for all courses. Provisional Certificate of Passing 12.C 9.00 .P. Late Fees will be applicable to both Online & Offline Examination form for regular and backlog students.00 . M. The Demand Draft of Examination Fees of Offline forms should be made in favour of Registrar. Duplicate Provisional Certificate of Passing 17. Revaluation per paper 11.Rs.450. Study Institute/UTD may send a Bank Draft in favour of Registrar. on the University Website. only in special cases. 250/.Part . The date of declaration of revaluation result has virtually no effect on the schedule of filling up Examination Forms for the ensuing Examination. Revaluation forms may be accepted in offline format within 15 days from the date of declaration of result in Website with demand draft. Bhopal for submission of offline/Manual form. (18) [6] .N.450.00 .C. with the prior approval of Vice Chancellor. no guarantee or assurance however is given that the results of revaluation will be declared before the last date for submission of Examination Forms for the ensuing Examination.J.00 .Rs.Rs. This facility will be available on website of M. Verification of Marksheet or Degree/ Diploma/ Certificate.00 ..150. Transcript * IN ADDITION TO FEES MENTIONED ABOVE STUDY INSTITUTES ARE ALSO REQUIRED TO PAY PORTAL CHARGES AS APPLICABLE PER ENROLMENT & EXAMINATION FORM (APPLICATION) FOR ONLINE SUBMISSION OF FORMS. Candidate shall be eligible to apply for revaluation in as many Theory Question Paper as they want.C.250. Duplicate Degree 15. MCNUJC.00 . Migration Certificate 13. Though the University shall made attempts to declare result early. in an special case with proper justification. 250.00 .Rs.150.per paper. The candidates may apply through their UTD/Study institutes for revaluation within 15 days from the date of declaration of result. if any. Registrar(Exams) Fax Numbers .0755–4290226/4291629 Ph. Paper Code List.The students are required to fill up Examination Form through their UTD/Study Institutes within the time schedule for the ensuing Examination. (b) The students are required to fill up Examination Form within the time schedule for the ensuing Examination. Registrar(Exam) [7] . Format of Computer Data Sheet & Application Forms. Dy. Dy. In case of any doubt or clarification please contact:Shri Rajesh Pathak.. Unpaid forms will not be considered for further processing..: 0755-4294903. within time schedule notified.. Online forms will be treated as submitted only when payment is made. 2010 Examination Centre List for December 2010 Examinations.. without waiting for result of revaluation or to appear as Backlog students in ensuing Examination. Dated: Enclosure: (1) (2) (3) …. (20) (21) The Study Institutes are requested to kindly submit the filled up Examination forms along with full Examination fees/Enrolment fees and pending fees. For online submission of Revaluation forms portal charges will be beared by Institutes. 4294330 Bhopal. and also to appear as Backlog students in ensuing Examination without waiting for result of revaluation. P.P.) Damoh (M.) Ashok Nagar (M.P.) Korba . After the demand draft and specific applications from Study Institute is received.) Chhibramau (U.) Beohari (M.P.) Sidhi (M.) Mandla (M.G.P.P.P.P.P.P.) Churu (Raj.P.) Porsa (M.P.P.) Sarni(M.P.) Bina(M.) Anuppur (M.P.P.) Bangalore (Karnataka) Mumbai (Mhs.P.) Khandwa (M.) Sagar (M..P.P.) Hoshangabad (M. G.P.) Dhamtari (C.P.P.P.) Azamgarh (U.) Shahdol (M. The University may add or subtract the places.) Shillong (Meghalay) Silchar (Assam) Bhind (M.P.P.) Kathmandu (Nepal) Kota (Raj.P.) Mandi (H.G.) Haridwar (Utt.) Rajnandgaon (C.) Begamgunj (M.) Shivpuri (M.P.) Khair (U.) Bhilwara (Raj.P.P.) Muzaffarnagar (U.P.) Sriganganagar (Raj.P.) Balaghat (M. Bhopal (M.P.) Saharanpur (U.) Chhindwara (M.P.G.P.) Bhopal (M.) Katni (M.P.) Sehore(M.) Gorakhpur (U.) Rewa (M.) Chhatarpur (M.) Seoni (M.B.) Guna (M.) Indore (M.) [8] 205 U.) Narsinghpur (M.) Itarsi (M.P.) Bhubaneswar (Orissa) Bilaspur (C.) Mandsaur(M.) Maihar (M.) Lucknow (U.P. P.P.P.) Jodhpur (Raj.P.) Rajgarh (M.P.P.) Raisen (M.P.) Morena (M.T.) Waidhan(M.P.P.P.) Noida (U.P.P.P.Examination Centre Code and Name of City / Place for December 2010 Examinations. G.) Alwar (Raj.P.P.P.) Betul (M.P.P.) Ganjbasoda (M. The aforesaid decision will depend on the number of candidates likely to appear in different courses and availability of suitable Examination Centre as per norms.D.P.) Allahabad (U.) Khargone (M.) Yolcant(Dharamshala)(HP) ECC 158 159 160 161 163 164 166 167 168 169 171 Place Waraseoni(M.) Ambikapur(C.) Burhar (M. The proposed 116 Examination Centres and their code numbers are indicated below: The final decision regarding the proposed Examination Centres will be taken only after the receipt of Examination Forms in the University and also after receiving the consent of School/College for conduction of examination of that place.) Meerut (U.P.P.P.) Satna (M.) Varanasi (U.G.P.) Shimla (H.) Pratapgarh (Raj.P.) Vidisha (M.) Chhtrakoot(M.P.) Tikamgarh (M.) Khandwa (M. This list therefore is tentative and not final.) Ambah(M.P.) Pipariya (M.) Gulbarga (Karnataka) Nagibabad (U.P.P.P.Gevra (C.P.P.) Dhanbad (Jharkhand) Durg (C. ECC 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 48 51 53 54 56 59 60 62 63 67 68 69 70 201 202 Place Ajmer (Raj.P.) Jaipur (Raj.) Neem Ka Thana (Raj.) Udaipur (Raj.) ECC 73 75 76 77 78 79 81 82 83 85 86 87 88 90 91 96 97 100 106 108 109 114 117 120 121 122 124 126 127 129 131 132 133 134 137 139 141 143 144 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 154 155 156 157 203 204 Place Bareily (U.) Hazaribagh (Jhar.) Extra Media Course Exam Centre .) Panna (M.) Jammu (J & K) Jhansi (U.) Umariya(M.P.P.) Kanpur (U.) Basti (U.) Dabra (M. P.P.P.P.) Karwi (U.) Gadarwara(M.) Datia (M.) Barwani (M.) Raigarh (C..P.) Kolkata (W.) Faizabad (U.) Jabalpur (M.) Orai (U.P.) Ratlam (M.P.G. new cities/places may be added for SPECIAL SANCTION EXAMINATION CENTRES.) Ujjain (M.) Kotma(M.) Neemuch (M.G.) Dehradoon (Utt.P.P.) New Delhi (Delhi) Patna (Bihar) Raipur (C.) Guwahati (Assam) Gwalior (M. DISTRIBUTION OF EXAM CENTREWISE STUDY INSTITUTE CODE 0 NON SELECTED 1090 5010 5022 5134 5309 5327 5329 5330 5394 5452 5460 5465 5474 5508 5539 5559 5569 5570 5573 5577 5588 5591 5596 7022 7034 7097 7151 7279 7289 AJMER 5058 5352 7257 7266 ALLAHABAD 5461 5587 7319 ALWAR 5064 5182 5338 7285 9055 AMBIKAPUR 5494 7305 BALAGHAT 1097 7068 7269 9033 2059 8 BETUL 7301 9034 BHILWARA 7152 9057 BHOPAL 5358 5371 5393 5482 5493 5496 5501 5507 5511 5517 5518 5554 5558 5574 5585 5595 5597 7057 7112 7222 7236 7240 7241 7242 7246 7268 7339 7344 7363 7365 7366 7368 7398 7399 7401 9029 9040 BHUBANESHWAR 1036 BILASPUR 1056 5337 KOLKATA 7256 2091 CHHIBRAMAU 9050 [9] 16 CHHINDWARA 7232 7400 9120 DEHRADUN 5347 7006 9124 2012 DHANBAD 7203 7205 9141 2042 DURG 1003 1069 1071 5388 5572 5578 9037 KORBA 1008 5593 GORAKHPUR 7258 7292 9128 2013 2060 GUWAHATI 7098 7204 9063 GWALIOR 1010 2105 5542 5553 7062 7129 7313 7316 7322 7324 7325 7336 7337 7340 7343 7355 7357 7361 24 GWALIOR 9067 2109 HARIDWAR 7201 9088 HOSHANGABA D 5158 5408 5535 2077 5546 5567 7342 7370 INDORE 5166 5349 5552 5564 7353 9028 9036 9065 2016 2076 2101 JABALPUR 1025 5122 2019 2049 5124 5383 5405 5416 5432 5467 5470 5513 5519 5523 5532 5534 5557 7033 7110 7211 7244 7281 7323 7347 7367 7388 9 26 18 10 28 19 20 30 21 22 31 1 23 2 24 3 11 13 4 7 14 15 . 