Notice CGLE 20feb18

May 12, 2018 | Author: प्रफुल्ल ज्योति निगम | Category: Wellness



F.No.11012/1/2016-SSS (Vol.II) Government of India Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation SSS Division, Room No. 528, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001 Date: 19.02.2018 NOTICE Subject: Pre-appointment formalities of the Junior Statistical Officers of Subordinate Statistical Service (SSS) selected through Combined Graduate Level Examination-2016 conducted by Staff Selection Commission. All the candidates selected by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) for the post of Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) in the final result of Combined Graduate Level Exam (CGLE)-2016, as per the list annexed to this Notice, are hereby informed that it has been decided by this Ministry to initiate the pre-appointment formalities. 2. The candidates are required to visit the Official website of this Ministry and download the 'Instructions for filling Excel Sheet for Basic Details', 'Basic Sample Sheet 1', 'Basic Sample Sheet 2' and 'Excel Sheet for Basic Details' placed under the link 'Employee Corner >> SSS >> Recruitment of JSO through CGLE-2016'. They should first go through the Instructions, Basic Sample Sheet 1 and Basic Sample Sheet 2. After this fill the requisite details in the 'Excel Sheet for Basic Details' and e-mail this filled-in excel-sheet to . 3. The candidates belonging to Delhi Region i.e. candidates having present/ permanent/ both addresses belonging to Delhi are required to e-mail some other documents also, such as scanned copy of their Photograph, Photo Identity Proof, Residential Address Proof, Excel sheet 'Delhi CVR' etc., for the online Character Verification by Delhi Police, the details of which are mentioned at Annexure-A. The candidates belonging to Region(s) other than Delhi are not required to send/ mail these documents. 4. The candidates who are not willing to join, are also requested to submit the status of their willingness to this Ministry, through e-mail at The e-mail should contain your name, contact no. and rank. The subject of mail should be Unwilling to join, Rank-<c your rank>>, CGLE-2016. 5. It may be noted that, there is no need to send/ post the print out of the excel sheets to the undersigned. The last date for submitting the excel sheets and documents mentioned in the para 2 and 3 through email at is 26 th February, 2018. 6. The candidates are also required to submit the following forms (attached to this Notice) along with their documents, to this Ministry by speed-post, at the earliest: (I) Annexure B: Letter for willingness (one copy only) (ii) Annexure C: Attestation-Form duly completed in all respects. They should first get three copies of the blank Attestation-Form (back to back). Fill all the three copies in original/ ink with recent passport size colour photograph affixed on each copy and put their signature on the photographs (Three copies only) (iii) Self-attested copy of mark-sheet of 12th Standard. The candidates who have studied Mathematics should highlight/ underline/ encircle it. (one copy only) (iv) The candidates who have studied Statistics as a subject at Graduation level should submit a self-attested copy of the concerned mark- sheet(s), highlighting/ underlining/ encircling the Statistics subject. The mark-sheet should have been issued by University! College. (v) Self-attested copy of mark-sheet! Certificate! Degree of Graduation indicating that the Graduation has been completed on or before 01.08.2016. (one copy only) Note: In some of the mark-sheets/documents the name of the subjects are mentioned at the back side. In that case, they are requested to send the photocopy of both (front and back) sides of the mark-sheet(s) and highlight/ underline with a pen/highlighter, the subject which shows that you possess the required Essential Qualification for the post of Junior Statistical Officer of SSS i.e. Bachelor's Degree in any subject from a recognized University! Institute with at least 60% marks in Mathematics at 12th standard level OR Bachelor's Degree in any subject with Statistics as one of the subjects at degree level The candidate may not submit any mark-sheet! certificate! Degree other than those mentioned in para 6 of this Notice. 7. Fill all the forms in Block! Capital Letters (except signatures). 8. The candidates whose address has got changed are requested to fill their latest/ new address (with the district mentioned separately in the address) along with Pin Code in all the Forms! Annexures! Excel-sheets that are submitted. S A_^^ 9. The candidate should take print-out of the above mentioned forms! Annexures. After completely filling the forms! Annexures, it should be sent along with the documents mentioned at para 6, by Speed-Post to "The Under Secretary, SSS Division, Room No. 528, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Sardar Patel Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi -110001". No document other than those mentioned above, should be sent by post to the undersigned. The last date for submitting the documents by speed-post is 5th March, 2018. 10. The candidates may also find enclosed a letter addressed to Civil Surgeon! Medical Superintendent of District Government Hospital! Medical College for conducting Medical Examination, annexed to this NOTICE. (Candidates belonging to Delhi Region may refer to point 11 of this notice) 11. Candidates presently residing in Delhi are required to get their Medical Examination done at Dr. RML Hospital, Delhi and may find the required letter annexed to this NOTICE. 12. Form of Medical Certificate for PH (Physically Handicapped) and others (i.e. non-PH) candidates are given separately. 13. After submitting the emails/ forms! Annexures to this Ministry, the candidates may take print out of the relevant letter/ forms for Medical Examination along with the enclosures and fill the required details in it. Candidates may take this filled-in letter along with its enclosures and present themselves before the Civil Surgeon! Medical Superintendent of the District of their present address (same as mentioned in the Attestation-Form), for Medical Examination to determine Medical-fitness for Government Service. 14. The candidate, without the permission from this Ministry, should not go to any District other than that of the present address mentioned in his! her Attestation-Form and Dr. RML, Hospital, Delhi (in case of candidates having their present address belonging to Delhi) for Medical-examination for this purpose. 15. Candidates should collect the Medical Report from the Medical Authorities and submit the same at the time of joining, to the Office where they will be posted. They should NOT send this Medical Report or copy of this Report or its enclosures to the undersigned. 16. In case no communication is received from the candidates, in the prescribed time-limit mentioned at para 5 and 9 above, it will be presumed that they are not interested in Appointment for this post and their candidature may be cancelled by this Ministry without giving any further notice. 17. Further, the candidates are also informed that SSS is a Central Group-B Service and they are liable to be posted/ transferred anywhere in India. 18. This Notice should not be construed as an 'Offer of Appointment! Appointment Order'. Further, mere submission of willingness/ documents will not entitle any claim to appointment for the post, which will be subject to fulfillment of stipulated terms and conditions for this service. S pk^ 19. If any declaration given or information furnished is proved to be false or willfully suppressed, such candidates will be liable for removal from service and such other action, as Government may deem necessary. 20. This Notice will also be sent by e-mail to the candidates, at the e-mail ids available in their dossiers. Those candidates who do not receive the e-mail from the Ministry may download the Notice and attached forms from the Official website of the Ministry from the link mentioned at para-2 of the Notice. 21. It is requested to visit the website of the Ministry regularly, for latest updates related to Recruitment. Ends.: 1. Notice Delhi CVR (Annexure-A) 2. Letter for willingness (Annexure-B) 3. Attestation Form (Annexure-C) 4. Letter for Medical Examination 5. List of Candidates (as per final result declared by SSC) Yours faithfully, (K. Saraswathy) Under Secretary to the Government of India Tel: 011-23340888 To: 1. Official website of this Ministry 2. The concerned candidates through e-mail Annexure- A Notice Delhi CVR Subject- Verification of Character and antecedents of candidates selected for the post of J.S.O through CGL Exam-2016- regarding It is to inform that Delhi Police will conduct online verification, of Character and Antecedents of candidates belonging to Delhi Region. The candidates who have their present] permanent] both addresses belonging to Delhi are required to fill their basic details in an Excel-sheet 'Delhi CVR' uploaded on the website of this Ministry • under the link 'Em ployee Corner >> SSS>> Recruitment of JSO throu gh CGLE-2016'. You should first go through the 'Instructions for Delhi CVR', 'CVR.Sample Sheet 1' and 'CVR Sample Sheet 2' uploaded on the website before filling the details in the Excel Sheet. Candidates are also required to e-mail a scanned copy of the following documents along with the above Excel sheet: (a) Candidate's recent Photograph (Less than 20 kb in jpeg format only) (b) Candidate's Photo Identity Proof (PAN Card/ Driving Licence/ Election ID/ Aadhaar Card); (Less than 200 kb in jpeg or pdf format only). If both front and back of the ID proof are to be scanned then save them in a single file of size less than 200 kb. Do not make. 2 different files for front side and back side. (c) Residential Address Proof (Passport! Electricity Bill! Telephone Bill (Iandline)/ Ration Card/ Passbook/ Utility Bill/ Rent Agreement] Others); (Less than 200 kb in jpeg or pdf format only). If the address. proof has more than one pages or if thefront & back sides both are to be scanned then save them in a single file of size less than 200 kb. Candidates belonging to region other than Delhi are not required to fill/ mail the above mentioned Excel Sheet and documents. The last date for sending the Excel Sheet and scanned documents by e-mail to dir-sss-mospi(anic.jn is 26th February, 2018. No documents other than those mentioned above should be sent through e-mail for this purpose. It is not required to send any documents by post for this purpose. • -c Rank-. CGL Exam-2016 Annexure-B To, The Under Secretary, SSS Division, Room no.-528, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Sardar Patel Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi -110001. Sub: Willingness or otherwise to join the Subordinate Statistical Service-regarding. Madam, I fully understand that I have been nominated for appointment as Junior Statistical Officer of Subordinate Statistical Service, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation. I am willing/ not willing* to join the Service. (*Strike whichever is not applicable. Even if you are not interested in joining this post then also it is requested to forward the status of your willingness to this Ministry) Choice order of Preference for Posting (list Territories given on the next page) will the discretion whether to consider the , le exercised by the candidate or no 1 I 3. Address (Same as mentioned in the Attestation Form). J If there is any change in the address then the latest/new address may be mentioned in all the forms) Your Present Address Your Home/Permanent Address Pin Code- Pin Code- District of your present address- District of your permanent address- Address of the District Magistrate/ Collector of the Address of the District Magistrate/ Collector of the District District of your present address- of your permanent address- Pin Code- Pin Code- Yours faithfully, Signature: Gender (Male/Female/Other): Name: Date of Birth: Roll No.: Mother-Tongue: Father's Name: State of Domicile/Permanent Residence: Mobile / Telephone no. - (in case of land-line numbers prefix the STD code also) Email-Id: Place: Date: P.T.O I. T SI. Name of Examination! Course! Degree Subjects studied Year of No. (from High School! 101h onwards) passing Complete Postal Address of your present employer with PIN code (in case Post held in the Type of Office (Central you have been serving or under obligation to serve another Central present office Government] State Government] State Government] Public Sector Undertaking or any other Government] Public organisation) Sector Undertaking/ Others) List of States! Union Territories for allotment of posting SI. No. States/ Union Territories SI. No. Statesi Union Territories Andaman and Nicobar 17. Maharashtra 2. Andhra Pradesh 18. Manipur 3. Arunachal Pradesh 19. Meghalaya 4. Assam 20. Nagaland 5. Bihar: 21. Odisha 6. Chhattisgarh 22. Puducherry 7. Delhi 23. Punjab ** 8, Goa 24. Rajasthan 9. Gujarat 25. Sikkim 10. Haryana 26. Tamil Nadu 11. Himachal Pradesh 27. Telangana 12. Jammu and Kashmir 28. Tripura 13. Jharkhand 29. Uttar Pradesh 14. Karnataka 30. Uttarakhand 15. Kerala 31. West Bengal 16. Madhya Pradesh " The vacancies in Chandigarh will be considered in Punjab for this purpose. Rank- CGL Exam-2016 Annexure-C District of your Present Address- District of your Permanent Address- .................................. ATTESTATION FORM "WARNING" The furnishing of false information or suppression of any factual information in I. the Attestation From would be disqualification, and is likely to render the candidate unfit for employment under the government. Affix signed If detained, arrested prosecuted, bound down, fines convicted, debarred, Passport size 2. acquitted etc. subsequent to the completion and submission of this form, the (5 ems. X 7 ems.) details should be communicated immediately to the authorities to whom the Approx. copy Attestation Form has been Sent early, failing which it will be deemed to be a of recent coloured suppression of factual information. photograph 3. If, the fact that false information has been furnished or that there has been suppression of any factual information in the Attestation Form comes to notice at any time during the service of a person his services would be liable to be terminated". Name in full (in block capitals) with 1. aliases, if any; (Please indicate if you have added or dropped in any stage, any part of your name or surname): 2.. Present Address in full (i.e. Village, Thana and District, or House No., Lane/Street/Road, Town and Pin code): - 3. (a) Home Address in full (i.e. Village, Thana & District, or House No., Lane/Street/Road and Town, Pin code and name of DistrictHeadquarters) (b) If originally a resident of Pakistani Bangladesh (erstwhile East Pakistan) the address in that country and the date of migration to Indian Union. 