Note Psikind



Nama/Nim: Anita145060707111008 Galih S / Stress : psychological and physical reaction to certain life events or situations, tergantg individ msg2. Stressors: life events yg bikin stress. stress reactivity: blood pressure,muscle tension krn body nerima stress. Strains: if reaksi fisik periods longer than our body can torelate, jd (-) fisik&psyco. Eustress: the feelings of stress get cnvrted into (+) energy& actually become motivating. optimal level of arousal: too stressed, performnce will decline. negative stress, known as distress. Kecenderungan stress 1.Stress Personalities: type A = multitasking,gak sabaran,fast. Type B = relaxed. Neuroticism = cenderung untuk memahami peristiwa sebagai stres dan lebih cenderung memiliki reaksi negatif terhadap peristiwa stres drpd org biasa. 2.Gender, Etnis, dan Ras : minority groups have higher levels of stress than do nonminorities. 3.Stress sensitization : Desensitization can occur through learning new behaviors to handle stress and working through your feelings about past stress. Sumber stress 1.Personal Stressors: nonwork issues as family and intimate relationships, marriage, divorce, health issues, financial problems, and raising children. Fear : takut ngadepin sesuatu, contoh: pas sma takut pas kuliah gimana, takut gagal, takut nyoba hal2 baru. Resistance: illustration of resistance to change is holding on to old traditions that are no longer feasible, krn udh kebiasaan gamau coba yg baru. Resentment: kebencian, don’t understand why we have to make the change, and don’t like how the change makes us feel. 2. Occupational Stressors: Job Characteristics : 1.role conflict : when our work expectations and what we think we should be doing don’t match up with the work we actually have to do. (role manager nya hrs ada rapat tp role as mother harus nnt anaknya tanding bola). 2.Role ambiguity: when an individual’s job duties and performance expectations are not clearly defined. Jobnya gajelas, dia makin struggle,depressed,& tdk minat 3.Role Overload: when individuals either feel they lack the skills or workplace resources to complete a task or perceive that the task cannot be done in the required amount of time.To minimize we have to get clarification about our job duties. 3.OrganizationalStressors:person /organization fit refers to how well such factors as your skills,knowledge, abilities, expectations, personality, values, and attitudes match those of the organization. Kyk di militer kita hrs cocok. Change, relations with others, Organizational Politics (selfserving behaviors employees use to increase the probability of obtaining positive outcomes in organizations.). 4. Stressors in the Physical Work Environment : noise (sesuai OSHA & NIOSH), temperature. 5. Others : minor frustation (stress in daily life, kyk macet dll bisa jd stress jangka panjang), forecasting (what if? Future?), residual stress (gabisa move on),elder &child care,economi,quality life. 6.Group level : managerial behavior,lack of cohesiveness (kurang erat), intergroup conflict, status tdk jelas. Consequences of Stress (outcomes) : 1.Personal : stressors = 1. Personal (family,health, financial problems), 2. Occupational (job characteristic ,orga characteristic ,relations w/ others,lack of empowerment) 3. Pesonality (pesimis,diet,type a). Strains = 1.psyco (depresi,anxiety,anger,sleep prob), 2. Physical (illness,pusing,blood press). Behaviors = (smoke,drink,drug), 2. Work related (absenteeism,turnover). 2.organizationaljobperformance, burnout, absen & turnover, drug&alcohol abuse, health care costs.How to manage stress: Exercise,laughter,diet,smokingre duction, sleep,support network, self empowerment, coping skills. Group&Team Behavior ; Effective, hard-working, and cohesive teams can have a longlasting impact on organizations, society, and the global marketplace. Group: Collection of individuals in which behavior&/or performance of one member is influenced by behavior& /or performance of other members. Tipe grup 1. Formal : Groups created by managerial decision to accomplish stated goals of the organization. Command group: specified by the organization chart, comprises the subordinates who report directly to a given supervisor.task group: the employees who work together to complete a particular task or project. . 2. Informal : Groups that arise from individual efforts and develop around common interests and friendships rather than deliberate design.Interest group : may affiliate to achieve some mutual objective (waiters pooling their tips) friendship group: have something in common, such as age, gender, political beliefs, desire to play the same sport, or ethnic background. (lbh kuat drpd formal) alasan form groups: 1. The Satisfaction of Needs : security, social, esteem (butuh dihormati), Proximity: involves the physical distance between employees performing a job. Attraction: designates the degree to which people are drawn to each other because of perceptual, attitudinal, performance, or motivational similarity. (space station crews need to be trained in interpersonal, emotional support, and group interaction skills). Group goals: The person who voluntarily joins the afterhours group believes that learning the new system is a necessary and important goal for employees.economics: groups form because individuals believe that they can derive greater economic benefits from their jobs if they organize. 