8 BETUL 5515 5522 5531 5582 7002 JAIPUR 1051 5001 5068 5179 5215 5342 5391 5441 5590 5592 2068 JAMMU 7080 JHANSI 5430 7291 9047 JODHPUR 5061 5374 5396 5433 7153 7245 7255 9054 KANPUR 1027 5227 5568 7133 2020 KATNI 1060 7267 7294 7374 9031 LUCKNOW 1004 7206 7228 7297 2070 2080 MANDI 5454 7124 7299 16 CHHINDWARA 5525 5529 5550 5584 7003 MEERUT 7312 7318 9144 2023 2053 2056 MUZAFFARNAGAR 7001 7054 9091 NEEM KA THANA 5469 5575 5579 NEEMUCH 7077 9041 NEW DELHI 1009 5099 7130 7148 9019 9070 9133 9134 2027 2028 2029 2066 2069 2079 2081 2084 2085 2087 2082 2094 PATNA 1029 1030 1031 1032 7202 7225 7226 9066 9086 9142 54 7371 7378 7383 7392 7384 7387 RAJGARH 5536 5544 7150 REWA 7264 7359 9030 9032 9061 SAGAR 5120 5343 5439 5448 5453 5526 5548 5551 5594 7149 7382 2106 SAHARANPUR 7063 7083 SATNA 1015 7217 7335 7338 9060 2065 2100 SEONI 1104 7282 9039 UADIPUR 5217 5375 5384 5449 9118 UJJAIN 5505 5506 5543 7024 7306 69 7393 9027 9035 9064 32 43 56 70 44 59 73 45 33 34 75 46 76 35 48 77 60 78 62 37 79 38 63 81 40 51 82 83 68 41 85 VARANASI 7117 7277 9137 VIDISHA 5377 5581 7330 7341 7372 BAREILLY 1006 2010 ITARSI 1074 7404 SHIMLA 2044 5571 7254 KHANDWA 1045 5527 5555 5556 KHARGON 1046 7286 7360 7369 MORENA 1067 5212 7298 7364 SHAHDOL 1016 1017 7210 SHIVPURI 7231 7317 9090 SIDHI 1002 7261 CHHATARPUR 1047 5475 7028 [10] . 42 43 CHURU 5163 5421 7164 MEERUT 1093 5589 7086 7310 KOTA 5078 5216 5222 5440 5576 7163 DAMOH 7089 7331 7346 7395 2097 HAZARIBAGH 1101 MANDLA 1057 5381 7273 DHAMTARI 5450 9119 SRI GANGANAGAR 5060 5598 9053 GULBARGA 1039 NAJIBABAD 7118 SHILLONG 1088 7288 SHILCHAR 1089 SHARANGARH 5229 BHIND 1070 5340 5541 7262 7373 7390 PRATAPGARH 53 54 2032 2058 2075 RAIPUR 5566 9062 2033 RAJGARH 5404 NARSINGPUR 5455 7074 7329 7403 TIKAMGARH 7248 7328 2103 FAIZABAD 7251 RAJNANDGAON 5422 5468 5471 5481 5583 7114 PANNA 5533 7260 7278 7385 DATIA 7131 7239 MAIHAR 7270 7377 UMARIA 7259 7348 KOTMA 5424 7238 7391 KHAIR 7005 7308 BURHAR 7035 7272 7326 7327 7334 7381 69 7315 7354 7396 9136 2096 VARANASI 7032 7045 7108 BINA 5545 7276 SINGORAULI 5434 7283 7380 7389 RAIGARH 7314 GANJBASODA 5562 7274 7351 7397 ORAI 7303 7304 BEOHARI 7332 KARWI 7290 DABRA 5451 7321 GUNA 5477 7345 ANUPPUR 7284 RAISEN 7358 5486 WARASEONI 7362 MANDSAUR 5428 ASHOKNAGAR 5537 GADARWARA 7349 7394 JASPURNAGAR 5316 SARNI 5512 86 87 7070 7113 7333 7350 KHATHMANDU 7165 9089 KOTA 1050 PIPARIYA 5530 7406 PORSA 7376 7407 SHEOPUR 7375 RATLAM 5012 5417 5485 5563 BANGALORE 1087 2001 MUMBAI 2026 NOIDA 2064 KHANDWA 997 BHOPAL 999 2057 2099 2102 2107 2108 2006 87 124 146 168 147 169 126 170 171 88 148 149 127 129 201 90 91 150 202 203 204 205 131 151 152 154 96 97 132 155 133 100 106 108 156 157 134 137 158 159 160 161 109 113 114 139 141 162 163 [11] 117 . 120 121 122 7119 AZAMGARH 7216 2074 BASTI 7229 2021 DHARAMSHALA 7092 7300 142 143 144 IMPHAL 7280 CHITRAKOOT 7293 SEHORE 5524 5561 5565 7295 7307 164 165 166 167 7386 AMBAH 7356 MARTHANDAM 9082 BEGUMGANJ 7352 BARWANI 7402 7405 [12] . Sex (M/F) 14.: 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Paper Numerical Unique Class & Papers Paper Name/Subject [13] ./Study Institute Code : 3. 1 1. Married : Yes(1). English(2) 18.D. Gen (4) : Other Country Please Specify ___________ (Tick which is applicable) 17. Student's full name in Hindi : 9. Practical. No. as separate roll numbers are allotted for separate classes and therefore separate examination forms/ Computer Data Sheet should necessarily be filled. Internal Assessment.(For office use only) Ref. U. Name of Class/Semester: Name COMPUTER DATA SHEET Year ( 1. Minor & Major Projects as per paper code list). Please affix specimen signature within the boundary of the box given below. Father’s/Husband's Name 10.P.S. Name of Course in short 4. Affix your latest clean passport size black & white photograph here.(2) 13. & Summer Assignments. 6. Do not staple or sign on photo. Nationality : Indian 16. 2. Year of admission July/Jan. (Theory. Course Code : : 5. No.) Please tick whichever is applicable : STATUS Regular Backlog For Backlog students only For Regular students only MAKHANLAL CHATURVEDI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATION. P. 3. OBC(3). S. No.Postal Address of the Student: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 12. Medium of Examination : Hindi(1).(Computer Data sheet-Attach over the application form) (Separate examination form/Computer Data Sheet should be filled for separate classes/semesters. TO BE FILLED BY FRESH STUDENTS ONLY Please write all papers of your semester. Student's full name in English: (As per 10+2 Mark Sheet) 8.Mother’s Name : : 11. BHOPAL CC Student’s Enrolment/Registration Number Roll No. ST(2). This photo will appear on your admission card/attendance sheet & mark sheet.T. Caste SC(1). Date of Birth (D/M/Y) 15.(For office use only) CC CDS Page No. Exam Centre Code & Name : from the proposed list 7. (Separate form should be filled for separate semester). Signature of Head of the Department/Study Institute Seal [14] . (a) Did you appear in the same class/examination earlier for which you are applying. Paper Code in which failed Full Name of Subject in which the failure student wishes to appear Marks Obtained No Result Note : Head of Study Institute/UTD should check all the entries personally. The sole responsibility lies on Head of the Study Institute/UTD. For wrong entries University will not be responsible. TO BE FILLED BY BACKLOG STUDENTS ONLY. Yes (b) Give the details of the last examination in which you failed. in the column given below: Class Month & Year of Last Exam Roll No.19. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Paper Numerical Unique Class & Papers Paper Name/Subjects 18.Mother’s Name 11.S. photo. U. & Summer Assignments. NAME OF CLASS/SEMESTER: 2. Please write all papers of your semester.T. (Please read the instructions in appendix carefully before filling the application form) 2. Do not staple or sign on 1. S.(For office use only) APPLICATION FORM FOR UNIVERSITY EXAM OF (MONTH) (YEAR) .(For office use only) Ref. This photo will appear on your admission card/attendance sheet & mark sheet. Medium of Examination : Hindi(1). Student should retain a photocopy of the filled-up form for his record 1. Date of Birth (D/M/Y) 14. P. Internal Assessment. Minor & Major Projects as per paper code list). TO BE FILLED BY FRESH STUDENTS ONLY. Student's full name in Hindi : 9. (Theory. No. Exam Centre Code & Name : from the proposed list 7. [15] . TO BE FILLED BY BACKLOG STUDENTS ONLY.(2) : : 12. OBC(3). Father’s/Husband's Name 10.) Please tick whichever is applicable : STATUS Regular Backlog For Backlog students only For Regular students only Please submit application form photocopied on both sides of the sheet in A-4 SIZE ONLY MAKHANLAL CHATURVEDI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATION. as separate roll numbers are allotted for separate classes and therefore separate examination forms/ Computer Data Sheet should necessarily be filled. Course Code : Name Year 17.D. Married : Yes(1). ST(2). Gen (4) : Other Country Please Specify ___________ (Tick which is applicable) 16./Study Institute Code : 4. Name of Course in short : 6. No. 3. Caste SC(1).P. No.(Separate examination form/Computer Data Sheet should be filled for separate classes/semesters. BHOPAL CC Student’s Enrolment/Registration Number Roll No. Student's full name in English: (As per 10+2 Mark Sheet) 8. English(2) 5. Sex (M/F) 13. Affix your latest clean passport size black & white photograph here. Practical. Nationality : Indian 15. : 3. Please affix specimen signature within the boundary of the box given below. Year of admission July/Jan. 23.___________ Student’s signature Date : ...