Notable Points THR10 1
Notable Points THR10 1
March 26, 2018 | Author: Neeken Duku | Category:
Working Conditions
Factor Income Distribution
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november 23ţ 2011SAÞ nCM Cert|f|cat|on notab|e po|nts 1nk10_1 Notob/e points 1) very end user can personallze Lhe lnlLlal screen uslng favorlLesŦ ?ou can creaLe your favorlLe llsL conLalnlng Lhe LransacLlonţ 8eporLsţ lllesţ and Web addressŦ 2) 1he grouplng for ÞC8 allows you Lo deflne dlfferenL payroll procedures for dlfferenL employee subgroupŦ lŦeŦ employee pay should be accounLed on an hourly or monLhly baslsŦ 3) grouplng for prlmary wage Lypes conLrols Lhe valldlLy of wageLypes on an employee subgroup levelŦ Whereas Lhe grouplng for collecLlve agreemenL provlslons resLrlcLs Lhe valldlLy of pay scale groups Lo cerLaln employeesŦ 4) 1he payroll accounLlng area provldes Lhe payroll drlver wlLh 1WC plece lnformaLlonŦ 1he number of employees Lo be accounLed and Lhe daLes of Lhe payroll perlodŦ 3) An employee only may change payroll accounLlng areas aL Lhe end of a perlodţ lf an employee changes sLaLus from wage earner Lo salarled employee ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe monLhţ and Lhe payroll are ls dlfferenL for boLhţ ?Cu CuLu nC1 enLer Lhe Þayroll area unLll Lhe sLarL of Lhe followlng monLhŦ n|r|ng an emp|oyeeť ÞŴ70 ) 1lme consLralnLs are characLerlsLlcs of lnfo Lypes and subLypesţ ln Lhe masLer daLa we dlfferenLlaLe beLween Lhree Llme consLralnLs (1ţ 2 and3)Ŧ 7) 1lme consLralnL Ŵ1ť Cnly one valld record can exlsL for any glven perlod of LlmeŦ 1here can be no gaps no Cverlapplng recordsŦ 8) 1lme consLralnL Ŵ2ť can only have aL mosL one record for a glven Llme perlodţ there can be gaps between recordsŦ lf records overlapţ Lhe sysLem adopLs Lhe prevlous record accordlngly by deleLlngţ dlvldlngţ or dellmlLlng lLŦ (l10021Ŵlamlly relaLed person u81?Ŵ01 pouse) 9) 1lme consLralnL Ŵ3ť can have gaps beLween Lhe records or overlapplng recordsŦ (l10049 Ŷ MonlLorlng of daLes/1asks Ǝ l10040ŴCb[ecLs on Loan) november 23ţ 2011 SAÞ nCM Cert|f|cat|on notab|e po|nts 1nk10_1 G|oba| Lmp|oymentť ÞŴ7S 10) ach mployee can have mulLlple personnel asslgnmenLsţ and each personnel asslgnmenL can be ln a dlfferenL counLryţ each personnel asslgnmenL ls llnked Lo Lhe personŦ ÞŴ7S 11)1he person lu enables you Lo keep Lrack of Lhe global employees ln Lhe whole enLerprlse LhroughouL Lhe duraLlon of hls or her asslgnmenLŦ ÞŴ7S 12)1he person lu ls sLored ln lnforLype 0709 ºÞ8Cn lu" ÞŴ7S 1|me Datať ÞŴ81 13)1he cenLral elemenL ln Llme managemenL ls Lhe employees work scheduleŦ 1he work schedule conLalns daLa on Lhe employees' planned worklng Llme and Lhls ls used as Lhe basls for Llme daLa evaluaLlonŦ ÞŴ81 Ǝ ÞŴ82 14)1he works schedule ls creaLed from ÞW and ollday calendarŦ ÞŴ82 13)1lme manager's workplace (Þ1MW)ť admlnlsLraLlon of employee daLa for group of employees lŦeŦ ÞŴ83 aŦ 8ecordlng and changlng daLa on lnfoLype screensŦ bŦ lasL daLa enLryť slmulLaneous enLry of lnfoLype daLa for mulLlple employeesŦ 1)Course booklng are recorded as aLLendance records ln Llme managemenLŦ ÞŴ83 Lmp|oyee se|f serv|cesť ÞŴ91 17)1he enLerprlse porLal provldes a cenLral polnL of access for all appllcaLlon and sysLemsŦ Cnly one porLal ls requlred for all appllcaLlons and usersŦ Lducat|on and 1ra|n|ngť ÞŴ103 (Þrof||e Match up) 18)kepoltemeotsť LlsL of sklllsţ ablllLlesţ and experlence requlred Lo be sulLable for a [obţ poslLlonţ Laskţ or work cenLerŦ november 23ţ 2011 SAÞ nCM Cert|f|cat|on notab|e po|nts 1nk10_1 %;oollflcotloosť LlsL of sklllsţ ablllLlesţ and experlence and employee has Lo