4. Aadhaar Card No. (if available) 5. PAN No. (if available) 6. Nationality 7. (a) Date Of Birth (b) Present age (c) Age at Matriculation 8. (a) Place Of birth, district and State in which situated (b) District and State to which you belong (c) District and State to which your father _______ originally belong 9. (a) Your Religion. (b) I Areyou a member of a scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Classes? (Answer Yes/No) Mobile / Telephone no. - (incase of land-line numbers prefix the STD code also) -2- 10. Particulars of places (with periods of residence) where you haveresided for more than one Year at a time during the proceeding five years. In case of stay abroad (including Pakistan), particulars of all places where you have resided for more than one year after _______ attaining the age of 21 years, should be given. From To Residential Address in full (i.e. village Thana & District or House No. .Lane/ Streetl Name of the District Road, Town and Pin Code) Head Quarter or the place mentioned in precedin g column Occupation if Present postal address (if I Permanent Home address 11. N ame (in full & Nationality Place of employed give dead vive last address) aliases if any) (by birth & birth designation & or by official domicile) address a) Father I] b) Mother C) Spouse I 12. Information to be furnished with regard to son(s) and /or daughter(s) in ease they are studying/living in a foreign Country: Name Nationality Place of birth Country in which studying/living Date from which studying/living in the by birth & with full address cuntr mentioned in the previous column or by domicile 13. I Educational in Schools and CoIlees since 15'" year of full 14. (a) Are you holding or have any time held an appointment under Central or State Government or a Semi- Government or a Quasi Government body or an autonomous body or a public Sector Undertaking or a private firm or institution? If so, give full particulars with date of employment up-to-date Period Designation, emoluments & Full name & address of employer Reasons for leaving previous service From t To I nature of emnlovment 14. (b) If the previous employment was under the Government of India/a State Government] undertaking owned or controlled by the Government of India or a State Government] and Autonomous Body/University /Local Body. If you had left service on giving a month's notice under Rule 5 of the Central Civil Services (Temporary Service) Rule 1965, or any similar correspondence rules, were any disciplinary proceedings framed against you, or had you been called upon to explain your conduct in any matterat the same time you gave notice of termination of service, or at a subsequent date(s), before your service actually terminated? 15. (i) (a) Have you ever been kept under detention? Yes/No (b) Have you ever been arrested? Yes/No (c) Have you ever been prosecuted? Yes/No (i.e. has a charge sheet in a criminal case been tiled against you in any court of law) (d) Is any criminal case pending against you in any Court of Law at the time or filling up this Attestation form? Yes/No (e) Have you ever been convicted by a court of Law for any Office? Yes/No (f_ Whether discharged/expelled/withdrawn from any training/institution under the Government or otherwise? Yes/No (g) Have you ever been rusticated by any University or any other educational authority/institution? .Yes/No (h) Have you ever been debarred / disqualified by any Public Service Commission/Staff Selection Commission forYes/No any of its examinations/selection? If the answer to any of the above mentioned question is 'Yes' give full particulars of the case/ arrest/ detention/ fine/conviction! sentence/ punishment etc and/or the nature of the case pending in the courtfUnivcrsityflducational Authority etc at the time of tilling up this attestation form: Notes: (i) Please also see the 'WARNING' at the top of this Attestation Form (ii) Specific answers to each of the questions should be given by striking out 'Yes' or 'No' as the case may be 16. Name of two responsible person of your I) locality or two reference to whom you are known: 2) DECLARATION I certify that the foregoing information is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am fully aware that by providing false information or suppressing material information while filling this form, the authorities have full right to terminate my appointment letter and I am also liable for appropriate criminal/civil/legal action as a consequence. I am not aware of any circumstances which might impair my fitness for employment under Government. Signature of Candidate: Date: To BE FILLED BY THE OFFICE i) Name, Designation and full address of the appointment authority: Under Secretary to the Government of India, SSS Division, Room No. 528, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Sardar Patel Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi —110001 ii) Post for which the candidate is being considered: Junior Statistical Officer, Group - B', Non- Gazetted F.No.11012!1/2016-SSS (Vol. II) Government of India Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation SSS Division, Room No. 528, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001 Date: 19.02.2018 The Medical Superintendent! Officer! CMO, Government Hospital, (* District of Candidate's present address mentioned below) Subject: Medical Examination for Government Service—regarding Madam! Sir, The following candidate who has been recommended by Staff Selection Commission through Combined Graduate Level Examination-2016 for appointment to the post of Junior Statistical Officer of Subordinate Statistical Service (SSS) may please be subjected to usual Medical Examination. If the candidate is Medically-fit to join this post, Medical certificate may please be handed over to the candidate in a closed envelope. If the candidate is found to be Medically-unfit for this post, the Medical Certificate may be sent to the undersigned and a copy of this Medical Certificate may be handed over to the candidate in a closed envelope. The particulars in respect of the candidate are furnished below. Name Rank Present Address of the candidate (*) [same as mentioned in the Attestation-Form] Date of Birth Employment for the post of Junior Statistical Officer Yours faithfully, dAFx-," W111* (K. Saraswathy) Under Secretary to the Government of India Tel: 011-23340888 Enclosures: 1. Candidate's Statement and declaration for Medical Examination 2, Form of Medical Certificate WARNING: The candidate should not go to any District other than that of the present address mentioned in his! her Attestation-Form and Dr. RML, Hospital, Delhi (in case of candidates having their present address belonging to Delhi) for Medical-examination, without the permission from this Ministry. F.No.1 101 2/1/2016-SSS (Vol. II) Government of India Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation SSS Division, Room No. 528, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-1 10001 Date: 19.02.2018 The Medical Superintendent! Officer! CMO, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Baba Kharak Singh Marc, Near Gurudwara Bangla Sahib, Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001 Subject: Medical Examination for Government Service—regarding Madam/Sir, The following candidate who has been recommended by Staff Selection Commission through Combined Graduate Level Examination-2016 for appointment to the post of Junior Statistical Officer of Subordinate Statistical Service (SSS) may please be subjected to usual Medical Examination. If the candidate is Medically-fit to join this post, Medical certificate may please be handed over to the candidate in a closed envelope. If the candidate is found to be Medically-unfit for this post, Medical Certificate may be sent to the undersigned and a copy of this Medical Certificate may be handed over to the candidate in a closed envelope. The particulars in respect of the candidate are furnished below. Name Rank Present Address of the candidate (*) [same as mentioned in the Attestation- Form] Date of Birth Employment for the post of Junior Statistical Officer Yours faithfully, (K. Saraswathy) Under Secretary to the Government of India Tel: 011-23340888 Enclosures: 1. Candidate's Statement and declaration for Medical Examination 2. Form of Medical Certificate WARNING: The candidate should not go to any District other than that of the present address mentioned in his! her Attestation-Form and Dr. RML, Hospital, Delhi (in case of candidates having their present address belonging to Delhi) for Medical-examination, without the permission from this Ministry. Rank- . CGL Exam-2016 CANDIDATE'S STATEMENT AND DECLARATION (The candidate must make the following statement and must sign the declaration below it before his/her medical examination. Attention is specially invited to the WARNING in the 'Note' at the bottom of page 2.) I. Name in full:______ (in BLOCK letters) 2. Age & place of .3. Have you ever had a) small-pox, intermittent fever or and other fever, enlargement or suppuration of glands, spitting of blood, fainting attacks, rheumatism or appendicitis? b) any other disease or accident requiring confinement to bed and medical or surgical treatment? 4. When were you last vaccinated? 5. Have you or any of your relatives been afflicted by consumption, scrofula, gout asthma, fits, epilepsy or insanity? 6. Have you suffered from any form of nervousness due to overwork or any other cause? 7. Have you been examined and declared fit for Govt service by a medical officer/ Medical Board within the last three years? 8. , Furnish the following particulars: Father's age, if living, Father's age at the time No. of brothers living, No. of brothers who & state of health of death of cause their ages and state have died, their ages of death of health at death and cause of death Contd...../ -2— Mother's age, Mother's age at the No. of sisters living, No. of sisters who if living & state time of death and their ages and state have died, their ages of health . cause of death of health at death and cause of death DECLARATION I declare that all the above answers are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also solemnly affirm that I have/ have not* received any disability certificate/ pension* on account of any disease or other condition. (*cancel whichever is not applicable) Candidate's Signature Date: Signed in my presence Signature of Medical Officer Name: & Designation: (with stamp) Note: The candidate will be held responsible for the accuracy of the above statement. By willfully suppressing any information he will incur the risk of losing the appointment and, if appointed, of forfeiting all claims to superannuation allowance or gratuity. (Please take print on the baèk of the same piece of paper on which page 1 is printed) Rank- . CGL Exam-2016 Form of Medical Certificate I hereby certify that I have examined Shri/ Smt./ Kum....................................... ...............................a candidate for employment in the Subordinate Statistical Service (SSS) in the Government of India and cannot discover that she/ he has any disease (communicable or otherwise), constitutional weakness or bodily infirmity, except .......................................................................................................... I do not consider this a disqualification for employment in the Subordinate Statistical Service (SSS) in the Government of India. The age of Shri/ Smt./ Kum according to her/his own statement is ..........................years, and by appearance is about ....................years. (signature/thumb impression of the candidate) Date...................................... (To be signed in presence of the examining Medical Officer) (Paste a photograph of the candidate examined) Signature of Medical Officer Name Address.......................................................... Office Seal (Seal should be spread over form and the photograph) Note: The Officer making this Certificate should be a Civil Surgeon or a District Medical Officer of equivalent status of a Government Hospital' C N Rank- . CGL Exam-2016 Form of Medical Certificate (For Ph ysically, Handicapped Candidates) • I hereby certify that I have examined hri/ Smt./ Kum................................................................ ..................... . ............................................... a candidate for employment in the Subordinate Statistical Service (SSS) in the Government of India whose photograph is pasted overleaf. Her/his age according to her/his own statement is ..........................years, and by appearance is about ....................years. I cannot discover that she/he has any disease (communicable or otherwise), constitutional weakness or bodily infirmity, except ............................................................I am satisfied that she/he is a case of ..............................................disability. Her/his extent of percentage physical impairment/ disability has been evaluated as per guidelines for the disabilities and is shown against the relevant disability table below: Sr.. Disability Affected part of the body Diagnosis Permanent no. .. physical impairment disabilities (mob) I Locomotor Disability 2 Low Vision 3 Hearing. impairment Contd. on page 2. I - Note: The Officer making this Certificate should be a Civil Surgeon or a District Medical Officer of equivalent status of a Government Hospital' -2- Shri/ Smt./ Kum. . satisfies the eligibility as per table given belbw. I do not consider this a disqualification for employment in the Subordinate Statistical Service (SSS) in the Government of India. (signature/thumb impression of the candidate) Date....................................... (To be signed in presence of the examining Medical Officer) (Paste a photograph of the candidate examined) Signature of Medical Officer Name Address......................................................... Office Seal (Seat should be spread over form and the photograph) Table indicating permissible disability for direct recruitment for the post of Junior Statistical Officers in 555: S. no. Nature of Physical requirements which a Categories of persons with disability disability candidate with 40% or more disability need to fulfill 1. Low Vision S. ST, W, MF, RW. SE,c LV (Visually Person should be considered with aids and appliances Impaired) and suitable software support 2. Hearing 5, ST, W, MF, RW, SE,C HH Impaired Person should be able to communicate after fitment of aids and appliances 3. Locomotor 5, ST, W, MF, RW, SEIC OA (One Armaffected) CL (One Leg affected) OLA (One arm and One Leg affected) BL (Both leg affected) Mobility should not be affected. Persons should be assessed with aids and appliances. 5- Sitting, ST- Standing, W- Walking, MF- Manipulation by fingers, RW- Reading & Writing, SE- Seeing, C- communication, LV- Low vision, HI-I- hearing impaired Note: The Officer making this Certificate should be a Civil Surgeon or a District Medical OfficerS of equivalent status of a Government Hospital' lnstructi6ns for fillin g details in 'Excel Sheet for Basic Details' 1. Before filling the 'Excel Sheet for Basic Details' you are requested to read the following instructions carefully and go through 'Basic Sample sheet 1' and 'Basic Sample sheet 2' placed on the Ministry's website 2. After this download the 'Excel Sheet for Basic Details' and enter your details as per the given instructions. 3. All the details entered by you in this Excel Sheet should be same as filled in the forms/ Annexures to be sent by Speed Post. 4. Fill all the details in the Excel Sheet in Capital Letters 5. Do not edit or delete sheet 2 6. When you click on the cell to fill your entry, the cell will appear like this L____JZJ Click on LJ and a drop down menu will appear. Select your appropriate entry from that list. No Other value will be accepted in these cells. 