….. Year of Passing Marks Obtained Maximum Marks 21..../Smt ___________________ son/daughter of ______________ is our regular/ backlog student....... his application will be rejected even if his result is finally declared.. I assure you that I have filled all the information in the form..……. DECLARATION( To be filled in by the Student ) I wish to appear in the class _____________ examination of the Month ________..... Students must enclose copies of marks sheets of all the previous semesters of the course... Students of 2nd Semester and above should give the details of the semesters cleared...... He shall be able to maintain 75% attendance before he appears in exam.. PARTICULARS OF THE QUALIFYING EXAMINATION. in the column given below: Class Month & Year of Last Exam Roll No.... For wrong entries University will not be responsible....... my application can be rejected even if my result is finally declared.____________ Name . Year __________ of the University. I and my student shall bear full responsibility for rejection........ Phone No. I know and the student also knows that if he is found ineligible for admission to a class at any stage.. Affix seal/ Stamp of Name address and Study Institute Code/UTD Institute Seal Signature of Head of the UTD/Study Institute Name .. COMPLETE POSTAL ADDRESS OF STUDENT FOR COMMUNICATION : PIN CODE Telephone No with STD Code 22... Board/University Name MCNUJC Bhopal Year of Passing Division Results For MCNUJC HIGHER exam of Lower SEMESTERS Semester 20.. The photo pasted on the form depicts his/her current appearance correctly. Yes (b) Give the details of the last examination in which you failed.…….. I shall be responsible for the consequences if the information filled by me is found incorrect.. 19.. with STD Code... I II III IV V VI Semester Roll No.. Roll No... I attest that all the entries are correct.... The sole responsibility lies on Head of the Study Institute/UTD....... ________________________________ ________________________________ [16] . (Photocopy of mark sheets/certificate must be attached for proof) Course Examination Passed Enrollment No. I have personally checked the entries and guided the student for filling complete information in the columns on the form.(Separate form should be filled for separate semester).... Place : ... ATTESTATION (To be filled in by the Head of the Study Institute/UTD) This is to certify that Shri/Ku............. Paper Code in which failed Full Name of Subject in which the failure student wishes to appear Marks Obtained No Result Note : Head of Study Institute/UTD should check all the entries personally. If I am found ineligible for admission to a class at any stage. (a) Did you appear in the same class/examination earlier for which you are applying..... I have carefully gone through the rules and regulations & I promise to abide by them.. true to the best of my knowledge and belief... 33. Compute Lab-III : C on LINUX Computer Lab-IV : MS-ACCESS Professional Personality development-II Summer Assignment.T. Paper Numerical Unique 7014 7015 7016 7017 7018 7019 7020 7021 7022 Class & Papers 1BCA1 1BCA2 1BCA3 1BCA4 1BCA5 1BCA6 1BCA7 1BCA8 1BCA9 Paper Name/Subject Max. 12. Database Management Systems. 15. 11. 23. Semester-III [17] 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 20 . 28. A. 7116 7117 7118 7119 7120 7121 7122 7123 7124 7125 2BCA1 2BCA2 2BCA3 2BCA4 2BCA5 2BCA6 2BCA7 2BCA8 2BCA9 2BCA10 Digital Electronics. 8. Programming Methodology and C Programming.U. Database Management Systems.C. Accounting and Financial Management. 5. Professional Personality Development-I 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 10. C & D Series) S. Principles of Management. T. Y. 31. Packages. Fundamentals of Computers & Information Technology.V and W Series) 29. 4. Packages. U. 6. Min. Compute Lab-III : C on LINUX Computer Lab-IV : MS-ACCESS Professional Personality Skills-II Summer Assignment. Excel & PowerPoint Computer Lab-II : C Programming. 7106 7107 7108 7109 7110 7111 7112 7113 7114 7115 2BCA1 2BCA2 2BCA3 2BCA4 2BCA5 2BCA6 2BCA7 2BCA8 2BCA9 2BCA10 Digital Organization Advanced Programming in C On LINUX. A. 34. B & C Series ) 19. Principles of Management. 21. Programming Methodology and C Programming.Y. P. Z. Communicative English-II Internal Assessment. 36. 32. 30. Z. 16. 24. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 20 For Students Admitted in Jan-05/July-05/Jan-06/July-06 & Jan-2007 (Applicable only for S. 17. Communicative English-I Internal and Continuous Assessment.Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism & Communication Bhopal List of Paper code Dec-2010/Jan-2011 Examination Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)-Semester-I For Students Admitted in July-07/Jan-08/July-8/Jan-09/July-09/Jan-10/July-10 (Applicable only for X. Accounting and Financial Management. 13. 2. 14. P. 7. 38. 25. Communicative English-I Internal Assessment. 3. Computer Lab-II : C Programming. 22. 7005 7006 7007 7008 7009 7010 7011 7012 7013 For Students Admitted in Jan-05/July-05/Jan-06/July-06 & Jan-2007 (Applicable only for S. Advanced Programming in C With LINUX. 26. 35. No.C. Computer Lab-I : Basic Knowledge of O. B. Word. 20. 9. 18. V and W Series) 100 1BCA1 Fundamentals of Computers & Information 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 1BCA2 1BCA3 1BCA4 1BCA5 1BCA6 1BCA7 1BCA8 1BCA9 Technology. Computer Lab-I : Operating Systems. 1. 37. Professional Personality Skills-I 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 Semester-II For Students Admitted in July-07/Jan-08/July-8/Jan-09/July-09 & Jan-10 (Applicable only for X.S. 27. Communicative English-II Internal and Continuous Assessment. 62. Operating Systems. 41. C-Principles and Practice of Financial Accounting. Compute Lab-V : C++ Computer Lab-VI : Data Structures & Internet & E-Commerce. Y. 7203 7204 7205 7206 7207 7211 7212 7213 7214 3BCA1 3BCA2 3BCA3 3BCA4 3BCA5 3BCA6 3BCA7 3BCA8 3BCA9 Object Oriented Programming With C++ Internet and E-Commerce. 7203 7204 7205 7206 7208 7211 7212 7213 7214 3BCA1 3BCA2 3BCA3 3BCA4 3BCA5 3BCA6 3BCA7 3BCA8 3BCA9 Object Oriented Programming With C++ Internet and E-Commerce. Compute Lab-V : C++ Computer Lab-VI : Data Structures & Internet & ECommerce. Data Structures. 50.(Applicable only for Honors Stream) For Students Admitted in July-07/Jan-08/July-8. 63. 54. Internal Assessment. 64. B-Advanced Calculus and Matrices. 44. 40. Jan-09 & July-09 (Applicable only for X. 60. A & B Series) 57. 65. 59. Data Structures. 49. 61. Y. Internal Assessment. A & B Series) 39. Operating Systems. 53. Operating Systems. Internal Assessment. A & B Series) 48. Jan-09 & July-09 (Applicable only for X. Z. Jan-09 & July-09 (Applicable only for X. Professional Personality development-III 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 [18] . 58. Compute Lab-V : C++ Computer Lab-VI : Data Structures & Internet & E-Commerce Professional Personality development-III 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 Semester-III (Applicable only for Commerce Stream) For Students Admitted in July-07/Jan-08/July-8. Y. 46. A-Multimedia Tools and Applications. 55.Z.Z. Professional Personality development-III 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 Semester-III (Applicable only for Maths Stream) For Students Admitted in July-07/Jan-08/July-8. 56. 52. 45. 7203 7204 7205 7206 7209 7211 7212 7213 7214 3BCA1 3BCA2 3BCA3 3BCA4 3BCA5 3BCA6 3BCA7 3BCA8 3BCA9 Object Oriented Programming With C++ Internet and E-Commerce. 47. 42. Data Structures. 43. 51. Semester-III (Applicable only for Management Stream) For Students Admitted in July-07/Jan-08/July-8. 67. 