make Lhem sulLable for a [obţ poslLlonţ Laskţ or work cenLerŦ 20);uallflcaLlons can be asslgned Lo emp|oyees and pos|t|onsť how ever lf quallflcaLlon ls asslgned Lo a [ob or poslLlonţ lL ls referred Lo as a ºrequ|rement"Ŧ 21)Þroflles are used Lo sLore speclal aLLrlbuLes for ob[ecLsŦ ach proflle conslsLs of a header conLalnlng sLandard lnformaLlon abouL Lhe ob[ecLţ and seL lf sub profllesŦ ÞŴ104 aŦ neader conLalns sLandard lnformaLlon on Lhe ob[ecL ln quesLlonŦ lŦeŦ ln case of a personţ Lhls lnformaLlon mlghL lnclude Lhe person's nameţ date of b|rth and pos|t|on ho|dsŦ bŦ 1he sub prof||e conLalns more speclflc lnformaLlon on parLlcular aspecLsŦ lŦeŦ a person's poollflcotloos sob ptoflle conLalns deLalls of Lhe person's skllls and knowledgeŦ 22)Þroflle maLchups allow you Lo compare quallflcaLlons and requlremenLs of personsţ poslLlonsţ and [obs wlLh each oLherŦ When you compare a quallflcaLlon wlLh requlremenLţ one of Lhe followlng scenarlos can resulLť ÞŴ10S aŦ 1he quallflcaLlon fulfllls Lhe requlremenL exacLlyŦ bŦ 1he quallflcaLlon does noL fulflll Lhe requlremenLs (LhaL lsţ Lhe proflclency of Lhe quallflcaLlon ls lower Lhan ls requlredţ or does noL exlsL aL all)Ŧ cŦ CverquallflcaLlon (LhaL lsţ Lhe proflclency of Lhe quallflcaLlon ls hlgher Lhan ls requlred)Ŧ 23)?ou can dlsplay proflle maLchups ln raphlcallyť 24)lf Þersonnel uevelopmenL ls lnLegraLed wlLh 1ralnlng and venL ManagemenLţ you can use Lhe eoetote ttololoq ptoposol looctlooŦ 9Ŵ 23)lf you selecL Lhe poollflcotloo Jeflclts ooly opLlonţ Lhls means LhaL Lhe resulL of Lhe proflle maLch up wlll be resLrlcLed Lo enLrles where quallflcaLlons are lacklng (LhaL lsţ Lhe proflclency of Lhe quallflcaLlon ls lower Lhan ls requlredţ or Lhe quallflcaLlon does noL exlsL aL all) 9Ŵ Lducat|on and 1ra|n|ngť ÞŴ108 (Course keg|strat|on) november 23ţ 2011 SAÞ nCM Cert|f|cat|on notab|e po|nts 1nk10_1 2)1he buslness evenL ÞreparaLlon phase lncludes creaLlon and malnLenance of all of Lhe masLer daLa you access when you creaLe your buslness evenL caLalogť 1lM CuuLţ In1 LCCA1lCnţ 8Cu8Cţ and eLcŧŦ ?ou can also creaLe buslness evenL groups and evenL Lypes LhaL are frame work of your evenL caLalogŦ ÞŴ108 27)us|ness event cata|ogť you can creaLe lndlvldual evenL daLes wlLh or wlLhouL resources (lŦeŦ equlpmenL rooms and so on) Ŧ And also can creaLe mulLlple evenL daLes ln one goŦ AfLer compleLlon of buslness evenL caLalog you carry dayŴLoday acLlvlLlesţ lŦeŦ booklngs for boLh lnLernal and exLernal aLLendeesŦ Þre book aLLendanceţ replace booklngţ re book and cancel aLLendanceŦ ÞŴ108 %A us|ness Lvent groupť ?ou can also comblne several buslness evenL groups lnLo a slngle buslness evenL group %in other wordsţ business event qroup con be structured hierorchico//y themse/ves) ÞŴ109 %us|ness Lvent 1ypeť you do noL need Lo deflne speclflc daLes for a buslness evenL LypeŦ 8uslness evenL Lypes are asslgned Lo evenL groupsŦ vent qroups ond types form the bosic frome work of the business event coto/oqŦ ÞŴ109 30)A bus|ness Lventť ls a speclflc occurrence of a buslness Lype schedu/ed to toke p/oce on o specific doteŦ A buslness evenL (a|so referred to as bus|ness event date) lnherlLs all of Lhe aLLrlbuLes sLored for Lhe evenL Lypeţ and ls scheduled Lo Lake place on a speclflc daLeŦ ÞŴ109 31)ln Lhe dynamlc aLLendance menuţ you can execuLe all Lhe funcLlons a relaLlng Lo book|ng act|v|t|esť you can execuLe all Lhe funcLlons for aLLendance booklngs conLalned ln Day to day act|v|t|esŦ ÞŴ110 Lducat|on and 1ra|n|ngť ÞŴ122 (Learn|ng So|ut|ons) 32)lnLegraLlon of learnlng soluLlon wlLh AÞ CM and furLher lnLegraLlons opLlons aŦ 1ralnlng and evenL