7.. Column A: Select your rank 8. Columns B and J: Do not prefix candidate's name and father's name with any titles like Mr. / Ms. / Mrs. / Shri / Sh. etc. The name of the candidate should be same as in the final result declared by SSC. 9. Column C: Select your rank 10. Column D: If you are willing to join the post of Junior Statistical Officer then write "YES", else "NO". 11. Column E: Enter your correct and complete email-id. If you want to enter more than one email addresses, separate them with comma 12. Column F: If you want to enter more than one contact numbers, separate them with comma ",". In case of landline numbers don't forget to prefix the STD code. 13. Column G: Enter your Date of Birth in .yyyy format. 14. Column H: Enter your age as on 01.01.2016, in the format YY.MM .DD (i.e. Years. Months. Days) 15. Column I: Enter appropriate code from following table. Leave blank if not applicable. (For Group "B" & "C" posts) Ex-Servicemen 07 (SC & 08 For Group "B" posts Central Govt. Civilian Employees (General/Unreserved) who have rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date for receipt of application Central Govt. Civilian Employees (OBC) who have rendered not less 13 than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date for Central Govt. Civilian Employees (SC/ST) who have rendered not less 14 than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date for receipt of application For Group "C" posts 15 Central Govt. Civilian Employees (General/Unreserved) who have rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date for receipt of application Central Govt. Civilian Employees (OBC) who have rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date for Central Govt. Civilian Employees (SC/ST) who have rendered not less 19 than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date for had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & 21 Candidates who had domiciled in the State of Jammu & 22 Kashmir (OBC domiciled in the State of Jammu & 23 For Group "C" posts only. 24 Widows/Divorced Women/Women judicially separated and who are not remarried (Unreserved/General) separated and who are not Women/Women judicially separated and who are not Defence Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof (Unreserved/General) Defence Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any 28 foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof (OBC ueence rersonnei aisaoiea in operation auring nostiiities witn any frAi foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence 16. Columns K: Write your complete present address with PIN code same as that will be entered in the Attestation-form. 17. Columns L: If your present and permanent addresses are same then write 'SAME' in column 'L' else write your complete permanent address with PIN code. 18. Column M: Write the name of District of -your present address. 19. Column N: If the Districts of your present and permanent addresses are same. Write 'SAME' in Column 'N' else write the name of the District of your permanent address. 20. Column 0: Write complete address of District Magistrate/Collector's office of the Districts of your present address. 21. Column P: If the Districts of your present and permanent addresses are same. Write 'SAME' in Column 'P else write the complete address of District Magistrate! 'Collector's office of the District of your permanent address. 22. Columns M to P: The name of District and Address of District Magistrate/ Collector should be entered as given in the following list. If any district is not found in this list, the candidate should themself enter the name of District(s) and Office Address of District Magistrate! Collector. MAGISTRATE/ TE, D.M. RESIDENCE, 282001 (U.P.) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, O!o DM! COLLECTORATE, GHEEKANTHA RD., AHMEDABAD-38051 (GUJARAT) AIZAWL DEPUTY COMMISSONER, C MISSIONER, DISTT.- AIZAWL-796001 (MIZORAM) ALIGARI-4 DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLE TE, DISTT.- ALIGARH- 202001 (UP.) COLLECTORATE, 4, MISSION ROAD; ALLAHABAD-211001(IJ.P.) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, O!o DM! COLL ALMORA HOUSE, ALMORA- 263601 (UTTARAKHAND) ALWAR DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOF TE, DISTT- ALWAR-301001 (RAJASTHAN) MISSIONER, MISSIONER, I OF IA DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, ARARIA-854311 (BIHAR) BOL DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR Olo DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT: ASANSOL -713301 (WEST BENGAL) K NAGAR DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT.: ASHOK NAGAR (MP) (BI HAR) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, OIo DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT: AURANGABAD-8241 01 (BIHAR) (MAHARASHTRA) NEW ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING, DISTT.- AURANGABAD- 431001 (MAHARASHTRA) AZAMGARH DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT: AZAMGARI-t-276001 (LIP.) BAGHPAT DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, 0/0 DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT: BAGHPAT-250601(U.p.) BALIA DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR. O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE BALIA- 277001 (U.P.) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, OIo DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT.: BANDA-210001 (UP) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, • BANKA 813102 (BIHAR) NKI DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT: BARABANKI-225001 (U.P.) TE, BARGARH, ODISHA-768046 BARMER DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, OIo DM/ DIST-BARMER, RAJASTHAN-344001 BA MINI SECRETARIAT, BATHINDA-1 51 001 (PUNJAB) 'LI BEGUSARAI DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTRICT-BEGUSARAI, BIHAR-851 101 DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, OIo DM/ COLLECTORATE, BI-IADRAK-756100 (ODISHA) KACHARI CHOWK, DISTT: BHAGALPUR-812001 (BIHAR) DEPUTY COMMISSONER, OIo DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, BHIWANI-1 27021 (HARYANA) BHOJPUR DISTT: BHOJPUR (ARA)-802301 (BRIAR) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COI DISTT: BIJNOR-246701 (U.P.) B I KAN ER BIKANER-334001 (RAJASTHAN) BOKARO DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, Olo DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT: BOKARO-829144 (JHARKHAND) DISTT: BURDWAN -713101 (WEST BENGAL) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLL DISTT: BUXAR-802101 (BIHAR) DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, O/o DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, ESTATE OFFICE BUILDING, SECTOR-17, CHANDIGARH DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, Olo DM/ COLI DIVISION: SARAN, DISTT: CHAPRA-841 301 (BIHAR) (MAN IPUR) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! CC CUTTACK-753002 (ODISHA) DARBHANGA DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, OIo DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT: DARBHANGA-846001 (BIHAR) OF DISTT: DAUSA-303303 (RAJASTHAN) ADUN DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE DEHRADUN-248003 (UTTARAKHAND) I DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF POLICE, SPECIAL BRANCH, ASAF ALl ROAD, NEW DELHI- 110002 ITS' COLLECTOR, OIo DM/ COLLECTORATE, U10 IIIL I M/M41b I NA I U DISTT.: DEOGHAR-814112 (JHARKHAND) DISTT- DEORIA-274001 (U.P.) ui i NIL I MAUlb I NA I El COLLECTOR, Olo DM/ COLLECTORATE DISTT: DHANBAD-326001 (JHARKI-IAND) IBRUGARK DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, 0/0 THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER DISTT.- DIBRUGARH- 786001 (ASSAM) IMA HASAO DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, 0/a DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, DISTT- DIMA HASAO (NORTH CACHAR HILLS) (ASSAM) A,ST CHAMPARAN DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, 0/a DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT HQRS.: MOTIHARI, DISTT:EAST CHAMPARAN-845401 (BIHAR) LST GODAVARI DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, 0/a DM/ COLLECTORATE, KAKINADA, EAST GODAVARI (DISTT.)-533007 (ANDHRA P RAD ES H) EAST IMPHAL DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, 0/o DEPUTY COMW POROMPAT, IMPHAL EAST-795005 (MANIPUR) ERNAKULAM DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, O/o DM KAKKANAD, ERNAKULAM - 682 030 (KERALA) ETAWAH DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, O/o DM DISTT: ETAWAH-206001(U.P.) I DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, FAIZABAD-224001 (U.P.) DISTRICT MAGISTRA TB' COLLECTOR DEPUTY COMMISSONER, O/o DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, FARIDABAD-121001 (HARYANA) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORA1 FATEHPUR, U.P.-21 2601 FIROZABAD R, OIo DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT.- FIROZABAD-283203 (U.P.) UTAM BUDH NAGAR DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT: GAUTAM BUDH NAGAR-201 301 (U.P.) YA DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, OIo DM/ COLLECTORATE, GAYA-823001 (BIHAR) AZIABAD DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, 0/a DM/ COLLECTORATE, GHAZIABAD-201001 (U.P.) (tht-IALII-'UK DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, 0/a DM/ COLLECTORATE, DI5TT: GAZIPUR-233001 (U.P.) GIRIDIH DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, 0/0 DM/ COLLECTORATE, GIRIDIH-815301 (JHARKHAND) UUI-'ALUANJ DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, 0/a DM/ COLLECTORATE, GOPALGANJ-841428 (BIHAR) GUMLA DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, GUMLA - 835207 (JHARKHAND) GWALIOR DISTRICT COLLECTOR, GWALIOR, MADHYA PRADESH-474001 HAMIRPUR DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT.: HAMIRPUR-210301 (U.P.) HAPUR DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, 0/a DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT HQRS: HAPUR, DISTT: PANCHSHEEL NAGAR-245201 (U.P.) I-IATHRAS DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT: HATHRAS-204101 (U.P.) HAZARIBAGH DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, 0/a DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT- HAZARIBAGH, JHARKHAND-825301 DIS TE/COL HISSAR DEPUTY COMMISS Olo 3 lONER, 125001 (HARYANA) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, 0/0 DM/ COLLECT P.O. & P.S.- CHINSURAH, DISTT- HOOGHLY, W.B-71 21 01 DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, 0/6 DM/ COLLECT, DISTRICT- HOSHANGABAD- 461001 (MADHYA PRADESH) DEPUTY COMMISSONER, 0/c DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, HOSHIARPUR-146001 (PUNJAB) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTi 6, RISHI BANKIM CHANDRA ROAD, HOWRAH, W.B-71 1101 DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECT HYDERABAD-500001 (ANDHRA PRADESH) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, 0/c DM/ COLLECfl TE, DISTT: JABALPUR -482001 (MADHYA PRADESH) UR DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, 0/0 DM/ COLLECT( TE, JAIPUR-302001 (RAJASTHAN) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECT( TE, DISTT: JAJPUR - 755001 (ODISHA) DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, JAMMU-180001 (J&K) JAMUI DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECT( JAMUI-811307 (BIHAR) JAUNPUR DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, 0/o DM/ COLLECT( DISIT.- JAUNPUR-222002 (UP.) -• DISTT. - JEHANABAD - 804408 (BIHAR) DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, MINI SECRETARIAT, GURGAON ROAL JHAJJAR-1 24103 (HARYANA) JHANSI- I DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, JHANSI-284001 (U.P.) DISTRICT UNU DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECT JHUNJHUNU-333001 (RAJASTHAN) DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, O!o DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, DISTT: JIND-1 261 02 (HARYANA) KAIMUR DM! DISTT: KAIMUR-821101 (BIHAR) KAMRUP DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, Oio DM! CC DISTT.- KAMRUP (M), GUWAHATI-781 016 (ASSAM) KANNAUJ DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, O/o DM! COLLECTORATE, KANNAUJ-209725 (UTTAR PRADESH) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! CC KANNUR- 670002 (KERALA) KANPUR O!o DM! COLLECTORATE; KANPUR-208001 (U.P.) KANPUR DEHAT DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORAT MATI, AKBARPUR, DISTT: RAMABAI NAGAR (KANPUR DEHAT) (UTTAR PRADESH) DISTRICT MAGISTRAT KANPUR-205001 (UP.) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, DISTT- KARAULI- 322241 (RAJASTHAN) KARNAL DEPUTY COMMISSONER, O!o DEPUTY KARNAL-1 32001 (HARYANA) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, O!o DM! COLLECTORATE, DISTT. HQRS.- MANJHANPUR, DISTT.:KAUSHAMBI-212207 (UP.) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECT( DISTT.- KHAGARIA- 851204 (BIHAR) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, O!o DM! C DISTT.- KHAMMAM- 507002 (ANDHRA PRADESH) OF KISHANGANJ DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR DM/ DISTT- KISHANGANJ- 855107 (BIHAR) ER, KODERMA (JHARKHAND) KOHIMA, NAGALAND-797001 DISTT.-KOKRAJHAR -783370 (ASSAM) KOLKATA COMMISSIONER OF POLICE, KOLKATA, KOLKATA POLICE HEADQUARTERS, 18, LAL BAZAR STREET, KOLKATA-700001 (WEST BENGAL) O!o DI STRICT-KOTA, RAJASTHAN-324001 DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOF TE, DISTT,: KOTTAYAM-686002 (KERALA) KOZHIKODE DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, 0/0 CIVIL STATION, CALICUT-673001 (KERALA) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/COLLECTOR, OFFICE OF DM! COLLECTORATE, DISTICT-KRISHNA-509352(ANDHRA PRADESH) DEPUTY COMMISSONER, O/o DEPU KURUKSHETRA- 132118 (HARYANA) LAKHIMPUR-KHERI DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, C TE, DISTT- LAKHIMPUR KHERI-262701 (U.P.) O!o DM! DISTT: LAKHISARAI-811311 (BIHAR) LOHARDAGA DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, TE, LOHARDAGA-835302 (J HARKHAN D) LUCKNOW DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, O!o DM! COLLECTOR! MAHATMA GANDHI ROAD, HAZRATGANJ, LuCKNOw-226001 (U.P.) LUDHIANA DEPUTY COMMISSONER, OIo DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, LUDI-IIANA- 141 008 (PUNJAB) MADHUBANI DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, OIo DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT:MADHUBANI-847211 (BIHAR) MAHARAJGANJ DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT: MAHARAJGANJ-273164 (UP.) MALAPPU RAM DISTT.: MALAPPURAM-676505 (KERALA) MALDA DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, 0/0 DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT- MALDA-732101 (WEST BENGAL) MANSA DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, MANSA-1 51 505 (PUNJAB) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLIE DI5TT.: MATHURA-281 001 (U.P.) MEERUT-250001 (U.P) MIDNAPORE DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, 0/c DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT: MIDNAPORE -721101 (WEST BENGAL) MIRZAPUR DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, 0/c DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT: MIRZAPUR,-231001 (U.P.) MUKTSAR DEPUTY COMMISSONER, 0/c DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, MUKTSAR (PUNJAB) MUMBAI-400001 (MAHARASHTRA) MUNGER DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, O!o DM/ COLLECTORATE, MUNGER-811201(BII-IAR) MUZAFFAR NAGAR DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, 0/c DM/ COLLECTORATE, WAS BHAWAN, MUZAFFARNAGAR-251 002 (UP.) MUZAFFARPUR DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, O!o DM/ COLLECTORATE, MUZAFFARPUR-842001 (BIHAR) OFFICE OF DISTRICT MAGISTRA IA DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, KRISHNANAGAR, DISTT: NADIA-7321 01 (WEST BENGAL) FUR DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, O/o DM! COLLECTORATE, NAGPUR-440001 (MAHARASHTRA) NALANDA DISTT: NALANDA-803111 (BIHAR) NAWADA DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLE( DISTT: NAWADA-8051 10 (BIHAR) LJIb I t<IU I MAUlS I HATE! COLLECTOR, O!o DM! COLLECTORATE, DISTT.