72.I (Advanced Calculus and Matrics) Operating Systems Internal and Continuous Assessment. OR B .I (Advanced Calculus and Matrics) Operating Systems Internal and Continuous Assessment. Data Structures.V & W series) 85. 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218. 1211 1212 1213 1215 1216 1217 1218.Fundamentals of Mathematics . Jan-09 & July-09 (Applicable only for X. 68. Professional Personality development-III 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 Semester-III (Backlog) (Applicable only for Maths Stream) For Students Admitted in Jan-05/July-05/Jan-06/July-06 & Jan-2007 (Applicable only for S. 73.V & W series) 75. C . Compute Lab-V : C++ Computer Lab-VI : Data Structures & Internet & E-Commerce. 84.T.Multimedia Tools and Application. 88. 82. Data Structures. 70. D-Statistics for Management. 77. Y. 7203 7204 7205 7206 7210 7211 7212 7213 7214 3BCA1 3BCA2 3BCA3 3BCA4 3BCA5 3BCA6 3BCA7 3BCA8 3BCA9 Object Oriented Programming With C++ Internet and E-Commerce. 1219 1220 3BCA1 3BCA2 3BCA3 3BCA4 3BCA4 3BCA5 3BCA6 3BCA7 3BCA8 3BCA9 Object Oriented Programming With C++ Internet and E-Commerce. 69. Internal Assessment. 79. Data Structures. 87. 92. 1219 1220 3BCA1 3BCA2 3BCA3 3BCA4 3BCA5 3BCA6 3BCA7 3BCA8 3BCA9 Object Oriented Programming With C++ Internet and E-Commerce. 83.Z. 78.T. 80. Compute Lab-V : C++ Computer Lab-VI : Data Structures & Internet & E-Commerce. Professional Personality development-III 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 Semester-III (Backlog) (Applicable only for Regular Stream) For Students Admitted in Jan-05/July-05/Jan-06/July-06 & Jan-2007 (Applicable only for S. 86.U. 76. 81. Operating Systems.Fundamentals of Mathematics . 74. A . 71. 91. A & B Series) 66.U. Compute Lab-V : C++ Computer Lab-VI : Data Structures & Internet & E-Commerce. 89. Professional Personality development-III 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 [19] . 90. 93. T.B. 1219 1220 3BCA1 3BCA2 3BCA3 3BCA4 3BCA5 3BCA6 3BCA7 3BCA8 3BCA9 Object Oriented Programming With C++ Internet and E-Commerce. 120. Compute Lab-V : C++ Computer Lab-VI : Data Structures & Internet & E-Commerce. 121. 104. 102. 124. (B) Discrete Mathematics. 115.Statistics for Management Operating Systems Internal and Continuous Assessment. 130. Professional Personality development-III 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 Semester-IV (Applicable only for Honors Stream) For Students Admitted in July-07/Jan-08/July-08/Jan-09 (Applicable only for X.U. 1211 1212 1213 7202 1216 1217 1218.Net. 97. 109.Semester-III ( Backlog) (Applicable only for Commerce Stream) For Students Admitted in Jan-05/July-05/Jan-06/July-06 & Jan-2007 (Applicable only for S. Data Structures. Internal Assessment. 106.Principles and Practice of Financial Accounting Operating Systems Internal and Continuous Assessment. Computer Lab-VII : LINUX Computer Lab-VIII : ORACLE Professional Personality development-IV Minor Project.Net. 131. (A) Linux OS Server. Compute Lab-VIII : ORACLE Professional Personality development-IV Minor Project. 113. 116. 127.V & W series) 94. 101. Compute Lab-VII : V. E . 99. 129. Computer Networks. 118. 98. 119. 100. 7335 7336 7337 7338 7339 7343 7344 7345 7346 7347 4BCA1 4BCA2 4BCA3 4BCA4 4BCA5 4BCA6 4BCA7 4BCA8 4BCA9 4BCA10 System Analysis and Design. D. 117. 105. Oracle RDBMS Programming with Visual Basic. 7335 7336 7337 7338 7340 7343 7348 7345 7346 7347 4BCA1 4BCA2 4BCA3 4BCA4 4BCA5 4BCA6 4BCA7 4BCA8 4BCA9 4BCA10 System Analysis and Design. 96. Y. Compute Lab-V : C++ Computer Lab-VI : Data Structures & Internet & E-Commerce.Z & A series) 122.Z & A series) 112. 107.V & W series) 103. 108. Oracle RDBMS Programming with Visual Basic . 1219 1220 3BCA1 3BCA2 3BCA3 3BCA4 3BCA5 3BCA6 3BCA7 3BCA8 3BCA9 Object Oriented Programming With C++ Internet and E-Commerce. 123. 114. 111. Internal Assessment. 1211 1212 1213 7201 1216 1217 1218. 128.T. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 40 Semester-IV (Applicable only for Maths Stream) For Students Admitted in July-07/Jan-08/July-08/Jan-09 (Applicable only for X.Net. 126. Data Structures. 95.U. 125. Professional Personality development-III 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 Semester-III (Backlog) (Applicable only for Management Stream) For Students Admitted in Jan-05/July-05/Jan-06/July-06 & Jan-2007 (Applicable only for S. Y. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 40 Semester-IV (Applicable only for Commerce Stream) For Students Admitted in July-07/Jan-08/July-08/Jan-09 [20] . 110. Computer Networks. Fundamentals of Mathematics .B. Computer Lab-VII : V. Computer Lab-VIII : ORACLE Professional Personality development-IV Minor Project. Oracle RDBMS Programming with Visual Basic . 166. 163. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 40 Semester-IV ( Backlog) (Applicable only for Regular Stream) For Students Admitted in July-05/Jan-06/July-06 & Jan-2007 (Applicable only for T.(Those Opt 4BCA5(B) Computer Lab-VII : V. 160. .Net.V & W series) 152.Z & A series) 132. 7327 7318 7325 7326 7309 7310 7311 7319 7320 7321 7322 7323 7324 4BCA1 4BCA2 4BCA3 4BCA4 4BCA4 4BCA5 4BCA5 4BCA6 4BCA7 4BCA7 4BCA8 4BCA9 4BCA10 Programming With Visual Basic . 167. 158. Internal Assessment. 169.Net.Fundamentals of Mathematics . 155. 135. 145. 139. 168.III (Numerical Methods} Internal and Continuous Assessment. 7327 7318 7325 7309 7311 4BCA1 4BCA2 4BCA3 4BCA4 4BCA5 Programming With Visual Basic . 147. 137. 134. + Web Page Designing(Those Opt 4BCA5(A) Computer Lab-VIII : Oracle Professional Personality Skills-IV Minor Project. 146.III (Discrete Mathematics) B .V & W series) 165. Oracle RDBMS Programming with Visual Basic . Y.Net. 154. Computer Lab-VII : V. Y.Net.III (Numerical Methods) [21] 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 . 140. 7335 7336 7337 7338 7341 7343 7348 7345 7346 7347 4BCA1 4BCA2 4BCA3 4BCA4 4BCA5 4BCA6 4BCA7 4BCA8 4BCA9 4BCA10 System Analysis and Design. 156. 7335 7336 7337 7338 7342 7343 7348 7345 7346 7347 4BCA1 4BCA2 4BCA3 4BCA4 4BCA5 4BCA6 4BCA7 4BCA8 4BCA9 4BCA10 System Analysis and Design. 138. 149.U. (D) Production Management. 150.III (Discrete Mathematics) A .Z & A series) 142. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 100 20 40 Semester-IV (Backlog) (Applicable only for Maths Stream) For Students Admitted in July-05/Jan-06/July-06 & Jan-2007 (Applicable only for T. 162. 161. Computer Lab-VII : V. 153. (C) Business Statistics.(Applicable only for X. 148.B.Net Oracle RDBMS Systems Analysis and Design A .Fundamentals of Mathematics . 157.B. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 40 Semester-IV (Applicable only for Management Stream) For Students Admitted in July-07/Jan-08/July-08/Jan-09 (Applicable only for X. Internal Assessment. Computer Networks. 144.Dynamic Web Page Designing With ASP OR B .Fundamentals of Mathematics . 151. 159.Information Technology Trends OR B . 141. Computer Networks. 133. Computer Lab-VIII : ORACLE Professional Personality development-IV Minor Project.U. . 143.B. 164. 136.Net Oracle RDBMS Systems Analysis and Design C . 186. 184. 202. 7319 7320 7322 7323 7324 4BCA6 4BCA7 4BCA8 4BCA9 4BCA10 Internal and Continuous Assessment.B. 203. 178. 179. 196. 204. 193. 7305 7318 7325 7326 7309 7310 7311 7319 7320 7322 7323 4BCA1 4BCA2 4BCA3 4BCA4 4BCA4 4BCA5 4BCA5 4BCA6 4BCA7 4BCA8 4BCA9 Graphical User Interface Prog. 183. 198.U. 7327 7318 7325 7328 7329 7319 7320 7322 7323 7324 4BCA1 4BCA2 4BCA3 4BCA4 4BCA5 4BCA6 4BCA7 4BCA8 4BCA9 4BCA10 Programming With Visual Basic . 