managemenL bŦ CrganlzaLlonal ManagemenLť cŦ Þersonnel uevelopmenL dŦ Þersonnel AdmlnlsLraLlon eŦ 1lme ManagemenL november 23ţ 2011 SAÞ nCM Cert|f|cat|on notab|e po|nts 1nk10_1 lurLher lnLegraLlon opLlons aŦ MaLerlal ManagemenL bŦ CosL AccounLlng cŦ AppolnLmenL Calendar dŦ ales eŦ 8uslness lnLelllgence fŦ nLerprlse ÞorLal 1hrough tqoolzotloool Moooqemeot lnLegraLlon you can book enLlre organlzaLlonal unlLs as parLlclpanLsţ and not [usL lndlvldual employeesŦ ?ou can deflne LargeL groups for courses by prescrlblng by courses as mandaLory for poslLlons and [obsŦ ÞŴ122 lnLegraLlon wlLh personnel uevelopmenL means LhaL Lralnlng proposals made durlng career and successlon plannlng can be converLed dlrecLly lnLo booklngs or prebooklngs for coursesŦ lf Lhe proflleŴmaLchup reveals a quallflcaLlon deflclLţ Lralnlng proposals can be generated automat|ca||yŦ ÞŴ122 1hrough personnel AdmlnlsLraLlon lnLegraLlonť employee masLer daLa LhaL ls requlred when maklng a course booklng (nameţ Addressţ and so on) ls sLored ln personnel admlnlsLraLlonŦ ÞŴ123 lnLegraLlon beLween AÞ learnlng soluLlons and Llme ManagemenL enables comparlsons beLween employees Lralnlng daLes and Lhelr LlmeŴ off daLa (vacaLlonţ lllnessţ buslness Lrlpsţ and so on)Ŧ 1hls helps Lo ensure LhaL an employee ls free Lo parLlclpaLe ln a courseŦ And lL also prevenLs Llme confllcLs such as an employee belng scheduled as a parLlclpanL and an lnsLrucLorŦÞŴ123 33)1he AÞ learnlng ÞorLal offer Lhe followlngť aŦ Course caLalog dlsplay bŦ Course selecLlon and reglsLraLlon cŦ Cvervlew of Lralnlng hlsLory and learnlng process dŦ AuLomaLlc Lransfer of quallflcaLlons Lo personnel daLaŦ ÞŴ124 november 23ţ 2011 SAÞ nCM Cert|f|cat|on notab|e po|nts 1nk10_1 Lducat|on and 1ra|n|ngť ÞŴ126 (Þerformance Management) 34)lf appralsals are lmplemenLlng Lhrough porLalţ newer and robusL funcLlonallLy ls avallable ln Lhe sysLemť owever a porta| |s not necessary and appralsals can be malnLalned ln Lhe backend systemŦ ÞŴ126 33)30 degree feedback appralsalť appralsals LhaL draw ln dlverse sources (supervlsorţ Þeersţ and selfŴappralsalsŦ) but |dent|ty not knownŦ ÞŴ130 kemunerat|on Ad[ustmentsť ÞŴ140 (Lnterpr|se compensat|on management) 3)AfLer appralsal process ls concludedţ furLher processlng can be Lrlggered ln enLerprlse compensaLlon managemenLŦ xample granLlng bonus for employeeŦ ÞŴ140 37)WlLh SLM (LraLeglc enLerprlse managemenL)ţ AÞ Cffers a compleLe soluLlon for sLraLeglc enLerprlse managemenL LhaL lncludes Lhe ba|anced scorecardţ r|sk managementţ and management cockp|tŦ ÞŴ141 38)CM comprlses several areas ÞŴ141 aŦ ob prlclngť you can perform [ob pr|c|ng ln CMţ you can save Lhe resulLs of externa| [ob evo|ut|ons systems and sa|ary surveysŦ you can use Lhese resulLs Lo generaLe salary sLrucLures and Lhen you can ass|gn to the [obs and pos|t|ons ln your organlzaLlonŦ bŦ oJqetloqť ls used ln plan and conLrol how much ls spenL on compensaLlon ad[usLmenLsŦ udgets are ass|gned to organ|zat|ona| un|tsŦ cŦ CompensaLlon admlnlsLraLlonť ls used Lo dlsLrlbuLe salary lncreaseţ sharesţ and so onţ Lo lndlvldual employees ln accordance wlLh Lhe remuneraLlon pollcy aL Lhe enLerprlse Lhls compensaLlon ad[usLmenL ls dlsplayed on Lhls slldeŦ dŦ ?ou can manage |ong term |ncent|ves (Awardsţ Sh|e|dsţ etcŦŦŦ)Ŧ 39)1he LoLal compensaLlon overvlew lncludes three funct|ons LhaL ls as followsŦ ÞŴ142 aŦ ulsplay LoLal compensaLlon november 23ţ 2011 SAÞ nCM Cert|f|cat|on notab|e po|nts 1nk10_1 bŦ ÞrlnL LoLal compensaLlon sLaLemenL (mass prlnLlng avallable)Ŧ 1esL run are posslble cŦ ulsplay personal LoLal compensaLlon overvlew over Lhe lnLraneLŦ 40)WhaL does