5 stage model : forming (test position,msh nanya2 sm anggota lain),storming(konflik,debat,expe riment),norming(work efektif, awal kohesifness),performing (struktur terbentuk, fokus di goals,mature) ,adjourning(goals tercapai,siap bubar). PEM(Punctuated Equilibrium Model): Karakteristik Group: structure each member occupies a position in the group ,status hierarchy a person is assigned status because of such factors as job seniority, age, or ability,roles tiap peran kerjanya di bidang masing2,norms standar yg di share sm anggota (ada yg + & -) ,leadership, cohesiveness kekuatan&komitment menjaga grup. Groupthink (A cohesive group’s desire for agreement interferes with the group’s consideration of alternative solutions) = 1. Illusion of invulnerability. Members of groups believe that they are invincible. 2. Tendency to moralize. Any opposition to group views is characterized bymembers as weak, evil, or unintelligent., 3. Feeling of unanimity (gayakin sm leader), 4.pessure to conform(harus nurut) ,5.menentang ideas dismissed.,konflik, social loafing (berubah jd gak kontribusi). Nature&types of team: 1.Problem solving team(team of engineers,geologist bantu di oil company),2. Virtual team(a team that relies on interactive technology to work together when separated by physical distance), 3.cross-functional team(individu dr dept beda tp 1 proyek dasar yg sama), 4.skunkworks(team yg inovasiin new products,ex: us,designers).5.self-directed work team. Reason team formed: EnhancedProductivity,Flattening Organizations,FlexibleDecisions, WorkforceDiversity,improved quality,increased customer satisfaction. The Role Concept: role: an organized set of behaviors expected of an individual in a spesifict positon. Multiple roles: Roles performed simultaneously because the individual holds many positions in a variety of organizations and groups. Role set: Others’ expectations for behavior of a person in a particular role. Role conflict: Occurs when an individual’s compliance with one set of expectations conflicts with compliance with another set of expectations. Person-role conflict(when role requirements violate the basic values, attitudes, and needs of the individual occupying the position),intrarole conflict (different individuals define a role according to different sets of expectations, making it impossible for the person occupying the role to satisfy all of them),interrole conflict(from facing multiple role). Konflik&Negosiasi :terjadi krn kdg bisa kerjasama di goals kdg gabisa sesuai. Functional Conflict: From the organization’s standpoint, confrontation between groups that results in benefits to the organization.Dysfunctional: sama tp dia harm & nyegah buat achieve goals. Konflik&orgz perform: saat konf level low, performance can suffer& susah adaptasi to change di lingkungannya.if level high bisa chaos. Alasan eliminasi all types of conflict:1.nilai anticonflict telah tertanam di rumah,school. 2.manajer dihargai kalo jarang ada konflik. 3 tipe konflik yg influence grup function(intragroup):1.TaskConfli ct:member punya viewpoint beda berkaitan dgn what the group’s task is. 2.Relationship conflict: sadar of interpersonal incompatibilities,dislike,tension,f rustation.3.Process conflict: keasadaran akan kontroversi terkait gimana task will be acc 4 faktor intergroup independence(2 or more orgz butuh satu sm lain): pooled interdependence(gaada interaksi krn kerja terpisah),sequential(butuh 1 grup selesain task sebelum grup lain selesai) ,reciprocal(butuh output grup 1 untuk input group lain) ,2.difference in goals: limited resources,reward structures. 3.differences in perceptions: beda goals,beda ) leaderfollower trust.splitting the difference.Magnetic style in a climate of despair(Memimpin dengan energik dan optimis dan hanya efektif di iklim keputus asaan).survival.and personnel.organizing.3.Iklim orgz(gaya kepemimpinan): Information style in a climate of ignorance(ada leader yang hanya dia yg bisa mengendalikan suatu permasalahan. The participative leader consults with subordinates and considers their suggestions and ideas before reaching a decision. Interaksi antara pemimpin dan situasi yang ada: 1. the persuader(social. Coercive style in a climate of crisis(reward&punishment).motivation) 2. emotional maturity. efficiency.Kepemimpinan melalui pembuatan keputusan. selfdevelopment goals. Path-Goal Proportions: extent that bawahan akan meniru perilaku untuk future satisfaction. penghargaan dan afiliasi. Kepemimpinan melalui kontak : manajemen dengan berjalan Teori ini menjelaskan bahwa pemimpin dan manajer harus bekerja sama.authorativeCommand.non . leader behavior is motivational dan hrs ngasih rewards.development. and resolve conflicts. Team Building: encouraging ppl who work together to meet as a group in order to identify common