172.B. 194.Fundamental of Mathematics ( Discrete Maths) A . Computer Lab-VIII : Oracle Professional Personality Skills-IV [22] 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 . 180. Computer Lab-VII : V. 177.Net Oracle RDBMS Systems Analysis and Design D .Net Oracle RDBMS Systems Analysis and Design E .Business Statistic D . 201.170. 173.Production Management E .Fund.Human Resource Management Internal and Continuous Assessment. 197. With Visual Basic Oracle RDBMS Systems Analysis and Design A. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 40 Semester-IV (Backlog) (Applicable only for Management Stream) For Students Admitted in July-05/Jan-06/July-06 & Jan-2007 (Applicable only for T. Computer Lab-VII : V. 174. Computer Lab-VII : V. of Mathematics (Numerical Methods) Internal and Continuous Assessment. 176.Information Technology Trends OR B . 7327 7318 7325 7330 7331 7319 7320 7322 7323 7324 4BCA1 4BCA2 4BCA3 4BCA4 4BCA5 4BCA6 4BCA7 4BCA8 4BCA9 4BCA10 Programming With Visual Basic .Dynamic Web Page Designing with ASP OR B . 181.B. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 40 Semester-IV ( Backlog) (Applicable only for Students Admitted in Jan-05 (Applicable only for S series) 195. 189.U. 205. Computer Lab-VII : V. 100 100 100 50 100 40 40 40 20 40 Semester-IV( Backlog (Applicable only for Commerce Stream) For Students Admitted in July-05/Jan-06/July-06 & Jan-2007 (Applicable only for T. 182. Computer Lab-VIII : Oracle Professional Personality Skills-IV Minor Project.Advance Cost and Corporate Accounts Internal and Continuous Assessment. 199. 187.V & W series) 185. 200.B. 192. Computer Lab-VIII : Oracle Professional Personality Skills-IV Minor Project. 190. 191. Computer Lab-VIII : Oracle Professional Personality Skills-IV Minor Project. 171.V & W Series) 175. 188. NET and C# C . 236.U.Human Resource Management. 230. B. 7425 7426 7427 7428 7432 7436 7437 7438 7439 5BCA1 5BCA2 5BCA3 5BCA4 5BCA5 5BCA6 5BCA7 5BCA8 5BCA9 Software Testing and Project Management. ASP.NET and C# Professional Personality Skills-V Semester-V (Applicable only for Maths Stream) For Students Admitted in July-07/Jan-08/July-08 (Applicable Only For X.Y & Z Series) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 234. Internal Assessment. Computer Lab IX : JAVA Computer Lab. 219. 241. 222. 7425 7426 7427 7429 7433 7436 7437 7438 7439 5BCA1 5BCA2 5BCA3 5BCA4 5BCA5 5BCA6 5BCA7 5BCA8 5BCA9 Software Testing and Project Management. 235.NET and C# A.Management Accounting.Mathematical Statistics. Internal Assessment. Computer Lab IX : JAVA Computer Lab. 227.NET and C# Professional Personality Skills-V Semester-V (Applicable only for Commerce Stream) For Students Admitted in July-07/Jan-08/July-08 (Applicable Only For X. 7425 7426 7427 7430 7434 7436 7437 7438 7439 5BCA1 5BCA2 5BCA3 5BCA4 5BCA5 5BCA6 5BCA7 5BCA8 5BCA9 Software Testing and Project Management. ASP. 217.Economics and Financial Management.NET and C# Professional Personality Skills-V 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 Semester-V (Backlog) (Applicable only for Regular Stream) For Students Admitted in July-05/Jan-06/July 06 & Jan. 07 (Applicable Only For T. 208. 210. 232. Programming with JAVA. 209.NET and C# D . C . 237. 211. Computer Lab IX : JAVA Computer Lab. 221.206. 220. 7425 7426 7427 7431 7435 7436 7437 7438 7439 5BCA1 5BCA2 5BCA3 5BCA4 5BCA5 5BCA6 5BCA7 5BCA8 5BCA9 Software Testing and Project Management. 218.Y & Z Series) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 216. 7413 7402 5BCA1 5BCA2 Computer Networks JAVA Programming [23] 100 100 40 40 . Programming with JAVA.Numerical Methods. 7324 4BCA10 Minor Project. 231. 213. 226.Information Technology Trends.X : ASP.Advanced Cost and Corporate Accounts.Y & Z Series) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 225.X : ASP.NET and C# B. Programming with JAVA. Semester-V (Applicable only for Honors Stream) For Students Admitted in July-07/Jan-08/July-08 100 40 (Applicable Only For X. 224. Internal Assessment. 223. 239. 229. 238. ASP. 228. 244.X : ASP. 240.Systems Programming. 242. Internal Assessment. Computer Lab IX : JAVA Computer Lab. 212. 215. Programming with JAVA.X : ASP. V & W Series) 243.Y & Z Series) 207. 233.NET and C# Professional Personality Skills-V Semester-V (Applicable only for Management Stream) For Students Admitted in July-07/Jan-08/July-08 (Applicable Only For X. ASP. D . A. 214. 262. 270.Linux and Shell Programming OR B . 252. Principles Probability and Statistics A .Software Engineering OR B . 251. 248.Fundamentals of Mathematics (Mathematical Analysis) Internal and Continuous Assessment. 07 (Applicable Only For T. 256. 253. 272. 246.X : Linux and Shell Prog.U. Professional Personality Skills-V 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 Semester-V (Backlog) (Applicable only for Management Stream) For Students Admitted in July-05/Jan-06/July 06 & Jan. 277.Fundamentals of Mathematics (Counting. 274. 7403 7404 7405 7406 7414 7415 7409 7410 7416 7412 5BCA3 5BCA3 5BCA4 5BCA4 5BCA5 5BCA5 5BCA6 5BCA7 5BCA8 5BCA9 A .Embeded Systems D .X : ASP. V & W Series) 255.ASP .ASP . 259. Computer Lab IX : JAVA Computer Lab. 271. 264.Fundamentals of Mathematics (Counting Principles Probability and Statistics C . 260. 258. 263. Computer Lab IX : JAVA Computer Lab.Embeded Systems [24] 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 . 7413 7402 7403 7404 7406 7415 7409 7410 7417 7412 5BCA1 5BCA2 5BCA3 5BCA3 5BCA4 5BCA5 5BCA6 5BCA7 5BCA8 5BCA9 Computer Networks JAVA Programming A .X : ASP. 250.NET and C # OR B .Management Accounting D .Linux and Shell Programming OR B .Fundamentals of Mathematics (Mathematical Analysis) Internal and Continuous Assessment. 7413 7402 7403 7404 5BCA1 5BCA2 5BCA3 5BCA3 Computer Networks JAVA Programming A . Computer Lab IX : JAVA Computer Lab.Embeded Systems A . V & W Series) 265. 276. 267.U. 261. 07 (Applicable Only For T. 266. 257.U. 278. 273. 247.NET and C# Internal and Continuous Assessment. V & W Series) 275. 249. 7413 7402 7403 7404 7418 7414 7409 7410 7416 7412 5BCA1 5BCA2 5BCA3 5BCA3 5BCA4 5BCA5 5BCA6 5BCA7 5BCA8 5BCA9 Computer Networks JAVA Programming A . Professional Personality Skills-V 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 Semester-V (Backlog) (Applicable only for Commerce Stream) For Students Admitted in July-05/Jan-06/July 06 & Jan.Embeded Systems C . 268. 254. 269.Linux and Shell Programming OR B .245.NET and C# + Linus Shell Prog. 07 (Applicable Only For T. Professional Personality Skills-V 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 Semester-V (Backlog) (Applicable only for Maths Stream) For Students Admitted in July-05/Jan-06/July 06 & Jan.Linux and Shell Programming OR B .NET and C# + Linux Shell Prog. MS Access.-06. 290. 280. 301. 283. Professional Personality Skills-V Semester . 7413 7402 7403 7404 7405 7406 7407 7408 7409 7410 7411 7412 5BCA1 5BCA2 5BCA3 5BCA3 5BCA4 5BCA4 5BCA5 5BCA5 5BCA6 5BCA7 5BCA8 5BCA9 Computer Networks JAVA Programming A .Programming with Perl OR B . 296. Computer Lab IX : JAVA Computer Lab. 286. 282. Jan. 309. V. 284. X & Y Series) 297. 7606 7607 7608 7609 7610 7611 1PGDCA1 1PGDCA2 1PGDCA3 1PGDCA4 1PGDCA4 1PGDCA5 Fundamentals of Computers & Information Technology.Linux and Shell Programming OR B . 289. 291. System Analysis and Design. Internal Assessment and Term Work. 298.V (Backlog) Applicable for student admitted in Jan-2005 (Applicable Only For S Series) 100 100 100 100 100 50 40 40 40 40 40 20 285. 288.279.Economic and Financial Management E . 311. A . 7702 7703 7704 7705 7706 7707 7708 2PGDCA1 2PGDCA2 2PGDCA3 2PGDCA4 2PGDCA4 2PGDCA5 2PGDCA6 Programming Visual Basic . 