Lhe enLerprlse compensaLlon managemenL componenL conLrols? ÞŴ162 1he CM componenLs conLrols and admlnlsLers Lhe organlzaLlons compensaLlon pollclesŦ and CM conslsL of Lhe of Lhe followlng areasŦ a) ob pr|c|ng b) udget|ng c) Compensat|on adm|n|strat|onţ d) and |ong term |ncent|vesŦ kemunerat|on Ad[ustmentsť ÞŴ146 (Þayro||) 41)1he calculaLlon of remuneraLlon comprlses of Lwo sLepsť lŦeŦ ÞŴ147 aŦ CalculaLlon of remuneraLlon elemenLs (gross Amount) bŦ Statutory and Vo|untary deduct|ons (counLryŴspeclflcţ net amount) 42) A correcLlon lndlcaLor ls asslgned ln Lhe Þayro|| Status 0003 Lo personnel numbers wlLh errors durlng Lhe payroll processŦ 1hls lnfoLype represenLs Lhe conLrol record aL Lhe employee levelŦ ÞŴ1S0 43)Cnce Lhe error records from prevlous payroll run are correcLedŦ ?ou can repeaL Lhe payroll runŦ 1hls Llmeţ run payroll uslng Lhe search he|p (payro|| correct|on run)Ŧ 1hls ensures LhaL only Lhe personnel numbers LhaL have a correct|on |nd|cator ass|gned to them |n the Þayro|| Status I10003 are selecLedŦ ÞŴ1S0 44)AfLer exlLlng payroll a number of subsequenL acLlvlLles sLlll have Lo be performed dependlng on Lhe counLry requlremenLsŦ uch asŦŦŦ ÞŴ1S1 oŦ let poytoll petloJ bŦ Aoooolly cŦ tbet petloJ dŦ letloJ loJepeoJeot kemunerat|on Ad[ustmentsť ÞŴ1S6 (Þersonne| Cost Þ|ann|ng) Comment |NvR1]: 8equlre clarlflcaLlonţ on how lL wlll be checked and work aroundŦ november 23ţ 2011 SAÞ nCM Cert|f|cat|on notab|e po|nts 1nk10_1 43)Þersonne| cost p|ann|ng and s|mu|at|on ls based on Lhe broad daLa basls and ls lnLegraLed wlLh oLher appllcaLlonsŦ 1hls ensures LhaL buslness processes are supporLed across deparLmenLsŦ ÞŴ1S6 4)?ou can obLaln Lhe paymenL lnformaLlon whlch you can use to create personne| p|ansţ from dlfferenL sourcesŦ 1hese lnclude bas|c paymentsţ payro|| resu|tsţ s|mu|ated rec|ass|f|cat|onsţ recurr|ng payments and deduct|ons and one t|me paymentsŦ ÞŴ1S6 47)eneraLed cosL plans can be exLracLed Lo Lhe sap 8uslness lnformaLlon warehouse (8l) for analyslsŦ ÞŴ1S7 AfLer a plan has been releasedţ Lhe daLa can be used ln sap CMť lŦeŦ aŦ 1o create sa|ary budgets for compensat|on management bŦ 1o create tra|n|ng budgets for tra|n|ng and event managementŦ cŦ 1o transfer p|ann|ng data for contro|||ngŦ 48)Þersonnel cosL analysLs and managers are lnvolved ln Lhe personnel cosL plannlng processŦ aŦ Þersonne| cost ana|ysts planţ execuLe and monlLor personnel cosL plannlngŦ bŦ Managers can execuLe decenLrallzed deLall plannlng and ln Lhls way ad[usL Lhe plannlng Lo meeL Lhe deparLmenL's requlremenLsŦ 49)Þersonnel cosL plannlng daLa can be Lransferred Lo conLrolllng to enab|e target]actua| cost compar|sons to be madeŦ ÞŴ162 keport|ngť ÞŴ170 (Ad hocŴquery) 30)1he ad hoc query can be used for daLa sLored ln recru|tmentţ master dataţ t|me managementţ and personne| p|ann|ng deve|opment (ÞersonŴre|ated data) ÞŴ170 31)unllke all oLher reporLlng Loolsţ Lhe selecLlon ls made d|rect|y from the databaseŦ Accesslng Lhe daLabase dlrecLly slgnlflcanLly lmproves performanceŦ ÞŴ170 32)?ou can comblne lnfoLypes of a loglcal daLabase Lo form ln lnfoseLŦ ÞŴ171 november 23ţ 2011 SAÞ nCM Cert|f|cat|on notab|e po|nts 1nk10_1 33)lnfoseLs and user groups form Lhe basls of Lhe adŴhoc queryŦ ?ou speclfy boLh of Lhese ln Lhe AÞ queryŦ lnfoseLs are asslgned Lo user groups whlchţ ln Lurnţ group users LogeLherŦ lnfoseLs enables you Lo group users LogeLherŦ lnfoseLs enables you Lo group lnfoLypes flelds and calculaLed flelds LogeLher as requlredŦ ÞŴ171 34)?ou user seLLlngs wlll be loaded Lhe nexL Llme you sLarL Lhe adŴhoc queryţ for exampleť Lhe quer|es you |ast requestedŦÞŴ172 keport|ngť ÞŴ173 (IŴSLM) 33) AÞ I ls sLand alone sysLem where reporLlng can be performedŦ AÞ dellvers buslness conLenL for Lhe AÞ 8l sysLemŦ ÞŴ173 3)WlLh SLMţ AÞ offers compleLe soluLlons for sLraLeglc enLerprlse managemenL LhaL lncludes Lhe a|anced scorecardţ k|sk Managementţ and management cockp|tŦ keport|ngť ÞŴ174 (Manager Se|f Serv|ce) 37) 1he Leam calendar shows Lhe manager aL a glance whlch of Lhe Leam ls avallableŦ 1he followlng aLLendance sheeL sLaLuses exlsLŦ ÞŴ176 aŦ AL work bŦ AbsenL cŦ ÞarLlally absenL dŦ MulLlple enLrles eŦ ubmlLLed for approval fŦ ubmlLLed for deleLlon Manag|ng and ed|t|ng pro[ectsť ÞŴ224 (So|ut|ons Manager) 38)1he soluLlon manager allows you Lo branch dlrecLly Lo oLher sysLemsŦ lor exampleţ you could address an CM sysLem ln order Lo make seLLlng LhereŦ 1hls sysLem ls called as #Managed system" (ÞŴ224) 39)CusLomers can use soluLlons manager Lo access SAÞ notesţ report ear|y watch a|erts to SAÞţ or access SAÞ support packages us|ng the MCÞSŴ(Ma|ntenance opt|m|zer for support packages) (ÞŴ224) november 23ţ 2011 SAÞ nCM Cert|f|cat|on notab|e po|nts 1nk10_1 0)oluLlon manager has flxed hlerarchlcal sLrucLure wlLh [usL 3 |eve|sţ namelyť (ÞŴ226) aŦ 8uslness cenarlo bŦ 8uslness Þrocess cŦ Þrocess sLeps 1)Cn Lhe transact|on 1A page you asslgn one or more transact|ons Lo Lhe lndlvldual process sLepsŦ And on Lhe conf|gurat|on 1A pageţ you asslgn one or more IMG act|v|t|es or nodes Lo Lhe lndlvldual process sLepsŦ ÞŴ228 Manag|ng and ed|t|ng pro[ectsť ÞŴ232 (žÞro[ect Lxecut|on and Lva|uat|on) 2)ap creaLed Lhe lmplemenLaLlon gulde uslng a hlerarchlcal sLrucLure on Lhe lowesL level you can perform Lhe followlng funcLlons uslng noLesŦ aŦ Calllng up AÞ uocumenLaLlonť bŦ Calllng up Lhe CusLomlzlng LransacLlon cŦ Calllng up Þro[ecL ManagemenL (Cnly ln Þro[ecL lM) dŦ Calllng up Þro[ecL uocumenLaLlon (Cnly ln pro[ecL lM) Lnterpr|se Structureť ÞŴ2S2 (žLnterpr|se Structure) 3) Þersonnel Area has Lhe followlng funcLlons ÞŴ2S7 aŦ 1he Þersonnel Area ls selecLlon crlLerlon for Lhe evaluaLlons bŦ 1he Þersonnel Area ls an enLlLy ln for auLhorlzaLlon checks cŦ ?ou musL unlquely asslgn Þersonnel Areas Lo company code dŦ ?ou can use personnel are Lo generaLe defaulL values for daLa enLryţ for exampleţ for Lhe payroll areaŦ 4)Þersonnel ub area has Lhe followlng funcLlonsť ÞŴ2S7 aŦ Þersonnel ub areas are subdlvlslons of personnel areasŦ bŦ 1he organlzaLlon of Lhe mosL lmporLanL subareas ln personnel admlnlsLraLlon namelyť lŦ Þay scale asslgnmenL llŦ ln deflnlng Wage Lype LrucLure lllŦ And Work schedule plannlng can be conLrolled aL Lhls level lvŦ 1hese conLrol feaLures of Þersonnel area are sLored lndependenLly of counLryŦ november 23ţ 2011 SAÞ nCM Cert|f|cat|on notab|e po|nts 1nk10_1 3)?ou deflne Lhe regu|at|ons for emp|oyees aL personnel area and Þersonnel ub area levelŦ 1hls may be Legalţ ConLracLualţ or company speclflc regulaLlonsŦ ÞŴ2S8 Lnterpr|se Structureť ÞŴ2S2 (žÞersonne| Structure) )1he emp|oyee group ls general dlvlslon of employees and Lhe employee group has Lhe followlng lmporLanL organlzaLlonal funcLlonsť ÞŴ268 aŦ ?ou can use lL Lo generaLe defaulL values for daLa enLryţ for exampleţ for Lhe Þayroll accounLlng area or an employee baslc payŦ bŦ ?ou can use lL as a selecLlon crlLerlon for reporLlngŦ cŦ ?ou can use lL as an enLlLy for auLhorlzaLlon checksŦ dŦ under normal clrcumsLances you can use Lhe sLandard caLalog Lo seL up employee groupsŦ oweverţ Lhls can also be exLended Lo sulL lndlvldual cusLomer requlremenLsŦ 7)mployee ub group has Lhe followlng lmporLanL funcLlonsť ÞŴ284 aŦ 1he mployee ubgroup rouplng for Lhe work schedule allows you Lo deflne