- NELLORE- 524137 (ANDHRA PRADESH) - ......-. DISTT: NIZAMABAD-503001 (ANDHRA PRADESH) NORTH 24 PARGANAS DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, OFFICE OF THE DIS1 MAGISTRATE, NEW ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING, BARASAT, NORTH 24-PARGANAS, KOLKATA-700 124 DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, O/o DM! COLL DISTT. HQRS-DALTONGANJ, DISTT.- PALAMU-822201 (JHARKHAND) PAN C H KU LA PANCHKULA (HARYANA) PANIPAT T, PANIPAT-1 321 (HARYANA) PATNA DISTRICT MAGISTRATI PATNA-800001 (BIHAR) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE! COLLECTOR, O!o DM/ COLLECTORATE, PAIJRI GARHWAL-246001 (UTTARAKHAND) -, COLLECTORATE, PRATAPGARH-230001 (U.P.) RAE BARELI TE, DISH.- RAEBARELI- 229001 (UP.) DISTRICT MAGISTRA TEl COLLECTOR RAMGARH DISTT: RAMGARH -829122 (JHARKHAND) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, 0/c DISTT: RAMPUR-244901 (U.P.) RANCH I R, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, RANCHI-834001 (JHARKHAND) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/COLLECTOR, OFFICE OF DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTRICT-RANGAREDDY-500074(ANDH RA PRADESH) ci ITLAM R, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT:RATLAM -457001 (MP) DEPUTY COMMISSONER, 0/c ROHTAK-124001 (HARYANA) TE, DISTT: ROHTAS-821115 (BIHAR) UR DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, SAHARANPUR'. 247001 (UTTAR PRADESH) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT.: SAMASTIPUR-8481 01 (BIHAR) SANGRUR DEPUTY COMMISSONER, O/o DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, SANGRUR-148001 ( PUNJAB) KAB I R DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, 0/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT: SANT KABIR NAGAR-272175 (U.P.). DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, SAWAIMADHOPUR-322001 (RAJASTHAN) SE RA IKE DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT. : SERAIKELA KHARSWAN.- 833219 (JHARKHAND) UR DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, 0/a DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT: SHAHJAHANPUR-242001 (U.P.) r PISTT:SHEIKHPURA-81 1105 (BIHAR) S DISTT: SINGBHUM (EAST), JAMSHEDPUR-831001 (JHARKHAND) SIROHI DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, 0/0 DM/ COLLECTORATE, SIROHI-307001 (RAJASTHAN) SITAMARHI DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, 0/0 DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT.- SITAMARHI-843301 (BIHAR) SITAPUR DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, 0/0 DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT: SITAPUR-261 200 (UP.) 24 PARGANAS I DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, DISTT- 24 PARGANAS (SOUTH), ALIPORE, KOLKATA, W.B- 700027 SULT SULTANPUR- 228001 (UTTAR PRADESH) SURENDRANAGAR (QUJARAT)- 363001 -. I VANCHIVOOR, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM-695500 (KERALA) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, 0/0 DM/ C( DISTT: TIKAMGARH -472336 (MADHYA PRADESH) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ TONK-30400 1 (RAJASTHAN) UDAIPUR-31 3001 (RAJASTHAN) NAGAR DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/ COLLECTOR, O/o DM/ COLLECTORATE, UDI-IAM SINGH NAGAR - 263153 (UTTRAKHAND) UDHAMPUR I DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, UDHAMPUR- 1 VAISHALI-844128 (BIHAR) 23. Columns Q to V: Carefully select entries from the drop down menu in these columns. Your preference of States/UTs should be same as filled in Annexure-B of the Notice. 24. Columns W. V. AA and AC: In columns "W, V, AA and AC" write the name of the language(s) known to you. English and other Foreign languages need not be mentioned. 25. Columns X. Z. AB and AD: In these columns write 'R' for Read, 'W' for Write and '3' for Speak. If a candidate can only Speak a language then he/she should write 5, likewise if he/ she can Read & Speak then write RS, if Read, Write & Speak then RWS and so on. 26. Column AE: Those who have not studied Mathematics in 12th should enter NA. 27. Column AF: Enter the percentage of marks obtained in Mathematics in 12th standard. If you have not studied Mathematics at 12 tleave this column blank 28. Column AG: If you have completed your graduation on or before 01 .08.2016 select "YES" else "NO". 29. Column AN: If you have studied Statistics as one of the subjects at degree level then èelect"YES" else "NO". 30. Column Al: Enter the details of Statistics subjects studied in Graduation along with the year in which studied. If you have multiple Statistics subjects, in Graduation then mention all of them. If you have not studied Statistics in Graduation leave Column 'Al' blank. For example: If you have studied Statistics in subject-2 in third year and a paper no.- 4 in third year of Graduation then write 'Statistics in subject 2 inGraduation third year. Statistics as paper 4 in third year' 31. Column AJ: Mention the name of Educational Qualifications attained till date, starting • from Graduation onwards. If you have to makemore than one entry in this Column, separate them with comma "," 32. Column AK: If the candidate is already working then he should select the type of the office in which he is working (CENTRAL GOVT/ STATE GOVT/ PSU/ OTHERS) whichever is applicable, else select "NA". 33. Columns AL and AN: If the candidate is already working he/ She should mention his/her designation in Present Office in column "AL", complete address of Present Office (with PIN code) in column "AM" and Employee code in present Office in Column "AN" else leave columns "AL", "AM" and "AN" blank. 34. Column AO: If answer to any of the questions given at point 15 (I), (ii) on page 4 of Attestation Form is 'yes' enter "YES" in this column, else "NO. 35. Column AP: Select the serial no. at which your name is mentioned in the final result declared by SSC on its Official website. 36. Column AQ to AU: Enter the details same as mentioned in the final result declared bySSC. 37. Column AV: If SC, ST, OBC candidates have submitted their proper caste certificate as per the prescribed format to SSC they should enter 'YES' else 'NO'. Candidates belonging to UR/ General category should enter 'NA'. 38. Column AW: PH (Physically Handicapped) candidates who have submitted PH certificate in prescribed format to SSC should enter 'YES' else 'NO'. Others (i.e. non- PH candidates) should write 'NA'. 39. Column AX: Those candidates who have been selected as JSO earlier also should fill this column along with details of CGL Exam, Rank in that exam, Office in which posted and joining status. Others should leave this blank. For example: If you were selected in CGLE-2014, rank-200, Office allotted - NSSO (FOD), Agra and you joined. Then in column 'AW' write: 'Yes, CGL-2014, Rank-200, NSSO (FOD) Agra, joined' 40. Column AY: Write M for Male, F for Female and T for Third-Gender. 41. Column AZ: Enter your appropriate salutation Ms./ Mr. 42. Column BA: Select the State/Union Territory of your Domicile 43. Column BB: Enter Aadhaar Number if available else leave blank 44. Column BC: Enter Permanent Account Number (PAN), if available, else leave blank. 45. Column BD :Select the code of the Regional Office of Staff Selection Commission (SSC) to which you belong (i.e. the regional office which has issued admit cards to you for SSC CGLE-2016) as per the following table: Regional Office Code to be filled In Column BD Central Region CR Eastern Region ER Kerala Karnataka Region KKR Madhya Pradesh Region MPR 46., Complete all the entries in the excel sheet, save it on your Computer and mail it to dir-sss-mospi( . Write the subject of the mail as 'CGL-16, Rank-cyour rank>' .4 Instructions for fillin g Excel Sheet 'DELHI CVR' I Before filling the Excel Sheet 'Delhi CVR' you are requested to read the following instructions carefully. 2. After this download the Excel Sheet 'Delhi CVR' and enter your details as per the given instructions. 3. Do not edit or delete sheet 2. 4. Fill all the entries in Capital letters. 5. Columns B. D. E and G: Do not prefix candidate's name, mother's name, spouse's name and father's name with any titles like Mr. I Ms. / Mrs. / Shri / Sh. etc. The name of the candidate should be same as in the final result declared by SSC. 6. Column A, C. F, H. K. N, 5, T, U. V. X. Z and AA: When you click on the cell to fill your entry, the cell will appear like this . Click on [El and a drop down menu will occur, and then select your appropriate entry from that menu. No other value will be accepted in these cells. 7. Column A: In this column select your Rank number. 8. Column G: If UNMARRIED is selected in Column F then leave Column G blank. 9. Column I: Write your District and State/UT of birth (separated by comma). 10. Column J: Enter your Date of Birth in dd-mm-yyyy format. 11. Column L: If you want to enter more than one contact numbers, separate them with comma ",". In case of landline numbers don't forget to prefix the SID code. 42. ColUmn M: Enter your correct and complete email-id. If you want to enter more than one email addresses, separate them with comma 13. Columns N and 0: Select PlO, NRI, INDIAN or OTHER whichever is applicable in Column N. If you write OTHER, then specify your Nationality in Column 0 else leave the Column 0 blank. 14. Column P: Write your religion like- Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian etc. 15. Column Q: Write your complete present address with PIN code. 16. Columns R: Write your complete permanent address with PIN code. 17. Column W: Write the name of the Police Station of the location of your Delhi address from Annexure- I. If both present and permanent addresses are of Delhi then enter the name of the Police Stationbf the location of your present address. 18. Column X: If you are a Post-Graduate select Post-Graduate else Graduate 19. Column Y: Enter details of the qualification mentioned in Column X. 20. Coluriins AB to AE: If YES is selected in column AA then write the details of the case in columns AB to AE, else leave AB to AE blank. 21 Complete all the entries in the excel sheet, save it on your Computer and mail it to . Write the subject of the mail as 'Delhi CVR, CGL-16, Rank- cyour rank>'. 22 The last date for sending this e-mail is 26th February, 2018. Annexure- I Names of Police Stations ADARSH NAGAR BURARI EAST PAl-tAR GANJ ALIPUR C. R. PARK, EXH. GROUN AMAN VU-JAR CHANAKYA PURl FARSH BAZAR AMAR COLONY CHANDANI MAHAL EATEHPUR BERI AMB. NAGAR CHANDNI CHOWN GANDHI NAGAR ANAND PARBAT CHI-LAWALA GEETA COLONY ANAND VU-tAR CIVIL LINES GHAZIPUR ANTI CORRUPTION CON. PLACE GOKUL PURl ASHOK VIHAR D.B.G. ROAD GOVIND PURl B. H. RAO DABRI GREATER KAILASH BABA KARl DASS NAGAR DARYA GANJ GTB ENCLAVE BADAR PUR DEFENCE COLONY GULABI BAGH BARAKHAMBA ROAD DELHI CANT H. N. DIN BAWANA Dt-LAULA KUAN I-tARt NAGAR BEGUM PUR DI-LAULA KUAN HARSH VU-JAR BI-fAJAN PURA DILSHAD GARDEN HAUZ MI-LAS BHALSWA DAIRY DWARKA NORTH }-IAUZ QAZI BHARAT NAGAR DWARKA SECTOR 23 i.P. ESTATE BINDA PUR DWAWRKA SOUTH INDER PURl J..P KALAN KHYALA MERRAULI JAGAT PURl KIRSI-tNA NAGAR 'MIANWALI NAGAR •JAHANGIR PURl KIRTI NAGAR MODEL TOWN JAIT FUR KOTWALI MOT] NAGAR JAMA MASJID LAHORI GATE MOURICE NAGAR JAM IA NAGAR LAJ PAT NAGAR MUKHERJI NAGAR JANAK. PURl LODHI COLONY MUNDKA JYOTI NAGAR MADHU VU-fAR N. F. COLONY K.GATE MADHUBAN NABI KARIM K.M. FUR MADIPUR K.N.KATJU MARG NAJAFGARI-J KALKAJI MAHENDRA PARK NAND NAGARI KALYAN PURl MALVIYA NAGAR NANGLOt KAMLA MKT. MANDAWALI NARAINA KANJ HAWLA MANDIR MARG NARELA KAPSHERA MANGOL PURl NEB SARAI KARAWAL NAGAR MANSAROVER PARK NEW ASI-IOK NAGAR KAROL BAGH MAURVA ENCLAVE NEW USMAN PUR KESHAV PURAM MAYA PURl NIt-IAL VU-fAR KHAJURI Ki-IAS MAVUR VU-fAR NORTH ROHINI 0. i: ESTATE SADAR BAZAR SUEZI MAND! 00RS SAFDAFUUNG ENCLAVE SULTAN PURl PALAM VILLAGE SAGAR PUR SUNLIGHT COLONY : PANDAV NAGAR SAKET SWARUP NAGAR •PARSAD !NAGAR SAMAI PUR BADLI TILAK MARG FASCIF-IIM VU-fAR SANGAM VIHAR TILAK NAGAR PATEL NAGAR SARAI ROHILLA TIMAR PUR PRASIF-IANT VIE-tAR SARASWATI VIHAR TOWN HALL ;PREET VIE-tAR SARITA VIE-tAR TUGLAK ROAD PT.. STREET SAROJINI NAGAR U1TAM NAGAR PUNJABI BAGH SEELAM PUR VASANT KUNJ NORTH PUR PPAHLAD PUR SEEMA PURl VASANT KUNJ SOUTH R K PURAM SHAHADRA VASANT VIHAR RAJINDER NAGAR Si-IAI-IBAD DAIRY VIJAY VIHAR RAJOURI GARDEN SHAKAR PUR RANHOLA VIKAS PURl RANI BAGH SHALIMAR BAGH VIVEK VIHAR RANJ IT NAGAR SONIA VIHAR WELCOME ROOP NAGAR SOUTH ROHINI WEST PAHAR GANJ S N PURl SPECIAL TASK FORCE ZAFRABAD t 'a Page No : 1 ------- COMBINED GRADUATE LEVEL EXAM., 2016 (FINAL RESULT) LIST OF THE CANDIDATES IN ROLLNO. ORDER RECOMMENDED FOR APPOINTMENT FOR THE POST OF JUNIOR STATISTICAL OFFIER (JSO) (LIST-3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Record# ROLL NAME CAT1 CAT2 CAT3 CATSEL POSTSEL POST RANK WITHHELD 1 1007006128 ANKIT KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00511 2 1401005733 RAJAT GUMBER 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00077 3 1402000623 MANISH VISHWAKARMA 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & P rog. Implementation SL\III\00059 4 1402023488 KARANDEEP SINGLA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00266 5 1601001098 PRAVEEN KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00023 6 1601006202 NAVDEEP SINGH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00304 7 1601009581 SACHET KAJAL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00272 8 1601023151 ASHISH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implemen tation SL\III\00324 9 1601025119 LOKESH KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00114 10 1601031397 BHAGAT SINGH ANCHRA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00092 11 1601044012 SEEMA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00314 12 1601052437 ANIL KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00460 13 1601053445 MANOJ DAGAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00189 14 1601063959 SUMIT 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00298 15 1601063977 MANDEEP 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00012 16 1601064772 MANISH KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00139 17 1601065529 TUSHAR SINGH 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00592 18 1601067047 SHAILESH MITTAL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00224 19 1601068549 SHYAM KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00289 20 1601072042 SANJEEV KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o St at. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00567 21 1601072376 VICKRANT JOSHI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00322 22 1601074665 AYUSH BANSAL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00247 23 1601075459 ROHIT 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00220 24 1601079878 TUSHAR BIRTHAL 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00484 25 2002000236 ARPIT GOEL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00161 26 2002013904 SNEHILL SINGH 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00431 27 2002019025 LOKENDRA SINGH 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00475 28 2002032429 ANOOP RAI 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00649 29 2005015052 VIBHOR AGARWAL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00184 30 2201001549 ANKUR KUMAR BHARTI 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00576 31 2201004545 VIKAS 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00571 32 2201005393 PRINCE CHOUDHARY 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00236 33 2201006094 AJAY OJHA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00341 34 2201007059 SANTOSH KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00389 35 2201007239 DAVID LALRINGSAN 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00617 36 2201010670 VAIBHAV RAI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00105 37 2201011729 ABU ZAFAR NADEEM 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00494 38 2201012596 AJAY TOMER 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00335 39 2201012886 KUNAL 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00531 40 2201018350 ROHIT DABAS 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00040 41 2201021035 DURGESH VERMA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00313 42 2201021127 CHETAN MAMGAI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00248 43 2201025905 ANUJ KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00468 44 2201026406 DEEPAK 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00048 45 2201030107 DEEPANKER DAS 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00382 46 2201030974 RAJAT SHARMA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00338 47 2201034139 KISHAN KANHAIYA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00438 48 2201036416 JEETENDER KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00332 49 2201039545 RISHI RAJ 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00535 50 2201043018 VIJAY MALIK 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00098 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page No : 2 ------- COMBINED GRADUATE LEVEL EXAM., 2016 (FINAL RESULT) LIST OF THE CANDIDATES IN ROLLNO. ORDER RECOMMENDED FOR APPOINTMENT FOR THE POST OF JUNIOR STATISTICAL OFFIER (JSO) (LIST-3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Record# ROLL NAME CAT1 CAT2 CAT3 CATSEL POSTSEL POST RANK WITHHELD 51 2201043869 AKASH SOLANKI 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00516 52 2201044411 YOGENDRA SINGH 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00552 53 2201048170 PUSHPENDRA KUMAR MISRA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00054 54 2201054460 VIKESH KUMAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00153 55 2201054502 PRIYANKA LUTHRA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00249 56 2201055139 SHIVANI GAKHAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00194 57 2201056411 RANJAN ABHISHEK 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00250 58 2201056653 DEEPAK CHHODWANI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00126 59 2201056978 MANI SHANKAR TRIPATHI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00081 60 2201057228 PRASHANT KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00508 61 2201057513 ANAND KUMAR GAUTAM 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00602 62 2201059617 NARENDER 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00154 63 2201062787 SOURABH SINGHAL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00182 64 2201064666 RAHUL YADAV 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00412 65 2201064941 PRAVESH KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00530 66 2201066111 BIKRAM 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00590 67 2201068901 AKSHAY KUMAR KERIWAL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00294 68 2201070667 HARISH KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00384 69 2201072237 RAMESH KUMAR SINGH 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00362 70 2201078349 NIKHIL RAMAN 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00315 71 2201078477 SUYASH KATIYAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00492 72 2201083844 VINITA YADAV 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00400 73 2201084439 SAJAN SINGH 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00541 74 2201085588 BRIJESH KUMAR RAI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00193 75 2201086414 YATINDRA SINGH MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00637 76 2201087079 VIKAS KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00393 77 2201087483 MANISH KUMAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00149 78 2201087540 SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00222 79 2201088149 JASMEET KAUR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00584 80 2201088313 VIJAY KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00577 81 2201090151 NEHA JUYAL 9 0 4 4 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00652 82 2201090285 ABHILASH KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00587 83 2201091162 SUNIL KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00542 84 2201097419 VIKAS MOHAN RANA 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00595 85 2201097746 AJAY KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00588 86 2201097830 HEENA RANA 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00495 87 2201098825 PRAKHAR SHUKLA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00131 88 2201107082 RUPESH 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00539 89 2201109812 NAVIN KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00398 90 2201110852 MANINDER SINGH 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00527 91 2201111217 LOKESHNANDAN KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Imple mentation SL\III\00612 92 2201111278 VINAY KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00423 93 2201111706 ABHIMANU GROVER 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00258 94 2201114015 SANJAY BENDHA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00377 95 2201114519 ANIMESH SINHA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00217 96 2201116751 PRADEEP KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00060 97 2201118845 ANURAG KUMAR SHARMA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00381 98 2201120216 RANJAN PATHAK 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00211 99 2201120748 HARISH KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00243 100 2201121069 RACHITA JOSHI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00213 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page No : 3 ------- COMBINED GRADUATE LEVEL EXAM., 2016 (FINAL RESULT) LIST OF THE CANDIDATES IN ROLLNO. ORDER RECOMMENDED FOR APPOINTMENT FOR THE POST OF JUNIOR STATISTICAL OFFIER (JSO) (LIST-3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Record# ROLL NAME CAT1 CAT2 CAT3 CATSEL POSTSEL POST RANK WITHHELD 101 2201121898 SARITA 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00534 102 2201122520 HIMANSHU GARG 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00069 103 2201122819 DEEPTI SINGHAL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00044 104 2201131784 MOHAMAMD ASIF 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00462 105 2201132417 SUNIL KUMAR YADAV 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00409 106 2201136029 ANKUR GUPTA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00096 107 2201136720 ABHISHEK GUPTA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00309 108 2201138033 MAMTA RANI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00019 109 2201144338 AMARJEET CHOURASIA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00450 110 2201146432 GARIMA SACHAN 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00469 111 2201147131 VULLURI SANTHOSH KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00603 112 2201149755 GARIMA 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00517 113 2201153494 MONTU PATAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00058 114 2201154053 PRAMILA 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00553 115 2201154097 KUNAL KISHORE 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00458 116 2201154820 RAJESH KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00474 117 2201155145 MANISHA DOGRA 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00546 118 2201157847 JAYENDRA MISHRA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementa tion SL\III\00256 119 2201159693 SAURABH SINGHAL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00201 120 2201162105 MANINDER 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00589 121 2201165516 OM PRAKASH 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00391 122 2201166848 SUMIT KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00376 123 2201167532 DIVYA SHARMA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00170 124 2201168544 RAVI BANSAL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00051 125 2201168744 GAURAV YADAV 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00254 126 2201172526 ABHISHEK RATHORE 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00479 127 2201174977 PRIYA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00158 128 2201178582 MANISHA RAJ 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00569 129 2201178676 RAVI KRISHAN MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00634 130 2201180562 RUPESH KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat . & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00283 131 2201180813 SARITA 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00566 132 2201181163 NEELAM 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00606 133 2201184843 MEENAKSHI 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00585 134 2201189715 VIKASH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00319 135 2201191609 AJAY ANAND 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Imp lementation SL\III\00586 136 2201192793 ANKIT KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00428 137 2201195644 PARDEEP KUMAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00210 138 2201195711 RAHUL BHATIA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00146 139 2201199808 NAGENDRA KUMAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00140 140 2201199840 YOGESH KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00556 141 2201204543 SOMYA SRIVASTAVA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00302 142 2201206650 ANKESH SINGHAL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00218 143 2201208112 GAURAV SINGH 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00337 144 2201211365 GAURAV SUNDERYAL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00288 145 2201211935 ARUN VERMA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00346 146 2201216064 SAVITA YADAV 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00257 147 2201216322 NARENDER 6 0 6 R JSO in M /o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00426 148 2201221470 ALTAF ALI 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00440 149 2201224757 RANVIR SINGH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00334 150 2201225678 MURARI LAL 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00562 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page No : 4 ------- COMBINED GRADUATE LEVEL EXAM., 2016 (FINAL RESULT) LIST OF THE CANDIDATES IN ROLLNO. ORDER RECOMMENDED FOR APPOINTMENT FOR THE POST OF JUNIOR STATISTICAL OFFIER (JSO) (LIST-3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Record# ROLL NAME CAT1 CAT2 CAT3 CATSEL POSTSEL POST RANK WITHHELD 151 2201230754 SANDEEP KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00070 152 2201236182 PARDEEP KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00351 153 2201236392 LONI AGGARWAL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00053 154 2201236535 NITIN KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00198 155 2201247909 NISHANT ARORA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00021 156 2201249852 SOHAM SETH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00167 157 2201254175 JAGBIR SINGH 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & P rog. Implementation SL\III\00598 158 2201256640 ABHISHEK PRAKASH MISHRA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00136 159 2201257178 ABHIMANYU ARORA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00063 160 2201258111 VAIBHAV KUMAR VASHSHTHA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00214 161 2201259078 ASHWANI GOSWAMI 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00262 162 2201265549 MUKESH KUMAR PATEL 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implemen tation SL\III\00237 163 2201266880 DIPAISH CHOUDHARY 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00035 164 2201267004 ANAND KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00230 165 2201267593 RITESH GARG 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00134 166 2201268818 MOHIT 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00320 167 2201272010 AIKANSH GUNETA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00017 168 2201272651 LALIT MADAAN 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00072 169 2201273185 NAVEEN KUMAR MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00646 170 2201273544 NEERAJ KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00085 171 2201275562 RAHUL VERMA 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00316 172 2201275977 PRAGYA KHANDELWAL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00050 173 2201276133 ASHISH KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00397 174 2201276443 SOURABH AGRAWAL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o St at. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00310 175 2201278096 NITIN 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00611 176 2201280392 MOHD AZHARUDDIN 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00489 177 2201287742 NISHITH NAGAR 9 0 7 7 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00663 178 2201289668 MOHIT KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00600 179 2201294302 ANIL JAGLAN 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00166 180 2201296883 MANI KANT TIWARI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00103 181 2201297999 SHISHPAL 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00344 182 2201298308 ANKIT KUMAR VARSHNEY 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00260 183 2201304744 VIKAS 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00088 184 2201307645 GAURAV KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00364 185 2201310396 KESHAV YADAV 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00419 186 2201313167 MOHIT 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00286 187 2201317304 DINESH KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00123 188 2201321634 MANISH KUMAR VERMA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00411 189 2201321926 DINESH KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00367 190 2201326679 RAVINDER KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00422 191 2201336291 RAVI KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00253 192 2201338210 BASANT SINGH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00185 193 2201341841 SONAM KHATANA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00421 194 2201343855 NAVEEN SHARMA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00082 195 2201348448 AMIT KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00055 196 2201351626 RAJESH KUMAR CHOUDHARY 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00239 197 2201356387 SANDEEP KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00036 198 2201362793 KESHAV KUMAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00186 199 2201363238 ASHOK KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00227 200 2201363355 SATISH GUPTA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00318 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ Page No : 5 ------- COMBINED GRADUATE LEVEL EXAM., 2016 (FINAL RESULT) LIST OF THE CANDIDATES IN ROLLNO. ORDER RECOMMENDED FOR APPOINTMENT FOR THE POST OF JUNIOR STATISTICAL OFFIER (JSO) (LIST-3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Record# ROLL NAME CAT1 CAT2 CAT3 CATSEL POSTSEL POST RANK WITHHELD 201 2201369895 HIMANI SHARMA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00116 202 2201371266 NAVEEN KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00204 203 2201377938 KISHOR SINGH RAWAT 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00168 204 2201378250 ABHISHEK PANT 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00276 205 2201378785 NEERAJ 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00205 206 2201381120 MANISHA SONI 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00200 207 2201381932 SUMIT KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00540 208 2201392008 THOMBRE ADARSH BHASKAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00100 209 2201392269 SHYAM SINGH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00180 210 2201392939 SHUDODHAN SINGH THAKUR 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00645 211 2201393512 HARISH CHANDRA SINGH NAYAK 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00293 212 2201402754 APOORVA JAIN 9 0 5 5 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00659 213 2201404360 HEMANT GIRI 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00466 214 2201405614 ASHUTOSH KUMAR PANDEY 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00145 215 2201405882 VISHAL MOHAN SHARMA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00061 216 2201408772 AKASH RAJPOOT 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00345 217 2201417451 ANKIT GUPTA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00137 218 2201433708 VIVEK REDHU 9 0 4 4 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00657 219 2201435997 LALIT KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00518 220 2201441852 KISHAN DEEP 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00348 221 2201457664 TARUN KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00413 222 2401003945 ABHISHEK KUMAR BHARTIYA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00614 223 2401005344 DEEPAK NAMA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00312 224 2401011609 DILIP KUMAR SHARMA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00111 225 2402001553 VIPIN KUMAR GUPTA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00010 226 2402004558 SUNEEL KUMAR PRAJAPAT 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00437 227 2402006652 PREM SINGH 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00626 228 2402009910 SATISH JUNWAL 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00560 229 2404000283 RAM KISHAN MOHTA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00336 230 2404005604 PRATEEK ARORA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00067 231 2404005664 TEJKARAN SUTHAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00395 232 2404006703 VIJAY KUMAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00142 233 2404008356 CHANDRAPRAKASH BHASKAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00392 234 2404011789 RASHMI JOSHI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00171 235 2404011965 MUKUL GOYAL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00009 236 2405000269 SACHIN SIRSWA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00407 237 2405002625 BALRAM MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00630 238 2405003891 BHUPENDRA SINGH BAMNAVAT 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00513 239 2405006049 MANGAL RAM MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00605 240 2405006781 PRIYANKA MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00563 241 2405007182 NARENDRA KUMAR UJJWAL 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00548 242 2405009658 SHAITAN SINGH MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00537 243 2405010655 SUBHASH CHANDRA KUMAWAT 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00387 244 2405012034 SANDEEP SHARMA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00290 245 2405015595 SAROJ 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Imple mentation SL\III\00284 246 2405017520 KAMAL KISHORE MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00628 247 2405021134 MURARI LAL MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00619 248 2405021653 CHANDRA PRAKASH MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00591 249 2405022580 CHETAN PRAKASH 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00368 250 2405025019 BRIJMOHAN MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00623 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page No : 6 ------- COMBINED GRADUATE LEVEL EXAM., 2016 (FINAL RESULT) LIST OF THE CANDIDATES IN ROLLNO. ORDER RECOMMENDED FOR APPOINTMENT FOR THE POST OF JUNIOR STATISTICAL OFFIER (JSO) (LIST-3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Record# ROLL NAME CAT1 CAT2 CAT3 CATSEL POSTSEL POST RANK WITHHELD 251 2405027510 KRISHAN KUMAR MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00621 252 2405028363 DEVENDRA MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00643 253 2405030043 VIKAS KUMAR MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00640 254 2405036112 VIJAY CHOUDHARY 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00263 255 2405037217 RAKESH KUMAR MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00632 256 2405037322 ARYAN MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00639 257 2405037689 AJAY KUMAR MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00648 258 2405039215 ASHUTOSH MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00618 259 2405039299 SUNIL KUMAR MAURYA 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00515 260 2405040990 ARVIND KUMAR JAIMAN 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00242 261 2405047469 MANOJ KUMAR MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00631 262 2405048728 ABHI NANDAN VERMA 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00525 263 2405052251 SUSHILA MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00627 264 2405052385 TARA CHAND MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00580 265 2405055212 ABHISHEK SINGH RATHORE 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00076 266 2405056568 DEVESH SHARMA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00405 267 2405057729 PARUL CHAUDHARY 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00432 268 2405065789 PANKAJ KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00365 269 2405069552 KRISHNA KUMAR MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00620 270 2405069608 SANWAR MAL MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00641 271 2405072739 RAJESH KUMAR KUMAWAT 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00457 272 2405072891 KRISHAN KUMAR YADAV 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementa tion SL\III\00449 273 2405075550 JITENDRA KUMAR JATAV 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00520 274 2405079061 MANISH UDAIWAL 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00202 275 2405084793 NIKHIL GARG 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00192 276 2405089362 POOJA KUMAWAT 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00325 277 2405091586 AMIT KUMAR AGRAWAL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00274 278 2405091633 RAM NIVAS KHILERY 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00127 279 2405091807 NAVEEN KUMAR JAIN 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00229 280 2405092654 NARENDRA RABIA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00417 281 2405093554 RAHUL SAINI 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00162 282 2405096090 PRASHANT SHARMA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00094 283 2405097022 NEMI CHAND NEEL 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00371 284 2405102303 RAVI KUMAR GARG 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat . & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00273 285 2405102718 ABHISHEK KHOLIA 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00529 286 2405109905 LEKHRAJ MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00642 287 2405113014 SUSHIL KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00463 288 2405113082 DEVENDER KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00359 289 2405116798 HARISH KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Imp lementation SL\III\00454 290 2405119905 GAURAV SANGWAN 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00187 291 2405123716 KAMLESH KUMAR MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00616 292 2405124873 ANAND KUMAR MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00599 293 2405125376 GAURAV GUPTA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00270 294 2405129571 UPENDRA KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00347 295 2405131735 VIJAY MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00624 296 2405133687 JITENDRA KUMAR MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00554 297 2405134546 VINOD KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00415 298 2405135102 KHEM RAJ MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00635 299 2405148121 RAMKESH MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00622 300 2406017184 SURENDRA SINGH 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00424 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page No : 7 ------- COMBINED GRADUATE LEVEL EXAM., 2016 (FINAL RESULT) LIST OF THE CANDIDATES IN ROLLNO. ORDER RECOMMENDED FOR APPOINTMENT FOR THE POST OF JUNIOR STATISTICAL OFFIER (JSO) (LIST-3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ Record# ROLL NAME CAT1 CAT2 CAT3 CATSEL POSTSEL POST RANK WITHHELD 301 2406019682 DIVYA JALWANIYA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00307 302 2407000578 DHARAM SINGH MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00625 303 2407001679 MANISH KUMAR MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00609 304 2407002440 ANKITA VIJAY 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00327 305 2407004972 RAHUL MEWADA 6 0 7 7 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00654 306 2408003671 VIKRAM VERMA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00353 307 2408007228 MANINDER SINGH 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00342 308 3001001592 DEEPAK SINGH 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00282 309 3001004793 PRATOSH KUMAR MEENA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00575 310 3001009556 NAGENDRA SINGH 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00486 311 3001026420 SHEETAL VERMA 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & P rog. Implementation SL\III\00034 312 3001033738 MANDEEP SINGH 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00360 313 3001046335 SANDEEP KUMAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00108 314 3001049364 TARUN MANGAL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00245 315 3003002688 ALOK KUMAR PANDEY 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00291 316 3003004767 RAVI KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implemen tation SL\III\00470 317 3003005151 ASHISH KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00181 318 3003008835 MAHESH PRAJAPATI 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00144 319 3003012840 RAM SINGH YADAV 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00133 320 3003021017 RISHAB CHANDRA 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00523 321 3003022081 CHANDRA MOHAN SINGH 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00498 322 3003023804 ADITYA KUMAR YADAV 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00402 323 3003027904 SATEESH KUMAR SHARMA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00467 324 3003028122 SAURABH PATEL 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00195 325 3003034255 ANKIT TIWARI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00110 326 3003034623 SHESH KUMAR MAURYA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00358 327 3003041102 PUSHPENDRA NARAYAN 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00112 328 3003041182 SURAJ KUMAR SHUKLA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o St at. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00007 329 3003042082 ARUN KUMAR SINGH 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00190 330 3003044788 RAVI KUMAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00008 331 3003048310 PRASHANT KUMAR UPADHYAY 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00147 332 3003055651 NAVNEET KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00022 333 3003056767 PRINCE GAUTAM 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00536 334 3003060858 SATYAM KATIYAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00099 335 3003061218 SHIVENDRA PRATAP SINGH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00002 336 3003064437 BHAWANI SINGH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00138 337 3003065260 KISHAN GUPTA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00456 338 3003066643 VIKRANT 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00583 339 3003067690 ROHIT GUPTA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00173 340 3003069652 MUKESH SINGH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00042 341 3003070998 PAWAN KUMAR SINGH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00160 342 3003083334 NARENDRA DEO 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00135 343 3003084836 JAY PRAKASH PANDEY 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00216 344 3003095574 LAV PRAKASH RAI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00037 345 3003095961 RAJNEESH DWIVEDI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00043 346 3005001104 VIPUL KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00524 347 3005008110 PRATEEK 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00207 348 3005014322 SAMEER BHARDWAJ 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00228 349 3005018596 MOHAMMAD SHOEB MALIK 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00448 350 3007030320 DEEPANSHU SINHA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00097 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page No : 8 ------- COMBINED GRADUATE LEVEL EXAM., 2016 (FINAL RESULT) LIST OF THE CANDIDATES IN ROLLNO. ORDER RECOMMENDED FOR APPOINTMENT FOR THE POST OF JUNIOR STATISTICAL OFFIER (JSO) (LIST-3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Record# ROLL NAME CAT1 CAT2 CAT3 CATSEL POSTSEL