308.FoxPro.Y0W & 10W (Series) 305. July-06. Operating Systems. Y9S. 10S Series) 299.DCA Jan-08/July-08/Jan-09/July-09/Jan-10/July-2010 [25] . 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Semester-I Diploma In Computer Application .Marketing Management Internal and Continuous Assessment. Computer Lab-I 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 Semester-II Jan-08/July-08/Jan-09/July-09/Jan-10 Applicable Only For Y8S. 281. Y9W. Y0W. 10W. W. 287. Jan-07. 292.VI 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 Applicable for student admitted in Jan-05.Embeded Systems A .Fundamentals of Mathematics (Counting Principles Probability and Statistics A ..Jan-08 (Applicable Only For S. Computer Lab-II Project work. U. 1291 1292 6BCA1 6BCA2 Major Project. T. July-07.Financial Accounting with Tally. 400 200 160 80 Semester-I Post Graduate Diploma In Computer Application (PGDCA) Jan-08/July-08/Jan-09/July-09/Jan-10/July-2010 (Applicable Only For Y8S. 304. PC Packages. 307.X : Linux and Shell Prog.Y9W.Oops Programming with C++ OR B .Net Internet and E-Commerce. 295. A .X : Professional Personality Skills Semester . Computer Lab IX : JAVA Computer Lab. 310. OR B . July-05. Y9S. 294. Net Technology Internal and Continuous Assessment.Software Engineering OR B . 300. 302. 293. 303. 7419 7420 7409 7410 7417 7412 5BCA4 5BCA5 5BCA6 5BCA7 5BCA8 5BCA9 E . 306. Y9S.Sc.(CS)4 1M.Sc. Communicative English. 337.B & C Series) 336. 1354 1355 1356 1361 1DCA1 1DCA2 1DCA3 1DCA4 Fundamentals of Computer and Information Technology Application Programming in FoxPro (2. Z. 324. 327.Sc. PC Packages. Excel. 1381 1382 1383 1390 1391 2DCA1 2DCA2 2DCA3 2DCA4 2DCA5 GUI Programming in Visual Basic. 318.Windows) Semester-II July-07/Jan-08/July-08/Jan-09. Programming in C Data Structures and Algorithms Using C Communicative English.(CS)3 1M.Sc.Sc.Sc.Sc.Y. Max Min 100 100 100 100 100 60 60 40 40 40 40 40 24 24 Internal Max 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 329. 320.Sc. 328.Sc. B. 313. Y9W.Y. Computer Lab-II Project Work. 333.Dos. DTP(Pagemaker-5.(Applicable Only For Y8S. 338. 323. 341.(CS)8 Information and Communication Technology. 331.Y9W.Sc.6) PC Packages for Media (Windows-95/98.(CS)3 1M.Sc. Power Point.(CS)7 1M. Y9S.MSWord and MS-Excel) Computer Lab-I 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 Semester-II Jan-08/July-08/Jan-09/July-09/Jan-10 Applicable Only For Y8S. 319. [26] 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 . No. Programming with Visual Basic . 335.C & D Series) 321.Net.(CS)4 2M. 326. Software Engineering.(CS)7 Fundamentals of Information Technology.Sc.Sc.A.Sc.Sc. 8109 8110 8111 8112 8113 8114 2M.(CS)6 1M.(CS)6 1M. Z.(CS)6 Data Structures and Algorithms Using C. 314.Sc.(CS)1 1M.(CS)1 2M.Windows) Semester-I (Backlog) Applicable for Jan-07 (Applicable Only For W Series) Paper Name/Subject 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 S. PowerPoint.Sc. 10S Series) 312.Y0W & 10W (Series) 316. 339. 340.(CS)5 1M.(CS)1 1M. 325.July-09 & Jan-10 (Applicable only for X .(CS)5 2M.(CS)5 1M. 332. Computer Lab-I : C Computer Lab-II : (Word.(CS)2 2M. Internal and Continuous Evaluation. Computer Lab-I : (C Programming) Computer Lab-II : (Word.(CS)3 2M. Introduction to Operating Systems and PC Package.(CS)2 1M.Jan-10 & July-10 (Applicable only for X.Sc.Sc.Sc.(CS)2 1M.(CS) July-07/Jan-08/July-08/Jan-09/July-9. 322.(CS)4 1M. A. Power Point) Internet and Web Page Design.Sc. Paper Numer ical Unique Class & Papers Theory/ Prac. Excel. Programming with C * Operating Systems.0.5/2. Y0W. Object Oriented Programming with C++ Principle of Management. 10W. 315. 317.Dos. 330. Internal and Continuous Evaluation. 8001 8002 8003 8004 8005 8006 8007 1M. 334.Sc. 8008 8009 8010 8011 8012 8013 8014 8015 1M. 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 Semester-I Master of Science (Computer Science)-M. Sc. 8101 8102 8103 8104 8105 8106 8107 8108 2M. Object Oriented Programming in C++ Software Engineering.Sc. 8202 3M. No. 356.Sc.(CS)8 Internet and E-Commerce.-08/July-08/Jan-09 & July-2010 (Applicable only for X.Net) Computer Lab : (Oracle and Windows Server) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 NOTE: The Students who had secured admission in 2nd Year Through Lateral Entry will have to pass this paper is 3rd Sem.Sc.(CS)5 3M. 360.(CS)6 Window NT Data Base Management System. 8010 (* Operating Systems). 347. B1-Bioinformatics-I C1-Artificial Intelligence. 361.Sc. C1 . VB) Minor Project.(CS)9 Computer Lab . 358.Sc. 40 16 100 40 365. Z .Sc. 352. Semester-III (Backlog) Applicable for Jan-07 (For Through Lateral Entry & Regular Stream) (Applicable Only For W Series) S. Programming with ASP. E1-Discrete Mathematics. 368. 8205 8206 8207 8208 8209 8210 3M. Z.Sc. 351. Minor Project.(CS)4 2M. 350. A & D Series) 353. 344.I : (C++ and DS) Computer Lab . Internal and Continuous Evaluation.Sc. 343. Net.Sc.(CS)4 3M.Sc.(CS)3 Computer Networks with 366. 8204 3M.(CS)5 3M.(CS)1 Programming in VC++ 40 16 100 40 364.Sc.Sc.(CS)1 2M.(CS)7 2M. Programming in Visual Basic.Sc. Computer Architecture. Operating Systems.(CS)1 3M. 346. Computer Lab : (ASP. 8203 3M. ELECTIVE (ANY ONE) A1 .Sc.(CS)7 3M. 369.(CS)3 3M.Sc.(CS)5 2M.(CS)5 3M.Sc. Max Min 100 100 100 100 100 60 60 60 40 40 40 40 40 24 24 24 Internal Max 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 345.Sc. 362. Computer Lab : (VC++) [27] 100 40 40 16 100 100 100 100 100 60 40 40 40 40 40 24 40 40 40 40 40 40 16 16 16 16 16 16 .(CS)7 2M.Sc.Sc.Sc.(CS)6 2M.Discrete Mathematics. B1 .342. D1-Compiler Design.(CS)5 3M.A & B Series) (ii) Lateral Entry Stream July-07/Jan.(CS)4 367. 355. 8212 8213 8214 8215 8216 8217 8218 8219 8220 8221 3M. 357. 348.(CS)5 3M. 354.(CS)8 Computer Networks.Sc.Sc. 349. Paper Numer ical Unique Class & Papers Theory/ Prac.Sc. Semester-II (Backlog) Applicable for Jan-07 (Applicable Only For W Series) Paper Name/Subject 100 100 100 40 40 40 S. 372.Sc.(CS)5 3M. No. 8201 3M.Compiler Design. Y.Sc.II : (VB.Sc. al Max Min Max Min Unique 40 16 100 40 363. 371.(CS)2 3M.Sc.(CS)2 Digital Organization.NET). 8115 8116 8117 2M.(CS)2 2M. 370. Data Base management System. Y.(CS)5 3M.Artificial Intelligence.(CS)3 2M.(CS)8 2M.Sc. Semester-III (i) By Panel Stream July-07/Jan-08/July-08. Elective (Any One) A1-Multimedia Systems.(CS)6 3M. Paper Theory/ Internal Class & Paper Name/Subject Numeric Papers Prac.(CS)5 3M. Jan-09 & July 09 (Applicable only for X. Computer Lab-III : (C++) Computer Lab-IV : (Internet and E-Commerce. 359.Sc.Sc. Sc. B2-Bioinformatics-II C2-Computer Graphics. Z & A Series) 40 100 374.(CS)3 4M.Sc. 8318 4M.Sc. Semester-IV (Backlog) Applicable for Jan-07 (For Through Lateral Entry & Regular Stream) (Applicable Only For W Series) S. 390.(CS)4 4M. No.Sc.(CS)4 4M.I : (JAVA) Computer Lab .(CS)1 Programming in JAVA 100 40 16 40 384. 378. E2-Numerical analysis Computer Lab : (JAVA) Computer Lab : (C#.Sc. 381.(CS)2 Linux and Server Administration. 392. Paper Class & Paper Name/Subject Internal Theory/ Numeric Papers Prac. D2-Current Trends in Information Technology.(CS) through PGDCA path will have to pass 2M. 8211 3M. al Max Min Max Min Unique 100 40 16 40 383.(CS)7 Computer Lab : (Oracle NT Windows) 60 24 40 16 NOTE : The Students who had secured admission in 2nd Year Through PGDCA will have to pass this paper is 3rd sem. 8304 8305 8306 8307 8308 8313 8314 8315 8316 4M. [28] .II : (LINUX) Major Project.(CS)5 4M.(CS)6 4M. Y. 8317 4M. 8302 4M.Sc.(CS)4 4M.(CS)4 4M.Sc. 382. Computer Lab .(CS)7 4M.373.Computer Graphics.(CS)5 4M.Sc.Sc. 8303 4M.Sc.Sc. 376.Sc. 8301 4M. 393. 