Lhe whlch work schedules are valld for whlch employee subgroupsť bŦ 1he mployee ubgroup rouplng for prlmary wageLype conLrols Lhe valldlLy of wageLype aL mployee ubgroup LevelŦ cŦ 1he mployee ubgroup rouplng for ÞC8 (Þersonnel CalculaLlon rule) conLrols how Lhe sysLem processes an employee's payroll for exampleť WheLher an employee ls Lo be pald an hourly or monLhly baslsŦ dŦ 1he mployee ubgroup rouplng for CAÞ (collecLlve agreemenL provlslon) resLrlcLs Lhe valldlLy of Lhe pay scale groups Lo speclfy employee groupsŦ eŦ ?ou can also asslgn employee characLerlsLlcs such as Lhe acLlvlLy sLaLusţ mploymenL LaLusţ and level of educaLlon/1ralnlng for sLaLlsLlcal purposeŦ november 23ţ 2011 SAÞ nCM Cert|f|cat|on notab|e po|nts 1nk10_1 fŦ AddlLlonal lndlcaLors LhaL can be seL up uslng employee subgroupť lŦ 1he employee sub group grouplng for Llme quoLas allows you Lo speclfy Lhe valld aLLendance and absence quoLa Lypes for ÞarLlcular Ŧ llŦ 1he employee sub group grouplng for appralsals allows you Lo deflne Lhe appralsal crlLerla for each Ŧ lllŦ 1he employee sub group allows you Lo deflne defaulL values for daLa enLryţ for exampleţ for Lhe payroll area or baslc payŦ Add|t|ona| Crgan|zat|ona| Ass|gnmentsť ÞŴ308 (Þayro|| area Ǝ Crgan|zat|ona| key) 8)1he payroll area has 1WC funcLlons requlred for Þayrollť aŦ lL groups Lhe personnel numbers Lo be accounLed ln Lhe same perlod bŦ lf deflnes Lhe exacL daLe for Lhe payroll perlodŦ 9) CrganlzaLlonal key ls a 14 character f|e|d ln Lhe organlzaLlonal asslgnmenLs lnofLype 0001 Add|t|ona| Crgan|zat|ona| Ass|gnmentsť ÞŴ318 (Adm|n|strator respons|b|e and Lmp|oyee Attr|butes) 70)1he admlnlsLraLor Lable sLores Lhe AdmlnlsLraLor's nameţ form of addressţ and Lelephone number cenLrallyŦ ln addlLlonţ you can enLer Lhe AÞ names (LhaL ls Lhe admlnlsLraLor's AÞ users)Ŧ ?ou can use Lhls name Lo Lrlgger and auLomaLlc message (eŴmall) LhaL ls senL Lo Lhe admlnlsLraLor responslble when users make changes Lo Lhe lnfoLypesŦ ÞŴ320 Def|n|ng Defau|t va|uesť ÞŴ332 (Ieatures) 71)1he leaLure dellvers a defaulL value dlrecLly LhaL ls Lhen wrlLLen Lo Lhe relevanL Lo Lhe lnfoLypes flledŦ And also Lhe sLored defaulL values from Lhe respecLlve Lables Lo Lhe relevanL lnfoLypesŦ ÞŴ33S november 23ţ 2011 SAÞ nCM Cert|f|cat|on notab|e po|nts 1nk10_1 72)ome feaLures automat|ca||y generate ma|| messages when you change cerLaln masLer daLa fleldsţ for exampleţ Lhe varlous admlnlsLraLors ln Lhe organlzaLlonal asslgnmenL 0001 lnfoLypeŦ leaLureť M0001Ŧ ÞŴ33S Þersonne| Datať ÞŴ348 73)lnce you do noL have Lo enLer Lhe employees famlly members lnLo Lhe sysLemţ Lhe sysLem does noL check Lo see LhaL Lhe number of chlldren enLer ln Lhe personnel daLa lnfoLype ls Lhe same as Lhe acLual number enLered ln Lhe famlly lnfoLype (0021)Ŧ ÞŴ349 L|nks between p|anned work|ng t|me and bas|c pay ÞŴ3S7 74)1he sysLem Lakes Lhe emp|oyment percentage and the Da||y work|ng hours from lnfoLype 0007 as defaulL values and passes Lhem on Lo Lhe capac|ty ut|||zat|on |eve| and Lhe worklng hours per perlod ln lnfoLype 0008Ŧ ÞŴ361 73)?ou seL up employee subgroup grouplngs for personnel calculaLlon rules (LSG for ÞCk) so LhaL Lhe sysLem LreaLs Lhe varlous employee subgroups dlfferenLly ln payrollŦ 1he meanlng of Lhe grouplng ls flxed and cannoL be deleLed (for xampleţ hour|y wage earnersť1ţ sa|ar|ed emp|oyeesť3) ÞŴ362 7)1he llsLed Þersonnel calculaLlon rules are flxed ln Lhe sysLem and SnCULD NC1 L changedŦ 1he only change you can make ls Lo Lhe asslgnmenLs of grouplngs for petsoooel colcolotloos toles Lo each Lmp|oyee groupŦ kemunerat|on structureť ÞŴ374 77)CollecLlve agreemenL provlslons (CAÞ) are based on locaLlon (Þay sca|e Area)Ŧ And Lhls CAÞ wlll deLermlnes how much you pay Lo Lhe employeeŦ ÞŴ377 78)ven lf you do noL have collecLlve agreemenL provlslons aL your company and employees negoLlaLe Lhelr pay when you hlre Lhemţ you sLlll have Lo deflne a Þay scale Lype and Þay cale Areaţ and employee grouplng for collecLlve agreemenL provlslon and a pay scale groupŦ 79)1he mosL lmporLanL funcLlon of Lhe employee sub group grouplng for Lhe collecLlve agreemenL provlslon lsť aŦ 1o def|ned Þaysca|e groups and Þaysca|e areas w|th|n the group|ngs of Þaysca|e type and Þaysca|e areaŦ november 23ţ 2011 SAÞ nCM Cert|f|cat|on notab|e po|nts 1nk10_1 80)1he reLurn value of Lhe feaLure 1A8ll musL have Lhe formaL of xx/yy/zţ where xx ls Lhe Þ Lypeţ ?? ls Lhe Þ areaţ and z opLlonally descrlbes Lhe Lype of planned remuneraLlon (CrganlzaLlonal ManagemenL lnfoLype Ŷ 1003)Ŧ 8y speclfylng Lhe Lype of planned remuneraLlonţ you can record lnformaLlon on salary and remuneraLlon sLrucLureŦ lf Lhe defaulL values from Lhe cusLomlzlng Lable ºcheck asslgnmenL of Þayscale sLrucLure Lo Lhe company sLrucLure" and 1A8ll feaLure confllcLsţ Lhe value from Lhe feaLure overrldes Lhe value enLered ln Lhe cusLomlzlng LableŦ 81)Þayscale groups are used for schedullng ob evaluaLlons and dlrecL evaluaLlonsţ Þayscale groups are dlvlded lnLo Þayscale levelŦ Jagetype Structureť ÞŴ391 (sett|ng up Jagetypes) 82)ln Lhe AÞ sysLem Lhere are 1WC maln caLegorlesť aŦ Þrlmary or ulalog WageLypes bŦ econdary or Lechnlcal wageLypes 83)1he characLerlsLlcs are generally preŴdeflned for model wageLypes and Lhe wageLype characLerlsLlcs are noL deflned for Lhe Lechnlcal WageLypes as Lhe sysLem deflnes Lhelr value durlng Lhe payroll runŦ ÞŴ394 84)1echnlcal WageLypes are NC1 parL of Lhe employee's masLer daLaŦ ÞŴ394 83)ÞermlsslblllLy checks for wageLypes Ǝ alary 1ypes ÞŴ396 aŦ lor each personnel Area and Þersonnel ub Area bŦ lor each employee group and employee sub group cŦ lor each lnfoLypeť lf an lnfoLype has a subLype LhaL ls wageLype Lhe Llme consLralnL deLermlnes how ofLen a wageLype can be avallable aL any one LlmeŦ 8) LlsL of Lhe permlsslble wageLypes ln lnfoLypesť ÞŴ399 aŦ 8aslc Þay Ŷ 0008 bŦ 8ecurrlng ÞaymenLs and deducLlons Ŷ 0014 cŦ AddlLlonal paymenL Ŵ 0013 dŦ Leave CompensaLlon Ŵ 0083 eŦ mployee remuneraLlon lnfo Ŵ2010 87)?ou can deLermlne wheLher Lhe wageLype can be enLered once or more than once per payroll perlodŦ ?ou cannoL enLer a wageLype several Llmes ln Lhe baslc payŦ ÞŴ400 november 23ţ 2011 SAÞ nCM Cert|f|cat|on notab|e po|nts 1nk10_1 88)When you perform ºCopy wageLype º followlng Lables are dlsplayed ln logť aŦ 1311 WageLypes bŦ 13121 WageLype 1exL cŦ 1312W WageLype IaluaLlon dŦ 1312Z ÞermlsslblllLy of WageLype per lnfoLype eŦ 132u7 AsslgnmenL of wageLypes Lo wageLype groups fŦ 132uZ Asslgn CusLomlzlng Ŵ Model WageLype gŦ 132Z 1lme uependency of payroll wageLypes posLlng hŦ 1339A Þlanned remuneraLlon speclflcaLlon lŦ 1339 8ase wageLype evaluaLlonŦ [Ŧ 134C3 CumulaLlon of wageLypes Jagetype Structureť ÞŴ413 (Jagetype Character|st|cs) 89)WageLype CharacLerlsLlcs conslsL of IalldlLy Þerlodţ ulrecL/lndlrecL IaluaLlonţ ÞaymenL /ueducLlonţ Mln/Maxl (number/unlL)ţ CverwrlLe / More Lhan CnceŦ ÞŴ413 90)lor lndlrecL valuaLlon modules Lable ť 1311lI%m 91)When you enLer wageLype ln an lnfoLypeŦ 1he sysLem reads Lhe valuaLlon module and varlanL asslgned Lo lL ln Lhe wageLype characLerlsLlc LableŦ ÞŴ417 92)1he module 1A8ll has four varlanLs (AŴu)ţ whlch have Lhe followlng meanlngť ÞŴ418 aŦ A valuaLlon ls based on Lhe Þayscale roup and Level bŦ IaluaLlon ls based on Þayscale roup/Level and