POST RANK WITHHELD 351 3009002492 KAMLESH KUMAR RAWAT 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00574 352 3009006563 ALOK MOHAN BAJPAI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00066 353 3009008758 LAXMI SHANKER 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00561 354 3009014968 GOVIND PRATAP SINGH PAL 6 0 4 4 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00653 355 3009016620 DIPENDRA YADAV 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00461 356 3009020096 SUDHIR SRIVASTAVA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00113 357 3009038587 PIYUSH KUSHWAHA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00386 358 3009040052 RANJEET KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00601 359 3009058443 ASHWANI GUPTA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00056 360 3009061926 UDAI SINGH 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00550 361 3009070280 ABHINENDRA YADAV 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00366 362 3009071199 BARUN KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00352 363 3010001854 RAMESH KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00581 364 3010012778 RAJAT SAXENA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00065 365 3010012954 SHIVANGI SHUKLA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00163 366 3010013903 NAVDEEP SRIVASTAVA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00251 367 3010022509 AANCHAL GUPTA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00119 368 3010035028 SANDEEP CHAURASIYA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00375 369 3010038675 RAJ KUMAR BALMIKI 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00610 370 3010039237 IMRAN AHMAD 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00394 371 3010039376 CHANDRA PRAKASH 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00414 372 3010042884 RAM NIRAJ 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00549 373 3010043164 ANSHIT KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00047 374 3010043902 SANDEEP KUMAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00241 375 3010044030 SHAILENDRA KUMAR VERMA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00442 376 3010046420 SAURABH SINGH 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00279 377 3010047208 ASVENDRA GUPTA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00089 378 3010052699 AKSHAY DEEP BATHAM 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00420 379 3010059672 ADITYA CHAUDHARY 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00538 380 3010060414 SUMIT SINGH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00280 381 3010062935 NAVNEET PATEL 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00399 382 3010066860 SHEO SAGAR TRIVEDI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00057 383 3010067754 VISHNU PRASAD GUPTA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00025 384 3010069192 DEEPAK KUMAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00271 385 3010069874 ABHA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00018 386 3010077604 AKASH GUPTA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00503 387 3010094711 MOHD ANEES AHMAD 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00418 388 3010095106 SANJAY SINGH SHEKHAWAT 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00223 389 3010097998 KALP MISHRA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00151 390 3010100625 NIKHIL SINGH 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00403 391 3010101428 AKHILESH SONI 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00453 392 3010102136 ANIT KUMAR SINGH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00087 393 3010106501 MAHENDRA PAL YADAV 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00496 394 3010108323 ABHISHEK RAI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00122 395 3010114056 MANISH KUMAR SINGH 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00333 396 3010116185 JAI MOHAN RANA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00028 397 3010117842 ATUL KUMAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00073 398 3011024798 PANKAJ KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00568 399 3011028404 VISHESH KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Imple mentation SL\III\00504 400 3011029520 RAHUL DESHWALL 6 0 4 4 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00655 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page No : 9 ------- COMBINED GRADUATE LEVEL EXAM., 2016 (FINAL RESULT) LIST OF THE CANDIDATES IN ROLLNO. ORDER RECOMMENDED FOR APPOINTMENT FOR THE POST OF JUNIOR STATISTICAL OFFIER (JSO) (LIST-3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Record# ROLL NAME CAT1 CAT2 CAT3 CATSEL POSTSEL POST RANK WITHHELD 401 3013006237 SUNIL KUMAR GUPTA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00433 402 3013008569 SAURABH RAI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00238 403 3013013810 ANKIT KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00491 404 3013015113 PRAVEEN KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00404 405 3013021799 RAJIV YADAV 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00425 406 3013026765 PIYUSH SINGH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00062 407 3013032278 ABHISHEK PANDEY 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00159 408 3013040764 INDU PRAKASH TIWARI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00001 409 3013043759 SAURABH KUMAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00041 410 3013044206 NIDHI JAIN 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00030 411 3013059732 ANUJ CHATURVEDI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00233 412 3201001024 INDRAJEET 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00396 413 3201001494 MANIKANT KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00533 414 3201010567 RAN VIJAY KUMAR SINGH 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00331 415 3201027583 ASHISH KUMAR SHARMA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00378 416 3205000509 SAURABH PRIYADARSHI 9 0 7 7 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00658 417 3205006166 ANKIT KUMAR KESHAN 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00024 418 3205038787 RAVI KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00493 419 3206002583 PASCAL KUMAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00031 420 3206006350 VIVEK KUMAR SINGH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00231 421 3206006551 SAURAV KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00374 422 3206013099 NILESH KUMAR GUPTA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00370 423 3206013276 PRAVIN KUMAR JHA 9 0 4 4 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00651 424 3206017190 SUBHINAV KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00464 425 3206023481 DIPIKA GUPTA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00444 426 3206035251 ABHIJEET KUMAR PANDEY 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementa tion SL\III\00156 427 3206045306 SHALINI KUMARI 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00488 428 3206053968 UDAY KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00435 429 3206058951 SUPRIYA ROY CHOWDHURY 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00608 430 3206066706 RAHUL KUMAR RAMAN 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00439 431 3206081252 RANJAN MOUAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00165 432 3206088139 SURAJ ARYAN 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00410 433 3206088685 ABHISHEK KUMAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00303 434 3206089523 DHEERAJ KUMAR PANDEY 9 0 5 5 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00661 435 3206093437 RAJNISH RANJAN 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00078 436 3206102066 SATISH KUMAR HIMANSHU 6 0 4 4 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00656 437 3206102583 AMIT SINGH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00011 438 3206103818 AJAY KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat . & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00543 439 3206104312 SAMBHAV KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00356 440 3206105151 MD SADDAM HUSSAIN 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00349 441 3206118229 LAL KAMAL 9 0 4 4 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00638 442 3206122949 KUMAR PRIYA RANJAN 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00388 443 3206123332 RAHUL RAJ 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Imp lementation SL\III\00485 444 3206128021 UTTAM KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00490 445 3206139020 VISHWAJIT KUMAR OJHA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00297 446 3206144313 AMIT KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00261 447 3206147963 MIHIR SAURAV 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00572 448 3206157247 VINITA KUMARI 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00447 449 4205001147 ABHISHEK KUMAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00287 450 4205004806 AMBIKA KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00471 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page No : 10 ------- COMBINED GRADUATE LEVEL EXAM., 2016 (FINAL RESULT) LIST OF THE CANDIDATES IN ROLLNO. ORDER RECOMMENDED FOR APPOINTMENT FOR THE POST OF JUNIOR STATISTICAL OFFIER (JSO) (LIST-3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Record# ROLL NAME CAT1 CAT2 CAT3 CATSEL POSTSEL POST RANK WITHHELD 451 4205005314 AMIT KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00343 452 4205006262 AMRESH KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00500 453 4205012249 ASHISH AGARWAL 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00380 454 4205012398 ASHISH KUMAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00176 455 4205014057 AWDHESH KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00372 456 4205016892 BIPIN KUMAR CHOURASIA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00416 457 4205021079 DHANANJAY KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00408 458 4205023162 ENAMUL HAQUE 6 0 7 7 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00664 459 4205052273 PRATIK KISHORE 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00196 460 4205054061 PRIYA BARNWAL 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00455 461 4205065412 RISHAM RAJ 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00390 462 4205065474 RISHI KUMAR SINGH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00152 463 4205082108 SUMAN KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00427 464 4205091628 VITHIKA ALDA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00644 465 4402001424 ARKADEEP BHATTACHARYYA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00164 466 4402004213 IMRAN AHAMED 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00441 467 4402005619 MANOJIT SARKAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00558 468 4403006595 SUPROTIM MANDAL 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00565 469 4405001618 APARNA GHOSH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00244 470 4405003587 BISWANATH SHAW 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00545 471 4405006315 KOYEL CHAKRABORTY 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00267 472 4405014926 SOUNIP SOM 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00102 473 4405017494 SWAGATA DAS 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00451 474 4405018301 TUSHARKANTI GOSWAMI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00203 475 4408004135 SANJIB KUMAR ROY 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00521 476 4410001911 ABHISHEK PRAGYNA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00305 477 4410002693 ADITYA PRASAD BANERJEE CHAUDHURI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00083 478 4410005378 AMIT KUMAR JHA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00292 479 4410007514 ANIMESH KUMAR PAL 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00570 480 4410009430 ANKITA PAL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00026 481 4410010833 ANUSHA DAS 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00052 482 4410012533 ARINDAM MANDAL 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00557 483 4410017226 AVISEK BARAI 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00613 484 4410020872 BIKRAM KUMAR CHOUDHARY 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00350 485 4410022878 BODHISATTWA MAZUMDAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00526 486 4410026194 DEBASIS HAZRA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00177 487 4410032651 GOURAV CHAKRABORTY 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00125 488 4410036637 JITRAJ MITRA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00075 489 4410036717 JOY BANERJEE 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00317 490 4410036909 JOYDEEP MAHATO 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00005 491 4410039300 KESHAV KUMAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00118 492 4410039624 KINGSHUK KUMAR NAG 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00296 493 4410041319 KUMAR RAHUL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00150 494 4410052982 NAVITA SHAW 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00339 495 4410057076 PARAMESWAR ROOJ 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00502 496 4410057286 PARIJAT GHOSH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00115 497 4410059622 POOJA KUMARI 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00434 498 4410060033 PRABHAKAR KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00385 499 4410060572 PRAFUL NIGAM 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00329 500 4410067650 RAHUL KUMAR SINGH 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00501 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page No : 11 ------- COMBINED GRADUATE LEVEL EXAM., 2016 (FINAL RESULT) LIST OF THE CANDIDATES IN ROLLNO. ORDER RECOMMENDED FOR APPOINTMENT FOR THE POST OF JUNIOR STATISTICAL OFFIER (JSO) (LIST-3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Record# ROLL NAME CAT1 CAT2 CAT3 CATSEL POSTSEL POST RANK WITHHELD 501 4410070141 RAKESH KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00487 502 4410071234 RANAJOY SEN 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00120 503 4410072609 RAYEES KAUSAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00383 504 4410079456 SAMUDRA MAJUMDER 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00014 505 4410080555 SANDIPAN PRAMANICK 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00401 506 4410083356 SARADINDU CHAKRABORTY 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00255 507 4410084060 SATADIP CHAKRABORTY 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00306 508 4410085609 SAYANTANI GHOSH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00226 509 4410085798 SAYONI PAN 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00265 510 4410089057 SHREYAN SENGUPTA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00321 511 4410089201 SHRUTARSHI MUKHERJEE 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00175 512 4410094768 SOUMYARUP CHATTERJEE 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00015 