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 40 40 40 40 40 40 80 Note : The Student who had got lateral entry in second year of M.Sc. Elective (Any One) A2-Data Warehousing and Mining.(CS)4 4M. 387.Sc.(CS)3 4M. 388.Sc. 377. 379.(CS)8 Programming(COM/DCOM.(CS)1 Programming with JAVA.Sc.(CS)2 Advanced Windows 385. Z & A Series) (ii) Lateral Entry Stream July-07/Jan. .Data Warehousing and Mining. 389.Sc.Net and C#) Linux and Server Administration.Sc. 380. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 60 60 60 250 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 24 24 24 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 130 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 52 NOTE : The student who had secured admission in 2nd year through PGDCA will have to pass this paper is 4th Sem. 8102 (Operating System).Sc. 394.-08/July-08/Jan-09 (Applicable only for X.Sc. Y. 391. 8319 8320 8321 8322 8323 8324 8325 4M.(CS)7 ELECTIVE (ANY ONE) A . Net and Com) Computer Lab : (Linux) Major Project.(CS)3 386. Internal and Continuous Evaluation.(CS)6 4M. B . Semester-IV (i) By Panel Stream July-07/Jan-08/July-08 & Jan-09 (Applicable only for X.(CS)3 4M.Sc.Sc. C .Sc.(CS)1 (8109) -DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS USING C Paper in Fourth Semester. 8003 (Data Structures and Algorithms).Numerical Analysis.Sc.(CS)4 4M. 40 100 375. 424. A.(IT)1 Data Base Management Computer Lab : (C and Data Structure) Computer Lab : (Visual Basic) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 16 16 16 16 2M.M.(IT)2 1M. Prolog and Lisp Programming. 403. Paper Numeric al Unique Class & Papers Paper Name/Subject Theory/ Prac.Networking Techniques. 409. E2 .Sc.(IT)5 2M.Sc. 4131 3M. B1 .(IT)5 2M.Sc. 408.Sc. 407.(IT)4 1M.(IT)4 419.Sc.(IT)4 406. 4122 4126 4127 4128 4129 4130 3M.Fundamental of Software Engineering. ELECTIVE (ANY ONE) A1 . C2 . 420.System Programming.(IT)5 3M. 400. 423.(IT)3 2M.Sc.Sc. 417. B & C Series) 100 2M.(IT)5 3M.(IT)6 2M. Y. 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 1M. 4013 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 2M.Business System and MIS F2 .(IT)5 3M.Sc.Sc. 413. Z.Sc. 414. A & B Series) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 60 60 60 40 40 40 40 40 40 24 24 24 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 415. 396.Master of Science Information Technology . 416.Introduction to AI Computer Lab : C ++ Computer Lab : Oracle Windows Server Administration Minor Summer Project.(IT)2 2M. B2 . 402.Sc. Internet and E-Commerce. 404.Jan-09 & July 09 (Applicable only for X. 411. 399. B.Sc.Sc.(IT)5 2M. Sc.Sc. A. Z. Z.Sc. 422. 397. Programming in JAVA. 405. Linux and Web Server Administration.Sc.(IT)5 2M. D1 .Sc.(IT)5 2M.(IT)8 Systems and ORACLE.(IT)6 Current Trends and Technologies.Practical Aspects of AI(Logic.Sc.Sc.(IT)5 3M. F1 . E1 . Data Structures and Algorithms Using C Operating Systems.(IT)3 1M. 398.(IT)7 Computer Organization and Architecture.Mathematical PreRequisites.(IT)2 3M. D2 .(IT)5 1M. 4009 4010 4011 4012 60 Semester-II July-07/Jan-08/ July-08/Jan-09. 401. Windows NT Server Administration.(IT)1 3M.Jan-10 & July-10 (Applicable Only For X . 410. GUI Programming in Visual Basic.Sc. C & D Series) S. ELECTIVE (ANY ONE) A2 .System Software.(IT)3 3M.Sc.Sc.(IT)5 3M. Semester-III July-07/Jan-08/ July-08.Sc.Sc. Oops Programming in C++ Software Engineering.Distributed Operating System. (IT) Semester-I July-07/Jan-08/ July-08/Jan-09/July-9. 412. C1 .Sc.Sc.Sc.Sc.Sc. No.(IT)6 1M. 4018 4019 4020 4021 3M.Numerical Techniques. 418. 421.(IT)1 1M.(IT)5 425. Computer Lab : JAVA [29] 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 16 16 16 16 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 16 16 16 16 16 16 60 24 40 16 . July-09 & Jan-2010 (Applicable only for X.(IT)5 2M. Y. Y.Theory of Computation.Sc.Data Communication.Sc.(IT)7 2M. Max Min 100 100 100 100 100 60 40 40 40 40 40 24 24 Internal Max 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Min 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 395. Networking. O. C3 .III A3 . 444.Compiler Designing. U.Sc.Sc.(IT)8 Fundamentals of Computer and Information Technology. 439.(IT)2 3B.(IT)3 3B. 452.Advance Topics in AI Computer Lab : Visual C++ Computer Lab : COM/DCOM Major Project. 457. T.Sc.(IT)2 2B.Design Approach. D3 . and Windows-NT. Min.(IT)9 Data Base Management Systems. 431. T. 4028 4151 4152 4153 4154 4155 4156 4157 4158 4M.(IT)3 4M.Sc.T.C & D Series) S.Sc.(IT)3 4M. 443.Sc.(IT)3 4M. Internal Assessment.(IT)3 4M. 451.(IT)4 4M. 437. 458. 4050 4051 4052 4053 3B. 448. A. 430.Sc.(IT)3 4M.Sc. Summer Assignment.Sc.426.(IT)3 4M. 445. Basic Electronics. Z & A Series) 60 24 40 16 427.(IT) Semester-I Jan-05/July-05/Jan-06/July-6/Jan-07/July-07/Jan-08/ July-08/Jan-09/ July-09/ Jan-10 & July-2010 Programming in VC++ Component Architecture and Programming (COM/DCOM) ELECTIVE . July-09 & Jan 2010 (Applicable only for S. Windows-98. Programming Methodologies Using C. Z.(IT)5 2B.(IT)7 1B.S. A. 4132 3M.-I Fundamentals of Mathematics-I(Advanced Calculus and Matrices. 447. B3 . Jan-09 & July -09 (Applicable only for S.Sc. Internal Assessment.(IT)5 1B. Computer Lab . Z.(IT)8 2B. 454. 434. B & C Series) 446. Y. V.Sc. Operating Systems (Linux. Semester-IV July-07/Jan-08/July-08 & Jan-09 (Applicable only for X. 438.Sc. E3 . 436.(IT)6 1B. Probability and Statistics) [30] 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 . X.(IT)4 1B.(IT)3 1B. .(IT)1 2B. W. 100 100 40 40 40 40 16 16 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 16 16 16 16 (Applicable only for S. 453.Sc.Sc.(IT)6 40 16 100 40 24 16 60 40 24 16 60 40 250 100 52 130 Bachelor of Science(Information Technology)(B.Sc. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Semester-II Jan-05/July-05/Jan-06/July-6/Jan-07/July-07/Jan-08/ July-08/Jan-09. F3 .(IT)1 1B. Z.Sc.(IT)1 3B.Sc. W. 442.Sc. 4033 4034 4035 4036 4037 4038 4039 4040 1B.Sc.Advance features of Software Engineering.W. Digital Computer Organization. 435. Computer Lab-I : OS and PC Packages. Communicative English-I Computer Lab-III : Access + Data Structures.Sc.Sc.Advance Networking. Y.(IT)4 Object Oriented Programming and C++ Computer Networking and Internet. 456. Basic Electronics and Instrumentation-I Fundamentals of Mathematics-II(Discrete Mathematics. V. Y. Computer Lab .(IT)4 2B. Paper Numer ical Unique Class & Papers Paper Name/Subject Max.Sc.II : C Programming. Y.(IT)2 429.Sc. Data Structure and Advanced C Programming.(IT)7 2B. V. No. 4026 4027 4M.Digital Signal Processing.Sc.Sc. 433. U. 432.Sc.(IT)1 4M. 441. A & B Series) 455.(IT)6 2B.Sc.Sc. 450.Sc. 4041 4042 4043 4044 4045 4046 4047 4048 4049 2B. Fundamentals of Mathematics-II(Counting Principles.U.Sc.Sc. 449. X.IV : Digital Lab.(IT)5 4M.Sc. 428.Sc. X. 440.(IT)7 Computer Lab : Internet and ECommerce and Linux.Sc. B.(IT)3 2B. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Semester-III Jan-05/July-05/Jan-06/July-6/Jan-07/July-07/Jan-08/ July-08.(IT)2 1B. July-07 & Jan-08 (Applicable only for S. 4067 4068 4069 4070 4071 7072 4073 4074 5B.(IT)1 6B. V. 483.II 100 9108 2MCA8 SUMMER ASSIGNMENT 100 Semester-III (Backlog) For Students Admitted in July. Computer Lab .Jan-08 & July-08 (Applicable only for S.(IT)7 5B. Y. 491.(IT)3 4B.Sc. Minor Project. 476. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Semester-V Jan-05/July-05/Jan-06/July-6/Jan-07/July-07. 475.(IT)8 Communicative English-II Computer Lab-V : C++. Fundamentals of Mathematics-IV(Numeral Methods) Communicative English-III Computer Lab-VII : Visual Basic. 484. 477.Sc. Computer Lab-V : JAVA Computer Lab . X.(IT)2 5B. 40 . 487.Sc.(IT)7 3B. 