goals. yang lebih menguntungkan situasi.Activate and strengthen top management support.pengembangan sumber daya. karena hanya dia yg meneguasai informasi). satisfaction.power of competition. dan performansi orang lain. favorableness of the situation (These situations will differ in the degree to which they are favorable to the leader’s influence attempts.operating procedures.) Leader’s behavior: task oriented.rise in autocratic (selfish) leadership. Leadership Emergence (Munculnya pemimpin) adalah gagasan bahwa orang-orang yang menjadi pemimpin memiliki sifat-sifat atau karakteristik yang berbeda dari orang-orang yang tidak menjadi pemimpin. and respect that the leader obtains from the Followers). The supportive leader treats subordinates as equals.supportive). involves judgment. Leadership: an attempt to use influence to motivate individuals to accomplish some goal. Spesific Leader Skills:1. personal integrity.Miskin perencanaan. 2.. Leadership beda sm manajemen.time need for achievement. nilai.Arouse dissatisfaction with the current state.may be more thoughful. two-way communication.Develop management structures for change.. Outside agents: can offer an objective perspective.kalkulatif = mencari posisi pemimpin jika punya keuntungan (contoh ingin jd pemimpin karena gaji besar) 3.Kepemimpinan melalui pandangan : kepemimpinan transformasi Kepemimpinan ini fokus terhadap perubahan tujuan.)Refreezing: Stabilizing a change intervention by balancing driving and .get along with people).. Path-Goal Model: Change Manajemen Change agents: people who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility for managing change activities.). berkomunikasi dengan baik. Tactical style in a climate of disorganization (strategis) Seorang leader untuk bawahan harus: 1.identitas afektif = dia menikmati untuk berpartisipasi dan memimpin 2.Kotter’s Eight-Step Plan for Implementing Change. Leadership Behavior: The directive leader tends to let subordinates know what’s expected of them.transaksional. trust. and development. and feedback on job success. leader can make a difference in measures of organizational effectiveness: production. Prenegotiation Tasks: understanding the other side.efficiency.5. dan mengontrol aktivitas pekerja 2.. (Establish goals. mencari tanggung jawab.may be more cautious.. quality. focus on activity. etika. improve communications. manajemen blm tentu leader. 4.InitiatingStructure(Lead ership acts that imply the structuring of job tasks&ResponsibilitiesForFollowe rs).pemimpin-anggota hubungan. persepsi gak akurat. the limited performer(gak pede).avoid konflik.Task : menstruktur peran mereka sendiri dan bawahan mereka untuk mencapai tujuan formal grup vs Person Orientation : percaya bahwa pekerja pada hakekatnya termotivasi secara intrinsik. Instrumental style = mampu merancang. Use participation in decision making.smoothing. (abilities. knowledge. Institute smaller. and fluency of speech. Path-goal leadership model: Theory that suggests a leader needs to influence followers’ perceptions of work goals.satisfaction.motivation(persuasi veness.4. komunikasi menurun.Alteri ngHumanVariable&GantiFormalS tructure.) Affiliation style in a climate anxiety(peduli 1 sm lain).Kepribadian buruk.consideration (Acts of the leader that show supportive concern for the followers in a group.Traits ( sifat) pemimpin yang terbiasa menyapa rekan kerja nya dapat menghilangkan rasa malu yang ada pada dirinya. knowing all the options Negotiaton Tactics: good/bad guy team.6.Needs(kebutuhan ) Karakteristik diri yang telah menerima dukungan berkaitan dengan kebutuhan akan kekuasaan. Supportive style = memberikan kesempatan2 kepada pekerja 3. competitiveness.cult ure.transforma tional. Changes between Groups: persepsi berubah.2. posisi pemimpin yang berada diatas bawahan (vertical) dan hubungan antar perilaku mereka.7. Kepemimpinan melalui kepercayaan (bujukan). Group negotiation: Group negotiations take place whenever one group’s work depends on the cooperation and actions of another group over which the first group’s manager has no control. Pemimpin yang tidak sukses:Kurang latihan. increased demand for specialist.Kepemimpinan melalui kekuatan. problemsolving alternatives.organisasi.Kekuatan posisi pemimpin.5.status incongruency. dan komunikasi. Lewin’s Three-Step Change Model : unfreezing = Change efforts to overcome the pressures of both individual resistance and group conformity(.9. in the larger sense of the term. flexibility. usually have an inadequate understandingOfOrgzHistory. The achievement-oriented leader sets challenging goals.low-balling(low offers to lower grup’s expect).). Motivasi untuk jd leader(chan&dragsow): 1. negative stereotype. originality.joint problem solving(harus adil). krn tgs manajer: planning. Situational theory of leadership: An approach to leadership that advocates that leaders understand their own behavior.Sosial-normatif = menjadi pemimpin karena kewajiban (contoh giliran memimpin upacara yg telah dijadwalkan) Performansi pemimpin: pemimpin yang cerdas. dan mandiri akan lebih sukses daripada pimipinan yang pemalu dan pendiam.competi tiveness.compromis e. Critical Elements to success: management commitment. and paths to goal attainment. EffectiveResults:production. Action Research. energy level. acceptable changes that reinforce and support change.quali ty. task structure (how structured a job is with regard to requirements. standar. Konsekuensi dysfunctional intergroup conflict:IncreasedGroupCohesive ness. Build in rewards.8.problem solving: reduce tegangan dgn ketemu meeting yg bersangkutan. group readiness. Hubungan dengan bawahan LMX ( leader – member exchange) = mengatur hubungan antara dua orang (adyad). Participative style = berbagi informasi dgn pekerja dan membolehkan pekerja berpartisipasi dalam decision making 4. 