513 4410095029 SOURAV ACHARYA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00269 514 4410095096 SOURAV BASAK 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00499 515 4410096221 SOUVIK BASAK 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00326 516 4410098883 SUBHASHISH GHOSH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00101 517 4410099566 SUBHRANIL DAS 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00551 518 4410100988 SUDIP PRAMANIK 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00179 519 4410105497 SUPRATIK GUPTA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00093 520 4410105778 SUPRIYA SAMADDAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00506 521 4410106591 SURENDRA KUMAR BIND 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00573 522 4410107459 SUSMITA BISWAS 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00183 523 4410111398 TAPOJA PAUL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00208 524 4410113198 UJJAL KUMAR GAYEN 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00234 525 4415005440 MANIK DAS 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00559 526 4415011731 SOUVIK SARKAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00522 527 4415013767 YOGENDRA SINGH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00188 528 4604020688 JEETENDRA MEHER 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00178 529 4604030599 NARENDRA BUDEK 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00615 530 4604062699 TUSHAR DASH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00074 531 4604063372 VIKASH KUMAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00225 532 4609002736 CHANDAN KUMAR SAMAL 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00445 533 5105000353 DEMKHOSAT HAOKIP 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00547 534 5105011732 MUKESH KUMAR SHARMA 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00596 535 5105022039 ARNAB SINHA 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00328 536 5401000140 SIAMBIAKLUN 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementa tion SL\III\00629 537 5501000871 PASHEL JOHN ANAL 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00647 538 5601001410 RAVI KUMAR SONI 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00157 539 6001012758 AJIT KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00482 540 6001036827 KAPIL RAWAT 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00172 541 6001042686 RAVINDRA MALVIYA 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00109 542 6005013121 AKASH SARAF 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00275 543 6005030011 AVINASH SHARMA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00039 544 6005032003 UMASHANKAR BRAMHE 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00532 545 6006000238 HEMANT PARMAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00013 546 6006025994 SIDDHARTH SHARMA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00130 547 6006027759 PRAVIN KUMAR CHATURVEDI 9 0 7 7 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00662 548 6007018073 SAJAL DWIVEDI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat . & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00045 549 6015000912 ITINDER SINGH HORA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00155 550 7001701165 AKASH SHARDA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00323 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page No : 12 ------- COMBINED GRADUATE LEVEL EXAM., 2016 (FINAL RESULT) LIST OF THE CANDIDATES IN ROLLNO. ORDER RECOMMENDED FOR APPOINTMENT FOR THE POST OF JUNIOR STATISTICAL OFFIER (JSO) (LIST-3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Record# ROLL NAME CAT1 CAT2 CAT3 CATSEL POSTSEL POST RANK WITHHELD 551 7001720144 ABHISHEK BHARDWAJ 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00080 552 7001735842 SHIPRA SINGH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00199 553 7001739886 SINDHAV JAYESH JAYMALBHAI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o St at. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00086 554 7002709525 SAKET KUMAR SAURABH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00141 555 7007710286 JAIDEEP SOLANKI 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00582 556 7010701181 HEMANT KUMAR MITTAL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00268 557 7204709382 PRADEEP KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00594 558 7204713759 NEERAJ KUMAR GOYAL 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00016 559 7204720092 HIRANYA KISHORE DEY 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00003 560 7204724660 DESAI MUGDHA PURUSHOTTAM 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00032 561 7204730251 VIKRAM 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00597 562 7204738925 MATELE ABHIJIT UTTAM 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00330 563 7205703328 WANJARI DINESH DULICHAND 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00528 564 7205711896 SUBODH KANT KUMAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00277 565 7208709856 SURBHI VERMA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00480 566 7208721602 DONGAPURE POOJA PRABHAKAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00148 567 7208729741 KHANDARE AMOL TULSHIRAM 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00512 568 7208736613 RAJESH SINGH POONIA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00369 569 7210700112 KHAN MANOVAR GULHASAN 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00357 570 7210710794 BANDISH EKNATH BHOIR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00020 571 7214706819 GOPAL ZAVAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00107 572 8001003486 BHARAT PURNA CHANDRA PARUCHURI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00246 573 8001005642 SRI CHARITHA NATTA 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00578 574 8001013992 KUNTA SREELAKSHMI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00212 575 8001018663 SHAIK MOHAMMAD RAFI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00301 576 8001022495 EGA NAGA CHAITANYA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00436 577 8001050518 DAMARLA BALA SAI VAMSI KRISHNA 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00295 578 8002000141 B NAVEEN KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00477 579 8002000246 D JAYAPRAKASH CHARY 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00068 580 8002001189 PUSULURI RAVI KISHORE 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00235 581 8002002921 MAJJI VINEESHA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00478 582 8002003125 KOTA AKHILA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00452 583 8002007440 DANIEL KATTA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00476 584 8002007586 SRINIVASA RAO G 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00361 585 8002012768 NAGA VENKATA SATEESH GOWRABATHUNI 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00373 586 8002013671 MUPPARAJU BALA CHANDRUDU 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00132 587 8002013737 JAIDEEP CHAND ULLAM 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00510 588 8002013994 SURESH SUNKARI 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00430 589 8002014582 DASARI KARTHIK 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00555 590 8002016890 LAKSHMI CHAITANYA KOLLI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00079 591 8002018238 PAVAN KUMAR R 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00579 592 8002023808 PREMCHAND BANOTH 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00514 593 8002031551 GADDAM SHASHIDHAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00285 594 8002035259 GORLA LOKESH 6 0 5 5 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00665 595 8002038858 D NARMADA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00006 596 8002039093 BURLE SANTHOSH KUMAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00095 597 8002047272 K ANUSHA 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00406 598 8002068721 DARAPANENI CHAITANYA KUMAR 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00174 599 8002073853 CHALLA RAMBABU 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00481 600 8002074988 DUDDU RAKESH 6 0 7 7 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00660 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page No : 13 ------- COMBINED GRADUATE LEVEL EXAM., 2016 (FINAL RESULT) LIST OF THE CANDIDATES IN ROLLNO. ORDER RECOMMENDED FOR APPOINTMENT FOR THE POST OF JUNIOR STATISTICAL OFFIER (JSO) (LIST-3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Record# ROLL NAME CAT1 CAT2 CAT3 CATSEL POSTSEL POST RANK WITHHELD 601 8002083195 CHANDAN KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00429 602 8002089589 REPANA JAYACHANDRA 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog . Implementation SL\III\00221 603 8002092074 SIVA KUMAR KADALI 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00472 604 8002094364 GAJJALA SIVA 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00544 605 8002095661 RAHUL K 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00215 606 8002096471 AKULA PRIYANKA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00354 607 8002096594 NAMBURI RAGHUNATH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00027 608 8002097465 KILLADA SANDEEP 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00564 609 8002103382 NETHAVATH MAHESH 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00650 610 8002103645 MEKALA KRISHNA TEJA 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00519 611 8002107086 YEDU RANGASWAMY 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00379 612 8002107452 VENKATA KRISHNA KUCHAN 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00459 613 8002109063 BASAVARAJU SRIDEVI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00117 614 8002113587 METUKURU PRITHVINATH REDDY 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00169 615 8002138945 CHILUKURI SURYA BHASKAR RAO 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00104 616 8002161699 MOLATHOTI KALYAN BABU 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00604 617 8002163609 BOYANA SREE CHAND 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00206 618 8002165550 DASARI ASHOK 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00232 619 8002165679 VODNALA RAJESH 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00240 620 8002169803 ALAMOORI PRABHAKAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00064 621 8002176032 B ARUNA 6 0 5 5 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00666 622 8002176183 GOPU RAJASHEKAR 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00084 623 8002176325 VELPULA NAVEEN KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00593 624 8004003332 BARRE SUNIL KUMAR 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00509 625 8004006598 KONDETIDURGASATYAPRASAD 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00004 626 8004009865 GURAJAPU SUSMITHA 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00340 627 8004013440 MUPPIDI HAASANTHI 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00505 628 8004013872 SATISH DHANANI 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00033 629 8004017451 KOLAKALURI PRASAD 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00607 630 8004023839 ASHOK MARRAPU 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00355 631 8004024826 MEESALA DURGA RAO 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00143 632 8006001743 MOHAMMED HAFSA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00311 633 8006001892 MUDE RAVINDRA NAIK 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00636 634 8006010444 CHEEMALAPATI UDAYAPALLAVI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00049 635 8006016933 MUPPURI LEELAKRISHNA 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00443 636 8006017776 N NAGARJUNA RAO 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00046 637 8006033968 THAMMANNAGARI MUNI JAHNAVI 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00446 638 8006034108 MOHAN KRISHNA S 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00129 639 8007001634 CHANDRA MOHAN PUSARLA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00090 640 8007005136 SAMRAT KAMIDI 1 0 1 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00507 641 8007005490 GOLLU KUMAR 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00497 642 8007014754 CHINTALA DURGAPRASAD 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00197 643 8007026258 IJJADA SIDDHARTHA 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00128 644 8007031821 KONARI PRATAP 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00278 645 8007038850 MURALIDHAR PAIDIKILLI 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00191 646 8007039133 MANOHAR VALLETI 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementa tion SL\III\00264 647 8007045536 ARAVIND KUMAR SRUNGARAPU 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00121 648 8007051459 PURUSHOTHAM TANARAPU 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00465 649 8201006082 MANIVANNAN 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00219 650 8201020061 RAIKINDI SAIDULU 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00473 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Page No : 14 ------- COMBINED GRADUATE LEVEL EXAM., 2016 (FINAL RESULT) LIST OF THE CANDIDATES IN ROLLNO. ORDER RECOMMENDED FOR APPOINTMENT FOR THE POST OF JUNIOR STATISTICAL OFFIER (JSO) (LIST-3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Record# ROLL NAME CAT1 CAT2 CAT3 CATSEL POSTSEL POST RANK WITHHELD 651 8201091659 ANDREW S 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implemen tation SL\III\00308 652 9001019198 PARUL ARORA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00071 653 9001034733 AKHIL M 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00483 654 9001052538 SHREERANGA G 2 0 2 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00633 655 9004009312 VARUN DEV SHARMA 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00091 656 9009007054 ARVIND YADAV 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00259 657 9204022354 AJAN R PRABHU 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00106 658 9204024266 ANU A 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00252 659 9204031193 NATHAN R K 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00038 660 9204033944 SACHIN SATHEESH 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00124 661 9206020843 ARUNJITH S 6 0 6 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00363 662 9211030611 ARUN KUMAR LD 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00299 663 9211034130 GOUTAM S 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o St at. & Prog. Implementation SL\III\00300 664 9211040588 ROMIKA FERNANDEZ P 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00209 665 9212006772 NINOSH P H 6 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementation SL \III\00281 666 9212019498 SHYAM KRISHNAN 9 0 9 R JSO in M/o Stat. & Prog. Implementatio n SL\III\00029 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ****************************** * * * THE LAST PAGE * * * ******************************
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