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 497.Sc. GUI Programming in Visual Basic.Sc.Sc.(IT)1 5B.Sc. Data Communication. 466. 488. 465.459.W. V.Sc.U.(IT)3 5B.(IT)2 Major Project. 4058 4059 4060 4061 4062 4063 4064 4065 4066 4B. 493.Sc.(IT)5 4B. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Semester-VI Jan-05/July-05/Jan-06/July-6/Jan-07.U.Sc. Internal Assessment. 471. 469.VI : Networking and Internet.Sc. 462.Sc. X.2006 (Applicable only for V Series) 9101 2MCA1 COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE 100 9102 2MCA2 OOPS USING C++ 100 9103 2MCA3 DATA STRUCTURE ALGORITHMS USING C 100 9104 2MCA4 COMPUTER ORIENTED NUMERICAL 100 METHODS 9105 2MCA5 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 100 9106 2MCA6 INTERNAL ASSESSMENT & TERM WORK 100 9107 2MCA7 COMPUTER LAB . 467. 4075 4076 6B.2006 (Applicable only for V Series) Semester-I (Backlog) 9001 1MCA1 FUNDAMENTAL OF COMPUTER 100 9002 1MCA2 DIGITAL ORGANISATION 100 9003 1MCA3 PROGRAMMING IN C 100 9004 1MCA4 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT 100 9005 1MCA5 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 100 9006 1MCA6 INTERNAL ASSESSMENT & TERM WORK 100 9007 1MCA7 COMPUTER LAB .VIII : Microprocessor.Sc.Sc. 474. 473. 460.(IT)9 System Analysis and Design. X & Y Series) 480.(IT)5 3B.(IT)1 4B. 500 100 200 40 Master of Computer Applications (MCA) For Students Admitted in July. V. Internal Assessment.U. 479.I 100 Semester-II (Backlog) For Students Admitted in July.(IT)6 5B.W.2006 (Applicable only for V Series) 9201 3MCA1 MICROPROCESSOR AND ASSEMBLY 100 LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING [31] 482. 464.(IT)7 4B. Internal Assessment. 481.Sc. 492. 485.Sc.Y & Z Series) 472. Hardware Maintenance.T. 486. 494. 4054 4055 4056 4057 3B. 496. Computer Lab . 470.Sc. Internal Assessment. 478. 461.(IT)6 4B.(IT)8 4B. 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 489. July-08 & Jan-09 (Applicable only for S. Fundamentals of Mathematics-V (Optimation and Graph Theory) Mathematical Analysis.Sc. Computer Architecture and Microprocessors.(IT)2 4B.VI : Hardware Maintenance.(IT)6 3B. Z & A Series) 463. 495.Sc. 468.Sc.(IT)4 5B.Sc.(IT)8 Java Programming.T. 490. 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 Semester-IV Jan-05/July-05/Jan-06/July-6/Jan-07/July-07/Jan-08.W.(IT)5 5B.Sc.(IT)4 4B.Sc.T. 505.2006 (Applicable only for V Series) 5MCA1 SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND 100 TESTING 5MCA2 ADVANCED . 515.NET 100 3MCA4 COMPUTER NETWORKS 100 3MCA5 OPERATING SYSTEM 100 3MCA6 INTERNAL ASSESSMENT & TERM WORK 100 2MCA7 COMPUTER LAB .I ( C PROGRAMMING) 100 1MCA8 COMPUTER LAB . 535. Z. 531.498. 507.2006 (Applicable only for V Series) 4MCA1 PROGRAMMING WITH JAVA 100 4MCA2 COMPUTER GRAPHICS 100 4MCA3 LINUX SERVER ADMINISTRATION 100 4MCA4 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 100 ELECTIVE-I (ONE OF THE FOLLOWING) 4MCA5(A) DATA WAREHOUSING AND MINING 100 4MCA5(B) THEORY OF COMPUTATION 100 4MCA6 INTERNAL ASSESSMENT & TERM WORK 100 4MCA7 COMPUTER LAB-IV 100 4MCA8 MINOR PROJECT 200 Semester-V (Backlog) For Students Admitted in July. Z & B Series) 2MCA1 COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE 100 2MCA2 OOPS USING C++ 100 2MCA3 DATA STRUCTURE ALGORITHMS USING C 100 2MCA4 COMPUTER ORIENTED NUMERICAL 100 METHODS 2MCA5 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 100 2MCA6 INTERNAL ASSESSMENT & TERM WORK 100 2MCA7 COMPUTER LAB . 519. 511. 525. 536. July 09 & July 10 (Applicable only for X. 539.III( DATA STRUCTURE 100 USING C) 2MCA8 COMPUTER LAB .07. 9501 9502 524.III 100 Semester-IV (Backlog) For Students Admitted in July. 502.IV( PROGRAMMING 100 WITH C++) 2MCA9 SUMMER ASSIGNMENT 100 [32] 3MCA2 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 80 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 120 200 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 . 506. 9301 9302 9303 9304 9305 9306 9307 9308 9309 513. 499. 9109 9110 9111 9112 9113 9114 9115 9116 9117 CLIENT SERVER TECHNOLOGY WITH 100 ORACLE 3MCA3 PROGRAMMING WITH VISUAL BASIC.2006 (Applicable only for V Series) 6MCA1 MAJOR PROJECT 300 6MCA2 INTERNAL ASSESSMENT & TERM WORK 500 For Students Admitted in July.07. 528.NET 100 5MCA3 WINDOWS SERVER ADMINISTRATION 100 5MCA4 PROGRAMMING WITH J2EE 100 ELECTIVE-I (ONE OF THE FOLLOWING) 5MCA5(A) PRINCIPLES OF COMPILER DESIGNING 100 5MCA5(B) PROGRAMMING WITH VC++ 100 5MCA5(C) MULTIMEDIA AND VIRTUAL REALITY 100 5MCA6 INTERNAL ASSESSMENT & TERM WORK 100 5MCA7 COMPUTER LAB-V 100 Semester-VI (Backlog) For Students Admitted in July. 508. 530. 509 510.II (OS. 521. 533. 520. 9202 9203 9204 9205 9206 9207 504. 514. 538. 9008 9009 9010 9011 9012 9013 9014 9015 532. 529. 516. 517. 518. July 08. 537. 534. 512. July 08 & July 09 (Applicable only for X. 9401 9402 9403 9404 9405 9406 9407 9408 9409 522. B & D Series) Semester-I 1MCA1 FUNDAMENTAL OF COMPUTER & 100 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1MCA2 DIGITAL ELECTRONIC DESIGN 100 1MCA3 PROGRAMMING WITH C 100 1MCA4 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT 100 1MCA5 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 100 1MCA6 INTERNAL ASSESSMENT & TERM WORK 100 1MCA7 COMPUTER LAB . 540. PC PACKAGE) 100 Semester-II For Students Admitted in July. 523. 500 501. 503. 526 527. 9410 9411 9412 9413 9414 9415 9416 9417 9418 9419 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 PRINCIPLES OF COMPILER DESIGNING COMPONENT DEVELOPMENT WITH VC++ MULTIMEDIA AND VIRTUAL REALITY INTERNAL ASSESSMENT & TERM WORK COMPUTER LAB-IX (PROGRAMMING WITH ADVANCED NET) COMPUTER LAB-X PROGRAMMING WITH J2EE) Semester-VI For Students Admitted in July.NET) 3MCA8 COMPUTER LAB . Z & B Series) 3MCA1 MICROPROCESSOR AND ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING 3MCA2 RDBMS WITH ORACLE 3MCA3 PROGRAMMING WITH VISUAL BASIC. 9503 9504 6MCA1 6MCA2 300 500 120 200 Controller of Exam's [33] . 567. 557. 549. 571. 559. 544. 547.NET (ASP. 9208 9209 9210 9211 9212 9213 9214 9215 550. 558. ADO.NET 3MCA4 COMPUTER NETWORKS 3MCA5 OPERATING SYSTEM 3MCA6 INTERNAL ASSESSMENT & TERM WORK 3MCA7 COMPUTER LAB . 570.07 (Applicable only for X Series) MAJOR PROJECT INTERNAL ASSESSMENT & TERM WORK 572. 560. 9310 9311 9312 9313 9314 9315 9316 9317 9318 9319 9320 9321 PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT-I Semester-III For Students Admitted in July.07.541 9118 2MCA10 542.07 & July 08 (Applicable only for X & Z Series) 5MCA1 5MCA2 5MCA3 5MCA4 5MCA5(A) 5MCA5(B) 5MCA5(C) 5MCA6 5MCA7 5MCA8 SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND TESTING ADVANCED .V (PROGRAMMING WITH VB. 564. 561. ECRM. 548. 552. 545. NET. 563. 546. 566. ERP 4MCA5(B) DATA WAREHOUSING AND MINING 4MCA5(C) THEORY OF COMPUTATION 4MCA6 INTERNAL ASSESSMENT & TERM WORK 4MCA7 COMPUTER LAB-VII(PROGRAMMING WITH JAVA) 4MCA8 COMPUTER LAB-VIII(LINUX SERVER ADMINISTRATION) 4MCA9 MINOR PROJECT 4MCA10 PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT-II Semester-V For Students Admitted in July. 569. NET.07 & July 08 (Applicable only for X & Z Series) 4MCA1 PROGRAMMING WITH JAVA 4MCA2 COMPUTER GRAPHICS 4MCA3 LINUX SERVER ADMINISTRATION 4MCA4 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ELECTIVE-I (ONE OF THE FOLLOWING) 4MCA5(A) ECSM. 543. 565. 556. July 08 & July 09 (Applicable only for X. 568. 553 554.VI (ORACLE) Semester-IV For Students Admitted in July. C#) WINDOWS SERVER ADMINISTRATION PROGRAMMING WITH J2EE ELECTIVE-III (ONE OF THE FOLLOWING) 100 40 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 80 40 562. 555. 551. 573.
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