4 tipe personality manager saat negosiasi The power seeker(task & result oriented).Situasi yang menguntungkan Tugas terstruktur memiliki tujuan yang dinyatakan secara jelas dan dikenal oleh anggota kelompok. position power (refers to the power inherent in the leadership position. Appreciative Inquiry.the behavior of their subordinates. Contingency Leadership Model: leadership style. Internal agents: Have to live with the consequences of their actions.share info. Semakin banyak bawahan seperti pemimpin mereka.Menunjukkan kinerja tugas yang buruk. 2. This approach requires the leader to have diagnostic skills in human behavior.Maintain open. moving: Efforts to get employees involved in the change process. the reliable performer(solid. tolerance for stress.& controlling tp blm tentu mempengaruhi behavior dan blm tentu berinteraksi. and the situation before utilizing a particular leadership style. Hubungan antara karakteristik pribadi dan performansi pemimpin: 1. penekanan on loyalty. 3.union partnership.self-starter. Managing intergroup conflict : 1.Position style in a climate of instability(karena dia adalah pimpinan sehingga anggota harus menuruti apa yang diperintahkan.superordinate goals: kerjasama untuk mencapai goals. meng-organisir. ramah.. situational factors: leader-member relations(A factor in the Fiedler contingency model that refers to the degree of confidence.theNibble(after agreement). Buku gibson Traits: abilities (Intelligence.person oriented. Approaches To Managing Change: Lewin’s Three-Step Model. and selfconfidence).ambisius). Achievement oriented style= membuat goals yang menantang dan menaikan rewards.personality.identify common enemy.personality traits(alertness. 3. Sources of Organizational Resistance to Change Overcoming Resistance to Change Education and communication -This tactic assumes that the source of resistance lies in misinformation or poor communicatiEducation&commun ication -Best used: Lack of information. and others have power to resist Facilitation and support -The provision of various efforts to facilitate adjustment. 2. Develop short-term “wins.Develop structures to institutionalize the change.Dest iny Sources of Individual Resistance to Change Cynicism About Change 1. Communicate the vision.Dreaming.restraining forces.Lack of communication and respect from one’s union representative. 3. those opposed can be brought into the decision process.Lack of opportunity for meaningful participation in decision making.) Exhibit 10-8 Kotter’s Eight-Step Plan for Implementing Change 1.Reward desired behaviour.Design.( Build success experiences. which can then be built on to improve performance. Optimal level of arrousal . Reinforce changes. -Best used: Where people resist because of adjustment problemson. -Best used: Where one group will lose. 8.. -Best used: Speed is essential.Feeling uninformed about what was happening.Make change work.Feedback. and refreezing. Two other theories include action research and appreciative inquiry. Steps of Appreciative Inquiry: Discovery.Analysis. moving. Create a new vision. 4. or inaccurate information Participation and involvement -Prior to making a change. -Best used: Where other tactics won’t work or are too expensive Explicit and implicit coercion -The application of direct threats or force upon resisters. Appreciative Inquiry: An approach to change that seeks to identify the unique qualities and special strengths of an organization. 5. 6. 4. Consolidate improvements. and has considerable power to resist Manipulation and cooperation -Twisting and distorting facts to make them appear more attractive. -Best used: Where initiators lack information..Evaluation. Negotiation and agreement -Exchange something of value for a lessening of resistance..Lack of communication and respect from one’s supervisor. Form a coalition. 2.” 7. Empower others to act. and initiators have power How do organizations manage change? Kurt Lewin argued that successful change should follow three steps: unfreezing.Acti on. John Kotter built on Lewin’s work to offer an eight-step model. Establish a sense of urgency. Action Research: A change process based on the systematic collection of data and then selection of a change action based on what the analyzed data indicate. The Process of Action Research: Diagnosis.
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