speclflc wageLype cŦ C valuaLlon does not dependanL on Þaysca|e Leve| dŦ D valuaLlon does not dependanL on Þaysca|e Group or Leve| Infotypesť ÞŴ4S2 (Infotype Attr|butes) 93) lnfoLype conLrols dlfferenL user and sysLem conLrolsŦ uch as aŦ user ConLrolsť lŦ ConLrolllng vlew ť 8ased on counLry grouplng llŦ ConLrolllng Accessť AuLhorlzaLlons lllŦ 1rack Changesť lnvolves Lracklng changes whaL changes are made (or whaL reporLs are run) (see appendlx) bŦ ysLem conLrolsť november 23ţ 2011 SAÞ nCM Cert|f|cat|on notab|e po|nts 1nk10_1 lŦ 1lme consLralnLs llŦ 8eLroacLlve accounLlng relevance and eLcŧŦ Þersonne| Act|onsť ÞŴ496 94)DIINI feaLureť defaulL values for lnfoLypes aŦ 8eLurn value 'x' ƹ Ialues from cusLomlzlng Lable bŦ 8eLurn value ' ' ƹ Ialues from prevlous record lŦ oweverţ ln some cases values should be re deLermlned uslng Lhe cusLomlzlng seLLlngsţ exť Lhls ls posslble for Lhe followlng lnfoLypesŦ 1Ŧ l10001ŴuefaulL value for payroll area 2Ŧ l10007ŴuefaulL value for work schedule rule 3Ŧ l10008Ŵ defaulL value for Þayscale Lype and Þayscale areaŤ also defaulL values for capaclLy uLlllzaLlon level and worklng hours for perlod from l10007 G|oba| Lmp|oymentť ÞŴS21 93)8efore Lhe person lu ls acLlvaLed you musL ensure LhaL Lhe Þerson lu lnfoLype (0709) ls valld for all personnel asslgnmenLs ln Lhe sysLemţ by runnlng reporL º8%C%n8A1%Þ8Cnlu%xl1" 9)1he followlng are Lhe lmporLanL swlLches avallable ln Lhe sysLem for global employmenL aŦ CCu8ŴLMÞť ManagemenL of global employees bŦ CCu8ŴLCÞ?ť Þayrollť lobal employees cŦ CCu8ŴMAlnť ConcurrenL mploymenL Maln wlLch dŦ CCu8ŴÞAulxť C MasLer uaLa user lnLerface nhancemenLs eŦ CCu8ŴÞlunť eneraLlon 8ule Þ8Cnlu fŦ CCu8ŴÞluLť elecLlon wlLh Þ8Cnlu 97)lobal employmenL has flve separaLe phasesť aŦ Þlannlng a lobal AsslgnmenL bŦ ÞreparaLlon of global asslgnmenL cŦ 1ransfer dŦ uuraLlon of lobal employmenL november 23ţ 2011 SAÞ nCM Cert|f|cat|on notab|e po|nts 1nk10_1 eŦ 8epaLrlaLlonť preparaLlon Lo come back Lo home counLry or Laklng nexL asslgnmenL NC1Lť global employmenL does noL have a funcLlon LhaL enables Lo selecL employees who are parLlcularly sulLed Lo global asslgnmenLŦ 98)CompensaLlon package ls creaLed uslng Lhe compensaLlon package offlcer l1070ť whlch has 1WC subLypeţ one each for Lhe home and hosL counLryŦ 99)A new lnfoLype package ls creaLed lf one o Lhe Lwo subLypes ls changed durlng Lhe negoLlaLlonsŦ 100) november 23ţ 2011 SAÞ nCM Cert|f|cat|on notab|e po|nts 1nk10_1 When do we use Lhe remuneraLlon Lype Lo Þay sca|e and sa|ary ln I10007 Where do we conflgure Lo use Lhe WageLype once or several Llmes ln respecLlve l1Ŧ 1A8ll module ÞŴ417 (you can use converslon procedure Lo change Lhls amounL)ť ls requlrlng furLher clarlflcaLlonsŦ oluLlon Manager ÞŴ212 Lo ÞŴ231 should be revlewed LhoroughlyŦ All Lhe feaLures lmporLanLalyŴCkZŴMn32Ŵ1A1uŴIuk1Ŵullnl lobal mploymenL should be revlew agaln wlLh lnLegraLlon swlLches ÞŴ32 november 23ţ 2011 SAÞ nCM Cert|f|cat|on notab|e po|nts 1nk10_1 .. nf°°f ½°¾@% -f ½°¾ % ° ¾ nf° ½¾°f °f ¾n° ¾° f¾ nf° nf f¾n°f°°f°¾fn° ½¾ ¾ f°J f¾¾ % @½°9. f¾°°½f½n¾° ¯½ ¾ ½ ¯½ ½f ¾ fnn° ° f° ¯° f¾¾ % ½°½¯ff½¾n°¾ff½¾°f°¯½ ¾ ½ Jf¾½°nnf¯°½¾°¾¾n¾ f½f¾nf½¾nf°¯½¾ % @½ffnn°°ff½¾½f@J½n°¯f° @ °¯ ¯½¾ fnn°f°f¾½f½ % ° ¯½ ° ¯f nf° ½f fnn°° ff¾ f ° f ½ f° ¯½ nf°¾ ¾f¾ ¯ f f° ¾ff ¯½ ° ¯ ¯° f°½ff¾° DD-@°9fff °¾f°¯° °f°¯½ 9 % @¯ n°¾f°¾ f nffn¾n¾ ° ½¾ f° ¾ ½¾ ° ¯f¾ ff °f °¯n°¾f°¾% f°% % @¯n°¾f° °°fnnf°¾f°°½¯ @nf° °f½¾°f½½°n¾ % @¯n°¾f° nf°°ff¯¾°nf°¯½ nf° f½¾ ° n¾ n¾ f½ ¾¾¯ f½¾ ½¾ n fnn° ° ° ¯° %@ f¯f½¾°D@ ½¾% % @¯n°¾f° nf°ff½¾ °n¾f½½°n¾ %@ .°°f¾$@f¾¾ @ ©n¾°f°% . -¯ 9. .. 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